SUBROUTINE get_values(string,n,values,ok) * * $Log: get_values.f,v $ * Revision 1.1 1994/02/22 20:00:24 cdaq * Initial revision * * IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER*(*) string INTEGER*4 n,values(*),v(2),divider INTEGER*4 i,j,k,m,value4,cycle,step INTEGER*2 last_binary,last_oct,last_hex,dummy2 LOGICAL*2 ok,hex,oct,bin CHARACTER*132 orig,line,this INTEGER*4 important_length !FUNCTION INTEGER*4 INDEX !FUNCTION CHARACTER*1 quote PARAMETER (quote='''') c................................................................ n=0 orig= string CALL no_tabs(orig) !remove tabs DO WHILE (INDEX(orig,quote).ne.0) !remove quote marks i=INDEX(orig,quote) orig(i:i)=' ' ENDDO DO WHILE (INDEX(orig,'::').ne.0) !replace sequence marks i=INDEX(orig,'::') orig(i:i+1)='^ ' ENDDO DO WHILE (INDEX(orig,':').ne.0) !replace seperator marks i=INDEX(orig,':') orig(i:i)=',' ENDDO CALL NO_blanks(orig) !remove blanks CALL UP_case(ORIG) !shift to upper case IF(orig.EQ.' ') THEN ok=.false. !nothing to read RETURN ENDIF c line= orig j= INDEX(line,',') IF( line(j:)=' ' !get first line c DO WHILE (orig.NE.' ') c divider= INDEX(line,'*') !duplicate If(divider.eq.0) divider= INDEX(line,'^') !sequence c If(divider.eq.0) Then cycle=1 this= line ElseIf(divider.eq.1) Then GOTO 2222 !illegal Else cycle=2 this= line(1:divider-1) EndIf c Do j=1,cycle c last_binary= INDEX(this,'B') bin= last_hex= INDEX(this,'H') If(last_hex.EQ.0) last_hex= INDEX(this,'X') hex= last_oct= INDEX(this,'O') oct= c if(hex) then this(last_hex:)=' ' CALL squeeze(this,i) IF(this.eq.' ') goto 2222 c READ(this(1:i),'(z)',err=2222) v(j) READ(this(1:i),'(z10)',err=2222) v(j) elseif(oct) then this(last_oct:)=' ' CALL squeeze(this,i) IF(this.eq.' ') goto 2222 c READ(this(1:i),'(o)',err=2222) v(j) READ(this(1:i),'(o10)',err=2222) v(j) elseif(bin) then this(last_binary:)=' ' CALL squeeze(this,i) IF(this.eq.' ') goto 2222 value4= 0 DO k=1,i value4= 2*value4 If(this(k:k).EQ.'1') Then value4= value4+1 ElseIf(this(k:k).NE.'0') Then GOTO 2222 EndIf ENDDO v(j)= value4 !only take lowest bits else CALL squeeze(this,i) IF(this.eq.' ') goto 2222 c READ(this(1:i),'(i)',err=2222) v(j) READ(this(1:i),'(i10)',err=2222) v(j) endif c this= line(divider+1:) EndDo c ok=.true. If(cycle.eq.2) Then if(line(divider:divider).eq.'^') then !sequence "^" DO k=v(1),v(2),MAX(MIN(v(2)-v(1),1),-1) n= n+1 values(n)= k ENDDO else !duplicate "*" DO k=1,v(1) n=n+1 values(n)= v(2) ENDDO endif Else !just single value n=n+1 values(n)= v(1) EndIf c m= INDEX(orig,',') !find next line If(m.EQ.0) Then !done orig=' ' Else !another line orig(1:m)=' ' CALL no_leading_blanks(orig) line= orig m= INDEX(line,',') if( line(m:)=' ' EndIf ENDDO RETURN c 2222 ok=.false. RETURN END