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THcShower.h 4.31 KiB
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#ifndef ROOT_THcShower
#define ROOT_THcShower

//                                                                           //
Simon Zhamkochyan's avatar
Simon Zhamkochyan committed
// THcShower                                                                 //
//                                                                           //

#include "TClonesArray.h"
#include "THaNonTrackingDetector.h"
#include "THcHitList.h"
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Simon Zhamkochyan committed
#include "THcShowerPlane.h"

class THaScCalib;

class THcShower : public THaNonTrackingDetector, public THcHitList {

  THcShower( const char* name, const char* description = "",
		   THaApparatus* a = NULL );
  virtual ~THcShower();
  virtual void 	     Clear( Option_t* opt="" );
  virtual Int_t      Decode( const THaEvData& );
  virtual EStatus    Init( const TDatime& run_time );
  virtual Int_t      CoarseProcess( TClonesArray& tracks );
  virtual Int_t      FineProcess( TClonesArray& tracks );
  virtual Int_t      ApplyCorrections( void );

  //  Int_t GetNHits() const { return fNhit; }
  Int_t GetNTracks() const { return fTrackProj->GetLast()+1; }
  const TClonesArray* GetTrackHits() const { return fTrackProj; }
  Int_t GetNBlocks(Int_t NLayer) const { return fNBlocks[NLayer];}

  //  friend class THaScCalib; not needed?
  Int_t GetPedLimit(Int_t NBlock, Int_t NLayer, Int_t Side) {
      cout << "*** Wrong Side in GetPedLimit:" << Side << " ***" << endl;
    Int_t nelem = 0;
    for (Int_t i=0; i<NLayer; i++) nelem += fNBlocks[i];
    nelem += NBlock;
    return ( Side == 0 ? fShPosPedLimit[nelem] : fShNegPedLimit[nelem]);

  Double_t GetGain(Int_t NBlock, Int_t NLayer, Int_t Side) {
    if (Side!=0&&Side!=1) {
      cout << "*** Wrong Side in GetGain:" << Side << " ***" << endl;
    Int_t nelem = 0;
    for (Int_t i=0; i<NLayer; i++) nelem += fNBlocks[i];
    nelem += NBlock;
    return ( Side == 0 ? fPosGain[nelem] : fNegGain[nelem]);

  // ADC signal limits for pedestal calculations.
  Int_t* fShPosPedLimit;
  Int_t* fShNegPedLimit;
  Int_t fShMinPeds;   //Min.number of events to analize/update pedestals.

  Double_t* fPosGain;
  Double_t* fNegGain;

  // Per-event data

  // Potential Hall C parameters.  Mostly here for demonstration
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  char** fLayerNames;
  Int_t fNLayers;
  //  Int_t fNRows;             fNBlocks is used instead
  Double_t* fNLayerZPos;	// Z position of front of shower counter layers
  Double_t* BlockThick;		// Thickness of shower counter blocks, blocks
  Int_t* fNBlocks;              // Number of shower counter blocks per layer
  Int_t fNtotBlocks;            // Total number of shower counter blocks
  Double_t** YPos;		//X,Y positions of shower counter blocks
  Double_t* XPos;
  Int_t fNegCols; //number of columns with PMTTs on the negative side only.
  Double_t fSlop;               //Track to cluster vertical slop distance.
  Int_t fvTest;                 //fiducial volume test flag
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  THcShowerPlane** fPlanes; // List of plane objects

  TClonesArray*  fTrackProj;  // projection of track onto scintillator plane
                              // and estimated match to TOF paddle
  // Useful derived quantities
  // double tan_angle, sin_angle, cos_angle;
  //  static const char NDEST = 2;
  //  struct DataDest {
  //    Int_t*    nthit;
  //    Int_t*    nahit;
  //    Double_t*  tdc;
  //    Double_t*  tdc_c;
  //    Double_t*  adc;
  //    Double_t*  adc_p;
  //    Double_t*  adc_c;
  //    Double_t*  offset;
  //    Double_t*  ped;
  //    Double_t*  gain;
  //  } fDataDest[NDEST];     // Lookup table for decoder

  void           ClearEvent();
  void           DeleteArrays();
  virtual Int_t  ReadDatabase( const TDatime& date );
  virtual Int_t  DefineVariables( EMode mode = kDefine );

  //  enum ESide { kLeft = 0, kRight = 1 };
  //  virtual  Double_t TimeWalkCorrection(const Int_t& paddle,
  //				       const ESide side);
  void Setup(const char* name, const char* description);
  ClassDef(THcShower,0)   // Generic hodoscope class

