-[`eicd`](https://eic.phy.anl.gov/eicd) - EIC Data Model. (See [`ReconstructedParticle`](https://eic.phy.anl.gov/eicd/classeic_1_1_reconstructed_particle.html) for most needs)
-[Detector benchmarks](https://eicweb.phy.anl.gov/EIC/benchmarks/detector_benchmarks) - Set of analysis scripts run on the Geant4 output before any digitization or reconstruction. Also contains some detector calibrations.
-[Reconstruction benchmarks](https://eicweb.phy.anl.gov/EIC/benchmarks/reconstruction_benchmarks) - Analysis of the many aspects of reconstruction. This is where the tracking performance benchmarks and plots live. Also a good place for developing new algorithms.
-[Physics benchmarks](https://eicweb.phy.anl.gov/EIC/benchmarks/physics_benchmarks) - Analysis of reconstructed for physics performance. The goal is to provide metrics for optimizing detector design and reconstruction.
### Pipelines and Artifacts
The SWG leverages gitlab's CI/CD features heavily in our workflow.
Here are some simplified explanations of these.
#### Pipeline
A pipeline is an automated set of jobs/scripts that are triggered by certain actions, such as pushing a merge request or merging into the master/main branch of a repository.
Typically there is one pipeline per repository but there can multiple and a pipline can trigger downstream pipelines ("child" pipelines) or it can be triggered by an upstream pipeline. They can also be triggered manually.
The graph below show some of the downstream pipeline triggers (arrows) between different repositories.
Artifacts can be browsed via the web interface, for example, the latest in reconstruction benchmark results in the
[`final_report` job can be browsed](https://eicweb.phy.anl.gov/EIC/benchmarks/physics_benchmarks/-/jobs/artifacts/master/browse/results?job=final_report).