#ifndef ROOT_THcDetectorMap
#define ROOT_THcDetectorMap
// THcDetectorMap
#include "TObject.h"
#include "THaDetMap.h"
#include <list>
#include "Logger.h"
class THcDetectorMap : public hcana::ConfigLogging<TObject> {
virtual ~THcDetectorMap();
virtual void Load(const char *fname);
virtual Int_t FillMap(THaDetMap* detmap, const char* detectorname);
Int_t fNchans; // Number of hardware channels
struct Channel { // Mapping for one hardware channel
Int_t roc;
Int_t slot;
Int_t refindex;
Int_t channel;
Int_t did;
Int_t plane;
Int_t counter;
Int_t signal;
Int_t model;
Channel fTable[10000]; // Big ugly cache of the map file
struct ChaninMod {
Int_t channel;
Int_t plane;
Int_t counter;
Int_t signal;
Int_t refindex;
struct ModChanList {
Int_t roc;
Int_t slot;
Int_t model;
std::list<ChaninMod> clist;
std::list<ModChanList> mlist;
struct IDMap {
char* name;
Int_t id;
IDMap fIDMap[50];
Int_t fNIDs; /* Number of detector IDs */
bool compare(const ChaninMod *first, const ChaninMod *second);
ClassDef(THcDetectorMap,0); // Map electronics channels to Detector, Plane, Counter, Signal