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Commit 66fa962e authored by bduran's avatar bduran
Browse files

Modified the replay script, parameter file and detector map files for the 2nd raster

parent 4d522056
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; SHMS default calibration parameter files
#include "PARAM/SHMS/NGCER/CALIB/pngcer_calib.param"
#include "PARAM/SHMS/DC/CALIB/pdc_calib.param"
#include "PARAM/SHMS/DC/CALIB/pdc_tzero_per_wire.param"
#include "PARAM/SHMS/HODO/CALIB/phodo_calib.param"
#include "PARAM/SHMS/HGCER/CALIB/phgcer_calib.param"
#include "PARAM/SHMS/AERO/CALIB/paero_calib.param"
#include "PARAM/SHMS/CAL/CALIB/pcal_calib.param"
g_ctp_parm_filename ="DBASE/SHMS/GEN/general.param"
g_ctp_kinematics_filename ="DBASE/SHMS/STD/standard.kinematics"
g_ctp_calib_filename ="DBASE/SHMS/GEN/default_det_calib_files.param"
g_ctp_calib_filename ="DBASE/SHMS/GEN/KPP_Spring_2017/calib_464.param"
......@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ block*
block P.gtr.*
block P.kin.*
block P.rb.*
......@@ -396,7 +397,6 @@ TH1F phodo_beta 'SHMS Hodo Beta; Beta; Number of Entries / 0.02' P.hod.beta 100
TH1F phodo_fpHitsTime 'SHMS Hodo Focal Plane Time; Focal Plane Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' P.hod.fpHitsTime 90 0 90
TH1F phodo_starttime 'SHMS Hodo Start Time; Start Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1ns' P.hod.starttime 90 0 90
TH1F phodo_good_startime 'SHMS Hodo Good Start Time (ns); Good Start Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1ns' P.hod.goodstarttime 90 0 90
TH2F phodo_xhod_vs_yhod 'SHMS Hodo Projected X vs. Y; Y_hodo(cm) / 1mm; X_hodo(cm) / 1mm' P.hod.y_hodo P.hod.x_hodo 1000 -50 50 1000 -50 50
# Heavy Gas Cherenkov *
......@@ -668,18 +668,18 @@ TH1F ptrig_pdc_ref10 'SHMS DC Reference Time Slot 15 Channel 47; Raw TDC Time (T
# Assume FADC range is set to 1V and the integration is 25 channels
# Offset in the FADC is about 0.122V or 500 channels.
formula FRXA_V T.shms.pFRXA_adcPulseIntRaw*(1./4096.)/25.
formula FRXB_V T.shms.pFRXB_adcPulseIntRaw*(1./4096.)/25.
formula FRYA_V T.shms.pFRYA_adcPulseIntRaw*(1./4096.)/25.
formula FRYB_V T.shms.pFRYB_adcPulseIntRaw*(1./4096.)/25.
formula FRXA_V P.rb.raster.frxaRawAdc*(1./4096.)/25.
formula FRXB_V P.rb.raster.frxbRawAdc*(1./4096.)/25.
formula FRYA_V P.rb.raster.fryaRawAdc*(1./4096.)/25.
formula FRYB_V P.rb.raster.frybRawAdc*(1./4096.)/25.
TH1F pFRXA 'SHMS FRXA; FRXA RAW ADC (chan); Counts' T.shms.pFRXA_adcPulseIntRaw 1000 0 100000
TH1F pFRXA 'SHMS FRXA; FRXA RAW ADC (chan); Counts' P.rb.raster.frxaRawAdc 1000 0 100000
TH1F pFRXA_V 'SHMS FRXA; FRXA RAW ADC (Volts); Counts' FRXA_V 1000 0 1.0
TH1F pFRXB 'SHMS FRXB; FRXB RAW ADC (chan); Counts' T.shms.pFRXB_adcPulseIntRaw 1000 0 100000
TH1F pFRXB 'SHMS FRXB; FRXB RAW ADC (chan); Counts' P.rb.raster.frxbRawAdc 1000 0 100000
TH1F pFRXB_V 'SHMS FRXB; FRXB RAW ADC (Volts); Counts' FRXB_V 1000 0 1.0
TH1F pFRYA 'SHMS FRYA; FRYA RAW ADC (chan); Counts' T.shms.pFRYA_adcPulseIntRaw 1000 0 100000
TH1F pFRYA 'SHMS FRYA; FRYA RAW ADC (chan); Counts' P.rb.raster.fryaRawAdc 1000 0 100000
TH1F pFRYA_V 'SHMS FRYA; FRYA RAW ADC (Volts); Counts' FRYA_V 1000 0 1.0
TH1F pFRYB 'SHMS FRYB; FRYB RAW ADC (chan); Counts' T.shms.pFRYB_adcPulseIntRaw 1000 0 100000
TH1F pFRYB 'SHMS FRYB; FRYB RAW ADC (chan); Counts' P.rb.raster.frybRawAdc 1000 0 100000
TH1F pFRYB_V 'SHMS FRYB; FRYB RAW ADC (Volts); Counts' FRYB_V 1000 0 1.0
TH2F pFRA_XvsY 'HMSFRA_XvsY; FRXA RAW ADC (Volts); FRYA RAW ADC (Volts)' FRXA_V FRYA_V 1000 0 1.0 1000 0 1.0
TH2F pFRB_XvsY 'HMSFRB_XvsY; FRXB RAW ADC (Volts); FRYB RAW ADC (Volts)' FRXB_V FRYB_V 1000 0 1.0 1000 0 1.0
......@@ -711,4 +711,4 @@ iunser
end epics
\ No newline at end of file
end epics
! channel is physics channel in ADC
! Plane = 1 is not used
! sig = 0 means data in Positive ADC
! bar will be a counter
! Plane = 1 >> ADC Only
! Plane = 1 >> ADC Only
! Plane = 2 >> TDC Only
!F250 module
! chan plane bar sig
12, 1, 1, 0! FR-XA
13, 1, 2, 0! FR-XB
14, 1, 3, 0! FR-YA
15, 1, 4, 0! FR-YB
! channel is physics channel in ADC
! Plane = 1 is not used
! sig = 0 means data in Positive ADC
! bar will be a counter
! Plane = 1 >> ADC Only
......@@ -15,3 +17,4 @@ SLOT=14
14, 1, 3, 0! FR-YA
15, 1, 4, 0! FR-YB
! Plane = 1 >> ADC Only
! Plane = 2 >> TDC Only
!F250 module
! chan plane bar sig
12, 1, 1, 0! FR-XA
13, 1, 2, 0! FR-XB
14, 1, 3, 0! FR-YA
15, 1, 4, 0! FR-YB
......@@ -5,7 +5,17 @@
! PAERO_ID=25 :: ,ADC+,ADC-
! PCAL_ID=26 :: ADC
! chan,plane,counter,sig=0 means Pos ADC
12, 1, 1, 0 ! FR-XA
13, 1, 2, 0 ! FR-XB
14, 1, 3, 0 ! FR-YA
15, 1, 4, 0 ! FR-YB
......@@ -15,10 +25,6 @@ SLOT=14
0, 1, 1, 0 ! pAERSUM
1, 1, 2, 0 ! pHGCERSUM
2, 1, 3, 0 ! pNGCERSUM
12, 1, 4, 0 ! FR-XA
13, 1, 5, 0 ! FR-XB
14, 1, 6, 0 ! FR-YA
15, 1, 7, 0 ! FR-YB
15, 2, 1, 1 ! pT1
......@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ gbpm_kappa = 2.00 ,1.95,1.85 ; modified mkj 4/9/03
; gbpm_x_off = -0.011,-0.004,0. ; in cm: survey according to Paul's note
; gbpm_y_off = +0.052,+0.056,0.
; From Dahlberg survey DT_C853 Apr 7, 2003
gbpm_x_off = 0.017+.412,0.061-.353,0.037
gbpm_y_off = 0.037+.381,-0.04-.211,0.028
gbpm_x_off = 0.017+.412-.094 , 0.061-.353-.055 ,0.037-0.09
gbpm_y_off = 0.037+.381+.003 ,-0.040-.211-.033 ,0.028+.219
; average beam positions: only used if 'guse_bpm_in_recon=0'
; gbeam_xoff = +0.18
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ gbpm_y_off = 0.037+.381,-0.04-.211,0.028
; spectrometers would like to see this positions (from optics studies)
; we treat SOS and HMS the same, however, we may change this if necessary
; gspec_xoff = +0.18
; gspec_xoff = +0.18
gspec_xoff = +0.00
gspec_xpoff = +0.00
gspec_yoff = +0.00
......@@ -55,23 +55,31 @@ gbpm_y_off = 0.037+.381,-0.04-.211,0.028
gusefr = 1 ; if 1 correct for FRY in reconstruction
guse_frdefault = 1 ; if 1 do no phase correction (default)
;if 0 apply phase correction
; gfr_cal_mom = 3.245 ; = beam momnetum during calibration run
gfr_cal_mom = 6.4 ; = beam momnetum during calibration run
; gfrx_adcpercm = 11328. ; = FR channels per cm deflection on target
; gfry_adcpercm = 10708. ; from run 9981, August 25, 1996, book X-22
gfr_cal_mom = 2.038 ; = beam momnetum during calibration run
gfrx_adcpercm = 4364.7 ; = FR channels per cm deflection on target
gfry_adcpercm = 5471.9 ; from harp scan (H00A), June 19, 2004
;gfr_cal_mom = 2.038 ; = beam momnetum during calibration run
;gfrx_adcpercm = 4364.7 ; = FR channels per cm deflection on target
;gfry_adcpercm = 5471.9 ; from harp scan (H00A), June 19, 2004
gfrxa_adcpercm = 97666.7;
gfrxb_adcpercm = 97333.3;
gfrya_adcpercm = 113667;
gfryb_adcpercm = 114333;
gfrx_dphase = 0.0 ; phase shift (never measured for x so far)
gFrx_synccut = 0. ; should be zero if applied on centered distr.
gfrxa_adc_zero_offset = 67800;
gfrxb_adc_zero_offset = 69050;
gfrya_adc_zero_offset = 67700;
gfryb_adc_zero_offset = 67000;
gfrx_adcmax = 1000 ; ADC amplitude in channels.
gfrx_maxsize = 0.1 ; fast raster amplitude in centimeter.
gfry_dphase = 5.8 ; phase shift
gFry_synccut = 0. ; should be zero if applied on centered distr.
gfry_adcmax = 1000 ; ADC amplitude in channels.
gfry_maxsize = 0.1 ; fast raster amplitude in centimeter.
......@@ -80,8 +88,8 @@ gbpm_y_off = 0.037+.381,-0.04-.211,0.028
; was determined to be 5.8 degree.
; positions of FR magnets relative to target
gfrx_dist = 2111 ; cm
gfry_dist = 2071 ; cm
gfrx_dist =1375 ; cm
gfry_dist = 1337 ; cm
t_shms_numAdc = 7
t_shms_numAdc = 3
t_shms_numTdc = 22
t_shms_tdcoffset = -300.
t_shms_tdcchanperns = 0.1
; bar num: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
t_shms_adcNames = "pAERSUM pHGCSUM pNGCSUM"
; bar num: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
t_shms_tdcNames = "pT1 pT2 p1X p1Y p2X p2Y p1T p2T pT3 pAERSUM pHGCSUM pNGCSUM pDCREF1 pDCREF2 pDCREF3 pDCREF4 pDCREF5 pDCREF6 pDCREF7 pDCREF8 pDCREF9 pDCREF10"
\ No newline at end of file
t_shms_tdcNames = "pT1 pT2 p1X p1Y p2X p2Y p1T p2T pT3 pAERSUM pHGCSUM pNGCSUM pDCREF1 pDCREF2 pDCREF3 pDCREF4 pDCREF5 pDCREF6 pDCREF7 pDCREF8 pDCREF9 pDCREF10"
......@@ -39,6 +39,8 @@ void replay_production_shms (Int_t RunNumber = 0, Int_t MaxEvent = 0) {
// Add trigger apparatus
THaApparatus* TRG = new THcTrigApp("T", "TRG");
// Add trigger detector to trigger apparatus
THcTrigDet* shms = new THcTrigDet("shms", "SHMS Trigger Information");
......@@ -58,6 +60,7 @@ void replay_production_shms (Int_t RunNumber = 0, Int_t MaxEvent = 0) {
// Add Heavy Gas Cherenkov to SHMS apparatus
THcCherenkov* hgcer = new THcCherenkov("hgcer", "Heavy Gas Cherenkov");
// Add Aerogel Cherenkov to SHMS apparatus
THcAerogel* aero = new THcAerogel("aero", "Aerogel");
......@@ -68,13 +71,15 @@ void replay_production_shms (Int_t RunNumber = 0, Int_t MaxEvent = 0) {
// Include golden track information
THaGoldenTrack* gtr = new THaGoldenTrack("P.gtr", "SHMS Golden Track", "P");
// Add Ideal Beam Apparatus
THaApparatus* beam = new THaIdealBeam("IB", "Ideal Beamline");
// Add Rastered Beam Apparatus
THaApparatus* beam = new THcRasteredBeam("P.rb", "Rastered Beamline");
// Add Physics Module to calculate primary (scattered beam - usually electrons) kinematics
THcPrimaryKine* kin = new THcPrimaryKine("P.kin", "SHMS Single Arm Kinematics", "P", "IB");
THcPrimaryKine* kin = new THcPrimaryKine("P.kin", "SHMS Single Arm Kinematics", "P", "P.rb");
// Add event handler for prestart event 125.
THcConfigEvtHandler* ev125 = new THcConfigEvtHandler("HC", "Config Event type 125");
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