#ifndef ROOT_THcDCWire
#define ROOT_THcDCWire
// //
// THcDCWire //
// //
#include "TObject.h"
class THcDCTimeToDistConv;
class THcDCWire : public TObject {
THcDCWire( Int_t num=0, Double_t pos=0.0, Double_t offset=0.0, Double_t sigma=0.0,
Int_t readoutside=0,
THcDCTimeToDistConv* ttd=NULL ) :
fNum(num), fFlag(0), fPos(pos), fTOffset(offset), fSigmaWire(sigma),
fReadoutSide(readoutside), fTTDConv(ttd) {}
virtual ~THcDCWire() {}
// Get and Set Functions
Int_t GetNum() const { return fNum; }
Int_t GetFlag() const { return fFlag; }
Double_t GetPos() const { return fPos; }
Double_t GetTOffset() const { return fTOffset; }
Double_t GetSigma() const { return fSigmaWire; }
Int_t GetReadoutSide() { return fReadoutSide; }
THcDCTimeToDistConv * GetTTDConv() { return fTTDConv; }
void SetNum (Int_t num) {fNum = num;}
void SetFlag (Int_t flag) {fFlag = flag;}
void SetPos (Double_t pos) { fPos = pos; }
void SetTOffset (Double_t tOffset){ fTOffset = tOffset; }
void SetSigma(Double_t tSigma){ fSigmaWire = tSigma; }
void SetTTDConv (THcDCTimeToDistConv * ttdConv){ fTTDConv = ttdConv;}
Int_t fNum; //Wire Number
Int_t fFlag; //Flag for errors (e.g. Bad wire)
Double_t fPos; //Position within the plane
Double_t fTOffset; //Timing Offset
Double_t fSigmaWire; //Added SIgma per Wire --Carlos
Int_t fReadoutSide; // Side where wire is read out. 1-4 is T/R/B/L from beam view for new chambers.
THcDCTimeToDistConv* fTTDConv; //!Time to Distance Converter
THcDCWire( const THcDCWire& );
THcDCWire& operator=( const THcDCWire& );
ClassDef(THcDCWire,0) // Drift Chamber Wire class