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THcRaster.cxx 8.92 KiB
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/** \class THcRaster
    \ingroup DetSupport
  A class to decode the fast raster signals.                               
  Measures the two magnet currents which are proportional to horizontal and 
  vertical beam position                                                   

\author Buddhini Waidyawansa

#include "THaEvData.h"
#include "THaDetMap.h"

#include "THcParmList.h"
#include "THcGlobals.h"
#include "THaGlobals.h"

//#include "THcHitList.h"
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

THcRaster::THcRaster( const char* name, const char* description,
		      THaApparatus* apparatus ) :
  fAnalyzePedestals = 0;
  fNPedestalEvents = 0;
  fXADC = 0;
  fYADC = 0;
  fXpos = 0;
  fYpos = 0;
  fFrCalMom = 0;
  fFrXADCperCM = 0;
  fFrXADCperCM = 0;

  for(Int_t i=0;i<2;i++){
    fPedADC[i] = 0;
    fAvgPedADC[i] = 0;


Int_t THcRaster::ReadDatabase( const TDatime& date )

  // Read parameters such as calibration factor, of this detector from the database.
  //cout << " THcRaster::ReadDatabase GetName() called " << GetName() << endl;
  //  prefix[0]=tolower(GetName()[0]);
  // bpw- The prefix is hardcoded so that we don't have to change the gbeam.param file. o/w to get the following variables, we need to change to parameter names to rfr_cal_mom, etc where "r" comes from prefix[0]=tolower(GetName()[0]).
  DBRequest list[]={
    {"fr_cal_mom",&fFrCalMom, kDouble},
    {"frx_adcpercm",&fFrXADCperCM, kDouble},
    {"fry_adcpercm",&fFrYADCperCM, kDouble},
    {"pbeam",&fgpbeam, kDouble},
    {"frx_dist", &fgfrx_dist, kDouble},
    {"fry_dist", &fgfry_dist, kDouble},
    {"beam_x", &fgbeam_xoff, kDouble,0,1},
    {"beam_xp", &fgbeam_xpoff, kDouble,0,1},
    {"beam_y", &fgbeam_yoff, kDouble,0,1},
    {"beam_yp", &fgbeam_ypoff, kDouble,0,1},
    {"usefr", &fgusefr, kInt,0,1},
  // Default offsets to zero
  fgbeam_xoff = 0.0;
  fgbeam_xpoff = 0.0;
  fgbeam_yoff = 0.0;
  fgbeam_ypoff = 0.0;
  fgusefr = 0;
  // get the calibration factors from gbeam.param file
Int_t THcRaster::DefineVariables( EMode mode )
  // Initialize global variables for histogramming and tree
  cout << "THcRaster::DefineVariables called " << GetName() << endl;
  if( mode == kDefine && fIsSetup ) return kOK;
  fIsSetup = ( mode == kDefine );
  // Register variables in global list
    {"frx_raw_adc",  "Raster X raw ADC",    "fRawXADC"},
    {"fry_raw_adc",  "Raster Y raw ADC",    "fRawYADC"},
    {"frx_adc",  "Raster X ADC",    "fXADC"},
    {"fry_adc",  "Raster Y ADC",    "fYADC"},
    {"frx",  "Raster X position",    "fXpos"},
    {"fry",  "Raster Y position",    "fYpos"},
  return DefineVarsFromList( vars, mode );

THaAnalysisObject::EStatus THcRaster::Init( const TDatime& date )
  cout << "THcRaster::Init()" << endl;

  // Fill detector map with RASTER type channels
  if( gHcDetectorMap->FillMap(fDetMap, "RASTER") < 0 ) {
    static const char* const here = "Init()";
    Error( Here(here), "Error filling detectormap for %s.", 
    return kInitError;

  EStatus status;
  if( (status = THaBeamDet::Init( date )) )
    return fStatus=status;

void THcRaster::AccumulatePedestals(TClonesArray* rawhits)
  Extract data from the hit list, accumulating into arrays for
  calculating pedestals. 
  From ENGINE/g_analyze_misc.f - 
  * JRA: Code to check FR pedestals.  Since the raster is a fixed frequency
  * and the pedestals come at a fixed rate, it is possible to keep getting
  * the same value for each pedestal event, and get the wrong zero value.
  * (see HCLOG #28325).  So calculate pedestal from first 1000 REAL
  * events and compare to value from pedestal events.  Error on each
  * measurement is RMS/sqrt(1000), error on diff is *sqrt(2), so 3 sigma
  * check is 3*sqrt(2)*RMS/sqrt(1000) = .13*RMS
  ! Can't use RMS, since taking sum of pedestal**2 for these signals
  ! gives rollover for integer*4.  Just assume signal is +/-2000
  ! channels, gives sigma of 100 channels, so check for diff>130.

  Int_t nrawhits = rawhits->GetLast()+1;

  Int_t ihit=0;

  while(ihit<nrawhits) {
    THcRasterRawHit* hit = (THcRasterRawHit *) fRawHitList->At(ihit);
    if(hit->fADC_xsig>0) {
      fPedADC[0] += hit->fADC_xsig;
      //std::cout<<" raster x pedestal collect "<<fPedADC[0]<<std::endl;
    if(hit->fADC_ysig>0) {
      fPedADC[1] += hit->fADC_ysig;
      //std::cout<<" raster y pedestal collect "<<fPedADC[1]<<std::endl;



void THcRaster::CalculatePedestals( )
  Use the accumulated pedestal data to calculate pedestals
  From ENGINE/g_analyze_misc.f - 
     if (numfr.eq.1000) then
       avefrx = sumfrx / float(numfr)
       avefry = sumfry / float(numfr)
       if (abs(avefrx-gfrx_adc_ped).gt.130.) then
         write(6,*) 'FRPED: peds give <frx>=',gfrx_adc_ped,
  $          '  realevents give <frx>=',avefrx
       if (abs(avefry-gfry_adc_ped).gt.130.) then
         write(6,*) 'FRPED: peds give <fry>=',gfry_adc_ped,
  $          '  realevents give <fry>=',avefry
  for(Int_t i=0;i<2;i++){
    fAvgPedADC[i] = fPedADC[i]/ fNPedestalEvents; 
    // std::cout<<" raster pedestal "<<fAvgPedADC[i]<<std::endl;

Int_t THcRaster::Decode( const THaEvData& evdata )

  // loops over all channels defined in the detector map
  // copies raw data into local variables
  // performs pedestal subtraction

  // Get the Hall C style hitlist (fRawHitList) for this event
  Int_t fNhits = THcHitList::DecodeToHitList(evdata);
  // Get the pedestals from the first 1000 events
  //if(fNPedestalEvents < 10) 
  if((gHaCuts->Result("Pedestal_event")) & (fNPedestalEvents < 1000)){
      fAnalyzePedestals = 1;	// Analyze pedestals first normal events
  if(fAnalyzePedestals) {
    fAnalyzePedestals = 0;	// Don't analyze pedestals next event
  while(ihit < fNhits) {
    THcRasterRawHit* hit = (THcRasterRawHit *) fRawHitList->At(ihit);
      fRawXADC = hit->fADC_xsig;
      //std::cout<<" Raw X ADC = "<<fRawXADC<<std::endl;
      fRawYADC = hit->fADC_ysig;
      //std::cout<<" Raw Y ADC = "<<fRawYADC<<std::endl;
    calculate raster position from ADC value.
    From ENGINE/g_analyze_misc.f -
    gfrx_adc = gfrx_raw_adc - gfrx_adc_ped
    gfry_adc = gfry_raw_adc - gfry_adc_ped
  fXADC =  fRawXADC-fAvgPedADC[0];
  fYADC =  fRawYADC-fAvgPedADC[1];
  //std::cout<<" Raw X ADC = "<<fXADC<<" Raw Y ADC = "<<fYADC<<std::endl;
    gfrx = (gfrx_adc/gfrx_adcpercm)*(gfr_cal_mom/ebeam)
    gfry = (gfry_adc/gfry_adcpercm)*(gfr_cal_mom/ebeam)
    eBeam=*(Double_t *)gHcParms->Find("gpbeam")->GetValuePointer();
  fXpos = (fXADC/fFrXADCperCM)*(fFrCalMom/eBeam);
  fYpos = (fYADC/fFrYADCperCM)*(fFrCalMom/eBeam);
  // std::cout<<" X = "<<fXpos<<" Y = "<<fYpos<<std::endl;
  Double_t tt;
  Double_t tp;
  if(fgusefr != 0) {
    fPosition[1].SetXYZ(fXpos+fgbeam_xoff, fYpos+fgbeam_yoff, 0.0);
    tt = fXpos/fgfrx_dist+fgbeam_xpoff;
    tp = fYpos/fgfry_dist+fgbeam_ypoff;
  } else {			// Just use fixed beam position and angle
    fPosition[0].SetXYZ(fgbeam_xoff, fgbeam_yoff, 0.0);
    tt = fgbeam_xpoff;
    tp = fgbeam_ypoff;
  fDirection.SetXYZ(tt, tp ,1.0); // Set arbitrarily to avoid run time warnings
  fDirection *= 1.0/TMath::Sqrt(1.0+tt*tt+tp*tp);
