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# SHMS Single Arm Primary (Scattered Beam)
# Kinematic Quantities
TH1F pkin_q2 'SHMS 4-Momentum Transfer Q^{2}; Q^{2} (GeV^{2}); Number of Entries / 0.050 GeV^{2}' P.kin.Q2 200 0 10
TH1F pkin_omega 'SHMS Energy Transfer Omega; E_{beam} - E_{scat} (GeV); Number of Entries / 0.050 GeV' 200 0 10
TH1F pkin_w2 'SHMS Invariant Mass W^{2}; W^{2} (GeV^{2}); Number of Entries / 0.100 GeV^{2}' P.kin.W2 100 0 10
TH1F pkin_w 'SHMS Invariant Mass W; W (GeV); Number of Entries / 0.050 GeV' P.kin.W 200 0 10
TH1F pkin_theta 'SHMS Scattering Angle Theta; SHMS Scattering Angle (deg); Number of Entries / 0.06 deg' P.kin.scat_ang_deg 350 5 40