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Commit 1648e8f1 authored by Marshall Scott's avatar Marshall Scott Committed by Sylvester Joosten
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Alter dis script

parent 27efeb40
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1 merge request!38Alter dis script
## =============================================================================
## Run the DIS benchmarks in 5 steps:
## 1. Parse the command line and setup environment
## 2. Detector simulation through npsim
## 3. Digitization and reconstruction through Juggler
## 4. Root-based Physics analyses
## 5. Finalize
## =============================================================================
## make sure we launch this script from the project root directory
PROJECT_ROOT="$( cd "$(dirname "$0")" >/dev/null 2>&1 ; pwd -P )"/../..
echo "Running the DIS benchmarks"
## =============================================================================
## Step 1: Setup the environment variables
## First parse the command line flags.
## This sets the following environment variables:
## - CONFIG: The specific generator configuration
## - EBEAM: The electron beam energy
## - PBEAM: The ion beam energy
source util/ $@
## To run the reconstruction, we need the following global variables:
## - JUGGLER_INSTALL_PREFIX: Install prefix for Juggler (simu/recon)
## - JUGGLER_DETECTOR: the detector package we want to use for this benchmark
## - DETECTOR_PATH: full path to the detector definitions
## You can ready options/ for more in-depth explanations of the variables
## and how they can be controlled.
source options/
## We also need the following benchmark-specific variables:
## - BENCHMARK_TAG: Unique identified for this benchmark process.
## - BEAM_TAG: Identifier for the chosen beam configuration
## - INPUT_PATH: Path for generator-level input to the benchmarks
## - TMP_PATH: Path for temporary data (not exported as artifacts)
## - RESULTS_PATH: Path for benchmark output figures and files
## You can read dvmp/ for more in-depth explanations of the variables.
source benchmarks/dis/
## Get a unique file names based on the configuration options
## =============================================================================
## Step 2: Run the simulation
echo "Running Geant4 simulation"
#npsim --runType batch \
# --part.minimalKineticEnergy 1000*GeV \
# -v WARNING \
# --numberOfEvents ${JUGGLER_N_EVENTS} \
# --compactFile ${DETECTOR_PATH}/${JUGGLER_DETECTOR}.xml \
# --inputFiles ${GEN_FILE} \
# --outputFile ${SIM_FILE}
#if [ "$?" -ne "0" ] ; then
# echo "ERROR running npsim"
# exit 1
## =============================================================================
## Step 3: Run digitization & reconstruction
#echo "Running the digitization and reconstruction"
## FIXME Need to figure out how to pass file name to juggler from the commandline
## the options file uses the following environment
## variables:
## - JUGGLER_SIM_FILE: input detector simulation
## - JUGGLER_REC_FILE: output reconstructed data
## - JUGGLER_DETECTOR_PATH: Location of the detector geometry
## - JUGGLER_N_EVENTS: number of events to process (part of global environment)
## - JUGGLER_DETECTOR: detector package (part of global environment)
#xenv -x ${JUGGLER_INSTALL_PREFIX}/Juggler.xenv \
# options/
## on-error, first retry running juggler again as there is still a random
## crash we need to address FIXME
#if [ "$?" -ne "0" ] ; then
# echo "Juggler crashed, retrying..."
# xenv -x ${JUGGLER_INSTALL_PREFIX}/Juggler.xenv \
# options/ \
# 2>&1 > ${REC_LOG}
# if [ "$?" -ne "0" ] ; then
# echo "ERROR running juggler, both attempts failed"
# exit 1
# fi
## =============================================================================
## Step 4: Analysis
## write a temporary configuration file for the analysis script
echo "Running analysis"
cat << EOF > ${CONFIG}
"rec_file": "${REC_FILE}",
"detector": "${JUGGLER_DETECTOR}",
"output_prefix": "${RESULTS_PATH}/${PLOT_TAG}",
"test_tag": "${BEAM_TAG}"
#cat ${CONFIG}
root -b -q "benchmarks/dis/analysis/dis_electrons.cxx+(\"${CONFIG}\")"
#root -b -q "benchmarks/dis/analysis/dis_electrons.cxx(\"${CONFIG}\")"
if [[ "$?" -ne "0" ]] ; then
echo "ERROR running rec_dis_electron script"
exit 1
## =============================================================================
## Step 5: finalize
#echo "Finalizing DIS benchmark"
## Move over reconsturction artifacts as long as we don't have
## too many events
#if [ "${JUGGLER_N_EVENTS}" -lt "500" ] ; then
## Always move over log files to the results path
## =============================================================================
## All done!
echo "DIS benchmarks complete"
......@@ -17,6 +17,9 @@
// promoted to the top-level util library
namespace util {
//The functions below were copied from dvmp.h
......@@ -14,6 +14,120 @@
#include <nlohmann/json.hpp>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <eicd/ReconstructedParticleData.h>
#include <TH1D.h>
#include <TFitResult.h>
#include <TRandom3.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <utility>
// Get a vector of 4-momenta from the reconstructed data.
inline auto momenta_from_reconstruction(const std::vector<eic::ReconstructedParticleData>& parts)
std::vector<ROOT::Math::PxPyPzEVector> momenta{parts.size()};
// transform our reconstructed particle data into 4-momenta
std::transform(parts.begin(), parts.end(), momenta.begin(), [](const auto& part) {
return ROOT::Math::PxPyPzEVector{part.p.x, part.p.y, part.p.z,};
return momenta;
// Convert PxPyPzMVector to PxPyPzEVector
inline auto convertMtoE(const std::vector<ROOT::Math::PxPyPzMVector>& mom)
std::vector<ROOT::Math::PxPyPzEVector> momenta{mom.size()};
std::transform(mom.begin(), mom.end(), momenta.begin(), [](const auto& part) {
return ROOT::Math::PxPyPzEVector{part.Px(), part.Py(), part.Pz(),};
return momenta;
// Momentum sorting bool
bool sort_mom_bool(ROOT::Math::PxPyPzEVector &mom1, ROOT::Math::PxPyPzEVector &mom2)
return >;
// Momentunm sorting function
inline auto sort_momenta(const std::vector<ROOT::Math::PxPyPzEVector>& mom)
std::vector <ROOT::Math::PxPyPzEVector> sort_mom = mom;
sort(sort_mom.begin(), sort_mom.end(), sort_mom_bool);
return sort_mom;
// Q2 calculation from 4 Vector
inline auto Q2(const std::vector<ROOT::Math::PxPyPzEVector>& mom)
std::vector<double> Q2Vec(mom.size() );
ROOT::Math::PxPyPzEVector beamMom = {0, 0, 18, 18};
std::transform(mom.begin(), mom.end(), Q2Vec.begin(), [beamMom](const auto& part) {
return -(part - beamMom).M2();
return Q2Vec;
// Difference between two 4 Vectors
inline auto sub(const std::vector<ROOT::Math::PxPyPzEVector>& mom1, const std::vector<ROOT::Math::PxPyPzEVector>& mom2)
std::vector<ROOT::Math::PxPyPzEVector> sub(mom1.size() );
for (int i = 0; i < sub.size(); i++)
sub[i] = mom1[i] - mom2[i];
return sub;
// Multiplies a double by a gaussian distributed number
inline auto randomize(const std::vector<double>& doubleVec)
std::vector<double> outVec(doubleVec.size() );
TRandom3 rand;
std::transform(doubleVec.begin(), doubleVec.end(), outVec.begin(), [&rand](const auto& indouble) {
return indouble * rand.Gaus(1.0, 0.2);
return outVec;
//Simulation functions
bool mom_sort_sim(dd4pod::Geant4ParticleData& part1, dd4pod::Geant4ParticleData& part2)
return (part1.psx*part1.psx + part1.psy*part1.psy + part1.psz*part1.psz >
part2.psx*part2.psx + part2.psy*part2.psy + part2.psz*part2.psz);
inline auto momenta_from_sim(const std::vector<dd4pod::Geant4ParticleData>& parts)
std::vector<dd4pod::Geant4ParticleData> sort_parts = parts;
sort(sort_parts.begin(), sort_parts.end(), mom_sort_sim);
return sort_parts;
inline auto Q2_from_sim(const std::vector<dd4pod::Geant4ParticleData>& parts)
std::vector<double> Q2Vec(parts.size() );
double beamEnergy = 18;
std::transform(parts.begin(), parts.end(), Q2Vec.begin(), [beamEnergy](const auto& part) {
double energy = sqrt(part.psx*part.psx + part.psy*part.psy + part.psz*part.psz + part.mass*part.mass);
double q2 = pow(beamEnergy - energy, 2.0) - part.psx*part.psx - part.psy*part.psy - pow(part.psz - beamEnergy, 2.0);
return -q2;
return Q2Vec;
inline auto elec_PID_sim(const std::vector<dd4pod::Geant4ParticleData>& parts)
std::vector<dd4pod::Geant4ParticleData> electrons;
for (auto part : parts)
if (part.pdgID == 11){electrons.push_back(part);}
return electrons;
int dis_electrons(const std::string& config_name)
......@@ -45,7 +159,22 @@ int dis_electrons(const std::string& config_name)
{"target", "0.1"}}};
// Run this in multi-threaded mode if desired
//Particle number enumeration
enum sidis_particle_ID
electron = 11,
pi_0 = 111,
pi_plus = 211,
pi_minus = -211,
k_0 = 311,
k_plus = 321,
k_minus = -321,
proton = 2212,
neutron = 2112
const double electron_mass = util::get_pdg_mass("electron");
......@@ -64,15 +193,63 @@ int dis_electrons(const std::string& config_name)
return util::momenta_from_tracking(tracks, electron_mass);
//Old dataframe
auto d0 = d.Define("p_rec", momenta_from_tracking, {"outputTrackParameters"})
.Define("N", "p_rec.size()")
.Define("p_sim", util::momenta_from_simulation, {"mcparticles2"})
.Define("mom_sim", util::mom, {"p_sim"})
.Define("mom_rec", util::mom, {"p_rec"});
auto h_mom_sim = d0.Histo1D({"h_mom_sim", "; GeV; counts", 100, 0, 50}, "mom_sim");
auto h_mom_rec = d0.Histo1D({"h_mom_rec", "; GeV; counts", 100, 0, 50}, "mom_rec");
auto d0 = d.Define("p_recon", momenta_from_reconstruction, {"DummyReconstructedParticles"})
.Define("p_recon_sort", sort_momenta, {"p_recon"})
.Define("Q2_recon", Q2, {"p_recon_sort"})
.Define("Q2_recon_rand", randomize, {"Q2_recon"})
.Define("elec_Q2_recon_rand", "Q2_recon_rand[0]")
.Define("p_sim_M", util::momenta_from_simulation, {"mcparticles2"})
.Define("p_sim", convertMtoE, {"p_sim_M"})
.Define("p_sim_sort", sort_momenta, {"p_sim"})
.Define("Q2_sim", Q2, {"p_sim_sort"})
.Define("elec_Q2_sim", "Q2_sim[0]")
.Define("Q2_diff", "(elec_Q2_recon_rand - elec_Q2_sim)/elec_Q2_sim")
.Define("p_diff", sub, {"p_recon","p_sim"});
.Define("electrons_sim", elec_PID_sim, {"sorted_sim"})
.Define("Q2_sim_elec_pid", Q2_from_sim, {"electrons_sim"})
.Define("elec_Q2_sim_pid", "Q2_sim_elec_pid[0]");
//Testing script
auto dis = d0.Display({"p_diff"});
//dis -> Print();
cout << *d0.Max<double>("elec_Q2_recon_rand") << " " << *d0.Min<double>("elec_Q2_recon_rand") << endl;
cout << *d0.Max<double>("elec_Q2_sim") << " " << *d0.Min<double>("elec_Q2_sim") << endl;
//cout << *d0.Count() << endl;
//auto h_mom_sim = d0.Histo1D({"h_mom_sim", "; GeV; counts", 100, 0, 50}, "mom_sim");
//auto h_mom_rec = d0.Histo1D({"h_mom_rec", "; GeV; counts", 100, 0, 50}, "mom_rec");
auto h_Q2_sim = d0.Histo1D({"h_Q2_sim", "; GeV; counts", 100, -5, 25}, "elec_Q2_sim");
auto h_Q2_rec = d0.Histo1D({"h_Q2_rec", "; GeV; counts", 100, -5, 25}, "elec_Q2_recon_rand");
auto h_Q2_res = d0.Histo1D({"h_Q2_res", "; ; counts", 100, -10, 10}, "Q2_diff");
TH1D *h_Q2_res = (TH1D *)h_Q2_sim -> Clone();
TH1D *h_Q2_rec_copy = (TH1D *)h_Q2_rec -> Clone();
h_Q2_res -> Scale(1.0 / h_Q2_res -> Integral() );
h_Q2_res -> Add(h_Q2_rec_copy, -1.0 / h_Q2_rec_copy -> Integral() );
TFitResultPtr f1 = h_Q2_res -> Fit("gaus", "S");
f1 -> Print("V");
printf("chisq %f A %f mean %f sigma %f \n", f1 -> Chi2(),
f1 -> GetParameter(0),
f1 -> GetParameter(1),
f1 -> GetParameter(2));
auto c = new TCanvas();
// Plot our histograms.
......@@ -83,8 +260,10 @@ int dis_electrons(const std::string& config_name);
// gPad->SetLogx(false);
auto& h1 = *h_mom_sim;
auto& h2 = *h_mom_rec;
//auto& h1 = *h_mom_sim;
//auto& h2 = *h_mom_rec;
auto& h1 = *h_Q2_sim;
auto& h2 = *h_Q2_rec;
// histogram style
......@@ -111,6 +111,8 @@ cat << EOF > ${CONFIG}
"rec_file": "${REC_FILE}",
"detector": "${JUGGLER_DETECTOR}",
"output_prefix": "${RESULTS_PATH}/${PLOT_TAG}",
"ebeam": ${EBEAM},
"pbeam": ${PBEAM},
"test_tag": "${BEAM_TAG}"
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