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THcHelicityScaler.cxx 8.39 KiB
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/** \class THcHelicityScaler
   \ingroup Base

\brief Event handler for Hall C helicity scalers

Scalers not yet implemented.  For now just picks the helicity control
bits out of the scaler words

     gHaEvtHandlers->Add (new THcHelicityScaler("H","HC helicity scalers"));
To enable debugging you may try this in the setup script
     THcHelcityScaler *hhelscaler = new THcHelicityScaler("H","HC helicity scalers");
     gHaEvtHandlers->Add (hhelscaler);

#include "THaEvtTypeHandler.h"
#include "THcHelicityScaler.h"
#include "THaCodaData.h"
#include "THaEvData.h"
#include "THcParmList.h"
#include "THcGlobals.h"
#include "THaGlobals.h"
#include "THcHelicity.h"
#include "TNamed.h"
#include "TMath.h"
#include "TString.h"
#include "TROOT.h"
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <map>
#include <iterator>
#include "THaVarList.h"
#include "VarDef.h"
#include "Helper.h"

using namespace std;
using namespace Decoder;

static const UInt_t ICOUNT    = 1;
static const UInt_t IRATE     = 2;
static const UInt_t ICURRENT = 3;
static const UInt_t ICHARGE   = 4;
static const UInt_t ITIME   = 5;
static const UInt_t ICUT = 6;
static const UInt_t MAXCHAN   = 32;
static const UInt_t defaultDT = 4;

THcHelicityScaler::THcHelicityScaler(const char *name, const char* description)
  : THaEvtTypeHandler(name,description),
    fBCM_Gain(0), fBCM_Offset(0), fBCM_delta_charge(0),
    evcount(0), evcountR(0.0), ifound(0),
    fOnlySyncEvents(kFALSE), fOnlyBanks(kFALSE), fDelayedType(-1),
    fClockChan(-1), fLastClock(0), fClockOverflows(0)

  delete [] fBCM_Gain;
  delete [] fBCM_Offset;
  delete [] fBCM_delta_charge;

  for( vector<UInt_t*>::iterator it = fDelayedEvents.begin();
       it != fDelayedEvents.end(); ++it )
    delete [] *it;

Int_t THcHelicityScaler::End( THaRunBase* )
  // Process any delayed events in order received

  cout << "THcHelicityScaler::End Analyzing " << fDelayedEvents.size() << " delayed scaler events" << endl;
  for(std::vector<UInt_t*>::iterator it = fDelayedEvents.begin();
      it != fDelayedEvents.end(); ++it) {
    UInt_t* rdata = *it;

  for( vector<UInt_t*>::iterator it = fDelayedEvents.begin();
       it != fDelayedEvents.end(); ++it )
    delete [] *it;

  return 0;

Int_t THcHelicityScaler::ReadDatabase(const TDatime& date )
  char prefix[2];

  return kOK;
void THcHelicityScaler::SetDelayedType(int evtype) {
   * \brief Delay analysis of this event type to end.
   * Final scaler events generated in readout list end routines may not
   * come in order in the data stream.  If the event type of a end routine
   * scaler event is set, then the event contents will be saved and analyzed
   * at the end of the analysis so that time ordering of scaler events is preserved.
  fDelayedType = evtype;
Int_t THcHelicityScaler::Analyze(THaEvData *evdata)

  if ( !IsMyEvent(evdata->GetEvType()) ) return -1;

  if (fDebugFile) {
    *fDebugFile << endl << "---------------------------------- "<<endl<<endl;
    *fDebugFile << "\nEnter THcHelicityScaler  for fName = "<<fName<<endl;

  UInt_t *rdata = (UInt_t*) evdata->GetRawDataBuffer();
  if(evdata->GetEvType() == fDelayedType) { // Save this event for processing later
    Int_t evlen = evdata->GetEvLength();
    UInt_t *datacopy = new UInt_t[evlen];
    return 1;
  } else { 			// A normal event
    if (fDebugFile) *fDebugFile<<"\n\nTHcHelicityScaler :: Debugging event type "<<dec<<evdata->GetEvType()<< " event num = " << evdata->GetEvNum() << endl<<endl;
    Int_t ret;
    if((ret=AnalyzeBuffer(rdata,fOnlySyncEvents))) {
    return ret;

Int_t THcHelicityScaler::AnalyzeBuffer(UInt_t* rdata, Bool_t onlysync)
  fNevents = 0;

  // Parse the data, load local data arrays.
  UInt_t *p = (UInt_t*) rdata;

  UInt_t *plast = p+*p;		// Index to last word in the bank
  Int_t roc = -1;
  Int_t evlen = *p+1;

  while(p<plast) {
    Int_t banklen = *p;
    p++;			  // point to header

    if (fDebugFile) {
      *fDebugFile << "Bank: " << hex << *p << dec << " len: " << *(p-1) << endl;
    if((*p & 0xff00) == 0x1000) {	// Bank Containing banks
      if(evlen-*(p-1) > 1) { // Don't use overall event header
        roc = (*p>>16) & 0xf;
	if(fDebugFile) *fDebugFile << "ROC: " << roc << " " << evlen << " " << *(p-1) << hex << " " << *p << dec << endl;
//		cout << "ROC: " << roc << " " << evlen << " " << *(p-1) << hex << " " << *p << dec << endl;
	if(fRocSet.find(roc)==fRocSet.end()) { // Not a ROC with helicity scaler
	  p+=*(p-1)-1;		// Skip to next ROC
      p++;				// Now pointing to a bank in the bank
    } else if (((*p & 0xff00) == 0x100) && (*p != 0xC0000100)) {
      // Bank containing integers.  Look for scalers
      // This is either ROC bank containing integers or
      // a bank within a ROC containing data from modules of a single type
      // Look for banks with the helicity scaler bank ID (9801)
      // Assume that very first word is a scaler header
      // At any point in the bank where the word is not a matching
      // header, we stop.
      UInt_t tag = (*p>>16) & 0xffff; // Bank ID (ROC #)
  //          UInt_t num = (*p) & 0xff;
      UInt_t *pnext = p+banklen;	// Next bank
      p++;			// First data word
      // If the bank is not a helicity scaler bank
      // or it is not one of the ROC containing helcity scaler data
      // skip to the next bank
      //cout << "BankID=" << tag << endl;

      if (tag != fBankID) {
	p = pnext;		// Fall through to end of the above else if
	//	cout << "  Skipping to next bank" << endl;

      } else {
	// This is a helicity scaler bank
	if (roc == 5) {
	  Int_t nevents = (banklen-2)/32;
	  //cout << "# of helicity events in bank:" << " " << nevents << endl;
	  if (nevents > 100) {
	    cout << "Error! Beam off for too long" << endl;	
	  fNevents = nevents;
	  fNcycles += nevents;
	  // Save helcitiy and quad info for THcHelicity
	  for (Int_t iev = 0; iev < nevents; iev++) {  // find number of helicity events in each bank
	    Int_t nentries = 32*iev+2;
	    fHelicityHistory[iev] = (p[nentries-1]>>30) & 0x3;
	    //	    cout << "H: " << evNumber << endl;

      while(p < pnext) {
	Int_t nskip = 0;
	if(fDebugFile) {
	  *fDebugFile << "Scaler Header: " << hex << *p << dec;
	if(nskip == 0) {
	  if(fDebugFile) {
	    *fDebugFile << endl;
	  break;	// Didn't find a matching header
	p = p + nskip;
      p = pnext;
    } else {
      p = p+*(p-1);		// Skip to next bank


  if (fDebugFile) {
    *fDebugFile << "Finished with decoding.  "<<endl;
    *fDebugFile << "   Found flag   =  "<<ifound<<endl;

  // HMS has headers which are different from SOS, but both are
  // event type 0 and come here.  If you found no headers, return.

  if (!ifound) return 0;

  return 1;


//Int_t THcHelicityScaler::AnalyzeHelicityScaler(UInt_t *p)

THaAnalysisObject::EStatus THcHelicityScaler::Init(const TDatime& date)

  fStatus = kOK;

  for( vector<UInt_t*>::iterator it = fDelayedEvents.begin();
       it != fDelayedEvents.end(); ++it )
    delete [] *it;

  cout << "Howdy !  We are initializing THcHelicityScaler !!   name =   "
        << fName << endl;

  if(eventtypes.size()==0) {
    eventtypes.push_back(0);  // Default Event Type

  fRocSet.insert(5);		// List ROCs that have helicity scalers
  fRocSet.insert(8);		// Should make configurable

  fNcycles = 0;
  fNevents = 0;
  return kOK;

size_t THcHelicityScaler::FindNoCase(const string& sdata, const string& skey)
  // Find iterator of word "sdata" where "skey" starts.  Case insensitive.
  string sdatalc, skeylc;
  sdatalc = "";  skeylc = "";
  for (string::const_iterator p =
	 sdata.begin(); p != sdata.end(); ++p) {
    sdatalc += tolower(*p);
  for (string::const_iterator p =
	 skey.begin(); p != skey.end(); ++p) {
    skeylc += tolower(*p);
  if (sdatalc.find(skeylc,0) == string::npos) return -1;
  return sdatalc.find(skeylc,0);
