- Jun 11, 2017
Yero1990 authored
* -added the lines to read run number to the top of the script. * -Modified SHMS DC DEF FILE to display drift times with binning scheme same as used in calib. -Added the most up-to-date shms dc parameters obtained from the modified shms dc calib. script * -set option to use per_wire tzero ON.
Yero1990 authored
* -added a few lines of code to produce a weighted tzero data file per wire basis, where the weight is by groups (ribbon cables) * -started to add lines to read per-wire tzero parameter data file. (work in progress) * -mofidied plane numbering in 'get_zero_param.C' to match the rest of the calibration script plane numbering scheme * -minor fix * -script that reads a data file containing the per wire tzeros -the tzero correction is applies on a wire-by-wire basis and the wire drift times are added to produce the corrected plane drift times * minor modifications to name of file being read * -minor modifications to file name being read
- Jun 09, 2017
Yero1990 authored
per wire basis, where the weight is by groups (ribbon cables)
- Jun 08, 2017
Yero1990 authored
* initialied script for writing individual wire tzero values into a parameter file * script to add tzero param * -added statement that explicitly assigns a tzero value of zero if certain criteria are not met, rather than leaving a blank line. * -Added boolean operator to determine ribbon cable group and looped over each ribbon cable group corresponding to shms planes DC 1U1 and DC 1U2, so far. ...Work in Progress to calculate weighted average t0 per ribbon cable. * -script that gets tzero values per ribbon cable and writes out a param file with the tzero values on a wire basis. * -made few modifications (still not complete) * -added dynamic array that holds the group value (5 or 7) for each plane * SHMS DC Calibration script that takes the weighted average tzero per ribbon cable, and produces a parameter file containing the weighted average tzero per ribbon cable group, expressed on a wire-by-wire basis. * -added lines to read in run number from a text file * -added line to execute 'get_tzero_param.C' which creates a parameter file with updated tzero values.
- Jun 06, 2017
Yero1990 authored
run_Cal.C commented out some boolean statements producing that were producing a compilaton error. Commented out execution of script update_pdcparam.C, as it is obsolete, since we will be using a new paramerer file containing individual wire tzero. get_pdc_time_histo.C commented out obsolete lines that created some directories wire_drift_times.C declared 'wirenum' variable outside of loop to solve the "use of undeclared identifier" compilation error get_wire_tzero.C moved several variable declarations outside the loop over sensewires to solve "use of undeclared identifier" compilation error get_LookUp_Values.C minor syntax error fix.
- May 30, 2017
Yero1990 authored
* -Modified HMS Calorimeter Def-File Based on SHMS Calo Def File * -Minor Fix to hms calo def file -added h_fadc_debug.param to HMS Calorimeter general Parameters -loaded fadc_debug param file in hms calorimeter test stand replay script
Mark K Jones authored
Shms def file develop
Ak1508 authored
- May 29, 2017
Yero1990 authored
* -Added the fAdcTimeWindowMin/Max parameter values per plane for the hms/shms h(p)hodo.param file * -added comments to SHMS/HMS hodo.param file
- May 24, 2017
Yero1990 authored
* modified SHMS DC def file * modified SHMS DC Def file
- May 23, 2017
Abishek Karki authored
- May 16, 2017
hallc-online authored
hallc-online authored
- May 14, 2017
hallc-online authored
SHMS PreShower
- May 12, 2017
Carlos Yero authored
- May 08, 2017
Eric Pooser authored
hallc-online authored
- May 04, 2017
Yero1990 authored
* -modified hms cer def files -added hms_cer f_adc_debug.param to hms_cer gen param -added hms_cer f_adc_debug option to the hms_cer_replay script. * created HMS CER online Config file fr onlineGUI
Yero1990 authored
-added hms_cer f_adc_debug.param to hms_cer gen param -added hms_cer f_adc_debug option to the hms_cer_replay script.
- Apr 26, 2017
Yero1990 authored
so that the axes match the actual PMT Numbers.
- Apr 25, 2017
Yero1990 authored
included statistics box in some histograms.
- Apr 22, 2017
Yero1990 authored
* modified SHMS HGCER Def File and created new Congig File for HGCER onlineGUI test stand * modified histos in NGC Def Files and created a test stand NGC configuration file for the onlineGUI * Added new histograms for SHMA Aero DEF Files and created Config script for aerogel online GUI test stand * Modified SHMS HGC, NGC and AERO DEF Files Histogram Titles and Binning. Modified SHMS AERO replay script to include f_adc_debug_param option.
- Apr 20, 2017
Mark K Jones authored
Scaler replay and online GUI
hallc-online authored
Added files ------------ DBASE/db_HSScalerevt.dat : scaler database for HMS DBASE/db_PSScalerevt.dat : scaler database for SHMS DBASE/make_scaler_db.py : Python script to make HMS and SHMS database files from xscaler scaler.map SCRIPTS/HMS/replay_hms_scalers.C : script to replay HMS scalers only SCRIPTS/SHMS/replay_shms_scalers.C : script to replay SHMS scalers only DEF-files/HMS/EPICS/epics_short.def : List of EPICS variables to include in Tree used in scaler scripts as an example onlineGUI/Config/hms_scaler.cfg : configuration file to plot HMS scalers onlineGUI/Macros/plot_hms_scaler.C : Macro used by hms_scaler.cfg onlineGUI/Config/shms_scaler.cfg : configuration file to plot SHMS scalers onlineGUI/Macros/plot_shms_scaler.C : Macro used by shms_scaler.cfg
Eric Pooser authored
Fix bug in kpp macro
- Apr 19, 2017
Yero1990 authored
* Macro to determine the wire efficiencies per wire * parameter file to be used with wire_efficiency.C macro * Modified HMS DC WireMap * modify wiremap in hdc.map file * created combined map files * Delete wire_efficiency.C * Delete hms_dc.param
- Apr 17, 2017
Eric Pooser authored
Def files
Carlos Yero authored
Carlos Yero authored
Mark K Jones authored
Updated SHMS DC parameters for tzero per wire
hallc-online authored
Modified DBASE/general.param #include "PARAM/SHMS/DC/pdc_tzero_per_wire.param" Modified PARAM/SHMS/DC/pdc.param added parameter p_using_tzero_per_wire Set to 1 for tzero per wire Add file PARAM/SHMS/DC/pdc_tzero_per_wire.param 1) Has parameters for tzero offsets per wire 2) The offsets were determined per connector and all wires in a connector have the same offset Add file PARAM/SHMS/DC/pdriftmap_tzero_per_wire.param 1) Drift map to use with p_using_tzero_per_wire=1 2) Copy to pdriftmap.param Add file PARAM/SHMS/DC/pdriftmap_plane.param 1) Drift map to use with p_using_tzero_per_wire=0 2) Copy to pdriftmap.param
Carlos Yero authored
- Apr 13, 2017
Carlos Yero authored
Carlos Yero authored
- Apr 12, 2017
Carlos Yero authored
Carlos Yero authored
Mark K Jones authored
Fix mistakes in HMS DC cable map
Mark K Jones authored
Def files for HGC and NHC
hallc-online authored
When comparing to the 6 GeV maps found mistakes in HMS cable map for 1U1 wires 1-14, 1V1 wires 1-14, 1Y2 wires 40-52 2U1 wires 1-14 and 2V1 wires 1-14. Needed an offset of 2 channels.
Carlos Yero authored
data separately.