Project Juggler
Concurrent event processor for NP experiments, based on the Gaudi framework.
- v5.x requires Gaudi v36+, ACTS v15.1+, DD4hep 1.17+, NPdet v1.0+ and eicd v1.1+
- v4.x requires Gaudi v36+, ACTS v13+, DD4hep 1.17+, NPdet v1.0+ and eicd v1.1+
- v3.6 requires Gaudi v36+, ACTS v13+, DD4hep 1.17+, NPdet v1.0.0 and eicd v0.9.0
- v3.5 requires Gaudi v36+, ACTS v13+, DD4hep 1.17+, NPdet v0.9.0, eicd v0.8.0
- v3.4 requires Gaudi v36+, ACTS v8.2+, DD4hep 1.17+, NPdet v0.9.0, eicd v0.8.0
- v3.0 requires Gaudi v35+, ACTS v8.1+, DD4hep 1.17+, NPdet v0.7.0 eicd v0.5.0
- v2.0 requires Gaudi v35+, ACTS v8.1+, DD4hep 1.17+ and eicd v0.2.0
- v1.8 requires Gaudi v33-34, ACTS 8.1+, DD4hep 1.16.1+ and eicd v0.2.0
- v1.5 requires Gaudi v33-34, ACTS 8.1 and DD4hep 1.16.1
- Juggler Base
- Digitization Algorithms
- Hit Reconstruction Algorithms
- Tracking Algorithms
- PID Algorithms
Internal Units
The juggler internal units are (GeV
, mm
, ns
, and radians
Running Juggler
Here is an example for topside
./scripts/ -i inputevents.hepmc -o output_events.root -n 10
../where_ever/../juggler/build/run options/
Outline of tracking and vertexing
The ACTS way of tracking
First, the geometry has to be constructed. Assuming this is already done, we describe the data processing.
Source Links and Measurements
Tracker Hit + Geometry --> Measurement
Hit CellID + Surface --> Source Link
A SourceLinker
is an algorithm that looks up the surface and maps it to the hit's cellID
Naturally the same algorithm outputs measurements which are also mapped to the hit and contain the position
and sensor size information (via covariance matrix).
Proto tracks
Both track finding and fitting will use the information contained in the source links and measurements.
Track finding produces proto tracks
or groupings of hits. Each proto track is simply a std::vector<int>
storing the index of the
hits associated with a track seed.
Initial Track parameters and Seeding
A Kalman filter needs a starting point and those are the Initial Track Parameters
. These can be determined many different ways.
Conceptually the process of determining these parameters begins with track seeding.