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THcHelicityReader.cxx 6.03 KiB
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//*-- Author :    Ole Hansen    August 2006
// Extracted from Bob Michaels' THaHelicity CVS 1.19
// THcHelicityReader

#include "THcHelicityReader.h"
#include "TError.h"
#include "TH1F.h"
#include "THaAnalysisObject.h" // For LoadDB
#include "THaEvData.h"
#include "THcGlobals.h"
#include "THcParmList.h"
#include "TMath.h"
#include "VarDef.h"
#include "hcana/Logger.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

    : hcana::ConfigLogging<podd2::EmptyBase>(),
    fTITime(0), fTITime_last(0), fTITime_rollovers(0), fHaveROCs(kFALSE) {
  // Default constructor
THcHelicityReader::~THcHelicityReader() {
  // Destructor

  // Histograms will be deleted by ROOT
  // for( Int_t i = 0; i < NHISTR; ++i ) {
  //   delete fHistoR[i];
  // }

void THcHelicityReader::Clear(Option_t*) { fIsMPS = fIsQrt = fIsHelp = fIsHelm = kFALSE; }

Int_t THcHelicityReader::ReadDatabase(const char* /*dbfilename*/, const char* /*prefix*/,
                                      const TDatime& /*date*/, int /*debug_flag*/) {

  // Eventually get these from the parameter file

  // SHMS settings see
  cout << "THcHelicityReader: Helicity information from ROC 2 (SHMS)" << endl;
  SetROCinfo(kHel, 2, 14, 9);
  SetROCinfo(kHelm, 2, 14, 8);
  SetROCinfo(kMPS, 2, 14, 10);
  SetROCinfo(kQrt, 2, 14, 7); // Starting about run 5818
  SetROCinfo(kTime, 2, 21, 2);

  fADCThreshold = 8000;

  DBRequest list[] = {{"helicity_adcthreshold", &fADCThreshold, kInt, 0, 1}, {0}};

  gHcParms->LoadParmValues(list, "");

  return THaAnalysisObject::kOK;

void THcHelicityReader::Begin() {
  // static const char* const here = "THcHelicityReader::Begin";
  // cout<<here<<endl;

  fTITime_last      = 0;
  fTITime           = 0;
  fTITime_rollovers = 0;

void THcHelicityReader::End() {
  // static const char* const here = "THcHelicityReader::End";
  // cout<<here<<endl;

Int_t THcHelicityReader::ReadData(const THaEvData& evdata) {
  // Obtain the present data from the event for QWEAK helicity mode.

  static const char* here = "THcHelicityReader::ReadData";

  //  std::cout<<" kHel, kTime, kRing="<< kHel<<" "<<kTime<<" "<<kRing<<endl;
  //     for (int jk=0; jk<3; jk++)
  //     {
  //       std::cout<<" which="<<jk
  // 	       <<" roc="<<fROCinfo[jk].roc
  // 	       <<" header="<<fROCinfo[jk].header
  // 	       <<" index="<<fROCinfo[jk].index
  //  std::cout<<" fHaveROCs="<<fHaveROCs<<endl;
  if (!fHaveROCs) {
    ::Error(here, "ROC data (detector map) not properly set up.");
  // Check if ROC info is correct
  if (!evdata.GetModule(fROCinfo[kTime].roc, fROCinfo[kTime].slot)) {
    cout << "THcHelicityReader: ROC 2 not found" << endl;
    cout << "Changing to ROC 1 (HMS)" << endl;
    SetROCinfo(kHel, 1, 18, 9);
    SetROCinfo(kHelm, 1, 18, 8);
    SetROCinfo(kMPS, 1, 18, 10);
    SetROCinfo(kQrt, 1, 18, 7);
    SetROCinfo(kTime, 1, 21, 2);
  // Get the TI Data
  //  Int_t fTIType = evData.GetData(fTICrate, fTISlot, 0, 0);
  //  Int_t fTIEvNum = evData.GetData(fTICrate, fTISlot, 1, 0);
  UInt_t titime =
      (UInt_t)evdata.GetData(fROCinfo[kTime].roc, fROCinfo[kTime].slot, fROCinfo[kTime].index, 0);
  // cout << fTITime_last << " " << titime << endl;
  if (titime < fTITime_last) {
  fTITime      = titime + fTITime_rollovers * 4294967296;
  fTITime_last = titime;


  // Get the helicity control signals.  These are from the pedestals
  // acquired by FADC channels.

  Int_t helpraw = evdata.GetData(Decoder::kPulsePedestal, fROCinfo[kHel].roc, fROCinfo[kHel].slot,
                                 fROCinfo[kHel].index, 0);
  Int_t helmraw = evdata.GetData(Decoder::kPulsePedestal, fROCinfo[kHelm].roc, fROCinfo[kHelm].slot,
                                 fROCinfo[kHelm].index, 0);
  Int_t mpsraw  = evdata.GetData(Decoder::kPulsePedestal, fROCinfo[kMPS].roc, fROCinfo[kMPS].slot,
                                fROCinfo[kMPS].index, 0);
  Int_t qrtraw  = evdata.GetData(Decoder::kPulsePedestal, fROCinfo[kQrt].roc, fROCinfo[kQrt].slot,
                                fROCinfo[kQrt].index, 0);

  fIsQrt  = qrtraw > fADCThreshold;
  fIsMPS  = mpsraw > fADCThreshold;
  fIsHelp = helpraw > fADCThreshold;
  fIsHelm = helmraw > fADCThreshold;
// TODO: this should not be needed once LoadDB can fill fROCinfo directly
Int_t THcHelicityReader::SetROCinfo(EROC which, Int_t roc, Int_t slot, Int_t index) {

  // Define source and offset of data.  Normally called by ReadDatabase
  // of the detector that is a THcHelicityReader.
  // "which" is one of  { kHel, kKelm, kQrt, kTime }.
  // You must define at least the kHel and kTime ROCs.
  // Returns <0 if parameter error, 0 if success

  if (which < kHel || which >= kCount)
  if (roc <= 0 || roc > 255)
  fROCinfo[which].roc   = roc;
  fROCinfo[which].slot  = slot;
  fROCinfo[which].index = index;
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Sylvester Joosten committed
  _logger->info("SetROCInfo: {} (roc: {}, slot: {}, index: {})", which, fROCinfo[which].roc,
                fROCinfo[which].slot, fROCinfo[which].index);
  fHaveROCs = (fROCinfo[kHel].roc > 0 && fROCinfo[kTime].roc > 0 && fROCinfo[kMPS].roc);

  return 0;
