Whitney Armstrong authored
Squashed commit from Marshall new file: ci_GEM.xml new file: compact/ci_GEM.xml new file: compact/ci_HCAL.xml modified: compact/definitions.xml modified: compact/display.xml modified: compact/materials.xml modified: reference_detector.xml modified: src/cb_CTD_Si.cpp new file: src/ci_GEM.cpp new file: src/ci_HCAL.cpp
Whitney Armstrong authoredSquashed commit from Marshall new file: ci_GEM.xml new file: compact/ci_GEM.xml new file: compact/ci_HCAL.xml modified: compact/definitions.xml modified: compact/display.xml modified: compact/materials.xml modified: reference_detector.xml modified: src/cb_CTD_Si.cpp new file: src/ci_GEM.cpp new file: src/ci_HCAL.cpp
ci_GEM.xml 3.27 KiB
<lccdd xmlns:compact="http://www.lcsim.org/schemas/compact/1.0"
<!-- Some information about detector -->
<info name="Central Ion GEM" title="Central Ion GEM"
author="Marshall Scott"
version="v1 2021-03-23">
<comment>Central Ion GEM</comment>
<!-- Use DD4hep elements and materials definitions -->
<constant name="ci_GEM_id" value="1">
<constant name="ci_GEM_rin" value="10 * cm">
<constant name="ci_GEM_rout" value="95 * cm">
<constant name="ci_GEM_sizez" value="30 * cm">
<constant name="ci_GEM_shiftz" value="0 * cm">
<constant name="ci_GEM_posz" value="0 * cm">
<constant name="ci_GEM_posx" value="0 * cm">
<constant name="ci_GEM_nlayers" value="8">
<!-- Define detector -->
Central Ion GEM
<detector id="ci_GEM_id" name="ci_GEM" type="ci_GEM" insideTrackingVolume="false" vis="ci_GEMVis" readout="ci_GEM_Hits">
<material name="Ar10CO2"/>
<comment> position of the front face of the detector </comment>
<position x="0" y="0" z="SiliconTrackerOuterBarrel_zmax"/>
<dimensions rmin="ci_GEM_rin" rmax="ci_GEM_rout" z_length="ci_GEM_sizez" z_offset="ci_GEM_shiftz" z="ci_GEM_posz" x="ci_GEM_posx" number="ci_GEM_nlayers" rmax1="ci_HCAL_lay_rin -1. * cm"/>
<layer id="0" z="-ci_GEM_sizez * 0.5 + (5 + 3. * 0) * cm" inner_r="ci_GEM_rin + (1. + 0.5 * 0) * cm" outer_r="ci_GEM_rout + (-25. + 2. * 0) * cm" dz="1 * cm" />
<layer id="1" z="-ci_GEM_sizez * 0.5 + (5 + 3. * 1) * cm" inner_r="ci_GEM_rin + (1. + 0.5 * 1) * cm" outer_r="ci_GEM_rout + (-25. + 2. * 1) * cm" dz="1 * cm" />
<layer id="2" z="-ci_GEM_sizez * 0.5 + (5 + 3. * 2) * cm" inner_r="ci_GEM_rin + (1. + 0.5 * 2) * cm" outer_r="ci_GEM_rout + (-25. + 2. * 2) * cm" dz="1 * cm" />
<layer id="3" z="-ci_GEM_sizez * 0.5 + (5 + 3. * 3) * cm" inner_r="ci_GEM_rin + (1. + 0.5 * 3) * cm" outer_r="ci_GEM_rout + (-25. + 2. * 3) * cm" dz="1 * cm" />
<layer id="4" z="-ci_GEM_sizez * 0.5 + (5 + 3. * 4) * cm" inner_r="ci_GEM_rin + (1. + 0.5 * 4) * cm" outer_r="ci_GEM_rout + (-25. + 2. * 4) * cm" dz="1 * cm" />
<layer id="5" z="-ci_GEM_sizez * 0.5 + (5 + 3. * 5) * cm" inner_r="ci_GEM_rin + (1. + 0.5 * 5) * cm" outer_r="ci_GEM_rout + (-25. + 2. * 5) * cm" dz="1 * cm" />
<layer id="6" z="-ci_GEM_sizez * 0.5 + (5 + 3. * 6) * cm" inner_r="ci_GEM_rin + (1. + 0.5 * 6) * cm" outer_r="ci_GEM_rout + (-25. + 2. * 6) * cm" dz="1 * cm" />
<layer id="7" z="-ci_GEM_sizez * 0.5 + (5 + 3. * 7) * cm" inner_r="ci_GEM_rin + (1. + 0.5 * 7) * cm" outer_r="ci_GEM_rout + (-25. + 2. * 7) * cm" dz="1 * cm" />
<readout name="ci_GEM_Hits">
<segmentation type="CartesianGridXY" grid_size_x="1.0*mm" grid_size_y="1.0*mm" />