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BarrelCalorimeter_geo.cpp 10 KiB
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//  AIDA Detector description implementation 
// Copyright (C) Organisation europeenne pour la Recherche nucleaire (CERN)
// All rights reserved.
// For the licensing terms see $DD4hepINSTALL/LICENSE.
// For the list of contributors see $DD4hepINSTALL/doc/CREDITS.
// Author     : M.Frank
// Specialized generic detector constructor
#include "DD4hep/DetFactoryHelper.h"
#include "XML/Layering.h"

using namespace std;
using namespace dd4hep;
using namespace dd4hep::detail;

static Ref_t create_detector(Detector& description, xml_h e, SensitiveDetector sens)  {
  static double tolerance = 0e0;
  Layering      layering (e);
  xml_det_t     x_det     = e;
  Material      air       = description.air();
  int           det_id    =;
  string        det_name  = x_det.nameStr();
  xml_comp_t    x_staves  = x_det.staves();
  xml_comp_t    x_dim     = x_det.dimensions();
  int           nsides    = x_dim.numsides();
  double        inner_r   = x_dim.rmin();
  double        dphi      = (2*M_PI/nsides);
  double        hphi      = dphi/2;
  double        support_thickness = 0.0;
    support_thickness = getAttrOrDefault(x_staves.child(_U(support)), _U(thickness), 5.0 * cm);
  double        mod_z     = layering.totalThickness() + support_thickness;
  double        outer_r   = inner_r + mod_z;
  double        totThick  = mod_z;
  double        offset    = x_det.attr<double>(_Unicode(offset));
  DetElement    sdet      (det_name,det_id);
  Volume        motherVol = description.pickMotherVolume(sdet);
  PolyhedraRegular hedra  (nsides,inner_r,inner_r+totThick+tolerance*2e0,x_dim.z());
  Volume        envelope  (det_name,hedra,air);
  PlacedVolume  env_phv   = motherVol.placeVolume(envelope,Transform3D(Translation3D(0,0,offset)*RotationZ(M_PI/nsides)));


  DetElement    stave_det("stave0",det_id);
  double dx = 0.0; //mod_z / std::sin(dphi); // dx per layer
  // Compute the top and bottom face measurements.
  double trd_x2 = (2 * std::tan(hphi) * outer_r - dx)/2 - tolerance;
  double trd_x1 = (2 * std::tan(hphi) * inner_r + dx)/2 - tolerance;
  double trd_y1 = x_dim.z()/2 - tolerance;
  double trd_y2 = trd_y1;
  double trd_z  = mod_z/2 - tolerance;
  // Create the trapezoid for the stave.
  Trapezoid trd(trd_x1, // Outer side, i.e. the "short" X side.
                trd_x2, // Inner side, i.e. the "long"  X side.
                trd_y1, // Corresponds to subdetector (or module) Z.
                trd_y2, //
                trd_z); // Thickness, in Y for top stave, when rotated.

  Volume mod_vol("stave",trd,air);
  double l_pos_z = -(layering.totalThickness() / 2) - support_thickness/2.0;

  double trd_x2_support = trd_x1;
  Solid  support_frame_s;
  // optional stave support
    xml_comp_t x_support         = x_staves.child(_U(support));
    // is the support on the inside surface?
    bool       is_inside_support = getAttrOrDefault<bool>(x_support, _Unicode(inside), true);
    // number of "beams" running the length of the stave.
    int    n_beams           = getAttrOrDefault<int>(x_support, _Unicode(n_beams), 3);
    trd_x2_support    = (2 * std::tan(hphi) * (inner_r + support_thickness)) / 2 - tolerance;
    double grid_size         = getAttrOrDefault(x_support, _Unicode(grid_size), 25.0 * cm);
    double beam_width        = 2.0*trd_x2_support/(n_beams+1); // quick hack to make some gap between T beams
    double beam_thickness    = support_thickness/4.0;
    double cross_beam_thickness    = support_thickness/4.0;
    double trd_x1_support    = (2 * std::tan(hphi) * (inner_r + beam_thickness)) / 2 - tolerance;

    int n_cross_supports = std::floor((trd_y1-cross_beam_thickness)/grid_size);

    Box        beam_vert_s(beam_thickness / 2.0 - tolerance, trd_y1, support_thickness / 2.0 - tolerance);
    Box        beam_hori_s(beam_width / 2.0 - tolerance, trd_y1, beam_thickness / 2.0 - tolerance);
    UnionSolid T_beam_s(beam_vert_s, beam_hori_s, Position(0, 0, -support_thickness / 2.0 + beam_thickness / 2.0));

    // cross supports
    Trapezoid  trd_support(trd_x1_support,trd_x2_support,
                           beam_thickness / 2.0 - tolerance, beam_thickness / 2.0 - tolerance,
                          support_thickness / 2.0 - tolerance - cross_beam_thickness/2.0);
    UnionSolid support_array_start_s(T_beam_s,trd_support,Position(0,0,cross_beam_thickness/2.0));
    for (int isup = 0; isup < n_cross_supports; isup++) {
      support_array_start_s = UnionSolid(support_array_start_s, trd_support, Position(0, -1.0 * isup * grid_size, cross_beam_thickness/2.0));
      support_array_start_s = UnionSolid(support_array_start_s, trd_support, Position(0, 1.0 * isup * grid_size, cross_beam_thickness/2.0));
    support_array_start_s =
        UnionSolid(support_array_start_s, beam_hori_s,
                   Position(-1.5 * 0.5*(trd_x1+trd_x2_support) / n_beams, 0, -support_thickness / 2.0 + beam_thickness / 2.0));
    support_array_start_s =
        UnionSolid(support_array_start_s, beam_hori_s,
                   Position(1.5 * 0.5*(trd_x1+trd_x2_support) / n_beams, 0, -support_thickness / 2.0 + beam_thickness / 2.0));
    support_array_start_s =
        UnionSolid(support_array_start_s, beam_vert_s, Position(-1.5 * 0.5*(trd_x1+trd_x2_support) / n_beams, 0, 0));
    support_array_start_s =
        UnionSolid(support_array_start_s, beam_vert_s, Position(1.5 * 0.5*(trd_x1+trd_x2_support) / n_beams, 0, 0));

    support_frame_s = support_array_start_s;

    Material support_mat = description.material(x_support.materialStr());
    Volume   support_vol("support_frame_v", support_frame_s, support_mat);

    // figure out how to best place
    auto pv = mod_vol.placeVolume(support_vol, Position(0.0, 0.0, l_pos_z + support_thickness / 2.0));
  l_pos_z += support_thickness;

  { // =====  buildBarrelStave(description, sens, module_volume) =====
    // Parameters for computing the layer X dimension:
    double stave_z  = trd_y1;
    double tan_hphi = std::tan(hphi);
    double l_dim_x  = trd_x2_support; // Starting X dimension for the layer.

    // Loop over the sets of layer elements in the detector.
    int l_num = 1;
    for(xml_coll_t li(x_det,_U(layer)); li; ++li)  {
      xml_comp_t x_layer = li;
      int repeat = x_layer.repeat();
      // Loop over number of repeats for this layer.
      for (int j=0; j<repeat; j++)    {
        string l_name = _toString(l_num,"layer%d");
        double l_thickness = layering.layer(l_num-1)->thickness();  // Layer's thickness.

        Position   l_pos(0,0,l_pos_z+l_thickness/2);      // Position of the layer.
        Box        l_box(l_dim_x-tolerance,stave_z-tolerance,l_thickness / 2-tolerance);
        Volume     l_vol(l_name,l_box,air);
        DetElement layer(stave_det, l_name, det_id);

        // Loop over the sublayers or slices for this layer.
        int s_num = 1;
        double s_pos_z = -(l_thickness / 2);
        for(xml_coll_t si(x_layer,_U(slice)); si; ++si)  {
          xml_comp_t x_slice = si;
          string     s_name  = _toString(s_num,"slice%d");
          double     s_thick = x_slice.thickness();
          Box        s_box(l_dim_x-tolerance,stave_z-tolerance,s_thick / 2-tolerance);
          Volume     s_vol(s_name,s_box,description.material(x_slice.materialStr()));
          DetElement slice(layer,s_name,det_id);

          if ( x_slice.isSensitive() ) {

          // Slice placement.
          PlacedVolume slice_phv = l_vol.placeVolume(s_vol,Position(0,0,s_pos_z+s_thick/2));
          slice_phv.addPhysVolID("slice", s_num);
          // Increment Z position of slice.
          s_pos_z += s_thick;
          // Increment slice number.

        // Set region, limitset, and vis of layer.

        PlacedVolume layer_phv = mod_vol.placeVolume(l_vol,l_pos);
        layer_phv.addPhysVolID("layer", l_num);
        // Increment to next layer Z position.
        double xcut = l_thickness * tan_hphi;
        l_dim_x += xcut;
        l_pos_z += l_thickness;

  // Set stave visualization.
  if ( x_staves )   {
  // Phi start for a stave.
  double phi = M_PI / nsides;
  double mod_x_off = dx / 2;             // Stave X offset, derived from the dx.
  double mod_y_off = inner_r + mod_z/2;  // Stave Y offset

  // Create nsides staves.
  for (int i = 0; i < nsides; i++, phi -= dphi)      { // i is module number
    // Compute the stave position
    double m_pos_x = mod_x_off * std::cos(phi) - mod_y_off * std::sin(phi);
    double m_pos_y = mod_x_off * std::sin(phi) + mod_y_off * std::cos(phi);
    Transform3D tr(RotationZYX(0,phi,M_PI*0.5),Translation3D(-m_pos_x,-m_pos_y,0));
    PlacedVolume pv = envelope.placeVolume(mod_vol,tr);
    DetElement sd = i==0 ? stave_det : stave_det.clone(_toString(i,"stave%d"));

  // Set envelope volume attributes.
  return sdet;
