# import config. # You can change the default config with `make cnf="config_special.env" build` cnf ?= config.env include $(cnf) # exports variables in config.env as environment variables export $(shell sed 's/=.*//' $(cnf)) # import deploy config # You can change the default deploy config with `make cnf="deploy_special.env" release` dpl ?= deploy.env include $(dpl) export $(shell sed 's/=.*//' $(dpl)) # grep the version from the mix file VERSION=$(shell bash version.sh) # help will output the help for each task # thanks to https://marmelab.com/blog/2016/02/29/auto-documented-makefile.html .PHONY: help help: ## This help. @awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "} /^[a-zA-Z_-]+:.*?## / {printf "\033[36m%-30s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2}' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) .DEFAULT_GOAL := help # ========================================================================== # build: ## build the image docker build -t $(APP_NAME) . build-nc: ## Build the container without caching (from scratch) docker build --no-cache -t $(APP_NAME) . build-alt: ## build the container for various machine architectures (broadwell, haswell, knl) @echo 'building for architecture: $(ALT_NAME)' docker build -t $(APP_NAME)_$(ALT_NAME) -f Dockerfile.$(ALT_NAME) . build-alt-nc: ## build the container for various machine architectures (broadwell, haswell, knl) @echo 'build-alt-nc: building for architecture: $(ALT_NAME)' docker build --no-cache -t $(APP_NAME)_$(ALT_NAME) -f Dockerfile.$(ALT_NAME) . # ========================================================================== # run: ## Run container on port configured in `config.env` docker run -i -t --rm --env-file=./config.env -p=$(PORT):$(PORT) --name="$(APP_NAME)" $(REPO)/$(APP_NAME):$(TAG_VERSION) up: build run ## Run container on port configured in `config.env` (Alias to run) stop: ## Stop and remove a running container docker stop $(APP_NAME); docker rm $(APP_NAME) # ========================================================================== # Docker tagging tag: tag-latest #tag-version ## Generate container tags for the `{version}` ans `latest` tags tag-latest: ## Generate container `{version}` tag @echo 'create tag latest' #docker tag $(APP_NAME) $(REPO)/$(APP_NAME):latest #docker tag $(APP_NAME) $(GL_GROUP)/$(APP_NAME):latest #docker tag $(APP_NAME) $(GL_REG_GROUP)/$(APP_NAME):latest #docker tag $(APP_NAME) $(REG_NAME)/$(REPO)/$(APP_NAME):latest #docker tag $(APP_NAME) $(REG_NAME)/$(GL_REG_GROUP)/$(APP_NAME):latest #docker tag $(APP_NAME) $(REPO)/$(APP_NAME):$(VERSION) #docker tag $(APP_NAME) $(GL_GROUP)/$(APP_NAME):$(VERSION) tag-version: ## Generate container `latest` tag @echo 'create tag $(VERSION)' docker tag $(REPO)/$(APP_NAME):$(VERSION) $(REG_NAME)/$(REPO)/$(APP_NAME):$(VERSION) tag-alt: tag-alt-latest # tag-alt-version ## Generate container tags for the `{version}` ans `latest` tags tag-alt-latest: ## Generate container `{version}` tag @echo 'create tag latest' #docker tag $(APP_NAME)_$(ALT_NAME) $(REPO)/$(APP_NAME)_$(ALT_NAME):latest #docker tag $(APP_NAME)_$(ALT_NAME) $(REG_NAME)/$(REPO)/$(APP_NAME)_$(ALT_NAME):latest #docker tag $(APP_NAME)_$(ALT_NAME) $(REPO)/$(APP_NAME)_$(ALT_NAME):latest #docker tag $(APP_NAME)_$(ALT_NAME) $(GL_GROUP)/$(APP_NAME)_$(ALT_NAME):latest #docker tag $(APP_NAME)_$(ALT_NAME) $(GL_REG_GROUP)/$(APP_NAME)_$(ALT_NAME):latest #docker tag $(APP_NAME)_$(ALT_NAME) $(REG_NAME)/$(REPO)/$(APP_NAME)_$(ALT_NAME):latest #docker tag $(APP_NAME)_$(ALT_NAME) $(REG_NAME)/$(GL_REG_GROUP)/$(APP_NAME)_$(ALT_NAME):latest tag-alt-version: ## Generate container `{version}` tag @echo 'create tag latest' docker tag $(APP_NAME)_$(ALT_NAME) $(REG_NAME)/$(REPO)/$(APP_NAME)_$(ALT_NAME):$(VERSION) # ========================================================================== # login: ## Auto login to AWS-ECR unsing aws-cli docker login $(REG_NAME) -u $(REG_USER) -p $(REG_TOKEN) release: build-nc publish ## Make a release by building and publishing the `{version}` ans `latest` tagged containers to ECR publish: publish-latest #publish-version ## Publish the `{version}` ans `latest` tagged containers to ECR push: login ## push after login @echo 'push latest to $(REG_NAME)/$(REPO)/$(APP_NAME):latest' docker tag $(APP_NAME):latest $(REG_NAME)/$(GL_REG_GROUP)/$(APP_NAME):latest docker push $(REG_HOST)/$(GL_REG_GROUP)/$(APP_NAME):latest publish-latest: ## Publish the `latest` taged container to ECR @echo 'publish latest to $(REG_NAME)/$(GL_REG_GROUP)/$(APP_NAME)' docker tag $(APP_NAME):latest $(REG_NAME)/$(GL_REG_GROUP)/$(APP_NAME):latest docker push $(REG_NAME)/$(GL_REG_GROUP)/$(APP_NAME):latest docker rmi $(REG_NAME)/$(GL_REG_GROUP)/$(APP_NAME):latest publish-version: tag-version ## Publish the `{version}` taged container to ECR @echo 'publish $(VERSION) to $(REPO)' docker push $(REG_NAME)/$(GL_REG_GROUP)/$(APP_NAME):$(VERSION) # ========================================================================== # release-alt: build-alt publish-alt ## Make a release by building and publishing the `{version}` ans `latest` tagged containers to ECR publish-alt: login publish-alt-latest #publish-alt-version ## Publish the `{version}` ans `latest` tagged containers to ECR push-alt: login tag-alt-latest ## push after login #docker push $(REG_NAME)/$(REPO)/$(APP_NAME)_$(ALT_NAME):latest docker push $(REG_NAME)/$(GL_REG_GROUP)/$(APP_NAME)_$(ALT_NAME):latest publish-alt-latest: #tag-alt-latest ## Publish the `latest` taged container to ECR #docker push $(REG_NAME)/$(REPO)/$(APP_NAME)_$(ALT_NAME):latest docker tag $(APP_NAME)_$(ALT_NAME):latest $(REG_NAME)/$(GL_REG_GROUP)/$(APP_NAME)_$(ALT_NAME):latest docker push $(REG_NAME)/$(GL_REG_GROUP)/$(APP_NAME)_$(ALT_NAME):latest docker rmi $(REG_NAME)/$(GL_REG_GROUP)/$(APP_NAME)_$(ALT_NAME):latest publish-alt-version: tag-alt-version ## Publish the `latest` taged container to ECR #docker push $(REG_NAME)/$(REPO)/$(APP_NAME)_$(ALT_NAME):$(VERSION) docker push $(REG_NAME)/$(GL_REG_GROUP)/$(APP_NAME)_$(ALT_NAME):$(VERSION) # ========================================================================== # login-dockerhub: ## login to hub.docker.com @echo 'docker hub login :' docker login push-dockerhub: build #publish-version ## Publish the `{version}` ans `latest` tagged containers to ECR @echo '$(DH_ORG)/$(APP_NAME):$(TAG_VERSION)' docker push $(DH_ORG)/$(APP_NAME):latest #docker push $(DH_ORG)/$(APP_NAME):$(VERSION) publish-dockerhub: build tag #publish-version ## Publish the `{version}` ans `latest` tagged containers to ECR @echo '$(DH_ORG)/$(APP_NAME):$(TAG_VERSION)' docker push $(DH_ORG)/$(APP_NAME):latest #docker push $(DH_ORG)/$(APP_NAME):$(VERSION) # ========================================================================== # clean-tags: docker rmi $(REPO)/$(APP_NAME):latest || true docker rmi $(GL_GROUP)/$(APP_NAME):latest || true docker rmi $(GL_REG_GROUP)/$(APP_NAME):latest || true docker rmi $(REG_NAME)/$(REPO)/$(APP_NAME):latest || true docker rmi $(REG_NAME)/$(GL_REG_GROUP)/$(APP_NAME):latest || true docker rmi $(REPO)/$(APP_NAME)_$(ALT_NAME):latest || true docker rmi $(GL_GROUP)/$(APP_NAME)_$(ALT_NAME):latest || true docker rmi $(GL_REG_GROUP)/$(APP_NAME)_$(ALT_NAME):latest || true docker rmi $(REG_NAME)/$(REPO)/$(APP_NAME)_$(ALT_NAME):latest || true docker rmi $(REG_NAME)/$(GL_REG_GROUP)/$(APP_NAME)_$(ALT_NAME):latest || true clean: docker rmi $(REPO_NAME)/$(APP_NAME) || true docker rmi $(REPO_NAME)/$(APP_NAME):$(TAG_VERSION) || true docker rmi $(REPO_NAME)/$(APP_NAME):$(VERSION) || true docker rmi $(REPO)/$(APP_NAME) || true docker rmi $(REPO)/$(APP_NAME):$(TAG_VERSION) || true docker rmi $(REPO)/$(APP_NAME):$(VERSION) || true docker rmi $(REG_NAME)/$(REPO)/$(APP_NAME):latest || true docker rmi $(REG_NAME)/$(REPO)/$(APP_NAME):$(TAG_VERSION) || true docker rmi $(REG_NAME)/$(REPO)/$(APP_NAME) || true docker rmi $(DH_ORG)/$(APP_NAME) || true docker rmi $(DH_ORG)/$(APP_NAME):$(TAG_VERSION) || true docker rmi $(DH_ORG)/$(APP_NAME):$(VERSION) || true docker rmi $(GL_REG_NAME)/$(GL_REG_GROUP)/$(APP_NAME):latest || true docker rmi $(GL_REG_NAME)/$(GL_REG_GROUP)/$(APP_NAME):$(VERSION) || true docker rmi $(GL_REG_NAME)/$(GL_REG_GROUP)/$(APP_NAME) || true docker rmi $(GL_REG_NAME)/$(GL_REG_GROUP)/$(APP_NAME)_$(ALT_NAME):latest || true docker rmi $(GL_REG_NAME)/$(GL_REG_GROUP)/$(APP_NAME)_$(ALT_NAME):$(VERSION) || true docker rmi $(GL_REG_NAME)/$(GL_REG_GROUP)/$(APP_NAME)_$(ALT_NAME) || true docker rmi $(GL_REG_GROUP)/$(APP_NAME) || true docker rmi $(GL_REG_GROUP)/$(APP_NAME):$(VERSION) || true docker rmi $(GL_REG_GROUP)/$(APP_NAME)_$(ALT_NAME) || true docker rmi $(GL_REG_GROUP)/$(APP_NAME)_$(ALT_NAME):$(VERSION) || true docker rmi $(GL_REG_NAME)/$(REG_USER)/$(APP_NAME) || true docker rmi $(GL_REG_NAME)/$(REG_USER)/$(APP_NAME):$(VERSION) || true #docker rmi $(APP_NAME) || true version: ## Output the current version @echo $(VERSION) # ========================================================================== # info: ## Output the current version @echo 'VERSION = $(VERSION) ' @echo 'REG_USER = $(REG_USER) ' @echo 'REG_NAME = $(REG_NAME) ' @echo 'ALT_NAME = $(ALT_NAME) ' @echo 'APP_NAME = $(APP_NAME) ' @echo 'REPO_NAME = $(REPO_NAME) ' @echo 'DH_ORG = $(DH_ORG) ' @echo 'GL_GROUP = $(GL_GROUP) ' @echo 'GL_REG_GROUP = $(GL_REG_GROUP)' @echo 'GL_REG_NAME = $(GL_REG_NAME) ' @echo 'REPO = $(REPO) ' @echo 'TAG_VERSION = $(TAG_VERSION) ' ls: ## list all docker images docker images