RICH updates for proposal run
close #132 (closed) and #123 (closed)
Changes / TODO:
added compact file constant ERICH_sensor_dist
, to more easily expose the sensor plane position -
adjusted sensor DetElement
IDs -
added 0.01mm airgap between aerogel and filter (actually it is a gas gap) -
remove eRICH sensor size doubling, which was a temporary workaround for graphics performance - instead the sensor drawing is set to invisible in the
); we want the correct sensor size for full coverage at high theta
- instead the sensor drawing is set to invisible in the
reduce bore radii -
update material property tables (aerogel, gas, etc.) -
optimize aerogel and filter inner and outer radii - change solid from
- tune inner radii to follow bore radius, and make as small as possible
- for dRICh, tune outer radius to follow snout cone, and make as large as possible
- aerogel and filter are no longer in sector loop
- for eRICh, remove sector dependence/loops altogether
- change solid from
check optics, namely at low theta
Edited by Christopher Dilks