- Jan 09, 2018
Eric Pooser authored
* Add SHMS pre-shower sum and make naming consistant * Update HMS maps * Update SHMS maps * Propagate changes to DEF-files * Propogate changes to SHMS DEFfiles
Melanie Cardona authored
- Jan 05, 2018
Eric Pooser authored
* Fix HMS Cherenkov calibration parameters * Setup HMS calibration parameters for the Fall run Add calibration parameters for the HMS calorimeter * Do the same for the SHMS * Change default calib files to symbolic links
- Jan 04, 2018
Eric Pooser authored
* Update leaf names * Update SHMS maps with new naming convention * Update coin maps * Update HMS maps * Update scaler maps * Update SHMS & HMS report files
- Jan 03, 2018
Eric Pooser authored
* Update coin kinematics db * Include coincidence event types * Add event type summary * Add single arm coincidence replays
teaandcrumpets authored
- Dec 20, 2017
Sanghwa Park authored
Yero1990 authored
* added SHMS preshower to maps * add shms preshower to SHMS/COIN maps
- Dec 18, 2017
Eric Pooser authored
* Add prescaled live time measurement calculation * Update parameter files and create appropriate default calib files for HMS * Fix template file
- Dec 14, 2017
Mark Jones authored
Update hdc_ycenter to add +1.5 offset
Mark Jones authored
Use BCM1 and BCM2 calibration from HMS run 1178
Ryan-Ambrose authored
Updated SHMS HGCER calibration and efficiency scripts to comply with updated calibration for beta and particle ID. Also corrected the timing information to use goodAdcTdcDiffTime branch. Updated new calibration constants. (#342)
Eric Pooser authored
Eric Pooser authored
Eric Pooser authored
* SHMS aerogel histos * SHMS calorimeter histos * Add DC histos * Add HGCER histos * Add SHMS hodoscope histos * Add NGCER histos * Clean up some straggling files * Create new prodcution_ all replay that includes leaves and all histos * Include PID production histos * Clean up production_all work * HMS calorimeter histos * Add HMS production all infrastructure and PID histos * Add HMS HGCER histos * Add HMS drift chamber histos * Add HMS hodo histos * Add HMS trigger histos * Add new production all script and infrastucture
- Dec 13, 2017
Eric Pooser authored
Calculate live/dead time for PS1 as an example
Yero1990 authored
Brad Sawatzky authored
Fix stupid typo
Brad Sawatzky authored
Fix stupid typo
Brad Sawatzky authored
Expose actual prescale factors in report files
Brad Sawatzky authored
- no longer needed now that the true prescale factors are available ghconfig_ti_ps_factors[i]
Brad Sawatzky authored
- Requires hcana commit af83fe852ef592053dd38ac5f9ced5c3cf571710 (Tue Dec 12 22:24:52 2017)
Brad Sawatzky authored
- Dec 12, 2017
John Matter authored
* Move block vars out of DEFs that production replay #includes * Update pcalana.def
Carlos Yero authored
Carlos Yero authored
added epis variables to display spectrometers momentum, angles, and set/readback currents from the Quadrupoles, Dipoles, and HB
- Dec 11, 2017
Eric Pooser authored
* Update templates so that scalers and production are calculating the computer live time in the same manner * Update replay scripts to include the configuration event handler and correct event types in the scaler replays * Update various DEFfiles so that the report file quantities are consistent
Eric Pooser authored
Yero1990 authored
Mark Jones authored
Live time calculation was using the wrong scaler.
Carlos Yero authored
hallc-online authored
Ryan Ambrose authored
Changed calibration script to show timing & beta cut, and changed the cut limits to be consistent with commissioning runs. Updated calibration constants for the HGC as well.
- Dec 10, 2017
Yero1990 authored
Mark Jones authored
Mark Jones authored
Mark Jones authored
hallc-online authored
Mark Jones authored
Add histograms for the difference between track projected to the chambers and scintillator position Removed cut on beta histograms goodstarttime is a flag. Not a time. goodstarttime=1 means start_time was successfully calculated from focal plane. goodstarttime=0 means its used a default value Changed goodstartime histograms
Mark Jones authored
Interpreted the survey wrong and put the survey in with wrong sign.