- Jul 19, 2018
Stephen A. Wood authored
Set hodoscopes to standard ADC mode for example hodtest.C script badcraw_pos and badcraw_neg always true if not Dynamic pedestal mode Don't crash in hodoscope if there is no Cherenkov.
- Aug 31, 2017
Stephen A. Wood authored
- Aug 18, 2017
Stephen A. Wood authored
So that hodtest.C keeps working
- Jun 02, 2017
Stephen A. Wood authored
- Apr 06, 2017
Stephen A. Wood authored
New required Cerenkov and Aerogel parameters in hcana.def cuts and output.def updates remove now unsupported mirror efficiencies from report.template
- Nov 01, 2016
Stephen A. Wood authored
Default is to use new "invadc" parameters. Use old style by setting Xtofusinginvadc=0
- Oct 28, 2016
Stephen A. Wood authored
Stephen A. Wood authored
Stephen A. Wood authored
Lot's of changes to THcScintillator::ProcessHits THcHodoscope::EstimateFocalPlaneTimes THcHodoscope::FineProcess
- Oct 14, 2016
Stephen A. Wood authored
- Feb 23, 2015
Vardan Tadevosyan authored
Vardan Tadevosyan authored
negative side PMT signals from the HMS and SOS calorimeters. Changes in the Ycor method of the THcShower class, and in examples/PARAM/hcana.param input file.
- Feb 13, 2015
Zafar authored
Minimm value of normalized energy fNormETot and minum value of number of cherenkov photo electrons, fNCerNPE, is added to parameter files for the calculation good scintillator event for tracking efficiency. They are optional parameters fScinShould and fScinDid are set to 0 or 1 and only incrmented when Shower and Cerenkov detectors are setup.
- Feb 11, 2015
Zafar authored
If calorimeter and cherenkov is not added to SOS or HMS then it prints a warning message and does not calcualte the efficiency for that spectrometer. Minimm value of normalized energy and minum value of number of cherenkov photo electrons is added to parameter files for the calculation of tracking efficiency.
- Feb 03, 2015
Vardan Tadevosyan authored
Clean up THcShower.h and THcShower.cxx. typedef vector<THcShowerHit*> THcShowerHitList by typedef set<THcShowerHit*> THcShowerHitList. Remove inheritance of class THcShowerCluster from THcShowerHitList. Define THcShowerCluster as THcShowerHitList, aka set<THcShowerHit*>. Remove inheritance of class THcShowerClusterList from THcShClusterList, a.k.a. vector<THcShowerCluster*> container. Define THcShowerClusterList as vector<THcShowerCluster*>. Rename THcShowerHitSet by THcShowerHitList. Rename HitList (related to the HMS calorimeter) to HitSet. Add operator< in THcShowerHit class, in order to have THcShowerHitSet objects to be properly sorted.
- Dec 05, 2014
Vardan Tadevosyan authored
Edit debug outputs in THcSHower and THcShowerPlane classes. Group outputs preferably by the end of methods, for smooth code flow. Structure tests of outputs for easy reading.
- Sep 09, 2014
Brad Sawatzky authored
debug info should be suppressed in the main develop branch
- Aug 18, 2014
Vardan Tadevosyan authored
shower counter's FineProcess. Remove THcHallCSpectrometer::TrackEnergies method. Add GetShEnergy call for each tack in THcShower::fineProcess.
- Apr 25, 2014
Buddhini Waidyawansa authored
- Mar 05, 2014
Buddhini Waidyawansa authored
Files with the prefix raster_ are coppies of original *.database, and *.param files which now includes changes nessacery for decoding raster data. I created seperate files for these because I need to merge this code upstream before I can compare the raster decoding results with that of the analyzer. For e.g. the map files are different from the original map files. So Steve needs to create a perl script that can propgate these changes in the map files to the map file of the analyzer inorder for me to do the analyzer hcana comparision. Once the comparision is done and we are satisifies with the results, we will merge the changes with the original files and remove the files with the prefix raster_*. gbeam.param now included by general.param. No need to load a separate parameter set to test raster/BPM code. examples/MAPS/raster_jun04.map adds new detector IDs for the raster and BPMs as follows: Add the following IDs to the misc elements, BEAM RASTER_ID= 18 ADC BPM_ID= 19 ADC In the channel section did the following modification: sub , plane, counter, sig 14, 1, 13, 1 !ADC ROC#1 Sl#15 Ch#14 Fast Raster X-sync 15, 1, 14, 2 !ADC ROC#1 Sl#15 Ch#15 Fast Raster X-signal 12, 1, 15, 3 !ADC ROC#1 Sl#15 Ch#12 Fast Raster Y-sync 13, 1, 16, 4 !ADC ROC#1 Sl#15 Ch#13 Fast Raster Y-signal
Buddhini Waidyawansa authored
THcRasterRawHit class to helps with the decoding of the raster signals via THcHitList class. THcRasteredBeam class derives from THaApparatus to handle rastered beam. Modify Makefile and HallC_LinkDef.h to compile new classes
- Mar 04, 2014
Buddhini Waidyawansa authored
Added coding for read parameters from the hcana.param file. In the hcana.param file added the four raster channels graster_channels = "xsync xsig ysync ysig" Created raster_test.C script to run the analyzer for raster code testing purpose. This was coppied from the hodotest.C
- Jan 30, 2014
Zafar authored
We have added a new parameter hcer_tot_pmts = 2 in hcana.param file. It is equal to total number of PMTs in Cherenkov detector. With this update, the THcCherenkov coarse process is complete. We have Raw adc, pedestal subtracted adc, number of photo electrons and hits histograms in the output root file for gas Cherenkov detector.
- Jan 29, 2014
Stephen A. Wood authored
Because git under Eclipse messes up soft links Use #include directive so desired file gets read
- Jan 26, 2014
Edward Brash authored
- Jan 22, 2014
Edward Brash authored
- Dec 19, 2013
Stephen A. Wood authored
- Dec 05, 2013
Stephen A. Wood authored
general.param - include SOS parameter for most devices hcana.param - add sos versions of previous hardwired parameters db_run.dat - put in an angle and mometum for SOS output.def - include sos detectors in root tree hodtest.C - Add SOS spectrometer and some of its detectors
- Nov 15, 2013
Stephen A. Wood authored
Zafar Ahmed authored
just for test purpose.
Zafar Ahmed authored
- Oct 10, 2013
Vardan Tadevosyan authored
Vardan Tadevosyan authored
- Oct 02, 2013
Vardan Tadevosyan authored
- Sep 26, 2013
Stephen A. Wood authored
{prefix}dc_fix_lr Historically, in the ENGINE, if a hit is used in multiple space points/stubs, the left/right assignment for that hit, which is later used in track fitting, is that assigned for the last stub encountered with that hit. Properly, the left right assignment should be allowed to be different in different space points. If this parameter is set to zero (e.g. in hcana.param), then the ENGINE behavior is used. For new analyses, it should be set to one. (Which is the default) {prefix}dc_fix_propcorr When a hit gets put into a stub, the distance of the hit from the discriminator can then be estimated. In the engine, a correction to the drift time (and thus drift distance) is applied. However, if that hit ends up in another stub, the correction will get applied again, resulting in a over correction. Setting this flag to 1 will give that hit a different corection for each stub that it is in. These flags will default to the new "correct" way of handling hits if the above parameters are not set in a parameter file. Currently, both flags are set to zero in hcana.param to replicate the ENGINE behavior. To implement these changes, the propagation correction and L/R information for each hit is saved in space point and track classes. This information is still saved in the hit class, but only used if in ENGINE compatibility mode. The THcDCTrack class now saves a list of space point pointers instead of space point indices. The AddSpacePoint method now also copies all the hit information into the track object so that THcDC doesn't need to explicitely copy all the hits. The FindStub method, which fits a stub track to a space point is passed the space point rather than a list of hits
- Sep 23, 2013
Vardan Tadevosyan authored
- Sep 18, 2013
Vardan Tadevosyan authored
- Aug 28, 2013
Stephen A. Wood authored
Name of coefficient file in hcana.param Some basic hms setting parameters added to test.database for run 50017 Traceback code in THcHalCSpectrometer
Vardan Tadevosyan authored
- Aug 23, 2013
Vardan Tadevosyan authored