- Oct 21, 2020
Whitney Armstrong authored
modified: ecal/scripts/emcal_electrons.cxx modified: ecal/scripts/emcal_pi0.cxx
- Oct 20, 2020
Moved datasets scripts over benchmarks ecal/scripts directory
Whitney Armstrong authored
- Each benchmark or set ofcommon benchmarks will have their own directory. modified: emcal_electrons.sh new file: scripts/emcal_electrons.cxx new file: scripts/emcal_electrons_reader.cxx modified: emcal_electrons.sh modified: scripts/emcal_electrons.cxx
Whitney Armstrong authored
- Each benchmark or set ofcommon benchmarks will have their own directory.
- Oct 19, 2020
Whitney Armstrong authored
- The sim_output artifacts can be very large and cause the pipeline to fail. - We should think about a globus based solution regarding the saving of these files.
Whitney Armstrong authored
- No longer trigger child pipeline so that gitlab variables can be used to set the number of evnets, detector, etc...
Whitney Armstrong authored
- working on unifying the filenames through env vars.
Whitney Armstrong authored
- Trying to fix the running of juggler from an installed location - xenv seems to be important here since `run` is just a simple wrapper
- Oct 18, 2020
Whitney Armstrong authored
Run CI using juggler image See merge request !2
Whitney Armstrong authored
- Added crystal single electron data set reconstruction chain - Fixed a path to input hepmc file - Added needs for crystal simulation - Updated crystal scripts - The emcal_electrons dataset is generated from scratch using the script datasets - Uses the juggler install in /usr/local - fixed hepmc file extension - Using child pipeline for executing script - Adding child pipeline script - Making input sample smaller for debuggin - Added gitlab dashs boarding for testing new file: .gitlab/dashboards
- Oct 15, 2020
Whitney Armstrong authored
- because base image doesn't have it
Whitney Armstrong authored
Whitney Armstrong authored
Whitney Armstrong authored
Whitney Armstrong authored
- added dummy tests in clustering directory.
Whitney Armstrong authored