Commits on Source (6)
Holly Szumila authored
* best shms optics * reads new matrix elements
Unverified59d9cae0 -
Sylvester Joosten authored91ea98d3
- Side effect of running PARAM/* files through '' script which flagged a number of formatting and consistency issues. - None of these lead to fatal parsing errors. Hopefully the hcana/podd parsers ignored the errors instead of silently misinterpretting bad data into arrays/params.. - Corrections: - Improved some whitespace consistency (replaced mix of tabs/space with spaces only) - Removing invalid trailing commas on arrays - Identified and fixed a few broken comments (an accidental <cr> put the comment in a 'non-comment' line like this: . . . val01 = 100 ; this is a comment val02 = 1.23 . . . was left like this instead: val01 = 100 ; this is a comment val02 = 1.23
bf64866f -
Sylvester Joosten authored
Crude PARAM file checker + fixed PARAM files See merge request !7
00758760 -
Sylvester Joosten authored
Fixed default arguments for SHMS def files See merge request !5
- CALIBRATION/ 474 additions, 0 deletionsCALIBRATION/
- DATFILES/hms_newfit_poltar.dat 158 additions, 462 deletionsDATFILES/hms_newfit_poltar.dat
- DATFILES/newfit_global_zbin_allA1n.dat 219 additions, 0 deletionsDATFILES/newfit_global_zbin_allA1n.dat
- PARAM/HMS/CAL/hcal_calib_phase1_2.param 3 additions, 2 deletionsPARAM/HMS/CAL/hcal_calib_phase1_2.param
- PARAM/HMS/CAL/hcal_calib_phase3.param 3 additions, 2 deletionsPARAM/HMS/CAL/hcal_calib_phase3.param
- PARAM/HMS/CER/hcer_geom.param 2 additions, 2 deletionsPARAM/HMS/CER/hcer_geom.param
- PARAM/SHMS/AERO/paero_calib.param 2 additions, 2 deletionsPARAM/SHMS/AERO/paero_calib.param
- PARAM/SHMS/AERO/paero_calib_after_aerogel_change_011.param 2 additions, 2 deletionsPARAM/SHMS/AERO/paero_calib_after_aerogel_change_011.param
- PARAM/SHMS/CAL/pcal_calib.param 12 additions, 12 deletionsPARAM/SHMS/CAL/pcal_calib.param
- PARAM/SHMS/CAL/pcal_calib_6619.param 30 additions, 30 deletionsPARAM/SHMS/CAL/pcal_calib_6619.param
- PARAM/SHMS/CAL/pcal_calib_7109.param 3 additions, 3 deletionsPARAM/SHMS/CAL/pcal_calib_7109.param
- PARAM/SHMS/CAL/pcal_calib_9589.param 3 additions, 3 deletionsPARAM/SHMS/CAL/pcal_calib_9589.param
- PARAM/SHMS/GEN/pcana.param 3 additions, 3 deletionsPARAM/SHMS/GEN/pcana.param
- PARAM/SHMS/GEN/ptracking.param 1 addition, 2 deletionsPARAM/SHMS/GEN/ptracking.param
- PARAM/SHMS/GEN/shmsflags.param 1 addition, 1 deletionPARAM/SHMS/GEN/shmsflags.param
- PARAM/SHMS/HGCER/phgcer_geom.param 2 additions, 2 deletionsPARAM/SHMS/HGCER/phgcer_geom.param
- PARAM/SHMS/HODO/phodo_calib.param 258 additions, 258 deletionsPARAM/SHMS/HODO/phodo_calib.param
- SCRIPTS/src/replay_shms.cxx 2 additions, 2 deletionsSCRIPTS/src/replay_shms.cxx
0 → 100755
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0 → 100644
This diff is collapsed.