Initially we will just be using the first repo. So we will com back to the latter two later on.
In part 1 of the tutorial we will be mostly using files from a tutorial repo.
Later on, we will com back to these detector repositories.
## Step 4: Looking at the geometry
Before moving on to part 1, let's generate the geometry in a root file:
cd athena
dd_web_display --export athena.xml
This will generate the file `detector_geometry.root`, which you should copy to your local machine.
Then open the [web viewer](, click on the `...` and open the local root file.
Or if you want to skip this just [click here to view the latest detector](;1&opt=clipxyz;transp30;zoom75;ROTY290;ROTZ350;trz0;trr0;ctrl;all&).