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ForwardRICH_geo.cpp 7.96 KiB
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//  Forward Ring Imaging Cherenkov Detector
// Author: C. Peng (ANL)
// Date: 09/30/2020

#include <XML/Helper.h>
#include "TMath.h"
#include "TString.h"
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Chao Peng committed
#include "ref_utils.h"
#include "Math/Point2D.h"
#include "DDRec/Surface.h"
#include "DDRec/DetectorData.h"
#include "DD4hep/OpticalSurfaces.h"
#include "DD4hep/DetFactoryHelper.h"
#include "DD4hep/Printout.h"

using namespace std;
using namespace dd4hep;
using namespace dd4hep::rec;

// create the detector
static Ref_t createDetector(Detector& desc, xml::Handle_t handle, SensitiveDetector sens)
    xml::DetElement detElem = handle;

    std::string detName = detElem.nameStr();
    int detID =;

    DetElement det(detName, detID);
    xml::Component dims = detElem.dimensions();
    xml::Component rads = detElem.child(_Unicode(radiator));
    xml::Component mir = detElem.child(_Unicode(mirror));
    xml::Component mcp = detElem.child(_Unicode(mcppmt));
    xml::Component tank = detElem.child(_Unicode(tank));

    // dimensions
    double z0 = dims.z0();
    double length = dims.length();
    double rmin = dims.rmin();
    double rmax0 = dims.attr<double>(_Unicode(rmax0));
    double rmax1 = dims.attr<double>(_Unicode(rmax1));
    double rmax2 = dims.attr<double>(_Unicode(rmax2));
    double snout_length = dims.attr<double>(_Unicode(snout_length));

    // mirror setting
    auto mThick = mir.thickness();
    auto mirZ = mir.attr<double>(_Unicode(z0));

    // mcppmt setting
    auto pRmin = mcp.rmin();
    auto pRmax = mcp.rmax();
    auto pThick = mcp.thickness();
    auto pSize = mcp.attr<double>(_Unicode(module_size));
    auto pGap = mcp.attr<double>(_Unicode(module_gap));
    auto pTol = mcp.attr<double>(_Unicode(rtol));
    auto pZ = mcp.attr<double>(_Unicode(z0));

    // tank parameters
    double tank_length = length - snout_length;

    // materials
    auto mirMat = desc.material(mir.materialStr());
    auto gasMat = desc.material(rads.materialStr());
    auto mcpMat = desc.material(mcp.materialStr());

    double front_offset = snout_length+tank_length/2.0;

    auto richCenterAngle = std::atan((rmin + (rmax1 - rmin)/2.)/(front_offset+mirZ));
    //std::cout << richCenterAngle*180./M_PI << std::endl;

    // an envelope for the detector
    // use a complicated shape to avoid conflict with the other parts
    // cone for radiator and the first set of mirrors
    double halfLength = length/2.;
    Cone env1(snout_length/2.0, rmin, rmax0, rmin, rmax1);
    // envelope for detection plane
    // Cone env2(halfLength - pZ/2., rmin, pRmax, rmin, rmax2);
    Tube env2(rmin, pRmax + pTol + pGap + 1.0*cm, tank_length/2., 0., 2*M_PI);
    UnionSolid envShape(env2, env1, Position(0., 0., -tank_length/2.-snout_length/2));

    Volume envVol(detName + "_envelope", envShape, gasMat);

    // ---------------
    // spherical mirrors inside it
    int ilayer = 1;

    // optical surface
    OpticalSurfaceManager surfMgr = desc.surfaceManager();
    OpticalSurface mirSurf  = surfMgr.opticalSurface("MirrorOpticalSurface");
    // mirror slices
    int imod = 1;
    for (xml::Collection_t sl(mir, _Unicode(slice)); sl; ++sl, ++imod) {
        auto focus = sl.attr<double>(_Unicode(focus));
        auto wphi = sl.attr<double>(_Unicode(phiw));
        auto rotZ = sl.attr<double>(_Unicode(rotz));
        auto mRmin = sl.attr<double>(_Unicode(rmin));
        auto mRmax = sl.attr<double>(_Unicode(rmax));
        double curve = 0.;
        if (sl.hasAttr(_Unicode(curve))) {
            curve = sl.attr<double>(_Unicode(curve));
        // geometry of mirror slice
        PlacedVolume mirPV;
        Volume mirVol(Form("mirror_v_dummy%d", imod));
        // spherical mirror
        if (curve > 0.) {
            // somehow geant4 does not support -wphi/2. to wphi/2., so additonal rotation in Z
            double mTheta1 = std::asin(mRmin/curve);
            double mTheta2 = std::asin(mRmax/curve);
            double rotY = -std::asin(focus/curve);
            mirVol.setSolid(Sphere(curve, curve + mThick, mTheta1*1.01, mTheta2*0.99, 0., wphi));
            // action is in a reverse order
            Transform3D tr = Translation3D(0., 0., mirZ - front_offset)   // move for z position
                           * RotationZ(rotZ)                            // rotate phi angle
                           * RotationY(rotY)                            // rotate for focus point
                           * RotationX(180*degree)
                           * Translation3D(0., 0., -curve)              // move spherical shell to origin
                           * RotationZ(-wphi/2.);                       // center phi angle to 0. (-wphi/2., wphi/2.)
            mirPV = envVol.placeVolume(mirVol, tr);
        // plane mirror
        } else {
            mirVol.setSolid(Tube(mRmin, mRmax, mThick/2.0, 0., wphi));
            Transform3D tr = Translation3D(0., 0., mirZ - front_offset)   // move for z position
                           * RotationZ(rotZ)                            // rotate phi angle
                           * RotationZ(-wphi/2.);                       // center phi angle to 0. (-wphi/2., wphi/2.)
            mirPV = envVol.placeVolume(mirVol, tr);
        mirPV.addPhysVolID("layer", ilayer).addPhysVolID("module", imod);
        DetElement mirDE(det, Form("Mirror_DE%d", imod), imod);
        SkinSurface mirSurfBorder(desc, mirDE, Form("RICHmirror%d", imod), mirSurf, mirVol);

    // ---------------
    // photo-detector unit
    // Fill the photo-detection plane with square shape MCP-PMTs
    Box mcpShape1(pSize/2.0, pSize/2.0, pThick/2.0);
    Volume mcpVol1("mcppmt_v_material", mcpShape1, mcpMat);

    // a thin layer of cherenkov gas for accepting optical photons
    Box mcpShape(pSize/2.0, pSize/2.0, pThick/2.0 + 0.1*mm);
    Volume mcpVol("mcppmt_v", mcpShape, gasMat);
    mcpVol.placeVolume(mcpVol1, Position(0., 0., -0.1*mm));


    // photo-detector plane envelope
    for (size_t ipd = 0; ipd < 6; ++ipd) {
        double phmin = -M_PI/6.5; // added 0.5 to make it smaller
        double phmax = M_PI/6.5;
        Tube pdEnvShape(pRmin - pTol - pGap, pRmax + pTol + pGap, pThick/2.0 + 0.1*cm, phmin, phmax);
        Volume pdVol("pd_envelope", pdEnvShape, desc.material("AirOptical"));
        auto points = ref::utils::fillSquares({0., 0.}, pSize + pGap, pRmin + pTol + pGap, pRmax + pTol + pGap, phmin, phmax);
        for (size_t i = 0; i < points.size(); ++i) {
            auto pt = points[i];
            auto mcpPV = pdVol.placeVolume(mcpVol, Position(pt.x(), pt.y(), 0.));
            mcpPV.addPhysVolID("layer", ilayer).addPhysVolID("module", i + 1);
            DetElement mcpDE(det, Form("MCPPMT_DE%d_%d", ipd + 1, i + 1), i + 1);
        Transform3D tr = Translation3D(0., 0., -front_offset + pZ + pThick/2.0)   // move for z position
                        * RotationZ(ipd*M_PI/3.)        // rotate phi angle
                        * RotationY(-richCenterAngle);  // rotate to perpendicular position
        auto pdPV = envVol.placeVolume(pdVol, tr);
        pdPV.addPhysVolID("layer", ilayer).addPhysVolID("piece", ipd + 1);
    Volume motherVol = desc.pickMotherVolume(det);
    PlacedVolume envPV = motherVol.placeVolume(envVol, Position(0, 0, z0 + front_offset));
    envPV.addPhysVolID("system", detID);

    return det;

// clang-format off
DECLARE_DETELEMENT(refdet_ForwardRICH, createDetector)