/** \class THcAnalyzer
\ingroup Base
\brief Hall C analyzer class.
Adds the following to the Hall A analyzer base class.
1. PrintReport method to make text reports from template files
2. Retrieve run number and startind and ending event from parameter DB
\author S. A. Wood, 13-March-2012
#include "THcAnalyzer.h"
#include "THaBenchmark.h"
#include "TList.h"
#include "THcParmList.h"
#include "THcFormula.h"
#include "THcGlobals.h"
#include "TMath.h"
#include <fstream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// Pointer to single instance of this object
//THcAnalyzer* THcAnalyzer::fgAnalyzer = 0;
// do we need to "close" scalers/EPICS analysis if we reach the event limit?
void THcAnalyzer::PrintReport(const char* templatefile, const char* ofile)
/// Generate "reports" such as end of run scaler/efficiency sheets
/// Reads a template file, copying that file to the output, replacing
/// variables and expressions inside of braces ({}) with evaluated values.
/// Similar but not identical to ENGINE/CTP report templates.
ifstream ifile;;
if(!ifile.is_open()) {
cout << "Error opening template file " << templatefile << endl;
ofstream ostr(ofile);
if(!ostr.is_open()) {
cout << "Error opening report output file " << ofile << endl;
LoadInfo(); // Load some run information into gHcParms
// In principle, we should allow braces to be escaped. But for
// now we won't. Existing template files don't seem to output
// any braces
for(string line; getline(ifile, line);) {
// cout << line << endl;
string::size_type start;
while((start = line.find('{',0)) != string::npos) {
// cout << start << endl;
string::size_type end = line.find('}',start);
if(end==string::npos) break; // No more expressions on the line
string expression=line.substr(start+1,end-start-1);
string::size_type formatpos = expression.find(':',0);
string format;
if(formatpos != string::npos) {
// cout << "|" << expression << "|" << format << "|" << endl;
// Should we first check if the expression can be simply a variable
// or index into variable?
// For now, first check if it is a string.
// If not, then evaluate as an expression.
string replacement;
if(const char *textstring=gHcParms->GetString(expression)) {
// cout << expression << " is a string with value " << textstring << endl;
if(format.empty()) format = "%s";
} else {
THcFormula* formula = new THcFormula("temp",expression.c_str(),gHcParms,gHaVars,gHaCuts);
Double_t value=formula->Eval();
delete formula; formula = 0;
// If the value is close to integer and no format is defined
// use "%.0f" to print out integer
if(format.empty()) {
if(TMath::Abs(value-TMath::Nint(value)) < 0.0000001) {
format = "%.0f";
} else {
format = "%f";
if(format[format.length()-1] == 'd') {
} else {
// cout << "Replacement:" << replacement << endl;
ostr << line << endl;
void THcAnalyzer::LoadInfo()
/// Create several THcParms variables in gHcParms containing
// run number, first event analyzed, number of events, etc.
/// `gen_run_number` - Current run
/// `gen_run_starting_event` - Id of first event analyzed
/// `gen_event_id_number` - Id of last event analyzed
Int_t* runnum;
Int_t* firstevent;
Int_t* lastevent;
THaVar* varptr;
varptr = gHcParms->Find("gen_run_number");
if(varptr) {
runnum = (Int_t*) varptr->GetValuePointer(); // Assume correct type
} else {
runnum = new Int_t[1];
gHcParms->Define("gen_run_number","Run Number", *runnum);
*runnum = fRun->GetNumber();
varptr = gHcParms->Find("gen_run_starting_event");
if(varptr) {
firstevent = (Int_t*) varptr->GetValuePointer(); // Assume correct type
} else {
firstevent = new Int_t[1];
gHcParms->Define("gen_run_starting_event","First event analyzed", *firstevent);
// May not agree with engine event definintions
*firstevent = fRun->GetFirstEvent();
varptr = gHcParms->Find("gen_event_id_number");
if(varptr) {
lastevent = (Int_t*)varptr->GetValuePointer(); // Assume correct type
} else {
lastevent = new Int_t[1];
gHcParms->Define("gen_event_id_number","Last event analyzed", *lastevent);
// Not accurate
*lastevent = fRun->GetFirstEvent()+fRun->GetNumAnalyzed();