#ifndef ROOT_THcDCHit
#define ROOT_THcDCHit
// //
// THcDCHit //
// //
#include "TObject.h"
#include "THcDCWire.h"
#include <cstdio>
class THcDCHit : public TObject {
THcDCHit( THcDCWire* wire=NULL, Int_t rawtime=0, Double_t time=0.0 ) :
fWire(wire), fRawTime(rawtime), fTime(time), fDist(0.0), ftrDist(kBig) {}
virtual ~THcDCHit() {}
virtual Double_t ConvertTimeToDist(Double_t slope);
Int_t Compare ( const TObject* obj ) const;
Bool_t IsSortable () const { return kTRUE; }
// Get and Set Functions
THcDCWire* GetWire() const { return fWire; }
Int_t GetWireNum() const { return fWire->GetNum(); }
Int_t GetRawTime() const { return fRawTime; }
Double_t GetTime() const { return fTime; }
Double_t GetDist() const { return fDist; }
Double_t GetPos() const { return fWire->GetPos(); } //Position of hit wire
Double_t GetdDist() const { return fdDist; }
void SetWire(THcDCWire * wire) { fWire = wire; }
void SetRawTime(Int_t time) { fRawTime = time; }
void SetTime(Double_t time) { fTime = time; }
void SetDist(Double_t dist) { fDist = dist; }
void SetdDist(Double_t ddist) { fdDist = ddist; }
void SetFitDist(Double_t dist) { ftrDist = dist; }
static const Double_t kBig; //!
THcDCWire* fWire; // Wire on which the hit occurred
Int_t fRawTime; // TDC value (channels)
Double_t fTime; // Time corrected for time offset of wire (s)
Double_t fDist; // (Perpendicular) Drift Distance
Double_t fdDist; // uncertainty in fDist (for chi2 calc)
Double_t ftrDist; // (Perpendicular) distance from the track
THcDCHit( const THcDCHit& );
THcDCHit& operator=( const THcDCHit& );
ClassDef(THcDCHit,2) // VDCHit class