Simulation for the Linear Collider (SLIC) - Geant4 simulation application
SLIC is a C++ application that is built using the standard GCC compiler toolchain and the CMake build generation system.
Required Tools
- gcc 4.8 or greater (prob 4.9 or greater is preferable)
- You cannot use the default gcc on RHE6 or similarly old distros so you would need to install one yourself or use a dev toolset.
- CMake ~3.0 or greater (tested with 3.6)
Initial Setup
You will create a build directory where all the required packages are configured and compiled.
Create the build directory within your slic project directory:
mkdir build
All build commands will be executed from within this build directory (not from the slic project directory).
Basic Build Instructions
The SLIC build system is able to download and install all dependencies for the project if they are not found on your system.
Start by executing CMake from the build dir:
cd slic/build
cmake ..
If no directory arguments are provided that point to locally installed packages, you will see a message stating "Some dependencies were not found." This is not an error, but to complete the build you will need to build these dependencies and then rerun CMake so they are resolved.
To build the dependencies, execute the following:
Once this is done, then you need to rerun cmake ..
from the build directory. If the dependencies all installed successfully, then the message "All dependencies were found." should print. Now you can just type make; make install
to complete the build using these installed dependencies.
The default installation directory for SLIC and its dependencies is ~/slic
which you can change by providing an argument -DGLOBAL_INSTALL_DIR=/my/install/dir
to the CMake command.
Specifying Dependencies
You may also have one or more of SLIC's dependencies installed locally, which you can use in your build by providing CMake with their root directories.
For instance, to use your own Geant4 installation, the command would be something like the following:
cmake -DGeant4_DIR=/path/to/geant4/lib64/Geant4-10.3.1/ ..
This table shows the full list of dependency variables accepted by SLIC:
Dependency | Variable |
Geant4 | Geant4_DIR |
Xerces C++ | XERCES_DIR |
Instructions for manually installing these dependencies are given below.
Running SLIC
The build system generates a shell script that will setup the necessary environment for running the application:
source /scratch/slic/install/slic/bin/
Now you can run the executable from the command line:
slic [options]
Print the help menu:
slic --help
An actual command might look something like:
slic -g mygeom.lcdd -i events.stdhep -m commands.mac -r 10
Read the help to get an idea of the actual commands that are available.
Installing Dependencies Manually
This section covers in detail the manual installation of SLIC's dependencies.
These procedures are entirely optional, as running cmake
without providing paths to pre-installed dependencies will cause them to be installed automatically.
Download the 10.3.p01 tarball from the Geant4 website and untar it or you may clone a tag from the Geant4 github.
cd geant4.10.03.p01; mkdir build; cd build
cmake -DGEANT4_INSTALL_DATA=ON -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$install_dir/geant4 ..
make -j4
make install
git clone lcio
cd lcio; mkdir build
cmake -DINSTALL_DOC=OFF -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$install_dir/lcio ..
make -j4
make install
tar -zxvf HepPDT-3.04.01.tar.gz
cd HepPDT-3.04.01
./configure --prefix=/u/ey/jeremym/hps-dev/slic/install/heppdt .. --disable-static
make install
./configure --prefix=/u/ey/jeremym/hps-dev/slic/install/xerces
make install
git clone
cd gdml; mkdir build; cd build
cmake -DGeant4_DIR=/u/ey/jeremym/hps-dev/slic/install/geant4/lib64/Geant4-10.3.1/ -DXERCES_DIR=/u/ey/jeremym/hps-dev/slic/install/xerces/ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/u/ey/jeremym/hps-dev/slic/install/gdml ..
make -j4 install
git clone
cd lcdd; mkdir build; cd build
cmake -DINSTALL_DOC=OFF -DGeant4_DIR=$install_dir/geant4/lib64/Geant4-10.3.1/ -DGDML_DIR=$install_dir/gdml -DXERCES_DIR=$install_dir/xerces -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$install_dir/gdml ..
make -j4 install
cmake -DINSTALL_DOC=OFF -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$install_dir/slic -DXERCES_DIR=$install_dir/xerces -DLCIO_DIR=$install_dir/lcio/ -DGeant4_DIR=$install_dir/geant4/lib64/Geant4-10.3.1/ -DGDML_DIR=$install_dir/gdml/ -DHEPPDT_DIR=$install_dir/heppdt -DLCDD_DIR=$install_dir/lcdd ..