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  • Wouter Deconinck's avatar
    doc: fix dead links in README (#488) · 16f060af
    Wouter Deconinck authored
    ### Briefly, what does this PR introduce?
    This fixes the dead links to the tgeo (brycecanyon.root ->
    epic_brycecanyon.root) and constants toml/out (epic_brycecanyon.out ->
    The latter could have been caught by a link checker after the website
    deploy, but the first is working but simply doesn't load the correct
    geometry file (or any geometry file at all).
    ### What kind of change does this PR introduce?
    - [x] Bug fix (issue: dead links)
    - [ ] New feature (issue #__)
    - [ ] Documentation update
    - [ ] Other: __
    ### Please check if this PR fulfills the following:
    - [ ] Tests for the changes have been added
    - [ ] Documentation has been added / updated
    - [ ] Changes have been communicated to collaborators
    ### Does this PR introduce breaking changes? What changes might users
    need to make to their code?
    ### Does this PR change default behavior?