#include <string>
void _rootlogon() {
// ensure we have format loaded. Should be able to move to C++20 fmt library
// some point in the future
// check if we requested a special build directory through the environment,
const char* build_dir_from_env = gSystem->Getenv("ROOT_BUILD_TMPDIR");
const std::string build_dir = build_dir_from_env ? build_dir_from_env : "$PWD/.root_build_dir";
// ensure the build directory exists to avoid crashes due to it missing
// note: in principle this allows us to execute arbitrary code, but seeing
// as this can only be manipulated through the shell environment in the
// first place this should not be a safety concern.
const std::string mkdir = "mkdir -p " + build_dir;

Melanie Cardona
// Communicate what build directory we are using
std::cout << "---> Setting ACLiC build directory to: " << build_dir << "\n\n";
// Make the ROOT build process use a flat build directory by setting
// second arg to kTRUE. This avoids an apparent race condition in ROOT
// associated with child directory creation in the default 'kFALSE' mode.
// The default mode will work correctly on the 2nd execution. OK for
// interactive use, but not great for the Farm environment.
gSystem->SetBuildDir(build_dir.c_str(), kTRUE);
// Ensure we have our environment setup
gROOT->ProcessLine(".include /usr/local/include/hcana");
gROOT->ProcessLine(".include SCRIPTS/include");
gROOT->ProcessLine(".include .");
// Some basic plotting setup
// Load extra ROOT libraries, TODO check if this is still
// needed in the newer ROOT versions we are using.