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Tutorial Part 1

  * [Introduction](#introduction)
  * [How to build a detector from scratch](#how-to-build-a-detector-from-scratch)
    + [Compiling a new detector](#compiling-a-new-detector)
    + [Building the geometry](#building-the-geometry)
      - [Compact detector description entry element](#compact-detector-description-entry-element)
      - [Geometry Construction](#geometry-construction)
        * [XML Parsing Tip : Provide good default values](#xml-parsing-tip--provide-good-default-values)
      - [Critical parts of build_detector](#critical-parts-of-build_detector)
  * [The Readout and Bit Fields](#the-readout-and-bit-fields)
  * [Simple Reconstruction Overview of scripts](#simple-reconstruction-overview-of-scripts)
    + [Dependencies](#dependencies)
    + [Running the scripts](#running-the-scripts)
    + [To Do](#to-do)


To a newcomer it might not be immediately clear why a *generic detector 
library* based on `dd4hep` is a good solution to the 'simulation and 
reconstruction geometry problem'. However, with the following examples we 
intend to show how generic detector libraries can be used to access the 
geometry information in simulation and reconstruction. 

We try to emphasize in the following examples that dd4hep (plus a data model) 
allows the software components to be only loosely decoupled. This allows for a 
'no framework' framework approach where the emphasis is on the underlying 
algorithms used (or being designed). Furthermore, using ROOT's TDataframe, the 
details of each task are made manifest.

Furthermore, the 'no framework' framework allows for the each step to be 
executed using any tool available, however, the IO and data model should be 

How to build a detector from scratch

Building a new (generic) detector using dd4hep is rather straight forward if we 
make the following assumptions.

1. We will use the built-in sensitive detectors
2. We will use the built-in data model (hits) associated with these detectors

These items can be customized by using the DD4hep plugin mechanism. This will 
be covered in another tutorial.

### Compiling a new detector

For this tutorial we will build a simplified Roman Pot detector.
We will discuss the detector built in the source file
To compile this detector into the GenericDetectors library the detector needs 
to be added to the list of sources in the cmake file 

dd4hep_add_plugin(${a_lib_name} SOURCES
  src/SimpleRomanPot_geo.cpp # add this line

###  Building the geometry

The work of defining the detector is done in a function (here called 
`build_detector`) that is registered using the DD4hep plugin macro 

static Ref_t build_detector(Detector& dtor, xml_h e, SensitiveDetector sens)
  xml_det_t   x_det     = e;
  Material    air       = dtor.air();
DECLARE_DETELEMENT(SimpleRomanPot, build_detector)

The argument signature of the `build_detector` is:
- `Detector& dtor`: This handle provides the main hook to the detector tree (`dd4hep::Detector`).
- `xml_h e`: Handle to the XML `<detector>` tag associated with the detector in 
  the "compact" detector description file (more on this later). This provides 
  the mechanism for feeding in the run-time construction parameters. 
- `SensitiveDetector sens`: The sensitive detector to be assigned to the 
  sensitive volumes/elements of the detector. 

The DD4hep plugin macro `DECLARE_DETELEMENT(SimpleRomanPot, build_detector)` 
stamps out the necessary boiler plate code to register a new detector called 
`SimpleRomanPot` which is build by calling `build_detector`.

#### Compact detector description entry element

The `<detector>` tag defines a new instance of a detector and requires the 
attributes "id", "name", and "type". For example:

<detector id="1" name="MyRomanPot" type="SimpleRomanPot"
          vis="RedVis" readout="RomanPotHits" zoffset="1.0*m">

This defines an instance of the detector named "MyRomanPot" of type 
"SimpleRomanPot" (i.e. the type-name given in the first argument of the DD4hep 
`DECLARE_DETELEMENT` macro) and with id=1. The additional attributes (vis, 
readout, zoffset) will are optional.

The detector tag is provided as the second argument in the `build_detector` 
function. It can be parsed *how ever you want* in order to extract detector 
information. The allowed attributes are listed in 
where it is clear how to add new attributes.

#### Geometry Construction

If you are familiar with Geant4 or TGeo geometry construction then this will be 
easy. DD4hep has TGeo under hood but there are a few naming tweaks. The 
following table will help orient the user. 

| *DD4hep*       |   *Geant4*        | *TGeo |
| ------       | --------        | ---- |
| Solid        | G4VSolid        | TGeoShape |
| Volume       | G4LogicalVolume | TGeoVolume |
| PlacedVolume | G4PVPlacement   | TGeoNode |
| Element      | G4Element       | TGeoElement |
| Material     | G4Material      | TGeoMaterial/TGeoMedium|

##### XML Parsing Tip : Provide good default values

If you have a detector parameter which we later will tweak (while optimizing 
the design) try to get the value from the xml element but provide a good 
default value.  For example:

double radius = ( x_det.hasAttr(_Unicode(radius)) ) ?  x_det.attr<double>(_Unicode(radius)) : 5.0*dd4hep::cm;

This provides a default radius of 5 cm when `x_det` does not have a "radius" 
attribute defined. We will return to this later. 

####  Critical parts of build_detector

We will now look at parts of the source file `src/GenericDetectors/src/SimpleRomanPot_geo.cpp`.

static Ref_t build_detector(Detector& dtor, xml_h e, SensitiveDetector sens)
  xml_det_t   x_det     = e;
  Material    air       = dtor.air();
  Material    carbon    = dtor.material("CarbonFiber");
  Material    silicon   = dtor.material("SiliconOxide");
  Material    aluminum  = dtor.material("Aluminum");
  Material    vacuum    = dtor.material("Vacuum");
  Material supp_mat     = carbon;
  Material sens_mat     = silicon;
  int           det_id   =;      // id=1
  string        det_name = x_det.nameStr(); // "MyRomanPot"

Here we are grabbing the materials that are assumed to be already defined. Also 
we are getting the detector id and name defined in the `detector` tag.

Next we define an [Assembly 
Here we also stumble upon the important class 
It is a means of providing the detector hierarchy/tree, but doesn't necessarily 
have to map exactly to detector geometry. However, it typically will typically 
parallel the geometry (and probably should).

  string  module_name = "RomanPot";
  Assembly    assembly(det_name + "_assembly");
  DetElement  sdet(    det_name, det_id);
The last line sets the `SensitiveDetector sens` argument to be the tracker type 
(which is a DD4hep built-in). We will soon assign this to sensitive volumes.  
`sdet` is associated with the mother detector element by the constructor which 
looks up the detector name (here "MyRomanPot").

  double z_offset  = (x_det.hasAttr(_Unicode(zoffset))) ? x_det.attr<double>(_Unicode(zoffset)) : 0.0;
  double thickness  = (x_det.hasAttr(_Unicode(thickness))) ? x_det.attr<double>(_Unicode(thickness)) : 0.01*dd4hep::cm;
Here we grab attributes and provide default values. We continue with default 
values that could also be define through attributes, however, we will want to 
add child elements of the detector tag (so the attributes does not grow too 

  double rp_chamber_thickness = 5.0*dd4hep::mm;
  double rp_chamber_radius    = 5.0*dd4hep::cm;
  double rp_chamber_length    = 50.0*dd4hep::cm;
  Tube    rp_beam_pipe_tube(rp_chamber_radius, rp_chamber_radius+rp_chamber_thickness, rp_chamber_length/2.0);
  Tube    rp_beam_vacuum_tube(0.0, rp_chamber_radius+rp_chamber_thickness, rp_chamber_length/2.0);
  Tube    rp_beam_vacuum_tube2(0.0, rp_chamber_radius, rp_chamber_length/2.0);

  double rp_detector_tube_radius    = 2.5*dd4hep::cm;
  double rp_detector_tube_length    = 20.0*dd4hep::cm;
  Tube    rp_detector_tube(rp_detector_tube_radius, rp_detector_tube_radius+rp_chamber_thickness, rp_detector_tube_length/2.0);
  Tube    rp_detector_vacuum_tube(0.0, rp_detector_tube_radius+rp_chamber_thickness, rp_detector_tube_length/2.0);
  Tube    rp_detector_vacuum_tube2(0.0, rp_detector_tube_radius, rp_detector_tube_length/2.0);

  ROOT::Math::Rotation3D rot_X( ROOT::Math::RotationX(M_PI/2.0) );
  ROOT::Math::Rotation3D rot_Y( ROOT::Math::RotationY(M_PI/2.0) );

  UnionSolid rp_chamber_tee1(rp_beam_vacuum_tube, rp_detector_vacuum_tube, rot_X);
  UnionSolid rp_chamber_tee12(rp_chamber_tee1, rp_detector_vacuum_tube, rot_Y);

  UnionSolid rp_chamber_tee2(rp_beam_vacuum_tube2, rp_detector_vacuum_tube2, rot_X);
  UnionSolid rp_chamber_tee22(rp_chamber_tee2, rp_detector_vacuum_tube2, rot_Y);

  SubtractionSolid  sub1(rp_chamber_tee12,rp_chamber_tee22);
  Volume  rp_chamber_vol("rp_chamber_walls_vol", sub1, aluminum);
  Volume  rp_vacuum_vol("rp_chamber_vacuum_vol", rp_chamber_tee22, vacuum);
The above code builds the up the two solids associated with 3 tubes 
intersecting. One volume is the aluminum vacuum chamber walls and the other is 
the vacuum contained within this envelope.

Next we must place these two volumes in the assembly volume (which is just an 
empty container-like volume.  The PlacedVolume is then associated with a 
BitFieldValue  in the readout's BitField64 readout string.  In this case the 
"layer" BitFieldValue. The BitField64 is used to construct unique VolumeIDs and 
CellIDs for PlacedVolumes and Segmentations  respectively.

  PlacedVolume pv;
  pv = assembly.placeVolume( rp_chamber_vol );
  pv = assembly.placeVolume( rp_vacuum_vol );
  pv.addPhysVolID( "layer", 2 );

Set the PlacedVolume BitFieldValue ID. "2" in this case.

  double supp_x_half         = 1.0*dd4hep::cm;
  double supp_y_half         = 1.0*dd4hep::cm;
  double supp_thickness      = 1.0*dd4hep::mm;
  double supp_gap_half_width = 1.0*dd4hep::mm;
  double sens_thickness      = 0.1*dd4hep::mm;

  Box supp_box( supp_x_half,     supp_y_half,     supp_thickness/2.0 );
  Box sens_box( supp_x_half-supp_gap_half_width, supp_y_half-supp_gap_half_width, sens_thickness/2.0 );


Next we define vectors which are used to define a "surface" (which will later 
generate simulation tracker hits).

  // create a measurement plane for the tracking surface attched to the sensitive volume
  Vector3D u( 1. , 0. , 0. ) ;
  Vector3D v( 0. , 1. , 0. ) ;
  Vector3D n( 0. , 0. , 1. ) ;
  //Vector3D o( 0. , 0. , 0. ) ;

  // compute the inner and outer thicknesses that need to be assigned to the tracking surface
  // depending on wether the support is above or below the sensor
  // The tracking surface is used in reconstruction. It provides  material thickness
  // and radation lengths needed for various algorithms, routines, etc.
  double inner_thickness = supp_thickness/2.0;
  double outer_thickness = supp_thickness/2.0;
  double z_shift  = 5.0*dd4hep::mm;
  double xy_shift = 15.0*dd4hep::mm;

  SurfaceType type( SurfaceType::Sensitive ) ;

We now define a simple rectangular pixel sensor. This will be the first of 
four:  two will come in along the x axis and two along the y axis.

  // ------------- x1
  Volume      support1_vol( "xsenseor_supp", supp_box, supp_mat  );
  Volume      sensor1_vol(  "xsenseor_sens", sens_box, sens_mat );
  VolPlane    surf1( sensor1_vol, type, inner_thickness , outer_thickness, u,v,n);
The code above builds two volumes one which will contain the sensitive volume.  
The sensitive volume is assigned to be a sensitive detector.

  DetElement layer1_DE( sdet, "layer1_DE", 1 );
  pv = rp_vacuum_vol.placeVolume( support1_vol, Position(xy_shift,0, -z_shift) );
  pv.addPhysVolID("layer", 1 );  
  layer1_DE.setPlacement( pv ) ;
The above creates a new DetElement, places the support volume in the vacuum, 
sets this PlacedVolume to associate with the layer bitfield, and adds the PV to 
the DetElement. Note the DetElement is constructed with the parent element 
(sdet) being the first argument. In this way it is clear we are building,  
(semi-)parallel to the geometry, a detector element hierarchy.

  DetElement  mod1(  layer1_DE , "module_1", 1 );
  pv = support1_vol.placeVolume(sensor1_vol, Position(0,0,0));
  pv.addPhysVolID("module", 1 );  
  mod1.setPlacement( pv );
This creates the module DetElement and places the sensitive volume in the 
support volume (already placed). It also assocates the pv with the module 
bitfield and then adds the PV to the DetElement.

The above is repeated for the three remaining sensitive elements. 

Finally we get the top level volume to place the assemble volume.  Note we are 
using the zoffset. This PV is then associated with the top level "system" 

  pv = dtor.pickMotherVolume(sdet).placeVolume(assembly, Position(0,0,z_offset));
  pv.addPhysVolID("system", det_id);      // Set the subdetector system ID.

  assembly->GetShape()->ComputeBBox() ;
  return sdet;


The Readout and Bit Fields

Simple Reconstruction Overview of scripts

In the examples here we use ROOT and the LCIO data model.
The following scripts should be executed in order:

1. `run_example` : bash script that runs `ddsim` with the Geant4 macro file 
   `gps.mac` and the input geometry defined in `gem_tracker_disc.xml`.
2. `scripts/example_hit_position.cxx` : ROOT script showing how to use both the 
   "segmentation" and "surface" geometry to get the hit position information. 
3. `scripts/example_cell_size.cxx` : ROOT script showing how information about 
   the geometry beyond the position.
4. `scripts/example_digi.cxx` : ROOT script performing a crude digitization of 
   gem tracker hits.
5. `scripts/example_hit_recon.cxx` : ROOT script that shows how to to use 
   dd4hep to lookup a 'segment' (cell) position based on the unique cellID 
   attached to the hit object.
6. `scripts/example_tracking.cxx` : ROOT script showing how to use the 
   `GenFind` finding library along with `GenFit` to produce tracks.

### Dependencies

There are some library dependencies:

- DD4hep
- lcgeo
- GenFind
- GenFit
- NPdet

### Running the scripts

root scripts/example_digi.cxx++
root scripts/example_hit_position.cxx++ # no output
root scripts/example_cell_size.cxx++    # no output
root scripts/example_hit_recon.cxx++
root scripts/example_tracking.cxx++

### To Do

- Show how to build a detector
- Finish track fitting script.
- Create example for basic PFA usage