This is the GUI that is used for the monitoring of online replay.
Directory structure
- CONFIG : directory with the onlineGUI configuration files This folder is organized by spectrometer, then by system. A GEN top level folder contains .cfg files that contain whole runs or multiple systems.
- UTIL : directory with root macros that can be called by the onlineGUI code This folder is organized by spectrometer, then by system. A GEN top level folder contains codes that are non-specific toward the detector system.
- onlineGUI_v1.2.1: directory with the online.c and its dependencies.
Compiling code
- In onlineGUI_v1.2.1 directory type: make
- executable "online" is created in the onlineGUI directory
Documentation and Running the code
- The pdf file guiHOWTO2007.pdf documents how to use the code
- One method to run the code is:
- online -f CONFIG/kpp.cfg -r 488
- "488" is the run number
- This looks for a file following the format in the .cfg file:protorootfile ../ROOTfiles/shms_replay_XXXXX.root