// Load the Hall C style detector map
gHcDetectorMap=new THcDetectorMap();
// gHcDetectorMap->Load("");
// Steering script to test hodoscope decoding
// Set up the equipment to be analyzed.
THaApparatus* HMS = new THcHallCSpectrometer("H","HMS");
gHaApps->Add( HMS );
// Add hodoscope
HMS->AddDetector( new THcHodoscope("hod", "Hodoscope" ));
Simon Zhamkochyan
HMS->AddDetector( new THcShower("Cal", "Shower" ));
HMS->AddDetector( new THcDriftChamber("dc", "Drift Chambers" ));
// Set up the analyzer - we use the standard one,
// but this could be an experiment-specific one as well.
// The Analyzer controls the reading of the data, executes
// tests/cuts, loops over Acpparatus's and PhysicsModules,
// and executes the output routines.
THcAnalyzer* analyzer = new THcAnalyzer;
// A simple event class to be output to the resulting tree.
// Creating your own descendant of THaEvent is one way of
// defining and controlling the output.
THaEvent* event = new THaEvent;
// Define the run(s) that we want to analyze.
// We just set up one, but this could be many.
THaRun* run = new THaRun( "daq04_50017.log.0" );
// Define the analysis parameters
analyzer->SetEvent( event );
analyzer->SetOutFile( "hodtest.root" );
// analyzer->SetCutFile("cuts_example.def"); // optional
// File to record cuts accounting information
// analyzer->SetSummaryFile("summary_example.log"); // optional
analyzer->Process(run); // start the actual analysis