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Whitney Armstrong's avatar
Whitney Armstrong authored
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TOPSiDE Detector concept


Quick start

./scripts/  -i ../test_data/eic_upsilon.hepmc   -o derp.root -n 100 


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Detector views

Views of the Geometry

Dawn generated views

There are a number of "view" directories in scripts which generate a view using dawn and dawn cut

  • view1 : side view of detector
  • view2 : z slices of detector at different z locations
  • view3 : ...
  • view6 : z slices for each layer of the silicon tracker endcaps
  • view7 : z slices for the silicon vertex tracker

Generate the .prim file

The following runs the simulation with a macro that produces a dawn prim file.

./scripts/                    \
         -i ../test_data/eic_upsilon.hepmc  \
         -o derp.root -n 1 --ui tcsh --vis  \ 
         -m macro/dawn_picture.mac 

The output file takes the form g4_0001.prim if there is already a g4_0000.prim, and so on.

DAWN is configured with the .DAWN_1.default which is unique to a directory. Because of this per directory configuration, there is a separate view for each generated image -- at least for now.

Tips and Tricks

Tunnel browser via SSH socks proxy

This will use chromium web browser and a socks proxy to tunnel web traffic from a remote host. This makes it seem like you are running a web browser on the remote host. Note this requires the chromium web browser.

From your laptop we will use the chromium-proxy script:

./bin/chromium-proxy -h
USAGE: ./bin/chromium-proxy [-p <PROXY_PORT>] [-n <PROFILE_NAME>] [-s SSH_HOST]
       -s,--host      ssh host. Default: sodium
       -p,--port      Proxy port number. Default: 8020
       -n,--profile   Profile name to use. Sets profile directory to ~/.proxy-profiles/PROFILE_NAME

    ./bin/chromium-proxy -p 8020 -n sodium sodium

Here are the steps:

  1. In an ssh session on the remote machine, run the dd_web_display server. In this case we use sodium with IP address of
dd_web_display -p 9999 -H topside.xml

Note that the IP address is needed and not the hostname. Just type ip a if you need the IP address.

  1. In a local terminal Open the tunnel and browser with the helper script:
./bin/chromium-proxy -p 8920 sodium
  1. In the browser window, navigate to .


Looking at the detector