- Jan 29, 2018
Edward Brash authored
commit 09319354 Author: Edward Brash <brash@GlasBook.local> Date: Mon Jan 29 10:44:59 2018 -0500 Add scaler_parse script commit 585c63d1 Author: hallc-online <hallconline@gmail.com> Date: Mon Jan 29 10:39:35 2018 -0500 Bug fixes commit b7cdd929 Author: hallc-online <hallconline@gmail.com> Date: Mon Jan 29 10:30:04 2018 -0500 Updates commit 73121128 Author: Edward Brash <brash@GlasBook.local> Date: Mon Jan 29 10:27:17 2018 -0500 Make Python3 compliant commit a08034df Author: Edward Brash <brash@GlasBook.local> Date: Mon Jan 29 10:20:03 2018 -0500 Merge
hallc-online authored
- Dec 14, 2017
Eric Pooser authored
* SHMS aerogel histos * SHMS calorimeter histos * Add DC histos * Add HGCER histos * Add SHMS hodoscope histos * Add NGCER histos * Clean up some straggling files * Create new prodcution_ all replay that includes leaves and all histos * Include PID production histos * Clean up production_all work * HMS calorimeter histos * Add HMS production all infrastructure and PID histos * Add HMS HGCER histos * Add HMS drift chamber histos * Add HMS hodo histos * Add HMS trigger histos * Add new production all script and infrastucture
- Dec 12, 2017
John Matter authored
* Move block vars out of DEFs that production replay #includes * Update pcalana.def
- Dec 07, 2017
Mark Jones authored
Add THaReactionPoint to calculate z-position along target Change THaRun to THcRun change THcHallCSpectrometer to by THcHallCSpectormeter object Add scaler event type 129
- Dec 03, 2017
John Matter authored
* Fix title in production golden track histos * Fix typos in trigger DEFs; add EPICS to production monitoring cfg; reorganize to be consistent with HMS * Move gtr target variables own DEF-file * Fix HMS hT1/hT2 slot/channel typo in histogram titles
- Dec 02, 2017
dkb208 authored
* fixed typos and changed files for PRODUCTION * Update replay_production_coin.C
- Nov 12, 2017
dkb208 authored
* HMS TEST_STANDS ONLINE MONITORING * HMS PRODUCTION ONLINE MONITORING * changes to overlay and script files * DC script changed to original * more Script and DEF-file changes * more changes
- Jul 26, 2017
Eric Pooser authored
* Fix naming scheme and histo names to be consistant with the rest of the repo * Same fix as previous commit but for HMS * Modify production replay scripts to keep naming convention consistant with previous commits * Apparently THaVhist cannot handle LaTeX alphabets * Turn off tzero per wire param causing replay to crash and burn * Uncomment event/trigger types. Needs to be cleaned up later * Remove deprecated detector directories * Remove deprecated map files * Exclude trigger histo with no real variable * Include raster into stack map * Uncomment lines which were causing a bajillion errors Needs to be cleaned up at some point * Remove deprecated parameter files * Remove deprecated replay scripts * Remove deprecated template file
- Jul 25, 2017
Yero1990 authored
* -added primary kin to HMS single arm production replay script -Minor fix in shms production replay script * Minor addition in replay_production_hms.C * -change primary kine names in hms/shms replay scripts * -added elec_KIN/ dir. for electron kinematics DEF-files for HMS/SHMS -include new def files in mergelist and update production def file
Eric Pooser authored
* Re-structure the PARAM files for HMS and added raster variables to thms.param * restructure hallc_replay DBASE for HMS param files; add hodo/cer kpp_spring_2017 calibration directories and parameter files * restructure HMS detector maps directory; add hms run 303 to standard.database * -added Raster to HMS trigger map -minor fix in commented raster names -minor fix in name for HMS to SHMS in an shms map file * -Include only one spectrometer in 'g.evtyp' variable for HMS/SHMS report file cuts (for the moment ...) * -added new 'PRODUCTION' directory for HMS where all def files with 'good' variables are included -copied python script/list from SHMS 'PRODUCTION' directory to HMS. (This script combines individual detector def files into one) * -added STACK directory in HMS Def-files dir, which includes only stack histograms (excludes EPICS variables) * -added TEST_STANDS directory in HMS Def-Files to include raw and good detector histograms * -excluded hms Aerogel from def files (for now . . .) * -updated HMS templates for scalers, stack and production * Re-structure the PARAM files for HMS and added raster variables to thms.param * restructure hallc_replay DBASE for HMS param files; add hodo/cer kpp_spring_2017 calibration directories and parameter files * restructure HMS detector maps directory; add hms run 303 to standard.database * -added Raster to HMS trigger map -minor fix in commented raster names -minor fix in name for HMS to SHMS in an shms map file * -Include only one spectrometer in 'g.evtyp' variable for HMS/SHMS report file cuts (for the moment ...) * -added new 'PRODUCTION' directory for HMS where all def files with 'good' variables are included -copied python script/list from SHMS 'PRODUCTION' directory to HMS. (This script combines individual detector def files into one) * -added STACK directory in HMS Def-files dir, which includes only stack histograms (excludes EPICS variables) * -added TEST_STANDS directory in HMS Def-Files to include raw and good detector histograms * -excluded hms Aerogel from def files (for now . . .) * -updated HMS templates for scalers, stack and production * -Restructurization of replay scripts in HMS * Minor fixes in shms replay scripts * -moved replay scripts to new directories