From 3ea1b3f47b2bcc4fd3a4192e4409e142893a8241 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Whitney Armstrong <>
Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2012 10:19:34 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] Added all the files

 BTRACKING/.cvsignore                       |    2 +
 BTRACKING/CVS/Entries                      |   45 +
 BTRACKING/CVS/Repository                   |    1 +
 BTRACKING/CVS/Root                         |    1 +
 BTRACKING/CVS/Tag                          |    1 +
 BTRACKING/Makefile                         |   11 +
 BTRACKING/Makefile.Unix                    |   60 +
 BTRACKING/b_add_neighbors.f                |  468 ++++
 BTRACKING/b_analyze_pedestal.f             |  107 +
 BTRACKING/b_calc_cluster_time.f            |  420 +++
 BTRACKING/b_calc_pedestal.f                |  295 +++
 BTRACKING/b_calc_physics.f                 |  221 ++
 BTRACKING/b_calc_shower_coord.f            |  219 ++
 BTRACKING/b_dump_peds.f                    |  160 ++
 BTRACKING/b_fill_bigcal_arrays.f           |   72 +
 BTRACKING/b_fill_eff_hists.f               |   61 +
 BTRACKING/b_find_clusters.f                |  530 ++++
 BTRACKING/b_find_clusters_new.f            |  585 +++++
 BTRACKING/b_find_clusters_old.f            | 1154 ++++++++
 BTRACKING/b_generate_geometry.f            |  102 +
 BTRACKING/b_guess_ecell.f                  |  151 ++
 BTRACKING/b_init_bad_list.f                |   81 +
 BTRACKING/b_init_gain.f                    |   97 +
 BTRACKING/b_init_histid.f                  |  187 ++
 BTRACKING/b_init_physics.f                 |   31 +
 BTRACKING/b_init_shower.f                  |   83 +
 BTRACKING/b_init_tof.f                     |   69 +
 BTRACKING/b_matrix_accum.f                 |  162 ++
 BTRACKING/b_print_cluster.f                |   45 +
 BTRACKING/b_print_raw_adc.f                |   56 +
 BTRACKING/b_print_raw_bad.f                |   48 +
 BTRACKING/b_print_raw_tdc.f                |   45 +
 BTRACKING/b_print_raw_trig.f               |   62 +
 BTRACKING/b_prune_clusters.f               |  217 ++
 BTRACKING/b_raw_dump_all.f                 |   28 +
 BTRACKING/b_rebuild_cluster.f              |  144 +
 BTRACKING/b_reconstruction.f               |  245 ++
 BTRACKING/b_register_param.f               |   32 +
 BTRACKING/b_report_bad_data.f              |   24 +
 BTRACKING/b_sparsify_prot.f                |   87 +
 BTRACKING/b_sparsify_rcs.f                 |   95 +
 BTRACKING/b_strip_tdc.f                    |   62 +
 BTRACKING/b_strip_trig.f                   |  107 +
 BTRACKING/b_trans_prot.f                   |  115 +
 BTRACKING/b_trans_rcs.f                    |  124 +
 BTRACKING/b_trans_tdc.f                    |  103 +
 BTRACKING/b_trans_trig.f                   |  273 ++
 BTRACKING/bigcal_calib.f                   |  646 +++++
 CODA/.cvsignore                            |    1 +
 CODA/CVS/Entries                           |   14 +
 CODA/CVS/Repository                        |    1 +
 CODA/CVS/Root                              |    1 +
 CODA/CVS/Tag                               |    1 +
 CODA/Makefile                              |    8 +
 CODA/Makefile.Unix                         |   98 +
 CODA/ceMsg.h                               |   53 +
 CODA/ceMsgLib.c                            |  162 ++
 CODA/ceMsgTbl.c                            |   26 +
 CODA/evfile.msg                            |   40 +
 CODA/evfile_msg.h                          |   18 +
 CODA/evio.c                                | 1213 +++++++++
 CODA/evtest.c                              |  134 +
 CODA/facility                              |   33 +
 CODA/misc.c                                |    7 +
 CODA/swap_util.c                           |  463 ++++
 CTP/.cvsignore                             |    5 +
 CTP/CVS/Entries                            |   37 +
 CTP/CVS/Repository                         |    1 +
 CTP/CVS/Root                               |    1 +
 CTP/CVS/Tag                                |    1 +
 CTP/Makefile                               |    3 +
 CTP/Makefile.Unix                          |  251 ++
 CTP/cfortran.h                             | 2374 +++++++++++++++++
 CTP/cfortran.h.debian                      | 2510 ++++++++++++++++++
 CTP/daVar.h                                |  133 +
 CTP/daVarHandlers.c                        |  497 ++++
 CTP/daVarHandlers.h                        |   71 +
 CTP/daVarHash.h                            |   57 +
 CTP/daVarHashLib.c                         |  337 +++
 CTP/daVarRegister.c                        |  723 +++++
 CTP/daVarRpc.x                             |  114 +
 CTP/daVarRpcProc.c                         |  452 ++++
 CTP/daVarServ.c                            |  153 ++
 CTP/fnmatch.h                              |   61 +
 CTP/hbook.h                                |  417 +++
 CTP/makereg.c                              |  689 +++++
 CTP/th.h                                   |   96 +
 CTP/thClient.c                             |  607 +++++
 CTP/thGethit.c                             |  517 ++++
 CTP/thGroup.c                              |  336 +++
 CTP/thGroup.h                              |   47 +
 CTP/thHandlers.c                           |  213 ++
 CTP/thHist.c                               |  882 +++++++
 CTP/thInternal.h                           |  124 +
 CTP/thLoad.c                               |  736 ++++++
 CTP/thParm.c                               |  454 ++++
 CTP/thReport.c                             |  411 +++
 CTP/thRootStuff.cpp                        |  118 +
 CTP/thTest.c                               |  538 ++++
 CTP/thTestExecute.c                        |  724 +++++
 CTP/thTestParse.c                          | 1159 ++++++++
 CTP/thTestParse.h                          |  168 ++
 CTP/thTree.c                               |  562 ++++
 CTP/thUtils.c                              | 1040 ++++++++
 CTP/thUtils.h                              |   68 +
 CVS/Entries                                |    2 +
 CVS/Entries.Log                            |   23 +
 CVS/Repository                             |    1 +
 CVS/Root                                   |    1 +
 CVS/Tag                                    |    1 +
 CVSROOT/CVS/Entries                        |   10 +
 CVSROOT/CVS/Repository                     |    1 +
 CVSROOT/CVS/Root                           |    1 +
 CVSROOT/CVS/Tag                            |    1 +
 CVSROOT/checkoutlist                       |   13 +
 CVSROOT/commitinfo                         |   15 +
 CVSROOT/cvswrappers                        |   22 +
 CVSROOT/editinfo                           |   21 +
 CVSROOT/loginfo                            |   21 +
 CVSROOT/modules                            |   23 +
 CVSROOT/notify                             |   12 +
 CVSROOT/rcsinfo                            |   13 +
 CVSROOT/taginfo                            |   20 +
 ENGINE/.cvsignore                          |    2 +
 ENGINE/CVS/Entries                         |  157 ++
 ENGINE/CVS/Repository                      |    1 +
 ENGINE/CVS/Root                            |    1 +
 ENGINE/CVS/Tag                             |    1 +
 ENGINE/Makefile                            |    8 +
 ENGINE/Makefile.Unix                       |  371 +++
 ENGINE/b_clear_event.f                     |  161 ++
 ENGINE/b_cosmic_ntuple_init.f              |  173 ++
 ENGINE/b_initialize.f                      |  199 ++
 ENGINE/b_keep_results.f                    |   45 +
 ENGINE/b_ntuple_change.f                   |   72 +
 ENGINE/b_ntuple_clear.f                    |   33 +
 ENGINE/b_ntuple_close.f                    |   64 +
 ENGINE/b_ntuple_init.f                     |  118 +
 ENGINE/b_ntuple_keep.f                     |  579 ++++
 ENGINE/b_ntuple_open.f                     |  236 ++
 ENGINE/b_ntuple_register.f                 |   28 +
 ENGINE/b_ntuple_shutdown.f                 |   44 +
 ENGINE/b_proper_shutdown.f                 |   56 +
 ENGINE/b_register_variables.f              |   47 +
 ENGINE/b_reset_event.f                     |  458 ++++
 ENGINE/b_tree_init.f                       |   31 +
 ENGINE/bigcal_mc_reconstruction.f          |  226 ++
 ENGINE/c_clear_event.f                     |   56 +
 ENGINE/c_initialize.f                      |   81 +
 ENGINE/c_keep_results.f                    |   66 +
 ENGINE/c_ntuple_change.f                   |   87 +
 ENGINE/c_ntuple_clear.f                    |   30 +
 ENGINE/c_ntuple_close.f                    |   77 +
 ENGINE/c_ntuple_init.f                     |  250 ++
 ENGINE/c_ntuple_keep.f                     |  209 ++
 ENGINE/c_ntuple_open.f                     |  115 +
 ENGINE/c_ntuple_register.f                 |   47 +
 ENGINE/c_ntuple_shutdown.f                 |   75 +
 ENGINE/c_physics.f                         |  145 +
 ENGINE/c_proper_shutdown.f                 |   88 +
 ENGINE/c_reconstruction.f                  |   68 +
 ENGINE/c_register_variables.f              |   83 +
 ENGINE/c_reset_event.f                     |   49 +
 ENGINE/engine.f                            | 1282 +++++++++
 ENGINE/g_analyze_beam_pedestal.f           |   51 +
 ENGINE/g_analyze_misc.f                    |  402 +++
 ENGINE/g_analyze_pedestal.f                |   64 +
 ENGINE/g_analyze_scaler_bank.f             |  387 +++
 ENGINE/g_analyze_scalers.f                 |  269 ++
 ENGINE/g_analyze_scalers_by_banks.f        |  121 +
 ENGINE/g_apply_offsets.f                   |   59 +
 ENGINE/g_calc_beam_pedestal.f              |  122 +
 ENGINE/g_calc_bpm_pedestal.f               |   33 +
 ENGINE/g_calc_pedestal.f                   |   64 +
 ENGINE/g_calc_raster_pedestal.f            |   39 +
 ENGINE/g_clear_event.f                     |  154 ++
 ENGINE/g_ctp_database.f                    |  276 ++
 ENGINE/g_decode_clear.f                    |   58 +
 ENGINE/g_decode_config.f                   |  286 ++
 ENGINE/g_decode_event_by_banks.f           |  115 +
 ENGINE/g_decode_fb_bank.f                  |  763 ++++++
 ENGINE/g_decode_fb_detector.f              |  501 ++++
 ENGINE/g_decode_init.f                     |   56 +
 ENGINE/g_decode_scalers.f                  |   66 +
 ENGINE/g_dump_histograms.f                 |   69 +
 ENGINE/g_dump_peds.f                       |   48 +
 ENGINE/g_examine_control_event.f           |  160 ++
 ENGINE/g_examine_epics_event.f             |  138 +
 ENGINE/g_examine_go_info.f                 |  178 ++
 ENGINE/g_examine_physics_event.f           |  138 +
 ENGINE/g_examine_picture_event.f           |   90 +
 ENGINE/g_extract_kinematics.f              |  231 ++
 ENGINE/g_get_next_event.f                  |  138 +
 ENGINE/g_init_filenames.f                  |  268 ++
 ENGINE/g_initialize.f                      |  511 ++++
 ENGINE/g_keep_results.f                    |  158 ++
 ENGINE/g_kludgeup_kinematics.f             |  130 +
 ENGINE/g_ntuple_init.f                     |  153 ++
 ENGINE/g_ntuple_shutdown.f                 |   64 +
 ENGINE/g_open_source.f                     |  133 +
 ENGINE/g_output_thresholds.f               |  169 ++
 ENGINE/g_preproc_event.f                   |   89 +
 ENGINE/g_preproc_open.f                    |   58 +
 ENGINE/g_proper_shutdown.f                 |  199 ++
 ENGINE/g_reconstruction.f                  |  324 +++
 ENGINE/g_register_variables.f              |  250 ++
 ENGINE/g_reset_event.f                     |  175 ++
 ENGINE/g_scaler_reset_event.f              |  103 +
 ENGINE/g_target_initialize.f               |   49 +
 ENGINE/g_trans_misc.f                      |  162 ++
 ENGINE/g_tree_init.f                       |   40 +
 ENGINE/g_write_event.f                     |   58 +
 ENGINE/gep_check_bigcal.f                  |  323 +++
 ENGINE/gep_clear_event.f                   |   69 +
 ENGINE/gep_fill_hist.f                     |   80 +
 ENGINE/gep_init_histid.f                   |   69 +
 ENGINE/gep_initialize.f                    |   47 +
 ENGINE/gep_keep_results.f                  |   33 +
 ENGINE/gep_ntuple_change.f                 |   68 +
 ENGINE/gep_ntuple_clear.f                  |    7 +
 ENGINE/gep_ntuple_close.f                  |   64 +
 ENGINE/gep_ntuple_init.f                   |  199 ++
 ENGINE/gep_ntuple_keep.f                   |  199 ++
 ENGINE/gep_ntuple_open.f                   |  120 +
 ENGINE/gep_ntuple_register.f               |   26 +
 ENGINE/gep_ntuple_shutdown.f               |   45 +
 ENGINE/gep_physics.f                       |  613 +++++
 ENGINE/gep_proper_shutdown.f               |   46 +
 ENGINE/gep_reconstruction.f                |   42 +
 ENGINE/gep_register_variables.f            |   36 +
 ENGINE/gep_reset_event.f                   |   74 +
 ENGINE/gep_tree_init.f                     |   31 +
 ENGINE/h_apply_offsets.f                   |   72 +
 ENGINE/h_clear_event.f                     |  196 ++
 ENGINE/h_field03.f                         |  162 ++
 ENGINE/h_fieldcorr.f                       |   87 +
 ENGINE/h_fpp_nt_change.f                   |   87 +
 ENGINE/h_fpp_nt_close.f                    |   77 +
 ENGINE/h_fpp_nt_init.f                     |  101 +
 ENGINE/h_fpp_nt_keep.f                     |  199 ++
 ENGINE/h_fpp_nt_open.f                     |  206 ++
 ENGINE/h_fpp_nt_register.f                 |   38 +
 ENGINE/h_fpp_nt_shutdown.f                 |   56 +
 ENGINE/h_fpp_ntup.cwn                      |  112 +
 ENGINE/h_initialize.f                      |  153 ++
 ENGINE/h_keep_results.f                    |  109 +
 ENGINE/h_ntuple_change.f                   |   87 +
 ENGINE/h_ntuple_clear.f                    |   30 +
 ENGINE/h_ntuple_close.f                    |   77 +
 ENGINE/h_ntuple_init.f                     |  287 ++
 ENGINE/h_ntuple_keep.f                     |  270 ++
 ENGINE/h_ntuple_open.f                     |  117 +
 ENGINE/h_ntuple_register.f                 |   47 +
 ENGINE/h_ntuple_shutdown.f                 |   78 +
 ENGINE/h_proper_shutdown.f                 |  106 +
 ENGINE/h_register_variables.f              |  126 +
 ENGINE/h_reset_event.f                     |  312 +++
 ENGINE/h_sv_nt_init.f                      |  214 ++
 ENGINE/h_sv_nt_keep.f                      |   92 +
 ENGINE/h_sv_nt_register.f                  |   43 +
 ENGINE/h_sv_nt_shutdown.f                  |  117 +
 ENGINE/h_tree_init.f                       |   30 +
 ENGINE/params03.f                          |  110 +
 ENGINE/s_apply_offsets.f                   |   77 +
 ENGINE/s_clear_event.f                     |  137 +
 ENGINE/s_fieldcorr.f                       |   76 +
 ENGINE/s_initialize.f                      |  145 +
 ENGINE/s_keep_results.f                    |   73 +
 ENGINE/s_ntuple_change.f                   |   87 +
 ENGINE/s_ntuple_clear.f                    |   30 +
 ENGINE/s_ntuple_close.f                    |   77 +
 ENGINE/s_ntuple_init.f                     |  243 ++
 ENGINE/s_ntuple_keep.f                     |  208 ++
 ENGINE/s_ntuple_open.f                     |  115 +
 ENGINE/s_ntuple_register.f                 |   47 +
 ENGINE/s_ntuple_shutdown.f                 |   77 +
 ENGINE/s_proper_shutdown.f                 |  111 +
 ENGINE/s_register_variables.f              |  101 +
 ENGINE/s_reset_event.f                     |  336 +++
 ENGINE/s_sv_nt_init.f                      |  207 ++
 ENGINE/s_sv_nt_keep.f                      |   87 +
 ENGINE/s_sv_nt_register.f                  |   43 +
 ENGINE/s_sv_nt_shutdown.f                  |  117 +
 EXE/CVS/Entries                            |    2 +
 EXE/CVS/Repository                         |    1 +
 EXE/CVS/Root                               |    1 +
 EXE/CVS/Tag                                |    1 +
 EXE/Makefile                               |  154 ++
 F1TRIGGER/.cvsignore                       |    2 +
 F1TRIGGER/CVS/Entries                      |   10 +
 F1TRIGGER/CVS/Repository                   |    1 +
 F1TRIGGER/CVS/Root                         |    1 +
 F1TRIGGER/CVS/Tag                          |    1 +
 F1TRIGGER/Makefile                         |   17 +
 F1TRIGGER/Makefile.Unix                    |   55 +
 F1TRIGGER/f1t_register_variables.f         |   34 +
 F1TRIGGER/f1trigger_clear_event.f          |   26 +
 F1TRIGGER/f1trigger_decode.f               |   33 +
 F1TRIGGER/f1trigger_register_variables.f   |   30 +
 F1TRIGGER/f1trigger_reset_event.f          |   26 +
 F1TRIGGER/f1trigger_sort_by_counter.f      |   23 +
 HACK/.cvsignore                            |    2 +
 HACK/CVS/Entries                           |    9 +
 HACK/CVS/Repository                        |    1 +
 HACK/CVS/Root                              |    1 +
 HACK/CVS/Tag                               |    1 +
 HACK/Makefile                              |    8 +
 HACK/Makefile.Unix                         |   73 +
 HACK/hack_anal.f                           |   80 +
 HACK/hack_copyevt.f                        |   66 +
 HACK/hack_initialize.f                     |   37 +
 HACK/hack_register_variables.f             |   32 +
 HACK/hack_shutdown.f                       |   27 +
 HTRACKING/.cvsignore                       |    2 +
 HTRACKING/CVS/Entries                      |  110 +
 HTRACKING/CVS/Repository                   |    1 +
 HTRACKING/CVS/Root                         |    1 +
 HTRACKING/CVS/Tag                          |    1 +
 HTRACKING/Makefile                         |    8 +
 HTRACKING/Makefile.Unix                    |  209 ++
 HTRACKING/h_aero.f                         |  212 ++
 HTRACKING/h_analyze_pedestal.f             |  190 ++
 HTRACKING/h_cal.f                          |  155 ++
 HTRACKING/h_cal_calib.f                    |  628 +++++
 HTRACKING/h_cal_eff.f                      |  131 +
 HTRACKING/h_cal_eff_shutdown.f             |   76 +
 HTRACKING/h_calc_pedestal.f                |  411 +++
 HTRACKING/h_cer.f                          |   44 +
 HTRACKING/h_cer_eff.f                      |   81 +
 HTRACKING/h_cer_eff_shutdown.f             |   63 +
 HTRACKING/h_chamnum.f                      |   31 +
 HTRACKING/h_choose_single_hit.f            |   99 +
 HTRACKING/h_clusters_cal.f                 |  215 ++
 HTRACKING/h_correct_cal.f                  |   64 +
 HTRACKING/h_correct_cal_neg.f              |   69 +
 HTRACKING/h_correct_cal_pos.f              |   80 +
 HTRACKING/h_dc_eff.f                       |   54 +
 HTRACKING/h_dc_eff_shutdown.f              |   68 +
 HTRACKING/h_dc_trk_eff.f                   |   80 +
 HTRACKING/h_dc_trk_eff_shutdown.f          |   83 +
 HTRACKING/h_dpsifun.f                      |   62 +
 HTRACKING/h_drift_dist_calc.f              |   73 +
 HTRACKING/h_drift_time_calc.f              |   45 +
 HTRACKING/h_dump_cal.f                     |   73 +
 HTRACKING/h_dump_peds.f                    |  181 ++
 HTRACKING/h_dump_tof.f                     |  103 +
 HTRACKING/h_fcnchisq.f                     |   44 +
 HTRACKING/h_fill_aero_raw_hist.f           |   70 +
 HTRACKING/h_fill_cal_hist.f                |   78 +
 HTRACKING/h_fill_dc_dec_hist.f             |   74 +
 HTRACKING/h_fill_dc_fp_hist.f              |   83 +
 HTRACKING/h_fill_dc_target_hist.f          |   55 +
 HTRACKING/h_fill_fpp.f                     |  271 ++
 HTRACKING/h_fill_scin_raw_hist.f           |  140 +
 HTRACKING/h_find_best_stub.f               |   97 +
 HTRACKING/h_find_easy_space_point.f        |   85 +
 HTRACKING/h_fpp.f                          |   62 +
 HTRACKING/h_fpp_drift.f                    |  549 ++++
 HTRACKING/h_fpp_fit.f                      |  458 ++++
 HTRACKING/h_fpp_geometry.f                 |  508 ++++
 HTRACKING/h_fpp_statistics.f               |  211 ++
 HTRACKING/h_fpp_tracking.f                 |  996 +++++++
 HTRACKING/h_generate_geometry.f            |  390 +++
 HTRACKING/h_init_cal.f                     |   85 +
 HTRACKING/h_init_cer.f                     |   35 +
 HTRACKING/h_init_fpp.f                     |  215 ++
 HTRACKING/h_init_histid.f                  |  385 +++
 HTRACKING/h_init_physics.f                 |   69 +
 HTRACKING/h_init_scin.f                    |  107 +
 HTRACKING/h_left_right.f                   |  373 +++
 HTRACKING/h_link_stubs.f                   |  271 ++
 HTRACKING/h_pattern_recognition.f          |  243 ++
 HTRACKING/h_physics.f                      |  526 ++++
 HTRACKING/h_physics_stat.f                 |  108 +
 HTRACKING/h_print_decoded_dc.f             |   60 +
 HTRACKING/h_print_links.f                  |   27 +
 HTRACKING/h_print_pr.f                     |   39 +
 HTRACKING/h_print_raw_dc.f                 |   48 +
 HTRACKING/h_print_stubs.f                  |   37 +
 HTRACKING/h_print_tar_tracks.f             |   69 +
 HTRACKING/h_print_tracks.f                 |   61 +
 HTRACKING/h_prt_cal_clusters.f             |   75 +
 HTRACKING/h_prt_cal_decoded.f              |   52 +
 HTRACKING/h_prt_cal_raw.f                  |   66 +
 HTRACKING/h_prt_cal_sparsified.f           |   47 +
 HTRACKING/h_prt_cal_tests.f                |   50 +
 HTRACKING/h_prt_cal_tracks.f               |   50 +
 HTRACKING/h_prt_dec_scin.f                 |   89 +
 HTRACKING/h_prt_raw_scin.f                 |   68 +
 HTRACKING/h_prt_tof.f                      |   77 +
 HTRACKING/h_prt_track_tests.f              |   63 +
 HTRACKING/h_psifun.f                       |   56 +
 HTRACKING/h_raw_dump_all.f                 |   50 +
 HTRACKING/h_reconstruction.f               |  317 +++
 HTRACKING/h_register_param.f               |  108 +
 HTRACKING/h_report_bad_data.f              |  106 +
 HTRACKING/h_satcorr.f                      |   80 +
 HTRACKING/h_scin_eff.f                     |  251 ++
 HTRACKING/h_scin_eff_shutdown.f            |  149 ++
 HTRACKING/h_select_best_track.f            |  116 +
 HTRACKING/h_select_best_track_prune.f      |  309 +++
 HTRACKING/h_select_best_track_using_scin.f |  214 ++
 HTRACKING/h_solve_3by3.f                   |   64 +
 HTRACKING/h_sp_destroy.f                   |  154 ++
 HTRACKING/h_sp_multiwire.f                 |  237 ++
 HTRACKING/h_sparsify_cal.f                 |  137 +
 HTRACKING/h_strip_scin.f                   |  109 +
 HTRACKING/h_targ_trans.f                   |  348 +++
 HTRACKING/h_targ_trans_init.f              |  182 ++
 HTRACKING/h_tof.f                          | 1014 +++++++
 HTRACKING/h_tof_fit.f                      |  110 +
 HTRACKING/h_tof_init.f                     |  120 +
 HTRACKING/h_track.f                        |  122 +
 HTRACKING/h_track_fit.f                    |  243 ++
 HTRACKING/h_track_tests.f                  |  399 +++
 HTRACKING/h_tracks_cal.f                   |  158 ++
 HTRACKING/h_trans_cal.f                    |  136 +
 HTRACKING/h_trans_cer.f                    |   52 +
 HTRACKING/h_trans_dc.f                     |  351 +++
 HTRACKING/h_trans_fpp.f                    |  254 ++
 HTRACKING/h_trans_fpp_hms.f                |  344 +++
 HTRACKING/h_trans_misc.f                   |   83 +
 HTRACKING/h_trans_scin.f                   |  508 ++++
 HTRACKING/h_wire_center_calc.f             |   52 +
 HTRACKING/hms_sane_track.f                 |  383 +++
 HTRACKING/mt19937.f                        |  161 ++
 INCLUDE/CVS/Entries                        |  102 +
 INCLUDE/CVS/Repository                     |    1 +
 INCLUDE/CVS/Root                           |    1 +
 INCLUDE/CVS/Tag                            |    1 +
 INCLUDE/Makefile                           |  121 +
 INCLUDE/b_ntuple.cmn                       |  320 +++
 INCLUDE/b_ntuple.dte                       |   10 +
 INCLUDE/bigcal_bypass_switches.cmn         |   59 +
 INCLUDE/bigcal_data_structures.cmn         |  731 ++++++
 INCLUDE/bigcal_filenames.cmn               |   33 +
 INCLUDE/bigcal_gain_parms.cmn              |  154 ++
 INCLUDE/bigcal_geometry.cmn                |   47 +
 INCLUDE/bigcal_hist_id.cmn                 |  121 +
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/BTRACKING/.cvsignore
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..884b2d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BTRACKING/CVS/Entries
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+/.cvsignore/ Sep 12 17:02:28 2007//Tsane
+/Makefile/ May 15 01:19:10 2007//Tsane
+/Makefile.Unix/ Sep  1 19:57:58 2009//Tsane
+/b_add_neighbors.f/ Nov  3 07:32:03 2007//Tsane
+/b_analyze_pedestal.f/ Oct 19 16:29:14 2007//Tsane
+/b_calc_cluster_time.f/ Mar  3 20:12:05 2011//Tsane
+/b_calc_pedestal.f/ Jun  5 17:43:07 2009//Tsane
+/b_calc_physics.f/ Dec 12 16:00:00 2007//Tsane
+/b_calc_shower_coord.f/ Sep  1 19:59:30 2009//Tsane
+/b_dump_peds.f/ Oct 17 18:40:01 2007//Tsane
+/b_fill_bigcal_arrays.f/ Jul 17 22:33:50 2007//Tsane
+/b_fill_eff_hists.f/ Oct 31 22:49:05 2007//Tsane
+/b_find_clusters.f/ Sep  1 20:01:12 2009//Tsane
+/b_find_clusters_new.f/ May 15 01:19:31 2007//Tsane
+/b_find_clusters_old.f/ Jul 17 22:32:43 2007//Tsane
+/b_generate_geometry.f/ Jan 11 00:10:24 2008//Tsane
+/b_guess_ecell.f/ Oct  8 19:16:30 2007//Tsane
+/b_init_bad_list.f/ Oct  9 14:38:59 2007//Tsane
+/b_init_gain.f/ Nov 29 19:01:52 2007//Tsane
+/b_init_histid.f/ Nov 25 23:35:12 2007//Tsane
+/b_init_physics.f/ Jan 11 00:10:24 2008//Tsane
+/b_init_shower.f/ May 15 19:01:42 2008//Tsane
+/b_init_tof.f/ Dec  7 21:27:25 2007//Tsane
+/b_matrix_accum.f/ Jan 10 23:23:36 2008//Tsane
+/b_print_cluster.f/ Oct 26 16:42:44 2007//Tsane
+/b_print_raw_adc.f/ Sep 24 20:32:52 2007//Tsane
+/b_print_raw_bad.f/ Oct 10 13:09:58 2007//Tsane
+/b_print_raw_tdc.f/ Sep 24 20:32:52 2007//Tsane
+/b_print_raw_trig.f/ Sep 24 20:32:52 2007//Tsane
+/b_prune_clusters.f/ Sep  1 19:58:27 2009//Tsane
+/b_raw_dump_all.f/ Sep 24 20:32:52 2007//Tsane
+/b_rebuild_cluster.f/ Nov  3 07:31:02 2007//Tsane
+/b_reconstruction.f/ Sep  1 20:02:38 2009//Tsane
+/b_register_param.f/ Aug  7 18:46:59 2007//Tsane
+/b_report_bad_data.f/ May 15 01:19:31 2007//Tsane
+/b_sparsify_prot.f/ Oct 10 13:09:29 2007//Tsane
+/b_sparsify_rcs.f/ Oct 22 15:24:42 2007//Tsane
+/b_strip_tdc.f/ Jun  4 15:03:45 2007//Tsane
+/b_strip_trig.f/ Oct 10 13:09:29 2007//Tsane
+/b_trans_prot.f/ Jan  8 22:38:37 2008//Tsane
+/b_trans_rcs.f/ Jan  8 22:38:37 2008//Tsane
+/b_trans_tdc.f/ Dec  7 21:24:19 2007//Tsane
+/b_trans_trig.f/ Dec  7 21:23:37 2007//Tsane
+/bigcal_calib.f/ Jan 10 23:22:40 2008//Tsane
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index 0000000..ca6ddc1
--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/BTRACKING/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# $Log: Makefile,v $
+# Revision  2007/05/15 01:19:10  jones
+# Start to Bigcal code
+# Revision 1.1  1998/12/08 14:33:24  saw
+# Initial Setup
+include $(ETC)/Makefile.NEW
diff --git a/BTRACKING/Makefile.Unix b/BTRACKING/Makefile.Unix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9bfbfd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BTRACKING/Makefile.Unix
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+include ../../etc/Makefile
+include ../../etc/Makefile.flags
+osources = b_analyze_pedestal.f b_calc_cluster_time.f b_calc_pedestal.f b_calc_physics.f \
+	b_calc_shower_coord.f b_dump_peds.f b_find_clusters.f b_generate_geometry.f b_init_gain.f \
+	b_init_histid.f b_init_physics.f b_init_shower.f b_init_tof.f b_print_raw_adc.f \
+	b_print_raw_tdc.f b_print_raw_trig.f b_raw_dump_all.f b_reconstruction.f b_register_param.f \
+	b_report_bad_data.f b_sparsify_prot.f b_sparsify_rcs.f b_strip_tdc.f b_strip_trig.f \
+	b_trans_prot.f b_trans_rcs.f b_trans_tdc.f b_trans_trig.f b_print_cluster.f \
+	b_fill_bigcal_arrays.f b_add_neighbors.f b_matrix_accum.f bigcal_calib.f \
+	b_print_raw_bad.f b_init_bad_list.f b_guess_ecell.f b_rebuild_cluster.f \
+	b_fill_eff_hists.f b_prune_clusters.f
+makeregstuff = r_bigcal_geometry.f r_bigcal_gain_parms.f r_bigcal_tof_parms.f r_bigcal_shower_parms.f \
+	r_bigcal_bypass_switches.f r_bigcal_hist_id.f
+sources = $(osources) $(makeregstuff)
+libsources = $(sources)
+lib_targets := $(patsubst %.f, libbtracking.a(%.o), $(libsources))
+install-dirs := lib
+bin_targets =
+#	@echo "nothing to make"
+	ln -s $< $@
+.PRECIOUS: ../%.f
+# Rule for making the register subroutines
+../r_%.f : ../%.cmn $(MAKEREG)
+	(cd .. ; $(MAKEREG) $(<F) -o $(@F) -e /dev/null)
+.PRECIOUS: ../r_%.f
+# Get include files from INCLUDE directory
+%.cmn ../%.cmn:: ../../INCLUDE/%.cmn
+	$(CP) $< $@
+%.dec ../%.dec:: ../../INCLUDE/%.dec
+	$(CP) $< $@
+%.par ../%.par:: ../../INCLUDE/%.par
+	$(CP) $< $@
+%.dte ../%.dte:: ../../INCLUDE/%.dte
+	$(CP) $< $@
+include $(sources:.f=.d)
diff --git a/BTRACKING/b_add_neighbors.f b/BTRACKING/b_add_neighbors.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..87aae04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BTRACKING/b_add_neighbors.f
@@ -0,0 +1,468 @@
+      subroutine b_add_neighbors(cell_index,ncell,nbad,ncellmax,ix,iy,x,y,E,A,bad,abort,err)
+      implicit none
+      save
+      logical abort
+      character*(*) err
+      character*15 here
+      parameter(here='b_add_neighbors')
+      integer cell_index,ncell,ncellmax,nbad
+      integer ix(ncellmax)
+      integer iy(ncellmax)
+      real x(ncellmax)
+      real y(ncellmax)
+      real E(ncellmax)
+      real A(ncellmax)
+      logical bad(ncellmax)
+      integer ix0,iy0
+      integer irow,icol,icell
+c      logical found_any
+      include 'bigcal_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_bypass_switches.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_geometry.cmn'
+      abort = .false.
+      err=' '
+      !found_any = .false.
+      ix0 = ix(cell_index)
+      iy0 = iy(cell_index)
+c$$$      write(*,*) 'searching for neighbors around cell (ix,iy,E) = ',
+c$$$     $     ix0,iy0,E(cell_index)
+c     check that center cell coordinates are in range!!
+      if( .or. .or. iy0 .gt. 56 .or. .or.
+     $     ( ) goto 101
+      if(iy0 .le. 32) then
+c     Check cell to the immediate left, if it exists
+         if( then
+            irow = iy0
+            icol = ix0 - 1
+            icell = icol + 32*(irow-1)
+            if(icol .ge. 1) then
+               if(bigcal_all_good_det(icell).gt.b_cell_cut_prot) then
+                  ncell = ncell + 1
+                  ix(ncell) = icol
+                  iy(ncell) = irow
+                  x(ncell) = bigcal_all_xcenter(icell)
+                  y(ncell) = bigcal_all_ycenter(icell)
+                  E(ncell) = bigcal_all_good_det(icell)
+                  bigcal_all_good_det(icell) = 0.
+                  A(ncell) = bigcal_all_adc_det(icell)
+                  bigcal_all_adc_det(icell) = 0.
+*     the following condition should only be true if we are calling b_find_clusters a second time from 
+*     gep_check_bigcal:
+                  if(bigcal_bad_chan_list(icell)) then 
+                     bad(ncell) = .true.
+                     nbad = nbad + 1
+                     bigcal_all_good_det(icell) = -1.
+                  endif
+                  !found_any = .true.
+               else if(
+     $                 bigcal_bad_chan_list(icell).and.
+     $                 (.not.bad(cell_index)).and.
+     $                 bigcal_all_good_det(icell).eq.0.) then
+c     if one of the nearest neighbors is in the bad channel list, add it to the cluster so that we can 
+c     continue to build up the cluster around it. However, if the cell in question is itself bad, don't add
+c     nearest neighbors if they are also in the bad channels list. That way, if e.g. a whole/half/quarter row 
+c     is bad, we don't add that whole section of bad channels, just the ones that have nearest neighbors with a hit.
+                  ncell = ncell + 1
+                  nbad = nbad + 1
+                  ix(ncell) = icol
+                  iy(ncell) = irow
+                  x(ncell) = bigcal_all_xcenter(icell)
+                  y(ncell) = bigcal_all_ycenter(icell)
+                  E(ncell) = bigcal_all_good_det(icell)
+                  bad(ncell) = .true.
+                  bigcal_all_good_det(icell) = -1.
+               endif
+            endif
+         endif
+c     Check cell to the immediate right, if it exists
+         if( then
+            irow = iy0
+            icol = ix0 + 1
+            icell = icol + 32*(irow-1)
+            if(icol.le.32) then
+               if(bigcal_all_good_det(icell).gt.b_cell_cut_prot) then
+                  ncell = ncell + 1
+                  ix(ncell) = icol
+                  iy(ncell) = irow
+                  x(ncell) = bigcal_all_xcenter(icell)
+                  y(ncell) = bigcal_all_ycenter(icell)
+                  E(ncell) = bigcal_all_good_det(icell)
+                  bigcal_all_good_det(icell) = 0.
+                  A(ncell) = bigcal_all_adc_det(icell)
+                  bigcal_all_adc_det(icell) = 0.
+*     the following condition should only be true if we are calling b_find_clusters a second time from 
+*     gep_check_bigcal:
+                  if(bigcal_bad_chan_list(icell)) then 
+                     bad(ncell) = .true.
+                     nbad = nbad + 1
+                     bigcal_all_good_det(icell) = -1.
+                  endif
+                  !found_any = .true.
+               else if(
+     $                 bigcal_bad_chan_list(icell).and.
+     $                 (.not.bad(cell_index)).and.
+     $                 bigcal_all_good_det(icell).eq.0.) then
+c     if one of the nearest neighbors is in the bad channel list, add it to the cluster so that we can 
+c     continue to build up the cluster around it
+                  ncell = ncell + 1
+                  nbad = nbad + 1
+                  ix(ncell) = icol
+                  iy(ncell) = irow
+                  x(ncell) = bigcal_all_xcenter(icell)
+                  y(ncell) = bigcal_all_ycenter(icell)
+                  E(ncell) = bigcal_all_good_det(icell)
+                  bigcal_all_good_det(icell) = -1.
+                  bad(ncell) = .true.
+               endif
+            endif
+         endif
+c     Check one cell down, if it exists
+         if( then
+            irow = iy0-1
+            icol = ix0
+            icell = icol + 32*(irow-1)
+            if( then
+               if(bigcal_all_good_det(icell).gt.b_cell_cut_prot) then
+                  ncell = ncell + 1
+                  ix(ncell) = icol
+                  iy(ncell) = irow
+                  x(ncell) = bigcal_all_xcenter(icell)
+                  y(ncell) = bigcal_all_ycenter(icell)
+                  E(ncell) = bigcal_all_good_det(icell)
+                  bigcal_all_good_det(icell) = 0.
+                  A(ncell) = bigcal_all_adc_det(icell)
+                  bigcal_all_adc_det(icell) = 0.
+*     the following condition should only be true if we are calling b_find_clusters a second time from 
+*     gep_check_bigcal:
+                  if(bigcal_bad_chan_list(icell)) then 
+                     bad(ncell) = .true.
+                     nbad = nbad + 1
+                     bigcal_all_good_det(icell) = -1.
+                  endif
+                  !found_any = .true.
+               else if(
+     $                 bigcal_bad_chan_list(icell).and.
+     $                 (.not.bad(cell_index)).and.
+     $                 bigcal_all_good_det(icell).eq.0.) then
+c     if one of the nearest neighbors is in the bad channel list, add it to the cluster so that we can 
+c     continue to build up the cluster around it
+                  ncell = ncell + 1
+                  nbad = nbad + 1
+                  ix(ncell) = icol
+                  iy(ncell) = irow
+                  x(ncell) = bigcal_all_xcenter(icell)
+                  y(ncell) = bigcal_all_ycenter(icell)
+                  E(ncell) = bigcal_all_good_det(icell)
+                  bad(ncell) = .true.
+                  bigcal_all_good_det(icell) = -1.
+               endif
+            endif
+         endif
+c     Check one cell up: if going up one row puts us in RCS section, 
+c     then check closest column according to ixclose_prot!!!!
+         if( then
+            irow = iy0 + 1
+            icol = ix0
+            if(irow.le.32) then
+               icell = icol + 32*(irow-1)
+               if(bigcal_all_good_det(icell).gt.b_cell_cut_prot) then
+                  ncell = ncell + 1
+                  ix(ncell) = icol
+                  iy(ncell) = irow
+                  x(ncell) = bigcal_all_xcenter(icell)
+                  y(ncell) = bigcal_all_ycenter(icell)
+                  E(ncell) = bigcal_all_good_det(icell)
+                  bigcal_all_good_det(icell) = 0.
+                  A(ncell) = bigcal_all_adc_det(icell)
+                  bigcal_all_adc_det(icell) = 0.
+*     the following condition should only be true if we are calling b_find_clusters a second time from 
+*     gep_check_bigcal:
+                  if(bigcal_bad_chan_list(icell)) then 
+                     bad(ncell) = .true.
+                     nbad = nbad + 1
+                     bigcal_all_good_det(icell) = -1.
+                  endif
+                  !found_any = .true.
+               else if(
+     $                 bigcal_bad_chan_list(icell).and.
+     $                 (.not.bad(cell_index)).and.
+     $                 bigcal_all_good_det(icell).eq.0.) then
+c     if one of the nearest neighbors is in the bad channel list, add it to the cluster so that we can 
+c     continue to build up the cluster around it
+                  nbad = nbad + 1
+                  ncell = ncell + 1
+                  ix(ncell) = icol
+                  iy(ncell) = irow
+                  x(ncell) = bigcal_all_xcenter(icell)
+                  y(ncell) = bigcal_all_ycenter(icell)
+                  E(ncell) = bigcal_all_good_det(icell)
+                  bad(ncell) = .true.
+                  bigcal_all_good_det(icell) = -1.
+               endif
+            else 
+               icell = bigcal_prot_maxhits + bigcal_ixclose_prot(icol)
+               if(bigcal_all_good_det(icell).gt.b_cell_cut_rcs) then
+                  ncell = ncell + 1
+                  ix(ncell) = bigcal_ixclose_prot(icol)
+                  iy(ncell) = irow
+                  x(ncell) = bigcal_all_xcenter(icell)
+                  y(ncell) = bigcal_all_ycenter(icell)
+                  E(ncell) = bigcal_all_good_det(icell)
+                  bigcal_all_good_det(icell) = 0.
+                  A(ncell) = bigcal_all_adc_det(icell)
+                  bigcal_all_adc_det(icell) = 0.
+*     the following condition should only be true if we are calling b_find_clusters a second time from 
+*     gep_check_bigcal:
+                  if(bigcal_bad_chan_list(icell)) then 
+                     bad(ncell) = .true.
+                     nbad = nbad + 1
+                     bigcal_all_good_det(icell) = -1.
+                  endif
+                  !found_any = .true.
+               else if(
+     $                 bigcal_bad_chan_list(icell).and.
+     $                 (.not.bad(cell_index)).and.
+     $                 bigcal_all_good_det(icell).eq.0.) then
+c     if one of the nearest neighbors is in the bad channel list, add it to the cluster so that we can 
+c     continue to build up the cluster around it
+                  nbad = nbad + 1
+                  ncell = ncell + 1
+                  ix(ncell) = icol
+                  iy(ncell) = irow
+                  x(ncell) = bigcal_all_xcenter(icell)
+                  y(ncell) = bigcal_all_ycenter(icell)
+                  E(ncell) = bigcal_all_good_det(icell)
+                  bad(ncell) = .true.
+                  bigcal_all_good_det(icell) = -1.
+               endif
+            endif
+         endif
+      else ! center cell is in RCS section
+c     check one cell to the left, if it exists:
+         if( then
+            irow = iy0
+            icol = ix0 - 1
+            icell = bigcal_prot_maxhits + icol + 30*(irow-33)
+            if( then
+               if(bigcal_all_good_det(icell).gt.b_cell_cut_rcs) then
+                  ncell = ncell + 1
+                  ix(ncell) = icol
+                  iy(ncell) = irow
+                  x(ncell) = bigcal_all_xcenter(icell)
+                  y(ncell) = bigcal_all_ycenter(icell)
+                  E(ncell) = bigcal_all_good_det(icell)
+                  bigcal_all_good_det(icell) = 0.
+                  A(ncell) = bigcal_all_adc_det(icell)
+                  bigcal_all_adc_det(icell) = 0.
+*     the following condition should only be true if we are calling b_find_clusters a second time from 
+*     gep_check_bigcal:
+                  if(bigcal_bad_chan_list(icell)) then 
+                     bad(ncell) = .true.
+                     nbad = nbad + 1
+                     bigcal_all_good_det(icell) = -1.
+                  endif                  
+!     found_any = .true.
+               else if(
+     $                 bigcal_bad_chan_list(icell).and.
+     $                 (.not.bad(cell_index)).and.
+     $                 bigcal_all_good_det(icell).eq.0.) then
+c     if one of the nearest neighbors is in the bad channel list, add it to the cluster so that we can 
+c     continue to build up the cluster around it
+                  nbad = nbad + 1
+                  ncell = ncell + 1
+                  ix(ncell) = icol
+                  iy(ncell) = irow
+                  x(ncell) = bigcal_all_xcenter(icell)
+                  y(ncell) = bigcal_all_ycenter(icell)
+                  E(ncell) = bigcal_all_good_det(icell)
+                  bad(ncell) = .true.
+                  bigcal_all_good_det(icell) = -1.
+               endif
+            endif
+         endif
+c     check one cell to the right, if it exists:
+         if( then
+            irow = iy0
+            icol = ix0 + 1
+            icell = bigcal_prot_maxhits + icol + 30*(irow-33)
+            if(icol.le.30) then
+               if(bigcal_all_good_det(icell).gt.b_cell_cut_rcs) then
+                  ncell = ncell + 1
+                  ix(ncell) = icol
+                  iy(ncell) = irow
+                  x(ncell) = bigcal_all_xcenter(icell)
+                  y(ncell) = bigcal_all_ycenter(icell)
+                  E(ncell) = bigcal_all_good_det(icell)
+                  bigcal_all_good_det(icell) = 0.
+                  A(ncell) = bigcal_all_adc_det(icell)
+                  bigcal_all_adc_det(icell) = 0.
+*     the following condition should only be true if we are calling b_find_clusters a second time from 
+*     gep_check_bigcal:
+                  if(bigcal_bad_chan_list(icell)) then 
+                     bad(ncell) = .true.
+                     nbad = nbad + 1
+                     bigcal_all_good_det(icell) = -1.
+                  endif                          
+!     found_any = .true.
+               else if(
+     $                 bigcal_bad_chan_list(icell).and.
+     $                 (.not.bad(cell_index)).and.
+     $                 bigcal_all_good_det(icell).eq.0.) then
+c     if one of the nearest neighbors is in the bad channel list, add it to the cluster so that we can 
+c     continue to build up the cluster around it
+                  nbad = nbad + 1
+                  ncell = ncell + 1
+                  ix(ncell) = icol
+                  iy(ncell) = irow
+                  x(ncell) = bigcal_all_xcenter(icell)
+                  y(ncell) = bigcal_all_ycenter(icell)
+                  E(ncell) = bigcal_all_good_det(icell)
+                  bad(ncell) = .true.
+                  bigcal_all_good_det(icell) = -1.
+               endif
+            endif
+         endif
+c     check one cell up, if it exists:
+         if( then
+            irow = iy0 + 1
+            icol = ix0
+            icell = bigcal_prot_maxhits + icol + 30*(irow-33)
+            if(irow.le.56) then
+               if(bigcal_all_good_det(icell).gt.b_cell_cut_rcs) then
+                  ncell = ncell + 1
+                  ix(ncell) = icol
+                  iy(ncell) = irow
+                  x(ncell) = bigcal_all_xcenter(icell)
+                  y(ncell) = bigcal_all_ycenter(icell)
+                  E(ncell) = bigcal_all_good_det(icell)
+                  bigcal_all_good_det(icell) = 0.
+                  A(ncell) = bigcal_all_adc_det(icell)
+                  bigcal_all_adc_det(icell) = 0.
+*     the following condition should only be true if we are calling b_find_clusters a second time from 
+*     gep_check_bigcal:
+                  if(bigcal_bad_chan_list(icell)) then 
+                     bad(ncell) = .true.
+                     nbad = nbad + 1
+                     bigcal_all_good_det(icell) = -1.
+                  endif            
+!     found_any = .true.
+               else if(
+     $                 bigcal_bad_chan_list(icell).and.
+     $                 (.not.bad(cell_index)).and.
+     $                 bigcal_all_good_det(icell).eq.0.) then
+c     if one of the nearest neighbors is in the bad channel list, add it to the cluster so that we can 
+c     continue to build up the cluster around it
+                  ncell = ncell + 1
+                  nbad = nbad + 1
+                  ix(ncell) = icol
+                  iy(ncell) = irow
+                  x(ncell) = bigcal_all_xcenter(icell)
+                  y(ncell) = bigcal_all_ycenter(icell)
+                  E(ncell) = bigcal_all_good_det(icell)
+                  bad(ncell) = .true.
+                  bigcal_all_good_det(icell) = -1.
+               endif
+            endif
+         endif
+c     check one cell down, if it exists: if going one cell down puts us in protvino 
+c     section, then check closest column according to ixclose_rcs!!!!
+         if( then
+            irow = iy0 - 1
+            icol = ix0
+            if( then
+               icell = bigcal_prot_maxhits + icol + 30*(irow-33)
+               if(bigcal_all_good_det(icell).gt.b_cell_cut_rcs) then
+                  ncell = ncell + 1
+                  ix(ncell) = icol
+                  iy(ncell) = irow
+                  x(ncell) = bigcal_all_xcenter(icell)
+                  y(ncell) = bigcal_all_ycenter(icell)
+                  E(ncell) = bigcal_all_good_det(icell)
+                  bigcal_all_good_det(icell) = 0.
+                  A(ncell) = bigcal_all_adc_det(icell)
+                  bigcal_all_adc_det(icell) = 0.
+*     the following condition should only be true if we are calling b_find_clusters a second time from 
+*     gep_check_bigcal:
+                  if(bigcal_bad_chan_list(icell)) then 
+                     bad(ncell) = .true.
+                     nbad = nbad + 1
+                     bigcal_all_good_det(icell) = -1.
+                  endif                  
+!     found_any = .true.
+               else if(
+     $                 bigcal_bad_chan_list(icell).and.
+     $                 (.not.bad(cell_index)).and.
+     $                 bigcal_all_good_det(icell).eq.0.) then
+c     if one of the nearest neighbors is in the bad channel list, add it to the cluster so that we can 
+c     continue to build up the cluster around it
+                  ncell = ncell + 1
+                  nbad = nbad + 1
+                  ix(ncell) = icol
+                  iy(ncell) = irow
+                  x(ncell) = bigcal_all_xcenter(icell)
+                  y(ncell) = bigcal_all_ycenter(icell)
+                  E(ncell) = bigcal_all_good_det(icell)
+                  bad(ncell) = .true.
+                  bigcal_all_good_det(icell) = -1.
+               endif
+            else
+               icell = bigcal_ixclose_rcs(icol) + 32*(irow-1)
+               if(bigcal_all_good_det(icell).gt.b_cell_cut_prot) then
+                  ncell = ncell + 1
+                  ix(ncell) = bigcal_ixclose_rcs(icol)
+                  iy(ncell) = irow
+                  x(ncell) = bigcal_all_xcenter(icell)
+                  y(ncell) = bigcal_all_ycenter(icell)
+                  E(ncell) = bigcal_all_good_det(icell)
+                  bigcal_all_good_det(icell) = 0.
+                  A(ncell) = bigcal_all_adc_det(icell)
+                  bigcal_all_adc_det(icell) = 0.
+*     the following condition should only be true if we are calling b_find_clusters a second time from 
+*     gep_check_bigcal:
+                  if(bigcal_bad_chan_list(icell)) then 
+                     bad(ncell) = .true.
+                     nbad = nbad + 1
+                     bigcal_all_good_det(icell) = -1.
+                  endif                  
+!     found_any = .true.
+               else if(
+     $                 bigcal_bad_chan_list(icell).and.
+     $                 (.not.bad(cell_index)).and.
+     $                 bigcal_all_good_det(icell).eq.0.) then
+c     if one of the nearest neighbors is in the bad channel list, add it to the cluster so that we can 
+c     continue to build up the cluster around it
+                  ncell = ncell + 1
+                  nbad = nbad + 1
+                  ix(ncell) = icol
+                  iy(ncell) = irow
+                  x(ncell) = bigcal_all_xcenter(icell)
+                  y(ncell) = bigcal_all_ycenter(icell)
+                  E(ncell) = bigcal_all_good_det(icell)
+                  bad(ncell) = .true.
+                  bigcal_all_good_det(icell) = -1.
+               endif
+            endif
+         endif
+      endif
+ 101  continue
+c      add_neighbors = found_any
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/BTRACKING/b_analyze_pedestal.f b/BTRACKING/b_analyze_pedestal.f
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9cde5b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BTRACKING/b_analyze_pedestal.f
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+      subroutine b_analyze_pedestal(ABORT,err)
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*18 here
+      parameter(here='b_analyze_pedestal')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      include 'bigcal_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_gain_parms.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_hist_id.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_bypass_switches.cmn'
+      integer*4 ihit,jhit
+      integer*4 irow,icol,icell
+c     pedestals we need to analyze include protvino, rcs, and trigger
+c     procedure is to loop over all hits and accumulate ped sums: 
+c      write(*,*) 'bigcal_rcs_nhit=',bigcal_rcs_nhit
+      do ihit=1,BIGCAL_PROT_NHIT
+         irow = BIGCAL_PROT_IY(ihit)
+         icol = BIGCAL_PROT_IX(ihit)
+         icell = icol + BIGCAL_PROT_NX*(irow-1)
+         if(BIGCAL_PROT_ADC_RAW(ihit).le.bigcal_prot_ped_limit(icell))
+     $        then
+            bigcal_prot_ped_sum2(icell) = bigcal_prot_ped_sum2(icell) + 
+     $           BIGCAL_PROT_ADC_RAW(ihit)*BIGCAL_PROT_ADC_RAW(ihit)
+            bigcal_prot_ped_sum(icell) = bigcal_prot_ped_sum(icell) +
+     $           BIGCAL_PROT_ADC_RAW(ihit)
+            bigcal_prot_ped_num(icell) = bigcal_prot_ped_num(icell) + 1
+            if(bigcal_prot_ped_num(icell).eq.nint(bigcal_prot_min_peds 
+     $           /5.) ) then
+               bigcal_prot_ped_limit(icell) = 100 + 
+     $             bigcal_prot_ped_sum(icell)/bigcal_prot_ped_num(icell)
+            endif
+            if(bid_badc(icell) then ! fill ADC hist for sanity check
+               call hf1(bid_badc(icell),float(bigcal_prot_adc_raw(ihit)),
+     $              1.0)
+            endif
+         endif
+      enddo
+      do ihit=1,BIGCAL_RCS_NHIT
+         irow = BIGCAL_RCS_IY(ihit)-32
+         icol = BIGCAL_RCS_IX(ihit)
+         icell = icol + BIGCAL_RCS_NX*(irow-1)
+c         write(*,*) 'icell,adc_raw,ped_limit=',icell,bigcal_rcs_adc_raw(icell),
+c     $        bigcal_rcs_ped_limit(icell)
+         if(BIGCAL_RCS_ADC_RAW(ihit).le.bigcal_rcs_ped_limit(icell))
+     $        then
+            bigcal_rcs_ped_sum2(icell) = bigcal_rcs_ped_sum2(icell) + 
+     $           BIGCAL_RCS_ADC_RAW(ihit)*BIGCAL_RCS_ADC_RAW(ihit)
+            bigcal_rcs_ped_sum(icell) = bigcal_rcs_ped_sum(icell) +
+     $           BIGCAL_RCS_ADC_RAW(ihit)
+            bigcal_rcs_ped_num(icell) = bigcal_rcs_ped_num(icell) + 1
+            if(bigcal_rcs_ped_num(icell).eq.nint(bigcal_rcs_min_peds 
+     $           /5.) ) then
+               bigcal_rcs_ped_limit(icell) = 100 + 
+     $             bigcal_rcs_ped_sum(icell)/bigcal_rcs_ped_num(icell)
+            endif
+            if(bid_badc(icell+bigcal_prot_maxhits).gt.0.and.
+     $  then
+               call hf1(bid_badc(icell+bigcal_prot_maxhits),float(
+     $              bigcal_rcs_adc_raw(ihit)),1.0)
+            endif
+         endif
+      enddo
+      do ihit=1,BIGCAL_ATRIG_NHIT
+         irow = BIGCAL_ATRIG_IGROUP(ihit)
+         icol = BIGCAL_ATRIG_IHALF(ihit)
+         icell = icol + 2*(irow-1)
+         if(BIGCAL_ATRIG_ADC_RAW(ihit).le.bigcal_trig_ped_limit(icell))
+     $        then
+            bigcal_trig_ped_sum2(icell) = bigcal_trig_ped_sum2(icell) + 
+     $           BIGCAL_ATRIG_ADC_RAW(ihit)*BIGCAL_ATRIG_ADC_RAW(ihit)
+            bigcal_trig_ped_sum(icell) = bigcal_trig_ped_sum(icell) +
+     $           BIGCAL_ATRIG_ADC_RAW(ihit)
+            bigcal_trig_ped_num(icell) = bigcal_trig_ped_num(icell) + 1
+            if(bigcal_trig_ped_num(icell).eq.nint(bigcal_trig_min_peds 
+     $           /5.) ) then
+               bigcal_trig_ped_limit(icell) = 100 + 
+     $             bigcal_trig_ped_sum(icell)/bigcal_trig_ped_num(icell)
+            endif
+            if(bid_btadc(icell) then
+               call hf1(bid_btadc(icell),float(bigcal_atrig_adc_raw(ihit)),
+     $              1.0)
+            endif
+         endif
+      enddo
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/BTRACKING/b_calc_cluster_time.f b/BTRACKING/b_calc_cluster_time.f
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0cfcfcc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BTRACKING/b_calc_cluster_time.f
@@ -0,0 +1,420 @@
+      subroutine b_calc_cluster_time(ABORT,err)
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*19 here
+      parameter(here='b_calc_cluster_time')
+      include 'bigcal_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_tof_parms.cmn'
+      include 'gep_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_bypass_switches.cmn'
+      logical abort
+      character*(*) err
+c     the main purpose of this routine is to fill the timing related variables in the 
+c     cluster array. Maybe later we will use this routine to actually "trim" hits with bad timing
+c     off of the clusters. For starters, we will calculate the mean time for a cluster based on
+c     the values of all unique TDC channels, separately for sums of 8 and sums of 64. We will 
+c     also calculate the rms value. If a unique TDC channel has more than one hit, then we 
+c     choose the value closest to bigcal_window_center as the best value!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+      integer iclust,icell,i
+      integer i8,n8,i64,n64,n8cut,n64cut
+      integer irow,icol,irow8,icol8,irow64,icol64
+      integer icell8,icell64,ihit8,ihit64
+      integer jcell8,jcell64,jhit8,jhit64
+      real meant8,rmst8,mintdiff,meant64,rmst64,tdiff,thit
+      real meant8cut,rmst8cut,meant64cut,rmst64cut
+      real t8sum2,t64sum2,t8sum,t64sum
+      real t8sum2_cut,t8sum_cut,t64sum2_cut,t64sum_cut
+      real btrigt,breftime
+      real e8sum,e64sum,e8,e64
+      integer ihitmin
+      logical overlap_row
+      abort=.false.
+      err = ' '
+c     first calculate a reference time:
+      mintdiff = 0.
+      if( then
+         do i=1,ntrigb
+            if(i.eq.1.or.abs(gep_btime(i)-gep_btime_elastic).lt.mintdiff) then
+               btrigt = gep_btime(i)
+               mintdiff = abs(gep_btime(i)-gep_btime_elastic)
+            endif
+         enddo
+      else
+         btrigt = gep_btime_elastic
+      endif
+      breftime = bigcal_end_time - btrigt
+c     corrections to hit times should have lined them up with the TRIGGER time, so 
+c     after calculating the correction to the hit times and finding the cluster time,
+c     we should then simply add the walk correction of the trigger time to the cluster time:
+c      write(*,*) 'breftime = ',breftime
+      do iclust=1,bigcal_all_nclstr
+         n8 = 0
+         n8cut = 0
+         n64cut = 0
+         n64 = 0
+         e8sum = 0.
+         e64sum = 0.
+         meant8 = 0.
+         rmst8 = 0.
+         meant8cut = 0.
+         rmst8cut = 0.
+         meant64 = 0.
+         rmst64 = 0.
+         meant64cut = 0.
+         rmst64cut = 0.
+         t8sum2 = 0.
+         t64sum2 = 0.
+         t8sum = 0.
+         t64sum = 0.
+         t8sum_cut = 0.
+         t8sum2_cut = 0.
+         t64sum_cut = 0.
+         t64sum2_cut = 0.
+         do icell=1,bigcal_all_clstr_ncell(iclust) ! we start with the maximum
+            irow = bigcal_all_clstr_iycell(iclust,icell)
+            icol = bigcal_all_clstr_ixcell(iclust,icell)
+            irow8 = irow
+            if(irow8.le.32) then
+               icol8 = (icol-1)/8 + 1
+            else 
+               if( then
+                  icol8 = (icol-1)/8 + 1
+               else 
+                  icol8 = icol/8 + 1
+               endif
+            endif
+            icell8 = icol8 + 4*(irow8-1)
+            if(bigcal_tdc_det_ngood(icell8).gt.0) then
+               if(n8 .eq. 0 ) then ! first channel with a tdc hit
+                  n8 = n8 + 1
+                  n8cut = n8cut + 1
+                  bigcal_all_clstr_nhit8(iclust,n8) = 
+     $                 bigcal_tdc_det_ngood(icell8)
+                  bigcal_all_clstr_irow8(iclust,n8) = irow8
+                  bigcal_all_clstr_icol8(iclust,n8) = icol8
+                  bigcal_all_clstr_s8(iclust,n8) = bigcal_tdc_sum8(icell8)
+                  e8 = bigcal_tdc_sum8(icell8)
+                  ihitmin = 0
+c     for the first channel, take the hit which is closest to the trigger time:
+                  do ihit8=1,bigcal_tdc_det_ngood(icell8)
+                     thit = bigcal_tdc_good_det(icell8,ihit8)
+                     bigcal_all_clstr_tcell8(iclust,n8,ihit8) = thit
+                     tdiff = abs(thit - breftime)
+                     if(ihit8.eq.1) then 
+                        mintdiff = tdiff
+                        ihitmin = ihit8
+                     else 
+                        if( then
+                           mintdiff = tdiff
+                           ihitmin = ihit8
+                        endif
+                     endif
+                  enddo
+                  thit = bigcal_tdc_good_det(icell8,ihitmin)
+                  e8sum = e8sum + e8
+                  t8sum = t8sum + thit
+                  t8sum2 = t8sum2 + thit**2
+                  t8sum_cut = t8sum_cut + thit*e8
+                  t8sum2_cut = t8sum2_cut + (thit*e8)**2
+               else ! make sure this is a unique TDC channel!!!!
+                  do jcell8=1,n8
+                     if(irow8.eq.bigcal_all_clstr_irow8(iclust,jcell8)
+     $             .and.icol8.eq.bigcal_all_clstr_icol8(iclust,jcell8))
+     $                    then ! not unique, exit the if-block
+                        goto 101
+                     endif
+                  enddo
+                  if (n8 .eq. 10) goto 101 ! mkj 
+c     if we make it to here without jumping out of this if-block, then 
+c     the tdc channel is unique!!!!
+                  n8 = n8 + 1
+                  if( then
+                     write(*,*) 'problem, more than 10 unique TDC'//
+     $                    ' channels found for cluster ',iclust,
+     $                    '(irow,icol) = (',irow,icol,'), (nx,ny)=(',
+     $                    bigcal_all_clstr_ncellx(iclust),
+     $                    bigcal_all_clstr_ncelly(iclust),
+     $                    '), unexpected!'
+                     goto 101
+                  endif
+                  bigcal_all_clstr_nhit8(iclust,n8) =
+     $                 bigcal_tdc_det_ngood(icell8)
+                  bigcal_all_clstr_irow8(iclust,n8) = irow8
+                  bigcal_all_clstr_icol8(iclust,n8) = icol8
+                  bigcal_all_clstr_s8(iclust,n8) = bigcal_tdc_sum8(icell8)
+                  e8 = bigcal_tdc_sum8(icell8)
+c     take hit with min. time difference relative to moving average of cluster
+                  do ihit8 = 1,bigcal_tdc_det_ngood(icell8)
+                     thit = bigcal_tdc_good_det(icell8,ihit8)
+                     bigcal_all_clstr_tcell8(iclust,n8,ihit8) = thit
+                     tdiff = abs(thit - t8sum_cut/e8sum)
+                     if(ihit8.eq.1) then 
+                        mintdiff = tdiff
+                        ihitmin = ihit8
+                     else 
+                        if( then
+                           mintdiff = tdiff
+                           ihitmin = ihit8
+                        endif
+                     endif
+                  enddo
+                  thit = bigcal_tdc_good_det(icell8,ihitmin)
+                  t8sum = t8sum + thit
+                  t8sum2 = t8sum2 + thit**2
+                  if(abs(thit - t8sum_cut / e8sum ).le.b_timing_cut) then
+                     n8cut = n8cut + 1
+                     e8sum = e8sum + e8
+                     t8sum_cut = t8sum_cut + thit*e8
+                     t8sum2_cut = t8sum2_cut + (thit*e8)**2
+                  endif
+               endif
+            endif
+ 101        continue
+            irow64 = (irow-1)/3 + 1
+            if(irow.le.32) then
+               icol64 = (icol-1)/16 + 1
+            else 
+               icol64 = icol/16 + 1
+            endif
+            icell64 = icol64 + 2*(irow64-1)
+            if(mod(irow-1,3).eq.0 then
+               overlap_row = .true.
+            else 
+               overlap_row = .false.
+            endif
+            goto 104
+ 103        overlap_row = .false.
+ 104        continue
+            if(bigcal_ttrig_det_ngood(icell64).gt.0) then
+               if(n64.eq.0 ) then ! first trig. tdc channel with a hit
+                  n64 = n64 + 1
+                  n64cut = n64cut + 1
+                  bigcal_all_clstr_nhit64(iclust,n64) = 
+     $                 bigcal_ttrig_det_ngood(icell64)
+                  bigcal_all_clstr_irow64(iclust,n64) = irow64
+                  bigcal_all_clstr_icol64(iclust,n64) = icol64
+                  bigcal_all_clstr_A64(iclust,n64) = 
+     $                 bigcal_atrig_good_det(icell64)
+                  bigcal_all_clstr_sum64(iclust,n64) = 
+     $                 bigcal_atrig_sum64(icell64)
+                  e64 = bigcal_atrig_good_det(icell64)
+                  if(e64.eq.0.) e64 = bigcal_atrig_sum64(icell64)
+                  do ihit64=1,bigcal_ttrig_det_ngood(icell64)
+                     thit = bigcal_ttrig_good_det(icell64,ihit64)
+                     bigcal_all_clstr_tcell64(iclust,n64,ihit64) = thit
+                     tdiff = abs(thit - breftime)
+                     if(ihit64.eq.1) then
+                        mintdiff = tdiff
+                        ihitmin = ihit64
+                     else 
+                        if( then
+                           mintdiff = tdiff
+                           ihitmin = ihit64
+                        endif
+                     endif
+                  enddo
+                  thit = bigcal_ttrig_good_det(icell64,ihitmin)
+                  t64sum = t64sum + thit
+                  t64sum2 = t64sum2 + thit**2
+                  e64sum = e64sum + e64
+                  t64sum_cut = t64sum_cut + thit*e64
+                  t64sum2_cut = t64sum2_cut + (thit*e64)**2
+               else             ! must check if unique trig. tdc channel
+                  do jcell64=1,n64
+                     if(irow64.eq.bigcal_all_clstr_irow64(iclust,jcell64)
+     $                    .and.icol64.eq.bigcal_all_clstr_icol64(iclust,jcell64))
+     $                    then
+                        goto 102
+                     endif
+                  enddo
+                  if (n64 .eq. 6) goto 102 ! mkj
+c     if we make it to this point without jumping out of the if block, then
+c     the trig. tdc channel is unique!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+                  n64 = n64 + 1
+                  if( then
+                     write(*,*) 'problem, more than 6 unique TTDC'//
+     $                    ' channels found for cluster ',iclust,
+     $                    '(irow,icol) = (',irow,icol,'), (nx,ny)=(',
+     $                    bigcal_all_clstr_ncellx(iclust),
+     $                    bigcal_all_clstr_ncelly(iclust),
+     $                    '), unexpected!'
+                     goto 102
+                  endif
+                  bigcal_all_clstr_nhit64(iclust,n64) = 
+     $                 bigcal_ttrig_det_ngood(icell64)
+                  bigcal_all_clstr_irow64(iclust,n64) = irow64
+                  bigcal_all_clstr_icol64(iclust,n64) = icol64
+                  bigcal_all_clstr_A64(iclust,n64) = 
+     $                 bigcal_atrig_good_det(icell64)
+                  bigcal_all_clstr_sum64(iclust,n64) = 
+     $                 bigcal_atrig_sum64(icell64)
+                  e64 = bigcal_atrig_good_det(icell64)
+                  if(e64.eq.0.) e64 = bigcal_atrig_sum64(icell64)
+                  do ihit64=1,bigcal_ttrig_det_ngood(icell64)
+                    thit = bigcal_ttrig_good_det(icell64,ihit64)
+                    bigcal_all_clstr_tcell64(iclust,n64,ihit64) = thit
+                    tdiff = abs(thit - t64sum_cut/e64sum)
+                    if(ihit64.eq.1) then
+                       mintdiff = tdiff
+                       ihitmin = ihit64
+                    else 
+                       if( then
+                          mintdiff = tdiff
+                          ihitmin = ihit64
+                       endif
+                    endif
+                 enddo
+                  thit = bigcal_ttrig_good_det(icell64,ihitmin)
+                  t64sum = t64sum + thit
+                  t64sum2 = t64sum2 + thit**2
+                  if(abs(thit - t64sum_cut / e64sum).le.b_timing_cut) then
+                     e64sum = e64sum + e64
+                     n64cut = n64cut + 1
+                     t64sum_cut = t64sum_cut + thit*e64
+                     t64sum2_cut = t64sum2_cut + (thit*e64)**2
+                  endif
+               endif
+            endif
+ 102        continue
+            if(overlap_row) then ! also check previous overlapping sum64 channel
+               icell64 = icell64 - 2
+               irow64 = irow64 - 1
+               goto 103
+            endif
+         enddo
+         bigcal_all_clstr_ncell8(iclust) = n8
+         bigcal_all_clstr_ncell64(iclust) = n64
+         meant8 = t8sum / n8
+         rmst8 = sqrt(max(0.,t8sum2 / n8 - meant8**2))
+         if(n8.eq.0) then
+            meant8 = 0.
+            rmst8 = 0.
+         endif
+c         write(*,*) 't64sum,t64sum2,n64=',t64sum,t64sum2,n64
+         meant64 = t64sum / n64
+         rmst64 = sqrt(max(0.,t64sum2 / n64 - meant64**2))
+         if(n64.eq.0) then
+            meant64 = 0.
+            rmst64 = 0.
+         endif
+         meant8cut = t8sum_cut / e8sum
+         rmst8cut = sqrt(max(0.,t8sum2_cut / e8sum - meant8cut**2))
+         if(n8cut.eq.0) then
+            meant8cut = 0.
+            rmst8cut = 0.
+         endif
+c         write(*,*) 't64sum,t64sum2,n64=',t64sum,t64sum2,n64
+         meant64cut = t64sum_cut / e64sum
+         rmst64cut = sqrt(max(0.,t64sum2_cut / e64sum - meant64cut**2))
+         if(n64cut.eq.0) then
+            meant64cut = 0.
+            rmst64cut = 0.
+         endif
+         bigcal_all_clstr_t8mean(iclust) = meant8
+         bigcal_all_clstr_t64mean(iclust) = meant64
+         bigcal_all_clstr_t8cut(iclust) = meant8cut
+         bigcal_all_clstr_t8cut_cor(iclust) = meant8cut + 
+     $        gep_btime_corr - breftime
+         bigcal_all_clstr_t64cut(iclust) = meant64cut
+         bigcal_all_clstr_t8rms(iclust) = rmst8
+         bigcal_all_clstr_t64rms(iclust) = rmst64 
+         bigcal_all_clstr_t64cut_cor(iclust) = meant64cut + 
+     $        gep_btime_corr - breftime
+      enddo   
+      return 
+      end
diff --git a/BTRACKING/b_calc_pedestal.f b/BTRACKING/b_calc_pedestal.f
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e1a60dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BTRACKING/b_calc_pedestal.f
@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
+      subroutine b_calc_pedestal(ABORT,err)
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*15 here
+      parameter(here='b_calc_pedestal')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      include 'bigcal_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_hist_id.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_gain_parms.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_filenames.cmn'
+      include 'gen_run_info.cmn'
+      integer spareid
+      parameter(spareid=67)
+      integer irow,icol,icell
+      integer igroup,ihalf,igr64
+      integer nchange
+      integer roc,slot,signalcount
+      real numped,sigma2
+      character*132 file
+      nchange = 0
+      do irow=1,BIGCAL_PROT_NY
+         do icol=1,BIGCAL_PROT_NX
+            icell = icol + (irow-1)*BIGCAL_PROT_NX
+            numped = max(1.,float(bigcal_prot_ped_num(icell)))
+c            write(*,*) 'prot numped=',numped
+            bigcal_prot_new_ped(icell)=bigcal_prot_ped_sum(icell)/numped
+            sigma2=float(bigcal_prot_ped_sum2(icell))/numped - 
+     $           (bigcal_prot_new_ped(icell))**2
+            bigcal_prot_new_rms(icell) = sqrt(max(0.,sigma2))
+            bigcal_prot_new_threshold(icell)=bigcal_prot_new_ped(icell)
+     $           + bigcal_prot_nsparse
+            if(bigcal_prot_new_threshold(icell).lt.0) then
+               bigcal_prot_new_threshold(icell) = 0
+            endif
+            if(bigcal_prot_new_threshold(icell).gt.4000) then
+               bigcal_prot_new_threshold(icell) = 4000
+            endif
+            if(abs(bigcal_prot_ped_mean(icell) - 
+     $           bigcal_prot_new_ped(icell)).gt. 2.0 *
+     $           bigcal_prot_new_rms(icell)) then
+               nchange = nchange + 1
+               bigcal_prot_change_irow(nchange) = irow
+               bigcal_prot_change_icol(nchange) = icol
+               bigcal_prot_ped_change(nchange) = 
+     $              bigcal_prot_new_ped(icell) - 
+     $              bigcal_prot_ped_mean(icell)
+            endif
+            if(
+     $           .ne.0) then
+               bigcal_prot_ped_mean(icell)=bigcal_prot_new_ped(icell)
+               bigcal_prot_ped_rms(icell)=bigcal_prot_new_rms(icell)
+               bigcal_prot_adc_threshold(icell)=min(bigcal_prot_max_thresh,
+     $              max(bigcal_prot_min_thresh,2.5*bigcal_prot_new_rms(icell)))
+               if( then
+                  call hf1(bid_bcal_ped_mean_prot,float(icell),
+     $                 bigcal_prot_ped_mean(icell))
+               endif
+               if( then
+                  call hf1(bid_bcal_ped_rms_prot,float(icell),
+     $                 bigcal_prot_ped_rms(icell))
+               endif
+               if( then
+                  call hf1(bid_bcal_pedw_prot,bigcal_prot_ped_rms(icell),1.)
+               endif
+            endif
+         enddo
+      enddo
+      bigcal_prot_num_ped_changes = nchange
+      nchange = 0
+      do irow=1,BIGCAL_RCS_NY
+         do icol=1,BIGCAL_RCS_NX
+            icell = icol + (irow-1)*BIGCAL_RCS_NX
+            numped = max(1.,float(bigcal_rcs_ped_num(icell)))
+c            write(*,*) 'rcs numped=',numped
+            bigcal_rcs_new_ped(icell)=bigcal_rcs_ped_sum(icell)/numped
+            sigma2=float(bigcal_rcs_ped_sum2(icell))/numped - 
+     $           (bigcal_rcs_new_ped(icell))**2
+            bigcal_rcs_new_rms(icell) = sqrt(max(0.,sigma2))
+            bigcal_rcs_new_threshold(icell)=bigcal_rcs_new_ped(icell)
+     $           + bigcal_rcs_nsparse
+            if(bigcal_rcs_new_threshold(icell).lt.0) then
+               bigcal_rcs_new_threshold(icell) = 0
+            endif
+            if(bigcal_rcs_new_threshold(icell).gt.4000) then
+               bigcal_rcs_new_threshold(icell) = 4000
+            endif
+            if(abs(bigcal_rcs_ped_mean(icell) - 
+     $           bigcal_rcs_new_ped(icell)).gt. 2.0 *
+     $           bigcal_rcs_new_rms(icell)) then
+               nchange = nchange + 1
+               bigcal_rcs_change_irow(nchange) = irow
+               bigcal_rcs_change_icol(nchange) = icol
+               bigcal_rcs_ped_change(nchange) = 
+     $              bigcal_rcs_new_ped(icell) - 
+     $              bigcal_rcs_ped_mean(icell)
+            endif
+            if(
+     $           .ne.0) then
+               bigcal_rcs_ped_mean(icell)=bigcal_rcs_new_ped(icell)
+               bigcal_rcs_ped_rms(icell)=bigcal_rcs_new_rms(icell)
+               bigcal_rcs_adc_threshold(icell)=min(bigcal_rcs_max_thresh,
+     $              max(bigcal_rcs_min_thresh,2.5*bigcal_rcs_new_rms(icell)))
+               if( then
+                  call hf1(bid_bcal_ped_mean_rcs,float(icell),
+     $                 bigcal_rcs_ped_mean(icell))
+               endif
+               if( then
+                  call hf1(bid_bcal_ped_rms_rcs,float(icell),
+     $                 bigcal_rcs_ped_rms(icell))
+               endif
+               if( then
+                  call hf1(bid_bcal_pedw_rcs,bigcal_rcs_ped_rms(icell),1.)
+               endif
+            endif
+         enddo
+      enddo
+      bigcal_rcs_num_ped_changes = nchange
+      nchange = 0
+      do igroup=1,BIGCAL_ATRIG_MAXHITS/2
+         do ihalf=1,2
+            igr64 = ihalf + 2*(igroup-1)
+            numped = max(1.,float(bigcal_trig_ped_num(igr64)))
+c            write(*,*) 'trig numped=',numped
+            bigcal_trig_new_ped(igr64)=bigcal_trig_ped_sum(igr64)/numped
+            sigma2=float(bigcal_trig_ped_sum2(igr64))/numped - 
+     $           (bigcal_trig_new_ped(igr64))**2
+            bigcal_trig_new_rms(igr64) = sqrt(max(0.,sigma2))
+            bigcal_trig_new_threshold(igr64)=bigcal_trig_new_ped(igr64)
+     $           + bigcal_trig_nsparse
+            if(bigcal_trig_new_threshold(igr64).lt.0) then
+               bigcal_trig_new_threshold(igr64) = 0
+            endif
+            if(bigcal_trig_new_threshold(igr64).gt.4000) then
+               bigcal_trig_new_threshold(igr64) = 4000
+            endif
+            if(abs(bigcal_trig_ped_mean(igr64) - 
+     $           bigcal_trig_new_ped(igr64)).gt. 2.0 *
+     $           bigcal_trig_new_rms(igr64)) then
+               nchange = nchange + 1
+               bigcal_trig_change_irow(nchange) = irow
+               bigcal_trig_change_icol(nchange) = icol
+               bigcal_trig_ped_change(nchange) = 
+     $              bigcal_trig_new_ped(igr64) - 
+     $              bigcal_trig_ped_mean(igr64)
+            endif
+            if(
+     $           .ne.0) then
+               bigcal_trig_ped_mean(igr64)=bigcal_trig_new_ped(igr64)
+               bigcal_trig_ped_rms(igr64)=bigcal_trig_new_rms(igr64)
+               bigcal_trig_adc_threshold(igr64)=min(bigcal_trig_max_thresh,
+     $              max(bigcal_trig_min_thresh,3.*bigcal_trig_new_rms(igr64)))
+               if( then
+                  call hf1(bid_bcal_ped_mean_trig,float(igr64),
+     $                 bigcal_trig_ped_mean(igr64))
+               endif
+               if( then
+                  call hf1(bid_bcal_ped_rms_trig,float(igr64),
+     $                 bigcal_trig_ped_rms(igr64))
+               endif
+               if( then
+                  call hf1(bid_bcal_pedw_trig,bigcal_trig_ped_rms(igr64),1.)
+               endif
+            endif
+         enddo
+      enddo
+      bigcal_trig_num_ped_changes = nchange
+c     now we write thresholds to file for hardware sparsification:
+      if(' ') then
+         file = b_roc11_threshold_output_filename
+         call g_sub_run_number(file,gen_run_number)
+         open(unit=SPAREID,file=file,status='unknown')
+c$$$         write(SPAREID,*) '# This is the ADC threshold file generated '// 
+c$$$     $       'automatically'
+c$$$         write(SPAREID,666)'# from the pedestal data, run ',gen_run_number
+c$$$         write(SPAREID,*) '# ROC11 (BigCal Protvino and trigger ADCs):'
+c$$$ 666     format(A31,I8)
+         roc=11
+c     protvino ADCs are NO LONGER in ROC11, slots 3-10 and 14-21
+c     protvino ADCs are now in ROC11, slots 3-19
+         signalcount=1
+c     change slot range to 3-20 since now we have several cables in slot 20
+         do slot=3,18
+            write(spareid,*) 'slot=',slot
+            call g_output_thresholds(spareid,roc,slot,signalcount,
+     $           BIGCAL_PROT_NX,bigcal_prot_new_threshold,0,
+     $           bigcal_prot_new_rms,0)
+         enddo
+         slot=19
+         write(spareid,*) 'slot=',slot
+         call g_output_thresholds(spareid,roc,slot,signalcount,
+     $        2,bigcal_trig_new_threshold,0,
+     $        bigcal_trig_new_rms,0)
+         slot=20
+         write(spareid,*) 'slot=',slot
+         call g_output_thresholds(spareid,roc,slot,signalcount,
+     $        bigcal_prot_nx,bigcal_prot_new_threshold,0,
+     $        bigcal_prot_new_rms,0)
+         close(spareid)
+      endif
+c$$$         do slot=14,21
+c$$$            write(spareid,*) 'slot=',slot
+c$$$            call g_output_thresholds(spareid,roc,slot,signalcount,
+c$$$     $           BIGCAL_PROT_NX,bigcal_prot_new_threshold,0,
+c$$$     $           bigcal_prot_new_rms,0)
+c$$$         enddo
+c     trigger ADCs are in roc 11, slot 22
+c$$$         slot=22
+c$$$         write(spareid,*) 'slot=',slot
+c$$$         call g_output_thresholds(spareid,roc,slot,signalcount,
+c$$$     $        2,bigcal_trig_new_threshold,0,
+c$$$     $        bigcal_trig_new_rms,0)
+c     rcs ADCs are in ROC12, slots 6-11 and 15-20
+c$$$         write(SPAREID,*) '# ROC12 (BigCal RCS ADCs):'
+      if(' ') then
+         file=b_roc12_threshold_output_filename
+         call g_sub_run_number(file,gen_run_number)
+         open(unit=SPAREID,file=file,status='unknown')
+         roc=12
+         do slot=6,11
+            write(spareid,*) 'slot=',slot
+            call g_output_thresholds(spareid,roc,slot,signalcount,
+     $           BIGCAL_RCS_NX,bigcal_rcs_new_threshold,0,
+     $           bigcal_rcs_new_rms,0)
+         enddo
+         do slot=15,20
+            write(spareid,*) 'slot=',slot
+            call g_output_thresholds(spareid,roc,slot,signalcount,
+     $           BIGCAL_RCS_NX,bigcal_rcs_new_threshold,0,
+     $           bigcal_rcs_new_rms,0)
+         enddo
+         close(spareid)
+      endif
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/BTRACKING/b_calc_physics.f b/BTRACKING/b_calc_physics.f
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a1576ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BTRACKING/b_calc_physics.f
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+      subroutine b_calc_physics(ABORT,err)
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*14 here
+      parameter(here='b_calc_physics')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      include 'bigcal_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_tof_parms.cmn'
+c      include 'gen_units.par'
+      include 'gen_constants.par'
+      include 'gen_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'gen_event_info.cmn'
+      include 'gep_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_hist_id.cmn'
+      integer i,j,k,ntrack,itrackmax,nprot,nrcs,nmid
+      integer irow,icol,icell
+      real E,x,y,z,t,R,L,tof,Rperp
+      real xrot,zrot
+      real thetadeg,thetarad,phideg,phirad
+      real Sinth,Costh
+      real m_e
+      real mom,beta,c,eloss,gamma,log10betagamma
+      real maxetot
+      real edx,edy,edz,vx,vy,vz
+c      integer ilow,ihigh
+c      logical last_time
+      ntrack = 0
+      ABORT=.false.
+      err=' '
+      Sinth = BIGCAL_SINTHETA
+      Costh = BIGCAL_COSTHETA
+      R = BIGCAL_R_TGT
+      m_e = mass_electron
+      c = speed_of_light
+c$$$      nprot = 0
+c$$$      nrcs = 0
+c$$$      nmid = 0
+c     this routine also fills many standard histograms
+      if( then
+         do i=1,bigcal_all_nclstr
+            ntrack = ntrack + 1
+c            nprot = nprot + 1
+            x = BIGCAL_ALL_CLSTR_X(i)
+            y = BIGCAL_ALL_CLSTR_Y(i)
+            E = BIGCAL_ALL_CLSTR_ETOT(i)
+            if( call hf1(bid_bcal_ixclust,
+     $           float(bigcal_all_clstr_ixmax(i)),1.0)
+            if( call hf1(bid_bcal_iyclust,
+     $           float(bigcal_all_clstr_iymax(i)),1.0)
+            if( call hf2(bid_bcal_rowcolclust,
+     $           float(bigcal_all_clstr_ixmax(i)),float(bigcal_all_clstr_iymax(i)),1.0)
+            if( call hf1(bid_bcal_xclust,x,1.0)
+            if( call hf1(bid_bcal_yclust,y,1.0)
+            if( call hf1(bid_bcal_xmom,bigcal_all_clstr_xmom(i),1.0)
+            if( call hf1(bid_bcal_ymom,bigcal_all_clstr_ymom(i),1.0)
+            if( call hf1(bid_bcal_ncellclst,float(bigcal_all_clstr_ncell(i)),1.0)
+            if( call hf1(bid_bcal_nxclust,float(bigcal_all_clstr_ncellx(i)),1.0)
+            if( call hf1(bid_bcal_nyclust,float(bigcal_all_clstr_ncelly(i)),1.0)
+            if( call hf2(bid_bcal_nxny,float(bigcal_all_clstr_ncellx(i)),
+     $           float(bigcal_all_clstr_ncelly(i)),1.0)
+            if( call hf2(bid_bcal_xy,x,y,1.0)
+            t = BIGCAL_ALL_CLSTR_T8CUT(i)
+            if(bigcal_all_clstr_ncell8(i).gt.0) then
+               if( call hf1(bid_bcal_tmean,t,1.0)
+               if( call hf1(bid_bcal_trms,bigcal_all_clstr_t8rms(i),1.0)
+            endif
+c     correct every track for energy loss. BigCal is always electron arm
+c     need to set up eloss params for BigCal absorber!
+            xrot = x * Costh + R * Sinth
+            zrot = -x * Sinth + R * Costh
+            if( then ! correct angles for HMS vertex:
+               vx = gbeam_x
+               vy = gbeam_y
+               vz = hszbeam
+               edx = xrot - vx
+               edy = y - vy
+               edz = zrot - vz
+               L = sqrt(edx**2 + edy**2 + edz**2)
+               thetarad = acos(edz/L)
+               thetadeg = 180./tt * thetarad
+               phirad = atan2(edy,edx)
+               phideg = 180./tt * phirad
+            else
+               L = sqrt(xrot**2 + zrot**2 + y**2)
+c     all length units are cm
+               thetarad = acos(zrot/L)
+               thetadeg = 180./tt * thetarad
+               phirad = atan2(y,xrot)
+               phideg = 180./tt * phirad
+            endif
+c            if(last_time) then
+            if( call hf1(bid_bcal_theta,thetadeg,1.0)
+c            endif
+c            if(last_time) then
+            if( call hf1(bid_bcal_phi,phideg,1.0)
+c            endif
+            gamma = E / m_e
+            beta = sqrt(max(0.,1. - 1./gamma**2))
+            if( beta = 1.
+            log10betagamma = log(beta*gamma) / log(10.)
+            if(gtarg_z(gtarg_num).gt.0) then
+               call total_eloss(3,.true.,thetarad,log10betagamma,eloss)
+            else 
+               eloss = 0.
+            endif
+c     for now, set eloss to zero for monte carlo analysis!
+c$$$            if( then
+c$$$               eloss = 0.
+c$$$            endif
+            E = E + eloss
+c            if(last_time) then
+            if( call hf1(bid_bcal_eclust,E,1.0)
+c            endif
+c     increment energy sum 
+            irow = bigcal_all_clstr_iymax(i)
+            icol = bigcal_all_clstr_ixmax(i)
+            if(irow.le.32) then
+               icell = icol + 32*(irow-1)
+            else 
+               icell = icol + 30*(irow-33) + bigcal_prot_maxhits
+            endif
+            b_all_run_Esum(icell) = b_all_run_Esum(icell)+E
+            b_all_run_Enum(icell) = b_all_run_Enum(icell)+1
+            mom = sqrt(max(0.,E**2 - m_e**2)) 
+            beta = mom/E
+            if(mom.eq.0.) beta = 1.
+            tof = L/(beta*c)
+c            Rperp = L*sin(thetarad)
+            BIGCAL_TRACK_THETARAD(ntrack) = thetarad
+            BIGCAL_TRACK_THETADEG(ntrack) = thetadeg
+            BIGCAL_TRACK_PHIRAD(ntrack) = phirad
+            BIGCAL_TRACK_PHIDEG(ntrack) = phideg
+            BIGCAL_TRACK_ENERGY(ntrack) = E
+            BIGCAL_TRACK_TIME(ntrack) = t
+            BIGCAL_TRACK_XFACE(ntrack) = xrot
+            BIGCAL_TRACK_YFACE(ntrack) = y
+            BIGCAL_TRACK_ZFACE(ntrack) = zrot
+            BIGCAL_TRACK_PX(ntrack) = mom * sin(thetarad) * cos(phirad)
+            BIGCAL_TRACK_PY(ntrack) = mom * sin(thetarad) * sin(phirad)
+            BIGCAL_TRACK_PZ(ntrack) = mom * cos(thetarad)
+            BIGCAL_TRACK_BETA(ntrack) = beta
+            BIGCAL_TRACK_TOF(ntrack) = tof
+            bigcal_track_tof_cor(ntrack) = tof - bigcal_tof_central
+c            write(*,*) 'tof correction = ',tof - bigcal_tof_central
+            BIGCAL_TRACK_COIN_TIME(ntrack) = t - bigcal_track_tof_cor(ntrack)
+c     increment some efficiency sums:
+            do irow=bigcal_all_clstr_iylo(i),
+     $           bigcal_all_clstr_iyhi(i)
+               if(irow.le.32) then
+                  do icol=bigcal_all_clstr_ixlo(i,2),
+     $                 bigcal_all_clstr_ixhi(i,2)
+                     icell=icol+32*(irow-1)
+                     if(bigcal_prot_good_det(icell).gt.b_cell_cut_prot)
+     $                    then
+                        b_all_run_clst_good(icell) = 
+     $                       b_all_run_clst_good(icell) + 1
+                     else
+                        b_all_run_clst_bad(icell) = 
+     $                       b_all_run_clst_bad(icell) + 1
+                     endif
+                  enddo
+               else
+                  do icol=bigcal_all_clstr_ixlo(i,3),
+     $                 bigcal_all_clstr_ixhi(i,3)
+                     icell=icol + 30*(irow-33) + bigcal_prot_maxhits
+                     if(bigcal_rcs_good_det(icell-bigcal_prot_maxhits)
+     $                    .gt.b_cell_cut_rcs) then
+                        b_all_run_clst_good(icell) = 
+     $                       b_all_run_clst_good(icell) + 1
+                     else 
+                        b_all_run_clst_bad(icell) = 
+     $                       b_all_run_clst_bad(icell) + 1
+                     endif
+                  enddo
+               endif
+            enddo
+         enddo
+         bigcal_phys_ntrack = ntrack
+      endif
+      return 
+      end
diff --git a/BTRACKING/b_calc_shower_coord.f b/BTRACKING/b_calc_shower_coord.f
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..cfd4c2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BTRACKING/b_calc_shower_coord.f
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+      subroutine b_calc_shower_coord(ABORT,err)
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*19 here
+      parameter(here='b_calc_shower_coord')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      include 'bigcal_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_gain_parms.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_geometry.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_shower_parms.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_bypass_switches.cmn'
+      include 'gen_data_structures.cmn'
+      integer i,j,irow,icol,icell,ibin,xsector,ysector,foundbin,section
+      real x,y
+      real xmom,ymom,xcenter,ycenter,xdiff,ydiff,xshift,yshift
+      real xpar(6),ypar(6)
+      real mlo,mhi,binwidth,frac,frachi,fraclo,sizex,sizey
+      real tmax
+      real Ecrit
+      parameter(Ecrit=.015) ! critical energy for TF1 lead glass in GeV
+      real X0
+      parameter(X0=2.74) ! rad length in cm for TF1 lead glass
+c     all clusters are already sorted in order of decreasing amplitude, so cell 1 is the maximum
+      do i=1,bigcal_all_nclstr
+         if( then
+            xcenter = bigcal_all_clstr_xcell(i,1)
+            ycenter = bigcal_all_clstr_ycell(i,1)
+            xmom = bigcal_all_clstr_xmom(i) 
+            ymom = bigcal_all_clstr_ymom(i)
+            irow = bigcal_all_clstr_iycell(i,1)
+            icol = bigcal_all_clstr_ixcell(i,1)
+            if(irow.le.32) then
+               xmom = xmom / bigcal_prot_size_x
+               ymom = ymom / bigcal_prot_size_y
+               sizex = bigcal_prot_size_x
+               sizey = bigcal_prot_size_y
+            else
+               xmom = xmom / bigcal_rcs_size_x
+               ymom = ymom / bigcal_rcs_size_y
+               sizex = bigcal_rcs_size_x
+               sizey = bigcal_rcs_size_y
+            endif
+c	       write(*,*) 'xmom,ymom=',xmom,ymom  		
+            xsector = (icol-1)/8 + 1
+            ysector = (irow-1)/8 + 1
+            section = xsector + 4*(ysector-1)
+c     write(*,*) 'xsector,ysector=',xsector,ysector
+               !first do x
+            binwidth = (bigcal_xmap_mmax(section) - bigcal_xmap_mmin(section)) /
+     $           float(bigcal_xmap_nbin(section))
+            mlo = bigcal_xmap_mmin(section)
+c     write(*,*) 'binwidth=',binwidth
+            if(
+     $           bigcal_xmap_mmax(section)) then
+               xdiff = xmom * sizex
+            endif
+            do ibin=1,bigcal_xmap_nbin(section)
+               mhi = mlo + binwidth
+               if(mlo.le.xmom.and.xmom.le.mhi) then ! cluster is in this bin
+c     write(*,*) 'mlo,mhi,xmom=',mlo,mhi,xmom
+                  if( then
+                     fraclo = bigcal_xmap_xfrac(section,ibin-1)
+                  else
+                     fraclo = 0.
+                  endif
+                  frachi = bigcal_xmap_xfrac(section,ibin)
+c     linearly interpolate frac within this bin
+                  frac = fraclo + (frachi - fraclo)/(mhi - mlo) * (xmom - mlo)
+c     write(*,*) 'fraclo,frachi,frac=',fraclo,frachi,frac
+                  xdiff = (-.5 + frac)*sizex
+c     write(*,*) 'xdiff=',xdiff
+c     jump out of the loop once we find the right bin
+                  goto 101
+               endif
+               mlo = mhi
+            enddo
+ 101        continue
+                                !then do y
+            binwidth = (bigcal_ymap_mmax(section) - bigcal_ymap_mmin(section)) /
+     $           float(bigcal_ymap_nbin(section))
+            mlo = bigcal_ymap_mmin(section)
+            if(
+     $           bigcal_ymap_mmax(section)) then
+               ydiff = ymom * sizey
+            endif
+            do ibin=1,bigcal_ymap_nbin(section)
+               mhi = mlo + binwidth
+               if(mlo.le.ymom.and.ymom.le.mhi) then ! cluster is in this bin
+                  if( then
+                     fraclo = bigcal_ymap_yfrac(section,ibin-1)
+                  else
+                     fraclo = 0.
+                  endif
+                  frachi = bigcal_ymap_yfrac(section,ibin)
+c     linearly interpolate frac within this bin
+                  frac = fraclo + (frachi - fraclo)/(mhi - mlo) * (ymom - mlo)
+                  ydiff = (-.5 + frac)*sizey
+c     exit the do loop when we find the right bin.
+                  goto 102
+               endif
+               mlo = mhi
+            enddo 
+ 102        continue
+c$$$            xshift = bigcal_shower_map_shift(1) + (xcenter + xdiff)*
+c$$$     $           bigcal_shower_map_slope(1)
+c$$$            yshift = bigcal_shower_map_shift(2) + (ycenter + ydiff)*
+c$$$     $           bigcal_shower_map_slope(2)
+c     for shower map-based reconstruction, use a very CRUDE model for the incident-angle distortion,
+c     so we don't have to do lots of simulations and come up with parameters...
+c     according to Particle Data Group's "Passage of Particles Through Matter", an approximate formula for tmax,
+c     the depth in radiation lengths at which the energy deposition peaks in electromagnetic cascades, is given by:
+c     tmax = 1.0 * (ln y + C) where y = E/Ec, E is electron energy, Ec is critical energy, and C = +.5 for photon
+c     showers, and -.5 for electron showers. Assuming electrons, then, tmax for lead-glass can be found as follows:
+c     X0 of TF1-0 lead glass (from Charles' note) X0 = 2.74 cm, Ecrit = 15 MeV, therefore, tmax for electrons = 
+c     tmax = ln(E'/15 MeV) - 0.5
+c     BigCal measures the energy of the cluster. Large error, but smaller error on the logarithm:
+c     This is a small correction of at MOST 2 cm
+            tmax = X0 / sqrt(2.0) * max(0.,log(bigcal_all_clstr_etot(i) / Ecrit) - 0.5 ) ! tmax in cm.
+            x = xcenter + xdiff
+            y = ycenter + ydiff
+            if( then
+               xshift = tmax * x / sqrt(x**2 + bigcal_r_tgt**2) ! sin(thetax) of incident electron
+               yshift = tmax * y / sqrt(y**2 + bigcal_r_tgt**2) ! sin(thetay) of incident electron
+            else 
+               xshift = 0.0
+               yshift = 0.0
+            endif
+            bigcal_all_clstr_x(i) = xcenter + xdiff - xshift
+            bigcal_all_clstr_y(i) = ycenter + ydiff - yshift
+         else
+            xcenter = bigcal_all_clstr_xcell(i,1)
+            ycenter = bigcal_all_clstr_ycell(i,1)
+            xmom = bigcal_all_clstr_xmom(i)
+            ymom = bigcal_all_clstr_ymom(i)
+            irow = bigcal_all_clstr_iycell(i,1)
+            icol = bigcal_all_clstr_ixcell(i,1)
+            if(irow.eq.1) irow = 2
+            if(irow.eq.56) irow = 55
+            if(irow.le.32) then
+               if(icol.eq.1) icol = 2
+               if(icol.eq.32) icol = 31
+               do j=1,6
+                  xpar(j) = bigcal_prot_xpar(icol,j)
+                  ypar(j) = bigcal_prot_ypar(irow,j)
+               enddo
+            else 
+               if(icol.eq.1) icol = 2
+               if(icol.eq.30) icol = 29
+               do j=1,6
+                  xpar(j) = bigcal_rcs_xpar(icol,j)
+                  ypar(j) = bigcal_rcs_ypar(irow-32,j)
+               enddo
+            endif
+            xdiff = xpar(1) * atan(xpar(2)*xmom**4 + xpar(3)*xmom**3 + 
+     $           xpar(4)*xmom**2 + xpar(5)*xmom + xpar(6))
+            ydiff = ypar(1) * atan(ypar(2)*ymom**4 + ypar(3)*ymom**3 + 
+     $           ypar(4)*ymom**2 + ypar(5)*ymom + ypar(6))
+            bigcal_all_clstr_x(i) = xcenter + xdiff
+            bigcal_all_clstr_y(i) = ycenter + ydiff
+         endif
+      enddo
+      return 
+      end
diff --git a/BTRACKING/b_dump_peds.f b/BTRACKING/b_dump_peds.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b89005
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BTRACKING/b_dump_peds.f
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+      subroutine b_dump_peds(ABORT,err)
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*11 here
+      parameter(here='b_dump_peds')
+      logical abort
+      character*(*) err
+      integer spareid
+      parameter(spareid=67)
+      character*132 file
+      integer*4 irow,icol,igroup,ihalf
+      include 'bigcal_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_gain_parms.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_filenames.cmn'
+      include 'gen_run_info.cmn'
+      if(' ') then
+         file = b_pedestal_output_filename
+         call g_sub_run_number(file,gen_run_number)
+         open(unit=spareid,file=file,status='unknown')
+      else 
+         return
+      endif
+      write(spareid,*) ';these are the values that were used '
+      write(spareid,*) ';for the analysis (from the param file'// 
+     $     ' or ped. events)'
+      write(spareid,666) 'bigcal_prot_min_peds = ',bigcal_prot_min_peds
+      write(spareid,666) 'bigcal_rcs_min_peds = ',bigcal_rcs_min_peds
+      write(spareid,666) 'bigcal_trig_min_peds = ',bigcal_trig_min_peds
+      write(spareid,667) 'bigcal_prot_min_thresh = ',bigcal_prot_min_thresh
+      write(spareid,667) 'bigcal_prot_max_thresh = ',bigcal_prot_max_thresh
+      write(spareid,667) 'bigcal_rcs_min_thresh = ',bigcal_rcs_min_thresh
+      write(spareid,667) 'bigcal_rcs_max_thresh = ',bigcal_rcs_max_thresh
+      write(spareid,667) 'bigcal_trig_min_thresh = ',bigcal_trig_min_thresh
+      write(spareid,667) 'bigcal_trig_max_thresh = ',bigcal_trig_max_thresh
+      write(spareid,666) 'bigcal_prot_nsparse = ',bigcal_prot_nsparse
+      write(spareid,666) 'bigcal_rcs_nsparse = ',bigcal_rcs_nsparse
+      write(spareid,666) 'bigcal_trig_nsparse = ',bigcal_trig_nsparse
+ 666  format(A30,I6)
+ 667  format(A30,F8.5)
+      write(spareid,*) 'bigcal_prot_ped_mean = '
+      do irow=1,bigcal_prot_ny
+         write(spareid,100) (bigcal_prot_ped_mean(icol+bigcal_prot_nx*
+     $        (irow-1)),icol=1,16)
+         if( then
+            write(spareid,100) (bigcal_prot_ped_mean(icol+bigcal_prot_nx*
+     $           (irow-1)),icol=17,32)
+         else 
+            write(spareid,130) (bigcal_prot_ped_mean(icol+bigcal_prot_nx*
+     $           (irow-1)),icol=17,32)
+         endif
+      enddo
+      write(spareid,*) 'bigcal_prot_ped_rms = '
+      do irow=1,bigcal_prot_ny
+         write(spareid,100) (bigcal_prot_ped_rms(icol+bigcal_prot_nx*
+     $        (irow-1)),icol=1,16)
+         if( then
+            write(spareid,100) (bigcal_prot_ped_rms(icol+bigcal_prot_nx*
+     $           (irow-1)),icol=17,32)
+         else
+            write(spareid,130) (bigcal_prot_ped_rms(icol+bigcal_prot_nx*
+     $           (irow-1)),icol=17,32)
+         endif
+      enddo
+      write(spareid,*) 'bigcal_prot_adc_threshold = '
+      do irow=1,bigcal_prot_ny
+         write(spareid,100) (bigcal_prot_adc_threshold(icol + 
+     $        bigcal_prot_nx*(irow-1)),icol=1,16)
+         if( then
+            write(spareid,100) (bigcal_prot_adc_threshold(icol + 
+     $           bigcal_prot_nx*(irow-1)),icol=17,32)
+         else 
+            write(spareid,130) (bigcal_prot_adc_threshold(icol + 
+     $           bigcal_prot_nx*(irow-1)),icol=17,32)
+         endif
+      enddo
+ 100  format(16(f8.2,','))
+ 130  format(15(f8.2,','),f8.2)
+      write(spareid,*) 'bigcal_rcs_ped_mean = '
+      do irow=1,bigcal_rcs_ny
+         write(spareid,101) (bigcal_rcs_ped_mean(icol+bigcal_rcs_nx*
+     $        (irow-1)),icol=1,15)
+         if( then
+            write(spareid,101) (bigcal_rcs_ped_mean(icol+bigcal_rcs_nx*
+     $           (irow-1)),icol=16,30)
+         else 
+            write(spareid,131) (bigcal_rcs_ped_mean(icol+bigcal_rcs_nx*
+     $           (irow-1)),icol=16,30)
+         endif
+      enddo
+      write(spareid,*) 'bigcal_rcs_ped_rms = '
+      do irow=1,bigcal_rcs_ny
+         write(spareid,101) (bigcal_rcs_ped_rms(icol+bigcal_rcs_nx*
+     $        (irow-1)),icol=1,15)
+         if( then
+            write(spareid,101) (bigcal_rcs_ped_rms(icol+bigcal_rcs_nx*
+     $           (irow-1)),icol=16,30)
+         else
+            write(spareid,131) (bigcal_rcs_ped_rms(icol+bigcal_rcs_nx*
+     $           (irow-1)),icol=16,30)
+         endif
+      enddo
+      write(spareid,*) 'bigcal_rcs_adc_threshold = '
+      do irow=1,bigcal_rcs_ny
+         write(spareid,101) (bigcal_rcs_adc_threshold(icol + 
+     $        bigcal_rcs_nx*(irow-1)),icol=1,15)
+         if( then
+            write(spareid,101) (bigcal_rcs_adc_threshold(icol + 
+     $           bigcal_rcs_nx*(irow-1)),icol=16,30)
+         else 
+            write(spareid,131) (bigcal_rcs_adc_threshold(icol + 
+     $           bigcal_rcs_nx*(irow-1)),icol=16,30)
+         endif
+      enddo
+ 101  format(15(f8.2,','))
+ 131  format(14(f8.2,','),f8.2)
+      write(spareid,*) 'bigcal_trig_ped_mean = '
+      do igroup=1,19
+         if( then
+            write(spareid,102) (bigcal_trig_ped_mean(ihalf+(igroup-1)*2),
+     $           ihalf=1,2)
+         else
+            write(spareid,132) (bigcal_trig_ped_mean(ihalf+(igroup-1)*2),
+     $           ihalf=1,2)
+         endif
+      enddo
+      write(spareid,*) 'bigcal_trig_ped_rms = '
+      do igroup=1,19
+         if( then
+            write(spareid,102) (bigcal_trig_ped_rms(ihalf+(igroup-1)*2),
+     $           ihalf=1,2)
+         else
+            write(spareid,132) (bigcal_trig_ped_rms(ihalf+(igroup-1)*2),
+     $           ihalf=1,2)
+         endif
+      enddo
+      write(spareid,*) 'bigcal_trig_adc_threshold = '
+      do igroup=1,19
+         if( then
+            write(spareid,102) (bigcal_trig_adc_threshold(ihalf+(igroup-1)
+     $           * 2),ihalf=1,2)
+         else
+            write(spareid,132) (bigcal_trig_adc_threshold(ihalf+(igroup-1)
+     $           * 2),ihalf=1,2)
+         endif
+      enddo
+ 102  format(2(f8.2,','))
+ 132  format(f8.2,',',f8.2)
+      close(spareid)
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/BTRACKING/b_fill_bigcal_arrays.f b/BTRACKING/b_fill_bigcal_arrays.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b47863d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BTRACKING/b_fill_bigcal_arrays.f
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+      subroutine b_fill_bigcal_arrays(abort,err)
+      implicit none
+      save
+      logical abort
+      character*(*) err
+      character*20 here
+      parameter(here='b_fill_bigcal_arrays')
+      integer ihit,irow,icol
+      integer icell,ngood
+      include 'bigcal_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_geometry.cmn'
+      abort = .false.
+      err = ' '
+c     this routine fills the arrays that are used by the cluster finding algorithm
+      ngood = 0
+      if( then
+         do ihit=1,bigcal_prot_ngood
+            irow = bigcal_prot_iygood(ihit)
+            icol = bigcal_prot_ixgood(ihit)
+            icell = icol + bigcal_prot_nx*(irow-1)
+            ngood = ngood + 1
+            bigcal_all_adc_good(ngood) = bigcal_prot_adc_good(ihit)
+            bigcal_all_ecell(ngood) = bigcal_prot_ecell(ihit)
+            bigcal_all_xgood(ngood) = bigcal_prot_xgood(ihit)
+            bigcal_all_ygood(ngood) = bigcal_prot_ygood(ihit)
+            bigcal_all_iygood(ngood) = irow
+            bigcal_all_ixgood(ngood) = icol
+            bigcal_all_good_det(icell) = bigcal_prot_ecell(ihit)
+         enddo
+      endif
+      if( then
+         do ihit=1,bigcal_rcs_ngood
+            irow = bigcal_rcs_iygood(ihit)
+            icol = bigcal_rcs_ixgood(ihit)
+            icell = icol + bigcal_rcs_nx*(irow-1) + bigcal_prot_maxhits
+            ngood = ngood + 1
+            bigcal_all_adc_good(ngood) = bigcal_rcs_adc_good(ihit)
+            bigcal_all_ecell(ngood) = bigcal_rcs_ecell(ihit)
+            bigcal_all_xgood(ngood) = bigcal_rcs_xgood(ihit)
+            bigcal_all_ygood(ngood) = bigcal_rcs_ygood(ihit)
+            bigcal_all_iygood(ngood) = irow + bigcal_prot_ny
+            bigcal_all_ixgood(ngood) = icol
+            bigcal_all_good_det(icell) = bigcal_rcs_ecell(ihit)
+         enddo
+      endif
+      bigcal_all_ngood = ngood
+      return 
+      end
diff --git a/BTRACKING/b_fill_eff_hists.f b/BTRACKING/b_fill_eff_hists.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8101551
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BTRACKING/b_fill_eff_hists.f
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+      subroutine b_fill_eff_hists(ABORT,err)
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*16 here
+      parameter(here='b_fill_eff_hists')
+      logical abort
+      character*(*) err
+      integer irow,icol,icell
+      real Eavg,eff
+      include 'bigcal_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'gen_run_info.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_hist_id.cmn'
+c     calculate final "efficiencies" and fill histograms
+      do icell=1,bigcal_all_maxhits
+         if(icell.le.bigcal_prot_maxhits) then
+            irow=(icell-1)/32 + 1
+            icol=mod(icell-1,32) + 1
+         else
+            irow=(icell-1-bigcal_prot_maxhits)/30 + 33
+            icol=mod(icell-1-bigcal_prot_maxhits,30)+1
+         endif
+         if(b_all_run_Enum(icell).gt.0) then
+            Eavg = b_all_run_Esum(icell)/float(b_all_run_Enum(icell))
+         else 
+            Eavg = 0.
+         endif
+         if( call hf2(bid_bcal_exy,float(icol),float(irow),Eavg)
+         if(b_all_run_clst_good(icell)+b_all_run_clst_bad(icell)
+     $        .gt.0)then
+            eff = float(b_all_run_clst_good(icell)) / 
+     $           float(b_all_run_clst_good(icell) + 
+     $           b_all_run_clst_bad(icell))
+         else 
+            eff = 0.
+         endif
+         if(icell.le.bigcal_prot_maxhits) then
+            if( call hf1(bid_bcal_prot_eff,float(icell),eff)
+         else
+            if( call hf1(bid_bcal_rcs_eff,float(icell-bigcal_prot_maxhits),eff)
+         endif
+c         b_all_run_Enum(icell) = 0
+c         b_all_run_Esum(icell) = 0.
+      enddo
+      abort=.false.
+      err=' '
+      return 
+      end
diff --git a/BTRACKING/b_find_clusters.f b/BTRACKING/b_find_clusters.f
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3668d8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BTRACKING/b_find_clusters.f
@@ -0,0 +1,530 @@
+      subroutine b_find_clusters(ncluster,nmaximum,ABORT,err)
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*16 here
+      parameter (here= 'b_find_clusters')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      include 'bigcal_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_bypass_switches.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_gain_parms.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_tof_parms.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_geometry.cmn'
+      integer i
+      integer ihit
+      integer irow
+      integer icol
+      integer icell,jcell
+      integer ixmax,iymax,ihitmax,nmaximum
+      integer ncluster,ncellclst,icellclst,nbadlist
+      integer ixlo(0:2),ixhi(0:2),iylo,iyhi,lengthx,lengthy
+      real emax,ecell,esum,asum,xmom_clst,ymom_clst
+      integer ix2max,iy2max,celldiffx,celldiffy
+      logical found_cluster
+      integer cluster_temp_irow(bigcal_clstr_ncell_max)
+      integer cluster_temp_icol(bigcal_clstr_ncell_max)
+      real cluster_temp_ecell(bigcal_clstr_ncell_max)
+      real cluster_temp_acell(bigcal_clstr_ncell_max)
+      real cluster_temp_xcell(bigcal_clstr_ncell_max)
+      real cluster_temp_ycell(bigcal_clstr_ncell_max)
+      logical cluster_temp_bad_chan(bigcal_clstr_ncell_max)
+      real xcenter,ycenter,xcell,ycell
+      real copyreal
+      integer copyint
+      logical copybool
+      abort=.false.
+      err=' '
+c     Strategy: Find Maximum, then build cluster around it using "add_neighbors"
+c      nmaximum = 0
+c      ncluster = 0
+c     initialize cluster trimming parameters if user hasn't defined something reasonable:
+      if(
+     $     max(bigcal_clstr_ncellx_max,7)) then
+         bigcal_clstr_nxmom_max = 2
+      endif
+      if(
+     $     max(bigcal_clstr_ncelly_max,7)) then
+         bigcal_clstr_nymom_max = 2
+      endif
+      if(
+     $,7)) 
+     $     then
+         bigcal_clstr_nxecl_max = max(2,bigcal_clstr_nxmom_max)
+      endif
+      if(
+     $,7)) 
+     $     then
+         bigcal_clstr_nyecl_max = max(2,bigcal_clstr_nymom_max)
+      endif
+ 102  continue
+      found_cluster = .false.
+      emax = b_min_emax
+      ixmax = 0
+      iymax = 0
+      ihitmax = 0
+      icellclst = 0
+      ncellclst = 0
+      nbadlist = 0
+      do icell=1,bigcal_clstr_ncell_max
+         cluster_temp_irow(icell) = 0
+         cluster_temp_icol(icell) = 0
+         cluster_temp_ecell(icell) = 0.
+         cluster_temp_acell(icell) = 0.
+         cluster_temp_xcell(icell) = 0.
+         cluster_temp_ycell(icell) = 0.
+         cluster_temp_bad_chan(icell) = .false.
+      enddo
+c     it should never happen that we find a max in a channel that is in the bad channels list
+c     because the routine that initializes the bad channel list zeroes the calibration constant, 
+c     so regardless of the adc value, the "ecell" value should be zero!
+      do ihit=1,bigcal_all_ngood
+         irow = bigcal_all_iygood(ihit)
+         icol = bigcal_all_ixgood(ihit)
+         ecell = bigcal_all_ecell(ihit)
+         if( then
+            emax = ecell
+            ixmax = icol
+            iymax = irow
+            ihitmax = ihit
+         endif
+      enddo
+c     check that max is at least one block away from the edge
+      if(
+     $     .not. ( ) then
+         nmaximum = nmaximum + 1
+         icellclst = icellclst + 1
+         ncellclst = ncellclst + 1
+c     initialize all "bad cluster" flags to false
+         bigcal_edge_max(nmaximum) = .false.
+         bigcal_not_enough(nmaximum) = .false.
+         bigcal_too_long_x(nmaximum) = .false.
+         bigcal_too_long_y(nmaximum) = .false.
+         bigcal_below_cut(nmaximum) = .false.
+         bigcal_above_max(nmaximum) = .false.
+         bigcal_second_max(nmaximum) = .false.
+c     check for maximum at edge condition:
+         if(iymax.eq.1.or.ixmax.eq.1.or.iymax.eq.56.or.(
+     $        ixmax.eq.30).or.ixmax.eq.32) then
+            bigcal_edge_max(nmaximum) = .true.
+         endif
+         cluster_temp_irow(icellclst) = iymax
+         cluster_temp_icol(icellclst) = ixmax
+         cluster_temp_xcell(icellclst) = bigcal_all_xgood(ihitmax)
+         cluster_temp_ycell(icellclst) = bigcal_all_ygood(ihitmax)
+         cluster_temp_ecell(icellclst) = bigcal_all_ecell(ihitmax)
+         cluster_temp_acell(icellclst) = bigcal_all_adc_good(ihitmax)
+         bigcal_all_ecell(ihitmax) = 0.
+         bigcal_all_adc_good(ihitmax) = 0.
+         bigcal_all_iygood(ihitmax) = 0
+         bigcal_all_ixgood(ihitmax) = 0
+         bigcal_all_ygood(ihitmax) = 0.
+         bigcal_all_xgood(ihitmax) = 0.
+         if(iymax.le.32) then
+            icell = ixmax + 32*(iymax-1)
+         else 
+            icell = ixmax + 30*(iymax-33) + bigcal_prot_maxhits
+         endif
+         bigcal_all_good_det(icell) = 0.
+         if(bigcal_bad_chan_list(icell)) then
+            bigcal_all_good_det(icell) = -1.
+            nbadlist = nbadlist + 1
+            cluster_temp_bad_chan(icellclst) = .true.
+         endif
+         !write(*,*) 'found max, adding nearest neighbors'
+c     this is the nearest-neighbors adding loop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+ 103     call b_add_neighbors(icellclst,ncellclst,nbadlist,bigcal_clstr_ncell_max,
+     $        cluster_temp_icol,cluster_temp_irow,cluster_temp_xcell,
+     $        cluster_temp_ycell,cluster_temp_ecell,cluster_temp_acell,
+     $        cluster_temp_bad_chan,abort,err)
+         if(abort) then
+            call g_add_path(here,err)
+            return
+         endif
+         icellclst = icellclst + 1
+         if(icellclst.le.ncellclst) goto 103
+         !write(*,*) 'finished adding nearest neighbors'
+c     end of the nearest-neighbors adding loop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+c 105     continue
+c     now subject clusters to a series of checks. If all are passed, add cluster
+c     to the array!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+         if( then
+            bigcal_not_enough(nmaximum) = .true.
+            goto 104
+         endif
+c     if at least two cells, sort cluster array in order of decreasing energy:
+         do icell=1,ncellclst
+            do jcell=icell+1,ncellclst
+               if(cluster_temp_ecell(jcell).gt.cluster_temp_ecell(icell)
+     $              )then ! switch positions in the array
+                  copyint = cluster_temp_icol(icell)
+                  cluster_temp_icol(icell) = cluster_temp_icol(jcell)
+                  cluster_temp_icol(jcell) = copyint
+                  copyint = cluster_temp_irow(icell)
+                  cluster_temp_irow(icell) = cluster_temp_irow(jcell)
+                  cluster_temp_irow(jcell) = copyint
+                  copyreal = cluster_temp_ecell(icell)
+                  cluster_temp_ecell(icell) = cluster_temp_ecell(jcell)
+                  cluster_temp_ecell(jcell) = copyreal
+                  copyreal = cluster_temp_acell(icell)
+                  cluster_temp_acell(icell) = cluster_temp_acell(jcell)
+                  cluster_temp_acell(jcell) = copyreal
+                  copyreal = cluster_temp_xcell(icell)
+                  cluster_temp_xcell(icell) = cluster_temp_xcell(jcell)
+                  cluster_temp_xcell(jcell) = copyreal
+                  copyreal = cluster_temp_ycell(icell)
+                  cluster_temp_ycell(icell) = cluster_temp_ycell(jcell)
+                  cluster_temp_ycell(jcell) = copyreal
+                  copybool = cluster_temp_bad_chan(icell)
+                  cluster_temp_bad_chan(icell) = cluster_temp_bad_chan(jcell)
+                  cluster_temp_bad_chan(jcell) = copybool
+               endif
+            enddo
+         enddo
+c$$$         write(*,252) 'ncell=',ncellclst
+c$$$         do icell=1,ncellclst
+c$$$            write(*,251) '(ix,iy,E)=(',cluster_temp_icol(icell),', ',
+c$$$     $           cluster_temp_irow(icell),', ',cluster_temp_ecell(icell),
+c$$$     $           ')'
+c$$$         enddo
+c$$$ 251        format(A11,I2,A2,I2,A2,F8.5,A1)
+c$$$ 252        format(A6,I2)
+c     compute length in x and y. Start with y, and then treat x differently depending on whether 
+c     cluster has section overlap. Also accumulate esum
+         iylo = 57
+         iyhi = 0
+         ixlo(0) = 33
+         ixhi(0) = 0
+         ixlo(1) = 33
+         ixlo(2) = 31
+         ixhi(1) = 0
+         ixhi(2) = 0
+         esum = 0.
+         asum = 0.
+         do icell=1,ncellclst
+            irow = cluster_temp_irow(icell)
+            icol = cluster_temp_icol(icell)
+            if( iyhi = irow
+            if( iylo = irow
+            if( ixhi(0) = icol
+            if( ixlo(0) = icol
+            if(irow.le.32) then
+               if( ixhi(1) = icol
+               if( ixlo(1) = icol
+            else
+               if( ixhi(2) = icol
+               if( ixlo(2) = icol
+            endif
+c     intelligently calculate the cluster energy sum: 
+c     restrict how far away from the maximum we can be to include
+c     a block in the sum:
+            if(abs(irow-cluster_temp_irow(1)).le.bigcal_clstr_nyecl_max) 
+     $           then
+c     1. max in Prot and current block in RCS
+               if(cluster_temp_irow(1) then
+                  if(abs(icol-bigcal_ixclose_prot(cluster_temp_icol(1)))
+     $                 .le.bigcal_clstr_nxecl_max) then
+                     esum = esum + cluster_temp_ecell(icell)
+                     asum = asum + cluster_temp_acell(icell)
+                  endif
+c     2. max in RCS and current block in Prot
+               else if(cluster_temp_irow(1).gt.32.and.irow.le.32) then
+                  if(abs(icol-bigcal_ixclose_rcs(cluster_temp_icol(1)))
+     $                 .le.bigcal_clstr_nxecl_max) then
+                     esum = esum + cluster_temp_ecell(icell)
+                     asum = asum + cluster_temp_acell(icell)
+                  endif
+c     3. both blocks in same section
+               else
+                  if(abs(icol-cluster_temp_icol(1)).le.bigcal_clstr_nxecl_max)
+     $                 then
+                     esum = esum + cluster_temp_ecell(icell)
+                     asum = asum + cluster_temp_acell(icell)
+                  endif
+               endif
+            endif
+         enddo
+         if( then
+c$$$            write(*,*) 'WARNING: cluster contains at least one'//
+c$$$     $           'channel from the bad channels list'
+c$$$            write(*,*) 'bypassing normal cluster checks'
+            goto 106            ! don't subject a cluster containing channels from the bad list to 
+c     the same checks as a cluster with no bad channels, just add it to the cluster array and move on.
+         endif
+         lengthy = iyhi - iylo + 1
+c$$$         write(*,253) 'length y = ',lengthy
+c$$$ 253     format(A11,I2)
+         if(iylo .le. 32 .and. iyhi .ge. 33) then ! cluster overlaps section boundary!
+            lengthx = max(ixhi(1)-ixlo(1)+1,ixhi(2)-ixlo(2)+1)
+         else ! cluster doesn't overlap!
+            lengthx = ixhi(0) - ixlo(0) + 1
+         endif
+c$$$         write(*,253) 'length x = ',lengthx
+         if( then
+            bigcal_not_enough(nmaximum) = .true.
+            goto 104
+         endif
+         if( then
+            bigcal_too_long_x(nmaximum) = .true.
+         endif
+         if( then
+            bigcal_too_long_y(nmaximum) = .true.
+         endif
+         if(bigcal_too_long_x(nmaximum).or.bigcal_too_long_y(nmaximum))
+     $        then
+c            goto 104
+         endif
+         if( then
+            bigcal_below_cut(nmaximum) = .true.
+            goto 104
+         endif
+         if( then
+            bigcal_above_max(nmaximum) = .true.
+            goto 104
+         endif
+         ix2max = cluster_temp_icol(2)
+         iy2max = cluster_temp_irow(2)
+         celldiffy = int(abs(float(iy2max - cluster_temp_irow(1))))
+         if( then
+            if(cluster_temp_ecell(2)/cluster_temp_ecell(1).gt.b_min_2max(1).and.
+     $           cluster_temp_ecell(2).gt.b_min_2max(2)) then
+               bigcal_second_max(nmaximum) = .true.
+c               goto 104
+            endif
+         else if( then
+            if(cluster_temp_irow(1).eq.32.and.iy2max.eq.33) then
+               celldiffx = int(abs(float(ix2max - 
+     $              bigcal_ixclose_prot(cluster_temp_icol(1)))))
+            else if(cluster_temp_irow(1).eq.33.and.iy2max.eq.32) then
+               celldiffx = int(abs(float(ix2max - 
+     $              bigcal_ixclose_rcs(cluster_temp_icol(1)))))
+            else
+               celldiffx=int(abs(float(ix2max - cluster_temp_icol(1))))
+            endif
+            if( then
+               if(cluster_temp_ecell(2)/cluster_temp_ecell(1).gt.b_min_2max(1).and.
+     $              cluster_temp_ecell(2).gt.b_min_2max(2)) then
+                  bigcal_second_max(nmaximum) = .true.
+c                  goto 104
+               endif
+            endif
+         endif
+ 106     found_cluster = .true.
+         ncluster = ncluster + 1
+         bigcal_clstr_keep(ncluster) = .true.
+         bigcal_all_clstr_ncell(ncluster) = ncellclst
+         bigcal_all_clstr_ncellx(ncluster) = lengthx
+         bigcal_all_clstr_ncelly(ncluster) = lengthy
+         bigcal_all_clstr_nbadlist(ncluster) = nbadlist
+         bigcal_all_clstr_iymax(ncluster) = cluster_temp_irow(1)
+         bigcal_all_clstr_ixmax(ncluster) = cluster_temp_icol(1)
+         bigcal_all_clstr_iylo(ncluster) = iylo
+         bigcal_all_clstr_iyhi(ncluster) = iyhi
+         do i=0,2
+            bigcal_all_clstr_ixlo(ncluster,i+1) = ixlo(i)
+            bigcal_all_clstr_ixhi(ncluster,i+1) = ixhi(i)
+         enddo
+         xmom_clst = 0.
+         ymom_clst = 0.
+         xcenter = cluster_temp_xcell(1)
+         ycenter = cluster_temp_ycell(1)
+         do icell=1,ncellclst
+            bigcal_all_clstr_iycell(ncluster,icell) = 
+     $           cluster_temp_irow(icell)
+            bigcal_all_clstr_ixcell(ncluster,icell) = 
+     $           cluster_temp_icol(icell)
+            bigcal_all_clstr_ecell(ncluster,icell) = 
+     $           cluster_temp_ecell(icell)
+            bigcal_all_clstr_acell(ncluster,icell) = 
+     $           cluster_temp_acell(icell)
+            bigcal_all_clstr_xcell(ncluster,icell) = 
+     $           cluster_temp_xcell(icell)
+            bigcal_all_clstr_ycell(ncluster,icell) = 
+     $           cluster_temp_ycell(icell)
+            bigcal_clstr_bad_chan(ncluster,icell) = 
+     $           cluster_temp_bad_chan(icell)
+            xcell = cluster_temp_xcell(icell)
+            ycell = cluster_temp_ycell(icell)
+            ecell = cluster_temp_ecell(icell)
+c            acell = cluster_temp_acell(icell)
+c     intelligent cluster moment calculation: restrict how far away from the maximum
+c     we allow blocks to be in order to include them in the calculation
+c     i.e., "trim" the clusters down to size
+            if(abs(cluster_temp_irow(icell)-cluster_temp_irow(1)).le.
+     $           bigcal_clstr_nymom_max) then
+               if(cluster_temp_irow(1).le.32.and.cluster_temp_irow(icell)
+     $              .gt.32) then
+                  if(abs(cluster_temp_icol(icell)-
+     $                 bigcal_ixclose_prot(cluster_temp_icol(1))).le.
+     $                 bigcal_clstr_nxmom_max) then
+                     xmom_clst = xmom_clst + ecell*(xcell-xcenter)/esum
+                     ymom_clst = ymom_clst + ecell*(ycell-ycenter)/esum
+                  endif
+               else if(cluster_temp_irow(1).gt.32.and.cluster_temp_irow(icell)
+     $                 .le.32) then
+                  if(abs(cluster_temp_icol(icell)-
+     $                 bigcal_ixclose_rcs(cluster_temp_icol(1))).le.
+     $                 bigcal_clstr_nxmom_max) then
+                     xmom_clst = xmom_clst + ecell*(xcell-xcenter)/esum
+                     ymom_clst = ymom_clst + ecell*(ycell-ycenter)/esum
+                  endif
+               else 
+                  if(abs(cluster_temp_icol(icell)-cluster_temp_icol(1)).le.
+     $                 bigcal_clstr_nxmom_max) then
+                     xmom_clst = xmom_clst + ecell*(xcell-xcenter)/esum
+                     ymom_clst = ymom_clst + ecell*(ycell-ycenter)/esum
+                  endif
+               endif
+            endif
+            do ihit=1,bigcal_all_ngood
+               if(bigcal_all_iygood(ihit).eq.cluster_temp_irow(icell)
+     $              .and.bigcal_all_ixgood(ihit).eq.cluster_temp_icol(icell)) 
+     $              then        ! zero this hit so it won't be used again
+                  bigcal_all_ecell(ihit) = 0.
+                  bigcal_all_adc_good(ihit) = 0.
+                  bigcal_all_iygood(ihit) = 0
+                  bigcal_all_ixgood(ihit) = 0
+                  bigcal_all_ygood(ihit) = 0.
+                  bigcal_all_xgood(ihit) = 0.
+               endif
+            enddo
+         enddo
+         bigcal_all_clstr_xmom(ncluster) = xmom_clst
+         bigcal_all_clstr_ymom(ncluster) = ymom_clst
+         bigcal_all_clstr_etot(ncluster) = esum
+         bigcal_all_clstr_atot(ncluster) = asum
+         if( then ! use xcenter + xmom
+            bigcal_all_clstr_x(ncluster) = xcenter + xmom_clst
+            bigcal_all_clstr_y(ncluster) = ycenter + ymom_clst
+         endif
+c$$$         if( then
+c$$$            call b_print_cluster(ncluster,abort,err)
+c$$$            if(abort) then
+c$$$               call g_add_path(here,err)
+c$$$               return
+c$$$            endif
+c$$$         endif
+         if( then
+            call b_print_cluster(ncluster,abort,err)
+            if(abort) then
+               call g_add_path(here,err)
+               return
+            endif
+         endif
+c$$$      else 
+c$$$         if(ixmax.eq.1.or.iymax.eq.1.or.iymax.eq.56.or.ixmax.eq.32.or.
+c$$$     $        ( then
+c$$$            nmaximum = nmaximum + 1
+c$$$            bigcal_edge_max(nmaximum) = .true.
+c$$$            bigcal_not_enough(nmaximum) = .false.
+c$$$            bigcal_too_long_x(nmaximum) = .false.
+c$$$            bigcal_too_long_y(nmaximum) = .false.
+c$$$            bigcal_below_cut(nmaximum) = .false.
+c$$$            bigcal_above_max(nmaximum) = .false.
+c$$$            bigcal_second_max(nmaximum) = .false.
+c$$$c     zero ecell and adc good for hit array, but leave detector array untouched
+c$$$            bigcal_all_ecell(ihitmax) = 0.
+c$$$            bigcal_all_adc_good(ihitmax) = 0.
+c$$$            goto 102
+c$$$         endif
+      endif
+ 104  continue
+      if( goto 102
+      bigcal_all_nclstr = ncluster
+      bigcal_nmaxima = nmaximum
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/BTRACKING/b_find_clusters_new.f b/BTRACKING/b_find_clusters_new.f
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..fbff5de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BTRACKING/b_find_clusters_new.f
@@ -0,0 +1,585 @@
+      subroutine b_find_clusters(ABORT,err)
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*16 here
+      parameter (here= 'b_find_clusters')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      include 'bigcal_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_bypass_switches.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_gain_parms.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_tof_parms.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_geometry.cmn'
+      integer*4 ihit,jhit,khit
+      integer*4 icell,jcell,kcell
+      integer*4 itdc,jtdc,ktdc
+      integer*4 ilogic,jlogic,klogic
+      integer*4 irow,jrow,krow,icol,jcol,kcol
+      real*4 ecell,xcell,ycell
+      integer*4 irow8,icol8
+      integer*4 igroup64,ihalf64
+      integer*4 maxcelldiff,celldiffx,celldiffy
+      real*4 clstr_temp_ecell(BIGCAL_CLSTR_NCELL_MAX)
+      integer*4 clstr_temp_ixcell(BIGCAL_CLSTR_NCELL_MAX)
+      integer*4 clstr_temp_iycell(BIGCAL_CLSTR_NCELL_MAX)
+      real*4 clstr_temp_xcell(BIGCAL_CLSTR_NCELL_MAX)
+      real*4 clstr_temp_ycell(BIGCAL_CLSTR_NCELL_MAX)
+      real*4 clstr_temp_esum
+      real*4 max,xmax,ymax,minxdiff
+      integer*4 ixmax,iymax,ihitmax,ixmin,iymin
+      integer*4 ncellclust
+      integer*4 ncluster
+      integer*4 nrows
+      integer*4 itemp,jtemp,ktemp
+      real*4 irtemp,jrtemp,krtemp
+      real*4 trigtime
+      real*4 xmom,ymom,clstr_time
+      real*4 tavg
+      integer*4 ntdc
+      logical tdchit,trighit
+      logical second_max
+      logical found_cluster
+      trigtime = BIGCAL_REF_TIME
+      maxcelldiff = int(sqrt(float(BIGCAL_CLSTR_NCELL_MAX))) / 2
+      ncluster = 0
+ 101  continue
+      found_cluster = .false.
+      ! zero temporary cluster quantities:
+      do icell=1,BIGCAL_CLSTR_NCELL_MAX
+         clstr_temp_ecell(icell) = 0.
+         clstr_temp_xcell(icell) = 0.
+         clstr_temp_ycell(icell) = 0.
+         clstr_temp_ixcell(icell) = 0
+         clstr_temp_iycell(icell) = 0
+      enddo
+      max = 0.
+      ixmax = 0
+      iymax = 0
+      ! first step is to find first hit with good timing and with maximum amplitude
+      do ihit=1,BIGCAL_PROT_NGOOD
+         tdchit = .false.
+         trighit = .false.
+         ecell = BIGCAL_PROT_ECELL(ihit)
+         irow = BIGCAL_PROT_IYGOOD(ihit)
+         icol = BIGCAL_PROT_IXGOOD(ihit)
+         icell = icol + BIGCAL_PROT_NX * (irow - 1)
+         xcell = BIGCAL_PROT_XGOOD(ihit)
+         ycell = BIGCAL_PROT_YGOOD(ihit)
+         ! determine which tdc channel (group of 8) we are in
+         irow8 = irow
+         icol8 = (icol - 1) / 8 + 1
+         itdc = icol8 + (irow8 - 1)*BIGCAL_MAX_GROUPS
+         ! determine which trigger group (group of 64) we are in
+         ihalf64 = (icol - 1) / 16 + 1
+         igroup64 = (irow - 1) / 3 + 1
+         ilogic = igroup64 + (ihalf64 - 1) * BIGCAL_LOGIC_GROUPS / 2
+         if(abs(BIGCAL_TIME_DET(itdc) - trigtime).le.b_timing_cut) then
+            tdchit = .true.
+         endif
+         if(abs(BIGCAL_TRIG_TIME_DET(ilogic) - trigtime).le.b_timing_cut 
+     $        ) then
+            trighit = .true.
+         endif
+         if((trighit .or. tdchit) .and. ecell .gt. max) then
+            max = ecell
+            ixmax = icol
+            iymax = irow
+            ihitmax = ihit
+         endif
+      enddo
+      ! if, upon looping through all hits, we have found a maximum that has a valid tdc or 
+      ! trigger tdc value, then build a cluster from all the neighboring channels using the
+      ! detector arrays (regardless of whether there is a hit: some cells may have 0) 
+      if(
+     $     iymax.le.BIGCAL_PROT_NY-1) then
+         ncellclust = 0
+         do irow = iymax - maxcelldiff,iymax + maxcelldiff
+            do icol = ixmax - maxcelldiff,ixmax + maxcelldiff
+               if(
+     $              .and.icol.le.BIGCAL_PROT_NX) then
+                  icell = icol + BIGCAL_PROT_NX*(irow - 1)
+                  ncellclust = ncellclust + 1
+                  if( goto 100
+                  ecell = BIGCAL_PROT_GOOD_DET(icell)
+                  xcell = BIGCAL_PROT_XCENTER(icell)
+                  ycell = BIGCAL_PROT_YCENTER(icell)
+                  clstr_temp_ecell(ncellclust) = ecell
+                  clstr_temp_ixcell(ncellclust) = icol
+                  clstr_temp_iycell(ncellclust) = irow
+                  clstr_temp_xcell(ncellclust) = xcell
+                  clstr_temp_ycell(ncellclust) = ycell
+               endif
+            enddo
+         enddo
+ 100     continue
+         ! in the special case of iymax = 31 add closest cells in the first rows of RCS part
+         if(iymax + maxcelldiff .gt. BIGCAL_PROT_NY) then
+            nrows = iymax + maxcelldiff - BIGCAL_PROT_NY
+            do irow=1,nrows
+               minxdiff = 1000.
+               xcell = BIGCAL_PROT_XGOOD(ihitmax)
+               do icol = 1,BIGCAL_RCS_NX
+                  icell = icol + BIGCAL_RCS_NX * (irow - 1)
+                  if(abs(xcell - BIGCAL_RCS_XCENTER(icell)).lt.minxdiff)
+     $                 then
+                     minxdiff = abs(xcell - BIGCAL_RCS_XCENTER(icell))
+                     ixmin = icol
+                  endif
+               enddo
+               if(minxdiff .lt. 1000.) then
+                  do icol = ixmin - maxcelldiff,ixmin + maxcelldiff
+                     icell = icol + BIGCAL_RCS_NX * (irow - 1)
+                     if( then
+                        ncellclust = ncellclust + 1
+                        if( 102
+                        ecell = BIGCAL_RCS_GOOD_DET(icell)
+                        xcell = BIGCAL_RCS_XCENTER(icell)
+                        ycell = BIGCAL_RCS_YCENTER(icell)
+                        clstr_temp_ecell(ncellclust) = ecell
+                        clstr_temp_ixcell(ncellclust) = icol
+                        clstr_temp_iycell(ncellclust) =
+     $                       irow + BIGCAL_PROT_NY
+                        clstr_temp_xcell(ncellclust) = xcell
+                        clstr_temp_ycell(ncellclust) = ycell
+                     endif
+                  enddo
+               endif
+            enddo
+         endif
+         ! end special case iymax = 31
+         ! check temporary cluster for absence of second max. and sum above 
+         ! software threshold:
+         ! start by sorting cluster cells in descending order of amplitude:
+ 102     continue
+         clstr_temp_esum = 0.
+         do ihit=1,ncellclust
+            clstr_temp_esum = clstr_temp_esum + clstr_temp_ecell(ihit)
+         enddo
+         do ihit=1,ncellclust
+            do jhit=ihit+1,ncellclust
+               if(clstr_temp_ecell(jhit).gt.clstr_temp_ecell(ihit))then
+                  ! switch hits i and j, remember to switch all five quantities
+                  irtemp = clstr_temp_ecell(ihit)
+                  clstr_temp_ecell(ihit) = clstr_temp_ecell(jhit)
+                  clstr_temp_ecell(jhit) = irtemp
+                  irtemp = clstr_temp_xcell(ihit)
+                  clstr_temp_xcell(ihit) = clstr_temp_xcell(jhit)
+                  clstr_temp_xcell(jhit) = irtemp
+                  irtemp = clstr_temp_ycell(ihit)
+                  clstr_temp_ycell(ihit) = clstr_temp_ycell(jhit)
+                  clstr_temp_ycell(jhit) = irtemp
+                  itemp = clstr_temp_ixcell(ihit)
+                  clstr_temp_ixcell(ihit) = clstr_temp_ixcell(jhit)
+                  clstr_temp_ixcell(jhit) = itemp
+                  itemp = clstr_temp_iycell(ihit)
+                  clstr_temp_iycell(ihit) = clstr_temp_iycell(jhit)
+                  clstr_temp_iycell(jhit) = itemp
+               endif
+            enddo
+         enddo
+         celldiffx = clstr_temp_ixcell(2) - clstr_temp_ixcell(1)
+         celldiffy = clstr_temp_iycell(2) - clstr_temp_iycell(1)
+         celldiffx = int(abs(float(celldiffx)))
+         celldiffy = int(abs(float(celldiffy)))
+         if(celldiffx .gt. 1.or.celldiffy .gt. 1) then
+            second_max = .true.
+         endif
+         if( .not. second_max) then
+            ! add a cluster to the array for protvino:
+            found_cluster = .true.
+            ncluster = ncluster + 1
+            BIGCAL_PROT_CLSTR_IYMAX(ncluster) = clstr_temp_ixcell(1)
+            BIGCAL_PROT_CLSTR_IXMAX(ncluster) = clstr_temp_iycell(1)
+            BIGCAL_PROT_CLSTR_ETOT(ncluster) = clstr_temp_esum
+            BIGCAL_PROT_CLSTR_NCELL(ncluster) = ncellclust
+            xmom = 0.
+            ymom = 0.
+            ntdc = 0
+            tavg = 0.
+            do ihit=1,ncellclust
+               BIGCAL_PROT_CLSTR_IYCELL(ncluster,ihit) = 
+     $              clstr_temp_iycell(ihit)
+               BIGCAL_PROT_CLSTR_IXCELL(ncluster,ihit) = 
+     $              clstr_temp_ixcell(ihit)
+               BIGCAL_PROT_CLSTR_ECELL(ncluster,ihit) = 
+     $              clstr_temp_ecell(ihit)
+               BIGCAL_PROT_CLSTR_XCELL(ncluster,ihit) = 
+     $              clstr_temp_xcell(ihit)
+               BIGCAL_PROT_CLSTR_YCELL(ncluster,ihit) = 
+     $              clstr_temp_ycell(ihit)
+               xmom = xmom + clstr_temp_ecell(ihit) / clstr_temp_esum * 
+     $              (clstr_temp_xcell(ihit) - clstr_temp_xcell(1))
+               ymom = ymom + clstr_temp_ecell(ihit) / clstr_temp_esum * 
+     $              (clstr_temp_ycell(ihit) - clstr_temp_ycell(1))
+               ! zero the hits belonging to this cluster so that they can't be 
+               ! used more than once
+               do jhit=1,BIGCAL_PROT_NGOOD
+                  if(BIGCAL_PROT_IYGOOD(jhit).eq.clstr_temp_iycell(ihit)
+     $                 .and.BIGCAL_PROT_IXGOOD(jhit) .eq.
+     $                 clstr_temp_ixcell(ihit)) then
+                     BIGCAL_PROT_ECELL(jhit) = 0.
+                     BIGCAL_PROT_IYGOOD(jhit) = 0
+                     BIGCAL_PROT_IXGOOD(jhit) = 0
+                     BIGCAL_PROT_XGOOD(jhit) = 0.
+                     BIGCAL_PROT_YGOOD(jhit) = 0.
+                  endif
+               enddo
+               ! do the same for the RCS part in the case of clusters overlapping
+               ! the Prot-RCS boundary:
+               do jhit=1,BIGCAL_RCS_NGOOD
+                  if(BIGCAL_RCS_IYGOOD(jhit)+BIGCAL_PROT_NY.eq.
+     $                 clstr_temp_iycell(ihit).and.
+     $                 BIGCAL_RCS_IXGOOD(jhit) .eq.
+     $                 clstr_temp_ixcell(ihit)) then
+                     BIGCAL_RCS_ECELL(jhit) = 0.
+                     BIGCAL_RCS_IYGOOD(jhit) = 0
+                     BIGCAL_RCS_IXGOOD(jhit) = 0
+                     BIGCAL_RCS_XGOOD(jhit) = 0.
+                     BIGCAL_RCS_YGOOD(jhit) = 0.
+                  endif
+               enddo
+               irow = clstr_temp_iycell(ihit)
+               icol = clstr_temp_ixcell(ihit)
+               if(irow.le.BIGCAL_PROT_NY)then
+                  icell = icol + BIGCAL_PROT_NX * (irow - 1)
+                  irow8 = irow
+                  icol8 = (icol - 1) / 8 + 1
+                  igroup64 = (irow - 1) / 3 + 1
+                  ihalf64 = (icol - 1) / 16 + 1
+               else
+                  icell = icol + BIGCAL_RCS_NX * (irow-1-BIGCAL_PROT_NY)
+                  irow8 = irow
+                  if(icol .lt. 16) icol8 = (icol - 1) / 8 + 1
+                  if(icol .ge. 16) icol8 = icol / 8 + 1
+                  igroup64 = (irow - 1) / 3 + 1
+                  ihalf64 = icol / 16 + 1
+               endif
+               itdc = icol8 + (irow8 - 1) * BIGCAL_MAX_GROUPS
+               ilogic = igroup64 + (ihalf64 - 1)*BIGCAL_LOGIC_GROUPS / 2
+               if(abs(BIGCAL_TIME_DET(itdc) - trigtime).le.b_timing_cut) 
+     $              then
+                  ntdc = ntdc + 1
+                  tavg = tavg + BIGCAL_TIME_DET(itdc)
+               endif
+               if(abs(BIGCAL_TRIG_TIME_DET(ilogic) - trigtime).le.
+     $              b_timing_cut) then
+                  ntdc = ntdc + 1
+                  tavg = tavg + BIGCAL_TRIG_TIME_DET(ilogic)
+               endif
+            enddo
+            clstr_time = tavg / ntdc
+            BIGCAL_PROT_CLSTR_XMOM(ncluster) = xmom
+            BIGCAL_PROT_CLSTR_YMOM(ncluster) = ymom
+            BIGCAL_PROT_CLSTR_TIME(ncluster) = clstr_time
+         endif
+      endif
+      if(found_cluster .and. ncluster .lt. BIGCAL_CLSTR_NCELL_MAX) 
+     $     goto 101
+      BIGCAL_PROT_NCLSTR = ncluster
+      ncluster = 0
+ 201  continue
+      found_cluster = .false.
+      ! zero temporary cluster quantities:
+      do icell=1,BIGCAL_CLSTR_NCELL_MAX
+         clstr_temp_ecell(icell) = 0.
+         clstr_temp_xcell(icell) = 0.
+         clstr_temp_ycell(icell) = 0.
+         clstr_temp_ixcell(icell) = 0
+         clstr_temp_iycell(icell) = 0
+      enddo
+      max = 0.
+      ixmax = 0
+      iymax = 0
+      ! first step is to find first hit with good timing and with maximum amplitude
+      do ihit=1,BIGCAL_RCS_NGOOD
+         tdchit = .false.
+         trighit = .false.
+         ecell = BIGCAL_RCS_ECELL(ihit)
+         irow = BIGCAL_RCS_IYGOOD(ihit)
+         icol = BIGCAL_RCS_IXGOOD(ihit)
+         icell = icol + BIGCAL_RCS_NX * (irow - 1)
+         xcell = BIGCAL_RCS_XGOOD(ihit)
+         ycell = BIGCAL_RCS_YGOOD(ihit)
+         ! determine which tdc channel (group of 8) we are in
+         irow8 = irow + BIGCAL_PROT_NY
+         if(icol .lt. 16) icol8 = (icol - 1) / 8 + 1
+         if(icol .ge. 16) icol8 = icol / 8 + 1
+         itdc = icol8 + (irow8 - 1)*BIGCAL_MAX_GROUPS
+         ! determine which trigger group (group of 64) we are in
+         ihalf64 = icol / 16 + 1
+         igroup64 = (irow8 - 1) / 3 + 1
+         ilogic = igroup64 + (ihalf64 - 1) * BIGCAL_LOGIC_GROUPS / 2
+         if(abs(BIGCAL_TIME_DET(itdc) - trigtime).le.b_timing_cut) then
+            tdchit = .true.
+         endif
+         if(abs(BIGCAL_TRIG_TIME_DET(ilogic) - trigtime).le.b_timing_cut 
+     $        ) then
+            trighit = .true.
+         endif
+         if((trighit .or. tdchit) .and. ecell .gt. max) then
+            max = ecell
+            ixmax = icol
+            iymax = irow
+            ihitmax = ihit
+         endif
+      enddo
+      ! if, upon looping through all hits, we have found a maximum that has a valid tdc or 
+      ! trigger tdc value, then build a cluster from all the neighboring channels using the
+      ! detector arrays (regardless of whether there is a hit: some cells may have 0) 
+      if(
+     $     iymax.le.BIGCAL_RCS_NY-1) then
+         ncellclust = 0
+         do irow = iymax - maxcelldiff,iymax + maxcelldiff
+            do icol = ixmax - maxcelldiff,ixmax + maxcelldiff
+               if(
+     $              .and.icol.le.BIGCAL_RCS_NX) then
+                  icell = icol + BIGCAL_RCS_NX*(irow - 1)
+                  ncellclust = ncellclust + 1
+                  if( goto 200
+                  ecell = BIGCAL_RCS_GOOD_DET(icell)
+                  xcell = BIGCAL_RCS_XCENTER(icell)
+                  ycell = BIGCAL_RCS_YCENTER(icell)
+                  clstr_temp_ecell(ncellclust) = ecell
+                  clstr_temp_ixcell(ncellclust) = icol
+                  clstr_temp_iycell(ncellclust) = irow + BIGCAL_PROT_NY
+                  clstr_temp_xcell(ncellclust) = xcell
+                  clstr_temp_ycell(ncellclust) = ycell
+               endif
+            enddo
+         enddo
+ 200     continue
+         ! in the special case of iymax = 2 add closest cells in the last rows of PROT part
+         if(iymax - maxcelldiff .lt. 1) then
+            nrows = maxcelldiff - iymax + 1
+            do irow=1,nrows
+               minxdiff = 1000.
+               xcell = BIGCAL_RCS_XGOOD(ihitmax)
+               do icol = 1,BIGCAL_PROT_NX
+                  icell = icol + BIGCAL_PROT_NX*(BIGCAL_PROT_NY - irow)
+                  if(abs(xcell-BIGCAL_PROT_XCENTER(icell)).lt.minxdiff)
+     $                 then
+                     minxdiff = abs(xcell - BIGCAL_PROT_XCENTER(icell))
+                     ixmin = icol
+                  endif
+               enddo
+               if(minxdiff .lt. 1000.) then
+                  do icol = ixmin - maxcelldiff,ixmin + maxcelldiff
+                     icell = icol+BIGCAL_PROT_NX*(BIGCAL_PROT_NY - irow)
+                     if( then
+                        ncellclust = ncellclust + 1
+                        if( 202
+                        ecell = BIGCAL_PROT_GOOD_DET(icell)
+                        xcell = BIGCAL_PROT_XCENTER(icell)
+                        ycell = BIGCAL_PROT_YCENTER(icell)
+                        clstr_temp_ecell(ncellclust) = ecell
+                        clstr_temp_ixcell(ncellclust) = icol
+                        clstr_temp_iycell(ncellclust) =
+     $                       BIGCAL_PROT_NY - irow + 1
+                        clstr_temp_xcell(ncellclust) = xcell
+                        clstr_temp_ycell(ncellclust) = ycell
+                     endif
+                  enddo
+               endif
+            enddo
+         endif
+         ! end special case iymax = 2
+         ! check temporary cluster for absence of second max. and sum above 
+         ! software threshold:
+         ! start by sorting cluster cells in descending order of amplitude:
+ 202     continue
+         clstr_temp_esum = 0.
+         do ihit=1,ncellclust
+            clstr_temp_esum = clstr_temp_esum + clstr_temp_ecell(ihit)
+         enddo
+         do ihit=1,ncellclust
+            do jhit=ihit+1,ncellclust
+               if(clstr_temp_ecell(jhit).gt.clstr_temp_ecell(ihit))then
+                  ! switch hits i and j, remember to switch all five quantities
+                  irtemp = clstr_temp_ecell(ihit)
+                  clstr_temp_ecell(ihit) = clstr_temp_ecell(jhit)
+                  clstr_temp_ecell(jhit) = irtemp
+                  irtemp = clstr_temp_xcell(ihit)
+                  clstr_temp_xcell(ihit) = clstr_temp_xcell(jhit)
+                  clstr_temp_xcell(jhit) = irtemp
+                  irtemp = clstr_temp_ycell(ihit)
+                  clstr_temp_ycell(ihit) = clstr_temp_ycell(jhit)
+                  clstr_temp_ycell(jhit) = irtemp
+                  itemp = clstr_temp_ixcell(ihit)
+                  clstr_temp_ixcell(ihit) = clstr_temp_ixcell(jhit)
+                  clstr_temp_ixcell(jhit) = itemp
+                  itemp = clstr_temp_iycell(ihit)
+                  clstr_temp_iycell(ihit) = clstr_temp_iycell(jhit)
+                  clstr_temp_iycell(jhit) = itemp
+               endif
+            enddo
+         enddo
+         celldiffx = clstr_temp_ixcell(2) - clstr_temp_ixcell(1)
+         celldiffy = clstr_temp_iycell(2) - clstr_temp_iycell(1)
+         celldiffx = int(abs(float(celldiffx)))
+         celldiffy = int(abs(float(celldiffy)))
+         if(celldiffx .gt. 1.or.celldiffy .gt. 1) then
+            second_max = .true.
+         endif
+         if( .not. second_max) then
+            ! add a cluster to the array for rcs:
+            found_cluster = .true.
+            ncluster = ncluster + 1
+            BIGCAL_RCS_CLSTR_IYMAX(ncluster) = clstr_temp_iycell(1)
+            BIGCAL_RCS_CLSTR_IXMAX(ncluster) = clstr_temp_ixcell(1)
+            BIGCAL_RCS_CLSTR_ETOT(ncluster) = clstr_temp_esum
+            BIGCAL_RCS_CLSTR_NCELL(ncluster) = ncellclust
+            xmom = 0.
+            ymom = 0.
+            ntdc = 0
+            tavg = 0.
+            do ihit=1,ncellclust
+               BIGCAL_RCS_CLSTR_IYCELL(ncluster,ihit) = 
+     $              clstr_temp_iycell(ihit)
+               BIGCAL_RCS_CLSTR_IXCELL(ncluster,ihit) = 
+     $              clstr_temp_ixcell(ihit)
+               BIGCAL_RCS_CLSTR_ECELL(ncluster,ihit) = 
+     $              clstr_temp_ecell(ihit)
+               BIGCAL_RCS_CLSTR_XCELL(ncluster,ihit) = 
+     $              clstr_temp_xcell(ihit)
+               BIGCAL_RCS_CLSTR_YCELL(ncluster,ihit) = 
+     $              clstr_temp_ycell(ihit)
+               xmom = xmom + clstr_temp_ecell(ihit) / clstr_temp_esum * 
+     $              (clstr_temp_xcell(ihit) - clstr_temp_xcell(1))
+               ymom = ymom + clstr_temp_ecell(ihit) / clstr_temp_esum * 
+     $              (clstr_temp_ycell(ihit) - clstr_temp_ycell(1))
+               ! zero the hits belonging to this cluster so that they can't be 
+               ! used more than once
+               do jhit=1,BIGCAL_RCS_NGOOD
+                  if(BIGCAL_RCS_IYGOOD(jhit).eq.clstr_temp_iycell(ihit)
+     $                 - BIGCAL_PROT_NY.and.BIGCAL_RCS_IXGOOD(jhit).eq.
+     $                 clstr_temp_ixcell(ihit)) then
+                     BIGCAL_RCS_ECELL(jhit) = 0.
+                     BIGCAL_RCS_IYGOOD(jhit) = 0
+                     BIGCAL_RCS_IXGOOD(jhit) = 0
+                     BIGCAL_RCS_XGOOD(jhit) = 0.
+                     BIGCAL_RCS_YGOOD(jhit) = 0.
+                  endif
+               enddo
+               ! do the same for the Protvino part in case of a cluster straddling the 
+               ! two sections
+               do jhit=1,BIGCAL_PROT_NGOOD
+                  if(BIGCAL_PROT_IYGOOD(jhit).eq.clstr_temp_iycell(ihit)
+     $                 .and. BIGCAL_PROT_IXGOOD(jhit).eq.
+     $                 clstr_temp_ixcell(ihit))then
+                     BIGCAL_PROT_ECELL(jhit) = 0.
+                     BIGCAL_PROT_IYGOOD(jhit) = 0
+                     BIGCAL_PROT_IXGOOD(jhit) = 0
+                     BIGCAL_PROT_XGOOD(jhit) = 0.
+                     BIGCAL_PROT_YGOOD(jhit) = 0.
+                  endif
+               enddo
+               irow = clstr_temp_iycell(ihit)
+               icol = clstr_temp_ixcell(ihit)
+               if(irow.le.BIGCAL_PROT_NY)then
+                  icell = icol + BIGCAL_PROT_NX * (irow - 1)
+                  irow8 = irow
+                  icol8 = (icol - 1) / 8 + 1
+                  igroup64 = (irow - 1) / 3 + 1
+                  ihalf64 = (icol - 1) / 16 + 1
+               else
+                  icell = icol + BIGCAL_RCS_NX * (irow-1-BIGCAL_PROT_NY)
+                  irow8 = irow
+                  if(icol .lt. 16) icol8 = (icol - 1) / 8 + 1
+                  if(icol .ge. 16) icol8 = icol / 8 + 1
+                  igroup64 = (irow - 1) / 3 + 1
+                  ihalf64 = icol / 16 + 1
+               endif
+               itdc = icol8 + (irow8 - 1) * BIGCAL_MAX_GROUPS
+               ilogic = igroup64 + (ihalf64 - 1)*BIGCAL_LOGIC_GROUPS / 2
+               if(abs(BIGCAL_TIME_DET(itdc) - trigtime).le.b_timing_cut) 
+     $              then
+                  ntdc = ntdc + 1
+                  tavg = tavg + BIGCAL_TIME_DET(itdc)
+               endif
+               if(abs(BIGCAL_TRIG_TIME_DET(ilogic) - trigtime).le.
+     $              b_timing_cut) then
+                  ntdc = ntdc + 1
+                  tavg = tavg + BIGCAL_TRIG_TIME_DET(ilogic)
+               endif
+            enddo
+            clstr_time = tavg / ntdc
+            BIGCAL_RCS_CLSTR_XMOM(ncluster) = xmom
+            BIGCAL_RCS_CLSTR_YMOM(ncluster) = ymom
+            BIGCAL_RCS_CLSTR_TIME(ncluster) = clstr_time
+         endif
+      endif
+      if(found_cluster .and. ncluster .lt. BIGCAL_CLSTR_NCELL_MAX) 
+     $     goto 201
+      BIGCAL_RCS_NCLSTR = ncluster
+      !!!!!!!!!!! come back to middle section later !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+      !!!!! code still needs to be written !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+      return 
+      end
diff --git a/BTRACKING/b_find_clusters_old.f b/BTRACKING/b_find_clusters_old.f
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..000e539
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BTRACKING/b_find_clusters_old.f
@@ -0,0 +1,1154 @@
+      subroutine b_find_clusters(ABORT,err)
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*16 here
+      parameter (here= 'b_find_clusters')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      include 'bigcal_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_bypass_switches.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_gain_parms.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_tof_parms.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_geometry.cmn'
+      integer*4 ihit,jhit,khit
+      integer*4 icell,jcell,kcell
+      integer*4 itdc,jtdc,ktdc
+      integer*4 ilogic,jlogic,klogic
+      integer*4 irow,jrow,krow,icol,jcol,kcol
+      real*4 ecell,xcell,ycell,xcenter,ycenter
+      integer*4 irow8,icol8
+      integer*4 igroup64,ihalf64
+      integer*4 maxcelldiff,celldiffx,celldiffy
+      real*4 clstr_temp_ecell(BIGCAL_CLSTR_NCELL_MAX)
+      integer*4 clstr_temp_ixcell(BIGCAL_CLSTR_NCELL_MAX)
+      integer*4 clstr_temp_iycell(BIGCAL_CLSTR_NCELL_MAX)
+      real*4 clstr_temp_xcell(BIGCAL_CLSTR_NCELL_MAX)
+      real*4 clstr_temp_ycell(BIGCAL_CLSTR_NCELL_MAX)
+      real*4 clstr_temp_esum
+      logical goodhit(BIGCAL_CLSTR_NCELL_MAX)
+      real*4 emax,xmax,ymax,minxdiff
+      integer*4 ixmax,iymax,ihitmax,ixmin,iymin
+      integer*4 ncellclust
+      integer*4 ncluster
+      integer*4 nbad
+      integer*4 nrows
+      integer*4 itemp,jtemp,ktemp
+      real*4 irtemp,jrtemp,krtemp
+      real*4 trigtime,hittime
+      real*4 xmom,ymom,clstr_time
+      real*4 tavg
+      integer*4 ntdc
+      logical tdchit,trighit
+      logical second_max
+      logical found_cluster
+      !trigtime = BIGCAL_REF_TIME
+      maxcelldiff = int(sqrt(float(BIGCAL_CLSTR_NCELL_MAX))) / 2
+      if( return 
+      ! at a minimum, the glass ADC information is required to look for clusters
+      ncluster = 0
+ 101  continue
+      found_cluster = .false.
+      ! zero temporary cluster quantities:
+      do icell=1,BIGCAL_CLSTR_NCELL_MAX
+         clstr_temp_ecell(icell) = 0.
+         clstr_temp_xcell(icell) = 0.
+         clstr_temp_ycell(icell) = 0.
+         clstr_temp_ixcell(icell) = 0
+         clstr_temp_iycell(icell) = 0
+         goodhit(icell) = .false.
+      enddo
+      emax = 0.
+      ixmax = 0
+      iymax = 0
+      ! find clusters. Only check timing if bypass switches are set for timing analysis
+      do ihit=1,BIGCAL_PROT_NGOOD
+         !tdchit = .false.
+         !trighit = .false.
+         ecell = BIGCAL_PROT_ECELL(ihit)
+         irow = BIGCAL_PROT_IYGOOD(ihit)
+         icol = BIGCAL_PROT_IXGOOD(ihit)
+         icell = icol + BIGCAL_PROT_NX * (irow - 1)
+         xcell = BIGCAL_PROT_XGOOD(ihit)
+         ycell = BIGCAL_PROT_YGOOD(ihit)
+         ! determine which tdc channel (group of 8) we are in
+         !irow8 = irow
+         !icol8 = (icol - 1) / 8 + 1
+         !itdc = icol8 + (irow8 - 1)*BIGCAL_MAX_GROUPS
+         ! determine which trigger group (group of 64) we are in
+         !ihalf64 = (icol - 1) / 16 + 1
+         !igroup64 = (irow - 1) / 3 + 1
+         !ilogic = igroup64 + (ihalf64 - 1) * BIGCAL_LOGIC_GROUPS / 2
+c$$$         if(bbypass_sum8.eq.0) then
+c$$$            if(abs(BIGCAL_TIME_DET(itdc)-trigtime).le.b_timing_cut) then
+c$$$               tdchit = .true.
+c$$$            endif
+c$$$         endif
+c$$$         if(bbypass_sum64.eq.0) then
+c$$$            if(abs(BIGCAL_TRIG_TIME_DET(ilogic)-trigtime).le.
+c$$$     $           b_timing_cut) then
+c$$$               trighit = .true.
+c$$$            endif
+c$$$         endif
+         !if(bbypass_sum64.eq.0.or.bbypass_sum8.eq.0) then
+         if(ecell .gt. emax) then
+            emax = ecell
+            ixmax = icol
+            iymax = irow
+            ihitmax = ihit
+         endif
+      enddo
+      ! if, upon looping through all hits, we have found a maximum that has a valid tdc or 
+      ! trigger tdc value, then build a cluster from all the neighboring channels using the
+      ! detector arrays (regardless of whether there is a hit: some cells may have 0) 
+      if(
+     $     iymax.le.BIGCAL_PROT_NY-1) then
+        ncellclust = 0
+        do irow = iymax - maxcelldiff,iymax + maxcelldiff
+          do icol = ixmax - maxcelldiff,ixmax + maxcelldiff
+            if(
+     $           .and.icol.le.BIGCAL_PROT_NX) then
+              icell = icol + BIGCAL_PROT_NX*(irow - 1)
+              ecell = BIGCAL_PROT_GOOD_DET(icell)
+              xcell = BIGCAL_PROT_XCENTER(icell)
+              ycell = BIGCAL_PROT_YCENTER(icell)
+              if( then
+                 ncellclust = ncellclust + 1
+                 if( goto 100
+                 clstr_temp_ecell(ncellclust) = ecell
+                 clstr_temp_ixcell(ncellclust) = icol
+                 clstr_temp_iycell(ncellclust) = irow
+                 clstr_temp_xcell(ncellclust) = xcell
+                 clstr_temp_ycell(ncellclust) = ycell
+                 goodhit(ncellclust) = .true.
+              endif
+            endif
+          enddo
+        enddo
+ 100    continue
+c     ! in the special case of iymax = 31 add closest cells in the first rows of RCS part
+        if(iymax + maxcelldiff .gt. BIGCAL_PROT_NY) then
+          nrows = iymax + maxcelldiff - BIGCAL_PROT_NY
+          do irow=1,nrows
+c$$$            minxdiff = 1000.
+c$$$            xcell = BIGCAL_PROT_XGOOD(ihitmax)
+c$$$            do icol = max(1,ixmax-5),min(ixmax+5,BIGCAL_RCS_NX)
+c$$$              icell = icol + BIGCAL_RCS_NX * (irow - 1)
+c$$$              if(abs(xcell - BIGCAL_RCS_XCENTER(icell)).lt.minxdiff)
+c$$$     $             then
+c$$$                minxdiff = abs(xcell - BIGCAL_RCS_XCENTER(icell))
+c$$$                ixmin = icol
+c$$$              endif
+c$$$            enddo
+             ixmin = bigcal_ixclose_prot(ixmax)
+c            if(minxdiff .lt. 1000.) then
+             do icol = max(ixmin-maxcelldiff,1),min(ixmin+maxcelldiff,30)
+c$$$              do icol = ixmin - maxcelldiff,ixmin + maxcelldiff
+                icell = icol + BIGCAL_RCS_NX * (irow - 1)
+c                if( then
+                ecell = BIGCAL_RCS_GOOD_DET(icell)
+                xcell = BIGCAL_RCS_XCENTER(icell)
+                ycell = BIGCAL_RCS_YCENTER(icell)
+                if( then
+                   ncellclust = ncellclust + 1
+                   if( 102
+                   clstr_temp_ecell(ncellclust) = ecell
+                   clstr_temp_ixcell(ncellclust) = icol
+                   clstr_temp_iycell(ncellclust) =
+     $                  irow + BIGCAL_PROT_NY
+                   clstr_temp_xcell(ncellclust) = xcell
+                   clstr_temp_ycell(ncellclust) = ycell
+                   goodhit(ncellclust)=.true.
+                endif
+c                endif
+             enddo
+c           endif
+          enddo
+       endif
+c     ! end special case iymax = 31
+c     ! check temporary cluster for absence of second max. and sum above 
+c     ! software threshold:
+c     ! start by sorting cluster cells in descending order of amplitude:
+ 102    continue
+        if( then 
+          ncellclust = BIGCAL_CLSTR_NCELL_MAX
+        endif
+        if( then
+           bigcal_prot_bad_clstr_flag(ncluster) = 2
+c$$$           call b_trig_check(2,ncellclust,clstr_temp_iycell,
+c$$$     $          clstr_temp_ixcell,clstr_temp_ecell,abort,err)
+           goto 134
+        endif
+        clstr_temp_esum = 0.
+        do ihit=1,ncellclust
+          clstr_temp_esum = clstr_temp_esum + clstr_temp_ecell(ihit)
+        enddo
+        if(clstr_temp_esum .lt.b_cluster_cut) then
+           bigcal_prot_bad_clstr_flag(ncluster) = 3
+c$$$           call b_trig_check(3,ncellclust,clstr_temp_iycell,
+c$$$     $          clstr_temp_ixcell,clstr_temp_ecell,abort,err)
+           goto 134
+        endif
+        do ihit=1,ncellclust
+           do jhit=ihit+1,ncellclust
+              if(clstr_temp_ecell(jhit).gt.clstr_temp_ecell(ihit))then
+c     ! switch hits i and j, remember to switch all five quantities
+c     ! at this point all goodhit are true, so no need to switch
+                 irtemp = clstr_temp_ecell(ihit)
+                 clstr_temp_ecell(ihit) = clstr_temp_ecell(jhit)
+                 clstr_temp_ecell(jhit) = irtemp
+                 irtemp = clstr_temp_xcell(ihit)
+                 clstr_temp_xcell(ihit) = clstr_temp_xcell(jhit)
+                 clstr_temp_xcell(jhit) = irtemp
+                 irtemp = clstr_temp_ycell(ihit)
+                 clstr_temp_ycell(ihit) = clstr_temp_ycell(jhit)
+                 clstr_temp_ycell(jhit) = irtemp
+                 itemp = clstr_temp_ixcell(ihit)
+                 clstr_temp_ixcell(ihit) = clstr_temp_ixcell(jhit)
+                 clstr_temp_ixcell(jhit) = itemp
+                 itemp = clstr_temp_iycell(ihit)
+                 clstr_temp_iycell(ihit) = clstr_temp_iycell(jhit)
+                 clstr_temp_iycell(jhit) = itemp
+              endif
+           enddo
+        enddo
+        celldiffx = clstr_temp_ixcell(2) - clstr_temp_ixcell(1)
+        celldiffy = clstr_temp_iycell(2) - clstr_temp_iycell(1)
+        celldiffx = int(abs(float(celldiffx)))
+        celldiffy = int(abs(float(celldiffy)))
+        if(celldiffx .gt. 1.or.celldiffy .gt. 1) then
+           second_max = .true.
+        else
+           second_max = .false.
+        endif
+        if(clstr_temp_iycell(1).ne.iymax.or.clstr_temp_ixcell(1).ne.ixmax) then
+           second_max = .true.
+        endif
+        if(second_max) then
+           bigcal_prot_bad_clstr_flag(ncluster) = 4
+c$$$           call b_trig_check(4,ncellclust,clstr_temp_iycell,
+c$$$     $          clstr_temp_ixcell,clstr_temp_ecell,abort,err)
+           goto 134
+        endif
+        if( .not. second_max) then
+c     !add a cluster to the array for protvino:
+          if( then
+            found_cluster = .true.
+            ncluster = ncluster + 1
+            BIGCAL_PROT_CLSTR_IYMAX(ncluster) = clstr_temp_iycell(1)
+            BIGCAL_PROT_CLSTR_IXMAX(ncluster) = clstr_temp_ixcell(1)
+            BIGCAL_PROT_CLSTR_ETOT(ncluster) = clstr_temp_esum
+            BIGCAL_PROT_CLSTR_NCELL(ncluster) = ncellclust
+            xmom = 0.
+            ymom = 0.
+            do ihit=1,ncellclust
+              BIGCAL_PROT_CLSTR_IYCELL(ncluster,ihit) = 
+     $             clstr_temp_iycell(ihit)
+              BIGCAL_PROT_CLSTR_IXCELL(ncluster,ihit) = 
+     $             clstr_temp_ixcell(ihit)
+              BIGCAL_PROT_CLSTR_ECELL(ncluster,ihit) = 
+     $             clstr_temp_ecell(ihit)
+              BIGCAL_PROT_CLSTR_XCELL(ncluster,ihit) = 
+     $             clstr_temp_xcell(ihit)
+              BIGCAL_PROT_CLSTR_YCELL(ncluster,ihit) = 
+     $             clstr_temp_ycell(ihit)
+              xmom = xmom+clstr_temp_ecell(ihit)/clstr_temp_esum 
+     $             *(clstr_temp_xcell(ihit)-clstr_temp_xcell(1))
+              ymom = ymom+clstr_temp_ecell(ihit)/clstr_temp_esum  
+     $             *(clstr_temp_ycell(ihit)-clstr_temp_ycell(1))
+c     ! zero the hits belonging to this cluster so that they can't be 
+c     ! used more than once
+              irow = clstr_temp_iycell(ihit)
+              icol = clstr_temp_ixcell(ihit)
+              if(irow.le.bigcal_prot_ny) then
+                 icell = icol + bigcal_prot_nx*(irow-1)
+                 bigcal_prot_good_det(icell) = 0.
+              else
+                 icell = icol + bigcal_rcs_nx*(irow-33)
+                 bigcal_rcs_good_det(icell) = 0.
+              endif
+              do jhit=1,BIGCAL_PROT_NGOOD
+                if(BIGCAL_PROT_IYGOOD(jhit).eq.
+     $               clstr_temp_iycell(ihit).and.
+     $               BIGCAL_PROT_IXGOOD(jhit).eq.
+     $               clstr_temp_ixcell(ihit)) then
+                  BIGCAL_PROT_ECELL(jhit) = 0.
+                  BIGCAL_PROT_IYGOOD(jhit) = 0
+                  BIGCAL_PROT_IXGOOD(jhit) = 0
+                  BIGCAL_PROT_XGOOD(jhit) = 0.
+                  BIGCAL_PROT_YGOOD(jhit) = 0.
+                endif
+              enddo
+c     ! do the same for the RCS part in the case of clusters overlapping
+c     ! the Prot-RCS boundary:
+              do jhit=1,BIGCAL_RCS_NGOOD
+                if(BIGCAL_RCS_IYGOOD(jhit)+BIGCAL_PROT_NY.eq.
+     $               clstr_temp_iycell(ihit).and.
+     $               BIGCAL_RCS_IXGOOD(jhit) .eq.
+     $               clstr_temp_ixcell(ihit)) then
+                  BIGCAL_RCS_ECELL(jhit) = 0.
+                  BIGCAL_RCS_IYGOOD(jhit) = 0
+                  BIGCAL_RCS_IXGOOD(jhit) = 0
+                  BIGCAL_RCS_XGOOD(jhit) = 0.
+                  BIGCAL_RCS_YGOOD(jhit) = 0.
+                endif
+              enddo
+            enddo
+            BIGCAL_PROT_CLSTR_XMOM(ncluster) = xmom
+            BIGCAL_PROT_CLSTR_YMOM(ncluster) = ymom
+            if( call b_print_cluster(1,ncluster,ABORT,err)
+         endif
+      endif
+      else if(ixmax.eq.1.or.ixmax.eq.bigcal_prot_nx.or.iymax.eq.1.or.
+     $     iymax.eq.bigcal_prot_ny) then ! max is at edge
+         bigcal_prot_bad_clstr_flag(ncluster) = 1
+c$$$         call b_trig_check(1,ncellclust,clstr_temp_iycell,
+c$$$     $          clstr_temp_ixcell,clstr_temp_ecell,abort,err)
+         !write(*,*) 'edge max! ncluster = ',ncluster
+      endif
+ 134  continue
+      if((.not.found_cluster).and.ncluster.eq.0) then
+         bigcal_prot_no_clstr_why = bigcal_prot_bad_clstr_flag(0)
+      endif
+      if(found_cluster .and. ncluster .lt. BIGCAL_PROT_NCLSTR_MAX) then 
+         goto 101
+      endif
+      BIGCAL_PROT_NCLSTR = ncluster
+      ncluster = 0
+ 201  continue
+      found_cluster = .false.
+c     ! zero temporary cluster quantities:
+      do icell=1,BIGCAL_CLSTR_NCELL_MAX
+        clstr_temp_ecell(icell) = 0.
+        clstr_temp_xcell(icell) = 0.
+        clstr_temp_ycell(icell) = 0.
+        clstr_temp_ixcell(icell) = 0
+        clstr_temp_iycell(icell) = 0
+        goodhit(icell) = .false.
+      enddo
+      emax = 0.
+      ixmax = 0
+      iymax = 0
+c     ! find clusters. Only check timing if bypass switches are set for timing analysis
+      do ihit=1,BIGCAL_RCS_NGOOD
+c     !tdchit = .false.
+c     !trighit = .false.
+        ecell = BIGCAL_RCS_ECELL(ihit)
+        irow = BIGCAL_RCS_IYGOOD(ihit)
+        icol = BIGCAL_RCS_IXGOOD(ihit)
+        icell = icol + BIGCAL_RCS_NX * (irow - 1)
+        xcell = BIGCAL_RCS_XGOOD(ihit)
+        ycell = BIGCAL_RCS_YGOOD(ihit)
+c     ! determine which tdc channel (group of 8) we are in
+c     !irow8 = irow
+c     !icol8 = (icol - 1) / 8 + 1
+c     !itdc = icol8 + (irow8 - 1)*BIGCAL_MAX_GROUPS
+c     ! determine which trigger group (group of 64) we are in
+c     !ihalf64 = (icol - 1) / 16 + 1
+c     !igroup64 = (irow - 1) / 3 + 1
+c     !ilogic = igroup64 + (ihalf64 - 1) * BIGCAL_LOGIC_GROUPS / 2
+c$$$         if(bbypass_sum8.eq.0) then
+c$$$            if(abs(BIGCAL_TIME_DET(itdc)-trigtime).le.b_timing_cut) then
+c$$$               tdchit = .true.
+c$$$            endif
+c$$$         endif
+c$$$  if(bbypass_sum64.eq.0) then
+c$$$  if(abs(BIGCAL_TRIG_TIME_DET(ilogic)-trigtime).le.
+c$$$  $           b_timing_cut) then
+c$$$  trighit = .true.
+c$$$  endif
+c$$$  endif
+c     !if(bbypass_sum64.eq.0.or.bbypass_sum8.eq.0) then
+        if(ecell .gt. emax) then
+          emax = ecell
+          ixmax = icol
+          iymax = irow
+          ihitmax = ihit
+        endif
+      enddo
+c     ! if, upon looping through all hits, we have found a maximum that has a valid tdc or 
+c     ! trigger tdc value, then build a cluster from all the neighboring channels using the
+c     ! detector arrays (regardless of whether there is a hit: some cells may have 0) 
+      if(
+     $     iymax.le.BIGCAL_RCS_NY-1) then
+        ncellclust = 0
+        do irow = iymax - maxcelldiff,iymax + maxcelldiff
+          do icol = ixmax - maxcelldiff,ixmax + maxcelldiff
+            if(
+     $           .and.icol.le.BIGCAL_RCS_NX) then
+              icell = icol + BIGCAL_RCS_NX*(irow - 1)
+              ecell = BIGCAL_RCS_GOOD_DET(icell)
+              xcell = BIGCAL_RCS_XCENTER(icell)
+              ycell = BIGCAL_RCS_YCENTER(icell)
+              if( then
+                 ncellclust = ncellclust + 1
+                 if( goto 200
+                 clstr_temp_ecell(ncellclust) = ecell
+                 clstr_temp_ixcell(ncellclust) = icol
+                 clstr_temp_iycell(ncellclust) = irow + 
+     $                BIGCAL_PROT_NY
+                 clstr_temp_xcell(ncellclust) = xcell
+                 clstr_temp_ycell(ncellclust) = ycell
+                 goodhit(ncellclust) = .true.
+              endif
+            endif
+          enddo
+        enddo
+ 200    continue
+c     ! in the special case of iymax = 34 add closest cells in the first rows of RCS part
+        if(iymax - maxcelldiff .lt. 1) then
+          nrows = maxcelldiff - iymax + 1
+          do irow=1,nrows
+c$$$            minxdiff = 1000.
+c$$$            xcell = BIGCAL_RCS_XGOOD(ihitmax)
+c$$$            do icol = max(1,ixmax-5),min(ixmax+5,BIGCAL_PROT_NX)
+c$$$              icell = icol + BIGCAL_PROT_NX * (BIGCAL_PROT_NY-irow)
+c$$$              if(abs(xcell-BIGCAL_PROT_XCENTER(icell)).lt.minxdiff)
+c$$$     $             then
+c$$$                minxdiff = abs(xcell - BIGCAL_PROT_XCENTER(icell))
+c$$$                ixmin = icol
+c$$$              endif
+c$$$            enddo
+c            if(minxdiff .lt. 1000.) then
+             ixmin = bigcal_ixclose_rcs(ixmax)
+             do icol = max(ixmin-maxcelldiff,1),min(ixmin+maxcelldiff,32)
+                icell = icol + BIGCAL_PROT_NX*(BIGCAL_PROT_NY-irow)
+c     if( then
+                ecell = BIGCAL_PROT_GOOD_DET(icell)
+                xcell = BIGCAL_PROT_XCENTER(icell)
+                ycell = BIGCAL_PROT_YCENTER(icell)
+                if( then
+                   ncellclust = ncellclust + 1
+                   if( 202
+                   clstr_temp_ecell(ncellclust) = ecell
+                   clstr_temp_ixcell(ncellclust) = icol
+                   clstr_temp_iycell(ncellclust) = BIGCAL_PROT_NY 
+     $                  - irow + 1
+                   clstr_temp_xcell(ncellclust) = xcell
+                   clstr_temp_ycell(ncellclust) = ycell
+                   goodhit(ncellclust)=.true.
+                endif
+c                endif
+             enddo
+c     endif
+          enddo
+        endif
+c     ! end special case iymax = 34
+c     ! check temporary cluster for absence of second max. and sum above 
+c     ! software threshold:
+c     ! start by sorting cluster cells in descending order of amplitude:
+ 202    continue
+        if( then 
+          ncellclust = BIGCAL_CLSTR_NCELL_MAX
+        endif
+        if( then
+           bigcal_rcs_bad_clstr_flag(ncluster) = 2
+           goto 234
+        endif
+        clstr_temp_esum = 0.
+        do ihit=1,ncellclust
+          clstr_temp_esum = clstr_temp_esum + clstr_temp_ecell(ihit)
+        enddo
+        if( then
+           bigcal_rcs_bad_clstr_flag(ncluster) = 3
+           goto 234
+        endif
+        do ihit=1,ncellclust
+          do jhit=ihit+1,ncellclust
+            if(clstr_temp_ecell(jhit).gt.clstr_temp_ecell(ihit))then
+c     ! switch hits i and j, remember to switch all five quantities
+c     ! at this point all goodhit are true, so no need to switch
+              irtemp = clstr_temp_ecell(ihit)
+              clstr_temp_ecell(ihit) = clstr_temp_ecell(jhit)
+              clstr_temp_ecell(jhit) = irtemp
+              irtemp = clstr_temp_xcell(ihit)
+              clstr_temp_xcell(ihit) = clstr_temp_xcell(jhit)
+              clstr_temp_xcell(jhit) = irtemp
+              irtemp = clstr_temp_ycell(ihit)
+              clstr_temp_ycell(ihit) = clstr_temp_ycell(jhit)
+              clstr_temp_ycell(jhit) = irtemp
+              itemp = clstr_temp_ixcell(ihit)
+              clstr_temp_ixcell(ihit) = clstr_temp_ixcell(jhit)
+              clstr_temp_ixcell(jhit) = itemp
+              itemp = clstr_temp_iycell(ihit)
+              clstr_temp_iycell(ihit) = clstr_temp_iycell(jhit)
+              clstr_temp_iycell(jhit) = itemp
+            endif
+          enddo
+        enddo
+        celldiffx = clstr_temp_ixcell(2) - clstr_temp_ixcell(1)
+        celldiffy = clstr_temp_iycell(2) - clstr_temp_iycell(1)
+        celldiffx = int(abs(float(celldiffx)))
+        celldiffy = int(abs(float(celldiffy)))
+        if(celldiffx .gt. 1.or.celldiffy .gt. 1) then
+          second_max = .true.
+        else 
+          second_max = .false.
+        endif
+        if(clstr_temp_iycell(1)
+     $       clstr_temp_ixcell(1).ne.ixmax) then
+           second_max = .true.
+        endif
+        if(second_max) then
+           bigcal_rcs_bad_clstr_flag(ncluster) = 4
+           goto 234
+        endif
+        if( .not. second_max) then
+c     !add a cluster to the array for rcs:
+          if( then
+            found_cluster = .true.
+            ncluster = ncluster + 1
+            BIGCAL_RCS_CLSTR_IYMAX(ncluster) = clstr_temp_iycell(1)
+            BIGCAL_RCS_CLSTR_IXMAX(ncluster) = clstr_temp_ixcell(1)
+            BIGCAL_RCS_CLSTR_ETOT(ncluster) = clstr_temp_esum
+            BIGCAL_RCS_CLSTR_NCELL(ncluster) = ncellclust
+            xmom = 0.
+            ymom = 0.
+            do ihit=1,ncellclust
+              BIGCAL_RCS_CLSTR_IYCELL(ncluster,ihit) = 
+     $             clstr_temp_iycell(ihit)
+              BIGCAL_RCS_CLSTR_IXCELL(ncluster,ihit) = 
+     $             clstr_temp_ixcell(ihit)
+              BIGCAL_RCS_CLSTR_ECELL(ncluster,ihit) = 
+     $             clstr_temp_ecell(ihit)
+              BIGCAL_RCS_CLSTR_XCELL(ncluster,ihit) = 
+     $             clstr_temp_xcell(ihit)
+              BIGCAL_RCS_CLSTR_YCELL(ncluster,ihit) = 
+     $             clstr_temp_ycell(ihit)
+              xmom = xmom+clstr_temp_ecell(ihit)/clstr_temp_esum 
+     $             *(clstr_temp_xcell(ihit)-clstr_temp_xcell(1))
+              ymom = ymom+clstr_temp_ecell(ihit)/clstr_temp_esum  
+     $             *(clstr_temp_ycell(ihit)-clstr_temp_ycell(1))
+              icol = clstr_temp_ixcell(ihit)
+              irow = clstr_temp_iycell(ihit)
+              if(irow.le.bigcal_prot_ny) then
+                 icell = icol + bigcal_prot_nx*(irow-1)
+                 bigcal_prot_good_det(icell) = 0.
+              else
+                 icell = icol + bigcal_rcs_nx*(irow-33)
+                 bigcal_rcs_good_det(icell) = 0.
+              endif
+c     ! zero the hits belonging to this cluster so that they can't be 
+c     ! used more than once
+              do jhit=1,BIGCAL_PROT_NGOOD
+                if(BIGCAL_PROT_IYGOOD(jhit).eq.
+     $               clstr_temp_iycell(ihit).and.
+     $               BIGCAL_PROT_IXGOOD(jhit).eq.
+     $               clstr_temp_ixcell(ihit)) then
+                  BIGCAL_PROT_ECELL(jhit) = 0.
+                  BIGCAL_PROT_IYGOOD(jhit) = 0
+                  BIGCAL_PROT_IXGOOD(jhit) = 0
+                  BIGCAL_PROT_XGOOD(jhit) = 0.
+                  BIGCAL_PROT_YGOOD(jhit) = 0.
+                endif
+              enddo
+c     ! do the same for the RCS part in the case of clusters overlapping
+c     ! the Prot-RCS boundary:
+              do jhit=1,BIGCAL_RCS_NGOOD
+                if(BIGCAL_RCS_IYGOOD(jhit)+BIGCAL_PROT_NY.eq.
+     $               clstr_temp_iycell(ihit).and.
+     $               BIGCAL_RCS_IXGOOD(jhit) .eq.
+     $               clstr_temp_ixcell(ihit)) then
+                  BIGCAL_RCS_ECELL(jhit) = 0.
+                  BIGCAL_RCS_IYGOOD(jhit) = 0
+                  BIGCAL_RCS_IXGOOD(jhit) = 0
+                  BIGCAL_RCS_XGOOD(jhit) = 0.
+                  BIGCAL_RCS_YGOOD(jhit) = 0.
+                endif
+              enddo
+            enddo
+            BIGCAL_RCS_CLSTR_XMOM(ncluster) = xmom
+            BIGCAL_RCS_CLSTR_YMOM(ncluster) = ymom
+            if( call b_print_cluster(2,ncluster,ABORT,err)
+          endif
+        endif
+      else if(ixmax.eq.1.or.ixmax.eq.bigcal_rcs_nx.or.iymax.eq.1.or.
+     $       iymax.eq.bigcal_rcs_ny) then ! max at edge
+         bigcal_rcs_bad_clstr_flag(ncluster) = 1
+         !write(*,*) 'edge max! ncluster = ',ncluster
+      endif
+ 234  continue
+      if((.not.found_cluster).and.ncluster.eq.0) then
+         bigcal_rcs_no_clstr_why = bigcal_rcs_bad_clstr_flag(0)
+      endif
+      if(found_cluster .and. ncluster .lt. BIGCAL_RCS_NCLSTR_MAX) then 
+         goto 201
+      endif
+      BIGCAL_RCS_NCLSTR = ncluster
+c     !!!!!!!!Come back to the middle section later!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
+c     first fill middle hit arrays:
+      do irow=30,32
+         do icol=1,32
+            icell = icol + 32*(irow-1)
+            bigcal_mid_ehit(irow,icol) = bigcal_prot_good_det(icell)
+            bigcal_mid_xhit(irow,icol) = bigcal_prot_xcenter(icell)
+            bigcal_mid_yhit(irow,icol) = bigcal_prot_ycenter(icell)
+         enddo
+      enddo
+      do irow=33,35
+         do icol=1,30
+            icell = icol + 30*(irow-33)
+            bigcal_mid_ehit(irow,icol) = bigcal_rcs_good_det(icell)
+            bigcal_mid_xhit(irow,icol) = bigcal_rcs_xcenter(icell)
+            bigcal_mid_yhit(irow,icol) = bigcal_rcs_ycenter(icell)
+         enddo
+      enddo  
+c$$$      !write(*,*) 'mid_ehit = ',bigcal_mid_ehit
+c$$$      write(*,*) 'mid_xhit = ',bigcal_mid_xhit
+c$$$      write(*,*) 'mid_yhit = ',bigcal_mid_yhit
+c     find maximum 
+      ncluster = 0
+ 301  continue 
+      found_cluster = .false.
+c     zero temporary cluster quantities!!!!
+      do icell=1,BIGCAL_CLSTR_NCELL_MAX
+         clstr_temp_ecell(icell) = 0.
+         clstr_temp_xcell(icell) = 0.
+         clstr_temp_ycell(icell) = 0.
+         clstr_temp_ixcell(icell) = 0
+         clstr_temp_iycell(icell) = 0
+         goodhit(icell) = .false.
+      enddo
+      ixmax = 0
+      iymax = 0
+      emax = 0.
+      do irow = 30,35
+         do icol = 1,32
+            if(bigcal_mid_ehit(irow,icol).gt.emax) then
+               if( icol.le.30 .or. irow .le. 32) then
+                  emax = bigcal_mid_ehit(irow,icol)
+                  ixmax = icol
+                  iymax = irow
+               endif
+            endif
+         enddo
+      enddo
+c$$$      if( write(*,*) 'row = ',iymax,' col = ',ixmax
+      if(iymax.eq.32) then
+         if( then
+c$$$            minxdiff = 10000.
+c$$$            do icol = max(ixmax-5,1),min(ixmax+5,30)
+c$$$               if(abs(bigcal_mid_xhit(33,icol)-bigcal_mid_xhit(32,ixmax))
+c$$$     $              .lt.minxdiff) then
+c$$$                  ixmin = icol
+c$$$                  minxdiff = abs(bigcal_mid_xhit(33,icol) - 
+c$$$     $                 bigcal_mid_xhit(32,ixmax))
+c$$$               endif
+c$$$            enddo
+c     !write(*,*) 'colmindiff = ',ixmin
+            ixmin = bigcal_ixclose_prot(ixmax)
+            ncellclust = 0
+c            if( then
+            do irow = 30,32
+               do icol = max(ixmax-2,1),min(ixmax+2,32)
+                  ecell = bigcal_mid_ehit(irow,icol)
+                  xcell = bigcal_mid_xhit(irow,icol)
+                  ycell = bigcal_mid_yhit(irow,icol)
+                  if( then
+                     ncellclust = ncellclust + 1
+                     if( 300
+                     clstr_temp_ecell(ncellclust) = ecell
+                     clstr_temp_xcell(ncellclust) = xcell
+                     clstr_temp_ycell(ncellclust) = ycell
+                     clstr_temp_ixcell(ncellclust) = icol
+                     clstr_temp_iycell(ncellclust) = irow
+                  endif
+               enddo
+            enddo
+            do irow = 33,34
+               do icol = max(ixmin-2,1),min(ixmin+2,30)
+                  ecell = bigcal_mid_ehit(irow,icol)
+                  xcell = bigcal_mid_xhit(irow,icol)
+                  ycell = bigcal_mid_yhit(irow,icol)
+                  if( then
+                     ncellclust = ncellclust + 1
+                     if( 300
+                     clstr_temp_ecell(ncellclust) = ecell
+                     clstr_temp_xcell(ncellclust) = xcell
+                     clstr_temp_ycell(ncellclust) = ycell
+                     clstr_temp_ixcell(ncellclust) = icol
+                     clstr_temp_iycell(ncellclust) = irow
+                  endif
+               enddo
+            enddo
+c     endif ! otherwise something doesn't make sense
+ 300        continue
+            if( then
+               ncellclust = bigcal_clstr_ncell_max
+            endif
+            if( then
+               bigcal_mid_bad_clstr_flag(ncluster) = 2
+               goto 334
+            endif
+c     sort in descending order of amplitude:
+            clstr_temp_esum = 0.
+            do ihit=1,ncellclust
+               clstr_temp_esum = clstr_temp_esum + clstr_temp_ecell(ihit)
+            enddo
+            if( then
+               bigcal_mid_bad_clstr_flag(ncluster) = 3
+               goto 334
+            endif
+            do ihit=1,ncellclust
+               do jhit=ihit+1,ncellclust
+                  if(clstr_temp_ecell(jhit).gt.clstr_temp_ecell(ihit))then
+                     irtemp = clstr_temp_ecell(ihit)
+                     clstr_temp_ecell(ihit) = clstr_temp_ecell(jhit)
+                     clstr_temp_ecell(jhit) = irtemp
+                     irtemp = clstr_temp_xcell(ihit)
+                     clstr_temp_xcell(ihit) = clstr_temp_xcell(jhit)
+                     clstr_temp_xcell(jhit) = irtemp
+                     irtemp = clstr_temp_ycell(ihit)
+                     clstr_temp_ycell(ihit) = clstr_temp_ycell(jhit)
+                     clstr_temp_ycell(jhit) = irtemp
+                     itemp = clstr_temp_ixcell(ihit)
+                     clstr_temp_ixcell(ihit) = clstr_temp_ixcell(jhit)
+                     clstr_temp_ixcell(jhit) = itemp
+                     itemp = clstr_temp_iycell(ihit)
+                     clstr_temp_iycell(ihit) = clstr_temp_iycell(jhit)
+                     clstr_temp_iycell(jhit) = itemp
+                  endif
+               enddo
+            enddo
+c     !write(*,*) 'ecell = ',clstr_temp_ecell
+c     !write(*,*) 'iycell = ',clstr_temp_iycell
+c     !write(*,*) 'ixcell = ',clstr_temp_ixcell
+            celldiffx = clstr_temp_ixcell(2) - clstr_temp_ixcell(1)
+            celldiffy = clstr_temp_iycell(2) - clstr_temp_iycell(1)
+            if( (clstr_temp_iycell(1).le.bigcal_prot_ny.and.
+     $  .or. (clstr_temp_iycell(1).gt.
+     $  ) then 
+               celldiffx = celldiffx + clstr_temp_ixcell(1) - ixmin
+            endif
+            celldiffx = int(abs(float(celldiffx)))
+            celldiffy = int(abs(float(celldiffy)))
+            if( then
+               second_max = .true.
+            else
+               second_max = .false.
+            endif
+            if(clstr_temp_iycell(1).ne.iymax.or.clstr_temp_ixcell(1)
+     $           .ne.ixmax) then
+               second_max = .true.
+            endif
+            if(second_max) then
+               bigcal_mid_bad_clstr_flag(ncluster) = 4
+               goto 334
+            endif
+            if( .not. second_max
+     $ 
+               found_cluster = .true.
+c     !write(*,*) 'found good cluster in mid section!!!!'
+               ncluster = ncluster + 1
+               bigcal_mid_clstr_ncell(ncluster) = ncellclust
+               bigcal_mid_clstr_iymax(ncluster) = clstr_temp_iycell(1)
+               bigcal_mid_clstr_ixmax(ncluster) = clstr_temp_ixcell(1)
+               bigcal_mid_clstr_etot(ncluster) = clstr_temp_esum
+               xmom = 0.
+               ymom = 0.
+               xcenter = clstr_temp_xcell(1)
+               ycenter = clstr_temp_ycell(1)
+               do icell=1,ncellclust
+                  icol = clstr_temp_ixcell(icell)
+                  irow = clstr_temp_iycell(icell)
+                  xcell = clstr_temp_xcell(icell)
+                  ycell = clstr_temp_ycell(icell)
+                  ecell = clstr_temp_ecell(icell)
+c     zero the hits from this array so that they can't be used again:
+                  bigcal_mid_ehit(irow,icol) = 0.
+                  bigcal_mid_xhit(irow,icol) = 0.
+                  bigcal_mid_yhit(irow,icol) = 0.
+                  xmom = xmom + (xcell - xcenter)* ecell / clstr_temp_esum
+                  ymom = ymom + (ycell - ycenter)* ecell / clstr_temp_esum
+                  bigcal_mid_clstr_ixcell(ncluster,icell) = icol
+                  bigcal_mid_clstr_iycell(ncluster,icell) = irow
+                  bigcal_mid_clstr_xcell(ncluster,icell) = xcell
+                  bigcal_mid_clstr_ycell(ncluster,icell) = ycell
+                  bigcal_mid_clstr_ecell(ncluster,icell) = ecell
+               enddo
+               bigcal_mid_clstr_xmom(ncluster) = xmom
+               bigcal_mid_clstr_ymom(ncluster) = ymom
+            endif
+         else if(ixmax.eq.1.or.ixmax.eq.bigcal_prot_nx) then
+            bigcal_mid_bad_clstr_flag(ncluster) = 1
+            !write(*,*) 'edge max! ncluster = ',ncluster
+         endif
+      else if(iymax.eq.33) then
+         if( then
+c$$$            minxdiff = 10000.
+c$$$            do icol = max(ixmax-5,1),min(ixmax+5,32)
+c$$$               if(abs(bigcal_mid_xhit(32,icol)-bigcal_mid_xhit(33,ixmax))
+c$$$     $              .lt.minxdiff) then
+c$$$                  ixmin = icol
+c$$$                  minxdiff = abs(bigcal_mid_xhit(32,icol) - 
+c$$$     $                 bigcal_mid_xhit(33,ixmax))
+c$$$               endif
+c$$$            enddo
+c     !write(*,*) 'colmindiff = ',ixmin
+            ixmin = bigcal_ixclose_rcs(ixmax)
+            ncellclust = 0
+c            if( then
+            do irow = 31,32
+               do icol = max(ixmin-2,1),min(ixmin+2,32)
+                  ecell = bigcal_mid_ehit(irow,icol)
+                  xcell = bigcal_mid_xhit(irow,icol)
+                  ycell = bigcal_mid_yhit(irow,icol)
+                  if( then
+                     ncellclust = ncellclust + 1
+                     if( 302
+                     clstr_temp_ecell(ncellclust) = ecell
+                     clstr_temp_xcell(ncellclust) = xcell
+                     clstr_temp_ycell(ncellclust) = ycell
+                     clstr_temp_ixcell(ncellclust) = icol
+                     clstr_temp_iycell(ncellclust) = irow
+                  endif
+               enddo
+            enddo
+            do irow = 33,35
+               do icol = max(ixmax-2,1),min(ixmax+2,30)
+                  ecell = bigcal_mid_ehit(irow,icol)
+                  xcell = bigcal_mid_xhit(irow,icol)
+                  ycell = bigcal_mid_yhit(irow,icol)
+                  if( then
+                     ncellclust = ncellclust + 1
+                     if( 302
+                     clstr_temp_ecell(ncellclust) = ecell
+                     clstr_temp_xcell(ncellclust) = xcell
+                     clstr_temp_ycell(ncellclust) = ycell
+                     clstr_temp_ixcell(ncellclust) = icol
+                     clstr_temp_iycell(ncellclust) = irow
+                  endif
+               enddo
+            enddo
+c           endif
+ 302        continue
+            if( then
+               ncellclust = bigcal_clstr_ncell_max
+            endif
+c     sort in descending order of amplitude:
+            if( then
+               bigcal_mid_bad_clstr_flag(ncluster) = 2
+               goto 334
+            endif
+            clstr_temp_esum = 0.
+            do ihit=1,ncellclust
+               clstr_temp_esum = clstr_temp_esum + clstr_temp_ecell(ihit)
+            enddo
+            if( then
+               bigcal_mid_bad_clstr_flag(ncluster) = 3
+               goto 334
+            endif
+            do ihit=1,ncellclust
+               do jhit=ihit+1,ncellclust
+                  if(clstr_temp_ecell(jhit).gt.clstr_temp_ecell(ihit))then
+                     irtemp = clstr_temp_ecell(ihit)
+                     clstr_temp_ecell(ihit) = clstr_temp_ecell(jhit)
+                     clstr_temp_ecell(jhit) = irtemp
+                     irtemp = clstr_temp_xcell(ihit)
+                     clstr_temp_xcell(ihit) = clstr_temp_xcell(jhit)
+                     clstr_temp_xcell(jhit) = irtemp
+                     irtemp = clstr_temp_ycell(ihit)
+                     clstr_temp_ycell(ihit) = clstr_temp_ycell(jhit)
+                     clstr_temp_ycell(jhit) = irtemp
+                     itemp = clstr_temp_ixcell(ihit)
+                     clstr_temp_ixcell(ihit) = clstr_temp_ixcell(jhit)
+                     clstr_temp_ixcell(jhit) = itemp
+                     itemp = clstr_temp_iycell(ihit)
+                     clstr_temp_iycell(ihit) = clstr_temp_iycell(jhit)
+                     clstr_temp_iycell(jhit) = itemp
+                  endif
+               enddo
+            enddo
+c     !write(*,*) 'ecell = ',clstr_temp_ecell
+c     !write(*,*) 'iycell = ',clstr_temp_iycell
+c     !write(*,*) 'ixcell = ',clstr_temp_ixcell
+            celldiffx = clstr_temp_ixcell(2) - clstr_temp_ixcell(1)
+            celldiffy = clstr_temp_iycell(2) - clstr_temp_iycell(1)
+            if( (clstr_temp_iycell(1).le.bigcal_prot_ny.and.
+     $  .or. (clstr_temp_iycell(1).gt.
+     $  ) then 
+               celldiffx = celldiffx + clstr_temp_ixcell(1) - ixmin
+            endif
+            celldiffx = int(abs(float(celldiffx)))
+            celldiffy = int(abs(float(celldiffy)))
+            if( then
+               second_max = .true.
+            else
+               second_max = .false.
+            endif
+            if(clstr_temp_iycell(1).ne.iymax.or.clstr_temp_ixcell(1).ne.
+     $           ixmax) then
+               second_max = .true.
+            endif
+            if(second_max) then
+               bigcal_mid_bad_clstr_flag(ncluster) = 4
+               goto 334 
+            endif
+            if( .not. second_max
+     $ 
+c     !write(*,*) 'found good cluster in mid section!!!!'
+               found_cluster = .true.
+               ncluster = ncluster + 1
+               bigcal_mid_clstr_ncell(ncluster) = ncellclust
+               bigcal_mid_clstr_iymax(ncluster) = clstr_temp_iycell(1)
+               bigcal_mid_clstr_ixmax(ncluster) = clstr_temp_ixcell(1)
+               bigcal_mid_clstr_etot(ncluster) = clstr_temp_esum
+               xmom = 0.
+               ymom = 0.
+               xcenter = clstr_temp_xcell(1)
+               ycenter = clstr_temp_ycell(1)
+               do icell=1,ncellclust
+                  icol = clstr_temp_ixcell(icell)
+                  irow = clstr_temp_iycell(icell)
+c     zero the hits from this array so that they can't be used again:
+                  bigcal_mid_ehit(irow,icol) = 0.
+                  bigcal_mid_xhit(irow,icol) = 0.
+                  bigcal_mid_yhit(irow,icol) = 0.
+                  xcell = clstr_temp_xcell(icell)
+                  ycell = clstr_temp_ycell(icell)
+                  ecell = clstr_temp_ecell(icell)
+                  xmom = xmom + (xcell-xcenter) * ecell / clstr_temp_esum
+                  ymom = ymom + (ycell-ycenter) * ecell / clstr_temp_esum
+                  bigcal_mid_clstr_ixcell(ncluster,icell) = icol
+                  bigcal_mid_clstr_iycell(ncluster,icell) = irow
+                  bigcal_mid_clstr_xcell(ncluster,icell) = xcell
+                  bigcal_mid_clstr_ycell(ncluster,icell) = ycell
+                  bigcal_mid_clstr_ecell(ncluster,icell) = ecell
+               enddo
+               bigcal_mid_clstr_xmom(ncluster) = xmom
+               bigcal_mid_clstr_ymom(ncluster) = ymom
+               if( call b_print_cluster(3,ncluster,ABORT,err)
+            endif
+         else if(ixmax.eq.1.or.ixmax.eq.bigcal_rcs_nx) then
+            bigcal_mid_bad_clstr_flag(ncluster) = 1
+            !write(*,*) 'edge max! ncluster = ',ncluster
+         endif
+      endif
+ 334  continue
+      if((.not.found_cluster).and.ncluster.eq.0) then
+         bigcal_mid_no_clstr_why = bigcal_mid_bad_clstr_flag(0)
+      endif
+      if(found_cluster .and. then
+         goto 301
+      endif
+      bigcal_mid_nclstr = ncluster
+      if(bigcal_prot_nclstr.eq.0.and.bigcal_rcs_nclstr.eq.0.and.
+     $     bigcal_mid_nclstr.eq.0) then
+         bigcal_all_no_clstr_why = max(bigcal_prot_no_clstr_why,
+     $        bigcal_rcs_no_clstr_why,bigcal_mid_no_clstr_why)
+      else 
+         bigcal_all_no_clstr_why = 0
+      endif
+      return 
+      end
diff --git a/BTRACKING/b_generate_geometry.f b/BTRACKING/b_generate_geometry.f
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7d4ca50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BTRACKING/b_generate_geometry.f
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+      subroutine b_generate_geometry
+      implicit none
+      save
+      include 'bigcal_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_geometry.cmn'
+      integer ix,iy,icell,ixmin
+      real xshift,yshift,xsize,ysize,xcenter,ycenter,xcell,diff
+      real mindiff
+      xshift = BIGCAL_PROT_SHIFT_X
+      yshift = BIGCAL_PROT_SHIFT_Y + bigcal_height
+      xsize = BIGCAL_PROT_SIZE_X
+      ysize = BIGCAL_PROT_SIZE_Y
+      do ix=1,BIGCAL_PROT_NX
+         do iy=1,BIGCAL_PROT_NY
+            icell = ix + (iy-1)*BIGCAL_PROT_NX
+            xcenter = xshift + (ix - .5)*xsize
+            ycenter = yshift + (iy - .5)*ysize
+            BIGCAL_PROT_XCENTER(icell) = xcenter
+            BIGCAL_PROT_YCENTER(icell) = ycenter
+            bigcal_all_xcenter(icell) = xcenter
+            bigcal_all_ycenter(icell) = ycenter
+         enddo
+      enddo
+      xshift = BIGCAL_RCS_SHIFT_X
+      yshift = BIGCAL_RCS_SHIFT_Y + bigcal_height
+      xsize = BIGCAL_RCS_SIZE_X
+      ysize = BIGCAL_RCS_SIZE_Y
+      do ix=1,BIGCAL_RCS_NX
+         do iy=1,BIGCAL_RCS_NY
+            icell = ix + (iy-1)*BIGCAL_RCS_NX
+            xcenter = xshift + (ix - .5)*xsize
+            ycenter = yshift + (iy - .5)*ysize
+            BIGCAL_RCS_XCENTER(icell) = xcenter
+            BIGCAL_RCS_YCENTER(icell) = ycenter
+            bigcal_all_xcenter(icell + bigcal_prot_maxhits) = xcenter
+            bigcal_all_ycenter(icell + bigcal_prot_maxhits) = ycenter
+         enddo
+      enddo
+      do ix=1,bigcal_prot_nx
+         mindiff = 1000000.
+         ixmin = 0
+         xcenter = bigcal_prot_xcenter(ix + 31*32)
+         do icell=1,30
+            xcell = bigcal_rcs_xcenter(icell)
+            diff = xcenter - xcell
+            if(abs(diff).lt.mindiff) then
+               mindiff = diff
+               ixmin = icell
+            endif
+         enddo
+         if( then
+            bigcal_ixclose_prot(ix) = ixmin
+         else
+            write(*,*) 'warning: could not find ixclose_prot, ix = ',ix
+            write(*,*) 'something probably wrong with geometry database'
+            bigcal_ixclose_prot(ix) = min(max(ix,1),30)
+         endif     
+      enddo
+      do ix=1,bigcal_rcs_nx
+         mindiff = 1000000.
+         ixmin = 0
+         xcenter = bigcal_rcs_xcenter(ix)
+         do icell=1,32
+            xcell = bigcal_prot_xcenter(icell + 31*32)
+            diff = xcenter - xcell
+            if(abs(diff).lt.mindiff) then
+               mindiff = diff
+               ixmin = icell
+            endif
+         enddo
+         if( then
+            bigcal_ixclose_rcs(ix) = ixmin
+         else
+            write(*,*) 'warning: could not find ixclose_rcs, ix = ',ix
+            write(*,*) 'something probably wrong with geometry database'
+            bigcal_ixclose_rcs(ix) = min(max(ix,1),32)
+         endif
+      enddo 
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/BTRACKING/b_guess_ecell.f b/BTRACKING/b_guess_ecell.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bcc2eca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BTRACKING/b_guess_ecell.f
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+      subroutine b_guess_ecell(nbad,maxnbad,rowbad,colbad,cellbad,eguess,E,X,Y)
+      implicit none
+      save
+      include 'bigcal_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_shower_parms.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_geometry.cmn'
+      integer nbad
+      integer maxnbad
+      integer rowbad(maxnbad)
+      integer colbad(maxnbad)
+      integer cellbad(maxnbad)
+      integer i
+      real eguess(maxnbad)
+      real cuteguess
+      real shower_fit_symm
+      real shower_fit_asymm
+      real E,X,Y
+      real xcell,ycell,xdiff,ydiff
+      do i=1,nbad
+         xcell = bigcal_all_xcenter(cellbad(i))
+         ycell = bigcal_all_ycenter(cellbad(i))
+         xdiff = xcell - X
+         ydiff = ycell - Y
+*     normalize xdiff and ydiff to the cell size, because the shower shape fit 
+*     is based on the ratio of distance to cell size
+         if(rowbad(i).le.32) then
+            xdiff = xdiff / bigcal_prot_size_x
+            ydiff = ydiff / bigcal_prot_size_y
+         else
+            xdiff = xdiff / bigcal_rcs_size_x
+            ydiff = ydiff / bigcal_rcs_size_y
+         endif
+         if(bigcal_shape_opt.eq.1) then
+            eguess(i) = E*shower_fit_asymm(xdiff,ydiff)
+c$$$            write(*,*) 'guessed bad channel energy:',
+c$$$     $           '(row,col,Eguess)=(',rowbad(i),',',colbad(i),
+c$$$     $           ',',eguess(i),')'
+            if(cellbad(i).le.1024) then
+               cuteguess = b_cell_cut_prot
+            else
+               cuteguess = b_cell_cut_rcs
+            endif
+            if(eguess(i).lt.cuteguess) eguess(i) = 0.
+            bigcal_all_good_det(cellbad(i)) = eguess(i)
+            if(rowbad(i).le.32) then
+               bigcal_prot_good_det(cellbad(i)) = eguess(i)
+            else
+               bigcal_rcs_good_det(cellbad(i)-1024) = eguess(i)
+            endif
+         else
+            eguess(i) = E*shower_fit_symm(xdiff,ydiff)
+c$$$            write(*,*) 'guessed bad channel energy'//
+c$$$     $           '(row,col,Eguess)=(',rowbad(i),',',colbad(i),
+c$$$     $           ',',eguess(i),')'
+            if(cellbad(i).le.1024) then
+               cuteguess = b_cell_cut_prot
+            else
+               cuteguess = b_cell_cut_rcs
+            endif
+            if(eguess(i).lt.cuteguess) eguess(i) = 0.
+            bigcal_all_good_det(cellbad(i)) = eguess(i)
+            if(rowbad(i).le.32) then
+               bigcal_prot_good_det(cellbad(i)) = eguess(i)
+            else
+               bigcal_rcs_good_det(cellbad(i)-1024) = eguess(i)
+            endif
+         endif
+      enddo
+      return
+      end
+      real function gs(x,y,a,b)
+      real x,y,a,b
+      real PI
+      data PI/3.1415926536/
+      gs = a / sqrt(2.*PI) * (atan(x/b) + atan(y/b) + 
+     $     atan(x*y/b/sqrt(b**2 + x**2 + y**2) ) )
+      end
+      real function ga(x,y,a,bx,by)
+      real x,y,a,bx,by
+      real PI
+      data PI/3.1415926536/
+      ga = a / sqrt(2.*PI) * (atan(x/bx) + atan(y/by) + 
+     $     atan(x*y/bx/by/sqrt(1. + (x/bx)**2 + (y/by)**2) ) )
+      end
+      real function shower_fit_symm(x,y)
+      real x,y
+      real a,b,d,gs
+      include 'bigcal_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_shower_parms.cmn'
+      a = bigcal_sshape_a ! height parameter
+      b = bigcal_sshape_b ! width parameter
+c      d = bigcal_sshape_d ! cell size parameter
+      d = 1.0
+      shower_fit_symm = gs(x+d/2.,y+d/2.,a,b) + gs(x-d/2.,y-d/2.,a,b)
+     $     - gs(x+d/2.,y-d/2.,a,b) - gs(x-d/2.,y+d/2.,a,b)
+      end
+      real function shower_fit_asymm(x,y)
+      real x,y
+      real a,bx,by,d,ga
+      include 'bigcal_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_shower_parms.cmn'
+      a = bigcal_ashape_a ! height parameter 
+      bx = bigcal_ashape_bx ! width x parameter
+      by = bigcal_ashape_by ! width y parameter
+c      d = bigcal_ashape_d ! cell size parameter
+      d = 1.0
+      shower_fit_asymm = ga(x+d/2.,y+d/2.,a,bx,by) + ga(x-d/2.,y-d/2.,a,bx,by)
+     $     - ga(x+d/2.,y-d/2.,a,bx,by) - ga(x-d/2.,y+d/2.,a,bx,by)
+      end
diff --git a/BTRACKING/b_init_bad_list.f b/BTRACKING/b_init_bad_list.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c01714e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BTRACKING/b_init_bad_list.f
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+      subroutine b_init_bad_list(abort,err)
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*15 here
+      parameter(here='b_init_bad_list')
+      logical abort
+      character*(*) err
+      character*80 filename
+      integer*4 iochan
+      integer*4 row,col,nbad,cell,i
+      include 'bigcal_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_gain_parms.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_filenames.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_bypass_switches.cmn'
+      abort=.false.
+      err=' '
+      nbad = 0
+      filename = b_bad_chan_list_filename
+c     get any free io channel
+      call g_IO_control(iochan,'ANY',abort,err)
+      open(unit=iochan,file=filename,form='formatted',status='old',err=101)
+ 8    read(iochan,fmt=*,end=102,err=102) row,col
+      if((
+     $     ( then
+         nbad = nbad + 1
+         if(row.le.32) then
+            cell = col + 32*(row-1)
+            bigcal_prot_cfac(cell) = 0.
+c     set a high threshold so that hits from the bad channel list will not make it into 
+c     the good hit array by accident
+            bigcal_prot_adc_threshold(cell) = 10000.
+         else 
+            cell = col + 30*(row-33) + 1024
+            bigcal_rcs_cfac(cell-1024) = 0.
+c     set a high threshold so that hits from the bad channel list will not make it into 
+c     the good hit array by accident
+            bigcal_rcs_adc_threshold(cell) = 10000.
+         endif
+         bigcal_bad_chan_list(cell) = .true.
+         goto 8
+      else 
+         write(*,*) 'invalid row and/or column. Will not read any '//
+     $        'more channels'
+         goto 102
+      endif
+ 101  write(*,*) 'could not open bad channel list file, list not '//
+     $     'initialized!'
+      b_use_bad_chan_list = 0
+      call g_IO_control(iochan,'FREE',abort,err)
+      close(iochan)
+      return
+ 102  write(*,*) 'finished reading BigCal bad channel list'
+      write(*,*) 'nbad=',nbad
+      if(nbad.eq.0) b_use_bad_chan_list = 0
+      call g_IO_control(iochan,'FREE',abort,err)
+      close(iochan)
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/BTRACKING/b_init_gain.f b/BTRACKING/b_init_gain.f
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7a971c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BTRACKING/b_init_gain.f
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+      subroutine b_init_gain(ABORT,err)
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*11 here
+      parameter(here='b_init_gain')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      include 'bigcal_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_gain_parms.cmn'
+      integer ix,iy,icell,ig64,ih64,ilogic,i,j
+      real gainold,gainnew
+      abort=.false.
+      err=' '
+c     check whether user has defined bigcal_prot_min_peds:
+      bigcal_prot_min_peds=500
+      bigcal_rcs_min_peds=500
+      bigcal_trig_min_peds=500
+c     initialize threshold limits: define sensible values if the user hasn't
+c      write(*,*) 'bigcal_prot_cfac=',bigcal_prot_cfac
+c      write(*,*) 'bigcal_rcs_cfac=',bigcal_rcs_cfac
+c     initialize ped_limit:
+      do i=1,bigcal_all_maxhits
+         if(i.le.1024) then
+            bigcal_prot_ped_limit(i) = 1000
+         else
+c     write(*,*) 'rcs ped limit(',i-1024,')=',bigcal_rcs_ped_limit(i-1024)
+            bigcal_rcs_ped_limit(i-1024) = 1000
+c     write(*,*) 'rcs ped limit(',i-1024,')=',bigcal_rcs_ped_limit(i-1024)
+         endif
+      enddo
+c     trigger ADCs have WIDE pedestals (summing effect of all the noise)
+      do i=1,bigcal_atrig_maxhits
+         bigcal_trig_ped_limit(i) = 1200
+         bigcal_trig_cfac(i) = 1. ! don't use anything other than 1. for the trigger
+         bigcal_trig_gain_cor(i) = 1.
+      enddo
+c     uncomment the following if you want to override the param file with some
+c     values.
+c$$$      do i=1,bigcal_prot_maxhits
+c$$$         bigcal_prot_cfac(i) = 1./950.79
+c$$$      enddo
+c$$$      do i=1,bigcal_rcs_maxhits
+c$$$         bigcal_rcs_cfac(i) = 1./911.57
+c$$$      enddo
+c     calculate gain correction factors. hopefully last and current gain factors
+c     are correctly read in from CTP parm files
+c$$$      do ix=1,BIGCAL_PROT_NX
+c$$$         do iy=1,BIGCAL_PROT_NY
+c$$$            icell=ix + (iy-1)*BIGCAL_PROT_NX
+c$$$            gainold = bigcal_prot_gain_last(icell)
+c$$$            gainnew = bigcal_prot_gain_now(icell)
+c$$$            bigcal_prot_gain_cor(icell) = gainnew / gainold
+c$$$         enddo
+c$$$      enddo
+c$$$      do ix=1,BIGCAL_RCS_NX
+c$$$         do iy=1,BIGCAL_RCS_NY
+c$$$            icell = ix + (iy-1)*BIGCAL_RCS_NX
+c$$$            gainold = bigcal_rcs_gain_last(icell)
+c$$$            gainnew = bigcal_rcs_gain_now(icell)
+c$$$            bigcal_rcs_gain_cor(icell) = gainnew / gainold
+c$$$         enddo
+c$$$      enddo
+c$$$      do ilogic=1,BIGCAL_ATRIG_MAXHITS
+c$$$         gainold = bigcal_trig_gain_last(ilogic)
+c$$$         gainnew = bigcal_trig_gain_now(ilogic)
+c$$$         bigcal_trig_gain_cor(ilogic) = gainnew / gainold
+c$$$      enddo
+c     Decided gain_last, gain_now are redundant. Just use cfac and gain_cor!!!!
+      return 
+      end
diff --git a/BTRACKING/b_init_histid.f b/BTRACKING/b_init_histid.f
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7e8548d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BTRACKING/b_init_histid.f
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+      subroutine b_init_histid(ABORT,err)
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*13 here
+      parameter(here='b_init_histid')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      external thgetid
+      integer*4 thgetid
+      integer i,j,irow,tens,ones,itens,iones,jtens,jones,icell
+      include 'bigcal_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_gain_parms.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_shower_parms.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_tof_parms.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_geometry.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_bypass_switches.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_hist_id.cmn'
+      character*10 histname
+c     For now, don't do anything here: I don't necessarily want to do 
+c     hard-coded histograms. I would like to use CTP. Will come back later
+c     if this proves more convenient
+c     It's later, I'm back. CTP histos on their own aren't terribly useful, 
+c     need to hardcode some:
+      bid_bcal_row = thgetid('bcal_row')
+      bid_bcal_col = thgetid('bcal_col')
+      bid_bcal_rowcol = thgetid('bcal_rowcol')
+      bid_bcal_tadcvsum64 = thgetid('bcal_tadc_v_sum64')
+      bid_bcal_trchvmax64 = thgetid('bcal_trch_v_max64')
+      bid_bcal_ttdcvtdc = thgetid('bcal_ttdc_v_tdc')
+      bid_bcal_prot_eff = thgetid('bcal_prot_eff')
+      bid_bcal_rcs_eff = thgetid('bcal_rcs_eff')
+      bid_bcal_ixclust = thgetid('bcal_ixclust')
+      bid_bcal_iyclust = thgetid('bcal_iyclust')
+      bid_bcal_rowcolclust = thgetid('bcal_rowcolclust')
+      bid_bcal_eclust = thgetid('bcal_eclust')
+      bid_bcal_ncellclst = thgetid('bcal_ncellclust')
+      bid_bcal_nxclust = thgetid('bcal_nxclust')
+      bid_bcal_nyclust = thgetid('bcal_nyclust')
+      bid_bcal_xmom = thgetid('bcal_xmoment')
+      bid_bcal_ymom = thgetid('bcal_ymoment')
+      bid_bcal_nxny = thgetid('bcal_nxny')
+      bid_bcal_tmean = thgetid('bcal_tmean')
+      bid_bcal_trms = thgetid('bcal_trms')
+      bid_bcal_xclust = thgetid('bcal_xclust')
+      bid_bcal_yclust = thgetid('bcal_yclust')
+      bid_bcal_xy = thgetid('bcal_xy')
+      bid_bcal_exy = thgetid('bcal_exy')
+      bid_bcal_theta = thgetid('bcal_thetaclst')
+      bid_bcal_phi = thgetid('bcal_phiclst')
+      bid_bcal_ped_mean_prot = thgetid('bcal_ped_mean_prot')
+      bid_bcal_ped_mean_rcs  = thgetid('bcal_ped_mean_rcs')
+      bid_bcal_ped_mean_trig = thgetid('bcal_ped_mean_trig')
+      bid_bcal_ped_rms_prot = thgetid('bcal_ped_rms_prot')
+      bid_bcal_ped_rms_rcs = thgetid('bcal_ped_rms_rcs')
+      bid_bcal_ped_rms_trig = thgetid('bcal_ped_rms_trig')
+      bid_bcal_pedw_prot = thgetid('bcal_pedw_prot')
+      bid_bcal_pedw_rcs = thgetid('bcal_pedw_rcs')
+      bid_bcal_pedw_trig = thgetid('bcal_pedw_trig')
+      bid_bcal_raw_photodiode = thgetid('bcal_raw_photodiode')
+      do i=1,32
+         itens = i/10
+         iones = mod(i,10)
+         do j=1,32
+            jtens = j/10
+            jones = mod(j,10)
+            icell = j + 32*(i-1)
+            histname='ADC'//char(itens+ichar('0'))//
+     $           char(iones+ichar('0'))//char(jtens+ichar('0'))//
+     $           char(jones+ichar('0'))
+            bid_badc(icell) = thgetid(histname)
+         enddo
+      enddo
+      do i=33,56
+         itens = i/10
+         iones = mod(i,10)
+         do j=1,30
+            jtens = j/10
+            jones = mod(j,10)
+            icell = 1024 + j + 30*(i-33)
+            histname='ADC'//char(itens+ichar('0'))//
+     $           char(iones+ichar('0'))//char(jtens+ichar('0'))//
+     $           char(jones+ichar('0'))
+            bid_badc(icell) = thgetid(histname)
+         enddo
+      enddo
+      do i=1,56
+         tens = i/10
+         ones = mod(i,10)
+         histname = 'TDC'//char(tens + ichar('0'))//
+     $        char(ones + ichar('0'))//'A'
+         bid_btdc(1 + 4*(i-1) ) = thgetid(histname)
+         histname = 'TDC'//char(tens + ichar('0'))//
+     $        char(ones + ichar('0'))//'B'
+         bid_btdc(2 + 4*(i-1) ) = thgetid(histname)
+         histname = 'TDC'//char(tens + ichar('0'))//
+     $        char(ones + ichar('0'))//'C'
+         bid_btdc(3 + 4*(i-1) ) = thgetid(histname)
+         histname = 'TDC'//char(tens + ichar('0'))//
+     $        char(ones + ichar('0'))//'D'
+         bid_btdc(4 + 4*(i-1) ) = thgetid(histname)
+c$$$         histname = 'TWALK'//char(tens + ichar('0'))//
+c$$$     $        char(ones + ichar('0'))//'A'
+c$$$         bid_btimewalk(1 + 4*(i-1) ) = thgetid(histname)
+c$$$         histname = 'TWALK'//char(tens + ichar('0'))//
+c$$$     $        char(ones + ichar('0'))//'B'
+c$$$         bid_btimewalk(2 + 4*(i-1) ) = thgetid(histname)
+c$$$         histname = 'TWALK'//char(tens + ichar('0'))//
+c$$$     $        char(ones + ichar('0'))//'C'
+c$$$         bid_btimewalk(3 + 4*(i-1) ) = thgetid(histname)
+c$$$         histname = 'TWALK'//char(tens + ichar('0'))//
+c$$$     $        char(ones + ichar('0'))//'D'
+c$$$         bid_btimewalk(4 + 4*(i-1) ) = thgetid(histname)
+      enddo
+      do i=1,21
+         irow = 1 + 3*(i-1)
+         tens = irow/10
+         ones = mod(irow,10)
+         histname = 'TTDC'//char(tens + ichar('0'))//
+     $        char(ones + ichar('0'))//'AB'
+c         write(*,*) 'histname=',histname
+         bid_bttdc(1 + 2*(i-1)) = thgetid(histname)
+         histname = 'TTDC'//char(tens + ichar('0'))//
+     $        char(ones + ichar('0'))//'CD'
+c         write(*,*) 'histname=',histname
+         bid_bttdc(2 + 2*(i-1)) = thgetid(histname)
+         if( then
+            histname = 'TADC'//char(tens+ichar('0'))//
+     $           char(ones+ichar('0'))//'AB'
+            bid_btadc(1 + 2*(i-1)) = thgetid(histname)
+            histname = 'TADC'//char(tens+ichar('0'))//
+     $           char(ones+ichar('0'))//'CD'
+            bid_btadc(2 + 2*(i-1)) = thgetid(histname)
+         endif
+      enddo
+      bid_bcal_empty = thgetid('bcal_empty')
+      bid_bcal_small = thgetid('bcal_small')
+      bid_bcal_cfac_old = thgetid('bcal_cfac_old')
+      bid_bcal_cfac_new = thgetid('bcal_cfac_new')
+      bid_bcal_cfac_dist = thgetid('bcal_cfac_dist')
+      bid_bcal_oldxnew = thgetid('bcal_oldxnew')
+      bid_bcal_row8 = thgetid('bcal_row8')
+      bid_bcal_col8 = thgetid('bcal_col8')
+      bid_bcal_row8vscol8 = thgetid('bcal_row8vscol8')
+      bid_bcal_trow64 = thgetid('bcal_trow64')
+      bid_bcal_tcol64 = thgetid('bcal_tcol64')
+      bid_bcal_trow64vstcol64 = thgetid('bcal_trow64vstcol64')
+      bid_bcal_arow64 = thgetid('bcal_arow64')
+      bid_bcal_acol64 = thgetid('bcal_acol64')
+      bid_bcal_arow64vsacol64 = thgetid('bcal_arow64vsacol64')
+      bid_bcal_ttchanvstachan = thgetid('bcal_ttchanvstachan')
+      bid_bcal_ttchanvstgroup = thgetid('bcal_ttchanvstgroup')
+      abort=.false.
+      err=' '
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/BTRACKING/b_init_physics.f b/BTRACKING/b_init_physics.f
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..da07556
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BTRACKING/b_init_physics.f
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+      subroutine b_init_physics(ABORT,err)
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*14 here
+      parameter(here='b_init_physics')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      include 'gen_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'gen_constants.par'
+      include 'gen_units.par'
+      abort=.false.
+      err=' '
+c     BIGCAL_HEIGHT = 0.
+c     that's all for now
+      return 
+      end
diff --git a/BTRACKING/b_init_shower.f b/BTRACKING/b_init_shower.f
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d54cd55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BTRACKING/b_init_shower.f
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+      subroutine b_init_shower(ABORT,err)
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*13 here
+      parameter(here='b_init_shower')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      integer irow,icol,ipar,icell,j,i
+      include 'bigcal_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_shower_parms.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_bypass_switches.cmn'
+      ABORT=.false.
+      err=' '
+c     don't do anything for now...
+c     boy do I hope I can get this CTP parm stuff working!!!!
+c$$$      write(*,*) 'pxdet_par = ',bigcal_pxdet_par
+c$$$      write(*,*) 'pydet_par = ',bigcal_pydet_par
+c$$$      write(*,*) 'rxdet_par = ',bigcal_rxdet_par
+c$$$      write(*,*) 'rydet_par = ',bigcal_rydet_par
+      do icol=1,bigcal_prot_nx
+         do ipar=1,bigcal_shower_npar
+            icell = ipar + (icol-1)*bigcal_shower_npar
+            bigcal_prot_xpar(icol,ipar) = bigcal_pxdet_par(icell)
+         enddo
+      enddo
+      do irow=1,bigcal_prot_ny
+         do ipar=1,bigcal_shower_npar
+            icell = ipar + (irow-1)*bigcal_shower_npar
+            bigcal_prot_ypar(irow,ipar) = bigcal_pydet_par(icell)
+         enddo
+      enddo
+      do icol=1,bigcal_rcs_nx
+         do ipar=1,bigcal_shower_npar
+            icell = ipar + (icol-1)*bigcal_shower_npar
+            bigcal_rcs_xpar(icol,ipar) = bigcal_rxdet_par(icell)
+         enddo
+      enddo
+      do irow=1,bigcal_rcs_ny
+         do ipar=1,bigcal_shower_npar
+            icell = ipar + (irow-1)*bigcal_shower_npar
+            bigcal_rcs_ypar(irow,ipar) = bigcal_rydet_par(icell)
+         enddo
+      enddo
+c$$$      do ipar=1,6
+c$$$         write(*,*) bigcal_prot_ypar(32,ipar)
+c$$$      enddo
+c$$$      write(*,*) 'prot_xpar = ',bigcal_prot_xpar
+c$$$      write(*,*) 'prot_ypar = ',bigcal_prot_ypar
+c$$$      write(*,*) 'rcs_xpar = ',bigcal_rcs_xpar
+c$$$      write(*,*) 'rcs_ypar = ',bigcal_rcs_ypar
+      if( then
+         do i=1,28
+            do j=1,bigcal_xmap_nbin(i)
+               bigcal_xmap_xfrac(i,j) = bigcal_xmap_frac(j+
+     $              bigcal_xmap_nbin(i)*(i-1))
+            enddo
+         enddo
+         do i=1,28
+            do j=1,bigcal_ymap_nbin(i)
+               bigcal_ymap_yfrac(i,j) = bigcal_ymap_frac(j+
+     $              bigcal_ymap_nbin(i)*(i-1))
+            enddo
+         enddo
+      endif
+      return 
+      end
diff --git a/BTRACKING/b_init_tof.f b/BTRACKING/b_init_tof.f
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5dbf264
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BTRACKING/b_init_tof.f
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+      subroutine b_init_tof(ABORT,err)
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*10 here
+      parameter(here='b_init_tof')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      real Eprime_central,M,me,gamma,c,ebeam
+      double precision beta
+      integer*4 i
+      parameter(M=.938272)
+      parameter(me=.511e-3)
+      parameter(c=30.)
+      include 'bigcal_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_tof_parms.cmn'
+      include 'gen_data_structures.cmn'
+c      include 'bigcal_geometry.cmn'
+c     do nothing for now. Hopefully all variables are correctly read in from CTP parm
+c     files
+c     set sensible values for timing parameters if they have not been set yet: 
+c     just make sure that bigcal_end_time is bigger than bigcal_window_center!
+      if(bigcal_end_time.le.bigcal_window_center) then
+         bigcal_end_time = bigcal_window_center + 500.
+      endif
+      if(gebeam .eq. 0.) then
+         ebeam = gpbeam
+      else
+         ebeam = gebeam
+      endif
+      Eprime_central = gpbeam / (1. + gpbeam/M * (1. - bigcal_costheta) )
+      write(*,*) 'BigCal central Eprime =',Eprime_central
+      gamma = Eprime_central / me
+      beta = sqrt(max(0.,1. - 1./gamma**2))
+      bigcal_tof_central = bigcal_r_tgt / (beta*c) ! in ns
+      do i=1,bigcal_max_tdc
+         bigcal_g8_time_offset(i) = bigcal_g8_time_offset(i) + 
+     $        b_trig_offset 
+      enddo
+      do i=1,bigcal_ttrig_maxgroups
+         bigcal_g64_time_offset(i) = bigcal_g64_time_offset(i) + 
+     $        b_trig_offset 
+      enddo
+      write(*,*) 'bigcal central tof = ',bigcal_tof_central
+      ABORT=.false.
+      err = ' '
+      return 
+      end
diff --git a/BTRACKING/b_matrix_accum.f b/BTRACKING/b_matrix_accum.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea5fbb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BTRACKING/b_matrix_accum.f
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+      subroutine b_matrix_accum(abort,err)
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*14 here
+      parameter(here='b_matrix_accum')
+      logical abort
+      character*(*) err
+      include 'bigcal_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_tof_parms.cmn'
+      include 'gen_run_info.cmn'
+      include 'gen_event_info.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_bypass_switches.cmn'
+      include 'b_ntuple.cmn'
+      include 'gep_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'gen_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      integer irow,icol,jrow,jcol,icell,jcell
+      integer best,ihit,jhit
+      real Ee,ei,ej
+      real PI
+      parameter(PI=3.14159265359)
+      real Mp
+      parameter(Mp=.938272)
+      abort=.false.
+      err=' '
+c$$$      mintdiff = 0.
+c$$$      if( then
+c$$$         do i=1,ntrigb
+c$$$            if(i.eq.1.or.abs(gep_btime(i)-gep_btime_elastic).lt.mintdiff) then
+c$$$               btrigt = gep_btime(i)
+c$$$               mintdiff = abs(gep_btime(i)-gep_btime_elastic)
+c$$$            endif
+c$$$         enddo
+c$$$      else
+c$$$         btrigt = gep_btime_elastic
+c$$$      endif
+c$$$      breftime = bigcal_end_time - btrigt
+      if( then
+c     for monte carlo-based calibration we are happy with using only events where there is one cluster
+c     corresponding to one electron
+         if(nvtrk_mc.eq.1.and.pid_mc(1).eq.3.and.bigcal_all_nclstr.eq.1)
+     $        then
+c     check rough position agreement (cell positions only! reconstructed positions may be bad)
+            if(abs(bigcal_all_clstr_xcell(1,1)-xgeant(1)).le.10..and.
+     $           abs(bigcal_all_clstr_ycell(1,1)-ygeant(1)).le.10) then
+               Ee = egeant(1)
+               bigcal_nmatr_event = bigcal_nmatr_event + 1
+               do ihit=1,bigcal_all_clstr_ncell(1)
+                  irow = bigcal_all_clstr_iycell(1,ihit)
+                  icol = bigcal_all_clstr_ixcell(1,ihit)
+                  if(irow.le.bigcal_prot_ny) then
+                     icell = icol + bigcal_prot_nx*(irow-1)
+                  else
+                     icell = icol + bigcal_rcs_nx*(irow-1-bigcal_prot_ny)
+     $                    + bigcal_prot_maxhits
+                  endif
+                  ei = bigcal_all_clstr_ecell(1,ihit)
+                  bigcal_vector(icell) = bigcal_vector(icell) + ei / Ee                  
+                  do jhit=1,bigcal_all_clstr_ncell(1)
+                     jrow = bigcal_all_clstr_iycell(1,jhit)
+                     jcol = bigcal_all_clstr_ixcell(1,jhit)
+                     if(jrow.le.bigcal_prot_ny) then
+                        jcell = jcol + bigcal_prot_nx*(jrow-1)
+                     else 
+                        jcell = jcol + bigcal_rcs_nx*(jrow-1-bigcal_prot_ny)
+     $                       + bigcal_prot_maxhits
+                     endif
+                     ej = bigcal_all_clstr_ecell(1,jhit)
+                     bigcal_matrix(icell,jcell) = bigcal_matrix(icell,jcell) 
+     $                    + ei*ej / (Ee**2)
+                  enddo
+               enddo
+            endif              
+         endif
+         ! this was called from GEp reconstruction after selection of best track!!!
+c$$$      else if(
+c$$$     $        gen_event_trigtype(5).eq.1) then
+c         Ee = gebeam - gep_Q2_H / (2.*.938272) ! E' = E - Q^2/2Mp, Q^2 as measured by HMS
+      else if( then
+         Ee = gep_E_electron
+         best = bigcal_itrack_best
+c     check event selection cuts for calibration: dx, dy, and ctime:
+c     also check elastic cut: This is crucial!!!
+c     write(*,*) 'track time =',bigcal_track_time(best)
+c$$$         write(*,*) 'dx,dy,dt,dpel,dth,dph=',bigcal_all_clstr_x(best)-gep_bx_expect_H,
+c$$$     $        bigcal_all_clstr_y(best)-gep_by_expect_H,bigcal_track_time(best)-bigcal_window_center,
+c$$$     $        (gep_p_proton-gep_pel_htheta)/hpcentral,bigcal_track_thetarad(best)-gep_etheta_expect_h,
+c$$$     $        bigcal_track_phirad(best)-gep_ephi_expect_h
+         if(abs(bigcal_all_clstr_x(best)-gep_bx_expect_H).lt.
+     $        gep_bcalib_cut_dx.and.abs(bigcal_all_clstr_y(best) - 
+     $        gep_by_expect_H).lt.gep_bcalib_cut_dy.and.abs(
+     $        gep_ctime_hms-gep_ctime_cal).lt.gep_bcalib_cut_ctime.and.
+     $        abs(gep_pel_htheta-gep_p_proton)/
+     $        .and.abs(bigcal_track_thetarad(best)-gep_etheta_expect_H).lt.
+     $        gep_bcalib_cut_theta.and.abs(bigcal_track_phirad(best)-
+     $        gep_ephi_expect_H+PI/2.).lt.gep_bcalib_cut_phi.and.
+     $
+     $        gep_bcalib_cut_ehms(2)) then
+c            write(*,*) 'writing event to calib. matrix'
+            bigcal_nmatr_event = bigcal_nmatr_event + 1
+            do ihit=1,bigcal_all_clstr_ncell(best)
+               irow = bigcal_all_clstr_iycell(best,ihit)
+               icol = bigcal_all_clstr_ixcell(best,ihit)
+               if(irow.le.bigcal_prot_ny) then
+                  icell = icol + bigcal_prot_nx*(irow-1)
+               else
+                  icell = icol + bigcal_rcs_nx*(irow-1-bigcal_prot_ny)
+     $                 + bigcal_prot_maxhits
+               endif
+               ei = bigcal_all_clstr_ecell(best,ihit)
+               bigcal_vector(icell) = bigcal_vector(icell) + ei / Ee                  
+               do jhit=1,bigcal_all_clstr_ncell(best)
+                  jrow = bigcal_all_clstr_iycell(best,jhit)
+                  jcol = bigcal_all_clstr_ixcell(best,jhit)
+                  if(jrow.le.bigcal_prot_ny) then
+                     jcell = jcol + bigcal_prot_nx*(jrow-1)
+                  else 
+                     jcell = jcol + bigcal_rcs_nx*(jrow-1-bigcal_prot_ny)
+     $                    + bigcal_prot_maxhits
+                  endif
+                  ej = bigcal_all_clstr_ecell(best,jhit)
+                  bigcal_matrix(icell,jcell) = bigcal_matrix(icell,jcell) 
+     $                 + ei*ej / (Ee**2)
+               enddo
+            enddo
+         endif
+      endif
+      return 
+      end
diff --git a/BTRACKING/b_print_cluster.f b/BTRACKING/b_print_cluster.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b818aab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BTRACKING/b_print_cluster.f
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+      subroutine b_print_cluster(iclust,ABORT,err)
+      implicit none
+      save
+      integer iclust,icell
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      include 'bigcal_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_bypass_switches.cmn'
+      character*15 here
+      parameter(here='b_print_cluster')
+      if( then ! prot.
+         write(*,101) 'BigCal Cluster #',iclust
+         write(*,102) '(row,col) = (',bigcal_all_clstr_iymax(iclust),
+     $        ', ',bigcal_all_clstr_ixmax(iclust),')'
+         write(*,105) 'Etot = ',bigcal_all_clstr_etot(iclust)
+         write(*,103) 'xcellcenter = ',bigcal_all_clstr_xcell(iclust,1)
+         write(*,103) 'ycellcenter = ',bigcal_all_clstr_ycell(iclust,1)
+         write(*,104) 'xmoment = ',bigcal_all_clstr_xmom(iclust)
+         write(*,104) 'ymoment = ',bigcal_all_clstr_ymom(iclust)
+         write(*,106) 'ncell = ',bigcal_all_clstr_ncell(iclust)
+         do icell=1,bigcal_all_clstr_ncell(iclust)
+            write(*,107) 'Cell #',icell,', (row,col,E,bad?) = (',
+     $           bigcal_all_clstr_iycell(iclust,icell),', ',
+     $           bigcal_all_clstr_ixcell(iclust,icell),', ',
+     $           bigcal_all_clstr_ecell(iclust,icell),', ',
+     $           bigcal_clstr_bad_chan(iclust,icell),')'
+         enddo
+      endif
+ 101  format(A18,I10)
+ 102  format(A13,I2,A2,I2,A1)
+ 105  format(A7,F10.3)
+ 103  format(A14,F10.3)
+ 104  format(A10,F10.3)
+ 106  format(A8,I2)
+ 107  format(A6,I2,A25,I2,A2,I2,A2,F12.5,A2,L2,A1)
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/BTRACKING/b_print_raw_adc.f b/BTRACKING/b_print_raw_adc.f
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f5f0c44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BTRACKING/b_print_raw_adc.f
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+      subroutine b_print_raw_adc(ABORT,err)
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*16 here
+      parameter(here='b_print_raw_adc')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      include 'bigcal_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_gain_parms.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_bypass_switches.cmn'
+      include 'gen_event_info.cmn'
+      character*19 c1
+      parameter(c1='BIGCAL_PROT_NHIT = ')
+      character*7 c2
+      parameter(c2='IY = , ')
+      character*7 c3
+      parameter(c3='IX = , ')
+      character*10 c4
+      parameter(c4='raw adc = ')
+      character*18 c5
+      parameter(c5='BIGCAL_RCS_NHIT = ')
+      integer j
+      ABORT=.false.
+      err = ' '
+      if( then
+         write(bluno,99) 'gen_event_id_number=',gen_event_id_number
+         write(bluno,100) c1,BIGCAL_PROT_NHIT
+         write(bluno,101) c2,c3,c4
+         write(bluno,102) 
+     $        (BIGCAL_PROT_IY(j),BIGCAL_PROT_IX(j),
+      endif
+      if( then
+         write(bluno,99) 'gen_event_id_number=',gen_Event_id_number
+         write(bluno,103) c5,BIGCAL_RCS_NHIT
+         write(bluno,101) c2,c3,c4
+         write(bluno,102) 
+     $        (BIGCAL_RCS_IY(j),BIGCAL_RCS_IX(j),
+     $        BIGCAL_RCS_ADC_RAW(j),j=1,BIGCAL_RCS_NHIT)
+      endif
+ 99   format(A20,I7)
+ 100  FORMAT(A19,I5)
+ 101  FORMAT(2A7,A10)
+ 102  FORMAT(2I7,I10)
+ 103  FORMAT(A18,I5)
+      return 
+      end
diff --git a/BTRACKING/b_print_raw_bad.f b/BTRACKING/b_print_raw_bad.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c3f8da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BTRACKING/b_print_raw_bad.f
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+      subroutine b_print_raw_bad(ABORT,err)
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*16 here
+      parameter(here='b_print_raw_bad')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      include 'bigcal_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_bypass_switches.cmn'
+      include 'gen_event_info.cmn'
+      integer j
+      abort=.false.
+      err=' '
+      if( then
+         write(bluno,99) 'gen_event_id_number=',gen_event_id_number
+         write(bluno,99) 'bigcal_prot_nbad=',bigcal_prot_nbad
+         write(bluno,100) 'row,col,adc='
+         write(bluno,101) (bigcal_prot_iybad(j),bigcal_prot_ixbad(j),
+     $        bigcal_prot_adc_bad(j),j=1,bigcal_prot_badplusgood)
+      endif
+      if( then
+         write(bluno,99) 'gen_event_id_number=',gen_event_id_number
+         write(bluno,99) 'bigcal_rcs_nbad=',bigcal_rcs_nbad
+         write(bluno,100) 'row,col,adc='
+         write(bluno,101) (bigcal_rcs_iybad(j)+32,bigcal_rcs_ixbad(j),
+     $        bigcal_rcs_adc_bad(j),j=1,bigcal_rcs_badplusgood)
+      endif
+      if( then
+         write(bluno,99) 'gen_event_id_number=',gen_event_id_number
+         write(bluno,99) 'bigcal_atrig_nbad=',bigcal_atrig_nbad
+         write(bluno,100) 'group,half,adc='
+         write(bluno,101) (bigcal_atrig_igroup_bad(j),bigcal_atrig_ihalf_bad(j),
+     $        bigcal_atrig_adc_bad(j),j=1,bigcal_atrig_badplusgood)
+      endif
+ 99   format(A22,I7)
+ 100  format(A15)
+ 101  format(2I5,I7)
+      return 
+      end
diff --git a/BTRACKING/b_print_raw_tdc.f b/BTRACKING/b_print_raw_tdc.f
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3aa32a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BTRACKING/b_print_raw_tdc.f
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+      subroutine b_print_raw_tdc(ABORT,err)
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*16 here
+      parameter(here='b_print_raw_tdc')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      include 'bigcal_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_tof_parms.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_bypass_switches.cmn'
+      include 'gen_event_info.cmn'
+      character*18 c1
+      parameter(c1='BIGCAL_TDC_NHIT = ')
+      character*9 c2
+      parameter(c2='IROW = , ')
+      character*11 c3
+      parameter(c3='IGROUP = , ')
+      character*10 c4
+      parameter(c4='raw tdc = ')
+      integer j
+      ABORT=.false.
+      err=' '
+      if( then
+         write(bluno,99) 'gen_event_id_number=',gen_event_id_number
+         write(bluno,100) c1,BIGCAL_TDC_NHIT
+         write(bluno,101) c2,c3,c4
+         write(bluno,102)
+     $        BIGCAL_TDC_RAW(j),j=1,BIGCAL_TDC_NHIT)
+      endif
+ 99   format(A20,I7)
+ 100  FORMAT(A18,I5)
+ 101  FORMAT(A9,A11,A10)
+ 102  FORMAT(I9,I11,I10)
+      return 
+      end
diff --git a/BTRACKING/b_print_raw_trig.f b/BTRACKING/b_print_raw_trig.f
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..45b72c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BTRACKING/b_print_raw_trig.f
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+      subroutine b_print_raw_trig(ABORT,err)
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*17 here
+      parameter(here='b_print_raw_trig')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      include 'bigcal_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_gain_parms.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_tof_parms.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_bypass_switches.cmn'
+      include 'gen_event_info.cmn'
+      character*20 c1
+      parameter(c1='BIGCAL_TTRIG_NHIT = ')
+      character*10 c2
+      parameter(c2='IHALF = , ')
+      character*11 c3
+      parameter(c3='IGROUP = , ')
+      character*12 c4
+      parameter(c4='raw adc = , ')
+      character*10 c5
+      parameter(c5='raw tdc = , ')
+      character*20 c6
+      parameter(c6='BIGCAL_ATRIG_NHIT = ')
+      integer j
+      ABORT=.false.
+      err = ' '
+      if( then
+         write(bluno,99) 'gen_event_id_number=',gen_event_id_number
+         write(bluno,100) c1,BIGCAL_TTRIG_NHIT
+         write(bluno,101) c2,c3,c5
+         write(bluno,102) 
+     $        BIGCAL_TTRIG_TDC_RAW(j),
+     $        j=1,BIGCAL_TTRIG_NHIT)
+      endif
+      if( then
+         write(bluno,99) 'gen_event_id_number=',gen_event_id_number
+         write(bluno,100) c6,BIGCAL_ATRIG_NHIT
+         write(bluno,101) c2,c3,c4
+         write(bluno,102) 
+      endif
+ 99   format(A20,I7)
+ 100  format(A20,I5)
+ 101  format(A10,A11,A12)
+ 102  format(I10,I11,I12)
+      return 
+      end
diff --git a/BTRACKING/b_prune_clusters.f b/BTRACKING/b_prune_clusters.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..69e412d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BTRACKING/b_prune_clusters.f
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+      subroutine b_prune_clusters(abort,err)
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*16 here
+      parameter(here='b_prune_clusters')
+      logical abort 
+      character*(*) err
+      include 'bigcal_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_bypass_switches.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_gain_parms.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_geometry.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_tof_parms.cmn'
+      logical keep(bigcal_all_nclstr_max)
+      integer ngood
+      integer iclust
+      abort=.false.
+      err=' '
+      ngood = 0
+c     initialize all clusters to good:
+      do iclust=1,bigcal_all_nclstr
+         keep(iclust) = .true.
+      enddo
+c     prune on second max:
+      if(b_prune_flags(1).ne.0) then
+         ngood = 0
+         do iclust=1,bigcal_all_nclstr
+            if((.not.bigcal_second_max(iclust)).and.keep(iclust)) then
+               ngood = ngood + 1
+            endif
+         enddo
+         if( then
+            do iclust=1,bigcal_all_nclstr
+               if(bigcal_second_max(iclust)) then
+                  keep(iclust) = .false.
+               endif
+            enddo
+         endif
+      endif
+c     prune clusters that are too big:
+      if(b_prune_flags(2).ne.0) then
+         ngood = 0
+         do iclust=1,bigcal_all_nclstr
+            if(keep(iclust).and.(.not.bigcal_too_long_x(iclust)).and.
+     $           (.not.bigcal_too_long_y(iclust))) then
+               ngood = ngood + 1
+            endif
+         enddo
+         if( then
+            do iclust=1,bigcal_all_nclstr
+               if(bigcal_too_long_x(iclust).or.bigcal_too_long_y(iclust)) then
+                  keep(iclust) = .false.
+               endif
+            enddo
+         endif
+      endif
+c     prune on cluster energy before pruning on edge max or cluster size:
+      if(b_prune_flags(3).ne.0) then
+         ngood = 0
+         do iclust=1,bigcal_all_nclstr
+            if(keep(iclust).and.bigcal_all_clstr_etot(iclust).ge.
+     $           b_prune_eclust(1).and.bigcal_all_clstr_etot(iclust).le.
+     $           b_prune_eclust(2)) then
+               ngood = ngood + 1
+            endif
+         enddo
+         if( then
+            do iclust=1,bigcal_all_nclstr
+               if(bigcal_all_clstr_etot(iclust).lt.b_prune_eclust(1).or.
+     $              bigcal_all_clstr_etot(iclust).gt.b_prune_eclust(2))then
+                  keep(iclust) = .false.
+               endif
+            enddo
+         endif
+      endif
+c     prune on cluster size (want >1 in x and y for real showers)
+      if(b_prune_flags(4).ne.0) then
+         ngood = 0
+         do iclust=1,bigcal_all_nclstr
+            if(keep(iclust).and.bigcal_all_clstr_ncellx(iclust).gt.1.and.
+     $           bigcal_all_clstr_ncelly(iclust).gt.1) then
+               ngood = ngood + 1
+            endif
+         enddo
+         if( then
+            do iclust=1,bigcal_all_nclstr
+               if(bigcal_all_clstr_ncellx(iclust).le.1.or.
+     $              bigcal_all_clstr_ncelly(iclust).le.1) then
+                  keep(iclust) = .false.
+               endif
+            enddo
+         endif
+      endif
+c     prune on edge max:
+      if(b_prune_flags(5).ne.0) then
+         ngood = 0
+         do iclust=1,bigcal_all_nclstr
+            if(keep(iclust).and.(.not.bigcal_edge_max(iclust))) then
+               ngood = ngood + 1
+            endif
+         enddo
+         if( then
+            do iclust=1,bigcal_all_nclstr
+               if(bigcal_edge_max(iclust))then
+                  keep(iclust) = .false.
+               endif
+            enddo
+         endif
+      endif
+c     prune on group of 8 TDC hits:
+      if(b_prune_flags(6).ne.0) then
+         ngood = 0
+         do iclust=1,bigcal_all_nclstr
+            if(keep(iclust).and.bigcal_all_clstr_ncell8(iclust).gt.0) then
+               ngood = ngood + 1
+            endif
+         enddo
+         if( then
+            do iclust=1,bigcal_all_nclstr
+               if(bigcal_all_clstr_ncell8(iclust).le.0) then
+                  keep(iclust) = .false.
+               endif
+            enddo
+         endif
+      endif
+c     prune on group of 64 TDC hits: 
+      if(b_prune_flags(7).ne.0) then
+         ngood = 0
+         do iclust=1,bigcal_all_nclstr
+            if(keep(iclust).and.bigcal_all_clstr_ncell64(iclust).gt.0) then
+               ngood = ngood + 1
+            endif
+         enddo
+         if( then
+            do iclust=1,bigcal_all_nclstr
+               if(bigcal_all_clstr_ncell64(iclust).le.0) then
+                  keep(iclust) = .false.
+               endif
+            enddo
+         endif
+      endif
+c     prune on trms:
+      if(b_prune_flags(8).ne.0) then
+         ngood = 0
+         do iclust=1,bigcal_all_nclstr
+            if(keep(iclust).and.bigcal_all_clstr_t8rms(iclust).le.b_timing_cut) then
+               ngood = ngood + 1
+            endif
+         enddo
+         if( then
+            do iclust=1,bigcal_all_nclstr
+               if(bigcal_all_clstr_t8rms(iclust).gt.b_timing_cut)then
+                  keep(iclust) = .false.
+               endif
+            enddo
+         endif
+      endif
+c     now set the "keep" flag for each cluster
+c     at this point, no longer keep clusters that don't satisfy, at a minimum, the following:
+c     1. no second max
+c     2. cluster size < maximum
+      bigcal_all_nclust_good = 0
+      do iclust=1,bigcal_all_nclstr
+         bigcal_clstr_keep(iclust)=.false.
+         if(keep(iclust).and..not.bigcal_second_max(iclust).and..not.
+     $        (bigcal_too_long_x(iclust).or.bigcal_too_long_y(iclust))) 
+     $        then
+            bigcal_clstr_keep(iclust)=.true.
+            bigcal_all_nclust_good = bigcal_all_nclust_good + 1
+         endif
+      enddo
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/BTRACKING/b_raw_dump_all.f b/BTRACKING/b_raw_dump_all.f
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3828e20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BTRACKING/b_raw_dump_all.f
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+      subroutine b_raw_dump_all(ABORT,err)
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*50 here
+      parameter (here= 'b_raw_dump_all')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      include 'bigcal_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_bypass_switches.cmn'
+      ABORT = .FALSE.
+      err = ' '
+      if( then
+         call b_print_raw_adc(ABORT,err)
+      endif
+      if( then
+         call b_print_raw_tdc(ABORT,err)
+      endif
+      if( then
+         call b_print_raw_trig(ABORT,err)
+      endif
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/BTRACKING/b_rebuild_cluster.f b/BTRACKING/b_rebuild_cluster.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb3a196
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BTRACKING/b_rebuild_cluster.f
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+      subroutine b_rebuild_cluster(clust)
+      implicit none
+      save
+      logical badi, badj
+      integer clust,icell,jcell,i,j
+      integer rowi,rowj,coli,colj,row,col
+      real ecell,xcell,ycell,xmom,ymom
+      real ei,ej,ai,aj,xi,xj,yi,yj
+      real xcenter,ycenter,xdiff,ydiff
+      real esum,asum
+      real xpar(6),ypar(6)
+      include 'bigcal_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_shower_parms.cmn'
+      logical abort
+      character*80 err
+c     PURPOSE:
+c     this routine assumes that the cell array for cluster iclust has 
+c     already been filled, but maybe one or more of the energies has changed
+c     as a result of a guess using HMS info and elastic kinematics when a 
+c     channel is in the "bad channels" list.
+c     So re-sort the cluster in order of decreasing energy, and re-calculate
+c     cluster quantities related to the energies in the cells. 
+c     this routine gets called from the gep_check_bigcal routine which is a 
+c     subroutine of gep_physics. If the HMS predicts that electron should have
+c     hit BigCal at a certain place, then gep_check_bigcal looks for 
+c     channels in the vicinity of the expected electron that are in the 
+c     bad channel list. If it finds any, then it will guess what the energy
+c     should have been in those channels based on a fit to the shower shape
+c     using the HMS-predicted energy and position of the expected electron.
+c     If there are any clusters in the vicinity containing the same channels
+c     from the bad channel list, then this routine reevaluates those clusters
+c     based on the energy that was "guessed" for the channels in question. 
+      if( return
+      esum = 0.
+      asum = 0.
+      do icell = 1,bigcal_all_clstr_ncell(clust)
+         ei = bigcal_all_clstr_ecell(clust,icell)
+         ai = bigcal_all_clstr_acell(clust,icell)
+         rowi = bigcal_all_clstr_iycell(clust,icell)
+         coli = bigcal_all_clstr_ixcell(clust,icell)
+         xi = bigcal_all_clstr_xcell(clust,icell)
+         yi = bigcal_all_clstr_ycell(clust,icell)
+         badi = bigcal_clstr_bad_chan(clust,icell)
+         do jcell = icell+1,bigcal_all_clstr_ncell(clust)
+            ej = bigcal_all_clstr_ecell(clust,jcell)
+            aj = bigcal_all_clstr_acell(clust,jcell)
+            xj = bigcal_all_clstr_xcell(clust,jcell)
+            yj = bigcal_all_clstr_ycell(clust,jcell)
+            rowj = bigcal_all_clstr_iycell(clust,jcell)
+            colj = bigcal_all_clstr_ixcell(clust,jcell)
+            badj = bigcal_clstr_bad_chan(clust,jcell)
+            if( then ! switch everything:
+               bigcal_all_clstr_ecell(clust,icell) = ej
+               bigcal_all_clstr_acell(clust,icell) = aj
+               bigcal_all_clstr_xcell(clust,icell) = xj
+               bigcal_all_clstr_ycell(clust,icell) = yj
+               bigcal_all_clstr_ixcell(clust,icell) = colj
+               bigcal_all_clstr_iycell(clust,icell) = rowj
+               bigcal_clstr_bad_chan(clust,icell) = badj
+               bigcal_all_clstr_ecell(clust,jcell) = ei
+               bigcal_all_clstr_acell(clust,jcell) = ai
+               bigcal_all_clstr_xcell(clust,jcell) = xi
+               bigcal_all_clstr_ycell(clust,jcell) = yi
+               bigcal_all_clstr_ixcell(clust,jcell) = coli
+               bigcal_all_clstr_iycell(clust,jcell) = rowi
+               bigcal_clstr_bad_chan(clust,jcell) = badi
+            endif
+         enddo
+      enddo
+      do icell=1,bigcal_all_clstr_ncell(clust)
+         esum = esum + bigcal_all_clstr_ecell(clust,icell)
+         asum = asum + bigcal_all_clstr_acell(clust,icell)
+      enddo
+      bigcal_all_clstr_iymax(clust) = bigcal_all_clstr_iycell(clust,1)
+      bigcal_all_clstr_ixmax(clust) = bigcal_all_clstr_ixcell(clust,1)
+      bigcal_all_clstr_etot(clust) = esum
+      bigcal_all_clstr_atot(clust) = asum
+      xcenter = bigcal_all_clstr_xcell(clust,1)
+      ycenter = bigcal_all_clstr_ycell(clust,1)
+      xmom = 0.
+      ymom = 0.
+      do icell=1,bigcal_all_clstr_ncell(clust)
+         xdiff = bigcal_all_clstr_xcell(clust,icell) - xcenter
+         ydiff = bigcal_all_clstr_ycell(clust,icell) - ycenter
+         ecell = bigcal_all_clstr_ecell(clust,icell)
+         xmom = xmom + xdiff*ecell/esum
+         ymom = ymom + ydiff*ecell/esum
+      enddo
+      bigcal_all_clstr_xmom(clust) = xmom
+      bigcal_all_clstr_ymom(clust) = ymom
+c     also re-calculate shower coordinates:
+      row = bigcal_all_clstr_iymax(clust)
+      col = bigcal_all_clstr_ixmax(clust)
+      if(row.le.32) then
+         do i=1,6
+            xpar(i) = bigcal_prot_xpar(col,i)
+            ypar(i) = bigcal_prot_ypar(row,i)
+         enddo
+      else
+         do i=1,6
+            xpar(i) = bigcal_rcs_xpar(col,i)
+            ypar(i) = bigcal_rcs_ypar(row,i)
+         enddo
+      endif
+      bigcal_all_clstr_x(clust) = xcenter + xpar(1)*atan(
+     $     xpar(2)*xmom**4 + xpar(3)*xmom**3 + xpar(4)*xmom**2 + 
+     $     xpar(5)*xmom    + xpar(6))
+      bigcal_all_clstr_y(clust) = ycenter + ypar(1)*atan(
+     $     ypar(2)*ymom**4 + ypar(3)*ymom**3 + ypar(4)*ymom**2 + 
+     $     ypar(5)*ymom    + ypar(6))
+c$$$      write(*,*) 'REBUILT CLUSTER#',clust,' after guessing energies '//
+c$$$     $     'for channels in the bad list:'
+c$$$      call b_print_cluster(clust,abort,err)
+      return 
+      end
diff --git a/BTRACKING/b_reconstruction.f b/BTRACKING/b_reconstruction.f
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..07d3fc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BTRACKING/b_reconstruction.f
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
+      subroutine B_reconstruction(ABORT,err)
+      SAVE
+      character*16 here
+      parameter (here= 'B_reconstruction')
+c      logical last_time
+      logical ABORT
+      logical mc_trig  ! check if at least one trig. sum is above b_cluster_cut
+      integer isum64
+      integer ngood64
+      integer revert(5)
+      integer imax64,rowmax64,colmax64
+      character*(*) err
+      include 'bigcal_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_bypass_switches.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_gain_parms.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_geometry.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_filenames.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_tof_parms.cmn'
+      include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'gen_constants.par'
+      include 'gen_units.par'
+      include 'gen_scalers.cmn'
+      include 'gen_run_info.cmn'
+      include 'gen_event_info.cmn'
+      revert(1) = b_use_bad_chan_list
+      revert(2) = bbypass_find_clusters
+      revert(3) = bbypass_calc_cluster_time
+      revert(4) = bbypass_calc_shower_coord
+      revert(5) = bbypass_calc_physics
+c      last_time = .false.
+c     for certain event types, disable parts of the analysis:
+c     don't add cells in the bad channel list to clusters for type 5
+c     (bigcal singles) events. We only want to use the bad channel list 
+c     to improve the efficiency of coincidence events.
+      if(gen_event_type.eq.5) then
+         b_use_bad_chan_list = 0
+c         last_time = .true.
+      endif
+      if( then
+         bbypass_find_clusters = 1
+         bbypass_calc_cluster_time = 1
+         bbypass_calc_shower_coord = 1
+         bbypass_calc_physics = 1
+      endif
+************  dump raw data ****************************
+      call b_raw_dump_all(ABORT,err)
+      if(ABORT) then
+         call g_add_path(here,err)
+         return
+      endif
+      !bigcal_max_adc = 0.
+      !bigcal_iymax_adc = 0
+      !bigcal_ixmax_adc = 0
+************  convert Protvino raw ADC to Protvino decoded ADC *******
+      if(bbypass_prot.eq.0) then
+         call b_trans_PROT(ABORT,err)
+         if(ABORT) then
+            call g_add_path(here,err)
+            return
+         endif
+      endif
+************  convert RCS raw ADC to RCS decoded ADC ****
+      if(bbypass_rcs.eq.0) then 
+         call b_trans_RCS(ABORT,err)
+         if(ABORT) then 
+            call g_add_path(here,err)
+            return
+         endif
+      endif
+      if( then
+         rowmax64 = (bigcal_iymax_adc-1)/3 + 1
+         if(bigcal_iymax_adc.le.32) then
+            colmax64 = (bigcal_ixmax_adc-1)/16 + 1
+         else
+            colmax64 = bigcal_ixmax_adc/16 + 1
+         endif
+         imax64 = colmax64 + 2*(rowmax64-1)
+         if(mod(bigcal_iymax_adc-1,3) 
+     $        then              ! overlap row,
+c     take group with bigger sum:
+            if(bigcal_atrig_sum64(imax64-2).gt.bigcal_atrig_sum64(imax64)) then
+               imax64 = imax64 - 2
+            endif
+         endif
+         bigcal_itrigmax_adc = imax64
+      endif
+      bigcal_all_ngood = bigcal_prot_ngood + bigcal_rcs_ngood
+***********  convert BigCal group-of-8 raw TDC to go8 decoded TDC *********
+      if(bbypass_sum8.eq.0) then
+         call b_trans_tdc(ABORT,err)
+         if(ABORT) then 
+            call g_add_path(here,err)
+            return
+         endif
+      endif
+***********  convert BigCal raw trigger signals to decoded *****************
+      if(bbypass_sum64.eq.0) then 
+         call b_trans_trig(ABORT,err)
+         if(ABORT) then
+            call g_add_path(here,err)
+            return
+         endif
+      endif
+      if( then
+         call b_print_raw_bad(abort,err)
+      endif
+*     special check for monte carlo event analysis: check trigger sums:
+      if( then
+         mc_trig = .false.
+         ngood64 = 0
+*     fill hit array (special for monte carlo)
+         do isum64=1,bigcal_atrig_maxhits
+c$$$         write(*,*) 'igroup,ihalf,sum64 = ',(isum64+1)/2,mod(isum64,2)+1
+c$$$     $        ,bigcal_atrig_sum64(isum64)
+            if(bigcal_atrig_sum64(isum64).ge.b_trig_cut) then 
+               mc_trig=.true.
+               ngood64 = ngood64 + 1
+               bigcal_atrig_esum(ngood64) = bigcal_atrig_sum64(isum64)
+               bigcal_atrig_good_igroup(ngood64) = (isum64-1)/2 + 1
+               bigcal_atrig_good_ihalf(ngood64) = mod(isum64-1,2) + 1
+            endif
+         enddo
+         bigcal_atrig_ngood = ngood64
+         if(.not.mc_trig) return
+      endif
+c$$$      do isum64=1,bigcal_atrig_maxhits
+c$$$c$$$         write(*,*) 'igroup,ihalf,sum64 = ',(isum64+1)/2,mod(isum64,2)+1
+c$$$c$$$     $        ,bigcal_atrig_sum64(isum64)
+c$$$         if(bigcal_atrig_sum64(isum64).ge.b_cluster_cut) then 
+c$$$            mc_trig=.true.
+c$$$         endif
+c$$$      enddo
+c$$$      if( .not.mc_trig) return
+*     find_clusters: fills the cluster arrays, calculates sums and moments
+      if(bbypass_find_clusters.eq.0.and.bbypass_prot.eq.0.and.
+     $     bbypass_rcs.eq.0) then
+         !write(*,*) 'entering b_fill_bigcal_arrays'
+c$$$         call b_fill_bigcal_arrays(abort,err)
+c$$$         if(ABORT) then 
+c$$$            call g_add_path(here,err)
+c$$$            return
+c$$$         endif
+c         write(*,*) 'entering b_find_clusters'
+         call b_find_clusters(bigcal_all_nclstr,bigcal_nmaxima,ABORT,err)
+         if(ABORT) then 
+            call g_add_path(here,err)
+            return
+         endif
+      endif
+*     check cluster timing: looks at all the hits in a cluster and calculates 
+*     the average time associated with sum8 tdcs and sum64 tdcs
+      if(bbypass_sum8.eq.0.and.bbypass_sum64.eq.0.and.
+     $     bbypass_calc_cluster_time.eq.0.and.bbypass_find_clusters
+     $     .eq.0) then
+         call b_calc_cluster_time(ABORT,err)
+         if(ABORT) then
+            call g_add_path(here,err)
+            return
+         endif
+      endif
+*     calculate shower coordinates and energy from ADC information
+      if(bbypass_calc_shower_coord.eq.0.and.bbypass_prot.eq.0.and.
+     $     bbypass_rcs.eq.0.and.bbypass_find_clusters.eq.0) then
+         call b_calc_shower_coord(ABORT,err)
+         if(ABORT) then 
+            call g_add_path(here,err)
+            return
+         endif
+      endif
+      bigcal_all_nclust_good = bigcal_all_nclstr
+      if(bbypass_prune_clusters.eq.0.and.bbypass_find_clusters.eq.0)then
+         call b_prune_clusters(ABORT,err)
+         if(abort) then
+            call g_add_path(here,err)
+            return
+         endif
+      endif
+      if(bbypass_calc_physics.eq.0.and.bbypass_find_clusters.eq.0) then
+         if(
+     $        hsnum_fptrack.eq.0)) call b_calc_physics(ABORT,err)
+         if(ABORT) then
+            call g_add_path(here,err)
+            return
+         endif
+      endif
+c     if dealing with real data and not monte carlo, then the appropriate
+c     place to do the calibration matrix is in gep_reconstruction, because
+c     we need to know the incident electron energy, hence we need the hms
+c     info.
+      if(
+     $ then
+         call b_matrix_accum(abort,err)
+         if(abort) then
+            call g_add_path(here,err)
+            return
+         endif
+      endif
+      if(gen_event_type.eq.5) then
+         b_use_bad_chan_list = revert(1)
+      endif
+      if( then
+         bbypass_find_clusters = revert(2)
+         bbypass_calc_cluster_time = revert(3)
+         bbypass_calc_shower_coord = revert(4)
+         bbypass_calc_physics = revert(5)
+      endif
+      !write(*,*) 'done with reconstruction'      
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/BTRACKING/b_register_param.f b/BTRACKING/b_register_param.f
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a2c4da4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BTRACKING/b_register_param.f
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+      subroutine b_register_param(ABORT,err)
+      SAVE
+      character*16 here
+      parameter (here= 'B_register_param')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      logical FAIL
+      character*1000 why
+      err= ' '
+      ABORT = .false.
+      call r_bigcal_geometry
+      call r_bigcal_gain_parms
+      call r_bigcal_tof_parms
+      call r_bigcal_shower_parms
+      call r_bigcal_bypass_switches
+      call r_bigcal_hist_id
+c$$$      call r_bigcal_statistics
+c$$$      call r_bigcal_pedestals
+      IF(ABORT .or. err.NE.' ') call G_add_path(here,err)
+      return 
+      end
diff --git a/BTRACKING/b_report_bad_data.f b/BTRACKING/b_report_bad_data.f
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a5a1e55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BTRACKING/b_report_bad_data.f
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+      subroutine b_report_bad_data(lunout,ABORT,err)
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*17 here
+      parameter(here='b_report_bad_data')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      integer lunout
+      include 'bigcal_data_structures.cmn'
+c     for now, don't do anything. for the HMS, the equivalent subroutine does 
+c     nothing because "we always use the pedestal events"
+c     I will assume that is the case here.
+      abort=.false.
+      err=' '
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/BTRACKING/b_sparsify_prot.f b/BTRACKING/b_sparsify_prot.f
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..609f95d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BTRACKING/b_sparsify_prot.f
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+      subroutine b_sparsify_prot(ABORT,err)
+      implicit none
+      save
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      character*15 here
+      parameter (here='b_sparsify_prot')
+c     loop over all hits, subtract peds, apply thresholds, and 
+c     fill decoded data arrays
+      integer*4 ihit,icell
+      integer*4 ngood,nbad,nbad2
+      integer*4 irow,icol
+      integer*4 adc_val 
+*     check number of hits:
+      include 'bigcal_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_gain_parms.cmn'
+      err=' '
+      if(
+     $     BIGCAL_PROT_MAXHITS) then 
+         write(6,*) here,':bigcal_prot_nhit=',BIGCAL_PROT_NHIT
+         return
+      endif
+*     "zero" decoded adcs:
+      do icell=1,BIGCAL_PROT_MAXHITS
+         BIGCAL_PROT_ADC_DECODED(icell)=-100.
+      enddo
+      ngood = 0
+      nbad = 0
+      nbad2 = 0
+*     loop over raw hits: 
+      if( then
+        do ihit=1,BIGCAL_PROT_NHIT
+          irow = BIGCAL_PROT_IY(ihit)
+          icol = BIGCAL_PROT_IX(ihit)
+          icell = icol + BIGCAL_PROT_NX*(irow - 1)
+          adc_val = BIGCAL_PROT_ADC_RAW(ihit)
+          bigcal_prot_nhit_ch(icell) = bigcal_prot_nhit_ch(icell) + 1
+          if(bigcal_prot_nhit_ch(icell).eq.1) then
+             BIGCAL_PROT_RAW_DET(icell) = adc_val
+          endif
+          if(bigcal_prot_nhit_ch(icell).gt.1) then ! fill bad hits array
+             nbad = nbad + 1
+             nbad2 = nbad2 + 1
+             if(bigcal_prot_nhit_ch(icell).eq.2) then ! first bad hit
+                bigcal_prot_iybad(nbad) = irow
+                bigcal_prot_ixbad(nbad) = icol
+c     bigcal_prot_raw_det(icell) should still contain the adc value of the first hit
+c     in this channel
+                bigcal_prot_adc_bad(nbad) = bigcal_prot_raw_det(icell)
+                nbad = nbad + 1
+             endif
+             bigcal_prot_iybad(nbad) = irow
+             bigcal_prot_ixbad(nbad) = icol
+             bigcal_prot_adc_bad(nbad) = adc_val
+          endif
+c          BIGCAL_ALL_RAW_DET(icell) = adc_val
+          if( then 
+            BIGCAL_PROT_ADC_DECODED(icell) = float(adc_val) - 
+     $           BIGCAL_PROT_PED_MEAN(icell)
+          endif
+c     "sparsify" the data
+          if(BIGCAL_PROT_ADC_DECODED(icell).ge.
+     $         BIGCAL_PROT_ADC_THRESHOLD(icell)) then
+            ngood = ngood + 1
+            BIGCAL_PROT_IYGOOD(ngood) = irow
+            BIGCAL_PROT_IXGOOD(ngood) = icol
+          endif
+        enddo
+      endif
+      BIGCAL_PROT_NGOOD = ngood
+      bigcal_prot_nbad = nbad2
+      bigcal_prot_badplusgood = nbad
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/BTRACKING/b_sparsify_rcs.f b/BTRACKING/b_sparsify_rcs.f
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..fc588e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BTRACKING/b_sparsify_rcs.f
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+      subroutine b_sparsify_rcs(ABORT,err)
+      implicit none
+      save
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      character*15 here
+      parameter (here='b_sparsify_rcs')
+c     loop over all hits, subtract peds, apply thresholds, and 
+c     fill decoded data arrays
+c     RCS_IY from detector map will be 33-56. Subtract 32 in this routine and 
+c     then we can assume from here on out that RCS_IY starts at 1 and goes to 24
+      integer*4 ihit,icell
+      integer*4 ngood,nbad,nbad2
+      integer*4 irow,icol
+      integer*4 adc_val 
+      include 'bigcal_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_gain_parms.cmn'
+*     check number of hits:
+      err=' '
+      if(
+     $     BIGCAL_RCS_MAXHITS) then 
+         write(6,*) here,':bigcal_rcs_nhit=',BIGCAL_RCS_NHIT
+         return
+      endif
+*     "zero" decoded adcs:
+      do icell=1,BIGCAL_RCS_MAXHITS
+         BIGCAL_RCS_ADC_DECODED(icell)=-100.
+      enddo
+      ngood = 0
+      nbad = 0
+      nbad2 = 0
+*     loop over raw hits: 
+      if( then
+        do ihit=1,BIGCAL_RCS_NHIT
+          irow = BIGCAL_RCS_IY(ihit) - BIGCAL_PROT_NY 
+          icol = BIGCAL_RCS_IX(ihit)
+          icell = icol + BIGCAL_RCS_NX*(irow - 1)
+          adc_val = BIGCAL_RCS_ADC_RAW(ihit)
+c$$$          if(bid_badc(icell+bigcal_prot_maxhits).gt.0) 
+c$$$     $         call hf1(bid_badc(icell+bigcal_prot_maxhits),
+c$$$     $         float(adc_val),1.0)
+c          BIGCAL_ALL_RAW_DET(icell+bigcal_prot_maxhits) = adc_val
+          bigcal_rcs_nhit_ch(icell) = bigcal_rcs_nhit_ch(icell) + 1
+          if(bigcal_rcs_nhit_ch(icell).eq.1) then
+             BIGCAL_RCS_RAW_DET(icell) = adc_val
+          endif
+          if(bigcal_rcs_nhit_ch(icell).gt.1) then
+             nbad = nbad + 1
+             nbad2 = nbad2 + 1
+             if(bigcal_rcs_nhit_ch(icell).eq.2) then ! first bad hit
+                bigcal_rcs_iybad(nbad) = irow
+                bigcal_rcs_ixbad(nbad) = icol
+c     bigcal_prot_raw_det(icell) should still contain the adc value of the first hit
+c     in this channel
+                bigcal_rcs_adc_bad(nbad) = bigcal_rcs_raw_det(icell)
+                nbad = nbad + 1
+             endif
+             bigcal_rcs_iybad(nbad) = irow
+             bigcal_rcs_ixbad(nbad) = icol
+             bigcal_rcs_adc_bad(nbad) = adc_val
+          endif
+          if( then 
+            BIGCAL_RCS_ADC_DECODED(icell) = float(adc_val) - 
+     $           BIGCAL_RCS_PED_MEAN(icell)
+          endif
+c     "sparsify" the data
+          if(BIGCAL_RCS_ADC_DECODED(icell).ge.
+     $         BIGCAL_RCS_ADC_THRESHOLD(icell)) then
+            ngood = ngood + 1
+            BIGCAL_RCS_ADC_GOOD(ngood) = BIGCAL_RCS_ADC_DECODED(icell)
+            BIGCAL_RCS_IYGOOD(ngood) = irow
+            BIGCAL_RCS_IXGOOD(ngood) = icol
+          endif
+        enddo
+      endif
+      BIGCAL_RCS_NGOOD = ngood
+      bigcal_rcs_nbad = nbad2
+      bigcal_rcs_badplusgood = nbad
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/BTRACKING/b_strip_tdc.f b/BTRACKING/b_strip_tdc.f
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3a5ee0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BTRACKING/b_strip_tdc.f
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+      subroutine b_strip_tdc(ABORT,err)
+      implicit none
+      save
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      character*11 here
+      parameter (here='b_strip_tdc')
+      include 'bigcal_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_tof_parms.cmn'
+*     want to calculate time relative to reference time (master trigger)
+      integer*4 ihit
+      integer*4 irow,igroup,itdc,tdc_raw,thitnum
+      integer*4 ngood,igood
+      do ihit=1,BIGCAL_TDC_MAXHITS
+         BIGCAL_TDC(ihit) = -1
+         BIGCAL_HIT_TIME(ihit) = -1000.
+      enddo
+c      BIGCAL_GOOD_TRIG = .false.
+      if( 
+     $     then
+         write(6,*) here,':bigcal_tdc_nhit=',BIGCAL_TDC_NHIT
+         return
+      endif
+      ngood = 0
+      if( then
+        do ihit=1,BIGCAL_TDC_NHIT
+          irow = BIGCAL_TDC_RAW_IROW(ihit)
+          igroup = BIGCAL_TDC_RAW_IGROUP(ihit)
+          itdc = igroup + (irow - 1) * BIGCAL_MAX_GROUPS 
+          tdc_raw = bigcal_tdc_raw(ihit)
+          if(bigcal_tdc_det_nhit(itdc).lt.8) then
+            bigcal_tdc_det_nhit(itdc)=bigcal_tdc_det_nhit(itdc) + 1
+            thitnum = bigcal_tdc_det_nhit(itdc)
+            bigcal_tdc_raw_det(itdc,thitnum) = tdc_raw
+          endif
+          if(tdc_raw .ge. bigcal_tdc_min .and. 
+     $         tdc_raw .le. bigcal_tdc_max ) then
+            ngood = ngood + 1
+            BIGCAL_TDC(ngood) = BIGCAL_TDC_RAW(ihit)
+            BIGCAL_TDC_IROW(ngood) = irow
+            BIGCAL_TDC_IGROUP(ngood) = igroup
+          endif
+        enddo
+      endif
+      BIGCAL_TDC_NDECODED = ngood
+      return 
+      end
diff --git a/BTRACKING/b_strip_trig.f b/BTRACKING/b_strip_trig.f
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0279dd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BTRACKING/b_strip_trig.f
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+      subroutine b_strip_trig(ABORT,err)
+      implicit none
+      save
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      character*12 here
+      parameter (here='b_strip_trig')
+      include 'bigcal_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_tof_parms.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_gain_parms.cmn'
+      integer*4 ihit,igroup64,ihalf64,icell64,ngood,adc_raw,tdc_raw
+      integer*4 thitnum
+      integer*4 nbad,nbad2
+      ngood = 0
+      nbad = 0
+      nbad2 = 0
+*     do atrig first:
+      do icell64=1,bigcal_atrig_maxhits
+        bigcal_atrig_adc_dec(icell64) = -100.
+      enddo
+      if(
+     $     bigcal_atrig_maxhits) then
+        do ihit=1,bigcal_atrig_nhit
+          igroup64 = bigcal_atrig_igroup(ihit)
+          ihalf64 = bigcal_atrig_ihalf(ihit)
+          icell64 = ihalf64 + 2*(igroup64 - 1)
+          adc_raw = bigcal_atrig_adc_raw(ihit)
+c          bigcal_atrig_raw_det(icell64) = adc_raw
+          bigcal_atrig_nhit_ch(icell64) = bigcal_atrig_nhit_ch(icell64) + 1
+          if(bigcal_atrig_nhit_ch(icell64).eq.1) then
+             bigcal_atrig_raw_det(icell64) = adc_raw
+          endif
+          if(bigcal_atrig_nhit_ch(icell64).gt.1) then
+             nbad = nbad + 1
+             nbad2 = nbad2 + 1
+             if(bigcal_atrig_nhit_ch(icell64).eq.2) then ! first bad hit
+                bigcal_atrig_igroup_bad(nbad) = igroup64
+                bigcal_atrig_ihalf_bad(nbad) = ihalf64
+                bigcal_atrig_adc_bad(nbad) = bigcal_atrig_raw_det(icell64)
+                nbad = nbad + 1
+             endif
+             bigcal_atrig_igroup_bad(nbad) = igroup64
+             bigcal_atrig_ihalf_bad(nbad) = ihalf64
+             bigcal_atrig_adc_bad(nbad) = adc_raw
+          endif
+          if( then
+            bigcal_atrig_adc_dec(icell64) = float(adc_raw) - 
+     $           bigcal_trig_ped_mean(icell64)
+          endif
+          if(bigcal_atrig_adc_dec(icell64) .ge. 
+     $         bigcal_trig_adc_threshold(icell64)) then
+            ngood = ngood + 1
+            bigcal_atrig_adc_good(ngood) = bigcal_atrig_adc_dec(icell64)
+            bigcal_atrig_good_igroup(ngood) = igroup64
+            bigcal_atrig_good_ihalf(ngood) = ihalf64
+          endif
+        enddo
+      endif
+      bigcal_atrig_ngood = ngood
+      bigcal_atrig_nbad = nbad2
+      bigcal_atrig_badplusgood = nbad
+      ngood = 0 ! now do tdcs:
+      if(
+     $     bigcal_ttrig_maxhits) then
+        do ihit=1,bigcal_ttrig_nhit
+          igroup64 = bigcal_ttrig_igroup(ihit)
+          ihalf64 = bigcal_ttrig_ihalf(ihit)
+          icell64 = ihalf64 + 2*(igroup64-1)
+          tdc_raw = bigcal_ttrig_tdc_raw(ihit)
+          if(bigcal_ttrig_det_nhit(icell64).lt.8) then
+            bigcal_ttrig_det_nhit(icell64)=
+     $           bigcal_ttrig_det_nhit(icell64) + 1
+            thitnum = bigcal_ttrig_det_nhit(icell64)
+            bigcal_ttrig_raw_det(icell64,thitnum) = tdc_raw
+          endif
+          if( 
+     $         then
+            ngood = ngood + 1
+            bigcal_ttrig_tdc_dec(ngood) = tdc_raw
+            bigcal_ttrig_dec_igroup(ngood) = igroup64
+            bigcal_ttrig_dec_ihalf(ngood) = ihalf64
+          endif
+        enddo
+      endif
+      bigcal_ttrig_ndecoded = ngood
+      return 
+      end
diff --git a/BTRACKING/b_trans_prot.f b/BTRACKING/b_trans_prot.f
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3158a0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BTRACKING/b_trans_prot.f
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+      subroutine b_trans_PROT(ABORT,err)
+      implicit none
+      save
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      character*12 here
+      parameter (here='b_trans_PROT')
+      integer ihit,irow,icol
+      integer icell,irow8,icol8,ig8
+      integer igroup64,ihalf64,ig64
+      real sum8
+      include 'bigcal_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_gain_parms.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_geometry.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_hist_id.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_bypass_switches.cmn'
+*     start by sparsifying the raw data:       
+      call b_sparsify_prot(ABORT,err)
+      if(ABORT) then
+         call g_add_path(here,err)
+         return
+      endif
+*     for now, only additional step will be to convert the decoded
+*     and ped-subtracted data to energies by multiplying with the 
+*     calibration constants. Actually, we should also have a database of 
+*     x and y positions of cell center relative to calorimeter center
+*     and we can fill those arrays here too. What sums should we  
+*     accumulate?
+*     loop over sparsified "good" hits
+      if( then
+        do ihit=1,BIGCAL_PROT_NGOOD
+          irow = BIGCAL_PROT_IYGOOD(ihit)
+          icol = BIGCAL_PROT_IXGOOD(ihit)
+          icell = icol + BIGCAL_PROT_NX*(irow - 1)
+          BIGCAL_PROT_ECELL(ihit) = BIGCAL_PROT_CFAC(icell) *
+     $         BIGCAL_PROT_ADC_GOOD(ihit) * BIGCAL_PROT_GAIN_COR(icell)
+          if(bigcal_prot_adc_good(ihit).gt.bigcal_max_adc) then
+            bigcal_max_adc = bigcal_prot_adc_good(ihit)
+            bigcal_iymax_adc = irow
+            bigcal_ixmax_adc = icol
+          endif
+          if( call hf1(bid_bcal_row,float(irow),1.0)
+          if( call hf1(bid_bcal_col,float(icol),1.0)
+          if( call hf2(bid_bcal_rowcol,float(icol),float(irow),1.0)
+          if(bid_badc(icell).gt.0.and.b_use_peds_in_hist.le.0) then
+             if(b_use_peds_in_hist.eq.0) then
+                call hf1(bid_badc(icell),bigcal_prot_adc_good(ihit),1.0)
+             else
+                call hf1(bid_badc(icell),bigcal_prot_adc_good(ihit)+
+     $               bigcal_prot_ped_mean(icell),1.)
+             endif
+          endif
+*     question of whether to group by hits or cells. 
+*     seems most logical and efficient to go by hits only and not 
+*     have to keep passing around the full array of cells with lots of 
+*     empties. 
+*     Fill also xgood and ygood arrays
+*     Fill detector arrays and increment sums of 8 and sums of 64:
+          BIGCAL_PROT_GOOD_DET(icell) = BIGCAL_PROT_ECELL(ihit)
+*     Also fill "all detector" array:
+          bigcal_all_adc_good(ihit) = bigcal_prot_adc_good(ihit)
+          bigcal_all_ecell(ihit) = bigcal_prot_ecell(ihit)
+          bigcal_all_xgood(ihit) = bigcal_prot_xgood(ihit)
+          bigcal_all_ygood(ihit) = bigcal_prot_ygood(ihit)
+          bigcal_all_iygood(ihit) = irow
+          bigcal_all_ixgood(ihit) = icol
+          bigcal_all_adc_det(icell) = bigcal_prot_adc_good(ihit)
+          bigcal_all_good_det(icell) = bigcal_prot_ecell(ihit)
+c     BIGCAL_PROT_GOOD_HIT(icell) = .true.
+          irow8 = irow
+          icol8 = (icol - 1)/8 + 1
+          ig8 = icol8 + BIGCAL_MAX_GROUPS * (irow8 - 1)
+c$$$          bigcal_tdc_sum8(ig8) = bigcal_tdc_sum8(ig8) + 
+c$$$     $         BIGCAL_PROT_ECELL(ihit)
+          bigcal_tdc_sum8(ig8) = bigcal_tdc_sum8(ig8) + 
+     $         BIGCAL_PROT_ADC_GOOD(ihit)
+          igroup64 = (irow - 1) / 3 + 1
+          ihalf64 = (icol - 1) / 16 + 1
+          ig64 = ihalf64 + 2*(igroup64 - 1)
+c$$$          bigcal_atrig_sum64(ig64) = bigcal_atrig_sum64(ig64) + 
+c$$$     $         BIGCAL_PROT_ECELL(ihit)
+          bigcal_atrig_sum64(ig64) = bigcal_atrig_sum64(ig64) + 
+     $         BIGCAL_PROT_ADC_GOOD(ihit)
+          if( mod(irow-1,3) .eq. 0 .and. then ! overlap row, also increment previous sum
+c$$$            bigcal_atrig_sum64(ig64-2) = bigcal_atrig_sum64(ig64-2) + 
+c$$$     $           bigcal_prot_ecell(ihit)
+            bigcal_atrig_sum64(ig64-2) = bigcal_atrig_sum64(ig64-2) + 
+     $           bigcal_prot_adc_good(ihit)
+          endif
+        enddo
+      endif
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/BTRACKING/b_trans_rcs.f b/BTRACKING/b_trans_rcs.f
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c1a4c76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BTRACKING/b_trans_rcs.f
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+      subroutine b_trans_RCS(ABORT,err)
+      implicit none
+      save
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      character*12 here
+      parameter (here='b_trans_RCS')
+      integer ihit,irow,icol,irow8,icol8,ig8
+      integer icell,igroup64,ihalf64,ig64
+      include 'bigcal_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_gain_parms.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_geometry.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_hist_id.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_bypass_switches.cmn'
+*     start by sparsifying the raw data:       
+      call b_sparsify_rcs(ABORT,err)
+      if(ABORT) then
+         call g_add_path(here,err)
+         return
+      endif
+*     for now, only additional step will be to convert the decoded
+*     and ped-subtracted data to energies by multiplying with the 
+*     calibration constants. Actually, we should also have a database of 
+*     x and y positions of cell center relative to calorimeter center
+*     and we can fill those arrays here too. What sums should we  
+*     accumulate?
+*     loop over sparsified "good" hits
+      if( then
+        do ihit=1,BIGCAL_RCS_NGOOD
+          irow = BIGCAL_RCS_IYGOOD(ihit)
+          icol = BIGCAL_RCS_IXGOOD(ihit)
+          icell = icol + BIGCAL_RCS_NX*(irow - 1)
+          BIGCAL_RCS_ECELL(ihit) = BIGCAL_RCS_CFAC(icell) *
+     $         BIGCAL_RCS_ADC_GOOD(ihit) * BIGCAL_RCS_GAIN_COR(icell)
+          if(bigcal_rcs_adc_good(ihit).gt.bigcal_max_adc) then
+            bigcal_max_adc = bigcal_rcs_adc_good(ihit)
+            bigcal_iymax_adc = irow + bigcal_prot_ny
+            bigcal_ixmax_adc = icol
+          endif
+          if( call hf1(bid_bcal_row,float(irow+bigcal_prot_ny),1.0)
+          if( call hf1(bid_bcal_col,float(icol),1.0)
+          if( call hf2(bid_bcal_rowcol,float(icol),float(irow+
+     $         bigcal_prot_ny),1.0)
+          if(bid_badc(icell+bigcal_prot_maxhits).gt.0.and.b_use_peds_in_hist
+     $         .le.0) then
+             if(b_use_peds_in_hist.eq.0) then
+                call hf1(bid_badc(icell+bigcal_prot_maxhits),
+     $               bigcal_rcs_adc_good(ihit),1.0)
+             else
+                call hf1(bid_badc(icell+bigcal_prot_maxhits),
+     $               bigcal_rcs_adc_good(ihit)+bigcal_rcs_ped_mean(icell),1.)
+             endif
+          endif
+*     question of whether to group by hits or cells. 
+*     seems most logical and efficient to go by hits only and not 
+*     have to keep passing around the full array of cells with lots of 
+*     empties. 
+*     Fill also xgood and ygood arrays
+          BIGCAL_RCS_XGOOD(ihit) = BIGCAL_RCS_XCENTER(icell)
+          BIGCAL_RCS_YGOOD(ihit) = BIGCAL_RCS_YCENTER(icell)
+*     Fill detector array and increment sums of 8 and sums of 64
+          BIGCAL_RCS_GOOD_DET(icell) = BIGCAL_RCS_ECELL(ihit)
+*     Fill "all detector" array
+          bigcal_all_adc_good(ihit+bigcal_prot_ngood) = bigcal_rcs_adc_good(ihit)
+          bigcal_all_ecell(ihit+bigcal_prot_ngood) = bigcal_rcs_ecell(ihit)
+          bigcal_all_xgood(ihit+bigcal_prot_ngood) = bigcal_rcs_xgood(ihit)
+          bigcal_all_ygood(ihit+bigcal_prot_ngood) = bigcal_rcs_ygood(ihit)
+          bigcal_all_iygood(ihit+bigcal_prot_ngood) = irow+bigcal_prot_ny
+          bigcal_all_ixgood(ihit+bigcal_prot_ngood) = icol
+          bigcal_all_adc_det(icell+bigcal_prot_maxhits) = bigcal_rcs_adc_good(ihit)
+          bigcal_all_good_det(icell+bigcal_prot_maxhits) = bigcal_rcs_ecell(ihit)
+c     BIGCAL_RCS_GOOD_HIT(icell) = .true.
+          irow8 = irow + BIGCAL_PROT_NY
+          if( then 
+            icol8 = (icol - 1)/8 + 1
+          else 
+            icol8 = icol / 8 + 1
+          endif
+          ig8 = icol8 + (irow8 - 1)*BIGCAL_MAX_GROUPS
+          igroup64 = (irow8 - 1) / 3 + 1
+          ihalf64 = icol / 16 + 1
+          ig64 = ihalf64 + 2*(igroup64-1)
+c$$$          bigcal_tdc_sum8(ig8) = bigcal_tdc_sum8(ig8) + 
+c$$$     $         BIGCAL_RCS_ECELL(ihit)
+c$$$          bigcal_atrig_sum64(ig64) = bigcal_atrig_sum64(ig64) + 
+c$$$     $         BIGCAL_RCS_ECELL(ihit)
+c$$$          if( mod(irow8-1,3) .eq.0)then ! overlap row, also increment previous group
+c$$$            bigcal_atrig_sum64(ig64-2) = bigcal_atrig_sum64(ig64-2) +
+c$$$     $           bigcal_rcs_ecell(ihit)
+c$$$          endif
+          bigcal_tdc_sum8(ig8) = bigcal_tdc_sum8(ig8) + 
+     $         BIGCAL_RCS_ADC_GOOD(ihit)
+          bigcal_atrig_sum64(ig64) = bigcal_atrig_sum64(ig64) + 
+     $         BIGCAL_RCS_ADC_GOOD(ihit)
+          if( mod(irow8-1,3) .eq.0)then ! overlap row, also increment previous group
+            bigcal_atrig_sum64(ig64-2) = bigcal_atrig_sum64(ig64-2) +
+     $           bigcal_rcs_adc_good(ihit)
+          endif
+        enddo
+      endif
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/BTRACKING/b_trans_tdc.f b/BTRACKING/b_trans_tdc.f
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2fb1036
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BTRACKING/b_trans_tdc.f
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+      subroutine b_trans_tdc(ABORT,err)
+      implicit none
+      save
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      character*11 here
+      parameter (here='b_trans_tdc')
+      include 'bigcal_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_bypass_switches.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_tof_parms.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_hist_id.cmn'
+      include 'gep_data_structures.cmn'
+      integer*4 ihit,igroup,irow,itdc,ngood,thitnum
+      real*4 thit,tphc,ttrig ! hit time
+      real*4 ph
+      real*4 p0,p1,p2,p3
+      logical firsthit(BIGCAL_MAX_TDC)
+      call b_strip_tdc(ABORT,err)
+      if(ABORT) then
+         call g_add_path(here,err)
+         return
+      endif
+      if(BIGCAL_TDC_NDECODED .le. 0) return
+      ngood = 0
+      ! at this point, use looser cut: "bigcal_window"
+      ! do pulse height correction only if we have decoded the ADCs:
+      do ihit=1,BIGCAL_TDC_NDECODED
+        irow = BIGCAL_TDC_IROW(ihit)
+        igroup = BIGCAL_TDC_IGROUP(ihit)
+        itdc = igroup + (irow - 1) * BIGCAL_MAX_GROUPS
+        if( then
+          ph = 0.
+        else if( then
+          ph = 0.
+        else
+          ph = BIGCAL_TDC_SUM8(itdc)
+        endif
+        thit = BIGCAL_TDC(ihit) * bigcal_tdc_to_time ! convert to ns 
+        thit = bigcal_end_time - thit ! invert since we are in common-stop mode:
+        thit = thit - bigcal_g8_time_offset(itdc) 
+c$$$        if( then ! also subtract trigger time if there was a trigger
+c$$$           thit = thit - gep_btime(1)
+c$$$        else 
+c$$$           thit = thit - gep_btime_elastic
+c$$$        endif
+        if( then
+           p0 = bigcal_g8_phc_p0(itdc)
+           p1 = bigcal_g8_phc_p1(itdc)
+           p2 = bigcal_g8_phc_p2(itdc)
+           p3 = bigcal_g8_phc_p3(itdc)
+           tphc = p2 + (p0 + p1*ph)*exp(-p3*ph)
+        else
+           tphc = 0.
+        endif
+        thit = thit - tphc
+        if( then
+           ttrig = bigcal_end_time - gep_btime(1)
+        else
+           ttrig = bigcal_end_time - gep_btime_elastic
+        endif
+        if(abs(thit - ttrig).le.bigcal_window_slop)then
+          ngood = ngood + 1
+          BIGCAL_TIME_IROW(ngood) = irow
+          BIGCAL_TIME_IGROUP(ngood) = igroup
+          BIGCAL_HIT_TIME(ngood) = thit
+          bigcal_tdc_good(ngood) = bigcal_tdc(ihit)
+c     fill tdc histogram:
+          if(bid_btdc(itdc).gt.0) call hf1(bid_btdc(itdc),float(bigcal_tdc(ihit)),1.0)
+          if( call hf1(bid_bcal_row8,float(irow),1.)
+          if( call hf1(bid_bcal_col8,float(igroup),1.)
+          if( call hf2(bid_bcal_row8vscol8,float(igroup),
+     $         float(irow),1.)
+c          if(bid_btimewalk(itdc).gt.0) call hf2(bid_btimewalk(itdc),ph,thit,1.0)
+c     ! also fill "detector" array (arrays over tdc# as opposed to hits)
+          if(bigcal_tdc_det_ngood(itdc).lt.8)then
+            bigcal_tdc_det_ngood(itdc)=bigcal_tdc_det_ngood(itdc) + 1
+            thitnum = bigcal_tdc_det_ngood(itdc)
+            bigcal_tdc_good_det(itdc,thitnum) = thit
+          endif
+        endif
+      enddo
+      BIGCAL_TIME_NGOOD = ngood
+      return 
+      end
diff --git a/BTRACKING/b_trans_trig.f b/BTRACKING/b_trans_trig.f
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c47ebb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BTRACKING/b_trans_trig.f
@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
+      subroutine b_trans_trig(ABORT,err)
+      implicit none
+      save
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      character*12 here
+      parameter (here='b_trans_trig')
+      include 'bigcal_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_tof_parms.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_gain_parms.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_bypass_switches.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_hist_id.cmn'
+      include 'gep_data_structures.cmn'
+      integer*4 ihit,jhit,ihitbest,icell64best
+      real*4 hit_time,ph,esum,tphc,ttrig,mintdiff 
+      real*4 p0,p1,p2,p3
+      integer*4 irow64,icol64,icell64,ngood,thitnum
+      integer*4 jrow64,jcol64,jcell64
+      integer*4 irow8,icol8,icell8
+*     find trigger logic groups with good ADC/TDC values
+      call b_strip_trig(ABORT,err)
+      if(ABORT) then
+         call g_add_path(here,err)
+         return
+      endif
+      if(
+        do ihit=1,bigcal_atrig_ngood
+          irow64 = bigcal_atrig_good_igroup(ihit)
+          icol64 = bigcal_atrig_good_ihalf(ihit)
+          icell64 = icol64 + 2*(irow64 - 1)
+          bigcal_atrig_esum(ihit) = bigcal_trig_cfac(icell64) *
+     $         bigcal_atrig_adc_good(ihit)*bigcal_trig_gain_cor(icell64)
+c$$$          if(bid_btadc(icell64).gt.0.and.b_use_peds_in_hist.eq.0) then
+c$$$             call hf1(bid_btadc(icell64),
+c$$$     $            bigcal_atrig_adc_good(ihit),1.0)
+c$$$          endif
+          bigcal_atrig_good_det(icell64) = bigcal_atrig_esum(ihit)
+c$$$          if( then
+c$$$             call hf2(bid_bcal_tadcvsum64,bigcal_atrig_sum64(icell64),
+c$$$     $            bigcal_atrig_adc_good(ihit),1.0)
+c$$$          endif
+          if( call hf1(bid_bcal_arow64,float(irow64),1.)
+          if( call hf1(bid_bcal_acol64,float(icol64),1.)
+          if( call hf2(bid_bcal_arow64vsacol64,
+     $         float(icol64),float(irow64),1.)
+          if(
+     $ then
+             jrow64 = (bigcal_iymax_adc-1)/3 + 1
+             if(bigcal_iymax_adc.le.bigcal_prot_ny) then
+                jcol64 = (bigcal_ixmax_adc-1)/16 + 1
+             else
+                jcol64 = bigcal_ixmax_adc/16 + 1
+             endif
+             jcell64 = jcol64 + 2*(jrow64-1)
+             if(mod(bigcal_iymax_adc-1,3).eq.0) then ! overlap row
+c     pick closest group between jcell64 and jcell64-2, the other group to which
+c     the maximum belongs
+                if(abs(jcell64-icell64).lt.abs(jcell64-2-icell64)) then
+                   call hf2(bid_bcal_trchvmax64,float(jcell64),
+     $                  float(icell64),1.0)
+                else
+                   call hf2(bid_bcal_trchvmax64,float(jcell64-2),
+     $                  float(icell64),1.0)
+                endif
+             else ! not overlap, group of max is unique 
+                call hf2(bid_bcal_trchvmax64,float(jcell64),
+     $               float(icell64),1.0)
+             endif
+          endif
+        enddo
+      endif
+      ngood = 0
+      ihitbest = 0
+      icell64best = 0
+      mintdiff = 0.
+      if( then
+         do ihit=1,ntrigb
+            if(ihit.eq.1.or.abs(gep_btime(ihit)-gep_btime_elastic).lt.mintdiff) then
+               ttrig = bigcal_end_time - gep_btime(ihit)
+               mintdiff = abs(gep_btime(ihit)-gep_btime_elastic)
+            endif
+         enddo
+      else
+         ttrig = bigcal_end_time - gep_btime_elastic
+      endif
+      gep_btime_raw = ttrig
+      mintdiff = 0.
+      if( then
+         do ihit=1,bigcal_ttrig_ndecoded
+            irow64 = bigcal_ttrig_dec_igroup(ihit)
+            icol64 = bigcal_ttrig_dec_ihalf(ihit)
+            icell64 = icol64 + 2*(irow64-1)
+c$$$            if(
+c$$$     $           .le.bigcal_atrig_maxhits) then
+c$$$               ph = bigcal_atrig_sum64(icell64)
+c$$$            else
+c$$$               ph = 0.
+c$$$            endif
+            ph = bigcal_atrig_good_det(icell64)
+            hit_time = bigcal_ttrig_tdc_dec(ihit) * bigcal_tdc_to_time ! convert to ns
+            hit_time = bigcal_end_time - hit_time ! invert since we're in common stop mode.
+            hit_time = hit_time - bigcal_g64_time_offset(icell64) 
+c$$$            if( then ! also subtract trigger time if there was a trigger: otherwise, 
+c$$$c     subtract center of elastic timing window.
+c$$$               hit_time = hit_time - gep_btime(1)
+c$$$            else 
+c$$$               hit_time = hit_time - gep_btime_elastic
+c$$$            endif
+c$$$            hit_time = hit_time - bigcal_g64_phc_coeff(icell64) * 
+c$$$     $           sqrt(max(0.,(ph/bigcal_g64_minph(icell64)-1.)))
+            if(
+     $           ) then
+               p0 = bigcal_g64_phc_p0(icell64)
+               p1 = bigcal_g64_phc_p1(icell64)
+               p2 = bigcal_g64_phc_p2(icell64)
+               p3 = bigcal_g64_phc_p3(icell64)
+               tphc = p2 + (p0 + ph*p1)*exp(-p3*ph)
+            else
+               tphc = 0.
+            endif
+            hit_time = hit_time - tphc
+            if(abs(hit_time - ttrig).le.bigcal_window_slop) 
+     $           then
+               ngood = ngood + 1
+               if(ngood.eq.1.or.abs(hit_time - ttrig)<mintdiff) then
+                  mintdiff = abs(hit_time - ttrig)
+                  ihitbest = ngood
+                  icell64best = icell64
+               endif
+               bigcal_ttrig_good_igroup(ngood) = irow64
+               bigcal_ttrig_good_ihalf(ngood) = icol64
+               bigcal_ttrig_time_good(ngood) = hit_time
+               bigcal_ttrig_tdc_good(ngood) = bigcal_ttrig_tdc_dec(ihit)
+c     fill trig tdc histogram
+               do jhit=1,bigcal_atrig_ngood
+                  jrow64 = bigcal_atrig_good_igroup(jhit)
+                  jcol64 = bigcal_atrig_good_ihalf(jhit)
+                  jcell64 = jcol64 + 2*(jrow64-1)
+                  if( call hf2(bid_bcal_ttchanvstachan,
+     $                 float(jcell64),float(icell64),1.)
+               enddo
+               if( call hf1(bid_bcal_trow64,float(irow64),1.)
+               if( call hf1(bid_bcal_tcol64,float(icol64),1.)
+               if( call hf2(bid_bcal_trow64vstcol64,
+     $              float(icol64),float(irow64),1.)
+               if(bid_bttdc(icell64).gt.0) call hf1(bid_bttdc(icell64),
+     $              float(bigcal_ttrig_tdc_good(ngood)),1.0)
+               if(bigcal_ttrig_det_ngood(icell64).lt.8) then
+                  bigcal_ttrig_det_ngood(icell64) = 
+     $                 bigcal_ttrig_det_ngood(icell64) + 1
+                  thitnum = bigcal_ttrig_det_ngood(icell64)
+                  bigcal_ttrig_good_det(icell64,thitnum) = hit_time
+               endif
+               if(
+     $     then
+                  do jhit=1,bigcal_time_ngood
+                     irow8 = bigcal_time_irow(jhit)
+                     icol8 = bigcal_time_igroup(jhit)
+                     icell8 = icol8 + 4*(irow8-1)
+                     jcell64 = (icol8-1)/2 + 1 + 2*((irow8-1)/3)
+                     if( then
+                        if(mod(irow8-1,3).eq.0) then ! overlap row
+                           if(abs(jcell64-icell64).lt.abs(jcell64-2-icell64)) then
+                              call hf2(bid_bcal_ttchanvstgroup,float(jcell64),
+     $                             float(icell64),1.)
+                           else
+                              call hf2(bid_bcal_ttchanvstgroup,float(jcell64-2),
+     $                             float(icell64),1.)
+                           endif
+                        else ! not overlap row
+                           call hf2(bid_bcal_ttchanvstgroup,float(jcell64),
+     $                          float(icell64),1.)
+                        endif
+                     endif
+c     check if the two hits match: 
+                     if( (icol8-1)/2 + 1 .eq. icol64 ) then
+                        if( (irow8-1)/3 + 1 .eq. irow64 .or.(irow8-1)/3-1
+     $                       .eq. irow64) then
+                           call hf2(bid_bcal_ttdcvtdc,
+     $                          bigcal_hit_time(jhit),hit_time,1.0)
+                        endif
+                     endif
+                  enddo
+               endif
+            endif
+         enddo
+      endif
+c     walk-correct the trigger time now: 
+c      write(*,*) 'icell64best=',icell64best
+      if( then
+c         write(*,*) 'adc64=',bigcal_atrig_good_det(icell64best)
+c         write(*,*) 'minph,maxph=',btrig_phc_minph,btrig_phc_maxph
+         if(bigcal_atrig_good_det(icell64best).ge.btrig_phc_minph.and.
+     $        bigcal_atrig_good_det(icell64best).le.btrig_phc_maxph) then
+            p0 = btrig_phc_p0
+            p1 = btrig_phc_p1
+            p2 = btrig_phc_p2
+            p3 = btrig_phc_p3
+            ph = bigcal_atrig_good_det(icell64best)
+            tphc = p2 + (p0 + p1*ph)*exp(-p3*ph)
+c            write(*,*) 'adc,phc=',bigcal_atrig_good_det(icell64best),tphc
+            gep_btime_corr = ttrig - tphc
+c            write(*,*) 'walk-corrected BigCal trigger time=',gep_btime_corr
+         else 
+            gep_btime_corr = ttrig
+         endif
+      else 
+         gep_btime_corr = ttrig
+      endif
+      do icell64=1,bigcal_atrig_maxhits
+         if(bigcal_ttrig_det_ngood(icell64).gt.0) then
+            if(bid_btadc(icell64).gt.0.and.b_use_peds_in_hist.eq.0) then
+               call hf1(bid_btadc(icell64),
+     $              bigcal_atrig_good_det(icell64),1.0)
+            endif
+            if( then
+               call hf2(bid_bcal_tadcvsum64,bigcal_atrig_sum64(icell64),
+     $              bigcal_atrig_good_det(icell64),1.0)
+            endif
+         endif
+      enddo
+      bigcal_ttrig_ngood = ngood
+      return 
+      end
diff --git a/BTRACKING/bigcal_calib.f b/BTRACKING/bigcal_calib.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d6c91f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BTRACKING/bigcal_calib.f
@@ -0,0 +1,646 @@
+      subroutine bigcal_calib(abort,err)
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*12 here
+      parameter(here='bigcal_calib')
+      include 'bigcal_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_bypass_switches.cmn'
+      include 'gen_run_info.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_filenames.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_gain_parms.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_hist_id.cmn'
+      integer nempty,nsmalldiag,N,irow,icol,jrow,jcol,icell,jcell,ismall,iempty
+      integer ihit,jhit,i,j,k
+      integer iochan,iflag_matr
+      real*4 c_old,g_old,c_new,g_new
+      real*4 newavg,redavg
+      integer*4 nnewavg,nredavg
+      integer*4 Nred,ired,jred
+      real*4 bigcal_reduced_matrix(bigcal_all_maxhits,bigcal_all_maxhits)
+      real*4 bigcal_reduced_vector(bigcal_all_maxhits)
+      integer*4 bigcal_ivect(bigcal_all_maxhits)
+      integer*4 bigcal_imatr(bigcal_all_maxhits,bigcal_all_maxhits)
+      integer*4 bigcal_jmatr(bigcal_all_maxhits,bigcal_all_maxhits)
+      logical fillhist
+      character*80 filename
+      logical abort
+      character*(*) err
+c     build reduced matrix if parameters are set:
+c      write(*,*) 'building reduced matrix Nred=',Nred
+c      if( then
+      Nred = 0
+      ired = 0
+      jred = 0
+      if(
+     $
+     $ then
+         if(bigcal_calib_ixlo(1).ge.1.and.bigcal_calib_ixlo(1).le.32
+     $        .and.bigcal_calib_ixhi(1).ge.1.and.bigcal_calib_ixhi(1)
+     $        .le.32.and.bigcal_calib_ixhi(1).gt.bigcal_calib_ixlo(1)) then
+            if(bigcal_calib_ixlo(2).ge.1.and.bigcal_calib_ixlo(2).le.30
+     $           .and.bigcal_calib_ixhi(2).ge.1.and.bigcal_calib_ixhi(2)
+     $           .le.30.and.bigcal_calib_ixhi(2).gt.bigcal_calib_ixlo(2)) then
+c               ired=0
+               do i=1,bigcal_all_maxhits
+                  if(i.le.1024) then
+                     irow = (i-1)/32 + 1
+                     icol = mod(i-1,32) + 1
+                  else
+                     j=i-1024
+                     irow = (j-1)/30 + 33
+                     icol = mod(j-1,30) + 1
+                  endif
+                  if( then
+                     if(irow.le.32) then
+                        if( then
+                           ired = ired + 1
+c                           write(*,*) 'i,irow,icol,ired=',i,irow,icol,ired
+                           bigcal_reduced_vector(ired) = bigcal_vector(i)
+                           bigcal_ivect(ired) = i
+                           jred = 0
+                           do j=1,bigcal_all_maxhits
+                              if(j.le.1024) then
+                                 jrow = (j-1)/32 + 1
+                                 jcol = mod(j-1,32) + 1
+                              else
+                                 k = j - 1024
+                                 jrow = (k-1)/30 + 33
+                                 jcol = mod(k-1,30) + 1
+                              endif
+                              if( then
+                                 if(jrow.le.32) then
+                                    if(
+     $                                   bigcal_calib_ixhi(1)) then
+                                       jred = jred + 1
+c                                       write(*,*) 'j,jrow,jcol,jred=',j,jrow,jcol,jred
+                                       bigcal_reduced_matrix(ired,jred) = bigcal_matrix(i,j)
+                                       bigcal_imatr(ired,jred) = i
+                                       bigcal_jmatr(ired,jred) = j
+                                    endif
+                                 else
+                                    if(
+     $                                   bigcal_calib_ixhi(2)) then
+                                       jred = jred + 1
+c                                       write(*,*) 'j,jrow,jcol,jred=',j,jrow,jcol,jred
+                                       bigcal_reduced_matrix(ired,jred) = bigcal_matrix(i,j)
+                                       bigcal_imatr(ired,jred) = i
+                                       bigcal_jmatr(ired,jred) = j
+                                    endif
+                                 endif
+                              endif
+                           enddo
+c                           write(*,*) 'ired,jredFINAL=',ired,jred
+                        endif
+                     else
+                        if( then
+                           ired = ired + 1
+c                           write(*,*) 'i,irow,icol,ired=',i,irow,icol,ired
+                           bigcal_reduced_vector(ired) = bigcal_vector(i)
+                           bigcal_ivect(ired) = i
+                           jred = 0
+                           do j=1,bigcal_all_maxhits
+                              if(j.le.1024) then
+                                 jrow = (j-1)/32 + 1
+                                 jcol = mod(j-1,32) + 1
+                              else
+                                 k = j - 1024
+                                 jrow = (k-1)/30 + 33
+                                 jcol = mod(k-1,30) + 1
+                              endif
+                              if( then
+                                 if(jrow.le.32) then
+                                    if(
+     $                                   bigcal_calib_ixhi(1)) then
+                                       jred = jred + 1
+c                                       write(*,*) 'j,jrow,jcol,jred=',j,jrow,jcol,jred
+                                       bigcal_reduced_matrix(ired,jred) = bigcal_matrix(i,j)
+                                       bigcal_imatr(ired,jred) = i
+                                       bigcal_jmatr(ired,jred) = j
+                                    endif
+                                 else
+                                    if(
+     $                                   bigcal_calib_ixhi(2)) then
+                                       jred = jred + 1
+c                                       write(*,*) 'j,jrow,jcol,jred=',j,jrow,jcol,jred
+                                       bigcal_reduced_matrix(ired,jred) = bigcal_matrix(i,j)
+                                       bigcal_imatr(ired,jred) = i
+                                       bigcal_jmatr(ired,jred) = j
+                                    endif
+                                 endif
+                              endif
+                           enddo
+c                           write(*,*) 'ired,jredFINAL=',ired,jred
+                        endif
+                     endif
+                  endif
+               enddo
+c               write(*,*) 'iredFINAL=',ired
+               Nred = ired
+            endif
+         endif
+      endif
+      write(*,*) 'built reduced matrix Nred=',Nred
+      abort = .false.
+      err = ' '
+c     first check whether we have enough events to do a decent calibration:
+      if( then ! save matrix to a file to start next run.
+         write(*,*) 'not enough events to calibrate, saving matrix'//
+     $        ' for next run'
+         write(*,*) 'number of events in calib. matrix = ',bigcal_nmatr_event
+         if(' ') then
+            filename = b_calib_matrix_filename
+            call g_IO_control(iochan,'ANY',abort,err)
+            if(abort) then
+               call g_add_path(here,err)
+               return
+            endif
+            open(unit=iochan,file=filename,status='unknown',
+     $           form='unformatted',err=34)
+            write(iochan) bigcal_nmatr_event
+            write(iochan) bigcal_vector
+            write(iochan) bigcal_matrix
+            call g_IO_control(iochan,'FREE',abort,err)
+            if(abort) then
+               call g_add_path(here,err)
+               return
+            endif
+            close(iochan)
+            return
+ 34         write(*,*) 'problem opening '//filename
+            return 
+         else
+            write(*,*) 'WARNING: insufficient events '//
+     $           'to calibrate BigCal, but '
+            write(*,*) 'b_calib_matrix_filename undefined'
+            write(*,*) 'next run calibration analysis will '//
+     $           'start over at zero events!'
+         endif
+      else                      ! have enough events, do calibration
+c     before solving matrix, determine nempty, nsmall, and nsmalldiag per Kravtsov:
+         write(*,*) 'Ready to do calibration: nevent=',bigcal_nmatr_event
+         if( then
+            write(*,*) 'using reduced calibration matrix:'
+            write(*,366) '(xlop,xhip,xlor,xhir,ylo,yhi)=(',bigcal_calib_ixlo(1),
+     $           ',',bigcal_calib_ixhi(1),',',bigcal_calib_ixlo(2),',',bigcal_calib_ixhi(2),
+     $           ',',bigcal_calib_iylo,',',bigcal_calib_iyhi
+ 366        format(A33,5(I3,A2),I3)
+         endif
+         do i=1,N
+            bigcal_matr_iempty(i) = 0
+            bigcal_matr_ismalld(i) = 0
+         enddo
+         nempty = 0
+         nsmalldiag = 0
+         N = bigcal_all_maxhits
+c         newavg = 0.
+         ired = 1
+         do i=1,N
+c     newavg = newavg + bigcal_vector(i)
+            if(bigcal_vector(i).eq.0.) then
+               nempty = nempty + 1
+               bigcal_matr_iempty(nempty) = i 
+               bigcal_vector(i) = 1.
+               bigcal_matrix(i,i) = 1.
+               if(bigcal_ivect(ired).eq.i) then
+                  bigcal_reduced_vector(ired) = 1.
+                  bigcal_reduced_matrix(ired,ired) = 1.
+               endif
+            endif
+            if(bigcal_matrix(i,i).lt.0.1*bigcal_vector(i)) then
+               nsmalldiag = nsmalldiag + 1
+               bigcal_matr_ismalld(nsmalldiag) = i
+               bigcal_vector(i) = 1.
+               if(bigcal_ivect(ired).eq.i) then
+                  bigcal_reduced_vector(ired) = 1.
+                  do jred=1,Nred
+                     bigcal_reduced_matrix(ired,jred) = 0.
+                     bigcal_reduced_matrix(jred,ired) = 0.
+                  enddo
+                  bigcal_reduced_matrix(ired,ired) = 1.
+               endif
+               do j=1,N
+                  bigcal_matrix(i,j) = 0.
+                  bigcal_matrix(j,i) = 0.
+               enddo
+               bigcal_matrix(i,i) = 1.
+            endif
+            if(bigcal_ivect(ired).eq.i) ired = ired + 1
+         enddo
+c         newavg = newavg / N
+         bigcal_matr_nempty = nempty
+         bigcal_matr_nsmalldiag = nsmalldiag
+         do i=1,nempty
+            if( call hf1(bid_bcal_empty,
+     $           float(bigcal_matr_iempty(i)),1.)
+         enddo
+         do i=1,nsmalldiag
+            if( call hf1(bid_bcal_small,
+     $           float(bigcal_matr_ismalld(i)),1.)
+         enddo
+c     call cernlib routine to solve the system of equations:
+c     replaces "bigcal_vector" with the solution vector of coefficients
+         call rseqn(N,bigcal_matrix,N,iflag_matr,1,bigcal_vector)
+         if( then
+            call rseqn(Nred,bigcal_reduced_matrix,N,iflag_matr,1,bigcal_reduced_vector)
+            if( then
+               ired = 1
+               do i=1,N
+                  if(i.eq.bigcal_ivect(ired)) then
+                     bigcal_vector(i) = bigcal_reduced_vector(ired)
+                     ired = ired + 1
+                  else
+                     bigcal_vector(i) = 1.
+                  endif
+               enddo   
+            endif
+         endif
+         bigcal_matr_iflag = iflag_matr
+         if(iflag_matr.eq.-1) then
+            write(*,*) '%BIGCAL CALIB: matrix not positive-definite'
+            return
+         else 
+            write(*,*) '%BIGCAL CALIB: calibration successful'
+         endif
+c     now write out a CTP parm file with the new calibration coefficients:
+         if(' ') then
+            filename = b_calib_parm_filename
+            write(*,*) filename
+            call g_sub_run_number(filename,gen_run_number)
+            write(*,*) 'writing new calib. coeffs. to '//filename
+            call g_IO_control(iochan,'ANY',abort,err)
+            if(abort) then
+               call g_add_path(here,err)
+               return
+            endif
+            open(unit=iochan,file=filename,status='unknown',
+     $           form='formatted',err=35)
+c     amplitudes were already multiplied by cfac and gain_cor, therefore, to get the new calibration coefficients,
+c     we have to separate out the effect of such:
+c     Eguess = cfac_old*gain_cor_old * (ADC - PED)
+c     set new gain_cor to 1
+c     Eactual = Ccalculated * Eguess = cfac_new * (ADC - PED)
+c     --> cfac_new = cfac_old*gain_cor_old * Ccalculated
+c     --> gain_cor_new = 1
+            newavg = 0.
+            redavg = 0.
+            nnewavg = 0
+            nredavg = 0
+            ired = 1
+            ismall = 1
+            iempty = 1
+            do i=1,bigcal_prot_maxhits
+               fillhist = .true.
+               if(bigcal_matr_ismalld(ismall).eq.i) then
+                  fillhist = .false.
+                  ismall = ismall + 1
+               endif
+               if(bigcal_matr_iempty(iempty).eq.i) then
+                  fillhist = .false.
+                  iempty = iempty + 1
+               endif
+               irow = (i-1)/32 + 1
+               icol = mod(i-1,32) + 1
+               c_old = bigcal_prot_cfac(i)
+               g_old = bigcal_prot_gain_cor(i)
+               g_new = 1.
+               c_new = bigcal_vector(i) * c_old * g_old
+               bigcal_prot_gain_cor(i) = 1.
+               bigcal_prot_cfac(i) = bigcal_vector(i) * c_old * g_old
+               if( call hf1(bid_bcal_cfac_old,
+     $              float(i),c_old*g_old)
+c$$$               if( call hf1(bid_bcal_oldxnew,
+c$$$     $              float(i),bigcal_prot_cfac(i))
+c$$$               if(.not.( then ! using full matrix
+c$$$                  if( call hf1(bid_bcal_cfac_new,
+c$$$     $                 float(i),bigcal_vector(i))
+c$$$                  if( call hf1(bid_bcal_cfac_dist,
+c$$$     $                 bigcal_vector(i),1.)
+c$$$               endif
+               newavg = newavg + c_new
+               nnewavg = nnewavg + 1
+               if(i.eq.bigcal_ivect(ired)) then
+                  ired = ired + 1
+                  if(
+     $        then
+                     if( call hf1(bid_bcal_cfac_new,
+     $                    float(i),bigcal_vector(i))
+                     if( call hf1(bid_bcal_cfac_dist,
+     $                    bigcal_vector(i),1.)
+                     redavg = redavg + c_new
+                     nredavg = nredavg + 1
+                  endif
+               endif
+            enddo
+            do i=1,bigcal_rcs_maxhits
+               irow = (i-1)/30 + 33
+               icol = mod(i-1,30) + 1
+               fillhist = .true.
+               if(bigcal_matr_ismalld(ismall).eq.i+1024) then
+                  fillhist = .false.
+                  ismall = ismall + 1
+               endif
+               if(bigcal_matr_iempty(iempty).eq.i+1024) then
+                  fillhist = .false.
+                  iempty = iempty + 1
+               endif
+               c_old = bigcal_rcs_cfac(i)
+               g_old = bigcal_rcs_gain_cor(i)
+               bigcal_rcs_gain_cor(i) = 1.
+               bigcal_rcs_cfac(i) = bigcal_vector(i+bigcal_prot_maxhits) * 
+     $              c_old * g_old
+               g_new = 1.
+               c_new = bigcal_vector(i+bigcal_prot_maxhits) * c_old * g_old
+               if( call hf1(bid_bcal_cfac_old,
+     $              float(i+bigcal_prot_maxhits),c_old*g_old)
+c$$$               if( call hf1(bid_bcal_oldxnew,
+c$$$     $              float(i+bigcal_prot_maxhits),bigcal_rcs_cfac(i))
+c$$$               if( call hf1(bid_bcal_cfac_new,
+c$$$     $              float(i+bigcal_prot_maxhits),bigcal_vector(i+bigcal_prot_maxhits))
+c$$$               if( call hf1(bid_bcal_cfac_dist,
+c$$$     $              bigcal_vector(i+bigcal_prot_maxhits),1.)
+               newavg = newavg + c_new
+               nnewavg = nnewavg + 1
+               if(i + bigcal_prot_maxhits.eq.bigcal_ivect(ired)) then
+                  ired = ired + 1
+                  if(
+     $        then
+                     if( call hf1(bid_bcal_cfac_new,
+     $                    float(i+bigcal_prot_maxhits),bigcal_vector(i+bigcal_prot_maxhits))
+                     if( call hf1(bid_bcal_cfac_dist,
+     $                    bigcal_vector(i+bigcal_prot_maxhits),1.)
+                     redavg = redavg + c_new
+                     nredavg = nredavg + 1
+                  endif
+               endif
+            enddo
+            newavg = newavg / nnewavg 
+            redavg = redavg / nredavg
+c     replace "empty" and "small diag." channels with the average new calibration constant:
+c     also replace any channels that aren't in the reduced calib. matrix with the reduced avg.
+            do i=1,nsmalldiag
+               icell = bigcal_matr_ismalld(i)
+               if(icell.le.bigcal_prot_maxhits) then
+                  bigcal_prot_cfac(icell) = newavg
+                  if( then
+                     bigcal_prot_cfac(icell) = redavg
+                  endif
+               else 
+                  bigcal_rcs_cfac(icell-bigcal_prot_maxhits) = newavg
+                  if( then
+                     bigcal_rcs_cfac(icell-bigcal_prot_maxhits) = redavg
+                  endif
+               endif
+            enddo
+            do i=1,nempty
+               icell = bigcal_matr_iempty(i)
+               if(icell.le.bigcal_prot_maxhits) then
+                  bigcal_prot_cfac(icell) = newavg
+                  if( then
+                     bigcal_prot_cfac(icell) = redavg
+                  endif
+               else
+                  bigcal_rcs_cfac(icell-bigcal_prot_maxhits) = newavg
+                  if( then
+                     bigcal_rcs_cfac(icell-bigcal_prot_maxhits) = redavg
+                  endif
+               endif
+            enddo
+c     also replace any channels outside of the specified range with the average of channels calibrated 
+c     using the reduced matrix. 
+            ired=1
+            do i=1,N
+               if(i.eq.bigcal_ivect(ired)) then
+                  ired = ired + 1
+                  if(i.le.1024) then
+                     irow= (i-1)/32 + 1
+                     icol= mod(i-1,32) + 1
+                     if(irow.eq.bigcal_calib_iylo.or.irow.eq.bigcal_calib_iyhi.or.
+     $                    icol.eq.bigcal_calib_ixlo(1).or.icol.eq.bigcal_calib_ixhi(1)) then
+                        bigcal_prot_cfac(i) = redavg
+                     endif
+                     if(bigcal_prot_cfac(i).lt..05*redavg.or.bigcal_prot_cfac(i).gt.20.*redavg) then
+                        bigcal_prot_cfac(i) = redavg
+                     endif
+                  else
+                     irow=(i-1025)/30 + 33
+                     icol=mod(i-1025,30) + 1
+                     if(irow.eq.bigcal_calib_iylo.or.irow.eq.bigcal_calib_iyhi.or.
+     $                    icol.eq.bigcal_calib_ixlo(2).or.icol.eq.bigcal_calib_ixhi(2)) then
+                        bigcal_rcs_cfac(i-1024) = redavg
+                     endif
+                     if(bigcal_rcs_cfac(i-1024).lt..05*redavg.or.bigcal_rcs_cfac(i-1024).gt.20.*redavg) then
+                        bigcal_rcs_cfac(i-1024) = redavg
+                     endif
+                  endif
+               else
+                  if(i.le.1024) then
+                     bigcal_prot_cfac(i) = redavg
+                  else
+                     bigcal_rcs_cfac(i-1024) = redavg
+                  endif
+               endif
+            enddo
+c     now that all the "empty" and "small diagonal" channels have been replaced with the appropriate averages,
+c     fill the histograms with the new calibration constants:
+            if( then
+               do i=1,bigcal_all_maxhits
+                  if(i.le.1024) then
+                     call hf1(bid_bcal_oldxnew,float(i),bigcal_prot_cfac(i))
+                  else
+                     call hf1(bid_bcal_oldxnew,float(i),bigcal_rcs_cfac(i-1024))
+                  endif
+               enddo
+            endif
+            write(iochan,*) 'bigcal_prot_cfac = '
+            do i=1,(bigcal_prot_maxhits/8)
+               if( then
+                  write(iochan,101) (bigcal_prot_cfac(j+8*(i-1)),
+     $                 ', ',j=1,8)
+               else 
+                  write(iochan,102) (bigcal_prot_cfac(j+8*(i-1)),
+     $                 ', ',j=1,7),bigcal_prot_cfac(8+8*(i-1))
+               endif
+            enddo
+            write(iochan,*) 'bigcal_prot_gain_cor = '
+            do i=1,(bigcal_prot_maxhits/8)
+               if( then
+                  write(iochan,101) (bigcal_prot_gain_cor(j+8*(i-1)),
+     $                 ', ',j=1,8)
+               else 
+                  write(iochan,102) (bigcal_prot_gain_cor(j+8*(i-1)),
+     $                 ', ',j=1,7),bigcal_prot_gain_cor(8+8*(i-1))
+               endif
+            enddo
+            write(iochan,*) 'bigcal_rcs_cfac = '
+            do i=1,(bigcal_rcs_maxhits/8)
+               if( then
+                  write(iochan,101) (bigcal_rcs_cfac(j+8*(i-1)),
+     $                 ', ',j=1,8)
+               else 
+                  write(iochan,102) (bigcal_rcs_cfac(j+8*(i-1)),
+     $                 ', ',j=1,7),bigcal_rcs_cfac(8+8*(i-1))
+               endif
+            enddo
+            write(iochan,*) 'bigcal_rcs_gain_cor = '
+            do i=1,(bigcal_rcs_maxhits/8)
+               if( then
+                  write(iochan,101) (bigcal_rcs_gain_cor(j+8*(i-1)),
+     $                 ', ',j=1,8)
+               else 
+                  write(iochan,102) (bigcal_rcs_gain_cor(j+8*(i-1)),
+     $                 ', ',j=1,7),bigcal_rcs_gain_cor(8+8*(i-1))
+               endif
+            enddo
+ 101        format(8(F12.5,A2))
+ 102        format(7(F12.5,A2),F12.5)
+c     shut down the file:
+            call g_IO_control(iochan,'FREE',abort,err)
+            if(abort) then
+               call g_add_path(here,err)
+               return
+            endif
+            close(iochan)
+         endif
+c     reset calibration matrix to zero and rewrite the original file without the 
+c     '_%d.param' extension. This way, if we are replaying runs using a script, the
+c     next run will find the calibration coefficients reset:
+         bigcal_nmatr_event = 0
+         do i=1,bigcal_all_maxhits
+            bigcal_vector(i) = 0.
+            do j=1,bigcal_all_maxhits
+               bigcal_matrix(i,j) = 0.
+            enddo
+         enddo 
+         filename = b_calib_matrix_filename
+         call g_IO_control(iochan,'ANY',abort,err)
+         if(abort) then
+            call g_add_path(here,err)
+            return
+         endif
+         open(unit=iochan,file=filename,status='unknown',
+     $        form='unformatted',err=35)
+         write(iochan) bigcal_nmatr_event
+         write(iochan) bigcal_vector
+         write(iochan) bigcal_matrix
+         call g_IO_control(iochan,'FREE',abort,err)
+         if(abort) then
+            call g_add_path(here,err)
+            return
+         endif
+         close(iochan)
+         return
+ 35      write(*,*) 'problem opening '//filename
+         return
+      endif
+      return 
+      end
diff --git a/CODA/.cvsignore b/CODA/.cvsignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92aeffc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CODA/.cvsignore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/CODA/CVS/Entries b/CODA/CVS/Entries
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..24e1c6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CODA/CVS/Entries
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+/.cvsignore/1.1/Thu Jul  8 18:40:13 2004//Tsane
+/Makefile/1.1/Mon Dec  7 22:11:04 1998//Tsane
+/Makefile.Unix/ Sep 10 20:08:01 2007//Tsane
+/ceMsg.h/1.1/Mon Dec  7 22:11:04 1998//Tsane
+/ceMsgLib.c/1.1/Mon Dec  7 22:11:04 1998//Tsane
+/ceMsgTbl.c/1.1/Mon Dec  7 22:11:05 1998//Tsane
+/evfile.msg/1.1/Mon Dec  7 22:11:05 1998//Tsane
+/evfile_msg.h/1.1/Mon Dec  7 22:11:05 1998//Tsane
+/evio.c/ Mar  3 20:10:23 2011//Tsane
+/evtest.c/1.1/Mon Dec  7 22:11:05 1998//Tsane
+/facility/1.1/Mon Dec  7 22:11:05 1998//Tsane
+/misc.c/1.1/Wed Feb 24 15:27:44 1999//Tsane
+/swap_util.c/1.1/Mon Dec  7 22:11:05 1998//Tsane
diff --git a/CODA/CVS/Repository b/CODA/CVS/Repository
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea85d43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CODA/CVS/Repository
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/CODA/CVS/Root b/CODA/CVS/Root
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6288c3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CODA/CVS/Root
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/CODA/CVS/Tag b/CODA/CVS/Tag
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..25d73f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CODA/CVS/Tag
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/CODA/Makefile b/CODA/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a38ad3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CODA/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# $Log: Makefile,v $
+# Revision 1.1  1998/12/07 22:11:04  saw
+# Initial setup
+include $(ETC)/Makefile.NEW
diff --git a/CODA/Makefile.Unix b/CODA/Makefile.Unix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..843608b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CODA/Makefile.Unix
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+#  Copyright (c) 1991,1992 Southeastern Universities Research Association,
+#                          Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility
+#  This software was developed under a United States Government license
+#  described in the NOTICE file included as part of this distribution.
+#  CEBAF Data Acquisition Group, 12000 Jefferson Ave., Newport News, VA 23606
+#  Email:  Tel: (804) 249-7101  Fax: (804) 249-7363
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#  Description:
+# 	Makefile for event file I/O library, line mode dump utility
+#  Author:  Chip Watson, CEBAF Data Acquisition Group
+#  Revision History:
+#    $Log: Makefile.Unix,v $
+#    Revision  2007/09/10 20:08:01  pcarter
+#    Implemented changes to allow compilation on RHEL 3,4,5 and MacOSX
+#    Revision 1.4  2004/07/07 21:07:21  saw
+#    Move CODA routine from libctp to libcoda
+#    Revision 1.3  1999/02/24 15:27:43  saw
+#    Add to CVS tree
+#    Revision 1.2  1998/12/09 16:31:01  saw
+#    Remove dependence on Csoft environment variable
+#    Revision 1.1  1998/12/07 22:11:04  saw
+#    Initial setup
+# Revision 1.4  93/07/22  11:23:47  11:23:47  heyes (Graham Heyes)
+# Convert to use master makefile format
+# Revision 1.3  92/07/14  20:02:27  20:02:27  watson (Chip Watson)
+# fixed CODA targets
+# Revision 1.2  1992/07/08  19:17:49  watson
+# Add dependence of evio on evfile_msg.h
+# Revision 1.1  1992/07/08  18:28:03  watson
+# Initial revision
+include ../../etc/Makefile
+include ../../etc/Makefile.flags
+  install-dirs := lib #include
+  lib_targets      = libcoda.a(evio.o) libcoda.a(swap_util.o) \
+	libcoda.a(ceMsgLib.o) libcoda.a(ceMsgTbl.o)
+#  include_targets  = evfile_msg.h
+  sources          = evio.c evtest.c swap_util.c ceMsgLib.c ceMsgTbl.c
+ifeq ($(MYOS),Linux)
+  lib_targets := $(lib_targets) libcoda.a(misc.o)
+  sources := $(sources) misc.c
+ifeq ($(MYOS),OSF1)
+  CC = cc
+  CC = gcc
+../%.c : $(NFSDIRECTORY)/CODA/%.c
+	ln -s $< $@
+../%.h : $(NFSDIRECTORY)/CODA/%.h
+	ln -s $< $@
+../%.msg : $(NFSDIRECTORY)/CODA/%.msg
+	ln -s $< $@
+.PRECIOUS: ../%.c ../%.h ../%.msg
+evio.o:	../evio.c ../evfile_msg.h
+evtest:	evtest.o evio.o swap_util.o $(CODALIB)
+	$(CC) -o $@ evtest.o evio.o swap_util.o $(CODALIB)
+.PRECIOUS: evfile_msg.h
+evfile_msg.h:	evfile.msg 
+	makeMsgTbl
+#	$(RM) *.o evfile_msg.h ceMsgTbl.c evtest *.dat
+include $(sources:.c=.d)
diff --git a/CODA/ceMsg.h b/CODA/ceMsg.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b298a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CODA/ceMsg.h
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 1991,1992 Southeastern Universities Research Association,
+ *                         Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility
+ *
+ * This software was developed under a United States Government license
+ * described in the NOTICE file included as part of this distribution.
+ *
+ * CEBAF Data Acquisition Group, 12000 Jefferson Ave., Newport News, VA 23606
+ * Email:  Tel: (804) 249-7101  Fax: (804) 249-7363
+ *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * 
+ * Description:
+ *	Include file to define error message field values, structure
+ *	
+ * Author:  Chip Watson
+ *
+ * Revision History:
+ *   $Log: ceMsg.h,v $
+ *   Revision 1.1  1998/12/07 22:11:04  saw
+ *   Initial setup
+ *
+*	  Revision 1.1  94/03/16  07:57:22  07:57:22  heyes (Graham Heyes)
+*	  Initial revision
+*	  Revision 1.1  94/03/15  11:56:42  11:56:42  heyes (Graham Heyes)
+*	  Initial revision
+ *	  Revision 1.1  92/07/14  18:27:34  18:27:34  watson (Chip Watson)
+ *	  Initial revision
+ *	  
+ */
+#define CEMSG_ALL 0
+#define CEMSG_NAME 1
+#define CEMSG_MSG 2
+#define CEMSG_SEV 3
+#define CEMSG_FAC 4
+#define CEMSG_CODE 5
+#define CEMSG_INFO 0
+#define CEMSG_WARN 1
+#define CEMSG_ERROR 2
+#define CEMSG_FATAL 3
+#define cemsg_severity(code) (((code)>>30)&3)
+typedef struct coda_error_table_entry {
+  char *name;
+  int  num;
+  char *msg;
diff --git a/CODA/ceMsgLib.c b/CODA/ceMsgLib.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c52def1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CODA/ceMsgLib.c
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 1991,1992 Southeastern Universities Research Association,
+ *                         Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility
+ *
+ * This software was developed under a United States Government license
+ * described in the NOTICE file included as part of this distribution.
+ *
+ * CEBAF Data Acquisition Group, 12000 Jefferson Ave., Newport News, VA 23606
+ * Email:  Tel: (804) 249-7101  Fax: (804) 249-7363
+ *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * 
+ * Description:
+ *	Routines to extract message text from message table
+ *	
+ * Author:  Chip Watson, CEBAF Data Acquisition Group
+ *
+ * Revision History:
+ *   $Log: ceMsgLib.c,v $
+ *   Revision 1.1  1998/12/07 22:11:04  saw
+ *   Initial setup
+ *
+*	  Revision 1.1  94/03/16  07:57:20  07:57:20  heyes (Graham Heyes)
+*	  Initial revision
+*	  Revision 1.1  94/03/15  11:56:40  11:56:40  heyes (Graham Heyes)
+*	  Initial revision
+ *	  Revision 1.2  93/07/21  09:07:35  09:07:35  heyes (Graham Heyes)
+ *	  Get rid of anoying pointer without cast warning
+ *	  
+ *	  Revision 1.1  92/07/14  18:27:48  18:27:48  watson (Chip Watson)
+ *	  Initial revision
+ *	  
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "ceMsg.h"
+char *ceMsg(int,int,char *,int);
+void cePmsg(char *,int);
+extern CE_TBL_ENTRY ceMsgTbl[];
+static char *lastmsg = (char *)0;
+#ifdef NOF77extname
+void cemsg
+void cemsg_
+(int *num,int *flag,char *out,int maxout)
+  /* fortran: call cemsg(error,flag,character_variable) */
+  (void) ceMsg(*num,*flag,out,maxout);
+char *ceMsg(num,flag,out,maxout)
+     int num, flag, maxout;
+     char *out;
+  int severity,len;
+  CE_TBL_ENTRY *entry;
+  char *msgptr,*cp;
+  if (lastmsg) free(lastmsg);	/* free last constructed message */
+  for(entry = ceMsgTbl;entry->name!=NULL;entry++)
+    if (entry->num==num) break;	/* assume null terminated table for now */
+  if (entry->num!=num) {
+    if (out) *out = '\0';
+    return(NULL);
+  }
+  msgptr = 0;
+  severity = cemsg_severity(num);
+  switch (flag) {
+  case (CEMSG_ALL):
+    len = strlen(entry->name) + strlen(entry->msg) + 16;
+    lastmsg = (char *)malloc(len);
+    if (lastmsg) {
+      msgptr = lastmsg;
+      switch (severity) {
+      case (CEMSG_INFO):
+	strcpy(msgptr,"Info: ");
+	break;
+      case (CEMSG_WARN):
+	strcpy(msgptr,"Warning: ");
+	break;
+      case (CEMSG_ERROR):
+	strcpy(msgptr,"Error: ");
+	break;
+      case (CEMSG_FATAL):
+	strcpy(msgptr,"Fatal error: ");
+	break;
+      }
+      strcat(msgptr,entry->name);
+      strcat(msgptr,"  ");
+      strcat(msgptr,entry->msg);
+    }
+    break;
+  case (CEMSG_NAME):
+    msgptr = entry->name;
+    break;
+  case (CEMSG_MSG):
+    msgptr = entry->msg;
+    break;
+  case (CEMSG_SEV):
+    switch (severity) {
+    case (CEMSG_INFO):
+      msgptr = "I";
+      break;
+    case (CEMSG_WARN):
+      msgptr = "W";
+      break;
+    case (CEMSG_ERROR):
+      msgptr = "E";
+      break;
+    case (CEMSG_FATAL):
+      msgptr = "F";
+      break;
+    }
+    break;
+  case (CEMSG_FAC):
+    lastmsg = (char *)malloc(strlen(entry->name)); /* bigger than needed */
+    msgptr = lastmsg;
+    strcpy((char *) msgptr,(char *) entry->name[2]); /* skip over S_ */
+    for (cp=msgptr;*cp;cp++) 
+      if (*cp=='_') break;
+    *cp = '\0';			/* truncate at next _ */
+    break;
+  case (CEMSG_CODE):
+    lastmsg = (char *)malloc(strlen(entry->name)); /* bigger than needed */
+    msgptr = lastmsg;
+    for (cp= &(entry->name[2]);*cp;cp++)
+      if (*cp=='_') break;
+    strcpy(msgptr,cp+1);	/* copy following S_XXX_ */
+    for (cp=msgptr;*cp;cp++)
+      if (*cp=='_') break;
+    *cp='\0';			/* terminate at next _ */
+    break;
+  default:
+    msgptr = (char *) 0;
+  }
+  if (out!=NULL) strncpy(out,msgptr,maxout);
+  return(msgptr);
+void cepmsg_(char *string,int *num,int s_len)
+  char *t;
+  t = (char *)malloc(s_len+1);
+  strncpy(t,string,s_len);
+  t[s_len]='\0';
+  (void) cePmsg(t,*num);
+  free(t);
+void cePmsg(string,num)
+     char *string;
+     int num;
+  fprintf(stderr,"%s ",string);	/* append a space */
+  fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",ceMsg(num,CEMSG_ALL,NULL,0));
diff --git a/CODA/ceMsgTbl.c b/CODA/ceMsgTbl.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..98229f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CODA/ceMsgTbl.c
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+/* <@(#) ceMsgTbl.c created on Mon May 23 12:00 by makeMsgTbl> */
+typedef struct ce_tbl_entry {
+  char *name;
+  int num;
+  char *msg;
+CE_TBL_ENTRY ceMsgTbl[] = {
+  {"S_SUCCESS",		0,		"Operation successful"},
+  {"S_FAILURE",		-1,		"Operation failed"},
+  /* <@(#) EVFILE 115 evfile.msg Event File I/O> */
+  {"S_EVFILE",		0x00730000,	"evfile.msg Event File I/O"},
+  {"S_EVFILE_TRUNC",	0x40730001,	"Event truncated on read"},
+  {"S_EVFILE_BADBLOCK",	0x40730002,	"Bad block number encountered"},
+  {"S_EVFILE_BADHANDLE",	0x80730001,	"Bad handle (file/stream not open)"},
+  {"S_EVFILE_ALLOCFAIL",	0x80730002,	"Failed to allocate event I/O structure"},
+  {"S_EVFILE_BADFILE",	0x80730003,	"File format error"},
+  {"S_EVFILE_UNKOPTION",	0x80730004,	"Unknown option specified"},
+  {"S_EVFILE_UNXPTDEOF",	0x80730005,	"Unexpected end of file while reading event"},
+  {"S_EVFILE_BADSIZEREQ",	0x80730006,	"Invalid buffer size request to evIoct"},
+  {(char *)0,0,(char *)0}
diff --git a/CODA/evfile.msg b/CODA/evfile.msg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2360b6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CODA/evfile.msg
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+!  Copyright (c) 1991,1992 Southeastern Universities Research Association,
+!                          Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility
+!  This software was developed under a United States Government license
+!  described in the NOTICE file included as part of this distribution.
+!  CEBAF Data Acquisition Group, 12000 Jefferson Ave., Newport News, VA 23606
+!  Email:  Tel: (804) 249-7101  Fax: (804) 249-7363
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+!  Description:
+! 	Error message definitions for the Slow Controls package.
+!  Author:  Chip Watson, CEBAF Data Acquisition Group
+!  Revision History:
+!    $Log: evfile.msg,v $
+!    Revision 1.1  1998/12/07 22:11:05  saw
+!    Initial setup
+!    Revision 1.1  94/03/15  11:57:29  11:57:29  heyes (Graham Heyes)
+!    Initial revision
+! Revision 1.1  1992/07/08  18:28:20  watson
+! Initial revision
+TRUNC		1   	Event truncated on read
+BADBLOCK    	2   	Bad block number encountered
+BADHANDLE	1	Bad handle (file/stream not open)
+ALLOCFAIL	2	Failed to allocate event I/O structure
+BADFILE	    	3	File format error
+UNKOPTION	4	Unknown option specified
+UNXPTDEOF	5	Unexpected end of file while reading event
+BADSIZEREQ	6	Invalid buffer size request to evIoct
diff --git a/CODA/evfile_msg.h b/CODA/evfile_msg.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c4d3f06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CODA/evfile_msg.h
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+/* <@(#) evfile_msg.h created on Mon May 23 12:00 by makeMsgTbl> */
+/* <@(#) Return Codes for EVFILE 115 evfile.msg Event File I/O> */
+#ifndef EVFILE_header
+#ifndef S_SUCCESS
+#define S_SUCCESS 0
+#define S_FAILURE -1
+#define S_EVFILE    	0x00730000	/* evfile.msg Event File I/O */
+#define S_EVFILE_TRUNC	0x40730001	/* Event truncated on read */
+#define S_EVFILE_BADBLOCK	0x40730002	/* Bad block number encountered */
+#define S_EVFILE_BADHANDLE	0x80730001	/* Bad handle (file/stream not open) */
+#define S_EVFILE_ALLOCFAIL	0x80730002	/* Failed to allocate event I/O structure */
+#define S_EVFILE_BADFILE	0x80730003	/* File format error */
+#define S_EVFILE_UNKOPTION	0x80730004	/* Unknown option specified */
+#define S_EVFILE_UNXPTDEOF	0x80730005	/* Unexpected end of file while reading event */
+#define S_EVFILE_BADSIZEREQ	0x80730006	/* Invalid buffer size request to evIoct */
diff --git a/CODA/evio.c b/CODA/evio.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7aa4d15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CODA/evio.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1213 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 1991,1992 Southeastern Universities Research Association,
+ *                         Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility
+ *
+ * This software was developed under a United States Government license
+ * described in the NOTICE file included as part of this distribution.
+ *
+ * CEBAF Data Acquisition Group, 12000 Jefferson Ave., Newport News, VA 23606
+ * Email:  Tel: (804) 249-7101  Fax: (804) 249-7363
+ *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * 
+ * Description:
+ *	Event I/O routines
+ *	
+ * Author:  Chip Watson, CEBAF Data Acquisition Group
+ * Modified: Stephen A. Wood, TJNAF Hall C
+ *      Works on ALPHA 64 bit machines if BIT64 is defined
+ *      Will read input from standard input if filename is "-"
+ *      If input filename is "|command" will take data from standard output
+ *                        of command.
+ *      If input file is compressed and unconpressible with gunzip, it will
+ *                        decompress the data on the fly.
+ *
+ * Revision History:
+ *   $Log: evio.c,v $
+ *   Revision  2011/03/03 20:10:23  jones
+ *   Check for 64bit by looking for LP64
+ *
+ *   Revision 1.5  2002/10/02 15:59:25  saw
+ *   Fix gcc3 compatibity
+ *
+ *   Revision 1.4  2002/07/31 20:24:29  saw
+ *   Make local copy of filename passed in evOpen
+ *
+ *   Revision 1.3  1999/11/04 20:30:48  saw
+ *   Add code to write coda output to stdout or pipes
+ *
+ *   Revision 1.2  1998/12/01 13:54:12  saw
+ *   (saw) Alpha 64 bit fixes, input from std input, pipes and compressed
+ *   files
+ *
+ *   Revision 1.1  1996/12/19 14:05:02  saw
+ *   Initial revision
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.5  1994/08/15  15:45:09  chen
+ *	  add evnum to EVFILE structure. Keep event number when call evWrite
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.4  1994/08/12  17:14:55  chen
+ *	  check event type explicitly
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.3  1994/06/17  16:11:12  chen
+ *	  fix a bug when there is a single special event in the last block
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.2  1994/05/12  15:38:37  chen
+ *	  In case a wrong data format, close file and free memory
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.1  1994/04/11  13:07:06  chen
+ *	  Initial revision
+ *
+*	  Revision 1.6  1993/11/16  20:57:27  chen
+*	  stronger type casting for swapped_memecpy
+*	  Revision 1.5  1993/11/09  18:21:58  chen
+*	  fix a bug
+*	  Revision 1.4  1993/11/09  18:16:49  chen
+*	  add binary search routines
+*	  Revision 1.3  1993/11/03  16:40:55  chen
+*	  cosmatic change
+*	  Revision 1.2  1993/11/03  16:39:39  chen
+*	  add bytpe_swapped flag to EVFILE struct
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Routines
+ * --------
+ *
+ *	evOpen(char *filename,char *flags,int *descriptor)
+ *	evWrite(int descriptor,int *data,int datalen)
+ *	evRead(int descriptor,int *data,int *datalen)
+ *	evClose(int descriptor)
+ *	evIoctl(int descriptor,char *request, void *argp)
+ *
+ * Modifications
+ * -------------
+ *  17-dec-91 cw started coding streams version with local buffers
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#define PMODE 0644
+#include "evfile_msg.h"
+typedef struct evfilestruct {
+  FILE *file;
+  int *buf;
+  int *next;
+  int left;
+  int blksiz;
+  int blknum;
+  int rw;
+  int magic;
+  int evnum;         /* last events with evnum so far */
+  int byte_swapped;
+typedef struct evBinarySearch{
+  int sbk;
+  int ebk;
+  int found_bk;
+  int found_evn;
+  int last_evn;
+#define EVBLOCKSIZE 8192
+#define EV_READ 0
+#define EV_WRITE 1
+#define EV_PIPE 2 
+#define EV_PIPEWRITE 3 
+#define EV_VERSION 1
+#define EV_MAGIC 0xc0da0100
+#define EV_HDSIZ 8
+#define EV_HD_BLKSIZ 0		/* size of block in longwords */
+#define EV_HD_BLKNUM 1		/* number, starting at 0 */
+#define EV_HD_HDSIZ  2		/* size of header in longwords (=8) */
+#define EV_HD_START  3		/* first start of event in this block */
+#define EV_HD_USED   4		/* number of words used in block (<= BLKSIZ) */
+#define EV_HD_VER    5		/* version of file format (=1) */
+#define EV_HD_RESVD  6		/* (reserved) */
+#define EV_HD_MAGIC  7		/* magic number for error detection */
+#define evGetStructure() (EVFILE *)malloc(sizeof(EVFILE))
+static  int  findLastEventWithinBlock(EVFILE *);
+static  int  copySingleEvent(EVFILE *, int *, int, int);
+static  int  evSearchWithinBlock(EVFILE *, EVBSEARCH *, int *, int, int *, int, int *);
+static  void evFindEventBlockNum(EVFILE *, EVBSEARCH *, int *);
+static  int  evGetEventNumber(EVFILE *, int);
+static  int  evGetEventType(EVFILE *);
+static  int  isRealEventsInsideBlock(EVFILE *, int, int);
+static  int  physicsEventsInsideBlock(EVFILE *);
+extern  int  int_swap_byte();
+extern  void onmemory_swap();
+extern  int  swapped_fread();
+extern  void swapped_intcpy();
+extern  void swapped_memcpy();
+#if (defined(__osf__) && defined(__alpha)) || defined(__LP64__)
+#define BIT64
+#ifdef BIT64
+#define MAXHANDLES 10
+EVFILE *handle_list[10]={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
+#ifdef AbsoftUNIXFortran
+int evopen
+int evopen_
+(char *filename,char *flags,int *handle,int fnlen,int flen)
+  char *fn, *fl;
+  int status;
+  fn = (char *) malloc(fnlen+1);
+  strncpy(fn,filename,fnlen);
+  fn[fnlen] = 0;		/* insure filename is null terminated */
+  fl = (char *) malloc(flen+1);
+  strncpy(fl,flags,flen);
+  fl[flen] = 0;			/* insure flags is null terminated */
+  status = evOpen(fn,fl,handle);
+  free(fn);
+  free(fl);
+  return(status);
+static char *kill_trailing(char *s, char t)
+  char *e; 
+  e = s + strlen(s);
+  if (e>s) {                           /* Need this to handle NULL string.*/
+    while (e>s && *--e==t);            /* Don't follow t's past beginning. */
+    e[*e==t?0:1] = '\0';               /* Handle s[0]=t correctly.       */
+  }
+  return s;
+int evOpen(char *fname,char *flags,int *handle)
+#ifdef BIT64
+  int ihandle;
+  EVFILE *a;
+  char *cp;
+  int header[EV_HDSIZ];
+  int i;
+  int temp,blk_size;
+  char *filename;
+  filename = (char *) malloc(strlen(fname)+1);
+  strcpy(filename,fname);
+  a = evGetStructure();		/* allocate control structure or quit */
+  if (!a) {
+    free(filename);
+    return(S_EVFILE_ALLOCFAIL);
+  }
+  while (*filename==' ') filename++; /* remove leading spaces */
+ /* But don't frell with any other spaces except for the trailing ones */
+#if 0
+  for (cp=filename;*cp!=NULL;cp++) {
+    if ((*cp==' ') || !(isprint(*cp))) *cp='\0';
+  }
+  kill_trailing(filename,' ');
+  switch (*flags) {
+  case '\0': case 'r': case 'R':
+    a->rw = EV_READ;
+    if(strcmp(filename,"-")==0) {
+      a->file = stdin;
+    } else if(filename[0] == '|') {
+      a->file = popen(filename+1,"r");
+      a->rw = EV_PIPE;		/* Make sure we know to use pclose */
+    } else {
+      a->file = fopen(filename,"r");
+      if(a->file) {
+	int compressed;
+	char bytes[2];
+	fread(bytes,2,1,a->file); /* Check magic bytes for compressions */
+	if(bytes[0]=='\037' && (bytes[1]=='\213' || bytes[1]=='\235')) {
+	  char *pipe_command;
+	  fclose(a->file);
+	  pipe_command = (char *)malloc(strlen(filename)+strlen("gunzip<")+1);
+	  strcpy(pipe_command,"gunzip<");
+	  strcat(pipe_command,filename);
+	  a->file = popen(pipe_command,"r");
+	  free(pipe_command);
+	  a->rw = EV_PIPE;
+	} else {
+	  fclose(a->file);
+	  a->file = fopen(filename,"r");
+	}
+      }
+    }
+    if (a->file) {
+      fread(header,sizeof(header),1,a->file); /* update: check nbytes return */
+      if (header[EV_HD_MAGIC] != EV_MAGIC) {
+	temp = int_swap_byte(header[EV_HD_MAGIC]);
+	if(temp == EV_MAGIC)
+	  a->byte_swapped = 1;
+	else{ /* close file and free memory */
+	  fclose(a->file);
+	  free (a);
+	  free(filename);
+	  return(S_EVFILE_BADFILE); 
+	}
+      }
+      else
+	a->byte_swapped = 0;
+      if(a->byte_swapped){
+	blk_size = int_swap_byte(header[EV_HD_BLKSIZ]);
+	a->buf = (int *)malloc(blk_size*4);
+      }
+      else
+	a->buf = (int *) malloc(header[EV_HD_BLKSIZ]*4);
+      if (!(a->buf)) {
+	free(a);		/* if can't allocate buffer, give up */
+	free(filename);
+      }
+      if(a->byte_swapped){
+	swapped_intcpy((char *)a->buf,(char *)header,EV_HDSIZ*4);
+	fread(&(a->buf[EV_HDSIZ]),4,blk_size-EV_HDSIZ,a->file);
+      }
+      else{
+	memcpy(a->buf,header,EV_HDSIZ*4);
+	fread(a->buf+EV_HDSIZ,4,
+	      header[EV_HD_BLKSIZ]-EV_HDSIZ,
+	      a->file);		/* read rest of block */
+      }
+      a->next = a->buf + (a->buf)[EV_HD_START];
+      a->left = (a->buf)[EV_HD_USED] - (a->buf)[EV_HD_START];
+    }
+    break;
+  case 'w': case 'W':
+    a->rw = EV_WRITE;
+    if(strcmp(filename,"-")==0) {
+      a->file = stdout;
+    } else if(filename[0] == '|') {
+      a->file = popen(filename+1,"r");
+      a->rw = EV_PIPEWRITE;	/* Make sure we know to use pclose */
+    } else {
+      a->file = fopen(filename,"w");
+    }
+    if (a->file) {
+      a->buf = (int *) malloc(EVBLOCKSIZE*4);
+      if (!(a->buf)) {
+	free(a);
+	free(filename);
+      }
+      a->buf[EV_HD_BLKSIZ] = EVBLOCKSIZE;
+      a->buf[EV_HD_BLKNUM] = 0;
+      a->buf[EV_HD_HDSIZ] = EV_HDSIZ;
+      a->buf[EV_HD_START] = 0;
+      a->buf[EV_HD_USED] = EV_HDSIZ;
+      a->buf[EV_HD_VER] = EV_VERSION;
+      a->buf[EV_HD_RESVD] = 0;
+      a->buf[EV_HD_MAGIC] = EV_MAGIC;
+      a->next = a->buf + EV_HDSIZ;
+      a->left = EVBLOCKSIZE - EV_HDSIZ;
+      a->evnum = 0;
+    }
+    break;
+  default:
+    free(a);
+    free(filename);
+    return(S_EVFILE_UNKOPTION);
+  }
+  if (a->file) {
+    a->magic = EV_MAGIC;
+    a->blksiz = a->buf[EV_HD_BLKSIZ];
+    a->blknum = a->buf[EV_HD_BLKNUM];
+#ifdef BIT64
+    for(ihandle=0;ihandle<MAXHANDLES;ihandle++){
+      if(handle_list[ihandle]==0) {
+       handle_list[ihandle] = a;
+       *handle = ihandle+1;
+       free(filename);
+       return(S_SUCCESS);
+      }
+    }
+    *handle = 0;               /* No slots left */
+    free(a);
+    free(filename);
+    return(S_EVFILE_BADHANDLE);        /* A better error code would help */
+    *handle = (int) a;
+    free(filename);
+    return(S_SUCCESS);
+  } else {
+    free(a);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    fprintf(stderr,"evOpen: Error opening file %s, flag %s\n",
+	    filename,flags);
+    perror(NULL);
+    *handle = 0;
+    free(filename);
+    return(errno);
+  }
+  free(filename);
+#ifdef AbsoftUNIXFortran
+int evread
+int evread_
+(int *handle,int *buffer,int *buflen)
+  return(evRead(*handle,buffer,*buflen));
+int evRead(int handle,int *buffer,int buflen)
+  EVFILE *a;
+  int nleft,ncopy,error,status;
+  int *temp_buffer,*temp_ptr;
+#ifdef BIT64
+  a = handle_list[handle-1];
+  a = (EVFILE *)handle;
+  if (a->byte_swapped){
+    temp_buffer = (int *)malloc(buflen*sizeof(int));
+    temp_ptr = temp_buffer;
+  }
+  if (a->magic != EV_MAGIC) return(S_EVFILE_BADHANDLE);
+  if (a->left<=0) {
+    error = evGetNewBuffer(a);
+    if (error) return(error);
+  }
+  if (a->byte_swapped)
+    nleft = int_swap_byte(*(a->next)) + 1;
+  else
+    nleft = *(a->next) + 1;	/* inclusive size */
+  if (nleft < buflen) {
+    status = S_SUCCESS;
+  } else {
+    status = S_EVFILE_TRUNC;
+    nleft = buflen;
+  }
+  while (nleft>0) {
+    if (a->left<=0) {
+      error = evGetNewBuffer(a);
+      if (error) return(error);
+    }
+    ncopy = (nleft <= a->left) ? nleft : a->left;
+    if (a->byte_swapped){
+      memcpy(temp_buffer,a->next,ncopy*4);
+      temp_buffer += ncopy;
+    }
+    else{
+      memcpy(buffer,a->next,ncopy*4);
+      buffer += ncopy;
+    }
+    nleft -= ncopy;
+    a->next += ncopy;
+    a->left -= ncopy;
+  }
+  if (a->byte_swapped){
+    swapped_memcpy((char *)buffer,(char *)temp_ptr,buflen*sizeof(int));  
+    free(temp_ptr);
+  }
+  return(status);
+int evGetNewBuffer(a)
+     EVFILE *a;
+  int i,nread,status;
+  status = S_SUCCESS;
+  if (feof(a->file)) return(EOF);
+  clearerr(a->file);
+  a->buf[EV_HD_MAGIC] = 0;
+  nread = fread(a->buf,4,a->blksiz,a->file);
+  if (a->byte_swapped){
+    for(i=0;i<EV_HDSIZ;i++)
+      onmemory_swap(&(a->buf[i]));
+  }
+  if (feof(a->file)) return(EOF);
+  if (ferror(a->file)) return(ferror(a->file));
+  if (nread != a->blksiz) return(errno);
+  if (a->buf[EV_HD_MAGIC] != EV_MAGIC) {
+    /* fprintf(stderr,"evRead: bad header\n"); */
+    return(S_EVFILE_BADFILE);
+  }
+  a->blknum++;
+  if (a->buf[EV_HD_BLKNUM] != a->blknum) {
+    /* fprintf(stderr,"evRead: bad block number %x should be %x\n",
+	    a->buf[EV_HD_BLKNUM],a->blknum); */
+    status = S_EVFILE_BADBLOCK;
+  }
+  a->next = a->buf + (a->buf)[EV_HD_HDSIZ];
+  a->left = (a->buf)[EV_HD_USED] - (a->buf)[EV_HD_HDSIZ];
+  if (a->left<=0)
+    return(S_EVFILE_UNXPTDEOF);
+  else
+    return(status);
+#ifdef AbsoftUNIXFortran
+int evwrite
+int evwrite_
+(int *handle,int *buffer)
+  return(evWrite(*handle,buffer));
+int evWrite(int handle,int *buffer)
+  EVFILE *a;
+  int nleft,ncopy,error;
+#ifdef BIT64
+  a = handle_list[handle-1];
+  a = (EVFILE *)handle;
+  if (a->magic != EV_MAGIC) return(S_EVFILE_BADHANDLE);
+  if (a->buf[EV_HD_START]==0) a->buf[EV_HD_START] = a->next - a->buf;
+  a->evnum = a->evnum + 1;      /* increase ev number every time you call evWrite */
+  nleft = buffer[0] + 1;	/* inclusive length */
+  while (nleft>0) {
+    ncopy = (nleft <= a->left) ? nleft : a->left;
+    memcpy(a->next,buffer,ncopy*4);
+    buffer += ncopy;
+    nleft -= ncopy;
+    a->next += ncopy;
+    a->left -= ncopy;
+    if (a->left<=0) {
+      error = evFlush(a);
+      if (error) return(error);
+    }
+  }
+  return(S_SUCCESS);
+int evFlush(a)
+     EVFILE *a;
+  int nwrite;
+  clearerr(a->file);
+  a->buf[EV_HD_USED] = a->next - a->buf;
+  a->buf[EV_HD_RESVD] = a->evnum;
+  nwrite = fwrite(a->buf,4,a->blksiz,a->file);
+  if (ferror(a->file)) return(ferror(a->file));
+  if (nwrite != a->blksiz) return(errno);
+  a->blknum++;
+  a->buf[EV_HD_BLKSIZ] = a->blksiz;
+  a->buf[EV_HD_BLKNUM] = a->blknum;
+  a->buf[EV_HD_HDSIZ] = EV_HDSIZ;
+  a->buf[EV_HD_START] = 0;
+  a->buf[EV_HD_USED] = EV_HDSIZ;
+  a->buf[EV_HD_VER] = EV_VERSION;
+  a->buf[EV_HD_RESVD] = 0;
+  a->buf[EV_HD_MAGIC] = EV_MAGIC;
+  a->next = a->buf + EV_HDSIZ;
+  a->left = a->blksiz - EV_HDSIZ;
+  return(S_SUCCESS);
+#ifdef AbsoftUNIXFortran
+int evioctl
+int evioctl_
+(int *handle,char *request,void *argp,int reqlen)
+  char *req;
+  int status;
+  req = (char *)malloc(reqlen+1);
+  strncpy(req,request,reqlen);
+  req[reqlen]=0;		/* insure request is null terminated */
+  status = evIoctl(*handle,req,argp);
+  free(req);
+  return(status);
+int evIoctl(int handle,char *request,void *argp)
+  EVFILE *a;
+#ifdef BIT64
+  a = handle_list[handle-1];
+  a = (EVFILE *)handle;
+  if (a->magic != EV_MAGIC) return(S_EVFILE_BADHANDLE);
+  switch (*request) {
+  case 'b': case 'B':
+    if (a->rw != EV_WRITE && a->rw != EV_PIPEWRITE) return(S_EVFILE_BADSIZEREQ);
+    if (a->blknum != 0) return(S_EVFILE_BADSIZEREQ);
+    if (a->buf[EV_HD_START] != 0) return(S_EVFILE_BADSIZEREQ);
+    free (a->buf);
+    a->blksiz = *(int *) argp;
+    a->left = a->blksiz - EV_HDSIZ;
+    a->buf = (int *) malloc(a->blksiz*4);
+    if (!(a->buf)) {
+      a->magic = 0;
+      free(a);		/* if can't allocate buffer, give up */
+      return(S_EVFILE_ALLOCFAIL);
+    }
+    a->buf[EV_HD_BLKNUM] = 0;
+    a->buf[EV_HD_HDSIZ] = EV_HDSIZ;
+    a->buf[EV_HD_START] = 0;
+    a->buf[EV_HD_USED] = EV_HDSIZ;
+    a->buf[EV_HD_VER] = EV_VERSION;
+    a->buf[EV_HD_RESVD] = 0;
+    a->buf[EV_HD_MAGIC] = EV_MAGIC;
+    break;
+  default:
+    return(S_EVFILE_UNKOPTION);
+  }
+  return(S_SUCCESS);
+#ifdef AbsoftUNIXFortran
+int evclose
+int evclose_
+(int *handle)
+  return(evClose(*handle));
+int evClose(int handle)
+  EVFILE *a;
+  int status, status2;
+#ifdef BIT64
+  a = handle_list[handle-1];
+  a = (EVFILE *)handle;
+  if (a->magic != EV_MAGIC) return(S_EVFILE_BADHANDLE);
+  if(a->rw == EV_WRITE || a->rw==EV_PIPEWRITE)
+    status = evFlush(a);
+  if(a->rw == EV_PIPE) {
+    status2 = pclose(a->file);
+  } else {
+    status2 = fclose(a->file);
+  }
+#ifdef BIT64
+  handle_list[handle-1] = 0;
+  free((char *)(a->buf));
+  free((char *)a);
+  if (status==0) status = status2;
+  return(status);
+ *         int evOpenSearch(int, int *)                           *
+ * Description:                                                   *
+ *     Open for binary search on data blocks                      *
+ *     return last physics event number                           *
+ *****************************************************************/
+int evOpenSearch(int handle, int *b_handle)
+#ifdef BIT64
+  int ihandle;
+  EVFILE *a;
+  int    found = 0, temp, status, i = 1;
+  int    last_evn,  ev_type, bknum;
+  int    header[EV_HDSIZ];
+#ifdef BIT64
+  a = handle_list[handle-1];
+  a = (EVFILE *)handle;
+  b = (EVBSEARCH *)malloc(sizeof(EVBSEARCH));
+  if(b == NULL){
+    fprintf(stderr,"Cannot allocate memory for EVBSEARCH structure!\n");
+    exit(1);
+  }
+  fseek(a->file, 0L, SEEK_SET);
+  fread(header, sizeof(header), 1, a->file);
+  if(a->byte_swapped)
+    temp = int_swap_byte(header[EV_HD_BLKNUM]);
+  else
+    temp = header[EV_HD_BLKNUM];
+  b->sbk = temp;
+  /* jump to the end of file */
+  fseek(a->file, 0L, SEEK_END);
+  while(!found){
+    /* jump back to the beginning of the block */
+    fseek(a->file, (-1)*a->blksiz*4*i, SEEK_END);
+    if((bknum = physicsEventsInsideBlock(a)) >= 0){
+      b->ebk = bknum;
+      break;
+    }
+    else
+      i++;
+  }
+  /* the file pointer will point to the first physics event in the block */
+  last_evn = findLastEventWithinBlock(a);
+  b->found_bk = -1;
+  b->found_evn = -1;
+  b->last_evn = last_evn;
+#ifdef BIT64
+  for(ihandle=0;ihandle<MAXHANDLES;ihandle++){
+    if(handle_list[ihandle]==0) {
+      handle_list[ihandle] = (EVFILE *)b;
+      *b_handle = ihandle+1;
+      return last_evn;
+    }
+  }
+  *b_handle = 0;               /* No slots left */
+  free(b);
+  return(-1);  /* A better error code would help */
+  *b_handle = (int) b;
+  return last_evn;
+ *       static int findLastEventWithinBlock(EVFILE *)               *
+ * Description:                                                      *
+ *     Doing sequential search on a block pointed by a               *
+ *     return last event number in the block                         *
+ *     the pointer to the file has been moved to the beginning       *
+ *     of the fisrt event already by evOpenSearch()                  *
+ ********************************************************************/
+static int findLastEventWithinBlock(EVFILE *a)
+  int header, t_header, found = 0;
+  int ev_size, temp, evn = 0, last_evn = 0;
+  int ev_type;
+  int first_time = 0;
+  while(!found){
+    fread(&header, sizeof(int), 1, a->file);
+    if(a->byte_swapped)
+      ev_size = int_swap_byte(header) + 1;
+    else
+      ev_size = header + 1;
+    /* read event type */
+    ev_type = evGetEventType(a);
+    a->left = a->left - ev_size;  /* file pointer stays */
+    if(a->left <= 0){ /* no need to distinguish the special event */
+      if(ev_type < 16){ /* physics event */
+	first_time++;
+	fseek(a->file, 3*4, SEEK_CUR);
+	fread(&header, sizeof(int), 1, a->file);
+	if(a->byte_swapped)
+	  evn = int_swap_byte(header);
+	else
+	  evn = header;
+	found = 1;
+      }
+      else{
+	if (first_time == 0){
+	  evn = -1;
+	  found = 1;
+	}
+	else{
+	  evn = last_evn;
+	  found = 1;
+	}
+      }
+    }
+    else{
+      if(ev_type < 16){
+	first_time++;
+	fseek(a->file, 3*4, SEEK_CUR);
+	fread(&header, sizeof(int), 1, a->file);
+	if(a->byte_swapped)
+	  evn = int_swap_byte(header);
+	else
+	  evn = header;
+	last_evn = evn;
+	fseek(a->file,(ev_size - 5)*4, SEEK_CUR);
+      }
+      else{
+	fseek(a->file, (ev_size - 1)*4, SEEK_CUR);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return evn;
+ *      int evSearch(int, int, int, int *, int, int *)              *
+ * Description:                                                     *
+ *    Doing binary search for event number evn, -1 failure          *
+ *    Copy event to buffer with buffer length buflen                *
+ *    This routine must be called after evOpenSearch()              *
+ *    return 0: found the event                                     *
+ *    return -1: the event number bigger than largest ev number     *
+ *    return 1:  cannot find the event number                       *
+ *******************************************************************/
+int evSearch(int handle, int b_handle, int evn, int *buffer, int buflen, int *size)
+  EVFILE    *a;
+  int       start,end, mid;
+  int       found;
+#ifdef BIT64
+  a = handle_list[handle-1];
+  b = (EVBSEARCH *)handle_list[b_handle-1];
+  a = (EVFILE *)handle;
+  b = (EVBSEARCH *)b_handle;
+  if(evn > b->last_evn)
+    return -1;
+  if(b->found_bk < 0){
+    start = b->sbk;
+    end   = b->ebk;
+    mid   = (start + end)/2.0;
+  }
+  else{
+    if(evn >= b->found_evn){
+      start = b->found_bk;
+      end   = b->ebk;
+      mid   = (start + end)/2.0;
+    }
+    else{
+      start = b->sbk;
+      end   = b->found_bk;
+      mid   = (start + end)/2.0;
+    }
+  }
+  while(start <= end){
+    found = evSearchWithinBlock(a, b, &mid, evn, buffer, buflen, size);
+    if(found < 0){ /* lower block */
+      end = mid - 1;
+      mid = (start + end)/2.0;
+    }
+    else if(found > 0){ /* upper block */
+      start = mid + 1;
+      mid = (start + end)/2.0;
+    }
+    else if(found == 0){ /*found block and evn */
+      break;
+    }
+    else
+      return found;
+  }
+  if(start <= end){
+    b->found_bk = mid;
+    b->found_evn = evn;
+    return 0;
+  }
+  else{
+    b->found_bk = -1;
+    return 1;
+  }
+ *   static int evSearchWithinBlock(EVFILE *, EVBSEARCH *, int *,int, int * *
+ *                                  int, int *                )             *
+ * Description:                                                             *
+ *    Doing sequential search on a particular block to find out event       *
+ *    number evn                                                            *
+ *    return 0: found                                                       *
+ *    return -1: evn < all events in the block                              *
+ *    return 1:  evn > all events in the block                              *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+static int evSearchWithinBlock(EVFILE *a, EVBSEARCH *b, int *bknum, 
+			       int evn, int *buffer, int buflen, int *size)
+  int header[EV_HDSIZ], temp, ev_size;
+  int buf[EV_HDSIZ], status;
+  int found = 0, t_evn, block_num;
+  int ev_type, t_temp;
+  evFindEventBlockNum(a, b, bknum);
+  block_num = *bknum;
+  /* check first event, if its event number is greater than
+   * requested event number, return -1 
+   * the pointer pointing to file has been moved in the previous
+   * subroutines
+   */
+  fread(&temp,sizeof(int),1,a->file);
+  if(a->byte_swapped)
+    ev_size = int_swap_byte(temp) + 1;
+  else
+    ev_size = temp + 1;
+  a->left = a->left - ev_size;
+  t_evn = evGetEventNumber(a, ev_size); /* file pointer stays here */
+  if(t_evn == evn){
+    fseek(a->file, (-1)*4, SEEK_CUR);   /* go to top of event */
+    *size = ev_size;
+    status = copySingleEvent(a, buffer, buflen, ev_size);
+    return status;
+  }
+  else if(t_evn > evn) /* no need to search any more */
+    return -1;
+  else{                /* need to search more        */
+    if(a->left <=0) /* no more events left */
+      return 1;
+    else{
+      fseek(a->file, (ev_size-1)*4, SEEK_CUR);
+      while(!found && a->left > 0){
+	fread(&temp, sizeof(int), 1, a->file);
+	if(a->byte_swapped)
+	  ev_size = int_swap_byte(temp) + 1;
+	else
+	  ev_size = temp + 1;
+	/* read event type */
+	ev_type = evGetEventType(a); /* file pointer fixed here */
+	a->left = a->left - ev_size;
+	if(a->left <= 0){ /* this is the last event */
+	  if(ev_type < 16){ /* physics event here */
+	    t_evn = evGetEventNumber(a, ev_size);  /* pinter stays */
+	    /* check current event number */ 
+	    if(t_evn == evn){
+	      fseek(a->file, (-1)*4, SEEK_CUR);
+	      found = 1;
+	      *size = ev_size;
+	      return (copySingleEvent(a, buffer, buflen, ev_size));
+	    }
+	    else
+	      return 1;
+	  }
+	  else /* last event is not a physics event, no match */
+	    return 1;
+	}
+	else{ /* not last event */
+	  if(ev_type < 16){
+	    t_evn = evGetEventNumber(a, ev_size);
+	    /* check current event number */
+	    if(t_evn == evn){
+	      fseek(a->file, (-1)*4, SEEK_CUR);
+	      *size = ev_size;
+	      found = 1;
+	      return (copySingleEvent(a, buffer, buflen, ev_size));
+	    }
+	    else{ /* go to next event */
+	      fseek(a->file, (ev_size-1)*4, SEEK_CUR);
+	    }
+	  }
+	  else /* special event go to next event */
+	    fseek(a->file, (ev_size - 1)*4, SEEK_CUR);
+	}      /* end of not last event case*/
+      }        /* end of search event loop*/
+    }          
+  }
+ *   static void evFindEventBlockNum(EVFILE *, EVBSEARCH *, int *)  *
+ * Description:                                                     *
+ *    find out real block number in the case of this block          *
+ *    has one big event just crossing it                            *
+ *******************************************************************/
+static void evFindEventBlockNum(EVFILE *a, EVBSEARCH *b, int *bknum)
+  int header[EV_HDSIZ], block_num;
+  int buf[EV_HDSIZ];
+  int found = 0, temp, nleft;
+  block_num = *bknum;
+  while(block_num <= b->ebk){
+    fseek(a->file, a->blksiz*block_num*4, SEEK_SET);
+    fread(header, sizeof(header), 1, a->file);
+    if(a->byte_swapped)
+      swapped_intcpy((char *)buf, (char *)header, EV_HDSIZ*4);
+    else
+      memcpy(buf, header, EV_HDSIZ*4);
+    if(buf[EV_HD_START] > 0){
+      fseek(a->file, 4*(buf[EV_HD_START]-EV_HDSIZ), SEEK_CUR);
+      nleft = buf[EV_HD_USED] - buf[EV_HD_START];
+      if(isRealEventsInsideBlock(a,block_num,nleft)){
+	*bknum = block_num;
+	return;
+      }
+      block_num++;
+    }
+    else
+      block_num++;
+  }
+  /* cannot find right block this way, try reverse direction */
+  block_num = *bknum;
+  while(block_num >= b->sbk){
+    fseek(a->file, a->blksiz*block_num*4, SEEK_SET);
+    fread(header, sizeof(header), 1, a->file);
+    if(a->byte_swapped)
+      swapped_intcpy((char *)buf,(char *)header, EV_HDSIZ*4);
+    else
+      memcpy((char *)buf, (char *)header, EV_HDSIZ*4);
+    if(buf[EV_HD_START] > 0){
+      fseek(a->file, 4*(buf[EV_HD_START]-EV_HDSIZ), SEEK_CUR);
+      nleft = buf[EV_HD_USED] - buf[EV_HD_START];
+      if(isRealEventsInsideBlock(a,block_num, nleft)){
+	*bknum = block_num;
+	return;
+      }
+      block_num--;
+    }
+    else
+      block_num--;
+  }
+  fprintf(stderr,"Cannot find out event offset in any of the blocks, Exit!\n");
+  exit(1);
+ *   static int isRealEventInsideBlock(EVFILE *, int, int)               *
+ * Description:                                                          *
+ *     Find out whether there is a real event inside this block          *
+ *     return 1: yes, return 0: no                                       *
+ ************************************************************************/
+static int isRealEventsInsideBlock(EVFILE *a, int bknum, int old_left)
+  int nleft = old_left;
+  int ev_size, temp, ev_type;
+  while(nleft > 0){
+    fread(&temp, sizeof(int), 1, a->file);
+    if(a->byte_swapped)
+      ev_size = int_swap_byte(temp) + 1;
+    else
+      ev_size = temp + 1;
+    ev_type = evGetEventType(a);  /* file pointer stays */
+    if(ev_type < 16){
+      fseek(a->file, (-1)*sizeof(int), SEEK_CUR); /* rewind to head of this event */
+      break;
+    }
+    else{
+      nleft = nleft - ev_size;
+      fseek(a->file, 4*(ev_size - 1), SEEK_CUR);
+    }
+  }
+  if(nleft <= 0)
+    return 0;
+  else{
+    a->left = nleft;
+    return 1;
+  }
+ *    static int copySingleEvent(EVFILE *, int *, int, int)                  *
+ * Description:                                                              *
+ *    copy a single event to buffer by using fread.                          *
+ *    starting point is given by EVFILE *a                                   *
+ ****************************************************************************/      
+static int copySingleEvent(EVFILE *a, int *buffer, int buflen, int ev_size)
+  int *temp_buffer, *temp_ptr, *ptr;
+  int status, nleft, temp, block_left;
+  int ncopy;
+  if(a->byte_swapped){
+    temp_buffer = (int *)malloc(buflen*sizeof(int));
+    temp_ptr = temp_buffer;
+  }
+  else{
+    ptr = buffer;
+  }
+  if(buflen < ev_size){
+    status = S_EVFILE_TRUNC;
+    nleft  = buflen;
+  }
+  else{
+    status = S_SUCCESS;
+    nleft  = ev_size;
+  }
+  if(a->left < 0){
+    block_left = ev_size + a->left;
+    if(nleft <= block_left){
+      if(a->byte_swapped){
+	fread((char *)temp_ptr, nleft*4, 1, a->file);
+      }
+      else
+	fread((char *)ptr, nleft*4, 1, a->file);
+    }
+    else{
+      ncopy = block_left;
+      while(nleft > 0){
+	if(a->byte_swapped){
+	  fread((char *)temp_ptr, ncopy*4, 1, a->file);
+	  temp_ptr = temp_ptr + ncopy;
+	}	
+	else{
+	  fread((char *)ptr, ncopy*4, 1, a->file);      
+	  ptr = ptr + ncopy;
+	}
+	nleft = nleft - ncopy;
+	if(nleft > a->blksiz - EV_HDSIZ){
+	  fseek(a->file, EV_HDSIZ*4, SEEK_CUR);
+	  ncopy = a->blksiz - EV_HDSIZ;
+	}
+	else if(nleft > 0){
+	  fseek(a->file, EV_HDSIZ*4,SEEK_CUR);
+	  ncopy = nleft;
+	}
+      }
+      if(a->byte_swapped)
+	temp_ptr = temp_buffer;
+      else
+	ptr = buffer;
+    }
+  }
+  else{
+    if(a->byte_swapped){
+      fread(temp_ptr, ev_size*4, 1, a->file);
+    }
+    else{
+      fread(ptr, ev_size*4, 1, a->file);
+    }
+  }
+  if(a->byte_swapped){
+    swapped_memcpy((char *)buffer, (char *)temp_ptr, buflen*sizeof(int));
+    free(temp_ptr);
+  }
+  return (status);
+ *   int evCloseSearch(int )                                           *
+ * Description:                                                        *
+ *     Close evSearch process, release memory                          *
+ **********************************************************************/
+int evCloseSearch(int b_handle)
+#ifdef BIT64
+  b = (EVBSEARCH *)handle_list[b_handle-1];
+  handle_list[b_handle-1] = 0;
+  b = (EVBSEARCH *)b_handle;
+  free((char *)b);
+ *     static int evGeteventNumber(EVFILE *, int)                     *
+ * Description:                                                       *
+ *     get event number starting from event head.                     *
+ *********************************************************************/
+static int evGetEventNumber(EVFILE *a, int ev_size)
+  int temp, evn, nleft;
+  nleft = a->left + ev_size;
+  if(nleft >= 5)
+    fseek(a->file, 3*4, SEEK_CUR);
+  else
+    fseek(a->file, (EV_HDSIZ+3)*4, SEEK_CUR);
+  fread(&temp, sizeof(int), 1, a->file);
+  if(a->byte_swapped)
+    evn = int_swap_byte(temp);
+  else
+    evn = temp;
+  if(nleft >= 5)
+    fseek(a->file, (-1)*4*4, SEEK_CUR);
+  else
+    fseek(a->file,(-1)*(EV_HDSIZ + 4)*4, SEEK_CUR);
+  return evn;
+static int evGetEventType(EVFILE *a)
+  int ev_type, temp, t_temp;
+  if(a->left == 1) /* event type long word is in the following block */
+    fseek(a->file, (EV_HDSIZ)*4,SEEK_CUR);
+  if(a->byte_swapped){
+    fread(&t_temp, sizeof(int), 1, a->file);
+    swapped_intcpy((char *)&temp, (char *)&t_temp, sizeof(int));
+  }
+  else
+    fread(&temp, sizeof(int), 1, a->file);
+  ev_type = (temp >> 16)&(0x0000ffff);
+  if(a->left == 1)
+    fseek(a->file, (-1)*(EV_HDSIZ + 1)*4, SEEK_CUR);
+  else
+    fseek(a->file, (-1)*4, SEEK_CUR);
+  return ev_type;
+ *   static int physicsEventsInsideBlock(a)                              *
+ * Description:                                                          *
+ *     Check out whether this block pointed by a contains any physics    *
+ *     events                                                            *
+ *     return -1: contains no physics                                    *
+ *     return >= 0 : yes, contains physics event, with block number      *
+ *     the file pointer will stays at the begining of the first physics  *
+ *     event    inside the block                                         *
+ ************************************************************************/
+static int physicsEventsInsideBlock(EVFILE *a)
+  int header[EV_HDSIZ], buf[EV_HDSIZ];
+  int nleft, temp, ev_size, ev_type;
+  /* copy block header information */
+  if(a->byte_swapped){
+    fread(header, sizeof(header), 1, a->file);
+    swapped_intcpy((char *)buf, (char *)header, EV_HDSIZ*4);
+  }
+  else
+    fread(buf, sizeof(buf), 1, a->file);
+  /* search first event inside this block */
+  if (buf[EV_HD_START] < 0)
+    return 0;
+  else{
+    /* jump to the first event */
+    fseek(a->file, 4*(buf[EV_HD_START] - EV_HDSIZ), SEEK_CUR);
+    nleft = buf[EV_HD_USED] - buf[EV_HD_START];
+    while (nleft > 0){
+      fread(&temp, sizeof(int), 1, a->file);
+      if(a->byte_swapped)
+	ev_size = int_swap_byte(temp) + 1;
+      else
+	ev_size = temp + 1;
+      /* check event type and file pointer stays */
+      ev_type = evGetEventType(a);
+      if(ev_type < 16) { /*physics event */
+	fseek(a->file, (-1)*sizeof(int), SEEK_CUR);
+	a->left = nleft;
+	return buf[EV_HD_BLKNUM];
+      }
+      else{
+	nleft = nleft - ev_size;
+	fseek(a->file, 4*(ev_size - 1), SEEK_CUR);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return 0;
diff --git a/CODA/evtest.c b/CODA/evtest.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..551a26f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CODA/evtest.c
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 1991,1992 Southeastern Universities Research Association,
+ *                         Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility
+ *
+ * This software was developed under a United States Government license
+ * described in the NOTICE file included as part of this distribution.
+ *
+ * CEBAF Data Acquisition Group, 12000 Jefferson Ave., Newport News, VA 23606
+ * Email:  Tel: (804) 249-7101  Fax: (804) 249-7363
+ *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * 
+ * Description:
+ *	Event I/O test program
+ *	
+ * Author:  Chip Watson, CEBAF Data Acquisition Group
+ *
+ * Revision History:
+ *   $Log: evtest.c,v $
+ *   Revision 1.1  1998/12/07 22:11:05  saw
+ *   Initial setup
+ *
+*	  Revision 1.1  94/03/15  11:57:27  11:57:27  heyes (Graham Heyes)
+*	  Initial revision
+ *	  Revision 1.2  1992/07/14  19:14:18  watson
+ *	  Make test event more complex
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.1  1992/07/08  18:28:48  watson
+ *	  Initial revision
+ *
+ */
+int *makeEvent();
+#define MIN(a,b) (a<b)? a : b
+  int handle,status,nevents,nlong,handle2;
+  int buffer[2048],i;
+  int *ip;
+  printf("Event I/O tests...\n");
+  status = evOpen("single.dat","w",&handle);
+  cePmsg("Opening single.dat",status);
+  ip = makeEvent();
+  status = evWrite(handle,ip);
+  cePmsg("Writing single.dat",status);
+  status = evClose(handle);
+  cePmsg("Closing single.dat",status);
+  status = evOpen("single.dat","r",&handle);
+  nevents=0;
+  while ((status=evRead(handle,buffer,16384))==0) {
+    nevents++;
+    printf("  nevent %d len %d\n",nevents,buffer[0]);
+    if (nevents<=4) 
+      nlong = buffer[0]+1;
+      for(ip=buffer;nlong>0;nlong-=8) { 
+	for (i=MIN(nlong,8);i>0;i--) printf("  %8x",*ip++);
+	printf("\n");
+      }
+    if (nevents==1) {
+      status = evOpen("multiple.dat","w",&handle2);
+      evWrite(handle2,buffer);
+      evWrite(handle2,buffer);
+      evWrite(handle2,buffer);
+      evClose(handle2);
+    }
+  }
+  printf("last read status %x\n",status);
+  evClose(handle);
+int *makeEvent()
+  int *bank;
+  int *segment, *longword;
+  short *word;
+  short *packet;
+  float data;
+  bank = (int *) malloc(80);
+  bank[0] = 22;			/* event length = 18 */
+  bank[1] = 1<<16 | 0x20<<8;	/* bank 1 contains segments */
+  {
+    segment = &(bank[2]);
+    segment[0] = 1<<24 | 0x20<<16 | 6; /* segment 1 has 2 segments of len 3 */
+    {
+      segment = &(segment[1]);
+      segment[0] = 2<<24 |  1<<16 | 2; /* segment 2 has 2 longwords */
+      segment[1] = 0x11111111;
+      segment[2] = 0x22222222;
+      segment += 3;
+      segment[0] = 3<<24 |  4<<16 | 2; /* segment 3 has 2 longwords of shorts */
+      {
+	word = (short *) &(segment[1]);
+	word[0] = 0x0000;
+	word[1] = 0x1111;
+	word[2] = 0x2222;
+	word[3] = 0x3333;
+      }
+    }
+    segment = &(bank[2]) + 7;	/* point past segment 1 */
+    segment[0] = 4<<24 | 0x34<<16 | 3; /* seg 4 has I*2 packets */
+    {
+      packet = (short *) &(segment[1]);
+      packet[0] = 1<<8 | 2;	/* packet 1 */
+      packet[1] = 0x1111;
+      packet[2] = 0x2222;
+      packet += 3;
+      packet[0] = 2<<8 | 2;	/* packet 2 */
+      packet[1] = 0x1111;
+      packet[2] = 0x2222;
+    }
+    segment += 4;
+    segment[0] = 5<<24 | 0xF<<16 | 8; /* seg 5 contains repeating structures */
+    {
+      word = (short *) &(segment[1]);
+      word[0] = 2;
+      word[1] = 2<<8 | 2;	/* 2(a,b) */
+      word[2] = 0x8000 | 2<<4 | 1; /* 2I */
+      word[3] = 0x8000 | 1<<4 | 2; /* 1F */
+      longword = &(segment[3]);
+      data = 123.456;
+      longword[0] = 0x1111;
+      longword[1] = 0x2222;
+      longword[2] = *(int *)&data;
+      longword[3] = 0x11111111;
+      longword[4] = 0x22222222;
+      longword[5] = *(int *)&data;
+    }
+  }
+  return(bank);
diff --git a/CODA/facility b/CODA/facility
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..72c0d02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CODA/facility
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+!  Copyright (c) 1991,1992 Southeastern Universities Research Association,
+!                          Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility
+!  This software was developed under a United States Government license
+!  described in the NOTICE file included as part of this distribution.
+!  CEBAF Data Acquisition Group, 12000 Jefferson Ave., Newport News, VA 23606
+!  Email:  Tel: (804) 249-7101  Fax: (804) 249-7363
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+!  Description:
+! 	File to assign facility number for Event File I/O
+!  Author:  Chip Watson, CEBAF Data Acquisition Group
+!  Revision History:
+!    $Log: facility,v $
+!    Revision 1.1  1998/12/07 22:11:05  saw
+!    Initial setup
+! Revision 1.1  1992/07/08  18:29:07  watson
+! Initial revision
+! Name  Number  Filename   	[String]
+evfile	115	evfile.msg	Event File I/O
+! Note: Name is case sensitive in searching for the corresponding .msg file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/CODA/misc.c b/CODA/misc.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01a5366
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CODA/misc.c
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+#include <time.h>
+int time_(void)
+  time_t now;
+  now = time((time_t *)0);
+  return((int) now);
diff --git a/CODA/swap_util.c b/CODA/swap_util.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..efc5f52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CODA/swap_util.c
@@ -0,0 +1,463 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 1991,1992 Southeastern Universities Research Association,
+ *                         Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility
+ *
+ * This software was developed under a United States Government license
+ * described in the NOTICE file included as part of this distribution.
+ *
+ * CEBAF Data Acquisition Group, 12000 Jefferson Ave., Newport News, VA 23606
+ * Email:  Tel: (804) 249-7101  Fax: (804) 249-7363
+ *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * 
+ * Description:
+ *	Byte swapping utilities
+ *	
+ * Author:  Jie Chen, CEBAF Data Acquisition Group
+ *
+ * Revision History:
+ *   $Log: swap_util.c,v $
+ *   Revision 1.1  1998/12/07 22:11:05  saw
+ *   Initial setup
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.4  1994/08/12  17:15:18  chen
+ *	  handle char string data type correctly
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.3  1994/05/17  14:24:19  chen
+ *	  fix memory leaks
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.2  1994/04/12  18:02:20  chen
+ *	  fix a bug when there is no event wrapper
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.1  1994/04/11  13:09:18  chen
+ *	  Initial revision
+ *
+*	  Revision 1.2  1993/11/05  16:54:50  chen
+*	  change comment
+*	  Revision 1.1  1993/10/27  09:39:44  heyes
+*	  Initial revision
+ *	  Revision 1.1  93/08/30  19:13:49  19:13:49  chen (Jie chen)
+ *	  Initial revision
+ *	  
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <memory.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+typedef struct _stack
+  int length;      /* inclusive size */
+  int posi;        /* event start position */
+  int type;        /* data type */
+  int tag;         /* tag value */
+  int num;         /* num field */
+  struct _stack *next;
+typedef struct _lk
+  int head_pos;
+  int type;
+}LK_AHEAD;         /* find out header */
+static evStack *init_evStack(),*evStack_top();
+static void    evStack_popoff();
+static void    evStack_pushon();
+static void    evStack_free();
+ *             int int_swap_byte(int input)              *
+ * get integer 32 bit input and output swapped byte      *
+ * integer                                               *
+ ********************************************************/
+int int_swap_byte(int input) 
+  int temp,i,len;
+  char *buf,*temp_buf;
+  len = sizeof(int);
+  buf = (char *)malloc(sizeof(int));
+  temp_buf = (char *)malloc(sizeof(int));
+  memcpy(temp_buf,&input,sizeof(int));
+  for(i=0;i<sizeof(int);i++)
+    buf[i] = temp_buf[len-i-1];
+  temp = *(int *)(buf);
+  free(buf);free(temp_buf);
+  return temp;
+ * void onmemory_swap(char *buffer)                     *
+ * swap byte order of buffer, buffer will be changed    *
+ ********************************************************/
+void onmemory_swap(char *buffer)
+  char temp[4],des_temp[4];
+  int  i,int_len;
+  int_len = sizeof(int);
+  memcpy(temp,buffer,int_len);
+  for(i=0;i<int_len;i++)
+    des_temp[i] = temp[int_len-i-1];
+  memcpy(buffer,des_temp,int_len);
+ * void swapped_intcpy(void *des,void *source, int size)*
+ * copy source with size size to des, but with byte     *
+ * order swapped in the unit of byte                    *
+ *******************************************************/
+void swapped_intcpy(char *des,char *source,int size)
+  char temp[4],des_temp[4];
+  int  i,j,int_len;
+  int_len = sizeof(int);
+  i = 0;
+  while(i < size){
+    memcpy(temp,&source[i],sizeof(int));
+    for(j=0;j<int_len;j++)
+      des_temp[j] = temp[int_len - j - 1];
+    memcpy(&(des[i]),des_temp,sizeof(int));
+    i += 4;
+  }
+ * void swapped_shortcpy(char *des, char *source, size)*
+ * copy short integer or packet with swapped byte order*
+ * ****************************************************/
+void swapped_shortcpy(char *des,char *source,int size)
+  char temp[2],des_temp[2];
+  int  i, j, short_len;
+  short_len = sizeof(short);
+  i = 0;
+  while(i < size){
+    memcpy(temp,&source[i],short_len);
+    for(j=0; j<short_len;j++)
+      des_temp[j] = temp[short_len -j -1];
+    memcpy(&(des[i]),des_temp,short_len);
+    i += 2;
+  }
+ * void swapped_longcpy(char *des, char *source, size) *
+ * copy 64 bit with swapped byte order                 *
+ * ****************************************************/
+void swapped_longcpy(char *des,char *source,int size)
+  char temp[8],des_temp[8];
+  int  i, j, long_len;
+  long_len = 8;
+  i = 0;
+  while(i < size){
+    memcpy(temp,&source[i],long_len);
+    for(j=0; j< long_len;j++)
+      des_temp[j] = temp[long_len -j -1];
+    memcpy(&(des[i]),des_temp,long_len);
+    i += 8;
+  }
+ *   int swapped_fread(void *ptr, int size, int n_itmes,file)*
+ *   fread from a file stream, but return swapped result     *
+ ************************************************************/ 
+int swapped_fread(void *ptr,int size,int n_items,FILE *stream)
+  char *temp_ptr;
+  int  nbytes;
+  temp_ptr = (char *)malloc(size*n_items);
+  nbytes = fread(temp_ptr,size,n_items,stream);
+  if(nbytes > 0){
+    swapped_intcpy(ptr,temp_ptr,n_items*size);
+  }
+  free(temp_ptr);
+  return(nbytes);
+ *    void swapped_memcpy(char *buffer,char *source,size)  *
+ * swapped memory copy from source to buffer accroding     *
+ * to data type                                            *
+ **********************************************************/
+void swapped_memcpy(char *buffer,char *source,int size)
+  evStack  *head, *p;
+  LK_AHEAD lk;
+  int      int_len, short_len, long_len;
+  int      i, j, depth, current_type;
+  int      header1, header2;
+  int      ev_size, ev_tag, ev_num, ev_type;
+  int      bk_size, bk_tag, bk_num, bk_type;
+  int      sg_size, sg_tag, sg_num, sg_type;
+  short    pk_size, pk_tag, pack;
+  char     temp[4],temp2[2];
+  int_len = sizeof(int);
+  short_len = sizeof(short);
+  long_len = 8;
+  head = init_evStack();
+  i = 0;   /* index pointing to 16 bit word */
+  swapped_intcpy(temp,source,int_len);
+  ev_size = *(int *)(temp);                  /*ev_size in unit of 32 bit*/
+  memcpy(&(buffer[i*2]),temp,int_len);
+  i += 2;
+  swapped_intcpy(temp,&(source[i*2]),int_len);
+  header2 = *(int *)(temp);
+  ev_tag =(header2 >> 16) & (0x0000ffff);
+  ev_type=(header2 >> 8) & (0x000000ff);
+  ev_num = (header2) & (0x000000ff);
+  memcpy(&(buffer[i*2]),temp,int_len);
+  i += 2;
+  if(ev_type >= 0x10){/* data type must be 0x10 bank type */
+    evStack_pushon((ev_size+1)*2,i-4,ev_type,ev_tag,ev_num,head);
+    lk.head_pos = i;
+    lk.type = ev_type;
+    if(lk.type == 0x10)
+      ev_size = ev_size + 1;
+  }
+  else{              /* sometimes event has no wrapper */
+    lk.head_pos = i + 2*(ev_size - 1);
+    lk.type = ev_type;
+    current_type = ev_type;
+  }
+/* get into the loop */
+  while (i < ev_size*2){
+    if ((p = evStack_top(head)) != NULL){
+      while(((p = evStack_top(head)) != NULL) && i == (p->length + p->posi)){
+	evStack_popoff(head);
+	head->length -= 1;
+      }
+    }
+    if (i == lk.head_pos){      /* dealing with header */
+      if((p = evStack_top(head)) != NULL)
+	lk.type = (p->type);
+      switch(lk.type){
+      case 0x10:
+	swapped_intcpy(temp,&(source[i*2]),int_len);
+	header1 = *(int *)(temp);
+	bk_size = header1;
+	memcpy(&(buffer[i*2]),temp,int_len);
+	i = i + 2;
+	swapped_intcpy(temp,&(source[i*2]),int_len);
+	header2 = *(int *)(temp);
+	memcpy(&(buffer[i*2]),temp,int_len);
+	bk_tag = (header2 >> 16) & (0x0000ffff);
+	bk_type = (header2 >> 8) & (0x000000ff);
+	bk_num = (header2) & (0x000000ff);
+	depth = head->length;  /* tree depth */
+	if (bk_type >= 0x10){  /* contains children */
+	  evStack_pushon((bk_size+1)*2,i-2,bk_type,bk_tag,bk_num,head);
+	  lk.head_pos = i + 2;
+	  head->length += 1;
+	  i = i + 2;
+	}
+	else{  /* real data */
+	  current_type = bk_type;
+	  lk.head_pos = i + bk_size*2;
+	  i = i+ 2;
+	}
+	break;
+      case 0x20:
+	swapped_intcpy(temp,&(source[i*2]),int_len);
+	header2 = *(int *)(temp);
+	memcpy(&(buffer[i*2]),temp,int_len);
+	sg_size = (header2) & (0x0000ffff);
+	sg_size = sg_size + 1;
+	sg_tag  = (header2 >> 24) & (0x000000ff);
+	sg_type = (header2 >> 16) & (0x000000ff);
+	if(sg_type >= 0x20){  /* contains children */
+	  evStack_pushon((sg_size)*2,i,sg_type,sg_tag,NULL,head);
+	  lk.head_pos = i + 2;
+	  head->length += 1;
+	  i = i+ 2;
+	}
+	else{  /* real data */
+	  current_type = sg_type;
+	  lk.head_pos = i + sg_size*2;
+	  i = i + 2;
+	}
+	break;
+      default:  /* packet type */
+	swapped_shortcpy(temp2,&(source[i*2]),short_len);
+	pack = *(short *)(temp2);
+	memcpy(&(buffer[i*2]),temp2,short_len);
+	if(pack == 0x0000){  /* empty packet increase by 1 */
+	  lk.head_pos = i + 1;
+	  i++;
+	}
+	else{
+	  pk_tag = (pack >> 8) & (0x00ff);
+	  pk_size = (pack) & (0x00ff);
+	  current_type = lk.type;
+	  lk.head_pos = i + pk_size + 1;
+	  i = i + 1;
+	}
+	break;
+      }
+    }
+    else{      /* deal with real data */
+      switch(current_type){
+      case 0x0:   /* unknown data type  */
+      case 0x1:   /* long integer       */
+      case 0x2:   /* IEEE floating point*/
+      case 0x9:   /* VAX floating point */
+	for(j = i; j < lk.head_pos; j=j+2){
+	  swapped_intcpy(temp,&(source[j*2]),int_len);
+	  memcpy(&(buffer[j*2]),temp,int_len);
+	}
+	i = lk.head_pos;
+	break;
+      case 0x4:   /* short integer     */
+      case 0x5:   /* unsigned integer  */
+      case 0x30:  
+      case 0x34:
+      case 0x35:
+	for(j = i; j < lk.head_pos; j=j+1){
+	  swapped_shortcpy(temp2,&(source[j*2]),short_len);
+	  memcpy(&(buffer[j*2]),temp2,short_len);
+	}
+	i = lk.head_pos;	
+	break;
+      case 0x3:  /* char string        */
+      case 0x6:
+      case 0x7:
+      case 0x36:
+      case 0x37:
+	memcpy(&(buffer[i*2]),&(source[i*2]),(lk.head_pos - i)*2);
+	i = lk.head_pos;		
+	break;
+      case 0x8:  /* 64 bit */
+      case 0xA:  /* 64 bit VAX floating point */
+	for(j = i; j < lk.head_pos; j=j+4){
+	  swapped_shortcpy(temp,&(source[j*2]),long_len);
+	  memcpy(&(buffer[j*2]),temp,long_len);
+	}
+	i = lk.head_pos;		
+	break;
+      case 0xF:  /* repeating structure, for now */
+	for(j = i; j < lk.head_pos; j=j+2){
+	  swapped_intcpy(temp,&(source[j*2]),int_len);
+	  memcpy(&(buffer[j*2]),temp,int_len);
+	}
+	i = lk.head_pos;
+	break;
+      default:
+	fprintf(stderr,"Wrong datatype 0x%x\n",current_type);
+	break;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  evStack_free (head);
+ *   evStack *init_evStack()                              *
+ *   set up the head for event stack                      *
+ *********************************************************/
+static evStack *init_evStack()
+  evStack *evhead;
+  evhead = (evStack *)malloc(1*sizeof(evStack));
+  if(evhead == NULL){
+    fprintf(stderr,"Cannot allocate memory for evStack\n");
+    exit (1);
+  }
+  evhead->length = 0;
+  evhead->posi = 0;
+  evhead->type = 0x0;
+  evhead->tag = 0x0;
+  evhead->num = 0x0;
+  evhead->next = NULL;
+  return evhead;
+ *    evStack *evStack_top(evStack *head)                *
+ *  return the top of the evStack pointed by head        *
+ ********************************************************/
+static evStack *evStack_top(evStack *head)
+  evStack *p;
+  p = head;
+  if (p->next == NULL)
+    return (NULL);
+  else
+    return (p->next);
+ *    void evStack_popoff(evStack *head)                *
+ * pop off the top of the stack item                    *
+ *******************************************************/
+static void evStack_popoff(evStack *head)
+  evStack *p,*q;
+  q = head;
+  if(q->next == NULL){
+    fprintf(stderr,"Empty stack\n");
+    return;
+  }
+  p = q->next;
+  q->next = p->next;
+  free (p);
+ *     void evStack_pushon()                           *
+ * push an item on to the stack                        *
+ ******************************************************/
+static void evStack_pushon(int size,
+			   int posi,
+			   int type,
+			   int tag,
+			   int num,
+			   evStack *head)
+  evStack *p, *q;
+  p = (evStack *)malloc(1*sizeof(evStack));
+  if (p == NULL){
+    fprintf(stderr,"Not enough memory for stack item\n");
+    exit(1);
+  }
+  q = head;
+  p->length = size;
+  p->posi = posi;
+  p->type = type;
+  p->tag = tag;
+  p->num = num;
+  p->next = q->next;
+  q->next = p;
+ *       void evStack_free()                          *
+ * Description:                                       *
+ *    Free all memory allocated for the stack         *
+ *****************************************************/
+static void evStack_free(evStack *head)
+  evStack *p, *q;
+  p = head;
+  while (p != NULL){
+    q = p->next;
+    free (p);
+    p = q;
+  }
diff --git a/CTP/.cvsignore b/CTP/.cvsignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f8c2622
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CTP/.cvsignore
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/CTP/CVS/Entries b/CTP/CVS/Entries
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b19f6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CTP/CVS/Entries
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+/.cvsignore/1.1/Wed Jul  7 19:22:54 2004//Tsane
+/Makefile/ Sep 12 09:57:43 2007//Tsane
+/Makefile.Unix/ Sep 10 20:08:01 2007//Tsane
+/cfortran.h/ Sep 10 20:16:06 2007//Tsane
+/cfortran.h.debian/ Sep 12 09:57:50 2007//Tsane
+/daVar.h/ Sep 10 21:32:47 2007//Tsane
+/daVarHandlers.c/1.1/Mon Dec  7 22:11:09 1998//Tsane
+/daVarHandlers.h/1.2/Thu Nov  4 20:34:04 1999//Tsane
+/daVarHash.h/1.1/Mon Dec  7 22:11:09 1998//Tsane
+/daVarHashLib.c/1.2/Thu Nov  4 20:34:04 1999//Tsane
+/daVarRegister.c/1.3/Fri Feb 21 20:55:24 2003//Tsane
+/daVarRpc.x/1.2/Thu Nov  4 20:34:04 1999//Tsane
+/daVarRpcProc.c/ Sep 10 21:32:47 2007//Tsane
+/daVarServ.c/1.3/Fri Feb 21 20:55:24 2003//Tsane
+/fnmatch.h/1.1/Wed Jun 23 13:40:25 1999//Tsane
+/hbook.h/1.1/Mon Dec  7 22:11:10 1998//Tsane
+/makereg.c/ Sep 10 21:32:47 2007//Tsane
+/th.h/1.2/Thu Nov  4 20:34:05 1999//Tsane
+/thClient.c/ Mar  3 20:06:21 2011//Tsane
+/thGethit.c/1.2/Thu Nov  4 20:34:05 1999//Tsane
+/thGroup.c/ Sep 10 21:32:47 2007//Tsane
+/thGroup.h/1.2/Thu Nov  4 20:34:05 1999//Tsane
+/thHandlers.c/ Sep 10 21:32:47 2007//Tsane
+/thHist.c/1.3/Fri Feb 21 20:55:24 2003//Tsane
+/thInternal.h/1.3/Thu Jul  8 20:06:09 2004//Tsane
+/thLoad.c/1.5/Tue Jul 13 15:04:53 2004//Tsane
+/thParm.c/ Mar  3 20:08:14 2011//Tsane
+/thReport.c/1.3/Wed Jul 31 20:07:48 2002//Tsane
+/thRootStuff.cpp/1.3/Tue Feb 22 16:25:51 2005//Tsane
+/thTest.c/1.2/Thu Nov  4 20:34:07 1999//Tsane
+/thTestExecute.c/ Mar  3 20:09:01 2011//Tsane
+/thTestParse.c/ Mar  3 20:09:44 2011//Tsane
+/thTestParse.h/1.1/Mon Dec  7 22:11:13 1998//Tsane
+/thTree.c/ Sep 10 21:32:47 2007//Tsane
+/thUtils.c/ Sep 10 21:32:47 2007//Tsane
+/thUtils.h/ Sep 10 21:32:47 2007//Tsane
diff --git a/CTP/CVS/Repository b/CTP/CVS/Repository
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dca89bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CTP/CVS/Repository
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/CTP/CVS/Root b/CTP/CVS/Root
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6288c3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CTP/CVS/Root
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/CTP/CVS/Tag b/CTP/CVS/Tag
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..25d73f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CTP/CVS/Tag
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/CTP/Makefile b/CTP/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc6b01e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CTP/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+include $(ETC)/Makefile.NEW
diff --git a/CTP/Makefile.Unix b/CTP/Makefile.Unix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..efca981
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CTP/Makefile.Unix
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+# $Log: Makefile.Unix,v $
+# Revision  2007/09/10 20:08:01  pcarter
+# Implemented changes to allow compilation on RHEL 3,4,5 and MacOSX
+# Revision  2007/08/07 18:50:57  puckett
+# Don't want CTP Root trees anymore
+# Revision 1.21  2004/07/08 20:04:33  saw
+# CTP ROOT trees will be compiled in if ROOTSYS is defined.
+# Build dummy CTP ROOT tree commands when ROOTSYS not defined.
+# Revision 1.20  2004/07/02 18:50:00  saw
+# Add ability to compile CTP root code.  To use, make sure the ROOTSYS
+# environment variable is set and comment out the line "ROOTSYS=".
+# Revision 1.19  2004/02/26 14:58:29  jones
+# For now , comment out parts dealing with ROOT.
+# Revision 1.18  2003/02/21 20:53:34  saw
+# Force rebuilding of files derived from daVarRpc.x more often.
+# Revision 1.17  1999/11/04 20:34:03  saw
+# Alpha compatibility.
+# New RPC call needed for root event display.
+# Start of code to write ROOT trees (ntuples) from new "tree" block
+# Revision 1.16  1998/12/08 15:40:45  saw
+# Force daVarRpc.h to be built.
+# Revision 1.15  1998/12/07 22:11:08  saw
+# Initial setup
+# Revision 1.14  1998/12/01 14:09:09  saw
+# (SAW) Misc fixes
+# Revision 1.13  96/11/07  20:19:37  20:19:37  saw (Stephen A. Wood)
+# (SAW) Add SunOS and AIX compatibility
+# Revision 1.12  1996/09/04 14:27:44  saw
+# (SAW) Add switches for OSF (Alpha) and some stuff for
+#       Linux (NFSDIRECTORY fixes)
+# Revision 1.11  1996/04/29 18:28:53  saw
+# (SAW) New makefile style
+# Revision 1.10  1996/01/16 15:27:20  cdaq
+# (SAW) Add hash table name lookup
+# Revision 1.9  1995/07/28 14:12:36  cdaq
+# (SAW) SGI/IRIX compatibility
+# Revision 1.8  1995/04/06  20:08:28  cdaq
+# (SAW) Fix typo in a RPCGEN line
+# Revision 1.7  1995/03/13  19:46:01  cdaq
+# (SAW) Add linux compile flags
+# Revision 1.6  1994/11/23  15:35:29  cdaq
+# (SAW) Make a libctpclient.a, add NOFNMATCH for ultrix
+# Revision 1.5  1994/10/11  18:31:42  cdaq
+# (SAW) Add thClient
+# Revision 1.4  1994/08/18  04:21:48  cdaq
+# (SAW) Add makereg.c
+# Revision 1.3  1994/08/04  03:49:08  cdaq
+# (SAW) Add gethit facility (thGethit.c)
+# Revision 1.2  1994/06/14  17:54:01  cdaq
+# (SAW) Add report generator (thReport.c)
+# Revision 1.1  1994/04/15  20:28:27  cdaq
+# Initial revision
+# To disable compilation of CTP Root Trees, make sure that the environment
+# variable ROOTSYS is undefined, or uncomment "#ROOTSYS=" line below.
+# The same must be done in EXE/Makefile
+#Only append to CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS the first time through
+ifeq ($(MAKELEVEL),2)
+  ifeq ($(MYOS),Linux)
+    ifeq ($(F77COMPILER),Absoft)
+      CFLAGS = -DNOF77extname -DAbsoftUNIXFortran # -DAbsoftUNIXFortran for cfortran.h
+    else
+      ifeq ($(OSEXT),TEST)
+        override CFLAGS += -Df2cFortran -b i486-linux -pg # -Df2cFortran for cfortran.h
+      else
+      #  CFLAGS = -g -Df2cFortran -b i486-linux -O # -Df2cFortran for cfortran.h
+        override CFLAGS += -Df2cFortran # -Df2cFortran for cfortran.h
+      endif
+    endif
+    override CXXFLAGS += -fno-exceptions -fPIC
+  endif
+  ifdef ROOTSYS
+    override CFLAGS += -DROOTTREE
+    override CXXFLAGS += -I$(ROOTSYS)/include
+  endif
+ifeq ($(MYOS),Linux)
+# -k generates K&R C
+#  RPCCOM=rpcgen -b -k
+  RPCCOM=rpcgen -b
+include ../../etc/Makefile
+ctp_sources = thTest.c thTestParse.c thTestExecute.c thHandlers.c thParm.c \
+       thUtils.c thLoad.c thGroup.c thHist.c thReport.c thGethit.c \
+       daVarRegister.c daVarRpcProc.c daVarHandlers.c daVarServ.c \
+       daVarRpc_svc.c daVarRpc_xdr.c daVarHashLib.c thTree.c
+ctpclient_sources = daVarRpc_xdr.c daVarRpc_clnt.c thClient.c
+lib_targets := $(patsubst %.c, libctp.a(%.o), $(ctp_sources)) \
+	$(patsubst %.c, libctpclient.a(%.o), $(ctpclient_sources))
+ifdef ROOTSYS
+cxxsources = thRootStuff.cpp
+lib_targets := $(patsubst %.c, libctp_root.a(%.o), $(ctp_sources)) \
+	$(patsubst %.c, libctpclient_root.a(%.o), $(ctpclient_sources)) \
+	$(patsubst %.cpp, libctp_root.a(%.o), $(cxxsources))
+sources = $(ctpclient_sources) $(ctp_sources) makereg.c
+bin_targets = makereg
+install-dirs := lib bin
+ifeq ($(MYOS),IRIX)
+  CC = gcc
+  RPCCOM=rpcgen
+ifeq ($(MYOS),OSF1)
+  CC = cc -verbose
+  RPCCOM=rpcgen
+ifeq ($(MYOS),HPUX)
+  CC = gcc
+ifeq ($(OSEXT),TEST)
+  CFLAGS = -Dhpux -D_HPUX_SOURCE -Dextname -g -pg # for gprof
+  CFLAGS = -Dhpux -D_HPUX_SOURCE -Dextname -g
+  ARFLAGS = frv
+  RPCCOM=rpcgen
+ifeq ($(MYOS),ULTRIX)
+  CC = gcc
+  RPCCOM=/usr/site1/rpc/rpcgen
+ifeq ($(MYOS),SunOS)
+  CC = gcc
+  ifeq ($(OSVERSION),4)
+  else
+    CFLAGS = -O
+  endif
+  RPCCOM = /usr/bin/rpcgen
+ifeq ($(MYOS),AIX)
+  CC = gcc
+  CFLAGS = -O -Dextname
+  RPCCOM = rpcgen
+##library: libctp.a
+##$(LIBROOT)/libctp.a: $(libctp_members)
+../%.c : $(NFSDIRECTORY)/CTP/%.c
+	ln -s $< $@
+../%.h : $(NFSDIRECTORY)/CTP/%.h
+	ln -s $< $@
+../%.x : $(NFSDIRECTORY)/CTP/%.x
+	ln -s $< $@
+.PRECIOUS: ../%.c ../%.h ../%.x
+makereg: makereg.o
+ifdef ROOTSYS
+thRootStuff.o: ../thRootStuff.cpp
+	$(CXX) -o$@ -c $(CXXFLAGS) $<
+RPCDEPENDS_RULE = echo "$(subst .d,.o,$@): \
+	../$(subst .d,.c,$@) ../daVarRpc.h" >$@
+# Include ../daVarRpc.h as a dependency to force it to be made before
+# dependencies on non-autogenerated sources are done
+daVarRpc_xdr.d: ../daVarRpc.h
+	echo remaking $@
+daVarRpc_clnt.d: ../daVarRpc.h
+	echo remaking $@
+daVarRpc_svc.d: ../daVarRpc.h
+	echo remaking $@
+daVarRpc.d: ../daVarRpc.h
+	echo remaking $@
+	touch $@
+../daVarRpc_xdr.c: ../daVarRpc.x ../daVar.h daVarRpc_xdr.d
+	$(RM) $@
+	(cd .. ; $(RPCCOM) -o $(@F) -c daVarRpc.x)
+../daVarRpc_svc.c: ../daVarRpc.x ../daVar.h daVarRpc_svc.d
+	$(RM) $@
+#	(cd .. ; $(RPCCOM) -o $(@F) -m daVarRpc.x)
+# work around a bug in rpcgen present in Mac OS X 10.4:
+	(cd .. ; $(RPCCOM) -o temp_svc.c -m daVarRpc.x; sed -e 's/extern/static/g' temp_svc.c > $(@F); $(RM) temp_svc.c)
+../daVarRpc_clnt.c: ../daVarRpc.x ../daVar.h daVarRpc_clnt.d
+	$(RM) $@
+	(cd .. ; $(RPCCOM) -o $(@F) -l daVarRpc.x)
+../daVarRpc.h: ../daVarRpc.x ../daVar.h
+	$(RM) $@
+	(cd .. ; $(RPCCOM) -o $(@F) -h daVarRpc.x)
+include $(sources:.c=.d)
+ifdef ROOTSYS
+include $(cxxsources:.cpp=.d)
diff --git a/CTP/cfortran.h b/CTP/cfortran.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ae0eda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CTP/cfortran.h
@@ -0,0 +1,2374 @@
+/* cfortran.h  4.3 */
+/*                   */
+/* Burkhard Burow                 1990 - 2001. */
+/* This version of cfortran.h is from NetCDF and has support for gfortran.
+ *
+ * Also see
+ */
+  Avoid symbols already used by compilers and system *.h:
+  __ - OSF1 zukal06 V3.0 347 alpha, cc -c -std1 cfortest.c
+ */
+/* First prepare for the C compiler. */
+#ifndef ANSI_C_preprocessor /* i.e. user can override. */
+#ifdef __CF__KnR
+#define ANSI_C_preprocessor 0
+#ifdef __STDC__
+#define ANSI_C_preprocessor 1
+#define _cfleft             1
+#define _cfright 
+#define _cfleft_cfright     0
+#define ANSI_C_preprocessor _cfleft/**/_cfright
+#if ANSI_C_preprocessor
+#define _0(A,B)   A##B
+#define  _(A,B)   _0(A,B)  /* see cat,xcat of K&R ANSI C p. 231 */
+#define _2(A,B)   A##B     /* K&R ANSI C p.230: .. identifier is not replaced */
+#define _3(A,B,C) _(A,_(B,C))
+#else                      /* if it turns up again during rescanning.         */
+#define  _(A,B)   A/**/B
+#define _2(A,B)   A/**/B
+#define _3(A,B,C) A/**/B/**/C
+#if (defined(vax)&&defined(unix)) || (defined(__vax__)&&defined(__unix__))
+#define VAXUltrix
+#include <stdio.h>     /* NULL [in all machines stdio.h]                      */
+#include <string.h>    /* strlen, memset, memcpy, memchr.                     */
+#if !( defined(VAXUltrix) || defined(sun) || (defined(apollo)&&!defined(__STDCPP__)) )
+#include <stdlib.h>    /* malloc,free                                         */
+#include <malloc.h>    /* Had to be removed for DomainOS h105 10.4 sys5.3 425t*/
+#ifdef apollo
+#define __CF__APOLLO67 /* __STDCPP__ is in Apollo 6.8 (i.e. ANSI) and onwards */
+#if !defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__sun) && (defined(sun)||defined(VAXUltrix)||defined(lynx))
+#define __CF__KnR     /* Sun, LynxOS and VAX Ultrix cc only supports K&R.     */
+                      /* Manually define __CF__KnR for HP if desired/required.*/
+#endif                /*       i.e. We will generate Kernighan and Ritchie C. */
+/* Note that you may define __CF__KnR before #include cfortran.h, in order to
+generate K&R C instead of the default ANSI C. The differences are mainly in the
+function prototypes and declarations. All machines, except the Apollo, work
+with either style. The Apollo's argument promotion rules require ANSI or use of
+the obsolete std_$call which we have not implemented here. Hence on the Apollo,
+only C calling FORTRAN subroutines will work using K&R style.*/
+/* Remainder of cfortran.h depends on the Fortran compiler. */
+#if defined(CLIPPERFortran) || defined(pgiFortran) || defined(__CYGWIN32__)
+#ifndef f2cFortran
+#define f2cFortran
+/* VAX/VMS does not let us \-split long #if lines. */ 
+/* Split #if into 2 because some HP-UX can't handle long #if */
+#if !(defined(NAGf90Fortran)||defined(f2cFortran)||defined(hpuxFortran)||defined(apolloFortran)||defined(sunFortran)||defined(IBMR2Fortran)||defined(CRAYFortran)||defined(PATHSCALE_COMPILER)||defined(gFortran))
+#if !(defined(mipsFortran)||defined(DECFortran)||defined(vmsFortran)||defined(CONVEXFortran)||defined(PowerStationFortran)||defined(AbsoftUNIXFortran)||defined(AbsoftProFortran)||defined(SXFortran))
+/* If no Fortran compiler is given, we choose one for the machines we know.   */
+#if defined(lynx) || defined(VAXUltrix)
+#define f2cFortran    /* Lynx:      Only support f2c at the moment.
+                         VAXUltrix: f77 behaves like f2c.
+                           Support f2c or f77 with gcc, vcc with f2c. 
+                           f77 with vcc works, missing link magic for f77 I/O.*/
+#if defined(__hpux)             /* 921107: Use __hpux instead of __hp9000s300 */
+#define       hpuxFortran       /*         Should also allow hp9000s7/800 use.*/
+#if       defined(apollo)
+#define           apolloFortran /* __CF__APOLLO67 also defines some behavior. */
+#if          defined(sun) || defined(__sun) 
+#define              sunFortran
+#if       defined(_IBMR2)
+#define            IBMR2Fortran
+#if        defined(_CRAY)
+#define             CRAYFortran /*       _CRAYT3E also defines some behavior. */
+#if        defined(_SX)
+#define               SXFortran
+#if         defined(mips) || defined(__mips)
+#define             mipsFortran
+#if          defined(vms) || defined(__vms)
+#define              vmsFortran
+#if      defined(__alpha) && defined(__unix__)
+#define              DECFortran
+#if   defined(__convex__)
+#define           CONVEXFortran
+#if   defined(VISUAL_CPLUSPLUS)
+#define     PowerStationFortran
+#if   defined(__PATHCC__)
+#endif /* ...Fortran */
+#endif /* ...Fortran */
+/* Split #if into 2 because some HP-UX can't handle long #if */
+#if !(defined(NAGf90Fortran)||defined(f2cFortran)||defined(hpuxFortran)||defined(apolloFortran)||defined(sunFortran)||defined(IBMR2Fortran)||defined(CRAYFortran)||defined(PATHSCALE_COMPILER)||defined(gFortran))
+#if !(defined(mipsFortran)||defined(DECFortran)||defined(vmsFortran)||defined(CONVEXFortran)||defined(PowerStationFortran)||defined(AbsoftUNIXFortran)||defined(AbsoftProFortran)||defined(SXFortran))
+/* If your compiler barfs on ' #error', replace # with the trigraph for #     */
+ #error "cfortran.h:  Can't find your environment among:\
+    - MIPS cc and f77 2.0. (e.g. Silicon Graphics, DECstations, ...)     \
+    - IBM AIX XL C and FORTRAN Compiler/6000 Version 01.01.0000.0000     \
+    - VAX   VMS CC 3.1 and FORTRAN 5.4.                                  \
+    - Alpha VMS DEC C 1.3 and DEC FORTRAN 6.0.                           \
+    - Alpha OSF DEC C and DEC Fortran for OSF/1 AXP Version 1.2          \
+    - Apollo DomainOS 10.2 (sys5.3) with f77 10.7 and cc 6.7.            \
+    - CRAY                                                               \
+    - NEC SX-4 SUPER-UX                                                  \
+    - CONVEX                                                             \
+    - Sun                                                                \
+    - PowerStation Fortran with Visual C++                               \
+    - HP9000s300/s700/s800 Latest test with: HP-UX A.08.07 A 9000/730    \
+    - LynxOS: cc or gcc with f2c.                                        \
+    - VAXUltrix: vcc,cc or gcc with f2c. gcc or cc with f77.             \
+    -            f77 with vcc works; but missing link magic for f77 I/O. \
+    -            NO fort. None of gcc, cc or vcc generate required names.\
+    - f2c    : Use #define    f2cFortran, or cc -Df2cFortran             \
+    - NAG f90: Use #define NAGf90Fortran, or cc -DNAGf90Fortran          \
+    - Absoft UNIX F77: Use #define AbsoftUNIXFortran or cc -DAbsoftUNIXFortran \
+    - Absoft Pro Fortran: Use #define AbsoftProFortran \
+    - Portland Group Fortran: Use #define pgiFortran \
+    - PathScale Fortran: Use #define PATHSCALE_COMPILER"
+/* Compiler must throw us out at this point! */
+#if defined(VAXC) && !defined(__VAXC)
+#define OLD_VAXC
+#pragma nostandard                       /* Prevent %CC-I-PARAMNOTUSED.       */
+/* Throughout cfortran.h we use: UN = Uppercase Name.  LN = Lowercase Name.   */
+#if defined(f2cFortran) || defined(NAGf90Fortran) || defined(DECFortran) || defined(mipsFortran) || defined(apolloFortran) || defined(sunFortran) || defined(CONVEXFortran) || defined(SXFortran) || defined(extname) || defined(PATHSCALE_COMPILER) || defined(gFortran)
+#define CFC_(UN,LN)            _(LN,_)      /* Lowercase FORTRAN symbols.     */
+#define orig_fcallsc(UN,LN)    CFC_(UN,LN)
+#if defined(CRAYFortran) || defined(PowerStationFortran) || defined(AbsoftProFortran)
+#ifdef _CRAY          /* (UN), not UN, circumvents CRAY preprocessor bug.     */
+#define CFC_(UN,LN)            (UN)         /* Uppercase FORTRAN symbols.     */
+#else                 /* At least VISUAL_CPLUSPLUS barfs on (UN), so need UN. */
+#define CFC_(UN,LN)            UN           /* Uppercase FORTRAN symbols.     */
+#define orig_fcallsc(UN,LN)    CFC_(UN,LN)  /* CRAY insists on arg.'s here.   */
+#else  /* For following machines one may wish to change the fcallsc default.  */
+#ifdef vmsFortran
+#define CFC_(UN,LN)            LN           /* Either case FORTRAN symbols.   */
+     /* BUT we usually use UN for C macro to FORTRAN routines, so use LN here,*/
+     /* because VAX/VMS doesn't do recursive macros.                          */
+#define orig_fcallsc(UN,LN)    UN
+#else      /* HP-UX without +ppu or IBMR2 without -qextname. NOT reccomended. */
+#define CFC_(UN,LN)            LN           /* Lowercase FORTRAN symbols.     */
+#define orig_fcallsc(UN,LN)    CFC_(UN,LN)
+#endif /*  vmsFortran */
+#endif /* CRAYFortran PowerStationFortran */
+#endif /* ....Fortran */
+#define fcallsc(UN,LN)               orig_fcallsc(UN,LN)
+#define preface_fcallsc(P,p,UN,LN)   CFC_(_(P,UN),_(p,LN))
+#define  append_fcallsc(P,p,UN,LN)   CFC_(_(UN,P),_(LN,p))
+#define C_FUNCTION(UN,LN)            fcallsc(UN,LN)      
+#ifndef CONVEXFortran
+#ifndef CLIPPERFortran
+#if     !(defined(AbsoftUNIXFortran)||defined(AbsoftProFortran))
+#define COMMON_BLOCK(UN,LN)          CFC_(UN,LN)
+#define COMMON_BLOCK(UN,LN)          _(_C,LN)
+#endif  /* AbsoftUNIXFortran or AbsoftProFortran */
+#define COMMON_BLOCK(UN,LN)          _(LN,__)
+#endif  /* CLIPPERFortran */
+#define COMMON_BLOCK(UN,LN)          _3(_,LN,_)
+#endif  /* CONVEXFortran */
+#endif  /* COMMON_BLOCK */
+#if defined(CRAYFortran) && !defined(_CRAYT3E)
+#define DOUBLE_PRECISION long double
+#define DOUBLE_PRECISION double
+#if defined(CRAYFortran) &&  defined(_CRAYT3E)
+#define FORTRAN_REAL double
+#define FORTRAN_REAL float
+#ifdef CRAYFortran
+#ifdef _CRAY
+#include <fortran.h>
+#include "fortran.h"  /* i.e. if crosscompiling assume user has file. */
+#define FLOATVVVVVVV_cfPP (FORTRAN_REAL *)   /* Used for C calls FORTRAN.     */
+/* CRAY's double==float but CRAY says pointers to doubles and floats are diff.*/
+#define VOIDP  (void *)  /* When FORTRAN calls C, we don't know if C routine 
+                            arg.'s have been declared float *, or double *.   */
+#define VOIDP
+#ifdef vmsFortran
+#if    defined(vms) || defined(__vms)
+#include <descrip.h>
+#include "descrip.h"  /* i.e. if crosscompiling assume user has file. */
+#ifdef sunFortran
+#if defined(sun) || defined(__sun)
+#include <math.h>     /* Sun's FLOATFUNCTIONTYPE, ASSIGNFLOAT, RETURNFLOAT.  */
+#include "math.h"     /* i.e. if crosscompiling assume user has file. */
+/* At least starting with the default C compiler SC3.0.1 of SunOS 5.3,
+ * <math.h>, since sun C no longer promotes C float return values to doubles.
+ * Therefore, only use them if defined.
+ * Even if gcc is being used, assume that it exhibits the Sun C compiler
+ * behavior in order to be able to use *.o from the Sun C compiler.
+ * i.e. If FLOATFUNCTIONTYPE, etc. are in math.h, they required by gcc.
+ */
+#ifndef apolloFortran
+#define CF_NULL_PROTO
+#else                                         /* HP doesn't understand #elif. */
+/* Without ANSI prototyping, Apollo promotes float functions to double.    */
+/* Note that VAX/VMS, IBM, Mips choke on 'type function(...);' prototypes. */
+#define CF_NULL_PROTO ...
+#ifndef __CF__APOLLO67
+ DEFINITION NAME __attribute((__section(NAME)))
+ DEFINITION NAME #attribute[section(NAME)]
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#undef  CF_NULL_PROTO
+#define CF_NULL_PROTO  ...
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#define USE_NEW_DELETE 1
+#define USE_NEW_DELETE 0
+#define _cf_malloc(N) new char[N]
+#define _cf_free(P)   delete[] P
+#define _cf_malloc(N) (char *)malloc(N)
+#define _cf_free(P)   free(P)
+#ifdef mipsFortran
+#define CF_DECLARE_GETARG         int f77argc; char **f77argv
+#define CF_SET_GETARG(ARGC,ARGV)  f77argc = ARGC; f77argv = ARGV
+#ifdef OLD_VAXC                          /* Allow %CC-I-PARAMNOTUSED.         */
+#pragma standard                         
+#define AcfCOMMA ,
+#define AcfCOLON ;
+/*               UTILITIES USED WITHIN CFORTRAN.H                          */
+#define _cfMIN(A,B) (A<B?A:B)
+/* 970211 - XIX.145:
+   firstindexlength  - better name is all_but_last_index_lengths
+   secondindexlength - better name is         last_index_length
+ */
+#define  firstindexlength(A) (sizeof(A[0])==1 ? 1 : (sizeof(A) / sizeof(A[0])) )
+#define secondindexlength(A) (sizeof(A[0])==1 ?      sizeof(A) : sizeof(A[0])  )
+/* Behavior of FORTRAN LOGICAL. All machines' LOGICAL is same size as C's int.
+Conversion is automatic except for arrays which require F2CLOGICALV/C2FLOGICALV.
+f2c, MIPS f77 [DECstation, SGI], VAX Ultrix f77,
+HP-UX f77                                        : as in C.
+VAX/VMS FORTRAN, VAX Ultrix fort,
+Absoft Unix Fortran, IBM RS/6000 xlf             : LS Bit = 0/1 = TRUE/FALSE.
+Apollo                                           : neg.   = TRUE, else FALSE. 
+[Apollo accepts -1 as TRUE for function values, but NOT all other neg. values.]
+[DECFortran for Ultrix RISC is also called f77 but is the same as VAX/VMS.]   
+[MIPS f77 treats .eqv./.neqv. as .eq./.ne. and hence requires LOGICAL_STRICT.]*/
+#if defined(NAGf90Fortran) || defined(f2cFortran) || defined(mipsFortran) || defined(PowerStationFortran) || defined(hpuxFortran800) || defined(AbsoftUNIXFortran) || defined(AbsoftProFortran) || defined(SXFortran) || defined(PATHSCALE_COMPILER)
+/* SX/PowerStationFortran have 0 and 1 defined, others are neither T nor F.   */
+/* hpuxFortran800 has 0 and 0x01000000 defined. Others are unknown.           */
+#define LOGICAL_STRICT      /* Other Fortran have .eqv./.neqv. == .eq./.ne.   */
+#define C2FLOGICALV(A,I) \
+ do {int __i; for(__i=0;__i<I;__i++) A[__i]=C2FLOGICAL(A[__i]); } while (0)
+#define F2CLOGICALV(A,I) \
+ do {int __i; for(__i=0;__i<I;__i++) A[__i]=F2CLOGICAL(A[__i]); } while (0)
+#if defined(apolloFortran)
+#define C2FLOGICAL(L) ((L)?-1:(L)&~((unsigned)1<<sizeof(int)*8-1))
+#define F2CLOGICAL(L) ((L)<0?(L):0) 
+#if defined(CRAYFortran)
+#define C2FLOGICAL(L) _btol(L)
+#define F2CLOGICAL(L) _ltob(&(L))     /* Strangely _ltob() expects a pointer. */
+#if defined(IBMR2Fortran) || defined(vmsFortran) || defined(DECFortran) || defined(AbsoftUNIXFortran)
+/* How come no AbsoftProFortran ? */
+#define C2FLOGICAL(L) ((L)?(L)|1:(L)&~(int)1)
+#define F2CLOGICAL(L) ((L)&1?(L):0)
+#if defined(CONVEXFortran)
+#define C2FLOGICAL(L) ((L) ? ~0 : 0 )
+#define F2CLOGICAL(L) (L)
+#else   /* others evaluate LOGICALs as for C. */
+#define C2FLOGICAL(L) (L)
+#define F2CLOGICAL(L) (L)
+#undef  C2FLOGICALV
+#undef  F2CLOGICALV
+#define C2FLOGICALV(A,I)
+#define F2CLOGICALV(A,I)
+#endif  /* LOGICAL_STRICT                     */
+#endif  /* CONVEXFortran || All Others        */
+#endif  /* IBMR2Fortran vmsFortran DECFortran AbsoftUNIXFortran */
+#endif  /* CRAYFortran                        */
+#endif  /* apolloFortran                      */
+/* 970514 - In addition to CRAY, there may be other machines
+            for which LOGICAL_STRICT makes no sense. */
+#if defined(LOGICAL_STRICT) && !defined(CRAYFortran)
+/* Force C2FLOGICAL to generate only the values for either .TRUE. or .FALSE.
+   SX/PowerStationFortran only have 0 and 1 defined.
+   Elsewhere, only needed if you want to do:
+     logical lvariable
+     if (lvariable .eq.  .true.) then       ! (1)
+   instead of
+     if (lvariable .eqv. .true.) then       ! (2)
+   - (1) may not even be FORTRAN/77 and that Apollo's f77 and IBM's xlf
+     refuse to compile (1), so you are probably well advised to stay away from 
+     (1) and from LOGICAL_STRICT.
+   - You pay a (slight) performance penalty for using LOGICAL_STRICT. */
+#undef  C2FLOGICAL
+#ifdef hpuxFortran800
+#define C2FLOGICAL(L) ((L)?0x01000000:0)
+#if defined(apolloFortran) || defined(vmsFortran) || defined(DECFortran)
+#define C2FLOGICAL(L) ((L)?-1:0) /* These machines use -1/0 for .true./.false.*/
+#define C2FLOGICAL(L) ((L)? 1:0) /* All others     use +1/0 for .true./.false.*/
+#endif /* LOGICAL_STRICT */
+/* Convert a vector of C strings into FORTRAN strings. */
+#ifndef __CF__KnR
+static char *c2fstrv(char* cstr, char *fstr, int elem_len, int sizeofcstr)
+static char *c2fstrv(      cstr,       fstr,     elem_len,     sizeofcstr)
+                     char* cstr; char *fstr; int elem_len; int sizeofcstr;
+{ int i,j;
+/* elem_len includes \0 for C strings. Fortran strings don't have term. \0.
+   Useful size of string must be the same in both languages. */
+for (i=0; i<sizeofcstr/elem_len; i++) {
+  for (j=1; j<elem_len && *cstr; j++) *fstr++ = *cstr++;
+  cstr += 1+elem_len-j;
+  for (; j<elem_len; j++) *fstr++ = ' ';
+} /* 95109 - Seems to be returning the original fstr. */
+return fstr-sizeofcstr+sizeofcstr/elem_len; }
+/* Convert a vector of FORTRAN strings into C strings. */
+#ifndef __CF__KnR
+static char *f2cstrv(char *fstr, char* cstr, int elem_len, int sizeofcstr)
+static char *f2cstrv(      fstr,       cstr,     elem_len,     sizeofcstr)
+                     char *fstr; char* cstr; int elem_len; int sizeofcstr; 
+{ int i,j;
+/* elem_len includes \0 for C strings. Fortran strings don't have term. \0.
+   Useful size of string must be the same in both languages. */
+cstr += sizeofcstr;
+fstr += sizeofcstr - sizeofcstr/elem_len;
+for (i=0; i<sizeofcstr/elem_len; i++) {
+  *--cstr = '\0';
+  for (j=1; j<elem_len; j++) *--cstr = *--fstr;
+} return cstr; }
+/* kill the trailing char t's in string s. */
+#ifndef __CF__KnR
+static char *kill_trailing(char *s, char t)
+static char *kill_trailing(      s,      t) char *s; char t;
+{char *e; 
+e = s + strlen(s);
+if (e>s) {                           /* Need this to handle NULL string.*/
+  while (e>s && *--e==t);            /* Don't follow t's past beginning. */
+  e[*e==t?0:1] = '\0';               /* Handle s[0]=t correctly.       */
+} return s; }
+/* kill_trailingn(s,t,e) will kill the trailing t's in string s. e normally 
+points to the terminating '\0' of s, but may actually point to anywhere in s.
+s's new '\0' will be placed at e or earlier in order to remove any trailing t's.
+If e<s string s is left unchanged. */ 
+#ifndef __CF__KnR
+static char *kill_trailingn(char *s, char t, char *e)
+static char *kill_trailingn(      s,      t,       e) char *s; char t; char *e;
+if (e==s) *e = '\0';                 /* Kill the string makes sense here.*/
+else if (e>s) {                      /* Watch out for neg. length string.*/
+  while (e>s && *--e==t);            /* Don't follow t's past beginning. */
+  e[*e==t?0:1] = '\0';               /* Handle s[0]=t correctly.       */
+} return s; }
+/* Note the following assumes that any element which has t's to be chopped off,
+does indeed fill the entire element. */
+#ifndef __CF__KnR
+static char *vkill_trailing(char* cstr, int elem_len, int sizeofcstr, char t)
+static char *vkill_trailing(      cstr,     elem_len,     sizeofcstr,      t)
+                            char* cstr; int elem_len; int sizeofcstr; char t;
+{ int i;
+for (i=0; i<sizeofcstr/elem_len; i++) /* elem_len includes \0 for C strings. */
+  kill_trailingn(cstr+elem_len*i,t,cstr+elem_len*(i+1)-1);
+return cstr; }
+#ifdef vmsFortran
+typedef struct dsc$descriptor_s fstring;
+#define DSC$DESCRIPTOR_A(DIMCT)  		                               \
+struct {                                                                       \
+  unsigned short dsc$w_length;	        unsigned char	 dsc$b_dtype;	       \
+  unsigned char	 dsc$b_class;	                 char	*dsc$a_pointer;	       \
+           char	 dsc$b_scale;	        unsigned char	 dsc$b_digits;         \
+  struct {                                                                     \
+    unsigned		       : 3;	  unsigned dsc$v_fl_binscale : 1;      \
+    unsigned dsc$v_fl_redim    : 1;       unsigned dsc$v_fl_column   : 1;      \
+    unsigned dsc$v_fl_coeff    : 1;       unsigned dsc$v_fl_bounds   : 1;      \
+  } dsc$b_aflags;	                                                       \
+  unsigned char	 dsc$b_dimct;	        unsigned long	 dsc$l_arsize;	       \
+           char	*dsc$a_a0;	                 long	 dsc$l_m [DIMCT];      \
+  struct {                                                                     \
+    long dsc$l_l;                         long dsc$l_u;                        \
+  } dsc$bounds [DIMCT];                                                        \
+typedef DSC$DESCRIPTOR_A(1) fstringvector;
+/*typedef DSC$DESCRIPTOR_A(2) fstringarrarr;
+  typedef DSC$DESCRIPTOR_A(3) fstringarrarrarr;*/
+#define initfstr(F,C,ELEMNO,ELEMLEN)                                           \
+( (F).dsc$l_arsize=  ( (F).dsc$w_length                        =(ELEMLEN) )    \
+                    *( (F).dsc$l_m[0]=(F).dsc$bounds[0].dsc$l_u=(ELEMNO)  ),   \
+  (F).dsc$a_a0    =  ( (F).dsc$a_pointer=(C) ) - (F).dsc$w_length          ,(F))
+#define _NUM_ELEMS      -1
+#define _NUM_ELEM_ARG   -2
+#define NUM_ELEMS(A)    A,_NUM_ELEMS
+#define NUM_ELEM_ARG(B) *_2(A,B),_NUM_ELEM_ARG
+#define TERM_CHARS(A,B) A,B
+#ifndef __CF__KnR
+static int num_elem(char *strv, unsigned elem_len, int term_char, int num_term)
+static int num_elem(      strv,          elem_len,     term_char,     num_term)
+                    char *strv; unsigned elem_len; int term_char; int num_term;
+/* elem_len is the number of characters in each element of strv, the FORTRAN
+vector of strings. The last element of the vector must begin with at least
+num_term term_char characters, so that this routine can determine how 
+many elements are in the vector. */
+unsigned num,i;
+if (num_term == _NUM_ELEMS || num_term == _NUM_ELEM_ARG) 
+  return term_char;
+if (num_term <=0) num_term = (int)elem_len;
+for (num=0; ; num++) {
+  for (i=0; i<(unsigned)num_term && *strv==term_char; i++,strv++);
+  if (i==(unsigned)num_term) break;
+  else strv += elem_len-i;
+return (int)num;
+/* C string TO Fortran Common Block STRing. */
+/* DIM is the number of DIMensions of the array in terms of strings, not
+   characters. e.g. char a[12] has DIM = 0, char a[12][4] has DIM = 1, etc. */
+#define C2FCBSTR(CSTR,FSTR,DIM)                                                \
+ c2fstrv((char *)CSTR, (char *)FSTR, sizeof(FSTR)/cfelementsof(FSTR,DIM)+1,    \
+         sizeof(FSTR)+cfelementsof(FSTR,DIM))
+/* Fortran Common Block string TO C STRing. */
+#define FCB2CSTR(FSTR,CSTR,DIM)                                                \
+ vkill_trailing(f2cstrv((char *)FSTR, (char *)CSTR,                            \
+                        sizeof(FSTR)/cfelementsof(FSTR,DIM)+1,                 \
+                        sizeof(FSTR)+cfelementsof(FSTR,DIM)),                  \
+                sizeof(FSTR)/cfelementsof(FSTR,DIM)+1,                         \
+                sizeof(FSTR)+cfelementsof(FSTR,DIM), ' ')
+#define cfDEREFERENCE0
+#define cfDEREFERENCE1 *
+#define cfDEREFERENCE2 **
+#define cfDEREFERENCE3 ***
+#define cfDEREFERENCE4 ****
+#define cfDEREFERENCE5 *****
+#define cfelementsof(A,D) (sizeof(A)/sizeof(_(cfDEREFERENCE,D)(A)))
+/*               UTILITIES FOR C TO CALL FORTRAN SUBROUTINES               */
+/* Define lookup tables for how to handle the various types of variables.  */
+#ifdef OLD_VAXC                                /* Prevent %CC-I-PARAMNOTUSED. */
+#pragma nostandard
+#define ZTRINGV_NUM(I)       I
+#define ZTRINGV_ARGFP(I) (*(_2(A,I))) /* Undocumented. For PINT, etc. */
+#define ZTRINGV_ARGF(I) _2(A,I)
+#define ZTRINGV_ARGS(I) _2(B,I)
+#define    PBYTE_cfVP(A,B) PINT_cfVP(A,B)
+#define  PDOUBLE_cfVP(A,B)
+#define   PFLOAT_cfVP(A,B)
+#ifdef ZTRINGV_ARGS_allows_Pvariables
+/* This allows Pvariables for ARGS. ARGF machinery is above ARGFP.
+ * B is not needed because the variable may be changed by the Fortran routine,
+ * but because B is the only way to access an arbitrary macro argument.       */
+#define     PINT_cfVP(A,B) int  B = (int)A;              /* For ZSTRINGV_ARGS */
+#define     PINT_cfVP(A,B)
+#define PLOGICAL_cfVP(A,B) int *B;      /* Returning LOGICAL in FUNn and SUBn */
+#define    PLONG_cfVP(A,B) PINT_cfVP(A,B)
+#define   PSHORT_cfVP(A,B) PINT_cfVP(A,B)
+#define        VCF_INT_S(T,A,B) _(T,VVVVVVV_cfTYPE) B = A;
+#define        VCF_INT_F(T,A,B) _(T,_cfVCF)(A,B)
+/* _cfVCF table is directly mapped to _cfCCC table. */
+#define     BYTE_cfVCF(A,B)
+#define   DOUBLE_cfVCF(A,B)
+#if !defined(__CF__KnR)
+#define    FLOAT_cfVCF(A,B)
+#define    FLOAT_cfVCF(A,B) FORTRAN_REAL B = A;
+#define      INT_cfVCF(A,B)
+#define  LOGICAL_cfVCF(A,B)
+#define     LONG_cfVCF(A,B)
+#define    SHORT_cfVCF(A,B)
+/* 980416
+   Cast (void (*)(CF_NULL_PROTO)) causes SunOS CC 4.2 occasionally to barf,
+   while the following equivalent typedef is fine.
+   For consistency use the typedef on all machines.
+ */
+typedef void (*cfCAST_FUNCTION)(CF_NULL_PROTO);
+#define VCF(TN,I)       _Icf4(4,V,TN,_(A,I),_(B,I),F)
+#define VVCF(TN,AI,BI)  _Icf4(4,V,TN,AI,BI,S)
+#define        INT_cfV(T,A,B,F) _(VCF_INT_,F)(T,A,B)
+#define       INTV_cfV(T,A,B,F)
+#define      INTVV_cfV(T,A,B,F)
+#define     INTVVV_cfV(T,A,B,F)
+#define    INTVVVV_cfV(T,A,B,F)
+#define   INTVVVVV_cfV(T,A,B,F)
+#define  INTVVVVVV_cfV(T,A,B,F)
+#define INTVVVVVVV_cfV(T,A,B,F)
+#define PINT_cfV(      T,A,B,F) _(T,_cfVP)(A,B)
+#define PVOID_cfV(     T,A,B,F)
+#if defined(apolloFortran) || defined(hpuxFortran800) || defined(AbsoftUNIXFortran) || defined(AbsoftProFortran)
+#define    ROUTINE_cfV(T,A,B,F) void (*B)(CF_NULL_PROTO) = (cfCAST_FUNCTION)A;
+#define    ROUTINE_cfV(T,A,B,F)
+#define     SIMPLE_cfV(T,A,B,F)
+#ifdef vmsFortran
+#define     STRING_cfV(T,A,B,F) static struct {fstring f; unsigned clen;} B =  \
+                                       {{0,DSC$K_DTYPE_T,DSC$K_CLASS_S,NULL},0};
+#define    PSTRING_cfV(T,A,B,F) static fstring B={0,DSC$K_DTYPE_T,DSC$K_CLASS_S,NULL};
+#define    STRINGV_cfV(T,A,B,F) static fstringvector B =                       \
+  {sizeof(A),DSC$K_DTYPE_T,DSC$K_CLASS_A,NULL,0,0,{0,0,1,1,1},1,0,NULL,0,{1,0}};
+#define   PSTRINGV_cfV(T,A,B,F) static fstringvector B =                       \
+          {0,DSC$K_DTYPE_T,DSC$K_CLASS_A,NULL,0,0,{0,0,1,1,1},1,0,NULL,0,{1,0}};
+#define     STRING_cfV(T,A,B,F) struct {unsigned int clen, flen;} B;
+#define    STRINGV_cfV(T,A,B,F) struct {char *s, *fs; unsigned flen;} B;
+#define    PSTRING_cfV(T,A,B,F) int     B;
+#define   PSTRINGV_cfV(T,A,B,F) struct{char *fs; unsigned int sizeofA,flen;}B;
+#define    ZTRINGV_cfV(T,A,B,F)  STRINGV_cfV(T,A,B,F)
+#define   PZTRINGV_cfV(T,A,B,F) PSTRINGV_cfV(T,A,B,F)
+/* Note that the actions of the A table were performed inside the AA table.
+   VAX Ultrix vcc, and HP-UX cc, didn't evaluate arguments to functions left to
+   right, so we had to split the original table into the current robust two. */
+#define ACF(NAME,TN,AI,I)      _(TN,_cfSTR)(4,A,NAME,I,AI,_(B,I),0)
+#define   DEFAULT_cfA(M,I,A,B)
+#define   LOGICAL_cfA(M,I,A,B) B=C2FLOGICAL(B);
+#define  PLOGICAL_cfA(M,I,A,B) A=C2FLOGICAL(A);
+#define    STRING_cfA(M,I,A,B)  STRING_cfC(M,I,A,B,sizeof(A))
+#define   PSTRING_cfA(M,I,A,B) PSTRING_cfC(M,I,A,B,sizeof(A))
+#ifdef vmsFortran
+#define  AATRINGV_cfA(    A,B, sA,filA,silA)                                   \
+ initfstr(B,_cf_malloc((sA)-(filA)),(filA),(silA)-1),                          \
+          c2fstrv(A,B.dsc$a_pointer,(silA),(sA));
+#define APATRINGV_cfA(    A,B, sA,filA,silA)                                   \
+ initfstr(B,A,(filA),(silA)-1),c2fstrv(A,A,(silA),(sA));
+#define  AATRINGV_cfA(    A,B, sA,filA,silA)                                   \
+     (B.s=_cf_malloc((sA)-(filA)),B.fs=c2fstrv(A,B.s,(B.flen=(silA)-1)+1,(sA)));
+#define APATRINGV_cfA(    A,B, sA,filA,silA)                                   \
+ B.fs=c2fstrv(A,A,(B.flen=(silA)-1)+1,B.sizeofA=(sA));
+#define   STRINGV_cfA(M,I,A,B)                                                 \
+    AATRINGV_cfA((char *)A,B,sizeof(A),firstindexlength(A),secondindexlength(A))
+#define  PSTRINGV_cfA(M,I,A,B)                                                 \
+   APATRINGV_cfA((char *)A,B,sizeof(A),firstindexlength(A),secondindexlength(A))
+#define   ZTRINGV_cfA(M,I,A,B)  AATRINGV_cfA( (char *)A,B,                     \
+                    (_3(M,_ELEMS_,I))*(( _3(M,_ELEMLEN_,I))+1),                \
+                              (_3(M,_ELEMS_,I)),(_3(M,_ELEMLEN_,I))+1)
+#define  PZTRINGV_cfA(M,I,A,B) APATRINGV_cfA( (char *)A,B,                     \
+                    (_3(M,_ELEMS_,I))*(( _3(M,_ELEMLEN_,I))+1),                \
+                              (_3(M,_ELEMS_,I)),(_3(M,_ELEMLEN_,I))+1)
+#define    PBYTE_cfAAP(A,B) &A
+#define  PDOUBLE_cfAAP(A,B) &A
+#define     PINT_cfAAP(A,B) &A
+#define PLOGICAL_cfAAP(A,B) B= &A         /* B used to keep a common W table. */
+#define    PLONG_cfAAP(A,B) &A
+#define   PSHORT_cfAAP(A,B) &A
+#define AACF(TN,AI,I,C) _SEP_(TN,C,cfCOMMA) _Icf(3,AA,TN,AI,_(B,I))
+#define        INT_cfAA(T,A,B) &B
+#define       INTV_cfAA(T,A,B) _(T,VVVVVV_cfPP) A
+#define      INTVV_cfAA(T,A,B) _(T,VVVVV_cfPP)  A[0]
+#define     INTVVV_cfAA(T,A,B) _(T,VVVV_cfPP)   A[0][0]
+#define    INTVVVV_cfAA(T,A,B) _(T,VVV_cfPP)    A[0][0][0]
+#define   INTVVVVV_cfAA(T,A,B) _(T,VV_cfPP)     A[0][0][0][0]
+#define  INTVVVVVV_cfAA(T,A,B) _(T,V_cfPP)      A[0][0][0][0][0]
+#define INTVVVVVVV_cfAA(T,A,B) _(T,_cfPP)       A[0][0][0][0][0][0]
+#define       PINT_cfAA(T,A,B) _(T,_cfAAP)(A,B)
+#define      PVOID_cfAA(T,A,B) (void *) A
+#if defined(apolloFortran) || defined(hpuxFortran800) || defined(AbsoftUNIXFortran)
+#define    ROUTINE_cfAA(T,A,B) &B
+#define    ROUTINE_cfAA(T,A,B) (cfCAST_FUNCTION)A
+#define     STRING_cfAA(T,A,B)  STRING_cfCC(T,A,B)
+#define    PSTRING_cfAA(T,A,B) PSTRING_cfCC(T,A,B)
+#ifdef vmsFortran
+#define    STRINGV_cfAA(T,A,B) &B
+#ifdef CRAYFortran
+#define    STRINGV_cfAA(T,A,B) _cptofcd(B.fs,B.flen)
+#define    STRINGV_cfAA(T,A,B) B.fs
+#define   PSTRINGV_cfAA(T,A,B) STRINGV_cfAA(T,A,B)
+#define    ZTRINGV_cfAA(T,A,B) STRINGV_cfAA(T,A,B)
+#define   PZTRINGV_cfAA(T,A,B) STRINGV_cfAA(T,A,B)
+#if defined(vmsFortran) || defined(CRAYFortran)
+#define JCF(TN,I)
+#define KCF(TN,I)
+#define JCF(TN,I)    _(TN,_cfSTR)(1,J,_(B,I), 0,0,0,0)
+#if defined(AbsoftUNIXFortran)
+#define  DEFAULT_cfJ(B) ,0
+#define  DEFAULT_cfJ(B)
+#define  LOGICAL_cfJ(B) DEFAULT_cfJ(B)
+#define PLOGICAL_cfJ(B) DEFAULT_cfJ(B)
+#define   STRING_cfJ(B) ,B.flen
+#define  PSTRING_cfJ(B) ,B
+#define  STRINGV_cfJ(B) STRING_cfJ(B)
+#define PSTRINGV_cfJ(B) STRING_cfJ(B)
+#define  ZTRINGV_cfJ(B) STRING_cfJ(B)
+#define PZTRINGV_cfJ(B) STRING_cfJ(B)
+/* KCF is identical to DCF, except that KCF ZTRING is not empty. */
+#define KCF(TN,I)    _(TN,_cfSTR)(1,KK,_(B,I), 0,0,0,0)
+#if defined(AbsoftUNIXFortran)
+#define  DEFAULT_cfKK(B) , unsigned B
+#define  DEFAULT_cfKK(B)
+#define  LOGICAL_cfKK(B) DEFAULT_cfKK(B)
+#define   STRING_cfKK(B) , unsigned B
+#define  PSTRING_cfKK(B) STRING_cfKK(B)
+#define  STRINGV_cfKK(B) STRING_cfKK(B)
+#define PSTRINGV_cfKK(B) STRING_cfKK(B)
+#define  ZTRINGV_cfKK(B) STRING_cfKK(B)
+#define PZTRINGV_cfKK(B) STRING_cfKK(B)
+#define WCF(TN,AN,I)      _(TN,_cfSTR)(2,W,AN,_(B,I), 0,0,0)
+#define  DEFAULT_cfW(A,B)
+#define  LOGICAL_cfW(A,B)
+#define PLOGICAL_cfW(A,B) *B=F2CLOGICAL(*B);
+#define   STRING_cfW(A,B) (A[B.clen]!='\0'?A[B.clen]='\0':0); /* A?="constnt"*/
+#define  PSTRING_cfW(A,B) kill_trailing(A,' ');
+#ifdef vmsFortran
+#define  STRINGV_cfW(A,B) _cf_free(B.dsc$a_pointer);
+#define PSTRINGV_cfW(A,B)                                                      \
+  vkill_trailing(f2cstrv((char*)A, (char*)A,                                   \
+                           B.dsc$w_length+1, B.dsc$l_arsize+B.dsc$l_m[0]),     \
+                   B.dsc$w_length+1, B.dsc$l_arsize+B.dsc$l_m[0], ' ');
+#define  STRINGV_cfW(A,B) _cf_free(B.s);
+#define PSTRINGV_cfW(A,B) vkill_trailing(                                      \
+         f2cstrv((char*)A,(char*)A,B.flen+1,B.sizeofA), B.flen+1,B.sizeofA,' ');
+#define  ZTRINGV_cfW(A,B)      STRINGV_cfW(A,B)
+#define PZTRINGV_cfW(A,B)     PSTRINGV_cfW(A,B)
+#define   NCF(TN,I,C)       _SEP_(TN,C,cfCOMMA) _Icf(2,N,TN,_(A,I),0) 
+#define  NNCF(TN,I,C)        UUCF(TN,I,C)
+#define NNNCF(TN,I,C)       _SEP_(TN,C,cfCOLON) _Icf(2,N,TN,_(A,I),0) 
+#define        INT_cfN(T,A) _(T,VVVVVVV_cfTYPE) * A
+#define       INTV_cfN(T,A) _(T,VVVVVV_cfTYPE)  * A
+#define      INTVV_cfN(T,A) _(T,VVVVV_cfTYPE)   * A
+#define     INTVVV_cfN(T,A) _(T,VVVV_cfTYPE)    * A
+#define    INTVVVV_cfN(T,A) _(T,VVV_cfTYPE)     * A
+#define   INTVVVVV_cfN(T,A) _(T,VV_cfTYPE)      * A
+#define  INTVVVVVV_cfN(T,A) _(T,V_cfTYPE)       * A
+#define INTVVVVVVV_cfN(T,A) _(T,_cfTYPE)        * A
+#define       PINT_cfN(T,A) _(T,_cfTYPE)        * A
+#define      PVOID_cfN(T,A) void *                A
+#if defined(apolloFortran) || defined(hpuxFortran800) || defined(AbsoftUNIXFortran)
+#define    ROUTINE_cfN(T,A) void (**A)(CF_NULL_PROTO)
+#define    ROUTINE_cfN(T,A) void ( *A)(CF_NULL_PROTO)
+#ifdef vmsFortran
+#define     STRING_cfN(T,A) fstring *             A
+#define    STRINGV_cfN(T,A) fstringvector *       A
+#ifdef CRAYFortran
+#define     STRING_cfN(T,A) _fcd                  A
+#define    STRINGV_cfN(T,A) _fcd                  A
+#define     STRING_cfN(T,A) char *                A
+#define    STRINGV_cfN(T,A) char *                A
+#define    PSTRING_cfN(T,A)   STRING_cfN(T,A) /* CRAY insists on arg.'s here. */
+#define   PNSTRING_cfN(T,A)   STRING_cfN(T,A) /* CRAY insists on arg.'s here. */
+#define   PPSTRING_cfN(T,A)   STRING_cfN(T,A) /* CRAY insists on arg.'s here. */
+#define   PSTRINGV_cfN(T,A)  STRINGV_cfN(T,A)
+#define    ZTRINGV_cfN(T,A)  STRINGV_cfN(T,A)
+#define   PZTRINGV_cfN(T,A) PSTRINGV_cfN(T,A)
+/* Apollo 6.7, CRAY, old Sun, VAX/Ultrix vcc/cc and new ultrix
+   can't hack more than 31 arg's.
+   e.g. ultrix >= 4.3 gives message:
+       zow35> cc -c -DDECFortran cfortest.c
+       cfe: Fatal: Out of memory: cfortest.c
+       zow35>
+   Old __hpux had the problem, but new 'HP-UX A.09.03 A 9000/735' is fine
+   if using -Aa, otherwise we have a problem.
+ */
+#if !defined(__GNUC__) && (defined(VAXUltrix) || defined(__CF__APOLLO67) || (defined(sun)&&!defined(__sun)) || defined(_CRAY) || defined(__ultrix__) || (defined(__hpux)&&defined(__CF__KnR)))
+#define MAX_PREPRO_ARGS 31
+#define MAX_PREPRO_ARGS 99
+#if defined(AbsoftUNIXFortran) || defined(AbsoftProFortran)
+/* In addition to explicit Absoft stuff, only Absoft requires:
+   - DEFAULT coming from _cfSTR.
+     DEFAULT could have been called e.g. INT, but keep it for clarity.
+   - M term in CFARGT14 and CFARGT14FS.
+ */
+#define ABSOFT_cf1(T0) _(T0,_cfSTR)(0,ABSOFT1,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define ABSOFT_cf2(T0) _(T0,_cfSTR)(0,ABSOFT2,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define ABSOFT_cf3(T0) _(T0,_cfSTR)(0,ABSOFT3,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define DEFAULT_cfABSOFT1
+#define LOGICAL_cfABSOFT1
+#define DEFAULT_cfABSOFT2
+#define LOGICAL_cfABSOFT2
+#define  STRING_cfABSOFT2 ,unsigned D0
+#define DEFAULT_cfABSOFT3
+#define LOGICAL_cfABSOFT3
+#define  STRING_cfABSOFT3 ,D0
+#define ABSOFT_cf1(T0)
+#define ABSOFT_cf2(T0)
+#define ABSOFT_cf3(T0)
+/* _Z introduced to cicumvent IBM and HP silly preprocessor warning.
+   e.g. "Macro CFARGT14 invoked with a null argument."
+ */
+#define _Z
+#define  CFARGT14S(S,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE)                \
+ S(T1,1)   S(T2,2)   S(T3,3)    S(T4,4)    S(T5,5)    S(T6,6)    S(T7,7)       \
+ S(T8,8)   S(T9,9)   S(TA,10)   S(TB,11)   S(TC,12)   S(TD,13)   S(TE,14)
+ S(T1,1)   S(T2,2)   S(T3,3)    S(T4,4)    S(T5,5)    S(T6,6)    S(T7,7)       \
+ S(T8,8)   S(T9,9)   S(TA,10)   S(TB,11)   S(TC,12)   S(TD,13)   S(TE,14)      \
+ S(TF,15)  S(TG,16)  S(TH,17)   S(TI,18)   S(TJ,19)   S(TK,20)   S(TL,21)      \
+ S(TM,22)  S(TN,23)  S(TO,24)   S(TP,25)   S(TQ,26)   S(TR,27)
+#define  CFARGT14FS(F,S,M,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE)           \
+ F(T1,1,0) F(T2,2,1) F(T3,3,1)  F(T4,4,1)  F(T5,5,1)  F(T6,6,1)  F(T7,7,1)     \
+ F(T8,8,1) F(T9,9,1) F(TA,10,1) F(TB,11,1) F(TC,12,1) F(TD,13,1) F(TE,14,1)    \
+ M       CFARGT14S(S,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE)
+ F(T1,1,0)  F(T2,2,1)  F(T3,3,1)  F(T4,4,1)  F(T5,5,1)  F(T6,6,1)  F(T7,7,1)   \
+ F(T8,8,1)  F(T9,9,1)  F(TA,10,1) F(TB,11,1) F(TC,12,1) F(TD,13,1) F(TE,14,1)  \
+ F(TF,15,1) F(TG,16,1) F(TH,17,1) F(TI,18,1) F(TJ,19,1) F(TK,20,1) F(TL,21,1)  \
+ F(TM,22,1) F(TN,23,1) F(TO,24,1) F(TP,25,1) F(TQ,26,1) F(TR,27,1)             \
+#if !(defined(PowerStationFortran)||defined(hpuxFortran800))
+/*  Old CFARGT14 -> CFARGT14FS as seen below, for Absoft cross-compile yields:
+      SunOS> cc -c -Xa -DAbsoftUNIXFortran c.c
+      "c.c", line 406: warning: argument mismatch
+    Haven't checked if this is ANSI C or a SunOS bug. SunOS -Xs works ok.
+    Behavior is most clearly seen in example:
+      #define A 1 , 2
+      #define  C(X,Y,Z) x=X. y=Y. z=Z.
+      #define  D(X,Y,Z) C(X,Y,Z)
+      D(x,A,z)
+    Output from preprocessor is: x = x . y = 1 . z = 2 .
+ #define CFARGT14(F,S,M,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE) \
+       CFARGT14FS(F,S,M,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE)
+#define  CFARGT14(F,S,M,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE)             \
+ F(T1,1,0) F(T2,2,1) F(T3,3,1)  F(T4,4,1)  F(T5,5,1)  F(T6,6,1)  F(T7,7,1)     \
+ F(T8,8,1) F(T9,9,1) F(TA,10,1) F(TB,11,1) F(TC,12,1) F(TD,13,1) F(TE,14,1)    \
+ M       CFARGT14S(S,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE)
+#define  CFARGT27(F,S,M,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,TF,TG,TH,TI,TJ,TK,TL,TM,TN,TO,TP,TQ,TR) \
+ F(T1,1,0)  F(T2,2,1)  F(T3,3,1)  F(T4,4,1)  F(T5,5,1)  F(T6,6,1)  F(T7,7,1)   \
+ F(T8,8,1)  F(T9,9,1)  F(TA,10,1) F(TB,11,1) F(TC,12,1) F(TD,13,1) F(TE,14,1)  \
+ F(TF,15,1) F(TG,16,1) F(TH,17,1) F(TI,18,1) F(TJ,19,1) F(TK,20,1) F(TL,21,1)  \
+ F(TM,22,1) F(TN,23,1) F(TO,24,1) F(TP,25,1) F(TQ,26,1) F(TR,27,1)             \
+#define  CFARGT20(F,S,M,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,TF,TG,TH,TI,TJ,TK) \
+ F(T1,1,0)  F(T2,2,1)  F(T3,3,1)  F(T4,4,1)  F(T5,5,1)  F(T6,6,1)  F(T7,7,1)   \
+ F(T8,8,1)  F(T9,9,1)  F(TA,10,1) F(TB,11,1) F(TC,12,1) F(TD,13,1) F(TE,14,1)  \
+ F(TF,15,1) F(TG,16,1) F(TH,17,1) F(TI,18,1) F(TJ,19,1) F(TK,20,1)             \
+ S(T1,1)    S(T2,2)    S(T3,3)    S(T4,4)    S(T5,5)    S(T6,6)    S(T7,7)     \
+ S(T8,8)    S(T9,9)    S(TA,10)   S(TB,11)   S(TC,12)   S(TD,13)   S(TE,14)    \
+ S(TF,15)   S(TG,16)   S(TH,17)   S(TI,18)   S(TJ,19)   S(TK,20)
+#define CFARGTA14(F,S,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,AA,AB,AC,AD,AE) \
+ F(T1,A1,1,0)  F(T2,A2,2,1)  F(T3,A3,3,1) F(T4,A4,4,1)  F(T5,A5,5,1)  F(T6,A6,6,1)  \
+ F(T7,A7,7,1)  F(T8,A8,8,1)  F(T9,A9,9,1) F(TA,AA,10,1) F(TB,AB,11,1) F(TC,AC,12,1) \
+ F(TD,AD,13,1) F(TE,AE,14,1) S(T1,1)      S(T2,2)       S(T3,3)       S(T4,4)       \
+ S(T5,5)       S(T6,6)       S(T7,7)      S(T8,8)       S(T9,9)       S(TA,10)      \
+ S(TB,11)      S(TC,12)      S(TD,13)     S(TE,14)
+#define CFARGTA20(F,S,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,TF,TG,TH,TI,TJ,TK,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,AA,AB,AC,AD,AE,AF,AG,AH,AI,AJ,AK) \
+ F(T1,A1,1,0)  F(T2,A2,2,1)  F(T3,A3,3,1)  F(T4,A4,4,1)  F(T5,A5,5,1)  F(T6,A6,6,1)  \
+ F(T7,A7,7,1)  F(T8,A8,8,1)  F(T9,A9,9,1)  F(TA,AA,10,1) F(TB,AB,11,1) F(TC,AC,12,1) \
+ F(TD,AD,13,1) F(TE,AE,14,1) F(TF,AF,15,1) F(TG,AG,16,1) F(TH,AH,17,1) F(TI,AI,18,1) \
+ F(TJ,AJ,19,1) F(TK,AK,20,1) S(T1,1)       S(T2,2)       S(T3,3)       S(T4,4)       \
+ S(T5,5)       S(T6,6)       S(T7,7)       S(T8,8)       S(T9,9)       S(TA,10)      \
+ S(TB,11)      S(TC,12)      S(TD,13)      S(TE,14)      S(TF,15)      S(TG,16)      \
+ S(TH,17)      S(TI,18)      S(TJ,19)      S(TK,20)
+ F(T1,A1,1,0)  F(T2,A2,2,1)  F(T3,A3,3,1)  F(T4,A4,4,1)  F(T5,A5,5,1)  F(T6,A6,6,1)  \
+ F(T7,A7,7,1)  F(T8,A8,8,1)  F(T9,A9,9,1)  F(TA,AA,10,1) F(TB,AB,11,1) F(TC,AC,12,1) \
+ F(TD,AD,13,1) F(TE,AE,14,1) F(TF,AF,15,1) F(TG,AG,16,1) F(TH,AH,17,1) F(TI,AI,18,1) \
+ F(TJ,AJ,19,1) F(TK,AK,20,1) F(TL,AL,21,1) F(TM,AM,22,1) F(TN,AN,23,1) F(TO,AO,24,1) \
+ F(TP,AP,25,1) F(TQ,AQ,26,1) F(TR,AR,27,1) S(T1,1)       S(T2,2)       S(T3,3)       \
+ S(T4,4)       S(T5,5)       S(T6,6)       S(T7,7)       S(T8,8)       S(T9,9)       \
+ S(TA,10)      S(TB,11)      S(TC,12)      S(TD,13)      S(TE,14)      S(TF,15)      \
+ S(TG,16)      S(TH,17)      S(TI,18)      S(TJ,19)      S(TK,20)      S(TL,21)      \
+ S(TM,22)      S(TN,23)      S(TO,24)      S(TP,25)      S(TQ,26)      S(TR,27)
+#define  CFARGT14(F,S,M,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE)             \
+ F(T1,1,0) S(T1,1) F(T2,2,1)  S(T2,2)  F(T3,3,1)  S(T3,3)  F(T4,4,1)  S(T4,4)  \
+ F(T5,5,1) S(T5,5) F(T6,6,1)  S(T6,6)  F(T7,7,1)  S(T7,7)  F(T8,8,1)  S(T8,8)  \
+ F(T9,9,1) S(T9,9) F(TA,10,1) S(TA,10) F(TB,11,1) S(TB,11) F(TC,12,1) S(TC,12) \
+ F(TD,13,1) S(TD,13) F(TE,14,1) S(TE,14)
+#define  CFARGT27(F,S,M,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,TF,TG,TH,TI,TJ,TK,TL,TM,TN,TO,TP,TQ,TR) \
+ F(T1,1,0)  S(T1,1)  F(T2,2,1)  S(T2,2)  F(T3,3,1)  S(T3,3)  F(T4,4,1)  S(T4,4)  \
+ F(T5,5,1)  S(T5,5)  F(T6,6,1)  S(T6,6)  F(T7,7,1)  S(T7,7)  F(T8,8,1)  S(T8,8)  \
+ F(T9,9,1)  S(T9,9)  F(TA,10,1) S(TA,10) F(TB,11,1) S(TB,11) F(TC,12,1) S(TC,12) \
+ F(TD,13,1) S(TD,13) F(TE,14,1) S(TE,14) F(TF,15,1) S(TF,15) F(TG,16,1) S(TG,16) \
+ F(TH,17,1) S(TH,17) F(TI,18,1) S(TI,18) F(TJ,19,1) S(TJ,19) F(TK,20,1) S(TK,20) \
+ F(TL,21,1) S(TL,21) F(TM,22,1) S(TM,22) F(TN,23,1) S(TN,23) F(TO,24,1) S(TO,24) \
+ F(TP,25,1) S(TP,25) F(TQ,26,1) S(TQ,26) F(TR,27,1) S(TR,27)
+#define  CFARGT20(F,S,M,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,TF,TG,TH,TI,TJ,TK) \
+ F(T1,1,0)  S(T1,1)  F(T2,2,1)  S(T2,2)  F(T3,3,1)  S(T3,3)  F(T4,4,1)  S(T4,4)  \
+ F(T5,5,1)  S(T5,5)  F(T6,6,1)  S(T6,6)  F(T7,7,1)  S(T7,7)  F(T8,8,1)  S(T8,8)  \
+ F(T9,9,1)  S(T9,9)  F(TA,10,1) S(TA,10) F(TB,11,1) S(TB,11) F(TC,12,1) S(TC,12) \
+ F(TD,13,1) S(TD,13) F(TE,14,1) S(TE,14) F(TF,15,1) S(TF,15) F(TG,16,1) S(TG,16) \
+ F(TH,17,1) S(TH,17) F(TI,18,1) S(TI,18) F(TJ,19,1) S(TJ,19) F(TK,20,1) S(TK,20)
+#define CFARGTA14(F,S,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,AA,AB,AC,AD,AE) \
+ F(T1,A1,1,0)  S(T1,1)  F(T2,A2,2,1)  S(T2,2)  F(T3,A3,3,1)  S(T3,3)           \
+ F(T4,A4,4,1)  S(T4,4)  F(T5,A5,5,1)  S(T5,5)  F(T6,A6,6,1)  S(T6,6)           \
+ F(T7,A7,7,1)  S(T7,7)  F(T8,A8,8,1)  S(T8,8)  F(T9,A9,9,1)  S(T9,9)           \
+ F(TA,AA,10,1) S(TA,10) F(TB,AB,11,1) S(TB,11) F(TC,AC,12,1) S(TC,12)          \
+ F(TD,AD,13,1) S(TD,13) F(TE,AE,14,1) S(TE,14)
+#define CFARGTA20(F,S,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,TF,TG,TH,TI,TJ,TK,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,AA,AB,AC,AD,AE,AF,AG,AH,AI,AJ,AK) \
+ F(T1,A1,1,0)  S(T1,1)  F(T2,A2,2,1)  S(T2,2)  F(T3,A3,3,1)  S(T3,3)           \
+ F(T4,A4,4,1)  S(T4,4)  F(T5,A5,5,1)  S(T5,5)  F(T6,A6,6,1)  S(T6,6)           \
+ F(T7,A7,7,1)  S(T7,7)  F(T8,A8,8,1)  S(T8,8)  F(T9,A9,9,1)  S(T9,9)           \
+ F(TA,AA,10,1) S(TA,10) F(TB,AB,11,1) S(TB,11) F(TC,AC,12,1) S(TC,12)          \
+ F(TD,AD,13,1) S(TD,13) F(TE,AE,14,1) S(TE,14) F(TF,AF,15,1) S(TF,15)          \
+ F(TG,AG,16,1) S(TG,16) F(TH,AH,17,1) S(TH,17) F(TI,AI,18,1) S(TI,18)          \
+ F(TJ,AJ,19,1) S(TJ,19) F(TK,AK,20,1) S(TK,20)                
+ F(T1,A1,1,0)  S(T1,1)  F(T2,A2,2,1)  S(T2,2)  F(T3,A3,3,1)  S(T3,3)           \
+ F(T4,A4,4,1)  S(T4,4)  F(T5,A5,5,1)  S(T5,5)  F(T6,A6,6,1)  S(T6,6)           \
+ F(T7,A7,7,1)  S(T7,7)  F(T8,A8,8,1)  S(T8,8)  F(T9,A9,9,1)  S(T9,9)           \
+ F(TA,AA,10,1) S(TA,10) F(TB,AB,11,1) S(TB,11) F(TC,AC,12,1) S(TC,12)          \
+ F(TD,AD,13,1) S(TD,13) F(TE,AE,14,1) S(TE,14) F(TF,AF,15,1) S(TF,15)          \
+ F(TG,AG,16,1) S(TG,16) F(TH,AH,17,1) S(TH,17) F(TI,AI,18,1) S(TI,18)          \
+ F(TJ,AJ,19,1) S(TJ,19) F(TK,AK,20,1) S(TK,20) F(TL,AL,21,1) S(TL,21)          \
+ F(TM,AM,22,1) S(TM,22) F(TN,AN,23,1) S(TN,23) F(TO,AO,24,1) S(TO,24)          \
+ F(TP,AP,25,1) S(TP,25) F(TQ,AQ,26,1) S(TQ,26) F(TR,AR,27,1) S(TR,27)
+        PROTOCCALLSFSUB14(UN,LN,T1,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0)
+        PROTOCCALLSFSUB14(UN,LN,T1,T2,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0)
+#define PROTOCCALLSFSUB3( UN,LN,T1,T2,T3) \
+        PROTOCCALLSFSUB14(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0)
+#define PROTOCCALLSFSUB4( UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4) \
+        PROTOCCALLSFSUB14(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0)
+#define PROTOCCALLSFSUB5( UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5) \
+        PROTOCCALLSFSUB14(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0)
+#define PROTOCCALLSFSUB6( UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6) \
+        PROTOCCALLSFSUB14(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0)
+#define PROTOCCALLSFSUB7( UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7) \
+        PROTOCCALLSFSUB14(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0)
+#define PROTOCCALLSFSUB8( UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8) \
+        PROTOCCALLSFSUB14(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0)
+#define PROTOCCALLSFSUB9( UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9) \
+        PROTOCCALLSFSUB14(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0)
+#define PROTOCCALLSFSUB10(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA) \
+        PROTOCCALLSFSUB14(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0)
+#define PROTOCCALLSFSUB11(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB) \
+        PROTOCCALLSFSUB14(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0)
+#define PROTOCCALLSFSUB12(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC) \
+        PROTOCCALLSFSUB14(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,CF_0,CF_0)
+#define PROTOCCALLSFSUB13(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD) \
+        PROTOCCALLSFSUB14(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,CF_0)
+#define PROTOCCALLSFSUB15(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,TF) \
+        PROTOCCALLSFSUB20(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,TF,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0)
+        PROTOCCALLSFSUB20(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,TF,TG,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0)
+#define FCALLSC_QUALIFIER __stdcall
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#define CFextern extern "C"
+#define CFextern extern
+#define PROTOCCALLSFSUB14(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE) \
+/* Note: Prevent compiler warnings, null #define PROTOCCALLSFSUB14/20 after 
+   #include-ing cfortran.h if calling the FORTRAN wrapper within the same 
+   source code where the wrapper is created. */
+#define PROTOCCALLSFSUB0(UN,LN)     _(VOID,_cfPU)(CFC_(UN,LN))();
+#ifndef __CF__KnR
+#define PROTOCCALLSFSUB14(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE) \
+ _(VOID,_cfPU)(CFC_(UN,LN))( CFARGT14(NCF,KCF,_Z,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE) );
+#define PROTOCCALLSFSUB14(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE)     \
+#ifdef OLD_VAXC                                  /* Allow %CC-I-PARAMNOTUSED. */
+#pragma standard
+#define CCALLSFSUB1( UN,LN,T1,                        A1)         \
+        CCALLSFSUB5 (UN,LN,T1,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,A1,0,0,0,0)
+#define CCALLSFSUB2( UN,LN,T1,T2,                     A1,A2)      \
+        CCALLSFSUB5 (UN,LN,T1,T2,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,A1,A2,0,0,0)
+#define CCALLSFSUB3( UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,                  A1,A2,A3)   \
+        CCALLSFSUB5 (UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,CF_0,CF_0,A1,A2,A3,0,0)
+#define CCALLSFSUB4( UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,               A1,A2,A3,A4)\
+        CCALLSFSUB5 (UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,CF_0,A1,A2,A3,A4,0)
+#define CCALLSFSUB5( UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,            A1,A2,A3,A4,A5)          \
+        CCALLSFSUB10(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CCALLSFSUB6( UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,         A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6)       \
+        CCALLSFSUB10(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,0,0,0,0)
+#define CCALLSFSUB7( UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,      A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7)    \
+        CCALLSFSUB10(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,0,0,0)
+#define CCALLSFSUB8( UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,   A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8) \
+        CCALLSFSUB10(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,CF_0,CF_0,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,0,0)
+#define CCALLSFSUB9( UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9)\
+        CCALLSFSUB10(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,CF_0,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,0)
+#define CCALLSFSUB10(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,AA)\
+        CCALLSFSUB14(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,AA,0,0,0,0)
+#define CCALLSFSUB11(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,AA,AB)\
+        CCALLSFSUB14(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,AA,AB,0,0,0)
+#define CCALLSFSUB12(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,AA,AB,AC)\
+        CCALLSFSUB14(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,CF_0,CF_0,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,AA,AB,AC,0,0)
+#define CCALLSFSUB13(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,AA,AB,AC,AD)\
+        CCALLSFSUB14(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,CF_0,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,AA,AB,AC,AD,0)
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#define CPPPROTOCLSFSUB14(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE)     \
+#define CCALLSFSUB14(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,AA,AB,AC,AD,AE)\
+        CCALLSFFUN14(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,AA,AB,AC,AD,AE)
+/* do{...}while(0) allows if(a==b) FORT(); else BORT(); */
+#define CCALLSFSUB14(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,AA,AB,AC,AD,AE)\
+do{VVCF(T1,A1,B1) VVCF(T2,A2,B2) VVCF(T3,A3,B3) VVCF(T4,A4,B4) VVCF(T5,A5,B5)  \
+   VVCF(T6,A6,B6) VVCF(T7,A7,B7) VVCF(T8,A8,B8) VVCF(T9,A9,B9) VVCF(TA,AA,B10) \
+   VVCF(TB,AB,B11) VVCF(TC,AC,B12) VVCF(TD,AD,B13) VVCF(TE,AE,B14)             \
+   CPPPROTOCLSFSUB14(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE)          \
+   ACF(LN,T1,A1,1)  ACF(LN,T2,A2,2)  ACF(LN,T3,A3,3)                           \
+   ACF(LN,T4,A4,4)  ACF(LN,T5,A5,5)  ACF(LN,T6,A6,6)  ACF(LN,T7,A7,7)          \
+   ACF(LN,T8,A8,8)  ACF(LN,T9,A9,9)  ACF(LN,TA,AA,10) ACF(LN,TB,AB,11)         \
+   ACF(LN,TC,AC,12) ACF(LN,TD,AD,13) ACF(LN,TE,AE,14)                          \
+   CFC_(UN,LN)( CFARGTA14(AACF,JCF,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,AA,AB,AC,AD,AE) );\
+   WCF(T1,A1,1)  WCF(T2,A2,2)  WCF(T3,A3,3)  WCF(T4,A4,4)  WCF(T5,A5,5)        \
+   WCF(T6,A6,6)  WCF(T7,A7,7)  WCF(T8,A8,8)  WCF(T9,A9,9)  WCF(TA,AA,10)       \
+   WCF(TB,AB,11) WCF(TC,AC,12) WCF(TD,AD,13) WCF(TE,AE,14)      }while(0)
+#define CCALLSFSUB15(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,TF,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,AA,AB,AC,AD,AE,AF)\
+        CCALLSFSUB20(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,TF,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,AA,AB,AC,AD,AE,AF,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CCALLSFSUB16(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,TF,TG,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,AA,AB,AC,AD,AE,AF,AG)\
+        CCALLSFSUB20(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,TF,TG,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,AA,AB,AC,AD,AE,AF,AG,0,0,0,0)
+#define CCALLSFSUB17(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,TF,TG,TH,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,AA,AB,AC,AD,AE,AF,AG,AH)\
+        CCALLSFSUB20(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,TF,TG,TH,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,AA,AB,AC,AD,AE,AF,AG,AH,0,0,0)
+#define CCALLSFSUB18(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,TF,TG,TH,TI,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,AA,AB,AC,AD,AE,AF,AG,AH,AI)\
+        CCALLSFSUB20(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,TF,TG,TH,TI,CF_0,CF_0,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,AA,AB,AC,AD,AE,AF,AG,AH,AI,0,0)
+        CCALLSFSUB20(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,TF,TG,TH,TI,TJ,CF_0,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,AA,AB,AC,AD,AE,AF,AG,AH,AI,AJ,0)
+#define CCALLSFSUB20(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,TF,TG,TH, \
+        TI,TJ,TK, A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,AA,AB,AC,AD,AE,AF,AG,AH,AI,AJ,AK) \
+        CCALLSFFUN20(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,TF,TG,TH, \
+        TI,TJ,TK, A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,AA,AB,AC,AD,AE,AF,AG,AH,AI,AJ,AK)
+#define CCALLSFSUB20(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,TF,TG,TH, \
+        TI,TJ,TK, A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,AA,AB,AC,AD,AE,AF,AG,AH,AI,AJ,AK) \
+do{VVCF(T1,A1,B1)  VVCF(T2,A2,B2)  VVCF(T3,A3,B3)  VVCF(T4,A4,B4)  VVCF(T5,A5,B5)   \
+   VVCF(T6,A6,B6)  VVCF(T7,A7,B7)  VVCF(T8,A8,B8)  VVCF(T9,A9,B9)  VVCF(TA,AA,B10)  \
+   ACF(LN,T1,A1,1)  ACF(LN,T2,A2,2)  ACF(LN,T3,A3,3)  ACF(LN,T4,A4,4)          \
+   ACF(LN,T5,A5,5)  ACF(LN,T6,A6,6)  ACF(LN,T7,A7,7)  ACF(LN,T8,A8,8)          \
+   ACF(LN,T9,A9,9)  ACF(LN,TA,AA,10) ACF(LN,TB,AB,11) ACF(LN,TC,AC,12)         \
+   ACF(LN,TD,AD,13) ACF(LN,TE,AE,14) ACF(LN,TF,AF,15) ACF(LN,TG,AG,16)         \
+   ACF(LN,TH,AH,17) ACF(LN,TI,AI,18) ACF(LN,TJ,AJ,19) ACF(LN,TK,AK,20)         \
+ WCF(T1,A1,1)  WCF(T2,A2,2)  WCF(T3,A3,3)  WCF(T4,A4,4)  WCF(T5,A5,5)  WCF(T6,A6,6)  \
+ WCF(T7,A7,7)  WCF(T8,A8,8)  WCF(T9,A9,9)  WCF(TA,AA,10) WCF(TB,AB,11) WCF(TC,AC,12) \
+ WCF(TD,AD,13) WCF(TE,AE,14) WCF(TF,AF,15) WCF(TG,AG,16) WCF(TH,AH,17) WCF(TI,AI,18) \
+ WCF(TJ,AJ,19) WCF(TK,AK,20) }while(0)
+#endif         /* MAX_PREPRO_ARGS */
+        CCALLSFSUB27(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,TF,TG,TH,TI,TJ,TK,TL,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,AA,AB,AC,AD,AE,AF,AG,AH,AI,AJ,AK,AL,0,0,0,0,0,0)
+        CCALLSFSUB27(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,TF,TG,TH,TI,TJ,TK,TL,TM,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,AA,AB,AC,AD,AE,AF,AG,AH,AI,AJ,AK,AL,AM,0,0,0,0,0)
+        CCALLSFSUB27(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,TF,TG,TH,TI,TJ,TK,TL,TM,TN,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,AA,AB,AC,AD,AE,AF,AG,AH,AI,AJ,AK,AL,AM,AN,0,0,0,0)
+                           A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,AA,AB,AC,AD,AE,AF,AG,AH,AI,AJ,AK,AL,AM,AN,AO,AP,AQ,AR) \
+                           A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,AA,AB,AC,AD,AE,AF,AG,AH,AI,AJ,AK,AL,AM,AN,AO,AP,AQ,AR)
+                           A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,AA,AB,AC,AD,AE,AF,AG,AH,AI,AJ,AK,AL,AM,AN,AO,AP,AQ,AR) \
+do{VVCF(T1,A1,B1)  VVCF(T2,A2,B2)  VVCF(T3,A3,B3)  VVCF(T4,A4,B4)  VVCF(T5,A5,B5)   \
+   VVCF(T6,A6,B6)  VVCF(T7,A7,B7)  VVCF(T8,A8,B8)  VVCF(T9,A9,B9)  VVCF(TA,AA,B10)  \
+   VVCF(TQ,AQ,B26) VVCF(TR,AR,B27)                                                  \
+   ACF(LN,T1,A1,1)  ACF(LN,T2,A2,2)  ACF(LN,T3,A3,3)  ACF(LN,T4,A4,4)          \
+   ACF(LN,T5,A5,5)  ACF(LN,T6,A6,6)  ACF(LN,T7,A7,7)  ACF(LN,T8,A8,8)          \
+   ACF(LN,T9,A9,9)  ACF(LN,TA,AA,10) ACF(LN,TB,AB,11) ACF(LN,TC,AC,12)         \
+   ACF(LN,TD,AD,13) ACF(LN,TE,AE,14) ACF(LN,TF,AF,15) ACF(LN,TG,AG,16)         \
+   ACF(LN,TH,AH,17) ACF(LN,TI,AI,18) ACF(LN,TJ,AJ,19) ACF(LN,TK,AK,20)         \
+   ACF(LN,TL,AL,21) ACF(LN,TM,AM,22) ACF(LN,TN,AN,23) ACF(LN,TO,AO,24)         \
+   ACF(LN,TP,AP,25) ACF(LN,TQ,AQ,26) ACF(LN,TR,AR,27)                          \
+                                   A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,AA,AB,AC,AD,AE,AF,AG,AH,AI,AJ,AK,AL,AM,AN,AO,AP,AQ,AR) ); \
+ WCF(T1,A1,1)  WCF(T2,A2,2)  WCF(T3,A3,3)  WCF(T4,A4,4)  WCF(T5,A5,5)  WCF(T6,A6,6)  \
+ WCF(T7,A7,7)  WCF(T8,A8,8)  WCF(T9,A9,9)  WCF(TA,AA,10) WCF(TB,AB,11) WCF(TC,AC,12) \
+ WCF(TD,AD,13) WCF(TE,AE,14) WCF(TF,AF,15) WCF(TG,AG,16) WCF(TH,AH,17) WCF(TI,AI,18) \
+ WCF(TJ,AJ,19) WCF(TK,AK,20) WCF(TL,AL,21) WCF(TM,AM,22) WCF(TN,AN,23) WCF(TO,AO,24) \
+ WCF(TP,AP,25) WCF(TQ,AQ,26) WCF(TR,AR,27) }while(0)
+#endif         /* MAX_PREPRO_ARGS */
+/*               UTILITIES FOR C TO CALL FORTRAN FUNCTIONS                 */
+/*N.B. PROTOCCALLSFFUNn(..) generates code, whether or not the FORTRAN
+  function is called. Therefore, especially for creator's of C header files
+  for large FORTRAN libraries which include many functions, to reduce
+  compile time and object code size, it may be desirable to create
+  preprocessor directives to allow users to create code for only those
+  functions which they use.                                                */
+/* The following defines the maximum length string that a function can return.
+   Of course it may be undefine-d and re-define-d before individual
+   PROTOCCALLSFFUNn(..) as required. It would also be nice to have this derived
+   from the individual machines' limits.                                      */
+/* The following defines a character used by CFORTRAN.H to flag the end of a
+   string coming out of a FORTRAN routine.                                 */
+#ifdef OLD_VAXC                                /* Prevent %CC-I-PARAMNOTUSED. */
+#pragma nostandard
+#define _SEP_(TN,C,cfCOMMA)     _(__SEP_,C)(TN,cfCOMMA)
+#define __SEP_0(TN,cfCOMMA)  
+#define __SEP_1(TN,cfCOMMA)     _Icf(2,SEP,TN,cfCOMMA,0)
+#define        INT_cfSEP(T,B) _(A,B)
+#define       INTV_cfSEP(T,B) INT_cfSEP(T,B)
+#define      INTVV_cfSEP(T,B) INT_cfSEP(T,B)
+#define     INTVVV_cfSEP(T,B) INT_cfSEP(T,B)
+#define    INTVVVV_cfSEP(T,B) INT_cfSEP(T,B)
+#define   INTVVVVV_cfSEP(T,B) INT_cfSEP(T,B)
+#define  INTVVVVVV_cfSEP(T,B) INT_cfSEP(T,B)
+#define       PINT_cfSEP(T,B) INT_cfSEP(T,B)
+#define      PVOID_cfSEP(T,B) INT_cfSEP(T,B)
+#define    ROUTINE_cfSEP(T,B) INT_cfSEP(T,B)
+#define     SIMPLE_cfSEP(T,B) INT_cfSEP(T,B)
+#define       VOID_cfSEP(T,B) INT_cfSEP(T,B)    /* For FORTRAN calls C subr.s.*/
+#define     STRING_cfSEP(T,B) INT_cfSEP(T,B)
+#define    STRINGV_cfSEP(T,B) INT_cfSEP(T,B)
+#define    PSTRING_cfSEP(T,B) INT_cfSEP(T,B)
+#define   PSTRINGV_cfSEP(T,B) INT_cfSEP(T,B)
+#define   PNSTRING_cfSEP(T,B) INT_cfSEP(T,B)
+#define   PPSTRING_cfSEP(T,B) INT_cfSEP(T,B)
+#define    ZTRINGV_cfSEP(T,B) INT_cfSEP(T,B)
+#define   PZTRINGV_cfSEP(T,B) INT_cfSEP(T,B)
+#if defined(SIGNED_BYTE) || !defined(UNSIGNED_BYTE)
+#ifdef OLD_VAXC
+#define INTEGER_BYTE               char    /* Old VAXC barfs on 'signed char' */
+#define INTEGER_BYTE        signed char    /* default */
+#define INTEGER_BYTE        unsigned char
+#define     INTVVVVVVV_cfTYPE int
+#define    LONGVVVVVVV_cfTYPE long
+#define   SHORTVVVVVVV_cfTYPE short
+#define          PBYTE_cfTYPE INTEGER_BYTE
+#define         PFLOAT_cfTYPE FORTRAN_REAL
+#define           PINT_cfTYPE int
+#define       PLOGICAL_cfTYPE int
+#define          PLONG_cfTYPE long
+#define         PSHORT_cfTYPE short
+#define CFARGS0(A,T,V,W,X,Y,Z) _3(T,_cf,A)
+#define CFARGS1(A,T,V,W,X,Y,Z) _3(T,_cf,A)(V)
+#define CFARGS2(A,T,V,W,X,Y,Z) _3(T,_cf,A)(V,W)
+#define CFARGS3(A,T,V,W,X,Y,Z) _3(T,_cf,A)(V,W,X)
+#define CFARGS4(A,T,V,W,X,Y,Z) _3(T,_cf,A)(V,W,X,Y)
+#define CFARGS5(A,T,V,W,X,Y,Z) _3(T,_cf,A)(V,W,X,Y,Z)
+#define  _Icf(N,T,I,X,Y)                 _(I,_cfINT)(N,T,I,X,Y,0)
+#define _Icf4(N,T,I,X,Y,Z)               _(I,_cfINT)(N,T,I,X,Y,Z)
+#define           BYTE_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)        DOUBLE_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)
+#define         DOUBLE_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z) _(CFARGS,N)(A,INT,B,X,Y,Z,0)
+#define          FLOAT_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)        DOUBLE_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)
+#define            INT_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)        DOUBLE_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)
+#define        LOGICAL_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)        DOUBLE_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)
+#define           LONG_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)        DOUBLE_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)
+#define          SHORT_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)        DOUBLE_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)
+#define          PBYTE_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)       PDOUBLE_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)
+#define        PDOUBLE_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z) _(CFARGS,N)(A,PINT,B,X,Y,Z,0)
+#define         PFLOAT_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)       PDOUBLE_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)
+#define           PINT_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)       PDOUBLE_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)
+#define       PLOGICAL_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)       PDOUBLE_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)
+#define          PLONG_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)       PDOUBLE_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)
+#define         PSHORT_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)       PDOUBLE_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)
+#define          BYTEV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)       DOUBLEV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)
+#define         BYTEVV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)      DOUBLEVV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)
+#define        BYTEVVV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)     DOUBLEVVV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)
+#define       BYTEVVVV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)    DOUBLEVVVV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)
+#define        DOUBLEV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z) _(CFARGS,N)(A,INTV,B,X,Y,Z,0)
+#define       DOUBLEVV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z) _(CFARGS,N)(A,INTVV,B,X,Y,Z,0)
+#define      DOUBLEVVV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z) _(CFARGS,N)(A,INTVVV,B,X,Y,Z,0)
+#define         FLOATV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)       DOUBLEV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)
+#define        FLOATVV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)      DOUBLEVV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)
+#define       FLOATVVV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)     DOUBLEVVV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)
+#define      FLOATVVVV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)    DOUBLEVVVV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)
+#define           INTV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)       DOUBLEV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)
+#define          INTVV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)      DOUBLEVV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)
+#define         INTVVV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)     DOUBLEVVV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)
+#define        INTVVVV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)    DOUBLEVVVV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)
+#define       INTVVVVV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)   DOUBLEVVVVV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)
+#define       LOGICALV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)       DOUBLEV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)
+#define      LOGICALVV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)      DOUBLEVV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)
+#define     LOGICALVVV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)     DOUBLEVVV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)
+#define          LONGV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)       DOUBLEV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)
+#define         LONGVV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)      DOUBLEVV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)
+#define        LONGVVV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)     DOUBLEVVV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)
+#define       LONGVVVV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)    DOUBLEVVVV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)
+#define         SHORTV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)       DOUBLEV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)
+#define        SHORTVV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)      DOUBLEVV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)
+#define       SHORTVVV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)     DOUBLEVVV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)
+#define      SHORTVVVV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)    DOUBLEVVVV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)
+#define          PVOID_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z) _(CFARGS,N)(A,B,B,X,Y,Z,0)
+#define        ROUTINE_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)         PVOID_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)
+/*CRAY coughs on the first,
+  i.e. the usual trouble of not being able to
+  define macros to macros with arguments. 
+  New ultrix is worse, it coughs on all such uses.
+ */
+/*#define       SIMPLE_cfINT                    PVOID_cfINT*/
+#define         SIMPLE_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)         PVOID_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)
+#define           VOID_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)         PVOID_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)
+#define         STRING_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)         PVOID_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)
+#define        STRINGV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)         PVOID_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)
+#define        PSTRING_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)         PVOID_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)
+#define       PSTRINGV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)         PVOID_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)
+#define       PNSTRING_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)         PVOID_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)
+#define       PPSTRING_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)         PVOID_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)
+#define        ZTRINGV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)         PVOID_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)
+#define       PZTRINGV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)         PVOID_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)
+#define           CF_0_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)
+#define   UCF(TN,I,C)  _SEP_(TN,C,cfCOMMA) _Icf(2,U,TN,_(A,I),0)
+#define  UUCF(TN,I,C)  _SEP_(TN,C,cfCOMMA) _SEP_(TN,1,I) 
+#define UUUCF(TN,I,C)  _SEP_(TN,C,cfCOLON) _Icf(2,U,TN,_(A,I),0)
+#define        INT_cfU(T,A) _(T,VVVVVVV_cfTYPE)   A
+#define       INTV_cfU(T,A) _(T,VVVVVV_cfTYPE)  * A
+#define      INTVV_cfU(T,A) _(T,VVVVV_cfTYPE)   * A
+#define     INTVVV_cfU(T,A) _(T,VVVV_cfTYPE)    * A
+#define    INTVVVV_cfU(T,A) _(T,VVV_cfTYPE)     * A
+#define   INTVVVVV_cfU(T,A) _(T,VV_cfTYPE)      * A
+#define  INTVVVVVV_cfU(T,A) _(T,V_cfTYPE)       * A
+#define INTVVVVVVV_cfU(T,A) _(T,_cfTYPE)        * A
+#define       PINT_cfU(T,A) _(T,_cfTYPE)        * A
+#define      PVOID_cfU(T,A) void  *A 
+#define    ROUTINE_cfU(T,A) void (*A)(CF_NULL_PROTO) 
+#define       VOID_cfU(T,A) void   A    /* Needed for C calls FORTRAN sub.s.  */
+#define     STRING_cfU(T,A) char  *A    /*            via VOID and wrapper.   */
+#define    STRINGV_cfU(T,A) char  *A
+#define    PSTRING_cfU(T,A) char  *A
+#define   PSTRINGV_cfU(T,A) char  *A
+#define    ZTRINGV_cfU(T,A) char  *A
+#define   PZTRINGV_cfU(T,A) char  *A
+/* VOID breaks U into U and UU. */
+#define       INT_cfUU(T,A) _(T,VVVVVVV_cfTYPE) A
+#define      VOID_cfUU(T,A)             /* Needed for FORTRAN calls C sub.s.  */
+#define    STRING_cfUU(T,A) char *A 
+#define      BYTE_cfPU(A)   CFextern INTEGER_BYTE      FCALLSC_QUALIFIER A
+#if ! (defined(FLOATFUNCTIONTYPE)&&defined(ASSIGNFLOAT)&&defined(RETURNFLOAT))
+#define       INT_cfPU(A)   CFextern int   FCALLSC_QUALIFIER   A
+#define   LOGICAL_cfPU(A)   CFextern int   FCALLSC_QUALIFIER   A
+#define      LONG_cfPU(A)   CFextern long  FCALLSC_QUALIFIER   A
+#define     SHORT_cfPU(A)   CFextern short FCALLSC_QUALIFIER   A
+#define    STRING_cfPU(A)   CFextern void  FCALLSC_QUALIFIER   A
+#define      VOID_cfPU(A)   CFextern void  FCALLSC_QUALIFIER   A
+#define    BYTE_cfE INTEGER_BYTE     A0;
+#if ! (defined(FLOATFUNCTIONTYPE)&&defined(ASSIGNFLOAT)&&defined(RETURNFLOAT))
+#define   FLOAT_cfE FORTRAN_REAL  A0;
+#define     INT_cfE int    A0;
+#define LOGICAL_cfE int    A0;
+#define    LONG_cfE long   A0;
+#define   SHORT_cfE short  A0;
+#define    VOID_cfE
+#ifdef vmsFortran
+#define  STRING_cfE static char AA0[1+MAX_LEN_FORTRAN_FUNCTION_STRING];        \
+                       static fstring A0 =                                     \
+                                    *(AA0+MAX_LEN_FORTRAN_FUNCTION_STRING)='\0';
+#ifdef CRAYFortran
+#define  STRING_cfE static char AA0[1+MAX_LEN_FORTRAN_FUNCTION_STRING];        \
+                   static _fcd A0; *(AA0+MAX_LEN_FORTRAN_FUNCTION_STRING)='\0';\
+                            A0 = _cptofcd(AA0,MAX_LEN_FORTRAN_FUNCTION_STRING);
+/* 'cc: SC3.0.1 13 Jul 1994' barfs on char A0[0x4FE+1]; 
+ * char A0[0x4FE +1]; char A0[1+0x4FE]; are both OK.     */
+#define STRING_cfE static char A0[1+MAX_LEN_FORTRAN_FUNCTION_STRING];          \
+                       memset(A0, CFORTRAN_NON_CHAR,                           \
+                              MAX_LEN_FORTRAN_FUNCTION_STRING);                \
+                       *(A0+MAX_LEN_FORTRAN_FUNCTION_STRING)='\0';
+/* ESTRING must use static char. array which is guaranteed to exist after
+   function returns.                                                     */
+/* N.B.i) The diff. for 0 (Zero) and >=1 arguments.
+       ii)That the following create an unmatched bracket, i.e. '(', which
+          must of course be matched in the call.
+       iii)Commas must be handled very carefully                         */
+#define    INT_cfGZ(T,UN,LN) A0=CFC_(UN,LN)(
+#define   VOID_cfGZ(T,UN,LN)    CFC_(UN,LN)(
+#ifdef vmsFortran
+#define STRING_cfGZ(T,UN,LN)    CFC_(UN,LN)(&A0
+#if defined(CRAYFortran) || defined(AbsoftUNIXFortran) || defined(AbsoftProFortran)
+#define STRING_cfGZ(T,UN,LN)    CFC_(UN,LN)( A0
+#define     INT_cfG(T,UN,LN)    INT_cfGZ(T,UN,LN)
+#define    VOID_cfG(T,UN,LN)   VOID_cfGZ(T,UN,LN)
+#define  STRING_cfG(T,UN,LN) STRING_cfGZ(T,UN,LN), /*, is only diff. from _cfG*/
+#define    BYTEVVVVVVV_cfPP
+#define     INTVVVVVVV_cfPP     /* These complement FLOATVVVVVVV_cfPP. */
+#define    LONGVVVVVVV_cfPP
+#define   SHORTVVVVVVV_cfPP
+#define          PBYTE_cfPP
+#define           PINT_cfPP
+#define        PDOUBLE_cfPP
+#define       PLOGICAL_cfPP
+#define          PLONG_cfPP
+#define         PSHORT_cfPP
+#define         PFLOAT_cfPP FLOATVVVVVVV_cfPP
+#define BCF(TN,AN,C)        _SEP_(TN,C,cfCOMMA) _Icf(2,B,TN,AN,0)
+#define        INT_cfB(T,A) (_(T,VVVVVVV_cfTYPE)) A
+#define       INTV_cfB(T,A)            A
+#define      INTVV_cfB(T,A)           (A)[0]
+#define     INTVVV_cfB(T,A)           (A)[0][0]
+#define    INTVVVV_cfB(T,A)           (A)[0][0][0]
+#define   INTVVVVV_cfB(T,A)           (A)[0][0][0][0]
+#define  INTVVVVVV_cfB(T,A)           (A)[0][0][0][0][0]
+#define INTVVVVVVV_cfB(T,A)           (A)[0][0][0][0][0][0]
+#define       PINT_cfB(T,A) _(T,_cfPP)&A
+#define     STRING_cfB(T,A) (char *)   A
+#define    STRINGV_cfB(T,A) (char *)   A
+#define    PSTRING_cfB(T,A) (char *)   A
+#define   PSTRINGV_cfB(T,A) (char *)   A
+#define      PVOID_cfB(T,A) (void *)   A
+#define    ROUTINE_cfB(T,A) (cfCAST_FUNCTION)A
+#define    ZTRINGV_cfB(T,A) (char *)   A
+#define   PZTRINGV_cfB(T,A) (char *)   A
+#define SCF(TN,NAME,I,A)    _(TN,_cfSTR)(3,S,NAME,I,A,0,0)
+#define  DEFAULT_cfS(M,I,A)
+#define  LOGICAL_cfS(M,I,A)
+#define PLOGICAL_cfS(M,I,A)
+#define   STRING_cfS(M,I,A) ,sizeof(A)
+#define  STRINGV_cfS(M,I,A) ,( (unsigned)0xFFFF*firstindexlength(A) \
+                              +secondindexlength(A))
+#define  PSTRING_cfS(M,I,A) ,sizeof(A)
+#define PSTRINGV_cfS(M,I,A) STRINGV_cfS(M,I,A)
+#define  ZTRINGV_cfS(M,I,A)
+#define PZTRINGV_cfS(M,I,A)
+#define   HCF(TN,I)         _(TN,_cfSTR)(3,H,cfCOMMA, H,_(C,I),0,0)
+#define  HHCF(TN,I)         _(TN,_cfSTR)(3,H,cfCOMMA,HH,_(C,I),0,0)
+#define HHHCF(TN,I)         _(TN,_cfSTR)(3,H,cfCOLON, H,_(C,I),0,0)
+#define  H_CF_SPECIAL       unsigned
+#define HH_CF_SPECIAL
+#define  DEFAULT_cfH(M,I,A)
+#define  LOGICAL_cfH(S,U,B)
+#define PLOGICAL_cfH(S,U,B)
+#define   STRING_cfH(S,U,B) _(A,S) _(U,_CF_SPECIAL) B
+#define  STRINGV_cfH(S,U,B) STRING_cfH(S,U,B)
+#define  PSTRING_cfH(S,U,B) STRING_cfH(S,U,B)
+#define PSTRINGV_cfH(S,U,B) STRING_cfH(S,U,B)
+#define PNSTRING_cfH(S,U,B) STRING_cfH(S,U,B)
+#define PPSTRING_cfH(S,U,B) STRING_cfH(S,U,B)
+#define  ZTRINGV_cfH(S,U,B)
+#define PZTRINGV_cfH(S,U,B)
+/* Need VOID_cfSTR because Absoft forced function types go through _cfSTR. */
+/* No spaces inside expansion. They screws up macro catenation kludge.     */
+#define           VOID_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,DEFAULT,A,B,C,D,E)
+#define           BYTE_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,DEFAULT,A,B,C,D,E)
+#define         DOUBLE_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,DEFAULT,A,B,C,D,E)
+#define          FLOAT_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,DEFAULT,A,B,C,D,E)
+#define            INT_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,DEFAULT,A,B,C,D,E)
+#define        LOGICAL_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,LOGICAL,A,B,C,D,E)
+#define           LONG_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,DEFAULT,A,B,C,D,E)
+#define          SHORT_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,DEFAULT,A,B,C,D,E)
+#define          BYTEV_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,DEFAULT,A,B,C,D,E)
+#define         BYTEVV_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,DEFAULT,A,B,C,D,E)
+#define        BYTEVVV_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,DEFAULT,A,B,C,D,E)
+#define       BYTEVVVV_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,DEFAULT,A,B,C,D,E)
+#define        DOUBLEV_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,DEFAULT,A,B,C,D,E)
+#define       DOUBLEVV_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,DEFAULT,A,B,C,D,E)
+#define         FLOATV_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,DEFAULT,A,B,C,D,E)
+#define        FLOATVV_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,DEFAULT,A,B,C,D,E)
+#define       FLOATVVV_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,DEFAULT,A,B,C,D,E)
+#define           INTV_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,DEFAULT,A,B,C,D,E)
+#define          INTVV_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,DEFAULT,A,B,C,D,E)
+#define         INTVVV_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,DEFAULT,A,B,C,D,E)
+#define        INTVVVV_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,DEFAULT,A,B,C,D,E)
+#define       INTVVVVV_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,DEFAULT,A,B,C,D,E)
+#define       LOGICALV_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,DEFAULT,A,B,C,D,E)
+#define          LONGV_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,DEFAULT,A,B,C,D,E)
+#define         LONGVV_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,DEFAULT,A,B,C,D,E)
+#define        LONGVVV_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,DEFAULT,A,B,C,D,E)
+#define       LONGVVVV_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,DEFAULT,A,B,C,D,E)
+#define         SHORTV_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,DEFAULT,A,B,C,D,E)
+#define        SHORTVV_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,DEFAULT,A,B,C,D,E)
+#define       SHORTVVV_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,DEFAULT,A,B,C,D,E)
+#define          PBYTE_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,DEFAULT,A,B,C,D,E)
+#define        PDOUBLE_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,DEFAULT,A,B,C,D,E)
+#define         PFLOAT_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,DEFAULT,A,B,C,D,E)
+#define           PINT_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,DEFAULT,A,B,C,D,E)
+#define       PLOGICAL_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,PLOGICAL,A,B,C,D,E)
+#define          PLONG_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,DEFAULT,A,B,C,D,E)
+#define         PSHORT_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,DEFAULT,A,B,C,D,E)
+#define         STRING_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,STRING,A,B,C,D,E)
+#define        PSTRING_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,PSTRING,A,B,C,D,E)
+#define        STRINGV_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,STRINGV,A,B,C,D,E)
+#define       PSTRINGV_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,PSTRINGV,A,B,C,D,E)
+#define       PNSTRING_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,PNSTRING,A,B,C,D,E)
+#define       PPSTRING_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,PPSTRING,A,B,C,D,E)
+#define          PVOID_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,DEFAULT,A,B,C,D,E)
+#define        ROUTINE_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,DEFAULT,A,B,C,D,E)
+#define         SIMPLE_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,DEFAULT,A,B,C,D,E)
+#define        ZTRINGV_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,ZTRINGV,A,B,C,D,E)
+#define       PZTRINGV_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,PZTRINGV,A,B,C,D,E)
+#define           CF_0_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E)
+/* See ACF table comments, which explain why CCF was split into two. */
+#define CCF(NAME,TN,I)     _(TN,_cfSTR)(5,C,NAME,I,_(A,I),_(B,I),_(C,I))
+#define  DEFAULT_cfC(M,I,A,B,C)
+#define  LOGICAL_cfC(M,I,A,B,C)  A=C2FLOGICAL( A);
+#define PLOGICAL_cfC(M,I,A,B,C) *A=C2FLOGICAL(*A);
+#ifdef vmsFortran
+#define   STRING_cfC(M,I,A,B,C) (B.clen=strlen(A),B.f.dsc$a_pointer=A,         \
+        C==sizeof(char*)||C==(unsigned)(B.clen+1)?B.f.dsc$w_length=B.clen:     \
+          (memset((A)+B.clen,' ',C-B.clen-1),A[B.f.dsc$w_length=C-1]='\0'));
+      /* PSTRING_cfC to beware of array A which does not contain any \0.      */
+#define  PSTRING_cfC(M,I,A,B,C) (B.dsc$a_pointer=A, C==sizeof(char*) ?         \
+             B.dsc$w_length=strlen(A):  (A[C-1]='\0',B.dsc$w_length=strlen(A), \
+       memset((A)+B.dsc$w_length,' ',C-B.dsc$w_length-1), B.dsc$w_length=C-1));
+#define   STRING_cfC(M,I,A,B,C) (B.clen=strlen(A),                             \
+                C==sizeof(char*)||C==(unsigned)(B.clen+1)?B.flen=B.clen:       \
+                        (memset((A)+B.clen,' ',C-B.clen-1),A[B.flen=C-1]='\0'));
+#define  PSTRING_cfC(M,I,A,B,C) (C==sizeof(char*)? B=strlen(A):                \
+                    (A[C-1]='\0',B=strlen(A),memset((A)+B,' ',C-B-1),B=C-1));
+          /* For CRAYFortran for (P)STRINGV_cfC, B.fs is set, but irrelevant. */
+#define  STRINGV_cfC(M,I,A,B,C) \
+        AATRINGV_cfA(    A,B,(C/0xFFFF)*(C%0xFFFF),C/0xFFFF,C%0xFFFF)
+#define PSTRINGV_cfC(M,I,A,B,C) \
+       APATRINGV_cfA(    A,B,(C/0xFFFF)*(C%0xFFFF),C/0xFFFF,C%0xFFFF)
+#define  ZTRINGV_cfC(M,I,A,B,C) \
+        AATRINGV_cfA(    A,B, (_3(M,_ELEMS_,I))*((_3(M,_ELEMLEN_,I))+1),       \
+                              (_3(M,_ELEMS_,I)), (_3(M,_ELEMLEN_,I))+1   )
+#define PZTRINGV_cfC(M,I,A,B,C) \
+       APATRINGV_cfA(    A,B, (_3(M,_ELEMS_,I))*((_3(M,_ELEMLEN_,I))+1),       \
+                              (_3(M,_ELEMS_,I)), (_3(M,_ELEMLEN_,I))+1   )
+#define     BYTE_cfCCC(A,B) &A
+#define   DOUBLE_cfCCC(A,B) &A
+#if !defined(__CF__KnR)
+#define    FLOAT_cfCCC(A,B) &A
+                               /* Although the VAX doesn't, at least the      */
+#else                          /* HP and K&R mips promote float arg.'s of     */
+#define    FLOAT_cfCCC(A,B) &B /* unprototyped functions to double. Cannot    */
+#endif                         /* use A here to pass the argument to FORTRAN. */
+#define      INT_cfCCC(A,B) &A
+#define  LOGICAL_cfCCC(A,B) &A
+#define     LONG_cfCCC(A,B) &A
+#define    SHORT_cfCCC(A,B) &A
+#define    PBYTE_cfCCC(A,B)  A
+#define  PDOUBLE_cfCCC(A,B)  A
+#define   PFLOAT_cfCCC(A,B)  A
+#define     PINT_cfCCC(A,B)  A
+#define PLOGICAL_cfCCC(A,B)  B=A       /* B used to keep a common W table. */
+#define    PLONG_cfCCC(A,B)  A
+#define   PSHORT_cfCCC(A,B)  A
+#define CCCF(TN,I,M)           _SEP_(TN,M,cfCOMMA) _Icf(3,CC,TN,_(A,I),_(B,I))
+#define        INT_cfCC(T,A,B) _(T,_cfCCC)(A,B) 
+#define       INTV_cfCC(T,A,B)  A
+#define      INTVV_cfCC(T,A,B)  A
+#define     INTVVV_cfCC(T,A,B)  A
+#define    INTVVVV_cfCC(T,A,B)  A
+#define   INTVVVVV_cfCC(T,A,B)  A
+#define  INTVVVVVV_cfCC(T,A,B)  A
+#define INTVVVVVVV_cfCC(T,A,B)  A
+#define       PINT_cfCC(T,A,B) _(T,_cfCCC)(A,B) 
+#define      PVOID_cfCC(T,A,B)  A
+#if defined(apolloFortran) || defined(hpuxFortran800) || defined(AbsoftUNIXFortran)
+#define    ROUTINE_cfCC(T,A,B) &A
+#define    ROUTINE_cfCC(T,A,B)  A
+#define     SIMPLE_cfCC(T,A,B)  A
+#ifdef vmsFortran
+#define     STRING_cfCC(T,A,B) &B.f
+#define    STRINGV_cfCC(T,A,B) &B
+#define    PSTRING_cfCC(T,A,B) &B
+#define   PSTRINGV_cfCC(T,A,B) &B
+#ifdef CRAYFortran
+#define     STRING_cfCC(T,A,B) _cptofcd(A,B.flen)
+#define    STRINGV_cfCC(T,A,B) _cptofcd(B.s,B.flen)
+#define    PSTRING_cfCC(T,A,B) _cptofcd(A,B)
+#define   PSTRINGV_cfCC(T,A,B) _cptofcd(A,B.flen)
+#define     STRING_cfCC(T,A,B)  A
+#define    STRINGV_cfCC(T,A,B)  B.fs
+#define    PSTRING_cfCC(T,A,B)  A
+#define   PSTRINGV_cfCC(T,A,B)  B.fs
+#define    ZTRINGV_cfCC(T,A,B)   STRINGV_cfCC(T,A,B)
+#define   PZTRINGV_cfCC(T,A,B)  PSTRINGV_cfCC(T,A,B)
+#define    BYTE_cfX  return A0;
+#define  DOUBLE_cfX  return A0;
+#if ! (defined(FLOATFUNCTIONTYPE)&&defined(ASSIGNFLOAT)&&defined(RETURNFLOAT))
+#define   FLOAT_cfX  return A0;
+#define   FLOAT_cfX  ASSIGNFLOAT(AA0,A0); return AA0;
+#define     INT_cfX  return A0;
+#define LOGICAL_cfX  return F2CLOGICAL(A0);
+#define    LONG_cfX  return A0;
+#define   SHORT_cfX  return A0;
+#define    VOID_cfX  return   ;
+#if defined(vmsFortran) || defined(CRAYFortran)
+#define  STRING_cfX  return kill_trailing(                                     \
+                                      kill_trailing(AA0,CFORTRAN_NON_CHAR),' ');
+#define  STRING_cfX  return kill_trailing(                                     \
+                                      kill_trailing( A0,CFORTRAN_NON_CHAR),' ');
+#define CFFUN(NAME) _(__cf__,NAME)
+/* Note that we don't use LN here, but we keep it for consistency. */
+#ifdef OLD_VAXC                                  /* Allow %CC-I-PARAMNOTUSED. */
+#pragma standard
+#define CCALLSFFUN1( UN,LN,T1,                        A1)         \
+        CCALLSFFUN5 (UN,LN,T1,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,A1,0,0,0,0)
+#define CCALLSFFUN2( UN,LN,T1,T2,                     A1,A2)      \
+        CCALLSFFUN5 (UN,LN,T1,T2,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,A1,A2,0,0,0)
+#define CCALLSFFUN3( UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,                  A1,A2,A3)   \
+        CCALLSFFUN5 (UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,CF_0,CF_0,A1,A2,A3,0,0)
+#define CCALLSFFUN4( UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,               A1,A2,A3,A4)\
+        CCALLSFFUN5 (UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,CF_0,A1,A2,A3,A4,0)
+#define CCALLSFFUN5( UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,            A1,A2,A3,A4,A5)          \
+        CCALLSFFUN10(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CCALLSFFUN6( UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,         A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6)       \
+        CCALLSFFUN10(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,0,0,0,0)
+#define CCALLSFFUN7( UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,      A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7)    \
+        CCALLSFFUN10(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,0,0,0)
+#define CCALLSFFUN8( UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,   A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8) \
+        CCALLSFFUN10(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,CF_0,CF_0,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,0,0)
+#define CCALLSFFUN9( UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9)\
+        CCALLSFFUN10(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,CF_0,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,0)
+#define CCALLSFFUN10(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,AA)\
+        CCALLSFFUN14(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,AA,0,0,0,0)
+#define CCALLSFFUN11(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,AA,AB)\
+        CCALLSFFUN14(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,AA,AB,0,0,0)
+#define CCALLSFFUN12(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,AA,AB,AC)\
+        CCALLSFFUN14(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,CF_0,CF_0,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,AA,AB,AC,0,0)
+#define CCALLSFFUN13(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,AA,AB,AC,AD)\
+        CCALLSFFUN14(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,CF_0,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,AA,AB,AC,AD,0)
+#define CCALLSFFUN14(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,AA,AB,AC,AD,AE)\
+((CFFUN(UN)(  BCF(T1,A1,0) BCF(T2,A2,1) BCF(T3,A3,1) BCF(T4,A4,1) BCF(T5,A5,1) \
+              BCF(T6,A6,1) BCF(T7,A7,1) BCF(T8,A8,1) BCF(T9,A9,1) BCF(TA,AA,1) \
+              BCF(TB,AB,1) BCF(TC,AC,1) BCF(TD,AD,1) BCF(TE,AE,1)              \
+           SCF(T1,LN,1,A1)  SCF(T2,LN,2,A2)  SCF(T3,LN,3,A3)  SCF(T4,LN,4,A4)  \
+           SCF(T5,LN,5,A5)  SCF(T6,LN,6,A6)  SCF(T7,LN,7,A7)  SCF(T8,LN,8,A8)  \
+           SCF(T9,LN,9,A9)  SCF(TA,LN,10,AA) SCF(TB,LN,11,AB) SCF(TC,LN,12,AC) \
+           SCF(TD,LN,13,AD) SCF(TE,LN,14,AE))))
+/*  N.B. Create a separate function instead of using (call function, function
+value here) because in order to create the variables needed for the input
+arg.'s which may be const.'s one has to do the creation within {}, but these
+can never be placed within ()'s. Therefore one must create wrapper functions.
+gcc, on the other hand may be able to avoid the wrapper functions. */
+/* Prototypes are needed to correctly handle the value returned correctly. N.B.
+Can only have prototype arg.'s with difficulty, a la G... table since FORTRAN
+functions returning strings have extra arg.'s. Don't bother, since this only
+causes a compiler warning to come up when one uses FCALLSCFUNn and CCALLSFFUNn
+for the same function in the same source code. Something done by the experts in
+debugging only.*/    
+#define PROTOCCALLSFFUN0(F,UN,LN)                                              \
+_(F,_cfPU)( CFC_(UN,LN))(CF_NULL_PROTO);                                       \
+static _Icf(2,U,F,CFFUN(UN),0)() {_(F,_cfE) _Icf(3,GZ,F,UN,LN) ABSOFT_cf1(F));_(F,_cfX)}
+#define PROTOCCALLSFFUN1( T0,UN,LN,T1)                                         \
+        PROTOCCALLSFFUN5 (T0,UN,LN,T1,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0)
+#define PROTOCCALLSFFUN2( T0,UN,LN,T1,T2)                                      \
+        PROTOCCALLSFFUN5 (T0,UN,LN,T1,T2,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0)
+#define PROTOCCALLSFFUN3( T0,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3)                                   \
+        PROTOCCALLSFFUN5 (T0,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,CF_0,CF_0)
+#define PROTOCCALLSFFUN4( T0,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4)                                \
+        PROTOCCALLSFFUN5 (T0,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,CF_0)
+#define PROTOCCALLSFFUN5( T0,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5)                             \
+        PROTOCCALLSFFUN10(T0,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0)
+#define PROTOCCALLSFFUN6( T0,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6)                          \
+        PROTOCCALLSFFUN10(T0,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0)
+#define PROTOCCALLSFFUN7( T0,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7)                       \
+        PROTOCCALLSFFUN10(T0,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0)
+#define PROTOCCALLSFFUN8( T0,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8)                    \
+        PROTOCCALLSFFUN10(T0,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,CF_0,CF_0)
+#define PROTOCCALLSFFUN9( T0,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9)                 \
+        PROTOCCALLSFFUN10(T0,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,CF_0)
+#define PROTOCCALLSFFUN10(T0,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA)              \
+        PROTOCCALLSFFUN14(T0,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0)
+#define PROTOCCALLSFFUN11(T0,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB)           \
+        PROTOCCALLSFFUN14(T0,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0)
+#define PROTOCCALLSFFUN12(T0,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC)        \
+        PROTOCCALLSFFUN14(T0,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,CF_0,CF_0)
+#define PROTOCCALLSFFUN13(T0,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD)     \
+        PROTOCCALLSFFUN14(T0,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,CF_0)
+/* HP/UX 9.01 cc requires the blank between '_Icf(3,G,T0,UN,LN) CCCF(T1,1,0)' */
+#ifndef __CF__KnR
+#define PROTOCCALLSFFUN14(T0,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE)  \
+ _(T0,_cfPU)(CFC_(UN,LN))(CF_NULL_PROTO); static _Icf(2,U,T0,CFFUN(UN),0)(     \
+   CFARGT14FS(UCF,HCF,_Z,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE) )          \
+{       CFARGT14S(VCF,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE)    _(T0,_cfE) \
+ CCF(LN,T1,1)  CCF(LN,T2,2)  CCF(LN,T3,3)  CCF(LN,T4,4)  CCF(LN,T5,5)          \
+ CCF(LN,T6,6)  CCF(LN,T7,7)  CCF(LN,T8,8)  CCF(LN,T9,9)  CCF(LN,TA,10)         \
+ CCF(LN,TB,11) CCF(LN,TC,12) CCF(LN,TD,13) CCF(LN,TE,14)    _Icf(3,G,T0,UN,LN) \
+ CFARGT14(CCCF,JCF,ABSOFT_cf1(T0),T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE)); \
+ WCF(T1,A1,1)   WCF(T2,A2,2)   WCF(T3,A3,3)   WCF(T4,A4,4)  WCF(T5,A5,5)       \
+ WCF(T6,A6,6)   WCF(T7,A7,7)   WCF(T8,A8,8)   WCF(T9,A9,9)  WCF(TA,A10,10)     \
+ WCF(TB,A11,11) WCF(TC,A12,12) WCF(TD,A13,13) WCF(TE,A14,14) _(T0,_cfX)}
+#define PROTOCCALLSFFUN14(T0,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE)  \
+ _(T0,_cfPU)(CFC_(UN,LN))(CF_NULL_PROTO); static _Icf(2,U,T0,CFFUN(UN),0)(     \
+   CFARGT14FS(UUCF,HHCF,_Z,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE) )        \
+ CFARGT14FS(UUUCF,HHHCF,_Z,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE) ;        \
+{       CFARGT14S(VCF,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE)    _(T0,_cfE) \
+ CCF(LN,T1,1)  CCF(LN,T2,2)  CCF(LN,T3,3)  CCF(LN,T4,4)  CCF(LN,T5,5)          \
+ CCF(LN,T6,6)  CCF(LN,T7,7)  CCF(LN,T8,8)  CCF(LN,T9,9)  CCF(LN,TA,10)         \
+ CCF(LN,TB,11) CCF(LN,TC,12) CCF(LN,TD,13) CCF(LN,TE,14)    _Icf(3,G,T0,UN,LN) \
+ CFARGT14(CCCF,JCF,ABSOFT_cf1(T0),T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE)); \
+ WCF(T1,A1,1)   WCF(T2,A2,2)   WCF(T3,A3,3)   WCF(T4,A4,4)   WCF(T5,A5,5)      \
+ WCF(T6,A6,6)   WCF(T7,A7,7)   WCF(T8,A8,8)   WCF(T9,A9,9)   WCF(TA,A10,10)    \
+ WCF(TB,A11,11) WCF(TC,A12,12) WCF(TD,A13,13) WCF(TE,A14,14) _(T0,_cfX)}
+/*               UTILITIES FOR FORTRAN TO CALL C ROUTINES                  */
+#ifdef OLD_VAXC                                /* Prevent %CC-I-PARAMNOTUSED. */
+#pragma nostandard
+#if defined(vmsFortran) || defined(CRAYFortran)
+#define   DCF(TN,I)
+#define  DDCF(TN,I)
+#define DDDCF(TN,I)
+#define   DCF(TN,I)          HCF(TN,I)
+#define  DDCF(TN,I)         HHCF(TN,I)
+#define DDDCF(TN,I)        HHHCF(TN,I)
+#define QCF(TN,I)       _(TN,_cfSTR)(1,Q,_(B,I), 0,0,0,0)
+#define  DEFAULT_cfQ(B)
+#define  LOGICAL_cfQ(B)
+#define PLOGICAL_cfQ(B)
+#define  STRINGV_cfQ(B) char *B; unsigned int _(B,N);
+#define   STRING_cfQ(B) char *B=NULL;
+#define  PSTRING_cfQ(B) char *B=NULL;
+#define PSTRINGV_cfQ(B) STRINGV_cfQ(B)
+#define PNSTRING_cfQ(B) char *B=NULL;
+#define PPSTRING_cfQ(B)
+#ifdef     __sgi   /* Else SGI gives warning 182 contrary to its C LRM A.17.7 */
+#define ROUTINE_orig    *(void**)& 
+#define ROUTINE_orig     (void *)  
+#define ROUTINE_1     ROUTINE_orig   
+#define ROUTINE_2     ROUTINE_orig   
+#define ROUTINE_3     ROUTINE_orig   
+#define ROUTINE_4     ROUTINE_orig   
+#define ROUTINE_5     ROUTINE_orig   
+#define ROUTINE_6     ROUTINE_orig   
+#define ROUTINE_7     ROUTINE_orig   
+#define ROUTINE_8     ROUTINE_orig   
+#define ROUTINE_9     ROUTINE_orig   
+#define ROUTINE_10    ROUTINE_orig   
+#define ROUTINE_11    ROUTINE_orig   
+#define ROUTINE_12    ROUTINE_orig   
+#define ROUTINE_13    ROUTINE_orig   
+#define ROUTINE_14    ROUTINE_orig   
+#define ROUTINE_15    ROUTINE_orig   
+#define ROUTINE_16    ROUTINE_orig   
+#define ROUTINE_17    ROUTINE_orig   
+#define ROUTINE_18    ROUTINE_orig   
+#define ROUTINE_19    ROUTINE_orig   
+#define ROUTINE_20    ROUTINE_orig   
+#define ROUTINE_21    ROUTINE_orig   
+#define ROUTINE_22    ROUTINE_orig   
+#define ROUTINE_23    ROUTINE_orig   
+#define ROUTINE_24    ROUTINE_orig   
+#define ROUTINE_25    ROUTINE_orig   
+#define ROUTINE_26    ROUTINE_orig   
+#define ROUTINE_27    ROUTINE_orig   
+#define TCF(NAME,TN,I,M)              _SEP_(TN,M,cfCOMMA) _(TN,_cfT)(NAME,I,_(A,I),_(B,I),_(C,I))
+#define           BYTE_cfT(M,I,A,B,D) *A
+#define         DOUBLE_cfT(M,I,A,B,D) *A
+#define          FLOAT_cfT(M,I,A,B,D) *A
+#define            INT_cfT(M,I,A,B,D) *A
+#define        LOGICAL_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  F2CLOGICAL(*A)
+#define           LONG_cfT(M,I,A,B,D) *A
+#define          SHORT_cfT(M,I,A,B,D) *A
+#define          BYTEV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  A
+#define        DOUBLEV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  A
+#define         FLOATV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  VOIDP A
+#define           INTV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  A
+#define       LOGICALV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  A
+#define          LONGV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  A
+#define         SHORTV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  A
+#define         BYTEVV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  (void *)A /* We have to cast to void *,*/
+#define        BYTEVVV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  (void *)A /* since we don't know the   */
+#define       BYTEVVVV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  (void *)A /* dimensions of the array.  */
+#define      BYTEVVVVV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  (void *)A /* i.e. Unfortunately, can't */
+#define     BYTEVVVVVV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  (void *)A /* check that the type       */
+#define    BYTEVVVVVVV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  (void *)A /* matches the prototype.    */
+#define       DOUBLEVV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  (void *)A
+#define      DOUBLEVVV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  (void *)A
+#define     DOUBLEVVVV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  (void *)A
+#define    DOUBLEVVVVV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  (void *)A
+#define   DOUBLEVVVVVV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  (void *)A
+#define  DOUBLEVVVVVVV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  (void *)A
+#define        FLOATVV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  (void *)A
+#define       FLOATVVV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  (void *)A
+#define      FLOATVVVV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  (void *)A
+#define     FLOATVVVVV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  (void *)A
+#define    FLOATVVVVVV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  (void *)A
+#define   FLOATVVVVVVV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  (void *)A
+#define          INTVV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  (void *)A  
+#define         INTVVV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  (void *)A  
+#define        INTVVVV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  (void *)A  
+#define       INTVVVVV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  (void *)A
+#define      INTVVVVVV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  (void *)A
+#define     INTVVVVVVV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  (void *)A
+#define      LOGICALVV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  (void *)A
+#define     LOGICALVVV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  (void *)A
+#define    LOGICALVVVV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  (void *)A
+#define   LOGICALVVVVV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  (void *)A
+#define  LOGICALVVVVVV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  (void *)A
+#define LOGICALVVVVVVV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  (void *)A
+#define         LONGVV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  (void *)A
+#define        LONGVVV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  (void *)A
+#define       LONGVVVV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  (void *)A
+#define      LONGVVVVV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  (void *)A
+#define     LONGVVVVVV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  (void *)A
+#define    LONGVVVVVVV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  (void *)A
+#define        SHORTVV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  (void *)A
+#define       SHORTVVV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  (void *)A
+#define      SHORTVVVV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  (void *)A
+#define     SHORTVVVVV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  (void *)A
+#define    SHORTVVVVVV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  (void *)A
+#define   SHORTVVVVVVV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  (void *)A
+#define          PBYTE_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  A
+#define        PDOUBLE_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  A
+#define         PFLOAT_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  VOIDP A
+#define           PINT_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  A
+#define       PLOGICAL_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  ((*A=F2CLOGICAL(*A)),A)
+#define          PLONG_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  A
+#define         PSHORT_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  A
+#define          PVOID_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  A
+#if defined(apolloFortran) || defined(hpuxFortran800) || defined(AbsoftUNIXFortran)
+#define        ROUTINE_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  _(ROUTINE_,I)  (*A)
+#define        ROUTINE_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  _(ROUTINE_,I)    A
+/* A == pointer to the characters
+   D == length of the string, or of an element in an array of strings
+   E == number of elements in an array of strings                             */
+#define TTSTR(    A,B,D)                                                       \
+           ((B=_cf_malloc(D+1))[D]='\0', memcpy(B,A,D), kill_trailing(B,' '))
+#define TTTTSTR(  A,B,D)   (!(D<4||A[0]||A[1]||A[2]||A[3]))?NULL:              \
+                            memchr(A,'\0',D)                 ?A   : TTSTR(A,B,D)
+#define TTTTSTRV( A,B,D,E) (_(B,N)=E,B=_cf_malloc(_(B,N)*(D+1)), (void *)      \
+  vkill_trailing(f2cstrv(A,B,D+1, _(B,N)*(D+1)), D+1,_(B,N)*(D+1),' '))
+#ifdef vmsFortran
+#define         STRING_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  TTTTSTR( A->dsc$a_pointer,B,A->dsc$w_length)
+#define        STRINGV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  TTTTSTRV(A->dsc$a_pointer, B,           \
+                                             A->dsc$w_length , A->dsc$l_m[0])
+#define        PSTRING_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)    TTSTR( A->dsc$a_pointer,B,A->dsc$w_length)
+#define       PPSTRING_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)           A->dsc$a_pointer
+#ifdef CRAYFortran
+#define         STRING_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  TTTTSTR( _fcdtocp(A),B,_fcdlen(A))
+#define        STRINGV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  TTTTSTRV(_fcdtocp(A),B,_fcdlen(A),      \
+                              num_elem(_fcdtocp(A),_fcdlen(A),_3(M,_STRV_A,I)))
+#define        PSTRING_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)    TTSTR( _fcdtocp(A),B,_fcdlen(A))
+#define       PPSTRING_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)           _fcdtocp(A)
+#define         STRING_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  TTTTSTR( A,B,D)
+#define        STRINGV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  TTTTSTRV(A,B,D, num_elem(A,D,_3(M,_STRV_A,I)))
+#define        PSTRING_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)    TTSTR( A,B,D)
+#define       PPSTRING_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)           A
+#define       PNSTRING_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)    STRING_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)
+#define       PSTRINGV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)   STRINGV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)
+#define           CF_0_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)
+#define RCF(TN,I)           _(TN,_cfSTR)(3,R,_(A,I),_(B,I),_(C,I),0,0)
+#define  DEFAULT_cfR(A,B,D)
+#define  LOGICAL_cfR(A,B,D)
+#define PLOGICAL_cfR(A,B,D) *A=C2FLOGICAL(*A);
+#define   STRING_cfR(A,B,D) if (B) _cf_free(B);
+#define  STRINGV_cfR(A,B,D) _cf_free(B);
+/* A and D as defined above for TSTRING(V) */
+#define RRRRPSTR( A,B,D)    if (B) memcpy(A,B, _cfMIN(strlen(B),D)),           \
+                  (D>strlen(B)?memset(A+strlen(B),' ', D-strlen(B)):0), _cf_free(B);
+#define RRRRPSTRV(A,B,D)    c2fstrv(B,A,D+1,(D+1)*_(B,N)), _cf_free(B);
+#ifdef vmsFortran
+#define  PSTRING_cfR(A,B,D) RRRRPSTR( A->dsc$a_pointer,B,A->dsc$w_length)
+#define PSTRINGV_cfR(A,B,D) RRRRPSTRV(A->dsc$a_pointer,B,A->dsc$w_length)
+#ifdef CRAYFortran
+#define  PSTRING_cfR(A,B,D) RRRRPSTR( _fcdtocp(A),B,_fcdlen(A))
+#define PSTRINGV_cfR(A,B,D) RRRRPSTRV(_fcdtocp(A),B,_fcdlen(A))
+#define  PSTRING_cfR(A,B,D) RRRRPSTR( A,B,D)
+#define PNSTRING_cfR(A,B,D) PSTRING_cfR(A,B,D)
+#define PPSTRING_cfR(A,B,D)
+#define     INT_cfFZ(UN,LN) int   FCALLSC_QUALIFIER fcallsc(UN,LN)(
+#define LOGICAL_cfFZ(UN,LN) int   FCALLSC_QUALIFIER fcallsc(UN,LN)(
+#define    LONG_cfFZ(UN,LN) long  FCALLSC_QUALIFIER fcallsc(UN,LN)(
+#define   SHORT_cfFZ(UN,LN) short FCALLSC_QUALIFIER fcallsc(UN,LN)(
+#define    VOID_cfFZ(UN,LN) void  FCALLSC_QUALIFIER fcallsc(UN,LN)(
+#ifndef __CF__KnR
+/* The void is req'd by the Apollo, to make this an ANSI function declaration.
+   The Apollo promotes K&R float functions to double. */
+#ifdef vmsFortran
+#define  STRING_cfFZ(UN,LN) void  FCALLSC_QUALIFIER fcallsc(UN,LN)(fstring *AS
+#ifdef CRAYFortran
+#define  STRING_cfFZ(UN,LN) void  FCALLSC_QUALIFIER fcallsc(UN,LN)(_fcd     AS
+#if  defined(AbsoftUNIXFortran) || defined(AbsoftProFortran)
+#define  STRING_cfFZ(UN,LN) void  FCALLSC_QUALIFIER fcallsc(UN,LN)(char    *AS
+#define  STRING_cfFZ(UN,LN) void  FCALLSC_QUALIFIER fcallsc(UN,LN)(char    *AS, unsigned D0
+#if ! (defined(FLOATFUNCTIONTYPE)&&defined(ASSIGNFLOAT)&&defined(RETURNFLOAT))
+#if defined(vmsFortran) || defined(CRAYFortran) || defined(AbsoftUNIXFortran)
+#define  STRING_cfFZ(UN,LN) void  FCALLSC_QUALIFIER fcallsc(UN,LN)(AS
+#define  STRING_cfFZ(UN,LN) void  FCALLSC_QUALIFIER fcallsc(UN,LN)(AS, D0
+#define    BYTE_cfF(UN,LN)     BYTE_cfFZ(UN,LN)
+#define  DOUBLE_cfF(UN,LN)   DOUBLE_cfFZ(UN,LN)
+#ifndef __CF_KnR
+#define   FLOAT_cfF(UN,LN)    FLOAT_cfFZ(UN,LN)
+#define     INT_cfF(UN,LN)      INT_cfFZ(UN,LN)
+#define    LONG_cfF(UN,LN)     LONG_cfFZ(UN,LN)
+#define   SHORT_cfF(UN,LN)    SHORT_cfFZ(UN,LN)
+#define    VOID_cfF(UN,LN)     VOID_cfFZ(UN,LN)
+#define  STRING_cfF(UN,LN)   STRING_cfFZ(UN,LN),
+#define     INT_cfFF
+#define    VOID_cfFF
+#ifdef vmsFortran
+#define  STRING_cfFF           fstring *AS; 
+#ifdef CRAYFortran
+#define  STRING_cfFF           _fcd     AS;
+#define  STRING_cfFF           char    *AS; unsigned D0;
+#define     INT_cfL            A0=
+#define  STRING_cfL            A0=
+#define    VOID_cfL                        
+#define    INT_cfK
+#define   VOID_cfK
+/* KSTRING copies the string into the position provided by the caller. */
+#ifdef vmsFortran
+#define STRING_cfK                                                             \
+ memcpy(AS->dsc$a_pointer,A0,_cfMIN(AS->dsc$w_length,(A0==NULL?0:strlen(A0))));\
+ AS->dsc$w_length>(A0==NULL?0:strlen(A0))?                                     \
+  memset(AS->dsc$a_pointer+(A0==NULL?0:strlen(A0)),' ',                        \
+         AS->dsc$w_length-(A0==NULL?0:strlen(A0))):0;
+#ifdef CRAYFortran
+#define STRING_cfK                                                             \
+ memcpy(_fcdtocp(AS),A0, _cfMIN(_fcdlen(AS),(A0==NULL?0:strlen(A0))) );        \
+ _fcdlen(AS)>(A0==NULL?0:strlen(A0))?                                          \
+  memset(_fcdtocp(AS)+(A0==NULL?0:strlen(A0)),' ',                             \
+         _fcdlen(AS)-(A0==NULL?0:strlen(A0))):0;
+#define STRING_cfK         memcpy(AS,A0, _cfMIN(D0,(A0==NULL?0:strlen(A0))) ); \
+                 D0>(A0==NULL?0:strlen(A0))?memset(AS+(A0==NULL?0:strlen(A0)), \
+                                            ' ', D0-(A0==NULL?0:strlen(A0))):0;
+/* Note that K.. and I.. can't be combined since K.. has to access data before
+R.., in order for functions returning strings which are also passed in as
+arguments to work correctly. Note that R.. frees and hence may corrupt the
+string. */
+#define    BYTE_cfI  return A0;
+#define  DOUBLE_cfI  return A0;
+#if ! (defined(FLOATFUNCTIONTYPE)&&defined(ASSIGNFLOAT)&&defined(RETURNFLOAT))
+#define   FLOAT_cfI  return A0;
+#define   FLOAT_cfI  RETURNFLOAT(A0);
+#define     INT_cfI  return A0;
+#ifdef hpuxFortran800
+/* Incredibly, functions must return true as 1, elsewhere .true.==0x01000000. */
+#define LOGICAL_cfI  return ((A0)?1:0);
+#define LOGICAL_cfI  return C2FLOGICAL(A0);
+#define    LONG_cfI  return A0;
+#define   SHORT_cfI  return A0;
+#define  STRING_cfI  return   ;
+#define    VOID_cfI  return   ;
+#ifdef OLD_VAXC                                  /* Allow %CC-I-PARAMNOTUSED. */
+#pragma standard
+#define FCALLSCSUB4( CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4) \
+#define FCALLSCSUB5( CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5) \
+#define FCALLSCSUB6( CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6) \
+    FCALLSCFUN6(VOID,CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6)       
+#define FCALLSCSUB7( CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7) \
+#define FCALLSCSUB8( CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8) \
+#define FCALLSCSUB9( CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9) \
+    FCALLSCFUN9(VOID,CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9)
+#define FCALLSCSUB10(CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA) \
+#define FCALLSCSUB11(CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB) \
+#define FCALLSCSUB12(CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC) \
+#define FCALLSCSUB13(CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD) \
+#define FCALLSCSUB14(CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE) \
+#define FCALLSCSUB15(CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,TF) \
+#define FCALLSCSUB16(CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,TF,TG) \
+#define FCALLSCSUB17(CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,TF,TG,TH) \
+#define FCALLSCSUB18(CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,TF,TG,TH,TI) \
+#define FCALLSCSUB19(CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,TF,TG,TH,TI,TJ) \
+#define FCALLSCFUN1( T0,CN,UN,LN,T1) \
+        FCALLSCFUN5 (T0,CN,UN,LN,T1,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0)
+#define FCALLSCFUN2( T0,CN,UN,LN,T1,T2) \
+        FCALLSCFUN5 (T0,CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0)
+#define FCALLSCFUN3( T0,CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3) \
+        FCALLSCFUN5 (T0,CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,CF_0,CF_0)
+#define FCALLSCFUN4( T0,CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4) \
+        FCALLSCFUN5 (T0,CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,CF_0)
+#define FCALLSCFUN5( T0,CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5) \
+        FCALLSCFUN10(T0,CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0)
+#define FCALLSCFUN6( T0,CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6) \
+        FCALLSCFUN10(T0,CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0)
+#define FCALLSCFUN7( T0,CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7) \
+        FCALLSCFUN10(T0,CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0)
+#define FCALLSCFUN8( T0,CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8) \
+        FCALLSCFUN10(T0,CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,CF_0,CF_0)
+#define FCALLSCFUN9( T0,CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9) \
+        FCALLSCFUN10(T0,CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,CF_0)
+#define FCALLSCFUN10(T0,CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA) \
+        FCALLSCFUN14(T0,CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0)
+#define FCALLSCFUN11(T0,CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB) \
+        FCALLSCFUN14(T0,CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0)
+#define FCALLSCFUN12(T0,CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC) \
+        FCALLSCFUN14(T0,CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,CF_0,CF_0)
+#define FCALLSCFUN13(T0,CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD) \
+        FCALLSCFUN14(T0,CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,CF_0)
+#define FCALLSCFUN15(T0,CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,TF) \
+        FCALLSCFUN20(T0,CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,TF,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0)
+#define FCALLSCFUN16(T0,CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,TF,TG) \
+        FCALLSCFUN20(T0,CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,TF,TG,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0)
+#define FCALLSCFUN17(T0,CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,TF,TG,TH) \
+        FCALLSCFUN20(T0,CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,TF,TG,TH,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0)
+#define FCALLSCFUN18(T0,CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,TF,TG,TH,TI) \
+        FCALLSCFUN20(T0,CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,TF,TG,TH,TI,CF_0,CF_0)
+#define FCALLSCFUN19(T0,CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,TF,TG,TH,TI,TJ) \
+        FCALLSCFUN20(T0,CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,TF,TG,TH,TI,TJ,CF_0)
+#define FCALLSCFUN20(T0,CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,TF,TG,TH,TI,TJ,TK) \
+        FCALLSCFUN27(T0,CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,TF,TG,TH,TI,TJ,TK,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0)
+        FCALLSCFUN27(T0,CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,TF,TG,TH,TI,TJ,TK,TL,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0)
+        FCALLSCFUN27(T0,CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,TF,TG,TH,TI,TJ,TK,TL,TM,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0)
+#ifndef __CF__KnR
+#define FCALLSCFUN0(T0,CN,UN,LN) CFextern _(T0,_cfFZ)(UN,LN) ABSOFT_cf2(T0))   \
+        {_Icf(2,UU,T0,A0,0); _Icf(0,L,T0,0,0) CN(); _Icf(0,K,T0,0,0) _(T0,_cfI)}
+#define FCALLSCFUN14(T0,CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE)    \
+                                 CFextern _(T0,_cfF)(UN,LN)                    \
+ CFARGT14(NCF,DCF,ABSOFT_cf2(T0),T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE) )  \
+ {                 CFARGT14S(QCF,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE)    \
+  _Icf(2,UU,T0,A0,0); _Icf(0,L,T0,0,0)      CN(    TCF(LN,T1,1,0)  TCF(LN,T2,2,1) \
+    TCF(LN,T3,3,1)  TCF(LN,T4,4,1) TCF(LN,T5,5,1)  TCF(LN,T6,6,1)  TCF(LN,T7,7,1) \
+    TCF(LN,T8,8,1)  TCF(LN,T9,9,1) TCF(LN,TA,10,1) TCF(LN,TB,11,1) TCF(LN,TC,12,1) \
+    TCF(LN,TD,13,1) TCF(LN,TE,14,1) );                          _Icf(0,K,T0,0,0) \
+                   CFARGT14S(RCF,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE)  _(T0,_cfI) }
+                                 CFextern _(T0,_cfF)(UN,LN)                    \
+ {                 CFARGT27S(QCF,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,TF,TG,TH,TI,TJ,TK,TL,TM,TN,TO,TP,TQ,TR)   \
+  _Icf(2,UU,T0,A0,0); _Icf(0,L,T0,0,0)      CN(     TCF(LN,T1,1,0)  TCF(LN,T2,2,1)  \
+    TCF(LN,T3,3,1)  TCF(LN,T4,4,1)  TCF(LN,T5,5,1)  TCF(LN,T6,6,1)  TCF(LN,T7,7,1)  \
+    TCF(LN,T8,8,1)  TCF(LN,T9,9,1)  TCF(LN,TA,10,1) TCF(LN,TB,11,1) TCF(LN,TC,12,1) \
+    TCF(LN,TD,13,1) TCF(LN,TE,14,1) TCF(LN,TF,15,1) TCF(LN,TG,16,1) TCF(LN,TH,17,1) \
+    TCF(LN,TI,18,1) TCF(LN,TJ,19,1) TCF(LN,TK,20,1) TCF(LN,TL,21,1) TCF(LN,TM,22,1) \
+    TCF(LN,TN,23,1) TCF(LN,TO,24,1) TCF(LN,TP,25,1) TCF(LN,TQ,26,1) TCF(LN,TR,27,1) ); _Icf(0,K,T0,0,0) \
+                   CFARGT27S(RCF,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,TF,TG,TH,TI,TJ,TK,TL,TM,TN,TO,TP,TQ,TR)  _(T0,_cfI) }
+#define FCALLSCFUN0(T0,CN,UN,LN) CFextern _(T0,_cfFZ)(UN,LN) ABSOFT_cf3(T0)) _Icf(0,FF,T0,0,0)\
+        {_Icf(2,UU,T0,A0,0); _Icf(0,L,T0,0,0) CN(); _Icf(0,K,T0,0,0) _(T0,_cfI)}
+#define FCALLSCFUN14(T0,CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE)    \
+                                 CFextern _(T0,_cfF)(UN,LN)                    \
+ CFARGT14(NNCF,DDCF,ABSOFT_cf3(T0),T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE)) _Icf(0,FF,T0,0,0) \
+       CFARGT14FS(NNNCF,DDDCF,_Z,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE);   \
+ {                 CFARGT14S(QCF,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE)    \
+  _Icf(2,UU,T0,A0,0); _Icf(0,L,T0,0,0)      CN(  TCF(LN,T1,1,0) TCF(LN,T2,2,1) \
+    TCF(LN,T3,3,1) TCF(LN,T4,4,1) TCF(LN,T5,5,1) TCF(LN,T6,6,1) TCF(LN,T7,7,1) \
+    TCF(LN,T8,8,1) TCF(LN,T9,9,1) TCF(LN,TA,10,1) TCF(LN,TB,11,1) TCF(LN,TC,12,1) \
+    TCF(LN,TD,13,1) TCF(LN,TE,14,1) );                          _Icf(0,K,T0,0,0) \
+                   CFARGT14S(RCF,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE)  _(T0,_cfI)}
+                                 CFextern _(T0,_cfF)(UN,LN)                    \
+ {                 CFARGT27S(QCF,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,TF,TG,TH,TI,TJ,TK,TL,TM,TN,TO,TP,TQ,TR)  \
+  _Icf(2,UU,T0,A0,0); _Icf(0,L,T0,0,0)      CN(     TCF(LN,T1,1,0)  TCF(LN,T2,2,1)  \
+    TCF(LN,T3,3,1)  TCF(LN,T4,4,1)  TCF(LN,T5,5,1)  TCF(LN,T6,6,1)  TCF(LN,T7,7,1)  \
+    TCF(LN,T8,8,1)  TCF(LN,T9,9,1)  TCF(LN,TA,10,1) TCF(LN,TB,11,1) TCF(LN,TC,12,1) \
+    TCF(LN,TD,13,1) TCF(LN,TE,14,1) TCF(LN,TF,15,1) TCF(LN,TG,16,1) TCF(LN,TH,17,1) \
+    TCF(LN,TI,18,1) TCF(LN,TJ,19,1) TCF(LN,TK,20,1) TCF(LN,TL,21,1) TCF(LN,TM,22,1) \
+    TCF(LN,TN,23,1) TCF(LN,TO,24,1) TCF(LN,TP,25,1) TCF(LN,TQ,26,1) TCF(LN,TR,27,1) ); _Icf(0,K,T0,0,0) \
+                   CFARGT27S(RCF,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,TF,TG,TH,TI,TJ,TK,TL,TM,TN,TO,TP,TQ,TR)  _(T0,_cfI)}
+#endif	 /* __CFORTRAN_LOADED */
diff --git a/CTP/cfortran.h.debian b/CTP/cfortran.h.debian
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..77db992
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CTP/cfortran.h.debian
@@ -0,0 +1,2510 @@
+/* cfortran.h  4.4 */
+/*                   */
+/* Burkhard Burow                 1990 - 2002. */
+/* This vresion of cfortran.h is from Debian and has support for gfortran. */
+/* The following modifications were made by the authors of CFITSIO or by me. 
+ * They are flagged below with CFITSIO, the author's initials, or KMCCARTY.
+ * PDW = Peter Wilson
+ * DM  = Doug Mink
+ * LEB = Lee E Brotzman
+ * MR  = Martin Reinecke
+ * WDP = William D Pence
+ * -- Kevin McCarty, for Debian (19 Dec. 2005) */
+   Modifications:
+      Oct 1997: Changed symbol name extname to appendus (PDW/HSTX)
+                (Conflicted with a common variable name in FTOOLS)
+      Nov 1997: If g77Fortran defined, also define f2cFortran (PDW/HSTX)
+      Feb 1998: Let VMS see the NUM_ELEMS code. Lets programs treat
+                single strings as vectors with single elements
+      Nov 1999: If macintoxh defined, also define f2cfortran (for Mac OS-X)
+      Apr 2000: If WIN32 defined, also define PowerStationFortran and
+                VISUAL_CPLUSPLUS (Visual C++)
+      Jun 2000: If __GNUC__ and linux defined, also define f2cFortran
+                (linux/gcc environment detection)
+      Apr 2002: If __CYGWIN__ is defined, also define f2cFortran
+      Nov 2002: If __APPLE__ defined, also define f2cfortran (for Mac OS-X)
+      Nov 2003: If __INTEL_COMPILER or INTEL_COMPILER defined, also define
+                f2cFortran (KMCCARTY)
+      Dec 2005: If f2cFortran is defined, enforce REAL functions in FORTRAN
+                returning "double" in C.  This was one of the items on
+		Burkhard's TODO list. (KMCCARTY)
+      Dec 2005: Modifications to support 8-byte integers. (MR)
+      Feb 2006  Added logic to typedef the symbol 'LONGLONG' to an appropriate
+                intrinsic 8-byte integer datatype  (WDP)
+      Apr 2006: Modifications to support gfortran (and g77 with -fno-f2c flag)
+                since by default it returns "float" for FORTRAN REAL function.
+                (KMCCARTY)
+ *******/
+  Avoid symbols already used by compilers and system *.h:
+  __ - OSF1 zukal06 V3.0 347 alpha, cc -c -std1 cfortest.c
+   Determine what 8-byte integer data type is available.
+  'long long' is now supported by most compilers, but older
+  MS Visual C++ compilers before V7.0 use '__int64' instead. (WDP)
+#ifndef LONGLONG_TYPE   /* this may have been previously defined */
+#if defined(_MSC_VER)   /* Microsoft Visual C++ */
+#if (_MSC_VER < 1300)   /* versions earlier than V7.0 do not have 'long long' */
+    typedef __int64 LONGLONG;
+#else                   /* newer versions do support 'long long' */
+    typedef long long LONGLONG; 
+    typedef long long LONGLONG; 
+/* First prepare for the C compiler. */
+#ifndef ANSI_C_preprocessor /* i.e. user can override. */
+#ifdef __CF__KnR
+#define ANSI_C_preprocessor 0
+#ifdef __STDC__
+#define ANSI_C_preprocessor 1
+#define _cfleft             1
+#define _cfright 
+#define _cfleft_cfright     0
+#define ANSI_C_preprocessor _cfleft/**/_cfright
+#if ANSI_C_preprocessor
+#define _0(A,B)   A##B
+#define  _(A,B)   _0(A,B)  /* see cat,xcat of K&R ANSI C p. 231 */
+#define _2(A,B)   A##B     /* K&R ANSI C p.230: .. identifier is not replaced */
+#define _3(A,B,C) _(A,_(B,C))
+#else                      /* if it turns up again during rescanning.         */
+#define  _(A,B)   A/**/B
+#define _2(A,B)   A/**/B
+#define _3(A,B,C) A/**/B/**/C
+#if (defined(vax)&&defined(unix)) || (defined(__vax__)&&defined(__unix__))
+#define VAXUltrix
+#include <stdio.h>     /* NULL [in all machines stdio.h]                      */
+#include <string.h>    /* strlen, memset, memcpy, memchr.                     */
+#if !( defined(VAXUltrix) || defined(sun) || (defined(apollo)&&!defined(__STDCPP__)) )
+#include <stdlib.h>    /* malloc,free                                         */
+#include <malloc.h>    /* Had to be removed for DomainOS h105 10.4 sys5.3 425t*/
+#ifdef apollo
+#define __CF__APOLLO67 /* __STDCPP__ is in Apollo 6.8 (i.e. ANSI) and onwards */
+#if !defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__sun) && (defined(sun)||defined(VAXUltrix)||defined(lynx))
+#define __CF__KnR     /* Sun, LynxOS and VAX Ultrix cc only supports K&R.     */
+                      /* Manually define __CF__KnR for HP if desired/required.*/
+#endif                /*       i.e. We will generate Kernighan and Ritchie C. */
+/* Note that you may define __CF__KnR before #include cfortran.h, in order to
+generate K&R C instead of the default ANSI C. The differences are mainly in the
+function prototypes and declarations. All machines, except the Apollo, work
+with either style. The Apollo's argument promotion rules require ANSI or use of
+the obsolete std_$call which we have not implemented here. Hence on the Apollo,
+only C calling FORTRAN subroutines will work using K&R style.*/
+/* Remainder of cfortran.h depends on the Fortran compiler. */
+/* 11/29/2003 (KMCCARTY): add *INTEL_COMPILER symbols here */
+/* 04/05/2006 (KMCCARTY): add gFortran symbol here */
+#if defined(CLIPPERFortran) || defined(pgiFortran) || defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) || defined(INTEL_COMPILER) || defined(gFortran)
+#define f2cFortran
+/* VAX/VMS does not let us \-split long #if lines. */ 
+/* Split #if into 2 because some HP-UX can't handle long #if */
+#if !(defined(NAGf90Fortran)||defined(f2cFortran)||defined(hpuxFortran)||defined(apolloFortran)||defined(sunFortran)||defined(IBMR2Fortran)||defined(CRAYFortran))
+#if !(defined(mipsFortran)||defined(DECFortran)||defined(vmsFortran)||defined(CONVEXFortran)||defined(PowerStationFortran)||defined(AbsoftUNIXFortran)||defined(AbsoftProFortran)||defined(SXFortran))
+/* If no Fortran compiler is given, we choose one for the machines we know.   */
+#if defined(lynx) || defined(VAXUltrix)
+#define f2cFortran    /* Lynx:      Only support f2c at the moment.
+                         VAXUltrix: f77 behaves like f2c.
+                           Support f2c or f77 with gcc, vcc with f2c. 
+                           f77 with vcc works, missing link magic for f77 I/O.*/
+/* 04/13/00 DM (CFITSIO): Add these lines for NT */
+/*   with PowerStationFortran and and Visual C++ */
+#if defined(WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN__)
+#define PowerStationFortran   
+#if defined(g77Fortran)                        /* 11/03/97 PDW (CFITSIO) */
+#define f2cFortran
+#if        defined(__CYGWIN__)                 /* 04/11/02 LEB (CFITSIO) */
+#define       f2cFortran 
+#if        defined(__GNUC__) && defined(linux) /* 06/21/00 PDW (CFITSIO) */
+#define       f2cFortran 
+#if defined(macintosh)                         /* 11/1999 (CFITSIO) */
+#define f2cFortran
+#if defined(__APPLE__)                         /* 11/2002 (CFITSIO) */
+#define f2cFortran
+#if defined(__hpux)             /* 921107: Use __hpux instead of __hp9000s300 */
+#define       hpuxFortran       /*         Should also allow hp9000s7/800 use.*/
+#if       defined(apollo)
+#define           apolloFortran /* __CF__APOLLO67 also defines some behavior. */
+#if          defined(sun) || defined(__sun) 
+#define              sunFortran
+#if       defined(_IBMR2)
+#define            IBMR2Fortran
+#if        defined(_CRAY)
+#define             CRAYFortran /*       _CRAYT3E also defines some behavior. */
+#if        defined(_SX)
+#define               SXFortran
+#if         defined(mips) || defined(__mips)
+#define             mipsFortran
+#if          defined(vms) || defined(__vms)
+#define              vmsFortran
+#if      defined(__alpha) && defined(__unix__)
+#define              DECFortran
+#if   defined(__convex__)
+#define           CONVEXFortran
+#if   defined(VISUAL_CPLUSPLUS)
+#define     PowerStationFortran
+#endif /* ...Fortran */
+#endif /* ...Fortran */
+/* Split #if into 2 because some HP-UX can't handle long #if */
+#if !(defined(NAGf90Fortran)||defined(f2cFortran)||defined(hpuxFortran)||defined(apolloFortran)||defined(sunFortran)||defined(IBMR2Fortran)||defined(CRAYFortran))
+#if !(defined(mipsFortran)||defined(DECFortran)||defined(vmsFortran)||defined(CONVEXFortran)||defined(PowerStationFortran)||defined(AbsoftUNIXFortran)||defined(AbsoftProFortran)||defined(SXFortran))
+/* If your compiler barfs on ' #error', replace # with the trigraph for #     */
+ #error "cfortran.h:  Can't find your environment among:\
+    - GNU gcc (g77) on Linux.                                            \
+    - MIPS cc and f77 2.0. (e.g. Silicon Graphics, DECstations, ...)     \
+    - IBM AIX XL C and FORTRAN Compiler/6000 Version 01.01.0000.0000     \
+    - VAX   VMS CC 3.1 and FORTRAN 5.4.                                  \
+    - Alpha VMS DEC C 1.3 and DEC FORTRAN 6.0.                           \
+    - Alpha OSF DEC C and DEC Fortran for OSF/1 AXP Version 1.2          \
+    - Apollo DomainOS 10.2 (sys5.3) with f77 10.7 and cc 6.7.            \
+    - CRAY                                                               \
+    - NEC SX-4 SUPER-UX                                                  \
+    - CONVEX                                                             \
+    - Sun                                                                \
+    - PowerStation Fortran with Visual C++                               \
+    - HP9000s300/s700/s800 Latest test with: HP-UX A.08.07 A 9000/730    \
+    - LynxOS: cc or gcc with f2c.                                        \
+    - VAXUltrix: vcc,cc or gcc with f2c. gcc or cc with f77.             \
+    -            f77 with vcc works; but missing link magic for f77 I/O. \
+    -            NO fort. None of gcc, cc or vcc generate required names.\
+    - f2c/g77:   Use #define    f2cFortran, or cc -Df2cFortran           \
+    - gfortran:  Use #define    gFortran,   or cc -DgFortran             \
+                 (also necessary for g77 with -fno-f2c option)           \
+    - NAG f90: Use #define NAGf90Fortran, or cc -DNAGf90Fortran          \
+    - Absoft UNIX F77: Use #define AbsoftUNIXFortran or cc -DAbsoftUNIXFortran \
+    - Absoft Pro Fortran: Use #define AbsoftProFortran \
+    - Portland Group Fortran: Use #define pgiFortran \
+    - Intel Fortran: Use #define INTEL_COMPILER"
+/* Compiler must throw us out at this point! */
+#if defined(VAXC) && !defined(__VAXC)
+#define OLD_VAXC
+#pragma nostandard                       /* Prevent %CC-I-PARAMNOTUSED.       */
+/* Throughout cfortran.h we use: UN = Uppercase Name.  LN = Lowercase Name.   */
+/* "extname" changed to "appendus" below (CFITSIO) */
+#if defined(f2cFortran) || defined(NAGf90Fortran) || defined(DECFortran) || defined(mipsFortran) || defined(apolloFortran) || defined(sunFortran) || defined(CONVEXFortran) || defined(SXFortran) || defined(appendus)
+#define CFC_(UN,LN)            _(LN,_)      /* Lowercase FORTRAN symbols.     */
+#define orig_fcallsc(UN,LN)    CFC_(UN,LN)
+#if defined(CRAYFortran) || defined(PowerStationFortran) || defined(AbsoftProFortran)
+#ifdef _CRAY          /* (UN), not UN, circumvents CRAY preprocessor bug.     */
+#define CFC_(UN,LN)            (UN)         /* Uppercase FORTRAN symbols.     */
+#else                 /* At least VISUAL_CPLUSPLUS barfs on (UN), so need UN. */
+#define CFC_(UN,LN)            UN           /* Uppercase FORTRAN symbols.     */
+#define orig_fcallsc(UN,LN)    CFC_(UN,LN)  /* CRAY insists on arg.'s here.   */
+#else  /* For following machines one may wish to change the fcallsc default.  */
+#ifdef vmsFortran
+#define CFC_(UN,LN)            LN           /* Either case FORTRAN symbols.   */
+     /* BUT we usually use UN for C macro to FORTRAN routines, so use LN here,*/
+     /* because VAX/VMS doesn't do recursive macros.                          */
+#define orig_fcallsc(UN,LN)    UN
+#else      /* HP-UX without +ppu or IBMR2 without -qextname. NOT reccomended. */
+#define CFC_(UN,LN)            LN           /* Lowercase FORTRAN symbols.     */
+#define orig_fcallsc(UN,LN)    CFC_(UN,LN)
+#endif /*  vmsFortran */
+#endif /* CRAYFortran PowerStationFortran */
+#endif /* ....Fortran */
+#define fcallsc(UN,LN)               orig_fcallsc(UN,LN)
+#define preface_fcallsc(P,p,UN,LN)   CFC_(_(P,UN),_(p,LN))
+#define  append_fcallsc(P,p,UN,LN)   CFC_(_(UN,P),_(LN,p))
+#define C_FUNCTION(UN,LN)            fcallsc(UN,LN)      
+#ifndef CONVEXFortran
+#ifndef CLIPPERFortran
+#if     !(defined(AbsoftUNIXFortran)||defined(AbsoftProFortran))
+#define COMMON_BLOCK(UN,LN)          CFC_(UN,LN)
+#define COMMON_BLOCK(UN,LN)          _(_C,LN)
+#endif  /* AbsoftUNIXFortran or AbsoftProFortran */
+#define COMMON_BLOCK(UN,LN)          _(LN,__)
+#endif  /* CLIPPERFortran */
+#define COMMON_BLOCK(UN,LN)          _3(_,LN,_)
+#endif  /* CONVEXFortran */
+#endif  /* COMMON_BLOCK */
+#if defined(CRAYFortran) && !defined(_CRAYT3E)
+#define DOUBLE_PRECISION long double
+#define DOUBLE_PRECISION double
+#if defined(CRAYFortran) &&  defined(_CRAYT3E)
+#define FORTRAN_REAL double
+#define FORTRAN_REAL float
+#ifdef CRAYFortran
+#ifdef _CRAY
+#include <fortran.h>
+#include "fortran.h"  /* i.e. if crosscompiling assume user has file. */
+#define FLOATVVVVVVV_cfPP (FORTRAN_REAL *)   /* Used for C calls FORTRAN.     */
+/* CRAY's double==float but CRAY says pointers to doubles and floats are diff.*/
+#define VOIDP  (void *)  /* When FORTRAN calls C, we don't know if C routine 
+                            arg.'s have been declared float *, or double *.   */
+#define VOIDP
+#ifdef vmsFortran
+#if    defined(vms) || defined(__vms)
+#include <descrip.h>
+#include "descrip.h"  /* i.e. if crosscompiling assume user has file. */
+#ifdef sunFortran
+#if defined(sun) || defined(__sun)
+#include <math.h>     /* Sun's FLOATFUNCTIONTYPE, ASSIGNFLOAT, RETURNFLOAT.  */
+#include "math.h"     /* i.e. if crosscompiling assume user has file. */
+/* At least starting with the default C compiler SC3.0.1 of SunOS 5.3,
+ * <math.h>, since sun C no longer promotes C float return values to doubles.
+ * Therefore, only use them if defined.
+ * Even if gcc is being used, assume that it exhibits the Sun C compiler
+ * behavior in order to be able to use *.o from the Sun C compiler.
+ * i.e. If FLOATFUNCTIONTYPE, etc. are in math.h, they required by gcc.
+ */
+#ifndef apolloFortran
+/* "extern" removed (CFITSIO) */
+#define CF_NULL_PROTO
+#else                                         /* HP doesn't understand #elif. */
+/* Without ANSI prototyping, Apollo promotes float functions to double.    */
+/* Note that VAX/VMS, IBM, Mips choke on 'type function(...);' prototypes. */
+#define CF_NULL_PROTO ...
+#ifndef __CF__APOLLO67
+ DEFINITION NAME __attribute((__section(NAME)))
+ DEFINITION NAME #attribute[section(NAME)]
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#undef  CF_NULL_PROTO
+#define CF_NULL_PROTO  ...
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#define USE_NEW_DELETE 1
+#define USE_NEW_DELETE 0
+#define _cf_malloc(N) new char[N]
+#define _cf_free(P)   delete[] P
+#define _cf_malloc(N) (char *)malloc(N)
+#define _cf_free(P)   free(P)
+#ifdef mipsFortran
+#define CF_DECLARE_GETARG         int f77argc; char **f77argv
+#define CF_SET_GETARG(ARGC,ARGV)  f77argc = ARGC; f77argv = ARGV
+#ifdef OLD_VAXC                          /* Allow %CC-I-PARAMNOTUSED.         */
+#pragma standard                         
+#define AcfCOMMA ,
+#define AcfCOLON ;
+/*               UTILITIES USED WITHIN CFORTRAN.H                          */
+#define _cfMIN(A,B) (A<B?A:B)
+/* 970211 - XIX.145:
+   firstindexlength  - better name is all_but_last_index_lengths
+   secondindexlength - better name is         last_index_length
+ */
+#define  firstindexlength(A) (sizeof(A[0])==1 ? 1 : (sizeof(A) / sizeof(A[0])) )
+#define secondindexlength(A) (sizeof(A[0])==1 ?      sizeof(A) : sizeof(A[0])  )
+/* Behavior of FORTRAN LOGICAL. All machines' LOGICAL is same size as C's int.
+Conversion is automatic except for arrays which require F2CLOGICALV/C2FLOGICALV.
+f2c, MIPS f77 [DECstation, SGI], VAX Ultrix f77,
+HP-UX f77                                        : as in C.
+VAX/VMS FORTRAN, VAX Ultrix fort,
+Absoft Unix Fortran, IBM RS/6000 xlf             : LS Bit = 0/1 = TRUE/FALSE.
+Apollo                                           : neg.   = TRUE, else FALSE. 
+[Apollo accepts -1 as TRUE for function values, but NOT all other neg. values.]
+[DECFortran for Ultrix RISC is also called f77 but is the same as VAX/VMS.]   
+[MIPS f77 treats .eqv./.neqv. as .eq./.ne. and hence requires LOGICAL_STRICT.]*/
+#if defined(NAGf90Fortran) || defined(f2cFortran) || defined(mipsFortran) || defined(PowerStationFortran) || defined(hpuxFortran800) || defined(AbsoftUNIXFortran) || defined(AbsoftProFortran) || defined(SXFortran)
+/* SX/PowerStationFortran have 0 and 1 defined, others are neither T nor F.   */
+/* hpuxFortran800 has 0 and 0x01000000 defined. Others are unknown.           */
+#define LOGICAL_STRICT      /* Other Fortran have .eqv./.neqv. == .eq./.ne.   */
+#define C2FLOGICALV(A,I) \
+ do {int __i; for(__i=0;__i<I;__i++) A[__i]=C2FLOGICAL(A[__i]); } while (0)
+#define F2CLOGICALV(A,I) \
+ do {int __i; for(__i=0;__i<I;__i++) A[__i]=F2CLOGICAL(A[__i]); } while (0)
+#if defined(apolloFortran)
+#define C2FLOGICAL(L) ((L)?-1:(L)&~((unsigned)1<<sizeof(int)*8-1))
+#define F2CLOGICAL(L) ((L)<0?(L):0) 
+#if defined(CRAYFortran)
+#define C2FLOGICAL(L) _btol(L)
+#define F2CLOGICAL(L) _ltob(&(L))     /* Strangely _ltob() expects a pointer. */
+#if defined(IBMR2Fortran) || defined(vmsFortran) || defined(DECFortran) || defined(AbsoftUNIXFortran)
+/* How come no AbsoftProFortran ? */
+#define C2FLOGICAL(L) ((L)?(L)|1:(L)&~(int)1)
+#define F2CLOGICAL(L) ((L)&1?(L):0)
+#if defined(CONVEXFortran)
+#define C2FLOGICAL(L) ((L) ? ~0 : 0 )
+#define F2CLOGICAL(L) (L)
+#else   /* others evaluate LOGICALs as for C. */
+#define C2FLOGICAL(L) (L)
+#define F2CLOGICAL(L) (L)
+#undef  C2FLOGICALV
+#undef  F2CLOGICALV
+#define C2FLOGICALV(A,I)
+#define F2CLOGICALV(A,I)
+#endif  /* LOGICAL_STRICT                     */
+#endif  /* CONVEXFortran || All Others        */
+#endif  /* IBMR2Fortran vmsFortran DECFortran AbsoftUNIXFortran */
+#endif  /* CRAYFortran                        */
+#endif  /* apolloFortran                      */
+/* 970514 - In addition to CRAY, there may be other machines
+            for which LOGICAL_STRICT makes no sense. */
+#if defined(LOGICAL_STRICT) && !defined(CRAYFortran)
+/* Force C2FLOGICAL to generate only the values for either .TRUE. or .FALSE.
+   SX/PowerStationFortran only have 0 and 1 defined.
+   Elsewhere, only needed if you want to do:
+     logical lvariable
+     if (lvariable .eq.  .true.) then       ! (1)
+   instead of
+     if (lvariable .eqv. .true.) then       ! (2)
+   - (1) may not even be FORTRAN/77 and that Apollo's f77 and IBM's xlf
+     refuse to compile (1), so you are probably well advised to stay away from 
+     (1) and from LOGICAL_STRICT.
+   - You pay a (slight) performance penalty for using LOGICAL_STRICT. */
+#undef  C2FLOGICAL
+#ifdef hpuxFortran800
+#define C2FLOGICAL(L) ((L)?0x01000000:0)
+#if defined(apolloFortran) || defined(vmsFortran) || defined(DECFortran)
+#define C2FLOGICAL(L) ((L)?-1:0) /* These machines use -1/0 for .true./.false.*/
+#define C2FLOGICAL(L) ((L)? 1:0) /* All others     use +1/0 for .true./.false.*/
+#endif /* LOGICAL_STRICT */
+/* Convert a vector of C strings into FORTRAN strings. */
+#ifndef __CF__KnR
+static char *c2fstrv(char* cstr, char *fstr, int elem_len, int sizeofcstr)
+static char *c2fstrv(      cstr,       fstr,     elem_len,     sizeofcstr)
+                     char* cstr; char *fstr; int elem_len; int sizeofcstr;
+{ int i,j;
+/* elem_len includes \0 for C strings. Fortran strings don't have term. \0.
+   Useful size of string must be the same in both languages. */
+for (i=0; i<sizeofcstr/elem_len; i++) {
+  for (j=1; j<elem_len && *cstr; j++) *fstr++ = *cstr++;
+  cstr += 1+elem_len-j;
+  for (; j<elem_len; j++) *fstr++ = ' ';
+} /* 95109 - Seems to be returning the original fstr. */
+return fstr-sizeofcstr+sizeofcstr/elem_len; }
+/* Convert a vector of FORTRAN strings into C strings. */
+#ifndef __CF__KnR
+static char *f2cstrv(char *fstr, char* cstr, int elem_len, int sizeofcstr)
+static char *f2cstrv(      fstr,       cstr,     elem_len,     sizeofcstr)
+                     char *fstr; char* cstr; int elem_len; int sizeofcstr; 
+{ int i,j;
+/* elem_len includes \0 for C strings. Fortran strings don't have term. \0.
+   Useful size of string must be the same in both languages. */
+cstr += sizeofcstr;
+fstr += sizeofcstr - sizeofcstr/elem_len;
+for (i=0; i<sizeofcstr/elem_len; i++) {
+  *--cstr = '\0';
+  for (j=1; j<elem_len; j++) *--cstr = *--fstr;
+} return cstr; }
+/* kill the trailing char t's in string s. */
+#ifndef __CF__KnR
+static char *kill_trailing(char *s, char t)
+static char *kill_trailing(      s,      t) char *s; char t;
+{char *e; 
+e = s + strlen(s);
+if (e>s) {                           /* Need this to handle NULL string.*/
+  while (e>s && *--e==t);            /* Don't follow t's past beginning. */
+  e[*e==t?0:1] = '\0';               /* Handle s[0]=t correctly.       */
+} return s; }
+/* kill_trailingn(s,t,e) will kill the trailing t's in string s. e normally 
+points to the terminating '\0' of s, but may actually point to anywhere in s.
+s's new '\0' will be placed at e or earlier in order to remove any trailing t's.
+If e<s string s is left unchanged. */ 
+#ifndef __CF__KnR
+static char *kill_trailingn(char *s, char t, char *e)
+static char *kill_trailingn(      s,      t,       e) char *s; char t; char *e;
+if (e==s) *e = '\0';                 /* Kill the string makes sense here.*/
+else if (e>s) {                      /* Watch out for neg. length string.*/
+  while (e>s && *--e==t);            /* Don't follow t's past beginning. */
+  e[*e==t?0:1] = '\0';               /* Handle s[0]=t correctly.       */
+} return s; }
+/* Note the following assumes that any element which has t's to be chopped off,
+does indeed fill the entire element. */
+#ifndef __CF__KnR
+static char *vkill_trailing(char* cstr, int elem_len, int sizeofcstr, char t)
+static char *vkill_trailing(      cstr,     elem_len,     sizeofcstr,      t)
+                            char* cstr; int elem_len; int sizeofcstr; char t;
+{ int i;
+for (i=0; i<sizeofcstr/elem_len; i++) /* elem_len includes \0 for C strings. */
+  kill_trailingn(cstr+elem_len*i,t,cstr+elem_len*(i+1)-1);
+return cstr; }
+#ifdef vmsFortran
+typedef struct dsc$descriptor_s fstring;
+#define DSC$DESCRIPTOR_A(DIMCT)  		                               \
+struct {                                                                       \
+  unsigned short dsc$w_length;	        unsigned char	 dsc$b_dtype;	       \
+  unsigned char	 dsc$b_class;	                 char	*dsc$a_pointer;	       \
+           char	 dsc$b_scale;	        unsigned char	 dsc$b_digits;         \
+  struct {                                                                     \
+    unsigned		       : 3;	  unsigned dsc$v_fl_binscale : 1;      \
+    unsigned dsc$v_fl_redim    : 1;       unsigned dsc$v_fl_column   : 1;      \
+    unsigned dsc$v_fl_coeff    : 1;       unsigned dsc$v_fl_bounds   : 1;      \
+  } dsc$b_aflags;	                                                       \
+  unsigned char	 dsc$b_dimct;	        unsigned long	 dsc$l_arsize;	       \
+           char	*dsc$a_a0;	                 long	 dsc$l_m [DIMCT];      \
+  struct {                                                                     \
+    long dsc$l_l;                         long dsc$l_u;                        \
+  } dsc$bounds [DIMCT];                                                        \
+typedef DSC$DESCRIPTOR_A(1) fstringvector;
+/*typedef DSC$DESCRIPTOR_A(2) fstringarrarr;
+  typedef DSC$DESCRIPTOR_A(3) fstringarrarrarr;*/
+#define initfstr(F,C,ELEMNO,ELEMLEN)                                           \
+( (F).dsc$l_arsize=  ( (F).dsc$w_length                        =(ELEMLEN) )    \
+                    *( (F).dsc$l_m[0]=(F).dsc$bounds[0].dsc$l_u=(ELEMNO)  ),   \
+  (F).dsc$a_a0    =  ( (F).dsc$a_pointer=(C) ) - (F).dsc$w_length          ,(F))
+#endif      /* PDW: 2/10/98 (CFITSIO) -- Let VMS see NUM_ELEMS definitions */
+#define _NUM_ELEMS      -1
+#define _NUM_ELEM_ARG   -2
+#define NUM_ELEMS(A)    A,_NUM_ELEMS
+#define NUM_ELEM_ARG(B) *_2(A,B),_NUM_ELEM_ARG
+#define TERM_CHARS(A,B) A,B
+#ifndef __CF__KnR
+static int num_elem(char *strv, unsigned elem_len, int term_char, int num_term)
+static int num_elem(      strv,          elem_len,     term_char,     num_term)
+                    char *strv; unsigned elem_len; int term_char; int num_term;
+/* elem_len is the number of characters in each element of strv, the FORTRAN
+vector of strings. The last element of the vector must begin with at least
+num_term term_char characters, so that this routine can determine how 
+many elements are in the vector. */
+unsigned num,i;
+if (num_term == _NUM_ELEMS || num_term == _NUM_ELEM_ARG) 
+  return term_char;
+if (num_term <=0) num_term = (int)elem_len;
+for (num=0; ; num++) {
+  for (i=0; i<(unsigned)num_term && *strv==term_char; i++,strv++);
+  if (i==(unsigned)num_term) break;
+  else strv += elem_len-i;
+if (0) {  /* to prevent not used warnings in gcc (added by ROOT) */
+   c2fstrv(0, 0, 0, 0); f2cstrv(0, 0, 0, 0); kill_trailing(0, 0);
+   vkill_trailing(0, 0, 0, 0); num_elem(0, 0, 0, 0);
+return (int)num;
+/* #endif removed 2/10/98 (CFITSIO) */
+/* C string TO Fortran Common Block STRing. */
+/* DIM is the number of DIMensions of the array in terms of strings, not
+   characters. e.g. char a[12] has DIM = 0, char a[12][4] has DIM = 1, etc. */
+#define C2FCBSTR(CSTR,FSTR,DIM)                                                \
+ c2fstrv((char *)CSTR, (char *)FSTR, sizeof(FSTR)/cfelementsof(FSTR,DIM)+1,    \
+         sizeof(FSTR)+cfelementsof(FSTR,DIM))
+/* Fortran Common Block string TO C STRing. */
+#define FCB2CSTR(FSTR,CSTR,DIM)                                                \
+ vkill_trailing(f2cstrv((char *)FSTR, (char *)CSTR,                            \
+                        sizeof(FSTR)/cfelementsof(FSTR,DIM)+1,                 \
+                        sizeof(FSTR)+cfelementsof(FSTR,DIM)),                  \
+                sizeof(FSTR)/cfelementsof(FSTR,DIM)+1,                         \
+                sizeof(FSTR)+cfelementsof(FSTR,DIM), ' ')
+#define cfDEREFERENCE0
+#define cfDEREFERENCE1 *
+#define cfDEREFERENCE2 **
+#define cfDEREFERENCE3 ***
+#define cfDEREFERENCE4 ****
+#define cfDEREFERENCE5 *****
+#define cfelementsof(A,D) (sizeof(A)/sizeof(_(cfDEREFERENCE,D)(A)))
+/*               UTILITIES FOR C TO CALL FORTRAN SUBROUTINES               */
+/* Define lookup tables for how to handle the various types of variables.  */
+#ifdef OLD_VAXC                                /* Prevent %CC-I-PARAMNOTUSED. */
+#pragma nostandard
+#define ZTRINGV_NUM(I)       I
+#define ZTRINGV_ARGFP(I) (*(_2(A,I))) /* Undocumented. For PINT, etc. */
+#define ZTRINGV_ARGF(I) _2(A,I)
+#define ZTRINGV_ARGS(I) _2(B,I)
+#define    PBYTE_cfVP(A,B) PINT_cfVP(A,B)
+#define  PDOUBLE_cfVP(A,B)
+#define   PFLOAT_cfVP(A,B)
+#ifdef ZTRINGV_ARGS_allows_Pvariables
+/* This allows Pvariables for ARGS. ARGF machinery is above ARGFP.
+ * B is not needed because the variable may be changed by the Fortran routine,
+ * but because B is the only way to access an arbitrary macro argument.       */
+#define     PINT_cfVP(A,B) int  B = (int)A;              /* For ZSTRINGV_ARGS */
+#define     PINT_cfVP(A,B)
+#define PLOGICAL_cfVP(A,B) int *B;      /* Returning LOGICAL in FUNn and SUBn */
+#define    PLONG_cfVP(A,B) PINT_cfVP(A,B)
+#define   PSHORT_cfVP(A,B) PINT_cfVP(A,B)
+#define        VCF_INT_S(T,A,B) _(T,VVVVVVV_cfTYPE) B = A;
+#define        VCF_INT_F(T,A,B) _(T,_cfVCF)(A,B)
+/* _cfVCF table is directly mapped to _cfCCC table. */
+#define     BYTE_cfVCF(A,B)
+#define   DOUBLE_cfVCF(A,B)
+#if !defined(__CF__KnR)
+#define    FLOAT_cfVCF(A,B)
+#define    FLOAT_cfVCF(A,B) FORTRAN_REAL B = A;
+#define      INT_cfVCF(A,B)
+#define  LOGICAL_cfVCF(A,B)
+#define     LONG_cfVCF(A,B)
+#define    SHORT_cfVCF(A,B)
+/* 980416
+   Cast (void (*)(CF_NULL_PROTO)) causes SunOS CC 4.2 occasionally to barf,
+   while the following equivalent typedef is fine.
+   For consistency use the typedef on all machines.
+ */
+typedef void (*cfCAST_FUNCTION)(CF_NULL_PROTO);
+#define VCF(TN,I)       _Icf4(4,V,TN,_(A,I),_(B,I),F)
+#define VVCF(TN,AI,BI)  _Icf4(4,V,TN,AI,BI,S)
+#define        INT_cfV(T,A,B,F) _(VCF_INT_,F)(T,A,B)
+#define       INTV_cfV(T,A,B,F)
+#define      INTVV_cfV(T,A,B,F)
+#define     INTVVV_cfV(T,A,B,F)
+#define    INTVVVV_cfV(T,A,B,F)
+#define   INTVVVVV_cfV(T,A,B,F)
+#define  INTVVVVVV_cfV(T,A,B,F)
+#define INTVVVVVVV_cfV(T,A,B,F)
+#define PINT_cfV(      T,A,B,F) _(T,_cfVP)(A,B)
+#define PVOID_cfV(     T,A,B,F)
+#if defined(apolloFortran) || defined(hpuxFortran800) || defined(AbsoftUNIXFortran) || defined(AbsoftProFortran)
+#define    ROUTINE_cfV(T,A,B,F) void (*B)(CF_NULL_PROTO) = (cfCAST_FUNCTION)A;
+#define    ROUTINE_cfV(T,A,B,F)
+#define     SIMPLE_cfV(T,A,B,F)
+#ifdef vmsFortran
+#define     STRING_cfV(T,A,B,F) static struct {fstring f; unsigned clen;} B =  \
+                                       {{0,DSC$K_DTYPE_T,DSC$K_CLASS_S,NULL},0};
+#define    PSTRING_cfV(T,A,B,F) static fstring B={0,DSC$K_DTYPE_T,DSC$K_CLASS_S,NULL};
+#define    STRINGV_cfV(T,A,B,F) static fstringvector B =                       \
+  {sizeof(A),DSC$K_DTYPE_T,DSC$K_CLASS_A,NULL,0,0,{0,0,1,1,1},1,0,NULL,0,{1,0}};
+#define   PSTRINGV_cfV(T,A,B,F) static fstringvector B =                       \
+          {0,DSC$K_DTYPE_T,DSC$K_CLASS_A,NULL,0,0,{0,0,1,1,1},1,0,NULL,0,{1,0}};
+#define     STRING_cfV(T,A,B,F) struct {unsigned int clen, flen; char *nombre;} B;
+#define    STRINGV_cfV(T,A,B,F) struct {char *s, *fs; unsigned flen; char *nombre;} B;
+#define    PSTRING_cfV(T,A,B,F) int     B;
+#define   PSTRINGV_cfV(T,A,B,F) struct{char *fs; unsigned int sizeofA,flen;}B;
+#define    ZTRINGV_cfV(T,A,B,F)  STRINGV_cfV(T,A,B,F)
+#define   PZTRINGV_cfV(T,A,B,F) PSTRINGV_cfV(T,A,B,F)
+/* Note that the actions of the A table were performed inside the AA table.
+   VAX Ultrix vcc, and HP-UX cc, didn't evaluate arguments to functions left to
+   right, so we had to split the original table into the current robust two. */
+#define ACF(NAME,TN,AI,I)      _(TN,_cfSTR)(4,A,NAME,I,AI,_(B,I),0)
+#define   DEFAULT_cfA(M,I,A,B)
+#define   LOGICAL_cfA(M,I,A,B) B=C2FLOGICAL(B);
+#define  PLOGICAL_cfA(M,I,A,B) A=C2FLOGICAL(A);
+#define    STRING_cfA(M,I,A,B)  STRING_cfC(M,I,A,B,sizeof(A))
+#define   PSTRING_cfA(M,I,A,B) PSTRING_cfC(M,I,A,B,sizeof(A))
+#ifdef vmsFortran
+#define  AATRINGV_cfA(    A,B, sA,filA,silA)                                   \
+ initfstr(B,_cf_malloc((sA)-(filA)),(filA),(silA)-1),                          \
+          c2fstrv(A,B.dsc$a_pointer,(silA),(sA));
+#define APATRINGV_cfA(    A,B, sA,filA,silA)                                   \
+ initfstr(B,A,(filA),(silA)-1),c2fstrv(A,A,(silA),(sA));
+#define  AATRINGV_cfA(    A,B, sA,filA,silA)                                   \
+     (B.s=_cf_malloc((sA)-(filA)),B.fs=c2fstrv(A,B.s,(B.flen=(silA)-1)+1,(sA)));
+#define APATRINGV_cfA(    A,B, sA,filA,silA)                                   \
+ B.fs=c2fstrv(A,A,(B.flen=(silA)-1)+1,B.sizeofA=(sA));
+#define   STRINGV_cfA(M,I,A,B)                                                 \
+    AATRINGV_cfA((char *)A,B,sizeof(A),firstindexlength(A),secondindexlength(A))
+#define  PSTRINGV_cfA(M,I,A,B)                                                 \
+   APATRINGV_cfA((char *)A,B,sizeof(A),firstindexlength(A),secondindexlength(A))
+#define   ZTRINGV_cfA(M,I,A,B)  AATRINGV_cfA( (char *)A,B,                     \
+                    (_3(M,_ELEMS_,I))*(( _3(M,_ELEMLEN_,I))+1),                \
+                              (_3(M,_ELEMS_,I)),(_3(M,_ELEMLEN_,I))+1)
+#define  PZTRINGV_cfA(M,I,A,B) APATRINGV_cfA( (char *)A,B,                     \
+                    (_3(M,_ELEMS_,I))*(( _3(M,_ELEMLEN_,I))+1),                \
+                              (_3(M,_ELEMS_,I)),(_3(M,_ELEMLEN_,I))+1)
+#define    PBYTE_cfAAP(A,B) &A
+#define  PDOUBLE_cfAAP(A,B) &A
+#define     PINT_cfAAP(A,B) &A
+#define PLOGICAL_cfAAP(A,B) B= &A         /* B used to keep a common W table. */
+#define    PLONG_cfAAP(A,B) &A
+#define   PSHORT_cfAAP(A,B) &A
+#define AACF(TN,AI,I,C) _SEP_(TN,C,cfCOMMA) _Icf(3,AA,TN,AI,_(B,I))
+#define        INT_cfAA(T,A,B) &B
+#define       INTV_cfAA(T,A,B) _(T,VVVVVV_cfPP) A
+#define      INTVV_cfAA(T,A,B) _(T,VVVVV_cfPP)  A[0]
+#define     INTVVV_cfAA(T,A,B) _(T,VVVV_cfPP)   A[0][0]
+#define    INTVVVV_cfAA(T,A,B) _(T,VVV_cfPP)    A[0][0][0]
+#define   INTVVVVV_cfAA(T,A,B) _(T,VV_cfPP)     A[0][0][0][0]
+#define  INTVVVVVV_cfAA(T,A,B) _(T,V_cfPP)      A[0][0][0][0][0]
+#define INTVVVVVVV_cfAA(T,A,B) _(T,_cfPP)       A[0][0][0][0][0][0]
+#define       PINT_cfAA(T,A,B) _(T,_cfAAP)(A,B)
+#define      PVOID_cfAA(T,A,B) (void *) A
+#if defined(apolloFortran) || defined(hpuxFortran800) || defined(AbsoftUNIXFortran)
+#define    ROUTINE_cfAA(T,A,B) &B
+#define    ROUTINE_cfAA(T,A,B) (cfCAST_FUNCTION)A
+#define     STRING_cfAA(T,A,B)  STRING_cfCC(T,A,B)
+#define    PSTRING_cfAA(T,A,B) PSTRING_cfCC(T,A,B)
+#ifdef vmsFortran
+#define    STRINGV_cfAA(T,A,B) &B
+#ifdef CRAYFortran
+#define    STRINGV_cfAA(T,A,B) _cptofcd(B.fs,B.flen)
+#define    STRINGV_cfAA(T,A,B) B.fs
+#define   PSTRINGV_cfAA(T,A,B) STRINGV_cfAA(T,A,B)
+#define    ZTRINGV_cfAA(T,A,B) STRINGV_cfAA(T,A,B)
+#define   PZTRINGV_cfAA(T,A,B) STRINGV_cfAA(T,A,B)
+#if defined(vmsFortran) || defined(CRAYFortran)
+#define JCF(TN,I)
+#define KCF(TN,I)
+#define JCF(TN,I)    _(TN,_cfSTR)(1,J,_(B,I), 0,0,0,0)
+#if defined(AbsoftUNIXFortran)
+#define  DEFAULT_cfJ(B) ,0
+#define  DEFAULT_cfJ(B)
+#define  LOGICAL_cfJ(B) DEFAULT_cfJ(B)
+#define PLOGICAL_cfJ(B) DEFAULT_cfJ(B)
+#define   STRING_cfJ(B) ,B.flen
+#define  PSTRING_cfJ(B) ,B
+#define  STRINGV_cfJ(B) STRING_cfJ(B)
+#define PSTRINGV_cfJ(B) STRING_cfJ(B)
+#define  ZTRINGV_cfJ(B) STRING_cfJ(B)
+#define PZTRINGV_cfJ(B) STRING_cfJ(B)
+/* KCF is identical to DCF, except that KCF ZTRING is not empty. */
+#define KCF(TN,I)    _(TN,_cfSTR)(1,KK,_(B,I), 0,0,0,0)
+#if defined(AbsoftUNIXFortran)
+#define  DEFAULT_cfKK(B) , unsigned B
+#define  DEFAULT_cfKK(B)
+#define  LOGICAL_cfKK(B) DEFAULT_cfKK(B)
+#define   STRING_cfKK(B) , unsigned B
+#define  PSTRING_cfKK(B) STRING_cfKK(B)
+#define  STRINGV_cfKK(B) STRING_cfKK(B)
+#define PSTRINGV_cfKK(B) STRING_cfKK(B)
+#define  ZTRINGV_cfKK(B) STRING_cfKK(B)
+#define PZTRINGV_cfKK(B) STRING_cfKK(B)
+#define WCF(TN,AN,I)      _(TN,_cfSTR)(2,W,AN,_(B,I), 0,0,0)
+#define  DEFAULT_cfW(A,B)
+#define  LOGICAL_cfW(A,B)
+#define PLOGICAL_cfW(A,B) *B=F2CLOGICAL(*B);
+#define   STRING_cfW(A,B) (B.nombre=A,B.nombre[B.clen]!='\0'?B.nombre[B.clen]='\0':0); /* A?="constnt"*/
+#define  PSTRING_cfW(A,B) kill_trailing(A,' ');
+#ifdef vmsFortran
+#define  STRINGV_cfW(A,B) _cf_free(B.dsc$a_pointer);
+#define PSTRINGV_cfW(A,B)                                                      \
+  vkill_trailing(f2cstrv((char*)A, (char*)A,                                   \
+                           B.dsc$w_length+1, B.dsc$l_arsize+B.dsc$l_m[0]),     \
+                   B.dsc$w_length+1, B.dsc$l_arsize+B.dsc$l_m[0], ' ');
+#define  STRINGV_cfW(A,B) _cf_free(B.s);
+#define PSTRINGV_cfW(A,B) vkill_trailing(                                      \
+         f2cstrv((char*)A,(char*)A,B.flen+1,B.sizeofA), B.flen+1,B.sizeofA,' ');
+#define  ZTRINGV_cfW(A,B)      STRINGV_cfW(A,B)
+#define PZTRINGV_cfW(A,B)     PSTRINGV_cfW(A,B)
+#define   NCF(TN,I,C)       _SEP_(TN,C,cfCOMMA) _Icf(2,N,TN,_(A,I),0) 
+#define  NNCF(TN,I,C)        UUCF(TN,I,C)
+#define NNNCF(TN,I,C)       _SEP_(TN,C,cfCOLON) _Icf(2,N,TN,_(A,I),0) 
+#define        INT_cfN(T,A) _(T,VVVVVVV_cfTYPE) * A
+#define       INTV_cfN(T,A) _(T,VVVVVV_cfTYPE)  * A
+#define      INTVV_cfN(T,A) _(T,VVVVV_cfTYPE)   * A
+#define     INTVVV_cfN(T,A) _(T,VVVV_cfTYPE)    * A
+#define    INTVVVV_cfN(T,A) _(T,VVV_cfTYPE)     * A
+#define   INTVVVVV_cfN(T,A) _(T,VV_cfTYPE)      * A
+#define  INTVVVVVV_cfN(T,A) _(T,V_cfTYPE)       * A
+#define INTVVVVVVV_cfN(T,A) _(T,_cfTYPE)        * A
+#define       PINT_cfN(T,A) _(T,_cfTYPE)        * A
+#define      PVOID_cfN(T,A) void *                A
+#if defined(apolloFortran) || defined(hpuxFortran800) || defined(AbsoftUNIXFortran)
+#define    ROUTINE_cfN(T,A) void (**A)(CF_NULL_PROTO)
+#define    ROUTINE_cfN(T,A) void ( *A)(CF_NULL_PROTO)
+#ifdef vmsFortran
+#define     STRING_cfN(T,A) fstring *             A
+#define    STRINGV_cfN(T,A) fstringvector *       A
+#ifdef CRAYFortran
+#define     STRING_cfN(T,A) _fcd                  A
+#define    STRINGV_cfN(T,A) _fcd                  A
+#define     STRING_cfN(T,A) char *                A
+#define    STRINGV_cfN(T,A) char *                A
+#define    PSTRING_cfN(T,A)   STRING_cfN(T,A) /* CRAY insists on arg.'s here. */
+#define   PNSTRING_cfN(T,A)   STRING_cfN(T,A) /* CRAY insists on arg.'s here. */
+#define   PPSTRING_cfN(T,A)   STRING_cfN(T,A) /* CRAY insists on arg.'s here. */
+#define   PSTRINGV_cfN(T,A)  STRINGV_cfN(T,A)
+#define    ZTRINGV_cfN(T,A)  STRINGV_cfN(T,A)
+#define   PZTRINGV_cfN(T,A) PSTRINGV_cfN(T,A)
+/* Apollo 6.7, CRAY, old Sun, VAX/Ultrix vcc/cc and new ultrix
+   can't hack more than 31 arg's.
+   e.g. ultrix >= 4.3 gives message:
+       zow35> cc -c -DDECFortran cfortest.c
+       cfe: Fatal: Out of memory: cfortest.c
+       zow35>
+   Old __hpux had the problem, but new 'HP-UX A.09.03 A 9000/735' is fine
+   if using -Aa, otherwise we have a problem.
+ */
+#if !defined(__GNUC__) && (defined(VAXUltrix) || defined(__CF__APOLLO67) || (defined(sun)&&!defined(__sun)) || defined(_CRAY) || defined(__ultrix__) || (defined(__hpux)&&defined(__CF__KnR)))
+#define MAX_PREPRO_ARGS 31
+#define MAX_PREPRO_ARGS 99
+#if defined(AbsoftUNIXFortran) || defined(AbsoftProFortran)
+/* In addition to explicit Absoft stuff, only Absoft requires:
+   - DEFAULT coming from _cfSTR.
+     DEFAULT could have been called e.g. INT, but keep it for clarity.
+   - M term in CFARGT14 and CFARGT14FS.
+ */
+#define ABSOFT_cf1(T0) _(T0,_cfSTR)(0,ABSOFT1,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define ABSOFT_cf2(T0) _(T0,_cfSTR)(0,ABSOFT2,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define ABSOFT_cf3(T0) _(T0,_cfSTR)(0,ABSOFT3,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define DEFAULT_cfABSOFT1
+#define LOGICAL_cfABSOFT1
+#define DEFAULT_cfABSOFT2
+#define LOGICAL_cfABSOFT2
+#define  STRING_cfABSOFT2 ,unsigned D0
+#define DEFAULT_cfABSOFT3
+#define LOGICAL_cfABSOFT3
+#define  STRING_cfABSOFT3 ,D0
+#define ABSOFT_cf1(T0)
+#define ABSOFT_cf2(T0)
+#define ABSOFT_cf3(T0)
+/* _Z introduced to cicumvent IBM and HP silly preprocessor warning.
+   e.g. "Macro CFARGT14 invoked with a null argument."
+ */
+#define _Z
+#define  CFARGT14S(S,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE)                \
+ S(T1,1)   S(T2,2)   S(T3,3)    S(T4,4)    S(T5,5)    S(T6,6)    S(T7,7)       \
+ S(T8,8)   S(T9,9)   S(TA,10)   S(TB,11)   S(TC,12)   S(TD,13)   S(TE,14)
+ S(T1,1)   S(T2,2)   S(T3,3)    S(T4,4)    S(T5,5)    S(T6,6)    S(T7,7)       \
+ S(T8,8)   S(T9,9)   S(TA,10)   S(TB,11)   S(TC,12)   S(TD,13)   S(TE,14)      \
+ S(TF,15)  S(TG,16)  S(TH,17)   S(TI,18)   S(TJ,19)   S(TK,20)   S(TL,21)      \
+ S(TM,22)  S(TN,23)  S(TO,24)   S(TP,25)   S(TQ,26)   S(TR,27)
+#define  CFARGT14FS(F,S,M,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE)           \
+ F(T1,1,0) F(T2,2,1) F(T3,3,1)  F(T4,4,1)  F(T5,5,1)  F(T6,6,1)  F(T7,7,1)     \
+ F(T8,8,1) F(T9,9,1) F(TA,10,1) F(TB,11,1) F(TC,12,1) F(TD,13,1) F(TE,14,1)    \
+ M       CFARGT14S(S,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE)
+ F(T1,1,0)  F(T2,2,1)  F(T3,3,1)  F(T4,4,1)  F(T5,5,1)  F(T6,6,1)  F(T7,7,1)   \
+ F(T8,8,1)  F(T9,9,1)  F(TA,10,1) F(TB,11,1) F(TC,12,1) F(TD,13,1) F(TE,14,1)  \
+ F(TF,15,1) F(TG,16,1) F(TH,17,1) F(TI,18,1) F(TJ,19,1) F(TK,20,1) F(TL,21,1)  \
+ F(TM,22,1) F(TN,23,1) F(TO,24,1) F(TP,25,1) F(TQ,26,1) F(TR,27,1)             \
+#if !(defined(PowerStationFortran)||defined(hpuxFortran800))
+/*  Old CFARGT14 -> CFARGT14FS as seen below, for Absoft cross-compile yields:
+      SunOS> cc -c -Xa -DAbsoftUNIXFortran c.c
+      "c.c", line 406: warning: argument mismatch
+    Haven't checked if this is ANSI C or a SunOS bug. SunOS -Xs works ok.
+    Behavior is most clearly seen in example:
+      #define A 1 , 2
+      #define  C(X,Y,Z) x=X. y=Y. z=Z.
+      #define  D(X,Y,Z) C(X,Y,Z)
+      D(x,A,z)
+    Output from preprocessor is: x = x . y = 1 . z = 2 .
+ #define CFARGT14(F,S,M,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE) \
+       CFARGT14FS(F,S,M,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE)
+#define  CFARGT14(F,S,M,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE)             \
+ F(T1,1,0) F(T2,2,1) F(T3,3,1)  F(T4,4,1)  F(T5,5,1)  F(T6,6,1)  F(T7,7,1)     \
+ F(T8,8,1) F(T9,9,1) F(TA,10,1) F(TB,11,1) F(TC,12,1) F(TD,13,1) F(TE,14,1)    \
+ M       CFARGT14S(S,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE)
+#define  CFARGT27(F,S,M,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,TF,TG,TH,TI,TJ,TK,TL,TM,TN,TO,TP,TQ,TR) \
+ F(T1,1,0)  F(T2,2,1)  F(T3,3,1)  F(T4,4,1)  F(T5,5,1)  F(T6,6,1)  F(T7,7,1)   \
+ F(T8,8,1)  F(T9,9,1)  F(TA,10,1) F(TB,11,1) F(TC,12,1) F(TD,13,1) F(TE,14,1)  \
+ F(TF,15,1) F(TG,16,1) F(TH,17,1) F(TI,18,1) F(TJ,19,1) F(TK,20,1) F(TL,21,1)  \
+ F(TM,22,1) F(TN,23,1) F(TO,24,1) F(TP,25,1) F(TQ,26,1) F(TR,27,1)             \
+#define  CFARGT20(F,S,M,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,TF,TG,TH,TI,TJ,TK) \
+ F(T1,1,0)  F(T2,2,1)  F(T3,3,1)  F(T4,4,1)  F(T5,5,1)  F(T6,6,1)  F(T7,7,1)   \
+ F(T8,8,1)  F(T9,9,1)  F(TA,10,1) F(TB,11,1) F(TC,12,1) F(TD,13,1) F(TE,14,1)  \
+ F(TF,15,1) F(TG,16,1) F(TH,17,1) F(TI,18,1) F(TJ,19,1) F(TK,20,1)             \
+ S(T1,1)    S(T2,2)    S(T3,3)    S(T4,4)    S(T5,5)    S(T6,6)    S(T7,7)     \
+ S(T8,8)    S(T9,9)    S(TA,10)   S(TB,11)   S(TC,12)   S(TD,13)   S(TE,14)    \
+ S(TF,15)   S(TG,16)   S(TH,17)   S(TI,18)   S(TJ,19)   S(TK,20)
+#define CFARGTA14(F,S,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,AA,AB,AC,AD,AE) \
+ F(T1,A1,1,0)  F(T2,A2,2,1)  F(T3,A3,3,1) F(T4,A4,4,1)  F(T5,A5,5,1)  F(T6,A6,6,1)  \
+ F(T7,A7,7,1)  F(T8,A8,8,1)  F(T9,A9,9,1) F(TA,AA,10,1) F(TB,AB,11,1) F(TC,AC,12,1) \
+ F(TD,AD,13,1) F(TE,AE,14,1) S(T1,1)      S(T2,2)       S(T3,3)       S(T4,4)       \
+ S(T5,5)       S(T6,6)       S(T7,7)      S(T8,8)       S(T9,9)       S(TA,10)      \
+ S(TB,11)      S(TC,12)      S(TD,13)     S(TE,14)
+#define CFARGTA20(F,S,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,TF,TG,TH,TI,TJ,TK,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,AA,AB,AC,AD,AE,AF,AG,AH,AI,AJ,AK) \
+ F(T1,A1,1,0)  F(T2,A2,2,1)  F(T3,A3,3,1)  F(T4,A4,4,1)  F(T5,A5,5,1)  F(T6,A6,6,1)  \
+ F(T7,A7,7,1)  F(T8,A8,8,1)  F(T9,A9,9,1)  F(TA,AA,10,1) F(TB,AB,11,1) F(TC,AC,12,1) \
+ F(TD,AD,13,1) F(TE,AE,14,1) F(TF,AF,15,1) F(TG,AG,16,1) F(TH,AH,17,1) F(TI,AI,18,1) \
+ F(TJ,AJ,19,1) F(TK,AK,20,1) S(T1,1)       S(T2,2)       S(T3,3)       S(T4,4)       \
+ S(T5,5)       S(T6,6)       S(T7,7)       S(T8,8)       S(T9,9)       S(TA,10)      \
+ S(TB,11)      S(TC,12)      S(TD,13)      S(TE,14)      S(TF,15)      S(TG,16)      \
+ S(TH,17)      S(TI,18)      S(TJ,19)      S(TK,20)
+ F(T1,A1,1,0)  F(T2,A2,2,1)  F(T3,A3,3,1)  F(T4,A4,4,1)  F(T5,A5,5,1)  F(T6,A6,6,1)  \
+ F(T7,A7,7,1)  F(T8,A8,8,1)  F(T9,A9,9,1)  F(TA,AA,10,1) F(TB,AB,11,1) F(TC,AC,12,1) \
+ F(TD,AD,13,1) F(TE,AE,14,1) F(TF,AF,15,1) F(TG,AG,16,1) F(TH,AH,17,1) F(TI,AI,18,1) \
+ F(TJ,AJ,19,1) F(TK,AK,20,1) F(TL,AL,21,1) F(TM,AM,22,1) F(TN,AN,23,1) F(TO,AO,24,1) \
+ F(TP,AP,25,1) F(TQ,AQ,26,1) F(TR,AR,27,1) S(T1,1)       S(T2,2)       S(T3,3)       \
+ S(T4,4)       S(T5,5)       S(T6,6)       S(T7,7)       S(T8,8)       S(T9,9)       \
+ S(TA,10)      S(TB,11)      S(TC,12)      S(TD,13)      S(TE,14)      S(TF,15)      \
+ S(TG,16)      S(TH,17)      S(TI,18)      S(TJ,19)      S(TK,20)      S(TL,21)      \
+ S(TM,22)      S(TN,23)      S(TO,24)      S(TP,25)      S(TQ,26)      S(TR,27)
+#define  CFARGT14(F,S,M,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE)             \
+ F(T1,1,0) S(T1,1) F(T2,2,1)  S(T2,2)  F(T3,3,1)  S(T3,3)  F(T4,4,1)  S(T4,4)  \
+ F(T5,5,1) S(T5,5) F(T6,6,1)  S(T6,6)  F(T7,7,1)  S(T7,7)  F(T8,8,1)  S(T8,8)  \
+ F(T9,9,1) S(T9,9) F(TA,10,1) S(TA,10) F(TB,11,1) S(TB,11) F(TC,12,1) S(TC,12) \
+ F(TD,13,1) S(TD,13) F(TE,14,1) S(TE,14)
+#define  CFARGT27(F,S,M,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,TF,TG,TH,TI,TJ,TK,TL,TM,TN,TO,TP,TQ,TR) \
+ F(T1,1,0)  S(T1,1)  F(T2,2,1)  S(T2,2)  F(T3,3,1)  S(T3,3)  F(T4,4,1)  S(T4,4)  \
+ F(T5,5,1)  S(T5,5)  F(T6,6,1)  S(T6,6)  F(T7,7,1)  S(T7,7)  F(T8,8,1)  S(T8,8)  \
+ F(T9,9,1)  S(T9,9)  F(TA,10,1) S(TA,10) F(TB,11,1) S(TB,11) F(TC,12,1) S(TC,12) \
+ F(TD,13,1) S(TD,13) F(TE,14,1) S(TE,14) F(TF,15,1) S(TF,15) F(TG,16,1) S(TG,16) \
+ F(TH,17,1) S(TH,17) F(TI,18,1) S(TI,18) F(TJ,19,1) S(TJ,19) F(TK,20,1) S(TK,20) \
+ F(TL,21,1) S(TL,21) F(TM,22,1) S(TM,22) F(TN,23,1) S(TN,23) F(TO,24,1) S(TO,24) \
+ F(TP,25,1) S(TP,25) F(TQ,26,1) S(TQ,26) F(TR,27,1) S(TR,27)
+#define  CFARGT20(F,S,M,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,TF,TG,TH,TI,TJ,TK) \
+ F(T1,1,0)  S(T1,1)  F(T2,2,1)  S(T2,2)  F(T3,3,1)  S(T3,3)  F(T4,4,1)  S(T4,4)  \
+ F(T5,5,1)  S(T5,5)  F(T6,6,1)  S(T6,6)  F(T7,7,1)  S(T7,7)  F(T8,8,1)  S(T8,8)  \
+ F(T9,9,1)  S(T9,9)  F(TA,10,1) S(TA,10) F(TB,11,1) S(TB,11) F(TC,12,1) S(TC,12) \
+ F(TD,13,1) S(TD,13) F(TE,14,1) S(TE,14) F(TF,15,1) S(TF,15) F(TG,16,1) S(TG,16) \
+ F(TH,17,1) S(TH,17) F(TI,18,1) S(TI,18) F(TJ,19,1) S(TJ,19) F(TK,20,1) S(TK,20)
+#define CFARGTA14(F,S,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,AA,AB,AC,AD,AE) \
+ F(T1,A1,1,0)  S(T1,1)  F(T2,A2,2,1)  S(T2,2)  F(T3,A3,3,1)  S(T3,3)           \
+ F(T4,A4,4,1)  S(T4,4)  F(T5,A5,5,1)  S(T5,5)  F(T6,A6,6,1)  S(T6,6)           \
+ F(T7,A7,7,1)  S(T7,7)  F(T8,A8,8,1)  S(T8,8)  F(T9,A9,9,1)  S(T9,9)           \
+ F(TA,AA,10,1) S(TA,10) F(TB,AB,11,1) S(TB,11) F(TC,AC,12,1) S(TC,12)          \
+ F(TD,AD,13,1) S(TD,13) F(TE,AE,14,1) S(TE,14)
+#define CFARGTA20(F,S,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,TF,TG,TH,TI,TJ,TK,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,AA,AB,AC,AD,AE,AF,AG,AH,AI,AJ,AK) \
+ F(T1,A1,1,0)  S(T1,1)  F(T2,A2,2,1)  S(T2,2)  F(T3,A3,3,1)  S(T3,3)           \
+ F(T4,A4,4,1)  S(T4,4)  F(T5,A5,5,1)  S(T5,5)  F(T6,A6,6,1)  S(T6,6)           \
+ F(T7,A7,7,1)  S(T7,7)  F(T8,A8,8,1)  S(T8,8)  F(T9,A9,9,1)  S(T9,9)           \
+ F(TA,AA,10,1) S(TA,10) F(TB,AB,11,1) S(TB,11) F(TC,AC,12,1) S(TC,12)          \
+ F(TD,AD,13,1) S(TD,13) F(TE,AE,14,1) S(TE,14) F(TF,AF,15,1) S(TF,15)          \
+ F(TG,AG,16,1) S(TG,16) F(TH,AH,17,1) S(TH,17) F(TI,AI,18,1) S(TI,18)          \
+ F(TJ,AJ,19,1) S(TJ,19) F(TK,AK,20,1) S(TK,20)                
+ F(T1,A1,1,0)  S(T1,1)  F(T2,A2,2,1)  S(T2,2)  F(T3,A3,3,1)  S(T3,3)           \
+ F(T4,A4,4,1)  S(T4,4)  F(T5,A5,5,1)  S(T5,5)  F(T6,A6,6,1)  S(T6,6)           \
+ F(T7,A7,7,1)  S(T7,7)  F(T8,A8,8,1)  S(T8,8)  F(T9,A9,9,1)  S(T9,9)           \
+ F(TA,AA,10,1) S(TA,10) F(TB,AB,11,1) S(TB,11) F(TC,AC,12,1) S(TC,12)          \
+ F(TD,AD,13,1) S(TD,13) F(TE,AE,14,1) S(TE,14) F(TF,AF,15,1) S(TF,15)          \
+ F(TG,AG,16,1) S(TG,16) F(TH,AH,17,1) S(TH,17) F(TI,AI,18,1) S(TI,18)          \
+ F(TJ,AJ,19,1) S(TJ,19) F(TK,AK,20,1) S(TK,20) F(TL,AL,21,1) S(TL,21)          \
+ F(TM,AM,22,1) S(TM,22) F(TN,AN,23,1) S(TN,23) F(TO,AO,24,1) S(TO,24)          \
+ F(TP,AP,25,1) S(TP,25) F(TQ,AQ,26,1) S(TQ,26) F(TR,AR,27,1) S(TR,27)
+        PROTOCCALLSFSUB14(UN,LN,T1,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0)
+        PROTOCCALLSFSUB14(UN,LN,T1,T2,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0)
+#define PROTOCCALLSFSUB3( UN,LN,T1,T2,T3) \
+        PROTOCCALLSFSUB14(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0)
+#define PROTOCCALLSFSUB4( UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4) \
+        PROTOCCALLSFSUB14(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0)
+#define PROTOCCALLSFSUB5( UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5) \
+        PROTOCCALLSFSUB14(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0)
+#define PROTOCCALLSFSUB6( UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6) \
+        PROTOCCALLSFSUB14(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0)
+#define PROTOCCALLSFSUB7( UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7) \
+        PROTOCCALLSFSUB14(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0)
+#define PROTOCCALLSFSUB8( UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8) \
+        PROTOCCALLSFSUB14(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0)
+#define PROTOCCALLSFSUB9( UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9) \
+        PROTOCCALLSFSUB14(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0)
+#define PROTOCCALLSFSUB10(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA) \
+        PROTOCCALLSFSUB14(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0)
+#define PROTOCCALLSFSUB11(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB) \
+        PROTOCCALLSFSUB14(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0)
+#define PROTOCCALLSFSUB12(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC) \
+        PROTOCCALLSFSUB14(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,CF_0,CF_0)
+#define PROTOCCALLSFSUB13(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD) \
+        PROTOCCALLSFSUB14(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,CF_0)
+#define PROTOCCALLSFSUB15(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,TF) \
+        PROTOCCALLSFSUB20(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,TF,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0)
+        PROTOCCALLSFSUB20(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,TF,TG,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0)
+#define FCALLSC_QUALIFIER __stdcall
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#define CFextern extern "C"
+#define CFextern extern
+#define PROTOCCALLSFSUB14(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE) \
+/* Note: Prevent compiler warnings, null #define PROTOCCALLSFSUB14/20 after 
+   #include-ing cfortran.h if calling the FORTRAN wrapper within the same 
+   source code where the wrapper is created. */
+#define PROTOCCALLSFSUB0(UN,LN)     _(VOID,_cfPU)(CFC_(UN,LN))();
+#ifndef __CF__KnR
+#define PROTOCCALLSFSUB14(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE) \
+ _(VOID,_cfPU)(CFC_(UN,LN))( CFARGT14(NCF,KCF,_Z,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE) );
+#define PROTOCCALLSFSUB14(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE)     \
+#ifdef OLD_VAXC                                  /* Allow %CC-I-PARAMNOTUSED. */
+#pragma standard
+#define CCALLSFSUB1( UN,LN,T1,                        A1)         \
+        CCALLSFSUB5 (UN,LN,T1,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,A1,0,0,0,0)
+#define CCALLSFSUB2( UN,LN,T1,T2,                     A1,A2)      \
+        CCALLSFSUB5 (UN,LN,T1,T2,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,A1,A2,0,0,0)
+#define CCALLSFSUB3( UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,                  A1,A2,A3)   \
+        CCALLSFSUB5 (UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,CF_0,CF_0,A1,A2,A3,0,0)
+#define CCALLSFSUB4( UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,               A1,A2,A3,A4)\
+        CCALLSFSUB5 (UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,CF_0,A1,A2,A3,A4,0)
+#define CCALLSFSUB5( UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,            A1,A2,A3,A4,A5)          \
+        CCALLSFSUB10(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CCALLSFSUB6( UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,         A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6)       \
+        CCALLSFSUB10(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,0,0,0,0)
+#define CCALLSFSUB7( UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,      A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7)    \
+        CCALLSFSUB10(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,0,0,0)
+#define CCALLSFSUB8( UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,   A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8) \
+        CCALLSFSUB10(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,CF_0,CF_0,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,0,0)
+#define CCALLSFSUB9( UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9)\
+        CCALLSFSUB10(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,CF_0,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,0)
+#define CCALLSFSUB10(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,AA)\
+        CCALLSFSUB14(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,AA,0,0,0,0)
+#define CCALLSFSUB11(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,AA,AB)\
+        CCALLSFSUB14(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,AA,AB,0,0,0)
+#define CCALLSFSUB12(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,AA,AB,AC)\
+        CCALLSFSUB14(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,CF_0,CF_0,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,AA,AB,AC,0,0)
+#define CCALLSFSUB13(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,AA,AB,AC,AD)\
+        CCALLSFSUB14(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,CF_0,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,AA,AB,AC,AD,0)
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#define CPPPROTOCLSFSUB14(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE)     \
+#define CCALLSFSUB14(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,AA,AB,AC,AD,AE)\
+        CCALLSFFUN14(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,AA,AB,AC,AD,AE)
+/* do{...}while(0) allows if(a==b) FORT(); else BORT(); */
+#define CCALLSFSUB14(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,AA,AB,AC,AD,AE)\
+do{VVCF(T1,A1,B1) VVCF(T2,A2,B2) VVCF(T3,A3,B3) VVCF(T4,A4,B4) VVCF(T5,A5,B5)  \
+   VVCF(T6,A6,B6) VVCF(T7,A7,B7) VVCF(T8,A8,B8) VVCF(T9,A9,B9) VVCF(TA,AA,B10) \
+   VVCF(TB,AB,B11) VVCF(TC,AC,B12) VVCF(TD,AD,B13) VVCF(TE,AE,B14)             \
+   CPPPROTOCLSFSUB14(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE)          \
+   ACF(LN,T1,A1,1)  ACF(LN,T2,A2,2)  ACF(LN,T3,A3,3)                           \
+   ACF(LN,T4,A4,4)  ACF(LN,T5,A5,5)  ACF(LN,T6,A6,6)  ACF(LN,T7,A7,7)          \
+   ACF(LN,T8,A8,8)  ACF(LN,T9,A9,9)  ACF(LN,TA,AA,10) ACF(LN,TB,AB,11)         \
+   ACF(LN,TC,AC,12) ACF(LN,TD,AD,13) ACF(LN,TE,AE,14)                          \
+   CFC_(UN,LN)( CFARGTA14(AACF,JCF,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,AA,AB,AC,AD,AE) );\
+   WCF(T1,A1,1)  WCF(T2,A2,2)  WCF(T3,A3,3)  WCF(T4,A4,4)  WCF(T5,A5,5)        \
+   WCF(T6,A6,6)  WCF(T7,A7,7)  WCF(T8,A8,8)  WCF(T9,A9,9)  WCF(TA,AA,10)       \
+   WCF(TB,AB,11) WCF(TC,AC,12) WCF(TD,AD,13) WCF(TE,AE,14)      }while(0)
+#define CCALLSFSUB15(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,TF,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,AA,AB,AC,AD,AE,AF)\
+        CCALLSFSUB20(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,TF,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,AA,AB,AC,AD,AE,AF,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CCALLSFSUB16(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,TF,TG,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,AA,AB,AC,AD,AE,AF,AG)\
+        CCALLSFSUB20(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,TF,TG,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,AA,AB,AC,AD,AE,AF,AG,0,0,0,0)
+#define CCALLSFSUB17(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,TF,TG,TH,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,AA,AB,AC,AD,AE,AF,AG,AH)\
+        CCALLSFSUB20(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,TF,TG,TH,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,AA,AB,AC,AD,AE,AF,AG,AH,0,0,0)
+#define CCALLSFSUB18(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,TF,TG,TH,TI,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,AA,AB,AC,AD,AE,AF,AG,AH,AI)\
+        CCALLSFSUB20(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,TF,TG,TH,TI,CF_0,CF_0,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,AA,AB,AC,AD,AE,AF,AG,AH,AI,0,0)
+        CCALLSFSUB20(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,TF,TG,TH,TI,TJ,CF_0,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,AA,AB,AC,AD,AE,AF,AG,AH,AI,AJ,0)
+#define CCALLSFSUB20(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,TF,TG,TH, \
+        TI,TJ,TK, A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,AA,AB,AC,AD,AE,AF,AG,AH,AI,AJ,AK) \
+        CCALLSFFUN20(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,TF,TG,TH, \
+        TI,TJ,TK, A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,AA,AB,AC,AD,AE,AF,AG,AH,AI,AJ,AK)
+#define CCALLSFSUB20(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,TF,TG,TH, \
+        TI,TJ,TK, A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,AA,AB,AC,AD,AE,AF,AG,AH,AI,AJ,AK) \
+do{VVCF(T1,A1,B1)  VVCF(T2,A2,B2)  VVCF(T3,A3,B3)  VVCF(T4,A4,B4)  VVCF(T5,A5,B5)   \
+   VVCF(T6,A6,B6)  VVCF(T7,A7,B7)  VVCF(T8,A8,B8)  VVCF(T9,A9,B9)  VVCF(TA,AA,B10)  \
+   ACF(LN,T1,A1,1)  ACF(LN,T2,A2,2)  ACF(LN,T3,A3,3)  ACF(LN,T4,A4,4)          \
+   ACF(LN,T5,A5,5)  ACF(LN,T6,A6,6)  ACF(LN,T7,A7,7)  ACF(LN,T8,A8,8)          \
+   ACF(LN,T9,A9,9)  ACF(LN,TA,AA,10) ACF(LN,TB,AB,11) ACF(LN,TC,AC,12)         \
+   ACF(LN,TD,AD,13) ACF(LN,TE,AE,14) ACF(LN,TF,AF,15) ACF(LN,TG,AG,16)         \
+   ACF(LN,TH,AH,17) ACF(LN,TI,AI,18) ACF(LN,TJ,AJ,19) ACF(LN,TK,AK,20)         \
+ WCF(T1,A1,1)  WCF(T2,A2,2)  WCF(T3,A3,3)  WCF(T4,A4,4)  WCF(T5,A5,5)  WCF(T6,A6,6)  \
+ WCF(T7,A7,7)  WCF(T8,A8,8)  WCF(T9,A9,9)  WCF(TA,AA,10) WCF(TB,AB,11) WCF(TC,AC,12) \
+ WCF(TD,AD,13) WCF(TE,AE,14) WCF(TF,AF,15) WCF(TG,AG,16) WCF(TH,AH,17) WCF(TI,AI,18) \
+ WCF(TJ,AJ,19) WCF(TK,AK,20) }while(0)
+#endif         /* MAX_PREPRO_ARGS */
+        CCALLSFSUB27(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,TF,TG,TH,TI,TJ,TK,TL,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,AA,AB,AC,AD,AE,AF,AG,AH,AI,AJ,AK,AL,0,0,0,0,0,0)
+        CCALLSFSUB27(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,TF,TG,TH,TI,TJ,TK,TL,TM,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,AA,AB,AC,AD,AE,AF,AG,AH,AI,AJ,AK,AL,AM,0,0,0,0,0)
+        CCALLSFSUB27(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,TF,TG,TH,TI,TJ,TK,TL,TM,TN,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,AA,AB,AC,AD,AE,AF,AG,AH,AI,AJ,AK,AL,AM,AN,0,0,0,0)
+                           A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,AA,AB,AC,AD,AE,AF,AG,AH,AI,AJ,AK,AL,AM,AN,AO,AP,AQ,AR) \
+                           A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,AA,AB,AC,AD,AE,AF,AG,AH,AI,AJ,AK,AL,AM,AN,AO,AP,AQ,AR)
+                           A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,AA,AB,AC,AD,AE,AF,AG,AH,AI,AJ,AK,AL,AM,AN,AO,AP,AQ,AR) \
+do{VVCF(T1,A1,B1)  VVCF(T2,A2,B2)  VVCF(T3,A3,B3)  VVCF(T4,A4,B4)  VVCF(T5,A5,B5)   \
+   VVCF(T6,A6,B6)  VVCF(T7,A7,B7)  VVCF(T8,A8,B8)  VVCF(T9,A9,B9)  VVCF(TA,AA,B10)  \
+   VVCF(TQ,AQ,B26) VVCF(TR,AR,B27)                                                  \
+   ACF(LN,T1,A1,1)  ACF(LN,T2,A2,2)  ACF(LN,T3,A3,3)  ACF(LN,T4,A4,4)          \
+   ACF(LN,T5,A5,5)  ACF(LN,T6,A6,6)  ACF(LN,T7,A7,7)  ACF(LN,T8,A8,8)          \
+   ACF(LN,T9,A9,9)  ACF(LN,TA,AA,10) ACF(LN,TB,AB,11) ACF(LN,TC,AC,12)         \
+   ACF(LN,TD,AD,13) ACF(LN,TE,AE,14) ACF(LN,TF,AF,15) ACF(LN,TG,AG,16)         \
+   ACF(LN,TH,AH,17) ACF(LN,TI,AI,18) ACF(LN,TJ,AJ,19) ACF(LN,TK,AK,20)         \
+   ACF(LN,TL,AL,21) ACF(LN,TM,AM,22) ACF(LN,TN,AN,23) ACF(LN,TO,AO,24)         \
+   ACF(LN,TP,AP,25) ACF(LN,TQ,AQ,26) ACF(LN,TR,AR,27)                          \
+                                   A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,AA,AB,AC,AD,AE,AF,AG,AH,AI,AJ,AK,AL,AM,AN,AO,AP,AQ,AR) ); \
+ WCF(T1,A1,1)  WCF(T2,A2,2)  WCF(T3,A3,3)  WCF(T4,A4,4)  WCF(T5,A5,5)  WCF(T6,A6,6)  \
+ WCF(T7,A7,7)  WCF(T8,A8,8)  WCF(T9,A9,9)  WCF(TA,AA,10) WCF(TB,AB,11) WCF(TC,AC,12) \
+ WCF(TD,AD,13) WCF(TE,AE,14) WCF(TF,AF,15) WCF(TG,AG,16) WCF(TH,AH,17) WCF(TI,AI,18) \
+ WCF(TJ,AJ,19) WCF(TK,AK,20) WCF(TL,AL,21) WCF(TM,AM,22) WCF(TN,AN,23) WCF(TO,AO,24) \
+ WCF(TP,AP,25) WCF(TQ,AQ,26) WCF(TR,AR,27) }while(0)
+#endif         /* MAX_PREPRO_ARGS */
+/*               UTILITIES FOR C TO CALL FORTRAN FUNCTIONS                 */
+/*N.B. PROTOCCALLSFFUNn(..) generates code, whether or not the FORTRAN
+  function is called. Therefore, especially for creator's of C header files
+  for large FORTRAN libraries which include many functions, to reduce
+  compile time and object code size, it may be desirable to create
+  preprocessor directives to allow users to create code for only those
+  functions which they use.                                                */
+/* The following defines the maximum length string that a function can return.
+   Of course it may be undefine-d and re-define-d before individual
+   PROTOCCALLSFFUNn(..) as required. It would also be nice to have this derived
+   from the individual machines' limits.                                      */
+/* The following defines a character used by CFORTRAN.H to flag the end of a
+   string coming out of a FORTRAN routine.                                 */
+#ifdef OLD_VAXC                                /* Prevent %CC-I-PARAMNOTUSED. */
+#pragma nostandard
+#define _SEP_(TN,C,cfCOMMA)     _(__SEP_,C)(TN,cfCOMMA)
+#define __SEP_0(TN,cfCOMMA)  
+#define __SEP_1(TN,cfCOMMA)     _Icf(2,SEP,TN,cfCOMMA,0)
+#define        INT_cfSEP(T,B) _(A,B)
+#define       INTV_cfSEP(T,B) INT_cfSEP(T,B)
+#define      INTVV_cfSEP(T,B) INT_cfSEP(T,B)
+#define     INTVVV_cfSEP(T,B) INT_cfSEP(T,B)
+#define    INTVVVV_cfSEP(T,B) INT_cfSEP(T,B)
+#define   INTVVVVV_cfSEP(T,B) INT_cfSEP(T,B)
+#define  INTVVVVVV_cfSEP(T,B) INT_cfSEP(T,B)
+#define       PINT_cfSEP(T,B) INT_cfSEP(T,B)
+#define      PVOID_cfSEP(T,B) INT_cfSEP(T,B)
+#define    ROUTINE_cfSEP(T,B) INT_cfSEP(T,B)
+#define     SIMPLE_cfSEP(T,B) INT_cfSEP(T,B)
+#define       VOID_cfSEP(T,B) INT_cfSEP(T,B)    /* For FORTRAN calls C subr.s.*/
+#define     STRING_cfSEP(T,B) INT_cfSEP(T,B)
+#define    STRINGV_cfSEP(T,B) INT_cfSEP(T,B)
+#define    PSTRING_cfSEP(T,B) INT_cfSEP(T,B)
+#define   PSTRINGV_cfSEP(T,B) INT_cfSEP(T,B)
+#define   PNSTRING_cfSEP(T,B) INT_cfSEP(T,B)
+#define   PPSTRING_cfSEP(T,B) INT_cfSEP(T,B)
+#define    ZTRINGV_cfSEP(T,B) INT_cfSEP(T,B)
+#define   PZTRINGV_cfSEP(T,B) INT_cfSEP(T,B)
+#if defined(SIGNED_BYTE) || !defined(UNSIGNED_BYTE)
+#ifdef OLD_VAXC
+#define INTEGER_BYTE               char    /* Old VAXC barfs on 'signed char' */
+#define INTEGER_BYTE        signed char    /* default */
+#define INTEGER_BYTE        unsigned char
+#define     INTVVVVVVV_cfTYPE int
+#define    LONGVVVVVVV_cfTYPE long
+#define LONGLONGVVVVVVV_cfTYPE LONGLONG   /* added by MR December 2005 */
+#define   SHORTVVVVVVV_cfTYPE short
+#define          PBYTE_cfTYPE INTEGER_BYTE
+#define         PFLOAT_cfTYPE FORTRAN_REAL
+#define           PINT_cfTYPE int
+#define       PLOGICAL_cfTYPE int
+#define          PLONG_cfTYPE long
+#define      PLONGLONG_cfTYPE LONGLONG  /* added by MR December 2005 */
+#define         PSHORT_cfTYPE short
+#define CFARGS0(A,T,V,W,X,Y,Z) _3(T,_cf,A)
+#define CFARGS1(A,T,V,W,X,Y,Z) _3(T,_cf,A)(V)
+#define CFARGS2(A,T,V,W,X,Y,Z) _3(T,_cf,A)(V,W)
+#define CFARGS3(A,T,V,W,X,Y,Z) _3(T,_cf,A)(V,W,X)
+#define CFARGS4(A,T,V,W,X,Y,Z) _3(T,_cf,A)(V,W,X,Y)
+#define CFARGS5(A,T,V,W,X,Y,Z) _3(T,_cf,A)(V,W,X,Y,Z)
+#define  _Icf(N,T,I,X,Y)                 _(I,_cfINT)(N,T,I,X,Y,0)
+#define _Icf4(N,T,I,X,Y,Z)               _(I,_cfINT)(N,T,I,X,Y,Z)
+#define           BYTE_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)        DOUBLE_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)
+#define         DOUBLE_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z) _(CFARGS,N)(A,INT,B,X,Y,Z,0)
+#define          FLOAT_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)        DOUBLE_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)
+#define            INT_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)        DOUBLE_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)
+#define        LOGICAL_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)        DOUBLE_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)
+#define           LONG_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)        DOUBLE_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)
+#define       LONGLONG_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)        DOUBLE_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z) /* added by MR December 2005 */
+#define          SHORT_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)        DOUBLE_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)
+#define          PBYTE_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)       PDOUBLE_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)
+#define        PDOUBLE_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z) _(CFARGS,N)(A,PINT,B,X,Y,Z,0)
+#define         PFLOAT_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)       PDOUBLE_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)
+#define           PINT_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)       PDOUBLE_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)
+#define       PLOGICAL_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)       PDOUBLE_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)
+#define          PLONG_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)       PDOUBLE_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)
+#define      PLONGLONG_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)       PDOUBLE_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z) /* added by MR December 2005 */
+#define         PSHORT_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)       PDOUBLE_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)
+#define          BYTEV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)       DOUBLEV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)
+#define         BYTEVV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)      DOUBLEVV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)
+#define        BYTEVVV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)     DOUBLEVVV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)
+#define       BYTEVVVV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)    DOUBLEVVVV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)
+#define        DOUBLEV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z) _(CFARGS,N)(A,INTV,B,X,Y,Z,0)
+#define       DOUBLEVV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z) _(CFARGS,N)(A,INTVV,B,X,Y,Z,0)
+#define      DOUBLEVVV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z) _(CFARGS,N)(A,INTVVV,B,X,Y,Z,0)
+#define         FLOATV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)       DOUBLEV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)
+#define        FLOATVV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)      DOUBLEVV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)
+#define       FLOATVVV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)     DOUBLEVVV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)
+#define      FLOATVVVV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)    DOUBLEVVVV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)
+#define           INTV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)       DOUBLEV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)
+#define          INTVV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)      DOUBLEVV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)
+#define         INTVVV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)     DOUBLEVVV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)
+#define        INTVVVV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)    DOUBLEVVVV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)
+#define       INTVVVVV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)   DOUBLEVVVVV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)
+#define       LOGICALV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)       DOUBLEV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)
+#define      LOGICALVV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)      DOUBLEVV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)
+#define     LOGICALVVV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)     DOUBLEVVV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)
+#define          LONGV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)       DOUBLEV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)
+#define         LONGVV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)      DOUBLEVV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)
+#define        LONGVVV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)     DOUBLEVVV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)
+#define       LONGVVVV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)    DOUBLEVVVV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)
+#define      LONGLONGV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)       DOUBLEV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z) /* added by MR December 2005 */
+#define     LONGLONGVV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)      DOUBLEVV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z) /* added by MR December 2005 */
+#define    LONGLONGVVV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)     DOUBLEVVV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z) /* added by MR December 2005 */
+#define   LONGLONGVVVV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)    DOUBLEVVVV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z) /* added by MR December 2005 */
+#define  LONGLONGVVVVV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)   DOUBLEVVVVV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z) /* added by MR December 2005 */
+#define LONGLONGVVVVVV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)  DOUBLEVVVVVV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z) /* added by MR December 2005 */
+#define LONGLONGVVVVVVV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z) DOUBLEVVVVVVV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z) /* added by MR December 2005 */
+#define         SHORTV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)       DOUBLEV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)
+#define        SHORTVV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)      DOUBLEVV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)
+#define       SHORTVVV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)     DOUBLEVVV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)
+#define      SHORTVVVV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)    DOUBLEVVVV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)
+#define          PVOID_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z) _(CFARGS,N)(A,B,B,X,Y,Z,0)
+#define        ROUTINE_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)         PVOID_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)
+/*CRAY coughs on the first,
+  i.e. the usual trouble of not being able to
+  define macros to macros with arguments. 
+  New ultrix is worse, it coughs on all such uses.
+ */
+/*#define       SIMPLE_cfINT                    PVOID_cfINT*/
+#define         SIMPLE_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)         PVOID_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)
+#define           VOID_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)         PVOID_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)
+#define         STRING_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)         PVOID_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)
+#define        STRINGV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)         PVOID_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)
+#define        PSTRING_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)         PVOID_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)
+#define       PSTRINGV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)         PVOID_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)
+#define       PNSTRING_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)         PVOID_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)
+#define       PPSTRING_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)         PVOID_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)
+#define        ZTRINGV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)         PVOID_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)
+#define       PZTRINGV_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)         PVOID_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)
+#define           CF_0_cfINT(N,A,B,X,Y,Z)
+#define   UCF(TN,I,C)  _SEP_(TN,C,cfCOMMA) _Icf(2,U,TN,_(A,I),0)
+#define  UUCF(TN,I,C)  _SEP_(TN,C,cfCOMMA) _SEP_(TN,1,I) 
+#define UUUCF(TN,I,C)  _SEP_(TN,C,cfCOLON) _Icf(2,U,TN,_(A,I),0)
+#define        INT_cfU(T,A) _(T,VVVVVVV_cfTYPE)   A
+#define       INTV_cfU(T,A) _(T,VVVVVV_cfTYPE)  * A
+#define      INTVV_cfU(T,A) _(T,VVVVV_cfTYPE)   * A
+#define     INTVVV_cfU(T,A) _(T,VVVV_cfTYPE)    * A
+#define    INTVVVV_cfU(T,A) _(T,VVV_cfTYPE)     * A
+#define   INTVVVVV_cfU(T,A) _(T,VV_cfTYPE)      * A
+#define  INTVVVVVV_cfU(T,A) _(T,V_cfTYPE)       * A
+#define INTVVVVVVV_cfU(T,A) _(T,_cfTYPE)        * A
+#define       PINT_cfU(T,A) _(T,_cfTYPE)        * A
+#define      PVOID_cfU(T,A) void  *A 
+#define    ROUTINE_cfU(T,A) void (*A)(CF_NULL_PROTO) 
+#define       VOID_cfU(T,A) void   A    /* Needed for C calls FORTRAN sub.s.  */
+#define     STRING_cfU(T,A) char  *A    /*            via VOID and wrapper.   */
+#define    STRINGV_cfU(T,A) char  *A
+#define    PSTRING_cfU(T,A) char  *A
+#define   PSTRINGV_cfU(T,A) char  *A
+#define    ZTRINGV_cfU(T,A) char  *A
+#define   PZTRINGV_cfU(T,A) char  *A
+/* VOID breaks U into U and UU. */
+#define       INT_cfUU(T,A) _(T,VVVVVVV_cfTYPE) A
+#define      VOID_cfUU(T,A)             /* Needed for FORTRAN calls C sub.s.  */
+#define    STRING_cfUU(T,A) char *A 
+#define      BYTE_cfPU(A)   CFextern INTEGER_BYTE      FCALLSC_QUALIFIER A
+#if ! (defined(FLOATFUNCTIONTYPE)&&defined(ASSIGNFLOAT)&&defined(RETURNFLOAT))
+#if defined (f2cFortran) && ! defined (gFortran)
+/* f2c/g77 return double from FORTRAN REAL functions. (KMCCARTY, 2005/12/09) */
+#define       INT_cfPU(A)   CFextern int   FCALLSC_QUALIFIER   A
+#define   LOGICAL_cfPU(A)   CFextern int   FCALLSC_QUALIFIER   A
+#define      LONG_cfPU(A)   CFextern long  FCALLSC_QUALIFIER   A
+#define     SHORT_cfPU(A)   CFextern short FCALLSC_QUALIFIER   A
+#define    STRING_cfPU(A)   CFextern void  FCALLSC_QUALIFIER   A
+#define      VOID_cfPU(A)   CFextern void  FCALLSC_QUALIFIER   A
+#define    BYTE_cfE INTEGER_BYTE     A0;
+#if ! (defined(FLOATFUNCTIONTYPE)&&defined(ASSIGNFLOAT)&&defined(RETURNFLOAT))
+#define   FLOAT_cfE FORTRAN_REAL  A0;
+#define     INT_cfE int    A0;
+#define LOGICAL_cfE int    A0;
+#define    LONG_cfE long   A0;
+#define   SHORT_cfE short  A0;
+#define    VOID_cfE
+#ifdef vmsFortran
+#define  STRING_cfE static char AA0[1+MAX_LEN_FORTRAN_FUNCTION_STRING];        \
+                       static fstring A0 =                                     \
+                                    *(AA0+MAX_LEN_FORTRAN_FUNCTION_STRING)='\0';
+#ifdef CRAYFortran
+#define  STRING_cfE static char AA0[1+MAX_LEN_FORTRAN_FUNCTION_STRING];        \
+                   static _fcd A0; *(AA0+MAX_LEN_FORTRAN_FUNCTION_STRING)='\0';\
+                            A0 = _cptofcd(AA0,MAX_LEN_FORTRAN_FUNCTION_STRING);
+/* 'cc: SC3.0.1 13 Jul 1994' barfs on char A0[0x4FE+1]; 
+ * char A0[0x4FE +1]; char A0[1+0x4FE]; are both OK.     */
+#define STRING_cfE static char A0[1+MAX_LEN_FORTRAN_FUNCTION_STRING];          \
+                       memset(A0, CFORTRAN_NON_CHAR,                           \
+                              MAX_LEN_FORTRAN_FUNCTION_STRING);                \
+                       *(A0+MAX_LEN_FORTRAN_FUNCTION_STRING)='\0';
+/* ESTRING must use static char. array which is guaranteed to exist after
+   function returns.                                                     */
+/* N.B.i) The diff. for 0 (Zero) and >=1 arguments.
+       ii)That the following create an unmatched bracket, i.e. '(', which
+          must of course be matched in the call.
+       iii)Commas must be handled very carefully                         */
+#define    INT_cfGZ(T,UN,LN) A0=CFC_(UN,LN)(
+#define   VOID_cfGZ(T,UN,LN)    CFC_(UN,LN)(
+#ifdef vmsFortran
+#define STRING_cfGZ(T,UN,LN)    CFC_(UN,LN)(&A0
+#if defined(CRAYFortran) || defined(AbsoftUNIXFortran) || defined(AbsoftProFortran)
+#define STRING_cfGZ(T,UN,LN)    CFC_(UN,LN)( A0
+#define     INT_cfG(T,UN,LN)    INT_cfGZ(T,UN,LN)
+#define    VOID_cfG(T,UN,LN)   VOID_cfGZ(T,UN,LN)
+#define  STRING_cfG(T,UN,LN) STRING_cfGZ(T,UN,LN), /*, is only diff. from _cfG*/
+#define    BYTEVVVVVVV_cfPP
+#define     INTVVVVVVV_cfPP     /* These complement FLOATVVVVVVV_cfPP. */
+#define    LONGVVVVVVV_cfPP
+#define   SHORTVVVVVVV_cfPP
+#define          PBYTE_cfPP
+#define           PINT_cfPP
+#define        PDOUBLE_cfPP
+#define       PLOGICAL_cfPP
+#define          PLONG_cfPP
+#define         PSHORT_cfPP
+#define         PFLOAT_cfPP FLOATVVVVVVV_cfPP
+#define BCF(TN,AN,C)        _SEP_(TN,C,cfCOMMA) _Icf(2,B,TN,AN,0)
+#define        INT_cfB(T,A) (_(T,VVVVVVV_cfTYPE)) A
+#define       INTV_cfB(T,A)            A
+#define      INTVV_cfB(T,A)           (A)[0]
+#define     INTVVV_cfB(T,A)           (A)[0][0]
+#define    INTVVVV_cfB(T,A)           (A)[0][0][0]
+#define   INTVVVVV_cfB(T,A)           (A)[0][0][0][0]
+#define  INTVVVVVV_cfB(T,A)           (A)[0][0][0][0][0]
+#define INTVVVVVVV_cfB(T,A)           (A)[0][0][0][0][0][0]
+#define       PINT_cfB(T,A) _(T,_cfPP)&A
+#define     STRING_cfB(T,A) (char *)   A
+#define    STRINGV_cfB(T,A) (char *)   A
+#define    PSTRING_cfB(T,A) (char *)   A
+#define   PSTRINGV_cfB(T,A) (char *)   A
+#define      PVOID_cfB(T,A) (void *)   A
+#define    ROUTINE_cfB(T,A) (cfCAST_FUNCTION)A
+#define    ZTRINGV_cfB(T,A) (char *)   A
+#define   PZTRINGV_cfB(T,A) (char *)   A
+#define SCF(TN,NAME,I,A)    _(TN,_cfSTR)(3,S,NAME,I,A,0,0)
+#define  DEFAULT_cfS(M,I,A)
+#define  LOGICAL_cfS(M,I,A)
+#define PLOGICAL_cfS(M,I,A)
+#define   STRING_cfS(M,I,A) ,sizeof(A)
+#define  STRINGV_cfS(M,I,A) ,( (unsigned)0xFFFF*firstindexlength(A) \
+                              +secondindexlength(A))
+#define  PSTRING_cfS(M,I,A) ,sizeof(A)
+#define PSTRINGV_cfS(M,I,A) STRINGV_cfS(M,I,A)
+#define  ZTRINGV_cfS(M,I,A)
+#define PZTRINGV_cfS(M,I,A)
+#define   HCF(TN,I)         _(TN,_cfSTR)(3,H,cfCOMMA, H,_(C,I),0,0)
+#define  HHCF(TN,I)         _(TN,_cfSTR)(3,H,cfCOMMA,HH,_(C,I),0,0)
+#define HHHCF(TN,I)         _(TN,_cfSTR)(3,H,cfCOLON, H,_(C,I),0,0)
+#define  H_CF_SPECIAL       unsigned
+#define HH_CF_SPECIAL
+#define  DEFAULT_cfH(M,I,A)
+#define  LOGICAL_cfH(S,U,B)
+#define PLOGICAL_cfH(S,U,B)
+#define   STRING_cfH(S,U,B) _(A,S) _(U,_CF_SPECIAL) B
+#define  STRINGV_cfH(S,U,B) STRING_cfH(S,U,B)
+#define  PSTRING_cfH(S,U,B) STRING_cfH(S,U,B)
+#define PSTRINGV_cfH(S,U,B) STRING_cfH(S,U,B)
+#define PNSTRING_cfH(S,U,B) STRING_cfH(S,U,B)
+#define PPSTRING_cfH(S,U,B) STRING_cfH(S,U,B)
+#define  ZTRINGV_cfH(S,U,B)
+#define PZTRINGV_cfH(S,U,B)
+/* Need VOID_cfSTR because Absoft forced function types go through _cfSTR. */
+/* No spaces inside expansion. They screws up macro catenation kludge.     */
+#define           VOID_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,DEFAULT,A,B,C,D,E)
+#define           BYTE_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,DEFAULT,A,B,C,D,E)
+#define         DOUBLE_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,DEFAULT,A,B,C,D,E)
+#define          FLOAT_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,DEFAULT,A,B,C,D,E)
+#define            INT_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,DEFAULT,A,B,C,D,E)
+#define        LOGICAL_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,LOGICAL,A,B,C,D,E)
+#define           LONG_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,DEFAULT,A,B,C,D,E)
+#define       LONGLONG_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,DEFAULT,A,B,C,D,E) /* added by MR December 2005 */
+#define          SHORT_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,DEFAULT,A,B,C,D,E)
+#define          BYTEV_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,DEFAULT,A,B,C,D,E)
+#define         BYTEVV_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,DEFAULT,A,B,C,D,E)
+#define        BYTEVVV_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,DEFAULT,A,B,C,D,E)
+#define       BYTEVVVV_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,DEFAULT,A,B,C,D,E)
+#define        DOUBLEV_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,DEFAULT,A,B,C,D,E)
+#define       DOUBLEVV_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,DEFAULT,A,B,C,D,E)
+#define         FLOATV_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,DEFAULT,A,B,C,D,E)
+#define        FLOATVV_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,DEFAULT,A,B,C,D,E)
+#define       FLOATVVV_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,DEFAULT,A,B,C,D,E)
+#define           INTV_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,DEFAULT,A,B,C,D,E)
+#define          INTVV_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,DEFAULT,A,B,C,D,E)
+#define         INTVVV_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,DEFAULT,A,B,C,D,E)
+#define        INTVVVV_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,DEFAULT,A,B,C,D,E)
+#define       INTVVVVV_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,DEFAULT,A,B,C,D,E)
+#define       LOGICALV_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,DEFAULT,A,B,C,D,E)
+#define          LONGV_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,DEFAULT,A,B,C,D,E)
+#define         LONGVV_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,DEFAULT,A,B,C,D,E)
+#define        LONGVVV_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,DEFAULT,A,B,C,D,E)
+#define       LONGVVVV_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,DEFAULT,A,B,C,D,E)
+#define      LONGLONGV_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,DEFAULT,A,B,C,D,E) /* added by MR December 2005 */
+#define     LONGLONGVV_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,DEFAULT,A,B,C,D,E) /* added by MR December 2005 */
+#define    LONGLONGVVV_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,DEFAULT,A,B,C,D,E) /* added by MR December 2005 */
+#define   LONGLONGVVVV_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,DEFAULT,A,B,C,D,E) /* added by MR December 2005 */
+#define  LONGLONGVVVVV_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,DEFAULT,A,B,C,D,E) /* added by MR December 2005 */
+#define LONGLONGVVVVVV_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,DEFAULT,A,B,C,D,E) /* added by MR December 2005 */
+#define LONGLONGVVVVVVV_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,DEFAULT,A,B,C,D,E) /* added by MR December 2005 */
+#define         SHORTV_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,DEFAULT,A,B,C,D,E)
+#define        SHORTVV_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,DEFAULT,A,B,C,D,E)
+#define       SHORTVVV_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,DEFAULT,A,B,C,D,E)
+#define          PBYTE_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,DEFAULT,A,B,C,D,E)
+#define        PDOUBLE_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,DEFAULT,A,B,C,D,E)
+#define         PFLOAT_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,DEFAULT,A,B,C,D,E)
+#define           PINT_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,DEFAULT,A,B,C,D,E)
+#define       PLOGICAL_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,PLOGICAL,A,B,C,D,E)
+#define          PLONG_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,DEFAULT,A,B,C,D,E)
+#define      PLONGLONG_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,DEFAULT,A,B,C,D,E) /* added by MR December 2005 */
+#define         PSHORT_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,DEFAULT,A,B,C,D,E)
+#define         STRING_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,STRING,A,B,C,D,E)
+#define        PSTRING_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,PSTRING,A,B,C,D,E)
+#define        STRINGV_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,STRINGV,A,B,C,D,E)
+#define       PSTRINGV_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,PSTRINGV,A,B,C,D,E)
+#define       PNSTRING_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,PNSTRING,A,B,C,D,E)
+#define       PPSTRING_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,PPSTRING,A,B,C,D,E)
+#define          PVOID_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,DEFAULT,A,B,C,D,E)
+#define        ROUTINE_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,DEFAULT,A,B,C,D,E)
+#define         SIMPLE_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,DEFAULT,A,B,C,D,E)
+#define        ZTRINGV_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,ZTRINGV,A,B,C,D,E)
+#define       PZTRINGV_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E) _(CFARGS,N)(T,PZTRINGV,A,B,C,D,E)
+#define           CF_0_cfSTR(N,T,A,B,C,D,E)
+/* See ACF table comments, which explain why CCF was split into two. */
+#define CCF(NAME,TN,I)     _(TN,_cfSTR)(5,C,NAME,I,_(A,I),_(B,I),_(C,I))
+#define  DEFAULT_cfC(M,I,A,B,C)
+#define  LOGICAL_cfC(M,I,A,B,C)  A=C2FLOGICAL( A);
+#define PLOGICAL_cfC(M,I,A,B,C) *A=C2FLOGICAL(*A);
+#ifdef vmsFortran
+#define   STRING_cfC(M,I,A,B,C) (B.clen=strlen(A),B.f.dsc$a_pointer=A,         \
+        C==sizeof(char*)||C==(unsigned)(B.clen+1)?B.f.dsc$w_length=B.clen:     \
+          (memset((A)+B.clen,' ',C-B.clen-1),A[B.f.dsc$w_length=C-1]='\0'));
+      /* PSTRING_cfC to beware of array A which does not contain any \0.      */
+#define  PSTRING_cfC(M,I,A,B,C) (B.dsc$a_pointer=A, C==sizeof(char*) ?         \
+             B.dsc$w_length=strlen(A):  (A[C-1]='\0',B.dsc$w_length=strlen(A), \
+       memset((A)+B.dsc$w_length,' ',C-B.dsc$w_length-1), B.dsc$w_length=C-1));
+#define   STRING_cfC(M,I,A,B,C) (B.nombre=A,B.clen=strlen(A),                             \
+                C==sizeof(char*)||C==(unsigned)(B.clen+1)?B.flen=B.clen:       \
+                        (memset(B.nombre+B.clen,' ',C-B.clen-1),B.nombre[B.flen=C-1]='\0'));
+#define  PSTRING_cfC(M,I,A,B,C) (C==sizeof(char*)? B=strlen(A):                \
+                    (A[C-1]='\0',B=strlen(A),memset((A)+B,' ',C-B-1),B=C-1));
+          /* For CRAYFortran for (P)STRINGV_cfC, B.fs is set, but irrelevant. */
+#define  STRINGV_cfC(M,I,A,B,C) \
+        AATRINGV_cfA(    A,B,(C/0xFFFF)*(C%0xFFFF),C/0xFFFF,C%0xFFFF)
+#define PSTRINGV_cfC(M,I,A,B,C) \
+       APATRINGV_cfA(    A,B,(C/0xFFFF)*(C%0xFFFF),C/0xFFFF,C%0xFFFF)
+#define  ZTRINGV_cfC(M,I,A,B,C) \
+        AATRINGV_cfA(    A,B, (_3(M,_ELEMS_,I))*((_3(M,_ELEMLEN_,I))+1),       \
+                              (_3(M,_ELEMS_,I)), (_3(M,_ELEMLEN_,I))+1   )
+#define PZTRINGV_cfC(M,I,A,B,C) \
+       APATRINGV_cfA(    A,B, (_3(M,_ELEMS_,I))*((_3(M,_ELEMLEN_,I))+1),       \
+                              (_3(M,_ELEMS_,I)), (_3(M,_ELEMLEN_,I))+1   )
+#define     BYTE_cfCCC(A,B) &A
+#define   DOUBLE_cfCCC(A,B) &A
+#if !defined(__CF__KnR)
+#define    FLOAT_cfCCC(A,B) &A
+                               /* Although the VAX doesn't, at least the      */
+#else                          /* HP and K&R mips promote float arg.'s of     */
+#define    FLOAT_cfCCC(A,B) &B /* unprototyped functions to double. Cannot    */
+#endif                         /* use A here to pass the argument to FORTRAN. */
+#define      INT_cfCCC(A,B) &A
+#define  LOGICAL_cfCCC(A,B) &A
+#define     LONG_cfCCC(A,B) &A
+#define    SHORT_cfCCC(A,B) &A
+#define    PBYTE_cfCCC(A,B)  A
+#define  PDOUBLE_cfCCC(A,B)  A
+#define   PFLOAT_cfCCC(A,B)  A
+#define     PINT_cfCCC(A,B)  A
+#define PLOGICAL_cfCCC(A,B)  B=A       /* B used to keep a common W table. */
+#define    PLONG_cfCCC(A,B)  A
+#define   PSHORT_cfCCC(A,B)  A
+#define CCCF(TN,I,M)           _SEP_(TN,M,cfCOMMA) _Icf(3,CC,TN,_(A,I),_(B,I))
+#define        INT_cfCC(T,A,B) _(T,_cfCCC)(A,B) 
+#define       INTV_cfCC(T,A,B)  A
+#define      INTVV_cfCC(T,A,B)  A
+#define     INTVVV_cfCC(T,A,B)  A
+#define    INTVVVV_cfCC(T,A,B)  A
+#define   INTVVVVV_cfCC(T,A,B)  A
+#define  INTVVVVVV_cfCC(T,A,B)  A
+#define INTVVVVVVV_cfCC(T,A,B)  A
+#define       PINT_cfCC(T,A,B) _(T,_cfCCC)(A,B) 
+#define      PVOID_cfCC(T,A,B)  A
+#if defined(apolloFortran) || defined(hpuxFortran800) || defined(AbsoftUNIXFortran)
+#define    ROUTINE_cfCC(T,A,B) &A
+#define    ROUTINE_cfCC(T,A,B)  A
+#define     SIMPLE_cfCC(T,A,B)  A
+#ifdef vmsFortran
+#define     STRING_cfCC(T,A,B) &B.f
+#define    STRINGV_cfCC(T,A,B) &B
+#define    PSTRING_cfCC(T,A,B) &B
+#define   PSTRINGV_cfCC(T,A,B) &B
+#ifdef CRAYFortran
+#define     STRING_cfCC(T,A,B) _cptofcd(A,B.flen)
+#define    STRINGV_cfCC(T,A,B) _cptofcd(B.s,B.flen)
+#define    PSTRING_cfCC(T,A,B) _cptofcd(A,B)
+#define   PSTRINGV_cfCC(T,A,B) _cptofcd(A,B.flen)
+#define     STRING_cfCC(T,A,B)  A
+#define    STRINGV_cfCC(T,A,B)  B.fs
+#define    PSTRING_cfCC(T,A,B)  A
+#define   PSTRINGV_cfCC(T,A,B)  B.fs
+#define    ZTRINGV_cfCC(T,A,B)   STRINGV_cfCC(T,A,B)
+#define   PZTRINGV_cfCC(T,A,B)  PSTRINGV_cfCC(T,A,B)
+#define    BYTE_cfX  return A0;
+#define  DOUBLE_cfX  return A0;
+#if ! (defined(FLOATFUNCTIONTYPE)&&defined(ASSIGNFLOAT)&&defined(RETURNFLOAT))
+#define   FLOAT_cfX  return A0;
+#define   FLOAT_cfX  ASSIGNFLOAT(AA0,A0); return AA0;
+#define     INT_cfX  return A0;
+#define LOGICAL_cfX  return F2CLOGICAL(A0);
+#define    LONG_cfX  return A0;
+#define   SHORT_cfX  return A0;
+#define    VOID_cfX  return   ;
+#if defined(vmsFortran) || defined(CRAYFortran)
+#define  STRING_cfX  return kill_trailing(                                     \
+                                      kill_trailing(AA0,CFORTRAN_NON_CHAR),' ');
+#define  STRING_cfX  return kill_trailing(                                     \
+                                      kill_trailing( A0,CFORTRAN_NON_CHAR),' ');
+#define CFFUN(NAME) _(__cf__,NAME)
+/* Note that we don't use LN here, but we keep it for consistency. */
+#ifdef OLD_VAXC                                  /* Allow %CC-I-PARAMNOTUSED. */
+#pragma standard
+#define CCALLSFFUN1( UN,LN,T1,                        A1)         \
+        CCALLSFFUN5 (UN,LN,T1,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,A1,0,0,0,0)
+#define CCALLSFFUN2( UN,LN,T1,T2,                     A1,A2)      \
+        CCALLSFFUN5 (UN,LN,T1,T2,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,A1,A2,0,0,0)
+#define CCALLSFFUN3( UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,                  A1,A2,A3)   \
+        CCALLSFFUN5 (UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,CF_0,CF_0,A1,A2,A3,0,0)
+#define CCALLSFFUN4( UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,               A1,A2,A3,A4)\
+        CCALLSFFUN5 (UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,CF_0,A1,A2,A3,A4,0)
+#define CCALLSFFUN5( UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,            A1,A2,A3,A4,A5)          \
+        CCALLSFFUN10(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CCALLSFFUN6( UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,         A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6)       \
+        CCALLSFFUN10(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,0,0,0,0)
+#define CCALLSFFUN7( UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,      A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7)    \
+        CCALLSFFUN10(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,0,0,0)
+#define CCALLSFFUN8( UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,   A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8) \
+        CCALLSFFUN10(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,CF_0,CF_0,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,0,0)
+#define CCALLSFFUN9( UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9)\
+        CCALLSFFUN10(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,CF_0,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,0)
+#define CCALLSFFUN10(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,AA)\
+        CCALLSFFUN14(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,AA,0,0,0,0)
+#define CCALLSFFUN11(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,AA,AB)\
+        CCALLSFFUN14(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,AA,AB,0,0,0)
+#define CCALLSFFUN12(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,AA,AB,AC)\
+        CCALLSFFUN14(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,CF_0,CF_0,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,AA,AB,AC,0,0)
+#define CCALLSFFUN13(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,AA,AB,AC,AD)\
+        CCALLSFFUN14(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,CF_0,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,AA,AB,AC,AD,0)
+#define CCALLSFFUN14(UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,AA,AB,AC,AD,AE)\
+((CFFUN(UN)(  BCF(T1,A1,0) BCF(T2,A2,1) BCF(T3,A3,1) BCF(T4,A4,1) BCF(T5,A5,1) \
+              BCF(T6,A6,1) BCF(T7,A7,1) BCF(T8,A8,1) BCF(T9,A9,1) BCF(TA,AA,1) \
+              BCF(TB,AB,1) BCF(TC,AC,1) BCF(TD,AD,1) BCF(TE,AE,1)              \
+           SCF(T1,LN,1,A1)  SCF(T2,LN,2,A2)  SCF(T3,LN,3,A3)  SCF(T4,LN,4,A4)  \
+           SCF(T5,LN,5,A5)  SCF(T6,LN,6,A6)  SCF(T7,LN,7,A7)  SCF(T8,LN,8,A8)  \
+           SCF(T9,LN,9,A9)  SCF(TA,LN,10,AA) SCF(TB,LN,11,AB) SCF(TC,LN,12,AC) \
+           SCF(TD,LN,13,AD) SCF(TE,LN,14,AE))))
+/*  N.B. Create a separate function instead of using (call function, function
+value here) because in order to create the variables needed for the input
+arg.'s which may be const.'s one has to do the creation within {}, but these
+can never be placed within ()'s. Therefore one must create wrapper functions.
+gcc, on the other hand may be able to avoid the wrapper functions. */
+/* Prototypes are needed to correctly handle the value returned correctly. N.B.
+Can only have prototype arg.'s with difficulty, a la G... table since FORTRAN
+functions returning strings have extra arg.'s. Don't bother, since this only
+causes a compiler warning to come up when one uses FCALLSCFUNn and CCALLSFFUNn
+for the same function in the same source code. Something done by the experts in
+debugging only.*/    
+#define PROTOCCALLSFFUN0(F,UN,LN)                                              \
+_(F,_cfPU)( CFC_(UN,LN))(CF_NULL_PROTO);                                       \
+static _Icf(2,U,F,CFFUN(UN),0)() {_(F,_cfE) _Icf(3,GZ,F,UN,LN) ABSOFT_cf1(F));_(F,_cfX)}
+#define PROTOCCALLSFFUN1( T0,UN,LN,T1)                                         \
+        PROTOCCALLSFFUN5 (T0,UN,LN,T1,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0)
+#define PROTOCCALLSFFUN2( T0,UN,LN,T1,T2)                                      \
+        PROTOCCALLSFFUN5 (T0,UN,LN,T1,T2,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0)
+#define PROTOCCALLSFFUN3( T0,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3)                                   \
+        PROTOCCALLSFFUN5 (T0,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,CF_0,CF_0)
+#define PROTOCCALLSFFUN4( T0,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4)                                \
+        PROTOCCALLSFFUN5 (T0,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,CF_0)
+#define PROTOCCALLSFFUN5( T0,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5)                             \
+        PROTOCCALLSFFUN10(T0,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0)
+#define PROTOCCALLSFFUN6( T0,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6)                          \
+        PROTOCCALLSFFUN10(T0,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0)
+#define PROTOCCALLSFFUN7( T0,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7)                       \
+        PROTOCCALLSFFUN10(T0,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0)
+#define PROTOCCALLSFFUN8( T0,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8)                    \
+        PROTOCCALLSFFUN10(T0,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,CF_0,CF_0)
+#define PROTOCCALLSFFUN9( T0,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9)                 \
+        PROTOCCALLSFFUN10(T0,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,CF_0)
+#define PROTOCCALLSFFUN10(T0,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA)              \
+        PROTOCCALLSFFUN14(T0,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0)
+#define PROTOCCALLSFFUN11(T0,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB)           \
+        PROTOCCALLSFFUN14(T0,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0)
+#define PROTOCCALLSFFUN12(T0,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC)        \
+        PROTOCCALLSFFUN14(T0,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,CF_0,CF_0)
+#define PROTOCCALLSFFUN13(T0,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD)     \
+        PROTOCCALLSFFUN14(T0,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,CF_0)
+/* HP/UX 9.01 cc requires the blank between '_Icf(3,G,T0,UN,LN) CCCF(T1,1,0)' */
+#ifndef __CF__KnR
+#define PROTOCCALLSFFUN14(T0,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE)  \
+ _(T0,_cfPU)(CFC_(UN,LN))(CF_NULL_PROTO); static _Icf(2,U,T0,CFFUN(UN),0)(     \
+   CFARGT14FS(UCF,HCF,_Z,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE) )          \
+{       CFARGT14S(VCF,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE)    _(T0,_cfE) \
+ CCF(LN,T1,1)  CCF(LN,T2,2)  CCF(LN,T3,3)  CCF(LN,T4,4)  CCF(LN,T5,5)          \
+ CCF(LN,T6,6)  CCF(LN,T7,7)  CCF(LN,T8,8)  CCF(LN,T9,9)  CCF(LN,TA,10)         \
+ CCF(LN,TB,11) CCF(LN,TC,12) CCF(LN,TD,13) CCF(LN,TE,14)    _Icf(3,G,T0,UN,LN) \
+ CFARGT14(CCCF,JCF,ABSOFT_cf1(T0),T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE)); \
+ WCF(T1,A1,1)   WCF(T2,A2,2)   WCF(T3,A3,3)   WCF(T4,A4,4)  WCF(T5,A5,5)       \
+ WCF(T6,A6,6)   WCF(T7,A7,7)   WCF(T8,A8,8)   WCF(T9,A9,9)  WCF(TA,A10,10)     \
+ WCF(TB,A11,11) WCF(TC,A12,12) WCF(TD,A13,13) WCF(TE,A14,14) _(T0,_cfX)}
+#define PROTOCCALLSFFUN14(T0,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE)  \
+ _(T0,_cfPU)(CFC_(UN,LN))(CF_NULL_PROTO); static _Icf(2,U,T0,CFFUN(UN),0)(     \
+   CFARGT14FS(UUCF,HHCF,_Z,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE) )        \
+ CFARGT14FS(UUUCF,HHHCF,_Z,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE) ;        \
+{       CFARGT14S(VCF,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE)    _(T0,_cfE) \
+ CCF(LN,T1,1)  CCF(LN,T2,2)  CCF(LN,T3,3)  CCF(LN,T4,4)  CCF(LN,T5,5)          \
+ CCF(LN,T6,6)  CCF(LN,T7,7)  CCF(LN,T8,8)  CCF(LN,T9,9)  CCF(LN,TA,10)         \
+ CCF(LN,TB,11) CCF(LN,TC,12) CCF(LN,TD,13) CCF(LN,TE,14)    _Icf(3,G,T0,UN,LN) \
+ CFARGT14(CCCF,JCF,ABSOFT_cf1(T0),T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE)); \
+ WCF(T1,A1,1)   WCF(T2,A2,2)   WCF(T3,A3,3)   WCF(T4,A4,4)   WCF(T5,A5,5)      \
+ WCF(T6,A6,6)   WCF(T7,A7,7)   WCF(T8,A8,8)   WCF(T9,A9,9)   WCF(TA,A10,10)    \
+ WCF(TB,A11,11) WCF(TC,A12,12) WCF(TD,A13,13) WCF(TE,A14,14) _(T0,_cfX)}
+/*               UTILITIES FOR FORTRAN TO CALL C ROUTINES                  */
+#ifdef OLD_VAXC                                /* Prevent %CC-I-PARAMNOTUSED. */
+#pragma nostandard
+#if defined(vmsFortran) || defined(CRAYFortran)
+#define   DCF(TN,I)
+#define  DDCF(TN,I)
+#define DDDCF(TN,I)
+#define   DCF(TN,I)          HCF(TN,I)
+#define  DDCF(TN,I)         HHCF(TN,I)
+#define DDDCF(TN,I)        HHHCF(TN,I)
+#define QCF(TN,I)       _(TN,_cfSTR)(1,Q,_(B,I), 0,0,0,0)
+#define  DEFAULT_cfQ(B)
+#define  LOGICAL_cfQ(B)
+#define PLOGICAL_cfQ(B)
+#define  STRINGV_cfQ(B) char *B; unsigned int _(B,N);
+#define   STRING_cfQ(B) char *B=NULL;
+#define  PSTRING_cfQ(B) char *B=NULL;
+#define PSTRINGV_cfQ(B) STRINGV_cfQ(B)
+#define PNSTRING_cfQ(B) char *B=NULL;
+#define PPSTRING_cfQ(B)
+#ifdef     __sgi   /* Else SGI gives warning 182 contrary to its C LRM A.17.7 */
+#define ROUTINE_orig    *(void**)& 
+#define ROUTINE_orig     (void *)  
+#define ROUTINE_1     ROUTINE_orig   
+#define ROUTINE_2     ROUTINE_orig   
+#define ROUTINE_3     ROUTINE_orig   
+#define ROUTINE_4     ROUTINE_orig   
+#define ROUTINE_5     ROUTINE_orig   
+#define ROUTINE_6     ROUTINE_orig   
+#define ROUTINE_7     ROUTINE_orig   
+#define ROUTINE_8     ROUTINE_orig   
+#define ROUTINE_9     ROUTINE_orig   
+#define ROUTINE_10    ROUTINE_orig   
+#define ROUTINE_11    ROUTINE_orig   
+#define ROUTINE_12    ROUTINE_orig   
+#define ROUTINE_13    ROUTINE_orig   
+#define ROUTINE_14    ROUTINE_orig   
+#define ROUTINE_15    ROUTINE_orig   
+#define ROUTINE_16    ROUTINE_orig   
+#define ROUTINE_17    ROUTINE_orig   
+#define ROUTINE_18    ROUTINE_orig   
+#define ROUTINE_19    ROUTINE_orig   
+#define ROUTINE_20    ROUTINE_orig   
+#define ROUTINE_21    ROUTINE_orig   
+#define ROUTINE_22    ROUTINE_orig   
+#define ROUTINE_23    ROUTINE_orig   
+#define ROUTINE_24    ROUTINE_orig   
+#define ROUTINE_25    ROUTINE_orig   
+#define ROUTINE_26    ROUTINE_orig   
+#define ROUTINE_27    ROUTINE_orig   
+#define TCF(NAME,TN,I,M)              _SEP_(TN,M,cfCOMMA) _(TN,_cfT)(NAME,I,_(A,I),_(B,I),_(C,I))
+#define           BYTE_cfT(M,I,A,B,D) *A
+#define         DOUBLE_cfT(M,I,A,B,D) *A
+#define          FLOAT_cfT(M,I,A,B,D) *A
+#define            INT_cfT(M,I,A,B,D) *A
+#define        LOGICAL_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  F2CLOGICAL(*A)
+#define           LONG_cfT(M,I,A,B,D) *A
+#define       LONGLONG_cfT(M,I,A,B,D) *A /* added by MR December 2005 */
+#define          SHORT_cfT(M,I,A,B,D) *A
+#define          BYTEV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  A
+#define        DOUBLEV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  A
+#define         FLOATV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  VOIDP A
+#define           INTV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  A
+#define       LOGICALV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  A
+#define          LONGV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  A
+#define      LONGLONGV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  A /* added by MR December 2005 */
+#define         SHORTV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  A
+#define         BYTEVV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  (void *)A /* We have to cast to void *,*/
+#define        BYTEVVV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  (void *)A /* since we don't know the   */
+#define       BYTEVVVV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  (void *)A /* dimensions of the array.  */
+#define      BYTEVVVVV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  (void *)A /* i.e. Unfortunately, can't */
+#define     BYTEVVVVVV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  (void *)A /* check that the type       */
+#define    BYTEVVVVVVV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  (void *)A /* matches the prototype.    */
+#define       DOUBLEVV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  (void *)A
+#define      DOUBLEVVV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  (void *)A
+#define     DOUBLEVVVV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  (void *)A
+#define    DOUBLEVVVVV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  (void *)A
+#define   DOUBLEVVVVVV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  (void *)A
+#define  DOUBLEVVVVVVV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  (void *)A
+#define        FLOATVV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  (void *)A
+#define       FLOATVVV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  (void *)A
+#define      FLOATVVVV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  (void *)A
+#define     FLOATVVVVV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  (void *)A
+#define    FLOATVVVVVV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  (void *)A
+#define   FLOATVVVVVVV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  (void *)A
+#define          INTVV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  (void *)A  
+#define         INTVVV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  (void *)A  
+#define        INTVVVV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  (void *)A  
+#define       INTVVVVV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  (void *)A
+#define      INTVVVVVV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  (void *)A
+#define     INTVVVVVVV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  (void *)A
+#define      LOGICALVV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  (void *)A
+#define     LOGICALVVV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  (void *)A
+#define    LOGICALVVVV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  (void *)A
+#define   LOGICALVVVVV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  (void *)A
+#define  LOGICALVVVVVV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  (void *)A
+#define LOGICALVVVVVVV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  (void *)A
+#define         LONGVV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  (void *)A
+#define        LONGVVV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  (void *)A
+#define       LONGVVVV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  (void *)A
+#define      LONGVVVVV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  (void *)A
+#define     LONGVVVVVV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  (void *)A
+#define    LONGVVVVVVV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  (void *)A
+#define     LONGLONGVV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  (void *)A /* added by MR December 2005 */
+#define    LONGLONGVVV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  (void *)A /* added by MR December 2005 */
+#define   LONGLONGVVVV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  (void *)A /* added by MR December 2005 */
+#define  LONGLONGVVVVV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  (void *)A /* added by MR December 2005 */
+#define LONGLONGVVVVVV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  (void *)A /* added by MR December 2005 */
+#define LONGLONGVVVVVVV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  (void *)A /* added by MR December 2005 */
+#define        SHORTVV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  (void *)A
+#define       SHORTVVV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  (void *)A
+#define      SHORTVVVV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  (void *)A
+#define     SHORTVVVVV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  (void *)A
+#define    SHORTVVVVVV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  (void *)A
+#define   SHORTVVVVVVV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  (void *)A
+#define          PBYTE_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  A
+#define        PDOUBLE_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  A
+#define         PFLOAT_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  VOIDP A
+#define           PINT_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  A
+#define       PLOGICAL_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  ((*A=F2CLOGICAL(*A)),A)
+#define          PLONG_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  A
+#define      PLONGLONG_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  A /* added by MR December 2005 */
+#define         PSHORT_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  A
+#define          PVOID_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  A
+#if defined(apolloFortran) || defined(hpuxFortran800) || defined(AbsoftUNIXFortran)
+#define        ROUTINE_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  _(ROUTINE_,I)  (*A)
+#define        ROUTINE_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  _(ROUTINE_,I)    A
+/* A == pointer to the characters
+   D == length of the string, or of an element in an array of strings
+   E == number of elements in an array of strings                             */
+#define TTSTR(    A,B,D)                                                       \
+           ((B=_cf_malloc(D+1))[D]='\0', memcpy(B,A,D), kill_trailing(B,' '))
+#define TTTTSTR(  A,B,D)   (!(D<4||A[0]||A[1]||A[2]||A[3]))?NULL:              \
+                            memchr(A,'\0',D)                 ?A   : TTSTR(A,B,D)
+#define TTTTSTRV( A,B,D,E) (_(B,N)=E,B=_cf_malloc(_(B,N)*(D+1)), (void *)      \
+  vkill_trailing(f2cstrv(A,B,D+1, _(B,N)*(D+1)), D+1,_(B,N)*(D+1),' '))
+#ifdef vmsFortran
+#define         STRING_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  TTTTSTR( A->dsc$a_pointer,B,A->dsc$w_length)
+#define        STRINGV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  TTTTSTRV(A->dsc$a_pointer, B,           \
+                                             A->dsc$w_length , A->dsc$l_m[0])
+#define        PSTRING_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)    TTSTR( A->dsc$a_pointer,B,A->dsc$w_length)
+#define       PPSTRING_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)           A->dsc$a_pointer
+#ifdef CRAYFortran
+#define         STRING_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  TTTTSTR( _fcdtocp(A),B,_fcdlen(A))
+#define        STRINGV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  TTTTSTRV(_fcdtocp(A),B,_fcdlen(A),      \
+                              num_elem(_fcdtocp(A),_fcdlen(A),_3(M,_STRV_A,I)))
+#define        PSTRING_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)    TTSTR( _fcdtocp(A),B,_fcdlen(A))
+#define       PPSTRING_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)           _fcdtocp(A)
+#define         STRING_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  TTTTSTR( A,B,D)
+#define        STRINGV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)  TTTTSTRV(A,B,D, num_elem(A,D,_3(M,_STRV_A,I)))
+#define        PSTRING_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)    TTSTR( A,B,D)
+#define       PPSTRING_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)           A
+#define       PNSTRING_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)    STRING_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)
+#define       PSTRINGV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)   STRINGV_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)
+#define           CF_0_cfT(M,I,A,B,D)
+#define RCF(TN,I)           _(TN,_cfSTR)(3,R,_(A,I),_(B,I),_(C,I),0,0)
+#define  DEFAULT_cfR(A,B,D)
+#define  LOGICAL_cfR(A,B,D)
+#define PLOGICAL_cfR(A,B,D) *A=C2FLOGICAL(*A);
+#define   STRING_cfR(A,B,D) if (B) _cf_free(B);
+#define  STRINGV_cfR(A,B,D) _cf_free(B);
+/* A and D as defined above for TSTRING(V) */
+#define RRRRPSTR( A,B,D)    if (B) memcpy(A,B, _cfMIN(strlen(B),D)),           \
+                  (D>strlen(B)?memset(A+strlen(B),' ', D-strlen(B)):0), _cf_free(B);
+#define RRRRPSTRV(A,B,D)    c2fstrv(B,A,D+1,(D+1)*_(B,N)), _cf_free(B);
+#ifdef vmsFortran
+#define  PSTRING_cfR(A,B,D) RRRRPSTR( A->dsc$a_pointer,B,A->dsc$w_length)
+#define PSTRINGV_cfR(A,B,D) RRRRPSTRV(A->dsc$a_pointer,B,A->dsc$w_length)
+#ifdef CRAYFortran
+#define  PSTRING_cfR(A,B,D) RRRRPSTR( _fcdtocp(A),B,_fcdlen(A))
+#define PSTRINGV_cfR(A,B,D) RRRRPSTRV(_fcdtocp(A),B,_fcdlen(A))
+#define  PSTRING_cfR(A,B,D) RRRRPSTR( A,B,D)
+#define PNSTRING_cfR(A,B,D) PSTRING_cfR(A,B,D)
+#define PPSTRING_cfR(A,B,D)
+#define     INT_cfFZ(UN,LN) int   FCALLSC_QUALIFIER fcallsc(UN,LN)(
+#define LOGICAL_cfFZ(UN,LN) int   FCALLSC_QUALIFIER fcallsc(UN,LN)(
+#define    LONG_cfFZ(UN,LN) long  FCALLSC_QUALIFIER fcallsc(UN,LN)(
+#define LONGLONG_cfFZ(UN,LN) LONGLONG FCALLSC_QUALIFIER fcallsc(UN,LN)( /* added by MR December 2005 */
+#define   SHORT_cfFZ(UN,LN) short FCALLSC_QUALIFIER fcallsc(UN,LN)(
+#define    VOID_cfFZ(UN,LN) void  FCALLSC_QUALIFIER fcallsc(UN,LN)(
+#ifndef __CF__KnR
+/* The void is req'd by the Apollo, to make this an ANSI function declaration.
+   The Apollo promotes K&R float functions to double. */
+#if defined (f2cFortran) && ! defined (gFortran)
+/* f2c/g77 return double from FORTRAN REAL functions. (KMCCARTY, 2005/12/09) */
+#ifdef vmsFortran
+#define  STRING_cfFZ(UN,LN) void  FCALLSC_QUALIFIER fcallsc(UN,LN)(fstring *AS
+#ifdef CRAYFortran
+#define  STRING_cfFZ(UN,LN) void  FCALLSC_QUALIFIER fcallsc(UN,LN)(_fcd     AS
+#if  defined(AbsoftUNIXFortran) || defined(AbsoftProFortran)
+#define  STRING_cfFZ(UN,LN) void  FCALLSC_QUALIFIER fcallsc(UN,LN)(char    *AS
+#define  STRING_cfFZ(UN,LN) void  FCALLSC_QUALIFIER fcallsc(UN,LN)(char    *AS, unsigned D0
+#if ! (defined(FLOATFUNCTIONTYPE)&&defined(ASSIGNFLOAT)&&defined(RETURNFLOAT))
+#if defined (f2cFortran) && ! defined (gFortran)
+/* f2c/g77 return double from FORTRAN REAL functions. (KMCCARTY, 2005/12/09) */
+#if defined(vmsFortran) || defined(CRAYFortran) || defined(AbsoftUNIXFortran)
+#define  STRING_cfFZ(UN,LN) void  FCALLSC_QUALIFIER fcallsc(UN,LN)(AS
+#define  STRING_cfFZ(UN,LN) void  FCALLSC_QUALIFIER fcallsc(UN,LN)(AS, D0
+#define    BYTE_cfF(UN,LN)     BYTE_cfFZ(UN,LN)
+#define  DOUBLE_cfF(UN,LN)   DOUBLE_cfFZ(UN,LN)
+#ifndef __CF_KnR
+#if defined (f2cFortran) && ! defined (gFortran)
+/* f2c/g77 return double from FORTRAN REAL functions. (KMCCARTY, 2005/12/09) */
+#define   FLOAT_cfF(UN,LN)    FLOAT_cfFZ(UN,LN)
+#define     INT_cfF(UN,LN)      INT_cfFZ(UN,LN)
+#define    LONG_cfF(UN,LN)     LONG_cfFZ(UN,LN)
+#define LONGLONG_cfF(UN,LN) LONGLONG_cfFZ(UN,LN) /* added by MR December 2005 */
+#define   SHORT_cfF(UN,LN)    SHORT_cfFZ(UN,LN)
+#define    VOID_cfF(UN,LN)     VOID_cfFZ(UN,LN)
+#define  STRING_cfF(UN,LN)   STRING_cfFZ(UN,LN),
+#define     INT_cfFF
+#define    VOID_cfFF
+#ifdef vmsFortran
+#define  STRING_cfFF           fstring *AS; 
+#ifdef CRAYFortran
+#define  STRING_cfFF           _fcd     AS;
+#define  STRING_cfFF           char    *AS; unsigned D0;
+#define     INT_cfL            A0=
+#define  STRING_cfL            A0=
+#define    VOID_cfL                        
+#define    INT_cfK
+#define   VOID_cfK
+/* KSTRING copies the string into the position provided by the caller. */
+#ifdef vmsFortran
+#define STRING_cfK                                                             \
+ memcpy(AS->dsc$a_pointer,A0,_cfMIN(AS->dsc$w_length,(A0==NULL?0:strlen(A0))));\
+ AS->dsc$w_length>(A0==NULL?0:strlen(A0))?                                     \
+  memset(AS->dsc$a_pointer+(A0==NULL?0:strlen(A0)),' ',                        \
+         AS->dsc$w_length-(A0==NULL?0:strlen(A0))):0;
+#ifdef CRAYFortran
+#define STRING_cfK                                                             \
+ memcpy(_fcdtocp(AS),A0, _cfMIN(_fcdlen(AS),(A0==NULL?0:strlen(A0))) );        \
+ _fcdlen(AS)>(A0==NULL?0:strlen(A0))?                                          \
+  memset(_fcdtocp(AS)+(A0==NULL?0:strlen(A0)),' ',                             \
+         _fcdlen(AS)-(A0==NULL?0:strlen(A0))):0;
+#define STRING_cfK         memcpy(AS,A0, _cfMIN(D0,(A0==NULL?0:strlen(A0))) ); \
+                 D0>(A0==NULL?0:strlen(A0))?memset(AS+(A0==NULL?0:strlen(A0)), \
+                                            ' ', D0-(A0==NULL?0:strlen(A0))):0;
+/* Note that K.. and I.. can't be combined since K.. has to access data before
+R.., in order for functions returning strings which are also passed in as
+arguments to work correctly. Note that R.. frees and hence may corrupt the
+string. */
+#define    BYTE_cfI  return A0;
+#define  DOUBLE_cfI  return A0;
+#if ! (defined(FLOATFUNCTIONTYPE)&&defined(ASSIGNFLOAT)&&defined(RETURNFLOAT))
+#define   FLOAT_cfI  return A0;
+#define   FLOAT_cfI  RETURNFLOAT(A0);
+#define     INT_cfI  return A0;
+#ifdef hpuxFortran800
+/* Incredibly, functions must return true as 1, elsewhere .true.==0x01000000. */
+#define LOGICAL_cfI  return ((A0)?1:0);
+#define LOGICAL_cfI  return C2FLOGICAL(A0);
+#define    LONG_cfI  return A0;
+#define LONGLONG_cfI  return A0; /* added by MR December 2005 */
+#define   SHORT_cfI  return A0;
+#define  STRING_cfI  return   ;
+#define    VOID_cfI  return   ;
+#ifdef OLD_VAXC                                  /* Allow %CC-I-PARAMNOTUSED. */
+#pragma standard
+#define FCALLSCSUB4( CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4) \
+#define FCALLSCSUB5( CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5) \
+#define FCALLSCSUB6( CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6) \
+    FCALLSCFUN6(VOID,CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6)       
+#define FCALLSCSUB7( CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7) \
+#define FCALLSCSUB8( CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8) \
+#define FCALLSCSUB9( CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9) \
+    FCALLSCFUN9(VOID,CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9)
+#define FCALLSCSUB10(CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA) \
+#define FCALLSCSUB11(CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB) \
+#define FCALLSCSUB12(CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC) \
+#define FCALLSCSUB13(CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD) \
+#define FCALLSCSUB14(CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE) \
+#define FCALLSCSUB15(CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,TF) \
+#define FCALLSCSUB16(CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,TF,TG) \
+#define FCALLSCSUB17(CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,TF,TG,TH) \
+#define FCALLSCSUB18(CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,TF,TG,TH,TI) \
+#define FCALLSCSUB19(CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,TF,TG,TH,TI,TJ) \
+#define FCALLSCFUN1( T0,CN,UN,LN,T1) \
+        FCALLSCFUN5 (T0,CN,UN,LN,T1,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0)
+#define FCALLSCFUN2( T0,CN,UN,LN,T1,T2) \
+        FCALLSCFUN5 (T0,CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0)
+#define FCALLSCFUN3( T0,CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3) \
+        FCALLSCFUN5 (T0,CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,CF_0,CF_0)
+#define FCALLSCFUN4( T0,CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4) \
+        FCALLSCFUN5 (T0,CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,CF_0)
+#define FCALLSCFUN5( T0,CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5) \
+        FCALLSCFUN10(T0,CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0)
+#define FCALLSCFUN6( T0,CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6) \
+        FCALLSCFUN10(T0,CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0)
+#define FCALLSCFUN7( T0,CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7) \
+        FCALLSCFUN10(T0,CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0)
+#define FCALLSCFUN8( T0,CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8) \
+        FCALLSCFUN10(T0,CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,CF_0,CF_0)
+#define FCALLSCFUN9( T0,CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9) \
+        FCALLSCFUN10(T0,CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,CF_0)
+#define FCALLSCFUN10(T0,CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA) \
+        FCALLSCFUN14(T0,CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0)
+#define FCALLSCFUN11(T0,CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB) \
+        FCALLSCFUN14(T0,CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0)
+#define FCALLSCFUN12(T0,CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC) \
+        FCALLSCFUN14(T0,CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,CF_0,CF_0)
+#define FCALLSCFUN13(T0,CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD) \
+        FCALLSCFUN14(T0,CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,CF_0)
+#define FCALLSCFUN15(T0,CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,TF) \
+        FCALLSCFUN20(T0,CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,TF,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0)
+#define FCALLSCFUN16(T0,CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,TF,TG) \
+        FCALLSCFUN20(T0,CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,TF,TG,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0)
+#define FCALLSCFUN17(T0,CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,TF,TG,TH) \
+        FCALLSCFUN20(T0,CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,TF,TG,TH,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0)
+#define FCALLSCFUN18(T0,CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,TF,TG,TH,TI) \
+        FCALLSCFUN20(T0,CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,TF,TG,TH,TI,CF_0,CF_0)
+#define FCALLSCFUN19(T0,CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,TF,TG,TH,TI,TJ) \
+        FCALLSCFUN20(T0,CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,TF,TG,TH,TI,TJ,CF_0)
+#define FCALLSCFUN20(T0,CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,TF,TG,TH,TI,TJ,TK) \
+        FCALLSCFUN27(T0,CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,TF,TG,TH,TI,TJ,TK,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0)
+        FCALLSCFUN27(T0,CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,TF,TG,TH,TI,TJ,TK,TL,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0)
+        FCALLSCFUN27(T0,CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,TF,TG,TH,TI,TJ,TK,TL,TM,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0,CF_0)
+#ifndef __CF__KnR
+#define FCALLSCFUN0(T0,CN,UN,LN) CFextern _(T0,_cfFZ)(UN,LN) ABSOFT_cf2(T0))   \
+        {_Icf(2,UU,T0,A0,0); _Icf(0,L,T0,0,0) CN(); _Icf(0,K,T0,0,0) _(T0,_cfI)}
+#define FCALLSCFUN14(T0,CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE)    \
+                                 CFextern _(T0,_cfF)(UN,LN)                    \
+ CFARGT14(NCF,DCF,ABSOFT_cf2(T0),T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE) )  \
+ {                 CFARGT14S(QCF,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE)    \
+  _Icf(2,UU,T0,A0,0); _Icf(0,L,T0,0,0)      CN(    TCF(LN,T1,1,0)  TCF(LN,T2,2,1) \
+    TCF(LN,T3,3,1)  TCF(LN,T4,4,1) TCF(LN,T5,5,1)  TCF(LN,T6,6,1)  TCF(LN,T7,7,1) \
+    TCF(LN,T8,8,1)  TCF(LN,T9,9,1) TCF(LN,TA,10,1) TCF(LN,TB,11,1) TCF(LN,TC,12,1) \
+    TCF(LN,TD,13,1) TCF(LN,TE,14,1) );                          _Icf(0,K,T0,0,0) \
+                   CFARGT14S(RCF,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE)  _(T0,_cfI) }
+                                 CFextern _(T0,_cfF)(UN,LN)                    \
+ {                 CFARGT27S(QCF,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,TF,TG,TH,TI,TJ,TK,TL,TM,TN,TO,TP,TQ,TR)   \
+  _Icf(2,UU,T0,A0,0); _Icf(0,L,T0,0,0)      CN(     TCF(LN,T1,1,0)  TCF(LN,T2,2,1)  \
+    TCF(LN,T3,3,1)  TCF(LN,T4,4,1)  TCF(LN,T5,5,1)  TCF(LN,T6,6,1)  TCF(LN,T7,7,1)  \
+    TCF(LN,T8,8,1)  TCF(LN,T9,9,1)  TCF(LN,TA,10,1) TCF(LN,TB,11,1) TCF(LN,TC,12,1) \
+    TCF(LN,TD,13,1) TCF(LN,TE,14,1) TCF(LN,TF,15,1) TCF(LN,TG,16,1) TCF(LN,TH,17,1) \
+    TCF(LN,TI,18,1) TCF(LN,TJ,19,1) TCF(LN,TK,20,1) TCF(LN,TL,21,1) TCF(LN,TM,22,1) \
+    TCF(LN,TN,23,1) TCF(LN,TO,24,1) TCF(LN,TP,25,1) TCF(LN,TQ,26,1) TCF(LN,TR,27,1) ); _Icf(0,K,T0,0,0) \
+                   CFARGT27S(RCF,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,TF,TG,TH,TI,TJ,TK,TL,TM,TN,TO,TP,TQ,TR)  _(T0,_cfI) }
+#define FCALLSCFUN0(T0,CN,UN,LN) CFextern _(T0,_cfFZ)(UN,LN) ABSOFT_cf3(T0)) _Icf(0,FF,T0,0,0)\
+        {_Icf(2,UU,T0,A0,0); _Icf(0,L,T0,0,0) CN(); _Icf(0,K,T0,0,0) _(T0,_cfI)}
+#define FCALLSCFUN14(T0,CN,UN,LN,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE)    \
+                                 CFextern _(T0,_cfF)(UN,LN)                    \
+ CFARGT14(NNCF,DDCF,ABSOFT_cf3(T0),T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE)) _Icf(0,FF,T0,0,0) \
+       CFARGT14FS(NNNCF,DDDCF,_Z,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE);   \
+ {                 CFARGT14S(QCF,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE)    \
+  _Icf(2,UU,T0,A0,0); _Icf(0,L,T0,0,0)      CN(  TCF(LN,T1,1,0) TCF(LN,T2,2,1) \
+    TCF(LN,T3,3,1) TCF(LN,T4,4,1) TCF(LN,T5,5,1) TCF(LN,T6,6,1) TCF(LN,T7,7,1) \
+    TCF(LN,T8,8,1) TCF(LN,T9,9,1) TCF(LN,TA,10,1) TCF(LN,TB,11,1) TCF(LN,TC,12,1) \
+    TCF(LN,TD,13,1) TCF(LN,TE,14,1) );                          _Icf(0,K,T0,0,0) \
+                   CFARGT14S(RCF,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE)  _(T0,_cfI)}
+                                 CFextern _(T0,_cfF)(UN,LN)                    \
+ {                 CFARGT27S(QCF,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,TF,TG,TH,TI,TJ,TK,TL,TM,TN,TO,TP,TQ,TR)  \
+  _Icf(2,UU,T0,A0,0); _Icf(0,L,T0,0,0)      CN(     TCF(LN,T1,1,0)  TCF(LN,T2,2,1)  \
+    TCF(LN,T3,3,1)  TCF(LN,T4,4,1)  TCF(LN,T5,5,1)  TCF(LN,T6,6,1)  TCF(LN,T7,7,1)  \
+    TCF(LN,T8,8,1)  TCF(LN,T9,9,1)  TCF(LN,TA,10,1) TCF(LN,TB,11,1) TCF(LN,TC,12,1) \
+    TCF(LN,TD,13,1) TCF(LN,TE,14,1) TCF(LN,TF,15,1) TCF(LN,TG,16,1) TCF(LN,TH,17,1) \
+    TCF(LN,TI,18,1) TCF(LN,TJ,19,1) TCF(LN,TK,20,1) TCF(LN,TL,21,1) TCF(LN,TM,22,1) \
+    TCF(LN,TN,23,1) TCF(LN,TO,24,1) TCF(LN,TP,25,1) TCF(LN,TQ,26,1) TCF(LN,TR,27,1) ); _Icf(0,K,T0,0,0) \
+                   CFARGT27S(RCF,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TA,TB,TC,TD,TE,TF,TG,TH,TI,TJ,TK,TL,TM,TN,TO,TP,TQ,TR)  _(T0,_cfI)}
+#endif	 /* __CFORTRAN_LOADED */
diff --git a/CTP/daVar.h b/CTP/daVar.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d2d6f8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CTP/daVar.h
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 1993 Southeastern Universities Research Association,
+ *                    Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility
+ *
+ * This software was developed under a United States Government license
+ * described in the NOTICE file included as part of this distribution.
+ *
+ * Stephen A. Wood, 12000 Jefferson Ave., Newport News, VA 23606
+ * Email:  Tel: (804) 249-7367  Fax: (804) 249-5800
+ *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * 
+ * Description:
+ *  Include file for daVarRegister.c and anything that uses the routines in it.
+ *	
+ * Author:  Stephen Wood, CEBAF Hall C
+ *
+ * Revision History:
+ *   $Log: daVar.h,v $
+ *   Revision  2007/09/10 21:32:47  pcarter
+ *   Implemented changes to allow compilation on RHEL 3,4,5 and MacOSX
+ *
+ *   Revision 1.3  2003/02/21 20:55:24  saw
+ *   Clean up some types and casts to reduce compiler warnings.
+ *
+ *   Revision 1.2  1999/11/04 20:34:03  saw
+ *   Alpha compatibility.
+ *   New RPC call needed for root event display.
+ *   Start of code to write ROOT trees (ntuples) from new "tree" block
+ *
+ *   Revision 1.7  1999/08/25 13:16:04  saw
+ *   *** empty log message ***
+ *
+ *   Revision 1.6  1994/07/21 20:49:34  saw
+ *   Add NOEOL error code and TRUE/FALSE definitions
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.5  1994/06/13  13:39:41  saw
+ *	  Change values of some constants
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.4  1993/11/29  16:02:02  saw
+ *	  Add DADOUBLE definition.
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.3  1993/11/23  22:32:43  saw
+ *	  Add Double type definition
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.2  1993/11/22  16:19:48  saw
+ *	  Add Fortran string type.
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.1  1993/05/10  20:49:21  saw
+ *	  Initial revision
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef _DAVAR_H
+#define _DAVAR_H
+/* Variable types */
+#define DAVARINT 1
+#define DAVARFLOAT 2
+#define DAVARDOUBLE 3
+#define DAVARSTRING 4
+/* For future use */
+#define DAVARINTP 17
+#define DAVARFLOATP 18
+#define DAVARDOUBLEP 19
+#define DAVARSTRINGP 20
+/* Flags */
+#define DAVAR_OBEYMF 2
+/* If set, varptr may be changed (it doesn't point to fixed "user" data) */
+/* If set, this variable is a dynamically created "parm." type variable.
+   Its type and size will be adjusted */
+#ifndef RPCGEN
+/* Make sure this stuff is not seen by rpcgen */
+typedef int daVarStatus;
+typedef struct {
+  char *name;			/* Name of the object */
+  int type;			/* Object type */
+  void *varptr;			/* Pointer to the object */
+  char *title;			/* Title string */
+  int size;			/* Size or length of object */
+  int flag;			/* Read Only and other flags */
+  void *opaque;			/* Pointer to arbitrary structure */
+  daVarStatus (*rhook)();
+  daVarStatus (*whook)();
+} daVarStruct;
+/* Size is number of array elements for int for float.  For strings it
+   is the maximum number of characters that space has been allocated for.
+   (The actual length can be smaller since the strings are null terminated.)
+int daVarRegister(int flag, daVarStruct *args);
+int daVarLookup(char *name, daVarStruct *result);
+int daVarList(char *pattern, char ***listp, int *count);
+typedef int DAINT;
+typedef float DAFLOAT;
+typedef double DADOUBLE;
+#ifndef S_SUCCESS
+#define S_SUCCESS 0
+#define S_FAILURE -1
+#define S_DAVAR_REPLACED -2
+#define S_DAVAR_UNKNOWN -3
+#define S_DAVAR_UNKATTR -4 /* Unknown attribute */
+#define S_DAVAR_TOOMANY -5 /* Attempted to write too many values to array */
+#define S_DAVAR_ILLCONV -6 /* Illegal type conversion of write */
+#define S_DAVAR_NOEOL -10 /* Line in a block doesn't have a newline */
+#define S_DAVAR_NOINDEX -101 /* Status return from thGetIndex */
+#define floatToLong(x) (int) ((x)>0.0 ? (x)+0.5 : (x)-0.5)
+#define STDERR stdout
+#ifndef FALSE
+#define FALSE (1==0)
+#ifndef TRUE
+#define TRUE (1==1)
diff --git a/CTP/daVarHandlers.c b/CTP/daVarHandlers.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..34dd02e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CTP/daVarHandlers.c
@@ -0,0 +1,497 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 1993 Southeastern Universities Research Association,
+ *                    Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility
+ *
+ * This software was developed under a United States Government license
+ * described in the NOTICE file included as part of this distribution.
+ *
+ * Stephen A. Wood, 12000 Jefferson Ave., Newport News, VA 23606
+ * Email:  Tel: (804) 249-7367  Fax: (804) 249-5800
+ *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * 
+ * Description:
+ *  Handlers for RPC services.
+ *	
+ * Author:  Stephen Wood, CEBAF Hall C
+ *
+ * Revision History:
+ *   $Log: daVarHandlers.c,v $
+ *   Revision 1.1  1998/12/07 22:11:09  saw
+ *   Initial setup
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.7  1995/01/09  15:59:53  saw
+ *	  Move location of kill_trailing function in the file
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.6  1994/11/07  14:13:49  saw
+ *	  Finish name change by include daVarHandlers.h instead of daVarServ.h
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.5  1994/10/16  21:37:57  saw
+ *	  Add RPC support for Fortran strings
+ *	  Change name from daVarServ to daVarHandlers
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.4  1994/06/03  21:04:45  saw
+ *	  Add RPC support for doubles
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.3  1993/08/12  15:03:49  saw
+ *	  Add #include <rpc/rpc.h>
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.2  1993/05/10  21:05:05  saw
+ *	  Fix description
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.1  1993/05/10  21:02:55  saw
+ *	  Initial revision
+ *
+If an index is put on a variable for a read, just that array element is read.
+If an index is put on a variable for a write, that array element is used as
+the starting point for however long a list of values is contained in the
+write call.  If the write  would go past the end of the array, nothing is
+written and an error is returned.
+A write of a string to a value (of the type string) will be allowed if the
+string to be written has a length <= to the allocated size specified in
+the ->size.
+If a string is written to a title, the existing string will be free'd and
+the new string written.  The new string may be any size.
+#include <string.h>
+#include <rpc/rpc.h>
+#include "daVar.h"
+#include "daVarRpc.h"
+#include "daVarHandlers.h"
+char *daVarRAtrList[]={"value","title","size","flag","type","watr","ratr",0};
+char *daVarWAtrList[]={"value","title",0};
+daVarStatus daVarClassFind(char *name, daVarStruct **varp);
+daVarStatus daVarAttributeFind(char *name, daVarStruct *varclass,
+			       daVarStruct **varp, char **attribute,
+			       int *index);
+void daVarRhandler(char *name, daVarStruct *varclass, any *retval);
+daVarStatus daVarWhandler(char *name,daVarStruct *varclass,any *setval);
+char *daVarMakeRAtrList();
+char *daVarMakeWAtrList();
+void daVarCopyAlist(char *nllist,char **list);
+static char *kill_trailing(char *s, char t)
+  char *e; 
+  e = s + strlen(s);
+  if (e>s) {                           /* Need this to handle NULL string.*/
+    while (e>s && *--e==t);            /* Don't follow t's past beginning. */
+    e[*e==t?0:1] = '\0';               /* Handle s[0]=t correctly.       */
+  }
+  return s;
+daVarStatus daVarWriteVar(char *name, any *setval)
+  daVarStruct *varclass;
+  if(daVarClassFind(name,&varclass)!=S_SUCCESS){
+    return(S_FAILURE);
+  }
+  if(varclass->whook){
+    return((varclass->whook)(name,varclass,setval));
+  } else {
+    return(daVarWhandler(name,varclass,setval));
+  }
+void daVarReadVar(char *name, any *retval)
+  daVarStruct *varclass;
+  if(daVarClassFind(name,&varclass)!=S_SUCCESS){
+    retval->valtype = DAVARERROR_RPC;
+    retval->any_u.error = S_FAILURE;
+    return;
+  }
+  if(varclass->rhook){
+    (varclass->rhook)(name,varclass,retval);
+  } else {
+    daVarRhandler(name,varclass,retval);
+  }
+daVarStatus daVarWhandler(char *name,daVarStruct *varclass,any *setval)
+/* The default Write handler */
+  daVarStruct *varp;
+  char *attribute;
+  daVarStatus status;
+  int index;
+  status = daVarAttributeFind(name, varclass, &varp, &attribute, &index);
+  if(status == S_SUCCESS)
+    status = daVarRegWatr(varp, attribute, index, setval);
+  /* A special handler would check more attributes if status != SUCCESS */
+  return(status);
+void daVarRhandler(char *name, daVarStruct *varclass, any *retval)
+/* The default Read handler */
+  daVarStruct *varp;
+  char *attribute;
+  daVarStatus status;
+  int index;
+  status = daVarAttributeFind(name, varclass, &varp, &attribute, &index);
+  status = daVarRegRatr(varp, attribute, index, retval);
+  /* A special handler would check more attributes if status != SUCCESS */
+  return;
+daVarStatus daVarRegRatr(daVarStruct *varp, char *attribute
+			 ,int index, any *retval)
+/* Regular Read Attribute routine.  Returns failure if attribute is not
+   of the standard set. */
+  int i;
+  if(*attribute == '\0' || strcasecmp(attribute,DAVAR_VALUE) == 0){
+    if(varp->type == DAVARINT){
+      retval->valtype = DAVARINT_RPC;
+      if(index ==  DAVAR_NOINDEX) {
+	retval->any_u.i.i_len = varp->size;
+	retval->any_u.i.i_val = (int *) malloc(varp->size*sizeof(int));
+	for(i=0;i<varp->size;i++) {
+	  retval->any_u.i.i_val[i] = ((DAINT *)varp->varptr)[i];
+	  /*	printf("%d %d\n",i,retval->any_u.i.i_val[i]);*/
+	}
+      } else {
+	retval->any_u.i.i_len = 1;
+	retval->any_u.i.i_val = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int));
+	retval->any_u.i.i_val[0] = ((DAINT *)varp->varptr)[index];
+      }
+    } else if(varp->type == DAVARFLOAT){
+      retval->valtype = DAVARFLOAT_RPC;
+      if(index ==  DAVAR_NOINDEX) {
+	retval->any_u.r.r_len = varp->size;
+	retval->any_u.r.r_val = (float *) malloc(varp->size*sizeof(float));
+	for(i=0;i<varp->size;i++) {
+	  retval->any_u.r.r_val[i] = ((DAFLOAT *)varp->varptr)[i];
+	  /*	printf("%d %f\n",i,retval->any_u.r.r_val[i]);*/
+	}
+      } else {
+	retval->any_u.r.r_len = 1;
+	retval->any_u.r.r_val = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float));
+	retval->any_u.r.r_val[0] = ((DAFLOAT *)varp->varptr)[index];
+      }
+    } else if(varp->type == DAVARDOUBLE){
+      /* Return a float type for now since doubles don't work with our RPC */
+      retval->valtype = DAVARFLOAT_RPC;
+      if(index ==  DAVAR_NOINDEX) {
+	retval->any_u.r.r_len = varp->size;
+	retval->any_u.r.r_val = (float *) malloc(varp->size*sizeof(float));
+	for(i=0;i<varp->size;i++) {
+	  retval->any_u.r.r_val[i] = ((DADOUBLE *)varp->varptr)[i];
+/*	  printf("%d %f\n",i,retval->any_u.r.r_val[i]);*/
+	}
+      } else {
+	retval->any_u.r.r_len = 1;
+	retval->any_u.r.r_val = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float));
+	retval->any_u.r.r_val[0] = ((DADOUBLE *)varp->varptr)[index];
+      }
+    } else if(varp->type == DAVARSTRING && index == DAVAR_NOINDEX){
+      /* indices to strings not supported */
+      retval->valtype = DAVARSTRING_RPC;
+      retval->any_u.s = (char *) malloc(strlen((char *)varp->varptr) + 1);
+      strcpy(retval->any_u.s,(char *)varp->varptr);
+      /*      printf("%s\n",retval->any_u.s);*/
+    } else if(varp->type == DAVARFSTRING && index == DAVAR_NOINDEX){
+      retval->valtype = DAVARSTRING_RPC;
+      retval->any_u.s = (char *) malloc(varp->size+1);
+      strncpy(retval->any_u.s,(char *)varp->varptr,varp->size);
+      retval->any_u.s[varp->size] = '\0';
+      kill_trailing(retval->any_u.s,' ');
+    } else {
+      retval->valtype = DAVARERROR_RPC;
+      retval->any_u.error = S_SUCCESS;
+    }
+    return(S_SUCCESS);
+  } else if(strcasecmp(attribute,DAVAR_TITLE) == 0){
+    retval->valtype = DAVARSTRING_RPC;
+    retval->any_u.s = (char *) malloc(strlen(varp->title) + 1);
+    strcpy(retval->any_u.s,varp->title);
+    /*    printf("%s\n",retval->any_u.s);*/
+    return(S_SUCCESS);
+  } else if(strcasecmp(attribute,DAVAR_SIZE) == 0){
+    retval->valtype = DAVARINT_RPC;
+    retval->any_u.i.i_len = 1;
+    retval->any_u.i.i_val = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int));
+    retval->any_u.i.i_val[0] = varp->size;
+    return(S_SUCCESS);
+  } else if(strcasecmp(attribute,DAVAR_TYPE) == 0){
+    retval->valtype = DAVARINT_RPC;
+    retval->any_u.i.i_len = 1;
+    retval->any_u.i.i_val = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int));
+    retval->any_u.i.i_val[0] = varp->type;
+    return(S_SUCCESS);
+  } else if(strcasecmp(attribute,DAVAR_FLAG) == 0){
+    retval->valtype = DAVARINT_RPC;
+    retval->any_u.i.i_len = 1;
+    retval->any_u.i.i_val = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int));
+    retval->any_u.i.i_val[0] = varp->flag;
+    return(S_SUCCESS);
+  } else if(strcasecmp(attribute,DAVAR_WATR) == 0){
+    retval->valtype = DAVARSTRING_RPC;
+    retval->any_u.s = daVarMakeWAtrList();
+    return(S_SUCCESS);
+  } else if(strcasecmp(attribute,DAVAR_RATR) == 0){
+    retval->valtype = DAVARSTRING_RPC;
+    retval->any_u.s = daVarMakeRAtrList();
+    return(S_SUCCESS);
+  } else {
+    retval->valtype = DAVARERROR_RPC;
+    retval->any_u.error = S_DAVAR_UNKATTR; /* Why success??? */
+    return(S_DAVAR_UNKATTR);
+  }
+char *daVarMakeRAtrList()
+     /* Caller must free up the allocated memory */
+  static int listsize=0;
+  char *nllist;
+  if(listsize==0) listsize=daVarGetAListSize(daVarRAtrList);
+  nllist = (char *) malloc(listsize+1);
+  daVarCopyAlist(nllist,daVarRAtrList);	/* Copy to \n delineated list */
+  return(nllist);
+char *daVarMakeWAtrList()
+     /* Caller must free up the allocated memory */
+  static int listsize=0;
+  char *nllist;
+  if(listsize==0) listsize=daVarGetAListSize(daVarWAtrList);
+  nllist = (char *) malloc(listsize+1);
+  daVarCopyAlist(nllist,daVarWAtrList);
+  return(nllist);
+int daVarGetAListSize(char **list)
+  int len;
+  len = 0;
+  while(*list) len += strlen(*list++)+1;
+  return(len);
+void daVarCopyAlist(char *nllist,char **list)
+  char *nlp;
+  char *lp;
+  nlp = nllist;
+  while(lp=*list++){
+    while(*nlp = *lp++) nlp++;
+    *nlp++ = '\n';
+  }
+  *nlp = '\0';
+daVarStatus daVarRegWatr(daVarStruct *varp, char *attribute
+			 , int index, any *setval)
+/* Regular Write Attribute routine.  Returns failure if attribute is not
+   of the standard set. */
+  int i;
+  if(*attribute == '\0' || strcasecmp(attribute,DAVAR_VALUE) == 0){
+    if(index == DAVAR_NOINDEX) index = 0;
+    if(setval->valtype == DAVARINT_RPC) {
+      if(varp->size >= setval->any_u.i.i_len+index){
+	if(varp->type == DAVARINT){
+	  for(i=0;i<setval->any_u.i.i_len;i++){
+	    ((DAINT *)varp->varptr)[i+index] = setval->any_u.i.i_val[i];
+	  }
+	} else if(varp->type == DAVARFLOAT){
+	  for(i=0;i<setval->any_u.i.i_len;i++){
+	    ((DAFLOAT *)varp->varptr)[i+index] = setval->any_u.i.i_val[i];
+	  }
+	} else if(varp->type == DAVARDOUBLE){
+	  for(i=0;i<setval->any_u.i.i_len;i++){
+	    ((DADOUBLE *)varp->varptr)[i+index] = setval->any_u.i.i_val[i];
+	  }
+	} else
+	  return(S_DAVAR_ILLCONV);
+      } else
+	return(S_DAVAR_TOOMANY);
+      } else if(setval->valtype == DAVARFLOAT_RPC) {
+	if(varp->size >= setval->any_u.r.r_len+index){
+	  if(varp->type == DAVARINT){
+	    for(i=0;i<setval->any_u.r.r_len;i++){
+	      ((DAINT *)varp->varptr)[i+index] = floatToLong(setval->any_u.r.r_val[i]);
+	    }
+	  } else if(varp->type == DAVARFLOAT){
+	    for(i=0;i<setval->any_u.r.r_len;i++){
+	      ((DAFLOAT *)varp->varptr)[i+index] = setval->any_u.r.r_val[i];
+	    }
+	  } else if(varp->type == DAVARDOUBLE){
+	    for(i=0;i<setval->any_u.r.r_len;i++){
+	      ((DADOUBLE *)varp->varptr)[i+index] = setval->any_u.r.r_val[i];
+	    }
+	  } else
+	    return(S_DAVAR_TOOMANY);
+	} else
+	return(S_DAVAR_ILLCONV);
+      }
+      else if(setval->valtype == DAVARDOUBLE_RPC) {
+	if(varp->size >= setval->any_u.d.d_len+index){
+	  if(varp->type == DAVARINT){
+	    for(i=0;i<setval->any_u.d.d_len;i++){
+	      ((DAINT *)varp->varptr)[i+index] = floatToLong(setval->any_u.d.d_val[i]);
+	    }
+	  } else if(varp->type == DAVARFLOAT){
+	    for(i=0;i<setval->any_u.d.d_len;i++){
+	      ((DAFLOAT *)varp->varptr)[i+index] = setval->any_u.d.d_val[i];
+	    }
+	  } else if(varp->type == DAVARDOUBLE){
+	    for(i=0;i<setval->any_u.d.d_len;i++){
+	      ((DADOUBLE *)varp->varptr)[i+index] = setval->any_u.d.d_val[i];
+	    }
+	  } else
+	    return(S_DAVAR_TOOMANY);
+	} else
+	  return(S_DAVAR_ILLCONV);
+      }
+      else if(setval->valtype == DAVARSTRING_RPC) {
+	if(varp->type == DAVARSTRING) {
+	  if(varp->size < strlen(setval->any_u.s)+index) {
+	    return(S_DAVAR_TOOMANY); /* Maybe we should truncate strings??? */
+	  }
+	  strcpy(((char *) varp->varptr)+index, setval->any_u.s);
+	} else if(varp->type == DAVARFSTRING) {
+	  int in_len;
+	  int blanks;
+	  char *p;
+	  in_len = strlen(setval->any_u.s);
+/*	  printf("|%s|\n",setval->any_u.s);*/
+	  if(varp->size < in_len+index) {
+	    return(S_DAVAR_TOOMANY);
+	  }
+	  strncpy(((char *) varp->varptr)+index,
+		  setval->any_u.s,in_len);
+	  blanks = varp->size - index - in_len;
+	  p = ((char *) varp->varptr) + index + in_len;
+	  while(blanks-- > 0) *p++ = ' ';	/* Blank pad */
+	} else
+	  return(S_DAVAR_ILLCONV);
+      } else
+	return(S_FAILURE);
+  } else if(strcasecmp(attribute,DAVAR_TITLE) == 0){
+    /* Index ignored for title attribute */
+/*    printf("setval->valtype = %d\n",setval->valtype);*/
+    if(setval->valtype == DAVARSTRING_RPC) {
+      varp->title = (char *) realloc(varp->title,strlen(setval->any_u.s) + 1);
+/*      printf("Writing string %s\n",setval->any_u.s);*/
+      strcpy(varp->title,setval->any_u.s);
+    } else
+      return(S_DAVAR_ILLCONV);
+  } else {
+    return(S_DAVAR_UNKATTR);
+  }
+  return(S_SUCCESS);
+daVarStatus daVarClassFind(char *name, daVarStruct **varp)
+/* Pass ptr to name of full variable.
+   Name is of form a.b.c.d.e..., searches for variable "a", then "a.b"
+   and so on until a registered variable is found. 
+   varp is the   pointer to the structure of the registered variable.
+   Must have write access to the string name (even though it will be left
+   unchanged.)
+  char c, *s, *t, *end;
+  s = name;
+  end = s + strlen(s);
+  if((t=strchr(s,'('))) if(t<end) end = t; /* ) (to keep c-mode happy) */
+  if((t=strchr(s,'['))) if(t<end) end = t; /* ] (to keep c-mode happy) */
+  c = *end;
+  *end = '\0';
+  while((t=strchr(s,'.'))){
+    *t = 0;
+    if(daVarLookupP(name, varp) == S_SUCCESS) {
+      *t = '.';
+      *end = c;
+      return(S_SUCCESS);
+    }
+    *t = '.';
+    s = t + 1;
+  }
+  if(daVarLookupP(name, varp) == S_SUCCESS) {
+    *end = c;
+    return(S_SUCCESS);
+  }
+  *end = c;
+  return(S_FAILURE);
+daVarStatus daVarAttributeFind(char *name, daVarStruct *varclass, 
+			daVarStruct **varp, char **attribute, int *index)
+     /* Return DAVAR_NOINDEX for index if none specified.   */
+  char *atptr;			/* Pointer to attribute string */
+  daVarStatus status;
+  char *end, *pptr, parenchar;
+  end = name + strlen(name);
+  if((status=thGetIndex(name, index, &pptr)) == S_SUCCESS) {
+    parenchar = *pptr;
+  } else if(status == S_DAVAR_NOINDEX) {
+    parenchar = *pptr;
+    *index = DAVAR_NOINDEX;
+  } else			/* Failed */
+    return(S_FAILURE);
+  *pptr = '\0';
+  atptr = pptr;
+  if(strcasecmp(name,varclass->name) == 0){ /* Lookup alread done */
+    *varp = varclass;
+    *attribute = end;		/* Point to null */
+  } else if(daVarLookupP(name, varp) == S_SUCCESS){ /* Fullly qualified name?*/
+    *attribute = end;		/* Point to null */
+  } else {			/* Start striping attributes off pptr */
+    int clnamlen;
+    clnamlen = strlen(varclass->name);
+    atptr--;
+    *varp = varclass;
+    while((atptr - name) > clnamlen) { /* Stop before "class" name */
+      if(*atptr == '.'){
+	*atptr = '\0';
+	if(daVarLookupP(name, varp) == S_SUCCESS){
+	  *atptr = '.';
+	  break;
+	  *attribute = atptr + 1;
+	} else
+	  *atptr-- = '.';
+      } else
+	atptr--;
+    }
+    *attribute = atptr + 1;
+  }
+/*  *pptr = parenchar;  Leave name null terminated at the left paren */
+  return(S_SUCCESS);
diff --git a/CTP/daVarHandlers.h b/CTP/daVarHandlers.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b3c0a68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CTP/daVarHandlers.h
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 1993,1994 Southeastern Universities Research Association,
+ *                         Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility
+ *
+ * This software was developed under a United States Government license
+ * described in the NOTICE file included as part of this distribution.
+ *
+ * Stephen A. Wood, 12000 Jefferson Ave., Newport News, VA 23606
+ * Email:  Tel: (804) 249-7367  Fax: (804) 249-5800
+ *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * 
+ * Description:
+ *  Header for RPC handlers
+ *	
+ * Author:  Stephen A. Wood, CEBAF Hall C
+ *
+ * Revision History:
+ *  $Log: daVarHandlers.h,v $
+ *  Revision 1.2  1999/11/04 20:34:04  saw
+ *  Alpha compatibility.
+ *  New RPC call needed for root event display.
+ *  Start of code to write ROOT trees (ntuples) from new "tree" block
+ *
+ *  Revision 1.4  1999/08/25 13:16:05  saw
+ *  *** empty log message ***
+ *
+ *  Revision 1.3  1994/11/07 14:31:34  saw
+ *  Add pending callback requests structure definition
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.2  1993/05/11  17:34:58  saw
+ *	  Fix $Log: daVarHandlers.h,v $
+ *	  Fix Revision 1.2  1999/11/04 20:34:04  saw
+ *	  Fix Alpha compatibility.
+ *	  Fix New RPC call needed for root event display.
+ *	  Fix Start of code to write ROOT trees (ntuples) from new "tree" block
+ *	  Fix
+ *	  Fix Revision 1.4  1999/08/25 13:16:05  saw
+ *	  Fix *** empty log message ***
+ *	  Fix
+ *	  Fix Revision 1.3  1994/11/07 14:31:34  saw
+ *	  Fix Add pending callback requests structure definition
+ *	  Fix
+ *
+ */
+void daVarReadVar(char *name, any *retval);
+daVarStatus daVarWriteVar(char *name, any *retval);
+daVarStatus daVarRegRatr(daVarStruct *varp, char *attribute
+			 ,int index, any *retval);
+daVarStatus daVarRegWatr(daVarStruct *varp, char *attribute
+			 ,int index, any *setval);
+#define DAVAR_VALUE "value"
+#define DAVAR_TITLE "title"
+#define DAVAR_SIZE "size"
+#define DAVAR_FLAG "flag"
+#define DAVAR_TYPE "type"
+#define DAVAR_WATR "watr"
+#define DAVAR_RATR "ratr"
+#define DAVAR_NOINDEX -12345678
+/* Structures for holding information about call back requests */
+struct daVarCallBackList {
+  struct sockaddr_in *sock_in;	/* Caller socket info */
+  struct daVarCallBackList *next;
+  struct TESTNAMELIST *list;
+  time_t start_time;
+typedef struct daVarCallBackList daVarCallBackList;
diff --git a/CTP/daVarHash.h b/CTP/daVarHash.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d886d4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CTP/daVarHash.h
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 1991,1992 Southeastern Universities Research Association,
+ *                         Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility
+ *
+ * This software was developed under a United States Government license
+ * described in the NOTICE file included as part of this distribution.
+ *
+ * CEBAF Data Acquisition Group, 12000 Jefferson Ave., Newport News, VA 23606
+ * Email:  Tel: (804) 249-7101  Fax: (804) 249-7363
+ *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * 
+ * Description:
+ *     header file for CODA readout language symbol hash table
+ *	
+ * Author:  Jie Chen, CEBAF Data Acquisition Group
+ *
+ * Revision History:
+ *   $Log: daVarHash.h,v $
+ *   Revision 1.1  1998/12/07 22:11:09  saw
+ *   Initial setup
+ *
+*	  Revision 1.1  94/03/15  12:53:09  12:53:09  heyes (Graham Heyes)
+*	  Initial revision
+ *	  
+ */
+#ifndef _crl_hash_h
+#define _crl_hash_h
+#define CTPHASH
+#ifndef CTPHASH
+typedef struct _symbol{
+  char *var_name;
+  int  var_type;      /*0: integer, 1: unsigned long */
+typedef void *CrlSymbol;
+typedef struct _SLOT_ENTRY
+ CrlSymbol         crlSymbol;
+ struct _SLOT_ENTRY *next;
+extern void crlHashCreate(symbolEntry **hash_table_head);
+extern int  crlHashAdd(CrlSymbol symbol,symbolEntry **hash_table_head);
+extern int  crlHashDelete(CrlSymbol symbol,symbolEntry **hash_table_head);
+CrlSymbol *crlHashFind(CrlSymbol symbol,symbolEntry **hash_table_head);
+extern void crlHashWalk(symbolEntry **hash_table_head,void (*action)());
+/*extern int  crlHashDestroy();*/
+/*extern void crlAddSymbols();*/
+/*extern void isSymbolFound();*/
+#define TABLE_SIZE 2053
diff --git a/CTP/daVarHashLib.c b/CTP/daVarHashLib.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f25701
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CTP/daVarHashLib.c
@@ -0,0 +1,337 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 1991,1992 Southeastern Universities Research Association,
+ *                         Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility
+ *
+ * This software was developed under a United States Government license
+ * described in the NOTICE file included as part of this distribution.
+ *
+ * CEBAF Data Acquisition Group, 12000 Jefferson Ave., Newport News, VA 23606
+ * Email:  Tel: (804) 249-7101  Fax: (804) 249-7363
+ *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * 
+ * Description:
+ *     CODA readout language symbol hashtable related routines
+ *	
+ * Author:  Jie Chen, CEBAF Data Acquisition Group
+ *
+ * Revision History:
+ * $Log: daVarHashLib.c,v $
+ * Revision 1.2  1999/11/04 20:34:04  saw
+ * Alpha compatibility.
+ * New RPC call needed for root event display.
+ * Start of code to write ROOT trees (ntuples) from new "tree" block
+ *
+ * Revision 1.1  1996/07/31 20:33:15  saw
+ * Initial revision
+ *
+ *   $Log: daVarHashLib.c,v $
+ *   Revision 1.2  1999/11/04 20:34:04  saw
+ *   Alpha compatibility.
+ *   New RPC call needed for root event display.
+ *   Start of code to write ROOT trees (ntuples) from new "tree" block
+ *
+ *   Revision 1.1  1996/07/31 20:33:15  saw
+ *   Initial revision
+ *
+*	  Revision 1.1  94/03/15  12:53:11  12:53:11  heyes (Graham Heyes)
+*	  Initial revision
+ *	  
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "daVarHash.h"
+#include "daVar.h"
+/* hash table size, change to a different prime number if necessary */
+/* Some primes: 97 257 1031 2053 4099 */
+/*static symbolEntry *hash_table_head[TABLE_SIZE];*/
+static void crlSymbol_copy();
+static void crlSymbol_delete();
+static int  hashFunction();
+#define STRCMP daVarComp
+#define TOLOWER tolower
+#define STRCMP strcmp
+#define TOLOWER
+#ifdef _NO_STRDUP
+char *strdup (s)
+char *s;
+  char *p = (char *)malloc ((strlen(s) + 1)*sizeof(char));
+  if (p == 0) {
+    fprintf (stderr, "Cannot allocate memory for strdup\n");
+    exit (1);
+  }
+  strcpy (p, s);
+  return p;
+ *           void crlHashCreate()                               *
+ * Hash table creation routine. Hash table is organized in      *
+ * such a way to eliminate the collision                        *
+ ***************************************************************/
+void crlHashCreate(symbolEntry **hash_table_head)
+  register int i;
+  for (i = 0; i < TABLE_SIZE; i++){
+    hash_table_head[i]=(symbolEntry *)malloc(sizeof(symbolEntry));
+    if(hash_table_head[i] == NULL){
+      fprintf(stderr,"Cannot allocate memory for crl hash table\n");
+      exit(1);
+    }
+    else{
+      hash_table_head[i]->crlSymbol = 0;
+      hash_table_head[i]->next=(symbolEntry *)0;
+    }
+  }
+ *              int crlHashAdd()                             *
+ * Add an item to the hashTable, return 1 on success         *
+ * return 0 on failure                                       *
+ ************************************************************/
+int crlHashAdd (CrlSymbol symbol,symbolEntry **hash_table_head)
+  int hashvalue,i;
+  symbolEntry *ptr,*txt;
+  hashvalue = hashFunction(symbol, TABLE_SIZE);
+/*  printf ("Hash value for is %d\n",hashvalue);*/
+  for(ptr = hash_table_head[hashvalue]->next; ptr != NULL; ptr = ptr->next){
+    if((STRCMP(ptr->crlSymbol,symbol)) == 0)
+      break;
+    else
+      ;
+  }
+  if(ptr !=NULL)
+    return 0;
+  else{
+    txt=(symbolEntry *)malloc(sizeof(symbolEntry));
+    if(txt == NULL){
+      fprintf(stderr,"Cannot allocate memory for this cns entry.\n");
+      exit(1);
+    }
+/*    crlSymbol_copy(&txt->crlSymbol,symbol);*/
+    txt->crlSymbol = symbol;
+    txt->next = hash_table_head[hashvalue]->next;
+    hash_table_head[hashvalue]->next=txt;
+    return 1;
+  }
+ *            int crlHashDelete()                           *
+ * delete a single item from the Hash Table                 *
+ * return 0 on success, return 1 on failure                 *
+ ***********************************************************/
+int crlHashDelete(CrlSymbol symbol,symbolEntry **hash_table_head)
+  int hashvalue;
+  symbolEntry *ptr,*qtr;
+  hashvalue=hashFunction (symbol, TABLE_SIZE);
+  qtr = hash_table_head [hashvalue];
+  for(ptr = hash_table_head[hashvalue]->next; ptr!=NULL; ptr=ptr->next){
+    if((STRCMP(ptr->crlSymbol, symbol)) == 0)
+      break;
+    else
+      qtr=qtr->next;
+  }
+  if(ptr !=NULL){
+    qtr->next=ptr->next;
+    ptr->next=NULL;
+    /* free memory */
+/*    crlSymbol_delete (&(ptr->crlSymbol));*/
+    free (ptr);
+    return 0;
+  }
+  else
+    return 1;
+ *            int crlHashFind()                               *
+ * Find out whether a particular item which has key 'key'     *
+ * existed in the hash Tabel, return item                     *
+ * return 0 for failure                                       *
+ *************************************************************/
+CrlSymbol *crlHashFind(CrlSymbol symbol,symbolEntry **hash_table_head)
+  int hashvalue;
+  symbolEntry *ptr;
+  hashvalue = hashFunction (symbol, TABLE_SIZE);
+/*  printf ("Hash value inside find for is %d\n", hashvalue);*/
+  for(ptr = hash_table_head[hashvalue]->next; ptr != NULL; ptr = ptr->next){
+    if((STRCMP(ptr->crlSymbol, symbol)) == 0)
+      break;
+    else
+      ;
+  }
+  if(ptr != NULL){
+    return(&(ptr->crlSymbol));
+  }
+  else
+    return 0;
+ *            int crlHashDestroy()                        *
+ * Destroy hashTable and free memory                      *
+ * return 0 on success, return 1 on failure               *
+ *********************************************************/
+#if 0
+int crlHashDestroy()
+  int i;
+  symbolEntry *ptr,*qtr;
+  for(i=0;i < TABLE_SIZE; i++){
+    ptr = hash_table_head[i];
+    while(ptr != NULL){
+      qtr = ptr->next;
+      /* free all memory */
+      crlSymbol_delete (&(ptr->crlSymbol));
+      free(ptr);
+      /* update pointer information */
+      ptr = qtr;
+    }
+  }
+  return 0;
+ *           int hashFunction()                           *
+ * return hash value according to the char key            *
+ * case sensitive                                         *
+ *********************************************************/
+static int hashFunction(s,slot_num)
+daVarStruct *s;
+int slot_num;
+  char *p;
+  unsigned h=0,g;
+/*  printf("H(%s)=",s->name);*/
+  for(p = s->name; *p !='\0'; p++) {
+    h= (h<<4) + (TOLOWER(*p));
+    if(g = h & 0xf0000000) {
+      h=h^(g>>24);
+      h=h^g;
+    }
+  }
+/*  printf("%d\n",h%slot_num);*/
+  return h%slot_num;
+extern void crlHashWalk(symbolEntry **hash_table_head,void (*action)())
+  int i;
+  symbolEntry *ptr;
+  for(i=0;i < TABLE_SIZE; i++){
+    ptr = hash_table_head[i]->next;
+    while(ptr != NULL){
+      (*action) (ptr->crlSymbol);
+      ptr = ptr->next;
+    }
+  }
+ *        void crlSymbol_copy()                           *
+ * locally used structure copy routine                    *
+ * copy expid struct from id1 to id2                      *
+ * id2 memory must be allocated before use this routine   *
+ **********************************************************/
+/*static void crlSymbol_copy(id2,id1) 
+CrlSymbol *id2,*id1;
+  id2->var_name = strdup(id1->var_name);
+  id2->var_type = id1->var_type;
+ *        void crlSymbol_delete()                         *
+ * locally used structure delete routine                  *
+ * free memory pointed by id                              *
+ **********************************************************/
+#if 0
+static void crlSymbol_delete(id)
+CrlSymbol *id;
+  free (id->var_name);
+ *        void crlAddSymbols()                           *
+ * Description:                                          *
+ *    add list of var names to symbol hashtable          *
+ ********************************************************/
+#if 0
+void crlAddSymbols(var_list,type)
+char        *var_list;
+int         type;
+  char *p, *q,temp[80];
+  int  status;
+  CrlSymbol crlSymbol;
+  if(strchr(var_list,',') == NULL){  /* single var name */
+    crlSymbol.var_name = strdup(var_list);
+    crlSymbol.var_type = type;
+    status = crlHashAdd(crlSymbol.var_name, &crlSymbol);
+  }
+  else{
+    p = var_list;
+    q = temp;
+    while(*p != '\n' && *p != '\0'){
+      if(*p == ','){
+	*q = '\0';
+	p++;
+	crlSymbol.var_name = strdup(temp);
+	crlSymbol.var_type = type;
+	status = crlHashAdd(crlSymbol.var_name,&crlSymbol);
+	q = temp;
+      }
+      else{
+	*q = *p;
+	q++; p++;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+ *        void isSymbolFound()                                   *
+ * Description:                                                  *
+ *    Check to see whether a var name existed in the hashTable   *
+ ****************************************************************/
+#if 0
+void isSymbolFound(symbol)
+char        *symbol;
+  int status = 0;
+  status = crlHashFind(symbol);
+  if(status != 0){
+    fprintf(stderr,"Error: Undefined symbol \"%s\"\n", symbol);
+    fprintf(stderr,"Cannot continue, Quit.\n");
+    exit(1);
+  }
diff --git a/CTP/daVarRegister.c b/CTP/daVarRegister.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..330788f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CTP/daVarRegister.c
@@ -0,0 +1,723 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 1992 Southeastern Universities Research Association,
+ *                    Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility
+ *
+ * This software was developed under a United States Government license
+ * described in the NOTICE file included as part of this distribution.
+ *
+ * Stephen A. Wood, 12000 Jefferson Ave., Newport News, VA 23606
+ * Email:  Tel: (804) 249-7367  Fax: (804) 249-5800
+ *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * 
+ * Description:
+ *	C and Fortran routines for registering variables to be used by
+ *      the test, histogram and parameter packages.
+ *	
+ * Author:  Stephen Wood, CEBAF HALL C
+ *
+ * Revision History:
+ *   $Log: daVarRegister.c,v $
+ *   Revision 1.3  2003/02/21 20:55:24  saw
+ *   Clean up some types and casts to reduce compiler warnings.
+ *
+ *   Revision 1.2  1999/11/04 20:34:04  saw
+ *   Alpha compatibility.
+ *   New RPC call needed for root event display.
+ *   Start of code to write ROOT trees (ntuples) from new "tree" block
+ *
+ *   Revision 1.13  1999/08/25 13:16:05  saw
+ *   *** empty log message ***
+ *
+ *   Revision 1.12  1999/03/01 19:51:32  saw
+ *   Add Absoft Fortran stuff
+ *
+ *   Revision 1.11  1997/05/29 18:56:25  saw
+ *   Lock changes before adding Absoft(Linux) compatibility
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.10  1996/07/31  20:37:53  saw
+ *	  Use hash table for name storage.
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.9  1994/09/27  20:20:53  saw
+ *	  Remove linux dependencies, allow  wild cards in daVarList
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.8  1994/08/24  14:27:00  saw
+ *	  Have daVarLookupPWithClass return S_DAVAR_UNKNOWN if var not found
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.7  1994/06/03  20:59:26  saw
+ *	  Replace stderr with STDERR
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.6  1994/02/10  21:58:33  saw
+ *	  Change node variable name to nd to not conflict with node type.
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.5  1994/02/10  18:34:05  saw
+ *	  Small fixes for SGI compatibility
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.4  1993/11/24  21:37:39  saw
+ *	  Add fortran calls for registering double (REAL *8) variable type.
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.3  1993/11/22  20:09:42  saw
+ *	  Add REGPARMSTRING fortran call for new Fortran string type DAVARFSTRING
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.2  1993/08/12  19:58:10  saw
+ *	  On HPUX don't use native tsearch.
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.1  1993/05/10  20:05:09  saw
+ *	  Initial revision
+ *
+ *
+ *  18-dec-92 saw Original version
+ *
+ *
+ * Routines available to general users:
+ * --------
+ *              daVarRegister(int flag, daVarStruct *args)
+ *              daVarLookup(char *name, daVarStruct *results)
+ *
+ * Routines available to "friendly" packages (e.g.) RPC service routines
+ * --------
+ *              daVarLookupP(char *name, daVarStruct **results)
+ *              daVarList(char ***listp)
+ *              daVarFreeList(char **list)
+ *
+ *
+ */
+#include "cfortran.h"
+#include "daVar.h"
+#define USEHASH
+#ifdef USEHASH
+#include "daVarHash.h"
+#if !defined(ultrix)
+#define NO_TSEARCH
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "fnmatch.h"		/* For non POSIX systems */
+#include <fnmatch.h>
+/* Stuff for Tsearch routines*/
+typedef struct node_t
+    daVarStruct *key;
+    struct node_t *left, *right;
+} node;
+#ifdef NO_TSEARCH
+typedef enum { preorder, postorder, endorder, leaf } VISIT;
+node *mytsearch(void *key, node **rootp, int (* compar)());
+node *mytfind(void *key, node **rootp, int (* compar)());
+void mytwalk();
+#include <search.h>
+#define mytsearch tsearch
+#define mytfind tfind
+#define mytwalk twalk
+#ifdef USEHASH
+symbolEntry *hash_table[TABLE_SIZE];
+int hashNotInited=1;
+node *daVarRoot=0;
+int daVarCount=0;		/* Used by daVarList */
+char **daVarListGlob;
+char *daVarListPattern;
+int (*daVarListCompFunction)();
+int daVarListPattern_length;
+/* Local prototypes */
+int daVarComp(daVarStruct *item1, daVarStruct *item2);
+/* Code */
+int daVarRegister(int flag, daVarStruct *args)
+/* Should accept a title arg of zero and create a null string in that
+   case.
+  daVarStruct search, *new, **searchresult;
+  int fullnamelen;
+  if(flag != 0) {
+    fprintf(STDERR,
+	    "(daVarRegister) Only zero allowed for flag argument now.\n");
+    return(S_FAILURE);
+  }
+ = args->name;
+/*  printf("Searching for %s\n",args->name);*/
+#ifdef USEHASH
+  if(hashNotInited) {crlHashCreate(hash_table); hashNotInited = 0;}
+  if(searchresult = (daVarStruct **) crlHashFind((CrlSymbol) &search,hash_table)) {
+  if(searchresult = (daVarStruct **) mytfind(&search,&daVarRoot,daVarComp)){
+    fprintf(STDERR,
+	    "(daVar) Replacing definition of variable \"%s\" in table\n",
+	    args->name);
+    free((*searchresult)->title);
+    if(args->title) {
+      if(((*searchresult)->title = (char *) malloc(strlen(args->title)+1))
+	 == NULL)
+	return(S_FAILURE);
+      strcpy((*searchresult)->title,args->title);
+    } else {
+      if(((*searchresult)->title = (char *) malloc(1))
+	 == NULL)
+	return(S_FAILURE);
+      (*searchresult)->title[0] = '\0';
+    }
+    (*searchresult)->varptr = args->varptr;
+    (*searchresult)->size = (args->size<=0) ? 1 : args->size;
+    (*searchresult)->type = args->type;
+    (*searchresult)->flag = args->flag;
+    (*searchresult)->rhook = args->rhook;
+    (*searchresult)->whook = args->whook;
+    (*searchresult)->opaque = args->opaque;
+    return(S_DAVAR_REPLACED);
+  } else {
+    if((new = (daVarStruct *) malloc(sizeof(daVarStruct))) == NULL)
+      return(S_FAILURE);
+    if((new->name =  (char *) malloc(strlen(args->name)+1)) == NULL)
+       return(S_FAILURE);
+    strcpy(new->name,args->name);
+    if(args->title) {
+      if((new->title =  (char *) malloc(strlen(args->title)+1)) == NULL)
+	return(S_FAILURE);
+      strcpy(new->title,args->title);
+    } else {
+      if((new->title =  (char *) malloc(1)) == NULL)
+	return(S_FAILURE);
+      new->title[0] = '\0';
+    }
+    new->type = args->type;
+    new->varptr = args->varptr;
+    new->size = (args->size<=0) ? 1 : args->size;
+    new->flag = args->flag;
+    new->rhook = args->rhook;
+    new->whook = args->whook;
+    new->opaque = args->opaque;
+#ifdef USEHASH
+    if(crlHashAdd((CrlSymbol) new, hash_table))
+    if(mytsearch((void *) new,&daVarRoot,daVarComp))
+      return(S_SUCCESS);
+    else
+      return(S_FAILURE);
+  }
+int daVarLookup(char *name, daVarStruct *result)
+  daVarStruct search, **searchresult;
+  static char *namel=0;		/* Pointers to  static space for copies of */
+  static int namelsize=0;
+  static char *titlel=0;	/* the name and title pointers */
+  static int titlelsize=0;
+  int len;
+ = name;
+#ifdef USEHASH
+  if(searchresult = (daVarStruct **) crlHashFind((CrlSymbol) &search,hash_table)) {
+  if(searchresult = (daVarStruct **) mytfind(&search,&daVarRoot,daVarComp)){
+    len=strlen((*searchresult)->name);
+    if(len >= namelsize) {
+      if(namel) free(namel);
+      namel = (char *) malloc(len+1);
+      namelsize = len+1;
+    }
+    strcpy(namel,(*searchresult)->name);
+    result->name = namel;
+    len=strlen((*searchresult)->title);
+    if(len >= titlelsize) {
+      if(titlel) free(titlel);
+      titlel = (char *) malloc(len + 1);
+      titlelsize = len+1;
+    }
+    strcpy(titlel,(*searchresult)->title);
+    result->title = titlel;
+    result->type = (*searchresult)->type;
+    result->varptr = (*searchresult)->varptr;
+    result->size = (*searchresult)->size;
+    result->opaque = (*searchresult)->opaque;
+    result->rhook = (*searchresult)->rhook;
+    result->whook = (*searchresult)->whook;
+    return(S_SUCCESS);
+  } else
+    return(S_DAVAR_UNKNOWN);
+int daVarStrcmp(register char *s1, register char *s2)
+  while(toupper(*s1) == toupper(*s2++))
+    if(*s1++ == '\0')
+      return(0);
+  return(toupper(*s1) - toupper(*--s2));
+int daVarFnmatch(register char *pattern, register char *s, register int n)
+  return(fnmatch(pattern,s,0));
+int daVarStrncmp(register char *s1, register char *s2, register int n)
+  while(toupper(*s1) == toupper(*s2++))
+    if(*s1++ == '\0' || (--n) <= 0)
+      return(0);
+  return(toupper(*s1) - toupper(*--s2));
+int daVarComp(daVarStruct *item1, daVarStruct *item2)
+/* Do case insensitive comparisons of keys */
+  return(daVarStrcmp(item1->name,item2->name));
+int daVarLookupP(char *name, daVarStruct **varstructptr)
+  daVarStruct search, **searchresult;
+ = name;
+#ifdef USEHASH
+  if(searchresult = (daVarStruct **) crlHashFind((CrlSymbol) &search,hash_table)) {
+  if(searchresult = (daVarStruct **) mytfind(&search,&daVarRoot,daVarComp)){
+    *varstructptr = *searchresult;
+    return(S_SUCCESS);
+  } else
+    return(S_DAVAR_UNKNOWN);
+daVarLookupPWithClass(char *name, char **prefixlist, daVarStruct **varp)
+  int namlen,namtrylen;
+  char *namtry;
+  namlen = strlen(name);
+  if(daVarLookupP(name,varp)==S_SUCCESS) return(S_SUCCESS);
+  namtrylen = namlen + 10;
+  namtry = (char *) malloc(namtrylen+1);
+  while(*prefixlist){
+    int thislen;
+    thislen = strlen(*prefixlist) + namlen + 1;
+    if(thislen > namtrylen) {
+      namtrylen = thislen;
+      namtry = (char *) realloc(namtry,namtrylen);
+    }
+    strcpy(namtry,*prefixlist);
+    strcat(namtry,".");
+    strcat(namtry,name);
+    if(daVarLookupP(namtry,varp)==S_SUCCESS) {
+      free(namtry);
+      return(S_SUCCESS);
+    }
+    prefixlist++;
+  }
+  free(namtry);
+  return(S_DAVAR_UNKNOWN);	/* Variable not registered */
+void daVarCount_node
+#ifdef USEHASH
+(void *entry)
+(node *nd,VISIT order, int level)
+  if(order==postorder || order == leaf)
+  daVarCount++;
+void daVarList_node
+#ifdef USEHASH
+(void *entry)
+(node *nd,VISIT order, int level)
+  if(order==postorder || order == leaf)
+    {
+      char *name;
+      name = ((daVarStruct *) entry)->name;
+      if(daVarListPattern_length == 0 ||
+	 (daVarListCompFunction)(daVarListPattern,name,daVarListPattern_length) == 0)
+	daVarListGlob[daVarCount++] = name;
+    }
+int daVarList(char *pattern, char ***listp, int *count)
+/* User is not allowed to muck with the strings pointed to in the list
+   because they are the actual strings in the tables. */
+  if(strchr(pattern,'*') || strchr(pattern,'?')) {
+    daVarListCompFunction = daVarFnmatch;
+  } else {
+    daVarListCompFunction = daVarStrncmp;
+  }
+  if(pattern) {
+    daVarListPattern = pattern;
+    daVarListPattern_length = strlen(daVarListPattern);
+  } else
+    daVarListPattern_length = 0;
+  daVarCount = 0;
+#ifdef USEHASH
+  crlHashWalk(hash_table,daVarCount_node);
+  mytwalk(daVarRoot,daVarCount_node);/* Should make list only big enough
+					for what matches */
+  if((*listp = daVarListGlob = 
+      (char **) malloc((daVarCount)*sizeof(char *))) == NULL)
+    return(S_FAILURE);
+  daVarCount = 0;
+#ifdef USEHASH
+  crlHashWalk(hash_table,daVarList_node);
+  mytwalk(daVarRoot,daVarList_node);
+  *count = daVarCount;
+  return(S_SUCCESS);
+#ifndef USEHASH
+daVarPrint_node(node *nd,VISIT order, int level)
+  char *name,*title;
+  if(order==postorder || order == leaf) {
+    name = ((daVarStruct *) nd->key)->name;
+    title = ((daVarStruct *) nd->key)->title;
+    printf("XX: %s %s %x %x\n",name,title,nd,nd->key);
+  }
+int daVarPrint()
+  mytwalk(daVarRoot,daVarPrint_node);
+  return(S_SUCCESS);
+int daVarFreeList(char **list)
+/* Free's up the list of variables in listp */
+  int i;
+  free(list);
+  return(S_SUCCESS);
+/* Fortran entry points */
+#define LENDEFARRAY int *size,
+#define LENARGARRAY *size
+int SUBNAME(char *name, TYPENAME *vptr, LENDEF##ARRAY char *title\
+	      ,unsigned l_name, unsigned l_title)\
+  int A0;\
+  daVarStruct args;\
+  char *BN=0;\
+  char *BT=0;\
+  char *BF = 0;\
+  BF = malloc(strlen(CLASS)+l_name+1);\
+  strcpy(BF,CLASS);\
+ = strcat(BF,((!*(int *)name)?0:memchr(name,'\0',l_name)?name:\
+			 (memcpy(BN=(char *) malloc(l_name+1),name,l_name)\
+			  ,BN[l_name]='\0',kill_trailing(BN,' '))));\
+  args.title = ((!*(int *)title)?0:memchr(title,'\0',l_title)?title:\
+		 (memcpy(BT=(char *) malloc(l_title+1),title,l_title)\
+		  ,BT[l_title]='\0',kill_trailing(BT,' ')));\
+  args.size = LENARG##ARRAY;\
+  args.varptr = (void *) vptr;\
+  args.flag = DAVAR_READWRITE;\
+  args.type = DATYPE;\
+  args.opaque = 0;\
+  args.rhook = 0;\
+  args.whook = 0;\
+  A0 = daVarRegister((int) 0, &args);\
+  if(BF) free(BF);\
+  if(BN) free(BN);\
+  if(BT) free(BT);\
+  return(A0);\
+/* Can't figure out a more clever way */
+#ifdef AbsoftUNIXFortran
+/* Entry points for String registration.  Do entry points for anything other
+than parmameters make sense? */
+#ifdef AbsoftUNIXFortran
+int regparmstring
+int regparmstring_
+(char *name, char *sptr, char *title
+		    ,unsigned l_name, unsigned l_sptr, unsigned l_title)
+  int A0;
+  daVarStruct args;
+  char *BN=0;
+  char *BT=0;
+  char *BF = 0;
+  BF = malloc(5+l_name+1);
+  strcpy(BF,"parm.");
+ = strcat(BF,((!*(int *)name)?0:memchr(name,'\0',l_name)?name:
+			 (memcpy(BN=(char *) malloc(l_name+1),name,l_name)
+			  ,BN[l_name]='\0',kill_trailing(BN,' '))));
+  args.title = ((!*(int *)title)?0:memchr(title,'\0',l_title)?title:
+		 (memcpy(BT=(char *) malloc(l_title+1),title,l_title)
+		  ,BT[l_title]='\0',kill_trailing(BT,' ')));
+  args.size = l_sptr;
+  args.varptr = (void *) sptr;
+  args.flag = DAVAR_READWRITE;
+  args.type = DAVARFSTRING;
+  args.opaque = 0;
+  args.rhook = 0;
+  args.whook = 0;
+  A0 = daVarRegister((int) 0, &args);
+  if(BF) free(BF);
+  if(BN) free(BN);
+  return(A0);
+#ifdef NO_TSEARCH
+ * Tree search generalized from Knuth (6.2.2) Algorithm T just like
+ * the AT&T man page says.
+ *
+ * The node_t structure is for internal use only, lint doesn't grok it.
+ *
+ * Written by reading the System V Interface Definition, not the code.
+ *
+ * Totally public domain.
+ */
+#include <search.h>
+typedef struct node_t
+    char	  *key;
+    struct node_t *left, *right;
+node *mytsearch(key, rootp, compar)
+/* find or insert datum into search tree */
+void 	*key;			/* key to be located */
+register node	**rootp;	/* address of tree root */
+int	(*compar)();		/* ordering function */
+    register node *q;
+    if (rootp == (struct node_t **)0)
+	return ((struct node_t *)0);
+    while (*rootp != (struct node_t *)0)	/* Knuth's T1: */
+    {
+	int r;
+	if ((r = (*compar)(key, (*rootp)->key)) == 0)	/* T2: */
+	    return (*rootp);		/* we found it! */
+	rootp = (r < 0) ?
+	    &(*rootp)->left :		/* T3: follow left branch */
+	    &(*rootp)->right;		/* T4: follow right branch */
+    }
+    q = (node *) malloc(sizeof(node));	/* T5: key not found */
+    if (q != (struct node_t *)0)	/* make new node */
+    {
+	*rootp = q;			/* link new node to old */
+	q->key = key;			/* initialize new node */
+	q->left = q->right = (struct node_t *)0;
+    }
+    return (q);
+node *mytdelete(key, rootp, compar)
+/* delete node with given key */
+char	*key;			/* key to be deleted */
+register node	**rootp;	/* address of the root of tree */
+int	(*compar)();		/* comparison function */
+    node *p;
+    register node *q;
+    register node *r;
+    int cmp;
+    if (rootp == (struct node_t **)0 || (p = *rootp) == (struct node_t *)0)
+	return ((struct node_t *)0);
+    while ((cmp = (*compar)(key, (*rootp)->key)) != 0)
+    {
+	p = *rootp;
+	rootp = (cmp < 0) ?
+	    &(*rootp)->left :		/* follow left branch */
+	    &(*rootp)->right;		/* follow right branch */
+	if (*rootp == (struct node_t *)0)
+	    return ((struct node_t *)0);	/* key not found */
+    }
+    r = (*rootp)->right;			/* D1: */
+    if ((q = (*rootp)->left) == (struct node_t *)0)	/* Left (struct node_t *)0? */
+	q = r;
+    else if (r != (struct node_t *)0)		/* Right link is null? */
+    {
+	if (r->left == (struct node_t *)0)	/* D2: Find successor */
+	{
+	    r->left = q;
+	    q = r;
+	}
+	else
+	{			/* D3: Find (struct node_t *)0 link */
+	    for (q = r->left; q->left != (struct node_t *)0; q = r->left)
+		r = q;
+	    r->left = q->right;
+	    q->left = (*rootp)->left;
+	    q->right = (*rootp)->right;
+	}
+    }
+    free((struct node_t *) *rootp);	/* D4: Free node */
+    *rootp = q;				/* link parent to new node */
+    return(p);
+static void trecurse(root, action, level)
+/* Walk the nodes of a tree */
+register node	*root;		/* Root of the tree to be walked */
+register void	(*action)();	/* Function to be called at each node */
+register int	level;
+    if (root->left == (struct node_t *)0 && root->right == (struct node_t *)0)
+	(*action)(root, leaf, level);
+    else
+    {
+	(*action)(root, preorder, level);
+	if (root->left != (struct node_t *)0)
+	    trecurse(root->left, action, level + 1);
+	(*action)(root, postorder, level);
+	if (root->right != (struct node_t *)0)
+	    trecurse(root->right, action, level + 1);
+	(*action)(root, endorder, level);
+    }
+void mytwalk(root, action)		/* Walk the nodes of a tree */
+node	*root;			/* Root of the tree to be walked */
+void	(*action)();		/* Function to be called at each node */
+    if (root != (node *)0 && action != (void(*)())0)
+	trecurse(root, action, 0);
+/* mytsearch.c ends here */
+ * Tree search generalized from Knuth (6.2.2) Algorithm T just like
+ * the AT&T man page says.
+ *
+ * The node_t structure is for internal use only, lint doesn't grok it.
+ *
+ * Written by reading the System V Interface Definition, not the code.
+ *
+ * Totally public domain.
+ */
+#include <search.h>
+typedef struct node_t
+    char	  *key;
+    struct node_t *left, *right;
+} node;
+node *mytfind(key, rootp, compar)
+/* find a node, or return 0 */
+void		*key;		/* key to be found */
+register node	**rootp;	/* address of the tree root */
+int		(*compar)();	/* ordering function */
+    if (rootp == (struct node_t **)0)
+	return ((struct node_t *)0);
+    while (*rootp != (struct node_t *)0)	/* T1: */
+    {
+	int r;
+	if ((r = (*compar)(key, (*rootp)->key)) == 0)	/* T2: */
+	    return (*rootp);		/* key found */
+	rootp = (r < 0) ?
+	    &(*rootp)->left :		/* T3: follow left branch */
+	    &(*rootp)->right;		/* T4: follow right branch */
+    }
+    return (node *)0;
diff --git a/CTP/daVarRpc.x b/CTP/daVarRpc.x
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d8fd131
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CTP/daVarRpc.x
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 1993 Southeastern Universities Research Association,
+ *                    Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility
+ *
+ * This software was developed under a United States Government license
+ * described in the NOTICE file included as part of this distribution.
+ *
+ * Stephen A. Wood, 12000 Jefferson Ave., Newport News, VA 23606
+ * Email:  Tel: (804) 249-7367  Fax: (804) 249-5800
+ *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * 
+ * Description:
+ *  daVar RPCGEN input file
+ *	
+ * Author:  Stephen Wood, CEBAF Hall C
+ *
+ * Revision History:
+ *   $Log: daVarRpc.x,v $
+ *   Revision 1.2  1999/11/04 20:34:04  saw
+ *   Alpha compatibility.
+ *   New RPC call needed for root event display.
+ *   Start of code to write ROOT trees (ntuples) from new "tree" block
+ *
+ *   Revision 1.4  1999/08/25 13:16:05  saw
+ *   *** empty log message ***
+ *
+ *   Revision 1.3  1994/11/07 14:33:12  saw
+ *   Add testnamelist structure and readmultiple_test and family rpc's
+ *
+ *   Revision 1.2  1993/11/24  22:01:35  saw
+ *   Add double variable type
+ *
+ *   Revision 1.1  1993/05/10  21:10:37  saw
+ *   Initial revision
+ *
+ */
+%#include <time.h>
+%#define _xdr_result xdr_result
+%#define _xdr_argument xdr_argument
+#if defined(RPC_HDR) || defined(RPC_XDR) || defined(RPC_SVC) || \
+  defined(RPC_CLNT) || defined(RPC_TBL)
+#define RPCGEN
+#undef RPCGEN
+#include "daVar.h"
+const DAVARERROR_RPC = 999;
+typedef string PNAME<>;
+typedef PNAME NAMELIST<>;
+union any switch (int valtype) {
+  int i<>;
+  float r<>;
+  double d<>;
+  string s<>;
+  int error;
+ default:
+  void;
+struct wany {
+  PNAME name;
+  any *val;
+typedef any RVALLIST<>;
+typedef wany WVALLIST<>;
+typedef int ERRLIST<>;
+    /* Can we have a more generic structure fore this? */
+  string test_condition<>;
+  int max_time_wait;            /* Seconds before failing */
+  int max_event_wait;           /* # of events before failing */
+  int prog;
+  int vers;
+program DAVARSVR {
+  version DAVARVERS {
+    int DAVAR_ACKMESSAGE(string) = 101;
+    NAMELIST DAVAR_GETLIST(string) = 102;
+#if defined(RPC_HDR) || defined(RPC_XDR) || defined(RPC_SVC)
+    int DAVAR_READMULTIPLE_TEST_CB(RVALLIST) = 106; /* Call Back */
+/*    double HACK(int) = 201;*/
+  } = 1;
+} = 0x2c0daFF8;
+Local Variables:
+mode: c
diff --git a/CTP/daVarRpcProc.c b/CTP/daVarRpcProc.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0bd5674
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CTP/daVarRpcProc.c
@@ -0,0 +1,452 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 1993 Southeastern Universities Research Association,
+ *                    Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility
+ *
+ * This software was developed under a United States Government license
+ * described in the NOTICE file included as part of this distribution.
+ *
+ * Stephen A. Wood, 12000 Jefferson Ave., Newport News, VA 23606
+ * Email:  Tel: (804) 249-7367  Fax: (804) 249-5800
+ *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * 
+ * Description:
+ *  RPC server interface routines.
+ *  Actual rpc routines on the server side.  These routines repackage
+ *  the rpc argument and call the real server routines.
+ *
+ * Author:  Stephen Wood, CEBAF Hall C
+ *
+ * Revision History:
+ *   $Log: daVarRpcProc.c,v $
+ *   Revision  2007/09/10 21:32:47  pcarter
+ *   Implemented changes to allow compilation on RHEL 3,4,5 and MacOSX
+ *
+ *   Revision 1.2  1999/11/04 20:34:04  saw
+ *   Alpha compatibility.
+ *   New RPC call needed for root event display.
+ *   Start of code to write ROOT trees (ntuples) from new "tree" block
+ *
+ *   Revision 1.5  1999/08/25 13:16:05  saw
+ *   *** empty log message ***
+ *
+ *   Revision 1.4  1999/03/01 19:52:30  saw
+ *   Need svc_soc.h on sun
+ *
+ *   Revision 1.3  1994/11/07 14:15:46  saw
+ *   Add davar_readmultiple_test_1
+ *   Add Callback routine
+ *   On HP, replace broken xdr_free's with my own freeing
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.2  1993/12/03  19:30:58  saw
+ *	  Remove some miscelaneous print statements
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.1  1993/05/10  21:14:59  saw
+ *	  Initial revision
+ *
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <rpc/rpc.h>		/* always need this here */
+#ifdef __sun
+#include <rpc/svc_soc.h>
+#include <limits.h>
+#include "daVarRpc.h"		/* need this too: generated by rpcgen */
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+#include <netdb.h>
+#include <netinet/in.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include "cfortran.h"
+#include "daVar.h"
+#include "daVarHandlers.h"
+#ifdef hpux
+#define xdr_on_hp_is_broken
+int daVarCallBack();
+static struct timeval TIMEOUT = { 5, 0}; /* Allow 5 seconds for timeout */
+ * Remote verson of "ackmessage"
+ */
+int *nullproc_1(int *argp, CLIENT *clnt)
+  static int result;
+  result = 0;
+	return(&result);
+ * Remote verson of "ackmessage"
+ */
+int * 
+davar_ackmessage_1(char **argp, CLIENT *clnt)
+	static int  result;
+/*	printf("Ack: %s\n",*argp);*/
+	result = strlen(*argp);
+	return(&result);
+int *
+davar_ackmessage_1_svc(char **argp, struct svc_req *svc)
+	CLIENT *clnt;
+	return(davar_ackmessage_1(argp,clnt));
+davar_getlist_1(char **argp, CLIENT *clnt)
+	static NAMELIST result={0,0};
+	char **list;
+	int i, count;
+	if(result.NAMELIST_val){
+/*	  printf("Freeing previous list\n");*/
+	  daVarFreeList(result.NAMELIST_val);
+	}
+	daVarList(*argp,&list,&count); /* Check error code */
+	result.NAMELIST_len = count;
+	result.NAMELIST_val = list;
+	return(&result);
+davar_getlist_1_svc(char **argp, struct svc_req *svc)
+	CLIENT *clnt;
+	return(davar_getlist_1(argp,clnt));
+RVALLIST *davar_readmultiple_1(NAMELIST *argp, CLIENT *clnt)
+  static RVALLIST result;
+  int i;
+  static int need_to_free=0;
+/*  minfo = mallinfo();
+  printf("AA:%d %d\n",minfo.arena,minfo.ordblks);*/
+  if(need_to_free) {
+#ifdef xdr_on_hp_is_broken
+    for(i=0; i<result.RVALLIST_len; i++){
+      free(result.RVALLIST_val[i].any_u.i.i_val);
+    }
+    free(result.RVALLIST_val);
+    xdr_free(xdr_RVALLIST, (void *) &result);
+  } else need_to_free = 1;
+/*  minfo = mallinfo();
+  printf("BB:%d %d\n",minfo.arena,minfo.ordblks);*/
+  result.RVALLIST_len = argp->NAMELIST_len;
+  result.RVALLIST_val = (any *) malloc(result.RVALLIST_len*sizeof(any));
+  for(i=0; i<argp->NAMELIST_len; i++){
+    daVarReadVar(argp->NAMELIST_val[i],&(result.RVALLIST_val[i]));
+  }
+  return(&result);
+RVALLIST *davar_readmultiple_1_svc(NAMELIST *argp, struct svc_req *svc)
+	CLIENT *clnt;
+	return(davar_readmultiple_1(argp,clnt));
+ERRLIST *davar_writemultiple_1(WVALLIST *argp, CLIENT *clnt)
+  static ERRLIST result;
+  int i;
+  xdr_free(xdr_ERRLIST, (void *) &result);
+  result.ERRLIST_len = argp->WVALLIST_len;
+  result.ERRLIST_val = (int *) malloc(result.ERRLIST_len*sizeof(any));
+  for(i=0; i<argp->WVALLIST_len; i++){
+    result.ERRLIST_val[i] =
+      daVarWriteVar(argp->WVALLIST_val[i].name,argp->WVALLIST_val[i].val);
+  }
+  return(&result);
+ERRLIST *davar_writemultiple_1_svc(WVALLIST *argp, struct svc_req *svc) 
+	CLIENT *clnt;
+	return(davar_writemultiple_1(argp,clnt));
+daVarCallBackList *thCallBackListP=0;
+int *davar_readmultiple_test_1(TESTNAMELIST *argp, CLIENT *clnt)
+{				/* Code fragment to get client info */
+  static int result;
+  int i;
+  daVarCallBackList *next,*this;
+  TESTNAMELIST *argcopy;
+  SVCXPRT *transp;
+  struct sockaddr_in *sock,*sockcopy;
+/*  printf("IN davar_readmultiple_test_1\n");*/
+  sock = (struct sockaddr_in *)
+    svc_getcaller(((struct svc_req *) clnt)->rq_xprt);
+  /* Copy the arguments */
+  argcopy = (TESTNAMELIST *) malloc(sizeof(TESTNAMELIST));
+  argcopy->test_condition = (char *) malloc(strlen(argp->test_condition)+1);
+  strcpy(argcopy->test_condition, argp->test_condition);
+  argcopy->max_time_wait = argp->max_time_wait;
+  argcopy->max_event_wait = argp->max_event_wait;
+  argcopy->prog = argp->prog;
+  argcopy->vers = argp->vers;
+  argcopy->NAMELISTP = (NAMELIST *) malloc(sizeof(NAMELIST));
+  argcopy->NAMELISTP->NAMELIST_len = argp->NAMELISTP->NAMELIST_len;
+  argcopy->NAMELISTP->NAMELIST_val =
+    (char **) malloc(argp->NAMELISTP->NAMELIST_len*sizeof(char *));
+  for(i=0; i<argp->NAMELISTP->NAMELIST_len; i++){
+    argcopy->NAMELISTP->NAMELIST_val[i] = (char *)
+      malloc(strlen(argp->NAMELISTP->NAMELIST_val[i])+1);
+    strcpy(argcopy->NAMELISTP->NAMELIST_val[i]
+            ,argp->NAMELISTP->NAMELIST_val[i]);
+  }
+  /* Copy the socket */
+  sockcopy = (struct sockaddr_in *) malloc(sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
+  bzero(sockcopy,sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
+  bcopy(sock,sockcopy,sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
+/*  printf("Socket copied\n");*/
+  next = thCallBackListP;
+  this = thCallBackListP = (daVarCallBackList *)
+    malloc(sizeof(daVarCallBackList));
+  this->sock_in = sockcopy;         /* Actually need to copy structure */
+  this->list = argcopy;
+  this->start_time = time(0);	/* Record when request came in */
+  this->next = next;
+#if 0
+  hp = (struct hostent *)
+    gethostbyaddr((char *)&sockcopy->sin_addr, sizeof(sockcopy->sin_addr),AF_INET);
+  printf("%s %s\n", inet_ntoa(sockcopy->sin_addr), hp->h_name);
+  result = S_SUCCESS;
+  return(&result);
+int *davar_readmultiple_test_1_svc(TESTNAMELIST *argp, struct svc_req *svc)
+	CLIENT *clnt;
+	return(davar_readmultiple_test_1(argp,clnt));
+int *
+davar_readmultiple_test_cb_1(argp, clnt)
+	RVALLIST *argp;
+	CLIENT *clnt;
+	static int clnt_res;
+	enum clnt_stat clnt_stat;
+#if 0
+	{
+	  struct sockaddr_in sock;
+	  struct hostent *hp;
+	  clnt_control(clnt, CLGET_SERVER_ADDR, (char *) &sock);
+	  hp = (struct hostent *)
+	    gethostbyaddr((char *)&sock.sin_addr, sizeof(sock.sin_addr),AF_INET);
+	  printf("cb_1:  %s %s\n", inet_ntoa(sock.sin_addr), hp->h_name);
+	}
+	memset((char *)&clnt_res, 0, sizeof(clnt_res));
+	if ((clnt_stat = clnt_call(clnt, DAVAR_READMULTIPLE_TEST_CB, xdr_RVALLIST, argp, xdr_int, &clnt_res, TIMEOUT)) != RPC_SUCCESS) {
+	  printf("clnt call failed, clnt_stat = %d\n",clnt_stat);
+	  clnt_perrno(clnt_stat);
+		return (NULL);
+	}
+	return (&clnt_res);
+int *davar_readmultiple_test_cb_1_svc(RVALLIST *argp, struct svc_req *svc)
+	CLIENT *clnt;
+	return(davar_readmultiple_test_cb_1(argp,clnt));
+WVALLIST *davar_readpatternmatch_1(char **argp, CLIENT *clnt)
+  static WVALLIST result;
+  int i;
+  static int need_to_free=0;
+  char *pattern;
+  char **vlist;
+  int count;
+/*  minfo = mallinfo();
+  printf("AA:%d %d\n",minfo.arena,minfo.ordblks);*/
+  /*  printf("In davar_readpatternmatch_1 doing pattern '%s'\n",*argp);*/
+  if(need_to_free) {
+#ifdef xdr_on_hp_is_broken
+    for(i=0; i<result.WVALLIST_len; i++){
+      free(result.WVALLIST_val[i].val->any_u.i.i_val);
+      free(result.WVALLIST_val[i].name);
+    }
+    free(result.WVALLIST_val);
+    xdr_free(xdr_WVALLIST, (void *) &result);
+  } else need_to_free = 1;
+/*  minfo = mallinfo();
+  printf("BB:%d %d\n",minfo.arena,minfo.ordblks);*/
+  daVarList(*argp,&vlist,&count);
+  result.WVALLIST_len = count;
+  result.WVALLIST_val = (wany *) malloc(count*sizeof(wany));
+  for(i=0; i<count; i++){
+    /*    printf("%d: %s\n",i,vlist[i]);*/
+    result.WVALLIST_val[i].name = (char *) malloc(strlen(vlist[i])+1);
+    strcpy(result.WVALLIST_val[i].name,vlist[i]);
+    /*    daVarReadVar(vlist[i],&(result.WVALLIST_val[i].val));*/
+    result.WVALLIST_val[i].val = malloc(sizeof(any));
+    daVarReadVar(vlist[i],result.WVALLIST_val[i].val);
+  }
+  /*  daVarFreeList(vlist);*/
+  return(&result);
+WVALLIST *davar_readpatternmatch_1_svc(char **argp, struct svc_req *svc)
+	CLIENT *clnt;
+	return(davar_readpatternmatch_1(argp,clnt));
+int daVarCallBack()
+/* Scan the list of pending readmultiple requests.  Make a call back for
+   each request for which the test is true or blank.  Ignore the time
+   out stuff for now. */
+  daVarCallBackList *this,*next,**last;
+  struct sockaddr_in *sock_in;
+  struct hostent *hp;
+  DAINT itest;
+  static RVALLIST rpc;
+  CLIENT *clnt;
+  int i;
+  int *status;
+  int pending,processed;
+  int testresult,timeout;
+  this = thCallBackListP;
+  last = &thCallBackListP;
+  pending = 0;
+  processed = 0;
+  while(this) {
+    argp = this->list;
+    argp->max_event_wait--;
+    testresult = (argp->test_condition == 0 ||
+       argp->test_condition[0] == '\0' ||
+       (thEvalImed(argp->test_condition,0,&itest),itest));
+    timeout = (argp->max_event_wait < 0 
+      || (time(0)-this->start_time) > argp->max_time_wait);
+    if(testresult || timeout) {
+      sock_in = this->sock_in;
+/*      printf("PORT=%d,%x\n",sock_in->sin_port,htonl(sock_in->sin_addr.s_addr));*/
+      hp = (struct hostent *)
+        gethostbyaddr((char *)&sock_in->sin_addr, sizeof(sock_in->sin_addr)
+                      ,AF_INET);
+/*      printf("Creating client for %s(%x %x)\n",hp->h_name
+             ,argp->prog,argp->vers);*/
+      if(testresult) {
+        /* Build the structure with the return data */
+        rpc.RVALLIST_len = argp->NAMELISTP->NAMELIST_len;
+        rpc.RVALLIST_val = (any *) malloc(rpc.RVALLIST_len*sizeof(any));
+        for(i=0; i<argp->NAMELISTP->NAMELIST_len; i++){
+          daVarReadVar(argp->NAMELISTP->NAMELIST_val[i],
+                       &(rpc.RVALLIST_val[i]));
+        }
+      } else {
+        rpc.RVALLIST_len = 0;
+        rpc.RVALLIST_val = 0;
+      }
+      {
+	/* This is really weird.  clnt_create only works if we copy the hostname*/
+	char *host;
+	host = malloc(strlen(hp->h_name)+1);
+	strcpy(host,hp->h_name);
+	clnt = clnt_create(host, argp->prog, argp->vers, "tcp");
+	free(host);
+      }
+      {
+	/* This is really weird.  On the alpha it seems we need to copy the
+	   host name to a separate variable.  Maybe clnt_create calls some
+	   function that mucks with the hp structure. */
+	char *host;
+	host = malloc(strlen(hp->h_name)+1);
+	strcpy(host,hp->h_name);
+	clnt = clnt_create(host, argp->prog, argp->vers, "tcp");
+	if(clnt) {
+	  status = davar_readmultiple_test_cb_1(&rpc, clnt);
+	  clnt_destroy(clnt);
+	  /* We don't care what the status was. */
+	} else {
+	  fprintf(stderr,"Callback to %s failed\n",host);
+	}
+	free(host);
+      }
+#ifdef xdr_on_hp_is_broken
+      if(testresult) {
+        for(i=0; i<argp->NAMELISTP->NAMELIST_len; i++){
+          free(rpc.RVALLIST_val[i].any_u.i.i_val);
+        }
+        free(rpc.RVALLIST_val);
+      }
+      for(i=0; i<argp->NAMELISTP->NAMELIST_len;i++){
+        free(argp->NAMELISTP->NAMELIST_val[i]);
+      }
+      free(argp->NAMELISTP->NAMELIST_val);
+      free(argp->NAMELISTP);
+      free(argp->test_condition);
+      if(testresult) {
+	xdr_free(xdr_RVALLIST, (void *) &rpc);
+      }
+      xdr_free(xdr_TESTNAMELIST, (void *) argp);
+      free(argp);
+      free(this->sock_in);
+      next = this->next;
+      *last = next;
+      free(this);
+      this = next;
+      processed++;
+    } else {
+      last = &(this->next);
+      this = this->next;
+      pending++;
+    }
+  }
+  if(processed&&pending==0) return(-1);
+  else return(pending);
diff --git a/CTP/daVarServ.c b/CTP/daVarServ.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c27aa5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CTP/daVarServ.c
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 1994 Southeastern Universities Research Association,
+ *                    Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility
+ *
+ * This software was developed under a United States Government license
+ * described in the NOTICE file included as part of this distribution.
+ *
+ * Stephen A. Wood, 12000 Jefferson Ave., Newport News, VA 23606
+ * Email:  Tel: (804) 249-7367  Fax: (804) 249-5800
+ *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * 
+ * Description:
+ *  This file also contains some routines to help set up servers.
+ *
+ * Author:  Stephen Wood, CEBAF Hall C
+ *
+ * Revision History:
+ *  $Log: daVarServ.c,v $
+ *  Revision 1.3  2003/02/21 20:55:24  saw
+ *  Clean up some types and casts to reduce compiler warnings.
+ *
+ *  Revision 1.2  1999/11/04 20:34:05  saw
+ *  Alpha compatibility.
+ *  New RPC call needed for root event display.
+ *  Start of code to write ROOT trees (ntuples) from new "tree" block
+ *
+ *  Revision 1.2  1995/01/09 16:03:50  saw
+ *  include errno.h
+ *
+ * Revision 1.1  1994/11/07  14:19:57  saw
+ * Initial revision
+ *
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <rpc/rpc.h>		/* always need this here */
+#include "daVarRpc.h"		/* need this too: generated by rpcgen */
+#include <errno.h>
+#if 0
+#include <stdlib.h> 
+#include <rpc/pmap_clnt.h>
+#include <memory.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+#include <netinet/in.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include "cfortran.h"
+void davarsvr_1(struct svc_req *rqstp, register SVCXPRT *transp);
+int daVarServSet(int prog, int version);
+int daVarServUnSet(int prog, int version);
+int daVarServOnce(int wait);
+int last_program,last_version;	/* Save these for daVarServUnSet */
+SVCXPRT *udp_transp,*tcp_transp; /* Descriptors that go with above */
+int daVarGetProgVers(int *prog, int *version)
+  *prog = last_program;
+  *version = last_version;
+int daVarServSet(int prog, int version)
+  if(prog==0) prog = DAVARSVR;
+  if(version==0) version = DAVARVERS;
+  (void) pmap_unset(prog,version);
+  last_program = prog;
+  last_version = version;
+  udp_transp = (SVCXPRT *) svcudp_create(RPC_ANYSOCK);
+  if (udp_transp == NULL) {
+    fprintf(stderr, "cannot create udp service.");
+    exit(1);
+  }
+  if (!svc_register(udp_transp, prog, version, davarsvr_1, IPPROTO_UDP)) {
+    fprintf(stderr, "unable to register (%d, %d), udp).\n",prog,version);
+    exit(1);
+  }
+  tcp_transp = (SVCXPRT *) svctcp_create(RPC_ANYSOCK, 0, 0);
+  if (tcp_transp == NULL) {
+    fprintf(stderr, "cannot create tcp service.\n");
+    exit(1);
+  }
+  if (!svc_register(tcp_transp, prog, version, davarsvr_1, IPPROTO_TCP)) {
+    fprintf(stderr, "unable to register (%d, %d), tcp).\n",prog,version);
+    exit(1);
+  }
+int daVarServUnSet(int prog, int version)
+  register SVCXPRT *transp;
+  if(prog==0) prog = last_program;
+  if(version==0) version = last_version;
+  (void) pmap_unset(prog,version);
+  if(prog==last_program && version == last_version){
+    if(udp_transp) svc_destroy(udp_transp);
+    if(tcp_transp) svc_destroy(tcp_transp);
+  }
+  return(0);
+int daVarServOnce(int wait)
+  fd_set readfdset;
+  extern int errno;
+  int status;
+  struct timeval timeout;
+  struct timeval *timeoutp;
+  static int tsize=0;
+  if(wait>=0) {
+    timeout.tv_sec = wait;
+    timeout.tv_usec = 1;
+    timeoutp = &timeout;
+  } else {
+    timeoutp = 0;
+  }
+#ifdef hpux
+  if(!tsize) tsize = NFDBITS;
+  if(!tsize) tsize = getdtablesize(); /* how many descriptors can we have */
+  readfdset = svc_fdset;
+  switch((status=select(tsize, &readfdset, (fd_set *) NULL, (fd_set *) NULL,
+		timeoutp))) {
+  case -1:
+    if (errno == EBADF) break;
+    perror("select failed");
+    break;
+  case 0:
+    /* perform other functions here if select() timed-out */
+    break;
+  default:
+    svc_getreqset(&readfdset);
+    status = 1;
+  }
+  return(status);
diff --git a/CTP/fnmatch.h b/CTP/fnmatch.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f727b14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CTP/fnmatch.h
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+/* $Log: fnmatch.h,v $
+/* Revision 1.1  1999/06/23 13:40:25  saw
+/* Need for Linux
+ * Revision 1.1  1994/11/21  03:52:23  saw
+ * Initial revision
+ * */
+ * Copyright (c) 1992, 1993
+ *	The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+ * are met:
+ * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+ *    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+ * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software
+ *    must display the following acknowledgement:
+ *	This product includes software developed by the University of
+ *	California, Berkeley and its contributors.
+ * 4. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors
+ *    may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+ *    without specific prior written permission.
+ *
+ *
+ *	@(#)fnmatch.h	8.1 (Berkeley) 6/2/93
+ */
+#ifndef	_FNMATCH_H_
+#define	_FNMATCH_H_
+#define	FNM_NOMATCH	1	/* Match failed. */
+#define	FNM_NOESCAPE	0x01	/* Disable backslash escaping. */
+#define	FNM_PATHNAME	0x02	/* Slash must be matched by slash. */
+#define	FNM_PERIOD	0x04	/* Period must be matched by period. */
+/*#include <sys/cdefs.h>*/
+#ifndef	_POSIX_SOURCE
+/*int	 fnmatch __P((const char *, const char *, int));*/
+int	 fnmatch(const char *, const char *, int);
+#endif /* !_FNMATCH_H_ */
diff --git a/CTP/hbook.h b/CTP/hbook.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9763790
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CTP/hbook.h
@@ -0,0 +1,417 @@
+/* hbook.h */
+/* Burkhard Burow, University of Toronto, 1991. */
+#ifndef __HBOOK_LOADED
+#define __HBOOK_LOADED	1
+#include "cfortran.h"
+/* HBOOK Version 4. User Guide of October 28, 1987. */
+/* Some internal routines, not in the guide, are given at the end. */
+/* The variables of the following routines are DOUBLEV on all machines, except
+   on the CRAY where they are FLOATV. Note that this implies C programmers 
+ a) HFITL : P                  do not need to change their routines
+ b) HFITS : P                  when moving code to/from the CRAY.
+    HFITN : P                  [As long as these variables are
+    HFIT1 : P                   declared double[] in C, since 
+    HDERI1: PAR, DER            float==double on the CRAY.]
+7.4.1      HPARAM: COEFF
+7.4.2      HPARMN: COEFF
+/* Chapter 2 FUNDAMENTALS */
+/* 2.1 Booking */
+               ID,CHTITLE,NX,XMI,XMA,VMX) 
+/* 2.2 Filling */
+#define HFILL(ID,X,Y,WEIGHT) \
+/* 2.3 Editing */
+#define HISTDO() CCALLSFSUB0(HISTDO,histdo)
+/* 2.? Tables. Don't know where the doc. is other than the code. */
+               ID2,CHTITLE,NNX,XX0,XX1,NNY,YY0,YY1,VALMAX) 
+/* Chapter 3 MORE ON BOOKING */
+/* 3.1 Histograms with non-equidistant bins */
+/* 3.2 Profile histograms */
+/* 3.3 Rounding */
+/* 3.4 Projections, Slices, Bands */
+/* 3.5 Statistics */
+/* 3.6 Copy, Reset and Delete */
+/* 3.7 Function Representation */
+               ID,CHTITLE,NX,XMI,XMA,FUN) 
+/* Chapter 4 FILLING OPTIONS */
+/* 4.1 Fast Filling Entries */
+#define HF2(ID,X,Y,WEIGHT) \
+#define HFF2(ID,NID,X,Y,W) \
+/* 4.2 Global Filling */
+/* Chapter % EDITING */
+/* 5.1 Index and General Title */
+#define HINDEX() CCALLSFSUB0(HINDEX,hindex)
+/* 5.3 Graphic Choices (1-dimensional histogram) */
+/* 5.4 Scale Definition and Normalization */
+/* 5.5 Page Control */
+/* 5.6 Selective Editing */
+/* 5.7 Printing after System Error Recovery */
+#define HPONCE() CCALLSFSUB0(HPONCE,hponce)
+/* 6.1 Testing if a histogram exists in memory */
+/* 6.2 List of histograms */
+/* 6.3 Number of Entries */
+/* 6.4 Contents */
+/* 6.5 Errors */
+/* 6.6 Associated function */
+/* 6.7 Abscissa to channel number */
+#define HXYIJ(ID,X,Y,I,J) \
+#define HIJXY(ID,I,J,X,Y) \
+/* 6.8 Maximum and Minimum */
+/* 6.9 Integrated contents */
+/* 6.10 Rebinning */
+               ID,X,Y,EX,EY,N,IFIRST,ILAST)
+/* 6.11 Histogram address and definnition */
+/* 6.12 Statistics */
+/* 7.1 Arithmetic */
+#define HOPERA(ID1, CHOPERA, ID2, ID3, C1, C2) \
+               ID1, CHOPERA, ID2, ID3, C1, C2)
+/* 7.2 Statistical differences between histograms */
+#define HDIFF(ID1,ID2,PROB,CHOPT) \
+/* 7.3 Fitting */
+/* 7.3.1 Fitting with HBOOK */
+/* Histograms */
+/* a) Long version */
+#ifndef CRAY
+              ID,FUN,NP,P,CHI2,IC,SIG,COV,ST,PMI,PMA)
+              ID,FUN,NP,P,CHI2,IC,SIG,COV,ST,PMI,PMA)
+/* b) Short version */
+#ifndef CRAY
+              ID,FUN,NP,P,CHI2,IC,SIG)
+              ID,FUN,NP,P,CHI2,IC,SIG)
+/* Non-equidistant points in a multi-dimensional space */
+#ifndef CRAY
+#define HFIT1(X,Y,EY,N,FUN,NP,P,CHI2,IC,SIG) \
+              X,Y,EY,N,FUN,NP,P,CHI2,IC,SIG)
+#include "hfitn_cray.h"
+/* We have to generate this >15 arg. routine elsewhere for the CRAY.
+   Note the change of DOUBLEV to FLOATV.
+#define HFIT1(X,Y,EY,N,FUN,NP,P,CHI2,IC,SIG) \
+              X,Y,EY,N,FUN,NP,P,CHI2,IC,SIG)
+/* User Supplied Derivatives */
+#ifndef CRAY
+#define HDERI1(ID,X,PAR,DER) \
+#define HDERI2(ID,X,Y,PAR,DER) \
+#define HDERI1(ID,X,PAR,DER) \
+#define HDERI2(ID,X,Y,PAR,DER) \
+/* Histogram Fitting with Special Functions */
+               ID,AA,BB,CHI2,IC,SIG) 
+               ID,C,AV,SD,CHI2,IC,SIG) 
+#define HFITPO(ID,NP,A,CHI2,IC,SIG) \
+/* 7.3.2 Equality-constrained fitting with HBOOK */
+#define HLINEQ(ID,A,B,NC) \
+/* 7.4 Parametrization */
+/* 7.4.1 Histograms and plots */
+#ifndef CRAY
+/* 7.4.2 Distributions */
+#ifndef CRAY
+/* 7.5 Smoothing */
+#define HSPLI1(ID,IC,N,K,CHI2) \
+#define HSPLI2(ID,NX,NY,KX,KY) \
+/* 7.6 Random Number Generation */
+#define HRNDM1(ID) CCALLSFFUN1(HRNDM1,hrndm1,INT, ID)
+/* Chapter 8 MEMORY MANAGEMENT */
+/* 8.1 Memory size control */
+/* 8.2 Directories */
+/* Chapter 9 INPUT/OUTPUT */
+/* 9.1 Direct Access I/O */
+/* 9.1.1 Open a RZ direct access file or map a Global Section */
+/* 9.1.2 Writing to a file */
+/* 9.1.3 Reading from a direct-access file or Global Section */
+/* 9.1.4 Scratching histogram in a file */
+/* 9.1.5 Close a file */
+/* 9.2 Reading files generated by HBBOK version 3 */
+/* 9.3 Changing Logical unit numbers for output and message files */
+/* 9.? Late additions. See cern_root:[000000.doc]hbook.mem for info. */
+/* Chapter 10 N-TUPLES */
+/* 10.3 Making projections */
+/* Chapter 11 SETTING OPTIONS */
+/* Some internal routines, not in the guide, but in HBOOK4.CAR. */
+#endif					/* __HBOOK_LOADED */
diff --git a/CTP/makereg.c b/CTP/makereg.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd9316e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CTP/makereg.c
@@ -0,0 +1,689 @@
+/* makereg.c version 1.0.  August 1994, Allen Boozer
+   Report bugs to
+ $Log: makereg.c,v $
+ Revision  2007/09/10 21:32:47  pcarter
+ Implemented changes to allow compilation on RHEL 3,4,5 and MacOSX
+ Revision 1.1  1998/12/07 22:11:11  saw
+ Initial setup
+ Revision 1.2  1995/01/09 15:10:44  saw
+ Put titles in reg calls on a continuation line
+ * Revision 1.1  1994/08/26  17:47:07  saw
+ * Initial revision
+ *
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <time.h>
+   c%%                  - Put the current line in the fortran code
+   c CTPTYPE = test     - Use "test" call statements
+   c CTPTYPE = parm     - Use "parm" call statements
+   c CTPTYPE = event    - Use "event" call statements
+   c CTPTYPE = off      - Ignore all lines until CTYPE is set to test, parm, or event
+#define VERSION "v1.01"
+#define BUFFER_LEN 256
+#define NUM_TYPES 8
+#define CTPTEST  0
+#define CTPPARM  1
+#define CTPEVENT 2
+#define CTPOFF   3
+#define COMMON             -1
+#define PARAMETER          -2
+#define EQUIV              -3
+#define NOP                -4
+#define COMMON_CONTINUE    -5
+#define MARK               -7
+#define IGNORE             -8
+#define SKIP               -9
+   Two linked lists (the register list and the common list) are used to store
+   information about variables that have been declared.  The register list
+   stores variables which have been registered, and the common list stores
+   variables which have been defined in common blocks.  The elements of the
+   linked lists are of type "node", as defined below:
+struct node {
+  int vartype;         /* A number which represents the type of the variable */
+  int action;          /* A number which tells what to do with the variable */
+  int calltype;        /* Use test, parm, or event calls */
+  int line_number;     /* The line number on which the variable occurs */
+  char *name;          /* The name of the variable */
+  char *size;          /* The size of the array, or NULL if not an array */
+  char *title;         /* The title string, or NULL if no title string */
+  struct node *next;   /* Ptr to the next node, or NULL if last node */
+struct node *register_start;  /* Ptr to the first node of the register list */
+struct node *common_start;    /* Ptr to the first node of the common list */
+/* Variable types (as they appear when variables are declared) */
+char types[NUM_TYPES][20] = {
+  "logical",          "logical*4",
+  "integer",          "integer*4",
+  "real",             "real*4", 
+  "double precision", "real*8" };
+/* Variable types (as the appear in fortran call statements) */
+char type_names[5][10] = {"int", "int", "real", "double", "string"};
+char keywords[3][15] = {"common", "parameter", "equivalence"};
+char call_names[4][10] = {"test", "parm", "event", "off"};
+int variable_flags[3][5] = {{0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0}};
+int array_flags[3][5] = {{0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0}};
+FILE *input, *output, *error;
+char input_filename[BUFFER_LEN];
+char output_filename[BUFFER_LEN];
+char error_filename[BUFFER_LEN] = {""};
+char subroutine_name[BUFFER_LEN] = {""};
+char command_line[BUFFER_LEN];
+int current_calltype, current_line;
+void eprint (char string[]);
+void eprintn (char string[], int length);
+void eprint_newline ();
+void eprint_line (int line_num);
+void memory_error ();
+char *parse_array_size (char string[]);
+void create (struct node *ptr, int vartype, char string[], char title[]);
+int max (int a, int b);
+int min (int a, int b);
+void free_node (struct node *ptr);
+void clear_list (struct node *ptr);
+void copy (char dest[], char source[], int length);
+int strncmp_i (char str1[], char str2[], int length);
+struct node *find_node (struct node *start, char string[]);
+void mark_node (struct node *start, char string[], int new_action);
+int determine_type (char string[]);
+char *skip_blanks (char string[]);
+char *skip_nonblanks (char string[]);
+char *find_char (char string[], char character);
+int extract_text (char string[]);
+void shift_left (char string[]);
+void parse (char string[]);
+void compare_lists ();
+void write_fortran_header ();
+void write_fortran_code ();
+void set_call_type (char string[]);
+* Linked list functions
+/* Print a character string to "error" */
+void eprint (char string[]) {
+  fprintf (error, "%s", string);
+  fprintf (output, "%s", string);
+/* Print "length" characters of a character string to "error" */
+void eprintn (char string[], int length) {
+  char	output_buffer[BUFFER_LEN];
+  copy (output_buffer, string, length);
+  fprintf (error, "%s", output_buffer);
+  fprintf (output, "%s", output_buffer);
+/* Print a newline character to "error" */
+void eprint_newline () {
+  fprintf (error, "\n");
+  fprintf (output, "\n*     ");
+/* Print a line number to "error" */
+void eprint_line (int line_num) {
+  fprintf (error, "Line %d: ", line_num);
+  fprintf (output, "Line %d: ", line_num);
+/* memory_error is called if malloc returns a NULL pointer */
+void memory_error () {
+  printf ("Memory allocation error\n");
+  fclose (input);
+  fclose (output);
+  fclose (error);
+  exit (0);
+/* Return a pointer to a string containing the array size */
+char *parse_array_size (char string[]) {
+  char output_buffer[BUFFER_LEN];
+  int length;
+  char *size_string, *ptr = string;
+  memset (output_buffer, '\0', BUFFER_LEN);
+  ptr = find_char (ptr, '(');
+  while (ptr < find_char(string,')')) {
+    if (strlen(output_buffer) != 0) strcat (output_buffer, "*");
+    length = min (find_char(ptr,',')-ptr, find_char(ptr,')')-ptr) - 1;
+    strcat (output_buffer, "(");
+    if (find_char(ptr,':')-ptr < length) {
+      strcat (output_buffer, "1-");
+      strncat (output_buffer, ptr, find_char(ptr,':')-ptr-1);
+      strcat (output_buffer, "+");
+      ptr = find_char (ptr, ':');
+      length = min (find_char(ptr,',')-ptr, find_char(ptr,')')-ptr) - 1;
+    }
+    strncat (output_buffer, ptr, length);
+    strcat (output_buffer, ")");
+    ptr = skip_blanks (find_char (ptr, ','));
+  }
+  size_string = malloc (strlen(output_buffer)+1);
+  if (size_string == NULL) memory_error ();
+  strcpy (size_string, output_buffer);
+  return (size_string);
+/* Add a variable to a linked list */
+void create (struct node *start, int vartype, char string[], char comment[]) {
+  struct node *end = start, *temp;
+  if (find_node (start, string) == NULL) {
+    /* Create a new node and add it to the end of the linked list */
+    while (end->next != NULL) end = end->next;
+    end->next = malloc (sizeof(struct node));
+    if (end->next == NULL) memory_error ();
+    end = end->next;
+    end->vartype = vartype;
+    end->action = NOP;
+    end->calltype = current_calltype;
+    end->line_number = current_line;
+    end->name = calloc (extract_text(string)+1, sizeof(char));
+    if (end->name == NULL) memory_error ();
+    copy (end->name, string, extract_text(string));
+    if ((find_char (string, '(') < find_char (string, ',')) &&
+	(find_char (string, '(') < find_char (string, '!'))) {
+      /* Variable is an array */
+      if (start == common_start) {
+	/* Array is defined in a common block, so print a warning */
+	eprint_newline ();
+	eprint ("Warning - Array size defined in common block:");
+	eprint_newline ();
+	eprint_line (current_line);
+	eprintn (string, find_char(string, ')') - string);
+	eprint_newline ();
+	temp = find_node (register_start, string);
+	if (temp != NULL) {
+	  if (temp->vartype > 0) array_flags[temp->calltype][temp->vartype]=1;
+	  free (temp->size);
+	  temp->size = parse_array_size (string);
+	  end->size = NULL;
+	}
+      }
+      else end->size = parse_array_size (string);
+    }
+    else (end->size = NULL);
+    if (comment != NULL) {
+      end->title = calloc (strlen(comment), sizeof(char));
+      if (end->title == NULL) memory_error ();
+      copy (end->title, comment, strlen(comment)-1);
+    }
+    else end->title = NULL;
+    end->next = NULL;
+  }
+/* Return the maximum of a and b */
+int max (int a, int b) {
+  return ((a < b) ? b : a);
+/* Return the minimum of a and b */
+int min (int a, int b) {
+  return ((a < b) ? a : b);
+/* Release the memory used by a node */
+void free_node (struct node *ptr) {
+  free (ptr->name);
+  if (ptr->size != NULL) free (ptr->size);
+  if (ptr->title != NULL) free (ptr->title);
+  free (ptr);
+/* Release the memory used by each node in a linked list */
+void clear_list (struct node* start) {
+  struct node *ptr = start->next, *old_ptr;
+  while (ptr != NULL) {
+    old_ptr = ptr;
+    ptr = ptr->next;
+    free_node (old_ptr);
+  }
+  start->next = NULL;
+/* Copy length chars from "dest" to "source", terminate "dest" with a \0 */
+void copy (char dest[], char source[], int length) {
+  memcpy (dest, source, length);
+  dest[length] = '\0';
+/* Case insensitive string compare */
+int strncmp_i (char str1[], char str2[], int length) {
+  int i;
+  for (i=0; i<length;i++) if (toupper(str1[i]) != toupper(str2[i])) return (1);
+  return (0);
+/* Return a pointer to the node which has "string" as it's name field */
+struct node *find_node (struct node *start, char string[]) {
+  int length, flag=1;
+  struct node *ptr = start;
+  do {
+    ptr = ptr->next;
+    if (ptr != NULL) {
+      length = max (extract_text(string), strlen(ptr->name));
+      flag = strncmp_i (ptr->name, string, length);
+    }
+  } while ((flag != 0) && (ptr != NULL));
+  return (ptr);
+/* Set the action of the node which has "string" as it's name field */
+void mark_node (struct node *start, char string[], int new_action) {
+  struct node *node_ptr;
+  node_ptr = find_node (start, string);
+  if (node_ptr != NULL) node_ptr->action = new_action;
+* Parse functions
+int determine_type (char string[]) {
+  int i, length;
+  for (i=0; i<NUM_TYPES; i++) {
+    length = max (strlen(types[i]), skip_nonblanks(string)-string);
+    if (strncmp_i(string, types[i], length) == 0) return (i/2);
+  }
+  if (strncmp_i(string, "character", 9) == 0) return (4);
+  if (strncmp_i(string, "integer*2", 9) == 0) {
+    eprint_newline ();
+    eprint ("Warning - Type integer*2:");
+    eprint_newline ();
+    eprint_line (current_line);
+    eprintn (string, strlen(string) - 1);
+    eprint_newline ();
+    return (NOP);
+  }
+  for (i=0; i<3; i++) {
+    length = max (strlen(keywords[i]), extract_text(string));
+    if (strncmp_i(string, keywords[i], length) == 0) return (-i-1);
+  }
+  return (NOP);
+/* Return a ptr to the first nonblank character in the string */
+char *skip_blanks (char string[]) {
+  while (isspace (*string)) string++;
+  return (string);
+/* Return a ptr to the first blank character in the string */
+char *skip_nonblanks (char string[]) {
+  while ((! isspace (*string)) && (*string != '\0')) string++;
+  return (string);
+/* Return a ptr to the character after the first occurrence of "character" */
+char *find_char (char string[], char character) {
+  while ((*string != character) && (*string != '\0')) string++;
+  if (*string == character) string++;
+  return (string);
+/* Return the number of contiguous text characters in a string */
+int extract_text (char string[]) {
+  int i=0;
+  while ((isalnum (string[i])) || (string[i] == '_')) i++;
+  return (i);
+/* Shift a character string one character to the right */
+void shift_left (char string[]) {
+  char *ptr = string;
+  while (*ptr != '\0') ptr++;
+  *(ptr+1) = '\0';
+  while (ptr != string) *ptr = *(--ptr);
+/* Parse one line of text */
+void parse (char string[]) {
+  struct node *list_ptr /*, *node_ptr */;
+  static int vartype = NOP, state = NOP;
+  char *ptr = string, *title_ptr, *temp;
+  if (((string[0] == ' ') && (strlen(string) > 6)) ||
+      ((string[0] == '\t') && (strlen(string) > 2))) {
+    /* The current line is not a comment */
+    if (string[0] == '\t') ptr++;
+    else ptr += 5;
+    if ((isspace (*ptr)) || ((state != COMMON_CONTINUE) && (state != REGISTER_CONTINUE))) {
+      ptr = skip_blanks (ptr);
+      vartype = determine_type (ptr);
+      state = vartype;
+      if (strncmp_i("double precision", ptr, 16) == 0)
+	ptr = skip_blanks (skip_nonblanks (ptr));
+    }
+    if ((vartype != NOP) && (vartype != PARAMETER) && (vartype != EQUIV)) {
+      /* The current line is a list of variables */
+      if (state == COMMON_CONTINUE) {
+	/* The current line is the continuation of a common block */
+	list_ptr = common_start;
+	ptr++;
+      }
+      else if (state == COMMON) {
+	/* The current line is a common block */
+	list_ptr = common_start;
+	ptr = find_char (find_char (ptr, '/'), '/');
+      }
+      else if (state == REGISTER_CONTINUE) {
+	/* The current line is the continuation of a register statement */
+	list_ptr = register_start;
+	ptr++;
+      }
+      else {
+	/* The current line contains variables to be registered */
+	list_ptr = register_start;
+	ptr = skip_nonblanks (ptr);
+      }
+      ptr = skip_blanks (ptr);
+      /* Obtain the title string */
+      title_ptr = string;
+      if (find_char (ptr, ',') > find_char (ptr, '!')) {
+	while (*title_ptr != '!') title_ptr++;
+	title_ptr = skip_blanks (title_ptr+1);
+	if (*title_ptr == '\0') title_ptr = NULL;
+      }
+      else title_ptr = NULL;
+      /* Convert ' to '' in title string */
+      if (title_ptr != NULL) {
+	temp = title_ptr;
+	while (*temp != '\0') {
+	  if (*temp == '\'') shift_left (temp++);
+	  temp++;
+	}
+      }
+      /* Add each variable to the linked list */
+      while ((ptr < find_char (string, '!')) && (*ptr != '!')) {
+	if ((find_char (ptr, '(') < find_char (ptr, ',')) &&
+	    (find_char (ptr, '(') < find_char (ptr, '!'))) {
+	  /* The variable is an array */
+	  create (list_ptr, vartype, ptr, title_ptr);
+	  if (vartype >= 0) array_flags[current_calltype][vartype] = 1;
+	  ptr = skip_blanks (find_char (find_char (ptr, ')'), ','));
+	}
+	else {
+	  /* The variable is not an array */
+	  create (list_ptr, vartype, ptr, title_ptr);
+	  if (vartype >=0) variable_flags[current_calltype][vartype] = 1;
+	  ptr = skip_blanks (find_char (ptr, ','));
+	}
+      }
+    }
+    if (vartype == PARAMETER)
+      /* If the line is a parameter statement, then ignore the variable */
+      mark_node (register_start, skip_blanks(find_char (ptr, '(')), IGNORE);
+    if (vartype == EQUIV) {
+      /* If the line is an equivalence statement, then skip the variables */
+      ptr = skip_blanks (find_char (ptr, '('));
+      mark_node (register_start, ptr, SKIP);
+      if (find_char(ptr,'(') < find_char(ptr,',')) ptr = find_char(ptr,')');
+      ptr = skip_blanks (find_char (ptr, ','));
+      mark_node (register_start, ptr, SKIP);
+    }
+  }
+/* Compare the common list with the register list */
+void compare_lists () {
+  struct node *ptr, *common_node;
+  eprint_newline ();
+  eprint ("Registered, but did not occur in a common block:");
+  eprint_newline ();
+  ptr = register_start->next;
+  while (ptr != NULL) {
+    common_node = find_node (common_start, ptr->name);
+    if (common_node != NULL) {
+      common_node->action = MARK;
+      if ((common_node->title != NULL) && (ptr->title == NULL)) {
+	ptr->title = malloc (strlen(common_node->title)+1);
+	if (ptr->title == NULL) memory_error ();
+	strcpy (ptr->title, common_node->title);
+      }
+    }
+    else if ((ptr->action != IGNORE) && (ptr->action != SKIP)) {
+      eprint_line (ptr->line_number);
+      eprint (ptr->name);
+      eprint_newline ();
+    }
+    ptr = ptr->next;
+  }
+  eprint_newline ();
+  eprint ("Occurred in a common block, but were not registered:");
+  ptr = common_start->next;
+  while (ptr != NULL) {
+    if (ptr->action != MARK) {
+      eprint_newline ();
+      eprint_line (ptr->line_number);
+      eprint (ptr->name);
+    }
+    ptr = ptr->next;
+  }
+  eprint ("\n\n");
+/* Write a header to the output file */
+void write_fortran_header () {
+  time_t current_time = time (NULL);
+  fprintf (output, "******************************************************");
+  fprintf (output, "*************************\n");
+  fprintf (output, "*     This file (%s) was generated ", output_filename);
+  fprintf (output, "from %s by makereg %s\n", input_filename, VERSION);
+  fprintf (output, "*     This file was created on ");
+  fprintf (output, "%s", asctime (localtime (&current_time)));
+  fprintf (output, "*\n");
+  fprintf (output, "*     The command used to create this file was:\n");
+  fprintf (output, "*     %s\n", command_line);
+  fprintf (output, "*\n");
+  fprintf (output, "*     Do not edit this file.\n");
+  fprintf (output, "******************************************************");
+  fprintf (output, "*************************\n\n");
+  fprintf (output, "      subroutine %s\n\n", subroutine_name);
+  fprintf (output, "      implicit none\n\n");
+/* Write the fortran code to an output file */
+void write_fortran_code () {
+  struct node *ptr = register_start->next;
+  int i, j;
+  for (j=0; j<3; j++) {
+    if (variable_flags[j][0] == 1) variable_flags[j][1] = 1;
+    if (array_flags[j][0] == 1) array_flags[j][1] = 1;
+  }
+  fprintf (output, "      include '%s'\n\n", input_filename);
+  for (j=0; j<3; j++) {
+    for (i=1; i<5; i++) {
+      if (variable_flags[j][i] == 1) {
+	fprintf (output, "c      integer ");
+	fprintf (output, "reg%s%s\n", call_names[j], type_names[i]);
+	fprintf (output, "c      external ");
+	fprintf (output, "reg%s%s\n", call_names[j], type_names[i]);
+      }
+      if (array_flags[j][i] == 1) {
+	fprintf (output, "c      integer ");
+	fprintf (output, "reg%s%sarray\n", call_names[j], type_names[i]);
+	fprintf (output, "c      external ");
+	fprintf (output, "reg%s%sarray\n", call_names[j], type_names[i]);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  fprintf (output, "\n");
+  /* Loop to output the reg calls */
+  while (ptr != NULL) {
+    if (ptr->action != IGNORE) {
+      fprintf (output, "      call reg%s", call_names[ptr->calltype]);
+      fprintf (output, "%s", type_names[ptr->vartype]);
+      if (ptr->size == NULL)
+	fprintf (output, "('%s',%s,", ptr->name, ptr->name);
+      else
+	fprintf (output, "array('%s',%s,%s,", ptr->name, ptr->name, ptr->size);
+      if (ptr->title == NULL) fprintf (output, "0)\n");
+      else {
+	fprintf (output, "\n     & ");
+	fprintf (output, "'%s')\n", ptr->title);
+      }
+    }
+    ptr = ptr->next;
+  }
+  fprintf (output, "\n");
+  fprintf (output, "      return\n");
+  fprintf (output, "      end\n");
+/* Set the call type to "test", "parm", or "event" */
+void set_call_type (char string[]) {
+  int i;
+  char *ptr;
+  if (strlen (string) != 0) {
+    ptr = skip_blanks (string+1);
+    if (strncmp_i(ptr, "CTPTYPE", 7) == 0) {
+      while (isalpha(*ptr) && (*ptr != '\0')) ptr++;
+      while ((! isalpha(*ptr)) && (*ptr != '\0')) ptr++;
+      if (*ptr != '\0')
+	for (i=0; i<4; i++)
+	  if (strncmp_i(ptr, call_names[i], 3) == 0) current_calltype = i;
+    }
+  }
+void print_usage () {
+    printf ("Usage:  makereg infile [-o outfile] [-e errorfile] ");
+    printf ("[-s subroutine name]\n");
+    printf ("                       [-c test | parm | event]\n");
+    exit (0);
+int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
+  char buffer[BUFFER_LEN];
+  struct node first_register_node, first_common_node;
+  int i, j;
+ = NULL;
+ = NULL;
+  register_start = &first_register_node;
+  common_start = &first_common_node;
+  for (i=0; i<argc; i++) {
+    strcat (command_line, argv[i]);
+    strcat (command_line, " ");
+  }
+  current_calltype = CTPTEST;
+  error = stderr;
+  if (argc < 2) print_usage ();
+  strcpy (input_filename, argv[1]);
+  strcpy (output_filename, input_filename);
+  if ((strcmp (strrchr(output_filename, '.'), ".cmn")) == 0)
+    strcpy (strrchr(output_filename, '.'), ".f");
+  else strcat (output_filename, ".f");
+  i = 2;
+  while (i < argc) {
+    if (strcmp(argv[i], "-o") == 0) {
+      if (argc > i+1) strcpy (output_filename, argv[i+1]);
+      else print_usage ();
+    }
+    else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-e") == 0) {
+      if (argc > i+1) strcpy (error_filename, argv[i+1]);
+      else print_usage ();
+    }
+    else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-c") == 0) {
+      if (argc > i+1) {
+	for (j=0; j<3; j++)
+	  if (strcmp(argv[i+1], call_names[j]) == 0) current_calltype = j;
+      }
+      else print_usage ();
+    }
+    else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-s") == 0) {
+      if (argc > i+1) strcpy (subroutine_name, argv[i+1]);
+      else print_usage ();
+    }
+    i += 2;
+  }
+  input = fopen (input_filename, "r");
+  if (input == NULL) {
+    printf ("Invalid filename: %s\n", input_filename);
+    print_usage ();
+  }
+  output = fopen (output_filename, "w");
+  if (output == NULL) {
+    printf ("Invalid filename: %s\n", output_filename);
+    print_usage ();
+  }
+  if (strlen(error_filename) != 0) {
+    error = fopen (error_filename, "w");
+    if (error == NULL) {
+      printf ("Invalid filename: %s\n", error_filename);
+      print_usage ();
+    }
+  }
+  if (strlen(subroutine_name) == 0) {
+    strcpy (subroutine_name, output_filename);
+    if (strrchr(subroutine_name, '.') != NULL)
+      *strrchr(subroutine_name, '.') = '\0';
+  }
+  write_fortran_header ();
+  current_line = 1;
+  while (fgets (buffer, BUFFER_LEN, input) != NULL) {
+    set_call_type (buffer);
+    if (strncmp(buffer, "*%%", 3) == 0)
+      fprintf (output, "      %s", skip_blanks(skip_nonblanks(buffer)));
+    else if (current_calltype != CTPOFF) parse (buffer);
+    current_line++;
+  }
+  compare_lists ();
+  write_fortran_code ();
+  clear_list (register_start);
+  clear_list (common_start);
+  fclose (input);
+  fclose (output);
+  fclose (error);
+  return 0;
diff --git a/CTP/th.h b/CTP/th.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d0e68a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CTP/th.h
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 1993 Southeastern Universities Research Association,
+ *                    Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility
+ *
+ * This software was developed under a United States Government license
+ * described in the NOTICE file included as part of this distribution.
+ *
+ * Stephen A. Wood, 12000 Jefferson Ave., Newport News, VA 23606
+ * Email:  Tel: (804) 249-7367  Fax: (804) 249-5800
+ *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * 
+ * Description:
+ *  Include file with prototypes for CTP routines.
+ *	
+ * Author:  Stephen Wood, CEBAF Hall C
+ *
+ * Revision History:
+ *   $Log: th.h,v $
+ *   Revision 1.2  1999/11/04 20:34:05  saw
+ *   Alpha compatibility.
+ *   New RPC call needed for root event display.
+ *   Start of code to write ROOT trees (ntuples) from new "tree" block
+ *
+ *   Revision 1.6  1999/08/25 13:16:05  saw
+ *   *** empty log message ***
+ *
+ *   Revision 1.5  1996/01/30 15:39:45  saw
+ *   Add new prototypes: group calls, class calls used by groups
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.4  1995/08/03  13:47:48  saw
+ *	  Add Error code for integer overflow
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.3  1994/11/07  14:40:22  saw
+ *	  Add error code S_TH_UNREG
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.2  1994/09/27  20:34:46  saw
+ *	  Define STDERR to be stdout
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.1  1993/05/11  15:10:08  saw
+ *	  Initial revision
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef _TH_H
+#define _TH_H
+/* Variable registration */
+typedef int thStatus;		/* Return status type */
+/* General booking routines */
+thStatus thLoad(char *fname);
+thStatus thOBook();
+thStatus thBook();
+/* Test package routines */
+typedef enum {
+thStatus thWalkTree(char *block_name, WALKOP walkop);
+thStatus thExecuteTests(char *block_name);
+thStatus thClearTestFlags(char *block_name);
+thStatus thClearTestScalers(char *block_name);
+thStatus thIncTestScalers(char *block_name);
+/*#define thExecuteTests(block_name) thWalkTree(block_name,WALK_EXECUTE)*/
+/*#define thIncTestScalers(block_name) \
+  thWalkTree(block_name,WALK_INCREMENT_SCALERS)*/
+#define thDisplayTests(block_name) thWalkTree(block_name,WALK_DISPLAY)
+#define thRemoveTests(block_name) thWalkTree(block_name,WALK_REMOVE)
+/*#define thClearTestFlags(block_name) \
+  thWalkTree(block_name,WALK_CLEAR_FLAGS)*/
+/*#define thClearTestScalers(block_name) \
+  thWalkTree(block_name,WALK_CLEAR_SCALERS)*/
+thStatus thExecuteGroup(char *group_name);
+thStatus thClearGroup(char *group_name);
+thStatus thClearScalersGroup(char *group_name);
+thStatus thIncrementScalersGroup(char *group_name);
+thStatus thWriteGroup(char *group_name);
+thStatus thCloseGroup(char *group_name);
+/* Histogram package routines */
+thStatus thExecuteHists(char *block_name);
+thStatus thClearHists(char *block_name);
+int thGetHistID(char *name);
+thStatus thHistAliasWrite(char *fname);
+#ifndef S_SUCCESS
+#define S_SUCCESS 0
+#define S_FAILURE -1
+#define S_TH_UNREG 1            /* Unregistered variable in test expression */
+#define S_INTOVF 2
+#define STDERR stdout
diff --git a/CTP/thClient.c b/CTP/thClient.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d6d789
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CTP/thClient.c
@@ -0,0 +1,607 @@
+#if defined(__osf__) || defined(__LP64__)
+#define BIT64
+ * Copyright (c) 1994 Southeastern Universities Research Association,
+ *                    Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility
+ *
+ * This software was developed under a United States Government license
+ * described in the NOTICE file included as part of this distribution.
+ *
+ * Stephen A. Wood, 12000 Jefferson Ave., Newport News, VA 23606
+ * Email:  Tel: (804) 249-7367  Fax: (804) 249-5800
+ *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * 
+ * Description:
+ *  Routines used by a client to retrieve CTP variables
+ *	
+ * Author:  Stephen Wood, CEBAF Hall C
+ *
+ * Revision History:
+ *  $Log: thClient.c,v $
+ *  Revision  2011/03/03 20:06:21  jones
+ *  Add check for 64bit by looking for LP64
+ *
+ *  Revision 1.5  2003/02/21 20:55:24  saw
+ *  Clean up some types and casts to reduce compiler warnings.
+ *
+ *  Revision 1.4  1999/11/04 20:34:05  saw
+ *  Alpha compatibility.
+ *  New RPC call needed for root event display.
+ *  Start of code to write ROOT trees (ntuples) from new "tree" block
+ *
+ *  Revision 1.6  1999/08/25 13:16:06  saw
+ *  *** empty log message ***
+ *
+ *  Revision 1.5  1999/03/01 19:53:05  saw
+ *  Add OSF stuff
+ *
+ * Revision 1.4  1995/08/03  13:50:52  saw
+ * Add SGI compatibility
+ *
+ * Revision 1.3  1994/11/07  14:09:42  saw
+ * Bug fixes in thGetList_test and callback server code.
+ *
+ * Revision 1.2  1994/10/17  17:07:28  saw
+ * Add thGetList_test and the callback service davar_readmultiple_test_cb_1
+ *
+ * Revision 1.1  1994/09/27  19:19:09  saw
+ * Initial revision
+ *
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <rpc/rpc.h>
+#include "daVar.h"
+#include "daVarRpc.h"
+#include "cfortran.h"
+int thCreateList();        /* Move to some  include file */
+int thAddToList(int handle, char *pattern);
+int thRemoveFromList(int handle, char *pattern);
+#ifdef BIT64
+int thGetList(int handle, int client);
+int thGetList_test(int handle, int client, char *test_condition,
+		    int max_time_wait, int max_event_wait);
+int thImportVars(char *pattern, int client);
+int thGetList(int handle, CLIENT *clnt);
+int thGetList_test(int handle, CLIENT *clnt, char *test_condition,
+		    int max_time_wait, int max_event_wait);
+int thImportVars(char *pattern, CLIENT *clnt);
+int thPrintList(int handle);
+#ifdef BIT64
+int myClntCreate(char *host, int prog, int vers, char *proto);
+/* Don't really understand the following.  What about ultrix?
+   This is probably because of the _ in clnt_create */
+#ifndef __osf__
+#ifdef BIT64
+struct thNameNode {
+  char *name;
+  struct thNameNode *next;
+typedef struct thNameNode thNameNode;
+struct thNameList {
+  thNameNode *namehead;
+  int nnames;			/* Number of names in list */
+  int rpc_made;
+  NAMELIST rpc;		/* List in form for RPC argument */
+typedef struct thNameList thNameList;
+TESTNAMELIST *pending_arg=0;
+int pending_flag=0;
+int callback_result;
+#ifdef BIT64
+#define MAXHANDLES 10
+static thNameList *handle_list[MAXHANDLES]={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
+static CLIENT *clnt_list[MAXHANDLES]={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
+#ifdef BIT64
+/* Keep client pointers in an array so that we can return a 32 bit "handle"
+   instead of 64 bit.  We probably won't need more than one, but we have an
+   array to hold 10 client pointers just for the heck of it.
+int myClntCreate(char *host, int prog, int vers, char *proto)
+  CLIENT *clnt;
+  int client;
+  clnt = clnt_create(host, prog, vers, proto);
+  for(client=0;client<MAXHANDLES;client++){
+    if(clnt_list[client]==0) {
+      clnt_list[client] = clnt;
+      return(client+1);
+    }
+  }
+  return(0);
+int thCreateList(){
+  /* Create a handle for a list of variables */
+  thNameList *list;
+#ifdef BIT64
+  int ihandle;
+  list = (thNameList *) malloc(sizeof(thNameList));;
+  list->namehead = 0;
+  list->nnames = 0;
+  list->rpc_made = 0;
+  list->rpc.NAMELIST_len = 0;
+  list->rpc.NAMELIST_val = 0;
+#ifdef BIT64
+  for(ihandle=0;ihandle<MAXHANDLES;ihandle++){
+    if(handle_list[ihandle]==0) {
+      handle_list[ihandle] = list;
+      printf("cr: handle_list[%d]=%x\n",ihandle,handle_list[ihandle]);
+      return(ihandle+1);
+    }
+  }
+  free(list);
+  return(0);
+  return((int) list);
+int thAddToList(int handle, char *pattern)
+/* Add registered variables to a list of variables to get from a server
+   Return the number of variables added
+   Should we check for duplicates?  Not now.  No harm in duplicates.
+   thRemoveFromList will remove all duplicates though. */
+  thNameList *list;
+  thNameNode *next,*this;
+  char **vlist;			/* List of characters matching pattern */
+  int count;			/* Number of variables being added */
+  int i;
+#ifdef BIT64
+  list = (thNameList *) handle_list[handle-1];
+  list = (thNameList *) handle;
+  daVarList(pattern,&vlist,&count);
+  for(i=0;i<count;i++) {
+    next = list->namehead;		/* The current list */
+    this = list->namehead = (thNameNode *) malloc(sizeof(thNameNode)); /* New name */
+    this->name = (char *) malloc(strlen(vlist[i])+1);
+    strcpy(this->name,vlist[i]);
+    this->next = next;		/* Attach rest of list */
+  }
+  list->nnames += count;	/* Perhaps I should just count when needed ? */
+  list->rpc_made = 0;		/* RPC format list now out of date. */
+  return(list->nnames);
+int thRemoveFromList(int handle, char *pattern)
+  thNameList *list;
+  thNameNode *this,**thisp;
+  char **vlist;			/* List of characters matching pattern */
+  int count;			/* Number of variables being removed */
+  int nremove;
+  int i;
+#ifdef BIT64
+  list = (thNameList *) handle_list[handle-1];
+  list = (thNameList *) handle;
+  daVarList(pattern,&vlist,&count);
+  nremove = 0;
+  for(i=0;i<count;i++) {
+    this = list->namehead;	/* Start of list */
+    thisp = &list->namehead;	/* Pointer to next field of previous name */
+    while(this) {
+      if(strcasecmp(this->name,vlist[i])==0) { /* Remove matching string */
+	*thisp = this->next;
+	free(this->name);
+	free(this);
+	this = *thisp;
+	nremove++;
+      } else {
+        thisp = &(this->next);
+	this = this->next;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  list->nnames -= nremove;	/* Perhaps I should just count when needed ? */
+  return(list->nnames);
+int thPrintList(int handle)
+     /* For debugging */
+  thNameList *list;
+  thNameNode *next,*this;
+  int count;
+#ifdef BIT64
+  list = (thNameList *) handle_list[handle-1];
+  list = (thNameList *) handle;
+  this = list->namehead;
+  printf("Variables attached to handle %d\n",handle);
+  count++;
+  while(this) {
+    printf("%s\n",this->name);
+    count++;
+    this = this->next;
+  }
+  return(count);
+#ifdef BIT64
+int thGetList(int handle, int client)
+int thGetList(int handle, CLIENT *clnt)
+     /* Returns 0 for total success, -1 for total failure, a positive number
+	for the number of variables that didn't work */
+  thNameList *list;
+  thNameNode *next,*this;
+  int i;
+  RVALLIST *vals;
+  int nerrors;
+#ifdef BIT64
+  CLIENT *clnt;
+  clnt = clnt_list[client-1];
+  printf("sizeof(handle)=%d\n",sizeof(handle));
+  printf("thGetLIst: handle=%d\n",handle);
+  printf("thGhandle_list[0]=%x\n",handle_list[0]);
+  printf("handle_list[%d-1]=%x\n",handle,handle_list[handle-1]);
+#ifdef BIT64
+  list = (thNameList *) handle_list[handle-1];
+  list = (thNameList *) handle;
+/*  printf("list->nnames=%d\n",list->nnames);*/
+  if(!list->rpc_made) {
+    if(list->rpc.NAMELIST_len == 0) {
+      list->rpc.NAMELIST_len = list->nnames;
+      list->rpc.NAMELIST_val = (char **) malloc(list->rpc.NAMELIST_len
+						*sizeof(char *));
+    } else if (list->rpc.NAMELIST_len != list->nnames) {
+      list->rpc.NAMELIST_len = list->nnames;
+      list->rpc.NAMELIST_val = (char **)
+	realloc(list->rpc.NAMELIST_val,list->rpc.NAMELIST_len*sizeof(char *));
+    }
+    this = list->namehead;
+    for(i=0;(i<list->nnames && this);i++){
+      list->rpc.NAMELIST_val[i] = this->name;
+      this = this->next;
+    }
+  }
+  nerrors = 0;
+  if(vals = davar_readmultiple_1(&(list->rpc),clnt)) {
+    this = list->namehead;
+/*    printf("list->rpc.NAMELIST_len=%d\n",list->rpc.NAMELIST_len);*/
+    for(i=0;(i<list->rpc.NAMELIST_len && this);i++){
+/*      printf("%s\n",this->name);*/
+      if(vals->RVALLIST_val[i].valtype != DAVARERROR_RPC){
+	if(daVarWriteVar(this->name,&(vals->RVALLIST_val[i])) != S_SUCCESS)
+	  nerrors++;
+      } else {
+	nerrors++;
+      }
+      this = this->next;
+    }
+  } else {
+    nerrors = -1;
+  }
+  return(nerrors);
+#if 0
+#ifdef BIT64
+int thPutList(int handle, int client)
+int thPutList(int handle, CLIENT *clnt)
+     /* Returns 0 for total success, -1 for total failure, a positive number
+	for the number of variables that didn't work */
+  thNameList *list;
+  thNameNode *next,*this;
+  int i;
+  WVALLIST vals;
+  int nerrors;
+#ifdef BIT64
+  CLIENT *clnt;
+  clnt = clnt_list[client-1];
+  /* Create the write structure */
+#ifdef BIT64
+  list = (thNameList *) handle_list[handle-1];
+  list = (thNameList *) handle;
+/*  printf("list->nnames=%d\n",list->nnames);*/
+  if(!list->rpc_made) {
+    if(list->rpc.NAMELIST_len == 0) {
+      list->rpc.NAMELIST_len = list->nnames;
+      list->rpc.NAMELIST_val = (char **) malloc(list->rpc.NAMELIST_len
+						*sizeof(char *));
+    } else if (list->rpc.NAMELIST_len != list->nnames) {
+      list->rpc.NAMELIST_len = list->nnames;
+      list->rpc.NAMELIST_val = (char **)
+	realloc(list->rpc.NAMELIST_val,list->rpc.NAMELIST_len*sizeof(char *));
+    }
+    this = list->namehead;
+    for(i=0;(i<list->nnames && this);i++){
+      list->rpc.NAMELIST_val[i] = this->name;
+      this = this->next;
+    }
+  }
+  nerrors = 0;
+  if(vals = davar_readmultiple_1(&(list->rpc),clnt)) {
+    this = list->namehead;
+/*    printf("list->rpc.NAMELIST_len=%d\n",list->rpc.NAMELIST_len);*/
+    for(i=0;(i<list->rpc.NAMELIST_len && this);i++){
+/*      printf("%s\n",this->name);*/
+      if(vals->RVALLIST_val[i].valtype != DAVARERROR_RPC){
+	if(daVarWriteVar(this->name,&(vals->RVALLIST_val[i])) != S_SUCCESS)
+	  nerrors++;
+      } else {
+	nerrors++;
+      }
+      this = this->next;
+    }
+  } else {
+    nerrors = -1;
+  }
+  return(nerrors);
+#if 0
+int tsize=0;
+struct timeval timeout;
+int servone(int wait)
+/* Need to move something that does this into CTP proper */
+  fd_set readfdset;
+  extern int errno;
+  timeout.tv_sec = wait;
+  timeout.tv_usec = 1;
+#ifdef hpux
+  if(!tsize) tsize = NFDBITS;
+  if(!tsize) tsize = getdtablesize(); /* how many descriptors can we have */
+  readfdset = svc_fdset;
+  switch(select(tsize, &readfdset, (fd_set *) NULL, (fd_set *) NULL,
+		&timeout)) {
+  case -1:
+    if (errno == EBADF) break;
+    perror("select failed");
+    break;
+  case 0:
+    /* perform other functions here if select() timed-out */
+    break;
+  default:
+    svc_getreqset(&readfdset);
+  }
+#ifdef BIT64
+int thGetList_test(int handle, int client, char *test_condition,
+		    int max_time_wait, int max_event_wait)
+int thGetList_test(int handle, CLIENT *clnt, char *test_condition,
+		    int max_time_wait, int max_event_wait)
+     /* Returns 0 for total success, -1 for total failure, a positive number
+	for the number of variables that didn't work */
+  thNameList *list;
+  thNameNode *next,*this;
+  int i;
+  int *status;
+  int servret;
+#ifdef BIT64
+  CLIENT *clnt;
+  clnt = clnt_list[client-1];
+  /* Can return some kind of error if pending_arg is not zero */
+#ifdef BIT64
+  list = (thNameList *) handle_list[handle-1];
+  list = (thNameList *) handle;
+/*  printf("list->nnames=%d\n",list->nnames);*/
+  if(!list->rpc_made) {
+    if(list->rpc.NAMELIST_len == 0) {
+      list->rpc.NAMELIST_len = list->nnames;
+      list->rpc.NAMELIST_val = (char **) malloc(list->rpc.NAMELIST_len
+						*sizeof(char *));
+    } else if (list->rpc.NAMELIST_len != list->nnames) {
+      list->rpc.NAMELIST_len = list->nnames;
+      list->rpc.NAMELIST_val = (char **)
+	realloc(list->rpc.NAMELIST_val,list->rpc.NAMELIST_len*sizeof(char *));
+    }
+    this = list->namehead;
+    for(i=0;(i<list->nnames && this);i++){
+      list->rpc.NAMELIST_val[i] = this->name;
+      this = this->next;
+    }
+  }
+  arg = (TESTNAMELIST *) malloc(sizeof(TESTNAMELIST));
+  arg->test_condition = (char *) malloc(strlen(test_condition)+1);
+  strcpy(arg->test_condition,test_condition);
+  arg->max_time_wait = max_time_wait;
+  arg->max_event_wait = max_event_wait;
+  arg->prog = DAVARSVR;
+  arg->vers = DAVARVERS+1;
+  arg->NAMELISTP = &list->rpc;
+  pending_arg = arg;
+  pending_flag = 1;
+  if(!(status = davar_readmultiple_test_1(arg,clnt)))
+    return(-1);
+  /* Now wait for the incoming network call */
+  servret = 1;
+  while(pending_flag && servret > 0) /* Wait for timeout, completion or failur*/
+    servret = daVarServOnce(arg->max_time_wait+10); /* Will wait double?? */
+  if(servret == 0) callback_result = -2;	/* Timeout */
+  else if(servret == -1) callback_result = -3;
+  free(arg->test_condition);
+  free(arg);
+  pending_arg = 0;
+  return(callback_result);
+#ifdef BIT64
+int thImportVars(char *pattern, int client)
+int thImportVars(char *pattern, CLIENT *clnt)
+     /* Returns 0 for total success, -1 for total failure, a positive number
+	for the number of variables that didn't work */
+  WVALLIST *vals;
+  int count;
+  thNameList *list;
+  thNameNode *next,*this;
+  int i;
+  int nerrors;
+#ifdef BIT64
+  CLIENT *clnt;
+  clnt = clnt_list[client-1];
+  /* need to initialize the hash tables */
+  if(!(vals = davar_readpatternmatch_1(&pattern,clnt))) {
+    return(-1);			/* Failed */
+  }
+  count = vals->WVALLIST_len;
+  /*printf("daVarImportVars got %d variables matching %s\n",count,pattern);*/
+  nerrors = 0;
+  for(i=0;i<count;i++) {
+    char *name;
+    int valtype;
+    daVarStruct var;
+    name = vals->WVALLIST_val[i].name;
+    /*printf("%d: %s\n",i,name);*/
+    /* Don't do anything if it already exists */
+    if(daVarWriteVar(name,vals->WVALLIST_val[i].val) == S_SUCCESS) continue;
+    var.type = vals->WVALLIST_val[i].val->valtype;
+    if(var.type == DAVARERROR_RPC){
+      printf("Error getting %s\n",name);
+      nerrors++;
+      continue;
+    }
+ = name;
+    /*printf("Vartype = %d\n",var.type);*/
+    switch(var.type)
+      {
+      case DAVARINT_RPC:
+	var.size = vals->WVALLIST_val[i].val->any_u.i.i_len;
+	/*printf("size=%d\n",var.size);*/
+	var.varptr = (void *) malloc(var.size*sizeof(DAINT));
+	break;
+      case DAVARFLOAT_RPC:
+	var.size = vals->WVALLIST_val[i].val->any_u.r.r_len;
+	/*printf("size=%d\n",var.size);*/
+	var.varptr = (void *) malloc(var.size*sizeof(DAFLOAT));
+	break;
+      case DAVARDOUBLE_RPC:
+	var.size = vals->WVALLIST_val[i].val->any_u.d.d_len;
+	/*printf("size=%d\n",var.size);*/
+	var.varptr = (void *) malloc(var.size*sizeof(DADOUBLE));
+	break;
+      case DAVARSTRING_RPC:
+	var.size = strlen(vals->WVALLIST_val[i].val->any_u.s) + 1;
+	/*printf("size=%d\n",var.size);*/
+	var.varptr = malloc(var.size);
+	break;
+      }
+    var.opaque = 0;
+    var.rhook = 0;
+    var.whook = 0;
+    var.title = 0;
+    daVarRegister((int) 0, &var);
+    /*    free(;*/
+    if(daVarWriteVar(name,vals->WVALLIST_val[i].val) != S_SUCCESS) {
+      printf("daVarWriteVar of %s should have worked\n",name);
+      nerrors++;
+    }
+  }
+  return(nerrors);
+int *davar_readmultiple_test_cb_1(RVALLIST *vals, CLIENT *clnt)
+  static int result;
+  thNameNode *next,*this;
+  int i;
+  if(pending_arg) argp = pending_arg;
+  else {
+    pending_flag = 0;
+    return(&result);		/* What error code ?? */
+  }
+  callback_result = 0;
+  if(argp->NAMELISTP->NAMELIST_len == vals->RVALLIST_len) {
+    for(i=0;(i<argp->NAMELISTP->NAMELIST_len);i++){
+/*      printf("%s\n",this->name);*/
+      if(vals->RVALLIST_val[i].valtype != DAVARERROR_RPC){
+	if(daVarWriteVar(argp->NAMELISTP->NAMELIST_val[i]
+			 ,&(vals->RVALLIST_val[i])) != S_SUCCESS)
+	  callback_result++;
+      } else {
+	callback_result++;
+      }
+    }
+  } else if (vals->RVALLIST_len>0) {
+    printf("Lengths: %d %d",argp->NAMELISTP->NAMELIST_len,vals->RVALLIST_len);
+    callback_result = -1;
+  } else {
+    callback_result = -2;       /* Server send timeout signal */
+  }
+  pending_flag = 0;
+  return(&result);
diff --git a/CTP/thGethit.c b/CTP/thGethit.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f626d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CTP/thGethit.c
@@ -0,0 +1,517 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 1993 Southeastern Universities Research Association,
+ *                    Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility
+ *
+ * This software was developed under a United States Government license
+ * described in the NOTICE file included as part of this distribution.
+ *
+ * Stephen A. Wood, 12000 Jefferson Ave., Newport News, VA 23606
+ * Email:  Tel: (804) 249-7367  Fax: (804) 249-5800
+ *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ * Description:
+ *  Retrieve data from Hall C Engine hit lists (gen_datastructures.cmn).
+ *    
+ * Author: Stephen A. Wood, CEBAF, Hall C
+ *
+ * Revision History:
+ *   $Log: thGethit.c,v $
+ *   Revision 1.2  1999/11/04 20:34:05  saw
+ *   Alpha compatibility.
+ *   New RPC call needed for root event display.
+ *   Start of code to write ROOT trees (ntuples) from new "tree" block
+ *
+ *   Revision 1.6  1996/08/01 01:31:14  saw
+ *   Change argument of thExecuteaGethitBlock from block pointer to a var
+ *
+ * Revision 1.5  1995/04/10  15:52:52  saw
+ * No defined gethit blocks is not an error in thExecuteGethits
+ *
+ * Revision 1.4  1995/01/13  16:26:01  saw
+ * Add missing return(S_SUCCESS) calls to various routines
+ *
+ * Revision 1.3  1994/09/27  19:26:21  saw
+ * Remove linux dependencies
+ *
+ * Revision 1.2  1994/08/26  12:30:23  saw
+ * Register result and test variables as needed
+ *
+ * Revision 1.1  1994/07/21  18:48:12  saw
+ * Initial revision
+ *
+ */
+Any gethit block can only operate on one "data structure".
+begin gethit wc
+missing_value=-1 ! Value to give when hit not found
+hitcount=numhits ! Pointer to word holding hit count
+matchlist=plane  ! First array to match with
+matchlist=counter! Second array to match with
+valuelist=data   ! Default list containing data values
+xsin1,txsin1:,1,4 ! Use default array   !Makes hit.xscin1, and test.txsin1
+end gethist wc
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "daVar.h"
+#include "th.h"
+#include "thInternal.h"
+#include "thUtils.h"
+#include "cfortran.h"
+struct thGethitList {
+  struct thGethitList *next;
+  daVarStruct *src;		/* Array to get data from when hit is found */
+  DAINT *coord;			/* Coordinate values to match*/
+  daVarStruct *dest,*test;	/* Variable to put value of hit detector
+				   and a flag for hit found/not found */
+  int destindex, testindex;
+typedef struct thGethitList thGethitList;
+struct thGethitOpaque {
+  DAINT *vnhits;		/* CTP variable with number of hits */
+  int ncoord;			/* Number of coordinates that must match */
+  DAINT **coord_array;		/* Point to list of arrays containing hit
+				   coordinates */
+  thGethitList *hlisthead;	/* List of gethit definitions */
+  daVarStruct *srcdefault;	/* Default data array */
+  DADOUBLE default_real;	/* Default value to give when hit not found */
+  DAINT default_int;		/* Int of default_real */
+typedef struct thGethitOpaque thGethitOpaque;
+struct thGBlockList {
+  struct thGBlockList *next;
+  char *blockname;		/* Block name without the block.gethit */
+  daVarStruct *var;		/* Pointer to variable that describes block */
+typedef struct thGBlockList thGBlockList;
+thGBlockList *thGBlockListP = NULL;
+char *hitsourceclasslist[]={EVENTSTR,0};
+/* Function prototypes */
+thStatus thGethitPreamble(char *line, thGethitOpaque *opqptr,int  *icoord);
+char *thGetline(char *lines,char **lcopy);
+thStatus thBookaGethit(char *line, thGethitOpaque *opqptr
+		       ,thGethitList **thGethitNext);
+thStatus thExecuteaGethitBlock(daVarStruct *var);
+thStatus thExecuteaGethit(thGBlockList *block);
+thStatus thBookGethits(daVarStruct *var)
+  char *lines,*eol,*lcopy;
+  thGethitOpaque *opqptr;
+  thGethitList **thGethitNext;
+  int ncoord,icoord;
+  int line_count,mode;
+  char *blockname;
+  blockname = var->name;	/* If name doesn't fit pattern, use whole */
+/*  printf("Booking gethit block %s\n",blockname);*/
+  if(strcasestr(var->name,BLOCKSTR)==var->name){
+    int i;
+    i = strlen(BLOCKSTR) + 1;
+    if(strcasestr((var->name + i),GETHITSTR)==(var->name + i)){
+      i += strlen(GETHITSTR);
+      if(*(var->name + i) == '.'){
+	blockname += i + 1;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  if(var->opaque == 0) {
+    opqptr = (thGethitOpaque *) malloc(sizeof(thGethitOpaque));
+    var->opaque = (void *) opqptr;
+  } else {
+    daVarStructList *next,*this;
+    opqptr = (thGethitOpaque *) var->opaque;
+    free(opqptr->coord_array);
+    /* Walk down optptr->hlisthead freeing the individual gethit structures */
+  }
+  /* Initialize/Clear the Gethit structure */
+  opqptr->vnhits = (DAINT *) 0;
+  opqptr->ncoord = 0;
+  opqptr->coord_array = (DAINT **) 0;
+  opqptr->srcdefault = (daVarStruct *) 0;
+  opqptr->hlisthead = (thGethitList *) 0;
+  opqptr->default_real = opqptr->default_int = 0;
+  lines = var->title;
+  line_count = 0;
+  ncoord=0;
+  while(*lines) {		/* First Pass */
+				/* Count the number of arrays to match */
+    line_count++;
+    lines = thGetline(lines,&lcopy);
+    if(!thCleanLine(lcopy)){
+      if(strcasestr(lcopy,"matchlist") && strchr(lcopy,'=')) {
+	ncoord++;
+      }
+      if(strchr(lcopy,':')) {	/* First gethit definition */
+	break;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  opqptr->ncoord = ncoord;
+  opqptr->coord_array = (DAINT **) malloc(ncoord*sizeof(DAINT *));
+  mode = 0;			/* setup mode */
+  thGethitNext = (thGethitList **) &opqptr->hlisthead;
+  line_count = 0;
+  icoord = 0;
+  lines = var->title;
+  while(*lines) {		/* Second Pass */
+    line_count++;
+    lines = thGetline(lines,&lcopy);
+    if(!thCleanLine(lcopy)){
+      if(strchr(lcopy,':'))
+	mode = 1;
+      if(mode) {		/* Defining the individual gethits */
+	if(thBookaGethit(lcopy,opqptr,thGethitNext)==S_SUCCESS){
+	  thGethitNext = &((*thGethitNext)->next);
+	} else {
+	  fprintf(STDERR,"Gethit booking error in line %d\n",line_count);
+	}
+      } else {			/* Preamble */
+	if(thGethitPreamble(lcopy,opqptr,&icoord)!=S_SUCCESS){
+	  fprintf(STDERR,"Gethit booking error in line %d\n",line_count);
+	}
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  /* Update internal table of gethit blocks */
+  {
+    thGBlockList *thisblock,*nextblock,**lastblockp;
+    nextblock = thGBlockListP;
+    lastblockp = &thGBlockListP;
+    thisblock = thGBlockListP;
+    while(thisblock){
+      if((strcasecmp(thisblock->var->name,var->name)) == 0){
+	/* Replacing a block with a new definition */
+	fprintf(stderr,"Replacing %s with new definition\n",var->name);
+	if(thisblock->var != var){
+	  fprintf(stderr,"ERR: Same name, different var pointer\n");
+	}
+	break;
+      }
+      lastblockp = &thisblock->next;
+      thisblock = thisblock->next;
+    }
+    if(!thisblock){		/* Create entry for New block */
+      *lastblockp = thisblock = (thGBlockList *) malloc(sizeof(thGBlockList));
+      thisblock->var = var;
+      thisblock->next = (thGBlockList *) NULL;
+      thisblock->blockname = (char *) malloc(strlen(blockname) + 1);
+      strcpy(thisblock->blockname,blockname);
+    }
+  }
+/*  printf("Returning from booking Gethit's\n");*/
+  return(S_SUCCESS);
+char *thGetline(char *lines,char **lcopy)
+/* Pull out the characters from lines up to a newline and copy them into
+   a new array.  Return the pointer to that array.  If a line is missing
+   a newline, return an error. */
+  static char *line_copy=0;
+  static line_copy_size=0;
+  char *next;
+  int len;
+  char *eol;
+  eol = strchr(lines,'\n');
+  if(!eol) {
+    len = strlen(lines);
+    next = lines + len;
+  } else {
+    len = (eol-lines);
+    next = eol+1;
+  }
+  if(!line_copy) {
+    line_copy = (char *) malloc(len+1);
+    line_copy_size = len+1;
+  } else {
+    if(len >= line_copy_size) {
+      line_copy = (char *) realloc(line_copy,len+1);
+      line_copy_size = len+1;
+    }
+  }
+  strncpy(line_copy,lines,len);
+  line_copy[len] = '\0';
+  *lcopy = line_copy;
+  return(next);
+thStatus thGethitPreamble(char *line, thGethitOpaque *opqptr,int  *icoord){
+  char *equal;
+  char *arg;
+/*  printf("Processing preamble line %x %s\n",line,line);*/
+  if(!(equal=strchr(line,'=')))
+    return(S_SUCCESS);
+  arg = equal + 1;
+  *equal = 0;
+  arg = thSpaceStrip(arg);
+/*  printf("line=%s,arg=%s\n",line,arg); */
+  if(strcasestr(line,"missing_value")) {
+    opqptr->default_real = atof(arg);
+    opqptr->default_int = floatToLong(opqptr->default_real);
+  } else {
+    daVarStruct *varp;
+/*    printf("line=%s,arg=%x %s\n",line,arg,arg);*/
+    if(daVarLookupPWithClass(arg,hitsourceclasslist,&varp)!=S_SUCCESS){
+      fprintf(STDERR,"(thGethitPreamble )Variable %s not found\n",arg);
+      return(S_FAILURE);	/* Variable not found */
+    }
+/*    printf("line=%s,arg=%x %s\n",line,arg,arg);*/
+/*    printf("Searching for keyword in %s\n",line);*/
+    if(strcasestr(line,"valuelist")) {
+      opqptr->srcdefault = varp;
+    } else {
+      if(varp->type != DAVARINT) {
+	return(S_FAILURE);	/* Not an integer array */
+      }
+      if(strcasestr(line,"hitcount")) {
+	opqptr->vnhits = (DAINT *) varp->varptr;
+/*	printf("Setting vnhits to %s\n",varp->name);*/
+      } else if(strcasestr(line,"matchlist")) {
+/*	printf("Coordinate %d=%s\n",*icoord,varp->name);*/
+	opqptr->coord_array[(*icoord)++] = (DAINT *) varp->varptr;
+      } else {
+	return(S_FAILURE);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return(S_SUCCESS);
+thStatus thBookaGethit(char *line, thGethitOpaque *opqptr, thGethitList **thGethitNext)
+  char *colon;
+  int ndestarg;			/* Number of destination args */
+  char *destargs[20];
+  int nsrcarg;			/* Number of destination args */
+  char *srcargs[20];
+  daVarStruct *destp, *testp;
+  int destind,testind;		/* Indexes into destination and test arrays */
+  daVarStruct *source;
+  DAINT *coord;
+  int icoord;
+  thGethitList *Gethit;
+  thStatus status;
+  if(!(colon=strchr(line,':'))) {
+    return(S_SUCCESS);
+  }
+  *colon = '\0';
+  colon++;
+  ndestarg = thCommas(line,destargs);
+  nsrcarg = thCommas(colon,srcargs);
+  /* Parse the source side first so that we know the data type of the
+     source in case we need to register the destination */
+  /*  printf("%s found as %s at %x\n",destargs[0],destp->name,destp->varptr);*/
+  if(nsrcarg < opqptr->ncoord+1) {
+    fprintf(STDERR,"Insufficient arguments after :\n");
+    return(S_FAILURE);
+  }
+  srcargs[0] = thSpaceStrip(srcargs[0]);
+  if(strlen(srcargs[0]) == 0) {
+    source = opqptr->srcdefault;
+  } else {
+    if(daVarLookupPWithClass(srcargs[0],hitsourceclasslist,*source)
+       != S_SUCCESS) {
+      fprintf(STDERR,"%s not registered\n",srcargs[0]);
+      return(S_FAILURE);		/* Destination not registered */
+    }
+  }
+  destargs[0] = thSpaceStrip(destargs[0]);
+  if((status=thVarResolve(destargs[0],&destp,&destind,2,source->type)) != S_SUCCESS){
+    return(S_FAILURE);
+    /* ASAP we must change this to register variables as they are needed */
+      /* If the variable exists, then we also must check to make sure that
+	 the requested index does not exceed the size of the array.
+	 a new thVarResolve should also increase the size of the array if
+	 it was created by CTP */
+  }
+  if(ndestarg > 1){
+    destargs[1] = thSpaceStrip(destargs[1]);
+    if(thVarResolve(destargs[1],&testp,&testind,3,DAVARINT) != S_SUCCESS){
+      return(S_FAILURE);		/* Test flag not registered */
+      /* ASAP we must change this to register variables as they are needed */
+      /* If the variable exists, then we also must check to make sure that
+	 the requested index does not exceed the size of the array.
+	 a new thVarResolve should also increase the size of the array if
+	 it was created by CTP */
+    }
+  } else {
+    testp = 0;
+    testind = 0;
+  }
+  coord = (DAINT *) malloc(opqptr->ncoord*sizeof(DAINT));
+  for(icoord=0;icoord<opqptr->ncoord;icoord++) { 
+    srcargs[icoord+1] = thSpaceStrip(srcargs[icoord+1]);
+    if(thEvalImed(srcargs[icoord+1],0,&coord[icoord]) != S_SUCCESS) {
+      fprintf(STDERR,"Error evaluating %s\n",srcargs[icoord+1]);
+      free(coord);
+      return(S_FAILURE);
+    }
+  }
+/* Everything obtained from line now */
+  Gethit = *thGethitNext = (thGethitList *) malloc(sizeof(thGethitList));
+  Gethit->next = (thGethitList *) NULL;
+  Gethit->src = source;
+  Gethit->coord = coord;
+  Gethit->dest = destp;
+  Gethit->destindex = destind;
+  Gethit->test = testp;
+  Gethit->testindex = testind;
+  return(S_SUCCESS);
+thStatus thExecuteGethits(char *block_name){
+  thGBlockList *thisblock;
+  if(block_name) if(*block_name=='\0') block_name = 0;
+  if(thGBlockListP == 0){
+    return(S_SUCCESS);		/* No gethits defined */
+  } else {
+    thisblock = thGBlockListP;
+    while(thisblock){
+      if(block_name)
+	if(strcasecmp(block_name,thisblock->blockname)!=0){
+	  thisblock = thisblock->next;
+	  continue;
+	}
+      thExecuteaGethitBlock(thisblock->var);
+      (*((DAINT *)thisblock->var->varptr))++; /* Increment block counter */
+      if(block_name)
+	if(strcasecmp(block_name,thisblock->blockname)==0) return(S_SUCCESS);
+      thisblock = thisblock->next;
+    }
+  }
+  return(S_SUCCESS);
+thStatus thExecuteaGethitBlock(daVarStruct *var)
+     /* Execute a gethit block */
+  thGethitOpaque *opqptr;
+  thGethitList *thisgethit;
+  int nhits;
+  int ihit;
+  int icoord,ncoord;
+  DAINT **coord_array;
+  double dval;
+  int ival;
+/*  opqptr = block->var->opaque;*/	/* Structure that describes the gethits */
+  opqptr = var->opaque;
+/*  printf("opqptr=%x\n",opqptr);*/
+  nhits = *(opqptr->vnhits);
+  ncoord = opqptr->ncoord;
+  coord_array = opqptr->coord_array;
+  thisgethit = opqptr->hlisthead;
+/*  printf("%d hits this event\n",nhits);*/
+  while(thisgethit){		/* Inefficient algorithm */
+/*    printf("Getting %s\n",thisgethit->dest->name);*/
+    if(thisgethit->test) {
+      /* Assume that test is integer */
+      *((DAINT *) thisgethit->test->varptr + thisgethit->testindex) = FALSE;
+    }
+    for(ihit=0;ihit<nhits;ihit++){
+      for(icoord=0;icoord<ncoord;icoord++){
+/*	printf("Hit=%d, Coord=%d %d %d\n",ihit,icoord
+	       ,coord_array[icoord][ihit],thisgethit->coord[icoord]);*/
+	if((coord_array[icoord])[ihit] != thisgethit->coord[icoord]) break;
+      }
+      if(icoord >= ncoord){	/* All coordinates matched */
+	int srctype;
+/*	printf("Matched at hit %d, %d %d\n",ihit,icoord,ncoord);*/
+	if(thisgethit->test) 
+	  *((DAINT *) thisgethit->test->varptr + thisgethit->testindex) = TRUE;
+	/* Need to grab the data value, stuff it into variable */
+	srctype = thisgethit->src->type;
+	switch(srctype)
+	  {
+	  case DAVARINT:
+	    ival = ((DAINT *)thisgethit->src->varptr)[ihit];
+	    switch(thisgethit->dest->type)
+	      {
+	      case DAVARINT:
+		((DAINT *)thisgethit->dest->varptr)[thisgethit->destindex] = 
+		  ival;
+		break;
+	      case DAVARFLOAT:
+		((DAFLOAT *)thisgethit->dest->varptr)[thisgethit->destindex] = 
+		  ival;
+		break;
+	      case DAVARDOUBLE:
+		((DADOUBLE *)thisgethit->dest->varptr)[thisgethit->destindex]
+		  = ival;
+		break;
+	      }
+	    break;
+	  case DAVARFLOAT:
+	    if(srctype == DAVARFLOAT)
+	      dval = ((DAFLOAT *)thisgethit->src->varptr)[ihit];
+	    else 
+	      dval = ((DADOUBLE *)thisgethit->src->varptr)[ihit];
+	    switch(thisgethit->dest->type)
+	      {
+	      case DAVARINT:
+		((DAINT *)thisgethit->dest->varptr)[thisgethit->destindex] = 
+		  floatToLong(dval);
+		break;
+	      case DAVARFLOAT:
+		((DAFLOAT *)thisgethit->dest->varptr)[thisgethit->destindex] = 
+		  dval;
+		break;
+	      case DAVARDOUBLE:
+		((DADOUBLE *)thisgethit->dest->varptr)[thisgethit->destindex]
+		  = dval;
+		break;
+	      }
+	    break;
+	  }
+	break;			/* Only match one hit for now */
+      }
+    }
+    thisgethit = thisgethit->next;
+  }
+  return(S_SUCCESS);
+int thgethit_()
+  int A0;
+  A0 = thExecuteGethits(0);
+  return A0;
+int thgethitb_(char *A1,unsigned C1)
+  int A0;
+  char *B1;
+  A0 = thExecuteGethits((!*(int *)A1)?0:memchr(A1,'\0',C1)?A1:
+		      (memcpy(B1=malloc(C1+1),A1,C1),B1[C1]='\0'
+		       ,kill_trailing(B1,' ')));
+  if(B1) free(B1);
+  return A0;
diff --git a/CTP/thGroup.c b/CTP/thGroup.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4fabf59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CTP/thGroup.c
@@ -0,0 +1,336 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 1995,1996 Southeastern Universities Research Association,
+ *                         Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility
+ *
+ * This software was developed under a United States Government license
+ * described in the NOTICE file included as part of this distribution.
+ *
+ * Stephen A. Wood, 12000 Jefferson Ave., Newport News, VA 23606
+ * Email:  Tel: (804) 249-7367  Fax: (804) 249-5800
+ *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * 
+ * Description:
+ *  Code for dealing with blocks in groups.
+ *	
+ * Author:  Stephen Wood, CEBAF Hall C
+ *
+ * Revision History:
+ *   $Log: thGroup.c,v $
+ *   Revision  2007/09/10 21:32:47  pcarter
+ *   Implemented changes to allow compilation on RHEL 3,4,5 and MacOSX
+ *
+ *   Revision 1.5  2004/07/08 20:05:37  saw
+ *   Use dummy fortran ctp tree routines when ROOTSYS not defined.
+ *
+ *   Revision 1.4  2004/07/07 18:15:27  saw
+ *   Consistenly use thtreeexeg
+ *
+ *   Revision 1.3  2004/07/02 20:11:07  saw
+ *   Make fortran tree group function names sane
+ *
+ *   Revision 1.2  1999/11/04 20:34:05  saw
+ *   Alpha compatibility.
+ *   New RPC call needed for root event display.
+ *   Start of code to write ROOT trees (ntuples) from new "tree" block
+ *
+ *   Revision 1.1  1998/12/07 22:11:12  saw
+ *   Initial setup
+ *
+ *   Revision 1.2  1996/07/31 20:31:52  saw
+ *   Book blocks in the order they appear in the input files.
+ *
+ *   Revision 1.1  1996/01/30 15:35:16  saw
+ *   Initial revision
+ *
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "daVar.h"
+#include "th.h"
+#include "thInternal.h"
+#include "thUtils.h"
+#include "cfortran.h"
+#include "thGroup.h"
+thStatus thBookGroup(char *name);
+/* Fortran Interface */
+struct thHook {
+  char *type;
+  thStatus (*book)();		/* Hooks to the appropriate routines */
+  thStatus (*execute)();
+  thStatus (*clear)();
+  thStatus (*clearScalers)();
+  thStatus (*incrementScalers)();
+  thStatus (*ctpwrite)();
+  thStatus (*ctpclose)();
+typedef struct thHook thHook;
+/* V indicates these calls take a variable pointer, not a name */
+/* Eventually calls without V may go away, and these will all be renamed */
+/* How many of these c routines are "advertised */
+thHook thHooks[] = {
+  {PARMSTR   ,thLoadParameters,0,0,0,0,0,0},
+  {GETHITSTR ,thBookGethits,thExecuteaGethitBlock,0,0,0,0,0},
+  {TESTSTR   ,thBookTests,thExecuteTestsV,thClearTestFlagsV,thClearTestScalersV
+     ,thIncTestScalersV,0,0},
+  {HISTSTR,thBookHists,thExecuteHistsV,thClearHistsV,0,0,0,0},
+  {UHISTSTR,thBookHists,0,0,0,0,0,0},
+  {TREESTR,thBookTree,thFillTreeV,thClearTreeV,0,0,thWriteTreeV,thCloseTreeV},
+  {REPORTSTR,thBookReports,0,0,0,0,0,0},
+  {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}};
+int thGroupClassesSet=0;
+thStatus thSetGroupClasses();
+void thInitGroupOpaque(char *name, thGroupOpaque *opqptr)
+  daVarStatus status;
+  daVarStruct *varclass;
+  thGroupOpaque *classopqptr;
+  if(!thGroupClassesSet) {
+    status = thSetGroupClasses();
+    thGroupClassesSet = 1;
+  }
+  status = daVarClassFind(name,&varclass);
+  classopqptr = varclass->opaque;
+  opqptr->blocklist = 0;
+  opqptr->type = classopqptr->type;
+  opqptr->book = classopqptr->book;
+  opqptr->execute = classopqptr->execute;
+  opqptr->clear = classopqptr->clear;
+  opqptr->clearScalers = classopqptr->clearScalers;
+  opqptr->incrementScalers = classopqptr->incrementScalers;
+  opqptr->ctpwrite = classopqptr->ctpwrite;
+  opqptr->ctpclose = classopqptr->ctpclose;
+  /* Find out what group type we are copy the information out of it's
+     opaque block */
+thStatus thSetGroupClasses()
+/*  thBookList *booklist;
+  thBookList **booknext;*/
+  thGroupOpaque *opqptr;
+  char *classname;
+  daVarStruct var;
+  int i;
+  for(i=0;thHooks[i].type;i++){
+    /* Need to decide later to do automatic booking by groups 
+     What do I mean by that ^^^ ?*/
+    classname = (char *) malloc(strlen(GROUPSTR)+strlen(thHooks[i].type)+2);
+    strcpy(classname,GROUPSTR);
+    strcat(classname,".");
+    strcat(classname,thHooks[i].type);
+ = classname;
+    var.title = 0;/*""*/
+    var.type = DAVARINT;
+    var.varptr = (DAINT *) malloc(sizeof(DAINT));
+    *((DAINT *) var.varptr) = i; /* Booking order */
+    var.size = 1;
+    var.whook = 0;		/* Need handlers? */
+    var.rhook = 0;
+//    var.opaque = (void *)opqptr = (thGroupOpaque *) malloc(sizeof(thGroupOpaque));/*phil*/
+    var.opaque = (void *) (opqptr = (thGroupOpaque *) (void *)
+            ((thGroupOpaque *) malloc(sizeof(thGroupOpaque))));
+    opqptr->blocklist = 0;
+    opqptr->type = (char *) malloc(strlen(thHooks[i].type) + 1);
+    strcpy(opqptr->type,thHooks[i].type);
+    opqptr->book = thHooks[i].book;
+    opqptr->execute = thHooks[i].execute;
+    opqptr->clear = thHooks[i].clear;
+    opqptr->clearScalers = thHooks[i].clearScalers;
+    opqptr->incrementScalers = thHooks[i].incrementScalers;
+    opqptr->ctpwrite = thHooks[i].ctpwrite;
+    opqptr->ctpclose = thHooks[i].ctpclose;
+    if(daVarRegister((int) 0, &var) == S_FAILURE){
+      fprintf(STDERR,"Failed to register %s\n",;
+      return(S_FAILURE);
+    }
+/*    printf("Registered %s\n",;*/
+  }
+  return(S_SUCCESS);
+thStatus thBookGroup(char *group)
+  daVarStruct *varp, *bvar;
+  daVarStructList *blocklist;
+  thStatus stat;
+  thStatus (*hook)();
+  if(daVarLookupP(group, &varp) != S_SUCCESS){
+/*    fprintf(STDERR,"Failed to find %s\n",group);*/
+    return(S_FAILURE);
+  }
+  hook = ((thGroupOpaque *)varp->opaque)->book;
+  blocklist = ((thGroupOpaque *)varp->opaque)->blocklist;
+  while(blocklist) {
+    bvar = blocklist->varp;
+    if(!bvar->varptr) {	/* Only book those not already booked */
+      bvar->varptr = (DAINT *) malloc(sizeof(DAINT));
+      *((DAINT *) bvar->varptr) = 0; /* Initializec execution counter */
+      if(hook) {
+/*	printf("Booking %s\n",bvar->name);*/
+	stat = (hook)(bvar);
+      } else {
+/*	printf("No booking required for %s\n",bvar->name);*/
+      }
+    }
+    blocklist = blocklist->next;
+  }
+  return(S_SUCCESS);
+thStatus SUBNAME(char *group)\
+  daVarStruct *varp, *bvar;\
+  daVarStructList *blocklist;\
+  thStatus stat;\
+  thStatus (*hook)();\
+  if(daVarLookupP(group, &varp) != S_SUCCESS){\
+/*    fprintf(STDERR,"(%s) Failed to find %s\n",QSUBNAME,group);*/\
+    return(S_SUCCESS);\
+  }\
+  hook = ((thGroupOpaque *)varp->opaque)->ELEMENT;\
+  blocklist = ((thGroupOpaque *)varp->opaque)->blocklist;\
+  if(hook) {\
+    while(blocklist) {\
+      bvar = blocklist->varp;\
+      stat = (hook)(bvar);\
+      blocklist = blocklist->next;\
+    }\
+  }\
+  return(S_SUCCESS);\
+thStatus thBook()
+/* Book all the parameter, tests and histograms and anything else that is
+   in the booking order list.  Books groups in alphabetical order.  Within
+   groups booking is done in the order that the blocks appear in the CTP
+   files.
+1/30/96 New behaviour.  Just book the "all" group for each class.  That way
+booking order will be precisely as appears in the CTP files.
+  int i;
+  thStatus status;
+  status = S_FAILURE;	/* Return failure if everything fails to book */
+  for(i=0;thHooks[i].type;i++){
+    char *prefix; char **glist0; char **glist; int count;
+#if 0
+    prefix = (char *) malloc(strlen(GROUPSTR) + strlen(thHooks[i].type) + 3);
+    prefix = (char *) malloc(strlen(GROUPSTR) + strlen(thHooks[i].type) 
+			     + strlen(ALLGRPSTR) + 3);
+    strcpy(prefix,GROUPSTR);
+    strcat(prefix,".");
+    strcat(prefix,thHooks[i].type);
+    strcat(prefix,".");
+#if 0
+/* Make a list of all groups in this class */
+    daVarList(prefix,&glist0,&count);
+    glist = glist0;
+    while(count-- > 0){
+/*      printf("Booking group %s\n",*glist);*/
+      if(thBookGroup(*glist) == S_SUCCESS){
+	status = S_SUCCESS;
+      } else {
+	fprintf(STDERR,"Failed to book %s\n",*glist);
+      }
+      glist++;
+    }
+    strcat(prefix,ALLGRPSTR);
+/*    printf("Booking %s\n",prefix);*/
+    if(thBookGroup(prefix) == S_SUCCESS){
+	status = S_SUCCESS;
+    } else {
+/*      fprintf(STDERR,"Failed to book %s\n",prefix);*/
+    }
+    free(prefix);
+  }
+  return(status);
+int SUBNAME(char *A1,unsigned C1)\
+  int A0;\
+  char *B1=0;\
+  int newsize;\
+  static char *full_name=0;\
+  static int full_name_size;\
+  newsize = strlen(GROUPSTR) + strlen(TYPESTR) + C1 + 3;\
+  if(!full_name) {\
+    full_name_size = newsize;\
+    full_name = (char *) malloc(full_name_size);\
+  } else {\
+    if(newsize > full_name_size) {\
+      full_name = realloc(full_name,newsize);\
+    }\
+  }\
+  strcpy(full_name,GROUPSTR);\
+  strcat(full_name,".");\
+  strcat(full_name,TYPESTR);\
+  strcat(full_name,".");\
+  strcat(full_name,(!*(int *)A1)?0:memchr(A1,'\0',C1)?A1:\
+		      (memcpy(B1=malloc(C1+1),A1,C1),B1[C1]='\0'\
+		       ,kill_trailing(B1,' ')));\
+  A0 = CSUBNAME(full_name);\
+  if(B1) free(B1);\
+  return(A0);\
+#ifdef AbsoftUNIXFortran
diff --git a/CTP/thGroup.h b/CTP/thGroup.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9f3815
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CTP/thGroup.h
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 1996 Southeastern Universities Research Association,
+ *                    Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility
+ *
+ * This software was developed under a United States Government license
+ * described in the NOTICE file included as part of this distribution.
+ *
+ * Stephen A. Wood, 12000 Jefferson Ave., Newport News, VA 23606
+ * Email:  Tel: (804) 249-7367  Fax: (804) 249-5800
+ *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * 
+ * Description:
+ *  Include file with group opaque structure and internal group calls
+ *	
+ * Author:  Stephen Wood, CEBAF Hall C
+ *
+ * Revision History:
+ *   $Log: thGroup.h,v $
+ *   Revision 1.2  1999/11/04 20:34:05  saw
+ *   Alpha compatibility.
+ *   New RPC call needed for root event display.
+ *   Start of code to write ROOT trees (ntuples) from new "tree" block
+ *
+ *   Revision 1.2  1999/08/25 13:16:06  saw
+ *   *** empty log message ***
+ *
+ *   Revision 1.1  1996/01/30 15:42:43  saw
+ *   Initial revision
+ *
+ */
+struct thGroupOpaque {		/* Opaque structure for group definitions */
+  daVarStructList *blocklist;
+  char *type;			/* i.e. hist, test, gethit, ... */
+  thStatus (*book)();		/* Hooks to the appropriate routines */
+  thStatus (*execute)();
+  thStatus (*clear)();
+  thStatus (*clearScalers)();
+  thStatus (*incrementScalers)();
+  thStatus (*ctpwrite)();
+  thStatus (*ctpclose)();
+typedef struct thGroupOpaque thGroupOpaque;
+void thInitGroupOpaque(char *name, thGroupOpaque *opqptr);
+/*void thInitGroupOpaque(char *name, (thGroupOpaque *) opqptr);*/
diff --git a/CTP/thHandlers.c b/CTP/thHandlers.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d923d63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CTP/thHandlers.c
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 1993 Southeastern Universities Research Association,
+ *                    Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility
+ *
+ * This software was developed under a United States Government license
+ * described in the NOTICE file included as part of this distribution.
+ *
+ * Stephen A. Wood, 12000 Jefferson Ave., Newport News, VA 23606
+ * Email:  Tel: (804) 249-7367  Fax: (804) 249-5800
+ *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * 
+ * Description:
+ *  Special test and histogram handlers for RPC services.
+ *	
+ * Author:  Stephen Wood, CEBAF Hall C
+ *
+ * Revision History:
+ *   $Log: thHandlers.c,v $
+ *   Revision  2007/09/10 21:32:47  pcarter
+ *   Implemented changes to allow compilation on RHEL 3,4,5 and MacOSX
+ *
+ *   Revision 1.3  2003/02/21 20:55:24  saw
+ *   Clean up some types and casts to reduce compiler warnings.
+ *
+ *   Revision 1.2  1999/11/04 20:34:06  saw
+ *   Alpha compatibility.
+ *   New RPC call needed for root event display.
+ *   Start of code to write ROOT trees (ntuples) from new "tree" block
+ *
+ *   Revision 1.7  1999/08/25 13:16:06  saw
+ *   *** empty log message ***
+ *
+ *   Revision 1.6  1999/07/07 13:43:58  saw
+ *   Move thTestRHandler() into thTestParse.c
+ *
+ *   Revision 1.5  1996/08/01 01:31:56  saw
+ *   Have thRHandler return a status
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.4  1995/01/09  15:41:11  saw
+ *	  Change "linux" ifdef's to NOHBOOK.
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.3  1994/10/16  21:42:21  saw
+ *	  Change an include file name from daVarServ.h daVarHandlers.h
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.2  1993/08/12  14:57:39  saw
+ *	  Add #include <rpc/rpc.h>
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.1  1993/05/10  21:06:46  saw
+ *	  Initial revision
+ *
+ */
+#include <string.h>
+#include <rpc/rpc.h>
+#include "daVar.h"
+#include "daVarRpc.h"
+#include "daVarHandlers.h"
+#include "th.h"
+#include "thInternal.h"
+#ifndef NOHBOOK
+#include "hbook.h"
+int thLastIdRhandled;
+daVarStatus thWHandler(char *name,daVarStruct *varclass,any *setval)
+/* The write handler used by block.test, block.hist and block.parm */
+  daVarStruct *varp;
+  char *attribute;
+  daVarStatus status;
+  int index;
+  status = daVarAttributeFind(name, varclass, &varp, &attribute, &index);
+  if(status == S_SUCCESS) {
+    status = daVarRegWatr(varp, attribute, index, setval);
+    if(strcasecmp(attribute,DAVAR_TITLE) == 0 && status == S_SUCCESS){
+      status = ((daVarStatus (*)()) varclass->opaque)(varp);
+    }
+  }
+  return(status);
+daVarStatus thRHandler(char *name, daVarStruct *varclass, any *retval)
+/* The default Read handler */
+  daVarStruct *varp;
+  char *attribute;
+  daVarStatus status;
+  int index;
+  status = daVarAttributeFind(name, varclass, &varp, &attribute, &index);
+  status = daVarRegRatr(varp, attribute, index, retval);
+  /* scaler attribute a synonym for the value which holds the block counter */
+  if(status == S_SUCCESS) {
+    if(strcasecmp(attribute,DAVAR_RATR) == 0){
+      retval->any_u.s = realloc(retval->any_u.s,strlen(retval->any_u.s)
+				+strlen(TH_SCALER) + 2);
+      strcat(retval->any_u.s,TH_SCALER);
+      strcat(retval->any_u.s,"\n");
+    }
+  } else {
+    if(strcasecmp(attribute,TH_SCALER) == 0){
+      retval->valtype = DAVARINT_RPC;
+      retval->any_u.i.i_len = 1;
+      retval->any_u.i.i_val = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int));
+      retval->any_u.i.i_val[0] = ((DAINT *)varp->varptr)[0];
+    }
+  }
+  return(status);
+#ifndef NOHBOOK
+void thHistZeroLastId()
+  thLastIdRhandled = 9999999;
+  return;
+daVarStatus thHistRHandler(char *name, daVarStruct *varclass, any *retval)
+     /* Read Handler for Histograms */
+  daVarStruct *varp;
+  char *attribute;
+  daVarStatus status;
+  int index;
+  static int NX,NY,NWT,LOC ; static float XMI,XMA,YMI,YMA;
+/*  thHistOpaque *hopq;*/
+  status = daVarAttributeFind(name, varclass, &varp, &attribute, &index);
+  status = daVarRegRatr(varp, attribute, index, retval);
+  if(status == S_SUCCESS) {
+    if(strcasecmp(attribute,DAVAR_RATR) == 0){
+      retval->any_u.s = realloc(retval->any_u.s,strlen(retval->any_u.s)
+				+ strlen(TH_ND) + strlen(TH_NX) 
+				+ strlen(TH_NY) + strlen(TH_XMI)
+				+ strlen(TH_XMA) + strlen(TH_YMI)
+				+ strlen(TH_YMA) + strlen(TH_CONTEN) + 9);
+      strcat(retval->any_u.s,TH_ND); strcat(retval->any_u.s,"\n");
+      strcat(retval->any_u.s,TH_NX); strcat(retval->any_u.s,"\n");
+      strcat(retval->any_u.s,TH_NY); strcat(retval->any_u.s,"\n");
+      strcat(retval->any_u.s,TH_XMI); strcat(retval->any_u.s,"\n");
+      strcat(retval->any_u.s,TH_XMA); strcat(retval->any_u.s,"\n");
+      strcat(retval->any_u.s,TH_YMI); strcat(retval->any_u.s,"\n");
+      strcat(retval->any_u.s,TH_YMA); strcat(retval->any_u.s,"\n");
+      strcat(retval->any_u.s,TH_CONTEN); strcat(retval->any_u.s,"\n");
+    }
+  } else {
+    char chtitle[80];
+    retval->valtype = DAVARERROR_RPC;
+    retval->any_u.error = S_DAVAR_UNKATTR;
+    if(thLastIdRhandled != *((DAINT *) varp->varptr)) {
+      thLastIdRhandled = *((DAINT *) varp->varptr);
+      HGIVE(*((DAINT *) varp->varptr),chtitle,NX,XMI,XMA,NY,YMI,YMA
+	    ,NWT,LOC);
+    }
+    if(strcasecmp(attribute,TH_ND) == 0){
+      retval->valtype = DAVARINT_RPC;
+      retval->any_u.i.i_len = 1;
+      retval->any_u.i.i_val = (int *) malloc(varp->size*sizeof(int));
+      retval->any_u.i.i_val[0] = (NY == 0 ? 1 : 2);
+    } else if(strcasecmp(attribute,TH_NX) == 0){
+      retval->valtype = DAVARINT_RPC;
+      retval->any_u.i.i_len = 1;
+      retval->any_u.i.i_val = (int *) malloc(varp->size*sizeof(int));
+      retval->any_u.i.i_val[0] = NX;
+    } else if(strcasecmp(attribute,TH_NY) == 0){
+      retval->valtype = DAVARINT_RPC;
+      retval->any_u.i.i_len = 1;
+      retval->any_u.i.i_val = (int *) malloc(varp->size*sizeof(int));
+      retval->any_u.i.i_val[0] = NY;
+    } else if(strcasecmp(attribute,TH_XMI) == 0){
+      retval->valtype = DAVARFLOAT_RPC;
+      retval->any_u.r.r_len = 1;
+      retval->any_u.r.r_val = (float *) malloc(varp->size*sizeof(float));
+      retval->any_u.r.r_val[0] = XMI;
+    } else if(strcasecmp(attribute,TH_XMA) == 0){
+      retval->valtype = DAVARFLOAT_RPC;
+      retval->any_u.r.r_len = 1;
+      retval->any_u.r.r_val = (float *) malloc(varp->size*sizeof(float));
+      retval->any_u.r.r_val[0] = XMA;
+    } else if(strcasecmp(attribute,TH_YMI) == 0){
+      retval->valtype = DAVARFLOAT_RPC;
+      retval->any_u.r.r_len = 1;
+      retval->any_u.r.r_val = (float *) malloc(varp->size*sizeof(float));
+      retval->any_u.r.r_val[0] = YMI;
+    } else if(strcasecmp(attribute,TH_YMA) == 0){
+      retval->valtype = DAVARFLOAT_RPC;
+      retval->any_u.r.r_len = 1;
+      retval->any_u.r.r_val = (float *) malloc(varp->size*sizeof(float));
+      retval->any_u.r.r_val[0] = YMA;
+    } else if(strcasecmp(attribute,TH_CONTEN) == 0){
+      int size;
+      retval->valtype = DAVARFLOAT_RPC;
+      size = NX;
+      if(NY != 0) size *= NY;
+      retval->any_u.r.r_len = size;
+      retval->any_u.r.r_val = (float *)malloc(size*sizeof(float));
+      /* Next line gives warning "assignment of read-only location */
+      char tmpstring[] = "HIST";
+      HUNPAK(thLastIdRhandled,retval->any_u.r.r_val,tmpstring,(int) 1);
+    }
+  }
+  return(status);
+#ifdef ROOTTREE
+daVarStatus thTreeRHandler(char *name, daVarStruct *varclass, any *retval)
+/* The default Read handler */
+  return(thRHandler(name, varclass, retval));
diff --git a/CTP/thHist.c b/CTP/thHist.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa7a32e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CTP/thHist.c
@@ -0,0 +1,882 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 1993,1994 Southeastern Universities Research Association,
+ *                         Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility
+ *
+ * This software was developed under a United States Government license
+ * described in the NOTICE file included as part of this distribution.
+ *
+ * Stephen A. Wood, 12000 Jefferson Ave., Newport News, VA 23606
+ * Email:  Tel: (804) 249-7367  Fax: (804) 249-5800
+ *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * 
+ * Description:
+ *  Books histograms.  Constants or array indices in configuration line may
+ *  be expressions.  The expressions get evaluated at run time.
+ *	
+ * Author:  Stephen Wood, CEBAF Hall C
+ *
+ * Revision History:
+ *   $Log: thHist.c,v $
+ *   Revision 1.3  2003/02/21 20:55:24  saw
+ *   Clean up some types and casts to reduce compiler warnings.
+ *
+ *   Revision 1.2  1999/11/04 20:34:06  saw
+ *   Alpha compatibility.
+ *   New RPC call needed for root event display.
+ *   Start of code to write ROOT trees (ntuples) from new "tree" block
+ *
+ *   Revision 1.1  1998/12/07 22:11:12  saw
+ *   Initial setup
+ *
+ *   Revision 1.16  1996/07/31 20:33:53  saw
+ *   Show line number for booking errors.
+ *
+ *   Revision 1.15  1996/01/30 15:37:37  saw
+ *   Add thExecuteHistsV to execute the block contained by a var.  Add thClearHists.
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.14  1995/04/10  15:54:18  saw
+ *	  No defined hist blocks is not an error in thExecuteHists
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.13  1995/01/13  16:25:49  saw
+ *	  Add missing return(S_SUCCESS) calls to various routines
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.12  1995/01/09  15:53:45  saw
+ *	  On fprintf, indicate block type and well as name.  Fix some memory leaks
+ *	  and shorted mallocs.
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.11  1994/09/27  20:14:17  saw
+ *	  Remove some linux dependencies.  Define dummy hbook routines.
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.10  1994/08/26  13:17:44  saw
+ *	  Add option to thVarResolve to register unknown variables when requested
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.9  1994/07/11  18:40:07  saw
+ *	  (SAW) Move thHistOpaque structure here from thInternals.h
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.8  1994/06/28  19:40:04  saw
+ *	  Fix infinite loops when uhist blocks were encountered in thhstexe calls
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.7  1994/06/13  13:05:01  saw
+ *	  Update ifdef's so this can compile under linux (no f77)
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.6  1994/04/05  19:08:18  saw
+ *	  Use HEXIST to make sure we don't book existing histograms.
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.5  1993/12/02  21:26:12  saw
+ *	  Allow histogram filling from doubles (REAL*8)
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.4  1993/11/24  21:32:31  saw
+ *	  Floating argument of thEvalImed is now double.
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.3  1993/07/09  18:45:45  saw
+ *	  Fix detection of 2d user histograms
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.2  1993/05/10  20:46:54  saw
+ *	  Fix header
+ *
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "daVar.h"
+#include "th.h"
+#include "thInternal.h"
+#include "thUtils.h"
+#include "hbook.h"
+#ifdef NOHBOOK
+int hexist_(){return(0);};
+float hi_(){};
+float hij_(){};
+float hx_(){};
+float hxy_(){};
+float hie_(){};
+float hxe_(){};
+float hif_(){};
+float hmax_(){};
+float hmin_(){};
+float hsum_(){};
+float hstati_(){};
+float hspfun_(){};
+float hrndm1_(){};
+float hrndm2_(){};
+void hbook1_(int *id, char *chtitle, int *nx, float *xmi, float *xma,
+	     float *vmx,...){};
+void hbook2_(int *id, char *chtitle, int *nx, float *xmi, float *xma,
+	     int *ny, float *ymi, float *yma, float *vmx,...){};
+void hf1_(int *id, float *x, float *weight,...){};
+void hf2_(int *id, float *x, float *y, float *weight,...){};
+void hdelet_(int *id,...){};
+void hlimit_(){};
+void hrfile_(){};
+void hrout_(){};
+void hrend_(){};
+void HF1(){};
+void HF2(){};
+void HDELET(){};
+void HBOOK1(){};
+void HBOOK2(){};
+int HEXIST(){};
+void HRFILE(){};
+void HREND(){};
+extern daVarStatus thHistRHandler();
+struct thHistSpecList {		/* Opaque structure for blocks */
+  daVarStruct *varname;		/* name is "", varptr points to ID
+				   title is optional title
+				   opaque points nd, and x,y,test vars */
+  struct thHistSpecList *next;
+typedef struct thHistSpecList thHistSpecList;
+typedef enum {HISTCLASS, UHISTCLASS} hclasstype;
+struct thHistOpaque {		/* Opaque structure for histogram definition */
+  int nd;			/* Number of dimensions */
+  daVarStruct *x; int xindex;
+  daVarStruct *y; int yindex;
+  daVarStruct *test; int testindex;
+  daVarStruct *weight; int weightindex;
+  /* Include here the limits? */
+  /* Include the pointer to the variable of how much to fill by. */
+typedef struct thHistOpaque thHistOpaque;
+struct thHBlockList {
+  struct thHBlockList *next;
+  char *blockname;		/* Block name without the "block.hist" */
+  hclasstype classtype;
+  daVarStruct *var;		/* Varptr points to # times called
+				   Title is code from file.
+				   opaque is pointer to hist speclist */
+typedef struct thHBlockList thHBlockList;
+thHBlockList *thHBlockListP;	/* Pointer to list of hist blocks */
+thStatus thBookaHist(char *line, thHistSpecList **thHistNext);
+thStatus thExecuteaHist(thHistSpecList *Hist);
+thStatus thRemoveHists(char *block_name);
+thStatus thVarResolve(char *s, daVarStruct **var,int *index,int datatest,int newvartype);
+char *attribute_string[] = {"name","xsource","ysource","nbins","nbinx","nbiny"
+int thMaxID=0;			/* Maximum Hbook ID used so far */
+char *datasourcelist[]={EVENTSTR,TESTSTR,0}; /* Immediate expressions */
+char *testflaglist[]={TESTSTR,EVENTSTR,PARMSTR,0}; /* Logical operand */
+char *histclasslist[]={UHISTSTR,HISTSTR,0}; /* Hist name classes */
+thStatus thBookHists(daVarStruct *var)
+  char *lines,*eol;
+  int line_count;
+  thHistSpecList **thHistNext;
+  char *blockname;
+  hclasstype classtype;
+#ifndef NOHBOOK
+  thHistZeroLastId();
+  {
+    int i;
+/*    printf("In bookhists\n");*/
+    /* Get the name without the block.hist on it */
+    blockname = var->name;	/* If name doesn't fit pattern, use whole */
+    if(strcasestr(var->name,BLOCKSTR)==var->name){
+      i = strlen(BLOCKSTR) + 1;
+      if(strcasestr((var->name + i),HISTSTR)==(var->name + i)){
+	classtype = HISTCLASS;
+	i += strlen(HISTSTR);
+	if(*(var->name + i) == '.'){
+	  blockname += i + 1;
+	}
+      } else if(strcasestr((var->name + i),UHISTSTR)==(var->name + i)){
+	classtype = UHISTCLASS;
+	i += strlen(UHISTSTR);
+	if(*(var->name + i) == '.'){
+	  blockname += i + 1;
+	}
+      }
+    }
+  }
+/*  printf("Booking histogram block %s\n",blockname);*/
+  if(var->opaque) thRemoveHists(blockname);
+  thHistNext = (thHistSpecList **) &var->opaque;
+  lines = var->title;
+  line_count = 0;
+  while(*lines){
+    char *lcopy;
+    line_count++;
+    eol = strchr(lines,'\n');
+    if(!eol) {
+      fprintf(stderr,"L %d: Last line of hist block %s has no newline\n"
+	      ,line_count,var->name);
+      break;
+    }
+    if(*(eol+1)=='\0'){		/* This is the last line */
+      if(strcasestr(lines,ENDSTR) == 0)
+	fprintf(stderr,"L %d: Last line of hist block %s is not an END\n"
+		,line_count,var->name);
+      break;
+    }
+    if(line_count == 1)
+      if(strcasestr(lines,BEGINSTR) != 0){
+/*	printf("Is a begin\n");*/
+	lines = eol + 1;
+	continue;
+      } else
+	fprintf(stderr,"First line of hist block %s is not a BEGIN\n",var->name);
+    /* Ready to book the line, Add continuation lines later */
+    lcopy = (char *) malloc(eol-lines+1);
+    strncpy(lcopy,lines,(eol-lines));
+    *(lcopy + (eol-lines)) = '\0';
+/*    printf("Passing|%s|\n",lcopy);*/
+    if(!thCleanLine(lcopy)){
+      if(thBookaHist(lcopy,thHistNext)==S_SUCCESS){
+	thHistNext = &((*thHistNext)->next);
+      } else {
+	fprintf(stderr,"(%s): Hist booking error in line %d\n",var->name,line_count);
+      }
+    }
+    free(lcopy);
+    lines = eol+1;
+  }
+  /* Update internal table of hist blocks. */
+  {
+    thHBlockList *thisblock,*nextblock,**lastblockp;
+    nextblock = thHBlockListP;
+    lastblockp = &thHBlockListP;
+    thisblock = thHBlockListP;
+    while(thisblock){
+      if((strcasecmp(thisblock->var->name,var->name)) == 0){
+	/* Replacing a block with a new definition */
+	fprintf(stderr,"Replacing %s with new definition\n",var->name);
+	if(thisblock->var != var){
+	  fprintf(stderr,"ERR: Same name, different var pointer\n");
+	}
+	break;
+      }
+      lastblockp = &thisblock->next;
+      thisblock = thisblock->next;
+    }
+    if(!thisblock){		/* Create entry for New block */
+      *lastblockp = thisblock = (thHBlockList *) malloc(sizeof(thHBlockList));
+      thisblock->var = var;
+      thisblock->next = (thHBlockList *) NULL;
+      thisblock->blockname = (char *) malloc(strlen(blockname) + 1);
+      thisblock->classtype = classtype;
+      strcpy(thisblock->blockname,blockname);
+    }
+  }
+/*  printf("Returning from booking hists\n");*/
+  return(S_SUCCESS);
+thStatus thBookaHist(char *line, thHistSpecList **thHistNext)
+  int nargs, nd, n, id;
+  char *long_title;
+  daVarStruct *(varp[2]),*testp,*weightp;
+  int vind[2],tind,wind;
+  thHistOpaque *histpars;
+  char *args[20];
+  /*  int type;
+      thTokenType toktyp;
+      int nd,n;
+      */
+  int userflag;			/* 0 for normal hist, 1 for user hist */
+  {
+    char *s;
+    s = line;
+    long_title = 0;
+    while(*s != 0) {
+      if(*s == HTITLECHAR){
+	*s++ = 0;
+	long_title = (char *) malloc(strlen(s)+1);
+	strcpy(long_title,s);	/* Make sure to free this  */
+	break;
+      } else s++;
+    }
+  }
+  if(!long_title) {
+    long_title = (char *) malloc(strlen(line)+1);
+    strcpy(long_title,line);
+  }
+  /* All between # and title char, comment char, or EOL is the weight */
+  {
+    char *s;
+    if((s=strchr(line,WEIGHTCHAR))) {
+      *s++=0;
+      s = thSpaceStrip(s);
+      if(thVarResolve(s,&weightp,&wind,0,0) != S_SUCCESS) {
+	free(long_title);
+	return(S_FAILURE);
+      }
+    } else {
+      weightp = 0;
+      wind = 0;
+    }
+  }
+  nargs = thCommas(line,args);
+  args[0] = thSpaceStrip(args[0]);
+  userflag = 0;
+  if(nargs >= 4 && nargs <=6) {
+    nd = 1;
+    if(nargs == 4) userflag = 1;
+  } else if(nargs == 7) {
+    nd = 2;
+    userflag = 1;
+  } else if(nargs >= 9 && nargs <= 10){
+    nd = 2;
+  } else {
+    fprintf(stderr,"Incorrect number of arguments\n");
+    free(long_title);
+    return(S_FAILURE);
+  }
+  varp[1] = 0; vind[1] = 0;
+  testp = 0; tind = 0;
+  if(userflag) {
+    varp[0] = 0; vind[0] = 0;
+  } else {
+    for(n=0;n<nd;n++){		/* Interpret the data sources */
+      args[n+1] = thSpaceStrip(args[n+1]);
+      if(thVarResolve(args[n+1],&varp[n],&vind[n],0,0) != S_SUCCESS) {
+	free(long_title);
+	return(S_FAILURE);
+      }
+    }				/* Data sources now defined */
+    if((nd==1&&nargs==6)||(nd==2&&nargs==10)){
+      args[nargs-1] = thSpaceStrip(args[nargs-1]);
+      if(thVarResolve(args[nargs-1],&testp,&tind,1,0) != S_SUCCESS) {
+	free(long_title);
+	return(S_FAILURE);
+      }
+      if(testp->type != DAVARINT){
+	fprintf(stderr,"Test flag %s must be an integer\n",args[nargs-1]);
+	free(long_title);
+	return(S_FAILURE);
+      }
+    } else {
+/*      printf("Test is NULL\n");*/
+      testp = NULL;
+    }
+  }
+  /* Find/Create the variable to hold hist def stuff */
+  {
+    char *name;
+    daVarStruct var;
+    thHistSpecList *Hist;
+    name = (char *) malloc(strlen(HISTSTR)+strlen(args[0])+2);
+    strcpy(name,HISTSTR);
+    strcat(name,".");
+    strcat(name,args[0]);
+    if(daVarLookup(name,&var)!=S_SUCCESS){
+ = name;
+      var.size = 1;
+      var.varptr = (void *) malloc(sizeof(DAINT));
+      *((DAINT *) var.varptr) = ++thMaxID;
+      var.type = DAVARINT;
+      if(userflag)
+	var.opaque = 0;
+      else
+	var.opaque = (void *) malloc(sizeof(thHistOpaque));
+      var.whook = 0;
+#ifndef NOHBOOK
+      var.rhook = thHistRHandler;
+      var.title = long_title;
+/*      printf("Registering %s\n",;*/
+      daVarRegister((int) 0,&var); /* Create variable for histogram */
+    }
+    /* Make sure that we don't use an existing histogram id */
+    while(HEXIST((id= *((DAINT *) var.varptr))) != 0) {
+      *((DAINT *) var.varptr) = ++thMaxID;
+      }
+    id = *((DAINT *) var.varptr);
+    if(!userflag) {
+      histpars = var.opaque;
+    }
+    /* Perhaps we don't want to put the user hists in this list?? */
+    Hist = *thHistNext = (thHistSpecList *) malloc(sizeof(thHistSpecList));
+    Hist->next = (thHistSpecList *) NULL;
+    if(daVarLookupP(name,&Hist->varname)!=S_SUCCESS){
+      fprintf(stderr,"This can't happen\n");
+      free(long_title);
+      return(S_FAILURE);
+    }
+    free(name);
+  }
+  if(!userflag) {
+    histpars->nd = nd;
+    histpars->x = varp[0];
+    histpars->xindex = vind[0];
+    histpars->y = varp[1];
+    histpars->yindex = vind[1];
+    histpars->test = testp;
+    histpars->testindex = tind;
+    histpars->weight = weightp;
+    histpars->weightindex = wind;
+  }
+  /* Data sources and test result now interpreted */
+  {
+    int nbinx,nbiny;
+    double xlow,xhigh,ylow,yhigh;
+    int ixargoffset, iyargoffset;
+    if(userflag) {
+      ixargoffset = 1;
+    } else {
+      ixargoffset = 1 + nd;
+    }
+    iyargoffset = ixargoffset + 3;
+    if((thEvalImed(args[ixargoffset],0,&nbinx) != S_SUCCESS) ||
+       (thEvalImed(args[ixargoffset+1],&xlow,0) != S_SUCCESS) ||
+       (thEvalImed(args[ixargoffset+2],&xhigh,0) != S_SUCCESS))
+      fprintf(stderr,"Error intrepreting histogram arguments\n");
+    if(nd == 2){
+      thEvalImed(args[iyargoffset],0,&nbiny);
+      thEvalImed(args[iyargoffset+1],&ylow,0);
+      thEvalImed(args[iyargoffset+2],&yhigh,0);
+    }
+    if(nd==1){
+      HBOOK1(id,long_title,nbinx,(float) xlow,(float) xhigh,0.0);;
+    } else {
+      HBOOK2(id,long_title,nbinx,(float) xlow,(float) xhigh,nbiny,
+	     (float) ylow,(float) yhigh,0.0);;
+    }
+  }
+  /* Need to add to alias file */
+  free(long_title);
+  return(S_SUCCESS);
+thStatus thVarResolve(char *s, daVarStruct **varpp, int *index,
+		      int datatest, int newvartype)
+/* Interpret the string as a variable name with a possible index.
+   Pass the index off the thEvalImed to evaluate it.
+Interpret the string s as an array element.  Looks for an index inside
+of []'s, returning that in index.  If there is an index inside of ()'s, then
+one is subtracted from the index before it is returnd.  []'s are for
+c style indexing, ()'s for fortran style indexing.  A pointer to the [ or (
+is returned, so that the variable name may be null terminated by the caller.
+If there is an error in the balancing of the []'s or ()'s, a null is returned
+to signify an error.
+datatest values
+      0   -   data source
+      1   -   test flag
+      2   -   data destination (create float if doesn't exist)
+      3   -   test flag (create if it doens't exist)
+  int cstyle;
+  char cleft,cright;
+  char *leftp,*rightp;
+  char **classlist;
+  daVarStruct var;
+  *varpp = 0;
+  *index = 0;
+  leftp = strchr(s,'(');
+  {
+    char *lb;
+    lb = strchr(s,'[');
+    if(leftp) {
+      if(lb && lb<leftp) leftp = lb;
+    } else
+      leftp = lb;
+  }
+  if(leftp) {
+    cleft = *leftp;
+    *leftp = '\0';
+  } 
+  if(datatest & 1)
+    classlist = testflaglist;
+  else
+    classlist = datasourcelist;
+  if(daVarLookupPWithClass(s,classlist,varpp) != S_SUCCESS){
+    if(datatest & 2) { /* Create the variable (as an int) */
+      if(strchr(s,'.')) {	/* Don't prepend a class */
+ = (char *) malloc(strlen(s)+1);
+	strcpy(,s);
+      } else {
+ = (char *) malloc(strlen(classlist[0])
+				   +strlen(s)+2);
+	strcpy(,classlist[0]);
+	strcat(,".");
+	strcat(,s);
+      }
+      var.size = 1;
+      var.type = newvartype;
+      switch(newvartype)
+	{
+	case DAVARINT:
+	  var.varptr = (void *) malloc(sizeof(DAINT));
+	  *((DAINT *)var.varptr) = 0;
+	  break;
+	  var.varptr = (void *) malloc(sizeof(DAFLOAT));
+	  *((DAFLOAT *)var.varptr) = 0.0;
+	  break;
+	  var.varptr = (void *) malloc(sizeof(DADOUBLE));
+	  *((DADOUBLE *)var.varptr) = 0.0;
+	  break;
+	}
+      var.opaque = 0;
+      var.rhook = 0;
+      var.whook = 0;
+      var.title = 0;
+      printf("Registering %s at %d\n",,var.varptr);
+      daVarRegister((int) 0,&var); /* Create the parameter */
+      daVarLookupP(,varpp);
+      free(;
+    } else {
+      fprintf(stderr,"Variable %s must be registered\n",s);
+      if(leftp) *leftp = cleft;
+      return(S_FAILURE);
+    }
+  }
+  if(leftp){
+    int cstyle;
+    char *sindex;
+    int indtemp;
+    *leftp = cleft;
+    sindex = leftp + 1;
+    if(cleft=='('){
+      cstyle = -1;
+      cright = ')';
+    } else {
+      cstyle = 0;
+      cright = ']';
+    }
+    if((rightp=strrchr(sindex,cright)) == 0){
+      fprintf(stderr,"Syntax error in %s\n",s);
+      return(S_FAILURE);
+    }
+    *rightp = 0;
+    if(thEvalImed(sindex,0,&indtemp)!= S_SUCCESS){
+      fprintf(stderr,"Error evaluating index %s\n",sindex);
+      *rightp = cright;
+      return(S_FAILURE);
+    }
+    *rightp = cright;
+    *index = indtemp + cstyle;
+  }
+  if(datatest & 2) {		/* See if array needs to be larger */
+    if(*index >= (*varpp)->size) {
+      (*varpp)->size = *index+1;
+      switch((*varpp)->type)
+	{
+	case DAVARINT:
+	  (*varpp)->varptr = (void *) realloc((*varpp)->varptr,(*index+1) * sizeof(DAINT));
+	  break;
+	  (*varpp)->varptr = (void *) realloc((*varpp)->varptr,(*index+1) * sizeof(DAFLOAT));
+	  break;
+	  (*varpp)->varptr = (void *) realloc((*varpp)->varptr,(*index+1) * sizeof(DADOUBLE));
+	  break;
+	}
+    }
+  }
+  return(S_SUCCESS);
+thStatus thExecuteHistsV(daVarStruct *var){
+  thHistSpecList *thishist;
+  thishist = var->opaque;  
+  while(thishist){
+    thExecuteaHist(thishist);
+    thishist = thishist->next;
+  }
+  (*((DAINT *)var->varptr))++; /* Increment block counter */
+  return(S_SUCCESS);
+thStatus thClearHistsV(daVarStruct *var){
+  thHistSpecList *thishist;
+  thishist = var->opaque;  
+  while(thishist){
+    HRESET(*(DAINT *) thishist->varname->varptr, thishist->varname->title);
+    thishist = thishist->next;
+  }
+  (*((DAINT *)var->varptr)) = 0; /* Increment block counter */
+  return(S_SUCCESS);
+thStatus thExecuteHists(char *block_name){
+  thHistSpecList *thishist;
+  thHBlockList *thisblock;
+  if(block_name) if(*block_name=='\0') block_name = 0;
+  if(thHBlockListP == 0){
+    return(S_SUCCESS);		/* No hists defined */
+  } else {
+    thisblock = thHBlockListP;
+    while(thisblock){
+      if(block_name)
+	if(strcasecmp(block_name,thisblock->blockname)!=0){
+	  thisblock = thisblock->next;
+	  continue;
+	}
+      if(thisblock->classtype == UHISTCLASS){
+	thisblock = thisblock->next;
+	continue;
+      }
+      thishist = thisblock->var->opaque;
+      while(thishist){
+	thExecuteaHist(thishist);
+	thishist = thishist->next;
+      }
+      (*((DAINT *)thisblock->var->varptr))++; /* Increment block counter */
+      if(block_name)
+	if(strcasecmp(block_name,thisblock->blockname)==0) return(S_SUCCESS);
+      thisblock = thisblock->next;
+    }
+    if(block_name) {
+      fprintf(STDERR,"Hist block %s not found\n",block_name);
+      return(S_FAILURE);
+    }
+  }
+  return(S_SUCCESS);
+thStatus thExecuteaHist(thHistSpecList *Hist)
+  float vals[2];
+  int id,nd;
+  daVarStruct *(varp[2]);
+  int indxy[2];
+  thHistOpaque *opqptr;
+  double weight;
+/*  nd = Hist->nd;*/
+  opqptr = Hist->varname->opaque;
+  if(!opqptr) return(S_SUCCESS); /* Assume it is a user filled histogram */
+  nd = opqptr->nd;
+  varp[0] = opqptr->x; indxy[0] = opqptr->xindex;
+  varp[1] = opqptr->y; indxy[1] = opqptr->yindex;
+  for(id=0;id<nd;id++){
+    switch(varp[id]->type)
+      {
+      case DAVARINT:
+	vals[id] = *((DAINT *) varp[id]->varptr + indxy[id]);
+	break;
+      case DAVARFLOAT:
+	vals[id] = *((DAFLOAT *) varp[id]->varptr + indxy[id]);
+	break;
+      case DAVARDOUBLE:
+	vals[id] = *((DADOUBLE *) varp[id]->varptr + indxy[id]);
+	break;
+      }
+  }
+  if(opqptr->weight) {
+    switch(opqptr->weight->type)
+      {
+      case DAVARINT:
+	weight = *((DAINT *) opqptr->weight->varptr + opqptr->weightindex);
+	break;
+      case DAVARFLOAT:
+	weight = *((DAFLOAT *) opqptr->weight->varptr + opqptr->weightindex);
+	break;
+      case DAVARDOUBLE:
+	weight = *((DADOUBLE *) opqptr->weight->varptr + opqptr->weightindex);
+	break;
+      }
+  } else {
+    weight = 1.0;
+  }
+  if((opqptr->test ? *((DAINT *) opqptr->test->varptr + opqptr->testindex) : 1)) {
+    if(nd==1){
+      HF1(*(DAINT *) Hist->varname->varptr,vals[0],weight);
+/*      printf("Filling %s at %f\n",Hist->varname->name,vals[0]);*/
+    }
+    else
+      HF2(*(int *) Hist->varname->varptr,vals[0],vals[1],weight);
+  }
+  return(S_SUCCESS);
+thStatus thClearHists(char *block_name){
+  thHistSpecList *thishist;
+  thHBlockList *thisblock;
+  if(block_name) if(*block_name=='\0') block_name = 0;
+  if(thHBlockListP == 0){
+    return(S_SUCCESS);		/* No tests defined */
+  } else {
+    thisblock = thHBlockListP;
+    while(thisblock){
+      if(block_name)
+	if(strcasecmp(block_name,thisblock->blockname)!=0){
+	  thisblock = thisblock->next;
+	  continue;
+	}
+/*      if(thisblock->classtype == UHISTCLASS){
+	      thisblock = thisblock->next;
+	      continue;
+	    }*/
+      thishist = thisblock->var->opaque;
+      while(thishist){
+	HRESET(*(DAINT *) thishist->varname->varptr, thishist->varname->title);
+	thishist = thishist->next;
+      }
+      (*((DAINT *)thisblock->var->varptr))=0; /* Increment block counter */
+      if(block_name)
+	if(strcasecmp(block_name,thisblock->blockname)==0) return(S_SUCCESS);
+      thisblock = thisblock->next;
+    }
+  }
+  return(S_SUCCESS);
+thStatus thRemoveHists(char *block_name){
+  thHistSpecList *thishist,*nexthist;
+  thHBlockList *thisblock,*nextblock,**lastblockp;
+  if(block_name)
+    if(*block_name=='\0')
+      block_name = 0;
+    else
+      lastblockp = &thHBlockListP;
+  if(thHBlockListP == 0){
+    return(S_FAILURE);		/* No histograms defined */
+  } else {
+    thisblock = thHBlockListP;
+    if(!block_name)
+      HDELET(0);		/* Free all space */
+    while(thisblock) {
+      if(block_name)
+	if(strcasecmp(block_name,thisblock->blockname)!=0){
+	  lastblockp = &thisblock->next;
+	  thisblock = thisblock->next;
+	  continue;
+	}
+      thishist = thisblock->var->opaque;
+      while(thishist){
+	nexthist = thishist->next;
+	if(block_name) {
+	  HDELET(*(DAINT *) thishist->varname->varptr);
+	}
+	free(thishist);
+	thishist = nexthist;
+      }
+      nextblock = thisblock->next;
+      if(block_name){
+	if(strcasecmp(block_name,thisblock->blockname)==0) {
+	  *lastblockp = nextblock;
+	  free(thisblock);
+	}
+	return(S_SUCCESS);
+      } else {
+	free(thisblock);
+      }
+      thisblock = nextblock;
+    }
+    if(block_name) {
+      fprintf(stderr,"Hist block %s not found\n",block_name);
+      return(S_FAILURE);
+    }
+    thHBlockListP = (thHBlockList *) NULL;
+  }
+  return(S_SUCCESS);
+int thGetHistID(char *name)
+  daVarStruct *varp;
+  if(daVarLookupPWithClass(name,histclasslist,&varp) == S_SUCCESS){
+    if(varp->type = DAVARINT){
+      return((int) *((DAINT *) varp->varptr));
+    }
+  }
+  return(0);			/* No hist ID found */
+thStatus thHistAliasWrite(char *fname)
+  thHBlockList *thisblock;
+  thHistSpecList *thishist;
+  if(thHBlockListP == 0) {
+    return(S_FAILURE);		/* No tests defined */
+  }
+  if((OFILE = fopen(fname,"w")) == NULL) {
+    fprintf(stderr,"(thHistAliasWrite) Failed to open %s for write\n",fname);
+    return(S_FAILURE);
+  }
+  thisblock = thHBlockListP;
+  while(thisblock){
+    thishist = thisblock->var->opaque;
+    while(thishist){
+      char *name;
+      name = strchr(thishist->varname->name,'.');
+      if(name) {
+	name++;
+	fprintf(OFILE,"alias/create %s %d\n",name
+		,*((DAINT *) thishist->varname->varptr));
+      } else {
+	fprintf(stderr,"No . in histogram name %s\n",thishist->varname->name);
+      }
+      thishist = thishist->next;
+    }
+    thisblock = thisblock->next;
+  }
+  fclose(OFILE);
+  return(S_SUCCESS);
+int thhstexe_()
+  int A0;
+  A0 = thExecuteHists(0);
+  return A0;
+/* This routine needs to append block.hist in front.  Ultimately it
+should probably only put this in front if there isn't a block. in the
+name already??  */
+int thhstexeb_(char *A1,unsigned C1)
+  int A0;
+  char *B1;
+  A0 = thExecuteHists((!*(int *)A1)?0:memchr(A1,'\0',C1)?A1:
+                      (memcpy(B1=malloc(C1+1),A1,C1),B1[C1]='\0'
+                       ,kill_trailing(B1,' ')));
+  if(B1) free(B1);
+  return A0;
diff --git a/CTP/thInternal.h b/CTP/thInternal.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4dbfc68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CTP/thInternal.h
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 1993-1996 Southeastern Universities Research Association,
+ *                         Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility
+ *
+ * This software was developed under a United States Government license
+ * described in the NOTICE file included as part of this distribution.
+ *
+ * Stephen A. Wood, 12000 Jefferson Ave., Newport News, VA 23606
+ * Email:  Tel: (804) 249-7367  Fax: (804) 249-5800
+ *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * 
+ * Description:
+ *  Structures, defs, and prototypes for internal use by CTP.
+ *	
+ * Author:  Stephen Wood, CEBAF Hall C
+ *
+ * Revision History:
+ *   $Log: thInternal.h,v $
+ *   Revision 1.3  2004/07/08 20:06:09  saw
+ *   Always have CTP Tree routines (perhaps dummy) available
+ *
+ *   Revision 1.2  1999/11/04 20:34:06  saw
+ *   Alpha compatibility.
+ *   New RPC call needed for root event display.
+ *   Start of code to write ROOT trees (ntuples) from new "tree" block
+ *
+ *   Revision 1.8  1999/08/25 13:16:06  saw
+ *   *** empty log message ***
+ *
+ *   Revision 1.7  1999/03/01 19:54:48  saw
+ *   Add weighted histograms
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.6  1996/01/30  15:44:49  saw
+ *	  Add prototypes of calls needed by groups, add DEFAULTGRPSTR and ALLGRPSTR
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.5  1995/08/03  13:53:43  saw
+ *	  Add parameters for #, real, integer, double
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.4  1994/09/27  20:07:54  saw
+ *	  Add SCALERSTR definition
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.3  1994/07/21  20:48:27  saw
+ *	  Add "gethit" and "report" string definitions
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.2  1993/11/22  21:21:07  saw
+ *	  Add QUOTECHARS definitions.
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.1  1993/05/11  17:37:30  saw
+ *	  Initial revision
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef _TH_INTERNAL_H
+#define _TH_INTERNAL_H
+#ifndef _DAVAR_H
+#include "daVar.h"
+thStatus thLoadParameters(daVarStruct *var);
+thStatus thBookGethits(daVarStruct *var);
+thStatus thBookTests(daVarStruct *var);
+thStatus thBookHists(daVarStruct *var);
+thStatus thBookReports(daVarStruct *var);
+thStatus thExecuteTestsV(daVarStruct *var);
+thStatus thClearTestFlagsV(daVarStruct *var);
+thStatus thClearTestScalersV(daVarStruct *var);
+thStatus thIncTestScalersV(daVarStruct *var);
+thStatus thExecuteHistsV(daVarStruct *var);
+thStatus thClearHistsV(daVarStruct *var);
+thStatus thExecuteaGethitBlock(daVarStruct *var);
+thStatus thBookTree(daVarStruct *var);
+thStatus thFillTreeV(daVarStruct *var);
+thStatus thClearTreeV(daVarStruct *var);
+thStatus thWriteTreeV(daVarStruct *var);
+thStatus thCloseTreeV(daVarStruct *var);
+extern daVarStatus thWHandler();
+extern daVarStatus thRHandler();
+#define BEGINSTR "begin"
+#define ENDSTR "end"
+#define BLOCKSTR "block"
+#define GROUPSTR "group"
+#define DEFAULTGRPSTR "default"
+#define ALLGRPSTR "all"
+#define COMCHAR ';'
+#define SPECIALCHAR '#'
+/* Double and single quote chars */
+#define QUOTECHAR1 0x22
+#define QUOTECHAR2 0x27
+#define PARMSTR "parm"
+#define TESTSTR "test"
+#define HISTSTR "hist"
+#define UHISTSTR "uhist"
+#define NTUPLESTR "ntup"
+#define EVENTSTR "event"
+#define GETHITSTR "gethit"
+#define REPORTSTR "report"
+#define TREESTR "tree"
+#define SCALERSTR "scaler"
+#define REAL "real"
+#define INTEGER "integer"
+#define DOUBLE "double"
+#define HTITLECHAR '$'
+#define WEIGHTCHAR '#'
+#define TH_SCALER "scaler"
+#define TH_ND "nd"
+#define TH_NX "nx"
+#define TH_NY "ny"
+#define TH_XMI "xmi"
+#define TH_XMA "xma"
+#define TH_YMI "ymi"
+#define TH_YMA "yma"
+#define TH_CONTEN "conten"
+#define TH_X "x"
+#define TH_Y "y"
+#define TH_TEST "test"
diff --git a/CTP/thLoad.c b/CTP/thLoad.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef2b767
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CTP/thLoad.c
@@ -0,0 +1,736 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 1993 Southeastern Universities Research Association,
+ *                    Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility
+ *
+ * This software was developed under a United States Government license
+ * described in the NOTICE file included as part of this distribution.
+ *
+ * Stephen A. Wood, 12000 Jefferson Ave., Newport News, VA 23606
+ * Email:  Tel: (804) 249-7367  Fax: (804) 249-5800
+ *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * 
+ * Description:
+ *  Read CTP configuration files saving them as the titles of registered 
+ *  block variables.  thBook books all unbooked blocks.
+ *
+ * Author:  Stephen Wood, CEBAF Hall C
+ *
+ * Revision History:
+ *   $Log: thLoad.c,v $
+ *   Revision 1.5  2004/07/13 15:04:53  saw
+ *   Get count of groups on begin line correct when there are other attributes
+ *
+ *   Revision 1.4  2004/07/08 20:06:45  saw
+ *   CTP Root Trees can exist in input files even if root trees not compiled in.
+ *
+ *   Revision 1.3  2003/02/21 20:55:24  saw
+ *   Clean up some types and casts to reduce compiler warnings.
+ *
+ *   Revision 1.2  1999/11/04 20:34:06  saw
+ *   Alpha compatibility.
+ *   New RPC call needed for root event display.
+ *   Start of code to write ROOT trees (ntuples) from new "tree" block
+ *
+ *   Revision 1.17  1999/08/25 13:16:06  saw
+ *   *** empty log message ***
+ *
+ *   Revision 1.16  1999/03/01 19:56:12  saw
+ *   Work on INPUT_FILE open/close problem
+ *
+ *   Revision 1.15  1996/07/31 20:35:19  saw
+ *   Book all groups instead of default groups.  (Forces booking order to
+ *   be same as input files)
+ *
+ *   Revision 1.14  1996/01/30 15:38:32  saw
+ *   Add groups
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.13  1995/08/03  13:52:42  saw
+ *	  Add a missing return statement
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.12  1995/02/04  19:08:29  saw
+ *	  Fix problem in finding quotes around include filenames.
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.11  1995/01/09  15:22:51  saw
+ *	  Add include files, fix assorted paren placement problems that were only
+ *	  apparent on ultrix and linux
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.10  1994/09/27  19:41:03  saw
+ *	  Remove linux dependencies
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.9  1994/08/26  13:20:24  saw
+ *	  Add DAVAR_REPOINTOK to some flags
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.8  1994/07/21  18:43:58  saw
+ *	  Add gethit and report to list of valid block classes
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.7  1994/06/13  13:08:27  saw
+ *	  getblock: fix bug in reading of non standard block types
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.6  1994/06/03  18:48:41  saw
+ *	  Replace stderr with STDERR
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.5  1993/10/18  18:28:28  saw
+ *	  Fix blank lines causing failure on HP.
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.4  1993/09/10  17:37:07  saw
+ *	  *** empty log message ***
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.3  1993/09/10  17:32:59  saw
+ *	  Fix up improper use of blockname in getblock after freeing blockname.
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.2  1993/05/10  21:18:56  saw
+ *	  Fix header
+ *
+ */
+   Read in lines of text and save them in a long string.  Test, histogram
+   booking and parameter lines will be saved in a long carriage return
+   separated string.
+/* Scheme.  Call a routine with an open file.  It reads the file, ignoreing
+   input until a "begin" is found.  It then reads until an end line is found.
+   It then returns a string that contains the whole contents of the file
+   between the begin and the end.
+This is loading phase.  When loading is done, user must call a book all
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "daVar.h"
+#include "th.h"
+#include "thInternal.h"
+#include "thUtils.h"
+#include "cfortran.h"
+#include "thGroup.h"
+#define MAXLINELENGTH 512
+#define MAXTOKS 20
+#define max(a,b) 		(a<b ? b : a)
+#define INCLUDESTR "#include"
+/*extern thStatus thBookGethits(daVarStruct *var);
+extern thStatus thBookTests(daVarStruct *var);
+extern thStatus thBookHists(daVarStruct *var);
+extern thStatus thBookReports(daVarStruct *var);
+extern thStatus thBookGroup(daVarStruct *var);
+extern daVarStatus thWHandler();
+extern daVarStatus thRHandler();*/
+               TREESTR,
+               REPORTSTR, 0};
+thStatus (*hooks[])()={thLoadParameters, thBookGethits, thBookTests,
+		       thBookHists, thBookHists,
+                       thBookTree,
+                       thBookReports, 0};
+char *qualifiers[]={"obey", "read", "write", 0};
+struct thBookList {
+  char *classname;		/* Variable name containing the whook */
+  struct thBookList *next;
+typedef struct thBookList thBookList;
+thBookList *thBookListP=NULL;
+thStatus thSetBlockClasses();
+/* Fortran Interface */
+struct thFdList {
+  FILE *fd;
+  struct thFdList *next;
+typedef struct thFdList thFdList;
+thFdList *thFdListP=NULL;
+FILE *myopen(char *fname);
+FILE *myclose(FILE *fd);
+void mycloseall();
+FILE *do_include(char *fname);
+thStatus thOBook()
+/* Book all the parameter, tests, and histograms and anything else that is
+   in the booking order list.
+   This is the pre-group booking routine.  Within each class it booked blocks
+   in alphabetical order.
+  thBookList *booklist;
+  /* Need to find a way to make sure these are called by anything else
+     that might do booking.  Perhaps need a thInit routine. */
+/*  printf("In thBook\n");*/
+  if (!thBookListP) {		/* Booking order not defined */
+    if(thSetBlockClasses() != S_SUCCESS){
+      fprintf(STDERR,"Failed to set the th Block Class handlers\n");
+      return(S_FAILURE);
+    }
+  }
+  booklist = thBookListP;
+  while(booklist){
+    char *prefix; char **blist0; char **blist; int count;
+    daVarStruct var, *bvar;
+    if(daVarLookup(booklist->classname,&var) != S_SUCCESS){
+      fprintf(STDERR,"Failed to find class variable %s\n",booklist->classname);
+      return(S_FAILURE);
+    }
+    prefix = (char *) malloc(strlen(booklist->classname) + 2);
+    strcpy(prefix,booklist->classname);
+    strcat(prefix,".");
+    daVarList(prefix,&blist0,&count);
+    blist = blist0;
+    while(count-- > 0){
+      thStatus stat;
+      /* printf("Booking %s\n",*blist); */
+      if(daVarLookupP(*blist,&bvar) != S_SUCCESS){
+	fprintf(STDERR,"Failed to find %s\n",*blist);
+	return(S_FAILURE);
+      }
+      if(!bvar->varptr) {	/* Only book those not already booked */
+	bvar->varptr = (DAINT *) malloc(sizeof(DAINT));
+	*((DAINT *) bvar->varptr) = 0; /* Initializec execution counter */
+	stat = ((thStatus (*)()) var.opaque)(bvar);
+      }
+      blist++;
+    }
+    daVarFreeList(blist0);
+    booklist = booklist->next;
+  }
+  return(S_SUCCESS);
+thStatus thSetBlockClasses()
+  thBookList *booklist;
+  thBookList **booknext;
+  daVarStruct var;
+  int i;
+  booknext = &thBookListP;
+  for(i=0;types[i];i++){
+    booklist = *booknext = (thBookList *) malloc(sizeof(thBookList));
+    booklist->classname = (char *) 
+      malloc(strlen(BLOCKSTR) + strlen(types[i]) + 2);
+    strcpy(booklist->classname,BLOCKSTR);
+    strcat(booklist->classname,".");
+    strcat(booklist->classname,types[i]);
+    booklist->next = (thBookList *) NULL;
+    booknext = &booklist->next;
+ = booklist->classname;
+    var.title = 0;/*""*/
+    var.type = DAVARINT;
+    var.varptr = (DAINT *) malloc(sizeof(DAINT));
+    *((DAINT *) var.varptr) = i; /* Booking order */
+    var.size = 1;
+    var.whook = thWHandler;
+    var.rhook = thRHandler;
+    var.opaque = (void *) hooks[i];
+    if(daVarRegister((int) 0, &var) == S_FAILURE){
+      fprintf(STDERR,"Failed to register %s\n",;
+      return(S_FAILURE);
+    }
+  }
+  return(S_SUCCESS);
+thStatus thLoad(char *fname)
+/* Open the file and read in all the blocks of test, histogram, or parameter
+   code.  Put the contents of each block into the title field of variables
+   with the names block.TYPE.NAME.
+   May want to change this later to take a file descriptor, not a file
+   name (so that pipes can be used.)
+   */
+  FILE *INPUT_FILE;		/* Descriptor file */
+  char *varname, *vartitle, **grouplist;
+  int qualid,ig;
+  if((INPUT_FILE = myopen(fname))==NULL) {
+    fprintf(STDERR,"(thLoad) Failed to open %s\n",fname);
+    return(S_FAILURE);
+  }
+  while(getblock(&INPUT_FILE,&varname,&vartitle,&qualid
+		 ,&grouplist)==S_SUCCESS){
+    daVarStruct var,*varp;
+    if(daVarLookup(varname,&var) == S_SUCCESS){	/* Variable exists */
+      if(var.type != DAVARINT){
+	fprintf(STDERR,"Type for variable %s must be integer\n",varname);
+	return(S_FAILURE);
+      }
+      /* Free and zero the varptr to indicate that this block has not been
+	 booked. */
+      if(var.varptr) {
+	free(var.varptr);
+	var.varptr = 0;
+      }
+      /*      printf("XX: Found %s\n",varname);*/
+    } else {
+ = varname;
+      var.type = DAVARINT;
+      var.varptr = 0;		/* Null pointer means not yet booked */
+      var.size = 1;
+      var.opaque = 0;		/* Booking routine may add opaque data */
+      var.rhook = 0;
+      var.whook = 0;
+    }
+    var.title = vartitle;	/* The lines to book test, hists, pars etc. */
+    var.flag = qualflags[qualid] | DAVAR_REPOINTOK;
+/*    printf("XX: Registering %s\n",varname);*/
+    if(daVarRegister((int) 0, &var) == S_FAILURE){ /* Create block desciptor */
+      fprintf(STDERR,"Failure to register %s\n",varname);
+      fclose(INPUT_FILE);
+      return(S_FAILURE);
+    }
+    daVarLookupP(,&varp);
+    /* Go attach this block to each group, create var for group
+       if it doesn't exist, check that block is not in group before
+       adding it at the end.  Do we do the group stuff before or after
+       the block is fully read in? */
+    for(ig=0;grouplist[ig];ig++) {
+      daVarStruct varg;
+      daVarStructList *blist; /* Block list */
+      thGroupOpaque *opqptr;
+      if(daVarLookup(grouplist[ig],&varg) != S_SUCCESS){ /* Variable exists */
+ = grouplist[ig];
+	varg.type = DAVARINT;
+	varg.varptr = (void *) malloc(sizeof(DAINT));
+	*(DAINT *)varg.varptr = 0;
+	varg.size = 1;
+	varg.opaque = (void *) malloc(sizeof(thGroupOpaque));
+	opqptr = (thGroupOpaque *) varg.opaque;
+	thInitGroupOpaque(,opqptr); /* Fill the elelments of the structure */
+	varg.rhook = 0;
+	varg.whook = 0; /* Can put something neat here */
+	varg.title = 0;	/* Would be nice to put group descriptions here */
+      } else
+	opqptr = (thGroupOpaque *) varg.opaque;
+      blist = opqptr->blocklist;
+      thAddVarToList(&blist, varp);
+      if(!opqptr->blocklist) {	/* Create group list var if it doesn't exist */
+	opqptr->blocklist = blist;
+	if(daVarRegister((int) 0, &varg) == S_FAILURE){
+	  fprintf(STDERR,"Failure to register %s\n",;
+	  fclose(INPUT_FILE);
+	  return(S_FAILURE);
+	}
+      }
+/*      printf("X %s\n",grouplist[ig]);*/
+    }
+  }
+  /* Are we covering up something.  Should we be able to get to here with
+     a null value for INPUT_FILE?  Does it mean we have left a file open? */
+  if(INPUT_FILE) fclose(INPUT_FILE); 
+#if 0
+  {
+    daVarStruct varg;
+    daVarStructList *blist;
+    if(daVarLookup("group.test.all",&varg)==S_SUCCESS) {
+      printf("All Test group blocks:\n");
+      blist = ((thGroupOpaque *)varg.opaque)->blocklist;
+      while(blist) {
+	printf("  %s\n",blist->varp->name);
+	blist = blist->next;
+      }
+    }
+    if(daVarLookup("group.hist.all",&varg)==S_SUCCESS) {
+      printf("All Histogram group blocks:\n");
+      blist = ((thGroupOpaque *)varg.opaque)->blocklist;
+      while(blist) {
+	printf("  %s\n",blist->varp->name);
+	blist = blist->next;
+      }
+    }
+    if(daVarLookup("group.parm.all",&varg)==S_SUCCESS) {
+      printf("All Parameter group blocks:\n");
+      blist = ((thGroupOpaque *)varg.opaque)->blocklist;
+      while(blist) {
+	printf("  %s\n",blist->varp->name);
+	blist = blist->next;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return(S_SUCCESS);
+int getblock(FILE **TEST_FILE, char **varname, char **vartitle, int *qualid
+	     ,char ***grouplist)
+  Scan the file until a begin line is found.  When "begin xxx" is found, read
+  all the lines up until end xxx is found, stuffing them into a line pointed
+  to by vartitle.
+  This code is really ugly.  Can't I make it better?
+  static char *start=0;
+  static char *last=0;
+  static char *next=0;
+  char oline[MAXLINELENGTH];
+  char line[MAXLINELENGTH];
+  static char *blockname=0;
+  static char **groups=0;
+  char *toks[MAXTOKS];
+  int toklens[3], ntoks, itok, qualifier;
+  char *stat;
+  char *s;
+  static char *thistype=0;
+  int endflag, len;
+  static int maxgroups=0;
+  int i;
+  static int EOF_PENDING=0;	/* For cases where EOF happened in a file */
+  /* Scan for a begin line */
+    EOF_PENDING = 0;
+    if(start) free(start);
+    start = last = 0;
+    return(S_FAILURE);		/* Should be another code for EOF */
+  }
+  toks[0] = line;		/* Protect against blank lines */
+  /* Scan for "begin" statement or #include */
+ keep_looking_for_begin:
+  while((stat=fgets(oline,MAXLINELENGTH,*TEST_FILE))){
+    strcpy(line,oline);
+    s = line;
+    while(*s && *s != '\n' && *s != COMCHAR) s++;
+    *s = 0;
+    {				/* Break into tokens */
+      s = line;
+      while(*s && isspace(*s)) s++; /* Skip white space to first character */
+      ntoks = 0;
+      while(*s){
+/*	printf("|%s|\n",s);*/
+	toks[ntoks++] = s;
+	while(*s && !isspace(*s)) s++; /* Skip over token */
+	if(*s){
+	  *s++ = 0;
+	  while(*s && isspace(*s)) s++;	/* Skip white space to next */
+	}
+      }
+    }
+    itok = 0;
+    if(strcasecmp(toks[itok++],BEGINSTR) == 0) break;
+    if(strcasecmp(toks[0],INCLUDESTR) == 0) *TEST_FILE = do_include(toks[1]);
+  }
+  if(stat == NULL) {
+    *TEST_FILE = myclose(*TEST_FILE);
+    if(*TEST_FILE) {		/* Not the true end of file */
+      goto keep_looking_for_begin;
+    } else {
+      if(start) free(start);
+      start = last = 0;
+      return(S_FAILURE);		/* Should be another code for EOF */
+    }
+  }
+  /* Begin found at this point */
+  for(i=0;qualifiers[i];i++){
+    if(strncasecmp(toks[itok],
+		      qualifiers[i],
+		      strlen(qualifiers[i])) == 0){
+      itok++;
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+  *qualid = i;
+  if(thistype)
+    thistype = (char *) realloc(thistype,strlen(toks[itok])+1);
+  else
+    thistype = (char *) malloc(strlen(toks[itok])+1);
+  for(i=0;types[i];i++){
+    if(strncasecmp(toks[itok],types[i],strlen(types[i])) == 0){
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+  if(types[i] == 0) {
+    fprintf(STDERR,"Unknown block type %s\n",toks[itok]);
+    strcpy(thistype,toks[itok]);
+    /* Need provision for user defined block types? */
+  } else {
+    strcpy(thistype,types[i]);
+  }
+  itok++;
+  {
+    int len;
+    len = strlen(BLOCKSTR) + strlen(thistype) + strlen(toks[itok]) + 3;
+    if(blockname)
+      blockname = (char *) realloc(blockname,len);
+    else
+      blockname = (char *) malloc(len);
+  }
+  strcpy(blockname,BLOCKSTR);
+  strcat(blockname,".");
+  strcat(blockname,thistype);
+  strcat(blockname,".");
+  strcat(blockname,toks[itok]);
+/*  printf("|%s|\n",blockname);*/
+  /* Look for the group id */
+  itok++;
+  if(!groups) {			/* Initialize groups array */
+    groups = (char **) malloc(3*(sizeof(char *)));
+    groups[0] = 0;
+    groups[1] = 0;
+    groups[2] = 0;
+    maxgroups = 2;
+  }
+  /* Put it in the all group */
+  if(groups[0]) free(groups[0]);
+  groups[0] = (char *) malloc(strlen(GROUPSTR)+strlen(thistype)
+			      +strlen(ALLGRPSTR)+3);
+  strcpy(groups[0],GROUPSTR);
+  strcat(groups[0],".");
+  strcat(groups[0],thistype);
+  strcat(groups[0],".");
+  strcat(groups[0],ALLGRPSTR);
+  if(ntoks-itok+1 > maxgroups) {
+    int ig;
+    groups = (char **) realloc(groups,(ntoks-itok+2)*(sizeof(char *)));
+    for(ig=maxgroups+1;ig<ntoks-itok+2;ig++) {
+      groups[ig] = 0;		/* Zero new elements, */
+    }	/* Makeing sure realloc will work */ 
+    maxgroups = ntoks-itok+1;
+  }
+  if(ntoks > itok) {
+    int ig=1;			/* Skip over all group */
+    for(;itok < ntoks;itok++) {		/* Scan for the group keyword */
+      if(strncasecmp(toks[itok],GROUPSTR,strlen(GROUPSTR))==0) {
+	char *grpnam;
+	if(grpnam = strchr(toks[itok],'=')) {
+	  grpnam++;
+	  if(groups[ig]) free(groups[ig]);
+#if 0
+	  /* For now, groups can only contain a single block type */
+	  if(strchr(grpnam,'.')) { /* Class assigned already */
+	    groups[ig] =  (char *) malloc(strlen(GROUPSTR)+
+					  strlen(toks[itok])+2);
+	    strcpy(groups[ig],GROUPSTR);
+	    strcat(groups[ig],".");
+	    strcat(groups[ig],grpnam);
+	  } else { /* Prepend block type */
+	    groups[ig] =  (char *) malloc(strlen(GROUPSTR)+
+					  strlen(grpnam)+strlen(thistype)+3);
+	    strcpy(groups[ig],GROUPSTR);
+	    strcat(groups[ig],".");
+	    strcat(groups[ig],thistype);
+	    strcat(groups[ig],".");
+	    strcat(groups[ig],grpnam);
+#if 0
+	  }
+	}	/* else { ignore if = is missing } */
+	ig++;
+      }
+    }
+    if(groups[ig]) {		/* Null terminate list */
+      free(groups[ig]);
+      groups[ig] = 0;
+    }
+  } else {			/* No groups specified, use default group */
+    if(groups[1]) free(groups[1]);
+    groups[1] = (char *) malloc(strlen(GROUPSTR)+strlen(thistype)
+				+strlen(DEFAULTGRPSTR)+3);
+    strcpy(groups[1],GROUPSTR);
+    strcat(groups[1],".");
+    strcat(groups[1],thistype);
+    strcat(groups[1],".");
+    strcat(groups[1],DEFAULTGRPSTR);
+    if(groups[2]) {		/* Null terminate list */
+      free(groups[2]);
+      groups[2] = 0;
+    }
+  }
+  strcpy(line,oline);		/* Save the line */
+  endflag = 0;
+  next = start;			/* Initialize */
+  while(1){
+    len = strlen(line);
+    if(next+len >= last){
+      int newsize;
+/*      char *src,*dst,*newstart;*/
+/*      src = start;*/
+      newsize = max((last-start) + MAXLINELENGTH,(next-start) + len + 1);
+/*      newstart = dst = (char *) malloc(newsize);
+      while(src < next) *dst++ = *src++;
+      if(start) free(start);
+      last = newstart + newsize;
+      start = newstart;*/
+      if(start) {
+	char *newstart;
+	newstart = (char *) realloc(start,newsize);
+	next = next + (newstart-start);
+	start = newstart;
+      }  else {
+	start = (char *) malloc(newsize);
+	next = start;
+      }
+/*      next = next + (dst-src);*/
+    }
+    strcpy(next,line);
+    next += len;
+    if(endflag) break;
+  reread:
+    if((stat=fgets(line,MAXLINELENGTH,*TEST_FILE))){
+      s = line;
+      while(*s && isspace(*s)) s++;
+      if(strncasecmp(s,INCLUDESTR,strlen(INCLUDESTR)) == 0) {
+	*TEST_FILE = do_include(s + strlen(INCLUDESTR));
+	goto reread;		/* Get another line */
+      }
+      if(strncasecmp(s,ENDSTR,strlen(ENDSTR))!=0) continue;
+      s += strlen(ENDSTR)+1;
+      while(*s && isspace(*s)) s++;
+      if(strncasecmp(s,thistype,strlen(thistype))!=0) continue;
+/* Don't require block name to be restated
+      s += strlen(thistype)+1;
+      while(*s && isspace(*s)) s++;
+      if(strncasecmp(s,BLOCKSTR,strlen(BLOCKSTR))!=0) continue;
+      endflag = 1;
+    } else {			/* EOF */
+      *TEST_FILE = myclose(*TEST_FILE);
+      if(!*TEST_FILE) {		/* Test for true end of file */
+	strcpy(line,"end ");
+	strcat(line,s);
+	strcat(line," block\n");
+	endflag = 1;			/* Terminate after writing end block */
+      } else {
+	goto reread;		/* Get another line */
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  *varname = blockname;
+  *vartitle = start;
+  *grouplist = groups;
+  return(S_SUCCESS);
+FILE *myopen(char *fname)
+  /* Opens  a new file, saving the last file descriptor on a stack. */
+  FILE *fd;
+  thFdList *next;
+  fd = fopen(fname,"r");
+  if(fd) {
+    next = thFdListP;
+    thFdListP = (thFdList *) malloc(sizeof(thFdList));
+    thFdListP->fd = fd;
+    thFdListP->next = next;
+  }
+  return(fd);
+FILE *myclose(FILE *fd)
+  /* Close a file.  If that fd is at top of stack, remove it from stack */
+  thFdList *next;
+  if(thFdListP->fd == fd) {
+    next = thFdListP->next;
+    free(thFdListP);
+    thFdListP = next;
+    fclose(fd);
+    if(thFdListP) return(thFdListP->fd);
+    else return(0);
+  } else {
+    fclose(fd);
+    return(0);
+    /* Should probably return some kind of error because fd was not what
+       was expected. */
+  }
+void mycloseall()
+  /* Close all files on stack */
+  thFdList *next;
+  while(thFdListP) {
+    fclose(thFdListP->fd);
+    next = thFdListP->next;
+    free(thFdListP);
+    thFdListP = next;
+  }
+FILE *do_include(char *include_string)
+  /* Skip over whitespace:
+     Is first character a quote or double quote, if so, interpret string a
+     filename.  Else interpret string as a variable and evaluate it.  If it
+     is not of string type, assume it is a filename. */
+  char *fstring,*fname;
+  char *s;
+  char quotechar;
+  int len;
+  FILE *fd;
+  s = include_string;
+  while(*s && isspace(*s)) s++;	/* Skip whitespace */
+  quotechar = 0;
+  if(*s == QUOTECHAR1 || *s == QUOTECHAR2) {
+    quotechar = *s++;
+  }
+  fstring = s;
+  while(*s && *s != quotechar && !isspace(*s) && (quotechar || *s != COMCHAR)){
+    s++;
+  }
+  len = s-fstring;
+  fname = (char *) malloc(len+1);
+  strncpy(fname,fstring,len);
+  fname[len] = '\0';
+  if(quotechar) {
+    fd = myopen(fname);
+  } else {			/* TODO: Interpret as CTP variable */
+    fd = myopen(fname);
+  }
+  if(!fd) {
+    fprintf(STDERR,"(thLoad) Failed to open '%s'\n",fname);
+    if(thFdListP) fd = thFdListP->fd;
+    fd = 0;
+  }
+  free(fname);
+  return(fd);
diff --git a/CTP/thParm.c b/CTP/thParm.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01a1adb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CTP/thParm.c
@@ -0,0 +1,454 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 1993 Southeastern Universities Research Association,
+ *                    Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility
+ *
+ * This software was developed under a United States Government license
+ * described in the NOTICE file included as part of this distribution.
+ *
+ * Stephen A. Wood, 12000 Jefferson Ave., Newport News, VA 23606
+ * Email:  Tel: (804) 249-7367  Fax: (804) 249-5800
+ *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * 
+ * Description:
+ *  Book parameters
+ *	
+ * Author:  Stephen Wood, CEBAF Hall C
+ *
+ * Revision History:
+ *   $Log: thParm.c,v $
+ *   Revision  2011/03/03 20:08:14  jones
+ *   Used to be %li and %ld, but that makes 8 byte result stuffed into 4 byte lval .
+ *
+ *   Revision 1.4  2003/02/21 20:55:24  saw
+ *   Clean up some types and casts to reduce compiler warnings.
+ *
+ *   Revision 1.3  1999/11/04 20:34:06  saw
+ *   Alpha compatibility.
+ *   New RPC call needed for root event display.
+ *   Start of code to write ROOT trees (ntuples) from new "tree" block
+ *
+ *   Revision 1.16  1999/08/16 16:31:10  saw
+ *   Treat numbers that start with "0x" as hex.
+ *
+ *   Revision 1.15  1998/09/29 18:28:47  saw
+ *   We shouldn't use thIDToken to identify whether the RHS of a parameter
+ *   setting line is a simple constant or an expression.  So for now all RHS's
+ *   will be evaluated.  Need some thought about setting the type of new
+ *   variables that get created.  This eliminates the 1998 CTP bug.
+ *
+ *   Revision 1.14  1995/08/03 13:54:22  saw
+ *   Add thpset function to single parameter setting lines from code
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.13  1995/04/10  15:41:21  saw
+ *	  Handle ctp file registration (#int, #real, ...)
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.12  1995/01/09  15:26:09  saw
+ *	  On fprintf, indicate block type and well as name
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.11  1994/08/26  13:29:37  saw
+ *	  Add DAVAR_REPOINTOK to created parameter.
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.10  1994/07/21  20:35:44  saw
+ *	  Don't prepend parm. when creating variables that have . in them.
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.9  1994/06/13  13:21:04  saw
+ *	  Fix up handling of string type CTP variables.
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.8  1994/06/03  18:49:54  saw
+ *	  Replace stderr with STDERR
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.7  1994/02/14  20:23:29  saw
+ *	  Comment out debugging printf's
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.6  1994/02/08  21:34:01  saw
+ *	  Remove debugging statement
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.5  1993/12/02  21:34:47  saw
+ *	  Fully allow doubles on parm left or right hand sides
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.4  1993/09/22  17:27:39  saw
+ *	  Convert integer values with sscanf to allow for octal and hex.
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.3  1993/09/13  20:52:34  saw
+ *	  Dynamically allocated arrays allowed.  Dynamic params will automatically
+ *	  float if needed.
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.2  1993/05/11  17:53:56  saw
+ *	  Fix header
+ *
+ */
+/* What to do about unregistered variables?
+   Register them as Int's now.  Later allow declaring of reals and arrays.
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "daVar.h"
+#include "th.h"
+#include "thInternal.h"
+#include "thUtils.h"
+#include "cfortran.h"
+#define MAXLINELENGTH 512
+/*#define NULL 0*/
+/* Global variables */
+int thParmVarIndex;
+int thParmVarType;
+int thParmVarALen;
+int *thParmVarLP;
+float *thParmVarFP;
+double *thParmVarDP;
+char *thParmVarSP;
+char *thParmVarName;
+daVarStruct *thParmVarVarp;
+int thParmVarDynamic;
+char *classlist[]={PARMSTR,0};	/* Class list for parameter names */
+thStatus thParmLineSet(char *line);
+thStatus thLoadParameters(daVarStruct *var)
+/* Set the parameters as specified on the title line.
+   When done, replace title line with the parameters without the values?? 
+   For now, we won't modify the lines. */
+  char *lines,*eol;
+  int line_count;
+  if(*((DAINT *)var->varptr) != 0) /* This block already booked */
+    return(S_SUCCESS);
+  *((DAINT *) var->varptr) = 1;
+  lines = var->title;
+  line_count = 0;
+  while(*lines){
+    char *lcopy;
+    line_count++;
+    eol = strchr(lines,'\n');
+    if(!eol) {
+      fprintf(STDERR,"L %d: Last line of parm block %s has no newline\n"
+	      ,line_count,var->name);
+      break;
+    }
+    if(*(eol+1)=='\0'){		/* This is the last line */
+      if(strcasestr(lines,ENDSTR) == 0) {
+	fprintf(STDERR,"L %d: Last line of parm block %s is not an END\n"
+		,line_count,var->name);
+      }
+      break;
+    }
+    if(line_count == 1)
+      if(strcasestr(lines,BEGINSTR) != 0){
+	/*	printf("Is a begin\n");*/
+	lines = eol + 1;
+	continue;
+      } else
+	fprintf(STDERR,"First line of parm block %s is not a BEGIN\n",var->name);
+    /* Ready to book the line, Add continuation lines later */
+    lcopy = (char *) malloc(eol-lines+1);
+    strncpy(lcopy,lines,(eol-lines));
+    *(lcopy + (eol-lines)) = '\0';
+/*     printf("Passing|%s|\n",lcopy);*/
+    if(!thSpecial(lcopy,PARMSTR)) {
+      if(thParmLineSet(lcopy)!=S_SUCCESS)
+	fprintf(STDERR,"Error saving parameters on line %d\n",line_count);
+    }
+    free(lcopy);
+    lines = eol + 1;
+  }
+  return(S_SUCCESS);
+thStatus thParmLineSet(char *line)
+     /* Process a line of a parameter CTP block */
+  thTokenType toktyp;
+  int vartyp;
+  int vardimen;
+  daVarStruct *varp;
+  int i;
+  char *varnam;
+  int nargs;
+  char *args[50];
+  char *orgargs;		/* Unadulterated arguments line */
+  {				/* Needs to be fixed to handle strings */
+    char *s;
+    int blank;
+    char quotechar;
+    int instring;
+    s = line;
+    blank = 1;
+    instring = 0;
+    while(*s != 0){
+      if(instring && *s == quotechar) {
+	if(*(s+1) == quotechar) s++;
+	else instring = 0;
+      } else {
+	if(*s == QUOTECHAR1 || *s== QUOTECHAR2) {
+	  instring = 1;
+	  quotechar = *s;
+	  blank = 0;
+	} else if(isspace(*s)) {
+	  *s = ' ';	/* Remove tabs, ... */
+	} else if(*s == COMCHAR) {
+	  *s = 0;
+	  break;
+	} else
+	  blank = 0;
+      }
+      s++;
+    }
+    if(blank) return(S_SUCCESS);
+    /* Now look for = and figure out what kind of variable is on left.
+       If more than one number is given, left must be array. */
+    s = line;
+    orgargs = 0;
+    if((s = strchr(s,'='))){
+      *s++ = '\0';
+      orgargs = (char *) malloc(strlen(s)+1);
+      strcpy(orgargs,s);
+      varnam = thSpaceStrip(line);
+    } else {
+      s = line;
+      varnam = 0;
+    }
+    nargs = thCommas(s,args);
+    for(i=0;i<nargs;i++){
+      args[i] = thSpaceStrip(args[i]);/* Remove all space from the argument */
+      /*      printf("%s ",args[i]);*/
+    }
+    if(nargs > 0)		/* If only white space after last comma, */
+      if(args[nargs-1][0] == '\0') /* then don't count it as an argument */
+	nargs--;
+  }
+  if(varnam){
+    toktyp = thIDToken(varnam);
+    if(toktyp != TOKVAR && toktyp != TOKARRAY){
+      fprintf(STDERR,"Variable name %s can't be a number\n",varnam);
+      if(orgargs) free(orgargs);
+      return(S_FAILURE);
+    }
+    if(toktyp == TOKARRAY){
+      char *p;
+      p = thTokenArray(varnam,&thParmVarIndex);
+      *p = 0;
+    } else
+      thParmVarIndex = 0;
+    if(daVarLookupPWithClass(varnam,classlist,&varp) != S_SUCCESS) {
+      /* Variable is not preregistered, we will automatically allocate it.
+	 Later, a flag for the block will be added which will disallow
+	 auto allocation.  We will allocate here an integer array of length
+	 thParmVarIndex plus the number of arguments on the line.  If there
+	 are subsequent lines, the array will automatically be extended below
+	 since the code will see the DAVAR_DYNAMIC_PAR flag.  If floating
+	 point values are found on the lines below, the array will
+	 automatically be changed to floating.  (Perhaps we should just always
+	 make the variables floating point.)
+	 The noauto flag will  eventually be implimented to disable automatic
+	 variable createion. */
+      daVarStruct var;
+      if(strchr(varnam,'.')) {	/* Don't prepend parm., if varname has '.'s */
+ = (char *) malloc(strlen(varnam)+1);
+	strcpy(,varnam);
+      } else {
+ = (char *) malloc(strlen(classlist[0])
+				   +strlen(varnam)+2);
+	strcpy(,classlist[0]);
+	strcat(,".");
+	strcat(,varnam);
+      }
+      var.size = thParmVarIndex + nargs;
+      var.varptr = (void *) malloc(var.size*sizeof(DAINT));
+      var.opaque = 0;
+      var.rhook = 0;
+      var.whook = 0;
+      var.type = DAVARINT;
+      var.title = 0;
+      daVarRegister((int) 0,&var); /* parameter */
+      daVarLookupP(,&varp);
+      free(;
+      fprintf(STDERR,"%s not registered, registering as int\n",varnam);
+    }
+    /*    vardimen = varp->dimension;
+	  if(vardimen==0 && toktyp == TOKARRAY) {
+	  fprintf(STDERR,"Variable %s not registered as an array\n",varnam);
+	  return(S_FAILURE);
+	  }
+	  */
+    vartyp = varp->type;
+    thParmVarType = vartyp;
+    thParmVarName = varp->name;
+    thParmVarVarp = varp;
+    thParmVarDynamic = (varp->flag & DAVAR_DYNAMIC_PAR);
+    thParmVarALen = varp->size;
+    switch(vartyp)
+      {
+      case DAVARINT:
+	thParmVarLP = (int *) varp->varptr;
+	break;
+      case DAVARFLOAT:
+	thParmVarFP = (float *) varp->varptr;
+	break;
+      case DAVARDOUBLE:
+	thParmVarDP = (double *) varp->varptr;
+	break;
+      case DAVARSTRING:
+      case DAVARFSTRING:
+	thParmVarSP = (char *) varp->varptr;
+	break;
+      }
+  }
+  if(thParmVarType == DAVARINT || thParmVarType == DAVARFLOAT 
+     || thParmVarType == DAVARDOUBLE) {
+    for(i=0;i<nargs;i++){
+      int lval;
+      double dval;
+      toktyp = thIDToken(args[i]);
+      if(thParmVarIndex>=thParmVarALen){
+	if(thParmVarDynamic) {	/* Automatically up size for dynamic pars */
+/*	  printf("i=%d, thParmVarIndex=%d, thParmVarALen=%d\n",i,thParmVarIndex
+		 ,thParmVarALen);
+	  printf("thParmVarType=%d\n",thParmVarType);*/
+	  if(thParmVarType == DAVARINT){
+	    int j;
+	    int *TMPP;
+	    thParmVarVarp->size = (thParmVarIndex + (nargs-i));
+	    TMPP = (int *) malloc(thParmVarVarp->size*sizeof(DAINT));
+	    for(j=0;j<thParmVarALen;j++)
+	      TMPP[j] = thParmVarLP[j];
+	    free(thParmVarLP);
+	    thParmVarLP = TMPP;
+	    thParmVarVarp->varptr = thParmVarLP;
+	  } else { /*if(thParmVarType == DAVARFLOAT)*/
+	    int j;	
+	    float *TMPP;
+	    thParmVarVarp->size = (thParmVarIndex + (nargs-i));
+	    TMPP = (float *) malloc(thParmVarVarp->size*sizeof(DAFLOAT));
+	    for(j=0;j<thParmVarALen;j++)
+	      TMPP[j] = thParmVarFP[j];
+	    free(thParmVarFP);
+	    thParmVarFP = TMPP;
+	    thParmVarVarp->varptr = thParmVarFP;
+	  }
+	  thParmVarALen = thParmVarVarp->size;
+	} else {
+	  fprintf(STDERR,"Tried to fill past end of array %s\n",thParmVarName);
+	  if(orgargs) free(orgargs);
+	  return(S_FAILURE);
+	}
+      }
+      switch(toktyp)
+	{
+	case TOKINT:
+	  /* Used to be %li and %ld, but that makes 8 byte result
+	     stuffed into 4 byte lval */
+	  if(args[i][0] == '0' && (args[i][1] == 'x' || args[i][1] == 'X')) {
+	    sscanf(args[i],"%i",&lval); /* Treat as Hex */
+	  } else {
+	    sscanf(args[i],"%d",&lval); /* Treat as decimal */
+	  }
+	  dval = lval;
+	  break;
+	case TOKFLOAT:
+	  dval = atof(args[i]);
+	  lval = floatToLong(dval);
+	  break;
+	default:
+	  if(thEvalImed(args[i],&dval,&lval) != S_SUCCESS)
+	    fprintf(STDERR,"Parm: Error interpreting %s\n");
+	  break;
+	}
+      switch(thParmVarType)
+	{
+	case DAVARINT:	
+	  if(thParmVarDynamic) {
+	    /* User must be careful, if an expression evaluated with thEvalImed ends up
+	       as integer, then the type of the variable will stay as integer. */
+	    if(toktyp == TOKFLOAT || (toktyp != TOKINT && dval != lval)) {
+	      /* Floating point arg found */
+	      int j;		/* Copy integer arry to float array */
+	      thParmVarFP = (float *) malloc(thParmVarALen*sizeof(DAFLOAT));
+	      for(j=0;j<thParmVarALen;j++)
+		thParmVarFP[j] = thParmVarLP[j];
+	      free(thParmVarLP);
+	      thParmVarVarp->varptr = thParmVarFP;
+	      thParmVarVarp->type = DAVARFLOAT;
+	      thParmVarFP[thParmVarIndex++] = dval;
+	      thParmVarType = DAVARFLOAT;
+	      break;
+	    }
+	  }
+	  thParmVarLP[thParmVarIndex++] = lval;
+	  break;
+	  thParmVarFP[thParmVarIndex++] = dval;
+	  break;
+	  thParmVarDP[thParmVarIndex++] = dval;
+	  break;
+	}
+      /*    printf("Saved args[%d] %s %d %f\n",i,args[i],lval,dval);*/
+    }
+  } else if(thParmVarType == DAVARSTRING || thParmVarType == DAVARFSTRING) {
+    int maxlen, arglen;
+    char *argptr; char *s;
+    maxlen = thParmVarALen - ((thParmVarType == DAVARSTRING) ? 1 : 0);
+    /* Find first non blank character after the = */
+    argptr = orgargs;
+    while(isspace(*argptr)) argptr++;
+    if(argptr[0] == QUOTECHAR1 || argptr[0] == QUOTECHAR2){
+      s = argptr+1;
+      while(*s && *s != argptr[0]) s++;       /* Search for nul or matching qu
+e */
+      *s = 0;
+      argptr++;                       /* Move to char after quote */
+    }
+    arglen = strlen(argptr);
+    if(arglen > maxlen) arglen = maxlen;
+    strncpy(thParmVarSP, argptr, arglen);
+    if(thParmVarType == DAVARFSTRING) {
+      while(arglen < maxlen)
+	thParmVarSP[arglen++] = ' ';    /* Blank pad fortran strings */
+    } else {
+      thParmVarSP[arglen] = 0;
+    }
+  }
+  if(orgargs) free(orgargs);
+  return(S_SUCCESS);
+/* Fortran routine to evaluate a line of the form parm = value */  
+#ifdef NOF77extname
+int thpset
+int thpset_
+(char *A1,unsigned C1)
+  int A0;
+  char *B1;
+  thStatus status;
+  status = thParmLineSet((!*(int *)A1)?0:memchr(A1,'\0',C1)?A1:
+		      (memcpy(B1=malloc(C1+1),A1,C1),B1[C1]='\0'
+		       ,kill_trailing(B1,' ')));
+  if(B1) free(B1);
+  return status;
diff --git a/CTP/thReport.c b/CTP/thReport.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7520b1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CTP/thReport.c
@@ -0,0 +1,411 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 1994 Southeastern Universities Research Association,
+ *                    Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility
+ *
+ * This software was developed under a United States Government license
+ * described in the NOTICE file included as part of this distribution.
+ *
+ * Stephen A. Wood, 12000 Jefferson Ave., Newport News, VA 23606
+ * Email:  Tel: (804) 249-7367  Fax: (804) 249-5800
+ *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * 
+ * Description:
+ *  Report generator
+ *
+ * Author:  Stephen Wood, CEBAF Hall C
+ *
+ * Revision History:
+ * $Log: thReport.c,v $
+ * Revision 1.3  2002/07/31 20:07:48  saw
+ * Add files for ROOT Trees
+ *
+ * Revision 1.2  1999/11/04 20:34:06  saw
+ * Alpha compatibility.
+ * New RPC call needed for root event display.
+ * Start of code to write ROOT trees (ntuples) from new "tree" block
+ *
+ * Revision 1.11  1999/03/01 19:56:52  saw
+ * Add Absoft Fortran stuff
+ *
+ * Revision 1.10  1997/05/30 14:06:17  saw
+ * Fix some memory leaks
+ *
+ * Revision 1.9  1995/05/09 17:03:13  saw
+ * Have threp and threpa return S_FAILURE when files can't be opened.
+ *
+ * Revision 1.8  1995/04/10  15:40:22  saw
+ * Force to floating point format on integer overflow from thEvalImed.
+ * Add a missing error return to thReportFromVar.
+ *
+ * Revision 1.7  1994/11/07  14:27:09  saw
+ * Bug fixes
+ *
+ * Revision 1.2  1994/06/14  21:13:28  saw
+ * Add fortran calls.  Strip trailing spaces off of fortran strings.
+ *
+ * Revision 1.1  1994/06/13  13:27:25  saw
+ * Initial revision
+ *
+#define REPORTSTR "report"
+#define VLISTSTR "vlist."
+#define SPECIALTYPE 9999
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "daVar.h"
+#include "th.h"
+#include "thInternal.h"
+#include "cfortran.h"
+char *reportclasslist[]={TESTSTR,PARMSTR,EVENTSTR,0};
+extern thStatus thReportFd(char *varname, FILE *output);
+thStatus thReportFromVar(daVarStruct *bvar,FILE *output);
+#ifdef AbsoftUNIXFortran
+int threp
+int threp_
+(char *repname, char *filename
+	    ,unsigned l_repname, unsigned l_filename){
+  int A0;
+  char *BR=0;
+  char *BF=0;
+  FILE *fd;
+  fd = fopen(((!*(int *)filename)?0:memchr(filename,'\0',l_filename)?filename:
+		 (memcpy(BF=(char *) malloc(l_filename+1),filename,l_filename)
+		  ,BF[l_filename]='\0',kill_trailing(BF,' '))),"w");
+/* Need to add an error message if fopen fails */
+  if(fd)
+    A0 = thReportFd(((!*(int *)repname)?0:memchr(repname,'\0',l_repname)
+		     ?repname:(memcpy(BR=(char *) malloc(l_repname+1)
+				      ,repname,l_repname)
+			       ,BR[l_repname]='\0',kill_trailing(BR,' '))),fd);
+  else {
+    A0 = S_FAILURE;
+    fprintf(stderr,"Failed to open file %s\n",BF);
+  }
+  if(fd) fclose(fd);
+  if(BF) free(BF);
+  if(BR) free(BR);
+  return(A0);
+#ifdef AbsoftUNIXFortran
+int threpa
+int threpa_
+(char *repname, char *filename
+	    ,unsigned l_repname, unsigned l_filename){
+  int A0;
+  char *BR=0;
+  char *BF=0;
+  FILE *fd;
+  fd = fopen(((!*(int *)filename)?0:memchr(filename,'\0',l_filename)?filename:
+		 (memcpy(BF=(char *) malloc(l_filename+1),filename,l_filename)
+		  ,BF[l_filename]='\0',kill_trailing(BF,' '))),"a");
+/* Need to add an error message if fopen fails */
+  if(fd)
+    A0 = thReportFd(((!*(int *)repname)?0:memchr(repname,'\0',l_repname)
+		     ?repname:(memcpy(BR=(char *) malloc(l_repname+1)
+				      ,repname,l_repname)
+			       ,BR[l_repname]='\0',kill_trailing(BR,' '))),fd);
+  else
+    A0 = S_FAILURE;
+  if(fd) fclose(fd);
+  if(BF) free(BF);
+  if(BR) free(BR);
+  return(A0);
+thStatus thBookReports(daVarStruct *var)
+  /* Dummy routine.  No booking action needed for reports */
+  return(S_SUCCESS);
+thStatus thReportFd(char *block_name, FILE *output)
+  static daVarStruct *bvar;
+  static char *fullvarname;
+  fullvarname = malloc(strlen(BLOCKSTR)+strlen(REPORTSTR)
+		       +strlen(block_name)+3);
+  strcpy(fullvarname,BLOCKSTR);
+  strcat(fullvarname,".");
+  strcat(fullvarname,REPORTSTR);
+  strcat(fullvarname,".");
+  strcat(fullvarname,block_name);
+  if(daVarLookupP(fullvarname,&bvar) != S_SUCCESS){
+    fprintf(stderr,"Failed to find %s\n",fullvarname);
+    free(fullvarname);
+    return(S_FAILURE);
+  }
+  free(fullvarname);
+  return(thReportFromVar(bvar,output));
+thStatus thReportFromVar(daVarStruct *bvar,FILE *output)
+  char *lines,*eol,*s;
+  int line_count;
+  double dval;	char *dfmt="%f";
+  int lval; char *lfmt="%d";
+  char *sval; char *sfmt="%s";
+  daVarStruct *varp;
+  int dtype;
+  int expression;
+  lines = bvar->title;
+/*  printf("%s",lines);*/
+  (*((DAINT *) bvar->varptr))++; /* Number of times report has been printed */
+  line_count = 0;
+  while(*lines){
+    line_count++;
+    eol = strchr(lines,'\n');
+    if(!eol) {
+      fprintf(STDERR,"L %d: Last line of %s has no newline\n"
+	      ,line_count,bvar->name);
+    }
+    if(*(eol+1)=='\0'){		/* This is the last line */
+      if(strcasestr(lines,ENDSTR) == 0)
+	fprintf(STDERR,"L %d: Last line of %s is not an END\n"
+		,line_count,bvar->name);
+      else
+	break;
+    }
+    if(line_count == 1)
+      if(strcasestr(lines,BEGINSTR) != 0){
+	lines = eol + 1;
+	continue;
+      } else
+	fprintf(STDERR,"First line of %s is not a BEGIN\n",bvar->name);
+    /* Ready to process the line, Add continuation lines later */
+    s = lines;
+    while(s <= eol){
+      if(*s != '{') {
+	if(*s == '\\') {
+	  if(*++s != '\n') fputc(*s++,output);/* Escape chars and newlines */
+	  else s++;
+	} else fputc(*s++,output);
+      } else {
+	char *eptr;		/* Expression pointer */
+	char *fptr;		/* Format pointer */
+	char *eend;		/* Pointer to end of expression */
+	char *fend;		/* Pointer to end of format pointer */
+	char ceend, cfend;
+	eptr = ++s;
+	fptr = 0; eend = 0; fend = 0;
+	while(s < eol){
+	  if(*s == ':') {
+	    eend = s; ceend = *s;
+	    *s++ = 0;		/* Replace : with null to terminate expr */
+	    fptr = s;
+	    while(s < eol) {
+	      if(*s == '}') {
+		fend = s; cfend = *s;
+		*s++ = 0;		/* s points to next character to print */
+		break;
+	      }
+	      s++;
+	    }
+	    if(!fend) {fend = eol; cfend = *eol;}
+	    break;
+	  } else if (*s == '}') {
+	    eend = s; ceend = *s;
+	    *s++ = 0;		/* s points to next character to print */
+	    break;
+	  } else s++;
+	}
+	if(!eend) {eend = eol; ceend = *eol;}
+	/* Look first for atomic values or variable names (could be a string) */
+	dtype = 0;		/* Data type of variable or expression */
+	expression = 0;
+	if(strncasecmp(eptr,VLISTSTR,strlen(VLISTSTR)) == 0) {
+	  dtype = SPECIALTYPE;
+	} else {
+	  char *p;
+	  p = eptr;
+	  if(strchr(".0123456789",*p)) expression = 1;
+	  while(*p && !expression){
+	    if(strchr("*/-+%=!&~,<>[]()",*p++)) expression=1;
+	  }
+	  if(!expression) if(daVarLookupPWithClass(eptr,reportclasslist,&varp)==S_SUCCESS) {
+	    switch(varp->type)
+	      {
+	      case DAVARSTRING:
+		sval = varp->varptr;
+		dtype = DAVARSTRING;
+		break;
+	      case DAVARFSTRING:	/* Fortran string */	
+		sval = (char *) malloc(varp->size+1);
+		strncpy(sval,varp->varptr,varp->size); /* Copy and  */
+		sval[varp->size] = '\0'; /* Null terminate */
+		{
+		  char *strip;
+		  strip = sval+varp->size-1;
+		  while(*strip==' ' && strip>sval) strip--;
+		  *(strip+1) = '\0';
+		}
+		printf("%s:",sval);
+		dtype = DAVARFSTRING;
+		break;
+	      default:
+		break;		/* Let thEvalImed handle other types */
+	      }
+	  }
+	}
+	if(dtype == 0){
+	  int stat;
+	  stat = thEvalImed(eptr,&dval, &lval);
+	  if(stat==S_SUCCESS || stat==S_INTOVF){
+	    /* printf("%f %d\n",dval,lval);*/
+	    if(stat==S_INTOVF) {
+	      dtype = DAVARDOUBLE;
+	    } else if(dval == (double)  lval) {
+	      dtype = DAVARINT;
+	    } else {
+	      dtype = DAVARDOUBLE;
+	    }
+	  } /* else dtype stays zero and everything between {}'s is printed */
+	}
+	if(fptr&&(dtype==DAVARINT || dtype==DAVARDOUBLE)) { 
+	  char *sf;
+	  sf = fptr;
+	  while(*sf) {
+	    if(*sf == '\\'){
+	      if(*(sf+1)) sf++;
+	    } else if(*sf=='%') {
+	      if(*++sf) {
+		if(*sf != '%') break;
+	      }
+	    }
+	    sf++;
+	  }
+	  while(*sf){
+	    if(strchr("eEfgG",*sf)) {
+	      dtype = DAVARDOUBLE;
+	      break;
+	    } else if(strchr("diouxXDOUcp",*sf)) { 
+	      dtype = DAVARINT;
+	      break;
+	    } else if(*sf=='s') {
+	      fprintf(STDERR,"(thReport): %s not allowed with numbers\n");
+	      break;
+	    }
+	    sf++;
+	  }
+	}
+	switch(dtype) {
+	case DAVARINT:
+	  if(!fptr) fptr = lfmt;
+	  fprintf(output,fptr,lval);
+	  break;
+	  if(!fptr) fptr = dfmt;
+	  fprintf(output,fptr,dval);
+	  break;
+	  if(!fptr) fptr = sfmt;
+	  fprintf(output,fptr,sval);
+	  if(dtype==DAVARFSTRING) free(sval);
+	  break;
+	  thReportSpecial(output,eptr);
+	  break;
+	default:
+	  fprintf(output,"{%s",eptr);
+	  if(fptr) {
+	    fprintf(output,":%s}",fptr);
+	  } else {
+	    fprintf(output,"}",fptr);
+	  }
+	}
+	if(eend) {*eend = ceend;} /*s = eend+1;*/
+	if(fend) {*fend = cfend;} /*s = fend+1;}*/
+      }
+    }
+    lines = eol + 1;
+  }
+  return(S_SUCCESS);
+thReportSpecial(FILE *output, char *eptr)
+  char *vptr;			/* Pointer to pattern to match */
+  char **vlist;
+  daVarStruct *varp;
+  int count;
+  int i;
+  char ftemp[20];
+  int len;
+  vptr = eptr + strlen(VLISTSTR);
+  daVarList(vptr,&vlist,&count);
+  for(i=0;i<count;i++) {
+    if(daVarLookupP(vlist[i],&varp)==S_SUCCESS) {
+      if(varp->flag & DAVAR_REPOINTOK)
+	fputc('*',output);	/* CTP created */
+      else
+	fputc(' ',output);	/* Explicitely registered */
+      if(strchr(vptr,'*') || strchr(vptr,'?')) {
+	fprintf(output,"%-30.30s",vlist[i]);
+      } else {
+	fprintf(output,"%-30.30s",vlist[i]+strlen(vptr));
+      }
+      if(varp->size == 1){
+	switch(varp->type)
+	  {
+	  case DAVARINT:
+	    fprintf(output,"%-12i",*((DAINT *)(varp->varptr)));
+	    break;
+	  case DAVARFLOAT:
+	    fprintf(output,"%-12f",*((DAFLOAT *)(varp->varptr)));
+	    break;
+	    fprintf(output,"%-12lf",*((DADOUBLE *)(varp->varptr)));
+	    break;
+	    fprintf(output,"%1.1s           ",((char *)(varp->varptr)));
+	    break;
+	  }
+	fprintf(output," %-36.36s",varp->title);
+      } else {
+	switch(varp->type)
+	  {
+	  case DAVARINT:
+	  case DAVARFLOAT:
+ 	    if(varp->type==DAVARINT) fputs("I*4",output);
+	    else if(varp->type==DAVARFLOAT) fputs("R*4",output);
+	    else if(varp->type==DAVARDOUBLE) fputs("R*8",output);
+	    sprintf(ftemp,"(%d)",varp->size);
+	    fputs(ftemp,output);
+	    len = strlen(ftemp)+3;
+	    while(len++<12) fputc(' ',output);
+	    fprintf(output," %-36.36s",varp->title);
+	    break;
+	    fprintf(output,"%-48.48s",((char *)(varp->varptr)));
+	    break;
+	    len = varp->size;
+	    if(len>49) len=48;
+	    sprintf(ftemp,"%%-%d.%ds",len,len);
+	    fprintf(output,ftemp,((char *)(varp->varptr)));
+	    break;
+	  }
+      }
+    }
+    fprintf(output,"\n");
+  }
+  daVarFreeList(vlist);
diff --git a/CTP/thRootStuff.cpp b/CTP/thRootStuff.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..014e756
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CTP/thRootStuff.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+// thRootStuff.cpp
+//    C++ wrapper routines to interface between CTP and Root libraries
+// $Log: thRootStuff.cpp,v $
+// Revision 1.3  2005/02/22 16:25:51  saw
+// Make sure next pointer is zeroed in rootfilelist
+// Revision 1.2  2004/07/07 18:16:55  saw
+// use extern "C" to export names needed in thTree.c
+// Revision 1.1  2002/07/31 20:07:48  saw
+// Add files for ROOT Trees
+// Revision 1.1  1999/08/25 13:16:07  saw
+// *** empty log message ***
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <TROOT.h>
+#include <TFile.h>
+#include <TH1.h>
+#include <TH2.h>
+#include <TProfile.h>
+#include <TRandom.h>
+#include <TTree.h>
+TROOT CTP("CTP","CTP Histograms and trees");
+TTree *tree;
+TFile *hfile;
+struct thRootFileList {
+  char *filename;
+  TFile *tfile;
+  int count;
+  struct thRootFileList *next;
+typedef struct thRootFileList thRootFileList;
+thRootFileList *rootfilelistp=0;
+extern "C" void *thRoot_TFile(char *filename);
+extern "C" void *thRoot_TTree(char *treename);
+extern "C" void thRoot_Branch(TTree *tree, char *branchname, void *structp, char *brancharg);
+extern "C" void thRoot_Fill(TTree *tree);
+extern "C" void thRoot_Write(thRootFileList *file);
+extern "C" void thRoot_Close(thRootFileList *file);
+void *thRoot_TFile(char *filename)
+  thRootFileList *thisfile,**lastp;
+  thisfile = rootfilelistp;
+  lastp = &rootfilelistp;
+  while(thisfile) {
+    if(strcmp(thisfile->filename,filename)==0) {
+      thisfile->count++;
+      return((void *) thisfile);
+    }
+    lastp = &(thisfile->next);
+    thisfile = thisfile->next;
+  }
+  /* Need to check if file has been opened */
+  printf("Tfile(\"%s\",\"RECREATE\",\"CTP ROOT file with trees\")\n",filename);
+  *lastp = (thRootFileList *) malloc(sizeof(thRootFileList));
+  thisfile = *lastp;
+  thisfile->tfile = new TFile(filename,"RECREATE","CTP ROOT file with trees");
+  thisfile->count = 1;
+  thisfile->filename = (char *)malloc(strlen(filename)+1);
+  thisfile->next = (thRootFileList *) 0;
+  strcpy(thisfile->filename,filename);
+  return((void *) thisfile);
+void *thRoot_TTree(char *treename)
+  TTree *tree;
+  /* Perhaps Check if a tree exists by this name?? */
+  printf("new TTree(\"%s\",\"CTP ROOT tree\")\n",treename);
+  tree = new TTree(treename,"CTP ROOT tree");
+  return((void *)tree);
+void thRoot_Branch(TTree *tree, char *branchname, void *structp, char *brancharg)
+  tree->Branch(branchname,structp,brancharg);
+void thRoot_Fill(TTree *tree)
+  tree->Fill();
+void thRoot_Write(thRootFileList *file)
+  (file->tfile)->Flush();
+void thRoot_Close(thRootFileList *file)
+  TFile *hfile;
+  if(--file->count <= 0){
+    printf("Closing\n");
+    hfile = file->tfile;
+    hfile->Write();
+    hfile->Close();
+  } else {
+    printf("Not Closing\n");
+  }
diff --git a/CTP/thTest.c b/CTP/thTest.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dcf6462
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CTP/thTest.c
@@ -0,0 +1,538 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 1993 Southeastern Universities Research Association,
+ *                    Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility
+ *
+ * This software was developed under a United States Government license
+ * described in the NOTICE file included as part of this distribution.
+ *
+ * Stephen A. Wood, 12000 Jefferson Ave., Newport News, VA 23606
+ * Email:  Tel: (804) 249-7367  Fax: (804) 249-5800
+ *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * 
+ * Description:
+ *  Book tests, execute or operate on tests.
+ *	
+ * Author:  Stephen Wood, CEBAF Hall C
+ *
+ * Revision History:
+ *   $Log: thTest.c,v $
+ *   Revision 1.2  1999/11/04 20:34:07  saw
+ *   Alpha compatibility.
+ *   New RPC call needed for root event display.
+ *   Start of code to write ROOT trees (ntuples) from new "tree" block
+ *
+ *   Revision 1.1  1998/12/07 22:11:13  saw
+ *   Initial setup
+ *
+ *   Revision 1.7  1996/07/31 20:30:17  saw
+ *   (SAW) List line number of booking errors.  Add code in support of groups.
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.6  1995/04/10  15:42:35  saw
+ *	  Handle ctp file registration (#int, #real, ...)
+ *	  No defined test blocks is not an error in thTestExecute
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.5  1995/01/09  15:55:25  saw
+ *	  On fprintf, indicate block type and well as name.
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.4  1994/08/31  13:05:02  saw
+ *	  Add code for WALK_CLEAR_FLAGS to thWalkTree
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.3  1994/06/03  18:51:22  saw
+ *	  Replace stderr with STDERR
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.2  1993/05/11  17:56:37  saw
+ *	  Fix header
+ *
+ */
+   Need to add     means of accessing scalers.  Two ways.  1 Register the
+   scaler array, 2 make a call with the name and a pointer to an array.
+/*An argument is a variable name, an array, or a number.  Numbers are not
+allowed for test result.  Arrays start at 0 if []'s are used and start
+at 1 if ()'s are used.  Arrays may only be used for test results if they
+are already registered by the analyzer.  (May add option to declare them
+in the test package.)*/
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "daVar.h"
+#include "th.h"
+#include "thInternal.h"
+#include "thUtils.h"
+#include "thTestParse.h"
+#include "cfortran.h"
+#define max(a,b) 		(a<b ? b : a)
+#define min(a,b) 		(a>b ? b : a)
+#define MAXLINELENGTH 512
+struct thTBOpaque {
+  CODEPTR code;
+  CODEPTR end;
+  daVarStructList *vlisthead;
+typedef struct thTBOpaque thTBOpaque;
+struct thTBlockList {
+  struct thTBlockList *next;
+  char *blockname;		/* Block name with out the "block.test"  */
+  daVarStruct *var;		/* Pointer to variable that describes block */
+/* Block execution counter, pointer to list of test names and results */
+typedef struct thTBlockList thTBlockList;
+thTBlockList *thTBlockListP = NULL;
+/* End of newstuff */
+thStatus thBookTests(daVarStruct *var)
+  char *lines,*eol;
+  int line_count;
+  thTBOpaque *opqptr;
+  CODEPTR codehead, codenext, codelimit;
+  /* Need to zero out the count.  Make sure variable for count is
+     created */
+/*  printf("Booking tests %s\n",var->name);*/
+  if(var->opaque == 0) {
+    opqptr = (thTBOpaque *) malloc(sizeof(thTBOpaque));
+    var->opaque = (void *) opqptr;
+    codehead = codenext = (CODEPTR) malloc(sizeof(CODE)*CODESTARTSIZE);
+    codelimit =  codehead + CODESTARTSIZE;
+    opqptr->vlisthead = 0;
+  } else {
+    daVarStructList *next,*this;
+    opqptr = (thTBOpaque *) var->opaque;
+    codehead = codenext = opqptr->code;
+    codelimit = opqptr->end;
+    this = opqptr->vlisthead;
+    while(this) {
+      next = this->next;
+      free(this);
+      this = next;
+    }
+    opqptr->vlisthead = 0;
+  }
+  lines = var->title;
+  line_count = 0;
+  while(*lines){
+    char *lcopy;
+    line_count++;
+    eol = strchr(lines,'\n');
+    if(!eol) {
+      fprintf(STDERR,"L %d: Last line of test block %s has no newline\n"
+	      ,line_count,var->name);
+      break;
+    }
+/*    {
+      *eol = 0;
+      printf("L %d:%s\n",line_count,lines);
+      *eol = '\n';
+    }*/
+/*    printf("Next char = %d\n",*(eol+1));*/
+    if(*(eol+1)=='\0'){		/* This is the last line */
+      if(strcasestr(lines,ENDSTR) == 0) {
+	fprintf(STDERR,"L %d: Last line of test block %s is not an END\n"
+		,line_count,var->name);
+/*	fprintf(STDERR,"%s",var->title);*/
+      }
+      break;
+    }
+    if(line_count == 1)
+      if(strcasestr(lines,BEGINSTR) != 0){
+/*	printf("Is a begin\n");*/
+	lines = eol + 1;
+	continue;
+      } else
+	fprintf(STDERR,"First line of test block %s is not a BEGIN\n",var->name);
+    /* Ready to book the line, Add continuation lines later */
+    lcopy = (char *) malloc(eol-lines+1);
+    strncpy(lcopy,lines,(eol-lines));
+    *(lcopy + (eol-lines)) = '\0';
+/*    printf("Passing|%s|\n",lcopy);*/
+    if(!thSpecial(lcopy,TESTSTR)) {
+      if(!thCleanLine(lcopy)){
+	if(thBookaTest(lcopy,&codehead,&codenext,&codelimit,0,
+		       &(opqptr->vlisthead))==S_SUCCESS) {
+	  /*	{
+		daVarStructList *walk;
+		walk = opqptr->vlisthead;
+		while(walk){
+		walk = walk->next;
+		}*/
+	  /*      {
+		  CODEPTR code;
+		  for(code=codehead;code < codenext; code++)
+		  printf("  %x\n",*code);
+		  }*/
+	} else {
+	  fprintf(STDERR,"(%s): Test booking error in line %d\n",var->name,line_count);
+	}
+      }
+    }
+    free(lcopy);
+    lines = eol+1;
+  }
+  {				/*  */
+    CODEPTR src,dst;
+    dst = opqptr->code = (CODEPTR) malloc(sizeof(CODE)*(codenext-codehead));
+    src = codehead;
+    while(src < codenext) *dst++ = *src++;
+    opqptr->end = dst;
+    free(codehead);
+/*    printf("%x %x\n",opqptr->code,opqptr->end);*/
+  }
+  /* Update internal table of test blocks.  */
+  {
+    thTBlockList *thisblock,*nextblock,**lastblockp;
+    nextblock = thTBlockListP;
+    lastblockp = &thTBlockListP;
+    thisblock = thTBlockListP;
+    while(thisblock){
+      if((strcmp(thisblock->var->name,var->name)) == 0){
+	/* Replacing a block with a new definition */
+	fprintf(STDERR,"Replacing %s with new definition\n",var->name);
+	if(thisblock->var != var){
+	  fprintf(STDERR,"ERR: Same name, different var pointer\n");
+	}
+	break;
+      }
+      lastblockp = &thisblock->next;
+      thisblock = thisblock->next;
+    }
+    if(!thisblock){		/* Create entry for New block */
+      char *s;
+      int i;
+      *lastblockp = thisblock = (thTBlockList *) malloc(sizeof(thTBlockList));
+      thisblock->var = var;
+      thisblock->next = (thTBlockList *) NULL;
+      /* Get the name without the block.test on it */
+      s = var->name;		/* If name doesn't fit pattern, use whole */
+      if(strcasestr(var->name,BLOCKSTR)==var->name){
+	i = strlen(BLOCKSTR) + 1;
+	if(strcasestr((var->name + i),TESTSTR)==(var->name + i)){
+	  i += strlen(TESTSTR);
+	  if(*(var->name + i) == '.'){
+	    s += i + 1;
+	  }
+	}
+      }
+      thisblock->blockname = (char *) malloc(strlen(s) + 1);
+      strcpy(thisblock->blockname,s);
+    }
+  }
+  return(S_SUCCESS);
+thStatus thClearTestFlagsV(daVarStruct *var)
+  thTBOpaque *opqptr;
+  thStatus status;
+  daVarStructList *vlist;
+  opqptr = (thTBOpaque *) var->opaque;
+  vlist = opqptr->vlisthead;
+  while(vlist){
+    daVarStruct *varp;
+    varp = vlist->varp;
+    if(varp->type == DAVARINT) { /* Only clear when flag is integer */
+      int i;
+      for(i=0;i<varp->size;i++)
+	((DAINT *) varp->varptr)[i] = 0;
+    }
+    vlist = vlist->next;
+  }
+thStatus thClearTestScalersV(daVarStruct *var)
+  thTBOpaque *opqptr;
+  thStatus status;
+  daVarStructList *vlist;
+  opqptr = (thTBOpaque *) var->opaque;
+  vlist = opqptr->vlisthead;
+  while(vlist){
+    daVarStruct *varp;
+    varp = vlist->varp;
+    if(varp->type == DAVARINT) { /* Only clear when flag is integer */
+      int i;
+      for(i=0;i<varp->size;i++)
+	((DAINT *) varp->opaque)[i] = 0;
+    }
+    vlist = vlist->next;
+  }
+thStatus thIncTestScalersV(daVarStruct *var)
+  thTBOpaque *opqptr;
+  thStatus status;
+  daVarStructList *vlist;
+  opqptr = (thTBOpaque *) var->opaque;
+  vlist = opqptr->vlisthead;
+  while(vlist){
+    daVarStruct *varp;
+    varp = vlist->varp;
+    if(varp->type == DAVARINT) { /* Only clear when flag is integer */
+      int i;
+      for(i=0;i<varp->size;i++)
+	((DAINT *) varp->opaque)[i] += (((DAINT *) varp->varptr)[i] != 0);
+    }
+    vlist = vlist->next;
+  }
+thStatus thExecuteTestsV(daVarStruct *var)
+  thTBOpaque *opqptr;
+  thStatus status;
+  CODEPTR codehead, codenext, codelimit;
+  opqptr = (thTBOpaque *) var->opaque;
+  status = thExecuteCode(var->name,opqptr->code,opqptr->end);
+  if(status == S_SUCCESS)
+    (*((DAINT *)var->varptr))++; /* Increment block counter */
+  return(status);
+thStatus thWalkTree(char *block_name, WALKOP walkop)
+  thTBlockList *thisblock,*nextblock,**lastblockp;
+  int *result;
+  thTBOpaque *opqptr;
+  if(block_name)
+    if(*block_name=='\0')
+      block_name = 0;
+    else
+      lastblockp = &thTBlockListP; /* If no block specified, do default group */
+  if(thTBlockListP == 0){
+    return(S_SUCCESS);		/* No tests defined */
+  } else {
+    thisblock = thTBlockListP;
+    while(thisblock){
+      if(block_name)
+	if(strcasecmp(block_name,thisblock->blockname)!=0) {
+	  lastblockp = &thisblock->next;
+	  thisblock = thisblock->next;
+	  continue;
+	}
+      if(walkop == WALK_DISPLAY)
+	fprintf(STDERR,"           /%s\n",thisblock->blockname);
+      else {
+	opqptr = thisblock->var->opaque;
+	if(walkop == WALK_EXECUTE) {
+	  thExecuteCode(thisblock->var->name,opqptr->code,opqptr->end);
+	  (*((DAINT *)thisblock->var->varptr))++; /* Increment block counter */
+	} else if(walkop == WALK_CLEAR_SCALERS 
+		  || walkop == WALK_INCREMENT_SCALERS
+		  || walkop == WALK_CLEAR_FLAGS) {
+	  daVarStructList *vlist;
+	  vlist = opqptr->vlisthead;
+	  while(vlist) {
+	    daVarStruct *varp;
+	    varp = vlist->varp;
+	    if(varp->type == DAVARINT) {
+	      int i;
+	      if(walkop == WALK_CLEAR_SCALERS) {
+		if(varp->opaque)
+		  for(i=0;i<varp->size;i++)
+		    ((DAINT *) varp->opaque)[i] = 0;
+	      } else if(walkop == WALK_INCREMENT_SCALERS) {
+		if(varp->opaque)
+		  for(i=0;i<varp->size;i++)
+		    ((DAINT *) varp->opaque)[i]
+		      += (((DAINT *) varp->varptr)[i] != 0);
+	      } else {		/* WALK_CLEAR_FLAGS */
+		if(varp->type == DAVARINT) {
+		  for(i=0;i<varp->size;i++)
+		    ((DAINT *) varp->varptr)[i] = 0;
+		}
+	      }
+	    }
+	    vlist = vlist->next;
+	  }
+	} else
+	  fprintf(STDERR,"Unimplimented WALK code\n");
+      }
+      nextblock = thisblock->next;
+      if(block_name) {
+	if(strcasecmp(block_name,thisblock->blockname)==0) {
+	  if(walkop == WALK_REMOVE){
+	    *lastblockp = nextblock;
+	    free(thisblock);
+	  }
+	  return(S_SUCCESS);
+	  }
+      } else if (walkop == WALK_REMOVE){
+	free(thisblock);
+      }
+      thisblock = nextblock;
+    }
+    if(block_name) {
+      fprintf(STDERR,"Test block %s not found\n",block_name);
+      return(S_FAILURE);
+    }
+    if(walkop == WALK_REMOVE)
+      thTBlockListP = (thTBlockList *) NULL;
+  }
+  return(S_SUCCESS);
+/* Fortran callable versions of the various test walk routines */
+#ifdef NOF77extname
+int thtstexe()
+int thtstexe_()
+  int A0;
+  A0 = thWalkTree(0,WALK_EXECUTE);
+  return A0;
+#ifdef NOF77extname
+int thtstexeb
+int thtstexeb_
+(char *A1,unsigned C1)
+  int A0;
+  char *B1;
+  A0 = thWalkTree((!*(int *)A1)?0:memchr(A1,'\0',C1)?A1:
+                  (memcpy(B1=malloc(C1+1),A1,C1),B1[C1]='\0'
+                   ,kill_trailing(B1,' ')),WALK_EXECUTE);
+  if(B1) free(B1);
+  return A0;
+#ifdef NOF77extname
+int thtstdis()
+int thtstdis_()
+  int A0;
+  A0 = thWalkTree(0,WALK_DISPLAY);
+  return A0;
+#ifdef NOF77extname
+int thtstdisb
+int thtstdisb_
+(char *A1,unsigned C1)
+  int A0;
+  char *B1;
+  A0 = thWalkTree((!*(int *)A1)?0:memchr(A1,'\0',C1)?A1:
+                  (memcpy(B1=malloc(C1+1),A1,C1),B1[C1]='\0'
+                   ,kill_trailing(B1,' ')),WALK_DISPLAY);
+  if(B1) free(B1);
+  return A0;
+#ifdef NOF77extname
+int thtstclr()
+int thtstclr_()
+  int A0;
+  A0 = thWalkTree(0,WALK_CLEAR_FLAGS);
+  return A0;
+#ifdef NOF77extname
+int thtstclrb
+int thtstclrb_
+(char *A1,unsigned C1)
+  int A0;
+  char *B1;
+  A0 = thWalkTree((!*(int *)A1)?0:memchr(A1,'\0',C1)?A1:
+                  (memcpy(B1=malloc(C1+1),A1,C1),B1[C1]='\0'
+                   ,kill_trailing(B1,' ')),WALK_CLEAR_FLAGS);
+  if(B1) free(B1);
+  return A0;
+#ifdef NOF77extname
+int thtstins()
+int thtstins_()
+  int A0;
+  return A0;
+#ifdef NOF77extname
+int thtstinsb
+int thtstinsb_
+(char *A1,unsigned C1)
+  int A0;
+  char *B1;
+  A0 = thWalkTree((!*(int *)A1)?0:memchr(A1,'\0',C1)?A1:
+                  (memcpy(B1=malloc(C1+1),A1,C1),B1[C1]='\0'
+                   ,kill_trailing(B1,' ')),WALK_INCREMENT_SCALERS);
+  if(B1) free(B1);
+  return A0;
+#ifdef NOF77extname
+int thtstcls()
+int thtstcls_()
+  int A0;
+  A0 = thWalkTree(0,WALK_CLEAR_SCALERS);
+  return A0;
+#ifdef NOF77extname
+int thtstclsb
+int thtstclsb_
+(char *A1,unsigned C1)
+  int A0;
+  char *B1;
+  A0 = thWalkTree((!*(int *)A1)?0:memchr(A1,'\0',C1)?A1:
+                  (memcpy(B1=malloc(C1+1),A1,C1),B1[C1]='\0'
+                   ,kill_trailing(B1,' ')),WALK_CLEAR_SCALERS);
+  if(B1) free(B1);
+  return A0;
+thStatus thExecuteTests(char *block_name)
+  return(thWalkTree(block_name,WALK_EXECUTE));
+thStatus thClearTestFlags(char *block_name)
+  return(thWalkTree(block_name,WALK_CLEAR_FLAGS));
+thStatus thClearTestScalers(char *block_name)
+  return(thWalkTree(block_name,WALK_CLEAR_SCALERS));
+thStatus thIncTestScalers(char *block_name)
+  return(thWalkTree(block_name,WALK_INCREMENT_SCALERS));
diff --git a/CTP/thTestExecute.c b/CTP/thTestExecute.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6924601
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CTP/thTestExecute.c
@@ -0,0 +1,724 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 1993-1995 Southeastern Universities Research Association,
+ *                         Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility
+ *
+ * This software was developed under a United States Government license
+ * described in the NOTICE file included as part of this distribution.
+ *
+ * Stephen A. Wood, 12000 Jefferson Ave., Newport News, VA 23606
+ * Email:  Tel: (804) 249-7367  Fax: (804) 249-5800
+ *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * 
+ * Description:
+ *  Test code executor
+ *	
+ * Author:  Stephen Wood, CEBAF Hall C
+ *
+ * Revision History:
+ *   $Log: thTestExecute.c,v $
+ *   Revision  2011/03/03 20:09:01  jones
+ *   Add check for 64bit by looking for LP64
+ *
+ *   Revision  2007/09/10 21:32:47  pcarter
+ *   Implemented changes to allow compilation on RHEL 3,4,5 and MacOSX
+ *
+ *   Revision 1.2  2003/02/21 20:55:25  saw
+ *   Clean up some types and casts to reduce compiler warnings.
+ *
+ *   Revision 1.1  1998/12/07 22:11:13  saw
+ *   Initial setup
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.13  1996/08/01  01:33:31  saw
+ *	  Add trig functions.  Print block name on errors.  Allow floating arguments
+ *	  for mod (%).
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.12  1995/08/03  13:56:00  saw
+ *	  Add single argument functions
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.11  1995/02/14  16:53:12  saw
+ *	  Make compatible with OSF/Alpha (64 bit pointers)
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.10  1994/10/03  12:39:45  saw
+ *	  All "/" (division) has real result.  New op "//" has integerized result.
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.9  1994/07/21  20:46:50  saw
+ *	  Make some POP and PUSH stuff more portable
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.8  1994/06/13  13:26:55  saw
+ *	  Add some divide by zero checking
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.7  1994/06/03  21:12:19  saw
+ *	  Use memcpy for stack manipulation
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.5  1994/02/10  18:40:25  saw
+ *	  Typecasting of sp and pc pointer while incrementing or decrementing
+ *	  doesn't work for ANSI C (Silicon Graphics).  Rewrote some POP and PUSH
+ *	  macros and other codes for this (presumably) non-posix case.
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.4  1993/12/02  21:33:17  saw
+ *	  Fully allow the use of doubles in test expressions
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.3  1993/11/22  20:42:12  saw
+ *	  Add return of status codes on thExecuteCode
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.2  1993/05/11  17:58:13  saw
+ *	  Add copyright and header
+ *
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "daVar.h"
+#include "th.h"
+#include "thUtils.h"
+#include "thTestParse.h"
+#include "thInternal.h"
+#include "cfortran.h"
+static DAINT stack[1000];			/* The stack */
+/* Execute Test Package Pseudo Code
+   code is first instruction, codelimit is pointer to location
+   after last instruction.
+   */
+#ifdef __sgi
+#define NOTPOSIX
+#if defined(hpux) || defined(__sun)
+#define USEMEMCPY
+#ifdef __DECC
+#define USEMEMCPY
+#if (defined(__osf__) && defined(__alpha)) || defined(__LP64__)
+#define NOTPOSIX
+#define POINTER64
+#define PUSHPOINTER(x) memcpy(((void **)sp)++, (void *)&x, sizeof(void *))
+//#define PUSHPOINTER(x) *((DAINT **)sp)++ = x
+//#define PUSHPOINTER(x) *(DAINT **)sp = x; (DAINT **)(sp = (DAINT *)(DAINT **)((DAINT **)sp + 1))
+#define PUSHPOINTER(x) *(DAINT **)sp = x; sp = (DAINT *) (DAINT **) ((DAINT **)sp + 1)
+//#define PUSHPOINTER(x) *(DAINT **)sp = x; sp = (DAINT *) ((DAINT **)sp + 1)
+#ifdef NOTPOSIX
+/* Can't use --() constructs, must decrement stack pointer manually */ 
+# ifdef POINTER64
+#  define SAVEINT(x) **((DAINT **)(sp-2)) = x; sp--; sp--
+#  define SAVEFLOAT(x) **((DAFLOAT **)(sp-2)) = x; sp--; sp--
+#  define SAVEDOUBLE(x) **((DADOUBLE **)(sp-2)) = x; sp--; sp--
+#  define FETCHIARRAY(x) x = *(*(((DAINT **)sp)-1) + index); sp--; sp--
+#  define FETCHFARRAY(x) x = *(*(((DAFLOAT **)sp)-1) + index); sp--; sp--
+#  define FETCHDARRAY(x) x = *(*(((DADOUBLE **)sp)-1) + index); sp--; sp--
+# else /* 32 bit pointers */
+#  define SAVEINT(x) **((DAINT **)(sp-1)) = x; sp--
+#  define SAVEFLOAT(x) **((DAFLOAT **)(sp-1)) = x; sp--
+#  define SAVEDOUBLE(x) **((DADOUBLE **)(sp-1)) = x; sp--
+#  define FETCHIARRAY(x) x = *((DAINT *) *(sp-1) + index); sp--
+#  define FETCHFARRAY(x) x = *((DAFLOAT *) *(sp-1) + index); sp--
+#  define FETCHDARRAY(x) x = *((DADOUBLE *) *(sp-1) + index); sp--
+# endif
+#define POPDOUBLE(x) x = *((DADOUBLE *)(sp-2)); sp--; sp--
+#define POPFLOAT(x) x = *((DAFLOAT *)(sp-1)); sp--
+#define POPINT(x) x = *((DAINT *)(sp-1)); sp--
+#define PUSHDOUBLE(x) *((DADOUBLE *)sp) = x; sp++; sp++
+#define PUSHFLOAT(x) *((DAFLOAT *)sp++) = x;
+#define PUSHINT(x) *((DAINT *)sp++) = x;
+//# define SAVEINT(x) **(--(DAINT **)sp) = x
+//# define SAVEFLOAT(x) **(--(DAFLOAT **)sp) = x
+//# define SAVEDOUBLE(x) **(--(DADOUBLE **)sp) = x
+# define SAVEINT(x) sp = (DAINT *) (DAINT **) ((DAINT **)sp - 1); **(DAINT **)sp = x
+# define SAVEFLOAT(x) sp = (DAINT *) (DAFLOAT **) ((DAFLOAT **)sp - 1); **(DAFLOAT **)sp = x
+# define SAVEDOUBLE(x) sp = (DAINT *) (DADOUBLE **) ((DADOUBLE **)sp - 1); **(DADOUBLE **)sp = x
+//# define FETCHIARRAY(x) x = (*(*(--(DAINT**)sp) + index));
+//# define FETCHFARRAY(x) x = (*(*(--(DAFLOAT**)sp) + index));
+//# define FETCHDARRAY(x) x = (*(*(--(DADOUBLE**)sp) + index));
+# define FETCHIARRAY(x) sp = (DAINT *) (DAINT **) ((DAINT **)sp - 1); x = *(*(DAINT**)sp + index);
+# define FETCHFARRAY(x) sp = (DAINT *) (DAFLOAT **) ((DAFLOAT **)sp - 1); x = *(*(DAFLOAT**)sp + index);
+# define FETCHDARRAY(x) sp = (DAINT *) (DADOUBLE **) ((DADOUBLE **)sp - 1); x = *(*(DADOUBLE**)sp + index);
+#define POPDOUBLE(x) ((DADOUBLE *)sp)--; memcpy((void *)&x,(void *)sp,sizeof(DADOUBLE))
+#define POPFLOAT(x) x = *(--(DAFLOAT *)sp)
+#define POPINT(x) x = *(--(DAINT *)sp)
+#define PUSHDOUBLE(x) memcpy(((DADOUBLE *)sp)++,(void *)&x,sizeof(DADOUBLE));
+#define PUSHFLOAT(x) *((DAFLOAT *)sp)++ = x;
+#define PUSHINT(x) *((DAINT *)sp)++ = x;
+//#define POPDOUBLE(x) x = *(--(DADOUBLE *)sp)
+#define POPDOUBLE(x) sp = (DAINT *) (DADOUBLE *) ((DADOUBLE *)sp - 1); x = *(DADOUBLE *)sp
+//#define POPFLOAT(x) x = *(--(DAFLOAT *)sp)
+#define POPFLOAT(x) sp = (DAINT *) (DAFLOAT *) ((DAFLOAT *)sp - 1); x = *(DAFLOAT *)sp
+#define POPINT(x) x = *(--(DAINT *)sp)
+//#define PUSHDOUBLE(x) *((DADOUBLE *)sp)++ = x;
+#define PUSHDOUBLE(x) *(DADOUBLE *)sp = x; sp = (DAINT *) (DADOUBLE *) ((DADOUBLE *)sp + 1)
+//#define PUSHFLOAT(x) *((DAFLOAT *)sp)++ = x
+#define PUSHFLOAT(x) *(DAFLOAT *)sp = x; sp = (DAINT *) (DAFLOAT *) ((DAFLOAT *)sp + 1)
+#define PUSHINT(x) *((DAINT *)sp)++ = x
+#define GETNEXTINTP (((DAINT *)pc)++)
+#define GETNEXTFLOATP (((DAFLOAT *)pc)++)
+#define GETNEXTDOUBLEP (((DADOUBLE *)pc)++)
+#define GETNEXTPOINTERP (((DAINT **)pc)++)
+thStatus thExecuteCode(char *blockname,CODEPTR code, CODEPTR codelimit)
+#ifdef NOTPOSIX
+#warning Phil says NOTPOSIX!
+#warning Phil says not NOTPOSIX! i.e. POSIX!!
+#ifdef POINTER64
+#warning Phil says POINTER64!
+#warning Phil says not POINTER64!
+#warning Phil says USEMEMCPY!
+#warning Phil says not USEMEMCPY!
+  register CODEPTR pc;
+  CODE rawopcode,opcode,ltype,rtype,lrtypes;
+  DAINT nargs,result;
+  register DAINT *sp;
+  DAINT i,il,ir,*pi;
+  DAFLOAT f,fl,fr,*pf;
+  DADOUBLE d,dl,dr,*pd;
+  DAINT index;
+  sp = stack;
+  pc = code;
+  while(pc < codelimit){
+/*    printf("PC=%x, Op code %x, Stack=%x, SP=%x\n",pc,*pc,stack,sp);*/
+    rawopcode = *pc++;
+    if(rawopcode >= OPLP){		/* New style */
+      ltype = (rawopcode & OPLEFTTYPEMASK) >> 8;
+      rtype = (rawopcode & OPRIGHTTYPEMASK) >> 4;
+/*      lrtypes = opcode & OPLRTYPEMASK;*/
+      opcode = rawopcode & OPCODEMASK;
+      switch(opcode & OPGROUPMASK)
+	{
+	case OPPUSHGROUP:		/* Pushes */
+	  switch(opcode)
+	    {
+	      void *tmpptr;
+	    case OPPUSHINT:	/* Float included in pushes */
+	      if((rawopcode & OPRESTYPEMASK) == OPRDOUBLE){
+/*		printf("sp=%x, pc=%x\n",sp,pc);*/
+		memcpy((void *)&d,((DADOUBLE *)pc)++,sizeof(DADOUBLE));
+#ifdef __sgi
+		PUSHDOUBLE(*((DADOUBLE *)pc)); pc++; pc++;
+		PUSHDOUBLE(*(DADOUBLE *)pc);/*phil*/
+                pc = (CODEPTR) (DADOUBLE *) ((DADOUBLE *)pc + 1);
+/*		printf("sp=%x, pc=%x\n",sp,pc);*/
+	      } else {
+		PUSHINT(*pc++);
+	      }
+	      break;
+	    case OPPUSHPINT:	/*Push a pointer*/
+	      PUSHPOINTER((memcpy(&tmpptr,(((DAINT **)pc)++),sizeof(void *))
+			  ,tmpptr));
+              PUSHPOINTER(*(DAINT **)pc); /*phil*/
+              pc = (CODEPTR)(DAINT **) ((DAINT **)pc + 1);
+	      break;
+	    case OPPUSHINTP:    /*Push what a pointer points to */
+	      if((rawopcode & OPRESTYPEMASK) == OPRDOUBLE){
+		memcpy(&tmpptr,(((DAINT **)pc)++),sizeof(void *));
+		d = *(DADOUBLE *) tmpptr;
+		d = **(DADOUBLE **)pc;/*phil*/
+                pc = (CODEPTR) (DADOUBLE **) ((DADOUBLE **)pc + 1);
+		PUSHDOUBLE(d);/*phil*/
+	      } else {
+		memcpy(&tmpptr,(((DAINT **)pc)++),sizeof(void *));
+		PUSHINT(*(DAINT *) tmpptr);
+		PUSHINT(**(DAINT **)pc);/*phil*/
+                pc = (CODEPTR) (DAINT **) ((DAINT **)pc + 1);
+	      }
+	      break;
+	    case OPPUSHFUNCTION:	/*Push a intrinsic function code */
+	      PUSHINT(*pc++);
+	      break;
+	    }
+	  break;
+	  sp--;		/* Should empty the stack */
+	  if(rtype == OPRDOUBLE) sp--; /* Double is two entries on stack */
+	  break;
+	  if(opcode==OPLFARG) {
+	    if(rtype==OPRINT) {POPINT(i);}
+	    else if(rtype==OPRFLOAT) {POPFLOAT(f);}/*phil*/
+	    else {POPDOUBLE(d);}/*phil*/
+	    POPINT(index);	/* Pop the function code */
+	    switch(index)
+	      {
+	      case 0:		/* abs */
+		if(rtype==OPRINT) {
+		  if(i<0) i = -i;
+		  PUSHINT(i);
+		} else if(rtype==OPRFLOAT) {
+		  if(f<0.0) f = -f;
+		  PUSHFLOAT(f);/*phil*/
+		} else {
+		  if(d<0.0) d = -d;
+		  PUSHDOUBLE(d);/*phil*/
+		}
+		break;
+	      case 1:		/* sqrt */
+		if(rtype==OPRINT) d = i;
+		else if(rtype==OPRFLOAT) d = f;
+		if(d>=0) d = sqrt(d);
+		else {
+		  fprintf(STDERR,"Test block %s: sqrt(%f)\n",blockname,d);
+		  d = 0;
+		}
+		PUSHDOUBLE(d);/*phil*/
+		break;
+	      case 2:		/* exp */
+		if(rtype==OPRINT) d = i;
+		else if(rtype==OPRFLOAT) d = f;
+		d = exp(d);
+		PUSHDOUBLE(d);/*phil*/
+		break;
+	      case 3:		/* sin */
+		if(rtype==OPRINT) d = i;
+		else if(rtype==OPRFLOAT) d = f;
+		d = sin(d);
+		PUSHDOUBLE(d);/*phil*/
+		break;
+	      case 4:		/* cos */
+		if(rtype==OPRINT) d = i;
+		else if(rtype==OPRFLOAT) d = f;
+		d = cos(d);
+		PUSHDOUBLE(d);/*phil*/
+		break;
+	      case 5:		/* tan */
+		if(rtype==OPRINT) d = i;
+		else if(rtype==OPRFLOAT) d = f;
+		d = tan(d);
+		PUSHDOUBLE(d);/*phil*/
+		break;
+	      }
+	    break;
+	  }
+	  if(rtype==OPRFLOAT) {	/* Floating point index */
+	    POPFLOAT(f);/*phil*/
+	    index = floatToLong(f);
+	  } else if(rtype==OPRDOUBLE) {	/* Double */
+	    POPDOUBLE(d);/*phil*/
+	    index = floatToLong(d);
+	  } else {
+	    POPINT(index);
+	  }
+	  index -= ((opcode & 0xF000) == 0x1000 ? 0 : 1);
+	  /* ltype should always be == restype */
+	  if(opcode == OPLINDEX || opcode == OPLINDEXB){
+	    if(ltype == OPRDOUBLE) {
+	      FETCHDARRAY(d);/*phil*/
+	      PUSHDOUBLE(d);/*phil*/
+	    } else if (ltype == OPRFLOAT) {
+              FETCHFARRAY(f);/*phil*/
+              PUSHFLOAT(f);/*phil*/
+	    } else {
+              FETCHIARRAY(i);/*phil*/
+	      PUSHINT(i);
+	    }
+	  } else { /*pointer on stack*/
+	    sp--;
+#ifdef POINTER64
+	    sp--;
+	    if(ltype == OPRDOUBLE) {
+	      /*	      *((DADOUBLE **)sp)++ =  (*((DADOUBLE **)sp)+index);*/
+	      /* The following works better on the alpha */
+	      pd = *((DADOUBLE **)sp);
+	      pd += index;
+	      PUSHPOINTER(pd);/*phil*/
+	    } else {		/* Assume INT and FLOAT the same size */
+	      /**((DAINT **)sp)++ =  (*((DAINT **)sp)+index);*/
+	      /* The following works better on the alpha */
+	      pi = *((DAINT **)sp);
+	      pi += index;
+	      PUSHPOINTER(pi);/*phil*/
+	    }
+	  }
+	  break;
+	case OPEQUAL:		/* Big ugly matrix of type conversions */
+	  if(rtype==OPRINT) {
+	    POPINT(i);
+	    if(ltype==OPRINT) {
+	      SAVEINT(i); /* Save result in result variable *//*phil*/
+	      PUSHINT(i);	/* Put result back on stack */
+	    } else if(ltype==OPRFLOAT) {
+	      f = i;	/* Convert to floating */
+	      SAVEFLOAT(f); /* Save variable *//*phil*/
+	      PUSHFLOAT(f); /* Put back on stack *//*phil*/
+	    } else {		/* if(ltype==OPRDOUBLE) */
+	      d = i;
+	      SAVEDOUBLE(d);/*phil*/
+	      PUSHDOUBLE(d);/*phil*/
+	    }
+	  } else if(rtype==OPRFLOAT) {
+	    POPFLOAT(f);/*phil*/
+	    if(ltype==OPRINT) {
+	      i = floatToLong(f);
+	      SAVEINT(i); /* Save result in result variable *//*phil*/
+	      *sp++ = i;
+	    } else if(ltype==OPRFLOAT) {
+	      SAVEFLOAT(f); /* Save variable *//*phil*/
+	      *sp++ = *(DAINT *)&f;
+	    } else {		/* if(ltype==OPRDOUBLE) */
+	      d = f;
+	      SAVEDOUBLE(d);/*phil*/
+	      PUSHDOUBLE(d);/*phil*/
+	    }
+	  } else {		/* if(rtype==OPRDOUBLE) */
+	    POPDOUBLE(d);/*phil*/
+	    if(ltype==OPRINT) {
+	      i = floatToLong(d);
+	      SAVEINT(i); /* Save result in result variable *//*phil*/
+	      *sp++ = i;
+	    } else if(ltype==OPRFLOAT) {
+	      f = d;
+	      SAVEFLOAT(f); /* Save variable *//*phil*/
+	      *sp++ = *(DAINT *)&f;
+	    } else {		/* if(ltype==OPRDOUBLE) */
+ 	      SAVEDOUBLE(d);/*phil*/
+	      PUSHDOUBLE(d);/*phil*/
+	    }
+	  }
+	  break;
+	case OPLOGGROUP:		/* Logic and Bit operations */
+	case OPSHIFTGROUP:		/* Logic and Bit operations */
+	  if(rtype==OPRINT) {
+	    POPINT(ir);
+	  } else if(rtype==OPRFLOAT) {
+	    POPFLOAT(f);/*phil*/
+	    ir = floatToLong(f);
+	  } else {
+	    POPDOUBLE(d);/*phil*/
+	    ir = floatToLong(d);
+	  }
+	  if(ltype==OPRINT) {
+	    POPINT(il);
+	  } else if(ltype==OPRFLOAT) {
+	    POPFLOAT(f);/*phil*/
+	    il = floatToLong(f);
+	  } else {
+	    POPDOUBLE(d);/*phil*/
+	    il = floatToLong(d);
+	  }
+	  switch(opcode)
+	    {
+	    case OPLOGOR:
+	      *sp++ = il || ir;
+	      break;
+	    case OPLOGXOR:
+	      *sp++ = (il != 0) ^ (ir != 0);
+	      break;
+	    case OPLOGAND:
+	      *sp++ = il && ir;
+	      break;
+	    case OPBITOR:
+	      *sp++ = il | ir;
+	      break;
+	    case OPBITXOR:
+	      *sp++ = il ^ ir;
+	      break;
+	    case OPBITAND:
+	      *sp++ = il & ir;
+	      break;
+	    case OPSHL:
+	      *sp++ = il << ir;
+	      break;
+	    case OPSHR:
+	      *sp++ = il >> ir;
+	      break;
+	    }
+	  break;
+	case OPCOMPGROUP:		/* Logic comparisons */
+/* Result of Add amd MUL groups should now always be double */
+	case OPADDGROUP:	/* Add and Subtract */
+	case OPMULGROUP:	/* * / and % */
+	  if(rtype==OPRINT) {
+	    POPINT(ir);
+	    dr = ir;
+	  } else if (rtype==OPRFLOAT) {
+	    POPFLOAT(fr);/*phil*/
+	    dr = fr;
+	  } else {
+	    POPDOUBLE(dr);/*phil*/
+	  }
+	  if(ltype==OPRINT) {
+	    POPINT(il);
+	    dl = il;
+	  } else if (ltype==OPRFLOAT) {
+	    POPFLOAT(fl);/*phil*/
+	    dl = fl;
+	  } else {
+	    POPDOUBLE(dl);/*phil*/
+	  }
+	  if(rtype!=OPRINT || ltype!=OPRINT){
+	    switch(opcode)
+	      {
+	      case OPISEQUAL:
+		*sp++ = dl == dr;
+		break;
+	      case OPISNOTEQUAL:
+		*sp++ = dl != dr;
+		break;
+	      case OPISLT:
+		*sp++ = dl < dr;
+		break;
+	      case OPISGT:
+		*sp++ = dl > dr;
+		break;
+	      case OPISLE:
+		*sp++ = dl <= dr;
+		break;
+	      case OPISGE:
+		*sp++ = dl >= dr;
+		break;
+	      case OPADD:
+		d = dl + dr;
+		PUSHDOUBLE(d);/*phil*/
+		break;
+	      case OPSUB:
+		d = dl - dr;
+		PUSHDOUBLE(d);/*phil*/
+		break;
+	      case OPTIMES:
+		d = dl * dr;	/* Need to deal with overflow */
+		PUSHDOUBLE(d);/*phil*/
+		break;
+	      case OPIDIV:
+/*		printf("OP=%x\n",rawopcode);*/
+		if(dr == 0.0) {
+		  fprintf(STDERR,"Test block %s: %f/0.0\n",blockname,dl);
+		  d = 0.0;
+		} else {
+		  d = dl / dr;	/* Need to deal with overflow and div 0 */
+		}
+		*sp++ = floatToLong(d);
+		break;
+	      case OPDIV:
+		if(dr == 0.0) {
+		  fprintf(STDERR,"Test block %s: %f/0.0\n",blockname,dl);
+		  d = 0.0;
+		} else {
+		  d = dl / dr;	/* Need to deal with overflow and div 0 */
+		}
+		PUSHDOUBLE(d);/*phil*/
+		break;
+	      case OPMOD:
+		d = fmod(dl,dr);
+		PUSHDOUBLE(d);/*phil*/
+		break;
+	      }
+	  } else {		/* Both left and right are int */
+	    switch(opcode)
+	      {
+	      case OPISEQUAL:
+		*sp++ = il == ir;
+		break;
+	      case OPISNOTEQUAL:
+		*sp++ = il != ir;
+		break;
+	      case OPISLT:
+		*sp++ = il < ir;
+		break;
+	      case OPISGT:
+		*sp++ = il > ir;
+		break;
+	      case OPISLE:
+		*sp++ = il <= ir;
+		break;
+	      case OPISGE:
+		*sp++ = il >= ir;
+		break;
+	      case OPADD:
+		*sp++ = il + ir;
+		break;
+	      case OPSUB:
+		*sp++ = il - ir;
+		break;
+	      case OPTIMES:
+		*sp++ = il * ir; /* Need to deal with overflow */
+		break;
+	      case OPIDIV:
+/*		printf("At OPIDIV all int branch\n");*/
+		if(ir == 0) {
+		  fprintf(STDERR,"Test block %s: %d/0.0\n",blockname,il);
+		  *sp++ = 0;
+		} else {
+		  *sp++ = il / ir;
+		}
+		break;
+	      case OPDIV:
+		if(ir == 0) {
+		  fprintf(STDERR,"Test block %s: %d/0.0\n",blockname,il);
+		  d = 0.0;
+		} else
+		  d = dl / dr; /* Need to deal with overflow and div 0 */
+		PUSHDOUBLE(d);/*phil*/
+		break;
+	      case OPMOD:
+		*sp++ = il % ir; /* Need to deal with overflow and div 0 */
+		break;
+	      }
+	  }
+	  break;
+	case OPUNARY:		/* Unary Operators */
+	  switch(opcode)
+	    {
+	    case OPNEG:
+	      if(rtype==OPRINT) {
+		i = -(*--sp);
+	        *sp++ = i;
+	      } else if (rtype==OPRFLOAT) {
+		f = *(DAFLOAT *)(--sp);
+		f = -f;
+		*sp++ = *(DAINT *)&f;
+	      } else {
+		POPDOUBLE(d);/*phil*/
+		d = -d;
+		PUSHDOUBLE(d);/*phil*/
+	      }
+	      break;
+	    case OPNOT:
+	    case OPCOMP:
+	      if(rtype==OPRINT) {
+		POPINT(i);
+	      } else if(rtype==OPRFLOAT) {
+		POPFLOAT(f);/*phil*/
+		i = floatToLong(f);
+	      } else {
+		POPDOUBLE(d);/*phil*/
+		i = floatToLong(d);
+	      }
+	      i = (opcode == OPNOT ? !i : ~i);
+	      *sp++ = i;
+	      break;
+	    }
+	  break;
+	default:
+	  fprintf(STDERR,"Test block %s: Operator %x not yet implimented\n",
+		  blockname,opcode);
+	  break;
+	} /* Terminates switch */
+    } else {	/* terminates if(rawopcode >=OPLP) *//* Old Style, May not work anymore */
+      switch(*pc++)
+	{
+	case PUSHI:
+	  *sp++ = *pc++;
+	  break;
+	case PUSHS:
+	  *sp++ = *((DAINT *) *pc++);
+	  pc++;			/* Skip variable name */
+	  break;
+	  *sp++ = floatToLong(*((DAFLOAT *) *pc++));
+	  pc++;			/* Skip variable name */
+	  break;
+	  *sp++ = *(DAINT *)&f;
+	  pc++;			/* Skip variable name */
+	  break;
+	case POPS:
+	  *((int *) *pc++) = *--sp;
+/*	  printf("Putting result %d into %s\n",*sp,(char *) *pc);*/
+	  pc++;			/* Skip variable name */
+	  break;
+	case tGATE:
+	  nargs = *pc++;
+/*	  printf("GATE: nargs=%d\n",nargs);*/
+	  result = ((*((DAFLOAT *) sp-3) >= *((DAFLOAT *) sp-2)) 
+		    && (*((DAFLOAT *) sp-1) > *((DAFLOAT *) sp-3)));
+	  sp -= nargs;
+	  *sp++ = result;
+	  break;
+	case tEQ:
+	  nargs = *pc++;
+	  result = (*(sp-1) == *(sp-2));
+	  sp -= nargs;
+	  *sp++ = result;
+	  break;
+	case tAND:
+	  result = 1;
+	  for(nargs = *pc++;(nargs > 0) && result; nargs--){
+	    result = (*(--sp)) != 0;
+	  }
+	  sp -= nargs;
+	  *sp++ = result;
+	  break;
+	case tIOR:
+	  result = 0;
+	  for(nargs = *pc++;(nargs > 0) && !result; nargs--){
+	    result = (*(--sp)) != 0;
+	  }
+	  sp -= nargs;
+	  *sp++ = result;
+	  break;
+	default:
+	  fprintf(STDERR,"Test block %s: Opcode %d not defined\n",
+		  blockname,*(pc-1));
+	}
+/*      printf("Stack depth %d\n",sp-stack);*/
+    }
+  }
+  if(sp != stack){
+    fprintf(STDERR,"\n");
+    fprintf(STDERR,"Original SP %x\n",stack);
+    fprintf(STDERR,"\n\n\n\n");
+    fprintf(STDERR,"Final    SP %x\n",sp);
+    fprintf(STDERR,"Items left on stack = %d\n",sp-stack);
+    return(S_FAILURE);
+  }
+  return(S_SUCCESS);
diff --git a/CTP/thTestParse.c b/CTP/thTestParse.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a627c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CTP/thTestParse.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1159 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 1993 Southeastern Universities Research Association,
+ *                    Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility
+ *
+ * This software was developed under a United States Government license
+ * described in the NOTICE file included as part of this distribution.
+ *
+ * Stephen A. Wood, 12000 Jefferson Ave., Newport News, VA 23606
+ * Email:  Tel: (804) 249-7367  Fax: (804) 249-5800
+ *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * 
+ * Description:
+ *  The expression parser and stack executor for the Test Package
+ *	
+ * Author:  Stephen Wood, CEBAF Hall C
+ *
+ * Revision History:
+ *   $Log: thTestParse.c,v $
+ *   Revision  2011/03/03 20:09:44  jones
+ *   Used to be %li and %ld, but that makes 8 byte result stuffed into 4 byte *tokval
+ *
+ *   Revision  2007/09/10 21:32:47  pcarter
+ *   Implemented changes to allow compilation on RHEL 3,4,5 and MacOSX
+ *
+ *   Revision 1.4  2003/02/21 20:55:25  saw
+ *   Clean up some types and casts to reduce compiler warnings.
+ *
+ *   Revision 1.3  1999/11/04 20:34:07  saw
+ *   Alpha compatibility.
+ *   New RPC call needed for root event display.
+ *   Start of code to write ROOT trees (ntuples) from new "tree" block
+ *
+ *   Revision 1.19  1999/08/25 13:16:07  saw
+ *   *** empty log message ***
+ *
+ *   Revision 1.18  1999/07/07 13:43:51  saw
+ *   Don't make numbers starting with "0" be octal.  Accept 0x as hex.
+ *
+ *   Move thTestRHandler() into thTestParse.c
+ *
+ *   Revision 1.17  1999/03/01 20:00:50  saw
+ *   Fix bug where a series of numbers added or subtracted in a parameter line
+ *   got evaluated to be just the first number.  Improve the scientific
+ *   number detection to do this.
+ *
+ *   Revision 1.16  1996/07/31 20:36:56  saw
+ *   Support floating point for mod command.  Add trig functions.
+ *
+ * Revision 1.15  1995/08/03  13:56:36  saw
+ * Add single argument functions
+ *
+ * Revision 1.14  1995/04/10  15:51:21  saw
+ * thEvalImed returns INTOVF if double result is to large to convert to int.
+ *
+ * Revision 1.13  1995/02/14  16:53:52  saw
+ * Make compatible with OSF/Alpha (64 bit pointers)
+ *
+ * Revision 1.12  1995/01/09  16:06:11  saw
+ * Fix a short malloc for a string
+ *
+ * Revision 1.11  1994/11/17  18:14:21  saw
+ * Strip out unary + operators when parsing expressions
+ *
+ * Revision 1.10  1994/11/07  14:28:34  saw
+ * Add thevalchk fortran call to check for expressions.
+ * Try to avoid bomb outs for bad expressions
+ *
+ * Revision 1.9  1994/10/03  12:41:22  saw
+ * All "/" (division) has real result.  New op "//" has integerized
+ * result.  thEvalImed actually gets a double from thTestExecute.
+ * Added fortran interfaces to thEvalImed (itheval, ftheval, dtheval).
+ *
+ * Revision 1.8  1994/09/12  15:12:31  saw
+ * thGetTok was missing reset of lastop on EOL
+ *
+ * Revision 1.7  1994/08/29  20:08:10  saw
+ * Fix calculation of testscalervarname length
+ *
+ * Revision 1.6  1994/08/26  17:46:18  saw
+ * Register test scaler results
+ *
+ * Revision 1.5  1994/08/26  13:36:46  saw
+ * Add DAVAR_REPOINTOK to some flags
+ *
+ * Revision 1.4  1994/06/03  18:54:29  saw
+ * Replace stderr with STDERR
+ *
+ * Revision 1.3  1993/12/02  21:33:36  saw
+ * Fully allow use of doubles in test expressions
+ *
+ * Revision 1.2  1993/11/24  21:24:54  saw
+ * thEvalImed now returns double instead of floating result.
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.3  1993/09/22  17:51:06  saw
+ *	  Allow integer constants to be octal or hex.
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.2  1993/05/11  18:00:10  saw
+ *	  Update header
+ *
+ */
+/* thTestParse.c
+   Make test result variable that are created take the type of the rhs???
+   Add variable names to stack so that expressions can be recreated.
+   Allow constants to be hex or octal.
+   Agree on a new comment character or syntax since ! is not part
+   of expressions.
+   Add unary operators to executor.  Allow + to be a unary operator too.
+   Need to build up a linked list of test results used in a block.  Don't
+   duplicate any variables.  Print warning when a scaler test result is
+   reused.
+/*An argument is a variable name, an array, or a number.  Numbers are not
+allowed for test result.  Arrays start at 0 if []'s are used and start
+at 1 if ()'s are used.  Arrays may only be used for test results if they
+are already registered by the analyzer.  (May add option to declare them
+in the test package.)*/
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#define INT_MAX 2147483647
+/* limits.h is used only to get #define INT_MAX 2147483647
+ * If you don't have limits.h, try #include <values.h> instead and then
+ * #define INT_MAX MAXINT */
+//#include <limits.h>
+#include <rpc/rpc.h>
+#include "daVar.h"
+#include "daVarRpc.h"
+#include "daVarHandlers.h"
+#include "th.h"
+#include "thUtils.h"
+#include "thTestParse.h"
+#include "thInternal.h"
+#include "cfortran.h"
+daVarStatus thTestRHandler(char *name, daVarStruct *varclass, any *retval);
+CODE opstack[100];		/* Operator stack */
+CODE typstack[100];		/* Result type stack */
+typedef struct
+  char *ops;
+  int  toks[3];
+OPTABLE optable[] =
+  {"(",{OPLP}},
+  {")",{OPRP}},
+  {"[",{OPLINDEXB}},
+  {"]",{OPRP}},
+  {"-",{OPSUB}},
+  {"+",{OPADD}},
+  {"||",{OPBITOR,OPLOGOR}},
+  {"*",{OPTIMES}},
+  {"//",{OPDIV,OPIDIV}},
+  {"%",{OPMOD}},
+  {"~",{OPCOMP}},
+  {",",{OPCOMMA}},
+  {0,{0,0,0}}};
+static char *opchars=0;
+/* For Q like test package format, must be in same order as type
+   types listed in typedef for thTestType. */
+char *testCodes[tBAD] 
+  = {"GA","PA","EQ","BI","AN","IO","EO","MA","US"};
+typedef struct
+  CODE op;
+  CODE result[9];
+TYPETABLE typetable[] =
+  {OPLINDEX,{0,0,0,1,1,1,2,2,2}}, /* Result is same as variable */
+  {OPLINDEXB,{0,0,0,1,1,1,2,2,2}}, /* being indexed */
+  {OPLINDEXP,{0,0,0,1,1,1,2,2,2}}, /* Result is same as variable */
+  {OPLINDEXPB,{0,0,0,1,1,1,2,2,2}}, /* being indexed */
+  {OPEQUAL,{0,0,0,1,1,1,2,2,2}}, /* Set result type to LHS type */
+  {OPLOGOR,{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}}, /* Result is always integer */
+  {OPLOGXOR,{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}},
+  {OPLOGAND,{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}},
+  {OPBITOR,{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}},
+  {OPBITXOR,{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}},
+  {OPBITAND,{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}},
+  {OPISEQUAL,{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}},
+  {OPISNOTEQUAL,{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}},
+  {OPISLT,{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}},
+  {OPISLE,{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}},
+  {OPISGT,{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}},
+  {OPISGE,{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}},
+  {OPSHL,{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}},
+  {OPSHR,{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}},
+  {OPADD,{0,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2}},	/* Result is double unless both ops int */
+  {OPSUB,{0,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2}},
+  {OPTIMES,{0,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2}},
+  {OPDIV,{2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2}},	/* Result always double */
+  {OPIDIV,{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}},	/* Result always integer */
+  {OPMOD,{0,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2}},
+  {OPNEG,{0,1,2,0,1,2,0,1,2}},	/* No lh operand, type = rh type */
+  {OPNOT,{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}},	/* No lh operand, type always int */
+  {OPCOMP,{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}},	/* No lh operand, type always int */
+  {0,{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}}};
+INTRINSIC_FUNCTIONS intrinsic_functions[] =
+  {"abs",{0,1,2}},
+  {"sqrt",{2,2,2}},
+  {"exp",{2,2,2}},
+  {"sin",{2,2,2}},
+  {"cos",{2,2,2}},
+  {"tan",{2,2,2}},
+  {0,{0,0,0}}
+char *thGetTok(char *linep, int *tokenid, char **tokstr,
+	       CODE *tokval, void **tokptr, int expflag, daVarStructList **vlisthead)
+/* Pass a pointer to the unscanned portion of the line.
+   Returns An ID code for operators, and an operand type for operands in
+   tokenid.
+   Returns the string for the operand in tokstr.  (Null otherwise)
+   Returns the operand value in tokval, or in tokptr if the operand is
+   a pointer.
+   If the operand is a function, then tokenid will be pushfunction, and
+   tokval will be a the fuction id.
+   Function returns pointer to remainder of the line.
+   */
+  static char string[100];
+  static int lasttoktype=0;	/* Last tok was an operator */
+  static CODE lastop=0;
+  char *savelinep;
+  char *stringp;
+  char *ptr,c;
+  int tindex,sindex;
+  daVarStruct *varp;
+  /* Build up a list of characters that can start operators */
+  if(opchars == 0){
+    int count=0;
+    int i;
+    while(optable[count++].ops != 0) ;
+    opchars = (char *) malloc(count);
+    for(i=0;i<(count-1); i++)
+      opchars[i] = optable[i].ops[0];
+    opchars[count-1] = 0;
+  }
+  *tokstr = 0;
+  *tokval = 0;
+  *tokptr = 0;
+  *tokenid = 0;			/* Will signify an undeclared operand */
+  if(!(*linep)) {
+    *tokenid = OPEOL;
+    lasttoktype = 0;
+    lastop = 0;
+    return(0);
+  }
+  savelinep = linep;
+  while(*linep == ' ' || *linep == '\t') linep++;
+  if((ptr = strchr(opchars,*linep))) { /* Operator */
+    tindex = ptr -  opchars;
+    if(lasttoktype == 0 && *linep == '-') { /*  Last thing was an operator */
+      *tokenid = OPNEG;		/* So the '-' must be a negative sign */
+      linep++;
+    } else if(lasttoktype == 0 && *linep == '+') { /* Unary plus */
+      linep++;
+      goto operand;
+    } else if(lasttoktype == 1 && *linep == '(') {
+      *tokenid = OPLINDEX;
+      linep++;
+    } else if(lasttoktype == 3 && *linep == '(') {
+	/* How will we know when the right hand operator is the closing
+	   paren of the function?  We don't need to know.  The RHP only
+	   acts to determine precedence.  */
+      *tokenid = OPLFARG;
+      linep++;
+    } else {
+      linep++;
+      *tokenid = optable[tindex].toks[0];
+      sindex = 1;
+      if(*linep) {		/* Don't search past end of line */
+	while((c = optable[tindex].ops[sindex])) {
+	  if(*linep == c) {
+	    *tokenid = optable[tindex].toks[sindex];
+	    linep++;
+	    break;
+	  }
+	  sindex++;
+	}
+      }
+    }
+    /*  Following two lines were before last }. */
+    if(*tokenid == OPRP) lasttoktype = 2; /* Minus is minus after ) or ] */
+    else lasttoktype = 0;
+    /* For OPLINDEX and OPLINDEXB, need to search ahead for matching ) or ]
+       and check if the next operator is an = not ==).  If so, then we
+       need to return OPLINDEXP or OPLINDEXPB.  */
+    if(*tokenid == OPLINDEX || *tokenid == OPLINDEXB){
+      char *p; char rc; int ccount=0; int bcount=0;
+      if(*tokenid == OPLINDEXB) rc = ']';
+      else rc = ')';
+      p = linep;
+      while(*p && (*p != rc || bcount || ccount)) {
+	switch(*p++)
+	  {
+	  case '(': ccount++; break;
+	  case ')': ccount--; break;
+	  case '[': bcount++; break;
+	  case ']': bcount--; break;
+	  default: break;
+	  }
+      }				/* Only NULL or balanced rc terminates */
+      if(*p++){			/* Search for = */
+	while(*p == ' ' || *p=='\t') p++;
+	if(*p == '=' && *(p+1) != '=') {
+	  *tokenid += (OPLINDEXP - OPLINDEX); 
+	  /* Assumes OPLINDEXBP-OPLINDEXB is the same*/
+	}
+      } else
+	fprintf(STDERR,"thTest: Parenthesis balance problem\n");
+    }
+    lastop = *tokenid;
+  } else {			/* Operand */
+ //   int optype;
+    int isnum;
+    int efound;
+  operand:
+    lasttoktype = 1;
+    stringp = string;
+    /* Scan until operator or whitespace is reached */
+    isnum = 1; efound = 0;
+/* What a hack to check for scientific notation */
+    while(*linep && *linep!=' ' && *linep!='\t' && !strchr(opchars,*linep)){
+      if(*linep == 'e' || *linep == 'E') {
+	if(efound) {
+	  isnum = 0;
+	} else {
+	  if(stringp > string) {
+	    efound=1;
+	  } else {
+	    isnum = 0;
+	  }
+	}
+      } else if(!isdigit(*linep) && *linep != '.') isnum = 0;
+      *stringp++ = *linep++;
+    }
+    if(isnum && efound) {	/* Exponential, scan past last digit */
+      if(*linep == '-' || *linep == '+') *stringp++ = *linep++;
+      while(isdigit(*linep)) {
+	*stringp++ = *linep++;
+      }
+    }
+    while(*linep == ' ' || *linep == '\t') linep++; /* Skip past whitespace */
+    *stringp = 0;
+    *tokstr = string;
+/*    printf("token=%s\n",string);*/
+    switch(thIDToken(string))
+      {
+      case TOKINT:
+	/* Used to be %li and %ld, but that makes 8 byte result stuffed into
+	   4 byte *tokval */
+	if(string[0] == '0' && (string[1] == 'x' || string[1] == 'X')) {
+	  sscanf(string,"%i",tokval); /* Treat as Hex */
+	} else {
+	  sscanf(string,"%d",tokval); /* Treat as decimal */
+	}
+	*tokenid = OPPUSHINT;
+	break;
+      case TOKFLOAT:
+	f = atof(string);
+	*tokval = *(DAINT *)&f;	/* Copy floating value */
+	*tokenid = OPPUSHFLOAT;
+	break;
+      case TOKVAR:
+	{
+	  char **classlist;
+	  thOperandType optype;
+	  optype = thGetOperandType(string,linep,lastop,0);
+	  classlist = thGetClassList(optype);
+	  /* Probably should consistently use the same class list of
+	     TEST,EVENT,PARM here */
+/* If token is a result variable (and we are in non-immediate mode), and the
+   variable is an integer type, then we need to add this variable to a list
+   of variables for the current block.   (Probably add real  variable to
+   the list anyway. ) This will allow us to acumulate scalers.  The opaque
+   pointer of each variable in the list will point to the scaler array. */
+	  /* First check if variable is really an intrinsic function */
+	  {
+	    int ifunc;
+	    ifunc = 0;
+	    while(intrinsic_functions[ifunc].name) {
+	      if(strcasecmp(string,intrinsic_functions[ifunc].name)==0) {
+		*tokenid = OPPUSHFUNCTION;
+		*tokval = ifunc;
+		lasttoktype = 3;
+		break;
+	      }
+	      ifunc++;
+	    }
+	    if(*tokenid) break;	/* Hopefully this breaks out of case */
+	  }
+	  if(daVarLookupPWithClass(string,classlist,&varp) == S_SUCCESS) {
+/*	    printf("Found variable %s[%s]\n",string,varp->name);*/
+	    if(varp->type == DAVARFLOAT) {/* If next operator is a ( or [ */
+/*	      printf("FLOAT ");*/
+	      /* then push pointer instead of */
+#define ISARRAYORLHS(x) (*x=='(' || *x=='[' || (*x=='=' && *(x+1)!='='))
+	    } else if(varp->type == DAVARDOUBLE){	/* value onto rpn stack */
+/*	      printf("DOUBL ");*/
+	    } else if(varp->type == DAVARINT){	/* value onto rpn stack */
+/*	      printf("INT   ");*/
+	      *tokenid = ISARRAYORLHS(linep) ? OPPUSHPINT : OPPUSHINTP;
+	    }
+	    else {
+	      fprintf(STDERR
+		      ,"thTest: Variable %s[%s] must be integer, float or double\n"
+		      ,string,varp->name);
+	    }
+/*	    *tokval = *(DAINT *)&varp->varptr;*/ /* Get the pointer */
+	    *tokptr = varp->varptr;
+	  } else if(*linep=='=' && (*(linep+1)!='=')){
+	    /* Undefined variable is an unindexed result */
+	    /* For now, create an integer variable.  Later figure out how
+	       to make the variable the same type as the rhs */
+	    daVarStruct var;
+ = (char *) malloc(strlen(classlist[0])
+				       +strlen(string)+2);
+	    strcpy(,classlist[0]);
+	    strcat(,".");
+	    strcat(,string);
+	    var.varptr = (void *) malloc(sizeof(DAINT));
+	    var.size = 1;
+	    var.opaque = 0;
+	    var.rhook = 0;
+	    var.whook = 0;
+	    var.type = DAVARINT;
+	    var.title = savelinep;
+	    daVarRegister((int) 0,&var); /* Create test result */
+	    daVarLookupP(,&varp);
+	    free(;
+printf("Created test result %s\n",varp->name);
+	    *tokenid = OPPUSHPINT;
+/*	    *tokval = *(DAINT *)&varp->varptr;*/
+	    *tokptr = varp->varptr;
+	  } /* else 
+	       printf("%s not found\n",string);
+	       }*/
+	  /* If variable does not exist, caller will note that toktype and
+	     tokval have not been set. */
+	  if(optype == otRESULT && vlisthead){ /* Don't make scalers for */
+	    thAddVarToList(vlisthead,varp); /* Variables created in */
+	    if(varp->type == DAVARINT) { /* thEvalImed */
+	      DAINT *sarray; int i;
+	      if(varp->opaque == 0) { /* No scaler array yet */
+		char *testscalervarname;
+		daVarStruct *svarp; /* Pointer to scaler var struct */
+		testscalervarname = /* Add the "scaler" attribute */
+		  (char *) malloc(strlen(varp->name)+strlen(SCALERSTR)+2);
+		strcpy(testscalervarname,varp->name);
+		strcat(testscalervarname,".");
+		strcat(testscalervarname,SCALERSTR);
+		if(daVarLookupP(testscalervarname,&svarp) != S_SUCCESS) {
+		  daVarStruct svar;
+ = testscalervarname;
+		  svar.opaque = 0;
+		  svar.rhook = 0;
+		  svar.whook = 0;
+		  svar.type = DAVARINT;
+		  svar.varptr = (void *) malloc(varp->size*sizeof(DAINT));
+		  svar.size = varp->size;
+		  /* Actually not OK to repoint, but this says CTP made it */
+		  svar.title = varp->name;
+		  daVarRegister((int) 0, &svar);
+		  daVarLookupP(,&svarp);
+		}
+		varp->opaque = (DAINT *) svarp->varptr;
+		varp->rhook = thTestRHandler;
+		free(testscalervarname);
+	      }
+	      sarray = varp->opaque;
+	      for(i=0;i<varp->size;i++)
+		sarray[i] = 0;
+	    }
+	  }
+	}
+	break;
+      default:
+	fprintf(STDERR,"thTest: Error understanding %s\n",string);
+	break;
+      }
+/*    printf("token = %x\n",*tokenid);*/
+    lastop = 0;
+  }
+  while(*linep == ' ' || *linep == '\t') linep++; /* Skip whitespace */
+  return(linep);
+char **thGetClassList(thOperandType optype)
+  static char *explist[]={PARMSTR,EVENTSTR,TESTSTR,0}; /* Immediate expressions */
+  static char *loglist[]={TESTSTR,PARMSTR,EVENTSTR,0}; /* Logical operand */
+  static char *numlist[]={EVENTSTR,PARMSTR,TESTSTR,0}; /* Operand is a value */
+  static char *resultlistp[]={TESTSTR,EVENTSTR,PARMSTR,0}; /* Operand is a result */
+  return(resultlistp);
+  switch(optype)
+    {
+    case otIMMED:
+      return(explist);
+    case otLOGIC:
+      return(loglist);
+    case otVALUE:
+      return(numlist);
+    case otRESULT:
+      return(resultlistp);
+    }
+thOperandType thGetOperandType(char *soperand, char *rest, CODE lastop,
+			       int expflag)
+  if(expflag)
+    return(otIMMED);
+  else if(lastop == OPNOT)
+    return(otLOGIC);
+  else if(lastop != 0 && (lastop != OPLOGOR)
+		  && (lastop != OPLOGAND) && (lastop != OPLOGXOR)
+		  && (lastop != OPEQUAL) && (lastop != OPCOMMA)
+		  && (lastop != OPLP))
+    return(otVALUE);
+  else {
+    /* This is really ugly code to determine if the operand
+       is a result, logical operand, or numerical operand from the
+       surrounding operators.  The last operator is known, but it must
+       search ahead for the next operator.  This code should be  burried
+       in a subroutine. */
+    char *p;
+    p = rest;
+    if(*p == '(' || *p == '[') {
+      int ccount=0; int bcount=0;
+      if(*p++ == '(') ccount++; else bcount++;
+      while(*p && (bcount || ccount)){
+	/*	      printf("%c(%d,%d)\n",*p,ccount,bcount);*/
+	switch(*p++) {
+	case '(': ccount++; break; case ')': ccount--; break;
+	case '[': bcount++; break; case ']': bcount--; break;
+	default: break;
+	}
+      }
+      /*	    printf("pos=%c, %d %d ",*p,ccount,bcount);*/
+    }
+    while(*p == ' ' || *p =='\t') p++;
+#define ISLOG(x,y) (*x==y && *(x+1)==y)
+    /*	  printf(", Nextchar=%c:  ",*p);*/
+    if(*p=='=' && *(p+1)!='=') {
+      return(otRESULT);
+    } else if((ISLOG(p,'|') || ISLOG(p,'&') || ISLOG(p,'^')
+	       || *p=='\0' || *p==',' || *p == ')'))
+      return(otLOGIC);
+  }
+  return(otVALUE);
+CODE thGetResultType(CODE operator, CODE leftoptype, CODE rightoptype)
+  /* For a given operator, determine the data type of the result a given
+     combination of the types of the lh and rh operands.
+     Assumes that only types 0, 1, or 2 are allowed. */
+  int lrindex;
+  int i;
+  if(leftoptype < 0 || leftoptype > 2 || rightoptype < 0 || rightoptype > 2) {
+    fprintf(STDERR,"thTest: Illegal operand type %x %x\n",leftoptype,rightoptype);
+    return(0);
+  }
+  lrindex = (leftoptype * 3) + rightoptype;
+  for(i=0; typetable[i].op; i++) { /* Do Linear search for the operator */
+    if(operator == typetable[i].op) {
+      return(typetable[i].result[lrindex]);
+    }
+  }
+  fprintf(STDERR,"Operator %x not found in result type table\n",operator);
+  return(0);
+thStatus thEvalImed(char *line, DADOUBLE *d, DAINT *i)
+/* ImmedOBiately evaluate the expression in line.  Will internally evaluate to
+   a float, and then pass back both the float and interized values. */
+  CODEPTR codehead, codenext, codelimit, codelastop;
+  int codesize;
+#define RDOUBLE
+#ifdef RDOUBLE
+  double result;
+  float result;			/* Should    change to double */
+  thStatus retcode;
+/*  printf("%s=",line);*/
+  codesize = 10+2*strlen(line);
+  codehead = codenext = (CODEPTR) malloc(sizeof(CODE)*codesize);
+  codelimit = codehead + codesize;
+#ifdef RDOUBLE
+  *codenext++ = OPPUSHPDOUBLE;
+  {
+    void *resultp;
+    resultp = &result;
+  memcpy(((void **)codenext)++, (void *) &resultp, sizeof(void *));
+  }
+  *((void **) codenext) = (void *) &result; /*phil*/
+  codenext = (CODEPTR) (void **) ((void **)codenext +1);
+/*  printf("%x\n",codenext);*/
+  *codenext++ = OPPUSHPFLOAT;	/* Should change to double */
+  *((void **) codenext)++ = (void *) &result;
+  retcode = S_SUCCESS;
+  if(thBookaTest(line,&codehead,&codenext,&codelimit,&codelastop,0)!=S_SUCCESS) {
+    fprintf(STDERR,"Failure interpreting expression |%s|\n",line);
+    result = 0.0;
+    retcode = S_FAILURE;
+  } else {
+    int exptype;
+    CODE lastop;
+#if 0
+    printf("%x-%x=%d\n",codenext,codehead,codenext-codehead);
+    {
+      CODEPTR code;
+      for(code=codehead;code < codenext; code++)
+	if(code==codelastop) printf("* %x\n",*code);
+	else printf("  %x\n",*code);
+    }
+    codenext = codelastop;
+    exptype = *codenext++ & OPRESTYPEMASK;
+    lastop = *codelastop & OPCODEMASK;
+    if(lastop == OPPUSHPINT || lastop == OPPUSHINTP) {
+      codenext = (CODEPTR) (DAINT **) ((DAINT **)codenext + 1);/*phil*/
+    } else if(lastop == OPPUSHINT) {
+      if(exptype == OPRDOUBLE) {
+      codenext = (CODEPTR) (DADOUBLE **) ((DADOUBLE **)codenext + 1);/*phil*/
+      } else {			/* Assume ints, floats have size */
+        codenext = (CODEPTR) (DAINT *) ((DAINT *)codenext + 1);/*phil*/
+      }
+    }
+#ifdef RDOUBLE
+    *codenext++ = OPEQUAL | 0x202 | (exptype<<4);
+    *codenext++ = OPEQUAL | 0x101 | (exptype<<4);
+#ifdef RDOUBLE
+    *codenext++ = OPEOL | (OPRDOUBLE<<4);
+    *codenext++ = OPEOL;
+    if(thExecuteCode("IMMED",codehead,codenext)!=S_SUCCESS){
+      fprintf(STDERR,"Failure evaluating expression |%s|\n",line);
+      result = 0.0;
+      retcode = S_FAILURE;
+    }
+  }
+/*  printf("%f\n",result);*/
+  free(codehead);
+  if(d) *d = result;
+  if(i) {
+    if(result>=INT_MAX || result <=-INT_MAX) {
+      if(retcode==S_SUCCESS)
+	retcode=S_INTOVF;
+    } else {
+      *i = floatToLong(result);
+    }
+  }
+  return(retcode);
+thStatus thBookaTest(char *line, CODEPTR *codeheadp, CODEPTR *codenextp,
+		     CODEPTR *codelimitp, CODEPTR *codelastop, daVarStructList **vlisthead)
+/* if expflag != 0, still treat as an expression even if there is no
+   equal sign in the line.
+   Return codes:
+     S_SUCCESS = Line OK
+     S_FAILURE = Line not executable
+  /*  int type;*/
+  char *args[20];
+  int nargs;
+  thTokenType toktyp;
+  daVarStruct var, *varp;
+  thTestType test_type;
+  int forcefloat;
+  int iarg;
+  char *token;
+  CODEPTR codenext;
+  int index;			/* Used for index into arrays */
+  thStatus status;
+  int expflag;
+  if(codelastop) expflag = 1; else expflag = 0;
+  status = S_SUCCESS;
+  if(*codenextp + 2*strlen(line) > *codelimitp) {
+    CODEPTR src,dst,newhead;
+    int newsize;
+/*    printf("Increasing the size of the code stack from %d ",
+	   *codelimitp-*codeheadp);*/
+    src = *codeheadp;
+    newsize = max((*codelimitp-*codeheadp)+CODEGROWSIZE
+		  ,(*codenextp-*codeheadp)+2*strlen(line));
+    newhead = dst = (CODEPTR) malloc(sizeof(CODE)*newsize);
+    while(src < *codenextp) *dst++ = *src++;
+    if(*codeheadp) free(*codeheadp);
+    *codelimitp = newhead + newsize;
+    *codeheadp = newhead;
+    *codenextp = *codenextp + (dst - src);
+    /*printf("to %d, using %d\n",*codelimitp-*codeheadp,*codenextp - *codeheadp);*/
+  }
+  codenext = *codenextp;
+/*  printf("Booking \"%s\"\n",line);*/
+  if(strchr(line,'=')||expflag) {
+    char *linep;
+    char *tokstr; CODE tokval;
+    void *tokptr;
+    CODE *osp, *tsp, opcode;
+    CODE rightoptype,leftoptype,resultoptype;
+    osp = opstack;		/* Stack of pending operators */
+    *osp = '\0';
+    tsp = typstack;		/* Stack of Current result type */
+				/* Like the stack in the executor but only */
+				/* contains the data types */
+    linep = line;
+    do {
+      /* Get tokens until there are no more (last token will be OPEOL) */
+      linep = thGetTok(linep,&TOKEN, &tokstr, &tokval, &tokptr, expflag, vlisthead);
+      if(tokstr) {		/* Operand */
+/*	printf("Operand %s |",tokstr);*/
+	if(codelastop) *codelastop = codenext; /* HACK for thImmed: Save ptr to last operator */
+	if(TOKEN) {
+	  if(tokptr == 0) {	/* Value operand - 4 bytes */
+	    *codenext++ = TOKEN;	/* String not put on stack at moment */
+	    *codenext++ = tokval;
+	  } else {		/* Pointer operand - maybe 8 bytes */
+	    *codenext++ = TOKEN;
+	    memcpy(((void **)codenext)++,&tokptr,sizeof(void *));
+	    *(void **)codenext = tokptr;/*phil*/
+            codenext = (CODEPTR) (void **) ((void **)codenext +1);
+	  }
+	  /* If TOKEN is push function, then tokval is an index into a list of
+	     functions.  We put this index on tsp instead of the result type. */
+	    *tsp++ = tokval;
+	  } else {
+	    *tsp++ = TOKEN & OPRESTYPEMASK;
+	  }
+	} else {
+	  fprintf(STDERR,"thTest: Unregistered variable %s\n",tokstr);
+          status = S_TH_UNREG;
+	  *codenext++ = OPPUSHINT;
+	  *codenext++ = 0;
+	}
+      } else {			/* Operator */
+	switch(TOKEN)
+	  {
+	  case 0:
+	    fprintf(STDERR,"thTest: Bad token\n");
+	    return(S_FAILURE);
+	    break;
+	  case OPLP:
+	    *++osp = TOKEN;
+	    break;
+	  default:
+/*	    printf("OSP:");
+	    {CODE *sp; for(sp=opstack;sp<=osp;sp++)
+	       printf("%x:",*sp);}
+	    printf("\n");
+	    /* Generate code for all operators of equal or higher precedence
+	       that are pending on the operator stack. */
+	      TOKCOMP = 0xFFFFFFF; /* Nothing higher in precedence */
+	    else
+	    while((*osp & OPPRECMASK) >= TOKCOMP){
+/*	      if((*osp & OPPRECMASK) == OPLINDEX){*/
+	      if((*osp & OPGROUPMASK) == OPLINDEXGROUP){
+		if(TOKEN == OPRP) {
+		  if(*osp == OPLFARG) TOKEN = OPRFARG;
+		  else TOKEN = OPRINDEX; /* Break from case */
+		}
+		TOKCOMP = 0xFFFFFFF; /* Terminate osp rundown */
+	      }
+	      rightoptype = *--tsp;
+	      leftoptype = ((*osp & OPPRECMASK) == OPUNARY) ? 0 : (*--tsp);
+	      /* If the Operator is "evaluate function", we need to find out
+		 what the function is so that we can get the correct
+		 result type.  leftoptype should be an index into
+		 "intrinsic_functions".  We can use that and rightoptype
+		 to look up the resulttype. */
+	      if(*osp==OPLFARG) {
+		resultoptype = 
+		  intrinsic_functions[leftoptype].result[rightoptype];
+	      } else {
+		resultoptype = thGetResultType(*osp,leftoptype,rightoptype);
+	      }
+	      opcode = *osp--;
+	      opcode |= (leftoptype << 8) | (rightoptype << 4)
+		| resultoptype;
+	      if(codelastop) if((opcode&&OPCODEMASK) !=OPEOL) *codelastop = codenext; /* HACK for thImmed: Save ptr to last operator */
+	      *codenext++ = opcode;
+	      *tsp++ = resultoptype; /* Keep a rpn stack of the data type */
+	    }
+	    if(TOKEN == OPRINDEX || TOKEN == OPRFARG) break; /* No clean up needed */
+	    if(TOKEN == OPRP) {
+	      if(*osp == OPLP) osp--; /* ) removes matching ( */
+	      else {
+		fprintf(STDERR,"Right paren not matched by left\n");
+		return(S_FAILURE);
+	      }
+	    } else if(TOKEN == OPEOL || TOKEN == OPCOMMA) {
+	      if(codelastop) if(TOKEN==OPCOMMA) *codelastop = codenext; /* HACK for thImmed: Save ptr to last operator */
+	      *codenext++ = TOKEN | (*--tsp) << 4; /* Leave type in Right type field */
+	    } else {
+	      *++osp = TOKEN;
+	    }
+	    break;
+	  }
+      }
+      /* Token processed */
+    } while (linep);
+/* Check that stacks are OK.  Need to add some clean up of allocated memory. */
+    if(tsp != typstack) {
+      fprintf(STDERR,"%d items left on type stack\n",tsp-typstack);
+      return(S_FAILURE);
+    }
+    if(osp != opstack) {
+      fprintf(STDERR,"%d items left on operand stack\n",osp-opstack);
+      return(S_FAILURE);
+    }
+  } else {			/* Old style test lines */
+    int i;
+    nargs = thCommas(line,args);
+    for(i=0;i<nargs;i++){
+      args[i] = thSpaceStrip(args[i]); /* Remove all space from the argument */
+    }
+    if(nargs <= 1) return(S_FAILURE);
+    {				/* Interpret the test type. */
+      for(test_type=0;test_type<tBAD;test_type++){
+	if(testCodes[test_type][0] == toupper(args[1][0]) &&
+	   testCodes[test_type][1] == toupper(args[1][1])) break;
+      }
+      if(test_type == tBAD) return(S_FAILURE);
+      /*    printf("%s\n",testCodes[test_type]);*/
+    }
+    if(test_type == tGATE || test_type == tEQ) {
+      forcefloat = 1;
+    } else forcefloat = 0;
+    for(iarg=2;iarg<nargs;iarg++){
+      DAFLOAT f;		/* Should do double  here */
+      token = args[iarg];
+      toktyp = thIDToken(token);
+      switch((toktyp = thIDToken(token)))
+	{
+	case TOKINT:
+	  *codenext++ = PUSHI;
+	  if(forcefloat) {
+	    f = atof(token);
+	    *codenext++ = *(DAINT *)&f;
+	  } else {
+	    DAINT i;
+	    /* Used to be %li and %ld, but that makes 8 byte result
+	       stuffed into 4 byte i */
+	    if(token[0] == '0' && (token[1] == 'x' || token[1] == 'X')) {
+	      sscanf(token,"%i",&i); /* Treat as Hex */
+	    } else {
+	      sscanf(token,"%d",&i); /* Treat as decimal */
+	    }
+	    *codenext++ = i;
+	  }
+	  break;
+	case TOKFLOAT:		/* Should Do all floats as doubles */
+	  *codenext++ = PUSHI;
+	  if(forcefloat) {
+	    f = atof(token);
+	    *codenext++ = *(DAINT *)&f;
+	  } else {
+	    *codenext++ = (DAINT) floatToLong(atof(token));
+	  }
+	  break;
+	case TOKARRAY:
+	case TOKVAR:
+	  {
+	    char *p; int index; char leftp;
+	    if(toktyp == TOKARRAY) {
+	      p = thTokenArray(token,&index);
+	      leftp = *p; *p = 0;	/* Save ( or [ then null terminate */
+	    } else
+	      index = 0;
+	    if(daVarLookup(token,&var)!=S_SUCCESS) {
+	      fprintf(STDERR,"(thTest) %s not registered\n",token);
+	      *codenext++ = PUSHI;
+	      if(forcefloat) {
+		f = 0.0;
+		*codenext++ = *(DAINT *)&f;
+	      } else
+		*codenext++ = 0;
+	    } else {
+	      if(forcefloat)
+		if(var.type == DAVARINT)
+		  *codenext++ = PUSHITOFS; /* Push converting to float and skip */
+		else if(var.type == DAVARFLOAT)
+		  *codenext++ = PUSHS;
+		else
+		  *codenext++ = PUSHI; /* Push immediate */
+	      else
+		if(var.type == DAVARINT)
+		  *codenext++ = PUSHS; /* Push and skip */
+		else if(var.type == DAVARFLOAT)
+		  *codenext++ = PUSHFTOIS;
+		else
+		  *codenext++ = PUSHI; /* Push immediate */
+	      if(toktyp == TOKARRAY)
+		*p = leftp;
+	      if(var.type == DAVARINT || var.type == DAVARFLOAT) {
+		*(void **)codenext = ((DAINT *) var.varptr+index);/*phil*/
+                codenext = (CODEPTR) (void **) ((void **)codenext + 1);
+		*((void **)codenext) = (void *) malloc(sizeof(token)+1);
+		strcpy((char *) *(void **)codenext,token);
+                codenext = (CODEPTR) (void **) ((void **)codenext + 1);
+	      } else {
+		if(forcefloat) {
+		  f = 0.0;
+		  *codenext++ = *(DAINT *)&f;
+		} else
+		  *codenext++ = 0;
+	      }
+	    }
+	  }
+	  break;
+	}
+    }
+    *codenext++ = test_type;	/* Operation to do on pushed args */
+    *codenext++ = nargs-2;	/* # of args pushed on stack for this op */
+    /* Now push test result on stack */
+    *codenext++ = POPS;
+    token = args[0];
+    toktyp = thIDToken(token);
+    index = 0;
+    switch((toktyp = thIDToken(token)))
+      {
+      case TOKINT:
+      case TOKFLOAT:
+	fprintf(STDERR,"(thTest) Test result must be a variable name\n");
+	return(S_FAILURE);	/* No test is added to program */
+      case TOKARRAY:
+	/* First check if variable with index has been already registered
+	   perhaps from a previous booking of histograms */
+	if(daVarLookup(token,&var) != S_SUCCESS){
+	  char *p; char leftp;
+	  p = thTokenArray(token,&index);
+	  leftp = *p; *p = 0;	/* Save ( or [ then null terminate */
+	  if(daVarLookup(token,&var) != S_SUCCESS){
+	    fprintf(STDERR,
+		    "(thTest) Arrays %s must be registered\n",token);
+	    return(S_FAILURE);
+	  }
+	  *p = leftp;		/* Restore the left ( or [ */
+	  if(index >= var.size) {
+	    fprintf(STDERR,
+		    "(thTest) Array size for %s exceeded\n",token);
+	    return(S_FAILURE);
+	  }
+	  if(var.type != DAVARINT) {
+	    fprintf(STDERR,
+		    "(thTest) Array %s must be of integer*4\n",token);
+	    return(S_FAILURE);
+	  }
+	  var.varptr = (DAINT *) var.varptr + index;
+ = token;
+	  var.opaque = 0;
+	}
+	var.title = token;	/* Eventually be the input line */
+	break;
+      case TOKVAR:
+	if(daVarLookup(token,&var)!=S_SUCCESS) {
+ = token;
+	  var.varptr = (void *) malloc(sizeof(DAINT));
+	  var.opaque = 0;
+	  var.rhook = 0;
+	  var.whook = 0;
+	  var.type = DAVARINT;
+/* Do I need to set the size to 1 here??? */
+	}
+	var.title = token;
+	break;
+      }
+    daVarRegister((int) 0, &var);	/* Create or replace variable */
+    *(void **)codenext = ((DAINT *) var.varptr);/*phil*/
+    codenext = (CODEPTR) (void **) ((void **)codenext + 1);
+    /* Save the token string for future reference */
+    *((void **)codenext) = ((void *) malloc(strlen(token)+1));
+    strcpy((char *) *(void **)codenext,token);
+    codenext = (CODEPTR) (void **) ((void **)codenext + 1);
+  }
+  *codenextp = codenext;
+  return(status);
+int thevalchk_(char *A1,unsigned C1)
+/* Check if an expression is valid.  Return's zero if valid */
+  int A0;
+  char *B1;
+  thStatus status;
+  status = thEvalImed((!*(int *)A1)?0:memchr(A1,'\0',C1)?A1:
+		      (memcpy(B1=malloc(C1+1),A1,C1),B1[C1]='\0'
+		       ,kill_trailing(B1,' ')),0,0);
+  if(B1) free(B1);
+  return(status);
+int itheval_(char *A1,unsigned C1)
+  int A0;
+  char *B1;
+  DAINT i;
+  double d;
+  thStatus status;
+  status = thEvalImed((!*(int *)A1)?0:memchr(A1,'\0',C1)?A1:
+		      (memcpy(B1=malloc(C1+1),A1,C1),B1[C1]='\0'
+		       ,kill_trailing(B1,' ')),0,&i);
+  if(B1) free(B1);
+  return i;
+double dtheval_(char *A1,unsigned C1)
+  char *B1;
+  double d;
+  thStatus status;
+  status = thEvalImed((!*(int *)A1)?0:memchr(A1,'\0',C1)?A1:
+		      (memcpy(B1=malloc(C1+1),A1,C1),B1[C1]='\0'
+		       ,kill_trailing(B1,' ')),&d,0);
+  if(B1) free(B1);
+  return d;
+float ftheval_(char *A1,unsigned C1)
+  char *B1;
+  DAINT i;
+  double d;
+  float f;
+  thStatus status;
+  status = thEvalImed((!*(int *)A1)?0:memchr(A1,'\0',C1)?A1:
+		      (memcpy(B1=malloc(C1+1),A1,C1),B1[C1]='\0'
+		       ,kill_trailing(B1,' ')),&d,0);
+  if(B1) free(B1);
+  f = d;
+  return f;
+daVarStatus thTestRHandler(char *name, daVarStruct *varclass, any *retval)
+/* The default Read handler */
+  daVarStruct *varp;
+  char *attribute;
+  daVarStatus status;
+  int index;
+  status = daVarAttributeFind(name, varclass, &varp, &attribute, &index);
+  status = daVarRegRatr(varp, attribute, index, retval);
+  if(status == S_SUCCESS) {
+    if(strcasecmp(attribute,DAVAR_RATR) == 0){
+      retval->any_u.s = realloc(retval->any_u.s,strlen(retval->any_u.s)
+				+strlen(TH_SCALER) + 2);
+      strcat(retval->any_u.s,TH_SCALER);
+      strcat(retval->any_u.s,"\n");
+    }
+  } else {
+    if(strcasecmp(attribute,TH_SCALER) == 0){
+      int i;
+      if(varp->opaque){
+	retval->valtype = DAVARINT_RPC;
+	if(index == DAVAR_NOINDEX) {
+	  retval->any_u.i.i_len = varp->size;
+	  retval->any_u.i.i_val = (int *) malloc(varp->size*sizeof(int));
+	  for(i=0;i<varp->size;i++) {
+	    retval->any_u.i.i_val[i] = ((DAINT *)varp->opaque)[i];
+	  }
+	} else {
+	  retval->any_u.i.i_len = 1;
+	  retval->any_u.i.i_val = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int));
+	  retval->any_u.i.i_val[0] = ((DAINT *)varp->opaque)[index];
+	}
+      } else {
+	retval->valtype = DAVARERROR_RPC;
+	retval->any_u.error = S_SUCCESS;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  /* A special handler would check more attributes if status != SUCCESS */
+  return(status);
diff --git a/CTP/thTestParse.h b/CTP/thTestParse.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed73479
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CTP/thTestParse.h
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+ * Revision History:
+ * $Log: thTestParse.h,v $
+ * Revision 1.1  1998/12/07 22:11:13  saw
+ * Initial setup
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.6  1995/08/03  14:37:13  saw
+ *	  Add single argument functions
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.5  1995/04/25  17:46:52  saw
+ *	  Make compatible with OSF/Alpha (64 bit pointers)
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.4  1994/11/07  14:38:43  saw
+ *	  Add integer divide operator
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.3  1994/07/21  20:52:33  saw
+ *	  Add Revision history
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef _TH_TESTPARSE_H
+#define _TH_TESTPARSE_H
+#ifndef _TH_UTILS_H
+#include "thUtils.h"
+/* thTestParse.h
+ Header file for thTestParse.c and thTestExecute.c
+ */
+#define max(a,b) 		(a<b ? b : a)
+#define min(a,b) 		(a>b ? b : a)
+#ifndef NULL
+#define NULL ((void *)0)
+#define CODEGROWSIZE 250
+#define CODESTARTSIZE 2500
+typedef DAINT CODE;
+typedef CODE * CODEPTR;
+/* Operand types */
+/* Hex charcter meanings
+   H7 H6 H5 H4 H3 H2 H1 H0
+   H7       Groups instructions together for execution convenience
+   H7 H6 H5 Operator precidence ordering
+   H4 H3    Operator code within precidence group
+   H2       Type of Left operand
+   H1       Type of Right operand
+   H0       Type of the result
+/* Operand types */
+#define OPRINT 0
+#define OPRFLOAT 1
+#define OPRDOUBLE 2
+/* Operators */
+#define OPPUSHGROUP  0x0000000
+#define OPPUSHINT    0x0800000
+#define OPPUSHFLOAT  0x0800001
+#define OPPUSHDOUBLE 0x0800002
+/* Next word is a pointer, push the value pointed to onto rpn stack */
+#define OPPUSHINTP   0x0810000
+#define OPPUSHFLOATP 0x0810001
+#define OPPUSHDOUBLEP 0x0810002
+/* Next word is a pointer, push the pointer onto the rpn stack */
+#define OPPUSHPINT   0x0820000
+#define OPPUSHPFLOAT 0x0820001
+#define OPPUSHPDOUBLE 0x0820002
+/* Next word is a index into a function table */
+#define OPPUSHFUNCTION 0x0830000
+/* Parenthesis operators */
+#define OPLP      0x0100000
+#define OPRP      0x0900000
+#define OPRINDEX  0x0901000
+#define OPRFARG   0x0B01000
+#define OPLINDEXGROUP 0x1000000
+#define OPLINDEX  0x1A00000
+/* Fortran mode index */
+#define OPLINDEXB 0x1A01000
+/* These operators leave the pointer instead of the value on the stack */
+/* They are used for the first indexing ( or [ before the = */
+#define OPLINDEXP  0x1A10000
+/* Fortran mode index */
+#define OPLINDEXPB 0x1A11000
+/* Function operator.  Is this the right place in precidence scheme? */
+#define OPLFARG   0x1B00000
+#define OPEOLGROUP 0x2000000
+#define OPEOL     0x2E00000
+#define OPCOMMA   0x2F00000
+#define OPEQUAL   0x4000000
+#define OPLOGGROUP 0x8000000
+#define OPLOGOR   0x8300000
+#define OPLOGXOR  0x8400000
+#define OPLOGAND  0x8500000
+#define OPBITOR   0x8600000
+#define OPBITXOR  0x8700000
+#define OPBITAND  0x8800000
+#define OPCOMPGROUP 0xA000000
+#define OPISEQUAL   0xA900000
+#define OPISNOTEQUAL 0xA901000
+#define OPISLT      0xAA00000
+#define OPISLE      0xAA01000
+#define OPISGT      0xAA02000
+#define OPISGE      0xAA03000
+#define OPSHIFTGROUP 0xB000000
+#define OPSHL     0xBB00000
+#define OPSHR     0xBB01000
+#define OPADDGROUP 0xC000000
+#define OPADD      0xC000000
+#define OPSUB      0xC001000
+#define OPMULGROUP 0xD000000
+#define OPTIMES    0xD000000
+#define OPDIV      0xD001000
+#define OPIDIV     0xD002000
+#define OPMOD      0xD003000
+#define OPUNARY   0xE000000
+#define OPNEG     0xE000000
+#define OPNOT     0xE001000
+#define OPCOMP    0xE002000
+#define OPGROUPMASK 0xF000000
+#define OPPRECMASK 0xFF00000
+#define OPCODEMASK 0xFFFF000
+#define OPLEFTTYPEMASK 0x0000F00
+#define OPRIGHTTYPEMASK 0x00000F0
+#define OPLRTYPEMASK 0x0000FF0
+#define OPRESTYPEMASK  0x000000F
+/* For Q like test package format */
+typedef enum {
+  tGATE, tPAT, tEQ, tBIT, tAND, tIOR, tXOR, tMAJ, tUSER, tBAD,
+  } thTestType;
+/* Operand types deduced from context */
+typedef enum {
+  otIMMED, otLOGIC, otVALUE, otRESULT} thOperandType;
+typedef struct
+  char *name;
+  CODE result[3];
+char *thGetTok(char *linep,int *tokenid, char **tokstr, CODE *tokval,
+	       void **tokptr, int expflag, daVarStructList **vlisthead);
+thStatus thBookaTest(char *line, CODEPTR *codeheadp, CODEPTR *codenextp,
+		     CODEPTR *codelimitp, CODEPTR *codelastop,
+		     daVarStructList **vlisthead);
+thStatus thExecuteCode(char *blockname, CODEPTR code, CODEPTR codelimit);
+thOperandType thGetOperandType(char *soperand, char *rest, CODE lastop,
+			       int expflag);
+char **thGetClassList(thOperandType optype);
diff --git a/CTP/thTree.c b/CTP/thTree.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bde9ee9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CTP/thTree.c
@@ -0,0 +1,562 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 1999      Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
+ *
+ * This software was developed under a United States Government license
+ * described in the NOTICE file included as part of this distribution.
+ *
+ * Stephen A. Wood, 12000 Jefferson Ave., Newport News, VA 23606
+ * Email:  Tel: (758) 269-7367  Fax: (757) 269-5235
+ *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * 
+ * Description:
+ *  Book ROOT trees.
+ *	
+ * Author:  Stephen Wood, CEBAF Hall C
+ *
+ * Revision History:
+ *   $Log: thTree.c,v $
+ *   Revision  2007/09/10 21:32:47  pcarter
+ *   Implemented changes to allow compilation on RHEL 3,4,5 and MacOSX
+ *
+ *   Revision 1.6  2005/02/22 16:54:46  saw
+ *   Clean up some diagnostic printfs
+ *
+ *   Revision 1.5  2004/07/09 20:44:11  saw
+ *   Can now put a test on a tree block
+ *
+ *
+ *   Revision  2004/07/09 20:41:50  saw
+ *   Can now put a test on a tree block
+ *
+ *   Revision  2004/07/09 14:12:11  saw
+ *   Add ability for CTP to make ROOT Trees
+ *
+ *   Revision 1.4  2004/07/08 20:07:00  saw
+ *   Supply dummy routines when ROOTSYS not defined
+ *
+ *   Revision 1.3  2004/07/07 18:16:30  saw
+ *   Use properly exported names from thRootStuff.cpp
+ *
+ *   Revision 1.2  2004/07/02 18:46:29  saw
+ *   Update ugly cpp routine for gcc 3.2.3.  Need to find a better way to
+ *   reference C++ routines.
+ *
+ *   Revision 1.1  2002/07/31 20:07:48  saw
+ *   Add files for ROOT Trees
+ *
+ *   Revision 1.1  1999/08/25 13:16:07  saw
+ *   *** empty log message ***
+ *
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "daVar.h"
+#include "th.h"
+#include "thInternal.h"
+#include "thUtils.h"
+#ifdef ROOTTREE
+extern daVarStatus thTreeRHandler();
+struct thLeafList {		/* Variable and index list */
+  struct thLeafList *next;
+  char *name;
+  int leafsize;			/* Number of bytes in leaf */
+  char leaftype;		/* Single letter with leaf type */
+  daVarStruct *varp; int index;
+typedef struct thLeafList thLeafList;
+struct thTreeBranchList {
+  struct thTreeBranchList *next;
+  char *branchname;		/* Block name without the "block.hist" */
+  void *evstruct;		/* Event structure to fill with data */
+  struct thLeafList *leaflistp;
+typedef struct thTreeBranchList thTreeBranchList;
+struct thTreeOpaque {		/* Opaque structure for histogram definition */
+  void *file;
+  /*  void *file Need to point to structure that has file info.  File structures will also
+  be on a linked list so that we a new file is opened, you can see if it exists.  Wait, we
+should just use davars.  Make a new class for files? ? 
+ */
+  void *treeptr;		/* Pointer to tree object */
+  daVarStruct *test; int testindex;
+  thTreeBranchList *branchlistP;
+typedef struct thTreeOpaque thTreeOpaque;
+struct thRBlockList {
+  struct thRBlockList *next;
+  char *blockname;		/* Block name without the "block.tree" */
+  daVarStruct *var;		/* Varptr points to # times called
+				   Title is code from file.
+				   opaque is pointer to hist speclist */
+typedef struct thRBlockList thRBlockList;
+thRBlockList *thRBlockListP;	/* Pointer to list of tree blocks */
+thStatus thBookaBranch(thTreeOpaque *tree, char *line, thTreeBranchList **thBranchNext);
+     /*thStatus thExecuteaHist(thHistSpecList *Hist);*/
+thStatus thRemoveTree(char *block_name);
+thStatus thBookTree(daVarStruct *var)
+  char *lines,*eol;
+  int line_count;
+  thTreeBranchList **thBranchNext;
+  char *blockname;
+  thTreeOpaque *treedef;
+  int i;
+  int isopen;
+  char *lbuf=0;
+  /*  thHistZeroLastId(); */
+  /* printf("In booktrees\n");*/
+  /* Get the name without the block.test on it */
+  blockname = var->name;	/* If name doesn't fit pattern, use whole */
+  if(strcasestr(var->name,BLOCKSTR)==var->name){
+    i = strlen(BLOCKSTR) + 1;
+    if(strcasestr((var->name + i),TREESTR)==(var->name + i)){
+      i += strlen(TREESTR);
+      if(*(var->name + i) == '.'){
+	blockname += i + 1;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  /*printf("Booking tree %s\n",blockname);*/
+  if(var->opaque) thRemoveTree(blockname);
+  /* We assume for now that thRemoveTree completely removed the opaque definition)
+   */
+  treedef = var->opaque = (thTreeOpaque *) malloc(sizeof(thTreeOpaque));
+  thBranchNext = (thTreeBranchList **) &treedef->branchlistP;
+  lines = var->title;
+  line_count = 0;
+  isopen = 0;
+  while(*lines){
+    char *lcopy;
+    line_count++;
+    eol = strchr(lines,'\n');
+    if(!eol) {
+      fprintf(stderr,"L %d: Last line of hist block %s has no newline\n"
+	      ,line_count,var->name);
+      break;
+    }
+    if(*(eol+1)=='\0'){		/* This is the last line */
+      if(strcasestr(lines,ENDSTR) == 0)
+	fprintf(stderr,"L %d: Last line of tree block %s is not an END\n"
+		,line_count,var->name);
+      break;
+    }
+    if(line_count == 1) {
+      char *fname=0;
+      if(strcasestr(lines,BEGINSTR) !=0) {
+	char *p;
+	if(p = strcasestr(lines,"file=")) {
+	  p += 5;
+	  /* If " or ', grab to next matching char */
+	  /* other interpret as variable.  But interpret as file if variable not found */
+	  if(*p == QUOTECHAR1 || *p == QUOTECHAR2) {
+	    char *s; int len;
+	    s = p+1;
+	    while(*s && *s != *p && *s !='\n') s++;
+	    len = (s - p) - 1;
+	    fname = malloc(len+1);
+	    strncpy(fname,p+1,len);
+	    fname[len] = '\0';
+	  } else {		/* Probably a variable */
+	    char *varname=0; char *s; int len; int index;
+	    daVarStruct *varp;
+	    s = p;
+	    while(*s && !isspace(*s) && *s !='\n') s++;
+	    len = (s-p);
+	    varname = malloc(len+1);
+	    strncpy(varname,p,len);
+	    varname[len] = '\0';
+	    if(thVarResolve(varname,&varp,&index,1,0)==S_SUCCESS) {
+	      /*printf("%s,type=%d, size=%d\n",varp->name,varp->type,varp->size);*/
+	      if(varp->type == DAVARSTRING) {
+		fname = malloc(strlen((char *)varp->varptr)+1);
+		strcpy(fname,(char *)varp->varptr);
+	      } else if(varp->type == DAVARFSTRING) {
+		fname = malloc(varp->size+1);
+		strncpy(fname,(char *)varp->varptr,varp->size);
+		fname[varp->size] = '\0';
+		p = fname;
+		while(*p && !isspace(*p)) p++;
+		*p = '\0';	/* Null terminate at first blank */
+	      }
+	      /*printf("|%s|\n", fname);*/
+	    }
+	    if(!fname) {
+	      fname = malloc(len+1);
+	      strncpy(fname,p,len);
+	      fname[len] = '\0';
+	    }
+	  }
+	}
+	if(p = strcasestr(lines,"test=")) {
+	  /* RHS must be a variable */
+	  char *varname=0; char *s; int len, testindex;
+	  daVarStruct *testp;
+	  p += 5;
+	  s = p;
+	  while(*s && !isspace(*s) && *s !='\n') s++;
+	  len = (s-p);
+	  varname = (char *) malloc(len+1);
+	  strncpy(varname,p,len);
+	  varname[len] = '\0';
+	  if(thVarResolve(varname,&testp,&testindex,1,0) != S_SUCCESS) {
+	    return(S_FAILURE); /* Test flag not registered */
+      /* ASAP we must change this to register variables as they are needed */
+      /* If the variable exists, then we also must check to make sure that
+	 the requested index does not exceed the size of the array.
+	 a new thVarResolve should also increase the size of the array if
+	 it was created by CTP */
+	  }
+	  treedef->test = testp;
+	  treedef->testindex = testindex;
+	} else {
+	  treedef->test = 0; /* No test, always true */
+	}
+      }
+      if(fname) {
+	printf("Opening Root file %s\n",fname);
+	treedef->file = (void *) thRoot_TFile(fname);
+	free(fname);
+      } else {
+	/*printf("Opening Root file %s\n","ctp.tree");*/
+	treedef->file = (void *) thRoot_TFile("ctp.root");
+      }
+      /*printf("Call to TTree(\"%s\",\"title\") goes here\n",blockname);*/
+      treedef->treeptr = (void *) thRoot_TTree(blockname);
+      if(strcasestr(lines,BEGINSTR) != 0){
+	/*	printf("Is a begin\n");*/
+	lines = eol + 1;
+	continue;
+      } else
+	fprintf(stderr,"First line of tree block %s is not a BEGIN\n",var->name);
+    }
+    /* Ready to book the line, Add continuation lines later */
+    lcopy = (char *) malloc(eol-lines+1);
+    strncpy(lcopy,lines,(eol-lines));
+    *(lcopy + (eol-lines)) = '\0';
+    if(!thCleanLine(lcopy)){
+      if(strchr(lcopy,'=')) {	/* Start of a new branch */
+	if(lbuf) {		/* Do we have a pending branch */
+	  /*printf("Passing 1 |%s|\n",lbuf);*/
+	  if(thBookaBranch(treedef,lbuf,thBranchNext)==S_SUCCESS){
+	    thBranchNext = &((*thBranchNext)->next);
+	  } else {
+	    fprintf(stderr,"(%s): Tree booking error in line %d\n",var->name,line_count);
+	  }
+	  free(lbuf);
+	  lbuf = 0;
+	}
+      }
+      if(lbuf) {		/* Append */
+	char *lastcomma;
+	char *firstcomma;
+	int addcomma=0; 
+	lastcomma = lbuf + strlen(lbuf) - 1;
+	while(*lastcomma == ' ') lastcomma--;
+	if(*lastcomma != ',' && *lastcomma != '=') lastcomma = 0;
+	firstcomma = lcopy;
+	while(*firstcomma == ' ') firstcomma++;
+	if(*firstcomma != ',') firstcomma = 0;
+	if(firstcomma && lastcomma) {
+	  *firstcomma = ' ';
+	} else if (!firstcomma && !lastcomma) {
+	  addcomma = 1;
+	}
+	lbuf = realloc(lbuf,strlen(lbuf) + strlen(lcopy) + 2);
+	if(addcomma) strcat(lbuf,",");
+	strcat(lbuf,lcopy);
+      } else {			/* Make new lbuf */
+	lbuf = malloc(strlen(lcopy)+1);
+	strcpy(lbuf,lcopy);
+      }
+    }
+    free(lcopy);
+    lines = eol+1;
+  }
+  if(lbuf) {			/* Do the last branch we were building */
+    /*printf("Passing 2 |%s|\n",lbuf);*/
+    if(thBookaBranch(treedef,lbuf,thBranchNext)==S_SUCCESS){
+      thBranchNext = &((*thBranchNext)->next);
+    } else {
+      fprintf(stderr,"(%s): Tree booking error in line %d\n",var->name,line_count);
+    }
+    free(lbuf);
+  }
+  /* Update internal table of trees. */
+  {
+    thRBlockList *thisblock,*nextblock,**lastblockp;
+    nextblock = thRBlockListP;
+    lastblockp = &thRBlockListP;
+    thisblock = thRBlockListP;
+    while(thisblock){
+      if((strcasecmp(thisblock->var->name,var->name)) == 0){
+	/* Replacing a block with a new definition */
+	fprintf(stderr,"Replacing %s with new definition\n",var->name);
+	if(thisblock->var != var){
+	  fprintf(stderr,"ERR: Same name, different var pointer\n");
+	}
+	break;
+      }
+      lastblockp = &thisblock->next;
+      thisblock = thisblock->next;
+    }
+    if(!thisblock){		/* Create entry for New block */
+      *lastblockp = thisblock = (thRBlockList *) malloc(sizeof(thRBlockList));
+      thisblock->var = var;
+      thisblock->next = (thRBlockList *) NULL;
+      thisblock->blockname = (char *) malloc(strlen(blockname) + 1);
+      strcpy(thisblock->blockname,blockname);
+    }
+  }
+  /*printf("Returning from booking a tree\n");*/
+  return(S_SUCCESS);
+thStatus thBookaBranch(thTreeOpaque *treedef, char *line, thTreeBranchList **thBranchNext)
+     /* Interpret a branch def of the form branch=leaf1,leaf2,leaf3,... */
+     /* For now require the "branch=" part */
+  /*  char *long_title;*/
+  int n,nleafs;
+  int lenbrancharg;
+  char *brancharg;
+  char *sleafs,*branchname;
+  thTreeBranchList *Branch;
+  thLeafList **LeafNext;
+  thLeafList *thisleaf;
+  daVarStruct *varp;
+  int vind;
+  char *args[100];
+  /*printf("In thBookaBranch\n");*/
+  if(!(sleafs = strchr(line,'='))) {
+    return(S_FAILURE);
+  }    
+  *sleafs=0;
+  sleafs++;			/* Pointer to list of leaves */
+  nleafs = thCommas(sleafs,args);
+  if(nleafs <=0) {
+    return(S_FAILURE);
+  }
+  Branch = *thBranchNext = (thTreeBranchList *) malloc(sizeof(thTreeBranchList));
+  Branch->next = (thTreeBranchList *) NULL;
+  branchname = thSpaceStrip(line);
+  Branch->branchname = malloc(strlen(branchname)+1);
+  LeafNext = (thLeafList **) &Branch->leaflistp;
+  strcpy(Branch->branchname,branchname);
+  lenbrancharg = 0;
+  for(n=0;n<nleafs;n++) {
+    char *nameptr;
+    /* Need to look for $name here.  name will be the name given to root */
+    args[n] = thSpaceStrip(args[n]);
+    /*printf("Leaf %s\n",args[n]);*/
+    if(nameptr=strchr(args[n],'$')) *nameptr++=0;
+    if(thVarResolve(args[n],&varp,&vind,0,0) == S_SUCCESS) {
+      char *p, snum[25];
+      /*printf("Index=%d\n",vind);*/
+      thisleaf = *LeafNext = (thLeafList *) malloc(sizeof(thLeafList));
+      /*printf("thisleaf = %x\n",thisleaf);*/
+      thisleaf->next = (thLeafList *) NULL;
+      thisleaf->varp = varp;
+      thisleaf->index = vind;
+      /* Pick a good name */
+      if(nameptr) {
+	thisleaf->name = (char *) malloc(strlen(nameptr)+1);
+	strcpy(thisleaf->name,nameptr);
+      } else {
+	if(p=strpbrk(args[n],"()[]")) {
+	  sprintf(snum,"%d",vind+1);
+	  thisleaf->name = (char *) malloc(strlen(args[n])+strlen(snum)+2);
+	  strncpy(thisleaf->name,args[n],p-args[n]);
+	  thisleaf->name[p-args[n]] = '\0';
+	  strcat(thisleaf->name,"_");
+	  strcat(thisleaf->name,snum);
+	} else {
+	  thisleaf->name = (char *) malloc(strlen(args[n])+1);
+	  strcpy(thisleaf->name,args[n]);
+	}
+      }
+      LeafNext = &((*LeafNext)->next);
+      lenbrancharg += strlen(args[n]) + 3;
+    }	else {
+      fprintf(stderr,"Bad variable %s\n",args[n]);
+    }
+  }
+  /* Walk down the leaf list and build the Branch call argument */
+  /* What do I do about leaf names with subscripts? */
+  thisleaf = Branch->leaflistp;
+  brancharg = malloc(lenbrancharg+10);
+  brancharg[0] = '\0';
+  while(thisleaf) {
+    /*printf("thisleaf = %x\n",thisleaf);
+      printf("Adding %s to branchlist\n",thisleaf->name);*/
+    strcat(brancharg,thisleaf->name);
+    if(thisleaf->varp->type == DAVARINT) {
+      strcat(brancharg,"/I");
+      thisleaf->leafsize=4;
+    } else if(thisleaf->varp->type == DAVARFLOAT) {
+      strcat(brancharg,"/F");
+      thisleaf->leafsize=4;
+    } else if(thisleaf->varp->type == DAVARDOUBLE) {
+      strcat(brancharg,"/D");
+      thisleaf->leafsize=8;
+    } else {
+      fprintf(stderr,"Variable %s has unknown type\n");
+    }
+    if(thisleaf->next) {
+      strcat(brancharg,":");
+    }
+    thisleaf = thisleaf->next;
+  }
+  /* Reserve enough space as if they were all double */
+  Branch->evstruct = (void *) malloc(lenbrancharg*sizeof(double));
+  /*
+       * leaflist is the concatenation of all the variable names and types
+         separated by a colon character :
+         The variable name and the variable type are separated by a slash (/).
+         The variable type may be 0,1 or 2 characters. If no type is given,
+         the type of the variable is assumed to be the same as the previous
+         variable. If the first variable does not have a type, it is assumed
+         of type F by default. The list of currently supported types is given below:
+            - C : a character string terminated by the 0 character
+            - B : an 8 bit signed integer (Char_t)
+            - b : an 8 bit unsigned integer (UChar_t)
+            - S : a 16 bit signed integer (Short_t)
+            - s : a 16 bit unsigned integer (UShort_t)
+            - I : a 32 bit signed integer (Int_t)
+            - i : a 32 bit unsigned integer (UInt_t)
+            - F : a 32 bit floating point (Float_t)
+            - D : a 64 bit floating point (Double_t)
+  */
+  printf("Branch=%s  Leafs=%s\n",Branch->branchname,brancharg);
+  thRoot_Branch(treedef->treeptr,Branch->branchname,(Branch->evstruct),brancharg);
+  free(brancharg);
+  printf("Exiting book a branch\n");
+  return(S_SUCCESS);
+thStatus thFillTreeV(daVarStruct *var){
+  thTreeOpaque *treedef;
+  thTreeBranchList *thisbranch;
+  thLeafList *thisleaf;
+  void *structp;
+  /* printf("Executing Tree %s\n",var->name);*/
+  treedef = ((thTreeOpaque *)(var->opaque));
+  thisbranch = treedef->branchlistP;
+  if(! (treedef->test ? *((DAINT *) treedef->test->varptr
+			  + treedef->testindex) : 1)) {
+    return(S_SUCCESS);  /* Test was false */
+  }
+  while(thisbranch) {
+    structp = thisbranch->evstruct;
+    /*    printf("Filling branch %s at %x\n",thisbranch->branchname,structp);*/
+    thisleaf = thisbranch->leaflistp;
+    while(thisleaf) {
+      if(thisleaf->varp->type == DAVARINT) {
+	*(DAINT *)(structp) = *((DAINT *)thisleaf->varp->varptr + thisleaf->index);/*phil*/
+        structp = (void *) (DAINT *) ((DAINT *)structp + 1);
+	/*	printf("   %s=%d\n",thisleaf->name,*((DAINT *)thisleaf->varp->varptr
+		+ thisleaf->index));*/
+      } else if(thisleaf->varp->type == DAVARFLOAT) {
+	*(DAFLOAT *)(structp) = *((DAFLOAT *)thisleaf->varp->varptr + thisleaf->index);/*phil*/
+        structp = (void *) (DAFLOAT *) ((DAFLOAT *)structp + 1);
+	/*	printf("   %s=%f\n",thisleaf->name,*((DAFLOAT *)thisleaf->varp->varptr
+		+ thisleaf->index));*/
+      } else if(thisleaf->varp->type == DAVARDOUBLE) {
+	*(DADOUBLE *)(structp) = *((DADOUBLE *)thisleaf->varp->varptr + thisleaf->index);/*phil*/
+        structp = (void *) (DADOUBLE *) ((DADOUBLE *)structp + 1);
+	/*	printf("   %s=%lf\n",thisleaf->name,*((DADOUBLE *)thisleaf->varp->varptr
+		+ thisleaf->index));*/
+      }
+      thisleaf = thisleaf->next;
+    }
+    thisbranch = thisbranch->next;
+  }
+  thRoot_Fill(treedef->treeptr);
+  (*((DAINT *)var->varptr))++; /* Increment block counter */
+  return(S_SUCCESS);
+thStatus thClearTreeV(daVarStruct *var){
+  /* printf("Clearing Tree %s\n",var->name); */
+  (*((DAINT *)var->varptr)) = 0; /* Increment block counter */
+  return(S_SUCCESS);
+thStatus thWriteTreeV(daVarStruct *var){
+  /* printf("Writing Tree %s\n",var->name); */
+  thRoot_Write(((thTreeOpaque *)(var->opaque))->file);
+  (*((DAINT *)var->varptr)) = 0; /* Increment block counter */
+  return(S_SUCCESS);
+thStatus thCloseTreeV(daVarStruct *var){
+  /*printf("Closing Tree %s\n",var->name);*/
+  thRoot_Close(((thTreeOpaque *)(var->opaque))->file);
+  (*((DAINT *)var->varptr)) = 0; /* Increment block counter */
+  return(S_SUCCESS);
+thStatus thRemoveTree(char *treename) {
+  printf("Dummy routine to remove tree %s\n",treename);
+  return(S_SUCCESS);
+int thtreewrite_()
+  thRoot_Write();
+thStatus thBookTree(daVarStruct *var) {
+  return(S_SUCCESS);
+thStatus thFillTreeV(daVarStruct *var) {
+  return(S_SUCCESS);
+thStatus thClearTreeV(daVarStruct *var) {
+  return(S_SUCCESS);
+thStatus thWriteTreeV(daVarStruct *var) {
+  return(S_SUCCESS);
+thStatus thCloseTreeV(daVarStruct *var) {
+  return(S_SUCCESS);
diff --git a/CTP/thUtils.c b/CTP/thUtils.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c1a763
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CTP/thUtils.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1040 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 1993 Southeastern Universities Research Association,
+ *                    Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility
+ *
+ * This software was developed under a United States Government license
+ * described in the NOTICE file included as part of this distribution.
+ *
+ * Stephen A. Wood, 12000 Jefferson Ave., Newport News, VA 23606
+ * Email:  Tel: (804) 249-7367  Fax: (804) 249-5800
+ *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * 
+ * Description:
+ *  Utilities used by CTP
+ *	
+ * Author:  Stephen Wood, CEBAF Hall C
+ *
+ * Revision History:
+ *   $Log: thUtils.c,v $
+ *   Revision  2007/09/10 21:32:47  pcarter
+ *   Implemented changes to allow compilation on RHEL 3,4,5 and MacOSX
+ *
+ *   Revision 1.3  2003/02/21 20:55:25  saw
+ *   Clean up some types and casts to reduce compiler warnings.
+ *
+ *   Revision 1.2  1999/11/04 20:34:07  saw
+ *   Alpha compatibility.
+ *   New RPC call needed for root event display.
+ *   Start of code to write ROOT trees (ntuples) from new "tree" block
+ *
+ *   Revision 1.1  1998/12/07 22:11:14  saw
+ *   Initial setup
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.6  1995/04/10  15:50:27  saw
+ *	  Add thSpecial to interpret directives such as #real, #int, ...
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.5  1995/01/09  15:38:18  saw
+ *	  Fix up potential ref to unallocated memory in thIDToken.
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.4  1994/09/27  19:44:50  saw
+ *	  Add fnmatch routine from BSD.  Only use when OS doesn't have it (ultrix)
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.3  1994/07/21  20:40:22  saw
+ *	  In thCommas, ignore commas in quotes.  Replace stderr with STDERR.
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.2  1993/09/22  15:24:50  saw
+ *	  Allow thIDToken to accept hex
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.1  1993/05/11  18:02:05  saw
+ *	  Initial revision
+ *
+ */
+/* thUtils.c
+   Routines used by thTest, thHist and thParm
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "daVar.h"
+#include "th.h"
+#include "thInternal.h"
+#include "thUtils.h"
+daVarStatus thGetIndex(char *name, int *index, char **pptr)
+/* If the name has an array index, evaluate the index and return it to
+*index.  Also return a pointer to ( or [ that starts the index.
+If there is no index, return a zero index, but also return the status
+I have a whole bunch of ways of dealing with these  indices.  Must be
+cleaned up.
+  char *nend, *pbegin;			/* Name end */
+  char *t;
+  char cright;
+  int istyle;
+  pbegin = nend = name + strlen(name);
+  if((t=strchr(name,'('))) if(t<pbegin) {
+    pbegin = t;
+    cright = ')';
+    istyle = -1;
+  }
+  if((t=strchr(name,'['))) if(t<pbegin) {
+    pbegin = t;  
+    cright = ']';
+    istyle = 0;
+  }
+  *pptr = pbegin;
+  if(pbegin < nend) {
+    char *s,*rp;
+    int i;
+    s = pbegin + 1;
+    if((rp = strrchr(s,cright)) == 0) {
+      *index = 0;
+      return(S_FAILURE);
+    }
+    *rp = 0;
+    if(thEvalImed(s,0,&i) != S_SUCCESS) {
+      *index = 0;
+      return(S_FAILURE);
+    }
+    *rp = cright;
+    *index = i + istyle;
+    return(S_SUCCESS);
+  }
+  *index = 0;
+  return(S_DAVAR_NOINDEX);
+int thComSpace(char *s,char **args)
+/* Treat spaces, tabs and commas as delimiters. */
+  char *p;
+  int i;
+  int comma;
+  i = 0;
+  p = s;
+  comma = 1;
+  while(*p != '\0'){
+    while(isspace(*p) || (!comma && *p == ',')) {
+      if(!comma) comma = (*p == ',');
+      p++;
+    }
+    if(*p == '\0') break;
+    args[i++] = p;
+    while(!isspace(*p) && *p != ',' && *p != '\0') p++;
+    if(*p != '\0'){
+      comma = (*p == ',');
+      *p++ = '\0';
+    }
+  }
+  return(i);
+int thCommas(char *s,char **args){
+  /* commas inside of quotes are now protected */
+  char *p;
+  int i;
+  char quotechar;
+  int instring;
+  args[0] = s;
+  i = 1;
+  p = s;
+  instring = 0;
+  while(*p != 0) {
+    if(instring && *p == quotechar) {
+      if(*(p+1) == quotechar) p++;
+      else instring = 0;
+    } else {
+      if(*p == ','){
+	*p = '\0';
+	args[i++] = p+1;
+      } else if (*p == QUOTECHAR1 || *p == QUOTECHAR2) {
+	instring = 1;
+	quotechar = *p;
+      }
+    }
+    p++;
+  }
+/*  while((p=strchr(p,',')) != NULL){
+    *p++ = '\0';
+    args[i++] = p;
+  }*/
+  args[i] = 0;
+  return(i);
+char *thTokenArray(char *s,int *index)
+/* Interpret the string s as an array element.  Looks for an index inside
+of []'s, returning that in index.  If there is an index inside of ()'s, then
+one is subtracted from the index before it is returnd.  []'s are for
+c style indexing, ()'s for fortran style indexing.  A pointer to the [ or (
+is returned, so that the variable name may be null terminated by the caller.
+If there is an error in the balancing of the []'s or ()'s, a null is returned
+to signify an error.
+  int cstyle;
+  char *leftp,*rightp;
+  char sindex[25];
+  char cright;
+  char wleft,wright;		/* Character for "other" style */
+  int len;
+  if((leftp=strchr(s,'('))){
+    cright = ')';
+    wleft = '['; wright = ']';
+    cstyle = 1;
+  } else if((leftp=strchr(s,'['))){
+    cright = ']';
+    wleft = '('; wright = ')';
+    cstyle = 0;
+  } else return(NULL);
+  rightp = strchr(s,cright);
+  if((leftp>=rightp) || strchr(s,wleft) || strchr(s,wright)) return (NULL);
+  len = min(24,(rightp-leftp)-1);
+  strncpy(sindex,leftp+1,len);
+  sindex[len] = 0;
+  *index = atol(sindex);
+  if(cstyle) (*index)--;
+  return(leftp);
+thTokenType thIDToken(char *s)
+/* Examines a string to determine if it is an integer, real number,
+variable name, or array element.  Only works if is not an expression.
+Allows hex constants as INT's */
+  char *p;
+  thTokenType typ;
+  int nume;			/* Number of E characters */
+  /*  printf("TYPE(%s)=",s);*/
+  nume = 0;
+  p = s;
+  typ = TOKINT;
+  while(*p != '\0'){
+    if(strchr("()[]",*p)) {/*  printf("%d\n",TOKARRAY); */ return(TOKARRAY);}
+    if(typ != TOKVAR){
+      switch(*p)
+	{
+	case 'e':
+	case 'E':
+	  if(nume > 0 || p==s){
+	    typ = TOKVAR;
+	    break;
+	  }
+	  nume = 1;
+	case '.':
+	  typ = TOKFLOAT;
+	  break;
+	case '+':
+	case '-':
+	  break;
+	case 'x': case 'X':
+	  if(p==s || *(p-1) != '0' || nume > 0)
+	    typ = TOKVAR;
+	  else
+	    nume = 1;
+	default:
+	  if(!isdigit(*p)) typ = TOKVAR;
+	  break;
+	}
+    }
+    p++;
+  }
+  /*printf("%d\n",typ);*/
+  return(typ);
+char *thSpaceStrip(char *s)
+/* Strip leading, trailing and embedded spaces from a string.
+   Modifies argument.*/
+  char *p,*t;
+  p = t = s;
+  while(*s != '\0'){
+    if(*s != ' ') *t++ = *s++;
+    else *s++;
+  }
+  *t = '\0';
+  return(p);
+int thSpecial(char *line, char *default_class)
+{				/* Process special commands */
+  char *s,*p;
+  char *command;
+  char *arg;
+  char *arglist[20];
+  int nargs;
+  char *class;
+  daVarStruct *varp;
+  int vartype;
+  char *classlist[]={0,0};
+  int i;
+  s = line;
+  while(isspace(*s) && *s) s++;
+  if(*s != SPECIALCHAR) return(0); /* Not a special command */
+  /* Split line into command and argument */
+  s++;
+  while(isspace(*s) && *s) s++;	/* Skip to command */
+  if(!*s) return(1);		/* Empty line */
+  /* s now points to the command */
+  p = s+1;
+  while(!isspace(*p) && *p) p++; /* Skip to end of command */
+  if(!*p) return(1);		/* No argument */
+  command = malloc(p-s+1);
+  strncpy(command,s,p-s); command[p-s] = '\0';
+  s = p;
+  while(isspace(*s) && *s) s++;	/* Skip to argument */
+  if(!*s) {			/* No argument */
+    free(command);
+    return(1);
+  }
+  arg = malloc(strlen(s)+1);
+  strcpy(arg,s);
+  nargs = thCommas(arg,arglist);
+/* Now need to look for a . in command to see if there is a class specified */
+  s = strchr(command,'.');
+  if(s) {
+    *s = 0;
+    class = s+1;
+    s = class;
+    while(*s) {tolower(*s); s++;}
+  } else {
+    class = default_class;
+  } /* Should probably use a table here */
+  if(strncasecmp(command,"integer",strlen(command))==0) {
+    vartype = DAVARINT;
+  } else if(strncasecmp(command,"real",strlen(command))==0) {
+    vartype = DAVARFLOAT;
+  } else if(strncasecmp(command,"double",strlen(command))==0) {
+    vartype = DAVARDOUBLE;
+  } else if(strncasecmp(command,"string",strlen(command))==0) {
+    vartype = DAVARSTRING;
+  }
+  classlist[0] = class;
+  for(i=0;i<nargs;i++) {
+    arglist[i] = thSpaceStrip(arglist[i]);
+    thVarCreate(arglist[i],vartype,classlist,&varp);
+  }
+/* command and arg now contain what to do */
+  free(command);
+  free(arg);
+  return(1);
+thVarCreate(char *s, int vartype, char **classlist, daVarStruct **varpp)
+/* Should eventually merge this with thVarResolve */
+  int cstyle;
+  char cleft,cright;
+  char *leftp,*rightp;
+  daVarStruct var;
+  int arindex,arsize;
+  *varpp = 0;
+  arindex = 0;
+  leftp = strchr(s,'(');
+  {
+    char *lb;
+    lb = strchr(s,'[');
+    if(leftp) {
+      if(lb && lb<leftp) leftp = lb;
+    } else
+      leftp = lb;
+  }
+  if(leftp) {
+    cleft = *leftp;
+    *leftp = '\0';
+  } 
+  if(leftp){
+    int cstyle;
+    char *sindex;
+    int indtemp;
+    sindex = leftp + 1;
+    if(cleft=='('){
+      cstyle = -1;
+      cright = ')';
+    } else {
+      cstyle = 0;
+      cright = ']';
+    }
+    if((rightp=strrchr(sindex,cright)) == 0){
+      fprintf(stderr,"Syntax error in %s\n",s);
+      return(S_FAILURE);
+    }
+    *rightp = 0;
+    if(thEvalImed(sindex,0,&indtemp)!= S_SUCCESS){
+      fprintf(stderr,"Error evaluating index %s\n",sindex);
+      *rightp = cright;
+      return(S_FAILURE);
+    }
+    *rightp = cright;
+    arindex = indtemp + cstyle;
+    arsize = indtemp;
+  } else {
+    arsize = 1;
+  }
+  if(daVarLookupPWithClass(s,classlist,varpp) != S_SUCCESS){
+    /* Doesn't exist, we can create it as we want it */
+    if(strchr(s,'.')) {	/* Don't prepend a class */
+ = malloc(strlen(s)+1);
+      strcpy(,s);
+    } else {
+ = malloc(strlen(classlist[0])
+				 +strlen(s)+2);
+      strcpy(,classlist[0]);
+      strcat(,".");
+      strcat(,s);
+    }
+    if(leftp) *leftp = cleft;	/* Restore left paren */
+    var.size = arsize;
+    var.type = vartype;
+    switch(vartype)
+      {
+      case DAVARINT:		/* How should we initialize the variables */
+	var.varptr = malloc(var.size*sizeof(DAINT));
+	break;
+      case DAVARFLOAT:
+	var.varptr = malloc(var.size*sizeof(DAFLOAT));
+	break;
+      case DAVARDOUBLE:
+	var.varptr = malloc(var.size*sizeof(DADOUBLE));
+	break;
+      case DAVARSTRING:
+	var.varptr = malloc(var.size*sizeof(char *));
+	*((char *)var.varptr) = '\0';
+	break;
+      }
+    var.opaque = 0;
+    var.rhook = 0;
+    var.whook = 0;
+    var.title = 0;
+/*    printf("Registering %s(%d) at %x\n",,var.size,var.varptr);*/
+    daVarRegister((int) 0,&var); /* Create the parameter */
+    daVarLookupP(,varpp);
+    free(;
+  } else {
+    if(leftp) *leftp = cleft;	/* Restore left paren */
+    /* Already exists */
+    if((*varpp)->type == vartype && (*varpp)->size == arsize) {
+      /* We are OK, return */
+      return(S_SUCCESS);
+    } else {
+      /* See if we can fix */
+      if((*varpp)->flag&DAVAR_DYNAMIC_PAR) {
+	if((*varpp)->size != arsize || (*varpp)->type != vartype) {
+	  (*varpp)->type = vartype;
+	  (*varpp)->size = arsize;
+	  switch((*varpp)->type)
+	    {
+	    case DAVARINT:
+	      (*varpp)->varptr = (void *) realloc((*varpp)->varptr,arsize * sizeof(DAINT));
+	      break;
+	    case DAVARFLOAT:
+	      (*varpp)->varptr = (void *) realloc((*varpp)->varptr,arsize * sizeof(DAFLOAT));
+	      break;
+	    case DAVARDOUBLE:
+	      (*varpp)->varptr = (void *) realloc((*varpp)->varptr,arsize * sizeof(DADOUBLE));
+	    case DAVARSTRING:
+	      (*varpp)->varptr = (void *) realloc((*varpp)->varptr,arsize * sizeof(char *));
+	      *((char *)var.varptr) = '\0';
+	      break;
+	    }
+	}
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return(S_SUCCESS);
+#ifdef OLD
+int thGetMode(char *s, enum MODES mode, enum MODES *nmode, char **blocknamep)
+  char *args[20];
+  int nargs;
+  enum MODES omod e;
+  static char *nulstr="";
+  char *command,*last;
+  omode = mode;
+  *nmode = mode;
+  *blocknamep = 0;
+  command = s;
+  while(isspace(*command)) command++;
+  last = command;
+  while(!isspace(*last) && *last) last++;
+  if(strncasecmp(command,"begin",last-command) == 0
+     || strncasecmp(command,"end",last-command) == 0){
+    nargs = thComSpace(s,args);
+    if(nargs < 2) {
+      *nmode = M_BAD;
+      return(1);
+    }
+    if(strcasecmp("test",args[1]) == 0)
+      *nmode = M_TES;
+    else if(strcasecmp("hist",args[1]) == 0
+	    || strcasecmp("histogram",args[1]) == 0)
+      *nmode = M_HIS;
+    else if(strcasecmp("parameter",args[1]) == 0)
+      *nmode = M_PAR;
+    else
+      *nmode = M_BAD;
+    if(strcasecmp(args[0],"end") == 0){
+      if(*nmode == omode)
+	*nmode = M_COM;
+      else
+	*nmode = M_BAD;
+    } else {
+      if(nargs > 2)
+	*blocknamep = args[2];
+      else
+	*blocknamep = nulstr;
+    }
+    return(1);
+  } else
+    return(0);
+int thTokToPtr(char *token, int create, int intonly, daVarStruct *varp)
+/* Find registered variable pointer for token.  If the token is an array,
+   create a new entry if the array is already registered.  If the variable
+   or array is not registered, register it only if create is true.  If
+   intonly is true, fail if an existing variable is not integer.
+   If intonly is true when the token is an element of an array that is
+   not short or long, then the routine returns an error.
+   If the token is a constant, then create it if it doesn't exist */
+  thTokenType toktyp;
+  daVarStruct var;
+  int lookstat;
+  toktyp = thIDToken(token);
+  if(intonly&&create)
+    if(toktyp != TOKVAR && toktyp != TOKARRAY){
+      fprintf(STDERR,"Variable %s must not be a number\n",token);
+      return(S_FAILURE);
+    }
+  lookstat = daVarLookup(token, &var);
+  if(lookstat != S_SUCCESS)
+    lookstat = thVarLookup(token, &var);
+  if(lookstat != S_SUCCESS){
+    if(create || toktyp != TOKVAR){
+ = token;
+      var.title = 0;
+      var.flag = DAVAR_READONLY;
+      var.rhook = 0;
+      var.whook = 0;
+      var.opaque = 0;
+      switch(toktyp)
+	{
+	case TOKINT:
+	  {
+	    register DAINT *longp;
+	    longp = malloc(sizeof(DAINT));
+	    *longp = atol(token);
+	    var.varptr = longp;
+	    var.type = DAVARINT;
+	    var.size = 1;
+/*	    daVarRegister(token,longp,DAVARINT,1,DAVAR_READONLY);*/
+	    thVarRegister((int) 0, &var);
+	  }
+	  break;
+	case TOKFLOAT:
+	  {
+	    register DAFLOAT *floatp;
+	    floatp = malloc(sizeof(DAFLOAT));
+	    *floatp = atof(token);
+	    var.varptr = floatp;
+	    var.type = DAVARFLOAT;
+	    var.size = 1;
+/*	    daVarRegister(token,floatp,DAVARFLOAT,1,DAVAR_READONLY);*/
+	    thVarRegister((int) 0, &var);
+	  }
+	  break;
+	case TOKVAR:
+	  {
+	    register DAINT *longp;
+	    longp = malloc(sizeof(DAINT));
+	    var.varptr = longp;
+	    var.type = DAVARINT;
+	    var.size = 1;
+/*	    daVarRegister(token,intp,DAVARINT,1,DAVAR_READWRITE);*/
+	    thVarRegister((int) 0, &var);
+	  }
+	  break;
+	case TOKARRAY:
+	  {
+	    /* Only create if underlying variable exists. */
+	    char *p; int index; char leftp;
+	    p = thTokenArray(token,&index);
+	    leftp = *p;		/* Save ( or [ character */
+	    *p = 0;
+	    lookstat = daVarLookup(token, &var);
+	    if(lookstat != S_SUCCESS)
+	      lookstat = thVarLookup(token, &var);
+	    if(lookstat == S_SUCCESS && intonly && (var.type != DAVARINT)) {
+	      fprintf(STDERR,
+		      "Array %s must be a preregistered LONGINT array.\n",token);
+	      return(S_FAILURE);
+	    } else {
+	      if(index >= var.size){
+		fprintf(STDERR,
+			"Index %d exceeds %s array length of %d\n",index,
+			token,var.size);
+		return(S_FAILURE);
+	      }
+	    }
+	    *p = leftp;
+	    switch(var.type)
+	      {
+	      case DAVARINT:
+		var.varptr = (int *)(var.varptr) + index;
+		var.type = DAVARINT;
+		thVarRegister((int) 0, &var);
+		break;
+	      case DAVARFLOAT:
+		var.varptr = (float *)(var.varptr) + index;
+		var.type = DAVARFLOAT;
+		thVarRegister((int) 0, &var);
+		break;
+	      default:
+		*p = 0;
+		fprintf(STDERR,"Illegal type %d for variable %s\n"
+			,var.type,token);
+		return(S_FAILURE);
+	      }
+	    break;
+	  }
+	}
+      lookstat = daVarLookup(token, &var);
+      if(lookstat != S_SUCCESS)
+	if((lookstat = thVarLookup(token, &var)) != S_SUCCESS){
+	  fprintf(STDERR,"(thToktoPtr) Bad error\n");
+	  return(S_FAILURE);
+	}
+    } else {
+      fprintf(STDERR,"Variable %s must be preregistered\n",token);
+      return(S_FAILURE);
+    }
+  }
+  daVarStructCopy(varp,&var);
+  return(S_SUCCESS);
+int thCleanLine(char *s)
+  int blank;
+  blank = 1;
+  while(*s != 0){
+    if(isspace(*s)) *s = ' ';	/* Remove tabs, ... */
+    else if(*s == COMCHAR) {
+      *s = 0;
+      break;
+    } else
+      blank = 0;
+    s++;
+  }
+  return(blank);
+/*float argtoFloat(daVarStruct *x)
+  float d;
+  switch(x->type)
+    {
+    case DAVARINT:
+      d = *(DAINT *) x->varptr;
+      break;
+    case DAVARFLOAT:
+      d = *(DAFLOAT *) x->varptr;
+      break;
+    case DAVARINTP:
+      d = **(DAINT **) x->varptr;
+      break;
+    case DAVARFLOATP:
+      d = **(DAFLOAT **) x->varptr;
+      break;
+    }
+  return(d);
+int argtoInt(daVarStruct *x)
+  DAINT l;
+  switch(x->type)
+    {
+    case DAVARINT:
+      l = *(DAINT *) x->varptr;
+      break;
+    case DAVARFLOAT:
+      d = *(DAFLOAT *) x->varptr;
+      l = floatToLong(d);
+      break;
+    case DAVARINTP:
+      l = **(DAINT **) x->varptr;
+      break;
+    case DAVARFLOATP:
+      d = **(DAFLOAT **) x->varptr;
+      l = floatToLong(d);
+      break;
+    }
+  return(l);
+	strstr - public-domain implementation of standard C library function
+	last edit:	02-Sep-1990	D A Gwyn
+	This is an original implementation based on an idea by D M Sunday,
+	essentially the "quick search" algorithm described in CACM V33 N8.
+	Unlike Sunday's implementation, this one does not wander past the
+	ends of the strings (which can cause malfunctions under certain
+	circumstances), nor does it require the length of the searched
+	text to be determined in advance.  There are numerous other subtle
+	improvements too.  The code is intended to be fully portable, but in
+	environments that do not conform to the C standard, you should check
+	the sections below marked "configure as required".  There are also
+	a few compilation options, as follows:
+	#define ROBUST	to obtain sane behavior when invoked with a null
+			pointer argument, at a miniscule cost in speed
+	#define ZAP	to use memset() to zero the shift[] array; this may
+			be faster in some implementations, but could fail on
+			unusual architectures
+	#define DEBUG	to enable assertions (bug detection)
+	#define TEST	to enable the test program attached at the end
+#define ROBUST
+#if !defined(__osf__) || !defined(__alpha)
+#define	ZAP
+#include	<stddef.h>		/* defines size_t and NULL */
+#include	<limits.h>		/* defines UCHAR_MAX */
+#ifdef ZAP
+typedef void	*pointer;
+/* Not clear why we need to do this at all */
+#ifndef linux
+extern pointer	memset( pointer, int, size_t );
+#if defined(ultrix)
+#define const	/* nothing */
+#ifndef DEBUG
+#define	NDEBUG
+#include	<assert.h>
+typedef const unsigned char	cuc;	/* char variety used in algorithm */
+#define EOS	'\0'			/* C string terminator */
+char *					/* returns -> leftmost occurrence,
+					   or null pointer if not present */
+strcasestr(const char *s1, const char *s2 )
+     /*	const char	*s1;	*/	/* -> string to be searched */
+     /*	const char	*s2;	*/	/* -> search-pattern string */
+  register cuc	*t;		/* -> text character being tested */
+  register cuc	*p;		/* -> pattern char being tested */
+  register cuc	*tx;		/* -> possible start of match */
+  register size_t	m;		/* length of pattern */
+  register cuc    *top;		/* -> high water mark in text */
+#if UCHAR_MAX > 255			/* too large for auto allocation */
+  static				/* not malloc()ed; that can fail! */
+#endif					/* else allocate shift[] on stack */
+    size_t	shift[UCHAR_MAX + 1];	/* pattern shift table */
+#ifdef ROBUST				/* not required by C standard */
+  if ( s1 == NULL || s2 == NULL )
+    return NULL;		/* certainly, no match is found! */
+  /* Precompute shift intervals based on the pattern;
+     the length of the pattern is determined as a side effect: */
+#ifdef ZAP
+  (void)memset( (pointer)&shift[1], 0, UCHAR_MAX * sizeof(size_t) );
+  {
+    register unsigned char	c;
+    c = UCHAR_MAX;
+    do
+      shift[c] = 0;
+    while ( --c > 0 );
+  }
+  /* Note: shift[0] is undefined at this point (fixed later). */
+  for ( m = 1, p = (cuc *)s2; *p != EOS; ++m, ++p )
+    shift[tolower((cuc)*p)] = m;
+  assert(s2[m - 1] == EOS);
+  {
+    register unsigned char	c;
+    c = UCHAR_MAX;
+    do
+      if(!isupper(c)) shift[c] = m - shift[c];
+    while ( --c > 0 );
+    /* Note: shift[0] is still undefined at this point. */
+  }
+  shift[0] = --m; 		/* shift[EOS]; important details! */
+  assert(s2[m] == EOS);
+  /* Try to find the pattern in the text string: */
+  for ( top = tx = (cuc *)s1; ; tx += shift[tolower(*(top = t))] )
+    {
+      for ( t = tx, p = (cuc *)s2; ; ++t, ++p )
+	{
+	  if ( *p == EOS )       /* entire pattern matched */
+	    return (char *)tx;
+	  if ( tolower(*p) != tolower(*t) )
+	    break;
+	}
+      if ( t < top)	/* idea due to */
+	t = top;	/* already scanned this far for EOS */
+      do	{
+	assert(m > 0);
+	assert(t - tx < m);
+	if ( *t == EOS )
+	  return NULL;	/* no match */
+      }
+      while ( ++t - tx != m );	/* < */
+    }
+void thAddVarToList(daVarStructList **head, daVarStruct *varp)
+  daVarStructList *nextptr;
+  if(head==0) {
+    fprintf(STDERR,"thAddVarToList shouldn't have been called\n");
+    return;
+  }
+  nextptr = *head;
+  while(nextptr){
+    if(nextptr->varp == varp)	/* Don't add duplicates */
+      return;
+    head = &(nextptr->next);
+    nextptr = nextptr->next;
+  }
+  *head = malloc(sizeof(daVarStructList));
+  (*head)->next = 0;
+  (*head)->varp = varp;
+  return;
+ * Copyright (c) 1989, 1993, 1994
+ *	The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This code is derived from software contributed to Berkeley by
+ * Guido van Rossum.
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+ * are met:
+ * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+ *    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+ * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software
+ *    must display the following acknowledgement:
+ *	This product includes software developed by the University of
+ *	California, Berkeley and its contributors.
+ * 4. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors
+ *    may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+ *    without specific prior written permission.
+ *
+ */
+#if defined(LIBC_SCCS) && !defined(lint)
+static char sccsid[] = "@(#)fnmatch.c	8.2 (Berkeley) 4/16/94";
+#endif /* LIBC_SCCS and not lint */
+ * Function fnmatch() as specified in POSIX 1003.2-1992, section B.6.
+ * Compares a filename or pathname to a pattern.
+ */
+#include "fnmatch.h"
+#define	EOS	'\0'
+/*static const char *rangematch __P((const char *, int, int));*/
+static const char *rangematch(const char *, int, int);
+fnmatch(pattern, string, flags)
+	const char *pattern, *string;
+	int flags;
+	const char *stringstart;
+	char c, test;
+	for (stringstart = string;;)
+		switch (c = *pattern++) {
+		case EOS:
+			return (*string == EOS ? 0 : FNM_NOMATCH);
+		case '?':
+			if (*string == EOS)
+				return (FNM_NOMATCH);
+			if (*string == '/' && (flags & FNM_PATHNAME))
+				return (FNM_NOMATCH);
+			if (*string == '.' && (flags & FNM_PERIOD) &&
+			    (string == stringstart ||
+			    ((flags & FNM_PATHNAME) && *(string - 1) == '/')))
+				return (FNM_NOMATCH);
+			++string;
+			break;
+		case '*':
+			c = *pattern;
+			/* Collapse multiple stars. */
+			while (c == '*')
+				c = *++pattern;
+			if (*string == '.' && (flags & FNM_PERIOD) &&
+			    (string == stringstart ||
+			    ((flags & FNM_PATHNAME) && *(string - 1) == '/')))
+				return (FNM_NOMATCH);
+			/* Optimize for pattern with * at end or before /. */
+			if (c == EOS)
+				if (flags & FNM_PATHNAME)
+					return (strchr(string, '/') == NULL ?
+					    0 : FNM_NOMATCH);
+				else
+					return (0);
+			else if (c == '/' && flags & FNM_PATHNAME) {
+				if ((string = strchr(string, '/')) == NULL)
+					return (FNM_NOMATCH);
+				break;
+			}
+			/* General case, use recursion. */
+			while ((test = *string) != EOS) {
+				if (!fnmatch(pattern, string, flags & ~FNM_PERIOD))
+					return (0);
+				if (test == '/' && flags & FNM_PATHNAME)
+					break;
+				++string;
+			}
+			return (FNM_NOMATCH);
+		case '[':
+			if (*string == EOS)
+				return (FNM_NOMATCH);
+			if (*string == '/' && flags & FNM_PATHNAME)
+				return (FNM_NOMATCH);
+			if ((pattern =
+			    rangematch(pattern, *string, flags)) == NULL)
+				return (FNM_NOMATCH);
+			++string;
+			break;
+		case '\\':
+			if (!(flags & FNM_NOESCAPE)) {
+				if ((c = *pattern++) == EOS) {
+					c = '\\';
+					--pattern;
+				}
+			}
+		default:
+			if (c != *string++)
+				return (FNM_NOMATCH);
+			break;
+		}
+static const char *
+rangematch(pattern, test, flags)
+	const char *pattern;
+	int test, flags;
+	int negate, ok;
+	char c, c2;
+	/*
+	 * A bracket expression starting with an unquoted circumflex
+	 * character produces unspecified results (IEEE 1003.2-1992,
+	 * 3.13.2).  This implementation treats it like '!', for
+	 * consistency with the regular expression syntax.
+	 * J.T. Conklin (
+	 */
+	if (negate = (*pattern == '!' || *pattern == '^'))
+		++pattern;
+	for (ok = 0; (c = *pattern++) != ']';) {
+		if (c == '\\' && !(flags & FNM_NOESCAPE))
+			c = *pattern++;
+		if (c == EOS)
+			return (NULL);
+		if (*pattern == '-' 
+		    && (c2 = *(pattern+1)) != EOS && c2 != ']') {
+			pattern += 2;
+			if (c2 == '\\' && !(flags & FNM_NOESCAPE))
+				c2 = *pattern++;
+			if (c2 == EOS)
+				return (NULL);
+			if (c <= test && test <= c2)
+				ok = 1;
+		} else if (c == test)
+			ok = 1;
+	}
+	return (ok == negate ? NULL : pattern);
diff --git a/CTP/thUtils.h b/CTP/thUtils.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6336ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CTP/thUtils.h
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 1993 Southeastern Universities Research Association,
+ *                    Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility
+ *
+ * This software was developed under a United States Government license
+ * described in the NOTICE file included as part of this distribution.
+ *
+ * Stephen A. Wood, 12000 Jefferson Ave., Newport News, VA 23606
+ * Email:  Tel: (804) 249-7367  Fax: (804) 249-5800
+ *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * 
+ * Description:
+ *  prototypes and defs for when thUtils.c routines are used.
+ *	
+ * Author:  Stephen Wood, CEBAF Hall C
+ *
+ * Revision History:
+ *   $Log: thUtils.h,v $
+ *   Revision  2007/09/10 21:32:47  pcarter
+ *   Implemented changes to allow compilation on RHEL 3,4,5 and MacOSX
+ *
+ *   Revision 1.1  1998/12/07 22:11:14  saw
+ *   Initial setup
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.2  1995/08/03  15:02:59  saw
+ *	  Declare thSpecial for #real, #int, ... directives
+ *
+ *	  Revision 1.1  1993/05/11  17:40:51  saw
+ *	  Initial revision
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef _TH_UTILS_H
+#define _TH_UTILS_H
+#ifndef _DAVAR_H
+#include "daVar.h"
+#define min(a,b) (a>b ? b : a)
+typedef enum {TOKINT, TOKFLOAT, TOKVAR, TOKARRAY} thTokenType;
+daVarStatus thGetIndex(char *name, int *index, char **pptr);
+int thComSpace(char *s,char **args);
+int thCommas(char *s,char **args);
+char *thTokenArray(char *s,int *index);
+thTokenType thIDToken(char *s);
+char *thSpaceStrip(char *s);
+int thSpecial(char *line, char *default_class);
+#ifdef OLD
+*int thGetMode(char *s, enum MODES mode, enum MODES *nmode, char **blocknamep);
+int thTokToPtr(char *token, int create, int intonly, daVarStruct *varp);
+int thCleanLine(char *s);
+/*float argtoFloat(daVarStruct *x);*/
+int argtoInt(daVarStruct *x);
+char *strcasestr(const char *s1, const char *s2);
+struct daVarStructList {
+  struct daVarStructList *next;
+  daVarStruct *varp;
+typedef struct daVarStructList daVarStructList;
+void thAddVarToList(daVarStructList **head,daVarStruct *varp);
diff --git a/CVS/Entries b/CVS/Entries
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c48b59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CVS/Entries
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+/Makefile/ Oct 25 12:49:29 2008//Tsane
diff --git a/CVS/Entries.Log b/CVS/Entries.Log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab52239
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CVS/Entries.Log
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+A D/CODA////
+A D/CTP////
+A D/ESCAN////
+A D/EXE////
+A D/HACK////
+A D/ONEEV////
+A D/PORT////
+A D/SANE////
+A D/SEM////
+A D/T20////
+A D/etc////
+R D/ESCAN////
diff --git a/CVS/Repository b/CVS/Repository
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b98839
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CVS/Repository
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/CVS/Root b/CVS/Root
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6288c3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CVS/Root
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/CVS/Tag b/CVS/Tag
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..25d73f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CVS/Tag
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/CVSROOT/CVS/Entries b/CVSROOT/CVS/Entries
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..910355a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CVSROOT/CVS/Entries
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+/checkoutlist/1.1/Thu Dec  3 16:54:23 1998//Tsane
+/commitinfo/1.1/Thu Dec  3 16:54:23 1998//Tsane
+/cvswrappers/1.1/Thu Dec  3 16:54:23 1998//Tsane
+/editinfo/1.1/Thu Dec  3 16:54:23 1998//Tsane
+/loginfo/1.2/Wed Feb 12 20:18:34 2003//Tsane
+/modules/1.1/Thu Dec  3 16:54:23 1998//Tsane
+/notify/1.1/Thu Dec  3 16:54:23 1998//Tsane
+/rcsinfo/1.1/Thu Dec  3 16:54:23 1998//Tsane
+/taginfo/1.1/Thu Dec  3 16:54:23 1998//Tsane
diff --git a/CVSROOT/CVS/Repository b/CVSROOT/CVS/Repository
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ba3545
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CVSROOT/CVS/Repository
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/CVSROOT/CVS/Root b/CVSROOT/CVS/Root
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6288c3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CVSROOT/CVS/Root
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/CVSROOT/CVS/Tag b/CVSROOT/CVS/Tag
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..25d73f7
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/CVSROOT/checkoutlist b/CVSROOT/checkoutlist
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b04b350
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CVSROOT/checkoutlist
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# The "checkoutlist" file is used to support additional version controlled
+# administrative files in $CVSROOT/CVSROOT, such as template files.
+# The first entry on a line is a filename which will be checked out from
+# the corresponding RCS file in the $CVSROOT/CVSROOT directory.
+# The remainder of the line is an error message to use if the file cannot
+# be checked out.
+# File format:
+#	[<whitespace>]<filename><whitespace><error message><end-of-line>
+# comment lines begin with '#'
diff --git a/CVSROOT/commitinfo b/CVSROOT/commitinfo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b19e7b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CVSROOT/commitinfo
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# The "commitinfo" file is used to control pre-commit checks.
+# The filter on the right is invoked with the repository and a list 
+# of files to check.  A non-zero exit of the filter program will 
+# cause the commit to be aborted.
+# The first entry on a line is a regular expression which is tested
+# against the directory that the change is being committed to, relative
+# to the $CVSROOT.  For the first match that is found, then the remainder
+# of the line is the name of the filter to run.
+# If the repository name does not match any of the regular expressions in this
+# file, the "DEFAULT" line is used, if it is specified.
+# If the name "ALL" appears as a regular expression it is always used
+# in addition to the first matching regex or "DEFAULT".
diff --git a/CVSROOT/cvswrappers b/CVSROOT/cvswrappers
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5047bf1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CVSROOT/cvswrappers
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# This file describes wrappers and other binary files to CVS.
+# Wrappers are the concept where directories of files are to be
+# treated as a single file.  The intended use is to wrap up a wrapper
+# into a single tar such that the tar archive can be treated as a
+# single binary file in CVS.
+# To solve the problem effectively, it was also necessary to be able to
+# prevent rcsmerge from merging these files.
+# Format of wrapper file ($CVSROOT/CVSROOT/cvswrappers or .cvswrappers)
+#  wildcard	[option value][option value]...
+#  where option is one of
+#  -f		from cvs filter		value: path to filter
+#  -t		to cvs filter		value: path to filter
+#  -m		update methodology	value: MERGE or COPY
+#  and value is a single-quote delimited value.
+# For example:
diff --git a/CVSROOT/editinfo b/CVSROOT/editinfo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d006c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CVSROOT/editinfo
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# The "editinfo" file is used to allow verification of logging
+# information.  It works best when a template (as specified in the
+# rcsinfo file) is provided for the logging procedure.  Given a
+# template with locations for, a bug-id number, a list of people who
+# reviewed the code before it can be checked in, and an external
+# process to catalog the differences that were code reviewed, the
+# following test can be applied to the code:
+#   Making sure that the entered bug-id number is correct.
+#   Validating that the code that was reviewed is indeed the code being
+#       checked in (using the bug-id number or a seperate review
+#       number to identify this particular code set.).
+# If any of the above test failed, then the commit would be aborted.
+# Actions such as mailing a copy of the report to each reviewer are
+# better handled by an entry in the loginfo file.
+# One thing that should be noted  is the the ALL keyword is not
+# supported. There can be only one entry that matches a given
+# repository.
diff --git a/CVSROOT/loginfo b/CVSROOT/loginfo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c20b8d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CVSROOT/loginfo
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# The "loginfo" file is used to control where "cvs commit" log information
+# is sent.  The first entry on a line is a regular expression which is tested
+# against the directory that the change is being made to, relative to the
+# $CVSROOT.  For the first match that is found, then the remainder of the
+# line is a filter program that should expect log information on its standard
+# input.
+# If the repository name does not match any of the regular expressions in the
+# first field of this file, the "DEFAULT" line is used, if it is specified.
+# If the name "ALL" appears as a regular expression it is always used
+# in addition to the first matching regex or "DEFAULT".
+# The filter program may use one and only one "%s" modifier (ala printf).  If
+# such a "%s" is specified in the filter program, a brief title is included
+# (as one argument, enclosed in single quotes) showing the relative directory
+# name and listing the modified file names.
+# For example:
+#DEFAULT		(echo ""; who am i; date; cat) >> $CVSROOT/CVSROOT/commitlog
+^Analyzer      Mail -s %s jones
diff --git a/CVSROOT/modules b/CVSROOT/modules
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d0febb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CVSROOT/modules
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# Three different line formats are valid:
+#	key	-a    aliases...
+#	key [options] directory
+#	key [options] directory files...
+# Where "options" are composed of:
+#	-i prog		Run "prog" on "cvs commit" from top-level of module.
+#	-o prog		Run "prog" on "cvs checkout" of module.
+#	-e prog		Run "prog" on "cvs export" of module.
+#	-t prog		Run "prog" on "cvs rtag" of module.
+#	-u prog		Run "prog" on "cvs update" of module.
+#	-d dir		Place module in directory "dir" instead of module name.
+#	-l		Top-level directory only -- do not recurse.
+# And "directory" is a path to a directory relative to $CVSROOT.
+# The "-a" option specifies an alias.  An alias is interpreted as if
+# everything on the right of the "-a" had been typed on the command line.
+# You can encode a module within a module by using the special '&'
+# character to interpose another module into the current module.  This
+# can be useful for creating a module that consists of many directories
+# spread out over the entire source repository.
diff --git a/CVSROOT/notify b/CVSROOT/notify
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..34f0bc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CVSROOT/notify
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# The "notify" file controls where notifications from watches set by
+# "cvs watch add" or "cvs edit" are sent.  The first entry on a line is
+# a regular expression which is tested against the directory that the
+# change is being made to, relative to the $CVSROOT.  If it matches,
+# then the remainder of the line is a filter program that should contain
+# one occurrence of %s for the user to notify, and information on its
+# standard input.
+# "ALL" or "DEFAULT" can be used in place of the regular expression.
+# For example:
+#ALL mail %s -s "CVS notification"
diff --git a/CVSROOT/rcsinfo b/CVSROOT/rcsinfo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..49e59f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CVSROOT/rcsinfo
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# The "rcsinfo" file is used to control templates with which the editor
+# is invoked on commit and import.
+# The first entry on a line is a regular expression which is tested
+# against the directory that the change is being made to, relative to the
+# $CVSROOT.  For the first match that is found, then the remainder of the
+# line is the name of the file that contains the template.
+# If the repository name does not match any of the regular expressions in this
+# file, the "DEFAULT" line is used, if it is specified.
+# If the name "ALL" appears as a regular expression it is always used
+# in addition to the first matching regex or "DEFAULT".
diff --git a/CVSROOT/taginfo b/CVSROOT/taginfo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..274a46d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CVSROOT/taginfo
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# The "taginfo" file is used to control pre-tag checks.
+# The filter on the right is invoked with the following arguments:
+# $1 -- tagname
+# $2 -- operation "add" for tag, "mov" for tag -F, and "del" for tag -d
+# $3 -- repository
+# $4->  file revision [file revision ...]
+# A non-zero exit of the filter program will cause the tag to be aborted.
+# The first entry on a line is a regular expression which is tested
+# against the directory that the change is being committed to, relative
+# to the $CVSROOT.  For the first match that is found, then the remainder
+# of the line is the name of the filter to run.
+# If the repository name does not match any of the regular expressions in this
+# file, the "DEFAULT" line is used, if it is specified.
+# If the name "ALL" appears as a regular expression it is always used
+# in addition to the first matching regex or "DEFAULT".
diff --git a/ENGINE/.cvsignore b/ENGINE/.cvsignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b6ddf9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/.cvsignore
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/ENGINE/CVS/Entries b/ENGINE/CVS/Entries
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5379c27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/CVS/Entries
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+/.cvsignore/1.1/Thu Jul  8 18:09:52 2004//Tsane
+/Makefile/1.1/Mon Dec  7 22:11:16 1998//Tsane
+/Makefile.Unix/ May 15 18:59:21 2008//Tsane
+/b_clear_event.f/ Jan  8 22:45:30 2008//Tsane
+/b_cosmic_ntuple_init.f/ May 15 02:54:45 2007//Tsane
+/b_initialize.f/ Jan  8 22:50:52 2008//Tsane
+/b_keep_results.f/ Apr  3 15:33:19 2009//Tsane
+/b_ntuple_change.f/ Jun  4 14:56:05 2007//Tsane
+/b_ntuple_clear.f/ May 15 02:54:45 2007//Tsane
+/b_ntuple_close.f/ Jan 16 18:47:12 2009//Tsane
+/b_ntuple_init.f/ Jan 16 18:47:12 2009//Tsane
+/b_ntuple_keep.f/ Sep  8 16:11:26 2009//Tsane
+/b_ntuple_open.f/ Jan 16 18:47:12 2009//Tsane
+/b_ntuple_register.f/ May 15 02:54:45 2007//Tsane
+/b_ntuple_shutdown.f/ Jun  4 14:56:05 2007//Tsane
+/b_proper_shutdown.f/ Nov  3 09:21:42 2007//Tsane
+/b_register_variables.f/ May 15 02:54:45 2007//Tsane
+/b_reset_event.f/ Jan  8 22:45:30 2008//Tsane
+/b_tree_init.f/ Aug  7 19:07:03 2007//Tsane
+/bigcal_mc_reconstruction.f/ Oct  8 19:22:02 2007//Tsane
+/c_clear_event.f/1.5/Tue Feb 23 16:39:34 1999//Tsane
+/c_initialize.f/1.9/Fri Dec 27 21:49:43 2002//Tsane
+/c_keep_results.f/1.5/Wed Sep  4 15:29:30 1996//Tsane
+/c_ntuple_change.f/1.1/Tue Feb 17 17:26:33 2004//Tsane
+/c_ntuple_clear.f/1.1/Wed Feb 24 14:52:36 1999//Tsane
+/c_ntuple_close.f/1.1/Tue Feb 17 17:26:33 2004//Tsane
+/c_ntuple_init.f/ Oct 16 20:20:31 2007//Tsane
+/c_ntuple_keep.f/1.10/Tue Feb 17 17:26:34 2004//Tsane
+/c_ntuple_open.f/1.1/Tue Feb 17 17:26:34 2004//Tsane
+/c_ntuple_register.f/1.2/Fri Jun 17 02:47:58 1994//Tsane
+/c_ntuple_shutdown.f/1.5/Tue Feb 17 17:26:34 2004//Tsane
+/c_physics.f/1.10/Fri Dec 19 19:21:04 2003//Tsane
+/c_proper_shutdown.f/1.8/Tue Jan 16 21:07:45 1996//Tsane
+/c_reconstruction.f/1.6/Tue Jan 16 21:08:42 1996//Tsane
+/c_register_variables.f/1.9/Tue Jan 16 21:09:28 1996//Tsane
+/c_reset_event.f/1.3/Tue Jan 16 21:10:22 1996//Tsane
+/engine.f/ Sep 17 20:24:14 2009//Tsane
+/g_analyze_beam_pedestal.f/1.3/Tue Feb 23 16:49:21 1999//Tsane
+/g_analyze_misc.f/ Feb 23 14:51:30 2010//Tsane
+/g_analyze_pedestal.f/ Oct 26 19:12:33 2008//Tsane
+/g_analyze_scaler_bank.f/ Feb 25 20:24:28 2011//Tsane
+/g_analyze_scalers.f/ Sep  2 13:36:59 2009//Tsane
+/g_analyze_scalers_by_banks.f/ Nov  9 17:17:15 2007//Tsane
+/g_apply_offsets.f/ Jun  4 14:56:05 2007//Tsane
+/g_calc_beam_pedestal.f/ Oct 24 16:59:55 2007//Tsane
+/g_calc_bpm_pedestal.f/1.2/Mon Apr 29 19:43:42 1996//Tsane
+/g_calc_pedestal.f/ Oct 26 19:12:33 2008//Tsane
+/g_calc_raster_pedestal.f/ Oct 11 15:03:35 2008//Tsane
+/g_clear_event.f/ Nov  6 21:38:50 2008//Tsane
+/g_ctp_database.f/1.7/Thu Nov  4 20:35:15 1999//Tsane
+/g_decode_clear.f/ Sep 11 19:14:17 2007//Tsane
+/g_decode_config.f/ Jan 16 18:47:12 2009//Tsane
+/g_decode_event_by_banks.f/ Sep  2 13:37:42 2009//Tsane
+/g_decode_fb_bank.f/ Sep 29 13:58:51 2009//Tsane
+/g_decode_fb_detector.f/ Jan 30 20:33:29 2009//Tsane
+/g_decode_init.f/1.3/Tue Jan 16 20:54:59 1996//Tsane
+/g_decode_scalers.f/1.1/Wed Jun 22 20:59:25 1994//Tsane
+/g_dump_histograms.f/1.3/Wed Sep 25 14:42:06 2002//Tsane
+/g_dump_peds.f/1.1/Mon Apr 29 19:46:35 1996//Tsane
+/g_examine_control_event.f/ Sep 10 20:33:37 2007//Tsane
+/g_examine_epics_event.f/ Dec  6 18:31:13 2010//Tsane
+/g_examine_go_info.f/ Nov  2 22:36:16 2007//Tsane
+/g_examine_physics_event.f/ Feb 16 00:18:13 2009//Tsane
+/g_examine_picture_event.f/ Sep 12 14:40:03 2007//Tsane
+/g_extract_kinematics.f/1.6/Fri Sep  5 15:41:05 2003//Tsane
+/g_get_next_event.f/ Sep 13 04:02:17 2007//Tsane
+/g_init_filenames.f/ Oct 27 15:11:46 2009//Tsane
+/g_initialize.f/ Nov 29 19:05:29 2007//Tsane
+/g_keep_results.f/ May 15 18:59:21 2008//Tsane
+/g_kludgeup_kinematics.f/ Sep 10 20:33:37 2007//Tsane
+/g_ntuple_init.f/ May 15 18:59:21 2008//Tsane
+/g_ntuple_shutdown.f/ May 15 18:59:22 2008//Tsane
+/g_open_source.f/ Sep  7 16:06:07 2007//Tsane
+/g_output_thresholds.f/ Nov 29 18:37:17 2007//Tsane
+/g_preproc_event.f/1.1/Mon Jun 10 17:47:43 1996//Tsane
+/g_preproc_open.f/1.1/Mon Jun 10 17:48:15 1996//Tsane
+/g_proper_shutdown.f/ Jun  4 14:56:05 2007//Tsane
+/g_reconstruction.f/ May 31 15:34:47 2011//Tsane
+/g_register_variables.f/ Oct 26 19:12:33 2008//Tsane
+/g_reset_event.f/ Oct 26 19:12:33 2008//Tsane
+/g_scaler_reset_event.f/ Sep 29 14:00:32 2009//Tsane
+/g_target_initialize.f/1.1/Mon Jan 22 15:11:55 1996//Tsane
+/g_trans_misc.f/ Oct 28 20:53:12 2008//Tsane
+/g_tree_init.f/ Aug  7 19:07:17 2007//Tsane
+/g_write_event.f/1.1/Mon Jun 10 17:47:32 1996//Tsane
+/gep_check_bigcal.f/ Oct  8 19:23:17 2007//Tsane
+/gep_clear_event.f/ Dec  7 21:35:29 2007//Tsane
+/gep_fill_hist.f/ Nov  7 21:18:13 2007//Tsane
+/gep_init_histid.f/ Oct 26 19:12:58 2008//Tsane
+/gep_initialize.f/ Jun  5 17:50:27 2009//Tsane
+/gep_keep_results.f/ Nov  3 08:39:35 2007//Tsane
+/gep_ntuple_change.f/ May 15 02:54:45 2007//Tsane
+/gep_ntuple_clear.f/ May 15 02:54:45 2007//Tsane
+/gep_ntuple_close.f/ May 15 02:54:45 2007//Tsane
+/gep_ntuple_init.f/ Dec 12 15:56:42 2007//Tsane
+/gep_ntuple_keep.f/ Dec 12 15:56:42 2007//Tsane
+/gep_ntuple_open.f/ Sep  7 16:13:02 2007//Tsane
+/gep_ntuple_register.f/ May 15 02:54:45 2007//Tsane
+/gep_ntuple_shutdown.f/ May 15 02:54:45 2007//Tsane
+/gep_physics.f/ Sep 16 18:52:38 2009//Tsane
+/gep_proper_shutdown.f/ May 15 02:54:45 2007//Tsane
+/gep_reconstruction.f/ Sep  7 16:15:26 2007//Tsane
+/gep_register_variables.f/ Sep  7 16:16:13 2007//Tsane
+/gep_reset_event.f/ Oct 26 19:12:33 2008//Tsane
+/gep_tree_init.f/ Aug  7 19:06:55 2007//Tsane
+/h_apply_offsets.f/1.3/Fri Sep  5 16:36:58 2003//Tsane
+/h_clear_event.f/ Sep 11 19:14:17 2007//Tsane
+/h_field03.f/ May 15 02:54:45 2007//Tsane
+/h_fieldcorr.f/1.2/Fri Feb 21 14:55:26 2003//Tsane
+/h_fpp_nt_change.f/ Aug 22 19:09:16 2007//Tsane
+/h_fpp_nt_close.f/ Aug 22 19:09:16 2007//Tsane
+/h_fpp_nt_init.f/ Oct 16 20:20:31 2007//Tsane
+/h_fpp_nt_keep.f/ Nov 11 08:03:44 2007//Tsane
+/h_fpp_nt_open.f/ Nov 11 08:03:44 2007//Tsane
+/h_fpp_nt_register.f/ Aug 22 19:09:16 2007//Tsane
+/h_fpp_nt_shutdown.f/ Aug 22 19:09:17 2007//Tsane
+/h_fpp_ntup.cwn/ Nov 11 08:03:44 2007//Tsane
+/h_initialize.f/ Oct 22 15:16:52 2007//Tsane
+/h_keep_results.f/ Jun  5 17:53:25 2009//Tsane
+/h_ntuple_change.f/1.1/Tue Feb 17 17:26:34 2004//Tsane
+/h_ntuple_clear.f/1.1/Wed Feb 24 14:52:36 1999//Tsane
+/h_ntuple_close.f/1.1/Tue Feb 17 17:26:34 2004//Tsane
+/h_ntuple_init.f/ Oct 27 15:48:29 2009//Tsane
+/h_ntuple_keep.f/ Oct 27 15:48:41 2009//Tsane
+/h_ntuple_open.f/ Aug 22 19:09:17 2007//Tsane
+/h_ntuple_register.f/1.2/Fri Jun 17 02:54:45 1994//Tsane
+/h_ntuple_shutdown.f/1.6/Tue Feb 17 17:26:34 2004//Tsane
+/h_proper_shutdown.f/1.10/Mon Oct  9 18:55:48 1995//Tsane
+/h_register_variables.f/ Aug 22 19:09:17 2007//Tsane
+/h_reset_event.f/1.17/Fri Dec 20 21:55:23 2002//Tsane
+/h_sv_nt_init.f/1.6/Tue Nov  5 21:42:08 1996//Tsane
+/h_sv_nt_keep.f/1.5/Tue Nov  5 21:42:28 1996//Tsane
+/h_sv_nt_register.f/1.1/Fri Jan 27 20:05:51 1995//Tsane
+/h_sv_nt_shutdown.f/1.2/Thu Feb 13 15:08:20 2003//Tsane
+/h_tree_init.f/ Aug  7 19:06:55 2007//Tsane
+/params03.f/ May 15 02:54:45 2007//Tsane
+/s_apply_offsets.f/1.3/Fri Sep  5 16:41:06 2003//Tsane
+/s_clear_event.f/1.12/Tue Feb 23 18:27:50 1999//Tsane
+/s_fieldcorr.f/1.4/Thu Dec 18 14:38:00 2003//Tsane
+/s_initialize.f/1.16/Wed Sep  4 15:17:01 1996//Tsane
+/s_keep_results.f/1.6/Wed Sep  4 15:17:33 1996//Tsane
+/s_ntuple_change.f/1.1/Tue Feb 17 17:26:34 2004//Tsane
+/s_ntuple_clear.f/1.1/Wed Feb 24 14:50:24 1999//Tsane
+/s_ntuple_close.f/1.1/Tue Feb 17 17:26:33 2004//Tsane
+/s_ntuple_init.f/ Oct 16 20:20:31 2007//Tsane
+/s_ntuple_keep.f/1.8/Tue Feb 17 17:26:34 2004//Tsane
+/s_ntuple_open.f/1.1/Tue Feb 17 17:26:33 2004//Tsane
+/s_ntuple_register.f/1.2/Fri Jun 17 02:56:26 1994//Tsane
+/s_ntuple_shutdown.f/1.6/Tue Feb 17 17:26:34 2004//Tsane
+/s_proper_shutdown.f/1.11/Mon Oct  9 18:56:25 1995//Tsane
+/s_register_variables.f/1.11/Tue Jan 16 16:27:28 1996//Tsane
+/s_reset_event.f/1.15/Fri Aug 20 14:52:18 1999//Tsane
+/s_sv_nt_init.f/1.4/Tue Dec  1 15:58:54 1998//Tsane
+/s_sv_nt_keep.f/1.3/Tue Nov  5 21:44:04 1996//Tsane
+/s_sv_nt_register.f/1.1/Fri Aug 11 16:23:06 1995//Tsane
+/s_sv_nt_shutdown.f/1.2/Wed Feb 12 16:03:21 2003//Tsane
diff --git a/ENGINE/CVS/Repository b/ENGINE/CVS/Repository
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac407ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/CVS/Repository
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/ENGINE/CVS/Root b/ENGINE/CVS/Root
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6288c3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/CVS/Root
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/ENGINE/CVS/Tag b/ENGINE/CVS/Tag
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..25d73f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/CVS/Tag
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/ENGINE/Makefile b/ENGINE/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..75ec04d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# $Log: Makefile,v $
+# Revision 1.1  1998/12/07 22:11:16  saw
+# Initial setup
+include $(ETC)/Makefile.NEW
diff --git a/ENGINE/Makefile.Unix b/ENGINE/Makefile.Unix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a959f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/Makefile.Unix
@@ -0,0 +1,371 @@
+# $Log: Makefile.Unix,v $
+# Revision  2008/05/15 18:59:21  bhovik
+# 1'st version
+# Revision  2007/11/03 08:40:02  cdaq
+# added gep_hist_fill.f
+# Revision  2007/10/16 19:44:00  cdaq
+# fixed F1TDC_WINDOW_SIZE declaration
+# Revision  2007/10/08 19:19:05  puckett
+# Added bad channel list handling for BigCal
+# Revision  2007/09/13 04:02:17  brash
+# Implement some minor changes to fix Mac OS X runtime errors ... ejb
+# Revision  2007/09/10 20:08:01  pcarter
+# Implemented changes to allow compilation on RHEL 3,4,5 and MacOSX
+# Revision  2007/08/22 19:09:16  frw
+# added FPP
+# Revision 1.29  2006/06/23 frw
+# added HMS FPP
+# Revision  2007/08/15 21:40:59  puckett
+# Added call to skeleton routine "gep_init_histid" for coincidence histograms for later
+# Revision  2007/08/07 18:55:30  puckett
+# added compiler directives for tree init routines
+# Revision  2007/06/20 18:26:32  puckett
+# Added BigCal Monte Carlo analysis capability
+# Revision  2007/05/15 02:55:01  jones
+# Start to Bigcal code
+# Revision  2004/09/07 18:02:56  cdaq
+# updated to check magnets and beam positions
+# Revision  2004/06/30 19:34:55  cdaq
+# Add g_examine_picture_event.f (DJG)
+# Revision 1.28  2004/02/18 14:06:53  jones
+# Updated compile subroutines needed to allow the possibility of segmenting rzdat files.
+# Revision  2003/06/26 12:39:53  cdaq
+# changes for e01-001  (mkj)
+# Revision 1.27  2003/02/21 14:47:46  jones
+# Add s_fieldcorr.f to list of SOS files to compile
+# Revision 1.26  2002/09/24 20:21:18  jones
+# add g_apply_offsets.f,h_apply_offsets.f,s_apply_offsets.f,h_fieldcorr.f
+# Revision 1.25  1999/11/04 20:35:14  saw
+# Linux/G77 compatibility fixes
+# Revision 1.24  1999/08/20 14:52:17  saw
+# Put in warning if Xscin_tdc_max is bigger than 4094
+# Revision 1.23  1999/02/23 16:27:42  csa
+# Add new routines
+# Revision 1.22  1999/01/21 21:39:01  saw
+# Clean up Include file rules
+# Revision 1.21  1998/12/09 16:31:16  saw
+# Remove dependence on Csoft environment variable
+# Revision 1.20  1998/12/07 22:11:16  saw
+# Initial setup
+# Revision 1.19  1996/11/05 21:45:30  saw
+# (SAW) Add AIX and SunOS support and fixes for Linux
+# Revision 1.18  1996/09/04 14:29:35  saw
+# (SAW) Add new routines, OSD switches, and Linux compatibility fixes
+# Revision 1.17  1996/04/29 18:30:05  saw
+# (SAW) New makefile style
+# Revision 1.16  1996/01/22 15:56:58  saw
+# (JRA) Add g_analyze_beam_pedestal, g_analyze_misc,
+#       g_calc_beam_pedestal, g_calc_bpm_pedestal,
+#       g_calc_raster_pedestal, g_target_initialize, g_trans_misc
+# Revision 1.15  1996/01/16 16:03:10  cdaq
+# (SAW) Add g_scaler_reset_event, g_extract_kinematics, g_output_thresholds,
+#       g_examine_go_info, g_kludgeup_kinematics, s_sv_nt_init, s_sv_nt_keep,
+#       s_sv_nt_register, s_sv_nt_shutdown
+# Revision 1.14  1995/07/28  14:13:32  cdaq
+# (SAW) Add new routines, SGI/IRIX compatibility
+# Revision 1.13  1995/05/24  13:20:54  cdaq
+# Cosmetic changes
+# Revision 1.12  1995/05/11  19:03:10  cdaq
+# (SAW) Compile c_physics.f and some ntuple variable registration routines
+# Revision 1.11  1995/04/06  20:05:30  cdaq
+# (SAW) Add pedestal routines
+# Revision 1.10  1995/03/08  20:32:52  cdaq
+# (SAW) Add -f switch on include file copy commands
+# Revision 1.9  1995/01/27  20:48:08  cdaq
+# (SAW) Add sieve slit routines
+# Revision 1.8  1994/11/23  15:37:39  cdaq
+# (SAW) Update link flags for ULTRIX
+# Revision 1.7  1994/08/18  04:22:46  cdaq
+# (SAW) Call makereg generated routines to register variables
+# Revision 1.6  1994/08/04  03:49:53  cdaq
+# (SAW) Add libhack.a to library list
+# Revision 1.5  1994/07/07  15:18:22  cdaq
+# (SAW) Fix a bug so that all sources not get compiled
+# Revision 1.4  1994/06/22  21:04:29  cdaq
+# (SAW) Add g_analyze_scalers.f
+# Revision 1.3  1994/06/14  19:30:33  cdaq
+# (SAW) Add g_dump_histograms, remove g_open_hbook_file
+# Revision 1.2  1994/06/07  18:47:48  cdaq
+# Add examine_event routines
+# Revision 1.1  1994/04/15  20:27:32  cdaq
+# Initial revision
+include ../../etc/Makefile
+include ../../etc/Makefile.flags
+decode_source = g_decode_clear.f g_decode_config.f g_decode_event_by_banks.f \
+	g_decode_fb_bank.f g_decode_fb_detector.f \
+	g_decode_init.f g_analyze_scalers.f
+general_source = $(decode_source) g_clear_event.f \
+	g_init_filenames.f g_initialize.f g_keep_results.f \
+	g_open_source.f g_proper_shutdown.f g_reconstruction.f \
+	g_reset_event.f g_register_variables.f \
+	g_examine_control_event.f \
+	g_examine_physics_event.f g_dump_histograms.f g_analyze_pedestal.f \
+	g_calc_pedestal.f g_ctp_database.f g_scaler_reset_event.f \
+	g_extract_kinematics.f g_output_thresholds.f \
+	g_examine_go_info.f g_kludgeup_kinematics.f \
+	g_analyze_beam_pedestal.f g_analyze_misc.f \
+	g_calc_beam_pedestal.f g_calc_bpm_pedestal.f g_calc_raster_pedestal.f \
+	g_target_initialize.f g_trans_misc.f g_dump_peds.f g_get_next_event.f \
+	g_preproc_event.f g_preproc_open.f g_write_event.f \
+	g_examine_epics_event.f g_examine_picture_event.f\
+	g_analyze_scaler_bank.f g_analyze_scalers_by_banks.f g_apply_offsets.f \
+	h_field03.f params03.f g_tree_init.f
+hms_source = h_clear_event.f h_initialize.f h_keep_results.f \
+	h_proper_shutdown.f h_reset_event.f \
+	h_register_variables.f h_apply_offsets.f h_fieldcorr.f \
+	h_ntuple_close.f h_ntuple_open.f h_ntuple_change.f \
+	h_tree_init.f       
+sos_source = s_clear_event.f s_initialize.f s_keep_results.f \
+	s_proper_shutdown.f s_reset_event.f \
+	s_register_variables.f s_apply_offsets.f s_fieldcorr.f \
+	s_ntuple_close.f s_ntuple_open.f s_ntuple_change.f       
+coin_source = c_register_variables.f c_clear_event.f c_initialize.f \
+	c_keep_results.f c_proper_shutdown.f c_reconstruction.f \
+	c_reset_event.f c_physics.f \
+	c_ntuple_close.f c_ntuple_open.f c_ntuple_change.f    
+bigcal_source = b_clear_event.f b_initialize.f b_keep_results.f b_ntuple_change.f \
+	b_ntuple_close.f b_ntuple_open.f b_proper_shutdown.f b_register_variables.f \
+	b_reset_event.f bigcal_mc_reconstruction.f b_tree_init.f
+gep_source = gep_clear_event.f gep_initialize.f gep_keep_results.f gep_ntuple_change.f \
+	gep_ntuple_close.f gep_ntuple_open.f gep_physics.f gep_proper_shutdown.f \
+	gep_reconstruction.f gep_register_variables.f gep_reset_event.f \
+	gep_tree_init.f gep_init_histid.f gep_check_bigcal.f gep_fill_hist.f
+ntuple_source = g_ntuple_init.f g_ntuple_shutdown.f \
+	c_ntuple_clear.f c_ntuple_init.f c_ntuple_keep.f \
+	c_ntuple_register.f c_ntuple_shutdown.f \
+	h_ntuple_clear.f h_ntuple_init.f h_ntuple_keep.f \
+	h_ntuple_register.f h_ntuple_shutdown.f \
+	s_ntuple_clear.f s_ntuple_init.f s_ntuple_keep.f \
+	s_ntuple_register.f s_ntuple_shutdown.f \
+	h_sv_nt_init.f h_sv_nt_keep.f \
+	h_sv_nt_register.f h_sv_nt_shutdown.f \
+	s_sv_nt_init.f s_sv_nt_keep.f \
+	s_sv_nt_register.f s_sv_nt_shutdown.f \
+	h_fpp_nt_change.f h_fpp_nt_close.f \
+	h_fpp_nt_init.f h_fpp_nt_keep.f \
+	h_fpp_nt_open.f h_fpp_nt_register.f \
+	h_fpp_nt_shutdown.f \
+	b_ntuple_clear.f b_ntuple_init.f b_ntuple_keep.f \
+	b_ntuple_register.f b_ntuple_shutdown.f \
+	gep_ntuple_clear.f gep_ntuple_init.f gep_ntuple_keep.f \
+	gep_ntuple_register.f gep_ntuple_shutdown.f
+gmakeregstuff = r_gen_filenames.f r_gen_run_info.f r_gen_event_info.f \
+	r_gen_scalers.f r_gen_run_pref.f r_gen_data_structures.f \
+	r_gen_decode_F1tdc.f
+cmakeregstuff = r_coin_filenames.f r_c_ntuple.f r_coin_data_structures.f
+hmakeregstuff = r_h_ntuple.f r_h_sieve_ntuple.f r_hms_data_structures.f \
+ 	r_hms_fpp_event.f r_h_fpp_ntuple.f
+smakeregstuff = r_s_ntuple.f r_sos_data_structures.f
+bmakeregstuff = r_b_ntuple.f r_bigcal_data_structures.f r_bigcal_filenames.f
+gepmakeregstuff = r_gep_ntuple.f r_gep_filenames.f r_gep_data_structures.f
+replay_source = engine.f
+libsources =  $(coin_source) $(sos_source) $(hms_source) $(general_source) \
+	$(bigcal_source) $(gep_source) $(ntuple_source) $(gmakeregstuff) \
+	$(cmakeregstuff) $(hmakeregstuff) $(smakeregstuff)  $(bmakeregstuff) \
+	$(gepmakeregstuff)
+ifeq ($(MYOS),AIX)
+xlibsources := $(filter-out g_decode_config.f,$(libsources))
+libsources = g_decode_config_aix.f $(xlibsources)
+../g_%_aix.f : ../g_%.f
+	sed -e "s/READONLY/action='read'/"< $< > $@	
+ifeq ($(MYOS),Linux)
+xlibsources := $(filter-out g_decode_config.f,$(libsources))
+libsources = g_decode_config_linux.f $(xlibsources)
+# F2C doesn't know about READONLY
+../g_%_linux.f : ../g_%.f
+	sed -e "s/,READONLY//" $< > $@
+#short_names = g_xyz_sph.f g_shift_len.f g_sort.f g_rep_err.f g_prepend.f \
+#	g_normalize.f g_add_path.f g_decode_clear.f
+sources = $(libsources) $(replay_source)
+#engine_members:= $(patsubst %.f, libengine.a(%.o), $(libsources))
+lib_targets := $(patsubst %.f, libengine.a(%.o), $(sources))
+bin_targets = engine
+#install-dirs := lib bin
+install-dirs := lib
+DEPLIBS = $(LIBROOT)/libengine.a \
+	$(LIBROOT)/libhtracking.a $(LIBROOT)/libstracking.a \
+	$(LIBROOT)/libengine.a \
+	$(LIBROOT)/libtracking.a $(LIBROOT)/libhack.a \
+	$(LIBROOT)/libbtracking.a $(LIBROOT)/libsanetracking.a \
+	$(LIBROOT)/libutils.a #$(LIBROOT)/libctp.a
+ifeq ($(MYOS),HPUX)
+#  OTHERLIBS = -Wl,-L$(CODA)/HP_UX/lib \
+#	-lcoda -Wl,-L$(CERN_ROOT)/lib -lpacklib
+  OTHERLIBS = -Wl,-L$(CERN_ROOT)/lib -lpacklib -lU77 -lm
+ifeq ($(MYOS),ULTRIX)
+  RPCLIBDIR = /usr/site1/rpc/usr/lib
+  OTHERLIBS = -L$(CODA)/ULTRIX/lib -lcoda -L$(CERN_ROOT)/lib -lpacklib \
+	-L$(RPCLIBDIR) -lrpclib
+ifeq ($(MYOS),OSF1)
+  OTHERLIBS = -L$(CERN_ROOT)/lib -lpacklib
+  FLDFLAGS= -g -Wl,-taso
+ifeq ($(MYOS),IRIX)
+  RPCLIBDIR = /usr/lib
+  OTHERLIBS = -L$(CERN_ROOT)/lib -lpacklib -L$(RPCLIBDIR) -lrpcsvc
+ifeq ($(MYOS),Linux)
+  ifeq ($(MYREALOS),Darwin)
+     OTHERLIBS = -L$(CERN_ROOT)/lib -lpacklib -lc -lm
+  else
+     OTHERLIBS = -L$(CERN_ROOT)/lib -lpacklib -lc -lm -lnsl
+  endif
+  DEPLIBS := $(DEPLIBS) $(LIBROOT)/libport.a
+	$(MAKE) -C ../../PORT 
+ifeq ($(MYOS),SunOS)
+  OTHERLIBS = -L$(LIBROOT) -lctpclient -lctp -L$(CERN_ROOT)/lib \
+	-lgeant$(GEANTVER) -lpawlib -lgraflib -lgrafX11 -lpacklib -lmathlib \
+	-lnsl -lsocket -lX11
+ifeq ($(MYOS),AIX)
+  OTHERLIBS = -L$(CERN_ROOT)/lib -lpacklib
+  DEPLIBS := $(DEPLIBS) $(LIBROOT)/libport.a
+#ifeq ($(MYOS),Linux)
+## F2C doesn't know about READONLY
+#../g_decode_config.f : $(NFSDIRECTORY)/ENGINE/g_decode_config.f
+#	sed -e "s/,READONLY//" $< > $@
+#	@echo "nothing to make"
+##library: libengine.a
+##libengine.a: $(engine_members)
+	$(MAKE) -C ../../UTILSUBS
+	$(MAKE) -C ../../TRACKING
+	$(MAKE) -C ../../HTRACKING
+	$(MAKE) -C ../../STRACKING
+	$(MAKE) -C ../../BTRACKING
+	$(MAKE) -C ../../SANE
+	$(MAKE) -C ../../CTP
+	$(MAKE) -C ../../HACK
+ifeq ($(MYOS),OSF1)
+engine: $(DEPLIBS)
+	$(AR) x $(LIBROOT)/libengine.a engine.o
+	$(FC) $(FLDFLAGS) -o engine engine.o $(DEPLIBS) $(OTHERLIBS)
+	$(RM) engine.o
+engine: $(DEPLIBS)
+	$(AR) x $(LIBROOT)/libengine.a engine.o
+	$(FC) $(FFLAGS) -o engine engine.o $(DEPLIBS) $(OTHERLIBS)
+	$(RM) engine.o
+../%.f : $(NFSDIRECTORY)/ENGINE/%.f
+	ln -s $< $@
+.PRECIOUS: ../%.f
+# Rule for making the register subroutines
+../r_%.f : ../%.cmn $(MAKEREG)
+	(cd .. ; $(MAKEREG) $(<F) -o $(@F) -e /dev/null)
+.PRECIOUS: ../r_%.f
+%.cwn:: ../%.cwn
+	$(CP) $< $@
+%.cmn ../%.cmn:: ../../INCLUDE/%.cmn
+	$(CP) $< $@
+%.dec ../%.dec:: ../../INCLUDE/%.dec
+	$(CP) $< $@
+%.par ../%.par:: ../../INCLUDE/%.par
+	$(CP) $< $@
+%.dte ../%.dte:: ../../INCLUDE/%.dte
+	$(CP) $< $@
+include $(sources:.f=.d)
diff --git a/ENGINE/b_clear_event.f b/ENGINE/b_clear_event.f
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..fbacb1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/b_clear_event.f
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+      subroutine B_clear_event(ABORT,err)
+      SAVE
+      character*13 here
+      parameter (here= 'B_clear_event')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      include 'bigcal_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'b_ntuple.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_gain_parms.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_filenames.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_bypass_switches.cmn'
+c      include 'bigcal_statistics.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_shower_parms.cmn'
+      integer i,j,k
+      bigcal_annoying_pulser_event = .false.
+      BIGCAL_TDC_NHIT = 0
+      BIGCAL_RCS_NHIT = 0
+      bigcal_all_ngood = 0
+c$$$      bigcal_all_nclstr = 0
+c$$$      bigcal_phys_ntrack = 0
+      bigcal_prot_nbad = 0
+      bigcal_rcs_nbad = 0
+      bigcal_atrig_nbad = 0
+      bigcal_max_adc = 0.
+      bigcal_iymax_adc = 0
+      bigcal_ixmax_adc = 0
+*     zero "detector" arrays:
+         BIGCAL_PROT_RAW_DET(i) = 0
+         BIGCAL_PROT_GOOD_DET(i) = 0.
+c         BIGCAL_PROT_GOOD_HIT(i) = .false.
+         bigcal_all_adc_det(i) = 0.
+         bigcal_all_good_det(i) = 0.
+         bigcal_prot_nhit_ch(i) = 0
+      enddo
+      do i=1,BIGCAL_RCS_MAXHITS
+         BIGCAL_RCS_RAW_DET(i) = 0
+         BIGCAL_RCS_GOOD_DET(i) = 0.
+c         BIGCAL_RCS_GOOD_HIT(i) = .false.
+         bigcal_all_adc_det(i+bigcal_prot_maxhits)=0.
+         bigcal_all_good_det(i+bigcal_prot_maxhits) = 0.
+         bigcal_rcs_nhit_ch(i) = 0
+      enddo
+      do i=1,BIGCAL_MAX_TDC
+        bigcal_tdc_det_nhit(i) = 0
+        bigcal_tdc_det_ngood(i) = 0
+        bigcal_tdc_sum8(i) = 0.
+        do j=1,8
+         BIGCAL_TDC_RAW_DET(i,j) = 0
+         bigcal_tdc_good_det(i,j) = -9999.
+       enddo
+      enddo
+      do i=1,bigcal_atrig_maxhits
+        bigcal_atrig_raw_det(i) = 0
+        bigcal_atrig_good_det(i) = 0.
+        bigcal_atrig_sum64(i) = 0.
+        bigcal_atrig_nhit_ch(i) = 0
+      enddo
+      do i=1,bigcal_ttrig_maxgroups
+        bigcal_ttrig_det_nhit(i) = 0
+        bigcal_ttrig_det_ngood(i) = 0
+        do j=1,8
+          bigcal_ttrig_raw_det(i,j) = 0
+          bigcal_ttrig_good_det(i,j) = -9999.
+        enddo
+      enddo
+c$$$      do i=30,35
+c$$$        do j=1,32
+c$$$          bigcal_mid_ehit(i,j) = 0.
+c$$$          bigcal_mid_xhit(i,j) = 0.
+c$$$          bigcal_mid_yhit(i,j) = 0.
+c$$$        enddo
+c$$$      enddo
+c     we probably need to clear out the cluster arrays too!!!!
+      bigcal_all_nclstr = 0
+      bigcal_phys_ntrack = 0
+      bigcal_nmaxima = 0
+c$$$      bigcal_best_thetarad = 0.
+c$$$      bigcal_best_thetadeg = 0.
+c$$$      bigcal_best_phirad = 0.
+c$$$      bigcal_best_phideg = 0.
+c$$$      bigcal_best_energy = 0.
+c$$$      bigcal_best_time = 0.
+c$$$      bigcal_best_xface = 0.
+c$$$      bigcal_best_yface = 0.
+c$$$      bigcal_best_zface = 0.
+c$$$      bigcal_best_px = 0.
+c$$$      bigcal_best_py = 0.
+c$$$      bigcal_best_pz = 0.
+c$$$      bigcal_best_beta = 0.
+c$$$      bigcal_best_tof = 0.
+c$$$      bigcal_best_coin_time = 0.
+c$$$      do i=1,bigcal_max_ntrack
+c$$$        bigcal_track_thetarad(i) = 0.
+c$$$        bigcal_track_thetadeg(i) = 0.
+c$$$        bigcal_track_phirad(i) = 0.
+c$$$        bigcal_track_phideg(i) = 0.
+c$$$        bigcal_track_energy(i) = 0.
+c$$$        bigcal_track_time(i) = 0.
+c$$$        bigcal_track_xface(i) = 0.
+c$$$        bigcal_track_yface(i) = 0.
+c$$$        bigcal_track_zface(i) = 0.
+c$$$        bigcal_track_px(i) = 0.
+c$$$        bigcal_track_py(i) = 0.
+c$$$        bigcal_track_pz(i) = 0.
+c$$$        bigcal_track_beta(i) = 0.
+c$$$        bigcal_track_tof(i) = 0.
+c$$$        bigcal_track_coin_time(i) = 0.
+c$$$      enddo
+      nclust = 0
+      nclust8 = 0
+      nclust64=0
+      ntrack = 0
+      ibest=0
+      nmax = 0
+      ntrk_g = 0
+      bigcal_itrack_best = 0
+*     don't need to do anything with hit arrays, since they are filled dynamically
+*     (other than zeroing the numbers of hits)
+      call b_ntuple_clear
+      ABORT=.false.
+      err = ' '
+      return 
+      end
diff --git a/ENGINE/b_cosmic_ntuple_init.f b/ENGINE/b_cosmic_ntuple_init.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ea2178
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/b_cosmic_ntuple_init.f
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+      subroutine b_cosmic_ntuple_init(ABORT,err)
+*     Creates an Bigcal cosmic Ntuple
+*     Purpose : 
+*     Output: ABORT      - success or failure
+*           : err        - reason for failure, if any
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*13 here
+      parameter (here='_init')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 'gen_routines.dec'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_run_info.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'sos_minerva.cmn'
+      character*80 default_name
+      parameter (default_name= 'ssieventuple')
+      character*80 default_title
+      parameter (default_title= 'sSieveSlits')   
+      integer default_bank,default_recL
+      parameter (default_bank= 8000)    !4 bytes/word
+      parameter (default_recL= 1024)    !record length
+      character*80 title,file
+      character*80 directory,name
+      character*1000 pat,msg
+      integer status,size,io,id,bank,recL,iv(10),m
+*      parameter (id = 1)
+      real rv(10)
+      logical HEXIST           !CERNLIB function
+      INCLUDE 's_sieve_ntuple.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 's_sieve_ntuple.dte'
+      err= ' '
+      ABORT = .FALSE.
+      IF(s_sieve_Ntuple_exists) THEN    
+        call s_sv_Nt_shutdown(ABORT,err)
+        If(ABORT) Then
+          call G_add_path(here,err)
+          RETURN
+        EndIf
+      ENDIF
+      s_sieve_Ntuple_ID= default_s_sieve_Ntuple_ID
+      s_sieve_Ntuple_name= default_name
+      s_sieve_Ntuple_title= default_title
+      call NO_nulls(s_sieve_Ntuple_file)     !replace null characters with blanks
+*-if name blank, just forget it
+      IF(s_sieve_Ntuple_file.EQ.' ') RETURN   !do nothing
+*- get any free IO channel
+      call g_IO_control(io,'ANY',ABORT,err)
+      s_sieve_Ntuple_exists= .NOT.ABORT
+        call G_add_path(here,err)
+        RETURN
+      ENDIF
+      s_sieve_Ntuple_IOchannel= io
+      id= s_sieve_Ntuple_ID
+      ABORT= HEXIST(id)
+        call g_IO_control(s_sieve_Ntuple_IOchannel,'FREE',ABORT,err)
+        call G_build_note(':HBOOK id#$ already in use',
+     &                                 '$',id,' ',rv,' ',err)
+        call G_add_path(here,err)
+        RETURN
+      ENDIF
+      CALL HCDIR(directory,'R')       !CERNLIB read current directory
+      id= s_sieve_Ntuple_ID
+      name= s_sieve_Ntuple_name
+      file= s_sieve_Ntuple_file
+      call g_sub_run_number(file,gen_run_number)
+      recL= default_recL
+      io= s_sieve_Ntuple_IOchannel
+*-open New *.rzdat file-
+      call HROPEN(io,name,file,'N',recL,status)       !CERNLIB
+*                                       !directory set to "//TUPLE"
+      io= s_sieve_Ntuple_IOchannel
+      ABORT= status.NE.0
+        call g_IO_control(s_sieve_Ntuple_IOchannel,'FREE',ABORT,err)
+        iv(1)= status
+        iv(2)= io
+        pat= ':HROPEN error#$ opening IO#$ "'//file//'"'
+        call G_build_note(pat,'$',iv,' ',rv,' ',err)
+        call G_add_path(here,err)
+        RETURN
+      ENDIF
+      s_sieve_Ntuple_file= file
+      title= s_sieve_Ntuple_title
+      IF(title.EQ.' ') THEN
+        msg= name//' '//s_sieve_Ntuple_file
+        call only_one_blank(msg)
+        title= msg   
+        s_sieve_Ntuple_title= title
+      ENDIF
+      id= s_sieve_Ntuple_ID
+      io= s_sieve_Ntuple_IOchannel
+      name= s_sieve_Ntuple_name
+      title= s_sieve_Ntuple_title
+      size= s_sieve_Ntuple_size
+      file= s_sieve_Ntuple_file
+      bank= default_bank
+      Call Hbnt(id,name,' ') ! create CWN Ntuple
+* define Ntuple structure
+      call HBNAME(id,'SOS fp',s_xfp,'s_xfp:R*4,s_xpfp:R*4,s_yfp:R*4,
+     & s_ypfp:R*4,s_delta:R*4')
+      call HBNAME(id,'SOS_MINE',n_minerva_hits,'n_minerva_hits[0,40]:I,
+     & plane(n_minerva_hits):I,fiber(n_minerva_hits):I,
+     & ADC(n_minerva_hits):I')
+*****      call HBOOKN(id,title,size,name,bank,s_sieve_Ntuple_tag)      !create Ntuple
+      call HCDIR(s_sieve_Ntuple_directory,'R')      !record Ntuple directory
+      CALL HCDIR(directory,' ')       !reset CERNLIB directory
+      s_sieve_Ntuple_exists= HEXIST(s_sieve_Ntuple_ID)
+      ABORT= .NOT.s_sieve_Ntuple_exists
+      iv(1)= id
+      iv(2)= io
+      pat= 'Ntuple id#$ [' // s_sieve_Ntuple_directory // '/]' // 
+     &                         name // ' IO#$ "' // file // '"'
+      call G_build_note(pat,'$',iv,' ',rv,' ',msg)
+      call sub_string(msg,' /]','/]')
+        err= ':unable to create '//msg
+        call G_add_path(here,err)
+      ELSE
+        pat= ':created '//msg
+        call G_add_path(here,pat)
+        call G_log_message('INFO: '//pat)
+      ENDIF
+      RETURN
+      END  
diff --git a/ENGINE/b_initialize.f b/ENGINE/b_initialize.f
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e84311c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/b_initialize.f
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+      subroutine b_initialize(ABORT,err)
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*12 here
+      parameter(here='b_initialize')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      character*20 mss
+      integer*4 istat
+      logical fail
+      character*1000 why
+      character*80 filename
+      integer*4 iochan
+      integer*4 i,j,Nred
+      integer*4 irow,icol
+      include 'gen_run_info.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_filenames.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_bypass_switches.cmn'
+      err = ' '
+      abort = .false.
+c     "calculate physics singles constants"
+      call b_init_physics(FAIL,why)
+      if(' '' ') then
+         call G_append(err,' & '//why)
+      else if(' ') then
+         err = why
+      endif
+      abort = abort .or. fail
+      call b_generate_geometry ! initialize geometry constants
+      call b_init_tof(FAIL,why) ! initialize timing constants
+      if(' '' ') then
+         call G_append(err,' & '//why)
+      else if(' ') then
+         err = why
+      endif
+      call b_init_gain(FAIL,why) ! initialize calibration constants
+      if(' '' ') then
+         call G_append(err,' & '//why)
+      else if(' ') then
+         err = why
+      endif
+      call b_init_shower(FAIL,why) ! initialize shower reconstruction parms
+      if(' '' ') then
+         call G_append(err,' & '//why)
+      else if(' ') then
+         err = why
+      endif
+c     initialize calibration stuff. Always try to read an old matrix. If 
+c     b_calib_matrix_filename is given, use that file. Otherwise, use a 
+c     default filename of 'outfiles/bigcal_calib'
+      if( .not. abort) then 
+c     count up the number of channels to calibrate for the reduced matrix:
+c$$$         Nred=0
+c$$$         if(
+c$$$     $
+c$$$     $ then
+c$$$            if(bigcal_calib_ixlo(1).ge.1.and.bigcal_calib_ixlo(1).le.32
+c$$$     $           .and.bigcal_calib_ixhi(1).ge.1.and.bigcal_calib_ixhi(1)
+c$$$     $           .le.32.and.bigcal_calib_ixhi(1).gt.bigcal_calib_ixlo(1)) then
+c$$$               if(bigcal_calib_ixlo(2).ge.1.and.bigcal_calib_ixlo(2).le.30
+c$$$     $              .and.bigcal_calib_ixhi(2).ge.1.and.bigcal_calib_ixhi(2)
+c$$$     $              .le.30.and.bigcal_calib_ixhi(2).gt.bigcal_calib_ixlo(2)) then
+c$$$                  Nred=0
+c$$$                  do i=1,bigcal_all_maxhits
+c$$$                     if(i.le.1024) then
+c$$$                        irow = i/32 + 1
+c$$$                        icol = mod(i,32) + 1
+c$$$                     else
+c$$$                        j=i-1024
+c$$$                        irow = j/30 + 33
+c$$$                        icol = mod(j,30) + 1
+c$$$                     endif
+c$$$                     if( then
+c$$$                        if(irow.le.32) then
+c$$$                           if( then
+c$$$                              Nred = Nred + 1
+c$$$                           endif
+c$$$                        else
+c$$$                           if( then
+c$$$                              Nred = Nred + 1
+c$$$                           endif
+c$$$                        endif
+c$$$                     endif
+c$$$                  enddo
+c$$$               endif
+c$$$            endif
+c$$$         endif
+c$$$         bigcal_Ncalib = Nred
+c$$$         write(*,*) 'Number of channels in reduced calibration matrix=',Nred
+         if(' ') then
+            filename = b_calib_matrix_filename
+            call g_IO_control(iochan,'ANY',ABORT,err)
+            if(abort) then
+               call g_add_path(here,err)
+               return 
+            endif
+            bigcal_matr_iochan = iochan
+            open(unit=iochan,file=filename,status='old',
+     $           form='unformatted',err=34)
+c     successful open: read BigCal matrix and number of events:
+            read(iochan,end=35,err=35) bigcal_nmatr_event
+            read(iochan,end=35,err=35) bigcal_vector
+            read(iochan,end=35,err=35) bigcal_matrix
+            write(*,*) 'read old BigCal calibration matrix from '//filename
+            write(*,*) 'Number of events in matrix = ',bigcal_nmatr_event
+c     any read problems will trigger a reset of the calibration 
+c     quantities to zero. 
+c     a successful read means the calib. matrix quantities are 
+c     successfully initialized to their "old" values.
+            goto 36
+ 34         write(*,*) filename//' does not exist'//
+     $           ', initializing BigCal calib. matrix to zero'
+c     if there is any trouble reading in the values, scrap and 
+c     start over:
+ 35         bigcal_nmatr_event = 0
+            do i=1,bigcal_all_maxhits
+               bigcal_vector(i) = 0.
+               do j=1,bigcal_all_maxhits
+                  bigcal_matrix(i,j) = 0.
+               enddo
+            enddo  
+c     shut down the file: 
+ 36         call g_IO_control(iochan,'FREE',abort,err)
+            if(abort) then
+               call g_add_path(here,err)
+               return
+            endif
+            close(iochan)
+         else 
+            bigcal_nmatr_event = 0
+            do i=1,bigcal_all_maxhits
+               bigcal_vector(i) = 0.
+               do j=1,bigcal_all_maxhits
+                  bigcal_matrix(i,j) = 0.
+               enddo
+            enddo  
+         endif
+      endif
+c     initialize debugging output file:
+      if( .or.
+     $ then
+         if(' ') then
+            filename = b_debug_output_filename
+         else
+            filename = 'scalers/rawbigcal_%d.txt'
+         endif
+         call g_sub_run_number(filename,gen_run_number)
+         open(unit=bluno,file=filename,form='formatted',status='unknown')
+      endif
+c     initialize list of bad channels:
+      if( .and. b_bad_chan_list_filename
+     $     .ne. ' ') then
+         call b_init_bad_list(abort,err)
+         if(abort) then
+            call g_add_path(here,err)
+            return 
+         endif
+      endif
+      if(abort .or.' ') call g_add_path(here,err)
+      return 
+      end
diff --git a/ENGINE/b_keep_results.f b/ENGINE/b_keep_results.f
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0b84acf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/b_keep_results.f
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+      subroutine b_keep_results(ABORT,err)
+      implicit none
+      save
+      include 'bigcal_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'b_ntuple.cmn'
+      include 'gen_event_info.cmn'
+      include 'sane_ntuple.cmn'
+      character*14 here
+      parameter(here='b_keep_results')
+      logical abort
+      character*(*) err
+      abort=.false.
+      err=' '
+c     check whether there is a cluster. 
+c     if there is a cluster, then keep the ntuple
+c$$$      if(
+c$$$     $ then
+c$$$         call b_ntuple_keep(ABORT,err,.true.)
+c$$$      endif
+c      if (gen_event_type .le. 2) return
+      if(bigcal_ntuple_type.eq.1)then
+       if(!
+     &        ) then
+          call b_ntuple_keep(ABORT,err,.true.)
+        endif
+      else if(bigcal_ntuple_type.eq.2)then 
+         call b_ntuple_keep(ABORT,err,.true.)
+      endif
+      if(abort) then
+         call G_add_path(here,err)
+      else
+         err=' '
+      endif
+      return 
+      end
diff --git a/ENGINE/b_ntuple_change.f b/ENGINE/b_ntuple_change.f
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0d0311c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/b_ntuple_change.f
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+      subroutine b_ntuple_change(ABORT,err)
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*15 here
+      parameter(here='b_ntuple_change')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      include 'b_ntuple.cmn'
+      include 'gen_run_info.cmn'
+      character*1 ifile
+      character*80 file
+      character*1000 pat
+      integer*4 ilo,fn_len
+      integer g_important_length
+      call b_ntuple_close(ABORT,err)
+      if(b_ntuple_exists) then
+         ABORT=.true.
+      endif
+      call NO_nulls(b_ntuple_file) 
+      file = b_ntuple_file
+      call NO_nulls(file)
+      call g_sub_run_number(file,gen_run_number)
+      b_ntuple_filesegments = b_ntuple_filesegments + 1
+      !write(*,*) 'computing ifile'
+      if( then
+         ifile = char(ichar('0')+b_ntuple_filesegments)
+      else 
+         ifile = char(ichar('a')+b_ntuple_filesegments-10)
+      endif
+      !write(*,*), 'ifile = ',ifile
+      fn_len = g_important_length(file)
+      ilo = index(file,'.hbook')
+      if((ilo.le.1).or.( then
+         ilo=index(file,'.rzdat')
+      endif
+      if(( then
+         file = file(1:ilo-1)//'.'//ifile//file(ilo:fn_len)
+      else 
+         abort=.true.
+      endif
+      !write(*,*) 'new file name = ',file
+      if(.not.abort) call b_ntuple_open(file,ABORT,err)
+      if(abort) then
+         err=':unable to change BigCal ntuple file segment'
+         call G_add_path(here,err)
+      else
+         pat=':changed BigCal ntuple file segment'
+         call G_add_path(here,pat)
+         call G_log_message('INFO: '//pat)
+      endif
+      return 
+      end
diff --git a/ENGINE/b_ntuple_clear.f b/ENGINE/b_ntuple_clear.f
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..185c531
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/b_ntuple_clear.f
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+      subroutine B_ntuple_clear
+*     Purpose : Clear vars that go to the BigCal Ntuple
+*     csa 4/15/97
+* $Log: b_ntuple_clear.f,v $
+* Revision  2007/05/15 02:54:45  jones
+* Start to Bigcal code
+* Revision 1.1  1999/02/24 14:52:36  saw
+* Dummy routine
+      implicit none
+      save
+*      character*13 here
+*      parameter (here='h_Ntuple_clear')
+*      logical ABORT
+*      character*(*) err
+*     csa 2/2/99 -- This is a dummy routine in the CVS tree. The
+*     real thing gets created in the user's Oscar directory based
+*     on which variables are in the ntuple.lst file.
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/ENGINE/b_ntuple_close.f b/ENGINE/b_ntuple_close.f
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1e8215f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/b_ntuple_close.f
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+      subroutine b_ntuple_close(ABORT,err)
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*14 here
+      parameter(here='b_ntuple_close')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      include 'b_ntuple.cmn'
+      include 'gen_routines.dec'
+      logical HEXIST ! CERNLIB function
+      logical FAIL
+      character*80 why,directory,name
+      character*1000 msg
+      integer io,id,cycle,m
+      err=' '
+      abort=.false.
+      if(.not.b_ntuple_exists) return
+      call HCDIR(directory,'R') ! keep current directory
+      id=b_ntuple_ID
+      io=b_ntuple_IOchannel
+      name=b_ntuple_name
+      abort=.not.HEXIST(id)
+      if(abort) then
+         call G_add_path(here,err)
+         if( then
+            call G_IO_control(io,'FREE',FAIL,why) ! free up
+            if( close(io)
+         endif
+      endif
+      call HCDIR(b_ntuple_directory,' ') ! go to ntuple directory
+      call G_add_path(here,msg)
+      call G_log_message('INFO: '//msg)
+      cycle= 0
+      call HROUT(id,cycle,' ')
+      call HREND(name)
+      call G_IO_control(io,'FREE',ABORT,err)
+      close(io)
+      write(*,*)'B NTUPLE IO',io
+      call HCDIR(directory,' ')     ! return to "current" directory
+      b_ntuple_directory=' '
+      b_ntuple_exists=.false.
+      b_ntuple_IOchannel= 0
+      if(abort) call G_add_path(here,err)
+      return 
+      end
diff --git a/ENGINE/b_ntuple_init.f b/ENGINE/b_ntuple_init.f
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8fbd6eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/b_ntuple_init.f
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+      subroutine b_ntuple_init(ABORT,err)
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*13 here
+      parameter(here='b_ntuple_init')
+c      integer itype
+      include 'b_ntuple.cmn'
+      include 'gen_routines.dec'
+      include 'bigcal_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'gen_run_info.cmn'
+      include 'b_ntuple.dte'
+      character*80 default_name 
+      parameter(default_name='BIGCAL_ntuple')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      character*80 file
+      character*80 name
+      character*1000 pat,msg
+      integer ilo,fn_len,m,i,j,k
+      character*1 ifile
+      character*5 Ecelltag
+      character*2 ixtag,iytag
+c$$$      data b_ntuple_exists/.false./
+c$$$      data b_ntuple_ID/0/
+c$$$      data b_ntuple_file/' '/
+c$$$      data b_ntuple_name/' '/
+c$$$      data b_ntuple_title/' '/
+c$$$      data b_ntuple_directory/' '/
+c$$$      data b_ntuple_IOchannel/0/
+c$$$      data b_ntuple_size/0/
+c$$$      data b_ntuple_tag/bmax_ntuple_size*' '/
+c$$$      data b_ntuple_contents/bmax_ntuple_size*0/
+      err=' '
+      abort=.false.
+      if(b_ntuple_exists) then 
+         !write(*,*) 'calling b_ntuple_shutdown'
+         call b_ntuple_shutdown(ABORT,err)
+         if(abort) then 
+            call G_add_path(here,err)
+            return
+         endif
+      endif
+      call no_nulls(b_ntuple_file) ! replace null characters with blanks
+      if(b_ntuple_file.eq.' ') return
+      b_ntuple_id = default_b_ntuple_ID
+      b_ntuple_name = default_name
+      if(b_ntuple_title.eq.' ') then
+         msg = b_ntuple_name//' '//b_ntuple_file
+         !write(*,*) 'bigcal ntuple title = ',msg
+         call only_one_blank(msg)
+         b_ntuple_title= msg
+      endif
+      file = b_ntuple_file
+      call g_sub_run_number(file,gen_run_number)
+c      write(*,*) 'b_ntuple_max_segmentevents=',b_ntuple_max_segmentevents
+      if( then
+         b_ntuple_filesegments = 1
+         ifile = char(ichar('0')+b_ntuple_filesegments)
+         fn_len = g_important_length(file)
+         ilo=index(file,'.hbook')
+         if((ilo.le.1).or.(
+            ilo=index(file,'.rzdat')
+         endif
+         if(( then
+            file = file(1:ilo-1)//'.'//ifile//file(ilo:fn_len)
+         else
+            abort=.true.
+            return
+         endif
+         write(*,*) ' using segmented bigcal rzdat files
+     $        first filename: ',file
+      else
+         write(*,*) ' Not using segmented bigcal rzdat files 
+     $        first filename: ',file
+      endif
+c     choose ntuple type based on input argument
+      if(bigcal_ntuple_type.eq.2) then ! cosmics ntuple
+         b_ntuple_id = 9501
+      endif
+      !write(*,*) 'calling b_ntuple_open'
+c      b_ntuple_exists=.TRUE.
+         call b_ntuple_open(file,ABORT,err)
+      !write(*,*) 'b_ntuple_open successful, itype=',bigcal_ntuple_type
+      if(abort) then
+         err= ':unable to create BigCal ntuple'
+         call G_add_path(here,err)
+      else
+         pat= ':created BigCal ntuple'
+         call G_add_path(here,pat)
+         call G_log_message('INFO: '//pat)
+      endif  
+      return 
+      end
diff --git a/ENGINE/b_ntuple_keep.f b/ENGINE/b_ntuple_keep.f
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..20ab32d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/b_ntuple_keep.f
@@ -0,0 +1,579 @@
+      subroutine b_ntuple_keep(ABORT,err,hflag)
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*13 here
+      parameter(here='b_ntuple_keep')
+      logical abort
+      character*(*) err
+      include 'b_ntuple.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_tof_parms.cmn'
+      include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_gain_parms.cmn'
+      include 'gen_event_info.cmn'
+      include 'gen_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'gep_data_structures.cmn'
+c      include 'gen_scalers.cmn'
+      real PI
+      parameter(PI=3.14159265359)
+      logical HEXIST ! CERNLIB function
+c      logical middlebest
+      integer m,np,nr,nm,irow,icol,ihit,jhit,itdc,itrig,ngood
+c      real ep,er,em
+c      integer iybest,ixbest,xclst,yclst,Eclst,xmom,ymom,t8avg,t64avg
+      integer L8sum,L64sum,iydiff,ixdiff,icell,jcell,iarray
+c      real ecell(BIGCAL_CLSTR_NCELL_MAX)
+c      integer itype
+      integer jclust,iclust,imax,idiff
+      integer nhit_tdc(224)
+      integer nhit_ttdc(42)
+      integer nhit_tadc(38)
+      logical hflag
+      real Mp
+      parameter(Mp=.938272)
+      do ihit=1,224
+        nhit_tdc(ihit) = 0
+        if(ihit.le.42) nhit_ttdc(ihit) = 0
+        if(ihit.le.38) nhit_tadc(ihit) = 0
+      enddo
+      err=' '
+      ABORT=.false.
+      if (hflag) then
+      if(.not.b_ntuple_exists) return
+      if( then
+         if( then
+            call b_ntuple_change(ABORT,err)
+            b_ntuple_segmentevents=0
+         else 
+            b_ntuple_segmentevents = b_ntuple_segmentevents + 1
+         endif
+      endif
+      endif
+      if ( .not. hflag) bigcal_ntuple_type = 1
+      if(bigcal_ntuple_type.eq.1) then
+         bgid = gen_event_ID_number
+         bgtype = gen_event_type
+         btrigtype = 0
+         do itrig=3,7
+            btrigtype = btrigtype + itrig*gen_event_trigtype(itrig)
+         enddo
+c$$$         write(*,*) 'filling BigCal ntuple'
+c$$$         write(*,*) 'event,type,trigtype=',bgid,bgtype,btrigtype
+         nclust = bigcal_all_nclust_good
+         nclust8 = nclust
+         nclust64 = nclust
+         ntrack = nclust
+         ibest = bigcal_itrack_best
+         if( then
+            btrigtime = bigcal_end_time - gep_btime(1)
+         else
+            btrigtime = 0.
+         endif
+c$$$         write(*,*) 'nclust,ncl8,ncl64,ntrk,best=',nclust,nclust8,
+c$$$     $        nclust64,ntrack,ibest
+         ngood = 0
+         do iclust = 1,bigcal_all_nclstr
+            if(bigcal_clstr_keep(iclust)) then
+               ngood = ngood + 1
+               if(iclust.eq.ibest) ibest = ngood
+               ncellclust(ngood) = bigcal_all_clstr_ncell(iclust)
+               ncellbad(ngood) = bigcal_all_clstr_nbadlist(iclust)
+               ncellx(ngood) = bigcal_all_clstr_ncellx(iclust)
+               ncelly(ngood) = bigcal_all_clstr_ncelly(iclust)
+               ncell8clust(ngood) = bigcal_all_clstr_ncell8(iclust)
+               ncell64clust(ngood) = bigcal_all_clstr_ncell64(iclust)
+c$$$            write(*,*) 'iclust,ncell,nbad,nx,ny,n8,n64=',iclust,ncellclust(iclust),
+c$$$     $           ncellbad(iclust),ncellx(iclust),ncelly(iclust),ncell8clust(iclust),
+c$$$     $           ncell64clust(iclust)
+               do icell=1,ncellclust(ngood)
+                  iycell(icell,ngood) = bigcal_all_clstr_iycell(iclust,icell)
+                  ixcell(icell,ngood) = bigcal_all_clstr_ixcell(iclust,icell)
+                  xcell(icell,ngood) = bigcal_all_clstr_xcell(iclust,icell)
+                  ycell(icell,ngood) = bigcal_all_clstr_ycell(iclust,icell)
+                  eblock(icell,ngood) = bigcal_all_clstr_ecell(iclust,icell)
+                  ablock(icell,ngood) = bigcal_all_clstr_acell(iclust,icell)
+                  cellbad(icell,ngood) = bigcal_clstr_bad_chan(iclust,icell)
+c$$$  write(*,*) 'cell,row,col,x,y,e,bad?=',icell,iycell(icell,iclust),
+c$$$  $              ixcell(icell,iclust),xcell(icell,iclust),ycell(icell,iclust),
+c$$$  $              eblock(icell,iclust),cellbad(icell,iclust)
+               enddo
+c     zero all cells above ncellclust
+               do icell=ncellclust(ngood)+1,bigcal_clstr_ncell_max
+                  iycell(icell,ngood) = 0
+                  ixcell(icell,ngood) = 0
+                  xcell(icell,ngood) = 0.
+                  ycell(icell,ngood) = 0.
+                  eblock(icell,ngood) = 0.
+                  ablock(icell,ngood) = 0.
+                  cellbad(icell,ngood) = .false.
+               enddo
+               do icell=1,ncell8clust(ngood)
+                  irow8hit(icell,ngood) = bigcal_all_clstr_irow8(iclust,icell)
+                  icol8hit(icell,ngood) = bigcal_all_clstr_icol8(iclust,icell)
+                  nhit8clust(icell,ngood) = bigcal_all_clstr_nhit8(iclust,icell)
+                  s8(icell,ngood) = bigcal_all_clstr_s8(iclust,icell)
+c$$$  write(*,*) 'cell8,row8,col8,nh=',icell,irow8hit(icell,iclust),
+c$$$  $              icol8hit(icell,iclust),nhit8clust(icell,iclust)
+                  do ihit=1,nhit8clust(icell,ngood)
+c$$$  write(*,*) 'hit,time=',ihit,tcell8(icell,ihit,iclust)
+                     tcell8(icell,ihit,ngood) = bigcal_all_clstr_tcell8(iclust,icell,ihit)
+                  enddo
+c     zero all hits above nhit8clust(icell,iclust)
+                  do ihit=nhit8clust(icell,ngood)+1,8
+                     tcell8(icell,ihit,ngood) = 0.
+                  enddo
+               enddo
+c     zero all cells and all hits of all cells above ncell8clust
+               do icell=ncell8clust(ngood)+1,10
+                  irow8hit(icell,ngood) = 0
+                  icol8hit(icell,ngood) = 0
+                  nhit8clust(icell,ngood) = 0
+                  s8(icell,ngood) = 0.
+                  do ihit=1,8
+                     tcell8(icell,ihit,ngood) = 0.
+                  enddo
+               enddo
+               do icell=1,ncell64clust(ngood)
+                  irow64hit(icell,ngood) = bigcal_all_clstr_irow64(iclust,icell)
+                  icol64hit(icell,ngood) = bigcal_all_clstr_icol64(iclust,icell)
+                  nhit64clust(icell,ngood) = bigcal_all_clstr_nhit64(iclust,icell)
+                  a64(icell,ngood) = bigcal_all_clstr_a64(iclust,icell)
+                  s64(icell,ngood) = bigcal_all_clstr_sum64(iclust,icell)
+c$$$  write(*,*) 'cell64,row64,col64,nh,a64,s64=',icell,irow64hit(icell,iclust),
+c$$$  $              icol64hit(icell,iclust),nhit64clust(icell,iclust),a64(icell,iclust),
+c$$$  $              s64(icell,iclust)
+                  do ihit=1,nhit64clust(icell,ngood)
+                                !write(*,*) 'hit,time=',ihit,tcell64(icell,ihit,iclust)
+                     tcell64(icell,ihit,ngood) = bigcal_all_clstr_tcell64(iclust,icell,ihit)
+                  enddo
+c     zero all hits above nhit64clust(icell,iclust)
+                  do ihit=nhit64clust(icell,ngood)+1,8
+                     tcell64(icell,ihit,ngood) = 0.
+                  enddo
+               enddo
+c     zero all cells and all hits of all cells above ncell64clust
+               do icell=ncell64clust(ngood)+1,6
+                  irow64hit(icell,ngood) = 0
+                  icol64hit(icell,ngood) = 0
+                  nhit64clust(icell,ngood) = 0
+                  do ihit=1,8
+                     tcell64(icell,ihit,ngood) = 0.
+                  enddo
+               enddo
+               xmoment(ngood) = bigcal_all_clstr_xmom(iclust)
+               ymoment(ngood) = bigcal_all_clstr_ymom(iclust)
+               tclust8(ngood) = bigcal_all_clstr_t8mean(iclust)
+               tclust64(ngood) = bigcal_all_clstr_t64mean(iclust)
+               tcut8(ngood) = bigcal_all_clstr_t8cut(iclust)
+c               tofcor8(ngood) = bigcal_all_clstr_t8cut_cor(iclust)
+               tcut64(ngood) = bigcal_all_clstr_t64cut(iclust)
+c               tofcor64(ngood) = bigcal_all_clstr_t64cut_cor(iclust)
+               trms8(ngood) = bigcal_all_clstr_t8rms(iclust)
+               trms64(ngood) = bigcal_all_clstr_t64rms(iclust)
+c            write(*,*) 'tcut8 = ',tcut8(iclust)
+c            write(*,*) 'tcut64=',tcut64(iclust)
+c$$$            write(*,*) 'xmom,ymom,t8,t64,trms8,trms64=',xmoment(iclust),
+c$$$     $           ymoment(iclust),tclust8(iclust),tclust64(iclust),trms8(iclust),
+c$$$     $           trms64(iclust)
+               xclust(ngood) = bigcal_all_clstr_x(iclust)
+               yclust(ngood) = bigcal_all_clstr_y(iclust)
+               eclust(ngood) = bigcal_all_clstr_etot(iclust)
+               aclust(ngood) = bigcal_all_clstr_atot(iclust)
+c               keepclst(ngood) = bigcal_clstr_keep(iclust)
+cwrite(*,*) 'xclust,yclust,eclust=',xclust(iclust),yclust(iclust),
+c     $           eclust(iclust)
+               thetarad(ngood) = bigcal_track_thetarad(iclust)
+               phirad(ngood) = bigcal_track_phirad(iclust)
+               energy(ngood) = bigcal_track_energy(iclust)
+               xface(ngood) = bigcal_track_xface(iclust)
+               yface(ngood) = bigcal_track_yface(iclust)
+               zface(ngood) = bigcal_track_zface(iclust)
+               px(ngood) = bigcal_track_px(iclust)
+               py(ngood) = bigcal_track_py(iclust)
+               pz(ngood) = bigcal_track_pz(iclust)
+               ctime_clust(ngood) = bigcal_track_coin_time(iclust) - 
+     $              (bigcal_end_time - bigcal_window_center)
+               if(bgtype.eq.6.and.ibest>0) then
+c     write(*,*) 'chi2=',bigcal_all_clstr_chi2(iclust)
+                  chi2clust(ngood) = bigcal_all_clstr_chi2(iclust)
+                  do idiff=1,6
+c                  write(*,*) 'chi2_',idiff,'=',bigcal_all_clstr_chi2contr(iclust,idiff)
+                     chi2contr(idiff,ngood) = bigcal_all_clstr_chi2contr(iclust,idiff)
+                  enddo
+               else
+                  chi2clust(ngood) = -9999.
+                  do idiff=1,6
+                     chi2contr(idiff,ngood) = -9999.
+                  enddo
+               endif
+c$$$  write(*,*) 'theta,phi,E,xf,yf,zf,px,py,pz,t=',thetarad(iclust),phirad(iclust),
+c$$$  $           energy(iclust),xface(iclust),yface(iclust),zface(iclust),px(iclust),py(iclust),
+c$$$  $           pz(iclust),ctime_clust(iclust)
+            endif
+         enddo
+         if( then
+            nclust = ngood
+            ntrack = ngood 
+            nclust8 = ngood
+            nclust64 = ngood
+         endif
+         nmax = bigcal_nmaxima
+c     write(*,*) 'nmax=',nmax
+         do imax=1,nmax
+            edge_max(imax) = bigcal_edge_max(imax)
+            not_enough(imax) = bigcal_not_enough(imax)
+            too_long_x(imax) = bigcal_too_long_x(imax)
+            too_long_y(imax) = bigcal_too_long_y(imax)
+            below_thresh(imax) = bigcal_below_cut(imax)
+            above_max(imax) = bigcal_above_max(imax)
+            second_max(imax) = bigcal_second_max(imax)
+c     write(*,*) 'max,edge,small,bigx,bigy,cutlo,cuthi,twomax=',
+c     $           edge_max(imax),not_enough(imax),too_long_x(imax),too_long_y(imax),
+c     $           below_thresh(imax),above_max(imax),second_max(imax)
+         enddo
+         ngooda = bigcal_all_ngood
+         ngoodt = bigcal_time_ngood
+         ngoodta = bigcal_atrig_ngood
+         ngoodtt = bigcal_ttrig_ngood
+c$$$  write(*,*) '(rowmax,colmax,adcmax)=',bigcal_iymax_adc,
+c$$$  $          bigcal_ixmax_adc,bigcal_max_adc
+         irowmax = bigcal_iymax_adc
+         icolmax = bigcal_ixmax_adc
+         max_adc = bigcal_max_adc
+c$$$  write(*,*) 'na,nt,nta,ntt,rowmax,colmax,maxadc=',ngooda,ngoodt,ngoodta,
+c$$$  $        ngoodtt,irowmax,icolmax,max_adc
+         if(bgtype.eq.6.and.ibest>0) then ! this always assumes elastic kinematics--won't always make sense!
+c     E_HMS = gebeam - gep_Q2_H/(2.*Mp)
+c            T_HMS = gep_ctime_hms
+            TH_HMS = gep_etheta_expect_h
+            PH_HMS = gep_ephi_expect_h - PI/2. 
+c     write(*,*) 'thetaH,phiH,dpel=',th_hms,ph_hms
+            E_HMS = gep_E_electron
+            X_HMS = gep_bx_expect_H
+            Y_HMS = gep_by_expect_H
+            dPel_HMS = (gep_p_proton - gep_pel_htheta) / hpcentral ! useful to isolate elastics
+c     write(*,*) 'e_hms,x_hms,y_hms,dpel=',e_hms,x_hms,y_hms,dpel_hms
+         else
+c            T_HMS = -9999.
+            TH_HMS = -9999.
+            PH_HMS = -9999.
+            E_HMS = -9999.
+            X_HMS = -9999.
+            Y_HMS = -9999.
+            dpel_hms = -9999.
+         endif
+      else if(bigcal_ntuple_type.eq.2) then
+         nahit = 0
+         if( then
+            do ihit=1,bigcal_prot_ngood
+               icol = bigcal_prot_ixgood(ihit)
+               irow = bigcal_prot_iygood(ihit)
+               icell = icol + 32*(irow-1)
+               if(
+     $              bigcal_prot_adc_good(ihit).ge.bigcal_prot_adc_threshold(icell)
+     $              .and. bigcal_prot_adc_good(ihit).le.8192.) then
+                  nahit = nahit + 1
+                  xa(nahit) = bigcal_prot_ixgood(ihit)
+                  ya(nahit) = bigcal_prot_iygood(ihit)
+                  aa(nahit) = bigcal_prot_adc_good(ihit)
+               endif
+            enddo
+         endif
+         if( then
+            do ihit=1,bigcal_rcs_ngood
+               icol = bigcal_rcs_ixgood(ihit)
+               irow = bigcal_rcs_iygood(ihit)
+               icell = icol + 30*(irow - 1)
+               if(
+     $              bigcal_rcs_adc_good(ihit).ge.bigcal_rcs_adc_threshold(icell)
+     $              .and. bigcal_rcs_adc_good(ihit).le.8192.) then
+                  nahit = nahit + 1
+                  xa(nahit) = bigcal_rcs_ixgood(ihit) + icol/16
+                  ya(nahit) = bigcal_rcs_iygood(ihit) + 32
+                  aa(nahit) = bigcal_rcs_adc_good(ihit)
+               endif
+            enddo
+         endif
+         nthit=0
+         if( then
+            do ihit=1,bigcal_tdc_nhit
+               if(bigcal_tdc(ihit).gt.10)then
+                  nthit = nthit + 1
+                  xt(nthit) = bigcal_tdc_igroup(ihit)
+                  yt(nthit) = bigcal_tdc_irow(ihit)
+                  itdc = xt(nthit) + 4*(yt(nthit)-1)
+                  nhit_tdc(itdc) = nhit_tdc(itdc) + 1
+                  hn(nthit) = nhit_tdc(itdc)
+                  tt(nthit) = bigcal_tdc_raw(ihit)
+c$$$  write(*,*) 'nthit,xt,yt,hn,tt = ',nthit,xt(nthit),
+c$$$  $             yt(nthit),hn(nthit),tt(nthit)
+               endif
+            enddo
+         endif
+         ntahit=0
+         ntthit=0
+         if( then
+            do ihit=1,bigcal_atrig_ngood
+               icol = bigcal_atrig_good_ihalf(ihit)
+               irow = bigcal_atrig_good_igroup(ihit)
+               icell = icol + 2*(irow-1)
+               if(
+     $              bigcal_atrig_adc_good(ihit).ge.bigcal_trig_adc_threshold(icell)
+     $              .and.bigcal_atrig_adc_good(ihit).le.8192.)then
+                  ntahit =  ntahit + 1
+                  xta(ntahit) = icol
+                  yta(ntahit) = irow
+                  taa(ntahit) = bigcal_atrig_adc_good(ihit)
+               endif
+            enddo
+         endif
+         if( then
+            do ihit=1,bigcal_ttrig_nhit
+               icol = bigcal_ttrig_ihalf(ihit)
+               irow = bigcal_ttrig_igroup(ihit)
+               icell = icol + 2*(irow-1)
+               if(bigcal_ttrig_tdc_raw(ihit).gt.10) then
+                  ntthit = ntthit + 1
+                  nhit_ttdc(icell) = nhit_ttdc(icell) + 1
+                  xtt(ntthit) = icol
+                  ytt(ntthit) = irow
+                  hnt(ntthit) = nhit_ttdc(icell)
+                  ttt(ntthit) = bigcal_ttrig_tdc_raw(ihit)
+               endif
+            enddo
+         endif
+      else if(bigcal_ntuple_type.eq.3) then
+         m=0
+         m=m+1
+         b_ntuple_contents(m) = float(gen_event_id_number)
+         m=m+1
+         b_ntuple_contents(m) = float(gen_event_type)
+         m=m+1
+         if( then
+            b_ntuple_contents(m) = bigcal_end_time - gep_btime(1)
+         else
+            b_ntuple_contents(m) = bigcal_end_time - bigcal_window_center
+         endif
+         m=m+1
+         b_ntuple_contents(m) = float(bigcal_all_ngood)
+         m=m+1
+         b_ntuple_contents(m) = float(bigcal_time_ngood)
+         m=m+1
+         b_ntuple_contents(m) = float(bigcal_atrig_ngood)
+         m=m+1
+         b_ntuple_contents(m) = float(bigcal_ttrig_ngood)
+         m=m+1
+         b_ntuple_contents(m) = float(bigcal_iymax_adc)
+         m=m+1
+         b_ntuple_contents(m) = float(bigcal_ixmax_adc)
+         m=m+1
+         b_ntuple_contents(m) = bigcal_max_adc
+         m=m+1
+         b_ntuple_contents(m) = float(bigcal_all_nclstr)
+         m=m+1
+         b_ntuple_contents(m) = float(bigcal_nmaxima)
+         m=m+1
+         if( then
+            ibest = bigcal_itrack_best
+         else 
+            ibest = 1
+         endif
+         b_ntuple_contents(m) = float(bigcal_all_clstr_ncell(ibest))
+         m=m+1
+         b_ntuple_contents(m) = float(bigcal_all_clstr_ncellx(ibest))
+         m=m+1
+         b_ntuple_contents(m) = float(bigcal_all_clstr_ncelly(ibest))
+         m=m+1
+         b_ntuple_contents(m) = float(bigcal_all_clstr_ncell8(ibest))
+         m=m+1
+         b_ntuple_contents(m) = float(bigcal_all_clstr_ncell64(ibest))
+         m=m+1
+         b_ntuple_contents(m) = float(bigcal_all_clstr_iycell(ibest,1))
+         m=m+1
+         b_ntuple_contents(m) = float(bigcal_all_clstr_ixcell(ibest,1))
+         m=m+1
+         b_ntuple_contents(m) = bigcal_all_clstr_xcell(ibest,1)
+         m=m+1
+         b_ntuple_contents(m) = bigcal_all_clstr_ycell(ibest,1)
+         m=m+1
+         b_ntuple_contents(m) = bigcal_all_clstr_xmom(ibest)
+         m=m+1
+         b_ntuple_contents(m) = bigcal_all_clstr_ymom(ibest)
+         m=m+1
+         b_ntuple_contents(m) = bigcal_all_clstr_x(ibest)
+         m=m+1
+         b_ntuple_contents(m) = bigcal_all_clstr_y(ibest)
+         m=m+1
+         b_ntuple_contents(m) = bigcal_all_clstr_atot(ibest)
+         m=m+1
+         b_ntuple_contents(m) = bigcal_all_clstr_etot(ibest)
+         m=m+1
+         b_ntuple_contents(m) = bigcal_all_clstr_t8cut(ibest)
+         m=m+1
+         b_ntuple_contents(m) = bigcal_all_clstr_t8rms(ibest)
+         m=m+1
+         b_ntuple_contents(m) = bigcal_all_clstr_t64cut(ibest)
+         m=m+1
+         b_ntuple_contents(m) = bigcal_all_clstr_t64rms(ibest)
+         m=m+1
+         b_ntuple_contents(m) = bigcal_track_thetarad(ibest)
+         m=m+1
+         b_ntuple_contents(m) = bigcal_track_phirad(ibest)
+         m=m+1
+         b_ntuple_contents(m) = bigcal_track_energy(ibest)
+         m=m+1
+         b_ntuple_contents(m) = bigcal_track_coin_time(ibest) - 
+     $        (bigcal_end_time - bigcal_window_center)
+         m=m+1
+         b_ntuple_contents(m) = bigcal_track_tof_cor(ibest)
+         m=m+1
+         b_ntuple_contents(m) = float(hsnum_fptrack)
+         m=m+1
+         if( then
+            b_ntuple_contents(m) = bigcal_all_clstr_chi2(ibest)
+            m=m+1
+            b_ntuple_contents(m) = bigcal_all_clstr_chi2contr(ibest,4)
+            m=m+1
+            b_ntuple_contents(m) = bigcal_all_clstr_chi2contr(ibest,5)
+            m=m+1
+            b_ntuple_contents(m) = bigcal_all_clstr_chi2contr(ibest,2)
+            m=m+1
+            b_ntuple_contents(m) = bigcal_all_clstr_chi2contr(ibest,3)
+            m=m+1
+            b_ntuple_contents(m) = bigcal_all_clstr_chi2contr(ibest,1)
+            m=m+1
+            b_ntuple_contents(m) = bigcal_all_clstr_chi2contr(ibest,6)
+            m=m+1
+            b_ntuple_contents(m) = gep_E_electron
+            m=m+1
+            b_ntuple_contents(m) = gep_etheta_expect_h
+            m=m+1
+            b_ntuple_contents(m) = gep_ephi_expect_h - PI/2.
+            m=m+1
+            b_ntuple_contents(m) = gep_bx_expect_h
+            m=m+1
+            b_ntuple_contents(m) = gep_by_expect_h
+            m=m+1
+            b_ntuple_contents(m) = gep_ctime_hms
+            m=m+1
+            b_ntuple_contents(m) = (gep_p_proton - gep_pel_htheta) / hpcentral
+            m=m+1
+            b_ntuple_contents(m) = (gep_p_proton - gep_pel_btheta) / hpcentral
+            m=m+1
+            b_ntuple_contents(m) = gbeam_x
+            m=m+1
+            b_ntuple_contents(m) = gbeam_y
+            m=m+1
+            b_ntuple_contents(m) = hszbeam
+            m=m+1
+            b_ntuple_contents(m) = hsxp_tar
+            m=m+1 
+            b_ntuple_contents(m) = hsyp_tar
+         else
+            b_ntuple_contents(m) = -1.
+            m=m+1
+            b_ntuple_contents(m) = -1.
+            m=m+1
+            b_ntuple_contents(m) = -1.
+            m=m+1
+            b_ntuple_contents(m) = -1.
+            m=m+1
+            b_ntuple_contents(m) = -1.
+            m=m+1
+            b_ntuple_contents(m) = -1.
+            m=m+1
+            b_ntuple_contents(m) = -1.
+            m=m+1
+            b_ntuple_contents(m) = -999.
+            m=m+1
+            b_ntuple_contents(m) = -999.
+            m=m+1
+            b_ntuple_contents(m) = -999.
+            m=m+1
+            b_ntuple_contents(m) = -999.
+            m=m+1
+            b_ntuple_contents(m) = -999.
+            m=m+1
+            b_ntuple_contents(m) = -999.
+            m=m+1
+            b_ntuple_contents(m) = -999.
+            m=m+1
+            b_ntuple_contents(m) = -999.
+            m=m+1
+            b_ntuple_contents(m) = gbeam_x
+            m=m+1
+            b_ntuple_contents(m) = gbeam_y
+            m=m+1
+            b_ntuple_contents(m) = 0.
+            m=m+1 
+            b_ntuple_contents(m) = -999.
+            m=m+1
+            b_ntuple_contents(m) = -999.
+         endif
+      endif
+      if ( hflag) then
+      abort=.not.HEXIST(b_ntuple_ID)
+      if(abort) then
+         call G_build_note(':Ntuple ID#$ does not exist',
+     $        '$',b_ntuple_ID,' ',0.,' ',err)
+         call G_add_path(here,err)
+      else if( then
+         call HFNT(b_ntuple_ID)
+      else if(bigcal_ntuple_type.eq.3) then
+         call HFN(b_ntuple_ID,b_ntuple_contents)
+      endif
+      endif
+      return 
+      end
diff --git a/ENGINE/b_ntuple_open.f b/ENGINE/b_ntuple_open.f
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..34e73d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/b_ntuple_open.f
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+      subroutine b_ntuple_open(file,ABORT,err)
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*13 here
+      parameter(here='b_ntuple_open')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      integer iquest
+      Common /QUEST/ Iquest(100)
+      include 'b_ntuple.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_bypass_switches.cmn'
+      include 'gen_run_info.cmn'
+c      integer itype
+      integer default_bank,default_recl
+      parameter(default_bank=8000)     !4 bytes/word
+      parameter(default_recl=1024)     !record length
+      character*80 title,file
+      character*80 directory,name
+      character*1000 pat,msg,chform
+      integer status,size,io,id,bank,recL,iv(10),m
+      real rv(10)
+      logical HEXIST        !CERNLIB function
+      err=' '
+      ABORT=.false.
+      if(b_ntuple_exists) then
+         call b_ntuple_shutdown(ABORT,err)
+         if(abort) then
+            call G_add_path(here,err)
+            return
+         endif
+      endif
+c     get any free IO channel
+      call g_IO_control(io,'ANY',ABORT,err)
+      b_ntuple_exists = .not.ABORT
+      if(ABORT) then
+         call G_add_path(here,err)
+         return
+      endif
+      b_ntuple_iochannel = io
+      id = b_ntuple_id
+      name = b_ntuple_name
+      title = b_ntuple_title
+      ABORT = HEXIST(id)
+      if(ABORT) then
+         call g_IO_control(b_ntuple_iochannel,'FREE',ABORT,err)
+         call g_build_note(':HBOOK id#$ already in use',
+     $        '$',id,' ',rv,' ',err)
+         call G_add_path(here,err)
+         return
+      endif
+      call HCDIR(directory,'R') !CERNLIB read current directory
+c$$$      if(bigcal_ntuple_type.eq.1) then
+c$$$        recL = default_recl
+c$$$        call HROPEN(io,name,file,'N',recL,status)
+c$$$      else
+c$$$        recL = 8191
+c$$$        iquest(10) = 65000
+c$$$        call HROPEN(io,name,file,'NQ',recL,status)
+c$$$      endif
+      recL = 8191
+      iquest(10) = 65000
+      call HROPEN(io,name,file,'NQ',recL,status)
+      ABORT=
+      if(ABORT) then
+         call g_IO_control(b_ntuple_iochannel,'FREE',ABORT,err)
+         iv(1) = status
+         iv(2) = io
+         pat= ':HROPEN error#$ opening IO#$ "'//file//'"'
+         call G_build_note(pat,'$',iv,' ',rv,' ',err)
+         call G_add_path(here,err)
+         return
+      endif
+      size = b_ntuple_size
+      bank = default_bank
+      title = b_ntuple_title
+      if(bigcal_ntuple_type.eq.1) then ! col-wise ntuple for cluster analysis
+         call hbset('BSIZE',8176,status)
+         call HBNT(id,title,' ')
+      if(
+        call HBNAME(id,'bevinfo',bgid,'bgid:I*4,bgtype:I*4,'//
+     $        'btrigtype:I*4,btrigtime')
+        call HBNAME(id,'bhits',ngooda,'ngooda:I*4,ngoodt:I*4,'//
+     $       'ngoodta:I*4,ngoodtt:I*4,irowmax:I*4,icolmax:I*4,'//
+     $       'max_adc:R*4')
+        if(bbypass_find_clusters.eq.0) then
+           call HBNAME(id,'clustblock',nclust,
+     $          'nclust[0,50]:I*4,ncellclust(nclust)[0,50]:I*4,'//
+     $          'ncellbad(nclust)[0,50]:I*4,'//
+     $          'ncellx(nclust),ncelly(nclust),iycell(50,nclust),'//
+     $          'ixcell(50,nclust),cellbad(50,nclust):L,'//
+     $          'xcell(50,nclust),ycell(50,nclust),'//
+     $          'eblock(50,nclust),ablock(50,nclust),'//
+     $          'xmoment(nclust),ymoment(nclust),'//
+     $          'eclust(nclust),aclust(nclust),'//
+     $          'xclust(nclust),yclust(nclust)')
+           if(bbypass_calc_cluster_time.eq.0) then
+              if(bbypass_sum8.eq.0) then
+                 call HBNAME(id,'clusttdc',nclust8,
+     $                'nclust8[0,50]:I*4,'//
+     $                'ncell8clust(nclust8)[0,10]:I*4,'//
+     $                'irow8hit(10,nclust8)[0,56]:I*4,'//
+     $                'icol8hit(10,nclust8)[0,4]:I*4,'//
+     $                'nhit8clust(10,nclust8)[0,8]:I*4,'//
+     $                's8(10,nclust8),'//
+     $                'tcell8(10,8,nclust8),tclust8(nclust8),'//
+     $                'tcut8(nclust8),tcut8cor(nclust8),'//
+     $                'trms8(nclust8)')
+              endif
+              if(bbypass_sum64.eq.0) then
+                 call HBNAME(id,'clusttrig',nclust64,
+     $                'nclust64[0,50]:I*4,'//
+     $                'ncell64clust(nclust64)[0,6]:I*4,'//
+     $                'irow64hit(6,nclust64)[0,19]:I*4,'//
+     $                'icol64hit(6,nclust64)[0,2]:I*4,'//
+     $                'nhit64clust(6,nclust64)[0,8]:I*4,'//
+     $                'tcell64(6,8,nclust64),a64(6,nclust64),'//
+     $                's64(6,nclust64),tclust64(nclust64),'//
+     $                'tcut64(nclust64),tcut64cor(nclust64),'//
+     $                'trms64(nclust64)')
+              endif
+           endif
+           if(bbypass_calc_physics.eq.0) then
+              call HBNAME(id,'clustphys',ntrack,'ntrack[0,50]:I*4,'//
+     $             'ibest[0,50]:I*4,thetarad(ntrack),'//
+     $             'phirad(ntrack),energy(ntrack),'//
+     $             'xface(ntrack),yface(ntrack),'//
+     $             'zface(ntrack),px(ntrack),py(ntrack),pz(ntrack),'//
+     $             'ctime_clust(ntrack),chi2clust(ntrack),'//
+     $             'chi2contr(6,ntrack)')
+           endif
+           call HBNAME(id,'bad_clust',nmax,'nmax[0,50]:I*4,'//
+     $          'edge_max(nmax):L,not_enough(nmax):L,'//
+     $          'too_long_x(nmax):L,too_long_y(nmax):L,'//
+     $          'below_thresh(nmax):L,above_max(nmax):L,'//
+     $          'second_max(nmax):L')
+        endif
+        if( then
+           call HBNAME(id,'MC_Clust',evid_g,'evid_g:I*4,'//
+     $          'ntrk_g[0,50]:I*4,'//
+     $          'pid_g(ntrk_g)[0,50]:I*4,xvertex_g,yvertex_g,'//
+     $          'zvertex_g,pxgeant(ntrk_g),pygeant(ntrk_g),'//
+     $          'pzgeant(ntrk_g),xgeant(ntrk_g),ygeant(ntrk_g),'//
+     $          'egeant(ntrk_g),pgeant(ntrk_g),gthetarad(ntrk_g),'//
+     $          'gphirad(ntrk_g)')
+        endif
+c        write(*,*) 'before adding hmsblk, gen_run_enable=',gen_run_enable
+c        write(*,*) 'before adding hmsblk, gen_bigcal_mc=',gen_bigcal_mc
+        if(gen_run_enable(5).ne.0.and.(gen_bigcal_mc.eq.3.or.
+     $       gen_bigcal_mc.eq.0)) then
+c           write(*,*) 'adding block hmsblk to bigcal ntuple'
+           call HBNAME(id,'hmsblk',TH_HMS,'TH_HMS,PH_HMS,E_HMS,'//
+     $          'X_HMS,Y_HMS,dPel_HMS')
+        endif
+        endif
+      else if(bigcal_ntuple_type.eq.2) then ! col-wise ntuple for cosmics analysis
+        !write(*,*) 'booking cosmic hits ntuple:'
+        !write(*,*) 'calling hbnt title=',title,' ID=',id
+        call hbset('BSIZE',8176,status)
+        call hbnt(id,title,' ')
+        !write(*,*) 'hbnt successful, calling hbname(clear)'
+        call hbname(id,' ',0,'$clear')
+        !write(*,*) 'clear successful, creating chform'
+        chform='nahit[0,1856]:I*4,xa(nahit)[1,32]:I*4,'//
+     *       'ya(nahit)[1,56]:I*4,aa(nahit)[-100,8192]:I*4,'//
+     *       'nthit[0,3072]:I*4,xt(nthit)[1,4]:I*4,'//
+     *       'yt(nthit)[1,56]:I*4,hn(nthit)[1,8]:I*4,'//
+     *       'tt(nthit)[-100,8192]:I*4,'//
+     *       'ntahit[0,38]:I*4,xta(ntahit)[1,2]:I*4,'//
+     *       'yta(ntahit)[1,19]:I*4,taa(ntahit)[-100,8192]:I*4,'//
+     *       'ntthit[0,336]:I*4,xtt(ntthit)[1,2]:I*4,'//
+     *       'ytt(ntthit)[1,21]:I*4,hnt(ntthit)[1,8]:I*4,'//
+     *       'ttt(ntthit)[-100,8192]:I*4'
+        !write(*,*) 'chform successful, calling hbname(chform)'
+        call hbname(id,'hits',nahit,chform)
+        !write(*,*) 'booking of cosmic hits ntuple successful'
+      endif
+      call HCDIR(b_ntuple_directory,'R')     ! record ntuple directory
+      call HCDIR(directory,' ')          !reset CERNLIB directory
+      b_ntuple_exists = HEXIST(b_ntuple_id)
+      abort = .not.b_ntuple_exists
+      iv(1) = id
+      iv(2) = io
+      pat = 'Ntuple id#$ [' // b_ntuple_directory // '/]' //
+     $     name // ' IO#$ "' // file // '"'
+      call G_build_note(pat,'$',iv,' ',rv,' ',msg)
+      call sub_string(msg,'/]','/]')
+      if(abort) then
+         err = 'unable to create '//msg
+         call G_add_path(here,err)
+      else
+         pat=':created '//msg
+         call G_add_path(here,pat)
+         call G_log_message('INFO: '//pat)
+      endif
+      return 
+      end
diff --git a/ENGINE/b_ntuple_register.f b/ENGINE/b_ntuple_register.f
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2ae83c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/b_ntuple_register.f
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+      subroutine b_ntuple_register(ABORT,err)
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*17 here
+      parameter(here='b_ntuple_register')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      include 'b_ntuple.cmn'
+      include 'gen_routines.dec'
+      integer ierr
+      err=' '
+      abort=.false.
+      call G_reg_C('BigCal_Ntuple',b_ntuple_file,ABORT,err)
+      if(abort) then
+         call G_prepend(':unable to register-',err)
+         call G_add_path(here,err)
+      endif
+      return 
+      end
diff --git a/ENGINE/b_ntuple_shutdown.f b/ENGINE/b_ntuple_shutdown.f
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3d5b11c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/b_ntuple_shutdown.f
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+      subroutine b_ntuple_shutdown(ABORT,err)
+c     final shutdown of BigCal ntuple
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*17 here
+      parameter(here='b_ntuple_shutdown')
+      logical abort
+      character*(*) err
+      include 'b_ntuple.cmn'
+      include 'gen_routines.dec'
+      logical fail
+      character*80 why,directory,name
+      character*1000 msg
+      integer io,id,cycle,m
+      err=' '
+      abort=.false.
+      if(.not.b_ntuple_exists) return ! nothing to do
+      call b_ntuple_close(ABORT,err)
+      if(b_ntuple_exists) then
+         abort=.true.
+      endif
+      b_ntuple_ID=0
+      b_ntuple_name=' '
+      b_ntuple_file=' '
+      b_ntuple_title=' '
+      b_ntuple_size=0
+      do m=1,bmax_ntuple_size
+         b_ntuple_tag(m)=  ' '
+         b_ntuple_contents(m) = 0.
+      enddo
+      if(abort) call G_add_path(here,err)
+      return 
+      end
diff --git a/ENGINE/b_proper_shutdown.f b/ENGINE/b_proper_shutdown.f
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d56688d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/b_proper_shutdown.f
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+      subroutine b_proper_shutdown(lunout,ABORT,err)
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*17 here
+      parameter(here='b_proper_shutdown')
+      include 'gen_routines.dec'
+      include 'gen_filenames.cmn'
+      include 'gen_run_info.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_filenames.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_bypass_switches.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_hist_id.cmn'
+      logical abort, report_abort
+      character*(*) err
+      integer lunout
+      integer ierr
+      character*132 file
+      integer irow,icol,icell
+      real Eavg,eff
+      abort=.false.
+      err=' '
+      call b_report_bad_data(lunout,ABORT,err)
+      if(' '.and.
+     $' ') then
+         file = b_report_output_filename
+         call g_sub_run_number(file,gen_run_number)
+         ierr = threp(b_report_blockname,file)
+         if( then
+            call g_append(err,'& threp failed to create report in file'
+     $           //file)
+            report_abort=.true.
+         endif
+      endif
+      if( .or.
+     $ then
+         close(bluno)
+      endif
+      if(ABORT.or.report_abort) then
+         call G_add_path(here,err)
+      else
+         err=' '
+      endif
+      return 
+      end
diff --git a/ENGINE/b_register_variables.f b/ENGINE/b_register_variables.f
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1fad311
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/b_register_variables.f
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+      subroutine b_register_variables(ABORT,err)
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*20 here
+      parameter (here='b_register_variables')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      logical FAIL
+      character*1000 why
+      err= ' '
+      ABORT= .false.
+      call r_bigcal_data_structures
+      call r_bigcal_filenames
+      call r_b_ntuple
+      call b_register_param(FAIL,why) ! reconstruction variables
+      IF(err.NE.' ' .and. why.NE.' ') THEN   !keep warnings
+        call G_append(err,' & '//why)
+      ELSEIF(why.NE.' ') THEN
+        err= why
+      ENDIF
+      ABORT= ABORT .or. FAIL
+      IF(ABORT .or. err.NE.' ') call G_add_path(here,err)
+      call b_ntuple_register(FAIL,why)    ! remove this when ctp files fixed
+      if(' '' ') then
+         call G_append(err,' & '//why)
+      else if(' ') then
+         err=why
+      endif
+      abort =
+      if(' ') call G_add_path(here,err)
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/ENGINE/b_reset_event.f b/ENGINE/b_reset_event.f
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4542329
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/b_reset_event.f
@@ -0,0 +1,458 @@
+      subroutine b_reset_event(ABORT,err)
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*13 here
+      parameter(here='b_reset_event')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      include 'bigcal_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_gain_parms.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_geometry.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_shower_parms.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_tof_parms.cmn'
+      include 'b_ntuple.cmn'
+c      include 'gen_units.par'
+c      include 'gen_constants.par'
+      include 'gen_run_info.cmn'
+      integer i,j,k
+      integer irow,icol,icell,jrow,jcol,jcell
+      integer irow8,icol8,igroup8
+      integer igroup64,ihalf64,ilogic
+      bigcal_annoying_pulser_event = .false.
+      bigcal_tdc_nhit = 0
+      bigcal_tdc_ndecoded = 0
+      bigcal_time_ngood = 0
+      do i=1,bigcal_tdc_maxhits
+        bigcal_tdc_raw_irow(i) = 0
+        bigcal_tdc_raw_igroup(i) = 0
+        bigcal_tdc_raw(i) = 0
+        bigcal_tdc_irow(i) = 0
+        bigcal_tdc_igroup(i) = 0
+        bigcal_tdc(i) = 0
+        bigcal_time_irow(i) = 0
+        bigcal_time_igroup(i) = 0
+        bigcal_tdc_good(i) = 0
+        bigcal_hit_time(i) = 0.
+      enddo
+      bigcal_atrig_nhit = 0
+      bigcal_atrig_ngood = 0
+      bigcal_atrig_nbad = 0
+      do i=1,bigcal_atrig_maxhits
+        bigcal_atrig_igroup(i) = 0
+        bigcal_atrig_ihalf(i) = 0
+        bigcal_atrig_adc_raw(i) = 0
+        bigcal_atrig_good_igroup(i) = 0
+        bigcal_atrig_good_ihalf(i) = 0
+        bigcal_atrig_adc_dec(i) = 0.
+        bigcal_atrig_adc_good(i) = 0.
+        bigcal_atrig_esum(i) = 0.
+        bigcal_atrig_igroup_bad(i) = 0
+        bigcal_atrig_ihalf_bad(i) = 0
+        bigcal_atrig_adc_bad(i) = 0
+        bigcal_atrig_nhit_ch(i) = 0
+      enddo
+      bigcal_ttrig_nhit = 0
+      bigcal_ttrig_ndecoded = 0
+      bigcal_ttrig_ngood = 0
+      do i=1,bigcal_ttrig_maxhits
+        bigcal_ttrig_igroup(i) = 0
+        bigcal_ttrig_ihalf(i) = 0
+        bigcal_ttrig_tdc_raw(i) = 0
+        bigcal_ttrig_dec_igroup(i) = 0
+        bigcal_ttrig_dec_ihalf(i) = 0
+        bigcal_ttrig_tdc_dec(i) = 0
+        bigcal_ttrig_good_igroup(i) = 0
+        bigcal_ttrig_good_ihalf(i) = 0
+        bigcal_ttrig_tdc_good(i) = 0
+        bigcal_ttrig_time_good(i) = 0.
+      enddo
+      bigcal_all_ngood = 0
+      bigcal_prot_nhit = 0
+      bigcal_prot_ngood = 0
+      bigcal_prot_nbad = 0
+      do i=1,bigcal_prot_maxhits
+        bigcal_prot_iy(i) = 0
+        bigcal_prot_ix(i) = 0
+        bigcal_prot_adc_raw(i) = 0
+        bigcal_prot_iygood(i) = 0
+        bigcal_prot_ixgood(i) = 0
+        bigcal_prot_adc_decoded(i) = 0.
+        bigcal_prot_adc_good(i) = 0.
+        bigcal_prot_ecell(i) = 0.
+        bigcal_prot_xgood(i) = 0.
+        bigcal_prot_ygood(i) = 0.
+        bigcal_prot_iybad(i) = 0
+        bigcal_prot_ixbad(i) = 0
+        bigcal_prot_adc_bad(i) = 0
+        bigcal_prot_nhit_ch(i) = 0
+        bigcal_all_iygood(i) = 0
+        bigcal_all_ixgood(i) = 0
+        bigcal_all_adc_good(i) = 0.
+        bigcal_all_ecell(i) = 0.
+        bigcal_all_xgood(i) = 0.
+        bigcal_all_ygood(i) = 0.
+        b_all_run_clst_good(i) = 0
+        b_all_run_clst_bad(i) = 0
+        b_all_run_clst_eff(i) = 0.
+        b_all_run_Esum(i) = 0.
+        b_all_run_Enum(i) = 0
+      enddo
+      bigcal_rcs_nhit = 0
+      bigcal_rcs_ngood = 0
+      bigcal_rcs_nbad = 0
+      do i=1,bigcal_rcs_maxhits
+        bigcal_rcs_iy(i) = 0
+        bigcal_rcs_ix(i) = 0
+        bigcal_rcs_adc_raw(i) = 0
+        bigcal_rcs_iygood(i) = 0
+        bigcal_rcs_ixgood(i) = 0
+        bigcal_rcs_adc_decoded(i) = 0.
+        bigcal_rcs_adc_good(i) = 0.
+        bigcal_rcs_ecell(i) = 0.
+        bigcal_rcs_xgood(i) = 0.
+        bigcal_rcs_ygood(i) = 0.
+        bigcal_rcs_iybad(i) = 0
+        bigcal_rcs_ixbad(i) = 0
+        bigcal_rcs_adc_bad(i) = 0
+        bigcal_rcs_nhit_ch(i) = 0
+        bigcal_all_iygood(i+bigcal_prot_maxhits) = 0
+        bigcal_all_ixgood(i+bigcal_prot_maxhits) = 0
+        bigcal_all_adc_good(i+bigcal_prot_maxhits) = 0.
+        bigcal_all_ecell(i+bigcal_prot_maxhits) = 0.
+        bigcal_all_xgood(i+bigcal_prot_maxhits) = 0.
+        bigcal_all_ygood(i+bigcal_prot_maxhits) = 0.
+        b_all_run_clst_good(i+bigcal_prot_maxhits) = 0
+        b_all_run_clst_bad(i+bigcal_prot_maxhits) = 0
+        b_all_run_clst_eff(i+bigcal_prot_maxhits) = 0.
+        b_all_run_Esum(i+bigcal_prot_maxhits) = 0.
+        b_all_run_Enum(i+bigcal_prot_maxhits) = 0
+      enddo
+      bigcal_iymax_adc = 0
+      bigcal_ixmax_adc = 0
+      bigcal_max_adc = 0.
+c$$$      bigcal_iymax_final = 0
+c$$$      bigcal_ixmax_final = 0
+c$$$      bigcal_max_adc_final = 0.
+*     zero "detector" arrays:
+         BIGCAL_PROT_RAW_DET(i) = 0
+         BIGCAL_PROT_GOOD_DET(i) = 0.
+c         BIGCAL_PROT_GOOD_HIT(i) = .false.
+         BIGCAL_ALL_ADC_DET(i) = 0.
+         BIGCAL_ALL_GOOD_DET(i) = 0.
+      enddo
+      do i=1,BIGCAL_RCS_MAXHITS
+         BIGCAL_RCS_RAW_DET(i) = 0
+         BIGCAL_RCS_GOOD_DET(i) = 0.
+c         BIGCAL_RCS_GOOD_HIT(i) = .false.
+         BIGCAL_ALL_ADC_DET(i+bigcal_prot_maxhits) = 0.
+         BIGCAL_ALL_GOOD_DET(i+bigcal_prot_maxhits) = 0.
+      enddo
+      do i=1,BIGCAL_MAX_TDC
+        bigcal_tdc_det_nhit(i) = 0
+        bigcal_tdc_det_ngood(i) = 0
+        bigcal_tdc_sum8(i) = 0.
+        do j=1,8
+         BIGCAL_TDC_RAW_DET(i,j) = 0
+         bigcal_tdc_good_det(i,j) = -9999.
+       enddo
+      enddo
+      do i=1,bigcal_atrig_maxhits
+        bigcal_atrig_raw_det(i) = 0
+        bigcal_atrig_good_det(i) = 0.
+        bigcal_atrig_sum64(i) = 0.
+      enddo
+      do i=1,bigcal_ttrig_maxgroups
+        bigcal_ttrig_det_nhit(i) = 0
+        bigcal_ttrig_det_ngood(i) = 0
+        do j=1,8
+          bigcal_ttrig_raw_det(i,j) = 0
+          bigcal_ttrig_good_det(i,j) = -9999.
+        enddo
+      enddo
+c$$$      do i=30,35
+c$$$        do j=1,32
+c$$$          bigcal_mid_ehit(i,j) = 0.
+c$$$          bigcal_mid_xhit(i,j) = 0.
+c$$$          bigcal_mid_yhit(i,j) = 0.
+c$$$        enddo
+c$$$      enddo
+c      bigcal_prot_bad_clstr_flag(0) = 0
+      bigcal_all_nclstr = 0
+      bigcal_nmaxima = 0
+      do i=1,bigcal_all_nclstr_max
+         bigcal_all_clstr_ncell(i) = 0
+         bigcal_all_clstr_ncellx(i) = 0
+         bigcal_all_clstr_ncelly(i)= 0
+         bigcal_all_clstr_nbadlist(i) = 0
+         bigcal_all_clstr_iymax(i) = 0
+         bigcal_all_clstr_ixmax(i) = 0
+         bigcal_all_clstr_iylo(i)=0
+         bigcal_all_clstr_iyhi(i) = 0
+         do j=1,3
+            bigcal_all_clstr_ixlo(i,j) = 0
+            bigcal_all_clstr_ixhi(i,j) = 0
+         enddo
+         bigcal_all_clstr_ncell8(i) = 0
+         bigcal_all_clstr_ncell64(i) = 0
+         bigcal_all_clstr_xmom(i) = 0.
+         bigcal_all_clstr_ymom(i) = 0.
+         bigcal_all_clstr_x(i) = 0.
+         bigcal_all_clstr_y(i) = 0.
+         bigcal_all_clstr_etot(i) = 0.
+         bigcal_all_clstr_atot(i) = 0.
+         bigcal_all_clstr_t8mean(i) = 0.
+         bigcal_all_clstr_t8rms(i) = 0.
+         bigcal_all_clstr_t8cut(i) = 0.
+         bigcal_all_clstr_t8cut_cor(i) = 0.
+         bigcal_all_clstr_t64mean(i) = 0.
+         bigcal_all_clstr_t64rms(i) = 0.
+         bigcal_all_clstr_t64cut(i) = 0.
+         bigcal_all_clstr_t64cut_cor(i) = 0.
+         bigcal_all_clstr_chi2(i) = 0.
+         do j=1,6
+            bigcal_all_clstr_chi2contr(i,j) = 0.
+         enddo
+         do j=1,bigcal_clstr_ncell_max
+            bigcal_all_clstr_iycell(i,j) = 0
+            bigcal_all_clstr_ixcell(i,j) = 0
+            bigcal_all_clstr_ycell(i,j) = 0.
+            bigcal_all_clstr_xcell(i,j) = 0.
+            bigcal_all_clstr_ecell(i,j) = 0.
+            bigcal_all_clstr_acell(i,j) = 0.
+            bigcal_clstr_bad_chan(i,j) = .false.
+         enddo
+         do j=1,10
+            bigcal_all_clstr_nhit8(i,j) = 0
+            bigcal_all_clstr_irow8(i,j) = 0
+            bigcal_all_clstr_icol8(i,j) = 0
+            bigcal_all_clstr_s8(i,j) = 0.
+            do k=1,8
+               bigcal_all_clstr_tcell8(i,j,k) = 0.
+            enddo
+         enddo
+         do j=1,6
+            bigcal_all_clstr_nhit64(i,j) = 0
+            bigcal_all_clstr_irow64(i,j) = 0
+            bigcal_all_clstr_icol64(i,j) = 0
+            bigcal_all_clstr_sum64(i,j) = 0.
+            do k=1,8
+               bigcal_all_clstr_tcell64(i,j,k) = 0.
+            enddo
+         enddo
+         bigcal_edge_max(i) = .false.
+         bigcal_not_enough(i) = .false.
+         bigcal_too_long_x(i) = .false.
+         bigcal_too_long_y(i) = .false.
+         bigcal_below_cut(i) = .false.
+         bigcal_above_max(i) = .false.
+         bigcal_second_max(i) = .false.
+      enddo
+      bigcal_phys_ntrack = 0
+      bigcal_itrack_best = 0
+      bigcal_thetarad = 0.
+c      bigcal_thetadeg = 0.
+      bigcal_phirad = 0.
+c      bigcal_phideg = 0.
+      bigcal_energy = 0.
+      bigcal_time = 0.
+      bigcal_xface = 0.
+      bigcal_yface = 0.
+      bigcal_zface = 0.
+      bigcal_px = 0.
+      bigcal_py = 0.
+      bigcal_pz = 0.
+      bigcal_beta = 0.
+      bigcal_eloss = 0.
+      bigcal_tof_cor = 0.
+      bigcal_tof = 0.
+      bigcal_ctime = 0.
+      do i=1,bigcal_max_ntrack
+        bigcal_track_thetarad(i) = 0.
+        bigcal_track_thetadeg(i) = 0.
+        bigcal_track_phirad(i) = 0.
+        bigcal_track_phideg(i) = 0.
+        bigcal_track_energy(i) = 0.
+        bigcal_track_eloss(i) = 0.
+        bigcal_track_time(i) = 0.
+        bigcal_track_xface(i) = 0.
+        bigcal_track_yface(i) = 0.
+        bigcal_track_zface(i) = 0.
+        bigcal_track_px(i) = 0.
+        bigcal_track_py(i) = 0.
+        bigcal_track_pz(i) = 0.
+        bigcal_track_beta(i) = 0.
+        bigcal_track_tof(i) = 0.
+        bigcal_track_tof_cor(i) = 0.
+        bigcal_track_coin_time(i) = 0.
+      enddo
+c$$$      if( then
+c$$$         !override pedestals info from param file: set all to zero for monte carlo events:
+c$$$         !also override calibration constants:
+c$$$         do i=1,bigcal_prot_maxhits
+c$$$            bigcal_prot_ped_mean(i) = 0.0
+c$$$            bigcal_prot_ped_rms(i) = 0.0
+c$$$            bigcal_prot_adc_threshold(i) = 0.0
+c$$$            bigcal_prot_cfac(i) = 1./950.79
+c$$$         enddo
+c$$$         do i=1,bigcal_rcs_maxhits
+c$$$            bigcal_rcs_ped_mean(i) = 0.0
+c$$$            bigcal_rcs_ped_rms(i) = 0.0
+c$$$            bigcal_rcs_adc_threshold(i) = 0.0
+c$$$            bigcal_rcs_cfac(i) = 1./911.57
+c$$$         enddo
+c$$$      endif
+c     clear out cluster ntuple variables:
+      nclust = 0
+      nclust8 = 0
+      nclust64 = 0
+      ntrack = 0 
+      ibest = 0
+      nmax = 0
+      do i=1,maxnclust
+         ncellclust(i) = 0
+         ncellbad(i) = 0
+         ncellx(i) = 0
+         ncelly(i) = 0
+         ncell8clust(i) = 0
+         ncell64clust(i) = 0
+         xmoment(i) = 0.
+         ymoment(i) = 0.
+         tclust8(i) = 0.
+         tcut8(i) = 0.
+         tcut8cor(i) = 0.
+         trms8(i) = 0.
+         tclust64(i) = 0.
+         tcut64(i) = 0.
+         tcut64cor(i) = 0.
+         trms64(i) = 0.
+         xclust(i) = 0.
+         yclust(i) = 0.
+         eclust(i) = 0.
+         aclust(i) = 0.
+         do j=1,maxncellclust
+            iycell(j,i) = 0
+            ixcell(j,i) = 0
+            xcell(j,i) = 0.
+            ycell(j,i) = 0.
+            eblock(j,i) = 0.
+            cellbad(j,i) = .false.
+         enddo
+         do j=1,10
+            irow8hit(j,i) = 0
+            icol8hit(j,i) = 0
+            nhit8clust(j,i) = 0
+            s8(j,i) = 0.
+            do k=1,8
+               tcell8(j,k,i) = 0.
+            enddo
+         enddo
+         do j=1,6
+            irow64hit(j,i) = 0
+            icol64hit(j,i) = 0
+            nhit64clust(j,i) = 0.
+            a64(j,i) = 0.
+            s64(j,i) = 0.
+            do k=1,8
+               tcell64(j,k,i) = 0.
+            enddo
+         enddo
+         thetarad(i) = 0.
+         phirad(i) = 0.
+         xface(i) = 0.
+         yface(i) = 0.
+         zface(i) = 0.
+         px(i) = 0.
+         py(i) = 0.
+         pz(i) = 0.
+         ctime_clust(i) = 0.
+         chi2clust(i) = 0.
+         do j=1,6
+            chi2contr(j,i) = 0.
+         enddo
+         edge_max(i) = .false.
+         not_enough(i) = .false.
+         too_long_x(i) = .false.
+         too_long_y(i) = .false.
+         below_thresh(i) = .false.
+         above_max(i) = .false.
+         second_max(i) = .false.
+      enddo
+      ngooda = 0
+      ngoodt = 0
+      ngoodta = 0
+      ngoodtt = 0
+      irowmax = 0
+      icolmax = 0
+      max_adc = 0.
+c     clear out monte carlo event info variables:
+      ntrk_g = 0
+      xvertex_g = 0.
+      yvertex_g = 0.
+      zvertex_g = 0.
+      do i=1,maxnclust
+         pid_g(i) = 0
+         pxgeant(i) = 0.
+         pygeant(i) = 0.
+         pzgeant(i) = 0.
+         xgeant(i) = 0.
+         ygeant(i) = 0.
+         egeant(i) = 0.
+         pgeant(i) = 0.
+         gthetarad(i) = 0.
+         gphirad(i) = 0.
+      enddo
+      E_HMS = 0.
+      X_HMS = 0.
+      Y_HMS = 0.
+      TH_HMS = 0.
+      PH_HMS = 0.
+      dPel_HMS = 0.
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/ENGINE/b_tree_init.f b/ENGINE/b_tree_init.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9603ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/b_tree_init.f
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+      subroutine b_tree_init(abort,err)
+      implicit none 
+      save
+      character*11 here
+      parameter(here='b_tree_init')
+      include 'bigcal_filenames.cmn'
+      include 'gen_routines.dec'
+      include 'bigcal_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'gen_run_info.cmn'
+c      include 'b_ntuple.dte'
+      logical abort
+      character*(*) err
+c     only purpose of this routine is to substitute run number in
+c     tree filename! CTP will take care of the rest!!!!!!!!!!!
+      call no_nulls(b_tree_filename)
+      if(b_tree_filename.eq.' ') return
+      call g_sub_run_number(b_tree_filename,gen_run_number)
+      abort=.false.
+      err=' '
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/ENGINE/bigcal_mc_reconstruction.f b/ENGINE/bigcal_mc_reconstruction.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1036cdd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/bigcal_mc_reconstruction.f
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+      subroutine bigcal_mc_reconstruction(iflag,ABORT,err)
+      implicit none
+      save
+      integer iflag,jflag,io_unit,i,j,k
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      character*24 here
+      parameter(here='bigcal_mc_reconstruction')
+      real xhat,yhat,zhat,pxh,pyh,pzh,xvh,yvh,zvh
+      real xvh_temp,yvh_temp,zvh_temp
+      real tintercept,xintercept,yintercept,zintercept
+      real gbthetarad
+      parameter(gbthetarad=1.1868239)
+      real gbrcm
+      parameter(gbrcm=448.0)
+      include 'bigcal_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'gen_run_info.cmn'
+      include 'gen_filenames.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_bypass_switches.cmn'
+      include 'b_ntuple.cmn'
+c      include 'gen_constants.par'
+      abort=.false.
+      err=' '
+      if(iflag.eq.1.or.iflag.eq.3) then !bigcal mc .dat file
+         io_unit = g_data_source_in_hndl
+         jflag = 0
+         read(io_unit,end=101,err=101) iev_mc
+         evid_g = iev_mc
+         read(io_unit,end=101,err=101) xv_mc,yv_mc,zv_mc
+         read(io_unit,end=101,err=101) nvtrk_mc
+c$$$         xvertex_g = xv_mc
+c$$$         yvertex_g = yv_mc
+c$$$         zvertex_g = zv_mc
+         if(nvtrk_mc.le.25) then 
+            ntrk_g = nvtrk_mc
+         else
+            ntrk_g = 25
+         endif
+         jflag = 1
+         do i=1,nvtrk_mc
+            read(io_unit,end=101,err=101) pid_mc(i),px_mc(i),py_mc(i),
+     $           pz_mc(i)
+            if(i.le.25) then
+               pid_g(i) = pid_mc(i)
+c$$$               pxgeant(i) = px_mc(i)
+c$$$               pygeant(i) = py_mc(i)
+c$$$               pzgeant(i) = pz_mc(i)
+               pgeant(i) = sqrt((px_mc(i))**2 + (py_mc(i))**2 + 
+     $              (pz_mc(i))**2 )
+               if(pid_g(i).eq.2.or.pid_g(i).eq.3) then !electron-positron
+                  egeant(i) = sqrt((.510999e-3)**2 + (pgeant(i))**2)
+               else if(pid_g(i).eq.1) then ! photon
+                  egeant(i) = pgeant(i)
+               else if(pid_g(i).eq.13.or.pid_g(i).eq.14) then ! nucleon
+                  egeant(i) = sqrt(.938272**2 + (pgeant(i))**2)
+               else if(pid_g(i).eq.5.or.pid_g(i).eq.6) then ! muon
+                  egeant(i) = sqrt(.105658**2 + (pgeant(i))**2)
+               else if(pid_g(i).eq.8.or.pid_g(i).eq.9) then ! pion
+                  egeant(i) = sqrt(.13957**2 + (pgeant(i))**2)
+               else ! assume electron:
+                  egeant(i) = sqrt((.510999e-3)**2 + (pgeant(i))**2)
+               endif
+               ! now calculate trajectory and intersection point:
+c$$$               xhat = pxgeant(i) / pgeant(i)
+c$$$               yhat = pygeant(i) / pgeant(i)
+c$$$               zhat = pzgeant(i) / pgeant(i)
+               ! in the GEANT coordinate system, the calo is always at 440 cm and 68 degrees
+               ! need to rotate and translate coordinates appropriately into hall system:
+               pxh = px_mc(i)*cos(bigcal_theta_rad-gbthetarad)
+     $              + pz_mc(i)*sin(bigcal_theta_rad-gbthetarad)
+               pyh = py_mc(i)
+               pzh = -px_mc(i)*sin(bigcal_theta_rad-gbthetarad)
+     $              + pz_mc(i)*cos(bigcal_theta_rad-gbthetarad)
+               pxgeant(i) = pxh
+               pygeant(i) = pyh
+               pzgeant(i) = pzh
+               xhat = pxgeant(i)/pgeant(i)
+               yhat = pygeant(i)/pgeant(i)
+               zhat = pzgeant(i)/pgeant(i)
+               gthetarad(i) = acos(zhat)
+               gphirad(i) = atan2(yhat,xhat)
+c     translate
+               xvh_temp = xv_mc + (bigcal_r_tgt - gbrcm)*sin(gbthetarad)
+               zvh_temp = zv_mc + (bigcal_r_tgt - gbrcm)*cos(gbthetarad)
+c     rotate
+               xvh = xvh_temp*cos(bigcal_theta_rad-gbthetarad) + 
+     $              zvh_temp*sin(bigcal_theta_rad-gbthetarad)
+               yvh = yv_mc
+               zvh = -xvh_temp*sin(bigcal_theta_rad-gbthetarad) + 
+     $              zvh_temp*cos(bigcal_theta_rad-gbthetarad)
+               xvertex_g = xvh
+               yvertex_g = yvh
+               zvertex_g = zvh
+               ! calculate intersection point of trajectory with calo:
+               tintercept = (bigcal_r_tgt - xvertex_g*bigcal_sintheta - 
+     $              zvertex_g*bigcal_costheta)/(xhat*bigcal_sintheta + 
+     $              zhat*bigcal_costheta)
+               xintercept = xvertex_g + tintercept*xhat
+               yintercept = yvertex_g + tintercept*yhat
+               zintercept = zvertex_g + tintercept*zhat
+               ! rotate into calo-centered coordinate system:
+               xgeant(i) = xintercept*bigcal_costheta - 
+     $              zintercept*bigcal_sintheta
+               ygeant(i) = yintercept
+               ! and that's it!!!!!
+            endif            
+         enddo
+         jflag = 2
+         read(io_unit,end=101,err=101) isum_mc
+         read(io_unit,end=101,err=101) esum_mc
+         jflag = 3
+         bigcal_prot_nhit = isum_mc(1)
+         bigcal_rcs_nhit = isum_mc(2)
+c     here's the key part: fill the raw hit arrays!!!
+         do i=1,isum_mc(1)
+            read(io_unit,end=101,err=101) ix_mc,iy_mc,npe_mc
+            bigcal_prot_ix(i) = ix_mc
+            bigcal_prot_iy(i) = iy_mc
+            bigcal_prot_adc_raw(i) = nint(npe_mc)
+         enddo
+         jflag = 4
+         do i=1,isum_mc(2)
+            read(io_unit,end=101,err=101) ix_mc,iy_mc,npe_mc
+            bigcal_rcs_ix(i) = ix_mc
+            bigcal_rcs_iy(i) = iy_mc + 32
+            bigcal_rcs_adc_raw(i) = nint(npe_mc)
+         enddo
+         jflag = 5
+         read(io_unit,end=101,err=101) idesum_mc
+         read(io_unit,end=101,err=101) allde_mc
+         jflag = 6
+         do i=1,2
+            do j=1,idesum_mc(i)
+               read(io_unit,end=101,err=101) ix_mc,iy_mc,dedx_mc
+            enddo
+         enddo
+         jflag = 7
+c     read proton data if it's there:
+         if(gen_bigcal_mc.eq.3) then
+            read(io_unit,end=101,err=101) iev_p_mc
+            read(io_unit,end=101,err=101) pp_mc,ptheta_mc,pphi_mc,
+     $           xv_p_mc,yv_p_mc,zv_p_mc
+         endif
+         jflag = 8
+c     override bypass flags from parameter files: 
+c$$$         bbypass_prot = 0
+c$$$         bbypass_rcs = 0
+c$$$         bbypass_sum8 = 1
+c$$$         bbypass_sum64 = 1
+c$$$         bbypass_find_clusters = 0
+c$$$         bbypass_calc_cluster_time = 1
+c$$$         bbypass_calc_shower_coord = 0
+c$$$         bbypass_calc_physics = 0
+c     BAD PUCKETT! DON'T hardwire things into the code, mmm'kay?
+         !write(*,*) 'entering b_reconstruction'
+         call b_reconstruction(abort,err)
+         if(gen_bigcal_mc.eq.3) then
+            call gep_reconstruction(abort,err)
+         endif
+         !write(*,*) 'finished b_reconstruction'
+         if(abort) then
+            call g_add_path(here,err)
+            return
+         endif
+         return
+ 101     write(*,*) 'end of file',g_data_source_filename,'reached'
+         EOF_MC_DAT = .true.
+         return
+      else if(iflag.eq.2) then !wei's bigcal mc ntuple
+      endif
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/ENGINE/c_clear_event.f b/ENGINE/c_clear_event.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5eb98ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/c_clear_event.f
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+      SUBROUTINE C_clear_event(ABORT,err)
+*-       Prototype C analysis routine
+*-   Purpose and Methods : clears all COIN quantities before an event 
+*-                         is processed.
+*-   Output: ABORT    - success or failure
+*-         : err      - reason for failure, if any
+*-   Created  29-Oct-1993   Kevin B. Beard
+*-   Modified  6-Dec-1993   K.B.Beard: adopt new errors
+* $Log: c_clear_event.f,v $
+* Revision 1.5  1999/02/23 16:39:34  csa
+* Fixed thinko on last rev
+* Revision 1.4  1999/02/10 17:44:35  csa
+* Added call to c_ntuple_clear
+* Revision 1.3  1996/01/16 20:59:10  cdaq
+* no change
+* Revision 1.2  1995/05/22 20:50:42  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/04  21:05:40  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+*- All standards are from "Proposal for Hall C Analysis Software
+*- Vade Mecum, Draft 1.0" by D.F.Geesamn and S.Wood, 7 May 1993
+      SAVE
+      character*13 here
+      parameter (here= 'C_clear_event')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 'coin_data_structures.cmn'
+      call c_ntuple_clear
+      ABORT= .FALSE.
+      err= ' '
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/ENGINE/c_initialize.f b/ENGINE/c_initialize.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d03b1ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/c_initialize.f
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+      SUBROUTINE C_initialize(ABORT,err)
+*-       Prototype C analysis routine
+*-   Purpose and Methods : Initializes COIN quantities 
+*-   Output: ABORAT          - success or failure
+*-         : err             - reason for failure, if any
+*-   Created  8-Nov-1993   Kevin B. Beard
+* $Log: c_initialize.f,v $
+* Revision 1.9  2002/12/27 21:49:43  jones
+*     Ioana Niculescu modified total_eloss call
+* Revision 1.8  1999/02/10 17:39:36  csa
+* Changed celoss to geloss
+* Revision 1.7  1996/01/22 15:04:19  saw
+* (JRA) Change cebeam and cpbeam to gebeam and gpbeam
+* Revision 1.6  1996/01/16 20:59:39  cdaq
+* no change
+* Revision 1.5  1995/05/22 20:50:43  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.4  1995/05/11  13:44:50  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add calculation of s from beam and target info
+* Revision 1.3  1994/06/14  03:16:09  cdaq
+* (DFG) Add CEBEAM calculation
+* Revision 1.2  1994/04/12  17:08:54  cdaq
+* (KBB) Add ntuple call
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/04  21:06:11  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+*- All standards are from "Proposal for Hall C Analysis Software
+*- Vade Mecum, Draft 1.0" by D.F.Geesamn and S.Wood, 7 May 1993
+      SAVE
+      character*12 here
+      parameter (here= 'C_initialize')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 'gen_data_structures.cmn'
+**      INCLUDE 'coin_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_constants.par'
+      ABORT= .FALSE.
+      gebeam=sqrt(gpbeam**2 + mass_electron**2)
+      if(gtarg_z(gtarg_num).gt.0.)then
+        call total_eloss(0,.true.,0.0,1.0,geloss)
+      else
+        geloss=0.
+      endif
+      gebeam = gebeam - geloss
+      gpbeam = sqrt(gebeam**2 - mass_electron**2)
+      g_beam_target_s = (gtarg_mass(gtarg_num) + gebeam)**2 - gpbeam**2
+         call G_add_path(here,err)
+      ELSE
+         err= ' '
+      ENDIF
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/ENGINE/c_keep_results.f b/ENGINE/c_keep_results.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c541ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/c_keep_results.f
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+      SUBROUTINE C_keep_results(ABORT,err)
+*-       Prototype C analysis routine
+*-   Purpose and Methods : Keeps statistics, etc.
+*-   Output: ABORT	- success or failure
+*-         : err	- reason for failure, if any
+*-   Created  20-Nov-1993   Kevin B. Beard for new error standards
+* $Log: c_keep_results.f,v $
+* Revision 1.5  1996/09/04 15:29:30  saw
+* * (JRA) Make and  instead of
+*         HNTRACKS_FP .gt. 0 and HNTRACKS_FP .gt. 0 as criteria for
+*         adding to ntuples
+* Revision 1.4  1996/01/22 15:05:20  saw
+* (JRA) Only fill coin ntuple if HMS and SOS both have tracks
+* Revision 1.3  1996/01/16 21:00:40  cdaq
+* no change
+* Revision 1.2  1994/04/12 17:10:33  cdaq
+* (KBB) Add ntuple call
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/04  21:07:07  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+*- All standards are from "Proposal for Hall C Analysis Software
+*- Vade Mecum, Draft 1.0" by D.F.Geesamn and S.Wood, 7 May 1993
+      SAVE
+      include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      character*14 here
+      parameter (here= 'C_keep_results')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+*-chance to flush any statistics, etc.
+      ABORT= .FALSE.
+      err = ' '
+      if(HSNUM_FPTRACK .gt. 0 .AND. SSNUM_FPTRACK .gt. 0) ! check for tracks
+     >  call c_ntuple_keep(ABORT,err)
+         call G_add_path(here,err)
+         RETURN
+      ELSE
+         err= ' '
+      ENDIF
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/ENGINE/c_ntuple_change.f b/ENGINE/c_ntuple_change.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..41b2ad2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/c_ntuple_change.f
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+      subroutine c_ntuple_change(ABORT,err)
+*     closes one HMS Ntuple file and opens another
+*     Purpose : switching from one file to the next
+*     Output: ABORT      - success or failure
+*           : err        - reason for failure, if any
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*15 here
+      parameter (here='c_ntuple_change')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 'c_ntuple.cmn'
+      include 'gen_run_info.cmn'
+      character*1 ifile
+      character*80 file
+      character*1000 pat
+      integer*4 ilo,fn_len
+*     functions
+      integer g_important_length
+      call c_ntuple_close(ABORT,err)
+      if (c_ntuple_exists) then
+        ABORT = .true.
+      endif
+      call NO_nulls(c_ntuple_file)     !replace null characters with blanks
+      file= c_ntuple_file
+      call NO_nulls(file)     !replace null characters with blanks
+      call g_sub_run_number(file,gen_run_number)
+      c_ntuple_filesegments = c_ntuple_filesegments + 1
+      if (c_ntuple_filesegments .le. 9) then
+        ifile = char(ichar('0')+c_ntuple_filesegments)
+      else
+        ifile = char(ichar('a')+c_ntuple_filesegments-10)
+      endif
+      fn_len = g_important_length(file)
+      ilo=index(file,'.hbook')
+      if ((ilo.le.1).or.( then
+        ilo=index(file,'.rzdat')
+      endif
+      if (( then
+        file = file(1:ilo-1) // '.' // ifile // file(ilo:fn_len)
+      else
+        ABORT = .true.
+      endif
+      IF (.not.ABORT) call c_ntuple_open(file,ABORT,err)
+        err= ':unable to change Coin Ntuple file segment'
+        call G_add_path(here,err)
+      ELSE
+        pat= ':changed Coin Ntuple file segment'
+        call G_add_path(here,pat)
+        call G_log_message('INFO: '//pat)
+      ENDIF
+      RETURN
+      END  
diff --git a/ENGINE/c_ntuple_clear.f b/ENGINE/c_ntuple_clear.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..83a069b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/c_ntuple_clear.f
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+      subroutine c_Ntuple_clear
+*     Purpose : Clear vars that go to the COIN Ntuple
+*     csa 4/15/97
+* $Log: c_ntuple_clear.f,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1999/02/24 14:52:36  saw
+* Dummy routine
+      implicit none
+      save
+*      character*13 here
+*      parameter (here='c_Ntuple_clear')
+*      logical ABORT
+*      character*(*) err
+*     csa 2/2/99 -- This is a dummy routine in the CVS tree. The
+*     real thing gets created in the user's Oscar directory based
+*     on which variables are in the ntuple.lst file.
+      RETURN
+      END      
diff --git a/ENGINE/c_ntuple_close.f b/ENGINE/c_ntuple_close.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a7157b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/c_ntuple_close.f
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+      subroutine c_Ntuple_close(ABORT,err)
+*     closes the HMS Ntuple file
+*     Purpose : Flushes and closes the HMS Ntuple
+*     Output: ABORT      - success or failure
+*           : err        - reason for failure, if any
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*14 here
+      parameter (here='c_Ntuple_close')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 'c_ntuple.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_routines.dec'
+      logical HEXIST    !CERNLIB function
+      logical FAIL
+      character*80 why,directory,name
+      character*1000 msg
+      integer io,id,cycle,m
+      err= ' '
+      ABORT = .FALSE.
+      IF(.NOT.c_Ntuple_exists) RETURN       !nothing to do
+      call HCDIR(directory,'R')                !keep current directory
+      id= c_Ntuple_ID
+      io= c_Ntuple_IOchannel
+      name= c_Ntuple_name
+      ABORT= .NOT.HEXIST(id)
+        call G_add_path(here,err)
+        If(io.GT.0) Then
+          call G_IO_control(io,'FREE',FAIL,why) !free up
+          if(.NOT.FAIL) CLOSE(io)
+        EndIf
+        c_Ntuple_exists= .FALSE.
+        c_Ntuple_IOchannel= 0
+        RETURN
+      ENDIF
+      call HCDIR(c_Ntuple_directory,' ')      !goto Ntuple directory
+      call G_add_path(here,msg)
+      call G_log_message('INFO: '//msg)
+      cycle= 0                                !dummy for HROUT
+      call HROUT(id,cycle,' ')                !flush CERNLIB buffers
+      call HREND(name)                        !CERNLIB close file
+      call G_IO_control(io,'FREE',ABORT,err)  !free up IO channel
+      CLOSE(io)                               !close IO channel
+      call HCDIR(directory,' ')               !return to current directory
+      c_Ntuple_directory= ' '
+      c_Ntuple_exists= .FALSE.
+      c_Ntuple_IOchannel= 0
+      IF(ABORT) call G_add_path(here,err)
+      RETURN
+      END      
diff --git a/ENGINE/c_ntuple_init.f b/ENGINE/c_ntuple_init.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..288da11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/c_ntuple_init.f
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+      subroutine c_Ntuple_init(ABORT,err)
+*     Creates an COIN Ntuple
+*     Purpose : Books an COIN Ntuple; defines structure of it
+*     Output: ABORT      - success or failure
+*           : err        - reason for failure, if any
+*     Created: 8-Apr-1994  K.B.Beard, Hampton Univ.
+* $Log: c_ntuple_init.f,v $
+* Revision  2007/10/16 20:20:31  cdaq
+* *** empty log message ***
+* Revision 1.10  2004/02/17 17:26:34  jones
+* Changes to enable possiblity of segmenting rzdat files
+* Revision 1.9  1999/02/23 16:40:37  csa
+* Variable changes
+* Revision 1.8  1996/09/04 15:29:57  saw
+* (JRA) Modify ntuple contents
+* Revision 1.7  1996/01/22 15:06:25  saw
+* (JRA) Change ntuple contents
+* Revision 1.6  1996/01/16 21:01:12  cdaq
+* Revision 1.5  1995/08/08 16:09:40  cdaq
+* (DD) Change ntuple list
+* Revision 1.4  1995/07/27  18:59:48  cdaq
+* (SAW) Relocate data statements for f2c compatibility
+* Revision 1.3  1995/05/11  13:55:27  cdaq
+* (SAW) Allow %d for run number in filenames
+* Revision 1.2  1994/06/17  02:32:24  cdaq
+* (KBB) Upgrade
+* Revision 1.1  1994/04/12  16:11:34  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*13 here
+      parameter (here='c_Ntuple_init')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 'c_ntuple.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_routines.dec'
+      include 'gen_run_info.cmn'
+      character*80 default_name
+      parameter (default_name= 'COINntuple')
+      character*80 file
+      character*80 name
+      character*1000 pat,msg
+      integer ilo,fn_len,m
+      character*1 ifile
+      logical HEXIST           !CERNLIB function
+      INCLUDE 'c_ntuple.dte'
+      err= ' '
+      ABORT = .FALSE.
+      IF(c_Ntuple_exists) THEN
+        call c_Ntuple_shutdown(ABORT,err)
+        If(ABORT) Then
+          call G_add_path(here,err)
+          RETURN
+        EndIf
+      ENDIF
+      call NO_nulls(c_Ntuple_file)     !replace null characters with blanks
+*-if name blank, just forget it
+      IF(c_Ntuple_file.EQ.' ') RETURN   !do nothing
+      c_Ntuple_ID= default_c_Ntuple_ID
+      c_Ntuple_name= default_name
+      IF(c_Ntuple_title.EQ.' ') THEN
+        msg= name//' '//c_Ntuple_file
+        call only_one_blank(msg)
+        c_Ntuple_title= msg
+      ENDIF
+      file= c_Ntuple_file
+      call g_sub_run_number(file,gen_run_number)
+*     * only needed if using more than one file      
+      if (c_Ntuple_max_segmentevents .gt. 0) then
+       c_Ntuple_filesegments = 1
+       ifile = char(ichar('0')+c_Ntuple_filesegments)
+       fn_len = g_important_length(file)
+       ilo=index(file,'.hbook')
+       if ((ilo.le.1).or.( then
+         ilo=index(file,'.rzdat')
+       endif  
+       if (( then
+         file = file(1:ilo-1) // '.' // ifile // file(ilo:fn_len)
+       else
+         ABORT = .true.
+        RETURN
+       endif
+       write(*,*) ' Using segmented COIN rzdat files first filename: ',file
+       else
+         write(*,*) ' Not using segmented COIN rzdat files.' 
+      endif
+**********begin insert description of contents of COIN tuple ******
+      m= 0
+      m=m+1
+      c_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'cointime'      ! Corrected Coincidence Time
+      m= m+1
+      c_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'bpmxmean'         ! Mean Beam X Position
+      m= m+1
+      c_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'bpmymean'         ! Mean Beam Y Position
+      m= m+1
+      c_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'bpmx'         ! Beam X Position
+      m= m+1
+      c_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'bpmy'         ! Beam Y Position
+      m= m+1
+      c_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'frx'           ! Fast Raster X
+      m= m+1
+      c_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'fry'           ! Fast Raster Y
+      m= m+1
+      c_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'gbeam_x'           ! Fast Raster X
+      m= m+1
+      c_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'gbeam_y'           ! Fast Raster Y
+      m= m+1
+      c_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'hsxfp'         ! HMS Focal Plane
+      m= m+1
+      c_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'hsyfp'         ! 
+      m= m+1
+      c_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'hsxpfp'        !
+      m= m+1
+      c_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'hsypfp'        !
+      m= m+1
+      c_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'ssxfp'         ! SOS Focal Plane
+      m= m+1
+      c_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'ssyfp'         !
+      m= m+1
+      c_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'ssxpfp'        !
+      m= m+1
+      c_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'ssypfp'        !
+      m= m+1
+      c_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'hsytar'        ! HMS Target
+      m= m+1
+      c_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'hsxptar'       !
+      m= m+1
+      c_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'hsyptar'       ! 
+      m= m+1
+      c_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'hsdelta'       ! 
+      m= m+1
+      c_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'ssytar'        ! SOS Target
+      m= m+1
+      c_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'ssxptar'       ! 
+      m= m+1
+      c_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'ssyptar'       ! 
+      m= m+1
+      c_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'ssdelta'        ! 
+      m= m+1
+      c_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'hcer_npe'       ! HMS Particle Id.
+      m= m+1
+      c_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'hsshsum'        ! 
+      m= m+1
+      c_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'hsshtrk'        ! 
+      m= m+1
+      c_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'hsprtrk'        ! 
+      m= m+1
+      c_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'hsbeta_notrk'   ! 
+      m= m+1
+      c_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'hsbeta'         ! 
+      m= m+1
+      c_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'hsdedx1'        ! 
+      m= m+1
+      c_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'scer_npe'       ! SOS Particle Id.
+      m= m+1
+c      c_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'saer_npe'       ! 
+c      m= m+1
+      c_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'ssshsum'        ! 
+      m= m+1
+      c_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'ssshtrk'        ! 
+      m= m+1
+      c_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'ssprtrk'        ! 
+      m= m+1
+      c_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'ssbeta_notrk'   ! 
+      m= m+1
+      c_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'ssbeta'         ! 
+      m= m+1
+      c_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'ssdedx1'        ! 
+      m= m+1
+      c_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'charge'         ! Charge of last Scaler Event
+      m=m+1
+      c_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'eventID' ! CODA event ID#
+      m=m+1
+      c_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'Em'
+      m=m+1
+      c_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'missmass'
+      m=m+1
+      c_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'Pm'
+      m=m+1
+      c_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'PmPar'
+      m=m+1
+      c_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'PmPer'
+      m=m+1
+      c_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'PmOop'
+      m=m+1
+      c_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'th_pq'
+      m=m+1
+      c_ntuple_tag(m)= 'phi_pq'
+*      m=m+1
+*      c_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'HmsCorsi'
+*      m=m+1
+*      c_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'SosCorsi'
+      c_Ntuple_size= m
+***********end insert description of contents of COIN tuple********
+* Open ntuple
+      call c_Ntuple_open(file,ABORT,err)      
+        err= ':unable to create Coin Ntuple'
+        call G_add_path(here,err)
+      ELSE
+        pat= ':created Coin Ntuple'
+        call G_add_path(here,pat)
+        call G_log_message('INFO: '//pat)
+      ENDIF
+      RETURN
+      END  
diff --git a/ENGINE/c_ntuple_keep.f b/ENGINE/c_ntuple_keep.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e174db9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/c_ntuple_keep.f
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+      subroutine c_Ntuple_keep(ABORT,err)
+*     Purpose : Add entry to the COIN Ntuple
+*     Output: ABORT      - success or failure
+*           : err        - reason for failure, if any
+*     Created: 11-Apr-1994  K.B.Beard, Hampton U.
+* $Log: c_ntuple_keep.f,v $
+* Revision 1.10  2004/02/17 17:26:34  jones
+* Changes to enable possiblity of segmenting rzdat files
+* Revision 1.9  1999/02/23 16:41:08  csa
+* Variable changes
+* Revision 1.8  1996/09/04 15:30:17  saw
+* (JRA) Modify ntuple contents
+* Revision 1.7  1996/04/29 18:44:04  saw
+* (JRA) Add aerogel photon count
+* Revision 1.6  1996/01/22 15:06:41  saw
+* (JRA) Change ntuple contents
+* Revision 1.5  1996/01/16 21:01:33  cdaq
+* Revision 1.4  1995/09/01 15:45:21  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add spectrometer kinematic vars to ntuple
+* Revision 1.3  1995/05/22  20:50:43  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.2  1994/06/17  02:41:25  cdaq
+* (KBB) Upgrade
+* Revision 1.1  1994/04/12  16:12:33  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*13 here
+      parameter (here='c_Ntuple_keep')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 'c_ntuple.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_run_info.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'coin_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_physics_sing.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_scin_parms.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'sos_scin_parms.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'sos_track_histid.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'sos_aero_parms.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 's_ntuple.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'sos_tracking.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_event_info.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_scalers.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_calorimeter.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'sos_calorimeter.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_scin_tof.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'sos_scin_tof.cmn'
+      logical HEXIST    !CERNLIB function
+      integer m
+      err= ' '
+      ABORT = .FALSE.
+      IF(.NOT.c_Ntuple_exists) RETURN       !nothing to do
+      if (c_Ntuple_max_segmentevents .gt. 0) then
+       if (c_Ntuple_segmentevents .gt. c_Ntuple_max_segmentevents) then
+        call c_ntuple_change(ABORT,err)
+        c_Ntuple_segmentevents = 0
+       else
+        c_Ntuple_segmentevents = c_Ntuple_segmentevents +1
+       endif
+      endif
+**********begin insert description of contents of COIN tuple ******
+      m= 0
+      m= m+1
+      c_Ntuple_contents(m)= ccointime_hms ! Corrected Coincidence time
+      m= m+1
+      c_Ntuple_contents(m)= gbpm_beam_x   ! Mean Beam X Position
+      m= m+1
+      c_Ntuple_contents(m)= gbpm_beam_y   ! Mean Beam Y Position
+      m= m+1
+      c_Ntuple_contents(m)= gbpm_x(2)   ! Beam X Position bei BPM 2 (gut=1.8)
+      m= m+1
+      c_Ntuple_contents(m)= gbpm_y(2)   ! Beam Y Position bei BPM 2 (gut=0.0)
+      m= m+1
+      c_Ntuple_contents(m)= gfrx_raw_adc ! Fast Raster X
+      m= m+1
+      c_Ntuple_contents(m)= gfry_raw_adc ! Fast Raster Y
+      m= m+1
+      c_Ntuple_contents(m)= gbeam_x ! Berechnete StrahlpositionX
+      m= m+1
+      c_Ntuple_contents(m)= gbeam_y ! Berechnete StrahlpositionY
+      m= m+1
+      c_Ntuple_contents(m)= HSX_FP      ! HMS Focal Plane
+      m= m+1
+      c_Ntuple_contents(m)= HSY_FP      ! 
+      m= m+1
+      c_Ntuple_contents(m)= HSXP_FP     ! 
+      m= m+1
+      c_Ntuple_contents(m)= HSYP_FP     ! 
+      m= m+1
+      c_Ntuple_contents(m)= SSX_FP      ! SOS Focal Plane
+      m= m+1
+      c_Ntuple_contents(m)= SSY_FP      ! 
+      m= m+1
+      c_Ntuple_contents(m)= SSXP_FP     ! 
+      m= m+1
+      c_Ntuple_contents(m)= SSYP_FP     ! 
+      m= m+1
+      c_Ntuple_contents(m)= HSY_TAR     ! HMS Target
+      m= m+1
+      c_Ntuple_contents(m)= HSXP_TAR    ! 
+      m= m+1
+      c_Ntuple_contents(m)= HSYP_TAR    ! 
+      m= m+1
+      c_Ntuple_contents(m)= HSDELTA     !
+      m= m+1
+      c_Ntuple_contents(m)= SSY_TAR     ! SOS Target
+      m= m+1
+      c_Ntuple_contents(m)= SSXP_TAR    ! 
+      m= m+1
+      c_Ntuple_contents(m)= SSYP_TAR    ! 
+      m= m+1
+      c_Ntuple_contents(m)= SSDELTA     !
+      m= m+1
+      c_Ntuple_contents(m)= HCER_NPE_SUM ! HMS Particle Id.
+      m= m+1
+      c_Ntuple_contents(m)= HSSHSUM  !
+      m= m+1
+      c_Ntuple_contents(m)= HSSHTRK  !
+      m= m+1
+      c_Ntuple_contents(m)= HSPRTRK !
+      m= m+1
+      c_Ntuple_contents(m)= HBETA_NOTRK !
+      m= m+1
+      c_Ntuple_contents(m)= HSBETA      !
+      m= m+1
+      c_Ntuple_contents(m)= HSDEDX(1)   !
+      m= m+1
+      c_Ntuple_contents(m)= SCER_NPE_SUM ! SOS Particle Id.
+      m= m+1
+      c_Ntuple_contents(m)= SSSHSUM  !
+      m= m+1
+      c_Ntuple_contents(m)= SSSHTRK  !
+      m= m+1
+      c_Ntuple_contents(m)= SSPRTRK !
+      m= m+1
+      c_Ntuple_contents(m)= SBETA_NOTRK      !
+      m= m+1
+      c_Ntuple_contents(m)= SSBETA      !
+      m= m+1
+      c_Ntuple_contents(m)= SSDEDX(1)   !
+      m= m+1
+      c_Ntuple_contents(m)= gbcm1_charge ! Charge of last scaler event
+      m= m+1
+      c_Ntuple_contents(m)= FLOAT(gen_event_ID_number)
+      m= m+1
+      c_Ntuple_contents(m)= cmissing_e  ! missing energy
+      m= m+1
+      c_Ntuple_contents(m)= cmissing_mass ! missing mass
+      m= m+1
+      c_Ntuple_contents(m)= cmissing_mom ! Missing Momentum
+      m= m+1
+      c_Ntuple_contents(m)= cmissing_mom_par ! pm parallel to q
+      m= m+1
+      c_Ntuple_contents(m)= cmissing_mom_perp ! pm perp tp q
+      m= m+1
+      c_Ntuple_contents(m)= cmissing_mom_oop ! pm out of plane
+      m= m+1
+      c_Ntuple_contents(m)= cthetapq
+      m= m+1
+      c_Ntuple_contents(m)= cphipq
+*      m= m+1
+*      c_Ntuple_contents(m)= P_HMS_CORR  ! Corrected hms singles
+*      m= m+1
+*      c_Ntuple_contents(m)= P_SOS_CORR  ! Corrected sos singles
+***********end insert description of contents of COIN tuple********
+      ABORT= .NOT.HEXIST(c_Ntuple_ID)
+        call G_build_note(':Ntuple ID#$ does not exist',
+     &                        '$',c_Ntuple_ID,' ',0.,' ',err)
+        call G_add_path(here,err)
+      ELSE
+        call HFN(c_Ntuple_ID,c_Ntuple_contents)
+      ENDIF
+      RETURN
+      END      
diff --git a/ENGINE/c_ntuple_open.f b/ENGINE/c_ntuple_open.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d3a8177
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/c_ntuple_open.f
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+      subroutine c_Ntuple_open(file,ABORT,err)
+*     Opens an HMS Ntuple file
+*     Purpose : Books an HMS Ntuple
+*     Output: ABORT      - success or failure
+*           : err        - reason for failure, if any
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*13 here
+      parameter (here='c_Ntuple_open')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 'c_ntuple.cmn'
+      integer default_bank,default_recL
+      parameter (default_bank= 8000)    !4 bytes/word
+      parameter (default_recL= 1024)    !record length
+      character*80 title,file
+      character*80 directory,name
+      character*1000 pat,msg
+      integer status,size,io,id,bank,recL,iv(10),m
+      real rv(10)
+      logical HEXIST           !CERNLIB function
+      err= ' '
+      ABORT = .FALSE.
+      IF(c_Ntuple_exists) THEN
+        call c_Ntuple_shutdown(ABORT,err)
+        If(ABORT) Then
+          call G_add_path(here,err)
+          RETURN
+        EndIf
+      ENDIF
+*- get any free IO channel
+      call g_IO_control(io,'ANY',ABORT,err)
+      c_Ntuple_exists= .NOT.ABORT
+        call G_add_path(here,err)
+        RETURN
+      ENDIF
+      c_Ntuple_IOchannel= io
+      id= c_Ntuple_ID
+      name= c_Ntuple_name
+      title= c_Ntuple_title
+      ABORT= HEXIST(id)
+        call g_IO_control(c_Ntuple_IOchannel,'FREE',ABORT,err)
+        call G_build_note(':HBOOK id#$ already in use',
+     &                                 '$',id,' ',rv,' ',err)
+        call G_add_path(here,err)
+        RETURN
+      ENDIF
+      CALL HCDIR(directory,'R')       !CERNLIB read current directory
+*-open New *.rzdat file-
+      recL= default_recL
+      call HROPEN(io,name,file,'N',recL,status)       !CERNLIB
+      ABORT= status.NE.0
+        call g_IO_control(c_Ntuple_IOchannel,'FREE',ABORT,err)
+        iv(1)= status
+        iv(2)= io
+        pat= ':HROPEN error#$ opening IO#$ "'//file//'"'
+        call G_build_note(pat,'$',iv,' ',rv,' ',err)
+        call G_add_path(here,err)
+        RETURN
+      ENDIF
+      size= c_Ntuple_size
+      bank= default_bank
+      title= c_Ntuple_title
+      call HBOOKN(id,title,size,name,bank,c_Ntuple_tag)      !create Ntuple
+      call HCDIR(c_Ntuple_directory,'R')      !record Ntuple directory
+      CALL HCDIR(directory,' ')       !reset CERNLIB directory
+      c_Ntuple_exists= HEXIST(c_Ntuple_ID)
+      ABORT= .NOT.c_Ntuple_exists
+      iv(1)= id
+      iv(2)= io
+      pat= 'Ntuple id#$ [' // c_Ntuple_directory // '/]' // 
+     &                         name // ' IO#$ "' // file // '"'
+      call G_build_note(pat,'$',iv,' ',rv,' ',msg)
+      call sub_string(msg,' /]','/]')
+        err= ':unable to create '//msg
+        call G_add_path(here,err)
+      ELSE
+        pat= ':created '//msg
+        call G_add_path(here,pat)
+        call G_log_message('INFO: '//pat)
+      ENDIF
+      RETURN
+      END  
diff --git a/ENGINE/c_ntuple_register.f b/ENGINE/c_ntuple_register.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f45bf5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/c_ntuple_register.f
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+      subroutine c_Ntuple_register(ABORT,err)
+*     CTP variable registration routine for the COIN Ntuples 
+*     Purpose : Register output filename for COIN Ntuple; temporary
+*     implementation to be superceeded by CTP Ntuples
+*     Output: ABORT      - success or failure
+*           : err        - reason for failure, if any
+*     Created: 8-Apr-1994  K.B.Beard, HU: added Ntuples
+* $Log: c_ntuple_register.f,v $
+* Revision 1.2  1994/06/17 02:47:58  cdaq
+* (KBB) Upgrade
+* Revision 1.1  1994/04/12  16:12:59  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*17 here
+      parameter (here='c_Ntuple_register')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 'c_ntuple.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_routines.dec'
+      integer ierr
+      err= ' '
+      ABORT = .FALSE.
+      call G_reg_C('COIN_Ntuple',c_Ntuple_file,ABORT,err)
+        call G_prepend(':unable to register-',err)
+        call G_add_path(here,err)
+      ENDIF
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/ENGINE/c_ntuple_shutdown.f b/ENGINE/c_ntuple_shutdown.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..27767bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/c_ntuple_shutdown.f
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+      subroutine c_Ntuple_shutdown(ABORT,err)
+*     Final shutdown of the COIN Ntuple
+*     Purpose : Flushes and closes the COIN Ntuple
+*     Output: ABORT      - success or failure
+*           : err        - reason for failure, if any
+*     Created: 8-Apr-1994  K.B.Beard, HU: added Ntuples
+* $Log: c_ntuple_shutdown.f,v $
+* Revision 1.5  2004/02/17 17:26:34  jones
+* Changes to enable possiblity of segmenting rzdat files
+* Revision 1.4  1998/12/01 15:33:33  saw
+* (SAW) Clean out archaic g_build_note stuff
+* Revision 1.3  1994/06/29 03:24:56  cdaq
+* (KBB) Remove HDELET call
+* Revision 1.2  1994/06/17  03:00:30  cdaq
+* (KBB) Upgrade
+* Revision 1.1  1994/04/12  16:14:33  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*17 here
+      parameter (here='c_Ntuple_shutdown')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 'c_ntuple.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_routines.dec'
+      logical FAIL
+      character*80 why,directory,name
+      character*1000 msg
+      integer io,id,cycle,m
+      err= ' '
+      ABORT = .FALSE.
+      IF(.NOT.c_Ntuple_exists) RETURN       !nothing to do
+      call c_ntuple_close(ABORT,err)
+      IF(c_Ntuple_exists) then
+         ABORT = .true.
+      endif
+      c_Ntuple_ID= 0
+      c_Ntuple_name= ' '
+      c_Ntuple_file= ' '
+      c_Ntuple_title= ' '
+      c_Ntuple_size= 0
+      do m=1,CMAX_Ntuple_size
+        c_Ntuple_tag(m)= ' '
+        c_Ntuple_contents(m)= 0.
+      enddo
+      IF(ABORT) call G_add_path(here,err)
+      RETURN
+      END      
diff --git a/ENGINE/c_physics.f b/ENGINE/c_physics.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c176fd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/c_physics.f
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+*-   Purpose and Methods : Compute coincident quantities
+*-   Output: ABORT           - success or failure
+*-         : err             - reason for failure, if any
+* $Log: c_physics.f,v $
+* Revision 1.10  2003/12/19 19:21:04  jones
+* Use ssinplane and hsinplane in calculating cqx,cqz and cmissing_momx,cmissing_momz
+* Revision 1.9  2003/11/28 15:49:41  jones
+* Go back to adding h_oopcentral_offset and s_oopcentral_offset to hsxp_tar and
+* ssxp_tar since this in no longer done in h_physics.f and s_physics.f (MKJ)
+* Revision 1.8  2003/09/05 21:54:44  jones
+* Remove phi_offset addition to xptar. It is done in h_physics.f and s_physics.f (mkj)
+* Revision 1.7  1996/09/04 15:31:12  saw
+* (JRA) Add phi_offset to calculation of q 3 vector
+* Revision 1.6  1996/04/29 19:13:00  saw
+* (JRA) Corrections
+* Revision 1.5  1996/01/22 15:08:02  saw
+* (JRA) Adjust variable names.  Get particle properties from lookup
+* tables
+* Revision 1.4  1996/01/16 21:06:55  cdaq
+* (RE?) Change some definitions
+* Revision 1.3  1995/05/22 20:50:44  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.2  1995/05/13  02:44:07  cdaq
+* (SAW) Remove some debugging
+* Revision 1.1  1995/05/11  15:17:36  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      SAVE
+      character*9 here
+      parameter (here= 'C_PHYSICS')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      include 'gen_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'coin_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'gen_constants.par'
+      include 'hms_scin_tof.cmn'
+      include 'sos_scin_tof.cmn'
+      include 'hms_physics_sing.cmn'
+      include 'sos_physics_sing.cmn'
+      include 'hms_scin_parms.cmn'
+      include 'sos_scin_parms.cmn'
+*     local variables
+      real*4 cqx,cqy,cqz,cqabs
+      real*4 ekinrec,m_rec
+      real*4 tar_amin1
+      real*4 offset_ctime
+      ABORT = .FALSE.
+      err = ' '
+      if(HSNUM_FPTRACK.le.0.or.SSNUM_FPTRACK.le.0) then
+        return
+      endif
+*     Need to select which arm is the hadron
+        tar_amin1= gtarg_a(gtarg_num)-1.0
+        m_rec = tar_amin1*m_amu
+      if(hpartmass .lt. 2*mass_electron) then ! Less than 1 MeV, HMS is elec
+        cqx = -hsp*cos(hsxp_tar+h_oopcentral_offset)*sin(hsinplane)
+        cqy = -hsp*sin(hsxp_tar+h_oopcentral_offset)
+        cqz = gpbeam - hsp*cos(hsxp_tar+h_oopcentral_offset)*cos(hsinplane)
+        cqabs= sqrt(cqx**2+cqy**2+cqz**2)
+        cmissing_momx = cqx + ssp*cos(ssxp_tar+s_oopcentral_offset)*sin(ssinplane)
+        cmissing_momy = cqy - ssp*sin(ssxp_tar+s_oopcentral_offset)
+        cmissing_momz = cqz - ssp*cos(ssxp_tar+s_oopcentral_offset)*cos(ssinplane)
+        cmissing_mom    = sqrt(cmissing_momx**2 + cmissing_momy**2 
+     >                         + cmissing_momz**2)
+        cmissing_mom_par = (cmissing_momx*cqx+cmissing_momz*cqz)/cqabs
+        cmissing_mom_perp = (-cmissing_momz*cqx+cmissing_momx*cqz)/cqabs
+        cmissing_mom_oop = cmissing_momy
+        if(
+         cmissing_mom = -cmissing_mom
+        endif
+        omega = gebeam-hsenergy
+        if(
+         ekinrec = 0
+        else
+         ekinrec = sqrt(cmissing_mom**2 + m_rec**2)-m_rec
+        endif      
+        cmissing_e= omega -(ssenergy - mass_nucleon) - ekinrec
+        p_hms_corr = hsenergy - gebeam/(1+gebeam/0.938272*(1-cos(hstheta)))
+        p_sos_corr = ssp -2.*mass_nucleon*gebeam*cos(sstheta)/
+     >     (gebeam+mass_nucleon)/(1-(gebeam*cos(sstheta)/
+     >     (gebeam+mass_nucleon))**2) 
+      else                              ! SOS is the electron
+        cqx = -ssp*cos(ssxp_tar+s_oopcentral_offset)*sin(ssinplane)
+        cqy = -ssp*sin(ssxp_tar+s_oopcentral_offset)
+        cqz = gpbeam - ssp*cos(ssxp_tar+s_oopcentral_offset)*cos(ssinplane)
+        cqabs= sqrt(cqx**2+cqy**2+cqz**2)
+        cmissing_momx = cqx + hsp*cos(hsxp_tar+h_oopcentral_offset)*sin(hsinplane)
+        cmissing_momy = cqy - hsp*sin(hsxp_tar+h_oopcentral_offset)
+        cmissing_momz = cqz - hsp*cos(hsxp_tar+h_oopcentral_offset)*cos(hsinplane)
+        cmissing_mom    = sqrt(cmissing_momx**2 + cmissing_momy**2 
+     >       + cmissing_momz**2)
+        cmissing_mom_par = (cmissing_momx*cqx+cmissing_momz*cqz)/cqabs
+        cmissing_mom_perp = (-cmissing_momz*cqx+cmissing_momx*cqz)/cqabs
+        cmissing_mom_oop = cmissing_momy
+        if(
+         cmissing_mom = -cmissing_mom
+        endif
+        omega = gebeam-ssenergy
+        if(
+         ekinrec = 0
+        else
+         ekinrec = sqrt(cmissing_mom**2 + m_rec**2)-m_rec
+        endif      
+        cmissing_e= omega -(hsenergy - mass_nucleon) - ekinrec
+        p_sos_corr = ssenergy - gebeam/(1+gebeam/0.938272*(1-cos(sstheta))) 
+        p_hms_corr = hsp -2.*mass_nucleon*gebeam*cos(hstheta)/
+     >       (gebeam+mass_nucleon)/(1-(gebeam*cos(hstheta)/
+     >       (gebeam+mass_nucleon))**2)
+       endif
+* Coincidence timing.
+      offset_ctime = - (hstime_at_fp-hstart_time_center)
+     &               + (sstime_at_fp-sstart_time_center)
+     &               - hspath_cor + sspath_cor + 10
+      ccointime_hms = (hmisc_dec_data(10,1)-2450)/9.46 + offset_ctime
+      ccointime_sos = (smisc_dec_data(9,1)-1570)/9.68 - offset_ctime
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/ENGINE/c_proper_shutdown.f b/ENGINE/c_proper_shutdown.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0ed6d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/c_proper_shutdown.f
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+      SUBROUTINE C_proper_shutdown(lunout,ABORT,err)
+*-       Prototype C analysis routine
+*-   Purpose and Methods : Closes files properly, flushes, etc.
+*-   Output: ABORT		- success or failure
+*-         : err	- reason for failure, if any
+*-   Created  20-Nov-1993   Kevin B. Beard for new error standards
+* $Log: c_proper_shutdown.f,v $
+* Revision 1.8  1996/01/16 21:07:45  cdaq
+* no change
+* Revision 1.7  1995/07/27 19:02:19  cdaq
+* (SAW) Move ntuple shutdown to g_ntuple_shutdown
+* Revision 1.6  1995/05/22  13:30:11  cdaq
+* (JRA) Make a listing of potential detector problems
+* Revision 1.5  1995/04/01  19:43:57  cdaq
+* (SAW) One report file for each of g, h, s, c instead of a single report file
+*       Allow %d for run number in filenames
+* Revision 1.4  1994/10/11  18:39:02  cdaq
+* (SAW) Protect agains blank blocknames
+* Revision 1.3  1994/08/30  14:45:44  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add call to report generator
+* Revision 1.2  1994/04/12  17:12:20  cdaq
+* (KBB) Add ntuple call
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/04  21:07:58  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+*- All standards are from "Proposal for Hall C Analysis Software
+*- Vade Mecum, Draft 1.0" by D.F.Geesamn and S.Wood, 7 May 1993
+      SAVE
+      include 'gen_routines.dec'
+      include 'gen_filenames.cmn'
+      include 'gen_run_info.cmn'
+      include 'coin_filenames.cmn'
+      character*17 here
+      parameter (here= 'C_proper_shutdown')
+      logical ABORT, report_abort
+      character*(*) err
+      integer ierr
+      character*132 file
+      integer lunout
+*-chance to flush any statistics, etc.
+      ABORT= .FALSE.
+      err = ' '
+*      call c_ntuple_shutdown(ABORT,err)
+      if(' '.and.
+     $' ') then
+        file = c_report_output_filename
+        call g_sub_run_number(file, gen_run_number)
+        ierr = threp(c_report_blockname, file)
+        if( then
+          call g_append(err,'& threp failed to create report in file'//file)
+          report_abort = .true.
+        endif
+      endif
+      IF(ABORT.or.report_abort) THEN
+         call G_add_path(here,err)
+      ELSE
+         err= ' '
+      ENDIF
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/ENGINE/c_reconstruction.f b/ENGINE/c_reconstruction.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..85ec2ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/c_reconstruction.f
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+      SUBROUTINE C_reconstruction(ABORT,err)
+*-       Prototype C analysis routine
+*-   Purpose and Methods : reconstruction of HMS quantities 
+*-   Output: ABORT              - success or failure
+*-         : err             - reason for failure, if any
+*-   Created  8-Nov-1993   Kevin B. Beard, HU
+*-   Modified 20-Nov-1993   KBB for new errors
+* $Log: c_reconstruction.f,v $
+* Revision 1.6  1996/01/16 21:08:42  cdaq
+* no change
+* Revision 1.5  1995/05/22 20:50:44  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.4  1995/05/11  15:48:15  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add call to c_physics for coincidence variables
+* Revision 1.3  1994/06/17  03:16:29  cdaq
+* (KBB) Remove not yet written warning
+* Revision 1.2  1994/02/04  21:09:43  cdaq
+* Fix indentation
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/04  21:08:21  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+*- All standards are from "Proposal for Hall C Analysis Software
+*- Vade Mecum, Draft 1.0" by D.F.Geesamn and S.Wood, 7 May 1993
+      SAVE
+      character*16 here
+      parameter (here= 'C_reconstruction')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 'coin_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_constants.par'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_units.par'
+      INCLUDE 'coin_bypass_switches.cmn'
+      ABORT= .FALSE.
+      err = ' '
+      if(cbypass_physics.eq.0) then
+        call c_physics(abort,err)
+        IF(ABORT) call G_add_path(here,err)
+        return
+      endif
+*     Successful return
+      abort = .false.
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/ENGINE/c_register_variables.f b/ENGINE/c_register_variables.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b79cfc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/c_register_variables.f
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+      subroutine c_register_variables(ABORT,err)
+*     CTP variable registration routine for coincidences
+*     Purpose : Register all variables that are to be used by CTP, that are
+*     connected with the coincidence calculations.  This includes
+*     externally configured parameters/contants, event data that can be a
+*     histogram source, and possible test results and scalers.
+*     Output: ABORT      - success or failure
+*           : err        - reason for failure, if any
+*     Created: 9-Feb-1994  Stephen A. Wood
+* $Log: c_register_variables.f,v $
+* Revision 1.9  1996/01/16 21:09:28  cdaq
+* no change
+* Revision 1.8  1995/05/22 13:32:49  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add call to register coin_data_structures.cmn variables
+* Revision 1.7  1995/05/11  14:50:17  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add call to register variables from c_ntuple.cmn
+* Revision 1.6  1994/08/18  04:11:57  cdaq
+* (SAW) Call makereg generated routines to register variables
+* Revision 1.5  1994/06/17  03:19:44  cdaq
+* (KBB) Execute all code despite registration errors
+* Revision 1.4  1994/06/16  03:41:41  cdaq
+* (SAW) Register filenames for reports
+* Revision 1.3  1994/06/14  03:19:03  cdaq
+* (DFG) register target and beam variables
+* Revision 1.2  1994/04/12  17:13:37  cdaq
+* (KBB) Add ntuple call
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/11  18:32:18  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*20 here
+      parameter (here='c_register_variables')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      integer*4 ierr
+      logical FAIL
+      character*1000 why
+      ABORT = .false.
+      err= ' '
+      call r_coin_data_structures
+      call r_coin_filenames
+      call r_c_ntuple
+        call G_prepend(':unable to register',err)
+      ENDIF
+      call c_ntuple_register(FAIL,why)  ! Remove this when ctp files fixed
+      IF(err.NE.' ' .and. why.NE.' ') THEN
+        call G_append(err,' & '//why)
+      ELSEIF(why.NE.' ') THEN
+        err= why
+      ENDIF
+      ABORT= ABORT .or. FAIL
+      if(ABORT .or. err.NE.' ') call g_add_path(here,err)
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/ENGINE/c_reset_event.f b/ENGINE/c_reset_event.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3057b65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/c_reset_event.f
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+      SUBROUTINE C_reset_event(ABORT,err)
+*-       Prototype C analysis routine
+*-   Purpose and Methods : resets all COIN quantities before an event 
+*-                         is processed.
+*-   Output: ABORT    - success or failure
+*-         : err      - reason for failure, if any
+*-   Created  29-Oct-1993   Kevin B. Beard
+*-   Modified  6-Dec-1993   K.B.Beard: adopt new errors
+* $Log: c_reset_event.f,v $
+* Revision 1.3  1996/01/16 21:10:22  cdaq
+* no change
+* Revision 1.2  1995/05/22 20:50:44  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/04  21:18:37  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+*- All standards are from "Proposal for Hall C Analysis Software
+*- Vade Mecum, Draft 1.0" by D.F.Geesamn and S.Wood, 7 May 1993
+      SAVE
+      character*50 here
+      parameter (here= 'C_reset_event')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 'coin_data_structures.cmn'
+      ABORT= .FALSE.
+      err= ' '
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/ENGINE/engine.f b/ENGINE/engine.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9af403
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/engine.f
@@ -0,0 +1,1282 @@
+* PROGRAM Engine
+*-       Prototype C analysis routine
+*- This is the analysis shell for CEBAF hall C.
+*  It gets all of its instructions via the CTP package
+*- Loops through data until it encounters an error.
+*-   Created  18-Nov-1993   Kevin B. Beard, Hampton Univ.
+* $Log: engine.f,v $
+* Revision  2009/09/17 20:24:14  jones
+* call sane_close_scalers()
+* Revision  2009/09/16 21:47:37  jones
+* Set SANE_BETA_ANGLE_THETA = bigcal_theta_deg
+* Set ANE_HMS_ANGLE_THETA = htheta_lab
+* Revision  2009/09/02 13:30:57  jones
+* eliminate definition of variables that are not used
+* Revision  2009/05/04 20:54:24  jones
+* Modified so that syncfilter will work
+* Revision  2009/04/23 19:24:11  jones
+* For runs  72532-72583 set event type 1 equal to event type 6.
+* Revision  2009/03/31 19:33:00  cdaq
+* *** empty log message ***
+* Revision  2009/02/16 00:16:10  cdaq
+* *** empty log message ***
+* Revision  2009/02/11 22:58:44  cdaq
+* *** empty log message ***
+* Revision  2008/11/17 20:52:33  cdaq
+*  Added call to h_tofcal_endrun
+* Revision  2008/10/26 18:59:13  cdaq
+* fixed trginit call
+* Revision  2008/10/26 18:53:06  cdaq
+* *** empty log message ***
+* Revision  2008/10/26 18:49:04  cdaq
+* trginit moved
+* Revision  2008/09/26 21:03:18  cdaq
+* *** empty log message ***
+* Revision  2008/01/08 22:50:36  cdaq
+* *** empty log message ***
+* Revision  2007/11/10 20:17:56  brash
+* Added FPP information to the gep coincidence ntuple
+* Revision  2007/10/31 22:49:56  cdaq
+* added end-of-run call to b_fill_eff_hists
+* Revision  2007/10/23 13:25:35  cdaq
+* commented out diagnostic message
+* Revision  2007/10/22 18:38:59  cdaq
+* adjusted HMS FPP histos
+* Revision  2007/10/22 14:50:37  brash
+* Fixed typo in loop surrounding gepid_gep_evtype
+* Revision  2007/10/20 19:56:08  cdaq
+* Added filling of event type histogram
+* Revision  2007/10/19 14:57:08  cdaq
+* *** empty log message ***
+* Revision  2007/10/19 00:15:20  cdaq
+* *** empty log message ***
+* Revision  2007/10/10 13:13:24  puckett
+* *** empty log message ***
+* Revision  2007/09/13 04:02:17  brash
+* Implement some minor changes to fix Mac OS X runtime errors ... ejb
+* Revision  2007/09/12 19:18:46  puckett
+* fixed incorrect usages of array index of gen_run_enable
+* Revision  2007/09/10 20:33:37  pcarter
+* Implemented changes to allow compilation on RHEL 3,4,5 and MacOSX
+* Revision  2007/09/07 16:04:35  puckett
+* updated bigcal monte carlo reconstruction to include protons.
+* Revision  2007/08/27 19:01:38  puckett
+* Added call to BigCal calibration in engine.f
+* Revision  2007/08/07 19:02:22  puckett
+* added run number substitution for tree filenames
+* Revision  2007/06/26 16:36:45  puckett
+* latest changes for monte carlo analysis, latest fixes for cluster finding routine
+* Revision  2007/06/20 18:26:32  puckett
+* Added BigCal Monte Carlo analysis capability
+* Revision  2007/06/04 14:56:05  puckett
+* changed hit array structure for trigger related signals
+* Revision  2007/05/15 02:55:01  jones
+* Start to Bigcal code
+* Revision  2004/07/09 14:12:46  saw
+* Add function calls to fill CTP ROOT Trees
+* Revision  2004/06/30 19:31:49  cdaq
+* Add call to g_examine_picture_event (DJG)
+* Revision  2004/06/18 11:24:11  cdaq
+*  Fixed so that runstats works under Linux
+* Revision 1.41  2004/05/27 23:51:28  jones
+* Initialize EoF = .false.
+* Revision 1.40  2004/05/27 22:01:55  jones
+* Comment call to  g_analyze_scalers when there is an event 129
+* ( a CODA 1.4 scaler event).
+* Revision 1.39  2004/05/19 21:33:52  jones
+* Initialize physics_events=0
+* Revision 1.38  2004/05/11 18:29:27  jones
+* Add ability when using syncfilter to skip events if "skip_event"
+* is set to true in g_analyze_scaler_bank.f
+* Revision 1.37  2003/12/19 17:45:31  jones
+* a) Fill gscaler_skipped and gscaler_saved only when using syncfilter
+* b) Fixed bug with skipping events for low beam current. Make sure it
+*     only works when using syncfilter
+* c) Clean up output about syncfilter effects
+* Revision 1.36  2003/12/17 15:10:56  jones
+*  fix problem in sync filter part
+* Revision 1.35  2003/09/05 21:49:12  jones
+* Merge in online03 changes  (mkj)
+* Revision 1.34  2003/04/03 00:30:28  jones
+* Add call to s_cal_calib ( V. Tadevosyan)
+* Revision 1.33  2003/03/24 22:49:41  jones
+* Changes for HMS calo calibration. Include hms_calorimeter.cmn and add call
+* to h_cal_calib at end of run if hdbg_tracks_cal .lt. 0
+* Revision  2003/09/04 20:30:48  jones
+* Changes for running with syncfilter (mkj)
+* Revision  2003/08/14 00:42:23  cdaq
+* Modify to be able to write scaler rates for each read to a file (mkj)
+* Revision  2003/06/26 12:38:11  cdaq
+* add write statement when genable_sos_satcorr .ne. 0  (mkj)
+* Revision  2003/04/21 23:45:58  cdaq
+* Modified so only one message about scaler kludge is printed. (MKJ)
+* Revision  2003/04/14 18:02:06  jones
+* Modified so that engine will not analyze events until after first scaler read.
+* Revision  2003/04/09 02:47:00  cdaq
+* Update readout code to ignore HV and EPICS events when searching for run_info event
+* Revision  2003/04/03 01:02:44  cdaq
+* match main branch apr-02-2003
+* Revision  2003/03/25 03:03:40  cdaq
+*  match main brach mar-24-2003
+* Revision 1.32  2003/02/21 14:51:13  jones
+* Added line to call s_fieldcorr subroutine
+* Revision 1.31  2003/02/15 17:11:45  jones
+* Eliminated STOP command when run info event found after starting the analyze physics events. Just wrote out comments to let the user decide what to do.
+* Revision 1.30  2003/02/12 20:30:59  jones
+* Initialize variable 'problems' to false ( E. Brash)
+* Revision 1.29  2002/12/20 21:55:23  jones
+* Modified by Hamlet for new HMS aerogel
+* Revision 1.28  2002/09/24 20:10:34  jones
+* Added calls to subroutines h_fieldcorr.f and g_apply_offsets.f
+* Revision 1.27  1999/11/04 20:35:14  saw
+* Linux/G77 compatibility fixes
+* Revision 1.26  1999/06/10 14:30:35  csa
+* (JRA) Cleanup, handling of go_info event
+* Revision 1.25  1999/02/23 16:47:30  csa
+* (JRA) Changes to scaler event handling and cleanup
+* Revision 1.24  1998/12/01 16:01:48  saw
+* (SAW) Close preproc output file at end of run
+* Revision 1.23  1996/11/08 15:40:09  saw
+* (JRA) Add analysis of epics events.
+* Revision 1.22  1996/09/04 15:33:43  saw
+* (JRA) Assorted changes and diagnostics
+* Revision 1.21  1996/04/29 19:19:04  saw
+* (JRA) Corrections
+* Revision 1.20  1996/01/24 16:11:10  saw
+* (JRA) Change evtype to registered gen_event_type.  Refresh statistics
+*       file at a time interval rather than event interval
+* Revision 1.19  1996/01/16 21:12:41  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add tcl run statistics display
+* Revision 1.18  1995/10/09 19:59:00  cdaq
+* (JRA) Improve event counting for periodic dumping.  Dump pedestal data
+* at end of run.
+* Revision 1.17  1995/09/22 19:39:13  cdaq
+* (SAW) Move g_ctp_database from g_init_filenames to here.  Process all
+* CTP command line vars after every ctp file read so that command line
+* overrides everything.
+* Revision 1.16  1995/07/27 19:45:40  cdaq
+* (SAW) f2c compatibility changes.  Only shutdown ntuples at very end.
+*       ctp command line variables override at every oportunity
+* Revision 1.15  1995/05/11  19:02:23  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add ability to set CTP variables from the command line
+* Revision 1.14  1995/04/01  20:12:58  cdaq
+* (SAW) Call g_proper_shutdown instead of dump_hists for periodic hist dumps
+* Revision 1.13  1995/03/13  18:11:05  cdaq
+* (JRA) Write scaler report when histograms are dumped at intervals
+* Revision 1.12  1995/01/31  21:12:17  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add gen_run_hist_dump_interval for in run hist dumping.  Add commented
+*           out code to query user for # of event and hist dump interval.
+* Revision 1.11  1994/11/22  20:12:01  cdaq
+* (SAW) Change "" to " " so this would compile under ultrix.
+* Revision 1.10  1994/10/19  20:40:29  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add handling of RPC requests
+* Revision 1.9  1994/07/07  15:28:29  cdaq
+* (SAW) Move check for scaler event to proper place
+* Revision 1.8  1994/06/26  02:07:03  cdaq
+* (KBB) Add ability to analyze selected subset of events.  Add evcount stats.
+* (SAW) Add call to scaler analysis
+* Revision 1.7  1994/06/17  03:35:00  cdaq
+* (KBB) Upgrade error reporting
+* Revision 1.6  1994/06/15  14:27:30  cdaq
+* (SAW) Actually add call to g_examine_physics_event
+* Revision 1.5  1994/06/07  18:22:58  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add calls to g_examine_physics_event and g_examine_control_event
+* Revision 1.4  1994/04/15  20:31:25  cdaq
+* (SAW) Changes for ONLINE use
+* Revision 1.3  1994/03/24  22:02:12  cdaq
+* Reorganize for online compatibility
+* Revision 1.2  1994/02/11  18:32:06  cdaq
+* Split off CTP variables registration from initialize routines
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/04  21:04:59  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+c      program engine
+      SAVE
+      external jishft, jiand, jieor
+      character*6 here
+      parameter (here= 'Engine')
+      logical ABORT,EoF
+      character*800 err,mss
+      include 'gen_filenames.cmn'
+      include 'gen_craw.cmn'
+      include 'gen_run_info.cmn'
+      include 'gen_event_info.cmn'
+      include 'gen_run_pref.cmn'
+      include 'gen_routines.dec'
+      include 'gen_scalers.cmn'
+      include 'gen_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'sane_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_data_structures.cmn' 
+      include 'bigcal_bypass_switches.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_filenames.cmn'
+      include 'gep_hist_id.cmn'
+      include 'hms_calorimeter.cmn' !for HMS calorimeter calibration
+      include 'sos_calorimeter.cmn' !for SOS calorimeter calibration
+      logical problems, finished_extracting
+      integer total_event_count
+      integer physics_events
+      integer analyzed_events(0:gen_max_trigger_types)
+      integer sum_analyzed,sum_analyzed_skipped
+      integer recorded_events(0:gen_max_trigger_types)
+      integer skipped_badsync_events(0:gen_max_trigger_types)
+      integer skipped_lowbcm_events(0:gen_max_trigger_types)
+      integer sum_recorded
+      integer num_events_skipped
+      integer i,since_cnt,lastdump
+      integer mkj,ii
+      integer rpc_pend                  ! # Pending asynchronous RPC requests
+      common /aevents/ analyzed_events
+      character*80 g_config_environmental_var
+      parameter (g_config_environmental_var= 'ENGINE_CONFIG_FILE')
+      integer*4 jishft,jiand,jieor
+      integer ierr
+      integer*4 status
+      integer*4 evclose
+      character*132 file
+      character*20 groupname
+c      character*132 system_string
+      real*4 ebeam,phms,thms,psos,tsos,ntarg
+c      real*4 calangledeg,rcal,ycal
+      real*4 instrate,avrate
+      integer start_time,lasttime
+      integer lasttime2,tdiff,report_incr
+      integer time
+      integer*4 preprocessor_keep_event
+      external time
+      integer*4 skipped_events_scal,tindex
+      real*8 delta_time
+c      real*8 omega
+      print *
+      print *,' Hall C Proudly Presents: PHYSICS Analysis Engine'
+      print *
+c      ncalls_calc_ped = 0
+      total_event_count= 0                      ! Need to register this
+      lastdump=0
+      physics_events=0
+      skipped_events_scal = 0      
+      do i=0,gen_max_trigger_types
+        analyzed_events(i)=0
+        recorded_events(i)=0
+        skipped_badsync_events(i)=0
+        skipped_lowbcm_events(i)=0
+      enddo
+      sum_analyzed=0
+      sum_analyzed_skipped=0
+      sum_recorded=0
+      num_events_skipped=0
+      rpc_on=0                          ! RPC servicing off by default
+      rpc_control=-1                    ! If RPC on, don't block by default
+      call g_register_variables(ABORT,err)
+      if(' ') then
+         call G_add_path(here,err)
+         call G_rep_err(ABORT,err)
+         If(ABORT) STOP
+         err= ' '
+      ENDIF
+      g_config_filename = ' '
+      call engine_command_line(.false.) ! Set CTP vars from command line
+      call G_init_filenames(ABORT,err,g_config_environmental_var)
+      if(' ') then
+         call G_add_path(here,err)
+         call G_rep_err(ABORT,err)
+         If(ABORT) STOP
+         err= ' '
+      ENDIF
+      !write(*,*) 'after processing engine config file, gen_run_enable=',
+c     $     gen_run_enable
+      !write(*,*) 'after processing engine config file, gen_bigcal_mc=',
+c     $     gen_bigcal_mc
+      call engine_command_line(.false.) ! Set CTP vars from command line
+* If there is a g_ctp_database_filename set, pass the run number
+* to it to set CTP variables
+      !write(*,*) 'processing CTP database'
+      if(' ') then
+        call g_ctp_database(ABORT, err ,gen_run_number, g_ctp_database_filename)
+        IF(ABORT) THEN
+          call G_add_path(here,err)
+        endif
+      ENDIF
+c      write(*,*) 'b_ntuple_max_segmentevents=',b_ntuple_max_segmentevents
+      !write(*,*) 'after processing ctp database file, gen_run_enable=',
+c     $     gen_run_enable
+      !write(*,*) 'after processing ctp database file, gen_bigcal_mc=',
+c     $     gen_bigcal_mc
+c     initialize CTP ROOT trees: substitute run number into filename!!!!
+      if(.not.abort) then
+         call g_tree_init(abort,err)
+         if(abort) then
+            call g_add_path(here,err)
+         endif
+      endif
+      !write(*,*) 'CTP database file processed'
+      call engine_command_line(.false.) ! Set CTP vars from command line
+      call G_decode_init(ABORT,err)
+      if(' ') then
+         call G_add_path(here,err)
+         call G_rep_err(ABORT,err)
+         If(ABORT) STOP
+         err= ' '
+      endif
+      g_data_source_opened = .false.     !not opened yet
+      g_data_source_in_hndl= 0           !none
+      call G_open_source(ABORT,err)
+      if(' ') then
+         call G_add_path(here,err)
+         call G_rep_err(ABORT,err)
+         If(ABORT) STOP
+         err= ' '
+      endif
+* if preprocessor on, open event file
+      if(
+        g_preproc_opened=.false. !not opened yet
+        g_preproc_in_hndl=0      !none IO opened
+        call g_preproc_open(ABORT,err)
+        if (' ')then
+          call G_add_path(here,err)
+          call G_rep_err(ABORT,err)
+          if (ABORT) STOP
+          err=' '
+        endif
+        write(6,*)'Opened CODA event file for preprocessor output'
+      endif
+      finished_extracting = .false.
+      problems = .false.
+      syncfilter_on = .false.
+      insync = 0
+      EoF=.false.
+      if( goto 666     ! skip run info event loop 
+      DO WHILE(.NOT.problems .and. .NOT.ABORT .and. .NOT.EoF .and.
+     &         .NOT.finished_extracting)
+        mss= ' '
+        g_replay_time=time()-start_time
+        call G_clear_event(ABORT,err)   !clear out old data
+        problems= problems .OR. ABORT
+        if(mss.NE.' ' .and. err.NE.' ') then
+          call G_append(mss,' & '//err)
+        elseif(err.NE.' ') then
+          mss= err
+        endif
+        If(.NOT.problems) Then
+          call G_get_next_event(ABORT,err) !get and store 1 event 
+          problems= problems .OR. ABORT 
+          if(.NOT.ABORT) total_event_count= total_event_count+1
+        EndIf
+        if(mss.NE.' ' .and. err.NE.' ') then
+          call G_append(mss,' & '//err)
+        elseif(err.NE.' ') then
+          mss= err
+        endif
+* Check if this is a physics event or a CODA control event.
+        if(.not.problems) then
+           gen_event_type = jishft(craw(2),-16)
+           !write(*,*)'gen_event_type = ',gen_event_type
+           !write(*,*)'gen_MAX_trigger_types = ',gen_MAX_trigger_types
+          if(gen_event_type.le.gen_MAX_trigger_types) then
+            recorded_events(gen_event_type)=recorded_events(gen_event_type)+1
+            if ( sum_recorded=sum_recorded+1
+            write(6,*) "Whew, I feel much bettter now"
+            write(6,*) "However, you might want to know that I've hit a physics event"
+            write(6,*) "In my run info event loop and THAT SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN!!!"
+            write(6,*) "KILL ME!!! KILL ME NOW!!!!!"
+          endif
+* if preprocessor is on write all events of trig type > 16
+*   (i.e. all non-physics events)
+          if( .and.
+     $ then
+            call g_write_event(ABORT,err)
+          endif
+* if preprocessor is on write trig type 0 (scaler events)
+          if(gen_event_type.eq.0 .and. then
+            call g_write_event(ABORT,err)
+          else if (gen_event_type.eq.130) then !run info event (get e,p,theta)
+            finished_extracting=.true.
+            write(6,'(a)') 'COMMENTS FROM RUN INFO EVENT'
+            call g_extract_kinematics(ebeam,phms,thms,psos,tsos,ntarg)
+            write(6,'(a)') 'KINEMATICS FROM RUN INFO EVENT'
+            if ( ebeam=ebeam/1000. !usually in MeV
+            write(6,*) '   gpbeam     =',abs(ebeam),' GeV'
+            gpbeam=abs(ebeam)
+            write(6,*) '   hpcentral  =',abs(phms),' GeV/c'
+            hpcentral=abs(phms)
+            write(6,*) '   htheta_lab =',abs(thms),' deg.'
+            htheta_lab=abs(thms)
+            write(6,*) '   spcentral  =',abs(psos),' GeV/c'
+            spcentral=abs(psos)
+            write(6,*) '   stheta_lab =',abs(tsos),' deg.'
+            stheta_lab=abs(tsos)
+            write(6,*) '   gtarg_num  =',abs(ntarg)
+            gtarg_num=ntarg
+          else if (gen_event_type.eq.131 .or. gen_event_type.eq.132) then! EPICS event
+            call g_examine_epics_event
+          else if (gen_event_type.eq.133) then  !SAW's new go_info events
+             call g_examine_go_info(CRAW,ABORT,err)
+          else if (gen_event_type.eq.141 .or. gen_event_type.eq.142 .or.
+     &             gen_event_type.eq.144) then
+*             write(6,*) 'HV information event, event type=',gen_event_type
+	  else if (gen_event_type.eq.146..or.gen_event_type.eq.147) then
+c	     write(6,*) 'Cheesy poofs! - picture event'
+	     call g_examine_picture_event
+          else if (gen_event_type.eq.251) then
+             syncfilter_on = .true.
+          else
+            call g_examine_control_event(CRAW,ABORT,err)
+          endif
+! Go event is last 'nice tag' for point where we should have already seen
+! run-info event.
+          if (gen_event_type.eq.18) then
+            write(6,*) "no run information event found"
+            finished_extracting=.true.
+          endif
+        endif                           !if .not.problems
+      enddo                             !do while .not.finished_extracting
+ 666  continue
+      !write(*,*) 'skipped run info event loop for mc analysis'
+      call G_initialize(ABORT,err)              !includes a total reset
+      IF(ABORT.or.err.NE.' ') THEN
+         call G_add_path(here,err)
+         call G_rep_err(ABORT,err)
+         If(ABORT) STOP
+         err= ' '
+      ENDIF
+c      write(*,*) 'G_initialize completed successfully'
+*-attempt to open FASTBUS-CODA file
+c      g_data_source_opened = .false.     !not opened yet
+c      g_data_source_in_hndl= 0           !none
+c      call G_open_source(ABORT,err)
+c      if(' ') then
+c         call G_add_path(here,err)
+c         call G_rep_err(ABORT,err)
+c         If(ABORT) STOP
+c         err= ' '
+c      endif
+      call engine_command_line(.false.) ! Set CTP vars from command line
+      !write(*,*) 'about to call h_fieldcorr'
+      if(gen_run_enable(0).ne.0) then
+        call h_fieldcorr(ABORT,err)
+      endif
+c  call h_fieldcorr subroutine 
+c    to fix problem with setting hpcentral in field programs
+c    applies to experiments using fieldxx.f programs before field02.f
+c    parameter genable_hms_fieldcorr is switch to determine
+c    whether fix is applied.
+      if(gen_run_enable(1).ne.0) then
+        call s_fieldcorr(ABORT,err)
+      endif
+      if ( then
+         write(*,*) '*************'
+         write(*,*) ' SOS saturation correction enabled'
+         write(*,*) ' Delta modified for each event'
+         write(*,*) '*************'
+       endif
+      call G_apply_offsets(ABORT,err)  
+c initial polarized target field
+      if (SANE_TGTFIELD_B .gt. 0)  then
+c BETA and HMS angle relative to beam direction, need SANE_FIELD_ANGLE_THETA
+      SANE_FIELD_ANGLE_PHI = 180.0d00
+      SANE_BETA_ANGLE_THETA = bigcal_theta_deg
+      SANE_BETA_ANGLE_PHI = 0.0d00  ! pointing beam left is phi =0
+      SANE_HMS_ANGLE_THETA = htheta_lab
+      SANE_HMS_ANGLE_PHI = 180.0d00  ! pointing beam left is phi =180
+      SANE_BETA_OMEGA = abs(SANE_BETA_ANGLE_THETA - SANE_FIELD_ANGLE_THETA) ! used in sane_physics.f
+c detemine angle of HMS and BETA relative to FIELD direction
+      SANE_HMS_FIELD_PHI    = 180.d00   ! used h_targ_trans.f
+      if (SANE_HMS_FIELD_THETA .gt. 180.0d00) then
+         SANE_HMS_FIELD_PHI    = 0.0d00
+      endif
+      SANE_BETA_FIELD_PHI    = 180.d00   ! used gep_physics.f
+      call trgInit('trg_field_map_extended.dat')
+      endif
+c  call G_apply_offsets which calls  s_apply_offsets, h_apply_offsets
+c   which apply offsets to spect. momenta, angles
+* Print out the statistics report once...
+      if(' '.and.
+     $' ') then
+         file = g_stats_output_filename
+         call g_sub_run_number(file, gen_run_number)
+         ierr = threp(g_stats_blockname,file)
+      endif
+* Comment out the following three lines if they cause trouble or
+* if wish is unavailable.
+c$$$      write(system_string,*) './runstats ',file(1:index(file,' ')-1), ' ',
+c$$$     $     gen_run_number, ' > /dev/null &'
+c$$$      call system(system_string)
+*-zero entire event buffer
+      DO i=1,LENGTH_CRAW
+         CRAW(i)= 0
+      ENDDO
+      since_cnt= 0
+      report_incr = 10
+      problems= .false.
+      EoF = .false.
+      if( then
+        print *,"*****************************************************"
+        print *," "
+        print *,"ENGINE is enabled to receive RPC requests"
+        if(rpc_control.eq.0) then
+          print *," "
+          print *,"ENGINE will HANG waiting for RPC requests"
+                else if( then
+          print *,"ENGINE will HANG to waitfor RPC requests after "
+     $         ,rpc_control," events"
+        endif
+        if( then
+          print *,"If you don't want this to happen, put one of the"
+          print *,"following in your CTP setup file"
+          print *,"    rpc_on = 0 ; Turns off RPC handling"
+          print *,"    rpc_control = -1 ; No Hanging, but RPC handled"
+        endif
+        print *," "
+        print *,"*****************************************************"
+        call thservset(0,0)             !prepare for RPC requests
+      endif
+      rpc_pend = 0
+      start_time=time()
+      lasttime=0
+      lasttime2 = 0
+c Start data analysis
+      if ( syncfilter_on) then
+         write(6,*) ' ******'
+         write(6,*) ' Analyzing using Syncfilter'
+         write(6,*) ' ******'
+      endif
+      !write(*,*) 'Entering event loop'
+      DO WHILE(.NOT.problems .and. .NOT.ABORT .and. .NOT.EoF)
+        mss= ' '
+        g_replay_time=time()-start_time
+        call G_clear_event(ABORT,err)   !clear out old data
+        problems= problems .OR. ABORT
+c     !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!IF BIGCAL MONTE CARLO DATA, DO ALL EVENT REPLAY HERE!!!!!!!!
+        if( then
+c           call get_bigcal_mc_event(gen_bigcal_mc,ABORT,err)
+           gen_event_type = 5
+           if(gen_bigcal_mc.eq.3) then ! fake proton data included
+              gen_event_type = 6
+           endif
+           !write(*,*) 'Entering monte carlo reconstruction'
+           call bigcal_mc_reconstruction(gen_bigcal_mc,ABORT,err)
+c$$$           write(*,*) '(rowmax,colmax,adcmax)=',bigcal_iymax_adc,
+c$$$     $          bigcal_ixmax_adc,bigcal_max_adc
+           EoF = EOF_MC_DAT
+           if(abort) then
+              call g_add_path(here,err)
+              return 
+           endif
+c$$$           recorded_events(gen_event_type)=recorded_events(gen_event_type)+1
+c$$$           sum_recorded=sum_recorded+1
+c$$$           total_event_count= total_event_count+1
+           groupname='bigcal'
+           if(gen_bigcal_mc.eq.3) groupname='gep'
+           call g_keep_results(groupname,ABORT,err)
+           if(abort) then 
+              call g_add_path(here,err)
+              return 
+           endif
+           sum_analyzed = sum_analyzed + 1
+           gen_event_ID_number = gen_event_ID_number + 1
+c           write(*,*) gen_event_ID_number
+           goto 667  ! skip the rest of event loop
+        endif
+c     !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!END BIGCAL MONTE CARLO EVENT REPLAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+        if(mss.NE.' ' .and. err.NE.' ') then
+          call G_append(mss,' & '//err)
+        elseif(err.NE.' ') then
+          mss= err
+        endif
+        If(.NOT.problems) Then
+          call G_get_next_event(ABORT,err) !get and store 1 event
+          problems= problems .OR. ABORT
+          if(.NOT.ABORT) total_event_count= total_event_count+1
+        EndIf
+        if(mss.NE.' ' .and. err.NE.' ') then
+          call G_append(mss,' & '//err)
+        elseif(err.NE.' ') then
+          mss= err
+        endif
+* Check if this is a physics event or a CODA control event.
+        if (.not.problems) then
+           gen_event_type = jishft(craw(2),-16)
+           if (gen_event_type .eq. 13) then
+                   gen_event_type = 6
+          endif
+         if(grun .ge. 72532 .and. 
+     >       grun .le. 72583) then
+           if (gen_event_type .eq. 1) gen_event_type = 6
+          endif
+c           write(*,*) 'gen_event_type=',gen_event_type
+c           write(*,*) 'gepid_gep_ev_type=',gepid_gep_evtype
+           if( then
+c              write(*,*) 'filling gep event type hist, gen_event_type=',
+c     $             gen_event_type
+              call hf1(gepid_gep_evtype,float(gen_event_type),1.)
+           endif
+          if(gen_event_type.le.gen_MAX_trigger_types) then
+            recorded_events(gen_event_type)=recorded_events(gen_event_type)+1
+            if ( sum_recorded=sum_recorded+1
+          endif
+*if preprocessor is on write all events of trig type > 16
+*  (i.e. all non-physics events)
+          if( .and.
+     & call g_write_event(ABORT,err)
+* if preprocessor is on write trig type 0 (scaler events)
+          if(gen_event_type.eq.0 .and.
+     &      call g_write_event(ABORT,err)
+          if (gen_event_type .eq. 251) then
+             write(6,*) ' Syncfilter event, SYNC type = ',craw(5)
+             insync = craw(5)
+             endif
+          if (gen_event_type.eq.130) then       !run info event (get e,p,theta)
+            write(6,*) " ***********"
+            write(6,*) " A run info event after starting to analyze physics events"
+            write(6,*) " If you are using the kinematics file  "
+            write(6,*) " to set HMS and SOS central momentum and angles then no problem"
+            write(6,*) " number of events for event types HMS,SOS,COIN",analyzed_events(1)
+     >,analyzed_events(2),analyzed_events(3)
+            write(6,*) " If no events analyzed yet for  HMS,SOS, or COIN then no problem"
+            write(6,*) " ***********"
+            write(6,*) " If you are relying on the run info event "
+            write(6,*) " to set HMS and SOS central momentum and angles then for this run"
+            write(6,*) " it is best to do it using the kinematics file"
+            write(6,*) " ***********"
+          endif
+          if(jieor(jiand(CRAW(2),'FFFF'x),'10CC'x).eq.0) then ! Physics event
+	    if (gen_event_type.eq.0) then          !scaler event.
+              analyzed_events(gen_event_type)=analyzed_events(gen_event_type)+1
+                call g_analyze_scalers_by_banks(CRAW,ABORT,err)
+             if (' ' .and. analyzed_events(0) .gt. 1) then
+               delta_time = max(gscaler_change(gclock_index)/gclock_rate,.000D00)
+               write(G_LUN_WRITEOUT_SCALER,'(i10,10g12.5)') gen_event_ID_number,delta_time,
+     >       (gscaler_change(INDEX_WRITEOUT_SCALERS(tindex))/delta_time
+     >          ,tindex=1,NUM_WRITEOUT_SCALERS)
+             endif            
+               if (syncfilter_on) then 
+                 if (  insync .eq. 1 .or.  skip_events ) 
+     ,                 write(*,*) ' Skipping out-of-sync events'
+                 if ( ave_current_bcm(bcm_for_threshold_cut)  .le. g_beam_on_thresh_cur(bcm_for_threshold_cut)
+     >  .or. insync .eq. 1 .or. skip_events ) then
+                  do ii=1,MAX_NUM_SCALERS
+                   gscaler_skipped(ii) = gscaler_skipped(ii) +  gscaler_change(ii)
+                  enddo
+                 else
+                  do ii=1,MAX_NUM_SCALERS
+                   gscaler_saved(ii) = gscaler_saved(ii) +  gscaler_change(ii)
+                  enddo
+                 endif
+               endif
+               if (analyzed_events(0) .le. 1 ) then
+                  write(*,*) '************'
+c                  write(*,*)' Will not analyze events until after first scaler read'
+                  write(*,*) '************'
+               endif
+* if preprocessor is on write trig type 0 (scaler events)
+              if(gen_event_type.eq.0 .and.
+     &           call g_write_event(ABORT,err)
+* dump report at first scaler event AFTER hist_dump_interval to keep hardware
+* and software scalers roughly in sync.
+              if((physics_events-lastdump).ge.gen_run_hist_dump_interval
+     &  then
+                lastdump=physics_events   ! Wait for next interval of dump_int.
+                !write(*,*) 'about to call g_proper_shutdown. Is this where the seg. fault occurs?'
+                call g_proper_shutdown(ABORT,err)
+                print 112,
+     &               "Finished dumping histograms/scalers for first",
+     &             physics_events," events"
+ 112            format (a,i8,a)
+             endif
+          else                  !REAL physics event.
+c        may need to change some of this stuff to look at the testlab data.
+               if (analyzed_events(0) .le. 1 .and. gen_event_type .le. 3) then
+                  if (skipped_events_scal .eq. 0 ) then
+                  write(*,*) '************'
+c                  write(*,*) ' Will not analyze SOS,HMS or coin events until after first scaler read'
+                  write(*,*) ' Analyzed events :',(analyzed_events(mkj),mkj=1,4)
+                  write(*,*) '************'
+                  endif
+                  skipped_events_scal = skipped_events_scal + 1
+                  goto 868      ! kludge mkj
+               endif
+              if(gen_event_type.le.gen_MAX_trigger_types) then
+               if(gen_run_enable(gen_event_type-1).ne.0) then
+               if ( insync .eq. 1 .and. gen_event_type .ne. 4 .and. syncfilter_on ) then
+                  skipped_badsync_events(gen_event_type)=skipped_badsync_events(gen_event_type) + 1
+                  sum_analyzed_skipped = sum_analyzed_skipped + 1
+                  goto 868
+               endif
+               if ( skip_events .and. gen_event_type .ne. 4 .and. syncfilter_on ) then
+                  skipped_badsync_events(gen_event_type)=skipped_badsync_events(gen_event_type) + 1
+                  sum_analyzed_skipped = sum_analyzed_skipped + 1
+                  goto 868
+               endif
+               if ( ave_current_bcm(bcm_for_threshold_cut)  .lt. g_beam_on_thresh_cur(bcm_for_threshold_cut)
+     >               .and. gen_event_type .ne. 4 .and. syncfilter_on) then
+                  skipped_lowbcm_events(gen_event_type)=skipped_lowbcm_events(gen_event_type) + 1
+                  sum_analyzed_skipped = sum_analyzed_skipped + 1
+                  goto 868
+               endif
+                call g_examine_physics_event(CRAW,ABORT,err)
+                problems = problems .or.ABORT
+                if(mss.NE.' ' .and. err.NE.' ') then
+                  call G_append(mss,' & '//err)
+                elseif(err.NE.' ') then
+                  mss= err
+                endif
+                if ( .and.
+     &     then ! always analyze peds.
+                  num_events_skipped = num_events_skipped + 1
+                else
+                  if(gen_run_starting_event.eq.gen_event_id_number)
+     &                 start_time=time()  !reset start time for analysis rate
+                  if(.NOT.problems) then
+                    if ( then	!physics events (not scalers)
+                       !write(*,*) 'about to call g_reconstruction, trying to locate segfault'
+c                       write(*,*) 'calling g_reconstruction, gen_event_type=',
+c     $                      gen_event_type
+                       call G_reconstruction(CRAW,ABORT,err) !COMMONs
+                       physics_events = physics_events + 1
+                       if (gen_event_type .le. gen_max_trigger_types) then
+                          analyzed_events(gen_event_type)=analyzed_events(gen_event_type)+1
+                       endif
+                       if ( sum_analyzed=sum_analyzed+1
+                       problems= problems .OR. ABORT
+                    else        !gen_event_type=0, scaler event
+                    endif
+                 endif
+                  if(mss.NE.' ' .and. err.NE.' ') then
+                    call G_append(mss,' & '//err)
+                  elseif(err.NE.' ') then
+                    mss= err
+                  endif
+                  groupname=' '
+                  if (gen_event_type.eq.1) then
+                    groupname='hms'
+                  else if (gen_event_type.eq.2) then
+                    groupname='sos'
+                  else if (gen_event_type.eq.3) then
+                    groupname='both'
+                  else if (gen_event_type.eq.4) then
+                    start_time=time()     !reset start time for analysis rate
+                    groupname='ped'
+                  else if (gen_event_type.eq.5.or.gen_event_type.eq.7.or.
+     $                   gen_event_type.eq.8) then
+                    groupname = 'bigcal'
+                  else if (gen_event_type.eq.6) then
+                    groupname = 'gep'
+                  else
+                    write(6,*) 'gen_event_type= ',gen_event_type,
+     ,                    ' for call to g_keep_results'
+                  endif
+                  If(.NOT.problems .and.' ') Then
+                     !write(*,*) 'about to call g_keep_results'
+                     call G_keep_results(groupname,ABORT,err) !file away results as
+                    problems= problems .OR. ABORT !specified by interface
+                  EndIf
+                  if(mss.NE.' ' .and. err.NE.' ') then
+                    call G_append(mss,' & '//err)
+                  elseif(err.NE.' ') then
+                    mss= err
+                  endif
+* if preprocessor is on check event for write criteria
+                  if(
+                    if(.NOT.problems)then
+                      call g_preproc_event(preprocessor_keep_event)
+                      if(preprocessor_keep_event.eq.1)then
+                        call g_write_event(ABORT,err)
+                      endif
+                    endif
+                  endif
+*- Here is where we insert a check for an Remote Proceedure Call (RPC)
+*- from another process for CTP to interpret
+                  if( then
+                    if(rpc_pend.eq.0.and.rpc_control.eq.0) then
+                      do while(rpc_pend.eq.0.and.rpc_control.eq.0)
+                        ierr = thservone(-1) !block until one RPC request serviced
+                        rpc_pend = thcallback()
+                      enddo
+                    else
+                      ierr = thservone(0)   !service one RPC requests
+                      rpc_pend = thcallback()
+                    endif
+                    if( rpc_pend = 0 ! Last thcallback took care of all
+                                        ! outstanding requests
+                    if( rpc_control = rpc_control - 1
+                  endif
+                endif
+             endif
+             else if (gen_event_type.eq.131 .or. gen_event_type.eq.132) then ! EPICS event
+                call g_examine_epics_event
+              endif
+           endif                !if REAL physics event as opposed to scaler (evtype=0)
+         Else
+              if(gen_event_type.eq.129) then
+              write(6,*) 'CODA 1.4 SCALER EVENT - event type 129!!!!!'
+              write(6,*) ' Will not Analyze this event'
+!              call g_analyze_scalers(CRAW,ABORT,err)
+!* Dump report at first scaler event AFTER hist_dump_interval to keep hardware
+!* and software scalers in sync.
+!              if((physics_events-lastdump).ge.gen_run_hist_dump_interval.and.
+!     &   then
+!                lastdump=physics_events   ! Wait for next interval of dump_int.
+!                call g_proper_shutdown(ABORT,err)
+!                print 112,"Finished dumping histograms/scalers for first"
+!     &               ,physics_events," events"
+! 112            format (a,i8,a)
+!              endif
+            else if (gen_event_type.eq.133) then  !SAW's new go_info events
+              call g_examine_go_info(CRAW,ABORT,err)
+            else
+              call g_examine_control_event(CRAW,ABORT,err)
+           endif
+            mss = err
+         EndIf
+      endif
+c  skip analyzing data until after first scaler read
+c    also can skip if using syncfilter and beam current is low
+ 868    continue
+*Now write the statistics report every 2 sec...
+         if ( then  !dump every 2 seconds
+           lasttime=g_replay_time
+           if(' '.and.
+     $' ') then
+              file = g_stats_output_filename
+              call g_sub_run_number(file, gen_run_number)
+              ierr = threp(g_stats_blockname,file)
+           endif
+        endif
+ 667    continue
+        since_cnt= since_cnt+1
+*	* echo progress at least once every 3 minutes but no more than every 15 sec
+        if (mod(since_cnt,report_incr) .eq. 0) then
+	  avrate = float(since_cnt)/max(float(g_replay_time),0.001)
+          tdiff=g_replay_time-lasttime2
+	  instrate = report_incr/max(float(tdiff),0.001)
+	  if (
+     > then
+	    write(6,'('' Event = '',i9,3x,''trigger#'',i9,4x,''(time = '',
+     >i6,''s, rate int= '',i5,''/s, diff= '',i5,''/s) '')')
+     >	      total_event_count,physics_events,g_replay_time,int(avrate),int(instrate)
+	  else
+	    write(6,'('' Event = '',i5,3x,''trigger#'',i5,4x,''(time = '',
+     >i4,''s, rate int= '',i5,''/s, diff= '',i5,''/s) '')')
+     >	      total_event_count,physics_events,g_replay_time,int(avrate),int(instrate)
+	  endif
+	  lasttime2 = g_replay_time
+          if ( then
+            report_incr = report_incr*10
+          elseif( then
+            report_incr = report_incr/10
+	  endif
+	endif
+        If(ABORT .or. mss.NE.' ') Then
+          call G_add_path(here,mss)     !only if problems
+          call G_rep_err(ABORT,mss)
+        EndIf
+        EoF= gen_event_type.EQ.20 .or. EOF_MC_DAT
+        if( .and. then
+          EoF=EoF .or. gen_run_stopping_event.le.sum_analyzed+sum_analyzed_skipped-analyzed_events(4)
+     $          .or. EOF_MC_DAT
+        EndIf
+*- Here is where we insert a check for an Remote Proceedure Call (RPC)
+*- from another process for CTP to interpret
+      ENDDO                     !found a problem or end of run
+c      write(*,*) 'ncalls_calc_ped=',ncalls_calc_ped
+c...  Calibrate HMS and SOS calorimeters.
+      if( call h_cal_calib(1)
+      if( call s_cal_calib(1)
+c calibrate HMS scintilattor tof
+      call h_tofcal_endrun(gen_run_number)
+c...  call to calibration routine for BigCal. 
+      if( then
+         write(*,*) '*****CALLING BIGCAL CALIBRATION*****'
+c         write(*,*) 'Nred=',bigcal_Ncalib
+c         call bigcal_calib(bigcal_Ncalib,abort,err)
+         call bigcal_calib(abort,err)
+      endif
+c     also call bigcal end-of-run hist filling here, so that it is close 
+c     to other BigCal stuff and easy to find
+      call b_fill_eff_hists(abort,err)
+      print *,'    -------------------------------------'
+      IF(ABORT .or. mss.NE.' ') THEN
+        call G_rep_err(ABORT,mss)       !report any errors or warnings
+        err= ' '
+      ENDIF
+       if( call thservunset(0,0)
+      print *,'    -------------------------------------'
+* Print out the statistics report one last time...
+      if(' '.and.
+     $' ') then
+         file = g_stats_output_filename
+         call g_sub_run_number(file, gen_run_number)
+         ierr = threp(g_stats_blockname,file)
+      endif
+      call G_proper_shutdown(ABORT,err) !save files, etc.
+      If(ABORT .or. err.NE.' ') Then
+        call G_add_path(here,err)       !report any errors or warnings
+        call G_rep_err(ABORT,err)
+        err= ' '
+      EndIf
+      call g_ntuple_shutdown(ABORT,err)
+      If(ABORT .or. err.NE.' ') Then
+        call G_add_path(here,err)       !report any errors or warnings
+        call G_rep_err(ABORT,err)
+        err= ' '
+      EndIf
+* close charge scalers output file.
+      if (' ') close(unit=G_LUN_CHARGE_SCALER)
+* close epics output file.
+      if (' ') close(unit=G_LUN_EPICS_OUTPUT)
+      if (g_preproc_opened) then
+        status= evclose(g_preproc_in_hndl)
+        if ( write(6,*) 'status for evclose=',status
+      endif
+      call sane_close_scalers()
+      call g_dump_peds
+      call h_dump_peds
+      call s_dump_peds
+      call b_dump_peds ! add bigcal
+      print *
+      print *,'Processed:'
+      DO i=0,gen_MAX_trigger_types
+        If(recorded_events(i).GT.0) Then
+          write(mss,'(4x,i12," / ",i8," events of type",i3)')
+     &             analyzed_events(i),recorded_events(i),i
+          call G_log_message(mss)
+        EndIf
+      ENDDO
+      write(mss,'(i12," / ",i8," total (neglecting scalers)")') sum_analyzed,sum_recorded
+      call G_log_message(mss)
+      print *,'  for run#',gen_run_number
+      if ( syncfilter_on) then
+      write(mss,'(i12," number of analyzed skipped ")') sum_analyzed_skipped
+      call G_log_message(mss)
+      DO i=1,gen_MAX_trigger_types
+        If(recorded_events(i).GT.0) Then
+          write(mss,'(" events of type:",i3,
+     ,   " # skipped for bad sync:",i12)')
+     &             i,skipped_badsync_events(i)
+          call G_log_message(mss)
+        ENDIF
+      ENDDO
+      DO i=1,gen_MAX_trigger_types
+        If(recorded_events(i).GT.0) Then
+          write(mss,'("  events of type:",i3,
+     &    " # skipped for low current:",i12)')
+     &             i,skipped_lowbcm_events(i)
+          call G_log_message(mss)
+        ENDIF
+      ENDDO
+      endif
+      avrate = float(since_cnt)/max(float(g_replay_time),0.001)
+      tdiff=g_replay_time-lasttime2
+      write(6,'('' Event #'',i9,'',  trigger #'',i9,'',  time = '',i6,
+     >''s,  rate '',i5,''/s '')')
+     >total_event_count,physics_events,g_replay_time,int(avrate)
+      ierr=thtreecloseg('all')
+* Comment out the following two lines if they cause trouble
+      call system
+     &  ("kill `ps | grep runstats | awk '{ print $1}'` > /dev/null")
+      END
+      subroutine engine_command_line(outputflag)
+      implicit none
+      integer iarg
+      character*132 arg
+c iargc is a GNU extension (intrinsic)
+c      integer iargc
+c      external iargc
+      logical outputflag
+* Process command line args that set CTP variables
+      do iarg=1,iargc()
+        call getarg(iarg,arg)
+        if(index(arg,'=').gt.0) then
+          call thpset(arg)
+          if (outputflag) write(6,'(4x,a70)') arg(1:70)
+        endif
+      enddo
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/ENGINE/g_analyze_beam_pedestal.f b/ENGINE/g_analyze_beam_pedestal.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4fe60fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/g_analyze_beam_pedestal.f
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+      subroutine g_analyze_beam_pedestal(ABORT,err)
+* $Log: g_analyze_beam_pedestal.f,v $
+* Revision 1.3  1999/02/23 16:49:21  csa
+* (JRA) Add gmisc_dec_data
+* Revision 1.2  1999/02/10 17:38:09  csa
+* Added call to g_analyze_misc
+* Revision 1.1  1996/01/22 15:08:20  saw
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*23 here
+      parameter (here='g_analyze_beam_pedestal')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      integer*4 ihit
+      integer*4 ind
+      INCLUDE 'gen_data_structures.cmn'
+      save
+      do ihit = 1 , gmax_misc_hits
+        gmisc_dec_data(ihit,2)=-1
+      enddo
+      do ihit = 1 , gmisc_tot_hits
+        if (gmisc_raw_addr1(ihit).eq.2) then   !ADCs
+          ind=gmisc_raw_addr2(ihit)      ! no sparsification yet - NEED TO FIX!!!!
+          gmisc_dec_data(ind,2) = gmisc_raw_data(ihit)
+          gmisc_ped_sum2(ind,2) = gmisc_ped_sum2(ind,2) +
+     $         gmisc_raw_data(ihit)*gmisc_raw_data(ihit)    !2 is for ADCs
+          gmisc_ped_sum(ind,2) = gmisc_ped_sum(ind,2) + gmisc_raw_data(ihit)
+          gmisc_ped_num(ind,2) = gmisc_ped_num(ind,2) + 1
+        endif
+      enddo
+*     we have to call this also for pedestal events, to get the mean
+*     beam position before we get the first physics event
+      call g_analyze_misc(ABORT,err)
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/ENGINE/g_analyze_misc.f b/ENGINE/g_analyze_misc.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..51b96d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/g_analyze_misc.f
@@ -0,0 +1,402 @@
+      subroutine g_analyze_misc(abort,errmsg)
+* author: John Arrington
+* created: 1/17/96
+* g_analyze_misc takes the gen_decoded_misc common block and
+*   generates decoded bpm/raster information.
+* $Log: g_analyze_misc.f,v $
+* Revision  2010/02/23 14:51:30  jones
+* Remove "dbg slow raster=" write statements
+* Revision  2009/06/05 17:47:35  jones
+*  Changed gsrx_raw_adc = gmisc_dec_data(3,2) to   gmisc_dec_data(4,2)
+*       gsry_raw_adc = gmisc_dec_data(4,2) to   gmisc_dec_data(3,2)
+* Revision  2009/01/16 18:47:12  cdaq
+* *** empty log message ***
+* Revision  2008/11/05 15:41:54  cdaq
+* Set variables gsrx_adc and gsry_adc
+* Revision  2008/10/28 20:55:21  cdaq
+* Changed raster channels
+* Revision  2008/10/19 21:49:24  cdaq
+* slow raster
+* Revision  2008/10/11 15:03:34  cdaq
+* slow raster
+* Revision  2008/09/26 21:03:49  cdaq
+* *** empty log message ***
+* Revision  2007/10/20 19:55:06  cdaq
+* Added more helicity analysis
+* Revision  2007/10/17 19:30:14  cdaq
+* changed cutoffs for h+ and h- signals: >8000 for ON, <2000 for OFF
+* Revision  2007/10/17 16:12:38  cdaq
+* Added handling of helicity ADC
+* Revision  2007/10/17 15:52:54  cdaq
+* Added helicity stuff
+* Revision 1.9  2003/09/05 15:17:37  jones
+* Merge in online03 changes (mkj)
+* Revision  2003/08/14 00:23:36  cdaq
+* Get bpm3 x and y position data from correct part of  gmisc_dec_data  array (mkj)
+* Revision 1.8  2002/12/27 21:57:50  jones
+*     a. delete variable n_use_bpm and only use variable n_use_bpms
+*     b. Comment out forced setting of guse_bpm_in_recon,gusefr,guse_frdefault
+*     c. only set xp(3),yp(3),xm(3),ym(3) when n_use_bpms .eq. 3
+*     d. gbpm_kappa is an array
+*     e. JRA added check of fasraster pedestals
+* Revision 1.7  1999/11/04 20:35:14  saw
+* Linux/G77 compatibility fixes
+* Revision 1.6  1999/06/10 14:38:25  csa
+* (CSA) Commented out debugging output
+* Revision 1.5  1999/02/23 16:55:43  csa
+* Correct gbeam calc, add a bunch of comments
+* Revision 1.4  1999/02/10 17:43:38  csa
+* Updated code for SEE bpms (P. Gueye?), added raster calculations
+* (J. Reinhold), and added code for third target bpm
+* Revision 1.3  1996/09/04 14:30:41  saw
+* (JRA) Add beam position calculations
+* Revision 1.2  1996/04/29 19:41:09  saw
+* (JRA) Update BPM code
+* Revision 1.1  1996/01/22 15:08:37  saw
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      include 'gen_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'gen_constants.par'
+      include 'gep_hist_id.cmn'
+      logical abort
+      character*(*) errmsg
+      character*20 here
+      parameter (here = 'g_analyze_misc')
+      integer*4 ibpm,ibpm_sample,n_use_bpms
+      real*8 normfrx,frxphase,frxdphase
+      real*8 normfry,fryphase,frydphase
+      real*4 xp(gmax_num_bpms),xm(gmax_num_bpms)
+      real*4 yp(gmax_num_bpms),ym(gmax_num_bpms)
+      real*4 bpm_x(gmax_num_bpms,gbpm_sample_max)
+      real*4 bpm_y(gmax_num_bpms,gbpm_sample_max)
+      real*4 bpm_meanx(gmax_num_bpms),bpm_meany(gmax_num_bpms)
+      real*4 sum_x,sum_y,sum_z,sum_zx,sum_zy,sum_zz,denom
+      integer*4 numfr
+      real*4 sumfry,sumfrx,avefry,avefrx
+      real*4 small
+      parameter (small = 1.e-6)
+      save
+      abort = .false.
+      errmsg = ' '
+*     csa 2/99 -- Note that the SEE BPMs have a large delay in their
+*     electronics. For a 20 kHz raster, it amounts to about 90 degrees.
+*     There is a phase ambiguity which arises from this delay, and as a
+*     result, the target position derived directly from the BPM *cannot*
+*     be used on an event-by-event basis to correct for position. The
+*     fast raster signal should be used for this (alternatively, the
+*     phase ambiguity can be resolved using both the fast raster and
+*     fast raster synch signals). We *can* use the BPM signals to
+*     calculate a running centroid average (phase ambiguity is not
+*     harmful here).
+*     In principle, the following needs to be done only once per run...
+      n_use_bpms = 3
+      if (guse_bpmc .ne. 1) n_use_bpms = 2
+*     csa 2/2/99 -- Until we understand the bpms we will not use the
+*     info in the analyzer. Once someone has done a reasonable analysis
+*     that convinces us we understand what we are getting, these defeats
+*     can be removed.
+* mkj 11/21/2001 Let the user have some intelligence to set these.
+*mkj      if(guse_bpm_in_recon .ne. 0) then
+*mkj         write(6,*)' g_analyze_misc: forcing guse_bpm_in_recon to 0'
+*mkj         guse_bpm_in_recon = 0
+*mkj      endif
+*mkj      if(gusefr .ne. 0) then
+*mkj         write(6,*)' g_analyze_misc: forcing gusefr to 0 (NO Fast Raster corrections)'
+*mkj         gusefr = 0
+*mkj      endif
+*mkj      if(guse_frdefault .ne. 1) then
+*mkj         write(6,*)' g_analyze_misc: forcing guse_frdefault to 1'
+*mkj         guse_frdefault = 1
+*mkj      endif
+*     initialize beam coordinates
+      gbeam_x  = 0.
+      gbeam_xp = 0.
+      gbeam_y  = 0.
+      gbeam_yp = 0.
+*     BPM Signals:
+*     ============
+*     pedestals are set in replay/PARAM/gbeam.param.*
+      xp(1) = gmisc_dec_data(5,2)  - gbpm_xp_ped(1)
+      xm(1) = gmisc_dec_data(6,2)  - gbpm_xm_ped(1)
+      yp(1) = gmisc_dec_data(7,2)  - gbpm_yp_ped(1)
+      ym(1) = gmisc_dec_data(8,2)  - gbpm_ym_ped(1)
+      xp(2) = gmisc_dec_data(9,2)  - gbpm_xp_ped(2)
+      xm(2) = gmisc_dec_data(10,2) - gbpm_xm_ped(2)
+      yp(2) = gmisc_dec_data(11,2) - gbpm_yp_ped(2)
+      ym(2) = gmisc_dec_data(12,2) - gbpm_ym_ped(2)
+      if (n_use_bpms .eq. 3) then
+      xp(3) = gmisc_dec_data(17,2) - gbpm_xp_ped(3)
+      xm(3) = gmisc_dec_data(18,2) - gbpm_xm_ped(3)
+      yp(3) = gmisc_dec_data(19,2) - gbpm_yp_ped(3)
+      ym(3) = gmisc_dec_data(20,2) - gbpm_ym_ped(3)
+      endif
+* calibration constants are set in replay/PARAM/gbeam.param.* 
+      do ibpm = 1,n_use_bpms
+         gbpm_yprime(ibpm) =  gbpm_kappa(ibpm)*
+     &        (xp(ibpm)-gbpm_alpha_x(ibpm)*xm(ibpm))/
+     &        (xp(ibpm)+gbpm_alpha_x(ibpm)*xm(ibpm)+small)
+         gbpm_xprime(ibpm) = -gbpm_kappa(ibpm)*
+     &        (yp(ibpm)-gbpm_alpha_y(ibpm)*ym(ibpm))/
+     &        (yp(ibpm)+gbpm_alpha_y(ibpm)*ym(ibpm)+small)
+         gbpm_x(ibpm) = ( gbpm_xprime(ibpm)+gbpm_yprime(ibpm))/sqrt(2.)+
+     &        gbpm_x_off(ibpm)
+         gbpm_y(ibpm) = (-gbpm_xprime(ibpm)+gbpm_yprime(ibpm))/sqrt(2.)+
+     &        gbpm_y_off(ibpm)
+      enddo
+*     calculate the mean over the last 'gbpm_sample' events 
+      ibpm_sample = ibpm_sample+1
+      if(ibpm_sample.eq.gbpm_sample+1) ibpm_sample=1
+      do ibpm=1,n_use_bpms
+         bpm_meanx(ibpm)         = bpm_meanx(ibpm) - 
+     >        bpm_x(ibpm,ibpm_sample) + gbpm_x(ibpm)
+         gbpm_meanx(ibpm)        = bpm_meanx(ibpm)/gbpm_sample
+         bpm_x(ibpm,ibpm_sample) = gbpm_x(ibpm)
+         bpm_meany(ibpm)         = bpm_meany(ibpm) - 
+     >        bpm_y(ibpm,ibpm_sample) + gbpm_y(ibpm)
+         gbpm_meany(ibpm)        = bpm_meany(ibpm)/gbpm_sample
+         bpm_y(ibpm,ibpm_sample) = gbpm_y(ibpm)
+      enddo   
+*     csa 2/2/99 -- For the time being I am assuming that all three BPMs
+*     are operational (with the exception that you can ignore H003 by
+*     setting guse_bpmc to zero). Eventually it would be nice to make
+*     the code automatically handle the case that one of the devices is
+*     broken. I'm not sure how to robustly identify a failed bpm,
+*     though.
+*     We'll assume that the sigmas for the three BPMs are the 
+*     same (i.e., we give them equal weight), which simplifies 
+*     the math of the linear fit quite a bit. 
+*     Note that only mean bpm information is used here (not event-
+*     to-event).
+      sum_x  = 0.
+      sum_y  = 0.
+      sum_z  = 0.
+      sum_zx = 0.
+      sum_zy = 0.
+      sum_zz = 0.
+      do ibpm=1,n_use_bpms
+         sum_x  = sum_x + gbpm_meanx(ibpm)
+         sum_y  = sum_y + gbpm_meany(ibpm)
+         sum_z  = sum_z + gbpm_zpos(ibpm)
+         sum_zx = sum_zx + gbpm_zpos(ibpm)*gbpm_meanx(ibpm)
+         sum_zy = sum_zx + gbpm_zpos(ibpm)*gbpm_meany(ibpm)
+         sum_zz = sum_zz + gbpm_zpos(ibpm)*gbpm_zpos(ibpm)
+      enddo
+      denom = sum_zz - sum_z*sum_z
+      if (abs(denom) .lt. small) denom = small
+      gbpm_beam_xp = (sum_zx - sum_x*sum_z)/denom
+      gbpm_beam_x  = (sum_zz*sum_x - sum_zx*sum_z)/denom
+      gbpm_beam_yp = (sum_zy - sum_y*sum_z)/denom
+      gbpm_beam_y  = (sum_zz*sum_y - sum_zy*sum_z)/denom
+*      write(6,*)' g_anal_misc: sum_x/y/z     =',sum_x,sum_y,sum_z
+*      write(6,*)' g_anal_misc: sum_zx/zy/zz  =',sum_zx,sum_zy,sum_zz
+*      write(6,*)' g_anal_misc: gbpm_beam_x/y =',gbpm_beam_x,gbpm_beam_y
+      if(
+         gbeam_x  = gbpm_beam_x
+         gbeam_xp = gbpm_beam_xp
+         gbeam_y  = gbpm_beam_y
+         gbeam_yp = gbpm_beam_yp
+      else
+         gbeam_x  = gbeam_xoff
+         gbeam_xp = gbeam_xpoff
+         gbeam_y  = gbeam_yoff
+         gbeam_yp = gbeam_ypoff
+      endif
+      gbeam_x  = gbeam_x  - gspec_xoff
+      gbeam_xp = gbeam_xp - gspec_xpoff
+      gbeam_y  = gbeam_y  - gspec_yoff
+      gbeam_yp = gbeam_yp - gspec_ypoff
+*     Fast Raster Signals:
+*     ===================
+      gfrx_raw_adc = gmisc_dec_data(14,2)
+      gfry_raw_adc = gmisc_dec_data(16,2)
+* JRA: Code to check FR pedestals.  Since the raster is a fixed frequency
+* and the pedestals come at a fixed rate, it is possible to keep getting
+* the same value for each pedestal event, and get the wrong zero value.
+* (see HCLOG #28325).  So calculate pedestal from first 1000 REAL
+* events and compare to value from pedestal events.  Error on each
+* measurement is RMS/sqrt(1000), error on diff is *sqrt(2), so 3 sigma
+* check is 3*sqrt(2)*RMS/sqrt(1000) = .13*RMS
+! Can't use RMS, since taking sum of pedestal**2 for these signals
+! gives rollover for integer*4.  Just assume signal is +/-2000
+! channels, gives sigma of 100 channels, so check for diff>130.
+* Note: this is (for some reason) called for pedestal events as well,
+* so we need to start counting only after gfrx_adc_ped is set.
+      if ( .and. then
+        numfr = numfr + 1
+        sumfrx = sumfrx + gfrx_raw_adc
+        sumfry = sumfry + gfry_raw_adc
+        if (numfr.eq.1000) then
+          avefrx = sumfrx / float(numfr)
+          avefry = sumfry / float(numfr)
+          if (abs(avefrx-gfrx_adc_ped).gt.130.) then
+            write(6,*) 'FRPED: peds give <frx>=',gfrx_adc_ped,
+     $          '  realevents give <frx>=',avefrx
+          endif
+          if (abs(avefry-gfry_adc_ped).gt.130.) then
+            write(6,*) 'FRPED: peds give <fry>=',gfry_adc_ped,
+     $          '  realevents give <fry>=',avefry
+          endif
+        endif
+      endif
+* calculate raster position from ADC value.
+      gfrx_adc = gfrx_raw_adc - gfrx_adc_ped
+      gfry_adc = gfry_raw_adc - gfry_adc_ped
+      gfrx_sync = gmisc_dec_data(13,2) - gfrx_sync_mean !sign gives sync phase
+      gfry_sync = gmisc_dec_data(15,2) - gfry_sync_mean
+*     fast raster deflection on target is calculated in cm
+      if (guse_frdefault .ne. 0) then ! no phase correction
+         gfrx = (gfrx_adc/gfrx_adcpercm)*(gfr_cal_mom/gpbeam)
+         gfry = (gfry_adc/gfry_adcpercm)*(gfr_cal_mom/gpbeam)
+      else                      ! apply phase correction
+         normfrx   = max(-1.0,min(1.0,(gfrx_adc/gfrx_adcmax)))
+         frxphase  = asin(normfrx)
+         frxdphase = sign(1.,gfrx_sync-gfrx_synccut)*gfrx_dphase*degree
+         frxphase  = frxphase + frxdphase
+         gfrx      = sin(frxphase)*gfrx_maxsize
+         normfry   = max(-1.0,min(1.0,(gfry_adc/gfry_adcmax)))
+         fryphase  = asin(normfry)
+         frydphase = sign(1.,gfry_sync-gfry_synccut)*gfry_dphase*degree
+         fryphase  = fryphase + frydphase
+         gfry      = sin(fryphase)*gfry_maxsize
+      endif
+      gfrxp     = gfrx/gfrx_dist
+      gfryp     = gfry/gfry_dist
+      if (gusefr .ne. 0) then   ! correct for raster
+         gbeam_x  = gbeam_x  + gfrx
+         gbeam_xp = gbeam_xp + gfrxp
+         gbeam_y  = gbeam_y  + gfry
+         gbeam_yp = gbeam_yp + gfryp
+      endif
+c     figure out helicity from ADC signals:
+      if(gmisc_dec_data(1,2).gt.8000.and.gmisc_dec_data(2,2).lt.2000) then
+         gbeam_helicity_ADC = 1
+      else if(gmisc_dec_data(2,2).ge.8000.and.gmisc_dec_data(1,2).lt.2000) then
+         gbeam_helicity_ADC = -1
+      else
+         gbeam_helicity_ADC = 0
+      endif 
+c      write(*,*)gmisc_dec_data(1,2),gmisc_dec_data(2,2),
+c     ,     gmisc_dec_data(2,2),gmisc_dec_data(1,2),gbeam_helicity_ADC
+c     for now just trust the trigger supervisor more than the ADC which can be noisy
+      gbeam_helicity = gbeam_helicity_TS
+c      write(*,*) 'h+ signal = ',gmisc_dec_data(1,2)
+c      write(*,*) 'h- signal = ',gmisc_dec_data(2,2)
+*     Slow Raster Signals:  !!!!!! SLOTS NEED TO BE DETERMINED
+*     ===================
+      gsrx_raw_adc = gmisc_dec_data(4,2)   ! raw info matching MAP (reversed order)!
+      gsry_raw_adc = gmisc_dec_data(3,2)
+! 2nd copy of slow raster read out in Hall C (for use
+! when HMS and BETA re  running stand-alone)
+      gsrx_raw_adc2 = gmisc_dec_data(24,2)   ! raw info matching MAP (reversed order)!
+      gsry_raw_adc2 = gmisc_dec_data(26,2)
+c histrogram
+      if(
+     >   call hf1(gepid_slowrastx,gsrx_raw_adc,1.)
+      if(
+     >   call hf1(gepid_slowrasty,gsry_raw_adc,1.)
+      if(
+     >   call hf2(gepid_slowrastxy,
+     >   gsrx_raw_adc,gsry_raw_adc,1.)
+      if(
+     >   call hf2(gepid_slowrastxy2,
+     >   gsrx_raw_adc2,gsry_raw_adc2,1.)
+      gsrx_adc = gsrx_raw_adc    ! we do not want peds subtracted
+      gsry_adc = gsry_raw_adc   
+c      gsrx_adc = gsrx_raw_adc - gsrx_adc_ped
+c      gsry_adc = gsry_raw_adc - gsry_adc_ped
+c commented this out, becuse (3,2) is used for slow raster, and
+c (5,2) is 
+c      gsrx_sync =  gmisc_dec_data(3,2)! - gsrx_sync_mean
+c      gsry_sync =  gmisc_dec_data(5,2)! - gsry_sync_mean
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/ENGINE/g_analyze_pedestal.f b/ENGINE/g_analyze_pedestal.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd3c5ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/g_analyze_pedestal.f
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+      subroutine g_analyze_pedestal(ABORT,err)
+* $Log: g_analyze_pedestal.f,v $
+* Revision  2008/10/26 19:12:33  cdaq
+* SEM
+* Revision  2008/05/15 18:59:21  bhovik
+* 1'st version
+* Revision  2007/05/15 02:55:01  jones
+* Start to Bigcal code
+* Revision 1.2  1996/01/22 15:09:24  saw
+* (JRA) Add call to g_analyze_beam_pedestal
+* Revision 1.1  1995/04/01 19:36:55  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      character*18 here
+      parameter (here='g_analyze_pedestal')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      call g_analyze_beam_pedestal(ABORT,err)
+      if(ABORT) then
+         call G_add_path(here,err)
+         return
+      endif
+      call h_analyze_pedestal(ABORT,err)
+      if(ABORT) then
+         call G_add_path(here,err)
+         return
+      endif
+      call b_analyze_pedestal(ABORT,err) ! bigcal
+      if(ABORT) then
+         call G_add_path(here,err)
+         return
+      endif
+      call sane_analyze_pedestal(ABORT,err) ! bigcal
+      if(ABORT) then
+         call G_add_path(here,err)
+         return
+      endif
+      call sem_analyze_pedestal(ABORT,err) ! bigcal
+      if(ABORT) then
+         call G_add_path(here,err)
+         return
+      endif
+      call s_analyze_pedestal(ABORT,err)
+      if(ABORT) then
+         call G_add_path(here,err)
+         return
+      endif
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/ENGINE/g_analyze_scaler_bank.f b/ENGINE/g_analyze_scaler_bank.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f1b2cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/g_analyze_scaler_bank.f
@@ -0,0 +1,387 @@
+      subroutine g_analyze_scaler_bank(event,roc,ABORT,err)
+*     $Log: g_analyze_scaler_bank.f,v $
+*     Revision  2011/02/25 20:24:28  jones
+*     Fix problem with scaler(503) . It should be 1MHz but before
+*     run 72476 it was 0.998MHz.  This 0.998 Mhz clock was also
+*     going into the helicity  plus and minus scalers ( 516 and 515).
+*     To get the charge for plus and minus need the fraction of time
+*     for each. Use the scaler(174) which is another 1MHz clock
+*     for the absolute time. Then scale the time by ratio of
+*     516/503 or 515/503 to get the time for the plus and minus
+*     helicity.
+*     Revision  2009/11/11 16:22:00  jones
+*     Switch to
+*     delta_time_help = max(gscaler_change(516)/gclock_rate,.0001D00)
+*     delta_time_helm = max(gscaler_change(515)/gclock_rate,.0001D00)
+*     Revision  2009/11/04 15:34:05  jones
+*     Call scalers 514 and 518 helicity plus and 513 and 517 helicity minus
+*     Revision  2009/11/04 15:10:38  jones
+*     Fill new variable g_run_time_beam_on
+*     Revision  2009/09/29 13:57:19  jones
+*     1) Add variables for calculating charge asymmetry
+*     2) For runs between 72476 to 72588 calculate the time for each helicity using 0.4926*(total time) instead of direct scaler measurement since there was a problem with the clock signal going to downstairs scalers.
+*     Revision  2009/09/02 13:34:35  jones
+*     add variable charge_ch
+*     Revision  2007/11/09 17:17:09  cdaq
+*      added ability to read roc21 scalers
+*     Revision  2007/09/10 20:33:37  pcarter
+*     Implemented changes to allow compilation on RHEL 3,4,5 and MacOSX
+*     Revision 1.4  2004/05/11 18:31:22  jones
+*     If using syncfilter and time between scaler reads is larger than 2.5 seconds
+*     then set "skip_event" to true so that g_beam_on_run_time and g_beam_on_bcm_charge are not updated and events are skipped
+*     in engine.
+*     Revision 1.3  2003/09/05 20:54:28  jones
+*     Merge in online03 changes (mkj)
+*     Revision  2003/09/04 20:42:17  jones
+*     Changes to run with syncfilter (mkj)
+*     Revision  2003/08/14 00:40:09  cdaq
+*     Modify so "beam on" scalers for both bcm1 and bcm2 (mkj)
+*     Revision  2003/04/14 18:05:37  jones
+*     Modified to skip first scaler event. gscaler is sum from first scaler event.
+*     Revision 1.2  1999/11/04 20:35:14  saw
+*     Linux/G77 compatibility fixes
+*     Revision 1.1  1999/02/24 15:19:14  saw
+*     Bring into CVS tree
+      implicit none
+      save
+      external jishft, jiand, jieor
+      integer*4 event(*)
+      integer*4 roc
+      character*17 here
+      parameter (here='g_analyze_scaler_bank')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 'gen_scalers.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_run_info.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_filenames.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'sane_ntuple.cmn'
+      integer ind
+      integer*4 cratenum        ! 1=hms,2=sos
+      real*8 realscal
+      logical update_bcms
+      logical update_helicity_bcms
+      integer analyzed_events(0:15)
+      common /aevents/ analyzed_events
+      integer*4 jiand, jishft, jieor   ! Declare to help f2c
+*     Scaler events have a header in from of each scaler.  High 16 bits
+*     will contain the address (the switch settings).  Address for hall C
+*     will be of the form DANN, where NN is the scaler number.  The low 16
+*     bits will contain the number of scaler values to follow (this should
+*     be no larger than 16, but we will allow more.)
+*     NOTE that the variables gscaler(i) is REAL!!!!!
+*     this is so that we can record the correct value when the 
+*     hardware scalers (32 bit <> I*4) overflow.
+      integer evtype, evnum, evlen, pointer
+      integer scalid, countinmod, address, counter,ii
+*     Temporary variables for beam current and charge calculations
+      real*8 ave_current_unser
+      real*8 delta_time,delta_time_help,delta_time_helm
+*     Find if hms or sos scaler event (assumes first HMS scaler is DA01).
+*     write(6,'("Scaler event: event(3)=",9z)') event(3)
+      if (jieor(jiand(jishft(event(3),-16),'FFFF'X),'DA01'X).eq.0) then !first scaler
+         cratenum=1             !hms
+      else
+         cratenum=2             !sos
+      endif
+      evtype = jishft(event(2),-16)
+      evnum = jiand(event(2),'FF'x) ! last 2 bytes give event number (mod 256)
+*     evnum is mod(256), so must reset lastevnum for rollover
+c     Disable out of order detection since it should no longer happen.
+c     if (evnum.eq.0 .and. gscal_lastevnum(cratenum).gt.200) then
+c     gscal_lastevnum(cratenum)=0
+c     else if (evnum.le.gscal_lastevnum(cratenum)) then
+c     write(6,*) 'STATUS: skipping outoforder scaler event:',
+c     &             ' crate,oldevnum,newevnum=',cratenum,
+c     &             gscal_lastevnum(cratenum),evnum
+c     return
+c     endif
+      gscal_lastevnum(cratenum)=evnum
+*     Should check against list of known scaler events
+      evlen = event(1) + 1
+      update_bcms = .false.
+      update_helicity_bcms = .false.
+      if( then       ! We have a scaler bank
+         pointer = 3
+         do while(
+            scalid = jiand(jishft(event(pointer),-16),'FF'x)
+            countinmod = jiand(event(pointer),'FFFF'x)
+            if(jieor(jiand(event(pointer),'FF000000'x),'DA000000'x).eq.0) then
+c     Old style header with scaler ID @ 00FF0000
+               scalid = jiand(jishft(event(pointer),-16),'FF'x)
+               address = scalid*16
+*     Might want to check that count is not to big.
+*     if( then
+               if( then
+                  err = 'Scaler module header word has count<>16'
+                  ABORT = .true.
+                  call g_add_path(here,err)
+                  return        ! Safest action
+               endif
+            else
+c     New style header with scaler ID @ FFF?0000
+c     (If ? is non zero, it means we are starting in the middle of a scaler)
+c     Allows for non multiple of 16 address starts
+               address = jishft(event(pointer),-16)
+               if (roc .eq. 21) address = address + 230
+*     Might want to check that count is not to big.
+*     if( then
+               if( then
+                  err = 'Scaler module header word has count >16'
+                  ABORT = .true.
+                  call g_add_path(here,err)
+                  return        ! Safest action
+               endif
+            endif
+ccccc address = scalid*16
+            do counter = 1,countinmod
+               ind=address+counter
+               realscal=dfloat(event(pointer+counter))
+               if (ind.eq.gbcm1_index) update_bcms=.true. !assume bcms in same crate
+c     For Gen (7/1998) it is noticed that some scaler channels are randomly
+c     clearing themselves.  The following is a lame hack to detect and correct
+c     this random clearing.
+               if(gscalweirdcorrect_flag.eq.1) then ! Look for random clears
+                  if(event(pointer+counter).gt.0) then ! Really saying < 2**31
+                     if(gscalweird_lastval(ind).gt.event(pointer+counter)) then
+                        gscalweird_nclears(ind) = gscalweird_nclears(ind) + 1
+                        gscalweird_lostcounts(ind) = gscalweird_lostcounts(ind)
+     $                       + gscalweird_lastval(ind)
+c     If the longint scaler value is negative, but close to 0 (which means that
+c     it is really >> 2**31), then we will get to a point where we can't tell the
+c     difference between an overflow and a random clear. But if a channel is
+c     getting random clears too much, then the channel will never get to 2**31
+c     anyway.  For now, let's assume that nothing counts faster than 5Mhz and that
+c     scalers are read out every 5 seconds, and then round that up to
+c     2^25=33554432.  So if a scaler apparantly overflows, but jumps by more than
+c     2^25, we assume it was a false clear.  We could be cleverer and use some
+c     intellegence to characterize the typical rate of each channel, but let's
+c     not get carried away.
+                     else if (gscalweird_lastval(ind).lt.0 .and.
+     $                       (event(pointer+counter)-gscalweird_lastval(ind))
+     $                       .gt.33554432) then
+                        gscalweird_nclears(ind) = gscalweird_nclears(ind) + 1
+                        gscalweird_lostcounts(ind) = gscalweird_lostcounts(ind)
+     $                       + gscalweird_lastval(ind)
+                     endif
+                  endif
+                  gscalweird_lastval(ind) = event(pointer+counter)
+               endif
+*     Save scaler value from previous scaler event:
+*     write(101,*) 'scaler index=',ind
+c               gscaler_old(ind) = gscaler(ind)
+               if ( analyzed_events(0) .eq. 1) then
+                  gscaler_old(ind) = 0
+                  gscaler(ind) = 0
+               endif
+               if ( then
+                  realscal=realscal+4294967296.
+               endif
+               if ( (realscal+dfloat(gscaler_nroll(ind))*4294967296.
+     $              +gscalweird_lostcounts(ind)) .lt. gscaler(ind) ) then
+                                ! 2**32 = 4.295e+9
+                                !32 bit scaler rolled over.
+                  gscaler_nroll(ind)=gscaler_nroll(ind)+1
+               endif
+c               gscaler(ind) = realscal + gscaler_nroll(ind)*4294967296.
+c     $              + gscalweird_lostcounts(ind)
+*     Calculate difference between current scaler value and previous value:
+c               gscaler_change(ind) = gscaler(ind) - gscaler_old(ind)
+               if ( analyzed_events(0) .gt. 1) then
+                   gscaler_change(ind) =  realscal + gscaler_nroll(ind)*4294967296.
+     $              + gscalweird_lostcounts(ind) - gscaler_old(ind)
+                   gscaler(ind) = gscaler_change(ind) + gscaler(ind)
+               endif
+               gscaler_old(ind) = realscal + gscaler_nroll(ind)*4294967296.
+     $              + gscalweird_lostcounts(ind)
+            enddo
+            pointer = pointer + countinmod + 1 ! Add 17 to pointer
+         enddo
+      else
+c     err = 'Event not big enough to contain scalers'
+c     ABORT = .true.
+c     call g_add_path(here,err)
+c     Not all banks will have scaler data every event.  Don't generate the
+c     error any more.  (saw 20.6.1998)
+         return
+      endif
+*     Calculate beam current and charge between scaler events
+      if (update_bcms .and. analyzed_events(0) .gt. 1) then   
+       g_run_time = g_run_time + max(0.001D00,gscaler_change(gclock_index)/gclock_rate)
+      delta_time = max(gscaler_change(gclock_index)/gclock_rate,.0001D00)
+      delta_time_help = max(gscaler_change(516)/gclock_rate,.0001D00)
+      delta_time_helm = max(gscaler_change(515)/gclock_rate,.0001D00)
+      if (gen_run_number .lt. 72476) then
+            delta_time_help =delta_time*gscaler_change(516)/gscaler_change(503)
+            delta_time_helm =delta_time*gscaler_change(515)/gscaler_change(503)
+            endif
+       if ( gen_run_number .ge. 72476 .and. gen_run_number .le. 72588) then ! period when problem with clock signal
+          delta_time_help = 0.4926*delta_time
+          delta_time_helm = 0.4926*delta_time
+       endif
+               skip_events = .false.
+               if (syncfilter_on .and. delta_time .gt. 2.5 ) then
+                 write(*,*) ' Skip events for 
+     >  this scaler read since delta_time = ',delta_time
+                 skip_events = .true.
+               endif
+         ave_current_bcm(1) = gbcm1_gain*((gscaler_change(gbcm1_index)
+     &        /delta_time) - gbcm1_offset)
+         ave_current_bcm(2) = gbcm2_gain*((gscaler_change(gbcm2_index)
+     &        /delta_time) - gbcm2_offset)
+         ave_current_bcm_help(1) = gbcm1_gain*((gscaler_change(514)
+     &        /delta_time_help) - gbcm1_offset)
+         ave_current_bcm_help(2) = gbcm2_gain*((gscaler_change(518)
+     &        /delta_time_help) - gbcm2_offset)
+         ave_current_bcm_helm(1) = gbcm1_gain*((gscaler_change(513)
+     &        /delta_time_helm) - gbcm1_offset)
+         ave_current_bcm_helm(2) = gbcm2_gain*((gscaler_change(517)
+     &        /delta_time_helm) - gbcm2_offset)
+         ave_current_bcm(3) = gbcm3_gain*((gscaler_change(gbcm3_index)
+     &        /delta_time) - gbcm3_offset)
+         ave_current_unser = gunser_gain*((gscaler_change(gunser_index)
+     &        /delta_time) - gunser_offset)
+          charge_ch=.FALSE.
+         if ( then
+          charge_ch=.TRUE.
+            gbcm1_charge = gbcm1_charge + ave_current_bcm(1)*delta_time
+            gbcm2_charge = gbcm2_charge + ave_current_bcm(2)*delta_time
+            gbcm1_charge_help = gbcm1_charge_help + ave_current_bcm_help(1)*delta_time_help
+            gbcm2_charge_help = gbcm2_charge_help + ave_current_bcm_help(2)*delta_time_help
+            gbcm1_charge_helm = gbcm1_charge_helm + ave_current_bcm_helm(1)*delta_time_helm
+            gbcm2_charge_helm = gbcm2_charge_helm + ave_current_bcm_helm(2)*delta_time_helm
+            gbcm3_charge = gbcm3_charge + ave_current_bcm(3)*delta_time
+            gunser_charge = gunser_charge + ave_current_unser*delta_time
+*     Check for the beam on condition, and update beam on variables if needed.
+*     We will use bcm1 for now as it is zero seems more stable.  This could change.
+*     write(6,*) "Checking threshold..."
+            if (ave_current_bcm(1) .ge. g_beam_on_thresh_cur(1) .and. insync .eq. 0 .and. .not. skip_events) then
+               g_beam_on_run_time(1) = g_beam_on_run_time(1) + delta_time
+               g_beam_on_bcm_charge(1) = g_beam_on_bcm_charge(1)
+     $              + ave_current_bcm(1)*delta_time
+               g_beam_on_run_time_help(1) = g_beam_on_run_time_help(1) + delta_time_help
+               g_beam_on_bcm_charge_help(1) = g_beam_on_bcm_charge_help(1)
+     $              + ave_current_bcm_help(1)*delta_time_help
+               g_beam_on_run_time_helm(1) = g_beam_on_run_time_helm(1) + delta_time_helm
+               g_beam_on_bcm_charge_helm(1) = g_beam_on_bcm_charge_helm(1)
+     $              + ave_current_bcm_helm(1)*delta_time_helm
+*     write(6,*) "above threshold (",ave_current_bcm1,")"
+            endif
+            if (ave_current_bcm(2) .ge. g_beam_on_thresh_cur(2) .and. insync .eq. 0 .and. .not. skip_events) then
+               g_beam_on_run_time(2) = g_beam_on_run_time(2) + delta_time
+               g_beam_on_bcm_charge(2) = g_beam_on_bcm_charge(2)
+     $              + ave_current_bcm(2)*delta_time
+               g_beam_on_run_time_help(2) = g_beam_on_run_time_help(2) + delta_time_help
+               g_beam_on_bcm_charge_help(2) = g_beam_on_bcm_charge_help(2)
+     $              + ave_current_bcm_help(2)*delta_time_help
+               g_beam_on_run_time_helm(2) = g_beam_on_run_time_helm(2) + delta_time_helm
+               g_beam_on_bcm_charge_helm(2) = g_beam_on_bcm_charge_helm(2)
+     $              + ave_current_bcm_helm(2)*delta_time_helm
+            endif
+            g_run_time_beam_on = g_beam_on_run_time(bcm_for_threshold_cut)
+            gscaler_event_num = gscaler_event_num + 1
+*     Write out pertinent charge scaler rates for each scaler event.
+            if (' ' .and. ave_current_bcm(1) .ge. g_beam_on_thresh_cur(1)) then
+c              write(G_LUN_CHARGE_SCALER,1001) gscaler_event_num, !scaler event num
+c    &              gscaler_change(gunser_index)/delta_time, !scaler rate(Hz)
+c    &              gscaler_change(gbcm1_index)/delta_time, !scaler rate(Hz)
+c    &              gscaler_change(gbcm2_index)/delta_time, !scaler rate(Hz)
+c    &              gscaler_change(gbcm3_index)/delta_time, !scaler rate(Hz)
+c    &              delta_time  !time since last scaler event (sec)
+               write(G_LUN_CHARGE_SCALER,1001) gscaler_event_num, !scaler event num
+     > g_beam_on_bcm_charge(1),g_beam_on_bcm_charge_help(1),g_beam_on_bcm_charge_helm(1),
+     > (g_beam_on_bcm_charge_help(1)
+     >   +g_beam_on_bcm_charge_helm(1))/g_beam_on_bcm_charge(1),
+     > g_beam_on_bcm_charge_help(1)/g_beam_on_bcm_charge(1),
+     > g_beam_on_bcm_charge_helm(1)/g_beam_on_bcm_charge(1),
+     > ave_current_bcm(1)*delta_time, ave_current_bcm_help(1)*delta_time_help,
+     > ave_current_bcm_helm(1)*delta_time_helm,
+     > (ave_current_bcm_help(1)*delta_time_help
+     >+ave_current_bcm_helm(1)*delta_time_helm)/(ave_current_bcm(1)*delta_time),
+     > delta_time,delta_time_help,delta_time_helm,
+     > (delta_time_help+delta_time_helm)/delta_time,
+     > g_beam_on_run_time_help(1)/g_beam_on_run_time(1),g_beam_on_run_time_helm(1)/g_beam_on_run_time(1),
+     > (g_beam_on_run_time_help(1)+g_beam_on_run_time_helm(1))/g_beam_on_run_time(1)
+            endif
+         endif
+      endif
+* 1001 format(i6,4f13.2,f12.6)
+ 1001 format(i6,17(1x,f8.5))
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/ENGINE/g_analyze_scalers.f b/ENGINE/g_analyze_scalers.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9b4477
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/g_analyze_scalers.f
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
+      subroutine g_analyze_scalers(event,ABORT,err)
+* $Log: g_analyze_scalers.f,v $
+* Revision  2009/09/02 13:36:59  jones
+* add variable charge_ch
+* Revision  2007/09/10 20:33:37  pcarter
+* Implemented changes to allow compilation on RHEL 3,4,5 and MacOSX
+* Revision 1.15  2003/09/05 20:54:41  jones
+* Merge in online03 changes (mkj)
+* Revision  2003/08/14 00:40:09  cdaq
+* Modify so "beam on" scalers for both bcm1 and bcm2 (mkj)
+* Revision  2003/04/11 13:25:11  cdaq
+* Remove old hardwire check on run number
+* Revision 1.14  1999/11/04 20:35:14  saw
+* Linux/G77 compatibility fixes
+* Revision 1.13  1999/02/10 18:17:21  csa
+* Added beam-on calculations (D. McKee)
+* Revision 1.12  1996/11/05 20:45:02  saw
+* (SAW) Use parameter for G_LUN_CHARGE_SCALER instead of hard coded #
+* Revision 1.11  1996/09/04 14:31:53  saw
+* (JRA) Update BCM calculations
+* Revision 1.10  1996/04/29 19:41:57  saw
+* (JRA) Deal with out of order scaler events
+* Revision 1.9  1996/01/22 15:10:03  saw
+* (JRA) Extract event number from scaler events
+* Revision 1.8  1996/01/16 18:39:17  cdaq
+* (CB,SAW) Add current monitor calculations.  Make compatible with SAW's new
+*          scaler header format.
+* Revision 1.7  1995/10/09 17:55:32  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add arrays for previous scalers and differences from previous scalers
+* Revision 1.6  1995/09/01 13:41:25  cdaq
+* (JRA) Calculate time of run
+* Revision 1.5  1995/07/27  19:04:54  cdaq
+* (SAW) Use specific bit manipulation routines for f2c compatibility
+* Revision 1.4  1995/04/06  20:04:33  cdaq
+* (JRA) Handle overflows and save them in real variables
+* Revision 1.3  1994/07/07  15:24:24  cdaq
+* (SAW) Fix bugs
+c Revision 1.2  1994/07/07  15:23:16  cdaq
+c (SAW) Correct pointers for actual bank structure
+c Revision 1.1  1994/06/22  21:02:17  cdaq
+c Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      save
+      external jishft, jiand, jieor
+      integer*4 event(*)
+      character*17 here
+      parameter (here='g_analyze_scalers')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 'gen_scalers.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_run_info.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_filenames.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'sane_ntuple.cmn'
+      integer ind
+      integer*4 cratenum                ! 1=hms,2=sos
+      real*8 realscal
+      logical update_bcms
+      integer*4 jiand, jishft, jieor           ! Declare to help f2c
+*     Scaler events have a header in from of each scaler.  High 16 bits
+*     will contain the address (the switch settings).  Address for hall C
+*     will be of the form DANN, where NN is the scaler number.  The low 16
+*     bits will contain the number of scaler values to follow (this should
+*     be no larger than 16, but we will allow more.)
+*     NOTE that the variables gscaler(i) is REAL!!!!!
+*     this is so that we can record the correct value when the 
+*     hardware scalers (32 bit <> I*4) overflow.
+      integer evtype, evnum, evlen, pointer
+      integer scalid, countinmod, address, counter
+*     Temporary variables for beam current and charge calculations
+      real*8 ave_current_bcm1, ave_current_bcm2, ave_current_bcm3
+      real*8 ave_current_unser
+      real*8 delta_time
+* Find if hms or sos scaler event (assumes first HMS scaler is DA01).
+      if (jieor(jiand(jishft(event(3),-16),'FFFF'X),'DA01'X).eq.0) then !first scaler
+        cratenum=1     !hms
+      else
+        cratenum=2     !sos
+      endif
+      evtype = jishft(event(2),-16)
+      evnum = jiand(event(2),'FF'x)  ! last 2 bytes give event number (mod 256)
+* evnum is mod(256), so must reset lastevnum for rollover
+      if (evnum.eq.0 .and. gscal_lastevnum(cratenum).gt.200) then
+        gscal_lastevnum(cratenum)=0
+      else if (evnum.le.gscal_lastevnum(cratenum)) then
+        write(6,*) 'STATUS: skipping outoforder scaler event:',
+     &             ' crate,oldevnum,newevnum=',cratenum,
+     &             gscal_lastevnum(cratenum),evnum
+        return
+      endif
+      gscal_lastevnum(cratenum)=evnum
+*     Should check against list of known scaler events
+      evlen = event(1) + 1
+      update_bcms = .false.
+      if( then           ! We have a scaler bank
+        pointer = 3
+        do while(
+          scalid = jiand(jishft(event(pointer),-16),'FF'x)
+          countinmod = jiand(event(pointer),'FFFF'x)
+          if(jieor(jiand(event(pointer),'FF000000'x),'DA000000'x).eq.0) then
+c     Old style header with scaler ID @ 00FF0000
+            scalid = jiand(jishft(event(pointer),-16),'FF'x)
+            address = scalid*16
+*     Might want to check that count is not to big.
+            if( then
+              err = 'Scaler module header word has count<>16'
+              ABORT = .true.
+              call g_add_path(here,err)
+              return                    ! Safest action
+            endif
+          else
+c     New style header with scaler ID @ FFF?0000
+c     (If ? is non zero, it means we are starting in the middle of a scaler)
+c     Allows for non multiple of 16 address starts
+            address = jishft(event(pointer),-16)
+*     Might want to check that count is not to big.
+            if( then
+              err = 'Scaler module header word has count >16'
+              ABORT = .true.
+              call g_add_path(here,err)
+              return                    ! Safest action
+            endif
+          endif
+          address = scalid*16
+          do counter = 1,countinmod
+            ind=address+counter
+            realscal=dfloat(event(pointer+counter))
+            if (ind.eq.gbcm1_index) update_bcms=.true. !assume bcms in same crate
+* Save scaler value from previous scaler event:
+            gscaler_old(ind) = gscaler(ind)
+            if ( then
+              realscal=realscal+4294967296.
+            endif
+            if ( (realscal+dfloat(gscaler_nroll(ind))*4294967296.) .ge.
+     &           gscaler(ind) ) then    ! 2**32 = 4.295e+9
+              gscaler(ind) = realscal + gscaler_nroll(ind)*4294967296.
+            else                        !32 bit scaler rolled over.
+              gscaler_nroll(ind)=gscaler_nroll(ind)+1
+              gscaler(ind) = realscal + gscaler_nroll(ind)*4294967296.
+            endif
+* Calculate difference between current scaler value and previous value:
+            gscaler_change(ind) = gscaler(ind) - gscaler_old(ind)
+          enddo
+          pointer = pointer + countinmod + 1 ! Add 17 to pointer
+        enddo
+      else
+        err = 'Event not big enough to contain scalers'
+        ABORT = .true.
+        call g_add_path(here,err)
+        return
+      endif
+* calculate time of run (must not be zero to avoid div. by zero).
+      g_run_time = max(0.001D00,gscaler(gclock_index)/gclock_rate)
+* Calculate beam current and charge between scaler events
+      if (update_bcms) then             ! can't assume in hms crate, moved for some runs
+        delta_time = max(gscaler_change(gclock_index)/gclock_rate,.0001D00)
+        ave_current_bcm1 = gbcm1_gain*((gscaler_change(gbcm1_index)
+     &       /delta_time) - gbcm1_offset)
+        ave_current_bcm3 = gbcm3_gain*((gscaler_change(gbcm3_index)
+     &       /delta_time) - gbcm3_offset)
+        ave_current_unser = gunser_gain*((gscaler_change(gunser_index)
+     &       /delta_time) - gunser_offset)
+          ave_current_bcm2 = gbcm2_gain*((gscaler_change(gbcm2_index)
+     &         /delta_time) - gbcm2_offset)
+* Remove old, hardwired check on run number.
+*        if (gen_run_number.le.6268) then
+*          ave_current_bcm2 = gbcm2_gain*sqrt(max(0.0D00,
+*     &         (gscaler_change(gbcm2_index)/delta_time)-gbcm2_offset))
+*        else
+*          ave_current_bcm2 = gbcm2_gain*((gscaler_change(gbcm2_index)
+*     &         /delta_time) - gbcm2_offset)
+*        endif
+          charge_ch=.FALSE.
+        if ( then
+           charge_ch = .TRUE.
+          gbcm1_charge = gbcm1_charge + ave_current_bcm1*delta_time
+          gbcm2_charge = gbcm2_charge + ave_current_bcm2*delta_time
+          gbcm3_charge = gbcm3_charge + ave_current_bcm3*delta_time
+          gunser_charge = gunser_charge + ave_current_unser*delta_time
+*     Check for the "beam on" condition, and update "beam on" variables
+*     if needed. I'm only using bcm2 (the current "best" bcm) right
+*     now. This could be changed or added to.
+          if (ave_current_bcm2 .ge. g_beam_on_thresh_cur(2)) then
+             g_beam_on_run_time(2) = g_beam_on_run_time(2) + delta_time
+             g_beam_on_bcm_charge(2) = g_beam_on_bcm_charge(2) + ave_current_bcm2*delta_time
+          endif
+          if (ave_current_bcm1 .ge. g_beam_on_thresh_cur(1)) then
+             g_beam_on_run_time(1) = g_beam_on_run_time(1) + delta_time
+             g_beam_on_bcm_charge(1) = g_beam_on_bcm_charge(1) + ave_current_bcm1*delta_time
+          endif
+          gscaler_event_num = gscaler_event_num + 1
+*         Write out pertinent charge scaler rates for each scaler event.
+          if (' ') then
+            write(G_LUN_CHARGE_SCALER,1001) gscaler_event_num, !scaler event num
+     &           gscaler_change(gunser_index)/delta_time, !scaler rate(Hz)
+     &           gscaler_change(gbcm1_index)/delta_time, !scaler rate(Hz)
+     &           gscaler_change(gbcm2_index)/delta_time, !scaler rate(Hz)
+     &           gscaler_change(gbcm3_index)/delta_time, !scaler rate(Hz)
+     &           delta_time             !time since last scaler event (sec)
+          endif
+        endif
+      endif
+ 1001 format(i6,4f13.2,f12.6)
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/ENGINE/g_analyze_scalers_by_banks.f b/ENGINE/g_analyze_scalers_by_banks.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ae8b29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/g_analyze_scalers_by_banks.f
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+      subroutine g_analyze_scalers_by_banks(event,ABORT, err)
+*-     Purpose and Methods: Pull out individual scaler banks from event
+*-                          for subsequent analysis
+*-     Find the beginning of each ROC bank and send it off to 
+*-    "g_analyze_scaler_bank".
+*-     Inputs:
+*-         event      Pointer to the first word (length) of an event data bank.
+*-     Outputs:
+*-        ABORT       success or failure
+*-        err         explanation for failure
+*-     Created   20-Jun-1998   Stephen Wood
+*-    $Log: g_analyze_scalers_by_banks.f,v $
+*-    Revision  2007/11/09 17:17:15  cdaq
+*-     added ability to read roc21 scalers
+*-    Revision  2007/09/10 20:33:37  pcarter
+*-    Implemented changes to allow compilation on RHEL 3,4,5 and MacOSX
+*-    Revision 1.2  1999/11/04 20:35:15  saw
+*-    Linux/G77 compatibility fixes
+*-    Revision 1.1  1999/02/24 15:04:41  saw
+*-    Bring into CVS tree
+      SAVE
+      external jishft, jiand, jieor
+      integer*4 event(*)
+      character*30 here
+      parameter (here= 'g_analyze_scalers_by_banks')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      integer*4 evlength                        ! Total length of the event
+      integer*4 bankpointer                     ! Pointer to next bank
+      integer*4 jiand,jishft,jieor              ! Declare to help f2c
+      integer*4 roc
+      include 'gen_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_scalers.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_run_info.cmn'
+      include 'insane_scalers.cmn' ! WHIT's InSANE HACK
+      include 'gen_event_info.cmn'
+      integer analyzed_events(0:15)
+      common /aevents/ analyzed_events
+      integer*4 i_insane
+      logical WARN
+*     Assume that the event is bank containing banks, the first of which is
+*     an event ID bank.
+*     Various hex constants that are used in decode routines should
+*     probably be put in an include file.
+      ABORT = jieor(jiand(event(2),'FFFF'x),'10CC'x).ne.0
+      if(ABORT) then
+         err = here//'Event header not standard physics event'
+         return
+      endif
+      evlength = event(1)
+      bankpointer = 3
+      ABORT = jieor(event(bankpointer+1),'C0000100'x).ne.0
+      if(ABORT) then
+         err = here//'First bank is not an Event ID bank'
+         return
+      endif
+      bankpointer = bankpointer + event(bankpointer) + 1
+      WARN = (           ! No ROC's in event
+      IF(WARN) THEN
+        err= ':event contained no ROC banks'
+        call G_add_path(here,err)
+      ENDIF
+      do while(
+         roc = jiand(jishft(event(bankpointer+1),-16),'1F'X)
+         if(roc.eq.5.or.roc.eq.8.or.roc.eq.20.or.roc.eq.21) then
+            call g_analyze_scaler_bank(event(bankpointer),roc, ABORT, err)
+         endif
+         bankpointer = bankpointer + event(bankpointer) + 1
+      enddo
+      WARN = bankpointer.eq.(evlength + 1)
+      if(WARN) THEN
+         err = ':inconsistent bank and event lengths'
+         call G_add_path(here,err)
+      endif
+      if(analyzed_events(0) .gt. 0  ) then
+!         insane_last_event_id=gen_event_ID_number
+        write(215,'(I10,$)') INT(gen_event_ID_number)
+        write(215,'(I10,$)') INT(g_run_time)
+        write(215,*) (INT(gscaler_change(i_insane)), i_insane=1, 582)
+!        write(215,*) (INT(gscaler_change(i_insane)), i_insane=231,582)
+!        write(215,*) (INT(gscaler_change(i_insane)), i_insane=170,230)
+      endif
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/ENGINE/g_apply_offsets.f b/ENGINE/g_apply_offsets.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..39f2120
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/g_apply_offsets.f
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+      SUBROUTINE G_apply_offsets(ABORT,err)
+*-       Prototype C analysis routine
+*-   Purpose and Methods : applies offsets to spectrometer
+*-   momenta and angles
+*-   Output: ABORT		- success or failure
+*-         : err	- reason for failure, if any
+*-   Created  31-Aug-1999 Chris Armstrong
+*- All standards are from "Proposal for Hall C Analysis Software
+*- Vade Mecum, Draft 1.0" by D.F.Geesamn and S.Wood, 7 May 1993
+      SAVE
+      character*13 here
+      parameter (here= 'G_apply_offsets')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      logical HMS_ABORT,SOS_ABORT
+      character*132 HMS_err,SOS_err
+      include 'gen_run_info.cmn'
+      err= ' '
+      HMS_err= ' '
+      SOS_err= ' '
+      call H_apply_offsets(HMS_ABORT,HMS_err)
+      call S_apply_offsets(SOS_ABORT,SOS_err)
+         err= HMS_err
+         call G_prepend(SOS_err,err)
+         call G_add_path(here,err)
+      ELSE
+         err= ' '
+      ENDIF
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/ENGINE/g_calc_beam_pedestal.f b/ENGINE/g_calc_beam_pedestal.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d81c45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/g_calc_beam_pedestal.f
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+      subroutine g_calc_beam_pedestal(ABORT,err)
+* $Log: g_calc_beam_pedestal.f,v $
+* Revision  2007/10/24 16:59:55  cdaq
+* added special handling for BigCal light source photodiode
+* Revision  2007/09/11 19:14:17  frw
+* fixed FPP related arrays and limits
+* Revision 1.4  2003/09/05 15:33:55  jones
+* Merge in online03 changes (mkj)
+* Revision  2003/04/09 16:53:40  cdaq
+* Modified so that it does not write out slot = 15 to threshold file (MKJ)
+* Revision 1.3  1996/12/12 22:10:20  saw
+* (SAW) Remove disabling of inputs  3 and 4 in slot 15 (Adds the slow
+* raster)
+c Revision 1.2  96/09/04  14:32:27  14:32:27  saw (Stephen A. Wood)
+c (JRA) ??
+* Revision 1.1  1996/01/22 15:10:14  saw
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*22 here
+      parameter (here='g_calc_beam_pedestal')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      integer*4 imisc
+      integer*4 ind,ihit
+      integer*4 roc,slot
+      integer*4 signalcount,istart
+      real*4 sig2
+      real*4 num
+      character*132 file
+      INCLUDE 'gen_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'gen_detectorids.par'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_decode_common.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_run_info.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_filenames.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_gain_parms.cmn'
+      integer SPAREID
+      parameter (SPAREID=67)
+      ind = 0
+      do ihit = 1 , gmax_misc_hits
+        if (gmisc_raw_addr1(ihit).eq.2) then     !  ADC data.
+          imisc = gmisc_raw_addr2(ihit)
+          num=max(1.,float(gmisc_ped_num(imisc,2)))
+          gmisc_new_ped(imisc,2) = float(gmisc_ped_sum(imisc,2)) / num
+          sig2 = float(gmisc_ped_sum2(imisc,2))/ num - gmisc_new_ped(imisc,2)**2
+          gmisc_new_rms(imisc,2) = sqrt(max(0.,sig2))
+          gmisc_new_adc_threshold(imisc,2)=gmisc_new_ped(imisc,2)+10.
+          gmisc_dum_adc_threshold(imisc,2)=0   !don't sparsify USED channels.
+          if(imisc.eq.37) then !BigCal light source photodiode
+             bigcal_trig_new_ped(39) = gmisc_new_ped(imisc,2)
+             bigcal_trig_new_rms(39) = gmisc_new_rms(imisc,2)
+             bigcal_trig_new_threshold(39) = gmisc_new_ped(imisc,2) + 
+     $            bigcal_trig_nsparse
+          endif
+          if (abs(gmisc_ped(imisc,2)-gmisc_new_ped(imisc,2))
+     &                 .ge.(2.*gmisc_new_rms(imisc,2))) then
+            ind = ind + 1
+            gmisc_changed_tube(ind)=imisc
+            gmisc_ped_change(ind)=gmisc_new_ped(imisc,2)-gmisc_ped(imisc,2)
+          endif
+          if ( .and. then
+            gmisc_ped(imisc,2)=gmisc_new_ped(imisc,2)
+            gmisc_ped_rms(imisc,2)=gmisc_new_rms(imisc,2)
+          endif
+        endif    !chose ADC hits.
+      enddo
+      gmisc_num_ped_changes = ind
+      call g_calc_bpm_pedestal
+      call g_calc_raster_pedestal
+      if (' ') then !the ADC is in the HMS ROC.
+        file=h_threshold_output_filename
+        call g_sub_run_number(file, gen_run_number)
+        open(unit=SPAREID,file=file,status='unknown')
+        write(SPAREID,*) '# This is the ADC threshold file generated automatically'
+        write(SPAREID,*) '# from the pedestal data from run number ',gen_run_number
+        roc=1
+        slot=15
+        signalcount=1
+      istart=g_decode_slotpointer(roc,slot)
+      if ( then   !uninstrumented slot.
+        write(SPAREID,*) 'slot=',slot
+      endif
+ccc        gmisc_dum_adc_threshold(3,2)=4000   !empty slots after blm.
+ccc        gmisc_dum_adc_threshold(4,2)=4000
+        call g_output_thresholds(SPAREID,roc,slot,signalcount,gmax_misc_hits,
+     &      gmisc_dum_adc_threshold,0,gmisc_new_rms,0)
+*        close(unit=SPAREID)     !don't close. needed by h_calc_pedestal.f
+      endif
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/ENGINE/g_calc_bpm_pedestal.f b/ENGINE/g_calc_bpm_pedestal.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..350b8bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/g_calc_bpm_pedestal.f
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+      subroutine g_calc_bpm_pedestal(ABORT,err)
+* $Log: g_calc_bpm_pedestal.f,v $
+* Revision 1.2  1996/04/29 19:43:42  saw
+* (JRA) Update bpm calculations
+* Revision 1.1  1996/01/22 15:12:05  saw
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*18 here
+      parameter (here='g_calc_bpm_pedestal')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      integer*4 ibpm,isig
+      INCLUDE 'gen_data_structures.cmn'
+* extract bpm pedestal information from gmisc variables.
+      do ibpm=1,gmax_num_bpms          !need some kind of 'map' for this.
+        do isig=1,gnum_bpm_signals
+          gbpm_adc_ped(isig,ibpm) = gmisc_ped(4*(ibpm-1)+isig,2) !2 is for ADC
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/ENGINE/g_calc_pedestal.f b/ENGINE/g_calc_pedestal.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec9c681
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/g_calc_pedestal.f
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+      subroutine g_calc_pedestal(ABORT,err)
+* $Log: g_calc_pedestal.f,v $
+* Revision  2008/10/26 19:12:33  cdaq
+* SEM
+* Revision  2008/05/15 18:59:21  bhovik
+* 1'st version
+* Revision  2007/05/15 02:55:01  jones
+* Start to Bigcal code
+* Revision 1.2  1996/01/22 15:12:35  saw
+* (JRA) Add call to g_calc_beam_pedestal
+* Revision 1.1  1995/04/01 19:37:06  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      character*18 here
+      parameter (here='g_calc_pedestal')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      call g_calc_beam_pedestal(ABORT,err)
+      if(ABORT) then
+         call G_add_path(here,err)
+         return
+      endif
+      call h_calc_pedestal(ABORT,err)
+      if(ABORT) then
+         call G_add_path(here,err)
+         return
+      endif
+      call s_calc_pedestal(ABORT,err)
+      if(ABORT) then
+         call G_add_path(here,err)
+         return
+      endif
+      call b_calc_pedestal(ABORT,err)
+      if(ABORT) then
+         call G_add_path(here,err)
+         return
+      endif
+      call sane_calc_pedestal(ABORT,err)
+      if(ABORT) then
+         call G_add_path(here,err)
+         return
+      endif
+      call sem_calc_pedestal(ABORT,err)
+      if(ABORT) then
+         call G_add_path(here,err)
+         return
+      endif
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/ENGINE/g_calc_raster_pedestal.f b/ENGINE/g_calc_raster_pedestal.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f666e70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/g_calc_raster_pedestal.f
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+      subroutine g_calc_raster_pedestal(ABORT,err)
+* $Log: g_calc_raster_pedestal.f,v $
+* Revision  2008/10/11 15:03:35  cdaq
+* slow raster
+* Revision 1.3  1999/02/23 16:56:46  csa
+* (JRA) Remove slow raster stuff
+* Revision 1.2  1999/02/10 17:38:43  csa
+* Cleanup
+* Revision 1.1  1996/01/22 15:10:20  saw
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*23 here
+      parameter (here='g_calc_raster_pedestal')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 'gen_data_structures.cmn'
+* extract raster pedestal information from gmisc variables.
+      gfrx_adc_ped=gmisc_ped(14,2)     !2 is for ADCs
+      gfry_adc_ped=gmisc_ped(16,2)
+      gfrx_sync_mean=gmisc_ped(13,2)
+      gfry_sync_mean=gmisc_ped(15,2)
+      GSRX_ADC_PED = gmisc_ped(4,2)
+      GSRY_ADC_PED = gmisc_ped(6,2)
+      GSRX_ADC_PED2 = gmisc_ped(24,2)
+      GSRY_ADC_PED2 = gmisc_ped(26,2)
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/ENGINE/g_clear_event.f b/ENGINE/g_clear_event.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..14a08c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/g_clear_event.f
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+      SUBROUTINE G_clear_event(ABORT,err)
+*-       Prototype C analysis routine
+*-   Purpose and Methods : clears all quantities AT THE START OF EACH EVENT
+*-   Output: ABORT		- success or failure
+*-         : err	- reason for failure, if any
+*-   Created  29-Oct-1993   Kevin B. Beard, Hampton U.
+*-   Modified 19-Nov-1993   Kevin B. Beard for new error standards
+*-      $Log: g_clear_event.f,v $
+*-      Revision  2008/11/06 21:38:50  cdaq
+*-      Fix typo which had
+*-            call f1trigger_clear_event(F1trigger_ABORT,f1trigger_err) ! F1 trigger
+*-            call f1trigger_clear_event(Sem_ABORT,Sem_err) ! sem
+*-      instead of
+*-            call f1trigger_clear_event(F1trigger_ABORT,f1trigger_err) ! F1 trigger
+*-            call sem_clear_event(Sem_ABORT,Sem_err) ! sem
+*-      Revision  2008/10/26 19:12:33  cdaq
+*-      SEM
+*-      Revision  2008/10/02 17:57:23  cdaq
+*-      *** empty log message ***
+*-      Revision  2008/05/15 18:59:21  bhovik
+*-      1'st version
+*-      Revision  2007/06/04 14:56:05  puckett
+*-      changed hit array structure for trigger related signals
+*-      Revision  2007/05/15 02:55:01  jones
+*-      Start to Bigcal code
+*-      Revision 1.10  1996/09/04 14:33:10  saw
+*-      (SAW) Don't use gmc_abort since gmc stuff not called
+*-      Revision 1.9  1996/01/22 15:14:48  saw
+*-      (JRA) Put BPM/Raster data into MISC data structures
+*-      Revision 1.8  1996/01/16 18:41:36  cdaq
+*-      (JRA) Explain that routine runs at start of each event
+*-      Revision 1.7  1995/07/27 19:06:40  cdaq
+*-      (SAW) Disable monte carlo (GMC)
+* Revision 1.6  1995/04/01  19:44:31  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add clear of BPM hit counter
+* Revision 1.5  1994/06/22  20:23:47  cdaq
+* (SAW) Clear the uninstrumented channel hit counter
+* Revision 1.4  1994/04/15  20:33:43  cdaq
+* (SAW) Changes for ONLINE use
+* Revision 1.3  1994/02/22  19:47:07  cdaq
+* Change gmc_clear_event to gmc_mc_clear
+* Revision 1.2  1994/02/17  21:46:03  cdaq
+* Add call to gmc_clear_event
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/04  21:48:38  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+*- All standards are from "Proposal for Hall C Analysis Software
+*- Vade Mecum, Draft 1.0" by D.F.Geesamn and S.Wood, 7 May 1993
+      SAVE
+      character*13 here
+      parameter (here= 'G_clear_event')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 'gen_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'gen_run_info.cmn'
+      logical GEP_ABORT,SANE_ABORT,F1Trigger_abort,sem_abort
+      character*132 HMS_err,SOS_err,COIN_err,gmc_err,BIGCAL_err
+      character*132 GEP_err,SANE_err,F1trigger_err,SEM_err
+      err= ' '
+      HMS_err= ' '
+      SOS_err= ' '
+      BIGCAL_err=' '
+      GEP_err=' '
+      gmc_err= ' '
+      sane_err= ' '
+      F1trigger_err= ' '
+      sem_err= ' '
+      GUNINST_TOT_HITS = 0              ! Unistrumented hit counter
+      GMISC_TOT_HITS = 0
+      call H_clear_event(HMS_ABORT,HMS_err)
+      call S_clear_event(SOS_ABORT,SOS_err)
+      call C_clear_event(COIN_ABORT,COIN_err)
+      call B_clear_event(BIGCAL_ABORT,BIGCAL_err) ! BigCal
+      call sane_clear_event(SANE_ABORT,SANE_err) ! SANE
+      call f1trigger_clear_event(F1trigger_ABORT,f1trigger_err) ! F1 trigger
+      call sem_clear_event(Sem_ABORT,Sem_err) ! sem 
+      call GEp_clear_event(GEP_ABORT,GEP_err) ! GEp-coin
+**      call gmc_mc_clear(gmc_abort,gmc_err)
+     $     .or. GEP_ABORT
+*.or. gmc_abort
+         err= COIN_err
+         call G_prepend(SOS_err,err)
+         call G_prepend(HMS_err,err)
+         call g_prepend(gmc_err,err)
+         call g_prepend(BIGCAL_err,err)
+         call g_prepend(GEP_err,err)
+         call G_add_path(here,err)
+      ELSE
+         err= ' '
+      ENDIF
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/ENGINE/g_ctp_database.f b/ENGINE/g_ctp_database.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d917e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/g_ctp_database.f
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
+      subroutine g_ctp_database(ABORT, error, run, filename)
+* USES LUN G_LUN_TEMP as a temporary LUN
+*     g_ctp_database(run, filename, ABORT)
+*     Find and execute in the given file, all the CTP parameter lines
+*     associated  with the given run number.
+*     Thiis is done by parsing the individual lines within <filename>,
+*     where each line will be one of the following:
+*     1. A comment.  These lines will start with the character ";", and 
+*        will be ignored.
+*     2. A run list.  These lines will have the following syntax:
+*           <run_list> :: "<number>[-<number>] [,<run_list>]"
+*        Note that for the time being, spaces are not allowed.
+*     3. Text.  This is anything after the run list, and before the next 
+*        run list (or to <EOF>).
+* Currently, there is *no* error handling.  I don't make mistakes.
+* Creation date: 25 May 1995 (JWP)
+* Modification History:
+* 30 May 1995 (JWP): Two new features --
+*                    (1) if run number is not found, set ABORT to .true.
+*                    (2) Don't print lines starting with ";"; 
+*                        furthermore, ignore embedded comments (i.e., 
+*                        don't print out stuff following the ';').
+* $Log: g_ctp_database.f,v $
+* Revision 1.7  1999/11/04 20:35:15  saw
+* Linux/G77 compatibility fixes
+* Revision 1.6  1996/11/05 20:47:06  saw
+* (SAW) Change in open statement for porting compatibility
+* Revision 1.5  1996/09/04 14:33:40  saw
+* (SAW) Use G_LUN_TEMP instead of 133 for linux compatibility
+* Revision 1.4  1996/01/16 18:42:07  cdaq
+* (JRA) Minor bug fixes
+* Revision 1.3  1995/10/11 12:14:49  cdaq
+* (JWP) Fix single run number at end of line bug.
+*       Don't pass blank lines to thpset.
+* Revision 1.2  1995/09/01 13:42:04  cdaq
+* (JRA) Some corrections
+* Revision 1.1  1995/07/27  19:08:06  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      SAVE
+      include 'gen_filenames.cmn'
+      character*14 here
+      parameter (here='g_ctp_database')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) error
+      integer*4 run
+      character*(*) filename
+      logical debug
+      logical parsing_run_list, spaces_stripped
+      integer i
+      integer index, number
+      logical looking_for_run, found_run, printed_header
+      character*132 line, newline
+      integer*4 chan
+*      integer*4 err
+      integer*4 lo_limit, hi_limit
+c      write (6,*) 'Debug?'
+c      read (5, 1002) i
+c      if (i .eq. 1) then
+c         debug = .true.
+c      else
+       debug = .false.
+c      endif
+      if(debug) write(6,*) 'looking for run ',run
+      found_run = .FALSE.
+      looking_for_run = .TRUE.
+      printed_header = .FALSE.
+* Again, I don't make mistakes.
+      ABORT = .FALSE.
+      chan = G_LUN_TEMP
+      open (unit=chan, status='old', file=filename)
+      read (chan, 1001, end=9999) line
+      index = 1
+      if (debug) write (6,*) line
+ 111  do while (looking_for_run)
+        do while (line(1:1) .eq. ';')
+          read (chan, 1001, end=9999) line
+          index = 1
+          if (debug) write (6,*) line
+        end do
+        parsing_run_list = .true.
+        do while (parsing_run_list)
+* At this point, we should be looking at a run list.  The first thing in 
+* the list will be a number, or it may be white space.  Skip the white 
+* space and build the number.  After that, skip any white space at the
+* end.
+          number = 0
+          do while ((index .lt. 132) .and.
+     $         (line(index:index) .eq. ' '))
+            if (debug) write (6,*) 'Found white space!'
+            index = index + 1
+          end do
+          do while ((ichar(line(index:index)) .ge. ichar('0')) .and.
+     $         (ichar(line(index:index)) .le. ichar('9')))
+            number = 10*number +
+     $           ichar(line(index:index)) - ichar('0')
+            index = index + 1
+          end do
+          if (debug) write (6,*) 'Found number:',number
+          do while ((index .lt. 132) .and.
+     $         (line(index:index) .eq. ' '))
+            if (debug) write (6,*) 'Found white space!'
+            index = index + 1
+          end do
+* Now, we are pointing at one of the following:
+*    1.  The end of the line.  This is flagged by (index .eq. 132).  In 
+*        this case, check the number we found against <run>.
+*    2.  A comma.  This indicates that the number we just built is not 
+*        the end of the current line, but *is* the end of the current 
+*        run list.  Check it against <run>.
+*    3.  A dash ("-").  This indicates that the number we just built is 
+*        the lower limit of the current run list.  Build the upper 
+*        limit, and check to see if <run> is within the limits.
+          if (index .eq. 132) then
+            if (debug) write (6,*) 'End of the line!'
+            parsing_run_list = .false.
+            if (number .eq. run) then
+              found_run = .true.
+              looking_for_run = .false.
+            end if
+          else if (line(index:index) .eq. ',') then
+            if (debug) write (6,*) 'NOT last number in list!'
+            if (number .eq. run) then
+              found_run = .true.
+              looking_for_run = .false.
+              parsing_run_list = .false.
+            end if
+            index = index + 1
+          else if (line(index:index) .eq. '-') then
+            if (debug) write (6,*) 'Range:'
+            lo_limit = number
+            number = 0
+            index = index + 1
+            do while ((ichar(line(index:index)) .ge. ichar('0'))
+     $           .and. (ichar(line(index:index)) .le. ichar('9')))
+              number = 10*number +
+     $             ichar(line(index:index)) - ichar('0')
+              index = index + 1
+            end do
+            hi_limit = number
+            if (debug) write (6,*) lo_limit,'-',hi_limit
+            if (line(index:index) .eq. ',') then
+              index = index+1
+            else if (line(index:index) .eq. ' ') then
+              parsing_run_list = .false.
+            end if
+            if ((lo_limit .le. run) .and. (hi_limit .ge. run)) then
+              found_run = .true.
+              looking_for_run = .false.
+              parsing_run_list = .false.
+            end if
+          else
+            write(6,*) 'encountered unexpected character(s)' ! JRA
+            stop
+          end if
+        end do
+        if (looking_for_run) then
+          if (debug) write (6,*)
+     $         'Didn''t find run -- skipping to next run list!'
+          read (chan, 1001, end=9999) line
+          index = 1
+          if (debug) write (6,*) line
+          do while ((ichar(line(1:1)) .lt. ichar('0')) .or.
+     $         (ichar(line(1:1)) .gt. ichar('9')))
+            read (chan, 1001, end=9999) line
+            index = 1
+            if (debug) write (6,*) line
+          end do
+        end if
+      end do
+* At this point, we've found the run number.  Print out the lines 
+* following the run number, stripping the leading spaces, until we get 
+* to another run list.
+      read (chan, 1001, end=9999) line
+      index = 1
+      if (debug) write (6,*) line
+      do while ((ichar(line(1:1)) .lt. ichar('0')) .or.
+     $     (ichar(line(1:1)) .gt. ichar('9')))
+        do i=1,132
+          newline(i:i) = ' '
+        end do
+        spaces_stripped = .false.
+        do while(.not. spaces_stripped)
+          if (line(index:index) .eq. ' ') then
+            index = index + 1
+            if (index .gt. 132) then
+              spaces_stripped = .true.
+            end if
+          else
+            spaces_stripped = .true.
+          end if
+        end do
+        if (index .le. 132) then
+          if (line(index:index) .ne. ';') then
+            i = 1
+            do while ((index .lt. 132) .and.
+     $           (line(index:index) .ne. ';'))
+              newline(i:i) = line(index:index)
+              index = index + 1
+              i = i+1
+            end do
+            if(.not.printed_header) then
+c     write(6,*)'g_ctp_database is setting the following CTP parameters'
+              printed_header = .true.
+            endif
+            write(6,'(4x,a)') newline(1:70) ! Truncate to keep 1/line
+            call thpset(newline)
+          end if
+        end if
+        read (chan, 1001, end=9999) line
+        index = 1
+        if (debug) write (6,*) line
+      end do
+      looking_for_run = .true.
+      parsing_run_list = .true.
+      goto 111
+* Done with open file.
+ 9999 close (unit=chan)
+      if (.not. found_run) then
+        write(6,*) 'cant find run ',run,' in "',filename,'"'
+      end if
+      return
+*============================ Format Statements ===============================
+ 1001 format(a)
+ 1002 format(i10)
+      end
diff --git a/ENGINE/g_decode_clear.f b/ENGINE/g_decode_clear.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f2e663e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/g_decode_clear.f
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+      subroutine g_decode_clear(ABORT, error)
+*     Purpose and Methods: clear decoding arrays AT THE START OF EACH EVENT
+*     Inputs:
+*     None
+*     Outputs:
+*     ABORT
+*     error
+*-     by Steve Wood
+*-      modified by Kevin Beard Dec.3,1993
+* $Log: g_decode_clear.f,v $
+* Revision  2007/09/11 19:14:17  frw
+* fixed FPP related arrays and limits
+* Revision 1.3  1996/01/16 20:31:54  cdaq
+* (SAW) Start "roc" index at zero instead of one.
+* Revision 1.2  1994/06/18 02:46:58  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add code for miscleaneous data and uninstrumented channels
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/04  21:49:17  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      SAVE
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) error
+      integer roc,slot,i
+      include 'gen_detectorids.par'
+      include 'gen_decode_common.cmn'
+*     Clear out slotpointer and subaddcount and mask arrays.
+      do roc=0, G_DECODE_MAXROCS
+         do slot=1, G_DECODE_MAXSLOTS
+            g_decode_slotpointer(roc,slot) = -1 ! Uninstrumented SLOT
+            g_decode_subaddcnt(roc,slot) = 16 ! Dflt for "uninstrmntd" slots
+            g_decode_slotmask(roc,slot) = 'FFF'x         ! Default mask
+         enddo
+      enddo
+      do i=1,G_DECODE_MAXWORDS          ! Clear out the Detector ID map
+         g_decode_didmap(i) = UNINST_ID  ! with the uninstrumented ID
+      enddo
+      g_decode_nextpointer = 1
+      ABORT= .FALSE.
+      error= ' '
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/ENGINE/g_decode_config.f b/ENGINE/g_decode_config.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eaa66df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/g_decode_config.f
@@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
+      subroutine g_decode_config(ABORT, error, fname)
+*     Purpose and Methods:
+*     Build a table that maps (ROC, Slot, Subadd) to (Detector ID, Plane,
+*     Counter, Signal type).  Also saves a mask for each slot that is used
+*     to extract value from fastbus word.
+*     Inputs:
+*     fname      Name of file
+*     -          Allowed keywords. roc, slot, detector, nsubadd, mask, module
+*     -          Numerical lines: Subadd, Plane, Counter, Signal
+*     Outputs:
+*     ABORT
+*     error
+*     Created  16-NOV-1993   Stephen Wood, CEBAF
+*     Modified  3-Dec-1993   Kevin Beard, Hampton Univ.; rewrote parsing
+* $Log: g_decode_config.f,v $
+* Revision  2009/01/16 18:47:12  cdaq
+* *** empty log message ***
+* Revision  2007/09/12 14:40:02  brash
+* *** empty log message ***
+* Revision  2007/09/10 21:18:13  frw
+* fixed FPP related arrays and limits
+* Revision  2007/08/22 19:09:16  frw
+* added FPP
+* Revision 1.8  4/2007  frw
+*    add new declaration statement to mapping file to indicate module
+*    type -- NOT used by fastbus and thus defaults to 0 if undeclared
+* Revision 1.7  2002/09/25 14:40:33  jones
+*    Add call to G_IO_control to get spareID for unit number to open file
+*     and call at end to G_IO_control free the unit number.
+* Revision 1.6  1996/01/16 20:48:35  cdaq
+* (SAW) Start "roc" index at zero instead of one.
+* Revision 1.5  1995/07/27 19:07:53  cdaq
+* (SAW) Remove unused variables, change type to status in open statement (f2c)
+* Revision 1.4  1994/06/21  20:42:37  cdaq
+* (SAW) Fix a bug interpreting comment lines
+* Revision 1.3  1994/06/18  02:47:38  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add code for miscleaneous data and uninstrumented channels
+* Revision 1.2  1994/04/06  18:22:02  cdaq
+* (SAW) Revert to pre-initial version that doesn't use UTILSUBS string
+* manipulation routines.  Added BSUB keyword for # of bits to shift to get
+* the channel number from a lecroy FB word.  Some validity checking should
+* be added back in.
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/01  20:38:10  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      SAVE
+      character*30 here
+      parameter (here= 'g_decode_config')
+      character*(*) error
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) fname
+      include 'gen_detectorids.par'
+      include 'gen_decode_common.cmn'
+      integer SPAREID                           ! Need a LUN handler?
+      integer MAXLINE
+      parameter (MAXLINE=300)
+      character*(MAXLINE) line    
+      logical OK,text
+      integer llen,lp,lpcom, lpeq, m                          ! Line pointers
+      character*1 tab
+      integer*4 roc, slot, subadd, mask
+      integer*4 did, plane, counter, signal, nsubadd, bsubadd, modtyp
+      integer*4 lastroc, lastslot
+      integer N_lines_read
+      logical echo,debug,override
+      character*26 lo,HI
+      data echo/.FALSE./
+      data debug,override/2*.FALSE./
+      data lo/'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'/
+*     Valid data lines are
+*     roc=
+*     slot=
+*     detector=
+*     nsubadd=
+*     moduletype=
+*     A line with 4 comma separated numbers, Subadd, plane, "wire #", sigtyp
+*     sigtyp may be left blank (e.g. for wire chambers) in which case zero
+*     is assumed.
+      ABORT= .FALSE.
+      call g_IO_control(spareID,'ANY',ABORT,error)  !get IO channel
+        call G_add_path(here,error)
+        RETURN
+      ENDIF
+      open(unit=SPAREID,status='OLD',READONLY,file=fname,err=999)
+*     * file name passed as an argument
+      tab = char(9)
+      roc = -1
+      slot = -1
+      lastroc = -1
+      lastslot = -1
+      N_lines_read= 0
+      mask = 'FFF'x                     ! Default data mask
+      bsubadd = 17                      ! Default LSB of channel field
+      modtyp = 0
+      OK= .TRUE.
+      DO WHILE (OK)
+         OK= .FALSE.
+         error= ':error reading'
+         read(SPAREID, '(a)',err=555,end=666) line
+         OK= .TRUE.
+         error= ' '
+555      N_lines_read= N_lines_read+1
+         If(OK) Then
+            if(echo) call g_log_message(line)
+            llen = len(line)		! Remove comments (; or !)
+            lpcom = index(line(1:llen),';')
+            if( llen = lpcom - 1
+            if( then
+               lpcom = index(line(1:llen),'!')
+               if( llen = lpcom - 1
+            endif
+            if( then
+               do while((line(llen:llen).eq.' '.or.line(llen:llen)
+     $    
+                  llen = llen - 1       ! Strip whitespace off end of string
+                  if(llen.le.0) goto 127 ! Prevent line(0:0)
+               enddo
+ 127           continue
+            endif
+            if( then
+               text = .false.
+               do lp=1,llen		! Shift to upper case
+                  m = index(lo,line(lp:lp))
+                  if( then
+                     line(lp:lp) = HI(m:m)
+                     text = .true.
+                  else if(index(HI,line(lp:lp)).gt.0) then
+                     text = .true.
+                  endif
+               enddo
+               if(text) then
+                  lpeq = index(line(1:llen),'=')
+                  if( then
+                     if(index(line(1:lpeq-1),'ROC').gt.0) then
+                        read(line(lpeq+1:llen),'(i10)') roc
+			modtyp = 0  !init to fastbus for compatibility
+                     else if(index(line(1:lpeq-1),'SLOT').gt.0) then
+                        read(line(lpeq+1:llen),'(i10)') slot
+                     else if(index(line(1:lpeq-1),'DET').gt.0) then
+                        read(line(lpeq+1:llen),'(i10)') did
+                     else if(index(line(1:lpeq-1),'NSUB').gt.0) then
+                        read(line(lpeq+1:llen),'(i10)') nsubadd
+                     else if(index(line(1:lpeq-1),'BSUB').gt.0) then
+                        read(line(lpeq+1:llen),'(i10)') bsubadd
+                     else if(index(line(1:lpeq-1),'MODU').gt.0) then
+                        read(line(lpeq+1:llen),'(i10)') modtyp
+                     else if(index(line(1:lpeq-1),'MASK').gt.0) then
+                        lp = index(line(lpeq+1:llen),'X')
+                        if( llen = lpeq+lp-1
+                        read(line(lpeq+1:llen),'(z10)') mask
+                     endif
+                  else
+                     if(index(line(1:llen),'NOECHO').gt.0) then
+                        echo = .false.
+                     else if(index(line(1:llen),'ECHO').gt.0) then
+                        echo = .true.
+                     endif
+                  endif
+               else
+                  read(line(1:llen),'(4i15)') subadd, plane, counter,
+     $                 signal
+                  If(OK .and. ( Then
+                     if(g_decode_slotpointer(roc,slot).le.0) then
+                        g_decode_slotpointer(roc,slot) =
+     &                       g_decode_nextpointer
+                        g_decode_subaddcnt(roc,slot) = nsubadd
+                        g_decode_subaddbit(roc,slot) = bsubadd
+                        g_decode_slotmask(roc,slot) = mask
+                        g_decode_modtyp(roc,slot) = modtyp
+                        g_decode_nextpointer = g_decode_nextpointer +
+     &                       nsubadd
+                        lastroc = roc
+                        lastslot = slot
+                     endif
+                  EndIf
+                  If(OK) Then
+                     g_decode_didmap( g_decode_slotpointer(roc,slot)
+     &                    +subadd ) = did
+                     g_decode_planemap( g_decode_slotpointer(roc,slot)
+     &                    +subadd ) = plane
+                     g_decode_countermap( g_decode_slotpointer(roc,slot)
+     &                    +subadd ) = counter
+                     g_decode_sigtypmap( g_decode_slotpointer(roc,slot)
+     &                    +subadd ) = signal
+c			write(*,*)did,counter,plane,signal
+                     if (     did.le.MAXID
+     &		         .and.plane.le.G_DECODE_MAXPLANES
+     &		         .and.counter.le.G_DECODE_MAXCOUNTERS
+     &		         .and.signal.le.G_DECODE_MAXSIGNALS) then
+                       g_decode_roc(did,plane,counter,signal) = roc
+		     else
+		       print *,'\n Array limits insufficient!!'
+		       print *,'   max did =',MAXID ,'     got ',did
+		       print *,'   max plane =',G_DECODE_MAXPLANES ,'   got ',plane
+		       print *,'   max counter =',G_DECODE_MAXCOUNTERS ,' got ',counter
+		       print *,'   max signal =',G_DECODE_MAXSIGNALS ,'  got ',signal
+		       print *,'\n Update  gen_decode_common.cmn  and recompile!/n'
+		       STOP
+		     endif
+                  EndIf
+               endif
+            endif
+         endif
+      enddo
+888   ABORT= .NOT.OK
+        call G_add_path(here,error)
+      ELSE
+        error= ' '
+      ENDIF
+      close(unit=SPAREID)
+      call G_IO_control(spareID,'FREE',ABORT,error)  !free up IO channel
+        call G_add_path(here,error)
+        RETURN
+      ENDIF
+      return
+666   OK= N_lines_read.GT.0
+      error= ':no lines read before End-of-File'
+      GOTO 888                       !normal end-of-file?
+999   continue
+      error = ':Unable to open file "'//fname//'"'
+      call G_add_path(here,error)
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/ENGINE/g_decode_event_by_banks.f b/ENGINE/g_decode_event_by_banks.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..034f496
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/g_decode_event_by_banks.f
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+      subroutine g_decode_event_by_banks(event,ABORT, err)
+*-     Purpose and Methods: Pull out individual Fastbus banks from event
+*-                          for subsequent decoding
+*-     Find the beginning of each ROC bank and send it off to 
+*-    "g_decode_fb_bank".
+*-     Inputs:
+*-         event      Pointer to the first word (length) of an event data bank.
+*-     Outputs:
+*-        ABORT       success or failure
+*-        err         explanation for failure
+*-     Created   3-Dec-1993   Kevin Beard, Hampton U.
+*-    $Log: g_decode_event_by_banks.f,v $
+*-    Revision  2009/09/02 13:37:42  jones
+*-    eliminate commented write statements
+*-    Revision  2007/09/10 20:33:37  pcarter
+*-    Implemented changes to allow compilation on RHEL 3,4,5 and MacOSX
+*-    Revision  2007/05/15 02:55:01  jones
+*-    Start to Bigcal code
+*-    Revision 1.6  1999/11/04 20:35:15  saw
+*-    Linux/G77 compatibility fixes
+*-    Revision 1.5  1995/07/27 19:09:10  cdaq
+*-    (SAW) Use specific bit manipulation routines for f2c compatibility
+* Revision 1.4  1994/04/15  20:34:42  cdaq
+* ???
+* Revision 1.3  1994/02/17  21:30:37  cdaq
+* Move ABORT, err args to end of g_decode_fb_bank call
+* Revision 1.2  1994/02/02  19:59:16  cdaq
+* Rewrite without using fbgen routines
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/01  20:38:58  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      SAVE
+      external jiand, jieor
+      integer*4 event(*)
+      character*30 here
+      parameter (here= 'g_decode_event_by_banks')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      integer*4 evlength                        ! Total length of the event
+      integer*4 bankpointer                     ! Pointer to next bank
+      integer*4 jiand, jieor
+      include 'gen_data_structures.cmn'
+      logical WARN
+*     Assume that the event is bank containing banks, the first of which is
+*     an event ID bank.
+*     Various hex constants that are used in decode routines should
+*     probably be put in an include file.
+      ABORT = jieor(jiand(event(2),'FFFF'x),'10CC'x).ne.0
+      if(ABORT) then
+         err = here//'Event header not standard physics event'
+         return
+      endif
+      evlength = event(1)
+      bankpointer = 3
+      ABORT = jieor(event(bankpointer+1),'C0000100'x).ne.0
+      if(ABORT) then
+         err = here//'First bank is not an Event ID bank'
+         return
+      endif
+      bankpointer = bankpointer + event(bankpointer) + 1
+      WARN = (           ! No ROC's in event
+      IF(WARN) THEN
+        err= ':event contained no ROC banks'
+        call G_add_path(here,err)
+      ENDIF
+      do while(
+         call g_decode_fb_bank(event(bankpointer), ABORT, err)
+         bankpointer = bankpointer + event(bankpointer) + 1
+      enddo
+      WARN = bankpointer.eq.(evlength + 1)
+      if(WARN) THEN
+         err = ':inconsistent bank and event lengths'
+         call G_add_path(here,err)
+      endif
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/ENGINE/g_decode_fb_bank.f b/ENGINE/g_decode_fb_bank.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b4089f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/g_decode_fb_bank.f
@@ -0,0 +1,763 @@
+      subroutine g_decode_fb_bank(bank, ABORT, error)
+*     Purpose and Methods: Decode a Fastbus bank.
+*     Looks at detector ID for a word in a data bank and passes the
+*     appopriate data structure pointers to the g_decode_fb_detector routine.
+*     That routine will return when it gets to another detector in which
+*     case the the present routine will dispatch g_decode_fb_detector with a
+*     new set of pointers.
+*     This routine must be modified when new detectors are added.  It may
+*     also may need to modified if fastbus modules other than from LeCroy
+*     are used.
+*     It is the responsibility of the calling routine to call
+*     g_decode_fb_bank only for banks of fastbus data.
+*     Inputs:
+*     bank       Pointer to the first word (length) of a data bank.
+*     Outputs:
+*     ABORT
+*     error
+*     Created  16-NOV-1993   Stephen Wood, CEBAF
+*     Modified  3-Dec-1993   Kevin Beard, Hampton U.
+* $Log: g_decode_fb_bank.f,v $
+* Revision  2009/09/29 13:58:51  jones
+* Remove lines:
+*             if(gen_event_trigtype(4).eq.1)then
+*               if(gbeam_helicity_TS.eq.1)g_hel_pos = g_hel_pos+1
+*               if(gbeam_helicity_TS.eq.-1)g_hel_neg = g_hel_neg+1
+*             endif
+* this was overcount the number of T4 helicity plus and minus triggers
+* since the routine is called multiple times per event.
+* Moved to g_reconstruction.f
+* Revision  2009/09/02 13:38:01  jones
+* eliminate commented write statements
+* Revision  2009/03/31 19:33:00  cdaq
+* *** empty log message ***
+* Revision  2009/01/30 20:33:29  cdaq
+* *** empty log message ***
+* Revision  2008/10/26 19:12:33  cdaq
+* SEM
+* Revision  2008/10/02 17:57:58  cdaq
+* *** empty log message ***
+* Revision  2008/05/15 18:59:21  bhovik
+* 1'st version
+* Revision  2008/01/08 22:44:08  cdaq
+* *** empty log message ***
+* Revision  2007/10/22 15:47:44  cdaq
+* *** empty log message ***
+* Revision  2007/10/20 19:54:19  cdaq
+* Added decoding of ROC21 (TS) bank to get the trigger input bits
+* Revision  2007/10/17 16:10:23  cdaq
+* Added analysis of roc21 (trigger supervisor) to decode the trig. type bits
+* Revision  2007/10/16 23:26:10  cdaq
+* *** empty log message ***
+* Revision  2007/10/16 23:23:34  cdaq
+* fixed F1 data decoding
+* Revision  2007/10/10 13:13:24  puckett
+* *** empty log message ***
+* Revision  2007/09/12 19:25:48  puckett
+* commented out diagnostic message, don't want this printing out for every event
+* Revision  2007/09/12 14:40:03  brash
+* *** empty log message ***
+* Revision  2007/09/10 20:33:37  pcarter
+* Implemented changes to allow compilation on RHEL 3,4,5 and MacOSX
+* Revision  2007/08/22 19:09:16  frw
+* added FPP
+* Revision 1.4  4/2007  frw
+* added handling of VME data
+* Revision 1.33  2006/06/22 frw
+* added FPP
+* Revision  2007/06/20 18:34:43  puckett
+* Added BigCal Monte Carlo analysis capability
+* Revision  2007/06/05 21:26:36  weiluo
+* Fix typo
+* Revision  2007/06/04 15:01:48  puckett
+* *** empty log message ***
+* Revision  2007/05/15 18:55:22  jones
+* Start Bigcal version
+* Revision 1.32  2003/09/05 15:22:56  jones
+* Merge in online03 changes (mkj)
+* Revision  2003/07/24 13:08:11  cdaq
+* Changes made for adding scaler ROC 5 during Baryon exp. (MKJ for SAW)
+* Revision 1.31  2002/12/20 21:55:22  jones
+* Modified by Hamlet for new HMS aerogel
+* Revision 1.30  1999/11/04 20:35:15  saw
+* Linux/G77 compatibility fixes
+* Revision 1.29  1999/02/23 16:58:58  csa
+* (JRA) Add roc 20 handling
+* Revision 1.28  1999/01/29 17:47:44  saw
+* Fix Typo
+* Revision 1.27  1999/01/29 17:23:03  saw
+* Add second tubes to SOS shower counter
+* Revision 1.26  1998/12/17 21:50:31  saw
+* Support extra set of tubes on HMS shower counter
+* Revision 1.25  1998/12/01 15:54:26  saw
+* (SAW) Slight change in debugging output
+* Revision 1.24  1996/11/08 15:48:01  saw
+* (WH) Add decoding for lucite counter
+* Revision 1.23  1996/04/29 19:45:37  saw
+* (JRA) Update Aerogel variable names
+* Revision 1.22  1996/01/22 15:13:56  saw
+* (JRA) Put BPM/Raster data into MISC data structures
+* Revision 1.21  1996/01/16 20:49:40  cdaq
+* (SAW) Handle banks containing two parallel link ROC banks
+* Revision 1.20  1995/12/06 19:04:24  cdaq
+* (SAW) What is this version?  Two bank banks processing lost.
+* Revision 1.19  1995/11/28 18:50:03  cdaq
+* (SAW) Quick hack to accept banks with 2 rocs (from parallel link)
+* Revision 1.18  1995/10/09 18:20:51  cdaq
+*       Replace g_decode_getdid call with explicit calculation (for speed)
+* Revision 1.17  1995/07/27 19:06:02  cdaq
+* (SAW) Use specific bit manipulation routines for f2c compatibility
+*       Get FB roc from header on parallel link banks
+* Revision 1.16  1995/05/22  20:50:45  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.15  1995/05/22  13:35:40  cdaq
+* (SAW) Fix up some problems with decoding of parallel link wrappers around
+* fastbus events.  Still doesn't hadle two fb rocs wrapped into one bank.
+* Revision 1.14  1995/05/11  17:17:00  cdaq
+* (SAW) Extend || link hack for SOS.  Add Aerogel detector.
+* Revision 1.13  1995/04/01  19:44:50  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add BPM hitlist
+* Revision 1.12  1995/01/27  20:12:48  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add hacks to deal with parallel link data.  Pass lastslot variable to
+*       g_decode_fb_detector so it can find 1881M/1877 headers.
+* Revision 1.11  1994/11/22  20:13:02  cdaq
+* (SPB) Update array names for raw SOS Scintillator bank
+* Revision 1.10  1994/06/28  20:01:23  cdaq
+* (SAW) Change arrays that HMS scintillators go into
+* Revision 1.9  1994/06/18  02:45:49  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add code for miscleaneous data and uninstrumented channels
+* Revision 1.8  1994/06/09  04:48:28  cdaq
+* (SAW) Fix length argument on gmc_mc_decode call again
+* Revision 1.7  1994/04/13  18:49:10  cdaq
+* (KBB Fix length argument on gmc_mc_deocde call
+      implicit none
+      SAVE
+      external jishft, jiand, jieor
+      character*16 here
+      parameter (here='g_decode_fb_bank')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) error
+      integer*4 bank(*)
+      logical SANE_TRUE
+      logical F1TRIGGER_TRUE
+      logical SEM_TRUE
+*     This routine unpacks a ROC bank.  It looks a fastbus word to
+*     determine which detector it belongs to.  It then passes the
+*     appropriate arrays for that detector to detector independent unpacker
+*     G_DECODE_FB_DETECTOR which will unpack words from the bank into the
+*     hit arrays until the detector changes or it runs out of data.
+*     G_DECODE_FB_DETECTOR returns a pointer to the next data word to be
+*     processed.
+      include 'gen_detectorids.par'
+      include 'gen_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'gen_decode_common.cmn'
+      include 'mc_structures.cmn'
+      include 'gen_event_info.cmn'
+      include 'gen_scalers.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'gep_hist_id.cmn'
+      integer*4 iannoyingpulser
+      integer*4 pointer                 ! Pointer FB data word
+      integer*4 banklength,maxwords
+      integer*4 roc,subadd,slot,lastslot
+      integer*4 stat_roc
+      integer*4 slotp                   ! temp variable
+      integer*4 did                     ! Detector ID
+      integer*4 g_decode_fb_detector    ! Detector unpacking routine
+      integer*4 last_first,i              ! Last word of first bank in || bank
+      integer*4 jiand, jishft, jieor    ! Declare to help f2c
+      integer*4 hplus_ts,hmin_ts,quartet_ts,ntest,ts_input(9)
+      integer*4 ntrig
+c      write(*,*)'Start'
+      banklength = bank(1) + 1          ! Bank length including count
+      last_first = banklength
+      stat_roc = jishft(bank(2),-16)
+      roc = jiand(stat_roc,'1F'X)                ! Get ROC from header
+      if(roc.eq.20.or.roc.eq.5) then
+c        write(*,*)'END'
+        return                  ! scaler ROC
+      endif
+      ntrig = 0
+      if(roc.eq.21) then
+        do i=1,9
+          ntest = 2**(i-1)
+          ts_input(i) = 0
+          if ( jiand(bank(3),ntest)/ntest .eq. 1 ) then
+            ts_input(i) = 1
+            if(i.le.8) ntrig = ntrig + 1
+          endif
+          gen_event_trigtype(i) = ts_input(i)
+          if( then
+            call hf1(gepid_gep_trigtype,float(i),float(ts_input(i)))
+          endif
+          if( then
+            call hf2(gepid_gep_trigtype_vs_evtype,float(gen_event_type),
+     $           float(i),float(ts_input(i)))
+          endif
+        enddo
+        hplus_ts = 0
+        hmin_ts=0
+        quartet_ts=0
+        if ( jiand(bank(3),512)/512 .eq. 1 ) quartet_ts = 1  
+        if ( jiand(bank(3),1024)/1024 .eq. 1 ) hplus_ts = 1  
+        if ( jiand(bank(3),2048)/2048 .eq. 1) hmin_ts = 1
+        gen_event_trigtype(10) = quartet_ts
+        gen_event_trigtype(11) = hplus_ts
+        gen_event_trigtype(12) = hmin_ts
+        if( then
+          call hf1(gepid_gep_ntrigs,float(ntrig),1.)
+        endif
+        if( then
+          call hf1(gepid_gep_trigtype,10.,float(quartet_ts))
+          call hf1(gepid_gep_trigtype,11.,float(hplus_ts))
+          call hf1(gepid_gep_trigtype,12.,float(hmin_ts))
+        endif
+        if( then
+          call hf2(gepid_gep_trigtype_vs_evtype,float(gen_event_type),
+     $         10.,float(quartet_ts))
+          call hf2(gepid_gep_trigtype_vs_evtype,float(gen_event_type),
+     $         11.,float(hplus_ts))
+          call hf2(gepid_gep_trigtype_vs_evtype,float(gen_event_type),
+     $         12.,float(hmin_ts))
+        endif
+        if( .and. hmin_ts.eq.0) then
+          gbeam_helicity_TS = 1
+        else if(hplus_ts.eq.0 .and. hmin_ts .gt.0) then
+          gbeam_helicity_TS = -1
+        else
+          gbeam_helicity_TS = 0
+        endif
+c        write(*,*) ' hel min = ',hmin_ts,' hel plus = ',hplus_ts
+c     > ,ts_input
+c      write(*,*)'END'
+        return                  ! scaler ROC
+      endif
+*     First look for special Monte Carlo Banks
+      if(stat_roc.eq.mc_status_and_ROC) then
+*        call gmc_mc_decode(banklength-2,bank(3),ABORT,error)
+        ABORT = .TRUE.
+        error = 'Monte Carlo Event analysis disabled'
+        if(ABORT) then
+          call g_add_path(here,error)
+        endif
+c      write(*,*)'END'
+        return
+      endif
+      if( then
+        ABORT = .false.                 ! Just warn
+        write(error,*) ':ROC out of range, ROC#=',roc
+        call g_add_path(here,error)
+c      write(*,*)'END'
+        return
+      endif
+      pointer = 3                               ! First word of bank
+      if (roc.eq.7 .or. roc.eq.8 .or. roc.eq.9) then
+*     These 3 rocs are VME front ends for fastbus crates.  At present
+*     we assume that each VME front end is only taking data from one
+*     FB roc and that this FB roc # is in 4 word of the bank.  This
+*     hack will not work when we have roc 8 taking data from both
+*     fbch1 and fbch2.  But it should work for runs up through
+*     at least 5/31/95.
+        last_first = pointer + bank(pointer) ! Last word in sub bank
+        stat_roc = jishft(bank(pointer+1),-16)!2 words are fb roc header.
+        roc = jiand(stat_roc,'1F'X)
+        pointer=pointer+2               !using parallel link, so next
+      endif
+      lastslot = -1
+      do while (pointer .le. banklength)
+        if(pointer.eq.(last_first+1)) then ! Second bank in a two bank bank
+          last_first = banklength       ! Reset to end of second bank
+          stat_roc = jishft(bank(pointer+1),-16) !2 words are fb roc header
+          roc = jiand(stat_roc,'1F'X)  ! New roc
+        endif
+*     Look for and report empty ROCs.
+      if (jieor(bank(pointer),'DCFF0000'X).eq.0) then
+	if (roc.eq.1 .or. roc.eq.2) then    !missing hms data
+          if ( then     !event type 2 is sos only event.
+            write(6,'(a,i3,a,i8,a,z8,a,i2)') 'roc',roc,' has no data for event'
+     &           ,gen_event_id_number,' scanmask=',bank(pointer+1)
+     $           ,', evtype=',gen_event_type
+          endif
+        else                                !missing sos data
+          if ( then     !event type 1 is hms only data.
+            write(6,'(a,i3,a,i8,a,z8,a,i2)') 'roc',roc,' has no data for event'
+     &           ,gen_event_id_number,' scanmask=',bank(pointer+1)
+     $           ,', evtype=',gen_event_type
+          endif
+        endif
+      endif
+      slot = jiand(jishft(bank(pointer),-27),'1F'X)
+      if( .and.
+     $ .and. roc.le.g_decode_maxrocs) then
+*       * for F1 TDCs, the traditional subadd cut will not work!
+*       * we need the header word which contains the trigger time to
+*       * handle roll-over, but the header has the subadd at the very LSB 
+*       * 
+*       * so we branch depending on externally supplied VME ROC flag to
+*       * properly handle these headers and all data words
+*       * note that we really WANT to see the header words for trigger timing!
+*       *
+*       *  for F1 TDC, there are two types of data:
+*       *   header/trailer words and data words
+*       *
+*       *				  ,overflow		 Xor
+*       *  header/trailer: xxxx xxxx  0  ?  ?? ????  ???? ???? ?  ?  ?? ?  ???
+*       *				      |        T_trigger       |   channel
+*       *				  event no		    chip
+*       *
+*       *	     data: xxxx xxxx  1 0  ?? ?  ???  ???? ???? ???? ????
+*       *				   chip  chan ------ data -------
+*       *
+*       *  in both cases, the first 8 bits (xxxx xxxx) are as follows:
+*       *
+*       *      ???? ?	???
+*       *	 slot	error flags
+*       *
+*       *  data have 16 bits for TDC count, i.e. 0-65535
+*       *  but header's T_trigger only has 9 bits, i.e. 0-511
+        if (g_decode_modtyp(roc,slot).eq.0) then ! FastBus
+        subadd = jiand(jishft(bank(pointer),
+     $       -g_decode_subaddbit(roc,slot)),'7F'X)
+	elseif (g_decode_modtyp(roc,slot).eq.1) then !VME F1 TDC
+*         * F1 uses 1 as the first channel, not 0!!!	
+	  if (jiand(ishft(bank(pointer),-23),'1'X).eq.0) then  !header
+	    subadd = jiand(bank(pointer),'3F'X) + 1
+	  else  !data
+	    subadd = jiand(jishft( bank(pointer),
+     $                            -g_decode_subaddbit(roc,slot) ),'3F'X) + 1
+           subadd = (subadd - 1) / 2 + 1
+	  endif
+	endif
+c        if (subadd .lt. '7F'X) then     ! Only valid subaddress
+        if (subadd .lt. 255) then     ! Only valid subaddress
+                                        ! This skips module headers
+          slotp = g_decode_slotpointer(roc,slot)
+          if ( then
+            did = g_decode_didmap(slotp+subadd)
+          else
+            did = UNINST_ID
+          endif
+c          if(roc.eq.12.and.slot.eq.5) write(6,
+c     >      '(''found did with roc,slot'',3i6)') 
+c     >      did,roc,slot
+          maxwords = last_first - pointer + 1
+          SANE_TRUE = did.eq.LUCITE_SANE_ID.or.did.eq.LUCITE_SANE_ID2.or.
+     &         did.eq.LUCITE_SANE_ID3.or.
+     &         did.eq.CERENKOV_SANE_ID.or.
+     &         did.eq.CERENKOV_SANE_ID2.or.
+     &         did.eq.TRACKER_SANE_X_ID.or.
+     &         did.eq.TRACKER_SANE_Y_ID
+          F1TRIGGER_TRUE = did.eq.F1TRIGGER_ID
+          SEM_TRUE = did.eq.SEM_ID
+c       write(*,*)did,roc,slot,slotp,subadd
+c          if(*,*)did,roc,slot,slotp,subadd
+*        1         2         3         4         5         6         7
+          if(did.eq.HDC_ID) then
+            pointer = pointer +
+     $           g_decode_fb_detector(lastslot, roc, bank(pointer), 
+     &           maxwords, did, 
+     $           HDC_RAW_WIRE_NUM,1 ,HDC_RAW_TDC,0, 0, 0)
+          else if (did.eq.HSCIN_ID) then
+             pointer = pointer +
+     $           g_decode_fb_detector(lastslot, roc, bank(pointer), 
+     &           maxwords, did, 
+c            if(gen_event_type.eq.1) then
+c               write(6,'(''dbg'',i4,i14,3i8)') 
+c     >          roc,bank(pointer),
+c     >           ,pointer
+c             do i=1,HSCIN_ALL_TOT_HITS
+c               write(6,'(i4,6i8)') i,
+c     >            HSCIN_ALL_PLANE_NUM(i),
+c     >            HSCIN_ALL_COUNTER_NUM(i),
+c     >            HSCIN_ALL_TDC_POS(i),
+c     >            HSCIN_ALL_TDC_NEG(i),
+c     >            HSCIN_ALL_ADC_POS(i),
+c     >              HSCIN_ALL_ADC_NEG(i)
+c             enddo
+c           endif
+          else if (did.eq.HCAL_ID) then
+            pointer = pointer +
+     $           g_decode_fb_detector(lastslot, roc, bank(pointer), 
+     &           maxwords, did,
+     $           HCAL_ROW, 2, HCAL_ADC_POS, HCAL_ADC_NEG, 0, 0)
+          else if (did.eq.HCER_ID) then
+*     Cerenkov has no plane array.  Pass it HCER_COR_ADC.  Unpacker will
+*     fill it with zeros or ones.  (Or whatever we tell the unpacker the
+*     plane number is.)
+            pointer = pointer +
+     $           g_decode_fb_detector(lastslot, roc, bank(pointer), 
+     &           maxwords, did, 
+     $           HCER_TUBE_NUM, 1, HCER_RAW_ADC, 0, 0, 0)
+*====================== HMS AEROGEL ==================================
+          else if (did.eq.HAERO_ID) then
+*     Aerogel has two tubes for each "counter".  Since we may use all
+*     TDC's, we will tell the decoder that we have 4 signals, array 
+*     3rd and 4th will use for TDC signals.
+*     HAERO_PLANE is a dummy array.
+            pointer = pointer +
+     $           g_decode_fb_detector(lastslot, roc, bank(pointer), 
+     &           maxwords, did,
+     $           HAERO_TDC_POS, HAERO_TDC_NEG)
+*            print *,'HAERO_TDC_POS',HAERO_TDC_POS
+*            print *,'HAERO_TDC_NEG',HAERO_TDC_NEG
+*====================== HMS Focal Plane Polarimeter ==================
+          else if (did.eq.HFPP_ID) then
+* planes are DC layers of all chambers in order of increasing z-coord
+c            write(*,*) 'did = fpp, decoding fpp data'
+            pointer = pointer +
+     $           g_decode_fb_detector(lastslot, roc, bank(pointer), 
+     &           maxwords, did, 
+     $           H_FPP_MAX_RAWHITS, HFPP_raw_tot_hits,
+     $           HFPP_raw_plane, HFPP_raw_wire, 1, HFPP_raw_TDC, 0, 0, 0)
+          else if(SANE_TRUE)then
+            call sane_decode(pointer,lastslot, roc, bank, 
+     &           maxwords, did)
+c     F1 Trigger Decode
+          else if(F1TRIGGER_TRUE)then
+            call F1TRIGGER_decode(pointer,lastslot, roc, bank, 
+     &           maxwords, did)
+          else if(SEM_TRUE)then
+c     SEM Decode
+            call sem_decode(pointer,lastslot, roc, bank, 
+     &           maxwords, did)
+*===================== BIGCAL ==========================================
+          else if (did.eq.BIGCAL_PROT_ID) then 
+            !write(*,*) 'did = protvino, decoding protvino data'
+            pointer = pointer + 
+     $           g_decode_fb_detector(lastslot, roc, bank(pointer), 
+     $           maxwords, did, BIGCAL_PROT_MAXHITS, BIGCAL_PROT_NHIT, 
+     $           0, 0, 0)
+            !write(*,*) 'protvino data decoded successfully'
+          else if (did.eq.BIGCAL_RCS_ID) then 
+            !write(*,*) 'did = rcs, decoding rcs data'
+            pointer = pointer +
+     $           g_decode_fb_detector(lastslot, roc, bank(pointer),
+     $           maxwords, did, BIGCAL_RCS_MAXHITS, BIGCAL_RCS_NHIT,
+     $           0, 0, 0)
+            !write(*,*) 'rcs data decoded successfully'
+          else if (did.eq.BIGCAL_TDC_ID) then
+            !write(*,*) 'did = tdc, decoding tdc data'
+            pointer = pointer + 
+     $           g_decode_fb_detector(lastslot, roc, bank(pointer),
+     $           maxwords, did, BIGCAL_TDC_MAXHITS, BIGCAL_TDC_NHIT, 
+     $           BIGCAL_TDC_RAW, 0, 0, 0)
+            !write(*,*) 'tdc data decoded successfully'
+          else if (did.eq.BIGCAL_ATRIG_ID) then 
+            !write(*,*) 'did = trig, decoding trig data'
+            pointer = pointer + 
+     $           g_decode_fb_detector(lastslot, roc, bank(pointer),
+     $           maxwords, did, BIGCAL_ATRIG_MAXHITS, BIGCAL_ATRIG_NHIT,
+     $           BIGCAL_ATRIG_ADC_RAW, 0,0,0)
+            !write(*,*) 'trig data decoded successfully'
+          else if (did.eq.BIGCAL_TTRIG_ID) then
+            pointer = pointer + 
+     $           g_decode_fb_detector(lastslot,roc, bank(pointer),
+     $           maxwords, did, BIGCAL_TTRIG_MAXHITS, BIGCAL_TTRIG_NHIT,
+     $           BIGCAL_TTRIG_TDC_RAW, 0,0,0)
+*     figure out if this is an annoying pulser event:
+            do iannoyingpulser=1,bigcal_ttrig_nhit
+              if(bigcal_ttrig_igroup(iannoyingpulser).eq.20.and.
+     $             bigcal_ttrig_ihalf(iannoyingpulser).eq.1) then
+                bigcal_annoying_pulser_event = .true.
+              endif
+            enddo
+*======================= HMISC ================================================
+          else if (did.eq.HMISC_ID) then
+*     This array is for data words that don't belong to a specific
+*     detector counter.  Things like energy sums, and TDC's from various
+*     points in the logic will go here.  Most likely we will set ADDR1
+*     always to 1, and ADDR2 will start at 1.
+            pointer = pointer +
+     $           g_decode_fb_detector(lastslot, roc, bank(pointer), 
+     &           maxwords, did, 
+     $           HMISC_RAW_ADDR2, 1, HMISC_RAW_DATA, 0, 0, 0)
+*        1         2         3         4         5         6         7
+          else if(did.eq.SDC_ID) then
+            pointer = pointer +
+     $           g_decode_fb_detector(lastslot, roc, bank(pointer), 
+     &           maxwords, did,
+     $           SDC_RAW_WIRE_NUM,1 ,SDC_RAW_TDC,0, 0, 0)
+          else if (did.eq.SSCIN_ID) then
+            pointer = pointer +
+     $           g_decode_fb_detector(lastslot, roc, bank(pointer), 
+     &           maxwords, did,
+          else if (did.eq.SCAL_ID) then
+            pointer = pointer +
+     $           g_decode_fb_detector(lastslot, roc, bank(pointer), 
+     &           maxwords, did, 
+     $           SCAL_ROW, 2, SCAL_ADC_POS, SCAL_ADC_NEG, 0, 0)
+          else if (did.eq.SCER_ID) then
+            pointer = pointer +
+     $           g_decode_fb_detector(lastslot, roc, bank(pointer), 
+     &           maxwords, did,
+     $           SCER_TUBE_NUM, 1, SCER_RAW_ADC, 0, 0, 0)
+          else if (did.eq.SAER_ID) then
+*     Aerogel has two tubes for each "counter".  Since there are no
+*     TDC's, we will tell the decoder that we have 4 signals, but pass
+*     a dummy array for the 3rd and 4th signal.
+*     SAER_PLANE is a dummy array.
+            pointer = pointer +
+     $           g_decode_fb_detector(lastslot, roc, bank(pointer), 
+     &           maxwords, did,
+     $           SAER_PAIR_NUM, 4, SAER_ADC_POS, SAER_ADC_NEG,
+     $           SAER_DUMMY, SAER_DUMMY)
+          else if (did.eq.SLUC_ID) then
+*     Lucite has two tubes for each "counter".  The detector
+*     has both ADC's and TDC's signals.
+*     SLUC_PLANE is a dummy array.
+            pointer = pointer +
+     $           g_decode_fb_detector(lastslot, roc, bank(pointer), 
+     &           maxwords, did,
+     $           SLUC_PAIR_NUM, 4, SLUC_ADC_POS, SLUC_ADC_NEG,
+     $           SLUC_TDC_POS, SLUC_TDC_NEG)
+          else if (did.eq.SMISC_ID) then
+*     This array is for data words that don't belong to a specific
+*     detector counter.  Things like energy sums, and TDC's from various
+*     points in the logic will go here.  Most likely we will set ADDR1
+*     always to 1, and ADDR2 will start at 1.
+            pointer = pointer +
+     $           g_decode_fb_detector(lastslot, roc, bank(pointer), 
+     &           maxwords, did, 
+     $           SMISC_RAW_ADDR2, 1, SMISC_RAW_DATA, 0, 0, 0)
+*     BPM/Raster ADC values. 
+          else if (did.eq.GMISC_ID) then
+            pointer = pointer +
+     $           g_decode_fb_detector(lastslot, roc, bank(pointer), 
+     &           maxwords, did,
+     $           GMISC_RAW_ADDR2, 1, GMISC_RAW_DATA, 0, 0, 0)
+*     Data from Uninstrumented channels and slots go into a special array
+          else if (did.eq.UNINST_ID) then
+            pointer = pointer +
+     $           g_decode_fb_detector(lastslot, roc, bank(pointer), 
+     &           maxwords, did, 
+     $           GUNINST_RAW_SUBADD, 1, GUNINST_RAW_DATAWORD, 0, 0, 0)
+          else
+*     Should never get here.  Unknown detector ID's or did=-1 for bad ROC#
+*     or SLOT# will come here.
+            print *,"BAD DID, unknown ROC,SLOT",roc,slot,did
+            pointer = pointer + 1       ! Skip unknown detector id's
+          endif
+        else
+          lastslot = slot
+          pointer = pointer + 1         ! Skip Bad subaddresses (module header)
+        endif
+      else
+        pointer = pointer + 1           ! Skip bad slots
+      endif
+      enddo
+      ABORT= .FALSE.
+      error= ' '
+c      write(*,*)'END'
+      return
+      end
+*     Local Variables:
+*     mode: fortran
+*     fortran-if-indent: 2
+*     fortran-do-indent: 2
+*     End:
diff --git a/ENGINE/g_decode_fb_detector.f b/ENGINE/g_decode_fb_detector.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be3bf98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/g_decode_fb_detector.f
@@ -0,0 +1,501 @@
+      INTEGER*4 FUNCTION g_decode_fb_detector(oslot,roc,evfrag,length,did,
+     $     maxhits,hitcount,planelist,counterlist,signalcount,signal0,
+     $     signal1,signal2,signal3)
+*- Created ?   Steve Wood, CEBAF
+*- Corrected  3-Dec-1993 Kevin Beard, Hampton U.
+* $Log: g_decode_fb_detector.f,v $
+* Revision  2009/01/30 20:33:29  cdaq
+* *** empty log message ***
+* Revision  2008/10/31 07:54:39  cdaq
+* comment out some warnings on detector limits
+* Revision  2008/10/02 17:58:28  cdaq
+* *** empty log message ***
+* Revision  2008/09/25 18:43:14  cdaq
+* Updated for F1 hi res
+* Revision  2008/05/15 18:59:21  bhovik
+* 1'st version
+* Revision  2007/10/22 18:39:00  cdaq
+* adjusted HMS FPP histos
+* Revision  2007/10/19 00:15:20  cdaq
+* *** empty log message ***
+* Revision  2007/10/18 16:25:26  cdaq
+* fixed F1 handling bug
+* Revision  2007/10/17 22:02:15  cdaq
+* fix FPP bugs
+* Revision  2007/10/16 23:26:10  cdaq
+* *** empty log message ***
+* Revision  2007/10/16 23:23:34  cdaq
+* fixed F1 data decoding
+* Revision  2007/10/16 22:17:20  cdaq
+* fixed F1 decoding bug
+* Revision  2007/09/24 20:37:20  puckett
+* *** empty log message ***
+* Revision  2007/09/11 19:14:17  frw
+* fixed FPP related arrays and limits
+* Revision  2007/09/10 20:33:37  pcarter
+* Implemented changes to allow compilation on RHEL 3,4,5 and MacOSX
+* Revision  2007/08/22 19:09:16  frw
+* added FPP
+* Revision 1.24 frw
+* added processing of F1 TDCs
+* Revision  2007/05/15 02:55:01  jones
+* Start to Bigcal code
+* Revision 1.23  2003/09/05 15:31:23  jones
+* Merge in online03 changes (mkj)
+* Revision  2003/07/24 13:08:11  cdaq
+* Changes made for adding scaler ROC 5 during Baryon exp. (MKJ for SAW)
+* Revision 1.22  2002/09/25 14:40:03  jones
+*    Eliminate commented out diagnostic messages and the variables
+*      buffer,iscaler,nscalers associated with them.
+* Revision 1.21  1999/11/04 20:35:16  saw
+* Linux/G77 compatibility fixes
+* Revision 1.20  1998/12/17 21:50:31  saw
+* Support extra set of tubes on HMS shower counter
+* Revision 1.19  1998/12/01 15:54:57  saw
+* (SAW) Slight change in debugging output
+* Revision 1.18  1997/04/03 10:56:05  saw
+* (SAW) Better report of DCFE code words.  Prints out roc, slot, event
+* number and how many extra events are in the module.
+* Revision 1.17  96/09/04  14:34:19  14:34:19  saw (Stephen A. Wood)
+* (JRA) More error reporting of error codes in FB data stream
+* Revision 1.16  1996/04/29 19:46:19  saw
+* (JRA) Tweak diagnostic messages
+* Revision 1.15  1996/01/16 20:51:55  cdaq
+* (SAW) Fixes:  Forgot why
+* Revision 1.14  1995/11/28 18:59:24  cdaq
+* (SAW) Change arrays that use roc as index to start with zero.
+* Revision 1.13  1995/10/09 18:23:29  cdaq
+* (JRA) Comment out some debugging statements
+* Revision 1.12  1995/07/27 19:10:02  cdaq
+* (SAW) Use specific bit manipulation routines for f2c compatibility
+* Revision 1.11  1995/01/31  15:55:52  cdaq
+* (SAW) Make sure mappointer and subaddbit are set on program entry.
+* Revision 1.10  1995/01/27  20:14:04  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add assorted diagnostic printouts.  Add hack to look for the headers
+*       on new 1881M/1877 modules while maintaining backward compatibility.
+* Revision 1.9  1994/10/20  12:34:55  cdaq
+* (SAW) Only print out "Max exceeded did=" meesage once
+* Revision 1.8  1994/06/27  02:14:18  cdaq
+* (SAW) Ignore all words that start with DC
+* Revision 1.7  1994/06/22  20:21:24  cdaq
+* (SAW) Put -1 in hodoscope signals that don't get any data
+* Revision 1.6  1994/06/22  20:07:37  cdaq
+* (SAW) Fix problems with filling of hodoscope type hit lists (multiple signal)
+* Revision 1.5  1994/06/21  16:02:54  cdaq
+* (SAW) Ignore DCFF0000 headers from Arrington's CRL's
+* Revision 1.4  1994/06/18  02:48:04  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add code for miscleaneous data and uninstrumented channels
+* Revision 1.3  1994/04/06  18:03:38  cdaq
+* (SAW) # of bits to get channel number is now configurable (g_decode_subaddbit).
+* Changed range of signal types from 1:4 to 0:3 to agree with documentation.
+* Revision 1.2  1994/03/24  22:00:15  cdaq
+* Temporarily change shift to get subaddress from 17 to 16
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/04  21:50:03  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      SAVE
+      external jishft, jiand, jieor
+*     The following arguments don't get modified.
+      integer*4 roc,evfrag(*),length,did,maxhits,signalcount
+*     The following arguments get modified.
+      integer*4 oslot
+      integer*4 hitcount,planelist(*),counterlist(*)
+      integer*4 signal0(*),signal1(*),signal2(*),signal3(*)
+      integer pointer,newdid,subadd,slot,mappointer,plane
+      integer counter,signal,sigtyp
+      include 'gen_detectorids.par'
+      include 'gen_decode_common.cmn'
+      include 'gen_decode_F1tdc.cmn'
+      include 'gen_scalers.cmn'
+      include 'gen_event_info.cmn'
+      include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'hms_id_histid.cmn'   
+      integer h,hshift,i
+      integer*4 trigger_time
+      integer subaddbit
+      logical printerr  !flag to turn off printing of error after 1 time.
+      logical firsttime
+      integer*4 jishft, jiand, jieor, nprt
+      printerr = .true.
+      pointer = 1
+      newdid = did
+      firsttime = .true.
+      do while(pointer.le.length .and. did.eq.newdid)
+        if(jieor(jiand(evfrag(pointer),'FFFFFFFF'x),'DCAA0000'x).eq.0) then ! VME/FB event length mismatch
+          write(6,'(a,i10)') 'ERROR: VME/Fastbus event 
+     &         length mismatch for event #',gen_event_id_number
+          write(6,'(a,z9,a,z9,a)') '   Fastbus event length:',evfrag(pointer+1),
+     &        ' VME event length:',evfrag(pointer+2),' (or vice-versa).'
+          pointer = pointer + 3
+          goto 987
+! Check for extra events in FB modules on sync events
+        else if(jieor(jiand(evfrag(pointer),'FFFF0000'x),'DCFE0000'x).eq.0) then
+          write(6,'(a,i2,a,i3,a,i3,a,i10)') 'ROC',roc,': Slot'
+     $         ,jiand(jishft(evfrag(pointer),-11),'1F'x),': '
+     $         ,jiand(evfrag(pointer),'7FF'x),' extra events, event=',
+     &         gen_event_id_number
+          pointer = pointer + 1
+          goto 987
+        else if(jieor(jiand(evfrag(pointer),'FF000000'x),'DC000000'x).eq.0) then ! Catch arrington's headers
+          write(6,'(a,i2,a,i10,a,z10)') 'ROC',roc,': no gate 
+     &         or too much data, event=',
+     &         gen_event_id_number,' error dataword=',evfrag(pointer)
+          pointer = pointer + 1
+          goto 987
+        endif
+        if(evfrag(pointer).le.1.and.evfrag(pointer).ge.0) then
+! on sync events, get zeros at end of event.
+          if (gen_event_id_number .eq. 1000*int(gen_event_id_number/1000)) then
+            if (evfrag(pointer).ne.0) then
+              write(6,'(" ERROR: BAD FB value evfrag(",i4,")=",z10,
+     &             " ROC=",i2,"event=",i7)')
+     $         pointer,evfrag(pointer),roc,gen_event_id_number
+            endif
+          endif
+          pointer = pointer + 1
+          goto 987
+        endif
+        slot = jiand(JISHFT(evfrag(pointer),-27),'1F'X)
+        if( then
+          if (slot.le.0 .or. .or. roc.le.0 .or. then
+c            write (6,'(a,i3,i3,i3,z10,a,i5,a,i8)') 'roc,slot,oslot,evfrag=',roc,
+c     &           slot,oslot,evfrag(pointer),
+c     $           '(p=',pointer,') for event #',gen_event_id_number
+c            write (6,'(a,i3)') '  Probably after slot',jiand(JISHFT(evfrag(pointer-1),-27),'1F'X)
+            pointer = pointer + 1
+            goto 987
+          else
+            mappointer = g_decode_slotpointer(roc,slot)
+            subaddbit = g_decode_subaddbit(roc,slot) ! Usually 16 or 17
+          endif
+        endif
+        if( then
+          oslot = slot
+         trigger_time = -1     !flag absence of header data via default of error
+c     On 1881M's and 1877, a subaddress of zero could be a header word, so
+c     we need to put in some hackery to catch these.  We need to make sure
+c     that 1881's and 1876's will still work.
+c     A real ugly hack that looks to see if the first word of an 1881M or
+c     1877 has a subaddress of zero, in which case it is the header word and must
+c     be discarded.  If it is an 1881 or 1876, then the the first word of a
+c     new slot will have a subaddress of '7F' and later be discarded.
+          if(subaddbit.eq.17.and.g_decode_modtyp(roc,slot).eq.0) then      ! Is not an 1872A (which has not headers)
+            if(jiand(evfrag(pointer),'00FE0000'X).eq.0) then ! probably a header
+              if(jiand(evfrag(pointer),'07FF0000'X).ne.0) then
+                print *,"SHIT:misidentified real data word as a header"
+                print *,"DID=",did,", SLOT=",slot,", POINTER=",pointer
+              else
+c                if(
+c     ,               write(*,*)"Jump 1 ROC12 SLOT4 CHAN=",subadd
+                pointer = pointer + 1
+                goto 987
+              endif
+            endif
+          endif
+        endif !oslot
+*      * for F1 TDCs, the TDC counts are ABSOLUTE with a random zero value
+*      * to get the time relative to a triggering event, the trigger must be 
+*      * recorded as well in a TDC channel
+*      * a low-resolution measure of the trigger is provided in the data header
+*      * but this is insufficient for time measurements
+*      * it *is* however good for detecting roll-over of the free running
+*      * absolute time, as it overflows at the same time as the measured values
+*      * 
+*      * so we branch depending on externally supplied VME ROC flag
+*      *
+*      *  for F1 TDC, there are two types of data:
+*      *   header/trailer words and data words
+*      *
+*      *                                 ,overflow              Xor
+*      *  header/trailer: xxxx xxxx  0  ?  ?? ????  ???? ???? ?  ?  ?? ?  ???
+*      *                                     |        T_trigger       |   channel
+*      *                                 event no                  chip
+*      *
+*      *            data: xxxx xxxx  1 0  ?? ?  ???  ???? ???? ???? ????
+*      *                                  chip  chan ------ data -------
+*      *
+*      *  in both cases, the first 8 bits (xxxx xxxx) are as follows:
+*      *
+*      *      ???? ?   ???
+*      *        slot   error flags
+*      *
+*      *  data have 16 bits for TDC count, i.e. 0-65535
+*      *  but header's T_trigger only has 9 bits, i.e. 0-511
+        if (g_decode_modtyp(roc,slot).eq.0) then  ! fastbus
+        subadd = jiand(JISHFT(evfrag(pointer),-subaddbit),'7F'X)
+       elseif (g_decode_modtyp(roc,slot).eq.1) then  ! VME F1 TDC
+*        * F1 uses 1 as the first channel, not 0!!!	
+         if (jiand(ishft(evfrag(pointer),-23),'1'X).eq.1) then  !data
+           subadd = jiand(jishft(evfrag(pointer),-subaddbit),'3F'X) + 1
+cc For hi res mode, have to take in pairs
+           if(
+     >       write(6,'(''ERROR'',i6)') subadd
+           subadd = (subadd - 1) / 2 + 1
+           signal =jiand(evfrag(pointer),g_decode_slotmask(roc,slot))
+c           if(roc.eq.13.and.slot.eq.18)
+c     >      write(6,'(''subadd,signal='',5i10)') roc,slot,did,
+c     >       subadd,signal,gen_event_id_number,counter
+	   if (signal.eq.65535) then   ! skip overflow entries
+	     pointer = pointer + 1
+	     goto 987
+	   endif
+*	   * histogram F1 raw hits
+c           write(6,'(''hf2'',4i10)') roc,
+c     >       hid_rawROC(roc),slot,subadd
+c           call hf2(hid_rawROC(roc),float(slot),float(subadd),1.)
+c           write(6,'(''hf2'',4i10)') roc,
+c     >       hid_rawROC(roc),slot,subadd
+         else  !header
+           subadd = jiand(evfrag(pointer),'3F'X) + 1
+           trigger_time = jiand(ishft(evfrag(pointer),-7),'1FF'X)
+           trigger_time = trigger_time*128 + 127  ! trigger time has 7 bits less resolution!!
+           pointer = pointer + 1
+            goto 987
+         endif
+       endif
+*     If a module that uses a shift of 17 for the subaddress is in a slot
+*     that we havn't told the map file about, it's data will end up in the
+*     unstrimented channel "detector" hit list.  However, the decoder will
+*     think that the subaddress starts in channel 16 (since some Lecroy
+*     modules do so), The next statement will mean that only the first 64
+*     channels will end up in the uninstrumented hit list.  The rest will
+*     be lost.  If you don't want to put this module in the map file, put
+*     in a single entry for it with a detector id of UNINST_ID (zero) and
+*     the proper BSUB value.
+c        if (subadd .lt. '7F'X) then     ! Only valid subaddresses
+        if (subadd .lt. 255) then       ! Only valid subaddresses
+c          if(
+c     ,         write(*,*)"ROC12 SLOT 21 CHAN=",subadd,signal
+c         if(roc.eq.12.and.slot.eq.4.and.subadd.eq.40)
+c     ,         write(*,*)"ROC12 SLOT4 CHAN=",subadd
+c        if(roc.eq.12.and.slot.eq.4.and.subadd.eq.43)
+c     ,         write(*,*)"ROC12 SLOT4 CHAN=",subadd
+c        if(roc.eq.12.and.slot.eq.4.and.subadd.eq.44)
+c     ,         write(*,*)"ROC12 SLOT4 CHAN=",subadd
+                                        ! Skips headers for 1881 and 1876
+c          write(6,'(''did'',2i10)') did
+          if( then
+            newdid = g_decode_didmap(mappointer+subadd)
+          else
+            newdid = UNINST_ID
+          endif
+c          write(6,'(''old,newdid'',2i10)') newdid,did
+          if(newdid.eq.did) then
+            if( then
+c              write(6,'(''plane'',i8)') mappointer+subadd
+              plane = g_decode_planemap(mappointer+subadd)
+c              write(6,'(''plane'',i8)') plane
+              counter = g_decode_countermap(mappointer+subadd)
+c              write(6,'(''counter'',i8)') counter
+              signal =jiand(evfrag(pointer),g_decode_slotmask(roc,slot))
+c              write(6,'(''signal'',i8)') signal
+*     fix roll-over if module is F1 TDC
+c             if (g_decode_modtyp(roc,slot).eq.1) then
+c               if ( then  ! roll-over!!
+c                 signal = signal + F1TDC_WINDOW_SIZE(roc)
+c                 write(6,'(''signalcorr'',i8)') signal
+c               endif
+c             endif
+            else
+              plane = jishft(roc,16) + slot
+              counter = subadd
+              signal = evfrag(pointer)
+c              write(6,'(''p,c,s'',3i8)') plane,counter,signal
+            endif
+            if(hitcount .lt. maxhits .or.
+     $           (hitcount.eq.maxhits .and. signalcount .gt. 1)) then ! Don't overwrite arrays
+              if(signalcount .le. 1) then ! single signal counter
+*     Starting at end of hit list, search back until a hit earlier in
+*     the sort order is found.
+                h = hitcount
+                do while(h .gt. 0 .and. (plane .lt. planelist(h)
+     $               .or.(plane .eq. planelist(h).and. counter .lt.
+     $               counterlist(h))))
+*     Shift hit to next place in list
+                  planelist(h+1) = planelist(h)
+                  counterlist(h+1) = counterlist(h)
+                  signal0(h+1) = signal0(h)
+                  h = h - 1
+                enddo
+                h = h + 1               ! Put hit pointer to blank
+                if(did.eq.6 .and. nprt .lt.10) then
+c                  write(6,'(''dbg gmisc'',6i8)') roc,slot,
+c     >              plane,counter,signal
+                  nprt = nprt + 1
+                endif
+                planelist(h) = plane
+                counterlist(h) = counter
+                signal0(h) = signal
+                hitcount = hitcount + 1
+c                if(did.eq.25) write(6,'(''dbg did 25'',
+c     >            8i8)') h,plane,counter,signal,hitcount,
+c     >            roc,slot
+              else ! Multiple signal counter sigcount= 2 or 4 allowed
+*     Starting at the end of the hist list, search back until a hit on
+*     the same counter or earlier in the sort order is found.
+                h = hitcount
+                do while(h .gt. 0 .and. (plane .lt. planelist(h)
+     $               .or.(plane .eq. planelist(h).and. counter .lt.
+     $               counterlist(h))))
+                  h = h - 1
+                enddo
+*     If plane/counter match is not found, then need to shift up the array
+*     to make room for the new hit.
+                if( ! Plane and counter
+     $      then ! not found
+                  if( then
+                    h = h + 1
+                    do hshift=hitcount,h,-1 ! Shift up to make room
+                      planelist(hshift+1) = planelist(hshift)
+                      counterlist(hshift+1) = counterlist(hshift)
+                      signal0(hshift+1) = signal0(hshift)
+                      signal1(hshift+1) = signal1(hshift)
+                      if(signalcount.eq.4) then
+                        signal2(hshift+1) = signal2(hshift)
+                        signal3(hshift+1) = signal3(hshift)
+                      endif
+                    enddo
+                    planelist(h) = plane
+                    counterlist(h) = counter
+                    signal0(h) = -1
+                    signal1(h) = -1
+                    if(signalcount.eq.4) then                  
+                      signal2(h) = -1
+                      signal3(h) = -1
+                    endif
+                    hitcount = hitcount + 1
+                  else                  ! Too many hits
+                    if(printerr) then
+c                      print *,'g_decode_fb_detector: Max exceeded, did=',
+c     $                     did,', max=',maxhits,': event',gen_event_id_number
+c                      print *,'   roc,slot,cntr,sig,subadd=',roc,slot,counter,sigtyp,subadd
+                      printerr = .false.
+                    endif
+                  endif
+                endif
+                sigtyp = g_decode_sigtypmap(mappointer+subadd)
+                if(sigtyp.eq.0) then
+                  signal0(h) = signal
+                else if (sigtyp.eq.1) then
+                  signal1(h) = signal
+                else if (sigtyp.eq.2) then
+                  signal2(h) = signal
+                else if (sigtyp.eq.3) then
+                  signal3(h) = signal
+                endif
+              endif !multi-signal
+            else if(hitcount.eq.maxhits .and. printerr) then ! Only print this message once
+c              print *,'g_decode_fb_detector: Max exceeded, did=',
+c     $             did,', max=',maxhits,': event',gen_event_id_number
+c              print *,'   roc,slot,cntr=',roc,slot,counter
+              printerr = .false.
+*     Print/generate some kind of error that the hit array has been
+*     exceeded.
+            endif
+            pointer = pointer + 1
+*         else
+*           exit and get called back with the correct arrays for the new did
+          endif
+        else
+          pointer = pointer + 1
+        endif
+ 987    continue
+      enddo
+      g_decode_fb_detector = pointer - 1 ! Number of words processed
+      return
+      end
+*     Local Variables:
+*     mode: fortran
+*     fortran-if-indent: 2
+*     fortran-do-indent: 2
+*     End:
diff --git a/ENGINE/g_decode_init.f b/ENGINE/g_decode_init.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e4ecc7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/g_decode_init.f
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+      SUBROUTINE G_decode_init(ABORT,err)
+*-       Prototype hall C initialize routine
+*-   Purpose and Methods : Initialization decoding algorithm
+*-   Output: ABORT      - success or failure
+*-         : err        - reason for failure, if any
+*-   Created   3-Dec-1993   Kevin B. Beard
+* $Log: g_decode_init.f,v $
+* Revision 1.3  1996/01/16 20:54:59  cdaq
+* no change
+* Revision 1.2  1994/03/24 18:15:59  cdaq
+* (SAW) Move g_decode_clear into this routine.
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/04  21:51:53  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+*- All standards are from "Proposal for Hall C Analysis Software
+*- Vade Mecum, Draft 1.0" by D.F.Geesamn and S.Wood, 7 May 1993
+      SAVE
+      character*40 here
+      parameter (here= 'G_decode_init')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 'gen_filenames.cmn'    !names of config. files
+*-all crucial setup information here; failure is fatal
+      call g_decode_clear(ABORT,err)
+      if(ABORT) then
+         call G_add_path(here,err)
+         return
+      endif
+      call G_decode_config(ABORT,err,g_decode_map_filename)
+         call G_add_path(here,err)
+      ELSE
+         err= ' '
+      ENDIF
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/ENGINE/g_decode_scalers.f b/ENGINE/g_decode_scalers.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..44c3f83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/g_decode_scalers.f
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+      subroutine g_analyze_scalers(event,ABORT,err)
+* $Log: g_decode_scalers.f,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1994/06/22 20:59:25  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      integer*4 event(*)
+      character*17 here
+      parameter (here='g_analyze_scalers')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 'gen_scalers.cmn'
+*     Scaler events have a header in from of each scaler.  High 16 bits
+*     will contain the address (the switch settings).  Address for hall C
+*     will be of the form DANN, where NN is the scaler number.  The low 16
+*     bits will contain the number of scaler values to follow (this should
+*     be no larger than 16, but we will allow more.)
+      integer evtype, evlen, pointer
+      integer scalid, countinmod, address, counter
+      evtype = ishft(event(2),-16)
+*     Should check against list of known scaler events
+      evlen = event(1) + 1
+      if( then           ! We have a scaler bank
+         pointer = 5
+         do while(
+            scalid = iand(ishft(event(pointer),-16),'FF'x)
+            countinmod = iand(event(pointer),'FFFF'x)
+*     Might want to check that count is not to big.
+            if( then
+               err = 'Scaler module header word has count<>16'
+               ABORT = .true.
+               call g_add_path(here,err)
+               return                   ! Safest action
+            endif
+            address = scalid*16
+            do counter = 1,countinmod
+               scalers(address+counter) = event(pointer) + counter
+            enddo
+            pointer = pointer + countinmod
+         enddo
+      else
+         err = 'Event not big enough to contain scalers'
+         ABORT = .true.
+         call g_add_path(here,err)
+         return
+      endif
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/ENGINE/g_dump_histograms.f b/ENGINE/g_dump_histograms.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0494075
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/g_dump_histograms.f
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+      SUBROUTINE G_dump_histograms(ABORT,err)
+*-    Routine to dump the histograms
+*-   Output: ABORT		- success or failure
+*-         : err	- reason for failure, if any
+*-   Created  14-Jun-1994   S.A. Wood
+* $Log: g_dump_histograms.f,v $
+* Revision 1.3  2002/09/25 14:42:06  jones
+* Replace call HREND(nametag) with call HRENDC(nametag) and close(IO)
+* Revision 1.2  1995/04/01 19:45:37  cdaq
+* (SAW) Allow %d for run number in filenames
+* Revision 1.1  1994/06/14  19:13:42  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      SAVE
+      character*17 here
+      parameter (here= 'G_dump_histograms')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 'gen_filenames.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_run_info.cmn'
+      character*132 file
+      character*80 default_histfile
+      parameter (default_histfile='engine_output.hbk')
+      integer istat
+      character*4 nametag
+      parameter (nametag='RAWH')
+      integer cycle,IO
+      err = ' '
+      IO= G_LUN_TEMP               ! temporary IO channel
+      file= g_histout_filename		! File to write histograms into
+      if(file.EQ.' ') file= default_histfile
+      call g_sub_run_number(file,gen_run_number)
+*      call G_open_HBOOK_file(IO,file,'NEW',ABORT,err) !FORTRAN file open
+      call hropen(IO,nametag,file,'N',1024,ISTAT)
+      ABORT = .false.                 ! Need to check ISTAT
+*        call HRFILE(IO,nametag,'N')   !tell HBOOK to use channel IO (New)
+        cycle= 0                      !dummy for internal counting
+        call HROUT(0,cycle,' ')	      !CERNLIB flush buffers, all histograms
+*        call HREND(nametag)           !done with this channel
+        call HRENDC(nametag)           !done with this channel
+        close (IO)
+      ENDIF
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/ENGINE/g_dump_peds.f b/ENGINE/g_dump_peds.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f1348e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/g_dump_peds.f
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+      subroutine g_dump_peds(ABORT,err)
+* $Log: g_dump_peds.f,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1996/04/29 19:46:35  saw
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*12 here
+      parameter (here='g_dump_peds')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      integer*4 ind
+      character*132 file
+      integer SPAREID
+      parameter (SPAREID=67)
+      INCLUDE 'gen_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_filenames.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_run_info.cmn'
+      if (' ') then
+        file=g_pedestal_output_filename
+        call g_sub_run_number(file, gen_run_number)
+        open(unit=SPAREID,file=file,status='unknown')
+      else
+        return
+      endif
+      write(SPAREID,*) 'These are the values that were used for the analysis'
+      write(SPAREID,*) '      (from the param file or pedestal events)'
+      write(SPAREID,*)
+      write(SPAREID,*) 'gmisc_ped = '
+      write(SPAREID,113) (gmisc_ped(ind,2),ind=1,16)
+113   format (7(f6.1,','),f6.1)
+      close(SPAREID)
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/ENGINE/g_examine_control_event.f b/ENGINE/g_examine_control_event.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c57f877
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/g_examine_control_event.f
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+      SUBROUTINE G_examine_control_event(buffer,ABORT,err)
+*-    Purpose and Methods : examine a control event and gather various
+*-                          information from it.
+*-    Input: buffer             - raw data buffer
+*-         : ABORT              - success or failure
+*-         : err                - reason for failure, if any
+*-   Created  17-May-1994   Kevin B. Beard, Hampton U.
+* $Log: g_examine_control_event.f,v $
+* Revision  2007/09/10 20:33:37  pcarter
+* Implemented changes to allow compilation on RHEL 3,4,5 and MacOSX
+* Revision 1.7  1999/11/04 20:35:16  saw
+* Linux/G77 compatibility fixes
+* Revision 1.6  1995/07/27 19:37:29  cdaq
+* (SAW) Use specific bit manipulation routines for f2c compatibility
+* Revision 1.5  1994/06/28  20:04:49  cdaq
+* *** empty log message ***
+* Revision 1.4  1994/06/24  19:11:26  cdaq
+* (KBB) Fill in gen_event_type with the event type
+* Revision 1.3  1994/06/09  04:29:44  cdaq
+* (SAW) Replace g_build_note calls with write(var, ... calls
+* Revision 1.2  1994/06/07  18:18:45  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split g_examine_event into g_examine_control_event
+*       and g_examine_physics_event.
+*- All standards are from "Proposal for Hall C Analysis Software
+*- Vade Mecum, Draft 1.3" by D.F.Geesamn and S.Wood, Csoft-NOTE-94-001
+      SAVE
+      external jishft, jiand, jieor, bjtest
+      character*23 here
+      parameter (here= 'G_examine_control_event')
+      INTEGER buffer(*)
+      CHARACTER*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 'gen_run_info.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_event_info.cmn'
+      integer dy,mth,yr,hr,minute,sec,m,EvType,status,nth
+      logical control,bad_sync
+      character*160 msg,note
+      integer*4 jiand,jishft,jieor
+      logical*4 bjtest
+      integer SYNC_EvType,PRESTART_EvType,GO_EvType,END_EvType
+      integer PAUSE_EvType
+      parameter (SYNC_EvType     = 16)  !from CODA manual
+      parameter (PRESTART_EvType = 17)  !from CODA manual
+      parameter (GO_EvType       = 18)  !from CODA manual
+      parameter (PAUSE_EvType    = 19)  !from CODA manual
+      parameter (END_EvType      = 20)  !from CODA manual
+      err= ' '
+      gen_event_sequence_N= gen_event_sequence_N+1  !from beginning
+      if(jieor(jiand(buffer(2),'FFFF'x),'01CC'x).ne.0) then
+         err = 'Event is not a control event'
+         ABORT = .true.
+         call g_add_path(here,err)
+         return
+      endif
+      EvType = jISHFT(buffer(2),-16)
+      gen_event_ID_number= 0
+      gen_event_type= EvType
+      gen_event_class= 0
+      If(EvType.EQ.SYNC_EvType) Then
+         gen_run_UTC_last= buffer(3)
+         gen_run_total_events= buffer(5)
+         call g_UTC_date(gen_run_UTC_last,gen_run_date_last,
+     &        dy,mth,yr,hr,minute,sec)
+         status= buffer(6)
+         bad_sync= status.NE.0
+         ABORT= bad_sync
+         if(bad_sync) then
+            err= ' '
+            DO nth=0,31
+               If(BjTEST(status,nth)) Then
+                  write(msg,'(", ROC #",i3)') nth
+                  call G_append(err,msg)
+               EndIf
+            ENDDO
+            write(msg,'("event #",i10)') gen_run_total_events
+            call G_prepend(':CODA synchronization failure '//note,err)
+            call G_append(err,':'//gen_run_date_last)
+            call G_add_path(here,err)
+            IF(ABORT) RETURN
+         endif
+      ElseIf(EvType.EQ.PRESTART_EvType) Then
+         gen_run_UTC_start= buffer(3)
+         gen_run_number= buffer(4)
+         gen_run_type= buffer(5)
+         call g_UTC_date(gen_run_UTC_start,gen_run_date_start,
+     &        dy,mth,yr,hr,minute,sec)
+         gen_event_sequence_N= 1        !start counting over
+         gen_run_total_events= 1
+         do m=0,gen_MAX_trigger_types   !clear triggered table
+            gen_run_triggered(m)= 0
+         enddo
+         write(msg,'("INFO:PRESTART Run #",i5," type #",i4,1x,a)')
+     $        gen_run_number,gen_run_type,gen_run_date_start
+         call G_log_message(msg)
+      ElseIf(EvType.EQ.GO_EvType) Then
+         gen_run_UTC_start= buffer(3)
+         call g_UTC_date(gen_run_UTC_start,gen_run_date_start,
+     &        dy,mth,yr,hr,minute,sec)
+         msg= 'INFO:GO '//gen_run_date_start
+         call G_log_message(msg)
+      ElseIf(EvType.EQ.PAUSE_EvType) Then
+         gen_run_UTC_last= buffer(3)
+         gen_run_total_events= buffer(5)
+         call g_UTC_date(gen_run_UTC_last,gen_run_date_last,
+     &        dy,mth,yr,hr,minute,sec)
+         msg= 'INFO:PAUSE '//gen_run_date_last
+         call G_log_message(msg)
+      ElseIf(EvType.EQ.END_EvType) Then
+         gen_run_UTC_stop= buffer(3)
+         gen_run_total_events= buffer(5)
+         call g_UTC_date(gen_run_UTC_stop,gen_run_date_stop,
+     &        dy,mth,yr,hr,minute,sec)
+         msg= 'INFO:END '//gen_run_date_stop
+         call G_log_message(msg)
+      EndIf
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/ENGINE/g_examine_epics_event.f b/ENGINE/g_examine_epics_event.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f22aa05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/g_examine_epics_event.f
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+      subroutine g_examine_epics_event
+* $Log: g_examine_epics_event.f,v $
+* Revision  2010/12/06 18:31:13  jones
+* Add IF statements to set half wave plate status during analysis
+* according run number
+* Exception for run 72608 and 72612
+* Revision  2009/09/02 13:38:35  jones
+* add readout of halfwave plate status
+* Revision  2009/03/31 19:33:00  cdaq
+* *** empty log message ***
+* Revision  2007/09/10 20:33:37  pcarter
+* Implemented changes to allow compilation on RHEL 3,4,5 and MacOSX
+* Revision 1.5  2003/09/05 15:28:05  jones
+* Merge in online03 changes (mkj)
+* Revision  2003/08/14 00:17:55  cdaq
+* Modifly so that gdebugdumpepics=1,2,3 means dump 30 sec epics varaibles,
+* 2 sec epics variables, or both. (mkj)
+* Revision 1.4  1999/06/10 14:41:03  csa
+* (JRA) Added dump for numevent up to 10
+* Revision 1.3  1998/12/01 15:55:40  saw
+* (SAW) Print out error when event has no data
+* Revision 1.2  1996/11/05 21:40:32  saw
+* (JRA) Print out just first epics event
+* Revision 1.1  1996/08/12 18:30:13  saw
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      save
+      external jieor
+      character buffer*12000
+      equivalence (craw(5), buffer)
+      integer i,j,evlen
+      integer g_important_length,find_char
+      integer evtype
+      integer numevent
+      logical dump_event
+      integer*4 jishft
+      integer HALFWAVE
+      include 'gen_craw.cmn'
+      include 'gen_run_info.cmn'
+      include 'gen_filenames.cmn'
+      include 'sane_ntuple.cmn'
+* event type =131 30 second epics read 
+* event type =132  2 second epics read
+*  when  gdebugdumpepics=1,2,3 dump 131,132, both
+      numevent = numevent + 1
+      if (' ' .and.
+     &   ( )) then  !write out event
+        dump_event = .true.
+      else
+        dump_event = .false.
+        return
+      endif
+      evtype = jishft(craw(2),-16)
+      if (evtype-gdebugdumpepics .gt. 130) dump_event = .false.
+      if (dump_event) write (G_LUN_EPICS_OUTPUT,*) 'epics event #',numevent
+      if (craw(3)-1.le.0) then
+        write (6,*)
+     1  '**g_examine_epics_event: bad record length; numevent=',
+     1  numevent,', craw3=',craw(3)
+        return
+      endif
+      half_plate=+1  ! before run 72412
+      if (gen_run_number .ge.   72412) half_plate=  -1
+      if (gen_run_number .ge.   72609) half_plate=  +1
+      if (gen_run_number .ge.   72613) half_plate=  -1
+      if (gen_run_number .ge.   72618) half_plate=  +1
+      if (gen_run_number .ge.   72733) half_plate=  -1
+      if (gen_run_number .ge.   72832) half_plate=  +1
+      if (gen_run_number .ge.   72896) half_plate=  -1
+      if (gen_run_number .ge.   72926) half_plate=  +1
+      if (gen_run_number .ge.   72953) half_plate=  -1
+      if (gen_run_number .ge.   73012) half_plate=  +1
+cccc      write (6,*) 'epics,evlen',evlen,numevent,craw(3)
+      evlen=g_important_length(buffer(1:4*(craw(3)-1)))
+      i = 1
+cccc      write (6,*) 'epics,evlen',evlen,numevent,craw(3)
+c      polarea=-1000.
+      polarization_ch = .FALSE.
+      do while (i.le.evlen)
+        j = find_char (buffer, i, 10)   ! 10 = NewLine character
+        if (i.eq.j) goto 20
+        if( .and. dump_event) write(G_LUN_EPICS_OUTPUT,'(4x,a)') buffer(i:j-1)
+        if (i+11.le.j-1) then   !text line.
+c     ********** read out the BPMs (POS values first...) **********
+           if (buffer(i:i+11).eq.'hcptNMR_Area') then
+              read(buffer(i+13:j-1),*,err=20) polarea
+c              write(*,*)"HERE IS POLARIZATION",polarea
+              polarization_ch = .TRUE.
+           ENDIF             !    hcptNMR_Area   
+           if (buffer(i:i+15).eq.'hcptPolarization')then
+              read(buffer(i+16:j-1),*,err=20)polarization
+           endif
+           if (buffer(i:i+14).eq.'IGL1I00DI24_24M') then
+              read(buffer(i+16:j-1),*,err=20)HALFWAVE
+c     write(*,*)'WAVE PLATE ',HALFWAVE
+              if ( gen_run_number .eq. 72608 .or. gen_run_number .eq. 72612) then
+              half_plate=0.
+              if(HALFWAVE.eq.0)half_plate=-1.
+              if(HALFWAVE.eq.1)half_plate=1.
+              endif
+           endif
+        ENDIF
+ 20     i = j + 1
+      enddo
+c      call system("rm fort.21")
+c      call system
+c     &     ("tail -n 361 scalers/epics72252.txt | 
+c     & grep NMR_A | awk '{ print $2}'>fort.21")
+c      read(21,*)polarea
+c      write(*,*)'HERE IS EPIC EVENT',polarea
+c      close(21)
+c        write(*,*) gen_run_number," halfwave = ", half_plate,halfwave
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/ENGINE/g_examine_go_info.f b/ENGINE/g_examine_go_info.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f825101
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/g_examine_go_info.f
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+      SUBROUTINE G_examine_go_info(buffer,ABORT,err)
+*-    Purpose and Methods : examine the go information and gather various
+*-                          quantities
+*-    Input: buffer             - raw data buffer
+*-         : ABORT              - success or failure
+*-         : err                - reason for failure, if any
+*-   Created  30-Nov-1995   John Arrington, Caltech.
+* $Log: g_examine_go_info.f,v $
+* Revision  2007/11/02 22:36:16  cdaq
+* Added code to extract additional prescale factors
+* Revision  2007/09/11 19:14:17  frw
+* fixed FPP related arrays and limits
+* Revision  2007/09/10 20:33:37  pcarter
+* Implemented changes to allow compilation on RHEL 3,4,5 and MacOSX
+* Revision 1.4  2003/09/05 15:37:28  jones
+* Merge in online03 changes (mkj)
+* Revision  2003/04/09 02:49:42  cdaq
+* Update code to look for prescale factors in go_info event from ANY crate, also have it skip the nped=1000 line when extracting prescale factors
+* Revision 1.3  1999/11/04 20:35:16  saw
+* Linux/G77 compatibility fixes
+* Revision 1.2  1996/09/04 14:35:16  saw
+* (JRA) Extract prescale factors
+* Revision 1.1  1995/12/08 20:07:54  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      SAVE
+      external jishft, jiand, jieor
+      character*18 here
+      parameter (here= 'G_examine_go_info')
+      INTEGER buffer(*)
+      CHARACTER*(*) err
+      include 'gen_detectorids.par'
+      include 'gen_decode_common.cmn'
+      include 'gen_run_info.cmn'
+      integer EvType
+      integer*4 pointer,subpntr,ind
+      integer*4 evlen,sublen,subheader,slotheader,numvals
+      integer*4 roc,slot
+      integer*4 jiand,jishft,jieor
+      logical*4 found_thresholds,found_prescale
+      character*80 prescale_string
+      character*4 tmpstring
+      integer*4 ilo,prescale_len,ilo2
+      integer*4 nped
+*     functions
+      integer g_important_length
+      err= ' '
+      EvType = jISHFT(buffer(2),-16)
+      if ( then
+         err = 'Event is not a control event'
+         ABORT = .true.
+         call g_add_path(here,err)
+         return
+      endif
+      found_thresholds = .false.
+      found_prescale = .false.
+      prescale_string = ' '
+      evlen = buffer(1)
+c	write(6,*) 'evlen=',buffer(1)
+      pointer = 3                     !1=#/words, 2=event type
+      roc= (jiand(buffer(2),'FF'x))
+c	write(6,*) 'roc=',roc,'evtype=',evtype
+      do while (.not.found_thresholds .and. pointer.le.evlen)
+        sublen=buffer(pointer)
+c	write(6,*) '  sublen=',sublen
+        subheader=buffer(pointer+1)
+c	write(6,'(a,z10)') '  subheader=',subheader
+        if (jieor(jishft(jiand(subheader,'FF0000'x),-16),'10'x).eq.0) then !thresholds
+          found_thresholds = .true.
+c	  write(6,*) '  THRESHOLDS!'
+          subpntr=2                            !skip past main subheader.
+c	  write(6,*) '  subpntr=',subpntr
+          do while (subpntr .lt. sublen)
+            slotheader=buffer(pointer+subpntr)
+            slot=jishft(jiand(slotheader,'FF000000'x),-24)
+c	    write(6,'(a,z10)') '    slotheader=',slotheader
+            numvals=jiand(slotheader,'FF'x)
+c	    write(6,*) '    slot#',slot,' has ',numvals,' thresholds'
+            do ind=1,numvals
+              subpntr=subpntr+1
+              g_threshold_readback(ind,roc,slot)=buffer(pointer+subpntr)
+c            write(6,*) 'g_threshold_readback(',ind,roc,slot,')=',g_threshold_readback(ind,roc,slot)
+            enddo
+            subpntr=subpntr+1                  !skip to next slotheader
+c	    write(6,*) 'subpntr=',subpntr
+          enddo   !NEED CHECK FOR NEXT HEADER.
+          pointer=pointer+subpntr
+* Used to look at TS0 (roc=0) for prescales, but for daq03, there is
+*          no go_info event for TS0, so just take any crate with prescales.
+*        else if (roc.eq.0 .and.
+*     &           jieor(jishft(jiand(subheader,'FF0000'x),-16),'02'x).eq.0) then
+         else if (jieor(jishft(jiand(subheader,'FF0000'x),-16),'02'x).eq.0) then
+c        write(6,*) 'PRESCALE FACTORS'
+          found_prescale=.true.
+          do ind=2,sublen
+c          write(6,'(3x,a,i4,2x,a4) ') 'ind=',ind,buffer(pointer+ind)
+            write(tmpstring,'(a4)') buffer(pointer+ind)
+            prescale_string(4*(ind-2)+1:4*(ind-1)) = tmpstring
+          enddo
+          prescale_len=4*(sublen-1)
+          pointer=pointer+sublen+1
+        else
+c        write(6,*) '  NOT THRESHOLDS,NOT PS FACTORS.  WHO CARES.'
+          pointer=pointer+sublen+1
+        endif
+      enddo
+      if (found_prescale .and. then
+        prescale_len = g_important_length(prescale_string(1:prescale_len))
+        ilo=index(prescale_string(1:prescale_len),'nped=')+5
+        ilo2=ilo+index(prescale_string(ilo:prescale_len),',')-1
+        if (ilo2 .lt. ilo) ilo2 = prescale_len
+        read(prescale_string(ilo:ilo2),*,err=998) nped
+        ilo=index(prescale_string(1:prescale_len),'ps1=')+4
+        ilo2=ilo+index(prescale_string(ilo:prescale_len),',')-1
+        if (ilo2 .lt. ilo) ilo2 = prescale_len
+        read(prescale_string(ilo:ilo2),*,err=998) gps1
+        ilo=index(prescale_string(1:prescale_len),'ps2=')+4
+        ilo2=ilo+index(prescale_string(ilo:prescale_len),',')-1
+        if (ilo2 .lt. ilo) ilo2 = prescale_len
+        read(prescale_string(ilo:ilo2),*,err=998) gps2
+        ilo=index(prescale_string(1:prescale_len),'ps3=')+4
+        ilo2=ilo+index(prescale_string(ilo:prescale_len),',')-1
+        if (ilo2 .lt. ilo) ilo2 = prescale_len
+        read(prescale_string(ilo:ilo2),*,err=998) gps3
+        ilo=index(prescale_string(1:prescale_len),'ps4=')+4
+        ilo2=ilo+index(prescale_string(ilo:prescale_len),',')-1
+        if (ilo2 .lt. ilo) ilo2 = prescale_len
+        read(prescale_string(ilo:ilo2),*,err=998) gps4
+        ilo=index(prescale_string(1:prescale_len),'ps5=')+4
+        ilo2=ilo+index(prescale_string(ilo:prescale_len),',')-1
+        if (ilo2 .lt. ilo) ilo2 = prescale_len
+        read(prescale_string(ilo:ilo2),*,err=998) gps5
+        ilo=index(prescale_string(1:prescale_len),'ps6=')+4
+        ilo2=ilo+index(prescale_string(ilo:prescale_len),',')-1
+        if (ilo2 .lt. ilo) ilo2 = prescale_len
+        read(prescale_string(ilo:ilo2),*,err=998) gps6
+        ilo=index(prescale_string(1:prescale_len),'ps7=')+4
+        ilo2=ilo+index(prescale_string(ilo:prescale_len),',')-1
+        if (ilo2 .lt. ilo) ilo2 = prescale_len
+        read(prescale_string(ilo:ilo2),*,err=998) gps7
+      endif
+      goto 999
+998   write(6,*) 'WARNING: g_examine_go_info.f >>> error extracting prescale factors, giving up'
+999   continue
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/ENGINE/g_examine_physics_event.f b/ENGINE/g_examine_physics_event.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d8bf725
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/g_examine_physics_event.f
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+      SUBROUTINE G_examine_physics_event(buffer,ABORT,err)
+*-    Purpose and Methods : examine event and decide whether to process
+*-    further
+*-    Input: buffer             - raw data buffer
+*-   Output: process            - worth processing
+*-         : ABORT              - success or failure
+*-         : err                - reason for failure, if any
+*-   Created  17-May-1994   Kevin B. Beard, Hampton U.
+* $Log: g_examine_physics_event.f,v $
+* Revision  2009/02/16 00:18:13  cdaq
+* *** empty log message ***
+* Revision  2007/09/13 04:02:17  brash
+* Implement some minor changes to fix Mac OS X runtime errors ... ejb
+* Revision  2007/09/10 20:33:37  pcarter
+* Implemented changes to allow compilation on RHEL 3,4,5 and MacOSX
+* Revision 1.4  1999/11/04 20:35:16  saw
+* Linux/G77 compatibility fixes
+* Revision 1.3  1996/01/16 20:57:18  cdaq
+* no change
+* Revision 1.2  1995/07/27 19:11:15  cdaq
+* (SAW) Use specific bit manipulation routines for f2c compatibility
+*       Remove event number limit checking
+* Revision 1.1  1994/06/07  18:19:03  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+*- All standards are from "Proposal for Hall C Analysis Software
+*- Vade Mecum, Draft 1.3" by D.F.Geesamn and S.Wood, Csoft-NOTE-94-001
+      SAVE
+      external jishft, jiand, jieor
+      character*23 here
+      parameter (here= 'G_examine_physics_event')
+      INTEGER buffer(*)
+ccc      LOGICAL process
+      CHARACTER*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 'gen_run_info.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_event_info.cmn'
+      integer evtype
+      logical eventidbank, nontrivial
+      integer*8 EventIDbank_size,EventIDbank_desc_hex,EventIDbank_desc
+      integer*4 jiand,jishft,jieor
+      parameter (EventIDbank_size= 4)
+      parameter (EventIDbank_desc_hex= '40000100'x)  !from CODA manual
+      EventIDbank_desc=-1*EventIDbank_desc_hex+512
+      gen_event_sequence_N= gen_event_sequence_N+1  !from beginning
+      if(jieor(jiand(buffer(2),'FFFF'x),'10CC'x).ne.0) then
+         err = 'Event is not a physics event'
+         ABORT = .true.
+         call g_add_path(here,err)
+         return
+      endif
+      EvType = jISHFT(buffer(2),-16)
+      gen_run_total_events= gen_run_total_events+1
+*      gen_event_type= EvType
+      ABORT= EvType.LT.0 .or. EvType.GT.gen_MAX_trigger_types
+      If(ABORT) Then
+         write(err,'(":illegal physics type #",i3," sequential #",i10)')
+     $        EvType, gen_event_sequence_N
+         call G_add_path(here,err)
+         RETURN
+      EndIf
+ccc      process= gen_run_enable(EvType)
+      gen_run_triggered(EvType)= gen_run_triggered(EvType)+1
+*-    likely that next bank is an "Event ID bank"; if so try to
+*-    recover event info, if not just skip
+      nontrivial= buffer(1).GE.6        !non-null CODA physics event
+      If(nontrivial) Then
+         EventIDbank= buffer(1).GE.6 .and. 
+     &        buffer(3).EQ.EventIDbank_size  
+     &        .and. buffer(4).EQ.EventIDbank_desc
+c         write(*,*)'Event info: ',buffer(1),buffer(3),buffer(4)
+c         write(*,*)'Event into 2:',
+c     &                  EventIDbank_size,EventIDbank_desc,EventIDbank
+         if(EventIDbank) then
+            gen_event_ID_number= buffer(5)
+            gen_event_class= buffer(6)
+            gen_event_ROC_summary= buffer(7)
+*-see if event_ID within limits of interest
+ccc            IF(gen_run_starting_event.GT.0) THEN
+ccc               process= gen_event_ID_number.GE.gen_run_starting_event
+ccc            ENDIF
+ccc            IF(gen_run_stopping_event.GE.gen_run_starting_event
+ccc     &           .and. gen_run_stopping_event.GT.0) THEN
+ccc               process= gen_event_ID_number.LE.gen_run_stopping_event
+ccc            ENDIF
+         else                           !1st bank NOT eventID bank-must look later
+            gen_event_ID_number= 0
+            gen_event_class= 0
+            gen_event_ROC_summary= 0
+         endif
+      Else                              !trivial event- nothing inside
+         write(err,'(":sequential event #",i10," type #",i3
+     $        ," too small [",i2,"]")')
+     $        gen_event_sequence_n,evtype,buffer(1)+1
+         call G_add_path(here,err)      !warning only
+      EndIf
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/ENGINE/g_examine_picture_event.f b/ENGINE/g_examine_picture_event.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..afc3fcd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/g_examine_picture_event.f
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+      subroutine g_examine_picture_event
+* $Log: g_examine_picture_event.f,v $
+* Revision  2007/09/12 14:40:03  brash
+* *** empty log message ***
+* Revision  2007/09/10 20:33:37  pcarter
+* Implemented changes to allow compilation on RHEL 3,4,5 and MacOSX
+* Revision  2007/05/15 02:54:45  jones
+* Start to Bigcal code
+* Revision  2004/06/30 19:31:08  cdaq
+* Subroutine to dump HMS/SOS angle pictures (DJG)
+* Revision 1.1  2004/06/28 18:30:13  saw
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      save
+      external jishft
+      character buffer*100000
+      character*80 file
+      equivalence (craw(5), buffer)
+      integer i,j,evlen
+      integer g_important_length,find_char
+      integer evtype
+      integer numevent
+      logical dump_event
+      integer*4 jishft
+      include 'gen_craw.cmn'
+      include 'gen_run_info.cmn'
+      include 'sos_filenames.cmn'
+      include 'hms_filenames.cmn'
+* event type =131 30 second epics read 
+* event type =132  2 second epics read
+*  when  gdebugdumpepics=1,2,3 dump 131,132, both
+      numevent = numevent + 1
+c      if (' ' .and.
+c     &   ( )) then  !write out event
+c        dump_event = .true.
+c      else
+c        dump_event = .false.
+c        return
+c      endif
+      dump_event = .true.
+      evtype = jishft(craw(2),-16)
+c      if (dump_event) write (G_LUN_EPICS_OUTPUT,*) 'epics event #',numevent
+      if (craw(3)-1.le.0) then
+        write (6,*)
+     1  '**g_examine_picture_event: bad record length; numevent=',
+     1  numevent,', craw3=',craw(3)
+        return
+      endif
+c      write (6,*) 'picture,evlen',evlen,numevent,craw(3)
+      evlen=g_important_length(buffer(1:4*(craw(3)-1)))
+      i = 1
+      if(' ') then
+         file = h_angle_output_filename
+         call g_sub_run_number(file,gen_run_number)
+         open(8,file=file,status='unknown',form='unformatted',access='direct',recl=evlen)
+         write(8,rec=1) buffer(i:evlen)
+         close(8)
+      elseif(' ') then
+         file = s_angle_output_filename
+         call g_sub_run_number(file,gen_run_number)
+         open(8,file=file,status='unknown',form='unformatted',access='direct',recl=evlen)
+         write(8,rec=1) buffer(i:evlen)
+         close(8)
+      endif
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/ENGINE/g_extract_kinematics.f b/ENGINE/g_extract_kinematics.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eabf9a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/g_extract_kinematics.f
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+      subroutine g_extract_kinematics(ebeam,phms,thms,psos,tsos,ntarg)
+* $Log: g_extract_kinematics.f,v $
+* Revision 1.6  2003/09/05 15:41:05  jones
+* Merge in online03 changes (mkj)
+* Revision  2003/04/10 00:41:51  cdaq
+* Have the engine take the spectrometer angles from the typed field of the run_info event rather than the epics field
+* Revision  2003/04/09 02:47:57  cdaq
+* Update code to look for Target Material instead of Target NUMBER in run info event
+* Revision 1.5  2002/09/25 14:38:47  jones
+*    a. IN subroutine parse_line
+*       i.  character*132 line changed to character*(*) line
+*       ii. character*20 name changed to character*(*) name
+*    b. in function skip_blanks character*132 string changed to  character*(*) string
+* Revision 1.4  1998/12/01 15:59:47  saw
+* (SAW) Make "string" argument of skip_item variable length
+* Revision 1.3  1996/09/04 14:36:19  saw
+* (JRA) Fixes
+* Revision 1.2  1996/01/16 18:35:02  cdaq
+* (JRA) Minor bug fix
+* Revision 1.1  1995/11/28 19:10:48  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character buffer*2000
+      equivalence (craw(5), buffer)
+      integer find_char
+      integer i
+      integer j,evlen
+      integer mode
+      character*20 name
+      real*4 epics_value,typed_value
+      real*4 ebeam,phms,thms,psos,tsos,ntarg
+      integer g_important_length
+      include 'gen_craw.cmn'
+c     Break up the text stored in the event array into individual lines.  If
+c     the line is a comment, print it out, otherwise parse it.
+      evlen=g_important_length(buffer(1:4*(craw(3)-1)))
+      i = 1
+      mode = 0            ! Mode 0 => Parse each line
+      do while (i.le.evlen)
+        j = find_char (buffer, i, 10)   ! 10 = NewLine character
+        if (i.eq.j) goto 20
+        if (buffer(i:i+7).eq.'comment') then
+          mode = 1                      ! Mode 1 => Print out each line
+          i = i + 24                    ! comment has 24 character of 'header'
+        endif
+        if (mode.eq.0) then
+          call parse_line (buffer(i:j), j-i, name, epics_value, typed_value)
+          if (name(1:11).eq.'Beam Energy') then
+            ebeam=typed_value
+          else if (name(1:12).eq.'HMS Momentum') then
+            phms=typed_value
+          else if (name(1:9).eq.'HMS Angle') then
+            thms=typed_value
+          else if (name(1:12).eq.'SOS Momentum') then
+            psos=typed_value
+          else if (name(1:9).eq.'SOS Angle') then
+            tsos=typed_value
+          else if (name(1:15).eq.'Target Material') then
+            ntarg=typed_value
+          endif
+        else
+          if( write(6,'(4x,a)') buffer(i:j-1)
+        endif
+ 20     i = j + 1
+      enddo
+ 10   continue
+      return
+      end
+c     Parse a character string
+      subroutine parse_line (line, line_len, name, value1, value2)
+      implicit none
+      character*(*) line
+      character*132 tmpline
+      integer line_len,new_len
+      integer name_start,name_stop
+      integer value1_start,value1_stop
+      integer value2_start,value2_stop
+      character*(*) name
+      character*20 value_string
+      real*4 value1,value2
+! sample line:   sangle {SOS Angle} sangle {29.4} {29.4}
+      name_start = index(line,'{')+1
+      name_stop = index(line,'}')-1
+      if (name_start.le.name_stop) name = line(name_start:name_stop)
+      if ( goto 999
+      tmpline = line(name_stop+2:line_len)
+      new_len = line_len - name_stop - 1
+      value1_start = index(tmpline,'{')+1
+      value1_stop = index(tmpline,'}')-1
+      if (value1_start.le.value1_stop) value_string = tmpline(value1_start:value1_stop)
+      read (value_string,*,err=999) value1
+      if ( goto 999
+      tmpline = tmpline(value1_stop+2:new_len)
+      value2_start = index(tmpline,'{')+1
+      value2_stop = index(tmpline,'}')-1
+      if (value2_start.le.value2_stop) value_string = tmpline(value2_start:value2_stop)
+      read (value_string,*,err=999) value2
+999   continue        !if non-numerical vaule, skip reading
+      return
+      end
+c     Return the offset of the next item
+      integer function skip_item (string, i)
+      character*132 string
+      integer i, j, find_char, skip_blanks, skip_nonblanks
+      j = skip_blanks (string, i)
+      if (string(j:j).eq.'{') then
+         j = find_char (string, j, ichar('}')) + 1
+      else
+         j = skip_nonblanks (string, j)
+      endif
+      j = skip_blanks (string, j)
+      skip_item = j
+      return
+      end
+c     Find the offset of character "char_num" in text string "string"
+      integer function find_char (string, i, char_num)
+      character*(*) string
+      integer i, j, char_num
+      j = i
+      do while ((ichar(string(j:j)).ne.char_num).and.(ichar(string(j:j)).ne.0))
+         j = j + 1
+      enddo
+      find_char = j
+      return
+      end
+c     Return the offset of the first nonblank character in "string"
+      integer function skip_blanks (string, i)
+      character*(*) string
+      integer i, j
+      j = i
+      do while ((string(j:j).eq.' ').and.(ichar(string(j:j)).ne.0))
+         j = j + 1
+      enddo
+      skip_blanks = j
+      return
+      end
+c     Return the offset of the first blank character in "string"
+      integer function skip_nonblanks (string, i)
+      character*(*) string
+      integer i, j
+      j = i
+      do while ((string(j:j).ne.' ').and.(ichar(string(j:j)).ne.0))
+         j = j + 1
+      enddo
+      skip_nonblanks = j
+      return
+      end
+c     Convert a text character to a digit
+c       If the character is not a digit and is not a ".", return -1
+c       If the character is a ".", return -2
+      real function char_to_digit (letter)
+      character letter
+      char_to_digit = ichar(letter) - 48
+      if (( char_to_digit = -1
+      if (letter.eq.'.') char_to_digit = -2
+      return
+      end
+c     Convert a text string to a real number
+      real function string_to_number (string)
+      character*(*) string
+      real offset, digit, sign, number
+      integer starting_offset
+      starting_offset = 1
+      sign = 1
+      if (string(1:1).eq.'+') starting_offset = 2
+      if (string(1:1).eq.'-') then
+         starting_offset = 2
+         sign = -1
+      endif
+      number = 0
+      offset = 0.1
+      do i = starting_offset, 79
+         digit = char_to_digit (string(i:i))
+         if ( goto 10
+         number = number*10 + digit
+      enddo
+ 10   continue
+      if (digit.eq.-2) then
+         do j = i+1, 79
+            digit = char_to_digit (string(j:j))
+            if ( goto 20
+            number = number + offset*digit
+            offset = offset/10
+         enddo
+ 20      continue
+      endif
+      number = number*sign
+      string_to_number = number
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/ENGINE/g_get_next_event.f b/ENGINE/g_get_next_event.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d8b0120
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/g_get_next_event.f
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+      SUBROUTINE G_get_next_event(ABORT,err)
+*-       Prototype C analysis routine
+*-   Purpose and Methods : gets the CRAW (C raw data) buffer
+*-                         from a FASTBUS CODA file
+*-   Output: ABORT      - success or failure
+*-         : err        - reason for failure, if any
+*-   Created  29-Oct-1993   Kevin B. Beard
+*-   Modified 1-Dec-1993    KBB: borrowed L.Dennis's hall B routines
+* $Log: g_get_next_event.f,v $
+* Revision  2007/09/13 04:02:17  brash
+* Implement some minor changes to fix Mac OS X runtime errors ... ejb
+* Revision 1.5  2002/09/25 13:50:49  jones
+*    a.  include file gen_run_info.cmn
+*    b.  add code for segmented runs
+* Revision 1.4  1996/01/16 18:32:21  cdaq
+* no change
+* Revision 1.3  1994/04/12 18:45:53  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add include for the CRAW event buffer common
+* Revision 1.2  1994/02/11  15:43:08  cdaq
+* Replace fbgen library call with plain evread call
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/01  20:40:55  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+*- All standards are from "Proposal for Hall C Analysis Software
+*- Vade Mecum, Draft 1.0" by D.F.Geesamn and S.Wood, 7 May 1993
+      SAVE
+      character*16 here
+      parameter (here= 'G_get_next_event')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 'gen_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'gen_craw.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_filenames.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_run_info.cmn'
+      integer g_important_length
+      integer maxsize,i
+      integer*4 status
+      integer*4 evread, evclose, evopen    ! Coda event read routine
+      character*132 file
+      integer*4 fname_len
+      err= ' '
+      ABORT= .NOT.g_data_source_opened
+        err= ':no data source open'
+      ELSE                     !try to get next event
+        maxsize= LENGTH_CRAW
+        status = evread(g_data_source_in_hndl,CRAW,maxsize)
+c        write(*,*)'Event data -------'
+c        do i=1,10
+c                write(*,*)'event data: ',i,CRAW(i)
+c        enddo
+        if( then
+           if( then ! This is a segmented run, look for more
+              print *,"Closing segment ",g_segment
+              status = evclose(g_data_source_in_hndl) ! Should check result
+              g_data_source_opened = .false.
+              g_segment = g_segment+1
+              file = g_data_source_filename
+              call g_sub_run_number(file, gen_run_number)
+              fname_len = g_important_length(file)
+              if( then
+                 fname_len = fname_len + 1
+                 file(fname_len:fname_len) = '.'
+                 fname_len = fname_len + 1
+                 file(fname_len:fname_len) = char(ichar('0')+g_segment)
+              else if( then
+                 fname_len = fname_len + 1
+                 file(fname_len:fname_len) = '.'
+                 fname_len = fname_len + 1
+                 file(fname_len:fname_len) = char(ichar('0')+g_segment/10)
+                 fname_len = fname_len + 1
+                 file(fname_len:fname_len) = char(ichar('0')
+     $                +g_segment-10*(g_segment/10))
+              else ! Only support up to 100 segments
+                 ABORT = .true.
+              endif
+              if(.NOT.ABORT) then
+                 print *,"Opening segment ",g_segment
+                 status = evopen(file,'r',g_data_source_in_hndl)
+                 if(status.eq.0) then
+                    g_data_source_opened = .true.
+                    status = evread(g_data_source_in_hndl,CRAW,maxsize)
+                    if( then
+ 1                     ABORT = .true.
+                       call G_append(err,' & cannot read from file')
+                    endif
+                 else
+                    call G_append(err,' & cannot open file')
+                    ABORT = .true.
+                 endif
+              endif
+           else
+              call cemsg(status,0,err) ! Get error string from CODA
+              ABORT = .true.
+           endif
+        endif
+      ENDIF
+      IF(ABORT) call G_add_path(here,err)    
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/ENGINE/g_init_filenames.f b/ENGINE/g_init_filenames.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8618dc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/g_init_filenames.f
@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
+      subroutine g_init_filenames(ABORT, err, env_var)
+*-    Purpose and Methods:
+*-    Read a configuration file with set of filenames and options.
+*-    Much of this will be handled by CTP when a string capability is added
+*-    to CTP parameter files.  Allowed keywords in config file are
+*-    'hist', 'test', 'parm', 'alias', 'data', 'hbook', 'map', 'nevents', 'data'
+*-    This routine does the booking of hist, test, and parm files.  This
+*-    booking should be moved to another file.
+*-    Inputs:
+*-    env_var     Environment variable pointing to the config file.
+*-    Outputs:
+*-    ABORT
+*-    err
+*-    Created               Steve Wood, CEBAF
+*-    Modified   3-Dec-1993 Kevin Beard, Hampton U.
+*-    Modified   8-Dec-1993 Kevin Beard; rewrote parsing,added 'data' type
+* $Log: g_init_filenames.f,v $
+* Revision  2009/10/27 15:11:46  jones
+* Initialize pol_table and charge_table filenames
+* Revision  2007/11/29 19:06:13  puckett
+* *** empty log message ***
+* Revision  2007/10/24 16:37:07  cdaq
+* *** empty log message ***
+* Revision  2007/10/08 19:22:33  puckett
+* Added bad channel list handling for BigCal
+* Revision  2007/09/24 20:37:50  puckett
+* added BigCal debugging output file
+* Revision  2007/09/07 16:05:29  puckett
+* removed initialization of filenames for bigcal calibration reports, no longer used, this info will go in regular bigcal report
+* Revision  2007/08/27 19:05:39  puckett
+* Added filenames relating to BigCal calibration
+* Revision  2007/08/15 21:44:21  puckett
+* Added gep (coincidence) report names to filename initialization
+* Revision  2007/08/07 19:03:38  puckett
+* added initialization for tree filenames
+* Revision  2007/05/15 02:55:01  jones
+* Start to Bigcal code
+* Revision  2004/06/30 19:32:32  cdaq
+* Add initialition of angle picture filenames (DJG)
+* Revision 1.18  2003/09/05 15:44:44  jones
+* Merge in online03 changes (mkj)
+* Revision  2003/08/14 00:42:22  cdaq
+* Modify to be able to write scaler rates for each read to a file (mkj)
+* Revision 1.17  1996/11/05 21:40:59  saw
+* (JRA) Add g_epics_output_filename
+* Revision 1.16  1996/09/04 14:36:59  saw
+* (JRA) Add read of command line parameters
+* Revision 1.15  1996/04/29 19:47:11  saw
+* (JRA) Add g_pedestal_output_filename
+* Revision 1.14  1996/01/16 18:31:26  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add file for tcl stats display, add files for thresholds and pedestals
+* Revision 1.13  1995/10/09 18:37:52  cdaq
+* (SAW) Move g_ctp_database call to engine.f
+* Revision 1.12  1995/09/01 14:31:03  cdaq
+* (JRA) Blank out g_ctp_kinematics_filename
+* Revision 1.11  1995/07/27  19:35:15  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add call to g_ctp_database to set ctp vars by run number
+* Revision 1.10  1995/05/11  19:01:29  cdaq
+* (SAW) Check 0 in g_config_filename in case user doesn't update engine.f
+* Revision 1.9  1995/05/11  16:16:11  cdaq
+* (SAW) Don't get g_config_filename from environment if it is already set
+*       from the command line and allow %d run number substitution in it.
+* Revision 1.8  1995/04/01  19:46:13  cdaq
+* (SAW) One report file for each of g, h, s, c instead of a single report file
+* Revision 1.7  1994/10/19  19:51:55  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add g_label variable for labels on reports
+* Revision 1.6  1994/06/22  20:57:14  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add more variables for reports
+* Revision 1.5  1994/06/16  03:47:57  cdaq
+* (SAW) Blank out filenames for reports
+* Revision 1.4  1994/03/24  22:02:21  cdaq
+* Reorganize for online compatibility
+* Revision 1.3  1994/02/11  18:34:34  cdaq
+* Split off CTP variables registration from initialize routines
+* Revision 1.2  1994/02/03  18:12:17  cdaq
+* Use CTP parameter block to get the filenames
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/02  20:08:15  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      SAVE
+      character*16 here
+      parameter (here= 'g_init_filenames')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      character*(*) env_var
+      include 'gen_filenames.cmn'
+      include 'hms_filenames.cmn'
+      include 'sos_filenames.cmn'
+      include 'coin_filenames.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_filenames.cmn'
+      include 'gep_filenames.cmn'
+      include 'gen_routines.dec'
+      include 'gen_run_info.cmn'
+      include 'sane_ntuple.cmn'
+      integer ierr
+      character*132 file
+*-all crucial setup information here; failure is fatal
+      g_hist_rebook = .true.
+      g_test_rebook = .true.
+      g_parm_rebook = .true.
+      g_report_rebook = .true.
+      b_calib_rebook = .true.
+      h_driftmap_rebook = .true.
+      g_ctp_parm_filename = ' '
+      g_ctp_test_filename = ' '
+      g_ctp_hist_filename = ' '
+      g_data_source_filename= ' '
+      g_alias_filename = ' '
+      g_histout_filename = ' '
+      g_decode_map_filename = ' '
+      g_ctp_database_filename = ' '
+      g_ctp_kinematics_filename = ' '
+      g_charge_scaler_filename = ' '
+      g_writeout_scaler_filename = ' '
+      b_calib_input_filename = ' '
+      h_driftmap_input_filename = ' '
+      s_recon_coeff_filename = ' '
+      h_recon_coeff_filename = ' '
+      h_report_template_filename = ' '
+      s_report_template_filename = ' '
+      g_report_template_filename = ' '
+      c_report_template_filename = ' '
+      b_report_template_filename = ' ' ! add BigCal
+c      b_calib_report_template = ' ' ! not used, make part of bigcal report
+      gep_report_template_filename = ' ' ! add GEp
+      g_stats_template_filename = ' '
+      h_report_output_filename = ' '
+      s_report_output_filename = ' '
+      g_report_output_filename = ' '
+      c_report_output_filename = ' '
+      b_report_output_filename = ' ' ! add BigCal
+      gep_report_output_filename = ' ' ! add GEp
+      g_stats_output_filename = ' '
+      g_bad_output_filename = ' '
+      g_epics_output_filename = ' '
+      h_report_blockname = ' '
+      s_report_blockname = ' '
+      g_report_blockname = ' '
+      c_report_blockname = ' '
+      b_report_blockname = ' ' ! add BigCal
+c      b_calib_report_blockname = ' ' ! not used, make part of bigcal report
+      gep_report_blockname = ' '
+      g_stats_blockname = ' '
+      h_threshold_output_filename = ' '
+      s_threshold_output_filename = ' '
+      b_roc11_threshold_output_filename = ' ' ! add BigCal
+      b_roc12_threshold_output_filename = ' '
+      g_pedestal_output_filename = ' '
+      h_pedestal_output_filename = ' '
+      s_pedestal_output_filename = ' '
+      b_pedestal_output_filename = ' ' ! add BigCal
+      h_angle_output_filename = ' '
+      s_angle_output_filename = ' '
+c      b_angle_output_filename = ' ' ! add BigCal
+      h_tree_filename = ' '
+      b_tree_filename = ' '
+      gep_tree_filename = ' '
+c     the following is the name of the binary data file containing 
+c     the augmented matrix and vector of constants for the system of 
+c     linear equations to be solved for the BigCal calibration coefficients,
+c     accumulated over one or several runs until the desired number of events
+c     is reached (bigcal_min_calib_events)
+      b_calib_matrix_filename = ' '
+      b_calib_parm_filename = ' '
+      b_debug_output_filename = ' '
+      b_bad_chan_list_filename = ' '
+c      b_calib_report_filename = ' ' ! not used
+      polarization_data_table = ' ' 
+      charge_data_table = ' '
+      g_label = ' '                     ! Label for reports etc.
+      if(g_config_filename.eq.' '.or.
+     $     ichar(g_config_filename(1:1)).eq.0) ! Only if not already set
+     $     call getenv(env_var,g_config_filename)
+      call engine_command_line(.false.)
+      ABORT= g_config_filename.EQ.' '
+        err= here//':blank environmental variable '//env_var
+        RETURN
+      ENDIF
+      file = g_config_filename
+      call g_sub_run_number(file,gen_run_number)
+      ierr =  thload(file)         ! Config file is now a CTP parm file
+      if( goto 999
+      ierr = thbook()
+      if(ierr.eq.0) then
+         g_config_loaded = .true.
+      else
+         g_config_loaded = .false.
+      endif
+      ABORT= .NOT.g_config_loaded
+        err= ':opened OK, but thbook command failed from "'//file//'"'
+        call G_add_path(here,err)
+      ELSE
+        err= ' '
+      ENDIF
+      return
+999   g_config_loaded= .FALSE.
+      ABORT= .NOT.g_config_loaded
+      err= ':unable to open file "'//file//'"'
+      call G_add_path(here,err)
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/ENGINE/g_initialize.f b/ENGINE/g_initialize.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2fbb2f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/g_initialize.f
@@ -0,0 +1,511 @@
+      SUBROUTINE G_initialize(ABORT,err)
+*-       Prototype hall C initialize routine
+*-   Purpose and Methods : Initialization is performed and status returned
+*-   Output: ABORT      - success or failure
+*-         : err        - reason for failure, if any
+*-   Created   9-Nov-1993   Kevin B. Beard
+*-   Modified 20-Nov-1993   Kevin B. Beard
+* $Log: g_initialize.f,v $
+* Revision  2007/11/29 19:05:29  puckett
+* added special parm filenames b_calib_input_filename and h_driftmap_input_filename which can be used in MAIN.db
+* Revision  2007/11/29 18:37:53  cdaq
+* commented out call to c_initialize, duplicated in gep_initialize
+* Revision  2007/10/24 16:58:28  cdaq
+* Always call h_initialize
+* Revision  2007/10/22 15:18:09  cdaq
+* fixed array index problem with gen_run_enable
+* Revision  2007/09/12 19:26:31  puckett
+* *** empty log message ***
+* Revision  2007/09/10 20:33:37  pcarter
+* Implemented changes to allow compilation on RHEL 3,4,5 and MacOSX
+* Revision  2007/08/15 21:44:21  puckett
+* Added gep (coincidence) report names to filename initialization
+* Revision  2007/08/07 19:06:06  puckett
+* *** empty log message ***
+* Revision  2007/06/20 18:26:32  puckett
+* Added BigCal Monte Carlo analysis capability
+* Revision  2007/06/04 14:56:05  puckett
+* changed hit array structure for trigger related signals
+* Revision  2007/05/15 02:55:01  jones
+* Start to Bigcal code
+* Revision 1.23  2004/05/11 18:24:12  jones
+* Initialize skip_events to false
+* Revision 1.22  2003/09/05 15:48:36  jones
+* Merge in online03 changes (mkj)
+* Revision  2003/08/14 00:42:22  cdaq
+* Modify to be able to write scaler rates for each read to a file (mkj)
+* Revision  2003/04/10 00:41:27  cdaq
+* Added gen_data_structures and included status messages when kinematics overridden
+* Revision  2003/04/09 23:56:27  cdaq
+* Check for gpbeam=0
+* Revision 1.21  1996/11/05 21:41:36  saw
+* (SAW) Use CTP routines as functions rather than subroutines for
+* porting.
+* Revision 1.20  1996/09/04 14:37:56  saw
+* (JRA) Open output file for charge scalers
+* Revision 1.19  1996/04/29 19:47:42  saw
+* (JRA) Add call to engine_command_line
+* Revision 1.18  1996/01/22 15:18:12  saw
+* (JRA) Add call to g_target_initialize.  Remove call to
+* g_kludge_up_kinematics
+* Revision 1.17  1996/01/16 18:24:47  cdaq
+* (JRA) Get kinematics for runinfo event, create a tcl stats screen.  Groupify
+*       CTP calls
+* Revision 1.16  1995/10/09 18:42:57  cdaq
+* (SAW) Move loading of ctp_kinematics database to before CTP loading.  Take
+* ntuple inialization out of spec specific init routines into a all ntuple
+* init routine.
+* Revision 1.15  1995/09/01 14:29:41  cdaq
+* (JRA) Zero run time variable, read kinematics database after last book
+* Revision 1.14  1995/07/27  19:36:41  cdaq
+* (SAW) Relocate data statements for f2c compatibility, check error returns
+*       on thload calls and quit if important files are missing.
+* Revision 1.13  1995/05/22  20:41:40  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split g_init_histid into h_init_histid and s_init_histid
+* Revision 1.12  1995/04/01  19:47:22  cdaq
+* (SAW) One report file for each of g, h, s, c instead of a single report file
+*       Allow %d for run number in filenames
+* Revision 1.11  1994/10/11  18:39:40  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add some hacks for event display
+* Revision 1.10  1994/09/21  19:52:57  cdaq
+* (SAW) Cosmetic change
+* Revision 1.9  1994/08/30  14:47:41  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add calls to clear the test flags and scalers
+* Revision 1.8  1994/08/18  03:45:01  cdaq
+* (SAW) Correct typo in adding hack stuff
+* Revision 1.7  1994/08/04  03:08:11  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add call to Breuer's hack_initialize
+* Revision 1.6  1994/06/22  20:55:14  cdaq
+* (SAW) Load report templates
+* Revision 1.5  1994/06/04  02:35:59  cdaq
+* (KBB) Make sure CTP files are non-blank before trying to thload them
+* Revision 1.4  1994/04/12  20:59:21  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add call to calculation of histid's for hfilled histograms
+* Revision 1.3  1994/03/24  22:02:31  cdaq
+* Reorganize for online compatibility
+* Revision 1.2  1994/02/11  18:34:49  cdaq
+* Split off CTP variables registration from initialize routines
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/04  22:00:26  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+*- All standards are from "Proposal for Hall C Analysis Software
+*- Vade Mecum, Draft 1.0" by D.F.Geesamn and S.Wood, 7 May 1993
+      SAVE
+      character*12 here
+      parameter (here= 'G_initialize')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 'gen_filenames.cmn'               !all setup files
+      INCLUDE 'hms_filenames.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'sos_filenames.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_filenames.cmn' ! add BigCal
+      INCLUDE 'coin_filenames.cmn'
+      include 'gep_filenames.cmn' ! add GEp
+      INCLUDE 'gen_routines.dec'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_pawspace.cmn'        !includes sizes of special CERNLIB space
+      INCLUDE 'gen_run_info.cmn'
+      include 'gen_scalers.cmn'
+      include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'gen_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_data_structures.cmn' ! add BigCal
+      integer ierr,i
+      logical HMS_ABORT,SOS_ABORT, HACK_ABORT, BIGCAL_ABORT ! add flag for BigCal
+      character*132 HMS_err,SOS_err, HACK_err, BIGCAL_err ! add err. message for BigCal
+      character*132 file
+      logical*4 first_time                      ! Allows routine to be called 
+      data first_time /.true./                  ! by online code
+      ABORT= .FALSE.                            !clear any old flags
+      err= ' '                                  !erase any old errors
+      HMS_err= ' '
+      SOS_err= ' '
+      BIGCAL_err = ' '
+* set the runtime variable to avoid divide by zero during report
+*      g_run_time = 0.0001
+*     Book the histograms, tests and parameters
+      if(first_time) then
+        call HLIMIT(G_sizeHBOOK)        !set in "gen_pawspace.cmn"
+      endif
+*     Load and book all the CTP files
+      if((first_time.or.g_parm_rebook)' ') then
+        file = g_ctp_parm_filename
+        call g_sub_run_number(file,gen_run_number)
+        if(thload(file).ne.0) then
+          ABORT = .true.
+          err = file
+        endif
+        ierr = thbook()                 ! Assert parm values
+      endif                             ! so that ctp_database can override
+*     Now if there is a g_ctp_kinematics_filename set, pass the run number
+*     to it to set CTP variables.  Parameters placed in this file will
+*     override values defined in the CTP input files.
+      if(' ') then
+        write(6,'(a,a60)') 'KINEMATICS FROM ',g_ctp_kinematics_filename(1:60)
+        call g_ctp_database(ABORT, err
+     $       ,gen_run_number, g_ctp_kinematics_filename)
+        IF(ABORT) THEN
+          call G_add_path(here,err)
+        endif
+      ENDIF
+      if((first_time.or.g_test_rebook)' ') then
+        file = g_ctp_test_filename
+        call g_sub_run_number(file,gen_run_number)
+        if(thload(file).ne.0) then
+          ABORT = .true.
+          if(' ') then
+            call g_append(err,' & '//file)
+          else
+            err = file
+          endif
+        endif
+      endif
+      if((first_time.or.h_driftmap_rebook)' ') then
+         file = h_driftmap_input_filename
+         if(thload(file).ne.0) then
+            abort = .true.
+            if(' ') then
+               call g_append(err,' & '//file)
+            else
+               err = file
+            endif
+         endif
+      endif
+      if((first_time.or.b_calib_rebook)' ') then
+         file = b_calib_input_filename
+         if(thload(file).ne.0) then
+            abort = .true.
+            if(' ') then
+               call g_append(err,' & '//file)
+            else
+               err = file
+            endif
+         endif
+      endif
+      write(6,'(a)') 'COMMAND LINE FLAGS'
+      call engine_command_line(.true.)  ! Reset CTP vars from command line
+* that was the last call to engine_command_line, the last time to input
+* ctp variables.  Set some here to avoid divide by zero errors if they
+* were not read in.
+      if (hpcentral.le.0.001) then
+         hpcentral = 1.
+         write(6,*) 'hpcentral value not given: setting to 1 GeV'
+      endif
+      if (spcentral.le.0.001) then
+         spcentral = 1.
+         write(6,*) 'spcentral value not given: setting to 1 GeV'
+      endif
+      if (htheta_lab.le.0.001) then
+         htheta_lab = 90.
+         write(6,*) 'htheta_lab value not given: setting to 90 degrees'
+      endif
+      if (stheta_lab.le.0.001) then
+         stheta_lab = 90.
+         write(6,*) 'stheta_lab value not given: setting to 90 degrees'
+      endif
+      if (gpbeam.le.0.001) then
+         gpbeam = 2.
+         write(6,*) 'gpbeam value not given: setting to 2 GeV'
+      endif
+c     avoid divide-by-zero errors for BigCal: 
+      if(BIGCAL_THETA_DEG.le.0.001) then
+         BIGCAL_THETA_DEG = 90.
+         write(6,*) 'bigcal_theta_deg value not given: set to 90 deg.'
+      endif
+      if(BIGCAL_R_TGT.le.0.001) then
+         BIGCAL_R_TGT = 1000.
+         write(6,*) 'bigcal_r_tgt value not given: setting to 10.0 m'
+      endif
+      if((first_time.or.g_hist_rebook)' ') then
+        file = g_ctp_hist_filename
+        call g_sub_run_number(file,gen_run_number)
+        if(thload(file).ne.0) then
+          ABORT = .true.
+          if(' ') then
+            call g_append(err,' & '//file)
+          else
+            err = file
+          endif
+        endif
+      endif
+      if(ABORT) then
+        call g_add_path(here,err)
+        return                          ! Don't try to proceed
+      endif
+*     Load the report definitions
+      if((first_time.or.g_report_rebook)
+     $' ') then
+        file = g_report_template_filename
+        call g_sub_run_number(file,gen_run_number)
+        ierr = thload(file)
+      endif
+      if((first_time.or.g_report_rebook)
+     $' ') then
+        file = g_stats_template_filename
+        call g_sub_run_number(file,gen_run_number)
+        ierr = thload(file)
+      endif
+      if((first_time.or.g_report_rebook)
+     $' ') then
+        file = s_report_template_filename
+        call g_sub_run_number(file,gen_run_number)
+        ierr = thload(file)
+      endif
+      if((first_time.or.g_report_rebook)
+     $' ') then
+        file = h_report_template_filename
+        call g_sub_run_number(file,gen_run_number)
+        ierr = thload(file)
+      endif
+      if((first_time.or.g_report_rebook)
+     $' ') then
+        file = c_report_template_filename
+        call g_sub_run_number(file,gen_run_number)
+        ierr = thload(file)
+      endif
+      if((first_time.or.g_report_rebook).and. ! add BigCal
+     $' ') then
+         file = b_report_template_filename
+         call g_sub_run_number(file,gen_run_number)
+         ierr = thload(file)
+      endif
+      if((first_time.or.g_report_rebook).and. ! add GEp-coin.
+     $' ') then
+         file = gep_report_template_filename
+         call g_sub_run_number(file,gen_run_number)
+         ierr = thload(file)
+      endif
+*     Call thbook if any new files have been loaded
+      if(first_time.or.g_parm_rebook.or.g_test_rebook
+     $     .or.g_hist_rebook.or.g_report_rebook) then
+        ierr = thbook()
+*     Recalculate all histogram id's of user (hard wired) histograms
+        call h_init_histid(ABORT,err)
+        call s_init_histid(ABORT,err)
+        call b_init_histid(ABORT,err) ! add bigcal
+        call gep_init_histid(ABORT,err) ! add GEp-coin
+        if(' ') then
+          file = g_alias_filename
+          call g_sub_run_number(file,gen_run_number)
+          ierr = thwhalias(file)
+          if ( print *,'called haliaswrite',ierr
+        endif
+      endif
+      call thtstclrg("default")                     ! Clear test flags
+      call thtstclsg("default")                     ! Clear test scalers
+      call g_target_initialize(ABORT,err)
+* Open output file for charge scalers.
+      if (' ') then
+        file=g_charge_scaler_filename
+        call g_sub_run_number(file,gen_run_number)
+        open(unit=G_LUN_CHARGE_SCALER,file=file,status='unknown')
+        write(G_LUN_CHARGE_SCALER,*) '!Charge scalers - Run #',gen_run_number
+        write(G_LUN_CHARGE_SCALER,*) '!event   Unser(Hz)     BCM1(Hz)     BCM2(Hz)',
+     &               '     BCM3(Hz)     Time(s)'
+      endif
+        file='InSANEOUT/scalers%d.txt'
+        call g_sub_run_number(file,gen_run_number)
+c 215=philadelphia area code
+        open(unit=215,file=file,status='REPLACE')
+        write(215,*) '#InSANE scalers - Run #',gen_run_number
+      skip_events = .false.
+* Open output file to writeout scalers.
+      if (' ') then
+         file=g_writeout_scaler_filename
+         call g_sub_run_number(file,gen_run_number)
+         open(unit=G_LUN_WRITEOUT_SCALER,file=file,status='unknown')
+        else
+           write(*,*) ' Asking to write out ',NUM_WRITEOUT_SCALERS,' scalers'
+           write(*,*) ' Maximum is  ' ,MAX_WRITEOUT_SCALERS
+           WRITE(*,*) ' Modify  MAX_WRITEOUT_SCALERS in INCLUDE/gen_scalers and recompile code'
+           g_writeout_scaler_filename = ' '
+        endif
+      endif
+* Open output file for epics events.
+      if (' ') then
+        file=g_epics_output_filename
+        call g_sub_run_number(file,gen_run_number)
+        open(unit=G_LUN_EPICS_OUTPUT,file=file,status='unknown')
+      endif
+c      write(*,*) 'about to call h_initialize'
+*-HMS initialize
+c$$$      write(*,*) 'gen_run_enable flags ->'
+c$$$      do i=0,15
+c$$$      	write(*,*) 'gen_run_able(',i,') = ',gen_run_enable(i)
+c$$$      enddo
+c      if(gen_run_enable(0).ne.0) then
+      call H_initialize(HMS_ABORT,HMS_err)
+c      endif
+*-SOS initialize
+c      if(gen_run_enable(1).ne.0) then
+c      call S_initialize(SOS_ABORT,SOS_err)
+c      endif
+c      !write(*,*) 'about to call b_initialize'
+*-BigCal initialize
+      !write(*,*) 'before call to b_initialize, gen_run_enable=',gen_run_enable
+      !write(*,*) 'before call to b_initialize, gen_bigcal_mc=',gen_bigcal_mc
+      call B_initialize(BIGCAL_ABORT,BIGCAL_err)
+      If(HMS_ABORT .and. .NOT.(SOS_ABORT.or.BIGCAL_ABORT)) Then
+         err= HMS_err
+      ElseIf(SOS_ABORT .and. .NOT.(HMS_ABORT.or.BIGCAL_ABORT)) Then
+         err= SOS_err
+      ElseIf(BIGCAL_ABORT.and. .not.(HMS_ABORT.or.SOS_ABORT)) then
+         err = BIGCAL_err
+      ElseIf(HMS_ABORT.and.SOS_ABORT.and.(.not.BIGCAL_ABORT)) Then
+         err= '&'//SOS_err
+         call G_prepend(HMS_err,err)
+      ElseIf(HMS_ABORT.and.BIGCAL_ABORT.and.(.not.SOS_ABORT)) Then
+         err= '&'//BIGCAL_err
+         call G_prepend(HMS_err,err)
+      ElseIf(BIGCAL_ABORT.and.SOS_ABORT.and.(.not.HMS_ABORT)) Then
+         err= '&'//BIGCAL_err
+         call G_prepend(SOS_err,err)
+      ElseIf(BIGCAL_ABORT.and.SOS_ABORT.and.HMS_ABORT) Then
+         err= '&'//SOS_err//'&'//BIGCAL_err
+         call G_prepend(HMS_err,err)
+      EndIf
+c     write(*,*) 'about to call C_initialize'
+*-COIN initialize
+*         call C_initialize(ABORT,err)
+      ENDIF
+c      write(*,*) 'about to call GEP_initialize'
+      if(.not.ABORT) then
+         call GEP_initialize(ABORT,err) ! clone of C_initialize for now
+      endif
+      !write(*,*) 'before call to g_ntuple_init, gen_run_enable=',gen_run_enable
+      !write(*,*) 'before call to g_ntuple_init, gen_bigcal_mc=',gen_bigcal_mc
+c     write(*,*) 'about to call g_ntuple_init'
+      call g_ntuple_init(HACK_ABORT,HACK_err) ! Ingore error return for now
+c     write(*,*) 'about to call hack_initialize'
+      call hack_initialize(HACK_ABORT,HACK_err) ! Ignore error return for now
+*-force reset of all space of all working arrays
+*-(clear just zeros the index of each array)
+c     write(*,*) 'about to call g_reset_event'
+         call G_reset_event(ABORT,err)
+      ENDIF
+      IF(ABORT .or. err.NE.' ') call G_add_path(here,err)
+      first_time = .false.
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/ENGINE/g_keep_results.f b/ENGINE/g_keep_results.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f5071bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/g_keep_results.f
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+      SUBROUTINE G_keep_results(groupname,ABORT,err)
+*-       Prototype hall C keep_results routine
+*-   Purpose and Methods : Given previously filled data structures,
+*-                         keep_results stores the reconstructed info.
+*-   Output: ABORT	- success or failure
+*-         : err	- reason for failure, if any
+*-   Created  20-Nov-1993   Kevin B. Beard, HU
+* $Log: g_keep_results.f,v $
+* Revision  2008/05/15 18:59:21  bhovik
+* 1'st version
+* Revision  2007/05/15 02:55:01  jones
+* Start to Bigcal code
+* Revision  2004/07/09 14:12:47  saw
+* Add function calls to fill CTP ROOT Trees
+* Revision 1.9  2002/09/25 14:38:21  jones
+*    a. character*20 groupname changed to character*(*) groupname
+*    b. remove declaration  character*80 msg
+* Revision 1.8  1996/01/16 18:18:33  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add group name to CTP calls
+* Revision 1.7  1995/04/01 19:49:49  cdaq
+* (SAW) Fix mistake in error reporting
+* Revision 1.6  1995/01/13  18:15:39  cdaq
+* (SAW) Put in a missing else that conspired with a broken thgethit (CTP) so that
+* things actually worked on HPUX.  (But not Ultrix)
+* Revision 1.5  1994/08/30  14:48:50  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add call to increment scalers
+* Revision 1.4  1994/07/21  19:51:14  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add call to thgethit
+* Revision 1.3  1994/06/17  03:50:36  cdaq
+* (KBB) Upgrade error reporting
+* Revision 1.2  1994/04/15  20:35:29  cdaq
+* (KBB) Add calls to thtstexe and thhstexe
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/04  22:10:48  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+*- All standards are from "Proposal for Hall C Analysis Software
+*- Vade Mecum, Draft 1.0" by D.F.Geesamn and S.Wood, 7 May 1993
+      SAVE
+      character*40 here
+      parameter (here= 'G_keep_results')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 'gen_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'gen_routines.dec'
+      logical FAIL
+      character*1024 why
+      character*(*) groupname
+      integer ierr
+      err= ' '                                  !erase any old errors
+      ierr= thgethitg(groupname)
+      ABORT= ierr.NE.0
+        call G_build_note(':failure#$ in thgethitg',
+     &       '$',ierr,' ',0.,' ',err)
+      else
+        ierr= thtstexeg(groupname)
+        call thtstinsg(groupname)                ! Increment scalers
+        ABORT= ierr.NE.0
+        IF(ABORT) THEN
+          call G_build_note(':failure#$ in thtstexeg',
+     &         '$',ierr,' ',0.,' ',err)
+        ELSE
+          ierr= thhstexeg(groupname)
+          ABORT= ierr.NE.0
+          If(ABORT) call G_build_note(':failure#$ in thhstexeg',
+     &         '$',ierr,' ',0.,' ',err)
+          ierr = thtreeexeg(groupname)
+        ENDIF
+      ENDIF
+      call H_keep_results(FAIL,why)
+      IF(err.NE.' ' .and. why.NE.' ') THEN
+        call G_append(err,' & '//why)
+      ELSEIF(why.NE.' ') THEN
+        err= why
+      ENDIF
+      ABORT= ABORT .or. FAIL
+      call S_keep_results(FAIL,why)
+      IF(err.NE.' ' .and. why.NE.' ') THEN
+        call G_append(err,' & '//why)
+      ELSEIF(why.NE.' ') THEN
+        err= why
+      ENDIF
+      ABORT= ABORT .or. FAIL
+      call C_keep_results(FAIL,why)
+      IF(err.NE.' ' .and. why.NE.' ') THEN
+        call G_append(err,' & '//why)
+      ELSEIF(why.NE.' ') THEN
+        err= why
+      ENDIF
+      ABORT= ABORT .or. FAIL
+      call B_keep_results(FAIL,why)
+      if(' '.and.' ') then
+         call G_append(err,' & '//why)
+      else if(' ') then
+         err = why
+      endif
+      abort = abort .or. fail
+      call SANE_keep_results(FAIL,why)
+      if(' '.and.' ') then
+         call G_append(err,' & '//why)
+      else if(' ') then
+         err = why
+      endif
+      abort = abort .or. fail
+      call GEp_keep_results(FAIL,why)
+      if(' '' ') then
+         call G_append(err,' & '//why)
+      else if(' ') then
+         err = why
+      endif
+      abort = abort .or. fail
+      IF(ABORT .or. err.NE.' ') call G_add_path(here,err)
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/ENGINE/g_kludgeup_kinematics.f b/ENGINE/g_kludgeup_kinematics.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc188be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/g_kludgeup_kinematics.f
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+      SUBROUTINE G_klugeup_kinematics(ABORT,err)
+* $Log: g_kludgeup_kinematics.f,v $
+* Revision  2007/09/10 20:33:37  pcarter
+* Implemented changes to allow compilation on RHEL 3,4,5 and MacOSX
+* Revision 1.3  1996/09/04 14:38:32  saw
+* (JRA) Initialize problems logical
+* Revision 1.2  1996/01/22 15:11:46  saw
+* (JRA) Change cpbeam to gpbeam
+* Revision 1.1  1995/12/08 20:12:00  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      SAVE
+      external jishft, jiand
+      character*21 here
+      parameter (here= 'g_klugeup_kinematics')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*800 err,mss
+      include 'gen_filenames.cmn'
+      include 'gen_craw.cmn'
+      include 'gen_run_info.cmn'
+      include 'gen_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      logical problems
+      integer ind
+      integer evtype
+*      integer SPAREID
+*      parameter (SPAREID=67)
+      character*80 g_config_environmental_var
+      parameter (g_config_environmental_var= 'ENGINE_CONFIG_FILE')
+      integer*4 jishft,jiand
+      integer*4 status
+      integer*4 evclose
+      real*4 ebeam,phms,thms,psos,tsos
+*-attempt to open FASTBUS-CODA file
+      problems = .false.
+      g_data_source_in_hndl= 0
+      g_data_source_opened = .false.
+      call g_open_source(ABORT,err)
+      if(' ') then
+         call G_add_path(here,err)
+         call G_rep_err(ABORT,err)
+         If(ABORT) STOP
+         err= ' '
+      endif
+      DO ind=1,3
+        mss= ' '
+c	write(6,*) 'get event ',ind
+        call G_get_next_event(ABORT,err) !get and store 1 event 
+c	write(6,*) 'got event ',ind
+*     Check if this is a physics event or a CODA control event.
+        if(.not.problems) then
+          evtype = jishft(craw(2),-16)
+c          write(6,'(a,z10)') 'craw(2)=',craw(2)
+c          write(6,*) 'evtype=',evtype
+          if (evtype.eq.130) then       !run info event (get e,p,theta)
+            call g_extract_kinematics(ebeam,phms,thms,psos,tsos)
+            if (gpbeam .ge. 7. .and. ebeam.le.7.) then !sometimes ebeam in MeV
+              gpbeam=abs(ebeam)
+              write(6,*) 'gpbeam=',abs(ebeam),' GeV'
+            endif
+            if (hpcentral .ge. 7.) then
+              write(6,*) 'hpcentral=',abs(phms),' GeV/c'
+              hpcentral=abs(phms)
+            endif
+            if (htheta_lab .le. 0.) then
+              write(6,*) 'htheta_lab=',abs(thms),' deg.'
+              htheta_lab=abs(thms)*3.14159265/180.
+            endif
+            if (spcentral .ge. 7.) then
+              write(6,*) 'spcentral=',abs(psos),' GeV/c'
+              spcentral=abs(psos)
+            endif
+            if (stheta_lab .le. 0.) then
+              write(6,*) 'stheta_lab=',abs(tsos),' deg.'
+              stheta_lab=abs(tsos)*3.14159265/180.
+            endif
+c            write(6,*) 'GOT KINEMATICS!!!'
+          endif
+c          if(jiand(CRAW(2),'FFFF'x).eq.'10CC'x) then ! Physics event
+c            write(6,*) 'AAAARRGGHHHHHH!  Physics EVENT!!!!!'
+c          Else
+c            if(evtype.eq.129) then
+c              write(6,*) 'AAAARRGGHHHHHH!  Scalar EVENT!!!!!'
+c            else if (evtype.eq.133) then  !SAW's new go_info events
+c              write(6,*) 'AAAARRGGHHHHHH!  SAWs new go_info  EVENT!!!!!'
+c            else
+c              write(6,*) 'AAAARRGGHHHHHH! well, maybe not so bad. control event'
+c              call g_examine_control_event(CRAW,ABORT,err)
+c            endif
+c          EndIf
+        endif
+      ENDDO                             !found a problem or end of run
+      status = evclose(g_data_source_in_hndl)
+      g_data_source_opened = .false.
+      if(' ') then
+         call G_add_path(here,err)
+         call G_rep_err(ABORT,err)
+         If(ABORT) STOP
+         err= ' '
+      endif
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/ENGINE/g_ntuple_init.f b/ENGINE/g_ntuple_init.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4067a50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/g_ntuple_init.f
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+      SUBROUTINE g_ntuple_init(ABORT,err)
+*-       Close all ntuples
+*-   Purpose and Methods : Close ntuples.
+*-      Taken from ?_initialize so that s_initialize, h_initialize,
+*-      and c_initialize can be called from event display without mucking
+*-      with ntuples.
+*-   Output: ABORT	- success or failure
+*-         : err	- reason for failure, if any
+*-Created  6-September-1995 SAW
+* $Log: g_ntuple_init.f,v $
+* Revision  2008/05/15 18:59:21  bhovik
+* 1'st version
+* Revision  2007/09/12 19:26:31  puckett
+* *** empty log message ***
+* Revision  2007/08/22 19:09:16  frw
+* added FPP
+* Revision 1.1.25 frw
+* added call for FPP
+* Revision  2007/06/04 14:56:05  puckett
+* changed hit array structure for trigger related signals
+* Revision  2007/05/15 02:55:01  jones
+* Start to Bigcal code
+* Revision 1.1  1995/10/09 18:43:07  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      SAVE
+      character*13 here
+      parameter (here= 'g_ntuple_init')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      character*500 why
+      logical FAIL
+      include 'gen_run_info.cmn'
+      ABORT = .false.
+      err = ' '
+c      write(*,*) 'about to call h_ntuple_init'
+      call h_ntuple_init(FAIL,why)
+      if(err.NE.' ' .and. why.NE.' ') then
+        call G_append(err,' & '//why)
+      elseif(why.NE.' ') then
+        err= why
+      endif
+      ABORT= ABORT .or. FAIL
+      call h_fpp_nt_init(FAIL,why)
+      if(err.NE.' ' .and. why.NE.' ') then
+	call G_append(err,' & '//why)
+      elseif(why.NE.' ') then
+	err= why
+      endif
+      ABORT= ABORT .or. FAIL
+c     write(*,*) 'about to call h_sv_ntuple_init'
+      call h_sv_nt_init(FAIL,why)
+      if(err.NE.' ' .and. why.NE.' ') then
+        call G_append(err,' & '//why)
+      elseif(why.NE.' ') then
+        err= why
+      endif
+      ABORT= ABORT .or. FAIL
+c     write(*,*) 'about to call s_ntuple_init'
+      call s_ntuple_init(FAIL,why)
+      if(err.NE.' ' .and. why.NE.' ') then
+        call G_append(err,' & '//why)
+      elseif(why.NE.' ') then
+        err= why
+      endif
+      ABORT= ABORT .or. FAIL
+c     !write(*,*) 'about to call s_sv_nt_init'
+      call s_sv_nt_init(FAIL,why)
+      if(err.NE.' ' .and. why.NE.' ') then
+        call G_append(err,' & '//why)
+      elseif(why.NE.' ') then
+        err= why
+      endif
+      ABORT= ABORT .or. FAIL
+      !write(*,*) 'before call to b_ntuple_init, gen_run_enable=',gen_run_enable
+      !write(*,*) 'before call to b_ntuple_init, gen_bigcal_mc=',gen_bigcal_mc
+      !write(*,*) 'about to call b_ntuple_init'
+      call b_ntuple_init(FAIL,why)
+      !write(*,*) 'b_ntuple_init successful'
+      if(' '' ')then
+        call G_append(err,' & '//why)
+      elseif(' ') then
+        err = why
+      endif
+      ABORT = ABORT .or. FAIL
+      call sane_ntup_init(FAIL,why)
+c      write(*,*) 'sane_ntup_init successful'
+      if(' '' ')then
+        call G_append(err,' & '//why)
+      elseif(' ') then
+        err = why
+      endif
+      ABORT = ABORT .or. FAIL
+c     !write(*,*) 'about to call c_ntuple_init'
+      call c_ntuple_init(FAIL,why)
+      if(err.NE.' ' .and. why.NE.' ') then
+        call G_append(err,' & '//why)
+      elseif(why.NE.' ') then
+        err= why
+      endif
+      ABORT= ABORT .or. FAIL
+C     !write(*,*) 'about to call gep_ntuple_init'
+      call gep_ntuple_init(FAIL,why)
+      if(' '' ') then
+        call G_append(err,' & '//why)
+      else if(' ') then
+        err=why
+      endif
+      if(ABORT .or. err.NE.' ') call g_add_path(here,err)
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/ENGINE/g_ntuple_shutdown.f b/ENGINE/g_ntuple_shutdown.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e748d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/g_ntuple_shutdown.f
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+      SUBROUTINE g_ntuple_shutdown(ABORT,err)
+*-       Close all ntuples
+*-   Purpose and Methods : Close ntuples.
+*-          Taken from ?_keep_results routines so that g_keep_results can
+*-          be called without closing out ntuples.
+*-   Output: ABORT	- success or failure
+*-         : err	- reason for failure, if any
+*-   Created  30-June-1995 SAW
+*  $Log: g_ntuple_shutdown.f,v $
+*  Revision  2008/05/15 18:59:22  bhovik
+*  1'st version
+*  Revision  2007/08/22 19:09:16  frw
+*  added FPP
+*  Revision 1.2.25 frw
+*  added HMS FPP call
+*  Revision  2007/05/15 02:55:01  jones
+*  Start to Bigcal code
+*  Revision 1.2  1995/09/01 15:46:13  cdaq
+*  (JRA) Add call to sos sieve slit ntuple
+* Revision 1.1  1995/07/27  19:00:55  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      SAVE
+      character*17 here
+      parameter (here= 'g_ntuple_shutdown')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      call h_ntuple_shutdown(ABORT,err)
+      call h_fpp_nt_shutdown(ABORT,err)
+      call h_sv_nt_shutdown(ABORT,err)
+      call s_ntuple_shutdown(ABORT,err)
+      call s_sv_nt_shutdown(ABORT,err)
+      call c_ntuple_shutdown(ABORT,err)
+      call b_ntuple_shutdown(ABORT,err)
+      call sane_ntup_shutdown(ABORT,err)
+      call gep_ntuple_shutdown(ABORT,err)
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/ENGINE/g_open_source.f b/ENGINE/g_open_source.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..66ec6b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/g_open_source.f
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+      SUBROUTINE G_open_source(ABORT,err)
+*-       Prototype hall C open (FASTBUS) CODA file routine
+*-   Purpose and Methods : Initialization is performed and status returned
+*-   Output: ABORT      - success or failure
+*-         : err        - reason for failure, if any
+*-   Created  30-Nov-1993   Kevin B. Beard
+* $Log: g_open_source.f,v $
+* Revision  2007/09/07 16:06:07  puckett
+* added 'gen_bigcal_mc.eq.3' flag to g_open_source
+* Revision  2007/06/26 16:36:45  puckett
+* latest changes for monte carlo analysis, latest fixes for cluster finding routine
+* Revision  2007/06/20 18:26:32  puckett
+* Added BigCal Monte Carlo analysis capability
+* Revision 1.5  2002/09/25 13:51:30  jones
+*     add code for analyzing segmented data files.
+* Revision 1.4  1996/01/16 18:16:01  cdaq
+* no change
+* Revision 1.3  1995/05/11 16:18:51  cdaq
+* (SAW) Allow %d run number substitution in data source filename
+* Revision 1.2  1995/01/27  20:11:48  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add setting of ABORT
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/04  22:11:29  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+*- All standards are from "Proposal for Hall C Analysis Software
+*- Vade Mecum, Draft 1.0" by D.F.Geesamn and S.Wood, 7 May 1993
+      SAVE
+      character*13 here
+      parameter (here= 'G_open_source')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 'gen_filenames.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_run_info.cmn'
+c      include 'bigcal_bypass_switches.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_data_structures.cmn'
+      integer g_important_length
+      integer*4 status
+      integer*4 evopen                          ! CODA routine
+      character*132 file
+      integer fname_len
+      integer*4 io_dat
+      err= ' '
+      ABORT = .FALSE.
+      g_data_source_in_hndl= 0
+      file = g_data_source_filename
+      if( then ! Monte Carlo!!!
+         if(gen_bigcal_mc.eq.1.or.gen_bigcal_mc.eq.3) then
+            call g_IO_control(io_dat,'ANY',ABORT,err)
+            if(abort) then
+               call g_add_path(here,err)
+               return 
+            endif
+            call g_sub_run_number(file,gen_run_number)
+            g_data_source_in_hndl = io_dat
+            open(unit=g_data_source_in_hndl,file=file,status='old',
+     $           form='unformatted',err=34)
+            goto 35
+ 34         g_data_source_opened = .false.
+            abort = .true. 
+            err='error opening bigcal mc .dat file '//file
+            call g_add_path(here,err)
+            return
+ 35         write(*,*) 'Opened bigcal mc .dat file '//file//
+     $           ' successfully'
+            g_data_source_opened = .true.
+            EOF_MC_DAT = .false.
+         else if(gen_bigcal_mc.eq.2) then
+            ! open wei's ntuple file
+            g_data_source_opened = .false. !for now
+         endif
+      else 
+         call g_sub_run_number(file,gen_run_number)
+         status = evopen(file,'r',g_data_source_in_hndl)
+         if( then
+*     call cemsg(status,0,err)
+*     If filename doesn't end in a digit, try adding ".0" to the end and
+*     opening that.
+            fname_len = g_important_length(file)
+            if(ichar(file(fname_len:fname_len)).le.ichar('0')
+     $           .or.ichar(file(fname_len:fname_len)).ge.ichar('9'))then
+               g_segment = 0    ! First segment
+               file(fname_len+1:fname_len+2) = '.0'
+               status = evopen(file,'r',g_data_source_in_hndl)
+               if( then
+                  g_data_source_opened = .false.
+               else
+                  g_data_source_opened = .true.
+               endif
+            else
+               g_data_source_opened = .false.   
+            endif
+         else
+            g_data_source_opened = .true.
+            g_segment = -1      ! Not segmented
+         endif
+         IF(.not.g_data_source_opened) THEN
+            err= ':could not open "'//file//'"'
+            call G_add_path(here,err)
+            ABORT = .TRUE.
+         ENDIF
+      endif
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/ENGINE/g_output_thresholds.f b/ENGINE/g_output_thresholds.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3646ede
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/g_output_thresholds.f
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+      subroutine g_output_thresholds(lunout,roc,slot,signalcount,
+     &               elements_per_plane,signal0,signal1,sigma0,sigma1)
+* $Log: g_output_thresholds.f,v $
+* Revision  2007/11/29 18:37:17  cdaq
+* added special handling of ROC11, slot 19 (bigcal trig. ADCs)
+* Revision  2007/10/19 14:50:45  cdaq
+* *** empty log message ***
+* Revision  2007/10/12 02:03:44  puckett
+* *** empty log message ***
+* Revision  2007/09/11 19:14:17  frw
+* fixed FPP related arrays and limits
+* Revision 1.7  2003/09/05 15:53:04  jones
+* Merge in online03 changes (mkj)
+* Revision  2003/04/09 16:51:38  cdaq
+* Added # to comment written out to threshold file. (MKJ)
+* Revision 1.6  1999/02/23 18:23:01  csa
+* (JRA) Move temps to signalcount 2 and make SunOS fixes
+* Revision 1.5  1996/09/04 14:39:01  saw
+* (JRA) Modify write statements
+* Revision 1.4  1996/01/22 15:22:57  saw
+* (JRA) Add/Modify some commented out diagnostics
+* Revision 1.3  1996/01/17 20:25:27  saw
+* (SAW) Add back missing sigma0 and sigma1 arguments that got lost
+* Revision 1.2  1996/01/16 18:13:50  cdaq
+* (JRA) Warn if thresholds change by too much
+* Revision 1.1  1995/11/28 19:12:22  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*21 here
+      parameter (here='g_output_thresholds')
+      integer*4 lunout
+      integer*4 roc,slot
+      integer*4 signalcount,elements_per_plane
+      real*4 signal0(*),signal1(*)
+      real*4 sigma0(*),sigma1(*)
+      real*4 delta_ped
+      integer*4 pln,cnt,element,sigtyp
+      integer*4 ich,ind,istart
+      logical annoying_message
+      INCLUDE 'gen_detectorids.par'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_decode_common.cmn'
+      annoying_message=.true.
+      istart=g_decode_slotpointer(roc,slot)
+      if (istart.eq.-1) then   !uninstrumented slot.
+        write(lunout,*) '#   roc#',roc,', slot#',slot,' is not in the map'
+        return
+      endif
+      if (signalcount.eq.1) then           !cerenkov.
+        do ich=1,g_decode_subaddcnt(roc,slot)
+          ind=istart+ich-1
+          pln=g_decode_planemap(ind)
+          if(roc.eq.12) then ! BigCal RCS part
+             pln = pln - 32
+          endif
+          cnt=g_decode_countermap(ind)
+          if (g_decode_didmap(ind).eq.UNINST_ID) then
+            write(lunout,'(a6)') '  4000'  ! set threshold very high if there is no signal
+          else
+            element=(pln-1)*elements_per_plane+cnt
+            write(lunout,'(i6)') nint(signal0(element))
+            delta_ped=signal0(element)-float(g_threshold_readback(ich,roc,slot))
+            if ( (abs(delta_ped) .gt. min(20.,2.*sigma0(element)))  .and.
+     &             g_threshold_readback(ich,roc,slot).ne.0) then
+              if (annoying_message.and..not.(roc.eq.11.and.slot.eq.19)) then
+                write(6,*) 'Warning! Danger Will Robinson!  Inconsistant Thresholds approaching!'
+                write(6,'(a)') 'May require updating hms(sos)_thresholds.dat in ~cdaq/coda to avoid losing data'
+                write(6,*) '  roc slot channel threshold  calc.thresh. delta  #sigma(pos. is OK).'
+                annoying_message=.false.
+              endif
+              if(.not.(roc.eq.11.and.slot.eq.19)) then
+                 write(6,'(2x,i3,i5,i6,i11,2f11.1,f9.1)') roc,slot,ich,
+     &                g_threshold_readback(ich,roc,slot),signal0(element),delta_ped,delta_ped/(sigma0(element)+.001)
+              else
+                 if(abs(delta_ped).gt.2.*sigma0(element)) then
+                    write(6,'(2x,i3,i5,i6,i11,2f11.1,f9.1)') roc,slot,ich,
+     &                   g_threshold_readback(ich,roc,slot),signal0(element),delta_ped,delta_ped/(sigma0(element)+.001)
+                 endif
+              endif
+           endif
+        endif
+      enddo
+      else if (signalcount.eq.2) then      !hodoscopes, calorimeter (w/2nd PMT).
+        do ich=1,g_decode_subaddcnt(roc,slot)
+          ind=istart+ich-1
+          pln=g_decode_planemap(ind)
+          cnt=g_decode_countermap(ind)
+          sigtyp=g_decode_sigtypmap(ind)
+	  if ( (roc.eq.1.and.slot.eq.1) .or. (roc.eq.1.and.slot.eq.5) .or.
+     &         (roc.eq.3.and.slot.eq.1) .or. (roc.eq.3.and.slot.eq.5) ) then
+            element=cnt+(pln-1)*elements_per_plane         !calorimeter
+	  else		!hodoscope.  convert 2d pln,cnt to 1d array
+            element=pln+(cnt-1)*elements_per_plane
+	  endif
+          if (roc.eq.1 .and. slot.eq.1 .and. (ich.eq.63 .or. ich.eq.64)) then
+            write(lunout,'(a6)') '     0'   ! no threshold for muon hodoscope
+            goto 999
+* not hooked up: 2/18/99
+*          else if (roc.eq.3 .and. slot.eq.1 .and. ich.eq.64) then
+*            write(lunout,'(a6)') '     0'   ! no threshold for laser gain photodiode
+*            goto 999
+          endif
+          if (g_decode_didmap(ind).eq.UNINST_ID) then
+            write(lunout,'(a6)') '  4000'  ! set threshold very high if there is no signal
+          else
+            if (sigtyp.eq.0) then
+              write(lunout,'(i6)') nint(signal0(element))
+              delta_ped=signal0(element)-float(g_threshold_readback(ich,roc,slot))
+              if ( (abs(delta_ped) .gt. min(20.,2.*sigma0(element)))  .and.
+     &               g_threshold_readback(ich,roc,slot).ne.0) then
+                if (annoying_message) then
+                  write(6,*) 'Warning! Danger Will Robinson!  Inconsistant Thresholds approaching!'
+                  write(6,*) '  roc slot channel threshold  calc.thresh. delta  #sigma(pos. is OK).'
+                  annoying_message=.false.
+                endif
+                write(6,'(2x,i3,i5,i6,i11,2f11.1,f9.1)') roc,slot,ich,
+     &               g_threshold_readback(ich,roc,slot),signal0(element),delta_ped,delta_ped/(sigma0(element)+.001)
+              endif
+            else if (sigtyp.eq.1) then
+              write(lunout,'(i6)') nint(signal1(element))
+              delta_ped=signal1(element)-float(g_threshold_readback(ich,roc,slot))
+              if ( (abs(delta_ped) .gt. min(20.,2.*sigma1(element)))  .and.
+     &               g_threshold_readback(ich,roc,slot).ne.0) then
+                if (annoying_message) then
+                  write(6,*) 'Warning! Danger Will Robinson!  Inconsistant Thresholds approaching!'
+                  write(6,*) '  roc slot channel threshold  calc.thresh. delta  #sigma(pos. is OK).'
+                  annoying_message=.false.
+                endif
+              write(6,'(2x,i3,i5,i6,i11,2f11.1,f9.1)') roc,slot,ich,
+     &            g_threshold_readback(ich,roc,slot),signal1(element),delta_ped,delta_ped/(sigma1(element)+.001)
+              endif
+            else
+              write(6,*) 'sigtyp=',sigtyp,' in g_output_thresholds (should be 0 or 1)'
+            endif
+          endif
+ 999      continue
+        enddo
+      else
+        write(6,*) 'signalcount=',signalcount,' in g_output_thresholds (1=cal/cer, 2=hodoscopes)'
+      endif
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/ENGINE/g_preproc_event.f b/ENGINE/g_preproc_event.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..036ff43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/g_preproc_event.f
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+      SUBROUTINE g_preproc_event(preprocessor_keep_event)
+*   prototype C analysis routine
+*     purpose and mothods : check the event for defined criteria and
+*                           set flag to 1 if it meets these criteria.
+*   created apr-29-1996 Dave Meekins
+* $Log: g_preproc_event.f,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1996/06/10 17:47:43  saw
+* Initial revision
+      SAVE
+      character*20 here
+      parameter (here='g_preproc_event')
+      integer*4 preprocessor_keep_event
+* make sure to include all the necessary include files
+* so that the tests below can be carried out
+      INCLUDE 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_scin_tof.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'sos_scin_tof.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_event_info.cmn'
+      preprocessor_keep_event=0
+* test for good event
+* ALL COINCIDENCE EVENTS, coin only (should disable tracking
+* and decoding when analyzing, since no analysis is needed).
+       if (gen_event_type.eq.3 .or. gen_event_type.eq.4) then
+         preprocessor_keep_event=1
+       endif
+* ALL HMS (AND COINCIDENCE) EVENTS, (should disable tracking
+* and decoding when analyzing, since no analysis is needed).
+!       if (gen_event_type.eq.1 .or. gen_event_type.eq.3 .or.
+!     &     gen_event_type.eq.4) then
+!         preprocessor_keep_event=1
+!       endif
+* ALL SOS (AND COINCIDENCE) EVENTS, (should disable tracking
+* and decoding when analyzing, since no analysis is needed).
+!       if (gen_event_type.eq.2 .or. gen_event_type.eq.3 .or.
+!     &     gen_event_type.eq.4) then
+!         preprocessor_keep_event=1
+!       endif
+* Keep pedestals, SOS and COIN with good beta_notrk, reject HMS
+!      if (gen_event_type.eq.1) then  !HMS singles trigger
+!        if ((
+!          preprocessor_keep_event=1
+!        endif
+!      else if (gen_event_type.eq.2) then !SOS singles trigger
+!        if((
+!          preprocessor_keep_event=1
+!        endif
+!      else if (gen_event_type.eq.3) then !COIN trigger
+!        if( (( .or.
+!     &      (( ) then
+!          preprocessor_keep_event=1
+!        endif
+!      else if (gen_event_type.eq.4) then !PED trigger
+!         preprocessor_keep_event=1
+!      else
+!        write(6,*) 'g_preproc_event was called for event type',
+!     &             gen_event_type
+!        write(6,*) '     should only be called for event types 1-4 (I think-JRA)'
+!      endif
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/ENGINE/g_preproc_open.f b/ENGINE/g_preproc_open.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..35b4ebc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/g_preproc_open.f
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+      SUBROUTINE g_preproc_open(ABORT,err)
+*     opens file for output of preprocessed events in CODA format
+*     Purpose and Methods:  Initialization is done status is returned.
+*     output: ABORT      success or failure
+*             err        reason for fault if any
+*     created:  apr-29-1996 Dave Meekins
+*     I don't know what other crap I need to fill in here
+* $Log: g_preproc_open.f,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1996/06/10 17:48:15  saw
+* Initial revision
+      SAVE
+*     variables
+      character*40 here
+      parameter(here='g_preproc_open')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      integer*4 status    !status
+      integer*4 evopen    !CODA ouput file opening routine
+      character*132 file
+*     common files
+      include 'gen_filenames.cmn'
+      include 'gen_run_info.cmn'
+* inits
+      err=' '
+      g_preproc_in_hndl=0
+      file = g_preproc_filename
+	write(6,*) file
+      call g_sub_run_number(file,gen_run_number)
+      status=evopen(file,'w',g_preproc_in_hndl)
+      if(status.eq.0)then
+        g_preproc_opened = .true.
+      else
+        call cemsg(status,0,err)
+        g_preproc_opened = .false.
+        write(6,*) 'could not open preprocessor output file '
+        err=':error opening"'//file//'"'
+        call G_add_path(here,err)
+      endif
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/ENGINE/g_proper_shutdown.f b/ENGINE/g_proper_shutdown.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09e9022
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/g_proper_shutdown.f
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+      SUBROUTINE G_proper_shutdown(ABORT,err)
+*-       Prototype C analysis routine
+*-   Purpose and Methods : Closes files properly, flushes, etc.
+*-   Output: ABORT		- success or failure
+*-         : err	- reason for failure, if any
+*-   Created  20-Nov-1993   Kevin B. Beard for new error standards
+* $Log: g_proper_shutdown.f,v $
+* Revision  2007/06/04 14:56:05  puckett
+* changed hit array structure for trigger related signals
+* Revision  2007/05/15 02:55:01  jones
+* Start to Bigcal code
+* Revision  2004/07/09 14:12:47  saw
+* Add function calls to fill CTP ROOT Trees
+* Revision 1.13  2004/02/17 17:27:10  jones
+* Only dump histograms when g_histout_filename is set.
+* Revision 1.12  1999/02/23 18:24:23  csa
+* (JRA) Remove debugcalcpeds stuff, cleanup
+* Revision 1.11  1996/09/04 14:40:05  saw
+* (JRA) Get filename for "bad" report from a ctp variable
+* Revision 1.10  1995/10/09 18:44:27  cdaq
+* (JRA) Only write pedestal file if appropriate control flag(s) set.
+* Revision 1.9  1995/09/01 15:46:41  cdaq
+* (JRA) Open temp file for pedestal outputs
+* Revision 1.8  1995/07/27  19:03:36  cdaq
+* (SAW) Error return fix up
+* Revision 1.7  1995/05/22  13:29:24  cdaq
+* (JRA) Make a listing of potential detector problems
+* Revision 1.6  1995/04/01  19:42:36  cdaq
+* (SAW) One report file for each of g, h, s, c instead of a single report file
+* Revision 1.5  1994/08/04  03:45:46  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add call to Breuer's hack_shutdown
+* Revision 1.4  1994/06/22  19:49:31  cdaq
+* (SAW) Create report file and append g_report_template to it
+* Revision 1.3  1994/06/14  19:13:20  cdaq
+* (SAW) Move histogram saving to new routine g_dump_histograms
+* Revision 1.2  1994/04/15  20:36:49  cdaq
+* (KBB) Add ntuple handling
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/04  22:12:15  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+*- All standards are from "Proposal for Hall C Analysis Software
+*- Vade Mecum, Draft 1.0" by D.F.Geesamn and S.Wood, 7 May 1993
+      SAVE
+      character*17 here
+      parameter (here= 'G_proper_shutdown')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      logical bad_report,bad_HMS,bad_SOS,bad_COIN,bad_HBK,bad_hack
+      logical bad_BIGCAL
+      logical bad_GEP
+      character*132 err_report,err_HMS,err_SOS,err_COIN,err_HBK,err_hack
+      character*132 err_BIGCAL,err_GEP
+      integer SPAREID
+      parameter (SPAREID=67)
+      include 'gen_filenames.cmn'
+      include 'gen_routines.dec'
+      include 'gen_run_info.cmn'
+      include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'hms_tracking.cmn'
+      include 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'sos_tracking.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_data_structures.cmn'
+      integer ierr
+      character*132 file
+      bad_report = .TRUE.
+      err_report = 'Failed to open report file'
+      ierr=thtreewriteg('all') ! Flush
+      if (' ') then
+        file = g_bad_output_filename
+        call g_sub_run_number(file, gen_run_number)
+        open(unit=SPAREID,file=file,status='unknown')
+      else
+        open(unit=SPAREID,file='bad.tmp',status='unknown')
+      endif
+*-chance to flush any statistics, etc.
+      call H_proper_shutdown(SPAREID,bad_HMS,err_HMS)
+      call S_proper_shutdown(SPAREID,bad_SOS,err_SOS)
+      call B_proper_shutdown(SPAREID,bad_BIGCAL,err_BIGCAL)
+      call C_proper_shutdown(SPAREID,bad_COIN,err_COIN)
+      call GEP_proper_shutdown(SPAREID,bad_GEP,err_GEP)
+      close(unit=SPAREID)
+      call hack_shutdown(bad_hack,err_hack)
+      if (g_histout_filename .ne. ' ') then 
+      call g_dump_histograms(bad_HBK,err_HBK)
+      endif
+      bad_report = .false.
+      err_report = ' '
+      if(' '.and.
+     $' ') then
+        file = g_report_output_filename
+        call g_sub_run_number(file, gen_run_number)
+        ierr = threp(g_report_blockname,file)
+        if( then
+          bad_report = .true.
+          err_report = 'threp failed to create report in file '//file
+        endif
+      endif
+      ABORT= bad_HMS .or. bad_SOS .or. bad_COIN .or. bad_HBK
+     $     .or. bad_report .or. bad_BIGCAL.or.bad_GEP
+      err= ' '
+      IF(ABORT) THEN                    !assemble error message
+         if(bad_report) err = err_report
+         If(bad_HBK) Then
+            call G_prepend(err_HBK//' &',err)
+         elseif (bad_HBK) then
+            err= err_HBK
+         EndIf
+         If(bad_COIN .and. err.NE.' ') Then
+            call G_prepend(err_COIN//' &',err)
+         ElseIf(bad_COIN) Then
+            err= err_COIN
+         EndIf
+         If(bad_SOS .and. err.NE.' ') Then
+            call G_prepend(err_SOS//' &',err)
+         ElseIf(bad_SOS) Then
+            err= err_SOS
+         EndIf
+         If(bad_HMS .and. err.NE.' ') Then
+            call G_prepend(err_HMS//' &',err)
+         ElseIf(bad_HMS) Then
+            err= err_HMS
+         EndIf
+         If(bad_BIGCAL .and. err .ne. ' ') then
+            call G_prepend(err_BIGCAL//' &',err)
+         else if(bad_BIGCAL) then
+            err = err_BIGCAL
+         endif
+         if(bad_GEP .and. err .ne.' ') then
+            call G_prepend(err_GEP//' &',err)
+         else if(bad_GEP) then
+            err = err_GEP
+         end if
+         call G_add_path(here,err)
+      ENDIF
+      bad_HBK = .false.
+      err_HBK = ' '
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/ENGINE/g_reconstruction.f b/ENGINE/g_reconstruction.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd95d10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/g_reconstruction.f
@@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
+      SUBROUTINE G_reconstruction(event,ABORT,err)
+*-       Prototype hall C reconstruction routine
+*-   Purpose and Methods : Given previously filled data structures,
+*-                         reconstruction is performed and status returned
+*-   Inputs:
+*-       event      Pointer to the first word (length) of an event data bank.
+*-   Output: ABORT	- success or failure
+*-         : err	- reason for failure, if any
+*-   Created  20-Oct-1993   Kevin B. Beard
+*-   Modified 20-Nov-1993   KBB for new error routines
+* $Log: g_reconstruction.f,v $
+* Revision  2011/05/31 15:34:47  jones
+* increment g_hel_pos and g_hel_neg for trigtype=1,2,3 or 4 .
+* Before incremented just for trigtype=4
+* Revision  2009/09/29 13:59:53  jones
+* Add lines:
+*             if(gen_event_trigtype(4).eq.1)then
+*               if(gbeam_helicity_TS.eq.1)g_hel_pos = g_hel_pos+1
+*               if(gbeam_helicity_TS.eq.-1)g_hel_neg = g_hel_neg+1
+*             endif
+* This is the number of T4 helicity plus and minus triggers
+* Used to calculate the computer lifetime
+* Revision  2009/09/15 20:39:59  jones
+* Call gep_hysics for event_type = 1 and 6 instead of just 6
+* Revision  2009/09/02 13:39:35  jones
+* eliminate commented write statements
+* Revision  2009/02/17 21:18:32  cdaq
+* Changed so b_reconstruction always called
+* Revision  2008/10/26 19:12:33  cdaq
+* SEM
+* Revision  2008/10/02 17:58:46  cdaq
+* *** empty log message ***
+* Revision  2008/01/08 22:43:13  cdaq
+* *** empty log message ***
+* Revision  2007/10/19 14:54:58  cdaq
+* *** empty log message ***
+* Revision  2007/10/19 14:49:41  cdaq
+* *** empty log message ***
+* Revision  2007/10/17 16:08:08  cdaq
+* Changed if-block for beamline analysis. Now call for any event type 1-8 if flag is set
+* Revision  2007/10/10 16:24:31  puckett
+* *** empty log message ***
+* Revision  2007/10/08 19:22:59  puckett
+* Added bad channel list handling for BigCal
+* Revision  2007/09/07 16:08:05  puckett
+* put event type 3 option back in for call to h_reconstruction, just in case somebody wants to use it. Also added event type 7 and 8 for calls to b_reconstruction, for the case of the cosmic/light box trigger for bigcal
+* Revision  2007/06/04 14:56:06  puckett
+* changed hit array structure for trigger related signals
+* Revision  2007/05/15 02:55:01  jones
+* Start to Bigcal code
+* Revision 1.13  1996/01/22 15:23:34  saw
+* (SAW) Add calls to analyze beam position
+* Revision 1.12  1995/10/09 18:28:41  cdaq
+* (JRA) Only call spec analysis routines that correspond to trigger type
+* Revision 1.11  1995/05/22 20:50:45  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.10  1995/04/01  19:50:22  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add pedestal event handling
+* Revision 1.9  1994/11/22  20:13:39  cdaq
+* (SPB) Uncomment call to SOS code
+* Revision 1.8  1994/10/11  20:03:27  cdaq
+* (JRA) Comment out call to SOS
+* Revision 1.7  1994/08/04  03:46:31  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add call to Breuer's hack_anal
+* Revision 1.6  1994/06/17  03:36:57  cdaq
+* (KBB) Upgrade error reporting
+* Revision 1.5  1994/04/15  20:37:41  cdaq
+* (SAW) for ONLINE compatibility get event from argument instead of commmon.
+* Revision 1.4  1994/02/02  19:58:47  cdaq
+* Remove some damn nulls at the end of the file
+* Revision 1.3  1994/02/02  18:53:43  cdaq
+* Actually add call to g_decode_event_by_banks
+* Revision 1.2  1994/02/01  21:28:48  cdaq
+* Add call to G_decode_event_by_banks
+*- All standards are from "Proposal for Hall C Analysis Software
+*- Vade Mecum, Draft 1.0" by D.F.Geesamn and S.Wood, 7 May 1993
+      SAVE
+      integer*4 event(*)
+      character*16 here
+      parameter (here= 'G_reconstruction')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 'gen_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_event_info.cmn'
+      include 'gen_run_info.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hack_.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_bypass_switches.cmn'
+      include 'gen_scalers.cmn'
+      logical FAIL
+      character*1024 why
+      logical update_peds               ! TRUE = There is new pedestal data
+      ABORT= .FALSE.
+      err= ' '                                  !erase any old errors
+      call G_decode_event_by_banks(event,ABORT,err)
+         call G_add_path(here,err)
+         RETURN
+      ENDIF
+      CALL f1trigger_sort_by_counter()
+c            if(gen_event_trigtype(4).eq.1)then
+c              if(gbeam_helicity_TS.eq.1)g_hel_pos = g_hel_pos+1
+c              if(gbeam_helicity_TS.eq.-1)g_hel_neg = g_hel_neg+1
+c            endif
+            if(gen_event_trigtype(4).eq.1.or.
+     ,           gen_event_trigtype(1).eq.1.or.
+     ,           gen_event_trigtype(3).eq.1.or.
+     ,           gen_event_trigtype(2).eq.1.)then
+c               if(gen_event_trigtype(4).eq.1.and.nclust.eq.0)write(*,*)0
+              if(gbeam_helicity_TS.eq.1)g_hel_pos= g_hel_pos+1
+              if(gbeam_helicity_TS.eq.-1)g_hel_neg = g_hel_neg+1
+            endif
+c            write(*,*)g_hel_pos_tot,g_hel_pos,g_hel_neg_tot,g_hel_neg,
+c     ,           gscaler_change(535),gscaler_change(536),gscaler_change(537),gscaler_change(538)
+!!!! Commenting out next 6 lines so peds go to data. - wra
+c      IF(gen_event_type .eq. 4) then            !pedestal event
+c         call g_analyze_pedestal(ABORT,err)
+c        update_peds = .true.                    !need to recalculate pedestals
+c        RETURN
+c      ENDIF
+!! added the following line - wra
+*       update_peds = .true.
+*  check to see if pedestals need to be recalculated.  Note that this is only
+*  done if the event was NOT a scaler event, because of the 'return' at the
+*  end of the pedestal handling call.
+      IF(update_peds) then
+         !write(*,*) 'calling g_calc_pedestal,evtype=',gen_event_type
+        call g_calc_pedestal(ABORT,err)
+        !write(*,*) 'g_calc_pedestal successful'
+        update_peds = .false.
+c        ncalls_calc_ped = ncalls_calc_ped + 1
+      ENDIF
+*-Beamline reconstruction
+*-for GEp, avoid event types 2 and 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (No SOS!)
+c      IF( .and. gen_event_type.le.3) then  !HMS/SOS/COIN trig
+c$$$      if((gen_event_type.eq.1 .or. gen_event_type.eq.5 .or. 
+c$$$     $     gen_event_type.eq.6) then ! 1 = HMS singles, 5 = BigCal singles, 6 = HMS-BigCal coin.
+      if( then
+c         write(*,*) 'found annoying pulser event, skipping'
+         return
+      endif
+      if(
+     $     .ne.0) then
+         !write(*,*) 'calling g_trans_misc'
+        call g_trans_misc(FAIL,why)
+        !write(*,*) 'g_trans_misc successful'
+        IF(err.NE.' ' .and. why.NE.' ') THEN
+          call G_append(err,' & '//why)
+        ELSEIF(why.NE.' ') THEN
+          err= why
+        ENDIF
+        ABORT= ABORT .or. FAIL
+        !write(*,*) 'calling g_analyze_misc' 
+        call g_analyze_misc(FAIL,why) !UNCOMMENT WHEN WE GET IN HALL AND BEAM ON!
+        !write(*,*) 'g_analyze_misc successful'
+        IF(err.NE.' ' .and. why.NE.' ') THEN
+          call G_append(err,' & '//why)
+        ELSEIF(why.NE.' ') THEN
+          err= why
+        ENDIF
+        ABORT= ABORT .or. FAIL
+      ENDIF
+c     SEM FILL
+      call sem_fill_tbpm()
+      call sem_calc_sr_beampos()
+*-HMS reconstruction
+c      IF(gen_event_type.eq.1 .or. gen_event_type.eq.3) then  !HMS/COIN trig
+      if(gen_event_type.eq.1 .or. gen_event_type .eq. 6 .or. 
+     $     gen_event_type .eq. 3) then               !HMS/COIN trig
+c         write(*,*) 'calling HMS reconstruction, gen_event_type=',gen_event_type
+         call H_reconstruction(FAIL,why)
+        IF(err.NE.' ' .and. why.NE.' ') THEN
+          call G_append(err,' & '//why)
+        ELSEIF(why.NE.' ') THEN
+          err= why
+        ENDIF
+        ABORT= ABORT .or. FAIL
+      ENDIF
+*-SOS reconstruction
+      IF(gen_event_type.eq.2 .or. gen_event_type.eq.3) then  !SOS/COIN trig
+        call S_reconstruction(FAIL,why)
+        IF(err.NE.' ' .and. why.NE.' ') THEN
+          call G_append(err,' & '//why)
+        ELSEIF(why.NE.' ') THEN
+          err= why
+        ENDIF
+        ABORT= ABORT .or. FAIL
+      ENDIF
+*-BIGCAL reconstruction
+c changed to always do pyb Feb. 17 2009
+c      if(( .and. 
+c     >    gen_event_type.le.8).or.
+c     >    gen_event_type.eq.13) then !5.BIGCAL/6.HMS-BIGCAL COIN/7.COSMIC/8.LIGHT BOX
+      if( then
+         !write(*,*) 'calling b_reconstruction'
+         call B_reconstruction(FAIL,why)
+         !write(*,*) 'b_reconstruction successful'
+         IF(err.NE.' ' .and. why.NE.' ') THEN
+            call G_append(err,' & '//why)
+         ELSEIF(why.NE.' ') THEN
+            err= why
+         ENDIF
+         ABORT= ABORT .or. FAIL
+      endif
+*-GEP-COIN reconstruction
+      if(gen_event_type.eq.6 .or. gen_event_type.eq.1) then !GEp-coin. trig
+*         write(*,*) 'calling gep_reconstruction'
+         call GEp_reconstruction(FAIL,why)
+*         write(*,*) 'gep_reconstruction successful'
+         if(' '' ') then
+            call G_append(err,' & '//why)
+         else if(' ') then
+            err = why
+         endif
+         ABORT = ABORT.or.FAIL
+      endif
+*-COIN reconstruction
+      IF(gen_event_type.eq.3) then  !COIN trig
+        call C_reconstruction(FAIL,why)
+        IF(err.NE.' ' .and. why.NE.' ') THEN
+          call G_append(err,' & '//why)
+        ELSEIF(why.NE.' ') THEN
+          err= why
+        ENDIF
+        ABORT= ABORT .or. FAIL
+      ENDIF
+      IF(ABORT .or. err.NE.' ') call G_add_path(here,err)
+      IF( then
+        call hack_anal(FAIL,why)
+        IF(err.NE.' ' .and. why.NE.' ') THEN
+          call G_append(err,' & '//why)
+        ELSEIF(why.NE.' ') THEN
+          err= why
+        ENDIF
+        ABORT= ABORT .or. FAIL
+      ENDIF
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/ENGINE/g_register_variables.f b/ENGINE/g_register_variables.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b6dfdc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/g_register_variables.f
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+      subroutine g_register_variables(ABORT,err)
+*     CTP variable registration routine
+*     Purpose : Register all variables that are to be used by CTP.  This
+*     includes externally configured parameters/contants, event data that
+*     can be a histogram source, and possible test results and scalers.
+*     Method: 1. Register variables needed to use CTP to get various
+*     filenames.  And register other common variables.
+*             2. Call Register routines for HMS, SOS and coincidence.
+*     Output: ABORT      - success or failure
+*           : err        - reason for failure, if any
+*     Created: 9-Feb-1994  Stephen A. Wood
+*     Modified: 17-May-1994 Kevin B. Beard, Hampton U.
+*     Modified: 24-May-1994 K.B.Beard
+* $Log: g_register_variables.f,v $
+* Revision  2008/10/26 19:12:33  cdaq
+* SEM
+* Revision  2008/10/02 17:59:13  cdaq
+* *** empty log message ***
+* Revision  2008/05/15 18:59:22  bhovik
+* 1'st version
+* Revision  2007/10/16 19:51:19  cdaq
+* fixed F1TDC_WINDOW_SIZE declaration
+* Revision  2007/05/15 02:55:01  jones
+* Start to Bigcal code
+* Revision 1.11  1996/01/16 17:08:55  cdaq
+* no change
+* Revision 1.10  1995/07/27 19:38:27  cdaq
+* (SAW) Relocate data statements for f2c compatibility
+* Revision 1.9  1994/10/11  18:39:59  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add some hacks for event dislpay
+* Revision 1.8  1994/08/18  04:11:47  cdaq
+* (SAW) Call makereg generated routines to register variables
+* Revision 1.7  1994/08/04  03:47:05  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add call to Breuer's hack_register_variables
+* Revision 1.6  1994/06/21  16:40:20  cdaq
+* (SAW) Register g_report_rebook and scalers
+* Revision 1.5  1994/06/17  03:30:35  cdaq
+* (KBB) Execute all code despite registration errors
+* Revision 1.4  1994/06/16  03:24:28  cdaq
+* (SAW) Register reconstruction filenames and report generator filenames etc.
+* Revision 1.3  1994/06/07  18:14:57  cdaq
+* (KBB) Add regististration for enable_EvtypeN and triggered_EvTypeN
+* Revision 1.2  1994/03/24  15:29:53  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add registration of rebook flags for parm,test,hist
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/11  18:35:11  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*20 here
+      parameter (here='g_register_variables')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      include 'gen_routines.dec'
+      include 'gen_run_info.cmn'
+      include 'gen_run_pref.cmn'
+      integer ierr,m,i
+      logical FAIL
+      character*1000 why
+      character*30 msg
+      include 'gen_run_info.dte'
+      include 'gen_run_pref.dte'
+*     Register the variables that contain the filenames and other
+*     configuration variables.
+      ABORT= .FALSE.
+      err = ' '
+      call r_gen_filenames
+      call r_gen_run_info
+      call r_gen_event_info
+      call r_gen_scalers
+      call r_gen_run_pref
+      call r_gen_data_structures        ! Contains both HMS and SOS stuff
+      call r_gen_decode_F1tdc
+*HDISPLAY      call r_one_ev_io
+*     Need to change in parm files
+*     hist_filename -> g_ctp_hist_filename
+*     g_hist_rebook -> hist_rebook
+*     parm_filename -> g_ctp_parm_filename
+*     parm_rebook -> g_parm_rebook
+*     test_filename -> g_ctp_test_filename
+*     test_rebook -> g_test_rebook
+*     report_rebook -> g_report_rebook
+*     data_source_filename -> g_data_source_filename
+*     alias_filename -> g_alias_filename
+*     histout_filename -> g_histout_filename
+*     decode_map_filename -> g_decode_map_filename
+*     g_report_template_filename -> g_report_template_filename
+*     g_report_output_filename -> g_report_output_filename
+*     g_report_blockname -> g_report_blockname
+*     max_events -> g_max_events
+*     RUN_number -> gen_run_number
+*     RUN_type -> gen_run_type
+*     RUN_total_events -> gen_run_total_events
+*     RUN_comment -> gen_run_comment
+*     RUN_start_date -> gen_run_date_start
+*     RUN_stop_date -> gen_run_date_stop
+*     RUN_last_date -> gen_run_date_last
+*     RUN_start_event -> gen_run_starting_event
+*     RUN_stop_event -> gen_run_stopping_event
+*     EVENT_id -> gen_event_ID_number
+*     EVENT_type -> gen_event_type
+*     EVENT_class -> gen_event_class
+*     EVENT_sequenceN -> gen_event_sequence_N
+*     SHOW_progress -> gen_show_progress
+*     SHOW_interval -> gen_show_interval
+*     PREF_muddleON -> gen_pref_muddleON
+* Leave in these aliases
+      Do m=0,gen_MAX_trigger_types
+        write(msg,'("enable_EvType",i4)') m
+        call squeeze(msg,i)
+        ierr= regparmint(msg(1:i),gen_run_enable(m),0)
+        if( call G_append(err,',"'//msg(1:i)//'"')
+        ABORT= .or. ABORT
+      EndDo
+      Do m=0,gen_MAX_trigger_types
+        write(msg,'("triggered_EvType",i4)') m
+        call squeeze(msg,i)
+        ierr= regparmint(msg(1:i),gen_run_triggered(m),0)
+        if( call G_append(err,',"'//msg(1:i)//'"')
+        ABORT= .or. ABORT
+      EndDo
+      call h_register_variables(FAIL,why) ! HMS
+      IF(err.NE.' ' .and. why.NE.' ') THEN
+         call G_append(err,' & '//why)
+      ELSEIF(why.NE.' ') THEN
+         err= why
+      ENDIF
+      ABORT= ABORT .or. FAIL 
+      call s_register_variables(FAIL,why) ! SOS
+      IF(err.NE.' ' .and. why.NE.' ') THEN
+         call G_append(err,' & '//why)
+      ELSEIF(why.NE.' ') THEN
+         err= why
+      ENDIF
+      ABORT= ABORT .or. FAIL 
+      call c_register_variables(FAIL,why) ! COIN
+      IF(err.NE.' ' .and. why.NE.' ') THEN
+         call G_append(err,' & '//why)
+      ELSEIF(why.NE.' ') THEN
+         err= why
+      ENDIF
+      ABORT= ABORT .or. FAIL 
+      call b_register_variables(FAIL,why) ! BIGCAL
+      IF(err.NE.' ' .and. why.NE.' ') THEN
+         call G_append(err,' & '//why)
+      ELSEIF(why.NE.' ') THEN
+         err= why
+      ENDIF
+      ABORT= ABORT .or. FAIL 
+      call sane_register_variables(FAIL,why) ! BIGCAL
+      IF(err.NE.' ' .and. why.NE.' ') THEN
+         call G_append(err,' & '//why)
+      ELSEIF(why.NE.' ') THEN
+         err= why
+      ENDIF
+      ABORT= ABORT .or. FAIL 
+*    SEM register variables
+      call sem_register_variables(FAIL,why) ! BIGCAL
+      IF(err.NE.' ' .and. why.NE.' ') THEN
+         call G_append(err,' & '//why)
+      ELSEIF(why.NE.' ') THEN
+         err= why
+      ENDIF
+      ABORT= ABORT .or. FAIL 
+*     Register F1 Trigger Variables
+      call f1trigger_register_variables(FAIL,why) ! F1TDC
+      IF(err.NE.' ' .and. why.NE.' ') THEN
+         call G_append(err,' & '//why)
+      ELSEIF(why.NE.' ') THEN
+         err= why
+      ENDIF
+      ABORT= ABORT .or. FAIL 
+      call gep_register_variables(FAIL,why) ! GEp-coin.
+      if(' '' ') then
+         call G_append(err,' & '//why)
+      else if(' ') then
+         err = why
+      endif
+      call hack_register_variables(FAIL,why)
+      IF(err.NE.' ' .and. why.NE.' ') THEN
+         call G_append(err,' & '//why)
+      ELSEIF(why.NE.' ') THEN
+         err= why
+      ENDIF
+      ABORT= ABORT .or. FAIL 
+      if(ABORT .or. err.NE.' ') call g_add_path(here,err)
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/ENGINE/g_reset_event.f b/ENGINE/g_reset_event.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b89a975
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/g_reset_event.f
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+      SUBROUTINE G_reset_event(ABORT,err)
+*-       Prototype C analysis routine
+*-   Purpose and Methods : Resets all quantities AT THE BEGINNING OF THE RUN
+*-   Output: ABORT	- success or failure
+*-         : err	- reason for failure, if any
+*-   Created  29-Oct-1993   Kevin B. Beard
+*-   Modified  3-Dec-1993   Kevin B. Beard, Hampton U.
+* $Log: g_reset_event.f,v $
+* Revision  2008/10/26 19:12:33  cdaq
+* SEM
+* Revision  2008/10/02 17:59:26  cdaq
+* *** empty log message ***
+* Revision  2008/05/15 18:59:22  bhovik
+* 1'st version
+* Revision  2007/09/11 19:14:17  frw
+* fixed FPP related arrays and limits
+* Revision  2007/06/04 14:56:06  puckett
+* changed hit array structure for trigger related signals
+* Revision  2007/05/15 02:55:01  jones
+* Start to Bigcal code
+* Revision 1.11  1996/01/22 15:15:01  saw
+* (JRA) Put BPM/Raster data into MISC data structures
+* Revision 1.10  1996/01/16 17:07:55  cdaq
+* (JRA) Zero out ADC threshold readback array
+* Revision 1.9  1995/10/09 18:45:20  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add scaler event reset call.  Remove monte carlo stuff.
+* Revision 1.8  1995/07/27 19:39:25  cdaq
+* (SAW) Disable monte carlo (GMC)
+* Revision 1.7  1995/04/01  19:50:55  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add BPM hitlist
+* Revision 1.6  1994/06/22  20:24:23  cdaq
+* (SAW) Zero out uninstrumented channel hit data structure
+* Revision 1.5  1994/04/12  18:42:05  cdaq
+* (SAW) Remove clearing of CRAW event buffer to online compatibility
+* Revision 1.4  1994/02/22  19:47:36  cdaq
+* Change gmc_reset_event to gmc_mc_reset
+* Revision 1.3  1994/02/17  21:49:57  cdaq
+* Simplify error handling to be like g_clear_event
+* Revision 1.2  1994/02/17  21:43:39  cdaq
+* Add call to gmc_reset_event
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/04  22:13:26  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+*- All standards are from "Proposal for Hall C Analysis Software
+*- Vade Mecum, Draft 1.0" by D.F.Geesamn and S.Wood, 7 May 1993
+      SAVE
+      character*13 here
+      parameter (here= 'G_reset_event')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      logical BIGCAL_ABORT,GEP_ABORT,SANE_ABORT,F1trigger_abort,sem_abort
+      character*132 HMS_err,SOS_err,COIN_err,SCAL_err,BIGCAL_err
+      character*132 GEP_err,SANE_err,F1trigger_err,sem_err
+      integer hit,chan,roc,slot
+      INCLUDE 'gen_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'gen_detectorids.par'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_decode_common.cmn'
+      include 'gen_run_info.cmn'
+      err = ' '
+      hms_err = ' '
+      sos_err = ' '
+      coin_err = ' '
+      bigcal_err = ' '
+      sane_err = ' '
+      f1trigger_err = ' '
+      sem_err = ' '
+      gep_err = ' '
+*     Uninstrumented hits
+      do hit=1,GMAX_UNINST_HITS
+         GUNINST_RAW_ROCSLOT(hit) = 0
+         GUNINST_RAW_SUBADD(hit) = 0
+         GUNINST_RAW_DATAWORD(hit) = 0
+      enddo
+      do hit=1,GMAX_MISC_HITS
+        GMISC_RAW_ADDR1(hit) = 0
+        GMISC_RAW_ADDR2(hit) = 0
+        GMISC_RAW_DATA(hit) = 0
+      enddo
+      GMISC_TOT_HITS = 0
+      do slot=1,gmax_slot_with_adc
+        do roc=1,gmax_roc_with_adc
+          do chan=1,gnum_adc_channels
+            g_threshold_readback(chan,roc,slot)=0
+          enddo
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      call g_scaler_reset_event(SCAL_ABORT,SCAL_err)
+      call H_reset_event(HMS_ABORT,HMS_err)
+      call S_reset_event(SOS_ABORT,SOS_err)
+      call C_reset_event(COIN_ABORT,COIN_err)
+      call B_reset_event(BIGCAL_ABORT,BIGCAL_err)
+      call SANE_reset_event(SANE_ABORT,SANE_err)
+      call f1trigger_reset_event(F1Trigger_ABORT,F1Trigger_err)
+      call sem_reset_event(SEM_ABORT,SEM_err)
+      call GEp_reset_event(GEP_ABORT,GEP_err)
+      abort = hms_abort.or.sos_abort.or.coin_abort.or.scal_abort
+     $     .or. BIGCAL_ABORT .or. GEP_ABORT
+      IF(ABORT) then
+         err= COIN_err
+         call G_prepend(SOS_err,err)
+         call G_prepend(HMS_err,err)
+         call G_prepend(SCAL_err,err)
+         call G_prepend(BIGCAL_err,err)
+         call G_prepend(BIGCAL_err,err)
+         call G_prepend(SANE_err,err)
+         call G_prepend(F1TRIGGER_err,err)
+         call G_prepend(SEM_err,err)
+         call G_prepend(GEP_err,err)
+         call G_add_path(here,err)
+      else
+         err = ' '
+      endif
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/ENGINE/g_scaler_reset_event.f b/ENGINE/g_scaler_reset_event.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d506f53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/g_scaler_reset_event.f
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+      SUBROUTINE g_scaler_reset_event(ABORT,err)
+*-       Prototype C analysis routine
+*-   Purpose and Methods : Resets all scalers at beginning of run.
+*-   Output: ABORT		- success or failure
+*-         : err	- reason for failure, if any
+*-   Created  12-Sep-1995   John Arrington
+*- All standards are from "Proposal for Hall C Analysis Software
+*- Vade Mecum, Draft 1.0" by D.F.Geesamn and S.Wood, 7 May 1993
+* $Log: g_scaler_reset_event.f,v $
+* Revision  2009/09/29 14:00:32  jones
+* Set variables used for charge asymmetry to zero
+* Revision  2009/03/30 20:50:25  cdaq
+* *** empty log message ***
+* Revision 1.5  2003/09/05 16:34:34  jones
+* Merge in online03 changes (mkj)
+* Revision  2003/09/04 21:02:03  jones
+* changes to run with syncfilter (mkj)
+* Revision  2003/08/14 00:40:09  cdaq
+* Modify so "beam on" scalers for both bcm1 and bcm2 (mkj)
+* Revision 1.4  1999/02/10 18:17:57  csa
+* Added beam-on variable initialization (D. McKee)
+* Revision 1.3  1996/04/29 19:48:45  saw
+* (JRA) Add gscaler, gscaler_old, gscaler_nroll, gscaler_change initialization
+* Revision 1.2  1996/01/16 17:06:35  cdaq
+* (CB) Clear out current monitor variables
+* Revision 1.1  1995/09/19 14:58:35  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      SAVE
+      character*20 here
+      parameter (here= 'g_scaler_reset_event')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 'gen_scalers.cmn'
+      INTEGER ind
+      do ind = 1 , max_num_evscalers
+        evscalers(ind) = 0.
+      enddo
+      do ind = 1 , max_num_scalers
+        gscaler(ind) = 0.
+        gscaler_skipped(ind) = 0.
+        gscaler_saved(ind) = 0.
+        gscaler_old(ind) = 0.
+        gscaler_nroll(ind) = 0
+        gscaler_change(ind) = 0.
+      enddo
+      gscal_lastevnum(1)=0
+      gscal_lastevnum(2)=0
+      gbcm1_charge = 0.
+      gbcm2_charge = 0.
+      gbcm1_charge_help = 0.
+      gbcm2_charge_helm = 0.
+      gbcm3_charge = 0.
+      gunser_charge = 0.
+      g_hel_pos = 0
+      g_hel_neg = 0
+      g_run_time = 0.
+      g_beam_on_run_time(1) = 0.    ! Have to do this, because I have to accumlate
+      g_beam_on_bcm_charge(1) = 0.
+      g_beam_on_run_time(2) = 0.    ! Have to do this, because I have to accumlate
+      g_beam_on_bcm_charge(2) = 0.
+      g_beam_on_run_time_help(1) = 0.    ! Have to do this, because I have to accumlate
+      g_beam_on_bcm_charge_help(1) = 0.
+      g_beam_on_run_time_help(2) = 0.    ! Have to do this, because I have to accumlate
+      g_beam_on_bcm_charge_help(2) = 0.
+      g_beam_on_run_time_helm(1) = 0.    ! Have to do this, because I have to accumlate
+      g_beam_on_bcm_charge_helm(1) = 0.
+      g_beam_on_run_time_helm(2) = 0.    ! Have to do this, because I have to accumlate
+      g_beam_on_bcm_charge_helm(2) = 0.
+      ABORT= .FALSE.
+      err= ' '
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/ENGINE/g_target_initialize.f b/ENGINE/g_target_initialize.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..256f1ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/g_target_initialize.f
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+      SUBROUTINE g_target_initialize(ABORT,err)
+*-       Prototype target analysis routine
+*-   Purpose and Methods : Initializes target quantities
+*-   Output: ABORAT          - success or failure
+*-         : err             - reason for failure, if any
+*- All standards are from "Proposal for Hall C Analysis Software
+*- Vade Mecum, Draft 1.0" by D.F.Geesamn and S.Wood, 7 May 1993
+* $Log: g_target_initialize.f,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1996/01/22 15:11:55  saw
+* Initial revision
+      SAVE
+      character*18 here
+      parameter (here= 'g_target_initialize')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 'gen_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_constants.par'
+      ABORT= .FALSE.
+      if (( then
+        print*, 'No target or invalid target number given'
+        ABORT=.true.
+      endif
+         err = 'No target or invalid target number given'
+         call G_add_path(here,err)
+      ELSE
+         err= ' '
+      ENDIF
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/ENGINE/g_trans_misc.f b/ENGINE/g_trans_misc.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e78ca7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/g_trans_misc.f
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+      subroutine g_trans_misc(abort,errmsg)
+* author: John Arrington
+* created: 1/16/96
+* g_trans_misc fills the gen_decoded_misc common block
+* $Log: g_trans_misc.f,v $
+* Revision  2008/10/28 20:53:12  cdaq
+* Added trigger F1 TDC code
+* Revision  2007/11/29 18:33:05  cdaq
+* commented out diagnostic message
+* Revision  2007/11/12 03:16:22  cdaq
+* added timing window for triggers
+* Revision  2007/10/29 19:44:07  cdaq
+* Added handling of multi-hits for HMS and BigCal trigger TDCs
+* Revision  2007/10/23 13:23:32  cdaq
+* Added filling of raw trigger TDC histograms, signals are in the gmisc hit array
+* Revision  2007/10/17 15:52:29  cdaq
+* *** empty log message ***
+* Revision 1.2  2002/09/25 14:37:32  jones
+* character*1024 errmsg changed to character*(*) errmsgCVS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Revision 1.1  1996/01/22 15:14:10  saw
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      include 'gen_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'gen_event_info.cmn'
+      include 'gep_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'gep_hist_id.cmn'
+      logical abort
+      character*(*) errmsg
+      character*20 here
+      parameter (here = 'g_trans_misc')
+      integer*4 ihit,rawtime,corrtime
+      integer*4 nH1,nH2,nB,nprt,itrig,j,ncall
+      real hittime
+      save
+      abort = .false.
+      errmsg = ' '
+      do ihit = 1 , gmax_misc_hits
+        gmisc_dec_data(ihit,1) = 0     ! Clear TDC's
+        gmisc_dec_data(ihit,2) = -1     ! Clear ADC's
+      enddo
+      ncall = ncall + 1
+      nH1 = 0
+      nH2 = 0
+      nB  = 0
+c      write(*,*) 'gmisc_tot_hits=',gmisc_tot_hits
+      do ihit = 1 , gmisc_tot_hits
+c$$$         if((gmisc_raw_addr2(ihit).eq.1.or.gmisc_raw_addr2(ihit).eq.2)
+c$$$     $        .and. gmisc_raw_addr1(ihit).eq.2) then
+c$$$            if(gmisc_raw_addr2(ihit).eq.1) then ! h+
+c$$$               write(*,*) 'h+ hit, raw ADC=',gmisc_raw_data(ihit)
+c$$$            endif
+c$$$            if(gmisc_raw_addr2(ihit).eq.2) then ! h-
+c$$$               write(*,*) 'h- hit, raw ADC=',gmisc_raw_data(ihit)
+c$$$            endif
+c$$$         endif
+         if(gmisc_raw_addr1(ihit).eq.1) then
+c            write(*,*) 'gmisc TDC hit ctr,TDCraw=',gmisc_raw_addr2(ihit),
+c     $           gmisc_raw_data(ihit)
+            if(gmisc_raw_addr2(ihit).eq.1) then !HMS1 trigger: fill hist
+               hittime = .5*gmisc_raw_data(ihit)
+               if(abs(hittime-gep_h1time_center).le.gep_h1time_slop)then
+                  nH1 = nH1 + 1
+                  if(nH1.le.8) then
+                     GEP_H1time(nH1) = hittime
+                  endif
+                  if( then
+                     call hf1(gepid_gep_HMS1_rawtdc,float(gmisc_raw_data(ihit)),
+     $                    1.)
+                  endif
+               endif
+            endif
+            if(gmisc_raw_addr2(ihit).eq.2) then !HMS2 trigger: fill hist
+               hittime = .5*gmisc_raw_data(ihit)
+               if(abs(hittime-gep_h2time_center).le.gep_h2time_slop)then
+                  nH2 = nH2 + 1
+                  if(nH2.le.8) then
+                     GEP_H2time(nH2) = hittime
+                  endif
+                  if( then
+                     call hf1(gepid_gep_HMS2_rawtdc,float(gmisc_raw_data(ihit)),
+     $                    1.)
+                  endif
+               endif
+            endif
+            if(gmisc_raw_addr2(ihit).eq.3) then !BigCal trigger: fill hist
+               hittime = .5*gmisc_raw_data(ihit)
+               if(abs(hittime-gep_btime_center).le.gep_btime_slop) then
+                  nB = nB + 1             
+                  if(nB.le.8) then
+                     GEP_Btime(nB) = hittime
+                  endif
+                  if( then
+                     call hf1(gepid_gep_bigcal_rawtdc,float(gmisc_raw_data(ihit)),
+     $                    1.)
+                  endif
+               endif
+            endif
+         endif
+c trigger times in F1 TDCs. These arrays allow for multiple TDC hits,
+c whereas gmisc_dec_data will just have the last hit, if more than one.
+c Also, correct raw data for trigger time and rollovers
+         if(gmisc_raw_addr2(ihit).ge.11 .and.
+     >      gmisc_raw_addr2(ihit).le.16 .and.
+     >      gmisc_raw_addr1(ihit).eq.1) then
+c correct for trigger time and rollovers assuming this is ROC 13
+           rawtime = gmisc_raw_data(ihit)
+           call CORRECT_RAW_TIME_SANE(rawtime,corrtime)
+           if(nprt then
+             nprt = nprt + 1
+             write(6,'(''dbg trigs'',6i8)') ncall, gen_event_ID_number,
+     >         gmisc_raw_addr1(ihit),gmisc_raw_addr2(ihit),
+     >         rawtime,corrtime
+           endif
+c Add an offset to make all values positive, and convert to nsec
+           corrtime = (corrtime + 3000) * 0.0566 
+           gmisc_dec_data(gmisc_raw_addr2(ihit),gmisc_raw_addr1(ihit)) =
+     $       corrtime
+c Increment the multiple hit versions of the arrays
+           itrig = gmisc_raw_addr2(ihit) - 10
+           gep_ntrigs(itrig) = gep_ntrigs(itrig) +1
+           j = max(1, min(10,gep_ntrigs(itrig)))
+           gep_trigtimes(itrig,j) = corrtime
+         else
+           gmisc_dec_data(gmisc_raw_addr2(ihit),gmisc_raw_addr1(ihit)) =
+     $       gmisc_raw_data(ihit)
+         endif
+      enddo
+      ntrigH1 = nH1
+      ntrigH2 = nH2
+      ntrigB =  nB
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/ENGINE/g_tree_init.f b/ENGINE/g_tree_init.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..13fcd3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/g_tree_init.f
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+      subroutine g_tree_init(abort,err)
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*11 here
+      parameter(here='g_tree_init')
+      include 'gen_filenames.cmn'
+      include 'hms_filenames.cmn'
+      include 'gep_filenames.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_filenames.cmn'
+      include 'gen_run_info.cmn'
+      logical abort
+      character*(*) err
+      abort=.false.
+      err=' '
+      call h_tree_init(abort,err)
+      if(abort) then
+         call g_add_path(here,err)
+         return 
+      endif
+      call b_tree_init(abort,err)
+      if(abort) then
+         call g_add_path(here,err)
+         return 
+      endif
+      call gep_tree_init(abort,err)
+      if(abort) then
+         call g_add_path(here,err)
+         return 
+      endif
+      return 
+      end
diff --git a/ENGINE/g_write_event.f b/ENGINE/g_write_event.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..edab2ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/g_write_event.f
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+      SUBROUTINE g_write_event(ABORT,err)
+*  prototype C analysis routine
+*   purpose and methods : write the event in buffer to a file
+*   output : abort: sucess or fail
+*            err:   reason for failure
+*  created  apr-30-1996 Dave Meekins
+* $Log: g_write_event.f,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1996/06/10 17:47:32  saw
+* Initial revision
+      SAVE
+      character*20 here
+      parameter (here='g_write_event')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 'gen_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_craw.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_filenames.cmn'
+      integer*4 status
+      integer*4 evwrite          ! coda routine to write event
+*        START OF CODE
+      err=' '
+      ABORT=.NOT.g_preproc_opened
+      if(
+        status=evwrite(g_preproc_in_hndl,craw)
+        if(
+          ABORT=.true.
+          call cemsg(status,0,err)
+        endif
+      else
+        err='no preprocessor output file opened'
+      endif
+      if(ABORT)then
+        call G_add_path(here)
+      endif
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/ENGINE/gep_check_bigcal.f b/ENGINE/gep_check_bigcal.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..546ccfb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/gep_check_bigcal.f
@@ -0,0 +1,323 @@
+      subroutine gep_check_bigcal(X_H,Y_H,E_H)
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*16 here
+      parameter(here='gep_check_bigcal')
+      real X_H,Y_H,E_H
+      include 'gep_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_bypass_switches.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_geometry.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_shower_parms.cmn'
+      integer rowexpect,colexpect,row,col,colcenter,maxcol,cell
+      integer nsearch_y,nsearch_x
+      integer i,j,k
+      integer nbad_near
+c      integer nguessclust,nrealclust
+      integer nclustbefore,nclustafter
+      integer rowbad(10),colbad(10),cellbad(10),imax_bad
+      real eguess_bad(10)
+      real maxebad
+      real xdiff_expect,ydiff_expect
+c      real xmom_expect,ymom_expect
+c      real xroot_predict,yroot_predict
+c      integer bestroot
+      real yedge,xedge ! distance from edge of section
+      real csxp,csyp,csxr,csyr
+      real diffsq,mindiffsq
+      integer bestclstr,cellexpect
+c$$$      integer ncellclust
+c$$$      integer cluster_temp_irow(bigcal_clstr_ncell_max)
+c$$$      integer cluster_temp_icol(bigcal_clstr_ncell_max)
+c$$$      real cluster_temp_ecell(bigcal_clstr_ncell_max)
+c$$$      real cluster_temp_xcell(bigcal_clstr_ncell_max)
+c$$$      real cluster_temp_ycell(bigcal_clstr_ncell_max)
+c      logical fixed_any
+      logical abort
+      character*80 err
+      csxp = bigcal_prot_size_x
+      csyp = bigcal_prot_size_y
+      csxr = bigcal_rcs_size_x
+      csyr = bigcal_rcs_size_y
+c      fixed_any = .false.
+c      write(*,*) 'checking for bad BigCal channels'//
+c     $     'near the expected electron'
+      yedge = Y_H - bigcal_prot_shift_y
+      if(yedge.le.32.*csyp) then
+         rowexpect = int(yedge/csyp) + 1
+      else
+         yedge = yedge - 32.*csyp
+         rowexpect = int(yedge/csyr) + 33
+      endif
+      if( rowexpect = 1
+      if( rowexpect = 56
+      if(rowexpect.le.32) then
+         xedge = X_H - bigcal_prot_shift_x
+         colexpect = int(xedge/csxp) + 1
+         if( colexpect = 1
+         if( colexpect = 32
+         cellexpect = colexpect + 32*(rowexpect-1)
+         nsearch_y = nint(3.*gep_sigma_ydiff/csyp) + 2
+         nsearch_x = nint(3.*gep_sigma_xdiff/csxp) + 2
+      else
+         xedge = X_H - bigcal_rcs_shift_x
+         colexpect = int(xedge/csxr) + 1
+         if( colexpect = 1
+         if( colexpect = 30
+         cellexpect = colexpect + 30*(rowexpect-33) + 1024
+         nsearch_y = nint(3.*gep_sigma_ydiff/csyr) + 2
+         nsearch_x = nint(3.*gep_sigma_xdiff/csxr) + 2
+      endif
+      xdiff_expect = bigcal_all_xcenter(cellexpect) - X_H
+      ydiff_expect = bigcal_all_ycenter(cellexpect) - Y_H
+      nbad_near = 0
+      do row=max(rowexpect-nsearch_y,1),min(rowexpect+nsearch_y,56)
+         if(rowexpect.le.32) then
+            if(row.le.32) then
+               colcenter = colexpect
+               maxcol = 32
+            else
+               colcenter = bigcal_ixclose_prot(colexpect)
+               maxcol = 30
+            endif
+         else 
+            if( then
+               colcenter = colexpect
+               maxcol = 30
+            else
+               colcenter = bigcal_ixclose_rcs(colexpect)
+               maxcol = 32
+            endif
+         endif
+         do col=max(colcenter-nsearch_x,1),min(colcenter+nsearch_x,maxcol)
+            if(row.le.32) then
+               cell = col + 32*(row-1)
+            else
+               cell = col + 30*(row-33) + 1024
+            endif
+            if(bigcal_bad_chan_list(cell)) then
+               nbad_near = nbad_near + 1
+               if( goto 100 ! probably time to give up well before this ever happens
+               rowbad(nbad_near) = row
+               colbad(nbad_near) = col
+               cellbad(nbad_near) = cell
+            endif
+         enddo
+      enddo
+c     if yes, then check if there are any clusters already in the vicinity:
+      if( then
+*     !write(*,*) '(X_H,Y_H)=(',X_H,', ',Y_H,')'
+*         !write(*,*) '(rowexpect,colexpect)=(',rowexpect,', ',
+*     $        colexpect,')'
+c     guess the energy in each bad channel:
+*         !write(*,*) '(xdiffexpect,ydiffexpect)=(',xdiff_expect,', ',
+*     $        ydiff_expect,')'
+*         !write(*,*) '(nsearch_x,nsearch_y)=(',nsearch_x,', ',nsearch_y,
+*     $        ')'
+         call b_guess_ecell(nbad_near, 10, rowbad, colbad, cellbad,eguess_bad,E_H,X_H,Y_H)
+         bestclstr = 0
+         do i=1,bigcal_all_nclstr
+            if(rowexpect-nsearch_y .le. bigcal_all_clstr_iymax(i) .and.
+     $           bigcal_all_clstr_iymax(i).le.rowexpect+nsearch_y ) then
+               if(rowexpect .le. 32) then
+                  if(bigcal_all_clstr_iymax(i).le.32) then
+                     if(colexpect-nsearch_x.le.bigcal_all_clstr_ixmax(i).and.
+     $                    bigcal_all_clstr_ixmax(i).le.colexpect + nsearch_x) then
+                        diffsq = float(bigcal_all_clstr_ixmax(i)-colexpect)**2 +
+     $                       float(bigcal_all_clstr_iymax(i)-rowexpect)**2
+                        if( then
+                           mindiffsq = diffsq
+                           bestclstr = i
+                        endif
+                     endif
+                  else 
+                     if(bigcal_ixclose_prot(colexpect)-nsearch_x.le.bigcal_all_clstr_ixmax(i)
+     $                    .and. bigcal_all_clstr_ixmax(i).le.bigcal_ixclose_prot(colexpect)
+     $                    + nsearch_x) then
+                        diffsq = float(bigcal_all_clstr_ixmax(i)-bigcal_ixclose_prot(colexpect))**2
+     $                       + float(bigcal_all_clstr_iymax(i)-rowexpect)**2
+                        if( then
+                           mindiffsq = diffsq
+                           bestclstr = i
+                        endif
+                     endif
+                  endif
+               else
+                  if(bigcal_all_clstr_iymax(i).le.32) then
+                     if(bigcal_ixclose_rcs(colexpect)-nsearch_x.le.bigcal_all_clstr_ixmax(i)
+     $                    .and. bigcal_all_clstr_ixmax(i).le.bigcal_ixclose_rcs(colexpect) +
+     $                    nsearch_x) then
+                        diffsq = float(bigcal_all_clstr_ixmax(i)-bigcal_ixclose_rcs(colexpect))**2
+     $                       + float(bigcal_all_clstr_iymax(i)-rowexpect)**2
+                        if( then
+                           mindiffsq = diffsq
+                           bestclstr = i
+                        endif
+                     endif
+                  else
+                     if(colexpect - nsearch_x.le.bigcal_all_clstr_ixmax(i).and.
+     $                    bigcal_all_clstr_ixmax(i).le.colexpect + nsearch_x) then
+                        diffsq = float(bigcal_all_clstr_ixmax(i)-colexpect)**2
+     $                       + float(bigcal_all_clstr_iymax(i)-rowexpect)**2
+                        if( then
+                           mindiffsq = diffsq
+                           bestclstr = i
+                        endif
+                     endif
+                  endif
+               endif
+            endif
+         enddo
+c     if there is a cluster near the expected position, try and "fill in the blanks" of any bad 
+c     cells in the cluster. If we found a cluster despite a bad channel, then chances are it 
+c     already contains a significant fraction of the energy of the cluster. If there is no cluster,
+c     then chances are the maximum should have been in one of the bad channels.
+         if( then
+            if(bigcal_all_clstr_nbadlist(bestclstr).gt.0) then ! try to fill in the blanks:
+               do i=1,bigcal_all_clstr_ncell(bestclstr)
+                  if(bigcal_clstr_bad_chan(bestclstr,i)) then
+                     do j=1,nbad_near
+                        if(rowbad(j).eq.bigcal_all_clstr_iycell(bestclstr,i) 
+     $                       .and. colbad(j).eq.bigcal_all_clstr_ixcell(bestclstr,i)
+     $                       ) then
+                           bigcal_all_clstr_ecell(bestclstr,i) = eguess_bad(j)
+c                           bigcal_clstr_bad_chan(bestclstr,i) = .false.
+                        endif
+                     enddo
+                  endif
+               enddo
+c     now re-sort the cluster and recalculate important quantities:
+               call b_rebuild_cluster(bestclstr)
+c               fixed_any = .true.
+            endif
+         else 
+*     no cluster was found: try to build a cluster around the bad cell with biggest "guessed" amplitude 
+*     and see if we find any nearby hits. It OUGHT to be the case that the "good hit" array still contains 
+*     the surrounding hits, because the good hit array only gets zeroed if we find a cluster, HOWEVER, it is
+*     also quite possible that the good "detector" array hits around our maximum have been zeroed, so it is 
+*     useful here to re-initialize them from the "protvino" and "rcs" detector arrays which don't get zeroed
+*     during the cluster finding. In retrospect it was good to keep those arrays around because they serve to
+*     remember the values of each channel that might get zeroed in the cluster finding which uses the 
+*     "all detector" array.
+            do i=1,nbad_near
+               if(eguess_bad(i).gt.maxebad .or. i.eq.1) then
+                  maxebad = eguess_bad(i)
+                  imax_bad = i
+               endif
+            enddo
+            if( then
+*     initialize the signals in the max. cell and surrounding cells:
+               do row=max(rowbad(imax_bad)-nsearch_y,1),min(rowbad(imax_bad)+nsearch_y,56)
+                  if(rowexpect.le.32) then
+                     if(row.le.32) then
+                        colcenter = colbad(imax_bad)
+                        maxcol = 32
+                     else
+                        colcenter = bigcal_ixclose_prot(colbad(imax_bad))
+                        maxcol = 30
+                     endif
+                  else 
+                     if( then
+                        colcenter = colbad(imax_bad)
+                        maxcol = 30
+                     else
+                        colcenter = bigcal_ixclose_rcs(colbad(imax_bad))
+                        maxcol = 32
+                     endif
+                  endif
+                  do col=max(colcenter-nsearch_x,1),min(colcenter+nsearch_x,maxcol)
+                     if(row.le.32) then
+                        cell = col + 32*(row-1)
+                        bigcal_all_good_det(cell) = bigcal_prot_good_det(cell)
+                     else
+                        cell = col + 30*(row-33) + 1024
+                        bigcal_all_good_det(cell) = bigcal_rcs_good_det(cell-1024)
+                     endif
+                  enddo
+               enddo
+               bigcal_all_ngood = 1
+               bigcal_all_iygood(1) = rowbad(imax_bad)
+               bigcal_all_ixgood(1) = colbad(imax_bad)
+               bigcal_all_ecell(1) = maxebad
+               nclustbefore = bigcal_all_nclstr
+*               !write(*,*) 'No cluster near expected electron: '//
+*     $              'building new cluster around expected max!'
+               call b_find_clusters(bigcal_all_nclstr,bigcal_nmaxima,abort,err)
+               nclustafter = bigcal_all_nclstr
+               call b_calc_shower_coord(abort,err)
+c     for a new cluster we also need to calculate the time if possible.
+               if(bbypass_calc_cluster_time.eq.0) then
+                  call b_calc_cluster_time(abort,err)
+               endif
+c     require at least half of the blocks in any new cluster to be real hits
+               if(nclustafter.eq.nclustbefore + 1) then
+                  if(bigcal_all_clstr_ncell(nclustafter) - 
+     $                 bigcal_all_clstr_nbadlist(nclustafter).lt.
+     $                 bigcal_all_clstr_ncell(nclustafter)/2) then ! don't include this cluster
+                     bigcal_all_nclstr = bigcal_all_nclstr - 1
+                  else
+c      !write(*,*)'built new cluster around expected maximum!'
+                  endif
+               endif
+            endif
+         endif
+      endif
+ 100  continue
+      return 
+      end
diff --git a/ENGINE/gep_clear_event.f b/ENGINE/gep_clear_event.f
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..aebe8a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/gep_clear_event.f
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+      subroutine gep_clear_event(ABORT,err)
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*15 here
+      parameter(here='gep_clear_event')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      integer i
+      include 'gep_data_structures.cmn'
+      ntrigh1 = 0
+      ntrigh2 = 0
+      ntrigb = 0
+      do i=1,8
+         gep_h1time(i) = 0.
+         gep_h2time(i) = 0.
+         gep_btime(i) = 0.
+      enddo
+      gep_btime_raw = 0.
+      gep_btime_corr = 0.
+      gep_ctime_hms = 0.
+      gep_ctime_cal = 0.
+      gep_Q2 = 0.
+      gep_Q2_H = 0.
+      gep_Q2_B = 0.
+      gep_E_electron = 0.
+      gep_P_proton = 0.
+      gep_delta_P = 0.
+      gep_epsilon = 0.
+      gep_xfp_p = 0.
+      gep_yfp_p = 0.
+      gep_xpfp_p = 0.
+      gep_ypfp_p = 0.
+      gep_xptar_p = 0.
+      gep_yptar_p = 0.
+      gep_ytar_p = 0.
+      gep_etheta_deg = 0.
+      gep_ephi_deg = 0.
+      gep_ptheta_deg = 0.
+      gep_pphi_deg = 0.
+      gep_emiss = 0.
+      gep_pmissx = 0.
+      gep_pmissy = 0.
+      gep_pmissz = 0.
+      gep_pmiss = 0.
+      gep_w2 = 0.
+      gep_mmiss = 0.
+      gep_bx_expect_H = 0.
+      gep_by_expect_H = 0.
+      gep_etheta_expect_H = 0.
+      gep_ephi_expect_h = 0.
+      call gep_ntuple_clear
+      abort=.false.
+      err=' '
+      return 
+      end
diff --git a/ENGINE/gep_fill_hist.f b/ENGINE/gep_fill_hist.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a7dce8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/gep_fill_hist.f
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+      subroutine gep_fill_hist(abort,err)
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*13 here
+      parameter(here='gep_fill_hist')
+      logical abort
+      character*(*) err
+      include 'gen_event_info.cmn'
+      include 'gep_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'gep_hist_id.cmn'
+      include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_data_structures.cmn'
+      real xdiff,ydiff,ediff
+      integer i
+      abort = .false.
+      err= ' '
+      if(
+     $ then
+         call hf2(gepid_gep_coin1_times,GEP_Btime(1),GEP_H1time(1),1.)
+      endif
+      if(
+     $ then
+         call hf2(gepid_gep_coin2_times,GEP_Btime(1),GEP_H2time(1),1.)
+      endif
+      if( call hf1(gepid_gep_ntrig_h1,float(ntrigH1),1.)
+      if( call hf1(gepid_gep_ntrig_h2,float(ntrigH2),1.)
+      if( call hf1(gepid_gep_ntrig_bigcal,float(ntrigB),1.)
+      if(abs(hsdelta).lt.10..and.abs(hsp-gep_pel_htheta)/hpcentral .lt..1.and.
+     $ then
+         xdiff = bigcal_all_clstr_x(bigcal_itrack_best) - gep_bx_expect_h
+         ydiff = bigcal_all_clstr_y(bigcal_itrack_best) - gep_by_expect_h
+         ediff = gep_e_electron - bigcal_energy
+         do i=1,2
+            if(gen_event_trigtype(i+3).eq.1.and.gen_event_trigtype(6-i).eq.0) then
+               if(gepid_hgep_delta(i).gt.0) call hf1(gepid_hgep_delta(i),hsdelta,1.)
+               if(gepid_hgep_q2_hms(i).gt.0) call hf1(gepid_hgep_q2_hms(i),gep_q2_h,1.)
+               if(gepid_hgep_q2_cal(i).gt.0) call hf1(gepid_hgep_q2_cal(i),gep_q2_b,1.)
+               if(gepid_hgep_q2(i).gt.0) call hf1(gepid_hgep_q2(i),gep_q2,1.)
+               if(gepid_hgep_ecal(i).gt.0) call hf1(gepid_hgep_ecal(i),bigcal_energy,1.)
+               if(gepid_hgep_pp(i).gt.0) call hf1(gepid_hgep_pp(i),hsp,1.)
+               if(gepid_hgep_epsilon(i).gt.0) call hf1(gepid_hgep_epsilon(i),gep_epsilon,1.)
+               if(gepid_hgep_etheta(i).gt.0) call hf1(gepid_hgep_etheta(i),gep_etheta_deg,1.)
+               if(gepid_hgep_ephi(i).gt.0) call hf1(gepid_hgep_ephi(i),gep_ephi_deg,1.)
+               if(gepid_hgep_ptheta(i).gt.0) call hf1(gepid_hgep_ptheta(i),gep_ptheta_deg,1.)
+               if(gepid_hgep_pphi(i).gt.0) call hf1(gepid_hgep_pphi(i),gep_pphi_deg,1.)
+               if(gepid_hgep_emiss(i).gt.0) call hf1(gepid_hgep_emiss(i),gep_emiss,1.)
+               if(gepid_hgep_pmissx(i).gt.0) call hf1(gepid_hgep_pmissx(i),gep_pmissx,1.)
+               if(gepid_hgep_pmissy(i).gt.0) call hf1(gepid_hgep_pmissy(i),gep_pmissy,1.)
+               if(gepid_hgep_pmissz(i).gt.0) call hf1(gepid_hgep_pmissz(i),gep_pmissz,1.)
+               if(gepid_hgep_xdiff(i).gt.0) call hf1(gepid_hgep_xdiff(i),xdiff,1.)
+               if(gepid_hgep_ydiff(i).gt.0) call hf1(gepid_hgep_ydiff(i),ydiff,1.)
+               if(gepid_hgep_xydiff(i).gt.0) call hf2(gepid_hgep_xydiff(i),xdiff,ydiff,1.)
+               if(gepid_hgep_ediff(i).gt.0) call hf1(gepid_hgep_ediff(i),ediff,1.)
+               if(gepid_hgep_dpel(i).gt.0) call hf1(gepid_hgep_dpel(i),
+     $              (hsp-gep_pel_htheta)/hpcentral*100.,1.)
+            endif
+         enddo
+      endif
+      return 
+      end
diff --git a/ENGINE/gep_init_histid.f b/ENGINE/gep_init_histid.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..62769a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/gep_init_histid.f
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+      subroutine gep_init_histid(abort,err)
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*15 here
+      parameter(here='gep_init_histid')
+      logical abort
+      character*(*) err
+      external thgetid
+      integer*4 thgetid
+      integer i
+      include 'gep_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'gep_hist_id.cmn'
+c     do nothing until we set up some histograms...
+c     miscellaneous hard-coded histograms for checkout
+      abort=.false.
+      err=' '
+      gepid_gep_trigtype = thgetid('gep_trigtype')
+      gepid_gep_evtype = thgetid('gep_evtype')
+      gepid_gep_trigtype_vs_evtype = thgetid('gep_trigtype_vs_evtype')
+      gepid_gep_ntrigs = thgetid('gep_ntrigs')
+      gepid_gep_HMS1_rawtdc = thgetid('gep_HMS1_rawtdc')
+      gepid_gep_HMS2_rawtdc = thgetid('gep_HMS2_rawtdc')
+      gepid_slowrastx = thgetid('gep_slowrastx')
+      gepid_slowrasty = thgetid('gep_slowrasty')
+      gepid_slowrastxy = thgetid('gep_slowrastxy')
+      gepid_slowrastxy2 = thgetid('gep_slowrastxy2')
+      gepid_gep_bigcal_rawtdc = thgetid('gep_bigcal_rawtdc')
+      gepid_gep_coin1_times = thgetid('gep_coin1_times')
+      gepid_gep_coin2_times = thgetid('gep_coin2_times')
+      gepid_gep_ntrig_h1 = thgetid('gep_ntrig_h1')
+      gepid_gep_ntrig_h2 = thgetid('gep_ntrig_h2')
+      gepid_gep_ntrig_bigcal = thgetid('gep_ntrig_bigcal')
+      do i=1,2
+         gepid_hgep_delta(i) = thgetid('hgep_delta'//char(i+ichar('0')))
+         gepid_hgep_q2_hms(i) = thgetid('hgep_q2_hms'//char(i+ichar('0')))
+         gepid_hgep_q2_cal(i) = thgetid('hgep_q2_cal'//char(i+ichar('0')))
+         gepid_hgep_q2(i)     = thgetid('hgep_q2_'//char(i+ichar('0')))
+         gepid_hgep_ecal(i)   = thgetid('hgep_ecal'//char(i+ichar('0')))
+         gepid_hgep_pp(i)     = thgetid('hgep_pp'//char(i+ichar('0')))
+         gepid_hgep_epsilon(i) = 
+     $        thgetid('hgep_epsilon'//char(i+ichar('0')))
+         gepid_hgep_etheta(i) = thgetid('hgep_etheta'//char(i+ichar('0')))
+         gepid_hgep_ephi(i)   = thgetid('hgep_ephi'//char(i+ichar('0')))
+         gepid_hgep_ptheta(i) = thgetid('hgep_ptheta'//char(i+ichar('0')))
+         gepid_hgep_pphi(i)   = thgetid('hgep_pphi'//char(i+ichar('0')))
+         gepid_hgep_emiss(i)  = thgetid('hgep_emiss'//char(i+ichar('0')))
+         gepid_hgep_pmissx(i) = thgetid('hgep_pmissx'//char(i+ichar('0')))
+         gepid_hgep_pmissy(i) = thgetid('hgep_pmissy'//char(i+ichar('0')))
+         gepid_hgep_pmissz(i) = thgetid('hgep_pmissz'//char(i+ichar('0')))
+         gepid_hgep_xdiff(i)  = thgetid('hgep_xdiff'//char(i+ichar('0')))
+         gepid_hgep_ydiff(i)  = thgetid('hgep_ydiff'//char(i+ichar('0')))
+         gepid_hgep_xydiff(i) = thgetid('hgep_xydiff'//char(i+ichar('0')))
+         gepid_hgep_ediff(i)  = thgetid('hgep_ediff'//char(i+ichar('0')))
+         gepid_hgep_dpel(i)   = thgetid('hgep_dpel'//char(i+ichar('0')))
+      enddo
+      return 
+      end
diff --git a/ENGINE/gep_initialize.f b/ENGINE/gep_initialize.f
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..50e9318
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/gep_initialize.f
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+      subroutine gep_initialize(ABORT,err)
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*14 here
+      parameter(here='gep_initialize')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      include 'gen_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'gen_constants.par'
+      include 'gep_data_structures.cmn'
+      abort=.false.
+      gebeam = sqrt(gpbeam**2 + mass_electron**2)
+      if(gtarg_z(gtarg_num).gt.0.)then
+        call total_eloss(0,.true.,0.0,1.0,geloss)
+      else
+        geloss=0.
+      endif
+c      gebeam = gebeam - geloss ! for SANE no energy loss correction
+      gpbeam = sqrt(gebeam**2 - mass_electron**2)
+      g_beam_target_s = (gtarg_mass(gtarg_num) + gebeam)**2 - gpbeam**2
+c     initialize coincidence timing window parameters if the user hasn't defined something reasonable:
+      if( then
+         gep_h1time_slop=30.
+      endif
+      if( then
+         gep_h2time_slop=30.
+      endif
+      if( then
+         gep_btime_slop=30.
+      endif
+         call G_add_path(here,err)
+      ELSE
+         err= ' '
+      ENDIF
+      return 
+      end
diff --git a/ENGINE/gep_keep_results.f b/ENGINE/gep_keep_results.f
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5b0ca03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/gep_keep_results.f
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+      subroutine gep_keep_results(ABORT,err)
+      implicit none
+      save
+c      include 'gen_event_info.cmn'
+      include 'gep_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_data_structures.cmn'
+      character*14 here
+      parameter(here='b_keep_results')
+      logical abort
+      character*(*) err
+      abort=.false.
+      err=' '
+      if( .and. BIGCAL_PHYS_NTRACK .gt. 0) then
+c         gep_evid = gen_event_id_number
+         call gep_ntuple_keep(abort,err)
+         call gep_fill_hist(abort,err)
+      endif
+      if(abort) then
+         call G_add_path(here,err)
+         return
+      else
+         err=' '
+      endif
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/ENGINE/gep_ntuple_change.f b/ENGINE/gep_ntuple_change.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..07c265f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/gep_ntuple_change.f
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+      subroutine gep_ntuple_change(ABORT,err)
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*17 here
+      parameter(here='gep_ntuple_change')
+      logical abort
+      character*(*) err
+      include 'gep_ntuple.cmn'
+      include 'gen_run_info.cmn'
+      character*1 ifile
+      character*80 file
+      character*1000 pat
+      integer*4 ilo,fn_len
+*     functions
+      integer g_important_length
+      call gep_ntuple_close(abort,err)
+      if(gep_ntuple_exists) then
+         abort=.true.
+      endif
+      call NO_nulls(gep_ntuple_file) 
+      file = gep_ntuple_file
+      call NO_nulls(file)
+      call g_sub_run_number(file,gen_run_number)
+      gep_ntuple_filesegments = gep_ntuple_filesegments + 1
+      if(gep_ntuple_filesegments.le.9) then
+         ifile = char(ichar('0')+gep_ntuple_filesegments)
+      else 
+         ifile = char(ichar('a') + gep_ntuple_filesegments-10)
+      endif
+      fn_len = g_important_length(file)
+      ilo=index(file,'.hbook')
+      if((ilo.le.1).or.( then
+         ilo=index(file,'.rzdat')
+      endif
+      if(( then
+         file = file(1:ilo-1)//'.'//ifile//file(ilo:fn_len)
+      else 
+         abort=.true.
+      endif
+      if(.not.abort) call gep_ntuple_open(file,ABORT,err)
+      if(abort) then
+         err='unable to change GEp ntuple file segment'
+         call G_add_path(here,err)
+      else 
+         pat=':changed GEp Ntuple file segment'
+         call G_add_path(here,pat)
+         call G_log_message('INFO: '//pat)
+      endif
+      return 
+      end
diff --git a/ENGINE/gep_ntuple_clear.f b/ENGINE/gep_ntuple_clear.f
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a615c4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/gep_ntuple_clear.f
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+      subroutine gep_ntuple_clear
+      implicit none
+      save
+c     dummy routine
+      return 
+      end
diff --git a/ENGINE/gep_ntuple_close.f b/ENGINE/gep_ntuple_close.f
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c5a7e86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/gep_ntuple_close.f
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+      subroutine gep_ntuple_close(abort,err)
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*16 here
+      parameter(here='gep_ntuple_close')
+      logical abort
+      character*(*) err
+      include 'gep_ntuple.cmn'
+      include 'gen_routines.dec'
+      logical HEXIST ! cernlib function
+      logical fail
+      character*80 why,directory,name
+      character*1000 msg
+      integer io,id,cycle,m
+      err=' '
+      abort=.false.
+      if(.not.gep_ntuple_exists) return
+      call HCDIR(directory,'R') ! keep current directory
+      id = gep_ntuple_ID
+      io = gep_ntuple_IO_channel
+      name = gep_ntuple_name
+      abort = .not. HEXIST(id)
+      if(abort) then
+         call G_add_path(here,err)
+         if( then
+            call G_IO_control(io,'FREE',FAIL,why) 
+            if( close(io)
+         endif
+      endif
+      call HCDIR(gep_ntuple_directory,' ') ! go to ntuple directory
+      call G_add_path(here,msg)
+      call G_log_message('INFO: '//msg)
+      cycle = 0
+      call HROUT(id,cycle,' ')
+      call HREND(name)
+      call G_IO_control(io,'FREE',ABORT,err)
+      close(io)
+      call HCDIR(directory,' ')    ! return to current directory
+      gep_ntuple_directory=' '
+      gep_ntuple_exists=.false.
+      gep_ntuple_IO_channel = 0
+      if(abort) call G_add_path(here,err)
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/ENGINE/gep_ntuple_init.f b/ENGINE/gep_ntuple_init.f
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..57b8362
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/gep_ntuple_init.f
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+      subroutine gep_ntuple_init(ABORT,err)
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*15 here
+      parameter(here='gep_ntuple_init')
+      character*80 default_name
+      parameter(default_name='GEPntuple')
+      include 'gep_ntuple.cmn'
+      include 'gen_routines.dec'
+      include 'bigcal_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'gen_run_info.cmn'
+      include 'gep_ntuple.dte'
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      character*80 file
+      character*80 name
+      character*1000 pat,msg
+      integer ilo,fn_len,m,i,j,k
+      character*1 ifile
+      err=' '
+      abort=.false.
+      if(gep_ntuple_exists) then
+         call gep_ntuple_shutdown(ABORT,err)
+         if(abort) then 
+            call G_add_path(here,err)
+            return
+         endif
+      endif
+      call no_nulls(gep_ntuple_file) ! replace null characters with blanks
+      if(gep_ntuple_file.eq.' ') return
+      gep_ntuple_id = default_gep_ntuple_ID
+      gep_ntuple_name = default_name
+      if(gep_ntuple_title.eq.' ') then
+         msg = name//' '//gep_ntuple_file
+         call only_one_blank(msg)
+         gep_ntuple_title = msg
+      endif
+      file = gep_ntuple_file
+      call g_sub_run_number(file,gen_run_number)
+      if( then
+         gep_ntuple_filesegments = 1
+         ifile = char(ichar('0') + gep_ntuple_filesegments)
+         fn_len = g_important_length(file)
+         ilo=index(file,'.hbook')
+         if((ilo.le.1).or.(
+            ilo=index(file,'.rzdat')
+         endif
+         if((
+            file = file(1:ilo-1)//'.'//ifile//file(ilo:fn_len)
+         else
+            abort=.true.
+            return
+         endif
+         write(*,*) ' using segmented gep rzdat files
+     $        first filename: ',file
+      else
+         write(*,*) ' not using segmented gep rzdat files
+     $        first filename: ',file
+      endif
+      m=0
+      m=m+1
+      gep_ntuple_tag(m) = 'evid' ! gen_event_id_number
+      m=m+1
+      gep_ntuple_tag(m) = 'trigtype' ! trigger type
+      m=m+1
+      gep_ntuple_tag(m) = 'ctimeh' ! hms coin. time
+      m=m+1
+      gep_ntuple_tag(m) = 'ctimeb' ! bigcal coin. time
+      m=m+1
+      gep_ntuple_tag(m) = 'nh1' ! number of TDC hits h1
+      m=m+1
+      gep_ntuple_tag(m) = 'nh2' ! number of TDC hits h2
+      m=m+1
+      gep_ntuple_tag(m) = 'nb' ! number of TDC hits BigCal
+      m=m+1
+      gep_ntuple_tag(m) = 'h1time' ! hms1 trigger time
+      m=m+1
+      gep_ntuple_tag(m) = 'h2time' ! hms2 trigger time
+      m=m+1
+      gep_ntuple_tag(m) = 'btime' ! bigcal trigger time
+      m=m+1
+      gep_ntuple_tag(m) = 'Q2' ! q-squared in GeV^2
+      m=m+1
+      gep_ntuple_tag(m) = 'Q2_H' ! q-squared in GeV^2, HMS
+      m=m+1
+      gep_ntuple_tag(m) = 'Q2_B' ! q-squared in GeV^2, Calo
+      m=m+1
+      gep_ntuple_tag(m) = 'E_e' ! electron energy in GeV
+      m=m+1
+      gep_ntuple_tag(m) = 'P_p' ! proton momentum in GeV/c
+      m=m+1
+      gep_ntuple_tag(m) = 'Pel_htheta' ! elastic proton momentum for hstheta
+      m=m+1
+      gep_ntuple_tag(m) = 'Pel_btheta' ! elastic proton momentum for btheta
+      m=m+1
+      gep_ntuple_tag(m) = 'delta' ! (p-p0)/p0 in %
+      m=m+1
+      gep_ntuple_tag(m) = 'xfp'! x at the focal plane for proton.
+      m=m+1
+      gep_ntuple_tag(m) = 'yfp' ! y at the focal plane for the proton.
+      m=m+1
+      gep_ntuple_tag(m) = 'xpfp'! dx/dz at the focal plane for proton.
+      m=m+1
+      gep_ntuple_tag(m) = 'ypfp' ! dy/dz at the focal plane for the proton.
+      m=m+1
+      gep_ntuple_tag(m) = 'xptar'! dx/dz at the target for proton.
+      m=m+1
+      gep_ntuple_tag(m) = 'yptar' ! dy/dz at the target for the proton.
+      m=m+1
+      gep_ntuple_tag(m) = 'ytar' ! y at the target for the proton.
+      m=m+1
+      gep_ntuple_tag(m) = 'epsilon' ! virtual photon long. polarization
+      m=m+1
+      gep_ntuple_tag(m) = 'etheta' ! electron polar scattering angle in degrees
+      m=m+1
+      gep_ntuple_tag(m) = 'ephi' ! electron azimuthal scattering angle in degrees
+      m=m+1
+      gep_ntuple_tag(m) = 'ptheta' ! proton polar scattering angle in degrees
+      m=m+1
+      gep_ntuple_tag(m) = 'pphi' ! proton azimuthal scattering angle in degrees
+      m=m+1
+      gep_ntuple_tag(m) = 'Emiss' ! missing energy in GeV
+      m=m+1
+      gep_ntuple_tag(m) = 'Pmiss' ! magnitude of missing momentum in GeV/c
+      m=m+1
+      gep_ntuple_tag(m) = 'Pmissx' ! x cpt. of missing mom.
+      m=m+1
+      gep_ntuple_tag(m) = 'Pmissy' ! y cpt. of missing mom.
+      m=m+1
+      gep_ntuple_tag(m) = 'Pmissz' ! z cpt. of missing mom. 
+      m=m+1
+      gep_ntuple_tag(m) = 'W2' ! invariant mass of detected particles W^2 = (p+q)^2 = M_p^2 + 2M*nu - Q^2 = M_p^2 for ep elastic
+      m=m+1
+      gep_ntuple_tag(m) = 'Mmiss' ! missing mass of detected particles, should be zero for ep elastic
+      m=m+1
+      gep_ntuple_tag(m) = 'helicite' ! electron beam helicity
+      m=m+1
+      gep_ntuple_tag(m) = 'ntrack1' ! number of tracks in FPP1
+      m=m+1
+      gep_ntuple_tag(m) = 'ntrack2' ! number of tracks in FPP2
+      m=m+1
+      gep_ntuple_tag(m) = 'trk1' ! track number of the chosen track in FPP1
+      m=m+1
+      gep_ntuple_tag(m) = 'zclos1' ! reconstructed zclose in FPP1
+      m=m+1
+      gep_ntuple_tag(m) = 'sclos1' ! reconstructed sclose in FPP1
+      m=m+1
+      gep_ntuple_tag(m) = 'conet1' ! conetest FPP1
+      m=m+1
+      gep_ntuple_tag(m) = 'theta1' ! polar theta FPP1
+      m=m+1
+      gep_ntuple_tag(m) = 'phi1' ! azimuthal phi FPP1
+      m=m+1
+      gep_ntuple_tag(m) = 'trk2' ! track number of the chosen track in FPP2
+      m=m+1
+      gep_ntuple_tag(m) = 'zclos2' ! reconstructed zclose in FPP2
+      m=m+1
+      gep_ntuple_tag(m) = 'sclos2' ! reconstructed sclose in FPP2
+      m=m+1
+      gep_ntuple_tag(m) = 'conet2' ! conetest FPP2
+      m=m+1
+      gep_ntuple_tag(m) = 'theta2' ! polar theta FPP2
+      m=m+1
+      gep_ntuple_tag(m) = 'phi2' ! azimuthal phi FPP2
+c     now all tags are set, initialize the ntuple:
+      gep_ntuple_size = m
+      call gep_ntuple_open(file,ABORT,err)
+      if(abort) then
+         err=':unable to create GEp ntuple'
+         call G_add_path(here,err)
+      else
+         pat= ':created GEp ntuple'
+         call G_add_path(here,pat)
+         call G_log_message('INFO: '//pat)
+      endif
+      return 
+      end
diff --git a/ENGINE/gep_ntuple_keep.f b/ENGINE/gep_ntuple_keep.f
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d8e73ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/gep_ntuple_keep.f
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+      subroutine gep_ntuple_keep(abort,err)
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*15 here
+      parameter(here='gep_ntuple_keep')
+      logical abort
+      character*(*) err
+      include 'gep_ntuple.cmn'
+      include 'gep_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'gen_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'gen_event_info.cmn'
+      include 'gen_detectorids.par'
+      include 'gen_decode_common.cmn'
+      include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'hms_fpp_event.cmn'
+      include 'hms_geometry.cmn'
+      integer m,iTrk,iSet
+      real zclose_store,sclose_store
+      real theta_store,phi_store
+      real conetest_store,track_store
+      real zanalyzer(2)
+      logical HEXIST ! cernlib function
+      err=' '
+      abort=.false.
+      if(.not.gep_ntuple_exists) return
+      if( then
+         if( 
+     $        then
+            call gep_ntuple_change(abort,err)
+            gep_ntuple_segmentevents=0
+         else
+            gep_ntuple_segmentevents = gep_ntuple_segmentevents + 1
+         endif
+      endif         
+      m=0
+      m=m+1
+      gep_ntuple_contents(m) = float(gen_event_id_number)
+      m=m+1
+      if(gen_event_trigtype(4).eq.1.and.gen_event_trigtype(5).eq.0) then
+         gep_ntuple_contents(m) = 1.
+      else if(gen_event_trigtype(5).eq.1.and.gen_event_trigtype(4).eq.0) then
+         gep_ntuple_contents(m) = 2.
+      else 
+         gep_ntuple_contents(m) = 3.
+      endif
+      m=m+1
+      gep_ntuple_contents(m) = GEP_ctime_hms
+      m=m+1
+      gep_ntuple_contents(m) = GEP_ctime_cal
+      m=m+1
+      gep_ntuple_contents(m) = float(ntrigH1)
+      m=m+1 
+      gep_ntuple_contents(m) = float(ntrigH2)
+      m=m+1
+      gep_ntuple_contents(m) = float(ntrigB)
+      m=m+1
+      if( then
+         gep_ntuple_contents(m) = GEP_H1time(1) !H1 trig time in ns (first hit only)
+      else
+         gep_ntuple_contents(m) = 0.
+      endif
+      m=m+1
+      if( then
+         gep_ntuple_contents(m) = GEP_H2time(1) !H2 trig time in ns (first hit only)
+      else 
+         gep_ntuple_contents(m) = 0.
+      endif
+      m=m+1 
+      if( then
+         gep_ntuple_contents(m) = GEP_Btime(1) !Bigcal trig time in ns (first hit )
+      else
+         gep_ntuple_contents(m) = 0.
+      endif
+      m=m+1
+      gep_ntuple_contents(m) = GEP_Q2
+      m=m+1
+      gep_ntuple_contents(m) = GEP_Q2_H
+      m=m+1
+      gep_ntuple_contents(m) = GEP_Q2_B
+      m=m+1
+      gep_ntuple_contents(m) = GEP_E_electron
+      m=m+1
+      gep_ntuple_contents(m) = GEP_P_proton
+      m=m+1
+      gep_ntuple_contents(m) = GEP_Pel_htheta
+      m=m+1
+      gep_ntuple_contents(m) = GEP_Pel_btheta
+      m=m+1
+      gep_ntuple_contents(m) = GEP_delta_p
+      m=m+1
+      gep_ntuple_contents(m) = GEP_xfp_p
+      m=m+1
+      gep_ntuple_contents(m) = GEP_yfp_p
+      m=m+1
+      gep_ntuple_contents(m) = GEP_xpfp_p
+      m=m+1
+      gep_ntuple_contents(m) = GEP_ypfp_p
+      m=m+1
+      gep_ntuple_contents(m) = GEP_xptar_p
+      m=m+1
+      gep_ntuple_contents(m) = GEP_yptar_p
+      m=m+1
+      gep_ntuple_contents(m) = GEP_ytar_p
+      m=m+1
+      gep_ntuple_contents(m) = GEP_epsilon
+      m=m+1
+      gep_ntuple_contents(m) = GEP_etheta_deg
+      m=m+1
+      gep_ntuple_contents(m) = GEP_ephi_deg
+      m=m+1
+      gep_ntuple_contents(m) = GEP_ptheta_deg
+      m=m+1
+      gep_ntuple_contents(m) = GEP_pphi_deg
+      m=m+1
+      gep_ntuple_contents(m) = GEP_Emiss
+      m=m+1
+      gep_ntuple_contents(m) = GEP_Pmiss
+      m=m+1
+      gep_ntuple_contents(m) = GEP_Pmissx
+      m=m+1
+      gep_ntuple_contents(m) = GEP_Pmissy
+      m=m+1
+      gep_ntuple_contents(m) = GEP_Pmissz
+      m=m+1
+      gep_ntuple_contents(m) = GEP_W2
+      m=m+1
+      gep_ntuple_contents(m) = GEP_Mmiss
+      m=m+1
+      gep_ntuple_contents(m) = gbeam_helicity
+      m=m+1
+      gep_ntuple_contents(m) = HFPP_N_tracks(1)
+      m=m+1
+      gep_ntuple_contents(m) = HFPP_N_tracks(2)
+c Algorithm to select "best" track for final analysis
+      do iSet=1,2
+       theta_store=1.0e15
+       phi_store=1.0e15
+       conetest_store=1.0e15
+       zclose_store=1.0e15
+       sclose_store=1.0e15
+       zanalyzer(1)=140.3
+       zanalyzer(2)=237.8
+       do iTrk=1,HFPP_N_tracks(iSet)
+        if(abs(HFPP_track_zclose(iSet,iTrk)-zanalyzer(iSet)).le.27.0) then
+          if(HFPP_track_sclose(iSet,iTrk).lt.8.0) then
+            if(HFPP_track_conetest(iSet,iTrk).eq.1) then
+              if(HFPP_track_theta(iSet,iTrk).gt.2.5/180.0*3.14159265.and.
+     >                 HFPP_track_theta(iSet,iTrk).lt.theta_store) then
+                track_store=iTrk
+                theta_store=HFPP_track_theta(iSet,iTrk)
+                phi_store=HFPP_track_phi(iSet,iTrk)
+                conetest_store=HFPP_track_conetest(iSet,iTrk)
+                zclose_store=HFPP_track_zclose(iSet,iTrk)
+                sclose_store=HFPP_track_sclose(iSet,iTrk)
+              endif
+            endif
+          endif  
+        endif 
+       enddo       
+       m=m+1
+       gep_ntuple_contents(m) = track_store
+       m=m+1     
+       gep_ntuple_contents(m) = zclose_store 
+       m=m+1     
+       gep_ntuple_contents(m) = sclose_store 
+       m=m+1     
+       gep_ntuple_contents(m) = conetest_store 
+       m=m+1     
+       gep_ntuple_contents(m) = theta_store 
+       m=m+1     
+       gep_ntuple_contents(m) = phi_store
+      enddo
+      abort = .not. HEXIST(gep_ntuple_ID)
+      if(abort) then
+         call G_build_note(':Ntuple ID#$ does not exist',
+     $        '$',gep_ntuple_ID,' ',0.,' ',err)
+         call G_add_path(here,err)
+      else
+c         call HFNT(gep_ntuple_ID)
+         call HFN(gep_ntuple_id,gep_ntuple_contents)
+      endif
+      return 
+      end
diff --git a/ENGINE/gep_ntuple_open.f b/ENGINE/gep_ntuple_open.f
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c8a7d4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/gep_ntuple_open.f
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+      subroutine gep_ntuple_open(file,ABORT,err)
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*15 here
+      parameter(here='gep_ntuple_open')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      include 'gep_ntuple.cmn'
+c      include 'gep_data_structures.cmn'
+      integer default_bank,default_recl
+      parameter(default_bank=8000) !4 bytes/word
+      parameter(default_recl=1024) !record length
+      character*80 title,file
+      character*80 directory,name
+      character*1000 pat,msg
+      integer status,size,io,id,bank,recL,iv(10),m
+      real rv(10)
+      logical HEXIST          !CERNLIB function
+      err=' '
+      abort=.false.
+      if(gep_ntuple_exists) then
+         call gep_ntuple_shutdown(ABORT,err)
+         if(abort)then
+            call G_add_path(here,err)
+            return
+         endif
+      endif
+c     get any free IO channel
+      call g_IO_control(io,'ANY',ABORT,err)
+      if(abort) then
+         call G_add_path(here,err)
+         return
+      endif
+      gep_ntuple_io_channel = io
+      id = gep_ntuple_id
+      name = gep_ntuple_name
+      title = gep_ntuple_title
+      abort = HEXIST(id)
+      if(abort) then
+         call g_IO_control(gep_ntuple_io_channel,'FREE',abort,err)
+         call g_build_note(':HBOOK id#$ already in use',
+     $        '$',id,' ',rv,' ',err)
+         call G_add_path(here,err)
+         return
+      endif
+      call HCDIR(directory,'R') !CERNLIB read current directory
+      recL = default_recl
+      call HROPEN(io,name,file,'N',recL,status)
+      abort=
+      if(abort) then
+         call g_IO_control(gep_ntuple_io_channel,'FREE',abort,err)
+         iv(1) = status
+         iv(2) = io
+         pat= ':HROPEN error#$ opening IO#$ "'//file//'"'
+         call G_build_note(pat,'$',iv,' ',rv,' ',err)
+         call G_add_path(here,err)
+         return
+      endif
+      size = gep_ntuple_size
+      bank = default_bank
+      title = gep_ntuple_title
+      call HBOOKN(id,title,size,name,bank,gep_ntuple_tag) ! create ntuple
+c      call HBNT(id,title,' ')
+c$$$      call HBNAME(id,'GEPBLOCK',gep_evid,'gep_evid:I*4,'//
+c$$$     $     'gep_ctime_hms,gep_ctime_cal,gep_Q2,gep_Q2_H,'//
+c$$$     $     'gep_Q2_B,GEP_E_electron,GEP_P_proton,GEP_delta_p,'//
+c$$$     $     'gep_epsilon,gep_etheta_deg,gep_ptheta_deg,gep_ephi_deg,'//
+c$$$     $     'gep_pphi_deg,gep_Emiss,gep_Pmissx,gep_Pmissy,gep_Pmissz,'//
+c$$$     $     'gep_Pmiss,gep_W2,gep_Mmiss')
+      call HCDIR(gep_ntuple_directory,'R') ! record ntuple directory
+      call HCDIR(directory,' ')         ! reset CERNLIB directory
+      gep_ntuple_exists = HEXIST(gep_ntuple_id)
+      abort = .not.gep_ntuple_exists
+      iv(1) = id
+      iv(2) = io
+      pat = 'Ntuple id#$ [' // gep_ntuple_directory // '/]' // 
+     $     name // ' IO#$ "' // file // '"'
+      call G_build_note(pat,'$',iv,' ',rv,' ',msg)
+      call sub_string(msg,'/]','/]')
+      if(abort) then
+         err = 'unable to create '//msg
+         call G_add_path(here,err)
+      else
+         pat=':created '//msg
+         call G_add_path(here,pat)
+         call G_log_message('INFO: '//pat)
+      endif
+      return 
+      end
diff --git a/ENGINE/gep_ntuple_register.f b/ENGINE/gep_ntuple_register.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..50250dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/gep_ntuple_register.f
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+      subroutine gep_ntuple_register(ABORT,err)
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*19 here
+      parameter(here='gep_ntuple_register')
+      logical abort
+      character*(*) err
+      include 'gep_ntuple.cmn'
+      include 'gen_routines.dec'
+      err=' '
+      abort=.false.
+      call G_reg_C('GEp_Ntuple',gep_ntuple_file,abort,err)
+      if(abort) then
+         call G_prepend(':unable to register-',err)
+         call G_add_path(here,err)
+      endif
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/ENGINE/gep_ntuple_shutdown.f b/ENGINE/gep_ntuple_shutdown.f
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2c303d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/gep_ntuple_shutdown.f
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+      subroutine gep_ntuple_shutdown(ABORT,err)
+c     final shutdown of GEp ntuple
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*19 here
+      parameter(here='gep_ntuple_shutdown')
+      logical abort
+      character*(*) err
+      include 'gep_ntuple.cmn'
+      include 'gen_routines.dec'
+      logical fail
+      character*80 why,directory,name
+      character*1000 msg
+      integer io,id,cycle,m
+      err=' '
+      abort=.false.
+      if(.not.gep_ntuple_exists) return
+      call gep_ntuple_close(abort,err)
+      if(gep_ntuple_exists) then
+         abort=.true.
+      endif
+      gep_ntuple_ID=0
+      gep_ntuple_name=' '
+      gep_ntuple_file=' '
+      gep_ntuple_title=' '
+      gep_ntuple_size=0
+      do m=1,gep_ntuple_size
+         gep_ntuple_tag(m)=' '
+         gep_ntuple_contents(m)=0.
+      enddo
+      if(abort) call G_add_path(here,err)
+      return 
+      end
diff --git a/ENGINE/gep_physics.f b/ENGINE/gep_physics.f
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d2dfce7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/gep_physics.f
@@ -0,0 +1,613 @@
+      subroutine gep_physics(abort,err)
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*11 here
+      parameter(here='gep_physics')
+      logical abort
+      character*(*) err
+      include 'gen_run_info.cmn'
+      include 'gen_event_info.cmn'
+      include 'gen_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'hms_scin_parms.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'gep_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'gen_constants.par'
+      include 'hms_scin_tof.cmn'
+      include 'hms_physics_sing.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_tof_parms.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_gain_parms.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_shower_parms.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_geometry.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_bypass_switches.cmn'
+      include 'sane_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'sane_ntuple.cmn'
+c     local variables:
+c     HMS phi is centered at -PI/2, therefore, we need to rotate bigcal phi so
+c     that it is centered at +PI/2
+c     here we want to use the HMS singles physics info to choose the best track
+c     from BigCal assuming elastic kinematics!!!
+      integer pick_best_cal_track
+c      logical fixed_bigcal
+      real etheta_expect,ephi_expect
+      real exhat,eyhat,ezhat,exhat_tar,eyhat_tar,ezhat_tar
+      real xint_hexpect,yint_hexpect,zint_hexpect
+      real xcal_hexpect
+      real ycal_hexpect
+      real Ecal_hexpect
+      real tcal_hexpect
+      real Eprime,ethetarad,ephirad,Q2_gep,nu
+      real pthetarad,pphirad
+      real vx,vy,vz
+      real etint
+      real edx,edy,edz,ethetacorr,ephicorr,epathlength,mom_corr
+      real gamma_corr,beta_corr,tof
+      real Q2_cal,Q2_hms,Q2_htheta,nu_htheta,pp_htheta,pp_btheta
+      real nu_btheta
+      real Ee_btheta 
+      real hoffset_ctime,boffset_ctime,htrigt,btrigt,mindiff
+      real dx_ang,dy_ang,func1_mom,func2_mom,func4_x,func3_y,func5_mom 
+      real func1_dx,func2_dx,func3_dx,func4_dx,func5_x,func5_y
+      real*8 theta_angle_diff,phi_angle_diff
+c     Implementetion of the magnetic field for electron tracking to BIGCAL
+      REAL*8 TARGET_COORD(6),Eprot,Pprot
+      real*8 u(6),dl,temp,zfinal
+      real*8 Eb,theta_big, phi_big!,ccx,ccy,ccz
+      common/FAKEBIG/Eb,theta_big, phi_big
+c      real*8 P1_bigcal(3),P2_bigcal(3),P3_bigcal(3)
+c      real*8 P1_bigcal_r(3),P2_bigcal_r(3),P3_bigcal_r(3)
+      logical ok
+      real Mp
+      parameter(Mp=.938272)
+      real Me
+      integer i,ibest_cal
+      real PI
+      parameter(PI=3.14159265359)
+c     if the user has not defined something reasonable, then set by hand here:
+      if( then
+         GEP_sigma_Ediff = .06
+      endif
+      if( then
+         GEP_sigma_Xdiff = 1.0
+      endif
+      if( then
+         GEP_sigma_Ydiff  =1.0
+      endif
+      if( then
+         GEP_sigma_Tdiff = 10.0
+      endif
+      if(gen_bigcal_mc.eq.3) then ! fill HMS info from Monte Carlo:
+         hsnum_fptrack = 1
+         hsp = pp_mc
+         hsdelta = (hsp - hpcentral)/hpcentral
+         hsenergy = sqrt(hsp**2 + Mp**2)
+         hstheta = ptheta_mc*PI/180.
+         hsphi = (- pphi_mc - 90.)*PI/180.
+         hszbeam = zv_p_mc
+         gbeam_x = xv_p_mc
+         gbeam_y = yv_p_mc
+      endif
+      if(hsnum_fptrack.le.0) then
+         return
+      endif
+c     here we compute the expected cluster time in BigCal (using the focal-plane time for the 
+c     good track):
+      hoffset_ctime = hstime_at_fp - hstart_time_center + hspath_cor ! should be around zero for most
+      mindiff = 0.
+      if( then
+         do i=1,ntrigb
+            if(i.eq.1.or.abs(gep_btime(i)-gep_btime_elastic).lt.mindiff) then
+               btrigt = gep_btime(i)
+               mindiff = abs(gep_btime(i)-gep_btime_elastic)
+            endif
+         enddo
+      else
+         btrigt = gep_btime_elastic
+      endif
+c     invert (common-stop) hms trigger times using the same user parameter as for BigCal:
+      if( then 
+         htrigt = bigcal_end_time - gep_h2time(1)
+      else if( then
+         htrigt = bigcal_end_time - gep_h1time(1)
+      else if( then ! use trig. time 2
+         htrigt = bigcal_end_time - gep_h2time(1)
+      else ! shouldn't hardcode coin. trigger delay, but most data is taken with 
+c     16 ns delay of HMS trigger relative to BigCal trigger. Eventually set up a user param.
+         htrigt = bigcal_end_time - gep_btime_elastic + gep_htrig_delay
+      endif
+c     here are the possible scenarios for the coincidence trigger: 
+c     1. BigCal comes in first by about 16 ns (or gep_htrig_delay). This is most likely for good 
+c     elastics, but
+c     the timing resolution of BigCal is comparatively poor (several ns as opposed to sub-ns 
+c     in the case of the hms scintillators), and the tail of the BigCal trigger time peak has some
+c     overlap with the HMS self-timing peak.
+c     2. the BigCal trigger comes in later than the HMS trigger, and the ADC gate/TDC stop comes 
+c     from the BigCal self-timing peak. 
+c     Now, suppose we have a good elastic event for which the hms trigger self-times and picks out
+c     a track with focal-plane time near hstart_time_center (normal case). Then, we should look for
+c     BigCal clusters coming in 16 ns (gep_htrig_delay) earlier than htrig + hoffset_ctime! 
+c     Now, suppose we have a good elastic event for which the bigcal trigger self-times and the HMS
+c     trigger comes in earlier. IF BigCal self-times, then we also expect the good cluster time to be
+c     in the self-timing peak for BigCal, and an earlier HMS time. But essentially, we should always 
+c     look for the BigCal cluster 16 ns before the HMS focal-plane time, because that is where our 
+c     elastics are:
+      tcal_hexpect = htrigt + hoffset_ctime - gep_htrig_delay
+c      tcal_hexpect = hoffset_ctime
+c$$$      write(*,*) 'tcal_hexpect=',tcal_hexpect
+c$$$      write(*,*) 'hoffset_ctime=',hoffset_ctime
+c$$$      write(*,*) 'htrigt=',htrigt
+      Me = mass_electron ! convenient shorthand
+c     calculate nu for elastic-ep:
+      nu = sqrt(Mp**2 + hsp**2) - Mp
+c     expected electron energy:
+      Eprime = gebeam - nu
+      Ecal_hexpect = Eprime
+      pthetarad = hstheta
+c      pthetarad = 2*SANE_HMS_ANGLE_THETA*3.1415/180.-hstheta
+      pphirad = hsphi - 3.*PI/2.
+c     calculate proton momentum (assuming elastic) from hstheta:
+      Q2_htheta = 4.*Mp**2*gebeam**2*(cos(hstheta))**2 / 
+     $     (Mp**2 + 2.*Mp*gebeam + gebeam**2*(sin(hstheta))**2)
+      nu_htheta = Q2_htheta / (2.*Mp)
+      pp_htheta = sqrt(nu_htheta**2 + 2.*Mp*nu_htheta)
+c     calculate electron angle from gebeam and hsp only, since the resolution of these quantities is better than 
+c     you can get using hstheta, the reason being the large Jacobian of the reaction. The error on etheta is
+c     magnified roughly by a factor hsp/Eprime compared to the error on hstheta, and this in turn gives a 
+c     large error on xcal,ycal
+      if( then ! this is certainly not an elastic proton!!!!   
+         Eprime = 0.
+         etheta_expect = 0.
+         xcal_hexpect = -999.
+         ycal_hexpect = -999.
+         goto 173
+c     set Eprime and theta to zero and skip calculation of expected electron position:
+      else if(nu/*gebeam/Mp) then ! ep elastic is still kinematically forbidden!
+         Eprime = 0.
+         etheta_expect = 0.
+         xcal_hexpect = -999.
+         ycal_hexpect = -999.
+         goto 173
+      else ! if ep-elastic is not explicitly kinematically forbidden, then
+c     use elastic kinematics to predict the electron position and energy:
+c     since we have yet to put a cut on the correlation between hsp and pel(hstheta), 
+c     we won't always get a sensible value. Just want to prevent annoying divide-by-zero messages for now.
+         etheta_expect = acos(1. - Mp/gebeam * nu / Eprime)
+      endif
+      ! in BigCal coordinates, phi is centered at 0 for BigCal. In target coordinates, BigCal is 
+      ! centered at +PI/2, while HMS is centered at -PI/2. However, since BigCal y means -target x
+      ! we have to be careful. 
+      if( then 
+         pphirad = pphirad - PI
+      endif
+      ephi_expect = pphirad + PI
+      ethetarad = etheta_expect 
+      gep_etheta_expect_H = ethetarad
+      gep_ephi_expect_H = ephi_expect
+c     first calculate exhat,eyhat,ezhat in target coordinates so there is no ambiguity: 
+      exhat_tar = sin(ethetarad)*cos(ephi_expect)
+      eyhat_tar = sin(ethetarad)*sin(ephi_expect)
+      ezhat_tar = cos(ethetarad)
+c     now rotate to BigCal coordinates:
+      exhat = eyhat_tar
+      eyhat = -exhat_tar
+      ezhat = ezhat_tar
+      !write(*,*) 'exhat,eyhat,ezhat=',exhat,eyhat,ezhat
+c     vertex coordinates expressed in BigCal coordinate system
+c     turns out that beam x and y coordinates are the same as BigCal coordinates
+      vz = hszbeam ! along beamline
+      vx = gbeam_x ! horizontal toward BigCal
+      vy = gbeam_y ! vertical up (target x is vertical down.)
+      !write(*,*) 'vertex xyz=',vx,vy,vz
+c     etint is the trajectory parameter, calculated at the intersection point with the face of BigCal,
+c     in other words, if e- position = vertex + et*ehat, where ehat is the unit trajectory vector and et is 
+c     the parameter determining where we are on the line, then etint is the value of the parameter when the 
+c     electron hits the calorimeter. 
+c     so we are calculating the intersection point of the e- trajectory expected from the HMS with BigCal:
+      etint = (bigcal_r_tgt-vx*bigcal_sintheta-vz*bigcal_costheta) / 
+     $     (exhat * bigcal_sintheta + ezhat*bigcal_costheta)
+      xint_hexpect = vx + etint * exhat
+      yint_hexpect = vy + etint * eyhat
+      zint_hexpect = vz + etint * ezhat
+      !write(*,*) 'xint,yint,zint=',xint_hexpect,yint_hexpect,zint_hexpect
+c     now rotate into calo-centered coordinate system:
+cc      xcal_hexpect=xint_hexpect*bigcal_costheta-zint_hexpect*bigcal_sintheta
+cc      ycal_hexpect=yint_hexpect
+c      tcal_hexpect= hstime_at_fp - hstart_time_center + hspath_cor
+********** use parameter correlated functions insted of tgd field correction subtoutines *************************
+      xcal_hexpect_B0=xint_hexpect*bigcal_costheta-zint_hexpect*bigcal_sintheta
+      ycal_hexpect_B0=yint_hexpect
+      dy_ang=ycal_hexpect_B0/bigcal_r_tgt
+      dx_ang=xcal_hexpect_B0/bigcal_r_tgt
+      EprimeMeV = Eprime*1000
+      func1_mom =-15.358+(0.0122386*(Eprime*1000))+(-3.57333e-6*(Eprime*1000)**2)+(3.63059e-10*(Eprime*1000)*(Eprime*1000)**2)
+      func2_mom =-78.556+(0.0340849*(Eprime*1000))+(-5.45359e-6*(Eprime*1000)**2)+(1.87087e-10*(Eprime*1000)*(Eprime*1000)**2)
+      func3_y   = -0.03322 + (1.19167*vy)
+      func4_x   = 0.00001 + (0.09876*vx)
+cc      func5_mom = -6.5252+(0.0015859*(Eprime*1000))+(0.53662e-6*(Eprime*1000)**2)+(-0.14983e-9*(Eprime*1000)*(Eprime*1000)**2) 
+cc      xdiff_shift=func1_mom + (func2_mom*dy_ang) + func3_y + func4_x
+      xdiff_shift=func1_mom + (func2_mom*dy_ang) + func3_y + func4_x 
+      func1_dx = -108.84+(163.98*dx_ang)+(-135.00*dx_ang**2) 
+      func2_dx = 0.079489+(-0.12047*dx_ang)+(0.13244*dx_ang**2)
+      func3_dx = -0.24567e-4+(0.37428e-4*dx_ang)+(-0.51771e-4*dx_ang**2)
+      func4_dx = 2.7249e-9+(-0.41655e-8*dx_ang)+(0.68318e-8*dx_ang**2)
+cc      func5_x  = 0.01204+(-0.39499*vx)
+cc      func5_y  = 0.00906+(0.00070*vy)
+cc      ydiff_shift = (func1_dx+(func2_dx*(Eprime*1000))+(func3_dx*(Eprime*1000)*(Eprime*1000))+(func4_dx*(Eprime*1000)
+cc     &     *(Eprime*1000)*(Eprime*1000))+func5_x - func5_y)
+      ydiff_shift = (func1_dx+(func2_dx*(Eprime*1000))+(func3_dx*(Eprime*1000)*(Eprime*1000))+(func4_dx*(Eprime*1000)
+     &     *(Eprime*1000)*(Eprime*1000)))
+c      xcal_hexpect =xcal_hexpect_B0- xdiff_shift
+c      ycal_hexpect =ycal_hexpect_B0+ ydiff_shift
+c     for now, just take time difference relative to bigcal_window center
+c      tcal_hexpect = bigcal_window_center
+      if(gen_bigcal_mc.eq.3) then
+         tcal_hexpect = 0.0
+      endif
+ 173  continue
+c     Implementetion of the magnetic field for electron tracking to BIGCAL
+      if(
+c      if(a_bigcal.eq.0.and.b_bigcal.eq.0.and.c_bigcal.eq.0)then
+c     Define Bigcal plane
+c               P1_bigcal(1) = 0 
+c               P1_bigcal(2) = 0 
+c               P1_bigcal(3) = Bigcal_SHIFT(3)
+c               P2_bigcal(1) = 0 
+c               P2_bigcal(2) = 1 
+c               P2_bigcal(3) = Bigcal_SHIFT(3)
+c               P3_bigcal(1) = 1 
+c               P3_bigcal(2) = 0 
+c               P3_bigcal(3) =  Bigcal_SHIFT(3)
+c               call ROTATE(P1_bigcal, 0., -Bigcal_SHIFT(4)*3.141/180., 0. ,P1_bigcal_r)
+c               call ROTATE(P2_bigcal, 0., -Bigcal_SHIFT(4)*3.141/180., 0. ,P2_bigcal_r)
+c               call ROTATE(P3_bigcal, 0., -Bigcal_SHIFT(4)*3.141/180., 0. ,P3_bigcal_r)
+c               temp           = P1_bigcal_r(2)
+c               P1_bigcal_r(2) = P1_bigcal_r(1)
+c               P1_bigcal_r(1) = temp
+c               temp           = P2_bigcal_r(2)
+c               P2_bigcal_r(2) = P2_bigcal_r(1)
+c               P2_bigcal_r(1) = temp
+c               temp           = P3_bigcal_r(2)
+c               P3_bigcal_r(2) = P3_bigcal_r(1)
+c               P3_bigcal_r(1) = temp
+c               call Plane(P1_bigcal_r,P2_bigcal_r,P3_bigcal_r,
+c     ,              a_bigcal,b_bigcal,c_bigcal,d_bigcal)
+c               write(*,*)P1_bigcal_r,P2_bigcal_r,P3_bigcal_r
+c      endif
+        if (SANE_BETA_ANGLE_THETA .ge. SANE_FIELD_ANGLE_THETA) phi_angle_diff=0.
+        if (SANE_BETA_ANGLE_THETA .lt. SANE_FIELD_ANGLE_THETA) phi_angle_diff=180.
+      endif
+      if (SANE_FIELD_ANGLE_THETA .eq. 0 ) then
+        if (SANE_BETA_ANGLE_PHI .eq. 0 ) phi_angle_diff=0.
+        if (SANE_BETA_ANGLE_PHI .eq. 180. ) phi_angle_diff=180.
+      endif
+      if (SANE_FIELD_ANGLE_THETA .eq. 180 ) then
+        if (SANE_BETA_ANGLE_PHI .eq. 0 ) phi_angle_diff=180.
+        if (SANE_BETA_ANGLE_PHI .eq. 180. ) phi_angle_diff=0.
+      endif
+      theta_angle_diff=40.0d00
+      phi_angle_diff=180.0d00
+c use +x vertical down, +y large angle, +z towards beta for tracking thru field
+c      SANE_FIELD_THETA =theta_angle_diff 
+c      SANE_FIELD_PHI =phi_angle_diff
+      Eb   =  -Eprime*1000.
+      U(1) =  0 ! vertical position (-y_beta)  cm 
+      U(2) =  0 ! horizontal position (+x_beta) cm in Beta coodinates
+      U(3) =  0 ! z position (z_beta) cm in Beta coodinates
+      theta_big = etheta_expect
+      phi_big   = (ephi_expect)
+      dy_ang=-ycal_hexpect_B0/bigcal_r_tgt
+      dx_ang=xcal_hexpect_B0/bigcal_r_tgt
+      U(6) =  29.979/sqrt(1+dy_ang**2+dx_ang**2)
+      U(4) =  dy_ang*u(6)  ! dy_beta/dz_beta*(speed of light) cm/ns
+      U(5) =  dx_ang*u(6) ! dx_beta/dz_beta*(speed of light) cm/ns
+      dl   =  1.0
+      ok   = .TRUE. 
+c  give trgTrackToPlane the starting positions and angles in U vector and it
+c  returns the positions and angles at the plane 
+c      write(*,*) ' call trackto plane'
+      zfinal=-bigcal_r_tgt
+      call  trgTrackToPlane(U,Eb,dl,
+     ,     0.d00,0.d00,1.d00,zfinal,ok)
+c      write(*,*) 'retrun  call trackto plane'
+      gep_bx_expect_H = u(2)
+      gep_by_expect_H = -u(1)
+c      if ( eprime .gt. 1.0 .and. abs((gep_p_proton - gep_pel_htheta) / hpcentral +0.01) .le. .02) then
+c       write(*,*) ' positions = ',xcal_hexpect_B0,ycal_hexpect_B0,gep_bx_expect_H,gep_by_expect_H,dx_ang,dy_ang
+c       write(*,*) eb,zfinal,' U = ',u
+c       endif
+      else
+         gep_bx_expect_H = xcal_hexpect
+         gep_by_expect_H = ycal_hexpect
+      endif
+      !write(*,*) 'bigcal e_hms,x_hms,y_hms=',Eprime,xcal_hexpect,ycal_hexpect
+c     how to choose? pick the track for which the quadrature sum of 
+c     sum( ((Eclust-Eexpect)/sigma)**2 + ((xclust-xexpect)/sigma)**2 + ((yclust-yexpect)/sigma)**2 ) is minimum
+c     the resolution parameters sigma should be CTP parms
+c      if( then
+c     check bigcal clusters, and, if necessary, fix clusters near the 
+c     expected electron position containing channels in the "bad" list
+c         fixed_bigcal = .false.
+*     fixed_bigcal will be true if any channels from the bad channel list are 
+*     filled with a guess and if any cluster is rebuilt or a new cluster is found
+c         call gep_check_bigcal(gep_bx_expect_H,gep_by_expect_H,Eprime)
+c      endif
+      call b_calc_physics(abort,err) ! reconstruct physics quantities for BigCal. 
+c     this routine should only get called once per event!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+*     now pick up where we left off:
+c      ibest_cal = pick_best_cal_track(tcal_hexpect,gep_etheta_expect_h,
+c     $     gep_ephi_expect_h,gep_bx_expect_h,gep_by_expect_h,Ecal_hexpect)
+       ibest_cal = 1     
+c     now compute "missing" quantities using the track we have selected.
+c     first correct best calo track for vertex information which we now know from HMS reconstruction:
+      if(ibest_cal.eq.0) return
+      bigcal_itrack_best = ibest_cal
+c     correct angles since we know vertex:
+      edx = bigcal_track_xface(ibest_cal) - vx
+      edy = bigcal_track_yface(ibest_cal) - vy
+      edz = bigcal_track_zface(ibest_cal) - vz
+      epathlength = sqrt(edx**2 + edy**2 + edz**2)
+      bigcal_thetarad = acos(edz/epathlength)
+      bigcal_phirad = atan2(edy,edx)
+      bigcal_track_thetarad(ibest_cal) = bigcal_thetarad
+      bigcal_track_phirad(ibest_cal) = bigcal_phirad
+      bigcal_energy = bigcal_track_energy(ibest_cal)
+c     correct tof:
+      gamma_corr = bigcal_energy / Me
+c     could get a "NaN" error here: check:
+      if( gamma_corr = 1.
+      beta_corr = sqrt(max(0.,1.-1./gamma_corr**2))
+      if(beta_corr.eq.0.) beta_corr = 1.
+      bigcal_beta = beta_corr
+      bigcal_tof = epathlength / (beta_corr*speed_of_light)
+      mom_corr = beta_corr * bigcal_energy
+      bigcal_px = mom_corr * sin(bigcal_thetarad) * cos(bigcal_phirad)
+      bigcal_py = mom_corr * sin(bigcal_thetarad) * sin(bigcal_phirad)
+      bigcal_pz = mom_corr * cos(bigcal_thetarad)
+      bigcal_eloss = bigcal_track_eloss(ibest_cal)
+      bigcal_time = bigcal_track_time(ibest_cal)
+      bigcal_tof_cor = bigcal_tof - bigcal_tof_central
+      bigcal_ctime = bigcal_track_time(ibest_cal) - bigcal_tof_cor - 
+     $     (bigcal_end_time - gep_btime_elastic)
+      gep_ctime_hms = hstime_at_fp - hstart_time_center + hspath_cor
+      gep_ctime_cal = bigcal_ctime
+      if(gen_bigcal_mc.eq.3) then 
+         gep_ctime_hms = 0.
+         gep_ctime_cal = 0.
+      endif
+      Ee_btheta = gebeam / (1. + gebeam/Mp * (1. - cos(bigcal_thetarad)))
+      nu_btheta = gebeam - Ee_btheta
+      pp_btheta = sqrt(nu_btheta**2 + 2.*Mp*nu_btheta)
+c     compute Q2 three different ways:
+c     Q2_Cal uses only BigCal information except for hms vertex info
+c     Q2_hms uses only HMS information, period.
+      Q2_cal = 2.*gebeam*Ee_btheta*(1.-cos(bigcal_thetarad))
+      Q2_hms = 2.*Mp*nu
+c     what is the average Q2? Both measurements are very good, except for bigcal_energy
+c     best is probably to use Eprime calculated from hsp, but use BigCal angle measurement
+c     corrected for HMS vertex info. Q2 from Ebeam, hsp alone (Q2_hms) may be even better than this. 
+      GEP_Q2 = 2.*gebeam*Eprime*(1.-cos(bigcal_thetarad))
+c     GEP_Q2 = .5*(Q2_cal + Q2_hms)
+      GEP_Q2_H = Q2_hms
+      GEP_Q2_B = Q2_cal
+      GEP_E_electron = Eprime ! electron energy from HMS
+      GEP_P_proton = hsp
+      GEP_Pel_htheta = pp_htheta
+      GEP_Pel_btheta = pp_btheta
+      GEP_delta_p = hsdelta
+      GEP_xfp_p = HSX_FP
+      GEP_yfp_p = HSY_FP
+      GEP_xpfp_p = HSXP_FP
+      GEP_ypfp_p = HSYP_FP
+      GEP_xptar_p = HSXP_TAR
+      GEP_yptar_p = HSYP_TAR
+      GEP_ytar_p = HSY_TAR
+      GEP_epsilon = 1./(1.+2.*(1.+GEP_Q2/(4.*Mp**2))*(tan(bigcal_thetarad/2.))**2)
+      GEP_etheta_deg = bigcal_thetarad * 180./PI
+      GEP_ptheta_deg = hstheta * 180./PI
+      GEP_ephi_deg = bigcal_phirad * 180./PI + 90.
+      GEP_pphi_deg = pphirad * 180./PI
+      GEP_Emiss = gebeam + Mp - hsenergy - bigcal_energy
+      GEP_Pmissx = -bigcal_py + hsp*sin(hstheta)*cos(pphirad)
+      GEP_Pmissy = bigcal_px + hsp*sin(hstheta)*sin(pphirad)
+      GEP_Pmissz = gpbeam - bigcal_pz - hsp*cos(hstheta)
+      GEP_Pmiss = sqrt(GEP_Pmissx**2 + GEP_Pmissy**2 + GEP_Pmissz**2)
+      GEP_W2 = Mp**2 + Q2_hms - Q2_cal ! 2Mnu - Q2_cal
+      GEP_Mmiss = sqrt(abs(GEP_W2 - Mp**2))
+      return 
+      end
+      integer function pick_best_cal_track(T_H,TH_H,PH_H,X_H,Y_H,E_H)
+      include 'gep_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_tof_parms.cmn'
+      logical restore_E
+      integer itrack,ibest
+      real diffsum,mindiffsum
+      real E_cal,TH_cal,PH_cal,T_cal,X_cal,Y_cal
+      real T_H,TH_H,PH_H,E_H,X_H,Y_H
+      real PI
+      parameter(PI=3.14159265359)
+      restore_E = .false.
+      if( then
+         do itrack = 1,bigcal_phys_ntrack
+            E_cal = bigcal_track_energy(itrack)
+            if(E_cal .gt. 10.0) then ! divide by 1000
+               E_cal = E_cal / 1000.
+               restore_E = .true.
+            endif
+            TH_cal = bigcal_track_thetarad(itrack)
+            PH_cal = bigcal_track_phirad(itrack) + PI/2.
+            T_cal = bigcal_track_time(itrack) - bigcal_track_tof_cor(itrack) -
+     $           (bigcal_end_time - gep_btime_elastic)
+            X_cal = bigcal_all_clstr_x(itrack)
+            Y_cal = bigcal_all_clstr_y(itrack)
+            diffsum = 0.
+            diffsum = diffsum + ( (E_cal - E_H)/GEP_sigma_Ediff )**2
+            diffsum = diffsum + ( (TH_cal - TH_H)/GEP_sigma_thdiff )**2
+            diffsum = diffsum + ( (PH_cal - PH_H)/GEP_sigma_phdiff )**2
+            diffsum = diffsum + ( (T_cal - T_H)/GEP_sigma_Tdiff )**2
+            diffsum = diffsum + ( (X_cal - X_H)/GEP_sigma_Xdiff )**2
+            diffsum = diffsum + ( (Y_cal - Y_H)/GEP_sigma_Ydiff )**2
+            if(itrack.eq.1) then
+               mindiffsum = diffsum
+               ibest = itrack
+            else
+               if( then
+                  mindiffsum = diffsum
+                  ibest = itrack
+               endif
+            endif
+            bigcal_all_clstr_chi2(itrack) = diffsum/6.
+            bigcal_all_clstr_chi2contr(itrack,1) = ( (E_cal - E_H)/GEP_sigma_Ediff )**2
+c            bigcal_all_clstr_chi2contr(itrack,2) = ( (TH_cal - TH_H)/GEP_sigma_thdiff )**2
+c            bigcal_all_clstr_chi2contr(itrack,3) = ( (PH_cal - PH_H)/GEP_sigma_phdiff )**2
+c            bigcal_all_clstr_chi2contr(itrack,4) = ( (X_cal - X_H)/GEP_sigma_xdiff )**2
+c            bigcal_all_clstr_chi2contr(itrack,5) = ( (Y_cal - Y_H)/GEP_sigma_ydiff )**2
+c            bigcal_all_clstr_chi2contr(itrack,6) = ( (T_cal - T_H)/GEP_sigma_Tdiff )**2
+            if(restore_E) E_cal = E_cal * 1000.
+         enddo
+         pick_best_cal_track = ibest
+      else
+         pick_best_cal_track = 0
+      endif
+      end
diff --git a/ENGINE/gep_proper_shutdown.f b/ENGINE/gep_proper_shutdown.f
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..98712c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/gep_proper_shutdown.f
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+      subroutine gep_proper_shutdown(lunout,ABORT,err)
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*19 here
+      parameter(here='gep_proper_shutdown')
+      include 'gen_routines.dec'
+      include 'gen_filenames.cmn'
+      include 'gen_run_info.cmn'
+      include 'gep_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'gep_filenames.cmn'
+      logical abort, report_abort
+      character*(*) err
+      integer lunout
+      integer ierr
+      character*132 file
+      abort=.false.
+      err=' '
+c      call gep_report_bad_data(lunout,ABORT,err)
+      if(' '.and.
+     $' ') then
+         file = gep_report_output_filename
+         call g_sub_run_number(file,gen_run_number)
+         ierr = threp(gep_report_blockname,file)
+         if( then
+            call g_append(err,'& threp failed to create report in file'
+     $           //file)
+            report_abort = .true.
+         endif
+      endif
+      if(abort.or.report_abort) then
+         call G_add_path(here,err)
+      else
+         err=' '
+      endif
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/ENGINE/gep_reconstruction.f b/ENGINE/gep_reconstruction.f
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b3f9a29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/gep_reconstruction.f
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+      subroutine gep_reconstruction(ABORT,err)
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*18 here
+      parameter(here='gep_reconstruction')
+      logical abort
+      character*(*) err
+      include 'gep_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'gen_constants.par'
+      include 'gen_units.par'
+      include 'bigcal_bypass_switches.cmn'
+c      include 'gep_bypass_switches.cmn'
+      abort=.false.
+      err=' '
+c      if(gepbypass_physics.eq.0) then
+      call gep_physics(abort,err)
+      if(abort) then 
+         call G_add_path(here,err)
+         return
+      endif
+      if( then
+         call b_matrix_accum(abort,err)
+         if(abort) then
+            call g_add_path(here,err)
+            return
+         endif
+      endif
+c     successful return
+      abort = .false.
+      return 
+      end
diff --git a/ENGINE/gep_register_variables.f b/ENGINE/gep_register_variables.f
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a57a36c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/gep_register_variables.f
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+      subroutine gep_register_variables(ABORT,err)
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*22 here
+      parameter (here='gep_register_variables')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      logical FAIL
+      character*100 why
+      err = ' '
+      ABORT = .false.
+      call r_gep_data_structures
+      call r_gep_filenames
+      call r_gep_ntuple
+      if(abort)then
+         call G_prepend(':unable to register',err)
+      endif
+      if(abort .or.' ') call g_add_path(here,err)
+      call gep_ntuple_register(FAIL,why)    ! remove this when ctp files fixed
+      if(' '' ') then
+         call G_append(err,' & '//why)
+      else if(' ') then
+         err=why
+      endif
+      abort =
+      return 
+      end
diff --git a/ENGINE/gep_reset_event.f b/ENGINE/gep_reset_event.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d1b6721
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/gep_reset_event.f
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+      subroutine gep_reset_event(ABORT,err)
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*15 here
+      parameter(here='gep_reset_event')
+      logical abort
+      character*(*) err
+      include 'gep_data_structures.cmn'
+      integer i,j
+      abort=.false.
+      err=' '
+      ntrigh1 = 0
+      ntrigh2 = 0
+      ntrigb = 0
+      do i=1,8
+         gep_h1time(i) = 0.
+         gep_h2time(i) = 0.
+         gep_btime(i) = 0.
+      enddo
+      gep_btime_raw = 0.
+      gep_btime_corr = 0.
+      gep_ctime_hms = 0.
+      gep_ctime_cal = 0.
+      gep_Q2 = 0.
+      gep_Q2_H = 0.
+      gep_Q2_B = 0.
+      gep_E_electron = 0.
+      gep_P_proton = 0.
+      gep_delta_P = 0.
+      gep_epsilon = 0.
+      gep_xfp_p = 0.
+      gep_yfp_p = 0.
+      gep_xpfp_p = 0.
+      gep_ypfp_p = 0.
+      gep_xptar_p = 0.
+      gep_yptar_p = 0.
+      gep_ytar_p = 0.
+      gep_etheta_deg = 0.
+      gep_ephi_deg = 0.
+      gep_ptheta_deg = 0.
+      gep_pphi_deg = 0.
+      gep_emiss = 0.
+      gep_pmissx = 0.
+      gep_pmissy = 0.
+      gep_pmissz = 0.
+      gep_pmiss = 0.
+      gep_w2 = 0.
+      gep_mmiss = 0.
+      gep_bx_expect_H = 0.
+      gep_by_expect_H = 0.
+      gep_etheta_expect_H = 0.
+      gep_ephi_expect_h = 0.
+      do i=1,8
+        gep_ntrigs(i)=0
+        do j=1,10
+          gep_trigtimes(i,j)=0.
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/ENGINE/gep_tree_init.f b/ENGINE/gep_tree_init.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e783fc1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/gep_tree_init.f
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+      subroutine gep_tree_init(abort,err)
+      implicit none 
+      save
+      character*13 here
+      parameter(here='gep_tree_init')
+      include 'gep_filenames.cmn'
+      include 'gen_routines.dec'
+      include 'gep_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'gen_run_info.cmn'
+c      include 'b_ntuple.dte'
+      logical abort
+      character*(*) err
+c     only purpose of this routine is to substitute run number in
+c     tree filename! CTP will take care of the rest!!!!!!!!!!!
+      call no_nulls(gep_tree_filename)
+      if(gep_tree_filename.eq.' ') return
+      call g_sub_run_number(gep_tree_filename,gen_run_number)
+      abort=.false.
+      err=' '
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/ENGINE/h_apply_offsets.f b/ENGINE/h_apply_offsets.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b39b8c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/h_apply_offsets.f
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+      SUBROUTINE H_apply_offsets(ABORT,err)
+*-       Prototype C analysis routine
+*-   Purpose and Methods : applies offsets to HMS
+*-   central momentum and central angle.
+*-   Output: ABORT		- success or failure
+*-         : err	- reason for failure, if any
+*-   Created  31-Aug-1999 Chris Armstrong
+*- All standards are from "Proposal for Hall C Analysis Software
+*- Vade Mecum, Draft 1.0" by D.F.Geesamn and S.Wood, 7 May 1993
+      SAVE
+      character*15 here
+      parameter (here= 'H_apply_offsets')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_physics_sing.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_constants.par'
+      if (h_oopcentral_offset .ne. 0 ) then
+        write(*,*) ' ******'
+       write(6,*)' h_apply_offs: h_oopcentral_offset =',h_oopcentral_offset,' rad'
+       write(6,*)'  Used to offset hsxp_tar in h_physics.f  '
+      endif
+      if (hpcentral_offset .ne. 0 ) then
+        write(*,*) ' ******'
+       write(6,*)' h_apply_offs: apply hpcentral_offset(%)  =',hpcentral_offset
+       write(6,*)' h_apply_offs: before:  hpcentral =',hpcentral
+       hpcentral = hpcentral * ( 1. + hpcentral_offset / 100. )
+       write(6,*)' h_apply_offs:  after:  hpcentral =',hpcentral
+      endif
+      if ( hmomentum_factor .gt. 0.1 ) then   
+        write(*,*) ' ******'
+        write(6,*)' h_apply_offs: apply hmomentum_factor  =',hmomentum_factor
+        write(6,*)' h_apply_offs: before :  hpcentral =',hpcentral
+        hpcentral = hpcentral * hmomentum_factor
+        write(6,*)' h_apply_offs: after :  hpcentral =',hpcentral
+      endif
+      if (hthetacentral_offset .ne. 0 ) then
+        write(*,*) ' ******'
+       write(6,*)' h_apply_offs: before: htheta_lab =',htheta_lab
+       htheta_lab=htheta_lab + hthetacentral_offset/degree
+       write(6,*)' h_apply_offs:  after: htheta_lab =',htheta_lab
+       coshthetas = cos(htheta_lab*degree)
+       sinhthetas = sin(htheta_lab*degree)
+      endif
+      ABORT= .FALSE.
+      err= ' '
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/ENGINE/h_clear_event.f b/ENGINE/h_clear_event.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..52fb7ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/h_clear_event.f
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+      SUBROUTINE H_clear_event(ABORT,err)
+*-       Prototype C analysis routine
+*-   Purpose and Methods : clears all HMS quantities before event is processed.
+*-   Output: ABORT		- success or failure
+*-         : err	- reason for failure, if any
+*-   Created  29-Oct-1993   Kevin B. Beard
+* $Log: h_clear_event.f,v $
+* Revision  2007/09/11 19:14:17  frw
+* fixed FPP related arrays and limits
+* Revision  2007/08/22 19:09:16  frw
+* added FPP
+* Revision 1.20  2004/04/26 19:53:33  frw
+* inserted FPP items
+* Revision 1.15  2002/12/20 21:55:23  jones
+* Modified by Hamlet for new HMS aerogel
+* Revision 1.15  2002/09/26
+* (Hamlet) Add clear of HMS Aerogel
+* Revision 1.14  1999/02/23 18:25:15  csa
+* Add call to h_ntuple_clear
+* Revision 1.13  1996/01/16 17:05:05  cdaq
+* no change
+* Revision 1.12  1995/10/09 18:07:59  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add clear of HCER_RAW_ADC
+* Revision 1.11  1995/09/01 13:36:45  cdaq
+* (JRA) Clear some cerenkov variables
+* Revision 1.10  1995/05/22  20:50:46  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.9  1995/03/13  18:12:46  cdaq
+* (SAW) Include file ordering
+* Revision 1.8  1994/10/11  20:27:35  cdaq
+* (JRA) Include additional common blocks
+* Revision 1.7  1994/09/20  17:29:41  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add include of hms_tracking.cmn
+* Revision 1.6  1994/07/07  21:16:57  cdaq
+* (JRA) Clear additional variables
+* Revision 1.5  1994/06/28  20:05:20  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add clear of hscin_all_tot_hits
+* Revision 1.4  1994/06/22  20:53:21  cdaq
+* (SAW) zero the miscleaneous hits counter
+* Revision 1.3  1994/03/01  20:14:24  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add zeroing of the raw total hits counter for the drift chambers
+* Revision 1.2  1994/02/22  19:04:58  cdaq
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/04  22:14:24  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+*- All standards are from "Proposal for Hall C Analysis Software
+*- Vade Mecum, Draft 1.0" by D.F.Geesamn and S.Wood, 7 May 1993
+      SAVE
+      character*13 here
+      parameter (here= 'H_clear_event')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_tracking.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_statistics.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_scin_parms.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_scin_tof.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_cer_parms.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_calorimeter.cmn'
+      include 'gen_detectorids.par'
+      include 'gen_decode_common.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_fpp_event.cmn'
+      INTEGER plane,tube
+      integer*4 iSet, iChamber, iLayer, iPlane, iHit, i
+      HDC_RAW_TOT_HITS = 0
+      HDC_TOT_HITS= 0
+      DO plane= 1,HMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES
+         HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(plane)= 0
+      ENDDO
+      HSCIN_TOT_HITS = 0
+      DO plane=1,HNUM_SCIN_PLANES
+         HSCIN_HITS_PER_PLANE(plane) = 0
+      ENDDO
+      HCAL_TOT_HITS= 0
+      HCAL_NUM_HITS= 0
+      HCER_TOT_HITS= 0
+      do tube = 1, HMAX_CER_HITS
+        HCER_RAW_ADC(tube) = 0
+        HCER_ADC(tube) = 0
+        HCER_NPE(tube) = 0.
+      enddo
+      HAERO_TOT_HITS = 0
+*     HMS Miscleaneous hits
+      HMISC_TOT_HITS = 0
+      HNTRACKS_FP= 0
+      HNTRACKS_TAR= 0
+      HSNUM_FPTRACK = 0
+*     FPP items
+*     * total number of raw TDC hits in the FPP DCs
+      hfpp_raw_tot_hits = 0
+*     * overall event descriptor for HMS FPP
+      HFPP_eventclass = H_FPP_ET_NOHITS
+cfrw -- should not be needed!!
+cfrw *     * drift times for all hits
+cfrw       do iHit=1, H_FPP_MAX_RAWHITS
+cfrw         HFPP_HitTime(iHit) = 0.0
+cfrw       enddo
+*     * number of raw hits in each plane
+      do iPlane=1, H_FPP_N_PLANES
+        HFPP_N_planehitsraw(iPlane) = 0
+        HFPP_N_planehits(iPlane)    = 0
+      enddo !iplane
+*     * number of hit clusters in each plane
+*     *  HFPP_nClusters(iSet,iChamber,iLayer) is positively inited in h_trans_fpp
+*     *  number of tracks in each set of DCs
+      do iSet=1, H_FPP_N_DCSETS
+        hfpp_N_tracks(iSet) = 0
+      enddo !iSet
+*     *  FPP F1 trigger time references
+      do i=0,G_DECODE_MAXROCS
+        HFPP_trigger_TDC(i) = -1
+      enddo
+      call h_ntuple_clear
+      ABORT= .FALSE.
+      err= ' '
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/ENGINE/h_field03.f b/ENGINE/h_field03.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ffb8fdc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/h_field03.f
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+c Field
+c     Calculate the magnet settings for the HMS at a given momentum.
+c     Field knows about the quadrupole tune, and the saturation effects
+c     in all the magnets.
+      subroutine h_field03(P_HMS,I_Q1,I_Q2,I_Q3,I_D,B_D)
+c History:
+c     S A Wood 5-Jun-2003
+c        The momentum can now be passed on the command line for use by
+c        programs that want to call this.  The output will be a single
+c        line with the currents for the quads and the field for the
+c        separated by ,'s.
+c     M K Jones 27-Mar-2003
+c        Eric Christy's found that the central momentum of the
+c   spectrometer was being set to low by  0.003 . Introduce new
+c   norm factor : bnorm_03 = -0.003
+c   Now 
+c      I_Q1 = I_Q1 * renorm_D / renorm_mom/(1+bnorm_03)
+c      I_Q2 = I_Q2 * renorm_D / renorm_mom/(1+bnorm_03)
+c      I_Q3 = I_Q3 * renorm_D / renorm_mom/(1+bnorm_03)
+c      B_D  = B_D             / renorm_mom/(1+bnorm_03)
+c     Antje Bruell 12-Jul-2000
+c Modify Q3 set currents to obtain the correct readback currents
+c (fitting Iset(readback)/P from D. Pottervelds note 16768 and 
+c renormalising at p=0.93)
+c I_Q3 = I_Q3 /  (1.0107*(1.004-0.0136*p_HMS)))
+c     David Potterveld 26-Feb-1999 Old version had incorrect conversion to
+c gauss from tesla for the dipole. We want tesla anyways, so I removed
+c the units conversion.
+c     David McKee 8Feb1999
+c Add the golden tune parameters from Jochen's file.
+c     David McKee 22Jan1999
+c Added the dipole parameterization in function Bneedd. Made the quadrupole
+c paraeterization function Ineedq. I'll keep both ``need'' functions in
+c the same file.
+c     David McKee   20Jan1999
+c Changed the form of the fit to reflect the hysterisis effects and
+c the golden tune as per Jochen's version. 
+c Why did Rolf give me the one without it?
+c Also move the calculation of I(bl_q[1-3]) into a function.
+c     David McKee   3Sept1998
+c Hacked from Jochen's version to work like the printout that Rolf gave me
+c Comented and cleaned up.
+      implicit none
+      real*8 befl_q1, befl_q2, befl_q3     ! See note below
+      real*8 golden1, golden2, golden3
+      real*8 futch_q3                      
+      real*8 renorm_D, renorm_mom 
+      real*8 P_HMS,sign_HMS
+      real*8 bl_q1, bl_q2, bl_q3           ! Int{B dot dL} for each quad.
+      real*8 I_Q1, I_Q2, I_Q3              ! Currents in the quads.
+      real*8 B_D                ! Field in the dipole. 
+      real*8 I_D                ! Current in the dipole. 
+      real*8 Bneedd, Ineedq
+      real*8 bnorm_03
+      integer iargc
+      integer iargcount
+      character*30 arg
+c These three numbers reflect the quadrupole tune.
+c They are the desired B.dl for each magnet at a nominal momentum 
+c setting of 6.0 GeV. Mess with them at your peril.
+c HMS100 tune (from Jochen's version)
+      data befl_q1/2.6571/
+      data befl_q2/3.3233/
+      data befl_q3/1.6324/
+      data golden1/1.010/
+      data golden2/1.005/
+      data golden3/1.010/
+c HMS-1? tune
+c      data befl_q1/2.8858/
+c      data befl_q2/3.4212/
+c      data befl_q3/1.7298/
+c      data golden1/1.0/
+c      data golden2/1.0/
+c      data golden3/1.0/
+c The rest of these constants are historical. I don't necessarily know where
+c the came from, and I'm not going to mess with them. DWM
+c Some find of (Dutch(?)) fudge factor. 1.0 is nominal.
+c Imperical value based on Dec '94 run
+c      data futch_q3/0.983/
+      data futch_q3/1.000/
+c Renormalization of currents since we set the Dipole by the NMR now.
+      data renorm_D/0.985/
+c      data renorm_D/1.000/
+c Empirical renormalization of central momentum 
+      data renorm_mom/1.009/
+c mkj determination by Eric Christy of new normalization 2003.
+c   this is a correction to the nromalizations above.
+      data bnorm_03 /-0.003/
+c Finally, the code...
+      iargcount = 1!iargc()
+c Prompt the user for the momentum, 
+c then seperate the sign from the magnitude...
+      sign_HMS = P_HMS/abs(P_HMS)
+      P_HMS = abs(P_HMS)
+c The B.dl we desire is liearly related to the momentum, the befl_q[1-3]s
+c are normalized to 6 GeV
+      bl_q1=befl_q1*P_HMS/6.*golden1
+      bl_q2=befl_q2*P_HMS/6.*golden2
+      bl_q3=befl_q3*P_HMS/6.*golden3
+c Calculate the needed current.
+      I_Q1 = Ineedq(bl_q1,1)
+      I_Q2 = Ineedq(bl_q2,2)
+      I_Q3 = Ineedq(bl_q3,3)
+      B_D  = Bneedd(P_HMS,iargcount)
+c Apply the dipole and central momentum normalizations...
+      I_Q1 = I_Q1 * renorm_D / renorm_mom/(1+bnorm_03)
+      I_Q2 = I_Q2 * renorm_D / renorm_mom/(1+bnorm_03)
+      I_Q3 = I_Q3 * renorm_D / renorm_mom/(1+bnorm_03)
+      B_D  = B_D             / renorm_mom/(1+bnorm_03)
+c For Q3 use readback current instead of setcurrent
+c i.e. renormalise by ratio of readback/set current
+      I_Q3 = I_Q3 /  (1.0107*(1.004-0.0136/P_HMS))
+c Added 19 April 2003 by Joerg Reinhold
+c For the Dipole calculate s start value for the set current
+      I_D = 1105.7*B_D+13.192*B_D*B_D
+      end
diff --git a/ENGINE/h_fieldcorr.f b/ENGINE/h_fieldcorr.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d490f3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/h_fieldcorr.f
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+*-   Purpose and Methods : Correct hpcentral from wrong saturation 
+*-                         calculation in fieldXX.f
+*-      Required Input BANKS     HMS_FOCAL_PLANE
+*-                               HMS_TARGET
+*-      Output BANKS             HMS_PHYSICS_R4
+*-                               HMS_PHYSICS_I4
+*-   Output: ABORT           - success or failure
+*-         : err             - reason for failure, if any
+*-   crated: Fri Aug 18 11:48:29 EDT 2000 B. Zihlmann
+*-           from h_satcorr.f but do correction to hpcentral         
+*-           and the call needs to be done at begining of 
+*-           run only (not event-by-event).
+* $Log: h_fieldcorr.f,v $
+* Revision 1.2  2003/02/21 14:55:26  jones
+* Added write statements
+* Revision 1.1  2002/09/24 20:11:24  jones
+* h_fieldcorr.f corrects hpcentral when genable_hms_fieldcorr.eq.0
+*     and hpcentral > 3.5573 GeV/c . Correction needs to be applied
+*     for experiments which used fieldxx.f before field02.f
+      SAVE
+      character*9 here
+      parameter (here= 'h_fieldcorr')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      integer ierr
+      include 'gen_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_constants.par'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_units.par'
+*     local variables 
+      REAL*4 p0corr
+      ierr=0
+      ABORT=.FALSE.
+      p0corr=0.
+      if(genable_hms_fieldcorr.eq.0) then
+         write(*,*) ' ******'
+         write(*,*) ' HMS field correction applied when hpcentral > 3.5573 '
+         write(*,*) ' Should be enabled for data taken before Jan 1 2002'
+        if ( then
+          p0corr= 1.0 + 1.0755e-3*
+     >         ((hpcentral-3.5573)**2)
+          hpcentral = hpcentral*p0corr
+        endif                        
+      else
+         write(*,*) ' ******'
+         write(*,*) ' HMS field correction not applied '
+         write(*,*) ' Should be enabled for data taken before Jan 1 2002'
+      endif
+      ABORT= .or. ABORT
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/ENGINE/h_fpp_nt_change.f b/ENGINE/h_fpp_nt_change.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ab5e47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/h_fpp_nt_change.f
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+      subroutine h_fpp_nt_change(ABORT,err)
+*     closes one HMS FPP Ntuple file and opens another
+*     Purpose : switching from one file to the next
+*     Output: ABORT      - success or failure
+*           : err        - reason for failure, if any
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*15 here
+      parameter (here='h_fpp_nt_change')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 'h_fpp_ntuple.cmn'
+      include 'gen_run_info.cmn'
+      character*1 ifile
+      character*80 file
+      character*1000 pat
+      integer*4 ilo,fn_len
+*     functions
+      integer g_important_length
+      call h_fpp_nt_close(ABORT,err)
+      if (h_fpp_nt_exists) then
+        ABORT = .true.
+      endif
+      call NO_nulls(h_fpp_nt_file)     !replace null characters with blanks
+      file= h_fpp_nt_file
+      call NO_nulls(file)     !replace null characters with blanks
+      call g_sub_run_number(file,gen_run_number)
+      h_fpp_nt_filesegments = h_fpp_nt_filesegments + 1
+      if (h_fpp_nt_filesegments .le. 9) then
+        ifile = char(ichar('0')+h_fpp_nt_filesegments)
+      else
+        ifile = char(ichar('a')+h_fpp_nt_filesegments-10)
+      endif
+      fn_len = g_important_length(file)
+      ilo=index(file,'.hbook')
+      if ((ilo.le.1).or.( then
+        ilo=index(file,'.rzdat')
+      endif
+      if (( then
+        file = file(1:ilo-1) // '.' // ifile // file(ilo:fn_len)
+      else
+        ABORT = .true.
+      endif
+      IF (.not.ABORT) call h_fpp_nt_open(file,ABORT,err)
+        err= ':unable to change HMS FPP Ntuple file segment'
+        call G_add_path(here,err)
+      ELSE
+        pat= ':changed HMS FPP Ntuple file segment'
+        call G_add_path(here,pat)
+        call G_log_message('INFO: '//pat)
+      ENDIF
+      RETURN
+      END  
diff --git a/ENGINE/h_fpp_nt_close.f b/ENGINE/h_fpp_nt_close.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a8d7456
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/h_fpp_nt_close.f
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+      subroutine h_fpp_nt_close(ABORT,err)
+*     closes the HMS FPP Ntuple file
+*     Purpose : Flushes and closes the HMS FPP Ntuple
+*     Output: ABORT      - success or failure
+*           : err        - reason for failure, if any
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*14 here
+      parameter (here='h_fpp_nt_close')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 'h_fpp_ntuple.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_routines.dec'
+      logical HEXIST    !CERNLIB function
+      logical FAIL
+      character*80 why,directory,name
+      character*1000 msg
+      integer io,id,cycle,m
+      err= ' '
+      ABORT = .FALSE.
+      IF(.NOT.h_fpp_nt_exists) RETURN       !nothing to do
+      call HCDIR(directory,'R')                !keep current directory
+      id= h_fpp_nt_ID
+      io= h_fpp_nt_IOchannel
+      name= h_fpp_nt_name
+      ABORT= .NOT.HEXIST(id)
+        call G_add_path(here,err)
+        If(io.GT.0) Then
+          call G_IO_control(io,'FREE',FAIL,why) !free up
+          if(.NOT.FAIL) CLOSE(io)
+        EndIf
+        h_fpp_nt_exists= .FALSE.
+        h_fpp_nt_IOchannel= 0
+        RETURN
+      ENDIF
+      call HCDIR(h_fpp_nt_directory,' ')      !goto Ntuple directory
+      call G_add_path(here,msg)
+      call G_log_message('INFO: '//msg)
+      cycle= 0                                !dummy for HROUT
+      call HROUT(id,cycle,' ')                !flush CERNLIB buffers
+      call HREND(name)                        !CERNLIB close file
+      call G_IO_control(io,'FREE',ABORT,err)  !free up IO channel
+      CLOSE(io)                               !close IO channel
+      call HCDIR(directory,' ')               !return to current directory
+      h_fpp_nt_directory= ' '
+      h_fpp_nt_exists= .FALSE.
+      h_fpp_nt_IOchannel= 0
+      IF(ABORT) call G_add_path(here,err)
+      RETURN
+      END      
diff --git a/ENGINE/h_fpp_nt_init.f b/ENGINE/h_fpp_nt_init.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7283c8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/h_fpp_nt_init.f
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+      subroutine h_fpp_nt_init(ABORT,err)
+*     Creates an HMS FPP Ntuple
+*     Purpose : Books an HMS FPP Ntuple; defines structure of it
+*     Output: ABORT      - success or failure
+*           : err        - reason for failure, if any
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*13 here
+      parameter (here='h_fpp_nt_init')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 'h_fpp_ntuple.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_routines.dec'
+      include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'gen_run_info.cmn'
+      character*80 default_name
+      parameter (default_name= 'hFPPntuple')
+      character*80 file
+      character*80 name
+      character*1000 pat,msg
+      integerilo,fn_len,m
+      character*1 ifile
+      INCLUDE 'h_fpp_ntuple.dte'
+      err= ' '
+      ABORT = .FALSE.
+      IF(h_fpp_nt_exists) THEN
+        call h_fpp_nt_shutdown(ABORT,err)
+        If(ABORT) Then
+          call G_add_path(here,err)
+          RETURN
+        EndIf
+      ENDIF
+      call NO_nulls(h_fpp_nt_file)     !replace null characters with blanks
+*-if name blank, just forget it
+      IF(h_fpp_nt_file.EQ.' ') RETURN   !do nothing
+      h_fpp_nt_ID= default_h_fpp_nt_ID
+      h_fpp_nt_name= default_name
+      IF(h_fpp_nt_title.EQ.' ') THEN
+        msg= name//' '//h_fpp_nt_file
+        call only_one_blank(msg)
+        h_fpp_nt_title= msg
+      ENDIF
+      file= h_fpp_nt_file
+      call g_sub_run_number(file,gen_run_number)
+*     * only needed if using more than one file      
+      if (HFPP_nt_max_segmentevents .gt. 0) then
+         h_fpp_nt_filesegments = 1
+         ifile = char(ichar('0')+h_fpp_nt_filesegments)
+         fn_len = g_important_length(file)
+         ilo=index(file,'.hbook')
+         if ((ilo.le.1).or.( then
+           ilo=index(file,'.rzdat')
+         endif  
+         if (( then
+           file = file(1:ilo-1) // '.' // ifile // file(ilo:fn_len)
+         else
+           ABORT = .true.
+          RETURN
+         endif
+         write(*,*) ' Using segmented hms FPP rzdat files first filename: ',file
+      else
+         write(*,*) ' Not using segmented hms FPP rzdat files.'  
+      endif
+      call h_fpp_nt_open(file,ABORT,err)      
+        err= ':unable to create HMS FPP Ntuple'
+        call G_add_path(here,err)
+      ELSE
+        pat= ':created HMS FPP Ntuple'
+        call G_add_path(here,pat)
+        call G_log_message('INFO: '//pat)
+      ENDIF
+      RETURN
+      END  
diff --git a/ENGINE/h_fpp_nt_keep.f b/ENGINE/h_fpp_nt_keep.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f7bdf0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/h_fpp_nt_keep.f
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+      subroutine h_fpp_nt_keep(ABORT,err)
+*     Purpose : Add entry to the HMS FPP Ntuple
+*     Output: ABORT      - success or failure
+*           : err        - reason for failure, if any
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*13 here
+      parameter (here='h_fpp_nt_keep')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 'gen_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_event_info.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_physics_sing.cmn'
+      include 'gen_detectorids.par'
+      include 'gen_decode_common.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_fpp_event.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_fpp_params.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'h_fpp_ntuple.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'h_fpp_ntup.cwn'
+      logical HEXIST	!CERNLIB function
+      integer iSet,iTrk,iCham,iLay,iWire,cluster
+      integer iHit,iRaw
+      integer n
+      err= ' '
+      ABORT = .FALSE.
+c      write(*,*)'In h_fp_nt_keep ...',h_fpp_nt_exists
+      IF(.NOT.h_fpp_nt_exists) RETURN       !nothing to do
+c      write(*,*)'Segments: ',h_fpp_nt_segmentevents,HFPP_nt_max_segmentevents
+      if (HFPP_nt_max_segmentevents .gt. 0) then
+        if (h_fpp_nt_segmentevents .gt. HFPP_nt_max_segmentevents) then
+          call h_fpp_nt_change(ABORT,err)
+        else
+          h_fpp_nt_segmentevents = h_fpp_nt_segmentevents +1
+        endif
+      endif
+      cwnFPP_eventID = gen_event_ID_number
+      if(
+      cwnFPP_evtcode = HFPP_eventclass
+      cwnFPP_helicite  = gbeam_helicity
+*******  standard HMS info
+c      write(*,*)'Beam helicity = ',gbeam_helicity_TS,gbeam_helicity
+      cwnFPP_hsdelta = HSDELTA
+      cwnFPP_hstheta = HSTHETA
+      cwnFPP_hsphi   = HSPHI
+      cwnFPP_w       = HINVMASS
+      cwnFPP_hszbeam = HSZBEAM
+      cwnFPP_hsxfp   = HSX_FP
+      cwnFPP_hsyfp   = HSY_FP
+      cwnFPP_hsxpfp  = HSXP_FP
+      cwnFPP_hsypfp  = HSYP_FP
+      cwnFPP_hsytar   = HSY_TAR
+      cwnFPP_hsxptar  = HSXP_TAR
+      cwnFPP_hsyptar  = HSYP_TAR
+*******  global FPP info
+      cwnFPP_trig_TDC1 = HFPP_trigger_TDC(1)
+      cwnFPP_trig_TDC2 = HFPP_trigger_TDC(2)
+      cwnFPP_RawHits   = HFPP_raw_tot_hits
+*******  FPP hits
+      n = 0
+      do iSet=1,2  ! Upstream & downstream polarimeter
+       do iCham=1, H_FPP_N_DCINSET	! record all 1st hits on all wires (=all cluster hits)
+	do iLay=1, H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS
+          do cluster=1,HFPP_nClusters(iSet,iCham,iLay)
+	    iTrk  = HFPP_ClusterinTrack(iSet,iCham,iLay,cluster)
+            do iHit=1,HFPP_nHitsinCluster(iSet,iCham,iLay,cluster)
+              n = min(n+1,MAX_cwn_goodhits)
+c              write(*,*)iSet,iCham,iLay,cluster,iHit,n
+              iRaw = HFPP_Clusters(iSet,iCham,iLay,cluster,iHit)
+	      iWire = HFPP_raw_wire(iRaw)
+c              write(*,*)iraw
+c                write(*,*)iSet,HFPP_raw_plane(iRaw),HFPP_raw_wire(iRaw),
+c     >              HFPP_HitTime(iRaw)  
+              cwnFPP_Hit1_pol(n)    = iSet
+              cwnFPP_Hit1_layer(n)  = HFPP_raw_plane(iRaw)
+              cwnFPP_Hit1_wire(n)   = iWire
+              cwnFPP_Hit1_d_HMS(n)  = HFPP_dHMS(iSet,iCham,iLay,cluster,iHit)
+cBAD!              cwnFPP_Hit1_time(n)   = HFPP_HitTime(iRaw)
+	      if (iTrk.le.0) then
+                cwnFPP_Hit1_itrack(n) = 0
+                cwnFPP_Hit1_time(n)   = H_FPP_BAD_TIME
+	        cwnFPP_Hit1_drift(n)  = H_FPP_BAD_DRIFT
+	        cwnFPP_Hit1_resid(n)  = H_FPP_BAD_DRIFT
+	      else
+c                write(*,*)iTrk,
+c     >                HFPP_drift_dist(iSet,iCham,iLay,iWire),
+c     >                HFPP_track_residual(iSet,iCham,iLay,iTrk)
+	        cwnFPP_Hit1_itrack(n) = iTrk
+                cwnFPP_Hit1_time(n)   = HFPP_drift_time(iSet,iCham,iLay,iWire)
+	        cwnFPP_Hit1_drift(n)  = HFPP_drift_dist(iSet,iCham,iLay,iWire)
+	        cwnFPP_Hit1_resid(n)  = HFPP_track_residual(iSet,iCham,iLay,iTrk)
+	      endif
+            enddo !iHit
+          enddo !cluster
+	enddo !iLay
+       enddo !iCham
+      enddo !iSet
+      cwnFPP_Nhits1 = n
+*******  FPP tracks
+      n=0
+      do iSet=1,2  ! Upstream & downstream polarimeter
+       do iTrk=1,HFPP_N_tracks(iSet)
+c         write(*,*)iSet,iTrk,HFPP_N_tracks(iSet)
+c         write(*,*)iSet,iTrk
+c         write(*,*)HFPP_track_Nlayers(iSet,iTrk)
+c         write(*,*)HFPP_track_rough(iSet,iTrk,1),
+c     >          HFPP_track_rough(iSet,iTrk,2),
+c     >          HFPP_track_rough(iSet,iTrk,3),
+c     >          HFPP_track_rough(iSet,iTrk,4)
+c         write(*,*)HFPP_track_dx(iSet,iTrk),
+c     >          HFPP_track_x(iSet,iTrk),
+c     >          HFPP_track_dy(iSet,iTrk),
+c     >          HFPP_track_y(iSet,iTrk)
+c         write(*,*)HFPP_track_chi2(iSet,iTrk),
+c     >          HFPP_track_zclose(iSet,iTrk),
+c     >          HFPP_track_sclose(iSet,iTrk)
+c         write(*,*)HFPP_track_theta(iSet,iTrk),
+c     >          HFPP_track_phi(iSet,iTrk)
+         n=n+1      
+	 cwnFPP_trk_pol(n) = iSet
+	 cwnFPP_trk_num(n) = iTrk
+	 cwnFPP_trk_hits(n) = HFPP_track_Nlayers(iSet,iTrk)    ! # of layers w/hit on track
+	 cwnFPP_simple_mx(n)   = HFPP_track_rough(iSet,iTrk,1)    ! simple (=no drift) track
+	 cwnFPP_simple_bx(n)   = HFPP_track_rough(iSet,iTrk,2)
+	 cwnFPP_simple_my(n)   = HFPP_track_rough(iSet,iTrk,3)
+	 cwnFPP_simple_by(n)   = HFPP_track_rough(iSet,iTrk,4)
+	 cwnFPP_full_mx(n)	  = HFPP_track_dx(iSet,iTrk)	    ! track w/ drift
+	 cwnFPP_full_bx(n)	  = HFPP_track_x(iSet,iTrk)
+	 cwnFPP_full_my(n)	  = HFPP_track_dy(iSet,iTrk)
+	 cwnFPP_full_by(n)	  = HFPP_track_y(iSet,iTrk)
+	 cwnFPP_chi2(n)        = HFPP_track_chi2(iSet,iTrk)
+         cwnFPP_zclose(n)      = HFPP_track_zclose(iSet,iTrk)
+         cwnFPP_sclose(n)      = HFPP_track_sclose(iSet,iTrk)
+         cwnFPP_conetest(n)      = HFPP_track_conetest(iSet,iTrk)
+         cwnFPP_theta(n)       = HFPP_track_theta(iSet,iTrk)
+         cwnFPP_phi(n)         = HFPP_track_phi(iSet,iTrk)
+cfrw     print *,gen_event_ID_number,n,iSet,cwnFPP_full_mx(n),cwnFPP_full_bx(n),cwnFPP_full_my(n),cwnFPP_full_by(n)
+       enddo !iTrk
+      enddo !iSet
+      cwnFPP_Ntracks = n
+* Fill ntuple for this event
+      ABORT= .NOT.HEXIST(h_fpp_nt_ID)
+        call G_build_note(':Ntuple ID#$ does not exist',
+     &                        '$',h_fpp_nt_ID,' ',0.,' ',err)
+        call G_add_path(here,err)
+      ELSE
+        call HFNT(h_fpp_nt_ID)
+      ENDIF
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/ENGINE/h_fpp_nt_open.f b/ENGINE/h_fpp_nt_open.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b015f33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/h_fpp_nt_open.f
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+      subroutine h_fpp_nt_open(file,ABORT,err)
+*     Opens an HMS FPP Ntuple file
+*     Purpose : Books an HMS FPP Ntuple
+*     Output: ABORT      - success or failure
+*           : err        - reason for failure, if any
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*13 here
+      parameter (here='h_fpp_nt_open')
+      integer Nwpawc,h,nh
+      parameter (Nwpawc=150000)
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 'gen_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'h_fpp_ntuple.cmn'
+      include 'h_fpp_ntup.cwn'
+      integer iquest
+      common /PAWC/ h(Nwpawc)
+      common /QUEST/ iquest(100)
+      integer default_recL, default_bufS
+c      parameter (default_recL= 8191)    !record length
+c      parameter (default_bufS= 8176)    !record length
+      parameter (default_recL= 4096)    !record length
+      parameter (default_bufS= 4096)    !record length
+      character*80 title,file
+      character*80 directory,name
+      character*1000 pat,msg
+      integer status,size,io,id,recL,bufS,iv(10),m
+      real rv(10)
+      logical HEXIST           !CERNLIB function
+      err= ' '
+      ABORT = .FALSE.
+      IF(h_fpp_nt_exists) THEN
+        call h_fpp_nt_shutdown(ABORT,err)
+        If(ABORT) Then
+          call G_add_path(here,err)
+          RETURN
+        EndIf
+      ENDIF
+*- get any free IO channel
+      call g_IO_control(io,'ANY',ABORT,err)
+      h_fpp_nt_exists= .NOT.ABORT
+        call G_add_path(here,err)
+        RETURN
+      ENDIF
+      h_fpp_nt_IOchannel= io
+      id= h_fpp_nt_ID
+      name= h_fpp_nt_name
+      title= h_fpp_nt_title
+      ABORT= HEXIST(id)
+        call g_IO_control(h_fpp_nt_IOchannel,'FREE',ABORT,err)
+        call G_build_note(':HBOOK id#$ already in use',
+     &                                 '$',id,' ',rv,' ',err)
+        call G_add_path(here,err)
+        RETURN
+      ENDIF
+      nh=Nwpawc
+c      call HLIMIT(nh)
+      recL = default_recL
+      bufS = default_bufS
+      iquest(10) = 256000
+*-open New *.rzdat file-
+      CALL HCDIR(directory,'R')       !CERNLIB read current directory
+      call HROPEN(io,name,file,'NQE',recL,status) 
+      ABORT= status.NE.0
+        call g_IO_control(h_fpp_nt_IOchannel,'FREE',ABORT,err)
+        iv(1)= status
+        iv(2)= io
+        pat= ':HROPEN error#$ opening IO#$ "'//file//'"'
+        call G_build_note(pat,'$',iv,' ',rv,' ',err)
+        call G_add_path(here,err)
+        RETURN
+      ENDIF
+      call HBSET('BSIZE',bufS,status) 
+      ABORT= status.NE.0
+        call g_IO_control(h_fpp_nt_IOchannel,'FREE',ABORT,err)
+        iv(1)= status
+        iv(2)= io
+        pat= ':HBSET error#$ allocating storage#$ "'//file//'"'
+        call G_build_note(pat,'$',iv,' ',rv,' ',err)
+        call G_add_path(here,err)
+        RETURN
+      ENDIF
+* Open COLUMNwise ntuple for variable number of entries
+      call HBNT(id,title,' ')
+      call HBNAME(id,' ',0,'$clear')
+* need to manually apply same ranges as defined for array limits!!
+*  max layers per chamber pair = 6
+*  MAX_cwn_goodhits= 100
+*  max hit1/set = N chamb * N lay * max cluster/layer * max hit/cluster = 270
+      call HBNAME(id,'FPP1',cwnFPP_eventID,'eventID:U*4'
+     1 //',evtcode[0,63]:U*4'
+     1 //',helicite[-1,1]:I*4'
+     1 //',hsdelta:R'
+     1 //',hstheta:R'
+     1 //',hsphi:R'
+     1 //',w:R'
+     1 //',hszbeam:R'
+     1 //',hsxfp:R'
+     1 //',hsyfp:R'
+     1 //',hsxpfp:R'
+     1 //',hsypfp:R'
+     1 //',hsytar:R'
+     1 //',hsxptar:R'
+     1 //',hsyptar:R'
+     1
+     1 //',trig_TDC1:I*4'
+     1 //',trig_TDC2:I*4'
+     1 
+     1// ',RawHits[0,2400]:U*4'
+     1
+     1// ',Nhits1[0,100]:U*4'
+     1// ',h1_Pol(Nhits1)[1,2]:U*4'
+     1// ',h1_Layer(Nhits1)[0,12]:U*4'
+     1// ',h1_Wire(Nhits1)[0,104]:U*4'
+     1// ',h1_on_trk(Nhits1)[0,18]:U*4'
+     1// ',h1_time(Nhits1):R'
+     1// ',h1_drift(Nhits1):R'
+     1// ',h1_resid(Nhits1):R'
+     1// ',h1_d_HMS(Nhits1):R'
+     1
+     1// ',Ntrack[0,18]:U*4'
+     1// ',Pol(Ntrack)[0,2]:U*4'
+     1// ',trackNo(Ntrack)[0,9]:U*4'
+     1// ',trk_hits(Ntrack)[0,6]:U*4'
+     1// ',trk_conet(Ntrack):I*4'
+     1// ',trk_s_xp(Ntrack):R'
+     1// ',trk_s_x(Ntrack):R'
+     1// ',trk_s_yp(Ntrack):R'
+     1// ',trk_s_y(Ntrack):R'
+     1// ',trk_f_xp(Ntrack):R'
+     1// ',trk_f_x(Ntrack):R'
+     1// ',trk_f_yp(Ntrack):R'
+     1// ',trk_f_y(Ntrack):R'
+     1// ',trk_chi2(Ntrack):R'
+     1// ',trk_zclos(Ntrack):R'
+     1// ',trk_sclos(Ntrack):R'
+     1// ',trk_theta(Ntrack):R'
+     1// ',trk_phi(Ntrack):R'
+     1 )
+      call HCDIR(h_fpp_nt_directory,'R')      !record Ntuple directory
+      CALL HCDIR(directory,' ')       !reset CERNLIB directory
+      h_fpp_nt_exists= HEXIST(h_fpp_nt_ID)
+      ABORT= .NOT.h_fpp_nt_exists
+      iv(1)= id
+      iv(2)= io
+      pat= 'Ntuple id#$ [' // h_fpp_nt_directory // '/]' // 
+     &                         name // ' IO#$ "' // file // '"'
+      call G_build_note(pat,'$',iv,' ',rv,' ',msg)
+      call sub_string(msg,' /]','/]')
+        err= ':unable to create '//msg
+        call G_add_path(here,err)
+      ELSE
+        pat= ':created '//msg
+        call G_add_path(here,pat)
+        call G_log_message('INFO: '//pat)
+      ENDIF
+      h_fpp_nt_segmentevents = 0
+      RETURN
+      END  
diff --git a/ENGINE/h_fpp_nt_register.f b/ENGINE/h_fpp_nt_register.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..21e4c76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/h_fpp_nt_register.f
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+      subroutine h_fpp_nt_register(ABORT,err)
+*     CTP variable registration routine for the HMS FPP Ntuples 
+*     Purpose : Register output filename for HMS FPP Ntuple; temporary
+*     implementation to be superceeded by CTP Ntuples
+*     Output: ABORT      - success or failure
+*           : err        - reason for failure, if any
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*17 here
+      parameter (here='h_fpp_nt_register')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 'h_fpp_ntuple.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_routines.dec'
+      integer ierr
+      err= ' '
+      ABORT = .FALSE.
+      call G_reg_C('HMS_FPP_Ntuple',h_fpp_nt_file,ABORT,err)
+        call G_prepend(':unable to register-',err)
+        call G_add_path(here,err)
+      ENDIF
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/ENGINE/h_fpp_nt_shutdown.f b/ENGINE/h_fpp_nt_shutdown.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6176e35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/h_fpp_nt_shutdown.f
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+      subroutine h_fpp_nt_shutdown(ABORT,err)
+*     Final shutdown of the HMS FPP Ntuple
+*     Purpose : Flushes and closes the HMS FPP Ntuple
+*     Output: ABORT      - success or failure
+*           : err        - reason for failure, if any
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*17 here
+      parameter (here='h_fpp_nt_shutdown')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 'h_fpp_ntuple.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_routines.dec'
+      logical FAIL
+      character*80 why,directory,name
+      character*1000 msg
+      integer io,id,cycle,m
+      err= ' '
+      ABORT = .FALSE.
+      IF(.NOT.h_fpp_nt_exists) RETURN       !nothing to do
+      call h_fpp_nt_close(ABORT,err)
+      IF(h_fpp_nt_exists) then
+         ABORT = .true.
+      endif
+      h_fpp_nt_ID= 0
+      h_fpp_nt_name= ' '
+      h_fpp_nt_file= ' '
+      h_fpp_nt_title= ' '
+      do m=1,HMAX_FPPntuple_size
+        h_fpp_nt_tag(m)= ' '
+        h_fpp_nt_contents(m)= 0.
+      enddo
+      IF(ABORT) call G_add_path(here,err)
+      RETURN
+      END      
diff --git a/ENGINE/h_fpp_ntup.cwn b/ENGINE/h_fpp_ntup.cwn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b570cd9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/h_fpp_ntup.cwn
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+c common block of variables for column-wise Ntuple for HMS FPP
+***** these must NOT be used in the CTP system!!
+      integer MAX_cwn_goodhits
+      parameter (MAX_cwn_goodhits= 100)	!!! must match limits in h_fpp_nt_open
+      integer MAX_cwn_tracks
+      parameter (MAX_cwn_tracks= 18)	!!! should be 2*H_FPP_MAX_TRACKS !!!
+      integer*4 cwnFPP_eventID	      ! seqential trigger no
+      integer*4 cwnFPP_evtcode	      ! overall FPP event descriptor
+      integer*4 cwnFPP_helicite	      ! event by event beam helicity
+      real*4    cwnFPP_hsdelta	      ! momentum delta of HMS track
+      real*4    cwnFPP_hstheta	      ! angle of HMS track in hall
+      real*4    cwnFPP_hsphi	      ! azimuth of HMS track in hall
+      real*4    cwnFPP_w	      ! missing mass of HMS track (incl.)
+      real*4    cwnFPP_hszbeam	      ! z-coord of beam*HMS track in target
+      real*4    cwnFPP_hsxfp	      ! x-coord of HMS track at FP
+      real*4    cwnFPP_hsyfp	      ! y-coord of HMS track at FP
+      real*4    cwnFPP_hsxpfp	      ! dx/dz of HMS track at FP
+      real*4    cwnFPP_hsypfp	      ! dy/dz of HMS track at FP
+      real*4    cwnFPP_hsytar	      ! y-coord of HMS track at target
+      real*4    cwnFPP_hsxptar	      ! dx/dz of HMS track at target
+      real*4    cwnFPP_hsyptar	      ! dy/dz of HMS track at target
+      real*4    cwnFPP_trig_TDC1      ! TDC value of FPP trigger signal in VME 1
+      real*4    cwnFPP_trig_TDC2      ! TDC value of FPP trigger signal in VME 2
+      integer*4 cwnFPP_RawHits	      ! raw # of hits in FPP chambers
+      integer*4 cwnFPP_Nhits1	      ! # of wires with usable hit in layers 1-6 (either pol)
+      integer*4 cwnFPP_Hit1_pol	      ! polarimeter 1 or 2
+      integer*4 cwnFPP_Hit1_layer     ! layer # of each hit
+      integer*4 cwnFPP_Hit1_wire      ! wire # of each hit
+      integer*4 cwnFPP_Hit1_itrack    ! # of track hit is used in
+      real*4    cwnFPP_Hit1_time      ! corrected TDC time of each hit
+      real*4    cwnFPP_Hit1_drift     ! signed(!) drift distance
+      real*4    cwnFPP_Hit1_resid     ! signed(!) residual between drift & track
+      real*4    cwnFPP_Hit1_d_HMS     ! signed(!) distance between wire & HMS track
+      integer*4 cwnFPP_Ntracks	      ! # of tracks in upstream polarimeter
+      integer*4 cwnFPP_trk_pol	      ! upstream (1) or downstream (2) polarimeter
+      integer*4 cwnFPP_trk_num	      ! seq # of track in pol
+      integer*4 cwnFPP_trk_hits	      ! # of layers contributing
+      integer*4 cwnFPP_conetest	      ! fpp conetest variable
+      real*4    cwnFPP_simple_mx      ! simple track dx/dz in chamber coords
+      real*4    cwnFPP_simple_bx      ! 	     x-coord in chamber system
+      real*4    cwnFPP_simple_my      ! 	     dy/dz in chamber coords
+      real*4    cwnFPP_simple_by      ! 	     y-coord in chamber system
+      real*4    cwnFPP_full_mx        ! full track dx/dz in FP coords, upstream polarimeter
+      real*4    cwnFPP_full_bx        !  	  x-coord in FP system
+      real*4    cwnFPP_full_my        !  	  dy/dz in FP coords
+      real*4    cwnFPP_full_by        !  	  y-coord in FP system
+      real*4    cwnFPP_chi2	      ! 	   reduced chi**2
+      real*4    cwnFPP_zclose	      ! 	   z-coord of closest approach
+      real*4    cwnFPP_sclose	      ! 	   distance of closest approach
+      real*4    cwnFPP_theta	      ! 	   opening angle betw incident and re-scattered
+      real*4    cwnFPP_phi	      ! 	   azimuthal angle
+      COMMON /CWNtupleFPP/ cwnFPP_eventID,
+     & cwnFPP_evtcode,
+     & cwnFPP_helicite,
+     & cwnFPP_hsdelta,
+     & cwnFPP_hstheta,
+     & cwnFPP_hsphi,
+     & cwnFPP_w,
+     & cwnFPP_hszbeam,
+     & cwnFPP_hsxfp,
+     & cwnFPP_hsyfp,
+     & cwnFPP_hsxpfp,
+     & cwnFPP_hsypfp,
+     & cwnFPP_hsytar,
+     & cwnFPP_hsxptar,
+     & cwnFPP_hsyptar,
+     &
+     & cwnFPP_trig_TDC1,
+     & cwnFPP_trig_TDC2,
+     &
+     & cwnFPP_RawHits,
+     &
+     & cwnFPP_Nhits1,
+     & cwnFPP_Hit1_pol(MAX_cwn_goodhits),
+     & cwnFPP_Hit1_layer(MAX_cwn_goodhits),
+     & cwnFPP_Hit1_wire(MAX_cwn_goodhits),
+     & cwnFPP_Hit1_iTrack(MAX_cwn_goodhits),
+     & cwnFPP_Hit1_time(MAX_cwn_goodhits),
+     & cwnFPP_Hit1_drift(MAX_cwn_goodhits),
+     & cwnFPP_Hit1_resid(MAX_cwn_goodhits),
+     & cwnFPP_Hit1_d_HMS(MAX_cwn_goodhits),
+     &
+     & cwnFPP_Ntracks,
+     & cwnFPP_trk_pol(MAX_cwn_tracks),
+     & cwnFPP_trk_num(MAX_cwn_tracks),
+     & cwnFPP_trk_hits(MAX_cwn_tracks),
+     & cwnFPP_conetest(MAX_cwn_tracks),
+     & cwnFPP_simple_mx(MAX_cwn_tracks),
+     & cwnFPP_simple_bx(MAX_cwn_tracks),
+     & cwnFPP_simple_my(MAX_cwn_tracks),
+     & cwnFPP_simple_by(MAX_cwn_tracks),
+     & cwnFPP_full_mx(MAX_cwn_tracks),
+     & cwnFPP_full_bx(MAX_cwn_tracks),
+     & cwnFPP_full_my(MAX_cwn_tracks),
+     & cwnFPP_full_by(MAX_cwn_tracks),
+     & cwnFPP_chi2(MAX_cwn_tracks),
+     & cwnFPP_zclose(MAX_cwn_tracks),
+     & cwnFPP_sclose(MAX_cwn_tracks),
+     & cwnFPP_theta(MAX_cwn_tracks),
+     & cwnFPP_phi(MAX_cwn_tracks)
diff --git a/ENGINE/h_initialize.f b/ENGINE/h_initialize.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0bbe8dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/h_initialize.f
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+      SUBROUTINE H_initialize(ABORT,err)
+*-       Prototype C analysis routine
+*-   Purpose and Methods : Initializes HMS quantities 
+*-   Output: ABORT           - success or failure
+*-         : err             - reason for failure, if any
+*-   Created  8-Nov-1993   Kevin B. Beard
+*-   Modified 20-Nov-1993   KBB for new errors
+* $Log: h_initialize.f,v $
+* Revision  2007/10/22 15:16:52  cdaq
+* commented out diagnostic write statements
+* Revision  2007/08/22 19:09:17  frw
+* added FPP
+* Revision 1.20  2004/04/26 19:53:33  frw
+* inserted calls for FPP
+* Revision 1.15  1996/09/04 14:40:46  saw
+* (JRA) Reorder some calls
+* Revision 1.14  1995/10/09 18:46:28  cdaq
+* (SAW) Move ntuple initialization into g_ntuple_init
+* Revision 1.13  1995/09/01 13:37:27  cdaq
+* (JRA) Initialize Cerenkov parameters
+* Revision 1.12  1995/01/27  20:09:07  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add call to sieve slit ntuple initialization
+* Revision 1.11  1994/10/11  18:44:11  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add hacks for event display
+* Revision 1.10  1994/06/17  04:01:35  cdaq
+* (KBB) Upgrade error reporting
+* Revision 1.9  1994/06/14  04:02:13  cdaq
+* (DFG) Add call to h_init_physics
+* Revision 1.8  1994/05/12  19:34:06  cdaq
+* (DFG) Add call to h_targ_trans_init
+* Revision 1.7  1994/04/13  04:31:00  cdaq
+* (DFG) Add initialize for scin and cal
+* Revision 1.6  1994/04/12  17:20:27  cdaq
+* (KBB) Add ntuple call
+* Revision 1.5  1994/02/22  15:12:37  cdaq
+* (DFG) Add call call to h_generate_geometry
+* Revision 1.4  1994/02/11  18:35:40  cdaq
+* Split off CTP variables registration from initialize routines
+* Revision 1.3  1994/02/04  17:35:56  cdaq
+* KBB replaced flag with title
+*- All standards are from "Proposal for Hall C Analysis Software
+*- Vade Mecum, Draft 1.0" by D.F.Geesamn and S.Wood, 7 May 1993
+      SAVE
+      character*12 here
+      parameter (here= 'H_initialize')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      character*20  mss
+      integer*4 istat
+      logical FAIL
+      character*1000 why
+*HDISPLAY      include 'one_ev_io.cmn'
+      err= ' '
+      ABORT = .FALSE.
+*-calculate physics singles constants
+      call h_init_physics(FAIL,why)
+      if(err.NE.' ' .and. why.NE.' ') then  !keep warnings
+        call G_append(err,' & '//why)
+      elseif(why.NE.' ') then
+        err= why
+      endif
+      ABORT= ABORT .or. FAIL
+c      write(*,*) ' call  h_generate_geometry'
+      call h_generate_geometry          ! Tracking routine
+*-calculate secondary scintillator and time of flight parameters
+      call h_init_scin(FAIL,why)
+      if(why.NE.' ') then
+        err= why
+      endif
+      ABORT= ABORT .or. FAIL
+*-calculate secondary cerenkov parameters
+      call h_init_cer(FAIL,why)
+      if(err.NE.' ' .and. why.NE.' ') then
+        call G_append(err,' & '//why)
+      elseif(why.NE.' ') then
+        err= why
+      endif
+      ABORT= ABORT .or. FAIL
+*-calculate secondary FPP parameters
+      call h_init_fpp(FAIL,why)
+      if(err.NE.' ' .and. why.NE.' ') then
+        call G_append(err,' & '//why)
+      elseif(why.NE.' ') then
+        err= why
+      endif
+      ABORT= ABORT .or. FAIL
+*-calculate secondary calorimeter parameters
+      call h_init_cal(FAIL,why)
+      if(err.NE.' ' .and. why.NE.' ') then
+        call G_append(err,' & '//why)
+      elseif(why.NE.' ') then
+        err= why
+      endif
+      ABORT= ABORT .or. FAIL
+*HDISPLAY*     If one_ev flag on, initialize the event display package
+*HDISPLAY      if( call one_ev_init  ! One event display init
+*-read in Optical matrix elements
+      call h_targ_trans_init(FAIL,why,istat)
+      if(FAIL) then
+         call g_build_note(';istat=@','@',istat,' ',1.,'(I3)',mss)
+         call G_append(why,mss)
+      endif
+      if(err.NE.' ' .and. why.NE.' ') then  !keep warnings
+        call G_append(err,' & '//why)
+      elseif(why.NE.' ') then
+        err= why
+      endif
+      ABORT= ABORT .or. FAIL
+      if(ABORT .or. err.NE.' ') call g_add_path(here,err)
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/ENGINE/h_keep_results.f b/ENGINE/h_keep_results.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5503b12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/h_keep_results.f
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+      SUBROUTINE H_keep_results(ABORT,err)
+*-       Prototype C analysis routine
+*-   Purpose and Methods : Keeps statistics, etc.
+*-   Output: ABORT	- success or failure
+*-         : err	- reason for failure, if any
+*-   Created  20-Nov-1993   Kevin B. Beard for new error standards
+* $Log: h_keep_results.f,v $
+* Revision  2009/06/05 17:53:25  jones
+* Include call to fill bigcal ntuple. Needed for coincidence runs.
+* Revision  2009/01/16 18:47:11  cdaq
+* *** empty log message ***
+* Revision  2007/09/12 14:40:03  brash
+* *** empty log message ***
+* Revision  2007/09/11 19:14:17  frw
+* fixed FPP related arrays and limits
+* Revision  2007/08/22 19:09:17  frw
+* added FPP
+* Revision 1.7  frw
+* added FPP call
+* Revision 1.6  1996/09/04 14:42:14  saw
+* (JRA) Make instead of HNTRACKS_FP .gt. 0 the
+*       criteria for adding to ntuples
+* Revision 1.5  1996/01/16 17:03:06  cdaq
+* no change
+* Revision 1.4  1995/07/27 19:40:29  cdaq
+* (JRA) Only add to ntuples when we have HNTRACKS_FP > 0
+* Revision 1.3  1995/01/27  20:14:51  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add call to sieve slit ntuple keep routine
+* Revision 1.2  1994/04/12  17:21:58  cdaq
+* (KBB) Add ntuple call
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/04  22:17:38  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+*- All standards are from "Proposal for Hall C Analysis Software
+*- Vade Mecum, Draft 1.0" by D.F.Geesamn and S.Wood, 7 May 1993
+      SAVE
+      include 'gen_detectorids.par'
+      include 'gen_decode_common.cmn'
+      include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_fpp_params.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_fpp_event.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_data_structures.cmn'
+      character*50 here
+      parameter (here= 'H_keep_results')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+*-chance to flush any statistics, etc.
+      ABORT= .FALSE.
+      err= ' '
+      if( call b_ntuple_keep(ABORT,err,.false.)
+      if(         call h_ntuple_keep(ABORT,err)! check for good tracks
+         call G_add_path(here,err)
+      ELSE
+         err= ' '
+      ENDIF
+c      write(*,*)'Calling h_fpp_nt_keep:',HFPP_eventclass,HFPP_min_event_code
+      if ( call h_fpp_nt_keep(ABORT,err)
+         call G_add_path(here,err)
+      ELSE
+         err= ' '
+      ENDIF
+* Need to fix up the bloody error reporting
+      if( h_sv_nt_keep(ABORT,err) ! at least one track
+         call G_add_path(here,err)
+      ELSE
+         err= ' '
+      ENDIF
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/ENGINE/h_ntuple_change.f b/ENGINE/h_ntuple_change.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9bc5c63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/h_ntuple_change.f
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+      subroutine h_ntuple_change(ABORT,err)
+*     closes one HMS Ntuple file and opens another
+*     Purpose : switching from one file to the next
+*     Output: ABORT      - success or failure
+*           : err        - reason for failure, if any
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*15 here
+      parameter (here='h_ntuple_change')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 'h_ntuple.cmn'
+      include 'gen_run_info.cmn'
+      character*1 ifile
+      character*80 file
+      character*1000 pat
+      integer*4 ilo,fn_len
+*     functions
+      integer g_important_length
+      call h_ntuple_close(ABORT,err)
+      if (h_ntuple_exists) then
+        ABORT = .true.
+      endif
+      call NO_nulls(h_ntuple_file)     !replace null characters with blanks
+      file= h_ntuple_file
+      call NO_nulls(file)     !replace null characters with blanks
+      call g_sub_run_number(file,gen_run_number)
+      h_ntuple_filesegments = h_ntuple_filesegments + 1
+      if (h_ntuple_filesegments .le. 9) then
+        ifile = char(ichar('0')+h_ntuple_filesegments)
+      else
+        ifile = char(ichar('a')+h_ntuple_filesegments-10)
+      endif
+      fn_len = g_important_length(file)
+      ilo=index(file,'.hbook')
+      if ((ilo.le.1).or.( then
+        ilo=index(file,'.rzdat')
+      endif
+      if (( then
+        file = file(1:ilo-1) // '.' // ifile // file(ilo:fn_len)
+      else
+        ABORT = .true.
+      endif
+      IF (.not.ABORT) call h_ntuple_open(file,ABORT,err)
+        err= ':unable to change HMS Ntuple file segment'
+        call G_add_path(here,err)
+      ELSE
+        pat= ':changed HMS Ntuple file segment'
+        call G_add_path(here,pat)
+        call G_log_message('INFO: '//pat)
+      ENDIF
+      RETURN
+      END  
diff --git a/ENGINE/h_ntuple_clear.f b/ENGINE/h_ntuple_clear.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bcbcea6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/h_ntuple_clear.f
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+      subroutine h_Ntuple_clear
+*     Purpose : Clear vars that go to the HMS Ntuple
+*     csa 4/15/97
+* $Log: h_ntuple_clear.f,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1999/02/24 14:52:36  saw
+* Dummy routine
+      implicit none
+      save
+*      character*13 here
+*      parameter (here='h_Ntuple_clear')
+*      logical ABORT
+*      character*(*) err
+*     csa 2/2/99 -- This is a dummy routine in the CVS tree. The
+*     real thing gets created in the user's Oscar directory based
+*     on which variables are in the ntuple.lst file.
+      RETURN
+      END      
diff --git a/ENGINE/h_ntuple_close.f b/ENGINE/h_ntuple_close.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6fd586e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/h_ntuple_close.f
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+      subroutine h_Ntuple_close(ABORT,err)
+*     closes the HMS Ntuple file
+*     Purpose : Flushes and closes the HMS Ntuple
+*     Output: ABORT      - success or failure
+*           : err        - reason for failure, if any
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*14 here
+      parameter (here='h_Ntuple_close')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 'h_ntuple.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_routines.dec'
+      logical HEXIST    !CERNLIB function
+      logical FAIL
+      character*80 why,directory,name
+      character*1000 msg
+      integer io,id,cycle,m
+      err= ' '
+      ABORT = .FALSE.
+      IF(.NOT.h_Ntuple_exists) RETURN       !nothing to do
+      call HCDIR(directory,'R')                !keep current directory
+      id= h_Ntuple_ID
+      io= h_Ntuple_IOchannel
+      name= h_Ntuple_name
+      ABORT= .NOT.HEXIST(id)
+        call G_add_path(here,err)
+        If(io.GT.0) Then
+          call G_IO_control(io,'FREE',FAIL,why) !free up
+          if(.NOT.FAIL) CLOSE(io)
+        EndIf
+        h_Ntuple_exists= .FALSE.
+        h_Ntuple_IOchannel= 0
+        RETURN
+      ENDIF
+      call HCDIR(h_Ntuple_directory,' ')      !goto Ntuple directory
+      call G_add_path(here,msg)
+      call G_log_message('INFO: '//msg)
+      cycle= 0                                !dummy for HROUT
+      call HROUT(id,cycle,' ')                !flush CERNLIB buffers
+      call HREND(name)                        !CERNLIB close file
+      call G_IO_control(io,'FREE',ABORT,err)  !free up IO channel
+      CLOSE(io)                               !close IO channel
+      call HCDIR(directory,' ')               !return to current directory
+      h_Ntuple_directory= ' '
+      h_Ntuple_exists= .FALSE.
+      h_Ntuple_IOchannel= 0
+      IF(ABORT) call G_add_path(here,err)
+      RETURN
+      END      
diff --git a/ENGINE/h_ntuple_init.f b/ENGINE/h_ntuple_init.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..93f1e3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/h_ntuple_init.f
@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
+      subroutine h_Ntuple_init(ABORT,err)
+*     Creates an HMS Ntuple
+*     Purpose : Books an HMS Ntuple; defines structure of it
+*     Output: ABORT      - success or failure
+*           : err        - reason for failure, if any
+*     Created: 8-Apr-1994  K.B.Beard, Hampton Univ.
+* $Log: h_ntuple_init.f,v $
+* Revision  2009/10/27 15:48:29  jones
+* eliminate duplicate xtar entry
+* Revision  2009/09/15 20:52:47  jones
+* add variables for coin data
+* Revision  2009/06/29 20:00:16  jones
+* add hsxtar
+* set units for hszbeam,hsytar and hsxtar to cm
+* Revision  2008/11/06 14:35:46  cdaq
+* Removed S0, added helicte
+* Revision  2007/12/12 15:54:17  cdaq
+* added focal plane time to HMS ntuple
+* Revision  2007/10/29 21:59:41  cdaq
+* Modifications to HMS ntuple for beam raster/bpm information (MKJ)
+* Revision  2007/10/28 01:59:30  cdaq
+* *** empty log message ***
+* Revision  2007/10/26 16:49:21  cdaq
+* added number of hdc hits to HMS ntuple
+* Revision  2007/10/16 20:20:31  cdaq
+* *** empty log message ***
+* Revision 1.11  2004/02/17 17:26:34  jones
+* Changes to enable possiblity of segmenting rzdat files
+* Revision  2003/04/04 12:54:42  cdaq
+* add beam parameters to ntuple
+* Revision 1.9  1996/09/04 14:42:44  saw
+* (JRA) Some changes to ntuple contents
+* Revision 1.8  1996/01/16 17:03:52  cdaq
+* (JRA) Modify ntuple contents
+* Revision 1.7  1995/09/01 13:38:05  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add Cerenkov photoelectron count to ntuple
+* Revision 1.6  1995/07/27  19:00:17  cdaq
+* (SAW) Relocate data statements for f2c compatibility
+* Revision 1.5  1995/05/22  20:50:46  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.4  1995/05/11  17:17:38  cdaq
+* (SAW) Allow %d for run number in filenames
+* Revision 1.3  1995/01/27  20:09:59  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add Gas cerenkov to ntuple
+* Revision 1.2  1994/06/17  02:34:12  cdaq
+* (KBB) Upgrade
+* Revision 1.1  1994/04/12  16:15:02  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*13 here
+      parameter (here='h_Ntuple_init')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 'h_ntuple.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_routines.dec'
+      include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'gen_run_info.cmn'
+      character*80 default_name
+      parameter (default_name= 'HMSntuple')
+      character*80 file
+      character*80 name
+      character*1000 pat,msg
+      integerilo,fn_len,m
+      character*1 ifile
+      INCLUDE 'h_ntuple.dte'
+      err= ' '
+      ABORT = .FALSE.
+      IF(h_Ntuple_exists) THEN
+        call h_Ntuple_shutdown(ABORT,err)
+        If(ABORT) Then
+          call G_add_path(here,err)
+          RETURN
+        EndIf
+      ENDIF
+      call NO_nulls(h_Ntuple_file)     !replace null characters with blanks
+*-if name blank, just forget it
+      IF(h_Ntuple_file.EQ.' ') RETURN   !do nothing
+      h_Ntuple_ID= default_h_Ntuple_ID
+      h_Ntuple_name= default_name
+      IF(h_Ntuple_title.EQ.' ') THEN
+        msg= name//' '//h_Ntuple_file
+        call only_one_blank(msg)
+        h_Ntuple_title= msg
+      ENDIF
+      file= h_Ntuple_file
+      call g_sub_run_number(file,gen_run_number)
+*     * only needed if using more than one file      
+      if (h_Ntuple_max_segmentevents .gt. 0) then
+       h_Ntuple_filesegments = 1
+       ifile = char(ichar('0')+h_Ntuple_filesegments)
+       fn_len = g_important_length(file)
+       ilo=index(file,'.hbook')
+       if ((ilo.le.1).or.( then
+         ilo=index(file,'.rzdat')
+       endif  
+       if (( then
+         file = file(1:ilo-1) // '.' // ifile // file(ilo:fn_len)
+       else
+         ABORT = .true.
+        RETURN
+       endif
+       write(*,*) ' Using segmented hms rzdat files first filename: ',file
+       else
+         write(*,*) ' Not using segmented hms rzdat files.'  
+      endif
+      m= 0
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'hcer_npe' ! cerenkov photoelectron spectrum
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'hsp'     ! Lab momentum of chosen track in GeV/c
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'hse'      ! Lab total energy of chosen track in GeV
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'charge' ! charge
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'hsdelta'       ! Spectrometer delta of chosen track
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'hstheta'       ! Lab Scattering angle in radians
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'hsphi' ! Lab Azymuthal angle in radians
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'w'     ! Invariant Mass of remaing hadronic system
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'hszbeam'! Lab Z coordinate of intersection of beam
+                                ! track with spectrometer ray
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'hsdedx1'       ! DEDX of chosen track in 1st scin plane
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'hsbeta'        ! BETA of chosen track
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'hsshtrk'  ! 'HSTRACK_ET'       ! Total shower energy of chosen track
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'hsprtrk'   !'HSTRACK_PRESHOWER_E' ! preshower of chosen track
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'hsxfp'		! X focal plane position 
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'hsyfp'
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'hsxpfp'
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'hsypfp'
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'hsxtar'
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'hsytar'
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'hsxptar'
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'hsyptar'
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'hstart'
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'hsfptime'
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'eventID'
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'ev_type'
+* Experiment dependent entries start here.
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'frast_y'
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'frast_x'
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'raw_srx'
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'raw_sry'
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'srast_y'
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'srast_x'
+      m=m+1
+      h_ntuple_tag(m)= 'helicite'
+      m=m+1
+      h_ntuple_tag(m)= 'betantrk'
+      m=m+1
+      h_ntuple_tag(m)= 'dctothit'
+      m=m+1
+      h_ntuple_tag(m)= 'dcntrk'
+      m=m+1
+      h_ntuple_tag(m)= 'sctothit'
+      m=m+1
+      h_ntuple_tag(m)= 'scallhit'
+      m=m+1
+      h_ntuple_tag(m)= 'scshould'
+      m=m+1
+      h_ntuple_tag(m)= 'ch1hit'
+      m=m+1
+      h_ntuple_tag(m)= 'ch2hit'
+      m=m+1
+      h_ntuple_tag(m)= 'caletot'
+c      m=m+1
+c      h_ntuple_tag(m)= 'hztar'
+      m=m+1
+      h_ntuple_tag(m)= 'dPel_HMS'
+      m=m+1
+      h_ntuple_tag(m)= 'X_HMS'
+      m=m+1
+      h_ntuple_tag(m)= 'Y_HMS'
+      m=m+1
+      h_ntuple_tag(m)= 'E_HMS'
+      m=m+1
+      h_ntuple_tag(m)= 'xclust'
+      m=m+1
+      h_ntuple_tag(m)= 'yclust'
+      m=m+1
+      h_ntuple_tag(m)= 'eclust'
+      m=m+1
+      h_ntuple_tag(m)= 'xcal_B0'
+      m=m+1
+      h_ntuple_tag(m)= 'ycal_B0'
+      m=m+1
+      h_ntuple_tag(m)= 'xdiff_shift'
+      m=m+1
+      h_ntuple_tag(m)= 'ydiff_shift'
+      m=m+1
+      h_ntuple_tag(m)= 'Eprime'
+      m=m+1
+      h_ntuple_tag(m)= 'nclust'
+      m=m+1
+      h_ntuple_tag(m)= 'rawnclus'
+      m=m+1
+      h_ntuple_tag(m)= 'hstubs'
+      h_Ntuple_size= m     !total size
+* Open ntuple
+      call h_Ntuple_open(file,ABORT,err)      
+        err= ':unable to create HMS Ntuple'
+        call G_add_path(here,err)
+      ELSE
+        pat= ':created HMS Ntuple'
+        call G_add_path(here,pat)
+        call G_log_message('INFO: '//pat)
+      ENDIF
+      RETURN
+      END  
diff --git a/ENGINE/h_ntuple_keep.f b/ENGINE/h_ntuple_keep.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b9f3e6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/h_ntuple_keep.f
@@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
+      subroutine h_Ntuple_keep(ABORT,err)
+*     Purpose : Add entry to the HMS Ntuple
+*     Output: ABORT      - success or failure
+*           : err        - reason for failure, if any
+*     Created: 11-Apr-1994  K.B.Beard, Hampton U.
+* $Log: h_ntuple_keep.f,v $
+* Revision  2009/10/27 15:48:41  jones
+* eliminate duplicate xtar entry
+* Revision  2009/09/15 20:53:10  jones
+* add variables for coin data
+* Revision  2009/06/29 20:00:16  jones
+* add hsxtar
+* set units for hszbeam,hsytar and hsxtar to cm
+* Revision  2008/11/06 14:35:38  cdaq
+* Removed S0, added helicte
+* Revision  2008/10/11 15:03:54  cdaq
+* slow raster
+* Revision  2007/12/12 15:53:53  cdaq
+* added focal plane time to ntuple
+* Revision  2007/10/29 21:59:41  cdaq
+* Modifications to HMS ntuple for beam raster/bpm information (MKJ)
+* Revision  2007/10/28 01:59:24  cdaq
+* *** empty log message ***
+* Revision  2007/10/26 16:48:14  cdaq
+* Added number of chamber hits to HMS ntuple
+* Revision  2007/08/22 19:09:17  frw
+* added FPP
+* Revision 1.11  2006/06/22 frw
+* added FPP entries
+* Revision 1.10  2004/02/17 17:26:34  jones
+* Changes to enable possiblity of segmenting rzdat files
+* Revision  2003/04/04 12:55:11  cdaq
+* add beam quantities to ntuple (MKJ)
+* Revision 1.8  1996/09/04 14:43:17  saw
+* (JRA) Modify ntuple contents
+* Revision 1.7  1996/01/16 17:01:55  cdaq
+* (JRA) Modify ntuple contents
+* Revision 1.6  1995/09/01 13:38:28  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add Cerenkov photoelectron count to ntuple
+* Revision 1.5  1995/05/22  20:50:46  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.4  1995/05/11  17:37:13  cdaq
+* (SAW) Change HSDEDXn vars to an array.
+* Revision 1.3  1995/01/27  20:10:27  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add Gas cerenkov to ntuple
+* Revision 1.2  1994/06/17  02:44:38  cdaq
+* (KBB) Upgrade
+* Revision 1.1  1994/04/12  16:15:21  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*13 here
+      parameter (here='h_Ntuple_keep')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_scin_parms.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'h_ntuple.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_event_info.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_tracking.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_physics_sing.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_scin_tof.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_scalers.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_track_histid.cmn'  !temp junk.
+      INCLUDE 'gep_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'sane_ntuple.cmn'
+      include 'b_ntuple.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'bigcal_data_structures.cmn'
+      logical HEXIST	!CERNLIB function
+      integer m
+      integer pln,cnt,ihit,nch1,nch2
+      real s0x1padc,s0x1nadc,s0x2nadc,s0x2padc
+      real s0x1ptdc,s0x1ntdc,s0x2ntdc,s0x2ptdc
+      real proton_mass
+      parameter ( proton_mass = 0.93827247 ) ! [GeV/c^2]
+      err= ' '
+      ABORT = .FALSE.
+      IF(.NOT.h_Ntuple_exists) RETURN       !nothing to do
+      if (h_Ntuple_max_segmentevents .gt. 0) then
+       if (h_Ntuple_segmentevents .gt. h_Ntuple_max_segmentevents) then
+        call h_ntuple_change(ABORT,err)
+       else
+        h_Ntuple_segmentevents = h_Ntuple_segmentevents +1
+       endif
+      endif
+      m= 0
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_contents(m)= HCER_NPE_SUM ! cerenkov photoelectron spectrum
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_contents(m)= HSP ! Lab momentum of chosen track in GeV/c
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_contents(m)= HSENERGY ! Lab total energy of chosen track in GeV
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_contents(m)= gbcm1_charge ! Charge of last scaler event
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_contents(m)= HSDELTA ! Spectrometer delta of chosen track
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_contents(m)= HSTHETA ! Lab Scattering angle in radians
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_contents(m)= HSPHI ! Lab Azymuthal angle in radians
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_contents(m)= HINVMASS ! Invariant Mass of remaing hadronic system
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_contents(m)= HSZBEAM*100 ! Lab Z coordinate of intersection of beam
+c                                ! track with spectrometer ray
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_contents(m)= HSDEDX(1) ! DEDX of chosen track in 1st scin plane
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_contents(m)= HSBETA ! BETA of chosen track
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_contents(m)= HSTRACK_ET ! Total shower energy of chosen track
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_contents(m)= HSTRACK_PRESHOWER_E	! preshower of chosen track
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_contents(m)= HSX_FP ! X focal plane position 
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_contents(m)= HSY_FP
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_contents(m)= HSXP_FP
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_contents(m)= HSYP_FP
+      m= m+1	
+      h_Ntuple_contents(m)= HSX_TAR*100	
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_contents(m)= HSY_TAR*100
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_contents(m)= HSXP_TAR
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_contents(m)= HSYP_TAR
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_contents(m)= hstart_time
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_contents(m)= hstime_at_fp
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_contents(m)= float(gen_event_ID_number)
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_contents(m)= float(gen_event_type)
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_contents(m)= gfry_raw_adc
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_contents(m)= gfrx_raw_adc
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_contents(m)= gsrx_raw_adc
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_contents(m)= gsry_raw_adc
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_contents(m)= gsry_calib  ! +Y vertical up in beam coordinate system
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_contents(m)= gsrx_calib  ! X horizontal in beam coordinate system
+      m=m+1
+      h_ntuple_contents(m) = float(gbeam_helicity)
+      m=m+1
+      h_ntuple_contents(m) = hbeta_notrk
+      m=m+1
+      h_ntuple_contents(m) = float(HDC_TOT_HITS)
+      m=m+1
+      h_ntuple_contents(m) = float(HSNUM_FPTRACK)
+      m=m+1
+      h_ntuple_contents(m) = float(hscin_tot_hits)
+      m=m+1
+      h_ntuple_contents(m) = float(hscin_all_tot_hits)
+      m=m+1
+      h_ntuple_contents(m) = float(hgoodscinhits)
+      nch1 = 0
+      nch2 = 0
+      if ( HDC_TOT_HITS .gt. 0) then
+         do  ihit=1, HDC_TOT_HITS
+            if ( hdc_plane_num(ihit) .le. 6) nch1 = nch1 + 1 
+            if ( hdc_plane_num(ihit) .gt. 6) nch2 = nch2 + 1 
+            enddo
+      endif
+      m=m+1
+      h_ntuple_contents(m) = float(nch1)
+      m=m+1
+      h_ntuple_contents(m) = float(nch2)
+      m=m+1
+      h_ntuple_contents(m) = hcal_et
+      m=m+1
+      h_ntuple_contents(m) = dPel_HMS
+      m=m+1
+      h_ntuple_contents(m) = X_HMS
+      m=m+1
+      h_ntuple_contents(m) = Y_HMS
+      m=m+1
+      h_ntuple_contents(m) = E_HMS
+      m=m+1
+      h_ntuple_contents(m) = xclust(bigcal_itrack_best)
+      m=m+1
+      h_ntuple_contents(m) = yclust(bigcal_itrack_best)
+      m=m+1
+      h_ntuple_contents(m) = eclust(bigcal_itrack_best)
+      m=m+1
+      h_ntuple_contents(m) = xcal_hexpect_B0
+      m=m+1
+      h_ntuple_contents(m) = ycal_hexpect_B0
+      m=m+1
+      h_ntuple_contents(m) = xdiff_shift
+      m=m+1
+      h_ntuple_contents(m) = ydiff_shift
+      m=m+1
+      h_ntuple_contents(m) = EprimeMeV
+      m=m+1
+      h_ntuple_contents(m) = nclust
+      m=m+1
+      h_ntuple_contents(m) = bigcal_all_nclstr
+      m=m+1
+      h_ntuple_contents(m) = hstubs
+c      m=m+1
+c      h_ntuple_contents(m) = hz_tar*100
+c      write(6,'(i8,3f8.1)')gbeam_helicity,
+c     >  h_ntuple_contents(m),float(gbeam_helicity),
+c     >  h_ntuple_contents(m-1)
+* Experiment dependent entries start here.
+* Fill ntuple for this event
+      ABORT= .NOT.HEXIST(h_Ntuple_ID)
+        call G_build_note(':Ntuple ID#$ does not exist',
+     &                        '$',h_Ntuple_ID,' ',0.,' ',err)
+        call G_add_path(here,err)
+      ELSE
+        call HFN(h_Ntuple_ID,h_Ntuple_contents)
+      ENDIF
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/ENGINE/h_ntuple_open.f b/ENGINE/h_ntuple_open.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..13d5cca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/h_ntuple_open.f
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+      subroutine h_Ntuple_open(file,ABORT,err)
+*     Opens an HMS Ntuple file
+*     Purpose : Books an HMS Ntuple
+*     Output: ABORT      - success or failure
+*           : err        - reason for failure, if any
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*13 here
+      parameter (here='h_Ntuple_open')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 'h_ntuple.cmn'
+      integer default_bank,default_recL
+      parameter (default_bank= 8000)    !4 bytes/word
+      parameter (default_recL= 1024)    !record length
+      character*80 title,file
+      character*80 directory,name
+      character*1000 pat,msg
+      integer status,size,io,id,bank,recL,iv(10),m
+      real rv(10)
+      logical HEXIST           !CERNLIB function
+      err= ' '
+      ABORT = .FALSE.
+      IF(h_Ntuple_exists) THEN
+        call h_Ntuple_shutdown(ABORT,err)
+        If(ABORT) Then
+          call G_add_path(here,err)
+          RETURN
+        EndIf
+      ENDIF
+*- get any free IO channel
+      call g_IO_control(io,'ANY',ABORT,err)
+      h_Ntuple_exists= .NOT.ABORT
+        call G_add_path(here,err)
+        RETURN
+      ENDIF
+      h_Ntuple_IOchannel= io
+      id= h_Ntuple_ID
+      name= h_Ntuple_name
+      title= h_Ntuple_title
+      ABORT= HEXIST(id)
+        call g_IO_control(h_Ntuple_IOchannel,'FREE',ABORT,err)
+        call G_build_note(':HBOOK id#$ already in use',
+     &                                 '$',id,' ',rv,' ',err)
+        call G_add_path(here,err)
+        RETURN
+      ENDIF
+      CALL HCDIR(directory,'R')       !CERNLIB read current directory
+*-open New *.rzdat file-
+      recL= default_recL
+      call HROPEN(io,name,file,'N',recL,status)       !CERNLIB
+      ABORT= status.NE.0
+        call g_IO_control(h_Ntuple_IOchannel,'FREE',ABORT,err)
+        iv(1)= status
+        iv(2)= io
+        pat= ':HROPEN error#$ opening IO#$ "'//file//'"'
+        call G_build_note(pat,'$',iv,' ',rv,' ',err)
+        call G_add_path(here,err)
+        RETURN
+      ENDIF
+      size= h_Ntuple_size
+      bank= default_bank
+      title= h_Ntuple_title
+      call HBOOKN(id,title,size,name,bank,h_Ntuple_tag)      !create Ntuple
+      call HCDIR(h_Ntuple_directory,'R')      !record Ntuple directory
+      CALL HCDIR(directory,' ')       !reset CERNLIB directory
+      h_Ntuple_exists= HEXIST(h_Ntuple_ID)
+      ABORT= .NOT.h_Ntuple_exists
+      iv(1)= id
+      iv(2)= io
+      pat= 'Ntuple id#$ [' // h_Ntuple_directory // '/]' // 
+     &                         name // ' IO#$ "' // file // '"'
+      call G_build_note(pat,'$',iv,' ',rv,' ',msg)
+      call sub_string(msg,' /]','/]')
+        err= ':unable to create '//msg
+        call G_add_path(here,err)
+      ELSE
+        pat= ':created '//msg
+        call G_add_path(here,pat)
+        call G_log_message('INFO: '//pat)
+      ENDIF
+      h_Ntuple_segmentevents = 0
+      RETURN
+      END  
diff --git a/ENGINE/h_ntuple_register.f b/ENGINE/h_ntuple_register.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e148a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/h_ntuple_register.f
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+      subroutine h_Ntuple_register(ABORT,err)
+*     CTP variable registration routine for the HMS Ntuples 
+*     Purpose : Register output filename for HMS Ntuple; temporary
+*     implementation to be superceeded by CTP Ntuples
+*     Output: ABORT      - success or failure
+*           : err        - reason for failure, if any
+*     Created: 8-Apr-1994  K.B.Beard, HU: added Ntuples
+* $Log: h_ntuple_register.f,v $
+* Revision 1.2  1994/06/17 02:54:45  cdaq
+* (KBB) Upgrade
+* Revision 1.1  1994/04/12  16:15:30  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*17 here
+      parameter (here='h_Ntuple_register')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 'h_ntuple.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_routines.dec'
+      integer ierr
+      err= ' '
+      ABORT = .FALSE.
+      call G_reg_C('HMS_Ntuple',h_Ntuple_file,ABORT,err)
+        call G_prepend(':unable to register-',err)
+        call G_add_path(here,err)
+      ENDIF
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/ENGINE/h_ntuple_shutdown.f b/ENGINE/h_ntuple_shutdown.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a8c7dca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/h_ntuple_shutdown.f
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+      subroutine h_Ntuple_shutdown(ABORT,err)
+*     Final shutdown of the HMS Ntuple
+*     Purpose : Flushes and closes the HMS Ntuple
+*     Output: ABORT      - success or failure
+*           : err        - reason for failure, if any
+*     Created: 8-Apr-1994  K.B.Beard, HU: added Ntuples
+* $Log: h_ntuple_shutdown.f,v $
+* Revision 1.6  2004/02/17 17:26:34  jones
+* Changes to enable possiblity of segmenting rzdat files
+* Revision 1.5  1998/12/01 15:56:25  saw
+* (SAW) Clean out archaic g_build_note stuff
+* Revision 1.4  1996/01/16 17:01:06  cdaq
+* (SAW) Comment out an info message
+* Revision 1.3  1994/06/29 03:27:43  cdaq
+* (KBB) Remove HDELET call
+* Revision 1.2  1994/06/17  02:59:12  cdaq
+* (KBB) Upgrade
+* Revision 1.1  1994/04/12  16:15:43  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*17 here
+      parameter (here='h_Ntuple_shutdown')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 'h_ntuple.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_routines.dec'
+      logical FAIL
+      character*80 why,directory,name
+      character*1000 msg
+      integer io,id,cycle,m
+      err= ' '
+      ABORT = .FALSE.
+      IF(.NOT.h_Ntuple_exists) RETURN       !nothing to do
+      call h_ntuple_close(ABORT,err)
+      IF(h_Ntuple_exists) then
+         ABORT = .true.
+      endif
+      h_Ntuple_ID= 0
+      h_Ntuple_name= ' '
+      h_Ntuple_file= ' '
+      h_Ntuple_title= ' '
+      h_Ntuple_size= 0
+      do m=1,HMAX_Ntuple_size
+        h_Ntuple_tag(m)= ' '
+        h_Ntuple_contents(m)= 0.
+      enddo
+      IF(ABORT) call G_add_path(here,err)
+      RETURN
+      END      
diff --git a/ENGINE/h_proper_shutdown.f b/ENGINE/h_proper_shutdown.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..95e0cf5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/h_proper_shutdown.f
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+      SUBROUTINE H_proper_shutdown(lunout,ABORT,err)
+*-       Prototype C analysis routine
+*-   Purpose and Methods : Closes files properly, flushes, etc.
+*-   Output: ABORT		- success or failure
+*-         : err	- reason for failure, if any
+*-   Created  20-Nov-1993   Kevin B. Beard for new error standards
+* $Log: h_proper_shutdown.f,v $
+* Revision 1.10  1995/10/09 18:55:48  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add bypass switches to efficiency shutdown routine calls
+* Revision 1.9  1995/09/01 13:39:46  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add calls to more efficiency calculations and bad counter report
+* Revision 1.8  1995/07/27  19:02:34  cdaq
+* (SAW) Move ntuple shutdown to g_ntuple_shutdown
+* Revision 1.7  1995/05/22  13:29:49  cdaq
+* (JRA) Make a listing of potential detector problems
+* Revision 1.6  1995/04/01  20:09:28  cdaq
+* (SAW) One report file for each of g, h, s, c instead of a single report file
+*       Allow %d for run number in filenames
+* Revision 1.5  1995/03/13  18:13:19  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add calls to h_scin_eff_shutdown and h_cal_eff_shutdown.
+* Revision 1.4  1995/01/27  20:15:11  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add call to sieve slit ntuple shutdown routine
+* Revision 1.3  1994/10/11  18:40:32  cdaq
+* (SAW) Protect agains blank blocknames
+* Revision 1.2  1994/04/12  17:23:31  cdaq
+* (KBB) Add ntuple call
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/04  22:19:09  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+*- All standards are from "Proposal for Hall C Analysis Software
+*- Vade Mecum, Draft 1.0" by D.F.Geesamn and S.Wood, 7 May 1993
+      SAVE
+      include 'gen_routines.dec'
+      include 'gen_filenames.cmn'
+      include 'gen_run_info.cmn'
+      include 'hms_filenames.cmn'
+      include 'hms_bypass_switches.cmn'
+      character*17 here
+      parameter (here= 'H_proper_shutdown')
+      logical ABORT, report_abort
+      character*(*) err
+      integer ierr
+      character*132 file
+      integer lunout
+*-chance to flush any statistics, etc.
+      ABORT= .FALSE.
+      err= ' '
+      if (hbypass_dc_eff.eq.0) then
+        call h_dc_eff_shutdown(lunout,ABORT,err)
+        call h_dc_trk_eff_shutdown(lunout,ABORT,err)
+      endif
+      if (hbypass_scin_eff.eq.0) call h_scin_eff_shutdown(lunout,ABORT,err)
+      if (hbypass_cer_eff.eq.0) call h_cer_eff_shutdown(lunout,ABORT,err)
+      if (hbypass_cal_eff.eq.0) call h_cal_eff_shutdown(ABORT,err)
+      call h_report_bad_data(lunout,ABORT,err)
+      if(' '.and.
+     $' ') then
+        file = h_report_output_filename
+        call g_sub_run_number(file, gen_run_number)
+        ierr = threp(h_report_blockname, file)
+        if( then
+          call g_append(err,'& threp failed to create report in file'//file)
+          report_abort = .true.
+        endif
+      endif
+      IF(ABORT.or.report_abort) THEN
+         call G_add_path(here,err)
+      ELSE
+         err= ' '
+      ENDIF
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/ENGINE/h_register_variables.f b/ENGINE/h_register_variables.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e8824e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/h_register_variables.f
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+      subroutine h_register_variables(ABORT,err)
+*     CTP variable registration routine for the HMS
+*     Purpose : Register all variables that are to be used by CTP, that are
+*     connected with the HMS.  This includes externally configured
+*     parameters/contants, event data that can be a histogram source, and
+*     possible test results and scalers.
+*     Output: ABORT      - success or failure
+*           : err        - reason for failure, if any
+*     Created: 9-Feb-1994  Stephen A. Wood
+* $Log: h_register_variables.f,v $
+* Revision  2007/08/22 19:09:17  frw
+* added FPP
+* Revision 1.13  2006/06/22 frw
+* added FPP structures
+* Revision 1.12  1996/01/16 16:57:03  cdaq
+* no change
+* Revision 1.11  1995/05/22 13:31:38  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add call to register hms_data_structures.cmn variables
+* Revision 1.10  1995/05/11  18:57:25  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add calls to register h_ntuple.cmn and h_sieve_ntuple.cmn
+* Revision 1.9  1995/01/27  20:15:54  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add call to sieve slit register routine
+* Revision 1.8  1994/08/18  04:11:26  cdaq
+* (SAW) Call makereg generated routines to register variables
+* Revision 1.7  1994/06/17  03:25:29  cdaq
+* (KBB) Execute all code despite registration errors
+* Revision 1.6  1994/06/16  03:43:47  cdaq
+* (SAW) Register filenames for reports
+* Revision 1.5  1994/04/12  17:25:03  cdaq
+* (KBB) Add ntuple call
+* Revision 1.4  1994/02/22  19:37:53  cdaq
+* (SAW) Remove CTP register calls to fortran PARAMETER's
+* Revision 1.3  1994/02/22  18:56:45  cdaq
+* (SAW) Make a call to h_register_param
+* Revision 1.2  1994/02/11  18:36:17  cdaq
+* Split off CTP variables registration from initialize routines
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/11  04:18:24  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*20 here
+      parameter (here='h_register_variables')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      logical FAIL
+      character*1000 why
+      err= ' '
+      ABORT = .FALSE.
+      call r_hms_data_structures
+      call r_hms_filenames
+      call r_h_ntuple
+      call r_h_sieve_ntuple
+      call r_hms_fpp_event
+      call r_h_fpp_ntuple
+      call h_register_param(FAIL,why) ! TRACKING ROUTINE
+      IF(err.NE.' ' .and. why.NE.' ') THEN   !keep warnings
+        call G_append(err,' & '//why)
+      ELSEIF(why.NE.' ') THEN
+        err= why
+      ENDIF
+      ABORT= ABORT .or. FAIL
+      call h_ntuple_register(FAIL,why)  ! Remove this when ctp files fixed
+      IF(err.NE.' ' .and. why.NE.' ') THEN  !keep warnings
+        call G_append(err,' & '//why)
+      ELSEIF(why.NE.' ') THEN
+        err= why
+      ENDIF
+      ABORT= ABORT .or. FAIL
+      if(ABORT .or. err.NE.' ') call G_add_path(here,err)
+      call h_sv_nt_register(FAIL,why)   ! Remove this when ctp files fixed
+      IF(err.NE.' ' .and. why.NE.' ') THEN  !keep warnings
+        call G_append(err,' & '//why)
+      ELSEIF(why.NE.' ') THEN
+        err= why
+      ENDIF
+      ABORT= ABORT .or. FAIL
+      if(ABORT .or. err.NE.' ') call G_add_path(here,err)
+      call h_fpp_nt_register(FAIL,why)   ! Remove this when ctp files fixed
+      IF(err.NE.' ' .and. why.NE.' ') THEN  !keep warnings
+        call G_append(err,' & '//why)
+      ELSEIF(why.NE.' ') THEN
+        err= why
+      ENDIF
+      ABORT= ABORT .or. FAIL
+      if(ABORT .or. err.NE.' ') call G_add_path(here,err)
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/ENGINE/h_reset_event.f b/ENGINE/h_reset_event.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e91c47d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/h_reset_event.f
@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
+      SUBROUTINE H_reset_event(ABORT,err)
+*-       Prototype C analysis routine
+*-   Purpose and Methods : Resets all HMS quantities before event is processed.
+*-   Output: ABORT		- success or failure
+*-         : err	- reason for failure, if any
+*-   Created  29-Oct-1993   Kevin B. Beard
+*-   Modified 20-Nov-1993   KBB for new errors
+*- All standards are from "Proposal for Hall C Analysis Software
+*- Vade Mecum, Draft 1.0" by D.F.Geesamn and S.Wood, 7 May 1993
+* $Log: h_reset_event.f,v $
+* Revision 1.17  2002/12/20 21:55:23  jones
+* Modified by Hamlet for new HMS aerogel
+* Revision 1.17  2002/09/26
+* (Hamlet) Add reset for HMS Aerogel (Took from Vardan)
+* Revision 1.16  1999/08/20 14:52:18  saw
+* Put in warning if Xscin_tdc_max is bigger than 4094
+* Revision 1.15  1999/02/03 21:13:03  saw
+* Code for new Shower counter tubes
+* Revision 1.14  1998/12/17 21:50:31  saw
+* Support extra set of tubes on HMS shower counter
+* Revision 1.13  1996/09/04 15:14:56  saw
+* (JRA) Zero out some misc scalers
+* Revision 1.12  1995/10/09 18:08:46  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add clear of HCER_RAW_ADC
+* Revision 1.11  1995/07/27 19:41:10  cdaq
+* (JRA) Zero out pedestal arrays
+* Revision 1.10  1995/05/22  20:50:47  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.9  1995/05/11  18:58:17  cdaq
+* (SAW) Change HSDEDXn vars to an array
+* Revision 1.8  1994/09/20  17:29:33  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add include of hms_tracking.cmn
+* Revision 1.7  1994/07/07  21:16:38  cdaq
+* (JRA) Clear additional variables
+* Revision 1.6  1994/06/28  20:07:00  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add clearing of HSCIN_ALL arrays
+      SAVE
+      character*50 here
+      parameter (here= 'H_reset_event')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'hms_tracking.cmn'
+      include 'hms_pedestals.cmn'
+      include 'hms_scin_parms.cmn'
+      include 'hms_scin_tof.cmn'
+      INTEGER hit,track,block,i,j,plane
+      do i=1,hnum_scin_planes
+        do j=1,hnum_scin_elements
+          hhodo_pos_ped_num(i,j) = 0
+          hhodo_pos_ped_sum2(i,j) = 0
+          hhodo_pos_ped_sum(i,j) = 0
+          hhodo_neg_ped_num(i,j) = 0
+          hhodo_neg_ped_sum2(i,j) = 0
+          hhodo_neg_ped_sum(i,j) = 0
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      do i=1,hmax_cal_blocks
+        hcal_pos_ped_num(i)=0
+        hcal_pos_ped_sum2(i)=0
+        hcal_pos_ped_sum(i)=0
+        hcal_neg_ped_num(i)=0
+        hcal_neg_ped_sum2(i)=0
+        hcal_neg_ped_sum(i)=0
+      enddo
+      do i=1,hmax_cer_hits
+        hcer_ped_num(i)=0
+        hcer_ped_sum2(i)=0
+        hcer_ped_sum(i)=0
+      enddo
+      do i=1,hmax_aero_hits
+        haero_pos_ped_num(i)=0
+        haero_pos_ped_sum2(i)=0
+        haero_pos_ped_sum(i)=0
+        haero_neg_ped_num(i)=0
+        haero_neg_ped_sum2(i)=0
+        haero_neg_ped_sum(i)=0
+      enddo
+      DO hit= 1,HMAX_DC_HITS
+         HDC_RAW_PLANE_NUM(hit)= 0
+         HDC_RAW_WIRE_NUM(hit)= 0
+         HDC_RAW_TDC(hit)= 0
+         HDC_DRIFT_TIME(hit)= 0
+         HDC_DRIFT_DIS(hit)= 0
+         HDC_WIRE_CENTER(hit)= 0
+         HDC_WIRE_COORD(hit)= 0
+         HDC_PLANE_NUM(hit)= 0
+         HDC_WIRE_NUM(hit)= 0
+         HDC_TDC(hit)= 0
+      ENDDO
+      HDC_TOT_HITS= 0
+      DO plane= 1,HMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES
+         HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(plane)= 0
+      ENDDO
+      DO hit= 1,HMAX_SCIN_HITS
+         HSCIN_ZPOS(hit)= 0.0
+         HSCIN_CENTER_COORD(hit)= 0.0
+         HSCIN_COR_ADC(hit)= 0
+         HSCIN_COR_TIME(hit)= 0
+         HSCIN_PLANE_NUM(hit)= 0
+         HSCIN_COUNTER_NUM(hit)= 0
+         HSCIN_ADC_POS(hit)= 0
+         HSCIN_ADC_NEG(hit)= 0
+         HSCIN_TDC_POS(hit)= 0
+         HSCIN_TDC_NEG(hit)= 0
+         HSCIN_ALL_PLANE_NUM(hit)= 0
+         HSCIN_ALL_COUNTER_NUM(hit)= 0
+         HSCIN_ALL_ADC_POS(hit)= 0
+         HSCIN_ALL_ADC_NEG(hit)= 0
+         HSCIN_ALL_TDC_POS(hit)= 0
+         HSCIN_ALL_TDC_NEG(hit)= 0
+      ENDDO
+      DO plane= 1,HNUM_SCIN_PLANES
+         HSCIN_HITS_PER_PLANE(plane)= 0
+      ENDDO
+      HSCIN_TOT_HITS= 0
+      DO block= 1,HMAX_CAL_BLOCKS
+         HBLOCK_XC(block)= 0.
+         HBLOCK_ZC(block)= 0
+         HBLOCK_DE(block)= 0
+         HBLOCK_DE_POS(block)= 0
+         HBLOCK_DE_NEG(block)= 0
+         HCAL_ROW(block)= 0
+         HCAL_COLUMN(block)= 0
+         HCAL_ADC_POS(block)= 0
+         HCAL_ADC_NEG(block)= 0
+         HCAL_ADC(block)= 0
+      ENDDO
+      HCAL_POS_HITS= 0
+      HCAL_NEG_HITS= 0
+      HCAL_TOT_HITS= 0
+      DO hit= 1,HMAX_CER_HITS
+         HCER_TUBE_NUM(hit)= 0
+         HCER_RAW_ADC(hit)= 0
+         HCER_ADC(hit)= 0
+         HCER_PLANE(hit)= 0
+      ENDDO
+      HCER_TOT_HITS= 0
+      DO hit= 1,HMAX_AERO_HITS
+         HAERO_PAIR_NUM(hit) = 0
+         HAERO_ADC_POS(hit) = 0
+         HAERO_ADC_NEG(hit) = 0
+         HAERO_PLANE(hit) = 0
+      ENDDO
+      HAERO_TOT_HITS = 0
+*     HMS Miscleaneous hits
+      do hit=1,HMAX_MISC_HITS
+         HMISC_RAW_ADDR1(hit) = 0
+         HMISC_RAW_ADDR2(hit) = 0
+         HMISC_RAW_DATA(hit) = 0
+         do plane=1,hnum_misc_planes
+           hmisc_scaler(hit,plane)=0
+         enddo
+      enddo
+      hmisc_tot_hits = 0
+      DO track= 1,HNTRACKS_MAX
+         HX_FP(track)= 0
+         HY_FP(track)= 0
+         HZ_FP(track)= 0
+         HXP_FP(track)= 0
+         HYP_FP(track)= 0
+         HCHI2_FP(track)= 0
+         HDEL_FP(4,4,track)= 0
+         HNFREE_FP(track)= 0
+         Do hit= 1,HNTRACKHITS_MAX
+	    HNTRACK_HITS(track,hit)= 0
+         EndDo
+      ENDDO
+      HNTRACKS_FP= 0
+      DO track= 1,HNTRACKS_MAX
+         HX_TAR(track)= 0
+         HY_TAR(track)= 0
+         HZ_TAR(track)= 0
+         HXP_TAR(track)= 0
+         HYP_TAR(track)= 0
+         HDELTA_TAR(track)= 0
+         HP_TAR(track)= 0
+         HCHI2_TAR(track)= 0
+         HDEL_TAR(5,5,track)= 0
+         HNFREE_TAR(track)= 0
+         HLINK_TAR_FP(track)= 0
+         Do j= 1,5
+            do i= 1,5
+               HDEL_TAR(i,j,track)= 0.
+            enddo
+         EndDo
+      ENDDO
+      HNTRACKS_TAR= 0
+      DO track= 1,HNTRACKS_MAX
+         HNBLOCKS_CAL(track)= 0
+         HTRACK_E1(track)= 0.
+         HTRACK_E2(track)= 0.
+         HTRACK_E3(track)= 0.
+         HTRACK_E4(track)= 0.
+         HTRACK_ET(track)= 0.
+         HTRACK_E1_POS(track)= 0.
+         HTRACK_E1_NEG(track)= 0.
+         HTRACK_E2_POS(track)= 0.
+         HTRACK_E2_NEG(track)= 0.
+         HTRACK_PRESHOWER_E(track)= 0.
+         do hit = 1 , HMAX_SCIN_HITS
+           HSCIN_HIT(track,hit)= 0
+         enddo
+         do plane = 1 , HNUM_SCIN_PLANES
+           HDEDX(track,plane) = 0.
+         enddo
+         HNUM_SCIN_HIT(track)=0
+         HBETA(track)=0.
+         HBETA_CHISQ(track)=0.
+         HTIME_AT_FP(track)=0.
+       ENDDO
+       HSP=0.
+       HSENERGY=0.
+       HSDELTA=0.
+       HSTHETA=0.
+       HSPHI=0.
+       HSMINV=0.
+       HSZBEAM=0.
+       do plane = 1 , HNUM_SCIN_PLANES
+         HSDEDX(plane) = 0.
+       enddo
+       HSBETA=0.
+       HSTRACK_ET=0.
+       HSTIME_AT_FP=0.
+       HSX_FP=0.
+       HSY_FP=0.
+       HSXP_FP=0.
+       HSYP_FP=0.
+       HSCHI2PERDEG=0.
+       HSX_TAR=0.
+       HSY_TAR=0.
+       HSXP_TAR=0.
+       HSYP_TAR=0.
+       HSID_LUND=0
+       HSNFREE_FP=0
+       if( then
+         print *,' '
+         print *,'WARNING!!: hscin_tdc_max is ',hscin_tdc_max
+         print *,'We usually run our high resolution TDC''s with 12 bit'
+         print *,'ranges.  If hscin_tdc_max is set to a value higher than'
+         print *,'the TDC''s overflow channel, then overflowed TDC channels'
+         print *,'will not be rejected.  Under high rate conditions, this'
+         print *,'can result in bad beta and timing calculations'
+         print *,' '
+       endif
+      ABORT= .FALSE.
+      err= ' '
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/ENGINE/h_sv_nt_init.f b/ENGINE/h_sv_nt_init.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..41a6edf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/h_sv_nt_init.f
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+      subroutine h_sv_Nt_init(ABORT,err)
+*     Creates an HMS Sieve slit Ntuple
+*     Purpose : Books an HMS Ntuple; defines structure of it
+*     Output: ABORT      - success or failure
+*           : err        - reason for failure, if any
+*     Created: 1-Nov-1994  
+* $Log: h_sv_nt_init.f,v $
+* Revision 1.6  1996/11/05 21:42:08  saw
+* (DD) Add gas cerenkov to ntuple
+* Revision 1.5  1996/09/04 15:15:21  saw
+* (JRA) Change ntuple contents
+* Revision 1.4  1996/04/29 19:49:21  saw
+* (JRA) Add HCAL_ET
+* Revision 1.3  1995/07/27 19:43:22  cdaq
+* (SAW) Relocate data statements for f2c compatibility
+* Revision 1.2  1995/05/11  18:58:55  cdaq
+* (SAW) Allow %d for run number in filenames
+* Revision 1.1  1995/01/27  20:05:15  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*13 here
+      parameter (here='h_sv_Nt_init')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 'h_sieve_ntuple.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_routines.dec'
+      include 'gen_run_info.cmn'
+      character*80 default_name
+      parameter (default_name= 'sieventuple')
+      character*80 default_title
+      parameter (default_title= 'SieveSlits')   
+      integer default_bank,default_recL
+      parameter (default_bank= 8000)    !4 bytes/word
+      parameter (default_recL= 1024)    !record length
+      character*80 title,file
+      character*80 directory,name
+      character*1000 pat,msg
+      integer status,size,io,id,bank,recL,iv(10),m
+*      parameter (id = 1)
+      real rv(10)
+      logical HEXIST           !CERNLIB function
+      INCLUDE 'h_sieve_ntuple.dte'
+      err= ' '
+      ABORT = .FALSE.
+      IF(h_sieve_Ntuple_exists) THEN    
+        call h_sv_Nt_shutdown(ABORT,err)
+        If(ABORT) Then
+          call G_add_path(here,err)
+          RETURN
+        EndIf
+      ENDIF
+      h_sieve_Ntuple_ID= default_h_sieve_Ntuple_ID
+      h_sieve_Ntuple_name= default_name
+      h_sieve_Ntuple_title= default_title
+      call NO_nulls(h_sieve_Ntuple_file)     !replace null characters with blanks
+*-if name blank, just forget it
+      IF(h_sieve_Ntuple_file.EQ.' ') RETURN   !do nothing
+*- get any free IO channel
+      call g_IO_control(io,'ANY',ABORT,err)
+      h_sieve_Ntuple_exists= .NOT.ABORT
+        call G_add_path(here,err)
+        RETURN
+      ENDIF
+      h_sieve_Ntuple_IOchannel= io
+      id= h_sieve_Ntuple_ID
+      ABORT= HEXIST(id)
+        call g_IO_control(h_sieve_Ntuple_IOchannel,'FREE',ABORT,err)
+        call G_build_note(':HBOOK id#$ already in use',
+     &                                 '$',id,' ',rv,' ',err)
+        call G_add_path(here,err)
+        RETURN
+      ENDIF
+      CALL HCDIR(directory,'R')       !CERNLIB read current directory
+      id= h_sieve_Ntuple_ID
+      name= h_sieve_Ntuple_name
+      file= h_sieve_Ntuple_file
+      call g_sub_run_number(file,gen_run_number)
+      recL= default_recL
+      io= h_sieve_Ntuple_IOchannel
+*-open New *.rzdat file-
+      call HROPEN(io,name,file,'N',recL,status)       !CERNLIB
+*                                       !directory set to "//TUPLE"
+      io= h_sieve_Ntuple_IOchannel
+      ABORT= status.NE.0
+        call g_IO_control(h_sieve_Ntuple_IOchannel,'FREE',ABORT,err)
+        iv(1)= status
+        iv(2)= io
+        pat= ':HROPEN error#$ opening IO#$ "'//file//'"'
+        call G_build_note(pat,'$',iv,' ',rv,' ',err)
+        call G_add_path(here,err)
+        RETURN
+      ENDIF
+      h_sieve_Ntuple_file= file
+**********begin insert description of contents of HMS tuple ******
+      m= 0
+      m=m+1
+      h_sieve_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'HSXFP'		! X focal plane position 
+      m= m+1
+      h_sieve_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'HSYFP'
+      m= m+1
+      h_sieve_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'HSXPFP'
+      m= m+1
+      h_sieve_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'HSYPFP'
+      m= m+1
+      h_sieve_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'HSDELTA'
+      m= m+1
+      h_sieve_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'HSXTAR'
+      m= m+1
+      h_sieve_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'HSYTAR'
+      m= m+1
+      h_sieve_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'HSXPTAR'
+      m= m+1
+      h_sieve_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'HSYPTAR'
+      m= m+1
+      h_sieve_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'HSSHTRK'
+      m= m+1
+      h_sieve_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'HCER'
+      m= m+1
+      h_sieve_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'EventID'
+      h_sieve_Ntuple_size= m     !total size
+***********end insert description of contents of HMS tuple********
+      title= h_sieve_Ntuple_title
+      IF(title.EQ.' ') THEN
+        msg= name//' '//h_sieve_Ntuple_file
+        call only_one_blank(msg)
+        title= msg   
+        h_sieve_Ntuple_title= title
+      ENDIF
+      id= h_sieve_Ntuple_ID
+      io= h_sieve_Ntuple_IOchannel
+      name= h_sieve_Ntuple_name
+      title= h_sieve_Ntuple_title
+      size= h_sieve_Ntuple_size
+      file= h_sieve_Ntuple_file
+      bank= default_bank
+      call HBOOKN(id,title,size,name,bank,h_sieve_Ntuple_tag)      !create Ntuple
+      call HCDIR(h_sieve_Ntuple_directory,'R')      !record Ntuple directory
+      CALL HCDIR(directory,' ')       !reset CERNLIB directory
+      h_sieve_Ntuple_exists= HEXIST(h_sieve_Ntuple_ID)
+      ABORT= .NOT.h_sieve_Ntuple_exists
+      iv(1)= id
+      iv(2)= io
+      pat= 'Ntuple id#$ [' // h_sieve_Ntuple_directory // '/]' // 
+     &                         name // ' IO#$ "' // file // '"'
+      call G_build_note(pat,'$',iv,' ',rv,' ',msg)
+      call sub_string(msg,' /]','/]')
+        err= ':unable to create '//msg
+        call G_add_path(here,err)
+      ELSE
+        pat= ':created '//msg
+        call G_add_path(here,pat)
+        call G_log_message('INFO: '//pat)
+      ENDIF
+      RETURN
+      END  
diff --git a/ENGINE/h_sv_nt_keep.f b/ENGINE/h_sv_nt_keep.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..39a3b7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/h_sv_nt_keep.f
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+      subroutine h_sv_Nt_keep(ABORT,err)
+*     Purpose : Add entry to the HMS Sieve slit Ntuple
+*     Output: ABORT      - success or failure
+*           : err        - reason for failure, if any
+*     Created: 1-Nov-1994  
+* $Log: h_sv_nt_keep.f,v $
+* Revision 1.5  1996/11/05 21:42:28  saw
+* (DD) Add gas cerenkov to ntuple
+* Revision 1.4  1996/09/04 15:15:38  saw
+* (JRA) Change ntuple contents
+* Revision 1.3  1996/04/29 19:49:35  saw
+* (JRA) Add HCAL_ET
+* Revision 1.2  1995/05/22 20:50:47  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.1  1995/01/27  20:05:23  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*13 here
+      parameter (here='h_sv_nt_keep')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 'h_sieve_ntuple.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_event_info.cmn'
+      logical HEXIST                    !CERNLIB function
+      integer m
+      err= ' '
+      ABORT = .FALSE.
+      IF(.NOT.h_sieve_Ntuple_exists) RETURN !nothing to do
+      m= 0
+      m= m+1
+      h_sieve_Ntuple_contents(m)= HSX_FP ! X focal plane position 
+      m= m+1
+      h_sieve_Ntuple_contents(m)= HSY_FP
+      m= m+1
+      h_sieve_Ntuple_contents(m)= HSXP_FP
+      m= m+1
+      h_sieve_Ntuple_contents(m)= HSYP_FP
+      m= m+1
+      h_sieve_Ntuple_contents(m)= HSDELTA
+      m= m+1
+      h_sieve_Ntuple_contents(m)= HSX_TAR
+      m= m+1
+      h_sieve_Ntuple_contents(m)= HSY_TAR
+      m= m+1
+      h_sieve_Ntuple_contents(m)= HSXP_TAR
+      m= m+1
+      h_sieve_Ntuple_contents(m)= HSYP_TAR
+      m= m+1
+      h_sieve_Ntuple_contents(m)= HSTRACK_ET
+      m= m+1
+      h_sieve_Ntuple_contents(m)= HCER_NPE_SUM
+      m= m+1
+      h_sieve_Ntuple_contents(m)= float(gen_event_ID_number)
+      ABORT= .NOT.HEXIST(h_sieve_Ntuple_ID)
+        call G_build_note(':Ntuple ID#$ does not exist',
+     &       '$',h_sieve_Ntuple_ID,' ',0.,' ',err)
+        call G_add_path(here,err)
+      ELSE
+        call HFN(h_sieve_Ntuple_ID,h_sieve_Ntuple_contents)
+      ENDIF
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/ENGINE/h_sv_nt_register.f b/ENGINE/h_sv_nt_register.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6557f5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/h_sv_nt_register.f
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+      subroutine h_sv_Nt_register(ABORT,err)
+*     CTP variable registration routine for the HMS Sieve Slit Ntuples 
+*     Purpose : Register output filename for HMS Sieve slit Ntuple; temporary
+*     implementation to be superceeded by CTP Ntuples
+*     Output: ABORT      - success or failure
+*           : err        - reason for failure, if any
+*     Created: 1-Nov-1994 : added Ntuples
+* $Log: h_sv_nt_register.f,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1995/01/27 20:05:51  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*17 here
+      parameter (here='h_sv_Nt_register')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 'h_sieve_ntuple.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_routines.dec'
+      integer ierr
+      err= ' '
+      ABORT = .FALSE.
+      call G_reg_C('HMS_sieve_Ntuple',h_sieve_Ntuple_file,ABORT,err)
+        call G_prepend(':unable to register-',err)
+        call G_add_path(here,err)
+      ENDIF
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/ENGINE/h_sv_nt_shutdown.f b/ENGINE/h_sv_nt_shutdown.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c3bfbe4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/h_sv_nt_shutdown.f
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+      subroutine h_sv_Nt_shutdown(ABORT,err)
+*     Final shutdown of the HMS Sieve Slit Ntuple
+*     Purpose : Flushes and closes the HMS Sieve slit Ntuple
+*     Output: ABORT      - success or failure
+*           : err        - reason for failure, if any
+*     Created: 1-Nov-1994   added Ntuples
+* $Log: h_sv_nt_shutdown.f,v $
+* Revision 1.2  2003/02/13 15:08:20  jones
+* subroutine call G_build_note had 6 instead needed 7 arguments
+* Revision 1.1  1995/01/27 20:06:10  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*17 here
+      parameter (here='h_sv_Nt_shutdown')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 'h_sieve_ntuple.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_routines.dec'
+      logical HEXIST    !CERNLIB function
+      logical FAIL
+      character*80 why,directory,name
+      character*1000 pat,msg
+      integer io,id,cycle,m,iv(10)
+      err= ' '
+      ABORT = .FALSE.
+      IF(.NOT.h_sieve_Ntuple_exists) RETURN       !nothing to do
+      call HCDIR(directory,'R')                !keep current directory
+      id= h_sieve_Ntuple_ID
+      io= h_sieve_Ntuple_IOchannel
+      ABORT= .NOT.HEXIST(id)
+        pat= ': Ntuple ID#$ does not exist'
+        call G_build_note(pat,'$',id,' ',0.,' ',err)
+        call G_add_path(here,err)
+        If(io.GT.0) Then
+          call G_IO_control(io,'FREE',FAIL,why) !free up
+          if(.NOT.FAIL) CLOSE(io)
+        EndIf
+        h_sieve_Ntuple_exists= .FALSE.
+        h_sieve_Ntuple_ID= 0
+        h_sieve_Ntuple_name= ' '
+        h_sieve_Ntuple_IOchannel= 0
+        h_sieve_Ntuple_file= ' '
+        h_sieve_Ntuple_title= ' '
+        h_sieve_Ntuple_directory= ' '
+        h_sieve_Ntuple_size= 0
+        do m=1,HMAX_Ntuple_size
+          h_sieve_Ntuple_tag(m)= ' '
+          h_sieve_Ntuple_contents(m)= 0.
+        enddo
+        RETURN
+      ENDIF
+      id= h_sieve_Ntuple_ID
+      io= h_sieve_Ntuple_IOchannel
+      name= h_sieve_Ntuple_name
+      call HCDIR(h_sieve_Ntuple_directory,' ')      !goto Ntuple directory
+      iv(1)= id
+      iv(2)= io
+      pat= 'closing ID#$ IO#$ "'//h_sieve_Ntuple_file//'"'
+      call G_build_note(pat,'$',iv,' ',0.,' ',msg)
+      call G_add_path(here,msg)
+      call G_log_message('INFO: '//msg)
+      cycle= 0                                !dummy for HROUT
+      call HROUT(id,cycle,' ')                !flush CERNLIB buffers
+      call HREND(name)                        !CERNLIB close file
+*      call HDELET(id)                         !CERNLIB delete tuple
+      call G_IO_control(io,'FREE',ABORT,err)  !free up IO channel
+      CLOSE(io)                               !close IO channel
+      call HCDIR(directory,' ')               !return to current directory
+      h_sieve_Ntuple_exists= .FALSE.
+      h_sieve_Ntuple_ID= 0
+      h_sieve_Ntuple_name= ' '
+      h_sieve_Ntuple_IOchannel= 0
+      h_sieve_Ntuple_file= ' '
+      h_sieve_Ntuple_title= ' '
+      h_sieve_Ntuple_directory= ' '
+      h_sieve_Ntuple_size= 0
+      do m=1,HMAX_Ntuple_size
+        h_sieve_Ntuple_tag(m)= ' '
+        h_sieve_Ntuple_contents(m)= 0.
+      enddo
+      IF(ABORT) call G_add_path(here,err)
+      RETURN
+      END      
diff --git a/ENGINE/h_tree_init.f b/ENGINE/h_tree_init.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..169b17f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/h_tree_init.f
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+      subroutine h_tree_init(abort,err)
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*11 here
+      parameter(here='h_tree_init')
+      include 'hms_filenames.cmn'
+      include 'gen_routines.dec'
+      include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'gen_run_info.cmn'
+      logical abort
+      character*(*) err
+c     only purpose of this routine is to substitute run number in
+c     tree filename! CTP will take care of the rest!!!!!!!!!!!
+      call no_nulls(h_tree_filename)
+      if(h_tree_filename.eq.' ') return
+      call g_sub_run_number(h_tree_filename,gen_run_number)
+      abort=.false.
+      err=' '
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/ENGINE/params03.f b/ENGINE/params03.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..122ca88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/params03.f
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+c File param.f
+c Contains the paraeterizations for both magnets.
+c     Bneedd calculated B(p) for the dipole.
+c     Ineedq calculates I(B.dl) for the quadrupoles.
+c 9Mar1999  DWM The fitting program had the same sign problem. New fit.
+c 8Mar1999  DWM fixed messed up signs on quadrupole constant parameters.
+c 27Feb1999 DWM Restored disabled parameterization with the correct
+c     quadratic coeficient. Thanks Maurice.
+c 27Feb1999 MauriceB disabled parametrization for B>0.98T
+c 20Jan1999 DWM. First seperated from the main body of the field program
+c     Changed to use the arrays for holding the parameters, instead of
+c     imbedding them in a bunch of explicit calculations.
+c Function Bneedd
+c     Calculate the fieldrequired for the dipole at a given current ``p''.
+      real*8 function Bneedd (p,silent)
+      implicit none
+      real*8 p
+      integer silent ! If not zero, don't print any diagnostics
+c The parameters of the magnet fits
+      real*8 FIELD_D
+      real*8 EFL_0, CUTOFF, QUADRATIC
+c Some intermediate values.
+      real*8 B0, B
+c Dipole field for 1 GeV is 0.2765
+      data FIELD_D   /0.2765/
+      data EFL_0     /5.199/
+      data CUTOFF    /0.9836/
+      data QUADRATIC /-7.3137e-2/
+c This is it.
+c Grind through the parameterization
+      B0 = p * FIELD_D
+      if (B0 .le. CUTOFF) then
+         B = B0
+      else
+c         B = B0 * (1 - (B0 - CUTOFF)**2 * QUADRATIC / EFL_0 )
+        B = B0
+        if(silent.eq.0)
+     $       write(*,*) '###Parameterization for B>',CUTOFF
+     $       ,' is disabled###'
+      endif
+      Bneedd = B
+      return
+      end
+c Function Ineedq
+c     Calculate the current required for quadrupole number `num'
+c     to reach a the given  `bl' (B.dl in Rolf's notation),
+      real*8 function Ineedq (bl,num)
+      implicit none
+      real*8 bl
+      integer num
+      integer NUM_MAGS
+      parameter (NUM_MAGS=3)
+c The parameters of the magnet fits
+      real*8 cutoff(NUM_MAGS), constant(NUM_MAGS)
+      real*8 linear(NUM_MAGS), cubic(NUM_MAGS)
+c     The current needed.
+      real*8 cur
+c                        Q1        Q2        Q3    
+c      data cutoff   /   2.114,    2.409,    2.389  /
+c      data constant /   0.139,    0.277,    0.271  /
+c      data linear   / 297.38,   189.89,   189.28   /
+c      data cubic    /   9.55,    12.99,    12.68   /
+      data cutoff   /   2.146,    2.423,    2.402  /
+      data constant /  -0.139,   -0.277,   -0.271  /
+      data linear   / 297.56,   190.19,   189.56   /
+      data cubic    /  10.15,    13.18,    12.84   /
+c This is it.
+c Grind through the parameterization
+      if (bl .le. cutoff(num)) then
+         cur = constant(num) + linear(num) * bl
+      else
+         cur = constant(num) + linear(num) * bl 
+     1        + (bl - cutoff(num))**3 * cubic(num)
+      endif
+      Ineedq = cur
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/ENGINE/s_apply_offsets.f b/ENGINE/s_apply_offsets.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a75dd38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/s_apply_offsets.f
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+      SUBROUTINE S_apply_offsets(ABORT,err)
+*-       Prototype C analysis routine
+*-   Purpose and Methods : applies offsets to SOS
+*-   central momentum and central angle.
+*-   Output: ABORT		- success or failure
+*-         : err	- reason for failure, if any
+*-   Created  31-Aug-1999 Chris Armstrong
+*- All standards are from "Proposal for Hall C Analysis Software
+*- Vade Mecum, Draft 1.0" by D.F.Geesamn and S.Wood, 7 May 1993
+      SAVE
+      character*15 here
+      parameter (here= 'S_apply_offsets')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'sos_physics_sing.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_constants.par'
+* csa 8/31/99 -- We really should be filling *new* variables
+* here!
+      if (s_oopcentral_offset .ne. 0 ) then
+        write(*,*) ' ******'
+       write(6,*)' s_apply_offs: s_oopcentral_offset =',s_oopcentral_offset,' rad'
+       write(6,*)'  Used to offset ssxp_tar in s_physics.f '
+      endif
+      if (spcentral_offset .ne. 0 ) then
+        write(*,*) ' ******'
+       write(6,*)' s_apply_offs: apply spcentral_offset(%)  =',spcentral_offset
+       write(6,*)' s_apply_offs: before:  spcentral =',spcentral
+       spcentral = spcentral * ( 1. + spcentral_offset / 100. )
+       write(6,*)' s_apply_offs:  after:  spcentral =',spcentral
+      endif
+      if (smomentum_factor .gt. 0.1) then    !avoid setting p=0
+        write(*,*) ' ******'
+       write(6,*)' s_apply_offs: apply smomentum_factor  =',smomentum_factor
+       write(6,*)' s_apply_offs: before:  spcentral =',spcentral
+       spcentral = spcentral * smomentum_factor
+       write(6,*)' s_apply_offs: after :  spcentral =',spcentral
+      endif
+      if (sthetacentral_offset .ne. 0 ) then
+        write(*,*) ' ******'
+       write(6,*)' s_apply_offs: before: stheta_lab =',stheta_lab
+       stheta_lab=stheta_lab + sthetacentral_offset/degree
+       write(6,*)' s_apply_offs:  after: stheta_lab =',stheta_lab
+       cossthetas = cos(stheta_lab*degree)
+       sinsthetas = sin(stheta_lab*degree)
+      endif
+      ABORT= .FALSE.
+      err= ' '
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/ENGINE/s_clear_event.f b/ENGINE/s_clear_event.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..edbd428
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/s_clear_event.f
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+      SUBROUTINE S_clear_event(ABORT,err)
+*-       Prototype C analysis routine
+*-   Purpose and Methods : clears all SOS quantities before event is processed.
+*-   Output: ABORT	- success or failure
+*-         : err	- reason for failure, if any
+*-   Created  2-Nov-1993   Kevin B. Beard
+*-   Modified 20-Nov-1993  KBB for new errors
+* $Log: s_clear_event.f,v $
+* Revision 1.12  1999/02/23 18:27:50  csa
+* Add call to s_ntuple_clear
+* Revision 1.11  1996/11/05 21:42:56  saw
+* (WH) Add lucite counter
+* Revision 1.10  1995/10/09 18:08:15  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add clear of SCER_RAW_ADC
+* Revision 1.9  1995/09/01 13:40:55  cdaq
+* (JRA) Clear some cerenkov variables
+* Revision 1.8  1995/05/22  20:50:48  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.7  1995/05/11  15:08:57  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add clear of Aerogel hit counter
+* Revision 1.6  1995/04/01  20:10:55  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add missing SSCIN_ALL_TOT_HITS = 0
+* Revision 1.5  1994/11/22  20:14:23  cdaq
+* (SPB) Bring up to date with h_clear_event
+* Revision 1.4  1994/06/22  20:53:59  cdaq
+* (SAW) zero the miscleaneous hits counter
+* Revision 1.3  1994/03/01  20:14:32  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add zeroing of the raw total hits counter for the drift chambers
+* Revision 1.2  1994/02/22  19:04:02  cdaq
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/04  22:21:07  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+*- All standards are from "Proposal for Hall C Analysis Software
+*- Vade Mecum, Draft 1.0" by D.F.Geesamn and S.Wood, 7 May 1993
+      SAVE
+      character*13 here
+      parameter (here= 'S_clear_event')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'sos_tracking.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'sos_statistics.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'sos_scin_tof.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'sos_scin_parms.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'sos_cer_parms.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'sos_calorimeter.cmn'
+      INTEGER plane,tube
+      SDC_RAW_TOT_HITS = 0
+      SDC_TOT_HITS = 0
+      DO plane= 1,SMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES
+         SDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(plane)= 0
+      ENDDO
+      SSCIN_TOT_HITS = 0
+      DO plane= 1,SNUM_SCIN_PLANES
+         SSCIN_HITS_PER_PLANE(plane)= 0
+      ENDDO
+      SCAL_TOT_HITS= 0
+      SCAL_NUM_HITS= 0
+      SCER_TOT_HITS= 0
+      do tube = 1, SMAX_CER_HITS
+        SCER_RAW_ADC(tube) = 0
+        SCER_ADC(tube) = 0
+        SCER_NPE(tube) = 0.
+      enddo
+      SAER_TOT_HITS = 0
+      SLUC_TOT_HITS = 0
+*     SOS Miscleaneous hits
+      SMISC_TOT_HITS = 0
+      SNTRACKS_FP= 0
+      SNTRACKS_TAR= 0
+      SSNUM_FPTRACK = 0
+      call s_ntuple_clear
+      ABORT= .FALSE.
+      err= ' '
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/ENGINE/s_fieldcorr.f b/ENGINE/s_fieldcorr.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..34140d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/s_fieldcorr.f
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+      SUBROUTINE S_fieldcorr(ABORT,err)
+*-       Prototype C analysis routine
+*-   Purpose and Methods : apply correction to SOS
+*-   central momentum as function of momentum.
+*-   Output: ABORT		- success or failure
+*-         : err	- reason for failure, if any
+*-   Created  18-Feb-1999 M Jones
+*- All standards are from "Proposal for Hall C Analysis Software
+*- Vade Mecum, Draft 1.0" by D.F.Geesamn and S.Wood, 7 May 1993
+      SAVE
+      character*11 here
+      parameter (here= 'S_fieldcorr')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      include 'gen_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+*     local variables 
+      real*8 sosp0corr
+      if (genable_sos_fieldcorr .eq. 1999 ) then
+        write(*,*) ' ******'
+        write(*,*) ' Enabled SOS central momentum correction'
+        write(*,*) ' Using J. Volmer parametrization'
+        write(*,*) ' Before correction: central  mom = ',spcentral
+        sosp0corr=0.45
+        if (spcentral .gt. 0.51) sosp0corr=0.496-0.08845*spcentral
+     >       -5.743e-4*exp(2.341*(spcentral**2.156))
+        spcentral = spcentral*(1+sosp0corr/100.)
+        write(*,*) ' After correction: central  mom = ',spcentral
+        write(*,*) ' ******'
+      elseif (genable_sos_fieldcorr .eq. 2003 ) then
+        write(*,*) ' ******'
+        write(*,*) ' Enabled SOS central momentum correction'
+        write(*,*) ' Using C. Xu parametrization (2003)'
+        write(*,*) ' Before correction: central  mom = ',spcentral
+        sosp0corr=0.035
+             if (spcentral .gt. 0.51)sosp0corr=0.10256 - 0.13242*spcentral
+     >       -1.67002e-4*exp(2.33*(spcentral**2.4))
+        spcentral = spcentral*(1+sosp0corr/100.)
+        write(*,*) ' After correction: central  mom = ',spcentral
+        write(*,*) ' ******'
+      else
+        write(*,*) ' ******'
+        write(*,*) ' SOS central momentum correction not enabled'
+        write(*,*) ' It is probably wise to enable by setting'
+        write(*,*) ' genable_sos_fieldcorr = 2003 '
+        write(*,*) ' to use C. Xu parametrization (2003)'
+        write(*,*) ' or genable_sos_fieldcorr = 1999 '
+        write(*,*) ' to use J. Volmer parametrization'
+        write(*,*) ' Set parameter in sosflags.param'
+        write(*,*) ' ******'
+      endif
+      ABORT= .FALSE.
+      err= ' '
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/ENGINE/s_initialize.f b/ENGINE/s_initialize.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..67f1c67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/s_initialize.f
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+      SUBROUTINE S_initialize(ABORT,err)
+*-       Prototype C analysis routine
+*-   Purpose and Methods : Initializes HMS quantities 
+*-   Output: ABORT           - success or failure
+*-         : err             - reason for failure, if any
+*-   Created  8-Nov-1993   Kevin B. Beard
+*-   Modified 20-Nov-1993  KBB for new errors
+* $Log: s_initialize.f,v $
+* Revision 1.16  1996/09/04 15:17:01  saw
+* (JRA) Reorder calls
+* Revision 1.15  1996/01/16 16:12:41  cdaq
+* (JRA) Comment out SOS minuit initialization
+* Revision 1.14  1995/10/09 18:47:01  cdaq
+* (SAW) Move ntuple initialization into g_ntuple_init
+* Revision 1.13  1995/08/11 15:37:05  cdaq
+* (DD) Add sos sieve slit ntuple
+* Revision 1.12  1994/11/22  20:15:10  cdaq
+* (SAW) Cosmetic change
+* Revision 1.11  1994/06/17  04:02:58  cdaq
+* (KBB) Upgrade error reporting
+* Revision 1.10  1994/06/16  03:46:17  cdaq
+* *** empty log message ***
+* Revision 1.9  1994/06/14  04:03:48  cdaq
+* (DFG) Add call to s_init_physics
+* Revision 1.8  1994/05/13  03:13:45  cdaq
+* (DFG) Add call to s_targ_trans_init
+* Revision 1.7  1994/04/13  18:15:23  cdaq
+* (DFG) Add scin and cal init
+* Revision 1.6  1994/04/12  17:31:09  cdaq
+* (KBB) Add ntuple call
+* Revision 1.5  1994/02/22  15:14:03  cdaq
+* (DFG) Add calls to s_generate_geometry and s_initialize_fitting
+* Revision 1.4  1994/02/11  18:36:35  cdaq
+* Split off CTP variables registration from initialize routines
+* Revision 1.3  1994/02/04  20:47:40  cdaq
+* Add read titles to regpar calls
+* Revision 1.2  1994/02/03  14:28:27  cdaq
+* Make clear that last arg of reg calls is a title.  Use null for now.
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/02  21:37:55  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+*- All standards are from "Proposal for Hall C Analysis Software
+*- Vade Mecum, Draft 1.0" by D.F.Geesamn and S.Wood, 7 May 1993
+      SAVE
+      character*12 here
+      parameter (here= 'S_initialize')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      character*20 err1
+      integer*4 istat 
+      logical FAIL
+      character*1000 why
+*SDISPLAY   include 'one_ev_io.cmn'
+      ABORT = .FALSE.
+      err= ' '
+*-calculate physics singles constants
+      call s_init_physics(FAIL,why)
+      if(err.NE.' ' .and. why.NE.' ') then
+        call G_append(err,' & '//why)
+      elseif(why.NE.' ') then
+        err= why
+      endif
+      ABORT= ABORT .or. FAIL
+      call s_generate_geometry          ! Tracking routine
+c      call s_initialize_fitting         ! Minuit initialization
+*-calculate secondary scintillator and time of flight parameters
+      call s_init_scin(FAIL,why)
+      if(why.NE.' ') then
+        err= why
+      endif
+      ABORT= ABORT .or. FAIL
+*-calculate secondary cerenkov parameters
+      call s_init_cer(FAIL,why)
+      if(err.NE.' ' .and. why.NE.' ') then
+        call G_append(err,' & '//why)
+      elseif(why.NE.' ') then
+        err= why
+      endif
+      ABORT= ABORT .or. FAIL
+*-calculate secondary calorimeter parameters
+      call s_init_cal(FAIL,why)
+      if(err.NE.' ' .and. why.NE.' ') then   !keep warnings
+        call G_append(err,' & '//why)
+      elseif(why.NE.' ') then
+        err= why
+      endif
+      ABORT= ABORT .or. FAIL
+*SDISPLAY*     If one_ev flag on, initialize the event display package
+*           if( call one_ev_init  !One event display unit
+*-read in Optical matrix elements
+      call s_targ_trans_init(FAIL,why,istat)
+      if(FAIL) then
+        write(err1,'(":istat=",i2)') istat
+        call G_prepend(err1,why)
+      endif
+      if(err.NE.' ' .and. why.NE.' ') then   !keep warnings
+        call G_append(err,' & '//why)
+      elseif(why.NE.' ') then
+        err= why
+      endif
+      ABORT= ABORT .or. FAIL
+      if(ABORT .or. err.NE.' ') call g_add_path(here,err)
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/ENGINE/s_keep_results.f b/ENGINE/s_keep_results.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7799df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/s_keep_results.f
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+      SUBROUTINE S_keep_results(ABORT,err)
+*-       Prototype C analysis routine
+*-   Purpose and Methods : Keeps statistics, etc.
+*-   Output: ABORT	- success or failure
+*-         : err	- reason for failure, if any
+*-   Created  20-Nov-1993   Kevin B. Beard for new error standards
+* $Log: s_keep_results.f,v $
+* Revision 1.6  1996/09/04 15:17:33  saw
+* (JRA) Make instead of SNTRACKS_FP .gt. 0 the
+*       criteria for adding to ntuples
+* Revision 1.5  1996/01/16 16:42:34  cdaq
+* no change
+* Revision 1.4  1995/08/11 15:43:11  cdaq
+* (DD) Add sos sieve slit ntuple
+* Revision 1.3  1995/07/27  19:43:52  cdaq
+* (JRA) Only add to ntuples when we have HNTRACKS_FP > 0
+* Revision 1.2  1994/04/12  17:29:18  cdaq
+* (KBB) Add ntuple call
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/04  22:18:31  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+*- All standards are from "Proposal for Hall C Analysis Software
+*- Vade Mecum, Draft 1.0" by D.F.Geesamn and S.Wood, 7 May 1993
+      SAVE
+      include 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      character*50 here
+      parameter (here= 'S_keep_results')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+*-chance to flush any statistics, etc.
+      ABORT= .FALSE.
+      err= ' '
+      if( call s_ntuple_keep(ABORT,err)! check for good tracks.
+* proceed only if tracks found is greater than zero.   
+         call G_add_path(here,err)
+      ELSE
+         err= ' '
+      ENDIF
+       if( s_sv_nt_keep(ABORT,err)
+         call G_add_path(here,err)
+      ELSE
+         err= ' '
+      ENDIF
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/ENGINE/s_ntuple_change.f b/ENGINE/s_ntuple_change.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aef49d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/s_ntuple_change.f
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+      subroutine s_ntuple_change(ABORT,err)
+*     closes one HMS Ntuple file and opens another
+*     Purpose : switching from one file to the next
+*     Output: ABORT      - success or failure
+*           : err        - reason for failure, if any
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*15 here
+      parameter (here='s_ntuple_change')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 's_ntuple.cmn'
+      include 'gen_run_info.cmn'
+      character*1 ifile
+      character*80 file
+      character*1000 pat
+      integer*4 ilo,fn_len
+*     functions
+      integer g_important_length
+      call s_ntuple_close(ABORT,err)
+      if (s_ntuple_exists) then
+        ABORT = .true.
+      endif
+      call NO_nulls(s_ntuple_file)     !replace null characters with blanks
+      file= s_ntuple_file
+      call NO_nulls(file)     !replace null characters with blanks
+      call g_sub_run_number(file,gen_run_number)
+      s_ntuple_filesegments = s_ntuple_filesegments + 1
+      if (s_ntuple_filesegments .le. 9) then
+        ifile = char(ichar('0')+s_ntuple_filesegments)
+      else
+        ifile = char(ichar('a')+s_ntuple_filesegments-10)
+      endif
+      fn_len = g_important_length(file)
+      ilo=index(file,'.hbook')
+      if ((ilo.le.1).or.( then
+        ilo=index(file,'.rzdat')
+      endif
+      if (( then
+        file = file(1:ilo-1) // '.' // ifile // file(ilo:fn_len)
+      else
+        ABORT = .true.
+      endif
+      IF (.not.ABORT) call s_ntuple_open(file,ABORT,err)
+        err= ':unable to change SOS Ntuple file segment'
+        call G_add_path(here,err)
+      ELSE
+        pat= ':changed SOS Ntuple file segment'
+        call G_add_path(here,pat)
+        call G_log_message('INFO: '//pat)
+      ENDIF
+      RETURN
+      END  
diff --git a/ENGINE/s_ntuple_clear.f b/ENGINE/s_ntuple_clear.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..38c6a0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/s_ntuple_clear.f
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+      subroutine s_Ntuple_clear
+*     Purpose : Clear vars that go to the SOS Ntuple
+*     csa 4/15/97
+* $Log: s_ntuple_clear.f,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1999/02/24 14:50:24  saw
+* Dummy routine
+      implicit none
+      save
+*      character*13 here
+*      parameter (here='s_Ntuple_clear')
+*      logical ABORT
+*      character*(*) err
+*     csa 2/2/99 -- This is a dummy routine in the CVS tree. The
+*     real thing gets created in the user's Oscar directory based
+*     on which variables are in the ntuple.lst file.
+      RETURN
+      END      
diff --git a/ENGINE/s_ntuple_close.f b/ENGINE/s_ntuple_close.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b132976
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/s_ntuple_close.f
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+      subroutine s_Ntuple_close(ABORT,err)
+*     closes the HMS Ntuple file
+*     Purpose : Flushes and closes the HMS Ntuple
+*     Output: ABORT      - success or failure
+*           : err        - reason for failure, if any
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*14 here
+      parameter (here='s_Ntuple_close')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 's_ntuple.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_routines.dec'
+      logical HEXIST    !CERNLIB function
+      logical FAIL
+      character*80 why,directory,name
+      character*1000 msg
+      integer io,id,cycle,m
+      err= ' '
+      ABORT = .FALSE.
+      IF(.NOT.s_Ntuple_exists) RETURN       !nothing to do
+      call HCDIR(directory,'R')                !keep current directory
+      id= s_Ntuple_ID
+      io= s_Ntuple_IOchannel
+      name= s_Ntuple_name
+      ABORT= .NOT.HEXIST(id)
+        call G_add_path(here,err)
+        If(io.GT.0) Then
+          call G_IO_control(io,'FREE',FAIL,why) !free up
+          if(.NOT.FAIL) CLOSE(io)
+        EndIf
+        s_Ntuple_exists= .FALSE.
+        s_Ntuple_IOchannel= 0
+        RETURN
+      ENDIF
+      call HCDIR(s_Ntuple_directory,' ')      !goto Ntuple directory
+      call G_add_path(here,msg)
+      call G_log_message('INFO: '//msg)
+      cycle= 0                                !dummy for HROUT
+      call HROUT(id,cycle,' ')                !flush CERNLIB buffers
+      call HREND(name)                        !CERNLIB close file
+      call G_IO_control(io,'FREE',ABORT,err)  !free up IO channel
+      CLOSE(io)                               !close IO channel
+      call HCDIR(directory,' ')               !return to current directory
+      s_Ntuple_directory= ' '
+      s_Ntuple_exists= .FALSE.
+      s_Ntuple_IOchannel= 0
+      IF(ABORT) call G_add_path(here,err)
+      RETURN
+      END      
diff --git a/ENGINE/s_ntuple_init.f b/ENGINE/s_ntuple_init.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fcfccb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/s_ntuple_init.f
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+      subroutine s_Ntuple_init(ABORT,err)
+*     Creates an SOS Ntuple
+*     Purpose : Books an SOS Ntuple; defines structure of it
+*     Output: ABORT      - success or failure
+*           : err        - reason for failure, if any
+*     Created: 8-Apr-1994  K.B.Beard, Hampton Univ.
+* $Log: s_ntuple_init.f,v $
+* Revision  2007/10/16 20:20:31  cdaq
+* *** empty log message ***
+* Revision 1.8  2004/02/17 17:26:34  jones
+* Changes to enable possiblity of segmenting rzdat files
+* Revision  2003/08/12 17:35:32  cdaq
+* Add variables for e00-108 (hamlet)
+* Revision  2003/06/26 12:39:52  cdaq
+* changes for e01-001  (mkj)
+* Revision  2003/04/04 12:54:42  cdaq
+* add beam parameters to ntuple
+* Revision 1.7  1996/09/04 15:18:02  saw
+* (JRA) Modify ntuple contents
+* Revision 1.6  1996/01/16 16:41:14  cdaq
+* (JRA) Modify ntuple contents
+* Revision 1.5  1995/09/01 13:38:59  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add Cerenkov photoelectron count to ntuple
+* Revision 1.4  1995/07/27  19:00:31  cdaq
+* (SAW) Relocate data statements for f2c compatibility
+* Revision 1.3  1995/05/11  19:00:02  cdaq
+* (SAW) Allow %d for run number in filenames
+* Revision 1.2  1994/06/17  02:36:00  cdaq
+* (KBB) Upgrade
+* Revision 1.1  1994/04/12  16:16:18  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*13 here
+      parameter (here='s_Ntuple_init')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 's_ntuple.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_routines.dec'
+      include 'gen_run_info.cmn'
+      character*80 default_name
+      parameter (default_name= 'SOSntuple')
+      character*80 file
+      character*80 name
+      character*1000 pat,msg
+      integerilo,fn_len,m
+      character*1 ifile
+      INCLUDE 's_ntuple.dte'
+      err= ' '
+      ABORT = .FALSE.
+      IF(s_Ntuple_exists) THEN
+        call s_Ntuple_shutdown(ABORT,err)
+        If(ABORT) Then
+          call G_add_path(here,err)
+          RETURN
+        EndIf
+      ENDIF
+      call NO_nulls(s_Ntuple_file)     !replace null characters with blanks
+*-if name blank, just forget it
+      IF(s_Ntuple_file.EQ.' ') RETURN   !do nothing
+      s_Ntuple_ID= default_s_Ntuple_ID
+      s_Ntuple_name= default_name
+      IF(s_Ntuple_title.EQ.' ') THEN
+        msg= name//' '//s_Ntuple_file
+        call only_one_blank(msg)
+        s_Ntuple_title= msg
+      ENDIF
+      file= s_Ntuple_file
+      call g_sub_run_number(file,gen_run_number)
+*     * only needed if using more than one file      
+      if (s_Ntuple_max_segmentevents .gt. 0) then
+       s_Ntuple_filesegments = 1
+       ifile = char(ichar('0')+s_Ntuple_filesegments)
+       fn_len = g_important_length(file)
+       ilo=index(file,'.hbook')
+       if ((ilo.le.1).or.( then
+         ilo=index(file,'.rzdat')
+       endif  
+       if (( then
+         file = file(1:ilo-1) // '.' // ifile // file(ilo:fn_len)
+       else
+         ABORT = .true.
+        RETURN
+       endif
+       write(*,*) ' Using segmented SOS rzdat files first filename: ',file
+       else
+         write(*,*) ' Not using segmented SOS rzdat files.'  
+      endif
+      m= 0
+      m= m+1
+      s_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'omega' ! 
+      m= m+1
+      s_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'q2' ! 
+      m= m+1
+      s_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'xbj' ! 
+      m= m+1
+      s_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'qabs' ! 
+      m= m+1
+      s_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'W2' ! 
+      m= m+1
+      s_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'ssthet_g' ! 
+      m= m+1
+      s_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'scer_npe' ! cerenkov photoelectron spectrum
+      m= m+1
+      s_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'ssp'	! Lab momentum of chosen track in GeV/c
+      m= m+1
+      s_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'ssenergy'! Lab total energy of chosen track in GeV
+      m= m+1
+      s_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'ssdelta'	! Spectrometer delta of chosen track
+      m= m+1
+      s_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'sstheta'	! Lab Scattering angle in radians
+      m= m+1
+      s_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'ssphi'	! Lab Azymuthal angle in radians
+      m= m+1
+      s_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'w'	! Invariant Mass of remaing hadronic system
+      m= m+1
+      s_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'sszbeam'! Lab Z coordinate of intersection of beam
+                                ! track with spectrometer ray
+      m= m+1
+      s_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'ssdedx1'  	! DEDX of chosen track in 1st scin plane
+      m= m+1
+      s_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'ssbeta'		! BETA of chosen track
+      m= m+1
+      s_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'ssshtrk' ! 'SSTRACK_ET'	! Total shower energy of chosen track
+      m= m+1
+      s_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'ssprtrk'!'SSTRACK_PRESHOWER_E' ! preshower of chosen track
+      m= m+1
+      s_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'ssxfp'		! X focal plane position 
+      m= m+1
+      s_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'ssyfp'
+      m= m+1
+      s_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'ssxpfp'
+      m= m+1
+      s_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'ssypfp'
+      m= m+1
+      s_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'ssytar'
+      m= m+1
+      s_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'ssxptar'
+      m= m+1
+      s_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'ssyptar'
+      m= m+1
+      s_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'eventID'
+      m= m+1
+      s_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'evtype'
+      m= m+1
+      s_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'sstart'
+      m= m+1
+      s_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'SAER_NPE' 
+* Experiment dependent entries start here.
+      m= m+1
+      s_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'gfrx_raw'
+      m= m+1
+      s_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'gfry_raw'
+      m= m+1
+      s_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'gbeam_x'
+      m= m+1
+      s_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'gbeam_y'
+      m= m+1
+      s_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'bpma_x'
+      m= m+1
+      s_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'bpma_y'
+      m= m+1
+      s_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'bpmb_x'
+      m= m+1
+      s_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'bpmb_y'
+      m= m+1
+      s_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'bpmc_x'
+      m= m+1
+      s_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'bpmc_y'
+      m= m+1
+      s_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'MPSclock'
+      m= m+1
+      s_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'hplus'
+      m= m+1
+      s_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'hminus'
+      m= m+1
+      s_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'sceradc1'
+      m= m+1
+      s_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'sceradc2'
+      m= m+1
+      s_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'sceradc3'
+      m= m+1
+      s_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'sceradc4'
+* Open ntuple.
+      s_Ntuple_size= m     !total size
+* Open ntuple
+      call s_Ntuple_open(file,ABORT,err)      
+        err= ':unable to create SOS Ntuple'
+        call G_add_path(here,err)
+      ELSE
+        pat= ':created SOS Ntuple'
+        call G_add_path(here,pat)
+        call G_log_message('INFO: '//pat)
+      ENDIF
+      RETURN
+      END  
diff --git a/ENGINE/s_ntuple_keep.f b/ENGINE/s_ntuple_keep.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e7827a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/s_ntuple_keep.f
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+      subroutine s_Ntuple_keep(ABORT,err)
+*     Purpose : Add entry to the SOS Ntuple
+*     Output: ABORT      - success or failure
+*           : err        - reason for failure, if any
+*     Created: 11-Apr-1994  K.B.Beard, Hampton U.
+* $Log: s_ntuple_keep.f,v $
+* Revision 1.8  2004/02/17 17:26:34  jones
+* Changes to enable possiblity of segmenting rzdat files
+* Revision  2003/08/12 17:35:34  cdaq
+* Add variables for e00-108 (hamlet)
+* Revision  2003/06/26 12:39:55  cdaq
+* changes for e01-001  (mkj)
+* Revision  2003/04/04 12:54:42  cdaq
+* add beam parameters to ntuple
+* Revision 1.7  1996/09/04 15:18:21  saw
+* (JRA) Modify ntuple contents
+* Revision 1.6  1996/01/16 16:40:31  cdaq
+* (JRA) Modify ntuple contents
+* Revision 1.5  1995/09/01 13:38:46  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add Cerenkov photoelectron count to ntuple
+* Revision 1.4  1995/05/22  20:50:48  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.3  1995/05/11  19:00:39  cdaq
+* (SAW) Change SSDEDXn vars to an array.
+* Revision 1.2  1994/06/17  02:42:33  cdaq
+* (KBB) Upgrade
+* Revision 1.1  1994/04/12  16:16:28  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*13 here
+      parameter (here='s_Ntuple_keep')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 's_ntuple.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_event_info.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'sos_tracking.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'sos_physics_sing.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'sos_scin_tof.cmn'
+      include 'sos_track_histid.cmn'
+      include 'sos_aero_parms.cmn'
+      include 'sos_scin_parms.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'sos_calorimeter.cmn'
+      logical HEXIST    !CERNLIB function
+      integer m
+      real proton_mass
+      parameter ( proton_mass = 0.93827247 ) ! [GeV/c^2]
+      real Wsq
+      err= ' '
+      ABORT = .FALSE.
+      IF(.NOT.s_Ntuple_exists) RETURN       !nothing to do
+      if (s_Ntuple_max_segmentevents .gt. 0) then
+       if (s_Ntuple_segmentevents .gt. s_Ntuple_max_segmentevents) then
+        call s_ntuple_change(ABORT,err)
+        s_Ntuple_segmentevents = 0
+       else
+        s_Ntuple_segmentevents = s_Ntuple_segmentevents +1
+       endif
+      endif
+      m= 0
+      m= m+1
+      s_Ntuple_contents(m)= SSOMEGA !
+      m= m+1
+      s_Ntuple_contents(m)= SSBIGQ2 !
+      m= m+1
+      s_Ntuple_contents(m)= SSX_bj !
+      m= m+1
+      s_Ntuple_contents(m)= SSQ3 !
+      m= m+1
+      s_Ntuple_contents(m)= Wsq !
+      m= m+1
+      s_Ntuple_contents(m)= SSTHET_GAMMA !
+      m= m+1
+      s_Ntuple_contents(m)= SCER_NPE_SUM ! cerenkov photoelectron spectrum
+      m= m+1
+      s_Ntuple_contents(m)= SSP	! Lab momentum of chosen track in GeV/c
+      m= m+1
+      s_Ntuple_contents(m)= SSENERGY! Lab total energy of chosen track in GeV
+      m= m+1
+      s_Ntuple_contents(m)= SSDELTA	! Spectrometer delta of chosen track
+      m= m+1
+      s_Ntuple_contents(m)= SSTHETA	! Lab Scattering angle in radians
+      m= m+1
+      s_Ntuple_contents(m)= SSPHI	! Lab Azymuthal angle in radians
+      m= m+1
+      s_Ntuple_contents(m)= SINVMASS	! Invariant Mass of remaing hadronic system
+      m= m+1
+      s_Ntuple_contents(m)= SSZBEAM! Lab Z coordinate of intersection of beam
+                                ! track with spectrometer ray
+      m= m+1
+      s_Ntuple_contents(m)= SSDEDX(1)	! DEDX of chosen track in 1st scin plane
+      m= m+1
+      s_Ntuple_contents(m)= SSBETA	! BETA of chosen track
+      m= m+1
+      s_Ntuple_contents(m)= SSSHTRK	! Total shower energy / momentum
+      m= m+1
+      s_Ntuple_contents(m)= SSTRACK_PRESHOWER_E	! preshower of chosen track
+      m= m+1
+      s_Ntuple_contents(m)= SSX_FP		! X focal plane position 
+      m= m+1
+      s_Ntuple_contents(m)= SSY_FP
+      m= m+1
+      s_Ntuple_contents(m)= SSXP_FP
+      m= m+1
+      s_Ntuple_contents(m)= SSYP_FP
+      m= m+1
+      s_Ntuple_contents(m)= SSY_TAR
+      m= m+1
+      s_Ntuple_contents(m)= SSXP_TAR
+      m= m+1
+      s_Ntuple_contents(m)= SSYP_TAR
+      m= m+1
+      s_Ntuple_contents(m)= float(gen_event_ID_number)
+      m= m+1
+      s_Ntuple_contents(m)= float(gen_event_type)
+      m= m+1
+      s_Ntuple_contents(m)= sstart_time
+      m= m+1
+      s_Ntuple_contents(m)= saer_npe_sum
+      m= m+1
+      s_Ntuple_contents(m)= gfrx_raw_adc
+      m= m+1
+      s_Ntuple_contents(m)= gfry_raw_adc
+      m= m+1
+      s_Ntuple_contents(m)= gbeam_x
+      m= m+1
+      s_Ntuple_contents(m)= gbeam_y
+      m= m+1
+      s_Ntuple_contents(m)= gbpm_x(1)
+      m= m+1
+      s_Ntuple_contents(m)= gbpm_y(1)
+      m= m+1
+      s_Ntuple_contents(m)= gbpm_x(2)
+      m= m+1
+      s_Ntuple_contents(m)= gbpm_y(2)
+      m= m+1
+      s_Ntuple_contents(m)= gbpm_x(3)
+      m= m+1
+      s_Ntuple_contents(m)= gbpm_y(3)
+      m= m+1
+      s_Ntuple_contents(m)= smisc_dec_data(2,2)
+      m= m+1
+      s_Ntuple_contents(m)= smisc_dec_data(3,2) 
+      m= m+1
+      s_Ntuple_contents(m)= smisc_dec_data(4,2) 
+      m= m+1
+c      s_Ntuple_contents(m)= smisc_dec_data(7,1) 
+       s_Ntuple_contents(m)= scer_adc(1)
+      m= m+1
+c      s_Ntuple_contents(m)= smisc_dec_data(8,1) 
+       s_Ntuple_contents(m)= scer_adc(2)
+      m= m+1
+c      s_Ntuple_contents(m)= smisc_dec_data(5,2) 
+       s_Ntuple_contents(m)= scer_adc(3)
+      m= m+1
+c      s_Ntuple_contents(m)= smisc_dec_data(6,2) 
+       s_Ntuple_contents(m)= scer_adc(4)
+* Experiment dependent entries start here.
+* Fill ntuple for this event
+      ABORT= .NOT.HEXIST(s_Ntuple_ID)
+        call G_build_note(':Ntuple ID#$ does not exist',
+     &                        '$',s_Ntuple_ID,' ',0.,' ',err)
+        call G_add_path(here,err)
+      ELSE
+        call HFN(s_Ntuple_ID,s_Ntuple_contents)
+      ENDIF
+      RETURN
+      END      
diff --git a/ENGINE/s_ntuple_open.f b/ENGINE/s_ntuple_open.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec877dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/s_ntuple_open.f
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+      subroutine s_Ntuple_open(file,ABORT,err)
+*     Opens an HMS Ntuple file
+*     Purpose : Books an HMS Ntuple
+*     Output: ABORT      - success or failure
+*           : err        - reason for failure, if any
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*13 here
+      parameter (here='s_Ntuple_open')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 's_ntuple.cmn'
+      integer default_bank,default_recL
+      parameter (default_bank= 8000)    !4 bytes/word
+      parameter (default_recL= 1024)    !record length
+      character*80 title,file
+      character*80 directory,name
+      character*1000 pat,msg
+      integer status,size,io,id,bank,recL,iv(10),m
+      real rv(10)
+      logical HEXIST           !CERNLIB function
+      err= ' '
+      ABORT = .FALSE.
+      IF(s_Ntuple_exists) THEN
+        call s_Ntuple_shutdown(ABORT,err)
+        If(ABORT) Then
+          call G_add_path(here,err)
+          RETURN
+        EndIf
+      ENDIF
+*- get any free IO channel
+      call g_IO_control(io,'ANY',ABORT,err)
+      s_Ntuple_exists= .NOT.ABORT
+        call G_add_path(here,err)
+        RETURN
+      ENDIF
+      s_Ntuple_IOchannel= io
+      id= s_Ntuple_ID
+      name= s_Ntuple_name
+      title= s_Ntuple_title
+      ABORT= HEXIST(id)
+        call g_IO_control(s_Ntuple_IOchannel,'FREE',ABORT,err)
+        call G_build_note(':HBOOK id#$ already in use',
+     &                                 '$',id,' ',rv,' ',err)
+        call G_add_path(here,err)
+        RETURN
+      ENDIF
+      CALL HCDIR(directory,'R')       !CERNLIB read current directory
+*-open New *.rzdat file-
+      recL= default_recL
+      call HROPEN(io,name,file,'N',recL,status)       !CERNLIB
+      ABORT= status.NE.0
+        call g_IO_control(s_Ntuple_IOchannel,'FREE',ABORT,err)
+        iv(1)= status
+        iv(2)= io
+        pat= ':HROPEN error#$ opening IO#$ "'//file//'"'
+        call G_build_note(pat,'$',iv,' ',rv,' ',err)
+        call G_add_path(here,err)
+        RETURN
+      ENDIF
+      size= s_Ntuple_size
+      bank= default_bank
+      title= s_Ntuple_title
+      call HBOOKN(id,title,size,name,bank,s_Ntuple_tag)      !create Ntuple
+      call HCDIR(s_Ntuple_directory,'R')      !record Ntuple directory
+      CALL HCDIR(directory,' ')       !reset CERNLIB directory
+      s_Ntuple_exists= HEXIST(s_Ntuple_ID)
+      ABORT= .NOT.s_Ntuple_exists
+      iv(1)= id
+      iv(2)= io
+      pat= 'Ntuple id#$ [' // s_Ntuple_directory // '/]' // 
+     &                         name // ' IO#$ "' // file // '"'
+      call G_build_note(pat,'$',iv,' ',rv,' ',msg)
+      call sub_string(msg,' /]','/]')
+        err= ':unable to create '//msg
+        call G_add_path(here,err)
+      ELSE
+        pat= ':created '//msg
+        call G_add_path(here,pat)
+        call G_log_message('INFO: '//pat)
+      ENDIF
+      RETURN
+      END  
diff --git a/ENGINE/s_ntuple_register.f b/ENGINE/s_ntuple_register.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c307b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/s_ntuple_register.f
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+      subroutine s_Ntuple_register(ABORT,err)
+*     CTP variable registration routine for the SOS Ntuples 
+*     Purpose : Register output filename for SOS Ntuple; temporary
+*     implementation to be superceeded by CTP Ntuples
+*     Output: ABORT      - success or failure
+*           : err        - reason for failure, if any
+*     Created: 8-Apr-1994  K.B.Beard, HU: added Ntuples
+* $Log: s_ntuple_register.f,v $
+* Revision 1.2  1994/06/17 02:56:26  cdaq
+* (KBB) Upgrade
+* Revision 1.1  1994/04/12  16:16:38  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*17 here
+      parameter (here='s_Ntuple_register')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 's_ntuple.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_routines.dec'
+      integer ierr
+      err= ' '
+      ABORT = .FALSE.
+      call G_reg_C('SOS_Ntuple',s_Ntuple_file,ABORT,err)
+        call G_prepend(':unable to register-',err)
+        call G_add_path(here,err)
+      ENDIF
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/ENGINE/s_ntuple_shutdown.f b/ENGINE/s_ntuple_shutdown.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0371cd9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/s_ntuple_shutdown.f
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+      subroutine s_Ntuple_shutdown(ABORT,err)
+*     Final shutdown of the SOS Ntuple
+*     Purpose : Flushes and closes the SOS Ntuple
+*     Output: ABORT      - success or failure
+*           : err        - reason for failure, if any
+*     Created: 8-Apr-1994  K.B.Beard, HU: added Ntuples
+* $Log: s_ntuple_shutdown.f,v $
+* Revision 1.6  2004/02/17 17:26:34  jones
+* Changes to enable possiblity of segmenting rzdat files
+* Revision 1.5  1998/12/01 16:02:39  saw
+* (SAW) Clean out archaic g_build_note stuff
+* Revision 1.4  1996/01/16 16:38:45  cdaq
+* (SAW) Comment out an info message
+* Revision 1.3  1994/06/29 03:30:25  cdaq
+* (KBB) Remove HDELET call
+* Revision 1.2  1994/06/17  02:57:45  cdaq
+* (KBB) Upgrade
+* Revision 1.1  1994/04/12  16:16:53  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*17 here
+      parameter (here='s_Ntuple_shutdown')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 's_ntuple.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_routines.dec'
+      logical FAIL
+      character*80 why,directory,name
+      character*1000 msg
+      integer io,id,cycle,m
+      err= ' '
+      ABORT = .FALSE.
+      IF(.NOT.s_Ntuple_exists) RETURN       !nothing to do
+      call s_ntuple_close(ABORT,err)
+      IF(s_Ntuple_exists) then
+         ABORT = .true.
+      endif
+      s_Ntuple_ID= 0
+      s_Ntuple_name= ' '
+      s_Ntuple_file= ' '
+      s_Ntuple_title= ' '
+      s_Ntuple_size= 0
+      do m=1,SMAX_Ntuple_size
+        s_Ntuple_tag(m)= ' '
+        s_Ntuple_contents(m)= 0.
+      enddo
+      IF(ABORT) call G_add_path(here,err)
+      RETURN
+      END      
diff --git a/ENGINE/s_proper_shutdown.f b/ENGINE/s_proper_shutdown.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..099f072
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/s_proper_shutdown.f
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+      SUBROUTINE S_proper_shutdown(lunout,ABORT,err)
+*-       Prototype C analysis routine
+*-   Purpose and Methods : Closes files properly, flushes, etc.
+*-   Output: ABORT		- success or failure
+*-         : err	- reason for failure, if any
+*-   Created  20-Nov-1993   Kevin B. Beard for new error standards
+* $Log: s_proper_shutdown.f,v $
+* Revision 1.11  1995/10/09 18:56:25  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add bypass switches to efficiency shutdown routine calls
+* Revision 1.10  1995/09/01 13:40:09  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add calls to more efficiency calculations and bad counter report
+* Revision 1.9  1995/08/11  15:39:32  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add sos Cerenkov efficiencies
+* (DD) Add sos sieve slit ntuple
+* Revision 1.8  1995/07/27  19:02:47  cdaq
+* (SAW) Move ntuple shutdown to g_ntuple_shutdown
+* Revision 1.7  1995/05/22  13:29:39  cdaq
+* (JRA) Make a listing of potential detector problems
+* Revision 1.6  1995/04/01  20:11:28  cdaq
+* (SAW) One report file for each of g, h, s, c instead of a single report file
+*       Allow %d for run number in filenames
+* Revision 1.5  1995/03/13  18:17:49  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add calls to s_scin_eff_shutdown and s_cal_eff_shutdown.
+* Revision 1.4  1994/10/11  18:40:49  cdaq
+* (SAW) Protect agains blank blocknames
+* Revision 1.3  1994/06/17  03:02:01  cdaq
+* (KBB) Fix typo
+* Revision 1.2  1994/04/12  17:28:15  cdaq
+* (KBB) Add ntuple call
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/04  22:21:52  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+*- All standards are from "Proposal for Hall C Analysis Software
+*- Vade Mecum, Draft 1.0" by D.F.Geesamn and S.Wood, 7 May 1993
+      SAVE
+      include 'gen_routines.dec'
+      include 'gen_filenames.cmn'
+      include 'gen_run_info.cmn'
+      include 'sos_filenames.cmn'
+      include 'sos_bypass_switches.cmn'
+      character*17 here
+      parameter (here= 'S_proper_shutdown')
+      logical ABORT, report_abort
+      character*(*) err
+      integer ierr
+      character*132 file
+      integer lunout
+*-    chance to flush any statistics, etc.
+      ABORT= .FALSE.
+      err= ' '
+      if (sbypass_dc_eff.eq.0) then
+        call s_dc_eff_shutdown(lunout,ABORT,err)
+        call s_dc_trk_eff_shutdown(lunout,ABORT,err)
+      endif
+      if (sbypass_scin_eff.eq.0) call s_scin_eff_shutdown(lunout,ABORT,err)
+      if (sbypass_cer_eff.eq.0) call s_cer_eff_shutdown(lunout,ABORT,err)
+      if (sbypass_cal_eff.eq.0) call s_cal_eff_shutdown(ABORT,err)
+      call s_report_bad_data(lunout,ABORT,err)
+      if(' '.and.
+     $' ') then
+        file = s_report_output_filename
+        call g_sub_run_number(file, gen_run_number)
+        ierr = threp(s_report_blockname, file)
+        if( then
+          call g_append(err,'& threp failed to create report in file'//file)
+          report_abort = .true.
+        endif
+      endif
+      IF(ABORT.or.report_abort) THEN
+         call G_add_path(here,err)
+      ELSE
+         err= ' '
+      ENDIF
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/ENGINE/s_register_variables.f b/ENGINE/s_register_variables.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cea55ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/s_register_variables.f
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+      subroutine s_register_variables(ABORT,err)
+*     CTP variable registration routine for the SOS
+*     Purpose : Register all variables that are to be used by CTP, that are
+*     connected with the SOS.  This includes externally configured
+*     parameters/contants, event data that can be a histogram source, and
+*     possible test results and scalers.
+*     Output: ABORT      - success or failure
+*           : err        - reason for failure, if any
+*     Created: 9-Feb-1994  Stephen A. Wood
+* $Log: s_register_variables.f,v $
+* Revision 1.11  1996/01/16 16:27:28  cdaq
+* no change
+* Revision 1.10  1995/08/11 15:41:09  cdaq
+* (DD) Add sos sieve slit ntuple
+* Revision 1.9  1995/05/22  13:32:11  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add call to register sos_data_structures.cmn variables
+* Revision 1.8  1995/05/11  18:59:39  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add register call for s_ntuple.cmn
+* Revision 1.7  1994/08/18  04:11:36  cdaq
+* (SAW) Call makereg generated routines to register variables
+* Revision 1.6  1994/06/17  03:27:31  cdaq
+* (KBB) Execute all code despite registration errors
+* Revision 1.5  1994/06/16  03:45:21  cdaq
+* (SAW) Register filenames for reports
+* Revision 1.4  1994/04/12  17:26:00  cdaq
+* (KBB) Add ntuple call
+* Revision 1.3  1994/02/22  19:39:19  cdaq
+* (SAW) Remove CTP register calls to fortran PARAMETER's
+* Revision 1.2  1994/02/22  18:58:00  cdaq
+* (SAW) Make a call to h_register_param
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/11  04:18:56  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*20 here
+      parameter (here='s_register_variables')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      logical FAIL
+      character*1000 why
+      err= ' '
+      ABORT = .FALSE.
+      call r_sos_data_structures
+      call r_sos_filenames
+      call r_s_ntuple
+      call s_register_param(FAIL,why) ! TRACKING ROUTINE
+      IF(err.NE.' ' .and. why.NE.' ') THEN   !keep warnings
+        call G_append(err,' & '//why)
+      ELSEIF(why.NE.' ') THEN
+        err= why
+      ENDIF
+      ABORT= ABORT .or. FAIL
+      call s_ntuple_register(FAIL,why)  ! Remove this when ctp files fixed
+      IF(err.NE.' ' .and. why.NE.' ') THEN   !keep warnings
+        call G_append(err,' & '//why)
+      ELSEIF(why.NE.' ') THEN
+        err= why
+      ENDIF
+      ABORT= ABORT .or. FAIL
+      call s_sv_nt_register(FAIL,why)  ! Remove this when ctp files fixed
+      IF(err.NE.' ' .and. why.NE.' ') THEN   !keep warnings
+        call G_append(err,' & '//why)
+      ELSEIF(why.NE.' ') THEN
+        err= why
+      ENDIF
+      ABORT= ABORT .or. FAIL
+      if(ABORT .or. err.NE.' ') call G_add_path(here,err)
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/ENGINE/s_reset_event.f b/ENGINE/s_reset_event.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..97b6a51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/s_reset_event.f
@@ -0,0 +1,336 @@
+      SUBROUTINE S_reset_event(ABORT,err)
+*-       Prototype C analysis routine
+*-   Purpose and Methods : Resets all SOS quantities before event is processed.
+*-   Output: ABORT	- success or failure
+*-         : err	- reason for failure, if any
+*-   Created  2-Nov-1993   Kevin B. Beard
+*-   Modified 20-Nov-1993   KBB for new errors
+*-      $Log: s_reset_event.f,v $
+*-      Revision 1.15  1999/08/20 14:52:18  saw
+*-      Put in warning if Xscin_tdc_max is bigger than 4094
+*-      Revision 1.14  1999/02/03 21:13:04  saw
+*-      Code for new Shower counter tubes
+*-      Revision 1.13  1996/11/05 21:43:16  saw
+*-      (WH) Add lucite counter
+*-      Revision 1.12  1996/09/04 15:18:54  saw
+*-      (JRA) Zero out some misc scalers
+*-      Revision 1.11  1996/04/30 12:29:55  saw
+*-      (JRA) Change SAER_ADC_LEFT/RIGHT to POS/NEG
+*-      Revision 1.10  1995/10/09 18:09:01  cdaq
+*-      (JRA) Add clear of SCER_RAW_ADC
+*-      Revision 1.9  1995/07/27 19:44:17  cdaq
+*-      (JRA) Zero out pedestal arrays
+* Revision 1.8  1995/05/22  20:50:48  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.7  1995/05/11  15:08:32  cdaq
+* (SAW) Change SDEDXn vars to an array.  Add reset of Aerogel structure.
+* Revision 1.6  1994/11/22  20:15:35  cdaq
+* (SPB) Bring up to date with h_reset_event
+* Revision 1.5  1994/06/22  20:51:22  cdaq
+* (SAW) Zero out the miscleaneous hits array
+* Revision 1.4  1994/03/24  22:01:43  cdaq
+* Reflect changes in gen_data_structures.cmn
+* Revision 1.3  1994/02/22  19:43:15  cdaq
+* Revision 1.2  1994/02/11  04:12:30  cdaq
+* Change var names to reflect current gen_data_structures
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/04  22:16:02  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+*- All standards are from "Proposal for Hall C Analysis Software
+*- Vade Mecum, Draft 1.0" by D.F.Geesamn and S.Wood, 7 May 1993
+      SAVE
+      character*50 here
+      parameter (here= 'S_reset_event')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'sos_tracking.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'sos_pedestals.cmn'
+      include 'sos_scin_parms.cmn'
+      include 'sos_scin_tof.cmn'
+      INTEGER track,hit,block,i,j,plane
+      do i=1,snum_scin_planes
+        do j=1,snum_scin_elements
+          shodo_pos_ped_num(i,j) = 0
+          shodo_pos_ped_sum2(i,j) = 0
+          shodo_pos_ped_sum(i,j) = 0
+          shodo_neg_ped_num(i,j) = 0
+          shodo_neg_ped_sum2(i,j) = 0
+          shodo_neg_ped_sum(i,j) = 0
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      do i=1,smax_cal_blocks
+        scal_pos_ped_num(i)=0
+        scal_pos_ped_sum2(i)=0
+        scal_pos_ped_sum(i)=0
+        scal_neg_ped_num(i)=0
+        scal_neg_ped_sum2(i)=0
+        scal_neg_ped_sum(i)=0
+      enddo
+      do i=1,smax_cer_hits
+        scer_ped_num(i)=0
+        scer_ped_sum2(i)=0
+        scer_ped_sum(i)=0
+      enddo
+      do i=1,smax_aer_hits
+        saer_pos_ped_num(i)=0
+        saer_pos_ped_sum2(i)=0
+        saer_pos_ped_sum(i)=0
+        saer_neg_ped_num(i)=0
+        saer_neg_ped_sum2(i)=0
+        saer_neg_ped_sum(i)=0
+      enddo
+      DO hit= 1,SMAX_DC_HITS
+         SDC_RAW_PLANE_NUM(hit)= 0
+         SDC_RAW_WIRE_NUM(hit)= 0
+         SDC_RAW_TDC(hit)= 0
+         SDC_DRIFT_TIME(hit)= 0.
+         SDC_DRIFT_DIS(hit)= 0.
+         SDC_WIRE_CENTER(hit)= 0.
+         SDC_WIRE_COORD(hit)= 0.
+         SDC_PLANE_NUM(hit)= 0.
+         SDC_WIRE_NUM(hit)= 0.
+         SDC_TDC(hit)= 0.
+      ENDDO
+      SDC_TOT_HITS= 0
+      DO plane= 1,SMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES
+         SDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(plane)= 0
+      ENDDO
+      DO hit= 1,SMAX_SCIN_HITS
+         SSCIN_ZPOS(hit)= 0.0
+         SSCIN_CENTER_COORD(hit)= 0.0
+         SSCIN_COR_ADC(hit)= 0.0
+         SSCIN_COR_TIME(hit)= 0.0
+         SSCIN_PLANE_NUM(hit)= 0
+         SSCIN_COUNTER_NUM(hit)= 0
+         SSCIN_ADC_POS(hit)= 0
+         SSCIN_ADC_NEG(hit)= 0
+         SSCIN_TDC_POS(hit)= 0
+         SSCIN_TDC_NEG(hit)= 0
+         SSCIN_ALL_PLANE_NUM(hit)= 0
+         SSCIN_ALL_COUNTER_NUM(hit)= 0
+         SSCIN_ALL_ADC_POS(hit)= 0
+         SSCIN_ALL_ADC_NEG(hit)= 0
+         SSCIN_ALL_TDC_POS(hit)= 0
+         SSCIN_ALL_TDC_NEG(hit)= 0
+      ENDDO
+      DO plane= 1,SNUM_SCIN_PLANES
+         SSCIN_HITS_PER_PLANE(plane)= 0
+      ENDDO
+      SSCIN_TOT_HITS= 0
+      DO block= 1,SMAX_CAL_BLOCKS
+         SBLOCK_XC(block) = 0.
+         SBLOCK_ZC(block) = 0.
+         SBLOCK_DE(block) = 0.
+         SBLOCK_DE_POS(block)= 0
+         SBLOCK_DE_NEG(block)= 0
+         SCAL_ROW(block) = 0
+         SCAL_COLUMN(block) = 0
+         SCAL_ADC_POS(block)= 0
+         SCAL_ADC_NEG(block)= 0
+         SCAL_ADC(block) = 0
+      ENDDO
+      SCAL_TOT_HITS= 0
+      DO hit= 1,SMAX_CER_HITS
+         SCER_TUBE_NUM(hit) = 0
+         SCER_RAW_ADC(hit) = 0
+         SCER_ADC(hit) = 0
+         SCER_PLANE(hit) = 0
+      ENDDO
+      SCER_TOT_HITS= 0
+      DO hit= 1,SMAX_AER_HITS
+         SAER_PAIR_NUM(hit) = 0
+         SAER_ADC_POS(hit) = 0
+         SAER_ADC_NEG(hit) = 0
+         SAER_PLANE(hit) = 0
+      ENDDO
+      SAER_TOT_HITS = 0
+      DO hit= 1,SMAX_LUC_HITS
+         SLUC_PAIR_NUM(hit) = 0
+         SLUC_ADC_POS(hit) = 0
+         SLUC_ADC_NEG(hit) = 0
+         SLUC_TDC_POS(hit)= 0
+         SLUC_TDC_NEG(hit)= 0
+         SLUC_PLANE(hit) = 0
+      ENDDO
+      SLUC_TOT_HITS = 0
+*     SOS Miscleaneous hits
+      do hit=1,SMAX_MISC_HITS
+         SMISC_RAW_ADDR1(hit) = 0
+         SMISC_RAW_ADDR2(hit) = 0
+         SMISC_RAW_DATA(hit) = 0
+         do plane=1,snum_misc_planes
+           smisc_scaler(hit,plane)=0
+         enddo
+      enddo
+      smisc_tot_hits = 0
+      DO track= 1,SNTRACKS_MAX
+         SX_FP(track)= 0.
+         SY_FP(track)= 0.
+         SZ_FP(track)= 0.
+         SXP_FP(track)= 0.
+         SYP_FP(track)= 0.
+         SCHI2_FP(track)= 0.
+         SNFREE_FP(track)= 0.
+*         Do j= 1,4
+*            do i= 1,4
+*               SDEL_FP(i,j,track)= 0.
+*            enddo
+*         EndDo
+         Do hit= 1,SNTRACKHITS_MAX
+            SNTRACK_HITS(track,hit)= 0
+         EndDo
+      ENDDO
+      SNTRACKS_FP= 0
+      DO track= 1,SNTRACKS_MAX
+         SX_TAR(track)= 0.
+         SY_TAR(track)= 0.
+         SZ_TAR(track)= 0.
+         SXP_TAR(track)= 0.
+         SYP_TAR(track)= 0.
+         SDELTA_TAR(track)= 0.
+         SP_TAR(track)= 0.
+         SCHI2_TAR(track)= 0.
+         SDEL_TAR(5,5,track)= 0.
+         SNFREE_TAR(track)= 0.
+         SLINK_TAR_FP(track)= 0.
+         Do j= 1,5
+            do i= 1,5
+               SDEL_TAR(i,j,track)= 0.
+            enddo
+         EndDo
+      ENDDO
+      SNTRACKS_TAR= 0
+      DO track=1, SNTRACKS_MAX
+         SNBLOCKS_CAL(track)=0
+         STRACK_E1(track)=0
+         STRACK_E2(track)=0
+         STRACK_E3(track)=0
+         STRACK_E4(track)=0
+         STRACK_ET(track)=0
+         STRACK_E1_POS(track)= 0.
+         STRACK_E1_NEG(track)= 0.
+         STRACK_E2_POS(track)= 0.
+         STRACK_E2_NEG(track)= 0.
+         STRACK_PRESHOWER_E(track)=0
+          do hit = 1, SMAX_SCIN_HITS
+            SSCIN_HIT(track,hit)= 0
+          enddo
+          do plane = 1, SNUM_SCIN_PLANES
+             SDEDX(track,plane) = 0
+          enddo
+        SNUM_SCIN_HIT(track)=0
+        SBETA(track)=0
+        SBETA_CHISQ(track)=0
+        STIME_AT_FP(track)=0
+      ENDDO
+      SSP=0
+      SSENERGY=0
+      SSDELTA=0
+      SSTHETA=0
+      SSPHI=0
+      SSMINV=0
+      SSZBEAM=0
+      do plane = 1 , SNUM_SCIN_PLANES
+        SSDEDX(plane) = 0.
+      enddo
+      SSBETA=0
+      SSTRACK_ET=0
+      SSTIME_AT_FP=0
+      SSX_FP=0
+      SSY_FP=0
+      SSXP_FP=0
+      SSYP_FP=0
+      SSX_TAR=0
+      SSY_TAR=0
+      SSXP_TAR=0
+      SSYP_TAR=0
+      SSID_LUND=0
+      SSNFREE_FP=0
+       if( then
+         print *,' '
+         print *,'WARNING!!: sscin_tdc_max is ',sscin_tdc_max
+         print *,'We usually run our high resolution TDC''s with 12 bit'
+         print *,'ranges.  If sscin_tdc_max is set to a value higher than'
+         print *,'the TDC''s overflow channel, then overflowed TDC channels'
+         print *,'will not be rejected.  Under high rate conditions, this'
+         print *,'can result in bad beta and timing calculations'
+         print *,' '
+       endif
+      ABORT= .FALSE.
+      err= ' '
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/ENGINE/s_sv_nt_init.f b/ENGINE/s_sv_nt_init.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d78dcdb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/s_sv_nt_init.f
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+      subroutine s_sv_Nt_init(ABORT,err)
+*     Creates an SOS Sieve slit Ntuple
+*     Purpose : Books an SOS Ntuple; defines structure of it
+*     Output: ABORT      - success or failure
+*           : err        - reason for failure, if any
+*     Created: 1-Nov-1994  
+* $Log: s_sv_nt_init.f,v $
+* Revision 1.4  1998/12/01 15:58:54  saw
+* (SAW) Output file name fixup
+* Revision 1.3  1996/11/05 21:43:50  saw
+* (DD) Add gas cerenkov to ntuple
+* Revision 1.2  1996/09/04 15:19:26  saw
+* (JRA) Modify ntuple contents
+* Revision 1.1  1995/08/11 16:23:43  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+* s_sv_nt_init.f,v $
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*13 here
+      parameter (here='s_sv_Nt_init')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 'gen_routines.dec'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_run_info.cmn'
+      character*80 default_name
+      parameter (default_name= 'ssieventuple')
+      character*80 default_title
+      parameter (default_title= 'sSieveSlits')   
+      integer default_bank,default_recL
+      parameter (default_bank= 8000)    !4 bytes/word
+      parameter (default_recL= 1024)    !record length
+      character*80 title,file
+      character*80 directory,name
+      character*1000 pat,msg
+      integer status,size,io,id,bank,recL,iv(10),m
+*      parameter (id = 1)
+      real rv(10)
+      logical HEXIST           !CERNLIB function
+      INCLUDE 's_sieve_ntuple.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 's_sieve_ntuple.dte'
+      err= ' '
+      ABORT = .FALSE.
+      IF(s_sieve_Ntuple_exists) THEN    
+        call s_sv_Nt_shutdown(ABORT,err)
+        If(ABORT) Then
+          call G_add_path(here,err)
+          RETURN
+        EndIf
+      ENDIF
+      s_sieve_Ntuple_ID= default_s_sieve_Ntuple_ID
+      s_sieve_Ntuple_name= default_name
+      s_sieve_Ntuple_title= default_title
+      call NO_nulls(s_sieve_Ntuple_file)     !replace null characters with blanks
+*-if name blank, just forget it
+      IF(s_sieve_Ntuple_file.EQ.' ') RETURN   !do nothing
+*- get any free IO channel
+      call g_IO_control(io,'ANY',ABORT,err)
+      s_sieve_Ntuple_exists= .NOT.ABORT
+        call G_add_path(here,err)
+        RETURN
+      ENDIF
+      s_sieve_Ntuple_IOchannel= io
+      id= s_sieve_Ntuple_ID
+      ABORT= HEXIST(id)
+        call g_IO_control(s_sieve_Ntuple_IOchannel,'FREE',ABORT,err)
+        call G_build_note(':HBOOK id#$ already in use',
+     &                                 '$',id,' ',rv,' ',err)
+        call G_add_path(here,err)
+        RETURN
+      ENDIF
+      CALL HCDIR(directory,'R')       !CERNLIB read current directory
+      id= s_sieve_Ntuple_ID
+      name= s_sieve_Ntuple_name
+      file= s_sieve_Ntuple_file
+      call g_sub_run_number(file,gen_run_number)
+      recL= default_recL
+      io= s_sieve_Ntuple_IOchannel
+*-open New *.rzdat file-
+      call HROPEN(io,name,file,'N',recL,status)       !CERNLIB
+*                                       !directory set to "//TUPLE"
+      io= s_sieve_Ntuple_IOchannel
+      ABORT= status.NE.0
+        call g_IO_control(s_sieve_Ntuple_IOchannel,'FREE',ABORT,err)
+        iv(1)= status
+        iv(2)= io
+        pat= ':HROPEN error#$ opening IO#$ "'//file//'"'
+        call G_build_note(pat,'$',iv,' ',rv,' ',err)
+        call G_add_path(here,err)
+        RETURN
+      ENDIF
+      s_sieve_Ntuple_file= file
+**********begin insert description of contents of HMS tuple ******
+      m= 0
+      m=m+1
+      s_sieve_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'SSXFP'		! X focal plane position 
+      m= m+1
+      s_sieve_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'SSYFP'
+      m= m+1
+      s_sieve_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'SSXPFP'
+      m= m+1
+      s_sieve_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'SSYPFP'
+      m= m+1
+      s_sieve_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'SSDELTA'
+      m= m+1
+      s_sieve_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'SSXTAR'
+      m= m+1
+      s_sieve_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'SSYTAR'
+      m= m+1
+      s_sieve_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'SSXPTAR'
+      m= m+1
+      s_sieve_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'SSYPTAR'
+      m=m+1
+      s_sieve_ntuple_tag(m)= 'SSSHTRK'
+      m=m+1
+      s_sieve_ntuple_tag(m)= 'SCER'
+      m=m+1
+      s_sieve_ntuple_tag(m)= 'EventID'
+      s_sieve_Ntuple_size= m     !total size
+***********end insert description of contents of HMS tuple********
+      title= s_sieve_Ntuple_title
+      IF(title.EQ.' ') THEN
+        msg= name//' '//s_sieve_Ntuple_file
+        call only_one_blank(msg)
+        title= msg   
+        s_sieve_Ntuple_title= title
+      ENDIF
+      id= s_sieve_Ntuple_ID
+      io= s_sieve_Ntuple_IOchannel
+      name= s_sieve_Ntuple_name
+      title= s_sieve_Ntuple_title
+      size= s_sieve_Ntuple_size
+      file= s_sieve_Ntuple_file
+      bank= default_bank
+      call HBOOKN(id,title,size,name,bank,s_sieve_Ntuple_tag)      !create Ntuple
+      call HCDIR(s_sieve_Ntuple_directory,'R')      !record Ntuple directory
+      CALL HCDIR(directory,' ')       !reset CERNLIB directory
+      s_sieve_Ntuple_exists= HEXIST(s_sieve_Ntuple_ID)
+      ABORT= .NOT.s_sieve_Ntuple_exists
+      iv(1)= id
+      iv(2)= io
+      pat= 'Ntuple id#$ [' // s_sieve_Ntuple_directory // '/]' // 
+     &                         name // ' IO#$ "' // file // '"'
+      call G_build_note(pat,'$',iv,' ',rv,' ',msg)
+      call sub_string(msg,' /]','/]')
+        err= ':unable to create '//msg
+        call G_add_path(here,err)
+      ELSE
+        pat= ':created '//msg
+        call G_add_path(here,pat)
+        call G_log_message('INFO: '//pat)
+      ENDIF
+      RETURN
+      END  
diff --git a/ENGINE/s_sv_nt_keep.f b/ENGINE/s_sv_nt_keep.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e1d70dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/s_sv_nt_keep.f
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+      subroutine s_sv_Nt_keep(ABORT,err)
+*     Purpose : Add entry to the SOS Sieve slit Ntuple
+*     Output: ABORT      - success or failure
+*           : err        - reason for failure, if any
+*     Created: 1-Nov-1994  
+* $Log: s_sv_nt_keep.f,v $
+* Revision 1.3  1996/11/05 21:44:04  saw
+* (DD) Add gas cerenkov to ntuple
+* Revision 1.2  1996/09/04 15:19:37  saw
+* (JRA) Modify ntuple contents
+* Revision 1.1  1995/08/11 16:23:12  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*13 here
+      parameter (here='s_sv_nt_keep')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 's_sieve_ntuple.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_event_info.cmn'
+      logical HEXIST                    !CERNLIB function
+      integer m
+      err= ' '
+      ABORT = .FALSE.
+      IF(.NOT.s_sieve_Ntuple_exists) RETURN !nothing to do
+      m= 0
+      m= m+1
+      s_sieve_Ntuple_contents(m)= SSX_FP ! X focal plane position 
+      m= m+1
+      s_sieve_Ntuple_contents(m)= SSY_FP
+      m= m+1
+      s_sieve_Ntuple_contents(m)= SSXP_FP
+      m= m+1
+      s_sieve_Ntuple_contents(m)= SSYP_FP
+      m= m+1
+      s_sieve_Ntuple_contents(m)= SSDELTA
+      m= m+1
+      s_sieve_Ntuple_contents(m)= SSX_TAR
+      m= m+1
+      s_sieve_Ntuple_contents(m)= SSY_TAR
+      m= m+1
+      s_sieve_Ntuple_contents(m)= SSXP_TAR
+      m= m+1
+      s_sieve_Ntuple_contents(m)= SSYP_TAR
+      m=m+1
+      s_sieve_Ntuple_contents(m)= sstrack_et
+      m= m+1
+      s_sieve_Ntuple_contents(m)= scer_npe_sum
+      m= m+1
+      s_sieve_Ntuple_contents(m)= float(gen_event_ID_number)
+      ABORT= .NOT.HEXIST(s_sieve_Ntuple_ID)
+        call G_build_note(':Ntuple ID#$ does not exist',
+     &       '$',s_sieve_Ntuple_ID,' ',0.,' ',err)
+        call G_add_path(here,err)
+      ELSE
+        call HFN(s_sieve_Ntuple_ID,s_sieve_Ntuple_contents)
+      ENDIF
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/ENGINE/s_sv_nt_register.f b/ENGINE/s_sv_nt_register.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..41f41ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/s_sv_nt_register.f
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+      subroutine s_sv_Nt_register(ABORT,err)
+*     CTP variable registration routine for the HMS Sieve Slit Ntuples 
+*     Purpose : Register output filename for HMS Sieve slit Ntuple; temporary
+*     implementation to be superceeded by CTP Ntuples
+*     Output: ABORT      - success or failure
+*           : err        - reason for failure, if any
+*     Created: 1-Nov-1994 : added Ntuples
+* $Log: s_sv_nt_register.f,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1995/08/11 16:23:06  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*17 here
+      parameter (here='s_sv_Nt_register')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 's_sieve_ntuple.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_routines.dec'
+      integer ierr
+      err= ' '
+      ABORT = .FALSE.
+      call G_reg_C('SOS_sieve_Ntuple',s_sieve_Ntuple_file,ABORT,err)
+        call G_prepend(':unable to register-',err)
+        call G_add_path(here,err)
+      ENDIF
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/ENGINE/s_sv_nt_shutdown.f b/ENGINE/s_sv_nt_shutdown.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..658a5a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ENGINE/s_sv_nt_shutdown.f
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+      subroutine s_sv_Nt_shutdown(ABORT,err)
+*     Final shutdown of the HMS Sieve Slit Ntuple
+*     Purpose : Flushes and closes the HMS Sieve slit Ntuple
+*     Output: ABORT      - success or failure
+*           : err        - reason for failure, if any
+*     Created: 1-Nov-1994   added Ntuples
+* $Log: s_sv_nt_shutdown.f,v $
+* Revision 1.2  2003/02/12 16:03:21  jones
+* Modified Call G_build_note to have the needed 7 variables instead of 6
+* Revision 1.1  1995/08/11 16:23:18  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*17 here
+      parameter (here='s_sv_Nt_shutdown')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 's_sieve_ntuple.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_routines.dec'
+      logical HEXIST    !CERNLIB function
+      logical FAIL
+      character*80 why,directory,name
+      character*1000 pat,msg
+      integer io,id,cycle,m,iv(10)
+      err= ' '
+      ABORT = .FALSE.
+      IF(.NOT.s_sieve_Ntuple_exists) RETURN       !nothing to do
+      call HCDIR(directory,'R')                !keep current directory
+      id= s_sieve_Ntuple_ID
+      io= s_sieve_Ntuple_IOchannel
+      ABORT= .NOT.HEXIST(id)
+        pat= ': Ntuple ID#$ does not exist'
+        call G_build_note(pat,'$',id,' ',0.,' ',err)
+        call G_add_path(here,err)
+        If(io.GT.0) Then
+          call G_IO_control(io,'FREE',FAIL,why) !free up
+          if(.NOT.FAIL) CLOSE(io)
+        EndIf
+        s_sieve_Ntuple_exists= .FALSE.
+        s_sieve_Ntuple_ID= 0
+        s_sieve_Ntuple_name= ' '
+        s_sieve_Ntuple_IOchannel= 0
+        s_sieve_Ntuple_file= ' '
+        s_sieve_Ntuple_title= ' '
+        s_sieve_Ntuple_directory= ' '
+        s_sieve_Ntuple_size= 0
+        do m=1,SMAX_sv_Ntuple_size
+          s_sieve_Ntuple_tag(m)= ' '
+          s_sieve_Ntuple_contents(m)= 0.
+        enddo
+        RETURN
+      ENDIF
+      id= s_sieve_Ntuple_ID
+      io= s_sieve_Ntuple_IOchannel
+      name= s_sieve_Ntuple_name
+      call HCDIR(s_sieve_Ntuple_directory,' ')      !goto Ntuple directory
+      iv(1)= id
+      iv(2)= io
+      pat= 'closing ID#$ IO#$ "'//s_sieve_Ntuple_file//'"'
+      call G_build_note(pat,'$',iv,' ',0.,' ',msg)
+      call G_add_path(here,msg)
+      call G_log_message('INFO: '//msg)
+      cycle= 0                                !dummy for HROUT
+      call HROUT(id,cycle,' ')                !flush CERNLIB buffers
+      call HREND(name)                        !CERNLIB close file
+*      call HDELET(id)                         !CERNLIB delete tuple
+      call G_IO_control(io,'FREE',ABORT,err)  !free up IO channel
+      CLOSE(io)                               !close IO channel
+      call HCDIR(directory,' ')               !return to current directory
+      s_sieve_Ntuple_exists= .FALSE.
+      s_sieve_Ntuple_ID= 0
+      s_sieve_Ntuple_name= ' '
+      s_sieve_Ntuple_IOchannel= 0
+      s_sieve_Ntuple_file= ' '
+      s_sieve_Ntuple_title= ' '
+      s_sieve_Ntuple_directory= ' '
+      s_sieve_Ntuple_size= 0
+      do m=1,SMAX_sv_Ntuple_size
+        s_sieve_Ntuple_tag(m)= ' '
+        s_sieve_Ntuple_contents(m)= 0.
+      enddo
+      IF(ABORT) call G_add_path(here,err)
+      RETURN
+      END      
diff --git a/EXE/CVS/Entries b/EXE/CVS/Entries
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4fe2a6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/EXE/CVS/Entries
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+/Makefile/ Oct 26 19:19:32 2008//Tsane
diff --git a/EXE/CVS/Repository b/EXE/CVS/Repository
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9104e58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/EXE/CVS/Repository
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/EXE/CVS/Root b/EXE/CVS/Root
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6288c3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/EXE/CVS/Root
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/EXE/CVS/Tag b/EXE/CVS/Tag
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..25d73f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/EXE/CVS/Tag
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/EXE/Makefile b/EXE/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf36e62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/EXE/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+# To disable compilation of CTP Root Trees, make sure that the environment
+# variable ROOTSYS is undefined, or uncomment "#ROOTSYS=" line below.
+# The same must be done in CTP/Makefile.Unix
+disp_objs = glvolu.o 
+ifeq ($(MYOS),HPUX)
+  ifneq (,$(findstring 09,$(shell uname -r)))
+    HPUXVERSION := 09
+  else
+    HPUXVERSION := 10
+  endif
+  LIBROOT = $(Csoft)/../$(MYOS)$(HPUXVERSION)/lib
+  LIBROOT = $(Csoft)/../$(MYOS)/lib
+ONEEVLIB = $(LIBROOT)/liboneev.a
+ENGINELIB = $(LIBROOT)/libengine.a
+UTILLIB = $(LIBROOT)/libutils.a
+CODALIB = $(LIBROOT)/libcoda.a
+ifdef ROOTSYS
+  CTPLIB = $(LIBROOT)/libctp_root.a
+  CTPCLIENTLIB = $(LIBROOT)/libctpclient_root.a
+  OTHERLIBS = $(shell $(ROOTSYS)/bin/root-config --libs)
+  CTPLIB = $(LIBROOT)/libctp.a
+  CTPCLIENTLIB = $(LIBROOT)/libctpclient.a
+TRACKINGLIB = $(LIBROOT)/libtracking.a
+HTRACKINGLIB = $(LIBROOT)/libhtracking.a
+STRACKINGLIB = $(LIBROOT)/libstracking.a
+BTRACKINGLIB = $(LIBROOT)/libbtracking.a
+SANETRACKINGLIB = $(LIBROOT)/libsanetracking.a
+F1TRIGGER = $(LIBROOT)/libf1trigger.a
+SEM = $(LIBROOT)/libsem.a
+HACKLIB = $(LIBROOT)/libhack.a
+CERNLIBS = -lgeant$(GEANTVER) -lpawlib -lgraflib -lgrafX11 -lpacklib -lmathlib
+ifeq ($(MYOS),HPUX)
+  FFLAGS=+U77 +ppu -C +es -O +Onolimit +FPVZOU -I$(Csoft)/INCLUDE
+  DISPFLAGS=+U77 +ppu +es -O +Onolimit +FPVZOU -I$(Csoft)/INCLUDE
+  LDFLAGS=-Wl,-a archive
+	-Wl,-L$(CODA)/HP_UX/lib \
+	-Wl,-L$(CERN_ROOT)/lib -lpacklib $(CERNLIBS) \
+	-Wl,-L/usr/lib/X11R5 -lX11 -lm 
+  MAKEREG=$(Csoft)/../$(MYOS)$(HPUXVERSION)/bin/makereg
+ifeq ($(MYOS),ULTRIX)
+  FFLAGS=-check_bounds
+	-lana -lmsg -lcoda -L$(CERN_ROOT)/lib -lpacklib
+ifeq ($(MYOS),OSF1)
+  FFLAGS=-non_shared -check_bounds -align dcommons
+  OTHERLIBS += -L$(CERN_ROOT)/lib -lpacklib
+ifeq ($(MYOS),Linux)  
+   override FFLAGS += -I$(Csoft)/INCLUDE
+   ifeq ($(MYREALOS),Darwin)
+      OTHERLIBS += -L$(CERN_ROOT)/lib -lpacklib -lc -lm
+   else
+      OTHERLIBS += -L$(CERN_ROOT)/lib -lpacklib -lc -lm -lnsl
+   endif 
+   OURLIBS := $(OURGENLIBS) $(LIBROOT)/libport.a
+ifeq ($(MYOS),SunOS)
+  FFLAGS=-e -O -I$(Csoft)/INCLUDE
+  ifeq ($(MYOS),SunOS4)
+    OTHERLIBS += -L$(CERN_ROOT)/lib $(CERNLIBS) -lnsl -lX11
+  else
+    OTHERLIBS += -L$(CERN_ROOT)/lib $(CERNLIBS) -lnsl -lsocket -lX11
+  endif
+  ifndef CERN_ROOT
+    CERN_ROOT=/apps/cernlib/sun4_solaris2/97a
+  endif
+ifeq ($(MYOS),AIX)
+  FC=f77
+  FFLAGS=-g -qfixed=132 -qextname -O -I$(Csoft)/INCLUDE
+  OTHERLIBS += -L$(CERN_ROOT)/lib -lpacklib $(CERNLIBS) -lX11
+  OURLIBS := $(OURGENLIBS) $(LIBROOT)/libport.a
+# There are no r_%.f files used or built -- this rule isn't used
+r_%.f : %.cmn $(MAKEREG)
+	$(MAKEREG) $< -o $@ -e /dev/null
+.PHONY: all engine_replay clean
+.PRECIOUS: r_%.f
+all: engine_replay
+display: evdisplay
+glvolu.o: glvolu.f
+	$(FC) $(FFLAGS) -c $(DISPFLAGS) $<
+evdisplay.o: evdisplay.f
+	$(FC) $(FFLAGS) -c $(DISPFLAGS) $<
+%.o: %.f
+	$(FC) $(FFLAGS) -c $< -o $@
+engine_replay_$(MYOS): Makefile engine.o  $(OURLIBS)
+	$(FC) -o $@ $(FFLAGS) engine.o $(OURLIBS) $(OTHERLIBS)
+engine_replay: engine_replay_$(MYOS)
+	$(RM) ../../$(MYOS)/bin/engine_replay
+#	ln -s $< $@
+	$(CP) engine_replay_$(MYOS) ../../$(MYOS)/bin/engine_replay
+	$(RM) engine_replay_$(MYOS)
+.INTERMEDIATE: engine.o
+engine.o: ../ENGINE/O.$(MYOS)/engine.o
+	$(CP) ../ENGINE/O.$(MYOS)/engine.o engine.o
+	$(CP) ../ENGINE/O.$(MYOS)/engine.o engine.o
+evdisplay: $(disp_objs) Makefile evdisplay.o $(disp_objs) $(ONEEVLIB) $(OURLIBS) 
+	$(FC) -o $@ $(DISPFLAGS) evdisplay.o $(disp_objs) $(ONEEVLIB) $(OURLIBS) $(OTHERLIBS)
+	$(RM) *.o r_*.f engine_replay engine_replay_$(MYOS) evdisplay
diff --git a/F1TRIGGER/.cvsignore b/F1TRIGGER/.cvsignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b6ddf9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/F1TRIGGER/.cvsignore
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/F1TRIGGER/CVS/Entries b/F1TRIGGER/CVS/Entries
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b454e1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/F1TRIGGER/CVS/Entries
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+/.cvsignore/ Apr  3 15:33:19 2009//Tsane
+/Makefile/ Oct  2 17:48:21 2008//Tsane
+/Makefile.Unix/ Oct  2 17:48:21 2008//Tsane
+/f1t_register_variables.f/ Oct  2 17:48:21 2008//Tsane
+/f1trigger_clear_event.f/ Oct  2 17:48:21 2008//Tsane
+/f1trigger_decode.f/ Jan 16 18:48:02 2009//Tsane
+/f1trigger_register_variables.f/ Oct  2 17:48:21 2008//Tsane
+/f1trigger_reset_event.f/ Oct  2 17:48:21 2008//Tsane
+/f1trigger_sort_by_counter.f/ Oct  2 17:48:21 2008//Tsane
diff --git a/F1TRIGGER/CVS/Repository b/F1TRIGGER/CVS/Repository
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..337ddd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/F1TRIGGER/CVS/Repository
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/F1TRIGGER/CVS/Root b/F1TRIGGER/CVS/Root
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6288c3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/F1TRIGGER/CVS/Root
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/F1TRIGGER/CVS/Tag b/F1TRIGGER/CVS/Tag
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..25d73f7
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/F1TRIGGER/Makefile b/F1TRIGGER/Makefile
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4eab6f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/F1TRIGGER/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# $Log: Makefile,v $
+# Revision  2008/10/02 17:48:21  cdaq
+# *** empty log message ***
+# Revision  2008/05/07 18:13:53  bhovik
+# starting files
+# Revision  2007/05/15 01:19:10  jones
+# Start to Bigcal code
+# Revision 1.1  1998/12/08 14:33:24  saw
+# Initial Setup
+include $(ETC)/Makefile.NEW
diff --git a/F1TRIGGER/Makefile.Unix b/F1TRIGGER/Makefile.Unix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..88ad54e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/F1TRIGGER/Makefile.Unix
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+include ../../etc/Makefile
+include ../../etc/Makefile.flags
+osources = f1trigger_clear_event.f     f1trigger_register_variables.f \
+	   f1trigger_decode.f          f1trigger_reset_event.f \
+	   f1trigger_sort_by_counter.f
+makeregstuff = r_f1trigger_data_structures.f
+sources = $(osources) $(makeregstuff)
+libsources = $(sources)
+lib_targets := $(patsubst %.f, libf1trigger.a(%.o), $(libsources))
+install-dirs := lib
+bin_targets =
+#	@echo "nothing to make"
+	ln -s $< $@
+.PRECIOUS: ../%.f
+# Rule for making the register subroutines
+../r_%.f : ../%.cmn $(MAKEREG)
+	(cd .. ; $(MAKEREG) $(<F) -o $(@F) -e /dev/null)
+.PRECIOUS: ../r_%.f
+# Get include files from INCLUDE directory
+%.cmn ../%.cmn:: ../../INCLUDE/%.cmn
+	$(CP) $< $@
+%.dec ../%.dec:: ../../INCLUDE/%.dec
+	$(CP) $< $@
+%.par ../%.par:: ../../INCLUDE/%.par
+	$(CP) $< $@
+%.dte ../%.dte:: ../../INCLUDE/%.dte
+	$(CP) $< $@
+include $(sources:.f=.d)
diff --git a/F1TRIGGER/f1t_register_variables.f b/F1TRIGGER/f1t_register_variables.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..effed32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/F1TRIGGER/f1t_register_variables.f
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+      subroutine f1t_register_variables(ABORT,err)
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*20 here
+      parameter (here='f1t_register_variables')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      logical FAIL
+      character*1000 why
+      err= ' '
+      ABORT= .false.
+      call r_f1trigger_data_structures
+c      if(' '' ') then
+c         call G_append(err,' & '//why)
+c      else if(' ') then
+c         err=why
+c      endif
+      abort =
+      if(' ') call G_add_path(here,err)
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/F1TRIGGER/f1trigger_clear_event.f b/F1TRIGGER/f1trigger_clear_event.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e66e7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/F1TRIGGER/f1trigger_clear_event.f
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+      subroutine F1TRIGGER_CLEAR_EVENT(ABORT,err)
+      SAVE
+      include 'f1trigger_data_structures.cmn'
+      character*13 here
+      parameter (here= 'f1trigger_clear_event')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      integer*4 i
+      do i=1,TRIGGER_F1_MAX_HITS
+         TRIGGER_F1_RAW_PLANE(i) = 0
+         TRIGGER_F1_RAW_COUNTER(i) = 0 
+         TRIGGER_F1_START_TDC(i) = 0 
+      enddo
+      ABORT= .FALSE.
+      err= ' '
+      RETURN
+      end
diff --git a/F1TRIGGER/f1trigger_decode.f b/F1TRIGGER/f1trigger_decode.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e212519
--- /dev/null
+++ b/F1TRIGGER/f1trigger_decode.f
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+        subroutine f1trigger_decode(pointer,lastslot, roc, bank, 
+     &     maxwords, did)
+      implicit none
+      integer*4 pointer,lastslot, roc, bank(*) 
+      integer*4 maxwords, did 
+      integer*4 g_decode_fb_detector ! Detector unpacking routine
+      include 'gen_detectorids.par'
+      include 'f1trigger_data_structures.cmn'
+      if(did.eq.F1TRIGGER_ID)then
+         pointer = pointer + 
+     $        g_decode_fb_detector(lastslot, roc, bank(pointer), 
+     $        maxwords, did, 
+     $        TRIGGER_F1_MAX_HITS, 
+     $        TRIGGER_F1_RAW_TOT_HITS, 
+     $        TRIGGER_F1_RAW_PLANE,
+     $        TRIGGER_F1_RAW_COUNTER, 1, 
+     $        TRIGGER_F1_START_TDC, 
+     $        0, 0, 0)
+c         write(*,*)'F1 Trigger time = ',TRIGGER_F1_START_TDC
+      endif
+      end
diff --git a/F1TRIGGER/f1trigger_register_variables.f b/F1TRIGGER/f1trigger_register_variables.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f9fefe3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/F1TRIGGER/f1trigger_register_variables.f
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+      subroutine f1trigger_register_variables(ABORT,err)
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*20 here
+      parameter (here='f1trigger_register_variables')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      logical FAIL
+      character*1000 why
+      err= ' '
+      ABORT= .false.
+      call r_f1trigger_data_structures
+      abort =
+      if(' ') call G_add_path(here,err)
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/F1TRIGGER/f1trigger_reset_event.f b/F1TRIGGER/f1trigger_reset_event.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ff69754
--- /dev/null
+++ b/F1TRIGGER/f1trigger_reset_event.f
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+      subroutine F1TRIGGER_RESET_EVENT(ABORT,err)
+      SAVE
+      include 'f1trigger_data_structures.cmn'
+      character*13 here
+      parameter (here= 'f1trigger_clear_event')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      integer*4 i
+      do i=1,TRIGGER_F1_MAX_HITS
+         TRIGGER_F1_RAW_PLANE(i) = 0
+         TRIGGER_F1_RAW_COUNTER(i) = 0 
+         TRIGGER_F1_START_TDC(i) = 0 
+      enddo
+      ABORT= .FALSE.
+      err= ' '
+      RETURN
+      end
diff --git a/F1TRIGGER/f1trigger_sort_by_counter.f b/F1TRIGGER/f1trigger_sort_by_counter.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..07eda35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/F1TRIGGER/f1trigger_sort_by_counter.f
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+      subroutine f1trigger_sort_by_counter()
+      include 'f1trigger_data_structures.cmn'
+      integer*4 i
+c     Subroutine sorts Start times by counter
+      do i = 1, TRIGGER_F1_RAW_TOT_HITS
+      enddo
+c this seems to be wrong. Took out PB Oct. 2, 2008
+c      enddo
+c      write(6,'(''dbg f1 B'',3i10)') 
+c     >    TRIGGER_F1_START_TDC(1),
+      end
diff --git a/HACK/.cvsignore b/HACK/.cvsignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b6ddf9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HACK/.cvsignore
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/HACK/CVS/Entries b/HACK/CVS/Entries
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d03676
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HACK/CVS/Entries
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+/.cvsignore/1.1/Thu Jul  8 18:40:50 2004//Tsane
+/Makefile/1.1/Mon Dec  7 22:11:19 1998//Tsane
+/Makefile.Unix/ Sep 10 20:08:02 2007//Tsane
+/hack_anal.f/1.4/Wed Oct 11 14:02:00 1995//Tsane
+/hack_copyevt.f/1.2/Wed May 24 13:47:29 1995//Tsane
+/hack_initialize.f/1.1/Mon Jul 25 18:03:30 1994//Tsane
+/hack_register_variables.f/1.4/Wed Oct 11 14:12:40 1995//Tsane
+/hack_shutdown.f/1.1/Mon Jul 25 18:03:54 1994//Tsane
diff --git a/HACK/CVS/Repository b/HACK/CVS/Repository
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0aa97ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HACK/CVS/Repository
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/HACK/CVS/Root b/HACK/CVS/Root
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6288c3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HACK/CVS/Root
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/HACK/CVS/Tag b/HACK/CVS/Tag
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..25d73f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HACK/CVS/Tag
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/HACK/Makefile b/HACK/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e3ff2b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HACK/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# $Log: Makefile,v $
+# Revision 1.1  1998/12/07 22:11:19  saw
+# Initial setup
+include $(ETC)/Makefile.NEW
diff --git a/HACK/Makefile.Unix b/HACK/Makefile.Unix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b689f74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HACK/Makefile.Unix
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+# $Log: Makefile.Unix,v $
+# Revision  2007/09/10 20:08:02  pcarter
+# Implemented changes to allow compilation on RHEL 3,4,5 and MacOSX
+# Revision 1.10  1999/01/21 21:39:29  saw
+# Clean up Include file rules
+# Revision 1.9  1998/12/09 16:31:16  saw
+# Remove dependence on Csoft environment variable
+# Revision 1.8  1998/12/07 22:11:19  saw
+# Initial setup
+# Revision 1.7  1996/09/04 15:41:55  saw
+# (SAW) Fixes for linux
+# Revision 1.6  1996/04/30 12:30:51  saw
+# (SAW) New makefile style
+# Revision 1.5  1996/01/16 21:29:41  cdaq
+# (SAW) Use $(CP) instead of cp
+# Revision 1.4  1995/07/28 14:19:08  cdaq
+# Revision 1.3  1995/03/13  18:43:38  cdaq
+# (SAW) Add -f switch on include file copy commands
+# Revision 1.2  1995/01/27  20:51:03  cdaq
+# SAW) Remove RCS from include file rules
+# Revision 1.1  1994/07/25  18:03:10  cdaq
+# Initial revision
+include ../../etc/Makefile
+include ../../etc/Makefile.flags
+hack_source = hack_register_variables.f hack_initialize.f hack_anal.f \
+	 hack_shutdown.f hack_copyevt.f r_hack_.f
+libsources =  $(hack_source)
+sources = $(libsources)
+lib_targets := $(patsubst %.f, libhack.a(%.o), $(sources))
+install-dirs := lib
+bin_targets =
+#	@echo "nothing to make"
+# Rule for making the register subroutines
+../r_%.f : ../%.cmn $(MAKEREG)
+	(cd .. ; $(MAKEREG) $(<F) -o $(@F) -e /dev/null)
+.PRECIOUS: ../r_%.f
+../%.f : $(NFSDIRECTORY)/HACK/%.f
+	ln -s $< $@
+.PRECIOUS: ../%.f
+%.cmn ../%.cmn:: ../../INCLUDE/%.cmn
+	$(CP) $< $@
+include $(sources:.f=.d)
diff --git a/HACK/hack_anal.f b/HACK/hack_anal.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d9d8907
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HACK/hack_anal.f
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+      subroutine hack_anal(ABORT, err)
+*-- file: hack_anal.f
+*-- USER DEVELOPMENT routine; called for each event; 
+*>>-  user can communicate with setup files via the arrays
+*>>    HACK_INT(MAX_USER_PAR) (integer) and HACK_REAL(MAX_USER_PAR) (real)
+*>>    defined in a common block in file HACK_.CMN; max_user_par=1024.
+*- If additional variables are needed to be accessible from setup files
+*    (e.g. histogram definitions, calibration parameters), these should be
+*    defined in HACK_.CMN and 
+*    registered in file HACK_REGISTER_VARIABLES.F.
+*- Before event processing begins, HACK_REGISTER_VARIABLES and HACK_INITIALIZE
+*    are called. They are available to be modified by the user.
+*-  After all events have been processed, hack_shutdown in file
+*    HACK_SHUTDOWN.F is called to allow final manipulations, e.g.
+*    printed output.
+* $Log: hack_anal.f,v $
+* Revision 1.4  1995/10/11 14:02:00  cdaq
+* (JRA) Cleanup
+* Revision 1.3  1995/07/28 14:21:57  cdaq
+* (SAW) Use specific bit manipulation routines for f2c compatibility
+* Revision 1.2  1994/07/26  21:03:02  cdaq
+* (SAW) Remove event argument.
+* Revision 1.1  94/07/25  18:03:25  18:03:25  cdaq (Data Acquisition Account)
+* Initial revision
+*---   for information, the following lines are copied from file hack_.cmn:
+*-- file: hack_.cmn
+*-- include file for USER DEVOLOPMENT common block definitions;
+*-- The parameter hack_enable must be set to .ne. 0 to enable execution of
+*     hack_anal subroutine for each event.
+*-- any additional arrays or variables my be added by the user
+*      integer*4 hack_enable
+*      common /hack_c/ hack_enable
+*      integer hack_hmssc_au(16,4) !raw HMS-scintillator ADC up in fixed array
+*      integer hack_hmssc_ad(16,4) !raw HMS-scintillator ADC down in fixed array
+*      integer hack_hmssc_tu(16,4) !raw HMS-scintillator TDC up in fixed array
+*      integer hack_hmssc_td(16,4) !raw HMS-scintillator TDC down in fixed array
+*      integer hack_hmssc_go(16,4) !info about which ADC/TDC fired
+*      common/hack_copyeve_c/ hack_hmssc_au,hack_hmssc_ad,
+*     & hack_hmssc_tu,hack_hmssc_td,hack_hmssc_go
+      implicit none
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'hack_.cmn'
+      integer*4 jiand                   ! To help f2c
+      ABORT = .FALSE.                !needed as default
+      err = ' '                      !needed as default
+c      if(jiand(event(2),'FFFF'X).ne.'10CC'X) return ! valid physics event?
+*-- copy HMS scintillator data for one event into arrays hack_hmssc*(j,k)
+*   *=au,ad,tu,td,go [adcup/do,tdcup/do,good data index (-1 to +2) ]
+*   j=1-16 [scintillator number]
+*   k=1-4  [plane number]
+**      call hack_copyevt(ABORT,err)
+*-- >>>>>>>insert user code here<<<<<<<<
+*EXAMP meantime = hack_hmssc_tu(s_nr,p_nr)+hack_hmssc_td(s_nr,p_nr))
+*EXAMP offset = 200
+*EXAMP index = (p_nr-1)*16 + s_nr + offset               !output array index
+*EXAMP *-- assuming hack_real contains user supplied calibration values
+*EXAMP hack_int(index) = nint(meantime*hack_real(index)) !calibrated value
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/HACK/hack_copyevt.f b/HACK/hack_copyevt.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..275926c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HACK/hack_copyevt.f
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+*-- file: hack_copyevt.f
+*- subroutine copies adc and tdc data into fixed array, it allows for
+*  sparsified adc and tdc readout
+*- this is a complete routine and should have no additional user code
+* $Log: hack_copyevt.f,v $
+* Revision 1.2  1995/05/24 13:47:29  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.1  1994/07/25  18:03:36  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      subroutine hack_copyevt(ABORT, err)
+      implicit none
+      include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'hack_.cmn'
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      integer i,j,k
+      integer tdcup,tdcdo,adcup,adcdo,plane,count
+      ABORT = .FALSE.
+      err = ' '
+*  initialize array with values of -1
+      do k = 1,4                      !4 planes
+        do j = 1,16                   !scintillators in a plane
+          hack_hmssc_au(j,k) = -1     !"no data" value of -1, adc up
+          hack_hmssc_ad(j,k) = -1     !"no data" value of -1, adc down
+          hack_hmssc_tu(j,k) = -1     !"no data" value of -1, tdc up
+          hack_hmssc_td(j,k) = -1     !"no data" value of -1, tdc down
+          hack_hmssc_go(j,k) = -1     !"no data" value of -1, good data indic.
+        enddo
+      enddo
+*  copy HMS scintillator data into fixed array 
+      do i = 1,hscin_all_tot_hits               !copy all hits to hack array
+        tdcup = hscin_all_tdc_pos(i)
+        tdcdo = hscin_all_tdc_neg(i)
+        adcup = hscin_all_adc_pos(i)
+        adcdo = hscin_all_adc_neg(i)
+        plane = hscin_all_plane_num(i)
+        count = hscin_all_counter_num(i)
+        hack_hmssc_au(count,plane) = adcup
+        hack_hmssc_ad(count,plane) = adcdo
+        hack_hmssc_tu(count,plane) = tdcup
+        hack_hmssc_td(count,plane) = tdcdo
+        hack_hmssc_go(count,plane) = 0        !detector has data (-1=no data)
+        if ((
+     &    ( 
+     &    hack_hmssc_go(count,plane) = 1      !one tdc present
+        if ((
+     &    ( 
+     &    hack_hmssc_go(count,plane) = 2      !both tdcs present
+      enddo
+* for non-sparsified readout the data can also be found in the following way
+*	hscin_all_adc_pos(1-16)  == S1X(1-16)  (same for _neg)
+*                        (17-26) == S1Y(1-10)
+*                        (27-42) == S2X(1-16)
+*                        (43-52) == S2Y(1-10)
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/HACK/hack_initialize.f b/HACK/hack_initialize.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ddffb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HACK/hack_initialize.f
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+*--  Initialization for User Develpment Code
+* $Log: hack_initialize.f,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1994/07/25 18:03:30  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      subroutine hack_initialize(ABORT,err)
+* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+*-- first declare variables and store them in a common block (extra file)
+      implicit none
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      include 'gen_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'hack_.cmn'
+*EXAMP      integer i
+*-- >>>>>>>>>> insert additional user declarations here <<<<<<<<<
+* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ABORT = .FALSE.
+      err = ' '
+* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+*--  intialize any varibles that need initialization
+*EXAMP      do i = 1, max_user_par
+*EXAMP        hack_int(i) = 0
+*EXAMP        hack_real(i) = 0.0
+*EXAMP      enddo
+*-- >>>>>>>>>> insert additional user code here <<<<<<<<<
+* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/HACK/hack_register_variables.f b/HACK/hack_register_variables.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..56a2a96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HACK/hack_register_variables.f
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+      subroutine hack_register_variables(ABORT,err)
+* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+*--  file hack_register_variables.f
+*--  Initialization for User Develpment Code
+* $Log: hack_register_variables.f,v $
+* Revision 1.4  1995/10/11 14:12:40  cdaq
+* (SAW) Call makereg generated r_hack_ instead of making explicit reg calls
+* Revision 1.3  1995/08/09 18:49:38  cdaq
+* (JRA) Comment out obnoxious print statement
+* Revision 1.2  1995/07/28  14:22:29  cdaq
+* (SAW) Change type to print for f2c compatibility
+* Revision 1.1  1994/07/25  18:03:44  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+      implicit none
+      save
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+      ABORT = .FALSE.
+      err = ' '
+      call r_hack_
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/HACK/hack_shutdown.f b/HACK/hack_shutdown.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e8ba07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HACK/hack_shutdown.f
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+* ----------------------------------------------------------------
+*-- file: hack_shutdown.f
+*-- this subroutine does User Devolpment tasks after the
+*     all events have been collected.
+* $Log: hack_shutdown.f,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1994/07/25 18:03:54  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      subroutine hack_shutdown(ABORT, err)
+      implicit none                     !needed
+      include 'gen_data_structures.cmn' !needed
+      include 'hack_.cmn'               !needed
+      logical ABORT                     !needed
+      character*(*) err                 !needed
+      ABORT = .FALSE.                   !needed as default
+      err = ' '                         !needed as default
+*--  >>>>>>>>>>>>>> insert user code here <<<<<<<<<<<
+**      call hack_f_c123(ABORT, err)  !get centroids etc.
+**      call hack_f_c4(ABORT, err)  !make scint. pedestal centroid file
+**      call hack_f_c5(ABORT, err)  !make calorim. pedestal centroid file
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/HTRACKING/.cvsignore b/HTRACKING/.cvsignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b6ddf9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/.cvsignore
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/HTRACKING/CVS/Entries b/HTRACKING/CVS/Entries
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bff6f5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/CVS/Entries
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+/.cvsignore/1.1/Thu Jul  8 18:10:18 2004//Tsane
+/Makefile/1.1/Tue Dec  8 14:33:24 1998//Tsane
+/Makefile.Unix/ Oct 21 20:33:17 2008//Tsane
+/h_aero.f/ Oct  8 17:23:14 2008//Tsane
+/h_analyze_pedestal.f/1.9/Fri Dec 20 21:53:34 2002//Tsane
+/h_cal.f/1.11/Thu Apr  3 00:43:13 2003//Tsane
+/h_cal_calib.f/ Jan 16 18:48:02 2009//Tsane
+/h_cal_eff.f/1.8/Wed Oct  2 13:42:42 2002//Tsane
+/h_cal_eff_shutdown.f/1.5/Tue Feb 23 18:35:24 1999//Tsane
+/h_calc_pedestal.f/1.14/Fri Sep  5 16:56:59 2003//Tsane
+/h_cer.f/1.2/Mon May 22 19:39:06 1995//Tsane
+/h_cer_eff.f/1.4/Wed Feb 10 18:19:06 1999//Tsane
+/h_cer_eff_shutdown.f/1.1/Thu Aug 31 14:54:31 1995//Tsane
+/h_chamnum.f/1.3/Tue Apr 30 12:32:51 1996//Tsane
+/h_choose_single_hit.f/1.4/Tue Jan 16 21:45:35 1996//Tsane
+/h_clusters_cal.f/1.5/Wed Feb  3 21:13:23 1999//Tsane
+/h_correct_cal.f/1.7/Thu Apr  3 00:43:13 2003//Tsane
+/h_correct_cal_neg.f/1.6/Thu Apr  3 00:43:13 2003//Tsane
+/h_correct_cal_pos.f/1.7/Thu Apr  3 00:43:13 2003//Tsane
+/h_dc_eff.f/1.1/Thu Aug 31 14:59:48 1995//Tsane
+/h_dc_eff_shutdown.f/1.2/Fri Aug 30 19:54:11 1996//Tsane
+/h_dc_trk_eff.f/1.2/Wed Jan 17 18:19:40 1996//Tsane
+/h_dc_trk_eff_shutdown.f/1.1/Mon Oct  9 20:04:23 1995//Tsane
+/h_dpsifun.f/1.3/Mon May 22 19:39:08 1995//Tsane
+/h_drift_dist_calc.f/1.7/Tue Apr 30 12:35:14 1996//Tsane
+/h_drift_time_calc.f/1.5/Mon Oct  9 20:16:02 1995//Tsane
+/h_dump_cal.f/1.4/Thu Jun 10 16:48:04 1999//Tsane
+/h_dump_peds.f/ Sep 13 04:02:18 2007//Tsane
+/h_dump_tof.f/ Jan  8 22:59:42 2008//Tsane
+/h_fcnchisq.f/1.3/Mon May 22 19:39:10 1995//Tsane
+/h_fill_aero_raw_hist.f/1.1/Fri Dec 20 21:54:28 2002//Tsane
+/h_fill_cal_hist.f/1.9/Wed Oct  2 13:42:43 2002//Tsane
+/h_fill_dc_dec_hist.f/1.6/Wed Oct  2 13:42:43 2002//Tsane
+/h_fill_dc_fp_hist.f/1.5/Mon May 22 19:39:11 1995//Tsane
+/h_fill_dc_target_hist.f/1.3/Mon May 22 19:39:11 1995//Tsane
+/h_fill_fpp.f/ Nov 29 21:09:20 2007//Tsane
+/h_fill_scin_raw_hist.f/1.9/Wed Jul 31 20:17:52 2002//Tsane
+/h_find_best_stub.f/1.6/Tue Jan 16 21:51:00 1996//Tsane
+/h_find_easy_space_point.f/1.1/Wed Oct 25 15:00:13 1995//Tsane
+/h_fpp.f/ Oct 22 15:23:45 2007//Tsane
+/h_fpp_drift.f/ Jan  8 23:00:10 2008//Tsane
+/h_fpp_fit.f/ Oct 25 00:06:54 2007//Tsane
+/h_fpp_geometry.f/ Nov  1 21:10:18 2007//Tsane
+/h_fpp_statistics.f/ Nov  1 19:14:51 2007//Tsane
+/h_fpp_tracking.f/ Nov 29 19:48:26 2007//Tsane
+/h_generate_geometry.f/ Oct 22 15:23:06 2007//Tsane
+/h_init_cal.f/1.5/Thu Apr  3 00:43:13 2003//Tsane
+/h_init_cer.f/1.1/Thu Aug 31 14:53:56 1995//Tsane
+/h_init_fpp.f/ Oct 25 00:06:54 2007//Tsane
+/h_init_histid.f/ Oct 30 00:28:27 2007//Tsane
+/h_init_physics.f/1.6/Wed Feb 10 18:15:58 1999//Tsane
+/h_init_scin.f/1.7/Tue Apr 30 12:44:35 1996//Tsane
+/h_left_right.f/ Sep 10 20:28:00 2007//Tsane
+/h_link_stubs.f/1.9/Tue Apr  1 15:21:33 2003//Tsane
+/h_pattern_recognition.f/1.14/Tue Apr  1 13:49:27 2003//Tsane
+/h_physics.f/ Jun  5 17:59:29 2009//Tsane
+/h_physics_stat.f/1.6/Tue Oct 10 16:50:08 1995//Tsane
+/h_print_decoded_dc.f/1.4/Tue Oct 10 16:51:54 1995//Tsane
+/h_print_links.f/1.2/Mon May 22 19:39:17 1995//Tsane
+/h_print_pr.f/1.2/Mon May 22 19:39:17 1995//Tsane
+/h_print_raw_dc.f/1.2/Mon May 22 19:39:17 1995//Tsane
+/h_print_stubs.f/1.2/Mon May 22 19:39:18 1995//Tsane
+/h_print_tar_tracks.f/1.3/Mon May 22 19:39:18 1995//Tsane
+/h_print_tracks.f/1.3/Mon May 22 19:39:19 1995//Tsane
+/h_prt_cal_clusters.f/1.3/Thu Jan 21 21:40:14 1999//Tsane
+/h_prt_cal_decoded.f/1.2/Mon May 22 19:39:19 1995//Tsane
+/h_prt_cal_raw.f/1.5/Thu Dec 17 22:02:39 1998//Tsane
+/h_prt_cal_sparsified.f/1.3/Thu Dec 17 22:02:39 1998//Tsane
+/h_prt_cal_tests.f/1.2/Mon May 22 19:39:22 1995//Tsane
+/h_prt_cal_tracks.f/1.5/Fri Mar 21 22:21:51 2003//Tsane
+/h_prt_dec_scin.f/1.8/Tue Jan 16 21:55:27 1996//Tsane
+/h_prt_raw_scin.f/1.6/Thu Jul 20 19:08:41 1995//Tsane
+/h_prt_tof.f/ Nov 17 15:58:28 2008//Tsane
+/h_prt_track_tests.f/1.2/Mon May 22 19:39:24 1995//Tsane
+/h_psifun.f/1.2/Mon May 22 19:39:24 1995//Tsane
+/h_raw_dump_all.f/1.2/Mon May 22 19:39:25 1995//Tsane
+/h_reconstruction.f/ Nov  2 19:52:52 2007//Tsane
+/h_register_param.f/ Aug 22 19:09:30 2007//Tsane
+/h_report_bad_data.f/1.3/Fri Aug 30 20:34:49 1996//Tsane
+/h_satcorr.f/1.2/Fri Dec 19 19:53:15 2003//Tsane
+/h_scin_eff.f/1.8/Fri Sep  5 21:08:34 2003//Tsane
+/h_scin_eff_shutdown.f/1.9/Tue Feb 23 18:40:48 1999//Tsane
+/h_select_best_track.f/1.6/Wed Mar 23 16:33:32 2005//Tsane
+/h_select_best_track_prune.f/ Sep 10 20:28:01 2007//Tsane
+/h_select_best_track_using_scin.f/1.1/Thu Feb 26 22:19:05 2004//Tsane
+/h_solve_3by3.f/1.4/Tue Oct 10 17:36:37 1995//Tsane
+/h_sp_destroy.f/ Sep 10 20:28:01 2007//Tsane
+/h_sp_multiwire.f/ Sep 10 20:28:01 2007//Tsane
+/h_sparsify_cal.f/1.13/Wed Oct  2 13:42:43 2002//Tsane
+/h_strip_scin.f/ Oct 22 15:22:50 2007//Tsane
+/h_targ_trans.f/ Sep 16 21:49:20 2009//Tsane
+/h_targ_trans_init.f/ Oct 21 20:33:17 2008//Tsane
+/h_tof.f/ Mar 31 19:33:00 2009//Tsane
+/h_tof_fit.f/1.10/Wed Sep  4 13:36:24 1996//Tsane
+/h_tof_init.f/ Nov 17 15:58:44 2008//Tsane
+/h_track.f/ Oct 25 16:12:30 2011//Tsane
+/h_track_fit.f/1.11/Tue Jan 16 21:42:18 1996//Tsane
+/h_track_tests.f/1.4/Tue Nov 15 18:39:18 2005//Tsane
+/h_tracks_cal.f/1.10/Tue Mar 15 20:09:12 2005//Tsane
+/h_trans_cal.f/1.8/Wed Mar  3 19:26:25 2004//Tsane
+/h_trans_cer.f/1.2/Tue Jan 16 21:38:47 1996//Tsane
+/h_trans_dc.f/ Sep  2 13:40:39 2009//Tsane
+/h_trans_fpp.f/ Nov 29 21:13:44 2007//Tsane
+/h_trans_fpp_hms.f/ Oct 16 23:47:33 2007//Tsane
+/h_trans_misc.f/ Oct  8 17:21:47 2008//Tsane
+/h_trans_scin.f/ Feb 23 14:50:40 2010//Tsane
+/h_wire_center_calc.f/1.5/Wed Sep  4 14:24:38 1996//Tsane
+/hms_sane_track.f/ Apr 15 21:52:30 2011//Tsane
+/mt19937.f/ Sep 18 02:47:50 2007//Tsane
diff --git a/HTRACKING/CVS/Repository b/HTRACKING/CVS/Repository
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8799c1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/CVS/Repository
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/HTRACKING/CVS/Root b/HTRACKING/CVS/Root
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6288c3f
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..25d73f7
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/HTRACKING/Makefile b/HTRACKING/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad88f58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# $Log: Makefile,v $
+# Revision 1.1  1998/12/08 14:33:24  saw
+# Initial Setup
+include $(ETC)/Makefile.NEW
diff --git a/HTRACKING/Makefile.Unix b/HTRACKING/Makefile.Unix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c2ea1d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/Makefile.Unix
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+# $Log: Makefile.Unix,v $
+# Revision  2008/10/21 20:33:17  cdaq
+# target recon with B field added
+# Revision  2007/09/18 02:46:35  brash
+# Updates to FPP code to a) include simulated analyzers and b) fix bugs in FPP angle, zclose, and sclose calculations.
+# Revision  2007/09/12 14:40:03  brash
+# *** empty log message ***
+# Revision  2007/09/10 20:08:02  pcarter
+# Implemented changes to allow compilation on RHEL 3,4,5 and MacOSX
+# Revision  2007/08/22 19:09:29  frw
+# added FPP
+# Revision 1.30  2006/06/23 frw
+# add FPP files
+# Revision 1.29  2005/03/23 16:33:32  jones
+# Add new code s_select_best_track_prune.f (P Bosted)
+# Revision 1.28  2004/02/26 22:19:33  jones
+# add h_select_best_track_using_scin.o
+# Revision 1.27  2003/04/01 15:20:55  jones
+#  fix spelling of h_sp_destroy.f
+# Revision 1.26  2003/04/01 13:49:27  jones
+# Modifications to tracking codes.
+# Mainly fix problems at high rates. (M. E. Christy)
+# Revision 1.25  2003/03/21 22:21:51  jones
+# Modified and rearrange routines to calibrate the HMS calorimeter (V. Tadevosyan)
+# Revision 1.24  2002/12/20 21:53:32  jones
+# Modified by Hamlet for new HMS aerogel
+# Revision 1.23  2002/11/11 18:48:27  jones
+# Modify Makefile.Unix to include hcal_clb_det.f and hcal_raw_thr.f
+# Revision 1.22  1999/02/23 18:30:11  csa
+# Add h_satcorr
+# Revision 1.21  1999/01/21 21:40:13  saw
+# Extra shower counter tube modifications
+# Revision 1.20  1998/12/07 22:11:21  saw
+# Initial setup
+# Revision 1.19  1996/11/08 20:33:53  saw
+# (SAW) Add AIX compatibility
+# Revision 1.18  1996/09/04 14:25:57  saw
+# (SAW) Fixup some O. subdirectory errors
+# Revision 1.17  1996/04/29 18:29:23  saw
+# (SAW) New makefile style
+# Revision 1.16  1996/01/16 21:32:55  cdaq
+# (SAW) Use $(CP) instead of cp.  Add h_cer_eff, h_cer_eff_shutdown, h_init_cer,
+#       h_trans_cer, h_dc_eff, h_dc_eff_shutdown, h_dump_peds, h_dump_cal,
+#       h_report_bad_data, h_dc_trk_eff, h_dc_trk_eff_shutdown,
+#       h_find_easy_space_point, r_hms_cer_parms
+# Revision 1.15  1995/07/20  14:27:40  cdaq
+# (SAW) Add option to get source via softlink to read only source tree
+# Revision 1.14  1995/05/24  13:22:33  cdaq
+# Add h_trans_misc, h_fill_cal_hist, h_init_histid, r_hms_pedestals
+# Revision 1.13  1995/04/06  20:07:31  cdaq
+# (SAW) Add pedestal routines
+# Revision 1.12  1995/03/08  20:33:52  cdaq
+# (SAW) Add h_scin_eff, h_scin_eff_shutdown, h_cal_eff, and h_cal_eff_shutdown
+# Revision 1.11  1995/02/02  16:37:23  cdaq
+# (SAW) Add -f flag on copy of include files
+# Revision 1.10  1995/01/27  20:49:23  cdaq
+# (SAW) Remove RCS from include file rules
+# Revision 1.9  1994/11/23  15:36:37  cdaq
+# (SAW) Update list of sources
+# Revision 1.8  1994/10/11  18:32:09  cdaq
+# *** empty log message ***
+# Revision 1.7  1994/08/18  04:23:22  cdaq
+# (SAW) Call makereg generated routines to register variables
+# Revision 1.6  1994/08/04  03:50:37  cdaq
+# (SAW) Add rule for .dte files
+# Revision 1.5  1994/07/07  15:17:45  cdaq
+# (SAW) Fix a bug so that all sources not get compiled
+# Revision 1.4  1994/06/14  05:02:00  cdaq
+# (SAW) Add h_init_physics and h_physics_stat
+# Revision 1.3  1994/06/07  18:49:33  cdaq
+# Add register_bypass and register_statistics routines
+# Revision 1.2  1994/05/19  13:55:04  cdaq
+# Add new routines from DFG
+# Revision 1.1  1994/04/15  20:30:16  cdaq
+# Initial revision
+include ../../etc/Makefile
+include ../../etc/Makefile.flags
+osources = h_cal.f h_cer.f h_chamnum.f h_dpsifun.f \
+	h_drift_dist_calc.f h_drift_time_calc.f h_fcnchisq.f \
+	h_find_best_stub.f h_generate_geometry.f h_left_right.f \
+	h_link_stubs.f h_pattern_recognition.f h_physics.f h_print_links.f \
+	h_print_pr.f h_print_stubs.f h_print_tar_tracks.f h_print_tracks.f \
+	h_psifun.f h_register_param.f h_reconstruction.f h_targ_trans.f \
+	h_tof.f h_track.f h_track_fit.f \
+	h_trans_cal.f h_trans_dc.f h_trans_scin.f h_wire_center_calc.f \
+	h_print_decoded_dc.f h_print_raw_dc.f
+newstuff = h_clusters_cal.f h_correct_cal.f \
+	h_fill_dc_dec_hist.f h_fill_dc_fp_hist.f h_init_cal.f \
+	h_init_scin.f h_prt_cal_clusters.f h_prt_cal_decoded.f \
+	h_prt_cal_raw.f h_prt_cal_sparsified.f h_prt_cal_tests.f \
+	h_prt_cal_tracks.f h_prt_dec_scin.f h_prt_raw_scin.f h_prt_tof.f \
+	h_prt_track_tests.f h_raw_dump_all.f h_sparsify_cal.f h_tof_fit.f \
+	h_tof_init.f h_tracks_cal.f h_fill_scin_raw_hist.f
+newerstuff = h_fill_dc_target_hist.f h_targ_trans_init.f \
+	h_init_physics.f h_physics_stat.f \
+	h_strip_scin.f h_choose_single_hit.f h_solve_3by3.f \
+	h_dump_tof.f h_select_best_track.f h_select_best_track_using_scin.f \
+	 h_scin_eff.f h_scin_eff_shutdown.f \
+	h_cal_eff.f h_cal_eff_shutdown.f h_analyze_pedestal.f \
+	h_calc_pedestal.f h_trans_misc.f h_fill_cal_hist.f h_init_histid.f \
+	h_cer_eff.f h_cer_eff_shutdown.f h_init_cer.f h_trans_cer.f \
+	h_dc_eff.f h_dc_eff_shutdown.f h_dump_peds.f h_dump_cal.f \
+	h_report_bad_data.f h_dc_trk_eff.f h_dc_trk_eff_shutdown.f \
+	h_find_easy_space_point.f h_track_tests.f \
+	h_correct_cal_pos.f h_correct_cal_neg.f \
+	h_satcorr.f \
+        h_cal_calib.f h_aero.f h_fill_aero_raw_hist.f hms_sane_track.f\
+        h_sp_multiwire.f h_sp_destroy.f \
+	h_select_best_track_prune.f 
+fppstuff = h_fill_fpp.f  h_fpp_drift.f  h_fpp.f \
+        h_fpp_fit.f  h_fpp_statistics.f  \
+        h_fpp_tracking.f  h_init_fpp.f  \
+        h_trans_fpp.f  h_trans_fpp_hms.f mt19937.f h_fpp_geometry.f
+makeregstuff =	r_hms_filenames.f r_hms_scin_parms.f r_hms_scin_tof.f \
+	r_hms_calorimeter.f r_hms_id_histid.f r_hms_tracking.f \
+	r_hms_geometry.f r_hms_track_histid.f r_hms_recon_elements.f \
+	r_hms_physics_sing.f r_hms_bypass_switches.f r_hms_statistics.f \
+	r_hms_pedestals.f r_hms_cer_parms.f r_hms_aero_parms.f \
+	r_hms_fpp_params.f
+sources = $(osources) $(newstuff) $(newerstuff) $(fppstuff) $(makeregstuff)
+ifeq ($(MYOS),AIX)
+xsources := $(filter-out h_link_stubs.f h_track_tests.f ,$(sources))
+sources = h_link_stubs_aix.f h_track_tests_aix.f $(xsources)
+../h_%_aix.f : ../h_%.f
+	sed -e "s/access=.append./position='append'/"< $< > $@	
+libsources = $(sources)
+lib_targets := $(patsubst %.f, libhtracking.a(%.o), $(libsources))
+install-dirs := lib
+bin_targets =
+#	@echo "nothing to make"
+	ln -s $< $@
+.PRECIOUS: ../%.f
+# Rule for making the register subroutines
+../r_%.f : ../%.cmn $(MAKEREG)
+	(cd .. ; $(MAKEREG) $(<F) -o $(@F) -e /dev/null)
+.PRECIOUS: ../r_%.f
+# Get include files from INCLUDE directory
+%.cmn ../%.cmn:: ../../INCLUDE/%.cmn
+	$(CP) $< $@
+%.dec ../%.dec:: ../../INCLUDE/%.dec
+	$(CP) $< $@
+%.par ../%.par:: ../../INCLUDE/%.par
+	$(CP) $< $@
+%.dte ../%.dte:: ../../INCLUDE/%.dte
+	$(CP) $< $@
+include $(sources:.f=.d)
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_aero.f b/HTRACKING/h_aero.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..754c48f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_aero.f
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+* $Log: h_aero.f,v $
+* Revision  2008/10/08 17:23:14  cdaq
+* updated for F1 TDC
+* Revision  2007/09/10 20:28:00  pcarter
+* Implemented changes to allow compilation on RHEL 3,4,5 and MacOSX
+* Revision 1.4  2004/02/27 14:35:20  jones
+* Summed npe is incremented for all pmts regardless of whether they are
+* above or below the pedestal.  Summing only pmts above the pedestal results
+* in an incorrect Summed npe for low beta particles.  Consult the Fpi-2
+* calibration notes for details. ( G. Huber)
+* Revision 1.3  2004/02/02 19:23:55  jones
+* 1) When filling haero_adc_pos_hits,haero_tot_good_hits,haero_adc_neg_hits
+* changed cut on npe from 0.1 to 0.3 .
+* 2) When filling haero_npe_sum changed cut on npe_sum from 0.1 to 0.5
+* Revision 1.2  2003/09/05 16:48:01  jones
+* Merge in online03 changes (mkj)
+* Revision  2003/07/28 18:01:38  cdaq
+* Use haero_new_ped_pos and haero_new_ped_neg instead of aero_new_threshold_neg
+* and haero_new_threshold_pos in IF statement (mkj)
+* Revision  2003/07/18 18:22:49  cdaq
+* Fix bug that haero_adc_neg was compared to  instead
+* of haero_new_threshold_neg (Vardan)
+* Revision  2003/04/15 21:47:35  cdaq
+* Changed ind to ihit for better readability
+* add checks on haero_npe_sum  (MKJ)
+* Revision  2003/04/09 02:46:11  cdaq
+* Update variable names for the thresholds to match the modified common block
+* Revision  2003/04/06 06:20:40  cdaq
+* updated variables for haero, cleaned up a few of the tests
+* Revision 1.1  2002/12/20 21:54:29  jones
+* New files by Hamlet for new HMS aerogel
+* Revision 1.1  2002/10/21 (Hamlet)
+* Initial revision
+      SAVE
+      character*8 here
+      parameter (here= 'H_AERO')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      integer*4 ihit,npmt,rawtime,corrtime
+      INCLUDE 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_pedestals.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_aero_parms.cmn'
+c      print*,'h_aero: haero_pos_gain =',haero_pos_gain
+c      print*,'h_aero: haero_neg_gain =',haero_neg_gain
+c      pause
+      ABORT= .FALSE.
+      err= ' '
+      haero_neg_npe_sum = 0.0
+      haero_pos_npe_sum = 0.0
+      haero_npe_sum = 0.0
+***      aero_pos = 0.0            !not in use any more
+***      aero_neg = 0.0            !not in use any more
+***      aero_tot = 0.0            !not in use any more
+      haero_tot_good_hits = 0
+      haero_adc_pos_hits = 0
+      haero_adc_neg_hits = 0
+      haero_tdc_pos_hits = 0
+      haero_tdc_neg_hits = 0
+      do ihit = 1,hmax_aero_hits
+        haero_pos_npe(ihit)=0.
+        haero_neg_npe(ihit)=0.
+      enddo
+! Correct for trigger time.
+! If NOT using F1 TDC's, comment this section out
+      do ihit = 1,haero_tot_hits
+       npmt=haero_pair_num(ihit)
+       rawtime = haero_tdc_pos(npmt)
+       if( then
+        call CORRECT_RAW_TIME_HMS(rawtime,corrtime)
+        haero_tdc_pos(npmt) = corrtime
+       endif
+       rawtime = haero_tdc_neg(npmt)
+       if( then
+        call CORRECT_RAW_TIME_HMS(rawtime,corrtime)
+        haero_tdc_neg(npmt) = corrtime
+       endif
+      enddo
+      do ihit = 1,haero_tot_hits
+* pedestal subtraction and gain adjustment
+* An ADC value of less than zero occurs when that particular
+* channel has been sparsified away and has not been read. 
+* The NPE for that tube will be assigned zero by this code.
+* An ADC value of greater than 8192 occurs when the ADC overflows on
+* an input that is too large. Tubes with this characteristic will
+* be assigned NPE = 100.0.
+        npmt=haero_pair_num(ihit)
+           if (haero_adc_pos(ihit).lt.8000.) then
+              haero_pos_npe(npmt) = haero_pos_gain(npmt) *
+     &             (haero_adc_pos(ihit)-haero_pos_ped_mean(npmt))
+           else
+              haero_pos_npe(npmt) = 100.
+           endif
+           if (haero_adc_neg(ihit).lt.8000.) then
+              haero_neg_npe(npmt) = haero_neg_gain(npmt) * 
+     &             (haero_adc_neg(ihit)-haero_neg_ped_mean(npmt))
+           else
+              haero_neg_npe(npmt) = 100.
+           endif
+        haero_pos_npe_sum = haero_pos_npe_sum + haero_pos_npe(npmt)
+        haero_neg_npe_sum = haero_neg_npe_sum + haero_neg_npe(npmt)
+* sum positive and negative hits 
+* To fill haero_tot_good_hits
+        if (haero_pos_npe(npmt).ge.0.3) then
+            haero_adc_pos_hits = haero_adc_pos_hits + 1
+            haero_tot_good_hits = haero_tot_good_hits + 1
+        endif
+        if (haero_neg_npe(npmt).ge.0.3) then
+            haero_adc_neg_hits = haero_adc_neg_hits + 1
+            haero_tot_good_hits = haero_tot_good_hits + 1
+        endif
+        if (haero_tdc_pos(npmt).ge.0.and.haero_tdc_pos(npmt).le.8000.)
+     &       haero_tdc_pos_hits = haero_tdc_pos_hits + 1 
+        if (haero_tdc_neg(npmt).ge.0.and.haero_tdc_neg(npmt).le.8000.)
+     &       haero_tdc_neg_hits = haero_tdc_neg_hits + 1
+      enddo
+      if ( then
+         haero_npe_sum = haero_neg_npe_sum + haero_pos_npe_sum
+      else
+         haero_npe_sum = 0.0
+      endif
+* If the total hits are 0, then give a noticable ridiculous NPE.
+      if ( then
+         haero_npe_sum=0.0
+      endif
+* Next, fill the rawadc variables with the actual tube values
+*       mainly for diagnostic purposes.
+      do ihit=1,haero_tot_hits
+         npmt=haero_pair_num(ihit)
+         haero_rawadc_pos(npmt)=haero_adc_pos(ihit)
+         aero_ep(npmt)=haero_rawadc_pos(ihit)        
+         haero_rawadc_neg(npmt)=haero_adc_neg(ihit)
+         aero_en(npmt)=haero_rawadc_neg(ihit)
+         haero_rawtdc_neg(npmt)=haero_tdc_neg(ihit)
+         aero_tn(npmt)= haero_tdc_neg(ihit)
+         haero_rawtdc_pos(npmt)=haero_tdc_pos(ihit)
+         aero_tp(npmt)= haero_tdc_pos(ihit)
+      enddo
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_analyze_pedestal.f b/HTRACKING/h_analyze_pedestal.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b9e4170
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_analyze_pedestal.f
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+      subroutine h_analyze_pedestal(ABORT,err)
+* $Log: h_analyze_pedestal.f,v $
+* Revision 1.9  2002/12/20 21:53:34  jones
+* Modified by Hamlet for new HMS aerogel
+* Revision 1.9  2002/09/24 
+* (Hamlet) Add pedestals for HMS Aerogel
+* Revision 1.8  1999/06/10 16:46:06  csa
+* (JRA) Removed two calorimeter debugging statements
+* Revision 1.7  1999/02/23 18:33:31  csa
+* (JRA) Implement improved pedestal calcs
+* Revision 1.6  1998/12/17 22:02:37  saw
+* Support extra set of tubes on HMS shower counter
+* Revision 1.5  1996/01/24 15:55:06  saw
+* (JRA) Add ped analysis for misc channels
+* Revision 1.4  1995/10/09 20:07:35  cdaq
+* (JRA) Use hcer_raw_adc instead of hcer_adc
+* Revision 1.3  1995/05/22 19:37:05  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.2  1995/05/17  13:56:04  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add Cernekov pedestals, cosmetic changes
+* Revision 1.1  1995/04/01  19:36:40  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*18 here
+      parameter (here='h_analyze_pedestal')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      integer*4 ihit
+      integer*4 pln,cnt
+      integer*4 row,col
+      integer*4 blk
+      integer*4 pmt
+      integer*4 ind
+      INCLUDE 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_pedestals.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_scin_parms.cmn'
+* Update ped limits after have enough events (h*_min_peds/5)
+      do ihit = 1 , hscin_all_tot_hits
+        pln = hscin_all_plane_num(ihit)
+        cnt = hscin_all_counter_num(ihit)
+        if (hscin_all_adc_pos(ihit).le.hhodo_pos_ped_limit(pln,cnt)) then
+          hhodo_pos_ped_sum2(pln,cnt) = hhodo_pos_ped_sum2(pln,cnt) +
+     &          hscin_all_adc_pos(ihit)*hscin_all_adc_pos(ihit)
+          hhodo_pos_ped_sum(pln,cnt) = hhodo_pos_ped_sum(pln,cnt) +
+     &          hscin_all_adc_pos(ihit)
+          hhodo_pos_ped_num(pln,cnt) = hhodo_pos_ped_num(pln,cnt) + 1
+          if (hhodo_pos_ped_num(pln,cnt).eq.nint(hhodo_min_peds/5.)) then
+            hhodo_pos_ped_limit(pln,cnt) = 100 +
+     &               hhodo_pos_ped_sum(pln,cnt) / hhodo_pos_ped_num(pln,cnt)
+          endif
+        endif
+        if (hscin_all_adc_neg(ihit).le.hhodo_neg_ped_limit(pln,cnt)) then
+          hhodo_neg_ped_sum2(pln,cnt) = hhodo_neg_ped_sum2(pln,cnt) +
+     &          hscin_all_adc_neg(ihit)*hscin_all_adc_neg(ihit)
+          hhodo_neg_ped_sum(pln,cnt) = hhodo_neg_ped_sum(pln,cnt) +
+     &          hscin_all_adc_neg(ihit)
+          hhodo_neg_ped_num(pln,cnt) = hhodo_neg_ped_num(pln,cnt) + 1
+          if (hhodo_neg_ped_num(pln,cnt).eq.nint(hhodo_min_peds/5.)) then
+            hhodo_neg_ped_limit(pln,cnt) = 100 +
+     &               hhodo_neg_ped_sum(pln,cnt) / hhodo_neg_ped_num(pln,cnt)
+          endif
+        endif
+* fill pedestal histograms.
+c        histval = hscin_all_adc_pos(ihit)-hscin_all_ped_pos(pln,cnt)
+c        call hf1(hidsumposadc(pln),histval,1.)
+c        histval = hscin_all_adc_neg(ihit)-hscin_all_ped_neg(pln,cnt)
+c        call hf1(hidsumnegadc(pln),histval,1.)
+      enddo
+      do ihit = 1 , hcal_tot_hits
+        row = hcal_row(ihit)
+        col = hcal_column(ihit)
+        blk = row + (col-1)*hmax_cal_rows
+        if (hcal_adc_pos(ihit) .le. hcal_pos_ped_limit(blk)) then
+          hcal_pos_ped_sum2(blk) = hcal_pos_ped_sum2(blk) +
+     &       hcal_adc_pos(ihit)*hcal_adc_pos(ihit)
+          hcal_pos_ped_sum(blk) = hcal_pos_ped_sum(blk) + hcal_adc_pos(ihit)
+          hcal_pos_ped_num(blk) = hcal_pos_ped_num(blk) + 1
+          if (hcal_pos_ped_num(blk).eq.nint(hcal_min_peds/5.)) then
+            hcal_pos_ped_limit(blk) = 100 +
+     &              hcal_pos_ped_sum(blk) / hcal_pos_ped_num(blk)
+          endif
+        endif
+        if (hcal_adc_neg(ihit) .le. hcal_neg_ped_limit(blk)) then
+          hcal_neg_ped_sum2(blk) = hcal_neg_ped_sum2(blk) +
+     &       hcal_adc_neg(ihit)*hcal_adc_neg(ihit)
+          hcal_neg_ped_sum(blk) = hcal_neg_ped_sum(blk) + hcal_adc_neg(ihit)
+          hcal_neg_ped_num(blk) = hcal_neg_ped_num(blk) + 1
+          if (hcal_neg_ped_num(blk).eq.nint(hcal_min_peds/5.)) then
+            hcal_neg_ped_limit(blk) = 100 +
+     &              hcal_neg_ped_sum(blk) / hcal_neg_ped_num(blk)
+          endif
+        endif
+      enddo
+      do ihit = 1 , hcer_tot_hits
+        pmt=hcer_tube_num(ihit)      ! no sparsification yet - NEED TO FIX!!!!
+        if (hcer_raw_adc(ihit) .le. hcer_ped_limit(pmt)) then
+          hcer_ped_sum2(pmt) = hcer_ped_sum2(pmt) +
+     $       hcer_raw_adc(ihit)*hcer_raw_adc(ihit)
+          hcer_ped_sum(pmt) = hcer_ped_sum(pmt) + hcer_raw_adc(ihit)
+          hcer_ped_num(pmt) = hcer_ped_num(pmt) + 1
+          if (hcer_ped_num(pmt).eq.nint(hcer_min_peds/5.)) then
+            hcer_ped_limit(pmt) = 100 +
+     &              hcer_ped_sum(pmt) / hcer_ped_num(pmt)
+          endif
+        endif
+      enddo
+      do ihit = 1 , haero_tot_hits
+        blk = haero_pair_num(ihit)
+        if (haero_adc_pos(ihit) .le. haero_pos_ped_limit(blk)) then
+          haero_pos_ped_sum2(blk) = haero_pos_ped_sum2(blk) + haero_adc_pos(ihit)*haero_adc_pos(ihit)
+          haero_pos_ped_sum(blk) = haero_pos_ped_sum(blk) + haero_adc_pos(ihit)
+          haero_pos_ped_num(blk) = haero_pos_ped_num(blk) + 1
+          if (haero_pos_ped_num(blk).eq.nint(haero_min_peds/5.)) then
+            haero_pos_ped_limit(blk) = 100 +
+     &              haero_pos_ped_sum(blk) / haero_pos_ped_num(blk)
+          endif
+        endif
+        if (haero_adc_neg(ihit) .le. haero_neg_ped_limit(blk)) then
+          haero_neg_ped_sum2(blk) = haero_neg_ped_sum2(blk) + haero_adc_neg(ihit)*haero_adc_neg(ihit)
+          haero_neg_ped_sum(blk) = haero_neg_ped_sum(blk) + haero_adc_neg(ihit)
+          haero_neg_ped_num(blk) = haero_neg_ped_num(blk) + 1
+          if (haero_neg_ped_num(blk).eq.nint(haero_min_peds/5.)) then
+            haero_neg_ped_limit(blk) = 100 +
+     &              haero_neg_ped_sum(blk) / haero_neg_ped_num(blk)
+          endif
+        endif
+      enddo
+      do ihit = 1 , hmisc_tot_hits
+        if (hmisc_raw_addr1(ihit).eq.2) then   !ADCs
+          ind=hmisc_raw_addr2(ihit)      ! no sparsification yet - NEED TO FIX!!!!
+          if (hmisc_raw_data(ihit) .le. hmisc_ped_limit(ind)) then
+            hmisc_ped_sum2(ind) = hmisc_ped_sum2(ind) +
+     $         hmisc_raw_data(ihit)*hmisc_raw_data(ihit)
+            hmisc_ped_sum(ind) = hmisc_ped_sum(ind) + hmisc_raw_data(ihit)
+            hmisc_ped_num(ind) = hmisc_ped_num(ind) + 1
+            if (hmisc_ped_num(ind).eq.nint(hmisc_min_peds/5.)) then
+              hmisc_ped_limit(ind) = 100 +
+     &                hmisc_ped_sum(ind) / hmisc_ped_num(ind)
+            endif
+          endif
+        endif
+      enddo
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_cal.f b/HTRACKING/h_cal.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..045e704
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_cal.f
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+      subroutine h_cal(abort,errmsg)
+*-      Purpose: Computes the calorimeter particle ID quantities.
+*-               Corrects the energy depositions for impact point 
+*-               coordinate dependence.
+*-      Input Bank: HMS_TRACKS_CAL
+*-      Output Bank: HMS_TRACK_TESTS
+*-   Output: ABORT           - success or failure
+*-         : err             - reason for failure, if any
+*-      Created: 15 Mar 1994      Tsolak A. Amatuni
+* $Log: h_cal.f,v $
+* Revision 1.11  2003/04/03 00:43:13  jones
+* Update to calibration (V. Tadevosyan0
+* Revision 1.10  2002/09/26 14:31:56  jones
+*     the energy determination for planes A and B can use
+*     both pos and neg PMT depending on setting of hcal_num_neg_columns.
+* Revision 1.9  1999/06/10 16:46:58  csa
+* (JRA) Cosmetic changes
+* Revision 1.8  1999/02/25 20:10:48  saw
+* Vardan Tadevosyan shower code updates
+* Revision 1.7  1999/02/03 21:13:22  saw
+* Code for new Shower counter tubes
+* Revision 1.6  1999/01/21 21:40:13  saw
+* Extra shower counter tube modifications
+* Revision 1.5  1998/12/17 22:02:38  saw
+* Support extra set of tubes on HMS shower counter
+* Revision 1.4  1995/05/22 19:39:04  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.3  1994/09/13  19:39:14  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add preshower energy
+* Revision 1.2  1994/04/12  21:24:55  cdaq
+* (DFG) Put in real code and change name of print routine.
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/19  06:12:35  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      save
+      logical abort
+      character*(*) errmsg
+      character*5 here
+      parameter (here='H_CAL')
+      integer*4 nt           !Detector track number
+      integer*4 nc           !Calorimeter cluster number
+      real*4 cor         !Correction factor for X,Y dependenc.   ! Single   PMT
+      real*4 cor_pos     !Correction factor for X,Y dependenc.   ! Single  "POS_PMT"
+      real*4 cor_neg     !Correction factor for X,Y dependenc.   ! Single  "NEG_PMT" 
+      real*4 h_correct_cal              !External function to compute "cor". 
+      real*4 h_correct_cal_pos          !External function to compute "cor_pos". 
+      real*4 h_correct_cal_neg          !External function to compute "cor_neg"   
+      include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'hms_calorimeter.cmn'
+      do nt=1,hntracks_fp
+         htrack_e1_pos(nt)=0.   !  Only pos_pmt for layer "A"
+         htrack_e1_neg(nt)=0.   !  Only_neg_pmt for layer "A"
+         htrack_e2_pos(nt)=0.   !  Only_pos_pmt for layer "B"  
+         htrack_e2_neg(nt)=0.   !  Only_neg_pmt for layer "B" 
+         htrack_e1(nt)=0.
+         htrack_e2(nt)=0.
+         htrack_e3(nt)=0.
+         htrack_e4(nt)=0.
+         htrack_et(nt)=0.
+         htrack_preshower_e(nt)=0.
+      enddo
+      call h_clusters_cal(abort,errmsg)
+      if(abort) then
+         call g_add_path(here,errmsg)
+         return
+      endif
+      call h_tracks_cal(abort,errmsg)
+      if(abort) then
+         call g_add_path(here,errmsg)
+         return
+      endif
+*      Return if there are no tracks found or none of the found
+*      tracks matches a cluster in the calorimeter.
+      if(hntracks_fp .le.0) go to 100 !Return
+      if(hntracks_cal.le.0) go to 100 !Return
+      do nt =1,hntracks_fp
+         nc=hcluster_track(nt)
+         if( then
+            cor    =h_correct_cal(htrack_xc(nt),htrack_yc(nt)) ! For single "pmt"
+            cor_pos=h_correct_cal_pos(htrack_xc(nt),htrack_yc(nt)) ! For single "pos_pmt"
+            cor_neg=h_correct_cal_neg(htrack_xc(nt),htrack_yc(nt)) ! For single "neg_pmt"
+            hnblocks_cal(nt)=hcluster_size(nc)
+            if( then
+               htrack_e1_pos(nt)=cor_pos*hcluster_e1_pos(nc) !  For "A" layer "POS_PMT"    
+               htrack_e1_neg(nt)=cor_neg*hcluster_e1_neg(nc) !  For "A" layer "NEG_PMT"
+               htrack_e1(nt)=htrack_e1_pos(nt)+htrack_e1_neg(nt) !  For "A" layer "POS"+"NEG_PMT"
+            else
+               htrack_e1(nt)=cor_pos*hcluster_e1(nc) !   IF ONLY "POS_PMT" in layer "A"                
+            endif
+            if( then
+               htrack_e2_pos(nt)=cor_pos*hcluster_e2_pos(nc) !  For "B" layer "POS_PMT"    
+               htrack_e2_neg(nt)=cor_neg*hcluster_e2_neg(nc) !  For "B" layer "NEG_PMT"
+               htrack_e2(nt)=htrack_e2_pos(nt)+htrack_e2_neg(nt) !  For "B" layer "POS"+"NEG_PMT"
+            else
+               htrack_e2(nt)=cor_pos*hcluster_e2(nc) !   IF ONLY "POS_PMT" in layer "B"
+            endif
+            if( then
+               print *,"Extra tubes on more than two layers not supported"
+            endif
+            htrack_e3(nt)=cor*hcluster_e3(nc)  
+            htrack_e4(nt)=cor*hcluster_e4(nc)
+            htrack_et(nt)=htrack_e1(nt)+htrack_e2(nt)+ htrack_e3(nt)
+     &           +htrack_e4(nt) 
+            htrack_preshower_e(nt)=htrack_e1(nt)
+         endif                  !End ... if nc > 0
+      enddo                     !End loop over detector tracks
+ 100  continue
+      if( call h_prt_cal_tests
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_cal_calib.f b/HTRACKING/h_cal_calib.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..61f9a38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_cal_calib.f
@@ -0,0 +1,628 @@
+      subroutine h_cal_calib(mode)
+c     HMS calorimeter calibration with electrons.
+c     Input paramater mode = 0 means collect data for calibration,
+c     otherwise calibrate.
+      implicit none
+      integer mode
+      include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'hms_calorimeter.cmn'
+      include 'hms_tracking.cmn'
+      include 'gen_run_info.cmn'
+      include 'gen_event_info.cmn'
+      integer ihit
+      integer nblk
+      real adc_pos,adc_neg
+      integer nct_hit_blk(78),ipmt
+      logical write_out
+      common/hcal_calib/nct_hit_blk,ncall,spare_id
+      integer ncall
+      data ncall/0/
+      real thr_lo,thr_hi        !thresholds on sammed raw calorimeter signal.
+      integer spare_id
+      logical ABORT
+      character*80 err
+      ncall=ncall+1
+      if (ncall .eq. 1) then
+	call g_IO_control(spare_id,'ANY',ABORT,err)  !get IO channel
+         open(spare_id,file='h_cal_calib.raw_data')
+         do ipmt=1,78
+            nct_hit_blk(ipmt)=0
+         enddo
+      endif
+c      print*,'hntracks_fp    =',hntracks_fp
+c      print*,'hnclusters_cal =',hnclusters_cal
+c      print*,'hntracks_cal   =',hntracks_cal
+c      print*,'hdelta_tar     =',hdelta_tar
+c      print*,'hcer_npe_sum   =',hcer_npe_sum
+c      print*,'hbeta          =',hbeta
+c      print*,'spare_id       =',spare_id
+c      pause
+      if(mode.eq.0) then        !collect data.
+c        Choose clean single electron tracks within HMS momentum acceptance.
+         if(  (hntracks_fp.eq.1).and.
+     &        (hnclusters_cal.eq.1).and.
+     &        (hntracks_cal.eq.1).and.
+     &        (abs(hdelta_tar(1)).lt.10.).and.
+     &        (
+     &        (abs(hbeta(1)-1.).lt.0.1).and.
+     &        spare_id .ne. 0 ) then
+***   &     (hbeta_chisq(1).ge.0.).and.(hbeta_chisq(1).lt.1.)  ) then
+            write_out = .false.
+            do ihit=1,hcal_num_hits
+               nblk=(hcal_cols(ihit)-1)*hmax_cal_rows+hcal_rows(ihit)
+               nct_hit_blk(nblk) = nct_hit_blk(nblk) + 1
+               if (nct_hit_blk(nblk) .lt. 4000) write_out = .true.
+            enddo
+            if (write_out) then
+               write(spare_id,'(i2,1x,f7.4,2(1x,f5.1,1x,f9.6))')
+     &              hcal_num_hits,hp_tar(1),
+     &              htrack_xc(1),hxp_fp(1),htrack_yc(1),hyp_fp(1)
+               do ihit=1,hcal_num_hits
+                  if(hcal_cols(ihit).le.hcal_num_neg_columns) then
+                     adc_neg=hcal_adcs_neg(ihit)
+                  else
+                     adc_neg=0.
+                  end if
+                  adc_pos=hcal_adcs_pos(ihit)
+                  nblk=(hcal_cols(ihit)-1)*hmax_cal_rows+hcal_rows(ihit)
+                  write(spare_id,'(2(f9.3,1x),i2)'),
+     &                 adc_pos,adc_neg,nblk
+               end do
+            endif               ! if write_out
+         end if                 !electron in acceptance
+      else                      !mode<>0, calibrate.
+         close(spare_id)
+         print*,'=========================================================='
+         print*,'Calibrating HMS Calorimeter at event #',gen_event_id_number
+         call hcal_raw_thr(spare_id,thr_lo,thr_hi)
+         print*,'lo & hi thresholds:', thr_lo,thr_hi
+         call hcal_clb_det(spare_id,gen_run_number,thr_lo,thr_hi)
+         print*,'=========================================================='
+      end if                    !mode=0
+      end
+      subroutine hcal_raw_thr(lun,thr_lo,thr_hi)
+      implicit none
+      integer lun
+      real thr_lo,thr_hi
+c     Get thresholds around electron peak in summed raw calorimeter signal.
+      integer*4 num_negs
+      parameter (num_negs=26)   !hms
+      integer*4 nhit
+      real*4 adc_pos,adc_neg
+      integer*4 nh
+      integer*4 nb
+      real*8 eb
+      integer*4 nrow
+      parameter (nrow=13) !hms
+      real*4 zbl
+      parameter (zbl=10.)
+      real*4 x,xp,y,yp
+      real*4 xh,yh
+      integer*4 nc
+      real*4 sig,avr,t
+      real*4 qdc
+      integer nev
+      real h_correct_cal_neg, h_correct_cal_pos, h_correct_cal
+*     Get thresholds on total_signal/p_tar.
+      open(lun,file='h_cal_calib.raw_data',err=989)
+      avr=0.
+      sig=0.
+      nev=0
+      do while(.true.)
+         read(lun,*,end=3) nhit,eb,x,xp,y,yp
+         qdc=0.
+         do nh=1,nhit
+            read(lun,*,end=3) adc_pos,adc_neg,nb
+            nc=(nb-1)/nrow+1
+            xh=x+xp*(nc-0.5)*zbl
+            yh=y+yp*(nc-0.5)*zbl
+            if(nb.le.num_negs) then
+               qdc=qdc+adc_pos*h_correct_cal_pos(xh,yh)*0.5
+               qdc=qdc+adc_neg*h_correct_cal_neg(xh,yh)*0.5
+            else
+               qdc=qdc+adc_pos*h_correct_cal(xh,yh)
+            end if
+         enddo
+         eb=eb*1000.
+         t=qdc/eb
+c          write(lun,*) t
+c         write(lun,*) t,nhit,eb,x,xp,y,yp,nev
+         avr=avr+t
+         sig=sig+t*t
+         nev=nev+1
+c         print*,eb,qdc,nev, avr,sig
+c         pause
+      end do
+ 3    close(lun)
+      print*,avr,sig,nev
+      avr=avr/nev
+      sig=sqrt(sig/nev-avr*avr)
+      thr_lo=avr-3.*sig
+      thr_hi=avr+3.*sig
+      write(*,*) 'thr_lo=',thr_lo,'   thr_hi=',thr_hi
+      return
+ 989  write(*,*) ' error opening file h_cal_calib.raw_data, channel ',lun,
+     *           ' in hcal_raw_thr.f'
+      end
+	subroutine hcal_clb_det(lun,nrun,thr_lo,thr_hi)
+	implicit none
+	include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+	include 'hms_calorimeter.cmn'
+	integer lun,nrun
+	real thr_lo,thr_hi
+	integer npmts
+	parameter (npmts=78)	!hms
+	integer npmts2
+	parameter (npmts2=npmts*npmts)
+	integer nrow
+	parameter (nrow=13)     !hms
+	real*8 q0(npmts)
+	real*8 qm(npmts,npmts)
+	real*8 qe(npmts)
+	real*8 q(npmts)
+	real*8 eb
+	real*8 e0
+	real*8 ac(npmts)
+	real*8 au(npmts)
+	real*8 s
+	integer nev
+	logical*1 eod
+	integer i,j
+	integer nf(npmts)
+	integer minf
+	parameter (minf=100) ! minimum number to hit pmt before including pmt in  calib
+	integer nums(npmts)
+	integer numsel
+	real*8 q0s(npmts)
+	real*8 qes(npmts)
+	integer nsi,nsj
+	real*8 acs(npmts)
+	real*8 aus(npmts)
+	real*8 aux(npmts2)
+	integer jp
+	integer spare_id
+        logical ABORT
+        character*80 err
+	character*40 fn
+	real xh,yh
+	open(lun,file='h_cal_calib.raw_data')
+	do i=1,npmts
+	   q0(i)=0.
+	   qe(i)=0.
+	   do j=1,npmts
+	      qm(i,j)=0.
+	   end do
+	   au(i)=0.
+	   ac(i)=0.
+	   nf(i)=0
+	end do
+	e0=0.
+	nev=0
+	eod=.false.
+	do while(.not.eod)
+	   call h_get_data(lun,eb,q,xh,yh,eod,thr_lo,thr_hi)
+	   if(.not.eod) then
+	      do i=1,npmts
+		 if(q(i).gt.0.) then
+		    q0(i)=q0(i)+q(i)
+		    qe(i)=qe(i)+eb*q(i)
+		    do j=1,npmts
+		       qm(i,j)=qm(i,j)+q(i)*q(j)
+		    end do
+		    nf(i)=nf(i)+1
+		 end if
+	      end do
+	      e0=e0+eb
+	      nev=nev+1
+c	      if(nev/1000*1000.eq.nev) write(*,'(e10.3,i7)') e0,nev
+	   end if
+	end do
+	close(lun)
+	do i=1,npmts
+	   q0(i)=q0(i)/nev
+	   qe(i)=qe(i)/nev
+	   do j=1,npmts
+	      qm(i,j)=qm(i,j)/nev
+	   end do
+	end do
+	e0=e0/nev
+	numsel=0
+	do i=1,npmts
+	   if(nf(i).ge.minf) then
+	      numsel=numsel+1
+	      nums(numsel)=i
+c	      print*,nums(numsel),numsel,nf(i)
+           else
+	      write(*,*) ' PMT ',i,' only ',nf(i),' events. Will not to be calibrated. Gain is set to 0.'
+	   end if
+	end do
+c	print*,'numsel =',numsel
+	write(*,'(''Number of events for each PMT for calib for run '',i7,'', '',
+     1    i6,'' events processed'')') nrun,nev
+	write(*,*) ' PMT with less than', minf,' events  are not included in calibration.'
+	write(*,*)
+	write(*,11) 'hcal_pos_gain_cor=',(nf(i),i=       1,  nrow)
+	write(*,11) '                  ',(nf(i),i=  nrow+1,2*nrow)
+	write(*,11) '                  ',(nf(i),i=2*nrow+1,3*nrow)
+	write(*,11) '                  ',(nf(i),i=3*nrow+1,4*nrow)
+	write(*,11) 'hcal_neg_gain_cor=',(nf(i),i=4*nrow+1,5*nrow)
+	write(*,11) '                  ',(nf(i),i=5*nrow+1,6*nrow)
+	write(*,11) '                  ',(0.,   i=6*nrow+1,7*nrow)
+	write(*,11) '                  ',(0.,   i=7*nrow+1,8*nrow)
+	do i=1,numsel
+	   nsi=nums(i)
+	   q0s(i)=q0(nsi)
+	   qes(i)=qe(nsi)
+	   do j=1,numsel
+	      nsj=nums(j)
+	      jp=j+(i-1)*numsel
+	      aux(jp)=qm(nsj,nsi)
+c	      write(65,'(e12.5)') aux(jp)
+	   end do
+	end do
+	call calib(e0,q0s,qes,aux,numsel,numsel*numsel,aus,acs)
+	do i=1,numsel
+	   nsi=nums(i)
+	   au(nsi)=aus(i)
+	   ac(nsi)=acs(i)
+	end do
+c	write(*,'(2e10.3,i5)') (ac(i),au(i),i,i=1,npmts)
+	write(fn,'(a17,i5.5)') 'PARAM/hcal.param.',nrun
+	call g_IO_control(spare_id,'ANY',ABORT,err)  !get IO channel
+	open(spare_id,file=fn)
+	write(spare_id,'(''; Calibration constants for run '',i7,'', '',
+     1    i6,'' events processed'')') nrun,nev
+	write(spare_id,*)
+        write(spare_id,10) 'hcal_pos_gain_cor=',(ac(i)*1.D+3,i=       1,  nrow)
+        write(spare_id,10) '                  ',(ac(i)*1.D+3,i=  nrow+1,2*nrow)
+        write(spare_id,10) '                  ',(ac(i)*1.D+3,i=2*nrow+1,3*nrow)
+        write(spare_id,10) '                  ',(ac(i)*1.D+3,i=3*nrow+1,4*nrow)
+        write(spare_id,10) 'hcal_neg_gain_cor=',(ac(i)*1.D+3,i=4*nrow+1,5*nrow)
+        write(spare_id,10) '                  ',(ac(i)*1.D+3,i=5*nrow+1,6*nrow)
+        write(spare_id,10) '                  ',(0.,         i=6*nrow+1,7*nrow)
+        write(spare_id,10) '                  ',(0.,         i=7*nrow+1,8*nrow)
+*	write(spare_id,10) 'hcal_pos_gain_cor=',(ac(i)*2.D+3,i=       1,  nrow)
+*	write(spare_id,10) '                  ',(ac(i)*2.D+3,i=  nrow+1,2*nrow)
+*	write(spare_id,10) '                  ',(ac(i)*1.D+3,i=2*nrow+1,3*nrow)
+*	write(spare_id,10) '                  ',(ac(i)*1.D+3,i=3*nrow+1,4*nrow)
+*	write(spare_id,10) 'hcal_neg_gain_cor=',(ac(i)*2.D+3,i=4*nrow+1,5*nrow)
+*	write(spare_id,10) '                  ',(ac(i)*2.D+3,i=5*nrow+1,6*nrow)
+*	write(spare_id,10) '                  ',(0.,         i=6*nrow+1,7*nrow)
+*	write(spare_id,10) '                  ',(0.,         i=7*nrow+1,8*nrow)
+	close(spare_id)
+        call G_IO_control(spare_ID,'FREE',ABORT,err) !free up IO channel
+	write(*,*)
+	write(*,'(''Calibration constants for run '',i7,'', '',
+     1    i6,'' events processed'')') nrun,nev
+	write(*,*)
+	write(*,*) ' constants written to ',fn
+	write(*,*)
+	write(*,10) 'hcal_pos_gain_cor=',(ac(i)*1.D+3,i=       1,  nrow)
+	write(*,10) '                  ',(ac(i)*1.D+3,i=  nrow+1,2*nrow)
+	write(*,10) '                  ',(ac(i)*1.D+3,i=2*nrow+1,3*nrow)
+	write(*,10) '                  ',(ac(i)*1.D+3,i=3*nrow+1,4*nrow)
+	write(*,10) 'hcal_neg_gain_cor=',(ac(i)*1.D+3,i=4*nrow+1,5*nrow)
+	write(*,10) '                  ',(ac(i)*1.D+3,i=5*nrow+1,6*nrow)
+	write(*,10) '                  ',(0.,         i=6*nrow+1,7*nrow)
+	write(*,10) '                  ',(0.,         i=7*nrow+1,8*nrow)
+ 10	format(a18,13(f6.3,','))
+ 11	format(a18,13(i5,','))
+	open(lun,file='h_cal_calib.raw_data')
+	call g_IO_control(spare_id,'ANY',ABORT,err)  !get IO channel
+        open(spare_id,file='h_cal_calib.cal_data')
+	write(*,*) 'In hms shower cal  creating h_cal_calib.cal_data, ',
+     *       'channel ',spare_id
+	nev=0
+	eod=.false.
+	do while(.not.eod)
+	   call h_get_data(lun,eb,q,xh,yh,eod,0.,1.E+8)
+	   if(.not.eod) then
+	      s=0.
+*	      t=0.
+	      do i=1,npmts
+	         s=s+q(i)*ac(i)
+*	         t=t+q(i)*au(i)
+	      end do
+              write(spare_id,*) s,eb,xh,yh
+	   end if
+	end do
+	close(lun)
+	close(spare_id)
+        call G_IO_control(spare_ID,'FREE',ABORT,err)  !free up IO channel
+	end
+	subroutine calib(e0,q0,qe,aux,npmts,npmts2,au,ac)
+	implicit none
+	integer npmts,npmts2
+	real*8 e0
+	real*8 q0(npmts)
+	real*8 qe(npmts)
+	real*8 aux(npmts2)
+	real*8 ac(npmts)
+	real*8 au(npmts)
+	real*8 qm(npmts,npmts)
+c	real*8 qm(100,100) !Phil
+	real*8 t
+	real*8 s
+	integer ifail
+	integer i,j
+	integer jp
+	do i=1,npmts
+	   do j=1,npmts
+	      jp=j+(i-1)*npmts
+	      qm(j,i)=aux(jp)
+c	      write(66,'(e12.5)') qm(j,i)
+	   end do
+	end do
+	print*,'Calib: npmts =',npmts
+	print*,' '
+	print*,'Inversing the Matrix...'
+	call smxinv(qm,npmts,ifail)
+	if( then
+	   stop '*** Singular Matrix ***'
+	else
+	   print*,'                    ...done.'
+	end if
+	do i=1,npmts
+	   au(i)=0.
+	   do j=1,npmts
+	      au(i)=au(i)+qm(i,j)*qe(j)
+	   end do
+	end do
+	s=0.
+	do i=1,npmts
+	   t=0.
+	   do j=1,npmts
+	      t=t+qm(i,j)*q0(j)
+	   end do
+	   s=s+q0(i)*t
+	end do
+	t=0.
+	do i=1,npmts
+	   t=t+au(i)*q0(i)
+	end do
+	s=(e0-t)/s
+	do i=1,npmts
+	   t=0.
+	   do j=1,npmts
+	      t=t+qm(i,j)*q0(j)
+	   end do
+	   ac(i)=s*t+au(i)
+	end do
+	end
+      subroutine h_get_data(lun,eb,q,xh,yh,eod,thr_lo,thr_hi)
+      implicit none
+      integer lun
+      real*8 eb
+      integer*4 num_blocks,num_negs,num_pmts
+      parameter (num_blocks=52,num_negs=26,num_pmts=78) !hms.
+      real*8 q(num_pmts)
+      logical*1 eod
+      integer*4 nhit 
+      real*4 adc_pos,adc_neg 
+      integer*4 nh 
+      integer*4 nb 
+      integer*4 nrow
+      parameter (nrow=13) !hms
+      real*4 zbl
+      parameter (zbl=10.)
+      real*4 x,xp,y,yp
+      real*4 xh,yh
+      integer*4 nc
+      real*4 h_correct_cal
+      real*4 h_correct_cal_pos,h_correct_cal_neg
+      real*4 thr_lo,thr_hi
+      logical*1 good_ev
+      real*4 qnet
+      good_ev=.false.
+      do while(.not.good_ev)
+	 eb=0.d0
+	 do nb=1,num_pmts
+	    q(nb)=0.d0
+	 end do
+	 qnet=0.
+	 eod=.true.
+	 read(lun,*,end=5) nhit,eb,x,xp,y,yp
+	 do nh=1,nhit
+	    read(lun,*,end=5) adc_pos,adc_neg,nb
+	    nc=(nb-1)/nrow+1
+	    xh=x+xp*(nc-0.5)*zbl
+	    yh=y+yp*(nc-0.5)*zbl
+	    if(nb.le.num_negs) then
+	       q(nb)=adc_pos*h_correct_cal_pos(xh,yh)
+	       q(num_blocks+nb)=adc_neg*h_correct_cal_neg(xh,yh)
+	       qnet=qnet+0.5*(q(nb)+q(num_blocks+nb))
+	    else
+	       q(nb)=adc_pos*h_correct_cal(xh,yh)
+	       qnet=qnet+q(nb)
+	    end if
+	 enddo
+	 eod=.false.
+	 qnet=qnet/(eb*1000.)
+	 good_ev=(
+c	 write(99,*) qnet
+      end do   !.not.good_ev
+ 5    continue
+      end
+C CERN PROGLIB# F107    SMXINV          .VERSION KERNFOR  1.0   720503
+C ORIG. 03/05/72 CL
+      REAL*8 A(*),RI(100)
+      INTEGER*4 INDEX(100)
+      DATA  TOL / 1.D-14/
+      IFAIL=0
+      N=NDIM
+      NP1=N+1
+         DO 10 I=1,N
+   10 INDEX(I)=1
+         DO 80 I=1,N
+C--                FIND PIVOT
+      PIVOT=0.0D0
+      JJ=1
+         DO 20 J=1,N
+      IF (INDEX(J).EQ.0) GO TO 19
+      ELM=DABS (A(JJ))
+      IF (ELM.LE.PIVOT) GO TO 19
+      PIVOT=ELM
+      K=J
+      KK=JJ
+   19 JJ=JJ+NP1
+      IF (PIVOT/DABS(A(1)).LT.TOL) GO TO 100
+      INDEX(K)=0
+      PIVOT=-A(KK)
+C--                ELIMINATION
+      KJ=K
+      NP=N
+         DO 70 J=1,N
+      IF ((J-K).EQ.0) THEN
+          GOTO 30
+      ELSE
+          GOTO 34
+      END IF
+   30 A(KJ)=1.0D0/PIVOT
+      RI(J)=0.0D0
+      NP=1
+      GO TO 70
+   34 ELM=-A(KJ)
+      RI(J)=ELM/PIVOT
+      IF (ELM.EQ.0.0D0) GO TO 50
+      JL=J
+         DO 45 L=1,J
+      A(JL)=A(JL)+ELM*RI(L)
+   45 JL=JL+N
+   50 A(KJ)=RI(J)
+   70 KJ=KJ+NP
+      IJ0=1
+      JI0=1
+         DO 95 I=1,N
+      IJ=IJ0
+      JI=JI0
+         DO 90 J=1,I
+      A(IJ)=-A(IJ)
+      A(JI)=A(IJ)
+      IJ=IJ+N
+      JI=JI+1
+      IJ0=IJ0+1
+      JI0=JI0+N
+      RETURN
+C--                FAILURE RETURN
+  100 IFAIL=1
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_cal_eff.f b/HTRACKING/h_cal_eff.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..920b6ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_cal_eff.f
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+*-   Purpose and Methods : Analyze calorimeter statistics for each track 
+*-      Required Input BANKS     HMS_CALORIMETER
+*-                               GEN_DATA_STRUCTURES
+*-   Output: ABORT           - success or failure
+*-         : err             - reason for failure, if any
+* author: John Arrington
+* created: 2/17/95
+* h_cal_eff calculates efficiencies for the hodoscope.
+* $Log: h_cal_eff.f,v $
+* Revision 1.8  2002/10/02 13:42:42  saw
+* Check that user hists are defined before filling
+* Revision 1.7  1999/02/03 21:13:23  saw
+* Code for new Shower counter tubes
+* Revision 1.6  1999/01/29 17:33:56  saw
+* Cosmetic changes
+* Revision 1.5  1998/12/17 22:02:38  saw
+* Support extra set of tubes on HMS shower counter
+* Revision 1.4  1996/08/30 19:52:12  saw
+* (JRA) Require more than one photoelectron
+* Revision 1.3  1995/08/31 14:55:37  cdaq
+* (JRA) Fill dpos (pos. track - pos. hit) histograms
+* Revision 1.2  1995/05/22  19:39:05  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.1  1995/02/23  13:31:51  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      character*9 here
+      parameter (here= 'H_CAL_EFF')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) errmsg
+      INCLUDE 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_constants.par'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_units.par'
+      include 'hms_calorimeter.cmn'
+      include 'hms_statistics.cmn'
+      include 'hms_id_histid.cmn'
+      integer col,row,blk
+      integer hit_row(hmax_cal_columns)
+      integer nhit
+      real    adc_pos, adc_neg
+      real    hit_pos(hmax_cal_columns),hit_dist(hmax_cal_columns)
+      real    histval
+      save
+* find counters on track, and distance from center.
+      if (hschi2perdeg.le.hstat_cal_maxchisq .and.
+     &       hstat_cal_numevents=hstat_cal_numevents+1
+      hit_pos(1)=hsx_fp + hsxp_fp*(hcal_1pr_zpos+0.5*hcal_1pr_thick)
+      hit_row(1)=nint((hit_pos(1)-hcal_block_xc(1))
+     &          /hcal_block_xsize)+1
+      hit_row(1)=max(min(hit_row(1),hmax_cal_rows),1)
+      hit_dist(1)=hit_pos(1)-(hcal_block_xsize*(hit_row(1)-1)
+     &           +hcal_block_xc(1))
+      hit_pos(2)=hsx_fp + hsxp_fp*(hcal_2ta_zpos+0.5*hcal_2ta_thick)
+      hit_row(2)=nint((hit_pos(2)-hcal_block_xc(hmax_cal_rows+1))
+     &          /hcal_block_xsize)+1
+      hit_row(2)=max(min(hit_row(2),hmax_cal_rows),1)
+      hit_dist(2)=hit_pos(2)-(hcal_block_xsize*(hit_row(2)-1)
+     &           +hcal_block_xc(hmax_cal_rows+1))
+      hit_pos(3)=hsx_fp + hsxp_fp*(hcal_3ta_zpos+0.5*hcal_3ta_thick)
+      hit_row(3)=nint((hit_pos(3)-hcal_block_xc(2*hmax_cal_rows+1))
+     &          /hcal_block_xsize)+1
+      hit_row(3)=max(min(hit_row(3),hmax_cal_rows),1)
+      hit_dist(3)=hit_pos(3)-(hcal_block_xsize*(hit_row(3)-1)
+     &           +hcal_block_xc(2*hmax_cal_rows+1))
+      hit_pos(4)=hsx_fp + hsxp_fp*(hcal_4ta_zpos+0.5*hcal_4ta_thick)
+      hit_row(4)=nint((hit_pos(4)-hcal_block_xc(3*hmax_cal_rows+1))
+     &          /hcal_block_xsize)+1
+      hit_row(4)=max(min(hit_row(4),hmax_cal_rows),1)
+      hit_dist(4)=hit_pos(3)-(hcal_block_xsize*(hit_row(4)-1)
+     &           +hcal_block_xc(3*hmax_cal_rows+1))
+*   increment 'should have hit' counters
+      do col=1,hmax_cal_columns
+        if(abs(hit_dist(col)).le.hstat_cal_slop .and.    !hit in middle of blk.
+     &           hschi2perdeg.le.hstat_cal_maxchisq .and. then
+          hstat_cal_trk(col,hit_row(col))=hstat_cal_trk(col,hit_row(col))+1
+        endif
+      enddo
+      do nhit=1,hcal_num_hits
+        row=hcal_rows(nhit)
+        col=hcal_cols(nhit)
+* We don't actually do anything with the following values?
+        adc_pos=hcal_adcs_pos(nhit)  ! Do we want hcal_adc_pos or hcal_adcs_pos
+        adc_neg=hcal_adcs_neg(nhit)
+        blk=row+hmax_cal_rows*(col-1)
+* fill the dpos histograms.
+        if (col .eq. 1) then
+          histval=(hcal_block_xc(1)+hcal_block_xsize*(row-1))-hit_pos(1)
+          if( call hf1(hidcaldpos,histval,1.)
+        endif
+*  Record the hits if track is near center of block and the chisquared of the 
+*  track is good
+        if(abs(hit_dist(col)).le.hstat_cal_slop .and. row.eq.hit_row(col)) then
+          if (hschi2perdeg.le.hstat_cal_maxchisq .and. then
+            hstat_cal_hit(col,hit_row(col))=hstat_cal_hit(col,hit_row(col))+1
+          endif     !was it a good track.
+        endif     !if hit was on track.
+      enddo
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_cal_eff_shutdown.f b/HTRACKING/h_cal_eff_shutdown.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3164657
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_cal_eff_shutdown.f
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+*-   Purpose and Methods : Summary of calorimeter efficiencies.
+*-      Required Input BANKS     HMS_CALORIMETER
+*-                               GEN_DATA_STRUCTURES
+*-   Output: ABORT           - success or failure
+*-         : err             - reason for failure, if any
+* author: John Arrington
+* created: 2/17/95
+* h_cal_eff calculates efficiencies for the calorimeter.
+* h_cal_eff_shutdown does some final manipulation of the numbers.
+* $Log: h_cal_eff_shutdown.f,v $
+* Revision 1.5  1999/02/23 18:35:24  csa
+* (JRA) Remove hdebugcalcpeds stuff
+* Revision 1.4  1995/10/09 20:09:37  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add bypass switch around writing of pedestal data
+* Revision 1.3  1995/08/31 14:57:36  cdaq
+* (JRA) Calculate and printout pedestals
+* Revision 1.2  1995/05/22  19:39:05  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.1  1995/02/23  13:32:00  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      character*18 here
+      parameter (here= 'H_CAL_EFF_SHUTDOWN')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) errmsg
+      INCLUDE 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_constants.par'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_units.par'
+      include 'hms_calorimeter.cmn'
+      include 'hms_statistics.cmn'
+      include 'hms_tracking.cmn'
+      integer col,row,blk
+      real ave,ave2,num
+      save
+! fill sums over counters
+      do col=1,hmax_cal_columns
+        hstat_cal_trksum(col)=0
+        hstat_cal_hitsum(col)=0
+        do row=1,hmax_cal_rows
+          hstat_cal_eff(col,row)=hstat_cal_hit(col,row)/max(.01,float(hstat_cal_trk(col,row)))
+          hstat_cal_trksum(col)=hstat_cal_trksum(col)+hstat_cal_trk(col,row)
+          hstat_cal_hitsum(col)=hstat_cal_hitsum(col)+hstat_cal_hit(col,row)
+        enddo
+        hstat_cal_effsum(col)=hstat_cal_hitsum(col)/max(.01,float(hstat_cal_trksum(col)))
+      enddo
+      do blk=1,hmax_cal_blocks
+        num=float(max(1,hcal_zero_num(blk)))
+        ave=float(hcal_zero_sum(blk))/num
+        ave2=float(hcal_zero_sum2(blk))/num
+        hcal_zero_ave(blk)=ave
+        hcal_zero_sig(blk)=sqrt(max(0.,ave2-ave*ave))
+        hcal_zero_thresh(blk)=min(50.,max(20.,3*hcal_zero_sig(blk)))
+      enddo
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_calc_pedestal.f b/HTRACKING/h_calc_pedestal.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f271b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_calc_pedestal.f
@@ -0,0 +1,411 @@
+      subroutine h_calc_pedestal(ABORT,err)
+* $Log: h_calc_pedestal.f,v $
+* Revision 1.14  2003/09/05 16:56:59  jones
+* Merge in online03 changes (mkj)
+* Revision  2003/07/28 17:59:01  cdaq
+* Force h_aero_new_threshold_neg and pos  to be 400. (mkj)
+* Revision  2003/07/18 18:24:49  cdaq
+* Eliminate forced setting of  haero_new_threshold_pos(pmt) = 400. and
+* use haero_new_ped_pos(pmt)+15.   (Vardan)
+* Revision  2003/04/16 12:10:27  cdaq
+* Modified max(1.,haero_pos_ped_num(pmt)) to max(1.,float(haero_pos_ped_num(pmt)))
+* and same for haero_neg_ped_num to compile on the Alpha machine (EB)
+* Revision  2003/04/09 16:56:40  cdaq
+* Modified to force haero_new_threshold_neg = 400 and pos = 400 (MKJ)
+* Revision  2003/04/09 02:45:33  cdaq
+* hardwire gas cerenkov thresholds to zero
+* Revision  2003/04/06 06:21:28  cdaq
+* Added (hardwired) output of beamline ADC thresholds and automatic output of aerogel pedestals
+* Revision 1.13  2002/12/20 21:53:32  jones
+* Modified by Hamlet for new HMS aerogel
+* Revision 1.13  2002/09/24
+* (Hamlet) Add Aerogel
+* Revision 1.12  1999/02/23 18:36:12  csa
+* (JRA) Cleanup
+* Revision 1.11  1999/02/03 21:13:23  saw
+* Code for new Shower counter tubes
+* Revision 1.10  1998/12/17 22:02:38  saw
+* Support extra set of tubes on HMS shower counter
+* Revision 1.9  1996/08/30 19:53:01  saw
+* (JRA) Up thresholds from 10 channels to 15 chans above pedestal
+* Revision 1.8  1996/01/24 15:56:28  saw
+* (JRA) Cleanup
+* Revision 1.7  1996/01/16 21:44:03  cdaq
+* (JRA) Improve Gas Cerenkov pedestals, add misc pedestals, write results to file.
+* Revision 1.6  1995/10/09 20:12:10  cdaq
+* (JRA) Note pedestals that differ by 2 sigma from parameter file
+* Revision 1.5  1995/08/31 14:58:48  cdaq
+* (JRA) Change threshold limits
+* Revision 1.4  1995/07/19  18:09:51  cdaq
+* (JRA) Cleanup statistics calculations
+* Revision 1.3  1995/05/22  19:39:06  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.2  1995/05/17  13:56:54  cdaq
+* (JRA) Float integer accumulators before arithmetic
+* Revision 1.1  1995/04/01  19:36:25  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*18 here
+      parameter (here='h_calc_pedestal')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      integer*4 pln,cnt
+      integer*4 blk
+      integer*4 pmt
+      integer*4 imisc
+      integer*4 ind,ihit
+      integer*4 roc,slot
+      integer*4 signalcount
+      real*4 sig2
+      real*4 num
+!      character*132 file
+      INCLUDE 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_pedestals.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_scin_parms.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_calorimeter.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_cer_parms.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_filenames.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_run_info.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_aero_parms.cmn'
+      integer SPAREID
+      parameter (SPAREID=67)
+      ind = 0
+      do pln = 1 , hnum_scin_planes
+        do cnt = 1 , hnum_scin_counters(pln)
+*calculate new pedestal values, positive tubes first.
+          num=max(1.,float(hhodo_pos_ped_num(pln,cnt)))
+          hhodo_new_ped_pos(pln,cnt) = float(hhodo_pos_ped_sum(pln,cnt)) / num
+          sig2 = float(hhodo_pos_ped_sum2(pln,cnt))/num -
+     &           hhodo_new_ped_pos(pln,cnt)**2
+          hhodo_new_sig_pos(pln,cnt) = sqrt(max(0.,sig2))
+          hhodo_new_threshold_pos(pln,cnt)=hhodo_new_ped_pos(pln,cnt)+15.
+*note channels with 2 sigma difference from paramter file values.
+          if (abs(hscin_all_ped_pos(pln,cnt)-hhodo_new_ped_pos(pln,cnt))
+     &            .ge.(2.*hhodo_new_sig_pos(pln,cnt))) then
+            ind = ind + 1     !final value of 'ind' is saved at end of loop
+            hhodo_changed_plane(ind)=pln
+            hhodo_changed_element(ind)=cnt
+            hhodo_changed_sign(ind)= 1       !1=pos,2=neg.
+            hhodo_ped_change(ind) = hhodo_new_ped_pos(pln,cnt) - 
+     &                              hscin_all_ped_pos(pln,cnt)
+          endif   !large pedestal change
+*replace old peds (from param file) with calculated pedestals
+          if ( .and. then
+            hscin_all_ped_pos(pln,cnt)=hhodo_new_ped_pos(pln,cnt)
+          endif
+*do it all again for negative tubes.
+          num=max(1.,float(hhodo_neg_ped_num(pln,cnt)))
+          hhodo_new_ped_neg(pln,cnt) = float(hhodo_neg_ped_sum(pln,cnt)) / num
+          sig2 = float(hhodo_neg_ped_sum2(pln,cnt))/num -
+     $           hhodo_new_ped_neg(pln,cnt)**2
+          hhodo_new_sig_neg(pln,cnt) = sqrt(max(0.,sig2))
+          hhodo_new_threshold_neg(pln,cnt)=hhodo_new_ped_neg(pln,cnt)+15.
+          if (abs(hscin_all_ped_neg(pln,cnt)-hhodo_new_ped_neg(pln,cnt))
+     &            .ge.(2.*hhodo_new_sig_neg(pln,cnt))) then
+            ind = ind + 1
+            hhodo_changed_plane(ind)=pln
+            hhodo_changed_element(ind)=cnt
+            hhodo_changed_sign(ind)= 2       !1=pos, 2=neg.
+            hhodo_ped_change(ind) = hhodo_new_ped_neg(pln,cnt) - 
+     &                              hscin_all_ped_neg(pln,cnt)
+          endif   !large pedestal change
+          if ( .and. then
+            hscin_all_ped_neg(pln,cnt)=hhodo_new_ped_neg(pln,cnt)
+          endif
+        enddo                      !counters
+      enddo                        !planes
+      hhodo_num_ped_changes = ind
+      ind = 0
+      do blk = 1 , hmax_cal_blocks
+* calculate new pedestal values, positive tubes first.      
+       num=max(1.,float(hcal_pos_ped_num(blk)))
+        hcal_new_ped_pos(blk)=hcal_pos_ped_sum(blk)/num
+        sig2 = float(hcal_pos_ped_sum2(blk))/num - hcal_new_ped_pos(blk)**2
+        hcal_new_rms_pos(blk)=sqrt(max(0.,sig2))
+        hcal_new_adc_threshold_pos(blk)=hcal_new_ped_pos(blk)+15.
+        if (abs(hcal_pos_ped_mean(blk)-hcal_new_ped_pos(blk))
+     &                 .ge.(2.*hcal_new_rms_pos(blk))) then
+          ind = ind + 1
+          hcal_changed_block(ind)=blk
+          hcal_changed_sign(ind)=1         ! 1=pos,2=neg.
+          hcal_ped_change(ind)=hcal_new_ped_pos(blk)-
+     &                         hcal_pos_ped_mean(blk) 
+        endif
+        if ( .and. then
+          hcal_pos_ped_mean(blk)=hcal_new_ped_pos(blk)
+          hcal_pos_ped_rms(blk)=hcal_new_rms_pos(blk)
+          hcal_pos_threshold(blk)=min(50.,max(10.,3.*hcal_new_rms_pos(blk)))
+        endif
+*do it all again for negative tubes.
+       num=max(1.,float(hcal_neg_ped_num(blk)))
+        hcal_new_ped_neg(blk)=hcal_neg_ped_sum(blk)/num
+        sig2 = float(hcal_neg_ped_sum2(blk))/num-hcal_new_ped_neg(blk)**2
+        hcal_new_rms_neg(blk)=sqrt(max(0.,sig2))
+        hcal_new_adc_threshold_neg(blk)=hcal_new_ped_neg(blk)+15.
+        if (abs(hcal_neg_ped_mean(blk)-hcal_new_ped_neg(blk))
+     &                 .ge.(2.*hcal_new_rms_neg(blk))) then
+          ind = ind + 1
+          hcal_changed_block(ind)=blk
+          hcal_changed_sign(ind)=2         ! 1=pos,2=neg.
+          hcal_ped_change(ind)=hcal_new_ped_neg(blk)-
+     &                         hcal_neg_ped_mean(blk) 
+        endif
+        if ( .and. then
+          hcal_neg_ped_mean(blk)=hcal_new_ped_neg(blk)
+          hcal_neg_ped_rms(blk)=hcal_new_rms_neg(blk)
+          hcal_neg_threshold(blk)=min(50.,max(10.,3.*hcal_new_rms_neg(blk)))
+        endif
+      enddo
+      hcal_num_ped_changes = ind
+      ind = 0
+      do pmt = 1 , hmax_cer_hits
+        num=max(1.,float(hcer_ped_num(pmt)))
+        hcer_new_ped(pmt) = float(hcer_ped_sum(pmt)) / num
+        sig2 = float(hcer_ped_sum2(pmt))/ num - hcer_new_ped(pmt)**2
+        hcer_new_rms(pmt) = sqrt(max(0.,sig2))
+        hcer_new_adc_threshold(pmt)=hcer_new_ped(pmt)+15.
+        if (abs(hcer_ped(pmt)-hcer_new_ped(pmt))
+     &                 .ge.(2.*hcer_new_rms(pmt))) then
+          ind = ind + 1
+          hcer_changed_tube(ind)=pmt
+          hcer_ped_change(ind)=hcer_new_ped(pmt)-hcer_ped(pmt) 
+        endif
+        if ( .and. then
+          hcer_ped(pmt)=hcer_new_ped(pmt)
+          hcer_ped_rms(pmt)=hcer_new_rms(pmt)
+        endif
+      enddo
+      hcer_num_ped_changes = ind
+      ind = 0
+      do pmt = 1 , hmax_aero_hits
+*calculate new pedestal values, positive tubes first
+        num=max(1.,float(haero_pos_ped_num(pmt)))
+        haero_new_ped_pos(pmt) = float(haero_pos_ped_sum(pmt)) / num
+        sig2 = float(haero_pos_ped_sum2(pmt))/num - 
+     &            haero_new_ped_pos(pmt)**2
+        haero_new_rms_pos(pmt) = sqrt(max(0.,sig2))
+        haero_new_threshold_pos(pmt) = haero_new_ped_pos(pmt)+15.
+        haero_new_threshold_pos(pmt) = 400. ! mkj 4/9/03 force to 400 
+*note channels with 2 sigma difference from parameter file values.
+* JRA - don't have the necessary variables (e.g. haero_all_ped_pos),
+* and as far as I can tell, this code doesn't work for any detector,
+* since the h*_all_ped* variables are not filled as far as I can tell
+*replace old peds with calculated peds
+        if ( .and. then
+           haero_pos_ped_mean(pmt) = haero_new_ped_pos(pmt)
+           haero_pos_ped_rms(pmt) = haero_new_rms_pos(pmt)
+        endif
+*do it all again for negative tubes.
+        num=max(1.,float(haero_neg_ped_num(pmt)))
+        haero_new_ped_neg(pmt) = float(haero_neg_ped_sum(pmt)) / num
+        sig2 = float(haero_neg_ped_sum2(pmt))/num - 
+     &            haero_new_ped_neg(pmt)**2
+        haero_new_rms_neg(pmt) = sqrt(max(0.,sig2))
+        haero_new_threshold_neg(pmt) = haero_new_ped_neg(pmt)+15.
+        haero_new_threshold_neg(pmt) = 400. ! mkj 4/9/03 force to 400 
+        if ( .and. then
+          haero_neg_ped_mean(pmt) = haero_new_ped_neg(pmt)
+          haero_neg_ped_rms(pmt) = haero_new_rms_neg(pmt)
+        endif
+      enddo
+*      print *, ' '
+*      print *, 'haero_pos_ped_mean =', haero_neg_ped_mean
+*      print *, ' '
+*      print *, 'haero_neg_ped_mean =', haero_pos_ped_mean
+*      print *, ' '
+*      print *, 'haero_pos_adc_threshold =', haero_new_threshold_pos
+*      print *, ' '
+*      print *, 'haero_neg_adc_threshold =', haero_new_threshold_neg
+*      print *, ' '
+      ind = 0
+      do ihit = 1 , hmax_misc_hits
+        if (hmisc_raw_addr1(ihit).eq.2) then     !  ADC data.
+          imisc = hmisc_raw_addr2(ihit)
+          num=max(1.,float(hmisc_ped_num(imisc)))
+          hmisc_new_ped(imisc) = float(hmisc_ped_sum(imisc)) / num
+          sig2 = float(hmisc_ped_sum2(imisc))/ num - hmisc_new_ped(imisc)**2
+          hmisc_new_rms(imisc) = sqrt(max(0.,sig2))
+          hmisc_new_adc_threshold(imisc)=hmisc_new_ped(imisc)+15.
+          if (abs(hmisc_ped(imisc)-hmisc_new_ped(imisc))
+     &                 .ge.(2.*hmisc_new_rms(imisc))) then
+            ind = ind + 1
+            hmisc_changed_tube(ind)=imisc
+            hmisc_ped_change(ind)=hmisc_new_ped(imisc)-hmisc_ped(imisc)
+          endif
+          if ( .and. then
+            hmisc_ped(imisc)=hmisc_new_ped(imisc)
+            hmisc_ped_rms(imisc)=hmisc_new_rms(imisc)
+          endif
+        endif    !chose ADC hits.
+      enddo
+      hmisc_num_ped_changes = ind
+      if (' ') then
+* file opened in g_calc_beam_pedestal.f -- if needed
+!        file=h_threshold_output_filename
+!        call g_sub_run_number(file, gen_run_number)
+!        open(unit=SPAREID,file=file,status='unknown')
+        write(SPAREID,*) '# This is the ADC threshold file generated automatically'
+        write(SPAREID,*) '# from the pedestal data from run number ',gen_run_number
+        write(SPAREID,*) '# Slot 13 (beamline stuff) is hardwired in h_calc_pedestal.f'
+        write(SPAREID,*) 'slot=  13'
+        do ind=1,16
+           write(SPAREID,*) '    0'    !BPM and raster stuff (4blank,2x4BPM,4raster)
+        enddo
+        do ind=17,20
+           write(SPAREID,*) '    0'    !?? "Paul Gueye" cable (4BPM)
+        enddo
+        do ind=21,32
+           write(SPAREID,*) ' 4000'    !empty
+        enddo
+        do ind=33,64
+           write(SPAREID,*) ' 4000'
+        enddo
+        roc=1
+        slot=1
+        signalcount=2
+        write(SPAREID,*) 'slot=',slot
+        call g_output_thresholds(SPAREID,roc,slot,signalcount,hmax_cal_rows,
+     &      hcal_new_adc_threshold_pos,hcal_new_adc_threshold_neg,
+     &      hcal_new_rms_pos,hcal_new_rms_neg)
+* JRA - 4/8/03 - Gaskell says he want's unsparsified gas cerernkov for
+* the '03 running:
+        slot=3
+        write(SPAREID,*) 'slot=',slot
+        do ind=1,2
+          write(SPAREID,'(a6)') '     0'
+        enddo
+        do ind=3,64
+          write(SPAREID,'(a6)') '  4000'
+        enddo
+*        slot=3
+*        signalcount=1
+*        write(SPAREID,*) 'slot=',slot
+*        call g_output_thresholds(SPAREID,roc,slot,signalcount,hmax_cer_hits,
+*     &      hcer_new_adc_threshold,0,hcer_new_rms,0)
+        slot=5
+        signalcount=2
+        write(SPAREID,*) 'slot=',slot
+        call g_output_thresholds(SPAREID,roc,slot,signalcount,hmax_cal_rows,
+     &      hcal_new_adc_threshold_pos,hcal_new_adc_threshold_neg,
+     &      hcal_new_rms_pos,hcal_new_rms_neg)
+        slot=7
+        signalcount=2
+        write(SPAREID,*) 'slot=',slot
+        call g_output_thresholds(SPAREID,roc,slot,signalcount,hnum_scin_planes,
+     &      hhodo_new_threshold_pos,hhodo_new_threshold_neg,hhodo_new_sig_pos,
+     &      hhodo_new_sig_neg)
+        slot=9
+        signalcount=2
+        write(SPAREID,*) 'slot=',slot
+        call g_output_thresholds(SPAREID,roc,slot,signalcount,hnum_scin_planes,
+     &      hhodo_new_threshold_pos,hhodo_new_threshold_neg,hhodo_new_sig_pos,
+     &      hhodo_new_sig_neg)
+        slot=11
+        signalcount=1
+        write(SPAREID,*) 'slot=',slot
+        call g_output_thresholds(SPAREID,roc,slot,signalcount,hmax_aero_hits,
+     &       haero_new_threshold_pos,haero_new_threshold_neg,haero_pos_ped_rms,
+     &       haero_neg_ped_rms)
+        close(unit=SPAREID)
+      endif
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_cer.f b/HTRACKING/h_cer.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ee1a3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_cer.f
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+*-   Purpose and Methods : Analyze Cerenkov information for each track 
+*-      Required Input BANKS     HMS_RAW_CER
+*-                               HMS_FOCAL_PLANE
+*-      Output BANKS             HMS_TRACK_TESTS
+*-   Output: ABORT           - success or failure
+*-         : err             - reason for failure, if any
+*-   Created 19-JAN-1994   D. F. Geesaman
+*-                           Dummy Shell routine
+* $Log: h_cer.f,v $
+* Revision 1.2  1995/05/22 19:39:06  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/19  06:13:01  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+       SAVE
+       character*50 here
+       parameter (here= 'H_CER')
+       logical ABORT
+       character*(*) err
+       INCLUDE 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+       INCLUDE 'gen_constants.par'
+       INCLUDE 'gen_units.par'
+       ABORT= .FALSE.
+       err= ':dummy routine!'
+       RETURN
+       END
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_cer_eff.f b/HTRACKING/h_cer_eff.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..901d201
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_cer_eff.f
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+*  Purpose and Methods : Analyze cerenkov information for the "best
+*                        track" as selected in h_select_best_track
+*  Required Input BANKS: hms_cer_parms
+*                        HMS_DATA_STRUCTURES
+*                Output: ABORT           - success or failure
+*                      : err             - reason for failure, if any
+* author: Chris Cothran
+* created: 5/25/95
+* $Log: h_cer_eff.f,v $
+* Revision 1.4  1999/02/10 18:19:06  csa
+* Changed hscer_et test to use momentum-normalized variable
+* Revision 1.3  1999/02/03 21:13:23  saw
+* Code for new Shower counter tubes
+* Revision 1.2  1995/10/09 20:15:08  cdaq
+* (JRA) Move calculation of hit position on mirror to s_physics
+* Revision 1.1  1995/08/31 14:54:09  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      character*9 here
+      parameter (here= 'H_CER_EFF')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) errmsg
+      include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'hms_cer_parms.cmn'
+      include 'hms_physics_sing.cmn'
+      include 'hms_calorimeter.cmn'
+      integer*4 nr
+*     test for a good electron. Use normalized, tracked shower counter
+*     variable (hsshtrk).
+      if (hntracks_fp .eq. 1
+     &  .and. hschi2perdeg .gt. 0. 
+     &  .and. hschi2perdeg .lt. hcer_chi2max
+     &  .and. hsbeta .gt. hcer_beta_min
+     &  .and. hsbeta .lt. hcer_beta_max
+     &  .and. hsshtrk .gt. hcer_et_min
+     &  .and. hsshtrk .lt. hcer_et_max) then
+        do nr = 1, hcer_num_regions
+*     hit must be inside the region in order to continue.
+          if (abs(hcer_region(nr,1)-hsx_cer).lt.hcer_region(nr,5)
+     >         .and. abs(hcer_region(nr,2)-hsy_cer).lt.hcer_region(nr,6)
+     >         .and. abs(hcer_region(nr,3)-hsxp_fp).lt.hcer_region(nr,7)
+     >         .and. abs(hcer_region(nr,4)-hsyp_fp).lt.hcer_region(nr,8))
+     >         then
+* increment the 'should have fired' counters
+            hcer_track_counter(nr) = hcer_track_counter(nr) + 1
+* increment the 'did fire' counters
+            if ( then
+              hcer_fired_counter(nr) = hcer_fired_counter(nr) + 1
+            endif
+          endif
+        enddo
+      endif
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_cer_eff_shutdown.f b/HTRACKING/h_cer_eff_shutdown.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b3a4dde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_cer_eff_shutdown.f
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+*   Purpose and Methods: Output Cerenkov efficiency information
+*                Output: ABORT           - success or failure
+*                      : err             - reason for failure, if any
+* author: Chris Cothran
+* created: 5/25/95
+* $Log: h_cer_eff_shutdown.f,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1995/08/31 14:54:31  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      character*18 here
+      parameter (here= 'H_CER_EFF_SHUTDOWN')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) errmsg
+      INCLUDE 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_cer_parms.cmn'
+      integer*4 lunout
+      integer*4 nr
+      logical written_header
+      save
+      written_header = .false.    !haven't done the header yet
+      do nr = 1, hcer_num_regions
+        if (hcer_track_counter(nr) .gt. hcer_min_counts) then
+          hcer_region_eff(nr) = float(hcer_fired_counter(nr))
+     >                         /float(hcer_track_counter(nr))
+        else
+          hcer_region_eff(nr) = 1.0
+c          write (lunout,'(A,I1,A)')
+c     >      'Warning: Not enough counts for HMS Cerenkov efficiency
+c     > measurement in Region #',nr,'.'
+        endif
+        if (hcer_region_eff(nr) .lt. hcer_min_eff) then
+          if (.not.written_header) then
+            write(lunout,*)
+            write(lunout,'(a,f6.3)') ' HMS cerenkov regions with effic. < ',hcer_min_eff
+          endif
+          write (lunout,'(2x,a,i1,a,f7.4)') 'region ',nr,' has eff = ',
+     &         hcer_region_eff(nr)
+c          write (lunout,'(A,I1,A,F7.5,A)')
+c     >      'Warning: Efficiency of HMS Cerekov Region #',nr,' is ',
+c    >      hcer_region_eff(nr),'.'
+        endif
+      enddo
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_chamnum.f b/HTRACKING/h_chamnum.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db7300b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_chamnum.f
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+      function h_chamnum(ispace_point)
+*     This function returns the chamber number of a space point
+*      d.f. geesaman              17 January  1994
+* $Log: h_chamnum.f,v $
+* Revision 1.3  1996/04/30 12:32:51  saw
+* (JRA) Remove (unneeded?) check on plane range
+* Revision 1.2  1995/05/22 19:39:07  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/19  06:13:14  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      include "hms_data_structures.cmn"
+      include "hms_tracking.cmn"
+      include "hms_geometry.cmn"
+*     output
+      integer*4 h_chamnum
+*     input
+      integer*4 ispace_point
+*     local variables
+      integer*4 plane
+      plane=HDC_PLANE_NUM(hspace_point_hits(ispace_point,3))
+      h_chamnum=hdc_chamber_planes(plane)
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_choose_single_hit.f b/HTRACKING/h_choose_single_hit.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..44b81d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_choose_single_hit.f
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+      subroutine h_choose_single_hit(ABORT,err,nspace_points,
+     &       space_point_hits)
+*-   Purpose and Methods :  This routine looks at all hits in a space
+*-                          point. If two hits are in the same plane it
+*-                          rejects the one with the longer drift time
+*-   Output: ABORT           - success or failure
+*-         : err             - reason for failure, if any
+*-   Created 28-JUN-1994   D. F. Geesaman
+* $Log: h_choose_single_hit.f,v $
+* Revision 1.4  1996/01/16 21:45:35  cdaq
+* (JRA) Misc changes
+* Revision 1.3  1995/05/22 19:39:07  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.2  1994/10/11  20:20:52  cdaq
+* (JRA) Fix bug that allowed two hits on a single plane
+* Revision 1.1  1994/06/30  02:40:17  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      SAVE
+      character*50 here
+      parameter (here= 'h_choose_single_hit')
+      integer*4 nspace_points
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_constants.par'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_units.par'
+      include 'hms_tracking.cmn'
+      include 'hms_geometry.cmn'
+      integer*4 space_point_hits(hmax_space_points,hmax_hits_per_point+2)
+*     local variables
+      integer*4 point,startnum,finalnum,goodhit(hmax_dc_hits)
+      integer*4 plane1,plane2,hit1,hit2,drifttime1,drifttime2
+      integer*4 hits(hmax_hits_per_point)
+      integer*4 j,k
+*     temporary initialization
+      ABORT= .FALSE.
+      err=' '
+*     loop over all space points
+      do point =1,nspace_points
+        startnum = space_point_hits(point,1)
+        finalnum=0
+        do j=3,startnum+2
+          goodhit(j) = 1
+        enddo
+        do j=3,startnum+1
+          hit1 = space_point_hits(point,j)
+          plane1 = hdc_plane_num(hit1)
+          drifttime1 = hdc_drift_time(hit1)
+          do k=j+1,startnum+2
+            hit2 = space_point_hits(point,k)
+            plane2 = hdc_plane_num(hit2)
+            drifttime2 = hdc_drift_time(hit2)
+            if(plane1 .eq. plane2 ) then
+              if( then
+                goodhit(j) = 0
+              else                      !if equal times, choose 1st hit(arbitrary)
+                goodhit(k) = 0
+              endif
+            endif                       ! end test on equal planes
+          enddo                         ! end loop on k
+        enddo                           ! end loop on j
+        do j=3,startnum+2
+          if(goodhit(j).gt.0) then
+            finalnum = finalnum + 1
+            hits(finalnum)=space_point_hits(point,j)
+          endif                         ! end check on good hit
+        enddo
+*     copy good hits to space_point_hits
+        space_point_hits(point,1) = finalnum
+        do j = 1, finalnum
+          space_point_hits(point,j+2) = hits(j)
+        enddo                           ! end of copy 
+      enddo                             ! end loop on space points
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_clusters_cal.f b/HTRACKING/h_clusters_cal.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..779e9f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_clusters_cal.f
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+      subroutine h_clusters_cal(abort,errmsg)
+*-      Purpose: Finds clusters in the calorimeter and computes
+*-               for each cluster it's size(number of hit blocks),
+*-               position, energy deposition in the calorimeter
+*-               columns and the total energy deposition.
+*-               The energy depositions are not corrected yet for
+*-               impact point coordinate dependence.
+*-               A cluster is defined as a set of adjacent hit blocks
+*-               which share a common edge or a corner. Any two hits
+*-               from different clusters are separated by at least one 
+*-               block which has not fired.
+*-      Output Bank: HMS_CLUSTERS_CAL
+*-      Created: 15 Mar 1994      Tsolak A. Amatuni
+*-      Modified 25 Mar 1994      DFG
+*-                                Change name of print routine
+*                10 Apr 1994      DFG Protect for Et=0 division
+* $Log: h_clusters_cal.f,v $
+* Revision 1.5  1999/02/03 21:13:23  saw
+* Code for new Shower counter tubes
+* Revision 1.4  1995/05/22 19:39:07  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.3  1994/08/02  20:00:12  cdaq
+* (JRA) Catch some out of bounds problems
+* Revision 1.2  1994/04/13  05:31:37  cdaq
+* *** empty log message ***
+* Revision 1.1  1994/04/12  21:30:02  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      save
+      logical abort
+      character*(*) errmsg
+      character*14 here
+      parameter (here='H_CLUSTERS_CAL')
+      integer*4 nc                     !Cluster number
+      integer*4 ihit,jhit,khit,nh      !Internal loop counters.
+      integer*4 hits_tagged            !Current number of tagged hits.
+      integer*4 irow,icol,jrow,jcol,col!Row and column indecies
+      integer*4 d_row,d_col            !Distance between rows(columns)
+      logical tagged
+      include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'hms_calorimeter.cmn'
+      hnclusters_cal=0
+      if(hcal_num_hits.le.0) go to 100   !Return
+      do ihit=1,hmax_cal_blocks
+        hcluster_hit(ihit)=0
+      enddo
+      nc                 = 1
+      hcluster_hit(1)    =-1
+      hcluster_size(1)   = 1
+      hits_tagged        = 1
+      tagged             =.true.
+*     Find the clusters.
+*-----Loop untill all the hits are tagged
+      do while(hits_tagged.le.hcal_num_hits)
+*-------Loop untill there are no more hits
+*-------in the current cluster to be tagged
+        do while(tagged)
+          tagged=.false.
+*---------Loop over all the hits
+          do ihit=1,hcal_num_hits
+*-----------and find a hit("seed") which belongs to the
+*-----------current cluster, but it's neighbors are not tagged
+            if(hcluster_hit(ihit).lt.0) then
+              irow  =hcal_rows(ihit)
+              icol  =hcal_cols(ihit)
+*-------------Loop over all the hits
+              do jhit=1,hcal_num_hits
+*---------------and find hits which are not tagged yet
+                if(hcluster_hit(jhit).eq.0) then
+                  jrow =hcal_rows(jhit)
+                  jcol =hcal_cols(jhit)
+                  d_row=iabs(jrow-irow)
+                  d_col=iabs(jcol-icol)
+*-----------------Are these hits a neighbor to "seed"?
+                  if(d_row.le.1.and.d_col.le.1) then
+*-------------------Assign them to the same current cluster
+                    hcluster_hit(jhit)=hcluster_hit(ihit)
+                    hcluster_size(nc) =hcluster_size(nc)+1
+                    hits_tagged       =hits_tagged+1
+                    tagged            =.true.
+                  endif                 !End ... if neighbor of "seed"
+                endif                   !End ... if not scanned yet
+              enddo                     !End loop over all hits
+*-------------All the neighbors of "seed" were scanned
+              hcluster_hit(ihit)=-hcluster_hit(ihit)
+            endif                       !End ... if "seed"
+          enddo                         !End loop over all hits
+        enddo                           !All the hits of the current cluster were tagged
+*-------Initialize to start the search for the next cluster
+        nc            =nc+1
+        hits_tagged   =hits_tagged+1
+        tagged        =.true.
+*-------Find a hit which is not tagged
+        khit=1
+        do while(hcluster_hit(khit).ne.0 .AND. KHIT.LT.HMAX_CAL_BLOCKS)
+          khit=khit+1
+        enddo
+*-------This will be the new "seed"
+        hcluster_hit(khit)=-nc
+        hcluster_size(nc) = 1
+      enddo                             !End. Now all the hits are assigned to some cluster
+*-----Number of clusters found
+      hnclusters_cal=nc-1
+*     For each cluster found, compute the center of gravity in X
+*     projection, the energy deposited in succesive calorimeter columns
+*     and the total energy deposition
+      do nc=1,hnclusters_max
+        hcluster_e1_pos(nc)=0.      
+        hcluster_e1_neg(nc)=0.
+        hcluster_e2_pos(nc)=0.      
+        hcluster_e2_neg(nc)=0.     
+        hcluster_e1(nc)=0.
+        hcluster_e2(nc)=0.
+        hcluster_e3(nc)=0.
+        hcluster_e4(nc)=0.
+        hcluster_et(nc)=0.
+        hcluster_xc(nc)=0.
+      enddo
+      do nh=1,hcal_num_hits
+        nc = MAX(1,hcluster_hit(nh) )   !THIS DOES NOT HELP THE ANALYSIS,
+                                        !BUT IT AVOIDS SUBSCRIPT OUT/BOUNDS ERRS.
+        col=hcal_cols(nh)
+        hcluster_xc(nc)=hcluster_xc(nc)+hblock_xc(nh)*hblock_de(nh)
+        if(col.eq.1) then
+          if( then
+            hcluster_e1_pos(nc)=hcluster_e1_pos(nc)+hblock_de_pos(nh)
+            hcluster_e1_neg(nc)=hcluster_e1_neg(nc)+hblock_de_neg(nh)
+            hcluster_e1(nc)=hcluster_e1_pos(nc)+hcluster_e1_neg(nc)
+          else
+            hcluster_e1(nc)=hcluster_e1(nc)+hblock_de(nh)
+          endif
+        else if (col.eq.2) then
+          if( then
+            hcluster_e2_pos(nc)=hcluster_e2_pos(nc)+hblock_de_pos(nh)
+            hcluster_e2_neg(nc)=hcluster_e2_neg(nc)+hblock_de_neg(nh)
+            hcluster_e2(nc)=hcluster_e2_pos(nc)+hcluster_e2_neg(nc)
+          else
+            hcluster_e2(nc)=hcluster_e2(nc)+hblock_de(nh)
+          endif
+        else if(col.eq.3) then
+          hcluster_e3(nc)=hcluster_e3(nc)+hblock_de(nh)
+        else if(col.eq.4) then
+          hcluster_e4(nc)=hcluster_e4(nc)+hblock_de(nh)
+        endif
+        hcluster_et(nc)=hcluster_et(nc)+hblock_de(nh)  ! Is hblock_de de_pos+de_neg?
+      enddo
+      do nc=1,hnclusters_cal
+*     make sure hcluster_et .ne. zero so no divide by zero        
+        if(hcluster_et(nc).gt.0.) then
+          hcluster_xc(nc)=hcluster_xc(nc)/hcluster_et(nc)
+        else
+          hcluster_xc(nc)= -1.0         ! Set fraction negative for bad et
+        endif
+      enddo
+ 100  continue
+      if( call h_prt_cal_clusters
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_correct_cal.f b/HTRACKING/h_correct_cal.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0140096
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_correct_cal.f
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+      function h_correct_cal(x,y)
+*-      Purpose: Returns the impact point correction factor. This
+*-               factor is to be applied to the energy depositions.
+*-               The final energy is the ADC value TIMES the correction factor.
+*-      Input Parameters: x,y - impact point coordinates
+*-      Created 15 Mar 1994      Tsolak A. Amatuni
+* $Log: h_correct_cal.f,v $
+* Revision 1.7  2003/04/03 00:43:13  jones
+* Update to calibration (V. Tadevosyan0
+* Revision 1.6  2003/03/21 22:33:22  jones
+* Subroutines had arguments with abort,errmsg . But these arguments were not
+* used when the subroutine was called. Also abort ,errmsg were not used in the
+* subroutines. So eliminate abort,errmsg. (E. Brash)
+* Revision 1.5  1996/01/16 21:46:10  cdaq
+* (JRA) Yet another sign change of quadratic term in attenuation correction
+* Revision 1.4  1995/08/31 14:59:37  cdaq
+* (JRA) Change sign of quadratic term in attenuation correction
+* Revision 1.3  1995/05/22  19:39:08  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.2  1994/11/22  20:02:52  cdaq
+* (???) Hack in a correction for attenuation length
+* Revision 1.1  1994/04/12  21:30:48  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      save
+*      logical abort
+*      character*(*) errmsg
+      character*13 here
+      parameter (here='H_CORRECT_CAL')
+      real*4 x,y         !Impact point coordinates
+      real*4 h_correct_cal
+      include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'hms_calorimeter.cmn'
+c     Check calorimeter boundaries.
+      if( y=hcal_ymin
+      if( y=hcal_ymax
+      h_correct_cal=exp(y/200.) !200 cm atten length.
+      h_correct_cal=h_correct_cal/(1. + y*y/8000.)
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_correct_cal_neg.f b/HTRACKING/h_correct_cal_neg.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae6987e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_correct_cal_neg.f
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+      function h_correct_cal_neg(x,y)
+*-      Purpose: Returns the impact point correction factor. This
+*-               factor is to be applied to the energy depositions.
+*-               This correction for single "NEG_PMT" readout from 
+*-               LG-blocks. The final energy is the ADC value TIMES 
+*-               the correction factor.
+*-      Input Parameters: x,y - impact point coordinates
+*-      Created 09 October 1997      H. Mkrtchyan
+* $Log: h_correct_cal_neg.f,v $
+* Revision 1.6  2003/04/03 00:43:13  jones
+* Update to calibration (V. Tadevosyan0
+* Revision 1.5  2003/03/21 22:33:22  jones
+* Subroutines had arguments with abort,errmsg . But these arguments were not
+* used when the subroutine was called. Also abort ,errmsg were not used in the
+* subroutines. So eliminate abort,errmsg. (E. Brash)
+* Revision 1.4  2002/09/26 14:43:17  jones
+*    Different parameters a,b,c
+*    Fit to pion data of run 23121
+*    Different formula for h_correct_cal_neg
+* Revision 1.2  1999/01/29 17:33:56  saw
+* Cosmetic changes
+* Revision 1.1  1999/01/21 21:40:13  saw
+* Extra shower counter tube modifications
+      implicit none
+      save
+*      logical abort
+*      character*(*) errmsg
+      character*17 here
+      parameter (here='H_CORRECT_CAL_NEG')
+      real*4 x,y                ! Impact point coordinates
+      real*4 h_correct_cal_neg
+      include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'hms_calorimeter.cmn'
+c     Check calorimeter boundaries.
+      if( y=hcal_ymin
+      if( y=hcal_ymax
+*     Fit to stright through pion data of run # 23121.
+      h_correct_cal_neg=(64.36-y)/(64.36-y/1.66)
+ccc      h_correct_cal_neg=exp(-y/200.)      !200 cm atten length. 
+ccc      h_correct_cal_neg=h_correct_cal_neg*(1. + y*y/8000.) 
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_correct_cal_pos.f b/HTRACKING/h_correct_cal_pos.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc2d730
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_correct_cal_pos.f
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+      function h_correct_cal_pos(x,y)
+*-      Purpose: Returns the impact point correction factor. This
+*-               factor is to be applied to the energy depositions.
+*-               The final energy is the ADC value TIMES the correction factor.
+*-      Input Parameters: x,y - impact point coordinates
+*-      Created 15 Mar 1994      Tsolak A. Amatuni
+* $Log: h_correct_cal_pos.f,v $
+* Revision 1.7  2003/04/03 00:43:13  jones
+* Update to calibration (V. Tadevosyan0
+* Revision 1.6  2003/03/21 22:33:22  jones
+* Subroutines had arguments with abort,errmsg . But these arguments were not
+* used when the subroutine was called. Also abort ,errmsg were not used in the
+* subroutines. So eliminate abort,errmsg. (E. Brash)
+* Revision 1.5  2002/09/26 14:41:36  jones
+*    Different parameters a,b,c
+*    Fit to pion data of run 23121
+*    Different formula for h_correct_cal_pos
+* Revision 1.2  1999/01/29 17:33:56  saw
+* Cosmetic changes
+* Revision 1.1  1999/01/21 21:40:14  saw
+* Extra shower counter tube modifications
+* Revision 1.5  1996/01/16 21:46:10  cdaq
+* (JRA) Yet another sign change of quadratic term in attenuation correction
+* Revision 1.4  1995/08/31 14:59:37  cdaq
+* (JRA) Change sign of quadratic term in attenuation correction
+* Revision 1.3  1995/05/22  19:39:08  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.2  1994/11/22  20:02:52  cdaq
+* (???) Hack in a correction for attenuation length
+* Revision 1.1  1994/04/12  21:30:48  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      save
+*      logical abort
+*      character*(*) errmsg
+      character*17 here
+      parameter (here='H_CORRECT_CAL_POS')
+      real*4 x,y                !Impact point coordinates
+      real*4 h_correct_cal_pos
+      include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'hms_calorimeter.cmn'
+c     Check calorimeter boundaries.
+      if( y=hcal_ymin
+      if( y=hcal_ymax
+*      Fit to stright through pion data of run # 23121.
+      h_correct_cal_pos=(64.36+y)/(64.36+y/1.66)
+ccc      h_correct_cal_pos=exp(y/200.) !200 cm atten length.
+ccc      h_correct_cal_pos=h_correct_cal_pos/(1. + y*y/8000.)
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_dc_eff.f b/HTRACKING/h_dc_eff.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d091d3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_dc_eff.f
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+*-   Purpose and Methods : Analyze scintillator information for each track 
+*-      Required Input BANKS     HMS_STATISTICS
+*-                               GEN_DATA_STRUCTURES
+*-   Output: ABORT           - success or failure
+*-         : err             - reason for failure, if any
+* author: John Arrington
+* created: 8/17/95
+* h_dc_eff calculates efficiencies for the drift chambers.
+* $Log: h_dc_eff.f,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1995/08/31 14:59:48  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      character*8 here
+      parameter (here= 'H_DC_EFF')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) errmsg
+      INCLUDE 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_constants.par'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_units.par'
+      include 'hms_statistics.cmn'
+      include 'hms_tracking.cmn'
+      integer*4 ind
+      save
+      hdc_tot_events = hdc_tot_events + 1
+      do ind = 1 , hdc_num_planes
+        if (hdc_hits_per_plane(ind).gt.0) hdc_events(ind)=hdc_events(ind)+1
+      enddo
+      if (hdc_hits_per_plane(1)+hdc_hits_per_plane(2)+hdc_hits_per_plane(3)
+     &   +hdc_hits_per_plane(4)+hdc_hits_per_plane(5)+hdc_hits_per_plane(6)
+     &    .ne. 0)   hdc_cham_hits(1) = hdc_cham_hits(1) + 1
+      if (hdc_hits_per_plane( 7)+hdc_hits_per_plane( 8)+hdc_hits_per_plane( 9)
+     &   +hdc_hits_per_plane(10)+hdc_hits_per_plane(11)+hdc_hits_per_plane(12)
+     &    .ne. 0)   hdc_cham_hits(2) = hdc_cham_hits(2) + 1
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_dc_eff_shutdown.f b/HTRACKING/h_dc_eff_shutdown.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..95f0ed5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_dc_eff_shutdown.f
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+*-   Purpose and Methods : Analyze and report drift chamber efficiencies.
+*-      Required Input BANKS     HMS_STATISTICS
+*-                               GEN_DATA_STRUCTURES
+*-   Output: ABORT           - success or failure
+*-         : err             - reason for failure, if any
+* author: John Arrington
+* created: 2/15/95
+* h_dc_eff calculates efficiencies for the hodoscope.
+* h_dc_eff_shutdown does some final manipulation of the numbers.
+* $Log: h_dc_eff_shutdown.f,v $
+* Revision 1.2  1996/08/30 19:54:11  saw
+* (JRA) Cosmetic
+* Revision 1.1  1995/08/31 14:59:56  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      character*17 here
+      parameter (here= 'H_DC_EFF_SHUTDOWN')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) errmsg
+      INCLUDE 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_constants.par'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_units.par'
+      include 'hms_statistics.cmn'
+      include 'hms_tracking.cmn'
+      logical written_header
+      integer*4 lunout
+      integer*4 ind
+      real*4 num         ! real version of #/events (aviod repeated floats)
+      save
+      written_header = .false.
+      num = float(max(1,hdc_tot_events))
+      do ind = 1 , hdc_num_planes
+        hdc_plane_eff(ind) = float(hdc_events(ind))/num
+        if (hdc_plane_eff(ind) .le. hdc_min_eff(ind) .and. then
+          if (.not.written_header) then
+            write(lunout,*)
+            write(lunout,'(a,f6.3)') ' HMS DC planes with low raw hit (hits/trig) efficiencies'
+            written_header = .true.
+          endif
+          write(lunout,'(5x,a,i2,a,f5.3,a,f5.3)') 'eff. for plane #',ind,' is ',
+     &       hdc_plane_eff(ind),',   warning level is ',hdc_min_eff(ind)
+        endif
+      enddo
+      do ind = 1 , hdc_num_chambers
+        hdc_cham_eff(ind) = float(hdc_cham_hits(ind))/num
+      enddo
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_dc_trk_eff.f b/HTRACKING/h_dc_trk_eff.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1627a06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_dc_trk_eff.f
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+*-   Purpose and Methods : Analyze DC information for each track 
+*-      Required Input BANKS     HMS_STATISTICS
+*-                               GEN_DATA_STRUCTURES
+*-   Output: ABORT           - success or failure
+*-         : err             - reason for failure, if any
+* author: John Arrington
+* created: 9/5/95
+* h_dc_trk_eff calculates efficiencies for the drift chambers,
+*   using the tracking information.
+* $Log: h_dc_trk_eff.f,v $
+* Revision 1.2  1996/01/17 18:19:40  cdaq
+* (JRA) Change array sizes from hdc_num_planes to HMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES
+* Revision 1.1  1995/10/09 20:01:28  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      character*12 here
+      parameter (here= 'H_DC_TRK_EFF')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) errmsg
+      INCLUDE 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_constants.par'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_units.par'
+      include 'hms_tracking.cmn'
+      include 'hms_geometry.cmn'
+      integer*4 pln,hit,ihit
+      integer*4 iwire(HMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES)
+      integer*4 ihitwire
+      real*4 hitwire
+      real*4 hitdist(HMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES)
+      save
+* find nearest wire, and increment 'should have fired' counter.
+      do pln=1,hdc_num_planes
+        hitwire = hdc_central_wire(pln) +
+     &         (hsdc_track_coord(pln)+hdc_center(pln))/hdc_pitch(pln) 
+        hitdist(pln) = (hitwire - nint(hitwire))*hdc_pitch(pln)
+        if (hdc_wire_counting(pln).eq.0) then         !normal wire numbering.
+          ihitwire = nint(hitwire)
+        else                                          !backwards numbering.
+          ihitwire = (hdc_nrwire(pln) + 1 ) - nint(hitwire)
+        endif
+        iwire(pln) = max(1,min(hdc_nrwire(pln),ihitwire))
+        if ( hitdist(pln)=99. !if had to reset wire,
+                                                    !make it a 'miss'
+        if (abs(hitdist(pln)).le.0.3) then ! hit close to wire.
+          hdc_shouldhit(pln,iwire(pln)) = hdc_shouldhit(pln,iwire(pln)) + 1
+        endif
+      enddo
+* note, this does not look for hits on the track which were NOT in the space
+* point used to fit the track!
+      do ihit=2,hntrack_hits(hsnum_fptrack,1)+1
+        hit=hntrack_hits(hsnum_fptrack,ihit)
+        pln=hdc_plane_num(hit)
+        if (iwire(pln).eq.hdc_wire_num(hit) .and. abs(hitdist(pln)).le.0.3)then
+          hdc_didhit(pln,iwire(pln)) = hdc_didhit(pln,iwire(pln)) + 1
+        endif
+      enddo
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_dc_trk_eff_shutdown.f b/HTRACKING/h_dc_trk_eff_shutdown.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7c69ce7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_dc_trk_eff_shutdown.f
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+*-   Purpose and Methods : Analyze and report drift chamber efficiencies.
+*-      Required Input BANKS     HMS_STATISTICS
+*-                               GEN_DATA_STRUCTURES
+*-   Output: ABORT           - success or failure
+*-         : err             - reason for failure, if any
+* author: John Arrington
+* created: 9/5/95
+* h_dc_trk_eff calculates efficiencies for the chambers (using tracking)
+* h_dc_trk_eff_shutdown does some final manipulation of the numbers.
+* $Log: h_dc_trk_eff_shutdown.f,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1995/10/09 20:04:23  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      character*21 here
+      parameter (here= 'H_DC_TRK_EFF_SHUTDOWN')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) errmsg
+      INCLUDE 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_constants.par'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_units.par'
+      include 'hms_tracking.cmn'
+      include 'hms_geometry.cmn'
+      logical written_header
+      logical was_already_dead
+      integer*4 lunout
+      integer*4 pln,wire
+      integer*4 ind
+      real*4 wireeff,planeeff
+      real*4 num         ! real version of #/events (aviod repeated floats)
+      save
+      written_header = .false.
+      do pln = 1 , hdc_num_planes
+        hdc_didsum(pln)=0
+        hdc_shouldsum(pln)=0
+        do wire = 1 , hdc_nrwire(pln)
+          hdc_shouldsum(pln) = hdc_shouldsum(pln) + 1
+          hdc_didsum(pln) = hdc_didsum(pln) + 1
+          num = float(max(1,hdc_shouldhit(pln,wire)))
+          wireeff = float(hdc_didhit(pln,wire)) / num
+          if ( .and. then
+            was_already_dead = .false.
+            do ind=1,hdc_num_deadwires
+              if (pln  .eq. hdc_deadwire_plane(ind) .and.
+     &            wire .eq. hdc_deadwire_num(ind)) was_already_dead=.true.
+            enddo
+            if (.not.was_already_dead) write(lunout,111) '       HMS pln=',pln,
+     &         ',  wire=',wire,',  effic=',wireeff,' = ',hdc_didhit(pln,wire),
+     &         '/',hdc_shouldhit(pln,wire)
+          endif
+        enddo
+      enddo
+111   format (a,i3,a,i4,a,f4.2,a,i6,a,i6)
+      do pln = 1 , hdc_num_planes
+        planeeff=float(hdc_didsum(pln))/float(max(1,hdc_shouldsum(pln)))
+        if   (hdc_shouldsum(pln).gt.1000 .and. 
+     & then
+          write(lunout,112) 'ave. effic for plane',pln,' is ',
+     &        planeeff,' = ',hdc_didsum(pln),'/',hdc_shouldsum(pln)
+        endif
+      enddo
+112   format (a,i3,a,f4.2,a,i7,a,i7)
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_dpsifun.f b/HTRACKING/h_dpsifun.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f228887
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_dpsifun.f
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+      function H_DPSIFUN(ray,iplane)
+*     this function calculates the psi coordinate of the intersection
+*     of a ray (defined by ray) with a hms wire chamber plane. the geometry
+*     of the plane is contained in the coeff array calculated in the
+*     array hplane_coeff
+*     Note it is call by MINUIT via H_FCNCHISQ and so uses double precision
+*     variables
+*     the ray is defined by
+*     x = (z-zt)*tan(xp) + xt
+*     y = (z-zt)*tan(yp) + yt
+*      at some fixed value of zt*
+*     ray(1) = xt
+*     ray(2) = yt
+*     ray(3) = tan(xp)
+*     ray(4) = tan(yp)
+*     d.f. geesaman                   17 January 1994
+* $Log: h_dpsifun.f,v $
+* Revision 1.3  1995/05/22 19:39:08  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.2  1994/02/21  03:11:25  cdaq
+* (SAW) remove dfloat call since arg and result both real*8
+c Revision 1.1  1994/02/19  06:13:29  cdaq
+c Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      include "hms_data_structures.cmn"
+      include "hms_geometry.cmn"
+*     input
+      real*8 ray(4)           ! xt,yt,xpt,ypt
+      integer*4 iplane        ! plane number
+*     output
+      real*8 H_DPSIFUN         ! value of psi coordinate of hit of ray in plane
+*     local variables   
+      real*8 denom,infinity,cinfinity
+      parameter (infinity = 1.0d20)
+      parameter (cinfinity = 1/infinity)
+      H_DPSIFUN =  ray(3)*ray(2)*(hplane_coeff(1,iplane)) 
+     &        + ray(4)*ray(1)*(hplane_coeff(2,iplane))
+     &        + ray(3)*(hplane_coeff(3,iplane)) 
+     &        + ray(4)*(hplane_coeff(4,iplane))
+     &        + ray(1)*(hplane_coeff(5,iplane))
+     &        + ray(2)*(hplane_coeff(6,iplane))
+      denom = ray(3)*(hplane_coeff(7,iplane)) 
+     &      + ray(4)*(hplane_coeff(8,iplane))  
+     &      + (hplane_coeff(9,iplane))
+      if(abs(denom).lt.cinfinity) then
+          H_DPSIFUN=infinity
+      else
+          H_DPSIFUN = H_DPSIFUN/denom
+      endif
+      return
+      end  
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_drift_dist_calc.f b/HTRACKING/h_drift_dist_calc.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef61457
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_drift_dist_calc.f
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+      real*4 function h_drift_dist_calc(plane,wire,time)
+*     function to calculate hms drift time from tdc value in hms
+*     wire chambers
+*     d.f. geesaman              17 feb 1994
+* $Log: h_drift_dist_calc.f,v $
+* Revision 1.7  1996/04/30 12:35:14  saw
+* (JRA) Add drift time correction for disc card
+* Revision 1.6  1995/10/10 13:01:04  cdaq
+* (JRA) Remove check for zero drift bin size
+* Revision 1.5  1995/05/22 19:39:09  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.4  1994/11/22  20:03:46  cdaq
+* (SAW) Change fract to hfract.  Make fractinterp a local variable
+* Revision 1.3  1994/08/18  03:34:21  cdaq
+* (DJM) Use a lookup table to map fractional area to distance.  (worked for
+* the prototype chamber).  Lots of parameters but easier than fitting.
+* Could not use a single map for all 12 planes since drift time spectra a
+* very different.
+* Revision 1.2  1994/07/27  19:00:07  cdaq
+* (DJM) map fractional area to distance. worked for the prototype chamber!
+* (DFG) Add two regions of drift (commented out)
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/19  06:13:44  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'hms_geometry.cmn'
+      include 'hms_tracking.cmn'        ! for lookup tables
+*     input
+      integer*4  plane      !  plane number of hit
+      integer*4  wire       !  wire number  of hit
+      integer*4  ilo,ihi    !  interpolate between bins ilo and ilo+1
+      real*4     time       !  drift time in ns
+      real*4     fractinterp        !  interpolated fraction 
+*     output
+* look in the appropriate drift time to distance table and perform a linear
+* interpolation. minimum and maximum distance values are 0.0cm and 0.5cm.
+c      if( hdriftbinsz.eq.0.0)then
+c        fractinterp = -1.0
+c        h_drift_dist_calc = 0.5*fractinterp
+c        return
+c      endif
+      ilo = int((time-hdrift1stbin)/hdriftbinsz) + 1
+      ihi = ilo + 1
+      if( .and. ihi.le.hdriftbins)then
+        fractinterp = hfract(ilo,plane) +
+     &    ( (hfract(ilo+1,plane)-hfract(ilo,plane))/hdriftbinsz )*
+     &    (time - hdrift1stbin - (ilo-1)*hdriftbinsz)
+      else
+        if( )then
+          fractinterp = 0.0
+        else
+          if( )fractinterp = 1.0
+        endif
+      endif
+      h_drift_dist_calc = 0.5*fractinterp -
+     $     hdc_card_delay(hdc_card_no(wire,plane))
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_drift_time_calc.f b/HTRACKING/h_drift_time_calc.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6900db8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_drift_time_calc.f
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+      function h_drift_time_calc(plane,wire,tdc)
+*     function to calculate hms drift time from tdc value in hms
+*     wire chambers
+*     d.f. geesaman              17 feb 1994
+* $Log: h_drift_time_calc.f,v $
+* Revision 1.5  1995/10/09 20:16:02  cdaq
+* (JRA) Remove monte carlo data option
+* Revision 1.4  1995/05/22 19:39:09  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.3  1994/10/11  21:07:05  cdaq
+* (JRA) Replace simple functions with existing ctp variables
+* Revision 1.2  1994/03/24  18:51:52  cdaq
+* (DFG) Allow switch for monte carlo data
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/19  06:14:04  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      include "hms_data_structures.cmn"
+      include "hms_tracking.cmn"
+      include "hms_geometry.cmn"
+*     input
+      integer*4  plane      !  plane number of hit
+      integer*4  wire       !  wire number  of hit
+      integer*4  tdc        !  tdc value
+*     output
+      real*4     h_drift_time_calc      !  drift time in nanoseconds
+      h_drift_time_calc = hstart_time
+     &        - float(tdc)*hdc_tdc_time_per_channel
+     &        + hdc_plane_time_zero(plane)
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_dump_cal.f b/HTRACKING/h_dump_cal.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7028b57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_dump_cal.f
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+*-   Purpose and Methods : Analyze scintillator information for each track 
+*-      Required Input BANKS     HMS_CALORIMETER
+*-                               GEN_DATA_STRUCTURES
+*-   Output: ABORT           - success or failure
+*-         : err             - reason for failure, if any
+* author: John Arrington
+* created: 9/7/95
+* h_dump_cal writes out the raw calorimeterinformation for the final tracks.
+* This data is analyzed by independent routines to fit the gains for each
+* block.
+* $Log: h_dump_cal.f,v $
+* Revision 1.4  1999/06/10 16:48:04  csa
+* (JRA) Added ycal, emeas calculations
+* Revision 1.3  1998/12/17 22:02:38  saw
+* Support extra set of tubes on HMS shower counter
+* Revision 1.2  1996/01/17 18:17:47  cdaq
+* (SAW) Remove extra () pair around implied do loop in write statement
+* Revision 1.1  1995/10/09 20:16:45  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      character*10 here
+      parameter (here= 'H_DUMP_CAL')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) errmsg
+      INCLUDE 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'hms_calorimeter.cmn'
+      integer*4 blk
+      real*4 emeas,ycal
+      save
+*  Write out cal fitting data.
+*  What should this do for new tubes?
+      if (abs(hsdelta).le.10 .and. then
+! this correction comes from h_corect_cal_pos(neg).f
+	ycal=hsy_fp + hcal_1pr_zpos*hsyp_fp
+        ycal=min(35.,ycal)
+        ycal=max(-35.,ycal)
+	emeas=hsp*exp(ycal/165.4)/(1+ycal**2/50000.)
+        write(35,'(1x,52(1x,f6.1),1x,e11.4)') 
+     &      (hcal_realadc_pos(blk),blk=1,hmax_cal_blocks),emeas
+!        if( then
+!        write(35,'(1x,52(1x,f6.1),1x,e11.4)') 
+!     &       (hcal_realadc_neg(blk),blk=1,hmax_cal_blocks),hsp
+!        endif
+      endif
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_dump_peds.f b/HTRACKING/h_dump_peds.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d3ab6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_dump_peds.f
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+      subroutine h_dump_peds(ABORT,err)
+* $Log: h_dump_peds.f,v $
+* Revision  2007/09/13 04:02:18  brash
+* Implement some minor changes to fix Mac OS X runtime errors ... ejb
+* Revision 1.7  2002/12/20 21:53:34  jones
+* Modified by Hamlet for new HMS aerogel
+* Revision 1.7  2002/09/26  
+* (Hamlet) Add HMS aerogel detector 
+* Revision 1.6  1998/12/17 22:02:38  saw
+* Support extra set of tubes on HMS shower counter
+* Revision 1.5  1996/04/30 12:35:35  saw
+* (JRA) Cleanup
+* Revision 1.4  1996/01/24 15:57:06  saw
+* (JRA) Remove MISC pedestals
+* Revision 1.3  1996/01/16 21:47:10  cdaq
+* (JRA)
+* Revision 1.2  1995/10/09 20:18:06  cdaq
+* (JRA) Cleanup, add cerenkov pedestals
+* Revision 1.1  1995/08/31 14:57:50  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*11 here
+      parameter (here='h_dump_peds')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      integer*4 pln,cnt
+      integer*4 blk
+      integer*4 pmt
+      character*132 file
+      integer SPAREID
+      parameter (SPAREID=67)
+      INCLUDE 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_pedestals.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_scin_parms.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_calorimeter.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_cer_parms.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_aero_parms.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_filenames.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_run_info.cmn'
+      if (' ') then
+        file=h_pedestal_output_filename
+        call g_sub_run_number(file, gen_run_number)
+        open(unit=SPAREID,file=file,status='unknown')
+      else
+        return
+      endif
+      write(SPAREID,*) 'These are the values that were used for the analysis'
+      write(SPAREID,*) '      (from the param file or pedestal events)'
+      write(SPAREID,*)
+      write(SPAREID,*) 'hscin_all_ped_pos ='
+      do cnt = 1 , hnum_scin_elements
+        write(SPAREID,111) (hscin_all_ped_pos(pln,cnt),pln=1,4)
+      enddo
+      write(SPAREID,*) 'hhodo_new_ped_pos ='
+      do cnt = 1 , hnum_scin_elements
+        write(SPAREID,111) (hhodo_new_ped_pos(pln,cnt),pln=1,4)
+      enddo
+      write(SPAREID,*) 'hhodo_new_sig_pos ='
+      do cnt = 1 , hnum_scin_elements
+        write(SPAREID,111) (hhodo_new_sig_pos(pln,cnt),pln=1,4)
+      enddo
+      write(SPAREID,*) 'hhodo_new_threshold_pos ='
+      do cnt = 1 , hnum_scin_elements
+        write(SPAREID,111) (hhodo_new_threshold_pos(pln,cnt),pln=1,4)
+      enddo
+      write(SPAREID,*) 'hscin_all_ped_neg ='
+      do cnt = 1 , hnum_scin_elements
+          write(SPAREID,111) (hscin_all_ped_neg(pln,cnt),pln=1,4)
+      enddo
+      write(SPAREID,*) 'hhodo_new_ped_neg ='
+      do cnt = 1 , hnum_scin_elements
+        write(SPAREID,111) (hhodo_new_ped_neg(pln,cnt),pln=1,4)
+      enddo
+      write(SPAREID,*) 'hhodo_new_sig_neg ='
+      do cnt = 1 , hnum_scin_elements
+        write(SPAREID,111) (hhodo_new_sig_neg(pln,cnt),pln=1,4)
+      enddo
+      write(SPAREID,*) 'hhodo_new_threshold_neg ='
+      do cnt = 1 , hnum_scin_elements
+          write(SPAREID,111) (hhodo_new_threshold_neg(pln,cnt),pln=1,4)
+      enddo
+111   format (10x,3(f6.1,','),f6.1)
+* CALORIMETER PEDESTALS ( Hamlet test version) 
+      write(SPAREID,*) ' hcal_pos_ped_mean = '
+      write(SPAREID,112) (hcal_pos_ped_mean(blk),blk=1,hmax_cal_rows)
+      write(SPAREID,112) (hcal_pos_ped_mean(blk),blk=hmax_cal_rows+1,2*hmax_cal_rows)
+      write(SPAREID,112) (hcal_pos_ped_mean(blk),blk=2*hmax_cal_rows+1,3*hmax_cal_rows)
+      write(SPAREID,112) (hcal_pos_ped_mean(blk),blk=3*hmax_cal_rows+1,4*hmax_cal_rows)
+      write(SPAREID,*) '; calorimeter ped. sigma (sqrt(variance))'
+      write(SPAREID,*) ' hcal_pos_ped_rms = '
+      write(SPAREID,112) (hcal_pos_ped_rms(blk),blk=1,hmax_cal_rows)
+      write(SPAREID,112) (hcal_pos_ped_rms(blk),blk=hmax_cal_rows+1,2*hmax_cal_rows)
+      write(SPAREID,112) (hcal_pos_ped_rms(blk),blk=2*hmax_cal_rows+1,3*hmax_cal_rows)
+      write(SPAREID,112) (hcal_pos_ped_rms(blk),blk=3*hmax_cal_rows+1,4*hmax_cal_rows)
+      write(SPAREID,*) '; calorimeter threshold above ped. =MIN(50,MAX(10,3*sigma))'
+      write(SPAREID,*) 'hcal_new_threshold_pos = '
+      write(SPAREID,112) (hcal_new_adc_threshold_pos(blk),blk=1,hmax_cal_rows)
+      write(SPAREID,112) (hcal_new_adc_threshold_pos(blk),blk=hmax_cal_rows+1,2*hmax_cal_rows)
+      write(SPAREID,112) (hcal_new_adc_threshold_pos(blk),blk=2*hmax_cal_rows+1,3*hmax_cal_rows)
+      write(SPAREID,112) (hcal_new_adc_threshold_pos(blk),blk=3*hmax_cal_rows+1,4*hmax_cal_rows)
+      write(SPAREID,*) ' hcal_neg_ped_mean = '
+      write(SPAREID,112) (hcal_neg_ped_mean(blk),blk=1,hmax_cal_rows)
+      write(SPAREID,112) (hcal_neg_ped_mean(blk),blk=hmax_cal_rows+1,2*hmax_cal_rows)
+      write(SPAREID,112) (hcal_neg_ped_mean(blk),blk=2*hmax_cal_rows+1,3*hmax_cal_rows)
+      write(SPAREID,112) (hcal_neg_ped_mean(blk),blk=3*hmax_cal_rows+1,4*hmax_cal_rows)
+      write(SPAREID,*) '; calorimeter ped. sigma (sqrt(variance))'
+      write(SPAREID,*) ' hcal_ped_neg_rms = '
+      write(SPAREID,112) (hcal_neg_ped_rms(blk),blk=1,hmax_cal_rows)
+      write(SPAREID,112) (hcal_neg_ped_rms(blk),blk=hmax_cal_rows+1,2*hmax_cal_rows)
+      write(SPAREID,112) (hcal_neg_ped_rms(blk),blk=2*hmax_cal_rows+1,3*hmax_cal_rows)
+      write(SPAREID,112) (hcal_neg_ped_rms(blk),blk=3*hmax_cal_rows+1,4*hmax_cal_rows)
+      write(SPAREID,*) '; calorimeter threshold above ped. =MIN(50,MAX(10,3*sigma))'
+      write(SPAREID,*) 'hcal_new_threshold_neg = '
+      write(SPAREID,112) (hcal_new_adc_threshold_neg(blk),blk=1,hmax_cal_rows)
+      write(SPAREID,112) (hcal_new_adc_threshold_neg(blk),blk=hmax_cal_rows+1,2*hmax_cal_rows)
+      write(SPAREID,112) (hcal_new_adc_threshold_neg(blk),blk=2*hmax_cal_rows+1,3*hmax_cal_rows)
+      write(SPAREID,112) (hcal_new_adc_threshold_neg(blk),blk=3*hmax_cal_rows+1,4*hmax_cal_rows)
+112   format (12(f5.1,','),f5.1)
+      write(SPAREID,*) 'hcer_ped = '
+      write(SPAREID,113) (hcer_ped(pmt),pmt=1,hmax_cer_hits)
+113   format (i6,',',i6)
+      write(SPAREID,*)' '
+      write(SPAREID,*) 'haero_pos_ped_mean = '
+      write(SPAREID,114) (haero_pos_ped_mean(pmt), pmt=1,HMAX_AERO_HITS)
+      write(SPAREID,*) 'haero_neg_ped_mean = '
+      write(SPAREID,114) (haero_neg_ped_mean(pmt), pmt=1,HMAX_AERO_HITS)
+      write(SPAREID,*)' '
+      write(SPAREID,*) 'haero_pos_ped_rms = '
+      write(SPAREID,114) (haero_pos_ped_rms(pmt), pmt=1,HMAX_AERO_HITS)
+      write(SPAREID,*) 'haero_neg_ped_rms = '
+      write(SPAREID,114) (haero_neg_ped_rms(pmt), pmt=1,HMAX_AERO_HITS)
+114   format (8(f6.1,', '))
+      close(SPAREID)
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_dump_tof.f b/HTRACKING/h_dump_tof.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ce2076f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_dump_tof.f
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+*-   Purpose and Methods : Analyze scintillator information for each track 
+*-      Required Input BANKS     HMS_SCIN_TOF
+*-                               GEN_DATA_STRUCTURES
+*-   Output: ABORT           - success or failure
+*-         : err             - reason for failure, if any
+* author: John Arrington
+* created: 1/30/95
+* h_dump_tof writes out the raw timing information for the final chosen tracks.
+* This data is analyzed by independent routines to fit the corrections for
+* pulse height walk, time lag from the hit to the pmt signal, and time offsets
+* for each signal.
+* $Log: h_dump_tof.f,v $
+* Revision  2008/01/08 22:59:42  cdaq
+* removed cut on Cerenkov
+* Revision 1.7  1999/11/04 20:36:01  saw
+* Linux/G77 compatibility fixes
+* Revision 1.6  1999/06/10 16:49:09  csa
+* (JRA) Added test on hcer_npe_sum, changed output formats
+* Revision 1.5  1999/02/10 18:20:08  csa
+* Fixed format problem with ph > 10,000
+* Revision 1.4  1995/10/09 20:20:00  cdaq
+* (JRA) Subtract hstart_time from tdc output
+* Revision 1.3  1995/05/22 19:39:09  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.2  1995/05/11  19:03:50  cdaq
+* (JRA) Formatting changes
+* Revision 1.1  1995/01/31  21:34:03  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      character*50 here
+      parameter (here= 'H_DUMP_TOF')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) errmsg
+      INCLUDE 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_constants.par'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_units.par'
+      include 'hms_scin_parms.cmn'
+      include 'hms_scin_tof.cmn'
+      integer*4 hit, ind
+      integer*4 pmt,cnt,lay,dir
+      real*4 ph,tim,betap
+      save
+*  Write out TOF fitting data.
+*     In some circumstances you might also cut on
+*     hcer_npe_sum and/or hsshtrk:
+      if ( .and. hsnum_pmt_hit.le.12) then
+*     .and. then
+        betap=1.
+        write(37,111) hsnum_pmt_hit,hsx_fp,hsxp_fp,
+     $       hsy_fp,hsyp_fp,betap
+ 111    format(i3,1x,f10.5,1x,f9.5,1x,f10.5,1x,f9.5,1x,f7.3)
+        do ind = 1, hsnum_scin_hit
+          hit = hscin_hit(hsnum_fptrack,ind)
+          if (hscin_tdc_pos(hit) .ge. hscin_tdc_min .and.  
+     1         hscin_tdc_pos(hit) .le. hscin_tdc_max) then
+            cnt=hscin_counter_num(hit)
+            lay=int((hscin_plane_num(hit)+1)/2)
+            dir=mod(hscin_plane_num(hit)+1,2)+1
+            pmt=1
+            tim=hscin_tdc_pos(hit)*hscin_tdc_to_time-hstart_time
+            ph=hscin_adc_pos(hit)
+            write(37,112) pmt,cnt,lay,dir,ph,tim
+          endif
+          if (hscin_tdc_neg(hit) .ge. hscin_tdc_min .and.  
+     1         hscin_tdc_neg(hit) .le. hscin_tdc_max) then
+            cnt=hscin_counter_num(hit)
+            lay=int((hscin_plane_num(hit)+1)/2)
+            dir=mod(hscin_plane_num(hit)+1,2)+1
+            pmt=2
+            tim=hscin_tdc_neg(hit)*hscin_tdc_to_time-hstart_time
+            ph=hscin_adc_neg(hit)
+            write(37,112) pmt,cnt,lay,dir,ph,tim
+          endif
+        enddo
+ 112    format(i2,1x,i3,2(1x,i2),1x,f7.1,1x,f8.3)
+      endif
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_fcnchisq.f b/HTRACKING/h_fcnchisq.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..729ddba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_fcnchisq.f
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+      subroutine H_FCNCHISQ(npar,grad,fval,ray,iflag,dumarg)
+*     This subroutine calculates chi**2 for MINUIT for HMS. The
+*     arguments are determined by MINUIT
+*     d.f. geesaman             17 January 1994
+* $Log: h_fcnchisq.f,v $
+* Revision 1.3  1995/05/22 19:39:10  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.2  1994/04/13  20:38:06  cdaq
+* (SAW) Change name of dummy arg to dumarg
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/19  06:14:15  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      external H_DPSIFUN
+      real*8 H_DPSIFUN
+      include "hms_data_structures.cmn"
+      include "hms_tracking.cmn"
+      include "hms_geometry.cmn"
+*     input
+      real*8 ray(*),grad(*),dumarg
+      integer*4 npar,iflag
+*     output
+      real*8 fval                              ! value of chi2
+*     local variables
+      real*8 diff
+      integer*4 ihit
+      integer*4 hitnum,planenum
+      fval=0.0d0
+      do ihit=1,HNTRACK_HITS(htrack_fit_num,1)
+         hitnum=HNTRACK_HITS(htrack_fit_num,ihit+1)
+         planenum=HDC_PLANE_NUM(hitnum)
+         diff=(dble(HDC_WIRE_COORD(hitnum))-H_DPSIFUN(ray,planenum))
+     &        /dble(hdc_sigma(planenum))
+         fval=fval+diff*diff
+      enddo
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_fill_aero_raw_hist.f b/HTRACKING/h_fill_aero_raw_hist.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f8ede6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_fill_aero_raw_hist.f
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+      subroutine h_fill_aero_raw_hist(Abort,err)
+*     routine to fill aerogel raw data histograms and hit pattern
+* Revision 1.0  2002/10/05 (Hamlet)
+* Initial version
+      external thgetid
+      integer*4 thgetid
+      character*20 here
+      parameter (here='h_fill_aero_raw_hist')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      real*4 histval
+      integer*4 ind
+      include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'hms_aero_parms.cmn'
+      include 'hms_pedestals.cmn'
+      include 'hms_id_histid.cmn'          
+      SAVE
+      ABORT= .FALSE.
+      err= ' '
+* Make sure there is at least 1 hit
+      if(hmax_aero_hits .LT. 1 ) then
+         return
+      endif
+* Loop over all PMT's
+*      if(haero_tot_hits .gt. 0 ) then
+        do ind=1,HNUM_AERO_BLOCKS
+* Fill ADC hits
+          if(haero_pos_npe(ind).gt.0.1) then
+           histval=float(ind)
+           call hf1(hidhaero_adc_pos_hits,histval,1.)
+           endif
+          if(haero_neg_npe(ind).gt.0.1) then 
+           histval=float(ind)
+           call hf1(hidhaero_adc_neg_hits,histval,1.)
+           endif
+* Fill TDC hits
+          if(haero_rawtdc_pos(ind).gt.0.and.haero_rawtdc_pos(ind).le.8000.) then
+           histval=float(ind) 
+           call hf1(hidhaero_tdc_pos_hits,histval,1.)
+           endif
+          if(haero_rawtdc_neg(ind).gt.0.and.haero_rawtdc_neg(ind).le.8000.) then
+           histval=float(ind)  
+           call hf1(hidhaero_tdc_neg_hits,histval,1.)
+         endif
+        enddo
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_fill_cal_hist.f b/HTRACKING/h_fill_cal_hist.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..44a63d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_fill_cal_hist.f
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+      subroutine h_fill_cal_hist(Abort,err)
+*     routine to fill histograms with hms_cal varibles
+*     Author:   J. R. Arrington
+*     Date:     26 April 1995
+*     Copied from:  h_fill_scin_raw_hist
+* $Log: h_fill_cal_hist.f,v $
+* Revision 1.9  2002/10/02 13:42:43  saw
+* Check that user hists are defined before filling
+* Revision 1.8  1999/02/23 18:37:20  csa
+* (JRA) Remove obsolete hf1 call
+* Revision 1.7  1999/02/03 21:13:23  saw
+* Code for new Shower counter tubes
+* Revision 1.6  1999/01/27 16:02:39  saw
+* Check if some hists are defined before filling
+* Revision 1.5  1998/12/17 22:02:39  saw
+* Support extra set of tubes on HMS shower counter
+* Revision 1.4  1995/08/31 15:01:15  cdaq
+* (JRA) Move hidcalsumadc filling to h_sparsify_cal
+* Revision 1.3  1995/07/19  18:12:18  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add calorimeter adc sum per hit histogram
+* Revision 1.2  1995/05/22  19:39:10  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.1  1995/04/27  20:41:13  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      external thgetid
+      integer*4 thgetid
+      character*50 here
+      parameter (here= 'h_fill_cal_hist')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      real*4  histval
+      integer*4 row,col,ihit
+      include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'hms_id_histid.cmn'          
+      include 'hms_calorimeter.cmn'
+      SAVE
+      ABORT= .FALSE.
+      err= ' '
+*     Light in either tube will do
+      if(hcal_num_hits .gt. 0 ) then
+        do ihit=1,hcal_num_hits
+          row=hcal_rows(ihit)
+          col=hcal_cols(ihit)
+          histval=float(col)
+          if( call hf1(hidcalplane,histval,1.)
+          histval=float(row)
+          if(hcal_adcs_pos(ihit).gt.0.1.and.hidcalposhits(col).gt.0)
+     $         call hf1(hidcalposhits(col),histval,1.)
+          if(hcal_adcs_neg(ihit).gt.0.1.and.hidcalneghits(col).gt.0)
+     $         call hf1(hidcalneghits(col),histval,1.)
+        enddo
+      endif
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_fill_dc_dec_hist.f b/HTRACKING/h_fill_dc_dec_hist.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9376d4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_fill_dc_dec_hist.f
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+      subroutine h_fill_dc_dec_hist(Abort,err)
+*     routine to fill histograms with hms_decoded_dc varibles
+*     In the future ID numbers are stored in hms_histid
+*     Author:	D. F. Geesaman
+*     Date:     30 March 1994
+*     Modified:  9 April 1994     D. F. Geesaman
+*                                 Put id's in hms_tracking_histid
+*                                 implement flag to turn block off
+* $Log: h_fill_dc_dec_hist.f,v $
+* Revision 1.6  2002/10/02 13:42:43  saw
+* Check that user hists are defined before filling
+* Revision 1.5  1996/04/30 12:36:43  saw
+* (JRA) Comment out HDC_DRIFT_DIS and HDC_DRIFT_TIME histograms
+* Revision 1.4  1995/08/31 15:02:26  cdaq
+* (JRA) Comment out filling of hiddcwirecent (wire center) histogram
+* Revision 1.3  1995/05/22  19:39:11  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.2  1994/08/18  04:26:03  cdaq
+* (SAW) Indentation changes
+* Revision 1.1  1994/04/13  15:38:24  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      character*50 here
+      parameter (here= 'h_fill_dc_dec_hist_')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      real*4  histval
+      integer*4 planeoff,ihit
+      include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'hms_tracking.cmn'
+      include 'hms_track_histid.cmn'
+      include 'gen_event_info.cmn'
+      SAVE
+      ABORT= .FALSE.
+      err= ' '
+* Is histogramming flag set
+      if( then
+* Make sure there is at least 1 hit
+        if(HDC_TOT_HITS .gt. 0 ) then
+* Loop over all hits
+          do ihit=1,HDC_TOT_HITS 
+            planeoff=HDC_PLANE_NUM(ihit)
+            histval=HDC_WIRE_NUM(ihit)
+* Is plane number valid
+            if( (planeoff .gt. 0) .and. (planeoff.le. hdc_num_planes)
+     $           .and. hiddcwiremap(planeoff).gt.0) then
+              call hf1(hiddcwiremap(planeoff),histval,1.)
+c              call hf1(hiddcwirecent(planeoff),HDC_WIRE_CENTER(ihit),1.)
+c              call hf1(hiddcdriftdis(planeoff),HDC_DRIFT_DIS(ihit),1.)
+c              call hf1(hiddcdrifttime(planeoff),HDC_DRIFT_TIME(ihit),1.)
+            endif                       ! end test on valid plane number
+          enddo                         ! end loop over hits
+        endif                           ! end test on zero hits       
+      endif                             ! end test on histogram block turned on.
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_fill_dc_fp_hist.f b/HTRACKING/h_fill_dc_fp_hist.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb0648a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_fill_dc_fp_hist.f
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+      subroutine h_fill_dc_fp_hist(Abort,err)
+*     routine to fill histograms with hms_focal_plane varibles
+*     Author:	D. F. Geesaman
+*     Date:     30 March 1994
+*     Modified: 9 April 1994        DFG
+*                                   Transfer ID in common block
+*                                   Implement flag to turn block on
+* $Log: h_fill_dc_fp_hist.f,v $
+* Revision 1.5  1995/05/22 19:39:11  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.4  1995/04/06  19:27:11  cdaq
+* (JRA) Rename residuals variables
+* Revision 1.3  1994/08/18  03:13:08  cdaq
+* (SAW) Use arrays of histids for residuals
+* Revision 1.2  1994/08/18  02:35:36  cdaq
+* (DA) Add histograms for residuals
+* Revision 1.1  1994/04/13  15:38:48  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      character*50 here
+      parameter (here= 'h_fill_dc_fp_hist')
+      include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'hms_track_histid.cmn'
+      include 'hms_tracking.cmn'
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      real*4  histval
+      integer*4 itrk
+      integer*4 plane
+      SAVE
+      ABORT= .FALSE.
+      err= ' '
+* Is this histogram flag turned on
+      if(hturnon_focal_plane_hist .ne. 0 ) then
+* Make sure there is at least 1 track
+        if(HNTRACKS_FP .gt. 0 ) then
+* Loop over all hits
+          do itrk=1,HNTRACKS_FP
+            call hf1(hidhx_fp,HX_FP(itrk),1.)
+            call hf1(hidhy_fp,HY_FP(itrk),1.)
+            call hf1(hidhxp_fp,HXP_FP(itrk),1.)
+            call hf1(hidhyp_fp,HYP_FP(itrk),1.)
+            if(HCHI2_FP(itrk) .gt. 0 ) then
+              histval=log10(HCHI2_FP(itrk))            
+            else 
+              histval = 10.
+            endif
+            call hf1(hidhlogchi2_fp,histval,1.)
+            histval= HNFREE_FP(itrk)
+            call hf1(hidhnfree_fp,histval,1.)
+            if( HNFREE_FP(itrk) .ne.0) then
+              histval= HCHI2_FP(itrk) /  HNFREE_FP(itrk)
+            else
+              histval = -1.
+            endif
+            call hf1(hidhchi2perdeg_fp,histval,1.)
+            do plane = 1,hdc_num_planes
+              call hf1(hidres_fp(plane),hdc_double_residual(itrk,plane),1.)
+              call hf1(hidsingres_fp(plane),hdc_single_residual(itrk,plane),1.)
+            enddo
+          enddo                         ! end loop over hits
+        endif                           ! end test on zero hits       
+      endif                             ! end test on histogramming flag
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_fill_dc_target_hist.f b/HTRACKING/h_fill_dc_target_hist.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..023148c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_fill_dc_target_hist.f
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+      subroutine h_fill_dc_target_hist(Abort,err)
+*     routine to fill histograms with HMS_TARGET varibles
+*     Author:	D. F. Geesaman
+*     Date:     3 May 1994
+* $Log: h_fill_dc_target_hist.f,v $
+* Revision 1.3  1995/05/22 19:39:11  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.2  1994/08/18  04:28:53  cdaq
+* (SAW) Indentation changes
+* Revision 1.1  1994/05/12  19:02:40  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      character*50 here
+      parameter (here= 'h_fill_dc_target_hist')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      real*4  histval
+      integer*4 itrk
+      include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'hms_track_histid.cmn'
+      SAVE
+      ABORT= .FALSE.
+      err= ' '
+* Make sure there is at least 1 track
+      if(HNTRACKS_FP .gt. 0 ) then
+* Loop over all hits
+        do itrk=1,HNTRACKS_FP
+          call hf1(hidhx_tar,HX_TAR(itrk),1.)
+          call hf1(hidhy_tar,HY_TAR(itrk),1.)
+          call hf1(hidhz_tar,HZ_TAR(itrk),1.)
+          call hf1(hidhxp_tar,HXP_TAR(itrk),1.)
+          call hf1(hidhyp_tar,HYP_TAR(itrk),1.)
+          call hf1(hidhdelta_tar,HDELTA_TAR(itrk),1.)
+          call hf1(hidhp_tar,HP_TAR(itrk),1.)
+        enddo                           ! end loop over hits
+      endif                             ! end test on zero hits       
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_fill_fpp.f b/HTRACKING/h_fill_fpp.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..641dd50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_fill_fpp.f
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
+      SUBROUTINE h_fill_fpp(ABORT,err)
+*    Hall C  HMS Focal Plane Polarimeter Code
+*  Purpose: fill FPP histograms
+*           histogram IDs are from common block in file
+*           hms_id_histid.cmn and assigned in h_init_histid
+*  Created by Frank R. Wesselmann,  February 2004
+      INCLUDE 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_id_histid.cmn'
+      include 'gen_detectorids.par'
+      include 'gen_decode_common.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_fpp_params.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_fpp_event.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_geometry.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_statistics.cmn'
+      character*10 here
+      parameter (here= 'h_fill_fpp')
+      integer*4 rad2deg
+      parameter (rad2deg=57.29578)
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      integer*4 DCset,iChamber,iLayer,iPlane,iWire,iHit,hit2,tdc,iTrack
+      integer*4 iCluster, Nraw, iRaw,hid,hid1,hid2, iROC, ii
+      real*4 dist,time, istat
+      ABORT= .FALSE.
+      err= ' '
+*     * check if we have any work to do
+      if (HFPP_raw_tot_hits .le. 0) RETURN
+*     * for each ROC, histogram TDC value of trigger reference
+      hid = hidFPP_tdcROC
+      do ii=0,G_DECODE_MAXROCS
+        iROC = HFPP_my_ROCs(ii)
+	if ( EXIT  !end of list
+	call hf2(hid,float(iROC),float(HFPP_trigger_TDC(iROC)),1.)
+      enddo !ii
+*     * for each plane, histogram all TDC values seen
+      do iHit=1, HFPP_raw_tot_hits
+        iPlane = HFPP_raw_plane(iHit)
+	iWire  = HFPP_raw_wire(iHit)
+        tdc = HFPP_raw_TDC(iHit)
+	if (iPlane.le.H_FPP_N_PLANES) then
+	  hid = hidFPP_tdc(iPlane)
+	  call hf2(hid,float(tdc),float(iWire),1.)
+	endif
+      enddo
+*     * for each plane, wire, histogram all hit times seen
+      do iHit=1, HFPP_raw_tot_hits
+        iPlane = HFPP_raw_plane(iHit)
+	iWire  = HFPP_raw_wire(iHit)
+	time  = HFPP_HitTime(iHit)
+	if (iPlane.le.H_FPP_N_PLANES) then
+	  hid = hidFPP_alltimes(iPlane)
+	  call hf2(hid,time,float(iWire),1.)
+	endif
+      enddo
+*     * for each plane, wire, histogram times of first hit seen
+      do iPlane=1,H_FPP_N_PLANES
+	hid1 = hidFPP_planetime(iPlane)
+	hid2 = hidFPP_time1(iPlane)
+        do iWire=1,HFPP_Nwires(iPlane)
+	  iHit = HFPP_hit1idx(iPlane,iWire)
+	  if ( then
+	    time = HFPP_HitTime(iHit)
+	    call hf1(hid1,time,1.)
+	    call hf2(hid2,time,float(iWire),1.)
+          endif
+        enddo
+      enddo
+*     * for each plane, wire, histogram time difference between 1st and 2nd hit seen
+      do iPlane=1,H_FPP_N_PLANES
+        do iWire=1,HFPP_Nwires(iPlane)
+	  hit2 = HFPP_hit2idx(iPlane,iWire)
+	  if ( then
+	    iHit = HFPP_hit1idx(iPlane,iWire)
+	    time = HFPP_HitTime(hit2) - HFPP_HitTime(iHit)
+	    hid = hidFPP_time12(iPlane)
+	    call hf2(hid,time,float(iWire),1.)
+          endif
+	enddo
+      enddo
+*     * for each plane, wire, histogram size of clusters
+      do DCset=1,H_FPP_N_DCSETS
+       do iChamber=1,H_FPP_N_DCINSET
+        do iLayer=1,H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS
+          iPlane = H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS * H_FPP_N_DCINSET * (DCset-1)
+     >    	 + H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS * (iChamber-1)
+     >    	 + iLayer
+          hid1 = hidFPP_rawinclust(iPlane)
+	  hid2 = hidFPP_rate1(iPlane)
+	  do iCluster=1,HFPP_nClusters(DCset,iChamber,iLayer)
+	    Nraw = HFPP_nHitsinCluster(DCset,iChamber,iLayer,iCluster)
+	    call hf1(hid1,float(Nraw),1.)  !number of raw in cluster
+            do iRaw=1,Nraw
+              iHit = HFPP_Clusters(DCset,iChamber,iLayer,iCluster,iRaw)
+	      iWire = HFPP_raw_wire(iHit)
+	      call hf1(hid2,float(iWire),1.)  !hit rate per wire
+	    enddo !iRaw
+	  enddo !iCluster
+	enddo !iLayer
+       enddo !iChamber
+      enddo !DCset
+*     * for each DCset,iChamber,iLayer, histogram in-layer distance betw hit wires and HMS track
+      do DCset=1,H_FPP_N_DCSETS
+       do iChamber=1,H_FPP_N_DCINSET
+        do iLayer=1,H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS
+	  hid = hid_HMSwire(DCset,iChamber,iLayer)
+          if (HFPP_nClusters(DCset,iChamber,iLayer).gt.0) then
+            do iCluster=1,HFPP_nClusters(DCset,iChamber,iLayer)
+             do iHit=1,HFPP_nHitsinCluster(DCset,iChamber,iLayer,iCluster)
+               iRaw = HFPP_Clusters(DCset,iChamber,iLayer,iCluster,iHit)
+               iWire = HFPP_raw_wire(iRaw)
+               dist = HFPP_dHMS(DCset,iChamber,iLayer,iCluster,iHit)
+               call hf2(hid,dist,float(iWire),1.)
+	     enddo !iHit
+	    enddo !iCluster
+	  endif
+	enddo !iLayer
+       enddo !iChamber
+      enddo !DCset
+*     * for each DCset,iChamber,iLayer, histogram drift distances
+      do DCset=1,H_FPP_N_DCSETS
+       do iChamber=1,H_FPP_N_DCINSET
+        do iLayer=1,H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS
+          iPlane = H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS * H_FPP_N_DCINSET * (DCset-1)
+     >    	 + H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS * (iChamber-1)
+     >    	 + iLayer
+	  hid1 = hidFPP_driftT(DCset,iChamber,iLayer)
+	  hid2 = hidFPP_driftX(DCset,iChamber,iLayer)
+          if (HFPP_nClusters(DCset,iChamber,iLayer).gt.0) then
+            do iCluster=1,HFPP_nClusters(DCset,iChamber,iLayer)
+             do iHit=1,HFPP_nHitsinCluster(DCset,iChamber,iLayer,iCluster)
+               iRaw = HFPP_Clusters(DCset,iChamber,iLayer,iCluster,iHit)
+               iWire = HFPP_raw_wire(iRaw)
+               time = HFPP_drift_time(DCset,iChamber,iLayer,iWire)
+               dist = HFPP_drift_dist(DCset,iChamber,iLayer,iWire)
+               call hf2(hid1,time,float(iWire),1.)
+               call hf2(hid2,dist,float(iWire),1.)
+	     enddo !iHit
+	    enddo !iCluster
+	  endif
+	enddo !iLayer
+       enddo !iChamber
+      enddo !DCset
+*     * for each DCset, histogram simple (Nick's) efficiency:
+*     * if 5+ layers of set have hit, mark all layers (in) efficient
+*     * if the do (not) have a hit
+      do DCset=1,H_FPP_N_DCSETS
+       if (HFPP_Nlayershit_set(DCset).ge.(H_FPP_N_DCINSET*H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS-1)) then
+          hid = hidFPP_NickEff(DCset)
+	  do iChamber=1,H_FPP_N_DCINSET
+           do iLayer=1,H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS
+              iPlane = H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS * H_FPP_N_DCINSET * (DCset-1)
+     >       	     + H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS * (iChamber-1)
+     >       	     + iLayer
+              ii     = H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS * (iChamber-1)
+     >       	     + iLayer
+	      if (HFPP_N_planehits(iPlane) .gt. 0) then
+        	call hf1(hid,float(ii),1.)
+	      else
+        	call hf1(hid,float(ii),0.)
+	      endif
+	   enddo !iLayer
+          enddo !iChamber
+       endif
+      enddo !DCset
+*     * for each DCset,iChamber,iLayer, histogram expected hits and actual
+      do DCset=1,H_FPP_N_DCSETS
+       do iChamber=1,H_FPP_N_DCINSET
+        do iLayer=1,H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS
+	  hid1 = hidFPP_should(DCset,iChamber,iLayer)
+	  hid2 = hidFPP_did(DCset,iChamber,iLayer)
+          do iTrack=1,HFPP_N_tracks(DCset)
+            iWire = HFPP_stat_shouldhit(DCset,iChamber,iLayer,iTrack)
+	    if (HFPP_stat_diddhit(DCset,iChamber,iLayer,iTrack)) then
+	      istat = 1.0
+	    else
+	      istat = 0.0
+	    endif
+	    call hf1(hid1,float(iWire),1.)      ! expected hit frequency
+	    call hf1(hid2,float(iWire),istat)   ! hit efficiency
+	  enddo !iTrack
+	enddo !iLayer
+       enddo !iChamber
+      enddo !DCset
+*     * for each DCset,iChamber,iLayer, histogram min distance betw hits and track
+      do DCset=1,H_FPP_N_DCSETS
+	hid = hidFPP_dist(DCset)
+        do iChamber=1,H_FPP_N_DCINSET
+         do iLayer=1,H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS
+           ii = H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS * (iChamber-1) + iLayer
+	   do iTrack=1,HFPP_N_tracks(DCset)
+             dist = HFPP_stat_dist2closest(DCset,iChamber,iLayer,iTrack)
+	     call hf2(hid,float(ii),dist,1.)
+	   enddo !iTrack
+	 enddo !iLayer
+       enddo !iChamber
+      enddo !DCset
+*     * for each DCset,iChamber,iLayer, histogram linear and angular resolutions
+      if ( then
+       do DCset=1,H_FPP_N_DCSETS
+	 hid1 = hidFPP_resol_lin(DCset)
+         hid2 = hidFPP_resol_ang(DCset)
+         do iChamber=1,H_FPP_N_DCINSET
+          do iLayer=1,H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS
+            ii = H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS * (iChamber-1) + iLayer
+            do iTrack=1,HFPP_N_tracks(DCset)
+              call hf2(hid1,float(ii),HFPP_track_resolution(DCset,iChamber,iLayer,iTrack),1.)
+              call hf2(hid2,float(ii),HFPP_track_angresol(DCset,iChamber,iLayer,iTrack),1.)
+            enddo !iTrack
+          enddo !iLayer
+         enddo !iChamber
+       enddo !DCset
+      endif
+*     * for each track in each set, track chi**2, mx,bx,my,by, # hits, HFPP_track_fine,
+*     *  sclose,zclose,theta,phi
+      do DCset=1,H_FPP_N_DCSETS
+	call hf1(hidFPP_Ntrk(DCset),float(HFPP_N_tracks(DCset)),1.)
+        do iTrack=1,HFPP_N_tracks(DCset)
+	  call hf1(hidFPP_Nhitontrk(DCset),float(HFPP_track_Nlayers(DCset,iTrack)),1.)
+	  call hf1(hidFPP_Nrawontrk(DCset),float(HFPP_track_Nhits(DCset,iTrack)),1.)
+	  call hf1(hidFPP_trk_chi2(DCset),HFPP_track_chi2(DCset,iTrack),1.)
+	  call hf1(hidFPP_trk_mx(DCset),HFPP_track_dx(DCset,iTrack),1.)	!fp coords
+	  call hf1(hidFPP_trk_bx(DCset),HFPP_track_x(DCset,iTrack),1.)
+	  call hf1(hidFPP_trk_my(DCset),HFPP_track_dy(DCset,iTrack),1.)
+	  call hf1(hidFPP_trk_by(DCset),HFPP_track_y(DCset,iTrack),1.)
+	  call hf1(hidFPP_fine_mx(DCset),HFPP_track_fine(DCset,iTrack,1),1.)	!chamber coords
+	  call hf1(hidFPP_fine_bx(DCset),HFPP_track_fine(DCset,iTrack,2),1.)
+	  call hf1(hidFPP_fine_my(DCset),HFPP_track_fine(DCset,iTrack,3),1.)
+	  call hf1(hidFPP_fine_by(DCset),HFPP_track_fine(DCset,iTrack,4),1.)
+	  call hf1(hidFPP_sclose(DCset),HFPP_track_sclose(DCset,iTrack),1.)
+	  call hf1(hidFPP_zclose(DCset),HFPP_track_zclose(DCset,iTrack),1.)
+	  call hf1(hidFPP_thetapol(DCset),HFPP_track_theta(DCset,iTrack),1.)
+	  call hf1(hidFPP_phipol(DCset),HFPP_track_phi(DCset,iTrack),1.)
+	enddo !iTrack
+      enddo !DCset
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_fill_scin_raw_hist.f b/HTRACKING/h_fill_scin_raw_hist.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b9101e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_fill_scin_raw_hist.f
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+      subroutine h_fill_scin_raw_hist(Abort,err)
+*     routine to fill histograms with hms_raw_scin varibles
+*     In the future ID numbers are stored in hms_histid
+*     Author:	D. F. Geesaman
+*     Date:     4 April 1994
+*     Modified  9 April 1994     DFG
+*                                Add CTP flag to turn on histogramming
+*                                id's in hms_id_histid
+* $Log: h_fill_scin_raw_hist.f,v $
+* Revision 1.9  2002/07/31 20:17:52  saw
+* Check that user hists are defined before filling
+* Revision 1.8  1996/01/16 21:49:45  cdaq
+* (JRA)
+* Revision 1.7  1995/10/10 13:11:20  cdaq
+* (JRA) Remove some unneeded validity tests
+* Revision 1.6  1995/07/19 18:16:29  cdaq
+* (JRA) Fill hist's from "all" data structures
+* Revision 1.5  1995/05/22  19:39:12  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.4  1995/05/11  19:04:53  cdaq
+* (JRA) Modifications to user histograms
+* Revision 1.3  1995/02/10  19:03:46  cdaq
+* (JRA) Change hscin_num_counters to hnum_scin_counters
+* Revision 1.2  1995/02/02  13:13:46  cdaq
+* (JRA) Make hscin_all_adc_pos/neg floating
+* Revision 1.1  1994/04/13  20:08:03  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      external thgetid
+      integer*4 thgetid
+      character*50 here
+      parameter (here= 'h_fill_scin_raw_hist_')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      real*4 histval
+      real*4 rcnt
+      integer*4 pln,cnt,ihit
+      include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'hms_scin_parms.cmn'
+      include 'hms_id_histid.cmn'
+      SAVE
+      ABORT= .FALSE.
+      err= ' '
+* Make sure there is at least 1 hit
+      if(hscin_all_tot_hits .gt. 0 ) then
+* Loop over all hits
+        do ihit=1,hscin_all_tot_hits
+          pln=hscin_all_plane_num(ihit)
+          cnt=hscin_all_counter_num(ihit)
+          rcnt=float(cnt)
+* Fill plane map
+c          histval = float(pln)
+c          call hf1(hidscinplane,histval,1.)
+* Fill counter map
+          histval = rcnt
+          if (hidscincounters(pln).gt.0)
+     $         call hf1(hidscincounters(pln),histval,1.)
+* Fill ADC and TDC histograms for positive tubes.
+          if (hscin_all_tdc_pos(ihit).ne.-1) then !tube was hit
+            histval = rcnt
+            if (hidscinallpostdc(pln).gt.0)
+     $           call hf1(hidscinallpostdc(pln),histval,1.)
+            histval = FLOAT(hscin_all_tdc_pos(ihit))
+            if (hidsumpostdc(pln).gt.0)
+     $           call hf1(hidsumpostdc(pln),histval,1.)
+          else                                        !tube was NOT hit
+            histval = hscin_all_adc_pos(ihit)-hscin_all_ped_pos(pln,cnt)
+            if (hidsumposadc(pln).gt.0)
+     $           call hf1(hidsumposadc(pln),histval,1.)
+          endif
+          if ((hscin_all_adc_pos(ihit)-hscin_all_ped_pos(pln,cnt))
+     $         .ge. 50) then
+            histval = rcnt
+            if (hidscinallposadc(pln).gt.0)
+     $           call hf1(hidscinallposadc(pln),histval,1.)
+          endif
+* Fill ADC and TDC histograms for negative tubes.
+          if (hscin_all_tdc_neg(ihit).ne.-1) then     !tube was hit
+            histval = rcnt
+            if (hidscinallnegtdc(pln).gt.0)
+     $           call hf1(hidscinallnegtdc(pln),histval,1.)
+            histval = FLOAT(hscin_all_tdc_neg(ihit))
+            if (hidsumnegtdc(pln).gt.0)
+     $           call hf1(hidsumnegtdc(pln),histval,1.)
+          else                          !tube was NOT hit
+            histval = hscin_all_adc_neg(ihit)-hscin_all_ped_neg(pln,cnt)
+            if (hidsumnegadc(pln).gt.0)
+     $           call hf1(hidsumnegadc(pln),histval,1.)
+          endif
+          if ((hscin_all_adc_neg(ihit)-hscin_all_ped_neg(pln,cnt))
+     $         .ge. 50) then
+            histval = rcnt
+            if (hidscinallnegadc(pln).gt.0)
+     $           call hf1(hidscinallnegadc(pln),histval,1.)
+          endif
+* Do we want to histogram raw scintillators
+          if(hturnon_scin_raw_hist .ne. 0 ) then
+            histval = hscin_all_adc_pos(ihit)-hscin_all_ped_pos(pln,cnt)
+            if (hidscinposadc(pln,cnt).gt.0)
+     $           call hf1(hidscinposadc(pln,cnt),histval,1.)
+            histval = hscin_all_adc_neg(ihit)-hscin_all_ped_neg(pln,cnt)
+            if (hidscinnegadc(pln,cnt).gt.0)
+     $           call hf1(hidscinnegadc(pln,cnt),histval,1.)
+            histval = FLOAT(hscin_all_tdc_pos(ihit))
+            if (hidscinpostdc(pln,cnt).gt.0)
+     $           call hf1(hidscinpostdc(pln,cnt),histval,1.)
+            histval = FLOAT(hscin_all_tdc_neg(ihit))
+            if (hidscinnegtdc(pln,cnt).gt.0)
+     $           call hf1(hidscinnegtdc(pln,cnt),histval,1.)
+          endif                         ! end test on histogramming flag
+        enddo                           ! end loop over hits
+      endif                             ! end test on zero hits       
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_find_best_stub.f b/HTRACKING/h_find_best_stub.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e589ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_find_best_stub.f
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+      subroutine h_find_best_stub(numhits,hits,pl,pindex,plusminus,stub,chi2)
+*     This subroutine does a linear least squares fit of a line to the
+*     hits in an individual chamber. It assumes that the y slope is 0 
+*     The wire coordinate is calculated
+*     from the wire center + plusminus*(drift distance).
+*     This is called in a loop over all combinations of plusminus
+*     d. f. geesaman
+* $Log: h_find_best_stub.f,v $
+* Revision 1.6  1996/01/16 21:51:00  cdaq
+* (JRA)
+* Revision 1.5  1995/10/10 13:37:10  cdaq
+* (JRA) Cleanup
+* Revision 1.4  1995/05/22 19:39:12  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.3  1994/11/22  20:04:56  cdaq
+* (SAW) Matrix solver routine now called h_solve_3by3
+* Revision 1.2  1994/10/12  18:38:46  cdaq
+* (DJM) Don't recalculate plane array, remove repetitive calc of AA matrix
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/19  06:14:29  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+*     the four parameters of a stub are x_t,y_t,xp_t,yp_t
+*     Called by H_LEFT_RIGHT
+      implicit none
+      include "hms_data_structures.cmn"
+      include "hms_tracking.cmn"
+      include "hms_geometry.cmn"
+*     input quantities
+      integer*4 numhits
+      integer*4 hits(*)
+      real*4 plusminus(*)
+*     output quantitites
+      real*8 dstub(3)               !x,y,xp of local line fit
+      real*4 stub(4)
+      real*4 chi2                  ! chi2 of fit      
+*     local variables
+      real*4 dpos(hmax_hits_per_point)
+      integer*4 pl(hmax_hits_per_point) !keep name same as in h_left_right.f
+      integer*4 pindex                  ! passed from h_left_right to h_solve_3by3
+      real*8 TT(3)
+      integer*4 hit
+      integer*4 i
+      TT(1)=0.
+      TT(2)=0.
+      TT(3)=0.
+* calculate trial hit position and least squares matrix coefficients.
+      do hit=1,numhits
+        dpos(hit)=HDC_WIRE_CENTER(hits(hit)) +
+     &       plusminus(hit)*HDC_DRIFT_DIS(hits(hit)) -
+     &       hpsi0(pl(hit))
+        do i=1,3
+          TT(i)=TT(i)+((dpos(hit))*hstubcoef(pl(hit),i))/hdc_sigma(pl(hit))
+        enddo
+      enddo
+* djm 10/2/94 removed repetitive calculations of matrix AA3. This matrix and its
+* inverse now calculated for the 14 most popular hit plane configurations and stored 
+* at initialization. (See h_generate_geometry.f)
+* solve three by three equations using stored inverse matrix 
+ccc      call h_solve_3by3(TT,pindex,dstub)
+      dstub(1)=HAAINV3(1,1,pindex)*TT(1) + HAAINV3(1,2,pindex)*TT(2) +
+     &     HAAINV3(1,3,pindex)*TT(3)
+      dstub(2)=HAAINV3(1,2,pindex)*TT(1) + HAAINV3(2,2,pindex)*TT(2) +
+     &     HAAINV3(2,3,pindex)*TT(3)
+      dstub(3)=HAAINV3(1,3,pindex)*TT(1) + HAAINV3(2,3,pindex)*TT(2) +
+     &     HAAINV3(3,3,pindex)*TT(3)
+* calculate chi2.  Remember one power of sigma is in hstubcoef
+      chi2=0.
+      stub(1)=dstub(1)
+      stub(2)=dstub(2)
+      stub(3)=dstub(3)
+      stub(4)=0.
+      do hit=1,numhits
+        chi2=chi2+((dpos(hit))/hdc_sigma(pl(hit))
+     &       -hstubcoef(pl(hit),1)*stub(1)
+     &       -hstubcoef(pl(hit),2)*stub(2)
+     &       -hstubcoef(pl(hit),3)*stub(3) )**2
+      enddo
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_find_easy_space_point.f b/HTRACKING/h_find_easy_space_point.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..430c011
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_find_easy_space_point.f
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+      subroutine h_find_easy_space_point(ncham_hits,
+     &  hit_num, wire_center, ipln,space_point_criterion,
+     &  nspace_point_len,
+     &  y_hit,yp_hit,easy_space_point,
+     &  nspace_points,space_points,space_point_hits)
+* $Log: h_find_easy_space_point.f,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1995/10/25 15:00:13  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+* Simplified HMS find_space_point routine.  It is given all y hits, and checks
+* to see if all x-like hits are close enough together to make a space point.
+      implicit none
+      INCLUDE 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_constants.par'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_units.par'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_tracking.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_geometry.cmn'
+*     input
+      integer*4 ncham_hits		! total number of hits in chamber
+      integer*4 hit_num(*)		! array of hit numbers
+      integer*4 ipln(*)			! array of plane numbers for each hit
+      real*4 wire_center(*)		! array of wire coordinates for hits
+      real*4 space_point_criterion	! squared distance limit for points
+      integer*4 nspace_point_len	! dimension of space point arrays
+      integer*4 y_hit,yp_hit		!hit # of y and y' planes
+      logical easy_space_point
+*     outputs
+      integer*4 nspace_points      ! number of space points in chamber
+      real*4 space_points(nspace_point_len,2)     ! xt, yt of each space point
+      integer*4 space_point_hits(nspace_point_len,*)
+*                                  ! hit numbers for each space point
+* internal Variables,
+      integer*4 k
+      integer*4 num_xhits
+      real*4 xt,yt
+      real*4 x_pos(hmax_hits_per_point)
+      real*4 max_dist
+      yt=(wire_center(y_hit)+wire_center(yp_hit))/2
+      xt=0.
+      num_xhits=0
+      nspace_points = 0
+      max_dist = sqrt(space_point_criterion/2)
+* loop over all hits, find x of space point.
+      do k = 1, ncham_hits
+        if ( .and. then !x-like hits
+          x_pos(k) = ( wire_center(k)-yt*hysp(ipln(k)) )/hxsp(ipln(k))
+          xt = xt + x_pos(k)
+          num_xhits = num_xhits + 1
+        else
+          x_pos(k) = 0.
+        endif
+      enddo
+      xt = xt / float(max(1,num_xhits))
+      easy_space_point = .true.
+      do k = 1, ncham_hits
+        if ( .and. then
+          if (abs(xt-x_pos(k)).ge.max_dist) easy_space_point=.false.
+        endif
+      enddo
+* If easy_space_point is true, all hits were on the space points.
+      if (easy_space_point) then
+        nspace_points = 1
+        space_point_hits(1,1) = ncham_hits
+        space_point_hits(1,2) = 0          !no combos.
+        do k = 1, ncham_hits
+          space_point_hits(1,k+2) = hit_num(k)
+        enddo
+        space_points(1,1)=xt
+        space_points(1,2)=yt
+      endif
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_fpp.f b/HTRACKING/h_fpp.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..98d326c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_fpp.f
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+      SUBROUTINE h_fpp(ABORT,err)
+*    Hall C  HMS Focal Plane Polarimeter Code
+*  Purpose: analyze FPP portion of HMS event
+*  Created by Frank R. Wesselmann,  February 2004
+      include 'gen_detectorids.par'
+      include 'gen_decode_common.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_fpp_params.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_fpp_event.cmn'
+      character*13 here
+      parameter (here= 'h_fpp')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      integer*4 iset
+      ABORT= .FALSE.
+      err= ' '
+c      write(*,*)'In h_fpp.f with hsnum_fptrack =',hsnum_fptrack
+      if (hsnum_fptrack.le.0) return    ! No good HMS track
+*     * note that the above value is determined in h_select_best_track
+*     * so we have to wait until after it is called before we do the FPP!
+*     * do tracking in each set of chambers separately
+      do iset=1, H_FPP_N_DCSETS
+c        write(*,*)'Calling fpp_tracking ->'
+c        write(*,*)'iset,layers,min = ',iset,HFPP_Nlayershit_set(iset),
+c     &   HFPP_minsethits
+        if (HFPP_Nlayershit_set(iset) .ge. HFPP_minsethits) then
+          call h_fpp_tracking(iset,ABORT,err)
+          if (ABORT) then
+            call g_add_path(here,err)
+            return
+          endif
+        endif
+      enddo !iset
+*     * do statistical analysis, e.g. efficiencies
+      call h_fpp_statistics(ABORT,err)
+      if (ABORT) then
+        call g_add_path(here,err)
+        return
+      endif
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_fpp_drift.f b/HTRACKING/h_fpp_drift.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d9f1750
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_fpp_drift.f
@@ -0,0 +1,549 @@
+      SUBROUTINE h_fpp_drift(hit,RoughTrack,prop_delay,
+     >                       drift_time,drift_distance,ABORT,err)
+*    Hall C  HMS Focal Plane Polarimeter Code
+*  Purpose: determine fully corrected drift distance for raw hit
+*  Created by Frank R. Wesselmann,  February 2004
+      include 'gen_detectorids.par'
+      include 'gen_decode_common.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_fpp_params.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_geometry.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_fpp_event.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_bypass_switches.cmn'
+      character*11 here
+      parameter (here= 'h_fpp_drift')
+      integer*4 hit             ! number of hit in raw hits array
+      real*4 RoughTrack(6)      ! rough track parameter for corrections
+      real*4 prop_delay         ! wire propagation delay
+      real*4 drift_time         ! fully corrected drift time
+      real*4 drift_time_orig    ! un-corrected drift time
+      real*4 drift_distance     ! drift distance determ. from drift time
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      integer*4 Plane, Wire
+      integer*4 Set,Chamber,Layer
+      integer*4 ii,p,i,j
+      integer*4 binno
+      real*4 correction, fraction, a
+      real*8 mx8,my8,mu8,Px8,Py8,alpha8
+      real*4 ejbtime			! really simple time to distance calc
+      real*4 ejbdrift			! really simple time to distance calc
+      common /HMS_FPP_ejbdrift/ ejbtime(120,4), ejbdrift(120,4)
+      ABORT= .FALSE.
+      err= ' '
+      drift_distance = H_FPP_BAD_DRIFT
+*     * get hit data from raw array
+      Plane = HFPP_raw_plane(hit)
+      Wire  = HFPP_raw_wire(hit)
+      drift_time = HFPP_HitTime(hit)
+      drift_time_orig = HFPP_HitTime(hit)
+      Set     = HFPP_plane2set(Plane)
+      Chamber = HFPP_plane2chamber(Plane)
+      Layer   = HFPP_plane2layer(Plane)
+      if(hbypass_trans_fpp.eq.2) then
+              drift_distance = abs(HFPP_drift_dist(Set,Chamber,Layer,Wire))
+              return
+      endif      
+********************  corrections to drift time *******************************
+* drift time is expected to measure time from particle interacting in drift
+* cell until the signal is seen on the sense wire, meaning we expect the
+* time values to be more positive for longer drift distances!
+* in reality, we only know the trigger signal time and the time when the
+* sense wire signal hits the TDC
+* since the length of the signal cables and the processing delays are
+* independent of the geometric event, we can consider them fixed and they are
+* absorbed into the drift map or the time offset
+* this leaves the following corrections:
+* - trigger time: corrections to the tirgger time to obtain the actual
+*   interaction time of the particle with the scintillator
+* - time of flight: interaction in lower-z layers are earlier (relative to
+*   trigger!) than higher-z ones
+* - wire walk correction: signal needs to propagate along sense wire to
+*   amplifier (readout) card and the path length depends on track geometry
+*     * correct trigger time
+      drift_time = drift_time - hstart_time
+      if (.FALSE.) then
+*       * apply time of flight correction to offset trigger time?
+*       * we use the simple and consistent approach to correct based
+*       * on an externally FIXED velocity based on our absolute 
+*       * z position, so trigger time is interpreted to be valid at z=0
+*       * whatever offset is needed needs to be absorbed into HFPP_tDriftOffset
+*       * it might be nice if the particle speed was NOT fixed...
+	correction = (HFPP_layerZ(Set,Chamber,Layer)+HFPP_Zoff(Set)) / HFPP_particlespeed
+	drift_time = drift_time - correction 
+cfrw  we could also base the TOF speed on the HMS track speed, as follows:
+cfrw  p = hp_tar(HSNUM_FPTRACK)
+cfrw  speed = speed_of_light * p/sqrt(p*p+hpartmass*hpartmass)
+cfrw  actually, using the measured particle velocity, we can find ToF just like
+cfrw  HMS DCs do -- or could because they use fixed, pre-determined ToF to each layer --
+cfrw  but the event HMS reference time (hstart_time) is based on a corrected value,
+cfrw  determined in  h_trans_scin.f
+cfrw  using this approach, we get the velocity as  29.979*hbeta_pcent  where
+cfrw    hbeta_pcent = hpcentral/sqrt(hpcentral*hpcentral+hpartmass*hpartmass)
+cfrw  and the path is the wire z-coord in the same system as used by the hscin -- find
+cfrw  the parameter assingment of  hscin_1x_zpos  to get details;
+cfrw  the HMS reference time is calculated at z=0 is this system
+      endif
+      if (.TRUE.) then
+*       * apply wire propagation delay correction, supplied externally
+        drift_time = drift_time - prop_delay
+      endif
+*      write(*,*)'Drift time: ',drift_time_orig,prop_delay,correction,hstart_time,drift_time
+* implement drift time "kluge" (ejb)
+      if(hbypass_trans_fpp.eq.4) then
+              if( then
+                   drift_distance=H_FPP_BAD_DRIFT
+                   return
+              endif
+              if(Set.eq.1) then
+                drift_distance=(drift_time+30.0)/210.0*1.38
+              else
+                drift_distance=(drift_time+10.0)/210.0*1.38
+              endif
+              if(
+              if(
+c              write(*,*)'Kluge: ',drift_time,drift_distance
+              return
+      endif
+********************  convert drift time to drift distance ********************
+c      write(*,*)'Drift type = ',hfpp_drift_type
+      if (hfpp_drift_type.eq.0) then		! no drift, use 0.5cm ***************
+          drift_distance = 0.5
+      elseif (hfpp_drift_type.eq.1) then		! look-up table ***************
+          if ( .or.
+     >	 ) then   ! skip rare random/early hit
+            drift_distance = H_FPP_BAD_DRIFT
+            RETURN
+          endif
+*         * find closest time bin for drift map
+          binno = 1 + int((drift_time-hfpp_drift_Tmin)/hfpp_drift_dT)
+          if ( .or. then	! should never happen
+            drift_distance = H_FPP_BAD_DRIFT
+            RETURN
+          endif
+*         * interpolate between two relevant time bins
+          fraction = (drift_time-hfpp_drift_Tmin) / hfpp_drift_dT
+          binno = 1 + int(fraction)
+          fraction = fraction - float(binno) - 1.5  ! range -0.5 to 0.5
+          if ( then !below midpoint
+            fraction = -1.0*fraction
+            if (binno.eq.1) then  !already at bottom bin
+              drift_distance = 2.0 * (1.0-fraction) * hfpp_driftmap(Layer,binno)  !assume bottom edge of bin is 0 drift
+            else
+              drift_distance =      fraction  * hfpp_driftmap(Layer,binno-1)
+     >    		     + (1.0-fraction) * hfpp_driftmap(Layer,binno)
+            endif
+          else  		    !above midpoint
+            if (binno.eq.hfpp_drift_Nbins) then  !already at top bin
+              drift_distance = H_FPP_BAD_DRIFT
+              RETURN
+            else
+              drift_distance =      fraction  * hfpp_driftmap(Layer,binno+1)
+     >    		     + (1.0-fraction) * hfpp_driftmap(Layer,binno)
+            endif
+          endif
+          if ( then
+            drift_distance = H_FPP_BAD_DRIFT
+            RETURN
+          endif
+      elseif (hfpp_drift_type.eq.2) then	! polynomial ******************
+          if ( then
+            drift_distance = H_FPP_BAD_DRIFT
+            RETURN
+          elseif ( then
+            drift_distance = H_FPP_BAD_DRIFT
+            RETURN
+          endif
+          drift_distance = 0.0
+          do ii=1,hfpp_drift_Nterms
+            p = ii-1
+            a = hfpp_drift_coeffs(Layer,ii)
+            drift_distance = drift_distance + a * drift_time**p
+          enddo !ii
+          if ( then
+            drift_distance = H_FPP_BAD_DRIFT
+            RETURN
+          endif
+      elseif (hfpp_drift_type.eq.3) then !simple ejb time to dist calculation
+          j=(Set-1)*2+Chamber
+          do i=2,100
+               if (ejbtime(i,j).gt.drift_time_orig) then
+                    drift_distance = ejbdrift(i,j)-
+     >			(ejbdrift(i,j)-ejbdrift(i-1,j))*
+     >			    ((ejbtime(i,j)-drift_time_orig)/
+     >                         (ejbtime(i,j)-ejbtime(i-1,j)))
+                    goto 9191
+               endif
+          enddo
+9191      continue
+          if(Set.eq.1) then
+		if( drift_distance=0.0001
+		if( drift_distance=1.25
+	  else
+		if( drift_distance=0.0001
+		if( drift_distance=1.25
+	  endif
+          if( drift_distance = H_FPP_BAD_DRIFT
+          if ( then
+            drift_distance = hfpp_drift_Xmax
+            RETURN
+          endif
+      elseif (hfpp_drift_type.eq.4) then	! constant speed **************
+          if ( then
+            drift_distance = H_FPP_BAD_DRIFT
+            RETURN
+          elseif ( then
+            drift_distance = H_FPP_BAD_DRIFT
+            RETURN
+          endif
+          drift_distance = hfpp_drift_dT * drift_time
+          if ( then
+            drift_distance = H_FPP_BAD_DRIFT
+            RETURN
+          endif
+          if ( then
+            drift_distance = H_FPP_BAD_DRIFT
+            RETURN
+          endif
+      elseif (hfpp_drift_type.eq.5) then	! experimental hardcoded
+          if ( then
+            drift_distance = H_FPP_BAD_DRIFT
+            RETURN
+          elseif ( then
+            drift_distance = H_FPP_BAD_DRIFT
+            RETURN
+          endif
+          drift_distance = sqrt( (drift_time-hfpp_drift_Tmin) / 
+     >                           (hfpp_drift_Tmax-hfpp_drift_Tmin) )
+          if ( then
+            drift_distance = H_FPP_BAD_DRIFT
+            RETURN
+          endif
+          if ( then
+            drift_distance = H_FPP_BAD_DRIFT
+            RETURN
+          endif
+      else					! bad selector ****************
+          drift_distance = H_FPP_BAD_DRIFT
+          write(err,*) 'unknown drift map type: ',hfpp_drift_type
+          ABORT = .true.
+          call g_rep_err(ABORT,err)
+          RETURN
+      endif
+********************  corrections to drift distance ***************************
+      if (.FALSE.) then
+*       * apply out-of-plane correction IF NEEDED
+*       * this corrects for the fact that the drift distance is the
+*       * closest approach distance, which is not generally in the
+*       * wire plane, but the tracking uses the in-plane distance!
+*       * note that this is NOT a correction to the time but to the distance!
+*       * This correction may be obviated by the drift map if it gives the
+*       * in-layer coordinate already (as GARFIELD simulations might)...
+        Px8 = dble(HFPP_direction(Set,Chamber,Layer,1))   !projection of u onto x
+        Py8 = dble(HFPP_direction(Set,Chamber,Layer,2))   !projection of u onto y
+        mx8 = dble(RoughTrack(1))
+        my8 = dble(RoughTrack(3))
+        mu8 = Px8*mx8 + Py8*my8
+        alpha8 = datan(mu8)
+	if ( then
+          drift_distance = drift_distance * sngl(1.d0 / dabs(dcos(alpha8)))
+	endif
+      endif
+*     * make sure the result is meaningful!
+      if ( then
+        drift_distance = H_FPP_BAD_DRIFT
+      endif
+      RETURN
+      END
+      SUBROUTINE h_fpp_drift_init(ABORT,err)
+*    Hall C  HMS Focal Plane Polarimeter Code
+*  Purpose: tracking in one set of FPP drift chambers
+*           find best track fitted to wire centers
+*           test all possible permutations until good track found
+*  Created by Frank R. Wesselmann,  February 2004
+      include 'gen_detectorids.par'
+      include 'gen_decode_common.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_fpp_params.cmn'
+      character*16 here
+      parameter (here= 'h_fpp_drift_init')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      integer LUN
+      integer*4 i,Plane
+      real*4 rflag
+      real*4 timebins(H_FPP_DRIFT_MAX_BINS)
+      real*4 ejbtime			! really simple time to distance calc
+      real*4 ejbdrift			! really simple time to distance calc
+      common /HMS_FPP_ejbdrift/ ejbtime(120,4), ejbdrift(120,4)
+      write(6,'(''\n FPP  Drift  Map: '')')
+      hfpp_drift_type = 0
+      hfpp_drift_Nbins = 0
+      hfpp_drift_dT   = 0.0
+      hfpp_drift_Tmin = 0.0
+      hfpp_drift_Tmax = 0.0
+      hfpp_drift_Xmax = 0.0
+      hfpp_drift_Nterms = 0
+      if (hfpp_driftmap_filename.eq.' ') then
+        print *,' No drift map specified for the HMS FPP chambers.'
+        print *,' Using fixed drift distance of +/-0.5 cm, best fit.\n'
+        RETURN
+      endif
+      call g_IO_control(LUN,'ANY',ABORT,err)  !get IO channel
+c      write(*,*)'FPP Drift Map File:',hfpp_driftmap_filename 
+      open(LUN,file=hfpp_driftmap_filename,err=900)
+      read(LUN,*,err=901,end=900) rflag, hfpp_drift_Xmax
+      hfpp_drift_type = int(rflag)
+      if (hfpp_drift_type.eq.1) then		! look-up table ***************
+          read(LUN,*,err=902,end=900) hfpp_drift_Nbins
+	  if ( then
+	    hfpp_drift_Nbins = H_FPP_DRIFT_MAX_BINS
+            write(err,*) 'Too many bins in FPP drift map ',hfpp_driftmap_filename
+            call g_rep_err(ABORT,err)
+	  endif
+          do i=1,hfpp_drift_Nbins
+	    read(LUN,*,err=902,end=900) 
+     >             timebins(i), (hfpp_driftmap(Plane,i),Plane=1,H_FPP_N_PLANES)
+	  enddo !i
+          if ( then
+            hfpp_drift_dT = timebins(2) - timebins(1)      !midpoints of bin!!!
+            hfpp_drift_Tmin = timebins(1)
+     >      		    - 0.5*hfpp_drift_dT
+            hfpp_drift_Tmax = timebins(hfpp_drift_Nbins)
+     >                      + 0.5*hfpp_drift_dT
+          else
+            write(err,*) 'Only ',hfpp_drift_Nbins,' entries for FPP drift map ',hfpp_driftmap_filename
+            call g_rep_err(ABORT,err)
+          endif
+          if (hfpp_drift_Nbins.le.0) goto 902
+          if (hfpp_drift_dT.le.0.0) goto 902
+          print *,' The selected drift map file uses a look-up table to determine'
+          print *,' the drift in the focal plane polarimeter chambers.'
+          print *,' The selected map has ',hfpp_drift_Nbins,' time bins and a maximum.'
+          print *,' drift distance of ',hfpp_drift_Xmax,' cm.\n'
+      elseif (hfpp_drift_type.eq.2) then	! polynomial ******************
+          read(LUN,*,err=903,end=900) hfpp_drift_Tmin, hfpp_drift_Tmax
+          read(LUN,*,err=903,end=900) hfpp_drift_Nterms
+          if ( then
+            hfpp_drift_Nterms = H_FPP_DRIFT_MAX_TERMS
+          endif
+          do i=1,hfpp_drift_Nterms
+            read(LUN,*,err=903,end=900) 
+     >    	    (hfpp_drift_coeffs(Plane,i),Plane=1,H_FPP_N_PLANES)
+          enddo
+          print *,' The selected drift map file uses a polynomial to calculate'
+          print *,' the drift in the focal plane polarimeter chambers.'
+          print *,' The order of this polynomial is :',hfpp_drift_Nterms
+          print *,' The applicability range of this drift map is:'
+          print *,' ',hfpp_drift_Tmin,' < t_drift < ',hfpp_drift_Tmax,'\n'
+      elseif (hfpp_drift_type.eq.3) then	! EJB map *********************
+          print *,' The selected drift map file uses a REALLY simple look-up table to determine'
+          print *,' the drift in the focal plane polarimeter chambers. (ejb)\n'
+	  do i=1,100
+	          read(LUN,*,err=901,end=900)ejbtime(i,1),ejbdrift(i,1)
+	  enddo
+	  do i=1,100
+	          read(LUN,*,err=901,end=900)ejbtime(i,2),ejbdrift(i,2)
+	  enddo
+	  do i=1,100
+	          read(LUN,*,err=901,end=900)ejbtime(i,3),ejbdrift(i,3)
+	  enddo
+	  do i=1,100
+	          read(LUN,*,err=901,end=900)ejbtime(i,4),ejbdrift(i,4)
+	  enddo
+      elseif (hfpp_drift_type.eq.4) then	! constant speed **************
+          read(LUN,*,err=905,end=900) hfpp_drift_dT
+          read(LUN,*,err=905,end=900) hfpp_drift_Tmin, hfpp_drift_Tmax
+          print *,' The selected drift map file uses constant drift'
+          print *,' velocity in the focal plane polarimeter chambers.'
+          print *,' The speed is :',hfpp_drift_dT,' cm/ns'
+          print *,' The applicability range of this drift map is:'
+          print *,'  ',hfpp_drift_Tmin,' ns < t_drift < ',hfpp_drift_Tmax,' ns'
+          print *,' with a maximum drift distance of ',hfpp_drift_Xmax,' cm.\n'
+      elseif (hfpp_drift_type.eq.5) then	! experimental
+          read(LUN,*,err=905,end=900) hfpp_drift_Tmin, hfpp_drift_Tmax
+          print *,' The selected drift map file uses a special function'
+          print *,' for the focal plane polarimeter chambers.'
+          print *,' The applicability range of this drift map is:'
+          print *,'  ',hfpp_drift_Tmin,' ns < t_drift < ',hfpp_drift_Tmax,' ns'
+          print *,' with a maximum drift distance of ',hfpp_drift_Xmax,' cm.\n'
+      else					! bad selector ****************
+          goto 904
+      endif
+      goto 990
+ 900  continue
+      err = 'error opening drift map file: '//hfpp_driftmap_filename
+      ABORT = .true.
+      call g_rep_err(ABORT,err)
+      goto 990
+ 901  continue
+      err = 'error reading drift map file header: '//hfpp_driftmap_filename
+      ABORT = .true.
+      call g_rep_err(ABORT,err)
+      goto 990
+ 902  continue
+      err = 'error reading drift map - bad lookup table: '//hfpp_driftmap_filename
+      ABORT = .true.
+      call g_rep_err(ABORT,err)
+      goto 990
+ 903  continue
+      err = 'error reading drift map - bad polynomial: '//hfpp_driftmap_filename
+      ABORT = .true.
+      call g_rep_err(ABORT,err)
+      goto 990
+ 904  continue
+      err = 'error reading drift map - unknown drift map type: '//hfpp_driftmap_filename
+      ABORT = .true.
+      call g_rep_err(ABORT,err)
+      goto 990
+ 905  continue
+      err = 'error reading drift map - bad constant speed: '//hfpp_driftmap_filename
+      ABORT = .true.
+      call g_rep_err(ABORT,err)
+      goto 990
+ 990  continue
+      close(LUN)
+      call G_IO_control(LUN,'FREE',ABORT,err) !free up IO channel
+        call G_add_path(here,err)
+      ENDIF
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_fpp_fit.f b/HTRACKING/h_fpp_fit.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9197ccc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_fpp_fit.f
@@ -0,0 +1,458 @@
+      SUBROUTINE h_fpp_fit_simple(DCset,Clusters,nPoints,Track,ABORT,err)
+*    Hall C  HMS Focal Plane Polarimeter Code
+*  Purpose: simple fit to wire centroids, treat all hits equally
+*  Created by Frank R. Wesselmann,  February 2004
+      INCLUDE 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_geometry.cmn'
+      include 'gen_detectorids.par'
+      include 'gen_decode_common.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_fpp_event.cmn'
+      character*16 here
+      parameter (here= 'h_fpp_fit_simple')
+      integer*4 DCset   ! set of FPP DCs we are working on
+      integer*4 Clusters(H_FPP_N_DCINSET,H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS)
+      integer*4 nPoints
+      real*4 Track(5)
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      real*4 wirepos
+      real*4 Coords(H_FPP_MAX_FITPOINTS,2)
+      real*4 Sigmas(H_FPP_MAX_FITPOINTS)
+      real*4 Project(H_FPP_MAX_FITPOINTS,2)
+      real*4 FitParm(5)  ! does NOT include hit count
+      integer*4 iChamber, iLayer, iCluster, iRaw, iHit, ii
+*     * init result to bad
+      Track(1) = H_FPP_BAD_COORD   !mx
+      Track(2) = H_FPP_BAD_COORD   !bx
+      Track(3) = H_FPP_BAD_COORD   !my
+      Track(4) = H_FPP_BAD_COORD   !by
+      Track(5) = H_FPP_BAD_CHI2
+*     * transfer abstract Clusters into linear array of hit coords
+      nPoints = 0
+      do iChamber=1,H_FPP_N_DCINSET
+       do iLayer=1,H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS
+         iCluster = Clusters(iChamber,iLayer)
+         if ( then
+           do iRaw=1,HFPP_nHitsinCluster(DCset,iChamber,iLayer,iCluster)
+             nPoints = nPoints + 1
+             iHit = HFPP_Clusters(DCset,iChamber,iLayer,iCluster,iRaw)
+             wirepos = HFPP_layeroffset(DCset,iChamber,iLayer)
+     >               + HFPP_spacing(DCset,iChamber,iLayer)*HFPP_raw_wire(iHit)
+*            * tracking works in u-z coordinate system
+             Coords(nPoints,1) = wirepos
+             Coords(nPoints,2) = HFPP_layerZ(DCset,iChamber,iLayer)
+             Project(nPoints,1) = HFPP_direction(DCset,iChamber,iLayer,1)
+             Project(nPoints,2) = HFPP_direction(DCset,iChamber,iLayer,2)
+*            * we dont use drift here so use 1/3 wire spacing as sigma!
+             Sigmas(nPoints) = (HFPP_spacing(DCset,iChamber,iLayer)/3.0)**2
+           enddo !iRaw
+         endif
+       enddo !iLayer
+      enddo !iChamber
+*     * then we feed these coords to our fitting routine to get track
+      if ( then
+        call h_fpp_fit3d(nPoints, Coords, Sigmas, Project, FitParm)
+*       * transfer results
+        do ii=1,5
+          Track(ii) = FitParm(ii)
+        enddo !ii
+      endif
+      RETURN
+      END
+      SUBROUTINE h_fpp_fit_best_permutation(nPoints, Points, Sigma2s, 
+     >                                      Projects, Drifts, BestTrack)
+*    Hall C  HMS Focal Plane Polarimeter Code
+*  Purpose: find best fit among the possible permutations obtainable
+*           by arranging drift to be to left or right of each wire
+*  WARNING: the array  Drifts  contains the unsigned (L?R ambiguous)
+*           drifts as input but _replaces_ them with the resolved
+*           signed drifts as output
+*  Created by Frank R. Wesselmann,  February 2004
+      INCLUDE 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_geometry.cmn'
+      include 'gen_detectorids.par'
+      include 'gen_decode_common.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_fpp_event.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_fpp_params.cmn'
+      integer*4 nPoints
+      real*4 Points(H_FPP_MAX_FITPOINTS,2)   ! u,z
+      real*4 Sigma2s(H_FPP_MAX_FITPOINTS)
+      real*4 Projects(H_FPP_MAX_FITPOINTS,3)
+      real*4 Drifts(H_FPP_MAX_FITPOINTS)
+      real*4 BestTrack(6)  ! does NOT include hit count
+** now we use the supplied hits and the absolute drift distance (in layer!)
+** to find the permutation of positive and negative drift directions that
+** produces the best track
+      real*4 HitPos(H_FPP_MAX_FITPOINTS,2)
+      real*4 DriftAbs(H_FPP_MAX_FITPOINTS), driftreal(H_FPP_MAX_FITPOINTS)
+      real*4 BestDrifts(H_FPP_MAX_FITPOINTS)
+      real*4 Track(6)  ! does NOT include hit count
+      integer*4 iHit, attempts, toggleat, ii
+      logical*4 drift2plus(H_FPP_MAX_FITPOINTS)
+      logical*4 anyPerm2try, carry
+*     * init result to bad
+      BestTrack(1) = H_FPP_BAD_COORD  ! mx
+      BestTrack(2) = H_FPP_BAD_COORD  ! bx
+      BestTrack(3) = H_FPP_BAD_COORD  ! my
+      BestTrack(4) = H_FPP_BAD_COORD  ! by
+      BestTrack(5) = H_FPP_BAD_CHI2
+      if ( RETURN
+*     * init
+      do iHit=1,nPoints
+        DriftAbs(iHit)   = Drifts(iHit) ! save absolute drifts
+        drift2plus(iHit) = .false.      ! init left/right pointer to LEFT
+	BestDrifts(iHit) = H_FPP_BAD_DRIFT
+      enddo !iHit
+      anyPerm2try = .true.
+      attempts = 0
+      do while (anyPerm2try)
+        attempts = attempts+1
+	do iHit=1,nPoints
+*     	  * figure real drift from absolute and sign
+          if (drift2plus(iHit)) then
+	    driftreal(iHit) = abs(DriftAbs(iHit))
+	  else
+	    driftreal(iHit) = -1.*abs(DriftAbs(iHit))
+	  endif
+*     	  * adjust hit position based on drift
+          HitPos(iHit,1) = Points(iHit,1) + driftreal(iHit)	! u
+          HitPos(iHit,2) = Points(iHit,2)			! z
+	enddo ! iHit
+*     	* get track based on these drift values
+	call h_fpp_fit3d(nPoints, HitPos, Sigma2s, Projects, Track)
+*     	* remember best track and set of drift flags
+      	if (Track(5).lt.BestTrack(5).and.Track(5).gt.0.0) then
+      	  do ii=1,6
+      	    BestTrack(ii) = Track(ii)
+      	  enddo !ii
+      	  do iHit=1, nPoints
+      	     BestDrifts(iHit) = driftreal(iHit)
+      	  enddo !iHit
+      	endif
+*	* get next combination of drift directions to try
+*	* binary adding:   0 --> 1
+*       *              or  1 --> 0+carry
+*	* ALWAYS start at the lowest position and add the carry (if any)
+*       * to the next highest; continue until no more carry or out of bits
+*       * skip layers without a hit in use!
+*       * we COULD do this using real binary math but this is likely faster
+*       * than re-discovering the state of each "bit" for each iteration...
+        toggleat=0
+	carry = .true.
+	do while (carry)
+	  toggleat = toggleat+1
+	  if ( EXIT
+	  carry = drift2plus(toggleat)
+	  drift2plus(toggleat) = .not.drift2plus(toggleat)
+	enddo
+	anyPerm2try = .not.carry  !only get carry here if all permutations were tried
+      enddo !anyPerm2try
+      do iHit=1, nPoints
+        Drifts(iHit) = BestDrifts(iHit)
+      enddo !iHit
+      RETURN
+      END
+      SUBROUTINE h_fpp_fit3d(n, coords, sig2s, projs, params)
+*    Hall C  HMS Focal Plane Polarimeter Code
+*  Purpose: fit set of hits in 3space to FPP track
+*  Created by Frank R. Wesselmann,  February 2004
+      INCLUDE 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+*     * function arguments    INPUT: n, coords, sig2s    OUTPUT: params, chi2
+      integer*4 n                          ! number of points to fit
+      real*4 coords(H_FPP_MAX_FITPOINTS,2) ! coords of points to fit u,z
+      real*4 sig2s(H_FPP_MAX_FITPOINTS)    ! resolution (sigma**2) of each
+                                           ! point on own axis
+      real*4 projs(H_FPP_MAX_FITPOINTS,2)  ! u=proj(1)*x + proj(2)*y
+      real*4 params(5)                     ! resulting fit params mx bx my by
+                                           !      and the reduced chi2 of fit
+*** code is extension of simple 1-dimensional straight-line fit
+*** generalization is that we fit orthogonal straight line projections
+*** in x VS z and in y VS z simultaneously
+*** each fit point is specified by an arbitrary coordinate u, which is
+*** some linear combination of x and y, and the global z coordinate
+*** also supplied are the projection factprs Px and Py correlating u
+*** with x,y as given by    u = Px * x + Py * y
+*** presumably, the coordinate u is in a system native to the supplied
+*** data point, as in the measureing direction of a wire chamber plane
+*** and these projection factors can be pre-determined and kept fixed
+*** the fit results are still produced in x and y coordinates, slopes
+*** and offsets s. th.  x = z * mx + bx
+***               and   y = z * my + by
+*** since the fit is a chi-squared minimization, a weight (or scale) is
+*** needed to judge each points' significance; these are also to be 
+*** interpreted in the u coordinate and are to be supplied as their own
+*** square, to remove the repetitive squaring calculation
+*** the expressions below for mx, bx, my and by were obtained using the
+*** symbolic algebra software REDUCE with the command:
+***    solve({Suxz = mx*Sxxzz + my*Sxyzz + bx*Sxxz + by*Sxyz,
+***           Suyz = mx*Sxyzz + my*Syyzz + bx*Sxyz + by*Syyz,
+***           Sux  = mx*Sxxz  + my*Sxyz  + bx*Sxx  + by*Sxy,
+***           Suy  = mx*Sxyz  + my*Syyz  + bx*Sxy  + by*Syy}, {mx,my,bx,by});
+*** for the sums we use the terminology that the S... variables are sums over
+*** the different terms in the chi**2 expression where u indicates the
+*** measured coordinate value, x and y are the respective projection factors
+*** and z is the z coordinate of the measurement;  repetitions indicate powers
+***   chi**2 = Sum (u_i - Px*mx*z_i - Px*bx - Py*my*z_i - Py*by)**2 / sig_i**2
+*     * short form of fit parameters
+      real*8 mx, my, bx, by
+*     * short form of point coords, sigma and projection factors
+      real*8 ui,zi, Px,Py, sigma2
+*     * various sums
+      real*8 Sux, Suxz, Suy, Suyz, Suu
+      real*8 Sxx, Sxxz, Sxxzz
+      real*8 Sxy, Sxyz, Sxyzz
+      real*8 Syy, Syyz, Syyzz
+      real*8 chi2
+      real*8 denom
+      integer*4 i
+      mx =  dble(H_FPP_BAD_COORD)
+      bx =  dble(H_FPP_BAD_COORD)
+      my =  dble(H_FPP_BAD_COORD)
+      by =  dble(H_FPP_BAD_COORD)
+      chi2 = dble(H_FPP_BAD_CHI2)
+      if (n .ge. 2) then
+        Suu   = 0.D0
+        Sux   = 0.D0
+        Suy   = 0.D0
+        Suxz  = 0.D0
+        Suyz  = 0.D0
+        Sxx   = 0.D0
+        Sxy   = 0.D0
+        Syy   = 0.D0
+        Sxxz  = 0.D0
+        Sxyz  = 0.D0
+        Syyz  = 0.D0
+        Sxxzz = 0.D0
+        Sxyzz = 0.D0
+        Syyzz = 0.D0
+        do i=1, n
+          ui = dble(coords(i,1))
+          zi = dble(coords(i,2))
+          Px = dble(projs(i,1))
+          Py = dble(projs(i,2))
+          sigma2 = dble(sig2s(i))   !sig2s are already squared!
+          if (sigma2 .gt. 0.d0) then
+            Suu   = Suu   + ui*ui/sigma2
+            Sux   = Sux   + ui*Px/sigma2
+            Suy   = Suy   + ui*Py/sigma2
+            Suxz  = Suxz  + ui*Px*zi/sigma2
+            Suyz  = Suyz  + ui*Py*zi/sigma2
+            Sxx   = Sxx   + Px*Px/sigma2
+            Sxy   = Sxy   + Px*Py/sigma2
+            Syy   = Syy   + Py*Py/sigma2
+            Sxxz  = Sxxz  + Px*Px*zi/sigma2
+            Sxyz  = Sxyz  + Px*Py*zi/sigma2
+            Syyz  = Syyz  + Py*Py*zi/sigma2
+            Sxxzz = Sxxzz + Px*Px*zi*zi/sigma2
+            Sxyzz = Sxyzz + Px*Py*zi*zi/sigma2
+            Syyzz = Syyzz + Py*Py*zi*zi/sigma2
+          endif
+        enddo !n
+        denom = Sxx*Sxxzz*Syy*Syyzz - Sxx*Sxxzz*Syyz*Syyz - Sxx*Sxyz*Sxyz*Syyzz
+     >        + Sxx*Sxyz*Sxyzz*Syyz + Sxx*Sxyz*Sxyzz*Syyz - Sxx*Sxyzz*Sxyzz*Syy
+     >        - Sxxz*Sxxz*Syy*Syyzz + Sxxz*Sxxz*Syyz*Syyz + Sxxz*Sxy*Sxyz*Syyzz
+     >        + Sxxz*Sxy*Sxyz*Syyzz - Sxxz*Sxy*Sxyzz*Syyz - Sxxz*Sxy*Sxyzz*Syyz
+     >        - Sxxz*Sxyz*Sxyz*Syyz - Sxxz*Sxyz*Sxyz*Syyz + Sxxz*Sxyz*Sxyzz*Syy
+     >        + Sxxz*Sxyz*Sxyzz*Syy - Sxxzz*Sxy*Sxy*Syyzz + Sxxzz*Sxy*Sxyz*Syyz
+     >        + Sxxzz*Sxy*Sxyz*Syyz - Sxxzz*Sxyz*Sxyz*Syy + Sxy*Sxy*Sxyzz*Sxyzz
+     >        - Sxy*Sxyz*Sxyz*Sxyzz - Sxy*Sxyz*Sxyz*Sxyzz + Sxyz*Sxyz*Sxyz*Sxyz
+        if (denom .ne. 0.D0) then
+          denom = 1.d0/denom
+          mx = denom *
+     >      ( Sux*Sxxz*Syyz*Syyz - Sux*Sxxz*Syy*Syyzz + Sux*Sxy*Sxyz*Syyzz
+     >      - Sux*Sxy*Sxyzz*Syyz - Sux*Sxyz*Sxyz*Syyz + Sux*Sxyz*Sxyzz*Syy
+     >      + Suxz*Sxx*Syy*Syyzz - Suxz*Sxx*Syyz*Syyz - Suxz*Sxy*Sxy*Syyzz
+     >      + Suxz*Sxy*Sxyz*Syyz + Suxz*Sxy*Sxyz*Syyz - Suxz*Sxyz*Sxyz*Syy
+     >      + Suy*Sxx*Sxyzz*Syyz + Suy*Sxxz*Sxy*Syyzz - Suy*Sxxz*Sxyz*Syyz
+     >      - Suy*Sxy*Sxyz*Sxyzz + Suy*Sxyz*Sxyz*Sxyz + Suyz*Sxx*Sxyz*Syyz
+     >      - Suyz*Sxx*Sxyzz*Syy - Suyz*Sxxz*Sxy*Syyz + Suyz*Sxxz*Sxyz*Syy
+     >      + Suyz*Sxy*Sxy*Sxyzz - Suyz*Sxy*Sxyz*Sxyz - Suy*Sxx*Sxyz*Syyzz)
+          my = denom *
+     >      ( Sux*Sxxz*Sxyzz*Syy - Sux*Sxxz*Sxyz*Syyz + Sux*Sxxzz*Sxy*Syyz
+     >      - Sux*Sxxzz*Sxyz*Syy - Sux*Sxy*Sxyz*Sxyzz + Sux*Sxyz*Sxyz*Sxyz
+     >      + Suxz*Sxx*Sxyz*Syyz - Suxz*Sxx*Sxyzz*Syy - Suxz*Sxxz*Sxy*Syyz
+     >      + Suxz*Sxxz*Sxyz*Syy + Suxz*Sxy*Sxy*Sxyzz - Suxz*Sxy*Sxyz*Sxyz
+     >      - Suy*Sxx*Sxxzz*Syyz + Suy*Sxx*Sxyz*Sxyzz + Suy*Sxxz*Sxxz*Syyz
+     >      - Suy*Sxxz*Sxy*Sxyzz - Suy*Sxxz*Sxyz*Sxyz + Suy*Sxxzz*Sxy*Sxyz
+     >      + Suyz*Sxx*Sxxzz*Syy - Suyz*Sxx*Sxyz*Sxyz - Suyz*Sxxz*Sxxz*Syy
+     >      + Suyz*Sxxz*Sxy*Sxyz + Suyz*Sxxz*Sxy*Sxyz - Suyz*Sxxzz*Sxy*Sxy)
+          bx = denom *
+     >      ( Sux*Sxxzz*Syy*Syyzz - Sux*Sxxzz*Syyz*Syyz - Sux*Sxyz*Sxyz*Syyzz
+     >      + Sux*Sxyz*Sxyzz*Syyz + Sux*Sxyz*Sxyzz*Syyz - Sux*Sxyzz*Sxyzz*Syy
+     >      + Suxz*Sxxz*Syyz*Syyz + Suxz*Sxy*Sxyz*Syyzz - Suxz*Sxy*Sxyzz*Syyz
+     >      - Suxz*Sxyz*Sxyz*Syyz + Suxz*Sxyz*Sxyzz*Syy + Suy*Sxxz*Sxyz*Syyzz
+     >      - Suy*Sxxz*Sxyzz*Syyz - Suy*Sxxzz*Sxy*Syyzz + Suy*Sxxzz*Sxyz*Syyz
+     >      + Suy*Sxy*Sxyzz*Sxyzz - Suy*Sxyz*Sxyz*Sxyzz - Suyz*Sxxz*Sxyz*Syyz
+     >      + Suyz*Sxxz*Sxyzz*Syy + Suyz*Sxxzz*Sxy*Syyz - Suyz*Sxxzz*Sxyz*Syy
+     >      - Suyz*Sxy*Sxyz*Sxyzz + Suyz*Sxyz*Sxyz*Sxyz - Suxz*Sxxz*Syy*Syyzz)
+          by = denom *
+     >      ( Sux*Sxxz*Sxyz*Syyzz - Sux*Sxxz*Sxyzz*Syyz - Sux*Sxxzz*Sxy*Syyzz
+     >      + Sux*Sxxzz*Sxyz*Syyz + Sux*Sxy*Sxyzz*Sxyzz - Sux*Sxyz*Sxyz*Sxyzz
+     >      - Suxz*Sxx*Sxyz*Syyzz + Suxz*Sxx*Sxyzz*Syyz + Suxz*Sxxz*Sxy*Syyzz
+     >      - Suxz*Sxxz*Sxyz*Syyz - Suxz*Sxy*Sxyz*Sxyzz + Suxz*Sxyz*Sxyz*Sxyz
+     >      + Suy*Sxx*Sxxzz*Syyzz - Suy*Sxx*Sxyzz*Sxyzz - Suy*Sxxz*Sxxz*Syyzz
+     >      + Suy*Sxxz*Sxyz*Sxyzz + Suy*Sxxz*Sxyz*Sxyzz - Suy*Sxxzz*Sxyz*Sxyz
+     >      + Suyz*Sxx*Sxyz*Sxyzz + Suyz*Sxxz*Sxxz*Syyz - Suyz*Sxxz*Sxy*Sxyzz
+     >      - Suyz*Sxxz*Sxyz*Sxyz + Suyz*Sxxzz*Sxy*Sxyz - Suyz*Sxx*Sxxzz*Syyz)
+          chi2 =    Suu  -    mx*Suxz  -    my*Suyz  -    bx*Sux  -    by*Suy
+     >         - mx*Suxz + mx*mx*Sxxzz + mx*my*Sxyzz + mx*bx*Sxxz + mx*by*Sxyz
+     >         - my*Suyz + my*mx*Sxyzz + my*my*Syyzz + my*bx*Sxyz + my*by*Syyz
+     >         - bx*Sux  + bx*mx*Sxxz  + bx*my*Sxyz  + bx*bx*Sxx  + bx*by*Sxy
+     >         - by*Suy  + by*mx*Sxyz  + by*my*Syyz  + by*bx*Sxy  + by*by*Syy
+          if ( then
+*           * reduced chi**2 -- 4 params & only 1 coord per data point
+            chi2 = chi2/dfloat(n-4)
+          else
+            chi2 = -1.d0
+          endif
+        endif !denom
+      else  ! whatever happened, no straight line fit is to be found here...
+          mx =  dble(H_FPP_BAD_COORD)
+          bx =  dble(H_FPP_BAD_COORD)
+          my =  dble(H_FPP_BAD_COORD)
+          by =  dble(H_FPP_BAD_COORD)
+          chi2 = dble(H_FPP_BAD_CHI2)
+      endif
+      params(1) = sngl(mx)
+      params(2) = sngl(bx)
+      params(3) = sngl(my)
+      params(4) = sngl(by)
+      params(5) = sngl(chi2)
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_fpp_geometry.f b/HTRACKING/h_fpp_geometry.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..20ee5ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_fpp_geometry.f
@@ -0,0 +1,508 @@
+*    Hall C  HMS Focal Plane Polarimeter Code
+*  Created by Frank R. Wesselmann,  February 2004
+*  this file contains several small geometry related routines
+      SUBROUTINE h_fpp_uTrack(iSet,iCham,iLay,iTrack,uCoord)
+*    Hall C  HMS Focal Plane Polarimeter Code
+*  Purpose: determine in-layer coordinate of intersection
+*           of given track and given drift chamber layer
+*  Created by Frank R. Wesselmann,  February 2004
+      INCLUDE 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_geometry.cmn'
+      include 'gen_detectorids.par'
+      include 'gen_decode_common.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_fpp_event.cmn'
+      integer*4 iSet, iCham, iLay, iTrack
+      real*4 uCoord
+      real*4 x,y,z
+      uCoord = H_FPP_BAD_COORD
+      if (HFPP_N_tracks(iSet).le.0) RETURN
+      if ( RETURN
+      if ( RETURN
+      if ( RETURN
+      if ( RETURN
+      z = HFPP_layerZ(iSet,iCham,iLay)
+      x = HFPP_track_fine(iSet,iTrack,2) + HFPP_track_fine(iSet,iTrack,1)*z
+      y = HFPP_track_fine(iSet,iTrack,4) + HFPP_track_fine(iSet,iTrack,3)*z
+*     * determine generalized in-layer coordinate
+      uCoord = HFPP_direction(iSet,iCham,iLay,1) * x
+     >       + HFPP_direction(iSet,iCham,iLay,2) * y
+      RETURN
+      END
+      SUBROUTINE h_fpp_FP2DC(iSet,Slope,FPcoords,DCcoords)
+*    Hall C  HMS Focal Plane Polarimeter Code
+*  Purpose: transforms coordinates from HMS focal plane
+*           system to the coord system of the specified
+*           set of FPP drift chambers
+*           alternatively transforms SLOPES
+*  Created by Frank R. Wesselmann,  February 2004
+      INCLUDE 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_geometry.cmn'
+c      INCLUDE 'hms_fpp_event.cmn'
+      integer*4 iSet
+      logical*4 Slope
+      real*4 FPcoords(3), DCcoords(3)
+      integer*4 i,j
+      real*4 MYcoords(3)
+      if (Slope) then
+*       * for slopes, we can ignore any position offset
+        MYcoords(1) = FPcoords(1)
+        MYcoords(2) = FPcoords(2)
+        MYcoords(3) = FPcoords(3)
+      else
+*       * for coordinates, we need to subtract the offset
+        MYcoords(1) = FPcoords(1) - HFPP_Xoff(iSet)
+        MYcoords(2) = FPcoords(2) - HFPP_Yoff(iSet)
+        MYcoords(3) = FPcoords(3) - HFPP_Zoff(iSet)
+      endif
+*     * use rotation matrix to rotate from focal plane coords to DCset coords
+      do i=1,3  !x,y,z for DC
+        DCcoords(i) = 0.0
+	do j=1,3  !x,y,z for FP
+	  DCcoords(i) = DCcoords(i) + HFPP_Mrotation(iSet,i,j) * MYcoords(j)
+	enddo
+      enddo
+      if (slope) then
+*       * for slopes, we need to renormalize to dz=1
+        if (DCcoords(3).eq.0.0) then
+	  DCcoords(1) = H_FPP_BAD_COORD
+	  DCcoords(2) = H_FPP_BAD_COORD
+	else
+	  DCcoords(1) = DCcoords(1) / DCcoords(3)
+	  DCcoords(2) = DCcoords(2) / DCcoords(3)
+	  DCcoords(3) = 1.0
+	endif
+      endif
+      RETURN
+      END
+      SUBROUTINE h_fpp_DC2FP(iSet,Slope,DCcoords,FPcoords)
+*    Hall C  HMS Focal Plane Polarimeter Code
+*  Purpose: transforms coordinates from the coord system
+*           of the specified set of FPP drift chambers to
+*           the the HMS focal plane system
+*           alternatively transforms SLOPES
+*  Created by Frank R. Wesselmann,  February 2004
+      INCLUDE 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_geometry.cmn'
+c      INCLUDE 'hms_fpp_event.cmn'
+      integer*4 iSet
+      logical*4 Slope
+      real*4 DCcoords(3), FPcoords(3)
+      integer*4 i,j
+*     * use INVERSE rotation matrix to rotate from DCset coords to focal plane coords
+      do i=1,3  !x,y,z for FP
+        FPcoords(i) = 0.0
+	do j=1,3  !x,y,z for DC
+	  FPcoords(i) = FPcoords(i) + HFPP_Irotation(iSet,i,j) * DCcoords(j)
+	enddo
+      enddo
+      if (Slope) then
+*       * for slopes, we need to renormalize to dz=1 if possible
+        if (FPcoords(3).eq.0.0) then
+	  FPcoords(1) = H_FPP_BAD_COORD
+	  FPcoords(2) = H_FPP_BAD_COORD
+	else
+	  FPcoords(1) = FPcoords(1) / FPcoords(3)
+	  FPcoords(2) = FPcoords(2) / FPcoords(3)
+	  FPcoords(3) = 1.0
+	endif
+      else
+*       * for coordinates, we need to add the offset
+        FPcoords(1) = FPcoords(1) + HFPP_Xoff(iSet)
+        FPcoords(2) = FPcoords(2) + HFPP_Yoff(iSet)
+        FPcoords(3) = FPcoords(3) + HFPP_Zoff(iSet)
+      endif
+      RETURN
+      END
+      SUBROUTINE h_fpp_closest(Track1,Track2,sclose,zclose)
+*    Hall C  HMS Focal Plane Polarimeter Code
+*  Purpose: given two lines (tracks) in space, determine
+*           the distance of closest approach and the 
+*           average z-coordinate of the closest approach
+*  Created by Frank R. Wesselmann,  February 2004
+      INCLUDE 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      real*4 Track1(4), Track2(4)  ! IN mx,bx,my,by of two tracks
+      real*4 sclose                ! OUT distance at closest approach
+      real*4 zclose                ! OUT average z-coordinate at c.a.
+      real*8 mx1,my1,bx1,by1
+      real*8 mx2,my2,bx2,by2
+      real*8 a1,a2,b,c1,c2
+      real*8 x1,x2,y1,y2,z1,z2
+      real*8 denom
+      mx1 = dble(Track1(1))
+      bx1 = dble(Track1(2))
+      my1 = dble(Track1(3))
+      by1 = dble(Track1(4))
+      mx2 = dble(Track2(1))
+      bx2 = dble(Track2(2))
+      my2 = dble(Track2(3))
+      by2 = dble(Track2(4))
+      a1 = mx1*mx1 + my1*my1 + 1
+      a2 = mx2*mx2 + my2*my2 + 1
+      b  = mx1*mx2 + my1*my2 + 1
+      c1 = (bx1 - bx2)*mx1 + (by1 - by2)*my1
+      c2 = (bx1 - bx2)*mx2 + (by1 - by2)*my2
+      denom = b*b - a1*a2
+      if (denom.eq.0.0d0) then
+	zclose = H_FPP_BAD_COORD
+	sclose = H_FPP_BAD_COORD
+      else
+	z1 = (a2*c1 -  b*c2) / denom
+	z2 = ( b*c1 - a1*c2) / denom
+	x1 = z1 * mx1 + bx1
+	y1 = z1 * my1 + by1
+	x2 = z2 * mx2 + bx2
+	y2 = z2 * my2 + by2
+	zclose = sngl(0.5d0*(z1 + z2))
+	sclose = sngl(sqrt( (x1-x2)**2 + (y1-y2)**2 + (z1-z2)**2 ))
+      endif
+c      write(*,*)'Zclose calculation 1: ',mx1,mx2,my1,my2
+c      write(*,*)'Zclose calculation 2: ',bx1,bx2,by1,by2
+c      write(*,*)'Zclose calculation 2a:',b,denom
+c      write(*,*)'Zclose calculation 2b:',a1,a2,c1,c2
+c      write(*,*)'Zclose calculation 3: ',ztrack2,z1,z2
+c      write(*,*)'Zclose calculation 4: ',x1,x2,y1,y2
+c      write(*,*)'Zclose calculation 5: ',zclose,sclose
+      RETURN
+      END
+      SUBROUTINE h_fpp_conetest(Track1,DCset,zclose,theta,icone)
+*    Hall C  HMS Focal Plane Polarimeter Code
+*  Purpose: Calculate FPP conetest variable - assumes elliptical projection
+*           onto the last layer of the 2nd chamber in a set.
+*  Created by Edward J. Brash,  September 2007
+      INCLUDE 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_geometry.cmn'
+      real*4 Track1(4)  ! IN mx,bx,my,by of front track
+      integer*4 DCset 		   ! which chamber set we are in
+      real*4 zclose 	           ! previously calculated z of closest approach
+      real*4 theta                 ! polar scattering angle
+      integer*4 icone              ! Cone-test variable (1=pass, 0=fail)
+      real*8 mx1,my1,bx1,by1
+      real*4 ztrack2               ! central z-position of FPP set
+      real*4 zback_off             ! offset from cntrl. pos. of last layer
+      real*8 zback,xfront,yfront,ttheta
+      real*8 r1x,r1y,r2x,r2y,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax
+      real*8 xpt1,xpt2,xpt3,xpt4,ypt1,ypt2,ypt3,ypt4
+      integer*4 iSet,iChamber,iLayer,iPlane
+      mx1 = Track1(1)*1.0d0
+      bx1 = Track1(2)*1.0d0
+      my1 = Track1(3)*1.0d0
+      by1 = Track1(4)*1.0d0
+      xmin=HFPP_Xoff(DCset)-HFPP_Xsize(DCset)/2.0 
+      xmax=HFPP_Xoff(DCset)+HFPP_Xsize(DCset)/2.0 
+      ymin=HFPP_Yoff(DCset)-HFPP_Ysize(DCset)/2.0 
+      ymax=HFPP_Yoff(DCset)+HFPP_Ysize(DCset)/2.0 
+      icone=1
+      iSet=DCset
+	do iChamber=1, H_FPP_N_DCINSET
+       	   do iLayer=1, H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS
+              iPlane = H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS * H_FPP_N_DCINSET * (iSet-1)
+     >            + H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS * (iChamber-1)
+     >            + iLayer
+	      zback_off = HFPP_layerZ(iSet,iChamber,iLayer)
+	      ztrack2 = HFPP_Zoff(iSet)
+	      zback = ztrack2 + zback_off
+	      xfront = bx1 + mx1*zback
+      	      yfront = by1 + my1*zback
+      	      ttheta=tan(theta)
+              r1x = (zback-zclose)*(mx1 + (ttheta-mx1)/(1.0+ttheta*mx1))
+              r2x = (zback-zclose)*((ttheta+mx1)/(1.0-ttheta*mx1) - mx1)
+              r1y = (zback-zclose)*(my1 +
+     &           (ttheta-my1)/(1.0+ttheta*my1))
+              r2y = (zback-zclose)*((ttheta+my1)/(1.0-ttheta*my1)
+     &           - my1)
+              xpt1=xfront-abs(r1x)
+              ypt1=yfront
+              xpt2=xfront+abs(r2x)
+              ypt2=yfront
+              xpt3=xfront
+              ypt3=yfront-abs(r1y)
+              xpt4=xfront
+              ypt4=yfront+abs(r2y)
+             if(
+             if(
+             if(
+             if(
+c              if(icone.eq.0) then
+c                write(*,*)'chamber limits ',xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax
+c                write(*,*)'(',xpt1,',',ypt1,')'
+c                write(*,*)'(',xpt2,',',ypt2,')'
+c                write(*,*)'(',xpt3,',',ypt3,')'
+c                write(*,*)'(',xpt4,',',ypt4,')'
+c              endif
+	  enddo ! iLayer
+	enddo ! iChamber
+      RETURN
+      END
+      SUBROUTINE h_fpp_relative_angles(mx_ref,my_ref,mx_new,my_new,theta,phi)
+*    Hall C  HMS Focal Plane Polarimeter Code
+*  Purpose: find the POLAR angles between two tracks
+*           reference track is likely the incident HMS track, and the 
+*           new track is probably the FPP track
+*           tracks are only identified by horizontal and vertical slopes
+*           we rotate both tracks the ref track is the new z axis
+*           then the simple polar angles of the rotated "new" track are
+*           the ones we want
+*  Created by Frank R. Wesselmann,  February 2004
+      INCLUDE 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      real*4 mx_ref,my_ref	! IN  slopes of reference track (incident?)
+      real*4 mx_new,my_new	! IN  slopes of interesting track (analyzer?)
+      real*4 theta,phi		! OUT _polar_ angles of new track relative to ref
+      real*8 alpha, beta	! horizontal and vertical angle of ref track
+      real*8 M(3,3)		! rotation matrix: (row,column)
+      real*8 r_i(3)		! unit vector along "new" track before rotation
+      real*8 r_f(3)		! unit vector along "new" track after rotation
+      real*8 r_in(3)		! unit vector along "in" track before rotation
+      real*8 r_fin(3)		! unit vector along "in" track after rotation
+      real*8 magnitude
+      real*8 dtheta,dphi	! for convenience, double precision versions of OUT
+      real*8 x,y,z,xin,yin,zin
+      integer i,j
+*     * figure out rotation matrix
+c      write(*,*)'Theta calculation 1: ',mx_ref,mx_new,my_ref,my_new
+      beta  = datan(dble(my_ref))
+      alpha = datan(dble(mx_ref)*dcos(beta))     ! this ought to be safe as the negative angle works
+      M(1,1) =       dcos(alpha)
+      M(1,2) = -1.d0*dsin(alpha)*dsin(beta)
+      M(1,3) = -1.d0*dsin(alpha)*dcos(beta)
+      M(2,1) =  0.d0
+      M(2,2) =                   dcos(beta)
+      M(2,3) = -1.d0*            dsin(beta)
+      M(3,1) =       dsin(alpha)
+      M(3,2) =       dcos(alpha)*dsin(beta)
+      M(3,3) =       dcos(alpha)*dcos(beta)
+*     * normalize incoming vector
+      xin = dble(mx_ref)
+      yin = dble(my_ref)
+      zin = 1.d0
+      magnitude = dsqrt(xin*xin+yin*yin+zin*zin)
+      r_in(1)=xin/magnitude
+      r_in(2)=yin/magnitude
+      r_in(3)=zin/magnitude
+      do i=1,3
+        r_fin(i) = 0.d0
+	do j=1,3
+	  r_fin(i) = r_fin(i) + M(i,j)*r_in(j)
+	enddo !j
+      enddo !i
+c      write(*,*)r_in(1),r_in(2),r_in(3)
+c      write(*,*)r_fin(1),r_fin(2),r_fin(3)
+*     * normalize direction vector
+      x = dble(mx_new)
+      y = dble(my_new)
+      z = 1.d0
+      magnitude = dsqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z)
+      r_i(1) = x / magnitude
+      r_i(2) = y / magnitude
+      r_i(3) = z / magnitude
+*     * rotate vector of interest
+      do i=1,3
+        r_f(i) = 0.d0
+	do j=1,3
+	  r_f(i) = r_f(i) + M(i,j)*r_i(j)
+	enddo !j
+      enddo !i
+c      write(*,*)r_i(1),r_i(2),r_i(3)
+c      write(*,*)r_f(1),r_f(2),r_f(3)
+*     * find polar angles
+      dtheta = dacos(r_f(3))		! z = cos(theta)
+      if (r_f(1).ne.0.d0) then
+        if (r_f(1).gt.0.d0) then
+          if (r_f(2).gt.0.d0) then         
+            dphi = datan( r_f(2)/r_f(1) )	! y/x = tan(phi)
+          else
+            dphi = datan( r_f(2)/r_f(1) )	! y/x = tan(phi)
+            dphi = dphi + 6.28318d0
+          endif
+        else
+          dphi = datan( r_f(2)/r_f(1) )	! y/x = tan(phi)
+          dphi = dphi + 3.14159d0
+        endif                
+      elseif (r_f(2).gt.0.d0) then
+        dphi = 1.57080d0			! phi = +90
+      elseif (r_f(2).lt.0.d0) then
+        phi = 4.71239d0			! phi = +270
+      else
+        dphi = 0.d0			! phi undefined if theta=0 or r=0
+      endif
+      theta = sngl(dtheta)
+      phi   = sngl(dphi)
+c      write(*,*)'Theta, phi = ',theta*180.0/3.14159265,phi*180.0/3.14159265
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_fpp_statistics.f b/HTRACKING/h_fpp_statistics.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b81d4e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_fpp_statistics.f
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+      SUBROUTINE h_fpp_statistics(ABORT,err)
+*    Hall C  HMS Focal Plane Polarimeter Code
+*  Purpose: statistical studies of FPP portion of HMS event
+*  Created by Frank R. Wesselmann,  February 2004
+      INCLUDE 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_geometry.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_statistics.cmn'
+      include 'gen_detectorids.par'
+      include 'gen_decode_common.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_fpp_event.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_fpp_params.cmn'
+      include 'hms_id_histid.cmn'   
+      character*16 here
+      parameter (here= 'h_fpp_statistics')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      real*4 uTrack, uWire
+      real*4 mindist, rdist, rtime, residual, drift
+      real*4 DC_coords(3), FP_coords(3)
+      real*4 x,y,z,mx,my,bx,by,z0,u, wirepos
+      integer*4 iPlane, iSet, iCham, iLay, iClust, iTrk, iHit, iRaw, iWire, ii
+      ABORT= .FALSE.
+      err= ' '
+** geometric alignment against HMS
+      if (.TRUE.) then
+*       * for each trigger, find the distance between each wire that fired
+*       * and the HMS track IN THAT WIRE'S PLANE'S COORDINATE
+        if ( then
+          do iSet=1,H_FPP_N_DCSETS
+            do iCham=1,H_FPP_N_DCINSET
+             do iLay=1,H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS
+               if (HFPP_nClusters(iSet,iCham,iLay).gt.0) then
+*                * rotate to local coords, project HMS track to this plane
+                 FP_coords(1) = hsx_fp	 ! transform offsets
+                 FP_coords(2) = hsy_fp
+                 FP_coords(3) = 0.0
+                 call h_fpp_FP2DC(iSet,.false.,FP_coords,DC_coords)
+                 bx = DC_coords(1)
+                 by = DC_coords(2)
+                 z0 = DC_coords(3)
+                 FP_coords(1) = hsxp_fp	 ! transform slope
+                 FP_coords(2) = hsyp_fp
+                 FP_coords(3) = 1.0
+                 call h_fpp_FP2DC(iSet,.true.,FP_coords,DC_coords)
+                 mx = DC_coords(1)
+                 my = DC_coords(2)
+                 z = HFPP_layerZ(iSet,iCham,iLay)
+                 x = bx + mx * (z-z0)
+                 y = by + my * (z-z0)
+*                * determine generalized in-layer coordinate
+                 u = HFPP_direction(iSet,iCham,iLay,1) * x
+     >             + HFPP_direction(iSet,iCham,iLay,2) * y
+*                 print *,' A ',x,y,z, ' z0 ',z0,'  s ',mx,my
+*                 print *,' B ',hsx_fp + hsxp_fp*(z+HFPP_Zoff(iSet)),
+*     >                         hsy_fp + hsyp_fp*(z+HFPP_Zoff(iSet)),
+*     >                         z+HFPP_Zoff(iSet),  '  s ',hsxp_fp,hsyp_fp
+                 do iClust=1,HFPP_nClusters(iSet,iCham,iLay)
+                  do iHit=1,HFPP_nHitsinCluster(iSet,iCham,iLay,iClust)
+                    iRaw = HFPP_Clusters(iSet,iCham,iLay,iClust,iHit)
+                    iWire = HFPP_raw_wire(iRaw)
+                    wirepos = HFPP_layeroffset(iSet,iCham,iLay)
+     >                      + HFPP_spacing(iSet,iCham,iLay)*iWire
+                    HFPP_dHMS(iSet,iCham,iLay,iClust,iHit) = u - wirepos
+                  enddo !iHit
+                 enddo !iClust
+               endif !HFPP_nClusters
+             enddo !iLay
+            enddo !iCham
+          enddo !iSet
+        endif !HNTRACKS_FP
+      endif !hard-coded
+** basic efficiency determinations
+*     * in each layer, find which wire a track went through
+      do iSet=1,H_FPP_N_DCSETS
+       if (HFPP_N_tracks(iSet).gt.0) then
+         do iTrk=1,HFPP_N_tracks(iSet)
+          do iCham=1,H_FPP_N_DCINSET
+           do iLay=1,H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS
+             call h_fpp_uTrack(iSet,iCham,iLay,iTrk,uTrack)
+             HFPP_stat_shouldhit(iSet,iCham,iLay,iTrk) =
+     >            int(0.5 + (uTrack - HFPP_layeroffset(iSet,iCham,iLay))
+     >                      / HFPP_spacing(iSet,iCham,iLay))
+*            * now lets see if ANY wire within acceptable range WAS hit
+*            * and find the closest one, record the distance
+             mindist = H_FPP_BAD_COORD
+             HFPP_stat_diddhit(iSet,iCham,iLay,iTrk) = .false.
+             if (HFPP_nClusters(iSet,iCham,iLay).gt.0) then
+               do iClust=1,HFPP_nClusters(iSet,iCham,iLay)
+                do iHit=1,HFPP_nHitsinCluster(iSet,iCham,iLay,iClust)
+                  iRaw = HFPP_Clusters(iSet,iCham,iLay,iClust,iHit)
+                  iWire = HFPP_raw_wire(iRaw)
+                  rdist = uTrack - iWire * HFPP_spacing(iSet,iCham,iLay)
+     >                           - HFPP_layeroffset(iSet,iCham,iLay)
+                  if (abs(rdist).lt.abs(mindist)) then
+                    mindist = rdist
+                  endif
+                  if (abs(iWire-HFPP_stat_shouldhit(iSet,iCham,iLay,iTrk))
+     >                   .le. HFPP_effic_dist) then
+                    HFPP_stat_diddhit(iSet,iCham,iLay,iTrk) = .true.
+                  endif
+                enddo !iHit
+               enddo !iClust
+             endif
+             HFPP_stat_dist2closest(iSet,iCham,iLay,iTrk) = mindist
+*            * convert to plane #s for CTP
+             iPlane = H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS * H_FPP_N_DCINSET * (iSet-1)
+     >       	    + H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS * (iCham-1)
+     >       	    + iLay
+	     HFPP_stat_planeshould(iPlane,iTrk)
+     >        = HFPP_stat_shouldhit(iSet,iCham,iLay,iTrk)
+	     HFPP_stat_planedidd(iPlane,iTrk)
+     >        = HFPP_stat_diddhit(iSet,iCham,iLay,iTrk)
+           enddo !iLay
+          enddo !iCham
+         enddo !iTrk
+       endif
+      enddo !iSet
+*     * for external analysis, we need the wire number of hits, not the cluster
+*     * reduce clusters to just one hit (wire) -- pick shortest drift time
+      do iSet=1,H_FPP_N_DCSETS
+       if (HFPP_N_tracks(iSet).ge.1) then
+        do iTrk=1,HFPP_N_tracks(iSet)
+         do iCham=1,H_FPP_N_DCINSET
+          do iLay=1,H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS
+            iClust = HFPP_TrackCluster(iSet,iCham,iLay,iTrk)
+	    ii = 0
+	    residual = H_FPP_BAD_DRIFT
+	    if ( then
+              rtime = H_FPP_BAD_TIME
+	      if (HFPP_nHitsinCluster(iSet,iCham,iLay,iClust).gt.0) then
+	       do iHit = 1,HFPP_nHitsinCluster(iSet,iCham,iLay,iClust)
+	         iRaw = HFPP_Clusters(iSet,iCham,iLay,iClust,iHit)
+	         if (HFPP_HitTime(iRaw).lt.rtime) then
+	           ii = iRaw
+		   rtime = HFPP_HitTime(iRaw)
+	         endif
+	       enddo !iHit
+	      endif
+*             * now also figure the residual of this hit
+              iWire = HFPP_raw_wire(ii)
+              uWire = HFPP_layeroffset(iSet,iCham,iLay)
+     >              + HFPP_spacing(iSet,iCham,iLay)*iWire
+              drift = HFPP_drift_dist(iSet,iCham,iLay,iWire)
+              call h_fpp_uTrack(iSet,iCham,iLay,iTrk,uTrack)
+              residual = uTrack - (uWire + drift)
+	    endif !iClust
+	    HFPP_TrackHit(iSet,iCham,iLay,iTrk) = ii
+	    HFPP_track_residual(iSet,iCham,iLay,iTrk) = residual
+	  enddo !iLay
+         enddo !iCham
+        enddo !iTrk
+       endif
+      enddo !iSet
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_fpp_tracking.f b/HTRACKING/h_fpp_tracking.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f9a6ca0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_fpp_tracking.f
@@ -0,0 +1,996 @@
+      SUBROUTINE h_fpp_tracking(DCset,ABORT,err)
+*    Hall C  HMS Focal Plane Polarimeter Code
+*  Purpose: tracking in one set of FPP drift chambers
+*  Updated by Frank R. Wesselmann,  May 2006
+*  Created by Frank R. Wesselmann,  February 2004
+      include 'gen_detectorids.par'
+      include 'gen_decode_common.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_geometry.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_fpp_event.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_fpp_params.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_id_histid.cmn'
+      character*14 here
+      parameter (here= 'h_fpp_tracking')
+      integer*4 DCset   ! set of FPP DCs we are working on
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      real*4 SimpleTrack(6), FullTrack(6)
+      integer*4 BestClusters(H_FPP_N_DCINSET,H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS)
+      integer*4 myclass
+      logical*4 sufficient_hits, track_good, any_track, any_good, any_great
+      ABORT= .FALSE.
+      err= ' '
+* tracking code:
+**  - determine # of hits in each layer  &  # of layers with any hits
+**  - if enough layers with hits (Clusters!), loop over all possible
+**    combinations of Clusters and make a BASIC track to each, finding best
+**  - find best PROPER track to best set of hits, using L/R ambiguity
+**  - mark hits used, start over
+* considerations:
+** to account for the fact that dropping the worst hit will always
+** improve the chi**2, even in the case of the reduced chi**2, we
+** changed the order in which we try to fit tracks:
+** instead of trying every combination with AT LEAST the minimum
+** number of hits, but possibly more, we now first determine the
+** maximum number of hits available and try ALL combinations with
+** EXACTLY that count;
+** if a sufficiently good track is found, we're done
+** if not, we reduce the hit count by one and again try all
+** possible combinations with that count, continuing until
+** we either get a sufficiently good track or run into the
+** externally decreed lower hit count limit
+** this biases us towards more hits on the track and also reduces
+** analysis time as there are fewer combinations using 5 out of 6
+** hits than there are using 4 out of 6 hits (for example)
+c      write(*,*)'In fpp tracking routine ...'
+      any_track = .false.
+      any_good  = .false.
+      any_great = .false.
+      myclass = H_FPP_ET_FEWHITS
+      HFPP_N_tracks(DCset) = 0    !No of tracks found
+*     * see if we have enough hits to bother with tracking
+      call h_fpp_tracking_FreeHitCount(DCset,sufficient_hits)
+*     * try to make tracks while we have hits and room to store tracks
+      do while (sufficient_hits .and. (HFPP_N_tracks(DCset).lt.H_FPP_MAX_TRACKS))
+*         * first determine which hits to use by fitting track to wire positions only
+          call h_fpp_tracking_simple(DCset, BestClusters,SimpleTrack, ABORT,err)
+          if (ABORT) then
+             call g_add_path(here,err)
+             return
+          endif
+c          write(*,*)'Simple track: Nraw = ',SimpleTrack(6),' Chi2 = ',Simpletrack(5)
+*         * we really *should* have made the simple track results into shared
+*         * variables and then fill the histogram from  h_fill_fpp  but this
+*         * works just fine and we will probably stop filling these soon anyway!
+          if (.true.) then
+            if (int(SimpleTrack(6)).le.0) then
+	      call hf1(hidFPP_trkrough(DCset,6),0.,1.)  !Nraw
+	    else
+	      call hf1(hidFPP_trkrough(DCset,1),SimpleTrack(1),1.)  !mx  
+	      call hf1(hidFPP_trkrough(DCset,2),SimpleTrack(2),1.)  !bx  
+	      call hf1(hidFPP_trkrough(DCset,3),SimpleTrack(3),1.)  !my  
+	      call hf1(hidFPP_trkrough(DCset,4),SimpleTrack(4),1.)  !by  
+	      call hf1(hidFPP_trkrough(DCset,5),SimpleTrack(5),1.)  !chi2
+	      call hf1(hidFPP_trkrough(DCset,6),SimpleTrack(6),1.)  !Nraw
+	    endif
+	  endif
+*         * quit trying to make more tracks if we are out of hits
+*         * or if we couldnt make a good one now
+          if (int(SimpleTrack(6)).le.0) exit
+          if (int(SimpleTrack(5)).eq.H_FPP_BAD_CHI2) exit
+          any_track = .true.
+          FullTrack(1) = H_FPP_BAD_COORD  ! mx
+          FullTrack(2) = H_FPP_BAD_COORD  ! bx
+          FullTrack(3) = H_FPP_BAD_COORD  ! my
+          FullTrack(4) = H_FPP_BAD_COORD  ! by
+          FullTrack(5) = H_FPP_BAD_CHI2
+          FullTrack(6) = 0.
+          call h_fpp_tracking_drifttrack(DCset,SimpleTrack, BestClusters,track_good,FullTrack, ABORT,err)
+*         * the global tracking results are stored by this subroutine as well
+*         * also note that  BestClusters()  may be changed in this call!
+          if (ABORT) then
+             call g_add_path(here,err)
+             return
+          endif
+c          write(*,*)'FullTrack: Chi2 = ',FullTrack(5),' track_good = ',track_good
+*         * update event quality flags
+          if (track_good) then
+            any_good = .true.
+	    any_great = (any_great).or.(FullTrack(5).le.HFPP_aOK_chi2)
+	  else
+	    exit  !since we did not use up any hits, stop trying to make more tracks!
+	  endif !track_good
+*         * see if we still have enough hits to bother with tracking
+          call h_fpp_tracking_FreeHitCount(DCset,sufficient_hits)
+      enddo !while hits 4 tracking
+*     * update event descriptor
+      if (HFPP_N_tracks(DCset).gt.1) then	!multiple good tracks
+         if (any_great) then
+	   myclass = H_FPP_ET_MANYGREAT
+	 else
+	   myclass = H_FPP_ET_MANYGOOD
+	 endif
+      elseif (HFPP_N_tracks(DCset).eq.1) then	!only one good tracks
+         if (any_great) then
+	   myclass = H_FPP_ET_1GREAT
+	 else
+	   myclass = H_FPP_ET_1GOOD
+	 endif
+      elseif (any_track) then	!only bad tracks
+        myclass = H_FPP_ET_BAD
+      endif
+c      write(*,*)'Ntracks in set ',DCset,' = ',HFPP_N_tracks(DCset),
+c     &    ' myclass = ',myclass
+      if ( then
+        HFPP_eventclass = HFPP_eventclass
+     >                  + myclass * 2**(DCset-1)
+      endif
+      RETURN
+      END
+      SUBROUTINE h_fpp_tracking_simple(DCset,
+     >                                 BestClusters,SimpleTrack,
+     >                                 ABORT,err)
+*    Hall C  HMS Focal Plane Polarimeter Code
+*  Purpose: tracking in one set of FPP drift chambers
+*           find best track fitted to wire centers
+*           test all possible permutations until good track found
+*  Created by Frank R. Wesselmann,  February 2004
+      INCLUDE 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_geometry.cmn'
+      include 'gen_detectorids.par'
+      include 'gen_decode_common.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_fpp_event.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_fpp_params.cmn'
+      character*21 here
+      parameter (here= 'h_fpp_tracking_simple')
+      integer*4 DCset		! IN set of FPP DCs we are working on
+      integer*4 BestClusters(H_FPP_N_DCINSET,H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS)
+				! OUT clusters in track for this set (implicit!), chamber, layer
+      real*4 SimpleTrack(6)	! OUT track based on wire positions only
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      integer*4 HitCluster(H_FPP_N_DCINSET,H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS)
+      integer*4 nPoints, nHitsInTrack, nHitsRequired, iterations
+      integer*4 iChamber, iLayer, ii
+      real*4 iTrack(5)  ! does NOT include hit count
+      ABORT= .FALSE.
+      err= ' '
+      SimpleTrack(1) = H_FPP_BAD_COORD  ! mx
+      SimpleTrack(2) = H_FPP_BAD_COORD  ! bx
+      SimpleTrack(3) = H_FPP_BAD_COORD  ! my
+      SimpleTrack(4) = H_FPP_BAD_COORD  ! by
+      SimpleTrack(5) = H_FPP_BAD_CHI2
+      SimpleTrack(6) = 0.
+      do iChamber=1, H_FPP_N_DCINSET
+       do iLayer=1, H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS
+         BestClusters(iChamber,iLayer) = 0
+       enddo !iLayer
+      enddo !iChamber
+*     * let h_fpp_tracking_NextHitCombo find out how many we can get MAX
+      nHitsRequired = H_FPP_N_PLANES + 1   ! flag for h_fpp_tracking_NextHitCombo
+      iterations = 0
+*     * nHitsRequired == # of hits required on track for THIS iteration
+*     * drop hits to find better tracks until we reach MIN
+      do while (nHitsRequired .ge. HFPP_minsethits)
+*         * start by getting the first useful combo
+          nHitsInTrack = 0    !# of hits in combinations -- 0 means init
+          call h_fpp_tracking_NextHitCombo(DCset,nHitsRequired,nHitsInTrack, HitCluster)
+*         * keep comparing permutations until we tried all possibilities
+          do while (
+              iterations = iterations+1
+              if ( exit !while nHitsInTrack
+*             * fit these hits using wire centers only
+              call h_fpp_fit_simple(DCset,HitCluster,nPoints,iTrack,ABORT,err)
+              if (ABORT) then
+        	 call g_add_path(here,err)
+        	 return
+              endif
+*             * remember this track and set of hits as best choice
+              if (iTrack(5).lt.SimpleTrack(5)) then
+		do ii=1,5
+        	  SimpleTrack(ii) = iTrack(ii)
+        	enddo !ii
+        	SimpleTrack(6)= float(nPoints)
+        	do iChamber=1, H_FPP_N_DCINSET
+        	 do iLayer=1, H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS
+        	   BestClusters(iChamber,iLayer) = HitCluster(iChamber,iLayer)
+        	 enddo !iLayer
+        	enddo !iChamber
+              endif
+*             * get next useful combo
+              call h_fpp_tracking_NextHitCombo(DCset,nHitsRequired,nHitsInTrack, HitCluster)
+             enddo !while permutations to try
+          if ( then
+            SimpleTrack(5) = H_FPP_BAD_CHI2
+            exit
+          endif
+*         * we have tried all combinations with the current number of hits
+*         * if the current number of hits gives us a sufficiently good track,
+*         * don't bother trying to find a track with fewer hits
+          if ((SimpleTrack(5).ge.0.0).and.(SimpleTrack(5).le.HFPP_aOK_chi2)) exit
+*         * try again with fewer hits
+          nHitsRequired = nHitsRequired-1
+      enddo !while hit requirement exceeds minimum
+      RETURN
+      END
+      SUBROUTINE h_fpp_tracking_drifttrack(DCset,SimpleTrack,
+     >                                HitClusters,track_good,DriftTrack,
+     >                                ABORT,err)
+*    Hall C  HMS Focal Plane Polarimeter Code
+*  Purpose: tracking in one set of FPP drift chambers
+*  Created by Frank R. Wesselmann,  February 2004
+      INCLUDE 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_geometry.cmn'
+      include 'gen_detectorids.par'
+      include 'gen_decode_common.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_fpp_event.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_fpp_params.cmn'
+      character*25 here
+      parameter (here= 'h_fpp_tracking_drifttrack')
+      integer*4 DCset		! IN set of FPP DCs we are working on
+      real*4 SimpleTrack(6)	! IN track based on wire positions only
+      integer*4 HitClusters(H_FPP_N_DCINSET,H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS)
+      logical*4 track_good	! OUT flag
+      real*4 DriftTrack(6)	! OUT drift based track in chamber coords
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      real*4 newTrack(5)  ! does NOT include hit count
+      real*4 HMStrack(4),FPPtrack(4)
+      real*4 DCcoords(3), FPcoords(3)
+      real*4 theta,phi
+      real*4 sclose,zclose
+      real*4 mydriftT,mydriftX,roughv,WirePropagation,wirepos,trackpos
+      real*4 x,y,z,m5,m6
+      real*4 Points(H_FPP_MAX_FITPOINTS,2),   All_Points(H_FPP_MAX_FITPOINTS,2)
+      real*4 Sigma2s(H_FPP_MAX_FITPOINTS),    All_Sigma2s(H_FPP_MAX_FITPOINTS)
+      real*4 Projects(H_FPP_MAX_FITPOINTS,2), All_Projects(H_FPP_MAX_FITPOINTS,2)
+      real*4 Drifts(H_FPP_MAX_FITPOINTS),     DriftAbs(H_FPP_MAX_FITPOINTS)
+				! IN hit clusters to fit to
+      integer*4 icone
+      integer*4 Chambers(H_FPP_MAX_FITPOINTS),All_Chambers(H_FPP_MAX_FITPOINTS)
+      integer*4 Layers(H_FPP_MAX_FITPOINTS),  All_Layers(H_FPP_MAX_FITPOINTS)
+      integer*4 Wires(H_FPP_MAX_FITPOINTS),   All_Wires(H_FPP_MAX_FITPOINTS)
+      integer*4 Nlayershit, nPoints, mPoints, nClusters, mClusters
+      integer*4 CSkip, LSkip, Cskipped, Lskipped, Llast
+      integer*4 iChamber, iLayer, iCluster, iRaw, iHit, iWire, iTrack, ii, jj
+      ABORT= .FALSE.
+      err= ' '
+      track_good = .FALSE.
+*     * first decode Clusters into a single linear array of hits ***********
+      nPoints = 0
+      nClusters = 0
+      do iChamber=1,H_FPP_N_DCINSET
+       do iLayer=1,H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS
+         iCluster = HitClusters(iChamber,iLayer)
+         if ( then
+           nClusters = nClusters + 1 
+	   z = HFPP_layerZ(DCset,iChamber,iLayer)
+	   x = SimpleTrack(1)*z + SimpleTrack(2)
+           y = SimpleTrack(3)*z + SimpleTrack(4)
+c           write(*,*)'----- fpp-tracking ----'
+c           write(*,*)'xyz = ',x,y,z
+*          * calculate time delay due to signal propagating along sense wire
+*          * depends on position of event along wire, which side the read-out card
+*          * is on, and the propagation speed
+*          * INVERSE rotation to V coord !!!! SPECIAL case -- usually want U
+           roughv = y * HFPP_direction(DCset,iChamber,iLayer,1) 
+     >     	  - x * HFPP_direction(DCset,iChamber,iLayer,2)
+           roughv =  roughv / HFPP_wirespeed	! convert distance to time value
+           do iRaw = 1,HFPP_nHitsinCluster(DCset,iChamber,iLayer,iCluster)
+              iHit = HFPP_Clusters(DCset,iChamber,iLayer,iCluster,iRaw)
+	      iWire = HFPP_raw_wire(iHit)
+*             * fix the sign depending on readout card being on +v or -v side!
+              WirePropagation = roughv * float(HFPP_cardpos(DCset,iChamber,iLayer,iWire))
+c              write(*,*)'Calling h_fpp_drift ... ',WirePropagation
+              call h_fpp_drift(iHit,SimpleTrack,WirePropagation,
+     >                         mydriftT,mydriftX,ABORT,err)
+              HFPP_drift_time(DCset,iChamber,iLayer,iWire) = mydriftT  !record for posterity
+              HFPP_drift_dist(DCset,iChamber,iLayer,iWire) = H_FPP_BAD_DRIFT  !init to none
+c              write(*,*)'iRaw,mydriftX =',iRaw,iHit,mydriftX
+              if ( then
+	     	nPoints = nPoints + 1
+		if ( then
+	     	  print *,' Too many fit points in ',here,' !!'
+             	  nPoints = H_FPP_MAX_FITPOINTS
+	     	  exit
+		endif
+        	All_Chambers(nPoints)   = iChamber ! remember which chamber this hit is in
+        	All_Layers(nPoints)     = iLayer   !		    layer
+		All_Wires(nPoints)      = iWire    !		    wire
+                All_Points(nPoints,1)	= HFPP_layeroffset(DCset,iChamber,iLayer)
+     >          			+ HFPP_spacing(DCset,iChamber,iLayer)*iWire
+                All_Points(nPoints,2)	= HFPP_layerZ(DCset,iChamber,iLayer)
+                All_Sigma2s(nPoints)	= HFPP_resolution(DCset,iChamber,iLayer)
+                All_Projects(nPoints,1) = HFPP_direction(DCset,iChamber,iLayer,1)
+                All_Projects(nPoints,2) = HFPP_direction(DCset,iChamber,iLayer,2)
+	     	DriftAbs(nPoints)       = mydriftX  ! and its drift distance (L/R ambiguous!!)
+	      endif
+           enddo !iRaw
+         endif !iCluster
+       enddo !iLayer
+      enddo !iChamber
+*     * now get the track with least chi2 based on left/right drift permutations ***********
+      do iHit=1,nPoints
+        Drifts(iHit) = DriftAbs(iHit)
+      enddo
+*     * INPUT=absolute drifts  OUTPUT=signed drifts
+c      write(*,*)'Calling best_permutation ... nPoints = ',nPoints
+      call h_fpp_fit_best_permutation(nPoints, All_Points, All_Sigma2s, All_Projects, Drifts, newTrack)
+      DriftTrack(1) = newTrack(1)  ! mx
+      DriftTrack(2) = newTrack(2)  ! bx
+      DriftTrack(3) = newTrack(3)  ! my
+      DriftTrack(4) = newTrack(4)  ! by
+      DriftTrack(5) = newTrack(5)  ! chi2/df
+      DriftTrack(6) = float(nPoints)
+c      write(*,*)'Results: chi2 = ',newTrack(5),' nPoints = ',nPoints,' HFPP_min_chi2 = ',HFPP_min_chi2
+      if (     (newTrack(5).le.HFPP_min_chi2)
+     >    .and.(newTrack(5).ge.0.0)
+     >    .and.(newTrack(5).ne.H_FPP_BAD_CHI2) ) then   ! store fit results
+*         * save signed drifts
+	  do iHit=1,nPoints
+            iChamber = All_Chambers(iHit)
+            iLayer   = All_Layers(iHit)  
+	    iWire    = All_Wires(iHit)   
+	    HFPP_drift_dist(DCset,iChamber,iLayer,iWire) = Drifts(iHit)
+	  enddo !iHit
+          track_good = .true.
+      elseif ( then   ! greater, not equal!
+*         * apparently we were not able to find a good track
+*         * we now try dropping each cluster, one at a time, to see if a good track
+*         * can be found -- note that this corresponds to ignoring one layer at a time
+	  Cskipped = 0
+	  Lskipped = 0
+          do CSkip=1,H_FPP_N_DCINSET
+           do LSkip=1,H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS
+	    mPoints = 0
+            mClusters = 0
+            Llast = 0
+	    do iHit=1,nPoints
+              if ((All_Chambers(iHit).eq.CSkip).and.
+     >    	  (All_Layers(iHit).eq.LSkip)) cycle   ! selectively skip this hit altogether
+	      mPoints = mPoints + 1
+              Points(mPoints,1)   = All_Points(iHit,1)
+              Points(mPoints,2)   = All_Points(iHit,2)
+              Sigma2s(mPoints)	  = All_Sigma2s(iHit)
+              Projects(mPoints,1) = All_Projects(iHit,1)
+              Projects(mPoints,2) = All_Projects(iHit,2)
+	      Drifts(mPoints)	  = DriftAbs(iHit)
+              Chambers(mPoints)   = All_Chambers(iHit)
+              Layers(mPoints)	  = All_Layers(iHit)
+              Wires(mPoints)	  = All_Wires(iHit)
+              if ( then  !this works as long as hits are in order
+                Llast = All_Layers(iHit)
+                mClusters = mClusters + 1
+              endif
+	    enddo !iHit
+            if ( then
+      	      call h_fpp_fit_best_permutation(mPoints, Points, Sigma2s, Projects, Drifts, newTrack)
+*	      * use the new track if it is better
+              if (     (newTrack(5).lt.DriftTrack(5))
+     >            .and.(newTrack(5).ge.0.0)
+     >            .and.(newTrack(5).ne.H_FPP_BAD_CHI2) ) then
+	        DriftTrack(1) = newTrack(1)  ! mx
+	        DriftTrack(2) = newTrack(2)  ! bx
+	        DriftTrack(3) = newTrack(3)  ! my
+	        DriftTrack(4) = newTrack(4)  ! by
+	        DriftTrack(5) = newTrack(5)  ! chi2/df
+	        DriftTrack(6) = float(mPoints)
+	        Cskipped = CSkip ! remember skipped chamber
+	        Lskipped = LSkip ! remember skipped layer
+	      endif
+	    endif !
+	   enddo !LSkip
+	  enddo !CSkip
+          if (     (DriftTrack(5).le.HFPP_min_chi2)
+     >        .and.(DriftTrack(5).ge.0.0)
+     >        .and.(DriftTrack(5).ne.H_FPP_BAD_CHI2) ) then   ! store fit results
+*	    * update Clusters used if we skipped one layer
+            if ( then
+	      HitClusters(Cskipped,Lskipped) = 0  ! remove skipped cluster
+	    endif !Lskipped
+*           * save signed drifts
+	    do iHit=1,mPoints
+              iChamber = Chambers(iHit)
+              iLayer   = Layers(iHit)  
+	      iWire    = Wires(iHit)   
+	      HFPP_drift_dist(DCset,iChamber,iLayer,iWire) = Drifts(iHit)
+	    enddo !iHit
+            track_good = .true.
+            nPoints = mPoints      !use stats of new, "smaller" track
+            nClusters = mClusters
+	  endif !dropped_one
+      else
+          track_good = .false.
+      endif !track with all hits is/not bad
+*     * store the tracking results if there was a good track ***********
+      if (track_good) then
+	iTrack = HFPP_N_tracks(DCset) + 1
+	if (iTrack.le.H_FPP_MAX_TRACKS) then
+	  HFPP_N_tracks(DCset) = iTrack   ! number of tracks in this chamber set so far
+*         * store clusters and mark them used
+          Nlayershit = 0
+          do iChamber=1,H_FPP_N_DCINSET
+           do iLayer=1,H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS
+             iCluster = HitClusters(iChamber,iLayer)
+	     HFPP_TrackCluster(DCset,iChamber,iLayer,iTrack) = iCluster
+             if ( then
+               Nlayershit = Nlayershit + 1
+               HFPP_ClusterinTrack(DCset,iChamber,iLayer,iCluster) = iTrack
+             endif !
+           enddo !iLayer
+          enddo !iChamber
+	  HFPP_track_Nlayers(DCset,iTrack) = Nlayershit
+*         * store track
+          do ii=1,4		  ! store drift-based track in chamber coords
+            HFPP_track_fine(DCset,iTrack,ii) = DriftTrack(ii)
+          enddo !ii
+          HFPP_track_chi2(DCset,iTrack)  = DriftTrack(5)
+	  HFPP_track_Nhits(DCset,iTrack) = int(DriftTrack(6))
+          do ii=1,6		  ! store simple track in chamber coords
+            HFPP_track_rough(DCset,iTrack,ii) = SimpleTrack(ii)
+          enddo !ii
+*         * store drift based track in HMS focal plane coords
+          DCcoords(1) = DriftTrack(1)	 ! transform slope
+          DCcoords(2) = DriftTrack(3)
+          DCcoords(3) = 1.0
+          call h_fpp_DC2FP(DCset,.true.,DCcoords,FPcoords)
+          HFPP_track_dx(DCset,iTrack) = FPcoords(1)
+          HFPP_track_dy(DCset,iTrack) = FPcoords(2)
+          DCcoords(1) = DriftTrack(2)	 ! transform offsets
+          DCcoords(2) = DriftTrack(4)
+          DCcoords(3) = 0.0
+          call h_fpp_DC2FP(DCset,.false.,DCcoords,FPcoords)
+*         * still need to project reference point back to z=0!!
+          HFPP_track_x(DCset,iTrack) = FPcoords(1)
+     >                               - FPcoords(3)*HFPP_track_dx(DCset,iTrack)
+          HFPP_track_y(DCset,iTrack) = FPcoords(2)
+     >                               - FPcoords(3)*HFPP_track_dy(DCset,iTrack)
+*         * find angle between incident track and re-scattered track, in FP!!
+          call h_fpp_relative_angles(hsxp_fp,hsyp_fp,
+     >                               HFPP_track_dx(DCset,iTrack),
+     >                               HFPP_track_dy(DCset,iTrack),
+     >                               theta,phi)
+          HFPP_track_theta(DCset,iTrack) = theta
+          HFPP_track_phi(DCset,iTrack)   = phi
+*         * get point and distance of closest approach
+	  HMStrack(1) = hsxp_fp
+	  HMStrack(2) = hsx_fp
+	  HMStrack(3) = hsyp_fp
+	  HMStrack(4) = hsy_fp
+	  FPPtrack(1) = HFPP_track_dx(DCset,iTrack)
+	  FPPtrack(2) = HFPP_track_x(DCset,iTrack)
+	  FPPtrack(3) = HFPP_track_dy(DCset,iTrack)
+	  FPPtrack(4) = HFPP_track_y(DCset,iTrack)
+	  call h_fpp_closest(HMStrack,FPPtrack,sclose,zclose)
+          HFPP_track_sclose(DCset,iTrack) = sclose
+          HFPP_track_zclose(DCset,iTrack) = zclose
+	  icone=1
+          call h_fpp_conetest(HMStrack,DCset,zclose,theta,icone)
+	  HFPP_track_conetest(DCset,iTrack) = icone
+*         * determine resolution measure -- if requested
+          if ( then
+*           * init to bad
+            do CSkip=1,H_FPP_N_DCINSET
+             do LSkip=1,H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS
+               HFPP_track_resolution(DCset,CSkip,LSkip,iTrack) = H_FPP_BAD_COORD
+               HFPP_track_angresol(DCset,CSkip,LSkip,iTrack) = H_FPP_BAD_COORD
+             enddo !LSkip
+            enddo !CSkip
+            if ( then
+*             * tracking resolution:
+*             **  - require good quality track with 6 hits
+*             **  - for each layer in turn, drop hit cluster from this layer
+*             **    and re-figure track using remaining 5 hit cluster
+*             **  - compare position of intersection of 5-hit track and currently
+*             **    investigated layer with drift-corrected position of cluster
+*             **  - difference is resolution
+*             *
+*             * Notes:
+*             **  - if multiple tracks, use all good ones with 6 hits (external!)
+*             **  - for multiple hits in cluster, use each hit
+              do CSkip=1,H_FPP_N_DCINSET
+               do LSkip=1,H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS
+*         	 * figure subset of hits to use
+          	 mPoints = 0
+	  	 jj=0
+          	 do ihit=1,nPoints
+          	   if (All_Chambers(ihit).eq.CSkip.and.
+     >    	       All_Layers(ihit).eq.LSkip) then
+*         	     * identify the hit in this layer with the shortest drift
+          	     if ((jj.eq.0).or.(DriftAbs(ihit).lt.DriftAbs(jj))) then
+	  	       jj = ihit
+	  	     endif
+	  	   else    ! use point on reduced track
+          	     mPoints = mPoints+1
+          	     Points(mPoints,1)   = All_Points(ihit,1)
+          	     Points(mPoints,2)   = All_Points(ihit,2)
+          	     Sigma2s(mPoints)	 = All_Sigma2s(ihit)
+          	     Projects(mPoints,1) = All_Projects(ihit,1)
+          	     Projects(mPoints,2) = All_Projects(ihit,2)
+          	     Drifts(mPoints)	 = DriftAbs(ihit)
+	  	   endif
+          	 enddo !ihit
+          	 call h_fpp_fit_best_permutation(mPoints,Points,Sigma2s,Projects, Drifts,newTrack)
+*         	 * now figure residual in skipped layer and call that the resolution
+*         	 * use the hit with the smallest drift distance in this layer, determined above
+	  	 if ( then
+          	   iWire    = All_Wires(jj)
+          	   wirepos = All_Points(jj,1)
+     >    		   + HFPP_drift_dist(DCset,CSkip,LSkip,iWire)  !signed drift!
+	  	   x = newTrack(1)*z + newTrack(2)
+          	   y = newTrack(3)*z + newTrack(4)
+          	   z = All_Points(jj,2)
+	  	   trackpos = HFPP_direction(DCset,CSkip,LSkip,1) * x
+     >    		    + HFPP_direction(DCset,CSkip,LSkip,2) * y
+	  	   HFPP_track_resolution(DCset,CSkip,LSkip,iTrack) = trackpos - wirepos
+*         	   * now figure angular resolution as difference in slope between
+*         	   * standard track and resolution track
+          	   m6 = DriftTrack(1) * HFPP_direction(DCset,CSkip,LSkip,1)
+     >    	      + DriftTrack(3) * HFPP_direction(DCset,CSkip,LSkip,2)
+          	   m5 = newTrack(1) * HFPP_direction(DCset,CSkip,LSkip,1)
+     >    	      + newTrack(3) * HFPP_direction(DCset,CSkip,LSkip,2)
+          	   HFPP_track_angresol(DCset,CSkip,LSkip,iTrack) = m5 - m6
+	  	 endif !jj
+               enddo !LSkip
+              enddo !CSkip
+            endif !HFPP_minsethits
+          endif !HFPP_calc_resolution
+	endif !iTrack.le.H_FPP_MAX_TRACKS
+      endif !track_good
+      RETURN
+      END
+      SUBROUTINE h_fpp_tracking_NextHitCombo(DCSet,nHitsRequired,nHitsInTrack,Hits)
+*    Hall C  HMS Focal Plane Polarimeter Code
+*  Purpose: determine next combination of hits from all possible
+*  Updated by Frank R. Wesselmann,  May 2006
+*  Created by Frank R. Wesselmann,  February 2004
+      INCLUDE 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'gen_detectorids.par'
+      include 'gen_decode_common.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_fpp_event.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_fpp_params.cmn'
+      integer*4 DCSet         ! set of FPP DCs we are working on
+      integer*4 nHitsRequired ! # of hits we are requiring for a track
+                              ! generally IN, but if set excessively large
+			      ! we interpret it as a flag to OUT maximum value
+      integer*4 nHitsInTrack  ! IN: No of hits in combinations last tried
+                              ! OUT: No of hits in combinations returned now
+                              ! note that input value of 0 means initialize
+      integer*4 Hits(H_FPP_N_DCINSET,H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS)  ! pointer to current
+                                                        ! set of Clusters
+      integer*4 iChamber, iLayer, iHit
+      integer*4 Ncombos
+      logical*4 trynextlayer
+      if (nHitsInTrack.le.0) then
+*         * init -- first call, determine starting set of hits
+*         * also, if nHitsRequired is outrageously large, we interpret
+*         * this to mean that we want to discover the max possible
+*         * init pointers
+          do iChamber=1,H_FPP_N_DCINSET
+            do iLayer=1,H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS
+              Hits(iChamber,iLayer) = 0
+            enddo
+          enddo
+          nHitsInTrack = 0
+*         * determine number of possible combinations
+          Ncombos = 1
+          do iChamber=1,H_FPP_N_DCINSET
+            do iLayer=1,H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS
+	      if (HFPP_Nfreehits(DCset,iChamber,iLayer).gt.0) then
+		Ncombos = Ncombos * HFPP_Nfreehits(DCset,iChamber,iLayer)
+	      endif
+            enddo
+          enddo
+*	  * if too many combinations are possible, the event is
+*         * too noisy for meaningful tracking, so we'll skip it!
+	  if (abs(Ncombos).gt.HFPP_maxcombos) then
+            nHitsInTrack = -1
+	  else
+*           * preset each layer to 1st hit until we have required # of hits
+            iChamber = 1
+            iLayer = 0
+            nHitsInTrack = 0
+            do while (
+*              * loop over all layers and chambers in this set
+               iLayer = iLayer+1
+               if ( then
+          	 iChamber = iChamber+1
+          	 iLayer = 1
+               endif
+               if ( exit  !insufficient hits available!
+*              * simply set layer to first free hit, if any
+               if (HFPP_Nfreehits(DCset,iChamber,iLayer).gt.0) then
+          	 iHit = 1
+          	 do while ( (iHit .lt. HFPP_nClusters(DCset,iChamber,iLayer))
+     >    		   .and. HFPP_ClusterinTrack(DCSet,iChamber,iLayer,iHit).gt.0 )
+          	   iHit = iHit+1
+          	 enddo
+          	 if (HFPP_ClusterinTrack(DCSet,iChamber,iLayer,iHit).eq.0) then
+          	   Hits(iChamber,iLayer) = iHit
+          	   nHitsInTrack = nHitsInTrack + 1
+          	 else
+          	   Hits(iChamber,iLayer) = 0
+	  	 endif
+               endif
+            enddo !while
+*           * initialize  nHitsRequired  based on max hits available -- if requested
+	    if ( then
+	      nHitsRequired = max(nHitsInTrack,HFPP_minsethits)
+	    endif
+*           * ensure we do not bother with junk events
+	    if ( then
+              nHitsInTrack = 0
+	    endif
+	  endif !excessive hits
+      else !nHitsInTrack
+*         * iterate -- determine next set of hits
+*         * in each layer of this chamber set, cycle over all hit clusters,
+*         * from NONE to first up to last like an odometer;  return every combination
+*         * that results in as many hits as we require, one combination per invocation;
+*         * we have a counter that identifies the number of hits in this combination
+          iChamber = 1
+          iLayer = 0
+          trynextlayer = .true.
+*         * loop over layers, adding hits until we have enough
+          do while (trynextlayer)
+*              * goto next layer (loop over all layers and chambers in this set)
+               iLayer = iLayer+1
+               if ( then
+                 iChamber = iChamber+1
+                 iLayer = 1
+               endif
+               if ( exit
+*              * go to next hit in this layer, if any, or to next layer
+               if (HFPP_Nfreehits(DCset,iChamber,iLayer).le.0) then
+                   trynextlayer = .true.
+               else	 
+*                  * increase counter if we are adding a NEW hit
+                   if (Hits(iChamber,iLayer).eq.0) then
+                     nHitsInTrack = nHitsInTrack+1
+                   endif
+*                  * find next free hit
+                   iHit = Hits(iChamber,iLayer)+1
+                   do while ( (iHit .lt. HFPP_nClusters(DCset,iChamber,iLayer))
+     >             	     .and. HFPP_ClusterinTrack(DCSet,iChamber,iLayer,iHit).gt.0 )
+                     iHit = iHit+1
+                   enddo
+*                  * did we find a free hit?
+                   if ( HFPP_ClusterinTrack(DCSet,iChamber,iLayer,iHit).gt.0 .or.
+     >             	(iHit .gt. HFPP_nClusters(DCset,iChamber,iLayer)) ) then
+                     Hits(iChamber,iLayer) = 0    ! no free hit
+                     nHitsInTrack = nHitsInTrack - 1
+                     trynextlayer = .true.	  ! try next layer
+                   else
+                     Hits(iChamber,iLayer) = iHit  ! found free hit
+                     iLayer = 0     ! restart increment at lowest layer, chamber
+                     iChamber = 1
+*                    * continue until we have enough hits in this combo
+                     trynextlayer = (
+                   endif
+               endif  !(HFPP_Nfreehits(DCset,iChamber,iLayer).le.0)
+          enddo !trynextlayer
+*         * change hit count to none if we exited due to layer count exceeded
+          if (trynextlayer) then
+            nHitsInTrack = 0
+	  endif
+      endif !nHitsInTrack
+      RETURN
+      END
+      SUBROUTINE h_fpp_tracking_FreeHitCount(DCSet,DoTracking)
+*    Hall C  HMS Focal Plane Polarimeter Code
+*  Purpose: determine how many layers have unused hits
+*  Updated by Frank R. Wesselmann,  May 2006
+*  Created by Frank R. Wesselmann,  February 2004
+      INCLUDE 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'gen_detectorids.par'
+      include 'gen_decode_common.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_fpp_event.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_fpp_params.cmn'
+      integer*4 DCSet        ! drift chamber set we are working in
+      logical*4 DoTracking   ! are there enough available hits 4 tracking?
+      integer*4 iChamber, iLayer, iCluster
+      logical*4 anyWenough, allWmin
+      HFPP_NsetlayersWfreehits(DCSet) = 0
+      do iChamber=1, H_FPP_N_DCINSET
+        HFPP_NlayersWfreehits(DCSet,iChamber) = 0
+        do iLayer=1, H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS
+           HFPP_Nfreehits(DCSet,iChamber,iLayer) = 0
+           if (HFPP_nClusters(DCSet,iChamber,iLayer).gt.0) then
+            do iCluster=1, HFPP_nClusters(DCSet,iChamber,iLayer)
+              if (HFPP_ClusterinTrack(DCSet,iChamber,iLayer,iCluster).eq.0) then
+                HFPP_Nfreehits(DCSet,iChamber,iLayer) =
+     >           HFPP_Nfreehits(DCSet,iChamber,iLayer) + 1
+              endif
+            enddo !iCluster
+           endif
+           if (HFPP_Nfreehits(DCSet,iChamber,iLayer).gt.0) then
+             HFPP_NlayersWfreehits(DCSet,iChamber) =
+     >        HFPP_NlayersWfreehits(DCSet,iChamber) + 1
+           endif
+        enddo !ilayer
+        HFPP_NsetlayersWfreehits(DCSet) = 
+     >           HFPP_NsetlayersWfreehits(DCSet) 
+     >            + HFPP_NlayersWfreehits(DCSet,iChamber)
+      enddo !ichamber
+*     * now see if there are enough hits to bother with tracking...
+      DoTracking = .false.
+      if (HFPP_NsetlayersWfreehits(DCSet).ge.HFPP_minsethits) then
+         allWmin = .true.
+         anyWenough = .false.
+         do iChamber=1, H_FPP_N_DCINSET
+           allWmin = allWmin .and.
+     >       (HFPP_NlayersWfreehits(DCSet,iChamber).ge.HFPP_minchamberhits)
+           anyWenough = anyWenough .or.
+     >       (HFPP_NlayersWfreehits(DCSet,iChamber).ge.HFPP_optchamberhits)
+         enddo !ichamber
+*        * we need each chamber to have a minimum number of hit layers
+*        * and at least one chamber must have the optimal number of hits
+         DoTracking = allWmin .and. anyWenough
+      endif
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_generate_geometry.f b/HTRACKING/h_generate_geometry.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..52130f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_generate_geometry.f
@@ -0,0 +1,390 @@
+      subroutine H_GENERATE_GEOMETRY
+*     This subroutine reads in the wire plane parameters and fills all the
+*     geometrical constants used in Track Fitting for the HMS spectrometer
+*     The constants are stored in hms_geometry.cmn
+*     d.f. geesaman           2 Sept 1993
+*     modified                14 feb 1994 for CTP input.
+*                             Change HPLANE_PARAM to individual arrays
+* $Log: h_generate_geometry.f,v $
+* Revision  2007/10/22 15:23:06  cdaq
+* *** empty log message ***
+* Revision 1.9  1999/02/10 18:23:48  csa
+* Added 4/6 tracking code (D. Meekins)
+* Revision 1.7  1996/04/30 12:43:54  saw
+* (JRA) Set up card drift time delay structures
+* Revision 1.6  1995/10/10 13:49:33  cdaq
+* (JRA) Cosmetics and comments
+* Revision 1.5  1995/05/22 19:39:13  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.4  1995/04/06  19:28:27  cdaq
+* (SAW) Remove hardwired plane and chamber counts
+* Revision 1.3  1994/11/22  20:05:58  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add h's in front of fract, aa3, det3, aainv3.
+* Revision 1.2  1994/10/12  18:23:47  cdaq
+* (DJM) Calculate 3x3 matrices and inverses
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/19  06:14:45  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      include "hms_data_structures.cmn"
+      include "hms_tracking.cmn"
+      include "hms_geometry.cmn"
+*     local variables
+      logical missing_card_no
+      integer*4 pln,i,j,k,pindex,ich,icounter
+      real*4 cosalpha,sinalpha,cosbeta,sinbeta,cosgamma,singamma,z0
+      real*4 stubxchi,stubxpsi,stubychi,stubypsi
+      real*4 sumsqupsi,sumsquchi,sumcross,denom
+*jv      real*4 hdum4of6coeff(hdc_num_planes)
+      real*4 hdum4of6coeff(hmax_num_dc_planes)
+*     read basic parameters from CTP input file
+*     hdc_zpos(pln) = Z0
+*     hdc_alpha_angle(pln) = ALPHA
+*     hdc_beta_angle(pln)  = BETA
+*     hdc_gamma_angle(pln) = GAMMA
+*     hdc_pitch(pln)       = Wire spacing
+*     hdc_nrwire(pln)      = Number of wires
+*     hdc_central_wire(pln) = Location of center of wire 1
+*     hdc_sigma(pln)       = sigma
+      hdc_planes_per_chamber = hdc_num_planes / hdc_num_chambers
+      missing_card_no = .false.
+      do j=1,hmax_num_dc_planes
+        do i=1,hdc_max_wires_per_plane
+          if (hdc_card_no(i,j).eq.0) then
+            missing_card_no = .true.
+            hdc_card_no(i,j)=1        !avoid 0 in array index
+            hdc_card_delay(1)=0.      !no delay for wires
+          endif
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      if (missing_card_no) write(6,*) 'missing hdc_card_no, blame JRA'
+*     loop over all planes
+      do pln=1,hdc_num_planes
+        hdc_plane_num(pln)=pln
+        z0=hdc_zpos(pln)
+        cosalpha = cos(hdc_alpha_angle(pln))
+        sinalpha = sin(hdc_alpha_angle(pln))
+        cosbeta  = cos(hdc_beta_angle(pln))
+        sinbeta  = sin(hdc_beta_angle(pln))
+        cosgamma = cos(hdc_gamma_angle(pln))
+        singamma = sin(hdc_gamma_angle(pln))
+        hsinbeta(pln) = sinbeta
+        hcosbeta(pln) = cosbeta
+*     make sure cosbeta is not zero
+        if(abs(cosbeta).lt.1e-10) then
+          write(hluno,'('' unphysical beta rotation in hms plane'',i4,
+     &      ''    beta='',f10.5)') pln,hdc_beta_angle(pln)
+        endif
+        htanbeta(pln) = sinbeta / cosbeta
+* compute chi,psi to x,y,z transformation coefficient(comments are beta=gamma=0)
+        hzchi(pln) = -cosalpha*sinbeta + sinalpha*cosbeta*singamma  !  =0.
+        hzpsi(pln) =  sinalpha*sinbeta + cosalpha*cosbeta*singamma  !  =0.
+        hxchi(pln) = -cosalpha*cosbeta - sinalpha*sinbeta*singamma  !-cos(a)
+        hxpsi(pln) =  sinalpha*cosbeta - cosalpha*sinbeta*singamma  ! sin(a)
+        hychi(pln) =  sinalpha*cosgamma ! sin(a)
+        hypsi(pln) =  cosalpha*cosgamma ! cos(a)
+*     stub transfromations are done in beta=gamma=0 system
+        stubxchi = -cosalpha                                   !-cos(a)
+        stubxpsi =  sinalpha                                   ! sin(a)
+        stubychi =  sinalpha                                   ! sin(a)
+        stubypsi =  cosalpha                                   ! cos(a)
+* parameters for wire propogation correction. dt=distance from centerline of
+* chamber = ( xcoeff*x + ycoeff*y )*corr / veloc.
+        if (cosalpha .le. 0.707) then  !x-like wire, need dist. from x=0 line
+          hdc_readout_x(pln) = .true.
+          hdc_readout_corr(pln) = 1./sinalpha
+        else                           !y-like wire, need dist. from y=0 line
+          hdc_readout_x(pln) = .false.
+          hdc_readout_corr(pln) = 1./cosalpha
+        endif
+*     fill hpsi0,hchi0,hz0  used in stub fit
+        sumsqupsi = hzpsi(pln)**2 + hxpsi(pln)**2 + hypsi(pln)**2 ! =1.
+        sumsquchi = hzchi(pln)**2 + hxchi(pln)**2 + hychi(pln)**2 ! =1.
+        sumcross =   hzpsi(pln)*hzchi(pln) + hxpsi(pln)*hxchi(pln)
+     &             + hypsi(pln)*hychi(pln)                       ! =0.
+        denom = sumsqupsi*sumsquchi-sumcross**2                        ! =1.
+        hpsi0(pln) = (-z0*hzpsi(pln)*sumsquchi                   !  =0.
+     &                   +z0*hzchi(pln)*sumcross) / denom
+        hchi0(pln) = (-z0*hzchi(pln)*sumsqupsi                   !  =0.
+     &                   +z0*hzpsi(pln)*sumcross) / denom
+*     calculate magnitude of hphi0                               !  =z0
+        hphi0(pln) = sqrt(
+     &         (z0+hzpsi(pln)*hpsi0(pln)+hzchi(pln)*hchi0(pln))**2
+     &          + (hxpsi(pln)*hpsi0(pln)+hxchi(pln)*hchi0(pln))**2
+     &          + (hypsi(pln)*hpsi0(pln)+hychi(pln)*hchi0(pln))**2 )
+        if( hphi0(pln)=-hphi0(pln)        
+* hstubcoef used in stub fits. check these. I don't think they are correct.
+        denom = stubxpsi*stubychi - stubxchi*stubypsi     !  =1.
+        hstubcoef(pln,1)= stubychi/(hdc_sigma(pln)*denom)  !sin(a)/sigma
+        hstubcoef(pln,2)= -stubxchi/(hdc_sigma(pln)*denom) !cos(a)/sigma
+        hstubcoef(pln,3)= hphi0(pln)*hstubcoef(pln,1)     !z0*sin(a)/sig
+        hstubcoef(pln,4)= hphi0(pln)*hstubcoef(pln,2)     !z0*cos(a)/sig
+*     xsp and ysp used in space point pattern recognition
+        hxsp(pln) = hychi(pln) / denom                 !sin(a)
+        hysp(pln) = -hxchi(pln) / denom                        !cos(a)
+*     compute track fitting coefficients
+        hplane_coeff(1,pln)= hzchi(pln)                                  ! =0.
+        hplane_coeff(2,pln)=-hzchi(pln)                                  ! =0.
+        hplane_coeff(3,pln)= hychi(pln)*(hdc_zpos(pln)-hlocrayzt) !sin(a)*(z-hlocrayzt)
+        hplane_coeff(4,pln)= hxchi(pln)*(hlocrayzt-hdc_zpos(pln)) !cos(a)*(z-hlocrayzt)
+        hplane_coeff(5,pln)= hychi(pln)                                  !sin(a)
+        hplane_coeff(6,pln)=-hxchi(pln)                                  !cos(a)
+        hplane_coeff(7,pln)= hzchi(pln)*hypsi(pln) - hychi(pln)*hzpsi(pln) !0.
+        hplane_coeff(8,pln)=-hzchi(pln)*hxpsi(pln) + hxchi(pln)*hzpsi(pln) !0.
+        hplane_coeff(9,pln)= hychi(pln)*hxpsi(pln) - hxchi(pln)*hypsi(pln) !1.
+      enddo                  !  end hdc_num_planes
+* djm 10/2/94 generate/store the inverse matrices HAAINV3(i,j,pindex) used in solve_3by3_hdc
+* pindex = 1    plane 1 missing from hdc1
+* pindex = 2    plane 2 missing from hdc1
+*   etc.
+* pindex = 7    plane 1 missing from hdc2
+* pindex = 8    plane 2 missing from hdc2
+*   etc.
+* pindex = 13   hdc1 no missing planes
+* pindex = 14   hdc2 no missing planes
+*     pindex for 4/6 planes is not as meaningful.  you have to know what an
+*     index represents in missing planes.  pindex now has a meaningful
+*     range of 1 to 26.  from 15 to 26 there are 4/6 planes that fire and
+*     both y and yprime must fire.  that leaves 6 possiblities for each
+*     chamber.  the only way to setup haainv is to do it manually.  pindex
+*     is used in this fashion so that the 3rd index in haainv has meaning
+*     and is contiuous running from 1 to 26 instead of jumping around which
+*     would be the case if it were to contain useful plane information.
+*     see h_left_right.f for a list of plane configurations that are
+*     attached to pindex above 14.
+      do pindex=1, HDC_NUM_PLANES + HDC_NUM_CHAMBERS + 30
+* generate the matrix HAA3 for an hdc missing a particular plane
+        do i=1,3
+          do j=1,3
+            HAA3(i,j)=0.
+            if(              ! HAA3 is symmetric so only calculate 6 terms
+              HAA3(i,j)=HAA3(j,i)
+            else
+              if(pindex.le.HDC_NUM_PLANES) then
+                ich = (pindex-1)/(HDC_PLANES_PER_CHAMBER)+1
+                do k=(ich-1)*(HDC_PLANES_PER_CHAMBER)+1
+     $               ,ich*(HDC_PLANES_PER_CHAMBER)
+                  if( then
+                    HAA3(i,j)=HAA3(i,j) + hstubcoef(k,i)*hstubcoef(k,j)
+                  endif
+                enddo
+              else 
+                 if(pindex.le.(HDC_NUM_PLANES+HDC_NUM_CHAMBERS)) then
+                   ich = pindex - HDC_NUM_PLANES
+                   do k=(ich-1)*(HDC_PLANES_PER_CHAMBER)+1
+     $                  ,ich*(HDC_PLANES_PER_CHAMBER)
+                     HAA3(i,j)=HAA3(i,j) + hstubcoef(k,i)*hstubcoef(k,j)
+                   enddo
+                 else  ! 4/6 planes are hit
+                    do icounter=1,hdc_num_planes
+                       hdum4of6coeff(icounter)=1
+                    enddo
+                    if(pindex.eq.15.or.pindex.eq.30)then
+                       hdum4of6coeff(6)=0 !plane 6 did not fire
+                       hdum4of6coeff(5)=0 !plane 5 did not fire
+                       hdum4of6coeff(12)=0 !plane 12 did not fire
+                       hdum4of6coeff(11)=0 !plane 11 did not fire
+                    endif
+                    if(pindex.eq.16.or.pindex.eq.31)then
+                       hdum4of6coeff(6)=0 !plane 6 did not fire
+                       hdum4of6coeff(4)=0 !plane 4 did not fire
+                       hdum4of6coeff(12)=0 !plane 12 did not fire
+                       hdum4of6coeff(10)=0 !plane 10 did not fire
+                     endif
+                    if(pindex.eq.17.or.pindex.eq.32)then
+                       hdum4of6coeff(6)=0 !plane 6 did not fire
+                       hdum4of6coeff(3)=0 !plane 3 did not fire
+                       hdum4of6coeff(12)=0 !plane 12 did not fire
+                       hdum4of6coeff(9)=0 !plane 9 did not fire
+                     endif
+                    if(pindex.eq.18.or.pindex.eq.33)then
+                       hdum4of6coeff(6)=0 !plane 6 did not fire
+                       hdum4of6coeff(2)=0 !plane 2 did not fire
+                       hdum4of6coeff(12)=0 !plane 12 did not fire
+                       hdum4of6coeff(8)=0 !plane 9 did not fire
+                    endif
+                    if(pindex.eq.19.or.pindex.eq.34)then
+                       hdum4of6coeff(6)=0 !plane 6 did not fire
+                       hdum4of6coeff(1)=0 !plane 1 did not fire
+                       hdum4of6coeff(12)=0 !plane 12 did not fire
+                       hdum4of6coeff(7)=0 !plane 7 did not fire
+                    endif
+                    if(pindex.eq.20.or.pindex.eq.35)then
+                       hdum4of6coeff(5)=0 !plane 5 did not fire
+                       hdum4of6coeff(4)=0 !plane 4 did not fire
+                       hdum4of6coeff(11)=0 !plane 11 did not fire
+                       hdum4of6coeff(10)=0 !plane 10 did not fire
+                    endif
+                    if(pindex.eq.21.or.pindex.eq.36)then
+                       hdum4of6coeff(5)=0 !plane 5 did not fire
+                       hdum4of6coeff(3)=0 !plane 3 did not fire
+                       hdum4of6coeff(11)=0 !plane 11 did not fire
+                       hdum4of6coeff(9)=0 !plane 9 did not fire
+                    endif
+                    if(pindex.eq.22.or.pindex.eq.37)then
+                       hdum4of6coeff(5)=0 !plane 5 did not fire
+                       hdum4of6coeff(2)=0 !plane 2 did not fire
+                       hdum4of6coeff(11)=0 !plane 11 did not fire
+                       hdum4of6coeff(8)=0 !plane 8 did not fire
+                    endif
+                    if(pindex.eq.23.or.pindex.eq.38)then
+                       hdum4of6coeff(5)=0 !plane 5 did not fire
+                       hdum4of6coeff(1)=0 !plane 1 did not fire
+                       hdum4of6coeff(11)=0 !plane 11 did not fire
+                       hdum4of6coeff(7)=0 !plane 7 did not fire
+                    endif
+                    if(pindex.eq.24.or.pindex.eq.39)then
+                       hdum4of6coeff(4)=0 !plane 4 did not fire
+                       hdum4of6coeff(3)=0 !plane 3 did not fire
+                       hdum4of6coeff(10)=0 !plane 10 did not fire
+                       hdum4of6coeff(9)=0 !plane 9 did not fire
+                    endif
+                    if(pindex.eq.25.or.pindex.eq.40)then
+                       hdum4of6coeff(4)=0 !plane 4 did not fire
+                       hdum4of6coeff(2)=0 !plane 2 did not fire
+                       hdum4of6coeff(10)=0 !plane 10 did not fire
+                       hdum4of6coeff(8)=0 !plane 8 did not fire
+                    endif
+                    if(pindex.eq.26.or.pindex.eq.41)then
+                       hdum4of6coeff(4)=0 !plane 4 did not fire
+                       hdum4of6coeff(1)=0 !plane 1 did not fire
+                       hdum4of6coeff(10)=0 !plane 10 did not fire
+                       hdum4of6coeff(7)=0 !plane 7 did not fire
+                    endif
+                    if(pindex.eq.27.or.pindex.eq.42)then
+                       hdum4of6coeff(3)=0 !plane 3 did not fire
+                       hdum4of6coeff(2)=0 !plane 2 did not fire
+                       hdum4of6coeff(9)=0 !plane 9 did not fire
+                       hdum4of6coeff(8)=0 !plane 8 did not fire
+                    endif
+                    if(pindex.eq.28.or.pindex.eq.43)then
+                       hdum4of6coeff(3)=0 !plane 3 did not fire
+                       hdum4of6coeff(1)=0 !plane 1 did not fire
+                       hdum4of6coeff(9)=0 !plane 9 did not fire
+                       hdum4of6coeff(7)=0 !plane 7 did not fire
+                    endif
+                    if(pindex.eq.29.or.pindex.eq.44)then
+                       hdum4of6coeff(2)=0 !plane 2 did not fire
+                       hdum4of6coeff(1)=0 !plane 1 did not fire
+                       hdum4of6coeff(8)=0 !plane 8 did not fire
+                       hdum4of6coeff(7)=0 !plane 7 did not fire
+                    endif
+                    if(
+                       ich=1
+                    else 
+                       ich=2
+                    endif
+                    do k=(ich-1)*(HDC_PLANES_PER_CHAMBER)+1
+     $                  ,ich*(HDC_PLANES_PER_CHAMBER)
+                       HAA3(i,j)=HAA3(i,j) + hstubcoef(k,i)*hstubcoef(k,j)
+     $                      *hdum4of6coeff(k)
+                    enddo
+                 endif
+              endif
+            endif                       !end test j lt i
+          enddo                         !end j loop
+        enddo                           !end i loop
+* form the inverse matrix HAAINV3 for each configuration
+        HAAINV3(1,1,pindex)=(HAA3(2,2)*HAA3(3,3)-HAA3(2,3)**2)
+        HAAINV3(1,2,pindex)=-(HAA3(1,2)*HAA3(3,3)-HAA3(1,3)*HAA3(2,3))
+        HAAINV3(1,3,pindex)=(HAA3(1,2)*HAA3(2,3)-HAA3(1,3)*HAA3(2,2))
+        HDET3(pindex)=HAA3(1,1)*HAAINV3(1,1,pindex)+HAA3(1,2)*HAAINV3(1,2
+     $       ,pindex)+HAA3(1,3)*HAAINV3(1,3,pindex)
+        if(abs(hdet3(pindex)).le.1e-20)then
+          write(6,*
+     $         )'******************************************************'
+          write(6,*
+     $         )'Warning! Determinate of matrix HAA3(i,j) is nearly zero.'
+          write(6,*)'All tracks using pindex=',pindex,' will be zerfucked.'
+          write(6,*)'Fix problem in h_generate_geometry.f or else!'
+          write(6,*
+     $         )'******************************************************'
+          hdet3(pindex)=1.
+        endif
+        HAAINV3(1,1,pindex)=HAAINV3(1,1,pindex)/HDET3(pindex)
+        HAAINV3(1,2,pindex)=HAAINV3(1,2,pindex)/HDET3(pindex)
+        HAAINV3(1,3,pindex)=HAAINV3(1,3,pindex)/HDET3(pindex)
+        HAAINV3(2,2,pindex)=(HAA3(1,1)*HAA3(3,3)-HAA3(1,3)**2)/HDET3(pindex
+     $       )
+        HAAINV3(2,3,pindex)= -(HAA3(1,1)*HAA3(2,3)-HAA3(1,2)*HAA3(3,1))
+     $       /HDET3(pindex)
+        HAAINV3(3,3,pindex)=(HAA3(1,1)*HAA3(2,2)-HAA3(1,2)**2)/HDET3(pindex
+     $       )
+      enddo                             !end pindex loop
+*     for debug write out all parameters
+      if( then
+        write(hluno,'(''    HMS PLANE PARAMETERS: '')')
+        write(hluno,'('' plane   z0      alpha      beta     gamma    wire  ''
+     &                '' number  center  resolution'')')
+        write(hluno,'('' number                                      spacing ''
+     &                '' wires  position'')')
+        write(hluno,1000) (hdc_plane_num(j),
+     &                     hdc_zpos(j),
+     &                     hdc_alpha_angle(j),
+     &                     hdc_beta_angle(j),
+     &                     hdc_gamma_angle(j),
+     &                     hdc_pitch(j),
+     &                     hdc_nrwire(j),
+     &                     hdc_central_wire(j),
+     &                     hdc_sigma(j),j=1,hdc_num_planes)
+1000  format(1x,i4,f9.4,3f10.6,f8.4,i6,f10.4,f10.6)
+        write(hluno,'(''  plane'',
+     &        ''  hzchi     hzpsi     hxchi     hxpsi     hychi     hypsi'')')
+        write(hluno,1001) (i, hzchi(i),hzpsi(i),hxchi(i),hxpsi(i),hychi(i),
+     &               hypsi(i),i=1,hdc_num_planes )
+1001  format(i5,6f10.6)
+        write(hluno,'(''plane'',
+     &        ''    hpsi0       hchi0       hphi0'')')
+       write(hluno,1002) (i, hpsi0(i),hchi0(i),hphi0(i),i=1,hdc_num_planes)
+1002  format(i5,3f12.6)
+        write(hluno,'(''  plane'',
+     &        ''     hstubcoef 1        2              3             4'')')
+        write(hluno,1003) (i, hstubcoef(i,1),hstubcoef(i,2),hstubcoef(i,3),
+     &         hstubcoef(i,4),i=1,hdc_num_planes)
+1003  format(i5,4f15.6)
+        write(hluno,'(''                 hplane_coeff'')')
+        write(hluno,'('' plane     1        2       3        4        5'',
+     &   ''      6       7       8        9'')')
+        do j=1,hdc_num_planes
+          write(hluno,1004) j,(hplane_coeff(i,j),i=1,9) 
+        enddo                           ! end of print over planes loop
+1004  format(1x,i3,f10.5,2f8.3,f9.3,4f8.3,f9.3)
+      endif                               !   end if on debug print out
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_init_cal.f b/HTRACKING/h_init_cal.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3751da1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_init_cal.f
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+      subroutine h_init_cal(abort,errmsg)
+*-      Purpose: HMS Calorimeter Initialization
+*-      Created: 20 Mar 1994      Tsolak A. Amatuni
+* $Log: h_init_cal.f,v $
+* Revision 1.5  2003/04/03 00:43:13  jones
+* Update to calibration (V. Tadevosyan0
+* Revision 1.4  1998/12/17 22:02:39  saw
+* Support extra set of tubes on HMS shower counter
+* Revision 1.3  1995/05/22 19:39:13  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.2  1994/06/14  03:12:22  cdaq
+* (DFG) make all parameters CTP, not hard wired
+* Revision 1.1  1994/04/13  15:39:11  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      save
+      logical abort
+      character*(*) errmsg
+      character*10 here
+      parameter (here='H_INIT_CAL')
+      integer*4 block      !Block number
+      integer*4 row        !Row number
+      integer*4 column     !Column number
+      include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'hms_calorimeter.cmn'
+      data hcal_num_neg_columns /0/ ! No extra tubes unless specified in parm files
+*-----Initialize the positions
+      do column=1,hmax_cal_columns
+         do row=1,hmax_cal_rows
+            block=row+hmax_cal_rows*(column-1)
+            if(column.eq.1) then
+               hcal_block_xc(block)=hcal_1pr_top(row)+0.5*hcal_1pr_thick
+               hcal_block_yc(block)=0.5*(hcal_1pr_left+hcal_1pr_right)
+               hcal_block_zc(block)=hcal_1pr_zpos+0.5*hcal_1pr_thick
+            else if(column.eq.2) then
+               hcal_block_xc(block)=hcal_2ta_top(row)+0.5*hcal_2ta_thick
+               hcal_block_yc(block)=0.5*(hcal_2ta_left+hcal_2ta_right)
+               hcal_block_zc(block)=hcal_2ta_zpos+0.5*hcal_2ta_thick
+            else if(column.eq.3) then
+               hcal_block_xc(block)=hcal_3ta_top(row)+0.5*hcal_3ta_thick
+               hcal_block_yc(block)=0.5*(hcal_3ta_left+hcal_3ta_right)
+               hcal_block_zc(block)=hcal_3ta_zpos+0.5*hcal_3ta_thick
+            else
+               hcal_block_xc(block)=hcal_4ta_top(row)+0.5*hcal_4ta_thick
+               hcal_block_yc(block)=0.5*(hcal_4ta_left+hcal_4ta_right)
+               hcal_block_zc(block)=hcal_4ta_zpos+0.5*hcal_4ta_thick
+            endif
+         enddo   !End loop over rows
+      enddo   !End loop over columns
+      hcal_block_xsize= hcal_4ta_top(2) - hcal_4ta_top(1)
+      hcal_block_ysize= hcal_4ta_left - hcal_4ta_right
+      hcal_block_zsize= hcal_4ta_thick
+      hcal_xmax= hcal_4ta_top(hcal_4ta_nr) + hcal_block_xsize
+      hcal_xmin= hcal_4ta_top(1)
+      hcal_ymax= hcal_4ta_left
+      hcal_ymin= hcal_4ta_right
+      hcal_zmin= hcal_1pr_zpos
+      hcal_zmax= hcal_4ta_zpos
+      hcal_fv_xmin=hcal_xmin+5.
+      hcal_fv_xmax=hcal_xmax-5.
+      hcal_fv_ymin=hcal_ymin+5.
+      hcal_fv_ymax=hcal_ymax-5.
+      hcal_fv_zmin=hcal_zmin
+      hcal_fv_zmax=hcal_zmax
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_init_cer.f b/HTRACKING/h_init_cer.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b12f98e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_init_cer.f
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+      subroutine h_init_cer(ABORT,err)
+* author: Chris Cothran
+* created: 5/25/95
+* h_init_cer initializes parameters relevant to the HMS Cerenkov.
+* $Log: h_init_cer.f,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1995/08/31 14:53:56  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      include 'hms_cer_parms.cmn'
+      logical abort
+      character*(*) err
+      character*20 here
+      parameter (here='h_init_cer')
+      integer*4 ii
+      save
+      do ii = 1, hcer_num_regions
+        hcer_track_counter(ii) = 0
+        hcer_fired_counter(ii) = 0
+      enddo
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_init_fpp.f b/HTRACKING/h_init_fpp.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a12968
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_init_fpp.f
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+      SUBROUTINE h_init_fpp(ABORT,err)
+*    Hall C  HMS Focal Plane Polarimeter Code
+*  Purpose: initialize FPP parameters and constants
+*  Created by Frank R. Wesselmann,  February 2004
+      include 'gen_detectorids.par'
+      include 'gen_decode_common.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_fpp_params.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_geometry.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_fpp_params.dte'
+      character*10 here
+      parameter (here= 'h_init_fpp')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      real*4 pi
+      parameter (pi=3.1415926535)
+      integer*4 iSet, iChamber, iLayer, iPlane, iWire
+      integer*4 ilab, iloc, ii, wlo, whi, wstep, sign
+      real*4 sinalpha, sinbeta, singamma
+      real*4 cosalpha, cosbeta, cosgamma
+      real*4 matrix(3,3)
+      real*4 Imatrix(3,3)
+      ABORT= .FALSE.
+      err= ' '
+*     * re-map per-plane parameters into (set,chamber,layer) set
+      do iset=1, H_FPP_N_DCSETS
+       do ichamber=1, H_FPP_N_DCINSET
+         do ilayer=1, H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS
+*          * for these first quantities, the values for all chamber sets are identical, thus
+*          * they got defined only for one set and get duplicated for all (two) sets (pairs)
+           iPlane = H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS * (iChamber-1) + ilayer
+           HFPP_spacing(iset,ichamber,ilayer)	  = inplanespacing(iPlane)
+	   HFPP_layeroffset(iset,ichamber,ilayer) = planeoffset(iPlane)
+	   HFPP_layerZ(iset,ichamber,ilayer)	  = planeZ(iPlane)
+           HFPP_direction(iset,ichamber,ilayer,1) = cos( planeangle(iPlane) *pi/180.)
+           HFPP_direction(iset,ichamber,ilayer,2) = sin( planeangle(iPlane) *pi/180.)
+*          * when we do tracking, we work in 2D only, u and z
+*          * u is part of (u,v) which is defined by a rotation  gamma  around
+*          * the z-axis, from the x-axis towards the y-axis (right-handed)
+*          * the z axis here is defined by the CHAMBERS not the HMS
+*          * we later rotate the tracks appropriately into the HMS frame
+*          * for now all we need are Px and Py such that   u = x*Px + y*Py
+*          * the following quantities can have different values for each chamber sets,
+*          * so we need to distinguish between chamber sets in the in/out, too!
+           iPlane = iPlane + H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS * H_FPP_N_DCINSET * (iSet-1)
+           HFPP_resolution(iset,ichamber,ilayer) = HFPP_planeresolution(iPlane)
+         enddo
+       enddo
+      enddo
+*     * re-map card position array into (set,chamber,layer,wire) variable
+      do iset=1, H_FPP_N_DCSETS
+       do ichamber=1, H_FPP_N_DCINSET
+        do ilayer=1, H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS
+	 do iWire=1, H_FPP_MAX_WIRES
+	  HFPP_cardpos(iSet,iChamber,iLayer,iWire) = 0
+         enddo
+        enddo
+       enddo
+      enddo
+      do ii=1,FPPNUMCARDS
+	iSet     = fpp_planemap(2,ii)
+	iChamber = fpp_planemap(3,ii)
+	iLayer   = fpp_planemap(4,ii)
+	wlo      = fpp_planemap(6,ii)
+	whi      = fpp_planemap(7,ii)
+	sign     = fpp_planemap(8,ii)
+	if ( then
+	  wstep = 1
+	else
+	  wstep = -1
+	endif
+	do iWire=wlo,whi,wstep
+	  HFPP_cardpos(iSet,iChamber,iLayer,iWire) = sign
+	enddo
+      enddo
+*     * create mapping from plane to set,chamber,layer
+      do iset=1, H_FPP_N_DCSETS
+        do ichamber=1, H_FPP_N_DCINSET
+          do ilayer=1, H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS
+             iPlane = H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS * H_FPP_N_DCINSET * (iSet-1)
+     >       	    + H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS * (iChamber-1)
+     >       	    + iLayer
+	     HFPP_plane2set(iPlane)	= iSet
+	     HFPP_plane2chamber(iPlane)	= iChamber
+	     HFPP_plane2layer(iPlane)	= iLayer
+          enddo !ilayer
+        enddo !ichamber
+      enddo !iset
+      if (.true.) then
+*     * output geometry params to verify proper reading of param file
+       do iset=1, H_FPP_N_DCSETS
+            write(6,123) iset,HFPP_Xoff(iset), HFPP_Yoff(iset)
+        do ichamber=1, H_FPP_N_DCINSET
+         write(6,*) ''
+           do ilayer=1, H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS
+             iPlane = H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS * H_FPP_N_DCINSET * (iSet-1)
+     >       	    + H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS * (iChamber-1)
+     >       	    + ilayer
+            write(6,124) ichamber,ilayer,
+     >       HFPP_layerZ(iset,ichamber,ilayer),
+     >       HFPP_direction(iset,ichamber,ilayer,1),HFPP_direction(iset,ichamber,ilayer,2),
+     >       HFPP_layeroffset(iset,ichamber,ilayer), HFPP_Nwires(iplane),
+     >       HFPP_spacing(iset,ichamber,ilayer), HFPP_resolution(iset,ichamber,ilayer),
+     >       HFPP_gamma(iset)
+           enddo
+        enddo
+       enddo
+      endif
+ 123  FORMAT (2x,i1,'  chamber x,y ', 2(1x,f5.1))
+ 124  FORMAT (5x,2(1x,i1),'  z=',f6.1, '  dx,dy=',2(f6.3,1x),'  Off=',f6.1,
+     >        '  wires=',i3,'  spc=',f4.2,'  res=',f5.3,'  rot=',f6.2)
+*     * calculate the rotation matrices for chamber sets
+*     * definition of Euler rotation angles as per  G. Arfken, pp.199
+      do iset=1, H_FPP_N_DCSETS
+            sinalpha = sin( HFPP_alpha(iset) *pi/180.)
+            sinbeta  = sin( HFPP_beta(iset)  *pi/180.)
+            singamma = sin( HFPP_gamma(iset) *pi/180.)
+            cosalpha = cos( HFPP_alpha(iset) *pi/180.)
+            cosbeta  = cos( HFPP_beta(iset)  *pi/180.)
+            cosgamma = cos( HFPP_gamma(iset) *pi/180.)
+*           * matrix is such that:  (x,y,z CHAMBER) = [M] x (x,y,z HMS)
+*           *      ,---- 1=x,2=y,3=z in layer's coords
+*           *      | ,-- 1=x,2=y,3=z in lab coords
+            matrix(1,1)  =      cosalpha*cosbeta*cosgamma - sinalpha*singamma
+            matrix(1,2)  =      sinalpha*cosbeta*cosgamma + cosalpha*singamma
+            matrix(1,3)  = -1.0*         sinbeta*cosgamma
+            matrix(2,1)  = -1.0*cosalpha*cosbeta*singamma - sinalpha*cosgamma
+            matrix(2,2)  = -1.0*sinalpha*cosbeta*singamma + cosalpha*cosgamma
+            matrix(2,3)  =               sinbeta*singamma
+            matrix(3,1)  =      cosalpha*sinbeta
+            matrix(3,2)  =      sinalpha*sinbeta
+            matrix(3,3)  =               cosbeta
+*           * INVERSE matrix is such that:  (x,y,z HMS) = [M-1] x (x,y,z CHAMBER)
+*           *       ,---- 1=x,2=y,3=z in lab coords
+*           *       | ,-- 1=x,2=y,3=z in layer's coords
+            Imatrix(1,1) =	cosalpha*cosbeta*cosgamma - sinalpha*singamma
+            Imatrix(1,2) = -1.0*cosalpha*cosbeta*singamma - sinalpha*cosgamma
+            Imatrix(1,3) =	cosalpha*sinbeta
+            Imatrix(2,1) =	sinalpha*cosbeta*cosgamma + cosalpha*singamma
+            Imatrix(2,2) = -1.0*sinalpha*cosbeta*singamma + cosalpha*cosgamma
+            Imatrix(2,3) =	sinalpha*sinbeta
+            Imatrix(3,1) = -1.0*         sinbeta*cosgamma
+            Imatrix(3,2) =	         sinbeta*singamma
+            Imatrix(3,3) =	         cosbeta
+*           * now copy the easy-to-read local matrix to the shared array
+*           * note the reversal of indices between the matrices!!
+            do ilab=1,3
+              do iloc=1,3
+                HFPP_Mrotation(iset,iloc,ilab) =  matrix(iloc,ilab)
+                HFPP_Irotation(iset,ilab,iloc) = Imatrix(ilab,iloc)
+              enddo !iloc
+            enddo !ilab
+      enddo !iset
+*     * initialize driftmap
+      call h_fpp_drift_init(ABORT,err)
+        call G_add_path(here,err)
+      ENDIF
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_init_histid.f b/HTRACKING/h_init_histid.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd5445c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_init_histid.f
@@ -0,0 +1,385 @@
+      subroutine h_init_histid(Abort,err)
+*     routine to get HBOOK histogram ID numbers for all hard coded
+*     histograms.
+*     Author:	D. F. Geesaman
+*     Date:      9 April 1994
+* $Log: h_init_histid.f,v $
+* Revision  2007/10/30 00:28:27  cdaq
+* added FPP geometric alignment checks
+* Revision  2007/10/22 18:39:10  cdaq
+* adjusted HMS FPP histos
+* Revision  2007/08/22 19:09:30  frw
+* added FPP
+* Revision 1.10  2006/06/22 frw
+* added HMS FPP entries
+* Revision 1.9  2002/12/20 21:53:33  jones
+* Modified by Hamlet for new HMS aerogel
+* Revision 1.8  2002/10/05 (Hamlet)
+* Add HMS Aerogel
+* Revision 1.7  1999/02/23 18:38:56  csa
+* (JRA) Add pos/neg cal stuff
+* Revision 1.6  1999/02/03 21:13:23  saw
+* Code for new Shower counter tubes
+* Revision 1.5  1996/08/30 19:55:09  saw
+* (JRA) Get id for misc. TDC's
+* Revision 1.4  1996/01/16 21:52:05  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add hidcuttdc, hidscinalltimes, and hidscintimes
+* Revision 1.3  1995/08/31 14:53:47  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add dpos (pos. track - pos. hit) histograms
+* Revision 1.2  1995/07/19  18:20:41  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add per hit adc/tdc sums for hodo and calormeter
+* (SAW) Relocate data statements for f2c compatibility
+* Revision 1.1  1995/05/22  18:33:05  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+* Revision 1.6  1995/05/12  12:23:22  cdaq
+* (JRA) Modify/add user histograms
+* Revision 1.5  1995/04/06  20:33:34  cdaq
+* (SAW) Fix SOS wc plane names.  Add SOS residuals histogram id's
+c Revision 1.4  1995/03/14  21:01:18  cdaq
+c (SAW) Change ?scin_num_counters to ?num_scin_counters
+c Revision 1.3  1994/08/18  03:13:51  cdaq
+c (SAW) Use arrays of histids for residuals, new names for residuals histos
+c Revision 1.2  1994/05/12  18:59:14  cdaq
+c (DFG) Add hms_target and sos_target histid
+c Revision 1.1  1994/05/12  18:56:22  cdaq
+c Initial revision
+* Revision 1.1  1994/04/12  21:00:57  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      character*13 here
+      parameter (here= 'h_init_histid')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      external thgetid
+      integer*4 thgetid
+      integer*4 plane,counter
+      integer*4 set,chamber,layer
+      include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'hms_tracking.cmn'
+      include 'hms_track_histid.cmn'          
+      include 'hms_scin_parms.cmn'
+      include 'hms_id_histid.cmn'   
+      character*32 histname
+      character*8 wiremap
+      character*10 drifttime
+      character*9 driftdis
+      character*9 wirecent
+      character*9 residual
+      character*9 singres
+      character*6 hdcplanename(hmax_num_dc_planes)
+      character*1 hscinplanenum(HNUM_SCIN_PLANES)
+      character*10 hscinplane
+      character*7 hscinplanename(HNUM_SCIN_PLANES)
+      character*6 posadc,negadc,postdc,negtdc
+      character*7 hposadc,hnegadc,hpostdc,hnegtdc
+      data wiremap/'_wiremap'/       
+      data drifttime/'_drifttime'/
+      data driftdis /'_driftdis'/
+      data wirecent/'_wirecent'/
+      data residual/'_residual'/
+      data singres/'_sing_res'/
+      data hdcplanename/'hdc1x1','hdc1y1','hdc1u1','hdc1v1','hdc1y2'
+     $     ,'hdc1x2','hdc2x1','hdc2y1','hdc2u1','hdc2v1','hdc2y2','hdc2x2'/
+      data hscinplanenum/'1','2','3','4'/
+      data hscinplane /'hscinplane'/
+      data hscinplanename/'hscin1x','hscin1y','hscin2x','hscin2y'/
+      data posadc /'posadc'/
+      data negadc /'negadc'/
+      data postdc /'postdc'/
+      data negtdc /'negtdc'/       
+      data hposadc /'hposadc'/
+      data hnegadc /'hnegadc'/
+      data hpostdc /'hpostdc'/
+      data hnegtdc /'hnegtdc'/
+      SAVE
+      ABORT= .FALSE.
+      err= ' '
+*     Histogram block hms_target
+      hidhx_tar = thgetid('hx_tar')
+      hidhy_tar = thgetid('hy_tar')
+      hidhz_tar = thgetid('hz_tar')
+      hidhxp_tar = thgetid('hxp_tar')
+      hidhyp_tar = thgetid('hyp_tar')
+      hidhdelta_tar = thgetid('hdelta_tar')
+      hidhp_tar = thgetid('hp_tar')   
+*     histogram block hms_focal_plane
+      hidhx_fp = thgetid('hx_fp')
+      hidhy_fp = thgetid('hy_fp')
+      hidhxp_fp = thgetid('hxp_fp')
+      hidhyp_fp = thgetid('hyp_fp')
+      hidhlogchi2_fp = thgetid('hlogchi2_fp')
+      hidhnfree_fp = thgetid('hnfree_fp')
+      hidhchi2perdeg_fp = thgetid('hchi2perdeg_fp')
+*     histogram block hms_decoded_dc
+      hidrawtdc = thgetid('hdcrawtdc')
+      hidcuttdc = thgetid('hdccuttdc')
+      do plane = 1, hdc_num_planes
+        histname = hdcplanename(plane)//wiremap
+        hiddcwiremap(plane) = thgetid(histname)
+        histname = hdcplanename(plane)//drifttime
+        hiddcdrifttime(plane) = thgetid(histname)
+        histname = hdcplanename(plane)//driftdis
+        hiddcdriftdis(plane) = thgetid(histname)
+        histname = hdcplanename(plane)//wirecent
+        hiddcwirecent(plane) = thgetid(histname)
+        histname = hdcplanename(plane)//residual
+        hidres_fp(plane) = thgetid(histname)
+        histname = hdcplanename(plane)//singres
+        hidsingres_fp(plane) = thgetid(histname)
+      enddo                             ! end loop over dc planes 
+*     histogram block hms_raw_sc
+      hidscinrawtothits = thgetid('hscintothits')
+      hidscinplane = thgetid('hscinplane')
+      hidscinalltimes = thgetid('hscinalltimes')
+      hidscintimes = thgetid('hscintimes')
+      hnum_scin_counters(1) = hscin_1x_nr
+      hnum_scin_counters(2) = hscin_1y_nr
+      hnum_scin_counters(3) = hscin_2x_nr
+      hnum_scin_counters(4) = hscin_2y_nr
+      hiddcdposx = thgetid('hdcdposx')
+      hiddcdposy = thgetid('hdcdposy')
+      hiddcdposxp = thgetid('hdcdposxp')
+      hiddcdposyp = thgetid('hdcdposyp')
+      hidcaldpos = thgetid('hcaldpos')
+      do plane = 1, HNUM_SCIN_PLANES
+        histname = hscinplane//hscinplanenum(plane)
+        hidscincounters(plane) = thgetid(histname)
+        histname = hpostdc//hscinplanenum(plane)
+        hidscinallpostdc(plane) = thgetid(histname)
+        histname = hnegtdc//hscinplanenum(plane)
+        hidscinallnegtdc(plane) = thgetid(histname)
+        histname = hposadc//hscinplanenum(plane)
+        hidscinallposadc(plane) = thgetid(histname)
+        histname = hnegadc//hscinplanenum(plane)
+        hidscinallnegadc(plane) = thgetid(histname)
+        histname = "hsumpostdc"//hscinplanenum(plane)
+        hidsumpostdc(plane) = thgetid(histname)
+        histname = "hsumnegtdc"//hscinplanenum(plane)
+        hidsumnegtdc(plane) = thgetid(histname)
+        histname = "hsumposadc"//hscinplanenum(plane)
+        hidsumposadc(plane) = thgetid(histname)
+        histname = "hsumnegadc"//hscinplanenum(plane)
+        hidsumnegadc(plane) = thgetid(histname)
+        histname = "hscindpos"//hscinplanenum(plane)
+        hidscindpos(plane) = thgetid(histname)
+        histname = "hscindpos_pid"//hscinplanenum(plane)
+        hidscindpos_pid(plane) = thgetid(histname)
+        do counter = 1,hnum_scin_counters(plane)
+*     this is probably very awkward character manipulation
+          if( then
+            write(histname,'(a7,i1,a6)') hscinplanename(plane),counter,posadc
+          else
+            write(histname,'(a7,i2,a6)') hscinplanename(plane),counter,posadc
+          endif
+          hidscinposadc(plane,counter) = thgetid(histname)
+          if( then
+            write(histname,'(a7,i1,a6)') hscinplanename(plane),counter,negadc
+          else
+            write(histname,'(a7,i2,a6)') hscinplanename(plane),counter,negadc
+          endif
+          hidscinnegadc(plane,counter) = thgetid(histname)
+          if( then
+            write(histname,'(a7,i1,a6)') hscinplanename(plane),counter,postdc
+          else
+            write(histname,'(a7,i2,a6)') hscinplanename(plane),counter,postdc
+          endif
+          hidscinpostdc(plane,counter) = thgetid(histname)
+          if( then
+            write(histname,'(a7,i1,a6)') hscinplanename(plane),counter,negtdc
+          else
+            write(histname,'(a7,i2,a6)') hscinplanename(plane),counter,negtdc
+          endif
+          hidscinnegtdc(plane,counter) = thgetid(histname)     
+        enddo                           ! end loop over scintillator counters
+      enddo                             ! end loop over scintillator plane
+      hidcalplane = thgetid('hcalplane')
+      hidcalposhits(1) = thgetid('hcalaposhits')
+      hidcalposhits(2) = thgetid('hcalbposhits')
+      hidcalposhits(3) = thgetid('hcalcposhits')
+      hidcalposhits(4) = thgetid('hcaldposhits')
+      hidcalneghits(1) = thgetid('hcalaneghits')
+      hidcalneghits(2) = thgetid('hcalbneghits')
+      hidcalneghits(3) = thgetid('hcalcneghits')
+      hidcalneghits(4) = thgetid('hcaldneghits')
+      hidcalsumadc = thgetid('hcalsumadc')
+      hidmisctdcs = thgetid('hmisctdcs')
+* HMS Aerogel
+      hidhaero_adc_pos_hits = thgetid('haeroadcposhits')
+      hidhaero_adc_neg_hits = thgetid('haeroadcneghits')
+      hidhaero_tdc_pos_hits = thgetid('haerotdcposhits')
+      hidhaero_tdc_neg_hits = thgetid('haerotdcneghits')
+      hidhaero_adc_pos_pedsubtr = thgetid('haeroadcpospedsubtr')
+      hidhaero_adc_neg_pedsubtr = thgetid('haeroadcnegpedsubtr')
+      hidFPP_tdcROC = thgetid('hfpp_tdcroc')
+      do plane = 1,H_FPP_N_PLANES
+        if( then
+          write(histname,'(''hfpp_rawinclust'',i1)') plane
+          hidFPP_rawinclust(plane) = thgetid(histname)
+          write(histname,'(''hfpp_tdc'',i1)') plane
+          hidFPP_tdc(plane) = thgetid(histname)
+          write(histname,'(''hfpp_Tall'',i1)') plane
+          hidFPP_alltimes(plane) = thgetid(histname)
+          write(histname,'(''hfpp_Tone'',i1)') plane
+          hidFPP_time1(plane) = thgetid(histname)
+          write(histname,'(''hfpp_T12_'',i1)') plane
+          hidFPP_time12(plane) = thgetid(histname)
+          write(histname,'(''hfpp_rate1_'',i1)') plane
+          hidFPP_rate1(plane) = thgetid(histname)
+          write(histname,'(''hfpp_time'',i1)') plane
+          hidFPP_planetime(plane) = thgetid(histname)
+        else
+          write(histname,'(''hfpp_rawinclust'',i2)') plane
+          hidFPP_rawinclust(plane) = thgetid(histname)
+          write(histname,'(''hfpp_tdc'',i2)') plane
+          hidFPP_tdc(plane) = thgetid(histname)
+          write(histname,'(''hfpp_Tall'',i2)') plane
+          hidFPP_alltimes(plane) = thgetid(histname)
+          write(histname,'(''hfpp_Tone'',i2)') plane
+          hidFPP_time1(plane) = thgetid(histname)
+          write(histname,'(''hfpp_T12_'',i2)') plane
+          hidFPP_time12(plane) = thgetid(histname)
+          write(histname,'(''hfpp_rate1_'',i2)') plane
+          hidFPP_rate1(plane) = thgetid(histname)
+          write(histname,'(''hfpp_time'',i2)') plane
+          hidFPP_planetime(plane) = thgetid(histname)
+        endif
+      enddo
+      do set=1,H_FPP_N_DCSETS
+	write(histname,'(''hfpp_NickEff_'',i1)') set
+	hidFPP_NickEff(set) = thgetid(histname)
+	write(histname,'(''hfpp_'',i1,''ntrk'')') set
+	hidFPP_Ntrk(set) = thgetid(histname)
+	write(histname,'(''hfpp_'',i1,''trk_chi2'')') set
+	hidFPP_trk_chi2(set) = thgetid(histname)
+	write(histname,'(''hfpp_'',i1,''trk_mx'')') set		! focal plane coords
+	hidFPP_trk_mx(set) = thgetid(histname)
+	write(histname,'(''hfpp_'',i1,''trk_bx'')') set		! focal plane coords
+	hidFPP_trk_bx(set) = thgetid(histname)
+	write(histname,'(''hfpp_'',i1,''trk_my'')') set		! focal plane coords
+	hidFPP_trk_my(set) = thgetid(histname)
+	write(histname,'(''hfpp_'',i1,''trk_by'')') set		! focal plane coords
+	hidFPP_trk_by(set) = thgetid(histname)
+	write(histname,'(''hfpp_'',i1,''ntrkhit'')') set
+	hidFPP_Nhitontrk(set) = thgetid(histname)
+	write(histname,'(''hfpp_'',i1,''ntrkraw'')') set
+	hidFPP_Nrawontrk(set) = thgetid(histname)
+	write(histname,'(''hfpp_'',i1,''rough_mx'')') set	! chamber coords
+	hidFPP_trkrough(set,1) = thgetid(histname)
+	write(histname,'(''hfpp_'',i1,''rough_bx'')') set	! chamber coords
+	hidFPP_trkrough(set,2) = thgetid(histname)
+	write(histname,'(''hfpp_'',i1,''rough_my'')') set	! chamber coords
+	hidFPP_trkrough(set,3) = thgetid(histname)
+	write(histname,'(''hfpp_'',i1,''rough_by'')') set	! chamber coords
+	hidFPP_trkrough(set,4) = thgetid(histname)
+	write(histname,'(''hfpp_'',i1,''rough_chi2'')') set
+	hidFPP_trkrough(set,5) = thgetid(histname)
+	write(histname,'(''hfpp_'',i1,''rough_nraw'')') set
+	hidFPP_trkrough(set,6) = thgetid(histname)
+	write(histname,'(''hfpp_'',i1,''fine_mx'')') set	! chamber coords
+	hidFPP_fine_mx(set) = thgetid(histname)
+	write(histname,'(''hfpp_'',i1,''fine_my'')') set	! chamber coords
+	hidFPP_fine_my(set) = thgetid(histname)
+	write(histname,'(''hfpp_'',i1,''fine_bx'')') set	! chamber coords
+	hidFPP_fine_bx(set) = thgetid(histname)
+	write(histname,'(''hfpp_'',i1,''fine_by'')') set	! chamber coords
+	hidFPP_fine_by(set) = thgetid(histname)
+	write(histname,'(''hfpp_'',i1,''sclose'')') set		! closest approach
+	hidFPP_sclose(set) = thgetid(histname)
+	write(histname,'(''hfpp_'',i1,''zclose'')') set		! z at closets
+	hidFPP_zclose(set) = thgetid(histname)
+	write(histname,'(''hfpp_'',i1,''theta'')') set		! polar theta
+	hidFPP_thetapol(set) = thgetid(histname)
+	write(histname,'(''hfpp_'',i1,''phi'')') set		! polar phi
+	hidFPP_phipol(set) = thgetid(histname)
+	write(histname,'(''hfpp_'',i1,''distance'')') set	! track--wire dist
+	hidFPP_dist(set) = thgetid(histname)
+	write(histname,'(''hfpp_'',i1,''linresol'')') set	! lin track resol
+	hidFPP_resol_lin(set) = thgetid(histname)
+	write(histname,'(''hfpp_'',i1,''angresol'')') set	! angular trk res
+	hidFPP_resol_ang(set) = thgetid(histname)
+      enddo
+      do set=1,H_FPP_N_DCSETS
+       do chamber=1,H_FPP_N_DCINSET
+        do layer=1,H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS
+	  write(histname,'(''hfpp_driftT_'',3i1)') set, chamber, layer
+	  hidFPP_driftT(set,chamber,layer) = thgetid(histname)
+	  write(histname,'(''hfpp_driftX_'',3i1)') set, chamber, layer
+	  hidFPP_driftX(set,chamber,layer) = thgetid(histname)
+	  write(histname,'(''hfpp_shouldhit_'',3i1)') set, chamber, layer
+	  hidFPP_should(set,chamber,layer) = thgetid(histname)
+	  write(histname,'(''hfpp_didhit_'',3i1)') set, chamber, layer
+	  hidFPP_did(set,chamber,layer) = thgetid(histname)
+	  write(histname,'(''hfpp_hmswire_'',3i1)') set, chamber, layer
+	  hid_HMSwire(set,chamber,layer) = thgetid(histname)
+	enddo
+       enddo
+      enddo
+      hid_rawROC(13) = thgetid('rawROC13')
+      hid_rawROC(14) = thgetid('rawROC14')
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_init_physics.f b/HTRACKING/h_init_physics.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..38a4455
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_init_physics.f
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+      SUBROUTINE h_init_physics(ABORT,err)
+*-   Purpose and Methods : Initialize constants for h_physics
+*-   Output: ABORT           - success or failure
+*-         : err             - reason for failure, if any
+*-   Created 6-6-94          D. F. Geesaman
+* $Log: h_init_physics.f,v $
+* Revision 1.6  1999/02/10 18:15:58  csa
+* Bug fix in sin/coshthetas calculations
+* Revision 1.5  1996/08/30 19:56:13  saw
+* (JRA) avoid setting p=0??
+* Revision 1.4  1996/01/24 15:57:36  saw
+* (JRA) Change variables to lower case
+* Revision 1.3  1995/05/22 19:39:13  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.2  1995/05/11  16:21:07  cdaq
+* (SAW) Force HMS to be in plane beam right
+* Revision 1.1  1994/06/14  03:54:14  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      SAVE
+      character*50 here
+      parameter (here= 'h_init_physics')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 'gen_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_constants.par'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_units.par'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_physics_sing.cmn'
+*     local variables 
+      ABORT= .FALSE.
+      err= ' '
+*     Fix HMS to be in plane, beam right
+      hphi_lab = 3*tt/2
+      if (hmomentum_factor .gt. 0.1) then   !avoid setting p=0
+        hpcentral = hpcentral * hmomentum_factor
+      endif
+      coshthetas = cos(htheta_lab*degree)
+      sinhthetas = sin(htheta_lab*degree)
+*     Constants for elastic kinematics calcultion
+      hphysicsa = 2.*gebeam*gtarg_mass(gtarg_num) -
+     $     mass_electron**2 - hpartmass**2
+      hphysicsb = 2. * (gtarg_mass(gtarg_num) - gebeam)
+      hphysicab2 = hphysicsa**2 * hphysicsb**2
+      hphysicsm3b = hpartmass**2 * hphysicsb**2
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_init_scin.f b/HTRACKING/h_init_scin.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f55261b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_init_scin.f
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+      subroutine h_init_scin(ABORT,err)
+* author: John Arrington
+* created: 2/22/94
+* h_init_scin initializes the corrections and parameters
+* for the scintillators.  Corrections are read from data files
+* or the database.  Arrays used by the tof fitting routines
+* are filled from the CTP variables input from the hms_positions
+* parameter file.
+* modifications:
+*       23 March 1993   DFG
+*            Remove /nolist from include statement. UNIX doesn't like it.
+* $Log: h_init_scin.f,v $
+* Revision 1.7  1996/04/30 12:44:35  saw
+* (JRA) Calculate expected particle velocity
+* Revision 1.6  1995/05/22 19:39:14  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.5  1995/02/23  13:35:34  cdaq
+* (JRA) Remove _coord fro hhodo_center array.  Edge coordinates by
+* center locations.
+* Revision 1.4  1994/09/13  19:40:10  cdaq
+* (JRA) Remove some unused variables
+* Revision 1.3  1994/06/14  03:58:10  cdaq
+* (DFG) remove hard wired numbers
+* Revision 1.2  1994/06/01  15:36:20  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add Abort and err arguments
+* Revision 1.1  1994/04/13  15:39:39  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'hms_scin_parms.cmn'
+      include 'hms_scin_tof.cmn'
+      include 'hms_statistics.cmn'
+      logical abort
+      character*(*) err
+      character*20 here
+      parameter (here='h_init_scin')
+      integer*4 plane,counter
+      save
+*     initialize some position parameters.
+      hnum_scin_counters(1) = hscin_1x_nr
+      hnum_scin_counters(2) = hscin_1y_nr
+      hnum_scin_counters(3) = hscin_2x_nr
+      hnum_scin_counters(4) = hscin_2y_nr
+      hstat_numevents=0
+      do plane = 1 , hnum_scin_planes
+        do counter = 1 , hnum_scin_counters(plane)
+* initialize tof parameters.
+          if (plane .eq. 1) then
+            hhodo_width(plane,counter) = hscin_1x_size
+            hhodo_center(plane,counter) =
+     1           hscin_1x_center(counter) + hscin_1x_offset
+          else if (plane .eq. 2) then
+            hhodo_width(plane,counter) = hscin_1y_size
+            hhodo_center(plane,counter) =
+     1           hscin_1y_center(counter) + hscin_1y_offset
+          else if (plane .eq. 3) then
+            hhodo_width(plane,counter) = hscin_2x_size
+            hhodo_center(plane,counter) =
+     1           hscin_2x_center(counter) + hscin_2x_offset
+          else if (plane .eq. 4) then
+            hhodo_width(plane,counter) = hscin_2y_size
+            hhodo_center(plane,counter) =
+     1           hscin_2y_center(counter) + hscin_2y_offset
+          else                          ! Error in plane number
+            abort = .true.
+            write(err,*) 'Trying to init. hms hodoscope plane',plane
+            call g_prepend(here,err)
+            return
+          endif
+          hstat_trk(plane,counter)=0
+          hstat_poshit(plane,counter)=0
+          hstat_neghit(plane,counter)=0
+          hstat_andhit(plane,counter)=0
+          hstat_orhit(plane,counter)=0
+        enddo                           !loop over counters
+      enddo                             !loop over planes
+* need expected particle velocity for start time calculation.
+      hbeta_pcent = hpcentral/sqrt(hpcentral*hpcentral+hpartmass*hpartmass)
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_left_right.f b/HTRACKING/h_left_right.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be27796
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_left_right.f
@@ -0,0 +1,373 @@
+      subroutine H_LEFT_RIGHT(ABORT,err)
+*     This routine fits stubs to all possible left-right combinations of
+*     drift distances and chooses the set with the minimum chi**2
+*     It then fills the HDC_WIRE_COORD variable for each hit in a good
+*     space point.
+*     d. f. geesaman           17 January 1994
+* $Log: h_left_right.f,v $
+* Revision  2007/09/10 20:28:00  pcarter
+* Implemented changes to allow compilation on RHEL 3,4,5 and MacOSX
+* Revision 1.13  1999/02/23 18:39:52  csa
+* (JRA) Correct two typos in 4/6 code
+* Revision 1.12  1999/02/10 18:23:41  csa
+* Added 4/6 tracking code (D. Meekins)
+* Revision 1.11  1996/01/16 21:52:43  cdaq
+* (JRA)
+* Revision 1.10  1995/10/10 15:56:36  cdaq
+* (JRA) Cleanup massive nested if's.  Remove hdc_sing_wcoord stuff.
+* Revision 1.9  1995/07/19 20:12:46  cdaq
+* (SAW) Declear jibset for f2c compatibility
+* Revision 1.8  1995/05/22  19:39:14  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.7  1995/04/06  19:29:23  cdaq
+* Revision 1.6  1994/10/12  18:30:52  cdaq
+* (DJM) Fill hit pattern arrays
+* Revision 1.5  1994/10/11  18:59:15  cdaq
+* (DJM) Fill hdc_sing_wcoord for histogramming
+* Revision 1.4  1994/08/16  13:26:50  cdaq
+* (DJA) Fix typo (Change wc from integer*4 to real*4)
+* Revision 1.3  1994/08/14  02:11:18  cdaq
+* (DA) Change Y' in chamber 1 from plane 4 (wrong) to plane 5 (correct)
+* Revision 1.2  1994/08/04  15:03:46  cdaq
+* (DA) Incorporate small angle approximation of L/R for YY' planes
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/19  06:15:15  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      save
+      include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'hms_tracking.cmn'
+      include 'hms_geometry.cmn'
+      external jbit                     ! cernlib bit routine
+      external jibset
+      integer*4 jbit
+      integer*4 jibset                  ! Declare to help f2c
+*     local variables
+      character*12 here
+      parameter (here= 'h_left_right')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      integer*4 isp, ihit, iswhit, idummy,pmloop
+      integer*4 nplusminus
+      integer*4 numhits
+      integer*4 hits(hmax_hits_per_point),pl(hmax_hits_per_point)
+      integer*4 pindex,icounter
+      real*4 wc(hmax_hits_per_point)
+      integer*4 plane, isa_y1, isa_y2
+      integer*4 plusminusknown(hmax_hits_per_point)
+      real*4 plusminus(hmax_hits_per_point)
+      real*4 plusminusbest(hmax_hits_per_point),tmppmbest(hmax_hits_per_point)
+      real*4 tmpbeststub(hnum_fpray_param)
+      real*4 chi2
+      real*4 minchi2,tmpminchi2
+      real*4 xp_fit, xp_expect, minxp
+      real*4 stub(4)
+      logical smallAngOK
+      ABORT= .FALSE.
+      err=' '
+*     djm 10/2/94 added initialization/setting of gplanehdc1(isp)/2 pattern
+*     units. Presently we are accepting 5/6 or 6/6 planes per chamber. 
+      do isp=1,hnspace_points_tot             ! loop over all space points
+*        write(6,*) 'h_left_right: check 1: spacepoint ',isp
+        gplanehdc1(isp) = 0
+        gplanehdc2(isp) = 0
+        minchi2=1e10
+        minxp=0.25
+        smallAngOK = .FALSE.
+        isa_y1 = 0
+        isa_y2 = 0
+        numhits=hspace_point_hits(isp,1)
+        if ( then
+           write(6,*) 'h_left_right: numhits < 0'
+        elseif (numhits.eq.0) then
+           write(6,*) 'h_left_right: numhits = 0'
+        endif
+        nplusminus=2**numhits
+        do ihit=1,numhits
+          hits(ihit)=hspace_point_hits(isp,2+ihit)
+          pl(ihit)=HDC_PLANE_NUM(hits(ihit))
+          if(pl(ihit).ge.1 .and. pl(ihit).le.6)then
+            gplanehdc1(isp)=jibset(gplanehdc1(isp),pl(ihit)-1)
+          else
+            gplanehdc2(isp)=jibset(gplanehdc2(isp),pl(ihit)-7)
+          endif
+          wc(ihit)=HDC_WIRE_CENTER(hits(ihit))
+          plusminusknown(ihit) = 0
+          if(pl(ihit).eq.2 .OR. pl(ihit).eq.8)  isa_y1 = ihit
+          if(pl(ihit).eq.5 .OR. pl(ihit).eq.11) isa_y2 = ihit
+        enddo
+* djm 10/2/94 check bad hdc pattern units to set the index for the inverse
+* matrix AAINV(i,j,pindex).  
+        if(pl(1).ge.1 .and. pl(1).le.6)then !use first hit to test if hdc1
+          if(gplanehdc1(isp).eq.63)then
+            pindex=13                   !first 6 bits set, so 6 planes hit
+          else if(gplanehdc1(isp).eq.62)then
+            pindex=1                    !missing lowest order bit, missing x1
+          else if(gplanehdc1(isp).eq.61)then
+            pindex=2
+          else if(gplanehdc1(isp).eq.59)then
+            pindex=3
+          else if(gplanehdc1(isp).eq.55)then
+            pindex=4
+          else if(gplanehdc1(isp).eq.47)then
+            pindex=5
+          else if(gplanehdc1(isp).eq.31)then
+            pindex=6
+          else if(gplanehdc1(isp).eq.15)then !4/6 planes fire
+            pindex=15
+          else if(gplanehdc1(isp).eq.23)then !4/6 planes fire
+            pindex=16
+          else if(gplanehdc1(isp).eq.27)then !4/6 planes fire
+            pindex=17
+          else if(gplanehdc1(isp).eq.29)then !4/6 planes fire
+            pindex=18
+          else if(gplanehdc1(isp).eq.30)then !4/6 planes fire
+            pindex=19
+          else if(gplanehdc1(isp).eq.39)then !4/6 planes fire
+            pindex=20
+          else if(gplanehdc1(isp).eq.43)then !4/6 planes fire
+            pindex=21
+          else if(gplanehdc1(isp).eq.45)then !4/6 planes fire
+            pindex=22
+          else if(gplanehdc1(isp).eq.46)then !4/6 planes fire
+            pindex=23
+          else if(gplanehdc1(isp).eq.51)then !4/6 planes fire
+            pindex=24
+          else if(gplanehdc1(isp).eq.53)then !4/6 planes fire
+            pindex=25
+          else if(gplanehdc1(isp).eq.54)then !4/6 planes fire
+            pindex=26
+          else if(gplanehdc1(isp).eq.57)then !4/6 planes fire
+            pindex=27
+          else if(gplanehdc1(isp).eq.58)then !4/6 planes fire
+            pindex=28
+          else if(gplanehdc1(isp).eq.60)then !4/6 planes fire
+            pindex=29
+          else
+            pindex=-1                   !multiple missing planes or other problem
+          end if
+        else                            !must be hdc2
+          if(gplanehdc2(isp).eq.63)then
+            pindex=14                   !first 6 bits set, so 6 planes hit
+          else if(gplanehdc2(isp).eq.62)then
+            pindex=7                    !missing lowest order bit, missing x1
+          else if(gplanehdc2(isp).eq.61)then
+            pindex=8
+          else if(gplanehdc2(isp).eq.59)then
+            pindex=9
+          else if(gplanehdc2(isp).eq.55)then
+            pindex=10
+          else if(gplanehdc2(isp).eq.47)then
+            pindex=11
+          else if(gplanehdc2(isp).eq.31)then
+            pindex=12
+          else if(gplanehdc2(isp).eq.15)then !4/6 planes fire
+            pindex=30
+          else if(gplanehdc2(isp).eq.23)then !4/6 planes fire
+            pindex=31
+          else if(gplanehdc2(isp).eq.27)then !4/6 planes fire
+            pindex=32
+          else if(gplanehdc2(isp).eq.29)then !4/6 planes fire
+            pindex=33
+          else if(gplanehdc2(isp).eq.30)then !4/6 planes fire
+            pindex=34
+          else if(gplanehdc2(isp).eq.39)then !4/6 planes fire
+            pindex=35
+          else if(gplanehdc2(isp).eq.43)then !4/6 planes fire
+            pindex=36
+          else if(gplanehdc2(isp).eq.45)then !4/6 planes fire
+            pindex=37
+          else if(gplanehdc2(isp).eq.46)then !4/6 planes fire
+            pindex=38
+          else if(gplanehdc2(isp).eq.51)then !4/6 planes fire
+            pindex=39
+          else if(gplanehdc2(isp).eq.53)then !4/6 planes fire
+            pindex=40
+          else if(gplanehdc2(isp).eq.54)then !4/6 planes fire
+            pindex=41
+          else if(gplanehdc2(isp).eq.57)then !4/6 planes fire
+            pindex=42
+          else if(gplanehdc2(isp).eq.58)then !4/6 planes fire
+            pindex=43
+          else if(gplanehdc2(isp).eq.60)then !4/6 planes fire
+            pindex=44
+          else
+            pindex=-2                   !multiple missing planes or other problem
+          end if
+        endif                           !end test whether hdc1 or hdc2
+*        write(6,*) 'h_left_right: check 2: pindex = ',pindex
+*     check if small angle L/R determination of Y and Y' planes is possible
+        if( .AND. smallAngOK = .TRUE.
+        if(( .AND. (smallAngOK)) then
+          if(wc(isa_y2).le.wc(isa_y1)) then
+            plusminusknown(isa_y1) = -1
+            plusminusknown(isa_y2) = 1
+          else
+            plusminusknown(isa_y1) = 1
+            plusminusknown(isa_y2) = -1
+          endif
+          if ((numhits-2).lt.0) then
+             write(6,*) 'h_left_right: numhits-2 < 0'
+          elseif ((numhits-2).eq.0) then
+             write(6,*) 'h_left_right: numhits-2 = 0'
+          endif
+          nplusminus = 2**(numhits-2)
+        endif
+*     use bit value of integer word to set + or -
+        do pmloop=0,nplusminus-1
+          iswhit = 1
+          do ihit=1,numhits
+            if(plusminusknown(ihit).ne.0) then
+              plusminus(ihit) = float(plusminusknown(ihit))
+            else
+              if(jbit(pmloop,iswhit).eq.1) then
+                plusminus(ihit)=1.0
+              else
+                plusminus(ihit)=-1.0
+              endif
+              iswhit = iswhit + 1
+            endif
+          enddo
+          if ( .and. pindex.le.14) then
+            call h_find_best_stub(numhits,hits,pl,pindex,plusminus,stub,chi2)
+*jv            if( write(hluno,'(''hms  pmloop='',i4,
+*jv     $           ''   chi2='',e14.6)') pmloop,chi2
+            if( write(6,'(''hms  pmloop='',i4,
+     $           ''   chi2='',e14.6)') pmloop,chi2
+* Take best chi2 IF x' of the stub agrees with x' as expected from x.
+* Sometimes an incorrect x' gives a good chi2 for the stub, even though it is
+* not the correct left/right combination for the real track.
+* Rotate x'(=stub(3)) to hut coordinates and compare to x' expected from x.
+* THIS ASSUMES STANDARD HMS TUNE!!!!, for which x' is approx. x/875.
+            if (  then
+              if ((stub(3)*htanbeta(pl(1))) .eq. -1.) then
+                 write(6,*) 'h_left_right: error 3'
+              endif
+              xp_fit=stub(3)-htanbeta(pl(1))/(1.0+stub(3)*htanbeta(pl(1)))
+              xp_expect = hspace_points(isp,1)/875. ! **TUNE DEPENDANT**
+              if (abs(xp_fit-xp_expect).le.hstub_max_xpdiff) then
+                minchi2=chi2
+                do idummy=1,numhits
+                  plusminusbest(idummy)=plusminus(idummy)
+                enddo
+                do idummy=1,4
+                  hbeststub(isp,idummy)=stub(idummy)
+                enddo
+              else                      !record best stub failing angle cut, in case none pass.
+                tmpminchi2=chi2
+                do idummy=1,numhits
+                  tmppmbest(idummy)=plusminus(idummy)
+                enddo
+                do idummy=1,4
+                  tmpbeststub(idummy)=stub(idummy)
+                enddo
+              endif
+            endif                       ! end if on lower chi2
+          else                          ! if pindex<0 or >14
+             if ( then  ! 4/6 plane tracking
+                call h_find_best_stub(numhits,hits,pl,pindex,plusminus,stub
+     $               ,chi2)
+              if ((stub(3)*htanbeta(pl(1))) .eq. -1.) then
+                 write(6,*) 'h_left_right: error 3'
+              endif
+                xp_fit=stub(3)-htanbeta(pl(1))/(1.0+stub(3)*htanbeta(pl(1)))
+                if(abs(xp_fit).le.abs(minxp)) then ! tune dependent
+                    minxp=xp_fit
+                    minchi2=chi2
+                    do icounter=1,numhits
+                       plusminusbest(icounter)=plusminus(icounter)
+                       hbeststub(isp,icounter)=stub(icounter)
+                    enddo
+                 endif
+             else
+                write(6,*) 'pindex=',pindex,' in h_left_right','gplanehdc1/2=',gplanehdc1(isp),gplanehdc2(isp)
+             endif ! 4/6 plane tracking
+          endif
+        enddo                           ! end loop on possible left-right
+*        write(6,*) 'h_left_right: ! end loop on possible left-right'
+        if ( then     !no track passed angle cut.
+          minchi2=tmpminchi2
+          do idummy=1,numhits
+            plusminusbest(idummy)=tmppmbest(idummy)
+          enddo
+          do idummy=1,4
+            hbeststub(isp,idummy)=tmpbeststub(idummy)
+          enddo
+        endif
+*     calculate final coordinate based on plusminusbest
+        do ihit=1,numhits
+          HDC_WIRE_COORD(hspace_point_hits(isp,ihit+2))=
+     &         HDC_WIRE_CENTER(hspace_point_hits(isp,ihit+2)) +
+     &         plusminusbest(ihit)*HDC_DRIFT_DIS(hspace_point_hits(isp,ihit
+     $         +2))
+        enddo
+*     stubs are calculated in rotated coordinate system
+*     use first hit to determine chamber
+        plane=HDC_PLANE_NUM(hits(1))
+        if (hbeststub(isp,3)-htanbeta(plane) .eq. -1.) then
+           write(6,*) 'h_left_right: stub3 error'
+        endif
+        stub(3)=(hbeststub(isp,3) - htanbeta(plane))
+     &       /(1.0 + hbeststub(isp,3)*htanbeta(plane))
+        if (hbeststub(isp,3)*hsinbeta(plane) .eq. -hcosbeta(plane)) then
+           write(6,*) 'h_left_right: stub4 error'
+        endif
+        stub(4)=hbeststub(isp,4)
+     &       /(hbeststub(isp,3)*hsinbeta(plane)+hcosbeta(plane))
+        stub(1)=hbeststub(isp,1)*hcosbeta(plane) 
+     &       - hbeststub(isp,1)*stub(3)*hsinbeta(plane)
+        stub(2)=hbeststub(isp,2) 
+     &       - hbeststub(isp,1)*stub(4)*hsinbeta(plane)
+        hbeststub(isp,1)=stub(1)
+        hbeststub(isp,2)=stub(2)
+        hbeststub(isp,3)=stub(3)
+        hbeststub(isp,4)=stub(4)
+      enddo                             ! end loop over space points
+*     write out results if debugflagstubs is set
+      if( then
+        call h_print_stubs
+      endif
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_link_stubs.f b/HTRACKING/h_link_stubs.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6fec388
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_link_stubs.f
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
+      subroutine H_LINK_STUBS(ABORT,err)
+*     This subroutine compares all the space-point-stubs found in
+*     H_LEFT_RIGHT.f and links together stubs to form tracks.
+*     The criterion are that the stubs are in different chambers and
+*     each of the four track parameters are within limit:
+*     hxt_track_criterion      for x_t
+*     hyt_track_criterion      for y_t
+*     htx_track_criterion      for t_x
+*     hty_track_criterion      for t_y
+*     d.f. geesaman           17 January 1994
+* $Log: h_link_stubs.f,v $
+* Revision 1.9  2003/04/01 15:21:33  jones
+*  minor change
+* Revision 1.8  2003/04/01 13:49:26  jones
+* Modifications to tracking codes.
+* Mainly fix problems at high rates. (M. E. Christy)
+* Revision 1.7  1996/08/30 19:58:15  saw
+* (DVW) Added some track tests
+* Revision 1.6  1996/01/16 22:02:16  cdaq
+* (JRA)
+* Revision 1.5  1995/08/31 14:53:08  cdaq
+* (JRA) Calculate dpos (pos. track - pos. hit) variables
+* Revision 1.4  1995/05/22  19:39:15  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.3  1995/04/06  19:30:18  cdaq
+* (JRA) Fix typo
+* Revision 1.2  1994/06/06  16:37:57  cdaq
+* Add switch to include single stub tracks
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/19  06:15:28  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+*     The logic is 1) loop over all space points as seeds  isp1
+*                  2) Check if this space point is all ready in a track
+*                  3) loop over all succeeding space pointss   isp2
+*                  4) check if there is a track-criterion match
+*                       either add to existing track
+*                       or if there is another point in same chamber
+*                          make a copy containing isp2 rather than 
+*                            other point in same chamber
+*                  5) If hsingle_stub is set, make a track of all single
+*                     stubs.
+      implicit none
+      include "hms_data_structures.cmn"
+      include "hms_tracking.cmn"
+      include "hms_id_histid.cmn"
+      INCLUDE 'hms_track_histid.cmn'    !TEMP. JUNK
+      include 'hms_bypass_switches.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_event_info.cmn'
+      external h_chamnum
+      integer*4 h_chamnum
+*     local variables
+      logical ABORT
+      character*12 here
+      parameter (here='H_LINK_STUBS')
+      character*(*) err
+      integer*4  isp1,isp2,isp       !  loop index on space points
+      integer*4  ihit                !  loop index on hits
+      integer*4  spindex,spoint,duppoint
+      integer*4  sptracks            !  number of tracks with this seed
+      integer*4  stub_tracks(hntracks_max)
+      integer*4  numhits
+      integer*4  itrack              !  loop index on tracks
+      integer*4  track
+      integer*4  track_space_points(hntracks_max,hmax_space_points+1)
+      integer*4  tryflag             ! flag to loop over rest of points
+      integer*4  newtrack            ! make a new track
+      real*4 dposx,dposy,dposxp,dposyp
+      if (hbypass_track_eff_files.eq.0) then
+       open(unit=13,file='scalers/htrackstubs.txt',status='unknown',
+     $      access='append')
+      endif
+      hstubtest = 0
+      if (HNTRACKS_MAX_FP .eq. 0) HNTRACKS_MAX_FP = 10 ! in case not set in param file.
+      if (HNTRACKS_MAX_FP .gt. HNTRACKS_MAX) HNTRACKS_MAX_FP = HNTRACKS_MAX ! in case set too high  in param file.
+      ABORT= .FALSE.
+      err=' '
+      hntracks_fp=0
+      if(hsingle_stub.eq.0 ) then
+*     loop over all pairs of space points
+       if( then ! return if less than 2 space points
+        do isp1=1,hnspace_points_tot-1  ! loop over all points
+*     is this point all ready associated with a track
+         tryflag=1
+         if( then
+          do itrack=1,hntracks_fp           
+           if(track_space_points(itrack,1).gt.0) then
+            do isp2=1,track_space_points(itrack,1)
+             if(track_space_points(itrack,isp2+1).eq.isp1) then
+              tryflag=0                 ! space point all ready in a track
+             endif                      ! end test on found point
+            enddo
+           endif                        ! end test of >0  point
+          enddo                         ! end loop over tracks
+         endif
+*     if space point not all ready part of a track then look for matches
+         if( tryflag .eq.1) then
+          newtrack=1
+          do isp2=isp1+1,hnspace_points_tot
+*     are these stubs in the same chamber. If so then skip
+           if(h_chamnum(isp1).ne.h_chamnum(isp2)) then
+*     does this stub match
+            dposx = hbeststub(isp2,1)-hbeststub(isp1,1)
+            dposy = hbeststub(isp2,2)-hbeststub(isp1,2)
+            dposxp= hbeststub(isp2,3)-hbeststub(isp1,3)
+            dposyp= hbeststub(isp2,4)-hbeststub(isp1,4)
+            if (abs(dposx).LT.abs(hstubminx)) hstubminx = dposx
+            if (abs(dposy).LT.abs(hstubminy)) hstubminy = dposy
+            if (abs(dposxp).LT.abs(hstubminxp)) hstubminxp = dposxp
+            if (abs(dposyp).LT.abs(hstubminyp)) hstubminyp = dposyp
+      if (hbypass_track_eff_files.eq.0) then
+       if (abs(hstubminx) .gt. hxt_track_criterion) then
+        write(13,*) 'event # ',gen_event_ID_number,
+     $       ' hstubminx = ',hstubminx
+       endif
+       if (abs(hstubminy) .gt. hyt_track_criterion) then
+        write(13,*) 'event # ',gen_event_ID_number,
+     $       ' hstubminy =            ',hstubminy
+       endif
+       if (abs(hstubminxp) .gt. hxpt_track_criterion) then
+        write(13,*) 'event # ',gen_event_ID_number,
+     $       ' hstubminxp =                      ',hstubminxp
+       endif
+       if (abs(hstubminyp) .gt. hypt_track_criterion) then
+        write(13,*) 'event # ',gen_event_ID_number,
+     $       ' hstubminyp =                                 ',hstubminyp
+       endif
+       close(13)
+      endif
+            if      (abs(dposx) .lt. hxt_track_criterion
+     &         .and. abs(dposy) .lt. hyt_track_criterion
+     &         .and. abs(dposxp).lt. hxpt_track_criterion
+     &         .and. abs(dposyp).lt. hypt_track_criterion) then
+             if(newtrack.eq.1) then         
+             hstubtest=1
+*     make a new track
+              if( then ! are there too many 
+               hntracks_fp=hntracks_fp+1 ! increment the number of tracks
+               sptracks=1               ! one track with this seed
+               stub_tracks(1)=hntracks_fp
+               track_space_points(hntracks_fp,1)=2
+               track_space_points(hntracks_fp,2)=isp1
+               track_space_points(hntracks_fp,3)=isp2
+               hx_sp1(hntracks_fp)=hbeststub(isp1,1)
+               hx_sp2(hntracks_fp)=hbeststub(isp2,1)
+               hy_sp1(hntracks_fp)=hbeststub(isp1,2)
+               hy_sp2(hntracks_fp)=hbeststub(isp2,2)
+               hxp_sp1(hntracks_fp)=hbeststub(isp1,3)
+               hxp_sp2(hntracks_fp)=hbeststub(isp2,3)
+               newtrack=0               ! make no more tracks in this loop
+              else                      !!  MEC - added the next 3 lines to 
+               hntracks_fp = 0          !!  fail events with more than the 
+               return                   !!  Max # of allowed tracks.
+              endif                     ! end test on too many tracks
+             else
+*     check if there is another space point in same chamber
+              itrack=0
+              do while (
+               itrack=itrack+1
+               track=stub_tracks(itrack)
+               spoint=0
+               duppoint=0
+               do isp=1,track_space_points(track,1)
+                if(h_chamnum(isp2).eq.
+     &               h_chamnum(track_space_points(track,isp+1))) then
+                 spoint=isp
+                endif
+                if(isp2.eq.track_space_points(track,isp+1)) then
+                 duppoint=1
+                endif                   
+               enddo                    ! end loop over sp in tracks with isp1
+*     if there is no other space point in this chamber
+*     add this space point to current track(2)
+               if(duppoint.eq.0) then
+                if(spoint.eq.0) then
+                 spindex=track_space_points(track,1)+1
+                 track_space_points(track,1)= spindex
+                 track_space_points(track,spindex+1)=isp2
+*     if there is another point in the same chamber in this track
+*     create a new track with all the same space points except spoint
+                else
+                 if( then ! are there too many 
+                  hntracks_fp=hntracks_fp+1 ! increment the number of tracks
+                  sptracks= sptracks+1  ! one track with this seed
+                  stub_tracks(sptracks) = hntracks_fp
+                  track_space_points(hntracks_fp,1)
+     $                 =track_space_points(track,1)
+                  do isp=1,track_space_points(track,1)
+                   if( then
+                    track_space_points(hntracks_fp,isp+1)=
+     &                   track_space_points(track,isp+1)
+                   elseif(isp.eq.spoint) then
+                    track_space_points(hntracks_fp,isp+1)= isp2
+                   endif                ! end check for dup on copy
+                  enddo                 ! end copy of track
+                 else                      !!  MEC - added the next 3 lines to 
+                  hntracks_fp = 0          !!  fail events with more than the 
+                  return                   !!  Max # of allowed tracks.
+                 endif                  ! end if on too many tracks
+                endif                   ! end if on same chamber
+               endif                    ! end if on  duplicate point
+              enddo                     ! end do while over tracks with isp1
+             endif
+            endif
+           endif                        ! end test on same chamber
+          enddo                         ! end loop over new space points
+         endif                          ! end test on tryflag
+        enddo                           ! end outer loop over space points
+       endif                            ! end if on <2 space points
+      else                              ! if hsingle_stub .ne. 0
+*     when hsingle_stub is set, make each space point a track
+*     This will have poor resolution but may be appropriate for debugging
+       do isp1=1,hnspace_points_tot     ! loop over all points
+        if( then ! are there too many 
+         hntracks_fp=hntracks_fp+1      ! increment the number of tracks
+         track_space_points(hntracks_fp,1)= 1
+         track_space_points(hntracks_fp,2)= isp1
+        else                      !!  MEC - added the next 3 lines to 
+         hntracks_fp = 0          !!  fail events with more than the 
+         return                   !!  Max # of allowed tracks.
+        endif                           ! end if on too many tracks
+       enddo                            ! end loop over all space points
+      endif                             ! end test on hsingle_stub 
+*     now list all hits on a track
+      if(   then
+       do itrack=1,hntracks_fp          ! loop over all tracks
+        hntrack_hits(itrack,1)=0
+        do isp1=1,track_space_points(itrack,1)
+         spindex=track_space_points(itrack,isp1+1)
+         numhits=hspace_point_hits(spindex,1)
+         do ihit=1,numhits
+          if(hntrack_hits(itrack,1).lt.hntrackhits_max) then 
+           hntrack_hits(itrack,1)=hntrack_hits(itrack,1)+1
+           hntrack_hits(itrack,hntrack_hits(itrack,1)+1)=
+     &          hspace_point_hits(spindex,ihit+2)                
+          endif                         ! end test on too many hits
+         enddo                          ! end loop over space point hits
+        enddo                           ! end loop over space points
+       enddo                            ! end loop over all tracks
+      endif
+      if( then
+       call h_print_links
+      endif
+      return
+      end
+*     Local Variables:
+*     mode: Fortran
+*     fortran-if-indent: 1
+*     fortran-do-indent: 1
+*     End:
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_pattern_recognition.f b/HTRACKING/h_pattern_recognition.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f057aca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_pattern_recognition.f
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+      subroutine H_PATTERN_RECOGNITION(ABORT,err)
+*-   Purpose and Methods :  Finds HMS Space points 
+*-      Required Input BANKS     HMS_DECODED_DC
+*-      Output BANKS             HMS_FOCAL_PLANE
+*-                               HMS_DECODED_DC hit coordinates
+*-   Output: ABORT           - success or failure
+*-         : err             - reason for failure, if any
+*-   Created 30-AUG-1993   D. F. Geesaman
+*-   Modified 19-JAN-1994  DFG    Include standard error form
+* $Log: h_pattern_recognition.f,v $
+* Revision 1.14  2003/04/01 13:49:27  jones
+* Modifications to tracking codes.
+* Mainly fix problems at high rates. (M. E. Christy)
+* Revision 1.13  1996/11/05 21:51:08  saw
+* (JRA) Initialize hdc_sing_drifttime elements to -100
+* Revision 1.12  1996/04/30 12:45:36  saw
+* (JRA) Histogram the card id.
+* Revision 1.11  1996/01/16 21:53:24  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add code for easy space points
+* Revision 1.10  1995/08/31 14:49:32  cdaq
+* (JRA) Fix typo
+* Revision 1.9  1995/05/22  19:39:15  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.8  1994/10/11  19:01:38  cdaq
+* (DJM) Move hdc_sing_wcoord filling into h_left_right
+* Revision 1.7  1994/09/19  20:31:39  cdaq
+* (DJM) add some histogrammable wire positions and fine positions for each plane
+* Revision 1.6  1994/08/31  19:39:43  cdaq
+* (DJM) Stuff drift time and distance into histogrammable and testable
+*       registered variables.
+* Revision 1.5  1994/08/22  19:54:11  cdaq
+* (DJA) Correct sign errors in wire velocity correction
+* Revision 1.4  1994/08/16  13:08:50  cdaq
+* (DJA) Add wire velocity correction
+* Revision 1.3  1994/06/30  02:27:48  cdaq
+* (DFG) Place a limit on total nubmer of hits in each chamber
+*       Add filter to get minimum drift time in each plane
+* Revision 1.2  1994/02/21  03:17:53  cdaq
+* (SAW) Removed reference to 3rd chamber in hnspace_points
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/19  06:15:47  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+*     This routine finds the space points in each chamber using wire center
+*     locations.
+      SAVE
+      character*21 here
+      parameter (here= 'H_PATTERN_RECOGNITION')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_constants.par'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_units.par'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_tracking.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_geometry.cmn'
+*     local variables
+      integer*4 hit_number(hmax_chamber_hits)
+      integer*4 space_point_hits(hmax_space_points,hmax_hits_per_point+2)
+      integer*4 pln, isp, ihit, hit
+      integer*4 i,j,k,yy,yyprime
+      integer*4 yplane,yprimeplane
+      integer*4 ich, ip
+      logical easy_space_point
+      real*4 space_points(hmax_space_points,2)
+      real*4 xdist,ydist
+      real*4 time_corr
+      real*4 h_drift_dist_calc
+      external h_drift_dist_calc
+*     temporary initialization
+      ABORT= .FALSE.
+      err=' '
+      do pln=1,12
+        hdc_sing_drifttime(pln)=-100
+      enddo
+      ihit = 0
+      hnspace_points_tot = 0
+      do ich=1,hdc_num_chambers
+        easy_space_point = .false.
+        hnspace_points(ich)=0
+        hncham_hits(ich)=0
+        do i = 1,hmax_space_points  !!  Initialize - MEC  !!   
+         space_points(i,1) = 0
+         space_points(i,2) = 0
+        enddo
+*     For this loop to work, hdc_planes_per_chamber must be
+*     the number of planes per chamber.  (And all chambers must have the
+*     same number of planes.)
+        do ip=(ich-1)*hdc_planes_per_chamber+1,ich*hdc_planes_per_chamber
+          hncham_hits(ich)=hncham_hits(ich)+hdc_hits_per_plane(ip)
+        enddo
+        yplane=2+(ich-1)*hdc_planes_per_chamber
+        yprimeplane=5+(ich-1)*hdc_planes_per_chamber
+        if(hncham_hits(ich).ge.hmin_hit(ich) .and.
+     $       hncham_hits(ich).lt.hmax_pr_hits(ich))  then
+          do i=ihit+1,ihit+hncham_hits(ich)
+            hit_number(i)=i
+            if(hdc_plane_num(i).eq.yplane) yy=i
+            if(hdc_plane_num(i).eq.yprimeplane) yyprime=i
+          enddo
+          if((hdc_hits_per_plane(yplane).eq.1) .and.
+     &         (hdc_hits_per_plane(yprimeplane).eq.1).and.
+     &         ((hdc_wire_center(yy)-hdc_wire_center(yyprime))**
+     &         (hspace_point_criterion(ich))) .and.
+     &         (hncham_hits(ich).le.6)) then
+            call h_find_easy_space_point(hncham_hits(ich),hit_number(ihit+1),
+     &           hdc_wire_center(ihit+1),hdc_plane_num(ihit+1),
+     &           hspace_point_criterion(ich),hmax_space_points,yy-ihit,
+     &           yyprime-ihit,easy_space_point,hnspace_points(ich),
+     &           space_points,space_point_hits)
+            if (.not.easy_space_point) call find_space_points(hncham_hits(ich)
+     $           ,hit_number(ihit+1),hdc_wire_center(ihit+1)
+     $           ,hdc_plane_num(ihit+1),hspace_point_criterion(ich),hxsp(1)
+     $           ,hysp(1),hmax_space_points,hnspace_points(ich), space_points,
+     $           space_point_hits)
+          else
+            call find_space_points(hncham_hits(ich),hit_number(ihit+1),
+     &           hdc_wire_center(ihit+1),
+     &           hdc_plane_num(ihit+1),hspace_point_criterion(ich),
+     &           hxsp(1),hysp(1),hmax_space_points,
+     &           hnspace_points(ich), space_points, space_point_hits)
+          endif
+          if (hnspace_points(ich).gt.0) then
+*    If two hits in same plane, choose one with minimum drift time
+             if ( h_remove_sppt_if_one_y_plane .eq. 1) then
+             call h_sp_destroy(ABORT,err,hnspace_points(ich),
+     &           space_point_hits,space_points,ich)
+             endif
+             call h_sp_multiwire(ABORT,err,hnspace_points(ich),
+     &           space_point_hits,space_points)
+            call h_choose_single_hit(ABORT,err,hnspace_points(ich),
+     &           space_point_hits)
+* Select on minimum number of combinations and hits
+            call select_space_points(hmax_space_points,hnspace_points(ich),
+     &           space_points,space_point_hits,hmin_hit(ich),hmin_combos(ich),
+     $           easy_space_point)
+          endif
+          do i=1,hnspace_points(ich)
+            k=hnspace_points_tot+i
+            hspace_points(k,1)=space_points(i,1)
+            hspace_points(k,2)=space_points(i,2)
+            hspace_point_hits(k,1)=space_point_hits(i,1)
+            hspace_point_hits(k,2)=space_point_hits(i,2)
+            do j=1,space_point_hits(i,1)
+              hspace_point_hits(k,j+2)=space_point_hits(i,j+2)
+            enddo
+          enddo
+        endif      
+        hnspace_points_tot = hnspace_points_tot+ hnspace_points(ich)
+        ihit = ihit + hncham_hits(ich)
+      enddo
+* Now we know rough hit positions in the chambers so we can make
+* wire velocity drift time corrections for each hit in the space point
+* Assume all wires for a plane are read out on the same side (l/r or t/b).
+* If the wire is closer to horizontal, read out left/right.  If nearer
+* vertical, assume top/bottom.  (Note, this is not always true for the
+* SOS u and v planes.  They have 1 card each on the side, but the overall
+* time offset per card will cancel much of the error caused by this.  The
+* alternative is to check by card, rather than by plane and this is harder.
+      if( then
+        do isp=1,hnspace_points_tot
+          xdist = hspace_points(isp,1)
+          ydist = hspace_points(isp,2)
+          do ihit=1,hspace_point_hits(isp,1)
+            hit = hspace_point_hits(isp,ihit+2)
+            pln = hdc_plane_num(hit)
+            if (hdc_readout_x(pln)) then !readout from side
+              time_corr = ydist*hdc_readout_corr(pln)/hdc_wire_velocity
+            else                        !readout from top/bottom
+              time_corr = xdist*hdc_readout_corr(pln)/hdc_wire_velocity
+            endif
+            hdc_drift_time(hit)=hdc_drift_time(hit) - hdc_central_time(pln)
+     &           + hdc_drifttime_sign(pln)*time_corr
+            hdc_drift_dis(hit) = h_drift_dist_calc
+     &           (pln,hdc_wire_num(hit),hdc_drift_time(hit))
+* djm 8/25/94
+* Stuff drift time and distance into registered variables for histogramming and tests.
+* In the case of two separated hits per plane, the last one will be histogrammed.
+            hdc_sing_drifttime(pln) = hdc_drift_time(hit)
+            hdc_sing_driftdis(pln) = hdc_drift_dis(hit)
+            hdc_sing_cardid(pln) =
+     &           hdc_card_no(hdc_wire_num(hit),hdc_plane_num(hit))
+          enddo
+        enddo
+      endif
+*     Histogram hdc_DECODED_DC
+      call h_fill_dc_dec_hist(ABORT,err)
+*     write out results if debugflagpr is set
+      if( then
+        call h_print_pr
+      endif
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_physics.f b/HTRACKING/h_physics.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..239b309
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_physics.f
@@ -0,0 +1,526 @@
+*-   Purpose and Methods : Do final HMS physics analysis on HMS only part of
+*-                            event.
+*-                                to decoded information 
+*-      Required Input BANKS     HMS_FOCAL_PLANE
+*-                               HMS_TARGET
+*-                               HMS_TRACK_TESTS
+*-      Output BANKS             HMS_PHYSICS_R4
+*-                               HMS_PHYSICS_I4
+*-   Output: ABORT           - success or failure
+*-         : err             - reason for failure, if any
+*-   Created 19-JAN-1994   D. F. Geesaman
+*-                           Dummy Shell routine
+* $Log: h_physics.f,v $
+* Revision  2009/06/05 17:59:29  jones
+* Add horizontal raster correction to hszbeam calculation.
+* Remove energy loss hsenergy calculation.
+* Revision  2008/11/17 01:17:55  cdaq
+* *** empty log message ***
+* Revision  2007/11/06 19:14:42  cdaq
+*  fix zbeam calculation
+* Revision  2007/10/25 00:06:54  cdaq
+* *** empty log message ***
+* Revision 1.23  2003/11/28 14:57:03  jones
+* Added variable hsxp_tar_temp = hsxp_tar + h_oopcentral_offset  (MKJ)
+* Revision 1.22  2003/09/05 18:20:30  jones
+* Merge in online03 changes (mkj)
+* Revision  2003/09/04 21:30:12  jones
+* Add h_oopcentraloffset (mkj)
+* Revision  2003/07/15 19:04:52  cdaq
+* add calculation of hsinplane
+* Revision  2003/04/10 12:39:03  cdaq
+* add  e_nonzero and modify p_nonzero.  These are used in calculating E_cal/p and beta.
+* Revision 1.21  2002/12/27 22:07:04  jones
+*    a. Ioana Niculescu modified total_eloss call
+*    b. CSA 4/15/99 -- changed hsbeta to hsbeta_p in total_eloss call
+*       to yield reasonable calculation for hsbeta=0 events.
+*    c. CSA 4/12/99 -- changed hscorre/p back to hsenergy and hsp so
+*       I could keep those names in c_physics.f
+* Revision 1.20  2002/10/02 13:42:43  saw
+* Check that user hists are defined before filling
+* Revision 1.19  1999/02/10 17:45:41  csa
+* Cleanup and bugfixes (mostly G. Warren)
+* Revision 1.18  1996/08/30 19:59:36  saw
+* (JRA) Improved track length calculation.  Photon E calc. for (gamma,p)
+* Revision 1.17  1996/04/30 12:46:06  saw
+* (JRA) Add pathlength and rf calculations
+* Revision 1.16  1996/01/24 15:58:38  saw
+* (JRA) Change cpbeam/cebeam to gpbeam/gebeam
+* Revision 1.15  1996/01/16 21:55:02  cdaq
+* (JRA) Calculate q, W for electrons
+* Revision 1.14  1995/10/09 20:22:15  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add call to h_dump_cal, change upper to lower case
+* Revision 1.13  1995/08/31 14:49:03  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add projection to cerenkov mirror pos, fill hdc_sing_res array
+* Revision 1.12  1995/07/19  20:53:26  cdaq
+* (SAW) Declare sind and tand for f2c compatibility
+* Revision 1.11  1995/05/22  19:39:15  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.10  1995/05/11  17:15:07  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add additional kinematics variables
+* Revision 1.9  1995/03/22  16:23:27  cdaq
+* (SAW) Target track data is now slopes.
+* Revision 1.8  1995/02/23  13:37:31  cdaq
+* (SAW) Reformat and cleanup
+* Revision 1.7  1995/02/10  18:44:47  cdaq
+* (SAW) _tar values are now angles instead of slopes
+* Revision 1.6  1995/02/02  13:05:40  cdaq
+* (SAW) Moved best track selection code into H_SELECT_BEST_TRACK (new)
+* Revision 1.5  1995/01/27  20:24:14  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add some useful physics quantities
+* Revision 1.4  1995/01/18  16:29:26  cdaq
+* (SAW) Correct some trig and check for negative arg in elastic kin calculation
+* Revision 1.3  1994/09/13  19:51:03  cdaq
+* Revision 1.2  1994/06/14  03:49:49  cdaq
+* (DFG) Calculate physics quantities
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/19  06:16:08  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      SAVE
+      character*9 here
+      parameter (here= 'H_PHYSICS')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      integer ierr
+      include 'gen_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_routines.dec'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_constants.par'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_units.par'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_physics_sing.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_calorimeter.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_scin_parms.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_tracking.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_cer_parms.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_geometry.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_id_histid.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_track_histid.cmn'
+      include 'gen_event_info.cmn'
+      include 'hms_scin_tof.cmn'
+*     local variables 
+      integer*4 i,ip,ihit
+      integer*4 itrkfp
+      real*4 coshstheta,sinhstheta
+      real*4 p_nonzero,e_nonzero
+      real*4 xdist,ydist,dist(12),res(12)
+      real*4 tmp,W2
+      real*4 hsp_z
+      real*4 Wvec(4)
+      real*4 hstheta_1st
+      real*4 scalar,mink
+      real*4 hsxp_tar_temp
+      ierr=0
+      if (hsnum_fptrack.le.0) return    ! No Good track 
+      itrkfp=hsnum_fptrack
+*     Copy variables for ntuple so we can test on them
+      hsdelta      = hdelta_tar(hsnum_tartrack)
+      hsx_tar      = hx_tar(hsnum_tartrack)
+      hsy_tar      = hy_tar(hsnum_tartrack)
+      hsxp_tar     = hxp_tar(hsnum_tartrack) ! This is an angle (radians)
+      hsxp_tar_temp     = hsxp_tar + h_oopcentral_offset
+      hsyp_tar     = hyp_tar(hsnum_tartrack) ! This is an angle (radians)
+      hsbeta       = hbeta(itrkfp)
+      hsbeta_chisq = hbeta_chisq(itrkfp)
+      hstime_at_fp = htime_at_fp(itrkfp)
+      hsx_fp  = hx_fp(itrkfp)
+      hsy_fp  = hy_fp(itrkfp)
+      hsxp_fp = hxp_fp(itrkfp) ! This is a slope (dx/dz)
+      hsyp_fp = hyp_fp(itrkfp) ! This is a slope (dy/dz)
+*     Correct delta (this must be called AFTER filling 
+*     focal plane quantites).
+      call h_satcorr(ABORT,err)
+      hsp = hpcentral*(1.0 + hsdelta/100.) !Momentum in GeV
+      hsenergy = sqrt(hsp*hsp+hpartmass*hpartmass)        
+      hstrack_et   = htrack_et(itrkfp)
+      hstrack_preshower_e = htrack_preshower_e(itrkfp)
+      p_nonzero    = hsp !reconstructed momentum with 'reasonable' limits.
+                         !Used to calc. E_cal/p and beta.
+      p_nonzero    = max(0.8*hpcentral,p_nonzero)
+      p_nonzero    = min(1.2*hpcentral,p_nonzero)
+      e_nonzero    = sqrt(p_nonzero**2+hpartmass**2)
+      hscal_suma   = hcal_e1/p_nonzero  !normalized cal. plane sums
+      hscal_sumb   = hcal_e2/p_nonzero
+      hscal_sumc   = hcal_e3/p_nonzero
+      hscal_sumd   = hcal_e4/p_nonzero
+      hsprsum      = hscal_suma
+      hsshsum      = hcal_et/p_nonzero
+      hsprtrk      = hstrack_preshower_e/p_nonzero
+      hsshtrk      = hstrack_et/p_nonzero
+      hsx_sp1      = hx_sp1(itrkfp)
+      hsy_sp1      = hy_sp1(itrkfp)
+      hsxp_sp1     = hxp_sp1(itrkfp)
+      hsx_sp2      = hx_sp2(itrkfp)
+      hsy_sp2      = hy_sp2(itrkfp)
+      hsxp_sp2     = hxp_sp2(itrkfp)
+      if( then
+        do ihit=1,hnum_scin_hit(itrkfp)
+          call hf1(hidscintimes,hscin_fptime(itrkfp,ihit),1.)
+        enddo
+      endif
+      if( then
+        do ihit=1,hntrack_hits(itrkfp,1)
+          call hf1(hidcuttdc,
+     &         float(hdc_tdc(hntrack_hits(itrkfp,ihit+1))),1.)
+        enddo
+      endif
+      hsx_dc1 = hsx_fp  +  hsxp_fp * hdc_1_zpos
+      hsy_dc1 = hsy_fp  +  hsyp_fp * hdc_1_zpos
+      hsx_dc2 = hsx_fp  +  hsxp_fp * hdc_2_zpos
+      hsy_dc2 = hsy_fp  +  hsyp_fp * hdc_2_zpos
+      hsx_s1  = hsx_fp  +  hsxp_fp * hscin_1x_zpos
+      hsy_s1  = hsy_fp  +  hsyp_fp * hscin_1x_zpos
+      hsx_cer = hsx_fp  +  hsxp_fp * hcer_mirror_zpos
+      hsy_cer = hsy_fp  +  hsyp_fp * hcer_mirror_zpos
+      hsx_s2  = hsx_fp  +  hsxp_fp * hscin_2x_zpos
+      hsy_s2  = hsy_fp  +  hsyp_fp * hscin_2x_zpos
+      hsx_cal = hsx_fp  +  hsxp_fp * hcal_1pr_zpos
+      hsy_cal = hsy_fp  +  hsyp_fp * hcal_1pr_zpos
+c Used to use hsp, replace with p_nonzero, to give reasonable limits
+C (+/-20%) to avoid unreasonable hsbeta_p values
+c      hsbeta_p = hsp/max(hsenergy,.00001)
+      hsbeta_p = p_nonzero/e_nonzero
+C old 'fit' value for pathlen correction
+C        hspathlength = -1.47e-2*hsx_fp + 11.6*hsxp_fp - 36*hsxp_fp**2
+C new 'modeled' value.
+      hspathlength = 12.462*hsxp_fp      + 0.1138*hsxp_fp*hsx_fp
+     &              -0.0154*hsx_fp       - 72.292*hsxp_fp**2
+     &              -0.0000544*hsx_fp**2 - 116.52*hsyp_fp**2
+      hspath_cor = hspathlength/hsbeta_p -
+     &      hpathlength_central/speed_of_light*(1/max(.01,hsbeta_p) - 1)
+      hsrftime = hmisc_dec_data(49,1)/9.46
+     &         - (hstime_at_fp-hstart_time_center) - hspath_cor
+      do ip = 1,4
+        hsscin_elem_hit(ip) = 0
+      enddo
+      do i = 1,hnum_scin_hit(itrkfp)
+        ip = hscin_plane_num(hscin_hit(itrkfp,i))
+        if (hsscin_elem_hit(ip).eq.0) then
+          hsscin_elem_hit(ip) = hscin_counter_num(hscin_hit(itrkfp,i))
+          hsdedx(ip)          = hdedx(itrkfp,i)
+        else                          ! more than 1 hit in plane
+          hsscin_elem_hit(ip) = 18
+          hsdedx(ip)          = sqrt(hsdedx(ip)*hdedx(itrkfp,i))
+        endif
+      enddo
+      hsnum_scin_hit = hnum_scin_hit(itrkfp)
+      hsnum_pmt_hit  = hnum_pmt_hit(itrkfp)
+      hschi2perdeg   = hchi2_fp(itrkfp) / float(hnfree_fp(itrkfp))
+      hsnfree_fp     = hnfree_fp(itrkfp)
+      do ip = 1, hdc_num_planes
+        hdc_sing_res(ip)     = hdc_single_residual(itrkfp,ip)
+        hsdc_track_coord(ip) = hdc_track_coord(itrkfp,ip)
+      enddo
+      if (hntrack_hits(itrkfp,1).eq.12 .and. hschi2perdeg.le.4) then
+        xdist = hsx_dc1
+        ydist = hsy_dc1
+        do ip = 1,12
+          if (hdc_readout_x(ip)) then
+            dist(ip) = ydist*hdc_readout_corr(ip)
+          else                        !readout from top/bottom
+            dist(ip) = xdist*hdc_readout_corr(ip)
+          endif
+          res(ip) = hdc_sing_res(ip)
+          tmp = hdc_plane_wirecoord(itrkfp,ip)
+     $        - hdc_plane_wirecenter(itrkfp,ip)
+          if (tmp.eq.0) then          !drift dist = 0
+            res(ip) = abs(res(ip))
+          else
+            res(ip) = res(ip) * (abs(tmp)/tmp) !convert +/- res to near/far res
+          endif
+        enddo
+c       write(37,'(12f7.2,12f8.3,12f8.5)') (hsdc_track_coord(ip),ip=1,12),
+c     &           (dist(ip),ip=1,12),(res(ip),ip=1,12)
+      endif
+*     Do energy loss, which is particle specific
+      hstheta_1st = htheta_lab*TT/180. - atan(hsyp_tar) ! rough scat
+                                                        ! angle
+      hsinplane = htheta_lab*TT/180. - atan(hsyp_tar) ! rough scat angle
+      if (hpartmass .lt. 2.*mass_electron) then ! for electron
+        if (gtarg_z(gtarg_num).gt.0.) then
+          call total_eloss(1,.true.,hstheta_1st,1.0,hseloss)
+         else
+           hseloss=0.
+        endif
+      else   ! not an electron
+        if (gtarg_z(gtarg_num).gt.0.) then
+          call total_eloss(1,.false.,hstheta_1st,hsbeta_p,hseloss)
+        else
+          hseloss=0.
+        endif
+      endif           ! particle specific stuff
+*     Correct hsenergy and hsp for eloss at the target
+* csa 4/12/99 -- changed hscorre/p back to hsenergy and hsp so
+* I could keep those names in c_physics.f
+c      hsenergy = hsenergy + hseloss  ! for SANE decide not to correct for energy loss
+      hsp = sqrt(hsenergy**2-hpartmass**2)
+*     Begin Kinematic stuff
+*     coordinate system :
+*     z points downstream along beam
+*     x points downward 
+*     y points toward beam left (away from HMS)
+*     This coordinate system is a just a simple rotation away from the
+*     TRANSPORT coordinate system used in the spectrometers
+      hsp_z = hsp/sqrt(1.+hsxp_tar_temp**2+hsyp_tar**2)
+*     Initial Electron
+      hs_kvec(1) = gebeam  ! after energy loss in target
+      hs_kvec(2) = 0
+      hs_kvec(3) = 0
+      hs_kvec(4) = gebeam 
+*     Scattered Particle calculation without small angle approximation
+*     - gaw 98/10/5
+      hs_kpvec(1) =  hsenergy
+      hs_kpvec(2) =  hsp_z*hsxp_tar_temp
+      hs_kpvec(3) =  hsp_z*(hsyp_tar*coshthetas-sinhthetas)
+      hs_kpvec(4) =  hsp_z*(hsyp_tar*sinhthetas+coshthetas)
+*     Angles for Scattered particle. Theta and phi are conventional
+*     polar/azimuthal angles defined w.r.t. coordinate system defined
+*     above. In rad, of course. Note that phi is around -pi/2 for HMS,
+*     +pi/2 for SOS.
+      if (abs(hs_kpvec(4)/hsp).le.1.) then
+        hstheta = acos(hs_kpvec(4)/hsp)
+      else
+        hstheta = -10.
+      endif
+      hsphi = atan2(hs_kpvec(3),hs_kpvec(2))
+c      write(*,*)hsphi*57.3, hphi_lab*57.3,htheta_lab
+      sinhstheta = sin(hstheta)
+      coshstheta = cos(hstheta)
+c      write(*,*) ' hsphi = ',hsphi,hphi_lab,hs_kpvec(3),hs_kpvec(2)
+      hsphi = hphi_lab + hsphi
+c      if (hsphi .gt. 0.) hsphi = hsphi - tt
+*     hszbeam is the intersection of the beam ray with the
+*     spectrometer as measured along the z axis.
+        hszbeam = (coshthetas*hsy_tar+gsrx_calib/100.)
+     >       /tan(htheta_lab*degree-hsyp_tar)+hsy_tar*sinhthetas
+*     Target particle 4-momentum
+      hs_tvec(1) = gtarg_mass(gtarg_num)*m_amu
+      hs_tvec(2) = 0.
+      hs_tvec(3) = 0.
+      hs_tvec(4) = 0.
+*     Initialize the electron-specific variables
+      do i=1,4
+         hs_qvec(i) = -1000.
+         Wvec(i)    = -1000.
+      enddo 
+      hsq3     = -1000.
+      hsbigq2  = -1000.
+      W2       = -1000.
+      hinvmass = -1000.
+*     Calculate quantities that are meaningful only if 
+*     the particle in the HMS is an electron.
+      if (hpartmass .lt. 2.*mass_electron) then
+         do i=1,4
+            hs_qvec(i) = hs_kvec(i) - hs_kpvec(i)
+            Wvec(i)    = hs_qvec(i) + hs_tvec(i) ! Q+P 4 vector
+         enddo 
+*     Magnitudes
+         hsq3    = sqrt(scalar(hs_qvec,hs_qvec))
+         hsbigq2 = -mink(hs_qvec,hs_qvec) 
+         W2      = mink(Wvec,Wvec)
+         if( ) then
+            hinvmass = SQRT(W2)
+         else
+            hinvmass = 0.
+         endif
+*     Calculate elastic scattering kinematical correction
+*     t1  = 2.*hphysicsa*gpbeam*coshstheta      
+*     ta  = 4.*gpbeam**2*coshstheta**2 - hphysicsb**2
+*     SAW 1/17/95.  Add the stuff after the or.
+*     if(ta.eq.0.0 .or. ( hphysicab2 + hphysicsm3b * ta).lt.0.0) then
+*     p3=0.       
+*     else
+*     t3  = ta-hphysicsb**2
+*     p3  = (T1 - sqrt( hphysicab2 + hphysicsm3b * ta)) / ta
+*     endif
+*     This is the difference in the momentum obtained by tracking
+*     and the momentum from elastic kinematics
+*     hselas_cor = hsp - P3
+      endif
+      if (.false.) then
+*      if (.true.) then
+         write(6,*)' ***********************************'
+         write(6,*)' h_phys: htheta_lab, hphi_lab =',htheta_lab,hphi_lab
+         write(6,*)' h_phys: hsdelta            =',hsdelta
+         write(6,*)' h_phys: hsx_tar, hsy_tar   =',hsx_tar,hsy_tar
+         write(6,*)' h_phys: hsxp_tar, hsyp_tar =',hsxp_tar,hsyp_tar
+         write(6,*)' h_phys: hsbeta, hsbeta_p   =',hsbeta,hsbeta_p
+         write(6,*)' h_phys: hsenergy, hsp      =',hsenergy,hsp
+         write(6,*)' h_phys: hseloss            =',hseloss
+*         write(6,*)' h_phys: hscorre, hscorrp   =',hscorre,hscorrp
+         write(6,*)' h_phys: hstheta_1st        =',hstheta_1st
+         write(6,*)' h_phys: hsp_z              =',hsp_z
+         write(6,*)' h_phys: hs_kvec            =',hs_kvec
+         write(6,*)' h_phys: cos/sinhthetas     =',coshthetas,sinhthetas
+         write(6,*)' h_phys: hs_kpvec           =',hs_kpvec
+         write(6,*)' h_phys: hs_tvec            =',hs_tvec
+         write(6,*)' h_phys: hs_qvec            =',hs_qvec
+         write(6,*)' h_phys: Wvec               =',Wvec
+         write(6,*)' h_phys: hsq3               =',hsq3
+         write(6,*)' h_phys: hsbigq2, W2        =',hsbigq2,W2
+         write(6,*)' h_phys: hstheta, hsphi     =',hstheta,hsphi
+      endif
+*     Write raw timing information for fitting.
+      if( call h_dump_tof
+      if( call h_dump_cal
+*     Calculate physics statistics and wire chamber efficencies.
+      call h_physics_stat(ABORT,err)
+      ABORT= .or. ABORT
+        call G_add_path(here,err)
+      ENDIF
+      return
+      end
+      real*4 function scalar(vec1,vec2)
+*     scalar product of vec1 and vec2
+      real*4 vec1(4)
+      real*4 vec2(4)
+      integer*4 i
+      scalar = 0
+      do i=2,4
+         scalar=vec1(i)*vec2(i)+scalar
+      enddo
+      return
+      end
+      real*4 function mink(vec1,vec2)
+*     Minkowski product
+      implicit none
+      real*4 vec1(4),vec2(4)
+      real scalar
+      mink=vec1(1)*vec2(1)-scalar(vec1,vec2)
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_physics_stat.f b/HTRACKING/h_physics_stat.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca3fa37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_physics_stat.f
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+      subroutine h_physics_stat(ABORT,err)
+*-   Purpose and Methods : Calculate statistics and chamber efficencies for 
+*-                         HMS physics analysis on HMS only part of
+*-                            event.
+*-      Required Input BANKS     HMS_DECODED_DC
+*-                               HMS_FOCAL_PLANE
+*-      Output BANKS             CTP PARAMETERS
+*-   Output: ABORT           - success or failure
+*-         : err             - reason for failure, if any
+*-   Created 10-JUN-1994     D. F. Geesaman
+* $Log: h_physics_stat.f,v $
+* Revision 1.6  1995/10/10 16:50:08  cdaq
+* (JRA) Comment out some redundant efficiency calculations
+* Revision 1.5  1995/08/31 14:47:09  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add calls to h_dc_eff and h_cer_eff
+* Revision 1.4  1995/05/22  19:39:16  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.3  1995/02/23  15:37:57  cdaq
+* (JRA) Move scint eff's to h_scin_eff, add call to h_cal_eff
+* Revision 1.2  1994/06/15  20:22:49  cdaq
+* (DFG) Add scin plane efficiency
+* Revision 1.1  1994/06/15  19:09:37  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      SAVE
+      character*14 here
+      parameter (here= 'h_physics_stat')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_routines.dec'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_constants.par'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_units.par'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_geometry.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_physics_sing.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_statistics.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_bypass_switches.cmn'
+*     local variables 
+c      integer*4 goodtrack,tothits,ihit,hitnum,plane
+c      real*4 normsigma
+c      real*8 ray(4)                     ! xt,yt,xpt,ypt
+c      REAL*8 H_DPSIFUN
+      ABORT= .FALSE.
+      err= ' '
+c*     increment numbr of tracks
+c      hgoodtracksctr = hgoodtracksctr +1
+c*     loop over all hists
+c      goodtrack = HSNUM_FPTRACK
+c      tothits=HNTRACK_HITS(goodtrack,1)
+c      if( then
+c*     get ray parameters
+c        ray(1) = DBLE(HX_FP(goodtrack))
+c        ray(2) = DBLE(HY_FP(goodtrack))
+c        ray(3) = DBLE(HXP_FP(goodtrack))
+c        ray(4) = DBLE(HYP_FP(goodtrack))
+c*     loop over all hits in track
+c        do ihit = 1, tothits
+c          hitnum=HNTRACK_HITS(goodtrack,1+ihit)
+c          plane = HDC_PLANE_NUM(hitnum)
+c          normsigma = (HDC_WIRE_COORD(hitnum)
+c     $         - REAL(H_DPSIFUN(ray,plane)))/hdc_sigma(plane)
+c          hplanehitctr(plane) = hplanehitctr(plane) + 1
+c          hplanesigmasq(plane) = hplanesigmasq(plane) + normsigma
+c     $         *normsigma
+c          hmeasuredsigma(plane) = SQRT(hplanesigmasq(plane) 
+c     &         / FLOAT(hplanehitctr(plane)))
+c          hchambereff(plane)=FLOAT(hplanehitctr(plane))
+c     $         /FLOAT(hgoodtracksctr)
+c        enddo                           ! endloop over hits in track
+c      endif                             ! end test on zero hits
+*     Drift chamber efficiencies
+      if (hbypass_dc_eff.eq.0) call h_dc_trk_eff
+*     Scintillator efficiencies
+      if (hbypass_scin_eff.eq.0) call h_scin_eff
+*     Cerenkov efficiencies
+      if (hbypass_cer_eff.eq.0) call h_cer_eff
+*     Calorimeter efficiencies
+      if (hbypass_cal_eff.eq.0) call h_cal_eff
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_print_decoded_dc.f b/HTRACKING/h_print_decoded_dc.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..79f3d35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_print_decoded_dc.f
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+       SUBROUTINE  h_print_decoded_dc(ABORT,err)
+*-   Purpose and Methods : Dump HMS_DECODED_DC BANKS
+*-      Required Input BANKS     HMS_DECODED_DC
+*-   Output: ABORT           - success or failure
+*-         : err             - reason for failure, if any
+*-   Created 29-FEB-1994   D. F. Geesaman
+* $Log: h_print_decoded_dc.f,v $
+* Revision 1.4  1995/10/10 16:51:54  cdaq
+* (JRA) Remove drift distance from print out
+* Revision 1.3  1995/05/22 19:39:16  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.2  1995/01/27  19:10:23  cdaq
+* (JRA) Trivial write statement format changes
+* Revision 1.1  1994/03/24  20:15:18  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+       SAVE
+       character*50 here
+       parameter (here= 'h_print_decoded_dc')
+       logical ABORT
+       character*(*) err
+       integer*4 j
+       include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+       include 'gen_constants.par'
+       include 'gen_units.par'
+       include 'hms_tracking.cmn'
+       include 'hms_geometry.cmn'          
+       ABORT = .FALSE.
+       err = ' '
+       write(hluno,'(''        HMS_DECODED_DC BANKS'')')
+       write(hluno,'(''     HDC_TOT_HITS='',I4)') HDC_TOT_HITS
+       if(HDC_TOT_HITS.GT.0) then
+         write(hluno,'(''     HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE'')')
+         write(hluno,'('' Plane='',18i4)') (j,j=1,hdc_num_planes)
+         write(hluno,'(7x,18i4)')
+     &      (HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(j),j=1,hdc_num_planes)
+         write(hluno,'('' Num  Plane     Wire    Wire Center '',
+     &      ''TDC Value RAW DRIFT TIME'')')
+         write(hluno,'(1x,i2,2x,i3,7x,i4,5x,F10.5,i8,2x,F10.5)')
+     &        (j,HDC_PLANE_NUM(j),HDC_WIRE_NUM(j),
+     &        HDC_WIRE_CENTER(j),HDC_TDC(j),HDC_DRIFT_TIME(j),
+     &        j=1,HDC_TOT_HITS)
+       endif
+       RETURN
+       END
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_print_links.f b/HTRACKING/h_print_links.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..02a17bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_print_links.f
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+      subroutine h_print_links
+*     prints the output of link matching
+*     d.f. geesaman           7 Sept 1993
+* $Log: h_print_links.f,v $
+* Revision 1.2  1995/05/22 19:39:17  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/19  06:16:24  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      include "hms_data_structures.cmn"
+      include "hms_tracking.cmn"
+      integer*4 itrack,ihit
+      write(hluno,'(''  NUMBER OF TRACKS FROM HMS LINKED STUBS='',i4)') 
+     &                      HNTRACKS_FP
+        if( then
+        write(hluno,'(''  Track   HITS'')')
+          do itrack=1,HNTRACKS_FP
+           write(hluno,1000) itrack,(HNTRACK_HITS(itrack,ihit),
+     &        ihit=2,HNTRACK_HITS(itrack,1)+1) 
+1000  format(2x,i3,2x,24i3)
+          enddo
+        endif
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_print_pr.f b/HTRACKING/h_print_pr.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1df5650
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_print_pr.f
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+      subroutine h_print_pr
+*     subroutine to dump output of H_PATTERN_RECOGNITION
+*     All the results are contained in
+*     d.f. geesaman          17 January 1994
+* $Log: h_print_pr.f,v $
+* Revision 1.2  1995/05/22 19:39:17  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/19  06:16:41  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      include "hms_data_structures.cmn"
+      include "hms_tracking.cmn"
+      include "hms_geometry.cmn"
+*     local variables
+      integer*4 i,j
+      write(hluno,'('' HMS PATTERN RECOGNITION RESULTS'')')
+      write(hluno,'('' chamber='',i3,'' number of hits='',i3)')
+     &         (i,hncham_hits(i),i=1,hdc_num_chambers)
+      write(hluno,'('' Total number of space points found='',i3)')
+     &         hnspace_points_tot
+      write(hluno,'('' chamber number'',i2,''  number of points='',i3)')
+     &     (i,hnspace_points(i),i=1,hdc_num_chambers)
+      write(hluno,'('' Space point requirements'')')
+      write(hluno,'('' chamber='',i3,''   min_hit='',i4,''  min_combos='',i3)')
+     &      (i,hmin_hit(i),hmin_combos(i),i=1,hdc_num_chambers)  
+      if( then
+         write(hluno,'('' point       x         y     number  number  hits'')')
+         write(hluno,'('' number                       hits   combos'')')
+1001  format(3x,i3,f10.4,f10.4,3x,i3,6x,i3,5x,11i3)
+         do i=1,hnspace_points_tot
+         write(hluno,1001) i, hspace_points(i,1),hspace_points(i,2),
+     &   hspace_point_hits(i,1), hspace_point_hits(i,2),
+     &   (hspace_point_hits(i,j+2),j=1,hspace_point_hits(i,1))
+         enddo
+      endif
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_print_raw_dc.f b/HTRACKING/h_print_raw_dc.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab504c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_print_raw_dc.f
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+       SUBROUTINE  h_print_raw_dc(ABORT,err)
+*-   Purpose and Methods : Dump HMS_RAW_DC BANKS
+*-      Required Input BANKS     HMS_RAW_DC
+*-   Output: ABORT           - success or failure
+*-         : err             - reason for failure, if any
+*-   Created 29-FEB-1994   D. F. Geesaman
+* $Log: h_print_raw_dc.f,v $
+* Revision 1.2  1995/05/22 19:39:17  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.1  1994/03/24  20:15:58  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+       SAVE
+       character*50 here
+       parameter (here= 'h_print_raw_dc')
+       logical ABORT
+       character*(*) err
+       integer*4 j
+       include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+       include 'gen_constants.par'
+       include 'gen_units.par'
+       include 'hms_tracking.cmn'
+       include 'hms_geometry.cmn'          
+       ABORT = .FALSE.
+       err = ' '
+       write(hluno,'(''        HMS_RAW_DC BANKS'')')
+       write(hluno,'(''     HDC_RAW_TOT_HITS='',I4)') HDC_RAW_TOT_HITS
+       if(HDC_RAW_TOT_HITS.GT.0) then
+         write(hluno,'('' Num  Plane     Wire          TDC Value'')')
+         write(hluno,'(1x,i2,2x,i3,7x,i4,5x,i10)')
+     &     (j,HDC_RAW_PLANE_NUM(j),HDC_RAW_WIRE_NUM(j),
+     &        HDC_RAW_TDC(j),j=1,HDC_RAW_TOT_HITS)    
+       endif
+       RETURN
+       END
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_print_stubs.f b/HTRACKING/h_print_stubs.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0655300
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_print_stubs.f
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+      subroutine h_print_stubs
+*     subroutine to dump output of H_LEFT_RIGHT
+*     All the results are contained in
+*     d.f. geesaman          17 January 1994
+* $Log: h_print_stubs.f,v $
+* Revision 1.2  1995/05/22 19:39:18  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/19  06:16:52  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      include "hms_data_structures.cmn"
+      include "hms_tracking.cmn"
+      include "hms_geometry.cmn"
+*     local variables
+      integer*4 i,j
+      write(hluno,'('' HMS STUB FIT RESULTS'')')
+      if( then
+        write(hluno,'(''point        x_t              y_t     '',
+     &           ''          xp_t          yp_t'')')
+        write(hluno,'(''             [cm]             [cm]    '',
+     &           ''         [rad]          [rad]'')')
+1001  format(3x,i3,4x,4e15.7)
+        do i=1,hnspace_points_tot
+          write(hluno,1001) i,(hbeststub(i,j),j=1,4)
+        enddo
+        write(hluno,'('' hit         HDC_WIRE_CENTER  HDC_DRIFT_DIS     '',
+     &         '' HDC_WIRE_COORD'')')
+        do i=1,HDC_TOT_HITS
+          write(hluno,1002) i,HDC_WIRE_CENTER(i),HDC_DRIFT_DIS(i),
+     &       HDC_WIRE_COORD(i)
+1002  format(3x,i3,4x,e16.8,2x,e16.8,2x,e16.8)
+        enddo
+      endif
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_print_tar_tracks.f b/HTRACKING/h_print_tar_tracks.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c40b77d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_print_tar_tracks.f
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+      subroutine h_print_tar_tracks
+* Facility: CEBAF Hall-C software.
+* Module:   h_print_tar_tracks
+* Version:  0.1 (In development)  18-Nov-1993 (DHP)
+* Abstract: Print selected track data in HMS_TARGET common block.
+* Author:   David H. Potterveld, Argonne National Lab, Nov. 1993
+* modified: D. F. Geesaman       21 Jan 1994
+*            changed name from h_target_dump to h_print_tar_tracks
+*            made outpu lun hluno
+* $Log: h_print_tar_tracks.f,v $
+* Revision 1.3  1995/05/22 19:39:18  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.2  1994/05/12  20:12:56  cdaq
+* (DFG) check for more than 0 tracks
+* (SAW) cosmetic formatting changes to source code
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/19  06:17:16  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+*     Include files.
+      include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'hms_tracking.cmn'
+*     Misc. variables.
+      integer*4 itrk
+*=============================Executable Code =============================
+      if(hntracks_tar .gt. 0 ) then
+*     Write out header.
+        write (hluno,1001)   'HMS TARGET TRACKS'
+        write (hluno,1002)
+*     Loop over tracks.
+        do itrk = 1,hntracks_tar
+*     Write out data lines.
+          write (hluno,1003) itrk,
+     $         hx_tar(itrk),hxp_tar(itrk),
+     $         hy_tar(itrk),hyp_tar(itrk),
+     $         hz_tar(itrk),
+     $         hdelta_tar(itrk),
+     $         hp_tar(itrk)
+        enddo
+      endif
+      return
+*============================Format Statements ============================
+ 1001 format(a)
+ 1002 format(/,1x,'TRK',t10,'HX_TAR',t20,'HXP_TAR',t30,'HY_TAR',t40
+     $     ,'HYP_TAR',t50,'HZ_TAR',t60,'HDELTA_TAR',t72,'HP_TAR')
+ 1003 format(1x,i2,t8,3(f10.6,f10.5),f10.5)
+      end
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_print_tracks.f b/HTRACKING/h_print_tracks.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e4ad538
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_print_tracks.f
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+      subroutine h_print_tracks
+*     prints the output of hms track fittinh
+*     d.f. geesaman           17 January 1994
+* $Log: h_print_tracks.f,v $
+* Revision 1.3  1995/05/22 19:39:19  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.2  1994/06/06  16:42:03  cdaq
+* (DFG) print warning if hsingle_stub is set.
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/19  06:17:36  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      include "hms_data_structures.cmn"
+      include "hms_tracking.cmn"
+      external H_DPSIFUN
+      real*8 H_DPSIFUN
+*     local variables
+      integer*4 itrack,ihit
+      integer*4 hitnum,planenum
+      real*8 ray(hnum_fpray_param),calculated_position,residual
+      if( then
+       if( then
+         write(hluno,'(''  Warning - hsingle_stub is set'')')
+       endif
+        write(hluno,'('' point     x_t             y_t     '',
+     &           ''        xp_t        yp_t   chi**2 degrees of'')')
+        write(hluno,'(''           [cm]            [cm]    '',
+     &           ''        [rad]       [rad]          freedom'')')
+          do itrack=1,HNTRACKS_FP
+1001  format(1x,i3,2x,4e14.6,e10.3,1x,i3)
+            write(hluno,1001) itrack,HX_FP(itrack),HY_FP(itrack),
+     &           HXP_FP(itrack),HYP_FP(itrack),HCHI2_FP(itrack),
+     &           HNFREE_FP(itrack)
+          enddo
+          do itrack=1,HNTRACKS_FP
+              htrack_fit_num=itrack
+              ray(1)=dble(HX_FP(itrack))
+              ray(2)=dble(HY_FP(itrack))
+              ray(3)=dble(HXP_FP(itrack))
+              ray(4)=dble(HYP_FP(itrack))
+      write(hluno,'(a,i3)') ' Hits in HMS track number',itrack
+      write(hluno,'(a)') 
+     &        '   hit  plane  HDC_WIRE_COORD   FIT POSITION    RESIDUAL'
+              do ihit=1,HNTRACK_HITS(itrack,1)
+                hitnum=HNTRACK_HITS(itrack,ihit+1)
+                planenum=HDC_PLANE_NUM(hitnum)
+                calculated_position=H_DPSIFUN(ray,planenum)
+                residual=dble(HDC_WIRE_COORD(hitnum))-calculated_position
+                write(hluno,1011) hitnum,planenum,HDC_WIRE_COORD(hitnum),
+     &                    calculated_position,residual
+1011  format(3x,i3,3x,i3,3x,e15.7,2d15.7)
+              enddo
+          enddo
+        endif
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_prt_cal_clusters.f b/HTRACKING/h_prt_cal_clusters.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ee5557
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_prt_cal_clusters.f
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+      subroutine h_prt_cal_clusters
+*-      Dumps the calorimeter cluster data
+*-      Created: 20 Mar 1994      Tsolak A. Amatuni
+*-      Modified 25 Mar 1994      DFG
+*-                                change name and lun
+* $Log: h_prt_cal_clusters.f,v $
+* Revision 1.3  1999/01/21 21:40:14  saw
+* Extra shower counter tube modifications
+* Revision 1.2  1995/05/22 19:39:19  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.1  1994/04/13  15:40:35  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      save
+      integer*4 nh      !Hit number
+      integer*4 nc      !Cluster number
+      include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'hms_calorimeter.cmn'
+      include 'hms_tracking.cmn'
+      write(hlun_dbg_cal,10) hnclusters_cal
+   10 format(///'      HMS Calorimeter Cluster Data', /,
+     &          '      Total Number of Clusters:',i3,//,
+     &          ' Hit #   Cluster #')
+      if(hcal_num_hits.le.0) return
+*-----Print the link pointer to cluster number
+      do nh=1,hcal_num_hits
+         write(hlun_dbg_cal,20) nh,hcluster_hit(nh)
+   20    format(i5,7x,i5)
+      enddo
+      if(hnclusters_cal.le.0) return
+*-----Print the cluster parameters
+      write(hlun_dbg_cal,30)
+   30 format(/,
+     &' Cluster',/,
+     &' #(size) XC[cm] E1[GeV] E2[GeV] E3[GeV] E4[GeV] ET[GeV] E1_POS[GeV] E1_NEG[GeV] E2_POS[GeV] E2_NEG[GeV ')
+      if(hnclusters_cal.le.0) return
+      do nc=1,hnclusters_cal
+         write(hlun_dbg_cal,40)
+     &   nc,
+     &   hcluster_size(nc),
+     &   hcluster_xc(nc),
+     &   hcluster_e1(nc),
+     &   hcluster_e2(nc),
+     &   hcluster_e3(nc),
+     &   hcluster_e4(nc),
+     &   hcluster_et(nc),
+     &   hcluster_e1_pos(nc),
+     &   hcluster_e1_neg(nc),
+     &   hcluster_e2_pos(nc),
+     &   hcluster_e2_neg(nc)
+   40    format(i3,'(',i3,')',4x,f6.2,9(1x,f8.4))
+      enddo
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_prt_cal_decoded.f b/HTRACKING/h_prt_cal_decoded.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d86569f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_prt_cal_decoded.f
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+      subroutine h_prt_cal_decoded
+*-      Dumps the decoded calorimeter data
+*-      Created: 19 Mar 1994      Tsolak A. Amatuni
+*-      Modified: 25 March 1994   DFG
+*-                                Change name
+*-                                Change lun
+* $Log: h_prt_cal_decoded.f,v $
+* Revision 1.2  1995/05/22 19:39:19  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.1  1994/04/13  15:41:16  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      save
+      integer*4 hit      !Hit number
+      include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'hms_calorimeter.cmn'
+      include 'hms_tracking.cmn'
+      write(hlun_dbg_cal,10) hnhits_cal
+   10 format(///'          HMS Calorimeter Decoded Data      ',/,
+     &          '             Total Number of Hits:',i4,      //,
+     &          ' Hit #   X[cm]   Z[cm]   Energy Deposition[GeV]')
+      if(hnhits_cal.le.0) return
+      do hit=1,hnhits_cal
+         write(hlun_dbg_cal,20)
+     &   hit,hblock_xc(hit),hblock_zc(hit),hblock_de(hit)
+   20    format(i5,3x,f6.2,1x,f7.2,5x,f9.4)
+      enddo
+      write(hlun_dbg_cal,30) hcal_e1,hcal_e2,hcal_e3,hcal_e4,hcal_et
+   30 format( /,' Column #   Energy Deposition[GeV]',/,
+     &          '    1         ',f9.4               ,/,
+     &          '    2         ',f9.4               ,/,
+     &          '    3         ',f9.4               ,/,
+     &          '    4         ',f9.4               ,/,
+     &          '        Total:',f9.4)
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_prt_cal_raw.f b/HTRACKING/h_prt_cal_raw.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..608a0ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_prt_cal_raw.f
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+      subroutine h_prt_cal_raw
+*-      Dumps the raw calorimeter data
+*-      Created: 19 Mar 1994      Tsolak A. Amatuni
+*-      Modified 25 Mar 1994      DFG
+*-                                Change name
+*-                                Change lun
+*-                7 Apr 1884      DFG   Change print order
+* $Log: h_prt_cal_raw.f,v $
+* Revision 1.5  1998/12/17 22:02:39  saw
+* Support extra set of tubes on HMS shower counter
+* Revision 1.4  1995/07/19 18:54:55  cdaq
+* *** empty log message ***
+* Revision 1.3  1995/05/22  19:39:20  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.2  1995/01/27  20:26:00  cdaq
+* (JRA) Subtract pedestal from ADC value
+* Revision 1.1  1994/04/13  15:41:33  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      save
+      integer*4 hit      !Hit number
+      integer*4 row,col,nb
+      real*4 adc_pos,adc_neg
+      include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'hms_calorimeter.cmn'
+      include 'hms_tracking.cmn'
+      write(hlun_dbg_cal,10) hcal_tot_hits
+   10 format(///'      HMS Calorimeter Raw Data      ',/,
+     &          '      Total Number of Hits:',i3,     //,
+     &          ' Hit #   Column #   Row #   ADC Value')
+      if(hcal_tot_hits.le.0) return
+      do hit=1,hcal_tot_hits
+        row=hcal_row(hit)
+        col=hcal_column(hit)
+        nb =row+hmax_cal_rows*(col-1)
+        adc_pos=float(hcal_adc_pos(hit))-hcal_pos_ped_mean(nb)
+        adc_neg=float(hcal_adc_neg(hit))-hcal_neg_ped_mean(nb)
+        if(col.le.hcal_num_neg_columns) then
+          write(hlun_dbg_cal,20)
+     &         hit,hcal_column(hit),hcal_row(hit),adc_pos,adc_neg
+ 20       format(i5,3x,i5,4x,i5,7x,2f8.1)
+        else
+          write(hlun_dbg_cal,20)
+     &         hit,hcal_column(hit),hcal_row(hit),adc_pos
+        endif
+      enddo
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_prt_cal_sparsified.f b/HTRACKING/h_prt_cal_sparsified.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f981607
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_prt_cal_sparsified.f
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+      subroutine h_prt_cal_sparsified
+*-      Dumps the sparsified calorimeter data
+*-      Created: 19 Mar 1994      Tsolak A. Amatuni
+*-      Modified 25 Mar 1994      DFG
+*-                                change name and lun
+* $Log: h_prt_cal_sparsified.f,v $
+* Revision 1.3  1998/12/17 22:02:39  saw
+* Support extra set of tubes on HMS shower counter
+* Revision 1.2  1995/05/22 19:39:21  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.1  1994/04/13  15:41:58  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      save
+      integer*4 hit      !Hit number
+      include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'hms_calorimeter.cmn'
+      include 'hms_tracking.cmn'
+      write(hlun_dbg_cal,10) hcal_num_hits
+   10 format(///'   HMS Calorimeter Sparsified Data   ',/,
+     &          '      Total Number of Hits:',i7,      //,
+     &          ' Hit #   Row #   Column #   ADC - PED')
+      if(hcal_num_hits.le.0) return
+      do hit=1,hcal_num_hits
+         write(hlun_dbg_cal,20)
+     &   hit,hcal_rows(hit),hcal_cols(hit),hcal_adcs_pos(hit)
+     &   ,hcal_adcs_neg(hit)
+   20    format(i5,3x,i5,4x,i5,6x,2f8.2)
+      enddo
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_prt_cal_tests.f b/HTRACKING/h_prt_cal_tests.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1602a63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_prt_cal_tests.f
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+      subroutine h_prt_cal_tests
+*-      Dumps the calorimeter particle ID information
+*-      Created: 20 Mar 1994      Tsolak A. Amatuni
+*-      Modified 25 Mar 1994      DFG
+*-                                Change name and lun
+* $Log: h_prt_cal_tests.f,v $
+* Revision 1.2  1995/05/22 19:39:22  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.1  1994/04/13  15:42:13  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      save
+      integer*4 nt      !Detector track number
+      include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'hms_calorimeter.cmn'
+      include 'hms_tracking.cmn'
+      write(hlun_dbg_cal,10) hntracks_fp
+   10 format(///'      HMS Calorimeter Particle ID Quantities', /,
+     &          '         Total Number of Detector Tracks:',i3,//,
+     &' Track #  N-blocks  E1[GeV]  E2[GeV]  E3[GeV]  E4[GeV]  Et[GeV]')
+      if(hntracks_fp.le.0) return
+      do nt=1,hntracks_fp
+         write(hlun_dbg_cal,20)
+     &   nt,
+     &   hnblocks_cal(nt),
+     &   htrack_e1(nt),
+     &   htrack_e2(nt),
+     &   htrack_e3(nt),
+     &   htrack_e4(nt),
+     &   htrack_et(nt)
+   20    format(3x,i5,5x,i5,5(1x,f8.4))
+      enddo
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_prt_cal_tracks.f b/HTRACKING/h_prt_cal_tracks.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f8d7c87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_prt_cal_tracks.f
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+      subroutine h_prt_cal_tracks
+*-      Dumps the calorimeter track quantities
+*-      Created: 20 Mar 1994      Tsolak A. Amatuni
+*-      Modified 25 Mar 1994      DFG
+*-                                Change name and lun
+* $Log: h_prt_cal_tracks.f,v $
+* Revision 1.5  2003/03/21 22:21:51  jones
+* Modified and rearrange routines to calibrate the HMS calorimeter (V. Tadevosyan)
+* Revision 1.2  1995/05/22 19:39:23  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.1  1994/04/13  15:42:40  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      save
+      integer*4 nt      !Detector track number
+      include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'hms_calorimeter.cmn'
+      include 'hms_tracking.cmn'
+      write(hlun_dbg_cal,10) hntracks_fp
+   10 format(///'      HMS  Calorimeter  Track  Quantities', /,
+     &          '      Total Number of Detector Tracks:',i3,//,
+     &          ' Track #   Cluster #   X[cm]   Y[cm]')
+      if(hntracks_fp.le.0) return
+      do nt=1,hntracks_fp
+         write(hlun_dbg_cal,20)
+     &   nt,hcluster_track(nt),htrack_xc(nt),htrack_yc(nt)
+   20    format(3x,i5,7x,i5,2(2x,f6.2))
+      enddo
+      write(hlun_dbg_cal,30) hntracks_cal
+   30 format(' Total Number of Calorimeter Tracks:',i3)
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_prt_dec_scin.f b/HTRACKING/h_prt_dec_scin.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a22ff3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_prt_dec_scin.f
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+      SUBROUTINE  h_prt_dec_scin(ABORT,err)
+*-   Purpose and Methods : Dump HMS_DECODED_SCIN BANKS
+*-      Required Input BANKS     HMS_DECODED_SCIN
+*-   Output: ABORT           - success or failure
+*-         : err             - reason for failure, if any
+*-   Created 29-FEB-1994   D. F. Geesaman
+* $Log: h_prt_dec_scin.f,v $
+* Revision 1.8  1996/01/16 21:55:27  cdaq
+* (JRA)
+* Revision 1.7  1995/05/22 19:39:23  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.6  1995/02/02  16:10:49  cdaq
+* (JRA) Make hscin_all_adc_pos/neg floating
+* Revision 1.5  1994/09/13  20:23:29  cdaq
+* *** empty log message ***
+* Revision 1.4  1994/09/13  20:20:21  cdaq
+* (JRA) Change output format, add missing variables
+* Revision 1.3  1994/08/02  20:00:48  cdaq
+* (JRA) Print out some additional information
+* Revision 1.2  1994/05/12  21:01:39  cdaq
+* (DFG) Fix typo
+* Revision 1.1  1994/04/13  15:42:58  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      SAVE
+      character*50 here
+      parameter (here= 'h_prt_dec_scin')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      integer*4 j
+      include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'gen_constants.par'
+      include 'gen_units.par'
+      include 'hms_tracking.cmn'
+      ABORT = .FALSE.
+      err = ' '
+      write(hluno,'(''           ***HMS_REAL_SCIN BANKS***'')')
+      write(hluno,'(''     HSCIN_TOT_HITS='',I4)') HSCIN_TOT_HITS
+      if(HSCIN_TOT_HITS.GT.0) then
+        write(hluno,'('' Num  Plane    Counter        ADC_POS'',
+     &       '' ADC_NEG  TDC_POS  TDC_NEG'')')
+        write(hluno,'(1x,i2,2x,i3,5x,i4,8x,2f8.2,2i8)')
+     &       (j,HSCIN_PLANE_NUM(j),HSCIN_COUNTER_NUM(j),
+     &       HSCIN_ADC_POS(j),HSCIN_ADC_NEG(j),
+     &       HSCIN_TDC_POS(j),HSCIN_TDC_NEG(j),
+     &       j=1,HSCIN_TOT_HITS )
+      endif
+      write(hluno,'(''        HMS_DECODED_SCIN BANKS'')')
+      if(HSCIN_TOT_HITS.GT.0) then
+        write(hluno,'('' Scintillator hits per plane'')')
+        write(hluno,'('' Plane  '',10i4)') (j,j=1,HNUM_SCIN_PLANES)   
+        write(hluno,'('' Number '',10i4)') 
+        write(hluno,'('' Num    ZPOS    CENTER  HIT_COORD SLOP'',
+     &       ''   COR_TDC  TWO_GOOD'')')
+        write(hluno,'(1x,i2,2x,4f9.3,f10.3,4x,l2)')
+     &       (j,HSCIN_ZPOS(j),HSCIN_CENTER_COORD(j),
+     &       HSCIN_DEC_HIT_COORD(j),
+     &       HSCIN_SLOP(j),HSCIN_COR_TIME(j),
+     &       HTWO_GOOD_TIMES(j), 
+     &       j=1,HSCIN_TOT_HITS)    
+        write(hluno,'('' HGOOD_START_TIME='', l2)')
+     &       HGOOD_START_TIME
+        write(hluno,'('' HSTART_TIME='',e10.4)') HSTART_TIME
+        write(hluno,*)
+      endif
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_prt_raw_scin.f b/HTRACKING/h_prt_raw_scin.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a261b29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_prt_raw_scin.f
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+      SUBROUTINE  h_prt_raw_scin(ABORT,err)
+*-   Purpose and Methods : Dump HMS_RAW_SCIN BANKS
+*-      Required Input BANKS     HMS_RAW_SCIN
+*-   Output: ABORT           - success or failure
+*-         : err             - reason for failure, if any
+*-   Created 29-FEB-1994   D. F. Geesaman
+* $Log: h_prt_raw_scin.f,v $
+* Revision 1.6  1995/07/20 19:08:41  cdaq
+* (SAW) Fix format
+* Revision 1.5  1995/05/22  19:39:23  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.4  1994/09/13  21:45:46  cdaq
+* (JRA) Use new pedestals
+* Revision 1.3  1994/09/13  21:40:43  cdaq
+* (JRA) Remove include tmp_pedestals.dte
+* Revision 1.2  1994/08/03  14:19:31  cdaq
+* (JRA) Fix variable names
+* Revision 1.1  1994/04/13  15:43:19  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      SAVE
+      character*50 here
+      parameter (here= 'h_prt_raw_scin')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      integer*4 j
+      include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'gen_constants.par'
+      include 'gen_units.par'
+      include 'hms_tracking.cmn'
+      include 'hms_scin_parms.cmn'
+      ABORT = .FALSE.
+      err = ' '
+      write(hluno,'(''        HMS_RAW_SCIN BANKS'')')
+      write(hluno,'(''     HSCIN_ALL_TOT_HITS='',I4)') HSCIN_ALL_TOT_HITS
+      if(HSCIN_ALL_TOT_HITS.GT.0) then
+        write(hluno,'('' Num  Plane    Counter      ADC_POS  ''
+     &       '' ADC_NEG  TDC_POS  TDC_NEG'')')
+        write(hluno,'(1x,i2,2x,i3,7x,i4,8x,2f8.1,2i8)')
+     &       (HSCIN_ALL_ADC_POS(j)
+     $       -HSCIN_ALL_PED_POS(hscin_all_plane_num(j)
+     $       ,hscin_all_counter_num(j)))
+     $       ,(HSCIN_ALL_ADC_NEG(j)
+     $       -HSCIN_ALL_PED_NEG(hscin_all_plane_num(j)
+     $       ,hscin_all_counter_num(j)))
+     $       ,HSCIN_ALL_TDC_POS(j)
+     $       ,HSCIN_ALL_TDC_NEG(j),j=1,HSCIN_ALL_TOT_HITS )
+      endif
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_prt_tof.f b/HTRACKING/h_prt_tof.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6cec7c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_prt_tof.f
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+      subroutine h_prt_tof(itrk)
+* author: John Arrington
+* created: 3/27/94
+* h_prt_tof dumps the hms_scin_tof bank.
+* modifications:
+* $Log: h_prt_tof.f,v $
+* Revision  2008/11/17 15:58:28  cdaq
+* Changed from old to new tof offset
+* Revision 1.5  1996/01/24 15:59:22  saw
+* (JRA) Add column to output
+* Revision 1.4  1995/05/22 19:39:24  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.3  1995/02/02  13:12:45  cdaq
+* (JRA) Cosmetic changes
+* Revision 1.2  1994/09/13  20:28:43  cdaq
+* (JRA) Change output format, add missing variables
+* Revision 1.1  1994/04/13  15:43:38  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'hms_scin_parms.cmn'
+      include 'hms_scin_tof.cmn'
+      include 'hms_tracking.cmn'
+*      logical abort
+      integer*4 ihit, itrk
+*      character*1024 errmsg
+*      character*25 here
+*      parameter (here = 'h_prt_tof')
+      save
+      write(hluno,'(''              ***H_SCIN_TOF BANK***'')')
+      write(hluno,'(''        TRACK NUMBER'',i3)') itrk
+      write(hluno,'(''POSITION/CALIBRATION VARIABLES:'')')
+      write(hluno,'(''  +coord  -coord '',
+     &     '' pos_dt  neg_dt  +sigma  -sigma'')')
+      do ihit=1,hscin_tot_hits
+        write(hluno,'(f8.3,f8.3,2f8.3,2f8.3,f10.2)')
+     &       hscin_pos_coord(ihit), hscin_neg_coord(ihit),
+     &       hscin_pos_invadc_offset(ihit), 
+     >       hscin_neg_invadc_offset(ihit),
+     &       hscin_pos_sigma(ihit), hscin_neg_sigma(ihit),
+     &       hscin_center_coord(ihit)
+      enddo
+      write(hluno,'(''  long_coord trans_coord    +time    -time'',
+     &     '' scin_time scin_sig on_trk time@fp'')')
+      do ihit=1,hscin_tot_hits
+        write(hluno,'(2f12.4,2f9.3,f10.3,f8.3,l5,f10.3)')
+     &       hscin_long_coord(ihit), hscin_trans_coord(ihit),
+     &       hscin_pos_time(ihit), hscin_neg_time(ihit),
+     &       hscin_time(ihit),  hscin_sigma(ihit),
+     &       hscin_on_track(itrk,ihit),hscin_time_fp(ihit)
+      enddo
+      write(hluno,'(''  trk  beta     chisq_beta  fp_time '',
+     &     ''num_scin_hit  num_pmt_hit'')')
+      write(hluno,'(i4,f8.4,f14.3,f9.3,i8,i12)') itrk,
+     &     hbeta(itrk), hbeta_chisq(itrk), htime_at_fp(itrk),
+     &     hnum_scin_hit(itrk),hnum_pmt_hit(itrk)
+      write(hluno,*)
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_prt_track_tests.f b/HTRACKING/h_prt_track_tests.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c1adad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_prt_track_tests.f
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+        subroutine h_prt_track_tests
+* author: John Arrington
+* created: 3/28/94
+* h_prt_track_tests dumps the hms_track_tests bank.
+* modifications:
+* $Log: h_prt_track_tests.f,v $
+* Revision 1.2  1995/05/22 19:39:24  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.1  1994/04/13  15:43:55  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+        implicit none
+        include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+        include 'hms_scin_parms.cmn'
+        include 'hms_scin_tof.cmn'
+        include 'hms_tracking.cmn'
+        logical abort
+        integer*4 ihit, itrk
+        character*1024 errmsg
+        character*25 here
+        parameter (here = 'h_prt_track_tests')
+        save
+       if( then
+        write(hluno,'(''        h_TRACK_TESTS BANK'')')
+        write(hluno,'(''SHOWER COUNTER TESTS'')')
+        write(hluno,'(''  num_blks   plane1   plane2   plane3   plane4'', 
+     &        ''    shtrk    prtrk'')')
+        do itrk=1, hntracks_fp
+          write(hluno,'(i10,6f9.3)') hnblocks_cal(itrk), 
+     &          htrack_e1(itrk), htrack_e2(itrk),
+     &          htrack_e3(itrk), htrack_e4(itrk),
+     &          htrack_et(itrk), htrack_preshower_e(itrk)
+        enddo
+        write(hluno,'(''SCIN/CERENKOV TESTS'')')
+        write(hluno,'(''  trk   beta  chisq_beta  fp_time  '',
+     &        ''num_scin_hit'')')
+        do itrk=1, hntracks_fp
+          write(hluno,'(i4,f8.4,f10.4,f9.3,i12)') itrk,
+     &          hbeta(itrk), hbeta_chisq(itrk), htime_at_fp(itrk),
+     &          hnum_scin_hit(itrk)
+        enddo
+        do itrk=1, hntracks_fp
+          write(hluno,'(''hits on track number'',i3,'', and dE/dx:'')') itrk
+          write(hluno,'(16i6)') 
+     &       (hscin_hit(itrk,ihit),ihit=1,hnum_scin_hit(itrk))
+          write(hluno,'(16f6.1)') 
+     &       (hdedx(itrk,ihit),ihit=1,hnum_scin_hit(itrk))
+        enddo
+       endif         ! end check on zero focal plane tracks
+        return
+        end
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_psifun.f b/HTRACKING/h_psifun.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a8f921
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_psifun.f
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+      function h_psifun(ray,iplane)
+*     this function calculates the psi coordinate of the intersection
+*     of a ray (defined by ray) with a wire chamber plane. the geometry
+*     of the plane is contained in the coeff array calculated in the
+*     array splane_coeff
+*     the ray is defined by
+*     x = (z-zt)*tan(xp) + xt
+*     y = (z-zt)*tan(yp) + yt
+*      at some fixed value of zt*
+*     ray(1) = xt
+*     ray(2) = yt
+*     ray(3) = tan(xp)
+*     ray(4) = tan(yp)
+*     d.f. geesaman                   1 September 1993
+* $Log: h_psifun.f,v $
+* Revision 1.2  1995/05/22 19:39:24  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/19  06:17:49  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      include "hms_data_structures.cmn"
+      include "hms_geometry.cmn"
+*     input
+      real*4 ray(4)           ! xt,yt,xpt,ypt
+      integer*4 iplane        ! plane number
+*     output
+      real*4 H_PSIFUN         ! value of psi coordinate of hit of ray in plane
+*     local variables   
+      real*4 denom,infinity,cinfinity
+      parameter (infinity = 1.0d20)
+      parameter (cinfinity = 1/infinity)
+      H_PSIFUN =  ray(3)*ray(2)*hplane_coeff(1,iplane) 
+     &        + ray(4)*ray(1)*hplane_coeff(2,iplane)
+     &        + ray(3)*hplane_coeff(3,iplane) 
+     &        + ray(4)*hplane_coeff(4,iplane)
+     &        + ray(1)*hplane_coeff(5,iplane) 
+     &        + ray(2)*hplane_coeff(6,iplane)
+      denom = ray(3)*hplane_coeff(7,iplane) 
+     &      + ray(4)*hplane_coeff(8,iplane) + hplane_coeff(9,iplane)
+      if(abs(denom).lt.cinfinity) then
+          H_PSIFUN=infinity
+      else
+          H_PSIFUN = H_PSIFUN/denom
+      endif
+      return
+      end  
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_raw_dump_all.f b/HTRACKING/h_raw_dump_all.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..50430a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_raw_dump_all.f
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+       SUBROUTINE  h_raw_dump_all(ABORT,err)
+*-   Purpose and Methods : Dump all raw HMS banks
+*-      Required Input BANKS     HMS_RAW_SCIN,HMS_RAW_CAL,HMS_RAW_DC
+*-   Output: ABORT           - success or failure
+*-         : err             - reason for failure, if any
+*-   Created 5-APR-1994   D. F. Geesaman
+* $Log: h_raw_dump_all.f,v $
+* Revision 1.2  1995/05/22 19:39:25  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.1  1994/04/13  15:44:15  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+       SAVE
+       character*50 here
+       parameter (here= 'h_raw_dump_all')
+       logical ABORT
+       character*(*) err
+       include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+       include 'hms_scin_parms.cmn'
+       include 'hms_tracking.cmn'
+       include 'hms_calorimeter.cmn'
+       ABORT = .FALSE.
+       err = ' '
+*  Dump raw bank if hdebugprintscinraw is set
+        if( hdebugprintscinraw .ne. 0) then
+          call h_prt_raw_scin(ABORT,err)
+        endif
+        if( call h_prt_cal_raw
+*       call h_prt_raw_cer
+*      Dump raw bank if debug flag set
+       if( then
+          call h_print_raw_dc(ABORT,err)
+       endif
+       RETURN
+       END
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_reconstruction.f b/HTRACKING/h_reconstruction.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e0187b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_reconstruction.f
@@ -0,0 +1,317 @@
+       SUBROUTINE H_reconstruction(ABORT,err)
+*-       Prototype C analysis routine
+*-   Purpose and Methods : reconstruction of HMS quantities 
+*-   Output: ABORT              - success or failure
+*-         : err             - reason for failure, if any
+*-   Created  8-Nov-1993   Kevin B. Beard, HU
+*-   Modified 20-Nov-1993   KBB for new errors
+* $Log: h_reconstruction.f,v $
+* Revision  2007/11/02 19:52:52  cdaq
+* Implementation of simple "constant drift velocity" type model. (ejb)
+* Revision  2007/11/01 19:14:51  cdaq
+* added wire--HMS track distance to FPP Ntuple
+* Revision  2007/10/22 18:14:53  cdaq
+* commented out print statement
+* Revision  2007/10/17 19:38:50  cdaq
+* FPP fixes
+* Revision  2007/09/12 14:40:03  brash
+* *** empty log message ***
+* Revision  2007/08/22 19:09:30  frw
+* added FPP
+* Revision 1.20  2004/04/26 19:53:33  frw
+* inserted calls for FPP
+* Revision 1.13  2002/12/20 21:53:33  jones
+* Modified by Hamlet for new HMS aerogel
+* Revision 1.13  2002/09/30
+* (Hamlet) Add call HMS Aerogel (Took cp from Vardan)
+* Revision 1.12  1996/08/30 20:33:42  saw
+* (DVW?) Add hbypass_track_eff
+* Revision 1.11  1995/10/10 17:33:45  cdaq
+* (JRA) Don't make an error just because no track is found
+* Revision 1.10  1995/08/31 14:46:06  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add call to h_trans_cer
+* Revision 1.9  1995/05/22  19:39:25  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.8  1995/05/11  19:05:48  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add call to h_trans_misc
+* Revision 1.7  1995/02/02  13:06:13  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add call to h_select_best_track
+* Revision 1.6  1994/06/06  16:49:49  cdaq
+* (DFG) add h_recon_num and bypass switches
+* Revision 1.5  1994/05/12  21:18:13  cdaq
+* (DFG) Put h_prt_track_tests here. Remove from h_tof
+* Revision 1.4  1994/04/13  16:06:00  cdaq
+* (DFG) Add consolidated call to h_raw_dump_all
+*       Commented out returns after ABORT's
+* Revision 1.3  1994/02/22  15:51:33  cdaq
+* (DFG) Replace with real version
+* (SAW) Move to TRACKING directory
+* Revision 1.2  1994/02/04  20:49:31  cdaq
+* Print out some raw hit data
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/04  20:47:59  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+*- All standards are from "Proposal for Hall C Analysis Software
+*- Vade Mecum, Draft 1.0" by D.F.Geesamn and S.Wood, 7 May 1993
+      SAVE
+      character*16 here
+      parameter (here= 'H_reconstruction')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_constants.par'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_units.par'
+      include 'hms_scin_parms.cmn'
+      include 'hms_bypass_switches.cmn'
+      include 'hms_statistics.cmn'
+*     Local variables
+      integer*4 istat
+ccc      ABORT= .TRUE.
+ccc      err= ':no events analyzed!'
+* increment reconstructed number
+c      h_recon_num= h_recon_num + 1
+*     dump
+      call h_raw_dump_all(ABORT,err)
+      if(ABORT) then
+         call g_add_path(here,err)
+         return
+      endif                             ! end test on h_raw_dump_all ABORT
+      If(hbypass_trans_scin.eq.0) then
+         call H_TRANS_SCIN(ABORT,err)
+         if(ABORT)  then
+            call G_add_path(here,err)
+*     return
+         endif                          ! end test on SCIN ABORT
+      endif                             ! end test on hbypass_trans_scin
+      If(hbypass_trans_scin.eq.0) then
+         call H_TRANS_MISC(ABORT,err)
+         if(ABORT)  then
+            call G_add_path(here,err)
+*     return
+         endif                          ! end test on SCIN ABORT
+      endif                             ! end test on hbypass_trans_scin
+      If(hbypass_trans_cer.eq.0) then
+         call H_TRANS_CER(ABORT,err)
+         if(ABORT)  then
+            call G_add_path(here,err)
+*     return
+         endif                          ! end test on CER ABORT
+      endif                             ! end test on hbypass_trans_cer
+*     HMS_RAW_FPP ====> HMS_FPP_event
+      If(hbypass_trans_fpp.eq.0.or.hbypass_trans_fpp.eq.4) then
+         call h_trans_fpp(ABORT,err)
+         if(ABORT)  then
+            call G_add_path(here,err)
+*            return
+         endif                          ! end test on FPP ABORT
+      endif
+*     Next Aerogel Cerenkov information
+       if(hbypass_haero.eq.0) then
+         call H_AERO(ABORT,err)
+         if(ABORT) then
+            call G_add_path(here,err)
+*            return
+         endif                                  ! end test of H_AERO ABORT
+       endif                                    ! end test on hbypass_aero
+      if(hbypass_trans_cal.eq.0) then
+         call H_TRANS_CAL(ABORT,err)
+         if(ABORT)   then
+            call G_add_path(here,err)
+*     return
+         endif                          ! end test on CAL ABORT
+      endif                             ! end test on hbypass_trans_cal
+      if(hbypass_trans_dc.eq.0) then
+         call H_TRANS_DC(ABORT,err)
+         if(ABORT) then
+            call G_add_path(here,err)
+            return
+         endif                          ! end test on H_TRANS_DC ABORT
+      endif                             ! end test on hbypass_trans_dc
+      if(hbypass_track.eq.0) then
+         call H_TRACK(ABORT,err)
+         if(ABORT)  then
+            call G_add_path(here,err)
+            return
+         endif                          ! end test on H_TRACK ABORT
+         if(hbypass_track_eff.eq.0) then
+            call h_track_tests
+         endif                  ! end test on hbypass_trackeff
+      endif                     ! end test on hbypass_track
+*     only proceed if the number of tracks is greater than one
+      if(HNTRACKS_FP .lt. 1) then
+c         don't want error message every time a track is not found.
+c         ABORT=.FALSE.
+c         err=":no tracks found!"
+      else
+c         print *,' HMS track found!'
+*        Proceed if one or more track has been found
+*        Project tracks back to target
+*        HMS_FOCAL_PLANE  ====>  HMS_TARGET
+         if(hbypass_targ_trans.eq. 0) then
+            call H_TARG_TRANS(ABORT,err,istat)
+            if(ABORT) then
+               call G_add_path(here,err)
+               return
+            endif                       ! end test on H_TARG_TRANS ABORT
+         endif                          ! end test on hbypass_target_trans
+*        Now begin to process particle identification information
+*        First scintillator and time of flight
+         if(hbypass_tof.eq.0) then
+            call H_TOF(ABORT,err)
+            if(ABORT) then
+               call G_add_path(here,err)
+               return
+            endif                       ! end test of H_TOF ABORT
+         endif                          ! end test on hbypass_tof
+*        Next Calorimeter information
+         if(hbypass_cal.eq.0) then
+            call H_CAL(ABORT,err)
+            if(ABORT) then
+               call G_add_path(here,err)
+*           return
+            endif                       ! end test of H_CAL ABORT
+         endif                          ! end test on hbypass_cal
+*        Next Cerenkov information
+         if(hbypass_cer.eq.0) then
+            call H_CER(ABORT,err)
+            if(ABORT) then
+               call G_add_path(here,err)
+*         return
+            endif                       ! end test of H_CER ABORT
+         endif                          ! end test on hbypass_cer
+*        Dump HMS_TRACK_TESTS if hdebugprinttracktests is set
+         if( hdebugprinttracktests .ne. 0 ) then
+            call h_prt_track_tests
+         endif
+*        Combine results in HMS physics analysis
+         if(hbypass_track.eq.0) then
+           call h_select_best_track(abort,err)
+           if(ABORT) then
+             call G_add_path(here,err)
+             return
+           endif
+         endif
+         if(hbypass_physics.eq.0) then
+            call h_physics(abort,err)
+            if(ABORT) then
+               call G_add_path(here,err)
+               return
+            endif                       ! end test of H_PHYSICS ABORT
+         endif                          ! end test on hbypass_physics
+*        process FPP information
+         if(hbypass_trans_fpp.eq.2) then !option to use HMS tracks to fill FPP variables
+            call h_trans_fpp_hms(ABORT,err)
+            if(ABORT)  then
+               call G_add_path(here,err)
+*               return
+            endif                          ! end test on FPP ABORT
+         endif                             ! end test on hbypass_trans_fpp
+         if(hbypass_fpp.eq.0) then
+            call h_fpp(ABORT,err)
+            if(ABORT) then
+               call G_add_path(here,err)
+*               return
+            endif                       ! end test of h_fpp ABORT
+         endif                          ! end test on hbypass_fpp
+      endif                             ! end test no tracks found       
+*     * fill FPP histogramms even if no HMS track
+      if(hbypass_fpp.eq.0) then
+         call h_fill_fpp(ABORT,err)
+         if (ABORT) then
+           call g_add_path(here,err)
+           return
+         endif
+      endif ! end test on hbypass_fpp
+*     Successful return
+      ABORT=.FALSE.
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_register_param.f b/HTRACKING/h_register_param.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e6bf298
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_register_param.f
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+       SUBROUTINE h_register_param(ABORT,err)
+*-   Purpose and Methods : Initializes HMS quantities 
+*-   Output: ABORT           - success or failure
+*-         : err             - reason for failure, if any
+*-   Created  8-Nov-1993   Kevin B. Beard
+*-   Modified 20-Nov-1993  KBB for new errors
+*-            14 Feb-1994  DFG Put in real variables
+*- All standards are from "Proposal for Hall C Analysis Software
+*- Vade Mecum, Draft 1.0" by D.F.Geesamn and S.Wood, 7 May 1993
+* $Log: h_register_param.f,v $
+* Revision  2007/08/22 19:09:30  frw
+* added FPP
+* Revision 1.12  2006/06/22 frw
+* added FPP structures
+* Revision 1.11  2002/12/20 21:53:34  jones
+* Modified by Hamlet for new HMS aerogel
+* Revision 1.10  1995/08/31 14:45:31  cdaq
+* (JRA) Register Cerenkov variables
+* Revision 1.9  1995/05/17  13:57:20  cdaq
+* (JRA) Register pedestal variables
+* Revision 1.8  1994/08/18  03:52:45  cdaq
+* (SAW) Call makereg generated routines to register variables
+* Revision 1.7  1994/06/17  17:46:36  cdaq
+* (KBB) Upgrade error reporting
+* Revision 1.6  1994/06/06  17:13:37  cdaq
+* (DFG) add call to register bypass switches and statistics
+* Revision 1.5  1994/03/24  19:41:33  cdaq
+* (DFG) Move actual registereing of variables to subroutines
+* Revision 1.4  1994/02/23  15:39:02  cdaq
+* (SAW) ABORT now when ierr.NE.0
+* Revision 1.3  1994/02/22  20:39:21  cdaq
+* (SAW) Fix booboo
+* Revision 1.2  1994/02/22  18:52:06  cdaq
+* (SAW) Move regpar declarations to gen_routines.dec.  Make title arg null.
+      SAVE
+      character*16 here
+      parameter (here= 'H_register_param')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      logical FAIL
+      character*1000 why
+      err= ' '
+      ABORT = .false.
+*     register tracking variables
+      call r_hms_tracking
+      call r_hms_geometry
+      call r_hms_track_histid
+      call r_hms_recon_elements
+      call r_hms_physics_sing
+*     register cal, tof and cer variables
+      call r_hms_scin_parms
+      call r_hms_scin_tof
+      call r_hms_cer_parms
+      call r_hms_calorimeter
+      call r_hms_id_histid
+      call r_hms_aero_parms
+*     register FPP variables
+      call r_hms_fpp_params
+*     register bypass switches
+      call r_hms_bypass_switches
+*     register hms statistics
+      call r_hms_statistics
+      call r_hms_pedestals
+      IF(ABORT .or. err.NE.' ') call G_add_path(here,err)
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_report_bad_data.f b/HTRACKING/h_report_bad_data.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a64435
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_report_bad_data.f
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+*   Purpose and Methods: Output warnings for possible hardware problems
+*          in file 'bad<runnum>.txt' (unit=lunout)
+*	NOTE: Nothing should be written to the file unless there is a warning
+*             to be reported.  (i.e. check for error messages before writing
+*             headers.
+*  Required Input BANKS: 
+*                Output: ABORT           - success or failure
+*                      : err             - reason for failure, if any
+* author: John Arrington
+* created: 8/17/95
+* $Log: h_report_bad_data.f,v $
+* Revision 1.3  1996/08/30 20:34:49  saw
+* (JRA) Don't report difference between input pedestals and pedestals from
+*       pedestal events
+* Revision 1.2  1996/01/16 21:56:20  cdaq
+* (JRA) Warn when pedestals change too much
+* Revision 1.1  1995/08/31 14:44:52  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      character*17 here
+      parameter (here= 'H_REPORT_BAD_DATA')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) errmsg
+      include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'hms_calorimeter.cmn'
+      include 'hms_pedestals.cmn'
+      include 'hms_cer_parms.cmn'
+      integer*4 lunout
+      integer*4 ind
+      integer*4 icol,irow
+      character*4 pln(hnum_scin_planes)
+      character*2 cnt(hnum_scin_elements)
+      character*1 sgn(2)
+      character*2 col(hmax_cal_columns)
+      character*2 row(hmax_cal_rows)
+      character*5 mir(hcer_num_mirrors)
+      save
+      data pln/'hS1X','hS1Y','hS2X','hS2Y'/
+      data cnt/'01','02','03','04','05','06','07','08',
+     &      '09','10','11','12','13','14','15','16'/
+      data sgn/'+','-'/
+      data col/'hA','hB','hC','hD'/
+      data row/'01','02','03','04','05','06','07',
+     &         '08','09','10','11','12','13'/
+      data mir/'hcer1','hcer2'/
+! Remove reporting of difference between pedestals and input pedestals
+! from parameter files now that we always use the pedestal events.
+* report channels where the pedestal analysis differs from the param file.
+!      if ((hhodo_num_ped_changes+hcal_num_ped_changes+hcer_num_ped_changes)
+!     &     .gt. 0) then
+!        write(lunout,*) '  HMS detectors with large (>2sigma) pedestal changes'
+!        write(lunout,*)
+!        write(lunout,*) ' Signal  Pedestal change(new-old)'
+!        if ( then
+!          do ind=1,hhodo_num_ped_changes
+!            write(lunout,'(2x,a4,a2,a1,f9.1)')
+!     $           pln(hhodo_changed_plane(ind))
+!     $           ,cnt(hhodo_changed_element(ind))
+!     $           ,sgn(hhodo_changed_sign(ind)),hhodo_ped_change(ind)
+!          enddo
+!        endif
+!        if ( then
+!          do ind=1,hcal_num_ped_changes
+!            icol=(hcal_changed_block(ind)-0.5)/hmax_cal_rows + 1
+!            irow=hcal_changed_block(ind)-hmax_cal_rows*(icol-1)
+!            write(lunout,'(4x,a2,a2,f9.1)') col(icol),row(irow),
+!     &           hcal_ped_change(ind)
+!          enddo
+!        endif
+!        if ( then
+!          do ind=1,hcer_num_ped_changes
+!            write(lunout,'(3x,a4,f9.1)') mir(hcer_changed_tube(ind)),
+!     &           hcer_ped_change(ind)
+!          enddo
+!        endif
+!      endif              ! are there pedestal changes to report?
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_satcorr.f b/HTRACKING/h_satcorr.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b1cb0cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_satcorr.f
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+*-   Purpose and Methods : Correct delta or other reconstructed physics variables
+*-                         for magnet saturation effects
+*-                                to decoded information 
+*-      Required Input BANKS     HMS_FOCAL_PLANE
+*-                               HMS_TARGET
+*-      Output BANKS             HMS_PHYSICS_R4
+*-                               HMS_PHYSICS_I4
+*-   Output: ABORT           - success or failure
+*-         : err             - reason for failure, if any
+*-   Created 24-JUN-1998   J. Volmer
+*-                           Dummy Shell routine
+* $Log: h_satcorr.f,v $
+* Revision 1.2  2003/12/19 19:53:15  jones
+* Add fit to 2003 data by T. Horn which should be applicable to data the
+* using field00.f or later to set magnets.
+* Change meaning of parameter enable_hms_satcorr.
+* enable_hms_satcorr = 2000 means use T.Horn parametrization
+* enable_hms_satcorr = 1999 means use old parametrization
+* Revision 1.1  1999/02/10 18:34:42  csa
+* Initial revision
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/19  06:16:08  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      SAVE
+      character*9 here
+      parameter (here= 'H_SATCORR')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      integer ierr
+      include 'gen_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_constants.par'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_units.par'
+*     local variables 
+      REAL*4 p0corr
+      ierr=0
+      ABORT=.FALSE.
+      p0corr=0.
+      if(genable_hms_satcorr.eq. 1999) then
+         if ( p0corr=-1.1298*(hpcentral-3.215)**2
+         hsdelta = hsdelta + p0corr*hsxp_fp
+      else if(genable_hms_satcorr .eq. 2000) then
+         p0corr = 0.82825*hpcentral-1.223      
+         hsdelta = hsdelta + p0corr*hsxp_fp
+      endif
+*      hsdelta = hsdelta + 0.
+      ABORT= .or. ABORT
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_scin_eff.f b/HTRACKING/h_scin_eff.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b688ab8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_scin_eff.f
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+*-   Purpose and Methods : Analyze scintillator information for each track 
+*-      Required Input BANKS     HMS_SCIN_TOF
+*-                               GEN_DATA_STRUCTURES
+*-   Output: ABORT           - success or failure
+*-         : err             - reason for failure, if any
+* author: John Arrington
+* created: 2/13/95
+* h_scin_eff calculates efficiencies for the hodoscope.
+* $Log: h_scin_eff.f,v $
+* Revision 1.8  2003/09/05 21:08:34  jones
+* Merge in online03 changes plus changes from E. Christy and E. Segbefia to
+* account for multiple scattering introduced by the aerogel (mkj)
+* Revision  2003/04/03 14:02:13  cdaq
+* Remove extra enddo (JRA)
+* Revision  2003/04/02 22:26:55  cdaq
+* added some extra scint. effic calculations (from oct 1999 online) - JRA
+* Revision 1.7  2002/10/02 13:42:43  saw
+* Check that user hists are defined before filling
+* Revision 1.6  1996/01/16 21:56:40  cdaq
+* (JRA) Fix typos
+* Revision 1.5  1995/08/31 14:44:42  cdaq
+* (JRA) Fill dpos (pos. track - pos. hit) histograms
+* Revision 1.4  1995/07/19  19:03:27  cdaq
+* (SAW) Put nint around some things for Ultrix compat.  Put h in front of
+*       various *good variables.
+* Revision 1.3  1995/05/22  19:39:26  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.2  1995/05/11  20:27:21  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add position calibration variables
+* Revision 1.1  1995/02/23  13:31:41  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      character*50 here
+      parameter (here= 'H_SCIN_EFF')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) errmsg
+      INCLUDE 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_constants.par'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_units.par'
+      include 'hms_scin_parms.cmn'
+      include 'hms_scin_tof.cmn'
+      include 'hms_statistics.cmn'
+      include 'hms_id_histid.cmn'
+      include 'hms_calorimeter.cmn'         
+      integer pln,cnt,pln2
+      integer hit_cnt(hnum_scin_planes)
+      integer nhit,hitplane(hnum_scin_planes),check_hit(hnum_scin_planes)
+      real dist, histval
+      real hit_pos(hnum_scin_planes),hit_dist(hnum_scin_planes)
+      logical lookat(hnum_scin_planes)
+      real xatback,yatback
+      logical good_tdc_oneside(hnum_scin_planes)
+      logical good_tdc_bothsides(hnum_scin_planes)
+      logical otherthreehit
+      save
+* find counters on track, and distance from center.
+      do pln=1,hnum_scin_planes
+        lookat(pln) = .false.
+        check_hit(pln) = 2
+      enddo
+      if (hschi2perdeg.le.hstat_maxchisq) hstat_numevents=hstat_numevents+1
+      hit_pos(1)=hsx_fp + hsxp_fp*(hscin_1x_zpos+0.5*hscin_1x_dzpos)
+      hit_cnt(1)=nint((hit_pos(1)-hhodo_center(1,1))/hscin_1x_spacing)+1
+      hit_cnt(1)=max(min(hit_cnt(1),nint(hnum_scin_counters(1))),1)
+      hit_dist(1)=hit_pos(1)-(hscin_1x_spacing*(hit_cnt(1)-1)+hhodo_center(1,1))
+      hit_pos(2)=hsy_fp + hsyp_fp*(hscin_1y_zpos+0.5*hscin_1y_dzpos)
+      hit_cnt(2)=nint((hhodo_center(2,1)-hit_pos(2))/hscin_1y_spacing)+1
+      hit_cnt(2)=max(min(hit_cnt(2),nint(hnum_scin_counters(2))),1)
+      hit_dist(2)=hit_pos(2)-(hhodo_center(2,1)-hscin_1y_spacing*(hit_cnt(2)-1))
+      hit_pos(3)=hsx_fp + hsxp_fp*(hscin_2x_zpos+0.5*hscin_2x_dzpos)
+      hit_cnt(3)=nint((hit_pos(3)-hhodo_center(3,1))/hscin_2x_spacing)+1
+      hit_cnt(3)=max(min(hit_cnt(3),nint(hnum_scin_counters(3))),1)
+      hit_dist(3)=hit_pos(3)-(hscin_2x_spacing*(hit_cnt(3)-1)+hhodo_center(3,1))
+      hit_pos(4)=hsy_fp + hsyp_fp*(hscin_2y_zpos+0.5*hscin_2y_dzpos)
+      hit_cnt(4)=nint((hhodo_center(4,1)-hit_pos(4))/hscin_2y_spacing)+1
+      hit_cnt(4)=max(min(hit_cnt(4),nint(hnum_scin_counters(4))),1)
+      hit_dist(4)=hit_pos(4)-(hhodo_center(4,1)-hscin_2y_spacing*(hit_cnt(4)-1))
+      do pln=1,hnum_scin_planes
+        good_tdc_oneside(pln) = .false.
+        good_tdc_bothsides(pln) = .false.
+      enddo
+*   Fill dpos (pos. track - pos. hit) histograms
+      do nhit=1,hscin_tot_hits
+        pln=hscin_plane_num(nhit)
+        cnt=hscin_counter_num(nhit)
+        histval = hhodo_center(pln,hscin_counter_num(nhit))-hit_pos(pln)
+        if(hidscindpos(pln).gt.0) call hf1(hidscindpos(pln),histval,1.)
+        if(cnt.EQ.hit_cnt(pln)) check_hit(pln) = 0
+        if(abs(cnt-hit_cnt(pln)).EQ.1.AND.check_hit(pln).NE.0)
+     &    check_hit(pln) = 1        
+      enddo
+*   Record position differences between track and center of scin. and
+*   increment 'should have hit' counters
+      do pln=1,hnum_scin_planes
+        cnt=hit_cnt(pln)
+        dist=hit_dist(pln)
+        if(abs(dist).le.hstat_slop .and.    !hit in middle of scin.
+     &    hschi2perdeg.le.hstat_maxchisq.and.(hsshtrk.GE.0.05)) then
+          hstat_trk(pln,cnt)=hstat_trk(pln,cnt)+1
+          lookat(pln) = .true.
+        endif
+        hitplane(pln) = 0
+      enddo
+      do nhit=1,hscin_tot_hits
+        cnt=hscin_counter_num(nhit)
+        pln=hscin_plane_num(nhit)
+*  Record the hits as a "didhit" if track is near center of scintillator, 
+*  the chisquared of the track is good, and it is the 1st "didhit" in that 
+*  plane. 
+cc        write(6,*)lookat(pln),hscin_tot_hits,nhit,pln,cnt,hit_cnt(pln),
+cc     &            hitplane(pln),abs(cnt-hit_cnt(pln))
+        if(abs(hit_dist(pln)).le.hstat_slop.and.(abs(cnt-hit_cnt(pln))
+     &     .LE.check_hit(pln)).and.(hsshtrk.GE.0.05).
+     &     and.hitplane(pln).EQ.0.and.hschi2perdeg.le.hstat_maxchisq) then
+          hitplane(pln) = hitplane(pln) + 1
+          if (hgood_tdc_pos(hsnum_fptrack,nhit)) then
+            if (hgood_tdc_neg(hsnum_fptrack,nhit)) then    !both fired
+              hstat_poshit(pln,hit_cnt(pln))=hstat_poshit(pln,hit_cnt(pln))+1
+              hstat_neghit(pln,hit_cnt(pln))=hstat_neghit(pln,hit_cnt(pln))+1
+              hstat_andhit(pln,hit_cnt(pln))=hstat_andhit(pln,hit_cnt(pln))+1
+              hstat_orhit(pln,hit_cnt(pln))=hstat_orhit(pln,hit_cnt(pln))+1
+            else                            !pos fired
+              hstat_poshit(pln,hit_cnt(pln))=hstat_poshit(pln,hit_cnt(pln))+1
+              hstat_orhit(pln,hit_cnt(pln))=hstat_orhit(pln,hit_cnt(pln))+1
+            endif
+          else   !no pos tdc
+            if (hgood_tdc_neg(hsnum_fptrack,nhit)) then    !neg fired
+              hstat_neghit(pln,hit_cnt(pln))=hstat_neghit(pln,hit_cnt(pln))+1
+              hstat_orhit(pln,hit_cnt(pln))=hstat_orhit(pln,hit_cnt(pln))+1
+            endif       !if neg tdc fired.
+          endif       !if pos tdc fired.
+        endif       !if hit was on good track.
+*   Increment pos/neg/both fired.  Track indepenant, so no chisquared cut (but
+*   note that only scintillators on the track are examined.
+        if (hgood_tdc_pos(hsnum_fptrack,nhit)) then
+          if (hgood_tdc_neg(hsnum_fptrack,nhit)) then    !both fired
+            hbothgood(pln,cnt)=hbothgood(pln,cnt)+1
+          else                            !pos fired
+            hposgood(pln,cnt)=hposgood(pln,cnt)+1
+          endif
+        else
+          if (hgood_tdc_neg(hsnum_fptrack,nhit)) then    !neg fired
+            hneggood(pln,cnt)=hneggood(pln,cnt)+1
+          endif
+        endif
+*  Determine if one or both PMTs had a good tdc.
+        if (hgood_tdc_pos(hsnum_fptrack,nhit) .and. 
+     &      hgood_tdc_neg(hsnum_fptrack,nhit) ) good_tdc_bothsides(pln)=.true.
+        if (hgood_tdc_pos(hsnum_fptrack,nhit) .or. 
+     &      hgood_tdc_neg(hsnum_fptrack,nhit) ) good_tdc_oneside(pln)=.true.
+      enddo                 !loop over hsnum_pmt_hit
+*  For each plane, see of other 3 fired.  This means that they were enough
+*  to form a 3/4 trigger, and so the fraction of times this plane fired is
+*  the plane trigger efficiency.  NOTE: we only require a TDC hit, not a
+*  TDC hit within the SCIN 3/4 trigger window, so high rates will make
+*  this seem better than it is.  Also, make sure we're not near the edge
+*  of the hodoscope (at the last plane), using the same hhodo_slop param. as for h_tof.f
+*  NOTE ALSO: to make this check simpler, we are assuming that all planes
+*  have identical active areas.  y_scin = y_cent + y_offset, so shift track
+*  position by offset for comparing to edges.
+      xatback = hsx_fp+hsxp_fp*hscin_2y_zpos - hscin_2x_offset
+      yatback = hsy_fp+hsyp_fp*hscin_2y_zpos - hscin_2y_offset
+      if (  -2.*hhodo_slop(3))  .and.
+     &  +2.*hhodo_slop(3))  .and.
+     & -2.*hhodo_slop(3))  .and.
+     &*hhodo_slop(3))) then
+        do pln = 1,hnum_scin_planes
+          otherthreehit = .true.
+          do pln2 = 1,hnum_scin_planes	!see of one of the others missed or pln2=pln
+	    if (.not.(good_tdc_bothsides(pln2) .or. pln2.eq.pln)) then
+	      otherthreehit = .false.
+	    endif
+	  enddo
+	  if (otherthreehit) then
+	    htrig_hodoshouldflag(pln) = .true.
+	    if (good_tdc_bothsides(pln)) then
+              htrig_hododidflag(pln) = .true.
+	    else
+              htrig_hododidflag(pln) = .false.
+	    endif
+          else
+	    htrig_hodoshouldflag(pln) = .false.
+	    htrig_hododidflag(pln) = .false.
+	  endif
+	enddo
+      else		!outside of fiducial region
+        do pln=1,hnum_scin_planes
+          htrig_hodoshouldflag(pln) = .false.
+          htrig_hododidflag(pln) = .false.
+        enddo
+      endif
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_scin_eff_shutdown.f b/HTRACKING/h_scin_eff_shutdown.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c4efb24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_scin_eff_shutdown.f
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+*-   Purpose and Methods : Analyze scintillator information for each track 
+*-      Required Input BANKS     HMS_SCIN_TOF
+*-                               GEN_DATA_STRUCTURES
+*-   Output: ABORT           - success or failure
+*-         : err             - reason for failure, if any
+* author: John Arrington
+* created: 2/15/95
+* h_scin_eff calculates efficiencies for the hodoscope.
+* h_scin_eff_shutdown does some final manipulation of the numbers.
+* $Log: h_scin_eff_shutdown.f,v $
+* Revision 1.9  1999/02/23 18:40:48  csa
+* (JRA) Remove hdebugcalcpeds stuff
+* Revision 1.8  1996/08/30 20:35:14  saw
+* (JRA) Cosmetic
+* Revision 1.7  1996/01/16 21:57:27  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add debug control flag around write statements
+* Revision 1.6  1995/08/30 18:14:15  cdaq
+* (JRA) Dump bad counter infomation
+* Revision 1.5  1995/07/19  19:04:02  cdaq
+* (SAW) Move data statement for f2c compatibility
+* Revision 1.4  1995/05/22  19:39:26  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.3  1995/05/17  13:58:29  cdaq
+* (JRA) Write out list of potential PMT problems
+* Revision 1.2  1995/05/11  20:27:13  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add position calibration variables
+* Revision 1.1  1995/02/23  13:31:36  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      character*19 here
+      parameter (here= 'H_SCIN_EFF_SHUTDOWN')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) errmsg
+      INCLUDE 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_constants.par'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_units.par'
+      include 'hms_scin_parms.cmn'
+      include 'hms_scin_tof.cmn'
+      include 'hms_statistics.cmn'
+      include 'hms_tracking.cmn'
+      logical written_header
+      integer pln,cnt
+      integer lunout
+      real*4 num_real,nhits_real
+      real*4 p1,p2,p3,p4         !prob. of having both tubes fire for planes1-4
+      real*4 p1234,p123,p124,p134,p234 !prob. of having combos fire
+      character*4 planename(HNUM_SCIN_PLANES)
+      data planename/'hS1X','hS1Y','hS2X','hS2Y'/
+      save
+      written_header = .false.
+! fill sums over counters
+      do pln=1,hnum_scin_planes
+        hstat_trksum(pln)=0
+        hstat_possum(pln)=0
+        hstat_negsum(pln)=0
+        hstat_andsum(pln)=0
+        hstat_orsum(pln)=0
+        do cnt=1,hnum_scin_counters(pln)
+          num_real=float(max(1,hscin_zero_num(pln,cnt)))
+          hscin_zero_pave(pln,cnt)=float(hscin_zero_pos(pln,cnt))/num_real
+          hscin_zero_nave(pln,cnt)=float(hscin_zero_neg(pln,cnt))/num_real
+          hstat_trksum(pln)=hstat_trksum(pln)+hstat_trk(pln,cnt)
+          hstat_possum(pln)=hstat_possum(pln)+hstat_poshit(pln,cnt)
+          hstat_negsum(pln)=hstat_negsum(pln)+hstat_neghit(pln,cnt)
+          hstat_andsum(pln)=hstat_andsum(pln)+hstat_andhit(pln,cnt)
+          hstat_orsum(pln)=hstat_orsum(pln)+hstat_orhit(pln,cnt)
+* write out list of possible problms
+          nhits_real = max(1.,float(hstat_trk(pln,cnt)))
+          hstat_peff(pln,cnt)=float(hstat_poshit(pln,cnt))/nhits_real
+          hstat_neff(pln,cnt)=float(hstat_neghit(pln,cnt))/nhits_real
+          hstat_oeff(pln,cnt)=float(hstat_orhit(pln,cnt))/nhits_real
+          hstat_aeff(pln,cnt)=float(hstat_andhit(pln,cnt))/nhits_real
+          if (nhits_real .gt. 100.) then   !dump bad counter information
+            if (hstat_peff(pln,cnt).le.hstat_mineff) then
+            if (.not.written_header) then
+                write(lunout,*)
+                write(lunout,'(a,f6.3)') ' HMS scintillators with tracking based effic. < '
+     $               ,hstat_mineff
+                written_header = .true.
+              endif
+              write(lunout,'(5x,a4,i2,a,f7.4)') planename(pln),cnt,'+',hstat_peff(pln,cnt)
+            endif
+            if (hstat_neff(pln,cnt).le.hstat_mineff) then
+              if (.not.written_header) then
+                write(lunout,*)
+                write(lunout,'(a,f6.3)') ' HMS scintilators with effic. < '
+     $               ,hstat_mineff
+                written_header = .true.
+              endif
+              write(lunout,'(5x,a4,i2,a,f7.4)') planename(pln),cnt,'-',hstat_neff(pln,cnt)
+            endif
+          endif
+        enddo
+        hstat_poseff(pln)=hstat_possum(pln)/max(1.,float(hstat_trksum(pln)))
+        hstat_negeff(pln)=hstat_negsum(pln)/max(1.,float(hstat_trksum(pln)))
+        hstat_andeff(pln)=hstat_andsum(pln)/max(1.,float(hstat_trksum(pln)))
+        hstat_oreff(pln)=hstat_orsum(pln)/max(1.,float(hstat_trksum(pln)))
+      enddo
+      write(lunout,*) ' '
+      p1=hstat_andeff(1)
+      p2=hstat_andeff(2)
+      p3=hstat_andeff(3)
+      p4=hstat_andeff(4)
+! probability that ONLY the listed planes had triggers
+      p1234= p1*p2*p3*p4
+      p123 = p1*p2*p3*(1.-p4)
+      p124 = p1*p2*(1.-p3)*p4
+      p134 = p1*(1.-p2)*p3*p4
+      p234 = (1.-p1)*p2*p3*p4
+      heff_s1 = 1. - ((1.-p1)*(1.-p2))
+      heff_s2 = 1. - ((1.-p3)*(1.-p4))
+      heff_stof=heff_s1 * heff_s2
+      heff_3_of_4=p1234+p123+p124+p134+p234
+      heff_4_of_4=p1234
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_select_best_track.f b/HTRACKING/h_select_best_track.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb74f77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_select_best_track.f
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+*-   Purpose and Methods : Select the best track through the HMS
+*-      Required Input BANKS
+*-      Output BANKS
+*-   Output: ABORT           - success or failure
+*-         : err             - reason for failure, if any
+*- $Log: h_select_best_track.f,v $
+*- Revision 1.6  2005/03/23 16:33:32  jones
+*- Add new code s_select_best_track_prune.f (P Bosted)
+*- Revision 1.5  2004/02/26 22:23:17  jones
+*- Add if statement to use subroutine h_select_best_track_using_scin.f
+*- when hsel_using_scin .eq. 1 . Otherwise picks the best track the old
+*- way.
+*- Revision 1.4  1995/07/19 19:12:22  cdaq
+*- (CC) Fix bug in best chisq finding
+* Revision 1.3  1995/05/22  19:39:27  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.2  1995/02/23  13:31:01  cdaq
+* (JRA) Adjust include file ordering
+* Revision 1.1  1995/01/31  21:33:54  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      SAVE
+      character*50 here
+      parameter (here= 'H_SELECT_BEST_TRACK')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_routines.dec'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_constants.par'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_units.par'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_physics_sing.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_calorimeter.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_scin_parms.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_scin_tof.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_tracking.cmn'
+*     local variables 
+      integer*4 goodtrack,track,trk,savegood
+      logical first
+      real*4 chi2perdeg,chi2min
+      integer*4 i,j
+      data first /.true./
+      ABORT= .FALSE.
+      err= ' '
+*     Need to test to chose the best track
+      HSNUM_FPTRACK = 0
+      if ( hsel_using_prune.eq. 1) then
+         if (first) write(*,*) ' HMS track selection using Pruning'
+         first = .false.
+         return
+      endif
+      if ( hsel_using_scin .eq. 1) then
+         if (first) write(*,*) ' HMS track selection using scintillators'
+         first = .false.
+      else
+      if( HNTRACKS_FP.GT. 0) then
+         if (first) write(*,*) ' HMS track selection using chi-squared'
+         first = .false.
+        chi2min= 1e10
+        goodtrack = 0
+        do track = 1, HNTRACKS_FP
+          if( HNFREE_FP(track).ge. hsel_ndegreesmin) then
+            chi2perdeg = HCHI2_FP(track)/FLOAT(HNFREE_FP(track))
+            if(chi2perdeg .lt. chi2min) then
+*     simple particle id tests
+              if(  ( HDEDX(track,1) .gt. hsel_dedx1min)  .and.
+     &             ( HDEDX(track,1) .lt. hsel_dedx1max)  .and.
+     &             ( HBETA(track)   .gt. hsel_betamin)   .and.
+     &             ( HBETA(track)   .lt. hsel_betamax)   .and.
+     &             ( HTRACK_ET(track) .gt. hsel_etmin)   .and.
+     &             ( HTRACK_ET(track) .lt. hsel_etmax)) then
+                goodtrack = track
+                chi2min = chi2perdeg
+              endif                     ! end test on track id
+            endif                       ! end test on lower chisq
+          endif                         ! end test on minimum number of degrees of freedom
+        enddo                           ! end loop on track
+        HSNUM_TARTRACK = goodtrack
+        HSNUM_FPTRACK  = goodtrack
+        if(goodtrack.eq.0) return       ! return if no valid tracks
+      endif
+      endif
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_select_best_track_prune.f b/HTRACKING/h_select_best_track_prune.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06d58b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_select_best_track_prune.f
@@ -0,0 +1,309 @@
+*-   Purpose and Methods : Select the best track through the HMS
+*-      Required Input BANKS
+*-      Output BANKS
+*-   Output: ABORT           - success or failure
+*-         : err             - reason for failure, if any
+*- $Log: h_select_best_track_prune.f,v $
+*- Revision  2007/09/10 20:28:01  pcarter
+*- Implemented changes to allow compilation on RHEL 3,4,5 and MacOSX
+*- Revision 1.1  2005/03/23 16:33:32  jones
+*- Add new code s_select_best_track_prune.f (P Bosted)
+* Revision 1.1  2005/03/08 bosted
+* Initial revision
+      SAVE
+      character*50 here
+      parameter (here= 'H_SELECT_BEST_TRACK_PRUNE')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_routines.dec'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_constants.par'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_units.par'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_physics_sing.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_calorimeter.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_scin_parms.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_scin_tof.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_tracking.cmn'
+*     local variables 
+      integer*4 goodtrack,track,ngood,reject(1000),trk
+      logical first,keep(1000)
+      real*4 chi2perdeg,chi2min,betap,p
+c      integer*4 i,j
+      data first /.true./
+      ABORT= .FALSE.
+      err= ' '
+*     Need to test to chose the best track
+      HSNUM_FPTRACK = 0
+      if (first) then
+        write(*,*) ' HMS track selection using pruning method'
+        first = .false.
+! Make sure limits are reasonable
+        hprune_xp    = max(0.08, hprune_xp)
+        hprune_yp    = max(0.04, hprune_yp)
+        hprune_ytar  = max(4.0,  hprune_ytar)
+        hprune_delta = max(13.0, hprune_delta)
+        hprune_beta  = max(0.1,  hprune_beta)
+        hprune_df    = max(1,  hprune_df)
+        hprune_chibeta= max(2.,  hprune_chibeta)
+        hprune_fptime= max(5.,  hprune_fptime)
+        hprune_npmt  = max(6,  hprune_npmt)  
+        write(*,'(1x,'' using following HMS limits''/
+     >    1x,''abs(xptar)<'',f6.3/
+     >    1x,''abs(yptar)<'',f6.3/
+     >    1x,''abs(ytar)<'',f6.3/
+     >    1x,''abs(delta)<'',f6.3/
+     >    1x,''abs(beta-betap)<'',f6.3/
+     >    1x,''ndegfreedom trk>='',i2/
+     >    1x,''beta chisq>'',f6.1/
+     >    1x,''num PMT hits >='',i3/
+     >    1x,''abs(fptime-hstart_time_center)<'',f6.1)') 
+     >    hprune_xp,hprune_yp,hprune_ytar,hprune_delta,
+     >    hprune_beta,hprune_df,hprune_chibeta,hprune_npmt,hprune_fptime
+      endif
+      if( HNTRACKS_FP.GT. 0) then
+        chi2min= 1e10
+        goodtrack = 0
+! Initialize all tracks to be good
+        do track = 1, HNTRACKS_FP
+          keep(track) = .true.
+          reject(track)=0
+        enddo
+! Prune on xptar
+        ngood=0
+        do track = 1, HNTRACKS_FP
+          if( abs(hxp_tar(track)) .lt. hprune_xp .and. keep(track)) then
+            ngood = ngood + 1
+          endif
+        enddo
+        if( then
+          do track = 1, HNTRACKS_FP
+            if( abs(hxp_tar(track)) .ge. hprune_xp) then
+              keep(track) = .false. 
+              reject(track) = reject(track) + 1
+            endif
+          enddo
+        endif
+! Prune on yptar
+        ngood=0
+        do track = 1, HNTRACKS_FP
+          if( abs(hyp_tar(track)) .lt. hprune_yp .and. keep(track)) then
+            ngood = ngood + 1
+          endif
+        enddo
+        if( then
+          do track = 1, HNTRACKS_FP
+            if( abs(hyp_tar(track)) .ge. hprune_yp) then
+              keep(track) = .false. 
+              reject(track) = reject(track) + 2
+            endif
+          enddo
+        endif
+! Prune on ytar
+        ngood=0
+        do track = 1, HNTRACKS_FP
+          if( abs(hy_tar(track)) .lt. hprune_ytar .and. keep(track)) then
+            ngood = ngood + 1
+          endif
+        enddo
+        if( then
+          do track = 1, HNTRACKS_FP
+            if( abs(hy_tar(track)) .ge. hprune_ytar) then
+              keep(track) = .false. 
+              reject(track) = reject(track) + 10
+            endif
+          enddo
+        endif
+! Prune on delta
+        ngood=0
+        do track = 1, HNTRACKS_FP
+          if( abs(hdelta_tar(track)) .lt. hprune_delta 
+     >       .and. keep(track)) then
+            ngood = ngood + 1
+          endif
+        enddo
+        if( then
+          do track = 1, HNTRACKS_FP
+            if(abs(hdelta_tar(track)) .ge. hprune_delta) then 
+              keep(track) = .false. 
+              reject(track) = reject(track) + 20
+            endif
+          enddo
+        endif
+! Prune on beta
+        ngood=0
+        do track = 1, HNTRACKS_FP
+          p = hp_tar(track)
+          betap = p/sqrt(p*p+hpartmass*hpartmass)
+          if( abs(hbeta(track)-betap) .lt. hprune_beta 
+     >       .and. keep(track)) then
+            ngood = ngood + 1
+          endif
+        enddo
+        if( then
+          do track = 1, HNTRACKS_FP
+            p = hp_tar(track)
+            betap = p/sqrt(p*p+hpartmass*hpartmass)
+            if(abs(hbeta(track)-betap) .ge. hprune_beta) then
+              keep(track) = .false. 
+              reject(track) = reject(track) + 100
+            endif
+          enddo
+        endif
+! Prune on deg. freedom for track chisq
+        ngood=0
+        do track = 1, HNTRACKS_FP
+          if(HNFREE_FP(track) .ge. hprune_df .and. keep(track)) then
+            ngood = ngood + 1
+          endif
+        enddo
+        if( then
+          do track = 1, HNTRACKS_FP
+            if(HNFREE_FP(track) .lt. hprune_df) then 
+              keep(track) = .false. 
+              reject(track) = reject(track) + 200
+            endif
+          enddo
+        endif
+! Prune on num pmt hits
+        ngood=0
+        do track = 1, HNTRACKS_FP
+          if(hnum_pmt_hit(track) .ge. hprune_npmt.and. keep(track)) then
+            ngood = ngood + 1
+          endif
+        enddo
+        if( then
+          do track = 1, HNTRACKS_FP
+            if(hnum_pmt_hit(track) .lt. hprune_npmt) then 
+              keep(track) = .false. 
+              reject(track) = reject(track) + 100000
+            endif
+          enddo
+        endif
+! Prune on beta chisqr
+        ngood=0
+        do track = 1, HNTRACKS_FP
+          if(hbeta_chisq(track) .lt. hprune_chibeta .and.
+     >       hbeta_chisq(track) .gt. 0.01 .and. keep(track)) then
+            ngood = ngood + 1
+          endif
+        enddo
+        if( then
+          do track = 1, HNTRACKS_FP
+            if(hbeta_chisq(track) .ge. hprune_chibeta .or. 
+     >       hbeta_chisq(track) .le. 0.01) then
+              keep(track) = .false. 
+              reject(track) = reject(track) + 1000
+            endif
+          enddo
+        endif
+! Prune on fptime
+        ngood=0
+        do track = 1, HNTRACKS_FP
+          if( abs(htime_at_fp(track)-hstart_time_center).lt.hprune_fptime 
+     >       .and. keep(track)) then
+            ngood = ngood + 1
+          endif
+        enddo
+        if( then
+          do track = 1, HNTRACKS_FP
+            if(abs(htime_at_fp(track)-hstart_time_center).ge.
+     >        hprune_fptime) then 
+              keep(track) = .false. 
+              reject(track) = reject(track) + 2000
+            endif
+          enddo
+        endif
+! Prune on Y2 being hit
+        ngood=0
+        do track = 1, HNTRACKS_FP
+          if(hgood_plane_time(track,4).and. keep(track)) ngood = ngood + 1
+        enddo
+        if( then
+          do track = 1, HNTRACKS_FP
+            if(.not.hgood_plane_time(track,4)) then
+              keep(track) = .false. 
+              reject(track) = reject(track) + 10000
+            endif
+          enddo
+        endif
+! Prune on X2 being hit
+        ngood=0
+        do track = 1, HNTRACKS_FP
+          if(hgood_plane_time(track,3).and. keep(track)) ngood = ngood + 1
+        enddo
+        if( then
+          do track = 1, HNTRACKS_FP
+            if(.not.hgood_plane_time(track,3)) then
+              keep(track) = .false. 
+              reject(track) = reject(track) + 20000
+            endif
+          enddo
+        endif
+! Pick track with best chisq if more than one track passed prune tests
+        goodtrack = 1
+        do track = 1, HNTRACKS_FP
+          chi2perdeg = HCHI2_FP(track)/max(1.,FLOAT(HNFREE_FP(track)))
+          if(chi2perdeg .lt. chi2min .and. keep(track)) then
+            goodtrack = track
+            chi2min = chi2perdeg
+          endif                    
+        enddo                          
+        HSNUM_TARTRACK = goodtrack
+        HSNUM_FPTRACK  = goodtrack
+      endif
+! for debugging
+      if( HNTRACKS_FP.GT. 100) then
+           write(*,'(/)')
+           do trk = 1, HNTRACKS_FP
+             write(*,'(3i3,4L2,7f6.1,L2,i9)') trk,HNFREE_FP(trk),
+     >          hnum_pmt_hit(trk),
+     >         hgood_plane_time(trk,1),hgood_plane_time(trk,3),
+     >         hgood_plane_time(trk,2),hgood_plane_time(trk,4),
+     >         htime_at_fp(trk),hbeta(trk),hbeta_chisq(trk),
+     >         hdelta_tar(trk),hy_tar(trk),hxp_tar(trk),hyp_tar(trk),
+     >         keep(trk),reject(trk)
+           enddo
+           write(*,'(1x,''good trk='',2i4)') goodtrack
+      endif
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_select_best_track_using_scin.f b/HTRACKING/h_select_best_track_using_scin.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f22b894
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_select_best_track_using_scin.f
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+*-   Purpose and Methods : Select the best track through the HMS
+*-                              by see which track is closest to S2y
+*-                         or if no S2y then use closest to S2x
+*-                         if neither than smallest chi-squared.
+*-      Required Input BANKS
+*-      Output BANKS 
+*-   Output: ABORT           - success or failure
+*-         : err             - reason for failure, if any
+      SAVE
+      character*50 here
+      parameter (here= 'H_SELECT_BEST_TRACK')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_routines.dec'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_constants.par'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_units.par'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_physics_sing.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_calorimeter.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_scin_parms.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_scin_tof.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_tracking.cmn'
+*     local variables 
+      integer*4 goodtrack,track,i,j
+      real*4 chi2perdeg,chi2min
+      integer pln,cnt
+      integer hit_cnt(hnum_scin_planes)
+      integer nhit,zz,t
+      real*4 y2dmin,x2dmin,zap
+      real*4  hit_pos(hnum_scin_planes),hit_dist(hnum_scin_planes)          
+      real*4 stub_x(HNTRACKS_MAX),stub_y(HNTRACKS_MAX)
+      real*4 y2d(HNTRACKS_MAX),x2d(HNTRACKS_MAX)
+      ABORT= .FALSE.
+      err= ' '
+*     Need to test to chose the best track
+      HSNUM_FPTRACK = 0
+      if( HNTRACKS_FP.GT. 0) then                  !!! (1) !!!
+         chi2min= 1e10
+	 goodtrack = 0
+	 y2dmin=100.
+	 x2dmin=100.	 
+         zap=0.  
+        do track = 1, HNTRACKS_FP
+          if( HNFREE_FP(track).ge. hsel_ndegreesmin) then      !!! (2) !!!
+           chi2perdeg = HCHI2_FP(track)/FLOAT(HNFREE_FP(track))
+*     simple particle id tests
+             if(( HDEDX(track,1).gt.hsel_dedx1min).and.        !!! (3) !!!
+     &             ( HDEDX(track,1).lt.hsel_dedx1max).and.
+     &             ( HBETA(track).gt.hsel_betamin).and.
+     &             ( HBETA(track).lt.hsel_betamax).and.
+     &             ( HTRACK_ET(track) .gt. hsel_etmin)   .and.
+     &             ( HTRACK_ET(track) .lt. hsel_etmax)) then
+*first, fill the arrays of which scins were hit
+             do i=1,4
+               do j=1,hscin_1x_nr
+                hscinhit(i,j)=0
+               enddo
+             enddo
+             do i=1,hscin_tot_hits
+               hscinhit(hscin_plane_num(i),hscin_counter_num(i))=1
+             enddo
+        hit_pos(4)=hy_fp(track) + hyp_fp(track)*(hscin_2y_zpos+0.5*hscin_2y_dzpos)
+        hit_cnt(4)=nint((hhodo_center(4,1)-hit_pos(4))/hscin_2y_spacing)+1
+        hit_cnt(4)=max(min(hit_cnt(4),nint(hnum_scin_counters(4))),1)                
+	hit_dist(4)=hit_pos(4)-(hhodo_center(4,1)-hscin_2y_spacing*(hit_cnt(4)-1))
+** hhodo_center(4.1) = 31.35
+** hscin_2y_spacing = 7.5
+** hnum_scin_counters(4) = 10
+** hscin_2y_zpos = 318.51
+** hscin_2y_dzpos = 2.12
+        if( then           !!! (4) !!!
+	zap=0.
+	t=0.
+        do j=1,10
+	 if(hscinhit(4,j).eq.1) then
+	  y2d(track)=abs(hit_cnt(4)-j)
+	  t=t+1
+	  if(t.eq.1) zap=y2d(track)
+	   if(t.eq.2.and.y2d(track).lt.zap) then
+	    zap=y2d(track)
+	   endif
+	   if(t.eq.3.and.y2d(track).lt.zap) then
+	    zap=y2d(track)
+	   endif
+	   if(t.eq.4.and.y2d(track).lt.zap) then
+	    zap=y2d(track)
+	   endif
+	   if(t.eq.5.and.y2d(track).lt.zap) then
+	    zap=y2d(track)
+	   endif
+	   if(t.eq.6.and.y2d(track).lt.zap) then
+	    zap=y2d(track)
+	   endif
+         endif
+	enddo 
+	y2d(track)=zap
+	endif                            !!! (4) !!!
+	if(hntracks_fp.eq.1) y2d(track)=0.
+        hit_pos(3)=hx_fp(track) + hxp_fp(track)*(hscin_2x_zpos+0.5*hscin_2x_dzpos)
+        hit_cnt(3)=nint((hit_pos(3)-hhodo_center(3,1))/hscin_2x_spacing)+1
+        hit_cnt(3)=max(min(hit_cnt(3),nint(hnum_scin_counters(3))),1)
+        hit_dist(3)=hit_pos(3)-(hscin_2x_spacing*(hit_cnt(3)-1)+hhodo_center(3,1))         
+        if( then           !!! (4) !!!
+	zap=0.
+	t=0.
+        do j=1,16
+	 if(hscinhit(3,j).eq.1) then
+	  x2d(track)=abs(hit_cnt(3)-j)
+	  t=t+1
+	  if(t.eq.1) zap=x2d(track)
+	   if(t.eq.2.and.x2d(track).lt.zap) then
+	    zap=x2d(track)
+	   endif
+	   if(t.eq.3.and.x2d(track).lt.zap) then
+	    zap=x2d(track)
+	   endif
+	   if(t.eq.4.and.x2d(track).lt.zap) then
+	    zap=x2d(track)
+	   endif
+	   if(t.eq.5.and.x2d(track).lt.zap) then
+	    zap=x2d(track)
+	   endif
+	   if(t.eq.6.and.x2d(track).lt.zap) then
+	    zap=x2d(track)
+	   endif
+         endif
+	enddo 
+	x2d(track)=zap
+	endif                            !!! (4) !!!
+	if(hntracks_fp.eq.1) x2d(track)=0.
+	      if(y2d(track).le.y2dmin) then  
+ 	       if(y2d(track).lt.y2dmin) then
+	         x2dmin=100.                
+	         chi2min=1e10 
+	       endif 
+	      if(x2d(track).le.x2dmin) then
+	       if(x2d(track).lt.x2dmin) then
+	         chi2min=1e10
+	       endif	 
+ 	      if( then 
+                  goodtrack = track
+		  y2dmin=y2d(track)
+		  x2dmin=x2d(track)
+		  chi2min=chi2perdeg		   
+              endif    		                      
+ 	      endif
+	      endif
+	    endif                   !!! (3) !!!
+          endif                     !!! (2) !!!      
+        enddo                        
+          if (goodtrack.eq.0) then	  
+           chi2min= 1e10
+	   do track = 1, HNTRACKS_FP   
+	   if( HNFREE_FP(track).ge. hsel_ndegreesmin) then  	   
+            chi2perdeg = HCHI2_FP(track)/FLOAT(HNFREE_FP(track))
+	        if( then
+                 goodtrack = track
+                 chi2min = chi2perdeg		     
+                endif 
+           endif  		    
+	   enddo    
+	  endif	 
+        HSNUM_TARTRACK = goodtrack
+        HSNUM_FPTRACK  = goodtrack
+        if(goodtrack.eq.0) return       ! return if no valid tracks
+      endif    !!! (1) !!!
+      return
+        end
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_solve_3by3.f b/HTRACKING/h_solve_3by3.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af6014c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_solve_3by3.f
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+      subroutine h_solve_3by3(TT,pindex,stub,ierr)
+*     Explicit solution of a symmetric three by three equation TT = AA * STUB
+*     Remember AA must be a symmetrix matrix
+*     Used in find_best_stub.f
+* $Log: h_solve_3by3.f,v $
+* Revision 1.4  1995/10/10 17:36:37  cdaq
+* (JRA) Cleanup
+* Revision 1.3  1995/05/22 19:39:27  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.2  1994/11/22  20:07:20  cdaq
+* (SAW) Change name, add h to aainv3, move to HTRACKING directory.
+* Revision 1.1  1994/10/12  18:42:59  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+* djm 10/2/94
+* The present version replaces solve_three_by_three(TT,AA,stub,ierr) in 
+* find_best_stub. New version is entirely based on dfg's version, but matrix 
+* inversion is now done only at initialization for faster event sorting.
+      implicit none
+      include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'hms_tracking.cmn'
+*     input quantities
+      real*8 TT(3) 
+      integer*4 pindex
+*     output quantities
+      real*8 stub(3)
+      integer*4 ierr                       ! ierr = 0 means valid solution
+      if(pindex.le.14)then     !accept 5/6 or 6/6 good planes
+        ierr=0
+        stub(1)=HAAINV3(1,1,pindex)*TT(1) + HAAINV3(1,2,pindex)*TT(2) + 
+     & HAAINV3(1,3,pindex)*TT(3)
+        stub(2)=HAAINV3(1,2,pindex)*TT(1) + HAAINV3(2,2,pindex)*TT(2) + 
+     & HAAINV3(2,3,pindex)*TT(3)
+        stub(3)=HAAINV3(1,3,pindex)*TT(1) + HAAINV3(2,3,pindex)*TT(2) + 
+     & HAAINV3(3,3,pindex)*TT(3)
+      else
+        ierr=1
+      endif          !end test on plane index
+*      write(6,*)'TT i=1,2,3',TT(1),TT(2),TT(3)
+*      write(6,*)'aainv(1,1,) (1,2,) (1,3,)',aainv(1,1,pindex),
+*     &    aainv(1,2,pindex),aainv(1,3,pindex)
+*      write(6,*)'aainv(2,2) (2,3) (3,3)',aainv(2,2,pindex),
+*     &    aainv(2,3,pindex),aainv(3,3,pindex)
+*     write(6,*)
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_sp_destroy.f b/HTRACKING/h_sp_destroy.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0674ec8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_sp_destroy.f
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+      subroutine h_sp_destroy(ABORT,err,nspace_points,
+     &       space_point_hits,space_points,ich)
+*-   Purpose and Methods :  This routine loops over space points and 
+*-                          removes those with less than 4 planes hit
+*-                          and missing hits in Y,Y' planes                             
+*-   Output: ABORT           - success or failure
+*-         : err             - reason for failure, if any
+      SAVE
+      character*50 here
+      parameter (here= 'h_sp_destroy')
+      integer*4 nspace_points
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_constants.par'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_units.par'
+      include 'hms_tracking.cmn'
+      include 'hms_geometry.cmn'
+      integer*4 space_point_hits(hmax_space_points,hmax_hits_per_point+2)
+      integer*4 space_points(hmax_space_points,2)
+*     local variables
+      integer*4 point,oldpoint,plane,ich
+      integer*4 j,hit,nspace_points_good
+      integer*4 nhits_plane(hdc_planes_per_chamber)
+c      integer*4 nhits_plane(100) !Phil
+      integer*4 space_points_temp(hmax_space_points,2)      
+      integer*4 space_point_hits_temp(hmax_space_points,hmax_hits_per_point+2)
+      integer*4 nplanes_hit,space_points_good(nspace_points)
+c      integer*4 nplanes_hit,space_points_good(100) !Phil
+*     temporary initialization
+      ABORT= .FALSE.
+      err=' '
+cc      write(6,*) "IN h_sp_destroy, ICH = ",ich  !! MEC
+       nspace_points_good = 0
+       do j=1,nspace_points
+         space_points_good(j) = 0
+       enddo
+*-  Start loop over SPs
+      do point = 1,nspace_points             
+**--  Do some initialization
+        nplanes_hit = 0                       !!  # of planes with hits !!
+        do j=1,hdc_planes_per_chamber
+          nhits_plane(j) = 0                  !!  # of hits in each plane  !!
+        enddo
+**--  End initialization
+**--  Count the number of hits in each plane and fill array with the hit #'s associated with each plane
+        do j = 3,space_point_hits(point,1)+2    !!  Loop over all hits in sp - count multiple hits in each plane  !!
+          hit = space_point_hits(point,j)
+          plane = hdc_plane_num(hit)
+          if(plane.GT.6) plane = plane - hdc_planes_per_chamber
+          nhits_plane(plane) = nhits_plane(plane) + 1
+        enddo
+**--  End counting
+**--  Now count the # of planes hit in the SP
+        do j = 1,hdc_planes_per_chamber   !!  count # of planes hit !!
+          if(nhits_plane(j).GT.0) nplanes_hit = nplanes_hit + 1
+        enddo
+        if(nplanes_hit.GE.hmin_hit(ich).AND.nhits_plane(2).GE.1.
+     &            AND.nhits_plane(5).GE.1) then    !!  Don't clone if not enough planes or missing Y !!
+          nspace_points_good = nspace_points_good + 1
+          space_points_good(nspace_points_good) = point
+        else
+cc          write(6,*) "Missing Y-hit!!"
+        endif
+cc        write(6,*) "SP #:  ", point,"  # of planes hit:  ",nplanes_hit
+      enddo
+*-  End loop over SPs
+cc      write(6,*) "# of Good SPs = ",nspace_points_good
+cc      write(6,*) "The Good SPs are:  ",space_points_good
+*-  Loop over SPs again and remove the bad ones
+      nspace_points = nspace_points_good
+      do point = 1,nspace_points
+        oldpoint = space_points_good(point)
+        space_points_temp(point,1) = space_points(oldpoint,1)
+        space_points_temp(point,2) = space_points(oldpoint,2)
+        do j = 1,hmax_hits_per_point+2
+          space_point_hits_temp(point,j) = space_point_hits(oldpoint,j) 
+        enddo
+      enddo
+**--  Copy temporary SP hit array to new SP hit array  
+      do point =1,hmax_space_points
+        if(point.LE.nspace_points) then
+          space_points(point,1) = space_points_temp(point,1)  ! Update X,Y positions !
+          space_points(point,2) = space_points_temp(point,2)
+          do j = 1,hmax_hits_per_point+2
+            space_point_hits(point,j) = space_point_hits_temp(point,j) 
+          enddo
+        else
+          space_points(point,1) = 0  ! Update X,Y positions !
+          space_points(point,2) = 0
+        endif
+      enddo
+**--  End SP hit array copy
+*-  End remove bad SPs
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_sp_multiwire.f b/HTRACKING/h_sp_multiwire.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c889b55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_sp_multiwire.f
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+      subroutine h_sp_multiwire(ABORT,err,nspace_points,
+     &       space_point_hits,space_points)
+*-   Purpose and Methods :  This routine loops over space points and 
+*-                          looks at all hits in the space
+*-                          point. If more than 1 hit is in the same 
+*-                          plane then the space point is cloned with
+*-                          all combinations of 1 wire per plane.  The 
+*-                          requirements for cloning are:  1) at least 
+*-                          4 planes fire, and 2) no more than 6 planes 
+*-                          have multiple hits.      
+*-   Output: ABORT           - success or failure
+*-         : err             - reason for failure, if any
+      SAVE
+      character*50 here
+      parameter (here= 'h_sp_multiwire')
+      integer*4 nspace_points
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_constants.par'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_units.par'
+      include 'hms_tracking.cmn'
+      include 'hms_geometry.cmn'
+      integer*4 space_point_hits(hmax_space_points,hmax_hits_per_point+2)
+      real*4 space_points(hmax_space_points,2)     ! xt, yt of each space point
+*     local variables
+      integer*4 point,plane,n1,n2,n3,ntot,nspace_points_check
+      integer*4 i,j,k,hit,hit1,hit2,temp,newsp_num,endhit
+      integer*4 nspace_points_new, nhits_plane(hdc_planes_per_chamber)
+c      integer*4 nspace_points_new, nhits_plane(100) !Phil
+      integer*4 nspace_points_tot,nplanes_mult,nplanes_hit,nplanes_single
+      integer*4 hits_plane(hdc_planes_per_chamber,hmax_hits_per_point+1)
+c      integer*4 hits_plane(100,hmax_hits_per_point+1) !Phil
+      integer*4 maxplane(hdc_planes_per_chamber)
+c      integer*4 maxplane(100) !Phil
+      integer*4 hit_order(hmax_hits_per_point)
+*     temporary initialization
+      ABORT= .FALSE.
+      err=' '
+cc      write(6,*) "IN h_sp_multiwire"  !! MEC       
+      nspace_points_tot = nspace_points
+      do point = 1,nspace_points              !!  Start loop over SPs  !!
+cc       write(6,*) "orig SP  ",space_point_hits(point,1),space_point_hits(point,2),
+cc     &  space_point_hits(point,3),space_point_hits(point,4),
+cc     &         space_point_hits(point,5),space_point_hits(point,6),
+cc     &  space_point_hits(point,7),space_point_hits(point,8),
+cc     &  space_point_hits(point,9),space_point_hits(point,10)
+*-  Do some initialization
+        nplanes_hit = 0                       !!  # of planes with hits !!
+        nplanes_mult = 0                      !!  # of planes with multiple hits  !!
+        nspace_points_new = 1
+        do j=1,hdc_planes_per_chamber
+          nhits_plane(j) = 0                  !!  # of hits in each plane  !!
+          do k=1,hmax_hits_per_point+1
+            hits_plane(j,k) = 0               !!  hit array with hit #s for each plane  !!
+          enddo
+        enddo
+*-  End initialization
+*-  Count the number of hits in each plane and fill array with the hit #'s associated with each plane
+        do j = 3,space_point_hits(point,1)+2   !! Loop over all hits in sp -         !!
+          hit = space_point_hits(point,j)      !! count multiple hits in each plane  !! 
+          hit_order(hit) = j-2
+          plane = hdc_plane_num(hit)
+          if(plane.GT.6) plane = plane - hdc_planes_per_chamber  
+          nhits_plane(plane) = nhits_plane(plane) + 1
+          hits_plane(plane,1) = nhits_plane(plane)
+          hits_plane(plane,nhits_plane(plane)+1) = hit
+        enddo
+*-  End counting
+*-  Now do some counting of planes with various #s of hits
+        do j = 1,hdc_planes_per_chamber   !!  count # of planes hit !!
+          if(nhits_plane(j).GT.0) then
+            nplanes_hit = nplanes_hit + 1
+            nspace_points_new = nspace_points_new*nhits_plane(j)
+          endif
+          if(nhits_plane(j).GT.1) nplanes_mult = nplanes_mult + 1
+        enddo
+        nspace_points_new = nspace_points_new - 1
+        nspace_points_check = nspace_points_tot + nspace_points_new
+        nplanes_single = nplanes_hit - nplanes_mult
+*-  End counting 
+cc        write(6,*) "NEW SP:  ",nspace_points_new
+cc        write(6,*) "sp",point,":",nhits_plane    !! MEC
+c        write(6,*) "sp",point,":  # planes with single hit:",nplanes_single,"  
+c     &# with mult hits:",nplanes_mult  !!  MEC 
+        ntot = 0
+*-  Now do cloning if conditions are met
+        if(nplanes_hit.GE.4.AND.nplanes_mult.LT.4.AND.nplanes_mult.GT.0.AND.
+     &            nspace_points_check.LT.20) then
+**--  Order Planes by decreasing # of hits
+          do j = 1,hdc_planes_per_chamber     !!  First start out sequentially  !!
+            maxplane(j) = j          !!  Contains plane #s ordered with decreasing # of hits  !!
+          enddo
+          do j = 1,hdc_planes_per_chamber
+            do k = j+1,hdc_planes_per_chamber
+              if(nhits_plane(maxplane(k)).GT.nhits_plane(maxplane(j))) then  !!  switch position of plane #s in maxplane !!
+                temp = maxplane(j)
+                maxplane(j) = maxplane(k)
+                maxplane(k) = temp
+              endif 
+            enddo
+          enddo
+c          write(6,*) "Max hit order is:  ",maxplane         
+**--  End Order Planes
+**--  First fill the clones with 1 hit each from the 3 planes with the most hits
+        ntot = 0   
+        do n1 = 1,nhits_plane(maxplane(1))
+          do n2 = 1,nhits_plane(maxplane(2))
+            do n3 = 1,nhits_plane(maxplane(3)) 
+              ntot = ntot + 1
+              newsp_num = nspace_points_tot + ntot - 1                    
+              if(n1.EQ.1.AND.n2.EQ.1.AND.n3.EQ.1) newsp_num = point  !!  Copy first clone over original SP  !!
+              space_points(newsp_num,1) = space_points(point,1)
+              space_points(newsp_num,2) = space_points(point,2) 
+              space_point_hits(newsp_num,1) = nplanes_hit
+              space_point_hits(newsp_num,2) = space_point_hits(point,2)
+              space_point_hits(newsp_num,3) = hits_plane(maxplane(1),n1+1)
+              space_point_hits(newsp_num,4) = hits_plane(maxplane(2),n2+1)
+              space_point_hits(newsp_num,5) = hits_plane(maxplane(3),n3+1)
+              space_point_hits(newsp_num,6) = hits_plane(maxplane(4),2)
+              if(hits_plane(maxplane(5),1).EQ.1) 
+     &                   space_point_hits(newsp_num,7) = hits_plane(maxplane(5),2)
+              if(hits_plane(maxplane(6),1).EQ.1) 
+     &                    space_point_hits(newsp_num,8) = hits_plane(maxplane(6),2)
+            enddo
+          enddo
+        enddo
+*-  Loop over clones and order hits in same way as parent SP
+          do i = 1,ntot
+            newsp_num = nspace_points_tot + i  - 1
+            if(i.EQ.1) newsp_num = point 
+            do j = 3,nplanes_hit+2
+              do k = 3,nplanes_hit+2
+                hit1 = space_point_hits(newsp_num,j)
+                hit2 = space_point_hits(newsp_num,k)                
+                if(hit_order(hit2).GT.hit_order(hit1)) then
+                  temp = space_point_hits(newsp_num,k)    !!  switch position of hits  !!
+                  space_point_hits(newsp_num,k) = space_point_hits(newsp_num,j)
+                  space_point_hits(newsp_num,j) = temp
+                endif
+              enddo
+            enddo
+          enddo
+*-  End order clone hits
+*-  End cloning
+c          do j = 1,ntot        !!  make clones of sp !!
+c            space_point_hits(j + nspace_points,1) = hdc_planes_per_chamber  !! now only 1 hit per plane  !!
+c            do k = 1,hmax_hits_per_point+2
+c              space_point_hits(j + nspace_points,k) = space_point_hits(point,k)  !! copy old SP hits to clones !!
+c            enddo
+c          enddo
+          nspace_points_tot = nspace_points_tot + ntot - 1  !! add new SPs to running total
+        else
+          ntot = 1
+        endif
+cc        write(6,*) "Ntot:  ",ntot
+cc        write(6,*) "Running total of SPs = ",nspace_points_tot
+      enddo                             ! end loop on space points
+      if(nspace_points_tot.LE.20) nspace_points = nspace_points_tot  !!  Don't increment inside DO loop  !!
+      do i = 1,nspace_points_tot        !!  Fill in zeros  !!
+        endhit = 3 + space_point_hits(i,1)
+        do j = endhit,hmax_hits_per_point
+          space_point_hits(i,j) = 0
+        enddo
+      enddo  
+c      do i = 1,nspace_points_tot
+c        write(6,*) space_point_hits(i,1),space_point_hits(i,2),space_point_hits(i,3),
+c     &             space_point_hits(i,4),space_point_hits(i,5),space_point_hits(i,6),
+c     &              space_point_hits(i,7),space_point_hits(i,8)
+c      enddo
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_sparsify_cal.f b/HTRACKING/h_sparsify_cal.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a7a2c03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_sparsify_cal.f
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+      subroutine h_sparsify_cal(abort,errmsg)
+*-      Purpose: Sparsifies the calorimeter raw data.
+*-      Input Banks: HMS_RAW_CAL, HMS_PEDESTALS_CAL
+*-      Output Bank: HMS_SPARSIFIED_CAL
+*-      Created: 15 Mar 1994      Tsolak A. Amatuni
+*-      Modified 25 Mar 1994      DFG
+*-                                Change name of print routines
+*-                5 Apr 1994      DFG Move print routine to h_raw_dump_all
+* $Log: h_sparsify_cal.f,v $
+* Revision 1.13  2002/10/02 13:42:43  saw
+* Check that user hists are defined before filling
+* Revision 1.12  1999/06/10 16:51:25  csa
+* (JRA) Removed adc_max, added adc sign test, structural and cosmetic changes
+* Revision 1.11  1999/02/25 20:10:48  saw
+* Vardan Tadevosyan shower code updates
+* Revision 1.10  1999/02/23 18:48:45  csa
+* (JRA) Add neg cal hf1 call
+* Revision 1.9  1999/02/03 21:13:24  saw
+* Code for new Shower counter tubes
+* Revision 1.8  1998/12/17 22:02:40  saw
+* Support extra set of tubes on HMS shower counter
+* Revision 1.7  1996/01/16 21:58:51  cdaq
+* (JRA) Onlys  histogram ADC's that are not 200 above pedestal
+* Revision 1.6  1995/08/30 18:12:12  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add a hist of all adc's into one spectrum
+* Revision 1.5  1995/07/19  20:04:25  cdaq
+* (JRA) Remove calorimeter raw data validity check
+* Revision 1.4  1995/05/22  19:39:27  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.3  1995/05/11  14:54:05  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add call to h_fill_cal_hist
+* Revision 1.2  1994/09/13  20:31:08  cdaq
+* (JRA) Subtract pedestals in sparsified data
+* Revision 1.1  1994/04/13  16:21:31  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      save
+      logical abort
+      character*(*) errmsg
+      character*14 here
+      parameter (here='H_SPARSIFY_CAL')
+      integer*4 nh        !Loop variable for raw hits
+      integer*4 nb        !Block number
+      integer*4 row,col   !Row & column numbers
+      integer*4 adc_pos    !ADC value
+      integer*4 adc_neg    !ADC value
+      include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'hms_calorimeter.cmn'
+      include 'hms_id_histid.cmn'
+      errmsg=' '
+      if( then
+        write(6,*) here,':hcal_tot_hits = ',hcal_tot_hits
+        return
+      endif
+      hcal_num_hits=0
+      do nb = 1 , hmax_cal_blocks
+        hcal_realadc_pos(nb)=-100
+        hcal_realadc_neg(nb)=-100
+      enddo
+      if(hcal_tot_hits.le.0) return
+*      Loop over raw hits
+      do nh=1,hcal_tot_hits      
+        row=hcal_row(nh)
+        col=hcal_column(nh)
+        nb =row+hmax_cal_rows*(col-1)
+        adc_pos=hcal_adc_pos(nh)
+        adc_neg=hcal_adc_neg(nh)
+        if ( then        ! =-1 if no ADC value was read.
+          hcal_realadc_pos(nb) = float(adc_pos) - hcal_pos_ped_mean(nb)
+          if (hcal_realadc_pos(nb)
+     &        call hf1(hidcalsumadc,hcal_realadc_pos(nb),1.)
+        endif
+        if ( then
+          hcal_realadc_neg(nb) = float(adc_neg) - hcal_neg_ped_mean(nb)
+          if (hcal_realadc_neg(nb)
+     &        call hf1(hidcalsumadc,hcal_realadc_neg(nb),1.)
+        endif
+*      Sparsify the raw data
+        if(hcal_realadc_pos(nb).gt.hcal_pos_threshold(nb) .or.
+     &      hcal_realadc_neg(nb).gt.hcal_neg_threshold(nb)) then
+           hcal_num_hits=hcal_num_hits+1
+           hcal_rows(hcal_num_hits)=row
+           hcal_cols(hcal_num_hits)=col
+           if(hcal_realadc_pos(nb).lt.hcal_pos_threshold(nb)) then
+              hcal_adcs_pos(hcal_num_hits)=0.0
+           else
+              hcal_adcs_pos(hcal_num_hits)=hcal_realadc_pos(nb)
+           endif
+           if(hcal_realadc_neg(nb).lt.hcal_neg_threshold(nb)) then
+              hcal_adcs_neg(hcal_num_hits)=0.0
+           else
+              hcal_adcs_neg(hcal_num_hits)=hcal_realadc_neg(nb)
+           endif
+        endif
+      enddo                      !End loop over raw hits
+      if( call h_prt_cal_sparsified
+      call h_fill_cal_hist(abort,errmsg)
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_strip_scin.f b/HTRACKING/h_strip_scin.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..59b834d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_strip_scin.f
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+      subroutine h_strip_scin(abort,err)
+* author: John Arrington
+* created: 6/25/94
+* h_strip_scin converts the raw hits to arrays over hits
+* with good TDC values.
+* $Log: h_strip_scin.f,v $
+* Revision  2007/10/22 15:22:50  cdaq
+* *** empty log message ***
+* Revision 1.11  1999/02/23 18:49:18  csa
+* (JRA) Remove hdebugcalcpeds stuff
+* Revision 1.10  1996/01/16 21:59:35  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add hdebugcalcpeds flag
+* Revision 1.9  1995/08/30 17:35:14  cdaq
+* (JRA) Accumulate pedestals from pedestal events.
+* Revision 1.8  1995/05/22  19:39:28  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.7  1995/05/11  15:01:22  cdaq
+* (JRA) Cosmetic changes
+* Revision 1.6  1995/02/02  13:07:17  cdaq
+* (JRA) Make hscin_all_adc_pos/neg floating
+* Revision 1.5  1994/10/17  20:47:03  cdaq
+* (DJM) Change hscin_sing_counter index from ihit (wrong) to igoodhit (correct)
+* Revision 1.4  1994/10/12  18:59:37  cdaq
+* (DJM) Fill hscin_sing_counter hit patterns for hodoscope
+* Revision 1.3  1994/10/11  19:05:59  cdaq
+* (JRA) Subtract pedestals from adc's
+* Revision 1.2  1994/06/29  03:42:15  cdaq
+* (JRA) Clear and set nscin_hits_per_plane array
+* Revision 1.1  1994/06/27  02:41:12  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'hms_scin_parms.cmn'
+      include 'hms_scin_tof.cmn'
+      include 'hms_tracking.cmn'
+      logical abort
+      character*(*) err
+      character*12 here
+      parameter (here = 'h_strip_scin')
+      integer*4 ihit,igoodhit,ind,plane,counter
+      integer*4 ip,ic
+      save
+      abort = .false.
+      igoodhit = 0
+      hscin_tot_hits = 0
+      do ind = 1, hnum_scin_planes
+        hscin_hits_per_plane(ind) = 0
+        hscin_sing_counter(ind) = -1
+      enddo
+      do ihit = 1 , hscin_all_tot_hits  ! pick out 'good' hits.
+**    Criteria for good hit is at least one valid tdc value.
+c         write(*,*) ihit,hscin_all_adc_pos(ihit),hscin_all_adc_neg(ihit),
+c     >hscin_all_tdc_pos(ihit),hscin_all_tdc_neg(ihit),
+c     > hscin_tdc_min,hscin_tdc_max
+        if (((hscin_all_tdc_pos(ihit) .ge. hscin_tdc_min).and.
+     1       (hscin_all_tdc_pos(ihit) .le. hscin_tdc_max)) .or. 
+     2       ((hscin_all_tdc_neg(ihit) .ge. hscin_tdc_min).and.
+     3       (hscin_all_tdc_neg(ihit) .le. hscin_tdc_max))) then !good hit
+          igoodhit = igoodhit + 1
+          hscin_tot_hits = hscin_tot_hits + 1
+          ip = hscin_all_plane_num(ihit)
+          hscin_plane_num(igoodhit) = ip
+          ic = hscin_all_counter_num(ihit)
+          hscin_counter_num(igoodhit) = ic
+          hscin_adc_pos(igoodhit) = float(hscin_all_adc_pos(ihit)) -
+     $         hscin_all_ped_pos(ip,ic)
+          hscin_adc_neg(igoodhit) = float(hscin_all_adc_neg(ihit)) -
+     $         hscin_all_ped_neg(ip,ic)
+          hscin_tdc_pos(igoodhit) = hscin_all_tdc_pos(ihit)
+          hscin_tdc_neg(igoodhit) = hscin_all_tdc_neg(ihit)
+          hscin_hits_per_plane(hscin_plane_num(igoodhit)) = 
+     $         hscin_hits_per_plane(hscin_plane_num(igoodhit)) + 1
+*djm register counter which is hit. if more than one counter is hit per event,
+* only the last one will be histogrammed. this will bias events which have more
+* than one hit per plane, so it's only really useful for looking at single hits.
+* if you need to see all the hits, then hardwire it. 
+          plane = HSCIN_PLANE_NUM(igoodhit)
+          counter = HSCIN_COUNTER_NUM(igoodhit)
+          if( hscin_sing_counter(plane) = counter
+        endif
+      enddo
+      abort = .false.
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_targ_trans.f b/HTRACKING/h_targ_trans.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..478888f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_targ_trans.f
@@ -0,0 +1,348 @@
+*-   Purpose and Methods :  Transforms tracks from HMS focal plane to 
+*-                          target.
+*-      Required Input BANKS     HMS_FOCAL_PLANE
+*-      Output BANKS             HMS_TARGET
+*-   Output: ABORT           - success or failure
+*-         : err             - reason for failure, if any
+*-  istat   (integer) Status flag. Value returned indicates the following:
+*-           = 1      Normal return.
+*-           = 2      Matrix elements not initted correctly.
+* $Log: h_targ_trans.f,v $
+* Revision  2009/09/16 21:49:20  jones
+* Use SANE_HMS_FIELD_THETA,SANE_HMS_FIELD_PHI defined in engine.f
+* in CALL trgInitFieldANGLES
+* Revision  2009/09/15 20:36:53  jones
+* New variables theta_angle_diff,phi_angle_diff used in CALL trgInitFieldANGLES
+* Revision  2009/02/11 21:34:54  cdaq
+* *** empty log message ***
+* Revision  2008/12/11 20:26:43  cdaq
+* *** empty log message ***
+* Revision  2008/11/17 01:17:55  cdaq
+* *** empty log message ***
+* Revision  2008/10/31 07:59:10  cdaq
+* fix bug with enddo in wrong place
+* Revision  2008/10/29 06:20:21  cdaq
+* Set hut(5)=rast_y
+* Set loop from 4 to 5
+* Revision  2008/10/21 20:33:17  cdaq
+* target recon with B field added
+* Revision  2007/10/27 21:15:32  cdaq
+* fix erroneous submissions
+* Revision 1.16  1999/02/23 18:50:38  csa
+* (JRA) Correct (another) hut(5) error
+* Revision 1.15  1999/02/10 17:47:27  csa
+* Sign change in hut(5)
+* Revision 1.14  1996/09/04 13:32:36  saw
+* (JRA) Apply offsets to reconstruction
+* Revision 1.13  1996/01/17 18:15:53  cdaq
+* (JRA)
+* Revision 1.12  1995/10/10 17:49:31  cdaq
+* (JRA) Cleanup
+* Revision 1.11  1995/08/08 16:01:17  cdaq
+* (DD) Add detector and angular offsets
+* Revision 1.10  1995/05/22  19:39:28  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.9  1995/04/06  19:31:54  cdaq
+* (SAW) Put in ddutta's pre cosy x-x', y-y' transformation
+* Revision 1.8  1995/03/22  16:22:40  cdaq
+* (SAW) Previous change wrong.  COSY wants slopes.
+* Target track data is now slopes.
+* Revision 1.7  1995/02/10  18:46:01  cdaq
+* (SAW) Convert focal plane slopes to angles before COSY transport.
+* Target track data is now angles.
+* Revision 1.6  1994/10/11  19:11:33  cdaq
+* (SAW) Are the target traceback calculations right now???
+* Revision 1.5  1994/08/18  04:29:59  cdaq
+* (SAW) Arrington's changes??
+* Revision 1.4  1994/06/14  04:51:21  cdaq
+* (DFG) Add fill HLINK_TAR_FP 1 to 1
+* Revision 1.3  1994/06/06  17:03:17  cdaq
+* (DFG) Protect against asin argument > 1.0
+* Revision 1.2  1994/05/13  02:28:59  cdaq
+* (DFG)   Add call to h_fill_dc_target_hist
+*         Add calculation of HP_TAR
+* (SAW)   Cosmetic changes to source
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/19  06:19:24  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+*- Modified 21-JAN-94   D. F. Geesaman
+*-           Add ABORT,err to returns.
+*- Version:  0.1 (In development)  18-Nov-1993 (DHP)
+* Abstract: Reconstruct target scattering variables from track variables in
+*           the detectors, using a polynomial (Taylor series) map. The track,
+*           target, and map data are all maintained in common blocks.
+* NOTE:     This version assumes that the beam is not rastered.
+*           Also, there is no treatment of error matrices, yet.
+* Output arguments:
+* Right-handed coordinates are assumed: X=down, Z=downstream, Y = (Z cross X)
+* Author:   David H. Potterveld, Argonne National Lab, Nov. 1993
+      SAVE
+      character*12 here
+      parameter (here= 'h_targ_trans')
+      logical ABORT,ok
+      character*(*) err
+      integer*4   istat
+      real*4 x_coord, y_coord
+      INCLUDE 'gen_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_constants.par'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_units.par'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_tracking.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_recon_elements.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_track_histid.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_physics_sing.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'sane_data_structures.cmn'
+* Misc. variables.
+      integer*4        i,j,itrk
+      real   sum(4),hut(5),term
+      real   bdl,dx
+      real trg(6),hut_rot(5)
+      integer spect
+      COMMON /hmsfocalplane/sum,hut_rot 
+      real*8 theta_angle_diff,phi_angle_diff
+      logical first
+      data first /.true./
+*=============================Executable Code =============================
+      ABORT= .FALSE.
+      err= ' '
+* Check for correct initialization.
+      if ( then
+         istat = 2
+         return
+      endif
+      istat = 1
+      x_coord = -gsry_calib/100.  ! SLOW RASTER BEAM X coordinate obtained from the ADCs, in meters 
+      y_coord = -gsrx_calib/100.       ! SLOW RASTER BEAM Y coordinate obtained from the ADCs, in meters 
+c      write(*,*)x_coord,y_coord
+* Loop over tracks.
+      hntracks_tar = hntracks_fp
+      do itrk = 1,hntracks_fp
+*     set link between target and focal plane track. Currently 1 to 1
+         hlink_tar_fp(itrk) = itrk
+*     Reset COSY sums.
+         do i = 1,4
+            sum(i) = 0.
+         enddo
+* Load track data into local array, Converting to COSY units.
+* It is assumed that the track coordinates are reported at
+* the same focal plane as the COSY matrix elements were calculated.
+* Also note that the COSY track slopes HUT(2) and HUT(4) are actually
+* the SINE of the track angle in the XZ and YZ planes.
+         hut(1) = hx_fp(itrk)/100. + h_z_true_focus*hxp_fp(itrk)
+     $        + h_det_offset_x          ! include detector offset  (m)
+! includes transformation to actual focus if not at Z=0.
+         hut(2) = hxp_fp(itrk) + h_ang_offset_x           !radians
+         hut(3) = hy_fp(itrk)/100. + h_z_true_focus*hyp_fp(itrk)
+     $        + h_det_offset_y     !m
+! again icludes transformation to true focus.
+         hut(4) = hyp_fp(itrk) + h_ang_offset_y           !radians
+         hut(5)= x_coord ! spectrometer target X in meter!
+                                ! note that pos. spect. X = neg. beam Y, here should be the coordinate given by the slow raster
+c         hut(5)= x_coord ! spectrometer target X in meter - given by the Slow Raster!
+                                ! note that pos. spect. X = neg. beam Y, here should be the coordinate given by the slow raster
+! now transform 
+*         hx_fp_rot(itrk)=  hut(1) + h_det_offset_x    ! include detector offset
+*         hy_fp_rot(itrk)=  hut(3) + h_det_offset_y 
+*         hxp_fp_rot(itrk)= hut(2) + hut(1)*h_ang_slope_x
+*         hyp_fp_rot(itrk)= hut(4) + hut(3)*h_ang_slope_y
+*         hut_rot(1)= hx_fp_rot(itrk)
+*         hut_rot(2)= hxp_fp_rot(itrk)
+*         hut_rot(3)= hy_fp_rot(itrk)
+*         hut_rot(4)= hyp_fp_rot(itrk)
+*        h*_fp_rot never used except here, so remove the intermediate step.
+         hut_rot(1) = hut(1)
+         hut_rot(2) = hut(2) + hut(1)*h_ang_slope_x
+         hut_rot(3) = hut(3)
+         hut_rot(4) = hut(4) + hut(3)*h_ang_slope_y
+         hut_rot(5) = hut(5)
+* Introducing the target magnetic field option 
+*     Compute COSY sums.
+            do i = 1,h_num_recon_terms
+               term = 1.
+               do j = 1,5
+                  if (h_recon_expon(j,i).ne.0.)
+     ,                 term = term*hut_rot(j)**h_recon_expon(j,i)
+               enddo
+               sum(1) = sum(1) + term*h_recon_coeff(1,i) ! xp uT(2) trg(2)
+               sum(2) = sum(2) + term*h_recon_coeff(2,i) ! y  uT(3) trg(3)
+               sum(3) = sum(3) + term*h_recon_coeff(3,i) ! yp uT(4) trg(4)
+               sum(4) = sum(4) + term*h_recon_coeff(4,i) ! delta uT(6) trg(6)
+            enddo
+!     uT(5),trg(5) is z-position along the HMS spectrometer axis
+!     used in tracking back to the target
+!     uT(1),trg(1) is xtarget position, measured by slow raster.
+*     Load output values.
+            hx_tar(itrk) = x_coord ! beam slow raster coord.
+            hy_tar(itrk) = sum(2) !cm.
+            hxp_tar(itrk) = sum(1) !Slope xp
+            hyp_tar(itrk) = sum(3) !Slope yp            
+            hz_tar(itrk) = 0.0  !Track is at origin
+            hdelta_tar(itrk) = sum(4)*100. !percent.
+c            write(*,*)'1 ',hx_tar(itrk),hy_tar(itrk),hxp_tar(itrk),hyp_tar(itrk),hdelta_tar(itrk)
+         if ( then
+            trg(1) = 1
+            trg(2) = 0.1
+            trg(3) = 1
+            trg(4) = 0.1
+            trg(5) = 1
+            trg(6) = 1 
+*     Parameter:
+*     subroutine genRecon(u,x,y,uT,ok,dx,bdl)
+*     u      I : focal plane coordinates  
+*     u(1,2)  : x [m], dx/dz = out of plane coords. (downwards) 
+*     u(3,4)  : y [m], dy/dz = inplane coords. (perp. on x,z)
+*     u(5)    :  vert. beam offset [m] (out of plane coord.; downwards)
+*     x_coord      I : vert. beam offset [m] (out of plane coord.; downwards)
+*     y_coord      I : hori. beam offsey [m] (inplane coord.; perp on x-beam, z-beam)
+*     uT     O : target coordinates
+*     uT(1,2) : x [m], dx/dz = out of plane coord. (downwards) 
+*                    uT(3,4) : y [m], dy/dz = inplane coord. (perp. on x,z)
+*     uT(5)   : z [m] = in axis coordinate (towards HMS)  
+*     uT(6)   : delta = relative deviation of the particle 
+*     momentum from p0
+*     ok   IO  : status variable 
+*     - if false no action is taken 
+*     - set to false when no reconstruction is found 
+            ok = .TRUE.
+      theta_angle_diff=abs(SANE_HMS_ANGLE_THETA+SANE_FIELD_ANGLE_THETA)
+      phi_angle_diff = 180.0d00
+c       write(*,*)dx,htheta_lab,hpcentral, hpartmass
+            spect = 1 ! assume it is proton
+            if ( hpartmass .lt. .01) spect = -1 ! set for electron
+            CALL genRecon (hut_rot, x_coord, y_coord, trg, ok, dx, bdl,
+     >           htheta_lab, hpcentral, hpartmass, spect) 
+*     CALL genRecon (hut_rot, x_coord, y_coord, trg, ok, dx, bdl,
+*     >           hpcentral, mass_electron, -1.)  ! set for electrons
+c            hx_tar(itrk) = x_coord ! beam slow raster coord.
+c            hy_tar(itrk) = sum(2)*100. !cm.
+c            hxp_tar(itrk) = sum(1) !Slope xp
+c            hyp_tar(itrk) = sum(3) !Slope yp            
+c            hz_tar(itrk) = 0.0  !Track is at origin
+c            hdelta_tar(itrk) = sum(4)*100. !percent.
+            hx_tar(itrk)     = trg(1) ! target x 
+            hy_tar(itrk)     = trg(3) ! target y   
+c            write(*,*)x_coord,y_coord,hx_tar(itrk),hy_tar(itrk)
+            hz_tar(itrk)     = trg(5) ! target z 
+            hxp_tar(itrk)    = trg(2) ! slope  xp
+            hyp_tar(itrk)    = trg(4) ! slope  yp
+            hdelta_tar(itrk) = trg(6)*100 !percent.
+            h_bdl(itrk)  = bdl
+c            write(*,*)'2 ',hx_tar(itrk),hy_tar(itrk),hxp_tar(itrk),hyp_tar(itrk),hdelta_tar(itrk)
+c            write(*,*)'2 '
+*            write(*,*)'2 ',hx_tar(itrk),hy_tar(itrk),hxp_tar(itrk),hdelta_tar(itrk)
+*            write(*,*)'++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++'
+         endif                  ! loop over the magnetic field (on or off)
+*     Apply offesets to the reconstructed variables
+         hdelta_tar(itrk) = hdelta_tar(itrk) + hdelta_offset
+         hyp_tar(itrk) = hyp_tar(itrk) + htheta_offset
+         hxp_tar(itrk) = hxp_tar(itrk) + hphi_offset
+         hp_tar(itrk)  = hpcentral*(1.0 + hdelta_tar(itrk)/100.) !Momentum in GeV
+      enddo                     !End of loop over tracks.
+*     All done...
+*     print target bank if debug flag set
+      if( then
+         call h_print_tar_tracks
+      endif
+*     Fill hardwired histograms if hturnon_target_hist is non zero
+      if( then
+         call h_fill_dc_target_hist(ABORT,err)
+         if(ABORT) then
+            call g_add_path(here,err)
+         endif
+      endif
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_targ_trans_init.f b/HTRACKING/h_targ_trans_init.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ff85957
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_targ_trans_init.f
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+      subroutine h_targ_trans_init(ABORT,err,istat)
+* Facility: CEBAF Hall-C software.
+* Module:   h_targ_trans_init
+* Version:  0.1 (In development)
+* $Log: h_targ_trans_init.f,v $
+* Revision  2008/10/21 20:33:17  cdaq
+* target recon with B field added
+* Revision  2007/09/10 20:28:01  pcarter
+* Implemented changes to allow compilation on RHEL 3,4,5 and MacOSX
+* Revision 1.6  2004/02/19 16:41:45  jones
+* Can set filename for the HMS matrix elements using the parameter
+* h_recon_coeff_filename . If parameter is not set then uses
+* hms_recon_coeff.dat
+* Revision 1.5  1996/09/04 13:34:30  saw
+* (JRA) Add target x to track definition
+* Revision 1.4  1995/08/08 16:01:37  cdaq
+* (DD) Add detector and angular offsets
+* Revision 1.3  1995/05/11  19:13:27  cdaq
+* (JRA) Fix errors in reading of focal plane rot coeffs
+* Revision 1.2  1995/04/06  19:32:19  cdaq
+* (SAW) Put in ddutta's pre cosy x-x', y-y' transformation
+* Revision 1.1  1994/05/13  03:51:55  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+* Abstract: Temporary routine to initialize HMS reconstruction coefficients
+*           from a datafile.
+* Output arguments:
+*   istat   (integer) Status flag. Value returned indicates the following:
+*            = 1      Normal return.
+*            = 2      Datafile could not be opened.
+*            = 4      Error reading datafile.
+*            = 6      Datafile overflowed the internal arrays.
+* Author:   David H. Potterveld, Argonne National Lab, Nov. 1993
+* Modified: D. F. Geesaman   Add Abort, err arguments
+*                            Use G_IO_CONTROL to get LUN
+      implicit none
+* Argument definitions.
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      integer         istat
+* Include files.
+      include 'hms_recon_elements.cmn'  !Recon coefficients.
+      include 'gen_filenames.cmn'
+      include 'hms_filenames.cmn'
+* Misc. variables.
+      integer*4       i,j,k,l,m,n,chan
+      logical*4       opened
+      character*132   line
+*============================= Executable Code ================================
+* Reset flag, and zero arrays.
+      err= ' '
+      ABORT = .FALSE.
+      h_recon_initted = 0
+c     ! target field, vertical beam offset
+      do j = 1,hmax_recon_elements
+         do i = 1,4
+            h_recon_coeff(i,j) = 0.
+            h_recon_expon(i,j) = 0.
+         enddo
+         h_recon_expon(5,j) = 0.
+      enddo
+      h_ang_slope_x=0.0
+      h_ang_slope_y=0.0
+      h_ang_offset_x=0.0
+      h_ang_offset_y=0.0
+      h_det_offset_x=0.0
+      h_det_offset_y=0.0
+      h_z_true_focus=0.0
+      istat = 1                         !Assume success.
+* Get an I/O unit to open datafiles.
+c      call G_IO_control(chan,'ANY',ABORT,err) !"ASK"="ANY"
+      chan = G_LUN_TEMP
+* Open and read in coefficients.
+      if ( h_recon_coeff_filename .eq. ' ' ) then
+         h_recon_coeff_filename = 'hms_recon_coeff.dat'
+      endif
+         write(*,*) ' ********'
+         write(*,*) ' Opening HMS matrix element file ',h_recon_coeff_filename
+         write(*,*) ' ********'
+      open (unit=chan,status='old',file=h_recon_coeff_filename,err=92)
+* Read header comments.
+      line = '!'
+      do while (line(1:1).eq.'!')
+        read (chan,1001,err=94) line
+      enddo
+* Read in focal plane rotation coefficients.
+      do while (line(1:4).ne.' ---')
+        if(line(1:13).eq.'h_ang_slope_x')read(line,1201,err=94)h_ang_slope_x
+        if(line(1:13).eq.'h_ang_slope_y')read(line,1201,err=94)h_ang_slope_y
+        if(line(1:14).eq.'h_ang_offset_x')read(line,1201,err=94)h_ang_offset_x
+        if(line(1:14).eq.'h_ang_offset_y')read(line,1201,err=94)h_ang_offset_y
+        if(line(1:14).eq.'h_det_offset_x')read(line,1201,err=94)h_det_offset_x
+        if(line(1:14).eq.'h_det_offset_y')read(line,1201,err=94)h_det_offset_y
+        if(line(1:14).eq.'h_z_true_focus')read(line,1201,err=94)h_z_true_focus
+        read (chan,1001,err=94) line
+      enddo
+* Read in reconstruction coefficients and exponents.
+      line=' '
+      read (chan,1001,err=94) line
+      h_num_recon_terms = 0
+      do while (line(1:4).ne.' ---')
+         h_num_recon_terms = h_num_recon_terms + 1
+         if ( goto 96
+         read (line,1200,err=94) (h_recon_coeff(i,h_num_recon_terms),i=1,4)
+     $        ,(h_recon_expon(j,h_num_recon_terms),j=1,5)
+         read (chan,1001,err=94) line
+      enddo
+* Data read in OK.
+      h_recon_initted = 1
+      goto 100
+* File reading or data processing errors.
+ 92   istat = 2                         !Error opening file.
+* If file does not exist, report err and then continue for development
+      err = 'error opening file '//h_recon_coeff_filename
+      call g_rep_err(ABORT,err)
+      goto 100
+ 94   istat = 4                         !Error reading or processing data.
+      ABORT=.true.
+      err = 'error processing file '//h_recon_coeff_filename
+      goto 100
+ 96   istat = 6                         !Too much data in file for arrays.
+      ABORT=.true.
+      err = 'too much data in file '//h_recon_coeff_filename
+      goto 100
+* Done with open file.
+ 100  close (unit=chan)
+*     free lun
+c      call G_IO_control(chan,'FREE',ABORT,err) !"FINISH"="FREE"
+      return
+*============================ Format Statements ===============================
+ 1001 format(a)
+ 1200 format(1x,4g16.9,1x,5i1)
+ 1201 format(17x,g16.9)
+      end
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_tof.f b/HTRACKING/h_tof.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..12b7bc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_tof.f
@@ -0,0 +1,1014 @@
+       SUBROUTINE H_TOF(ABORT,errmsg)
+*-   Purpose and Methods : Analyze scintillator information for each track 
+*-      Required Input BANKS     HMS_RAW_SCIN
+*-                               HMS_DECODED_SCIN
+*-                               HMS_FOCAL_PLANE
+*-      Output BANKS             HMS_TRACK_TESTS
+*-   Output: ABORT           - success or failure
+*-         : err             - reason for failure, if any
+* author: John Arrington
+* created: 2/22/94
+* h_tof finds the time of flight for a particle from
+* the hodoscope TDC information.  It corrects for pulse
+* height walk, time lag from the hit to the pmt signal,
+* and time offsets for each signal.  It requires the
+* hodoscope ADC and TDC information, the track, and
+* the correction parameters.
+* $Log: h_tof.f,v $
+* Revision  2009/03/31 19:33:00  cdaq
+* *** empty log message ***
+* Revision  2008/12/11 17:11:43  cdaq
+* For gfortran compiler the arguements generic functions
+* must be the same type.
+* Revision  2008/11/19 12:46:50  cdaq
+* Add line to reutrn if nparam < 1
+* Revision  2008/11/17 16:03:47  cdaq
+* Fixed minor bug in printing of ADCHIST
+* Revision  2008/11/17 16:00:22  cdaq
+* Major revision to do tof calibration internatlly
+* Revision  2008/10/28 21:03:18  cdaq
+* Changed default betap to 1
+* Revision  2008/10/27 16:34:54  cdaq
+* changes for F1 TDCs
+* Revision  2007/10/26 16:44:55  pcarter
+* made the arguments to max() match data types -- GCC 4 is picky about that
+* Revision  2007/10/24 16:37:16  cdaq
+* *** empty log message ***
+* Revision  2007/05/16 19:50:02  cdaq
+* P. Bosted fixed bug in new code to dump TOF data
+* Revision  2007/05/10 21:15:10  cdaq
+* changes for writing dump file for Peter's tof code
+* Revision  2007/05/02 21:19:30  jones
+* Add new code needed for  adjusting scintillator timing using P Bosted's method.
+* Revision 1.19  2005/03/15 21:08:08  jones
+* Add code to filter the scintillator tdc hits and group them by time. ( P. Bosted)
+* Revision 1.18  1999/06/10 16:52:12  csa
+* (JRA) Cosmetic changes
+* Revision 1.17  1997/03/19 18:43:45  saw
+* (JRA) Don't neglect negative side of hodoscopes
+* Revision 1.16  1996/09/04 13:36:00  saw
+* (JRA) Include actual beta in calculation of focal plane time.
+* Revision 1.15  1996/01/16 22:00:15  cdaq
+* (JRA)
+* Revision 1.14  1995/05/22 19:39:29  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.13  1995/02/10  18:59:41  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add track index to hgood_plane_time, hgood_scin_time, hgood_tdc_pos,
+* and  hgood_tdc_neg
+* Revision 1.12  1995/02/02  16:35:25  cdaq
+* (JRA) Zero out some variables at start, minph variables now per pmt,
+*       hscin_adc_pos/neg change to floats.
+* Revision 1.11  1995/01/31  21:49:32  cdaq
+* (JRA) Added count of pmt's firing and cosmetic changes.
+* Revision 1.10  1995/01/30  22:09:24  cdaq
+* (JRA) Cosmetic changes.  Remove commented out code to dump time of
+*       flight fitting data.
+* Revision 1.9  1995/01/27  19:26:13  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add calculation of time for each plane.  Add commented out
+*       code to dump time of flight fitting data.
+* Revision 1.8  1995/01/18  16:26:48  cdaq
+* (SAW) Catch negative ADC values in argument of square root
+* Revision 1.7  1994/09/13  21:25:35  cdaq
+* (JRA) save extra diagnostic variables, require 2 hits/counter, add dedx
+* Revision 1.6  1994/08/02  20:11:47  cdaq
+* (JRA) Some hacks
+* Revision 1.5  1994/07/21  13:29:45  cdaq
+* (JRA) Correct sign on a time correction
+* Revision 1.4  1994/07/08  19:43:53  cdaq
+* (JRA) Keep list of wether hits are on track or not
+* Revision 1.3  1994/05/13  02:36:30  cdaq
+* (DFG) remove h_prt_track_tests call
+* Revision 1.2  1994/04/13  16:28:53  cdaq
+* (DFG) Add check for zero track
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/21  16:06:29  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      character*50 here
+      parameter (here= 'H_TOF')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) errmsg
+      INCLUDE 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_constants.par'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_units.par'
+      include 'hms_scin_parms.cmn'
+      include 'hms_scin_tof.cmn'
+      include 'hms_tracking.cmn'
+      integer*4 hit, trk
+      integer*4 plane,ind
+      integer*4 hntof_pairs
+      real*4 adc_ph                     !pulse height (channels)
+      real*4 xhit_coord,yhit_coord
+      real*4 time
+      real*4 p,betap         !momentum and velocity from momentum, assuming desired mass
+      real*4 path,zcor,num_fp_time
+      real*4 sum_fp_time,sum_plane_time(hnum_scin_planes)
+      integer*4 num_plane_time(hnum_scin_planes)
+      integer timehist(200),i,j,jmax,maxhit,nfound
+      real*4 time_pos(1000),time_neg(1000),tmin,time_tolerance
+      logical keep_pos(1000),keep_neg(1000),first/.true./
+      integer nsv, idetsv(100)
+      real*8 tr0sv(100),psv(100),zcsv(100)
+      real*8 tc1sv(100),adcsv(100)
+      save
+      ABORT= .FALSE.
+      errmsg = ' '
+      nsv = 0
+c      if(hdumptof.eq.1) write(37,
+c     > '(''ntrk,tothits''2i4,f8.3)') 
+c     >  hntracks_fp,hscin_tot_hits,hscin_tdc_to_time
+      if(hntracks_fp.le.0 .or. hscin_tot_hits.le.0) then
+        do trk = 1 , hntracks_fp
+          hnum_scin_hit(trk) = 0
+          hnum_pmt_hit(trk) = 0
+          hbeta(trk) = 0
+          hbeta_chisq(trk) = -3
+          htime_at_fp(trk) = 0
+        enddo
+        goto 666
+      endif
+**MAIN LOOP:  Loop over all tracks and get corrected time, tof, beta...
+      do trk = 1 , hntracks_fp
+** Initialize counter,flags...
+        hntof = 0
+        hntof_pairs = 0
+        sum_fp_time = 0.
+        num_fp_time = 0.
+        hnum_scin_hit(trk) = 0
+        hnum_pmt_hit(trk) = 0
+        p = hp_tar(trk)
+c if p=0, assume electrons
+        if(abs(p).lt.0.1) then
+          betap = 1.0
+        else
+          betap = p/sqrt(p*p+hpartmass*hpartmass)
+c put in check for reasonable
+          betap = min(1., max(0.3, betap))
+        endif
+        do plane = 1 , hnum_scin_planes
+          hgood_plane_time(trk,plane) = .false.
+          sum_plane_time(plane) = 0.
+          num_plane_time(plane) = 0
+        enddo
+! Calculate all corrected hit times and histogram
+! This uses a copy of code below. Results are save in time_pos,neg
+! including the z-pos. correction assuming nominal value of betap
+! Code is currently hard-wired to look for a peak in the
+! range of 0 to 100 nsec, with a group of times that all
+! agree withing a time_tolerance of time_tolerance nsec. The normal
+! peak position appears to be around 35 nsec.
+! NOTE: if want to find farticles with beta different than
+!       reference particle, need to make sure this is big enough
+!       to accomodate difference in TOF for other particles
+! Default value in case user hasnt definedd something reasonable
+        time_tolerance=20.0
+        if( then
+          time_tolerance=htof_tolerance
+        endif
+! Use wide window if dumping events for fitting
+cc        if(hdumptof.eq.1) time_tolerance=25.0
+        if(first) then
+           first=.false.
+           write(*,'(1x,''Using '',f8.2,'' nsec window for'',
+     >     '' hms tof and fp calculations'')') time_tolerance
+           if(hdumptof.eq.1) 
+     >       write(*,'(/1x,''TOF calibration being done:'',
+     >         ''  see output in HTOFCAL directory'')')
+        endif
+        nfound = 0
+        do j=1,200
+          timehist(j)=0
+        enddo
+        do hit = 1 , hscin_tot_hits
+          i=min(1000,hit)
+          time_pos(i)=-99.
+          time_neg(i)=-99.
+          keep_pos(i)=.false.
+          keep_neg(i)=.false.
+          plane = hscin_plane_num(hit)
+          xhit_coord = hx_fp(trk) + hxp_fp(trk)*hscin_zpos(hit)
+          yhit_coord = hy_fp(trk) + hyp_fp(trk)*hscin_zpos(hit)
+          if (plane.eq.1 .or. plane.eq.3) then !x plane
+            hscin_trans_coord(hit) = xhit_coord
+            hscin_long_coord(hit) = yhit_coord
+          else if (plane.eq.2 .or. plane.eq.4) then !y plane
+            hscin_trans_coord(hit) = yhit_coord
+            hscin_long_coord(hit) = xhit_coord
+          else                          !bad plane #.
+            abort = .true.
+            write(errmsg,*) 'hscin_plane_num(',hit,') = ',plane
+            call g_prepend(here,errmsg)
+            return
+          endif
+          if (abs(hscin_center_coord(hit)-hscin_trans_coord(hit))
+     &         .lt.(hscin_width(hit)/2.+hscin_slop(hit))) then
+            if(hscin_tdc_pos(hit) .ge. hscin_tdc_min .and.  
+     &          hscin_tdc_pos(hit) .le. hscin_tdc_max) then
+              adc_ph = hscin_adc_pos(hit)
+              path = hscin_pos_coord(hit) - hscin_long_coord(hit)
+              time = hscin_tdc_pos(hit) * hscin_tdc_to_time
+              time = time - (hscin_zpos(hit)/(29.979*betap) *
+     &               sqrt(1. + hxp_fp(trk)**2 + hyp_fp(trk)**2))
+              time_pos(i) = time - hscin_pos_invadc_offset(hit) -
+     >            path / hscin_pos_invadc_linear(hit) -
+     >            hscin_pos_invadc_adc(hit)/sqrt(max(20.,adc_ph))
+              nfound = nfound + 1
+              do j=1,200
+                tmin = 0.5*float(j)                
+                if(time_pos(i) .gt. tmin .and.
+     >             time_pos(i) .lt. tmin + time_tolerance) 
+     >            timehist(j) = timehist(j) + 1
+              enddo
+            endif
+            if (hscin_tdc_neg(hit).ge.hscin_tdc_min .and. !good tdc
+     1           hscin_tdc_neg(hit).le.hscin_tdc_max) then
+              adc_ph = hscin_adc_neg(hit)
+              path = hscin_long_coord(hit) - hscin_neg_coord(hit)
+              time = hscin_tdc_neg(hit) * hscin_tdc_to_time
+              time = time - (hscin_zpos(hit)/(29.979*betap) *
+     &               sqrt(1. + hxp_fp(trk)**2 + hyp_fp(trk)**2))
+              time_neg(i) = time - hscin_neg_invadc_offset(hit) -
+     >            path / hscin_neg_invadc_linear(hit) -
+     >            hscin_neg_invadc_adc(hit)/sqrt(max(20.,adc_ph))
+              nfound = nfound + 1
+              do j=1,200
+                tmin = 0.5*float(j)                
+                if(time_neg(i) .gt. tmin .and.
+     >             time_neg(i) .lt. tmin + time_tolerance) 
+     >            timehist(j) = timehist(j)+1
+             enddo
+            endif
+          endif
+        enddo
+! Find bin with most hits
+        jmax=0
+        maxhit=0
+        do j=1,200
+          if(timehist(j) .gt. maxhit) then
+            jmax = j
+            maxhit = timehist(j)
+          endif
+        enddo
+c$$$        if(hdumptof.eq.1) then
+c$$$          write(37,'(''trk='',2i3,8f8.3)') trk,jmax,
+c$$$     >      hx_fp(trk),hxp_fp(trk),hy_fp(trk),hyp_fp(trk),
+c$$$     >      hp_tar(trk)
+c$$$        endif
+        if( then
+          tmin = 0.5*float(jmax) 
+          do hit = 1 , hscin_tot_hits
+            i=min(1000,hit)
+            if(time_pos(i) .gt. tmin .and.
+     >         time_pos(i) .lt. tmin + time_tolerance) then
+              keep_pos(i) = .true.
+           endif
+            if(time_neg(i) .gt. tmin .and.
+     >         time_neg(i) .lt. tmin + time_tolerance) then
+              keep_neg(i) = .true.
+            endif
+          enddo
+        endif
+! Resume regular tof code, now using time filer from above
+        do hit = 1 , hscin_tot_hits
+          hgood_scin_time(trk,hit) = .false.
+          hgood_tdc_pos(trk,hit) = .false.
+          hgood_tdc_neg(trk,hit) = .false.
+          hscin_time(hit) = 0
+          hscin_sigma(hit) = 100.
+        enddo
+        do hit = 1 , hscin_tot_hits
+          plane = hscin_plane_num(hit)
+**    Find hit position
+          xhit_coord = hx_fp(trk) + hxp_fp(trk)*hscin_zpos(hit)
+          yhit_coord = hy_fp(trk) + hyp_fp(trk)*hscin_zpos(hit)
+          if (plane.eq.1 .or. plane.eq.3) then !x plane
+            hscin_trans_coord(hit) = xhit_coord
+            hscin_long_coord(hit) = yhit_coord
+          else if (plane.eq.2 .or. plane.eq.4) then !y plane
+            hscin_trans_coord(hit) = yhit_coord
+            hscin_long_coord(hit) = xhit_coord
+          else                          !bad plane #.
+            abort = .true.
+            write(errmsg,*) 'hscin_plane_num(',hit,') = ',plane
+            call g_prepend(here,errmsg)
+            return
+          endif
+**    Check if scin is on track
+          if (abs(hscin_center_coord(hit)-hscin_trans_coord(hit))
+     &         .gt.(hscin_width(hit)/2.+hscin_slop(hit))) then
+            hscin_on_track(trk,hit) = .false.
+          else
+            hscin_on_track(trk,hit) = .true.
+**    Check for good TDC
+            if (hscin_tdc_pos(hit) .ge. hscin_tdc_min .and.  
+     &          hscin_tdc_pos(hit) .le. hscin_tdc_max .and.
+     >          keep_pos(hit)) then
+**    Calculate time for each tube with a good tdc. 'pos' side first.
+              hgood_tdc_pos(trk,hit) = .true.
+              hntof = hntof + 1
+              adc_ph = hscin_adc_pos(hit)
+              path = hscin_pos_coord(hit) - hscin_long_coord(hit)
+*     Convert TDC value to time, do pulse height correction, correction for
+*     propogation of light thru scintillator, and offset.
+              time = hscin_tdc_pos(hit) * hscin_tdc_to_time
+              hscin_pos_time(hit)=time - hscin_pos_invadc_offset(hit) -
+     >            path / hscin_pos_invadc_linear(hit) -
+     >            hscin_pos_invadc_adc(hit)/sqrt(max(20.,adc_ph))
+              zcor =  (hscin_zpos(hit)/(29.979*betap) * sqrt(1.+
+     >               hxp_fp(trk)*hxp_fp(trk)+hyp_fp(trk)*hyp_fp(trk)))
+              if(hdumptof.eq.1) then
+c$$$                write(37,'(1x,''1'',2i3,5f10.3)') 
+c$$$     >             hscin_plane_num(hit),
+c$$$     >             hscin_counter_num(hit),
+c$$$     >             hscin_tdc_pos(hit) * hscin_tdc_to_time,
+c$$$     >             path,zcor,
+c$$$     >             hscin_pos_time(hit)-zcor,adc_ph
+                nsv = min(100, nsv + 1)
+                idetsv(nsv) = 20 * (hscin_plane_num(hit)-1) +
+     >            hscin_counter_num(hit)
+                tr0sv(nsv) = hscin_tdc_pos(hit) * 
+     >            hscin_tdc_to_time
+                psv(nsv) = path
+                zcsv(nsv) = zcor
+                tc1sv(nsv) = hscin_pos_time(hit)-zcor
+                adcsv(nsv) = adc_ph
+              endif
+            endif
+**    Repeat for pmts on 'negative' side
+            if (hscin_tdc_neg(hit).ge.hscin_tdc_min .and. !good tdc
+     1           hscin_tdc_neg(hit).le.hscin_tdc_max.and.
+     >           keep_neg(hit)) then
+              hgood_tdc_neg(trk,hit) = .true.
+              hntof = hntof + 1
+              adc_ph = hscin_adc_neg(hit)
+              path = hscin_long_coord(hit) - hscin_neg_coord(hit)
+              time = hscin_tdc_neg(hit) * hscin_tdc_to_time
+              hscin_neg_time(hit)=time - hscin_neg_invadc_offset(hit) -
+     >            path / hscin_neg_invadc_linear(hit) -
+     >            hscin_neg_invadc_adc(hit)/sqrt(max(20.,adc_ph))
+              zcor =  (hscin_zpos(hit)/(29.979*betap) * sqrt(1.+
+     >               hxp_fp(trk)*hxp_fp(trk)+hyp_fp(trk)*hyp_fp(trk)))
+c$$$              if(hdumptof.eq.1.and.hntracks_fp.eq.1.and.
+c$$$     $             timehist(max(1,jmax)).gt.6) then
+               if(hdumptof.eq.1) then
+c$$$                write(37,'(1x,''2'',2i3,5f10.3)') 
+c$$$     >             hscin_plane_num(hit),
+c$$$     >             hscin_counter_num(hit),
+c$$$     >             hscin_tdc_neg(hit) * hscin_tdc_to_time,
+c$$$     >             path,zcor,
+c$$$     >             hscin_neg_time(hit)-zcor,adc_ph
+                nsv = min(100, nsv + 1)
+                idetsv(nsv) = 20 * (hscin_plane_num(hit)-1) +
+     >            hscin_counter_num(hit) + 100
+                tr0sv(nsv) = hscin_tdc_neg(hit) * 
+     >            hscin_tdc_to_time
+                psv(nsv) = path
+                zcsv(nsv) = zcor
+                tc1sv(nsv) = hscin_neg_time(hit)-zcor
+                adcsv(nsv) = adc_ph
+              endif
+            endif
+**    Calculate ave time for scintillator and error.
+            if (hgood_tdc_pos(trk,hit)) then
+              if (hgood_tdc_neg(trk,hit)) then
+                hscin_time(hit) = (hscin_neg_time(hit) + hscin_pos_time(hit))/2.
+                hscin_sigma(hit) = max(0.1,sqrt(hscin_neg_sigma(hit)**2 + 
+     1               hscin_pos_sigma(hit)**2)/2.)
+                hgood_scin_time(trk,hit) = .true.
+                hntof_pairs = hntof_pairs + 1
+              else
+                hscin_time(hit) = hscin_pos_time(hit)
+                hscin_sigma(hit) = max(0.1,hscin_pos_sigma(hit))
+                hgood_scin_time(trk,hit) = .true.
+*                hgood_scin_time(trk,hit) = .false.
+              endif
+            else                        ! if hgood_tdc_neg = .false.
+              if (hgood_tdc_neg(trk,hit)) then
+                hscin_time(hit) = hscin_neg_time(hit)
+                hscin_sigma(hit) = max(0.1,hscin_neg_sigma(hit))
+                hgood_scin_time(trk,hit) = .true.
+*                hgood_scin_time(trk,hit) = .false.
+              endif
+            endif
+c     Get time at focal plane
+            if (hgood_scin_time(trk,hit)) then
+              hscin_time_fp(hit) = hscin_time(hit)
+     &             - (hscin_zpos(hit)/(29.979*betap) *
+     &             sqrt(1.+hxp_fp(trk)*hxp_fp(trk)+hyp_fp(trk)*hyp_fp(trk)))
+              sum_fp_time = sum_fp_time + hscin_time_fp(hit) /
+     >          hscin_sigma(hit)**2
+              num_fp_time = num_fp_time + 1./hscin_sigma(hit)**2
+              sum_plane_time(plane)=sum_plane_time(plane)
+     &             +hscin_time_fp(hit)
+              num_plane_time(plane)=num_plane_time(plane)+1
+              hnum_scin_hit(trk) = hnum_scin_hit(trk) + 1
+              hscin_hit(trk,hnum_scin_hit(trk)) = hit
+              hscin_fptime(trk,hnum_scin_hit(trk)) = hscin_time_fp(hit)
+              if (hgood_tdc_pos(trk,hit) .and. hgood_tdc_neg(trk,hit)) then
+                hnum_pmt_hit(trk) = hnum_pmt_hit(trk) + 2
+              else
+                hnum_pmt_hit(trk) = hnum_pmt_hit(trk) + 1
+              endif
+              if (hgood_tdc_pos(trk,hit)) then
+                if (hgood_tdc_neg(trk,hit)) then
+                  hdedx(trk,hnum_scin_hit(trk)) = sqrt(max(0.,
+     &                 hscin_adc_pos(hit)*hscin_adc_neg(hit)))
+                else
+                  hdedx(trk,hnum_scin_hit(trk))=max(0.,hscin_adc_pos(hit))
+                endif
+              else
+                if (hgood_tdc_neg(trk,hit)) then
+                  hdedx(trk,hnum_scin_hit(trk))=max(0.,hscin_adc_neg(hit))
+                else
+                  hdedx(trk,hnum_scin_hit(trk)) = 0.
+                endif
+              endif
+            endif
+          endif                 !end of 'if scintillator was on the track'
+**    See if there are any good time measurements in the plane.
+          if (hgood_scin_time(trk,hit)) then
+            hgood_plane_time(trk,plane) = .true. !still in loop over hits.
+          endif
+        enddo                           !end of loop over hit scintillators
+**    Fit beta if there are enough time measurements (one upper, one lower)
+        if ((hgood_plane_time(trk,1) .or. hgood_plane_time(trk,2)) .and.
+     1       (hgood_plane_time(trk,3) .or. hgood_plane_time(trk,4))) then
+          call h_tof_fit(abort,errmsg,trk) !fit velocity of particle
+          if (abort) then
+            call g_prepend(here,errmsg)
+            return
+          endif
+        else             !cannot fit beta from given time measurements
+          hbeta(trk) = 0.
+          hbeta_chisq(trk) = -1.
+        endif
+        if (num_fp_time .ne. 0) then
+          htime_at_fp(trk) = sum_fp_time / num_fp_time
+        endif
+        do ind=1,4
+          if (num_plane_time(ind) .ne. 0) then
+            h_fptime(ind)=sum_plane_time(ind)/float(num_plane_time(ind))
+          else
+            h_fptime(ind)=1000.*ind
+          endif
+        enddo
+        h_fptimedif(1)=h_fptime(1)-h_fptime(2)
+        h_fptimedif(2)=h_fptime(1)-h_fptime(3)
+        h_fptimedif(3)=h_fptime(1)-h_fptime(4)
+        h_fptimedif(4)=h_fptime(2)-h_fptime(3)
+        h_fptimedif(5)=h_fptime(2)-h_fptime(4)
+        h_fptimedif(6)=h_fptime(3)-h_fptime(4)   
+*     Dump tof common blocks if (hdebugprinttoftracks is set
+        if( ) call h_prt_tof(trk)
+        if( then
+          if(trk.eq.1) write(*,'(/1x,''hms tol='',f8.2)') time_tolerance
+          write(*,'(5i3,4L2,7f7.2)') trk,nfound,jmax,timehist(max(1,jmax)),
+     >      hnum_pmt_hit(trk),
+     >      hgood_plane_time(trk,1),hgood_plane_time(trk,3),
+     >      hgood_plane_time(trk,2),hgood_plane_time(trk,4),
+     >      htime_at_fp(trk),hbeta(trk),hbeta_chisq(trk),
+     >      hdelta_tar(trk),hy_tar(trk),hxp_tar(trk),hyp_tar(trk)
+        endif
+        if(hntracks_fp.eq.1.and.
+     >    hdumptof.eq.1.and.
+     >     timehist(max(1,jmax)).gt.6) then
+c        if(hdumptof.eq.1) then
+           write(37,'(1x,''0'',2i3,5f10.3)') trk,hntracks_fp,
+     >      p, betap
+          call h_tofcal_fill(nsv,idetsv,tr0sv,psv,zcsv,
+     >       tc1sv,adcsv)
+        endif
+      enddo                             !end of loop over tracks
+ 666  continue
+      RETURN
+      END
+! Fit TOF for Hall C HMS with the form for each PMT:
+! tcorr = time - offset - path * velocity - adccor / sqrt(ADC)
+! where offset, velocity, and adccor are parameters
+! September 20085 P. Bosted
+! Modified to run automatically during replay: no longer
+! any need to dump large text files
+! To activate, set hdumptof = 1 in hdebug.param in
+! the PARAM directory (can also do from command line)
+! The output parameters will be in tof/hodoxxxx.param, where
+! xxxxx is the run number
+! Normal values of invadc_offset are between -50 and 50,
+! normal values of invadc_velocity are between 12 and 17 (50 is
+! default if not enough data for the fit), and normal values of
+! shodo_pos_invadc_adc are 20 to 50. Normal values of the sigmas
+! are 0.3 to 0.8 nsec. 
+      subroutine h_tofcal_init
+! initialize common block variables at begin run
+      implicit none
+      integer i,j
+! common block variables
+      integer thist(200,10),adchist(200,18),phist(200,18)
+      integer nhit(200),ip1(200),ip2(200),ip3(200)
+      integer ipdet(600),iptyp(600),nparam
+      real*8 ax(1000,1000),bx(1000),avtime,ntime,avsig(200)
+      common/htofcal/ ax,bx,thist,adchist,phist,nhit,
+     >   ip1,ip2,ip3,ipdet,iptyp,avtime,ntime,avsig,nparam
+      nparam=0
+      do i=1,200
+        nhit(i)=0
+        ip1(i)=0
+        ip2(i)=0
+        ip3(i)=0
+        avsig(i)=0.
+        do j=1,10
+          thist(i,j)=0
+        enddo
+        do j=1,18
+          adchist(i,j)=0
+          phist(i,j)=0
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      do i=1,600
+        ipdet(i)=0
+        iptyp(i)=0
+      enddo
+! Initialize the fitting arrays
+      do i=1,1000
+        bx(i)=0.
+        do j=1,1000
+          ax(i,j)=0.
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      avtime = 0.
+      ntime = 0.
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine h_tofcal_fill(n,idet,tr0,p,zc,tc1,adc)
+! Fill in the arrays for HMS tof cal
+! Inputs are:
+! n  number of PMTs n
+! idet detector code (from 1 to 200)
+! tr0 TDCtime
+! p path length
+! zc time correction due to z 
+! tc1 corrected time using current variables
+! adc ADC
+      implicit none
+! local and input variables
+      integer i,j,k,n,idt,idet(100)
+      integer k1,k2,k3,k4,k5,k6
+      real*8 tr0(100),p(100),zc(100),tc1(100),p2(100),adc(100),tr(100)
+      real*8 dt,avval
+      logical first_time/.true./
+! common block variables
+      integer thist(200,10),adchist(200,18),phist(200,18)
+      integer nhit(200),ip1(200),ip2(200),ip3(200)
+      integer ipdet(600),iptyp(600),nparam
+      real*8 ax(1000,1000),bx(1000),avtime,ntime,avsig(200)
+      common/htofcal/ ax,bx,thist,adchist,phist,nhit,
+     >   ip1,ip2,ip3,ipdet,iptyp,avtime,ntime,avsig,nparam
+      if(first_time) then
+        first_time = .false.
+        call h_tofcal_init
+      endif
+! need at least 6 PMTs for fitting
+      if(n.le.5) return
+c      write(6,'(/i3,10f6.1)') n,(tc1(i),i=1,min(10,n))
+c      write(6,'(i3,10i6)') n,(idet(i),i=1,min(10,n))
+! Loop over all PMTs
+      avval = 0. 
+      do i=1,n
+! Check for valid detector code
+        if(idet(i).le.0.or.idet(i).gt.200) then
+          write(6,'(''ERROR, in h_tofcal, idet='',2i8)') i,idet(i)
+          return
+        endif
+! Fill in ADC histograms
+        k = min(18., max(1., (adc(i)/20.)+1))
+        adchist(idet(i), k) = adchist(idet(i), k) + 1 
+! correct raw times for zpos using betap
+        tr(i) = tr0(i)- zc(i)
+! Put 1./sqrt(ADC) in p2 variable
+        p2(i) = 1./sqrt(max(20., adc(i)))
+! Histogram path length variable
+        k = min(18, max(1, int(p(i)/7.)+1))
+        phist(idet(i), k) = phist(idet(i), k) + 1 
+! average time
+        avval = avval + tc1(i)
+      enddo
+      avval = avval / float(n)
+! Loop over PMTS again
+! Get average h_start_time and sigmas for each PMT
+! THESE SHOULD BE DONE on a 2nd iteration of the
+! TOF calibration for a given run, setting
+! h_tof_tolerance to something small like 3 nsec
+      do j=1,n
+        nhit(idet(j))=nhit(idet(j))+1
+        avsig(idet(j)) = avsig(idet(j)) + 
+     >    (tc1(j) - avval)**2
+! If first time detector used, assign corresponding parameters
+! Note that detector 4 had has a fixed time offset (ip1) of zero
+! since all times are relative. 
+        if(nhit(idet(j)).eq.1) then
+          if(idet(j).eq.4) then
+            ip1(idet(j))=0
+          else
+! fixed time offsets
+            nparam=nparam+1
+            ip1(idet(j))=nparam
+            ipdet(nparam)=idet(j)
+            iptyp(nparam)=1
+          endif
+! linear term in path
+! Changed 11/08 to make same for both pos. and neg. ends! 
+          if(idet(j).le.100) then
+           nparam=nparam+1
+           ip2(idet(j))=nparam
+           ip2(idet(j)+100)=nparam
+           ipdet(nparam)=idet(j)
+           iptyp(nparam)=2
+          endif
+! 1/sqrt(adc) terms (or could be path length**2 if desired)
+          nparam=nparam+1
+          ip3(idet(j))=nparam
+          ipdet(nparam)=idet(j)
+          iptyp(nparam)=3
+          k=idet(j)
+c          write(6,'(''h_tofcal_fill'',i3,4i5)') 
+c     >      k,nhit(k),ip1(k),ip2(k),ip3(k)
+        endif
+        avtime = avtime + tc1(j)
+        ntime = ntime + 1.
+       enddo ! loop over n
+! now loop over all pairs in fill in the matrix
+! Also, histogram time differences using current corrections
+       do j=1,n-1
+          do k=j+1,n
+            if(ip2(idet(j)).gt.0.and.ip2(idet(k)).gt.0) then
+              dt = tc1(j)-tc1(k)
+              idt = min(10,max(1,int((dt+5.))+1))
+              thist(idet(j),idt) = thist(idet(j),idt) + 1
+              dt = tc1(k)-tc1(j)
+              idt = min(10,max(1,int((dt+5.))+1))
+              thist(idet(k),idt) = thist(idet(k),idt) + 1
+              k1 = idet(j)
+              k2 = idet(k)
+              k1=ip1(idet(j))
+              k2=ip1(idet(k))
+              k3=ip2(idet(j))
+              k4=ip2(idet(k))
+              k5=ip3(idet(j))
+              k6=ip3(idet(k))
+              if( then
+                bx(k1) = bx(k1) - (tr(j)-tr(k))
+                ax(k1,k1) = ax(k1,k1) + 1.
+                ax(k1,k3) = ax(k1,k3) + p(j)
+                ax(k1,k4) = ax(k1,k4) - p(k)
+                ax(k1,k5) = ax(k1,k5) + p2(j)
+                ax(k1,k6) = ax(k1,k6) - p2(k)
+                ax(k3,k1) = ax(k3,k1) + p(j)
+                ax(k4,k1) = ax(k4,k1) - p(k)
+                ax(k5,k1) = ax(k5,k1) + p2(j)
+                ax(k6,k1) = ax(k6,k1) - p2(k)
+              endif
+              if( then
+                ax(k1,k2) = ax(k1,k2) - 1.
+                ax(k2,k1) = ax(k2,k1) - 1.
+              endif
+              if( then
+                bx(k2) = bx(k2) + (tr(j)-tr(k))
+                ax(k2,k2) = ax(k2,k2) + 1.
+                ax(k2,k3) = ax(k2,k3) - p(j)
+                ax(k2,k4) = ax(k2,k4) + p(k)
+                ax(k2,k5) = ax(k2,k5) - p2(j)
+                ax(k2,k6) = ax(k2,k6) + p2(k)
+                ax(k3,k2) = ax(k3,k2) - p(j)    
+                ax(k4,k2) = ax(k4,k2) + p(k)    
+                ax(k5,k2) = ax(k5,k2) - p2(j)    
+                ax(k6,k2) = ax(k6,k2) + p2(k)    
+              endif
+              bx(k3) = bx(k3) - (tr(j)-tr(k)) * p(j)
+              bx(k4) = bx(k4) + (tr(j)-tr(k)) * p(k)
+              bx(k5) = bx(k5) - (tr(j)-tr(k)) * p2(j)
+              bx(k6) = bx(k6) + (tr(j)-tr(k)) * p2(k)
+              ax(k3,k3) = ax(k3,k3) + p(j)*p(j)
+              ax(k3,k4) = ax(k3,k4) - p(k)*p(j)
+              ax(k3,k5) = ax(k3,k5) + p2(j)*p(j)
+              ax(k3,k6) = ax(k3,k6) - p2(k)*p(j)
+              ax(k4,k3) = ax(k4,k3) - p(j)*p(k)
+              ax(k4,k4) = ax(k4,k4) + p(k)*p(k)
+              ax(k4,k5) = ax(k4,k5) - p2(j)*p(k)
+              ax(k4,k6) = ax(k4,k6) + p2(k)*p(k)
+              ax(k5,k3) = ax(k5,k3) + p(j)*p2(j)
+              ax(k5,k4) = ax(k5,k4) - p(k)*p2(j)
+              ax(k5,k5) = ax(k5,k5) + p2(j)*p2(j)
+              ax(k5,k6) = ax(k5,k6) - p2(k)*p2(j)
+              ax(k6,k3) = ax(k6,k3) - p(j)*p2(k)
+              ax(k6,k4) = ax(k6,k4) + p(k)*p2(k)
+              ax(k6,k5) = ax(k6,k5) - p2(j)*p2(k)
+              ax(k6,k6) = ax(k6,k6) + p2(k)*p2(k)
+           endif
+         enddo
+      enddo
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine h_tofcal_endrun(runno)
+! Solve simultaneous linear equations for best values of
+! tof parameters, and write to file
+! local and input variables
+      implicit none
+      INCLUDE 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'hms_scin_parms.cmn'
+      include 'hms_scin_tof.cmn'
+      integer i,j,runno,iwork(1000),ifail
+      real*8 toff(200),vel(200),quad(200)
+      character*80 fname
+! common block variables
+      integer thist(200,10),adchist(200,18),phist(200,18)
+      integer nhit(200),ip1(200),ip2(200),ip3(200)
+      integer ipdet(600),iptyp(600),nparam
+      real*8 ax(1000,1000),bx(1000),avtime,ntime,avsig(200)
+      common/htofcal/ ax,bx,thist,adchist,phist,nhit,
+     >   ip1,ip2,ip3,ipdet,iptyp,avtime,ntime,avsig,nparam
+! find the solutions
+      if (nparam .lt. 1) return
+      call deqn (nparam,ax,1000,iwork,ifail,1,bx)
+! association of parameters with detectors
+      do i=1,200
+        toff(i)=0
+        vel(i)=0.
+        quad(i)=0.
+      enddo
+      do i=1,nparam
+        if(iptyp(i).eq.1) toff(ipdet(i))=bx(i)
+        if(iptyp(i).eq.2)  vel(ipdet(i))=bx(i)
+        if(iptyp(i).eq.2)  vel(ipdet(i)+100)=bx(i)
+        if(iptyp(i).eq.3) quad(ipdet(i))=bx(i)
+      enddo
+! write solutions
+      write(fname,'(''HTOFCAL/htofcal'',i5.5,''.param'')') 
+     >  runno
+      open(unit=10,file=fname)
+      write(10,'(''; This parameter determines how close'',
+     >  '' in time the ''/
+     >  ''; corrected scint. have to be to each other. '',
+     >  '' For initial calibrations, use 50.  ''/
+     >  ''; For final calibration,use 3. For regular '',
+     >  '' running, use about 10.''/
+     >  ''; Used in h_trans_scin.f and h_tof.f''/
+     >  ''   htof_tolerance = '',f6.1)') 
+     >  htof_tolerance
+      write(10,'(/''; This is default (average) value'',
+     >  '' of start time for ''/
+     >  ''; drift chambers. It is used in h_trans_scin.f''/
+     >  ''   hstart_time_center = '',f6.1)') avtime/
+     >  max(1.,ntime)
+! copied from previous hhodo.param
+      write(10,'(/''; This is 1/2 width of winow'',
+     >  '' on hstart_time_center''/
+     >  ''; it is used in h_trans_scin.f''/
+     >  ''   hstart_time_slop = '',f6.1)') 
+     >  hstart_time_slop
+      write(10,'(/''; Minimum and Maximum raw TDC'',
+     >  '' that will be used ''/
+     >  ''; Check raw TDC spectra to make sure ok''/
+     >  ''   hscin_tdc_min = '',i6/ 
+     >  ''   hscin_tdc_max = '',i6)') 
+     >  int(hscin_tdc_min),int(hscin_tdc_max)
+      write(10,'(/''; TDC time in nsec per channel''/
+     >  ''   hscin_tdc_to_time = '',f8.4)') 
+     >  hscin_tdc_to_time
+      write(10,'(/''; Position tolerance in cm'',
+     >  '' used in efficiency calcultions ''/
+     >  ''; used in hms_scin_eff.f''/
+     >  ''   hhodo_slop = '',
+     >  f5.0,'','',f5.0,'','',f5.0,'','',f5.0)') 
+     >  (hhodo_slop(i),i=1,4)
+      write(10,'(/''hhodo_pos_invadc_offset ='',3(f8.2,'',''),
+     >  f8.2)') (-1.0*toff(i),i=1,80,20)
+      do j=2,16
+       write(10,'(1x,''                        '',3(f8.2,'',''),
+     >  f8.2)')(-1.0*toff(i),i=j,79+j,20)
+      enddo
+      write(10,'(/''hhodo_neg_invadc_offset ='',3(f8.2,'',''),
+     >  f8.2)')(-1.0*toff(i),i=101,180,20)
+      do j=2,16
+       write(10,'(1x,''                        '',3(f8.2,'',''),
+     >  f8.2)')(-1.0*toff(i),i=100+j,179+j,20)
+      enddo
+      write(10,'(/''hhodo_pos_invadc_linear ='',3(f8.2,'',''),
+     >  f8.2)')( -1./min(-0.02,vel(i)),i=1,80,20)
+      do j=2,16
+       write(10,'(1x,''                        '',3(f8.2,'',''),
+     >  f8.2)')(-1./min(-0.02,vel(i)),i=j,79+j,20)
+      enddo
+      write(10,'(/''hhodo_neg_invadc_linear ='',3(f8.2,'',''),
+     >  f8.2)')( -1./min(-0.02,vel(i)),i=101,180,20)
+      do j=2,16
+       write(10,'(1x,''                        '',3(f8.2,'',''),
+     >  f8.2)')(-1./min(-0.02,vel(i)),i=100+j,179+j,20)
+      enddo
+      write(10,'(/''hhodo_pos_invadc_adc='',3(f9.2,'',''),
+     >  f9.2)')(-1.*quad(i),i=1,80,20)
+      do j=2,16
+       write(10,'(1x,''                   '',3(f9.2,'',''),
+     >  f9.2)')(-1.*quad(i),i=j,79+j,20)
+      enddo
+      write(10,'(/''hhodo_neg_invadc_adc='',3(f9.2,'',''),
+     >  f9.2)')(-1.0*quad(i),i=101,180,20)
+      do j=2,16
+       write(10,'(1x,''                   '',3(f9.2,'',''),
+     >  f9.2)')(-1.*quad(i),i=100+j,179+j,20)
+      enddo
+      do i=1,200
+        avsig(i) = avsig(i) / max(1,nhit(i))
+      enddo
+      write(10,'(/''hhodo_pos_sigma ='',3(f8.2,'',''),
+     >  f8.2)') (max(0.1,min(100.,avsig(i))),i=1,80,20)
+      do j=2,16
+       write(10,'(1x,''               '',3(f8.2,'',''),
+     >  f8.2)')(max(0.1,min(100.,avsig(i))),i=j,79+j,20)
+      enddo
+      write(10,'(/''hhodo_neg_sigma ='',3(f8.2,'',''),
+     >  f8.2)') (max(0.3,min(100.,avsig(i))),i=101,180,20)
+      do j=2,16
+       write(10,'(1x,''               '',3(f8.2,'',''),
+     >  f8.2)')(max(0.3,min(100.,avsig(i))),i=100+j,179+j,20)
+      enddo
+      write(10,'(/''hhodo_pos_ped_limit = 1000,'',
+     >  ''1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000''/
+     >  22x,''1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000''/   
+     >  22x,''1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000''/   
+     >  22x,''1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000''/   
+     >  22x,''1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000''/   
+     >  22x,''1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000''/   
+     >  22x,''1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000''/   
+     >  22x,''1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000'')')
+      write(10,'(/''hhodo_neg_ped_limit = 1000,'',
+     >  ''1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000''/
+     >  22x,''1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000''/   
+     >  22x,''1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000''/   
+     >  22x,''1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000''/   
+     >  22x,''1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000''/   
+     >  22x,''1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000''/   
+     >  22x,''1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000''/   
+     >  22x,''1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000'')')
+      close(unit=10)
+! Diagnositc information 
+      write(fname,'(''HTOFCAL/htofcal'',i5.5,''.diag'')') 
+     >  runno
+      open(unit=10,file=fname)
+      write(10,'(1x,''ifail='',i10,
+     >  '' (desired value is 0 if fit worked)'')') ifail
+      do i=1,100
+       if(nhit(i).gt.0 .or.nhit(100+i).gt.0.) then
+        write(10,'(i3,2i6,6f7.1)') i,nhit(i),nhit(100+i),
+     >    -toff(i),-toff(100+i),-1./vel(i),-1./vel(100+i),
+     >    -quad(i),-quad(100+i) 
+       endif
+      enddo
+      write(10,'(''ADCHIST'')')
+      do i=1,200
+        if(nhit(i).gt.0) write(10,'(i4,16i4)') 
+     >    i,(adchist(i,j)/10,j=1,16)
+      enddo
+      write(10,'(''THIST'')')
+      do i=1,200
+        if(nhit(i).gt.0) write(10,'(i4,10i5)') 
+     >    i,(thist(i,j)/100,j=1,10)
+      enddo
+      write(10,'('' PHIST'')')
+      do i=1,200
+        if(nhit(i).gt.0) write(10,'(i4,16i4)') 
+     >    i,(phist(i,j)/20,j=1,16)
+      enddo
+      close(unit=10)
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_tof_fit.f b/HTRACKING/h_tof_fit.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f4d1a6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_tof_fit.f
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+      subroutine h_tof_fit(abort,errmsg,trk)
+* author: John Arrington
+* created: 2/22/94
+* h_tof_fit fits the velocity of the paritcle from the corrected
+* times generated by h_tof.
+* modifications:
+* $Log: h_tof_fit.f,v $
+* Revision 1.10  1996/09/04 13:36:24  saw
+* (JRA) Include actual beta in calculation of focal plane time.
+* Revision 1.9  1995/05/22 19:39:29  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.8  1995/02/23  13:29:15  cdaq
+* (SAW) Cosmetic Changes
+* Revision 1.7  1995/02/10  18:49:57  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add track index to hgood_scin_time
+* Revision 1.6  1994/09/13  21:26:53  cdaq
+* (JRA) fix chisq calculation
+* Revision 1.5  1994/07/13  15:05:08  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add abs around tmpdenom that I left out last update
+* Revision 1.4  1994/07/11  18:34:35  cdaq
+* (JRA) Increase comparison of tmpdenom from 1e-15 to 1e-10
+* Revision 1.3  1994/07/08  19:42:31  cdaq
+* (JRA) Change fit from velocity to beta.  Bad fits give beta=0
+* Revision 1.2  1994/06/14  04:53:41  cdaq
+* (DFG) Protect against divide by 0 in beta calc
+* Revision 1.1  1994/04/13  16:29:15  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'hms_scin_parms.cmn'
+      include 'hms_scin_tof.cmn'
+      logical abort
+      character*1024 errmsg
+      character*20 here
+      parameter (here = 'h_tof_fit')
+      real*4 sumw, sumt, sumz, sumzz, sumtz
+      real*4 scin_weight
+      real*4 tmp, t0 ,tmpdenom
+      real*4 pathnorm
+      integer*4 hit, trk
+      save
+      sumw = 0.
+      sumt = 0.
+      sumz = 0.
+      sumzz = 0.
+      sumtz = 0.
+      do hit = 1 , hscin_tot_hits
+        if (hgood_scin_time(trk,hit)) then
+          scin_weight = 1./hscin_sigma(hit)**2
+          sumw = sumw + scin_weight
+          sumt = sumt + scin_weight * hscin_time(hit)
+          sumz = sumz + scin_weight * hscin_zpos(hit)
+          sumzz = sumzz + scin_weight * hscin_zpos(hit)**2
+          sumtz = sumtz + scin_weight * hscin_zpos(hit) *
+     1         hscin_time(hit)
+        endif
+      enddo
+* The formula for beta (and t0) come from taking chi-squared (as
+* defined below), and differentiating  with respect to each
+* of the fit paramters (beta and t0 for fit to z=beta*(t-t0)).
+* Setting both of these derivatives to zero gives the minumum
+* chisquared (since they are quadratic in beta and t0), and
+* gives a solution for beta in terms of sums of z, t, and w.
+      tmp = sumw*sumzz - sumz*sumz
+      t0 = (sumt*sumzz - sumz*sumtz) / tmp
+      tmpdenom = sumw*sumtz - sumz*sumt
+      if(abs(tmpdenom) .gt. 1.e-10) then
+        hbeta(trk) = tmp / tmpdenom     !velocity in cm/ns.
+        hbeta_chisq(trk) = 0.
+        do hit = 1 , hscin_tot_hits
+          if (hgood_scin_time(trk,hit)) then
+            hbeta_chisq(trk) = hbeta_chisq(trk) + 
+     1           (hscin_zpos(hit)/hbeta(trk) -
+     1           (hscin_time(hit) - t0))**2 / hscin_sigma(hit)**2
+          endif
+        enddo
+        pathnorm = sqrt(1 + hxp_fp(trk)**2 + hyp_fp(trk)**2)
+        hbeta(trk) = hbeta(trk) * pathnorm !take angle into account
+        hbeta(trk) = hbeta(trk) / 29.979 !velocity/c
+      else
+        hbeta(trk) = 0.                 ! set unphysical beta
+        hbeta_chisq(trk) = -2
+      endif                             ! end if on denomimator = 0.
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_tof_init.f b/HTRACKING/h_tof_init.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d4be5f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_tof_init.f
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+      subroutine h_tof_init(abort,err)
+* author: John Arrington
+* created: 2/22/94
+* h_tof_init sets up the track independant parameters
+* for fitting the tof of the particle.
+* modifications: 31 Mar 1994    DFG  Check for 0 hits
+* $Log: h_tof_init.f,v $
+* Revision  2008/11/17 15:58:44  cdaq
+* Removed old tof varaibles
+* Revision  2007/10/24 16:37:16  cdaq
+* *** empty log message ***
+* Revision  2007/05/02 21:18:09  jones
+* Add new code needed for  adjusting scintillator timing using P Bosted's method.
+* Revision 1.6  1995/05/22 19:39:30  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.5  1995/02/21  16:57:28  cdaq
+* (JRA) Change hhodo_center_coord to hhodo_center
+* Revision 1.4  1995/02/02  16:12:50  cdaq
+* (JRA) Make minph variables into per pmt constants
+* Revision 1.3  1994/09/13  21:30:01  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add staggering of scintillator counters
+* Revision 1.2  1994/06/01  15:39:34  cdaq
+* (SAW) Change declaration of err to *(*)
+* Revision 1.1  1994/04/13  16:29:31  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'hms_scin_parms.cmn'
+      include 'hms_scin_tof.cmn'
+      logical abort
+      character*(*) err
+      character*20 here
+      parameter (here = 'h_tof_init')
+      integer*4 ihit,plane,counter
+      save
+      if( then
+        do ihit = 1 , hscin_tot_hits
+          plane = hscin_plane_num(ihit) !from h_raw_scin common block.
+          counter = hscin_counter_num(ihit)
+          hscin_slop(ihit) = hhodo_slop(plane)
+          hscin_pos_sigma(ihit) = hhodo_pos_sigma(plane,counter)
+          hscin_neg_sigma(ihit) = hhodo_neg_sigma(plane,counter)
+          hscin_center_coord(ihit) = hhodo_center(plane,counter)
+          hscin_pos_invadc_offset(ihit) = 
+     >      hhodo_pos_invadc_offset(plane,counter)
+          hscin_neg_invadc_offset(ihit) = 
+     >      hhodo_neg_invadc_offset(plane,counter)
+          hscin_pos_invadc_linear(ihit) = 
+     >      max(10.,hhodo_pos_invadc_linear(plane,counter))
+          hscin_neg_invadc_linear(ihit) = 
+     >      max(10.,hhodo_neg_invadc_linear(plane,counter))
+          hscin_pos_invadc_adc(ihit) = 
+     >      hhodo_pos_invadc_adc(plane,counter)
+          hscin_neg_invadc_adc(ihit) = 
+     >      hhodo_neg_invadc_adc(plane,counter)
+          if (plane .eq. 1) then        !1x
+            hscin_zpos(ihit) = hscin_1x_zpos
+            if (2*int(float(counter)/2.) .eq. counter) then !even tube, in back.
+              hscin_zpos(ihit) = hscin_zpos(ihit) + hscin_1x_dzpos
+            endif
+            hscin_pos_coord(ihit) = hscin_1x_left
+            hscin_neg_coord(ihit) = hscin_1x_right
+            hscin_width(ihit) = hscin_1x_size
+          else if (plane .eq. 2) then   !1y
+            hscin_zpos(ihit) = hscin_1y_zpos
+            if (2*int(float(counter)/2.) .eq. counter) then !even tube, in back.
+              hscin_zpos(ihit) = hscin_zpos(ihit) + hscin_1y_dzpos
+            endif
+            hscin_pos_coord(ihit) = hscin_1y_bot
+            hscin_neg_coord(ihit) = hscin_1y_top
+            hscin_width(ihit) = hscin_1y_size
+          else if (plane .eq. 3) then   !2x
+            hscin_zpos(ihit) = hscin_2x_zpos
+            if (2*int(float(counter)/2.) .eq. counter) then !even tube, in back.
+              hscin_zpos(ihit) = hscin_zpos(ihit) + hscin_2x_dzpos
+            endif
+            hscin_pos_coord(ihit) = hscin_2x_left
+            hscin_neg_coord(ihit) = hscin_2x_right
+            hscin_width(ihit) = hscin_2x_size
+          else if (plane .eq. 4) then   !2y
+            hscin_zpos(ihit) = hscin_2y_zpos
+            if (2*int(float(counter)/2.) .eq. counter) then !even tube, in back.
+              hscin_zpos(ihit) = hscin_zpos(ihit) + hscin_2y_dzpos
+            endif
+            hscin_pos_coord(ihit) = hscin_2y_bot
+            hscin_neg_coord(ihit) = hscin_2y_top
+            hscin_width(ihit) = hscin_2y_size
+          else
+            abort = .true.
+            write(err,*) 'Trying to init. hms hodoscope plane',plane
+            call g_prepend(here,err)
+            return
+          endif
+        enddo
+      endif                             ! end test on zero hits
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_track.f b/HTRACKING/h_track.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..073d027
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_track.f
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+*-   Purpose and Methods :  Finds and fits tracks in HMS focal plane 
+*-      Required Input BANKS     HMS_DECODED_DC
+*-      Output BANKS             HMS_FOCAL_PLANE
+*-                               HMS_DECODED_DC hit coordinates
+*-   Output: ABORT           - success or failure
+*-         : err             - reason for failure, if any
+*-   Created 19-JAN-1994   D. F. Geesaman
+* $Log: h_track.f,v $
+* Revision  2011/10/25 16:12:30  jones
+* Elminate unneed variables and include files
+* Revision  2011/10/25 16:07:07  jones
+* back to original h_track.f wihtout trying to do only one stub.
+* Revision  2009/09/15 20:37:39  jones
+* Add code to track with single stub
+* Revision 1.5  1996/09/04 13:37:02  saw
+* (JRA) Initialize hstubmin variables
+* Revision 1.4  1995/10/11 12:19:50  cdaq
+* (JRA) Only call tracking routines when it is warranted
+* Revision 1.3  1995/05/22 19:39:30  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.2  1994/04/13  17:07:57  cdaq
+* (DFG) Added histograming call (h_fill_dc_fp_hist)
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/19  06:20:31  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      SAVE
+      character*7 here
+      parameter (here= 'H_TRACK')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      integer*4 ierr
+      character*5  line_err
+      INCLUDE 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_tracking.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_constants.par'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_units.par'
+      ABORT = .false.
+      err = ' '
+      if ( then
+        if(ABORT) then
+          call G_add_path(here,err)
+          return
+        endif
+        if ( then
+          call H_LEFT_RIGHT(ABORT,err)
+          if(ABORT) then
+            call G_add_path(here,err)
+            return
+          endif
+          hstubminx = 999999.
+          hstubminy = 999999.
+          hstubminxp = 999999.
+          hstubminyp = 999999.
+          call H_LINK_STUBS(ABORT,err)
+          if(ABORT) then
+            call G_add_path(here,err)
+            return
+          endif
+          if ( then
+            call H_TRACK_FIT(ABORT,err,ierr)
+            if(ABORT) then
+              call G_add_path(here,err)
+              return
+            endif
+*     Check for internal error in H_TRACK_FIT
+            if( then
+              line_err=' '
+              call CSETDI(ierr,line_err,1,5)
+              err='ERROR IN H_TRACK_FIT' // line_err
+              call G_add_path(here,err)
+              call G_LOG_MESSAGE(err)
+            endif                    
+*     histogram focal plane tracks
+            call h_fill_dc_fp_hist(ABORT,err)
+            if(ABORT) then
+              call g_add_path(here,err)
+              return
+            endif
+          endif                         !(
+        endif                           !(
+      endif                             !(
+         return
+         end
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_track_fit.f b/HTRACKING/h_track_fit.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c3a5cdb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_track_fit.f
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+      subroutine H_TRACK_FIT(ABORT,err,ierr)
+*     primary track fitting routine for the HMS spectrometer
+*     Called by H_TRACK
+*     d.f. geesaman         17 January 1994
+*     modified 
+*                           17 Feb 1994        dfg
+*                              remove minuit. Make fit linear
+*                              still does not do errors properly
+* $Log: h_track_fit.f,v $
+* Revision 1.11  1996/01/16 21:42:18  cdaq
+* (JRA) Remove slices code, misc fixes, reindent.
+* Revision 1.10  1995/08/30 16:11:39  cdaq
+* (JRA) Don't fill single_residual arrray
+* Revision 1.9  1995/05/22  19:39:31  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.8  1995/04/06  19:32:58  cdaq
+* (JRA) Rename residuals variables
+* Revision 1.7  1995/01/27  20:26:50  cdaq
+* (JRA) Remove Mack's personal focalplane diceamatic (z slicer) code
+* Revision 1.6  1994/12/06  15:45:27  cdaq
+* (DJM) Take slices in Z to look for best focus
+* Revision 1.5  1994/10/12  18:52:06  cdaq
+* (DJM) Initialize some variables
+* (SAW) Prettify indentation
+* Revision 1.4  1994/09/01  12:29:07  cdaq
+* (DJM) Make registered versions of residuals
+* Revision 1.3  1994/08/18  02:45:53  cdaq
+* (DM) Add calculation of residuals
+* Revision 1.2  1994/02/22  05:25:00  cdaq
+* (SAW) Remove dfloat calls with floating args
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/19  06:20:53  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      include "hms_data_structures.cmn"
+      include "hms_tracking.cmn"
+      include "hms_geometry.cmn"
+      external h_dpsifun
+*     local variables
+      logical ABORT
+      character*11 here
+      parameter (here='H_TRACK_FIT')
+      character*(*) err
+      integer*4 itrk                        ! track loop index
+      integer*4 ihit,ierr
+      integer*4 hit,pln
+      integer*4 i,j                             ! loop index
+*      real*4 z_slice
+      real*8   h_dpsifun
+      real*8   pos
+      real*8   ray1(4)
+      real*8   ray2(4)
+      real*8 TT(hnum_fpray_param)
+      real*8 AA(hnum_fpray_param,hnum_fpray_param)
+      real*8 dray(hnum_fpray_param)
+      real*4 chi2,dummychi2
+      parameter (dummychi2 = 1.E4)
+*     array to remap hplane_coeff to param number
+      integer*4 remap(hnum_fpray_param)
+      data remap/5,6,3,4/
+      save remap
+      ABORT= .FALSE.
+      ierr=0
+*  initailize residuals
+      do pln=1,hdc_num_planes
+        do itrk=1,hntracks_fp
+          hdc_double_residual(itrk,pln)=1000
+          hdc_single_residual(itrk,pln)=1000
+        enddo
+c fill the 1d arrays from the 2d arrays for good track (in h_physics)
+c        hdc_sing_res(pln)=1000
+        hdc_dbl_res(pln)=1000
+      enddo
+*     test for no tracks
+      if( then
+        do itrk=1,hntracks_fp
+          chi2= dummychi2
+          htrack_fit_num=itrk
+*     are there enough degrees of freedom
+          hnfree_fp(itrk)=hntrack_hits(itrk,1)-hnum_fpray_param
+          if(hnfree_fp(itrk).gt.0) then
+*     initialize parameters
+            do i=1,hnum_fpray_param
+              TT(i)=0.
+              do ihit=2,hntrack_hits(itrk,1)+1
+                hit=hntrack_hits(itrk,ihit)
+                pln=hdc_plane_num(hit)
+                TT(i)=TT(i)+((hdc_wire_coord(hit)*
+     &               hplane_coeff(remap(i),pln))
+     &               /(hdc_sigma(pln)*hdc_sigma(pln)))
+              enddo 
+            enddo
+            do i=1,hnum_fpray_param
+              do j=1,hnum_fpray_param
+                AA(i,j)=0.
+                if(
+                  AA(i,j)=AA(j,i)
+                else 
+                  do ihit=2,hntrack_hits(itrk,1)+1
+                    hit=hntrack_hits(itrk,ihit)
+                    pln=hdc_plane_num(hit)
+                    AA(i,j)=AA(i,j) + (
+     &                   hplane_coeff(remap(i),pln)*hplane_coeff(remap(j)
+     $                   ,pln)/(hdc_sigma(pln)*hdc_sigma(pln)))
+                  enddo                 ! end loop on ihit
+                endif                   ! end test on j .lt. i
+              enddo                     ! end loop on j
+            enddo                       ! end loop on i
+*     solve four by four equations
+            call solve_four_by_four(TT,AA,dray,ierr)
+            if( then
+              dray(1)=10000.
+              dray(2)=10000.
+              dray(3)=2.
+              dray(4)=2.
+            else
+*     calculate chi2
+              chi2=0.
+* calculate hit coord at each plane for chisquared and efficiency calculations.
+              do pln=1,hdc_num_planes
+                hdc_track_coord(itrk,pln)=hplane_coeff(remap(1),pln)*dray(1)
+     &               +hplane_coeff(remap(2),pln)*dray(2)
+     &               +hplane_coeff(remap(3),pln)*dray(3)
+     &               +hplane_coeff(remap(4),pln)*dray(4)
+              enddo
+              do ihit=2,hntrack_hits(itrk,1)+1
+                hit=hntrack_hits(itrk,ihit)
+                pln=hdc_plane_num(hit)
+* note chi2 is single precision
+                hdc_single_residual(itrk,pln)=
+     &              hdc_wire_coord(hit)-hdc_track_coord(itrk,pln)
+                chi2=chi2+
+     &              (hdc_single_residual(itrk,pln)/hdc_sigma(pln))**2
+              enddo
+            endif
+            hx_fp(itrk)=dray(1)
+            hy_fp(itrk)=dray(2)
+            hz_fp(itrk)=0.            ! z=0 of tracking.
+            hxp_fp(itrk)=dray(3)
+            hyp_fp(itrk)=dray(4)
+          endif                         ! end test on degrees of freedom
+          hchi2_fp(itrk)=chi2
+        enddo                           ! end loop over tracks
+      endif
+* calculate residuals for each chamber if in single stub mode
+* and there were 2 tracks found one in first chanber and one in the second
+      if ( then
+        if (hntracks_fp.eq.2) then
+          itrk=1
+          ihit=2
+          hit=hntrack_hits(itrk,ihit)
+          pln=hdc_plane_num(hit)
+          if (pln.le.6) then
+            itrk=2
+            hit=hntrack_hits(itrk,ihit)
+            pln=hdc_plane_num(hit)
+            if ( then
+* condition of above met calculating residuals  
+* assigning rays to tracks in each chamber
+* ray1 is ray from first chamber fit
+* ray2 is ray from second chamber fit
+              ray1(1)=dble(hx_fp(1))
+              ray1(2)=dble(hy_fp(1))
+              ray1(3)=dble(hxp_fp(1))
+              ray1(4)=dble(hyp_fp(1))
+              ray2(1)=dble(hx_fp(2))
+              ray2(2)=dble(hy_fp(2))
+              ray2(3)=dble(hxp_fp(2))
+              ray2(4)=dble(hyp_fp(2))
+              itrk=1
+* loop over hits in second chamber
+              do ihit=1,hntrack_hits(itrk+1,1)
+* calculate residual in second chamber from first chamber track
+                hit=hntrack_hits(itrk+1,ihit+1)
+                pln=hdc_plane_num(hit)
+                pos=h_dpsifun(ray1,pln)
+                hdc_double_residual(itrk,pln)=hdc_wire_coord(hit)-pos
+* djm 8/31/94 stuff this variable into 1d array we can register
+                hdc_dbl_res(pln) = hdc_double_residual(1,pln)
+              enddo
+              itrk=2
+* loop over hits in first chamber
+              do ihit=1,hntrack_hits(itrk-1,1)
+* calculate residual in first chamber from second chamber track
+                hit=hntrack_hits(itrk-1,ihit+1)
+                pln=hdc_plane_num(hit)
+                pos=h_dpsifun(ray2,pln)
+                hdc_double_residual(itrk,pln)=hdc_wire_coord(hit)-pos
+* djm 8/31/94 stuff this variable into 1d array we can register
+                hdc_dbl_res(pln) = hdc_double_residual(2,pln)
+              enddo
+            endif                       ! end pln ge 7
+          endif                         ! end pln le 6
+        endif                           ! end hntracks_fp eq 2
+      endif                             ! end hsignle_stub .ne. 0
+*     test if we want to dump out trackfit results
+      if( then
+        call h_print_tracks
+      endif                             ! end test on zero tracks
+ 1000 return
+      end
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_track_tests.f b/HTRACKING/h_track_tests.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4be87b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_track_tests.f
@@ -0,0 +1,399 @@
+      SUBROUTINE h_track_tests
+*  Derek made this in Mar 1996
+*  This routine delivers some handy tracking information.  It's divided
+*  into three parts.  The first part looks at the chambers and their
+*  efficiency.  The second part defines some scintillator tests to determine
+*  whether the chambers should have fired.  The last part puts this info
+*  into different files.  Also, if you want to look at the stub tests you
+*  you can uncomment some lines in h_link_stubs.f to get that output.
+*  A final note.  Many of these tests have similar counterparts in 
+*  trackeff.test;  if you change something here, make sure it agrees with the
+*  the tests there!!
+* $Log: h_track_tests.f,v $
+* Revision 1.4  2005/11/15 18:39:18  jones
+* 1) Eliminate statements which checked if scintillator hits
+* where outside "good" region.
+* 2) Eliminate  check that front and back hodoscope hits
+* near each other.
+* 3) These changes eliminate a bias in the routine in favor
+* of one-track events which gives wrong tracking efficiency
+* at high rates.
+* ( T.Horn, M.E. Christy, D. Gaskell)
+* Revision 1.3  2002/09/26 14:50:10  jones
+*    Add variables sweet1xscin,sweet1yscin,sweet2xscin,sweet2yscin
+*    which record which scint got hit inside the defined scint region
+*    Then hgoodscinhits is set to zero if front and back hodoscopes
+*    are abs(sweet1xscin-sweet2xscin).gt.3 or bs(sweet1yscin-sweet2yscin).gt.2
+* Revision 1.2  1996/09/04 13:39:02  saw
+* (JRA) Treat logicals as logicals
+* Revision 1.1  1996/05/01 20:24:29  saw
+* Initial revision
+       SAVE
+       character*50 here
+       parameter (here= 'H_TRACK_TESTS')
+*       logical ABORT
+*       character*(*) err
+*       integer*4 ierr
+*       character*5  line_err
+       INCLUDE 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+       INCLUDE 'coin_data_structures.cmn'
+       INCLUDE 'gen_constants.par'
+       INCLUDE 'hms_tracking.cmn'
+       INCLUDE 'gen_units.par'
+       INCLUDE 'gen_event_info.cmn'
+       INCLUDE 'hms_scin_tof.cmn'
+       INCLUDE 'hms_scin_parms.cmn'
+       INCLUDE 'hms_calorimeter.cmn'
+       include 'hms_bypass_switches.cmn'
+       integer planetemp
+       real*4 htestbeta
+       integer txth,txthp,txthps,txthpss,txtft,txtct
+       integer i,j,count
+       integer testsum
+       integer hhitsweet1x,hhitsweet1y,hhitsweet2x,hhitsweet2y
+       integer sweet1xscin,sweet1yscin,sweet2xscin,sweet2yscin
+       real*4 lastcointime
+       real*4 thiscointime
+*In c_keep_results, the cointime is updated depending on tracking information
+*Because we're independent of tracking here, we have to do some tricks to
+*update the cointime.  We set cointime=100.0 if the code hasn't updated it (ie,
+*it's the same as the previous event...)  First, if it's not a coincidence
+*event, we just set the cointime to zero.
+       thiscointime=0.0
+       if (gen_event_type.eq.3) then
+          thiscointime=ccointime_hms
+          if (thiscointime.eq.lastcointime) then
+             thiscointime=100.0
+          endif
+          lastcointime=ccointime_hms
+       endif
+*this next file prints out events the fail to track and why.  You can then
+*look at them with the event display to see if they're worrisome.  If you
+*uncomment this line, be sure to uncomment the close statement at the end
+*of this file!
+       if (hbypass_track_eff_files.eq.0) then
+          open(unit=12,file='scalers/htrackeff.txt',status='unknown',
+     $         access='append')
+       endif
+*this next file outputs a huge ascii file with many tracking parameters.  It
+*is intended for use with physica.  The order of the ouput is given in the write
+*statement at the end of this file.  I fyou uncomment this line, be sure to
+*uncomment the close statement at the end of this file!
+       if (hbypass_track_eff_files.eq.0) then
+          open(unit=14,file='scalers/htrack.out',status='unknown',
+     $         access='append')
+       endif
+*we start by looking at the chambers.  First, we look to see if each plane fired
+       h1hit1 = (HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(1).GE.1)
+       h1hit2 = (HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(2).GE.1)
+       h1hit3 = (HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(3).GE.1)
+       h1hit4 = (HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(4).GE.1)
+       h1hit5 = (HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(5).GE.1)
+       h1hit6 = (HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(6).GE.1)
+       h1hit7 = (HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(7).GE.1)
+       h1hit8 = (HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(8).GE.1)
+       h1hit9 = (HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(9).GE.1)
+       h1hit10 = (HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(10).GE.1)
+       h1hit11 = (HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(11).GE.1)
+       h1hit12 = (HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(12).GE.1)
+*next, we see how many hits per plane there were ...
+       hnumhit1 = HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(1)
+       hnumhit2 = HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(2)
+       hnumhit3 = HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(3)
+       hnumhit4 = HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(4)
+       hnumhit5 = HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(5)
+       hnumhit6 = HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(6)
+       hnumhit7 = HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(7)
+       hnumhit8 = HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(8)
+       hnumhit9 = HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(9)
+       hnumhit10 = HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(10)
+       hnumhit11 = HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(11)
+       hnumhit12 = HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(12)
+       hnumhits1 = HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(1) + HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(2) +
+     $      HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(3) + HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(4) +
+       hnumhits2 = HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(7) + HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(8) +
+     $      HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(9) + HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(10) +
+     $      HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(11) + HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(12) 
+*next we check to see if we have fewer than the max allowed hits per chamber
+*this number should agree with the value in trackeff.test.
+       h1hitslt = hnumhits1.LE.hmax_pr_hits(1)
+       h2hitslt = hnumhits2.LE.hmax_pr_hits(2)
+*next we check to see if we have the minimum number of planes per chamber
+*this number should agree with the value in trackeff.test.
+       planetemp = 0
+       if(HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(1).GE.1) planetemp = planetemp+1
+       if(HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(2).GE.1) planetemp = planetemp+1
+       if(HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(3).GE.1) planetemp = planetemp+1
+       if(HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(4).GE.1) planetemp = planetemp+1
+       if(HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(5).GE.1) planetemp = planetemp+1
+       if(HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(6).GE.1) planetemp = planetemp+1
+       hnumplanes1 = planetemp
+       planetemp = 0
+       if(HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(7).GE.1) planetemp = planetemp+1
+       if(HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(8).GE.1) planetemp = planetemp+1
+       if(HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(9).GE.1) planetemp = planetemp+1
+       if(HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(10).GE.1) planetemp = planetemp+1
+       if(HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(11).GE.1) planetemp = planetemp+1
+       if(HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(12).GE.1) planetemp = planetemp+1
+       hnumplanes2 = planetemp
+       h1planesgt = hnumplanes1.GE.hmin_hit(1)
+       h2planesgt = hnumplanes2.GE.hmin_hit(2)
+*we now fill in the chamber part of the track tests.
+       hfoundtrack = (hntracks_fp.NE.0)
+       if (hfoundtrack) then
+          htestbeta=hsbeta
+       else
+          htestbeta=0.0
+       endif
+       hcleantrack = (hsnum_fptrack.NE.0)
+*hhitslt is less than max allowed hits in both chambers
+       hhitslt = h1hitslt.AND.h2hitslt
+*hplanesgt is at least the minimum number of planes fired per chamber
+       hplanesgt = h1planesgt.AND.h2planesgt
+*hspacepoints is finding at least one space point in both chambers
+       hspacepoints = ((hnspace_points(1).GE.1).AND.(hnspace_points(2).GE.1))
+*hstublt is passing the stub criteria for at least one spacepoint in both chambers
+       hstublt = (
+*hhitsplanes is passing not too many hits and not too few planes
+       hhitsplanes = hhitslt.AND.hplanesgt
+*hhitsplanes is that and finding a spacepoint
+       hhitsplanessps = hhitsplanes.AND.hspacepoints
+*hhitsplanesspsstubs is that and passing the stub tests
+       hhitsplanesspsstubs = hhitsplanessps.AND.hstublt
+*fXhspacepoints is pasisng htis and planes but failing to find a space point
+       f1hspacepoints = h1hitslt.AND.h1planesgt.AND.(hnspace_points(1).EQ.0)
+       f2hspacepoints = h2hitslt.AND.h2planesgt.AND.(hnspace_points(2).EQ.0)
+       fhspacepoints = f1hspacepoints.OR.f2hspacepoints
+       htest1 = (hhitsplanes.AND.(.not.hspacepoints))
+       htest2 = (hspacepoints.AND.(.not.hstublt))
+************************now look at some hodoscope tests
+*second, we move the scintillators.  here we use scintillator cuts to see
+*if a track should have been found.
+       hnumscins1 = hscin_hits_per_plane(1)
+       hnumscins2 = hscin_hits_per_plane(2)
+       hnumscins3 = hscin_hits_per_plane(3)
+       hnumscins4 = hscin_hits_per_plane(4)
+*first, fill the arrays of which scins were hit
+       do i=1,4
+          do j=1,hscin_1x_nr
+             hscinhit(i,j)=0
+          enddo
+       enddo
+       do i=1,hscin_tot_hits
+          hscinhit(hscin_plane_num(i),hscin_counter_num(i))=1
+       enddo
+*next, look for clusters of hits in a scin plane.  a cluster is a group of 
+*adjacent scintillator hits separated by a non-firing scintillator.
+*Wwe count the number of three adjacent scintillators too.  (A signle track 
+*shouldn't fire three adjacent scintillators.
+       do i=1,hnum_scin_planes
+          hnclust(i)=0
+          hthreescin(i)=0
+       enddo
+*look for clusters in x planes... (16 scins)  !this assume both x planes have same
+*number of scintillators.
+       do j=1,3,2
+          count=0
+          if (hscinhit(j,1).EQ.1) count=count+1
+          do i=1,(hscin_1x_nr-1)         !look for number of clusters of 1 or more hits
+             if ((hscinhit(j,i).EQ.0).AND.(hscinhit(j,i+1).EQ.1)) count=count+1
+          enddo
+          hnclust(j)=count
+          count=0
+          do i=1,(hscin_1x_nr-2)         !look for three or more adjacent hits
+             if ((hscinhit(j,i).EQ.1).AND.(hscinhit(j,i+1).EQ.1).AND.
+     $            (hscinhit(j,i+2).EQ.1)) count=count+1
+          enddo
+          if (count.GT.0) hthreescin(j)=1
+       enddo
+*look for clusters in y planes... (10 scins)  !this assume both y planes have same
+*number of scintillators.
+       do j=2,4,2
+          count=0
+          if (hscinhit(j,1).EQ.1) count=count+1
+          do i=1,(hscin_1y_nr-1)         !look for number of clusters of 1 or more hits
+             if ((hscinhit(j,i).EQ.0).AND.(hscinhit(j,i+1).EQ.1)) count=count+1
+          enddo
+          hnclust(j)=count
+          count=0
+          do i=1,(hscin_1y_nr-2)         !look for three or more adjacent hits
+             if ((hscinhit(j,i).EQ.1).AND.(hscinhit(j,i+1).EQ.1).AND.
+     $            (hscinhit(j,i+2).EQ.1)) count=count+1
+          enddo
+          if (count.GT.0) hthreescin(j)=1
+       enddo
+*now put some "tracking" like cuts on the hslopes, based only on scins...
+*by "slope" here, I mean the difference in the position of scin hits in two
+*like-planes.  For example, a track that those great straight through will 
+*have a slope of zero.  If it moves one scin over from s1x to s2x it has an
+*x-slope of 1...  I pick the minimum slope if there are multiple scin hits.
+       hbestxpscin=100
+       hbestypscin=100
+       do i=1,hscin_1x_nr
+          do j=1,hscin_1x_nr
+             if ((hscinhit(1,i).EQ.1).AND.(hscinhit(3,j).EQ.1)) then
+                hslope=abs(i-j)
+                if (hslope.LT.hbestxpscin) hbestxpscin=hslope
+             endif
+          enddo
+       enddo
+       do i=1,hscin_1y_nr
+          do j=1,hscin_1y_nr
+             if ((hscinhit(2,i).EQ.1).AND.(hscinhit(4,j).EQ.1)) then
+                hslope=abs(i-j)
+                if (hslope.LT.hbestypscin) hbestypscin=hslope
+             endif
+          enddo
+       enddo
+*next we mask out the edge scintillators, and look at triggers that happened
+*at the center of the acceptance.  To change which scins are in the mask
+*change the values of h*loscin and h*hiscin in htracking.param
+       hhitsweet1x=0
+       hhitsweet1y=0
+       hhitsweet2x=0
+       hhitsweet2y=0
+       hgoodscinhits=0
+*first x plane.  first see if there are hits inside the scin region
+       do i=hxloscin(1),hxhiscin(1)
+          if (hscinhit(1,i).EQ.1) then
+             hhitsweet1x=1
+             sweet1xscin=i
+          endif
+       enddo
+*second x plane.  first see if there are hits inside the scin region
+       do i=hxloscin(2),hxhiscin(2)
+          if (hscinhit(3,i).EQ.1) then
+             hhitsweet2x=1
+             sweet2xscin=i
+          endif
+       enddo
+*first y plane.  first see if there are hits inside the scin region
+       do i=hyloscin(1),hyhiscin(1)
+          if (hscinhit(2,i).EQ.1) then
+             hhitsweet1y=1
+             sweet1yscin=i
+          endif
+       enddo
+*second y plane.  first see if there are hits inside the scin region
+       do i=hyloscin(2),hyhiscin(2)
+          if (hscinhit(4,i).EQ.1) then
+             hhitsweet2y=1
+             sweet2yscin=i
+          endif
+       enddo
+       testsum=hhitsweet1x+hhitsweet1y+hhitsweet2x+hhitsweet2y
+* now define a 3/4 or 4/4 trigger of only good scintillators the value
+* is specified in htracking.param...
+       if (testsum.GE.htrack_eff_test_num_scin_planes) hgoodscinhits=1
+*     Here's where we start writing to the files.  Uncomment these lines and
+*     the corresponding file open and close lines at the beginning and end
+*     of this file if you want this output.  the scaler report should take
+*     care of most people though...
+       if (hbypass_track_eff_files.eq.0) then
+          if (hgoodscinhits.EQ.1) then
+             write(12,*) 'sweet spot hit, event number           ',gen_event_ID_number
+          endif
+          if (.not.hhitslt) then
+             write(12,*) 'too many hits, event number           ',gen_event_ID_number
+          endif
+          if (.not.hplanesgt) then
+             write(12,*)  'too few planes event number                    ',
+     $            gen_event_ID_number
+          endif
+          if (hhitsplanes.AND.(.not.hspacepoints)) then
+             write(12,*) 'p hits/planes, f sp # = ',gen_event_ID_number
+          endif
+          if ((.not.hfoundtrack).AND.hhitsplanessps) then
+             write(12,*) 'p hits/planes/sps, f track # = ',gen_event_ID_number
+          endif
+          if (hspacepoints.AND.(.not.hstublt)) then
+             write(12,*) 'p sp, f stubs # = ',gen_event_ID_number
+          endif
+       endif
+*the rest of this file prepares the output of htrack.out.  If you're not
+*writing to that file, don't worry about this.
+       if (hbypass_track_eff_files.eq.0) then
+          txth=0
+          if (hhitslt) txth=1
+          txthp=0
+          if (hhitsplanes) txthp=1
+          txthps=0
+          if (hhitsplanessps) txthps=1
+          txthpss=0
+          if (hhitsplanesspsstubs) txthpss=1        
+          txtft=0
+          if (hfoundtrack) txtft=1
+          txtct=0
+          if (hcleantrack) txtct=1
+          write(14,902) gen_event_ID_number,hnumhits1,hnumhits2,
+     $         hnumhit1,hnumhit2,hnumhit3,hnumhit4,
+     $         hnumhit5,hnumhit6,hnumhit7,hnumhit8,
+     $         hnumhit9,hnumhit10,hnumhit11,hnumhit12,
+     $         hnumplanes1,hnumplanes2,hnumscins1,hnumscins2,
+     $         hnumscins3,hnumscins4,hnclust(1),hnclust(2),
+     $         hnclust(3),hnclust(4),hthreescin(1),hthreescin(2),
+     $         hthreescin(3),hthreescin(4),hbestxpscin,hbestypscin,
+     $         hgoodscinhits,
+     $         txtft,txtct,hntracks_fp,hbeta_notrk,htestbeta,hcal_et,
+     $         hsshtrk,
+     $         hcer_npe_sum,hschi2perdeg,hsdelta,thiscointime
+ 902      format(1x,i6,i4,i4,12(i4),2(i2),4(i3),8(i2),2(i4),i2,i2,i2,i2,f10.3,f9.3,
+     $         f9.3,f9.3,f9.3,f10.3,f10.3,f10.3)
+          close(12)
+          close(14)
+      endif
+      end
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_tracks_cal.f b/HTRACKING/h_tracks_cal.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc7a856
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_tracks_cal.f
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+      subroutine h_tracks_cal(abort,errmsg)
+*-      Purpose: Associates clusters with detector tracks which are inside
+*-               the calorimeter fiducial volume. A track and a cluster
+*-               are considered as matched if the distance in X projection
+*-               between these two is less than half the block width.
+*-      Output Bank: HMS_TRACK_CAL
+*-      Created: 15 Mar 1994      Tsolak A. Amatuni
+*-      Modified 25 Mar 1994      DFG
+*-                                Change name of print routine
+*-      Modified 9 Apr 1998       Added a switch to turn on the fiducial
+*-                                cut.  The default for this is now no cut.
+*-                                K.G. Vansyoc
+* $Log: h_tracks_cal.f,v $
+* Revision 1.10  2005/03/15 20:09:12  jones
+* Modify the criterion for matching track and calorimeter cluster. As before,
+* the track must hit within (0.5*scal_block_xsize + scal_slop) of the cluster
+* position. Previously if more than one cluster was within (0.5*scal_block_xsize + scal_slop) then the last cluster in the loop was associated with the track.
+* Now, if more than one cluster meets that condition then cluster which has a position
+* closest to the track is associated with the track. ( T. Horn)
+* Revision 1.9  2003/03/21 22:21:51  jones
+* Modified and rearrange routines to calibrate the HMS calorimeter (V. Tadevosyan)
+* Revision 1.8  1999/02/23 18:52:07  csa
+* (JRA) Clean up logical structure, remove hdebugcalcpeds stuff
+* Revision 1.7  1998/12/17 22:02:40  saw
+* Support extra set of tubes on HMS shower counter
+* Revision 1.6  1997/02/13 14:12:36  saw
+* (JRA) Correct error in position of top edge of fiducial cut.
+* Revision 1.5  1996/01/16 22:00:40  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add hdebugcalcpeds flag
+* Revision 1.4  1995/08/30 17:34:24  cdaq
+* (JRA) Use off-track blocks to accumulate pedestal data
+* Revision 1.3  1995/05/22  19:39:31  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.2  1994/10/11  19:24:54  cdaq
+* (SAW) Formatting changes
+* Revision 1.1  1994/04/13  17:33:38  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      save
+      logical abort
+      character*(*) errmsg
+      character*12 here
+      parameter (here='H_TRACKS_CAL')
+      integer*4 nt      !Track number
+      integer*4 nc      !Cluster number
+      real*4 xf         !X position of track on calorimeter front surface
+      real*4 xb         !X position of track on calorimeter back  surface
+      real*4 yf         !Y position of track on calorimeter front surface
+      real*4 yb         !Y position of track on calorimeter back  surface
+      real*4 dz_f       !Distance along Z axis between focal plane and
+      real*4 dz_b       !calorimeter front(f) and back(b) surfaces
+      real*4 delta_x    !Distance between track & cluster in X projection
+      logical*4 track_in_fv
+      integer*4 t_nt, t_nc
+      real*4 t_minx, temp_x
+      include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'hms_calorimeter.cmn'
+      include 'hms_tracking.cmn'
+      hntracks_cal=0
+      if(hntracks_fp.le.0) go to 100   !Return
+* Compute impact point coordinates on the calorimeter front and back surfaces
+      do nt=1,hntracks_fp
+        dz_f=hcal_zmin-hz_fp(nt)
+        dz_b=hcal_zmax-hz_fp(nt)
+        xf=hx_fp(nt)+hxp_fp(nt)*dz_f
+        xb=hx_fp(nt)+hxp_fp(nt)*dz_b
+        yf=hy_fp(nt)+hyp_fp(nt)*dz_f
+        yb=hy_fp(nt)+hyp_fp(nt)*dz_b
+        htrack_xc(nt)        = xf
+        htrack_yc(nt)        = yf
+	track_in_fv = (xf.le.hcal_fv_xmax  .and.  .and.
+     &                 xb.le.hcal_fv_xmax  .and.  .and.
+     &                 yf.le.hcal_fv_ymax  .and.  .and.
+     &                 yb.le.hcal_fv_ymax  .and.
+* Initialize hcluster_track(nt)
+        if(hcal_fv_test.eq.0) then         !not using fv test
+          hcluster_track(nt)=-1
+        else	                           !using fv test
+	  if (track_in_fv) then
+            hcluster_track(nt)=0   !Track is inside the fiducial volume
+          else
+            hcluster_track(nt)=-1  !Track is outside the fiducial volume
+          endif
+        endif
+*----------If inside fv (or no test), Search for a cluster matching this track
+        if( ( .or. hcal_fv_test.eq.0) then
+          if( then
+!! TH - Initialize minimum distance between track and cluster location.
+            t_minx = 99999
+            t_nt = 1
+            t_nc = 1
+            do nc=1,hnclusters_cal
+!! TH - Distance to match track with cluster
+              delta_x=abs(xf-hcluster_xc(nc))
+              if(delta_x.le.(0.5*hcal_block_xsize + hcal_slop)) then
+!! TH - Check the deviation distance for each track for each cluster. If 
+!!      distance smaller assign to t_minx. Eventually want to associate 
+!!      the track with the smallest deviation to the cluster. Increment 
+!!      tracks for calorimeter though whenever condition above is passed.
+                 temp_x = delta_x
+                 if( then
+                    t_minx = temp_x
+                    t_nt = nt
+                    t_nc = nc
+                 endif
+                 hntracks_cal      =hntracks_cal+1
+              endif                     !End ... if matched
+            enddo                       !End loop over clusters
+            hcluster_track(t_nt)=t_nc   !Track matches cluster #nc with min deviation
+          endif                         !End ... if number of clusters > 0
+        endif                           
+      enddo                             !End loop over detector tracks
+  100 continue
+      if( call h_prt_cal_tracks
+c     Collect data for HMS calorimeter calibration.
+      if( call h_cal_calib(0)
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_trans_cal.f b/HTRACKING/h_trans_cal.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6405300
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_trans_cal.f
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+      subroutine h_trans_cal(abort,errmsg)
+*-      Purpose: Computes the energy deposited in each of the hit
+*-               counters, the energy deposition in calorimeter
+*-               columns and the total energy deposition, using only
+*-               the calorimeter information.
+*-               The energy depositions are not corrected yet for
+*-               impact point coordinate dependence.
+*-               The subroutine also returns the X and Z coordinates
+*-               of the hit block centers.
+*-      Output Bank: HMS_DECODED_CAL
+*-      Created: 15 Mar 1994      Tsolak A. Amatuni
+* $Log: h_trans_cal.f,v $
+* Revision 1.8  2004/03/03 19:26:25  jones
+* Initialize  hsshsum and hsshtrk to zero.
+* Revision 1.7  1999/02/04 18:18:14  saw
+* Fix calculation of energy for blocks with two tubes
+* Revision 1.6  1999/02/03 21:13:24  saw
+* Code for new Shower counter tubes
+* Revision 1.5  1999/01/29 17:33:57  saw
+* Cosmetic changes
+* Revision 1.4  1998/12/17 22:02:40  saw
+* Support extra set of tubes on HMS shower counter
+* Revision 1.3  1995/05/22 19:39:31  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.2  1994/04/13  17:36:40  cdaq
+* (DFG) Change name of print routine
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/19  06:21:11  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      save
+      logical abort
+      character*(*) errmsg
+      character*11 here
+      parameter (here='H_TRANS_CAL')
+      integer*4 nb      !Block number
+      integer*4 nh      !Hit number
+      integer*4 row     !Row number
+      integer*4 col     !Column number
+      real*4 adc_pos, adc_neg !ADC-PED value
+      include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'hms_calorimeter.cmn'
+*      Sparsify the raw data
+      call h_sparsify_cal(abort,errmsg)
+      if(abort) then
+         call g_add_path(here,errmsg)
+         return
+      endif
+      hnhits_cal =0
+      hcal_e1    =0.
+      hcal_e2    =0.
+      hcal_e3    =0.
+      hcal_e4    =0.
+      hcal_et    =0.
+      hsshsum = 0.
+      hsshtrk = 0.
+      hcal_e1_pos    =0.
+      hcal_e1_neg    =0.
+      hcal_e2_pos    =0.
+      hcal_e2_neg    =0.
+      if(hcal_num_hits.le.0) go to 100   !Return
+*      Loop over hits
+      do nh=1,hcal_num_hits
+        row=hcal_rows(nh)
+        col=hcal_cols(nh)
+        adc_pos=hcal_adcs_pos(nh)
+        adc_neg=hcal_adcs_neg(nh)
+        nb =row+hmax_cal_rows*(col-1)
+*------Determine position and energy deposition for each block
+        hblock_xc(nh)=hcal_block_xc(nb)
+        hblock_zc(nh)=hcal_block_zc(nb)
+        if(col.le.hcal_num_neg_columns) then ! Blocks with two tubes
+          hblock_de_pos(nh)=adc_pos*hcal_pos_cal_const(nb)
+     $         *hcal_pos_gain_cor(nb)
+          hblock_de_neg(nh)=adc_neg*hcal_neg_cal_const(nb)
+     $         *hcal_neg_gain_cor(nb)
+          hblock_de(nh)=hblock_de_pos(nh)+hblock_de_neg(nh)
+        else                            ! Blocks with single tube
+          hblock_de(nh)=adc_pos*hcal_pos_cal_const(nb)*hcal_pos_gain_cor(nb)
+          hblock_de_pos(nh)=hblock_de(nh)
+        endif
+*------Accumulate the integral energy depositions
+        if(col.eq.1) then
+          hcal_e1=hcal_e1+hblock_de(nh)
+          if( then
+            hcal_e1_pos=hcal_e1_pos+hblock_de_pos(nh)
+            hcal_e1_neg=hcal_e1_neg+hblock_de_neg(nh)
+          endif
+        else if (col.eq.2) then
+          hcal_e2=hcal_e2+hblock_de(nh)
+          if( then
+            hcal_e2_pos=hcal_e2_pos+hblock_de_pos(nh)
+            hcal_e2_neg=hcal_e2_neg+hblock_de_neg(nh)
+          endif
+        else if(col.eq.3) then
+          hcal_e3=hcal_e3+hblock_de(nh)
+        else if(col.eq.4) then
+          hcal_e4=hcal_e4+hblock_de(nh)
+        endif
+        hcal_et=hcal_et+hblock_de(nh)  ! Is hblock_de de_pos+de_neg?
+      enddo      !End loop over hits
+      hnhits_cal=hcal_num_hits
+  100 continue
+      if( call h_prt_cal_decoded
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_trans_cer.f b/HTRACKING/h_trans_cer.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..36c3bc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_trans_cer.f
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+      subroutine h_trans_cer(abort,errmsg)
+* author: Chris Cothran
+* created: 5/25/95
+* h_trans_cer fills the hms_decoded_cer common block
+* with track independent corrections and parameters
+* $Log: h_trans_cer.f,v $
+* Revision 1.2  1996/01/16 21:38:47  cdaq
+* (JRA) Make hcer_adc pedestal subtracted value
+* Revision 1.1  1995/08/30 15:30:15  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'hms_cer_parms.cmn'
+      logical abort
+      character*1024 errmsg
+      character*20 here
+      parameter (here = 'h_trans_cer')
+      integer*4 nhit,tube
+      save
+      abort = .false.
+      hcer_num_hits = 0
+      do tube=1,hcer_num_mirrors
+        hcer_npe(tube) = 0.
+        hcer_adc(tube) = 0.
+      enddo
+      hcer_npe_sum = 0.
+      do nhit = 1, hcer_tot_hits
+        tube = hcer_tube_num(nhit)
+        hcer_adc(tube) = hcer_raw_adc(nhit) - hcer_ped(tube)
+        if (hcer_adc(tube) .gt. hcer_width(tube)) then
+          hcer_num_hits = hcer_num_hits + 1
+          hcer_tube_num(hcer_num_hits) = tube
+          hcer_npe(tube) = hcer_adc(tube) * hcer_adc_to_npe(tube)
+          hcer_npe_sum = hcer_npe_sum + hcer_npe(tube)
+        endif
+      enddo
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_trans_dc.f b/HTRACKING/h_trans_dc.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7c568c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_trans_dc.f
@@ -0,0 +1,351 @@
+*-   Purpose and Methods : Translate HMS raw drift and start time 
+*-                                to decoded information 
+*-      Required Input BANKS     HMS_RAW_DC
+*-                               HMS_DECODED_SCIN
+*-      Output BANKS             HMS_DECODED_DC
+*-   Output: ABORT           - success or failure
+*-         : err             - reason for failure, if any
+* $Log: h_trans_dc.f,v $
+* Revision  2009/09/02 13:40:39  jones
+* eliminate commented emacs definitions
+* Revision  2009/05/18 14:08:00  jones
+* 1) add code to remove all DC hits for one plane if that plane
+*    has more than h_max_hits_per_plane..
+* 2) add code to purge DC hits based on matching the location of
+*    paddles in S1X and S1Y
+* Revision 1.15  2002/10/02 13:42:43  saw
+* Check that user hists are defined before filling
+* Revision 1.14  1996/09/04 14:23:38  saw
+* (??) Cosmetic
+* Revision 1.13  1996/01/16 21:37:13  cdaq
+* (JRA) Change sign on hstart_time
+* Revision 1.12  1995/10/11 13:51:04  cdaq
+* (JRA) Cleanup, add bypass switch to h_dc_eff call
+* Revision 1.11  1995/08/30 15:27:39  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add call to h_dc_eff, warn about invalid plane numbers
+* Revision 1.10  1995/05/22  19:39:32  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.9  1995/05/17  14:02:20  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add hist for all dc tdc's in one histogram.
+* Revision 1.8  1995/04/06  19:34:34  cdaq
+* Revision 1.7  1994/09/14  14:10:49  cdaq
+* (JRA) Initialize hdc_center array first time.
+* Revision 1.6  1994/08/16  13:24:58  cdaq
+* (DJA) Move call to h_fill_dc_dec_hist to h_pattern_recognition
+* Revision 1.5  1994/06/15  20:35:59  cdaq
+* (DFG) Add upper and lower limit for valid TDC
+* Revision 1.4  1994/04/13  17:59:46  cdaq
+* (DFG) add histogram call and remove raw dump
+* Revision 1.3  1994/03/24  19:48:48  cdaq
+* (DFG) add print routines and flags
+*       check plane number and wire number for validity
+* Revision 1.2  1994/02/22  05:27:06  cdaq
+* (SAW) Make err ' ' instead of ''
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/19  06:21:23  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      SAVE
+      character*10 here
+      parameter (here= 'H_TRANS_DC')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'gen_constants.par'
+      include 'gen_units.par'
+      include 'hms_tracking.cmn'
+      include 'hms_geometry.cmn'
+      include 'hms_track_histid.cmn'
+      include 'hms_bypass_switches.cmn'
+c added for pruning of junk wires
+      include 'hms_scin_tof.cmn'
+      real*4 h_drift_dist_calc
+      external h_drift_dist_calc
+      integer*4 ihit,goodhit,old_wire,old_pln,wire,pln,chamber
+      real*4 histval
+c new arrays for checking the two arrays below. 
+      integer dcscin(2,16,12,128),plane,counter,ihitsc
+      common/pybtest/ dcscin
+c hard-wired values of the peak positions
+c in the DC plane distributions corresponding to 
+c X1 or Y1 hodoscope hit counters. These come from 
+c fitting the distribtuions in dsscin array from
+c run 72994, April 28, 2009 P. Bosted
+      real iw0(12)/111.5, -11.0, 1.3, 108.1, 64., 2.0,
+     >             115.0, -12.5,-3.0, 113.6, 67., -1.5/
+      real iwsl(12)/ -6.5,  6.8, 6.4, -6.3, -6.7, 6.5,
+     >               -7.0,  7.0, 7.0, -7.0, -7.0, 7.0/
+      real iwcntr
+c Tolerance for how many wires on each side of the
+c peak position will be kept by the "wire cleaning"
+c code below. Adjusted to keep essentailly all good 
+c hits for now.
+      real iwtol(12)/8., 8., 11., 11., 8., 8.,
+     >               7., 7., 11., 11., 7., 7./
+c array to decide if a wire should be purged from
+c the list beacuse does not match a good hodoscope hit
+      logical purgewire(1000)
+c array to decide if wire purging should take place
+c for a given plane
+      logical purgeplane(12),first/.true./
+c array to count how many RAW hits passing TDC cuts
+c there are per plane
+      integer wperplane(12)
+      ABORT= .FALSE.
+      err= ' '
+      old_wire = -1
+      old_pln = -1
+      goodhit = 0
+c make sure wire purging parameters are reasonable
+      if(first) then
+        write(*,'(//''Using '',f6.1,
+     >     '' nsec for wire purging'')') h_iwslop
+        if( then
+          h_iwslop = 0.0
+          write(*,'(//''*******************************'')')
+          write(*,'(''This is too small to work: reset'',
+     >      '' h_iwslop to 0.0 nsec'')')
+          write(*,'(//''*******************************'')')
+        endif
+        if( then
+          write(*,'(''This means wire purging essentially'',
+     >      '' is turned off!'')')
+        endif
+        write(*,'(//''Using max of '',i6,
+     >    '' hits per plnae'')') h_max_hits_per_plane
+        if( then
+          h_max_hits_per_plane=6
+          write(*,'(''*********************************'')')
+          write(*,'(''This is too small: Resetting to 6'')')
+        endif
+        first = .false.
+      endif
+      if (hdc_center(1).eq.0.) then   !initialize hdc_center if not yet set.
+        do pln = 1, hdc_num_planes
+          chamber = hdc_chamber_planes(pln)
+          hdc_center(pln) = hdc_xcenter(chamber)*sin(hdc_alpha_angle(pln))+
+     &                      hdc_ycenter(chamber)*cos(hdc_alpha_angle(pln))
+        enddo
+      endif
+! Inititalize this array
+      do pln=1,12
+        wperplane(pln)=0
+        purgeplane(pln) = .false.
+      enddo
+! Check if any X1 or Y1 hodoscope hits. Need at least
+! cone to purge wires in corresponding planes
+      do ihitsc = 1 , hscin_tot_hits
+       plane = hscin_plane_num(ihitsc) 
+       counter = hscin_counter_num(ihitsc)
+       if(hgood_scin_time(1,ihitsc)) then
+        if(
+     > then
+         purgeplane(1)=.true.
+         purgeplane(3)=.true.
+         purgeplane(4)=.true.
+         purgeplane(6)=.true.
+         purgeplane(7)=.true.
+         purgeplane(9)=.true.
+         purgeplane(10)=.true.
+         purgeplane(12)=.true.
+        endif
+        if(
+     > then
+         purgeplane(2)=.true.
+         purgeplane(5)=.true.
+         purgeplane(8)=.true.
+         purgeplane(11)=.true.
+        endif
+       endif
+      enddo
+*     Are there any raw hits
+      if( then
+*     loop over all raw hits
+        do ihit=1,hdc_raw_tot_hits
+          pln = hdc_raw_plane_num(ihit)
+          wire  = hdc_raw_wire_num(ihit)
+! Initialize all wires in this plane to be purged,
+! if there is appropriate X1 or Y1 to test on below
+          purgewire(min(1000,ihit))=
+     >      purgeplane(max(1,min(12,pln)))
+! Count how many hits passing TDC cuts there are per
+! plane (to use later to remove planes with too many hits)
+          if(hdc_raw_tdc(ihit).gt.hdc_tdc_min_win(pln).and.
+     >       hdc_raw_tdc(ihit).lt.hdc_tdc_max_win(pln).and.
+     > then
+           wperplane(pln)=wperplane(pln)+1
+          endif
+c actually set the purging flag
+          do ihitsc = 1 , hscin_tot_hits
+           plane = hscin_plane_num(ihitsc) 
+           counter = hscin_counter_num(ihitsc)
+           if(hgood_scin_time(1,ihitsc).and.
+     >
+     > .and. then
+            iwcntr = iw0(pln) + iwsl(pln)*counter
+            if(plane.eq.1.and.(pln.eq.1.or.pln.eq.3.or.
+     >         pln.eq.4.or.pln.eq.6.or.pln.eq.7.or.
+     >         pln.eq.9.or.pln.eq.10.or.pln.eq.12).and.
+     > then
+             if( - iwtol(pln) - h_iwslop .and.
+     > + iwtol(pln) + h_iwslop) then
+              purgewire(min(1000,ihit))= .false.
+             endif
+            endif
+            if(plane.eq.2.and.(pln.eq.2.or.pln.eq.5.or.
+     >         pln.eq.8.or.pln.eq.11).and.
+     > then
+             if( - iwtol(pln) - h_iwslop .and.
+     > + iwtol(pln) + h_iwslop) then
+              purgewire(min(1000,ihit))= .false.
+             endif
+            endif
+           endif
+          enddo
+c Increment one-line histograms to see corresponance
+c of hodoscope and wire numbers for each plane, wire
+          do ihitsc = 1 , hscin_tot_hits
+           plane = hscin_plane_num(ihitsc) 
+           counter = hscin_counter_num(ihitsc)
+           if(hgood_scin_time(1,ihitsc).and.
+     > .and. counter.le.16.and.
+     >
+     >
+     >       hdc_raw_tdc(ihit).gt.hdc_tdc_min_win(pln).and.
+     >       hdc_raw_tdc(ihit).lt.hdc_tdc_max_win(pln).and.
+     > .and. then
+             if( then
+              dcscin(plane,counter,pln,wire) = 
+     >          dcscin(plane,counter,pln,wire) + 1
+             endif
+           endif
+          enddo
+*     check valid plane and wire number
+          if( .and. pln.le. hdc_num_planes) then
+            histval=float(hdc_raw_tdc(ihit))
+            if( call hf1(hidrawtdc,histval,1.)
+*     test if tdc value less than lower limit for good hits
+            if(hdc_raw_tdc(ihit) .lt. hdc_tdc_min_win(pln))  then
+              hwire_early_mult(wire,pln) = hwire_early_mult(wire,pln)+1
+            else
+              if(hdc_raw_tdc(ihit) .gt. hdc_tdc_max_win(pln))  then
+                hwire_late_mult(wire,pln) = hwire_late_mult(wire,pln)+1
+              else
+*     test for valid wire number
+                if(wire .gt. 0 .and. wire .le. hdc_nrwire(pln) ) then
+*     test for multiple hit on the same wire
+c                  if(pln .eq. old_pln .and. wire .eq. old_wire ) then
+c added test on number wires in a plane. If too many,
+c none of them will be used. 4/28/2009 P. Bosted
+c also added the wire purging based on hodo X1 and Y1
+c in this place
+                  if((pln .eq. old_pln .and. 
+     >                wire .eq. old_wire ).or.
+c 6 is optimum value
+     >                wperplane(min(12,max(1,pln))).gt.
+     >                h_max_hits_per_plane .or.
+     >                purgewire(min(1000,ihit)))then
+                    hwire_extra_mult(wire,pln) = 
+     >                hwire_extra_mult(wire,pln)+1
+                  else
+*     valid hit proceed with decoding
+                    goodhit = goodhit + 1
+                    hdc_plane_num(goodhit) = hdc_raw_plane_num(ihit)
+                    hdc_wire_num(goodhit) = hdc_raw_wire_num(ihit)
+                    hdc_tdc(goodhit) = hdc_raw_tdc(ihit)
+                    if(hdc_wire_counting(pln).eq.0) then    !normal ordering
+                      hdc_wire_center(goodhit) = hdc_pitch(pln)
+     &                     * (float(wire)-hdc_central_wire(pln))
+     &                     - hdc_center(pln)
+                    else
+                      hdc_wire_center(goodhit) = hdc_pitch(pln)
+     &                     * ((hdc_nrwire(pln)+(1-wire))
+     &                     - hdc_central_wire(pln)) - hdc_center(pln)
+                    endif
+                    hdc_drift_time(goodhit) = - hstart_time
+     &                   - float(hdc_tdc(goodhit))*hdc_tdc_time_per_channel
+     &                   + hdc_plane_time_zero(pln)
+*  find dist in pattern_recognition, after apply propogation correction.
+*                    hdc_drift_dis(goodhit) = h_drift_dist_calc
+*     $                   (pln,wire,hdc_drift_time(goodhit))
+                    hdc_hits_per_plane(pln) = hdc_hits_per_plane(pln) + 1
+                    hwire_mult(wire,pln) = hwire_mult(wire,pln)+1
+                  endif                 ! end test on duplicate wire
+                  old_pln = pln
+                  old_wire  = wire
+                endif                   ! end test on valid wire number
+              endif                     ! end test on hdc_tdc_max_win
+            endif                       ! end test on hdc_tdc_min_win
+          else                          ! if not a valid plane number
+            write(6,*) 'H_TRANS_DC: invalid plane number = ',pln
+          endif                         ! end test on valid plane number
+        enddo                           ! end loop over raw hits
+*     set total number of good hits
+        HDC_TOT_HITS = goodhit
+        if (hbypass_dc_eff.eq.0) call h_dc_eff !only call if there is a hit.
+      endif                             !  end test on
+*     Dump decoded banks if flag is set
+      if( then
+        call h_print_decoded_dc(ABORT,err)
+      endif
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_trans_fpp.f b/HTRACKING/h_trans_fpp.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c406aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_trans_fpp.f
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
+      SUBROUTINE h_trans_fpp(ABORT,err)
+*    Hall C  HMS Focal Plane Polarimeter Code
+*  Purpose: process raw hits by layer, chamber, set
+*           and accumulate some relevant statistics
+*  Created by Frank R. Wesselmann,  February 2004
+      INCLUDE 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_geometry.cmn'
+      include 'gen_detectorids.par'
+      include 'gen_decode_common.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_decode_F1tdc.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_fpp_event.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_fpp_params.cmn'
+      character*11 here
+      parameter (here= 'h_trans_fpp')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      logical active_cluster
+      integer*4 hit_pointer(H_FPP_N_PLANES,H_FPP_MAX_RAWperPLANE)
+      integer*4 Ccount, hitno, rawhitidx, tdiff
+      integer*4 iSet, iChamber, iLayer, iPlane, iWire, iHit, iCluster, ROC
+      real*4 hit1time(H_FPP_MAX_WIRES), hit2time(H_FPP_MAX_WIRES)
+      ABORT= .FALSE.
+      err= ' '
+*     * check if we have any work to do
+c      write(*,*)'In h_trans_fpp ... ',HFPP_raw_tot_hits
+      if (HFPP_raw_tot_hits .le. 0) RETURN
+*     * init storage
+      do iPlane=1,H_FPP_N_PLANES
+       do iWire=1,HFPP_Nwires(iPlane)
+         HFPP_hit1idx(iPlane,iWire) = 0
+       enddo
+      enddo
+      do iPlane=1,H_FPP_N_PLANES
+       do iWire=1,HFPP_Nwires(iPlane)
+         HFPP_hit2idx(iPlane,iWire) = 0
+       enddo
+      enddo
+      do iSet=1, H_FPP_N_DCSETS
+        HFPP_Nlayershit_set(iSet) = 0
+      enddo
+      do iSet=1, H_FPP_N_DCSETS
+       do iChamber=1, H_FPP_N_DCINSET
+        do iLayer=1, H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS
+         do iCluster=1, H_FPP_MAX_CLUSTERS
+           HFPP_nHitsinCluster(iSet,iChamber,iLayer,iCluster) = 0
+         enddo
+        enddo
+       enddo
+      enddo
+      do iSet=1, H_FPP_N_DCSETS
+       do iChamber=1, H_FPP_N_DCINSET
+        do iLayer=1, H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS
+          HFPP_nClusters(iSet,iChamber,iLayer) = 0
+        enddo
+       enddo
+      enddo
+      do iPlane=1,H_FPP_N_PLANES
+        HFPP_NplaneClusters(iPlane) = 0
+      enddo
+*     * find TDC trigger time!!  skip whatever we can!
+      do rawhitidx=1, HFPP_raw_tot_hits
+	if (HFPP_raw_plane(rawhitidx).lt.HFPP_trigger_plane) CYCLE
+	if (HFPP_raw_wire(rawhitidx) .ne.HFPP_trigger_wire)  CYCLE
+        ROC = g_decode_roc(HFPP_ID,HFPP_raw_plane(rawhitidx),
+     >                             HFPP_raw_wire(rawhitidx),0)
+	HFPP_trigger_TDC(ROC) = HFPP_raw_TDC(rawhitidx)
+      enddo !rawhitidx
+*     * identify raw hits by planes -- assume unsorted raw data
+      do rawhitidx=1, HFPP_raw_tot_hits
+	iPlane = HFPP_raw_plane(rawhitidx)
+	iWire  = HFPP_raw_wire(rawhitidx)
+*       * weed out obviously bad hits and thus speed up processing
+        if ((HFPP_raw_TDC(rawhitidx).ge.HFPP_minTDC) .and.
+     >      (HFPP_raw_TDC(rawhitidx).le.HFPP_maxTDC)) then
+	   if ( CYCLE
+	   if ( CYCLE
+	   if ( CYCLE
+	   if ( CYCLE
+*          * the above cuts also weed out the already processed trigger reference time!
+*          * TDC times from F1 TDC are meaningful only relative to each other
+*          * thus we need to subtract the measured trigger time!
+*          * also account for the case that the wire hit times
+*          * may have rolled over but the trigger time did not!
+           ROC = g_decode_roc(HFPP_ID,iPlane,iWire,0)
+	   if (HFPP_trigger_TDC(ROC).lt.0) then  ! missing trigger time?!!
+             call G_build_note(':(FPP) TDC data in ROC $ missing trigger reference!',
+     &                        '$',ROC, ' ',0.,' ', err)
+             call G_add_path(here,err)
+	     RETURN
+	   endif
+*          * although we operate in COMMON STOP mode, the F1 TDCs are free-running
+*          * counters, so as time passes the count value increases
+*          * ignoring the overflow due to the limited counting range that means
+*          * earlier events should have a smaller TDC count than later events
+*          * the trigger should be the last signal and ought to have the largest
+*          * value; if it does not, we have a roll-over of the trigger time
+           if (HFPP_raw_TDC(rawhitidx) .gt. HFPP_trigger_TDC(ROC)) then
+	     tdiff = HFPP_raw_TDC(rawhitidx) - HFPP_trigger_TDC(ROC)
+     >                                    - F1TDC_WINDOW_SIZE(ROC)
+	   else
+	     tdiff = HFPP_raw_TDC(rawhitidx) - HFPP_trigger_TDC(ROC)
+	   endif
+	   HFPP_HitTime(rawhitidx) = HFPP_tDriftOffset(iPlane,iWire)
+     >                          + float(tdiff) * HFPP_tdc_time_per_channel
+	   hitno = HFPP_N_planehitsraw(iPlane) + 1
+           if (hitno .le. H_FPP_MAX_RAWperPLANE) then
+             HFPP_N_planehitsraw(iPlane) = hitno 
+             hit_pointer(iPlane,hitno) = rawhitidx   ! local -- all raw hits
+           endif
+        else
+	  print *,' NOTE: FPP hit outside accepted time window: plane,wire,TDC= ',
+     >               iPlane,iWire,HFPP_raw_TDC(rawhitidx)
+	endif
+      enddo !rawhitidx
+*     * find the earliest accpetable hit for each wire  -- assume unsorted raw data
+*     * also, determine # of layers with usefull hits to see if any tracking to be done
+      do iSet=1, H_FPP_N_DCSETS
+       do iChamber=1, H_FPP_N_DCINSET
+        do iLayer=1, H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS
+          iPlane = H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS * H_FPP_N_DCINSET * (iSet-1)
+     >  	 + H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS * (iChamber-1)
+     >  	 + iLayer
+*         * check all hits in layer
+          do iHit=1, HFPP_N_planehitsraw(iPlane)
+            rawhitidx = hit_pointer(iPlane,iHit)
+            if (HFPP_HitTime(rawhitidx).lt.HFPP_mintime) CYCLE !skip too early hits
+            if (HFPP_HitTime(rawhitidx).gt.HFPP_maxtime) CYCLE !skip too late hits
+            iWire  = HFPP_raw_wire(rawhitidx)
+            if (HFPP_hit1idx(iPlane,iWire).eq.0) then !first hit on wire, keep!
+              HFPP_hit1idx(iPlane,iWire) = rawhitidx
+              hit1time(iWire) = HFPP_HitTime(rawhitidx)
+              HFPP_N_planehits(iPlane) = HFPP_N_planehits(iPlane) + 1
+            elseif (HFPP_HitTime(rawhitidx).lt.hit1time(iWire)) then !replace if earlier
+              HFPP_hit2idx(iPlane,iWire) = HFPP_hit1idx(iPlane,iWire)
+              HFPP_hit1idx(iPlane,iWire) = rawhitidx
+              hit2time(iWire) = hit1time(iWire)
+              hit1time(iWire) = HFPP_HitTime(rawhitidx)
+            elseif (HFPP_hit2idx(iPlane,iWire).eq.0) then !first 2nd hit on wire, keep!
+              HFPP_hit2idx(iPlane,iWire) = rawhitidx
+              hit2time(iWire) = HFPP_HitTime(rawhitidx)
+            elseif (HFPP_HitTime(rawhitidx).lt.hit2time(iWire)) then !replace if earlier
+              HFPP_hit2idx(iPlane,iWire) = rawhitidx
+              hit2time(iWire) = HFPP_HitTime(rawhitidx)
+            endif
+          enddo
+          if (HFPP_N_planehits(iPlane) .gt. 0) then
+            HFPP_Nlayershit_set(iSet) = HFPP_Nlayershit_set(iSet)+1
+          endif
+        enddo !iLayer
+       enddo !iChamber
+      enddo !iSet
+*     * now turn raw hits per plane into CLUSTERS per (set,chamber,layer)
+*     * if clustering is not desired (HFPP_use_clusters), each cluster has 1 hit only
+      do iSet=1, H_FPP_N_DCSETS
+       if (HFPP_Nlayershit_set(iSet).ge.HFPP_minsethits) then ! enough hits for tracking
+        do iChamber=1, H_FPP_N_DCINSET
+         do iLayer=1, H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS
+           iPlane = H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS * H_FPP_N_DCINSET * (iSet-1)
+     >            + H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS * (iChamber-1)
+     >            + iLayer
+           active_cluster = .false.
+	   iCluster = 0
+	   do iWire=1,HFPP_Nwires(iPlane)
+	     if (HFPP_hit1idx(iPlane,iWire).eq.0) then	! terminate any active cluster
+	        active_cluster = .false.
+	     else
+	        if (active_cluster) then	! add to active cluster
+                  Ccount = HFPP_nHitsinCluster(iSet,iChamber,iLayer,iCluster) + 1
+	        else	!start new cluster
+	          active_cluster = (  ! only make clusters if instructed
+	          iCluster = min(iCluster+1,H_FPP_MAX_CLUSTERS)
+	          HFPP_ClusterinTrack(iSet,iChamber,iLayer,iCluster) = 0
+	          Ccount = 1
+	        endif
+                if (Ccount.le.H_FPP_MAX_HITSperCLUSTER) then
+*                 * we can only have so many hits in a cluster -- skip excess
+                  HFPP_nHitsinCluster(iSet,iChamber,iLayer,iCluster) = Ccount
+                  HFPP_Clusters(iSet,iChamber,iLayer,iCluster,Ccount)
+     >          				 = HFPP_hit1idx(iPlane,iWire)
+                endif
+	     endif !HFPP_hit1idx.eq.0
+             HFPP_drift_time(iSet,iChamber,iLayer,iWire) = H_FPP_BAD_TIME
+             HFPP_drift_dist(iSet,iChamber,iLayer,iWire) = H_FPP_BAD_DRIFT  !init to none
+	   enddo !iWire
+           HFPP_nClusters(iSet,iChamber,iLayer) = iCluster
+           HFPP_NplaneClusters(iPlane) = iCluster   !for CTP usage -- max 2d array
+         enddo !iLayer
+        enddo !iChamber
+       endif !Nplanes_hit
+      enddo !iSet
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_trans_fpp_hms.f b/HTRACKING/h_trans_fpp_hms.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7c19baa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_trans_fpp_hms.f
@@ -0,0 +1,344 @@
+      SUBROUTINE h_trans_fpp_hms(ABORT,err)
+*    Hall C  HMS Focal Plane Polarimeter Code
+*  Purpose: Fill FPP variables based on projecting HMS tracks 
+*           and accumulate some relevant statistics
+*  Created by Edward J. Brash, September 5, 2007
+      INCLUDE 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_geometry.cmn'
+      include 'gen_detectorids.par'
+      include 'gen_decode_common.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_decode_F1tdc.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_fpp_event.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_fpp_params.cmn'
+      character*11 here
+      parameter (here= 'h_trans_fpp_hms')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      logical active_cluster
+      integer*4 hit_pointer(H_FPP_N_PLANES,H_FPP_MAX_RAWperPLANE)
+      integer*4 Ccount, hitno, rawhitidx, tdiff
+      integer*4 iSet, iChamber, iLayer, iPlane, iWire, iHit, iCluster, ROC
+      real*4 zlocal,xlocal,ylocal,uCoord,uCoord_wire,drift_dist_local
+      integer*4 iWireHit,iSetScatter,i,j
+      real*4 hit1time(H_FPP_MAX_WIRES), hit2time(H_FPP_MAX_WIRES)
+      real*4 xsmear,ysmear
+      real*8 grnd,zScatter,rnum,t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,poisson,mu,mu2,x,ga
+      real*8 xp_local,yp_local,xhms,yhms,deltaz,phi_local,theta_local
+      real*8 r_in(3),r_fin(3),M(3,3),magnitude,alpha,beta,xin,yin,zin
+      ABORT= .FALSE.
+      err= ' '
+      print *,'\n You should not be here!!!\n'
+      STOP
+c      write(*,*)'Basic Track information: ',hsxp_fp,hsx_fp, hsyp_fp,hsy_fp
+      HFPP_raw_tot_hits=0
+c decide where the scattering is going to occur - analyzer 1 or 2
+      rnum=grnd()
+      if (rnum.le.0.500) then ! first analyzer
+        iSetScatter = 1
+        zScatter =
+     >    hdc_zpos(12)+2.0+rnum*((HFPP_Zoff(1)+
+c     >    hdc_zpos(12)+2.0+0.5*((HFPP_Zoff(1)+
+     >    HFPP_layerZ(1,1,1)-2.0)-(hdc_zpos(12)+2.0)) 
+      elseif (rnum.le.1.000) then ! second analyzer
+        iSetScatter = 2
+        zScatter =
+     >    (HFPP_Zoff(1)+HFPP_layerZ(1,2,3)+2.0)+rnum*((HFPP_Zoff(2)+
+c     >    (HFPP_Zoff(1)+HFPP_layerZ(1,2,3)+2.0)+0.5*((HFPP_Zoff(2)+
+     >    HFPP_layerZ(2,1,1)-2.0)-(HFPP_Zoff(1)+HFPP_layerZ(1,2,3)+2.0))
+      else ! no scattering
+        iSetScatter = 0 
+      endif
+c choose scattering angle from randomized double poisson distribution
+      mu=2.0
+      mu2=10.0
+100   rnum=grnd()
+      x=30*rnum
+      t1=exp(-1.0*mu)
+      t2=mu**x
+      t3=x*ga
+      t4=exp(-1.0*mu2)
+      t5=mu2**x
+      t6=x*ga
+      poisson = (3.0*t1*t2/t3+t4*t5/t6)/4.0
+      rnum=grnd()
+      if( goto 100
+      theta_local=x*3.14159265/180.0
+      rnum=grnd()
+      phi_local=rnum*2.0*3.14159265
+      xp_local=sin(theta_local)*cos(phi_local)/cos(theta_local)
+      yp_local=sin(theta_local)*sin(phi_local)/cos(theta_local)
+      beta = datan(dble(hsyp_fp))
+      alpha = datan(dble(hsxp_fp)*dcos(beta))
+      M(1,1) = dcos(alpha)
+      M(1,2) = -1.d0*dsin(alpha)*dsin(beta)
+      M(1,3) = dsin(alpha)*dcos(beta)
+      M(2,1) = 0.d0
+      M(2,2) = dcos(beta)
+      M(2,3) = dsin(beta)
+      M(3,1) = -1.d0*dsin(alpha)
+      M(3,2) = -1.d0*dcos(alpha)*dsin(beta)
+      M(3,3) = dcos(alpha)*dcos(beta)
+c   Normalize new direction vector
+      xin = dble(xp_local)
+      yin = dble(yp_local)
+      zin = 1.d0
+      magnitude = dsqrt(xin*xin+yin*yin+zin*zin)
+      r_in(1)=xin/magnitude
+      r_in(2)=yin/magnitude
+      r_in(3)=zin/magnitude
+      do i=1,3
+        r_fin(i)=0.d0
+        do j=1,3
+          r_fin(i)=r_fin(i)+M(i,j)*r_in(j)
+        enddo
+      enddo
+c      write(*,*)r_fin(1),r_fin(2),r_fin(3)
+      xp_local = r_fin(1)/r_fin(3)
+      yp_local = r_fin(2)/r_fin(3)
+c      write(*,*)'xp,yp final: ',xp_local,yp_local
+      xhms=hsx_fp+hsxp_fp*zScatter
+      yhms=hsy_fp+hsyp_fp*zScatter
+c      write(*,*)'Z-positions:'
+c      write(*,*)'hdc: ',(hdc_zpos(12)+2.0)
+c      write(*,*)'fpp1-front: ',(HFPP_Zoff(1)+HFPP_layerZ(1,1,1)-2.0)
+c      write(*,*)'fpp1-rear: ',(HFPP_Zoff(1)+HFPP_layerZ(1,2,3)+2.0)
+c      write(*,*)'fpp2-front: ',(HFPP_Zoff(2)+HFPP_layerZ(2,1,1)-2.0)
+c      write(*,*)'scattering:',iSetScatter,theta_local*180.0/3.14159,phi_local*180.0/3.14159
+c      write(*,*)'x,y,z scatter: ',xhms,yhms,zScatter
+c now, loop over both sets
+c      write(*,*)'HMS: ',hsxp_fp,hsyp_fp
+      do iSet=1, H_FPP_N_DCSETS
+        HFPP_Nlayershit_set(iSet) = 0
+        do iChamber=1, H_FPP_N_DCINSET
+         do iLayer=1, H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS
+           iPlane = H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS * H_FPP_N_DCINSET * (iSet-1)
+     >            + H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS * (iChamber-1)
+     >            + iLayer
+           HFPP_raw_tot_hits=HFPP_raw_tot_hits+1
+           do iWire=1,HFPP_Nwires(iPlane)
+	     HFPP_hit1idx(iPlane,iWire) = 0
+	     HFPP_hit2idx(iPlane,iWire) = 0
+	   enddo
+c Now, we want to calculate a position where track hits the chambers
+           if (iSetScatter.eq.1) then!scattering in first chamber
+                zlocal=HFPP_layerZ(iSet,iChamber,iLayer) + HFPP_Zoff(iSet)
+                deltaz=zlocal-zScatter
+                xlocal=xhms+xp_local*deltaz
+                ylocal=yhms+yp_local*deltaz
+           elseif (iSetScatter.eq.2) then
+                if (iSet.eq.1) then
+                    zlocal=HFPP_layerZ(iSet,iChamber,iLayer) + HFPP_Zoff(iSet)
+                    xlocal=hsx_fp+hsxp_fp*zlocal
+                    ylocal=hsy_fp+hsyp_fp*zlocal
+                else
+                    zlocal=HFPP_layerZ(iSet,iChamber,iLayer) + HFPP_Zoff(iSet)
+                    deltaz=zlocal-zScatter
+                    xlocal=xhms+xp_local*deltaz
+                    ylocal=yhms+yp_local*deltaz
+                endif                    
+           else
+                zlocal=HFPP_layerZ(iSet,iChamber,iLayer) + HFPP_Zoff(iSet)
+                xlocal=hsx_fp+hsxp_fp*zlocal
+                ylocal=hsy_fp+hsyp_fp*zlocal
+           endif   
+c           write(*,*)'Xlocal,Ylocal,Zlocal: ',xlocal,ylocal,zlocal
+c Choose smearing of drift distance ...
+c           xsmear=0.0
+           xsmear=-0.02+.04*grnd()
+           uCoord = HFPP_direction(iSet,iChamber,iLayer,1)*xlocal+
+     >               HFPP_direction(iSet,iChamber,iLayer,2)*ylocal
+           iWireHit = int(0.5 + (uCoord - HFPP_layeroffset(iSet,
+     >       iChamber,iLayer))/HFPP_spacing(iSet,iChamber,iLayer))
+           uCoord_wire = iWireHit*HFPP_spacing(iSet,iChamber,iLayer)
+     >     + HFPP_layeroffset(iSet,iChamber,iLayer)
+c           write(*,*)'U-Coords = ',uCoord,uCoord_wire     
+           drift_dist_local = uCoord-uCoord_wire+xsmear
+c           write(*,*)'Drift distance =',drift_dist_local
+           if( then
+                HFPP_raw_tot_hits=HFPP_raw_tot_hits-1
+                goto 1234
+           endif   
+           HFPP_drift_dist(iSet,iChamber,iLayer,iWireHit)=drift_dist_local
+c           write(*,*)'Slopes,dist,Wire ='
+c     > ,hsxp_fp,hsyp_fp,HFPP_drift_dist(iSet,iChamber,iLayer,iWireHit),iWireHit      
+c           write(*,*)'Wire Number = ',iWireHit
+           HFPP_raw_plane(HFPP_raw_tot_hits)=iPlane
+           HFPP_raw_wire(HFPP_raw_tot_hits)=iWireHit
+           HFPP_N_planehitsraw(iPlane)=1
+           HFPP_N_planehits(iPlane)=1
+           HFPP_Nlayershit_set(iSet) = HFPP_Nlayershit_set(iSet)+1
+	   HFPP_hit1idx(iPlane,iWireHit) = HFPP_raw_tot_hits
+c           write(*,*)'Raw hits: ',iSet,iChamber,iLayer,iPlane,iWireHit,HFPP_raw_tot_hits
+1234       continue 
+         enddo ! iLayer
+        enddo ! iChamber
+      enddo ! iSet
+*     * check if we have any work to do
+      if (HFPP_raw_tot_hits .le. 0) RETURN
+*     * now turn raw hits per plane into CLUSTERS per (set,chamber,layer)
+*     * if clustering is not desired (HFPP_use_clusters), each cluster has 1 hit only
+      do iSet=1, H_FPP_N_DCSETS
+       if (HFPP_Nlayershit_set(iSet).ge.HFPP_minsethits-5) then ! enough hits for tracking
+        do iChamber=1, H_FPP_N_DCINSET
+         do iLayer=1, H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS
+           iPlane = H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS * H_FPP_N_DCINSET * (iSet-1)
+     >            + H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS * (iChamber-1)
+     >            + iLayer
+           active_cluster = .false.
+	   iCluster = 0
+	   do iWire=1,HFPP_Nwires(iPlane)
+	     if (HFPP_hit1idx(iPlane,iWire).eq.0) then	! terminate any active cluster
+	        active_cluster = .false.
+	     else
+c                write(*,*)'Active cluster: ',iPlane,iWire,HFPP_hit1idx(iPlane,iWire)
+	        if (active_cluster) then	! add to active cluster
+                  Ccount = HFPP_nHitsinCluster(iSet,iChamber,iLayer,iCluster) + 1
+	        else	!start new cluster
+	          active_cluster = (  ! only make clusters if instructed
+	          iCluster = min(iCluster+1,H_FPP_MAX_CLUSTERS)
+	          HFPP_ClusterinTrack(iSet,iChamber,iLayer,iCluster) = 0
+	          Ccount = 1
+	        endif
+                if (Ccount.le.H_FPP_MAX_HITSperCLUSTER) then
+*                 * we can only have so many hits in a cluster -- skip excess
+                  HFPP_nHitsinCluster(iSet,iChamber,iLayer,iCluster) = Ccount
+                  HFPP_Clusters(iSet,iChamber,iLayer,iCluster,Ccount)
+     >          				 = HFPP_hit1idx(iPlane,iWire)
+                endif
+	     endif !HFPP_hit1idx.eq.0
+	   enddo !iWire
+           HFPP_nClusters(iSet,iChamber,iLayer) = iCluster
+           HFPP_NplaneClusters(iPlane) = iCluster   !for CTP usage -- max 2d array
+c           write(*,*)"clustering:"
+c           write(*,*)iSet,iChamber,iLayer,iPlane,HFPP_nClusters(iSet,iChamber,iLayer)
+         enddo !iLayer
+        enddo !iChamber
+       endif !Nplanes_hit
+      enddo !iSet
+      RETURN
+      END
+C       ==================================================
+C       Purpose: Compute the gamma function â(x)
+C       Input :  x  --- Argument of â(x)
+C                       ( x is not equal to 0,-1,-2,úúú )
+C       Output:  GA --- â(x)
+C       ==================================================
+        DIMENSION G(26)
+        PI=3.141592653589793D0
+        IF (X.EQ.INT(X)) THEN
+           IF (X.GT.0.0D0) THEN
+              GA=1.0D0
+              M1=X-1
+              DO 10 K=2,M1
+10               GA=GA*K
+           ELSE
+              GA=1.0D+300
+           ENDIF
+        ELSE
+           IF (DABS(X).GT.1.0D0) THEN
+              Z=DABS(X)
+              M=INT(Z)
+              R=1.0D0
+              DO 15 K=1,M
+15               R=R*(Z-K)
+              Z=Z-M
+           ELSE
+              Z=X
+           ENDIF
+           DATA G/1.0D0,0.5772156649015329D0,
+     &          -0.6558780715202538D0, -0.420026350340952D-1,
+     &          0.1665386113822915D0,-.421977345555443D-1,
+     &          -.96219715278770D-2, .72189432466630D-2,
+     &          -.11651675918591D-2, -.2152416741149D-3,
+     &          .1280502823882D-3, -.201348547807D-4,
+     &          -.12504934821D-5, .11330272320D-5,
+     &          -.2056338417D-6, .61160950D-8,
+     &          .50020075D-8, -.11812746D-8,
+     &          .1043427D-9, .77823D-11,
+     &          -.36968D-11, .51D-12,
+     &          -.206D-13, -.54D-14, .14D-14, .1D-15/
+           GR=G(26)
+           DO 20 K=25,1,-1
+20            GR=GR*Z+G(K)
+           GA=1.0D0/(GR*Z)
+           IF (DABS(X).GT.1.0D0) THEN
+              GA=GA*R
+              IF (X.LT.0.0D0) GA=-PI/(X*GA*DSIN(PI*X))
+           ENDIF
+        ENDIF
+        RETURN
+        end
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_trans_misc.f b/HTRACKING/h_trans_misc.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd0ce44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_trans_misc.f
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+      subroutine h_trans_misc(abort,errmsg)
+* author: John Arrington
+* created: 4/8/95
+* h_trans_misc fills the hms_decoded_misc common block
+* $Log: h_trans_misc.f,v $
+* Revision  2008/10/08 17:21:47  cdaq
+* updated for F1 TDC
+* Revision 1.7  1999/01/27 16:02:39  saw
+* Check if some hists are defined before filling
+* Revision 1.6  1996/09/04 14:24:13  saw
+* (JRA) Add misc. tdc's
+* Revision 1.5  1996/01/24 16:00:04  saw
+* (JRA) Replace 48 with hmax_misc_hits
+* Revision 1.4  1996/01/16 21:36:43  cdaq
+* (JRA) Misc. fixes.
+* Revision 1.3  1995/07/20 14:26:00  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add second index (TDC/ADC) to hmisc_dec_data
+* Revision 1.2  1995/05/22  19:39:32  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.1  1995/04/12  03:59:32  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'hms_scin_parms.cmn'
+      include 'hms_id_histid.cmn'
+      logical abort
+      character*1024 errmsg
+      character*20 here
+      parameter (here = 'h_trans_misc')
+      integer*4 ihit,ich,isig,rawtime,corrtime
+      save
+! Correct for trigger time.
+! If NOT using F1 TDC's, comment this section out
+      do ihit = 1,hmisc_tot_hits
+       ich=hmisc_raw_addr2(ihit)
+       isig=hmisc_raw_addr1(ihit)
+! check if TDC
+! for now just do channels 1-32
+       if(ich.le.32 .and.isig.eq.1) then
+        rawtime = hmisc_raw_data(ihit)
+        if( then
+         call CORRECT_RAW_TIME_HMS(rawtime,corrtime)
+         hmisc_raw_data(ihit) = corrtime
+        endif
+       endif
+      enddo
+      do ihit = 1 , hmax_misc_hits
+        hmisc_dec_data(ihit,1) = 0     ! Clear TDC's
+        hmisc_dec_data(ihit,2) = -1     ! Clear ADC's
+      enddo
+      do ihit = 1 , hmisc_tot_hits
+        ich=hmisc_raw_addr2(ihit)
+        isig=hmisc_raw_addr1(ihit)
+        hmisc_dec_data(ich,isig) = hmisc_raw_data(ihit)
+        hmisc_scaler(ich,isig) = hmisc_scaler(ich,isig) + 1
+        if ( then        !TDC
+          call hf1(hidmisctdcs,float(hmisc_dec_data(ich,isig)),1.)
+        endif
+      enddo
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_trans_scin.f b/HTRACKING/h_trans_scin.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bdb091f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_trans_scin.f
@@ -0,0 +1,508 @@
+      subroutine h_trans_scin(abort,errmsg)
+* author: John Arrington
+* created: 2/22/94
+* h_trans_scin fills the hms_decoded_scin common block
+* with track independant corrections and parameters
+* needed for the drift chamber and tof analysis.
+* modifications:
+* Added corrections for trigger time and rollover
+* for F1 TDCs (should still work if go back to FASTBUS)
+* 2008/09/30 P. Bosted
+* $Log: h_trans_scin.f,v $
+* Revision  2010/02/23 14:50:40  jones
+* Remove "HMS trigger time max" write statements
+* Revision  2009/09/01 19:23:24  jones
+* Initialize hbeta_notrk and hbeta(1) = -100 for every event.
+* Revision  2008/11/17 15:59:18  cdaq
+* Changed from old to new tof varaibles
+* Revision  2008/10/28 20:57:10  cdaq
+* Changed tdc_offset
+* Revision  2008/10/27 16:34:47  cdaq
+* changes for F1 TDCs
+* Revision  2008/10/02 17:13:47  cdaq
+* Added F1trig subraction
+* Revision 1.21  2005/03/15 21:08:08  jones
+* Add code to filter the scintillator tdc hits and group them by time. ( P. Bosted)
+* Revision 1.20  2002/10/02 13:42:43  saw
+* Check that user hists are defined before filling
+* Revision 1.19  1999/06/10 16:53:04  csa
+* (JRA) Cosmetic changes
+* Revision 1.18  1996/04/30 12:46:50  saw
+* (JRA) Clean up
+* Revision 1.17  1996/01/16 21:35:37  cdaq
+* (JRA) Misc. fixes.
+* Revision 1.16  1995/05/22 19:39:33  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.15  1995/05/17  14:12:13  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add hscintimes user histogram
+* Revision 1.14  1995/05/11  19:11:45  cdaq
+* (JRA) Replace hardwired TDC offsets with ctp variables.
+* Revision 1.13  1995/02/23  13:23:49  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add a calculation of beta without finding a track
+* Revision 1.12  1995/02/02  16:36:22  cdaq
+* (JRA) minph variables now per pmt, hscin_adc_pos/neg change to floats
+* Revision 1.11  1995/01/31  21:51:13  cdaq
+* (JRA) Put hit in center of scint if only one tube fired
+* Revision 1.10  1995/01/27  19:28:48  cdaq
+* (JRA) Adjust start time cut to be hardwired for December 94 run.  Need a
+*       better way to do this eventually.
+* Revision 1.9  1995/01/18  16:28:08  cdaq
+* (SAW) Catch negative ADC values in argument of square root
+* Revision 1.8  1994/09/13  21:40:06  cdaq
+* (JRA) remove obsolete code, fix check for 2 hits, fix hit position
+* Revision 1.7  1994/08/19  03:41:21  cdaq
+* (SAW) Remove a debugging statement that was left in (type *,fptime)
+* Revision 1.6  1994/08/03  14:42:39  cdaq
+* (JRA) Remove outliers from start time calculation
+* Revision 1.5  1994/08/02  20:34:00  cdaq
+* (JRA) Some hacks
+* Revision 1.4  1994/07/27  19:25:56  cdaq
+* ??
+* Revision 1.3  1994/06/29  03:43:27  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add call to h_strip_scin to get good hits from HSCIN_ALL arrays
+* Revision 1.2  1994/04/13  18:03:14  cdaq
+* (DFG) 4/6       Add call to h_fill_scin_raw_hist
+* (DFG) 4/5       Move call to h_prt_raw_scin to h_dump_all_raw
+* (DFG) 3/24      Add h_prt_scin_raw    raw bank dump routine
+*                 Add h_prt_scin_dec    decoded print routine
+*                 Add test for zero hits and skip all but initialization
+*                 Commented out setting abort = .true.
+*                 Add ABORT and errmsg to arguements
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/19  06:21:37  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'hms_scin_parms.cmn'
+      include 'hms_scin_tof.cmn'
+      include 'hms_id_histid.cmn'
+      include 'f1trigger_data_structures.cmn'
+      logical abort
+      character*1024 errmsg
+      character*20 here
+      parameter (here = 'h_trans_scin')
+      integer*4 dumtrk
+      parameter (dumtrk=1)
+      integer*4 ihit, plane
+      integer*4 time_num
+      real*4 time_sum
+      real*4 fptime
+      real*4 scint_center
+      real*4 hit_position
+      real*4 dist_from_center,hscin_vel_light
+      real*4 pos_path, neg_path
+      real*4 pos_ph(hmax_scin_hits)     !pulse height (channels)
+      real*4 neg_ph(hmax_scin_hits)
+      real*4 postime(hmax_scin_hits)
+      real*4 negtime(hmax_scin_hits)
+      logical goodtime(hnum_scin_planes)
+      integer timehist(200),i,j,jmax,maxhit,nfound
+      real*4 time_pos(1000),time_neg(1000),tmin,time_tolerance
+      logical keep_pos(1000),keep_neg(1000),first/.true./
+      integer rawtime, corrtime
+      save
+      abort = .false.
+        hbeta_notrk = -100.
+        hbeta(1) = -100.
+! Correct for trigger time.
+! If NOT using F1 TDC's, comment this section out
+c      write(37,'(/1x,''alltothits='',i3)') 
+c     >  hscin_all_tot_hits
+      do ihit = 1 , hscin_all_tot_hits 
+       rawtime = hscin_all_tdc_pos(ihit)
+c       postime(ihit) = rawtime
+       if( then
+        call CORRECT_RAW_TIME_HMS(rawtime,corrtime)
+        hscin_all_tdc_pos(ihit) = corrtime
+       endif
+       rawtime = hscin_all_tdc_neg(ihit)
+c       negtime(ihit) = rawtime
+       if( then
+        call CORRECT_RAW_TIME_HMS(rawtime,corrtime)
+        hscin_all_tdc_neg(ihit) = corrtime
+       endif
+c       if(postime(ihit).ge.0. .or.
+c     >    negtime(ihit).ge.0.) 
+c     >  write(37,'(2i3,f6.0,i5,f6.0,3i5)') 
+c     >   hscin_all_plane_num(ihit),
+c     >   hscin_all_counter_num(ihit),
+c     >   postime(ihit),hscin_all_tdc_pos(ihit),
+c     >   postime(ihit),hscin_all_tdc_neg(ihit),
+c     >   hscin_all_adc_pos(ihit),
+c     >   hscin_all_adc_neg(ihit)
+      enddo
+**    Find scintillators with real hits (good TDC values)
+      call h_strip_scin(abort,errmsg)
+      if (abort) then
+        call g_prepend(here,errmsg)
+        return
+      endif
+**    Initialize track-independant quantaties.
+      call h_tof_init(abort,errmsg)
+      if (abort) then
+        call g_prepend(here,errmsg)
+        return
+      endif
+      hgood_start_time = .false.
+      if( hscin_tot_hits .gt. 0)  then
+** Histogram raw scin
+        call h_fill_scin_raw_hist(abort,errmsg)
+        if (abort) then
+          call g_prepend(here,errmsg)
+          return
+        endif
+      endif        
+** Return if no valid hits.
+      if( hscin_tot_hits .le. 0) return
+! Calculate all corrected hit times and histogram
+! This uses a copy of code below. Results are save in time_pos,neg
+! including the z-pos. correction assuming nominal value of betap
+! Code is currently hard-wired to look for a peak in the
+! range of 0 to 100 nsec, with a group of times that all
+! agree withing a time_tolerance of time_tolerance nsec. The normal
+! peak position appears to be around 35 nsec (SOS0 or 31 nsec (HMS)
+! NOTE: if want to find farticles with beta different than
+!       reference particle, need to make sure this is big enough
+!       to accomodate difference in TOF for other particles
+! Default value in case user hasnt definedd something reasonable
+      time_tolerance=3.0
+      if( then
+         time_tolerance=htof_tolerance
+      endif
+      if(first) then
+         first=.false.
+         write(*,'(//1x,''USING '',f8.2,'' NSEC WINDOW FOR'',
+     >        ''  HMS FP NO_TRACK  CALCULATIONS'')') time_tolerance
+         write(*,'(//)')
+      endif
+      nfound = 0
+      do j=1,200
+         timehist(j)=0
+      enddo
+      do ihit = 1 , hscin_tot_hits
+        i=min(1000,ihit)
+        time_pos(i)=-99.
+        time_neg(i)=-99.
+        keep_pos(i)=.false.
+        keep_neg(i)=.false.
+        if ((hscin_tdc_pos(ihit) .ge. hscin_tdc_min) .and.
+     1      (hscin_tdc_pos(ihit) .le. hscin_tdc_max) .and.
+     2      (hscin_tdc_neg(ihit) .ge. hscin_tdc_min) .and.
+     3      (hscin_tdc_neg(ihit) .le. hscin_tdc_max)) then
+          pos_ph(ihit) = hscin_adc_pos(ihit)
+          postime(ihit) = hscin_tdc_pos(ihit) * hscin_tdc_to_time
+          postime(ihit) = postime(ihit) - 
+     >        hscin_pos_invadc_offset(ihit) -
+     >        hscin_pos_invadc_adc(ihit)/
+     >        sqrt(max(20.,pos_ph(ihit)))
+          neg_ph(ihit) = hscin_adc_neg(ihit)
+          negtime(ihit) = hscin_tdc_neg(ihit) * hscin_tdc_to_time
+          negtime(ihit) = negtime(ihit) - 
+     >        hscin_neg_invadc_offset(ihit) -
+     >        hscin_neg_invadc_adc(ihit)/
+     >        sqrt(max(20.,neg_ph(ihit)))
+* Find hit position.  If postime larger, then hit was nearer negative side.
+c changed to here use a fixed velocity of 15 cm/nsec
+          hscin_vel_light=15.
+          dist_from_center = 0.5*(negtime(ihit) - postime(ihit))
+     1         * hscin_vel_light
+          scint_center = (hscin_pos_coord(ihit)+hscin_neg_coord(ihit))/2.
+          hit_position = scint_center + dist_from_center
+          hit_position = min(hscin_pos_coord(ihit),hit_position)
+          hit_position = max(hscin_neg_coord(ihit),hit_position)
+          hscin_dec_hit_coord(ihit) = hit_position
+*     Get corrected time.
+          pos_path = hscin_pos_coord(ihit) - hit_position
+          neg_path = hit_position - hscin_neg_coord(ihit)
+          postime(ihit) = postime(ihit) - 
+     >        pos_path/hscin_pos_invadc_linear(ihit)
+            negtime(ihit) = negtime(ihit) - 
+     >        neg_path/hscin_neg_invadc_linear(ihit)
+          time_pos(i)  = postime(ihit) - 
+     >        hscin_zpos(ihit) / (29.979*hbeta_pcent)
+          time_neg(i)  = negtime(ihit) - 
+     >        hscin_zpos(ihit) / (29.979*hbeta_pcent)
+          nfound = nfound + 1
+          do j=1,200
+            tmin = 0.5*float(j)                
+            if(time_pos(i) .gt. tmin .and.
+     >         time_pos(i) .lt. tmin + time_tolerance) 
+     >         timehist(j) = timehist(j) + 1
+          enddo
+          nfound = nfound + 1
+          do j=1,200
+            tmin = 0.5*float(j)                
+            if(time_neg(i) .gt. tmin .and.
+     >         time_neg(i) .lt. tmin + time_tolerance) 
+     >         timehist(j) = timehist(j) + 1
+          enddo
+        endif
+      enddo
+! Find bin with most hits
+        jmax=0
+        maxhit=0
+        do j=1,200
+          if(timehist(j) .gt. maxhit) then
+            jmax = j
+            maxhit = timehist(j)
+          endif
+        enddo
+        if( then
+          tmin = 0.5*float(jmax) 
+          do ihit = 1 , hscin_tot_hits
+            i=min(1000,ihit)
+            if(time_pos(i) .gt. tmin .and.
+     >         time_pos(i) .lt. tmin + time_tolerance) then
+               keep_pos(i) = .true.
+            endif
+            if(time_neg(i) .gt. tmin .and.
+     >         time_neg(i) .lt. tmin + time_tolerance) then
+               keep_neg(i) = .true.
+            endif
+          enddo
+        endif
+! Resume regular tof code, now using time filer from above
+** Check for two good TDC values.
+      do ihit = 1 , hscin_tot_hits
+        if ((hscin_tdc_pos(ihit) .ge. hscin_tdc_min) .and.
+     1       (hscin_tdc_pos(ihit) .le. hscin_tdc_max) .and.
+     2       (hscin_tdc_neg(ihit) .ge. hscin_tdc_min) .and.
+     3       (hscin_tdc_neg(ihit) .le. hscin_tdc_max).and.
+     4       keep_pos(ihit).and.keep_neg(ihit)) then
+          htwo_good_times(ihit) = .true.
+        else
+          htwo_good_times(ihit) = .false.
+        endif
+      enddo                             !end of loop that finds tube setting time.
+**    Get corrected time/adc for each scintillator hit
+      do ihit = 1 , hscin_tot_hits
+        if (htwo_good_times(ihit)) then !both tubes fired
+*     Correct time for everything except veloc. correction in order to
+*     find hit location from difference in tdc.
+          pos_ph(ihit) = hscin_adc_pos(ihit)
+          postime(ihit) = hscin_tdc_pos(ihit) * hscin_tdc_to_time
+          postime(ihit) = postime(ihit) - 
+     >        hscin_pos_invadc_offset(ihit) -
+     >        hscin_pos_invadc_adc(ihit)/
+     >        sqrt(max(20.,pos_ph(ihit)))
+          neg_ph(ihit) = hscin_adc_neg(ihit)
+          negtime(ihit) = hscin_tdc_neg(ihit) * hscin_tdc_to_time
+          negtime(ihit) = negtime(ihit) - 
+     >        hscin_neg_invadc_offset(ihit) -
+     >        hscin_neg_invadc_adc(ihit)/
+     >        sqrt(max(20.,neg_ph(ihit)))
+* Find hit position.  If postime larger, then hit was nearer negative side.
+          dist_from_center = 0.5*(negtime(ihit) - postime(ihit))
+     1         * hscin_vel_light
+          scint_center = (hscin_pos_coord(ihit)+hscin_neg_coord(ihit))/2.
+          hit_position = scint_center + dist_from_center
+          hit_position = min(hscin_pos_coord(ihit),hit_position)
+          hit_position = max(hscin_neg_coord(ihit),hit_position)
+          hscin_dec_hit_coord(ihit) = hit_position
+*     Get corrected time.
+          pos_path = hscin_pos_coord(ihit) - hit_position
+          neg_path = hit_position - hscin_neg_coord(ihit)
+          postime(ihit) = postime(ihit) - 
+     >        pos_path/hscin_pos_invadc_linear(ihit)
+          negtime(ihit) = negtime(ihit) - 
+     >        neg_path/hscin_neg_invadc_linear(ihit)
+          hscin_cor_time(ihit) = ( postime(ihit) + negtime(ihit) )/2.
+        else                            !only 1 tube fired
+          hscin_dec_hit_coord(ihit) = 0.
+          hscin_cor_time(ihit) = 0.     !not a very good 'flag', but there is
+                                        ! the logical htwo_good_hits.
+        endif
+      enddo                             !loop over hits to find ave time,adc.
+* start time calculation.  assume xp=yp=0 radians.  project all
+* time values to focal plane.  use average for start time.
+      time_num = 0
+      time_sum = 0.
+      do ihit = 1 , hscin_tot_hits
+        if (htwo_good_times(ihit)) then
+          fptime  = hscin_cor_time(ihit) - hscin_zpos(ihit)/(29.979*hbeta_pcent)
+          if( call hf1(hidscinalltimes,fptime,1.)
+          if (abs(fptime-hstart_time_center).le.hstart_time_slop) then
+            time_sum = time_sum + fptime
+            time_num = time_num + 1
+          endif
+        endif
+      enddo
+      if (time_num.eq.0) then
+        hgood_start_time = .false.
+        hstart_time = hstart_time_center
+      else
+        hgood_start_time = .true.
+        hstart_time = time_sum / float(time_num)
+      endif
+*     Dump decoded bank if hdebugprintscindec is set
+      if( hdebugprintscindec .ne. 0) call h_prt_dec_scin(ABORT,errmsg)
+*    Calculate beta without finding track (to reject cosmics for efficiencies)
+*    using tube only if both pmts fired since the velocity correction is
+*    position (track) dependant.
+*    Fitting routine fills variables assuming track=1.
+      do plane = 1 , hnum_scin_planes
+        goodtime(plane)=.false.
+      enddo
+      do ihit = 1 , hscin_tot_hits
+        hgood_scin_time(dumtrk,ihit)=.false.
+        if (htwo_good_times(ihit)) then !require 2 tubes to be track indep.
+          if (abs(fptime-hstart_time_center).le.hstart_time_slop) then ! throw out outliers.
+            hgood_scin_time(dumtrk,ihit)=.true.
+            hscin_time(ihit)=hscin_cor_time(ihit)
+            hscin_sigma(ihit)=sqrt(hscin_neg_sigma(ihit)**2 +
+     &           hscin_pos_sigma(ihit)**2)/2.
+            goodtime(hscin_plane_num(ihit))=.true.
+          endif
+        endif
+      enddo
+*    Fit beta if there are enough time measurements (one upper, one lower)
+      if ((goodtime(1) .or. goodtime(2)) .and.
+     1    (goodtime(3) .or. goodtime(4))) then
+        hxp_fp(dumtrk)=0.0
+        hyp_fp(dumtrk)=0.0
+        call h_tof_fit(abort,errmsg,dumtrk) !fit velocity of particle
+        if (abort) then
+          call g_prepend(here,errmsg)
+          return
+        endif
+        hbeta_notrk = hbeta(dumtrk)
+        hbeta_chisq_notrk = hbeta_chisq(dumtrk)
+      else
+        hbeta_notrk = 0.
+        hbeta_chisq_notrk = -1.
+      endif
+      return
+      end
+c subtract trigger times
+      include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'f1trigger_data_structures.cmn'
+c     Function arguments are RAW_TDC -raw TDC value
+c     and CORRECTED_TDC -Corrected by Trigger time and rolover time 
+c     MAKE SURE TO Include correct parameter files
+      integer*4 RAW_TDC, CORRECTED_TDC,tdc_offset
+      integer*4 nprint
+      logical roll
+      save
+c hard-wired to make TDC spectra centered on 1500
+c or so. This is for F1 TDCs
+      tdc_offset=1200
+C correct for trigger time. If using F1 TDC's, make
+C sure rolloever values are defined in parameter file
+      if(HMS_TRIGGER_COUNTER.eq.0.or.
+     > then
+        write(6,'(''error, HMS_TRIGGER_COUNTER='',i4)')
+c set to useful default
+      endif
+      if( then
+        write(6,'(''error, HMS_TRIGGER_WINDOW='',i5)')
+         HMS_TRIGGER_WINDOW = 2000
+      endif
+c find largest value of trigger time, to check rollover
+c subtract trigger time
+c and add a constant so generally in range
+c of 1000 to 3000
+     >  + tdc_offset
+c     Taking care of ROLOVER For 
+      roll = .false.
+c This happens if scin. TDC rolled over
+      if( then
+        roll = .true.
+      endif
+c This happens if trigger TDC rolled over
+      if( then
+        roll=.true.
+      endif
+      if( then
+       write(6,'(''dbg hscin'',4i8)') 
+       nprint = nprint+1
+      endif
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/HTRACKING/h_wire_center_calc.f b/HTRACKING/h_wire_center_calc.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e1ac50e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/h_wire_center_calc.f
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+      function h_wire_center_calc(plane,wire)
+*     function to calculate hms wire center positions in hms
+*     wire chambers
+*     d.f. geesaman              17 feb 1994
+*     modified   dfg  18 feb 1994
+*                         add option to reverse plane wire numbering
+* $Log: h_wire_center_calc.f,v $
+* Revision 1.5  1996/09/04 14:24:38  saw
+* (??) Cosmetic
+* Revision 1.4  1995/05/22 19:39:33  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.3  1994/09/13  21:49:06  cdaq
+* (JRA) Calculate wire chamber offsets
+* Revision 1.2  1994/02/22  05:34:03  cdaq
+* (SAW) Remove FLOAT call on floating arg
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/19  06:22:00  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      include "hms_data_structures.cmn"
+      include "hms_geometry.cmn"
+*     input
+      integer*4  plane      ! plane number of hit
+      integer*4  wire       ! wire number  of hit
+*     output
+      real*4     h_wire_center_calc       !  wire center in cm
+*     if hdc_sire_counting(plane) is 1 then wires are number in reverse order
+      if(hdc_wire_counting(plane).eq.0) then 
+*          normal ordering
+           h_wire_center_calc = (FLOAT(wire)-hdc_central_wire(plane))
+     &                     * hdc_pitch(plane) - hdc_center(plane)
+      else        
+           h_wire_center_calc = 
+     &         ((hdc_nrwire(plane) + (1 - wire))- hdc_central_wire(plane))
+     &                     * hdc_pitch(plane) - hdc_center(plane)
+      endif
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/HTRACKING/hms_sane_track.f b/HTRACKING/hms_sane_track.f
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7220d00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/hms_sane_track.f
@@ -0,0 +1,383 @@
+*       HMS_TRACK  HMS Tracking Routines 
+*      -=========-
+*	Forward and Backward Tracking of electrons in the Jlab HMS hall 
+*       C spectrometer
+*       Note: - the HMS routines use a lab (HMS) coord. system
+*               and the corresponding COSY coord. system, both 
+*               right handed with
+*                 x : pointing downwards
+*                 y : perpendicular to x,z, 
+*                     pointing to the left (if seen in z-direction)
+*                 z : HMS axis, pointing from the target to the focal plane
+*             - all lengths (x,y,z,l,...) are measured in [m]
+*             - all angles are measured as dx/dz,dy/dz (lab coords.)
+*               or as A,B (COSY coords.)       
+*             - the momentum is measured in delta (relative momentum
+*               deviation  = 1-p0/pHMS)
+*       PART 1: Forward tracking using COSY transport matrices  
+*       PART 2: Reconstruction (backward tracking) using reconstruction 
+*               and COSY transport matrices (including the 
+*               effects of a vertical beam offset (out-of plane))  
+*       written by Markus Muehlbauer for the GEN Experiment
+* frw 9/2000
+*       changes made in the course of the migration to g77 compiler:
+*        - fixed some typos (old ones, too)
+*        - all COSY conversion code was already commented out (why?
+*          by who?) so I removed it and made the code more readable
+*        - various variables were not initialized prior to reading
+*          from file.  This may or may not be an issue, but fixed it
+*          anyway
+*       PART 1:  HMS Forward Tracking (Target to Focal Plane)
+*      -=======-       
+*	Forward tracking in the Jlab HMS hall C spectrometer
+*       using COSY transport matrices
+*       developed by Cris Cothran
+*       modified  by Markus Muehlbauer
+*         - CCs orignal program converted into subroutines
+*         - mad additions for pure tracking, without checking the acceptance
+*         - and changed the innermost loops applying the matrix
+*           (which speeds up the whole thing by a factor of about 30)
+*       Supplies:
+*         hmsInitForward (map) 
+*           load the forward transport maps
+*         hmsForward (uT,zT,u,z)
+*            make a single step transport calculation 
+*            (without treating the acceptance)
+*         hmsAccept (uT,zT,u,z)
+*            make a multi step transport calculation 
+*            (also treating the acceptance)  
+*       Note: - Before calling hmsForward or hmsAccept the forward 
+*               transport maps have to be loaded by a call to hmsInitForward
+*       PART 2:  HMS Reconstruction (Backward Tracking; Focal Plane to Target)
+*      -=======-       
+*	Reconstruction (backward tracking) in the Jlab HMS hall C 
+*       spectrometer using reconstruction and forward COSY matrices 
+*       (including the effects of beam offsets (out-of plane)) 
+*       Both the normal in-plane scattering and the more special 
+*       out-of-plane scattering are handeled. The later makes use 
+*       of the forward COSY matrices. The algorithm was tested for
+*       beam offsets in the range of cm (up or below the 
+*       nominal scattering plane) 
+*       Supplies:
+*         hmsInitRecon (map,p0) 
+*           load the reconstruction maps
+*         hmsInPlane (u,uT,ok)
+*           reconstruction of the target coordinates 
+*          (delta, dx/dz, y, dy/dz) at z=0
+*         hmsOutOfPlane (u,x,uT,ok)
+*           reconstruction of the target coordinates 
+*           (delta, dx/dz, y, dy/dz) at z=0 including the 
+*           vertical beam offset
+*       Note: - Before calling hmsReconInPlane or hmsReconOutOfPlaneAccept 
+*               the reconstruction map has to be loaded by a call to 
+*               hmsInitRecon
+*             - Before calling hmsReconOutOfPlane the forward transport 
+*               maps have to be loaded by a call to hmsInitForward
+      SUBROUTINE genRecon (u,x,y,uT,ok,dx,bdl,th,p,mass,spect)
+      REAL     u(5),x,y,uT(6)
+      LOGICAL  ok
+      real p,pp,p_spec                ! momentum (MeV). (mom<0 for e-, mom>0 for p,d)
+      real mass               ! mass of particle (MeV)
+      integer spect            
+      REAL*8 TARGET_COORD(6),Eprot,Pprot
+      INCLUDE 'gen_constants.par'
+*     --  performs the reconstruction of the target coordinates 
+*     (delta, dx/dz, y, dy/dz) including the effects of the
+*     target magnetic field and the vertical beam offset
+*     Parameter:
+*     u      I : focal plane coordinates  
+*     u(1,2)  : x [m], dx/dz = out of plane coords. (downwards) 
+*     u(3,4)  : y [m], dy/dz = inplane coords. (perp. on x,z)
+*     u(5)    :  vert. beam offset [m] (out of plane coord.; downwards)
+*     x      I : vert. beam offset [m] (out of plane coord.; downwards)
+*     y      I : hori. beam offsey [m] (inplane coord.; perp on x-beam, z-beam)
+*     uT     O : target coordinates
+*     uT(1,2) : x [m], dx/dz = out of plane coord. (downwards) 
+*                    uT(3,4) : y [m], dy/dz = inplane coord. (perp. on x,z)
+*     uT(5)   : z [m] = in axis coordinate (towards HMS)  
+*     uT(6)   : delta = relative deviation of the particle 
+*     momentum from p0
+*     spect = -1 track electron +1 track proton
+*     ok   IO  : status variable 
+*     - if false no action is taken 
+*     - set to false when no reconstruction is found 
+      real*4 th
+      REAL*8 ctheta,stheta ! cosine and sine of central spectrometer angle
+*      COMMON /genParameter/theta,ctheta,stheta,p 
+      INCLUDE 'gen_event_info.cmn'
+      logical outside_fieldmap
+      common /mkjtemp/ outside_fieldmap
+!     REAL    xx,dx,vT(6),vTx(6),utsave(6),vtsave(6),usave(4)
+      REAL*8    xx,vT(9),vTx(9),utsave(6),vtsave(6),usave(6)
+      real dx
+      real*8 save_dx,save_diff_dx,vtfirst(9)
+      INTEGER i,n,ii
+      real*8 REF_VAL	
+      parameter (REF_VAL=100.) ! converts to cm  
+      real*8 OTHER_REF
+      parameter (OTHER_REF=30.) 
+      REAL       eps            ! accurracy for x in mm
+      PARAMETER (eps = 0.2)     ! (one more iteration is performed 
+!  after the given accuraccy is reached) 
+      real bdl
+      real*8 eng              ! energy of the particle     
+      integer flag_az           !	OR - 7/04
+      common /azimuth/ flag_az	!	OR - 7/04	
+      flag_az = 1		!	OR - 7/04
+      bdl = 0.0
+      xx = u(5)
+! find a first approximation for uT
+      CALL hmsReconXtar (u,uT,ok)
+c       write(*,*)dx,th,p,mass
+      IF (.NOT. ok) RETURN
+!     drift to a field free region and calculate the velocities
+      vT(1) = REF_VAL*(uT(1)+1.*uT(2))
+      vT(2) = REF_VAL*(uT(3)+1.*uT(4))
+      vT(3) = REF_VAL*1.
+      vT(6) = OTHER_REF/SQRT(1+uT(2)**2+uT(4)**2)
+      vT(4) = uT(2)*vT(6)
+      vT(5) = uT(4)*vT(6) 
+      do ii=1,6
+         utsave(ii)=ut(ii)
+         vtsave(ii)=vt(ii)
+      enddo
+*     Here need to to implement detection of protons/electrons in the HMS arm
+*     p should be initialized as hpcentral
+      ctheta = COS(th*degree)
+      stheta = SIN(th*degree)
+      p_spec = p
+      pp=(uT(6)-1)*p_spec
+      eng = spect*sqrt(pp**2+mass**2)/MeV
+      do i=1,6
+         vtfirst(i) = vt(i)
+      enddo
+!  track into the magnetic field to the beam plane (perp. to y)
+      CALL trgTrackToPlaneBDL (vT,eng,1.0d00,0.0d00,-ctheta,stheta,y*REF_VAL,ok)
+      vtfirst(7) = vT(7)
+      vtfirst(8) = vT(8)
+      vtfirst(9) = vT(9)
+c      if ( .not. ok) then
+c     write(*,*) '**** failed first call to trgTrackToPlane in gen_recon *** outside fieldmap = ',outside_fieldmap
+c      endif
+      n  = 0
+      dx = 1.
+      save_diff_dx = 1.  
+      save_dx=dx
+      DO WHILE ((dx .GT. .1) .AND. (n .LT. 10) .and. (save_diff_dx .gt. 0) .AND. ok)
+         dx = abs(x*REF_VAL-vT(1))
+!     track to the z=0 plane to find a correction for the x-offset   
+         vTx(1) = REF_VAL*x 
+         DO i=2,6
+            vTx(i) = vT(i)
+         ENDDO
+         CALL trgTrackToPlaneBDL (vT,eng,1.0d00,0.0d00,0.0d00,1.0d00,0.0d00,ok)
+         CALL trgTrackToPlaneBDL (vTx,eng,1.0d00,0.0d00,0.0d00,1.0d00,0.0d00,ok) 
+            xx = xx + (vTx(1)-vT(1))*0.01 
+            u(5) = xx
+         CALL hmsReconXtar (u,uT,ok)
+         pp=(uT(6)-1)*p_spec
+      eng = spect*sqrt(pp**2+mass**2)/MeV
+c         write(*,*)'1 ',REF_VAL*(uu1T(1)+1.*uu1T(2))-x*ref_val,REF_VAL*(uu1T(3)+1.*uu1T(4))-y*ref_val
+c         write(*,*)'2 ',REF_VAL*(uu2T(1)+1.*uu2T(2))-x*ref_val,REF_VAL*(uu2T(3)+1.*uu2T(4))-y*ref_val
+c         write(*,*)'3 ',REF_VAL*(uu3T(1)+1.*uu3T(2))-x*ref_val,REF_VAL*(uu3T(3)+1.*uu3T(4))-y*ref_val
+!     drift to a field free region and calculate the velocities
+         vT(1) = REF_VAL*(uT(1)+1.*uT(2))
+         vT(2) = REF_VAL*(uT(3)+1.*uT(4))
+         vT(3) = REF_VAL*1.
+         vT(6) = OTHER_REF/SQRT(1+uT(2)**2+uT(4)**2)
+         vT(4) = uT(2)*vT(6)
+         vT(5) = uT(4)*vT(6) 
+         CALL trgTrackToPlaneBDL (vT,eng,1.0d00,0.0d00,-ctheta,stheta,y*REF_VAL,ok) 
+         bdl = sqrt(vT(7)**2+vT(8)**2+vT(9)**2)
+         dx = abs(x*REF_VAL-vT(1))
+         save_diff_dx = save_dx - dx
+         if (save_diff_dx .lt. 0 .and.   n .ne. 0) then
+            do ii=1,6
+               vt(ii)=vtsave(ii)
+            enddo
+            ok = .false.
+            if ( save_dx .le. 1.0) ok = .true.
+         else
+            n = n+1
+            do ii=1,6
+               vtsave(ii)=vt(ii)
+            enddo
+            save_dx = dx
+         endif
+      ENDDO
+      IF (n .ge. 10 ) ok = .FALSE.
+      if (.not. ok) then
+      endif      
+!     calculate the result in HMS coordinates
+      TARGET_COORD(1) = VT(1)      
+      TARGET_COORD(2) = VT(2)      
+      TARGET_COORD(3) = VT(3)      
+      TARGET_COORD(4) = VT(4) !p*1000*VT(4)/29.97/eng 
+      TARGET_COORD(5) = VT(5) !p*1000*VT(5)/29.97/eng 
+      TARGET_COORD(6) = VT(6) !p*1000*VT(6)/29.97/eng     
+      Eprot           = eng
+      Pprot           = p
+c      write(*,*)x*100.,y*100
+c      write(*,*)Vt(1),Vt(2)
+c      write(*,*)Vtold(1),Vtold(2)
+      uT(1) =  0.01*vT(1)  
+      uT(2) = vT(4)/vT(6)
+      uT(3) =  0.01*vT(2)
+      uT(4) = vT(5)/vT(6)
+      uT(5) =  0.01*vT(3)
+c     write(*,*) ' after tracktoplane uT = ',uT   
+      RETURN
+      END
+      SUBROUTINE hmsReconXtar (u,uT,ok)
+      REAL     u(5),uT(6)
+      LOGICAL  ok
+      include 'gen_filenames.cmn'
+      include 'gen_data_structures.cmn'  
+      include 'hms_filenames.cmn'
+      include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'  
+      include 'hms_recon_elements.cmn'   
+      include 'hms_bypass_switches.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_constants.par'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_units.par'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_tracking.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_track_histid.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_physics_sing.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'sane_data_structures.cmn'
+* --  performs the reconstruction of the target coordinates 
+*     (delta, dx/dz, y, dy/dz) at z=0
+*     Parameter: 
+*       u      I : focal plane coordinates (lab)  
+*                    u(1,2)  : x [m], dx/dz = out of plane coord. (downwards) 
+*                    u(3,4)  : y [m], dy/dz = inplane coord. (perp. on x,z)
+*                    u(5)    : xtarget [m] from raster info 
+*       uT     O : target coordinates (lab)
+*                    uT(1,2) : x [m], dx/dz = out of plane coord. (downwards) 
+*                    uT(3,4) : y [m], dy/dz = inplane coord. (perp. on x,z)
+*                    uT(5)   : z [m] = in axis coordinate (towards HMS)  
+*                    uT(6)   : delta (relative deviation of the particle 
+*                                     momentum from p0)
+*       ok   IO  : status variable 
+*                   - if false no action is taken 
+*                   - set to false when no reconstruction is found 
+      ! matrix elemnts needed for calculating the focal plane offset 
+      INTEGER i,j 
+      REAL tm
+      real   sum(4),hut_rot(5)
+      COMMON /hmsfocalplane/sum,hut_rot     
+      DO i=1,6
+         uT(i)  = 0.
+      ENDDO
+*     Reset COSY sums.
+      do i = 1,4
+         sum(i) = 0.
+      enddo
+      do i = 1,h_num_recon_terms
+         tm = 1
+         do j = 1,5
+            if (h_recon_expon(j,i).ne.0.) then
+               tm = tm*u(j)**h_recon_expon(j,i)
+            endif
+         enddo
+         sum(1) = sum(1) + tm*h_recon_coeff(1,i) ! xp uT(2) trg(2)
+         sum(2) = sum(2) + tm*h_recon_coeff(2,i) ! y  uT(3) trg(3)
+         sum(3) = sum(3) + tm*h_recon_coeff(3,i) ! yp uT(4) trg(4)
+         sum(4) = sum(4) + tm*h_recon_coeff(4,i) ! delta uT(6) trg(6)
+      enddo
+                                !  uT(5),trg(5) is z-position along the HMS spectrometer axis
+                                !        used in tracking back to the target
+!     uT(1),trg(1) is xtarget position, measured by slow raster.
+      uT(1) = u(5)
+      uT(2) = sum(1)            ! unit meters
+      uT(3) = sum(2)            ! unit meters
+      uT(4) = sum(3)
+      uT(5) = 0                 ! not important at this point
+      uT(6) = sum(4)            !
+      ok = ((ABS(uT(2)) .LT. 1.) .AND. (ABS(uT(3)) .LT. 1.) .AND.
+     >     (ABS(uT(4)) .LT. 1.) .AND. (ABS(uT(6)) .LT. 1.)) 
+      RETURN
+      END   
diff --git a/HTRACKING/mt19937.f b/HTRACKING/mt19937.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a2ac254
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTRACKING/mt19937.f
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+* A C-program for MT19937: Real number version
+*   genrand() generates one pseudorandom real number (double)
+* which is uniformly distributed on [0,1]-interval, for each
+* call. sgenrand(seed) set initial values to the working area
+* of 624 words. Before genrand(), sgenrand(seed) must be
+* called once. (seed is any 32-bit integer except for 0).
+* Integer generator is obtained by modifying two lines.
+*   Coded by Takuji Nishimura, considering the suggestions by
+* Topher Cooper and Marc Rieffel in July-Aug. 1997.
+* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+* version.
+* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
+* Public License along with this library; if not, write to the
+* Free Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
+* 02111-1307  USA
+* Copyright (C) 1997 Makoto Matsumoto and Takuji Nishimura.
+* When you use this, send an email to:
+* with an appropriate reference to your work.
+* Fortran translation by Hiroshi Takano.  Jan. 13, 1999.
+*   genrand()      -> double precision function grnd()
+*   sgenrand(seed) -> subroutine sgrnd(seed)
+*                     integer seed
+* This program uses the following non-standard intrinsics.
+*   ishft(i,n): If n>0, shifts bits in i by n positions to left.
+*               If n<0, shifts bits in i by n positions to right.
+*   iand (i,j): Performs logical AND on corresponding bits of i and j.
+*   ior  (i,j): Performs inclusive OR on corresponding bits of i and j.
+*   ieor (i,j): Performs exclusive OR on corresponding bits of i and j.
+* this main() outputs first 1000 generated numbers
+ccc      program main
+ccc      implicit integer(i-n)
+ccc      implicit double precision(a-h,o-z)
+ccc      parameter(no=1000)
+ccc      dimension r(0:7)
+ccc*      call sgrnd(4357)
+ccc*                         any nonzero integer can be used as a seed
+ccc      do 1000 j=0,no-1
+ccc        r(mod(j,8))=grnd()
+ccc        if(mod(j,8).eq.7) then
+ccc          write(*,'(8(f8.6,'' ''))') (r(k),k=0,7)
+ccc        else if( then
+ccc          write(*,'(8(f8.6,'' ''))') (r(k),k=0,mod(no-1,8))
+ccc        endif
+ccc 1000 continue
+ccc      stop
+ccc      end
+      subroutine sgrnd(seed)
+      implicit none
+* Period parameters
+      integer N
+      parameter(N=624)
+      integer mti
+      integer mt(0:N-1)		!the array for the state vector
+      common /block/mti,mt
+      save   /block/
+      integer seed
+*setting initial seeds to mt[N] using the generator Line 25 of Table 1 in
+* [KNUTH 1981, The Art of Computer Programming Vol. 2 (2nd Ed.), pp102]
+      mt(0)= iand(seed,-1)
+      do 1000 mti=1,N-1
+        mt(mti) = iand(69069 * mt(mti-1),-1)
+ 1000 continue
+      return
+      end
+      double precision function grnd()
+      implicit none
+      integer N,N1,M
+      integer MATA,UMASK,LMASK
+      integer TMASKB,TMASKC
+* Period parameters
+      parameter(N     =  624)
+      parameter(N1    =  N+1)
+      parameter(M     =  397)
+      parameter(MATA  = -1727483681)	!constant vector a
+c      parameter(UMASK = -2147483648)	!most significant w-r bits
+      parameter(LMASK =  2147483647)	!least significant r bits
+* Tempering parameters
+      parameter(TMASKB= -1658038656)
+      parameter(TMASKC= -272236544)
+      integer mti
+      integer mt(0:N-1)		!the array for the state vector
+      common /block/mti,mt
+      save   /block/
+      integer mag01(0:1)
+      save mag01			!mag01(x) = x * MATA for x=0,1
+      integer y
+      integer kk
+      data   mti/N1/			!mti==N+1 means mt[N] is not initialized
+      data mag01/0, MATA/
+      UMASK=-2**30
+      UMASK=-2*UMASK
+      if( then			!generate N words at one time
+        if(mti.eq.N+1) then		!if sgrnd() has not been called,
+          call sgrnd(4357)		!a default initial seed is used
+        endif
+        do 1000 kk=0,N-M-1
+            y=ior(iand(mt(kk),UMASK),iand(mt(kk+1),LMASK))
+            mt(kk)=ieor(ieor(mt(kk+M),ishft(y,-1)),mag01(iand(y,1)))
+ 1000   continue
+        do 1100 kk=N-M,N-2
+            y=ior(iand(mt(kk),UMASK),iand(mt(kk+1),LMASK))
+            mt(kk)=ieor(ieor(mt(kk+(M-N)),ishft(y,-1)),mag01(iand(y,1)))
+ 1100   continue
+        y=ior(iand(mt(N-1),UMASK),iand(mt(0),LMASK))
+        mt(N-1)=ieor(ieor(mt(M-1),ishft(y,-1)),mag01(iand(y,1)))
+        mti = 0
+      endif
+      y=mt(mti)
+      mti=mti+1
+      y=ieor(y,ishft(y,-11))
+      y=ieor(y,iand(ishft(y,7),TMASKB))
+      y=ieor(y,iand(ishft(y,15),TMASKC))
+      y=ieor(y,ishft(y,-18))
+      if( then
+        grnd=(dble(y)+2.0d0**32)/(2.0d0**32-1.0d0)
+      else
+        grnd=dble(y)/(2.0d0**32-1.0d0)
+      endif
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/INCLUDE/CVS/Entries b/INCLUDE/CVS/Entries
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7675ec2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/CVS/Entries
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+/Makefile/ Sep 12 10:35:15 2007//Tsane
+/b_ntuple.cmn/ Jun 28 13:34:54 2010//Tsane
+/b_ntuple.dte/ May 15 02:53:33 2007//Tsane
+/bigcal_bypass_switches.cmn/ Mar 31 19:32:59 2009//Tsane
+/bigcal_data_structures.cmn/ Mar 31 19:32:59 2009//Tsane
+/bigcal_filenames.cmn/ Nov 29 19:07:19 2007//Tsane
+/bigcal_gain_parms.cmn/ Oct 24 16:56:35 2007//Tsane
+/bigcal_geometry.cmn/ Jul 17 23:03:15 2007//Tsane
+/bigcal_hist_id.cmn/ Nov 25 23:35:50 2007//Tsane
+/bigcal_shower_parms.cmn/ May 15 19:04:32 2008//Tsane
+/bigcal_tof_parms.cmn/ Dec  7 21:41:25 2007//Tsane
+/c_ntuple.cmn/1.4/Tue Feb 17 16:41:45 2004//Tsane
+/c_ntuple.dte/1.1/Fri Jun 17 02:05:04 1994//Tsane
+/coin_bypass_switches.cmn/1.1/Thu May 11 15:21:44 1995//Tsane
+/coin_data_structures.cmn/1.4/Thu Dec 18 18:11:02 2003//Tsane
+/coin_filenames.cmn/1.7/Wed Feb 16 20:44:57 2005//Tsane
+/f1trigger_data_structures.cmn/ Oct  2 18:01:48 2008//Tsane
+/gen_constants.par/1.5/Mon Dec  7 22:11:23 1998//Tsane
+/gen_craw.cmn/1.2/Fri Mar 19 15:22:31 1999//Tsane
+/gen_data_structures.cmn/ Jan 16 18:48:01 2009//Tsane
+/gen_decode_F1tdc.cmn/ Oct 16 19:44:48 2007//Tsane
+/gen_decode_common.cmn/ Sep 11 19:14:18 2007//Tsane
+/gen_detectorids.par/ Jan 30 20:33:28 2009//Tsane
+/gen_epics.cmn/1.1/Wed Feb 24 14:39:05 1999//Tsane
+/gen_event_info.cmn/ Oct 17 16:04:23 2007//Tsane
+/gen_filenames.cmn/1.14/Fri Sep  5 20:10:27 2003//Tsane
+/gen_input_info.cmn/1.1/Mon Feb  7 19:39:25 1994//Tsane
+/gen_one_ev_gckine.cmn/1.1/Wed Jan 17 15:43:35 1996//Tsane
+/gen_one_ev_gctrak.cmn/1.1/Wed Jan 17 15:44:19 1996//Tsane
+/gen_one_ev_gcvolu.cmn/1.1/Wed Jan 17 15:44:43 1996//Tsane
+/gen_one_ev_info.cmn/1.1/Mon Sep 18 20:22:39 1995//Tsane
+/gen_one_ev_info.dte/1.1/Wed Jan 17 15:46:04 1996//Tsane
+/gen_output_info.cmn/1.1/Tue Feb 22 20:04:11 1994//Tsane
+/gen_pawspace.cmn/ Jan 16 18:48:01 2009//Tsane
+/gen_routines.dec/1.9/Thu Jul  8 18:11:52 2004//Tsane
+/gen_run_info.cmn/ Nov  2 22:36:53 2007//Tsane
+/gen_run_info.dte/1.3/Fri Jul 28 15:15:48 1995//Tsane
+/gen_run_pref.cmn/1.4/Tue Oct 18 20:34:47 1994//Tsane
+/gen_run_pref.dte/1.2/Tue Oct 18 20:28:01 1994//Tsane
+/gen_scalers.cmn/ Nov  4 15:09:42 2009//Tsane
+/gen_units.par/1.1/Mon Feb  7 20:14:29 1994//Tsane
+/gep_data_structures.cmn/ Sep 15 20:33:10 2009//Tsane
+/gep_filenames.cmn/ Aug  7 19:11:48 2007//Tsane
+/gep_hist_id.cmn/ Oct 19 21:49:53 2008//Tsane
+/gep_ntuple.cmn/ May 15 02:53:33 2007//Tsane
+/gep_ntuple.dte/ May 15 02:53:33 2007//Tsane
+/h_fpp_ntuple.cmn/ Aug 22 19:09:31 2007//Tsane
+/h_fpp_ntuple.dte/ Aug 22 19:09:31 2007//Tsane
+/h_ntuple.cmn/1.4/Tue Feb 17 16:41:45 2004//Tsane
+/h_ntuple.dte/1.1/Fri Jun 17 02:13:10 1994//Tsane
+/h_sieve_ntuple.cmn/1.2/Mon May 22 19:05:58 1995//Tsane
+/h_sieve_ntuple.dte/1.1/Sat Dec 17 22:21:16 1994//Tsane
+/hack_.cmn/1.3/Wed Jan 17 15:58:04 1996//Tsane
+/hms_aero_parms.cmn/1.2/Fri Sep  5 20:30:48 2003//Tsane
+/hms_bypass_switches.cmn/ Aug 22 19:09:31 2007//Tsane
+/hms_calorimeter.cmn/1.12/Tue Feb 23 19:08:04 1999//Tsane
+/hms_cer_parms.cmn/1.2/Fri Dec 20 21:52:33 2002//Tsane
+/hms_data_structures.cmn/ Sep 16 19:00:45 2009//Tsane
+/hms_filenames.cmn/ Nov 29 19:07:19 2007//Tsane
+/hms_fpp_event.cmn/ Nov  1 19:14:44 2007//Tsane
+/hms_fpp_params.cmn/ Nov  1 17:35:03 2007//Tsane
+/hms_fpp_params.dte/ Oct 27 21:15:28 2007//Tsane
+/hms_geometry.cmn/ Sep 26 21:04:16 2007//Tsane
+/hms_id_histid.cmn/ Oct 30 00:28:32 2007//Tsane
+/hms_one_ev.par/1.2/Wed Jan 17 16:02:39 1996//Tsane
+/hms_pedestals.cmn/1.7/Fri Sep  5 20:32:28 2003//Tsane
+/hms_physics_sing.cmn/1.11/Wed Mar 23 16:35:04 2005//Tsane
+/hms_recon_elements.cmn/1.5/Wed Sep  4 16:13:02 1996//Tsane
+/hms_scin_parms.cmn/ Nov 17 15:57:39 2008//Tsane
+/hms_scin_tof.cmn/ Nov 17 15:57:00 2008//Tsane
+/hms_statistics.cmn/ Aug 22 19:09:31 2007//Tsane
+/hms_track_histid.cmn/1.8/Wed Jan 17 16:04:21 1996//Tsane
+/hms_tracking.cmn/ May 18 14:19:07 2009//Tsane
+/mc_structures.cmn/1.2/Wed Jun  8 19:49:44 1994//Tsane
+/s_ntuple.cmn/1.4/Tue Feb 17 16:41:45 2004//Tsane
+/s_ntuple.dte/1.1/Fri Jun 17 02:12:52 1994//Tsane
+/s_sieve_ntuple.cmn/1.1/Fri Aug 11 16:24:58 1995//Tsane
+/s_sieve_ntuple.dte/1.1/Fri Aug 11 16:24:52 1995//Tsane
+/sane_data_structures.cmn/ Jun 28 13:37:46 2010//Tsane
+/sane_filenames.cmn/ Sep 26 21:42:49 2008//Tsane
+/sane_ntuple.cmn/ Jul 12 18:56:05 2010//Tsane
+/sane_ntuple.dte/ Sep 26 21:42:49 2008//Tsane
+/sem_data_structures.cmn/ Oct 25 12:48:43 2008//Tsane
+/sos_aero_parms.cmn/1.2/Wed Oct  2 19:56:46 1996//Tsane
+/sos_bypass_switches.cmn/1.7/Tue Nov 19 18:48:39 1996//Tsane
+/sos_calorimeter.cmn/1.11/Mon Oct 11 13:42:41 1999//Tsane
+/sos_cer_parms.cmn/1.1/Tue Aug  8 19:15:10 1995//Tsane
+/sos_data_structures.cmn/1.10/Fri Sep  5 20:37:14 2003//Tsane
+/sos_filenames.cmn/ May 15 02:53:03 2007//Tsane
+/sos_geometry.cmn/1.8/Wed Sep  4 16:28:21 1996//Tsane
+/sos_id_histid.cmn/1.11/Tue Feb 23 19:20:42 1999//Tsane
+/sos_lucite_parms.cmn/1.1/Wed Oct  2 18:58:07 1996//Tsane
+/sos_one_ev.par/1.1/Fri Jul 28 20:27:00 1995//Tsane
+/sos_pedestals.cmn/1.9/Tue Feb 23 19:21:23 1999//Tsane
+/sos_physics_sing.cmn/1.11/Wed Mar 23 16:35:04 2005//Tsane
+/sos_recon_elements.cmn/1.5/Wed Sep  4 16:31:01 1996//Tsane
+/sos_scin_parms.cmn/1.8/Wed Sep  4 16:31:26 1996//Tsane
+/sos_scin_tof.cmn/1.9/Tue Mar 15 21:14:28 2005//Tsane
+/sos_statistics.cmn/1.13/Fri Sep  5 20:41:27 2003//Tsane
+/sos_track_histid.cmn/1.7/Wed Jan 17 15:06:31 1996//Tsane
+/sos_tracking.cmn/1.18/Tue Feb 23 19:22:52 1999//Tsane
diff --git a/INCLUDE/CVS/Repository b/INCLUDE/CVS/Repository
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..86e87f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/CVS/Repository
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/INCLUDE/CVS/Root b/INCLUDE/CVS/Root
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6288c3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/CVS/Root
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/INCLUDE/CVS/Tag b/INCLUDE/CVS/Tag
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..25d73f7
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/INCLUDE/Makefile b/INCLUDE/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5255726
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+# $Log: Makefile,v $
+# Revision  2007/09/12 10:35:15  pcarter
+# Implemented changes to allow compilation on RHEL 3,4,5 and MacOSX
+# Revision  2007/09/10 20:08:02  pcarter
+# Implemented changes to allow compilation on RHEL 3,4,5 and MacOSX
+# Revision  2007/08/22 19:09:31  frw
+# added FPP
+# Revision 1.11  2006/06/23 frw
+# added new HMS FPP commons
+# Revision  2007/05/15 02:53:03  jones
+# Start to Bigcal code
+# Revision 1.10  2002/12/20 21:52:32  jones
+# Modified by Hamlet for new HMS aerogel
+# Revision 1.9  1999/02/23 19:02:59  csa
+# Add gen_epics.cmn
+# Revision 1.8  1996/11/08 21:08:23  saw
+# (WH) Add Lucite counter common blocks
+# Revision 1.7  1996/04/30 13:26:59  saw
+# (SAW) Add aerogel include file
+# Revision 1.6  1996/01/17 14:02:15  cdaq
+# (SAW) Add one event display includes
+# Revision 1.5  1995/07/28  14:25:20  cdaq
+# (SAW) Update list of include files.  Add NFSDIRECTORY stuff
+# Revision 1.4  1995/05/24  13:50:06  cdaq
+# (SAW) Update and make cosmetic changes
+# Revision 1.3  1995/04/06  20:12:33  cdaq
+# (SAW) Remove tmp_pedestals.dte
+# Revision 1.2  1995/01/27  21:08:31  cdaq
+# *** empty log message ***
+# Revision 1.1  1994/04/15  20:29:37  cdaq
+# Initial revision
+##include $(Csoft)/etc/Makefile
+include ../etc/Makefile.variables
+ntuples = c_ntuple.cmn h_ntuple.cmn s_ntuple.cmn b_ntuple.cmn gep_ntuple.cmn
+cmn = gen_data_structures.cmn gen_craw.cmn gen_decode_common.cmn \
+	gen_event_info.cmn gen_filenames.cmn gen_output_info.cmn \
+	gen_pawspace.cmn gen_run_info.cmn gen_run_pref.cmn gen_scalers.cmn \
+	gen_epics.cmn \
+	hms_data_structures.cmn hms_bypass_switches.cmn hms_calorimeter.cmn \
+	hms_filenames.cmn hms_geometry.cmn hms_id_histid.cmn \
+	hms_physics_sing.cmn hms_recon_elements.cmn hms_scin_parms.cmn \
+	hms_scin_tof.cmn hms_statistics.cmn hms_track_histid.cmn \
+	hms_tracking.cmn hms_pedestals.cmn \
+	hms_cer_parms.cmn hms_aero_parms.cmn \
+	h_ntuple.cmn h_sieve_ntuple.cmn \
+	sos_data_structures.cmn sos_bypass_switches.cmn sos_calorimeter.cmn \
+	sos_filenames.cmn sos_geometry.cmn sos_id_histid.cmn \
+	sos_physics_sing.cmn sos_recon_elements.cmn sos_scin_parms.cmn \
+	sos_scin_tof.cmn sos_statistics.cmn sos_track_histid.cmn \
+	sos_tracking.cmn sos_pedestals.cmn \
+	sos_cer_parms.cmn sos_aero_parms.cmn \
+	s_ntuple.cmn s_sieve_ntuple.cmn \
+	coin_data_structures.cmn coin_bypass_switches.cmn c_ntuple.cmn \
+	coin_filenames.cmn \
+	hack_.cmn \
+	mc_structures.cmn sos_lucite_parms.cmn \
+	gen_decode_F1tdc.cmn \
+	hms_fpp_event.cmn  hms_fpp_params.cmn \
+	h_fpp_ntuple.cmn \
+	bigcal_data_structures.cmn \
+	bigcal_filenames.cmn bigcal_bypass_switches.cmn bigcal_gain_parms.cmn \
+	bigcal_geometry.cmn bigcal_shower_parms.cmn bigcal_tof_parms.cmn \
+	gep_data_structures.cmn gep_filenames.cmn
+dte = c_ntuple.dte gen_run_pref.dte h_sieve_ntuple.dte h_fpp_ntuple.dte \
+	gen_run_info.dte h_ntuple.dte s_ntuple.dte s_sieve_ntuple.dte \
+	gep_ntuple.dte b_ntuple.dte
+par = gen_constants.par gen_detectorids.par gen_units.par
+dec = gen_routines.dec
+# One event display
+oneev = gen_one_ev_info.cmn gen_one_ev_info.dte hms_one_ev.par \
+	sos_one_ev.par gen_one_ev_gckine.cmn gen_one_ev_gctrak.cmn \
+	gen_one_ev_gcvolu.cmn
+include_files = $(cmn) $(dte) $(par) $(dec) $(oneev)
+install-dirs :=
+.PHONY: all
+all : $(include_files)
+%.cmn : $(NFSDIRECTORY)/INCLUDE/%.cmn
+%.dte : $(NFSDIRECTORY)/INCLUDE/%.dte
+%.par : $(NFSDIRECTORY)/INCLUDE/%.par
+%.dec : $(NFSDIRECTORY)/INCLUDE/%.dec
+.PRECIOUS: %.cmn %.dte %.par %.dec
diff --git a/INCLUDE/b_ntuple.cmn b/INCLUDE/b_ntuple.cmn
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..09f1474
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/b_ntuple.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      integer BMAX_Ntuple_size
+      parameter (BMAX_Ntuple_size=100)
+      integer default_b_Ntuple_ID
+      parameter (default_b_Ntuple_ID=9030)
+*     array dimensions for cluster ntuple: 
+      integer maxnclust
+      parameter(maxnclust=50)
+      integer maxncellclust
+      parameter(maxncellclust=50)
+*     array dimensions for cosmics ntuple:
+      integer maxahit
+      parameter(maxahit=1856)
+      integer maxthit
+      parameter(maxthit=3072)
+      integer maxtahit
+      parameter(maxtahit=38)
+      integer maxtthit
+      parameter(maxtthit=42*8)
+      logical b_Ntuple_exists
+      integer b_Ntuple_ID
+      integer b_Ntuple_size
+      integer b_Ntuple_IOchannel
+      integer bigcal_ntuple_type 
+      character*80 b_Ntuple_name
+      character*80 b_Ntuple_title
+      character*132 b_Ntuple_directory
+      character*256 b_Ntuple_file
+c      character*256 b_tree_filename
+      character*8 b_Ntuple_tag(BMAX_Ntuple_size)
+      integer b_Ntuple_max_segmentevents
+      integer b_ntuple_switch ! 0 means is off.
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+      integer b_Ntuple_segmentevents
+      integer b_Ntuple_filesegments
+      real b_Ntuple_contents(BMAX_Ntuple_size)
+      common/BIGCAL_Ntuple/
+     $     b_Ntuple_exists,b_Ntuple_ID,b_Ntuple_size,b_Ntuple_IOchannel,
+     $     b_Ntuple_name,b_Ntuple_title,b_Ntuple_directory,
+     $     b_Ntuple_file,b_Ntuple_tag,
+     $     b_Ntuple_max_segmentevents,
+     $     b_Ntuple_segmentevents,b_Ntuple_filesegments,
+     $     b_Ntuple_contents,bigcal_ntuple_type,b_ntuple_switch
+*     Basic event info:
+      integer*4 bgid ! copy of gen_event_id_number
+      integer*4 bgtype ! copy of gen_event_type
+      integer*4 btrigtype
+      real*4 btrigtime ! coincidence time, set a reference for all other tdcs
+      common/bevinfo/
+     $     bgid,
+     $     bgtype,
+     $     btrigtype,
+     $     btrigtime
+*     ADC related quantities
+      integer*4 nclust
+      integer*4 ncellclust(maxnclust)
+      integer*4 ncellbad(maxnclust)
+      integer*4 ncellx(maxnclust)
+      integer*4 ncelly(maxnclust)
+      integer*4 iycell(maxncellclust,maxnclust)
+      integer*4 ixcell(maxncellclust,maxnclust)
+      logical cellbad(maxncellclust,maxnclust)
+      real*4 xcell(maxncellclust,maxnclust)
+      real*4 ycell(maxncellclust,maxnclust)
+      real*4 eblock(maxncellclust,maxnclust)
+      real*4 ablock(maxncellclust,maxnclust)
+      real*4 xmoment(maxnclust)
+      real*4 ymoment(maxnclust)
+      real*4 eclust(maxnclust)
+      real*4 aclust(maxnclust)
+      real*4 xclust(maxnclust)
+      real*4 yclust(maxnclust)
+      double precision NN_delX
+      double precision NN_delY
+      double precision NN_delE
+      common/clustblock/
+     $     NN_delX,
+     $     NN_delY,
+     $     NN_delE,
+     $     nclust,
+     $     ncellclust,
+     $     ncellbad,
+     $     ncellx,
+     $     ncelly,
+     $     iycell,
+     $     ixcell,
+     $     cellbad,
+     $     xcell,
+     $     ycell,
+     $     eblock,
+     $     ablock,
+     $     xmoment,
+     $     ymoment,
+     $     eclust,
+     $     aclust, 
+     $     xclust,
+     $     yclust
+      integer*4 nclust8
+      integer*4 ncell8clust(maxnclust)
+      integer*4 irow8hit(10,maxnclust)
+      integer*4 icol8hit(10,maxnclust)
+      integer*4 nhit8clust(10,maxnclust)
+      real*4 s8(10,maxnclust)
+      real*4 tcell8(10,8,maxnclust)
+      real*4 tclust8(maxnclust)
+      real*4 tcut8(maxnclust)
+      real*4 tcut8cor(maxnclust)
+      real*4 trms8(maxnclust)
+      common/clusttdc/
+     $     nclust8,
+     $     ncell8clust,
+     $     irow8hit,
+     $     icol8hit,
+     $     nhit8clust,
+     $     s8,
+     $     tcell8,
+     $     tclust8,
+     $     tcut8,
+     $     tcut8cor,
+     $     trms8
+*     trigger related quantities
+      integer*4 nclust64 ! copy of nclust
+      integer*4 ncell64clust(maxnclust)            
+      integer*4 irow64hit(6,maxnclust)
+      integer*4 icol64hit(6,maxnclust)
+      integer*4 nhit64clust(6,maxnclust)
+      real*4 tcell64(6,8,maxnclust)
+      real*4 a64(6,maxnclust)
+      real*4 s64(6,maxnclust)
+      real*4 tclust64(maxnclust)
+      real*4 tcut64(maxnclust)
+      real*4 tcut64cor(maxnclust)
+      real*4 trms64(maxnclust)
+      common/clusttrig/
+     $     nclust64,
+     $     ncell64clust,
+     $     irow64hit,
+     $     icol64hit,
+     $     nhit64clust,
+     $     tcell64,
+     $     a64,
+     $     s64,
+     $     tclust64,
+     $     tcut64,
+     $     tcut64cor,
+     $     trms64
+*     reconstructed physics quantities
+      integer*4 ntrack
+      integer*4 ibest
+      real*4 thetarad(maxnclust)
+      real*4 phirad(maxnclust)
+      real*4 energy(maxnclust) ! corrected for eloss
+      real*4 xface(maxnclust)
+      real*4 yface(maxnclust)
+      real*4 zface(maxnclust)
+      real*4 px(maxnclust)
+      real*4 py(maxnclust)
+      real*4 pz(maxnclust)
+      real*4 ctime_clust(maxnclust)
+      real*4 chi2clust(maxnclust)
+      real*4 chi2contr(6,maxnclust)
+      common/clustphys/
+     $     ntrack,
+     $     ibest,
+     $     thetarad,
+     $     phirad,
+     $     energy,
+     $     xface,
+     $     yface,
+     $     zface,
+     $     px,
+     $     py,
+     $     pz,
+     $     ctime_clust,
+     $     chi2clust,
+     $     chi2contr
+*     bad cluster flags:
+      integer*4 nmax
+      logical edge_max(maxnclust)
+      logical not_enough(maxnclust)
+      logical too_long_x(maxnclust)
+      logical too_long_y(maxnclust)
+      logical below_thresh(maxnclust)
+      logical above_max(maxnclust)
+      logical second_max(maxnclust)
+      common/bad_clust/
+     $     nmax,
+     $     edge_max,
+     $     not_enough,
+     $     too_long_x,
+     $     too_long_y,
+     $     below_thresh,
+     $     above_max,
+     $     second_max
+*     For online basic detector checks, include a list of additional basic variables:
+      integer*4 ngooda
+      integer*4 ngoodt
+      integer*4 ngoodta
+      integer*4 ngoodtt
+      integer*4 irowmax
+      integer*4 icolmax
+      real*4 max_adc
+      common/bhits/
+     $     ngooda,
+     $     ngoodt,
+     $     ngoodta,
+     $     ngoodtt,
+     $     irowmax,
+     $     icolmax,
+     $     max_adc
+*     in case of Monte Carlo analysis, actual event info for comparison to reconstructed:
+*     one "vertex" per event is assumed. Fill if and only if cluster ntuple gets filled.
+      integer*4 evid_g
+      integer*4 ntrk_g
+      integer*4 pid_g(maxnclust)
+      real*4 xvertex_g
+      real*4 yvertex_g
+      real*4 zvertex_g
+      real*4 pxgeant(maxnclust)
+      real*4 pygeant(maxnclust)
+      real*4 pzgeant(maxnclust)
+      real*4 xgeant(maxnclust) ! x in calo-centered coordinate system
+      real*4 ygeant(maxnclust) ! y in calo-centered coordinate system
+      real*4 egeant(maxnclust) ! actual energy of particle
+      real*4 pgeant(maxnclust) ! magnitude of momentum of particle
+      real*4 gthetarad(maxnclust)
+      real*4 gphirad(maxnclust)
+      common/MC_Clust/
+     $     evid_g,
+     $     ntrk_g,
+     $     pid_g,
+     $     xvertex_g,
+     $     yvertex_g,
+     $     zvertex_g,
+     $     pxgeant,
+     $     pygeant,
+     $     pzgeant,
+     $     xgeant,
+     $     ygeant,
+     $     egeant,
+     $     pgeant,
+     $     gthetarad,
+     $     gphirad
+*     in case of Coincidence analysis, HMS info for comparison to reconstructed: 
+      real*4 TH_HMS
+      real*4 PH_HMS
+      real*4 E_HMS ! cal. using hsp
+      real*4 X_HMS
+      real*4 Y_HMS
+      real*4 dPel_HMS ! difference between Pel(htheta) and PHMS, normalized to hpcentral
+      common/hmsblk/
+     $     TH_HMS,
+     $     PH_HMS,
+     $     E_HMS,
+     $     X_HMS,
+     $     Y_HMS,
+     $     dPel_HMS
+      integer*4 nahit
+      integer*4 xa(maxahit)
+      integer*4 ya(maxahit)
+      integer*4 aa(maxahit)
+      integer*4 nthit
+      integer*4 xt(maxthit)
+      integer*4 yt(maxthit)
+      integer*4 hn(maxthit)
+      integer*4 tt(maxthit)
+      integer*4 ntahit
+      integer*4 xta(maxtahit)
+      integer*4 yta(maxtahit)
+      integer*4 taa(maxtahit)
+      integer*4 ntthit
+      integer*4 xtt(maxtthit)
+      integer*4 ytt(maxtthit)
+      integer*4 hnt(maxtthit)
+      integer*4 ttt(maxtthit)
+      common/cosmic_hits/
+     $     nahit,
+     $     xa,
+     $     ya,
+     $     aa,
+     $     nthit,
+     $     xt,
+     $     yt,
+     $     hn,
+     $     tt,
+     $     ntahit,
+     $     xta,
+     $     yta,
+     $     taa,
+     $     ntthit,
+     $     xtt,
+     $     ytt,
+     $     hnt,
+     $     ttt
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
diff --git a/INCLUDE/b_ntuple.dte b/INCLUDE/b_ntuple.dte
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..daf61d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/b_ntuple.dte
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+	  data b_ntuple_exists/.false./
+	  data b_ntuple_id/0/
+	  data b_ntuple_size/0/
+	  data b_ntuple_iochannel/0/
+	  data b_ntuple_name/' '/
+	  data b_ntuple_title/' '/
+	  data b_ntuple_directory/' '/
+	  data b_ntuple_file/' '/
+	  data b_ntuple_tag/bmax_ntuple_size*' '/
+	  data b_ntuple_contents/bmax_ntuple_size*0/
diff --git a/INCLUDE/bigcal_bypass_switches.cmn b/INCLUDE/bigcal_bypass_switches.cmn
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d5c3b82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/bigcal_bypass_switches.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      integer*4 bbypass_prot
+      integer*4 bbypass_rcs
+      integer*4 bbypass_sum8
+      integer*4 bbypass_sum64
+      integer*4 bbypass_find_clusters
+      integer*4 bbypass_calc_cluster_time
+      integer*4 bbypass_calc_shower_coord
+      integer*4 bbypass_prune_clusters
+      integer*4 b_prune_flags(8)
+      integer*4 bbypass_calc_physics
+      integer*4 bdebug_print_bad
+      integer*4 bdebug_print_adc
+      integer*4 bdebug_print_tdc
+      integer*4 bdebug_print_trig
+      integer*4 bdebug_print_clusters
+      integer*4 b_use_bad_chan_list
+      integer*4 bigcal_do_calibration
+      integer*4 bigcal_do_time_calib
+      integer*4 bigcal_min_calib_events
+      integer*4 b_use_peds_in_hist
+      integer*4 b_use_size_measurements
+      integer*4 b_suppress_annoying_pulser
+      integer*4 b_recon_using_map
+      integer*4 b_use_distcorr
+      integer*4 b_fix_double_ped
+c      integer*4 bmake_tdc_hist
+c      integer*4 bmake_ttdc_hist
+      integer*4 bluno ! logical unit number for debugging output
+      common/bigcal_bypass_switches/
+     $     bbypass_prot,
+     $     bbypass_rcs,
+     $     bbypass_sum8,
+     $     bbypass_sum64,
+     $     bbypass_find_clusters,
+     $     bbypass_calc_cluster_time,
+     $     bbypass_calc_shower_coord,
+     $     bbypass_prune_clusters,
+     $     b_prune_flags,
+     $     bbypass_calc_physics,
+     $     bdebug_print_bad,
+     $     bdebug_print_adc,
+     $     bdebug_print_tdc,
+     $     bdebug_print_trig,
+     $     bdebug_print_clusters,
+     $     b_use_bad_chan_list,
+     $     bigcal_do_calibration,
+     $     bigcal_do_time_calib,
+     $     bigcal_min_calib_events,
+     $     b_use_peds_in_hist,
+     $     b_use_size_measurements,
+     $     b_suppress_annoying_pulser,
+     $     b_recon_using_map,
+     $     b_use_distcorr,
+     $     b_fix_double_ped,
+     $     bluno
diff --git a/INCLUDE/bigcal_data_structures.cmn b/INCLUDE/bigcal_data_structures.cmn
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6ace0d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/bigcal_data_structures.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,731 @@
+*     include file       bigcal_data_structures.cmn
+*     Author: Andrew Puckett          8 January 2007
+*     Change Log:
+* start with constants/array dimensions:
+* we will treat BigCal ADCs/TDCs as separate detectors. 
+* we will also treat the sections of BigCal (RCS, Protvino) separately
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+* Protvino half ADCs
+      integer*4 BIGCAL_PROT_MAXHITS
+      parameter (BIGCAL_PROT_MAXHITS=1024)
+      integer*4 BIGCAL_PROT_NX
+      parameter (BIGCAL_PROT_NX=32)
+      integer*4 BIGCAL_PROT_NY
+      parameter (BIGCAL_PROT_NY=32)
+* RCS half ADCs
+      integer*4 BIGCAL_RCS_MAXHITS
+      parameter (BIGCAL_RCS_MAXHITS=720)
+      integer*4 BIGCAL_RCS_NX
+      parameter (BIGCAL_RCS_NX=30)
+      integer*4 BIGCAL_RCS_NY
+      parameter (BIGCAL_RCS_NY=24)
+*     array dimensions for combined hit and detector arrays:
+      integer*4 BIGCAL_ALL_MAXHITS
+      parameter(BIGCAL_ALL_MAXHITS=1744)
+*     cluster array dimensions
+c$$$      integer*4 BIGCAL_PROT_NCLSTR_MAX
+c$$$      parameter(BIGCAL_PROT_NCLSTR_MAX=10)
+c$$$      integer*4 BIGCAL_RCS_NCLSTR_MAX
+c$$$      parameter(BIGCAL_RCS_NCLSTR_MAX=10)
+c$$$      integer*4 BIGCAL_MID_NCLSTR_MAX
+c$$$      parameter(BIGCAL_MID_NCLSTR_MAX=5)
+      integer*4 BIGCAL_ALL_NCLSTR_MAX
+      parameter(BIGCAL_ALL_NCLSTR_MAX=25) ! must equal sum of prot, rcs, and mid or problems will happen
+c     make these parameters instead (see bigcal_clstr_cuts common block) 
+c     except that we don't want clstr_ncell_max changed because the 
+c     structure of the ntuple depends on it.
+      integer*4 BIGCAL_CLSTR_NCELL_MAX
+      parameter(BIGCAL_CLSTR_NCELL_MAX=25)
+c$$$      integer*4 BIGCAL_CLSTR_NCELLX_MAX
+c$$$      parameter(BIGCAL_CLSTR_NCELLX_MAX=8)
+c$$$      integer*4 BIGCAL_CLSTR_NCELLY_MAX
+c$$$      parameter(BIGCAL_CLSTR_NCELLY_MAX=8)
+c$$$      integer*4 BIGCAL_CLSTR_NCELL_MIN
+c$$$      parameter(BIGCAL_CLSTR_NCELL_MIN=2)
+*     tdc and trigger array dimensions
+      integer*4 BIGCAL_MAX_TDC
+      parameter (BIGCAL_MAX_TDC=224) 
+      integer*4 BIGCAL_MAX_ROWS
+      parameter (BIGCAL_MAX_ROWS=56)
+      integer*4 BIGCAL_MAX_GROUPS
+      parameter (BIGCAL_MAX_GROUPS=4)
+      integer*4 BIGCAL_ATRIG_MAXHITS 
+      parameter (BIGCAL_ATRIG_MAXHITS=38) 
+      integer*4 BIGCAL_TDC_MAXHITS 
+      parameter (BIGCAL_TDC_MAXHITS=1792) ! 224 x 8
+      integer*4 BIGCAL_TTRIG_MAXHITS
+      parameter (BIGCAL_TTRIG_MAXHITS=336) ! 42 x 8
+      parameter (BIGCAL_TTRIG_MAXGROUPS=42)
+*     track array dimensions
+      integer*4 BIGCAL_MAX_NTRACK
+      parameter(BIGCAL_MAX_NTRACK=25)
+      real*4 BIGCAL_THETA_DEG ! BigCal angle in deg.
+      real*4 BIGCAL_THETA_RAD ! BigCal angle in radians
+      real*4 BIGCAL_SINTHETA ! sin of bigcal angle
+      real*4 BIGCAL_COSTHETA ! cos of bigcal angle
+      real*4 BIGCAL_R_TGT ! distance from target in cm
+      real*4 BIGCAL_HEIGHT ! height relative to pivot height = 0
+*     yaw, pitch, and roll angles: only nonzero if a survey was done in place--these angles are used to correct the measured cluster position
+      real*4 BIGCAL_YAW_DEG ! rotation angle viewed from above
+      real*4 BIGCAL_PITCH_DEG ! rotation angle viewed from beam right
+      real*4 BIGCAL_ROLL_DEG ! rotation angle viewed from upstream
+      real*4 BIGCAL_ROT_MATRIX(3,3) ! 3D rotation matrix from "real" to "ideal" BigCal coordinates
+      common/BIGCAL_KIN_SETTINGS/
+     $     BIGCAL_THETA_DEG,
+     $     BIGCAL_THETA_RAD,
+     $     BIGCAL_SINTHETA,
+     $     BIGCAL_COSTHETA,
+     $     BIGCAL_R_TGT,
+     $     BIGCAL_HEIGHT,
+     $     BIGCAL_YAW_DEG,
+     $     BIGCAL_PITCH_DEG,
+     $     BIGCAL_ROLL_DEG,
+* ALL TDCs:
+* 4 * 32 = 128 Prot. groups + 4 * 24 = 96 RCS groups = 224 + 38 trigger logic groups = 262 + master trigger signal = 263 TDC signals. All TDCs are in slots in the FB crate shared with the RCS ADCs
+* for now, we will only accommodate running with one trigger type for the 
+* calorimeter. 
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+*     the BigCal raw TDC signals:
+      logical bigcal_annoying_pulser_event
+      common/b_annoying_pulser/
+     $     bigcal_annoying_pulser_event
+      integer*4 BIGCAL_TDC_NHIT
+      common/BIGCAL_RAW_TDC/
+     $     BIGCAL_TDC_NHIT,
+     $     BIGCAL_TDC_RAW_IROW,
+     $     BIGCAL_TDC_RAW
+*     decoded quantities for calorimeter TDCs:
+*     (filled by b_trans_tdc)
+      integer*4 BIGCAL_TDC_NDECODED
+      integer*4 BIGCAL_TDC(BIGCAL_TDC_MAXHITS)      
+      integer*4 BIGCAL_TIME_NGOOD
+      common/BIGCAL_GOOD_TDC/
+     $     BIGCAL_TDC_IROW,
+     $     BIGCAL_TDC_IGROUP,
+     $     BIGCAL_TDC,
+     $     BIGCAL_TIME_NGOOD,
+     $     BIGCAL_TIME_IROW,
+     $     BIGCAL_TDC_GOOD,
+     $     BIGCAL_HIT_TIME
+*     the BigCal raw trigger signals (ADC):
+      integer*4 BIGCAL_ATRIG_NHIT
+      common/BIGCAL_RAW_ATRIG/
+     $     BIGCAL_ATRIG_NHIT,
+*     the BigCal raw trigger signals (TDC): (better to separate TADC and TTDC because the TDCs are multihit)
+      integer*4 BIGCAL_TTRIG_NHIT
+      common/BIGCAL_RAW_TTRIG/
+     $     BIGCAL_TTRIG_NHIT,
+*     decoded and "good" trigger signals (ADC)
+      integer*4 BIGCAL_ATRIG_NGOOD
+*     decoded and "good" trigger signals (TDC)
+      integer*4 BIGCAL_TTRIG_NDECODED
+      integer*4 BIGCAL_TTRIG_NGOOD
+* The hit arrays (ADCs): 
+      integer*4 BIGCAL_PROT_NHIT
+      integer*4 BIGCAL_RCS_NHIT 
+      common/BIGCAL_RAW_ADC/
+     $     BIGCAL_PROT_NHIT,
+     $     BIGCAL_PROT_IX,
+     $     BIGCAL_PROT_IY,
+     $     BIGCAL_PROT_ADC_RAW,
+     $     BIGCAL_RCS_NHIT,
+     $     BIGCAL_RCS_IX,
+     $     BIGCAL_RCS_IY,
+     $     BIGCAL_RCS_ADC_RAW
+* The bad hit arrays (regular and trigger ADCs):
+      integer*4 BIGCAL_PROT_NBAD
+      integer*4 BIGCAL_RCS_NBAD
+      integer*4 BIGCAL_ATRIG_NBAD
+      common/BIGCAL_BAD_ADC/
+     $     BIGCAL_PROT_NHIT_CH,
+     $     BIGCAL_RCS_NHIT_CH,
+     $     BIGCAL_PROT_NBAD,
+     $     BIGCAL_RCS_NBAD,
+     $     BIGCAL_ATRIG_NBAD,
+     $     BIGCAL_PROT_IYBAD,
+     $     BIGCAL_PROT_IXBAD,
+     $     BIGCAL_PROT_ADC_BAD,
+     $     BIGCAL_RCS_IYBAD,
+     $     BIGCAL_RCS_IXBAD,
+     $     BIGCAL_RCS_ADC_BAD,
+*decoded quantities for calorimeter ADCs: 
+      integer*4 BIGCAL_PROT_NGOOD 
+      integer*4 BIGCAL_RCS_NGOOD 
+      integer*4 BIGCAL_ALL_NGOOD
+      common/BIGCAL_DECODED_ADC/
+     $     BIGCAL_PROT_NGOOD,
+     $     BIGCAL_RCS_NGOOD,
+     $     BIGCAL_RCS_IYGOOD,
+     $     BIGCAL_RCS_IXGOOD,
+     $     BIGCAL_PROT_ECELL,
+     $     BIGCAL_PROT_XGOOD,
+     $     BIGCAL_PROT_YGOOD,
+     $     BIGCAL_RCS_ADC_GOOD,
+     $     BIGCAL_RCS_ECELL,
+     $     BIGCAL_RCS_XGOOD,
+     $     BIGCAL_RCS_YGOOD,
+     $     BIGCAL_ALL_NGOOD,
+     $     BIGCAL_ALL_IYGOOD,
+     $     BIGCAL_ALL_IXGOOD,
+     $     BIGCAL_ALL_ADC_GOOD,
+     $     BIGCAL_ALL_ECELL,
+     $     BIGCAL_ALL_XGOOD,
+     $     BIGCAL_ALL_YGOOD
+*     diagnostic variables for some initial histograms to check sanity of data
+      integer*4 BIGCAL_IYMAX_ADC
+      integer*4 BIGCAL_IXMAX_ADC
+      integer*4 BIGCAL_ITRIGMAX_ADC
+      real*4 BIGCAL_MAX_ADC
+      common/BIGCAL_SIGNAL_MAX/
+     $     bigcal_iymax_adc,
+     $     bigcal_ixmax_adc,
+     $     bigcal_itrigmax_adc,
+     $     bigcal_max_adc
+*     "detector" arrays: organize the data for histogramming and 
+*     analysis purposes. define only "raw" and "good" arrays:
+*     also define cumulative quantities that get incremented during
+*     the run for efficiency calculations:
+c     also define the list of bad channels:
+      logical bigcal_bad_chan_list(bigcal_all_maxhits) ! true = bad channel
+      integer*4 BIGCAL_TDC_RAW_DET(BIGCAL_MAX_TDC,8) 
+      common/BIGCAL_DETECTOR/
+     $     bigcal_bad_chan_list,
+     $     BIGCAL_PROT_RAW_DET,
+     $     BIGCAL_RCS_RAW_DET,
+     $     BIGCAL_TDC_RAW_DET,
+     $     BIGCAL_TDC_DET_NHIT,
+     $     BIGCAL_RCS_GOOD_DET,
+     $     BIGCAL_ALL_ADC_DET,
+     $     BIGCAL_ALL_GOOD_DET,
+     $     BIGCAL_TDC_GOOD_DET,
+     $     BIGCAL_TDC_SUM8,
+     $     BIGCAL_ATRIG_SUM64,
+*     define cumulative quantities for the whole run which will 
+*     compute the cell-by-cell hits/clusters efficiency and average energy
+      integer*4 b_all_run_clst_good(bigcal_all_maxhits)
+      integer*4 b_all_run_clst_bad(bigcal_all_maxhits)
+      integer*4 b_all_run_Enum(bigcal_all_maxhits)
+      real*4 b_all_run_clst_eff(bigcal_all_maxhits)
+      real*4 b_all_run_Esum(bigcal_all_maxhits)
+      common/bigcal_clust_eff/
+     $     b_all_run_clst_good,
+     $     b_all_run_clst_bad,
+     $     b_all_run_Enum,
+     $     b_all_run_clst_eff,
+     $     b_all_run_Esum
+*     arrays for middle section hits to find clusters in the boundary rows:
+c$$$      real*4 BIGCAL_MID_EHIT(30:35,32)
+c$$$      real*4 BIGCAL_MID_XHIT(30:35,32)
+c$$$      real*4 BIGCAL_MID_YHIT(30:35,32)
+c$$$      common/BIGCAL_MID_HITS/
+c$$$     $     BIGCAL_MID_EHIT,
+c$$$     $     BIGCAL_MID_XHIT,
+c$$$     $     BIGCAL_MID_YHIT
+*     analysis quantities: "clusters" 
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+*     cluster and cell cuts!!
+      integer*4 BIGCAL_CLSTR_NCELL_MIN
+      integer*4 BIGCAL_CLSTR_NCELLX_MAX
+      integer*4 BIGCAL_CLSTR_NCELLY_MAX
+      integer*4 BIGCAL_CLSTR_NXMOM_MAX ! number of blocks away from maximum to include in moment calculation
+      integer*4 BIGCAL_CLSTR_NYMOM_MAX ! number of blocks away from maximum to include in moment calculation
+      integer*4 BIGCAL_CLSTR_NXECL_MAX ! number of blocks away from maximum to include in energy sum
+      integer*4 BIGCAL_CLSTR_NYECL_MAX ! number of blocks away from maximum to include in energy sum
+      real*4 B_CLUSTER_CUT ! min. cluster energy
+      real*4 B_CLUSTER_MAX ! max. cluster energy
+      real*4 B_CELL_CUT_RCS ! min cell energy, RCS
+      real*4 B_CELL_CUT_PROT ! min cell energy, Prot
+      real*4 B_MIN_EMAX ! minimum energy of maximum cell
+      real*4 b_min_2max(2) !1 = min. fraction to reject cluster for 2nd max.
+                           !2 = min. energy to reject cluster for 2nd max.
+      real*4 b_prune_eclust(2)
+      real*4 b_trig_cut         ! for monte carlo analysis only: trig threshold
+      common/BIGCAL_CLSTR_CUTS/
+     $     B_CLUSTER_CUT,
+     $     B_CLUSTER_MAX,
+     $     B_CELL_CUT_PROT,
+     $     B_CELL_CUT_RCS,
+     $     B_MIN_EMAX,
+     $     b_min_2max,
+     $     b_prune_eclust,
+     $     b_trig_cut
+*     arrays of closest column number in row 33 to column number in row 32 
+*     and vice versa
+      integer*4 bigcal_ixclose_prot(bigcal_prot_nx)
+      integer*4 bigcal_ixclose_rcs(bigcal_rcs_nx)
+      common/bigcal_ixclose_mid/
+     $     bigcal_ixclose_prot,
+     $     bigcal_ixclose_rcs
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+*     cluster arrays and checks
+      integer*4 BIGCAL_ALL_NCLUST_GOOD
+      integer*4 BIGCAL_ALL_NCLSTR 
+      real*4 BIGCAL_ALL_CLSTR_S8(BIGCAL_ALL_NCLSTR_MAX,10) ! sum of hits in this cluster
+      real*4 BIGCAL_ALL_CLSTR_TCELL8(BIGCAL_ALL_NCLSTR_MAX,10,8) ! max of 10 unique sum8, 8 hits per tdc 
+      real*4 BIGCAL_ALL_CLSTR_TCELL64(BIGCAL_ALL_NCLSTR_MAX,6,8) ! max of 6 unique sum64, 8 hits per tdc
+      real*4 BIGCAL_ALL_CLSTR_A64(BIGCAL_ALL_NCLSTR_MAX,6) ! trigger group amplitudes
+      real*4 BIGCAL_ALL_CLSTR_SUM64(BIGCAL_ALL_NCLSTR_MAX,6) ! sum of blocks comprising group
+      real*4 BIGCAL_ALL_CLSTR_T8CUT(bigcal_all_nclstr_max)
+      real*4 BIGCAL_ALL_CLSTR_T8CUT_COR(bigcal_all_nclstr_max) ! 
+      real*4 bigcal_all_clstr_t64cut(bigcal_all_nclstr_max)
+      real*4 bigcal_all_clstr_t64cut_cor(bigcal_all_nclstr_max)
+      logical bigcal_clstr_bad_chan(bigcal_all_nclstr_max,bigcal_clstr_ncell_max) ! is channel in the bad list?
+      logical bigcal_clstr_keep(bigcal_all_nclstr_max) ! did this cluster pass prune checks?
+      common/BIGCAL_CLUSTERS/
+     $     bigcal_all_nclust_good,
+     $     BIGCAL_ALL_NCLSTR,
+     $     BIGCAL_ALL_CLSTR_NHIT64,
+     $     BIGCAL_ALL_CLSTR_IROW64,
+     $     BIGCAL_ALL_CLSTR_ICOL64,
+     $     BIGCAL_ALL_CLSTR_S8,
+     $     BIGCAL_ALL_CLSTR_A64,
+     $     BIGCAL_ALL_CLSTR_SUM64,
+     $     BIGCAL_ALL_CLSTR_X,
+     $     BIGCAL_ALL_CLSTR_Y,
+     $     bigcal_all_clstr_t8cut,
+     $     bigcal_all_clstr_t8cut_cor,
+     $     BIGCAL_ALL_CLSTR_T64RMS,
+     $     bigcal_all_clstr_t64cut,
+     $     bigcal_all_clstr_t64cut_cor,
+     $     BIGCAL_ALL_CLSTR_CHI2,
+     $     bigcal_clstr_bad_chan,
+     $     bigcal_clstr_keep
+      integer BIGCAL_NMAXIMA ! number of maxima found
+      logical BIGCAL_EDGE_MAX(BIGCAL_ALL_NCLSTR_MAX) ! maximum is at edge
+      logical BIGCAL_NOT_ENOUGH(BIGCAL_ALL_NCLSTR_MAX) ! cluster has only one cell with a hit
+      logical BIGCAL_TOO_LONG_X(BIGCAL_ALL_NCLSTR_MAX) ! cluster horizontal length too long
+      logical BIGCAL_TOO_LONG_Y(BIGCAL_ALL_NCLSTR_MAX) ! cluster vertical length is too long
+      logical BIGCAL_BELOW_CUT(BIGCAL_ALL_NCLSTR_MAX) ! cluster energy sum is below cluster cut
+      logical BIGCAL_ABOVE_MAX(BIGCAL_ALL_NCLSTR_MAX) ! cluster energy sum is above cluster max
+      logical BIGCAL_SECOND_MAX(BIGCAL_ALL_NCLSTR_MAX) ! cluster has two maxima, more than one showering particle
+     $     BIGCAL_NMAXIMA,
+     $     BIGCAL_EDGE_MAX,
+     $     BIGCAL_NOT_ENOUGH,
+     $     BIGCAL_TOO_LONG_X,
+     $     BIGCAL_TOO_LONG_Y,
+     $     BIGCAL_BELOW_CUT,
+     $     BIGCAL_ABOVE_MAX,
+c     bigcal_physics: reconstructed physics quantities      
+      integer*4 BIGCAL_PHYS_NTRACK 
+      real*4 bigcal_track_tof_cor(bigcal_max_ntrack)
+      common/BIGCAL_PHYSICS/
+     $     BIGCAL_TRACK_TIME,
+     $     BIGCAL_TRACK_PX,
+     $     BIGCAL_TRACK_PY,
+     $     BIGCAL_TRACK_PZ,
+     $     BIGCAL_TRACK_BETA,
+     $     BIGCAL_TRACK_TOF,
+     $     bigcal_track_tof_cor,
+c     bigcal_coin_physics: choose the best track!
+      integer*4 bigcal_itrack_best
+      real*4 bigcal_thetarad
+      real*4 bigcal_phirad
+      real*4 bigcal_energy
+      real*4 bigcal_time
+      real*4 bigcal_xface
+      real*4 bigcal_yface
+      real*4 bigcal_zface
+      real*4 bigcal_px
+      real*4 bigcal_py
+      real*4 bigcal_pz
+      real*4 bigcal_beta
+      real*4 bigcal_eloss
+      real*4 bigcal_tof
+      real*4 bigcal_tof_cor
+      real*4 bigcal_ctime
+      common/bigcal_singles/
+     $     bigcal_itrack_best,
+     $     bigcal_thetarad,
+     $     bigcal_phirad,
+     $     bigcal_energy,
+     $     bigcal_time,
+     $     bigcal_xface,
+     $     bigcal_yface,
+     $     bigcal_zface,
+     $     bigcal_px,
+     $     bigcal_py,
+     $     bigcal_pz,
+     $     bigcal_beta,
+     $     bigcal_eloss,
+     $     bigcal_tof,
+     $     bigcal_tof_cor,
+     $     bigcal_ctime
+c     variables for BigCal ep (or MC) calibration:
+      real*4 bigcal_matrix(bigcal_all_maxhits,bigcal_all_maxhits)
+      real*4 bigcal_vector(bigcal_all_maxhits)
+      integer*4 bigcal_matr_iflag
+      integer*4 bigcal_nmatr_event
+      integer*4 bigcal_matr_iochan
+      integer*4 bigcal_matr_nempty
+      integer*4 bigcal_matr_nsmalldiag
+      integer*4 bigcal_matr_iempty(bigcal_all_maxhits)
+      integer*4 bigcal_matr_ismalld(bigcal_all_maxhits)
+      common/bigcal_calibration/
+     $     bigcal_matrix,
+     $     bigcal_vector,
+     $     bigcal_matr_iflag,
+     $     bigcal_nmatr_event,
+     $     bigcal_matr_iochan,
+     $     bigcal_matr_nempty,
+     $     bigcal_matr_nsmalldiag,
+     $     bigcal_matr_iempty,
+     $     bigcal_matr_ismalld
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      integer*4 bigcal_Ncalib
+      integer*4 bigcal_calib_iylo
+      integer*4 bigcal_calib_iyhi
+      integer*4 bigcal_calib_ixlo(2)
+      integer*4 bigcal_calib_ixhi(2)
+      common/bigcal_calib_range/
+     $     bigcal_Ncalib,
+     $     bigcal_calib_iylo,
+     $     bigcal_calib_iyhi,
+     $     bigcal_calib_ixlo,
+     $     bigcal_calib_ixhi
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+c     variables for reading Protvino Monte Carlo events ('.dat' style output!!!)
+      integer*4 iev_mc
+      integer*4 nvtrk_mc
+      integer*4 pid_mc(100)
+      integer*4 isum_mc(2),ix_mc,iy_mc
+      integer*4 idesum_mc(2)
+      integer*4 iev_p_mc
+      real*4 xv_mc,yv_mc,zv_mc,px_mc(100),py_mc(100),pz_mc(100)
+      real*4 esum_mc(2)
+      real*4 allde_mc(2)
+      real*4 npe_mc,dedx_mc
+      real*4 pp_mc,ptheta_mc,pphi_mc,xv_p_mc,yv_p_mc,zv_p_mc
+      logical EOF_MC_DAT
+      common/BIGCAL_MC_STUFF/
+     $     iev_mc,nvtrk_mc,pid_mc,isum_mc,ix_mc,iy_mc,
+     $     idesum_mc,iev_p_mc,
+     $     xv_mc,yv_mc,zv_mc,px_mc,py_mc,pz_mc,esum_mc,
+     $     allde_mc,npe_mc,dedx_mc,
+     $     pp_mc,ptheta_mc,pphi_mc,xv_p_mc,yv_p_mc,zv_p_mc,
+     $     EOF_MC_DAT
diff --git a/INCLUDE/bigcal_filenames.cmn b/INCLUDE/bigcal_filenames.cmn
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..207d5ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/bigcal_filenames.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      character*80 b_report_template_filename ! CTP file with bigcal report
+      character*80 b_report_blockname
+      character*80 b_report_output_filename
+      character*80 b_roc11_threshold_output_filename
+      character*80 b_roc12_threshold_output_filename
+      character*80 b_pedestal_output_filename
+      character*80 b_tree_filename
+      character*80 b_calib_matrix_filename
+      character*80 b_calib_parm_filename
+      character*80 b_debug_output_filename
+      character*80 b_bad_chan_list_filename
+      character*80 b_calib_input_filename
+      logical b_calib_rebook
+      common/bigcal_filenames/
+     $     b_report_template_filename,
+     $     b_report_blockname,
+     $     b_report_output_filename,
+     $     b_roc11_threshold_output_filename,
+     $     b_roc12_threshold_output_filename,
+     $     b_pedestal_output_filename,
+     $     b_tree_filename,
+     $     b_calib_matrix_filename,
+     $     b_calib_parm_filename,
+     $     b_debug_output_filename,
+     $     b_bad_chan_list_filename,
+     $     b_calib_input_filename,
+     $     b_calib_rebook
diff --git a/INCLUDE/bigcal_gain_parms.cmn b/INCLUDE/bigcal_gain_parms.cmn
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3608429
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/bigcal_gain_parms.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+      integer*4 BIGCAL_PROT_NPMT
+      parameter(BIGCAL_PROT_NPMT=1024)
+      integer*4 BIGCAL_RCS_NPMT
+      parameter(BIGCAL_RCS_NPMT=720)
+      integer*4 BIGCAL_TRIG_NGROUP
+      parameter(BIGCAL_TRIG_NGROUP=38)
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+*     arrays for analysis of ped. events:
+      integer*4 bigcal_prot_ped_sum2 ! sum of pedestal squared
+      integer*4 bigcal_prot_ped_sum ! sum of pedestal
+      integer*4 bigcal_prot_ped_num ! number of ped. events
+      integer*4 bigcal_prot_num_ped_changes ! number of >2sigma changes
+      integer*4 bigcal_prot_change_irow ! iy of changed ped.
+      integer*4 bigcal_prot_change_icol ! ix of changed ped.
+      real*4 bigcal_prot_ped_change ! amount of change
+      real*4 bigcal_prot_new_rms    ! new rms value
+      real*4 bigcal_prot_new_ped    ! new mean value
+      common/bigcal_prot_ped_stats/
+     $     bigcal_prot_ped_sum2(BIGCAL_PROT_NPMT),
+     $     bigcal_prot_ped_sum(BIGCAL_PROT_NPMT),
+     $     bigcal_prot_ped_num(BIGCAL_PROT_NPMT),
+     $     bigcal_prot_num_ped_changes,
+     $     bigcal_prot_change_irow(BIGCAL_PROT_NPMT),
+     $     bigcal_prot_change_icol(BIGCAL_PROT_NPMT),
+     $     bigcal_prot_ped_change(BIGCAL_PROT_NPMT),
+     $     bigcal_prot_new_rms(BIGCAL_PROT_NPMT),
+     $     bigcal_prot_new_ped(BIGCAL_PROT_NPMT)
+      integer*4 bigcal_rcs_ped_sum2 ! sum of pedestal squared
+      integer*4 bigcal_rcs_ped_sum ! sum of pedestal
+      integer*4 bigcal_rcs_ped_num ! number of ped. events
+      integer*4 bigcal_rcs_num_ped_changes ! number of >2sigma changes
+      integer*4 bigcal_rcs_change_irow ! iy of changed ped.
+      integer*4 bigcal_rcs_change_icol ! ix of changed ped.
+      real*4 bigcal_rcs_ped_change ! amount of change
+      real*4 bigcal_rcs_new_rms    ! new rms value
+      real*4 bigcal_rcs_new_ped    ! new mean value
+      common/bigcal_rcs_ped_stats/
+     $     bigcal_rcs_ped_sum2(BIGCAL_RCS_NPMT),
+     $     bigcal_rcs_ped_sum(BIGCAL_RCS_NPMT),
+     $     bigcal_rcs_ped_num(BIGCAL_RCS_NPMT),
+     $     bigcal_rcs_num_ped_changes,
+     $     bigcal_rcs_change_irow(BIGCAL_RCS_NPMT),
+     $     bigcal_rcs_change_icol(BIGCAL_RCS_NPMT),
+     $     bigcal_rcs_ped_change(BIGCAL_RCS_NPMT),
+     $     bigcal_rcs_new_rms(BIGCAL_RCS_NPMT),
+     $     bigcal_rcs_new_ped(BIGCAL_RCS_NPMT)
+      integer*4 bigcal_trig_ped_sum2 ! sum of pedestal squared
+      integer*4 bigcal_trig_ped_sum ! sum of pedestal
+      integer*4 bigcal_trig_ped_num ! number of ped. events
+      integer*4 bigcal_trig_num_ped_changes ! number of >2sigma changes
+      integer*4 bigcal_trig_change_irow ! iy of changed ped.
+      integer*4 bigcal_trig_change_icol ! ix of changed ped.
+      real*4 bigcal_trig_ped_change ! amount of change
+      real*4 bigcal_trig_new_rms    ! new rms value
+      real*4 bigcal_trig_new_ped    ! new mean value
+      common/bigcal_trig_ped_stats/
+     $     bigcal_trig_ped_sum2(BIGCAL_TRIG_NGROUP),
+     $     bigcal_trig_ped_sum(BIGCAL_TRIG_NGROUP),
+     $     bigcal_trig_ped_num(BIGCAL_TRIG_NGROUP),
+     $     bigcal_trig_num_ped_changes,
+     $     bigcal_trig_change_irow(BIGCAL_TRIG_NGROUP),
+     $     bigcal_trig_change_icol(BIGCAL_TRIG_NGROUP),
+     $     bigcal_trig_ped_change(BIGCAL_TRIG_NGROUP),
+     $     bigcal_trig_new_rms(BIGCAL_TRIG_NGROUP+1),
+     $     bigcal_trig_new_ped(BIGCAL_TRIG_NGROUP+1)
+      real*4 bigcal_prot_new_threshold
+      real*4 bigcal_rcs_new_threshold
+      real*4 bigcal_trig_new_threshold
+      common/bigcal_new_adc_threshold/
+     $     bigcal_prot_new_threshold(BIGCAL_PROT_NPMT),
+     $     bigcal_rcs_new_threshold(BIGCAL_RCS_NPMT),
+     $     bigcal_trig_new_threshold(BIGCAL_TRIG_NGROUP+1)
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+*     parameters for analysis of ped events:
+      integer*4 bigcal_prot_min_peds
+      integer*4 bigcal_prot_ped_limit
+      integer*4 bigcal_rcs_min_peds
+      integer*4 bigcal_rcs_ped_limit
+      integer*4 bigcal_trig_min_peds
+      integer*4 bigcal_trig_ped_limit
+      integer*4 bigcal_prot_nsparse ! hardware threshold in channels for Protvino 
+      integer*4 bigcal_rcs_nsparse ! hardware threshold in channels for RCS
+      integer*4 bigcal_trig_nsparse ! hardware threshold in channels for TRIG
+      common/bigcal_ped_stat_parms/
+     $     bigcal_prot_min_peds,
+     $     bigcal_prot_ped_limit(BIGCAL_PROT_NPMT),
+     $     bigcal_rcs_min_peds,
+     $     bigcal_rcs_ped_limit(BIGCAL_RCS_NPMT),
+     $     bigcal_trig_min_peds,
+     $     bigcal_trig_ped_limit(BIGCAL_TRIG_NGROUP),
+     $     bigcal_prot_nsparse,
+     $     bigcal_rcs_nsparse,
+     $     bigcal_trig_nsparse
+*     Bigcal ADC pedestals for analysis of physics events:
+      real*4 bigcal_prot_min_thresh ! lower limit on (software) threshold
+      real*4 bigcal_prot_max_thresh ! upper limit on (software) threshold
+      real*4 bigcal_rcs_min_thresh ! lower limit on (software) threshold
+      real*4 bigcal_rcs_max_thresh ! upper limit on (software) threshold
+      real*4 bigcal_trig_min_thresh ! lower limit on (software) threshold
+      real*4 bigcal_trig_max_thresh ! upper limit on (software) threshold
+      real*4 bigcal_prot_ped_mean
+      real*4 bigcal_prot_ped_rms
+      real*4 bigcal_prot_adc_threshold
+      real*4 bigcal_rcs_ped_mean
+      real*4 bigcal_rcs_ped_rms
+      real*4 bigcal_rcs_adc_threshold
+      real*4 bigcal_trig_ped_mean
+      real*4 bigcal_trig_ped_rms
+      real*4 bigcal_trig_adc_threshold
+      common/bigcal_pedestals/
+     $     bigcal_prot_min_thresh,
+     $     bigcal_prot_max_thresh,
+     $     bigcal_rcs_min_thresh,
+     $     bigcal_rcs_max_thresh,
+     $     bigcal_trig_min_thresh,
+     $     bigcal_trig_max_thresh,
+     $     bigcal_prot_ped_mean(BIGCAL_PROT_NPMT),
+     $     bigcal_prot_ped_rms(BIGCAL_PROT_NPMT),
+     $     bigcal_prot_adc_threshold(BIGCAL_PROT_NPMT),
+     $     bigcal_rcs_ped_mean(BIGCAL_RCS_NPMT),
+     $     bigcal_rcs_ped_rms(BIGCAL_RCS_NPMT),
+     $     bigcal_rcs_adc_threshold(BIGCAL_RCS_NPMT),
+     $     bigcal_trig_ped_mean(BIGCAL_TRIG_NGROUP),
+     $     bigcal_trig_ped_rms(BIGCAL_TRIG_NGROUP),
+     $     bigcal_trig_adc_threshold(BIGCAL_TRIG_NGROUP) 
+*     calibration constants:
+*     cfac converts ADC to amplitude
+*     gain_cor adjust for small drifts detected since last calibration
+      real*4 bigcal_prot_cfac ! E = cfac * adc
+      real*4 bigcal_rcs_cfac ! E = cfac * adc
+      real*4 bigcal_trig_cfac ! E = cfac * adc      
+      real*4 bigcal_prot_gain_cor
+      real*4 bigcal_rcs_gain_cor 
+      real*4 bigcal_trig_gain_cor
+      common/bigcal_calib_const/
+     $     bigcal_prot_cfac(BIGCAL_PROT_NPMT),
+     $     bigcal_rcs_cfac(BIGCAL_RCS_NPMT),
+     $     bigcal_trig_cfac(BIGCAL_TRIG_NGROUP),
+     $     bigcal_prot_gain_cor(bigcal_prot_npmt),
+     $     bigcal_rcs_gain_cor(bigcal_rcs_npmt),
+     $     bigcal_trig_gain_cor(bigcal_trig_ngroup)
diff --git a/INCLUDE/bigcal_geometry.cmn b/INCLUDE/bigcal_geometry.cmn
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3b2b561
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/bigcal_geometry.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      integer*4 BIGCAL_PROT_NCELL
+      parameter(BIGCAL_PROT_NCELL=1024)
+      integer*4 BIGCAL_RCS_NCELL
+      parameter(BIGCAL_RCS_NCELL=720)
+      integer*4 BIGCAL_ALL_NCELL
+      parameter(BIGCAL_ALL_NCELL=1744)
+      real*4 BIGCAL_PROT_SIZE_X 
+      real*4 BIGCAL_PROT_SIZE_Y 
+      real*4 BIGCAL_PROT_SIZE_Z
+      real*4 BIGCAL_RCS_SIZE_X 
+      real*4 BIGCAL_RCS_SIZE_Y
+      real*4 BIGCAL_RCS_SIZE_Z
+      real*4 BIGCAL_PROT_SHIFT_X 
+      real*4 BIGCAL_PROT_SHIFT_Y 
+      real*4 BIGCAL_RCS_SHIFT_X 
+      real*4 BIGCAL_RCS_SHIFT_Y 
+      common/bigcal_geometry/
+     $     BIGCAL_PROT_SIZE_X,
+     $     BIGCAL_PROT_SIZE_Y,
+     $     BIGCAL_PROT_SIZE_Z,
+     $     BIGCAL_RCS_SIZE_X,
+     $     BIGCAL_RCS_SIZE_Y,
+     $     BIGCAL_RCS_SIZE_Z,
+     $     BIGCAL_PROT_SHIFT_X,
+     $     BIGCAL_PROT_SHIFT_Y,
+     $     BIGCAL_RCS_SHIFT_X,
+     $     BIGCAL_RCS_SHIFT_Y
diff --git a/INCLUDE/bigcal_hist_id.cmn b/INCLUDE/bigcal_hist_id.cmn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4828ae0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/bigcal_hist_id.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+*%%   include 'bigcal_data_structures.cmn'
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      integer*4 bid_bcal_row
+      integer*4 bid_bcal_col
+      integer*4 bid_bcal_rowcol
+      integer*4 bid_bcal_prot_eff
+      integer*4 bid_bcal_rcs_eff
+      integer*4 bid_bcal_tadcvsum64
+      integer*4 bid_bcal_trchvmax64
+      integer*4 bid_bcal_ttdcvtdc
+      integer*4 bid_bcal_xclust
+      integer*4 bid_bcal_yclust
+      integer*4 bid_bcal_eclust
+      integer*4 bid_bcal_exy
+      integer*4 bid_bcal_xy
+      integer*4 bid_bcal_ncellclst
+      integer*4 bid_bcal_nxclust
+      integer*4 bid_bcal_nyclust
+      integer*4 bid_bcal_theta
+      integer*4 bid_bcal_phi
+      integer*4 bid_bcal_xmom
+      integer*4 bid_bcal_ymom
+      integer*4 bid_bcal_tmean
+      integer*4 bid_bcal_trms
+      integer*4 bid_bcal_nxny
+      integer*4 bid_badc(bigcal_all_maxhits)
+      integer*4 bid_btdc(bigcal_max_tdc)
+c      integer*4 bid_btimewalk(bigcal_max_tdc)
+      integer*4 bid_btadc(bigcal_atrig_maxhits)
+      integer*4 bid_bttdc(bigcal_ttrig_maxgroups)
+      integer*4 bid_bcal_empty
+      integer*4 bid_bcal_small
+      integer*4 bid_bcal_cfac_old
+      integer*4 bid_bcal_cfac_new
+      integer*4 bid_bcal_cfac_dist
+      integer*4 bid_bcal_oldxnew
+      integer*4 bid_bcal_ixclust
+      integer*4 bid_bcal_iyclust
+      integer*4 bid_bcal_rowcolclust
+      integer*4 bid_bcal_ped_mean_prot
+      integer*4 bid_bcal_ped_mean_rcs
+      integer*4 bid_bcal_ped_mean_trig
+      integer*4 bid_bcal_ped_rms_prot
+      integer*4 bid_bcal_ped_rms_rcs
+      integer*4 bid_bcal_ped_rms_trig
+      integer*4 bid_bcal_pedw_prot
+      integer*4 bid_bcal_pedw_rcs
+      integer*4 bid_bcal_pedw_trig
+      integer*4 bid_bcal_raw_photodiode
+      integer*4 bid_bcal_row8
+      integer*4 bid_bcal_col8
+      integer*4 bid_bcal_row8vscol8
+      integer*4 bid_bcal_trow64
+      integer*4 bid_bcal_tcol64
+      integer*4 bid_bcal_trow64vstcol64
+      integer*4 bid_bcal_arow64
+      integer*4 bid_bcal_acol64
+      integer*4 bid_bcal_arow64vsacol64
+      integer*4 bid_bcal_ttchanvstachan
+      integer*4 bid_bcal_ttchanvstgroup
+      common/bigcal_hist_id/
+     $     bid_bcal_row,
+     $     bid_bcal_col,
+     $     bid_bcal_rowcol,
+     $     bid_bcal_prot_eff,
+     $     bid_bcal_rcs_eff,
+     $     bid_bcal_tadcvsum64,
+     $     bid_bcal_trchvmax64,
+     $     bid_bcal_ttdcvtdc,
+     $     bid_bcal_xclust,
+     $     bid_bcal_yclust,
+     $     bid_bcal_eclust,
+     $     bid_bcal_exy,
+     $     bid_bcal_xy,
+     $     bid_bcal_ncellclst,
+     $     bid_bcal_nxclust,
+     $     bid_bcal_nyclust,
+     $     bid_bcal_theta,
+     $     bid_bcal_phi,
+     $     bid_bcal_xmom,
+     $     bid_bcal_ymom,
+     $     bid_bcal_tmean,
+     $     bid_bcal_trms,
+     $     bid_bcal_nxny,
+     $     bid_badc,
+     $     bid_btdc,
+c     $     bid_btimewalk,
+     $     bid_btadc,
+     $     bid_bttdc,
+     $     bid_bcal_empty,
+     $     bid_bcal_small,
+     $     bid_bcal_cfac_old,
+     $     bid_bcal_cfac_new,
+     $     bid_bcal_cfac_dist,
+     $     bid_bcal_oldxnew,
+     $     bid_bcal_ixclust,
+     $     bid_bcal_iyclust,
+     $     bid_bcal_rowcolclust,
+     $     bid_bcal_ped_mean_prot,
+     $     bid_bcal_ped_mean_rcs,
+     $     bid_bcal_ped_mean_trig,
+     $     bid_bcal_ped_rms_prot,
+     $     bid_bcal_ped_rms_rcs,
+     $     bid_bcal_ped_rms_trig,
+     $     bid_bcal_pedw_prot,
+     $     bid_bcal_pedw_rcs,
+     $     bid_bcal_pedw_trig,
+     $     bid_bcal_raw_photodiode,
+     $     bid_bcal_row8,
+     $     bid_bcal_col8,
+     $     bid_bcal_row8vscol8,
+     $     bid_bcal_trow64,
+     $     bid_bcal_tcol64,
+     $     bid_bcal_trow64vstcol64,
+     $     bid_bcal_arow64,
+     $     bid_bcal_acol64,
+     $     bid_bcal_arow64vsacol64,
+     $     bid_bcal_ttchanvstachan,
+     $     bid_bcal_ttchanvstgroup
diff --git a/INCLUDE/bigcal_shower_parms.cmn b/INCLUDE/bigcal_shower_parms.cmn
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4e476e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/bigcal_shower_parms.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+*%%   include 'bigcal_data_structures.cmn'
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+*     parameters for shower cluster coordinate reconstruction: 
+*     x = p0*arctan(p1*xmom**4 + p2*xmom**3 + p3*xmom**2 + p4*xmom + p5)
+*     y = p0*arctan(p1*ymom**4 + p2*ymom**3 + p3*ymom**2 + p4*ymom + p5)
+*     p1 and p2 generally small, p0,p3,p4,p5 typically most important
+      integer*4 BIGCAL_SHOWER_NPAR
+      parameter(BIGCAL_SHOWER_NPAR=6)
+      integer*4 bigcal_map_maxbins
+      parameter(bigcal_map_maxbins=100)
+      real*4 bigcal_pxdet_par(BIGCAL_PROT_NX*BIGCAL_SHOWER_NPAR)
+      real*4 bigcal_pydet_par(BIGCAL_PROT_NY*BIGCAL_SHOWER_NPAR)
+      real*4 bigcal_rxdet_par(BIGCAL_RCS_NX*BIGCAL_SHOWER_NPAR)
+      real*4 bigcal_rydet_par(BIGCAL_RCS_NY*BIGCAL_SHOWER_NPAR)
+      integer*4 BIGCAL_SHAPE_OPT ! 1 = asymmetric, otherwise symmetric
+      real*4 BIGCAL_SSHAPE_A
+      real*4 BIGCAL_SSHAPE_B
+c      real*4 BIGCAL_SSHAPE_D
+      real*4 BIGCAL_ASHAPE_A
+      real*4 BIGCAL_ASHAPE_BX
+      real*4 BIGCAL_ASHAPE_BY
+c      real*4 BIGCAL_ASHAPE_D
+      common/bigcal_shower_parms/
+     $     BIGCAL_PXDET_PAR,
+     $     BIGCAL_PYDET_PAR,
+     $     BIGCAL_RXDET_PAR,
+     $     BIGCAL_RYDET_PAR,
+     $     BIGCAL_PROT_XPAR,
+     $     BIGCAL_PROT_YPAR,
+     $     BIGCAL_RCS_XPAR,
+     $     BIGCAL_RCS_YPAR,
+     $     BIGCAL_SHAPE_OPT,
+     $     BIGCAL_SSHAPE_A,
+     $     BIGCAL_SSHAPE_B,
+     $     BIGCAL_ASHAPE_A,
+     $     BIGCAL_ASHAPE_BX,
+     $     BIGCAL_ASHAPE_BY
+      real*4 bigcal_shower_map_shift(2) ! 1=X, 2=Y
+      real*4 bigcal_shower_map_slope(2) ! 1=X, 2=Y
+      integer*4 bigcal_xmap_nbin(28)
+      integer*4 bigcal_ymap_nbin(28)
+      real*4 bigcal_xmap_mmin(28)
+      real*4 bigcal_ymap_mmin(28)
+      real*4 bigcal_xmap_mmax(28)
+      real*4 bigcal_ymap_mmax(28)
+      real*4 bigcal_xmap_frac(2800)
+      real*4 bigcal_ymap_frac(2800)
+      real*4 bigcal_xmap_xfrac(28,100)
+      real*4 bigcal_ymap_yfrac(28,100)
+      common/bigcal_map_parms/
+     $     bigcal_shower_map_shift,
+     $     bigcal_shower_map_slope,
+     $     bigcal_xmap_nbin,
+     $     bigcal_ymap_nbin,
+     $     bigcal_xmap_mmin,
+     $     bigcal_ymap_mmin,
+     $     bigcal_xmap_mmax,
+     $     bigcal_ymap_mmax,
+     $     bigcal_xmap_frac,
+     $     bigcal_ymap_frac,
+     $     bigcal_xmap_xfrac,
+     $     bigcal_ymap_yfrac
diff --git a/INCLUDE/bigcal_tof_parms.cmn b/INCLUDE/bigcal_tof_parms.cmn
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..69e99f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/bigcal_tof_parms.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+      integer*4 BIGCAL_N8
+      parameter(BIGCAL_N8=224) ! 32*56 / 8 = 1792/8 = 224 
+      integer*4 BIGCAL_N64     
+      parameter(BIGCAL_N64=42) ! sum of 64 groups
+*     CTPTYPE = parm
+      real*4 bigcal_tdc_min 
+      real*4 bigcal_tdc_max 
+      real*4 bigcal_tdc_to_time
+      real*4 bigcal_window_center 
+      real*4 bigcal_window_slop 
+      real*4 bigcal_tof_central ! central value of bigcal time of flight
+      real*4 bigcal_end_time ! value used to invert hit times in cmn stop
+      real*4 b_timing_cut 
+      real*4 b_trig_offset ! offset to account for changes in trig. cable length
+      real*4 bigcal_g8_time_offset(bigcal_n8)
+      real*4 bigcal_g8_phc_p0(bigcal_n8)
+      real*4 bigcal_g8_phc_p1(bigcal_n8)
+      real*4 bigcal_g8_phc_p2(bigcal_n8)
+      real*4 bigcal_g8_phc_p3(bigcal_n8)
+      real*4 bigcal_g8_phc_minph(bigcal_n8)
+      real*4 bigcal_g8_phc_maxph(bigcal_n8)
+      real*4 bigcal_g64_time_offset(bigcal_n64) 
+      real*4 bigcal_g64_phc_p0(bigcal_n64)
+      real*4 bigcal_g64_phc_p1(bigcal_n64)
+      real*4 bigcal_g64_phc_p2(bigcal_n64)
+      real*4 bigcal_g64_phc_p3(bigcal_n64)
+      real*4 bigcal_g64_phc_minph(bigcal_n64)
+      real*4 bigcal_g64_phc_maxph(bigcal_n64)
+      common/bigcal_tof_parms/
+     $     bigcal_tdc_min,bigcal_tdc_max,bigcal_tdc_to_time,
+     $     bigcal_window_center,bigcal_window_slop,
+     $     bigcal_tof_central,
+     $     bigcal_end_time,b_timing_cut,b_trig_offset,
+     $     bigcal_g8_time_offset,
+     $     bigcal_g8_phc_p0,bigcal_g8_phc_p1,
+     $     bigcal_g8_phc_p2,bigcal_g8_phc_p3,
+     $     bigcal_g8_phc_minph,bigcal_g8_phc_maxph,
+     $     bigcal_g64_time_offset,
+     $     bigcal_g64_phc_p0,bigcal_g64_phc_p1,
+     $     bigcal_g64_phc_p2,bigcal_g64_phc_p3,
+     $     bigcal_g64_phc_minph,bigcal_g64_phc_maxph
diff --git a/INCLUDE/c_ntuple.cmn b/INCLUDE/c_ntuple.cmn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0bbd6e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/c_ntuple.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+**************************begin: c_ntuple.cmn ***********************
+*-   Created    8-Apr-1994   Kevin B. Beard, Hampton Univ.
+*- Misc. info. required for COIN Ntuple
+* $Log: c_ntuple.cmn,v $
+* Revision 1.4  2004/02/17 16:41:45  jones
+* Add parameters and variables needed for segmenting rzdat files
+* Revision 1.3  1995/05/22 19:05:06  cdaq
+* (SAW) Correct some CTP class types
+* Revision 1.2  1994/06/17  02:02:14  cdaq
+* (KBB) Fix typos, change variable names, reorder common
+* Revision 1.1  1994/04/14  16:05:45  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      integer CMAX_Ntuple_size
+      parameter (CMAX_Ntuple_size= 100)
+      integer default_c_Ntuple_ID
+      parameter (default_c_Ntuple_ID= 9500)
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      logical c_Ntuple_exists
+      integer c_Ntuple_ID
+      integer c_Ntuple_size
+      integer c_Ntuple_IOchannel
+      character*80 c_Ntuple_name
+      character*80 c_Ntuple_title
+      character*132 c_Ntuple_directory
+      character*256 c_Ntuple_file
+      character*8 c_Ntuple_tag(CMAX_Ntuple_size)
+      integer c_Ntuple_max_segmentevents
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+      integer c_Ntuple_segmentevents
+      integer c_Ntuple_filesegments
+      real c_Ntuple_contents(CMAX_Ntuple_size)
+      COMMON /COIN_Ntuple/ c_Ntuple_exists,c_Ntuple_ID,
+     &                     c_Ntuple_size,c_Ntuple_IOchannel,
+     &                      c_Ntuple_name,c_Ntuple_title,
+     &                       c_Ntuple_directory,c_Ntuple_file,
+     &                        c_Ntuple_tag,c_Ntuple_contents,
+     >                    c_Ntuple_max_segmentevents,c_Ntuple_segmentevents,
+     >                    c_Ntuple_filesegments
+*****************************end: c_ntuple.cmn ***********************
diff --git a/INCLUDE/c_ntuple.dte b/INCLUDE/c_ntuple.dte
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..56e8f97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/c_ntuple.dte
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+**************************begin: c_ntuple.dte ***********************
+*-   Created    15-Jun-1994   Kevin B. Beard, Hampton Univ.
+*- leave clean field for HMS Ntuple
+* $Log: c_ntuple.dte,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1994/06/17 02:05:04  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      data c_Ntuple_exists/.FALSE./
+      data c_Ntuple_ID/0/
+      data c_Ntuple_file/' '/
+      data c_Ntuple_name/' '/
+      data c_Ntuple_title/' '/
+      data c_Ntuple_directory/' '/
+      data c_Ntuple_IOchannel/0/
+      data c_Ntuple_size/0/
+      data c_Ntuple_tag/CMAX_Ntuple_size*' '/
+      data c_Ntuple_contents/CMAX_Ntuple_size*0/
+****************************end: c_ntuple.dte ***********************
diff --git a/INCLUDE/coin_bypass_switches.cmn b/INCLUDE/coin_bypass_switches.cmn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..55ed9dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/coin_bypass_switches.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+*     coin_bypass_switches.cmn
+*     common blocks of CTP switches to bypass reconstruction code
+*     elements.
+*     Created:     S.A. Wood         3 May 1995
+* $Log: coin_bypass_switches.cmn,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1995/05/11 15:21:44  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      integer*4 cbypass_physics
+      common/coin_bypass_switches/
+     $     cbypass_physics
diff --git a/INCLUDE/coin_data_structures.cmn b/INCLUDE/coin_data_structures.cmn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cedeae0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/coin_data_structures.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+*****************begin: coin_data_structures.cmn*************************
+*     include file     coin_data_structures.cmn
+*     Author:	D. F. Geesaman		1 September 1993
+* $Log: coin_data_structures.cmn,v $
+* Revision 1.4  2003/12/18 18:11:02  jones
+* Added variables C_costhcm,C_phicm calculated in ENGINE/delta_physics.f
+* Revision 1.3  1999/02/23 19:04:41  csa
+* Add some physics vars, cleanup
+* Revision 1.2  1996/04/30 13:33:33  saw
+* (JRA) Add some coincidence kinematics variables
+* Revision 1.1  1995/05/22 18:42:27  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+*  These are filled by C_PHYSICS.
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+      REAL*4 CMISSING_MASS         ! Missing mass of undetected hadron system
+      REAL*4 CMISSING_MOM          ! Magnitude of missing momentum 
+      REAL*4 CMISSING_MOMS         ! Missing momentum with an attitude adjustment
+      REAL*4 CMISSING_MOMX         ! X component of missing momentum
+      REAL*4 CMISSING_MOMY         ! Y component of missing momentum
+      REAL*4 CMISSING_MOMZ         ! Z component of missing momentum
+      REAL*4 CMISSING_E            ! Missing E (Binding Energy)
+      REAL*4 CTIME_COIN_COR        ! Corrected Coincidence time
+      REAL*4 CS                    ! s computed from spectrometers only
+      REAL*4 CTHETAPQ              ! Angle between q and hadron
+      REAL*4 CPHIPQ                ! Azimuthal angle of hadron about q
+      REAL*4 C_BIGQ2,C_costhcm,C_phicm
+     &     CMISSING_MASS,
+     &     CMISSING_MOM,
+     &     CMISSING_MOMS,
+     &     CMISSING_MOMX,
+     &     CMISSING_MOMY,
+     &     CMISSING_MOMZ,
+     &     CMISSING_E,
+     &     CTIME_COIN_COR,
+     &     CS,
+     &     CTHETAPQ,
+     &     CPHIPQ,
+     &     W2,
+     &     C_INVMASS,
+     &     P_SOS_CORR,
+     &     P_HMS_CORR,
+     &     OMEGA,
+     &     CMISSING_MOM_PAR,
+     &     CMISSING_MOM_PERP,
+     &     CMISSING_MOM_OOP,
+     &     C_BIGQ2,C_costhcm,C_phicm
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+      real*4 ccointime_hms
+      real*4 ccointime_sos
+      common/coin_timing_vars/
+     &    ccointime_hms,
+     &    ccointime_sos
+*******************end: coin_data_structures.cmn*************************
+*     Local Variables:
+*     mode: fortran
+*     fortran-continuation-string: "&"
+*     comment-column: 35
+*     End:
diff --git a/INCLUDE/coin_filenames.cmn b/INCLUDE/coin_filenames.cmn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..456b289
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/coin_filenames.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+******************* begin: coin_filenames.cmn ***********************
+*-Common block with filenames
+* $Log: coin_filenames.cmn,v $
+* Revision 1.7  2005/02/16 20:44:57  saw
+* Missing ,
+* Revision 1.6  2005/02/16 20:43:40  saw
+* Add filename for coincidence root tree
+* Revision 1.5  1995/04/06 20:15:28  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add report output filenames
+* Revision 1.4  1994/08/30  13:47:45  cdaq
+* (SAW) Name of common block was wrong (hms_filenames), fixed it.
+* Revision 1.3  1994/08/15  13:17:20  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add "CTPTYPE=parm" directive for auto generation of CTP reg calls
+* Revision 1.2  1994/06/15  18:46:26  cdaq
+* (SAW) Fix typo
+* Revision 1.1  1994/06/15  18:15:45  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      character*80 c_report_template_filename    ! CTP file with coin report
+      character*80 c_report_blockname
+      character*80 c_report_output_filename
+      character*80 c_tree_filename
+      common /coin_filenames/
+     $     c_report_template_filename,
+     $     c_report_blockname,
+     $     c_report_output_filename,
+     $     c_tree_filename
diff --git a/INCLUDE/f1trigger_data_structures.cmn b/INCLUDE/f1trigger_data_structures.cmn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd3e90b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/f1trigger_data_structures.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+*****************begin: luc_data_structures.cmn*************************
+*     include file     f1trigger_data_structures.cmn
+*     Author:   H. Baghdasaryan     18 Jan,2008
+* $Log: f1trigger_data_structures.cmn,v $
+* Revision  2008/10/02 18:01:48  cdaq
+* *** empty log message ***
+c	F1 Trigger RAW DATA Structure
+c     VERY IMPORTANT look at CTPTYPE DO not ignore.. Makes sence.
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+      PARAMETER (TRIGGER_F1_MAX_HITS=10)     ! Should exceed # of paddles
+      integer*4 TRIGGER_F1_MAX_COUNTERS
+     &     TRIGGER_F1_RAW_PLANE,
+     &     TRIGGER_F1_START_TDC,
+     &     TRIGGER_F1_RAW_TOT_HITS,
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+*     parameters from CALIBRATION
diff --git a/INCLUDE/gen_constants.par b/INCLUDE/gen_constants.par
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..758957c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/gen_constants.par
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+********************** begin: gen_constants.par *******************************
+*     $Log: gen_constants.par,v $
+*     Revision 1.5  1998/12/07 22:11:23  saw
+*     Initial setup
+* Revision 1.4  1995/05/22  19:13:19  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add "nucleon" mass
+* Revision 1.3  1994/06/14  03:36:50  cdaq
+* (DFG) Add electron mass
+* Revision 1.2  1994/02/08  04:23:05  cdaq
+* Small fix
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/07  20:06:14  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+*		general purpose constants
+      real TT
+      parameter (TT= 3.141592653)		!pi- a fundamental constant
+      real infinity
+      parameter (infinity= 9.9999E+29)          !practical infinity
+*-energy units
+      real GeV,MeV,KeV,eV
+      parameter (GeV= 1.)			!GeV standard hallC energy unit
+      parameter (MeV= 0.001*GeV)		!MeV
+      parameter (KeV= 0.001*MeV)		!KeV
+      parameter (eV= 0.001*KeV)                 !eV
+*-time units
+      real nanoSec,microSec,milliSec,Second,picoSec
+      parameter (nanoSec= 1.)			!nS std. hallC time unit
+      parameter (microSec= 1000.*nanoSec)	!uS
+      parameter (milliSec= 1000.*microSec)	!mS
+      parameter (Second= 1000.*milliSec)	!second
+      parameter (picoSec= 0.001*nanoSec)	!pS
+*-distance units
+      real centimeter,meter,millimeter,micron,inch,foot,mil
+      parameter (centimeter= 1.)		!cm standard hallC distance unit
+      parameter (meter= 100.*centimeter)	!m 
+      parameter (millimeter= 0.1*centimeter)	!mm
+      parameter (micron= 0.001*millimeter)	!um
+      parameter (inch= 2.540*centimeter)	!US in.
+      parameter (foot= 12.0*inch)		!US ft.
+      parameter (mil= 0.001*inch)		!US mil
+*-angle units
+      real radian,degree
+      parameter (radian= 1.)			!standard hallC angle unit
+      parameter (degree= TT/180.*radian)	!radians/degree
+*-magnetic field units
+      real Tesla,Kgauss,gauss
+      parameter (Tesla= 1.)			!standard hallC unit
+      parameter (Kgauss= 0.1*Tesla)
+      parameter (gauss= 0.001*Kgauss)
+      real speed_of_light
+      parameter (speed_of_light= 29.9792458*centimeter/nanoSec)
+      real index_of_refraction
+      parameter (index_of_refraction= 1.581)	!plastic scint. n
+      real speed_in_plastic
+      parameter (speed_in_plastic= speed_of_light/index_of_refraction)
+      real*4 mass_electron
+      parameter (mass_electron = 0.000510999)
+      real*4 mass_nucleon
+      parameter (mass_nucleon = 0.93827)
+      real*4 m_amu
+      parameter (m_amu = 0.9315016)
+************************ end: gen_constants.par *******************************
+*     Local Variables:
+*     mode: fortran
+*     End:
diff --git a/INCLUDE/gen_craw.cmn b/INCLUDE/gen_craw.cmn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9237f6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/gen_craw.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+*     include file   gen_craw.cmn
+*     Buffer to hold the raw event for off-line analysis.  (Not used for
+*     online as CODA supplies the buffer.)
+* $Log: gen_craw.cmn,v $
+* Revision 1.2  1999/03/19 15:22:31  saw
+* (SAW) Increase maximum event size from 20000 to 40000
+* Revision 1.1  1994/04/12 18:33:42  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+*     RAW DATA 
+*     ARRAY NAME     CRAW
diff --git a/INCLUDE/gen_data_structures.cmn b/INCLUDE/gen_data_structures.cmn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a6c4380
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/gen_data_structures.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,545 @@
+*****************begin: gen_data_structures.cmn*************************
+*     include file     gen_data_structures.cmn
+*     Author:	D. F. Geesaman		1 September 1993
+* $Log: gen_data_structures.cmn,v $
+* Revision  2009/01/16 18:48:01  cdaq
+* *** empty log message ***
+* Revision  2008/10/31 08:26:25  cdaq
+* *** empty log message ***
+* Revision  2008/10/25 12:41:09  cdaq
+* *** empty log message ***
+* Revision  2008/10/11 15:04:23  cdaq
+* slow raster
+* Revision  2008/10/08 17:38:19  cdaq
+* Added 2nd copy of slow raster info
+* Revision  2008/09/26 21:42:49  cdaq
+* *** empty log message ***
+* Revision  2007/10/23 17:02:07  cdaq
+* Added eloss parameters for everything in front of BigCal: 4 inch Al absorber, .5 inch lucite, .75 inches Al (.5 in front plate and .25 in support frame for lucite)
+* Revision  2007/10/20 19:52:02  cdaq
+* Added helicity_ADC and helicity_TS variables so we can compare
+* Revision  2007/10/19 14:57:57  cdaq
+* *** empty log message ***
+* Revision  2007/10/17 16:03:28  cdaq
+* Added beam helicity variable
+* Revision  2007/10/17 15:51:27  cdaq
+* Added helicity flag
+* Revision  2007/08/07 19:11:34  puckett
+* *** empty log message ***
+* Revision 1.35  2003/09/05 20:08:09  jones
+* Merge in online03 changes (mkj)
+* Revision  2003/04/09 02:59:22  cdaq
+* Changed gtarg_type from a scaler to an array: gtarg_type(gtarg_num)
+* Revision 1.34  2003/02/21 14:54:04  jones
+* Added parameter genable_sos_fieldcorr used in ENGINE/s_fieldcorr.f
+* as flag for enabling correction to SOS central momentum
+* Revision 1.33  2002/12/27 21:43:14  jones
+*    add variable geloss to common gen_beam
+*    add gtarg_type to common gen_target
+*    change GMAX_NUM_BPMS=3
+*    change GBPM_KAPPA to array  GBPM_KAPPA(GMAX_NUM_BPMS)
+* Revision 1.32  2002/09/24 20:30:17  jones
+*   a. Add genable_hms_fieldcorr to common/gen_satcorr/
+*   b. Move array definitions from COMMON block to REAL statement
+* Revision 1.31  1999/02/23 19:05:55  csa
+* (JRA) Remove slow raster stuff
+* Revision 1.30  1999/02/10 17:50:04  csa
+* Added target eloss variables (D. Mack, K. Vansyoc, J. Volmer),
+* bpm variables (P. Gueye), and raster variables (J. Reinhold)
+* Revision 1.29  1998/12/01 20:21:02  saw
+* (SAW) Change GNUM_MISC_PLANES from 2 to 3
+* Revision 1.28  96/09/04  15:45:04  15:45:04  saw (Stephen A. Wood)
+* (JRA) Increase # of possible targets.  Add fast raster variables.
+* Revision 1.27  1996/04/30 13:34:25  saw
+* (JRA) Swap index order in GBPM_ADC_PED, GBPM_RAW_ADC
+* Revision 1.26  1996/01/24 16:18:29  saw
+* (JRA) Change raster to use misc arrays.  Change some variable names
+*       for beam position and target information.
+* Revision 1.25  1995/05/22 18:40:21  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts
+* Revision 1.24  1995/05/11  15:16:26  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add new singles and coin kinematics.  Add aerogel structure.
+* (JRA) Change ?SDEDXn vars to arrays.
+* Revision 1.23  1995/04/06  20:16:28  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add ddutta's pre cosy rotation stuff.  Add arrays for BPM data
+* Revision 1.22  1995/03/13  18:54:22  cdaq
+* (JRA) ?SCIN_ADC_??? now real, add several element max's for array sizes, add
+* Revision 1.21  1995/01/03  13:59:37  cdaq
+* (HGM) Increase # of HMS shower counter blocks to 52
+* Revision 1.20  1994/11/22  18:37:46  cdaq
+* (SPB) Brought SOS commons up to date
+* (SAW) Cleaned up ?DC_NUM_CHAMBERS and ?MAX_NUM_CHAMBERS stuff
+* Revision 1.19  1994/09/19  20:26:44  cdaq
+* Revision 1.18  1994/09/13  21:47:19  cdaq
+* Revision 1.17  1994/09/13  19:15:21  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add chisq, shower c. raw adc, number of chambers, shower c slop
+* Revision 1.16  1994/08/15  13:20:47  cdaq
+* (SAW) CEBEAM and CPBEAM are parm not event
+* Revision 1.15  1994/08/15  04:39:29  cdaq
+* (SAW) Change CTPTYPE to parm for some variables
+* Revision 1.14  1994/08/03  19:57:07  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add "CTPTYPE=event" directive for auto generation of CTP reg calls
+* Revision 1.13  1994/06/26  02:32:07  cdaq
+* (JA&SAW) Add rawer data structure for HMS scintillator hits.
+* Increase  HMS DC max hits to 3600.
+* Revision 1.12  1994/06/22  15:34:35  cdaq
+* (SAW) Increase max # of hits for hodoscopes to allow for non sparsified data
+* Revision 1.11  1994/06/21  19:22:59  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add hit counters to H_RAW_MISC, S_RAW_MISC and G_RAW_UNINST commons
+* Revision 1.10  1994/06/18  02:49:49  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add code for miscleaneous data and uninstrumented channels
+* Revision 1.9  1994/06/14  03:05:42  cdaq
+* (DFG) Add hms_physics, sos_physics, and coin_physics
+*       Add particle mass to hms_spectrometer and sos_spectrometer
+* Revision 1.8  1994/04/14  16:25:43  cdaq
+* (SAW) Fix typo
+* Revision 1.7  1994/04/12  20:42:22  cdaq
+* (SAW) Put column first in shower commons (column == plane)
+*       Add a structure for hits on uninstrumented channels
+*       Correct "FILLED BY" comment
+* Revision 1.6  1994/04/12  18:38:15  cdaq
+*                           SNTRACK_HITS(SNTRACKS_MAX,SNTRACKHITS_MAX+1)
+*                           to allow space for number of hits.
+* (SAW) Remove craw common to gen_craw.cmn
+* Revision 1.5  1994/03/24  17:02:03  cdaq
+* DFG change decoded scin to arrington format in both hms and sos
+*     change track tests to amatouni format
+* Revision 1.4  1994/02/21  02:54:22  cdaq
+* DFG Separate dimensioning parameters from actual number
+* Revision 1.3  1994/02/09  22:26:10  cdaq
+* (DFG) Add beam and spectrometer geometry banks.
+* Separate raw and decoded data for scin and cal
+* Revision 1.2  1994/02/08  21:19:34  cdaq
+* Geesaman's Jan 5 copy adding HMS_TRACK_TESTS and SOS_TRACK_TESTS
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/07  17:05:43  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+*    None of these are really coincidence things, and some are constant
+*    while some are event by event. 
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      REAL*4  GEBEAM         ! BEAM ENERGY (GEV)
+      REAL*4  GPBEAM         ! BEAM MOMENTUM (GEV/C)
+      REAL*4  G_BEAM_TARGET_S      ! s computed from beam and target info
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+      integer*4 ncalls_calc_ped
+      integer*4 gbeam_helicity ! whatever we decide
+      integer*4 gbeam_helicity_ADC ! value from ADC
+      integer*4 gbeam_helicity_TS ! value from TS
+      REAL*4 GBEAM_X,GBEAM_Y    !final beam position from bpm & raster info
+      REAL*4 GBEAM_XP,GBEAM_YP  !final beam angles from bpm & raster info
+      REAL*4 geloss
+     &     GEBEAM,
+     &     GPBEAM,
+     &     G_BEAM_TARGET_S,
+     &     ncalls_calc_ped,
+     &     gbeam_helicity,
+     &     gbeam_helicity_ADC,
+     &     gbeam_helicity_TS,
+     &     GBEAM_X,GBEAM_Y,
+     &     GBEAM_XP,GBEAM_YP,
+     &     geloss
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      integer   gmax_targets
+      parameter(gmax_targets=30)
+      integer   gtarg_num       !position in target ladder
+      REAL*4    gtarg_mass(gmax_targets)      !target mass
+      REAL*4    gtarg_z(gmax_targets)         !target Z
+      REAL*4    gtarg_a (gmax_targets)        !target A
+      REAL*4    gtarg_lrad(gmax_targets)      !radiation length in %
+      REAL*4    gtarg_thick(gmax_targets)     !thickness in g/cm^2
+      REAL*4    gtarg_dens(gmax_targets)     !density in g/cm^3
+      REAL*4    gtarg_theta     !angle of target to beam. Note that
+                                 !90 degrees is target normal to beam!
+      integer gtarg_type(gmax_targets)        ! 1=tuna can, 2=beer can, >=21 solid tgt
+     &     gtarg_num,
+     &     gtarg_theta,
+     &     gtarg_mass,
+     &     gtarg_z,
+     &     gtarg_a,
+     &     gtarg_lrad,
+     &     gtarg_thick,
+     &     gtarg_dens,
+     &     gtarg_type
+*     Energy loss parameters for the targets. Vansyoc, March 98
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      INTEGER gelossdebug,gen_eloss_enable
+      REAL*4 hscat_win_thk,hscat_win_den,hscat_win_a,hscat_win_z
+      REAL*4 hdet_ent_thk,hdet_ent_den,hdet_ent_a,hdet_ent_z
+      REAL*4 sscat_win_thk,sscat_win_den,sscat_win_a,sscat_win_z
+      REAL*4 sdet_ent_thk,sdet_ent_den,sdet_ent_a,sdet_ent_z
+      REAL*4 gcell_radius,gz_cell,ga_cell,gcell_den,gwall_thk,gend_thk
+      REAL*4 gfront_thk,gair_dens,gair_thk,gair_a,gair_z
+      real*4 bscat_win_thk,bscat_win_den,bscat_win_a,bscat_win_z
+      real*4 babs_thk,babs_den,babs_a,babs_z
+      real*4 bluc_thk,bluc_den,bluc_a,bluc_z
+      real*4 bfpl_thk,bfpl_den,bfpl_a,bfpl_z
+     &     gelossdebug,gen_eloss_enable,
+     &     hscat_win_thk,hscat_win_den,hscat_win_a,hscat_win_z,
+     &     hdet_ent_thk,hdet_ent_den,hdet_ent_a,hdet_ent_z,
+     &     sscat_win_thk,sscat_win_den,sscat_win_a,sscat_win_z,
+     &     sdet_ent_thk,sdet_ent_den,sdet_ent_a,sdet_ent_z,
+     &     gcell_radius,gz_cell,ga_cell,gcell_den,gwall_thk,gend_thk,
+     &     gfront_thk,gair_dens,gair_thk,gair_a,gair_z,
+     &     bscat_win_thk,bscat_win_den,bscat_win_a,bscat_win_z,
+     &     babs_thk,babs_den,babs_a,babs_z,
+     &     bluc_thk,bluc_den,bluc_a,bluc_z,
+     &     bfpl_thk,bfpl_den,bfpl_a,bfpl_z
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+*     Hits from Uninstrumented fastbus channels
+*     filled by G_decode_event_by_banks
+      INTEGER*4 GUNINST_RAW_SUBADD(GMAX_UNINST_HITS)      ! Fastbus channel
+      INTEGER*4 GUNINST_RAW_DATAWORD(GMAX_UNINST_HITS)    ! Full fastbus dataword
+     &     GUNINST_TOT_HITS
+*     Decoded data from ADC's encoding beam position.
+*     The raw data comes from the 'hmisc' detector.
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+      PARAMETER(GNUM_BPM_SIGNALS=4)   !1=X+,2=X-,3=Y+,4=Y-
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      real*4 GBPM_ZPOS(GMAX_NUM_BPMS)
+      integer*4 GUSE_BPM_IN_RECON
+      integer*4 GUSE_BPMC
+      parameter(GBPM_SAMPLE_MAX=5000)
+     &     GBPM_ADC_PED,
+     &     GBPM_RAW_ADC,
+     &     GBPM_ADC,
+     &     GBPM_XPRIME,
+     &     GBPM_YPRIME,
+     &     GBPM_X,
+     &     GBPM_Y,
+     &     GBPM_MEANX,
+     &     GBPM_MEANY,
+     &     GBPM_BEAM_X,
+     &     GBPM_BEAM_XP,
+     &     GBPM_BEAM_Y,
+     &     GBPM_BEAM_YP,
+     &     GBPM_KAPPA,
+     &     GBPM_X_OFF,GBPM_Y_OFF,
+     &     GBPM_ZPOS,
+     &     GBPM_SAMPLE,
+     &     GUSE_BPM_IN_RECON,
+     &     GUSE_BPMC
+*     Decoded data from ADC's encoding fast/slow raster position (FR/SR).
+*     The raw data comes from the 'hmisc' detector.
+*     The CBEAM variables are final beam positions from raster and bpm signals.
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+*     SLOW Raster PART as read by HMS
+*     SLOW Raster PART as read by BETA
+      REAL*4 GSR_beamx,GSR_beamy
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      REAL*4    GFR_CAL_MOM
+     &     GFRX_ADC,GFRY_ADC,
+     &     GFRX,GFRY,
+     &     GFRX_SYNC,GFRY_SYNC,
+     &     GFRXP,GFRYP,
+     &     GFR_CAL_MOM,
+     &     GFRX_DIST,GFRY_DIST,
+     &     GSRX_RAW_ADC,GSRY_RAW_ADC,  ! SLOW raster part
+     &     GSRX_SYNC,GSRY_SYNC,
+     &     GSRX_RAW_ADC2,GSRY_RAW_ADC2, ! SLOW raster 2
+     &     GSRX_SYNC2,GSRY_SYNC2,
+     &     GSRX_ADC_PED2,GSRY_ADC_PED2,
+     &     GSRX_ADC,GSRY_ADC,
+      real*4 T_trgHMS, T_trgBIG, T_trgPI0, T_trgBETA, T_trgCOIN1,T_trgCOIN2
+      COMMON /TRIGGERTIME/T_trgHMS, T_trgBIG, T_trgPI0, T_trgBETA, T_trgCOIN1,T_trgCOIN2
+*                  !   B E A M   P O S I T I O N   --   S E M
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      integer slow_raster_correction                             ! STATUS of correction
+      real*4 n_sr_size
+      real*4 n_sr_slopex
+      real*4 n_sr_offsetx
+      real*4 n_sr_slopey
+      real*4 n_sr_offsety
+      real*4 n_sr_adcy_zero
+      real*4 n_sr_adcx_zero
+      common /n_raster_calib/
+     &     slow_raster_correction,n_sr_size,
+     &     n_sr_slopex, 
+     &     n_sr_offsetx,
+     &     n_sr_slopey, 
+     &     n_sr_offsety,n_sr_adcy_zero,n_sr_adcx_zero
+      real*4 n_fr_size
+      real*4 n_fr_slopex
+      real*4 n_fr_offsetx
+      real*4 n_fr_slopey
+      real*4 n_fr_offsety
+      real*4 n_fr_adcy_zero
+      real*4 n_fr_adcx_zero
+      common /n_fraster_calib/
+     &     n_fr_size,
+     &     n_fr_slopex, 
+     &     n_fr_offsetx,
+     &     n_fr_slopey, 
+     &     n_fr_offsety,n_fr_adcy_zero,n_fr_adcx_zero
+*     Misc. signals read out for hms AND sos events. Mostly
+*     beamline information: BPMs, BLMs, Fast Raster, slow raster, ...
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+      INTEGER*4 GMISC_RAW_ADDR1(GMAX_MISC_HITS)    ! "Plane"   (1=TDC,2=ADC)
+     &     GMISC_TOT_HITS,
+     &     GMISC_RAW_ADDR1,
+     &     GMISC_RAW_ADDR2,
+     &     GMISC_RAW_DATA,
+     &     GMISC_DEC_DATA
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+      integer*4 gmisc_ped_sum2(gmax_misc_hits,gnum_misc_planes)
+      integer*4 gmisc_ped_sum(gmax_misc_hits,gnum_misc_planes)
+      integer*4 gmisc_ped_num(gmax_misc_hits,gnum_misc_planes)
+      integer*4 gmisc_num_ped_changes
+      integer*4 gmisc_changed_tube(gmax_misc_hits)
+      real*4 gmisc_ped_change(gmax_misc_hits)
+      real*4 gmisc_ped(gmax_misc_hits,gnum_misc_planes)
+      real*4 gmisc_ped_rms(gmax_misc_hits,gnum_misc_planes)
+      real*4 gmisc_new_ped(gmax_misc_hits,gnum_misc_planes)
+      real*4 gmisc_new_rms(gmax_misc_hits,gnum_misc_planes)
+      real*4 gmisc_new_adc_threshold(gmax_misc_hits,gnum_misc_planes)
+      real*4 gmisc_dum_adc_threshold(gmax_misc_hits,gnum_misc_planes)
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      integer*4 gmisc_min_peds
+      common/gen_misc_pedestals/
+     &   gmisc_ped,
+     &   gmisc_ped_sum2,       !sum of squares
+     &   gmisc_ped_sum,        !sum of peds
+     &   gmisc_ped_num,        !number of peds
+     &   gmisc_min_peds,       !# of peds required to override default pedestal
+     &   gmisc_ped_rms,
+     &   gmisc_new_ped,
+     &   gmisc_new_rms,
+     &   gmisc_num_ped_changes,!# of peds with 2 sigma changes from param file
+     &   gmisc_changed_tube,   !list of changed tubes
+     &   gmisc_ped_change,     !change in pedestal
+     &   gmisc_new_adc_threshold,
+     &   gmisc_dum_adc_threshold
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      integer*4 genable_hms_satcorr,genable_sos_satcorr
+      integer*4 genable_hms_fieldcorr,genable_sos_fieldcorr
+      common/gen_satcorr/
+     &   genable_hms_satcorr,genable_sos_satcorr,
+     &   genable_hms_fieldcorr,genable_sos_fieldcorr
+*******************end: gen_data_structures.cmn*************************
+*     Local Variables:
+*     mode: fortran
+*     fortran-continuation-string: "&"
+*     comment-column: 35
+*     End:
diff --git a/INCLUDE/gen_decode_F1tdc.cmn b/INCLUDE/gen_decode_F1tdc.cmn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..526db00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/gen_decode_F1tdc.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+*  frw  4/2007
+* specifics for F1 TDC that are independent of detector
+*%%   include 'gen_detectorids.par'
+*%%   include 'gen_decode_common.cmn'
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      Parameter(G_F1_MULTIHIT=8)
+      INTEGER*4 F1TDC_WINDOW_SIZE(0:G_DECODE_MAXROCS)  !in counts NOT ns !!
+      Common/GEN_F1TDC/
+     &     ESCIN_F1TDC_MODE,
+     &     F1TDC_WINDOW_SIZE
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+*     Local Variables:
+*     mode: fortran
+*     End:
diff --git a/INCLUDE/gen_decode_common.cmn b/INCLUDE/gen_decode_common.cmn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c5e78fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/gen_decode_common.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+*     Common block that contains the mapping of physical fastbus locations
+*     to logical detector identification.
+*     $Log: gen_decode_common.cmn,v $
+*     Revision  2007/09/11 19:14:18  frw
+*     fixed FPP related arrays and limits
+*     Revision  2007/09/10 21:18:13  frw
+*     fixed FPP related arrays and limits
+*     Revision  2007/09/07 21:55:07  puckett
+*     increased maxplanes, maxcounters to 999,changed range of index 4 of array g_decode_roc
+*     Revision  2007/08/27 20:24:42  puckett
+*     Increased "max planes" from 15 to 56
+*     Revision  2007/08/22 19:09:31  frw
+*     added FPP
+*     Revision 1.5  4/2007  frw
+*     added flag to identify module type in VME bins -- unused for FastBus
+*     Revision  2007/06/04 15:11:23  puckett
+*     changed hit array structure for trigger-related signals
+*     Revision  2007/05/15 02:53:02  jones
+*     Start to Bigcal code
+*     Revision 1.4  1996/01/17 15:40:59  cdaq
+*     (SAW) Change roc index in arrays to start at zero.
+*     (JRA) Add structures needed to produce adc threshold setting files.
+*     Revision 1.3  1994/10/20 12:26:44  cdaq
+*     (JRA) Increate G_DECODE_MAXROCS from 8 to 9
+* Revision 1.2  1994/04/05  14:31:10  cdaq
+* Add g_decode_subaddbit for location in FB word of sub address
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/07  19:36:23  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+*%%   include 'gen_detectorids.par'
+      integer G_DECODE_MAXWORDS                 ! Must exceed number of
+      parameter (G_DECODE_MAXWORDS=10000)        ! installed FB channels
+      integer G_DECODE_MAXROCS
+      parameter (G_DECODE_MAXROCS=15)            ! Largest ROC # + 1
+      integer G_DECODE_MAXSLOTS
+      parameter (G_DECODE_MAXSLOTS=25)          ! # slots in a FB crate
+      integer G_DECODE_MAXPLANES
+      parameter (G_DECODE_MAXPLANES=99) 	! Largest plane #
+      parameter (G_DECODE_MAXCOUNTERS=999)	! Largest counter #
+      integer G_DECODE_MAXSIGNALS
+      parameter (G_DECODE_MAXSIGNALS=3) 	! Largest signal #
+      integer*4 g_decode_slotpointer            ! Pointer into map arrays
+      integer*4 g_decode_subaddcnt              ! Number of subadds per slot
+      integer*4 g_decode_subaddbit              ! bit shift to get subadd
+      integer*4 g_decode_modtyp                 ! flag to identify module type
+      integer*4 g_decode_slotmask
+      integer*4 g_decode_didmap
+      integer*4 g_decode_planemap, g_decode_countermap
+      integer*4 g_decode_sigtypmap
+      integer*4 g_decode_nextpointer            ! Next free in map arrays
+      integer*4 g_decode_roc
+      common /UPCOMMON/
+     $     g_decode_slotpointer(0:G_DECODE_MAXROCS, G_DECODE_MAXSLOTS),
+     $     g_decode_subaddcnt(0:G_DECODE_MAXROCS,G_DECODE_MAXSLOTS),
+     $     g_decode_subaddbit(0:G_DECODE_MAXROCS,G_DECODE_MAXSLOTS),
+     $     g_decode_slotmask(0:G_DECODE_MAXROCS,G_DECODE_MAXSLOTS),
+     $     g_decode_didmap(G_DECODE_MAXWORDS),
+     $     g_decode_planemap(G_DECODE_MAXWORDS),
+     $     g_decode_countermap(G_DECODE_MAXWORDS),
+     $     g_decode_sigtypmap(G_DECODE_MAXWORDS),
+     $     g_decode_nextpointer,
+     $     g_decode_modtyp(0:G_DECODE_MAXROCS,G_DECODE_MAXSLOTS),
+     $     g_decode_roc(0:MAXID,G_DECODE_MAXPLANES,
+      integer*4 gmax_roc_with_adc
+      integer*4 gmax_slot_with_adc
+      integer*4 gnum_adc_channels
+      parameter (gmax_roc_with_adc=12)
+      parameter (gmax_slot_with_adc=22)
+      parameter (gnum_adc_channels=64)
+* use slot,roc so that g_threshold_readback(1,3,7) >>> thresholds(*) gives
+* the thresholds(1-64) = the 64 thresholds in roc3,slot7.
+      integer*4 g_threshold_readback(gnum_adc_channels,
+     &             gmax_roc_with_adc,gmax_slot_with_adc)
+      common/gen_threshold_check/
+     &     g_threshold_readback
+*     Local Variables:
+*     mode: fortran
+*     End:
diff --git a/INCLUDE/gen_detectorids.par b/INCLUDE/gen_detectorids.par
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b4c22ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/gen_detectorids.par
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+*     It would be nice if the data file that set's up the unpacker could
+*     use symbolic names instead of numbers.
+*     Revision 1.9  2007/01/09 13:28  puckett
+*     Added new detector ids for BigCal
+*     $Log: gen_detectorids.par,v $
+*     Revision  2009/01/30 20:33:28  cdaq
+*     *** empty log message ***
+*     Revision  2008/10/25 12:45:30  cdaq
+*     *** empty log message ***
+*     Revision  2008/10/02 18:01:48  cdaq
+*     *** empty log message ***
+*     Revision  2008/05/15 19:04:32  bhovik
+*     1'st version
+*     Revision  2007/08/27 17:05:58  frw
+*     clean replay for GEp-III
+*     Revision  2007/06/04 15:11:23  puckett
+*     changed hit array structure for trigger-related signals
+*     Revision  2007/05/15 02:53:03  jones
+*     Start to Bigcal code
+*     Revision 1.8  2002/12/20 21:52:34  jones
+*     Modified by Hamlet for new HMS aerogel
+*     Revision 1.8  2002/09/26
+*     (Hamlet) Add HAERO_ID=18 for HMS Aerogel
+*     Revision 1.7  1996/11/08 21:20:05  saw
+*     (WH) Add Lucite counter detector ID
+*     Revision 1.6  1996/01/24 16:26:08  saw
+*     (JRA) Change CBPM_D to GMISC_ID
+*     Revision 1.5  1995/05/22 19:13:41  cdaq
+*     (SAW) Add Aerogel detector id
+* Revision 1.4  1995/04/06  20:31:38  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add BPM id
+* Revision 1.3  1994/06/18  02:50:30  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add code for miscleaneous data and uninstrumented channels and
+* change name to gen_detectorids.par (was gen_detectorids.cmn)
+* Revision 1.2  1994/04/11  15:11:25  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add uninstrumented channel "detector" id
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/07  19:37:01  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      parameter (MAXID=40)
+      parameter (UNINST_ID=0)           ! Uninstrumented channels
+      parameter (HDC_ID=1)
+      parameter (HSCIN_ID=2)
+      parameter (HCER_ID=3)
+      parameter (HCAL_ID=4)
+      parameter (HMISC_ID=5)            ! Misclaneous FB channels
+      parameter (GMISC_ID=6)             ! BPM/Raster data
+      parameter (HAERO_ID=7) 
+      parameter (HFPP_ID=20)		! Focal Plane Polarimeter
+      parameter (TRACKER_SANE_X_ID=21)		! SANE X Tracker DETECTOR
+      parameter (TRACKER_SANE_Y_ID=22)		! SANE Y Tracker DETECTOR
+      parameter (F1TRIGGER_ID=25)		! F1 TRIGGER
+      parameter (SEM_ID=26)                     ! SEM Detector
+      parameter (BIGCAL_PROT_ID=8) ! protvino glass ADCs
+      parameter (BIGCAL_RCS_ID=9) ! RCS glass ADCs
+      parameter (BIGCAL_TDC_ID=10) ! groups of 8 TDCs
+      parameter (BIGCAL_ATRIG_ID=18) ! groups of 64 ADC and TDC
+      parameter (BIGCAL_TTRIG_ID=19)
+      parameter (SDC_ID=11)
+      parameter (SSCIN_ID=12)
+      parameter (SCER_ID=13)
+      parameter (SCAL_ID=14)
+      parameter (SMISC_ID=15)           ! Miscilaneous FB channels
+      parameter (SAER_ID=16)
+      parameter (SLUC_ID=17)
+*     Local Variables:
+*     mode: fortran
+*     End:
diff --git a/INCLUDE/gen_epics.cmn b/INCLUDE/gen_epics.cmn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4938f20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/gen_epics.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+*    This include file contains all the epics extracted variables, 
+*    which should be parsed to the engine for further use.
+* $Log: gen_epics.cmn,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1999/02/24 14:39:05  saw
+* Added to official source tree by csa.
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+      real*4 gepics_delta_ebeam
+      real*4 gepics_xh00a,gepics_yh00a,gepics_xh00b,gepics_yh00b
+      real*4 gepics_beam_xpos,gepics_beam_ypos
+      COMMON/g_epics_events/
+     &	   gepics_delta_ebeam,
+     &	   gepics_xh00a,
+     &     gepics_yh00a,
+     &     gepics_xh00b,
+     &     gepics_yh00b,
+     &     gepics_beam_xpos,
+     &     gepics_beam_ypos
diff --git a/INCLUDE/gen_event_info.cmn b/INCLUDE/gen_event_info.cmn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..96003fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/gen_event_info.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+**************************begin: gen_event_info.cmn ***********************
+*-   Created   22-Apr-1994   Kevin B. Beard, Hampton Univ.
+* $Log: gen_event_info.cmn,v $
+* Revision  2007/10/17 16:04:23  cdaq
+* Added trig type array to hold trigger type information from TS
+* Revision 1.2  1994/08/03 20:10:42  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add "CTPTYPE=event" directive for auto generation of CTP reg calls
+* Revision 1.1  1994/05/27  15:12:28  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+*- Misc. info. about a run
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+      INTEGER gen_event_ID_number,gen_event_type,gen_event_class
+      INTEGER gen_event_ROC_summary
+      INTEGER gen_event_sequence_N
+      INTEGER gen_event_trigtype(12) ! trigger type from trigger supervisor
+      COMMON /gen_event_info/ gen_event_ID_number,gen_event_type,
+     &         gen_event_class,gen_event_ROC_summary,
+     &          gen_event_sequence_N,gen_event_trigtype
+****************************end: gen_event_info.cmn ***********************
diff --git a/INCLUDE/gen_filenames.cmn b/INCLUDE/gen_filenames.cmn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f63561
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/gen_filenames.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+******************* begin: gen_filenames.cmn ***********************
+*-Common block with filenames
+*     $Log: gen_filenames.cmn,v $
+*     Revision 1.14  2003/09/05 20:10:27  jones
+*     Merge in online03 changes (mkj)
+*     Revision  2003/08/14 16:13:15  cdaq
+*     Corrected mistake in setting G_LUN_WRITEOUT_SCALER ( mkj)
+*     Revision  2003/08/14 00:44:13  cdaq
+*     Modify to be able to write scaler rates for each read to a file (mkj)
+*     Revision 1.13  2002/09/25 13:54:16  jones
+*        a. change g_data_source_filename to character*120
+*        b. add variable g_segment
+*     Revision 1.12  1996/11/19 18:13:44  saw
+*     (SAW) Add some filenames and variables for LUN's
+*     Revision 1.11  1996/09/04 15:48:00  saw
+*     (JRA) Add flags for writting out preproccesd (filtered) events
+*     Revision 1.10  1996/04/30 13:37:06  saw
+*     (JRA) Add filename for pedestal output
+*     Revision 1.9  1996/01/17 15:41:50  cdaq
+*     (JRA) Add filename/ctp names for tcl statistics screen
+*     Revision 1.8  1995/09/01 13:01:16  cdaq
+*     (JRA) Add a file for run number based CTP parameter (kinematics) settings
+* Revision 1.7  1995/07/28  14:25:59  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add g_ctp_database_filename
+* Revision 1.6  1994/10/19  19:52:22  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add g_label variable for labels on reports
+* Revision 1.5  1994/08/03  20:06:50  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add "CTPTYPE=parm" directive for auto generation of CTP reg calls
+* Revision 1.4  1994/06/21  15:05:11  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add g_report_rebook flag
+* Revision 1.3  1994/06/15  18:12:17  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add variables for report generator
+* Revision 1.2  1994/03/24  16:49:57  cdaq
+* (SAW) Make logical's logical*4 so they can be registered to CTP
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/07  19:38:11  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      integer G_LUN_CONFIG
+      parameter (G_LUN_CONFIG= 55)
+      integer G_LUN_TEMP
+      parameter (G_LUN_TEMP= G_LUN_CONFIG+1)
+      integer G_LUN_CHARGE_SCALER
+      parameter (G_LUN_CHARGE_SCALER=G_LUN_TEMP+1)
+      integer G_LUN_EPICS_OUTPUT
+      integer G_LUN_WRITEOUT_SCALER
+      character*80 g_config_filename
+      character*80 g_ctp_hist_filename
+      character*80 g_ctp_test_filename
+      character*80 g_ctp_parm_filename
+      character*120 g_data_source_filename	! Coda/other input file
+      character*80 g_alias_filename		! PAW histogram name aliases
+      character*80 g_histout_filename		! File to write histograms to
+      character*80 g_decode_map_filename ! File containing unpack map
+      character*80 g_report_template_filename
+      character*80 g_report_output_filename
+      character*80 g_report_blockname
+      character*80 g_label              ! A string that can label reports, etc
+      character*80 g_ctp_database_filename ! Run number dependent variables
+      character*80 g_ctp_kinematics_filename ! Run number dependent variables
+      character*80 g_stats_template_filename   !online statistics report
+      character*80 g_stats_output_filename
+      character*80 g_stats_blockname
+      character*80 g_pedestal_output_filename
+      character*80 g_bad_output_filename
+      character*80 g_preproc_filename
+      character*80 g_charge_scaler_filename
+      character*80 g_writeout_scaler_filename
+      character*80 g_epics_output_filename
+      common /gen_filenames/
+     $     g_config_filename,
+     $     g_ctp_hist_filename,
+     $     g_ctp_test_filename,
+     $     g_ctp_parm_filename,
+     $     g_data_source_filename,
+     $     g_alias_filename,
+     $     g_histout_filename,
+     $     g_decode_map_filename,
+     $     g_report_template_filename,
+     $     g_report_output_filename,
+     $     g_report_blockname,
+     $     g_label,
+     $     g_ctp_database_filename,
+     $     g_ctp_kinematics_filename,
+     $     g_stats_template_filename,
+     $     g_stats_output_filename,
+     $     g_stats_blockname,
+     $     g_pedestal_output_filename,
+     $     g_bad_output_filename,
+     $     g_preproc_filename,
+     $     g_writeout_scaler_filename,
+     $     g_charge_scaler_filename,
+     $     g_epics_output_filename
+      logical*4 g_hist_rebook
+      logical*4 g_test_rebook
+      logical*4 g_parm_rebook
+      logical*4 g_report_rebook
+      logical*4 g_config_loaded                 !Make sure this is false first time
+      logical*4 g_data_source_opened            !whether FASTBUS CODA file opened OK
+      integer g_data_source_in_hndl             !IO channel assigned by CODA library
+      integer g_max_events                      !quit after this number events
+      logical*4 g_preproc_opened                !status of preprocessor output file opening
+      integer*4 g_preproc_in_hndl               !IO channel assigned by CODA for above file
+      integer*4 g_preproc_on                    !flag to turn on event preprocessing
+      common /gen_config_flags/
+     $     g_hist_rebook, g_test_rebook, g_parm_rebook,
+     $     g_report_rebook,
+     $     g_config_loaded,
+     $     g_data_source_opened, g_data_source_in_hndl,
+     $     g_max_events,
+     $     g_preproc_opened,
+     $     g_preproc_in_hndl,
+     $     g_preproc_on
+      integer*4 g_segment
+      common /gen_segmented_runs/
+     $     g_segment
+*     Local Variables:
+*     mode: fortran
+*     End:
+******************** end: gen_filenames.cmn ***********************
diff --git a/INCLUDE/gen_input_info.cmn b/INCLUDE/gen_input_info.cmn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e91e02e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/gen_input_info.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+********************** begin: gen_input_info.cmn *****************************
+*     $Log: gen_input_info.cmn,v $
+*     Revision 1.1  1994/02/07 19:39:25  cdaq
+*     Initial revision
+      CHARACTER*132 G_input_file_name       !file or device name
+      CHARACTER*80 G_input_file_type        !ASCII, UNPACKED_CODA, ....
+      INTEGER G_input_channel               !assigned by CODA, not user
+      LOGICAL G_input_OK                    !successfully open input
+      COMMON /GEN_INPUT_INFO/ G_input_file_name,G_input_file_type,
+     &                        G_input_channel,G_input_OK
+************************ end: gen_input_info.cmn *****************************
+*     Local Variables:
+*     mode: fortran
+*     End:
diff --git a/INCLUDE/gen_one_ev_gckine.cmn b/INCLUDE/gen_one_ev_gckine.cmn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee06435
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/gen_one_ev_gckine.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+*       gen_one_ev_gckine.cmn
+*       include file for One Event Display
+*-- Original Author : Pat Welch
+*-- Most recent Author : Derek van Westrum
+* $Log: gen_one_ev_gckine.cmn,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1996/01/17 15:43:35  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+* since I normally use implicit none I'll need to type what is here.
+c GCKINE common block as described in the GEANT manual on page BASE 030-4
+	integer ikine	! Number of user kinematic parameters
+	real    pkine	! user kinematic parameters
+	integer itra	! Current track number
+	integer istak	! Current stack-track number
+	integer ivert	! Current vertex number
+	integer ipart	! current particle number
+	integer itrtyp	! tracking type of current particle
+	integer napart	! name of current particle
+	real    amass	! mass of current particle in AMU
+	real    charge	! charge of current particle in |e|
+	real    tlife	! life-time of current particle
+	real    vert	! vertex coordinates for current track
+	real    pvert	! track kinematic at origin
+	integer ipaold	! particle number of the last track
diff --git a/INCLUDE/gen_one_ev_gctrak.cmn b/INCLUDE/gen_one_ev_gctrak.cmn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4709d08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/gen_one_ev_gctrak.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+*       gen_one_ev_gctrak.cmn
+*       include file for One Event Display
+*-- Original Author : Pat Welch
+*-- Most recent Author : Derek van Westrum
+* $Log: gen_one_ev_gctrak.cmn,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1996/01/17 15:44:19  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+* since I normally use implicit none I'll need to type what is here.
+c This common block is described in the GEANT manual on page BASE 030-10
+c	integer MAXMEC	! maximum number of mechanisms
+c	real    vect	! curreent track params (x,y,z,px/p,py/p,pz/p,p)
+c	real    getot	! Current track total energy
+c	real    gekin	! current track kinetic energy
+c	real    vout	! same as vect after extrapolation (i.e. at end of step)
+c	integer nmec	! Number of mechanisms for current step
+c	integer lmec	! list of mechanism indices for current step
+c	character*4 namec! list of names for the current mechanisms
+c	integer nstep	! Number of steps so far
+c	integer maxnst	! Maximum number of steps allowed
+c	real    destep	! total energy lost in this step
+c	real	destel	! step length
+c	real    safety	! Overestimated distance to closest medium boundary
+c	real    sleng	! track length at current point
+c	real    step	! size of current tracking step
+c	real    snext	! straight distance to next current medium boundary
+c	real    sfield  ! field turning angle step size evaluation
+c	real    tofg	! current time of flight
+c	real    gekrat	! Interpolation factor in table ELOW
+c	real	upwght	! ?
+c	integer ignext	! Flag set to 1 when SNEXT has to be recomputed
+c	integer inwvol	! Flag set to 1 when enetering a volume,
+c			!             2 when leaving a volume, and
+c			!             3 when leaving the experimental setup
+c	integer istop	! Flag set to 1 when track looses its identiy,
+c			!             2 when energy below cut
+c	integer igauto	! ?
+c	integer iekbin	! Current kinetic energy bin in table ELOW
+c	integer ilosl	! ?
+c	integer imull	! ?
+c	integer ingoto	! ?
+c	integer nldown	! ?
+c	integer nlevin	! ?
+c	integer nlvsav	! ?
+c	integer	istory	! ?
+c	integer MAXME1	! ?
+c	real	polar
+c	integer	namec1
+     + ,MAXME1,NAMEC1
+      PARAMETER (MAXME1=30)
diff --git a/INCLUDE/gen_one_ev_gcvolu.cmn b/INCLUDE/gen_one_ev_gcvolu.cmn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2035d00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/gen_one_ev_gcvolu.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+*       gen_one_ev_gcvolu.cmn
+*       include file for One Event Display
+*-- Original Author : Pat Welch
+*-- Most recent Author : Derek van Westrum
+* $Log: gen_one_ev_gcvolu.cmn,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1996/01/17 15:44:43  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+* since I normally use implicit none I'll need to type what is here.
+c This common block is described in the GEANT manual on page BASE 030-11
+c	integer nlevel		! # at which the last medium search stopped
+c	character*4 names	! Volume names at each level
+c	integer number		! User volume numbers at each level
+c	integer lvolum		! System volume numbers at each level
+c	integer lindex		! Physical tree volume indices at each level
+c	integer infrom		! ?
+c	integer nlevmx		! ?
+c	integer nldev		! ?
+c	integer linmx		! ?
+c	real    gtran		! (x,y,z) offsets of the cumulative coord xforms
+c	real    grmat		! Rotation matrix elements for cumulative xforms
+c	real    gonly		! uniqueness flags at each level
+c	real    glx		! current poin in local coordinates system
+     +        NLDEV,LINMX
+     +GTRAN(3,15),GRMAT(10,15),GONLY(15),GLX(3)
diff --git a/INCLUDE/gen_one_ev_info.cmn b/INCLUDE/gen_one_ev_info.cmn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f4f8fd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/gen_one_ev_info.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+**************************begin: gen_one_ev_info.cmn ***********************
+*-   Created   4-Sep-1994   Kevin B. Beard, Hampton Univ.
+*- Misc. info. needed for remote display
+* $Log: gen_one_ev_info.cmn,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1995/09/18 20:22:39  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      INTEGER gen_display_server_RPCprgmID
+      INTEGER gen_display_server_RPCversionID
+      CHARACTER*80 gen_display_server_machine
+      INTEGER gen_display_RPCclientID
+      INTEGER gen_display_everything
+      INTEGER gen_display_event_info
+      INTEGER gen_display_device
+      INTEGER gen_display_wait_events
+      INTEGER gen_display_wait_seconds
+      CHARACTER*132 gen_display_interesting
+      COMMON /gen_display_info/ gen_display_server_RPCprgmID,
+     &                 gen_display_server_RPCversionID,
+     &                 gen_display_server_machine,
+     &                 gen_display_RPCclientID,
+     &                 gen_display_everything,gen_display_event_info,
+     &                 gen_display_device,gen_display_wait_events,
+     &                 gen_display_wait_seconds,gen_display_interesting
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      integer*4 ONE_EV,GRAPH_IO_DEV
+*      parameter (ONE_EV = -1)
+*      parameter (GRAPH_IO_DEV = 1)
+      common/one_ev_io/ ONE_EV,GRAPH_IO_DEV
+*     CERN lib stuff
+      integer NGBANK			! size of GCBANK common block
+      parameter (NGBANK = 1000000)
+      integer NHBOOK			! size of PAWC common block
+      parameter (NHBOOK = 1000000)
+      REAL GCworking(NGBANK)                 ! GCBANK memory
+      COMMON /GCBANK/ GCworking
+      REAL HBOOKworking(NGBANK)              ! PAWC memory
+      COMMON /PAWC/  HBOOKworking
+****************************end: gen_display_info.cmn ***********************
diff --git a/INCLUDE/gen_one_ev_info.dte b/INCLUDE/gen_one_ev_info.dte
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd221e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/gen_one_ev_info.dte
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+*     gen_one_ev_info.dte
+*     include file for One Event Display
+*-- Original Author : Kevin B. Beard, Hampton Univ.
+*-- Most recent Author : Derek van Westrum
+* $Log: gen_one_ev_info.dte,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1996/01/17 15:46:04  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+*- Misc. info. needed for remote display
+      DATA gen_display_RPCclientID/0/
+      DATA gen_display_server_RPCprgmID/0/
+      DATA gen_display_server_machine/' '/
+      DATA gen_display_everything/0/             !handle#
+      DATA gen_display_event_info/0/             !handle#
+      DATA gen_display_wait_events/1000/   !give up after this many events
+      DATA gen_display_wait_seconds/100./  !give up after this time
+      DATA gen_display_interesting/'1'/    !anything is interesting
diff --git a/INCLUDE/gen_output_info.cmn b/INCLUDE/gen_output_info.cmn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7f7b64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/gen_output_info.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+********************* begin: gen_output_info.cmn *****************************
+* $Log: gen_output_info.cmn,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/22 20:04:11  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      CHARACTER*132 G_OUTPUT_file_name       !file or device name
+      CHARACTER*80 G_OUTPUT_file_type        !ASCII, UNPACKED_CODA, ....
+      INTEGER G_OUTPUT_channel               !assigned by CODA, not user
+      LOGICAL G_OUTPUT_OK                    !successfully open OUTPUT
+      INTEGER G_OUTPUT_tty                   !tty channel for messages
+      COMMON /GEN_OUTPUT_INFO/ G_OUTPUT_file_name,G_OUTPUT_file_type,
+     &                     G_OUTPUT_channel,G_OUTPUT_OK,G_OUTPUT_tty
+*********************** end: gen_output_info.cmn *****************************
+*     Local Variables:
+*     mode: fortran
+*     End:
diff --git a/INCLUDE/gen_pawspace.cmn b/INCLUDE/gen_pawspace.cmn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..092e1d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/gen_pawspace.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+**************** begin: gen_pawspace.cmn **********************
+*     $Log: gen_pawspace.cmn,v $
+*     Revision  2009/01/16 18:48:01  cdaq
+*     *** empty log message ***
+*     Revision  2007/12/07 21:40:33  puckett
+*     doubled size of paw memory from 5000000 to 10000000. Hope this doesn't cause trouble
+*     Revision  2007/10/29 19:46:13  cdaq
+*     Increased size of HBOOK memory from 3000000 to 5000000
+*     Revision  2007/09/24 20:40:23  puckett
+*     Increased PAW memory to accomodate BigCal histograms for each channel
+*     Revision 1.2  1994/04/12 20:46:15  cdaq
+*     Increase size of common to 1000000
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/07  19:41:18  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+*-sizes of CERNLIB working space
+      INTEGER G_sizeHBOOK,G_sizeHIGZ,G_sizeKUIP,G_sizePAW
+      PARAMETER (G_sizeHBOOK= 150000000)
+      PARAMETER (G_sizeHIGZ=   100000)
+      PARAMETER (G_sizeKUIP=   120000)
+      PARAMETER (G_sizePAW=G_sizeHIGZ+G_sizeKUIP+
+     &                      G_sizeHBOOK+100000)
+*-CERNLIB working space
+        integer G_CERNmemory(G_sizePAW)
+	COMMON /PAWC/ G_CERNmemory	!special nonstandard name!
+**************** end: gen_pawspace.cmn **********************
+*     Local Variables:
+*     mode: fortran
+*     End:
diff --git a/INCLUDE/gen_routines.dec b/INCLUDE/gen_routines.dec
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b5c3408
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/gen_routines.dec
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+**************** begin: GEN_routines.DEC ***************************
+* $Log: gen_routines.dec,v $
+* Revision 1.9  2004/07/08 18:11:52  saw
+* Add routines for manipulating ROOT trees
+* Revision 1.8  1996/01/17 15:46:25  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add CTP group routines
+* Revision 1.7  1994/10/18 20:34:06  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add several new CTP routines (RPC stuff)
+* Revision 1.6  1994/07/21  19:49:27  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add thgethit and thgethitb
+* Revision 1.5  1994/06/22  21:03:51  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add CTP report routines
+* Revision 1.4  1994/06/14  02:45:53  cdaq
+* (DFG) Correct some typos
+* Revision 1.3  1994/02/22  18:41:25  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add more CTP routines
+* Revision 1.2  1994/02/22  18:27:44  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add more CTP routines, declare each function external
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/22  18:18:24  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+*-commonly used functions....
+      INTEGER G_important_length
+      EXTERNAL G_important_length
+      INTEGER G_shift_len
+      EXTERNAL G_shift_len
+*-CTP package
+      INTEGER regparmint
+      EXTERNAL regparmint
+      INTEGER regparmreal
+      EXTERNAL regparmreal
+      INTEGER regparmdouble
+      EXTERNAL regparmdouble
+      INTEGER regparmintarray
+      EXTERNAL regparmintarray
+      INTEGER regparmrealarray
+      EXTERNAL regparmrealarray
+      INTEGER regparmdoublearray
+      EXTERNAL regparmdoublearray
+      INTEGER regtestint
+      EXTERNAL regtestint
+      INTEGER regtestreal
+      EXTERNAL regtestreal
+      INTEGER regtestdouble
+      EXTERNAL regtestdouble
+      INTEGER regtestintarray
+      EXTERNAL regtestintarray
+      INTEGER regtestrealarray
+      EXTERNAL regtestrealarray
+      INTEGER regtestdoublearray
+      EXTERNAL regtestdoublearray
+      INTEGER regeventint
+      EXTERNAL regeventint
+      INTEGER regeventreal
+      EXTERNAL regeventreal
+      INTEGER regeventdouble
+      EXTERNAL regeventdouble
+      INTEGER regeventintarray
+      EXTERNAL regeventintarray
+      INTEGER regeventrealarray
+      EXTERNAL regeventrealarray
+      INTEGER regeventdoublearray
+      EXTERNAL regeventdoublearray
+      INTEGER regparmstring
+      EXTERNAL regparmstring
+      INTEGER thload
+      EXTERNAL thload
+      INTEGER thbook
+      EXTERNAL thbook
+      INTEGER thwhalias
+      EXTERNAL thwhalias
+      INTEGER thtstexe, thtstexeb, thtstexeg
+      EXTERNAL thtstexe, thtstexeb, thtstexeg
+      INTEGER thhstexe, thhstexeb, thhstexeg
+      EXTERNAL thhstexe, thhstexeb, thhstexeg
+      INTEGER thtstins
+      EXTERNAL thtstins
+      INTEGER thtstinsb
+      EXTERNAL thtstinsb
+      INTEGER thtstcls
+      EXTERNAL thtstcls
+      INTEGER thtstclsb
+      EXTERNAL thtstclsb
+      INTEGER threp, threpa
+      EXTERNAL threp, threpa
+      INTEGER thgethit, thgethitb, thgethitg
+      EXTERNAL thgethit, thgethitb, thgethitg
+      INTEGER thtreeexeg, thtreecloseg, thtreewriteg
+      EXTERNAL thtreeexeg, thtreecloseg, thtreewriteg
+      integer  clnt_create
+      external clnt_create
+      integer  thcrlist, thaddlist, thgetlist, thcgetlist, thremlist
+      external  thcrlist, thaddlist, thgetlist, thcgetlist, thremlist
+      integer  itheval,thevalchk
+      external itheval,thevalchk
+      integer thservone,thcallback
+      external thservone,thcallback
+      real*4 ftheval
+      external ftheval
+      real*8 dtheval
+      external dtheval
+****************** end: GEN_routines.DEC ***************************
+*     Local Variables:
+*     mode: fortran
+*     fortran-continuation-string: "&"
+*     End:
diff --git a/INCLUDE/gen_run_info.cmn b/INCLUDE/gen_run_info.cmn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..438b36a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/gen_run_info.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+**************************begin: gen_run_info.cmn ***********************
+*-   Created   22-Apr-1994   Kevin B. Beard, Hampton Univ.
+* $Log: gen_run_info.cmn,v $
+* Revision  2007/11/02 22:36:53  cdaq
+* Added additional prescale factors
+* Revision  2007/10/23 13:27:44  cdaq
+* Added "gtrig7" and "gtrig8" equivalences for gen_run_enable
+* Revision  2007/09/12 19:29:42  puckett
+* fixed incorrect usage of array index of gen_run_enable(type)
+* Revision  2007/06/20 18:38:23  puckett
+* Added BigCal Monte Carlo analysis capability
+* Revision  2007/06/04 15:11:23  puckett
+* changed hit array structure for trigger-related signals
+* Revision 1.7  1996/09/04 15:46:13  saw
+* (JRA) Add prescale factors and some a debugging  flag
+* Revision 1.6  1996/01/17 15:57:28  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add some short equivalences for CTP convenience
+* Revision 1.5  1995/03/13 19:01:03  cdaq
+* (SAW) Change gen_run_enable from logical to integer
+* Revision 1.4  1995/01/31  15:52:04  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add gen_run_hist_dump_interval for in run hist dumping
+* Revision 1.3  1994/10/20  14:19:12  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add accumulators for analyzed event counts ("May process")
+* Revision 1.2  1994/08/03  20:11:50  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add "CTPTYPE=parm" directive for auto generation of CTP reg calls
+* Revision 1.1  1994/05/27  15:12:47  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+*- Misc. info. about a run
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      INTEGER gen_run_number,gen_run_type
+      INTEGER gen_run_total_events             !reported by CODA
+      INTEGER gen_run_UTC_start,gen_run_UTC_stop,gen_run_UTC_last
+      CHARACTER*80 gen_run_date_start,gen_run_date_stop
+      CHARACTER*80 gen_run_date_last
+      CHARACTER*800 gen_run_comment
+      COMMON /gen_run_info/ gen_run_number,gen_run_type,
+     &     gen_run_total_events,gen_run_UTC_start,gen_run_UTC_stop,
+     &     gen_run_UTC_last,gen_run_date_start,gen_run_date_stop,
+     &     gen_run_date_last,gen_run_comment
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      INTEGER gen_MAX_trigger_types
+      PARAMETER (gen_MAX_trigger_types= 15)
+      INTEGER gen_run_enable(0:gen_MAX_trigger_types)    !1=process, 0=ignore
+      INTEGER gen_run_triggered(0:gen_MAX_trigger_types) !triggers found
+      INTEGER gen_run_analyzed(0:gen_MAX_trigger_types)  ! NOT USED ANYWHERE
+      INTEGER gen_run_hist_dump_interval
+      INTEGER gen_run_starting_event,gen_run_stopping_event
+      INTEGER gen_analyze_beamline      !1=enable beamline, 0=disable
+      integer gen_bigcal_mc             !0=disable, 1=dat, 2=ntup, 3=dat with proton
+      COMMON /gen_run_cntrl/ gen_run_starting_event,
+     &     gen_run_stopping_event,
+     &     gen_run_enable,
+     &     gen_run_triggered,
+     &     gen_run_analyzed,
+     &     gen_run_hist_dump_interval,
+     $     gen_analyze_beamline,
+     $     gen_bigcal_mc
+*-shorter names for command line input
+      integer grun,gstart,gstop,gdump,gtrig1,gtrig2,gtrig3,gtrig4 ! aliases
+      integer gtrig5,gtrig6,gtrig7,gtrig8,gbeam,gmc
+      equivalence (grun,gen_run_number)
+      equivalence (gstart,gen_run_starting_event)
+      equivalence (gstop,gen_run_stopping_event)
+      equivalence (gdump,gen_run_hist_dump_interval)
+      equivalence (gtrig1,gen_run_enable(0))
+      equivalence (gtrig2,gen_run_enable(1))
+      equivalence (gtrig3,gen_run_enable(2))
+      equivalence (gtrig4,gen_run_enable(3))
+      equivalence (gtrig5,gen_run_enable(4))
+      equivalence (gtrig6,gen_run_enable(5))
+      equivalence (gtrig7,gen_run_enable(6))
+      equivalence (gtrig8,gen_run_enable(7))
+      equivalence (gbeam,gen_analyze_beamline)
+      equivalence (gmc,gen_bigcal_mc)
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      real*4 gps1,gps2,gps3,gps4,gps5,gps6,gps7  !prescale factors (1-S1S0x1,2-s1s0x2,3-bigcal,4-coin1,5-coin2,6-BC cosmics,7-LED)
+      common/gen_prescales/ gps1,gps2,gps3,gps4,gps5,gps6,gps7
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      integer gdebugdumpepics
+      common/gen_debuggingstuff/ gdebugdumpepics
+****************************end: gen_run_info.cmn ***********************
diff --git a/INCLUDE/gen_run_info.dte b/INCLUDE/gen_run_info.dte
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..053e4a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/gen_run_info.dte
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+**************************begin: gen_run_info.dte ***********************
+*-   Created   24-May-1994   Kevin B. Beard, Hampton Univ.
+* $Log: gen_run_info.dte,v $
+* Revision 1.3  1995/07/28 15:15:48  cdaq
+* (SAW) Change .TRUE. to 1 for f2c compatibility
+* Revision 1.2  1995/01/31  15:52:22  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add gen_run_hist_dump_interval for in run hist dumping
+* Revision 1.1  1994/06/04  04:49:24  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+*- Misc. info. about a run
+      data gen_run_number,gen_run_type/2*0/
+      data gen_run_total_events/0/
+      data gen_run_UTC_start,gen_run_UTC_stop,gen_run_UTC_last/3*0/
+      data gen_run_date_start,gen_run_date_stop/2*' '/
+      data gen_run_date_last/' '/
+      data gen_run_comment/' '/
+      data gen_run_enable/1,gen_MAX_trigger_types*1/
+      data gen_run_triggered/0,gen_MAX_trigger_types*0/
+      data gen_run_starting_event,gen_run_stopping_event/2*0/
+      data gen_run_hist_dump_interval/0/ ! No in-run dumping by default
+****************************end: gen_run_info.dte ***********************
diff --git a/INCLUDE/gen_run_pref.cmn b/INCLUDE/gen_run_pref.cmn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7159f50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/gen_run_pref.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+**************************begin: gen_run_pref.cmn ***********************
+*-   Created   24-May-1994   Kevin B. Beard, Hampton Univ.
+*-   Modified  3-Jun-1994  KBB
+* $Log: gen_run_pref.cmn,v $
+* Revision 1.4  1994/10/18 20:34:47  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add rpc control variables, comment out unused variables
+* Revision 1.3  1994/08/03  20:12:37  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add "CTPTYPE=parm" directive for auto generation of CTP reg calls
+* Revision 1.2  1994/06/04  05:14:41  cdaq
+* Fix typo
+*Revision 1.1  1994/06/04  04:53:28  cdaq
+*Initial revision
+*- Misc. display controls 
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+*      LOGICAL gen_show_progress
+*      INTEGER gen_show_interval
+*      COMMON /gen_run_show/ gen_show_progress,gen_show_interval
+*- Misc. preferences 
+*      LOGICAL gen_pref_muddleON
+*      COMMON /gen_run_pref/ gen_pref_muddleON
+*     Flags for RPC control
+      integer rpc_on                    ! Make engine listen to RPC
+      integer rpc_control               ! 0 block on rpc, >0 count down, <0 no block
+      common /gen_rpc_flags/ rpc_on, rpc_control
+****************************end: gen_run_pref.cmn ***********************
diff --git a/INCLUDE/gen_run_pref.dte b/INCLUDE/gen_run_pref.dte
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..50eb7ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/gen_run_pref.dte
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+**************************begin: gen_run_pref.cmn ***********************
+*-   Created   24-May-1994   Kevin B. Beard, Hampton Univ.
+*-   Modified  3-Jun-1994  KBB
+* $Log: gen_run_pref.dte,v $
+* Revision 1.2  1994/10/18 20:28:01  cdaq
+* (SAW) Comment out everything as it's not used
+* Revision 1.1  1994/06/04  04:54:14  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+*      data gen_show_progress/.FALSE./
+*      data gen_show_interval/1/
+*- Misc. preferences
+*      data gen_pref_muddleON/.TRUE./
+****************************end: gen_run_pref.cmn ***********************
diff --git a/INCLUDE/gen_scalers.cmn b/INCLUDE/gen_scalers.cmn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5aa550a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/gen_scalers.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+******************* begin: gen_filenames.cmn ***********************
+*     Common block to hold the raw scaler information and
+*     quantities calculated from the scaler events (time, current, etc...)
+* $Log: gen_scalers.cmn,v $
+* Revision  2009/11/04 15:09:42  jones
+* Add vairable g_run_time_beam_on
+* Revision  2009/09/29 14:02:17  jones
+* Add variables for charge asymmetry calcualtion
+* Revision  2009/03/31 19:32:59  cdaq
+* *** empty log message ***
+* Revision  2007/11/09 17:16:33  cdaq
+*  increased gscaler array to 1000
+* Revision 1.13  2004/05/11 18:23:26  jones
+* Add logical variable skip_events to BEAMCURRENT common block
+* Revision 1.12  2003/09/05 20:29:03  jones
+* Merge in online03 changes (mkj)
+* Revision  2003/09/05 14:12:17  jones
+* Updates for using syncfilter (mkj)
+* Revision  2003/08/14 00:44:13  cdaq
+* Modify to be able to write scaler rates for each read to a file (mkj)
+* Revision 1.11  1999/02/23 19:07:06  csa
+* (JRA) Add WEIRD_CLEARS common
+* Revision 1.10  1999/02/10 17:40:52  csa
+* Added beam-on variables (D. McKee)
+* Revision 1.9  1996/09/04 15:46:56  saw
+* (JRA) Add g_scaler_event_num
+* Revision 1.8  1996/04/30 14:05:12  saw
+* (JRA) Add some bcm stuff
+* Revision 1.7  1996/01/17 15:47:29  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add current monitor variables, time variable, and delta_scalers
+* Revision 1.6  1995/09/01 13:02:09  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add time into run variable
+* Revision 1.5  1995/05/11  15:13:43  cdaq
+* (SAW) Change scalers and evscalers to be real*8
+* Revision 1.4  1995/04/06  20:16:52  cdaq
+* (SAW) Make scalers real
+* Revision 1.3  1994/12/18  04:04:53  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add array and common for event by event scalers
+* Revision 1.2  1994/08/03  20:13:12  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add "CTPTYPE=parm" directive for auto generation of CTP reg calls
+* Revision 1.1  1994/06/21  16:36:57  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      integer*4 MAX_NUM_SCALERS
+      parameter (MAX_NUM_SCALERS=1000)
+      integer*4 MAX_NUM_EVSCALERS
+      parameter (MAX_NUM_EVSCALERS=16)
+      integer*4 MAX_WRITEOUT_SCALERS
+      parameter (MAX_WRITEOUT_SCALERS=10)
+      integer*4 INDEX_WRITEOUT_SCALERS(10)
+      integer*4 NUM_WRITEOUT_SCALERS
+      integer*4 gclock_index      !index of hardware scaler clock.
+      real*8 gclock_rate          ! rate of hardware scaler clock.
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+      integer gscaler_nroll(MAX_NUM_SCALERS)
+      real*8 gscaler(MAX_NUM_SCALERS)         ! Current scaler values
+      real*8 gscaler_old(MAX_NUM_SCALERS)     ! Scaler values at last event
+      real*8 gscaler_change(MAX_NUM_SCALERS)  ! prev_scalers - scalers
+      real*8 gscaler_skipped(MAX_NUM_SCALERS)  ! prev_scalers - scalers
+      real*8 gscaler_saved(MAX_NUM_SCALERS)  ! prev_scalers - scalers
+      real*8 g_run_time,g_run_time_beam_on                       !time of run at most recent scaler event
+      real*8 g_beam_on_run_time(2)               ! accumulated time of run for which
+      real*8 g_beam_on_run_time_help(2)               ! accumulated time of run for which
+      real*8 g_beam_on_run_time_helm(2)               ! accumulated time of run for which
+                                              ! beam current exceeded beam_on_thresh_cur.
+      real*8 ave_current_bcm(3)
+      real*8 ave_current_bcm_help(2)
+      real*8 ave_current_bcm_helm(2)
+      integer g_replay_time                   !time since start of run (from cpu clock) 
+      logical syncfilter_on
+      integer insync 
+      common /SCALERS/ gscaler, gscaler_old, gscaler_change,
+     $     ave_current_bcm,ave_current_bcm_help,ave_current_bcm_helm,gscaler_skipped,gscaler_saved,
+     $     gclock_rate, g_run_time,g_run_time_beam_on, gclock_index, g_replay_time,
+     $     gscaler_nroll, g_beam_on_run_time, g_beam_on_run_time_help, g_beam_on_run_time_helm,syncfilter_on,insync 
+cc InSANE SCALERS ccccccc
+c For now I will only grab the scaler value and the change
+c since HBOOK can only handle common blocks with <1000 columns
+      real*8 runtime,runtimebeam,beamonruntime(2)
+      real*8 beamonruntimehelp(2),beamonruntimehelm(2)
+      real*8 cerscaler(12),cerscaler_change(12),cerscaler_skipped(12)
+      real*8 cerscaler_old(12),cerscaler_saved(12)
+      integer cerscalernroll(12)
+      real*8 tkscaler(32),tkscaler_change(32),tkscaler_skipped(32)
+      real*8 tkscaler_old(32),tkscaler_saved(32)
+      integer tkscalernroll(32)
+      integer nbcscalers
+      real*8 bcscaler(272),bcscaler_change(272),bcscaler_skipped(272)
+      real*8 bcscaler_old(272),bcscaler_saved(272)
+      integer bcscalernroll(272)
+      real*8 lucscaler(12),lucscaler_change(12),lucscaler_skipped(12)
+      real*8 lucscaler_old(12),lucscaler_saved(12)
+      integer lucscalernroll(12)
+      common /SCALERS1/ nbcscalers,runtime, runtimebeam, beamonruntime,
+     $       beamonruntimehelp,
+     $       beamonruntimehelm
+     $       ,cerscaler,cerscaler_change
+c     $       cerscalernroll,cerscaler_old
+c     $       ,cerscaler_saved
+     $       ,tkscaler,tkscaler_change
+c     $       tkscalernroll,tkscaler_old
+     $       ,bcscaler,bcscaler_change
+c     $       bcscalernroll,bcscaler_old,bcscaler_saved
+     $       ,lucscaler,lucscaler_change
+c     $       lucscalernroll,lucscaler_old,lucscaler_saved
+cc InSANE SCALERS ccccccc
+c For Gen it is noticed that some scaler channels are randomly clearing
+c themselves.  The following is to
+      real*8 gscalweird_lostcounts(MAX_NUM_SCALERS)
+      integer*4 gscalweird_nclears(MAX_NUM_SCALERS)
+      integer*4 gscalweird_lastval(MAX_NUM_SCALERS)
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      integer*4 gscalweirdcorrect_flag
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+      common /WEIRD_CLEARS/ gscalweird_lostcounts,
+     $     gscalweird_nclears,gscalweird_lastval,gscalweirdcorrect_flag
+      integer*4 gscal_lastevnum(2)      ! check for missing/out of order of scaler events
+      integer*4 gscal_evnum_roll(2)
+      real*8 evscalers(MAX_NUM_EVSCALERS)
+      common /EVSCALERS/ evscalers, gscal_lastevnum, gscal_evnum_roll
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      integer*4 gbcm1_index
+      integer*4 gbcm2_index
+      integer*4 gbcm3_index
+      integer*4 gunser_index
+      integer*4 bcm_for_threshold_cut
+      real*8 gbcm1_gain
+      real*8 gbcm2_gain
+      real*8 gbcm3_gain
+      real*8 gunser_gain
+      real*8 gbcm1_offset
+      real*8 gbcm2_offset
+      real*8 gbcm3_offset
+      real*8 gunser_offset
+      real*8 g_beam_on_thresh_cur(2)     ! threshold for beam to be on.
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+      real*8 gbcm1_charge,gbcm1_charge_help,gbcm1_charge_helm
+      real*8 gbcm2_charge,gbcm2_charge_help,gbcm2_charge_helm
+      real*8 gbcm3_charge
+      real*8 gunser_charge
+      real*8 g_beam_on_bcm_charge(2)   ! "beam on" accumulated charge
+      real*8 g_beam_on_bcm_charge_help(2)   ! "beam on" accumulated charge
+      real*8 g_beam_on_bcm_charge_helm(2)   ! "beam on" accumulated charge
+      integer*4 gscaler_event_num
+      logical skip_events
+      common/BEAMCURRENT/
+     &    gbcm1_gain, gbcm2_gain, gbcm3_gain, gunser_gain,
+     &    gbcm1_offset, gbcm2_offset, gbcm3_offset, gunser_offset,
+     &    gbcm1_charge, gbcm2_charge, gbcm3_charge, gunser_charge,
+     &    gbcm1_charge_help,gbcm1_charge_helm,gbcm2_charge_help,gbcm2_charge_helm,
+     &    g_beam_on_bcm_charge,g_beam_on_bcm_charge_help,g_beam_on_bcm_charge_helm, g_beam_on_thresh_cur,
+     &    gbcm1_index, gbcm2_index, gbcm3_index, gunser_index,bcm_for_threshold_cut,
+     &    gscaler_event_num,skip_events
+      common/ WRITESCALERS/
+      integer*4 g_hel_pos 
+      integer*4 g_hel_neg 
+      common/HelScaler/g_hel_pos,g_hel_neg
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/INCLUDE/gen_units.par b/INCLUDE/gen_units.par
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a5cfc9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/gen_units.par
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+********************** begin: GEN_UNITS.PAR *******************************
+*		short unit names
+*     $Log: gen_units.par,v $
+*     Revision 1.1  1994/02/07 20:14:29  cdaq
+*     Initial revision
+*-time units
+      real nS,uS,mS,Sec,pS
+      parameter (nS= nanoSec)                   !nS std. hallC time unit
+      parameter (uS= microSec)                  !uS
+      parameter (mS= milliSec)                  !mS
+      parameter (Sec= Second)                   !second
+      parameter (pS= picoSec)                   !pS
+*-distance units
+      real cm,mm,um,in,ft
+      parameter (cm= centimeter)                !cm standard hallC distance unit
+      parameter (mm= millimeter)                !mm
+      parameter (um= micron)                    !um
+      parameter (in= inch)                      !US in.
+      parameter (ft= foot)                      !US ft.
+*-angle units
+      real rad,deg
+      parameter (rad= radian)                   !standard hallC angle unit
+      parameter (deg= degree)                   !radians/degree
+*-magnetic field units
+      real Kg
+      parameter (Kg= Kgauss)
+************************ end: GEN_UNITS.PAR ********************************
+*     Local Variables:
+*     mode: fortran
+*     End:
diff --git a/INCLUDE/gep_data_structures.cmn b/INCLUDE/gep_data_structures.cmn
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..84c8887
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/gep_data_structures.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+c     resolution parameters for picking best bigcal track using hms info!
+      real*4 GEP_sigma_xdiff
+      real*4 GEP_sigma_ydiff
+      real*4 GEP_sigma_thdiff ! difference in polar scat. angle for e- (radian)
+      real*4 GEP_sigma_phdiff ! difference in azimuthal scar. angle for e- (radian)
+      real*4 GEP_sigma_Ediff 
+      real*4 GEP_sigma_tdiff
+      common/GEP_res/
+     $     GEP_sigma_xdiff,
+     $     GEP_sigma_ydiff,
+     $     GEP_sigma_thdiff,
+     $     GEP_sigma_phdiff,
+     $     GEP_sigma_Ediff,
+     $     GEP_sigma_tdiff
+c     event selection cuts for BigCal calibration:
+      real*4 gep_bcalib_cut_ctime
+      real*4 gep_bcalib_cut_dx
+      real*4 gep_bcalib_cut_dy
+      real*4 gep_bcalib_cut_theta
+      real*4 gep_bcalib_cut_phi
+      real*4 gep_bcalib_cut_elastic ! cut on (hpel(hstheta)-hsp)/hpel(hstheta))
+      real*4 gep_bcalib_cut_ehms(2) ! 1 = min, 2 = max
+      common/gep_bcalib/
+     $     gep_bcalib_cut_ctime,
+     $     gep_bcalib_cut_dx,
+     $     gep_bcalib_cut_dy,
+     $     gep_bcalib_cut_theta,
+     $     gep_bcalib_cut_phi,
+     $     gep_bcalib_cut_elastic,
+     $     gep_bcalib_cut_ehms
+c     coincidence timing window parameters (weed out background hits)
+      real*4 gep_h1time_center
+      real*4 gep_h2time_center
+      real*4 gep_h1time_slop
+      real*4 gep_h2time_slop
+      real*4 gep_btime_center
+      real*4 gep_btime_elastic
+      real*4 gep_btime_slop
+      real*4 gep_htrig_delay ! typically 16 ns
+      common/gep_coin_time_window/
+     $     gep_h1time_center,
+     $     gep_h2time_center,
+     $     gep_h1time_slop,
+     $     gep_h2time_slop,
+     $     gep_btime_center,
+     $     gep_btime_elastic,
+     $     gep_btime_slop,
+     $     gep_htrig_delay
+      real*4 btrig_phc_p0
+      real*4 btrig_phc_p1
+      real*4 btrig_phc_p2
+      real*4 btrig_phc_p3
+      real*4 btrig_phc_minph
+      real*4 btrig_phc_maxph
+      common/btrig_walk_corr/
+     $     btrig_phc_p0,
+     $     btrig_phc_p1,
+     $     btrig_phc_p2,
+     $     btrig_phc_p3,
+     $     btrig_phc_minph,
+     $     btrig_phc_maxph
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+      integer*4 ntrigH1,ntrigH2,ntrigB
+      real*4 GEP_ctime_hms ! HMS coincidence time
+      real*4 GEP_ctime_cal ! BigCal coincidence time
+      real*4 GEP_H1time(8) ! HMS trigger1 hits (up to 8/event)
+      real*4 GEP_H2time(8) ! HMS trigger2 hits (up to 8/event)
+      real*4 GEP_Btime(8) ! HMS BigCal trigger hits (up to 8/event)
+      real*4 gep_btime_raw ! BigCal trigger chosen time
+      real*4 gep_btime_corr
+      real*4 GEP_Q2 ! 4 momentum transfer squared: BigCal angle, HMS momentum
+      real*4 GEP_Q2_H ! Q2 from HMS only
+      real*4 GEP_Q2_B ! Q2 from BigCal & HMS vertex, but no HMS momentum
+      real*4 GEP_E_electron ! scattered electron energy in GeV
+      real*4 GEP_P_proton ! scattered proton momentum in GeV
+      real*4 GEP_Pel_htheta ! proton momentum from spect. theta. assume elastic
+      real*4 GEP_Pel_btheta ! proton momentum from BigCal angle assume elastic (and correct angle for HMS vertex)
+      real*4 GEP_delta_p ! proton p - p0 in %, where p0 is HMS central mom.
+      real*4 GEP_xfp_p ! proton x at focal plane
+      real*4 GEP_yfp_p ! proton y at focal plane
+      real*4 GEP_xpfp_p ! proton dx/dz at focal plane
+      real*4 GEP_ypfp_p ! proton dy/dz at focal plane
+      real*4 GEP_xptar_p ! proton dx/dz at target
+      real*4 GEP_yptar_p ! proton dy/dz at target
+      real*4 GEP_ytar_p ! proton ytar
+      real*4 GEP_epsilon ! virtual photon long. polarization, usual definition
+      real*4 GEP_etheta_deg ! electron scattering angle in degrees
+      real*4 GEP_ptheta_deg ! proton scattering angle in degrees
+      real*4 GEP_ephi_deg ! electron azimuthal scattering angle in degrees
+      real*4 GEP_pphi_deg ! proton azimuthal scattering angle in degrees
+      real*4 GEP_Emiss ! missing energy in GeV
+      real*4 GEP_Pmissx ! x cpt. of missing momentum
+      real*4 GEP_Pmissy ! y cpt. of missing momentum
+      real*4 GEP_Pmissz ! z cpt. of missing momentum
+      real*4 GEP_Pmiss ! magnitude of missing momentum in GeV
+      real*4 GEP_W2 ! invariant mass of detected particles: should equal Mp^2
+      real*4 GEP_Mmiss ! missing mass = sqrt(W^2 - Mp^2)
+c     For GEp, all our "missing" quantities should be zero, because W^2 = M^2,
+c     and the e- and p carry all of the energy and momentum in the reaction.
+c     by defining both polar and azimuthal scattering angles theta and phi, we
+c     can define the unit vector in the q-direction, which defines the coord. 
+c     system for the polarization measurement. 
+c trigger times (up to 10 per trigger type) from F1
+c TDCs in electronics bunker in Hall
+      real*4 gep_trigtimes(8,10)
+      integer gep_ntrigs(8)
+      common/GEPBLOCK/
+     $     ntrigH1,
+     $     ntrigH2,
+     $     ntrigB,
+     $     GEP_ctime_hms,
+     $     GEP_ctime_cal,
+     $     GEP_H1time,
+     $     GEP_H2time,
+     $     GEP_Btime,
+     $     gep_btime_raw,
+     $     GEP_btime_corr,
+     $     GEP_Q2,
+     $     GEP_Q2_H,
+     $     GEP_Q2_B,
+     $     GEP_E_electron,
+     $     GEP_P_proton,
+     $     GEP_Pel_htheta,
+     $     GEP_Pel_btheta,
+     $     GEP_delta_p,
+     $     GEP_xptar_p,
+     $     GEP_yptar_p,
+     $     GEP_ytar_p,
+     $     GEP_epsilon,
+     $     GEP_etheta_deg,
+     $     GEP_ptheta_deg,
+     $     GEP_ephi_deg,
+     $     GEP_pphi_deg,
+     $     GEP_Emiss,
+     $     GEP_Pmissx,
+     $     GEP_Pmissy,
+     $     GEP_Pmissz,
+     $     GEP_Pmiss,
+     $     GEP_W2,
+     $     GEP_Mmiss,
+     $     GEP_xfp_p,
+     $     GEP_yfp_p,
+     $     GEP_xpfp_p,
+     $     GEP_ypfp_p,
+     >     gep_trigtimes,
+     >     gep_ntrigs
+c     expected hit positions in the calorimeter from the HMS:
+      real*4 GEP_etheta_expect_H ! in radians
+      real*4 GEP_ephi_expect_H ! in radians
+      real*4 GEP_bx_expect_H 
+      real*4 GEP_by_expect_H
+      real*4 xdiff_shift,ydiff_shift,EprimeMeV
+      real*4 xcal_hexpect_B0,ycal_hexpect_B0	
+      common/gep_bcoord_expect/
+     $     GEP_etheta_expect_H,
+     $     GEP_ephi_expect_H,
+     $     GEP_bx_expect_H,
+     $     GEP_by_expect_H,
+     $     xdiff_shift,ydiff_shift,EprimeMeV,
+     $     xcal_hexpect_B0,ycal_hexpect_B0
diff --git a/INCLUDE/gep_filenames.cmn b/INCLUDE/gep_filenames.cmn
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..dcb20db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/gep_filenames.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      character*80 gep_report_template_filename
+      character*80 gep_report_blockname
+      character*80 gep_report_output_filename
+      character*80 gep_tree_filename
+      common/gep_filenames/
+     $     gep_report_template_filename,
+     $     gep_report_blockname,
+     $     gep_report_output_filename,
+     $     gep_tree_filename
diff --git a/INCLUDE/gep_hist_id.cmn b/INCLUDE/gep_hist_id.cmn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..741365c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/gep_hist_id.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      integer*4 gepid_gep_trigtype
+      integer*4 gepid_gep_evtype
+      integer*4 gepid_gep_trigtype_vs_evtype
+      integer*4 gepid_gep_ntrigs
+      integer*4 gepid_gep_HMS1_rawtdc
+      integer*4 gepid_gep_HMS2_rawtdc
+      integer*4 gepid_gep_bigcal_rawtdc
+      integer*4 gepid_gep_coin1_times
+      integer*4 gepid_gep_coin2_times
+      integer*4 gepid_gep_ntrig_h1
+      integer*4 gepid_gep_ntrig_h2
+      integer*4 gepid_gep_ntrig_bigcal
+      integer*4 gepid_hgep_delta(2)
+      integer*4 gepid_hgep_q2_hms(2)
+      integer*4 gepid_hgep_q2_cal(2)
+      integer*4 gepid_hgep_q2(2)
+      integer*4 gepid_hgep_ecal(2)
+      integer*4 gepid_hgep_pp(2)
+      integer*4 gepid_hgep_epsilon(2)
+      integer*4 gepid_hgep_etheta(2)
+      integer*4 gepid_hgep_ephi(2)
+      integer*4 gepid_hgep_ptheta(2)
+      integer*4 gepid_hgep_pphi(2)
+      integer*4 gepid_hgep_emiss(2)
+      integer*4 gepid_hgep_pmissx(2)
+      integer*4 gepid_hgep_pmissy(2)
+      integer*4 gepid_hgep_pmissz(2)
+      integer*4 gepid_hgep_xdiff(2)
+      integer*4 gepid_hgep_ydiff(2)
+      integer*4 gepid_hgep_xydiff(2)
+      integer*4 gepid_hgep_ediff(2)
+      integer*4 gepid_hgep_dpel(2)
+      integer*4 gepid_slowrastx
+      integer*4 gepid_slowrasty
+      integer*4 gepid_slowrastxy
+      integer*4 gepid_slowrastxy2
+      common/gep_hist_id/
+     $     gepid_gep_trigtype,
+     $     gepid_gep_evtype,
+     $     gepid_gep_trigtype_vs_evtype,
+     $     gepid_gep_ntrigs,
+     $     gepid_gep_HMS1_rawtdc,
+     $     gepid_gep_HMS2_rawtdc,
+     $     gepid_gep_bigcal_rawtdc,
+     $     gepid_gep_coin1_times,
+     $     gepid_gep_coin2_times,
+     $     gepid_gep_ntrig_h1,
+     $     gepid_gep_ntrig_h2,
+     $     gepid_gep_ntrig_bigcal,
+     $     gepid_hgep_delta,
+     $     gepid_hgep_q2_hms,
+     $     gepid_hgep_q2_cal,
+     $     gepid_hgep_q2,
+     $     gepid_hgep_ecal,
+     $     gepid_hgep_pp,
+     $     gepid_hgep_epsilon,
+     $     gepid_hgep_etheta,
+     $     gepid_hgep_ephi,
+     $     gepid_hgep_ptheta,
+     $     gepid_hgep_pphi,
+     $     gepid_hgep_emiss,
+     $     gepid_hgep_pmissx,
+     $     gepid_hgep_pmissy,
+     $     gepid_hgep_pmissz,
+     $     gepid_hgep_xdiff,
+     $     gepid_hgep_ydiff,
+     $     gepid_hgep_xydiff,
+     $     gepid_hgep_ediff,
+     $     gepid_hgep_dpel,
+     >     gepid_slowrastx,
+     >     gepid_slowrasty,
+     >     gepid_slowrastxy,
+     >     gepid_slowrastxy2
diff --git a/INCLUDE/gep_ntuple.cmn b/INCLUDE/gep_ntuple.cmn
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2c7e4bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/gep_ntuple.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+      integer gep_max_ntuple_size
+      parameter (gep_max_ntuple_size=100)
+      integer default_gep_ntuple_ID
+      parameter (default_gep_ntuple_ID=9510)
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      logical gep_ntuple_exists
+      integer gep_ntuple_ID
+      integer gep_ntuple_size
+      integer gep_ntuple_IO_channel
+      character*80 gep_ntuple_name
+      character*80 gep_ntuple_title
+      character*132 gep_ntuple_directory
+      character*256 gep_ntuple_file
+      character*8 gep_ntuple_tag(gep_max_ntuple_size)
+      integer gep_ntuple_max_segmentevents
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+      integer gep_ntuple_segmentevents
+      integer gep_ntuple_filesegments
+      real gep_ntuple_contents(gep_max_ntuple_size)
+      common/gep_ntuple/
+     $     gep_ntuple_exists,
+     $     gep_ntuple_ID,
+     $     gep_ntuple_size,
+     $     gep_ntuple_IO_channel,
+     $     gep_ntuple_name,
+     $     gep_ntuple_title,
+     $     gep_ntuple_directory,
+     $     gep_ntuple_file,
+     $     gep_ntuple_tag,
+     $     gep_ntuple_max_segmentevents,
+     $     gep_ntuple_segmentevents,
+     $     gep_ntuple_filesegments,
+     $     gep_ntuple_contents
diff --git a/INCLUDE/gep_ntuple.dte b/INCLUDE/gep_ntuple.dte
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d422ce1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/gep_ntuple.dte
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+c     leave clean field for gep ntuple:
+      data gep_ntuple_exists/.false./
+      data gep_ntuple_ID/0/
+      data gep_ntuple_file/' '/
+      data gep_ntuple_name/' '/
+      data gep_ntuple_title/' '/
+      data gep_ntuple_directory/' '/
+      data gep_ntuple_IO_channel/0/
+      data gep_ntuple_size/0/
+      data gep_ntuple_tag/gep_max_ntuple_size*' '/
+      data gep_ntuple_contents/gep_max_ntuple_size*0/
diff --git a/INCLUDE/h_fpp_ntuple.cmn b/INCLUDE/h_fpp_ntuple.cmn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..18d348c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/h_fpp_ntuple.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+**************************begin: h_fpp_nt.cmn ***********************
+      integer HMAX_FPPntuple_size
+      parameter (HMAX_FPPntuple_size= 100)
+      integer default_h_fpp_nt_ID
+      parameter (default_h_fpp_nt_ID= 9013)
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      logical h_fpp_nt_exists
+      integer h_fpp_nt_ID
+      integer h_fpp_nt_IOchannel
+      character*80 h_fpp_nt_name
+      character*80 h_fpp_nt_title
+      character*132 h_fpp_nt_directory
+      character*256 h_fpp_nt_file
+      character*8 h_fpp_nt_tag(HMAX_FPPntuple_size)
+      integer HFPP_nt_max_segmentevents
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+      integer h_fpp_nt_segmentevents
+      integer h_fpp_nt_filesegments
+      real h_fpp_nt_contents(HMAX_FPPntuple_size)
+      COMMON /HMS_FPP_Ntuple/ h_fpp_nt_exists,h_fpp_nt_ID,
+     &                     h_fpp_nt_IOchannel,
+     &                      h_fpp_nt_name,h_fpp_nt_title,
+     &                       h_fpp_nt_directory,h_fpp_nt_file,
+     &                        h_fpp_nt_tag,h_fpp_nt_contents,
+     >                    HFPP_nt_max_segmentevents,h_fpp_nt_segmentevents,
+     >                    h_fpp_nt_filesegments
+****************************end: h_fpp_nt.cmn ***********************
diff --git a/INCLUDE/h_fpp_ntuple.dte b/INCLUDE/h_fpp_ntuple.dte
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5fb47ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/h_fpp_ntuple.dte
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+**************************begin: h_fpp_nt.dte ***********************
+      data h_fpp_nt_exists/.FALSE./
+      data h_fpp_nt_ID/0/
+      data h_fpp_nt_file/' '/
+      data h_fpp_nt_name/' '/
+      data h_fpp_nt_title/' '/
+      data h_fpp_nt_directory/' '/
+      data h_fpp_nt_IOchannel/0/
+      data h_fpp_nt_tag/HMAX_FPPntuple_size*' '/
+      data h_fpp_nt_contents/HMAX_FPPntuple_size*0/
+****************************end: h_fpp_nt.dte ***********************
diff --git a/INCLUDE/h_ntuple.cmn b/INCLUDE/h_ntuple.cmn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3769ab3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/h_ntuple.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+**************************begin: h_ntuple.cmn ***********************
+*-   Created    8-Apr-1994   Kevin B. Beard, Hampton Univ.
+*- Misc. info. required for HMS Ntuple
+* $Log: h_ntuple.cmn,v $
+* Revision 1.4  2004/02/17 16:41:45  jones
+* Add parameters and variables needed for segmenting rzdat files
+* Revision 1.3  1995/05/22 19:05:38  cdaq
+* (SAW) Correct some CTP class types
+* Revision 1.2  1994/06/17  02:11:45  cdaq
+* (KBB) Fix typos, change variable names, reorder common
+* Revision 1.1  1994/04/14  16:05:12  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      integer HMAX_Ntuple_size
+      parameter (HMAX_Ntuple_size= 100)
+      integer default_h_Ntuple_ID
+      parameter (default_h_Ntuple_ID= 9010)
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      logical h_Ntuple_exists
+      integer h_Ntuple_ID
+      integer h_Ntuple_size
+      integer h_Ntuple_IOchannel
+      character*80 h_Ntuple_name
+      character*80 h_Ntuple_title
+      character*132 h_Ntuple_directory
+      character*256 h_Ntuple_file
+      character*8 h_Ntuple_tag(HMAX_Ntuple_size)
+      integer h_Ntuple_max_segmentevents
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+      integer h_Ntuple_segmentevents
+      integer h_Ntuple_filesegments
+      real h_Ntuple_contents(HMAX_Ntuple_size)
+      COMMON /HMS_Ntuple/ h_Ntuple_exists,h_Ntuple_ID,
+     &                     h_Ntuple_size,h_Ntuple_IOchannel,
+     &                      h_Ntuple_name,h_Ntuple_title,
+     &                       h_Ntuple_directory,h_Ntuple_file,
+     &                        h_Ntuple_tag,h_Ntuple_contents,
+     >                    h_Ntuple_max_segmentevents,h_Ntuple_segmentevents,
+     >                    h_Ntuple_filesegments
+****************************end: h_ntuple.cmn ***********************
diff --git a/INCLUDE/h_ntuple.dte b/INCLUDE/h_ntuple.dte
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9bb4531
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/h_ntuple.dte
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+**************************begin: h_ntuple.dte ***********************
+*-   Created    15-Jun-1994   Kevin B. Beard, Hampton Univ.
+*- leave clean field for HMS Ntuple
+* $Log: h_ntuple.dte,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1994/06/17 02:13:10  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      data h_Ntuple_exists/.FALSE./
+      data h_Ntuple_ID/0/
+      data h_Ntuple_file/' '/
+      data h_Ntuple_name/' '/
+      data h_Ntuple_title/' '/
+      data h_Ntuple_directory/' '/
+      data h_Ntuple_IOchannel/0/
+      data h_Ntuple_size/0/
+      data h_Ntuple_tag/HMAX_Ntuple_size*' '/
+      data h_Ntuple_contents/HMAX_Ntuple_size*0/
+****************************end: h_ntuple.dte ***********************
diff --git a/INCLUDE/h_sieve_ntuple.cmn b/INCLUDE/h_sieve_ntuple.cmn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b5cd3c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/h_sieve_ntuple.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+**************************begin: h_ntuple.cmn ***********************
+*-   Created    1-Nov-1994   
+*- Misc. info. required for HMS sieve slit Ntuple
+* $Log: h_sieve_ntuple.cmn,v $
+* Revision 1.2  1995/05/22 19:05:58  cdaq
+* (SAW) Correct some CTP class types
+* Revision 1.1  1994/12/17  22:14:28  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      integer HMAX_Ntuple_size
+      parameter (HMAX_Ntuple_size= 100)
+      integer default_h_sieve_Ntuple_ID
+      parameter (default_h_sieve_Ntuple_ID= 1411)
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      logical h_sieve_Ntuple_exists
+      integer h_sieve_Ntuple_ID
+      integer h_sieve_Ntuple_size
+      integer h_sieve_Ntuple_IOchannel
+      character*80 h_sieve_Ntuple_name
+      character*80 h_sieve_Ntuple_title
+      character*132 h_sieve_Ntuple_directory   
+      character*256 h_sieve_Ntuple_file
+      character*8 h_sieve_Ntuple_tag(HMAX_Ntuple_size)
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+      real h_sieve_Ntuple_contents(HMAX_Ntuple_size)
+      COMMON /HMS_sieve_Ntuple/ h_sieve_Ntuple_exists,h_sieve_Ntuple_ID,
+     &     h_sieve_Ntuple_size,h_sieve_Ntuple_IOchannel,
+     &     h_sieve_Ntuple_name,h_sieve_Ntuple_title,
+     &     h_sieve_Ntuple_directory,h_sieve_Ntuple_file,
+     &     h_sieve_Ntuple_tag,h_sieve_Ntuple_contents
+*****************************end: h_sieve_ntuple.cmn ***********************
diff --git a/INCLUDE/h_sieve_ntuple.dte b/INCLUDE/h_sieve_ntuple.dte
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2a29a2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/h_sieve_ntuple.dte
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+**************************begin: h_ntuple.dte ***********************
+*-   Created    1-Nov-1994   
+*- leave clean field for HMS sieve slit Ntuple
+* $Log: h_sieve_ntuple.dte,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1994/12/17 22:21:16  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      data h_sieve_Ntuple_exists/.FALSE./
+      data h_sieve_Ntuple_ID/0/
+      data h_sieve_Ntuple_file/' '/
+      data h_sieve_Ntuple_name/' '/
+      data h_sieve_Ntuple_title/' '/
+      data h_sieve_Ntuple_directory/' '/
+      data h_sieve_Ntuple_IOchannel/0/
+      data h_sieve_Ntuple_size/0/
+      data h_sieve_Ntuple_tag/HMAX_Ntuple_size*' '/
+      data h_sieve_Ntuple_contents/HMAX_Ntuple_size*0/
+****************************end: h_sieve_Ntuple.dte ***********************
diff --git a/INCLUDE/hack_.cmn b/INCLUDE/hack_.cmn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ebf6bba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/hack_.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+*-- file: hack_.cmn
+*-- include file for USER DEVOLOPMENT common block definitions;
+*     used in files HACK_*.F
+*-- The parameter hack_enable must be set to .ne. 0 to enable execution of
+*     hack_anal subroutine for each event.
+*-- any additional arrays or variables my be added by the user
+* $Log: hack_.cmn,v $
+* Revision 1.3  1996/01/17 15:58:04  cdaq
+* (JRA) Hacked it a bit
+* Revision 1.2  1994/07/25 18:02:18  cdaq
+* (HB) New version
+* Revision 1.1  1994/07/22  13:55:48  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      integer*4 hack_enable
+      common /hack_c/ hack_enable
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+      integer hack_hmssc_au(16,4) !raw HMS-scintillator ADC up in fixed array
+      integer hack_hmssc_ad(16,4) !raw HMS-scintillator ADC down in fixed array
+      integer hack_hmssc_tu(16,4) !raw HMS-scintillator TDC up in fixed array
+      integer hack_hmssc_td(16,4) !raw HMS-scintillator TDC down in fixed array
+      integer hack_hmssc_go(16,4) !info about which ADC/TDC fired
+      common/hack_copyeve_c/ hack_hmssc_au,hack_hmssc_ad,
+     & hack_hmssc_tu,hack_hmssc_td,hack_hmssc_go
diff --git a/INCLUDE/hms_aero_parms.cmn b/INCLUDE/hms_aero_parms.cmn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9fb4879
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/hms_aero_parms.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+* hms_aero_parms.cmn
+* $Log: hms_aero_parms.cmn,v $
+* Revision 1.2  2003/09/05 20:30:48  jones
+* Merge in online03 changes (mkj)
+* Revision  2003/07/18 21:13:37  cdaq
+* Comment out aero_pos, aero_neg, aero_tot  which are not used anymore (Vardan)
+* Revision  2003/04/06 06:19:49  cdaq
+* updated variables for haero
+* Revision 1.1  2002/12/20 21:52:32  jones
+* Modified by Hamlet for new HMS aerogel
+* Revision 1.1 (hamlet)  2002/09/24
+* As initial version took cp from sos_aero_parms.cmn     
+*%%   include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+*      CTPTYPE = parm
+      real*4 haero_pos_gain(HMAX_AERO_HITS)
+      real*4 haero_neg_gain(HMAX_AERO_HITS)
+*      CTPTYPE = event
+      integer*4 haero_tot_good_hits
+      integer*4 haero_adc_pos_hits,haero_adc_neg_hits
+      integer*4 haero_tdc_pos_hits,haero_tdc_neg_hits
+      integer*4 haero_rawadc_neg(HMAX_AERO_HITS)
+      integer*4 haero_rawadc_pos(HMAX_AERO_HITS)
+      integer*4 haero_rawtdc_neg(HMAX_AERO_HITS)
+      integer*4 haero_rawtdc_pos(HMAX_AERO_HITS)
+      integer*4 aero_tp(HMAX_AERO_HITS)
+      integer*4 aero_tn(HMAX_AERO_HITS)
+      integer*4 aero_ep(HMAX_AERO_HITS)
+      integer*4 aero_en(HMAX_AERO_HITS)
+      real*4 haero_pos_npe(HMAX_AERO_HITS)
+      real*4 haero_neg_npe(HMAX_AERO_HITS)
+      real*4 haero_sum(HMAX_AERO_HITS)
+      real*4 haero_neg_npe_sum
+      real*4 haero_pos_npe_sum
+      real*4 haero_npe_sum
+***      real*4 aero_pos            !not in use any more
+***      real*4 aero_neg            !not in use any more
+***      real*4 aero_tot            !not in use any more
+      common /aeroi_calib/
+     &  haero_tot_good_hits,
+     &  haero_adc_pos_hits,
+     &  haero_adc_neg_hits,
+     &  haero_tdc_pos_hits,
+     &  haero_tdc_neg_hits,
+     &  haero_pos_npe,
+     &  haero_neg_npe,
+     &  haero_pos_gain,
+     &  haero_neg_gain,
+     &  haero_neg_npe_sum,
+     &  haero_pos_npe_sum,
+     &  haero_npe_sum,
+     &  haero_sum,
+***     &  aero_pos,            !not in use any more
+***     &  aero_neg,            !not in use any more
+***     &  aero_tot,            !not in use any more
+     &  haero_rawadc_neg,
+     &  haero_rawadc_pos,
+     &  haero_rawtdc_neg,
+     &  haero_rawtdc_pos,
+     &  aero_tp,
+     &  aero_tn,
+     &  aero_ep,
+     &  aero_en
diff --git a/INCLUDE/hms_bypass_switches.cmn b/INCLUDE/hms_bypass_switches.cmn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..66cc809
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/hms_bypass_switches.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+*     hms_bypass_switches.cmn
+*     common blocks of CTP switches to bypass reconstruction code
+*     elements.
+*     Created:     D.F.Geesaman         22 May 1994
+* $Log: hms_bypass_switches.cmn,v $
+* Revision  2007/08/22 19:09:31  frw
+* added FPP
+* Revision 1.8  2006/06/22
+* (frw) Add bypass switches for FPP
+* Revision 1.7  2002/12/20 21:52:32  jones
+* Modified by Hamlet for new HMS aerogel
+* Revision 1.6  2002/09/26
+* (Hamlet)) Add bypass switch for Aerogel
+* Revision 1.5  1996/09/04 15:48:31  saw
+* (JRA) Add bypass of tracking efficiency flags
+* Revision 1.4  1996/01/17 15:59:03  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add bypass switches for efficiency calculations
+* Revision 1.3  1995/08/08 18:22:27  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add hbypass_trans_cer
+* Revision 1.2  1994/08/05  19:37:01  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add "CTPTYPE=parm" directive for auto generation of CTP reg calls
+* Revision 1.1  1994/06/06  16:51:47  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      integer*4 hbypass_trans_scin
+      integer*4 hbypass_trans_cer
+      integer*4 hbypass_trans_fpp
+      integer*4 hbypass_trans_cal
+      integer*4 hbypass_trans_dc
+      integer*4 hbypass_track
+      integer*4 hbypass_targ_trans
+      integer*4 hbypass_tof
+      integer*4 hbypass_cal
+      integer*4 hbypass_fpp
+      integer*4 hbypass_cer
+      integer*4 hbypass_haero
+      integer*4 hbypass_physics
+      integer*4 hbypass_dc_eff
+      integer*4 hbypass_scin_eff
+      integer*4 hbypass_cal_eff
+      integer*4 hbypass_cer_eff
+      integer*4 hbypass_track_eff
+      integer*4 hbypass_track_eff_files
+      common/hms_bypass_switches/
+     &     hbypass_trans_scin,
+     &     hbypass_trans_cer,
+     &     hbypass_trans_fpp,
+     &     hbypass_trans_cal,
+     &     hbypass_trans_dc,
+     &     hbypass_track,
+     &     hbypass_targ_trans,
+     &     hbypass_tof,
+     &     hbypass_cal,
+     &     hbypass_fpp,
+     &     hbypass_cer,
+     &     hbypass_haero,
+     &     hbypass_physics,
+     &     hbypass_dc_eff,
+     &     hbypass_scin_eff,
+     &     hbypass_cal_eff,
+     &     hbypass_cer_eff,
+     &     hbypass_track_eff,
+     &     hbypass_track_eff_files
diff --git a/INCLUDE/hms_calorimeter.cmn b/INCLUDE/hms_calorimeter.cmn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a7d2640
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/hms_calorimeter.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
+*      HMS calorimeter. Parameters from hms_positions.parm
+* $Log: hms_calorimeter.cmn,v $
+* Revision 1.12  1999/02/23 19:08:04  csa
+* Add hcal_fv_test
+* Revision 1.11  1999/01/21 21:40:30  saw
+* Extra shower counter tube modifications
+* Revision 1.10  1998/12/17 22:02:40  saw
+* Support extra set of tubes on HMS shower counter
+* Revision 1.9  1998/12/01 20:28:57  saw
+* (SAW) Cosmetics
+* Revision 1.8  1996/01/17 15:59:26  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add normalized event quantities
+* Revision 1.7  1995/08/11 16:27:42  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add accumulators for calorimeter
+* Revision 1.6  1995/05/22  19:06:29  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts
+* Revision 1.5  1995/03/13  19:01:46  cdaq
+* (JRA) Move hmax_cal_rows and hmax_cal_columns to gen_data_structures
+* Revision 1.4  1995/01/04  17:09:32  cdaq
+* (HGM) Increase hmax_cal_rows to 13
+* Revision 1.3  1994/10/11  19:44:44  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add hcal_slop
+* Revision 1.2  1994/08/05  15:35:42  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add makereg directive with required include files
+*       Add "CTPTYPE=event" directive for auto generation of CTP reg calls
+* Revision 1.1  1994/04/12  21:32:21  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+*     The following include statments must precede the inclusion of this
+*     file in each routine that uses it.  The *%% syntax is also a
+*     directive to makereg to tell it to include the code in the program
+*     that it generates.
+*%%   include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      real*4 hcal_1pr_zpos      ! Z positions of front of shower counter layers
+      real*4 hcal_2ta_zpos      !
+      real*4 hcal_3ta_zpos      !
+      real*4 hcal_4ta_zpos      !
+      real*4 hcal_1pr_thick     ! Thickness of shower counter blocks
+      real*4 hcal_2ta_thick     !
+      real*4 hcal_3ta_thick     !
+      real*4 hcal_4ta_thick     !
+      integer*4 hcal_1pr_nr     !Number of shower blocks per column
+      integer*4 hcal_2ta_nr     !
+      integer*4 hcal_3ta_nr     !
+      integer*4 hcal_4ta_nr     !
+      real*4 hcal_1pr_left      !Y position, column #1
+      real*4 hcal_1pr_right     !
+      real*4 hcal_1pr_top       ! X positions, column #1
+      real*4 hcal_2ta_left      ! Y position, column #2
+      real*4 hcal_2ta_right     !
+      real*4 hcal_2ta_top       ! X positions, column#2
+      real*4 hcal_3ta_left      ! Y position, column #3
+      real*4 hcal_3ta_right     !
+      real*4 hcal_3ta_top       ! X positions, column #3
+      real*4 hcal_4ta_left      ! Y position, column #4
+      real*4 hcal_4ta_right     !
+      real*4 hcal_4ta_top       ! X positions, column #4
+      integer*4 hcal_fv_test    !Turn on fiducial volume cut
+      common/hms_cal_parms/
+     &       hcal_1pr_zpos,
+     &       hcal_2ta_zpos,
+     &       hcal_3ta_zpos,
+     &       hcal_4ta_zpos,
+     &       hcal_1pr_thick,
+     &       hcal_2ta_thick,
+     &       hcal_3ta_thick,
+     &       hcal_4ta_thick,
+     &       hcal_1pr_nr,
+     &       hcal_2ta_nr,
+     &       hcal_3ta_nr,
+     &       hcal_4ta_nr,
+     &       hcal_1pr_left,
+     &       hcal_1pr_right,
+     &       hcal_1pr_top(HMAX_CAL_ROWS),
+     &       hcal_2ta_left,
+     &       hcal_2ta_right,
+     &       hcal_2ta_top(HMAX_CAL_ROWS),
+     &       hcal_3ta_left,
+     &       hcal_3ta_right,
+     &       hcal_3ta_top(HMAX_CAL_ROWS),
+     &       hcal_4ta_left,
+     &       hcal_4ta_right,
+     &       hcal_4ta_top(HMAX_CAL_ROWS),
+     &       hcal_slop,
+     &       hcal_fv_test
+*      HMS calorimeter. Geometrical constants filled by h_init_cal
+      real*4 hcal_block_xsize   !
+      real*4 hcal_block_ysize   !Block dimensions - 10*70*10 cm^3
+      real*4 hcal_block_zsize   !
+      real*4 hcal_block_xc   !
+      real*4 hcal_block_yc   !X,Y,Z coordinates of block centers
+      real*4 hcal_block_zc   !
+      real*4 hcal_xmin          !
+      real*4 hcal_xmax          !
+      real*4 hcal_ymin          !Boundaries of the HMS
+      real*4 hcal_ymax          !calorimeter stack
+      real*4 hcal_zmin          !
+      real*4 hcal_zmax          !
+      real*4 hcal_fv_xmin   !
+      real*4 hcal_fv_xmax   !
+      real*4 hcal_fv_ymin   !Boundaries of the
+      real*4 hcal_fv_ymax   !fiducial volume
+      real*4 hcal_fv_zmin   !
+      real*4 hcal_fv_zmax   !
+      common/hms_geometry_cal/
+     &       hcal_block_xsize,
+     &       hcal_block_ysize,
+     &       hcal_block_zsize,
+     &       hcal_block_xc(HMAX_CAL_BLOCKS),
+     &       hcal_block_yc(HMAX_CAL_BLOCKS),
+     &       hcal_block_zc(HMAX_CAL_BLOCKS),
+     &       hcal_xmin,hcal_xmax,
+     &       hcal_ymin,hcal_ymax,
+     &       hcal_zmin,hcal_zmax,
+     &       hcal_fv_xmin,hcal_fv_xmax,
+     &       hcal_fv_ymin,hcal_fv_ymax,
+     &       hcal_fv_zmin,hcal_fv_zmax
+*      HMS calorimeter. Sparsified data filled by h_sparsify_cal
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+      integer*4 hcal_rows          !Row number. Copied from hms_raw_cal
+      integer*4 hcal_cols          !Column number. Copied from hms_raw_cal
+      real*4    hcal_adcs_pos      !Pulse height in channels(ADC_POS-PED).
+      real*4    hcal_adcs_neg      !Pulse height in channels(ADC_NEG-PED).
+      integer*4 hcal_num_hits      !Total number of hits above threshold
+      common/hms_sparsified_cal/ 
+     &       hcal_rows(HMAX_CAL_BLOCKS),
+     &       hcal_cols(HMAX_CAL_BLOCKS),
+     &       hcal_adcs_pos(HMAX_CAL_BLOCKS),
+     &       hcal_adcs_neg(HMAX_CAL_BLOCKS),
+     &       hcal_num_hits
+*      HMS calorimeter. Cluster data, filled by h_clusters_cal
+      integer*4 hnclusters_max     !Number of clusters allowed in the calorimeter
+      parameter (hnclusters_max=5) !Set the maximum to 5
+      integer*4 hnclusters_cal     !Number of clusters found
+      integer*4 hcluster_hit       !Link pointer to cluster number for each hit
+      integer*4 hcluster_size      !Number of hits in a cluster
+      real*4 hcluster_xc      !X-coordinate of a cluster
+      real*4 hcluster_e1      !Energy deposition in column #1
+      real*4 hcluster_e2      !                            #2
+      real*4 hcluster_e3      !                            #3
+      real*4 hcluster_e4      !                            #4
+      real*4 hcluster_et      !Total energy deposition
+      real*4 hcluster_e1_pos      !Energy deposition in column #POS_1
+      real*4 hcluster_e1_neg      !Energy deposition in column #NEG_1
+      real*4 hcluster_e2_pos      !Energy deposition in column #POS_2
+      real*4 hcluster_e2_neg      !Energy deposition in column #NEG_2
+      common/hms_clusters_cal/
+     &       hcluster_hit(HMAX_CAL_BLOCKS),
+     &       hcluster_size(hnclusters_max),
+     &       hcluster_xc(hnclusters_max),
+     &       hcluster_e1(hnclusters_max),
+     &       hcluster_e2(hnclusters_max),
+     &       hcluster_e3(hnclusters_max),
+     &       hcluster_e4(hnclusters_max),
+     &       hcluster_e1_pos(hnclusters_max),
+     &       hcluster_e1_neg(hnclusters_max),
+     &       hcluster_e2_pos(hnclusters_max),
+     &       hcluster_e2_neg(hnclusters_max),
+     &       hcluster_et(hnclusters_max),
+     &       hnclusters_cal
+*      HMS calorimeter. Calorimeter track quantities,filled by h_tracks_cal
+      real*4 htrack_xc           !X,Y position of track on 
+      real*4 htrack_yc           ! calorimeter front surface
+      integer*4 hcluster_track   !Link pointer to calorimeter cluster number
+      integer*4 hntracks_cal  !Number of tracks for which a cluster was found
+      common/hms_tracks_cal/
+     &       htrack_xc(HNTRACKS_MAX),
+     &       htrack_yc(HNTRACKS_MAX),
+     &       hcluster_track(HNTRACKS_MAX),
+     &       hntracks_cal
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+*      HMS calorimeter. ADC pedestals and thresholds
+      real*4 hcal_pos_ped_mean      !Mean pedestal value
+      real*4 hcal_pos_ped_rms       !Pedestal rms deviation
+      real*4 hcal_pos_threshold     !Threshold=3.*hcal_ped_rms
+      real*4 hcal_neg_ped_mean      !Mean pedestal value
+      real*4 hcal_neg_ped_rms       !Pedestal rms deviation
+      real*4 hcal_neg_threshold     !Threshold=3.*hcal_ped_rms
+      common/hms_cal_pedestals/
+     &       hcal_pos_ped_mean(HMAX_CAL_BLOCKS),
+     &       hcal_pos_ped_rms(HMAX_CAL_BLOCKS),
+     &       hcal_pos_threshold(HMAX_CAL_BLOCKS),
+     &       hcal_neg_ped_mean(HMAX_CAL_BLOCKS),
+     &       hcal_neg_ped_rms(HMAX_CAL_BLOCKS),
+     &       hcal_neg_threshold(HMAX_CAL_BLOCKS)
+*      HMS calorimeter. Calibration constants
+      real*4 hcal_pos_cal_const      !Calibration constants for pos PMTs
+      real*4 hcal_neg_cal_const      !Calibration constants for neg PMTs
+      common/hms_cal_const/
+     &       hcal_pos_cal_const(HMAX_CAL_BLOCKS),
+     &       hcal_neg_cal_const(HMAX_CAL_BLOCKS)
+*      HMS calorimeter. Relative gains & correction factors
+      real*4 hcal_pos_gain_ini   !Relative gains during the last calibration
+      real*4 hcal_pos_gain_cur   !Current relative gains
+      real*4 hcal_pos_gain_cor   !Correction factor: cor=ini/cur
+      real*4 hcal_neg_gain_ini   !Relative gains during the last calibration
+      real*4 hcal_neg_gain_cur   !Current relative gains
+      real*4 hcal_neg_gain_cor   !Correction factor: cor=ini/cur
+      common/hms_cal_monitor/
+     &       hcal_pos_gain_ini(HMAX_CAL_BLOCKS),
+     &       hcal_pos_gain_cur(HMAX_CAL_BLOCKS),
+     &       hcal_pos_gain_cor(HMAX_CAL_BLOCKS),
+     &       hcal_neg_gain_ini(HMAX_CAL_BLOCKS),
+     &       hcal_neg_gain_cur(HMAX_CAL_BLOCKS),
+     &       hcal_neg_gain_cor(HMAX_CAL_BLOCKS)
+*      HMS calorimeter. Debuging LUN and flags
+      integer*4 hlun_dbg_cal
+      integer*4 hdbg_raw_cal
+      integer*4 hdbg_sparsified_cal
+      integer*4 hdbg_decoded_cal
+      integer*4 hdbg_clusters_cal
+      integer*4 hdbg_tracks_cal
+      integer*4 hdbg_tests_cal
+      integer*4 hcal_num_neg_columns
+      common/hms_cal_flags/
+     &       hlun_dbg_cal,
+     &       hdbg_raw_cal,
+     &       hdbg_sparsified_cal,
+     &       hdbg_decoded_cal,
+     &       hdbg_clusters_cal,
+     &       hdbg_tracks_cal,
+     &       hdbg_tests_cal,
+     $     hcal_num_neg_columns
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+      integer*4 hcal_zero_sum(HMAX_CAL_BLOCKS)
+      integer*4 hcal_zero_sum2(HMAX_CAL_BLOCKS)
+      integer*4 hcal_zero_num(HMAX_CAL_BLOCKS)
+      real*4 hcal_zero_ave(HMAX_CAL_BLOCKS)
+      real*4 hcal_zero_sig(HMAX_CAL_BLOCKS)
+      real*4 hcal_zero_thresh(HMAX_CAL_BLOCKS)
+      common /hms_cal_zero/
+     &    hcal_zero_ave,
+     &    hcal_zero_sig,
+     &    hcal_zero_thresh,
+     &    hcal_zero_num,
+     &    hcal_zero_sum,
+     &    hcal_zero_sum2
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+      real*4 hscal_suma     !normalized sum of layer A.
+      real*4 hscal_sumb     !normalized sum of layer B.
+      real*4 hscal_sumc     !normalized sum of layer C.
+      real*4 hscal_sumd     !normalized sum of layer D.
+      real*4 hsprsum        !normalized PR sum.
+      real*4 hsshsum        !normalized total sum.
+      real*4 hsprtrk        !normalized PR sum on track.
+      real*4 hsshtrk        !normalized total sum on track.
+      common /hms_cal_normalized/
+     &    hscal_suma,
+     &    hscal_sumb,
+     &    hscal_sumc,
+     &    hscal_sumd,
+     &    hsprsum,
+     &    hsshsum,
+     &    hsprtrk,
+     &    hsshtrk
diff --git a/INCLUDE/hms_cer_parms.cmn b/INCLUDE/hms_cer_parms.cmn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f2c4148
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/hms_cer_parms.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+* hms_cer_parms.cmn
+* $Log: hms_cer_parms.cmn,v $
+* Revision 1.2  2002/12/20 21:52:33  jones
+* Modified by Hamlet for new HMS aerogel
+* Revision 1.1  1995/08/08 19:15:12  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      real*4 hcer_chi2max
+      real*4 hcer_beta_min
+      real*4 hcer_beta_max
+      real*4 hcer_et_min
+      real*4 hcer_et_max
+      real*4 hcer_mirror_zpos
+      real*4 hcer_region
+      real*4 hcer_min_eff
+      real*4 hcer_threshold
+      integer*4 hcer_num_mirrors
+      parameter(hcer_num_mirrors=2)
+      integer*4 hcer_num_regions
+      parameter(hcer_num_regions=hcer_num_mirrors+1)
+      common/hms_cer_parms/
+     &   hcer_chi2max,
+     &   hcer_beta_min,
+     &   hcer_beta_max,
+     &   hcer_et_min,
+     &   hcer_et_max,
+     &   hcer_mirror_zpos,
+     &   hcer_region(hcer_num_regions,8),
+     &   hcer_min_eff,
+     &   hcer_threshold
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      real*4 hcer_adc_to_npe(hcer_num_mirrors)
+      integer*4 hcer_ped(hcer_num_mirrors)
+      integer*4 hcer_width(hcer_num_mirrors)
+      common/hms_cer_trans/
+     &   hcer_ped,
+     &   hcer_width,
+     &   hcer_adc_to_npe
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+      real*4 hcer_region_eff(hcer_num_regions)
+      integer*4 hcer_track_counter(hcer_num_regions)
+      integer*4 hcer_fired_counter(hcer_num_regions)
+      integer*4 hcer_min_counts
+      parameter(hcer_min_counts=1)
+      common/hms_cer_effs/
+     &   hcer_track_counter,
+     &   hcer_fired_counter,
+     &   hcer_region_eff
diff --git a/INCLUDE/hms_data_structures.cmn b/INCLUDE/hms_data_structures.cmn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..60f043d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/hms_data_structures.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,775 @@
+*****************begin: hms_data_structures.cmn*************************
+*     include file     hms_data_structures.cmn
+*     Author:   D. F. Geesaman          1 September 1993
+* $Log: hms_data_structures.cmn,v $
+* Revision  2009/09/16 19:00:45  jones
+* Move SANE_HMS_ANGLE_THETA, SANE_HMS_ANGLE_PHI to sane_data_structures.cmn
+* Revision  2009/09/15 20:33:31  jones
+* New variables used in h_track.f
+* Revision  2008/10/25 12:38:14  cdaq
+* *** empty log message ***
+* Revision  2008/10/02 18:01:49  cdaq
+* *** empty log message ***
+* Revision  2007/08/22 19:09:31  frw
+* added FPP
+* Revision 1.13  2006/06/22 frw
+* added FPP definitions
+* Revision 1.12  2003/09/05 20:39:18  jones
+* Merge in online03 changes (mkj)
+* Revision 1.11  2003/04/01 13:55:08  jones
+* Add variables hntracks_max_fp and h_remove_sppt_if_one_y_plane to
+* hms_tracking.cmn
+* Revision  2003/07/15 19:04:03  cdaq
+* add hsinplane
+* Revision  2003/04/10 12:36:56  cdaq
+* comments added
+* Revision 1.10  2003/01/02 18:34:51  jones
+* change HNTRACKS_MAX from 5 to 20
+* Revision 1.9  2002/12/20 21:52:34  jones
+* Modified by Hamlet for new HMS aerogel
+* Revision 1.9  2002/09/26
+* (Hamlet) Add structures for HMS Aerogel
+* Revision 1.8  1999/02/23 19:09:29  csa
+* Change some physics vars
+* Revision 1.7  1999/01/21 21:40:31  saw
+* Extra shower counter tube modifications
+* Revision 1.6  1998/12/17 22:02:41  saw
+* Support extra set of tubes on HMS shower counter
+* Revision 1.5  1996/09/04 15:49:31  saw
+* (SAW) Double of all ' 's in comments
+* Revision 1.4  1996/01/24 16:18:59  saw
+* (JRA) Cosmetic change
+* Revision 1.3  1996/01/17 16:00:02  cdaq
+* Revision 1.2  1995/08/11 16:28:46  cdaq
+* (CC) Add structure for # of photoelectrons in Cerenkov
+* Revision 1.1  1995/05/22  18:41:15  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+*     HPHI_LAB               HMS LAB ANGLE PHI 
+      REAL*4  HPHI_LAB       ! HMS LAB ANGLE PHI 
+     &     HTHETA_LAB,
+     &     HPHI_LAB,
+     &     HPCENTRAL,
+     &     HBFIELD,
+     &     HPARTMASS
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+*     FILLED BY G_decode_event_by_banks 
+*             PLANE NUMBER
+*             WIRE NUMBER
+*             TDC VALUE
+     3     HDC_RAW_TDC(HMAX_DC_HITS),
+     4     HDC_RAW_TOT_HITS
+*             PLANE NUMBER
+*             WIRE NUMBER
+*             TDC VALUE
+*             DRIFT TIME
+*             DRIFT DISTANCE
+      INTEGER*4 HDC_PLANE_NUM     ! copied from HMS_RAW_DC
+      INTEGER*4 HDC_WIRE_NUM      ! copied from HMS_RAW_DC
+      INTEGER*4 HDC_TDC           ! copied from HMS_RAW_DC
+     7     HDC_TDC(HMAX_DC_HITS),
+     9     HDC_TOT_HITS
+*     FILLED BY g_decode_evebt_by_banks
+      PARAMETER (HMAX_ALL_SCIN_HITS=53) ! Number of elements + 1
+     &     HSCIN_ALL_TOT_HITS
+*     HMS REAL SCINTILLATOR HITS (Hits with no TDC data stripped out)
+*     FILLED BY H_strip_scin (which is called by h_trans_scin)
+      PARAMETER (HMAX_SCIN_HITS=53) ! Number of elements + 1
+      INTEGER*4 HSCIN_SING_COUNTER ! DJM''s registered hit counter
+     &     HSCIN_TOT_HITS,
+*                                      SCINTILLATOR DETERMINED FROM TDC INFO.
+      REAL*4    HSTART_TIME
+     &     HSCIN_ZPOS,
+     &     HSCIN_WIDTH,
+     &     HSCIN_SLOP,
+     &     HSCIN_DEC_HIT_COORD,
+     &     HSCIN_COR_ADC,
+     &     HSCIN_COR_TIME,
+     &     HSTART_TIME,
+     &     HSTART_HITNUM,
+     &     HSTART_HITSIDE,
+     &     HTWO_GOOD_TIMES,  
+     &     HGOOD_START_TIME
+*         COLUMN NUMBER
+*         ROW NUMBER
+*         ADC VALUE AT Positive End  (This end if only one end used)
+*         ADC VALUE AT Negative End
+      INTEGER*4 HMAX_CAL_ROWS           !Number of calorimeter rows
+      INTEGER*4 HMAX_CAL_COLUMNS      !Number of calorimeter columns
+      equivalence (hcal_adc, hcal_adc_pos) ! For old code
+      equivalence (hcal_realadc, hcal_realadc_pos)
+     &     HCAL_COLUMN,
+     &     HCAL_ROW,
+     &     HCAL_ADC_POS,
+     &     HCAL_ADC_NEG,
+     &     HCAL_REALADC_POS,
+     &     HCAL_REALADC_NEG,
+     &     HCAL_TOT_HITS,
+     &     HCAL_POS_HITS,
+     &     HCAL_NEG_HITS
+*                                    #2
+*                                    #3
+*                                    #4
+      REAL*4 HCAL_E2            !                            #2
+      REAL*4 HCAL_E3            !                            #3
+      REAL*4 HCAL_E4            !                            #4
+      REAL*4 HCAL_E1_POS
+      REAL*4 HCAL_E1_NEG
+      REAL*4 HCAL_E2_POS
+      REAL*4 HCAL_E2_NEG
+     &     HCAL_E1,
+     &     HCAL_E2,
+     &     HCAL_E3,
+     &     HCAL_E4,
+     &     HCAL_ET,
+     &     HCAL_E1_POS,
+     &     HCAL_E1_NEG,
+     &     HCAL_E2_POS,
+     &     HCAL_E2_NEG,
+     &     HNHITS_CAL
+*      FILLED BY G_decode_event_by_banks
+*          TUBE NUMBER
+*          ADC VALUE
+     &     HCER_TOT_HITS
+     &     HCER_NUM_HITS,
+     &     HCER_NPE(HMAX_CER_HITS),
+     &     HCER_NPE_SUM,
+* (Last revison 01 Dec'02; Hamlet)
+*      FILLED BY G_decode_event_by_banks
+*     THERE ARE 16 AEROGEL PHOTOTUBES. We will pair tubes on the left and
+*     right side so that are 8 "counters".
+*     POS pmt's on the positive side of Y axis (as for Hodoscope)
+*          TUBE Row
+*          ADC Left VALUE
+*          ADC Right VALUE
+     &     HAERO_TOT_HITS
+      INTEGER*4 HNTRACKS_MAX       ! size of array
+      REAL*4  HX_FP                ! X POSITION OF TRACK IN FOCAL PLANE
+      REAL*4  HY_FP                ! Y POSITION OF TRACK IN FOCAL PLANE
+      REAL*4  HZ_FP                ! Z POSITION OF TRACK IN FOCAL PLANE
+      REAL*4  HXP_FP               ! X SLOPE OF TRACK IN FOCAL PLANE
+      REAL*4  HYP_FP               ! Y SLOPE OF TRACK IN FOCAL PLANE
+      REAL*4  HCHI2_FP             ! FIT QUALITY IN FOCAL PLANE
+      REAL*4  H_BDL                ! Bdl of track thru target field
+      REAL*4 HCHI2PERDOF_FP        ! fp chi2 per degree of freedom
+      REAL*4  HDEL_FP              !  FOCAL PLANE ERROR MATRIX
+      REAL*4  HX_FP_rot            ! x in rotated focal plane
+      REAL*4  HY_FP_rot            ! y in rotated f plane
+      REAL*4  HXP_FP_rot           ! x slope in rotated f plane
+      REAL*4  HYP_FP_rot           ! y slope in rot f plane
+     1     H_BDL(HNTRACKS_MAX),
+     1     HX_FP(HNTRACKS_MAX),
+     2     HY_FP(HNTRACKS_MAX),
+     3     HZ_FP(HNTRACKS_MAX),
+     4     HXP_FP(HNTRACKS_MAX),
+     5     HYP_FP(HNTRACKS_MAX),
+     6     HCHI2_FP(HNTRACKS_MAX),
+     7     HDEL_FP(4,4,HNTRACKS_MAX),
+     >     HX_FP_rot(HNTRACKS_MAX),
+     >     HY_FP_rot(HNTRACKS_MAX), 
+     >     HXP_FP_rot(HNTRACKS_MAX),
+     >     HYP_FP_rot(HNTRACKS_MAX)
+      REAL*4  HX_TAR                ! X POSITION OF TRACK AT TARGET
+      REAL*4  HY_TAR                ! Y POSITION OF TRACK AT TARGET
+      REAL*4  HZ_TAR                ! Z POSITION OF TRACK AT TARGET
+      REAL*4  HXP_TAR               ! X SLOPE OF TRACK AT TARGET
+      REAL*4  HYP_TAR               ! Y SLOPE OF TRACK AT TARGET 
+      REAL*4  HP_TAR                ! MOMENTUM OF TRACK AT TARGET
+      REAL*4  HCHI2_TAR             ! FIT QUALITY AT TARGET
+      REAL*4  HDEL_TAR              ! TARGET  ERROR MATRIX
+     1     HX_TAR(HNTRACKS_MAX),
+     2     HY_TAR(HNTRACKS_MAX),
+     3     HZ_TAR(HNTRACKS_MAX),
+     4     HXP_TAR(HNTRACKS_MAX),
+     5     HYP_TAR(HNTRACKS_MAX),
+     7     HP_TAR(HNTRACKS_MAX),
+     8     HCHI2_TAR(HNTRACKS_MAX),
+     9     HDEL_TAR(5,5,HNTRACKS_MAX),
+     C     HNTRACKS_TAR
+     1     HTRACK_E1,                   ! ENERGY IN FIRST COLUMN NEAR TRACK
+     2     HTRACK_E2,                   !           SECOND COLUMN
+     3     HTRACK_E3,                   !           THIRD COLUMN
+     4     HTRACK_E4,                   !           FOURTH COLUMN
+     5     HTRACK_ET,                   ! TOTAL SHOWER ENERGY ALONG TRACK
+     6     HTRACK_PRESHOWER_E,          ! PRESHOWER ENERGY-Note definition is exp. dep.
+     7     HDEDX,                       ! 
+     8     HBETA,                       ! VELOCITY OF TRACK
+     9     HBETA_CHISQ,                 ! CHISQ OF FIT TO BETA OF TRACK
+     A     HTIME_AT_FP,                 ! 
+     C     HSCIN_HIT,                   ! ARRAY OF SCIN HITS ASSOCIATED WITH
+     D                                  ! EACH TRACK
+     E     HNUM_SCIN_HIT,               ! NUMBER OF HITS FOR EACH TRACK
+     F     HNUM_PMT_HIT,                ! NUMBER OF PMT HITS FOR EACH TRACK
+     G     HSCIN_FPTIME,
+     H     HTRACK_E1_POS,
+     I     HTRACK_E1_NEG,
+     J     HTRACK_E2_POS,
+     K     HTRACK_E2_NEG
+      REAL*4 HSP                 ! Lab momentum of chosen track in GeV/c
+      REAL*4 HSENERGY            ! Lab total energy of chosen track in GeV
+      REAL*4 HSCORRP             ! electron momentum corrected for eloss
+      REAL*4 HSCORRE             ! electron energy corrected for eloss
+      REAL*4 HSDELTA             ! Spectrometer delta of chosen track
+      REAL*4 HSTHETA             ! Lab Scattering angle in radians
+      REAL*4 HSPHI               ! Lab Azymuthal angle in radians
+      REAL*4 HSINPLANE           ! In plane angle
+      REAL*4 HSMINV              ! Invariant Mass of remaing hadronic system
+      REAL*4 HSZBEAM             ! Lab Z coordinate of intersection of beam
+                                 ! track with spectrometer ray
+      REAL*4 HSDEDX(4)           ! DEDX of chosen track in each scin plane
+      REAL*4 HSBETA           ! BETA of chosen track
+      REAL*4 HSTRACK_ET      ! Total shower energy of chosen track
+      REAL*4 HSTRACK_PRESHOWER_E  ! preshower of chosen track
+      REAL*4 HSTRACK_E1_POS      ! Shower energy E1_POS of chosen track
+      REAL*4 HSTRACK_E1_NEG      ! Shower energy E1_NEG of chosen track
+      REAL*4 HSTRACK_E2_POS      ! Shower energy E2_POS of chosen track
+      REAL*4 HSTRACK_E2_NEG      ! Shower energy E2_NEG of chosen track
+      REAL*4 HSX_FP           ! X focal plane position 
+      REAL*4 HSY_FP 
+      REAL*4 HSXP_FP 
+      REAL*4 HSYP_FP 
+      REAL*4 HSCHI2PERDEG    ! CHI2 per degree of freedom of chosen track.
+      REAL*4 HSX_TAR 
+      REAL*4 HSY_TAR 
+      REAL*4 HSXP_TAR 
+      REAL*4 HSYP_TAR 
+      real*4 hsmass2               ! Mass squared
+      real*4 hst                   ! invariant t 
+      real*4 hsu                   ! invariant u
+      real*4 hseloss
+      real*4 hsq3                  ! Lab frame momentum transfer
+*      real*4 hsthetaq, hsphiq      ! Direction of q3
+      real*4 hsbigq2               ! Q**2
+      real*4 hsx                   ! fraction of nucleon p carried by quark
+      real*4 hsy                   ! fraction of lepton''s E lost in lab
+      real*4 hsw                   ! Invariant mass of recoil system
+      real*4 hsw2                  ! Invariant mass**2 of recoil system
+      INTEGER*4 HSNUM_FPTRACK    ! Index of focal plane track chosen
+      INTEGER*4 HSNUM_TARTRACK   ! Index of target track chosen
+      INTEGER*4 HSID_LUND        ! LUND particle ID code -- not yet filled
+     & HSP,
+     & HSENERGY,
+     & HSDELTA,
+     & HSTHETA,
+     & HSPHI,
+     & HSINPLANE,
+     & HSMINV,
+     & HSZBEAM,
+     & HSDEDX,
+     & HSBETA,
+     & HSTRACK_ET,
+     & HSTRACK_E1_POS,
+     & HSTRACK_E1_NEG,
+     & HSTRACK_E2_POS,
+     & HSTRACK_E2_NEG,
+     & HSTIME_AT_FP,
+     & HSX_FP ,
+     & HSY_FP ,
+     & HSXP_FP ,
+     & HSYP_FP ,
+     & HSCHI2PERDEG ,
+     & HSX_TAR ,
+     & HSY_TAR ,
+     & HSXP_TAR ,
+     & HSYP_TAR ,
+     & hsmass2,
+     & hst,
+     & hsu,
+     & hseloss,
+     & hsq3,
+     & hsbigq2,
+     & hsx,
+     & hsy,
+     & hsw,
+     & hsw2,
+     & hscorrp,
+     & hscorre
+*     & hsthetaq,hsphiq
+     & HSID_LUND,
+     & HSNFREE_FP,
+*     Non-Hits data with HMS gates or starts.
+*     (Energy SUMS, logic timing,...)
+      INTEGER*4 HMISC_RAW_ADDR1    ! "Plane" (1=TDC,2=ADC)
+      INTEGER*4 HMISC_RAW_ADDR2    ! "Counter"
+     &     HMISC_TOT_HITS
+*      CTPTYPE=parm
+*     constants definitions for Foacl Plane Polarimeter   (frw 2006/06/22)
+*     these are used for array limits etc.
+      common/hmstrig/ HMS_TRIGGER_COUNTER,
+      integer*4  H_FPP_N_DCSETS        ! # of DC sets
+      parameter (H_FPP_N_DCSETS=2)
+      integer*4  H_FPP_N_DCINSET       ! # of DCs in one set
+      parameter (H_FPP_N_DCINSET=2)
+      integer*4  H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS      ! # of layers per DC
+      parameter (H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS=3)
+      integer*4  H_FPP_N_PLANES        ! sets * dc-in-set * layers
+      parameter (H_FPP_N_PLANES=12)
+      integer*4  H_FPP_MAX_WIRES       ! MAX # of wires per layer
+      parameter (H_FPP_MAX_WIRES=104)
+      integer*4  H_FPP_MAX_RAWperPLANE   ! MAX # of raw FPP DC hits per plane
+      parameter (H_FPP_MAX_RAWperPLANE=100)
+      integer*4  H_FPP_MAX_RAWHITS       ! MAX # of raw FPP DC hits total
+      parameter (H_FPP_MAX_RAWHITS=2400)
+      integer*4  H_FPP_MAX_CLUSTERS          ! MAX # of clusters per layer
+      parameter (H_FPP_MAX_CLUSTERS=15)
+      integer*4  H_FPP_MAX_HITSperCLUSTER    ! MAX # of hits to group into cluster hit
+      parameter (H_FPP_MAX_HITSperCLUSTER=3)
+      integer*4  H_FPP_MAX_TRACKS      ! MAX # of tracks per DC set
+      parameter (H_FPP_MAX_TRACKS=9)
+      integer*4  H_FPP_MAX_FITPOINTS   ! MAX # of space points to fit
+      parameter (H_FPP_MAX_FITPOINTS=18)
+* readability constants
+      real*4  H_FPP_BAD_COORD        ! identifies invalid coordinate
+      parameter (H_FPP_BAD_COORD=9999.9)
+      real*4  H_FPP_BAD_TIME        ! identifies invalid time
+      parameter (H_FPP_BAD_TIME=9999.9)
+      real*4  H_FPP_BAD_CHI2         ! identifies bad fit or no fit
+      parameter (H_FPP_BAD_CHI2=9876.54321)
+      real*4  H_FPP_BAD_DRIFT        ! identifies bad drift distance
+      parameter (H_FPP_BAD_DRIFT=0.0)
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+      integer*4 HFPP_raw_tot_hits   ! actual # of total FPP hits
+      integer*4 HFPP_raw_plane      ! array of plane number of hits
+      integer*4 HFPP_raw_wire       ! array of wire number of hits
+      integer*4 HFPP_raw_TDC        ! array of TDC value of hits
+      common/HMS_RAW_FPP/  HFPP_raw_tot_hits
+     &                   , HFPP_raw_plane(H_FPP_MAX_RAWHITS)
+     &                   , HFPP_raw_wire(H_FPP_MAX_RAWHITS)
+     &                   , HFPP_raw_TDC(H_FPP_MAX_RAWHITS)
+*******************end: hms_data_structures.cmn*************************
+*     Local Variables:
+*     mode: fortran
+*     fortran-continuation-string: "&"
+*     comment-column: 35
+*     End:
diff --git a/INCLUDE/hms_filenames.cmn b/INCLUDE/hms_filenames.cmn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb23e18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/hms_filenames.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+******************* begin: hms_filenames.cmn ***********************
+*-Common block with filenames
+* $Log: hms_filenames.cmn,v $
+* Revision  2007/11/29 19:07:19  puckett
+* added special calib and driftmap input filenames for HMS and BigCal
+* Revision  2007/05/15 02:53:02  jones
+* Start to Bigcal code
+* Revision 1.5  2005/02/16 20:46:02  saw
+* Add filename for hms root tree
+* Revision 1.4  1996/01/17 16:00:24  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add threshold and pedestal output filenames
+* Revision 1.3  1995/04/06 20:17:07  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add report output filename
+* Revision 1.2  1994/08/03  20:33:34  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add "CTPTYPE=parm" directive for auto generation of CTP reg calls
+* Revision 1.1  1994/06/15  18:12:33  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      character*80 h_recon_coeff_filename
+      character*80 h_report_template_filename    ! CTP file with hms report
+      character*80 h_report_blockname
+      character*80 h_report_output_filename
+      character*80 h_threshold_output_filename
+      character*80 h_pedestal_output_filename
+      character*80 h_tree_filename
+      character*80 h_angle_output_filename
+      character*80 h_driftmap_input_filename
+      logical h_driftmap_rebook
+      common /hms_filenames/
+     $     h_recon_coeff_filename,
+     $     h_report_template_filename,
+     $     h_report_blockname,
+     $     h_report_output_filename,
+     $     h_threshold_output_filename,
+     $     h_pedestal_output_filename,
+     $     h_angle_output_filename,
+     $     h_tree_filename,
+     $     h_driftmap_input_filename,
+     $     h_driftmap_rebook
diff --git a/INCLUDE/hms_fpp_event.cmn b/INCLUDE/hms_fpp_event.cmn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9405109
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/hms_fpp_event.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+* hms_fpp_event.cmn
+*    Hall C  HMS Focal Plane Polarimeter Code
+*  Purpose: HMS FPP non-raw event common block variables
+*  Created by Frank R. Wesselmann,  February 2004
+*     The following include statments must precede the inclusion of this
+*     file in each routine that uses it.  The *%% syntax is also a
+*     directive to makereg to tell it to include the code in the program
+*     that it generates.
+*%%   include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+*%%   include 'gen_detectorids.par'
+*%%   include 'gen_decode_common.cmn'
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+* mid-level event variables but not quite raw -- use plane numbers
+      integer*4 HFPP_N_planehitsraw   ! actual # hits per plane
+      integer*4 HFPP_N_planehits      ! useable # hits per plane
+      integer*4 HFPP_Nlayershit_set   ! # of layers with usable hits per set of DCs
+      integer*4 HFPP_hit1idx          ! pointer to 1st hit on given wire
+      integer*4 HFPP_hit2idx          ! pointer to 2nd hit on given wire
+      integer*4 HFPP_trigger_TDC      ! TDC value of F1 TDC trigger
+* high level event variables -- determined per event -- uses set,chamber,layer
+      integer*4 HFPP_NplaneClusters      ! # of clusters in each plane(!)
+      integer*4 HFPP_nClusters           ! # of clusters in each s,c,l
+      integer*4 HFPP_nHitsinCluster      ! # of raw hits grouped into cluster
+      integer*4 HFPP_ClusterinTrack      ! is this WIDE hit already used?
+      integer*4 HFPP_Clusters            ! index in raw hit array for hits
+      integer*4 HFPP_Nfreehits           ! # unused hits in layer
+      integer*4 HFPP_NlayersWfreehits    ! (# layers with >=MIN hits) in chamber
+      integer*4 HFPP_NsetlayersWfreehits ! (# layers with >=MIN hits) in set
+      real*4 HFPP_HitTime                ! drift time of ALL hits but only
+                                         !  good hits value is meaningful!
+      real*4 HFPP_drift_time             ! fully corrected drift time of hits on each wire
+      real*4 HFPP_drift_dist             ! drift distance of hits on each wire
+                                         !!! both only valid if hit is used in track
+      real*4 HFPP_dHMS                   ! distance between wire and HMS track
+      common/HMS_FPP_event/
+     &    HFPP_N_planehitsraw(H_FPP_N_PLANES)
+     &  , HFPP_N_planehits(H_FPP_N_PLANES)
+     &  , HFPP_Nlayershit_set(H_FPP_N_DCSETS)
+     &  , HFPP_hit1idx(H_FPP_N_PLANES,H_FPP_MAX_WIRES)
+     &  , HFPP_hit2idx(H_FPP_N_PLANES,H_FPP_MAX_WIRES)
+     &  , HFPP_NplaneClusters(H_FPP_N_PLANES)
+     &  , HFPP_nHitsinCluster(H_FPP_N_DCSETS,H_FPP_N_DCINSET,
+     >                       H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS,H_FPP_MAX_CLUSTERS)
+     >                     H_FPP_MAX_CLUSTERS)
+     >                  H_FPP_MAX_CLUSTERS,H_FPP_MAX_HITSperCLUSTER)
+     &  , HFPP_NlayersWfreehits(H_FPP_N_DCSETS,H_FPP_N_DCINSET)
+     &  , HFPP_NsetlayersWfreehits(H_FPP_N_DCSETS)
+     &  , HFPP_HitTime(0:H_FPP_MAX_RAWHITS)
+     >                    H_FPP_MAX_WIRES)
+     >                    H_FPP_MAX_WIRES)
+     &  , HFPP_trigger_TDC(0:G_DECODE_MAXROCS)
+     >                  H_FPP_MAX_CLUSTERS,H_FPP_MAX_HITSperCLUSTER)
+* readability constants to use when setting HFPP_eventclass
+*      CTPTYPE=parm
+      integer*4  H_FPP_ET_NOHITS	! no hits in DC set at all
+      parameter (H_FPP_ET_NOHITS=0)
+      integer*4  H_FPP_ET_FEWHITS	! insufficient hits in DC set (bit 0/1)
+      parameter (H_FPP_ET_FEWHITS=1)
+      integer*4  H_FPP_ET_BAD		! only tracks with bad chi2 (bit 2/3)
+      parameter (H_FPP_ET_BAD=4)
+      integer*4  H_FPP_ET_1GOOD		! only one track had good chi2 (<HFPP_min_chi2) (bit 4/5)
+      parameter (H_FPP_ET_1GOOD=16)
+      integer*4  H_FPP_ET_MANYGOOD	! >1 tracks and at least one had good chi2 (bit 6/7)
+      parameter (H_FPP_ET_MANYGOOD=64)
+      integer*4  H_FPP_ET_1GREAT	! only one track but that one had chi2 <HFPP_aOK_chi2 (bit 4/5 AND 8/9)
+      parameter (H_FPP_ET_1GREAT=272)
+      integer*4  H_FPP_ET_MANYGREAT	! >1 tracks and at least one had chi2 <HFPP_aOK_chi2 (bit 6/7 AND 8/9)
+      parameter (H_FPP_ET_MANYGREAT=320)
+* tracking variables -- determined per event
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+      integer*4 HFPP_eventclass      ! simple classification of tracking results
+                                     ! see above for details
+      integer*4 HFPP_N_tracks        ! actual # of tracks in set
+      integer*4 HFPP_track_Nlayers   ! # of layers with hits used on track
+      integer*4 HFPP_track_Nhits     ! # of raw hits used on track
+      integer*4 HFPP_TrackCluster    ! Clusters used in track
+      integer*4 HFPP_TrackHit        ! above cluster reduced to 1 wire
+      integer*4 HFPP_track_conetest  ! conetest variable
+      real*4 HFPP_track_residual     ! uTrack - (uWire + drift)
+      real*4 HFPP_track_resolution   !  similar but uses special tracking
+      real*4 HFPP_track_angresol     !  angular resolution
+      real*4 HFPP_track_x            ! x of track at focal plane usinf HMS FP coords
+      real*4 HFPP_track_y            ! y of track at focal plane
+      real*4 HFPP_track_dx           ! dx/dz of track
+      real*4 HFPP_track_dy           ! dy/dz of track
+      real*4 HFPP_track_chi2         ! chi**2/df of track
+      real*4 HFPP_track_theta        ! opening angle betw incident and re-scattered track
+      real*4 HFPP_track_phi          ! azimuthal angle
+      real*4 HFPP_track_sclose       ! closest approach between pre and post anaylser track
+      real*4 HFPP_track_zclose       ! z-coord of closest approach
+      real*4 HFPP_track_rough        ! simple fit results using in-set coordinates
+                                     ! dx/dz, x, dy/dz, y, chi2, N
+      real*4 HFPP_track_fine         ! full track params using in-set coordinates
+                                     ! dx/dz, x, dy/dz, y
+      common/HMS_FPP_track/
+     &    HFPP_eventclass
+     &  , HFPP_N_tracks(H_FPP_N_DCSETS)
+     &  , HFPP_track_Nlayers(H_FPP_N_DCSETS,H_FPP_MAX_TRACKS)
+     &  , HFPP_track_Nhits(H_FPP_N_DCSETS,H_FPP_MAX_TRACKS)
+     &  , HFPP_TrackCluster(H_FPP_N_DCSETS,H_FPP_N_DCINSET,
+     >                      H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS,H_FPP_MAX_TRACKS)
+     >                  H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS,H_FPP_MAX_TRACKS)
+     &  , HFPP_track_conetest(H_FPP_N_DCSETS,H_FPP_MAX_TRACKS)
+     &  , HFPP_track_x(H_FPP_N_DCSETS,H_FPP_MAX_TRACKS)
+     &  , HFPP_track_dx(H_FPP_N_DCSETS,H_FPP_MAX_TRACKS)
+     &  , HFPP_track_y(H_FPP_N_DCSETS,H_FPP_MAX_TRACKS)
+     &  , HFPP_track_dy(H_FPP_N_DCSETS,H_FPP_MAX_TRACKS)
+     &  , HFPP_track_chi2(H_FPP_N_DCSETS,H_FPP_MAX_TRACKS)
+     &  , HFPP_track_rough(H_FPP_N_DCSETS,H_FPP_MAX_TRACKS,6)
+     &  , HFPP_track_fine(H_FPP_N_DCSETS,H_FPP_MAX_TRACKS,4)
+     &  , HFPP_track_sclose(H_FPP_N_DCSETS,H_FPP_MAX_TRACKS)
+     &  , HFPP_track_zclose(H_FPP_N_DCSETS,H_FPP_MAX_TRACKS)
+     &  , HFPP_track_theta(H_FPP_N_DCSETS,H_FPP_MAX_TRACKS)
+     &  , HFPP_track_phi(H_FPP_N_DCSETS,H_FPP_MAX_TRACKS)
+     &  , HFPP_track_residual(H_FPP_N_DCSETS,H_FPP_N_DCINSET,
+     >                        H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS,H_FPP_MAX_TRACKS)
+     &  , HFPP_track_resolution(H_FPP_N_DCSETS,H_FPP_N_DCINSET,
+     >                        H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS,H_FPP_MAX_TRACKS)
+     &  , HFPP_track_angresol(H_FPP_N_DCSETS,H_FPP_N_DCINSET,
+     >                        H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS,H_FPP_MAX_TRACKS)
diff --git a/INCLUDE/hms_fpp_params.cmn b/INCLUDE/hms_fpp_params.cmn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ee9cae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/hms_fpp_params.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+* include file  hms_fpp_params.cmn
+*    Hall C  HMS Focal Plane Polarimeter Code
+*  Purpose: HMS FPP control and limit parameter
+*  Created by Frank R. Wesselmann,  February 2004
+*     The following include statments must precede the inclusion of this
+*     file in each routine that uses it.  The *%% syntax is also a
+*     directive to makereg to tell it to include the code in the program
+*     that it generates.
+*%%   include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+*%%   include 'gen_detectorids.par'
+*%%   include 'gen_decode_common.cmn'
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      integer*4 HFPP_minTDC          ! minimum TDC value to bother with hit
+      integer*4 HFPP_maxTDC          ! maximum TDC value to bother with hit
+      real*4 HFPP_tdc_time_per_channel ! hms FPP tdc calibration
+      real*4 HFPP_wirespeed          ! signal propagation speed on sense wires
+      real*4 HFPP_particlespeed      ! TOF speed of detected particle
+      real*4 HFPP_mintime            ! min hit time for meaningful drift (= 0 distance)
+      real*4 HFPP_maxtime            ! max hit time for meaningful drift (cut noise)
+      real*4 HFPP_maxdrift           ! maximum drift distance to allow by PLANE
+      real*4 HFPP_tDriftOffset       ! drift time offsets by PLANE and WIRE
+      integer*4 HFPP_optchamberhits  ! one chamber must have this many hits
+      integer*4 HFPP_minchamberhits  ! every chamber must have this many hits
+      integer*4 HFPP_minsethits      ! minimum # of layers with hits in set
+      integer*4 HFPP_maxcombos       ! maximum # of hit combinations
+                                     ! if there are more we skip event!
+      real*4 HFPP_min_chi2           ! minimum chi**2 for kept track
+      real*4 HFPP_aOK_chi2           ! sufficient chi**2 for extra hit
+      integer*4 HFPP_effic_dist      ! how far hit wire can be from track and
+                                     ! still be considered hit for "efficient"
+      common/HMS_FPP_limits/
+     &    HFPP_maxdrift(H_FPP_N_PLANES)
+     &  , HFPP_tDriftOffset(H_FPP_N_PLANES,H_FPP_MAX_WIRES)
+     &  , HFPP_minTDC
+     &  , HFPP_maxTDC
+     &  , HFPP_tdc_time_per_channel
+     &  , HFPP_wirespeed
+     &  , HFPP_particlespeed
+     &  , HFPP_mintime
+     &  , HFPP_maxtime
+     &  , HFPP_optchamberhits
+     &  , HFPP_minchamberhits
+     &  , HFPP_minsethits
+     &  , HFPP_maxcombos
+     &  , HFPP_min_chi2
+     &  , HFPP_aOK_chi2
+     &  , HFPP_effic_dist
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      integer*4 HFPP_my_ROCs(0:G_DECODE_MAXROCS)	! list of ROCs used for FPP
+      integer*4 HFPP_trigger_plane	! wire plane of TDC trigger time
+      integer*4 HFPP_trigger_wire	! wire in same that actually has data
+      integer*4 HFPP_calc_resolution	! switch to turn on resolution calc EXPENSIVE!
+      integer*4 HFPP_use_clusters	! use adjacent hits together for tracking
+      integer*4 HFPP_min_event_code	! lowest FPP event code to store in Ntuple
+      common/HMS_FPP_config/
+     &    HFPP_my_ROCs
+     &  , HFPP_trigger_plane
+     &  , HFPP_trigger_wire
+     &  , HFPP_calc_resolution
+     &  , HFPP_use_clusters
+     &  , HFPP_min_event_code
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      integer*4 H_FPP_DRIFT_MAX_BINS
+      parameter (H_FPP_DRIFT_MAX_BINS=1000)	! maximum # of entries in drift map
+      integer*4 H_FPP_DRIFT_MAX_TERMS
+      parameter (H_FPP_DRIFT_MAX_TERMS=10)	! maximum # of terms in polynomial
+      integer*4 hfpp_drift_type		! method of drift calculation:
+                                        !  1 = look-up table, time bins give distance
+					!  2 = polynomial
+      integer*4 hfpp_drift_Nbins	! actual # of entries in drift map
+      integer*4 hfpp_drift_Nterms	! actual # of terms in drift map polynomial
+      real*4 hfpp_drift_coeffs		! coefficient of terms in drift map polynomial
+      real*4 hfpp_drift_Tmin		! lowest acceptable drift time for this map
+      real*4 hfpp_drift_Tmax		! largest acceptable drift time for this map
+      real*4 hfpp_drift_dT		! time difference between entries in drift map
+      real*4 hfpp_drift_Xmax		! largest acceptable drift distance for this map
+      real*4 hfpp_driftmap		! dirft distances by time bins
+      character*80 hfpp_driftmap_filename
+      common/HMS_FPP_drift/
+     &    hfpp_drift_type
+     &  , hfpp_drift_Nbins
+     &  , hfpp_drift_Tmin, hfpp_drift_Tmax, hfpp_drift_dT
+     &  , hfpp_drift_Xmax
+     &  , hfpp_driftmap(H_FPP_N_PLANES,H_FPP_DRIFT_MAX_BINS)
+     &  , hfpp_drift_Nterms
+     &  , hfpp_drift_coeffs(H_FPP_N_PLANES,H_FPP_DRIFT_MAX_TERMS)
+     &  , hfpp_driftmap_filename
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      real*4 HFPP_planeresolution ! expected tracking resolution, for chi2
+      common/HMS_FPP_remap/
+     &  HFPP_planeresolution(H_FPP_N_PLANES)
diff --git a/INCLUDE/hms_fpp_params.dte b/INCLUDE/hms_fpp_params.dte
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5fdf6c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/hms_fpp_params.dte
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+*    Hall C  HMS Focal Plane Polarimeter Code
+*  Purpose: set immutable HMS FPP parameters
+*     this file is included by  h_init_fpp.f
+*  Created by Frank R. Wesselmann,  February 2004
+*%%   include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+*%%   include 'hms_geometry.cmn'
+*     * these declarations are for LOCAL use only!!
+      integer*4 FPPNUMCARDS
+      parameter (FPPNUMCARDS=148)
+      integer*4 fpp_planemap(8,FPPNUMCARDS)
+      real*4 planeZ(H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS*H_FPP_N_DCINSET)
+      real*4 planeangle(H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS*H_FPP_N_DCINSET)
+      real*4 inplanespacing(H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS*H_FPP_N_DCINSET)
+      real*4 planeoffset(H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS*H_FPP_N_DCINSET)
+** number of wires per plane
+      data HFPP_Nwires/ 104, 83, 104,      104, 83, 104,
+     +                  104, 83, 104,      104, 83, 104/
+** z-position of chamber layers within each chamber set (pair)
+      data  planeZ/ -12.25, -10.65, -9.05,  9.05,  10.65,  12.25/
+* angle of wires in each plane relative to
+* positive x-axis -- in-layer axis goes from wire 1 to wire 104/83
+* we define chamber y to be along the wires and chamber x along measure
+* gamma of zero degrees has lowest wire at -x and highest at +x
+* thus x-layer has gamma=0, u has +45 and v has -45
+      data planeangle/  -45.0, 0.0, 45.0,    -45.0, 0.0, 45.0/
+* spacing of sense wires in each plane
+      data inplanespacing/  2.0, 2.0, 2.0,    2.0, 2.0, 2.0/
+* offset of layer along its measurement direction by plane
+* this is the difference between (wire no)*(spacing) and (coordinate)
+      data planeoffset/  -104.0, -84.0, -104.0,   -104.0, -84.0, -104.0/
+** Chamber Wire Numbers against card position mapping
+* note that sometimes the wire numbering is backwards 
+* compared to the TDC channel numbering!
+* That is another reason for using this file:
+* to verify the cabling map that it has the proper channels in
+* decreasing order.  Actually used is only the value CARDPOS.
+* plane is the linearized labeling for the drift chamber layers,
+* in order of increasing z
+* most of the code uses the (set,chamber,layer) notation instead
+* position refers to the read-out card connector position that is
+* part of the chamber itself;  the numbering was defined by the
+* chamber builders and is indicated on the chambers by yellow labels
+* cardpos indicates if readout of wire occurs from the +v or -v
+* side of wire, where (u,v) is the RH coord system of the layer
+*   layers 1, 4, 7, 10 are +45
+*   layers 2, 5, 8, 11 are  0
+*   layers 3, 6, 9, 12 are -45
+*                        plane   set chamber layer    position  wire_lo  wire_hi  cardpos
+      data  fpp_planemap/ 1,      1,	1,     1,    	 1,	   8,	   1,	    1,
+     +                    1,      1,	1,     1,    	 2,	  16,	   9,	    1,
+     +                    1,      1,	1,     1,    	 3,	  24,	  17,	    1,
+     +                    1,      1,	1,     1,    	 4,	  32,	  25,	    1,
+     +                    1,      1,	1,     1,    	 5,	  40,	  33,	    1,
+     +                    1,      1,	1,     1,    	 6,	  48,	  41,	    1,
+     +                    1,      1,	1,     1,    	 7,	  56,	  49,	    1,
+     +                    1,      1,	1,     1,    	 8,	  57,	  64,	   -1,
+     +                    1,      1,	1,     1,    	 9,	  65,	  72,	   -1,
+     +                    1,      1,	1,     1,    	10,	  73,	  80,	   -1,
+     +                    1,      1,	1,     1,    	11,	  81,	  88,	   -1,
+     +                    1,      1,	1,     1,    	12,	  89,	  96,	   -1,
+     +                    1,      1,	1,     1,    	13,	  97,	 104,	   -1,
+     +  	          2,      1,	1,     2,    	 1,	   8,	   1,	    1,
+     +                    2,      1,	1,     2,    	 2,	  16,	   9,	    1,
+     +                    2,      1,	1,     2,    	 3,	  24,	  17,	    1,
+     +                    2,      1,	1,     2,    	 4,	  32,	  25,	    1,
+     +                    2,      1,	1,     2,    	 5,	  40,	  33,	    1,
+     +                    2,      1,	1,     2,    	 6,	  48,	  41,	    1,
+     +                    2,      1,	1,     2,    	 7,	  56,	  49,	    1,
+     +                    2,      1,	1,     2,    	 8,	  64,	  57,	    1,
+     +                    2,      1,	1,     2,    	 9,	  72,	  65,	    1,
+     +                    2,      1,	1,     2,    	10,	  80,	  73,	    1,
+     +                    2,      1,	1,     2,    	11,	  88,	  81,	    1,
+     +  	          3,      1,	1,     3,    	 1,	   1,	   8,	   -1,
+     +                    3,      1,	1,     3,    	 2,	   9,	  16,	   -1,
+     +                    3,      1,	1,     3,    	 3,	  17,	  24,	   -1,
+     +                    3,      1,	1,     3,    	 4,	  25,	  32,	   -1,
+     +                    3,      1,	1,     3,    	 5,	  33,	  40,	   -1,
+     +                    3,      1,	1,     3,    	 6,	  41,	  48,	   -1,
+     +                    3,      1,	1,     3,    	 7,	  49,	  56,	   -1,
+     +                    3,      1,	1,     3,    	 8,	  64,	  57,	    1,
+     +                    3,      1,	1,     3,    	 9,	  72,	  65,	    1,
+     +                    3,      1,	1,     3,    	10,	  80,	  73,	    1,
+     +                    3,      1,	1,     3,    	11,	  88,	  81,	    1,
+     +                    3,      1,	1,     3,    	12,	  96,	  89,	    1,
+     +                    3,      1,	1,     3,    	13,	 104,	  97,	    1,
+     +  	          4,      1,	2,     1,    	 1,	   8,	   1,	    1,
+     +  	          4,      1,	2,     1,    	 2,	  16,	   9,	    1,
+     +  	          4,      1,	2,     1,    	 3,	  24,	  17,	    1,
+     +  	          4,      1,	2,     1,    	 4,	  32,	  25,	    1,
+     +  	          4,      1,	2,     1,    	 5,	  40,	  33,	    1,
+     +  	          4,      1,	2,     1,    	 6,	  48,	  41,	    1,
+     +  	          4,      1,	2,     1,    	 7,	  56,	  49,	    1,
+     +  	          4,      1,	2,     1,    	 8,	  57,	  64,	   -1,
+     +  	          4,      1,	2,     1,    	 9,	  65,	  72,	   -1,
+     +  	          4,      1,	2,     1,    	10,	  73,	  80,	   -1,
+     +  	          4,      1,	2,     1,    	11,	  81,	  88,	   -1,
+     +  	          4,      1,	2,     1,    	12,	  89,	  96,	   -1,
+     +  	          4,      1,	2,     1,    	13,	  97,	 104,	   -1,
+     +  	          5,      1,	2,     2,    	 1,	   8,	   1,	    1,
+     +  	          5,      1,	2,     2,    	 2,	  16,	   9,	    1,
+     +  	          5,      1,	2,     2,    	 3,	  24,	  17,	    1,
+     +  	          5,      1,	2,     2,    	 4,	  32,	  25,	    1,
+     +  	          5,      1,	2,     2,    	 5,	  40,	  33,	    1,
+     +  	          5,      1,	2,     2,    	 6,	  48,	  41,	    1,
+     +  	          5,      1,	2,     2,    	 7,	  56,	  49,	    1,
+     +  	          5,      1,	2,     2,    	 8,	  64,	  57,	    1,
+     +  	          5,      1,	2,     2,    	 9,	  72,	  65,	    1,
+     +  	          5,      1,	2,     2,    	10,	  80,	  73,	    1,
+     +  	          5,      1,	2,     2,    	11,	  88,	  81,	    1,
+     +  	          6,      1,	2,     3,    	 1,	   1,	   8,	   -1,
+     +  	          6,      1,	2,     3,    	 2,	   9,	  16,	   -1,
+     +  	          6,      1,	2,     3,    	 3,	  17,	  24,	   -1,
+     +  	          6,      1,	2,     3,    	 4,	  25,	  32,	   -1,
+     +  	          6,      1,	2,     3,    	 5,	  33,	  40,	   -1,
+     +  	          6,      1,	2,     3,    	 6,	  41,	  48,	   -1,
+     +  	          6,      1,	2,     3,    	 7,	  49,	  56,	   -1,
+     +  	          6,      1,	2,     3,    	 8,	  64,	  57,	    1,
+     +  	          6,      1,	2,     3,    	 9,	  72,	  65,	    1,
+     +  	          6,      1,	2,     3,    	10,	  80,	  73,	    1,
+     +  	          6,      1,	2,     3,    	11,	  88,	  81,	    1,
+     +  	          6,      1,	2,     3,    	12,	  96,	  89,	    1,
+     +  	          6,      1,	2,     3,    	13,	 104,	  97,	    1,
+     +                    7,      2,	1,     1,    	 1,	   8,	   1,	    1,
+     +                    7,      2,	1,     1,    	 2,	  16,	   9,	    1,
+     +                    7,      2,	1,     1,    	 3,	  24,	  17,	    1,
+     +                    7,      2,	1,     1,    	 4,	  32,	  25,	    1,
+     +                    7,      2,	1,     1,    	 5,	  40,	  33,	    1,
+     +                    7,      2,	1,     1,    	 6,	  48,	  41,	    1,
+     +                    7,      2,	1,     1,    	 7,	  56,	  49,	    1,
+     +                    7,      2,	1,     1,    	 8,	  57,	  64,	   -1,
+     +                    7,      2,	1,     1,    	 9,	  65,	  72,	   -1,
+     +                    7,      2,	1,     1,    	10,	  73,	  80,	   -1,
+     +                    7,      2,	1,     1,    	11,	  81,	  88,	   -1,
+     +                    7,      2,	1,     1,    	12,	  89,	  96,	   -1,
+     +                    7,      2,	1,     1,    	13,	  97,	 104,	   -1,
+     +  	          8,      2,	1,     2,    	 1,	   8,	   1,	    1,
+     +                    8,      2,	1,     2,    	 2,	  16,	   9,	    1,
+     +                    8,      2,	1,     2,    	 3,	  24,	  17,	    1,
+     +                    8,      2,	1,     2,    	 4,	  32,	  25,	    1,
+     +                    8,      2,	1,     2,    	 5,	  40,	  33,	    1,
+     +                    8,      2,	1,     2,    	 6,	  48,	  41,	    1,
+     +                    8,      2,	1,     2,    	 7,	  56,	  49,	    1,
+     +                    8,      2,	1,     2,    	 8,	  64,	  57,	    1,
+     +                    8,      2,	1,     2,    	 9,	  72,	  65,	    1,
+     +                    8,      2,	1,     2,    	10,	  80,	  73,	    1,
+     +                    8,      2,	1,     2,    	11,	  88,	  81,	    1,
+     +  	          9,      2,	1,     3,    	 1,	   1,	   8,	   -1,
+     +                    9,      2,	1,     3,    	 2,	   9,	  16,	   -1,
+     +                    9,      2,	1,     3,    	 3,	  17,	  24,	   -1,
+     +                    9,      2,	1,     3,    	 4,	  25,	  32,	   -1,
+     +                    9,      2,	1,     3,    	 5,	  33,	  40,	   -1,
+     +                    9,      2,	1,     3,    	 6,	  41,	  48,	   -1,
+     +                    9,      2,	1,     3,    	 7,	  49,	  56,	   -1,
+     +                    9,      2,	1,     3,    	 8,	  64,	  57,	    1,
+     +                    9,      2,	1,     3,    	 9,	  72,	  65,	    1,
+     +                    9,      2,	1,     3,    	10,	  80,	  73,	    1,
+     +                    9,      2,	1,     3,    	11,	  88,	  81,	    1,
+     +                    9,      2,	1,     3,    	12,	  96,	  89,	    1,
+     +                    9,      2,	1,     3,    	13,	 104,	  97,	    1,
+     +  	         10,      2,	2,     1,    	 1,	   8,	   1,	    1,
+     +  	         10,      2,	2,     1,    	 2,	  16,	   9,	    1,
+     +  	         10,      2,	2,     1,    	 3,	  24,	  17,	    1,
+     +  	         10,      2,	2,     1,    	 4,	  32,	  25,	    1,
+     +  	         10,      2,	2,     1,    	 5,	  40,	  33,	    1,
+     +  	         10,      2,	2,     1,    	 6,	  48,	  41,	    1,
+     +  	         10,      2,	2,     1,    	 7,	  56,	  49,	    1,
+     +  	         10,      2,	2,     1,    	 8,	  57,	  64,	   -1,
+     +  	         10,      2,	2,     1,    	 9,	  65,	  72,	   -1,
+     +  	         10,      2,	2,     1,    	10,	  73,	  80,	   -1,
+     +  	         10,      2,	2,     1,    	11,	  81,	  88,	   -1,
+     +  	         10,      2,	2,     1,    	12,	  89,	  96,	   -1,
+     +  	         10,      2,	2,     1,    	13,	  97,	 104,	   -1,
+     +  	         11,      2,	2,     2,    	 1,	   8,	   1,	    1,
+     +  	         11,      2,	2,     2,    	 2,	  16,	   9,	    1,
+     +  	         11,      2,	2,     2,    	 3,	  24,	  17,	    1,
+     +  	         11,      2,	2,     2,    	 4,	  32,	  25,	    1,
+     +  	         11,      2,	2,     2,    	 5,	  40,	  33,	    1,
+     +  	         11,      2,	2,     2,    	 6,	  48,	  41,	    1,
+     +  	         11,      2,	2,     2,    	 7,	  56,	  49,	    1,
+     +  	         11,      2,	2,     2,    	 8,	  64,	  57,	    1,
+     +  	         11,      2,	2,     2,    	 9,	  72,	  65,	    1,
+     +  	         11,      2,	2,     2,    	10,	  80,	  73,	    1,
+     +  	         11,      2,	2,     2,    	11,	  88,	  81,	    1,
+     +  	         12,      2,	2,     3,    	 1,	   1,	   8,	   -1,
+     +  	         12,      2,	2,     3,    	 2,	   9,	  16,	   -1,
+     +  	         12,      2,	2,     3,    	 3,	  17,	  24,	   -1,
+     +  	         12,      2,	2,     3,    	 4,	  25,	  32,	   -1,
+     +  	         12,      2,	2,     3,    	 5,	  33,	  40,	   -1,
+     +  	         12,      2,	2,     3,    	 6,	  41,	  48,	   -1,
+     +  	         12,      2,	2,     3,    	 7,	  49,	  56,	   -1,
+     +  	         12,      2,	2,     3,    	 8,	  64,	  57,	    1,
+     +  	         12,      2,	2,     3,    	 9,	  72,	  65,	    1,
+     +  	         12,      2,	2,     3,    	10,	  80,	  73,	    1,
+     +  	         12,      2,	2,     3,    	11,	  88,	  81,	    1,
+     +  	         12,      2,	2,     3,    	12,	  96,	  89,	    1,
+     +  	         12,      2,	2,     3,    	13,	 104,	  97,	    1/
diff --git a/INCLUDE/hms_geometry.cmn b/INCLUDE/hms_geometry.cmn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cbebfdc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/hms_geometry.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+*     hms_geometry.cmn
+*     This include file has all the geometrical coefficients for the
+*     HMS wire chambers.
+*     d.f. geesaman        1 September 1993
+*     modifed    dfg       14 Feb 1994
+*                change HPLANE_PARAM(2,)  to hdc_zpos
+*                change HPLANE_PARAM(3,)  to hdc_alpha_angle
+*                change HPLANE_PARAM(4,)  to hdc_beta_angle
+*                change HPLANE_PARAM(5,)  to hdc_gamma_angle
+*                change HPLANE_PARAM(6,)  to hdc_pitch
+*                change HPLANE_PARAM(7,)  to hdc_nrwire
+*                change HPLANE_PARAM(8,)  to hdc_central_wire
+*                change HPLANE_PARAM(9,)  to hdc_sigma
+*                change HPLANE_LABEL      to hdc_plane_name
+*                add     hdc_xcenter
+*                        hdc_ycenter
+* $Log: hms_geometry.cmn,v $
+* Revision  2007/09/26 21:04:16  brash
+* Updates to FPP tracking codes - mostly for conetest calculation.
+* Revision  2007/08/22 19:09:31  frw
+* added FPP
+* Revision 1.12  2006/06/22 frw
+* (frw) added FPP geometry variables, common block
+* Revision 1.11  1996/09/04 15:49:59  saw
+* (JRA) Make hdc_nrwire integer
+* Revision 1.10  1995/05/22 19:07:02  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts
+* Revision 1.9  1995/01/27  20:21:00  cdaq
+* (JRA) Remove no longer used drift time->distance parameters
+* Revision 1.8  1994/11/22  18:43:10  cdaq
+* (SAW) Cleaned up ?DC_NUM_CHAMBERS and ?MAX_NUM_CHAMBERS stuff
+* Revision 1.7  1994/09/13  19:19:37  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add global Wire chamber offsets
+* Revision 1.6  1994/08/05  17:54:15  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add makereg directive with required include files
+*       Add "CTPTYPE=parm" directive for auto generation of CTP reg calls
+* Revision 1.5  1994/07/27  19:15:18  cdaq
+* (DFG) Add hdrift_x0_break and hdrift_t0_break (probably obsoleted by DJM's
+*       Change to h_drift_dist_calc
+* Revision 1.4  1994/06/14  03:21:25  cdaq
+* (DFG) Added hdc_tdc_time_zero
+* Revision 1.3  1994/04/13  17:33:06  cdaq
+* (DFG) Added dummy and dmytst
+* Revision 1.2  1994/03/24  18:36:06  cdaq
+* (DFG) Additional parameters
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/22  14:46:27  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+*     The following include statments must precede the inclusion of this
+*     file in each routine that uses it.  The *%% syntax is also a
+*     directive to makereg to tell it to include the code in the program
+*     that it generates.
+*%%   include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+*     CTPTYPE=parm             ! Probably don't really want the following registered
+      real*4 hzchi,hzpsi       ! geometrical coefficients defining z-z0
+      real*4 hxchi,hxpsi       ! x and y for each wire plane. 
+      real*4 hychi,hypsi
+      real*4 hz0               ! z coordinate of intersection of chamber with
+                               ! z axis
+      real*4 hpsi0,hchi0,hphi0 ! psi, chi and phi  coordinates  where a 
+                               ! chamber normal passing through the origin
+                               ! intersects the chamber. Used in stub fits
+      real*4 hstubcoef         ! coefficents used in stub fits
+                               ! note these contain one power of sigma
+      real*4 htanbeta,hsinbeta,hcosbeta
+      real*4 hxsp              ! coefficents used in space point fits.
+      real*4 hysp
+      real*8 hplane_coeff      ! coefficients used in final track fit
+      integer*4 HNUM_PLANE_COEFF   ! number of plane track fit coefficients
+      parameter (HNUM_PLANE_COEFF=9)
+      integer*4 HNUM_RAY_PARAM     ! number of ray parameters
+      parameter (HNUM_RAY_PARAM=4)
+      common/HMS_GEOMETRY/
+     &     hplane_coeff(HNUM_PLANE_COEFF,HMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES),
+     &     hzpsi(HMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES),hzchi(HMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES),
+     &     hxpsi(HMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES),hxchi(HMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES),
+     &     hypsi(HMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES),hychi(HMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES),
+     &     hz0(HMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES),hpsi0(HMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES),
+     &     hchi0(HMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES),hphi0(HMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES),
+     &     hstubcoef(HMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES,HNUM_RAY_PARAM),
+     &     hxsp(HMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES),hysp(HMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES),
+     &     htanbeta(HMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES),hsinbeta(HMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES),
+     &     hcosbeta(HMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES)
+      real*4    hdc_zpos
+      real*4    hdc_alpha_angle
+      real*4    hdc_beta_angle
+      real*4    hdc_gamma_angle
+      real*4    hdc_pitch
+      integer*4 hdc_nrwire
+      real*4    hdc_central_wire
+      real*4    hdc_sigma
+      real*4    hdc_xcenter
+      real*4    hdc_ycenter
+      real*4    hdc_center
+      integer*4 hdc_chamber_planes
+      character*16 hdc_plane_name
+     &     hdc_zpos(HMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES),
+     &     hdc_alpha_angle(HMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES),
+     &     hdc_beta_angle(HMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES),
+     &     hdc_gamma_angle(HMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES),
+     &     hdc_pitch(HMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES),
+     &     hdc_central_wire(HMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES),
+     &     hdc_nrwire(HMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES),
+     &     hdc_sigma(HMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES),
+     &     hdc_xcenter(HMAX_NUM_CHAMBERS),
+     &     hdc_ycenter(HMAX_NUM_CHAMBERS),
+     &     hdc_chamber_planes(HMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES),
+     &     hdc_plane_name(HMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES),
+     &     hdc_center(HMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES)
+      real*4 hlocrayzt
+      parameter (hlocrayzt=0.)
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+*     parameter file variables. Separate by type to make it easy to add
+*     at the end
+*     REAL*4
+*      real*4 hdrift_velocity        ! hms drift velocity in cm/ns
+      real*4 hdc_tdc_time_per_channel ! hms drift chamber tdc calibration
+      real*4 hdc_1_zpos
+      real*4 hdc_2_zpos
+      real*4 dummy
+      real*4 hdc_plane_time_zero        ! zero time for drift chamber planes
+*      real*4 hdrift_t0_break            ! start of linear drift region in t
+*      real*4 hdrift_x0_break            ! start of linear drift region in x
+*     &     hdrift_velocity,
+     &     hdc_tdc_time_per_channel,
+     &     hdc_1_zpos,
+     &     hdc_2_zpos,
+     &     dummy,
+     &     hdc_plane_time_zero(HMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES)
+*     &     hdrift_t0_break(HMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES),
+*     &     hdrift_x0_break(HMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES)
+*    INTEGER*4
+      integer*4 hdc_wire_counting     ! readout numbering order
+      integer*4 dmytst
+     &     hdc_wire_counting(HMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES),
+     &     dmytst
+*      CTPTYPE=parm
+      integer*4 HFPP_Nwires     ! actual # of wires in each layer (plane!!)
+      integer*4 HFPP_plane2set     ! mapping from plane# to set#
+      integer*4 HFPP_plane2chamber ! mapping from plane# to chamber#
+      integer*4 HFPP_plane2layer   ! mapping from plane# to layer#
+*     * the following offsets and rotations are expressed in the HMS FP coords
+*     * thus they describe how the chamber set is positioned relative to the
+*     * other detectors;  we expect the rotation to be carried out before the
+*     * translation, i.e. the origins of the coord systems will coincide
+*     * the translation is however expressed in HMS FP coords
+*     * the chamber set coord system mirrors HMS trasport conventions, with the
+*     * z-axis going through the center of each layer;  the origin is midway
+*     * between the two cha,mbers of the set
+      real*4 HFPP_alpha         ! rotation angle alpha of each chamber set
+      real*4 HFPP_beta  	! rotation angle beta  of each chamber set
+      real*4 HFPP_gamma 	! rotation angle gamma of each chamber set
+      real*4 HFPP_Xoff	        ! x offset in lab of each chamber set (cm)
+      real*4 HFPP_Yoff	        ! y offset in lab of each chamber set (cm)
+      real*4 HFPP_Zoff	        ! z offset in lab of each chamber set (cm)
+      real*4 HFPP_Xsize	        ! useful size (x) of each chamber set (cm)
+      real*4 HFPP_Ysize	        ! useful size (y) of each chamber set (cm)
+      real*4 HFPP_layerZ        ! z coord of each LAYER in lab (cm)
+      real*4 HFPP_spacing       ! wire spacing of each layer
+      real*4 HFPP_resolution    ! track fit hit sigma**2 of each layer in layer
+      real*4 HFPP_layeroffset   ! offset of each layer (along its measure)
+      real*4 HFPP_Mrotation     ! coordinate rotation matrix from HMS to FPP
+      real*4 HFPP_Irotation     ! coordinate rotation matrix from FPP to HMS
+      real*4 HFPP_direction     ! direction of unit vector along layer''s measure
+                                ! based on parameter file variable  HFPP_layerangle
+      integer*4 HFPP_cardpos    ! is readout card on +v or -v side of chamber?
+                                ! where u is measuring coord, v is along wires and z is beam
+      common/HMS_FPP_geometry/
+     &     HFPP_Nwires(H_FPP_N_PLANES)
+     &   , HFPP_plane2set(H_FPP_N_PLANES),HFPP_plane2chamber(H_FPP_N_PLANES)
+     &   , HFPP_plane2layer(H_FPP_N_PLANES)
+     &   , HFPP_alpha(H_FPP_N_DCSETS)
+     &   , HFPP_beta(H_FPP_N_DCSETS)
+     &   , HFPP_gamma(H_FPP_N_DCSETS)
+     &   , HFPP_Xoff(H_FPP_N_DCSETS)
+     &   , HFPP_Yoff(H_FPP_N_DCSETS)
+     &   , HFPP_Zoff(H_FPP_N_DCSETS)
+     &   , HFPP_Xsize(H_FPP_N_DCSETS)
+     &   , HFPP_Ysize(H_FPP_N_DCSETS)
+     &   , HFPP_Mrotation(H_FPP_N_DCSETS,3,3)
+     &   , HFPP_Irotation(H_FPP_N_DCSETS,3,3)
diff --git a/INCLUDE/hms_id_histid.cmn b/INCLUDE/hms_id_histid.cmn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6da69b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/hms_id_histid.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+*      hms_id_histid.cmn
+*      This common block contains the HBOOK histogram id numbers
+*      for all hms particle id histograms in which direct hfill 
+*      calls are made.
+*      It also contains the paramter flags to turn on and off histograming
+*      of each of the hard coded blocks.
+*      Created 9 April 1994	D. F. Geesaman
+* $Log: hms_id_histid.cmn,v $
+* Revision  2007/10/30 00:28:32  cdaq
+* added FPP geometric alignment checks
+* Revision  2007/10/22 18:39:10  cdaq
+* adjusted HMS FPP histos
+* Revision  2007/08/22 19:09:31  frw
+* added FPP
+* Revision 1.15  2006/06/22 frw
+* added FPP hids
+* Revision 1.14  2002/12/20 21:52:33  jones
+* Modified by Hamlet for new HMS aerogel
+* Revision 1.13  2002/10/08 (Hamlet)
+* Add HMS Aerogel histograms
+* Revision 1.12  1999/02/23 19:10:42  csa
+* (JRA) Add hidscindpos_pid, cleanup
+* Revision 1.11  1999/02/03 21:13:34  saw
+* Code for new Shower counter tubes
+* Revision 1.10  1996/09/04 15:51:24  saw
+* Add hidmisctdcs
+* Revision 1.9  1996/01/17 16:01:00  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add hidscintimes histogram
+* Revision 1.8  1995/09/01 13:02:31  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add dpos histid's
+* Revision 1.7  1995/08/11  16:30:58  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add dpos (track pos - hit pos) histograms
+* Revision 1.6  1995/07/28  14:26:52  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add hidsum histogram id holders
+* Revision 1.5  1995/05/22  19:07:28  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts
+* Revision 1.4  1995/05/12  12:23:39  cdaq
+* (JRA) Modify/add user histograms
+* Revision 1.3  1994/08/05  15:41:18  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add makereg directive with required include files
+* Revision 1.2  1994/08/04  20:51:58  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add "CTPTYPE=parm" directive for auto generation of CTP reg calls
+* Revision 1.1  1994/04/12  21:11:59  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+*     The following include statments must precede the inclusion of this
+*     file in each routine that uses it.  The *%% syntax is also a
+*     directive to makereg to tell it to include the code in the program
+*     that it generates.
+*%%   include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+*%%   include 'hms_scin_parms.cmn'
+*     The following don't need to be registered??
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      integer*4 hidscinrawtothits
+      integer*4 hidscinplane
+      integer*4 hidscinallpostdc(HNUM_SCIN_PLANES)
+      integer*4 hidscinallnegtdc(HNUM_SCIN_PLANES)
+      integer*4 hidscinallposadc(HNUM_SCIN_PLANES)
+      integer*4 hidscinallnegadc(HNUM_SCIN_PLANES) 
+      integer*4 hidscincounters(HNUM_SCIN_PLANES)
+      integer*4 hidscinposadc(HNUM_SCIN_PLANES,hnum_scin_elements)
+      integer*4 hidscinnegadc(HNUM_SCIN_PLANES,hnum_scin_elements)
+      integer*4 hidscinpostdc(HNUM_SCIN_PLANES,hnum_scin_elements)
+      integer*4 hidscinnegtdc(HNUM_SCIN_PLANES,hnum_scin_elements)
+      integer*4 hidscinalltimes
+      integer*4 hidscindpos(HNUM_SCIN_PLANES)
+      integer*4 hidscindpos_pid(HNUM_SCIN_PLANES)
+      integer*4 hidsumposadc(HNUM_SCIN_PLANES)
+      integer*4 hidsumnegadc(HNUM_SCIN_PLANES)
+      integer*4 hidsumpostdc(HNUM_SCIN_PLANES)
+      integer*4 hidsumnegtdc(HNUM_SCIN_PLANES)
+      integer*4 hidscintimes
+      integer*4 hidcalplane
+      integer*4 hidcalhits(HMAX_CAL_COLUMNS)
+      integer*4 hidcalposhits(HMAX_CAL_COLUMNS)
+      integer*4 hidcalneghits(HMAX_CAL_COLUMNS)
+      integer*4 hidcalsumadc
+      integer*4 hidcaldpos
+      integer*4 hiddcdposx,hiddcdposy,hiddcdposxp,hiddcdposyp
+      integer*4 hidmisctdcs
+      integer*4 hidhaero_adc_pos_hits
+      integer*4 hidhaero_adc_neg_hits
+      integer*4 hidhaero_adc_pos_pedsubtr
+      integer*4 hidhaero_adc_neg_pedsubtr
+      integer*4 hidhaero_tdc_pos_hits
+      integer*4 hidhaero_tdc_neg_hits
+      common/hms_id_histid/
+     &     hidscinrawtothits,
+     &     hidscinplane,
+     &     hidscinallpostdc,
+     &     hidscinallnegtdc,
+     &     hidscinallposadc,
+     &     hidscinallnegadc,
+     &     hidscincounters,
+     &     hidscinposadc,
+     &     hidscinnegadc,
+     &     hidscinpostdc,
+     &     hidscinnegtdc,
+     &     hidscinalltimes,
+     &     hidscintimes,
+     &     hidsumposadc,
+     &     hidsumnegadc,
+     &     hidsumpostdc,
+     &     hidsumnegtdc,
+     &     hidscindpos,
+     &     hidcalplane,
+     &     hidcalhits,
+     &     hidcalsumadc,
+     &     hidcalposhits,
+     &     hidcalneghits,
+     &     hidcaldpos,
+     &     hiddcdposx,hiddcdposy,hiddcdposxp,hiddcdposyp,
+     &     hidmisctdcs,
+     &     hidscindpos_pid,
+     &     hidhaero_adc_pos_pedsubtr,hidhaero_adc_neg_pedsubtr,
+     &     hidhaero_adc_pos_hits,hidhaero_adc_neg_hits,
+     &     hidhaero_tdc_pos_hits,hidhaero_tdc_neg_hits
+      integer*4 hidFPP_tdc(H_FPP_N_PLANES)
+      integer*4 hidFPP_tdcROC
+      integer*4 hidFPP_alltimes(H_FPP_N_PLANES)
+      integer*4 hidFPP_planetime(H_FPP_N_PLANES)
+      integer*4 hidFPP_rate1(H_FPP_N_PLANES)
+      integer*4 hidFPP_time1(H_FPP_N_PLANES)
+      integer*4 hidFPP_time12(H_FPP_N_PLANES)
+      integer*4 hidFPP_should(H_FPP_N_DCSETS,H_FPP_N_DCINSET,H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS)
+      integer*4 hidFPP_dist(H_FPP_N_DCSETS)
+      integer*4 hidFPP_rawinclust(H_FPP_N_PLANES)
+      integer*4 hidFPP_trk_chi2(H_FPP_N_DCSETS)
+      integer*4 hidFPP_trk_mx(H_FPP_N_DCSETS)
+      integer*4 hidFPP_trk_bx(H_FPP_N_DCSETS)
+      integer*4 hidFPP_trk_my(H_FPP_N_DCSETS)
+      integer*4 hidFPP_trk_by(H_FPP_N_DCSETS)
+      integer*4 hidFPP_Ntrk(H_FPP_N_DCSETS)
+      integer*4 hidFPP_Nhitontrk(H_FPP_N_DCSETS)
+      integer*4 hidFPP_Nrawontrk(H_FPP_N_DCSETS)
+      integer*4 hidFPP_trkrough(H_FPP_N_DCSETS,6)
+      integer*4 hidFPP_fine_mx(H_FPP_N_DCSETS)
+      integer*4 hidFPP_fine_bx(H_FPP_N_DCSETS)
+      integer*4 hidFPP_fine_my(H_FPP_N_DCSETS)
+      integer*4 hidFPP_fine_by(H_FPP_N_DCSETS)
+      integer*4 hidFPP_NickEff(H_FPP_N_DCSETS)
+      integer*4 hidFPP_sclose(H_FPP_N_DCSETS)
+      integer*4 hidFPP_zclose(H_FPP_N_DCSETS)
+      integer*4 hidFPP_thetapol(H_FPP_N_DCSETS)
+      integer*4 hidFPP_phipol(H_FPP_N_DCSETS)
+      integer*4 hidFPP_resol_lin(H_FPP_N_DCSETS)
+      integer*4 hidFPP_resol_ang(H_FPP_N_DCSETS)
+      integer*4 hid_rawROC(0:15)
+      common/hms_fpp_histid/
+     &     hidFPP_tdc,
+     &     hidFPP_rate1, hidFPP_planetime,
+     &     hidFPP_alltimes, hidFPP_time1, hidFPP_time12,
+     &     hidFPP_driftT, hidFPP_driftX,
+     &     hidFPP_should, hidFPP_did,
+     &     hidFPP_dist,
+     &     hidFPP_rawinclust,
+     &     hidFPP_trk_chi2,
+     &     hidFPP_trk_mx, hidFPP_trk_bx,
+     &     hidFPP_trk_my, hidFPP_trk_by,
+     &     hidFPP_Ntrk,
+     &     hidFPP_Nhitontrk,
+     &     hidFPP_Nrawontrk,
+     &     hidFPP_trkrough,
+     &     hidFPP_fine_mx, hidFPP_fine_my,
+     &     hidFPP_fine_bx, hidFPP_fine_by,
+     &     hidFPP_resol_lin, hidFPP_resol_ang,
+     &     hidFPP_tdcROC,
+     &     hidFPP_NickEff,
+     &     hidFPP_sclose, hidFPP_zclose,
+     &     hidFPP_thetapol, hidFPP_phipol,
+     &     hid_rawROC,hid_HMSwire
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+*      flags to turn on (.eq.1) or off (.eq. 0) hard coded histograms
+       integer*4 hturnon_scin_raw_hist
+       common/hms_id_hist_flags/
+     &      hturnon_scin_raw_hist
diff --git a/INCLUDE/hms_one_ev.par b/INCLUDE/hms_one_ev.par
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f610a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/hms_one_ev.par
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+*     hms_one_ev.par
+*     include file for One Event Display
+*-- Author : Derek van Westrum
+*       contains information needed for the one event display
+* $Log: hms_one_ev.par,v $
+* Revision 1.2  1996/01/17 16:02:39  cdaq
+* (DVW)
+* Revision 1.1  1995/07/28  20:22:59  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      real*4    HHUT_WIDTH,HHUT_HEIGHT
+      real*4    HODO_THICKNESS
+      parameter (HHUT_WIDTH = 100.)     ! full width of the det. hut
+      parameter (HHUT_HEIGHT = 800.)    ! full height of the det. hut
+      parameter (LOWER_CHAMBER_X_OFFSET = 0.) ! offset
+      parameter (LOWER_CHAMBER_Y_OFFSET = 0.) ! offset
+      parameter (UPPER_CHAMBER_X_OFFSET = 0.) ! offset
+      parameter (UPPER_CHAMBER_Y_OFFSET = 0.) ! offset
+      parameter (LOWER_HODO_X_PADDLES = 16) ! # of paddles in X direction
+      parameter (LOWER_HODO_Y_PADDLES = 10) ! # of paddles in Y direction
+      parameter (UPPER_HODO_X_PADDLES = 16) ! # of paddles in X direction
+      parameter (UPPER_HODO_Y_PADDLES = 10) ! # of paddles in Y direction
+      parameter (HODO_THICKNESS = 1.0)	! full thickness of hodoscope
+      parameter (HODO_LOWER_X_OFFSET = 0.) ! offset
+      parameter (HODO_LOWER_Y_OFFSET = 0.) ! offset
+      parameter (HODO_UPPER_X_OFFSET = 0.) ! offset
+      parameter (HODO_UPPER_Y_OFFSET = 0.) ! offset
+      parameter (SHOWER_X_OFFSET = 0.)	! offset
+      parameter (SHOWER_Y_OFFSET = 0.)	! offset
diff --git a/INCLUDE/hms_pedestals.cmn b/INCLUDE/hms_pedestals.cmn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa08038
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/hms_pedestals.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
+* hms_pedestals.cmn -  counters used for calculating pedestals from the set
+*                      of pedestal events at the beginning of each run.
+* $Log: hms_pedestals.cmn,v $
+* Revision 1.7  2003/09/05 20:32:28  jones
+* Merge in online03 changes (mkj)
+* Revision  2003/04/06 06:19:41  cdaq
+* updated variables for haero
+* Revision 1.6  2002/12/20 21:52:32  jones
+* Modified by Hamlet for new HMS aerogel
+* Revision 1.6  2002/09/26
+* (Hamlet) Add Aerogel pedestals
+* Revision 1.5  1999/02/23 19:16:02  csa
+* (JRA) Add vars for improved pedestal calcs
+* Revision 1.4  1998/12/17 22:02:41  saw
+* Support extra set of tubes on HMS shower counter
+* Revision 1.3  1996/01/17 16:03:04  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add "_new_" pedestal variables
+* Revision 1.2  1995/06/27 15:58:12  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add hhodo_all_sig_pos
+* Revision 1.1  1995/05/26  16:14:28  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+* Revision 1.2  1995/05/22  19:08:49  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts
+* Fix conflicting common block names.  Add Cerenkov pedestals
+* Revision 1.1  1995/04/06  20:17:19  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+*     The following include statments must precede the inclusion of this
+*     file in each routine that uses it.  The *%% syntax is also a
+*     directive to makereg to tell it to include the code in the program
+*     that it generates.
+*%%   include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+* replace hscin_all_ped_pos with float(hhodo_pos_ped_sum/hhodo_pos_ped_num)
+* if hhodo_pos_ped_num > hhodo_min_peds.
+      integer*4 hhodo_pos_ped_sum2(hnum_scin_planes,hnum_scin_elements)
+      integer*4 hhodo_neg_ped_sum2(hnum_scin_planes,hnum_scin_elements)
+      integer*4 hhodo_pos_ped_sum(hnum_scin_planes,hnum_scin_elements)
+      integer*4 hhodo_neg_ped_sum(hnum_scin_planes,hnum_scin_elements)
+      integer*4 hhodo_pos_ped_num(hnum_scin_planes,hnum_scin_elements)
+      integer*4 hhodo_neg_ped_num(hnum_scin_planes,hnum_scin_elements)
+      integer*4 hhodo_num_ped_changes
+      integer*4 hhodo_changed_plane(2*hnum_scin_planes*hnum_scin_elements)
+      integer*4 hhodo_changed_element(2*hnum_scin_planes*hnum_scin_elements)
+      integer*4 hhodo_changed_sign(2*hnum_scin_planes*hnum_scin_elements)
+      real*4 hhodo_ped_change(2*hnum_scin_planes*hnum_scin_elements)
+      real*4 hhodo_new_sig_pos(hnum_scin_planes,hnum_scin_elements)
+      real*4 hhodo_new_sig_neg(hnum_scin_planes,hnum_scin_elements)
+      real*4 hhodo_new_ped_pos(hnum_scin_planes,hnum_scin_elements)
+      real*4 hhodo_new_ped_neg(hnum_scin_planes,hnum_scin_elements)
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      integer*4 hhodo_min_peds
+      integer*4 hhodo_pos_ped_limit(hnum_scin_planes,hnum_scin_elements)
+      integer*4 hhodo_neg_ped_limit(hnum_scin_planes,hnum_scin_elements)
+      common/hms_scin_pedestals/
+     &   hhodo_pos_ped_sum2,  !sum of squares
+     &   hhodo_neg_ped_sum2,  !sum of squares
+     &   hhodo_pos_ped_sum,   !sum of peds
+     &   hhodo_neg_ped_sum,   !sum of peds
+     &   hhodo_pos_ped_num,   !number of peds
+     &   hhodo_neg_ped_num,   !number of peds
+     &   hhodo_pos_ped_limit,   !max. allowed ped (reject hits during ped trig)
+     &   hhodo_neg_ped_limit,   !max. allowed ped
+     &   hhodo_min_peds,      !# of peds required to override default pedestals
+     &   hhodo_new_sig_pos,
+     &   hhodo_new_sig_neg,
+     &   hhodo_new_ped_pos,
+     &   hhodo_new_ped_neg,
+     &   hhodo_num_ped_changes, !# of peds with 2 sigma change from param file
+     &   hhodo_changed_plane,
+     &   hhodo_changed_element,
+     &   hhodo_changed_sign,    !1=pos,2=neg
+     &   hhodo_ped_change
+* replace hcal_ped_mean with float(hcal_ped_sum/hcal_ped_num),
+*         hcal_ped_rms  with (appropriate formula),
+*    and  hcal_threshold with (something like) min(10.,3.*hcal_ped_rms)
+* if hcal_num > hcal_min_peds.
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+      integer*4 hcal_pos_ped_sum2(hmax_cal_blocks)
+      integer*4 hcal_neg_ped_sum2(hmax_cal_blocks)
+      integer*4 hcal_pos_ped_sum(hmax_cal_blocks)
+      integer*4 hcal_neg_ped_sum(hmax_cal_blocks)
+      integer*4 hcal_pos_ped_num(hmax_cal_blocks)
+      integer*4 hcal_neg_ped_num(hmax_cal_blocks)
+      integer*4 hcal_num_ped_changes
+      integer*4 hcal_changed_block(2*hmax_cal_blocks)
+      integer*4 hcal_changed_sign(2*hmax_cal_blocks) ! Which end?
+      real*4 hcal_ped_change(2*hmax_cal_blocks)
+      real*4 hcal_new_ped_pos(2*hmax_cal_blocks)
+      real*4 hcal_new_ped_neg(2*hmax_cal_blocks)
+      real*4 hcal_new_rms_pos(2*hmax_cal_blocks)
+      real*4 hcal_new_rms_neg(2*hmax_cal_blocks)
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      integer*4 hcal_min_peds
+      integer*4 hcal_pos_ped_limit(hmax_cal_blocks)
+      integer*4 hcal_neg_ped_limit(hmax_cal_blocks)
+      common/hms_cal_ped_stats/
+     &   hcal_pos_ped_sum2,       !sum of squares
+     &   hcal_neg_ped_sum2,       !sum of squares
+     &   hcal_pos_ped_sum,        !sum of peds
+     &   hcal_neg_ped_sum,        !sum of peds
+     &   hcal_pos_ped_num,        !number of peds
+     &   hcal_neg_ped_num,        !number of peds
+     &   hcal_pos_ped_limit,      !max. allowed ped (reject hits during ped trig)
+     &   hcal_neg_ped_limit,      !max. allowed ped
+     &   hcal_min_peds,       !# of peds required to override default pedestals
+     &   hcal_new_ped_pos,        !(new) calculated pedestals.
+     &   hcal_new_ped_neg,        !(new) calculated pedestals.
+     &   hcal_new_rms_pos,        !(new) calculated rms.
+     &   hcal_new_rms_neg,        !(new) calculated rms.
+     &   hcal_num_ped_changes,!# of peds with 2 sigma changes from param file
+     &   hcal_changed_block,
+     &   hcal_changed_sign,    ! 1=pos, 2=neg
+     &   hcal_ped_change
+* replace hcer_ped with float(hcer_ped_sum/hcer_ped_num),
+*         hcer_ped_rms  with (appropriate formula),
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+      integer*4 hcer_ped_sum2(hmax_cer_hits)
+      integer*4 hcer_ped_sum(hmax_cer_hits)
+      integer*4 hcer_ped_num(hmax_cer_hits)
+      integer*4 hcer_num_ped_changes
+      integer*4 hcer_changed_tube(hmax_cer_hits)
+      real*4 hcer_ped_change(hmax_cer_hits)
+      real*4 hcer_ped_mean(hmax_cer_hits)
+      real*4 hcer_ped_rms(hmax_cer_hits)
+      real*4 hcer_new_ped(hmax_cer_hits)
+      real*4 hcer_new_rms(hmax_cer_hits)
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      integer*4 hcer_min_peds
+      integer*4 hcer_ped_limit(hmax_cer_hits)
+      common/hms_cer_pedestals/
+     &   hcer_ped_sum2,       !sum of squares
+     &   hcer_ped_sum,        !sum of peds
+     &   hcer_ped_num,        !number of peds
+     &   hcer_ped_limit,      !max. allowed ped (reject hits during ped trig)
+     &   hcer_min_peds,       !# of peds required to override default pedestals
+     &   hcer_ped_mean,
+     &   hcer_ped_rms,
+     &   hcer_new_ped,
+     &   hcer_new_rms,
+     &   hcer_num_ped_changes,!# of peds with 2 sigma changes from param file
+     &   hcer_changed_tube,   !list of changed tubes
+     &   hcer_ped_change      !change in pedestal
+* cp from sos lucite (hamlet)
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+      integer*4 haero_pos_ped_sum2(hmax_aero_hits)
+      integer*4 haero_neg_ped_sum2(hmax_aero_hits)
+      integer*4 haero_pos_ped_sum(hmax_aero_hits)
+      integer*4 haero_neg_ped_sum(hmax_aero_hits)
+      integer*4 haero_pos_ped_num(hmax_aero_hits)
+      integer*4 haero_neg_ped_num(hmax_aero_hits)
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      integer*4 haero_min_peds
+      real*4 haero_new_ped_pos(hmax_aero_hits)
+      real*4 haero_new_ped_neg(hmax_aero_hits)
+      real*4 haero_new_rms_pos(hmax_aero_hits)
+      real*4 haero_new_rms_neg(hmax_aero_hits)
+      real*4 haero_pos_ped_mean(hmax_aero_hits)
+      real*4 haero_neg_ped_mean(hmax_aero_hits)
+      real*4 haero_pos_ped_rms(hmax_aero_hits)
+      real*4 haero_neg_ped_rms(hmax_aero_hits)
+      integer*4 haero_pos_ped_limit(hmax_aero_hits)
+      integer*4 haero_neg_ped_limit(hmax_aero_hits)
+      common/hms_aeroi_pedestals/
+     &   haero_pos_ped_sum2,       !sum of squares
+     &   haero_neg_ped_sum2,       !sum of squares
+     &   haero_pos_ped_sum,        !sum of peds
+     &   haero_neg_ped_sum,        !sum of peds
+     &   haero_pos_ped_num,        !number of peds
+     &   haero_neg_ped_num,        !number of peds
+     &   haero_pos_ped_limit,      !max. allowed ped 
+     &   haero_neg_ped_limit,      !max. allowed ped
+     &   haero_min_peds,           !# of peds required to override default pedestals
+     &   haero_pos_ped_mean,       !calculated pedestal value
+     &   haero_neg_ped_mean,
+     &   haero_pos_ped_rms,        !calculated pedestal width
+     &   haero_neg_ped_rms,
+     &   haero_new_ped_pos,
+     &	 haero_new_ped_neg,
+     &	 haero_new_rms_pos,
+     &	 haero_new_rms_neg
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+      integer*4 hmisc_ped_sum2(hmax_misc_hits)
+      integer*4 hmisc_ped_sum(hmax_misc_hits)
+      integer*4 hmisc_ped_num(hmax_misc_hits)
+      integer*4 hmisc_num_ped_changes
+      integer*4 hmisc_changed_tube(hmax_misc_hits)
+      real*4 hmisc_ped(hmax_misc_hits)
+      real*4 hmisc_ped_change(hmax_misc_hits)
+      real*4 hmisc_ped_mean(hmax_misc_hits)
+      real*4 hmisc_ped_rms(hmax_misc_hits)
+      real*4 hmisc_new_ped(hmax_misc_hits)
+      real*4 hmisc_new_rms(hmax_misc_hits)
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      integer*4 hmisc_min_peds
+      integer*4 hmisc_ped_limit(hmax_misc_hits)
+      common/hms_misc_pedestals/
+     &   hmisc_ped,
+     &   hmisc_ped_sum2,       !sum of squares
+     &   hmisc_ped_sum,        !sum of peds
+     &   hmisc_ped_num,        !number of peds
+     &   hmisc_ped_limit,      !max. allowed ped (reject hits during ped trig)
+     &   hmisc_min_peds,       !# of peds required to override default pedestals
+     &   hmisc_ped_mean,
+     &   hmisc_ped_rms,
+     &   hmisc_new_ped,
+     &   hmisc_new_rms,
+     &   hmisc_num_ped_changes,!# of peds with 2 sigma changes from param file
+     &   hmisc_changed_tube,   !list of changed tubes
+     &   hmisc_ped_change      !change in pedestal
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+      real*4 hhodo_new_threshold_pos(hnum_scin_planes,hnum_scin_elements)
+      real*4 hhodo_new_threshold_neg(hnum_scin_planes,hnum_scin_elements)
+      real*4 hcal_new_adc_threshold_pos(hmax_cal_blocks)
+      real*4 hcal_new_adc_threshold_neg(hmax_cal_blocks)
+      real*4 hcer_new_adc_threshold(hmax_cer_hits)
+      real*4 hmisc_new_adc_threshold(hmax_misc_hits)
+      real*4 haero_new_threshold_pos(hmax_aero_hits)
+      real*4 haero_new_threshold_neg(hmax_aero_hits)
+      common/hms_adc_thresholds/
+     &   hhodo_new_threshold_pos,
+     &   hhodo_new_threshold_neg,
+     &   hcal_new_adc_threshold_pos,
+     &   hcal_new_adc_threshold_neg,
+     &   hcer_new_adc_threshold,
+     &   hmisc_new_adc_threshold,
+     &   haero_new_threshold_pos,
+     &   haero_new_threshold_neg
diff --git a/INCLUDE/hms_physics_sing.cmn b/INCLUDE/hms_physics_sing.cmn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..768721d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/hms_physics_sing.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+*    This include file contains all the variables required for h_physics
+* $Log: hms_physics_sing.cmn,v $
+* Revision 1.11  2005/03/23 16:35:04  jones
+* Add new code s_select_best_track_prune.f and h_select_best_track_prune.f (P Bosted)
+* Revision 1.10  2004/02/26 22:14:53  jones
+* Add parameter  hsel_using_scin. When hsel_using_scin= 1 then new code
+* HTRACKING/h_select_track_using_scin.f which selects track
+* base on which hits closest to the scintillator hits.
+* When hsel_using_scin= 0 then previous way of selecting best
+* track based on chi-squared is used.
+* Revision 1.9  2003/09/08 21:03:03  jones
+* Change h_phicentral_offset to h_oopcentral_offset (mkj)
+* Revision 1.8  2002/09/24 20:29:04  jones
+*     add parameters hphicentral_offset, hpcentral_offset,
+*                hthetacentral_offset
+* Revision 1.7  1999/02/23 19:16:52  csa
+* Add some physics vars
+* Revision 1.6  1996/09/04 16:11:28  saw
+* (JRA,DD) Add some egamma variables and some angle/momentum offset
+* variables
+* Revision 1.5  1996/04/30 13:39:20  saw
+* (JRA) Add pathlength, rf, and photodisintigration variables
+* Revision 1.4  1995/09/01 13:03:31  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add cerenkov position variables
+* Revision 1.3  1995/01/27  20:18:34  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add hms_tmp_stuff array of useful physics quantities
+* Revision 1.2  1994/08/05  19:37:37  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add "CTPTYPE=event,parm" directives for auto generation of CTP reg calls
+* Revision 1.1  1994/06/14  03:25:33  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+*     Event varaibles to calculate
+      REAL*4 HSELAS_COR               ! Difference between momentum measured
+                                      ! by tracking and elastic kinematics
+     &     HSELAS_COR
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+*     initializiation paramters
+      REAL*4  HPHYSICSA                 !   Coefficients of p3 in elastic cal
+      REAL*4  HPHYSICSB                 !
+      REAL*4  HPHYSICAB2                !
+      REAL*4  HPHYSICSM3B               !
+      REAL*4  COSHTHETAS                !   COS(HTHETA_LAB)
+      REAL*4  SINHTHETAS                !   SIN(HTHETA_LAB)
+     &     HPHYSICSA,
+     &     HPHYSICSB,
+     &     HPHYSICAB2,
+     &     HPHYSICSM3B,
+     &     COSHTHETAS,
+     &     SINHTHETAS
+*     Parameters that select the best track. Note these should be
+*     loose cuts to make sure we select one track. The final 
+*     tighter cuts should be made with tests.
+      REAL*4 hsel_chi2_fpperdegmax      ! Maximun chi2 per degree of freedom
+                                        ! at the focal plane
+      REAL*4 hsel_dedx1min              ! Minimum dedx in chamber 1
+      REAL*4 hsel_dedx1max              ! Maximum dedx in chamber 1
+      REAL*4 hsel_betamin               ! Minimum beta 
+      REAL*4 hsel_betamax               ! Maximum beta
+      REAL*4 hsel_etmin                 ! Minimum track et
+      REAL*4 hsel_etmax                 ! Maximum track et
+! following parameters are only used if pruning is selected
+! see the code h_select_best_track_prune.f for meaning
+! Note: all these limits are for abs(quantity) except df, chibeta
+      real*4 hprune_xp                  ! Maximum xp angle in radians
+      real*4 hprune_yp 	                ! maximum yp angle in radianss
+      real*4 hprune_ytar                ! maximum ytar in cm
+      real*4 hprune_delta               ! Maximum delta in percent
+      real*4 hprune_beta                ! Maximum beta-1
+      integer hprune_df                  ! Minimum d.f. for track
+      real*4 hprune_chibeta             ! Maximum beta chisq
+      real*4 hprune_fptime              ! Maximum fptime - nominal
+      integer hprune_npmt               ! Minimum PMTs for track
+      INTEGER*4 hsel_ndegreesmin        ! Minimum number of degrees of freedom
+      INTEGER*4 hsel_using_scin       ! =1 select best track using scin info
+                                      ! = 0 select best track suing just chi2
+      INTEGER*4 hsel_using_prune      ! =1 select best track using new 
+                                      !    routine and prune values 
+                                      ! = 0 then using_scin applies
+      COMMON/hms_chose_one_track_r4/
+     &     hsel_chi2_fpperdegmax,
+     &     hsel_dedx1min,
+     &     hsel_dedx1max,
+     &     hsel_betamin,
+     &     hsel_betamax,
+     &     hsel_etmin,
+     &     hsel_etmax,
+     &     hprune_xp,
+     &     hprune_yp,
+     &     hprune_ytar,
+     &     hprune_delta,
+     &     hprune_beta,
+     &     hprune_df,
+     &     hprune_chibeta,
+     &     hprune_npmt,
+     &     hprune_fptime
+      COMMON/hms_chose_one_track_i4/
+     &     hsel_ndegreesmin,
+     &     hsel_using_scin,
+     &     hsel_using_prune
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+      real*4 hsx_dc1, hsy_dc1
+      real*4 hsx_dc2, hsy_dc2
+      real*4 hsx_s1, hsy_s1
+      real*4 hsx_cer, hsy_cer
+      real*4 hsx_s2, hsy_s2
+      real*4 hsx_cal, hsy_cal
+      integer*4 hsscin_elem_hit(4)
+      COMMON/hms_tmp_stuff/
+     &     hsx_dc1, hsy_dc1,
+     &     hsx_dc2, hsy_dc2,
+     &     hsx_s1, hsy_s1,
+     &     hsx_cer, hsy_cer,
+     &     hsx_s2, hsy_s2,
+     &     hsx_cal, hsy_cal,
+     &     hsscin_elem_hit
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      real*4 hpathlength_central
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+      real*4 hsbeta_p
+      real*4 hspathlength
+      real*4 hspath_cor
+      real*4 hsrftime
+      COMMON/hms_timing_stuff/
+     &     hpathlength_central,
+     &     hsbeta_p,
+     &     hspathlength,
+     &     hspath_cor,
+     &     hsrftime
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+      real*4 hqx,hqy,hqz,hqabs
+      real*4 hinvmass
+      common/hms_physics_quantaties/
+     &    hqx,hqy,hqz,hqabs,
+     &    hinvmass
+c     For photodisintegration calculations.
+c     M.Miller, NPL UIUC, 10-Sept-1995,
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      real*4 hphoto_mtarget    ! Mass of target [Gev/c^2]
+      real*4 hphoto_mrecoil    ! Mass of recoil system [Gev/c^2]
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+      real*4 hsegamma
+      real*4 hsegamma_p        !Egamma, assuming proton
+      real*4 hsegamma_d        !Egamma, assuming deuteron
+      common /hms_photo_param/
+     &     hphoto_mtarget,
+     &     hphoto_mrecoil,
+     &     hsegamma,
+     &     hsegamma_p,
+     &     hsegamma_d
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+c    D.Dutta, 24th-Apr-1996
+      real*4 hdelta_offset     ! hms delta offset
+      real*4 htheta_offset     ! hms scatteringangel offset
+      real*4 hphi_offset
+      real*4 hmomentum_factor    ! multiplier for the hms momentum
+c    J.Volmer, 9th-Jul-1999
+      real*4 hpcentral_offset  ! hms central momentum offset
+      real*4 hthetacentral_offset ! hms central angle offset
+      real*4 h_oopcentral_offset   ! hms central oop angle offset
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+      common /hms_offsets/
+     &     hdelta_offset,
+     &     htheta_offset,
+     &     hphi_offset,
+     &     hmomentum_factor,
+     &     hpcentral_offset,
+     &     hthetacentral_offset,
+     &     h_oopcentral_offset
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+      real*4 hs_qvec(4)   
+      real*4 hs_kpvec(4) 
+      real*4 hs_kvec(4)  
+      real*4 hs_tvec(4)
+      COMMON/hs_vectors/
+     &     hs_qvec,
+     &     hs_kpvec,
+     &     hs_kvec,
+     &     hs_tvec
diff --git a/INCLUDE/hms_recon_elements.cmn b/INCLUDE/hms_recon_elements.cmn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..20b986f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/hms_recon_elements.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+*    hms_recon_elements.cmn
+******************** Cosy reconstruction matrix elements. **********************
+*                         High Momentum Spectrometer                           *
+*                         Version 1.0,   18-Nov-1993                           *
+*                   David Potterveld, Argonne National Lab.                    *
+*     modified:  21-JAN-94    DFG     change max_ to hmax_
+* $Log: hms_recon_elements.cmn,v $
+* Revision 1.5  1996/09/04 16:13:02  saw
+* (JRA) Add 5th element to h_recon_expon
+* Revision 1.4  1995/08/08 15:41:57  cdaq
+* (DD) Add detector and angular offsets
+* Revision 1.3  1995/04/06  20:19:23  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add parameters for ddutta's pre cosy transformation
+* Revision 1.2  1994/08/05  19:30:03  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add "CTPTYPE=parm" directive for auto generation of CTP reg calls
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/22  14:45:52  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      integer*4        hmax_recon_elements
+      parameter       (hmax_recon_elements = 1000) !Max # coeff elements
+      real*4           h_recon_coeff(4,hmax_recon_elements)
+      real*4           h_ang_slope_x,h_ang_slope_y
+      real*4           h_ang_offset_x,h_ang_offset_y
+      real*4           h_det_offset_x,h_det_offset_y
+      real*4           h_z_true_focus ! Z position of HMS focus
+      integer*4        h_recon_expon(5,hmax_recon_elements)
+      integer*4        h_num_recon_terms
+      integer*4        h_recon_initted
+      common /hms_recon_elements/
+     >     h_recon_initted,             !Initialization flag.
+     >     h_num_recon_terms,           !Number of terms.
+     >     h_recon_coeff,               !Coefficients.
+     >     h_recon_expon,               !Exponents.
+     >     h_ang_slope_x, h_ang_slope_y,   ! Slopes for rotation of f plane
+     >     h_ang_offset_x, h_ang_offset_y, ! Slopes for rotation of f plane
+     >     h_det_offset_x,h_det_offset_y,  ! Detector offsets
+     >     h_z_true_focus               ! Z position of SOS focus
diff --git a/INCLUDE/hms_scin_parms.cmn b/INCLUDE/hms_scin_parms.cmn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..34579cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/hms_scin_parms.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+* hms_scin_parms.cmn -  two common blocks:
+*    hms_scin_parms - variables from the hms_positions.parm file
+*    hms_tof_parms  - tof correction parameters and position parameters
+*                     converted to arrays over plane,counter by h_init_scin.
+*    NOTE:  Variables whose names start with hHODO are arrays over
+*           plane and counter.  hSCIN is used for parameters from the
+*           .parm files and for arrays over hits.
+*       Modified 23 March 1994   DFG
+*           Add definition of hnum_scin_elements and set parameter value
+* $Log: hms_scin_parms.cmn,v $
+* Revision  2008/11/17 15:57:39  cdaq
+* Removed old tof varaibles
+* Revision  2007/10/24 16:37:21  cdaq
+* *** empty log message ***
+* Revision  2007/05/02 21:10:47  jones
+* Add new HMS hodo params for adjusting scintillator timing using P Bosted's method.
+* Revision 1.11  1996/09/04 16:24:13  saw
+* (JRA) Add misc scaler
+* Revision 1.10  1996/01/24 16:19:42  saw
+* (JRA) Cosmetic change
+* Revision 1.9  1995/08/11 16:32:51  cdaq
+* (JRA) Remove old dpos stuff
+*       Add hscin_zero accumulators
+* Revision 1.8  1995/07/28  14:37:25  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add dimension to hmisc_dec_data
+* Revision 1.7  1995/05/22  19:11:18  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts.
+* Make pedestal arrays real.  Add hms_scin_positions and hms_misc_parms commons
+* Revision 1.6  1995/03/13  19:08:45  cdaq
+* (JRA) Move hnum_scin_elements to gen_data_structures, remove
+*       hscin_num_counters.  Change hscin_??_top and _left to center and offset.
+*       Add hscin_??_spacing parms.  Change hhodo_center_coord to hhodo_center.
+*       Add hhodo_???_minph tables.
+* Revision 1.5  1994/09/13  21:01:55  cdaq
+* (JRA) Include arrays for scintillator pedestals
+* Revision 1.4  1994/09/13  19:24:18  cdaq
+* (JRA) Remove hhodo_zpos, add staggering of scintillators
+* Revision 1.3  1994/08/05  15:27:18  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add makereg directive with required include files
+* Revision 1.2  1994/08/04  17:55:08  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add "CTPTYPE=parm" directive for auto generation of CTP reg calls
+* Revision 1.1  1994/04/12  21:10:43  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+*     The following include statments must precede the inclusion of this
+*     file in each routine that uses it.  The *%% syntax is also a
+*     directive to makereg to tell it to include the code in the program
+*     that it generates.
+*%%   include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+* from parameter file
+      integer*4 hscin_1x_nr
+      integer*4 hscin_1y_nr
+      integer*4 hscin_2x_nr
+      integer*4 hscin_2y_nr
+      integer*4 hdebugprintscinraw
+      integer*4 hdebugprintscindec
+      integer*4 hdebugprinttoftracks
+      integer*4 hdebugprinttracktests
+      real*4 hscin_1x_zpos
+      real*4 hscin_1y_zpos
+      real*4 hscin_2x_zpos
+      real*4 hscin_2y_zpos
+      real*4 hscin_1x_dzpos
+      real*4 hscin_1y_dzpos
+      real*4 hscin_2x_dzpos
+      real*4 hscin_2y_dzpos
+      real*4 hscin_1x_left
+      real*4 hscin_1y_top
+      real*4 hscin_2x_left
+      real*4 hscin_2y_top
+      real*4 hscin_1x_right
+      real*4 hscin_1y_bot
+      real*4 hscin_2x_right
+      real*4 hscin_2y_bot
+      real*4 hscin_1x_center(hnum_scin_elements)
+      real*4 hscin_1y_center(hnum_scin_elements)
+      real*4 hscin_2x_center(hnum_scin_elements)
+      real*4 hscin_2y_center(hnum_scin_elements)
+      real*4 hscin_1x_offset
+      real*4 hscin_1y_offset
+      real*4 hscin_2x_offset
+      real*4 hscin_2y_offset
+      real*4 hscin_1x_size
+      real*4 hscin_1y_size
+      real*4 hscin_2x_size
+      real*4 hscin_2y_size
+      real*4 hscin_1x_spacing
+      real*4 hscin_1y_spacing
+      real*4 hscin_2x_spacing
+      real*4 hscin_2y_spacing
+      real*4 hscin_all_ped_pos(hnum_scin_planes,hnum_scin_elements)
+      real*4 hscin_all_ped_neg(hnum_scin_planes,hnum_scin_elements)
+      common/hms_scin_parms/            !variables from h_positions.parm
+     &     hscin_1x_nr, hscin_1y_nr,    !Elements per plane
+     &     hscin_2x_nr, hscin_2y_nr,
+     &     hscin_1x_zpos, hscin_1y_zpos, !z position of plane.
+     &     hscin_2x_zpos, hscin_2y_zpos,
+     &     hscin_1x_dzpos, hscin_1y_dzpos,
+     &     hscin_2x_dzpos, hscin_2y_dzpos,
+     &     hscin_1x_left, hscin_1y_top, !position of 'negative'(??) end.
+     &     hscin_2x_left, hscin_2y_top,
+     &     hscin_1x_right, hscin_1y_bot, !position of 'positive'(??) end.
+     &     hscin_2x_right, hscin_2y_bot,
+     &     hscin_1x_center, hscin_1y_center, !center (transverse) of element.
+     &     hscin_2x_center, hscin_2y_center,
+     &     hscin_1x_size, hscin_1y_size, !width of elements.
+     &     hscin_2x_size, hscin_2y_size,
+     &     hscin_1x_spacing, hscin_1y_spacing, !separation of centers.
+     &     hscin_2x_spacing, hscin_2y_spacing,
+     &     hdebugprintscinraw,
+     &     hdebugprintscindec,
+     &     hdebugprinttoftracks,
+     &     hdebugprinttracktests,
+     &     hscin_all_ped_pos,
+     &     hscin_all_ped_neg,
+     &     hscin_1x_offset, hscin_1y_offset, !offset from nominal trans pos.
+     &     hscin_2x_offset, hscin_2y_offset
+*     Physical paramteres of counters.  Use hhodo_* for arrays that include
+*     the entire hodoscope,  hscin_* for arrays that loop over hits.
+      real*4 hnum_scin_counters(hnum_scin_planes)
+      real*4 hhodo_center(hnum_scin_planes,hnum_scin_elements)
+      real*4 hhodo_width(hnum_scin_planes,hnum_scin_elements)
+      real*4 hhodo_pos_coord(hnum_scin_planes,hnum_scin_elements)
+      real*4 hhodo_neg_coord(hnum_scin_planes,hnum_scin_elements)
+*     callibration type variables.
+      real*4 hhodo_slop(hnum_scin_planes)
+      real*4 hhodo_pos_sigma(hnum_scin_planes,hnum_scin_elements)
+      real*4 hhodo_neg_sigma(hnum_scin_planes,hnum_scin_elements)
+      real*4 hhodo_pos_invadc_offset(hnum_scin_planes,hnum_scin_elements)
+      real*4 hhodo_neg_invadc_offset(hnum_scin_planes,hnum_scin_elements)
+      real*4 hhodo_pos_invadc_linear(hnum_scin_planes,hnum_scin_elements)
+      real*4 hhodo_neg_invadc_linear(hnum_scin_planes,hnum_scin_elements)
+      real*4 hhodo_pos_invadc_adc(hnum_scin_planes,hnum_scin_elements)
+      real*4 hhodo_neg_invadc_adc(hnum_scin_planes,hnum_scin_elements)
+*     correction parameters and position information converted to arryas
+*     over plane and counter
+      common/hms_tof_parms/
+     &     hnum_scin_counters,
+     &     hhodo_center,
+     &     hhodo_width,
+     &     hhodo_pos_coord,
+     &     hhodo_neg_coord,
+     &     hhodo_slop,
+     &     hhodo_pos_sigma,
+     &     hhodo_neg_sigma,
+     >     hhodo_pos_invadc_offset,
+     >     hhodo_neg_invadc_offset,
+     >     hhodo_pos_invadc_linear,
+     >     hhodo_neg_invadc_linear,
+     >     hhodo_pos_invadc_adc,
+     >     hhodo_neg_invadc_adc
+* hms_misc_parms.cmn -  misc tdc's filled as array over signal number
+*         (tdc is sparsified, so the raw signals are array over hits)
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      integer*4 hnum_misc_planes
+      parameter(hnum_misc_planes=2)     !(1=TDC, 2=ADC)
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+      integer*4 hmisc_dec_data(hmax_misc_hits,hnum_misc_planes)
+      integer*4 hmisc_scaler(hmax_misc_hits,hnum_misc_planes)
+      common/hms_misc_parms/
+     &   hmisc_dec_data,
+     &   hmisc_scaler
+      integer*4 hscin_zero_pos(hnum_scin_planes,hnum_scin_elements)
+      integer*4 hscin_zero_neg(hnum_scin_planes,hnum_scin_elements)
+      integer*4 hscin_zero_num(hnum_scin_planes,hnum_scin_elements)
+      real*4 hscin_zero_pave(hnum_scin_planes,hnum_scin_elements)
+      real*4 hscin_zero_nave(hnum_scin_planes,hnum_scin_elements)
+      common /hms_scin_zero/
+     &    hscin_zero_pos,hscin_zero_neg,
+     &    hscin_zero_num,
+     &    hscin_zero_pave,hscin_zero_nave
diff --git a/INCLUDE/hms_scin_tof.cmn b/INCLUDE/hms_scin_tof.cmn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc2c8c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/hms_scin_tof.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+* hms_scin_tof.cmn:   common block used by the subroutines that
+*       calculate the hms time of flight.
+* $Log: hms_scin_tof.cmn,v $
+* Revision  2008/11/17 15:57:00  cdaq
+* Removed old tof varaibles
+* Revision  2007/10/24 16:37:21  cdaq
+* *** empty log message ***
+* Revision  2007/05/02 21:16:08  jones
+* Add new internal arrays used  for adjusting scintillator timing using P Bosted's method.
+* Revision 1.12  2005/03/15 21:14:28  jones
+* Add variables htof_tolerance and stof_tolerance to be used to filter the scintillator tdc hits and group them by time. ( P. Bosted)
+* Revision 1.11  1996/04/30 13:40:30  saw
+* (JRA) Add hbeta_p, hbeta_pcent
+* Revision 1.10  1995/05/22 19:04:27  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts
+* Add some varaibles.
+* Revision 1.9  1995/03/13  19:13:03  cdaq
+* (JRA) Change hscin_minph to hscin_???_minph arrays.  Add tracks index to
+*       hgood_tdc_pos, hgood_tdc_neg, hgood_scin_time, hgood_plane_time,
+*       and hgood_beta.
+* Revision 1.8  1995/01/27  21:03:16  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add htof_debugging common
+* Revision 1.7  1994/09/13  19:29:50  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add focal plane time
+* Revision 1.6  1994/08/16  03:56:33  cdaq
+* (SAW) Change some variables to parm CTPTYPE
+* Revision 1.5  1994/08/05  15:29:44  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add makereg directive with required include files
+* Revision 1.4  1994/08/04  18:02:13  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add "CTPTYPE=event" directive for auto generation of CTP reg calls
+* Revision 1.3  1994/07/08  19:27:12  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add hscin_on_track table
+* Revision 1.2  1994/05/13  02:51:53  cdaq
+* (DFG) Remove parameter statements.  More are CTP variables
+* Revision 1.1  1994/04/13  18:06:20  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+*     The following include statments must precede the inclusion of this
+*     file in each routine that uses it.  The *%% syntax is also a
+*     directive to makereg to tell it to include the code in the program
+*     that it generates.
+*%%   include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+*%%   include 'hms_scin_parms.cmn'
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+      integer*4 hntof
+      real*4 hscin_long_coord(hmax_scin_hits)
+      real*4 hscin_trans_coord(hmax_scin_hits)
+      real*4 hscin_pos_coord(hmax_scin_hits)
+      real*4 hscin_neg_coord(hmax_scin_hits)
+      real*4 hscin_pos_sigma(hmax_scin_hits)
+      real*4 hscin_neg_sigma(hmax_scin_hits)
+      real*4 hscin_pos_time(hmax_scin_hits)
+      real*4 hscin_neg_time(hmax_scin_hits)
+      real*4 hscin_sigma(hmax_scin_hits)
+      real*4 hscin_time(hmax_scin_hits)
+      real*4 hscin_time_fp(hmax_scin_hits)
+      real*4 hscin_pos_invadc_offset(hmax_scin_hits)
+      real*4 hscin_neg_invadc_offset(hmax_scin_hits)
+      real*4 hscin_pos_invadc_linear(hmax_scin_hits)
+      real*4 hscin_neg_invadc_linear(hmax_scin_hits)
+      real*4 hscin_pos_invadc_adc(hmax_scin_hits)
+      real*4 hscin_neg_invadc_adc(hmax_scin_hits)
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      real*4 hscin_tdc_min
+      real*4 hscin_tdc_max
+      real*4 hscin_tdc_to_time
+      real*4 hstart_time_center    ! center of time window on scin. hits
+      real*4 hstart_time_slop      ! 1/2 width of time window on scin. hits
+      real*4 htof_tolerance        ! tolerance for tof window in nsec
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+      logical*4 hgood_tdc_pos(hntracks_max,hmax_scin_hits)
+      logical*4 hgood_tdc_neg(hntracks_max,hmax_scin_hits)
+      logical*4 hgood_scin_time(hntracks_max,hmax_scin_hits)
+      logical*4 hgood_plane_time(hntracks_max,hnum_scin_planes)
+      logical*4 hgood_beta(hntracks_max)
+      logical*4 hscin_on_track(hntracks_max,hmax_scin_hits)
+      common/hms_scin_tof/
+     &     hntof,
+     &     hscin_long_coord,
+     &     hscin_trans_coord,
+     &     hscin_pos_coord,hscin_neg_coord, !position of tubes
+     &     hscin_pos_sigma,hscin_neg_sigma, !time resolution for tubes
+     &     hscin_pos_time, hscin_neg_time, !time for 'pos' and 'neg' tubes.
+     &     hscin_sigma,                 !time resolution for scin.
+     &     hscin_time,                  !time for scin. (ave of tubes)
+     &     hscin_tdc_min,
+     &     hscin_tdc_max,
+     &     hscin_tdc_to_time,
+     &     hgood_tdc_pos, hgood_tdc_neg, !did pos/neg tube had good tdc?
+     &     hgood_scin_time,             !was a time found for the hit?
+     &     hgood_plane_time,            !was a time found for the plane?
+     &     hgood_beta,                  !was a value of beta found?
+     &     hscin_on_track,              !list of scins on each track.
+     &     hscin_time_fp,               !scin time (ave) projected to fp
+     &     hstart_time_center,
+     &     hstart_time_slop,
+     &     htof_tolerance,
+     >     hscin_pos_invadc_offset,
+     >     hscin_neg_invadc_offset,
+     >     hscin_pos_invadc_linear,
+     >     hscin_neg_invadc_linear,
+     >     hscin_pos_invadc_adc,
+     >     hscin_neg_invadc_adc
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+      real*4 h_fptime(hnum_scin_planes)    !time at fp from all hits in 1 plane
+      real*4 h_fptimedif(6)                !fp time differences
+      real*4 hbeta_notrk
+      real*4 hbeta_chisq_notrk
+      real*4 hbeta_p                       !beta from mass and momentum
+      real*4 hbeta_pcent                   !beta for central momentum
+      common/htof_notrk/
+     &  h_fptime,
+     &  h_fptimedif,
+     &  hbeta_notrk,
+     &  hbeta_chisq_notrk,
+     &  hbeta_p,
+     &  hbeta_pcent
+c      integer*4 hscin_pos_did(hnum_scin_planes,hnum_scin_elements)
+c      integer*4 hscin_neg_did(hnum_scin_planes,hnum_scin_elements)
+c      integer*4 hscin_pos_should(hnum_scin_planes,hnum_scin_elements)
+c      integer*4 hscin_neg_should(hnum_scin_planes,hnum_scin_elements)
+c      real*4 hscin_pos_eff(hnum_scin_planes,hnum_scin_elements)
+c      real*4 hscin_neg_eff(hnum_scin_planes,hnum_scin_elements)
+c      real*4 hscin_pos_solo(hnum_scin_planes,hnum_scin_elements)
+c      real*4 hscin_neg_solo(hnum_scin_planes,hnum_scin_elements)
+c      common/hmore_debugging/
+c     &  hscin_pos_eff,
+c     &  hscin_neg_eff,
+c     &  hscin_pos_solo,
+c     &  hscin_neg_solo,
+c     &  hscin_pos_did,
+c     &  hscin_neg_did,
+c     &  hscin_pos_should,
+c     &  hscin_neg_should
diff --git a/INCLUDE/hms_statistics.cmn b/INCLUDE/hms_statistics.cmn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eee1849
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/hms_statistics.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+*     hms_statistics.cmn
+*     common blocks containing event statistics for h_reconstruction
+* $Log: hms_statistics.cmn,v $
+* Revision  2007/08/22 19:09:31  frw
+* added FPP
+* Revision 1.13  2006/06/22 frw
+* added FPP variables
+* Revision 1.12  2003/09/05 21:05:10  jones
+* Merge in online03 changes (mkj)
+* Revision  2003/04/02 22:26:20  cdaq
+* added some variables for scint. effic tests (from oct 1999 online) - JRA
+* Revision 1.11  1996/09/04 16:24:34  saw
+* (SAW) Change ' to '' in comments
+* Revision 1.10  1996/01/17 16:03:53  cdaq
+* (JRA) Remove some obsolete common blocks
+* Revision 1.9  1995/09/01 13:04:38  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add counter efficiency variables
+* Revision 1.8  1995/08/11  16:36:30  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add hstat_mineff as a ctp parameter
+* Revision 1.7  1995/07/28  14:42:20  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add pos/neg/both good arrays
+* Revision 1.6  1995/05/22  19:02:26  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts
+* Fix a conflicting common block name
+* Revision 1.5  1995/03/13  19:15:31  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add many new statistics
+* Revision 1.4  1994/08/05  19:40:20  cdaq
+* * (SAW) Add makereg directive with required include files
+*         Add "CTPTYPE=parm" directive for auto generation of CTP reg calls
+* Revision 1.3  1994/06/15  21:00:27  cdaq
+* (DFG) add scin plane efficiency
+* Revision 1.2  1994/06/14  03:30:16  cdaq
+* (DFG) add chamber efficiency and sigma
+* Revision 1.1  1994/06/06  16:52:57  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+*     The following include statments must precede the inclusion of this
+*     file in each routine that uses it.  The *%% syntax is also a
+*     directive to makereg to tell it to include the code in the program
+*     that it generates.
+*%%   include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      real*4 hstat_maxchisq
+      real*4 hstat_slop
+      real*4 hstat_mineff
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+      integer*4 hstat_numevents
+      integer*4 hstat_trk(hnum_scin_planes,hnum_scin_elements)
+      integer*4 hstat_poshit(hnum_scin_planes,hnum_scin_elements)
+      integer*4 hstat_neghit(hnum_scin_planes,hnum_scin_elements)
+      integer*4 hstat_orhit(hnum_scin_planes,hnum_scin_elements)
+      integer*4 hstat_andhit(hnum_scin_planes,hnum_scin_elements)
+      integer*4 hstat_trksum(hnum_scin_planes)
+      integer*4 hstat_possum(hnum_scin_planes)
+      integer*4 hstat_negsum(hnum_scin_planes)
+      integer*4 hstat_orsum(hnum_scin_planes)
+      integer*4 hstat_andsum(hnum_scin_planes)
+      real*4 hstat_peff(hnum_scin_planes,hnum_scin_elements)
+      real*4 hstat_neff(hnum_scin_planes,hnum_scin_elements)
+      real*4 hstat_oeff(hnum_scin_planes,hnum_scin_elements)
+      real*4 hstat_aeff(hnum_scin_planes,hnum_scin_elements)
+      real*4 hstat_poseff(hnum_scin_planes)
+      real*4 hstat_negeff(hnum_scin_planes)
+      real*4 hstat_oreff(hnum_scin_planes)
+      real*4 hstat_andeff(hnum_scin_planes)
+      real*4 heff_s1
+      real*4 heff_s2
+      real*4 heff_stof
+      real*4 heff_4_of_4
+      real*4 heff_3_of_4
+      common/hscin_statistics/
+     &  hstat_numevents,
+     &  hstat_trk,         !# of times track points near center of scin.
+     &  hstat_poshit,      !# of times the pos tube on scintillator fired
+     &  hstat_neghit,      !# of times the pos tube on scintillator fired
+     &  hstat_orhit,       !# of times either tube fired
+     &  hstat_andhit,      !# of times both tubes fired
+     &  hstat_trksum,      !summed over all counters on plane
+     &  hstat_possum,      !summed over all counters on plane
+     &  hstat_negsum,      !summed over all counters on plane
+     &  hstat_orsum,       !summed over all counters on plane
+     &  hstat_andsum,      !summed over all counters on plane
+     &  hstat_peff,        !pos efficiency for given counter.
+     &  hstat_neff,        !neg efficiency for given counter.
+     &  hstat_oeff,        !or  efficiency for given counter.
+     &  hstat_aeff,        !and efficiency for given counter.
+     &  hstat_poseff,      !efficiency over all counters on plane
+     &  hstat_negeff,      !efficiency over all counters on plane
+     &  hstat_oreff,       !efficiency over all counters on plane
+     &  hstat_andeff,      !efficiency over all counters on plane
+     &  hstat_slop,        !distance allowed from center of scintillator.
+     &  hstat_mineff,      !give warning if effic. < hstat_mineff
+     &  hstat_maxchisq,    !maximum chisq allowed to use track for eff. calc.
+     &  heff_s1,           !calculated trigger eff. for s1 =(s1x .or. s1y).
+     &  heff_s2,           !calculated trigger eff. for s2 =(s2x .or. s2y).
+     &  heff_stof,         !calculated trigger eff. for stof =(s1 .and. s2).
+     &  heff_4_of_4,       !calculated trigger eff. for 4/4 planes.
+     &  heff_3_of_4        !calculated trigger eff. for 3/4 planes.
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      real*4 hstat_cal_maxchisq
+      real*4 hstat_cal_slop
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+      integer*4 hstat_cal_numevents
+      integer*4 hstat_cal_trk(hmax_cal_columns,hmax_cal_rows)
+      integer*4 hstat_cal_hit(hmax_cal_columns,hmax_cal_rows)
+      integer*4 hstat_cal_trksum(hmax_cal_columns)
+      integer*4 hstat_cal_hitsum(hmax_cal_columns)
+      real*4 hstat_cal_eff(hmax_cal_columns,hmax_cal_rows)
+      real*4 hstat_cal_effsum(hmax_cal_columns)
+      common/hcal_statistics/
+     &  hstat_cal_numevents,
+     &  hstat_cal_trk,         !# of times track points near center of block.
+     &  hstat_cal_hit,         !# of times the tube on block was over threshold.
+     &  hstat_cal_trksum,      !summed over all blocks on plane.
+     &  hstat_cal_hitsum,      !summed over all blocks on plane.
+     &  hstat_cal_eff,         !efficiency for a given block.
+     &  hstat_cal_effsum,      !efficiency over all counters on plane.
+     &  hstat_cal_slop,        !distance allowed from center of block.
+     &  hstat_cal_maxchisq     !maximum chisq allowed to use track for eff. calc.
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+      integer*4 hbothgood(hnum_scin_planes,hnum_scin_elements)
+      integer*4 hposgood(hnum_scin_planes,hnum_scin_elements)
+      integer*4 hneggood(hnum_scin_planes,hnum_scin_elements)
+      common/hscin_posneg_stats/
+     &   hbothgood,
+     &   hposgood,
+     &   hneggood
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      real*4 hdc_min_eff(hmax_num_dc_planes)   !''warning'' value for plane eff.
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+      integer*4 hdc_tot_events                 !total number of events examined
+      integer*4 hdc_events(hmax_num_dc_planes) !counter of times plane was hit
+      integer*4 hdc_cham_hits(hmax_num_chambers)
+      real*4 hdc_plane_eff(hmax_num_dc_planes) !effic=events(pln)/tot_events
+      real*4 hdc_cham_eff(hmax_num_chambers)
+      common/hdc_statistics/
+     &   hdc_tot_events,
+     &   hdc_events,
+     &   hdc_min_eff,
+     &   hdc_plane_eff,
+     &   hdc_cham_hits,
+     &   hdc_cham_eff
+* The logical variables just record if that particular event passed the test
+* for 'plane should have fired' and 'plane did fire'.  In CTP tests, we'll
+* apply additional cuts and check the efficiency.
+* 'Should' = event where other 3 hodoscope planes fired.
+* 'Did' = 'Should' && plane in question did fire.
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+      logical*4 htrig_hodoshouldflag(hnum_scin_planes)
+      logical*4 htrig_hododidflag(hnum_scin_planes)
+      common/htrig_hodostatistics/
+     &   htrig_hodoshouldflag,
+     &   htrig_hododidflag
+*  Focal Plane Polarimeter variables (frw 2006/06/22)
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+      real*4 HFPP_stat_dist2closest	! distance to closest hit wire
+      integer*4 HFPP_stat_shouldhit	! # of wire fitted track passed
+      logical*4 HFPP_stat_diddhit	! true if shouldhit was hit (w/ slop)
+*     * now the same again with sequential plane numbers for CTP
+      integer*4 HFPP_stat_planeshould
+      logical*4 HFPP_stat_planedidd
+      common/HMS_FPP_stats/
+     &   HFPP_stat_dist2closest(H_FPP_N_DCSETS,H_FPP_N_DCINSET,
+     &   HFPP_stat_shouldhit(H_FPP_N_DCSETS,H_FPP_N_DCINSET,
+     >  		            H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS,H_FPP_MAX_TRACKS),
+     &   HFPP_stat_diddhit(H_FPP_N_DCSETS,H_FPP_N_DCINSET,
+     >  		          H_FPP_N_DCLAYERS,H_FPP_MAX_TRACKS),
+     &   HFPP_stat_planeshould(H_FPP_N_PLANES,H_FPP_MAX_TRACKS),
+     &   HFPP_stat_planedidd(H_FPP_N_PLANES,H_FPP_MAX_TRACKS)
diff --git a/INCLUDE/hms_track_histid.cmn b/INCLUDE/hms_track_histid.cmn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f131765
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/hms_track_histid.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+*      hms_tracking_histid.cmn
+*      This common block contains the HBOOK histogram id numbers
+*      for all hms histograms in which direct hfill calls are made.
+*      It also contains the paramter flags to turn on and off histograming
+*      of each of the hard coded blocks.
+*      Created 9 April 1994	D. F. Geesaman
+* $Log: hms_track_histid.cmn,v $
+* Revision 1.8  1996/01/17 16:04:21  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add hidcuttdc and a temporary junk common block
+* Revision 1.7  1995/05/22 19:12:18  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts
+* Revision 1.6  1995/05/12  12:23:53  cdaq
+* (JRA) Modify/add user histograms
+* Revision 1.5  1994/08/18  03:14:21  cdaq
+* * (SAW) Use arrays of histids for residuals
+* Revision 1.4  1994/08/18  01:59:15  cdaq
+* (DM) Add residuals histid's
+* Revision 1.3  1994/08/05  19:22:30  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add makereg directive with required include files
+*       Add "CTPTYPE=parm" directive for auto generation of CTP reg calls
+* Revision 1.2  1994/05/13  02:59:26  cdaq
+* (DFG) Add h_fill_dc_target_hist id's
+* Revision 1.1  1994/04/12  21:08:57  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+*     The following include statments must precede the inclusion of this
+*     file in each routine that uses it.  The *%% syntax is also a
+*     directive to makereg to tell it to include the code in the program
+*     that it generates.
+*%%   include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+*     CTPTYPE=parm            ! The following probably should not be registered
+      integer*4 hiddcwiremap(hmax_num_dc_planes)
+      integer*4 hiddcdrifttime(hmax_num_dc_planes)
+      integer*4 hiddcdriftdis(hmax_num_dc_planes)
+      integer*4 hiddcwirecent(hmax_num_dc_planes)
+      integer*4 hidhx_fp,hidhy_fp,hidhxp_fp,hidhyp_fp,hidhlogchi2_fp,
+     &     hidhnfree_fp,hidhchi2perdeg_fp
+      integer*4 hidhx_tar, hidhy_tar, hidhz_tar, hidhxp_tar, hidhyp_tar,
+     &     hidhdelta_tar, hidhp_tar
+      integer*4 hidres_fp(hmax_num_dc_planes)
+      integer*4 hidsingres_fp(hmax_num_dc_planes)
+      integer*4 hidrawtdc
+      integer*4 hidcuttdc
+      common/hms_tracking_histid/
+     &     hiddcwiremap,
+     &     hiddcdrifttime,
+     &     hiddcdriftdis,
+     &     hiddcwirecent,
+     &     hidhx_fp,
+     &     hidhy_fp,
+     &     hidhxp_fp,
+     &     hidhyp_fp,
+     &     hidhlogchi2_fp,
+     &     hidhnfree_fp,
+     &     hidhchi2perdeg_fp,
+     &     hidhx_tar,
+     &     hidhy_tar,
+     &     hidhz_tar,
+     &     hidhxp_tar,
+     &     hidhyp_tar,
+     &     hidhdelta_tar,
+     &     hidhp_tar,
+     &     hidres_fp,
+     &     hidsingres_fp,
+     &     hidrawtdc,
+     &     hidcuttdc
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      integer*4 hturnon_decoded_dc_hist
+      integer*4 hturnon_focal_plane_hist
+      integer*4 hturnon_target_hist
+      common/hms_hist_flags/
+     &     hturnon_decoded_dc_hist,
+     &     hturnon_focal_plane_hist,
+     &     hturnon_target_hist
+*  temporary junk common block.
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+      real*4 hx_sp1(hntracks_max),hy_sp1(hntracks_max),hxp_sp1(hntracks_max)
+      real*4 hx_sp2(hntracks_max),hy_sp2(hntracks_max),hxp_sp2(hntracks_max)
+      real*4 hsx_sp1,hsy_sp1,hsxp_sp1
+      real*4 hsx_sp2,hsy_sp2,hsxp_sp2
+      common/htemp_junk_cb/hx_sp1,hy_sp1,hxp_sp1,hx_sp2,hy_sp2,hxp_sp2,
+     &     hsx_sp1,hsy_sp1,hsxp_sp1,hsx_sp2,hsy_sp2,hsxp_sp2
diff --git a/INCLUDE/hms_tracking.cmn b/INCLUDE/hms_tracking.cmn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..61db216
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/hms_tracking.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,482 @@
+*     hms_tracking.cmn
+*     include file for hms tracking intermediate results
+*     D. F. Geesaman         1 September 1993
+*     modified  dfg          10 Feb 94
+*                              change name to hms_tracking.cmn
+*                              put hluno and debugflags from parameters to CTP
+*                            15 Feb 
+*                            separate dimensioning and number of planes
+*                           and chambers
+* $Log: hms_tracking.cmn,v $
+* Revision  2009/05/18 14:19:07  jones
+* Add parameters h_iwslop,h_max_hits_per_plane used in updated
+* h_trans_dc.f to prune raw DC hits.
+* Revision  2009/05/04 14:37:31  jones
+* Increased hmax_space_points from 50 to 100
+* Revision  2007/10/24 20:48:03  cdaq
+* *** empty log message ***
+* Revision  2007/10/24 16:37:21  cdaq
+* *** empty log message ***
+* Revision  2007/09/12 14:40:03  brash
+* *** empty log message ***
+* Revision 1.27  2003/04/01 13:55:09  jones
+* Add variables hntracks_max_fp and h_remove_sppt_if_one_y_plane to
+* hms_tracking.cmn
+* Revision 1.26  1999/02/23 19:18:42  csa
+* (JRA) Correct HMS_TFIT_MATRIX indices, remove hdebugcalcpeds
+* Revision 1.25  1998/12/01 20:29:47  saw
+* (SAW) Put HMS_DRIFT common block before equivalences
+* Revision 1.24  1996/09/04 16:25:26  saw
+* (DVW) Add slew of variables for derek's hms track tests
+* Revision 1.23  1996/04/30 13:44:09  saw
+* (JRA) Lots of changes
+* Revision 1.22  1996/01/17 15:18:42  cdaq
+* (JRA) Change name of various correction variables.
+*       Add some efficiency accumulator variables.
+* Revision 1.21  1995/05/22 19:01:32  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts
+* Revision 1.20  1995/04/06  20:19:58  cdaq
+* (JRA) Change residuals variable names
+* Revision 1.19  1995/01/27  20:19:59  cdaq
+* (JRA) Remove Mack's personal focalplane diceamatic (z slicer) code
+* Revision 1.18  1994/12/06  12:46:07  cdaq
+* (DJM) Variables for focal plane z slices
+* Revision 1.17  1994/11/22  18:42:03  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add h's in front of fract, aa3, det3, aainv3.  Remove fractinterp
+*       Cleaned up ?DC_NUM_CHAMBERS and ?MAX_NUM_CHAMBERS stuff
+* Revision 1.16  1994/10/28  15:55:24  cdaq
+* (DM) Change drift time array parmeters to variables
+* Revision 1.15  1994/10/12  18:16:13  cdaq
+* (DJM) Add good plane pattern arrays, add matrix inversion to initialization
+* Revision 1.14  1994/09/20  17:13:25  cdaq
+* to CTPTYPE=event registration
+* Revision 1.13  1994/09/19  20:27:42  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE (from gen_data_structures.cmn)
+* Revision 1.12  1994/08/31  19:38:59  cdaq
+* (DJM) Add by plane arrays of corrected drift time and distance
+*       Add by plane arrays of residuals suitable for histogramming by CTP
+* Revision 1.11  1994/08/18  02:15:35  cdaq
+* (DM) Add 2-d arrays for residuals
+* (DJM) Add parameter for drift time to ditance calculation
+* Revision 1.10  1994/08/16  13:25:30  cdaq
+* (DJA) Add wire velocity correction parameters
+* Revision 1.9  1994/08/16  03:56:54  cdaq
+* (SAW) Change some variables to parm CTPTYPE
+* Revision 1.8  1994/08/05  15:47:37  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add makereg directive with required include files
+* Revision 1.7  1994/08/04  15:31:41  cdaq
+* (DA) Incorporate small angle approximation of L/R for YY' planes
+* Revision 1.6  1994/06/30  02:26:14  cdaq
+* (DFG) Add hmax_pr_hits
+* Revision 1.5  1994/06/27  02:54:59  cdaq
+* (SAW) Increase hmax_chamber_hits to 544 from 100.
+* Revision 1.4  1994/06/15  21:19:17  cdaq
+* (DFG) Add hdc_tdc_min_win and hdc_tdc_max_win.
+*       Add hwire_early_mult, hwire_late_mult, hwire_extra_mult
+* Revision 1.3  1994/06/06  16:40:04  cdaq
+* (DFG) add hsingle_stub
+* Revision 1.2  1994/03/24  18:39:05  cdaq
+* (DFG) Additional parameters
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/22  14:46:44  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+*     The following include statments must precede the inclusion of this
+*     file in each routine that uses it.  The *%% syntax is also a
+*     directive to makereg to tell it to include the code in the program
+*     that it generates.
+*%%   include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+*      CTPTYPE=parm
+      integer*4 hdriftbins_max  ! number of bins for drift time lookup table
+      parameter (hdriftbins_max=138)
+      real*4    hdriftbins         ! number of bins for drift time lookup table
+      real*4    hdriftbinsz         ! drift bin size in nsec of lookup table
+      real*4    hdrift1stbin        ! drift time of 1st bin in nsec of lookup
+      real*4    hfract              !fraction of integrated time spectrum
+      real*4 hwc1x1fract(hdriftbins_max),hwc1y1fract(hdriftbins_max),
+     &       hwc1u1fract(hdriftbins_max),hwc1v1fract(hdriftbins_max),
+     &       hwc1y2fract(hdriftbins_max),hwc1x2fract(hdriftbins_max),
+     &       hwc2x1fract(hdriftbins_max),hwc2y1fract(hdriftbins_max),
+     &       hwc2u1fract(hdriftbins_max),hwc2v1fract(hdriftbins_max),
+     &       hwc2y2fract(hdriftbins_max),hwc2x2fract(hdriftbins_max)
+      common/HMS_DRIFT/
+     $     hfract(hdriftbins_max,hmax_num_dc_planes),
+     $     hdriftbinsz,
+     $     hdrift1stbin,
+     $     hdriftbins
+      equivalence (hwc1x1fract(1),hfract(1,1))
+      equivalence (hwc1y1fract(1),hfract(1,2))
+      equivalence (hwc1u1fract(1),hfract(1,3))
+      equivalence (hwc1v1fract(1),hfract(1,4))
+      equivalence (hwc1y2fract(1),hfract(1,5))
+      equivalence (hwc1x2fract(1),hfract(1,6))
+      equivalence (hwc2x1fract(1),hfract(1,7))
+      equivalence (hwc2y1fract(1),hfract(1,8))
+      equivalence (hwc2u1fract(1),hfract(1,9))
+      equivalence (hwc2v1fract(1),hfract(1,10))
+      equivalence (hwc2y2fract(1),hfract(1,11))
+      equivalence (hwc2x2fract(1),hfract(1,12))
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      integer*4 hmax_chamber_hits
+      parameter (hmax_chamber_hits=544)
+      integer*4 hmax_space_points   ! maximum number of space points
+      parameter (hmax_space_points=100)
+      integer*4 hmax_hits_per_point ! maximum number of hits per point
+      parameter (hmax_hits_per_point=1000)
+      integer*4 hnum_fpray_param    ! number of ray parameters in focal plane
+      parameter (hnum_fpray_param=4)
+      integer*4 hdc_num_cards       ! #/discriminator cards
+      parameter (hdc_num_cards=72)
+      integer*4 hdc_max_wires_per_plane
+      parameter (hdc_max_wires_per_plane=113)
+      integer*4 hdc_num_planes   ! actual number of dc chambers - set in CTP
+      integer*4 hdc_num_chambers ! actual number of chambers - set in CTP
+      integer*4 hdc_planes_per_chamber
+      integer*4 hdc_tdc_min_win  ! drift chamber tdc min value for good hit
+      integer*4 hdc_tdc_max_win  ! drfit chamber tdc max value for good hit
+      integer*4 hmin_hit         ! minimum hits   for space point
+      integer*4 hmin_combos      ! minimum combos for space point
+      integer*4 hmax_pr_hits     ! max number of hits in each plane for
+                                 ! pattern recognition to be done in that pla
+* wire velocity corrections.
+      logical hdc_readout_x      !true = read out from side (like x plane)
+      real*4  hdc_readout_corr   !wire path length/dist. to readout side
+      real*4  hdc_wire_velocity  ! propogation velocity of signal on wire(cm/ns)
+      real*4  hdc_drifttime_sign !sign of correction term.
+      real*4  hdc_central_time   !ave. time (ns) for signal to reach disc. card.
+                                 ! (both times are from center of the chamber)
+* timing offsets per card.
+      integer*4 hdc_sing_cardid  ! array of card id''s so one can put cuts/test on a per/card basys
+      integer*4 hdc_card_no      ! card number
+      real*4 hdc_card_delay      ! delay for a given card
+      real*4 hxt_track_criterion   ! stub link criterion on x_t
+      real*4 hyt_track_criterion   ! stub link criterion on y_t
+      real*4 hxpt_track_criterion  ! stub link criterion on xp_t
+      real*4 hypt_track_criterion  ! stub link criterion on yp_t
+      real*4 hstub_max_xpdiff      ! stub criterion for l/r determination
+      real*4 hspace_point_criterion ! maximum distance**2 to join pairs/combos.
+      integer*4 h_remove_sppt_if_one_y_plane ! flag used in h_pattern_recognition.f
+* parameter used in purging bad wire from DC in h_trans_dc.f
+* recommended value is 0
+      real h_iwslop
+* parameter used in purging excess wires in h_trans_dc.f
+* recommended value is 6
+      integer h_max_hits_per_plane
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+      integer*4 hncham_hits
+      integer*4 hnspace_points     ! number of space points in each chamber
+      integer*4 hdc_hits_per_plane
+      integer*4 htrack_fit_num     ! track number in fitting loop
+      integer*4 hnspace_points_tot ! total number of space points after select.
+      integer*4 gplanehdc1,gplanehdc2 ! good plane pattern unit, set bit if respective plane hit
+      integer*4 hspace_point_hits  ! array of n rows of space points
+                                   ! (n,1) = number of hits
+                                   ! (n,2) = number of valid combinations
+                                   ! (n,3...) hit numbers for space point
+      real*4 hspace_points         ! array of x, y of space points
+      real*4 hbeststub             ! array of stubs fit to each space point
+      real*4 hdc_sing_drifttime    ! array of fully corrected drift times for each plane
+      real*4 hdc_sing_driftdis     ! array of final drift distances for each plane
+      common/HMS_TRACKING/
+     &     hdc_num_chambers,hdc_num_planes,
+     &     hdc_planes_per_chamber,
+     &     hdc_hits_per_plane(hmax_num_dc_planes),
+     &     gplanehdc1(hmax_space_points),
+     &     gplanehdc2(hmax_space_points),
+     &     hspace_points(hmax_space_points,2),
+     &     hspace_point_hits(hmax_space_points,hmax_hits_per_point+2),
+     &     hnspace_points(hmax_num_chambers),
+     &     hnspace_points_tot,
+     &     hbeststub(hmax_space_points,hnum_fpray_param),
+     &     hncham_hits(hmax_num_chambers),
+     &     htrack_fit_num,
+     &     hspace_point_criterion(hmax_num_chambers),
+     &     hdc_tdc_min_win(hmax_num_dc_planes),
+     &     hdc_tdc_max_win(hmax_num_dc_planes),
+     &     hmin_hit(hmax_num_chambers),hmin_combos(hmax_num_chambers),
+     &     hmax_pr_hits(hmax_num_chambers),
+     &     hxt_track_criterion,hyt_track_criterion,
+     &     hxpt_track_criterion,hypt_track_criterion,
+     &     hstub_max_xpdiff,
+     &     hdc_sing_drifttime(hmax_num_dc_planes),
+     &     hdc_sing_driftdis(hmax_num_dc_planes),
+     &     hdc_wire_velocity,
+     &     hdc_central_time(hmax_num_dc_planes),
+     &     hdc_drifttime_sign(hmax_num_dc_planes),
+     &     hdc_readout_corr(hmax_num_dc_planes),
+     &     hdc_readout_x(hmax_num_dc_planes),
+     &     hdc_card_delay(hdc_num_cards),
+     &     hdc_card_no(hdc_max_wires_per_plane,hmax_num_dc_planes),
+     &     hdc_sing_cardid(hmax_num_dc_planes),
+     &     HNTRACKS_MAX_FP,h_remove_sppt_if_one_y_plane
+     >     ,h_iwslop,h_max_hits_per_plane
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      real*8 haa3,haainv3         ! matrix AA and its inverse AAINV 
+      real*8 hdet3               ! array of determinants of AA
+      common/HMS_TFIT_MATRIX/
+     &     haa3(3,3),haainv3(3,3,44),hdet3(44)
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+* debug print flags, if flags .ne. 0 then execute debug code
+      integer*4 hdebugprintrawdc
+      integer*4 hdebugprintdecodeddc
+      integer*4 hdebugflagpsi          
+      integer*4 hdebugflaggeometry
+      integer*4 hdebugflagpr
+      integer*4 hdebugflagstubs
+      integer*4 hdebuglinkstubs
+      integer*4 hdebugtrackprint
+      integer*4 hdebugstubchisq
+      integer*4 hdebugtartrackprint     ! call h_print_tar_track
+      integer*4 hdebugdumptof           ! dumps tof fitting data
+      integer*4 hdebugdumpcal           ! dumps cal fitting data
+      integer*4 hsingle_stub            ! switch to make tracks of all stubs
+      integer*4 hSmallAngleApprox       ! switch for alternate L/R determ. of Y,Yprime planes
+      integer*4 hluno                 ! logical unit number for debugging output
+      integer*4 hdumptof		! dumps tof fitting data from h_tof
+      common/HMS_TRACKFLAGS/
+     &     hluno,
+     &     hdumptof,
+     &     hdebugflagpsi,
+     &     hdebugflaggeometry,
+     &     hdebugflagpr,
+     &     hdebugflagstubs,
+     &     hdebuglinkstubs,
+     &     hdebugtrackprint,
+     &     hdebugstubchisq,
+     &     hdebugtartrackprint,
+     &     hdebugprintrawdc,
+     &     hdebugprintdecodeddc,
+     &     hdebugdumptof,
+     &     hdebugdumpcal,
+     &     hsingle_stub,
+     &     hSmallAngleApprox
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+* warning levels for efficiency
+      real*4 hdc_min_plane_eff(hmax_num_dc_planes)
+      real*4 hdc_min_wire_eff
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+* multiple hits per wire statistics.
+      integer*4 hwire_mult(hdc_max_wires_per_plane,hmax_num_dc_planes)
+      integer*4 hwire_early_mult(hdc_max_wires_per_plane,hmax_num_dc_planes)
+      integer*4 hwire_late_mult(hdc_max_wires_per_plane,hmax_num_dc_planes)
+      integer*4 hwire_extra_mult(hdc_max_wires_per_plane,hmax_num_dc_planes)
+* stuff for calcualting efficiency per wire.
+      integer*4 hdc_shouldhit(hmax_num_dc_planes,hdc_max_wires_per_plane)
+      integer*4 hdc_didhit(hmax_num_dc_planes,hdc_max_wires_per_plane)
+      integer*4 hdc_shouldsum(hmax_num_dc_planes)
+      integer*4 hdc_didsum(hmax_num_dc_planes)
+      integer*4 hdc_eff(hmax_num_dc_planes)
+      real*4 hdc_track_coord(hntracks_max,hmax_num_dc_planes)
+      real*4 hsdc_track_coord(hmax_num_dc_planes)
+      common/hms_dc_track_efficiency/
+     &   hdc_track_coord,   !track position per plane, in x,y,u,v directions.
+     &   hsdc_track_coord,  !track position in x,y,,u,v directions-final track.
+     &   hdc_shouldhit,     !times a wire should have fired.
+     &   hdc_didhit,        !times a wire did fire.
+     &   hdc_shouldsum,     !sum over plane.
+     &   hdc_didsum,        !sum over plane.
+     &   hdc_eff,           !effic. per plane.
+     &   hdc_min_wire_eff,  !warning level for wire effic.
+     &   hdc_min_plane_eff, !warning level for plane effic.
+     &     hwire_mult,
+     &     hwire_early_mult,
+     &     hwire_late_mult,
+     &     hwire_extra_mult
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+*  complete 2-D array for residuals in all planes over all tracks
+      real*4 hdc_single_residual(hntracks_max,hmax_num_dc_planes)
+      real*4 hdc_double_residual(hntracks_max,hmax_num_dc_planes)
+*     djm 8/26/94 arrays containing single and double residual arrays which can be
+*     histogrammed in the normal fashion (ie, not hardwired histograms).
+      real*4 hdc_sing_res(hmax_num_dc_planes)
+      real*4 hdc_dbl_res(hmax_num_dc_planes)
+      real*4 hdc_plane_wirecoord(hntracks_max,hmax_num_dc_planes)
+      real*4 hdc_plane_wirecenter(hntracks_max,hmax_num_dc_planes)
+      common/HMS_RESIDUAL/
+     &     hdc_single_residual,
+     &     hdc_double_residual,
+     &     hdc_sing_res,
+     &     hdc_dbl_res,
+     &     hdc_plane_wirecoord,
+     &     hdc_plane_wirecenter
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      integer*4 hmax_num_deadwires
+      parameter (hmax_num_deadwires=60)
+      integer*4 hdc_num_deadwires
+      integer*4 hdc_deadwire_plane(hmax_num_deadwires)
+      integer*4 hdc_deadwire_num(hmax_num_deadwires)
+      common/hms_dead_wires/
+     &   hdc_num_deadwires,  !number of dead wires.
+     &   hdc_deadwire_plane, !list of plane numbers.
+     &   hdc_deadwire_num    !list of wire numbers.
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      logical h1hit1,h1hit2,h1hit3,h1hit4,h1hit5,h1hit6
+      logical h1hit7,h1hit8,h1hit9,h1hit10,h1hit11,h1hit12
+      integer hnumhit1,hnumhit2,hnumhit3,hnumhit4,hnumhit5,hnumhit6
+      integer hnumhit7,hnumhit8,hnumhit9,hnumhit10,hnumhit11,hnumhit12
+      logical h1hitslt,h2hitslt,h1planesgt,h2planesgt
+      logical hhitslt,hplanesgt
+      logical hstublt
+      logical f1hspacepoints,f2hspacepoints,fhspacepoints
+      logical hhitsplanes,hhitsplanessps,hhitsplanesspsstubs
+      logical hspacepoints
+      logical htest1,htest2
+      logical hfoundtrack, hcleantrack
+      integer hnumhits1,hnumhits2,hnumplanes1,hnumplanes2
+      integer hnumscins1,hnumscins2,hnumscins3,hnumscins4
+      integer hstubtest
+      real*4 hstubminx,hstubminy,hstubminxp,hstubminyp
+      integer hscinhit(4,16)
+      integer hnclust(4)
+      integer hthreescin(4)
+      integer hslope
+      integer hbestxpscin
+      integer hbestypscin
+      integer hgoodscinhits
+      integer hxloscin(hmax_num_chambers),hxhiscin(hmax_num_chambers)
+      integer hyloscin(hmax_num_chambers),hyhiscin(hmax_num_chambers)
+      integer htrack_eff_test_num_scin_planes
+      common/dereks_hms_track_tests/
+     &    h1hit1,
+     &    h1hit2,
+     &    h1hit3,
+     &    h1hit4,
+     &    h1hit5,
+     &    h1hit6,
+     &    h1hit7,
+     &    h1hit8,
+     &    h1hit9,
+     &    h1hit10,
+     &    h1hit11,
+     &    h1hit12,
+     &	  hnumhit1,hnumhit2,hnumhit3,hnumhit4,hnumhit5,hnumhit6,
+     &    hnumhit7,hnumhit8,hnumhit9,hnumhit10,hnumhit11,hnumhit12,
+     &    h1hitslt,
+     &    h2hitslt,
+     &    h1planesgt,
+     &    h2planesgt,
+     &    hhitslt,
+     &    hplanesgt,
+     &    hstublt,
+     &    f1hspacepoints,
+     &    f2hspacepoints,
+     &    fhspacepoints,
+     &    hhitsplanes,
+     &    hhitsplanessps,
+     &    hhitsplanesspsstubs,
+     &    hspacepoints,
+     &    htest1,htest2,
+     &    hfoundtrack,
+     &    hcleantrack,
+     &    hnumhits1,hnumhits2,hnumplanes1,hnumplanes2,
+     &    hnumscins1,hnumscins2,hnumscins3,hnumscins4,
+     &    hstubtest,
+     &    hstubminx,
+     &    hstubminy,
+     &    hstubminxp,
+     &    hstubminyp,
+     &	  hscinhit,
+     &    hnclust,
+     &    hthreescin,
+     &    hslope,
+     &    hbestxpscin,
+     &    hbestypscin,
+     &    hgoodscinhits,
+     &    hxloscin,hxhiscin,hyloscin,hyhiscin,
+     &    htrack_eff_test_num_scin_planes
diff --git a/INCLUDE/insane_scalers.cmn b/INCLUDE/insane_scalers.cmn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e5b6b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/insane_scalers.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+**************************begin: insane_scalers.cmn ***********************
+      INTEGER insane_last_event_id, insane_run_number
+      COMMON /insane_scalers/ insane_last_event_id, insane_run_number
+****************************end: insane_scalers.cmn ***********************
diff --git a/INCLUDE/mc_structures.cmn b/INCLUDE/mc_structures.cmn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf689f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/mc_structures.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+*****************begin: mc_structures.cmn*************************
+*- This file defines the structure of GEANT simulated quantities
+*- to be packed in a FASTBUS-CODA file.
+*-         6-Feb-1994  K.B.Beard, Hampton U. 
+*- Modified to add path length, internal setup 7-Feb-1994  KBB
+*- note: units are hall C standard units: GeV, cm, nSec
+*        ID numbers are as given by "g_decode" package.
+* $Log: mc_structures.cmn,v $
+* Revision 1.2  1994/06/08 19:49:44  cdaq
+* (KBB) Modified to change storage (24-Feb-1994)
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/17  21:01:14  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      CHARACTER*4 mc_TEST_C4
+      REAL*4 mc_TEST_R4
+      INTEGER*4 mc_TEST_I4
+*- following are used to determine the proper byte swapping;
+*- sort of a "Rosetta Stone" for CODA files
+*-                   each of 4 bytes unique!
+      PARAMETER (mc_TEST_C4= 'gMc_')             !program pkg
+      PARAMETER (mc_TEST_R4= 2.24)               !version
+      PARAMETER (mc_TEST_I4= '23fb1994'x)        !date
+*- identifing status and ROC integer
+      INTEGER mc_status_and_ROC
+      PARAMETER (mc_status_and_ROC= 'FFFF'x)
+*- status of all subsequent Monte Carlo info.
+*- All tracks are put in sequentially (don't start over with #1 for 2nd arm)
+      INTEGER mc_MAX_Trks                  !upper limit on tracks
+      PARAMETER (mc_MAX_Trks= 1000)
+      INTEGER mc_N_Trks                       !present # of target tracks
+      INTEGER mc_Trk_ancestor(mc_MAX_Trks)    !ancestor track ID (0=none)
+      CHARACTER*4 mc_Trk_system(mc_MAX_Trks)  !name trk coord. (LAB,HMS,SOS..)
+      REAL mc_Trk_X(mc_MAX_Trks)
+      REAL mc_Trk_Y(mc_MAX_Trks)              !position[cm]
+      REAL mc_Trk_Z(mc_MAX_Trks)
+      REAL mc_Trk_T(mc_MAX_Trks)              !time[nS]
+      REAL mc_Trk_Px(mc_MAX_Trks)
+      REAL mc_Trk_Py(mc_MAX_Trks)             !momentum[GeV/c]
+      REAL mc_Trk_Pz(mc_MAX_Trks)
+      REAL mc_Trk_M(mc_MAX_Trks)              !mass[GeV/c2]
+      REAL mc_Trk_path(mc_MAX_Trks)           !distance to end of track[cm]
+      INTEGER mc_Trk_geantID(mc_MAX_Trks)     !GEANT particle type ID
+      CHARACTER*4 mc_Trk_comment(mc_MAX_Trks) !very brief comment (optional)
+      INTEGER mc_Trk_extra(mc_MAX_Trks)       !resv'd for additional information
+*- All hits are put in sequentially (relevant trackk ID# and detector ID#
+*- determine which arm (don't start over with 1 for 2nd arm).
+      INTEGER mc_MAX_Hits                    !upper limit on # of hits
+      PARAMETER (mc_MAX_Hits= 1000)
+*- standare hall C detector,plane|row,wire|element|column ID numbers 
+*- assigned according to those specified in "gen_detectorids.cmn"
+      INTEGER mc_N_Hits                      !present # of hits
+      INTEGER mc_Hit_ancestor(mc_MAX_Hits)   !relevant track ID#
+      CHARACTER*4 mc_Hit_system(mc_MAX_Hits) !name hit coord. (HMSf,SOSf,...)
+      REAL mc_Hit_X(mc_MAX_Hits)
+      REAL mc_Hit_Y(mc_MAX_Hits)             !position[cm]
+      REAL mc_Hit_Z(mc_MAX_Hits) 
+      REAL mc_Hit_T(mc_MAX_Hits)             !time[nS]
+      REAL mc_Hit_Px(mc_MAX_Hits)
+      REAL mc_Hit_Py(mc_MAX_Hits)            !momentum[GeV/c]
+      REAL mc_Hit_Pz(mc_MAX_Hits)
+      REAL mc_Hit_dE(mc_MAX_Hits)            !energy loss[GeV]
+      INTEGER mc_Hit_detector(mc_MAX_Hits)   !detector ID#
+      INTEGER mc_Hit_plane(mc_MAX_Hits)      !plane-row ID#
+      INTEGER mc_Hit_element(mc_MAX_Hits)    !wire-element-column ID#
+      INTEGER mc_Hit_extra(mc_MAX_Hits)      !resv'd for additional information
+      COMMON /Mc_status/ mc_READY
+      COMMON /Mc_tracks/ mc_N_Trks,mc_Trk_ancestor,mc_Trk_system,
+     &    mc_Trk_X,mc_Trk_Y,mc_Trk_Z,mc_Trk_T,mc_Trk_Px,mc_Trk_Py,
+     &    mc_Trk_Pz,mc_Trk_M,mc_Trk_path,mc_Trk_geantID,mc_Trk_comment,
+     &    mc_Trk_extra
+      COMMON /Mc_hits/ mc_N_Hits,mc_Hit_ancestor,mc_Hit_system,
+     &    mc_Hit_X,mc_Hit_Y,mc_Hit_Z,mc_Hit_T,mc_Hit_Px,mc_Hit_Py,
+     &    mc_Hit_Pz,mc_Hit_dE,mc_Hit_detector,mc_Hit_plane,
+     &    mc_Hit_element,mc_Hit_extra
+*-reported coordinate systems used in simulation
+      INTEGER mcCo_MAX_coords
+      PARAMETER (mcCo_MAX_coords= 20)
+*                                                  !note: "LAB" always exists!
+      INTEGER mcCo_N_coords                        !# of coordinates to follow
+      CHARACTER*4 mcCo_NAME(mcCo_MAX_coords)       !name of coordinate system
+      CHARACTER*4 mcCo_reference(mcCo_MAX_coords)  !system define w.r.t.
+*-first translate
+      REAL mcCo_Lo_to_Xo(mcCo_MAX_coords)
+      REAL mcCo_Lo_to_Yo(mcCo_MAX_coords)          !from LAB to system
+      REAL mcCo_Lo_to_Zo(mcCo_MAX_coords)
+*-next Euler rotatation
+      REAL mcCo_Lo_THETA_rot(mcCo_MAX_coords)      !about Z
+      REAL mcCo_Lo_PHI_rot(mcCo_MAX_coords)        !about Y'
+      REAL mcCo_Lo_THETAprime_rot(mcCo_MAX_coords) !about Z'
+      COMMON /mcCo_systems/ mcCo_N_coords,mcCo_NAME,mcCo_reference,
+     &   mcCo_Lo_to_Xo,mcCo_Lo_to_Yo,mcCo_Lo_to_Zo,
+     &   mcCo_Lo_THETA_rot,mcCo_Lo_PHI_rot,mcCo_Lo_THETAprime_rot
+*******************end: mc_structures.cmn*************************
diff --git a/INCLUDE/s_ntuple.cmn b/INCLUDE/s_ntuple.cmn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..54e96a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/s_ntuple.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+**************************begin: s_Ntuple.cmn ***********************
+*-   Created    8-Apr-1994   Kevin B. Beard, Hampton Univ.
+*- Misc. info. required for SOS Ntuple
+* $Log: s_ntuple.cmn,v $
+* Revision 1.4  2004/02/17 16:41:45  jones
+* Add parameters and variables needed for segmenting rzdat files
+* Revision 1.3  1995/05/22 19:05:27  cdaq
+* (SAW) Correct some CTP class types
+* Revision 1.2  1994/06/17  03:14:40  cdaq
+* (KBB) Fix typos, change variable names, reorder common
+* Revision 1.1  1994/04/14  16:05:24  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      integer SMAX_Ntuple_size
+      parameter (SMAX_Ntuple_size= 100)
+      integer default_s_Ntuple_ID
+      parameter (default_s_Ntuple_ID= 9020)
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      logical s_Ntuple_exists
+      integer s_Ntuple_ID
+      integer s_Ntuple_size
+      integer s_Ntuple_IOchannel
+      character*80 s_Ntuple_name
+      character*80 s_Ntuple_title
+      character*132 s_Ntuple_directory
+      character*256 s_Ntuple_file
+      character*8 s_Ntuple_tag(SMAX_Ntuple_size)
+      integer s_Ntuple_max_segmentevents
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+      integer s_Ntuple_segmentevents
+      integer s_Ntuple_filesegments
+      real s_Ntuple_contents(SMAX_Ntuple_size)
+      COMMON /SOS_Ntuple/ s_Ntuple_exists,s_Ntuple_ID,
+     &                     s_Ntuple_size,s_Ntuple_IOchannel,
+     &                      s_Ntuple_name,s_Ntuple_title,
+     &                       s_Ntuple_directory,s_Ntuple_file,
+     &                        s_Ntuple_tag,s_Ntuple_contents,
+     >                    s_Ntuple_max_segmentevents,s_Ntuple_segmentevents,
+     >                    s_Ntuple_filesegments
+****************************end: s_ntuple.cmn ***********************
diff --git a/INCLUDE/s_ntuple.dte b/INCLUDE/s_ntuple.dte
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc88096
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/s_ntuple.dte
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+**************************begin: s_ntuple.dte ***********************
+*-   Created    15-Jun-1994   Kevin B. Beard, Hampton Univ.
+*- leave clean field for HMS Ntuple
+* $Log: s_ntuple.dte,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1994/06/17 02:12:52  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      data s_Ntuple_exists/.FALSE./
+      data s_Ntuple_ID/0/
+      data s_Ntuple_file/' '/
+      data s_Ntuple_name/' '/
+      data s_Ntuple_title/' '/
+      data s_Ntuple_directory/' '/
+      data s_Ntuple_IOchannel/0/
+      data s_Ntuple_size/0/
+      data s_Ntuple_tag/SMAX_Ntuple_size*' '/
+      data s_Ntuple_contents/SMAX_Ntuple_size*0/
+****************************end: s_ntuple.dte ***********************
diff --git a/INCLUDE/s_sieve_ntuple.cmn b/INCLUDE/s_sieve_ntuple.cmn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6344a0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/s_sieve_ntuple.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+**************************begin: s_sieve_ntuple.cmn ***********************
+*- Misc. info. required for SOS sieve slit Ntuple
+* $Log: s_sieve_ntuple.cmn,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1995/08/11 16:24:58  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      integer SMAX_sv_Ntuple_size
+      parameter (SMAX_sv_Ntuple_size= 100)
+      integer default_s_sieve_Ntuple_ID
+      parameter (default_s_sieve_Ntuple_ID= 1412)
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      logical s_sieve_Ntuple_exists
+      integer s_sieve_Ntuple_ID
+      integer s_sieve_Ntuple_size
+      integer s_sieve_Ntuple_IOchannel
+      character*80 s_sieve_Ntuple_name
+      character*80 s_sieve_Ntuple_title
+      character*132 s_sieve_Ntuple_directory   
+      character*256 s_sieve_Ntuple_file
+      character*8 s_sieve_Ntuple_tag(SMAX_sv_Ntuple_size)
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+      real s_sieve_Ntuple_contents(SMAX_sv_Ntuple_size)
+      COMMON /SOS_sieve_Ntuple/ s_sieve_Ntuple_exists,s_sieve_Ntuple_ID,
+     &     s_sieve_Ntuple_size,s_sieve_Ntuple_IOchannel,
+     &     s_sieve_Ntuple_name,s_sieve_Ntuple_title,
+     &     s_sieve_Ntuple_directory,s_sieve_Ntuple_file,
+     &     s_sieve_Ntuple_tag,s_sieve_Ntuple_contents
+*****************************end: s_sieve_ntuple.cmn ***********************
diff --git a/INCLUDE/s_sieve_ntuple.dte b/INCLUDE/s_sieve_ntuple.dte
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..64d9b34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/s_sieve_ntuple.dte
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+**************************begin: s_sieve_ntuple.dte ***********************
+*- leave clean field for SOS sieve slit Ntuple
+* $Log: s_sieve_ntuple.dte,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1995/08/11 16:24:52  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      data s_sieve_Ntuple_exists/.FALSE./
+      data s_sieve_Ntuple_ID/0/
+      data s_sieve_Ntuple_file/' '/
+      data s_sieve_Ntuple_name/' '/
+      data s_sieve_Ntuple_title/' '/
+      data s_sieve_Ntuple_directory/' '/
+      data s_sieve_Ntuple_IOchannel/0/
+      data s_sieve_Ntuple_size/0/
+      data s_sieve_Ntuple_tag/SMAX_Sv_Ntuple_size*' '/
+      data s_sieve_Ntuple_contents/SMAX_sv_Ntuple_size*0/
+****************************end: s_sieve_Ntuple.dte ***********************
diff --git a/INCLUDE/sane_data_structures.cmn b/INCLUDE/sane_data_structures.cmn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2feb693
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/sane_data_structures.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,386 @@
+*****************begin: luc_data_structures.cmn*************************
+*     include file     sane_data_structures.cmn
+*     Author:   H. Baghdasaryan     18 Jan,2008
+* $Log: sane_data_structures.cmn,v $
+* Revision  2010/06/28 13:37:46  jones
+* Add
+*      real BIGCAL_CER_COL1_SHIFT(19,9)
+*       real BIGCAL_CER_COL2_SHIFT(19,8)
+*       real BIGCAL_CERB_COL1_SHIFT(19,9)
+*       real BIGCAL_CERB_COL2_SHIFT(19,8)
+* Revision  2009/09/16 19:04:05  jones
+* Add SANE_HMS_ANGLE_THETA,SANE_HMS_ANGLE_PHI from hms_data_structures.cmn
+* Revision  2009/09/15 20:34:21  jones
+* New variables used h_targ_trans.f and gep_physics.f
+* Revision  2009/09/02 13:42:29  jones
+* increase BIG_TIME_SHIFT_CH(4) to BIG_TIME_SHIFT_CH(12)
+* Revision  2009/03/31 19:32:59  cdaq
+* *** empty log message ***
+* Revision  2009/02/11 21:42:33  cdaq
+* *** empty log message ***
+* Revision  2009/01/30 20:33:28  cdaq
+* *** empty log message ***
+* Revision  2008/10/31 08:26:02  cdaq
+* *** empty log message ***
+* Revision  2008/10/25 12:39:42  cdaq
+* *** empty log message ***
+* Revision  2008/10/11 15:05:05  cdaq
+* slow raster
+* Revision  2008/10/02 18:01:49  cdaq
+* *** empty log message ***
+* Revision  2008/09/26 21:42:48  cdaq
+* *** empty log message ***
+c	SANE RAW DATA Structure
+c     VERY IMPORTANT look at CTPTYPE DO not ignore.. Makes sence.
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+      PARAMETER (LUCITE_SANE_MAX_HITS=190)      ! Should exceed # of paddles
+      PARAMETER (LUCITE_SANE_MAX_COUNTER_NUM=28)    ! Should exceed # of paddles
+ccc    END of the RAW DATA
+c	LUCITE Pedestal Structure
+      INTEGER*4       luc_min_peds
+      INTEGER*4       luc_ped_num_neg(LUCITE_SANE_MAX_COUNTER_NUM)
+      INTEGER*4       luc_ped_sum2_neg(LUCITE_SANE_MAX_COUNTER_NUM)
+      INTEGER*4       luc_ped_sum_neg(LUCITE_SANE_MAX_COUNTER_NUM)
+      INTEGER*4       luc_ped_limit_neg(LUCITE_SANE_MAX_COUNTER_NUM)
+      INTEGER*4       luc_ped_num_pos(LUCITE_SANE_MAX_COUNTER_NUM)
+      INTEGER*4       luc_ped_sum2_pos(LUCITE_SANE_MAX_COUNTER_NUM)
+      INTEGER*4       luc_ped_sum_pos(LUCITE_SANE_MAX_COUNTER_NUM)
+      INTEGER*4       luc_ped_limit_pos(LUCITE_SANE_MAX_COUNTER_NUM)
+      real*4 	      luc_ped_threshold_neg(LUCITE_SANE_MAX_COUNTER_NUM)
+      real*4 	      luc_ped_threshold_pos(LUCITE_SANE_MAX_COUNTER_NUM)
+      real*4 	      luc_ped_mean_neg(LUCITE_SANE_MAX_COUNTER_NUM)
+      real*4 	      luc_ped_mean_pos(LUCITE_SANE_MAX_COUNTER_NUM)
+      real*4 	      luc_ped_rms_neg(LUCITE_SANE_MAX_COUNTER_NUM)
+      real*4 	      luc_ped_rms_pos(LUCITE_SANE_MAX_COUNTER_NUM)
+     $	     luc_min_peds,
+     $       luc_ped_num_neg,
+     $       luc_ped_sum2_neg,
+     $       luc_ped_sum_neg,
+     $       luc_ped_limit_neg,
+     $       luc_ped_num_pos,
+     $       luc_ped_sum2_pos,
+     $       luc_ped_sum_pos,
+     $       luc_ped_limit_pos,
+     & 	     luc_ped_threshold_neg,
+     & 	     luc_ped_threshold_pos,
+     & 	     luc_ped_mean_neg,
+     & 	     luc_ped_mean_pos,
+     & 	     luc_ped_rms_neg,
+     & 	     luc_ped_rms_pos
+c     Cerenkov SANE
+      PARAMETER (CERENKOV_SANE_MAX_HITS=35) ! Should exceed # of paddles
+ccc    END of the RAW DATA
+c	CER_SANE Pedestal Structure
+      INTEGER*4       cer_sane_min_peds
+      INTEGER*4       cer_sane_ped_num(CERENKOV_SANE_MAX_CER_COUNTER)
+      INTEGER*4       cer_sane_ped_sum2(CERENKOV_SANE_MAX_CER_COUNTER)
+      INTEGER*4       cer_sane_ped_sum(CERENKOV_SANE_MAX_CER_COUNTER)
+      INTEGER*4       cer_sane_ped_limit(CERENKOV_SANE_MAX_CER_COUNTER)
+      real*4 	      cer_sane_ped_threshold(CERENKOV_SANE_MAX_CER_COUNTER)
+      real*4 	      cer_sane_ped_mean(CERENKOV_SANE_MAX_CER_COUNTER)
+      real*4 	      cer_sane_ped_rms(CERENKOV_SANE_MAX_CER_COUNTER)
+     $	     cer_sane_min_peds,
+     $       cer_sane_ped_num,
+     $       cer_sane_ped_sum2,
+     $       cer_sane_ped_sum,
+     $       cer_sane_ped_limit,
+     & 	     cer_sane_ped_threshold,
+     & 	     cer_sane_ped_mean,
+     & 	     cer_sane_ped_rms
+c     Traker SANE
+      PARAMETER (TRACKER_SANE_MAX_HITS=448)     ! Should exceed # of paddles
+c      PARAMETER (TRACKER_SANE_RAW_COUNTER=448)  ! Should exceed # of paddles
+     &  TRACKER_SANE_RAW_PLANE_Y,          
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+*     parameters from CALIBRATION
+      real LUCITE_SANE_TDC_TIMING(28)
+      real LUCITE_SANE_MEAN_POS(28)
+      real LUCITE_SANE_MEAN_NEG(28)
+      real LUCITE_SANE_SIGMA_POS(28)
+      real LUCITE_SANE_SIGMA_NEG(28)
+      real LUCITE_SANE_COEF(28)
+      real LUCITE_SANE_SHIFT(28)
+      real CER_SANE_MEAN(8)
+      real CER_SANE_SIGMA(8)
+      real CER_SANE_TDC_TIMING(8)
+      real CER_SANE_ADC_CUT(8)
+      real CER_SANE_GEOM_CUT_LOW(8)
+      real CER_SANE_GEOM_CUT_HI(8)
+      integer CER_SANE_GEOM_CUT_X(8)
+      real CER_SANE_TIME_WALK(8)
+c	For Runs with BIGCAL trigger Added 
+      real BIGCAL_CER_COL1_SHIFT(19,9)
+      real BIGCAL_CER_COL2_SHIFT(19,8)
+      real BIGCAL_CERB_COL1_SHIFT(19,9)
+      real BIGCAL_CERB_COL2_SHIFT(19,8)
+     &     CER_SANE_MEAN,
+     &     CER_SANE_SIGMA,
+     &     CER_SANE_TDC_TIMING,
+     &     CER_SANE_ADC_CUT,
+     &     CER_SANE_GEOM_CUT_LOW,
+     &     CER_SANE_GEOM_CUT_HI,
+     &     CER_SANE_GEOM_CUT_X,
+     &     CER_SANE_TIME_WALK,
+     $     BIGCAL_CER_COL1_SHIFT,
+     &     BIGCAL_CER_COL2_SHIFT,
+c	Cerenkov time shift due to different triggers
+c	T_TRGBIG_SHIFT(1) correspond to 25
+c	T_TRGBETA_SHIFT(1) correspond to 45
+c	T_TRGPI0_SHIFT(1) correspond to 45
+	 real T_TRGBIG_SHIFT(30)
+	 real T_TRGBETA_SHIFT(30)
+	 real T_TRGPI0_SHIFT(30) 
+c	Time calibration constants for Bigcal 4 quarters
+c BIG_TIME_SHIFT_CH(12) 1,2,3,4 -reserved for Cerenkov 5,6,7,8 For Lucite ,9,10,11,12 for tracker	
+      real BIG_TIME_SHIFT_CH(12)
+      real TrackerX_SHIFT(4) ! position in X,Y,Z Z-betta detector dirrection, 4- angleof betta detector
+      real TrackerY1_SHIFT(4) !  position in Z-betta detector dirrection
+      real TrackerY2_SHIFT(4) !  position in Z-betta detector dirrection
+      real Lucite_SHIFT(4) !  position in Z-betta detector dirrection
+      real Bigcal_SHIFT(4) !  position in Z-betta detector dirrection
+     &     TrackerX_SHIFT,
+     &     TrackerY1_SHIFT,
+     &     TrackerY2_SHIFT,
+     &     Lucite_SHIFT,
+     &     Bigcal_SHIFT
+      real BigCal_Calib_Gain(32,56)
+      COMMON/BigCal_Calib_H/BigCal_Calib_Gain
+c     We need it to subtract TDC value of each detector.
+c     PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU INCLUDED it in one of the param files.
+c     Parameters for Tracking Tranformatio
+ccc    END of the RAW DATA
+      real*8 SANE_TGTFIELD_B
+     ,     SANE_TGTFIELD_B,
diff --git a/INCLUDE/sane_filenames.cmn b/INCLUDE/sane_filenames.cmn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ef92a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/sane_filenames.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      character*80 sane_report_template_filename ! CTP file with bigcal report
+      character*80 sane_report_blockname
+      character*80 sane_report_output_filename
+      character*80 sane_pedestal_output_filename
+      character*80 sane_tree_filename
+      character*80 sane_calib_matrix_filename
+      character*80 sane_calib_parm_filename
+      character*80 sane_debug_output_filename
+      character*80 sane_bad_chan_list_filename
+      common/sane_filenames/
+     $     sane_report_template_filename,
+     $     sane_report_blockname,
+     $     sane_report_output_filename,
+     $     sane_pedestal_output_filename,
+     $     sane_tree_filename,
+     $     sane_calib_matrix_filename,
+     $     sane_calib_parm_filename,
+     $     sane_debug_output_filename,
+     $     sane_bad_chan_list_filename
diff --git a/INCLUDE/sane_ntuple.cmn b/INCLUDE/sane_ntuple.cmn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..295acce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/sane_ntuple.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+c     EPIC Memory parameters
+c      integer sane_bigcal_time_include
+c      integer sane_bigcal_clust8_include
+c      integer sane_bigcal_clust64_include
+c      integer sane_bigcal_ntrack_include
+c      integer sane_bigcal_badclust_include
+c      integer sane_bigcal_hms_include
+      integer SANEMAX_Ntuple_size
+      parameter (SANEMAX_Ntuple_size=200)
+      integer default_SANE_Ntuple_ID
+      parameter (default_sane_Ntuple_ID=9502)
+*     array dimensions for cluster ntuple: 
+      logical sane_Ntuple_exists
+      integer sane_Ntuple_ID
+      integer sane_Ntuple_size
+      integer sane_Ntuple_IOchannel
+      integer sane_ntuple_type 
+      character*80 sane_Ntuple_name
+      character*80 sane_Ntuple_title
+      character*132 sane_Ntuple_directory
+      character*256 sane_Ntuple_file
+c      character*256 b_tree_filename
+      character*8 sane_Ntuple_tag(SANEMAX_Ntuple_size)
+      integer sane_ntuple_max_segmentevents
+      character*80 polarization_data_table,charge_data_table
+      logical polarization_data_open,charge_data_open
+      INTEGER polarization_data_unit,charge_data_unit
+      logical charge_ch,polarization_ch
+      common/CHECK/ charge_ch,polarization_ch
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+      integer sane_Ntuple_segmentevents,isane_plots
+      integer sane_Ntuple_filesegments
+      integer sane_ntuple_auxsegments	
+      real sane_Ntuple_contents(SANEMAX_Ntuple_size)
+      common/sane_ntuple/
+     $     sane_Ntuple_exists,sane_Ntuple_ID,
+     $ 	   sane_ntuple_size,sane_Ntuple_IOchannel,
+     $     sane_Ntuple_name,sane_Ntuple_title,sane_Ntuple_directory,
+     $     sane_Ntuple_file,sane_Ntuple_tag,
+     $     sane_Ntuple_max_segmentevents,
+     $     sane_Ntuple_segmentevents,sane_Ntuple_filesegments,
+     $     sane_Ntuple_contents,sane_ntuple_type,
+     $	   sane_ntuple_auxsegments,isane_plots,
+     $     polarization_data_table,charge_data_table,
+     $     polarization_data_open,charge_data_open,
+     $     polarization_data_unit,charge_data_unit
+      real*8 tcharge,tcharge_help,tcharge_helm
+      real*8 charge2s,charge2s_help,charge2s_helm
+      real*8 polarea,polarization
+      integer*4 hel_p_scaler
+      integer*4 hel_n_scaler
+      integer*4 hel_p_trig
+      integer*4 hel_n_trig
+      real*8 dtime_p,dtime_n
+      real*4  half_plate
+      common/SANEEV/
+     $     tcharge,
+     $     charge2s,
+     $	tcharge_help,charge2s_help,tcharge_helm,charge2s_helm,
+     $     polarea,polarization,
+     $ 	   hel_p_scaler,
+     $	    hel_n_scaler,
+     $	    hel_p_trig,
+     $	    hel_n_trig,
+     $	    dtime_p,dtime_n,half_plate
+      integer*4 pol_id_change,charge_id_change
+      common/SANEEVI/pol_id_change,charge_id_change
+      integer TRACKER_MAX_HITS
+      parameter (TRACKER_MAX_HITS=900)
+      integer*4 y1t_hit
+      integer*4 y1t_row(TRACKER_MAX_HITS)
+      integer*4 y1t_tdc(TRACKER_MAX_HITS)
+      real*4    y1t_y(TRACKER_MAX_HITS)
+      common/SANEY1/y1t_hit,  y1t_row,  y1t_tdc,  y1t_y
+      integer*4 y2t_hit
+      integer*4 y2t_row(TRACKER_MAX_HITS)
+      integer*4 y2t_tdc(TRACKER_MAX_HITS)
+      real*4    y2t_y(TRACKER_MAX_HITS)
+      common/SANEY2/y2t_hit,  y2t_row,  y2t_tdc,  y2t_y
+      integer*4 y3t_hit
+      integer*4 y3t_row(TRACKER_MAX_HITS)
+      integer*4 y3t_tdc(TRACKER_MAX_HITS)
+      real*4    y3t_y(TRACKER_MAX_HITS)
+      common/SANEY3/y3t_hit,  y3t_row,  y3t_tdc,  y3t_y
+      integer*4 x1t_hit
+      integer*4 x1t_row(TRACKER_MAX_HITS)
+      integer*4 x1t_tdc(TRACKER_MAX_HITS)
+      real*4    x1t_x(TRACKER_MAX_HITS)
+      common/SANEX1/x1t_hit,  x1t_row,  x1t_tdc,  x1t_x
+      integer*4 cer_hit,ceradc_hit
+      integer*4 cer_num(50)
+      integer*4 cer_tdc(50),cer_adcc(50)
+      integer*4 ceradc_num(15),cer_adc(50)
+      common/SANECER/cer_hit, cer_num, cer_tdc,cer_adcc
+      common/SANEADC/ceradc_hit, ceradc_num,cer_adc
+      integer*4 luc_hit
+      integer*4 luc_row(90)
+      integer*4 ladc_pos(90),ladc_neg(90)
+      integer*4 ltdc_pos(90),ltdc_neg(90)
+      real*4    luc_y(90)
+      common/SANELUC/luc_hit, luc_row, ladc_pos, ladc_neg,
+     ,     ltdc_pos, ltdc_neg, luc_y
+      real*4 hms_p
+      real*4 hms_e
+      real*4 hms_theta
+      real*4 hms_phi
+      real*4 hsxfp_s,hsyfp_s,hsxpfp_s,hsypfp_s
+      real*4 hms_xtar,hms_ytar,hms_yptar,hms_xptar
+      real*4 hms_delta
+      real*4 hms_start
+      real*4 hsshtrk_s, hsshsum_s, hsbeta_s
+      real*4 rast_x
+      real*4 rast_y
+      real*4 slow_rast_x
+      real*4 slow_rast_y
+      real*4 sem_x,sem_y
+      integer*4 i_helicity
+      real*4 hms_cer_npe1,hms_cer_npe2, hms_cer_adc1,hms_cer_adc2
+      COMMON/HMSINFO/hms_p,hms_e,hms_theta,hms_phi,
+     ,     hsxfp_s,hsyfp_s,hsxpfp_s,hsypfp_s,
+     ,     hms_xtar,hms_ytar,hms_yptar,hms_xptar,
+     ,     hms_delta, hms_start,
+     ,     hsshtrk_s, hsshsum_s, hsbeta_s,
+     ,     hms_cer_npe1,hms_cer_npe2, hms_cer_adc1,hms_cer_adc2
+     ,     rast_x, rast_y,
+     ,     slow_rast_x, slow_rast_y,
+     ,     sem_x,sem_y,i_helicity 
+      integer*4 maxcl
+      parameter (maxcl=15)
+      integer*4 n_clust
+      integer*4 luc_h(maxcl)
+      integer*4 trc_hx(maxcl)
+      integer*4 trc_hy1(maxcl)
+      integer*4 trc_hy2(maxcl)
+      real*4 E_clust(maxcl)
+      real*4 X_clust(maxcl)
+      real*4 Y_clust(maxcl)
+      real*4 Z_clust(maxcl)
+      real*4 X_clust_r(maxcl)
+      real*4 Y_clust_r(maxcl)
+      real*4 Z_clust_r(maxcl)
+      real*4 X_luc(20,maxcl)
+      real*4 Y_luc(20,maxcl)
+      real*4 Z_luc(20,maxcl)
+      real*4 X_luc_r(20,maxcl)
+      real*4 Y_luc_r(20,maxcl)
+      real*4 Z_luc_r(20,maxcl)
+      real*4 X_trc(20,maxcl)
+      real*4 Y1_trc(20,maxcl)
+      real*4 Y2_trc(20,maxcl)
+      real*4 Z_trc(20,maxcl)
+      real*4 Z1_trc(20,maxcl)
+      real*4 Z2_trc(20,maxcl)
+      real*4 Tr_Vertex(3,maxcl)
+      real*4 Tr_Vertex_r(3,maxcl)
+      real*4 Theta_e(maxcl),Phi_e(maxcl)
+      real*4 Delta_Y(maxcl),Delta_X(maxcl)
+      real*4 X_Bjorken(maxcl), Q2(maxcl), W2(maxcl), ENue(maxcl)
+      integer*4 cer_h(maxcl),cer_geom(maxcl)
+      integer*4 cerb_time(maxcl),
+     ,     cerb_adc(maxcl),bigc_time(maxcl),bigc_adc(maxcl),cerbc_num(maxcl)
+      COMMON/SANEPHYS/n_clust,
+     $        E_clust,
+     $        X_clust, Y_clust,
+     $        Z_clust,
+     $        X_clust_r, Y_clust_r,
+     $        Z_clust_r,
+     $        luc_h,
+     $        X_luc, Y_luc, Z_luc,
+     $        X_luc_r,Y_luc_r,
+     $        Z_luc_r,
+     $        trc_hx,
+     $        X_trc,
+     $        Z_trc,
+     $        trc_hy1,
+     $        Y1_trc,
+     $        Z1_trc,
+     $        trc_hy2,
+     $        Y2_trc,
+     $        Z2_trc,
+     $        Tr_Vertex, Tr_Vertex_r,
+     $        cer_h,cer_geom,
+     $     cerb_time,
+     $     cerb_adc,bigc_time,bigc_adc,cerbc_num,
+     $        Theta_e,Phi_e,
+     $        Delta_Y,Delta_X,
+     $        X_Bjorken, Q2,
+     $         W2, ENue
+c      COMMON/SANEPHYS/n_clust, 
+c     ,     E_clust, 
+c     ,     X_clust, Y_clust, Z_clust, 
+c     ,     X_clust_r, Y_clust_r, Z_clust_r,
+c     ,     luc_h, 
+c     ,     X_luc, Y_luc, Z_luc, 
+c     ,     X_luc_r, Y_luc_r, Z_luc_r,
+c     ,     trc_hx, X_trc, 
+c     ,     trc_hy1, Y1_trc, 
+c     ,     trc_hy2, Y2_trc, 
+c     ,     Tr_Vertex, Tr_Vertex_r, cer_h,  
+c     ,     Theta_e, Phi_e, Delta_Y, Delta_X,
+c     ,     X_Bjorken, Q2, W2, ENue
+      real*4 X_luc_av(maxcl),Y_luc_av(maxcl),Z_luc_av(maxcl)
+      real*4 X_tr_av(maxcl),Y_tr_av(maxcl),Z_tr_av(maxcl)
+      COMMON/AverPhysEventPositions/X_luc_av,
+     ,     Y_luc_av,Z_luc_av,
+     ,     X_tr_av,Y_tr_av,Z_tr_av
+c     Parameters to define tracker and bigcal Planes
+      real*4 P1_track_r(3),P2_track_r(3),P3_track_r(3)
+      real*4 P1_track(3),P2_track(3),P3_track(3)
+      real*4 P1_bigcal(3),P2_bigcal(3),P3_bigcal(3)
+      real*4 P1_bigcal_r(3),P2_bigcal_r(3),P3_bigcal_r(3)
+      real*8 a_tracker, b_tracker, c_tracker, d_tracker
+      real*8 a_bigcal, b_bigcal, c_bigcal, d_bigcal
+      COMMON /BETA_PLANE/P1_track, P2_track, P3_track,
+     ,     P1_track_r, P2_track_r, P3_track_r,
+     ,     P1_bigcal, P2_bigcal, P3_bigcal,
+     ,     P1_bigcal_r, P2_bigcal_r, P3_bigcal_r,
+     ,     a_tracker, b_tracker, c_tracker, d_tracker,
+     ,     a_bigcal, b_bigcal, c_bigcal, d_bigcal
diff --git a/INCLUDE/sane_ntuple.dte b/INCLUDE/sane_ntuple.dte
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cfb554f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/sane_ntuple.dte
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+          data sane_ntuple_exists/.false./
+          data sane_ntuple_id/0/
+          data sane_ntuple_size/0/
+          data sane_ntuple_iochannel/0/
+          data sane_ntuple_name/' '/
+          data sane_ntuple_title/' '/
+          data sane_ntuple_directory/' '/
+          data sane_ntuple_file/' '/
+          data sane_ntuple_tag/sanemax_ntuple_size*' '/
+          data sane_ntuple_contents/sanemax_ntuple_size*0/
diff --git a/INCLUDE/sem_data_structures.cmn b/INCLUDE/sem_data_structures.cmn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab5c52d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/sem_data_structures.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+      integer NUM_TBPM
+      parameter (NUM_TBPM=8)
+*    TBPM
+*     CTPTYPE=event      
+      integer*4 N_TBPM_ALL_CHAN
+      parameter (N_TBPM_ALL_CHAN=64)
+      integer*4 N_TBPM_TOT_HITS
+      integer*4 N_TBPM_ADDR1(N_TBPM_ALL_CHAN)
+      integer*4 N_TBPM_ADDR2(N_TBPM_ALL_CHAN)
+      integer*4 N_TBPM_RAW_DATA(N_TBPM_ALL_CHAN)
+      real*4 N_TBPM_DATA(N_TBPM_ALL_CHAN)
+      real*4 ntbpmx,ntbpmy
+*     CTPTYPE=event      
+      COMMON /N_TBPM/
+     &     N_TBPM_TOT_HITS,
+     &     N_TBPM_ADDR1,
+     &     N_TBPM_ADDR2,
+     &     N_TBPM_RAW_DATA,
+     &     N_TBPM_DATA,
+     &     ntbpmx,ntbpmy
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      integer*4 n_tbpm_methode
+      real*4    n_tbpm_cutoff
+      real*4    n_tbpm_adccut
+     $     n_tbpm_methode,
+     $     n_tbpm_cutoff,
+     $     n_tbpm_adccut
+      real*4 n_force_SEMx
+      real*4 n_force_SEMy
+      common/ndet_special_options/
+     $     n_force_SEMx,
+     $     n_force_SEMy
+*                  !   B E A M   P O S I T I O N   --   S E M
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      integer*4 gsemx_index   !SEM x position
+      integer*4 gsemy_index   !SEM y position
+      integer*4 gsemdx_index  !SEM size -- x diameter
+      integer*4 gsemdy_index  !SEM size -- y diameter
+      real*4 gsem_xcal_lo     !SEM calibration frequency at x= -15mm
+      real*4 gsem_xcal_hi     !SEM calibration frequency at x= +15mm
+      real*4 gsem_ycal_lo     !SEM calibration frequency at y= -15mm
+      real*4 gsem_ycal_hi     !SEM calibration frequency at y= +15mm
+      real*4 gsem_dxcal_lo    !SEM calibration frequency at x dia = 0
+      real*4 gsem_dxcal_hi    !SEM calibration frequency at x dia = 30mm
+      real*4 gsem_dycal_lo    !SEM calibration frequency at y dia = 0
+      real*4 gsem_dycal_hi    !SEM calibration frequency at y dia = 30mm
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+      real*4 gsem_meanxpos
+      real*4 gsem_meanypos
+      real*4 gsem_meanxsize
+      real*4 gsem_meanysize
+      common/BEAMPOSITION/
+     &    gsemx_index, gsemy_index, gsemdx_index, gsemdy_index,
+     &    gsem_xcal_lo, gsem_xcal_hi, gsem_dxcal_lo, gsem_dxcal_hi,
+     &    gsem_ycal_lo, gsem_ycal_hi, gsem_dycal_lo, gsem_dycal_hi,
+     &    gsem_meanxpos, gsem_meanxsize,
+     &    gsem_meanypos, gsem_meanysize
+*     CTPTYPE=event      
+* Neutron Detector PEDESTALS
+* replace ndet_all_ped_pos with float(ndet_pos_ped_sum/ndet_pos_ped_num)
+* if ndet_pos_ped_num > ndet_min_peds.
+      real*4 ndet_ped_tbpm(N_tbpm_all_chan)
+      real*4 ndet_ped_tbpm_sig(N_tbpm_all_chan)
+      real*4 ndet_thresh_tbpm(N_tbpm_all_chan)
+      real*4 ndet_thresh_tbpm_sig(N_tbpm_all_chan)
+      integer*4 ndet_ped_tbpm_sum(N_tbpm_all_chan)
+      integer*4 ndet_ped_tbpm_sum2(N_tbpm_all_chan)
+      integer*4 ndet_tbpm_ped_counts
+      common/ndet_ped_tbpm/ 
+     &     ndet_ped_tbpm,
+     &     ndet_ped_tbpm_sig,
+     &     ndet_thresh_tbpm,
+     &     ndet_thresh_tbpm_sig,
+     &     ndet_ped_tbpm_sum,
+     &     ndet_ped_tbpm_sum2,
+     &     ndet_tbpm_ped_counts
diff --git a/INCLUDE/sos_aero_parms.cmn b/INCLUDE/sos_aero_parms.cmn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b5eeef8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/sos_aero_parms.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+* $Log: sos_aero_parms.cmn,v $
+* Revision 1.2  1996/10/02 19:56:46  saw
+* (RMM) Add rawadc arrays for diagnostic purposes and saer_sumA/B
+* variables
+* Revision 1.1  1996/04/30 13:44:22  saw
+* Initial revision
+*%%   include 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+*      CTPTYPE = parm
+      real*4 saer_pos_gain(smax_aer_hits)
+      real*4 saer_neg_gain(smax_aer_hits)
+*      CTPTYPE = event
+      integer*4 saer_tot_good_hits
+      integer*4 saer_rawadc_neg(smax_aer_hits)
+      integer*4 saer_rawadc_pos(smax_aer_hits)
+      integer*4 saer_sumA
+      integer*4 saer_sumB
+      real*4 saer_pos_npe(smax_aer_hits)
+      real*4 saer_neg_npe(smax_aer_hits)
+      real*4 saer_neg_npe_sum
+      real*4 saer_pos_npe_sum
+      real*4 saer_npe_sum
+      common /aero_calib/
+     &  saer_tot_good_hits,
+     &  saer_rawadc_neg,
+     &  saer_rawadc_pos,
+     &  saer_sumA,
+     &  saer_sumB,
+     &  saer_pos_npe,
+     &  saer_neg_npe,
+     &  saer_pos_gain,
+     &  saer_neg_gain,
+     &  saer_neg_npe_sum,
+     &  saer_pos_npe_sum,
+     &  saer_npe_sum
diff --git a/INCLUDE/sos_bypass_switches.cmn b/INCLUDE/sos_bypass_switches.cmn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1cc79cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/sos_bypass_switches.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+*      sos_bypass_switches.cmn
+*      common blocks of CTP switches to bypass reconstruction code
+*      elements.
+*      Created:     D.F.Geesaman         22 May 1994
+* $Log: sos_bypass_switches.cmn,v $
+* Revision 1.7  1996/11/19 18:48:39  saw
+* (WH) Add bypass switch for lucite counter
+* Revision 1.6  1996/09/04 16:25:51  saw
+* (JRA) Add bypass of tracking efficiency flags
+* Revision 1.5  1996/04/30 13:45:23  saw
+* (JRA) Add bypass switch for Aerogel
+* Revision 1.4  1996/01/17 15:13:31  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add bypass switches for efficiency calculations
+* Revision 1.3  1995/08/08 18:22:08  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add sbypass_trans_cer
+* Revision 1.2  1994/08/05  21:18:39  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add "CTPTYPE=parm" directive for auto generation of CTP reg calls
+* Revision 1.1  1994/06/07  02:03:11  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      integer*4 sbypass_trans_scin
+      integer*4 sbypass_trans_cer
+      integer*4 sbypass_trans_cal
+      integer*4 sbypass_trans_dc
+      integer*4 sbypass_track
+      integer*4 sbypass_targ_trans
+      integer*4 sbypass_tof
+      integer*4 sbypass_cal
+      integer*4 sbypass_cer
+      integer*4 sbypass_aero
+      integer*4 sbypass_lucite
+      integer*4 sbypass_physics
+      integer*4 sbypass_dc_eff
+      integer*4 sbypass_scin_eff
+      integer*4 sbypass_cal_eff
+      integer*4 sbypass_cer_eff
+      integer*4 sbypass_track_eff
+      integer*4 sbypass_track_eff_files
+      common/sos_bypass_switches/
+     &     sbypass_trans_scin,
+     &     sbypass_trans_cer,
+     &     sbypass_trans_cal,
+     &     sbypass_trans_dc,
+     &     sbypass_track,
+     &     sbypass_targ_trans,
+     &     sbypass_tof,
+     &     sbypass_cal,
+     &     sbypass_cer,
+     &     sbypass_physics,
+     &     sbypass_dc_eff,
+     &     sbypass_scin_eff,
+     &     sbypass_cal_eff,
+     &     sbypass_cer_eff,
+     &     sbypass_aero,
+     &     sbypass_lucite,
+     &     sbypass_track_eff,
+     &     sbypass_track_eff_files
diff --git a/INCLUDE/sos_calorimeter.cmn b/INCLUDE/sos_calorimeter.cmn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ae4cc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/sos_calorimeter.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
+*      SOS calorimeter. Parameters from sos_positions.parm
+* $Log: sos_calorimeter.cmn,v $
+* Revision 1.11  1999/10/11 13:42:41  saw
+* Cosmetic
+* Revision 1.10  1999/02/23 19:19:23  csa
+* Add scal_fv_test
+* Revision 1.9  1999/01/29 17:34:22  saw
+* Add variables for second tubes on shower counter
+* Revision 1.8  1996/09/04 16:26:21  saw
+* (JRA) Add variable for normalized sum of first 3 layers on track.
+* Revision 1.7  1996/01/17 15:13:07  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add normalized event quantities
+* Revision 1.6  1995/08/11 16:27:59  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add accumulators for calorimeter
+* Revision 1.5  1995/05/22  19:06:46  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts
+* Revision 1.4  1995/03/13  19:02:05  cdaq
+* (JRA) Move smax_cal_rows and smax_cal_columns to gen_data_structures
+* Revision 1.3  1994/11/21  17:59:01  cdaq
+* (SPB) Recopied from hms file and modified names for SOS
+* Revision 1.2  1994/08/05  21:03:44  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add makereg directive with required include files
+*       Add "CTPTYPE=event,parm" directive for auto generation of CTP reg calls
+* Revision 1.1  1994/04/13  19:00:49  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+*     The following include statments must precede the inclusion of this
+*     file in each routine that uses it.  The *%% syntax is also a
+*     directive to makereg to tell it to include the code in the program
+*     that it generates.
+*%%   include 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      real*4 scal_1pr_zpos      ! Z positions of front of shower counter layers
+      real*4 scal_2ta_zpos      !
+      real*4 scal_3ta_zpos      !
+      real*4 scal_4ta_zpos      !
+      real*4 scal_1pr_thick     ! Thickness of shower counter blocks
+      real*4 scal_2ta_thick     !
+      real*4 scal_3ta_thick     !
+      real*4 scal_4ta_thick     !
+      integer*4 scal_1pr_nr     !Number of shower blocks per column
+      integer*4 scal_2ta_nr     !
+      integer*4 scal_3ta_nr     !
+      integer*4 scal_4ta_nr     !
+      real*4 scal_1pr_left      !Y position, column #1
+      real*4 scal_1pr_right     !
+      real*4 scal_1pr_top       ! X positions, column #1
+      real*4 scal_2ta_left      ! Y position, column #2
+      real*4 scal_2ta_right     !
+      real*4 scal_2ta_top       ! X positions, column#2
+      real*4 scal_3ta_left      ! Y position, column #3
+      real*4 scal_3ta_right     !
+      real*4 scal_3ta_top       ! X positions, column #3
+      real*4 scal_4ta_left      ! Y position, column #4
+      real*4 scal_4ta_right     !
+      real*4 scal_4ta_top       ! X positions, column #4
+      integer*4 scal_fv_test    !Turn on SOS fiducial cut
+      common/sos_cal_parms/
+     &       scal_1pr_zpos,
+     &       scal_2ta_zpos,
+     &       scal_3ta_zpos,
+     &       scal_4ta_zpos,
+     &       scal_1pr_thick,
+     &       scal_2ta_thick,
+     &       scal_3ta_thick,
+     &       scal_4ta_thick,
+     &       scal_1pr_nr,
+     &       scal_2ta_nr,
+     &       scal_3ta_nr,
+     &       scal_4ta_nr,
+     &       scal_1pr_left,
+     &       scal_1pr_right,
+     &       scal_1pr_top(SMAX_CAL_ROWS),
+     &       scal_2ta_left,
+     &       scal_2ta_right,
+     &       scal_2ta_top(SMAX_CAL_ROWS),
+     &       scal_3ta_left,
+     &       scal_3ta_right,
+     &       scal_3ta_top(SMAX_CAL_ROWS),
+     &       scal_4ta_left,
+     &       scal_4ta_right,
+     &       scal_4ta_top(SMAX_CAL_ROWS),
+     &       scal_slop,
+     &       scal_fv_test
+*      SOS calorimeter. Geometrical constants filled by s_init_cal
+      real*4 scal_block_xsize   !
+      real*4 scal_block_ysize   !Block dimensions - 10*70*10 cm^3
+      real*4 scal_block_zsize   !
+      real*4 scal_block_xc   !
+      real*4 scal_block_yc   !X,Y,Z coordinates of block centers
+      real*4 scal_block_zc   !
+      real*4 scal_xmin          !
+      real*4 scal_xmax          !
+      real*4 scal_ymin          !Boundaries of the SOS
+      real*4 scal_ymax          !calorimeter stack
+      real*4 scal_zmin          !
+      real*4 scal_zmax          !
+      real*4 scal_fv_xmin   !
+      real*4 scal_fv_xmax   !
+      real*4 scal_fv_ymin   !Boundaries of the
+      real*4 scal_fv_ymax   !fiducial volume
+      real*4 scal_fv_zmin   !
+      real*4 scal_fv_zmax   !
+      common/sos_geometry_cal/
+     &       scal_block_xsize,
+     &       scal_block_ysize,
+     &       scal_block_zsize,
+     &       scal_block_xc(SMAX_CAL_BLOCKS),
+     &       scal_block_yc(SMAX_CAL_BLOCKS),
+     &       scal_block_zc(SMAX_CAL_BLOCKS),
+     &       scal_xmin,scal_xmax,
+     &       scal_ymin,scal_ymax,
+     &       scal_zmin,scal_zmax,
+     &       scal_fv_xmin,scal_fv_xmax,
+     &       scal_fv_ymin,scal_fv_ymax,
+     &       scal_fv_zmin,scal_fv_zmax
+*      SOS calorimeter. Sparsified data filled by s_sparsify_cal
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+      integer*4 scal_rows          !Row number. Copied from sos_raw_cal
+      integer*4 scal_cols          !Column number. Copied from sos_raw_cal
+      real*4    scal_adcs_pos      !Pulse height in channels(ADC-PED).
+      real*4    scal_adcs_neg      !Pulse height in channels(ADC-PED).
+      integer*4 scal_num_hits      !Total number of hits above threshold
+      common/sos_sparsified_cal/ 
+     &       scal_rows(SMAX_CAL_BLOCKS),
+     &       scal_cols(SMAX_CAL_BLOCKS),
+     &       scal_adcs_neg(SMAX_CAL_BLOCKS),
+     &       scal_adcs_pos(SMAX_CAL_BLOCKS),
+     &       scal_num_hits
+*      SOS calorimeter. Cluster data, filled by s_clusters_cal
+      integer*4 snclusters_max    !Number of clusters allowed in the calorimeter
+      parameter (snclusters_max=5) !Set the maximum to 5
+      integer*4 snclusters_cal     !Number of clusters found
+      integer*4 scluster_hit       !Link pointer to cluster number for each hit
+      integer*4 scluster_size      !Number of hits in a cluster
+      real*4 scluster_xc      !X-coordinate of a cluster
+      real*4 scluster_e1      !Energy deposition in column #1
+      real*4 scluster_e2      !                            #2
+      real*4 scluster_e3      !                            #3
+      real*4 scluster_e4      !                            #4
+      real*4 scluster_et      !Total energy deposition
+      real*4 scluster_e1_pos      !Energy deposition in column #POS_1
+      real*4 scluster_e1_neg      !Energy deposition in column #NEG_1
+      real*4 scluster_e2_pos      !Energy deposition in column #POS_2
+      real*4 scluster_e2_neg      !Energy deposition in column #NEG_2
+      common/sos_clusters_cal/
+     &       scluster_hit(SMAX_CAL_BLOCKS),
+     &       scluster_size(snclusters_max),
+     &       scluster_xc(snclusters_max),
+     &       scluster_e1(snclusters_max),
+     &       scluster_e2(snclusters_max),
+     &       scluster_e3(snclusters_max),
+     &       scluster_e4(snclusters_max),
+     &       scluster_e1_pos(snclusters_max),
+     &       scluster_e1_neg(snclusters_max),
+     &       scluster_e2_pos(snclusters_max),
+     &       scluster_e2_neg(snclusters_max),
+     &       scluster_et(snclusters_max),
+     &       snclusters_cal
+*      SOS calorimeter. Calorimeter track quantities,filled by s_tracks_cal
+      real*4 strack_xc           !X,Y position of track on 
+      real*4 strack_yc           ! calorimeter front surface
+      integer*4 scluster_track   !Link pointer to calorimeter cluster number
+      integer*4 sntracks_cal  !Number of tracks for which a cluster was found
+      common/sos_tracks_cal/
+     &       strack_xc(sntracks_max),
+     &       strack_yc(sntracks_max),
+     &       scluster_track(sntracks_max),
+     &       sntracks_cal
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+*      SOS calorimeter. ADC pedestals and thresholds
+      real*4 scal_pos_ped_mean      !Mean pedestal value
+      real*4 scal_pos_ped_rms       !Pedestal rms deviation
+      real*4 scal_pos_threshold     !Threshold=3.*scal_ped_rms
+      real*4 scal_neg_ped_mean      !Mean pedestal value
+      real*4 scal_neg_ped_rms       !Pedestal rms deviation
+      real*4 scal_neg_threshold     !Threshold=3.*scal_ped_rms
+      common/sos_cal_pedestals/
+     &       scal_pos_ped_mean(SMAX_CAL_BLOCKS),
+     &       scal_pos_ped_rms(SMAX_CAL_BLOCKS),
+     &       scal_pos_threshold(SMAX_CAL_BLOCKS),
+     &       scal_neg_ped_mean(SMAX_CAL_BLOCKS),
+     &       scal_neg_ped_rms(SMAX_CAL_BLOCKS),
+     &       scal_neg_threshold(SMAX_CAL_BLOCKS)
+*      SOS calorimeter. Calibration constants
+      real*4 scal_pos_cal_const      !Calibration constants
+      real*4 scal_neg_cal_const      !Calibration constants
+      common/sos_cal_const/
+     &       scal_pos_cal_const(SMAX_CAL_BLOCKS),
+     &       scal_neg_cal_const(SMAX_CAL_BLOCKS)
+*      SOS calorimeter. Relative gains & correction factors
+      real*4 scal_pos_gain_ini   !Relative gains during the last calibration
+      real*4 scal_pos_gain_cur   !Current relative gains
+      real*4 scal_pos_gain_cor   !Correction factor: cor=ini/cur
+      real*4 scal_neg_gain_ini   !Relative gains during the last calibration
+      real*4 scal_neg_gain_cur   !Current relative gains
+      real*4 scal_neg_gain_cor   !Correction factor: cor=ini/cur
+      common/sos_cal_monitor/
+     &       scal_pos_gain_ini(SMAX_CAL_BLOCKS),
+     &       scal_pos_gain_cur(SMAX_CAL_BLOCKS),
+     &       scal_pos_gain_cor(SMAX_CAL_BLOCKS),
+     &       scal_neg_gain_ini(SMAX_CAL_BLOCKS),
+     &       scal_neg_gain_cur(SMAX_CAL_BLOCKS),
+     &       scal_neg_gain_cor(SMAX_CAL_BLOCKS)
+*      SOS calorimeter. Debuging LUN and flags
+      integer*4 slun_dbg_cal
+      integer*4 sdbg_raw_cal
+      integer*4 sdbg_sparsified_cal
+      integer*4 sdbg_decoded_cal
+      integer*4 sdbg_clusters_cal
+      integer*4 sdbg_tracks_cal
+      integer*4 sdbg_tests_cal
+      integer*4 scal_num_neg_columns
+      common/sos_cal_flags/
+     &       slun_dbg_cal,
+     &       sdbg_raw_cal,
+     &       sdbg_sparsified_cal,
+     &       sdbg_decoded_cal,
+     &       sdbg_clusters_cal,
+     &       sdbg_tracks_cal,
+     &       sdbg_tests_cal,
+     $     scal_num_neg_columns
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+      integer*4 scal_zero_sum(SMAX_CAL_BLOCKS)
+      integer*4 scal_zero_sum2(SMAX_CAL_BLOCKS)
+      integer*4 scal_zero_num(SMAX_CAL_BLOCKS)
+      real*4 scal_zero_ave(SMAX_CAL_BLOCKS)
+      real*4 scal_zero_sig(SMAX_CAL_BLOCKS)
+      real*4 scal_zero_thresh(SMAX_CAL_BLOCKS)
+      common /sos_cal_zero/
+     &    scal_zero_ave,
+     &    scal_zero_sig,
+     &    scal_zero_thresh,
+     &    scal_zero_num,
+     &    scal_zero_sum,
+     &    scal_zero_sum2 
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+      real*4 sscal_suma     !normalized sum of layer A.
+      real*4 sscal_sumb     !normalized sum of layer B.
+      real*4 sscal_sumc     !normalized sum of layer C.
+      real*4 sscal_sumd     !normalized sum of layer D.
+      real*4 ssprsum        !normalized PR sum.
+      real*4 ssshsum        !normalized total sum.
+      real*4 ssprtrk        !normalized PR sum on track.
+      real*4 ssshtrk        !normalized total sum on track.
+      real*4 ssshtrk3       !normalized sum of first 3 layers on track.
+      common /sos_cal_normalized/
+     &    sscal_suma,
+     &    sscal_sumb,
+     &    sscal_sumc,
+     &    sscal_sumd,
+     &    ssprsum,
+     &    ssshsum,
+     &    ssprtrk,
+     &    ssshtrk,
+     &    ssshtrk3
diff --git a/INCLUDE/sos_cer_parms.cmn b/INCLUDE/sos_cer_parms.cmn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df30bbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/sos_cer_parms.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+* sos_cer_parms.cmn
+* $Log: sos_cer_parms.cmn,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1995/08/08 19:15:10  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      real*4 scer_chi2max
+      real*4 scer_beta_min
+      real*4 scer_beta_max
+      real*4 scer_et_min
+      real*4 scer_et_max
+      real*4 scer_mirror_zpos
+      real*4 scer_region
+      real*4 scer_min_eff
+      real*4 scer_threshold
+      integer*4 scer_num_mirrors
+      parameter(scer_num_mirrors=4)
+      integer*4 scer_num_regions
+      parameter(scer_num_regions=scer_num_mirrors+1)
+      common/sos_cer_parms/
+     &   scer_chi2max,
+     &   scer_beta_min,
+     &   scer_beta_max,
+     &   scer_et_min,
+     &   scer_et_max,
+     &   scer_mirror_zpos,
+     &   scer_region(scer_num_regions,8),
+     &   scer_min_eff,
+     &   scer_threshold
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      real*4 scer_adc_to_npe(scer_num_mirrors)
+      integer*4 scer_ped(scer_num_mirrors)
+      integer*4 scer_width(scer_num_mirrors)
+      common/sos_cer_trans/
+     &   scer_ped,
+     &   scer_width,
+     &   scer_adc_to_npe
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+      real*4 scer_region_eff(scer_num_regions)
+      integer*4 scer_track_counter(scer_num_regions)
+      integer*4 scer_fired_counter(scer_num_regions)
+      integer*4 scer_min_counts
+      parameter(scer_min_counts=1)
+      common/sos_cer_effs/
+     &   scer_track_counter,
+     &   scer_fired_counter,
+     &   scer_region_eff
diff --git a/INCLUDE/sos_data_structures.cmn b/INCLUDE/sos_data_structures.cmn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..22fbbb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/sos_data_structures.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,711 @@
+*****************begin: sos_data_structures.cmn*************************
+*     include file     sos_data_structures.cmn
+*     Author:	D. F. Geesaman		1 September 1993
+* $Log: sos_data_structures.cmn,v $
+* Revision 1.10  2003/09/05 20:37:14  jones
+* Merge in online03 changes (mkj)
+* Revision  2003/08/12 17:35:57  cdaq
+* Add variables for e00-108 (hamlet)
+* Revision  2003/07/15 19:04:15  cdaq
+* add ssinplane
+* Revision 1.9  1999/02/23 19:19:57  csa
+* Change some physics vars
+* Revision 1.8  1999/01/29 17:34:23  saw
+* Add variables for second tubes on shower counter
+* Revision 1.7  1996/11/19 18:49:15  saw
+* (WH) Add data structures for Lucite counter
+* Revision 1.6  1996/09/04 16:29:41  saw
+* (JRA) Add energies for layers of shower counter
+* Revision 1.5  1996/04/30 13:54:42  saw
+* (JRA) Change array sizes to two chambers instead of 3
+* Revision 1.4  1996/01/24 16:19:27  saw
+* (JRA) Double size of misc hits data structures
+* Revision 1.3  1996/01/17 15:12:27  cdaq
+* Revision 1.2  1995/08/11 16:29:08  cdaq
+* (CC) Add structure for # of photoelectrons in Cerenkov
+* Revision 1.1  1995/05/22  18:42:33  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+*     SPHI_LAB               SOS LAB ANGLE PHI 
+      REAL*4  SPHI_LAB       ! SOS LAB ANGLE PHI 
+     &     STHETA_LAB,
+     &     SPHI_LAB,
+     &     SPCENTRAL,
+     &     SBFIELD,
+     &     SPARTMASS
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+*     SOS  DATA
+*     RAW DC DATA FILLED BY G_decode_event_by_banks
+*             PLANE NUMBER
+*             WIRE NUMBER
+*             TDC VALUE
+     3     SDC_RAW_TDC(SMAX_DC_HITS),
+     4     SDC_RAW_TOT_HITS
+*             PLANE NUMBER
+*             WIRE NUMBER
+*             TDC VALUE
+*             DRIFT TIME
+*             DRIFT DISTANCE
+      INTEGER*4 SDC_TDC                  ! COPIED FROM SOS_RAW_DC
+     7     SDC_TDC(SMAX_DC_HITS),
+     9     SDC_TOT_HITS
+*     FILLED BY G_decode_event_by_banks 
+      PARAMETER (SMAX_ALL_SCIN_HITS=53) ! Should exceed # of paddles
+     &     SSCIN_ALL_TOT_HITS
+*     SOS REAL SCINTILLATOR HITS (Hits with no TDC data stripped out)
+*     FILLED BY S_strip_scin (which is called by s_trans_scin) 
+      PARAMETER (SMAX_SCIN_HITS=53) ! Should exceed # of paddles
+      INTEGER*4 SSCIN_SING_COUNTER  !DJM''S registered hit counter
+     &     SSCIN_TOT_HITS,
+*                                      SCINTILLATOR DETERMINED FROM TDC INFO.
+      REAL*4    SSTART_TIME
+     &     SSCIN_ZPOS,
+     &     SSCIN_WIDTH,
+     &     SSCIN_SLOP,
+     &     SSCIN_DEC_HIT_COORD,
+     &     SSCIN_COR_ADC,
+     &     SSCIN_COR_TIME,
+     &     SSTART_TIME,
+     &     SSTART_HITNUM,
+     &     SSTART_HITSIDE,
+     &     STWO_GOOD_TIMES,
+     &     SGOOD_START_TIME
+*     &     SGOOD_START_PLANE
+*      FILLED BY G_decode_event_by_banks
+*         COLUMN NUMBER
+*         ROW NUMBER
+*         ADC VALUE
+      INTEGER*4 SMAX_CAL_ROWS         !Number of calorimeter rows
+      INTEGER*4 SMAX_CAL_COLUMNS      !Number of calorimeter columns
+      equivalence (scal_adc, scal_adc_pos) ! For old code
+      equivalence (scal_realadc, scal_realadc_pos)
+     &     SCAL_COLUMN,
+     &     SCAL_ROW,
+     &     SCAL_ADC_POS,
+     &     SCAL_ADC_NEG,
+     &     SCAL_REALADC_POS,
+     &     SCAL_REALADC_NEG,
+     &     SCAL_TOT_HITS,
+     &     SCAL_POS_HITS,
+     &     SCAL_NEG_HITS
+*                                    #2
+*                                    #3
+*                                    #4
+      REAL*4 SCAL_E1               !ENERGY DEPOSITION IN COLUMN #1
+      REAL*4 SCAL_E2               !                            #2
+      REAL*4 SCAL_E3               !                            #3
+      REAL*4 SCAL_E4               !                            #4
+      REAL*4 SCAL_E1_POS
+      REAL*4 SCAL_E1_NEG
+      REAL*4 SCAL_E2_POS
+      REAL*4 SCAL_E2_NEG
+     &     SCAL_E1,
+     &     SCAL_E2,
+     &     SCAL_E3,
+     &     SCAL_E4,
+     &     SCAL_ET,
+     &     SCAL_E1_POS,
+     &     SCAL_E1_NEG,
+     &     SCAL_E2_POS,
+     &     SCAL_E2_NEG,
+     &     SNHITS_CAL
+*      FILLED BY G_decode_event_by_banks
+*          TUBE NUMBER
+*          ADC VALUE
+     &     SCER_TOT_HITS
+     &     SCER_NUM_HITS,
+     &     SCER_NPE(SMAX_CER_HITS),
+     &     SCER_NPE_SUM,
+*      FILLED BY G_decode_event_by_banks
+*     THERE ARE 14 AEROGEL PHOTOTUBES. We will pair tubes on the left and
+*     right side so that are 7 "counters"
+* for evalutation of the amplifier/adder prototype there follow 8 left +
+* 8 right adc values, 7 each are ampliefied signals, the 8th is sum of 7
+* each
+*          TUBE Row
+*          ADC Left VALUE
+*          ADC Right VALUE
+     &     SAER_TOT_HITS
+*      FILLED BY G_decode_event_by_banks
+*     THERE ARE 16 LUCITE PHOTOTUBES. We will pair tubes on the left and
+*     right side so that are 8 "counters"
+*          TUBE Row
+*          ADC Left VALUE
+*          ADC Right VALUE
+     &     SLUC_TOT_HITS
+      REAL*4  SX_FP                ! X POSITION OF TRACK IN FOCAL PLANE
+      REAL*4  SY_FP                ! Y POSITION OF TRACK IN FOCAL PLANE
+      REAL*4  SZ_FP                ! Z POSITION OF TRACK IN FOCAL PLANE
+      REAL*4  SXP_FP               ! X SLOPE OF TRACK IN FOCAL PLANE
+      REAL*4  SYP_FP               ! Y SLOPE OF TRACK IN FOCAL PLANE
+      REAL*4  SCHI2_FP             ! FIT QUALITY IN FOCAL PLANE
+      REAL*4  SDEL_FP              !  FOCAL PLANE ERROR MATRIX
+      REAL*4  SX_FP_rot            ! x in rotated focal plane
+      REAL*4  SY_FP_rot            ! y in rotated f plane
+      REAL*4  SXP_FP_rot           ! x slope in rotated f plane
+      REAL*4  SYP_FP_rot           ! y slope in rot f plane
+     1     SX_FP(SNTRACKS_MAX),
+     2     SY_FP(SNTRACKS_MAX),
+     3     SZ_FP(SNTRACKS_MAX),
+     4     SXP_FP(SNTRACKS_MAX),
+     5     SYP_FP(SNTRACKS_MAX),
+     6     SCHI2_FP(SNTRACKS_MAX),
+     7     SDEL_FP(4,4,SNTRACKS_MAX),
+     >     SX_FP_rot(SNTRACKS_MAX),
+     >     SY_FP_rot(SNTRACKS_MAX), 
+     >     SXP_FP_rot(SNTRACKS_MAX),
+     >     SYP_FP_rot(SNTRACKS_MAX)
+      REAL*4  SX_TAR                ! X POSITION OF TRACK AT TARGET
+      REAL*4  SY_TAR                ! Y POSITION OF TRACK AT TARGET
+      REAL*4  SZ_TAR                ! Z POSITION OF TRACK AT TARGET
+      REAL*4  SXP_TAR               ! X SLOPE OF TRACK AT TARGET
+      REAL*4  SYP_TAR               ! Y SLOPE OF TRACK AT TARGET 
+      REAL*4  SP_TAR                ! MOMENTUM OF TRACK AT TARGET
+      REAL*4  SCHI2_TAR             ! FIT QUALITY AT TARGET
+      REAL*4  SDEL_TAR              ! TARGET  ERROR MATRIX
+     1     SX_TAR(SNTRACKS_MAX),
+     2     SY_TAR(SNTRACKS_MAX),
+     3     SZ_TAR(SNTRACKS_MAX),
+     4     SXP_TAR(SNTRACKS_MAX),
+     5     SYP_TAR(SNTRACKS_MAX),
+     7     SP_TAR(SNTRACKS_MAX),
+     8     SCHI2_TAR(SNTRACKS_MAX),
+     9     SDEL_TAR(5,5,SNTRACKS_MAX),
+     C     SNTRACKS_TAR
+     2     STRACK_E2,              !           SECOND COLUMN
+     3     STRACK_E3,              !           THIRD COLUMN
+     4     STRACK_E4,              !           FOURTH COLUMN
+     6     STRACK_PRESHOWER_E,     ! Preshower energy on track Note exp dependent.
+     7     SDEDX,                  ! 
+     8     SBETA,                  ! VELOCITY OF TRACK
+     9     SBETA_CHISQ,            ! CHISQ OF FIT TO BETA OF TRACK
+     A     STIME_AT_FP,            ! 
+     D                             ! EACH TRACK
+     G     SSCIN_FPTIME,
+     H     STRACK_E1_POS,
+     I     STRACK_E1_NEG,
+     J     STRACK_E2_POS,
+     K     STRACK_E2_NEG
+      REAL*4 SSP                   ! Lab momentum of chosen track in GeV/c
+      REAL*4 SSENERGY              ! Lab total energy of chosen track in GeV
+      REAL*4 SSCORRP               ! electron momentum corrected for eloss
+      REAL*4 SSCORRE               ! electron energy corrected for eloss
+      REAL*4 SSDELTA               ! Spectrometer delta of chosen track
+      REAL*4 SSTHETA               ! Lab Scattering angle in radians
+      REAL*4 SSPHI                 ! Lab Azymuthal angle in radians
+      REAL*4 SSINPLANE             ! In plane scattering angle
+      REAL*4 SSMINV                ! Invariant Mass of remaing hadronic system
+      REAL*4 SSZBEAM               ! Lab Z coordinate of intersection of beam
+                                   ! track with spectrometer ray
+      REAL*4 SSDEDX(4)             ! DEDX of chosen track in each plane
+      REAL*4 SSBETA                ! BETA of chosen track
+      REAL*4 SSTRACK_ET            ! Total shower energy of chosen track
+      REAL*4 SSTRACK_PRESHOWER_E   ! preshower of chosen track
+      REAL*4 SSTRACK_E1            ! layer 1 shower energy of chosen track
+      REAL*4 SSTRACK_E2            ! layer 2 shower energy of chosen track
+      REAL*4 SSTRACK_E3            ! layer 3 shower energy of chosen track
+      REAL*4 SSTRACK_E4            ! layer 4 shower energy of chosen track
+      REAL*4 SSX_FP                ! X focal plane position 
+      REAL*4 SSY_FP 
+      REAL*4 SSXP_FP 
+      REAL*4 SSYP_FP 
+      REAL*4 SSCHI2PERDEG    ! CHI2 per degree of freedom of chosen track.
+      REAL*4 SSX_TAR 
+      REAL*4 SSY_TAR 
+      REAL*4 SSXP_TAR 
+      REAL*4 SSYP_TAR 
+      REAL*4 SSMASS2               ! Mass squared
+      REAL*4 SST                   ! invariant t
+      REAL*4 SSU                   ! invariant u
+      REAL*4 SSQ3                  ! Lab frame momentum transfer
+*      REAL*4 SSTHETAQ, SSPHIQ      ! Direction of q3
+      REAL*4 SSBIGQ2               ! Q**2
+      REAL*4 SSX                   ! fraction of nucleon p carried by quark
+      REAL*4 SSY                   ! fraction of lepton''s E lost in lab
+      REAL*4 SSW                   ! Invariant mass of recoil system
+      REAL*4 SSW2                  ! Invariant mass**2 of recoil system
+      REAL*4 SSX_bj
+      INTEGER*4 SSNUM_FPTRACK      ! Index of focal plane track chosen
+      INTEGER*4 SSNUM_TARTRACK     ! Index of target track chosen
+      INTEGER*4 SSID_LUND          ! LUND particle ID code -- not yet filled
+     & SSP,
+     & SSENERGY,
+     & SSDELTA,
+     & SSTHETA,
+     & SSPHI,
+     & SSINPLANE,
+     & SSMINV,
+     & SSZBEAM,
+     & SSDEDX,
+     & SSBETA,
+     & SSTRACK_ET,
+     & SSTIME_AT_FP,
+     & SSX_FP ,
+     & SSY_FP ,
+     & SSXP_FP ,
+     & SSYP_FP ,
+     & SSCHI2PERDEG ,
+     & SSX_TAR ,
+     & SSY_TAR ,
+     & SSXP_TAR ,
+     & SSYP_TAR ,
+     & SSMASS2,
+     & SST,
+     & SSU,
+     & SSELOSS,
+     & SSQ3,
+     & SSBIGQ2,
+     & SSX,
+     & SSY,
+     & SSW,
+     & SSW2,
+     & SSTRACK_E1,
+     & SSTRACK_E2,
+     & SSTRACK_E3,
+     & SSTRACK_E4,
+     & SSCORRP,
+     & SSCORRE,
+     & SSOMEGA,
+     & SSX_bj
+     & SSID_LUND,
+     & SSNFREE_FP,
+*     Non-Hits data with SOS gates or starts.
+*     (Energy SUMS, logic timing,...)
+      INTEGER*4 SMISC_RAW_ADDR1    ! "Plane" (1=TDC,2=ADC)
+      INTEGER*4 SMISC_RAW_ADDR2    ! "Counter"
+     &     SMISC_TOT_HITS
+*******************end: sos_data_structures.cmn*************************
+*     Local Variables:
+*     mode: fortran
+*     fortran-continuation-string: "&"
+*     comment-column: 35
+*     End:
diff --git a/INCLUDE/sos_filenames.cmn b/INCLUDE/sos_filenames.cmn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e50419d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/sos_filenames.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+******************* begin: sos_filenames.cmn ***********************
+*-Common block with filenames
+* $Log: sos_filenames.cmn,v $
+* Revision  2007/05/15 02:53:03  jones
+* Start to Bigcal code
+* Revision 1.5  2005/02/16 20:44:45  saw
+* Add filename for sos root tree
+* Revision 1.4  1996/01/17 15:10:02  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add threshold and pedestal output filenames
+* Revision 1.3  1995/04/06 20:20:19  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add report output filename
+* Revision 1.2  1994/08/15  04:13:08  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add "CTPTYPE=parm" directive for auto generation of CTP reg calls
+* Revision 1.1  1994/06/15  18:12:47  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      character*80 s_recon_coeff_filename
+      character*80 s_report_template_filename    ! CTP file with sos report
+      character*80 s_report_blockname   ! Name of block for sos report template
+      character*80 s_report_output_filename
+      character*80 s_threshold_output_filename
+      character*80 s_pedestal_output_filename
+      character*80 s_tree_filename
+      character*80 s_angle_output_filename
+      common /sos_filenames/
+     $     s_recon_coeff_filename,
+     $     s_report_template_filename,
+     $     s_report_blockname,
+     $     s_report_output_filename,
+     $     s_threshold_output_filename,
+     $     s_pedestal_output_filename,
+     $     s_angle_output_filename,
+     $     s_tree_filename
diff --git a/INCLUDE/sos_geometry.cmn b/INCLUDE/sos_geometry.cmn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7428b3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/sos_geometry.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+*     sos_geometry.cmn
+*     This include file has all the geometrical coefficients for the
+*     SOS wire chambers.
+*     d.f. geesaman        1 September 1993
+*     modifed    dfg       14 Feb 1994
+*                change SPLANE_PARAM(2,)  to sdc_zpos
+*                change SPLANE_PARAM(3,)  to sdc_alpha_angle
+*                change SPLANE_PARAM(4,)  to sdc_beta_angle
+*                change SPLANE_PARAM(5,)  to sdc_gamma_angle
+*                change SPLANE_PARAM(6,)  to sdc_pitch
+*                change SPLANE_PARAM(7,)  to sdc_nrwire
+*                change SPLANE_PARAM(8,)  to sdc_central_wire
+*                change SPLANE_PARAM(9,)  to sdc_sigma
+*                change SPLANE_LABEL      to sdc_plane_name
+*                add     sdc_xcenter
+*                        sdc_ycenter
+* $Log: sos_geometry.cmn,v $
+* Revision 1.8  1996/09/04 16:28:21  saw
+* (JRA) Make hdc_nrwire integer
+* Revision 1.7  1995/05/22 19:07:14  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts
+* Revision 1.6  1995/01/27  20:21:25  cdaq
+* (JRA) Remove no longer used drift time->distance parameters
+* Revision 1.5  1994/11/22  18:44:30  cdaq
+* (SPB) Brought up to date with hms_geometry.cmn
+* (SAW) Cleaned up ?DC_NUM_CHAMBERS and ?MAX_NUM_CHAMBERS stuff
+* Revision 1.4  1994/08/05  20:36:42  cdaq
+* * (SAW) Add makereg directive with required include files
+*         Add "CTPTYPE=parm" directive for auto generation of CTP reg calls
+* Revision 1.3  1994/06/14  03:23:06  cdaq
+* (DFG) Add sdc_plane_time_zero
+* Revision 1.2  1994/03/24  18:37:29  cdaq
+* (DFG) Additional parameters
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/22  14:47:24  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+*     The following include statments must precede the inclusion of this
+*     file in each routine that uses it.  The *%% syntax is also a
+*     directive to makereg to tell it to include the code in the program
+*     that it generates.
+*%%   include 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+*     CTPTYPE=parm             ! Probably don't really want the following registered
+      real*4 szchi,szpsi       ! geometrical coefficients defining z-z0
+      real*4 sxchi,sxpsi       ! x and y for each wire plane. 
+      real*4 sychi,sypsi
+      real*4 sz0               ! z coordinate of intersection of chamber with
+                               ! z axis
+      real*4 spsi0,schi0,sphi0 ! psi, chi and phi  coordinates  where a 
+                               ! chamber normal passing through the origin
+                               ! intersects the chamber. Used in stub fits
+      real*4 sstubcoef         ! coefficents used in stub fits
+                               ! note these contain one power of sigma
+      real*4 stanbeta,ssinbeta,scosbeta
+      real*4 sxsp              ! coefficents used in space point fits.
+      real*4 sysp
+      real*8 splane_coeff      ! coefficients used in final track fit
+      integer*4 SNUM_PLANE_COEFF   ! number of plane track fit coefficients
+      parameter (SNUM_PLANE_COEFF=9)
+      integer*4 SNUM_RAY_PARAM     ! number of ray parameters
+      parameter (SNUM_RAY_PARAM=4)
+      common/SOS_GEOMETRY/
+     &     splane_coeff(SNUM_PLANE_COEFF,SMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES),
+     &     szpsi(SMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES),szchi(SMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES),
+     &     sxpsi(SMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES),sxchi(SMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES),
+     &     sypsi(SMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES),sychi(SMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES),
+     &     sz0(SMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES),spsi0(SMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES),
+     &     schi0(SMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES),sphi0(SMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES),
+     &     sstubcoef(SMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES,SNUM_RAY_PARAM),
+     &     sxsp(SMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES),sysp(SMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES),
+     &     stanbeta(SMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES),ssinbeta(SMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES),
+     &     scosbeta(SMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES)
+      real*4    sdc_zpos
+      real*4    sdc_alpha_angle
+      real*4    sdc_beta_angle
+      real*4    sdc_gamma_angle
+      real*4    sdc_pitch
+      integer*4 sdc_nrwire
+      real*4    sdc_central_wire
+      real*4    sdc_sigma
+      real*4    sdc_xcenter
+      real*4    sdc_ycenter
+      real*4    sdc_center
+*      real*4 SPLANE_PARAM
+      integer*4 sdc_chamber_planes
+      character*16 sdc_plane_name
+     &     sdc_zpos(SMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES),
+     &     sdc_alpha_angle(SMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES),
+     &     sdc_beta_angle(SMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES),
+     &     sdc_gamma_angle(SMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES),
+     &     sdc_pitch(SMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES),
+     &     sdc_central_wire(SMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES),
+     &     sdc_nrwire(SMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES),
+     &     sdc_sigma(SMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES),
+     &     sdc_xcenter(SMAX_NUM_CHAMBERS),
+     &     sdc_ycenter(SMAX_NUM_CHAMBERS),
+     &     sdc_chamber_planes(SMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES),
+     &     sdc_plane_name(SMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES),
+     &     sdc_center(SMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES)
+      real*4 slocrayzt
+      parameter (slocrayzt=0.)
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+*     parameter file variables. Separate by type to make it easy to add
+*     at the end
+*     REAL*4
+*      real*4 sdrift_velocity        ! sos drift velocity in cm/ns
+      real*4 sdc_tdc_time_per_channel
+      real*4 sdc_1_zpos
+      real*4 sdc_2_zpos
+      real*4 sdc_3_zpos
+      real*4 sdc_plane_time_zero
+*     &     sdrift_velocity,
+     &     sdc_tdc_time_per_channel,
+     &     sdc_1_zpos,
+     &     sdc_2_zpos,
+     &     sdc_3_zpos,
+     &     sdc_plane_time_zero(SMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES)
+*    INTEGER*4
+      integer*4 sdc_wire_counting     ! readout numbering order
+     &     sdc_wire_counting(SMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES) 
diff --git a/INCLUDE/sos_id_histid.cmn b/INCLUDE/sos_id_histid.cmn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5718edd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/sos_id_histid.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+*      sos_id_histid.cmn
+*      This common block contains the HBOOK histogram id numbers
+*      for all sos particle id histograms in which direct hfill 
+*      calls are made.
+*      It also contains the paramter flags to turn on and off histograming
+*      of each of the hard coded blocks.
+*      Created 9 April 1994	D. F. Geesaman
+* $Log: sos_id_histid.cmn,v $
+* Revision 1.11  1999/02/23 19:20:42  csa
+* (JRA) Add sidscindpos_pid, cleanup
+* Revision 1.10  1999/02/03 21:13:34  saw
+* Code for new Shower counter tubes
+* Revision 1.9  1996/09/04 16:28:58  saw
+* (JRA) Add sidmisctdcs
+* Revision 1.8  1996/01/17 15:09:34  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add sidscintimes histogram
+* Revision 1.7  1995/09/01 13:02:48  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add dpos histid's
+* Revision 1.6  1995/08/11  16:31:11  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add dpos (track pos - hit pos) histograms
+* Revision 1.5  1995/07/28  14:27:26  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add sidsum histogram id holders
+* Revision 1.4  1995/05/22  19:07:42  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts
+* Revision 1.3  1995/05/12  12:23:46  cdaq
+* (JRA) Modify/add user histograms
+* Revision 1.2  1994/08/05  21:05:04  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add makereg directive with required include files
+*       Add "CTPTYPE=parm" directive for auto generation of CTP reg calls
+* Revision 1.1  1994/04/12  21:16:27  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+*%%   include 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+*%%   include 'sos_scin_parms.cmn'
+*     The following don't need to be registered??
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      integer*4 sidscinrawtothits
+      integer*4 sidscinplane
+      integer*4 sidscinallpostdc(SNUM_SCIN_PLANES)
+      integer*4 sidscinallnegtdc(SNUM_SCIN_PLANES)
+      integer*4 sidscinallposadc(SNUM_SCIN_PLANES)
+      integer*4 sidscinallnegadc(SNUM_SCIN_PLANES)
+      integer*4 sidscincounters(SNUM_SCIN_PLANES)
+      integer*4 sidscinposadc(SNUM_SCIN_PLANES,snum_scin_elements)
+      integer*4 sidscinnegadc(SNUM_SCIN_PLANES,snum_scin_elements)
+      integer*4 sidscinpostdc(SNUM_SCIN_PLANES,snum_scin_elements)
+      integer*4 sidscinnegtdc(SNUM_SCIN_PLANES,snum_scin_elements)
+      integer*4 sidscinalltimes
+      integer*4 sidscindpos(SNUM_SCIN_PLANES)
+      integer*4 sidscindpos_pid(SNUM_SCIN_PLANES)
+      integer*4 sidsumposadc(SNUM_SCIN_PLANES)
+      integer*4 sidsumnegadc(SNUM_SCIN_PLANES)
+      integer*4 sidsumpostdc(SNUM_SCIN_PLANES)
+      integer*4 sidsumnegtdc(SNUM_SCIN_PLANES)
+      integer*4 sidscintimes
+      integer*4 sidcalplane
+      integer*4 sidcalhits(SMAX_CAL_COLUMNS)
+      integer*4 sidcalposhits(SMAX_CAL_COLUMNS)
+      integer*4 sidcalneghits(SMAX_CAL_COLUMNS)
+      integer*4 sidcalsumadc
+      integer*4 sidcaldpos
+      integer*4 siddcdposx,siddcdposy,siddcdposxp,siddcdposyp
+      integer*4 sidmisctdcs
+      common/sos_id_histid/
+     &     sidscinrawtothits,
+     &     sidscinplane,
+     &     sidscinallpostdc,
+     &     sidscinallnegtdc,
+     &     sidscinallposadc,
+     &     sidscinallnegadc,
+     &     sidscincounters,
+     &     sidscinposadc,
+     &     sidscinnegadc,
+     &     sidscinpostdc,
+     &     sidscinnegtdc,
+     &     sidscinalltimes,
+     &     sidscintimes,
+     &     sidsumposadc,
+     &     sidsumnegadc,
+     &     sidsumpostdc,
+     &     sidsumnegtdc,
+     &     sidscindpos,
+     &     sidcalplane,
+     &     sidcalhits,
+     &     sidcalsumadc,
+     &     sidcalposhits,
+     &     sidcalneghits,
+     &     sidcaldpos,
+     &     siddcdposx,siddcdposy,siddcdposxp,siddcdposyp,
+     &     sidmisctdcs,
+     &     sidscindpos_pid
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+*      flags to turn on (.eq.1) or off (.eq. 0) hard coded histograms
+       integer*4 sturnon_scin_raw_hist
+       common/sos_id_hist_flags/
+     &      sturnon_scin_raw_hist
diff --git a/INCLUDE/sos_lucite_parms.cmn b/INCLUDE/sos_lucite_parms.cmn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9da55d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/sos_lucite_parms.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+* $Log: sos_lucite_parms.cmn,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1996/10/02 18:58:07  saw
+* Initial revision
+*%%   include 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+*      CTPTYPE = parm
+      real*4 sluc_pos_gain(smax_luc_hits)
+      real*4 sluc_neg_gain(smax_luc_hits)
+*      CTPTYPE = event
+      integer*4 sluc_tot_good_hits
+      integer*4 sluc_rawadc_neg(smax_luc_hits)
+      integer*4 sluc_rawadc_pos(smax_luc_hits)
+      real*4 sluc_pos_npe(smax_luc_hits)
+      real*4 sluc_neg_npe(smax_luc_hits)
+      real*4 sluc_sum(smax_luc_hits)
+      real*4 sluc_neg_npe_sum
+      real*4 sluc_pos_npe_sum
+      real*4 sluc_npe_sum
+      common /luci_calib/
+     &  sluc_tot_good_hits,
+     &  sluc_pos_npe,
+     &  sluc_neg_npe,
+     &  sluc_pos_gain,
+     &  sluc_neg_gain,
+     &  sluc_neg_npe_sum,
+     &  sluc_pos_npe_sum,
+     &  sluc_npe_sum,
+     &  sluc_sum,
+     &  sluc_rawadc_neg,
+     &  sluc_rawadc_pos
diff --git a/INCLUDE/sos_one_ev.par b/INCLUDE/sos_one_ev.par
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e79050e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/sos_one_ev.par
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+*       include file
+*       contains all information needed for the one event display
+* Modified from the HMS version, hms_one_ev.par, March 1995 by
+* Derek van Westrum (
+* $Log: sos_one_ev.par,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1995/07/28 20:27:00  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      real*4    SHUT_WIDTH,SHUT_HEIGHT
+      real*4    HODO_THICKNESS
+      real*4    zoffset
+      parameter (zoffset = 100.)
+      parameter (SHUT_WIDTH = 100.)     ! full width of the det. hut
+      parameter (SHUT_HEIGHT = 800.)    ! full height of the det. hut
+      parameter (CHAMBER_WIDTH = 40.)
+      parameter (CHAMBER_HEIGHT = 70.)
+      parameter (LOWER_CHAMBER_X_OFFSET = 0.) ! offset
+      parameter (LOWER_CHAMBER_Y_OFFSET = 0.) ! offset
+      parameter (UPPER_CHAMBER_X_OFFSET = 0.) ! offset
+      parameter (UPPER_CHAMBER_Y_OFFSET = 0.) ! offset
+      parameter (LOWER_HODO_X_PADDLES = 9) ! # of paddles in X direction
+      parameter (LOWER_HODO_Y_PADDLES = 9) ! # of paddles in Y direction
+      parameter (UPPER_HODO_X_PADDLES = 16) ! # of paddles in X direction
+      parameter (UPPER_HODO_Y_PADDLES = 9) ! # of paddles in Y direction
+      parameter (HODO_THICKNESS = 1.0)	! full thickness of hodoscope
+      parameter (HODO_LOWER_X_OFFSET = 0.) ! offset
+      parameter (HODO_LOWER_Y_OFFSET = 0.) ! offset
+      parameter (HODO_UPPER_X_OFFSET = 0.) ! offset
+      parameter (HODO_UPPER_Y_OFFSET = 0.) ! offset
+      parameter (SHOWER_X_OFFSET = 0.)	! offset
+      parameter (SHOWER_Y_OFFSET = 0.)	! offset
diff --git a/INCLUDE/sos_pedestals.cmn b/INCLUDE/sos_pedestals.cmn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..936c473
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/sos_pedestals.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
+* sos_pedestals.cmn -  counters used for calculating pedestals from the set
+*                      of pedestal events at the beginning of each run.
+* $Log: sos_pedestals.cmn,v $
+* Revision 1.9  1999/02/23 19:21:23  csa
+* (JRA) Add vars for improved pedestal calcs
+* Revision 1.8  1999/01/29 17:34:23  saw
+* Add variables for second tubes on shower counter
+* Revision 1.7  1996/11/19 18:49:39  saw
+* (WH) Add data structures for Lucite counter
+* Revision 1.6  1996/09/04 16:30:06  saw
+* (JRA) Add thresholds for aerogel
+* Revision 1.5  1996/04/30 14:02:09  saw
+* (JRA) Make aerogel parameters PARM type
+* Revision 1.4  1996/01/17 15:09:10  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add "_new_" pedestal variables
+* Revision 1.3  1995/07/28 14:38:58  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add shodo_all_sig_pos/neg, pedestall stuff
+* Revision 1.2  1995/05/22  19:09:30  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts
+* Fix conflicting common block names.  Add Cerenkov and Aerogel pedestals
+* Revision 1.1  1995/04/06  20:18:01  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+*     The following include statments must precede the inclusion of this
+*     file in each routine that uses it.  The *%% syntax is also a
+*     directive to makereg to tell it to include the code in the program
+*     that it generates.
+*%%   include 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+* replace sscin_all_ped_pos with float(shodo_pos_ped_sum/shodo_pos_ped_num)
+* if shodo_pos_ped_num > shodo_min_peds.
+      integer*4 shodo_pos_ped_sum2(snum_scin_planes,snum_scin_elements)
+      integer*4 shodo_neg_ped_sum2(snum_scin_planes,snum_scin_elements)
+      integer*4 shodo_pos_ped_sum(snum_scin_planes,snum_scin_elements)
+      integer*4 shodo_neg_ped_sum(snum_scin_planes,snum_scin_elements)
+      integer*4 shodo_pos_ped_num(snum_scin_planes,snum_scin_elements)
+      integer*4 shodo_neg_ped_num(snum_scin_planes,snum_scin_elements)
+      integer*4 shodo_num_ped_changes
+      integer*4 shodo_changed_plane(2*smax_all_scin_hits)
+      integer*4 shodo_changed_element(2*smax_all_scin_hits)
+      integer*4 shodo_changed_sign(2*smax_all_scin_hits)
+      real*4 shodo_ped_change(2*smax_all_scin_hits)
+      real*4 shodo_new_sig_pos(snum_scin_planes,snum_scin_elements)
+      real*4 shodo_new_sig_neg(snum_scin_planes,snum_scin_elements)
+      real*4 shodo_new_ped_pos(snum_scin_planes,snum_scin_elements)
+      real*4 shodo_new_ped_neg(snum_scin_planes,snum_scin_elements)
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      integer*4 shodo_min_peds
+      integer*4 shodo_pos_ped_limit(snum_scin_planes,snum_scin_elements)
+      integer*4 shodo_neg_ped_limit(snum_scin_planes,snum_scin_elements)
+      common/sos_scin_pedestals/
+     &   shodo_pos_ped_sum2,  !sum of squares
+     &   shodo_neg_ped_sum2,  !sum of squares
+     &   shodo_pos_ped_sum,   !sum of peds
+     &   shodo_neg_ped_sum,   !sum of peds
+     &   shodo_pos_ped_num,   !number of peds
+     &   shodo_neg_ped_num,   !number of peds
+     &   shodo_pos_ped_limit, !max. allowed ped (reject hits during ped trig)
+     &   shodo_neg_ped_limit, !max. allowed ped
+     &   shodo_min_peds,      !# of peds required to override default pedestals
+     &   shodo_new_sig_pos,
+     &   shodo_new_sig_neg,
+     &   shodo_new_ped_pos,
+     &   shodo_new_ped_neg,
+     &   shodo_num_ped_changes,!# of peds with 2 sigma change from param file.
+     &   shodo_changed_plane,
+     &   shodo_changed_element,
+     &   shodo_changed_sign,   !1=pos,2=neg
+     &   shodo_ped_change
+* replace scal_ped_mean with float(scal_ped_sum/scal_ped_num),
+*         scal_ped_rms  with (appropriate formula),
+*    and  scal_threshold with (something like) min(10.,3.*scal_ped_rms)
+* if scal_num > scal_min_peds.
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+      integer*4 scal_pos_ped_sum2(smax_cal_blocks)
+      integer*4 scal_neg_ped_sum2(smax_cal_blocks)
+      integer*4 scal_pos_ped_sum(smax_cal_blocks)
+      integer*4 scal_neg_ped_sum(smax_cal_blocks)
+      integer*4 scal_pos_ped_num(smax_cal_blocks)
+      integer*4 scal_neg_ped_num(smax_cal_blocks)
+      integer*4 scal_num_ped_changes
+      integer*4 scal_changed_block(2*smax_cal_blocks)
+      integer*4 scal_changed_sign(2*smax_cal_blocks) ! 1=pos, 2=neg
+      real*4 scal_ped_change(2*smax_cal_blocks)
+      real*4 scal_new_ped_pos(2*smax_cal_blocks)
+      real*4 scal_new_ped_neg(2*smax_cal_blocks)
+      real*4 scal_new_rms_pos(2*smax_cal_blocks)
+      real*4 scal_new_rms_neg(2*smax_cal_blocks)
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      integer*4 scal_min_peds
+      integer*4 scal_pos_ped_limit(smax_cal_blocks)
+      integer*4 scal_neg_ped_limit(smax_cal_blocks)
+      common/sos_cal_ped_stats/
+     &   scal_pos_ped_sum2,       !sum of squares
+     &   scal_neg_ped_sum2,       !sum of squares
+     &   scal_pos_ped_sum,        !sum of peds
+     &   scal_neg_ped_sum,        !sum of peds
+     &   scal_pos_ped_num,        !number of peds
+     &   scal_neg_ped_num,        !number of peds
+     &   scal_pos_ped_limit,      !max. allowed ped (reject hits during ped trig)
+     &   scal_neg_ped_limit,      !max. allowed ped
+     &   scal_min_peds,       !# of peds required to override default pedestals
+     &   scal_new_ped_pos,        !(new) calculated pedestals.
+     &   scal_new_ped_neg,        !(new) calculated pedestals.
+     &   scal_new_rms_pos,        !(new) calculated rms.
+     &   scal_new_rms_neg,        !(new) calculated rms.
+     &   scal_num_ped_changes,!# of peds with 2 sigma changes from param file
+     &   scal_changed_block,
+     &   scal_changed_sign, ! 1=pos, 2=neg
+     &   scal_ped_change
+* replace scer_ped with float(scer_ped_sum/scer_ped_num),
+*         scer_ped_rms  with (appropriate formula),
+*    and  scer_width with (something like) min(10.,3.*scer_ped_rms)
+*         scer_ped_rms  with (appropriate formula),if scer_num > scer_min_peds.
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+      integer*4 scer_ped_sum2(smax_cer_hits)
+      integer*4 scer_ped_sum(smax_cer_hits)
+      integer*4 scer_ped_num(smax_cer_hits)
+      integer*4 scer_num_ped_changes
+      integer*4 scer_changed_tube(smax_cer_hits)
+      real*4 scer_ped_change(smax_cer_hits)
+      real*4 scer_new_ped(smax_cer_hits)
+      real*4 scer_new_rms(smax_cer_hits)
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      integer*4 scer_min_peds
+      integer*4 scer_ped_limit(smax_cer_hits)
+      common/sos_cer_pedestals/
+     &   scer_ped_sum2,       !sum of squares
+     &   scer_ped_sum,        !sum of peds
+     &   scer_ped_num,        !number of peds
+     &   scer_ped_limit,      !max. allowed ped (reject hits during ped trig)
+     &   scer_min_peds,       !# of peds required to override default pedestals
+     &   scer_new_ped,
+     &   scer_new_rms,
+     &   scer_num_ped_changes,!# of peds with 2 sigma changes from param file
+     &   scer_changed_tube,   !list of changed tubes
+     &   scer_ped_change      !change in pedestal
+* replace saer_ped_mean with float(saer_ped_sum/saer_ped_num),
+*         saer_ped_rms  with (appropriate formula),
+*    and  saer_threshold with (something like) min(10.,3.*saer_ped_rms)
+*         saer_ped_rms  with (appropriate formula),if saer_num > saer_min_peds.
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+      integer*4 saer_pos_ped_sum2(smax_aer_hits)
+      integer*4 saer_neg_ped_sum2(smax_aer_hits)
+      integer*4 saer_pos_ped_sum(smax_aer_hits)
+      integer*4 saer_neg_ped_sum(smax_aer_hits)
+      integer*4 saer_pos_ped_num(smax_aer_hits)
+      integer*4 saer_neg_ped_num(smax_aer_hits)
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      integer*4 saer_min_peds
+      real*4 saer_pos_ped_mean(smax_aer_hits)
+      real*4 saer_neg_ped_mean(smax_aer_hits)
+      real*4 saer_pos_ped_rms(smax_aer_hits)
+      real*4 saer_neg_ped_rms(smax_aer_hits)
+      real*4 saer_pos_threshold(smax_aer_hits)
+      real*4 saer_neg_threshold(smax_aer_hits)
+      integer*4 saer_pos_adc_threshold(smax_aer_hits)
+      integer*4 saer_neg_adc_threshold(smax_aer_hits)
+      integer*4 saer_pos_ped_limit(smax_aer_hits)
+      integer*4 saer_neg_ped_limit(smax_aer_hits)
+      common/sos_aero_pedestals/
+     &   saer_pos_ped_sum2,       !sum of squares
+     &   saer_neg_ped_sum2,       !sum of squares
+     &   saer_pos_ped_sum,        !sum of peds
+     &   saer_neg_ped_sum,        !sum of peds
+     &   saer_pos_ped_num,        !number of peds
+     &   saer_neg_ped_num,        !number of peds
+     &   saer_pos_ped_limit,      !max. allowed ped (reject hits during ped trig)
+     &   saer_neg_ped_limit,      !max. allowed ped
+     &   saer_min_peds,           !# of peds required to override default pedestals
+     &   saer_pos_ped_mean,       !calculated pedestal value
+     &   saer_neg_ped_mean,
+     &   saer_pos_ped_rms,        !calculated pedestal width
+     &   saer_neg_ped_rms,
+     &   saer_pos_threshold,
+     &   saer_neg_threshold,
+     &   saer_pos_adc_threshold,
+     &   saer_neg_adc_threshold
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+      integer*4 sluc_pos_ped_sum2(smax_luc_hits)
+      integer*4 sluc_neg_ped_sum2(smax_luc_hits)
+      integer*4 sluc_pos_ped_sum(smax_luc_hits)
+      integer*4 sluc_neg_ped_sum(smax_luc_hits)
+      integer*4 sluc_pos_ped_num(smax_luc_hits)
+      integer*4 sluc_neg_ped_num(smax_luc_hits)
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      integer*4 sluc_min_peds
+      real*4 sluc_pos_ped_mean(smax_luc_hits)
+      real*4 sluc_neg_ped_mean(smax_luc_hits)
+      real*4 sluc_pos_ped_rms(smax_luc_hits)
+      real*4 sluc_neg_ped_rms(smax_luc_hits)
+*      real*4 sluc_pos_threshold(smax_luc_hits)
+*      real*4 sluc_neg_threshold(smax_luc_hits)
+      integer*4 sluc_pos_adc_threshold(smax_luc_hits)
+      integer*4 sluc_neg_adc_threshold(smax_luc_hits)
+      integer*4 sluc_pos_ped_limit(smax_luc_hits)
+      integer*4 sluc_neg_ped_limit(smax_luc_hits)
+      common/sos_luci_pedestals/
+     &   sluc_pos_ped_sum2,       !sum of squares
+     &   sluc_neg_ped_sum2,       !sum of squares
+     &   sluc_pos_ped_sum,        !sum of peds
+     &   sluc_neg_ped_sum,        !sum of peds
+     &   sluc_pos_ped_num,        !number of peds
+     &   sluc_neg_ped_num,        !number of peds
+     &   sluc_pos_ped_limit,      !max. allowed ped (reject hits during ped trig)
+     &   sluc_neg_ped_limit,      !max. allowed ped
+     &   sluc_min_peds,           !# of peds required to override default pedestals
+     &   sluc_pos_ped_mean,       !calculated pedestal value
+     &   sluc_neg_ped_mean,
+     &   sluc_pos_ped_rms,        !calculated pedestal width
+     &   sluc_neg_ped_rms,
+*     &   sluc_pos_threshold,
+*     &   sluc_neg_threshold,
+     &   sluc_pos_adc_threshold,
+     &   sluc_neg_adc_threshold
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+      real*4 shodo_new_threshold_pos(snum_scin_planes,snum_scin_elements)
+      real*4 shodo_new_threshold_neg(snum_scin_planes,snum_scin_elements)
+      real*4 scal_new_adc_threshold_pos(smax_cal_blocks)
+      real*4 scal_new_adc_threshold_neg(smax_cal_blocks)
+      real*4 scer_new_adc_threshold(smax_cer_hits)
+      common/sos_adc_thresholds/
+     &   shodo_new_threshold_pos,
+     &   shodo_new_threshold_neg,
+     &   scal_new_adc_threshold_pos,
+     &   scal_new_adc_threshold_neg,
+     &   scer_new_adc_threshold
diff --git a/INCLUDE/sos_physics_sing.cmn b/INCLUDE/sos_physics_sing.cmn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3cf97d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/sos_physics_sing.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+*    This include file contains all the variables required for s_physics
+* $Log: sos_physics_sing.cmn,v $
+* Revision 1.11  2005/03/23 16:35:04  jones
+* Add new code s_select_best_track_prune.f and h_select_best_track_prune.f (P Bosted)
+* Revision 1.10  2005/03/23 16:16:28  jones
+* Add variable ssel_using_scin . Set ssel_using_scin = 1 in param files and new code
+* used to select best track for SOS.
+* Revision 1.9  2003/09/08 21:03:18  jones
+* Change s_phicentral_offset to s_oopcentral_offset (mkj)
+* Revision 1.8  2002/09/24 20:29:37  jones
+*     add parameters sphicentral_offset, spcentral_offset,
+*       sthetacentral_offset
+* Revision 1.7  1999/02/23 19:21:59  csa
+* Add some physics vars
+* Revision 1.6  1996/09/04 16:30:39  saw
+* (JRA,DD) Add some egamma variables and some angle/momentum offset
+*          variables
+* Revision 1.5  1996/04/30 14:03:28  saw
+* (JRA) Add path length, rf, and photodisintigration variables
+* Revision 1.4  1995/09/01 13:03:47  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add cerenkov position variables
+* Revision 1.3  1995/03/13  19:17:02  cdaq
+* (SAW) Bring up to date with hms_physics_sing.cmn
+* Revision 1.2  1994/08/05  20:44:48  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add "CTPTYPE=event,parm" directive for auto generation of CTP reg calls
+* Revision 1.1  1994/06/14  03:25:37  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+*     Event varaibles to calculate
+      REAL*4 SSELAS_COR                 ! Difference between momentum measured
+                                        ! by tracking and elastic kinematics
+     &     SSELAS_COR
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+*     initializiation paramters
+      REAL*4  SPHYSICSA                 !   Coefficients of p3 in elastic cal
+      REAL*4  SPHYSICSB                 !
+      REAL*4  SPHYSICAB2                !
+      REAL*4  SPHYSICSM3B               !
+      REAL*4  COSSTHETAS                !   COS(STHETA_LAB)
+      REAL*4  SINSTHETAS                !   SIN(STHETA_LAB)
+     &     SPHYSICSA,
+     &     SPHYSICSB,
+     &     SPHYSICAB2,
+     &     SPHYSICSM3B,
+     &     COSSTHETAS,
+     &     SINSTHETAS
+*     Parameters that select the best track. Note these should be
+*     loose cuts to make sure we select one track. The final 
+*     tighter cuts should be made with tests.
+      REAL*4 ssel_chi2_fpperdegmax      ! Maximun chi2 per degree of freedom
+                                        ! at the focal plane
+      REAL*4 ssel_dedx1min              ! Minimum dedx in chamber 1
+      REAL*4 ssel_dedx1max              ! Maximum dedx in chamber 1
+      REAL*4 ssel_betamin               ! Minimum beta 
+      REAL*4 ssel_betamax               ! Maximum beta
+      REAL*4 ssel_etmin                 ! Minimum track et
+      REAL*4 ssel_etmax                 ! Maximum track et
+      INTEGER*4 ssel_ndegreesmin        ! Minimum number of degrees of freedom
+! following parameters are only used if pruning is selected
+! see the code h_select_best_track_prune.f for meaning
+! Note: all these limits are for abs(quantity) except df, chibeta
+      real*4 sprune_xp                  ! Maximum xp angle in radians
+      real*4 sprune_yp 	                ! maximum yp angle in radianss
+      real*4 sprune_ytar                ! maximum ytar in cm
+      real*4 sprune_delta               ! Maximum delta in percent
+      real*4 sprune_beta                ! Maximum beta-1
+      integer sprune_df                  ! Minimum d.f. for track
+      real*4 sprune_chibeta             ! Maximum beta chisq
+      real*4 sprune_fptime              ! Maximum fptime - nominal
+      integer sprune_npmt               ! Minimum PMTs for track
+       INTEGER*4 ssel_using_scin       ! =1 select best track using scin info
+                                      ! = 0 select best track suing just chi2
+      INTEGER*4 ssel_using_prune      ! =1 select best track using new 
+                                      !    routine and prune values 
+                                      ! = 0 then using_scin applies
+      COMMON/sos_chose_one_track_r4/
+     &     ssel_chi2_fpperdegmax,
+     &     ssel_dedx1min,
+     &     ssel_dedx1max,
+     &     ssel_betamin,
+     &     ssel_betamax,
+     &     ssel_etmin,
+     &     ssel_etmax,
+     &     sprune_xp,
+     &     sprune_yp,
+     &     sprune_ytar,
+     &     sprune_delta,
+     &     sprune_beta,
+     &     sprune_df,
+     &     sprune_chibeta,
+     &     sprune_npmt,
+     &     sprune_fptime
+      COMMON/sos_chose_one_track_i4/
+     &     ssel_ndegreesmin,
+     &     ssel_using_scin,
+     &     ssel_using_prune
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+      real*4 ssx_dc1, ssy_dc1
+      real*4 ssx_dc2, ssy_dc2
+      real*4 ssx_s1, ssy_s1
+      real*4 ssx_cer, ssy_cer
+      real*4 ssx_s2, ssy_s2
+      real*4 ssx_cal, ssy_cal
+      integer*4 ssscin_elem_hit(4)
+      COMMON/sos_tmp_stuff/
+     &     ssx_dc1, ssy_dc1,
+     &     ssx_dc2, ssy_dc2,
+     &     ssx_s1, ssy_s1,
+     &     ssx_cer, ssy_cer,
+     &     ssx_s2, ssy_s2,
+     &     ssx_cal, ssy_cal,
+     &     ssscin_elem_hit
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      real*4 spathlength_central
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+      real*4 ssbeta_p
+      real*4 sspathlength
+      real*4 sspath_cor
+      real*4 ssrftime
+      COMMON/sos_timing_stuff/
+     &     spathlength_central,
+     &     ssbeta_p,
+     &     sspathlength,
+     &     sspath_cor,
+     &     ssrftime
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+      real*4 sqx,sqy,sqz,sqabs
+      real*4 sinvmass
+      common/sos_physics_quantaties/
+     &    sqx,sqy,sqz,sqabs,
+     &    sinvmass
+c     For photodisintegration calculations.
+c     M.Miller, NPL UIUC, 10-Sept-1995,
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      real*4 sphoto_mtarget    ! Mass of target [Gev/c^2]
+      real*4 sphoto_mrecoil    ! Mass of recoil system [Gev/c^2]
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+      real*4 ssegamma
+      real*4 ssegamma_p
+      common /sos_photo_param/
+     &     sphoto_mtarget,
+     &     sphoto_mrecoil,
+     &     ssegamma,
+     &     ssegamma_p
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+c D.Dutta, 24th-Apr-1996
+      real*4 sdelta_offset     ! hms delta offset
+      real*4 stheta_offset     ! hms scatteringangel offset
+      real*4 sphi_offset
+      real*4 smomentum_factor    ! multiplier for the hms momentum
+c    J.Volmer, 9th-Jul-1999
+      real*4 spcentral_offset  ! sos central momentum offset
+      real*4 sthetacentral_offset ! sos central angle offset
+      real*4 s_oopcentral_offset   ! sos central oop angle offset
+      COMMON /sos_offsets/
+     &     sdelta_offset,
+     &     stheta_offset,
+     &     sphi_offset,
+     &     smomentum_factor,
+     &     spcentral_offset,
+     &     sthetacentral_offset,
+     &     s_oopcentral_offset
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+      real*4 ss_qvec(4)   
+      real*4 ss_kpvec(4) 
+      real*4 ss_kvec(4)  
+      real*4 ss_tvec(4)
+      COMMON/ss_vectors/
+     &     ss_qvec,
+     &     ss_kpvec,
+     &     ss_kvec,
+     &     ss_tvec
diff --git a/INCLUDE/sos_recon_elements.cmn b/INCLUDE/sos_recon_elements.cmn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..014a3be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/sos_recon_elements.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+*      sos_recon_elements.cmn
+******************** Cosy reconstruction matrix elements. **********************
+*                          Short Orbit Spectrometer                            *
+*                         Version 1.0,   18-Nov-1993                           *
+*                   David Potterveld, Argonne National Lab.                    *
+*   Modified:    21-JAN-94   DFG    change max_ to smax_
+* $Log: sos_recon_elements.cmn,v $
+* Revision 1.5  1996/09/04 16:31:01  saw
+* (JRA) Add 5th element to s_recon_expon
+* Revision 1.4  1995/08/08 15:42:30  cdaq
+* (DD) Add detector and angular offsets
+* Revision 1.3  1995/04/06  20:30:40  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add ddutta's pre cosy transformation stuff
+* Revision 1.2  1994/08/05  20:43:13  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add "CTPTYPE=parm" directive for auto generation of CTP reg calls
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/22  14:47:47  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      integer*4        smax_recon_elements
+      parameter       (smax_recon_elements = 1000) !Max # coeff elements
+      real*4           s_recon_coeff(4,smax_recon_elements)
+      real*4           s_ang_slope_x,s_ang_slope_y
+      real*4           s_ang_offset_x,s_ang_offset_y
+      real*4           s_det_offset_x,s_det_offset_y
+      real*4           s_z_true_focus ! Z position of SOS focus
+      integer*4        s_recon_expon(5,smax_recon_elements)
+      integer*4        s_num_recon_terms
+      integer*4        s_recon_initted
+      common /sos_recon_elements/
+     >     s_recon_initted,             !Initialization flag.
+     >     s_num_recon_terms,           !Number of terms.
+     >     s_recon_coeff,               !Coefficients.
+     >     s_recon_expon,               !Exponents.
+     >     s_ang_slope_x, s_ang_slope_y,   ! Slopes for rotation of f plane
+     >     s_ang_offset_x, s_ang_offset_y, ! Slopes for rotation of f plane
+     >     s_det_offset_x,s_det_offset_y,  ! Detector offsets
+     >     s_z_true_focus               ! Z position of SOS focus
diff --git a/INCLUDE/sos_scin_parms.cmn b/INCLUDE/sos_scin_parms.cmn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..926d25e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/sos_scin_parms.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+* sos_scin_parms.cmn -  two common blocks:
+*    sos_scin_parms - variables from the sos_positions.parm file
+*    sos_tof_parms  - tof correction parameters and position parameters
+*                     converted to arrays over plane,counter by s_init_scin.
+*    NOTE:  Variables whose names start with sHODO are arrays over
+*           plane and counter.  sSCIN is used for parameters from the
+*           .parm files and for arrays over hits.
+*       Modified 23 March 1994   DFG
+*           Add definition of snum_scin_elements and set parameter value
+* $Log: sos_scin_parms.cmn,v $
+* Revision 1.8  1996/09/04 16:31:26  saw
+* (JRA) Add misc scaler
+* Revision 1.7  1996/01/24 16:20:17  saw
+* (JRA) Make smisc_dec_data two dimensional
+* Revision 1.6  1995/08/11 16:35:55  cdaq
+* (JRA) Remove old dpos stuff
+*       Add sscin_zero accumulators
+* Revision 1.5  1995/05/22  19:11:54  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts.
+* Make pedestal arrays real.  Add sos_scin_positions and sos_misc_parms commons
+* Revision 1.4  1995/03/13  19:09:11  cdaq
+* (JRA) Move snum_scin_elements to gen_data_structures, remove
+*       sscin_num_counters.  Change sscin_??_top and _left to center and offset.
+*       Add sscin_??_spacing parms.  Change shodo_center_coord to shodo_center.
+*       Add shodo_???_minph tables.
+* Revision 1.3  1994/11/21  18:01:35  cdaq
+* * (SPB) Recopied from hms file and modified names for SOS
+* Revision 1.2  1994/08/05  21:00:21  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add makereg directive with required include files
+*       Add "CTPTYPE=parm" directive for auto generation of CTP reg calls
+* Revision 1.1  1994/04/12  21:15:29  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+*     The following include statments must precede the inclusion of this
+*     file in each routine that uses it.  The *%% syntax is also a
+*     directive to makereg to tell it to include the code in the program
+*     that it generates.
+*%%   include 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+* from parameter file
+      integer*4 sscin_1x_nr
+      integer*4 sscin_1y_nr
+      integer*4 sscin_2x_nr
+      integer*4 sscin_2y_nr
+c      integer*4 sscin_num_counters(SNUM_SCIN_PLANES)
+      integer*4 sdebugprintscinraw
+      integer*4 sdebugprintscindec
+      integer*4 sdebugprinttoftracks
+      integer*4 sdebugprinttracktests
+      real*4 sscin_1x_zpos
+      real*4 sscin_1y_zpos
+      real*4 sscin_2x_zpos
+      real*4 sscin_2y_zpos
+      real*4 sscin_1x_dzpos
+      real*4 sscin_1y_dzpos
+      real*4 sscin_2x_dzpos
+      real*4 sscin_2y_dzpos
+      real*4 sscin_1x_left
+      real*4 sscin_1y_top
+      real*4 sscin_2x_left
+      real*4 sscin_2y_top
+      real*4 sscin_1x_right
+      real*4 sscin_1y_bot
+      real*4 sscin_2x_right
+      real*4 sscin_2y_bot
+      real*4 sscin_1x_center(snum_scin_elements)
+      real*4 sscin_1y_center(snum_scin_elements)
+      real*4 sscin_2x_center(snum_scin_elements)
+      real*4 sscin_2y_center(snum_scin_elements)
+      real*4 sscin_1x_offset
+      real*4 sscin_1y_offset
+      real*4 sscin_2x_offset
+      real*4 sscin_2y_offset
+      real*4 sscin_1x_size
+      real*4 sscin_1y_size
+      real*4 sscin_2x_size
+      real*4 sscin_2y_size
+      real*4 sscin_1x_spacing
+      real*4 sscin_1y_spacing
+      real*4 sscin_2x_spacing
+      real*4 sscin_2y_spacing
+      real*4 sscin_all_ped_pos(snum_scin_planes,snum_scin_elements)
+      real*4 sscin_all_ped_neg(snum_scin_planes,snum_scin_elements)
+      common/sos_scin_parms/            !variables from s_positions.parm
+     &     sscin_1x_nr, sscin_1y_nr,    !Elements per plane
+     &     sscin_2x_nr, sscin_2y_nr,
+     &     sscin_1x_zpos, sscin_1y_zpos, !z position of plane.
+     &     sscin_2x_zpos, sscin_2y_zpos,
+     &     sscin_1x_dzpos, sscin_1y_dzpos,
+     &     sscin_2x_dzpos, sscin_2y_dzpos,
+     &     sscin_1x_left, sscin_1y_top, !position of 'negative'(??) end.
+     &     sscin_2x_left, sscin_2y_top,
+     &     sscin_1x_right, sscin_1y_bot, !position of 'positive'(??) end.
+     &     sscin_2x_right, sscin_2y_bot,
+     &     sscin_1x_center, sscin_1y_center, !center (transverse) of element.
+     &     sscin_2x_center, sscin_2y_center,
+     &     sscin_1x_size, sscin_1y_size, !width of elements.
+     &     sscin_2x_size, sscin_2y_size,
+     &     sscin_1x_spacing, sscin_1y_spacing, !separation of centers.
+     &     sscin_2x_spacing, sscin_2y_spacing,
+     &     sdebugprintscinraw,
+     &     sdebugprintscindec,
+     &     sdebugprinttoftracks,
+     &     sdebugprinttracktests,
+     &     sscin_all_ped_pos,
+     &     sscin_all_ped_neg,
+     &     sscin_1x_offset, sscin_1y_offset, !offset from nominal trans pos.
+     &     sscin_2x_offset, sscin_2y_offset
+* Physical paramteres of counters.  Use shodo_* for arrays that include
+*   the entire hodoscope,  sscin_* for arrays that loop over hits.
+      real*4 snum_scin_counters(snum_scin_planes)
+      real*4 shodo_center(snum_scin_planes,snum_scin_elements)
+      real*4 shodo_width(snum_scin_planes,snum_scin_elements)
+      real*4 shodo_pos_coord(snum_scin_planes,snum_scin_elements)
+      real*4 shodo_neg_coord(snum_scin_planes,snum_scin_elements)
+* callibration type variables.
+      real*4 shodo_slop(snum_scin_planes)
+      real*4 shodo_vel_light(snum_scin_planes,snum_scin_elements)
+      real*4 shodo_pos_sigma(snum_scin_planes,snum_scin_elements)
+      real*4 shodo_neg_sigma(snum_scin_planes,snum_scin_elements)
+      real*4 shodo_pos_phc_coeff(snum_scin_planes,snum_scin_elements)
+      real*4 shodo_neg_phc_coeff(snum_scin_planes,snum_scin_elements)
+      real*4 shodo_pos_time_offset(snum_scin_planes,snum_scin_elements)
+      real*4 shodo_neg_time_offset(snum_scin_planes,snum_scin_elements)
+      real*4 shodo_pos_minph(snum_scin_planes,snum_scin_elements) ! ADC offset for PH correction
+      real*4 shodo_neg_minph(snum_scin_planes,snum_scin_elements) ! ADC offset for PH correction
+* correction parameters and position information converted to arryas
+* over plane and counter
+      common/sos_tof_parms/
+     &     snum_scin_counters,
+     &     shodo_center,
+     &     shodo_width,
+     &     shodo_pos_coord,
+     &     shodo_neg_coord,
+     &     shodo_slop,
+     &     shodo_vel_light,
+     &     shodo_pos_sigma,
+     &     shodo_neg_sigma,
+     &     shodo_pos_phc_coeff,
+     &     shodo_neg_phc_coeff,
+     &     shodo_pos_time_offset,
+     &     shodo_neg_time_offset,
+     $     shodo_pos_minph,
+     $     shodo_neg_minph
+* sos_misc_parms.cmn -  misc tdc's filled as array over signal number
+*         (tdc is sparsified, so the raw signals are array over hits)
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      integer*4 snum_misc_planes
+      parameter(snum_misc_planes=2)     !(1=TDC, 2=ADC)
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+      integer*4 smisc_dec_data(smax_misc_hits,snum_misc_planes)
+      integer*4 smisc_scaler(smax_misc_hits,snum_misc_planes)
+      common/sos_misc_parms/
+     &   smisc_dec_data,
+     &   smisc_scaler
+      integer*4 sscin_zero_pos(snum_scin_planes,snum_scin_elements)
+      integer*4 sscin_zero_neg(snum_scin_planes,snum_scin_elements)
+      integer*4 sscin_zero_num(snum_scin_planes,snum_scin_elements)
+      real*4 sscin_zero_pave(snum_scin_planes,snum_scin_elements)
+      real*4 sscin_zero_nave(snum_scin_planes,snum_scin_elements)
+      common /sos_scin_zero/
+     &    sscin_zero_pos,sscin_zero_neg,
+     &    sscin_zero_num,
+     &    sscin_zero_pave,sscin_zero_nave
diff --git a/INCLUDE/sos_scin_tof.cmn b/INCLUDE/sos_scin_tof.cmn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..89f4dc1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/sos_scin_tof.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+* sos_scin_tof.cmn:   common block used by the subroutines that
+*       calculate the sos time of flight.
+* $Log: sos_scin_tof.cmn,v $
+* Revision 1.9  2005/03/15 21:14:28  jones
+* Add variables htof_tolerance and stof_tolerance to be used to filter the scintillator tdc hits and group them by time. ( P. Bosted)
+* Revision 1.8  1996/04/30 14:04:07  saw
+* (JRA) Add sbeta_p, and sbeta_pcent
+* Revision 1.7  1995/05/22 19:03:32  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts
+* Add some varaibles and fix typos
+* Revision 1.6  1995/03/13  19:13:57  cdaq
+* (JRA) Change sscin_minph to sscin_???_minph arrays.  Add tracks index to
+*       sgood_tdc_pos, sgood_tdc_neg, sgood_scin_time, sgood_plane_time,
+*       and sgood_beta.
+* Revision 1.5  1994/11/21  18:02:11  cdaq
+* * (SPB) Recopied from hms file and modified names for SOS
+* Revision 1.4  1994/08/16  03:56:41  cdaq
+* (SAW) Change some variables to parm CTPTYPE
+* Revision 1.3  1994/08/05  21:02:04  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add makereg directive with required include files
+*       Add "CTPTYPE=event" directive for auto generation of CTP reg calls
+* Revision 1.2  1994/05/13  03:58:46  cdaq
+* (DFG) Remove parameters to .parm file
+* Revision 1.1  1994/04/13  19:01:46  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+*     The following include statments must precede the inclusion of this
+*     file in each routine that uses it.  The *%% syntax is also a
+*     directive to makereg to tell it to include the code in the program
+*     that it generates.
+*%%   include 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+*%%   include 'sos_scin_parms.cmn'
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+      integer*4 sntof
+      real*4 sscin_long_coord(smax_scin_hits)
+      real*4 sscin_trans_coord(smax_scin_hits)
+      real*4 sscin_pos_coord(smax_scin_hits)
+      real*4 sscin_neg_coord(smax_scin_hits)
+      real*4 sscin_pos_sigma(smax_scin_hits)
+      real*4 sscin_neg_sigma(smax_scin_hits)
+      real*4 sscin_pos_time(smax_scin_hits)
+      real*4 sscin_neg_time(smax_scin_hits)
+      real*4 sscin_sigma(smax_scin_hits)
+      real*4 sscin_time(smax_scin_hits)
+      real*4 sscin_vel_light(smax_scin_hits)
+      real*4 sscin_pos_phc_coeff(smax_scin_hits)
+      real*4 sscin_neg_phc_coeff(smax_scin_hits)
+      real*4 sscin_pos_time_offset(smax_scin_hits)
+      real*4 sscin_neg_time_offset(smax_scin_hits)
+      real*4 sscin_time_fp(smax_scin_hits)
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      real*4 sscin_pos_minph(smax_scin_hits) ! ADC Offset for PH correction
+      real*4 sscin_neg_minph(smax_scin_hits) ! ADC Offset for PH correction
+      real*4 sscin_tdc_min
+      real*4 sscin_tdc_max
+      real*4 sscin_tdc_to_time
+      real*4 sstart_time_center    ! center of time window on scin. hits
+      real*4 sstart_time_slop      ! 1/2 width of time window on scin. hits
+      real*4 stof_tolerance        ! tolerance for tof window in nsec
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+      logical*4 sgood_tdc_pos(sntracks_max,smax_scin_hits)
+      logical*4 sgood_tdc_neg(sntracks_max,smax_scin_hits)
+      logical*4 sgood_scin_time(sntracks_max,smax_scin_hits)
+      logical*4 sgood_plane_time(sntracks_max,snum_scin_planes)
+      logical*4 sgood_beta(sntracks_max)
+      logical*4 sscin_on_track(sntracks_max,smax_scin_hits)
+      common/sos_scin_tof/
+     &     sntof,
+     &     sscin_long_coord,
+     &     sscin_trans_coord,
+     &     sscin_pos_coord,sscin_neg_coord, !position of tubes
+     &     sscin_pos_sigma,sscin_neg_sigma, !time resolution for tubes
+     &     sscin_pos_time, sscin_neg_time, !time for 'pos' and 'neg' tubes.
+     &     sscin_sigma,                 !time resolution for scin.
+     &     sscin_time,                  !time for scin. (ave of tubes)
+     &     sscin_vel_light,
+     &     sscin_pos_phc_coeff,sscin_neg_phc_coeff,
+     &     sscin_pos_time_offset,sscin_neg_time_offset,
+     &     sscin_pos_minph, sscin_neg_minph,
+     &     sscin_tdc_min,
+     &     sscin_tdc_max,
+     &     sscin_tdc_to_time,
+     &     sgood_tdc_pos, sgood_tdc_neg, !did pos/neg tube had good tdc?
+     &     sgood_scin_time,             !was a time found for the hit?
+     &     sgood_plane_time,            !was a time found for the plane?
+     &     sgood_beta,                  !was a value of beta found?
+     &     sscin_on_track,              !list of scins on each track.
+     &     sscin_time_fp,               !scin time (ave) projected to fp
+     &     sstart_time_center,
+     &     sstart_time_slop,
+     &     stof_tolerance
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+      real*4 s_fptime(snum_scin_planes)    !time at fp from all hits in 1 plane
+      real*4 s_fptimedif(6)                !fp time differences
+      real*4 sbeta_notrk
+      real*4 sbeta_chisq_notrk
+      real*4 sbeta_p
+      real*4 sbeta_pcent
+       common/stof_notrk/
+     &  s_fptime,
+     &  s_fptimedif,
+     &  sbeta_notrk,
+     &  sbeta_chisq_notrk,
+     &  sbeta_p,
+     &  sbeta_pcent
+c      integer*4 sscin_pos_did(snum_scin_planes,16)
+c      integer*4 sscin_neg_did(snum_scin_planes,16)
+c      integer*4 sscin_pos_should(snum_scin_planes,16)
+c      integer*4 sscin_neg_should(snum_scin_planes,16)
+c      real*4 sscin_pos_eff(snum_scin_planes,16)
+c      real*4 sscin_neg_eff(snum_scin_planes,16)
+c      real*4 sscin_pos_solo(snum_scin_planes,16)
+c      real*4 sscin_neg_solo(snum_scin_planes,16)
+c      common/smore_debugging/
+c     &  sscin_pos_eff,
+c     &  sscin_neg_eff,
+c     &  sscin_pos_solo,
+c     &  sscin_neg_solo,
+c     &  sscin_pos_did,
+c     &  sscin_neg_did,
+c     &  sscin_pos_should,
+c     &  sscin_neg_should
diff --git a/INCLUDE/sos_statistics.cmn b/INCLUDE/sos_statistics.cmn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2539e58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/sos_statistics.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+*      sos_statistics.cmn
+*      common blocks containing event statistics for s_reconstruction
+* $Log: sos_statistics.cmn,v $
+* Revision 1.13  2003/09/05 20:41:27  jones
+* Merge in online03 changes (mkj)
+* Revision  2003/04/02 22:26:28  cdaq
+* added some variables for scint. effic tests (from oct 1999 online) - JRA
+* Revision 1.12  1996/09/04 16:31:47  saw
+* (SAW) Change ' to '' in comments
+* Revision 1.11  1996/01/17 15:07:45  cdaq
+* (JRA) Remove some obsolete common blocks
+* Revision 1.10  1995/09/01 13:04:45  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add counter efficiency variables
+* Revision 1.9  1995/08/11  16:36:47  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add sstat_mineff as a ctp parameter
+* Revision 1.8  1995/07/28  14:42:37  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add pos/neg/both good arrays
+* Revision 1.7  1995/05/22  19:02:13  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts
+* Fix a conflicting common block name
+* Revision 1.6  1995/04/06  20:21:08  cdaq
+* (SAW) Remove hms isms and hardwired array sizes
+* Revision 1.5  1995/03/13  19:15:42  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add many new statistics
+* Revision 1.4  1994/11/21  18:02:39  cdaq
+* * (SPB) Recopied from hms file and modified names for SOS
+* Revision 1.3  1994/08/05  21:19:32  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add makereg directive with required include files
+*       Add "CTPTYPE=event" directive for auto generation of CTP reg calls
+* Revision 1.2  1994/06/14  03:34:25  cdaq
+* (DFG) add chamber efficiency and sigma
+* Revision 1.1  1994/06/07  02:00:48  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+*     The following include statments must precede the inclusion of this
+*     file in each routine that uses it.  The *%% syntax is also a
+*     directive to makereg to tell it to include the code in the program
+*     that it generates.
+*%%   include 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      real*4 sstat_maxchisq
+      real*4 sstat_slop
+      real*4 sstat_mineff
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+      integer*4 sstat_numevents
+      integer*4 sstat_trk(snum_scin_planes,snum_scin_elements)
+      integer*4 sstat_poshit(snum_scin_planes,snum_scin_elements)
+      integer*4 sstat_neghit(snum_scin_planes,snum_scin_elements)
+      integer*4 sstat_orhit(snum_scin_planes,snum_scin_elements)
+      integer*4 sstat_andhit(snum_scin_planes,snum_scin_elements)
+      integer*4 sstat_trksum(snum_scin_planes)
+      integer*4 sstat_possum(snum_scin_planes)
+      integer*4 sstat_negsum(snum_scin_planes)
+      integer*4 sstat_orsum(snum_scin_planes)
+      integer*4 sstat_andsum(snum_scin_planes)
+      real*4 sstat_peff(snum_scin_planes,snum_scin_elements)
+      real*4 sstat_neff(snum_scin_planes,snum_scin_elements)
+      real*4 sstat_oeff(snum_scin_planes,snum_scin_elements)
+      real*4 sstat_aeff(snum_scin_planes,snum_scin_elements)
+      real*4 sstat_poseff(snum_scin_planes)
+      real*4 sstat_negeff(snum_scin_planes)
+      real*4 sstat_oreff(snum_scin_planes)
+      real*4 sstat_andeff(snum_scin_planes)
+      real*4 seff_s1
+      real*4 seff_s2
+      real*4 seff_stof
+      real*4 seff_4_of_4
+      real*4 seff_3_of_4
+      common/sscin_statistics/
+     &  sstat_numevents,
+     &  sstat_trk,         !# of times track points near center of scin.
+     &  sstat_poshit,      !# of times the pos tube on scintillator fired
+     &  sstat_neghit,      !# of times the pos tube on scintillator fired
+     &  sstat_orhit,       !# of times either tube fired
+     &  sstat_andhit,      !# of times both tubes fired
+     &  sstat_trksum,      !summed over all counters on plane
+     &  sstat_possum,      !summed over all counters on plane
+     &  sstat_negsum,      !summed over all counters on plane
+     &  sstat_orsum,       !summed over all counters on plane
+     &  sstat_andsum,      !summed over all counters on plane
+     &  sstat_peff,        !pos efficiency for given counter.
+     &  sstat_neff,        !neg efficiency for given counter.
+     &  sstat_oeff,        !or  efficiency for given counter.
+     &  sstat_aeff,        !and efficiency for given counter.
+     &  sstat_poseff,      !efficiency over all counters on plane
+     &  sstat_negeff,      !efficiency over all counters on plane
+     &  sstat_oreff,       !efficiency over all counters on plane
+     &  sstat_andeff,      !efficiency over all counters on plane
+     &  sstat_slop,        !distance allowed from center of scintillator.
+     &  sstat_mineff,      !give warning if effic. < sstat_mineff
+     &  sstat_maxchisq,    !maximum chisq allowed to use track for eff. calc.
+     &  seff_s1,           !calculated trigger eff. for s1 =(s1x .or. s1y).
+     &  seff_s2,           !calculated trigger eff. for s2 =(s2x .or. s2y).
+     &  seff_stof,         !calculated trigger eff. for stof =(s1 .and. s2).
+     &  seff_4_of_4,       !calculated trigger eff. for 4/4 planes.
+     &  seff_3_of_4        !calculated trigger eff. for 3/4 planes.
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      real*4 sstat_cal_maxchisq
+      real*4 sstat_cal_slop
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+      integer*4 sstat_cal_numevents
+      integer*4 sstat_cal_trk(smax_cal_columns,smax_cal_rows)
+      integer*4 sstat_cal_hit(smax_cal_columns,smax_cal_rows)
+      integer*4 sstat_cal_trksum(smax_cal_columns)
+      integer*4 sstat_cal_hitsum(smax_cal_columns)
+      real*4 sstat_cal_eff(smax_cal_columns,smax_cal_rows)
+      real*4 sstat_cal_effsum(smax_cal_columns)
+      common/scal_statistics/
+     &  sstat_cal_numevents,
+     &  sstat_cal_trk,         !# of times track points near center of block.
+     &  sstat_cal_hit,         !# of times the tube on block was over threshold.
+     &  sstat_cal_trksum,      !summed over all blocks on plane.
+     &  sstat_cal_hitsum,      !summed over all blocks on plane.
+     &  sstat_cal_eff,         !efficiency for a given block.
+     &  sstat_cal_effsum,      !efficiency over all counters on plane.
+     &  sstat_cal_slop,        !distance allowed from center of block.
+     &  sstat_cal_maxchisq     !maximum chisq allowed to use track for eff. calc.
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+      integer sbothgood(snum_scin_planes,snum_scin_elements)
+      integer sposgood(snum_scin_planes,snum_scin_elements)
+      integer sneggood(snum_scin_planes,snum_scin_elements)
+      common/sscin_posneg_stats/
+     &   sbothgood,
+     &   sposgood,
+     &   sneggood
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      real*4 sdc_min_eff(smax_num_dc_planes)   !''warning'' value for plane eff.
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+      integer*4 sdc_tot_events                 !total number of events examined
+      integer*4 sdc_events(smax_num_dc_planes) !counter of times plane was hit
+      integer*4 sdc_cham_hits(smax_num_chambers)
+      real*4 sdc_plane_eff(smax_num_dc_planes) !effic=events(pln)/tot_events
+      real*4 sdc_cham_eff(smax_num_chambers)
+      common/sdc_statistics/
+     &   sdc_tot_events,
+     &   sdc_events,
+     &   sdc_min_eff,
+     &   sdc_plane_eff,
+     &   sdc_cham_hits,
+     &   sdc_cham_eff
+* The logical variables just record if that particular event passed the test
+* for 'plane should have fired' and 'plane did fire'.  In CTP tests, we'll
+* apply additional cuts and check the efficiency.
+* 'Should' = event where other 3 hodoscope planes fired.
+* 'Did' = 'Should' && plane in question did fire.
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+      logical*4 strig_hodoshouldflag(snum_scin_planes)
+      logical*4 strig_hododidflag(snum_scin_planes)
+                                                  !(based on s1x,s1y... signals)
+      common/strig_hodostatistics/
+     &   strig_hodoshouldflag,
+     &   strig_hododidflag
diff --git a/INCLUDE/sos_track_histid.cmn b/INCLUDE/sos_track_histid.cmn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..64dc80f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/sos_track_histid.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+*      sos_track_histid.cmn
+*      This common block contains the HBOOK histogram id numbers
+*      for all sos histograms in which direct hfill calls are made.
+*      It also contains the paramter flags to turn on and off histograming
+*      of each of the hard coded blocks.
+*      Created 9 April 1994	D. F. Geesaman
+* $Log: sos_track_histid.cmn,v $
+* Revision 1.7  1996/01/17 15:06:31  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add sidcuttdc and a temporary junk common block
+* Revision 1.6  1995/05/22 19:12:33  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts
+* Revision 1.5  1995/05/12  12:24:01  cdaq
+* (JRA) Modify/add user histograms
+* Revision 1.4  1995/04/06  20:22:13  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add residuals histogram ids
+* Revision 1.3  1994/08/05  20:38:26  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add makereg directive with required include files
+*       Add "CTPTYPE=event" directive for auto generation of CTP reg calls
+* Revision 1.2  1994/05/13  04:00:50  cdaq
+* (DFG) Add s_fill_dc_target_hist id's
+* Revision 1.1  1994/04/12  21:13:42  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+*     The following include statments must precede the inclusion of this
+*     file in each routine that uses it.  The *%% syntax is also a
+*     directive to makereg to tell it to include the code in the program
+*     that it generates.
+*%%   include 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      integer*4 siddcwiremap(smax_num_dc_planes)
+      integer*4 siddcdrifttime(smax_num_dc_planes)
+      integer*4 siddcdriftdis(smax_num_dc_planes)
+      integer*4 siddcwirecent(smax_num_dc_planes)
+      integer*4 sidsx_fp,sidsy_fp,sidsxp_fp,sidsyp_fp,sidslogchi2_fp,
+     &     sidsnfree_fp,sidschi2perdeg_fp
+      integer*4 sidsx_tar, sidsy_tar, sidsz_tar, sidsxp_tar, sidsyp_tar,
+     &     sidsdelta_tar, sidsp_tar
+      integer*4 sidres_fp(smax_num_dc_planes)
+      integer*4 sidsingres_fp(smax_num_dc_planes)
+      integer*4 sidrawtdc
+      integer*4 sidcuttdc
+      common/sos_tracking_histid/
+     &     siddcwiremap,
+     &     siddcdrifttime,
+     &     siddcdriftdis,
+     &     siddcwirecent,
+     &     sidsx_fp,
+     &     sidsy_fp,
+     &     sidsxp_fp,
+     &     sidsyp_fp,
+     &     sidslogchi2_fp,
+     &     sidsnfree_fp,
+     &     sidschi2perdeg_fp,
+     &     sidsx_tar,
+     &     sidsy_tar,
+     &     sidsz_tar,
+     &     sidsxp_tar,
+     &     sidsyp_tar,
+     &     sidsdelta_tar,
+     &     sidsp_tar,
+     &     sidres_fp,
+     &     sidsingres_fp,
+     &     sidrawtdc,
+     &     sidcuttdc
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      integer*4 sturnon_decoded_dc_hist
+      integer*4 sturnon_focal_plane_hist
+      integer*4 sturnon_target_hist
+      common/sos_hist_flags/
+     &     sturnon_decoded_dc_hist,
+     &     sturnon_focal_plane_hist,
+     &     sturnon_target_hist
+*  temporary junk common block.
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+      real*4 sx_sp1(sntracks_max),sy_sp1(sntracks_max),sxp_sp1(sntracks_max)
+      real*4 sx_sp2(sntracks_max),sy_sp2(sntracks_max),sxp_sp2(sntracks_max)
+      real*4 ssx_sp1,ssy_sp1,ssxp_sp1
+      real*4 ssx_sp2,ssy_sp2,ssxp_sp2
+      common/stemp_junk_cb/sx_sp1,sy_sp1,sxp_sp1,sx_sp2,sy_sp2,sxp_sp2,
+     &     ssx_sp1,ssy_sp1,ssxp_sp1,ssx_sp2,ssy_sp2,ssxp_sp2
diff --git a/INCLUDE/sos_tracking.cmn b/INCLUDE/sos_tracking.cmn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c6b8ffe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INCLUDE/sos_tracking.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,429 @@
+*     sos_tracking.cmn
+*     include file for sos tracking intermediate results
+*     D. F. Geesaman         1 September 1993
+*     modified  dfg          10 Feb 94
+*                              change name to sos_tracking.cmn
+*                              put sluno and debugflags from parameters to CTP
+* $Log: sos_tracking.cmn,v $
+* Revision 1.18  1999/02/23 19:22:52  csa
+* (JRA) Remove sdebugcalcpeds
+* Revision 1.17  1998/12/01 20:30:16  saw
+* * (SAW) Put SOS_DRIFT common block before equivalences
+* Revision 1.16  1996/09/04 16:32:10  saw
+* (DVW) Add slew of variables for derek's hms track tests
+* Revision 1.15  1996/04/30 14:04:39  saw
+* (JRA) Bunch of changes
+* Revision 1.14  1996/01/17 15:05:05  cdaq
+* (JRA) Change name of various correction variables.
+*       Add some efficiency accumulator variables.
+* Revision 1.13  1995/05/22 19:01:16  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts
+* Revision 1.12  1995/04/06  20:30:04  cdaq
+* (SAW) Fix wc plane names.  Change residuals variable names
+* Revision 1.11  1995/03/13  19:18:06  cdaq
+* (SAW) Names of fract equivalence arrays reflect SOS chamber plane names
+* Revision 1.10  1995/01/27  20:22:58  cdaq
+* (SAW) Let sdc_planes_per_chamber be a ctp parameter
+* Revision 1.9  1994/12/01  17:22:08  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add s_hms_style_chambers flag to treat SOS chambers like HMS
+*       Add sdc_planes_per_chamber (calculated in s_generate_geometry)
+*       Make gplanesdc equivalenced with gplanesdc1, ...
+* Revision 1.8  1994/11/22  18:40:41  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add s's in front of fract, aa3, det3, aainv3.  Remove fractinterp
+*       Cleaned up ?DC_NUM_CHAMBERS and ?MAX_NUM_CHAMBERS stuff
+* Revision 1.7  1994/11/21  18:02:58  cdaq
+* (SPB) Recopied from hms file and modified names for SOS
+* Revision 1.6  1994/08/16  03:57:09  cdaq
+* (SAW) Change some variables to parm CTPTYPE
+* Revision 1.5  1994/08/05  20:06:27  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add makereg directive with required include files
+* Revision 1.4  1994/08/05  20:00:36  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add "CTPTYPE=event,parm" directive for auto generation of CTP reg calls
+* Revision 1.3  1994/06/06  17:06:05  cdaq
+* (DFG) add ssingle_stub
+* Revision 1.2  1994/03/24  18:40:37  cdaq
+* (DFG) Additional parameters
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/22  14:47:57  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+*     The following include statments must precede the inclusion of this
+*     file in each routine that uses it.  The *%% syntax is also a
+*     directive to makereg to tell it to include the code in the program
+*     that it generates.
+*%%   include 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+*      CTPTYPE=parm
+      integer*4 sdriftbins_max  ! number of bins for drift time lookup table
+      parameter (sdriftbins_max=138)
+      real*4    sdriftbins      ! number of bins for drift time lookup table
+      real*4    sdriftbinsz     ! drift bin size in nsec of lookup table
+      real*4    sdrift1stbin    ! drift time of 1st bin in nsec of lookup
+      real*4    sfract
+                                !fraction of integrated time spectrum
+      real*4 swc1u1fract(sdriftbins_max),swc1u2fract(sdriftbins_max),
+     &       swc1x1fract(sdriftbins_max),swc1x2fract(sdriftbins_max),
+     &       swc1v1fract(sdriftbins_max),swc1v2fract(sdriftbins_max),
+     &       swc2u1fract(sdriftbins_max),swc2u2fract(sdriftbins_max),
+     &       swc2x1fract(sdriftbins_max),swc2x2fract(sdriftbins_max),
+     &       swc2v1fract(sdriftbins_max),swc2v2fract(sdriftbins_max)
+      common/SOS_DRIFT/
+     &        sfract(sdriftbins_max,smax_num_dc_planes),
+     &        sdriftbinsz,
+     &        sdrift1stbin,
+     &        sdriftbins
+      equivalence (swc1u1fract(1),sfract(1,1))
+      equivalence (swc1u2fract(1),sfract(1,2))
+      equivalence (swc1x1fract(1),sfract(1,3))
+      equivalence (swc1x2fract(1),sfract(1,4))
+      equivalence (swc1v1fract(1),sfract(1,5))
+      equivalence (swc1v2fract(1),sfract(1,6))
+      equivalence (swc2u1fract(1),sfract(1,7))
+      equivalence (swc2u2fract(1),sfract(1,8))
+      equivalence (swc2x1fract(1),sfract(1,9))
+      equivalence (swc2x2fract(1),sfract(1,10))
+      equivalence (swc2v1fract(1),sfract(1,11))
+      equivalence (swc2v2fract(1),sfract(1,12))
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      integer*4 smax_chamber_hits
+      parameter (smax_chamber_hits=544)
+      integer*4 smax_space_points   ! maximum number of space points
+      parameter (smax_space_points=50)
+      integer*4 smax_hits_per_point ! maximum number of hits per point
+      parameter (smax_hits_per_point=15)
+      integer*4 snum_fpray_param    ! number of ray parameters in focal plane
+      parameter (snum_fpray_param=4)
+      integer*4 sdc_num_cards       ! #/discriminator cards
+      parameter (sdc_num_cards=40)
+      integer*4 sdc_max_wires_per_plane
+      parameter (sdc_max_wires_per_plane=64)
+      integer*4 sdc_num_planes   ! actual number of dc chambers - set in CTP
+      integer*4 sdc_num_chambers ! actual number of chambers - set in CTP
+      integer*4 sdc_planes_per_chamber
+      integer*4 sdc_tdc_min_win  ! drift chamber tdc min value for good hit
+      integer*4 sdc_tdc_max_win  ! drfit chamber tdc max value for good hit
+      integer*4 smin_hit         ! minimum hits   for space point
+      integer*4 smin_combos      ! minimum combos for space point
+      integer*4 smax_pr_hits     ! max number of hits in each plane for
+                                 ! pattern recognition to be done in that pla
+* wire velocity corrections.
+      logical sdc_readout_x      !true = read out from side (like x plane)
+      real*4  sdc_readout_corr   !wire path length/dist. to readout side
+      real*4  sdc_wire_velocity  ! propogation velocity of signal on wire(cm/ns)
+      real*4  sdc_drifttime_sign !sign of correction term.
+      real*4  sdc_central_time   !ave. time (ns) for signal to reach disc. card.
+                                 ! (both times are from center of the chamber)
+* timing offsets per card.
+      integer*4 sdc_sing_cardid  ! array of card id''s so one can put cuts/test on a per/card basys
+      integer*4 sdc_card_no      ! card number
+      real*4 sdc_card_delay      ! delay for a given card
+      real*4 sxt_track_criterion    ! stub link criterion on x_t
+      real*4 syt_track_criterion    ! stub link criterion on y_t
+      real*4 sxpt_track_criterion   ! stub link criterion on xp_t
+      real*4 sypt_track_criterion   ! stub link criterion on yp_t
+      real*4 sspace_point_criterion ! maximum distance**2 to join pairs/combos.
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+      integer*4 sncham_hits
+      integer*4 snspace_points     ! number of space points in each chamber
+      integer*4 sdc_hits_per_plane
+      integer*4 strack_fit_num     ! track number in fitting loop
+      integer*4 snspace_points_tot ! total number of space points after select.
+      integer*4 gplanesdc(smax_space_points,smax_num_chambers)   ! good plane pattern unit, set bit if respective plane hit
+      integer*4 gplanesdc1(smax_space_points)  ! good plane pattern unit,
+      integer*4 gplanesdc2(smax_space_points)  ! set bit if respective plane
+      integer*4 gplanesdc3(smax_space_points)  ! was hit.
+      equivalence (gplanesdc1(1),gplanesdc(1,1))
+      equivalence (gplanesdc2(1),gplanesdc(2,1))
+      equivalence (gplanesdc3(1),gplanesdc(3,1))
+      integer*4 sspace_point_hits  ! array of n rows of space points
+                                   ! (n,1) = number of hits
+                                   ! (n,2) = number of valid combinations
+                                   ! (n,3...) hit numbers for space point
+      real*4 sspace_points         ! array of x, y of space points
+      real*4 sbeststub             ! array of stubs fit to each space point
+      real*4 sdc_sing_drifttime    ! array of fully corrected drift times for each plane
+      real*4 sdc_sing_driftdis     ! array of final drift distances for each plane
+      common/SOS_TRACKING/
+     &     sdc_num_chambers,sdc_num_planes,
+     &     sdc_planes_per_chamber,
+     &     sdc_hits_per_plane(smax_num_dc_planes),
+     &     gplanesdc,
+     &     sspace_points(smax_space_points,2),
+     &     sspace_point_hits(smax_space_points,smax_hits_per_point+2),
+     &     snspace_points(smax_num_chambers),
+     &     snspace_points_tot,
+     &     sbeststub(smax_space_points,snum_fpray_param),
+     &     sncham_hits(smax_num_chambers),
+     &     strack_fit_num,
+     &     sspace_point_criterion(smax_num_chambers),
+     &     sdc_tdc_min_win(smax_num_dc_planes), 
+     &     sdc_tdc_max_win(smax_num_dc_planes),
+     &     smin_hit(smax_num_chambers),smin_combos(smax_num_chambers),
+     &     smax_pr_hits(smax_num_chambers),
+     &     sxt_track_criterion,syt_track_criterion,
+     &     sxpt_track_criterion,sypt_track_criterion,
+     &     sdc_sing_drifttime(smax_num_dc_planes),
+     &     sdc_sing_driftdis(smax_num_dc_planes),
+     &     sdc_wire_velocity,
+     &     sdc_central_time(smax_num_dc_planes),
+     &     sdc_drifttime_sign(smax_num_dc_planes),
+     &     sdc_readout_corr(smax_num_dc_planes),
+     &     sdc_readout_x(smax_num_dc_planes),
+     &     sdc_card_delay(sdc_num_cards),
+     &     sdc_card_no(sdc_max_wires_per_plane,smax_num_dc_planes),
+     &     sdc_sing_cardid(smax_num_dc_planes)
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      real*8 saa3,saainv3      ! matrix AA and its inverse AAINV 
+      real*8 sdet3             ! array of determinants of AA
+      common/SOS_TFIT_MATRIX/
+     &     saa3(3,3),
+     &     saainv3(3,3,smax_num_dc_planes+smax_num_chambers),
+     &     sdet3(smax_num_dc_planes+smax_num_chambers)
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+* debug print flags, if flags .ne. 0 then execute debug code
+      integer*4 sdebugprintrawdc
+      integer*4 sdebugprintdecodeddc
+      integer*4 sdebugflagpsi          
+      integer*4 sdebugflaggeometry
+      integer*4 sdebugflagpr
+      integer*4 sdebugflagstubs
+      integer*4 sdebuglinkstubs
+      integer*4 sdebugtrackprint
+      integer*4 sdebugstubchisq
+      integer*4 sdebugtartrackprint   ! call h_print_tar_track
+      integer*4 sdebugdumptof         ! dumps tof fitting data
+      integer*4 sdebugdumpcal         ! dumps cal fitting data
+      integer*4 ssingle_stub          ! switch to make tracks of all stubs
+      integer*4 ssmallAngleApprox     ! switch for alternate L/R determ. of Y,Yprime planes
+      integer*4 s_hms_style_chambers  ! Using HMS style drift chambers.
+      integer*4 sluno                 ! logical unit number for debugging output
+      common/SOS_TRACKFLAGS/
+     &     sluno,
+     &     sdebugflagpsi,
+     &     sdebugflaggeometry,
+     &     sdebugflagpr,
+     &     sdebugflagstubs,
+     &     sdebuglinkstubs,
+     &     sdebugtrackprint,
+     &     sdebugstubchisq,
+     &     sdebugtartrackprint,
+     &     sdebugprintrawdc,
+     &     sdebugprintdecodeddc,
+     &     sdebugdumptof,
+     &     sdebugdumpcal,
+     &     ssingle_stub,
+     &     ssmallAngleApprox,
+     &     s_hms_style_chambers
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+* warning levels for efficiency
+      real*4 sdc_min_plane_eff(smax_num_dc_planes)
+      real*4 sdc_min_wire_eff
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+* multiple hits per wire statistics.
+      integer*4 swire_mult(sdc_max_wires_per_plane,smax_num_dc_planes)
+      integer*4 swire_early_mult(sdc_max_wires_per_plane,smax_num_dc_planes)
+      integer*4 swire_late_mult(sdc_max_wires_per_plane,smax_num_dc_planes)
+      integer*4 swire_extra_mult(sdc_max_wires_per_plane,smax_num_dc_planes)
+* stuff for calcualting efficiency per wire.
+      integer*4 sdc_shouldhit(smax_num_dc_planes,sdc_max_wires_per_plane)
+      integer*4 sdc_didhit(smax_num_dc_planes,sdc_max_wires_per_plane)
+      integer*4 sdc_shouldsum(smax_num_dc_planes)
+      integer*4 sdc_didsum(smax_num_dc_planes)
+      integer*4 sdc_eff(smax_num_dc_planes)
+      real*4 sdc_track_coord(sntracks_max,smax_num_dc_planes)
+      real*4 ssdc_track_coord(smax_num_dc_planes)
+      common/sos_dc_track_efficiency/
+     &   sdc_track_coord,   !track position per plane, in x,y,u,v directions.
+     &   ssdc_track_coord,  !track position in x,y,,u,v directions-final track.
+     &   sdc_shouldhit,     !times a wire should have fired.
+     &   sdc_didhit,        !times a wire did fire.
+     &   sdc_shouldsum,     !sum over plane.
+     &   sdc_didsum,        !sum over plane.
+     &   sdc_eff,           !effic. per plane.
+     &   sdc_min_wire_eff,  !warning level for wire effic.
+     &   sdc_min_plane_eff, !warning level for plane effic.
+     &   swire_mult,
+     &   swire_early_mult,
+     &   swire_late_mult,
+     &   swire_extra_mult
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+*  complete 2-D array for residuals in all planes over all tracks
+      real*4 sdc_single_residual(sntracks_max,smax_num_dc_planes)
+      real*4 sdc_double_residual(sntracks_max,smax_num_dc_planes)
+*     djm 8/26/94 arrays containing single and double residual arrays which can be
+*     histogrammed in the normal fashion (ie, not hardwired histograms).
+      real*4 sdc_sing_res(smax_num_dc_planes)
+      real*4 sdc_dbl_res(smax_num_dc_planes)
+      real*4 sdc_plane_wirecoord(sntracks_max,smax_num_dc_planes)
+      real*4 sdc_plane_wirecenter(sntracks_max,smax_num_dc_planes)
+      common/SOS_RESIDUAL/
+     &     sdc_single_residual,
+     &     sdc_double_residual,
+     &     sdc_sing_res,
+     &     sdc_dbl_res,
+     &     sdc_plane_wirecoord,
+     &     sdc_plane_wirecenter
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      integer*4 smax_num_deadwires
+      parameter (smax_num_deadwires=60)
+      integer*4 sdc_num_deadwires
+      integer*4 sdc_deadwire_plane(smax_num_deadwires)
+      integer*4 sdc_deadwire_num(smax_num_deadwires)
+      common/sos_dead_wires/
+     &   sdc_num_deadwires,  !number of dead wires.
+     &   sdc_deadwire_plane, !list of plane numbers.
+     &   sdc_deadwire_num    !list of wire numbers.
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      logical s1hit1,s1hit2,s1hit3,s1hit4,s1hit5,s1hit6
+      logical s1hit7,s1hit8,s1hit9,s1hit10,s1hit11,s1hit12
+      integer snumhit1,snumhit2,snumhit3,snumhit4,snumhit5,snumhit6
+      integer snumhit7,snumhit8,snumhit9,snumhit10,snumhit11,snumhit12
+      logical s1hitslt,s2hitslt,s1planesgt,s2planesgt
+      logical shitslt,splanesgt
+      logical sstublt
+      logical f1sspacepoints,f2sspacepoints,fsspacepoints
+      logical shitsplanes,shitsplanessps,shitsplanesspsstubs
+      logical sspacepoints
+      logical stest1,stest2
+      logical sfoundtrack, scleantrack
+      integer snumhits1,snumhits2,snumplanes1,snumplanes2
+      integer snumscins1,snumscins2,snumscins3,snumscins4
+      integer sstubtest
+      real*4 sstubminx,sstubminy,sstubminxp,sstubminyp
+      integer sscinhit(4,16)
+      integer snclust(4)
+      integer sthreescin(4)
+      integer sslope
+      integer sbestxpscin
+      integer sbestypscin
+      integer sgoodscinhits
+      integer sxloscin(smax_num_chambers),sxhiscin(smax_num_chambers)
+      integer syloscin(smax_num_chambers),syhiscin(smax_num_chambers)
+      integer strack_eff_test_num_scin_planes
+       common/dereks_sos_track_tests/
+     &    s1hit1,
+     &    s1hit2,
+     &    s1hit3,
+     &    s1hit4,
+     &    s1hit5,
+     &    s1hit6,
+     &    s1hit7,
+     &    s1hit8,
+     &    s1hit9,
+     &    s1hit10,
+     &    s1hit11,
+     &    s1hit12,
+     &	  snumhit1,snumhit2,snumhit3,snumhit4,snumhit5,snumhit6,
+     &    snumhit7,snumhit8,snumhit9,snumhit10,snumhit11,snumhit12,
+     &    s1hitslt,
+     &    s2hitslt,
+     &    s1planesgt,
+     &    s2planesgt,
+     &    shitslt,
+     &    splanesgt,
+     &    sstublt,
+     &    f1sspacepoints,
+     &    f2sspacepoints,
+     &    fsspacepoints,
+     &    shitsplanes,
+     &    shitsplanessps,
+     &    shitsplanesspsstubs,
+     &    sspacepoints,
+     &    stest1,stest2,
+     &    sfoundtrack,
+     &    scleantrack,
+     &    snumhits1,snumhits2,snumplanes1,snumplanes2,
+     &    snumscins1,snumscins2,snumscins3,snumscins4,
+     &    sstubtest,
+     &    sstubminx,
+     &    sstubminy,
+     &    sstubminxp,
+     &    sstubminyp,
+     &	  sscinhit,
+     &    snclust,
+     &    sthreescin,
+     &    sslope,
+     &    sbestxpscin,
+     &    sbestypscin,
+     &    sgoodscinhits,
+     &    sxloscin,sxhiscin,syloscin,syhiscin,
+     &    strack_eff_test_num_scin_planes
diff --git a/ONEEV/CVS/Entries b/ONEEV/CVS/Entries
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2aa0481
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ONEEV/CVS/Entries
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+/Makefile/1.1/Mon Dec  7 22:11:25 1998//Tsane
+/Makefile.Unix/1.13/Fri Feb 14 18:25:17 2003//Tsane
+/evdisplay.f/1.7/Tue Dec  1 21:47:10 1998//Tsane
+/g_uglast.f/1.1/Tue Mar 14 21:27:32 1995//Tsane
+/g_ugsvolu.f/1.1/Tue Mar 14 21:27:25 1995//Tsane
+/glvolu.f/1.2/Wed Sep  4 19:46:28 1996//Tsane
+/h_one_ev_cal.f/1.3/Fri Nov 22 15:36:14 1996//Tsane
+/h_one_ev_det_reset.f/1.2/Mon Sep 18 13:53:01 1995//Tsane
+/h_one_ev_detectors.f/1.2/Mon Sep 18 14:38:33 1995//Tsane
+/h_one_ev_display.f/1.5/Wed Jan 17 16:31:18 1996//Tsane
+/h_one_ev_generate.f/1.2/Wed Sep  4 20:06:16 1996//Tsane
+/h_one_ev_geometry.f/1.8/Fri Nov 22 15:36:37 1996//Tsane
+/h_one_ev_head_view.f/1.1/Mon Sep 18 14:43:31 1995//Tsane
+/h_one_ev_hodo.f/1.3/Fri Nov 22 15:37:36 1996//Tsane
+/h_one_ev_persp_view.f/1.1/Mon Sep 18 14:44:02 1995//Tsane
+/h_one_ev_topside_view.f/1.1/Wed Jan 17 16:35:46 1996//Tsane
+/h_one_ev_track.f/1.1/Wed Jan 17 16:39:41 1996//Tsane
+/h_one_ev_wc.f/1.2/Wed Jan 17 16:39:33 1996//Tsane
+/h_uginit.f/1.1/Tue Mar 14 21:27:13 1995//Tsane
+/revdis_ask.f/1.1/Wed Jan 17 16:31:52 1996//Tsane
+/revdis_getev.f/1.2/Wed Jan 17 16:32:49 1996//Tsane
+/revdis_init.f/1.4/Fri Feb 14 18:27:22 2003//Tsane
+/s_one_ev_cal.f/1.3/Fri Nov 22 15:35:56 1996//Tsane
+/s_one_ev_det_reset.f/1.2/Wed Jan 17 16:40:27 1996//Tsane
+/s_one_ev_detectors.f/1.2/Mon Sep 18 14:38:09 1995//Tsane
+/s_one_ev_display.f/1.3/Wed Jan 17 16:31:33 1996//Tsane
+/s_one_ev_generate.f/1.2/Wed Sep  4 20:06:35 1996//Tsane
+/s_one_ev_geometry.f/1.5/Fri Nov 22 15:37:10 1996//Tsane
+/s_one_ev_head_view.f/1.1/Mon Sep 18 14:43:39 1995//Tsane
+/s_one_ev_hodo.f/1.3/Fri Nov 22 15:38:35 1996//Tsane
+/s_one_ev_persp_view.f/1.2/Wed Jan 17 16:38:44 1996//Tsane
+/s_one_ev_topside_view.f/1.1/Wed Jan 17 16:37:05 1996//Tsane
+/s_one_ev_track.f/1.1/Wed Jan 17 16:38:09 1996//Tsane
+/s_one_ev_wc.f/1.1/Wed Jan 17 16:38:04 1996//Tsane
+/s_uginit.f/1.1/Mon Jul 31 15:15:28 1995//Tsane
diff --git a/ONEEV/CVS/Repository b/ONEEV/CVS/Repository
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca873e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ONEEV/CVS/Repository
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/ONEEV/CVS/Root b/ONEEV/CVS/Root
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6288c3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ONEEV/CVS/Root
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/ONEEV/CVS/Tag b/ONEEV/CVS/Tag
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..25d73f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ONEEV/CVS/Tag
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/ONEEV/Makefile b/ONEEV/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b9ffac3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ONEEV/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# $Log: Makefile,v $
+# Revision 1.1  1998/12/07 22:11:25  saw
+# Initial setup
+include $(ETC)/Makefile.NEW
diff --git a/ONEEV/Makefile.Unix b/ONEEV/Makefile.Unix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..36358de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ONEEV/Makefile.Unix
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+# $Log: Makefile.Unix,v $
+# Revision 1.13  2003/02/14 18:25:17  jones
+# added if statements for Alpha OSF1 systems (E. Brash)
+# Revision 1.12  1999/11/04 20:36:11  saw
+# Linux/G77 compatibility fixes
+# Revision 1.11  1999/03/19 15:23:16  saw
+# Fix CTP library ordering so that event display links on SunOS.
+# Revision 1.10  1998/12/09 16:31:16  saw
+# Remove dependence on Csoft environment variable
+# Revision 1.9  1998/12/01 20:34:21  saw
+# (SAW) HPUX 10 fix
+# Revision 1.8  1996/11/22 17:05:00  saw
+# (SAW) Add SunOS compatibility
+# Revision 1.7  1996/09/04 16:37:02  saw
+# (SAW) New makefile style
+# Revision 1.6  1996/01/17 20:25:00  saw
+# (SAW) Remove gmc library from DEPLIBS
+# Revision 1.5  1996/01/17 16:28:36  cdaq
+# (SAW) New filenames
+# Revision 1.4  1995/07/20  19:21:12  cdaq
+# (SAW) Add OTHERLIBS definition for IRIX
+# Revision 1.3  1995/05/24  14:02:20  cdaq
+# *** empty log message ***
+# Revision 1.2  1995/03/13  19:54:10  cdaq
+# (SAW) Add -f switch on include file copy commands
+# Revision 1.1  1995/01/27  20:49:35  cdaq
+# Initial revision
+include ../../etc/Makefile
+oneev_sources = evdisplay.f revdis_getev.f revdis_init.f revdis_ask.f \
+	g_ugsvolu.f g_uglast.f glvolu.f
+hms_sources = h_one_ev_detectors.f h_one_ev_geometry.f \
+	h_one_ev_display.f h_one_ev_det_reset.f h_uginit.f \
+	h_one_ev_cal.f h_one_ev_hodo.f h_one_ev_wc.f \
+	h_one_ev_head_view.f h_one_ev_persp_view.f h_one_ev_topside_view.f \
+	h_one_ev_track.f h_one_ev_generate.f 
+sos_sources = s_one_ev_detectors.f s_one_ev_geometry.f \
+	s_one_ev_display.f s_one_ev_det_reset.f s_uginit.f \
+	s_one_ev_cal.f s_one_ev_hodo.f s_one_ev_wc.f \
+	s_one_ev_head_view.f s_one_ev_persp_view.f s_one_ev_topside_view.f \
+	s_one_ev_track.f s_one_ev_generate.f
+sources = $(oneev_sources) $(hms_sources) $(sos_sources)
+libsources = $(sources)
+lib_targets := $(patsubst %.f, liboneev.a(%.o), $(libsources))
+#install-dirs := lib bin
+install-dirs := lib
+bin_targets = evdisplay
+ONEEVLIB = $(LIBROOT)/liboneev.a
+DEPLIBS = $(LIBROOT)/libengine.a \
+	$(LIBROOT)/libhtracking.a $(LIBROOT)/libstracking.a \
+	$(LIBROOT)/libtracking.a $(LIBROOT)/libhack.a \
+	$(LIBROOT)/libutils.a
+CTPCLIENT = $(LIBROOT)/libctpclient.a
+CTP =  $(LIBROOT)/libctp.a
+CERNLIBS = -lgeant$(GEANTVER) -lpawlib -lgraflib -lgrafX11 -lpacklib -lmathlib
+ifeq ($(ARCH),HPUX)
+  FFLAGS = -g +ppu +es -O +Onolimit +O2 +FPVZOU 
+  OTHERLIBS = -Wl,-L$(LIBROOT) -lctpclient -lctp -Wl,-L$(CODA)/HP_UX/lib \
+	-Wl,-L$(CERN_ROOT)/lib $(CERNLIBS) \
+	-Wl,-L/usr/lib/X11R5 -lX11 -lm
+ifeq ($(ARCH),IRIX)
+  OTHERLIBS = -L$(LIBROOT) -lctpclient -lctp \
+        -L$(CERN_ROOT)/lib $(CERNLIBS) \
+        -L/usr/lib -lX11 -lm
+ifeq ($(ARCH),ULTRIX)
+	-lana -lmsg -lcoda -L$(CERN_ROOT)/lib $(CERNLIBS) -L/usr/lib -lX11 -lm
+ifeq ($(ARCH),OSF1)
+  OTHERLIBS = -L$(CERN_ROOT)/lib $(CERNLIBS) -L/usr/lib -lX11 -lm
+ifeq ($(ARCH),SunOS)
+  OTHERLIBS = -L$(LIBROOT) -lctpclient -lctp -L$(CERN_ROOT)/lib $(CERNLIBS) \
+	-lnsl -lsocket -lX11
+ifeq ($(ARCH),AIX)
+  OTHERLIBS = -L$(LIBROOT) -lctpclient -lctp \
+	-L$(CERN_ROOT)/lib $(CERNLIBS) -lX11
+ifeq ($(ARCH),Linux)
+  CERN_ROOT = /usr/local/cernlib/95b
+  CERNLIBS = -lgeant$(GEANTVER) -lpawlib -lgraflib -lgrafX11 -lmathlib -lpacklib -lkernlib -lmathlib -lpacklib
+  OTHERLIBS = -L$(LIBROOT) -lctpclient -lctp -L$(CERN_ROOT)/lib \
+	$(CERNLIBS) -L/usr/X11/lib -lX11 -lm
+  DEPLIBS := $(DEPLIBS) $(LIBROOT)/libport.a
+	@make -C $(Csoft)/SRC/PORT
+# Rules to make ENGINE source files that must be tweaked
+#engine_display: engine.o $(ONEEVLIB) $(DEPLIBS)
+#	$(F77) $(FFLAGS) -o engine_display engine.o -u g_register_variables.o \
+#	-u g_initialize.o -u h_initialize.o $(ONEEVLIB) $(DEPLIBS) \
+evdisplay: evdisplay.o $(ONEEVLIB) $(DEPLIBS) $(CTPCLIENT) $(CTP)
+	$(F77) $(FFLAGS) -o evdisplay evdisplay.o \
+#h_initialize.f: ../ENGINE/h_initialize.f
+#	@sed -e 's/*ONEEV//' $< >$@
+# May want to remove ntuple init stuff
+# Rule for making the register subroutines
+#r_%.f : %.cmn $(MAKEREG)
+#	$(MAKEREG) $< -o $@ -e /dev/null
+#%.f : %.F
+#	$(F77) -F -DHDISPLAY $<
+#.PRECIOUS: r_%.f
+../%.f : $(NFSDIRECTORY)/ONEEV/%.f
+	ln -s $< $@
+.PRECIOUS: ../%.f
+# Get include files from INCLUDE directory
+%.cmn :: ../../INCLUDE/%.cmn
+	$(CP) $< $@
+	$(CP) $< ../$@
+%.dec :: ../../INCLUDE/%.dec
+	$(CP) $< $@
+	$(CP) $< ../$@
+%.par :: ../../INCLUDE/%.par
+	$(CP) $< $@
+	$(CP) $< ../$@
+%.dte :: ../../INCLUDE/%.dte
+	$(CP) $< $@
+	$(CP) $< ../$@
+include $(sources:.f=.d)
diff --git a/ONEEV/evdisplay.f b/ONEEV/evdisplay.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b866007
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ONEEV/evdisplay.f
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
+*- standalone DISPLAY for hall C
+* $Log: evdisplay.f,v $
+* Revision 1.7  1998/12/01 21:47:10  saw
+* (SAW) Put correct number of arguments in g_rep_err call
+* Revision 1.6  1996/11/22 15:53:10  saw
+* (SAW) Fix typo
+* Revision 1.5  1996/09/04 16:40:13  saw
+* (SAW) Reorder data statements for f2c compatibility
+* Revision 1.4  1996/01/24 16:28:28  saw
+* (DVW) Add code for automatic redisplay mode
+* Revision 1.3  1996/01/17 16:30:02  cdaq
+* (SAW) Adjust RPC nums for new online analyzer (DD system).
+*       Add menu for view selection
+* Revision 1.2  1995/09/18 13:47:44  cdaq
+* (DVW, SAW) Reorganize
+* Revision 1.1  1995/03/14  21:25:27  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      character*9 here
+      parameter (here= 'evdisplay')
+      INCLUDE 'gen_pawspace.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_filenames.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_run_info.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_event_info.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_one_ev_info.cmn'
+      logical FAIL,QUIT
+      character*800 why
+      character*132 line
+      logical ABORT
+      character*800 err
+      integer i,j
+      integer*4 dispmode                ! to display every 10 seconds or not
+      character*1 spect
+      integer*4 view, newview
+      integer*4 revdis_ask
+      logical isdata
+      INCLUDE 'gen_one_ev_info.dte'
+      PRINT *
+      PRINT *,'       Standalone DISPLAY for hall C'
+      PRINT *,'     R.Ent,S.Wood, & K.Beard  Oct.1994'
+      PRINT *,'       and Derek van Westrum Jul 1995'
+      PRINT *
+      PRINT *,'****************************************************'
+      PRINT *,'*                                                  *'
+      PRINT *,'*       Confused?  Don''t be.  Read the file        *'
+      PRINT *,'*                                                  *'
+      PRINT *,'*   ~cdaq/documents/analysis_code/   *'
+      PRINT *,'*                                                  *'
+      PRINT *,'****************************************************'
+      PRINT *
+      PRINT *,' 0: Connect to offline replay'
+      PRINT *,' 1: Connect online analyzer'
+      PRINT *,' Other: A non-default RPC Program ID and version'
+      READ(5,'(2i30)') i,j
+      if(i.eq.0) then
+        gen_display_server_RPCprgmID = '2c0daFF8'x   !default offline
+        gen_display_server_RPCversionID = 1 ! default offline
+        call getenv("HOST",gen_display_server_machine)
+      else if(i.eq.1) then
+c        gen_display_server_RPCprgmID = '2c0da005'x   !default online
+        gen_display_server_RPCprgmID = '2c0daFF8'x   !default online
+        gen_display_server_RPCversionID = 2 ! default online
+        gen_display_server_machine = ''
+      else
+        gen_display_server_RPCprgmID = i
+        gen_display_server_RPCversionID = j
+        call getenv("HOST",gen_display_server_machine)
+      endif
+      PRINT *
+      PRINT *,' 0: to choose events manually (default)'
+      PRINT *,' 1:  to display every 10 seconds'
+      READ(5,'(i)') dispmode
+      IF (dispmode.NE.1) dispmode=0
+      PRINT *
+      PRINT *,' Enter the name of the machine running "engine" or CODA:'
+      i=index(gen_display_server_machine,' ')
+      if( i = i-1
+      WRITE(6,'($,a)') '[cdaq1,cdaq2,hallc1,hallc2,cebafh, ... ['//
+     $     gen_display_server_machine(1:i)//']: '
+      READ(5,'(a)') line
+      IF(line.EQ.' '.and.gen_display_server_machine.eq.' ') THEN
+        why= ':machine name must be specified!'
+        call G_add_path(here,why)
+        call G_rep_err(.TRUE.,why)
+        STOP
+      ELSE if(' ') then
+        call NO_comments(line)
+        gen_display_server_machine= line
+      ENDIF
+ 100  print *
+      print *, 'Type "h" for the HMS, or "s" for the SOS:'
+      read *, spect
+      if(spect.eq.'S') spect='s'
+      if(spect.eq.'H') spect='h'
+      if ((spect .ne. 's') .and. (spect .ne. 'h')) then
+        print*, 'Invalid option.  Please type "h" or "s".'
+        goto 100
+      endif
+      print *,"Server Program #=",gen_display_server_RPCprgmID
+      PRINT *
+      PRINT *,' display type? [1= Xwindow[def.], 7878=GraphOn]'
+      READ(5,'(i30)') graph_io_dev
+      if(graph_io_dev.eq.0) graph_io_dev = 1
+      call G_register_variables(FAIL,why)
+      IF(FAIL) THEN
+        call G_add_path(here,why)
+        call G_rep_err(FAIL,why)
+        STOP
+      ENDIF
+      PRINT *,' G_register_variables OK'
+      PRINT *
+*      CALL r_one_ev_io
+      call revdis_init(FAIL,why)  ! Build lists of variables to get
+      IF(FAIL) THEN
+        call G_add_path(here,why)
+        call G_rep_err(FAIL,why)
+        STOP
+      ELSE IF(g_config_filename.EQ.' ') THEN
+        PRINT *
+        PRINT *
+        STOP
+      ENDIF
+*     Do the initialization that g_initialize was supposed to do
+      call GZEBRA(NGBANK)
+      call hlimit (-NHBOOK)             ! init HBOOK memory
+      if (spect .eq. 'h') then
+        call h_initialize(ABORT,err)
+      elseif (spect .eq. 's') then
+        call s_initialize(ABORT,err)
+      endif
+*      call c_initialize(ABORT,err)
+      call g_reset_event(ABORT,err)
+      if(graph_io_dev .ne. 0) call hplint(graph_io_dev)
+      if (graph_io_dev .eq. 0) then
+        call hplint(0)                  ! init graphics
+        call igmeta(-8,-111)            ! init HIGZ meta junk
+      endif
+      if (spect .eq. 'h') then
+        CALL h_uginit
+      elseif (spect .eq. 's') then
+        CALL s_uginit
+      endif
+      PRINT *,' Connected to a Hall C analyzer at '
+     $     ,gen_display_server_machine(1:30)
+      print *,' Server analyzer has the label'
+      print *,' '
+      print *,g_label
+      print *,' '
+      PRINT *,' ............begin loop......................'
+      print *,' '
+      print *,' '
+      QUIT= .FALSE.
+      view = 1
+      isdata = .false.
+      if( then
+        DO WHILE (.NOT.QUIT)
+          PRINT *,'Run Number = ',gen_run_number,
+     $         '  Event Number = ',gen_event_ID_number
+          PRINT *,' Enter a CTP condition for the next event (?=help,1=any).'
+          newview = revdis_ask(view)
+          if( then
+            QUIT = .TRUE.
+            isdata = .false.            ! Don't try to view
+          else if(newview.eq.0) then    ! Get a new event
+            call revdis_getev(FAIL,why)
+            If(FAIL) Then
+              call G_rep_err(FAIL,why)
+            Endif
+            write(6,'("Run",i6,", event ID",i7," sequence",i7)')
+     $           gen_run_number,gen_event_ID_number, gen_event_sequence_N
+            if(spect.eq.'h') then
+              call h_one_ev_generate
+            else if(spect.eq.'s') then
+              call s_one_ev_generate
+            endif
+            isdata = .true.
+          else
+            view = newview
+          endif
+          if(isdata) then               ! There is an event to display
+            if(spect.eq.'h') then
+              call h_one_ev_display(view)
+            else if(spect.eq.'s') then
+              call s_one_ev_display(view)
+            endif
+          endif
+        ENDDO
+      elseif (dispmode.EQ.1) then
+        DO WHILE (.NOT.QUIT)
+          call system('sleep 5')
+          PRINT *,'Run Number = ',gen_run_number,
+     $         '  Event Number = ',gen_event_ID_number
+          PRINT *,' Enter a CTP condition for the next event (?=help,1=any).'
+*            newview = revdis_ask(view)
+          newview = 0
+          if( then
+            QUIT = .TRUE.
+            isdata = .false.            ! Don't try to view
+          else if(newview.eq.0) then    ! Get a new event
+            call revdis_getev(FAIL,why)
+            If(FAIL) Then
+              call G_rep_err(FAIL,why)
+            Endif
+            write(6,'("Run",i6,", event ID",i7," sequence",i7)')
+     $           gen_run_number,gen_event_ID_number, gen_event_sequence_N
+            if(spect.eq.'h') then
+              call h_one_ev_generate
+            else if(spect.eq.'s') then
+              call s_one_ev_generate
+            endif
+            isdata = .true.
+          else
+            view = newview
+          endif
+          if(isdata) then               ! There is an event to display
+            if(spect.eq.'h') then
+              call h_one_ev_display(view)
+            else if(spect.eq.'s') then
+              call s_one_ev_display(view)
+            endif
+          endif
+        ENDDO
+      endif
+ 99   continue
+      call IGEND                        !properly terminate HIGZ and any&all metafiles
+      STOP
+      END
diff --git a/ONEEV/g_uglast.f b/ONEEV/g_uglast.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..71add6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ONEEV/g_uglast.f
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+	subroutine g_uglast
+* This routine cleans up after GEANT
+* August, 1994, Pat Welch, Oregon State University,
+* $Log: g_uglast.f,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1995/03/14 21:27:32  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+	implicit none
+	call glast		! print statistics and histograms
+	call igend		! close HIGZ files
+	end
diff --git a/ONEEV/g_ugsvolu.f b/ONEEV/g_ugsvolu.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..956ffad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ONEEV/g_ugsvolu.f
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+	subroutine g_ugsvolu (name, shape, nmed, par, npar, ivolu)
+* Simple interface to gsvolu which checks for error conditions on return
+* See page GEOM 100-1 in GEANT manual
+* 1992, Pat Welch, Oregon State University,
+* $Log: g_ugsvolu.f,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1995/03/14 21:27:25  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+	implicit none
+	character*4 name	! Unique name for this volume
+	character*4 shape	! Geometric shape for this volume
+	integer*4 nmed		! Tracking medium
+	integer*4 npar		! Number of user parameters for this vol
+	real*4 par(npar)	! User parameters for this volume
+	integer*4 ivolu		! system volume number returned
+	call gsvolu (name, shape, nmed, par, npar, ivolu)
+	if (ivolu .le. 0) then
+	  write (*,*) ' ERROR: gsvolu returned an error!'
+	  write (*,*) '        name ', name, ' shape ', shape
+	  write (*,*) '        nmed ', nmed, ' npar ', npar, ' ivolu ', ivolu
+	  if (npar .gt. 0) then
+	    write (*,*)'         par(i) ', par
+	  endif
+	endif
+	end
diff --git a/ONEEV/glvolu.f b/ONEEV/glvolu.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..80c187f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ONEEV/glvolu.f
@@ -0,0 +1,538 @@
+* $Log: glvolu.f,v $
+* Revision 1.2  1996/09/04 19:46:28  saw
+* (SAW) Comment out debugging statement
+* Revision 1.1  1996/01/17 16:30:34  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+C.    ******************************************************************
+C.    *                                                                *
+C.    *   Loads the common block GCVOLU for the volume at lebel NLEV   *
+C.    *   as described by the lists of names (LNAM) and numbers (LNUM) *
+C.    *                                                                *
+C.    *   The routine is optimized and does not re-compute the part of *
+C.    *   history already available in GCVOLU.                         *
+C.    *                                                                *
+C.    *   IER returns non zero in case of fatal error                  *
+C.    *                                                                *
+C.    *   Called by : 'User', GDRVOL                                   *
+C.    *   Authors   : S.Banerjee, F.Bruyant, A.McPherson               *
+C.    *                                                                *
+C.    ******************************************************************
+      PARAMETER (KWBANK=69000,KWWORK=5200)
+     +             ,LMAIN,LR1,WS(KWBANK)
+      DIMENSION IQ(7992),Q(7992),LQ(8000),IWS(2)
+      EQUIVALENCE (Q(1),IQ(1),LQ(9)),(LQ(1),LMAIN),(IWS(1),WS(1))
+      PARAMETER (PI=3.14159265358979324D0)
+      PARAMETER (TWOPI=6.28318530717958648D0)
+      PARAMETER (PIBY2=1.57079632679489662D0)
+      PARAMETER (DEGRAD=0.0174532925199432958D0)
+      PARAMETER (RADDEG=57.2957795130823209D0)
+      PARAMETER (CLIGHT=29979245800.D0)
+      PARAMETER (BIG=10000000000.D0)
+      PARAMETER (EMASS=0.0005109990615D0)
+      PARAMETER (EMMU=0.105658387D0)
+      PARAMETER (PMASS=0.9382723128D0)
+      PARAMETER (AVO=0.60221367D0)
+     +GTRAN(3,15),GRMAT(10,15),GONLY(15),GLX(3)
+     +        NLDEV,LINMX
+      INTEGER    LNUM(*), LNAM(*), IDTYP(3,12)
+      REAL       XC(3)
+      DATA IDTYP / 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 1,
+     +             2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 4, 3, 1, 1, 1,
+     +             2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1/
+C.    ------------------------------------------------------------------
+      IER = 0
+      IF (JGPAR.EQ.0) THEN
+     +                NLVMAX, 2, 0)
+      ENDIF
+      IF (NLEVEL.EQ.0)                 GO TO 20
+* *** Scan tree from top to bottom to
+*       check if some levels are already filled
+      NLEVEL = 0
+      DO 10 I = 1,NLMX
+         IF (LNAM(I).NE.NAMES(I))  GO TO 15
+         IF (LNUM(I).NE.NUMBER(I)) GO TO 15
+         NLEVEL = NLEVEL +1
+      nlevel=0
+   15 IF (NLEVEL.NE.0)    GO TO 95
+* *** Special case, first volume
+   20 IF (JVOLUM.EQ.0)    GO TO 920
+c      print *,jvolum
+      IF (IQ(JVOLUM+1).EQ.LNAM(1)) THEN
+         IVO = 1
+      ELSE
+         IF (IQ(JVOLUM-1).LE.1) GO TO 920
+         DO 25 IV=2,IQ(JVOLUM-1)
+            IF (IQ(JVOLUM+IV).EQ.LNAM(1)) THEN
+               IVO = IV
+               GO TO 30
+            ENDIF
+   25    CONTINUE
+         WRITE (CHMAIL, 8000) LNAM(1)
+         CALL GMAIL (0, 0)
+         GO TO 999
+      ENDIF
+   30 NLEVEL = 1
+      GONLY(NLEVEL)  = 1.
+      IF (LQ(JVO).EQ.0) THEN
+         NLDEV(1) = NLVMAX
+      ELSE
+         NLDEV(1) = 1
+      ENDIF
+      IF (IVO.EQ.1) THEN
+         LINDEX(NLEVEL) = 1
+         LINMX (NLEVEL) = 1
+         NLDM = 0
+         IQ(JGPAR+NLEVEL) = Q(JVO+5)
+         LQ(JGPAR-NLEVEL) = JVO + 6
+      ELSE
+         IF (NLDM.GT.0) THEN
+            JVOM = LQ(JVOLUM-LVOLS(NLDM))
+            NIN  = Q(JVOM+3)
+            IF (NIN.LT.0) THEN
+               LINDEX(NLEVEL) = LNUM(1)
+            ELSE
+               LINMX(NLEVEL)  = NIN
+               DO 70 IN = 1, NIN
+                  JIN  = LQ(JVOM-IN)
+                  IF (IFIX(Q(JIN+2)).NE.LVOLUM(1)) GO TO 70
+                  IF (IFIX(Q(JIN+3)).NE.LNUM(1))   GO TO 70
+                  LINDEX(NLEVEL) = IN
+                  GO TO 75
+   70          CONTINUE
+               GO TO 920
+            ENDIF
+   75       JPAR = LQ(LQ(JVOLUM-LVOLS(1)))
+            IF (NLDM.GT.1) THEN
+               DO 76 ILEV = 2, NLDM
+                  IF (IQ(JPAR+1).EQ.0) THEN
+                     JPAR = LQ(JPAR-LINDX(ILEV))
+                     IF (JPAR.EQ.0) GO TO 77
+                  ELSE IF (IQ(JPAR-3).GT.1) THEN
+                     JPAR = LQ(JPAR-LINDX(ILEV))
+                  ELSE
+                     JPAR = LQ(JPAR-1)
+                  ENDIF
+   76          CONTINUE
+            ENDIF
+            IF (NIN.GT.0) THEN
+               JPAR = LQ(JPAR-IN)
+               IF (JPAR.EQ.0) GO TO 77
+            ELSE
+               NDIV = IQ(JPAR+1)
+               LINMX(NLEVEL) = NDIV
+               IF (LINDEX(1).GT.NDIV) THEN
+                  NL1  = 1
+                  NAME = IQ(JVOLUM+LVOLS(NLDM))
+                  GO TO 950
+               ENDIF
+               IF (IQ(JPAR-3).GT.1) THEN
+                  IF (LINDEX(1).GT.0) THEN
+                     JPAR = LQ(JPAR-LINDEX(1))
+                  ELSE
+                     JPAR = LQ(JPAR-1)
+                  ENDIF
+               ELSE
+                  JPAR = LQ(JPAR-1)
+               ENDIF
+            ENDIF
+            IQ(JGPAR+NLEVEL) = IQ(JPAR+5)
+            LQ(JGPAR-NLEVEL) = JPAR + 5
+            GO TO 78
+   77       NPAR = Q(JVO+5)
+            IF (NPAR.EQ.0.AND.NIN.GT.0) THEN
+               IQ(JGPAR+NLEVEL) = Q(JIN+9)
+               LQ(JGPAR-NLEVEL) = JIN+9
+            ELSE
+               IQ(JGPAR+NLEVEL) = NPAR
+               LQ(JGPAR-NLEVEL) = JVO + 6
+            ENDIF
+         ELSE
+            LINDEX(NLEVEL) = 1
+            LINMX(NLEVEL)  = 1
+            IQ(JGPAR+NLEVEL) = Q(JVO+5)
+            LQ(JGPAR-NLEVEL) = JVO + 6
+         ENDIF
+      ENDIF
+      DO 90 I = 1,3
+         GTRAN(I,1) = 0.
+         DO 80 J = 1,3
+            K = (I-1)*3 +J
+            GRMAT(K,1) = 0.
+   80    CONTINUE
+         K = I*4 -3
+         GRMAT(K,1) = 1.
+      GRMAT(10,1) = 0.
+      IF (NLEVL.GT.1) THEN
+         GO TO 100
+      ELSE
+         GO TO 990
+      ENDIF
+* *** Check if there are volumes up in the tree where development
+*           structure exists
+   95 IF (LVOLUM(1).EQ.1.OR.NLDEV(1).EQ.1) THEN
+         NLDM = 0
+      ELSE
+      ENDIF
+*  ** Next level
+      NIN = Q(JVO+3)
+      IF (NIN.EQ.0) GO TO 930
+      NL1 = NLEVEL +1
+      IF (NIN.GT.0) THEN
+*  *     Content obtained by positioning
+         DO 110 IN=1,NIN
+            JIN=LQ(JVO-IN)
+            IVOT=Q(JIN+2)
+            IF (IQ(JVOLUM+IVOT).NE.LNAM(NL1)) GO TO 110
+            INUM = Q(JIN+3)
+            IF (INUM.EQ.LNUM(NL1)) GO TO 115
+  110    CONTINUE
+         GO TO 940
+*           (case with JVOLUM structure locally developed)
+            JPAR = LQ(LQ(JVOLUM-LVOLUM(NLD)))
+            DO 120 ILEV = NLD, NLEVEL
+               IF (IQ(JPAR+1).EQ.0) THEN
+                  IF (ILEV.EQ.NLEVEL) THEN
+                     JPAR = LQ(JPAR-IN)
+                  ELSE
+                     JPAR = LQ(JPAR-LINDEX(ILEV+1))
+                  ENDIF
+                  IF (JPAR.EQ.0) GO TO 125
+               ELSE IF (IQ(JPAR-3).GT.1) THEN
+                  JPAR = LQ(JPAR-LINDEX(ILEV+1))
+               ELSE
+                  JPAR = LQ(JPAR-1)
+               ENDIF
+  120       CONTINUE
+            JPAR = JPAR + 5
+            NPAR = IQ(JPAR)
+            GO TO 130
+         ELSE IF (NLDM.GT.0) THEN
+            JPAR = LQ(LQ(JVOLUM-LVOLS(1)))
+            IF (NLDM.GT.1) THEN
+               DO 121 ILEV = 2, NLDM
+                  IF (IQ(JPAR+1).EQ.0) THEN
+                     JPAR = LQ(JPAR-LINDX(ILEV))
+                     IF (JPAR.EQ.0)   GO TO 125
+                  ELSE IF (IQ(JPAR-3).GT.1) THEN
+                     JPAR = LQ(JPAR-LINDX(ILEV))
+                  ELSE
+                     JPAR = LQ(JPAR-1)
+                  ENDIF
+  121          CONTINUE
+            ENDIF
+            DO 122 ILEV = 1, NL1
+               IF (IQ(JPAR+1).EQ.0) THEN
+                  IF (ILEV.EQ.NL1) THEN
+                     JPAR = LQ(JPAR-IN)
+                  ELSE
+                     JPAR = LQ(JPAR-LINDEX(ILEV))
+                  ENDIF
+                  IF (JPAR.EQ.0) GO TO 125
+               ELSE IF (IQ(JPAR-3).GT.1) THEN
+                  JPAR = LQ(JPAR-LINDEX(ILEV))
+               ELSE
+                  JPAR = LQ(JPAR-1)
+               ENDIF
+  122       CONTINUE
+            JPAR = JPAR + 5
+            NPAR = IQ(JPAR)
+            GO TO 130
+         ENDIF
+*        (normal case)
+  125    JVOT = LQ(JVOLUM-IVOT)
+         NPAR = Q(JVOT+5)
+         IF (NPAR.EQ.0) THEN
+            JPAR = JIN + 9
+            NPAR = Q(JPAR)
+         ELSE
+            JPAR = JVOT + 6
+         ENDIF
+  130    IROTT = Q(JIN+4)
+         NINSK = NIN
+         GONLY(NL1) = Q(JIN+8)
+     +,               GTRAN(1,NL1), GRMAT(1,NL1))
+      ELSE
+*  *     This section for divided objects
+         JDIV = LQ(JVO-1)
+         IVOT = Q(JDIV+2)
+         IF (LNAM(NL1).NE.IQ(JVOLUM+IVOT)) GO TO 960
+         JVOT = LQ(JVOLUM-IVOT)
+*           (case with JVOLUM structure locally developed)
+            JPAR = LQ(LQ(JVOLUM-LVOLUM(NLD)))
+            DO 135 ILEV = NLD, NLEVEL-1
+               IF (IQ(JPAR+1).EQ.0) THEN
+                  JPAR = LQ(JPAR-LINDEX(ILEV+1))
+                  IF (JPAR.EQ.0) GO TO 140
+               ELSE IF (IQ(JPAR-3).GT.1) THEN
+                  JPAR = LQ(JPAR-LINDEX(ILEV+1))
+               ELSE
+                  JPAR = LQ(JPAR-1)
+               ENDIF
+               IF (ILEV.EQ.NLEVEL-1) THEN
+                  NDIV = IQ(JPAR+1)
+                  ORIG =  Q(JPAR+2)
+                  STEP =  Q(JPAR+3)
+               ENDIF
+  135       CONTINUE
+            GO TO 145
+            JPAR = LQ(LQ(JVOLUM-LVOLUM(NLD)))
+         ELSE IF (NLDM.GT.0) THEN
+            JPAR = LQ(LQ(JVOLUM-LVOLS(1)))
+            IF (NLDM.GT.1) THEN
+               DO 136 ILEV = 2, NLDM
+                  IF (IQ(JPAR+1).EQ.0) THEN
+                     JPAR = LQ(JPAR-LINDX(ILEV))
+                     IF (JPAR.EQ.0) GO TO 140
+                  ELSE IF (IQ(JPAR-3).GT.1) THEN
+                     JPAR = LQ(JPAR-LINDX(ILEV))
+                  ELSE
+                     JPAR = LQ(JPAR-1)
+                  ENDIF
+  136          CONTINUE
+            ENDIF
+            DO 137 ILEV = 1, NLEVEL
+               IF (IQ(JPAR+1).EQ.0) THEN
+                  JPAR = LQ(JPAR-LINDEX(ILEV))
+                  IF (JPAR.EQ.0) GO TO 140
+               ELSE IF (IQ(JPAR-3).GT.1) THEN
+                  JPAR = LQ(JPAR-LINDEX(ILEV))
+               ELSE
+                  JPAR = LQ(JPAR-1)
+               ENDIF
+               IF (ILEV.EQ.NLEVEL) THEN
+                  NDIV = IQ(JPAR+1)
+                  ORIG =  Q(JPAR+2)
+                  STEP =  Q(JPAR+3)
+               ENDIF
+  137       CONTINUE
+            GO TO 145
+         ELSE
+            JPAR = 0
+         ENDIF
+*        (normal case)
+  140    NDIV = Q(JDIV+3)
+         ORIG = Q(JDIV+4)
+         STEP = Q(JDIV+5)
+  145    IN   = LNUM(NL1)
+         IF (IN.LT.1.OR.IN.GT.NDIV) THEN
+            NAME = NAMES(NLEVEL)
+            GO TO 950
+         ENDIF
+         IF (JPAR.NE.0) THEN
+            IF (IQ(JPAR-3).GT.1) THEN
+               JPAR = LQ(JPAR-IN)
+            ELSE
+               JPAR = LQ(JPAR-1)
+            ENDIF
+            JPAR = JPAR + 5
+            NPAR = IQ(JPAR)
+         ELSE
+            NPAR = Q(JVOT+5)
+            JPAR = JVOT + 6
+         ENDIF
+         GONLY(NL1) = GONLY(NLEVEL)
+         IAXIS = Q(JDIV+1)
+         ISH   = Q(JVO+2)
+         IDT   = IDTYP(IAXIS,ISH)
+         NINSK = NDIV
+         IF (IDT.EQ.1) THEN
+            DO 151 I = 1, 3
+  151       XC(I) = 0.
+            XC(IAXIS) = ORIG + (IN - 0.5) * STEP
+            IF (ISH.EQ.4.OR.(ISH.EQ.10.AND.IAXIS.NE.1)) THEN
+               CALL GCENT (IAXIS, XC)
+            ENDIF
+            IF (GRMAT(10,NLEVEL).EQ.0.0) THEN
+               DO 152 I = 1, 3
+  152          GTRAN(I,NL1) = GTRAN(I,NLEVEL)+XC(I)
+               DO 153 I = 1, 10
+  153          GRMAT(I,NL1) = GRMAT(I,NLEVEL)
+            ELSE
+               CALL GTRMUL (GTRAN(1,NLEVEL), GRMAT(1,NLEVEL), XC, 0,
+     +                      GTRAN(1,NL1), GRMAT(1,NL1))
+            ENDIF
+         ELSE IF (IDT.EQ.3.OR.IDT.EQ.4) THEN
+            IF (IDT.EQ.3) THEN
+               PH0  = DEGRAD * (ORIG + (IN - 0.5) * STEP)
+               CPHR = COS (PH0)
+               SPHR = SIN (PH0)
+            ELSE
+               PH0  = 0.0
+               CPHR = 1.0
+               SPHR = 0.0
+            ENDIF
+            DO 154 I = 1, 3
+               GTRAN(I  ,NL1) = GTRAN(I  ,NLEVEL)
+               GRMAT(I  ,NL1) = GRMAT(I  ,NLEVEL)*CPHR
+     +                        + GRMAT(I+3,NLEVEL)*SPHR
+               GRMAT(I+3,NL1) = GRMAT(I+3,NLEVEL)*CPHR
+     +                        - GRMAT(I  ,NLEVEL)*SPHR
+               GRMAT(I+6,NL1) = GRMAT(I+6,NLEVEL)
+  154       CONTINUE
+            IF (PH0.EQ.0.0.AND.GRMAT(10,NLEVEL).EQ.0.0) THEN
+               GRMAT(10,NL1) = 0.0
+            ELSE
+               GRMAT(10,NL1) = 1.0
+            ENDIF
+         ELSE
+            DO 155 I = 1, 3
+  155       GTRAN(I,NL1) = GTRAN(I,NLEVEL)
+            DO 156 I = 1, 10
+  156       GRMAT(I,NL1) = GRMAT(I,NLEVEL)
+         ENDIF
+      ENDIF
+  200 LINDEX(NL1) = IN
+      LVOLUM(NL1) = IVOT
+      NAMES(NL1)  = LNAM(NL1)
+      NUMBER(NL1) = LNUM(NL1)
+      LINMX(NL1)  = NINSK
+         NLDEV(NL1) = NLD
+      ELSE
+         NLDEV(NL1) = NL1
+      ENDIF
+      IQ(JGPAR+NL1) = NPAR
+      LQ(JGPAR-NL1) = JPAR
+      NLEVEL = NL1
+      GO TO 100
+* *** Error messages
+  910 IER = 1
+      WRITE (CHMAIL, 1000) NLEV
+      CALL GMAIL (0, 0)
+      GO TO 999
+  920 IER = 2
+      WRITE (CHMAIL, 2000) LNAM(1)
+      CALL GMAIL (0, 0)
+      GO TO 999
+  930 IER = 3
+      CALL GMAIL (0, 0)
+      GO TO 999
+  940 IER = 4
+*      CALL GMAIL (0, 0)
+      GO TO 999
+  950 IER = 5
+      CALL GMAIL (0, 0)
+      GO TO 999
+  960 IER = 6
+      CALL GMAIL (0, 0)
+      GO TO 999
+ 1000 FORMAT (' GLVOLU : called with useless Level # ',I5)
+ 2000 FORMAT (' GLVOLU : Volume ',A4,' not top of tree, or no tree')
+ 3000 FORMAT (' GLVOLU : at Level ',I3,' of ',I3,' there are no',
+     *        ' contents for Volume ',A4)
+ 4000 FORMAT (' GLVOLU : Volume ',A4,' for Level ',I3,
+     *        ' does not exist in Volume ',A4)
+ 5000 FORMAT (' GLVOLU : at Level ',I3,' asked for #',I3,
+     *        ' in divided Volume ',A4,' which has ',I3,' divisions.')
+ 6000 FORMAT (' GLVOLU : at Level ',I3,' user name ',A4,
+     *        ' not equal to name ',A4,' of division.')
+ 8000 FORMAT (' GLVOLU : Volume ',A4,' Level 1 does not exist')
+*                                                             END GLVOLU
+  999 END
diff --git a/ONEEV/h_one_ev_cal.f b/ONEEV/h_one_ev_cal.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..53243d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ONEEV/h_one_ev_cal.f
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+      subroutine h_one_ev_cal
+* $Log: h_one_ev_cal.f,v $
+* Revision 1.3  1996/11/22 15:36:14  saw
+* (SAW) Fix some error messages at startup, some code cleanup
+* Revision 1.2  1996/06/13 13:03:49  saw
+* (SAW) Replace huge list of gsdet/gsdeth calls with do loops over the
+* detector geometry.
+* Revision 1.1  1995/09/18 13:48:10  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'hms_calorimeter.cmn'
+      include 'hms_one_ev.par'
+      integer iset, idet
+      character*4 varinames(3)
+      integer varibits(3)
+      integer calbits(2)
+      real origin(3),factor(3)
+      integer ilayer,iblock
+      character*4 specname
+      character*4 calname(2)
+      data specname /'HMS '/
+      data varinames /'x', 'y', 'z'/
+      data varibits /32, 32, 32/
+      data calbits /4,4/
+      data factor /1e3, 1e3, 1e3/
+      do ilayer=1,hmax_cal_columns
+        write (calname(1),'("LAY",i1)') ilayer
+        do iblock=1,hmax_cal_rows
+          write (calname(2),'("BL",i1,a1)') ilayer, char(ichar('A')+iblock-1)
+          call gsdet(specname,calname(2),2,calname,calbits,
+     $         2,100,100,iset,idet)
+          call gsdeth(specname,calname(2),3,varinames,varibits,origin,factor)
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/ONEEV/h_one_ev_det_reset.f b/ONEEV/h_one_ev_det_reset.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df649d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ONEEV/h_one_ev_det_reset.f
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+      subroutine h_one_ev_det_reset
+* This routine will reset the hit indicators for the detector elements
+* Hall C
+* July 1995  Derek van Westrum (
+* $Log: h_one_ev_det_reset.f,v $
+* Revision 1.2  1995/09/18 13:53:01  cdaq
+* (SAW) Change some include file names
+* Revision 1.1  1995/07/31 15:24:41  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'hms_tracking.cmn'
+      include 'hms_geometry.cmn'
+      include 'hms_calorimeter.cmn'
+      include 'gen_event_info.cmn'
+      include 'hms_one_ev.par'
+      include 'gen_one_ev_gctrak.cmn'
+      include 'gen_one_ev_gckine.cmn'
+      include 'gen_one_ev_gcvolu.cmn'
+      character*5 scinname 
+      character*5 blockname
+      integer istrip
+      integer ihodo
+      integer ilayer
+      integer iblock
+      character*4 wire
+      integer ichamber
+      integer isector
+      integer iwire
+*     First, clear the lower xpaddles
+      do istrip=1,LOWER_HODO_X_PADDLES
+        write (scinname,'(a,a)') 'H1X',char(64 + istrip)
+        call gsatt (scinname,'COLO',1)
+        call gsatt (scinname,'FILL',0)
+      enddo
+*       next, clear the upper x hodoscopes:
+      do istrip=1,UPPER_HODO_X_PADDLES
+        write (scinname,'(a,a)') 'H2X',char(64 + istrip)
+        call gsatt (scinname,'COLO',1)
+        call gsatt (scinname,'FILL',0)
+      enddo
+*       now clear the lower Y hodoscopes:
+      do istrip=1,LOWER_HODO_Y_PADDLES
+        write (scinname,'(a,a)') 'H1Y',char(64 + istrip)
+        call gsatt (scinname,'COLO',1)
+        call gsatt (scinname,'FILL',0)
+      enddo
+*       finally, clear the upper y hodoscopes:
+      do istrip=1,UPPER_HODO_Y_PADDLES
+        write (scinname,'(a,a)') 'H2Y',char(64 + istrip)
+        call gsatt (scinname,'COLO',1)
+        call gsatt (scinname,'FILL',0)
+      enddo
+*  Now clear the shower counter blocks.
+      do ilayer=1,hmax_cal_columns
+        do iblock=1,hmax_cal_rows
+	  write (blockname,'(a,i1,a)') 'BL',ilayer,CHAR(64 + iblock)
+	  call gsatt (blockname,'COLO',1)
+          call gsatt (blockname,'FILL',0)
+        enddo
+      enddo
+*  Now clear the wire chambers...
+*  then the X wires
+      do ichamber=1,2
+        do isector=1,12
+          do iwire = 1,19
+            write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') char(64 + ichamber),'X',
+     $           char(64 + isector),char(64 + iwire)
+            call gsatt (wire,'COLO',1)
+            call gsatt (wire,'SEEN',0)
+            call gsatt (wire,'FILL',0)
+          enddo
+        enddo
+      enddo
+*  then the Y wires
+      do ichamber=1,2
+        do isector=1,4
+          do iwire = 1,26
+            write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') char(64 + ichamber),'Y',
+     $           char(64 + isector),char(64 + iwire)
+            call gsatt (wire,'COLO',1)
+            call gsatt (wire,'SEEN',0)
+            call gsatt (wire,'FILL',0)
+          enddo
+        enddo
+      enddo
+*  first the U wires...
+      do ichamber=1,2
+        do isector=1,6
+          do iwire = 1,18
+            write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') char(64 + ichamber),'U',
+     $           char(64 + isector),char(64 + iwire)
+            call gsatt (wire,'COLO',1)
+            call gsatt (wire,'SEEN',0)
+            call gsatt (wire,'FILL',0)
+          enddo
+        enddo
+      enddo
+*  then the V wires
+      do ichamber=1,2
+        do isector=1,6
+          do iwire = 1,18
+            write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') char(64 + ichamber),'V',
+     $           char(64 + isector),char(64 + iwire)
+            call gsatt (wire,'COLO',1)
+            call gsatt (wire,'SEEN',0)
+            call gsatt (wire,'FILL',0)
+          enddo
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      end
diff --git a/ONEEV/h_one_ev_detectors.f b/ONEEV/h_one_ev_detectors.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4eac925
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ONEEV/h_one_ev_detectors.f
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+      subroutine h_one_ev_detectors
+* Define geant detector sets
+* August, 1994, Pat Welch, Oregon State University,
+* $Log: h_one_ev_detectors.f,v $
+* Revision 1.2  1995/09/18 14:38:33  cdaq
+* (SAW) Remove unneeded declartions
+* Revision 1.1  1995/03/14  21:26:57  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      call h_one_ev_hodo
+      call h_one_ev_cal
+      call h_one_ev_wc
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/ONEEV/h_one_ev_display.f b/ONEEV/h_one_ev_display.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..57d5bb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ONEEV/h_one_ev_display.f
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+      subroutine h_one_ev_display(iview)
+* This routine will store digitized hits for use in the one event display for
+* Hall C
+* August, 1994, Pat Welch, Oregon State University,
+* Modified by Derek van Westrum ( Jul 1995
+* $Log: h_one_ev_display.f,v $
+* Revision 1.5  1996/01/17 16:31:18  cdaq
+* (DVW) Add iview argument, make improvements.
+* Revision 1.4  1995/09/18 14:43:05  cdaq
+* (DVW) Improvements
+* Revision 1.3  1995/09/14 15:18:55  cdaq
+* (??) Updates
+* Revision 1.2  1995/05/22  18:59:09  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts
+* Revision 1.1  1995/03/14  21:26:49  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      integer iview
+      call ixclrwi
+      if (iview.le.1) then
+        call h_one_ev_persp_view        !draw the perspective view
+      elseif (iview.eq.2) then
+        call h_one_ev_topside_view      !draw the two side views
+      elseif ( then
+        call h_one_ev_head_view         !draw the head on view
+      endif
+      end
diff --git a/ONEEV/h_one_ev_generate.f b/ONEEV/h_one_ev_generate.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e746fa4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ONEEV/h_one_ev_generate.f
@@ -0,0 +1,513 @@
+      subroutine h_one_ev_generate
+* $Log: h_one_ev_generate.f,v $
+* Revision 1.2  1996/09/04 20:06:16  saw
+* (SAW) hdc_nrwire already integer, don't nint it.
+* Revision 1.1  1996/01/17 16:35:11  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'hms_tracking.cmn'
+      include 'hms_geometry.cmn'
+      include 'hms_calorimeter.cmn'
+      include 'gen_event_info.cmn'
+      include 'gen_run_info.cmn'
+      include 'hms_one_ev.par'
+      include 'gen_one_ev_gctrak.cmn'
+      include 'gen_one_ev_gckine.cmn'
+      include 'gen_one_ev_gcvolu.cmn'
+      character*4 lnames(0:3)		! volume names
+      integer lnums(0:3)               ! volume numbers or copies
+      real xd(3), xm(3)			! coordinates
+      integer error_code                ! error return code
+      integer chamhit,scinhit,showhit   ! index variables
+      integer wirenum                   ! indicates GEANT wirenumber
+      character*5 wire          !define names and indicies to loop over...
+      character*5 scinname
+      character*4 blockname
+      character*5 layername
+* Reset the detector hit indicators...
+      call h_one_ev_det_reset
+* Clear any previous drawing
+      call iclrwk (0, 0)
+      call gtrigc
+      call gtrigi
+* define some colors for the various wires, and turn shading on 
+      call iscr(1,1,.5,.5,.5)           !make the detectors grey
+      call iscr(1,15,1.,0.7,0.2)        !define an "orange"
+      call iscr(1,13,0.,0.65,0.)        !define a dark green
+      call iscr(1,14,0.,0.,1.)       !define a dark blue
+      call iscr(1,16,0.65,0.,0.65)      !define a dark purple
+      call gdopt ('SHAD','ON')
+* Now loop over all the detector elements "lighting" each one if it has been hit 
+      xd(1) = 0.			! find the center of the detector
+      xd(2) = 0.			! find the center of the detector
+      xd(3) = 0.			! find the center of the detector
+* Start with the wire chambers
+* See the file "" for a description of the numbering of the
+* various detector elements
+      if (HDC_TOT_HITS .GT. 0) then
+        lnames(0) = 'HHUT'
+        lnums(0)  = 1
+        do chamhit = 1, HDC_TOT_HITS
+          if (HDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit) .EQ. 1) then  
+            nlevel = 0			! initial value for # of levels
+            lnames(1) = 'WCHA'		! level one
+            lnums(1)  = 1               ! copy one, higher chamber
+            lnames(2) = 'WAAX'		! X plane
+            lnums(2)  = 1	! copy one
+            wirenum = (hdc_nrwire(HDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit))) + 1
+     &           - HDC_WIRE_NUM(chamhit)
+            if (HDC_WIRE_COUNTING(HDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit)) .EQ. 1)
+     &           wirenum = HDC_WIRE_NUM(chamhit)
+	    if (wirenum .le. 19) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 'AXA',char(64+wirenum)
+	    if ((wirenum .gt. 19) .and. (wirenum .le. 38)) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 
+     $           'AXB',char(64 - 19 + wirenum)
+	    if ((wirenum .gt. 38) .and. (wirenum .le. 57)) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 
+     $           'AXC',char(64 - 38 + wirenum)
+	    if ((wirenum .gt. 57) .and. (wirenum .le. 76)) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 
+     $           'AXD',char(64 - 57 + wirenum)
+	    if ((wirenum .gt. 76) .and. (wirenum .le. 95)) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)')
+     $	         'AXE',char(64 - 76 + wirenum)
+	    if (wirenum .gt. 95) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 'AXF',char(64 - 95 + wirenum)
+	    lnames(3) = wire
+            lnums(3)  = wirenum		! wire number
+            call glvolu (4, lnames, lnums, error_code)
+            call gdtom (xd, xm, 1)      ! transform from detector to MARS
+	    call gsatt (wire,'SEEN',1)
+	    call gsatt (wire,'COLO',13)
+*            call gsahit (1, 4, 1, lnums(1), xm, ihit) ! store the hit
+          elseif (HDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit) .EQ. 2) then
+            nlevel = 0			! initial value for # of levels
+            lnames(1) = 'WCHA'		! level one
+            lnums(1)  = 1               ! copy one, higher chamber
+            lnames(2) = 'WAAY'		! Y plane
+            lnums(2)  = 1               ! copy one
+            wirenum = HDC_WIRE_NUM(chamhit)
+            if (HDC_WIRE_COUNTING(HDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit)) .EQ. 1)
+     &           wirenum = (hdc_nrwire(HDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit)))+1
+     $           -wirenum
+	    if (wirenum .le. 26) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 'AYA',char(64+wirenum)
+	    if (wirenum .gt. 26) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 'AYB',char(64 - 26 + wirenum)
+	    lnames(3) = wire
+            lnums(3)  = wirenum		! wire number
+            call glvolu (4, lnames, lnums, error_code)
+            call gdtom (xd, xm, 1)      ! transform from detector to MARS
+	    call gsatt (wire,'SEEN',1)
+	    call gsatt (wire,'COLO',13)
+*            call gsahit (1, 5, 1, lnums(1), xm, ihit) ! store the hit
+          elseif (HDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit) .EQ. 3) then
+            nlevel = 0			! initial value for # of levels
+            lnames(1) = 'WCHA'		! level one
+            lnums(1)  = 1               ! copy one, higher chamber
+            lnames(2) = 'WAAU'		! U plane
+            lnums(2)  = 1               ! copy one
+            wirenum = (hdc_nrwire(HDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit))) + 1
+     &           - HDC_WIRE_NUM(chamhit)
+            if (HDC_WIRE_COUNTING(HDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit)) .EQ. 1)
+     &           wirenum = HDC_WIRE_NUM(chamhit)
+	    if (wirenum .le. 18) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 'AUA',char(64+wirenum)
+	    if ((wirenum .gt. 18) .and. (wirenum .le. 36)) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 
+     $           'AUB',char(64 - 18 + wirenum)
+	    if ((wirenum .gt. 36) .and. (wirenum .le. 54)) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 
+     $           'AUC',char(64 - 36 + wirenum)
+	    if ((wirenum .gt. 54) .and. (wirenum .le. 72)) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 
+     $           'AUD',char(64 - 54 + wirenum)
+	    if ((wirenum .gt. 72) .and. (wirenum .le. 90)) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)')
+     $	         'AUE',char(64 - 72 + wirenum)
+	    if (wirenum .gt. 90) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 'AUF',char(64 - 90 + wirenum)
+	    lnames(3) = wire
+            lnums(3)  = wirenum		! wire number
+            call glvolu (4, lnames, lnums, error_code)
+            call gdtom (xd, xm, 1)      ! transform from detector to MARS
+	    call gsatt (wire,'SEEN',1)
+	    call gsatt (wire,'COLO',13)
+*            call gsahit (1, 6, 1, lnums(1), xm, ihit) ! store the hit
+          elseif (HDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit) .EQ. 4) then
+            nlevel = 0			! initial value for # of levels
+            lnames(1) = 'WCHA'		! level one
+            lnums(1)  = 1               ! copy one, higher chamber
+            lnames(2) = 'WAAV'		! V plane
+            lnums(2)  = 1               ! copy one
+            wirenum = (hdc_nrwire(HDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit))) + 1
+     &           - HDC_WIRE_NUM(chamhit)
+            if (HDC_WIRE_COUNTING(HDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit)) .EQ. 1)
+     &           wirenum = HDC_WIRE_NUM(chamhit)
+	    if (wirenum .le. 18) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 'AVA',char(64+wirenum)
+	    if ((wirenum .gt. 18) .and. (wirenum .le. 36)) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 
+     $           'AVB',char(64 - 18 + wirenum)
+	    if ((wirenum .gt. 36) .and. (wirenum .le. 54)) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 
+     $           'AVC',char(64 - 36 + wirenum)
+	    if ((wirenum .gt. 54) .and. (wirenum .le. 72)) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 
+     $           'AVD',char(64 - 54 + wirenum)
+	    if ((wirenum .gt. 72) .and. (wirenum .le. 90)) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)')
+     $	         'AVE',char(64 - 72 + wirenum)
+	    if (wirenum .gt. 90) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 'AVF',char(64 - 90 + wirenum)
+	    lnames(3) = wire
+            lnums(3)  = wirenum		! wire number
+            call glvolu (4, lnames, lnums, error_code)
+            call gdtom (xd, xm, 1)      ! transform from detector to MARS
+	    call gsatt (wire,'SEEN',1)
+	    call gsatt (wire,'COLO',13)
+*            call gsahit (1, 7, 1, lnums(1), xm, ihit) ! store the hit
+          elseif (HDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit) .EQ. 5) then
+            nlevel = 0			! initial value for # of levels
+            lnames(1) = 'WCHA'		! level one
+            lnums(1)  = 1               ! copy one, higher chamber
+            lnames(2) = 'WABY'		! Y plane
+            lnums(2)  = 1               ! copy one
+            wirenum = HDC_WIRE_NUM(chamhit)
+            if (HDC_WIRE_COUNTING(HDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit)) .EQ. 1)
+     &           wirenum = (hdc_nrwire(HDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit)))+1
+     $           -wirenum
+	    if (wirenum .le. 26) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 'AYC',char(64+wirenum)
+	    if (wirenum .gt. 26) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 'AYD',char(64 - 26 + wirenum)
+	    lnames(3) = wire
+            lnums(3)  = wirenum		! wire number
+            call glvolu (4, lnames, lnums, error_code)
+            call gdtom (xd, xm, 1)      ! transform from detector to MARS
+	    call gsatt (wire,'SEEN',1)
+	    call gsatt (wire,'COLO',13)
+*            call gsahit (1, 5, 1, lnums(1), xm, ihit) ! store the hit
+          elseif (HDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit) .EQ. 6) then
+            nlevel = 0			! initial value for # of levels
+            lnames(1) = 'WCHA'		! level one
+            lnums(1)  = 1               ! copy one, higher chamber
+            lnames(2) = 'WABX'		! X plane
+            lnums(2)  = 1               ! copy one
+            wirenum = (hdc_nrwire(HDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit))) + 1
+     &           - HDC_WIRE_NUM(chamhit)
+            if (HDC_WIRE_COUNTING(HDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit)) .EQ. 1)
+     &           wirenum = HDC_WIRE_NUM(chamhit)
+	    if (wirenum .le. 19) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 'AXG',char(64+wirenum)
+	    if ((wirenum .gt. 19) .and. (wirenum .le. 38)) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 
+     $           'AXH',char(64 - 19 + wirenum)
+	    if ((wirenum .gt. 38) .and. (wirenum .le. 57)) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 
+     $           'AXI',char(64 - 38 + wirenum)
+	    if ((wirenum .gt. 57) .and. (wirenum .le. 76)) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 
+     $           'AXJ',char(64 - 57 + wirenum)
+	    if ((wirenum .gt. 76) .and. (wirenum .le. 95)) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)')
+     $	         'AXK',char(64 -76 + wirenum)
+	    if (wirenum .gt. 95) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 'AXL',char(64 - 95 + wirenum)
+	    lnames(3) = wire
+            lnums(3)  = wirenum		! wire number
+            call glvolu (4, lnames, lnums, error_code)
+            call gdtom (xd, xm, 1)      ! transform from detector to MARS
+	    call gsatt (wire,'SEEN',1)
+	    call gsatt (wire,'COLO',13)
+*            call gsahit (1, 4, 1, lnums(1), xm, ihit) ! store the hit
+          elseif (HDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit) .EQ. 7) then
+            nlevel = 0			! initial value for # of levels
+            lnames(1) = 'WCHB'		! level one
+            lnums(1)  = 1               ! copy one, higher chamber
+            lnames(2) = 'WBAX'		! X plane
+            lnums(2)  = 1	! copy one
+            wirenum = (hdc_nrwire(HDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit))) + 1
+     &           - HDC_WIRE_NUM(chamhit)
+            if (HDC_WIRE_COUNTING(HDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit)) .EQ. 1)
+     &           wirenum = HDC_WIRE_NUM(chamhit)
+	    if (wirenum .le. 19) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 'BXA',char(64+wirenum)
+	    if ((wirenum .gt. 19) .and. (wirenum .le. 38)) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 
+     $           'BXB',char(64 - 19 + wirenum)
+	    if ((wirenum .gt. 38) .and. (wirenum .le. 57)) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 
+     $           'BXC',char(64 - 38 + wirenum)
+	    if ((wirenum .gt. 57) .and. (wirenum .le. 76)) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 
+     $           'BXD',char(64 - 57 + wirenum)
+	    if ((wirenum .gt. 76) .and. (wirenum .le. 95)) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)')
+     $	         'BXE',char(64 - 76 + wirenum)
+	    if (wirenum .gt. 95) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 'BXF',char(64 - 95 + wirenum)
+	    lnames(3) = wire
+            lnums(3)  = wirenum		! wire number
+            call glvolu (4, lnames, lnums, error_code)
+            call gdtom (xd, xm, 1)      ! transform from detector to MARS
+	    call gsatt (wire,'SEEN',1)
+	    call gsatt (wire,'COLO',15)
+*            call gsahit (1, 4, 1, lnums(1), xm, ihit) ! store the hit
+          elseif (HDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit) .EQ. 8) then
+            nlevel = 0			! initial value for # of levels
+            lnames(1) = 'WCHB'		! level one
+            lnums(1)  = 1               ! copy one, higher chamber
+            lnames(2) = 'WBAY'		! Y plane
+            lnums(2)  = 1               ! copy one
+            wirenum = HDC_WIRE_NUM(chamhit)
+            if (HDC_WIRE_COUNTING(HDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit)) .EQ. 1)
+     &           wirenum = (hdc_nrwire(HDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit)))+1
+     $           -wirenum
+	    if (wirenum .le. 26) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 'BYA',char(64+wirenum)
+	    if (wirenum .gt. 26) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 'BYB',char(64 - 26 + wirenum)
+	    lnames(3) = wire
+            lnums(3)  = wirenum		! wire number
+            call glvolu (4, lnames, lnums, error_code)
+            call gdtom (xd, xm, 1)      ! transform from detector to MARS
+	    call gsatt (wire,'SEEN',1)
+	    call gsatt (wire,'COLO',15)
+*            call gsahit (1, 5, 1, lnums(1), xm, ihit) ! store the hit
+          elseif (HDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit) .EQ. 9) then
+            nlevel = 0			! initial value for # of levels
+            lnames(1) = 'WCHB'		! level one
+            lnums(1)  = 1               ! copy one, higher chamber
+            lnames(2) = 'WBAU'		! U plane
+            lnums(2)  = 1               ! copy one
+            wirenum = (hdc_nrwire(HDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit))) + 1
+     &           - HDC_WIRE_NUM(chamhit)
+            if (HDC_WIRE_COUNTING(HDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit)) .EQ. 1)
+     &           wirenum = HDC_WIRE_NUM(chamhit)
+	    if (wirenum .le. 18) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 'BUA',char(64+wirenum)
+	    if ((wirenum .gt. 18) .and. (wirenum .le. 36)) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 
+     $           'BUB',char(64 -18 + wirenum)
+	    if ((wirenum .gt. 36) .and. (wirenum .le. 54)) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 
+     $           'BUC',char(64 - 36 + wirenum)
+	    if ((wirenum .gt. 54) .and. (wirenum .le. 72)) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 
+     $           'BUD',char(64 - 54 + wirenum)
+	    if ((wirenum .gt. 72) .and. (wirenum .le. 90)) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)')
+     $	         'BUE',char(64 - 72 + wirenum)
+	    if (wirenum .gt. 90) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 'BUF',char(64 - 90 + wirenum)
+	    lnames(3) = wire
+            lnums(3)  = wirenum		! wire number
+            call glvolu (4, lnames, lnums, error_code)
+            call gdtom (xd, xm, 1)      ! transform from detector to MARS
+	    call gsatt (wire,'SEEN',1)
+	    call gsatt (wire,'COLO',15)
+*            call gsahit (1, 6, 1, lnums(1), xm, ihit) ! store the hit
+          elseif (HDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit) .EQ. 10) then
+            nlevel = 0			! initial value for # of levels
+            lnames(1) = 'WCHB'		! level one
+            lnums(1)  = 1               ! copy one, higher chamber
+            lnames(2) = 'WBAV'		! V plane
+            lnums(2)  = 1               ! copy one
+            wirenum = (hdc_nrwire(HDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit))) + 1
+     &           - HDC_WIRE_NUM(chamhit)
+            if (HDC_WIRE_COUNTING(HDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit)) .EQ. 1)
+     &           wirenum = HDC_WIRE_NUM(chamhit)
+	    if (wirenum .le. 18) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 'BVA',char(64+wirenum)
+	    if ((wirenum .gt. 18) .and. (wirenum .le. 36)) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 
+     $           'BVB',char(64 - 18  + wirenum)
+	    if ((wirenum .gt. 36) .and. (wirenum .le. 54)) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 
+     $           'BVC',char(64 - 36 + wirenum)
+	    if ((wirenum .gt. 54) .and. (wirenum .le. 72)) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 
+     $           'BVD',char(64 - 54 + wirenum)
+	    if ((wirenum .gt. 72) .and. (wirenum .le. 90)) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)')
+     $	         'BVE',char(64 - 72 + wirenum)
+	    if (wirenum .gt. 90) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 'BVF',char(64 - 90 + wirenum)
+	    lnames(3) = wire
+            lnums(3)  = wirenum		! wire number
+            call glvolu (4, lnames, lnums, error_code)
+            call gdtom (xd, xm, 1)      ! transform from detector to MARS
+	    call gsatt (wire,'SEEN',1)
+	    call gsatt (wire,'COLO',15)
+*            call gsahit (1, 7, 1, lnums(1), xm, ihit) ! store the hit
+          elseif (HDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit) .EQ. 11) then
+            nlevel = 0			! initial value for # of levels
+            lnames(1) = 'WCHB'		! level one
+            lnums(1)  = 1               ! copy one, higher chamber
+            lnames(2) = 'WBBY'		! Y plane
+            lnums(2)  = 1               ! copy one
+            wirenum = HDC_WIRE_NUM(chamhit)
+            if (HDC_WIRE_COUNTING(HDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit)) .EQ. 1)
+     &           wirenum = (hdc_nrwire(HDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit)))+1
+     $           -wirenum
+	    if (wirenum .le. 26) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 'BYC',char(64+wirenum)
+	    if (wirenum .gt. 26) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 'BYD',char(64 - 26 + wirenum)
+	    lnames(3) = wire
+            lnums(3)  = wirenum		! wire number
+            call glvolu (4, lnames, lnums, error_code)
+            call gdtom (xd, xm, 1)      ! transform from detector to MARS
+	    call gsatt (wire,'SEEN',1)
+	    call gsatt (wire,'COLO',15)
+*            call gsahit (1, 5, 1, lnums(1), xm, ihit) ! store the hit
+          elseif (HDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit) .EQ. 12) then
+            nlevel = 0			! initial value for # of levels
+            lnames(1) = 'WCHB'		! level one
+            lnums(1)  = 1               ! copy one, higher chamber
+            lnames(2) = 'WBBX'		! X plane
+            lnums(2)  = 1               ! copy one
+            wirenum = (hdc_nrwire(HDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit))) + 1
+     &           - HDC_WIRE_NUM(chamhit)
+            if (HDC_WIRE_COUNTING(HDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit)) .EQ. 1)
+     &           wirenum = HDC_WIRE_NUM(chamhit)
+	    if (wirenum .le. 19) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 'BXG',char(64+wirenum)
+	    if ((wirenum .gt. 19) .and. (wirenum .le. 38)) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 
+     $           'BXH',char(64 -19 + wirenum)
+	    if ((wirenum .gt. 38) .and. (wirenum .le. 57)) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 
+     $           'BXI',char(64 - 38 + wirenum)
+	    if ((wirenum .gt. 57) .and. (wirenum .le. 76)) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 
+     $           'BXJ',char(64 - 57 + wirenum)
+	    if ((wirenum .gt. 76) .and. (wirenum .le. 95)) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)')
+     $	         'BXK',char(64 - 76 + wirenum)
+	    if (wirenum .gt. 95) write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 'BXL',char(64 - 95 + wirenum)
+	    lnames(3) = wire
+            lnums(3)  = wirenum		! wire number
+            call glvolu (4, lnames, lnums, error_code)
+            call gdtom (xd, xm, 1)      ! transform from detector to MARS
+	    call gsatt (wire,'SEEN',1)
+	    call gsatt (wire,'COLO',15)
+*            call gsahit (1, 4, 1, lnums(1), xm, ihit) ! store the hit
+          endif
+	enddo
+      endif
+* Take a look at the hodoscopes
+* See the file "" for a description of the numbering of the
+* various detector elements
+      if (HSCIN_TOT_HITS .GT. 0) then
+        lnames(0) = 'HHUT'              ! relative to the hut
+        lnums(0)  = 1                   ! copy 1
+        do scinhit = 1, HSCIN_TOT_HITS
+* First the lower X
+          if (HSCIN_PLANE_NUM(scinhit) .EQ. 1) then
+            nlevel = 0			! initial value for # of levels
+            lnames(1) = 'HOD1'		! level one
+            lnums(1)  = 1               ! copy one, lower hodo
+            lnames(2) = 'HDX1'		! X strips
+            lnums(2)  = 1               ! copy one
+	    write (scinname,'(a,a)') 'H1X',char(64 + HSCIN_COUNTER_NUM(scinhit))
+            lnames(3) = scinname		! X strips
+            lnums(3)  = HSCIN_COUNTER_NUM(scinhit) ! X strip number
+            call glvolu (4, lnames, lnums, error_code)
+            call gdtom (xd, xm, 1)      ! transform from detector to MARS
+*            call gsahit (1, 2, 1, lnums(1), xm, ihit) ! store the hit
+	    call gsatt (scinname,'COLO',4)   !change the color of the it element
+	    call gsatt (scinname,'FILL',5)
+	    call gsatt (scinname,'LWID',1)
+* now the upper X
+          elseif (HSCIN_PLANE_NUM(scinhit) .EQ. 3) then
+            nlevel = 0			! initial value for # of levels
+            lnames(1) = 'HOD2'		! level one
+            lnums(1)  = 2               ! copy two, upper hodo
+            lnames(2) = 'HDX2'		! X strips
+            lnums(2)  = 1               ! copy one
+	    write (scinname,'(a,a)') 'H2X',char(64 + HSCIN_COUNTER_NUM(scinhit))
+	    lnames(3) = scinname
+            lnums(3)  = HSCIN_COUNTER_NUM(scinhit) ! X strip number
+            call glvolu (4, lnames, lnums, error_code)
+            call gdtom (xd, xm, 1)      ! transform from detector 
+*            call gsahit (1, 2, 1, lnums(1), xm, ihit) ! store the hit
+	    call gsatt (scinname,'COLO',4)   !change the color of the it element
+	    call gsatt (scinname,'FILL',5)
+	    call gsatt (scinname,'LWID',1)
+* now the lower Y
+          elseif (HSCIN_PLANE_NUM(scinhit) .EQ. 2) then
+            nlevel = 0			! initial value for # of levels
+	    lnames(1) = 'HOD1'
+            lnums(1)  = 1               ! copy one, lower hodo
+            lnames(2) = 'HDY1'		! Y strips
+            lnums(2)  = 1               ! copy one
+	    write (scinname,'(a,a)') 'H1Y',char(64 + HSCIN_COUNTER_NUM(scinhit))
+            lnames(3) = scinname          ! Y strips
+            lnums(3)  = HSCIN_COUNTER_NUM(scinhit) ! Y strip number
+            call glvolu (4, lnames, lnums, error_code)
+            call gdtom (xd, xm, 1)      ! transform from detector to MARS
+*            call gsahit (1, 3, 1, lnums(1), xm, ihit) ! store the hit
+	    call gsatt (scinname,'COLO',4)   !change the color of the it element
+	    call gsatt (scinname,'FILL',5)
+	    call gsatt (scinname,'LWID',1)
+* now the upper Y
+          elseif (HSCIN_PLANE_NUM(scinhit) .EQ. 4) then
+            nlevel = 0                  ! initial value for # of levels
+	    lnames(1) = 'HOD2'
+            lnums(1)  = 1               ! copy two, upper hodo
+            lnames(2) = 'HDY2'          ! Y strips
+            lnums(2)  = 1               ! copy one
+	    write (scinname,'(a,a)') 'H2Y',char(64 + HSCIN_COUNTER_NUM(scinhit))
+            lnames(3) = scinname          ! Y strips
+            lnums(3)  = HSCIN_COUNTER_NUM(scinhit) ! Y strip number
+            call glvolu (4, lnames, lnums, error_code)
+            call gdtom (xd, xm, 1)      ! transform from detector to MARS
+*            call gsahit (1, 3, 1, lnums(1), xm, ihit) ! store the hit
+	    call gsatt (scinname,'COLO',4)   !change the color of the it element
+	    call gsatt (scinname,'FILL',5)
+	    call gsatt (scinname,'LWID',1)
+          endif
+        enddo
+      endif
+* Now take care of the shower detector
+* See the file "" for a description of the numbering of the
+* various detector elements
+      lnames(0) = 'HHUT'
+      lnums(0) = 1
+      if (HCAL_NUM_HITS .GE. 0) then
+        do showhit = 1, hcal_num_hits
+          nlevel = 0
+          lnames(1) = 'SHOW'            ! shower detector
+          lnums(1)  = 4
+          write (layername,'(a,i1)') 'LAY',hcal_cols(showhit)
+          lnames(2) = layername         ! x subdivisions
+          lnums(2) = 13
+          lnums(3) = 1
+          write (blockname,'(a,i1,a)') 'BL',hcal_cols(showhit),
+     $         char(64 + hcal_rows(showhit))
+          lnames(3) = blockname
+          call glvolu(4, lnames, lnums, error_code)
+          call gdtom (xd, xm, 1)        ! transform from det to MARS
+*     call gsahit (1, 1, 1, lnums(2), xm, ihit) ! store the hit
+          call gsatt (blockname,'COLO',4) !change the color of the it element
+          call gsatt (blockname,'FILL',5)
+          call gsatt (blockname,'LWID',2)
+        enddo
+      endif
+      end
diff --git a/ONEEV/h_one_ev_geometry.f b/ONEEV/h_one_ev_geometry.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..86680ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ONEEV/h_one_ev_geometry.f
@@ -0,0 +1,441 @@
+      subroutine h_one_ev_geometry
+* This routine will get the detector position and size information from CTP,
+* then use this information for defining the different GEANT geometry structures
+* August, 1994, Pat Welch, Oregon State University,
+* Note: Subdivided volumes won't work for doing coordinate transforms.  Or
+*	at least I didn't see a method around them.  So I have defined all
+*	the subvolumes explicitly. (TPW)
+* $Log: h_one_ev_geometry.f,v $
+* Revision 1.8  1996/11/22 15:36:37  saw
+* (SAW) Some code cleanup
+* Revision 1.7  1996/04/30 14:09:54  saw
+* (JRA) Some new code
+* Revision 1.6  1996/01/17 16:35:37  cdaq
+* (DVW) Tweak hodoscale
+* Revision 1.5  1995/10/06 18:39:36  cdaq
+* (DVW) Changed to ctp geometry variables and eliminated call to h_one_ev.par.
+* Revision 1.4  1995/09/18 14:35:22  cdaq
+* (DVW) Improvements
+* Revision 1.3  1995/05/22  18:58:03  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts
+* Revision 1.2  1995/01/27  19:31:37  cdaq
+* (SAW) Change file names to be hms specific.
+c Revision 1.1  1995/01/10  18:43:44  cdaq
+c Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'hms_geometry.cmn'
+      include 'hms_calorimeter.cmn'
+      include 'hms_scin_parms.cmn'
+      real*4    HHUT_WIDTH,HHUT_HEIGHT
+      parameter (HHUT_WIDTH = 100.)     ! full width of the det. hut
+      parameter (HHUT_HEIGHT = 800.)    ! full height of the det. hut
+      integer HHUTMEDIA                 ! non-sensitive tracking media
+      integer DETMEDIA                  ! sensitive tracking media
+      parameter (HHUTMEDIA = 1, DETMEDIA = 2)
+      real*4 hodoscale
+      parameter (hodoscale = 2.)
+      real*4 wcscale
+      parameter (wcscale = 1.)
+      real*4 xwirelength
+      real*4 ywirelength
+      real*4 uwirelength
+      real*4 vwirelength
+      real*4 numxwires           ! add 1 to the number of x, u, and v wires
+      real*4 numywires           ! for ease in looping over the wires...
+      real*4 numuwires
+      real*4 numvwires
+      character*5 scinname       
+      character*5 layername
+      character*5 planename
+      character*5 plane
+      character*5 wire
+      character*5 blockname
+      integer isector
+      integer iplane
+      integer iwire
+      integer ichamber
+      integer ilayer
+      integer irow
+      integer ivolu			! internal volume number
+      real par(10)			! geometry parameters
+      real x, y, z			! offset position for placement of dets
+      integer i                         ! index variable
+      real wspace                       ! Wire spacing temp variable
+      real*4 raddeg
+      parameter (raddeg = 3.14159265/180.)
+* First define two general media that everything is made of
+* one is insensitive, and the other is sensitive
+      call gstmed (HHUTMEDIA, 'air', 15, 0, 0,0.,20.,1.,0.5,1.,1.,0,0)
+      call gstmed (DETMEDIA, 'det', 15, 1, 0,0.,20.,1.,0.5,1.,1.,0,0)
+* Now define the mother volume that the detectors sit in
+      par(1) = HHUT_WIDTH / 2.          ! half width in x of mother volume
+      par(2) = HHUT_WIDTH / 2.          ! half width in y of mother volume
+      par(3) = HHUT_HEIGHT / 2.         ! half height in z of mother volume
+      call g_ugsvolu ('HHUT', 'BOX ', HHUTMEDIA, par, 3, ivolu)
+      call gsatt ('HHUT', 'SEEN', 0)	! can't see the hut
+* Get the number of wires from the ctp file, and add one to the x, u, and v for
+* ease in looping over the wires
+* See the file "" for a description of the numbering of the
+* various detector elements
+      numxwires = hdc_nrwire(1) + 1.
+      numywires = hdc_nrwire(2)
+      numuwires = hdc_nrwire(3) + 1.
+      numvwires = hdc_nrwire(4) + 1.
+      xwirelength = numywires*hdc_pitch(2)
+      ywirelength = numxwires * hdc_pitch(1)
+      uwirelength = xwirelength / SIN(hdc_alpha_angle(3))
+      vwirelength = xwirelength / SIN(hdc_alpha_angle(4))
+* Now define the wire chambers as a collection of 6 planes
+      par(1) = numxwires*hdc_pitch(1)/ 2. ! half width of chamber planes
+      par(2) = numywires*hdc_pitch(2)/ 2. ! half width of chamber planes
+      par(3) = wcscale * (hdc_zpos(2) - hdc_zpos(1))/ 2. 
+      do ichamber = 1,2
+         do iplane = 1,2
+            write(planename,'(a,a,a,a)') "W",char(64+ichamber),char(64+iplane),"X"
+            call g_ugsvolu (planename, 'BOX ', DETMEDIA, par, 3, ivolu) 
+            write(planename,'(a,a,a,a)') "W",char(64+ichamber),char(64+iplane),"Y"
+            call g_ugsvolu (planename, 'BOX ', DETMEDIA, par, 3, ivolu) 
+            write(planename,'(a,a,a,a)') "W",char(64+ichamber),char(64+iplane),"U"
+            call g_ugsvolu (planename, 'BOX ', DETMEDIA, par, 3, ivolu) 
+            write(planename,'(a,a,a,a)') "W",char(64+ichamber),char(64+iplane),"V"
+            call g_ugsvolu (planename, 'BOX ', DETMEDIA, par, 3, ivolu) 
+         enddo
+      enddo
+* make a volumes for 6 planes
+      par(3) = wcscale * (6./5. * (hdc_zpos(6) - hdc_zpos(1))) / 2.
+      call g_ugsvolu ('WCHA', 'BOX ', DETMEDIA, par, 3, ivolu) ! Wire chamber
+      call g_ugsvolu ('WCHB', 'BOX ', DETMEDIA, par, 3, ivolu) ! Wire chamber
+* Now place the planes within the wire chamber, start with X
+      z = -(5. / 2.) * (hdc_zpos(2) -hdc_zpos(1))
+      call gspos ('WAAX', 1, 'WCHA', 0., 0., z, 0, 'ONLY') ! X plane
+      z =  (5. / 2.) * (hdc_zpos(2) -hdc_zpos(1))
+      call gspos ('WABX', 1, 'WCHA', 0., 0., z, 0, 'ONLY') ! X plane
+      z = -(5. / 2.) * (hdc_zpos(2) -hdc_zpos(1))
+      call gspos ('WBAX', 1, 'WCHB', 0., 0., z, 0, 'ONLY') ! X plane
+      z =  (5. / 2.) * (hdc_zpos(2) -hdc_zpos(1))
+      call gspos ('WBBX', 1, 'WCHB', 0., 0., z, 0, 'ONLY') ! X plane
+* Now place the planes within the wire chamber, now the Y's
+      z = -(3. / 2.) * (hdc_zpos(2) -hdc_zpos(1))
+      call gspos ('WAAY', 1, 'WCHA', 0., 0., z, 0, 'ONLY') ! Y plane
+      z =  (3. / 2.) * (hdc_zpos(2) -hdc_zpos(1))
+      call gspos ('WABY', 1, 'WCHA', 0., 0., z, 0, 'ONLY') ! Y plane
+      z = -(3. / 2.) * (hdc_zpos(2) -hdc_zpos(1))
+      call gspos ('WBAY', 1, 'WCHB', 0., 0., z, 0, 'ONLY') ! Y plane
+      z =  (3. / 2.) * (hdc_zpos(2) -hdc_zpos(1))
+      call gspos ('WBBY', 1, 'WCHB', 0., 0., z, 0, 'ONLY') ! Y plane
+* Now place the planes within the wire chamber, now the U's
+      z = -(1. / 2.) * (hdc_zpos(2) -hdc_zpos(1))
+      call gspos ('WAAU', 1, 'WCHA', 0., 0., z, 0, 'ONLY') ! U plane
+      z = -(1. / 2.) * (hdc_zpos(2) -hdc_zpos(1))
+      call gspos ('WBAU', 1, 'WCHB', 0., 0., z, 0, 'ONLY') ! U plane
+* Now place the planes within the wire chamber, now the V's
+      z =  (1. / 2.) * (hdc_zpos(2) -hdc_zpos(1))
+      call gspos ('WAAV', 1, 'WCHA', 0., 0., z, 0, 'ONLY') ! V plane
+      z =  (1. / 2.) * (hdc_zpos(2) -hdc_zpos(1))
+      call gspos ('WBAV', 1, 'WCHB', 0., 0., z, 0, 'ONLY') ! V plane
+* Now place the wire chambers in the mother volume
+      x = hdc_xcenter(1)
+      y = - hdc_ycenter(1)
+      z = hdc_1_zpos
+      call gspos ('WCHA', 1, 'HHUT', x, y, z, 0, 'ONLY') ! upper chamber
+      x = hdc_xcenter(2)
+      y = - hdc_ycenter(2)
+       z = hdc_2_zpos
+      call gspos ('WCHB', 1, 'HHUT', x, y, z, 0, 'ONLY') ! bottom chamber
+* Define the individual wire cells
+* See the file "" for a description of the numbering of the
+* various detector elements
+      par(1) = hdc_pitch(1) / 2./1000.        ! make the cells "wire" thin
+      par(2) = xwirelength/ 2. ! half width of chamber planes
+      par(3) = (hdc_zpos(2) - hdc_zpos(1))/ 2. /1000. ! half width of chamber planes
+      wspace = hdc_pitch(1)
+* Now position the X wires plane by plane
+      do ichamber=1,2
+        iplane = 1
+        x = - (numxwires) /2. * wspace
+        do isector=1,12
+          if (isector.eq.7)  then
+            iplane = 2
+            x = - (numxwires) /2. * wspace
+          endif
+          write (plane,'(a,a,a,a)') 'W',char(64+ichamber),char(64+iplane),'X'
+          do iwire=1,19
+            x = x + wspace
+            write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') char(64+ichamber),"X",
+     $           char(64 + isector),char(64 + iwire)
+            call g_ugsvolu (wire, 'BOX ', DETMEDIA, par, 3, ivolu) ! X cell
+            call gsatt (wire, 'SEEN', 0) ! can't see the wire cells
+            call gspos (wire, 1, plane, x, 0., 0., 0, 'ONLY')
+          enddo
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      par(1) = ywirelength/ 2. ! half width of chamber planes
+      par(2) = hdc_pitch(2) / 2. / 1000.       ! half width of cell
+      par(3) = (hdc_zpos(3) - hdc_zpos(2))/ 2./1000. ! half width of chamber planes
+      wspace = hdc_pitch(2)
+* Now position the Y wires plane by plane
+      do ichamber=1,2
+        iplane = 1
+        y = -(numywires + 1.) / 2. * wspace
+        do isector=1,4
+          if(isector.eq.3) then
+            iplane = 2
+            y = -(numywires + 1.) / 2. * wspace
+          endif
+          write (plane,'(a,a,a,a)') 'W',char(64+ichamber),char(64+iplane),'Y'
+          do iwire=1,26
+            y = y + wspace
+            write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') char(64+ichamber),"Y",
+     $           char(64 + isector),char(64 + iwire)
+            call g_ugsvolu (wire, 'BOX ', DETMEDIA, par, 3, ivolu) ! Y cell
+            call gsatt (wire, 'SEEN', 0) ! can't see the wire cells
+            call gspos (wire, 1, plane, 0., y, 0., 0, 'ONLY')
+          enddo
+         enddo
+      enddo
+      par(1) = hdc_pitch(1) / 2./1000.        ! make the cells "wire" thin
+      par(2) = uwirelength/2.
+      par(3) = (hdc_zpos(2) - hdc_zpos(1))/ 2. /1000. ! half width of chamber planes
+      wspace = hdc_pitch(3) / SIN (hdc_alpha_angle(3))
+* Now position the U wires plane by plane...
+      do ichamber=1,2
+        x = -(numuwires) / 2. * wspace
+        write (plane,'(a,a,a)') "W",char(64+ichamber),"AU"
+        do isector=1,6
+          do iwire=1,18
+            x = x + wspace
+            write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') char(64+ichamber),"U",
+     $           char(64 + isector),char(64 + iwire)
+            call g_ugsvolu (wire, 'BOX ', DETMEDIA, par, 3, ivolu) ! U cell
+            call gsatt (wire, 'SEEN', 0) ! can't see the wire cells
+            call gspos (wire, 1, plane, x, 0.0 , 0., 4, 'ONLY')
+          enddo
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      par(1) = hdc_pitch(1) / 2./1000.        ! make the cells "wire" thin
+      par(2) = vwirelength/2.
+      par(3) = (hdc_zpos(2) - hdc_zpos(1))/ 2. /1000. ! half width of chamber planes
+      wspace = hdc_pitch(4) / SIN (hdc_alpha_angle(4))
+* Now position the V wires plane by plane...
+      do ichamber=1,2
+        x = - (numvwires) / 2. * wspace
+        write (plane,'(a,a,a)') "W",char(64+ichamber),"AV"
+        do isector=1,6
+          do iwire=1,18
+            x = x + wspace
+            write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') char(64+ichamber),"V",
+     $           char(64 + isector),char(64 + iwire)
+            call g_ugsvolu (wire, 'BOX ', DETMEDIA, par, 3, ivolu) ! V cell
+            call gsatt (wire, 'SEEN', 0) ! can't see the wire cells
+            call gspos (wire, 1, plane, x, 0., 0., 3, 'ONLY')
+          enddo
+        enddo
+      enddo
+* Now define the hodoscope layers
+* See the file "" for a description of the numbering of the
+* various detector elements
+      par(1) = hscin_1x_size * hscin_1x_nr / 2.    ! half width of X strips
+      par(2) = hscin_1y_size * hscin_1y_nr / 2.    ! half width of Y strips
+      par(3) = hscin_1x_dzpos * hodoscale / 2. !half thickness of hodoscope in z
+      call g_ugsvolu ('HDX1', 'BOX ', DETMEDIA, par, 3, ivolu) ! X plane hodo
+      call g_ugsvolu ('HDY1', 'BOX ', DETMEDIA, par, 3, ivolu) ! Y plane hodo
+      call gsatt ('HDX1', 'SEEN', 0)   ! can't see the hodo box
+      call gsatt ('HDY1', 'SEEN', 0)   ! can't see the hodo box
+      par(1) = hscin_2x_size * hscin_2x_nr / 2.    ! half width of X strips
+      par(2) = hscin_2y_size * hscin_2y_nr / 2.    ! half width of Y strips
+      par(3) = hscin_2x_dzpos * hodoscale / 2. !half thickness of hodoscope in z
+      call g_ugsvolu ('HDX2', 'BOX ', DETMEDIA, par, 3, ivolu) ! X plane hodo
+      call g_ugsvolu ('HDY2', 'BOX ', DETMEDIA, par, 3, ivolu) ! Y plane hodo
+      call gsatt ('HDX2', 'SEEN', 0)   ! can't see the hodo box
+      call gsatt ('HDY2', 'SEEN', 0)   ! can't see the hodo box
+! box for front hodos
+      par(1) = hscin_1x_size * hscin_1x_nr / 2.
+      par(2) = hscin_1y_size * hscin_1y_nr / 2.
+      par(3) = hscin_1x_dzpos*hodoscale + (hscin_1y_zpos-hscin_1x_zpos)/2.
+      call g_ugsvolu ('HOD1', 'BOX ', DETMEDIA, par, 3, ivolu) ! hodoscope box
+      call gsatt ('HOD1', 'SEEN', 0)	! can't see the hodo box
+*                                         added by Derek
+! box for back hodos
+      par(1) = hscin_2x_size * hscin_2x_nr / 2.
+      par(2) = hscin_2y_size * hscin_2y_nr / 2.
+      par(3) = hscin_2x_dzpos*hodoscale + (hscin_2y_zpos-hscin_2x_zpos)/2.
+      call g_ugsvolu ('HOD2', 'BOX ', DETMEDIA, par, 3, ivolu) ! hodoscope box
+      call gsatt ('HOD2', 'SEEN', 0)	! can't see the hodo box
+      x = -hscin_1x_offset
+      y = hscin_1y_offset
+      z = hscin_1x_zpos
+      call gspos ('HOD1', 1, 'HHUT', x, y, z, 0, 'ONLY') ! lower hodo
+      x = -hscin_2x_offset
+      y = hscin_2y_offset
+      z = hscin_2x_zpos
+      call gspos ('HOD2', 1, 'HHUT', x, y, z, 0, 'ONLY') ! upper hodo
+      z= -(hscin_1x_dzpos*hodoscale + (hscin_1y_zpos-hscin_1x_zpos))/2.
+      call gspos ('HDX1', 1, 'HOD1', 0., 0., z, 0, 'ONLY') ! X plane
+      call gspos ('HDY1', 1, 'HOD1', 0., 0., -z, 0, 'ONLY') ! Y plane
+      z= -(hscin_2x_dzpos*hodoscale + (hscin_2y_zpos-hscin_2x_zpos))/2.
+      call gspos ('HDX2', 1, 'HOD2', 0., 0., z, 0, 'ONLY') ! X plane
+      call gspos ('HDY2', 1, 'HOD2', 0., 0., -z, 0, 'ONLY') ! Y plane
+* Now define the strips for the hodoscopes
+      x = (hscin_1x_nr + 1.) * hscin_1x_size / 2. ! starting loci
+      do i = 1, hscin_1x_nr
+         x = x - hscin_1x_size
+         write (scinname,'(a,a)') "H1X",char(64 + i)
+         par(1) = hscin_1x_size / 2.  !half width of X strips
+         par(2) = hscin_1y_size * hscin_1y_nr / 2.
+         par(3) = hscin_1x_dzpos * hodoscale / 2.
+         call g_ugsvolu (scinname, 'BOX ', DETMEDIA, par, 3, ivolu)
+         call gspos (scinname, 1, 'HDX1', x, 0., 0., 0, 'ONLY')
+      enddo
+      y = (hscin_1y_nr + 1.) * hscin_1y_size / 2. ! starting loci
+      do i = 1, hscin_1y_nr
+         y = y - hscin_1y_size
+         write (scinname,'(a,a)') "H1Y",char(64 + i)
+         par(1) = hscin_1x_size * hscin_1x_nr / 2.
+         par(2) = hscin_1y_size / 2.  !half width of X strips
+         par(3) = hscin_1y_dzpos * hodoscale / 2.
+         call g_ugsvolu (scinname, 'BOX ', DETMEDIA, par, 3, ivolu)
+         call gspos (scinname, 1, 'HDY1', 0., y, 0., 0, 'ONLY')
+      enddo
+      x = (hscin_2x_nr + 1.) * hscin_2x_size / 2. ! starting loci
+      do i = 1, hscin_2x_nr
+         x = x - hscin_2x_size
+         write (scinname,'(a,a)') "H2X",char(64 + i)
+         par(1) = hscin_2x_size / 2.  !half width of X strips
+         par(2) = hscin_2y_size * hscin_2y_nr / 2.
+         par(3) = hscin_2x_dzpos * hodoscale / 2.
+         call g_ugsvolu (scinname, 'BOX ', DETMEDIA, par, 3, ivolu)
+         call gspos (scinname, 1, 'HDX2', x, 0., 0., 0, 'ONLY')
+      enddo
+      y = (hscin_2y_nr + 1.) * hscin_2y_size / 2. ! starting loci
+      do i = 1, hscin_2y_nr
+         y = y - hscin_2y_size
+         write (scinname,'(a,a)') "H2Y",char(64 + i)
+         par(1) = hscin_2x_size * hscin_2x_nr / 2.
+         par(2) = hscin_2y_size / 2.  !half width of X strips
+         par(3) = hscin_2y_dzpos * hodoscale / 2.
+         call g_ugsvolu (scinname, 'BOX ', DETMEDIA, par, 3, ivolu)
+         call gspos (scinname, 1, 'HDY2', 0., y, 0., 0, 'ONLY')
+      enddo
+* Now define the shower detector
+* See the file "" for a description of the numbering of the
+* various detector elements
+! half width of the shower in x
+      par(1) = hmax_cal_rows * hcal_block_zsize / 2.
+! half width of the shower in y
+      par(2) = hcal_block_ysize / 2.
+! half height of the shower detector
+      par(3) = hmax_cal_columns * hcal_block_xsize / 2.
+      call g_ugsvolu ('SHOW', 'BOX ', DETMEDIA, par, 3, ivolu)
+!for the x offset, we take the center of the top and bottom blocks
+!This assumes that all the blocks are
+!the same heighth and width as scal_1pr
+      x = -(hcal_block_xc(1) + hcal_block_xc(hmax_cal_rows))/2
+      y = hcal_block_yc(1)
+      z = hcal_1pr_zpos + hmax_cal_columns*hcal_block_xsize/2.
+      call gspos ('SHOW', 1, 'HHUT', x, y, z, 0, 'ONLY')
+      call gsatt ('SHOW', 'SEEN',0)
+      par(1) = hmax_cal_rows * hcal_block_zsize / 2. ! half width of shower in x
+      par(2) = hcal_block_ysize / 2.    ! half width of the shower in y
+      par(3) = hcal_block_xsize / 2.    ! half height of the shower detector
+      z = -(hmax_cal_columns + 1.) / 2. * hcal_block_xsize
+      do ilayer = 1,hmax_cal_columns
+        z = z + hcal_block_xsize
+        write (layername,'(a,i1)') 'LAY',ilayer
+        par(1) = hmax_cal_rows * hcal_block_zsize / 2.
+        call g_ugsvolu (layername, 'BOX ', DETMEDIA, par, 3, ivolu)
+        call gspos(layername, 1, 'SHOW', 0., 0., z, 0, 'ONLY')
+        par(1) = hcal_block_zsize / 2.  ! half width of a block
+        x = (hmax_cal_rows - 1.) / 2. * hcal_block_zsize
+        do irow = 1, hmax_cal_rows
+          write (blockname,'(a,i1,a)') 'BL',ilayer,char(64 + irow)
+          call g_ugsvolu (blockname, 'BOX ', DETMEDIA, par, 3, ivolu)
+          call gspos(blockname,1,layername, x, 0., 0., 0, 'ONLY')
+          x = x - hcal_block_zsize
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      end
diff --git a/ONEEV/h_one_ev_head_view.f b/ONEEV/h_one_ev_head_view.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef4a3cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ONEEV/h_one_ev_head_view.f
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+      subroutine h_one_ev_head_view
+* $Log: h_one_ev_head_view.f,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1995/09/18 14:43:31  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'hms_tracking.cmn'
+      include 'hms_geometry.cmn'
+      include 'hms_calorimeter.cmn'
+      include 'gen_event_info.cmn'
+      include 'hms_one_ev.par'
+      include 'gen_one_ev_gctrak.cmn'
+      include 'gen_one_ev_gckine.cmn'
+      include 'gen_one_ev_gcvolu.cmn'
+      character*5 scinname 
+      integer iscin
+      character*4 blockname
+      character*5 layername
+      integer ilayer
+      integer irow
+      call gdopen (5)
+*     first, get all the background junk out of the picture...
+      call gsatt ('HDX1','SEEN',0)
+      call gsatt ('HDX2','SEEN',0)
+      call gsatt ('HDY1','SEEN',0)
+      call gsatt ('HDY2','SEEN',0)
+      call gsatt ('SHOW','SEEN',0)
+      do iscin=1,LOWER_HODO_X_PADDLES
+         write(scinname,'(a,a)') 'H1X',char(64 + iscin)
+         call gsatt (scinname,'SEEN',0)
+      enddo
+      do iscin=1,LOWER_HODO_Y_PADDLES
+         write(scinname,'(a,a)') 'H1Y',char(64 + iscin)
+         call gsatt (scinname,'SEEN',0)
+      enddo
+      do iscin=1,UPPER_HODO_X_PADDLES
+         write(scinname,'(a,a)') 'H2X',char(64 + iscin)
+         call gsatt (scinname,'SEEN',0)
+      enddo
+      do iscin=1,UPPER_HODO_Y_PADDLES
+         write(scinname,'(a,a)') 'H2Y',char(64 + iscin)
+         call gsatt (scinname,'SEEN',0)
+      enddo
+      do ilayer =1,HMAX_CAL_COLUMNS
+         write(layername,'(a,i1)') 'LAY',ilayer
+         call gsatt (layername,'SEEN',0)
+         do irow = 1,HMAX_CAL_ROWS
+            write(blockname,'(a,i1,a)') 'BL',ilayer,char(64 + irow)
+            call gsatt (blockname,'SEEN',0)
+         enddo
+      enddo         
+      call gdhits ('*   ', '*   ', 0, 850, 0.3)
+      call gdrawt (3.,2.,'HEAD ON VIEW',.5,0.,2,0)
+      call gdrawt (3.,1.,'HMS',.5,0.,2,0)
+      call gdraw ('HHUT', 0., 0., 90., 10.0, 10.5,0.14,0.14)
+      call h_one_ev_track
+      call gdclos (5)
+      call gdshow (5)
+      call gdshow (5)
+*     It's already been stored, so now make everything visible again for
+*     the next pass
+      call gsatt ('HDX1','SEEN',1)
+      call gsatt ('HDY1','SEEN',1)
+      call gsatt ('HDX2','SEEN',1)
+      call gsatt ('HDY2','SEEN',1)
+      do iscin=1,LOWER_HODO_X_PADDLES
+         write(scinname,'(a,a)') 'H1X',char(64 + iscin)
+         call gsatt (scinname,'SEEN',1)
+      enddo
+      do iscin=1,LOWER_HODO_Y_PADDLES
+         write(scinname,'(a,a)') 'H1Y',char(64 + iscin)
+         call gsatt (scinname,'SEEN',1)
+      enddo
+      do iscin=1,UPPER_HODO_X_PADDLES
+         write(scinname,'(a,a)') 'H2X',char(64 + iscin)
+         call gsatt (scinname,'SEEN',1)
+      enddo
+      do iscin=1,UPPER_HODO_Y_PADDLES
+         write(scinname,'(a,a)') 'H2Y',char(64 + iscin)
+         call gsatt (scinname,'SEEN',1)
+      enddo
+      do ilayer =1,HMAX_CAL_COLUMNS
+         write(layername,'(a,i1)') 'LAY',ilayer
+         call gsatt (layername,'SEEN',1)
+         do irow = 1,HMAX_CAL_ROWS
+            write(blockname,'(a,i1,a)') 'BL',ilayer,char(64 + irow)
+            call gsatt (blockname,'SEEN',1)
+         enddo
+      enddo
+      call gdelet (5)
+      end
diff --git a/ONEEV/h_one_ev_hodo.f b/ONEEV/h_one_ev_hodo.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..08abe49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ONEEV/h_one_ev_hodo.f
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+      Subroutine h_one_ev_hodo
+* $Log: h_one_ev_hodo.f,v $
+* Revision 1.3  1996/11/22 15:37:36  saw
+* (SAW) Fix some startup errors
+* Revision 1.2  1996/06/13 14:50:23  saw
+* (SAW) Replace huge list of gsdet/gsdeth calls with do loops over the
+* detector geometry.
+* Revision 1.1  1995/09/18 14:38:53  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      include 'hms_one_ev.par'
+      integer iset, idet
+      character*4 varinames(3)
+      integer     varibits(3)
+      integer     hodobits(3)
+      real origin(3), factor(3)
+      integer ihod,iplane,ipaddle
+      character*4 specname
+      character*4 hodoname(3)
+      character*1 planenames(2)
+      integer nhods,nplanes,npaddles(4)
+      data specname /'HMS'/
+      data planenames /'X','Y'/
+      data nhods,nplanes,npaddles /2,2,16,10,16,10/
+      data varinames /'x', 'y', 'z'/
+      data varibits /32, 32, 32/
+      data hodobits /2,2,5/
+      data factor /1e3, 1e3, 1e3/
+      do ihod=1,nhods
+        write (hodoname(1),'("HOD",i1)') ihod
+        do iplane=1,nplanes
+          write (hodoname(2),'("HD",a1,i1)') planenames(iplane),ihod
+          do ipaddle=1,npaddles((ihod-1)*2+iplane)
+            write (hodoname(3),'("H",i1,a1,a1)') ihod,planenames(iplane)
+     $           ,char(ichar('A')+ipaddle-1)
+            call gsdet(specname,hodoname(3),3,hodoname,hodobits,
+     $           2,100,100,iset,idet)
+            call gsdeth(specname,hodoname(3),3,varinames,varibits,
+     $           origin,factor)
+          enddo
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/ONEEV/h_one_ev_persp_view.f b/ONEEV/h_one_ev_persp_view.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7465c55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ONEEV/h_one_ev_persp_view.f
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+      subroutine h_one_ev_persp_view
+* $Log: h_one_ev_persp_view.f,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1995/09/18 14:44:02  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'hms_tracking.cmn'
+      include 'hms_geometry.cmn'
+      include 'hms_calorimeter.cmn'
+      include 'gen_event_info.cmn'
+      include 'hms_one_ev.par'
+      include 'gen_one_ev_gctrak.cmn'
+      include 'gen_one_ev_gckine.cmn'
+      include 'gen_one_ev_gcvolu.cmn'
+      character*5 scinname
+      integer iscin
+      call gdopen (8)
+      call gdrawt (5.,2.,'PERSPECTIVE VIEW',.5,0.,2,0)
+      call gdrawt (5.,1.,'HMS',.5,0.,2,0)
+      call gdraw ('HHUT', 45., 115., 90., 3.5, 9.0, 0.05, 0.05)
+      call h_one_ev_track
+      call gdhits ('*   ', '*   ', 0, 850, 0.1)
+      call gdclos (8)
+*     blow up the wire chambers, and make the hodoscopes invisible
+      call gdopen (9)
+      call gsatt ('HDX1','SEEN',0)
+      call gsatt ('HDY1','SEEN',0)
+      do iscin=1,LOWER_HODO_X_PADDLES
+         write(scinname,'(a,a)') 'H1X',char(64 + iscin)
+         call gsatt (scinname,'SEEN',0)
+      enddo
+      do iscin=1,LOWER_HODO_Y_PADDLES
+         write(scinname,'(a,a)') 'H1Y',char(64 + iscin)
+         call gsatt (scinname,'SEEN',0)
+      enddo
+      call gdraw ('HHUT', 45., 115., 90., 14.0, 6.1, 0.08, 0.08)
+      call h_one_ev_track
+      call gdhits ('*   ', '*   ', 0, 850, 0.3)
+      call gdclos (9)
+      call gsatt ('HDX1','SEEN',1)
+      call gsatt ('HDY1','SEEN',1)
+      call gdclos (9)
+*     Now make them visible again for the next pass...
+      do iscin=1,LOWER_HODO_X_PADDLES
+         write(scinname,'(a,a)') 'H1X',char(64 + iscin)
+         call gsatt (scinname,'SEEN',1)
+      enddo
+      do iscin=1,LOWER_HODO_Y_PADDLES
+         write(scinname,'(a,a)') 'H1Y',char(64 + iscin)
+         call gsatt (scinname,'SEEN',1)
+      enddo
+      call gdshow (9)
+      call gdshow (8)
+      call gdshow (9)
+      call gdelet (8)
+      call gdelet (9)
+      end
diff --git a/ONEEV/h_one_ev_topside_view.f b/ONEEV/h_one_ev_topside_view.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f04b1ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ONEEV/h_one_ev_topside_view.f
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+      subroutine h_one_ev_topside_view
+* $Log: h_one_ev_topside_view.f,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1996/01/17 16:35:46  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'hms_tracking.cmn'
+      include 'hms_geometry.cmn'
+      include 'hms_calorimeter.cmn'
+      include 'gen_event_info.cmn'
+      include 'hms_one_ev.par'
+      include 'gen_one_ev_gctrak.cmn'
+      include 'gen_one_ev_gckine.cmn'
+      include 'gen_one_ev_gcvolu.cmn'
+      call gdopen (7)
+      call gsatt ('HDX1','SEEN',0)
+      call gsatt ('HDX2','SEEN',0)
+      call gdrawt (4.4,2.,'TOP VIEW',.5,0.,2,0)
+      call gdrawt (4.4,1.,'HMS',.5,0.,2,0)
+      call gdraw ('HHUT', 270., 0., 90., 4.4,5.5, 0.035, 0.07)
+      call h_one_ev_track
+      call gdhits ('*   ', '*   ', 0, 850, 0.1)
+      call gdhits ('HOD1', 'HDY1', 0, 850, 0.1)
+      call gdhits ('HOD2', 'HDY2', 0, 850, 0.1)
+      call gdclos (7)
+*     Other side view
+      call gdopen (6)
+      call gsatt ('HDY1','SEEN',0)
+      call gsatt ('HDY2','SEEN',0)
+      call gdrawt (14.75,2.,'SIDE VIEW',.5,0.,2,0)
+      call gdraw ('HHUT', 90., 90., 90., 14.75,5.5,0.035, 0.07)
+      call h_one_ev_track
+      call gdhits ('*   ', '*   ', 0, 850, 0.1)
+      call gdclos (6)
+      call gdshow (7)
+      call gdshow (6)
+      call gdshow (7)
+      call gdelet (6)
+      call gdelet (7)
+      end
diff --git a/ONEEV/h_one_ev_track.f b/ONEEV/h_one_ev_track.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..12bb6f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ONEEV/h_one_ev_track.f
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+      subroutine h_one_ev_track
+* $Log: h_one_ev_track.f,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1996/01/17 16:39:41  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'hms_tracking.cmn'
+      include 'hms_geometry.cmn'
+      include 'hms_calorimeter.cmn'
+      include 'gen_event_info.cmn'
+      include 'hms_one_ev.par'
+      include 'gen_one_ev_gctrak.cmn'
+      include 'gen_one_ev_gckine.cmn'
+      include 'gen_one_ev_gcvolu.cmn'
+      real track_x, track_y, track_z    ! a point on the track
+      real track_x_slope, track_y_slope ! slope of the track
+      real x, y, z                      ! coordinates
+      real z_distance                   ! z distance to end of hut
+      integer track                     ! index variables
+* Take care of creating the reconstructed tracks
+      vect(4) =  0.0
+      vect(5) =  0.0
+      vect(6) =  1.
+      vect(7) =  1.
+*      ipart = 3            !electron to make track red
+*      ipart = 13           !neutron to make track black
+*      ipart = 5            !muon to make track green
+      ipart = 1            !photon to make track blue 
+      tofg  = 1e-5
+      itra  = 1
+*      amass = 0.511e-3
+*      amass = 0.93957
+      sleng = 200.
+      step  = 200.
+      do track = 1, HNTRACKS_FP
+        ipart = 1                       !photon to make track blue
+        if (track.eq.HSNUM_FPTRACK) then
+          ipart = 3                     !electron to make track red
+        endif
+        track_x       = -hx_fp(track)   ! x position on track
+        track_y       = hy_fp(track)    ! y position on track
+        track_z       = 0               ! z position on track
+        track_x_slope = -hxp_fp(track)  ! track slope in x
+        track_y_slope = hyp_fp(track)   ! track slope in y
+        z		= -HHUT_HEIGHT / 2. ! bottom of hut
+        z_distance	= track_z - z   ! distance from point to floor
+        x		= track_x - z_distance * sin(track_x_slope) ! x loci
+        y		= track_y - z_distance * sin(track_y_slope) ! y loci
+        vect(1) = x
+        vect(2) = y
+        vect(3) = z
+        call gsxyz
+        z		= HHUT_HEIGHT / 2. ! bottom of hut
+        z_distance	= z - track_z   ! distance from point to roof
+        x		= track_x + z_distance * sin(track_x_slope) ! x loci
+        y		= track_y + z_distance * sin(track_y_slope) ! y loci
+        vect(1) = x
+        vect(2) = y
+        vect(3) = z
+        call gsxyz
+        call gdxyz (track)
+*     call gdpart (itra,01,0.5)  !this will number the tracks
+        itra = itra+1
+*     ipart = ipart+1   !this changes the color for each track
+      enddo
+      end
diff --git a/ONEEV/h_one_ev_wc.f b/ONEEV/h_one_ev_wc.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2261ff6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ONEEV/h_one_ev_wc.f
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+      subroutine h_one_ev_wc
+* $Log: h_one_ev_wc.f,v $
+* Revision 1.2  1996/01/17 16:39:33  cdaq
+* (DVW) Fixes
+* Revision 1.1  1995/09/14 15:42:40  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      include 'hms_one_ev.par'
+      integer iset, idet
+      character*4 varinames(3)
+      integer varibits(3)
+      integer chambits(3)
+      real origin(3),factor(3)
+      integer i
+      character*4 wire
+      integer ichamber
+      integer isector
+      integer iwire
+      integer iplane
+      character*4 specname
+      character*4 wcname(3)
+      character*1 sectorthingy
+      integer nchambers
+      integer nplanes
+      character*1 planenames(4)
+      integer sectors(4),wires(4)
+      data specname,nchambers /'HMS ',2/
+      data nplanes /4/
+      data planenames /'X','Y','U','V'/
+      data sectors /12,4,6,6/
+      data wires /19,26,18,18/
+      data varinames /'x','y','z'/
+      data chambits /2,3,8/
+      do i=1,3
+        varibits(i)=32
+        origin(i)=HHUT_HEIGHT
+        factor(i)=1e3
+      enddo
+      do ichamber=1,nchambers
+        write (wcname(1),'("WCH",a1)') char(64 + ichamber)
+        do iplane=1,nplanes
+          do isector=1,sectors(iplane)
+            sectorthingy = 'A'
+*     There is only one U and one V plane per chamber
+            if(planenames(iplane).ne.'U'.and.planenames(iplane).ne.'V'
+     $  then
+              sectorthingy = 'B'
+            endif
+            write(wcname(2),'("W",3a1)')  char(64 + ichamber)
+     $           ,sectorthingy,planenames(iplane)
+            do iwire = 1,wires(iplane)
+              write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') char(64 + ichamber)
+     $             ,planenames(iplane),char(64 + isector)
+     $             ,char(64 + iwire)
+              wcname(3) = wire
+              call gsdet(specname,wire,3,wcname,chambits,
+     $             2, 100, 100, iset, idet)
+              call gsdeth(specname,wire,3,varinames,varibits,origin,factor)
+            enddo
+          enddo
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/ONEEV/h_uginit.f b/ONEEV/h_uginit.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..47a5f2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ONEEV/h_uginit.f
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+      subroutine h_uginit
+* Do the GEANT initalization
+* August, 1994, Pat Welch, Oregon State University,
+* $Log: h_uginit.f,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1995/03/14 21:27:13  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      call ginit                        ! init GEANT
+      call gzinit                       ! init GEANT data structs
+      call gdinit                       ! init GEANT drawing package
+      call gpart                        ! init particle structures
+      call gmate                        ! init materials structures
+      call gsrotm(1,90.,0.,90.,90.,0.,0.)
+      call gsrotm(2,90.,90.,90.,0.,0.,0.)
+      call gsrotm(3,90.,15.,90.,105.,0.,0.)
+      call gsrotm(4,90.,345.,90.,75.,0.,0.)
+      call h_one_ev_geometry            ! define the geometry
+      call h_one_ev_detectors           ! define sensitive detectors
+      call ggclos                       ! close geometry structures
+      call gphysi                       ! init physics interaction vars
+      end
diff --git a/ONEEV/revdis_ask.f b/ONEEV/revdis_ask.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d381c4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ONEEV/revdis_ask.f
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+      integer function revdis_ask(view)
+*     User interaction.
+*     Return -1 to exit, 0 to go to the next event, or a number to review
+*     the current event with a different view.
+* $Log: revdis_ask.f,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1996/01/17 16:31:52  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      save
+      integer view
+      INCLUDE 'gen_one_ev_info.cmn'
+      include 'gen_routines.dec'
+      integer*4 MLEN
+      parameter (MLEN=132)
+      character*132 oline,line,line_copy
+      integer retval,i
+      integer NVIEWS
+      parameter (NVIEWS=3)
+      real*8 deval
+      integer*4 ieval
+      character*1 cviews(NVIEWS)
+      integer*4 iviews(NVIEWS)
+      character*20 ffmt
+      character*20 ifmt
+      data cviews /'A','B','C'/
+      data iviews /1,2,3/
+      data ffmt/'e12.4'/
+      data ifmt/'i10'/
+      do while (.true.)
+        write(6,'($,a)') ': '
+        read(5,'(a)',err=99,end=99) oline
+        call shiftall(oline,line)
+        call no_blanks(line)
+        if(line.eq.' ') then            ! Display next event
+          retval = 0
+          goto 1000                     ! return
+        endif
+        if(line(1:1).eq.line) then      ! Single character view selection
+          do i=1,NVIEWS
+            if(line.eq.cviews(i)) then
+              retval = iviews(i)
+              goto 1000
+            endif
+          enddo
+        endif
+        if(line(1:10).eq.'MAXEVENTS=') then
+          read(line(11:MLEN),'(i10)') gen_display_wait_events
+        else if(line(1:8).eq.'MAXTIME=') then
+          read(line(9:MLEN),'(i10)') gen_display_wait_seconds
+        else if(line(1:5).eq.'VIEW=') then
+          read(line(6:MLEN),'(i10)') retval
+          if(retval.le.0) retval=1
+          goto 1000
+        else if(line(1:5).eq.'IFMT=') then
+          ifmt = line(6:MLEN)
+        else if(line(1:5).eq.'FFMT=') then
+          ffmt = line(6:MLEN)
+        else if(line(1:7).eq.'STATUS ') then
+          write(6,'("Test=      ",a)') gen_display_interesting(1:67)
+          write(6,'("MAXTIME=  ",i7," seconds")') gen_display_wait_seconds
+          write(6,'("MAXEVENTS=",i7," events")') gen_display_wait_events
+          write(6,'("VIEW=     ",i7)') view
+        else if(line(1:1).eq.'?') then
+          write(6,*) ' Options:'
+          write(6,*) '    MAXTIME= seconds          ! time limit'
+          write(6,*) '    MAXEVENTS= n              ! event limit'
+          write(6,*) '    STATUS                    ! display info'
+          write(6,*) '    QUIT or EXIT              ! exit the program'
+          write(6,*) '    =ctp expression           ! Print expression value'
+          write(6,*) '    ctp logical expression    ! Event selection test'
+          write(6,*) '    a                         ! Display 3D view'
+          write(6,*) '    b                         ! Display top and side views'
+          write(6,*) '    c                         ! Display a head on view of the chambers'
+          write(6,*) ' '
+        else if(line(1:1).eq.'=') then
+          line_copy = line(2:MLEN)
+          if(thevalchk(line_copy).eq.0) then
+            deval = dtheval(line_copy)
+            ieval = deval
+            if(ieval.eq.deval) then
+              write(6,'("Expression = "'//ifmt//')') ieval
+            else
+              write(6,'("Expression = "'//ffmt//')') deval
+            endif
+          else
+            write(6,*) 'Invalid Expression'
+          endif
+        else if(line(1:5).eq.'EXIT '.or.line(1:5).eq.'QUIT
+     $         '.or.line(1:2).eq.'Q ') then
+          retval = -1
+          goto 1000
+        else                            ! Presumed to be a test expression
+          if(thevalchk(line).ne.0) then
+            write(6,*) "Illegal event selection test"
+          else if(index(line,'=').gt.0 .and. 
+     $           (index(line,'==').eq.0
+     $           .and. index(line,'!=').eq.0
+     $           .and. index(line,'>=').eq.0
+     $           .and. index(line,'<=').eq.0)) then
+            write(6,*) 'Illegal: Use "==" for (is equal to) operator'
+          else
+            gen_display_interesting = line
+            retval=0
+            goto 1000
+          endif
+        endif
+      enddo
+ 99   continue
+      retval = -1
+      goto 1000
+ 1000 continue
+      revdis_ask = retval
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/ONEEV/revdis_getev.f b/ONEEV/revdis_getev.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91618be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ONEEV/revdis_getev.f
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+      subroutine revdis_getev(FAIL,why)
+*- Return an interesting event or give up after a wait
+*	4-Oct-1994 K.B.Beard, Hampton U.
+* $Log: revdis_getev.f,v $
+* Revision 1.2  1996/01/17 16:32:49  cdaq
+* (SAW) Change an include file name
+* Revision 1.1  1995/03/14 21:25:45  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      SAVE
+      CHARACTER*12 here
+      PARAMETER (here= 'revdis_getev')
+      logical FAIL
+      character*(*) why
+      integer ierr
+      INCLUDE 'gen_one_ev_info.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_routines.dec'
+      FAIL = .false.
+      call thservset(gen_display_server_RPCprgmID,2)
+      ierr = thcgetlist(gen_display_event_info,gen_display_RPCclientID
+     $     ,gen_display_interesting,gen_display_wait_seconds
+     $     ,gen_display_wait_events)
+      call thservunset(gen_display_server_RPCprgmID,2)
+      if( then
+        write(why,'(":thcgetlist failed with error",i5)') ierr
+        call G_add_path(here,why)
+        FAIL = .true.
+      else
+        why = ' '
+      endif
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/ONEEV/revdis_init.f b/ONEEV/revdis_init.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f824720
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ONEEV/revdis_init.f
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+      subroutine revdis_init(ABORT,err)
+* $Log: revdis_init.f,v $
+* Revision 1.4  2003/02/14 18:27:22  jones
+* minor change to run on  Alpha OSF1 systems (E. Brash)
+* Revision 1.3  1996/01/17 16:34:52  cdaq
+* (SAW) Change an include file name
+* Revision 1.2  1995/07/28 18:08:03  cdaq
+* (SAW) Cosmetic changes
+* Revision 1.1  1995/03/14  21:26:16  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      SAVE
+      character*11 here
+      parameter (here= 'revdis_init')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 'gen_one_ev_info.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_routines.dec'
+      integer size
+      logical wait
+      real now,tstart,waitS
+      integer got,get_fail
+      real MAX_time
+      parameter (MAX_time= 10.) !seconds
+      integer MAX_failures
+      parameter (MAX_failures= 100) !attempts
+      err= ' '
+      gen_display_RPCclientID= clnt_create(
+     &     gen_display_server_machine,
+     &     gen_display_server_RPCprgmID,
+     &     gen_display_server_RPCversionID,'tcp')
+      ABORT= gen_display_RPCclientID.EQ.0
+        write(err,'(":clnt_create ABORTed for RPC program ID# (",i10,",",i5
+     $       ,") [0x",z8,",0x",z5,"] on machine ",a)')
+     $       gen_display_server_RPCprgmID,gen_display_server_RPCversionID,
+     $       gen_display_server_RPCprgmID,gen_display_server_RPCversionID,
+     $       gen_display_server_machine
+        call G_append(here,err)
+        RETURN
+      ELSE
+        write(err,'(":clnt_create OK for RPC program ID#",i10," [0x",z8,"] on machine ",a)')
+     $       gen_display_server_RPCprgmID,gen_display_server_RPCprgmID
+     $       ,gen_display_server_machine
+        call G_add_path(here,err)
+        call G_add_path('INFO--',err)
+        call G_wrap_note(6,err)
+        err= ' '
+      ENDIF
+      gen_display_everything= thcrlist()
+      size= thaddlist(gen_display_everything,'*')  !list of everything
+*      size= thremlist(gen_display_everything,'parm.ONE_EV')
+*      size= thremlist(gen_display_everything,'parm.GRAPH_IO_DEV')
+      ABORT= size.LE.0
+        write(err,'(":ABORTed to get list for gen_display_everything",
+     $       i10)') gen_display_everything
+        call G_add_path(here,err)
+        RETURN
+      ELSE
+        write(err,'(":list gen_display_everything handle=",i10,
+     $       " size=",i5)') gen_display_everything,size
+        call G_add_path(here,err)
+        call G_add_path('INFO--',err)
+        call G_wrap_note(6,err)
+        err= ' '
+      ENDIF
+      gen_display_event_info= thcrlist()
+      size= thaddlist(gen_display_event_info,'event.*')  !list of all event stuff
+      ABORT= size.LE.0
+        write(err,'(":ABORTed to get list for gen_display_event_info",
+     $       i10)') gen_display_event_info
+        call G_add_path(here,err)
+        RETURN
+      ELSE
+        write(err,'(":list gen_display_event_info handle=",i10,
+     $       " size=",i5)') gen_display_event_info,size
+        call G_add_path(here,err)
+        call G_add_path('INFO--',err)
+        call G_wrap_note(6,err)
+        err= ' '
+      ENDIF
+*     Now dowload all the variables from the server
+      call TIMEX(tstart)
+      get_fail= 0
+      err= ' '
+      wait= .TRUE.
+      DO WHILE(wait) 
+        got=
+     &    thgetlist(gen_display_everything,gen_display_RPCclientID)
+        PRINT *,here//' got=',got
+        ABORT=
+        If(ABORT) get_fail= get_fail+1
+        call TIMEX(now)
+        waitS= now-tstart   !seconds since entered this routine
+        wait= ABORT .and. waitS.LE.MAX_time .and.
+     &                                  get_fail.LT.MAX_failures
+      ENDDO
+        write(err,'(":quit after",f6.1," [",f6.1,"] seconds and",i7," ["
+     $       ,i7,"] thgetlist failures#",i7,a)') waitS,MAX_time,get_fail
+     $       ,MAX_failures, got
+        call G_append(here,err)
+      ELSEIF(get_fail.GT.0) THEN        !info. message
+        write(err,'(":quit after",f6.1," [",f6.1,"] seconds and",i7," ["
+     $       ,i7,"] thgetlist failures#",i7,a)') waitS,MAX_time,get_fail
+     $       ,MAX_failures, got
+        call G_append(here,err)
+      ELSE
+        err= ' '        !first try success!
+      ENDIF
+c      call G_edisp_start(ABORT,err)
+        call G_add_path(here,err)
+        RETURN
+      ELSEIF(err.NE.' ') THEN
+        call G_add_path(here,err)
+        call G_add_path('INFO--',err)
+        call G_wrap_note(6,err)
+        err= ' '
+      ENDIF
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/ONEEV/s_one_ev_cal.f b/ONEEV/s_one_ev_cal.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e6d0201
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ONEEV/s_one_ev_cal.f
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+      subroutine s_one_ev_cal
+* $Log: s_one_ev_cal.f,v $
+* Revision 1.3  1996/11/22 15:35:56  saw
+* (SAW) Fix some error messages at startup, some code cleanup
+* Revision 1.2  1996/09/04 20:07:58  saw
+* (SAW) Replace huge list of gsdet/gsdeth calls with do loops over the
+* detector geometry.
+* Revision 1.1  1995/09/18 14:37:33  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      include 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'sos_calorimeter.cmn'
+      include 'sos_one_ev.par'
+      integer iset, idet
+      character*4 varinames(3)
+      integer varibits(3)
+      integer calbits(2)
+      real origin(3),factor(3)
+      integer ilayer,iblock
+      character*4 specname
+      character*4 calname(2)
+      data specname /'SOS '/
+      data varinames /'x', 'y', 'z'/
+      data varibits /32, 32, 32/
+      data calbits /4,4/
+      data factor /1e3, 1e3, 1e3/
+      do ilayer=1,smax_cal_columns
+        write (calname(1),'("LAY",i1)') ilayer
+        do iblock=1,smax_cal_rows
+          write (calname(2),'("BL",i1,a1)') ilayer, char(ichar('A')+iblock-1)
+          call gsdet(specname,calname(2),2,calname,calbits,
+     $         2,100,100,iset,idet)
+          call gsdeth(specname,calname(2),3,varinames,varibits,origin,factor)
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/ONEEV/s_one_ev_det_reset.f b/ONEEV/s_one_ev_det_reset.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6da059f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ONEEV/s_one_ev_det_reset.f
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+      subroutine s_one_ev_det_reset
+* This routine will reset the hit indicators for the detector elements
+* Hall C
+* July 1995  Derek van Westrum (
+* $Log: s_one_ev_det_reset.f,v $
+* Revision 1.2  1996/01/17 16:40:27  cdaq
+* (SAW) Change an include file name
+* Revision 1.1  1995/07/31 15:24:52  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      include 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'sos_tracking.cmn'
+      include 'sos_geometry.cmn'
+      include 'sos_calorimeter.cmn'
+      include 'gen_event_info.cmn'
+      include 'sos_one_ev.par'
+      include 'gen_one_ev_gctrak.cmn'
+      include 'gen_one_ev_gckine.cmn'
+      include 'gen_one_ev_gcvolu.cmn'
+      character*5 scinname 
+      character*5 blockname
+      integer istrip
+      integer ihodo
+      integer ilayer
+      integer iblock
+      character*4 wire
+      integer ichamber
+      integer isector
+      integer iwire
+*     First, clear the lower xpaddles
+      do istrip=1,LOWER_HODO_X_PADDLES
+         write (scinname,'(a,a)') 'H1X',char(64 + istrip)
+         call gsatt (scinname,'COLO',1)
+         call gsatt (scinname,'FILL',0)
+      enddo
+*       next, clear the upper x hodoscopes:
+      do istrip=1,UPPER_HODO_X_PADDLES
+	 write (scinname,'(a,a)') 'H2X',char(64 + istrip)
+	 call gsatt (scinname,'COLO',1)
+         call gsatt (scinname,'FILL',0)
+      enddo
+*       now clear the lower Y hodoscopes:
+      do istrip=1,LOWER_HODO_Y_PADDLES
+	 write (scinname,'(a,a)') 'H1Y',char(64 + istrip)
+	 call gsatt (scinname,'COLO',1)
+         call gsatt (scinname,'FILL',0)
+      enddo
+*       finally, clear the upper y hodoscopes:
+      do istrip=1,UPPER_HODO_Y_PADDLES
+	 write (scinname,'(a,a)') 'H2Y',char(64 + istrip)
+	 call gsatt (scinname,'COLO',1)
+         call gsatt (scinname,'FILL',0)
+      enddo
+*  Now clear the shower counter blocks.
+      do ilayer=1,smax_cal_columns
+	 do iblock=1,smax_cal_rows
+	  write (blockname,'(a,i1,a)') 'BL',ilayer,CHAR(64 + iblock)
+	  call gsatt (blockname,'COLO',1)
+          call gsatt (blockname,'FILL',0)
+       enddo
+      enddo
+*  Now clear the wire chambers...
+*  first the U wires...
+      do ichamber=1,2
+        do isector=1,4
+          do iwire = 1,24
+             write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') char(64 + ichamber),'U',
+     $             char(64 + isector),char(64 + iwire)
+	     call gsatt (wire,'COLO',1)
+	     call gsatt (wire,'SEEN',0)
+             call gsatt (wire,'FILL',0)
+           enddo
+         enddo
+       enddo
+*  then the X wires
+      do ichamber=1,2
+        do isector=1,8
+          do iwire = 1,16
+             write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') char(64 + ichamber),'X',
+     $             char(64 + isector),char(64 + iwire)
+	     call gsatt (wire,'COLO',1)
+	     call gsatt (wire,'SEEN',0)
+             call gsatt (wire,'FILL',0)
+           enddo
+         enddo
+       enddo
+*  then the V wires
+      do ichamber=1,2
+        do isector=1,4
+          do iwire = 1,24
+             write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') char(64 + ichamber),'V',
+     $             char(64 + isector),char(64 + iwire)
+	     call gsatt (wire,'COLO',1)
+	     call gsatt (wire,'SEEN',0)
+             call gsatt (wire,'FILL',0)
+           enddo
+         enddo
+       enddo
+      end
diff --git a/ONEEV/s_one_ev_detectors.f b/ONEEV/s_one_ev_detectors.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..11294d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ONEEV/s_one_ev_detectors.f
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+      subroutine s_one_ev_detectors
+* Define geant detector sets
+* August, 1994, Pat Welch, Oregon State University,
+* Modified from HMS version, h_one_ev_detectors, March 1995 by
+* Derek van Westrum (
+* $Log: s_one_ev_detectors.f,v $
+* Revision 1.2  1995/09/18 14:38:09  cdaq
+* (SAW) Remove unneeded declartions
+* Revision 1.1  1995/07/31 15:23:05  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      call s_one_ev_hodo
+      call s_one_ev_cal
+      call s_one_ev_wc
+      end
diff --git a/ONEEV/s_one_ev_display.f b/ONEEV/s_one_ev_display.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d260ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ONEEV/s_one_ev_display.f
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+      subroutine s_one_ev_display(iview)
+* This routine will store digitized hits for use in the one event display for
+* Hall C
+* August, 1994, Pat Welch, Oregon State University,
+* Modified from HMS version, h_one_ev_display, on March 1995 by
+* Derek van Westrum (
+* $Log: s_one_ev_display.f,v $
+* Revision 1.3  1996/01/17 16:31:33  cdaq
+* (DVW) Add iview argument, make improvements.
+* Revision 1.2  1995/09/18 14:43:20  cdaq
+* (DVW) Improvements
+* Revision 1.1  1995/07/31 15:25:20  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      integer iview
+      call ixclrwi
+      if (iview.le.1) then
+        call s_one_ev_persp_view        !draw the perspective view
+      elseif (iview.eq.2) then
+        call s_one_ev_topside_view      !draw the two side views
+      elseif ( then
+        call s_one_ev_head_view         !draw the head on view
+      endif
+      end
diff --git a/ONEEV/s_one_ev_generate.f b/ONEEV/s_one_ev_generate.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d234ad1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ONEEV/s_one_ev_generate.f
@@ -0,0 +1,486 @@
+      subroutine s_one_ev_generate
+* $Log: s_one_ev_generate.f,v $
+* Revision 1.2  1996/09/04 20:06:35  saw
+* (SAW) hdc_nrwire already integer, don't nint it.
+* Revision 1.1  1996/01/17 16:37:21  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      include 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'sos_tracking.cmn'
+      include 'sos_geometry.cmn'
+      include 'sos_calorimeter.cmn'
+      include 'gen_event_info.cmn'
+      include 'gen_run_info.cmn'
+      include 'sos_one_ev.par'
+      include 'gen_one_ev_gctrak.cmn'
+      include 'gen_one_ev_gckine.cmn'
+      include 'gen_one_ev_gcvolu.cmn'
+      character*4 lnames(0:3)		! volume names
+      integer lnums(0:3)                ! volume numbers or copies
+      real xd(3), xm(3)			! coordinates
+      integer error_code                ! error return code
+      integer chamhit,scinhit,showhit   ! index variables
+      integer wirenum                   ! indicates GEANT wirenumber
+      character*5 wire          !define names and indicies to loop over...
+      character*5 scinname 
+      character*4 blockname
+      character*5 layername
+* Reset the detector hit indicators...
+      call s_one_ev_det_reset
+* Clear any previous drawing
+      call iclrwk (0, 0)
+      call gtrigc
+      call gtrigi
+* define some colors for the various wires, and turn shading on 
+      call iscr(1,1,.5,.5,.5)        !make the detectors grey
+      call iscr(1,15,1.,0.7,0.2)    !define an "orange"
+      call iscr(1,13,0.,.65,0.)      !define a "dark green"
+      call iscr(1,14,0.,0.,1.)       !define a dark blue
+      call gdopt ('SHAD','ON')
+* Now loop over all the detector elements "lighting" each one if it has been hit 
+      xd(1) = 0.			! find the center of the detector
+      xd(2) = 0.			! find the center of the detector
+      xd(3) = 0.			! find the center of the detector
+* Start with the wire chambers
+* See the file "" for a description of the numbering of the
+* various detector elements
+      if (SDC_TOT_HITS .GT. 0) then
+        lnames(0) = 'SHUT'
+        lnums(0)  = 1
+        do chamhit = 1, SDC_TOT_HITS
+          if (SDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit) .EQ. 1) then
+            nlevel = 0			! initial value for # of levels
+            lnames(1) = 'WCHA'		! level one
+            lnums(1)  = 1               ! copy one, higher chamber
+            lnames(2) = 'WAAU'		! U plane
+            lnums(2)  = 1               ! copy one
+            wirenum = (sdc_nrwire(SDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit))) + 1
+     &           - SDC_WIRE_NUM(chamhit)
+            if (SDC_WIRE_COUNTING(SDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit)) .EQ. 1)
+     &           wirenum = SDC_WIRE_NUM(chamhit)
+            if (wirenum .le. 24) write(wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 'AUA',char(64 + wirenum)
+            if (wirenum .gt. 24) write(wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 'AUB',char(64 - 24 + wirenum)
+            lnames(3) = wire		! U wires
+            lnums(3)  = wirenum		! wire number
+            call glvolu (4, lnames, lnums, error_code)
+            call gdtom (xd, xm, 1)      ! transform from detector to MARS
+            call gsatt (wire,'SEEN',1)
+            call gsatt (wire,'COLO',13)
+*            call gsahit (1, 4, 1, lnums(1), xm, ihit) ! store the hit
+          elseif (SDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit) .EQ. 2) then
+            nlevel = 0			! initial value for # of levels
+            lnames(1) = 'WCHA'		! level one
+            lnums(1)  = 1               ! copy one, higher chamber
+            lnames(2) = 'WABU'		! U plane
+            lnums(2)  = 1               ! copy one
+            wirenum = (sdc_nrwire(SDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit))) + 1
+     &           - SDC_WIRE_NUM(chamhit)
+            if (SDC_WIRE_COUNTING(SDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit)) .EQ. 1)
+     &           wirenum = SDC_WIRE_NUM(chamhit)
+            if (wirenum .le. 24) write(wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 'AUC',char(64 + wirenum)
+            if (wirenum .gt. 24) write(wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 'AUD',char(64 - 24 + wirenum)
+            lnames(3) = wire		! U wires
+            lnums(3)  = wirenum		! wire number
+            call glvolu (4, lnames, lnums, error_code)
+            call gdtom (xd, xm, 1)      ! transform from detector to MARS
+            call gsatt (wire,'SEEN',1)
+            call gsatt (wire,'COLO',13)
+*            call gsahit (1, 4, 1, lnums(1), xm, ihit) ! store the hit
+          elseif (SDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit) .EQ. 3) then
+            nlevel = 0			! initial value for # of levels
+            lnames(1) = 'WCHA'		! level one
+            lnums(1)  = 1               ! copy one, higher chamber
+            lnames(2) = 'WAAX'		! X plane
+            lnums(2)  = 1               ! copy one
+	    wirenum = (SDC_nrwire(SDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit))) + 1
+     &           - SDC_WIRE_NUM(chamhit)
+            if (SDC_WIRE_COUNTING(SDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit)) .EQ. 1)
+     &           wirenum = SDC_WIRE_NUM(chamhit)
+            if (wirenum .le. 16) write(wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 'AXA',char(64 + wirenum)
+            if ((wirenum .gt. 16) .and. (wirenum .le. 32))  write(wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 
+     $           'AXB',char(64 - 16 + wirenum)
+            if ((wirenum .gt. 32) .and. (wirenum .le. 48))  write(wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 
+     $           'AXC',char(64 - 32 + wirenum)
+            if ((wirenum .gt. 48) .and. (wirenum .le. 64))  write(wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 
+     $           'AXD',char(64 - 48 + wirenum)
+	    lnames(3) = wire
+            lnums(3)  = wirenum		! wire number
+            call glvolu (4, lnames, lnums, error_code)
+            call gdtom (xd, xm, 1)      ! transform from detector to MARS
+            call gsatt (wire,'SEEN',1)
+            call gsatt (wire,'COLO',13)
+*           call gsahit (1, 6, 1, lnums(1), xm, ihit) ! store the hit
+         elseif (SDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit) .EQ. 4) then
+           nlevel = 0			! initial value for # of levels
+           lnames(1) = 'WCHA'		! level one
+           lnums(1)  = 1                ! copy one, higher chamber
+           lnames(2) = 'WABX'		! X plane
+           lnums(2)  = 1                ! copy one
+           wirenum = (SDC_nrwire(SDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit))) + 1
+     &          - SDC_WIRE_NUM(chamhit)
+           if (SDC_WIRE_COUNTING(SDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit)) .EQ. 1)
+     &          wirenum = SDC_WIRE_NUM(chamhit)
+           if (wirenum .le. 16) write(wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 'AXE',char(64 +
+     $          wirenum)
+           if ((wirenum .gt. 16) .and. (wirenum .le. 32))  write(wire
+     $          ,'(a,a,a,a)')'AXF',char(64 - 16 + wirenum)
+           if ((wirenum .gt. 32) .and. (wirenum .le. 48))  write(wire
+     $          ,'(a,a,a,a)')'AXG',char(64 - 32 + wirenum)
+           if ((wirenum .gt. 48) .and. (wirenum .le. 64))  write(wire
+     $          ,'(a,a,a,a)')'AXH',char(64 - 48 + wirenum)
+           lnames(3) = wire
+           lnums(3)  = wirenum		! wire number
+           call glvolu (4, lnames, lnums, error_code)
+           call gdtom (xd, xm, 1)       ! transform from detector to MARS
+           call gsatt (wire,'SEEN',1)
+           call gsatt (wire,'COLO',13)
+*     call gsahit (1, 6, 1, lnums(1), xm, ihit) ! store the hit
+         elseif (SDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit) .EQ. 5) then
+           nlevel = 0			! initial value for # of levels
+           lnames(1) = 'WCHA'		! level one
+           lnums(1)  = 1                ! copy one, higher chamber
+           lnames(2) = 'WAAV'		! V plane
+           lnums(2)  = 1                ! copy one
+           wirenum = (SDC_nrwire(SDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit))) + 1
+     &          - SDC_WIRE_NUM(chamhit)
+           if (SDC_WIRE_COUNTING(SDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit)) .EQ. 1)
+     &          wirenum = SDC_WIRE_NUM(chamhit)
+           if (wirenum .le. 24) write(wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 'AVA',char(64 +
+     $          wirenum)
+           if (wirenum .gt. 24) write(wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 'AVB',char(64 - 24
+     $          + wirenum)
+           lnames(3) = wire		! V wires
+           lnums(3)  = wirenum		! wire number
+           call glvolu (4, lnames, lnums, error_code)
+           call gdtom (xd, xm, 1)       ! transform from detector to MARS
+           call gsatt (wire,'SEEN',1)
+           call gsatt (wire,'COLO',13)
+*            call gsahit (1, 5, 1, lnums(1), xm, ihit) ! store the hit
+*            call gsahit (1, 90, 1, lnums(1), xm, ihit) ! store the hit
+         elseif (SDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit) .EQ. 6) then
+           nlevel = 0			! initial value for # of levels
+           lnames(1) = 'WCHA'		! level one
+           lnums(1)  = 1                ! copy one, higher chamber
+           lnames(2) = 'WABV'		! V plane
+           lnums(2)  = 1                ! copy one
+           wirenum = (SDC_nrwire(SDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit))) + 1
+     &          - SDC_WIRE_NUM(chamhit)
+           if (SDC_WIRE_COUNTING(SDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit)) .EQ. 1)
+     &          wirenum = SDC_WIRE_NUM(chamhit)
+           if (wirenum .le. 24) write(wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 'AVC',char(64 +
+     $          wirenum)
+           if (wirenum .gt. 24) write(wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 'AVD',char(64 - 24
+     $          + wirenum)
+           lnames(3) = wire		! V wires
+           lnums(3)  = wirenum		! wire number
+           call glvolu (4, lnames, lnums, error_code)
+           call gdtom (xd, xm, 1)       ! transform from detector to MARS
+           call gsatt (wire,'SEEN',1)
+           call gsatt (wire,'COLO',13)
+*     call gsahit (1, 5, 1, lnums(1), xm, ihit) ! store the hit
+*            call gsahit (1, 90, 1, lnums(1), xm, ihit) ! store the hit
+         elseif (SDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit) .EQ. 7) then
+           nlevel = 0			! initial value for # of levels
+           lnames(1) = 'WCHB'		! level one
+           lnums(1)  = 1                ! copy one, higher chamber
+           lnames(2) = 'WBAU'		! U plane
+           lnums(2)  = 1                ! copy one
+           wirenum = (sdc_nrwire(SDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit))) + 1
+     &          - SDC_WIRE_NUM(chamhit)
+           if (SDC_WIRE_COUNTING(SDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit)) .EQ. 1)
+     &          wirenum = SDC_WIRE_NUM(chamhit)
+           if (wirenum .le. 24) write(wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 'BUA',char(64 +
+     $          wirenum)
+           if (wirenum .gt. 24) write(wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 'BUB',char(64 - 24
+     $          + wirenum)
+           lnames(3) = wire		! U wires
+           lnums(3)  = wirenum		! wire number
+           call glvolu (4, lnames, lnums, error_code)
+           call gdtom (xd, xm, 1)       ! transform from detector to MARS
+           call gsatt (wire,'SEEN',1)
+           call gsatt (wire,'COLO',15)
+*            call gsahit (1, 4, 1, lnums(1), xm, ihit) ! store the hit
+         elseif (SDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit) .EQ. 8) then
+           nlevel = 0			! initial value for # of levels
+           lnames(1) = 'WCHB'		! level one
+           lnums(1)  = 1                ! copy one, higher chamber
+           lnames(2) = 'WBBU'		! U plane
+           lnums(2)  = 1                ! copy one
+           wirenum = (sdc_nrwire(SDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit))) + 1
+     &          - SDC_WIRE_NUM(chamhit)
+           if (SDC_WIRE_COUNTING(SDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit)) .EQ. 1)
+     &          wirenum = SDC_WIRE_NUM(chamhit)
+           if (wirenum .le. 24) write(wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 'BUC',char(64 +
+     $          wirenum)
+           if (wirenum .gt. 24) write(wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 'BUD',char(64 - 24
+     $          + wirenum)
+           lnames(3) = wire		! U wires
+           lnums(3)  = wirenum		! wire number
+           call glvolu (4, lnames, lnums, error_code)
+           call gdtom (xd, xm, 1)       ! transform from detector to MARS
+           call gsatt (wire,'SEEN',1)
+           call gsatt (wire,'COLO',15)
+*            call gsahit (1, 4, 1, lnums(1), xm, ihit) ! store the hit
+         elseif (SDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit) .EQ. 9) then
+           nlevel = 0			! initial value for # of levels
+           lnames(1) = 'WCHB'		! level one
+           lnums(1)  = 1                ! copy one, higher chamber
+           lnames(2) = 'WBAX'		! X plane
+           lnums(2)  = 1                ! copy one
+           wirenum = (SDC_nrwire(SDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit))) + 1
+     &          - SDC_WIRE_NUM(chamhit)
+           if (SDC_WIRE_COUNTING(SDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit)) .EQ. 1)
+     &          wirenum = SDC_WIRE_NUM(chamhit)
+           if (wirenum .le. 16) write(wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 'BXA',char(64 +
+     $          wirenum)
+           if ((wirenum .gt. 16) .and. (wirenum .le. 32))  write(wire
+     $          ,'(a,a,a,a)')'BXB',char(64 - 16 + wirenum)
+           if ((wirenum .gt. 32) .and. (wirenum .le. 48))  write(wire
+     $          ,'(a,a,a,a)')'BXC',char(64 - 32 + wirenum)
+           if ((wirenum .gt. 48) .and. (wirenum .le. 64))  write(wire
+     $          ,'(a,a,a,a)')'BXD',char(64 - 48 + wirenum)
+           lnames(3) = wire
+           lnums(3)  = wirenum		! wire number
+           call glvolu (4, lnames, lnums, error_code)
+           call gdtom (xd, xm, 1)       ! transform from detector to MARS
+           call gsatt (wire,'SEEN',1)
+           call gsatt (wire,'COLO',15)
+*           call gsahit (1, 6, 1, lnums(1), xm, ihit) ! store the hit
+         elseif (SDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit) .EQ. 10) then
+           nlevel = 0			! initial value for # of levels
+           lnames(1) = 'WCHB'		! level one
+           lnums(1)  = 1                ! copy one, higher chamber
+           lnames(2) = 'WBBX'		! X plane
+           lnums(2)  = 1                ! copy one
+           wirenum = (SDC_nrwire(SDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit))) + 1
+     &          - SDC_WIRE_NUM(chamhit)
+           if (SDC_WIRE_COUNTING(SDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit)) .EQ. 1)
+     &          wirenum = SDC_WIRE_NUM(chamhit)
+           if (wirenum .le. 16) write(wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 'BXE',char(64 +
+     $          wirenum)
+           if ((wirenum .gt. 16) .and. (wirenum .le. 32))  write(wire
+     $          ,'(a,a,a,a)')'BXF',char(64 - 16 + wirenum)
+           if ((wirenum .gt. 32) .and. (wirenum .le. 48))  write(wire
+     $          ,'(a,a,a,a)')'BXG',char(64 - 32 + wirenum)
+           if ((wirenum .gt. 48) .and. (wirenum .le. 64))  write(wire
+     $          ,'(a,a,a,a)')'BXH',char(64 - 48 + wirenum)
+           lnames(3) = wire
+           lnums(3)  = wirenum		! wire number
+           call glvolu (4, lnames, lnums, error_code)
+           call gdtom (xd, xm, 1)       ! transform from detector to MARS
+           call gsatt (wire,'SEEN',1)
+           call gsatt (wire,'COLO',15)
+*           call gsahit (1, 6, 1, lnums(1), xm, ihit) ! store the hit
+         elseif (SDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit) .EQ. 11) then
+           nlevel = 0			! initial value for # of levels
+           lnames(1) = 'WCHB'		! level one
+           lnums(1)  = 1                ! copy one, higher chamber
+           lnames(2) = 'WBAV'		! V plane
+           lnums(2)  = 1                ! copy one
+           wirenum = (SDC_nrwire(SDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit))) + 1
+     &          - SDC_WIRE_NUM(chamhit)
+           if (SDC_WIRE_COUNTING(SDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit)) .EQ. 1)
+     &          wirenum = SDC_WIRE_NUM(chamhit)
+           if (wirenum .le. 24) write(wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 'BVA',char(64 +
+     $          wirenum)
+           if (wirenum .gt. 24) write(wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 'BVB',char(64 - 24
+     $          + wirenum)
+           lnames(3) = wire		! V wires
+           lnums(3)  = wirenum		! wire number
+           call glvolu (4, lnames, lnums, error_code)
+           call gdtom (xd, xm, 1)       ! transform from detector to MARS
+           call gsatt (wire,'SEEN',1)
+           call gsatt (wire,'COLO',15)
+*            call gsahit (1, 5, 1, lnums(1), xm, ihit) ! store the hit
+*            call gsahit (1, 90, 1, lnums(1), xm, ihit) ! store the hit
+         elseif (SDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit) .EQ. 12) then
+           nlevel = 0			! initial value for # of levels
+           lnames(1) = 'WCHB'		! level one
+           lnums(1)  = 1                ! copy one, higher chamber
+           lnames(2) = 'WBBV'		! V plane
+           lnums(2)  = 1                ! copy one
+           wirenum = (SDC_nrwire(SDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit))) + 1
+     &          - SDC_WIRE_NUM(chamhit)
+           if (SDC_WIRE_COUNTING(SDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit)) .EQ. 1)
+     &          wirenum = SDC_WIRE_NUM(chamhit)
+           if (wirenum .le. 24) write(wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 'BVC',char(64 +
+     $          wirenum)
+           if (wirenum .gt. 24) write(wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 'BVD',char(64 - 24
+     $          + wirenum)
+           lnames(3) = wire		! V wires
+           lnums(3)  = wirenum		! wire number
+           call glvolu (4, lnames, lnums, error_code)
+           call gdtom (xd, xm, 1)       ! transform from detector to MARS
+           call gsatt (wire,'SEEN',1)
+           call gsatt (wire,'COLO',15)
+*            call gsahit (1, 5, 1, lnums(1), xm, ihit) ! store the hit
+*            call gsahit (1, 90, 1, lnums(1), xm, ihit) ! store the hit
+         endif
+       enddo
+      endif
+* Take a look at the hodoscopes
+* See the file "" for a description of the numbering of the
+* various detector elements
+      if (SSCIN_TOT_HITS .GT. 0) then
+        lnames(0) = 'SHUT'              ! relative to the hut
+        lnums(0)  = 1                   ! copy 1
+        do scinhit = 1, SSCIN_TOT_HITS
+* First the lower X
+          if (SSCIN_PLANE_NUM(scinhit) .EQ. 1) then
+            nlevel = 0			! initial value for # of levels
+            lnames(1) = 'HOD1'		! level one
+            lnums(1)  = 1               ! copy one, lower hodo
+            lnames(2) = 'HDX1'		! X strips
+            lnums(2)  = 1               ! copy one
+	    write (scinname,'(a,a)') 'H1X',char(64 + SSCIN_COUNTER_NUM(scinhit))
+            lnames(3) = scinname		! X strips
+            lnums(3)  = SSCIN_COUNTER_NUM(scinhit) ! X strip number
+            call glvolu (4, lnames, lnums, error_code)
+            call gdtom (xd, xm, 1)      ! transform from detector to MARS
+*            call gsahit (1, 2, 1, lnums(1), xm, ihit) ! store the hit
+	    call gsatt (scinname,'COLO',14)   !change the color of the it element
+            call gsatt (scinname,'FILL',5)
+            call gsatt (scinname,'LWID',1)
+* now the upper X
+          elseif (SSCIN_PLANE_NUM(scinhit) .EQ. 3) then
+            nlevel = 0			! initial value for # of levels
+            lnames(1) = 'HOD2'		! level one
+            lnums(1)  = 1               ! copy two, upper hodo
+            lnames(2) = 'HDX2'		! X strips
+            lnums(2)  = 1               ! copy one
+	    write (scinname,'(a,a)') 'H2X',char(64 + SSCIN_COUNTER_NUM(scinhit))
+            lnames(3) = scinname		! X strips
+            lnums(3)  = SSCIN_COUNTER_NUM(scinhit) ! X strip number
+            call glvolu (4, lnames, lnums, error_code)
+            call gdtom (xd, xm, 1)      ! transform from detector to MARS
+*            call gsahit (1, 2, 1, lnums(1), xm, ihit) ! store the hit
+	    call gsatt (scinname,'COLO',14)   !change the color of the it element
+            call gsatt (scinname,'FILL',5)
+            call gsatt (scinname,'LWID',1)
+* now the lower Y
+          elseif (SSCIN_PLANE_NUM(scinhit) .EQ. 2) then
+            nlevel = 0			! initial value for # of levels
+	    lnames(1) = 'HOD1'
+            lnums(1)  = 1               ! copy one, lower hodo
+            lnames(2) = 'HDY1'		! Y strips
+            lnums(2)  = 1               ! copy one
+	    write (scinname,'(a,a)') 'H1Y',char(64 + SSCIN_COUNTER_NUM(scinhit))
+            lnames(3) = scinname		! Y strips
+            lnums(3)  = SSCIN_COUNTER_NUM(scinhit) ! Y strip number
+            call glvolu (4, lnames, lnums, error_code)
+            call gdtom (xd, xm, 1)      ! transform from detector to MARS
+*            call gsahit (1, 3, 1, lnums(1), xm, ihit) ! store the hit
+	    call gsatt (scinname,'COLO',14)    !change the color of the it element
+            call gsatt (scinname,'FILL',5)
+            call gsatt (scinname,'LWID',1)
+* now the upper Y
+          elseif (SSCIN_PLANE_NUM(scinhit) .EQ. 4) then
+            nlevel = 0                  ! initial value for # of levels
+	    lnames(1) = 'HOD2'
+            lnums(1)  = 1               ! copy two, upper hodo
+            lnames(2) = 'HDY2'          ! Y strips
+            lnums(2)  = 1               ! copy one
+	    write (scinname,'(a,a)') 'H2Y',char(64 + SSCIN_COUNTER_NUM(scinhit))
+            lnames(3) = scinname          ! Y strips
+            lnums(3)  = SSCIN_COUNTER_NUM(scinhit) ! Y strip number
+            call glvolu (4, lnames, lnums, error_code)
+            call gdtom (xd, xm, 1)      ! transform from detector to MARS
+*            call gsahit (1, 3, 1, lnums(1), xm, ihit) ! store the hit
+	    call gsatt (scinname,'COLO',14)   !change the color of the it element
+            call gsatt (scinname,'FILL',5)
+            call gsatt (scinname,'LWID',1)
+          endif
+        enddo
+      endif
+* Now take care of the shower detector
+* See the file "" for a description of the numbering of the
+* various detector elements
+      lnames(0) = 'SHUT'
+      lnums(0) = 1
+      if (SCAL_NUM_HITS .GE. 0) then
+        do showhit = 1, SCAL_NUM_HITS
+          nlevel = 0
+          lnames(1) = 'SHOW'            ! shower detector
+          lnums(1)  = 4                 ! copy 1
+          write(layername,'(a,i1)') 'LAY',SCAL_COLS(showhit)
+          lnames(2) = layername         ! x subdivisions
+          lnums(2) = 11
+          lnums(3)  = 1
+          write (blockname,'(a,i1,a)') 'BL',SCAL_COLS(showhit),
+     $         char(64 + scal_rows(showhit))
+          lnames(3) = blockname         ! z subdivisions
+          call glvolu(4, lnames, lnums, error_code)
+          call gdtom (xd, xm, 1)        ! transform from det to MARS
+          call gsatt (blockname,'COLO',14) !change the color of the it element
+          call gsatt (blockname,'FILL',5)
+          call gsatt (blockname,'LWID',2)
+        enddo
+      endif
+      end
diff --git a/ONEEV/s_one_ev_geometry.f b/ONEEV/s_one_ev_geometry.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7df7f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ONEEV/s_one_ev_geometry.f
@@ -0,0 +1,455 @@
+      subroutine s_one_ev_geometry
+* This routine will get the detector position and size information from CTP,
+* then use this information for defining the different GEANT geometry structures
+* August, 1994, Pat Welch, Oregon State University,
+* Note: Subdivided volumes won't work for doing coordinate transforms.  Or
+*	at least I didn't see a method around them.  So I have defined all
+*	the subvolumes explicitly. (TPW)
+* Modified from HMS version, h_one_ev_geometry, March 1995 by
+* Derek van Westrum (
+* $Log: s_one_ev_geometry.f,v $
+* Revision 1.5  1996/11/22 15:37:10  saw
+* (SAW) Don't let U&V wires extend beyond chamber.  Some code cleanup.
+* Revision 1.4  1996/04/30 14:10:39  saw
+* (DVW) Code update
+* Revision 1.3  1996/01/17 16:37:48  cdaq
+* (DVW) Tweak hodoscale
+* Revision 1.2  1995/10/06 18:24:18  cdaq
+* (DVW) Changed to ctp geometry variables and eliminated call to s_one_ev.par.
+* Revision 1.1  1995/07/31 15:23:38  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+* h_one_ev_geometry.f,v $
+      implicit none
+      include 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'sos_geometry.cmn'
+      include 'sos_calorimeter.cmn'
+      include 'sos_scin_parms.cmn'
+      real*4    SHUT_WIDTH,SHUT_HEIGHT
+      parameter (SHUT_WIDTH = 100.)     ! full width of the det. hut
+      parameter (SHUT_HEIGHT = 800.)    ! full height of the det. hut
+      integer SHUTMEDIA                 ! non-sensitive tracking media
+      integer DETMEDIA                  ! sensitive tracking media
+      parameter (SHUTMEDIA = 1, DETMEDIA = 2)
+      real*4 hodoscale
+      parameter (hodoscale = 2.)
+      real*4 wcscale
+*      parameter (wcscale = 5.)
+      parameter (wcscale = 1.)
+      real*4 xwirelength                   
+      real*4 ywirelength                   
+      real*4 uwirelength
+      real*4 vwirelength
+      parameter(xwirelength = 40.0)
+      parameter(ywirelength = 66.0)
+      parameter(uwirelength = 80)   != xwirelength/sin(60 degrees)
+      parameter(vwirelength = 80)   != xwirelength/sin(60 degrees)
+      character*5 scinname 
+      character*5 layername
+      character*5 planename
+      character*5 plane
+      character*5 wire
+      character*5 blockname
+      integer isector
+      integer iplane
+      integer iwire
+      integer ichamber
+      integer ilayer
+      integer irow
+      integer ivolu			! internal volume number
+      real par(10)			! geometry parameters
+      real x, y, z			! offset position for placement of dets
+      integer i                         ! index variable
+      real wspace                       ! Wire spacing temp variable
+      real xtemp,ytemp                  ! Temporary variables for
+      real xplus,yplus                  ! display correct wire lengths.
+      real xminus,yminus
+      real*4 raddeg
+      parameter (raddeg = 3.14159265/180.)
+* First define two general media that everything is made of
+* one is insensitive, and the other is sensitive
+      call gstmed (SHUTMEDIA, 'air', 15, 0, 0,0.,20.,1.,0.5,1.,1.,0,0)
+      call gstmed (DETMEDIA, 'det', 15, 1, 0,0.,20.,1.,0.5,1.,1.,0,0)
+* Now define the mother volume that the detectors sit in
+      par(1) = SHUT_WIDTH / 2.          ! half width in x of mother volume
+      par(2) = SHUT_WIDTH / 2.          ! half width in y of mother volume
+      par(3) = SHUT_HEIGHT / 2.         ! half height in z of mother volume
+      call g_ugsvolu ('SHUT', 'BOX ', SHUTMEDIA, par, 3, ivolu)
+      call gsatt ('SHUT', 'SEEN', 0)	! can't see the hut
+* Now define the wire chambers as a collection of planes
+* First the U and V planes.
+      par(1) = ywirelength/2.
+      par(2) = xwirelength/2.
+      par(3) = wcscale * (sdc_zpos(2) - sdc_zpos(1))/ 2. ! half width of chamber planes
+      do ichamber = 1,2
+         do iplane = 1,2
+           write(planename,'(a,a,a,a)') "W",char(64+ichamber),char(64+iplane),"U"
+           call g_ugsvolu (planename, 'BOX ', DETMEDIA, par, 3, ivolu)
+           write(planename,'(a,a,a,a)') "W",char(64+ichamber),char(64+iplane),"V"
+           call g_ugsvolu (planename, 'BOX ', DETMEDIA, par, 3, ivolu)
+         enddo
+       enddo
+* Now do the X planes. 
+      par(1) = ywirelength/2.
+      par(2) = xwirelength/2.
+      par(3) = wcscale * (sdc_zpos(2) - sdc_zpos(1))/ 2. ! half width of chamber planes
+      do ichamber = 1,2
+         do iplane = 1,2
+           write(planename,'(a,a,a,a)') "W",char(64+ichamber),char(64+iplane),"X"
+           call g_ugsvolu (planename, 'BOX ', DETMEDIA, par, 3, ivolu)
+         enddo
+       enddo
+! make a volume for 6 planes.  The size here should be cool. DVW 18 jul 95
+      par(1) = ywirelength/2.
+      par(2) = xwirelength/2.
+      par(3) = wcscale * (6./5. * (sdc_zpos(6) - sdc_zpos(1))) / 2.
+      call g_ugsvolu ('WCHA', 'BOX ', DETMEDIA, par, 3, ivolu) ! Wire chamber
+      call g_ugsvolu ('WCHB', 'BOX ', DETMEDIA, par, 3, ivolu) ! Wire chamber
+* Now place the planes within the wire chamber.  Start with U
+      z = - wcscale * (5. / 2.) * (sdc_zpos(2) -sdc_zpos(1))
+      call gspos ('WAAU', 1, 'WCHA', 0., 0., z, 0, 'ONLY') ! U plane
+      z = - wcscale * (3. / 2.) * (sdc_zpos(2) -sdc_zpos(1))
+      call gspos ('WABU', 1, 'WCHA', 0., 0., z, 0, 'ONLY') ! U plane
+      z = - wcscale * (5. / 2.) * (sdc_zpos(2) -sdc_zpos(1))
+      call gspos ('WBAU', 1, 'WCHB', 0., 0., z, 0, 'ONLY') ! U plane
+      z = - wcscale * (3. / 2.) * (sdc_zpos(2) -sdc_zpos(1))
+      call gspos ('WBBU', 1, 'WCHB', 0., 0., z, 0, 'ONLY') ! U plane
+      z = - wcscale * (1. / 2.) * (sdc_zpos(2) -sdc_zpos(1))
+      call gspos ('WAAX', 1, 'WCHA', 0., 0., z, 0, 'ONLY') ! X plane
+      z =   wcscale * (1. / 2.) * (sdc_zpos(2) -sdc_zpos(1))
+      call gspos ('WABX', 1, 'WCHA', 0., 0., z, 0, 'ONLY') ! X plane
+      z = - wcscale * (1. / 2.) * (sdc_zpos(2) -sdc_zpos(1))
+      call gspos ('WBAX', 1, 'WCHB', 0., 0., z, 0, 'ONLY') ! X plane
+      z =   wcscale * (1. / 2.) * (sdc_zpos(2) -sdc_zpos(1))
+      call gspos ('WBBX', 1, 'WCHB', 0., 0., z, 0, 'ONLY') ! X plane
+      z =   wcscale * (3. / 2.) * (sdc_zpos(2) -sdc_zpos(1))
+      call gspos ('WAAV', 1, 'WCHA', 0., 0., z, 0, 'ONLY') ! V plane
+      z =   wcscale * (5. / 2.) * (sdc_zpos(2) -sdc_zpos(1))
+      call gspos ('WABV', 1, 'WCHA', 0., 0., z, 0, 'ONLY') ! V plane
+      z =   wcscale * (3. / 2.) * (sdc_zpos(2) -sdc_zpos(1))
+      call gspos ('WBAV', 1, 'WCHB', 0., 0., z, 0, 'ONLY') ! V plane
+      z =   wcscale * (5. / 2.) * (sdc_zpos(2) -sdc_zpos(1))
+      call gspos ('WBBV', 1, 'WCHB', 0., 0., z, 0, 'ONLY') ! V plane
+* Now place the wire chambers in the mother volume
+      x = sdc_xcenter(1)
+      y = - sdc_ycenter(1)
+      z = sdc_1_zpos
+      call gspos ('WCHA', 1, 'SHUT', x, y, z, 0, 'ONLY') ! upper chamber
+      x = sdc_xcenter(2)
+      y = - sdc_ycenter(2)
+      z = sdc_2_zpos
+      call gspos ('WCHB', 1, 'SHUT', x, y, z, 0, 'ONLY') ! bottom chamber
+* Define the individual wire cells
+* See the file "" for a description of the numbering of the
+* various detector elements
+      par(1) = sdc_pitch(1) / 2./1000.        ! make the cells "wire" thin
+      par(2) = uwirelength/2.
+      par(3) = (sdc_zpos(2) - sdc_zpos(1))/ 2./1000. ! half width of chamber planes
+      wspace = sdc_pitch(1) / SIN(sdc_alpha_angle(1))
+* First define all the "boxes" for all the U wires in both chambers...
+* Then position the U wires plane by plane
+      do ichamber=1,2
+        iplane = 1
+        x = -(sdc_nrwire(1) + 1.) / 2. * wspace
+        do isector=1,4
+          if(isector.eq.3) then
+            iplane = 2
+            x = -(sdc_nrwire(1) + 1.) / 2. * wspace
+          endif
+          write(plane,'(a,a,a,a)') 'W',char(64 + ichamber),char(64+iplane),'U'
+          do iwire = 1,24
+            x = x + wspace
+            ytemp = xwirelength/2.0
+            xtemp = ytemp/tan(sdc_alpha_angle(1)) + x
+            if( then
+              xplus = ywirelength/2.0
+              yplus = (xplus-x)*tan(sdc_alpha_angle(1))
+            else
+              xplus = xtemp
+              yplus = ytemp
+            endif
+            ytemp = -xwirelength/2.0
+            xtemp = ytemp/tan(sdc_alpha_angle(1)) + x
+            if( then
+              xminus = -ywirelength/2.0
+              yminus = (xminus-x)*tan(sdc_alpha_angle(1))
+            else
+              xminus = xtemp
+              yminus = ytemp
+            endif
+            par(2) = sqrt((xplus-xminus)**2+(yplus-yminus)**2)/2.0
+            write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') char(64 + ichamber),'U',
+     $           char(64 + isector),char(64 + iwire)
+            call g_ugsvolu (wire, 'BOX ', DETMEDIA, par, 3, ivolu) ! U cell
+            call gsatt (wire, 'SEEN', 0) ! can't see the wire cells
+            call gspos (wire, 1, plane, (xminus+xplus)/2
+     $           , (yminus+yplus)/2, 0., 3, 'ONLY')
+          enddo
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      par(1) = sdc_pitch(3) / 2. /1000.       ! half width of cell
+      par(2) = xwirelength/2.             ! the length of the xwirelengths
+      par(3) = (sdc_zpos(4) - sdc_zpos(3))/ 2./1000. ! half width of chamber planes
+      wspace = sdc_pitch(3)
+* First define all the "boxes" for all the X wires in both chambers...
+* Then position the X wires plane by plane...
+      do ichamber=1,2
+        iplane = 1
+        x = -(sdc_nrwire(3) + 1.) / 2. * wspace
+        do isector=1,8
+          if(isector.eq.5) then
+            iplane = 2
+            x = -(sdc_nrwire(3) + 1.) / 2. * wspace
+          endif
+          write (plane,'(a,a,a,a)') 'W',char(64 + ichamber),char(64+iplane),'X'
+          do iwire = 1,16
+            x = x + wspace
+            write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') char(64 + ichamber),'X',
+     $           char(64 + isector),char(64 + iwire)
+            call g_ugsvolu (wire, 'BOX ', DETMEDIA, par, 3, ivolu) ! X cell
+            call gsatt (wire, 'SEEN', 0) ! can't see the wire cells
+            call gspos (wire, 1, plane, x, 0., 0., 0, 'ONLY')
+          enddo
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      par(1) = sdc_pitch(5) / 2./1000.        ! half width of cell
+      par(2) = vwirelength/2.
+      par(3) = (sdc_zpos(6) - sdc_zpos(5))/ 2./1000. ! half width of chamber planes
+      wspace = sdc_pitch(5) / SIN(sdc_alpha_angle(5))        
+* First define all the "boxes" for all the V wires in both chambers...
+* Then position the V wires plane by plane...
+      do ichamber=1,2
+        iplane =1
+        x = -(sdc_nrwire(5) + 1.) / 2. * wspace
+        do isector=1,4
+          if(isector.eq.3) then
+            iplane = 2
+            x = -(sdc_nrwire(5) + 1.) / 2. * wspace
+          endif
+          write (plane,'(a,a,a,a)') 'W',char(64 + ichamber),char(64+iplane),'V'
+          do iwire = 1,24
+            x = x + wspace
+            ytemp = -xwirelength/2.0
+            xtemp = ytemp/tan(sdc_alpha_angle(5)) + x
+            if( then
+              xplus = ywirelength/2.0
+              yplus = (xplus-x)*tan(sdc_alpha_angle(5))
+            else
+              xplus = xtemp
+              yplus = ytemp
+            endif
+            ytemp = xwirelength/2.0
+            xtemp = ytemp/tan(sdc_alpha_angle(5)) + x
+            if( then
+              xminus = -ywirelength/2.0
+              yminus = (xminus-x)*tan(sdc_alpha_angle(5))
+            else
+              xminus = xtemp
+              yminus = ytemp
+            endif
+             par(2) = sqrt((xplus-xminus)**2+(yplus-yminus)**2)/2.0
+            write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') char(64 + ichamber),'V',
+     $           char(64 + isector),char(64 + iwire)
+            call g_ugsvolu (wire, 'BOX ', DETMEDIA, par, 3, ivolu) ! U cell
+            call gsatt (wire, 'SEEN', 0) ! can't see the wire cells
+c            write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') char(64 + ichamber),'V',
+c     $           char(64 + isector),char(64 + iwire)
+            call gspos (wire, 1, plane, (xminus+xplus)/2
+     $           , (yminus+yplus)/2, 0., 4, 'ONLY')
+          enddo
+        enddo
+      enddo
+* Now define the hodoscope layers
+* See the file "" for a description of the numbering of the
+* various detector elements
+      par(1) = sscin_1x_size * sscin_1x_nr / 2.
+      par(2) = sscin_1y_size * sscin_1y_nr / 2.
+      par(3) = sscin_1x_dzpos * hodoscale / 2.
+      call g_ugsvolu ('HDX1', 'BOX ', DETMEDIA, par, 3, ivolu) ! X plane hodo
+      call g_ugsvolu ('HDY1', 'BOX ', DETMEDIA, par, 3, ivolu) ! Y plane hodo
+      call gsatt ('HDX1', 'SEEN', 0)   ! can't see the hodo box
+      call gsatt ('HDY1', 'SEEN', 0)   ! can't see the hodo box
+      par(1) = sscin_2x_size * sscin_2x_nr / 2.
+      par(2) = sscin_2y_size * sscin_2y_nr / 2.
+      par(3) = sscin_2x_dzpos * hodoscale /2.
+      call g_ugsvolu ('HDX2', 'BOX ', DETMEDIA, par, 3, ivolu) ! X plane hodo
+      call g_ugsvolu ('HDY2', 'BOX ', DETMEDIA, par, 3, ivolu) ! Y plane hodo
+      call gsatt ('HDX2', 'SEEN', 0)   ! can't see the hodo box
+      call gsatt ('HDY2', 'SEEN', 0)   ! can't see the hodo box
+! box for front hodos
+      par(1) = sscin_1x_size * sscin_1x_nr / 2.
+      par(2) = sscin_1y_size * sscin_1y_nr / 2.
+      par(3) = sscin_1x_dzpos*hodoscale + (sscin_1y_zpos-sscin_1x_zpos)/2.
+      call g_ugsvolu ('HOD1', 'BOX ', DETMEDIA, par, 3, ivolu) ! hodoscope box
+      call gsatt ('HOD1', 'SEEN', 0)	! can't see the hodo box
+! box for back hodos
+      par(1) = sscin_2x_size * sscin_2x_nr / 2.
+      par(2) = sscin_2y_size * sscin_2y_nr / 2.
+      par(3) = sscin_2x_dzpos*hodoscale + (sscin_2y_zpos-sscin_2x_zpos)/2.
+      call g_ugsvolu ('HOD2', 'BOX ', DETMEDIA, par, 3, ivolu) ! hodoscope box
+      call gsatt ('HOD2', 'SEEN', 0)	! can't see the hodo box
+*                                         added by Derek
+      x = -sscin_1x_offset
+      y = sscin_1y_offset
+      z = sscin_1x_zpos
+      call gspos ('HOD1', 1, 'SHUT', x, y, z, 0, 'ONLY') ! lower hodo
+      x = -sscin_2x_offset
+      y = sscin_2y_offset
+      z = sscin_2x_zpos
+      call gspos ('HOD2', 1, 'SHUT', x, y, z, 0, 'ONLY') ! upper hodo
+      z= -(sscin_1x_offset*hodoscale + (sscin_1y_zpos-sscin_1x_zpos))/2.
+      call gspos ('HDX1', 1, 'HOD1', 0., 0., z, 0, 'ONLY') ! X plane
+      call gspos ('HDY1', 1, 'HOD1', 0., 0., -z, 0, 'ONLY') ! Y plane
+      z= -(sscin_2x_offset*hodoscale + (sscin_2y_zpos-sscin_2x_zpos))/2.
+      call gspos ('HDX2', 1, 'HOD2', 0., 0., z, 0, 'ONLY') ! X plane
+      call gspos ('HDY2', 1, 'HOD2', 0., 0., -z, 0, 'ONLY') ! Y plane
+* Now define the strips for the hodoscopes
+      x = (sscin_1x_nr + 1.) * sscin_1x_size / 2. ! starting loci
+      do i = 1, sscin_1x_nr
+        x = x - sscin_1x_size
+        write (scinname,'(a,a)') 'H1X',char(64 + i)
+        par(1) = sscin_1x_size / 2. ! half width of X strips
+        par(2) = sscin_1y_size * sscin_1y_nr / 2.
+        par(3) = sscin_1x_dzpos * hodoscale / 2. !half thickness of hodoscope in z
+        call g_ugsvolu (scinname, 'BOX ', DETMEDIA, par, 3, ivolu) ! X plane hodo
+        call gspos (scinname, i, 'HDX1', x, 0., 0., 0, 'ONLY')
+      enddo
+      y = (sscin_1y_nr + 1.) * sscin_1y_size / 2. ! starting loci
+      do i = 1, sscin_1y_nr
+        y = y - sscin_1y_size
+        write (scinname,'(a,a)') 'H1Y',char(64 + i)
+        par(1) = sscin_1x_size * sscin_1x_nr / 2.
+                                        ! half width of hodoscope in x
+        par(2) = sscin_1y_size / 2.	! half width of X strips
+        par(3) = sscin_1y_dzpos * hodoscale / 2. !half thickness of hodoscope in z
+        call g_ugsvolu (scinname, 'BOX ', DETMEDIA, par, 3, ivolu) ! Y plane hodo
+        call gspos (scinname, i, 'HDY1', 0., y, 0., 0, 'ONLY')
+      enddo
+      x = (sscin_2x_nr + 1.) * sscin_2x_size / 2. ! starting loci
+      do i = 1,sscin_2x_nr
+        x = x - sscin_2x_size
+        write (scinname,'(a,a)') 'H2X',char(64 + i)
+        par(1) = sscin_2x_size / 2. ! half width of X strips
+        par(2) = sscin_2y_size * sscin_2y_nr / 2.
+        par(3) = sscin_2x_dzpos * hodoscale / 2. !half thickness of hodoscope in z
+        call g_ugsvolu (scinname, 'BOX ', DETMEDIA, par, 3, ivolu) ! X plane hodo
+        call gspos (scinname, i, 'HDX2', x, 0., 0., 0, 'ONLY')
+      enddo
+      y = (sscin_2y_nr + 1.) * sscin_2y_size / 2. ! starting loci
+      do i = 1, sscin_2y_nr
+        y = y - sscin_2y_size
+        write (scinname,'(a,a)') 'H2Y',char(64 + i)
+        par(1) = sscin_2x_size * sscin_2x_nr / 2.
+        par(2) = sscin_2y_size / 2.	! half width of X strips
+        par(3) = sscin_2y_dzpos * hodoscale / 2. !half thickness of hodoscope in z
+        call g_ugsvolu (scinname, 'BOX ', DETMEDIA, par, 3, ivolu) ! Y plane hodo
+        call gspos (scinname, i, 'HDY2', 0., y, 0., 0, 'ONLY')
+      enddo
+* Now define the shower detector
+* See the file "" for a description of the numbering of the
+* various detector elements
+! half width of the shower in x
+      par(1) = smax_cal_rows * scal_block_zsize / 2.
+! half width of the shower in y
+      par(2) = scal_block_ysize / 2.
+! half height of the shower detector
+      par(3) = smax_cal_columns * scal_block_xsize / 2.
+      call g_ugsvolu ('SHOW', 'BOX ', DETMEDIA, par, 3, ivolu)
+!for the x offset, we take the center of the top and bottom blocks
+!This assumes that all the blocks are
+!the same heighth and width as scal_1pr
+      x = -(scal_block_xc(1) + scal_block_xc(smax_cal_rows))/2
+      y = scal_block_yc(1)
+      z = scal_1pr_zpos + smax_cal_columns*scal_block_xsize/2.
+      call gspos ('SHOW', 1, 'SHUT', x, y, z, 0, 'ONLY')
+      call gsatt ('SHOW','SEEN',0)
+      par(1) = smax_cal_rows * scal_block_zsize / 2.! half width of shower in x
+      par(2) = scal_block_ysize / 2.    ! half width of the shower in y
+      par(3) = scal_block_xsize / 2.    ! half height of the shower detector
+      z = -(smax_cal_columns + 1.) / 2. * scal_block_xsize
+      do ilayer =1,smax_cal_columns
+        z = z + scal_block_xsize
+        write (layername,'(a,i1)') 'LAY',ilayer
+        par(1) = smax_cal_rows * scal_block_zsize / 2. ! half width of shower
+        call g_ugsvolu (layername, 'BOX ', DETMEDIA, par, 3, ivolu)
+        call gspos(layername, 1, 'SHOW', 0., 0., z, 0, 'ONLY')
+        par(1) = scal_block_zsize / 2.	! half width of a block
+        x =  (smax_cal_rows - 1.) / 2. * scal_block_zsize
+        do irow = 1, smax_cal_rows
+          write (blockname,'(a,i1,a)') 'BL',ilayer,char(64 + irow)
+          call g_ugsvolu (blockname, 'BOX ', DETMEDIA, par, 3, ivolu)
+          call gspos(blockname, 1, layername, x, 0., 0., 0, 'ONLY')
+          x = x - scal_block_zsize
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      end
diff --git a/ONEEV/s_one_ev_head_view.f b/ONEEV/s_one_ev_head_view.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5bce0db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ONEEV/s_one_ev_head_view.f
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+      subroutine s_one_ev_head_view
+* $Log:
+      implicit none
+      include 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'sos_tracking.cmn'
+      include 'sos_geometry.cmn'
+      include 'sos_calorimeter.cmn'
+      include 'gen_event_info.cmn'
+      include 'sos_one_ev.par'
+      include 'gen_one_ev_gctrak.cmn'
+      include 'gen_one_ev_gckine.cmn'
+      include 'gen_one_ev_gcvolu.cmn'
+      character*5 scinname 
+      integer iscin
+      character*4 blockname
+      character*5 layername
+      integer ilayer
+      integer irow
+      call gdopen (5)
+*     first, get all the background junk out of the picture...
+      call gsatt ('HDX1','SEEN',0)
+      call gsatt ('HDX2','SEEN',0)
+      call gsatt ('HDY1','SEEN',0)
+      call gsatt ('HDY2','SEEN',0)
+      call gsatt ('SHOW','SEEN',0)
+      do iscin=1,LOWER_HODO_X_PADDLES
+         write(scinname,'(a,a)') 'H1X',char(64 + iscin)
+         call gsatt (scinname,'SEEN',0)
+      enddo
+      do iscin=1,LOWER_HODO_Y_PADDLES
+         write(scinname,'(a,a)') 'H1Y',char(64 + iscin)
+         call gsatt (scinname,'SEEN',0)
+      enddo
+      do iscin=1,UPPER_HODO_X_PADDLES
+         write(scinname,'(a,a)') 'H2X',char(64 + iscin)
+         call gsatt (scinname,'SEEN',0)
+      enddo
+      do iscin=1,UPPER_HODO_Y_PADDLES
+         write(scinname,'(a,a)') 'H2Y',char(64 + iscin)
+         call gsatt (scinname,'SEEN',0)
+      enddo
+      do ilayer =1,SMAX_CAL_COLUMNS
+         write(layername,'(a,i1)') 'LAY',ilayer
+         call gsatt (layername,'SEEN',0)
+         do irow = 1,SMAX_CAL_ROWS
+            write(blockname,'(a,i1,a)') 'BL',ilayer,char(64 + irow)
+            call gsatt (blockname,'SEEN',0)
+         enddo
+      enddo         
+      call gdhits ('*   ', '*   ', 0, 850, 0.3)
+      call gdrawt (3.,2.,'HEAD ON VIEW',.5,0.,2,0)
+      call gdrawt (3.,1.,'SOS',.5,0.,2,0)
+      call gdraw ('SHUT', 0., 0., 90., 10.0, 8.5,0.25,0.25)
+      call s_one_ev_track
+      call gdclos (5)
+      call gdshow (5)
+      call gdshow (5)
+*     It's already been stored, so now make everything visible again for 
+*     the next pass
+      call gsatt ('HDX1','SEEN',1)
+      call gsatt ('HDY1','SEEN',1)
+      call gsatt ('HDX2','SEEN',1)
+      call gsatt ('HDY2','SEEN',1)
+      do iscin=1,LOWER_HODO_X_PADDLES
+         write(scinname,'(a,a)') 'H1X',char(64 + iscin)
+         call gsatt (scinname,'SEEN',1)
+      enddo
+      do iscin=1,LOWER_HODO_Y_PADDLES
+         write(scinname,'(a,a)') 'H1Y',char(64 + iscin)
+         call gsatt (scinname,'SEEN',1)
+      enddo
+      do iscin=1,UPPER_HODO_X_PADDLES
+         write(scinname,'(a,a)') 'H2X',char(64 + iscin)
+         call gsatt (scinname,'SEEN',1)
+      enddo
+      do iscin=1,UPPER_HODO_Y_PADDLES
+         write(scinname,'(a,a)') 'H2Y',char(64 + iscin)
+         call gsatt (scinname,'SEEN',1)
+      enddo
+      do ilayer =1,SMAX_CAL_COLUMNS
+         write(layername,'(a,i1)') 'LAY',ilayer
+         call gsatt (layername,'SEEN',1)
+         do irow = 1,SMAX_CAL_ROWS
+            write(blockname,'(a,i1,a)') 'BL',ilayer,char(64 + irow)
+            call gsatt (blockname,'SEEN',1)
+         enddo
+      enddo
+      call gdelet (5)
+      end
diff --git a/ONEEV/s_one_ev_hodo.f b/ONEEV/s_one_ev_hodo.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d61c33a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ONEEV/s_one_ev_hodo.f
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+      Subroutine s_one_ev_hodo
+* $Log: s_one_ev_hodo.f,v $
+* Revision 1.3  1996/11/22 15:38:35  saw
+* (SAW) Fix some startup errors
+* Revision 1.2  1996/09/04 20:09:04  saw
+* (SAW) Replace huge list of gsdet/gsdeth calls with do loops over the
+* detector geometry.
+* Revision 1.1  1995/09/18 14:38:47  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      include 'sos_one_ev.par'
+      integer iset, idet
+      character*4 varinames(3)
+      integer     varibits(3)
+      integer     hodobits(3)
+      real origin(3), factor(3)
+      integer ihod,iplane,ipaddle
+      character*4 specname
+      character*4 hodoname(3)
+      character*1 planenames(2)
+      integer nhods,nplanes,npaddles(4)
+      data specname /'SOS'/
+      data planenames /'X','Y'/
+      data nhods,nplanes,npaddles /2,2,9,9,16,9/
+      data varinames /'x', 'y', 'z'/
+      data varibits /32, 32, 32/
+      data hodobits /2,2,5/
+      data factor /1e3, 1e3, 1e3/
+      do ihod=1,nhods
+        write (hodoname(1),'("HOD",i1)') ihod
+        do iplane=1,nplanes
+          write (hodoname(2),'("HD",a1,i1)') planenames(iplane),ihod
+          do ipaddle=1,npaddles((ihod-1)*2+iplane)
+            write (hodoname(3),'("H",i1,a1,a1)') ihod,planenames(iplane)
+     $           ,char(ichar('A')+ipaddle-1)
+            call gsdet(specname,hodoname(3),3,hodoname,hodobits,
+     $           2,100,100,iset,idet)
+            call gsdeth(specname,hodoname(3),3,varinames,varibits,
+     $           origin,factor)
+          enddo
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/ONEEV/s_one_ev_persp_view.f b/ONEEV/s_one_ev_persp_view.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7abd95a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ONEEV/s_one_ev_persp_view.f
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+      subroutine s_one_ev_persp_view
+* $Log: s_one_ev_persp_view.f,v $
+* Revision 1.2  1996/01/17 16:38:44  cdaq
+* (DVW) Tweak args in gdraw calls
+* Revision 1.1  1995/09/18 14:44:08  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      include 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'sos_tracking.cmn'
+      include 'sos_geometry.cmn'
+      include 'sos_calorimeter.cmn'
+      include 'gen_event_info.cmn'
+      include 'sos_one_ev.par'
+      include 'gen_one_ev_gctrak.cmn'
+      include 'gen_one_ev_gckine.cmn'
+      include 'gen_one_ev_gcvolu.cmn'
+      character*5 scinname
+      integer iscin
+      call gdopen (8)
+      call gdrawt (5.,2.,'PERSPECTIVE VIEW',.5,0.,2,0)
+      call gdrawt (5.,1.,'SOS',.5,0.,2,0)
+      call gdraw ('SHUT', 45., 115., 90., 1.8, 8.0, 0.06, 0.06)
+      call s_one_ev_track
+      call gdhits ('*   ', '*   ', 0, 850, 0.1)
+      call gdclos (8)
+*     blow up the wire chambers, and make the hodoscopes invisible
+      call gdopen (9)
+      call gsatt ('HDX1','SEEN',0)
+      call gsatt ('HDY1','SEEN',0)
+      do iscin=1,LOWER_HODO_X_PADDLES
+         write(scinname,'(a,a)') 'H1X',char(64 + iscin)
+         call gsatt (scinname,'SEEN',0)
+      enddo
+      do iscin=1,LOWER_HODO_Y_PADDLES
+         write(scinname,'(a,a)') 'H1Y',char(64 + iscin)
+         call gsatt (scinname,'SEEN',0)
+      enddo
+      call gdraw ('SHUT', 45., 115., 90., 12.8, 5.1, 0.15, 0.15)
+      call s_one_ev_track
+      call gdhits ('*   ', '*   ', 0, 850, 0.3)
+      call gdclos (9)
+      call gsatt ('HDX1','SEEN',1)
+      call gsatt ('HDY1','SEEN',1)
+      call gdclos (9)
+*     Now make them visible again for the next pass...
+      do iscin=1,LOWER_HODO_X_PADDLES
+         write(scinname,'(a,a)') 'H1X',char(64 + iscin)
+         call gsatt (scinname,'SEEN',1)
+      enddo
+      do iscin=1,LOWER_HODO_Y_PADDLES
+         write(scinname,'(a,a)') 'H1Y',char(64 + iscin)
+         call gsatt (scinname,'SEEN',1)
+      enddo
+      call gdshow (9)
+      call gdshow (8)
+      call gdshow (9)
+      call gdelet (8)
+      call gdelet (9)
+      end
diff --git a/ONEEV/s_one_ev_topside_view.f b/ONEEV/s_one_ev_topside_view.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94bb15c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ONEEV/s_one_ev_topside_view.f
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+      subroutine s_one_ev_topside_view
+* $Log: s_one_ev_topside_view.f,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1996/01/17 16:37:05  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      include 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'sos_tracking.cmn'
+      include 'sos_geometry.cmn'
+      include 'sos_calorimeter.cmn'
+      include 'gen_event_info.cmn'
+      include 'sos_one_ev.par'
+      include 'gen_one_ev_gctrak.cmn'
+      include 'gen_one_ev_gckine.cmn'
+      include 'gen_one_ev_gcvolu.cmn'
+      call gdopen (7)
+      call gsatt ('HDX1','SEEN',0)
+      call gsatt ('HDX2','SEEN',0)
+      call gdrawt (4.4,2.,'TOP VIEW',.5,0.,2,0)
+      call gdrawt (4.4,1.,'SOS',.5,0.,2,0)
+      call gdraw ('SHUT', 270., 0., 90., 4.4,4.0, 0.045, 0.080)
+      call s_one_ev_track
+      call gdhits ('*   ', '*   ', 0, 850, 0.1)
+      call gdhits ('HOD1', 'HDY1', 0, 850, 0.1)
+      call gdhits ('HOD2', 'HDY2', 0, 850, 0.1)
+      call gdclos (7)
+*     Other side view
+      call gdopen (6)
+      call gsatt ('HDY1','SEEN',0)
+      call gsatt ('HDY2','SEEN',0)
+      call gdrawt (14.75,2.,'SIDE VIEW',.5,0.,2,0)
+      call gdraw ('SHUT', 90., 90., 90., 14.75,4.0,0.045, 0.080)
+      call s_one_ev_track
+      call gdhits ('*   ', '*   ', 0, 850, 0.1)
+      call gdclos (6)
+      call gdshow (7)
+      call gdshow (6)
+      call gdshow (7)
+      call gdelet (6)
+      call gdelet (7)
+      end
diff --git a/ONEEV/s_one_ev_track.f b/ONEEV/s_one_ev_track.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ce7745
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ONEEV/s_one_ev_track.f
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+      subroutine s_one_ev_track
+* $Log: s_one_ev_track.f,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1996/01/17 16:38:09  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      include 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'sos_tracking.cmn'
+      include 'sos_geometry.cmn'
+      include 'sos_calorimeter.cmn'
+      include 'gen_event_info.cmn'
+      include 'sos_one_ev.par'
+      include 'gen_one_ev_gctrak.cmn'
+      include 'gen_one_ev_gckine.cmn'
+      include 'gen_one_ev_gcvolu.cmn'
+      real track_x, track_y, track_z    ! a point on the track
+      real track_x_slope, track_y_slope ! slope of the track
+      real x, y, z                      ! coordinates
+      real z_distance                   ! z distance to end of hut
+      integer track                     ! index variables
+* Take care of creating the reconstructed tracks
+      vect(4) =  0.0
+      vect(5) =  0.0
+      vect(6) =  1.
+      vect(7) =  1.
+*      ipart = 3            !electron to make track red
+*      ipart = 13          !neutron to make track black
+*      ipart = 5            !muon to make track green
+      ipart = 1                         !photon to make track blue
+      tofg  = 1e-5
+      itra  = 1
+*      amass = 0.511e-3
+*      amass = 0.93957
+      sleng = 200.
+      step  = 200.
+      do track = 1, SNTRACKS_FP
+        ipart = 1                       !photon to make track blue
+        if (track.eq.SSNUM_FPTRACK) then
+          ipart = 3                     !electron to make track red
+        endif
+        track_x       = -sx_fp(track)   ! x position on track
+        track_y       = sy_fp(track)    ! y position on track
+        track_z       = 0               ! z position on track
+        track_x_slope = -sxp_fp(track)  ! track slope in x
+        track_y_slope = syp_fp(track)   ! track slope in y
+        z		= -SHUT_HEIGHT / 2. ! bottom of hut
+        z_distance	= track_z - z   ! distance from point to floor
+        x		= track_x - z_distance * sin(track_x_slope) ! x loci
+        y		= track_y - z_distance * sin(track_y_slope) ! y loci
+        vect(1) = x
+        vect(2) = y
+        vect(3) = z
+        call gsxyz
+        z		= SHUT_HEIGHT / 2. ! bottom of hut
+        z_distance	= z - track_z   ! distance from point to roof
+        x		= track_x + z_distance * sin(track_x_slope) ! x loci
+        y		= track_y + z_distance * sin(track_y_slope) ! y loci
+        vect(1) = x
+        vect(2) = y
+        vect(3) = z
+        call gsxyz
+        call gdxyz (track)
+*     call gdpart (itra,01,0.5)  !this will number the tracks
+        itra = itra+1
+*     ipart = ipart+1   !this changes the color for each track
+      enddo
+      end
diff --git a/ONEEV/s_one_ev_wc.f b/ONEEV/s_one_ev_wc.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7c5155c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ONEEV/s_one_ev_wc.f
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+      subroutine s_one_ev_wc
+* $Log: s_one_ev_wc.f,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1996/01/17 16:38:04  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      include 'sos_one_ev.par'
+      integer iset, idet
+      character*4 varinames(3)
+      integer varibits(3)
+      integer chambits(3)
+      real origin(3),factor(3)
+      integer i
+      character*4 wire
+      integer ichamber
+      integer isector
+      integer iwire
+      integer iplane
+      character*4 specname
+      character*4 wcname(3)
+      character*1 sectorthingy
+      integer nchambers
+      integer nplanes
+      character*1 planenames(4)
+      integer sectors(4),wires(4)
+      data specname,nchambers /'SOS ',2/
+      data nplanes /3/
+      data planenames /'U','X','V',' '/
+      data sectors /4,8,4,0/
+      data wires /24,16,24,0/
+      data varinames /'x','y','z'/
+      data chambits /2,3,8/
+      do i=1,3
+        varibits(i)=32
+        origin(i)=SHUT_HEIGHT
+        factor(i)=1e3
+      enddo
+      do ichamber=1,nchambers
+        write (wcname(1),'("WCH",a1)') char(64 + ichamber)
+        do iplane=1,nplanes
+          do isector=1,sectors(iplane)
+            sectorthingy = 'A'
+            if( then
+              sectorthingy = 'B'
+            endif
+            write(wcname(2),'("W",3a1)')  char(64 + ichamber)
+     $           ,sectorthingy,planenames(iplane)
+            do iwire = 1,wires(iplane)
+              write (wire,'(a,a,a,a)') char(64 + ichamber)
+     $             ,planenames(iplane),char(64 + isector)
+     $             ,char(64 + iwire)
+              wcname(3) = wire
+              call gsdet(specname,wire,3,wcname,chambits,
+     $             2, 100, 100, iset, idet)
+              call gsdeth(specname,wire,3,varinames,varibits,origin,factor)
+            enddo
+          enddo
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/ONEEV/s_uginit.f b/ONEEV/s_uginit.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa516de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ONEEV/s_uginit.f
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+      subroutine s_uginit
+* Do the GEANT initalization
+* August, 1994, Pat Welch, Oregon State University,
+* Modified from HMS version, h_uginit, March 1995 by
+* Derek van Westrum (
+* $Log: s_uginit.f,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1995/07/31 15:15:28  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none      
+      call ginit                        ! init GEANT
+      call gzinit                       ! init GEANT data structs
+      call gdinit                       ! init GEANT drawing package
+      call gpart                        ! init particle structures
+      call gmate                        ! init materials structures
+      call gsrotm(1,90.,0.,90.,90.,0.,0.)
+      call gsrotm(2,90.,90.,90.,0.,0.,0.)
+*      call gsrotm(3,90.,15.,90.,105.,0.,0.)
+      call gsrotm(3,90.,-60.,90.,-150.,0.,0.)
+      call gsrotm(4,90.,60.,90.,150.,0.,0.)
+*      call gsrotm(3,90.,-30.,90.,-120.,0.,0.)
+*      call gsrotm(4,90.,30.,90.,120.,0.,0.)
+      call s_one_ev_geometry            ! define the geometry
+      call s_one_ev_detectors           ! define sensitive detectors
+      call ggclos                       ! close geometry structures
+      call gphysi                       ! init physics interaction vars
+      end
diff --git a/ONLINE/CVS/Entries b/ONLINE/CVS/Entries
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..57b5ce3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ONLINE/CVS/Entries
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+/Makefile/1.6/Fri Feb 14 18:10:21 2003//Tsane
+/usrdownload.f/1.2/Thu Jun 16 18:37:06 1994//Tsane
+/usrdump.f/1.1/Tue Jun 14 20:42:33 1994//Tsane
+/usrend.f/1.1/Tue Jun 14 20:42:02 1994//Tsane
+/usrevent.f/1.2/Thu Jul  7 15:21:24 1994//Tsane
+/usrgo.f/1.1/Tue Jun 14 20:42:05 1994//Tsane
+/usrmain.f/1.2/Thu Jun 16 18:36:15 1994//Tsane
+/usrpause.f/1.1/Thu Jun 16 03:49:44 1994//Tsane
+/usrprestart.f/1.1/Tue Jun 14 20:42:13 1994//Tsane
diff --git a/ONLINE/CVS/Repository b/ONLINE/CVS/Repository
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ee1351
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ONLINE/CVS/Repository
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/ONLINE/CVS/Root b/ONLINE/CVS/Root
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6288c3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ONLINE/CVS/Root
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/ONLINE/CVS/Tag b/ONLINE/CVS/Tag
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..25d73f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ONLINE/CVS/Tag
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/ONLINE/Makefile b/ONLINE/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ab973e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ONLINE/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+# $Log: Makefile,v $
+# Revision 1.6  2003/02/14 18:10:21  jones
+# Add if statement for Alpha OSF1 (E. Brash)
+# Revision 1.5  1996/01/17 16:48:24  cdaq
+# (SAW) Add libengine.a to library list
+# Revision 1.4  1995/05/24 14:04:15  cdaq
+# (SAW) Add -lm library for CTP
+# Revision 1.3  1995/01/27  21:09:22  cdaq
+# (SAW) Remove RCS from include file rules
+# Revision 1.2  1994/08/04  03:51:30  cdaq
+# (SAW) Add libhack.a to library list
+# Revision 1.1  1994/07/07  15:25:03  cdaq
+# Initial revision
+include $(Csoft)/etc/Makefile
+sources = usrmain.f usrprestart.f usrevent.f usrdump.f usrend.f usrpause.f \
+	usrdownload.f usrgo.f
+install-dirs := lib bin
+bin_targets = engine_online
+lib_targets := $(patsubst %.f, libonline.a(%.o), $(sources))
+objects := $(patsubst %.f, %.o, $(sources))
+ifeq ($(ARCH),HPUX)
+  CC = gcc
+  OTHERLIBS = -Wl,-L$(CODA)/HP_UX/lib \
+	-lana -lmsg -lcoda -Wl,-L$(CERN_ROOT)/lib -lpacklib -lm
+ifeq ($(ARCH),ULTRIX)
+  CC = gcc
+  OTHERLIBS = -L$(CODA)/ULTRIX/lib -lana -lmsg -lcoda -L$(CERN_ROOT)/lib -lpacklib
+ifeq ($(ARCH),OSF1)
+  CC = cc
+  OTHERLIBS = -L$(CERN_ROOT)/lib -lpacklib
+bin_targets = engine_online
+DEPLIBS = $(LIBROOT)/libengine.a \
+	$(LIBROOT)/libhtracking.a $(LIBROOT)/libstracking.a \
+	$(LIBROOT)/libengine.a \
+	$(LIBROOT)/libtracking.a $(LIBROOT)/libhack.a \
+	$(LIBROOT)/libgmc.a $(LIBROOT)/libutils.a $(LIBROOT)/libctp.a
+	@echo "nothing to make"
+	@make -C $(Csoft)/SRC/UTILSUBS csoft
+	@make -C $(Csoft)/SRC/GMC csoft
+	@make -C $(Csoft)/SRC/TRACKING csoft
+	@make -C $(Csoft)/SRC/CTP csoft
+engine_online: $(objects) $(DEPLIBS)
+	$(F77) $(FFLAGS) -o engine_online $(objects) $(DEPLIBS) $(OTHERLIBS)
+%.cmn :: ../INCLUDE/%.cmn,v
+	cp $< $@
+include $(sources:.f=.d)
diff --git a/ONLINE/usrdownload.f b/ONLINE/usrdownload.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ac2442
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ONLINE/usrdownload.f
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+      subroutine usrdownload(fname)
+*     ONLINE ENGINE - Hall C online Analyzer
+* $Log: usrdownload.f,v $
+* Revision 1.2  1994/06/16 18:37:06  cdaq
+* (SAW) Move in code from usrmain
+* Revision 1.1  1994/06/14  20:43:41  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*(*) fname
+      character*11 here
+      parameter (here='usrdownload')
+      logical oncethru
+      data oncethru /.false./
+*     This common block also used in usrprestart.f.  Should probably
+*     move these two lines to an include file.
+      character*80 g_config_environmental_var
+      common /ENVVAR/ g_config_environmental_var
+      logical ABORT
+      character*800 err
+      if(.not.oncethru) then
+         ABORT = .FALSE.
+         err = ' '
+         g_config_environmental_var = 'ONLINE_CONFIG_FILE'
+         call g_register_variables(ABORT,err)
+         if(ABORT .or.' ') then
+            call g_add_path(here,err)
+            call dalogmsg(err)
+         endif
+         ABORT = .FALSE.
+         err = ' '
+         call g_init_filenames(ABORT,err,g_config_environmental_var)
+         if(ABORT .or.' ') then
+            call g_add_path(here,err)
+            call dalogmsg(err)
+         endif
+         ABORT = .FALSE.
+         err = ' '
+         call g_decode_init(ABORT,err)
+         if(ABORT .or.' ') then
+            call g_add_path(here,err)
+            call dalogmsg(err)
+         endif
+         oncethru = .true.
+      endif
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/ONLINE/usrdump.f b/ONLINE/usrdump.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b1529e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ONLINE/usrdump.f
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+      subroutine usrdump
+* $Log: usrdump.f,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1994/06/14 20:42:33  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*7 here
+      parameter (here='usrdump')
+      logical OK,ABORT
+      character*800 err
+      call g_dump_histograms(ABORT,err)
+      if(ABORT .or.' ') then
+         call g_add_path(here,err)
+         call dalogmsg(err)
+      endif
+      return 
+      end
diff --git a/ONLINE/usrend.f b/ONLINE/usrend.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac44d82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ONLINE/usrend.f
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+      subroutine usrend
+* $Log: usrend.f,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1994/06/14 20:42:02  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*6 here
+      parameter (here='usrend')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*800 err
+      call g_proper_shutdown(ABORT,err)
+      if(ABORT .or.' ') then
+         call g_add_path(here,err)
+         call dalogmsg(err)
+      endif
+*     Do we need to rename the run?
+      return 
+      end
diff --git a/ONLINE/usrevent.f b/ONLINE/usrevent.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a7789c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ONLINE/usrevent.f
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+      subroutine usrevent(event, len, flag)
+*     ONLINE ENGINE - Hall C online Analyzer
+* $Log: usrevent.f,v $
+* Revision 1.2  1994/07/07 15:21:24  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add scaler analysis
+* Revision 1.1  1994/06/16  03:49:10  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      integer*4 event(*), len, flag
+*     event(*) - Contains the event.
+*                event(1)+1 is the total length of the event
+*                event(event(1)+2) [First word after event] contains the number
+*                of events that are waiting to be analyzed.
+*     len      - Amount of space available for the event.  (len-event(1)) is
+*                the amount of data that could be appended to the event.
+*     flag     - If true (the default), write the event to disk after
+*                usrevent returns.
+      character*8 here
+      parameter (here='usrevent')
+      logical OK, ABORT, problems
+      character*800 err
+      INCLUDE 'gen_run_info.cmn'
+      integer evtype
+*     We need to make sure that clear_event doesn't know about event array.
+      ABORT = .false.
+      err = ' '
+      call g_clear_event(ABORT,err)
+      if(ABORT .or.' ') then
+         call g_add_path(here,err)
+         call dalogmsg(err)
+      endif
+      ABORT = .false.
+      err = ' '
+      evtype = ishft(event(2),-16)
+      if(evtype.le.gen_MAX_trigger_types) then
+         call g_examine_physics_event(event,ABORT,err)
+         if(.NOT.ABORT) then
+            call g_reconstruction(event,ABORT,err)
+            if(ABORT .or.' ') then
+               call g_add_path(here,err)
+               call dalogmsg(err)
+            endif
+            ABORT = .false.
+            err = ' '
+            call g_keep_results(ABORT,err)
+*            if(ABORT .or.' ') then
+            if(ABORT) then              ! Don't show warnings.
+               call g_add_path(here,err)
+               call dalogmsg(err)
+            endif
+         endif
+      else                              ! Analyze scalers
+* Assume for now that all other events are scalers
+         call g_analyze_scalers(event,ABORT,err)
+      endif
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/ONLINE/usrgo.f b/ONLINE/usrgo.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..417f025
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ONLINE/usrgo.f
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+      subroutine usrgo()
+*     ONLINE ENGINE - Hall C online Analyzer
+* $Log: usrgo.f,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1994/06/14 20:42:05  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*5 here
+      parameter (here='usrgo')
+      logical OK, ABORT
+      character*800 err
+      call g_clear_event(ABORT,err)
+      if(ABORT .or.' ') then
+         call g_add_path(here,err)
+         call dalogmsg(err)
+      endif
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/ONLINE/usrmain.f b/ONLINE/usrmain.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..66d2603
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ONLINE/usrmain.f
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+*     ONLINE ENGINE - Hall C online Analyzer
+* $Log: usrmain.f,v $
+* Revision 1.2  1994/06/16 18:36:15  cdaq
+* (SAW) Move register, g_init_filenames call and map file reading to usrdownload
+* Revision 1.1  1994/06/16  03:49:26  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      program usrmain
+      implicit none
+      save
+*     We will be an analysis program so need the analysis services
+      integer rc_service_eb, rc_service_ana ! Pointers to common blocks
+      common/rc_service_eb/rc_service_eb
+      common/rc_service_ana/rc_service_ana
+*    Open communication with Run Control
+      call rcService(rc_service_eb)
+      call rcService(rc_service_ana)
+      call rcExecute()
+*     Never return from rcService
+      end
diff --git a/ONLINE/usrpause.f b/ONLINE/usrpause.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..856821c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ONLINE/usrpause.f
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+      subroutine usrpause
+* $Log: usrpause.f,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1994/06/16 03:49:44  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      save
+      return 
+      end
diff --git a/ONLINE/usrprestart.f b/ONLINE/usrprestart.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b4c5710
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ONLINE/usrprestart.f
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+      subroutine usrprestart(run_number, run_type)
+* $Log: usrprestart.f,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1994/06/14 20:42:13  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*11 here
+      parameter (here='usrprestart')
+      integer*4 run_number, run_type
+*     This common block also used in usrprestart.f.  Should probably
+*     move these two lines to an include file.
+      character*80 g_config_environmental_var
+      common /ENVVAR/ g_config_environmental_var
+      logical ABORT
+      character*800 err
+*     Every new run we may change the filenames
+      ABORT = .false.
+      err = ' '
+      call g_init_filenames(ABORT,err,g_config_environmental_var)
+      if(ABORT .or.' ') then
+         call g_add_path(here,err)
+         call dalogmsg(err)
+      endif
+      ABORT = .false.
+      err = ' '
+      call g_initialize(ABORT,err)
+      if(ABORT .or.' ') then
+         call g_add_path(here,err)
+         call dalogmsg(err)
+      endif
+      ABORT = .false.
+      err = ' '
+      call g_reset_event(ABORT,err)
+      if(ABORT .or.' ') then
+         call g_add_path(here,err)
+         call dalogmsg(err)
+      endif
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/PORT/.cvsignore b/PORT/.cvsignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92aeffc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PORT/.cvsignore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/PORT/CVS/Entries b/PORT/CVS/Entries
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d807bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PORT/CVS/Entries
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+/.cvsignore/1.1/Thu Jul  8 18:41:24 2004//Tsane
+/Makefile/1.1/Tue Dec  8 15:56:42 1998//Tsane
+/Makefile.Unix/ Sep 10 20:08:02 2007//Tsane
+/bit_wrappers.f/ Sep 10 20:28:01 2007//Tsane
+/cwrappers.c/ Sep 10 21:32:48 2007//Tsane
+/other_wrappers.f/1.1/Thu Nov 30 14:24:44 2000//Tsane
+/ran_wrappers.f/1.1/Wed Feb 24 15:29:17 1999//Tsane
+/trig_wrappers.f/1.1/Wed Feb 24 15:29:17 1999//Tsane
diff --git a/PORT/CVS/Repository b/PORT/CVS/Repository
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de17697
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PORT/CVS/Repository
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/PORT/CVS/Root b/PORT/CVS/Root
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6288c3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PORT/CVS/Root
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/PORT/CVS/Tag b/PORT/CVS/Tag
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..25d73f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PORT/CVS/Tag
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/PORT/Makefile b/PORT/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..218e9d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PORT/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# $Log: Makefile,v $
+# Revision 1.1  1998/12/08 15:56:42  saw
+# Initial setup
+include $(ETC)/Makefile.NEW
diff --git a/PORT/Makefile.Unix b/PORT/Makefile.Unix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ead2711
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PORT/Makefile.Unix
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+# This directory contains code that is needed to in some ports of the
+# Hall C analyzer to platforms other than HPUX.  For example, it contains
+# definitions of some fortran functions that are missing under F2C/Linux.
+# $Log: Makefile.Unix,v $
+# Revision  2007/09/10 20:08:02  pcarter
+# Implemented changes to allow compilation on RHEL 3,4,5 and MacOSX
+# Revision 1.5  2000/11/30 14:23:03  saw
+# Add other_wrappers.f for jidnnt
+# Revision 1.4  1998/12/09 16:31:16  saw
+# Remove dependence on Csoft environment variable
+# Revision 1.3  1998/12/01 20:37:29  saw
+# (SAW) Linux fixes
+# Revision 1.2  1996/11/22 17:05:53  saw
+# (SAW) Add routines for porting to Linux and AIX
+# Revision 1.1  1996/09/09 13:34:01  saw
+# Initial revision
+include ../../etc/Makefile
+include ../../etc/Makefile.flags
+ifeq ($(MYOS),AIX)
+  libsources =  bit_wrappers.f
+  install-dirs := lib
+  ifeq ($(MYOS),Linux)
+    ifeq ($(F77COMPILER),Absoft)
+      libsources =  absoft_wrappers.f
+    else
+      libsources =  bit_wrappers.f trig_wrappers.f ran_wrappers.f \
+		    other_wrappers.f
+    endif
+    install-dirs := lib
+  else
+    libsources =  
+    install-dirs :=
+  endif
+sources = $(libsources)
+lib_targets := $(patsubst %.f, libport.a(%.o), $(libsources)) \
+			libport.a(cwrappers.o)
+#	@echo "nothing to make"
+../%.f : $(NFSDIRECTORY)/PORT/%.f
+	ln -s $< $@
+../%.c : $(NFSDIRECTORY)/PORT/%.c
+	ln -s $< $@
+.PRECIOUS: ../%.f ../%.c
+cwrappers.o: ../cwrappers.c
+include $(libsources:.f=.d) cwrappers.d
diff --git a/PORT/bit_wrappers.f b/PORT/bit_wrappers.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb22043
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PORT/bit_wrappers.f
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+*     Wrappers for F2C intrinsic functions that have different names
+*     from standard f77s.
+* $Log: bit_wrappers.f,v $
+* Revision  2007/09/10 20:28:01  pcarter
+* Implemented changes to allow compilation on RHEL 3,4,5 and MacOSX
+* Revision 1.3  1999/11/04 20:36:32  saw
+* Linux/G77 compatibility fixes - Add jieor function
+* Revision 1.2  1996/11/22 17:06:27  saw
+* (SAW) Move trig routines to trig_wrappers.f
+* Revision 1.1  1996/09/09 13:34:26  saw
+* Initial revision
+      integer*4 function jishft(a1,a2)
+      external lshift, rshift
+      integer lshift, rshift
+      integer*4 a1,a2
+      if( then
+         jishft = rshift(a1,-a2)         
+      else
+         jishft = lshift(a1,a2)
+      endif
+      return
+      end
+      integer*4 function jiand(a1,a2)
+      integer*4 a1,a2
+      jiand = and(a1,a2)
+      return
+      end
+      integer*4 function jieor(a1,a2)
+      integer*4 a1,a2
+      jieor = xor(a1,a2)
+      return
+      end
+      integer*4 function jibset(a1,a2)
+      integer*4 a1,a2
+      external lshift
+      integer lshift
+      jibset = or(a1,lshift(1,a2))
+      return
+      end
+      logical*4 function bjtest(a1,a2)
+      external lshift
+      integer lshift
+      integer*4 a1,a2
+      bjtest = (and(a1,lshift(1,a2)).ne.0)
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/PORT/cwrappers.c b/PORT/cwrappers.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c0d78a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PORT/cwrappers.c
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+long int random_(void){
+  return(random());
+void qsort_(void *base, int *nmemb, int *size,
+	    int (*compar)(const void *,const void *))
+  qsort(base,*nmemb,*size,compar);
+// lshift and rshift are intrinsics provided by g77 and gfortran 4.2,
+// but not by gfortran 4.1.1
+int lshift_(int *Num2Shift, int *NumBits ) {
+    return(*Num2Shift << *NumBits);
+int rshift_(int *Num2Shift, int *NumBits ) {
+    return(*Num2Shift >> *NumBits);
diff --git a/PORT/other_wrappers.f b/PORT/other_wrappers.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10fde9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PORT/other_wrappers.f
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+*     Wrapperse for G77 intrinsic functions that have different names from
+*     other f77's
+* $Log: other_wrappers.f,v $
+* Revision 1.1  2000/11/30 14:24:44  saw
+* JIDNNT function
+* JIDNNT Return  nearest INT for a REAL*16 number
+      integer*4 function jidnnt(f)
+      real*8 f
+      jidnnt = nint(f)
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/PORT/ran_wrappers.f b/PORT/ran_wrappers.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..092cd39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PORT/ran_wrappers.f
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+*     Wrappers for the ran function for f2c fortran
+* $Log: ran_wrappers.f,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1999/02/24 15:29:17  saw
+* Add to CVS tree
+      real*4 function ran(seed)
+      integer*4 seed
+      logical started
+      save started
+      real*4 RAND_MAX
+      parameter(RAND_MAX=2147483647)
+      integer*4 random
+      real*4 fran
+      data started /.false./
+c     Ignore any seeds
+      fran = (random()+1.0)/(RAND_MAX+1.0)
+      ran = fran
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/PORT/trig_wrappers.f b/PORT/trig_wrappers.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10be700
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PORT/trig_wrappers.f
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+*     Wrappers for F2C intrinsic functions that have different names
+*     from standard f77s.
+* $Log: trig_wrappers.f,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1999/02/24 15:29:17  saw
+* Add to CVS tree
+* Revision 1.1  1996/09/09 13:34:26  saw
+* Initial revision
+      real*4 function sind(x)
+      real*4 x
+      sind = sin(x*3.1415926535/180)
+      return
+      end
+      real*4 function cosd(x)
+      real*4 x
+      cosd = cos(x*3.1415926535/180)
+      return
+      end
+      real*4 function tand(x)
+      real*4 x
+      tand = tan(x*3.1415926535/180)
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/SANE/#sane_ntuple_keep.f# b/SANE/#sane_ntuple_keep.f#
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8279b29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SANE/#sane_ntuple_keep.f#
@@ -0,0 +1,776 @@
+      subroutine sane_ntuple_keep(ABORT,err)
+      implicit none
+      save
+      integer iflag_write
+      character*13 here
+      parameter(here='sane_ntuple_keep')
+      logical abort
+      character*(*) err
+      integer i,j,status(100,100),k,m
+      include 'b_ntuple.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_tof_parms.cmn'
+      include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_gain_parms.cmn'
+      include 'gen_event_info.cmn'
+      include 'gen_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'gep_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'sane_ntuple.cmn'
+      include 'sane_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'sem_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'h_ntuple.cmn'
+      include 'f1trigger_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'hms_calorimeter.cmn'
+      include 'gen_detectorids.par'
+      include 'gen_scalers.cmn'
+      include 'gen_run_info.cmn'
+      logical HEXIST ! CERNLIB function
+      integer t_sane,l_sane,cer_sane
+      integer icycle,inum,ihit
+      real*8 Eb,theta_big, phi_big!,ccx,ccy,ccz
+      real P_el(4),p_e,WW2
+      common/FAKEBIG/Eb,theta_big, phi_big
+      real*8 tcharge_old,tcharge_help_old,tcharge_helm_old 
+      real*8 charge2s_old,charge2s_help_old,charge2s_helm_old  
+      real*8 polarea_old ,polarization_old
+      integer*4 hel_p_scaler_old 
+      integer*4 hel_n_scaler_old 
+      integer*4 hel_p_trig_old 
+      integer*4 hel_n_trig_old 
+      real*8 dtime_p_old ,dtime_n_old 
+      real*4 half_plate_old 
+      common/SANEEV_old /
+     $     tcharge_old ,
+     $     charge2s_old ,
+     $     tcharge_help_old,charge2s_help_old,
+     $     tcharge_helm_old,charge2s_helm_old ,
+     $     polarea_old ,polarization_old,
+     $ 	   hel_p_scaler_old ,
+     $	    hel_n_scaler_old ,
+     $	    hel_p_trig_old ,
+     $	    hel_n_trig_old ,
+     $	    dtime_p_old ,dtime_n_old,half_plate_old 
+      real Mp
+      parameter(Mp=.938272)
+      real*8 cer_adc_save(12)
+      real Pi0Mass,dist,cosg1g2,Pg1(4),Pg2(4)
+      err=' '
+      ABORT=.false.
+c      write(*,*)'Starting sane'
+c     INQUIRE(FILE="input.txt",EXIST=file_exist)
+c     write(*,*)file_exist
+c      write(*,*)nclust
+      if(.not.sane_ntuple_exists) return
+      if(.not.charge_data_open.and.charge_ch)then
+         charge2s = gbcm1_charge-tcharge
+         tcharge = gbcm1_charge
+         charge2s_help = gbcm1_charge_help -tcharge_help 
+         tcharge_help  = gbcm1_charge_help 
+         charge2s_helm = gbcm1_charge_helm -tcharge_helm 
+         tcharge_helm  = gbcm1_charge_helm 
+c         write(*,*)'MMM'
+c      endif
+c      if(.not.charge_data_open.and.gscaler_change(538).ne.hel_p_scaler)then
+c        hel_p_scaler=gscaler_change(538)
+        hel_p_scaler= 0.985*gscaler_change(510)-gscaler_change(538)
+        hel_p_trig= g_hel_pos
+        dtime_p =1.
+        if(abs(hel_p_scaler).gt.0)then
+           dtime_p =float(g_hel_pos)/float(hel_p_scaler)
+        endif
+        call NANcheckF(dtime_p,0)
+        g_hel_pos =0
+c        write(*,*)'MMM P'
+c      endif
+c      if(.not.charge_data_open.and.gscaler_change(546).ne.hel_n_scaler)then
+c        hel_n_scaler= 0.985*gscaler_change(510)-gscaler_change(538)
+        hel_n_scaler=gscaler_change(538)
+        hel_n_trig= g_hel_neg
+        dtime_n=1
+        if(abs(hel_n_scaler).gt.0.0)then
+           dtime_n = float(g_hel_neg)/float(hel_n_scaler)
+        endif
+        call NANcheckF(dtime_n,0)
+        g_hel_neg =0
+c        write(*,*)'MMM N'
+      endif
+      if(polarization_data_open)then
+         polarea = polarea_old
+         polarization =polarization_old
+         half_plate =half_plate_old 
+      endif
+      if(charge_data_open)then
+         charge2s = charge2s_old 
+         tcharge = tcharge_old
+         charge2s_help = charge2s_help_old 
+         tcharge_help = tcharge_help_old
+         charge2s_helm = charge2s_helm_old 
+         tcharge_helm = tcharge_helm_old
+         hel_p_scaler = hel_p_scaler_old
+         hel_p_trig = hel_p_trig_old
+         dtime_p = dtime_p 
+         hel_n_scaler = hel_n_scaler_old
+         hel_n_trig = hel_n_trig_old
+         dtime_n = dtime_n_old
+c         if(abs(gbcm1_charge-tcharge).lt.0.001)charge_ch = .TRUE.
+      endif
+      if(polarization_data_open.and.gen_event_ID_number.eq.pol_id_change)then
+         read(polarization_data_unit,*,end=19)pol_id_change,polarea_old,polarization_old,half_plate_old 
+c          write(*,*)'HELP ',polarea_old 
+         polarea = polarea_old
+         polarization=polarization_old
+         half_plate =half_plate_old 
+         polarization_ch = .FALSE.
+      else if(.not.polarization_data_open.and.polarization_ch)then
+          write(polarization_data_unit,*)gen_event_ID_number,polarea ,polarization ,half_plate
+          polarization_ch = .FALSE.
+      endif
+      if(charge_data_open.and.gen_event_ID_number.eq.charge_id_change)then
+c         write(*,*)'HELP charge Had',tcharge,gbcm1_charge
+         read(charge_data_unit,*,end=18)
+     ,           charge_id_change,charge2s_old,tcharge_old,
+     ,           tcharge_help_old,charge2s_help_old,
+     ,           tcharge_helm_old,charge2s_helm_old ,
+     ,           hel_p_scaler_old,hel_p_trig_old,dtime_p_old,
+     ,           hel_n_scaler_old,hel_n_trig_old,dtime_n_old
+c         write(*,*)'HELP charge NOW',tcharge_old,gbcm1_charge
+         charge2s = charge2s_old 
+         tcharge = tcharge_old
+         charge2s_help = charge2s_help_old 
+         tcharge_help = tcharge_help_old
+         charge2s_helm = charge2s_helm_old 
+         tcharge_helm = tcharge_helm_old
+         hel_p_scaler = hel_p_scaler_old
+         hel_p_trig = hel_p_trig_old
+         dtime_p = dtime_p_old 
+         hel_n_scaler = hel_n_scaler_old
+         hel_n_trig = hel_n_trig_old
+         dtime_n = dtime_n_old
+         charge_ch = .FALSE.
+c        write(*,*)gbcm1_charge,tcharge
+      else if(.not.charge_data_open.and.charge_ch)then
+         write(charge_data_unit,*)
+     ,        gen_event_ID_number,charge2s,tcharge,
+     ,        tcharge_help,charge2s_help,
+     ,        tcharge_helm,charge2s_helm ,
+     >        hel_p_scaler,hel_p_trig,dtime_p,
+     ,        hel_n_scaler,hel_n_trig,dtime_n
+         charge_ch = .FALSE.
+      endif
+c      write(*,*)'HALF PLATE ',half_plate
+c      if(charge_ch)then
+c         write(*,*)polarea,charge2s,tcharge,hel_n_trig,hel_p_trig,hel_p_scaler
+c      endif
+c      if(polarization_ch)then
+c         write(*,*)polarea,charge2s,tcharge,hel_n_trig,hel_p_trig,hel_p_scaler
+c      endif
+c      write(*,*)gbcm1_charge
+      T_trgHMS     = gmisc_dec_data(11,1)
+      call NANcheckF(T_trgHMS,3)
+      T_trgBIG     = gmisc_dec_data(12,1) 
+      call NANcheckF(T_trgBIG,3)
+      T_trgPI0     = gmisc_dec_data(13,1)
+      call NANcheckF(T_trgPI0,3)
+      T_trgBETA    = gmisc_dec_data(14,1)
+      call NANcheckF(T_trgBETA,3)
+      T_trgCOIN1   = gmisc_dec_data(15,1)
+      call NANcheckF(T_trgCOIN1,3)
+      T_trgCOIN2   = gmisc_dec_data(16,1)
+      call NANcheckF(T_trgCOIN2,3)
+cccccccccc Lucite Hodoscope
+      luc_hit = 0
+c      write(*,*) LUCITE_SANE_RAW_TDC_POS
+c      write(*,*) LUCITE_SANE_RAW_TDC_POS
+!      do i=1,LUCITE_SANE_RAW_TOT_HITS2 ! TDC hit counter for positive side
+c         if(LUCITE_SANE_RAW_COUNTER_NUM2(i).eq.7)write(*,*)7
+!         if(LUCITE_SANE_RAW_TDC_POS(i).gt.0)then
+!            do j=1,LUCITE_SANE_RAW_TOT_HITS3 !TDC hit counter for negative side
+c         if(LUCITE_SANE_RAW_COUNTER_NUM3(j).eq.7)write(*,*)72
+!               if ( luc_hit .lt. 90) then  ! check hard coded array max
+!               if(LUCITE_SANE_RAW_TDC_NEG(j).gt.0.and.
+!     ,              LUCITE_SANE_RAW_COUNTER_NUM2(i).eq.LUCITE_SANE_RAW_COUNTER_NUM3(j))then
+!                  luc_hit            =  luc_hit+1
+!                  luc_row(luc_hit)   =  LUCITE_SANE_RAW_COUNTER_NUM2(i)
+!                  ladc_pos(luc_hit)  =  LUCITE_SANE_RAW_ADC_POS(luc_row(luc_hit)) !- luc_ped_mean_pos(luc_row(luc_hit))
+!                  ladc_neg(luc_hit)  =  LUCITE_SANE_RAW_ADC_NEG(luc_row(luc_hit)) !- luc_ped_mean_neg(luc_row(luc_hit))
+!                  luc_y(luc_hit)     =  -82.35 + (luc_row(luc_hit)-1)*6.1
+!                  call NANcheck(luc_hit,LUCITE_SANE_ID)
+!                  call NANcheck(luc_row(luc_hit),LUCITE_SANE_ID)
+!                  call NANcheck(ladc_neg(luc_hit),LUCITE_SANE_ID)
+!                  call NANcheck(ladc_pos(luc_hit),LUCITE_SANE_ID)
+!                  call NANcheck(ltdc_neg(luc_hit),LUCITE_SANE_ID)
+!                  call NANcheck(ltdc_pos(luc_hit),LUCITE_SANE_ID)
+!                  call CORRECT_RAW_TIME_SANE(LUCITE_SANE_RAW_TDC_POS(i),ltdc_pos(luc_hit))
+!                  call CORRECT_RAW_TIME_SANE(LUCITE_SANE_RAW_TDC_NEG(j),ltdc_NEG(luc_hit))
+c                  call HFILL(10121, float(luc_row(luc_hit)), float(ltdc_pos(luc_hit)), 1.)
+c                  call HFILL(10122, float(luc_row(luc_hit)), float(ltdc_neg(luc_hit)), 1.)
+c                  call HFILL(10125, float(luc_row(luc_hit)), float(ladc_pos(luc_hit)), 1.)
+c                  call HFILL(10126, float(luc_row(luc_hit)), float(ladc_neg(luc_hit)), 1.)
+!                  LUCITE_SANE_RAW_TDC_NEG(j) = 0
+!               endif
+!               endif
+!            enddo
+!            LUCITE_SANE_RAW_TDC_POS(i) = 0
+!         endif
+!      enddo
+c      write(*,*)'LUC sane done'
+         if(LUCITE_SANE_RAW_TDC_POS(i).gt.0)then
+                luc_hit            =  luc_hit+1
+                luc_row(luc_hit)   =  LUCITE_SANE_RAW_COUNTER_NUM2(i)
+                ladc_pos(luc_hit)  =  LUCITE_SANE_RAW_ADC_POS(luc_row(luc_hit)) - luc_ped_mean_pos(luc_row(luc_hit))
+                ladc_neg(luc_hit)  =  -100000
+                call CORRECT_RAW_TIME_SANE(LUCITE_SANE_RAW_TDC_POS(i),ltdc_pos(luc_hit))
+                ltdc_NEG(luc_hit)  =  -100000
+                LUCITE_SANE_RAW_TDC_POS(i) = 0
+c                call HFILL(10121, float(luc_row(luc_hit)), float(ltdc_pos(luc_hit)), 1.)
+c                call HFILL(10125, float(luc_row(luc_hit)), float(ladc_pos(luc_hit)), 1.)
+         endif
+      enddo
+         if(LUCITE_SANE_RAW_TDC_NEG(i).gt.0)then
+                luc_hit            =  luc_hit+1
+                luc_row(luc_hit)   =  LUCITE_SANE_RAW_COUNTER_NUM3(i)
+                ladc_neg(luc_hit)  =  LUCITE_SANE_RAW_ADC_NEG(luc_row(luc_hit)) - luc_ped_mean_pos(luc_row(luc_hit))
+                ladc_pos(luc_hit)  =  -100000
+                call CORRECT_RAW_TIME_SANE(LUCITE_SANE_RAW_TDC_NEG(i),ltdc_neg(luc_hit))
+                ltdc_POS(luc_hit)  =  -100000
+                LUCITE_SANE_RAW_TDC_NEG(i) = 0
+c                call HFILL(10122, float(luc_row(luc_hit)), float(ltdc_neg(luc_hit)), 1.)
+c                call HFILL(10126, float(luc_row(luc_hit)), float(ladc_neg(luc_hit)), 1.)
+         endif
+      enddo
+cccccccccc End Lucite Hodoscope
+!       luc_hit = 0
+! c      write(*,*)LUCITE_SANE_RAW_TDC_POS
+! !       write(*,*) luc_ped_mean_pos(1)
+!       do i=1,LUCITE_SANE_RAW_TOT_HITS2
+! c         if(LUCITE_SANE_RAW_COUNTER_NUM2(i).eq.7)write(*,*)7
+!          if(LUCITE_SANE_RAW_TDC_POS(i).gt.0)then
+!             do j=1,LUCITE_SANE_RAW_TOT_HITS3
+! c         if(LUCITE_SANE_RAW_COUNTER_NUM3(j).eq.7)write(*,*)72
+!                if ( luc_hit .lt. 90) then
+!                if(LUCITE_SANE_RAW_TDC_NEG(j).gt.0.and.
+!      ,              LUCITE_SANE_RAW_COUNTER_NUM2(i).eq.LUCITE_SANE_RAW_COUNTER_NUM3(j))then
+!                   luc_hit            =  luc_hit+1
+!                   luc_row(luc_hit)   =  LUCITE_SANE_RAW_COUNTER_NUM2(i)
+!                   ladc_pos(luc_hit)  =  LUCITE_SANE_RAW_ADC_POS(luc_row(luc_hit))  - luc_ped_mean_pos(luc_row(luc_hit))
+!                   ladc_neg(luc_hit)  =  LUCITE_SANE_RAW_ADC_NEG(luc_row(luc_hit))  - luc_ped_mean_neg(luc_row(luc_hit))
+!                   luc_y(luc_hit)     =  -82.35 + (luc_row(luc_hit)-1)*6.1
+!                   call NANcheck(luc_hit,LUCITE_SANE_ID)
+!                   call NANcheck(luc_row(luc_hit),LUCITE_SANE_ID)
+!                   call NANcheck(ladc_neg(luc_hit),LUCITE_SANE_ID)
+!                   call NANcheck(ladc_pos(luc_hit),LUCITE_SANE_ID)
+!                   call NANcheck(ltdc_neg(luc_hit),LUCITE_SANE_ID)
+!                   call NANcheck(ltdc_pos(luc_hit),LUCITE_SANE_ID)
+!                   call CORRECT_RAW_TIME_SANE(LUCITE_SANE_RAW_TDC_POS(i),ltdc_pos(luc_hit))
+!                   call CORRECT_RAW_TIME_SANE(LUCITE_SANE_RAW_TDC_NEG(j),ltdc_NEG(luc_hit))
+! c                  call HFILL(10121, float(luc_row(luc_hit)), float(ltdc_pos(luc_hit)), 1.)
+! c                  call HFILL(10122, float(luc_row(luc_hit)), float(ltdc_neg(luc_hit)), 1.)
+! c                  call HFILL(10125, float(luc_row(luc_hit)), float(ladc_pos(luc_hit)), 1.)
+! c                  call HFILL(10126, float(luc_row(luc_hit)), float(ladc_neg(luc_hit)), 1.)
+!                   LUCITE_SANE_RAW_TDC_NEG(j) = 0
+!                endif
+!                endif
+!             enddo
+!             LUCITE_SANE_RAW_TDC_POS(i) = 0
+!          endif
+!       enddo
+c      write(*,*)'LUC sane done'
+c      do i=1,LUCITE_SANE_RAW_TOT_HITS2
+c         if(LUCITE_SANE_RAW_TDC_POS(i).gt.0)then
+c                  luc_hit            =  luc_hit+1
+c                  luc_row(luc_hit)   =  LUCITE_SANE_RAW_COUNTER_NUM2(i)
+c                  ladc_pos(luc_hit)  =  LUCITE_SANE_RAW_ADC_POS(luc_row(luc_hit)) - luc_ped_mean_pos(luc_row(luc_hit))
+c                  ladc_neg(luc_hit)  =  -100000
+c                  call CORRECT_RAW_TIME_SANE(LUCITE_SANE_RAW_TDC_POS(i),ltdc_pos(luc_hit))
+c                  ltdc_NEG(luc_hit)  =  -100000
+c                  LUCITE_SANE_RAW_TDC_POS(i) = 0
+c                  call HFILL(10121, float(luc_row(luc_hit)), float(ltdc_pos(luc_hit)), 1.)
+c                  call HFILL(10125, float(luc_row(luc_hit)), float(ladc_pos(luc_hit)), 1.)
+c         endif
+c      enddo
+c      do i=1,LUCITE_SANE_RAW_TOT_HITS3
+c         if(LUCITE_SANE_RAW_TDC_NEG(i).gt.0)then
+c                  luc_hit            =  luc_hit+1
+c                  luc_row(luc_hit)   =  LUCITE_SANE_RAW_COUNTER_NUM3(i)
+c                  ladc_neg(luc_hit)  =  LUCITE_SANE_RAW_ADC_NEG(luc_row(luc_hit)) - luc_ped_mean_pos(luc_row(luc_hit))
+c                  ladc_pos(luc_hit)  =  -100000
+c                  call CORRECT_RAW_TIME_SANE(LUCITE_SANE_RAW_TDC_NEG(i),ltdc_neg(luc_hit))
+c                  ltdc_POS(luc_hit)  =  -100000
+c                  LUCITE_SANE_RAW_TDC_NEG(i) = 0
+c                  call HFILL(10122, float(luc_row(luc_hit)), float(ltdc_neg(luc_hit)), 1.)
+c                  call HFILL(10126, float(luc_row(luc_hit)), float(ladc_neg(luc_hit)), 1.)
+c         endif
+c      enddo
+!       write(*,*) cer_sane_ped_mean(1)
+!        do i=1,12
+!           cer_adc_save(i) = -10000.
+!        enddo
+!        ceradc_hit = 0
+!          if (ceradc_hit .le. 15) then
+!             ceradc_hit = ceradc_hit + 1
+!             ceradc_num(ceradc_hit)   =  CERENKOV_SANE_RAW_COUNTER_NUM(i)
+!             cer_adc(ceradc_hit)   =  CERENKOV_SANE_RAW_ADC(ceradc_num(ceradc_hit))-cer_sane_ped_mean(ceradc_num(ceradc_hit))
+!             if (ceradc_num(ceradc_hit) .le. 12) cer_adc_save(ceradc_num(ceradc_hit))= cer_adc(ceradc_hit)
+!             call NANcheck(ceradc_hit,CERENKOV_SANE_ID2)
+!             call NANcheck(ceradc_num(ceradc_hit),CERENKOV_SANE_ID2)
+!             call NANcheck(cer_adc(ceradc_hit),CERENKOV_SANE_ID2)
+! c           call HFILL(10112,float(ceradc_num(ceradc_hit)),float(cer_adc(ceradc_hit)), 1.)
+!          endif
+!        enddo
+!       cer_hit = 0
+! c      write(*,*)'c, ',CERENKOV_SANE_RAW_COUNTER_NUM
+! c      write(*,*)'a, ' ,CERENKOV_SANE_RAW_ADC
+!          if(CERENKOV_SANE_RAW_TDC(i).gt.0)then
+!             if(cer_hit.le.50)then
+!             cer_hit         =  cer_hit+1
+!             cer_num(cer_hit)   =  CERENKOV_SANE_RAW_COUNTER_NUM2(i)
+!             call CORRECT_RAW_TIME_SANE(CERENKOV_SANE_RAW_TDC(i),cer_tdc(cer_hit))
+!             cer_adcc(cer_hit) = cer_adc_save(cer_num(cer_hit))
+! c            call HFILL(10111,float(cer_num(cer_hit)),float(cer_TDC(cer_hit)), 1.)
+!             call NANcheck(cer_hit,CERENKOV_SANE_ID)
+!             call NANcheck(cer_num(cer_hit),CERENKOV_SANE_ID)
+!             call NANcheck(cer_adcc(cer_hit),CERENKOV_SANE_ID2)
+!             call NANcheck(cer_tdc(cer_hit),CERENKOV_SANE_ID)
+! c            if ( then
+! c               call HFILL(10500+cer_num(cer_hit),float(cer_adcc(cer_hit)),float(cer_tdc(cer_hit)),1.)
+! c            endif
+!          endif
+!          endif
+!       enddo
+ccccccc Cherenkov 
+      cer_hit = 0
+c      write(*,*)'c, ',CERENKOV_SANE_RAW_COUNTER_NUM
+c      write(*,*)'a, ' ,CERENKOV_SANE_RAW_ADC
+         if(CERENKOV_SANE_RAW_TDC(i).gt.0)then
+            cer_hit         =  cer_hit+1
+            cer_num(cer_hit)   =  CERENKOV_SANE_RAW_COUNTER_NUM2(i)
+            call CORRECT_RAW_TIME_SANE(CERENKOV_SANE_RAW_TDC(i),cer_tdc(cer_hit))
+            cer_adcc(cer_hit) = CERENKOV_SANE_RAW_ADC(cer_num(cer_hit))-cer_sane_ped_mean(cer_num(cer_hit))
+            call HFILL(10111,float(cer_num(cer_hit)),float(cer_TDC(cer_hit)), 1.)
+            call NANcheck(cer_hit,CERENKOV_SANE_ID)
+            call NANcheck(cer_num(cer_hit),CERENKOV_SANE_ID)
+            call NANcheck(cer_adcc(cer_hit),CERENKOV_SANE_ID2)
+            call NANcheck(cer_tdc(cer_hit),CERENKOV_SANE_ID)
+c            if ( then
+c               call HFILL(10500+cer_num(cer_hit),float(cer_adcc(cer_hit)),float(cer_tdc(cer_hit)),1.)
+c            endif
+         endif
+      enddo
+c         write(*,*)CERENKOV_SANE_RAW_TOT_HITS2,' ',
+       ceradc_hit = 0
+         if (ceradc_hit .le. 15) then
+            ceradc_hit = ceradc_hit + 1
+            ceradc_num(ceradc_hit)   =  CERENKOV_SANE_RAW_COUNTER_NUM(i)
+            cer_adc(ceradc_hit)   =  CERENKOV_SANE_RAW_ADC(ceradc_num(ceradc_hit))-cer_sane_ped_mean(ceradc_num(ceradc_hit))
+            call NANcheck(ceradc_hit,CERENKOV_SANE_ID2)
+            call NANcheck(ceradc_num(ceradc_hit),CERENKOV_SANE_ID2)
+            call NANcheck(cer_adc(ceradc_hit),CERENKOV_SANE_ID2)
+            call HFILL(10112,float(ceradc_num(ceradc_hit)),float(cer_adc(ceradc_hit)), 1.)
+         endif
+       enddo
+ccccccccc END Cherenkov
+c      write(*,*)'Cer sane done'
+      x1t_hit         =  0
+         if(TRACKER_SANE_RAW_TDC_X(i).gt.0)then
+            x1t_hit         =  x1t_hit+1
+            if( go to 10
+            x1t_row(x1t_hit)   =  TRACKER_SANE_RAW_COUNTER_X(i)
+            call CORRECT_RAW_TIME_SANE(TRACKER_SANE_RAW_TDC_X(i),x1t_tdc(x1t_hit))
+            x1t_x(x1t_hit)     =  -12.32+0.37422*(x1t_row(x1t_hit)-1)
+c            call HFILL(10100,float(x1t_row(x1t_hit)),float(x1t_tdc(x1t_hit)),1.) 
+            call NANcheck(x1t_hit,TRACKER_SANE_X_ID)
+            call NANcheck(x1t_row(x1t_hit),TRACKER_SANE_X_ID)
+            call NANcheck(x1t_tdc(x1t_hit),TRACKER_SANE_X_ID)
+         endif
+      enddo
+      y1t_hit=0
+      y2t_hit=0
+c      write(*,*)gen_event_ID_number,TRACKER_SANE_RAW_TOT_HITS_Y
+         if(TRACKER_SANE_RAW_TDC_Y(i).lt.67000.and.
+     ,        TRACKER_SANE_RAW_TDC_Y(i).gt.0)then
+            if(TRACKER_SANE_RAW_COUNTER_Y(i).lt.129)then
+               y1t_hit            =  y1t_hit + 1 
+c               write(*,*)'Tracker TDC', y1t_hit,TRACKER_SANE_RAW_TDC_Y(i)
+               if( go to 20
+               y1t_row(y1t_hit)   =  TRACKER_SANE_RAW_COUNTER_Y(i)
+               call CORRECT_RAW_TIME_SANE(TRACKER_SANE_RAW_TDC_Y(i),y1t_tdc(y1t_hit))
+               y1t_y(y1t_hit)     =  -22.225+(y1t_row(y1t_hit)-1)*0.35
+c               call HFILL(10101,float(y1t_row(y1t_hit)),float(y1t_tdc(y1t_hit)),1.) 
+               call NANcheck(y1t_hit,TRACKER_SANE_Y_ID)
+               call NANcheck(y1t_row(y1t_hit),TRACKER_SANE_Y_ID)
+               call NANcheck(y1t_tdc(y1t_hit),TRACKER_SANE_Y_ID)
+             else if(TRACKER_SANE_RAW_COUNTER_Y(i).lt.257)then
+               y2t_hit            =  y2t_hit + 1 
+               if( go to 20
+               y2t_row(y2t_hit)   =  TRACKER_SANE_RAW_COUNTER_Y(i)-128
+               call CORRECT_RAW_TIME_SANE(TRACKER_SANE_RAW_TDC_Y(i),y2t_tdc(y2t_hit))
+               y2t_y(y2t_hit)     =  -22.4+(y2t_row(y2t_hit)-1)*0.35
+c              call HFILL(10102,float(y2t_row(y2t_hit)),float(y2t_tdc(y2t_hit)),1.) 
+               call NANcheck(y2t_hit,TRACKER_SANE_Y_ID)
+               call NANcheck(y2t_row(y2t_hit),TRACKER_SANE_Y_ID)
+               call NANcheck(y2t_tdc(y2t_hit),TRACKER_SANE_Y_ID)
+            endif
+         endif
+ 20      CONTINUE
+      enddo
+c      write(*,*)'TRACK sane done'
+c          do inum=1,nclust
+c         enddo
+             hms_p = 0
+      if(
+c         write(*,*)HSNUM_FPTRACK,hsp,hstheta
+         hms_p        = hsp	
+         call NANcheckF(hms_p,4)
+         hms_e        = hsenergy
+         call NANcheckF(hms_e,4)
+         hms_theta    = hstheta
+         call NANcheckF(hms_theta,4)
+         hms_phi      = hsphi
+         call NANcheckF(hms_phi,4)
+         hsxfp_s      = hsx_fp
+         call NANcheckF(hsxfp_s,4)
+         hsyfp_s      = hsy_fp
+         call NANcheckF(hsyfp_s,4)
+         hsxpfp_s     = hsxp_fp
+         call NANcheckF(hsxpfp_s,4)
+         hsypfp_s     = hsyp_fp
+         call NANcheckF(hsypfp_s,4)
+         hms_xtar     = hsx_tar*100
+         call NANcheckF(hms_xtar,4)
+         hms_ytar     = hsy_tar*100
+         call NANcheckF(hms_ytar,4)
+c         write(*,*)hms_ytar,hsy_tar
+         hms_yptar    = hsyp_tar
+         call NANcheckF(hms_yptar,4)
+         hms_xptar    = hsxp_tar
+c         write(*,*)hms_yptar,hms_xptar
+         call NANcheckF(hms_xptar,4)
+         hms_delta    = hsdelta
+         call NANcheckF(hms_delta,4)
+         hms_start    = hstart_time
+         call NANcheck(hms_start,4)
+         hsshtrk_s    = HSTRACK_ET
+         call NANcheckF(hsshtrk_s,4)
+         hsshsum_s    = hsshsum
+         call NANcheckF(hsshsum_s,4)
+         hsbeta_s     = hsbeta 
+         call NANcheckF(hsbeta_s,4)
+         hms_cer_npe1 = hcer_npe(1)
+         call NANcheckF(hms_cer_npe1,4)
+         hms_cer_npe2 = hcer_npe(2)
+         call NANcheckF(hms_cer_npe2,4)
+         hms_cer_adc1 = hcer_adc(1) 
+         call NANcheckF(hms_cer_adc1,4)
+         hms_cer_adc2 = hcer_adc(2)
+         call NANcheckF(hms_cer_adc2,4)
+         call HFILL(10302,X_HMS,Y_HMS,1.)
+c         if(nclust.eq.1)then
+         do i=1,nclust
+            call HFILL(10300,X_HMS,xclust(i)+Bigcal_SHIFT(1),1.) 
+            call HFILL(10304,X_HMS-Xclust(i),Y_HMS-Yclust(i),1.)
+            call HFILL(10301,Y_HMS,Yclust(i)+Bigcal_SHIFT(2),1.) 
+c            write(*,*)Bigcal_SHIFT(1),Bigcal_SHIFT(2)
+               if(abs(X_HMS-xclust(i)-Bigcal_SHIFT(1)).lt.10.and.
+     ,              abs(Y_HMS-Yclust(i)-Bigcal_SHIFT(2)).lt.10)then
+c                  write(*,*)'Slow raster ',gsrx_calib,gsry_calib
+c                  write(*,*)'HMS raster ',hms_xtar,hms_ytar
+                  call HFILL(10303,Xclust(i)+Bigcal_SHIFT(1),Yclust(i)+Bigcal_SHIFT(2),1.)
+                  call HFILL(10310,hms_delta,hms_yptar ,1.)
+                  call HFILL(10311,hms_delta,hms_xptar ,1.)
+                  call HFILL(10312,dpel_hms,hms_yptar ,1.)
+                  call HFILL(10313,dpel_hms,hms_xptar ,1.)
+                  call HFILL(10315,dpel_hms,hms_ytar ,1.)
+                  call HFILL(10314,dpel_hms,hms_xtar ,1.)
+                  call HF1(10321,0.006*hms_delta+0.01-hms_yptar,1.)
+                  P_e = hms_p
+                  P_el(1) = p_e*sin(hms_theta)*cos(HMS_phi)
+                  P_el(2) = p_e*sin(hms_theta)*sin(HMS_phi)
+                  P_el(3) = p_e*cos(hms_theta)
+                  P_el(4) = hms_e
+                  ww2 = (GEBEAM+Mp-P_el(4))**2-
+     ,                 (P_el(1)**2+p_el(2)**2+(GEBEAM-p_el(3))**2)
+c                  write(*,*)ww2
+                  call HF1(10322,ww2,1.)
+                  call HFILL(10323,ww2,hms_yptar,1.)
+                  call HFILL(10324,ww2,hms_xtar,1.)
+               endif
+         enddo
+c         endif
+      endif
+      rast_x       = gfry_raw_adc
+      call NANcheckF(rast_x,3)
+      rast_y       = gfrx_raw_adc
+      call NANcheckF(rast_y,3)
+      i_helicity   = gbeam_helicity
+      call NANcheck(i_helicity,3)
+c      if(sane_ntuple_type.eq.1)then
+         slow_rast_x  = gsrx_calib
+         call NANcheckF(gsrx_raw_adc,3)
+         slow_rast_y  = gsry_calib
+         call NANcheckF(gsry_raw_adc,3)
+c      else 
+c         slow_rast_x  = gsrx_raw_adc
+c         call NANcheckF(gsrx_raw_adc,3)
+c         slow_rast_y  = gsry_raw_adc
+c         call NANcheckF(gsry_raw_adc,3)
+c      endif
+      call HFILL(10215,gsry_raw_adc,gsrx_raw_adc, 1.)
+      call HFILL(10216,gsrx_calib,gsry_calib, 1.)
+      if(
+                  call HFILL(10316,slow_rast_y,-hms_xtar ,1.)
+                  call HFILL(10317,slow_rast_x,hms_ytar ,1.)
+      endif
+      call NANcheckF(gsry_raw_adc,3)
+      sem_x        = -ntbpmx/10.
+      call NANcheckF(sem_x,3)
+      sem_y        = ntbpmy/10.
+      call NANcheckF(sem_y,3)
+      call HFILL(10214,sem_x,sem_y, 1.)
+      n_clust = nclust
+      if ( n_clust .gt. 15) n_clust = 15
+      do i =1,  n_clust
+          call Bigcal_Betta(i)
+          call PHYSICS_VARIABLES(i,Theta_e(i),Phi_e(i))
+c          call Bigcal_Betta(i)
+          call tracker(i)
+          call TrackerCoordnate(i)
+          call GeometryMatch(i)
+          call Lucite(i)
+         do j=1, ncellclust(i)
+            call HFILL(10200,float(ixcell(j,i)),float(iycell(j,i)), 1.)
+         enddo
+c         if(sane_ntuple_type.eq.1)then
+c            n_clust = nclust
+c            call Lucite(i)
+c         endif
+      enddo
+c      write(*,*)'Sane is Done'
+         abort=.not.HEXIST(sane_ntuple_ID)
+         if(abort) then
+            call G_build_note(':Ntuple ID#$ does not exist',
+     $           '$',sane_ntuple_ID,' ',0.,' ',err)
+            call G_add_path(here,err)
+         else 
+c     Gamma1E,Gamma2E,dist,cosg1g2,Pg1(4),Pg2(4)  
+            if(n_clust.eq.2.and.cer_h(1).eq.0.and.cer_h(2).eq.0.and.
+     ,           E_clust(1).gt.0.6.and.E_clust(2).gt.0.6.and.
+     ,           ncellclust(1).ge.6.and.ncellclust(2).ge.6)then
+               Pg1(4) = E_clust(1)
+               Pg2(4) = E_clust(2)
+               Pg1(1) = X_clust(1)/sqrt(X_clust(1)**2+(Y_clust(1)-slow_rast_y)**2+Z_clust(1)**2)
+               Pg1(2) = (Y_clust(1)-slow_rast_y)/sqrt(X_clust(1)**2+(Y_clust(1)-slow_rast_y)**2+Z_clust(1)**2)
+               Pg1(3) = Z_clust(1)/sqrt(X_clust(1)**2+(Y_clust(1)-slow_rast_y)**2+Z_clust(1)**2)
+               Pg2(1) = X_clust(2)/sqrt(X_clust(2)**2+(Y_clust(2)-slow_rast_y)**2+Z_clust(2)**2)
+               Pg2(2) = Y_clust(2)/sqrt(X_clust(2)**2+(Y_clust(2)-slow_rast_y)**2+Z_clust(2)**2)
+               Pg2(3) = Z_clust(2)/sqrt(X_clust(2)**2+(Y_clust(2)-slow_rast_y)**2+Z_clust(2)**2)
+               cosg1g2= (pg1(1)*pg2(1)+pg1(2)*pg2(2)+pg1(3)*pg2(3))/
+     ,              sqrt(pg1(1)**2+pg1(2)**2+pg1(3)**2)/
+     ,              sqrt(pg2(1)**2+pg2(2)**2+pg2(3)**2)
+               Pi0Mass = 2*pg1(4)*pg2(4)*(1-cosg1g2)
+               dist =sqrt((X_clust(1)-X_clust(2))**2+(Y_clust(1)-Y_clust(2))**2)
+               if(
+                  call HF1(10622,sqrt(Pi0Mass),1.)
+c                  write(*,*)1,sqrt(Pi0Mass)
+               endif
+               Pg1(1) = Pg1(4)*sin(Theta_e(1)*3.1415926536/180.)*cos(Phi_e(1)*3.1415926536/180.)
+               Pg1(2) = Pg1(4)*sin(Theta_e(1)*3.1415926536/180.)*sin(Phi_e(1)*3.1415926536/180.)
+               Pg1(3) = Pg1(4)*cos(Theta_e(1)*3.1415926536/180.)
+               Pg2(1) = Pg2(4)*sin(Theta_e(2)*3.1415926536/180.)*cos(Phi_e(2)*3.1415926536/180.)
+               Pg2(2) = Pg2(4)*sin(Theta_e(2)*3.1415926536/180.)*sin(Phi_e(2)*3.1415926536/180.)
+               Pg2(3) = Pg2(4)*cos(Theta_e(2)*3.1415926536/180.)
+c               write(*,*)Pg1,sin(Theta_e(1)*3.14159/180.),cos(Phi_e(1)*3.1415926536/180.)
+c               write(*,*)Pg2,Theta_e(2),Phi_e(2)
+c               write(*,*)sqrt(pg1(1)**2+pg1(2)**2+pg1(3)**2)
+c               write(*,*)sqrt(pg2(1)**2+pg2(2)**2+pg2(3)**2)
+               cosg1g2= (pg1(1)*pg2(1)+pg1(2)*pg2(2)+pg1(3)*pg2(3))/
+     ,              sqrt(pg1(1)**2+pg1(2)**2+pg1(3)**2)/
+     ,              sqrt(pg2(1)**2+pg2(2)**2+pg2(3)**2)
+               Pi0Mass = 2*pg1(4)*pg2(4)*(1-cosg1g2)
+               if(
+                  call HF1(10623,sqrt(Pi0Mass),1.)
+c                  write(*,*)'INTO 10623'
+c                  write(*,*)2,sqrt(Pi0Mass),Pi0Mass,cosg1g2
+               endif
+            endif
+c            icycle=999999
+c               write(*,*)sane_ntuple_segmentevents,gen_event_ID_number
+            if( )then
+               if( then
+                  if(
+                     call sane_ntup_change(ABORT,err)
+                     sane_ntuple_segmentevents=0
+                  else 
+                     sane_ntuple_segmentevents = sane_ntuple_segmentevents + 1
+                  endif
+               endif
+               call HFNT(sane_ntuple_ID)
+            elseif (sane_ntuple_type.eq.3.and.
+     ,              ((nclust.eq.2.and.cer_h(1).eq.0.and.cer_h(2).eq.0).or.
+     ,              (nclust.eq.1.and.cer_h(1).eq.0.and.e_clust(1).gt.1.4).or.
+     ,              (nclust.eq.2.and.cer_h(1).gt.0.and.cer_h(2).gt.0)).or.
+     ,              nclust.eq.2
+     ,              )then
+               if(nclust.eq.2.and.cer_h(1).gt.0.and.cer_h(2).gt.0)nclust=20
+               if(nclust.eq.2.and.(cer_h(1).eq.0.or.cer_h(2).eq.0))nclust=21
+               if(nclust.eq.21.and.cer_h(1).eq.0.and.cer_h(2).eq.0)nclust=2
+               if( then
+                  if(
+                     call sane_ntup_change(ABORT,err)
+                     sane_ntuple_segmentevents=0
+                  else 
+                     sane_ntuple_segmentevents = sane_ntuple_segmentevents + 2
+                  endif
+               endif
+               call HFNT(sane_ntuple_ID)
+            endif
+         endif
+c      endif
+      return 
+  18   write(*,*)'HELP charge error',charge2s,gbcm1_charge
+       return
+ 19    write(*,*)'HELP Polarization error'
+       return
+      end
+      include 'sane_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'f1trigger_data_structures.cmn'
+c     Function arguments are RAW_TDC -raw TDC value
+c     and CORRECTED_TDC -Corrected by Trigger time and rolover time 
+c     MAKE SURE TO Include correct parameter files
+      integer*4 RAW_TDC, CORRECTED_TDC, f1trigmax
+      save
+c find largest value of trigger time, to check rollover
+     >        SANE_TRIGGER_COUNTER) .gt.f1trigmax) then
+        write(6,'('' SANE trigger time max='',i8)')
+     >        SANE_TRIGGER_COUNTER)
+        f1trigmax = 
+     >        SANE_TRIGGER_COUNTER)
+      endif
+      if(
+         CORRECTED_TDC =  RAW_TDC - 
+c     Taking care of ROLOVER For positive TDC
+         if(
+         if(
+      else
+         CORRECTED_TDC =0
+      endif 
+      end
+      subroutine NANcheck(l,did)
+      integer*4 l
+      integer did
+      if(
+         l=0
+c         write(*,*)did
+      endif
+      end
+      subroutine NANcheckF(l,did)
+      real*4 l
+      integer did
+      if(
+         l=0
+c         write(*,*)did
+      endif
+      end
diff --git a/SANE/.cvsignore b/SANE/.cvsignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..971fea4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SANE/.cvsignore
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/SANE/CVS/Entries b/SANE/CVS/Entries
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..618fb24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SANE/CVS/Entries
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+/.cvsignore/ Sep  2 13:47:23 2009//Tsane
+/Makefile/ May  7 18:13:53 2008//Tsane
+/Makefile.Unix/ Jun 25 21:44:34 2010//Tsane
+/sane_analyze_pedestal.f/ May  7 18:13:53 2008//Tsane
+/sane_calc_pedestal.f/ May  7 18:13:53 2008//Tsane
+/sane_clear_event.f/ Jun 25 21:46:31 2010//Tsane
+/sane_close_scalers.f/ Jun 28 13:30:39 2010//Tsane
+/sane_decode.f/ Jan 30 20:33:28 2009//Tsane
+/sane_dump_ntup_var.f/ Jan 23 22:10:02 2012//Tsane
+/sane_geometry_suplement.f/ Oct 11 15:39:22 2008//Tsane
+/sane_keep_results.f/ Jun 25 21:55:25 2010//Tsane
+/sane_n100xye.f/ Jun 25 21:45:19 2010//Tsane
+/sane_ntup_change.f/ Jan 16 18:48:01 2009//Tsane
+/sane_ntup_close.f/ Jul 12 18:56:48 2010//Tsane
+/sane_ntup_init.f/ Oct 27 19:28:03 2009//Tsane
+/sane_ntup_open.f/ Jul 12 18:59:09 2010//Tsane
+/sane_ntup_register.f/ May  7 18:13:54 2008//Tsane
+/sane_ntup_shutdown.f/ May  7 18:13:54 2008//Tsane
+/sane_ntuple_keep.f/ Jul 12 20:01:48 2010//Tsane
+/sane_physics.f/ Dec 17 23:01:19 2010//Tsane
+/sane_register_variables.f/ May  7 18:13:54 2008//Tsane
+/sane_reset_event.f/ Jun 28 13:26:02 2010//Tsane
+/sane_trgtrack.f/ Sep 15 20:38:46 2009//Tsane
diff --git a/SANE/CVS/Repository b/SANE/CVS/Repository
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae5e6d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SANE/CVS/Repository
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/SANE/CVS/Root b/SANE/CVS/Root
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6288c3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SANE/CVS/Root
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/SANE/CVS/Tag b/SANE/CVS/Tag
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..25d73f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SANE/CVS/Tag
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/SANE/Makefile b/SANE/Makefile
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..915cc93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SANE/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# $Log: Makefile,v $
+# Revision  2008/05/07 18:13:53  bhovik
+# starting files
+# Revision  2007/05/15 01:19:10  jones
+# Start to Bigcal code
+# Revision 1.1  1998/12/08 14:33:24  saw
+# Initial Setup
+include $(ETC)/Makefile.NEW
diff --git a/SANE/Makefile.Unix b/SANE/Makefile.Unix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb1a341
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SANE/Makefile.Unix
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+include ../../etc/Makefile
+include ../../etc/Makefile.flags
+osources = sane_n100xye.f \
+           sane_analyze_pedestal.f  sane_ntup_close.f    sane_ntup_register.f \
+           sane_calc_pedestal.f     sane_ntup_init.f     sane_ntup_shutdown.f \
+           sane_clear_event.f       sane_ntuple_keep.f   sane_register_variables.f \
+           sane_keep_results.f      sane_ntup_open.f     sane_reset_event.f \
+	   sane_decode.f            sane_ntup_register.f sane_dump_ntup_var.f \
+	   sane_ntup_change.f       sane_physics.f       sane_trgtrack.f \
+	   sane_geometry_suplement.f sane_close_scalers.f 
+makeregstuff = r_sane_data_structures.f r_sane_filenames.f r_sane_ntuple.f 
+sources = $(osources) $(makeregstuff)
+libsources = $(sources)
+lib_targets := $(patsubst %.f, libsanetracking.a(%.o), $(libsources))
+install-dirs := lib
+bin_targets =
+#	@echo "nothing to make"
+../%.f : $(NFSDIRECTORY)/SANE/%.f
+	ln -s $< $@
+.PRECIOUS: ../%.f
+# Rule for making the register subroutines
+../r_%.f : ../%.cmn $(MAKEREG)
+	(cd .. ; $(MAKEREG) $(<F) -o $(@F) -e /dev/null)
+.PRECIOUS: ../r_%.f
+# Get include files from INCLUDE directory
+%.cmn ../%.cmn:: ../../INCLUDE/%.cmn
+	$(CP) $< $@
+%.dec ../%.dec:: ../../INCLUDE/%.dec
+	$(CP) $< $@
+%.par ../%.par:: ../../INCLUDE/%.par
+	$(CP) $< $@
+%.dte ../%.dte:: ../../INCLUDE/%.dte
+	$(CP) $< $@
+include $(sources:.f=.d)
diff --git a/SANE/sane_analyze_pedestal.f b/SANE/sane_analyze_pedestal.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..34ab722
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SANE/sane_analyze_pedestal.f
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+      subroutine sane_analyze_pedestal(ABORT,err)
+      implicit none
+      save
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      character*18 here
+      parameter (here='sane_analyze_pedestal')
+      call lucite_sane_analyze_pedestal(ABORT,err) ! bigcal
+      if(ABORT) then
+         call G_add_path(here,err)
+         return
+      endif
+      call cerenkov_sane_analyze_pedestal(ABORT,err) ! bigcal
+      if(ABORT) then
+         call G_add_path(here,err)
+         return
+      endif
+      end
+      subroutine lucite_sane_analyze_pedestal(ABORT,err)
+      implicit none
+      save
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      integer*4 ihit
+      integer*4 blk
+      INCLUDE 'sane_data_structures.cmn'
+      do ihit = 1 , lucite_sane_raw_tot_hits
+        blk = lucite_sane_raw_counter_num(ihit)
+        luc_ped_limit_pos(blk)=1500
+        luc_ped_limit_neg(blk)=1500
+        CALL Analyze_PED(
+     &       lucite_sane_raw_adc_neg(ihit),
+     &       luc_ped_num_neg(blk),
+     &       luc_ped_sum2_neg(blk),
+     &       luc_ped_sum_neg(blk),
+     &       luc_min_peds,
+     &       luc_ped_limit_neg(blk)
+     &       )
+c        write(*,*)"RAW ADC",luc_raw_adc_neg(ihit)
+c        write(*,*)"COUNTER",blk
+c        write(*,*)"SUM",luc_ped_sum_neg(blk)
+        CALL Analyze_PED(
+     &       lucite_sane_raw_adc_pos(ihit),
+     &       luc_ped_num_pos(blk),
+     &       luc_ped_sum2_pos(blk),
+     &       luc_ped_sum_pos(blk),
+     &       luc_min_peds,
+     &       luc_ped_limit_pos(blk)
+     &       )
+      enddo
+c      write(*,*)'LUC SUM',luc_ped_sum_pos
+      end
+      subroutine cerenkov_sane_analyze_pedestal(ABORT,err)
+      implicit none
+      save
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      integer*4 ihit
+      integer*4 blk
+      INCLUDE 'sane_data_structures.cmn'
+      do ihit = 1 , cerenkov_sane_raw_tot_hits
+        blk = cerenkov_sane_raw_counter_num(ihit)
+        cer_sane_ped_limit(blk)=10000
+        CALL Analyze_PED(
+     &       cerenkov_sane_raw_adc(ihit),
+     &       cer_sane_ped_num(blk),
+     &       cer_sane_ped_sum2(blk),
+     &       cer_sane_ped_sum(blk),
+     &       cer_sane_min_peds,
+     &       cer_sane_ped_limit(blk)
+     &       )
+      enddo
+      end
+      Subroutine Analyze_PED(Raw,Ped,Sum2,Sum,PedMin,PedLimit)
+      implicit none
+      integer *4 RAW,PED,SUM2,SUM,PedMin,PedLimit
+        if (Raw .le. PedLimit) then
+          SUM2 = SUM2 + RAW*RAW
+          SUM  = SUM  + RAW
+          Ped  = Ped  + 1
+          if (Ped.eq.nint(PedMin/5.)) then
+            PedLimit = 100 + SUM/Ped
+          endif
+        endif
+      end
diff --git a/SANE/sane_calc_pedestal.f b/SANE/sane_calc_pedestal.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e838714
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SANE/sane_calc_pedestal.f
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+      SUBROUTINE sane_calc_pedestal(ABORT,err)
+      implicit none
+      save
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      character*18 here
+      parameter (here='sane_calc_pedestal')
+      call lucite_sane_calc_pedestal(ABORT,err)
+      if(ABORT) then
+         call G_add_path(here,err)
+         return
+      endif
+      call cerenkov_sane_calc_pedestal(ABORT,err)
+      if(ABORT) then
+         call G_add_path(here,err)
+         return
+      endif
+      end
+      Subroutine lucite_sane_calc_pedestal(ABORT,err)
+      implicit none
+      save
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      integer*4 pmt
+      INCLUDE 'sane_data_structures.cmn'
+      luc_min_peds=7
+      do pmt = 1 , (LUCITE_SANE_MAX_COUNTER_NUM)
+         call Calc_Ped(
+     &        luc_ped_num_pos(pmt),
+     &        luc_min_peds,
+     &        luc_ped_mean_pos(pmt),
+     &        luc_ped_rms_pos(pmt),
+     &        luc_ped_sum_pos(pmt),
+     &        luc_ped_sum2_pos(pmt))
+c         write(*,*)'NUM ',pmt,luc_ped_num_pos(pmt)
+c         write(*,*)'Sum ',pmt, luc_ped_sum_pos(pmt)
+         call Calc_Ped(
+     &        luc_ped_num_neg(pmt),
+     &        luc_min_peds,
+     &        luc_ped_mean_neg(pmt),
+     &        luc_ped_rms_neg(pmt),
+     &        luc_ped_sum_neg(pmt),
+     &        luc_ped_sum2_neg(pmt))
+          luc_ped_threshold_neg(pmt) = luc_ped_mean_neg(pmt)
+          luc_ped_threshold_pos(pmt) = luc_ped_mean_pos(pmt)
+      enddo
+      end
+      Subroutine cerenkov_sane_calc_pedestal(ABORT,err)
+      implicit none
+      save
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      integer*4 pmt
+      INCLUDE 'sane_data_structures.cmn'
+      cer_sane_min_peds=7
+      do pmt = 1 , (CERENKOV_SANE_MAX_CER_COUNTER)
+         call Calc_Ped(
+     &        cer_sane_ped_num(pmt),
+     &        cer_sane_min_peds,
+     &        cer_sane_ped_mean(pmt),
+     &        cer_sane_ped_rms(pmt),
+     &        cer_sane_ped_sum(pmt),
+     &        cer_sane_ped_sum2(pmt))
+c         write(*,*)'NUM ',pmt,luc_ped_num_pos(pmt)
+c         write(*,*)'Sum ',pmt, luc_ped_sum_pos(pmt)
+          cer_sane_ped_threshold(pmt) = cer_sane_ped_mean(pmt)
+      enddo
+      end
+      Subroutine Calc_Ped(Ped,PedMin,Mean,RMS,Sum,Sum2)
+      implicit none
+      save
+      integer*4 Ped, PedMin, Sum, Sum2
+      real*4 Mean, RMS, sig2
+        if (Ped .ge. PedMin .and. PedMin .ne. 0) then
+           Mean = Sum /float(Ped)
+           sig2 = float(SUM2)/float(Ped)-Mean**2
+           RMS  = sqrt(max(0.,sig2))
+        endif
+      end
diff --git a/SANE/sane_clear_event.f b/SANE/sane_clear_event.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..47e41bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SANE/sane_clear_event.f
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+      subroutine SANE_CLEAR_EVENT(ABORT,err)
+      SAVE
+      character*13 here
+      parameter (here= 'sane_clear_event')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      call lucite_sane_clear_event(ABORT,err)
+      call cerenkov_sane_clear_event(ABORT,err)
+      call tracker_sane_clear_event(ABORT,err)
+      call SANE_DUMP_NTUP_VAR()
+      end
+      SUBROUTINE lucite_sane_clear_event(ABORT,err)
+      SAVE
+      INCLUDE 'sane_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'sane_ntuple.cmn'
+      character*13 here
+      parameter (here= 'lucite_sane_clear_event')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err     
+      integer*4 i
+      LUCITE_SANE_RAW_TOT_HITS          = 0
+      LUCITE_SANE_RAW_TOT_HITS2          = 0
+      LUCITE_SANE_RAW_TOT_HITS3          = 0
+c      LUCITE_SANE_RAW_PLANE             = 0
+      do i=1,LUCITE_SANE_MAX_HITS
+         LUCITE_SANE_RAW_ADC_POS(i)     = 0
+         LUCITE_SANE_RAW_ADC_NEG(i)     = 0
+         LUCITE_SANE_RAW_TDC_POS(i)     = 0
+         LUCITE_SANE_RAW_TDC_NEG(i)     = 0
+      enddo
+      do i=1,luc_hit
+         ltdc_pos(i) = 0
+         ltdc_neg(i) = 0
+         ladc_pos(i) = 0
+         ladc_neg(i) = 0
+      enddo
+       luc_hit = 0
+      ABORT= .FALSE.
+      err= ' '
+      RETURN
+      END
+      SUBROUTINE cerenkov_sane_clear_event(ABORT,err)
+      SAVE
+      INCLUDE 'sane_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'sane_ntuple.cmn'
+      character*13 here
+      parameter (here= 'cerenkov_sane_clear_event')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err     
+      integer*4 i
+      CERENKOV_SANE_RAW_TOT_HITS          = 0
+      CERENKOV_SANE_RAW_TOT_HITS2          = 0
+c      CERENKOV_SANE_RAW_PLANE             = 0
+         CERENKOV_SANE_RAW_ADC(i)         = 0
+         CERENKOV_SANE_RAW_TDC(i)         = 0
+         if(i.le.cer_hit)then
+            cer_tdc(i) = 0
+            cer_adcc(i) = 0
+         endif
+      enddo
+      cer_hit = 0
+      ABORT= .FALSE.
+      err= ' '
+      RETURN
+      END
+      SUBROUTINE tracker_sane_clear_event(ABORT,err)
+      SAVE
+      character*50 here
+      parameter (here= 'tracker_sane_clear_event')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 'sane_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'sane_ntuple.cmn'
+      integer*4 i
+      TRACKER_SANE_RAW_TOT_HITS_Y          = 0
+      TRACKER_SANE_RAW_TOT_HITS_X          = 0
+c      TRACKER_SANE_RAW_PLANE_Y             = 0
+c      TRACKER_SANE_RAW_PLANE_X             = 0
+         TRACKER_SANE_RAW_COUNTER_Y(i)     = 0
+         TRACKER_SANE_RAW_COUNTER_X(i)     = 0
+         TRACKER_SANE_RAW_TDC_Y(i)         = 0
+         TRACKER_SANE_RAW_TDC_X(i)         = 0
+         x1t_tdc(i) = 0
+         x1t_row(i) = -200
+         y1t_tdc(i) = 0
+         y1t_row(i) = -200
+         y2t_tdc(i) = 0
+         y2t_row(i) = -200
+      enddo
+      x1t_hit = 0
+      y1t_hit = 0
+      y2t_hit = 0
+      ABORT= .FALSE.
+      err= ' '
+      RETURN
+      end
diff --git a/SANE/sane_close_scalers.f b/SANE/sane_close_scalers.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..34ff0a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SANE/sane_close_scalers.f
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+      subroutine sane_close_scalers()
+      include 'b_ntuple.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_tof_parms.cmn'
+      include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_gain_parms.cmn'
+      include 'gen_event_info.cmn'
+      include 'gen_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'gep_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'sane_ntuple.cmn'
+      include 'sane_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'sem_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'h_ntuple.cmn'
+      include 'f1trigger_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'hms_calorimeter.cmn'
+      include 'gen_detectorids.par'
+      include 'gen_scalers.cmn'
+      include 'gen_run_info.cmn'
+      if(.not.charge_data_open)then
+         charge2s = gbcm1_charge-tcharge
+         tcharge = gbcm1_charge
+         charge2s_help = gbcm1_charge_help -tcharge_help 
+         tcharge_help  = gbcm1_charge_help 
+         charge2s_helm = gbcm1_charge_helm -tcharge_helm 
+         tcharge_helm  = gbcm1_charge_helm 
+c         write(*,*)'MMM'
+c      endif
+c      if(.not.charge_data_open.and.gscaler_change(538).ne.hel_p_scaler)then
+c        hel_p_scaler= gscaler_change(538)
+        hel_p_scaler= 0.985*gscaler_change(510)-gscaler_change(538)
+        hel_p_trig= g_hel_pos
+        dtime_p =1.
+        if(abs(hel_p_scaler).gt.0.0)then
+           dtime_p = float(g_hel_pos)/float(hel_p_scaler)
+        endif
+        call NANcheckF(dtime_p,0)
+        g_hel_pos =0
+c        write(*,*)'MMM P'
+c      endif
+c      if(.not.charge_data_open.and.gscaler_change(546).ne.hel_n_scaler)then
+c        hel_n_scaler= 0.985*gscaler_change(510)-gscaler_change(538)
+        hel_n_scaler=gscaler_change(538)
+        hel_n_trig= g_hel_neg
+         dtime_n=1.
+        if(abs(hel_n_scaler).gt.0.0)then
+           dtime_n =float(g_hel_neg)/float(hel_n_scaler)
+        endif
+        call NANcheckF(dtime_n,0)
+        g_hel_neg =0
+c        write(*,*)'MMM N'
+      endif
+      write(*,*)'Writing Last SCALER'
+      if(.not.polarization_data_open)then
+          write(polarization_data_unit,*)gen_event_ID_number,polarea, polarization,half_plate
+          polarization_ch = .FALSE.
+      endif
+      if(.not.charge_data_open)then
+         write(charge_data_unit,*)
+     ,        gen_event_ID_number,charge2s,tcharge,
+     ,        tcharge_help,charge2s_help,
+     ,        tcharge_helm,charge2s_helm ,
+     ,        hel_p_scaler,hel_p_trig,dtime_p,
+     ,        hel_n_scaler,hel_n_trig,dtime_n
+         charge_ch = .FALSE.
+      endif
+c         write(*,*)gen_event_ID_number,charge2s,tcharge,
+c     ,        tcharge_help,charge2s_help,
+c     ,        tcharge_helm,charge2s_helm ,
+c     ,     hel_p_scaler,hel_p_trig,dtime_p,
+c     ,     hel_n_scaler,hel_n_trig,dtime_n
+      close(polarization_data_unit)
+      close(charge_data_unit)
+      end
diff --git a/SANE/sane_decode.f b/SANE/sane_decode.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e079d81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SANE/sane_decode.f
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+      subroutine sane_decode(pointer,lastslot, roc, bank, 
+     &     maxwords, did)
+      implicit none
+      integer*4 pointer,lastslot, roc, bank(*) 
+      integer*4 maxwords, did 
+      integer*4 g_decode_fb_detector ! Detector unpacking routine
+      include 'gen_detectorids.par'
+      include 'sane_data_structures.cmn'
+      if(did.eq.LUCITE_SANE_ID)then
+         pointer = pointer +
+     $        g_decode_fb_detector(lastslot, roc, bank(pointer), 
+     &        maxwords, did, 
+     $        LUCITE_SANE_MAX_HITS, 
+     $        LUCITE_SANE_RAW_TOT_HITS, 
+     $        LUCITE_SANE_RAW_PLANE,
+     $        LUCITE_SANE_RAW_COUNTER_NUM, 2, 
+     $        LUCITE_SANE_RAW_ADC_POS, 
+     $        LUCITE_SANE_RAW_ADC_NEG, 
+     $        0, 
+     $        0)
+      else if(did.eq.LUCITE_SANE_ID2)then
+         pointer = pointer +
+     $        g_decode_fb_detector(lastslot, roc, bank(pointer), 
+     &        maxwords, did, 
+     $        LUCITE_SANE_MAX_HITS, 
+     $        LUCITE_SANE_RAW_TOT_HITS2, 
+     $        LUCITE_SANE_RAW_PLANE2,
+     $        LUCITE_SANE_RAW_COUNTER_NUM2, 1, 
+     $        LUCITE_SANE_RAW_TDC_POS, 
+     $        0, 
+     $        0, 
+     $        0)
+c         write(*,*)'LUC TDC POS ',LUCITE_SANE_RAW_TDC_POS
+      else if(did.eq.LUCITE_SANE_ID3)then
+         pointer = pointer +
+     $        g_decode_fb_detector(lastslot, roc, bank(pointer), 
+     &        maxwords, did, 
+     $        LUCITE_SANE_MAX_HITS, 
+     $        LUCITE_SANE_RAW_TOT_HITS3, 
+     $        LUCITE_SANE_RAW_PLANE3,
+     $        LUCITE_SANE_RAW_COUNTER_NUM3, 1, 
+     $        LUCITE_SANE_RAW_TDC_NEG, 
+     $        0, 
+     $        0, 
+     $        0)
+c         write(*,*)'LUC TDC NEG ',LUCITE_SANE_RAW_TDC_NEG
+      else if(did.eq.CERENKOV_SANE_ID)then
+         pointer = pointer + 
+     $        g_decode_fb_detector(lastslot, roc, bank(pointer), 
+     $        maxwords, did, 
+     $        CERENKOV_SANE_MAX_HITS, 
+     $        CERENKOV_SANE_RAW_ADC, 
+     $        0, 0, 0)
+c         WRITE(*,*)'cer ADC ',CERENKOV_SANE_RAW_ADC
+      else if(did.eq.CERENKOV_SANE_ID2)then
+         pointer = pointer + 
+     $        g_decode_fb_detector(lastslot, roc, bank(pointer), 
+     $        maxwords, did, 
+     $        CERENKOV_SANE_MAX_HITS, 
+     $        CERENKOV_SANE_RAW_TOT_HITS2, 
+     $        CERENKOV_SANE_RAW_PLANE2,
+     $        CERENKOV_SANE_RAW_COUNTER_NUM2, 1, 
+     $        CERENKOV_SANE_RAW_TDC, 
+     $        0, 0, 0)
+c         WRITE(*,*)'cer tdc ',CERENKOV_SANE_RAW_TDC
+      else if(did.eq.TRACKER_SANE_X_ID)then
+         pointer = pointer + 
+     $        g_decode_fb_detector(lastslot, roc, bank(pointer), 
+     $        maxwords, did, 
+     $        TRACKER_SANE_MAX_HITS, 
+     $        TRACKER_SANE_RAW_TOT_HITS_X, 
+     $        TRACKER_SANE_RAW_PLANE_X,
+     $        TRACKER_SANE_RAW_COUNTER_X, 1, 
+     $        TRACKER_SANE_RAW_TDC_X, 
+     $        0, 0, 0)
+      else if(did.eq.TRACKER_SANE_Y_ID)then
+          pointer = pointer + 
+     $        g_decode_fb_detector(lastslot, roc, bank(pointer), 
+     $        maxwords, did, 
+     $        TRACKER_SANE_MAX_HITS, 
+     $        TRACKER_SANE_RAW_TOT_HITS_Y, 
+     $        TRACKER_SANE_RAW_PLANE_Y,
+     $        TRACKER_SANE_RAW_COUNTER_Y, 1, 
+     $        TRACKER_SANE_RAW_TDC_Y, 
+     $        0, 0, 0)
+      endif
+      end
diff --git a/SANE/sane_dump_ntup_var.f b/SANE/sane_dump_ntup_var.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..33164f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SANE/sane_dump_ntup_var.f
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+      Subroutine SANE_DUMP_NTUP_VAR()
+      include 'b_ntuple.cmn'
+      include 'sane_ntuple.cmn'
+      integer i,j
+      nclust = 0
+      y1t_hit = 0
+      y2t_hit =  0
+      x1t_hit = 0
+      y3t_hit = 0
+      cer_hit = 0
+      luc_hit = 0
+      do i=1,TRACKER_MAX_HITS
+	 y1t_row(i) = 0
+	 y1t_tdc(i) = 0
+         y1t_y(i)   = 0
+	 y2t_row(i) = 0
+	 y2t_tdc(i) = 0
+         y2t_y(i)   = 0
+	 y3t_row(i) = 0
+	 y3t_tdc(i) = 0
+         y3t_y(i)   = 0
+	 x1t_row(i) = 0
+	 x1t_tdc(i) = 0
+         x1t_x(i)   = 0
+      enddo
+      do i=1,maxnclust
+         ncellclust(i) = 0
+         ncellbad(i) = 0
+         ncellx(i) = 0
+         ncelly(i) = 0
+         xmoment(i) = 0
+         ymoment(i) = 0
+         eclust(i) = 0
+         aclust(i) = 0
+         xclust(i) = 0
+         yclust(i) = 0
+	 cer_num(i) = 0
+	 cer_tdc(i) = 0
+	 cer_adc(i) = 0
+	 luc_row(i) = 0
+	 ladc_pos(i) = 0
+         ladc_neg(i) = 0
+	 ltdc_pos(i) = 0
+         ltdc_neg(i) = 0
+         luc_y(i) = 0
+         do j=1,maxncellclust
+            xcell(j,i) = 0
+            ycell(j,i) = 0
+            eblock(j,i) = 0
+            ablock(j,i) = 0
+         enddo
+      enddo
+      hms_p        = 0	
+      hms_e        = 0
+      hms_theta    = 0
+      hms_phi      = 0
+      hms_ytar     = 0
+      hms_yptar    = 0
+      hms_xptar    = 0
+      hms_delta    = 0
+      do j=1,maxcl
+         E_clust(j) = 0
+         X_clust(j) = 0 
+         Y_clust(j) = 0
+         Z_clust(j) = 0
+         X_clust_r(j) = 0 
+         Y_clust_r(j) = 0
+         Z_clust_r(j) = 0
+         luc_h(j) = 0
+         trc_hx(j) = 0
+         trc_hy1(j) = 0
+         trc_hy2(j) = 0
+         do i=1,20
+            X_luc(i,j) = 0 
+            Y_luc(i,j) = 0 
+            Z_luc(i,j) = 0
+            X_luc_r(i,j) = 0
+            Y_luc_r(i,j) = 0
+            Z_luc_r(i,j) = 0
+            X_trc(i,j) = 0
+            Z_trc(i,j) = 0
+            Y1_trc(i,j) = 0
+            Z1_trc(i,j) = 0
+            Y2_trc(i,j) = 0
+            Z2_trc(i,j) = 0
+         enddo
+         do i=1,3
+            Tr_Vertex(i,j) = 0 
+            Tr_Vertex_r(i,j) = 0
+         enddo
+         cer_h(j) = 0
+         cerb_time(j) = 0
+         cerb_adc(j) = 0
+         bigc_time(j) = 0
+         bigc_adc(j) = 0
+         Theta_e(j) = 0
+         Phi_e(j) = 0
+         Delta_Y(j) = 0
+         Delta_X(j) = 0
+         X_Bjorken(j) = 0
+         Q2(j) = 0
+         W2(j) = 0
+         ENue(j) = 0
+      enddo
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/SANE/sane_geometry_suplement.f b/SANE/sane_geometry_suplement.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f86ef7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SANE/sane_geometry_suplement.f
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+      subroutine Plane(P1,P2,P3,a,b,c,d)
+c     Finds Plane constants a,b,c,d Using three points (P1,P2,P3)
+      real*4 P1(3),P2(3),P3(3)
+      real*8 a,b,c,d
+      a =  (p2(2)-p1(2))*(p3(3)-p1(3))-(p2(3)-p1(3))*(p3(2)-p1(2))
+      b =  (p2(3)-p1(3))*(p3(1)-p1(1))-(p2(1)-p1(1))*(p3(3)-p1(3))
+      c =  (p2(1)-p1(1))*(p3(2)-p1(2))-(p3(1)-p1(1))*(p2(2)-p1(2))
+      d = -p1(1)*a-p1(2)*b-p1(3)*c
+      end
+      subroutine PlaneV(P,DOT,a,b,c,d)
+c     Finds Plane constants a,b,c,d Using normal vector to the plane (P)
+c     and point on plane (DOT) 
+      real*8 P(3),DOT(3)
+      real*8 a,b,c,d
+      a = P(1) 
+      b = P(2)
+      c = P(3)
+      d = -(P(1)*Dot(1)+P(2)*Dot(2)+P(3)*Dot(3))
+      end
+      subroutine Rotate(P,phi,th,psi,P1)
+c      iflag=1 -Rotate from P system to LAB
+c      iflag=-1 -Rotate from LAB system to P
+      real*4 P(3),P1(3)
+      real*8 a(3,3)
+      real phi,th,psi
+      real pphi,pth,ppsi
+      integer i,j
+      pphi =phi
+      pth  =th
+      ppsi =psi
+      if( abs(pphi).lt.0.002) pphi=0
+      if(  abs(pth).le.0.002 ) pth=0
+      if( abs(ppsi).le.0.002 ) ppsi=0
+      a(1,1) = -sin(ppsi)*sin(pphi)+cos(pth)*cos(pphi)*cos(ppsi)
+      a(1,2) = -sin(ppsi)*cos(pphi)+cos(pth)*sin(pphi)*cos(ppsi)
+      a(1,3) = -sin(pth)*cos(ppsi)
+      a(2,1) = -sin(pphi)*cos(ppsi)-cos(pth)*cos(pphi)*sin(ppsi)
+      a(2,2) =  cos(pphi)*cos(ppsi)-cos(pth)*sin(pphi)*sin(ppsi)
+      a(2,3) =  sin(pth)*sin(ppsi)
+      a(3,1) =  sin(pth)*cos(pphi)
+      a(3,2) =  sin(pth)*sin(pphi)
+      a(3,3) =  cos(pth)
+c      write(*,"(3F10.3)")a
+      do 100 i=1,3
+         P1(i)=0
+         do 200 j=1,3
+            if(abs(a(i,j)).lt.1e-7)a(i,j)=0
+c     write(*,*)P1(i),a(i,j)
+            P1(i)=P1(i)+a(i,j)*P(j)
+ 200     continue
+         if(abs(P1(i)).lt.1e-3)P1(i)=0.
+ 100  continue
+      end
+      subroutine EqVector(V1,V2)
+      real*8 V1(6),V2(6)
+      integer i
+      do i=1,6
+         V2(i)=V1(i)
+      enddo
+      end
+      subroutine sub6vec(V1,V2,V3)
+      real*8 V1(6),V2(6),V3(6)
+      integer i
+      do i=1,3
+         v3(i)=V1(i)-V2(i)
+      enddo
+      end
+      subroutine val6vec(V,val)
+c     finds the distance from origin for 6 Vector
+      real*8 V(6),val
+      val = sqrt(V(1)**2+V(2)**2+V(3)**2)
+      end
+      subroutine mom6vec(V,val)
+c     finds momentum of 6 vector
+      real*8 V(6),val
+      val = sqrt(V(4)**2+V(5)**2+V(6)**2)
+      end
+      subroutine CalcMomComp(xluc,yluc,zluc,xbig,ybig,zbig,px,py,pz,E,pM)
+      real*4 xluc,yluc,zluc,xbig,ybig,zbig,px,py,pz
+      real*4 dist,E,pM
+      dist = sqrt((xluc-xbig)**2+(yluc-ybig)**2+(zluc-zbig)**2)
+      px   = sqrt(E**2-pm**2)*(xluc-xbig)/dist
+      py   = sqrt(E**2-pm**2)*(yluc-ybig)/dist
+      pz   = sqrt(E**2-pm**2)*(zluc-zbig)/dist
+      end
+      subroutine PlaneLineIntersection(a,b,c,d,P1,P2,P_i)
+c     Calculates intersection point of plane with line
+c     a,b,c,d- are plane parameters
+c     P1, and P2 are points of Lane
+c     P_i -intersection poin
+      real*8 a,b,c,d
+      real*4 P1(3),P2(3),P_i(3)
+      real*4 u
+      if((a*(P1(1)-P2(1))+b*(P1(2)-P2(2))+c*(P1(3)-P2(3))).ne.0)then
+         u = ( a*P1(1) + b*P1(2) + c*P1(3) + d )/
+     ,        ( a*(P1(1)-P2(1)) + b*(P1(2)-P2(2)) + c*(P1(3)-P2(3)) )
+         P_i(1)=(P2(1)-P1(1))*u+P1(1)
+         P_i(2)=(P2(2)-P1(2))*u+P1(2)
+         P_i(3)=(P2(3)-P1(3))*u+P1(3)
+C         write(*,*)P_i
+      else
+         P_i(1)=0
+         P_i(2)=0
+         P_i(3)=0
+         write(*,*)'Line is paralel to plane'
+      endif
+      end
diff --git a/SANE/sane_keep_results.f b/SANE/sane_keep_results.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a97745
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SANE/sane_keep_results.f
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+      subroutine sane_keep_results(ABORT,err)
+      implicit none
+      save
+      include 'bigcal_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'sane_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'b_ntuple.cmn'
+      include 'sane_ntuple.cmn'
+      include 'gen_event_info.cmn'
+      include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      character*14 here
+      parameter(here='sane_keep_results')
+      logical abort
+      character*(*) err
+      abort=.false.
+      err=' '
+c     check whether there is a cluster. 
+c     if there is a cluster, then keep the ntuple
+c$$$      if(
+c$$$     $ then
+c$$$         call b_ntuple_keep(ABORT,err)
+c$$$      endif
+c      write(*,*)nclust
+!      if (gen_event_type .eq. 4) return
+      if(
+!         if(( .eq. 8
+!      ,
+!      ,        ) then
+              call SANE_DUMP_NTUP_VAR()
+              call b_ntuple_keep(ABORT,err,.false.)
+              call sane_ntuple_keep(ABORT,err)
+              call SANE_DUMP_NTUP_VAR()  
+c          call  B_reset_event(ABORT,err)
+          bigcal_all_nclstr=0
+          bigcal_nmaxima=0
+!         endif
+      endif
+      if(abort) then
+         call G_add_path(here,err)
+      else
+         err=' '
+      endif
+      return 
+      end
diff --git a/SANE/sane_n100xye.f b/SANE/sane_n100xye.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd8235b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SANE/sane_n100xye.f
@@ -0,0 +1,2767 @@
+      subroutine NueralParam(i,ixmax,iymax,jmax,etot,
+     ,     XX,YY,Eyx)    
+      include 'bigcal_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'sane_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'b_ntuple.cmn'
+      include 'sane_ntuple.cmn'
+      include 'gen_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'gen_event_info.cmn'
+      real xmomsqr,xmom,xmomsq,ymomsqr,ymom,ymomsq
+      integer jmax
+      real emax
+      real eyx(5,5),XX(5,5),YY(5,5),en,Emt,Etot9,Etot
+      integer ixmax, iymax,jj,i,ii
+      real Xmomf
+      do ii=1,5
+         do jj=1,5
+            eyx(ii,jj)=0
+            xx(ii,jj)=0
+            yy(ii,jj)=0
+         enddo
+      enddo
+      emax=0
+      do jj=1,ncellclust(i)
+         en = eblock(jj,i)
+         if(
+            emax  = en
+            ixmax = ixcell(jj,i)
+            iymax = iycell(jj,i)
+            jmax  = jj
+         endif
+      enddo
+      etot =0 
+      do jj=1,ncellclust(i)
+         en = eblock(jj,i)
+         if(
+            if(iycell(jj,i).lt.33.and.
+     ,           iycell(jj,i).gt.0.and.ixcell(jj,i).gt.0.and.
+     ,           ixcell(jj,i).lt.33.and.
+     ,           iycell(jj,i)
+     ,           iycell(jj,i)
+     ,           ixcell(jj,i)
+     ,           ixcell(jj,i)
+     ,           )then
+               Eyx(iycell(jj,i)-iymax+3,ixcell(jj,i)-ixmax+3)=en
+               XX(iycell(jj,i)-iymax+3,ixcell(jj,i)-ixmax+3)=xcell(jj,i)
+               YY(iycell(jj,i)-iymax+3,ixcell(jj,i)-ixmax+3)=ycell(jj,i)
+            elseif(iycell(jj,i).lt.57.and.iycell(jj,i).gt.32.and.
+     ,              ixcell(jj,i).gt.0.and.ixcell(jj,i).lt.31.and.
+     ,           iycell(jj,i)
+     ,           iycell(jj,i)
+     ,           ixcell(jj,i)
+     ,           ixcell(jj,i)
+     ,           )then
+               Eyx(iycell(jj,i)-iymax+3,ixcell(jj,i)-ixmax+3)=en
+               XX(iycell(jj,i)-iymax+3,ixcell(jj,i)-ixmax+3)=xcell(jj,i)
+               YY(iycell(jj,i)-iymax+3,ixcell(jj,i)-ixmax+3)=ycell(jj,i)
+            endif
+         endif
+      enddo
+      etot =eyx(1,1)+eyx(1,2)+eyx(1,3)+eyx(1,4)+eyx(1,5)+
+     ,     eyx(2,1)+eyx(2,2)+eyx(2,3)+eyx(2,4)+eyx(2,5)+
+     ,     eyx(3,1)+eyx(3,2)+eyx(3,3)+eyx(3,4)+eyx(3,5)+
+     ,     eyx(4,1)+eyx(4,2)+eyx(4,3)+eyx(4,4)+eyx(4,5)+
+     ,     eyx(5,1)+eyx(5,2)+eyx(5,3)+eyx(5,4)+eyx(5,5)
+      end
+      double precision function sane_n100xye(x, index)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27),etot
+      integer i
+C --- Last Layer
+      etot=0
+      do i=1,25
+         if(x(i).gt.0.01)then
+            etot=etot+x(i)
+         endif
+      enddo
+      if (index.eq.0) then
+         sane_n100xye=neuron0x8ba5c78(x)
+      else if (index.eq.1) then
+         sane_n100xye=neuron0x8ba83b0(x)
+      else if (index.eq.2) then
+         if(x(27).lt.2.or.x(27).gt.55)then
+            sane_n100xye=neuron0x8ba8718(x)+
+     ,           0.8*exp(-10*etot)+0.18*etot-0.07
+         else
+            sane_n100xye=neuron0x8ba8718(x)-(0.11-0.11/3.7*etot)
+         endif
+         if(x(26).lt.2) sane_n100xye= sane_n100xye+
+     ,        exp(-10*etot)+0.12*etot
+         if(x(26).gt.31)sane_n100xye= sane_n100xye+
+     ,        exp(-10*etot)+0.08*etot
+         if(x(26).gt.29.and.x(27).gt.32)sane_n100xye= sane_n100xye+
+     ,        exp(-10*etot)+0.12*etot
+      else
+          sane_n100xye=0.d0
+      endif
+      end
+C --- First and Hidden layers
+      double precision function neuron0x8b9f9f0(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      neuron0x8b9f9f0 = (x(1) - 0d0)/1d0
+      end
+      double precision function neuron0x8b9fb80(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      neuron0x8b9fb80 = (x(2) - 0d0)/1d0
+      end
+      double precision function neuron0x8b9fd58(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      neuron0x8b9fd58 = (x(3) - 0d0)/1d0
+      end
+      double precision function neuron0x8b9ff30(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      neuron0x8b9ff30 = (x(4) - 0d0)/1d0
+      end
+      double precision function neuron0x8ba0108(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      neuron0x8ba0108 = (x(5) - 0d0)/1d0
+      end
+      double precision function neuron0x8ba02e0(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      neuron0x8ba02e0 = (x(6) - 0d0)/1d0
+      end
+      double precision function neuron0x8ba04b8(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      neuron0x8ba04b8 = (x(7) - 0d0)/1d0
+      end
+      double precision function neuron0x8ba06a8(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      neuron0x8ba06a8 = (x(8) - 0d0)/1d0
+      end
+      double precision function neuron0x8ba0898(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      neuron0x8ba0898 = (x(9) - 0d0)/1d0
+      end
+      double precision function neuron0x8ba0a88(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      neuron0x8ba0a88 = (x(10) - 0d0)/1d0
+      end
+      double precision function neuron0x8ba0c78(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      neuron0x8ba0c78 = (x(11) - 0d0)/1d0
+      end
+      double precision function neuron0x8ba0e68(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      neuron0x8ba0e68 = (x(12) - 0d0)/1d0
+      end
+      double precision function neuron0x8ba1058(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      neuron0x8ba1058 = (x(13) - 0d0)/1d0
+      end
+      double precision function neuron0x8ba1248(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      neuron0x8ba1248 = (x(14) - 0d0)/1d0
+      end
+      double precision function neuron0x8ba1438(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      neuron0x8ba1438 = (x(15) - 0d0)/1d0
+      end
+      double precision function neuron0x8ba1628(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      neuron0x8ba1628 = (x(16) - 0d0)/1d0
+      end
+      double precision function neuron0x8ba1818(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      neuron0x8ba1818 = (x(17) - 0d0)/1d0
+      end
+      double precision function neuron0x8ba1b18(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      neuron0x8ba1b18 = (x(18) - 0d0)/1d0
+      end
+      double precision function neuron0x8ba1d08(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      neuron0x8ba1d08 = (x(19) - 0d0)/1d0
+      end
+      double precision function neuron0x8ba1ef8(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      neuron0x8ba1ef8 = (x(20) - 0d0)/1d0
+      end
+      double precision function neuron0x8ba20e8(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      neuron0x8ba20e8 = (x(21) - 0d0)/1d0
+      end
+      double precision function neuron0x8ba22d8(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      neuron0x8ba22d8 = (x(22) - 0d0)/1d0
+      end
+      double precision function neuron0x8ba24c8(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      neuron0x8ba24c8 = (x(23) - 0d0)/1d0
+      end
+      double precision function neuron0x8ba26b8(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      neuron0x8ba26b8 = (x(24) - 0d0)/1d0
+      end
+      double precision function neuron0x8ba28a8(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      neuron0x8ba28a8 = (x(25) - 0d0)/1d0
+      end
+      double precision function neuron0x8ba2a98(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      neuron0x8ba2a98 = (x(26) - 0d0)/1d0
+      end
+      double precision function neuron0x8ba2c88(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      neuron0x8ba2c88 = (x(27) - 0d0)/1d0
+      end
+      double precision function neuron0x8ba2f98(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      neuron0x8ba2f98 = -0.747233d0
+      neuron0x8ba2f98 = neuron0x8ba2f98 + synapse0x8b81ae8(x)
+      neuron0x8ba2f98 = neuron0x8ba2f98 + synapse0x89c73b8(x)
+      neuron0x8ba2f98 = neuron0x8ba2f98 + synapse0x8ba3170(x)
+      neuron0x8ba2f98 = neuron0x8ba2f98 + synapse0x8ba3198(x)
+      neuron0x8ba2f98 = neuron0x8ba2f98 + synapse0x8ba31c0(x)
+      neuron0x8ba2f98 = neuron0x8ba2f98 + synapse0x8ba31e8(x)
+      neuron0x8ba2f98 = neuron0x8ba2f98 + synapse0x8ba3210(x)
+      neuron0x8ba2f98 = neuron0x8ba2f98 + synapse0x8ba3238(x)
+      neuron0x8ba2f98 = neuron0x8ba2f98 + synapse0x8ba3260(x)
+      neuron0x8ba2f98 = neuron0x8ba2f98 + synapse0x8ba3288(x)
+      neuron0x8ba2f98 = neuron0x8ba2f98 + synapse0x8ba32b0(x)
+      neuron0x8ba2f98 = neuron0x8ba2f98 + synapse0x8ba32d8(x)
+      neuron0x8ba2f98 = neuron0x8ba2f98 + synapse0x8ba3300(x)
+      neuron0x8ba2f98 = neuron0x8ba2f98 + synapse0x8ba3328(x)
+      neuron0x8ba2f98 = neuron0x8ba2f98 + synapse0x8ba3350(x)
+      neuron0x8ba2f98 = neuron0x8ba2f98 + synapse0x8ba3378(x)
+      neuron0x8ba2f98 = neuron0x8ba2f98 + synapse0x8ba33a0(x)
+      neuron0x8ba2f98 = neuron0x8ba2f98 + synapse0x8ba3450(x)
+      neuron0x8ba2f98 = neuron0x8ba2f98 + synapse0x8ba3478(x)
+      neuron0x8ba2f98 = neuron0x8ba2f98 + synapse0x8ba34a0(x)
+      neuron0x8ba2f98 = neuron0x8ba2f98 + synapse0x8ba34c8(x)
+      neuron0x8ba2f98 = neuron0x8ba2f98 + synapse0x8ba34f0(x)
+      neuron0x8ba2f98 = neuron0x8ba2f98 + synapse0x8ba3518(x)
+      neuron0x8ba2f98 = neuron0x8ba2f98 + synapse0x8ba3540(x)
+      neuron0x8ba2f98 = neuron0x8ba2f98 + synapse0x8ba3568(x)
+      neuron0x8ba2f98 = neuron0x8ba2f98 + synapse0x8ba3590(x)
+      neuron0x8ba2f98 = neuron0x8ba2f98 + synapse0x8ba35b8(x)
+      neuron0x8ba2f98= (exp(-neuron0x8ba2f98*neuron0x8ba2f98))
+      end
+      double precision function neuron0x8ba35e0(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      neuron0x8ba35e0 = 0.400749d0
+      neuron0x8ba35e0 = neuron0x8ba35e0 + synapse0x89d14d0(x)
+      neuron0x8ba35e0 = neuron0x8ba35e0 + synapse0x89d14f8(x)
+      neuron0x8ba35e0 = neuron0x8ba35e0 + synapse0x8ba4788(x)
+      neuron0x8ba35e0 = neuron0x8ba35e0 + synapse0x8ba47b0(x)
+      neuron0x8ba35e0 = neuron0x8ba35e0 + synapse0x8ba47d8(x)
+      neuron0x8ba35e0 = neuron0x8ba35e0 + synapse0x8ba4800(x)
+      neuron0x8ba35e0 = neuron0x8ba35e0 + synapse0x8ba33c8(x)
+      neuron0x8ba35e0 = neuron0x8ba35e0 + synapse0x8ba33f0(x)
+      neuron0x8ba35e0 = neuron0x8ba35e0 + synapse0x8ba3418(x)
+      neuron0x8ba35e0 = neuron0x8ba35e0 + synapse0x8ba4930(x)
+      neuron0x8ba35e0 = neuron0x8ba35e0 + synapse0x8ba4958(x)
+      neuron0x8ba35e0 = neuron0x8ba35e0 + synapse0x8ba4980(x)
+      neuron0x8ba35e0 = neuron0x8ba35e0 + synapse0x8ba49a8(x)
+      neuron0x8ba35e0 = neuron0x8ba35e0 + synapse0x8ba49d0(x)
+      neuron0x8ba35e0 = neuron0x8ba35e0 + synapse0x8ba49f8(x)
+      neuron0x8ba35e0 = neuron0x8ba35e0 + synapse0x8ba4a20(x)
+      neuron0x8ba35e0 = neuron0x8ba35e0 + synapse0x8ba4ad0(x)
+      neuron0x8ba35e0 = neuron0x8ba35e0 + synapse0x8ba4af8(x)
+      neuron0x8ba35e0 = neuron0x8ba35e0 + synapse0x8ba4b20(x)
+      neuron0x8ba35e0 = neuron0x8ba35e0 + synapse0x8ba4b48(x)
+      neuron0x8ba35e0 = neuron0x8ba35e0 + synapse0x8ba4b70(x)
+      neuron0x8ba35e0 = neuron0x8ba35e0 + synapse0x8ba4b98(x)
+      neuron0x8ba35e0 = neuron0x8ba35e0 + synapse0x8ba4bc0(x)
+      neuron0x8ba35e0 = neuron0x8ba35e0 + synapse0x8ba4be8(x)
+      neuron0x8ba35e0 = neuron0x8ba35e0 + synapse0x8ba4c10(x)
+      neuron0x8ba35e0 = neuron0x8ba35e0 + synapse0x8ba4c38(x)
+      neuron0x8ba35e0 = neuron0x8ba35e0 + synapse0x8ba4c60(x)
+      neuron0x8ba35e0= (exp(-neuron0x8ba35e0*neuron0x8ba35e0))
+      end
+      double precision function neuron0x8ba4c88(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      neuron0x8ba4c88 = -0.299935d0
+      neuron0x8ba4c88 = neuron0x8ba4c88 + synapse0x8ba4e38(x)
+      neuron0x8ba4c88 = neuron0x8ba4c88 + synapse0x8ba4e60(x)
+      neuron0x8ba4c88 = neuron0x8ba4c88 + synapse0x8ba4e88(x)
+      neuron0x8ba4c88 = neuron0x8ba4c88 + synapse0x8ba4eb0(x)
+      neuron0x8ba4c88 = neuron0x8ba4c88 + synapse0x8ba4ed8(x)
+      neuron0x8ba4c88 = neuron0x8ba4c88 + synapse0x8ba4f00(x)
+      neuron0x8ba4c88 = neuron0x8ba4c88 + synapse0x8ba4f28(x)
+      neuron0x8ba4c88 = neuron0x8ba4c88 + synapse0x8ba4f50(x)
+      neuron0x8ba4c88 = neuron0x8ba4c88 + synapse0x8ba4f78(x)
+      neuron0x8ba4c88 = neuron0x8ba4c88 + synapse0x8ba4fa0(x)
+      neuron0x8ba4c88 = neuron0x8ba4c88 + synapse0x8ba4fc8(x)
+      neuron0x8ba4c88 = neuron0x8ba4c88 + synapse0x89c7788(x)
+      neuron0x8ba4c88 = neuron0x8ba4c88 + synapse0x89c7348(x)
+      neuron0x8ba4c88 = neuron0x8ba4c88 + synapse0x89c7370(x)
+      neuron0x8ba4c88 = neuron0x8ba4c88 + synapse0x89c7540(x)
+      neuron0x8ba4c88 = neuron0x8ba4c88 + synapse0x89c7568(x)
+      neuron0x8ba4c88 = neuron0x8ba4c88 + synapse0x8ba48b0(x)
+      neuron0x8ba4c88 = neuron0x8ba4c88 + synapse0x8ba48d8(x)
+      neuron0x8ba4c88 = neuron0x8ba4c88 + synapse0x8ba4900(x)
+      neuron0x8ba4c88 = neuron0x8ba4c88 + synapse0x8b7dca8(x)
+      neuron0x8ba4c88 = neuron0x8ba4c88 + synapse0x8b7dcd0(x)
+      neuron0x8ba4c88 = neuron0x8ba4c88 + synapse0x89c7a08(x)
+      neuron0x8ba4c88 = neuron0x8ba4c88 + synapse0x89c7a30(x)
+      neuron0x8ba4c88 = neuron0x8ba4c88 + synapse0x89c7a58(x)
+      neuron0x8ba4c88 = neuron0x8ba4c88 + synapse0x89c7a80(x)
+      neuron0x8ba4c88 = neuron0x8ba4c88 + synapse0x89c7aa8(x)
+      neuron0x8ba4c88 = neuron0x8ba4c88 + synapse0x89c7ad0(x)
+      neuron0x8ba4c88= (exp(-neuron0x8ba4c88*neuron0x8ba4c88))
+      end
+      double precision function neuron0x89c7bb8(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      neuron0x89c7bb8 = -0.0871005d0
+      neuron0x89c7bb8 = neuron0x89c7bb8 + synapse0x89c7af8(x)
+      neuron0x89c7bb8 = neuron0x89c7bb8 + synapse0x8ba4ff0(x)
+      neuron0x89c7bb8 = neuron0x89c7bb8 + synapse0x8ba5018(x)
+      neuron0x89c7bb8 = neuron0x89c7bb8 + synapse0x8ba5040(x)
+      neuron0x89c7bb8 = neuron0x89c7bb8 + synapse0x8ba5068(x)
+      neuron0x89c7bb8 = neuron0x89c7bb8 + synapse0x8ba5090(x)
+      neuron0x89c7bb8 = neuron0x89c7bb8 + synapse0x8ba50b8(x)
+      neuron0x89c7bb8 = neuron0x89c7bb8 + synapse0x8ba50e0(x)
+      neuron0x89c7bb8 = neuron0x89c7bb8 + synapse0x8ba5108(x)
+      neuron0x89c7bb8 = neuron0x89c7bb8 + synapse0x8ba5130(x)
+      neuron0x89c7bb8 = neuron0x89c7bb8 + synapse0x8ba5158(x)
+      neuron0x89c7bb8 = neuron0x89c7bb8 + synapse0x8ba5180(x)
+      neuron0x89c7bb8 = neuron0x89c7bb8 + synapse0x8ba51a8(x)
+      neuron0x89c7bb8 = neuron0x89c7bb8 + synapse0x8ba51d0(x)
+      neuron0x89c7bb8 = neuron0x89c7bb8 + synapse0x8ba51f8(x)
+      neuron0x89c7bb8 = neuron0x89c7bb8 + synapse0x8ba5220(x)
+      neuron0x89c7bb8 = neuron0x89c7bb8 + synapse0x8ba52d0(x)
+      neuron0x89c7bb8 = neuron0x89c7bb8 + synapse0x8ba52f8(x)
+      neuron0x89c7bb8 = neuron0x89c7bb8 + synapse0x8ba5320(x)
+      neuron0x89c7bb8 = neuron0x89c7bb8 + synapse0x8ba5348(x)
+      neuron0x89c7bb8 = neuron0x89c7bb8 + synapse0x8ba5370(x)
+      neuron0x89c7bb8 = neuron0x89c7bb8 + synapse0x8ba5398(x)
+      neuron0x89c7bb8 = neuron0x89c7bb8 + synapse0x8ba53c0(x)
+      neuron0x89c7bb8 = neuron0x89c7bb8 + synapse0x8ba53e8(x)
+      neuron0x89c7bb8 = neuron0x89c7bb8 + synapse0x8ba5410(x)
+      neuron0x89c7bb8 = neuron0x89c7bb8 + synapse0x8ba5438(x)
+      neuron0x89c7bb8 = neuron0x89c7bb8 + synapse0x8ba5460(x)
+      neuron0x89c7bb8= (exp(-neuron0x89c7bb8*neuron0x89c7bb8))
+      end
+      double precision function neuron0x8ba5488(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      neuron0x8ba5488 = -0.179616d0
+      neuron0x8ba5488 = neuron0x8ba5488 + synapse0x8ba5618(x)
+      neuron0x8ba5488 = neuron0x8ba5488 + synapse0x8ba5640(x)
+      neuron0x8ba5488 = neuron0x8ba5488 + synapse0x8ba5668(x)
+      neuron0x8ba5488 = neuron0x8ba5488 + synapse0x8ba5690(x)
+      neuron0x8ba5488 = neuron0x8ba5488 + synapse0x8ba56b8(x)
+      neuron0x8ba5488 = neuron0x8ba5488 + synapse0x8ba56e0(x)
+      neuron0x8ba5488 = neuron0x8ba5488 + synapse0x8ba5708(x)
+      neuron0x8ba5488 = neuron0x8ba5488 + synapse0x8ba5730(x)
+      neuron0x8ba5488 = neuron0x8ba5488 + synapse0x8ba5758(x)
+      neuron0x8ba5488 = neuron0x8ba5488 + synapse0x8ba5780(x)
+      neuron0x8ba5488 = neuron0x8ba5488 + synapse0x8ba57a8(x)
+      neuron0x8ba5488 = neuron0x8ba5488 + synapse0x8ba57d0(x)
+      neuron0x8ba5488 = neuron0x8ba5488 + synapse0x8ba57f8(x)
+      neuron0x8ba5488 = neuron0x8ba5488 + synapse0x8ba5820(x)
+      neuron0x8ba5488 = neuron0x8ba5488 + synapse0x8ba5848(x)
+      neuron0x8ba5488 = neuron0x8ba5488 + synapse0x8ba5870(x)
+      neuron0x8ba5488 = neuron0x8ba5488 + synapse0x8ba5920(x)
+      neuron0x8ba5488 = neuron0x8ba5488 + synapse0x8ba5948(x)
+      neuron0x8ba5488 = neuron0x8ba5488 + synapse0x8ba5970(x)
+      neuron0x8ba5488 = neuron0x8ba5488 + synapse0x8ba5998(x)
+      neuron0x8ba5488 = neuron0x8ba5488 + synapse0x8ba59c0(x)
+      neuron0x8ba5488 = neuron0x8ba5488 + synapse0x89339c8(x)
+      neuron0x8ba5488 = neuron0x8ba5488 + synapse0x89c7800(x)
+      neuron0x8ba5488 = neuron0x8ba5488 + synapse0x89c7828(x)
+      neuron0x8ba5488 = neuron0x8ba5488 + synapse0x89c7850(x)
+      neuron0x8ba5488 = neuron0x8ba5488 + synapse0x89c7878(x)
+      neuron0x8ba5488 = neuron0x8ba5488 + synapse0x89c78a0(x)
+      neuron0x8ba5488= (exp(-neuron0x8ba5488*neuron0x8ba5488))
+      end
+      double precision function neuron0x89c78c8(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      neuron0x89c78c8 = 0.905333d0
+      neuron0x89c78c8 = neuron0x89c78c8 + synapse0x89c79c8(x)
+      neuron0x89c78c8 = neuron0x89c78c8 + synapse0x8ba1a90(x)
+      neuron0x89c78c8 = neuron0x89c78c8 + synapse0x8ba1ab8(x)
+      neuron0x89c78c8 = neuron0x89c78c8 + synapse0x8ba1ae0(x)
+      neuron0x89c78c8 = neuron0x89c78c8 + synapse0x8ba5fd0(x)
+      neuron0x89c78c8 = neuron0x89c78c8 + synapse0x8ba5ff8(x)
+      neuron0x89c78c8 = neuron0x89c78c8 + synapse0x8ba6020(x)
+      neuron0x89c78c8 = neuron0x89c78c8 + synapse0x8ba6048(x)
+      neuron0x89c78c8 = neuron0x89c78c8 + synapse0x8ba6070(x)
+      neuron0x89c78c8 = neuron0x89c78c8 + synapse0x8ba6098(x)
+      neuron0x89c78c8 = neuron0x89c78c8 + synapse0x8ba60c0(x)
+      neuron0x89c78c8 = neuron0x89c78c8 + synapse0x8ba60e8(x)
+      neuron0x89c78c8 = neuron0x89c78c8 + synapse0x8ba6110(x)
+      neuron0x89c78c8 = neuron0x89c78c8 + synapse0x8ba6138(x)
+      neuron0x89c78c8 = neuron0x89c78c8 + synapse0x8ba6160(x)
+      neuron0x89c78c8 = neuron0x89c78c8 + synapse0x8ba6188(x)
+      neuron0x89c78c8 = neuron0x89c78c8 + synapse0x8ba6238(x)
+      neuron0x89c78c8 = neuron0x89c78c8 + synapse0x8ba6260(x)
+      neuron0x89c78c8 = neuron0x89c78c8 + synapse0x8ba6288(x)
+      neuron0x89c78c8 = neuron0x89c78c8 + synapse0x8ba62b0(x)
+      neuron0x89c78c8 = neuron0x89c78c8 + synapse0x8ba62d8(x)
+      neuron0x89c78c8 = neuron0x89c78c8 + synapse0x8ba6300(x)
+      neuron0x89c78c8 = neuron0x89c78c8 + synapse0x8ba6328(x)
+      neuron0x89c78c8 = neuron0x89c78c8 + synapse0x8ba6350(x)
+      neuron0x89c78c8 = neuron0x89c78c8 + synapse0x8ba6378(x)
+      neuron0x89c78c8 = neuron0x89c78c8 + synapse0x8ba63a0(x)
+      neuron0x89c78c8 = neuron0x89c78c8 + synapse0x8ba63c8(x)
+      neuron0x89c78c8= (exp(-neuron0x89c78c8*neuron0x89c78c8))
+      end
+      double precision function neuron0x8ba63f0(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      neuron0x8ba63f0 = 0.121249d0
+      neuron0x8ba63f0 = neuron0x8ba63f0 + synapse0x8ba6580(x)
+      neuron0x8ba63f0 = neuron0x8ba63f0 + synapse0x8ba65a8(x)
+      neuron0x8ba63f0 = neuron0x8ba63f0 + synapse0x8ba65d0(x)
+      neuron0x8ba63f0 = neuron0x8ba63f0 + synapse0x8ba65f8(x)
+      neuron0x8ba63f0 = neuron0x8ba63f0 + synapse0x8ba6620(x)
+      neuron0x8ba63f0 = neuron0x8ba63f0 + synapse0x8ba6648(x)
+      neuron0x8ba63f0 = neuron0x8ba63f0 + synapse0x8ba6670(x)
+      neuron0x8ba63f0 = neuron0x8ba63f0 + synapse0x8ba6698(x)
+      neuron0x8ba63f0 = neuron0x8ba63f0 + synapse0x8ba66c0(x)
+      neuron0x8ba63f0 = neuron0x8ba63f0 + synapse0x8ba66e8(x)
+      neuron0x8ba63f0 = neuron0x8ba63f0 + synapse0x8ba6710(x)
+      neuron0x8ba63f0 = neuron0x8ba63f0 + synapse0x8ba6738(x)
+      neuron0x8ba63f0 = neuron0x8ba63f0 + synapse0x8ba6760(x)
+      neuron0x8ba63f0 = neuron0x8ba63f0 + synapse0x8ba6788(x)
+      neuron0x8ba63f0 = neuron0x8ba63f0 + synapse0x8ba67b0(x)
+      neuron0x8ba63f0 = neuron0x8ba63f0 + synapse0x8ba67d8(x)
+      neuron0x8ba63f0 = neuron0x8ba63f0 + synapse0x8ba6888(x)
+      neuron0x8ba63f0 = neuron0x8ba63f0 + synapse0x8ba68b0(x)
+      neuron0x8ba63f0 = neuron0x8ba63f0 + synapse0x8ba68d8(x)
+      neuron0x8ba63f0 = neuron0x8ba63f0 + synapse0x8ba6900(x)
+      neuron0x8ba63f0 = neuron0x8ba63f0 + synapse0x8ba6928(x)
+      neuron0x8ba63f0 = neuron0x8ba63f0 + synapse0x8ba6950(x)
+      neuron0x8ba63f0 = neuron0x8ba63f0 + synapse0x8ba6978(x)
+      neuron0x8ba63f0 = neuron0x8ba63f0 + synapse0x8ba69a0(x)
+      neuron0x8ba63f0 = neuron0x8ba63f0 + synapse0x8ba69c8(x)
+      neuron0x8ba63f0 = neuron0x8ba63f0 + synapse0x8ba69f0(x)
+      neuron0x8ba63f0 = neuron0x8ba63f0 + synapse0x8ba6a18(x)
+      neuron0x8ba63f0= (exp(-neuron0x8ba63f0*neuron0x8ba63f0))
+      end
+      double precision function neuron0x8ba6a40(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      neuron0x8ba6a40 = 0.0532247d0
+      neuron0x8ba6a40 = neuron0x8ba6a40 + synapse0x8ba6bd0(x)
+      neuron0x8ba6a40 = neuron0x8ba6a40 + synapse0x8ba6bf8(x)
+      neuron0x8ba6a40 = neuron0x8ba6a40 + synapse0x8ba6c20(x)
+      neuron0x8ba6a40 = neuron0x8ba6a40 + synapse0x8ba6c48(x)
+      neuron0x8ba6a40 = neuron0x8ba6a40 + synapse0x8ba6c70(x)
+      neuron0x8ba6a40 = neuron0x8ba6a40 + synapse0x8ba6c98(x)
+      neuron0x8ba6a40 = neuron0x8ba6a40 + synapse0x8ba6cc0(x)
+      neuron0x8ba6a40 = neuron0x8ba6a40 + synapse0x8ba6ce8(x)
+      neuron0x8ba6a40 = neuron0x8ba6a40 + synapse0x8ba6d10(x)
+      neuron0x8ba6a40 = neuron0x8ba6a40 + synapse0x8ba6d38(x)
+      neuron0x8ba6a40 = neuron0x8ba6a40 + synapse0x8ba6d60(x)
+      neuron0x8ba6a40 = neuron0x8ba6a40 + synapse0x8ba6d88(x)
+      neuron0x8ba6a40 = neuron0x8ba6a40 + synapse0x8ba6db0(x)
+      neuron0x8ba6a40 = neuron0x8ba6a40 + synapse0x8ba6dd8(x)
+      neuron0x8ba6a40 = neuron0x8ba6a40 + synapse0x8ba6e00(x)
+      neuron0x8ba6a40 = neuron0x8ba6a40 + synapse0x8ba6e28(x)
+      neuron0x8ba6a40 = neuron0x8ba6a40 + synapse0x8ba6ed8(x)
+      neuron0x8ba6a40 = neuron0x8ba6a40 + synapse0x8ba6f00(x)
+      neuron0x8ba6a40 = neuron0x8ba6a40 + synapse0x8ba6f28(x)
+      neuron0x8ba6a40 = neuron0x8ba6a40 + synapse0x8ba6f50(x)
+      neuron0x8ba6a40 = neuron0x8ba6a40 + synapse0x8ba6f78(x)
+      neuron0x8ba6a40 = neuron0x8ba6a40 + synapse0x8ba6fa0(x)
+      neuron0x8ba6a40 = neuron0x8ba6a40 + synapse0x8ba6fc8(x)
+      neuron0x8ba6a40 = neuron0x8ba6a40 + synapse0x8ba6ff0(x)
+      neuron0x8ba6a40 = neuron0x8ba6a40 + synapse0x8ba7018(x)
+      neuron0x8ba6a40 = neuron0x8ba6a40 + synapse0x8ba7040(x)
+      neuron0x8ba6a40 = neuron0x8ba6a40 + synapse0x8ba7068(x)
+      neuron0x8ba6a40= (exp(-neuron0x8ba6a40*neuron0x8ba6a40))
+      end
+      double precision function neuron0x8ba7090(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      neuron0x8ba7090 = -0.695478d0
+      neuron0x8ba7090 = neuron0x8ba7090 + synapse0x8ba7240(x)
+      neuron0x8ba7090 = neuron0x8ba7090 + synapse0x8ba7268(x)
+      neuron0x8ba7090 = neuron0x8ba7090 + synapse0x8ba7290(x)
+      neuron0x8ba7090 = neuron0x8ba7090 + synapse0x8ba72b8(x)
+      neuron0x8ba7090 = neuron0x8ba7090 + synapse0x8ba72e0(x)
+      neuron0x8ba7090 = neuron0x8ba7090 + synapse0x8ba7308(x)
+      neuron0x8ba7090 = neuron0x8ba7090 + synapse0x8ba7330(x)
+      neuron0x8ba7090 = neuron0x8ba7090 + synapse0x8ba7358(x)
+      neuron0x8ba7090 = neuron0x8ba7090 + synapse0x8ba7380(x)
+      neuron0x8ba7090 = neuron0x8ba7090 + synapse0x8ba73a8(x)
+      neuron0x8ba7090 = neuron0x8ba7090 + synapse0x8ba73d0(x)
+      neuron0x8ba7090 = neuron0x8ba7090 + synapse0x8ba73f8(x)
+      neuron0x8ba7090 = neuron0x8ba7090 + synapse0x8ba7420(x)
+      neuron0x8ba7090 = neuron0x8ba7090 + synapse0x8ba7448(x)
+      neuron0x8ba7090 = neuron0x8ba7090 + synapse0x8ba7470(x)
+      neuron0x8ba7090 = neuron0x8ba7090 + synapse0x8ba7498(x)
+      neuron0x8ba7090 = neuron0x8ba7090 + synapse0x8ba7548(x)
+      neuron0x8ba7090 = neuron0x8ba7090 + synapse0x8ba7570(x)
+      neuron0x8ba7090 = neuron0x8ba7090 + synapse0x8ba7598(x)
+      neuron0x8ba7090 = neuron0x8ba7090 + synapse0x8ba75c0(x)
+      neuron0x8ba7090 = neuron0x8ba7090 + synapse0x8ba75e8(x)
+      neuron0x8ba7090 = neuron0x8ba7090 + synapse0x8ba7610(x)
+      neuron0x8ba7090 = neuron0x8ba7090 + synapse0x8ba7638(x)
+      neuron0x8ba7090 = neuron0x8ba7090 + synapse0x8ba7660(x)
+      neuron0x8ba7090 = neuron0x8ba7090 + synapse0x8ba7688(x)
+      neuron0x8ba7090 = neuron0x8ba7090 + synapse0x8ba76b0(x)
+      neuron0x8ba7090 = neuron0x8ba7090 + synapse0x8ba76d8(x)
+      neuron0x8ba7090= (exp(-neuron0x8ba7090*neuron0x8ba7090))
+      end
+      double precision function neuron0x8ba7700(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      neuron0x8ba7700 = 0.396814d0
+      neuron0x8ba7700 = neuron0x8ba7700 + synapse0x8ba78b0(x)
+      neuron0x8ba7700 = neuron0x8ba7700 + synapse0x8ba78d8(x)
+      neuron0x8ba7700 = neuron0x8ba7700 + synapse0x8ba7900(x)
+      neuron0x8ba7700 = neuron0x8ba7700 + synapse0x8ba7928(x)
+      neuron0x8ba7700 = neuron0x8ba7700 + synapse0x8ba7950(x)
+      neuron0x8ba7700 = neuron0x8ba7700 + synapse0x8ba7978(x)
+      neuron0x8ba7700 = neuron0x8ba7700 + synapse0x8ba79a0(x)
+      neuron0x8ba7700 = neuron0x8ba7700 + synapse0x8ba79c8(x)
+      neuron0x8ba7700 = neuron0x8ba7700 + synapse0x8ba79f0(x)
+      neuron0x8ba7700 = neuron0x8ba7700 + synapse0x8ba7a18(x)
+      neuron0x8ba7700 = neuron0x8ba7700 + synapse0x8ba7a40(x)
+      neuron0x8ba7700 = neuron0x8ba7700 + synapse0x8ba7a68(x)
+      neuron0x8ba7700 = neuron0x8ba7700 + synapse0x8ba7a90(x)
+      neuron0x8ba7700 = neuron0x8ba7700 + synapse0x8ba7ab8(x)
+      neuron0x8ba7700 = neuron0x8ba7700 + synapse0x8ba59e8(x)
+      neuron0x8ba7700 = neuron0x8ba7700 + synapse0x8ba5a10(x)
+      neuron0x8ba7700 = neuron0x8ba7700 + synapse0x8ba5ac0(x)
+      neuron0x8ba7700 = neuron0x8ba7700 + synapse0x8ba5ae8(x)
+      neuron0x8ba7700 = neuron0x8ba7700 + synapse0x8ba5b10(x)
+      neuron0x8ba7700 = neuron0x8ba7700 + synapse0x8ba5b38(x)
+      neuron0x8ba7700 = neuron0x8ba7700 + synapse0x8ba5b60(x)
+      neuron0x8ba7700 = neuron0x8ba7700 + synapse0x8ba5b88(x)
+      neuron0x8ba7700 = neuron0x8ba7700 + synapse0x8ba5bb0(x)
+      neuron0x8ba7700 = neuron0x8ba7700 + synapse0x8ba5bd8(x)
+      neuron0x8ba7700 = neuron0x8ba7700 + synapse0x8ba5c00(x)
+      neuron0x8ba7700 = neuron0x8ba7700 + synapse0x8ba5c28(x)
+      neuron0x8ba7700 = neuron0x8ba7700 + synapse0x8ba5c50(x)
+      neuron0x8ba7700= (exp(-neuron0x8ba7700*neuron0x8ba7700))
+      end
+      double precision function neuron0x8ba5c78(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      neuron0x8ba5c78 = -3.64843d0
+      neuron0x8ba5c78 = neuron0x8ba5c78 + synapse0x8ba2ee8(x)
+      neuron0x8ba5c78 = neuron0x8ba5c78 + synapse0x8ba2f10(x)
+      neuron0x8ba5c78 = neuron0x8ba5c78 + synapse0x8ba2f38(x)
+      neuron0x8ba5c78 = neuron0x8ba5c78 + synapse0x8ba5dc0(x)
+      neuron0x8ba5c78 = neuron0x8ba5c78 + synapse0x8ba2f60(x)
+      neuron0x8ba5c78 = neuron0x8ba5c78 + synapse0x8ba82e8(x)
+      neuron0x8ba5c78 = neuron0x8ba5c78 + synapse0x8ba8310(x)
+      neuron0x8ba5c78 = neuron0x8ba5c78 + synapse0x8ba8338(x)
+      neuron0x8ba5c78 = neuron0x8ba5c78 + synapse0x8ba8360(x)
+      neuron0x8ba5c78 = neuron0x8ba5c78 + synapse0x8ba8388(x)
+      end
+      double precision function neuron0x8ba83b0(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      neuron0x8ba83b0 = -6.51084d0
+      neuron0x8ba83b0 = neuron0x8ba83b0 + synapse0x8ba8588(x)
+      neuron0x8ba83b0 = neuron0x8ba83b0 + synapse0x8ba85b0(x)
+      neuron0x8ba83b0 = neuron0x8ba83b0 + synapse0x8ba85d8(x)
+      neuron0x8ba83b0 = neuron0x8ba83b0 + synapse0x8ba8600(x)
+      neuron0x8ba83b0 = neuron0x8ba83b0 + synapse0x8ba8628(x)
+      neuron0x8ba83b0 = neuron0x8ba83b0 + synapse0x8ba8650(x)
+      neuron0x8ba83b0 = neuron0x8ba83b0 + synapse0x8ba8678(x)
+      neuron0x8ba83b0 = neuron0x8ba83b0 + synapse0x8ba86a0(x)
+      neuron0x8ba83b0 = neuron0x8ba83b0 + synapse0x8ba86c8(x)
+      neuron0x8ba83b0 = neuron0x8ba83b0 + synapse0x8ba86f0(x)
+      end
+      double precision function neuron0x8ba8718(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      neuron0x8ba8718 = 0.177408d0
+      neuron0x8ba8718 = neuron0x8ba8718 + synapse0x8ba2e78(x)
+      neuron0x8ba8718 = neuron0x8ba8718 + synapse0x8ba88f0(x)
+      neuron0x8ba8718 = neuron0x8ba8718 + synapse0x8ba8918(x)
+      neuron0x8ba8718 = neuron0x8ba8718 + synapse0x8ba8940(x)
+      neuron0x8ba8718 = neuron0x8ba8718 + synapse0x8ba8968(x)
+      neuron0x8ba8718 = neuron0x8ba8718 + synapse0x8ba8990(x)
+      neuron0x8ba8718 = neuron0x8ba8718 + synapse0x8ba89b8(x)
+      neuron0x8ba8718 = neuron0x8ba8718 + synapse0x8ba89e0(x)
+      neuron0x8ba8718 = neuron0x8ba8718 + synapse0x8ba8a08(x)
+      neuron0x8ba8718 = neuron0x8ba8718 + synapse0x8ba8a30(x)
+      end
+C --- Synapses
+      double precision function synapse0x8b81ae8(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8b81ae8=neuron0x8b9f9f0(x)*(0.483642)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x89c73b8(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x89c73b8=neuron0x8b9fb80(x)*(-0.331845)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba3170(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba3170=neuron0x8b9fd58(x)*(-0.197671)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba3198(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba3198=neuron0x8b9ff30(x)*(-0.0389979)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba31c0(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba31c0=neuron0x8ba0108(x)*(-0.390161)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba31e8(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba31e8=neuron0x8ba02e0(x)*(-0.0414126)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba3210(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba3210=neuron0x8ba04b8(x)*(-0.122874)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba3238(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba3238=neuron0x8ba06a8(x)*(-0.132127)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba3260(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba3260=neuron0x8ba0898(x)*(-0.100542)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba3288(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba3288=neuron0x8ba0a88(x)*(-0.132274)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba32b0(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba32b0=neuron0x8ba0c78(x)*(-0.0979607)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba32d8(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba32d8=neuron0x8ba0e68(x)*(-0.213274)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba3300(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba3300=neuron0x8ba1058(x)*(-0.143064)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba3328(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba3328=neuron0x8ba1248(x)*(-0.144841)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba3350(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba3350=neuron0x8ba1438(x)*(0.119818)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba3378(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba3378=neuron0x8ba1628(x)*(0.195316)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba33a0(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba33a0=neuron0x8ba1818(x)*(-2.14051)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba3450(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba3450=neuron0x8ba1b18(x)*(-5.32795)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba3478(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba3478=neuron0x8ba1d08(x)*(-1.95969)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba34a0(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba34a0=neuron0x8ba1ef8(x)*(0.158245)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba34c8(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba34c8=neuron0x8ba20e8(x)*(-0.142672)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba34f0(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba34f0=neuron0x8ba22d8(x)*(-0.611092)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba3518(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba3518=neuron0x8ba24c8(x)*(-0.304743)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba3540(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba3540=neuron0x8ba26b8(x)*(0.139128)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba3568(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba3568=neuron0x8ba28a8(x)*(-0.397478)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba3590(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba3590=neuron0x8ba2a98(x)*(-0.0147352)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba35b8(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba35b8=neuron0x8ba2c88(x)*(0.000893497)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x89d14d0(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x89d14d0=neuron0x8b9f9f0(x)*(-0.281456)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x89d14f8(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x89d14f8=neuron0x8b9fb80(x)*(-0.141963)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba4788(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba4788=neuron0x8b9fd58(x)*(-0.345699)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba47b0(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba47b0=neuron0x8b9ff30(x)*(-0.263971)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba47d8(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba47d8=neuron0x8ba0108(x)*(0.182912)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba4800(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba4800=neuron0x8ba02e0(x)*(0.00114743)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba33c8(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba33c8=neuron0x8ba04b8(x)*(0.150389)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba33f0(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba33f0=neuron0x8ba06a8(x)*(-0.0681054)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba3418(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba3418=neuron0x8ba0898(x)*(-0.168092)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba4930(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba4930=neuron0x8ba0a88(x)*(-0.471032)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba4958(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba4958=neuron0x8ba0c78(x)*(0.126851)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba4980(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba4980=neuron0x8ba0e68(x)*(0.367946)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba49a8(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba49a8=neuron0x8ba1058(x)*(-0.198735)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba49d0(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba49d0=neuron0x8ba1248(x)*(0.232556)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba49f8(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba49f8=neuron0x8ba1438(x)*(-0.278)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba4a20(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba4a20=neuron0x8ba1628(x)*(0.124528)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba4ad0(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba4ad0=neuron0x8ba1818(x)*(0.422353)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba4af8(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba4af8=neuron0x8ba1b18(x)*(-0.159403)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba4b20(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba4b20=neuron0x8ba1d08(x)*(0.0333493)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba4b48(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba4b48=neuron0x8ba1ef8(x)*(-0.183193)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba4b70(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba4b70=neuron0x8ba20e8(x)*(-0.0531818)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba4b98(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba4b98=neuron0x8ba22d8(x)*(0.417614)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba4bc0(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba4bc0=neuron0x8ba24c8(x)*(0.140168)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba4be8(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba4be8=neuron0x8ba26b8(x)*(0.447215)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba4c10(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba4c10=neuron0x8ba28a8(x)*(0.0160476)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba4c38(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba4c38=neuron0x8ba2a98(x)*(-0.357885)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba4c60(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba4c60=neuron0x8ba2c88(x)*(-0.214542)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba4e38(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba4e38=neuron0x8b9f9f0(x)*(0.421851)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba4e60(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba4e60=neuron0x8b9fb80(x)*(-0.412416)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba4e88(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba4e88=neuron0x8b9fd58(x)*(-0.0465749)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba4eb0(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba4eb0=neuron0x8b9ff30(x)*(0.0473863)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba4ed8(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba4ed8=neuron0x8ba0108(x)*(-0.0988909)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba4f00(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba4f00=neuron0x8ba02e0(x)*(-0.446179)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba4f28(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba4f28=neuron0x8ba04b8(x)*(-0.0340558)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba4f50(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba4f50=neuron0x8ba06a8(x)*(-0.211673)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba4f78(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba4f78=neuron0x8ba0898(x)*(-0.455498)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba4fa0(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba4fa0=neuron0x8ba0a88(x)*(-0.0921243)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba4fc8(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba4fc8=neuron0x8ba0c78(x)*(0.455445)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x89c7788(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x89c7788=neuron0x8ba0e68(x)*(0.303778)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x89c7348(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x89c7348=neuron0x8ba1058(x)*(0.00956873)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x89c7370(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x89c7370=neuron0x8ba1248(x)*(0.409565)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x89c7540(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x89c7540=neuron0x8ba1438(x)*(0.18915)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x89c7568(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x89c7568=neuron0x8ba1628(x)*(0.0801067)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba48b0(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba48b0=neuron0x8ba1818(x)*(-0.0761627)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba48d8(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba48d8=neuron0x8ba1b18(x)*(0.390446)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba4900(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba4900=neuron0x8ba1d08(x)*(-0.366271)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8b7dca8(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8b7dca8=neuron0x8ba1ef8(x)*(0.301853)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8b7dcd0(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8b7dcd0=neuron0x8ba20e8(x)*(-0.203622)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x89c7a08(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x89c7a08=neuron0x8ba22d8(x)*(-0.0491364)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x89c7a30(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x89c7a30=neuron0x8ba24c8(x)*(0.233908)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x89c7a58(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x89c7a58=neuron0x8ba26b8(x)*(-0.18159)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x89c7a80(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x89c7a80=neuron0x8ba28a8(x)*(0.23617)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x89c7aa8(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x89c7aa8=neuron0x8ba2a98(x)*(-1.75266)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x89c7ad0(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x89c7ad0=neuron0x8ba2c88(x)*(-0.960705)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x89c7af8(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x89c7af8=neuron0x8b9f9f0(x)*(0.325898)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba4ff0(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba4ff0=neuron0x8b9fb80(x)*(0.263696)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba5018(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba5018=neuron0x8b9fd58(x)*(0.132032)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba5040(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba5040=neuron0x8b9ff30(x)*(0.194925)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba5068(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba5068=neuron0x8ba0108(x)*(-0.172608)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba5090(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba5090=neuron0x8ba02e0(x)*(-0.0458847)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba50b8(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba50b8=neuron0x8ba04b8(x)*(-0.328044)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba50e0(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba50e0=neuron0x8ba06a8(x)*(-0.36284)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba5108(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba5108=neuron0x8ba0898(x)*(-0.247904)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba5130(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba5130=neuron0x8ba0a88(x)*(-0.122628)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba5158(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba5158=neuron0x8ba0c78(x)*(-0.0522122)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba5180(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba5180=neuron0x8ba0e68(x)*(-0.0939796)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba51a8(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba51a8=neuron0x8ba1058(x)*(-0.0664104)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba51d0(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba51d0=neuron0x8ba1248(x)*(-0.051941)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba51f8(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba51f8=neuron0x8ba1438(x)*(-0.0516786)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba5220(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba5220=neuron0x8ba1628(x)*(0.336215)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba52d0(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba52d0=neuron0x8ba1818(x)*(0.160129)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba52f8(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba52f8=neuron0x8ba1b18(x)*(0.201977)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba5320(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba5320=neuron0x8ba1d08(x)*(0.181614)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba5348(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba5348=neuron0x8ba1ef8(x)*(0.132444)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba5370(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba5370=neuron0x8ba20e8(x)*(0.096479)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba5398(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba5398=neuron0x8ba22d8(x)*(0.00953369)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba53c0(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba53c0=neuron0x8ba24c8(x)*(0.330827)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba53e8(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba53e8=neuron0x8ba26b8(x)*(0.0676924)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba5410(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba5410=neuron0x8ba28a8(x)*(-0.0307955)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba5438(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba5438=neuron0x8ba2a98(x)*(-0.0267607)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba5460(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba5460=neuron0x8ba2c88(x)*(-0.000553303)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba5618(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba5618=neuron0x8b9f9f0(x)*(-0.341355)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba5640(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba5640=neuron0x8b9fb80(x)*(0.281942)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba5668(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba5668=neuron0x8b9fd58(x)*(0.447172)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba5690(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba5690=neuron0x8b9ff30(x)*(-0.331888)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba56b8(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba56b8=neuron0x8ba0108(x)*(0.315836)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba56e0(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba56e0=neuron0x8ba02e0(x)*(-0.390168)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba5708(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba5708=neuron0x8ba04b8(x)*(-0.0601401)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba5730(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba5730=neuron0x8ba06a8(x)*(-0.301931)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba5758(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba5758=neuron0x8ba0898(x)*(-0.32006)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba5780(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba5780=neuron0x8ba0a88(x)*(0.432483)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba57a8(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba57a8=neuron0x8ba0c78(x)*(0.159891)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba57d0(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba57d0=neuron0x8ba0e68(x)*(-0.12196)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba57f8(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba57f8=neuron0x8ba1058(x)*(-0.570038)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba5820(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba5820=neuron0x8ba1248(x)*(-0.19222)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba5848(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba5848=neuron0x8ba1438(x)*(0.12489)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba5870(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba5870=neuron0x8ba1628(x)*(0.0177232)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba5920(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba5920=neuron0x8ba1818(x)*(-0.455668)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba5948(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba5948=neuron0x8ba1b18(x)*(-0.365744)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba5970(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba5970=neuron0x8ba1d08(x)*(0.0764771)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba5998(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba5998=neuron0x8ba1ef8(x)*(0.440436)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba59c0(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba59c0=neuron0x8ba20e8(x)*(-0.287184)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x89339c8(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x89339c8=neuron0x8ba22d8(x)*(0.208308)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x89c7800(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x89c7800=neuron0x8ba24c8(x)*(0.0569996)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x89c7828(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x89c7828=neuron0x8ba26b8(x)*(0.257768)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x89c7850(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x89c7850=neuron0x8ba28a8(x)*(0.393571)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x89c7878(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x89c7878=neuron0x8ba2a98(x)*(-1.44881)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x89c78a0(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x89c78a0=neuron0x8ba2c88(x)*(-0.496482)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x89c79c8(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x89c79c8=neuron0x8b9f9f0(x)*(-0.41576)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba1a90(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba1a90=neuron0x8b9fb80(x)*(0.368259)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba1ab8(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba1ab8=neuron0x8b9fd58(x)*(-0.498272)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba1ae0(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba1ae0=neuron0x8b9ff30(x)*(0.235496)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba5fd0(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba5fd0=neuron0x8ba0108(x)*(0.188456)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba5ff8(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba5ff8=neuron0x8ba02e0(x)*(0.224277)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba6020(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba6020=neuron0x8ba04b8(x)*(0.450063)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba6048(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba6048=neuron0x8ba06a8(x)*(-0.199829)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba6070(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba6070=neuron0x8ba0898(x)*(0.0574969)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba6098(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba6098=neuron0x8ba0a88(x)*(-0.00192779)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba60c0(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba60c0=neuron0x8ba0c78(x)*(-0.200774)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba60e8(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba60e8=neuron0x8ba0e68(x)*(-0.323178)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba6110(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba6110=neuron0x8ba1058(x)*(0.442817)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba6138(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba6138=neuron0x8ba1248(x)*(-0.507636)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba6160(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba6160=neuron0x8ba1438(x)*(0.336788)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba6188(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba6188=neuron0x8ba1628(x)*(0.40458)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba6238(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba6238=neuron0x8ba1818(x)*(-0.0220729)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba6260(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba6260=neuron0x8ba1b18(x)*(0.12406)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba6288(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba6288=neuron0x8ba1d08(x)*(-0.381275)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba62b0(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba62b0=neuron0x8ba1ef8(x)*(0.316392)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba62d8(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba62d8=neuron0x8ba20e8(x)*(0.196836)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba6300(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba6300=neuron0x8ba22d8(x)*(0.199231)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba6328(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba6328=neuron0x8ba24c8(x)*(0.279028)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba6350(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba6350=neuron0x8ba26b8(x)*(-0.0367043)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba6378(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba6378=neuron0x8ba28a8(x)*(-0.0211602)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba63a0(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba63a0=neuron0x8ba2a98(x)*(-1.06024)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba63c8(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba63c8=neuron0x8ba2c88(x)*(1.88141)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba6580(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba6580=neuron0x8b9f9f0(x)*(0.156752)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba65a8(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba65a8=neuron0x8b9fb80(x)*(-0.0323652)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba65d0(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba65d0=neuron0x8b9fd58(x)*(0.139572)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba65f8(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba65f8=neuron0x8b9ff30(x)*(0.0994379)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba6620(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba6620=neuron0x8ba0108(x)*(-0.293711)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba6648(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba6648=neuron0x8ba02e0(x)*(-0.433942)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba6670(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba6670=neuron0x8ba04b8(x)*(-0.40288)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba6698(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba6698=neuron0x8ba06a8(x)*(-0.28495)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba66c0(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba66c0=neuron0x8ba0898(x)*(0.229911)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba66e8(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba66e8=neuron0x8ba0a88(x)*(-0.186718)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba6710(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba6710=neuron0x8ba0c78(x)*(-0.204478)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba6738(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba6738=neuron0x8ba0e68(x)*(0.243337)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba6760(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba6760=neuron0x8ba1058(x)*(0.404864)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba6788(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba6788=neuron0x8ba1248(x)*(0.243137)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba67b0(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba67b0=neuron0x8ba1438(x)*(0.247726)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba67d8(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba67d8=neuron0x8ba1628(x)*(0.25275)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba6888(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba6888=neuron0x8ba1818(x)*(0.475473)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba68b0(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba68b0=neuron0x8ba1b18(x)*(-0.377163)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba68d8(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba68d8=neuron0x8ba1d08(x)*(0.378175)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba6900(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba6900=neuron0x8ba1ef8(x)*(-0.261134)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba6928(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba6928=neuron0x8ba20e8(x)*(0.184549)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba6950(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba6950=neuron0x8ba22d8(x)*(-0.494884)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba6978(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba6978=neuron0x8ba24c8(x)*(0.381179)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba69a0(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba69a0=neuron0x8ba26b8(x)*(0.00860764)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba69c8(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba69c8=neuron0x8ba28a8(x)*(0.310692)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba69f0(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba69f0=neuron0x8ba2a98(x)*(1.26516)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba6a18(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba6a18=neuron0x8ba2c88(x)*(-1.61491)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba6bd0(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba6bd0=neuron0x8b9f9f0(x)*(-0.186545)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba6bf8(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba6bf8=neuron0x8b9fb80(x)*(-0.254109)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba6c20(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba6c20=neuron0x8b9fd58(x)*(0.0269172)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba6c48(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba6c48=neuron0x8b9ff30(x)*(-0.172717)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba6c70(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba6c70=neuron0x8ba0108(x)*(-0.0934297)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba6c98(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba6c98=neuron0x8ba02e0(x)*(-0.499022)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba6cc0(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba6cc0=neuron0x8ba04b8(x)*(0.213978)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba6ce8(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba6ce8=neuron0x8ba06a8(x)*(0.0658566)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba6d10(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba6d10=neuron0x8ba0898(x)*(-0.078723)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba6d38(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba6d38=neuron0x8ba0a88(x)*(-0.0812947)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba6d60(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba6d60=neuron0x8ba0c78(x)*(-0.469538)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba6d88(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba6d88=neuron0x8ba0e68(x)*(0.232)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba6db0(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba6db0=neuron0x8ba1058(x)*(0.0461328)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba6dd8(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba6dd8=neuron0x8ba1248(x)*(-0.112159)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba6e00(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba6e00=neuron0x8ba1438(x)*(-0.118729)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba6e28(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba6e28=neuron0x8ba1628(x)*(-0.498684)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba6ed8(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba6ed8=neuron0x8ba1818(x)*(0.21095)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba6f00(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba6f00=neuron0x8ba1b18(x)*(0.0407828)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba6f28(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba6f28=neuron0x8ba1d08(x)*(-0.132153)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba6f50(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba6f50=neuron0x8ba1ef8(x)*(-0.0744378)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba6f78(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba6f78=neuron0x8ba20e8(x)*(-0.169081)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba6fa0(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba6fa0=neuron0x8ba22d8(x)*(0.18493)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba6fc8(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba6fc8=neuron0x8ba24c8(x)*(0.00853669)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba6ff0(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba6ff0=neuron0x8ba26b8(x)*(-0.0612235)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba7018(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba7018=neuron0x8ba28a8(x)*(-0.0627871)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba7040(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba7040=neuron0x8ba2a98(x)*(-7.72112e-05)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba7068(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba7068=neuron0x8ba2c88(x)*(0.0164225)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba7240(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba7240=neuron0x8b9f9f0(x)*(-0.129423)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba7268(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba7268=neuron0x8b9fb80(x)*(0.26977)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba7290(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba7290=neuron0x8b9fd58(x)*(-0.194298)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba72b8(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba72b8=neuron0x8b9ff30(x)*(-0.011063)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba72e0(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba72e0=neuron0x8ba0108(x)*(0.129084)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba7308(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba7308=neuron0x8ba02e0(x)*(0.550802)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba7330(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba7330=neuron0x8ba04b8(x)*(-0.155118)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba7358(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba7358=neuron0x8ba06a8(x)*(-0.141736)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba7380(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba7380=neuron0x8ba0898(x)*(-1.74905)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba73a8(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba73a8=neuron0x8ba0a88(x)*(-0.238317)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba73d0(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba73d0=neuron0x8ba0c78(x)*(0.309336)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba73f8(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba73f8=neuron0x8ba0e68(x)*(-0.161452)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba7420(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba7420=neuron0x8ba1058(x)*(-0.15577)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba7448(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba7448=neuron0x8ba1248(x)*(-3.78829)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba7470(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba7470=neuron0x8ba1438(x)*(-0.100874)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba7498(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba7498=neuron0x8ba1628(x)*(0.551909)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba7548(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba7548=neuron0x8ba1818(x)*(-0.182996)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba7570(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba7570=neuron0x8ba1b18(x)*(-0.295265)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba7598(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba7598=neuron0x8ba1d08(x)*(-2.19072)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba75c0(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba75c0=neuron0x8ba1ef8(x)*(-0.404249)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba75e8(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba75e8=neuron0x8ba20e8(x)*(0.275802)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba7610(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba7610=neuron0x8ba22d8(x)*(-0.328414)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba7638(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba7638=neuron0x8ba24c8(x)*(-0.235894)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba7660(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba7660=neuron0x8ba26b8(x)*(-0.115492)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba7688(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba7688=neuron0x8ba28a8(x)*(-0.303967)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba76b0(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba76b0=neuron0x8ba2a98(x)*(-0.000975913)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba76d8(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba76d8=neuron0x8ba2c88(x)*(-0.00985096)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba78b0(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba78b0=neuron0x8b9f9f0(x)*(-0.433113)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba78d8(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba78d8=neuron0x8b9fb80(x)*(-0.0912424)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba7900(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba7900=neuron0x8b9fd58(x)*(0.161767)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba7928(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba7928=neuron0x8b9ff30(x)*(-0.337497)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba7950(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba7950=neuron0x8ba0108(x)*(-0.0898866)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba7978(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba7978=neuron0x8ba02e0(x)*(-0.427305)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba79a0(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba79a0=neuron0x8ba04b8(x)*(-0.0576224)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba79c8(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba79c8=neuron0x8ba06a8(x)*(-0.238349)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba79f0(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba79f0=neuron0x8ba0898(x)*(0.402586)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba7a18(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba7a18=neuron0x8ba0a88(x)*(-0.358019)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba7a40(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba7a40=neuron0x8ba0c78(x)*(0.408022)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba7a68(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba7a68=neuron0x8ba0e68(x)*(-0.444476)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba7a90(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba7a90=neuron0x8ba1058(x)*(-0.32721)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba7ab8(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba7ab8=neuron0x8ba1248(x)*(0.295231)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba59e8(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba59e8=neuron0x8ba1438(x)*(0.198907)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba5a10(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba5a10=neuron0x8ba1628(x)*(-0.393812)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba5ac0(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba5ac0=neuron0x8ba1818(x)*(0.349365)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba5ae8(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba5ae8=neuron0x8ba1b18(x)*(0.228748)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba5b10(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba5b10=neuron0x8ba1d08(x)*(-0.0183166)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba5b38(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba5b38=neuron0x8ba1ef8(x)*(0.440304)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba5b60(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba5b60=neuron0x8ba20e8(x)*(0.254315)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba5b88(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba5b88=neuron0x8ba22d8(x)*(0.00929533)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba5bb0(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba5bb0=neuron0x8ba24c8(x)*(-0.370687)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba5bd8(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba5bd8=neuron0x8ba26b8(x)*(0.33127)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba5c00(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba5c00=neuron0x8ba28a8(x)*(-0.234409)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba5c28(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba5c28=neuron0x8ba2a98(x)*(0.806624)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba5c50(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba5c50=neuron0x8ba2c88(x)*(-3.0504)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba2ee8(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba2ee8=neuron0x8ba2f98(x)*(-5.5854)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba2f10(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba2f10=neuron0x8ba35e0(x)*(-0.299975)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba2f38(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba2f38=neuron0x8ba4c88(x)*(0.195642)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba5dc0(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba5dc0=neuron0x89c7bb8(x)*(7.10471)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba2f60(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba2f60=neuron0x8ba5488(x)*(-0.260853)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba82e8(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba82e8=neuron0x89c78c8(x)*(-0.0280156)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba8310(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba8310=neuron0x8ba63f0(x)*(-0.00626868)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba8338(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba8338=neuron0x8ba6a40(x)*(-0.361893)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba8360(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba8360=neuron0x8ba7090(x)*(0.575083)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba8388(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba8388=neuron0x8ba7700(x)*(-0.0426063)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba8588(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba8588=neuron0x8ba2f98(x)*(1.35428)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba85b0(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba85b0=neuron0x8ba35e0(x)*(0.11457)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba85d8(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba85d8=neuron0x8ba4c88(x)*(0.166879)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba8600(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba8600=neuron0x89c7bb8(x)*(-0.237741)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba8628(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba8628=neuron0x8ba5488(x)*(-0.0333829)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba8650(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba8650=neuron0x89c78c8(x)*(0.0583778)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba8678(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba8678=neuron0x8ba63f0(x)*(0.0326881)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba86a0(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba86a0=neuron0x8ba6a40(x)*(10.7016)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba86c8(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba86c8=neuron0x8ba7090(x)*(-6.77237)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba86f0(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba86f0=neuron0x8ba7700(x)*(0.106134)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba2e78(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba2e78=neuron0x8ba2f98(x)*(-0.0101696)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba88f0(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba88f0=neuron0x8ba35e0(x)*(0.538128)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba8918(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba8918=neuron0x8ba4c88(x)*(0.0136202)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba8940(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba8940=neuron0x89c7bb8(x)*(-0.0188615)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba8968(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba8968=neuron0x8ba5488(x)*(-0.199188)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba8990(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba8990=neuron0x89c78c8(x)*(0.00329828)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba89b8(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba89b8=neuron0x8ba63f0(x)*(-0.026726)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba89e0(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba89e0=neuron0x8ba6a40(x)*(-0.00918066)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba8a08(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba8a08=neuron0x8ba7090(x)*(-0.0203866)
+      end
+      double precision function synapse0x8ba8a30(x)
+      implicit double precision (a-h,n-z)
+      double precision x(27)
+      synapse0x8ba8a30=neuron0x8ba7700(x)*(0.0475111)
+      end
diff --git a/SANE/sane_ntup_change.f b/SANE/sane_ntup_change.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..600ad3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SANE/sane_ntup_change.f
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+      subroutine sane_ntup_change(ABORT,err)
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*15 here
+      parameter(here='sane_ntuple_change')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      include 'sane_ntuple.cmn'
+      include 'gen_run_info.cmn'
+      character*1 ifile
+      character*1 iifile
+      character*80 file
+      character*1000 pat
+      integer*4 ilo,fn_len
+      integer g_important_length
+      call sane_ntup_close(ABORT,err)
+      if(sane_ntuple_exists) then
+         ABORT=.true.
+      endif
+      call NO_nulls(sane_ntuple_file) 
+      file = sane_ntuple_file
+      call NO_nulls(file)
+      call g_sub_run_number(file,gen_run_number)
+      sane_ntuple_filesegments = sane_ntuple_filesegments + 1
+      if(sane_ntuple_filesegments.eq.10)then
+         sane_ntuple_filesegments = 1
+         sane_ntuple_auxsegments  = sane_ntuple_auxsegments + 1
+      endif
+      !write(*,*) 'computing ifile'
+c      if( then
+         ifile = char(ichar('0')+sane_ntuple_filesegments)
+         iifile = char(ichar('0')+sane_ntuple_auxsegments)
+c      else 
+c         ifile = char(ichar('a')+sane_ntuple_filesegments-10)
+c      endif
+c      write(*,*), 'ifile = ',ifile, file
+      fn_len = g_important_length(file)
+      ilo = index(file,'.hbook')
+      if((ilo.le.1).or.( then
+         ilo=index(file,'.rzdat')
+      endif
+      if(( then
+         file = file(1:ilo-1)//'.'//iifile//'.'//ifile//file(ilo:fn_len)
+         sane_Ntuple_name = sane_Ntuple_name(1:ilo-7)//'_'//iifile//'_'//ifile
+c         write(*,*)'File name is', file
+c      else 
+c         abort=.true.
+      endif
+      !write(*,*) 'new file name = ',file
+      if(.not.abort) call sane_ntup_open(file,ABORT,err)
+      if(abort) then
+         err=':unable to change BigCal ntuple file segment'
+         call G_add_path(here,err)
+      else
+         pat=':changed SANE ntuple file segment'
+         call G_add_path(here,pat)
+         call G_log_message('INFO: '//pat)
+      endif
+      return 
+      end
diff --git a/SANE/sane_ntup_close.f b/SANE/sane_ntup_close.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d31dd40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SANE/sane_ntup_close.f
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+      subroutine sane_ntup_close(ABORT,err)
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*14 here
+      parameter(here='sane_ntup_close')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      include 'b_ntuple.cmn'
+      include 'sane_ntuple.cmn'
+      include 'gen_routines.dec'
+      logical HEXIST ! CERNLIB function
+      logical FAIL
+      character*80 why,directory,name
+      character*1000 msg
+      integer io,id,cycle,m,i,itcol,itrow,icc
+      err=' '
+      abort=.false.
+      if(.not.sane_ntuple_exists) return
+      call HCDIR(directory,'R') ! keep current directory
+      id=sane_ntuple_ID
+      io=sane_ntuple_IOchannel
+      name=sane_Ntuple_name
+      abort=.not.HEXIST(id)
+      if(abort) then
+         call G_add_path(here,err)
+         if( then
+            call G_IO_control(io,'FREE',FAIL,why) ! free up
+            if( close(io)
+         endif
+      endif
+      call HCDIR(sane_ntuple_directory,' ') ! go to ntuple directory
+      call G_add_path(here,msg)
+      call G_log_message('INFO: '//msg)
+c      write(*,*) HEXIST(9502),sane_ntuple_directory
+      cycle= 0
+      call HROUT(id,cycle,' ')
+c      call HROUT(10100,cycle,' ')
+c      call HROUT(10101,cycle,' ')
+c      call HROUT(10102,cycle,' ')
+      call HROUT(10103,cycle,' ')
+      call HROUT(10104,cycle,' ')
+      call HROUT(10105,cycle,' ')
+      call HROUT(10106,cycle,' ')
+      call HROUT(10107,cycle,' ')
+      call HROUT(10108,cycle,' ')
+c      call HROUT(10109,cycle,' ')
+c      call HROUT(10111,cycle,' ')
+c      call HROUT(10112,cycle,' ')
+c      call HROUT(10113,cycle,' ')
+c      call HROUT(10114,cycle,' ')
+      call HROUT(10121,cycle,' ')
+      call HROUT(10122,cycle,' ')
+c      call HROUT(10125,cycle,' ')
+c      call HROUT(10126,cycle,' ')
+      call HROUT(10128,cycle,' ')
+      do i =1,18
+       call HROUT(17100+i,cycle,' ')  
+       call HROUT(17200+i,cycle,' ')  
+       call HROUT(18100+i,cycle,' ')  
+       call HROUT(18200+i,cycle,' ')  
+      enddo
+      do i =1,8
+         call HROUT(10500+i,cycle,' ')
+         call HROUT(10510+i,cycle,' ')
+         call HROUT(10520+i,cycle,' ')
+         call HROUT(10530+i,cycle,' ')
+         call HROUT(10540+i,cycle,' ')
+         call HROUT(10560+i,cycle,' ')
+         call HROUT(10570+i,cycle,' ')
+         call HROUT(10580+i,cycle,' ')
+         call HROUT(10710+i,cycle,' ')
+         call HROUT(10720+i,cycle,' ')
+         call HROUT(10730+i,cycle,' ')
+         call HROUT(10740+i,cycle,' ')
+      enddo
+c      if ( sane_ntuple_type .eq. 1) then
+         do i =1,28
+c            call HROUT(10150+i,cycle,' ')
+c            call HROUT(20150+i,cycle,' ')
+c            call HROUT(20250+i,cycle,' ')
+        enddo
+c      endif
+      call HROUT(10200,cycle,' ')
+      do i =0,6
+         call HROUT(10210+i,cycle,' ')
+      enddo
+*      call HROUT(10300,cycle,' ')
+*      call HROUT(10301,cycle,' ')
+*      call HROUT(10302,cycle,' ')
+*      call HROUT(10303,cycle,' ')
+*      call HROUT(10304,cycle,' ')
+*      call HROUT(10310,cycle,' ')
+*      call HROUT(10311,cycle,' ')
+*      call HROUT(10312,cycle,' ')
+*      call HROUT(10313,cycle,' ')
+*      call HROUT(10314,cycle,' ')
+*      call HROUT(10315,cycle,' ')
+*      call HROUT(10316,cycle,' ')
+*      call HROUT(10317,cycle,' ')
+*      call HROUT(10321,cycle,' ')
+*      call HROUT(10322,cycle,' ')
+*      call HROUT(10323,cycle,' ')
+*      call HROUT(10324,cycle,' ')
+c      call HROUT(10550,cycle,' ')
+c      call HROUT(10551,cycle,' ')
+c      call HROUT(10601,cycle,' ')
+c      call HROUT(10611,cycle,' ')
+c      call HROUT(10602,cycle,' ')
+c      call HROUT(10612,cycle,' ')
+c      call HROUT(10603,cycle,' ')
+c      call HROUT(10613,cycle,' ')
+c      call HROUT(10604,cycle,' ')
+c      call HROUT(10614,cycle,' ')
+c      call HROUT(10620,cycle,' ')
+c      call HROUT(10621,cycle,' ')
+      call HROUT(10622,cycle,' ')
+      call HROUT(10623,cycle,' ')
+c      call HPRINT(9502)
+      write(*,*)name!,10623
+      call HREND(name)
+      call G_IO_control(io,'FREE',ABORT,err)
+      close(io)
+      call HCDIR(directory,' ')     ! return to "current" directory
+      sane_ntuple_directory=' '
+      sane_ntuple_exists=.false.
+      sane_ntuple_IOchannel= 0
+      if(abort) call G_add_path(here,err)
+      return 
+      end
diff --git a/SANE/sane_ntup_init.f b/SANE/sane_ntup_init.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd44768
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SANE/sane_ntup_init.f
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+      Subroutine sane_ntup_init(ABORT,err)
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*13 here
+      parameter(here='sane_ntuple_init')
+      include 'b_ntuple.cmn'
+      include 'sane_ntuple.cmn'
+      include 'sane_ntuple.dte'
+      include 'gen_routines.dec'
+      include 'gen_run_info.cmn'
+      character*80 default_name 
+      parameter(default_name='sane_ntuple')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      character*80 file,file_pol,file_charge
+      character*80 name
+      character*1000 pat,msg
+      integer ilo,fn_len,m,i,j,k,unit
+      character*1 ifile
+      character*1 iifile
+      real*8 tcharge_old ,tcharge_help_old,tcharge_helm_old 
+      real*8 charge2s_old ,charge2s_help_old,charge2s_helm_old   
+      real*8 polarea_old, polarization_old
+      integer*4 hel_p_scaler_old 
+      integer*4 hel_n_scaler_old 
+      integer*4 hel_p_trig_old 
+      integer*4 hel_n_trig_old 
+      real*8 dtime_p_old ,dtime_n_old
+      real*4 half_plate_old 
+      common/SANEEV_old /
+     $     tcharge_old ,
+     $     charge2s_old ,
+     $     tcharge_help_old,charge2s_help_old,
+     $     tcharge_helm_old,charge2s_helm_old ,
+     $     polarea_old ,polarization_old,
+     $ 	   hel_p_scaler_old ,
+     $	    hel_n_scaler_old ,
+     $	    hel_p_trig_old ,
+     $	    hel_n_trig_old ,
+     $	    dtime_p_old ,dtime_n_old, half_plate_old 
+      err=' '
+      abort=.false.
+      if(sane_ntuple_exists) then 
+         call sane_ntup_shutdown(ABORT,err)
+         if(abort) then 
+            call G_add_path(here,err)
+            return
+         endif
+      endif
+      if(polarization_data_table.eq.' ')then
+         polarization_data_table = "poltemp.dat"
+         file_pol=polarization_data_table 
+            OPEN(unit=22,file=file_pol)
+         polarization_data_unit = 22
+      else
+         file_pol=polarization_data_table 
+         call g_sub_run_number(file_pol,gen_run_number)
+         unit=22
+         if( = polarization_data_unit
+         polarization_data_unit = unit
+         INQUIRE(FILE= file_pol, EXIST=polarization_data_open)
+         if(polarization_data_open)then
+            OPEN(unit=unit,file=file_pol)
+            read(polarization_data_unit,*)pol_id_change,polarea_old,polarization_old, half_plate_old 
+c     write(*,*)'HELP 11',polarea_old  
+         else 
+            OPEN(unit=unit,file=file_pol)
+         endif
+      endif
+      if(charge_data_table.eq.' ')then
+         charge_data_table = "chargetemp.dat"
+         file_charge=charge_data_table 
+            OPEN(unit=23,file=file_charge)
+            charge_data_unit = 23
+      else
+         file_charge=charge_data_table 
+         call g_sub_run_number(file_charge,gen_run_number)
+         unit=23
+          if( = charge_data_unit
+         charge_data_unit = unit
+         INQUIRE(FILE= file_charge, EXIST=charge_data_open)
+         if(charge_data_open)then
+            OPEN(unit=unit,file=file_charge)
+            read(charge_data_unit,*)
+     ,           charge_id_change,charge2s_old,tcharge_old,
+     ,           tcharge_help_old,charge2s_help_old,
+     ,           tcharge_helm_old,charge2s_helm_old ,
+     ,           hel_p_scaler_old,hel_p_trig_old,dtime_p_old,
+     ,           hel_n_scaler_old,hel_n_trig_old,dtime_n_old
+         else 
+             OPEN(unit=unit,file=file_charge)           
+         endif
+      endif
+c       if(charge_data_table.eq.' ')
+c     ,     polarization_data_table = 'poltemp.dat'
+      call no_nulls(sane_ntuple_file) ! replace null characters with blanks
+      if(sane_ntuple_file.eq.' ') return
+      sane_ntuple_id = default_sane_ntuple_ID
+      sane_ntuple_name = default_name
+      if(sane_ntuple_title.eq.' ') then
+         msg = sane_ntuple_name//' '//sane_ntuple_file
+         call only_one_blank(msg)
+         sane_ntuple_title= msg
+c         sane_ntuple_title= sane_ntuple_file
+      endif
+      file = sane_ntuple_file
+      call g_sub_run_number(file,gen_run_number)
+      if( then
+         sane_ntuple_filesegments = 1
+         sane_ntuple_auxsegments  = sane_ntuple_auxsegments + 1
+         ifile = char(ichar('0')+sane_ntuple_filesegments)
+         iifile = char(ichar('0')+sane_ntuple_auxsegments)
+         fn_len = g_important_length(file)
+         ilo=index(file,'.hbook')
+         if((ilo.le.1).or.(
+            ilo=index(file,'.rzdat')
+         endif
+         if(( then
+            file = file(1:ilo-1)//'.'//iifile//'.'//ifile//file(ilo:fn_len)
+            sane_Ntuple_name = default_name(1:ilo-7)//'_'//iifile//'_'//ifile
+         else
+            abort=.true.
+            return
+         endif
+         write(*,*) ' using segmented sane rzdat files
+     $        first filename: ',file
+      else
+         write(*,*) ' Not using segmented sane rzdat files 
+     $        first filename: ',file
+      endif
+      if(sane_ntuple_type.eq.1) then ! physics  ntuple added Jul 3,2008
+         sane_ntuple_id = 9501
+         write(*,*)'SANE NT ID is',sane_ntuple_id
+      endif
+      if(sane_ntuple_type.eq.2) then ! raw ntuple
+         sane_ntuple_id = 9502
+         write(*,*)'SANE NT ID is',sane_ntuple_id
+      endif
+      if(sane_ntuple_type.eq.9) then ! whit's raw ntuple
+         sane_ntuple_id = 9509
+         write(*,*)'SANE NT ID is',sane_ntuple_id
+      endif
+      write(*,*)'SANE INIT',file,sane_ntuple_type
+      call sane_ntup_open(file,ABORT,err)
+      if(abort) then
+         err= ':unable to create SANE ntuple'
+         call G_add_path(here,err)
+      else
+         pat= ':created SANE ntuple'
+         call G_add_path(here,pat)
+         call G_log_message('INFO: '//pat)
+      endif  
+      return 
+      end
diff --git a/SANE/sane_ntup_open.f b/SANE/sane_ntup_open.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e07c46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SANE/sane_ntup_open.f
@@ -0,0 +1,615 @@
+      Subroutine sane_ntup_open(file,ABORT,err)
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*13 here
+      parameter(here='sane_ntuple_open')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      integer iquest
+      Common /QUEST/ Iquest(100)
+      include 'b_ntuple.cmn'
+      include 'sane_ntuple.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_bypass_switches.cmn'
+      include 'gen_run_info.cmn'
+      include 'gen_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'gen_event_info.cmn'
+      include 'gen_scalers.cmn'
+      include 'sane_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_data_structures.cmn'
+      integer default_bank,default_recl, histnum,ii
+      parameter(default_bank=8000)     !4 bytes/word
+      parameter(default_recl=8191)     !record length
+      character*80 title,file
+      character*80 directory,name
+      character*1000 pat,msg,chform
+      integer status,size,io,id,bank,recL,iv(10),m,itcol,itrow,icc
+      real rv(10)
+      logical HEXIST        !CERNLIB function
+      err=' '
+      ABORT=.false.
+      if(sane_ntuple_exists) then
+         call sane_ntup_shutdown(ABORT,err)
+         if(abort) then
+            call G_add_path(here,err)
+            return
+         endif
+      endif
+c     get any free IO channel
+      call g_IO_control(io,'ANY',ABORT,err)
+c      sane_ntuple_exists = .not.ABORT
+      if(ABORT) then
+         call G_add_path(here,err)
+         return
+      endif
+      sane_ntuple_iochannel = io
+      id = sane_ntuple_id
+      name = sane_ntuple_name
+      title = sane_ntuple_title
+      ABORT = HEXIST(id)
+      if(ABORT) then
+         call g_IO_control(sane_ntuple_iochannel,'FREE',ABORT,err)
+         call g_build_note(':HBOOK id#$ already in use',
+     $        '$',id,' ',rv,' ',err)
+         call G_add_path(here,err)
+         return
+      endif
+      call HCDIR(directory,'R') !CERNLIB read current directory
+      write(*,*)'DIR ',directory,name
+c      call HLIMIT(NWPAWC)
+      recL = 8191
+      iquest(10) = 512000
+      call HROPEN(io,name,file,'NQ',recL,status)
+      write(*,*)'ifile=',file
+      ABORT=
+      if(ABORT) then
+         call g_IO_control(sane_ntuple_iochannel,'FREE',ABORT,err)
+         iv(1) = status
+         iv(2) = io
+         pat= ':HROPEN error#$ opening IO#$ "'//file//'"'
+         call G_build_note(pat,'$',iv,' ',rv,' ',err)
+         call G_add_path(here,err)
+         return
+      endif
+      size = sane_ntuple_size
+      bank = default_bank
+      title = sane_ntuple_title
+      call hbset('BSIZE',8176,status)
+      call HBNT(id,title,' ')
+      if(sane_ntuple_type.eq.1 .or. (sane_ntuple_type.eq.3) .or. (sane_ntuple_type.eq.9))then
+      call HBNAME(id,'SANEEV',tcharge,'tcharge:R*8,charge2s:R*8,'//
+     $     'tcharge_help:R*8,charge2s_help:R*8,'//
+     $     'tcharge_helm:R*8,charge2s_helm:R*8,'//
+     $     'polarea:R*8,polarization:R*8,'//
+     $     'hel_p_scaler:I*4, hel_n_scaler:I*4,'//
+     $     'hel_p_trig:I*4, hel_n_trig:I*4,'//
+     $     'dtime_p:R*8,dtime_n:R*8,half_plate:R*4')
+      endif
+      if( .and. sane_ntuple_type.le.6 ) then ! col-wise ntuple for cluster analysis
+                                ! for calibration purposses
+         if(sane_ntuple_type.eq.2)then
+         call HBNAME(id,'bevinfo',bgid,'bgid:I*4,bgtype:I*4,'//
+     $        'btrigtype:I*4')
+         call HBNAME(id,'bhits',ngooda,'ngooda:I*4,ngoodt:I*4,'//
+     $        'ngoodta:I*4,ngoodtt:I*4,irowmax:I*4,icolmax:I*4,'//
+     $        'max_adc:R*4')
+         call HBNAME(id,'SANEY1',y1t_hit,
+     $        'y1t_hit[0,900]:I*4,y1t_row(y1t_hit):I*4,'//
+     $        'y1t_tdc(y1t_hit):I*4,'//
+     $        'y1t_y(y1t_hit):R*4')
+         call HBNAME(id,'SANEY2',y2t_hit,
+     $        'y2t_hit[0,900]:I*4,y2t_row(y2t_hit):I*4,'//
+     $        'y2t_tdc(y2t_hit):I*4,'//
+     $        'y2t_y(y2t_hit):R*4')
+         call HBNAME(id,'SANEX1',x1t_hit,
+     $        'x1t_hit[0,900]:I*4,x1t_row(x1t_hit):I*4,'//
+     $        'x1t_tdc(x1t_hit):I*4,'//
+     $        'x1t_x(x1t_hit):R*4')
+         call HBNAME(id,'SANECER',cer_hit,
+     $        'cer_hit[0,50]:I*4,cer_num(cer_hit):I*4,'//
+     $        'cer_tdc(cer_hit):I*4,cer_adcc(cer_hit):I*4')
+         call HBNAME(id,'SANEADC',ceradc_hit,
+     $        'ceradc_hit[0,15]:I*4,ceradc_num(ceradc_hit):I*4,'//
+     $        'cer_adc(ceradc_hit):I*4')
+         call HBNAME(id,'SANELUC',luc_hit,
+     $        'luc_hit[0,90]:I*4,luc_row(luc_hit):I*4,'//
+     $        'ladc_pos(luc_hit):I*4,ladc_neg(luc_hit):I*4,'//
+     $        'ltdc_pos(luc_hit):I*4,ltdc_neg(luc_hit):I*4,'//
+     $        'luc_y(luc_hit):R*4')
+         endif
+         if(bbypass_find_clusters.eq.0) then
+            call HBNAME(id,'clustblock',nclust,
+     $           'nclust[0,50]:I*4,ncellclust(nclust)[0,50]:I*4,'//
+     $           'ncellbad(nclust)[0,50]:I*4,'//
+     $           'ncellx(nclust),ncelly(nclust),iycell(50,nclust),'//
+     $           'ixcell(50,nclust),cellbad(50,nclust):L,'//
+     $           'xcell(50,nclust),ycell(50,nclust),'//
+     $           'eblock(50,nclust),ablock(50,nclust),'//
+     $           'xmoment(nclust),ymoment(nclust),'//
+     $           'eclust(nclust),aclust(nclust),'//
+     $           'xclust(nclust),yclust(nclust)')
+            if(bbypass_calc_cluster_time.eq.0) then
+               if(bbypass_sum8.eq.0) then
+                  call HBNAME(id,'clusttdc',nclust8,
+     $                 'nclust8[0,50]:I*4,'//
+     $                 'ncell8clust(nclust8)[0,10]:I*4,'//
+     $                 'irow8hit(10,nclust8)[0,56]:I*4,'//
+     $                 'icol8hit(10,nclust8)[0,4]:I*4,'//
+     $                 'nhit8clust(10,nclust8)[0,8]:I*4,'//
+     $                 's8(10,nclust8),'//
+     $                 'tcell8(10,8,nclust8),tclust8(nclust8),'//
+     $                 'tcut8(nclust8),tcut8cor(nclust8),'//
+     $                 'trms8(nclust8)')
+               endif
+               if(bbypass_sum64.eq.0) then
+                  call HBNAME(id,'clusttrig',nclust64,
+     $                 'nclust64[0,50]:I*4,'//
+     $                 'ncell64clust(nclust64)[0,6]:I*4,'//
+     $                 'irow64hit(6,nclust64)[0,19]:I*4,'//
+     $                 'icol64hit(6,nclust64)[0,2]:I*4,'//
+     $                 'nhit64clust(6,nclust64)[0,8]:I*4,'//
+     $                 'tcell64(6,8,nclust64),a64(6,nclust64),'//
+     $                 's64(6,nclust64),tclust64(nclust64),'//
+     $                 'tcut64(nclust64),tcut64cor(nclust64),'//
+     $                 'trms64(nclust64)')
+                endif
+            endif
+            if(bbypass_calc_physics.eq.0)then
+               call HBNAME(id,'clustphys',ntrack,'ntrack[0,50]:I*4,'//
+     $              'ibest[0,50]:I*4,thetarad(ntrack),'//
+     $              'phirad(ntrack),energy(ntrack),'//
+     $              'xface(ntrack),yface(ntrack),'//
+     $              'zface(ntrack),px(ntrack),py(ntrack),pz(ntrack),'//
+     $              'ctime_clust(ntrack)')
+            endif
+            if(sane_ntuple_type.eq.2)then
+               call HBNAME(id,'bad_clust',nmax,'nmax[0,50]:I*4,'//
+     $              'edge_max(nmax):L,not_enough(nmax):L,'//
+     $              'too_long_x(nmax):L,too_long_y(nmax):L,'//
+     $              'below_thresh(nmax):L,above_max(nmax):L,'//
+     $              'second_max(nmax):L')
+            endif
+         endif
+      endif
+c         isane_plots = 100
+      if(
+         isane_plots = 100
+cccc     ! For physics analysis  added on Jul 3 2008
+c         call HBOOK2(10100,'TRACK X1',64, 1.,  65., 200,   -7500., -4500.,0.)
+c         call HBOOK2(10101,'TRACK Y1',128,1., 129., 200,   -7500., -4500.,0.)
+c         call HBOOK2(10102,'TRACK Y2',128,1., 129., 200,   -7500., -4500.,0.)
+         call HBOOK2(10103,'TRACK X1 cer',64, 1.,  65., 200,   -7500., -4500.,0.)
+         call HBOOK2(10104,'TRACK Y1 cer',128,1., 129., 200,   -7500., -4500.,0.)
+         call HBOOK2(10105,'TRACK Y2 cer',128,1., 129., 200,   -7500., -4500.,0.)
+         call HBOOK2(10106,'TRACK X1 vs BIG',64,-22., 22., 64,   -22., 22.,0.)
+         call HBOOK2(10107,'TRACK Y1 vs BIG',128,-22., 22., 128,   -22., 22.,0.)
+         call HBOOK2(10108,'TRACK Y2 vs BIG',128,-22., 22., 128,   -22., 22.,0.)
+c         call HBOOK2(10109,'TRACK Y2 vs BIG',128,1., 129., 128,   -22., 22.,0.)
+c         call HBOOK2(10111,'CER TDC',8, 1.,  9., 200,    -4000, 500., 0.)
+c         call HBOOK2(10112,'CER ADC',8, 1.,  9., 100,    0.1, 5000., 0.)
+c         call HBOOK1(10113,'BIGCAL TDC',400, 300.,400,0.)
+c         call HBOOK2(10114,'BIGCAL TDC vs CER TDC',100, 310,  350., 100, -3000, -1000., 0.)
+         do histnum=1,18
+            call HBOOK2(17100+histnum,'Aclust vs cer TDC ',100, 0.,  2000., 200,    -3000, -1000., 0.)
+            call HBOOK2(17200+histnum,'Aclust vs cer TDC ',100, 0.,  2000., 200,    -3000, -1000., 0.)
+            call HBOOK2(18100+histnum,'Aclust vs cer TDC ',100, 0.,  2000., 100,    300, 400., 0.)
+            call HBOOK2(18200+histnum,'Aclust vs cer TDC ',100, 0.,  2000., 100,    300, 400., 0.)
+         enddo
+         do histnum=1,8
+            call HBOOK2(10500+histnum,'CER ADC vs TDC ',100, 10.,  2000., 200,    -3000, -1000., 0.)
+            call HBOOK2(10520+histnum,'Aclust vs cer TDC ',100, 0.,  2000., 200,    -3000, -1000., 0.)
+            call HBOOK2(10530+histnum,'Aclust vs cer TDC cor ',100, 0.,  2000., 200,    -3000, -1000., 0.)
+            call HBOOK2(10510+histnum,'BIGCAL' ,33,0., 33.,  56,    0.,   56., 0.)
+            call HBOOK2(10540+histnum,'CER ADC vs TDC ',100, 10.,  2000., 200,    -3000, -1000., 0.)
+            call HBOOK2(10560+histnum,'TRIGBIG vs Cer TDC ',30, 25.,  55., 200,    -3000, -1000., 0.)
+            call HBOOK2(10570+histnum,'TRIGBETA vs Cer TDC ',30, 45.,  75., 200,    -3000, -1000., 0.)
+            call HBOOK2(10580+histnum,'TRIGBIG C vs Cer TDC ',30, 25.,  55., 200,    -3000, -1000., 0.)
+c            if(grun.le.72487)then
+               call HBOOK2(10710+histnum,'BIGCAL TDC vs CER TDC',20, 1,  21., 200, -500, 1000., 0.)
+               call HBOOK2(10720+histnum,'BIGCAL TDC vs CER TDC',20, 1,  21., 200, -500, 1000., 0.)
+c            else
+c               call HBOOK2(10710+histnum,'BIGCAL TDC vs CER TDC',20, 1,  21., 60, -30, 30., 0.)
+c               call HBOOK2(10720+histnum,'BIGCAL TDC vs CER TDC',20, 1,  21., 60, -30, 30., 0.)
+c            endif
+            call HBOOK2(10730+histnum,'BIGCAL TDC vs CER TDC',20, 1,  21., 200, -500, 1000., 0.)
+            call HBOOK2(10740+histnum,'BIGCAL TDC vs CER TDC',20, 1,  21., 200, -500, 1000., 0.)
+         enddo
+         call HBOOK2(10121,'LUC TDCPOS',28,1., 29., 200, -3500., 0., 0.)
+         call HBOOK2(10122,'LUC TDCNEG',28,1., 29., 200, -3500., 0., 0.)
+c         call HBOOK2(10125,'LUC ADCPOS',28,1., 29., 200,    0.1, 4000., 0.)
+c         call HBOOK2(10126,'LUC ADCNEG',28,1., 29., 200,    0.1, 4000., 0.)
+c         call HBOOK2(10131,'LUC TDCPOS cut',28,1., 29., 1500, -2250., -850., 0.)
+c         call HBOOK2(10132,'LUC TDCNEG cut',28,1., 29., 1500, -2250., -850., 0.)
+c         call HBOOK2(10135,'LUC ADCPOS cut',28,1., 29., 200,    0.1, 4000., 0.)
+c         call HBOOK2(10136,'LUC ADCNEG cut',28,1., 29., 200,    0.1, 4000., 0.)
+         if(sane_ntuple_type.eq.1) then 
+            call HBOOK2(10128,'LUC_Y vs BIG_Y',40,-120., 120., 60,  -120., 120., 0.)
+            do ii=1,28
+cc     call HBPROF(10150+ii,'LUC_X vs BIG_X',100,-60., 60., 100,  -60., 60., 0.)
+c               call HBPROF(10150+ii,'LUC_X vs BIG_X',100,-65., 65., -60,  60., 'S')
+c               call HBOOK2(20250+ii,'Big_Y vs BIG_X',100,-100., 100, 120., -120,  120., 0.)
+c               call HBOOK2(20150+ii,'LUC_X vs BIG_X',100,-100., 300, 80., -60,  100., 0.)
+            enddo
+c            call HBOOK2(10220,'LUC_Y vs BIG_Y', 60,  -120., 120., 120,-20., 20., 0.)
+c            call HBOOK2(10221,'LUC_Y vs BIG_Y', 60,  -120., 120., 120,-20., 20., 0.)
+c            call HBOOK2(10221,'LUC_Y vs BIG_Yo',120,-20., 20., 60,  -120., 120., 0.)
+c            call HBOOK2(10222,'dLUC_Y vs BIG_X', 80,-80., 80., 60,  -20., 20., 0.)
+c            call HBOOK2(10223,'LUC_X vs BIG_Xo',60,-20., 20., 60,  -120., 120., 0.)
+cc           call HBOOK2(10225,'dLUC_Y vs e',120,-30., 30., 40,  0., 2.4, 0.)
+c           call HBPROF(10225,'dLUC_Y vs e',40, 0., 2.6, -20,  20., 'S')
+c           call HBOOK2(10226,'dLUC_X vs e',120,-30., 30., 16,  0.4, 2., 0.)
+c           call HBOOK2(10227,'Big_Y vs BIG_Yo', 120,  -120., 120.,120,-10., 10., 0.)
+         endif
+         call HBOOK2(10200,'BIGCAL' ,33,0., 33.,  56,    0.,   56., 0.)
+         call HBOOK2(10210,'SLOW RASTER ADC' ,90,5000., 8000.,  90,    5000.,   8000., 0.)
+         call HBOOK2(10211,'FAST RASTER ADC' ,90,2000., 5000.,  90,    2000.,   5000., 0.)
+         call HBOOK2(10212,'SLOW RASTER ADC Corrected' ,90,-2.5, 2.5,  90,    -2.5,   2.5, 0.)
+         call HBOOK2(10213,'FAST RASTER ADC Corrected' ,90,-2.5, 2.5,  90,    -2.5,   2.5, 0.)
+         call HBOOK2(10214,'SEM X Y' ,90,-3., 3.,  90,    -3.,   3., 0.)
+         call HBOOK2(10215,'SLOW RASTER ADC' ,90,5000., 8000.,  90,    5000.,   8000., 0.)
+         call HBOOK2(10216,'SLOW RASTER ADC Corrected' ,90,-3., 3.,  90,    -3.,   3., 0.)
+c         call HBOOK2(10300,'X_HMS vs xclust' ,60,-60., 60.,  60,    -60.,   60., 0.)
+c         call HBOOK2(10301,'Y_HMS vs yclust' ,120,-120., 120.,  120,    -120.,   120., 0.)
+c         call HBOOK2(10302,'X_HMS vs Y_HMS' ,60,-60., 60.,  120,    -120.,   120., 0.)
+c         call HBOOK2(10303,'Xclust vs Yclust' ,60,-60., 60.,  120,    -120.,   120., 0.)
+c         call HBOOK2(10304,'DX vs DY' ,40,-40., 40.,  60,    -60.,   60., 0.)
+c         call HBOOK2(10310,'hsdelta vs hsyptar' ,40,-20., 20.,  100, -0.1,   0.1, 0.)
+c         call HBOOK2(10311,'hsdelta vs hsxptar' ,40,-20., 20.,  200, -0.1,   0.3, 0.)
+c         call HBOOK2(10312,'dpel_hms vs hsyptar' ,40,-0.2, 0.2,  100, -0.1,   0.1, 0.)
+c         call HBOOK2(10313,'dpel_hms vs hsxptar' ,40,-0.2, 0.2,  200, -0.1,   0.3, 0.)
+c         call HBOOK2(10314,'dpel_hms vs hsxtar' ,40,-0.2, 0.2,  100, -3,   3, 0.)
+c         call HBOOK2(10315,'dpel_hms vs hsytar' ,40,-0.2, 0.2,  100, -3,   3, 0.)
+c         call HBOOK2(10316,'raster_x vs xtar' ,100,-3., 3.,  100, -3.,   3., 0.)
+c         call HBOOK2(10317,'raster_y vs ytar' ,100,-3., 3.,  100, -3.,   3., 0.)
+c         call HBOOK1(10321, 'hsdelta' , 100,-.1,.1,0.)
+c         call HBOOK1(10322, 'W2', 100, -0.3, 0.6,0.)
+c         call HBOOK2(10323,' W2 vs hsxtar' ,100,-0.3, 0.3,  100, -0.1,   0.1, 0.)
+c         call HBOOK2(10324,' W2 vs hsxtar' ,100,-0.3, 0.3,  100, -3,   3, 0.)
+         call HBOOK2(10550,'Ytracker-Yrec vs P' ,100, 0.7, 1.5,  100, -1.5,   1.5, 0.)
+         call HBOOK2(10551,'Xtracker-Xrec vs P' ,100, 0.7, 1.5,  100, -1.5,   1.5, 0.)
+c         call HBOOK1(10601,'Xbj 2.5<Q2<3.5 helicity normalized' ,30, 0.2, 2.0 ,0.)
+c         call HBOOK1(10611,'Xbj 2.5<Q2<3.5 no helicity normalized' ,30, 0.2, 2.0 ,0.)
+c         call HBOOK1(10602,'Xbj 3.5<Q2<4.5 helicity normalized' ,30, 0.2, 2.0 ,0.)
+c         call HBOOK1(10612,'Xbj 3.5<Q2<4.5 no helicity normalized' ,30, 0.2, 2.0 ,0.)
+c         call HBOOK1(10603,'Xbj 4.5<Q2<5.5 helicity normalized' ,30, 0.2, 2.0 ,0.)
+c         call HBOOK1(10613,'Xbj 4.5<Q2<5.5 no helicity normalized' ,30, 0.2, 2.0 ,0.)
+c         call HBOOK1(10604,'Xbj 5.5<Q2<6.5 helicity normalized' ,30, 0.2, 2.0 ,0.)
+c         call HBOOK1(10614,'Xbj 5.5<Q2<6.5 no helicity normalized' ,30, 0.2, 2.0 ,0.)
+c         call HBOOK2(10620,'Xbj vs Q2' ,140, 0.1, 1.5,  100, 0.,  8., 0.)
+c         call HBOOK2(10621,'W2 vs Q2' ,100, 0.5, 2.5,  100, 0.,  8., 0.)
+         call HBOOK1(10622,'Mpi0' ,200, 0.05, 0.25, 0.)
+         call HBOOK1(10623,'Mpi0_angles' ,200, 0.05, 0.25, 0.)
+c     Physics Histograms
+      endif
+!       if(
+      if(
+          call HBNAME(id,'TRIGGERTIME',T_trgHMS,
+     $        'T_trgHMS:R*4, T_trgBIG:R*4, T_trgPI0:R*4,'//
+     $        'T_trgBETA:R*4, T_trgCOIN1:R*4,T_trgCOIN2:R*4')
+          call HBNAME(id,'SANECER',cer_hit,
+     $        'cer_hit[0,50]:I*4,cer_num(cer_hit):I*4,'//
+     $        'cer_tdc(cer_hit):I*4,cer_adcc(cer_hit):I*4')
+      endif
+      if(sane_ntuple_type.eq.3) then ! col-wise ntuple
+               call HBNAME(id,'hmsblk',TH_HMS,'TH_HMS,PH_HMS,E_HMS,'//
+     $              'X_HMS,Y_HMS,dPel_HMS')
+        call HBNAME(id,'HMSINFO',hms_p,
+     $        'hms_p:R*4,hms_e:R*4,hms_theta:R*4,hms_phi:R*4,'//
+     $        'hsxfp_s:R*4,hsyfp_s:R*4,hsxpfp_s:R*4,hsypfp_s:R*4,'//
+     $        'hms_xtar:R*4,hms_ytar:R*4,hms_yptar:R*4,'//
+     $        'hms_xptar:R*4,hms_delta:R*4,hms_start:R*4,'//
+     $        'hsshtrk_s:R*4, hsshsum_s:R*4, hsbeta_s:R*4,'//
+     $        'hms_cer_npe1:R*4,hms_cer_npe2:R*4,'//
+     $        ' hms_cer_adc1:R*4,hms_cer_adc2:R*4')
+        call HBNAME(id,'RASTINFO',rast_x,
+     $        'rast_x:R*4,rast_y:R*4,'//
+     $        'slow_rast_x:R*4,slow_rast_y:R*4,'//
+     $        'sem_x:R*4,sem_y:R*4,'//
+     $        'i_helicity:I*4')
+      endif
+      if(sane_ntuple_type.eq.1) then ! col-wise ntuple
+                                 ! for Physics purposses
+        call HBNAME(id,'RASTINFO',rast_x,
+     $        'rast_x:R*4,rast_y:R*4,'//
+     $        'slow_rast_x:R*4,slow_rast_y:R*4,'//
+     $        'sem_x:R*4,sem_y:R*4,'//
+     $        'i_helicity:I*4')
+         call HBNAME(id,'bevinfo',bgid,'bgid:I*4,bgtype:I*4,'//
+     $        'btrigtype:I*4')
+         call HBNAME(id,'bhits',ngooda,'ngooda:I*4,ngoodt:I*4,'//
+     $        'ngoodta:I*4,ngoodtt:I*4,irowmax:I*4,icolmax:I*4,'//
+     $        'max_adc:R*4')
+         call HBNAME(id,'SANEPHYS',n_clust,
+     $        'n_clust[0,15]:I*4,'//
+     $        'E_clust(n_clust):R*4,'//
+     $        'X_clust(n_clust):R*4, Y_clust(n_clust):R*4,'//
+     $        'Z_clust(n_clust):R*4,'//
+     $        'X_clust_r(n_clust):R*4, Y_clust_r(n_clust):R*4,'//
+     $        'Z_clust_r(n_clust):R*4,'//
+     $        'luc_h(n_clust)[0,20]:I*4,'//
+     $        'X_luc(20,n_clust), Y_luc(20,n_clust), Z_luc(20,n_clust),'//
+     $        'X_luc_r(20,n_clust),Y_luc_r(20,n_clust),'//
+     $        'Z_luc_r(20,n_clust),'//
+     $        'trc_hx(n_clust)[0,20]:I*4,'//
+     $        'X_trc(20,n_clust),'//
+     $        'Z_trc(20,n_clust),'//
+     $        'trc_hy1(n_clust)[0,20]:I*4,'//
+     $        'Y1_trc(20,n_clust),'//
+     $        'Z1_trc(20,n_clust),'//
+     $        'trc_hy2(n_clust)[0,20]:I*4,'//
+     $        'Y2_trc(20,n_clust),'//
+     $        'Z2_trc(20,n_clust),'//
+     $        'Tr_Vertex(3,n_clust), Tr_Vertex_r(3,n_clust),'//
+     $        'cer_h(n_clust)[0,20]:I*4,'//
+     $        'cer_geom(n_clust)[0,20]:I*4,'//
+     $        'cerb_time(n_clust):I*4,'//
+     $        'cerb_adc(n_clust):I*4,'//
+     $        'bigc_time(n_clust):I*4,'//
+     $        'bigc_adc(n_clust):I*4,'//
+     $        'cerbc_num(n_clust):I*4,'//
+     $        'Theta_e(n_clust):R*4,Phi_e(n_clust):R*4,'//
+     $        'Delta_Y(n_clust):R*4,Delta_X(n_clust):R*4,'//
+     $        'X_Bjorken(n_clust):R*4, Q2(n_clust):R*4,'//
+     $        ' W2(n_clust):R*4, ENue(n_clust):R*4')
+c         call HBNAME(id,'SANEADC',ceradc_hit,
+c     $        'ceradc_hit[0,15]:I*4,ceradc_num(ceradc_hit):I*4,'//
+c     $        'cer_adc(ceradc_hit):I*4')
+      endif
+cccccccc InSANE Ntuple
+      if(sane_ntuple_type.eq.9) then ! whits ntuple
+c This stuff is the same as the first part of sane_ntuple_type.eq.2
+c below         
+         call HBNAME(id,'bevinfo',bgid,'bgid:I*4,bgtype:I*4,'//
+     $        'btrigtype:I*4')
+         call HBNAME(id,'bhits',ngooda,'ngooda:I*4,ngoodt:I*4,'//
+     $        'ngoodta:I*4,ngoodtt:I*4,irowmax:I*4,icolmax:I*4,'//
+     $        'max_adc:R*4')
+         call HBNAME(id,'SANEY1',y1t_hit,
+     $        'y1t_hit[0,900]:I*4,y1t_row(y1t_hit):I*4,'//
+     $        'y1t_tdc(y1t_hit):I*4,'//
+     $        'y1t_y(y1t_hit):R*4')
+         call HBNAME(id,'SANEY2',y2t_hit,
+     $        'y2t_hit[0,900]:I*4,y2t_row(y2t_hit):I*4,'//
+     $        'y2t_tdc(y2t_hit):I*4,'//
+     $        'y2t_y(y2t_hit):R*4')
+         call HBNAME(id,'SANEX1',x1t_hit,
+     $        'x1t_hit[0,900]:I*4,x1t_row(x1t_hit):I*4,'//
+     $        'x1t_tdc(x1t_hit):I*4,'//
+     $        'x1t_x(x1t_hit):R*4')
+         call HBNAME(id,'SANECER',cer_hit,
+     $        'cer_hit[0,50]:I*4,cer_num(cer_hit):I*4,'//
+     $        'cer_tdc(cer_hit):I*4,cer_adcc(cer_hit):I*4')
+         call HBNAME(id,'SANEADC',ceradc_hit,
+     $        'ceradc_hit[0,15]:I*4,ceradc_num(ceradc_hit):I*4,'//
+     $        'cer_adc(ceradc_hit):I*4')
+         call HBNAME(id,'SANELUC',luc_hit,
+     $        'luc_hit[0,90]:I*4,luc_row(luc_hit):I*4,'//
+     $        'ladc_pos(luc_hit):I*4,ladc_neg(luc_hit):I*4,'//
+     $        'ltdc_pos(luc_hit):I*4,ltdc_neg(luc_hit):I*4,'//
+     $        'luc_y(luc_hit):R*4')
+c Test include for LUCITE_SANE_RAW_SCIN common block
+c         call HBNAME(id,'LUCITE_S',
+c     $  'LUCITE_SANE_RAW_COUNTER_NUM[0,190]:I*4,'//
+c     $  'LUCITE_SANE_RAW_COUNTER_NUM2[0,190]:I*4,'//
+c     $  'LUCITE_SANE_RAW_COUNTER_NUM3[0,190]:I*4,'//
+c     $  'LUCITE_SANE_RAW_TOT_HITS[0,190]:I*4,'//
+c     $  'LUCITE_SANE_RAW_TOT_HITS2[0,190]:I*4,'//
+c     $  'LUCITE_SANE_RAW_TOT_HITS3[0,190]:I*4,'//
+c Now we include the raw BIGCAL ADC and TDC values          
+     $        'BIGCAL_TDC_NHIT[0,1792]:I*4,'//
+     $        'BIGCAL_TDC_RAW_IGROUP(bigcal_tdc_nhit):I*4,'//
+     $        'BIGCAL_TDC_RAW_IROW(bigcal_tdc_nhit):I*4,'//
+     $        'BIGCAL_TDC_RAW(bigcal_tdc_nhit):I*4')
+     $        'BIGCAL_PROT_NHIT[0,1024]:I*4,'//
+     $        'BIGCAL_PROT_IX(BIGCAL_PROT_NHIT):I*4,'//
+     $        'BIGCAL_PROT_IY(BIGCAL_PROT_NHIT):I*4,'//
+     $        'BIGCAL_RCS_NHIT[0,720]:I*4,'//
+     $        'BIGCAL_RCS_IX(BIGCAL_RCS_NHIT):I*4,'//
+     $        'BIGCAL_RCS_IY(BIGCAL_RCS_NHIT):I*4,'//
+         call HBNAME(id,'bigcal_raw_atrig',bigcal_atrig_nhit,
+     $        'BIGCAL_ATRIG_NHIT[0,38]:I*4,'//
+     $        'BIGCAL_ATRIG_IGROUP(bigcal_atrig_nhit):I*4,'//
+     $        'BIGCAL_ATRIG_IHALF(bigcal_atrig_nhit):I*4,'//
+     $        'BIGCAL_ATRIG_ADC_RAW(bigcal_atrig_nhit):I*4')
+         call HBNAME(id,'bigcal_raw_ttrig',bigcal_ttrig_nhit,
+     $        'BIGCAL_TTRIG_NHIT[0,336]:I*4,'//
+     $        'BIGCAL_TTRIG_IGROUP(bigcal_ttrig_nhit):I*4,'//
+     $        'BIGCAL_TTRIG_IHALF(bigcal_ttrig_nhit):I*4,'//
+     $        'BIGCAL_TTRIG_TDC_RAW(bigcal_ttrig_nhit):I*4')
+         call HBNAME(id,'gen_event_info', gen_event_ID_number,
+     $        'gen_event_ID_number:I,gen_event_type:I,'//
+     $        'gen_event_class:I,gen_event_ROC_summary:I,'//
+     $        'gen_event_sequence_N:I,gen_event_trigtype(12):I')
+         call HBNAME(id,'BEAMCURRENT', gbcm1_gain,
+     &    'gbcm1_gain:R*8,gbcm2_gain:R*8,gbcm3_gain:R*8,gunser_gain:R*8'//
+     &    'gbcm1_offset:R*8,gbcm2_offset:R*8,gbcm3_offset:R*8,'//
+     &    'gunser_offset:R*8,'//
+     &    'gbcm1_charge:R*8,gbcm2_charge:R*8,gbcm3_charge:R*8,'//
+     &    'gunser_charge:R*8,'//
+     &    'gbcm1_charge_help:R*8,gbcm1_charge_helm:R*8,'//
+     &    'gbcm2_charge_help:R*8,gbcm2_charge_helm:R*8'//
+     &    'g_beam_on_bcm_charge(2):R*8,g_beam_on_bcm_charge_help(2):R*8'//
+     &    'g_beam_on_bcm_charge_helm(2):R*8,g_beam_on_thresh_cur(2):I*4'//
+     &    'gbcm1_index:I*4,gbcm2_index:I*4,gbcm3_index:I*4,'//
+     &    'gunser_index:I*4,bcm_for_threshold_cut:I*4,'//
+     &    'gscaler_event_num:I*4' )
+c Insert into a scalers ntuple 9504
+c     $    'tkscaler_skipped(32):R*8,tkscalernroll(32):I,'//
+c     $    'tkscaler_old(32):R*8,tkscaler_saved(32):R*8,'//
+c     $    'bcscaler(nbcscalers):R*8,'//
+c     $    'bcscaler_change(nbcscalers):R*8')
+c     $    'bcscaler_skipped(nbcscalers):R*8')
+c     $    'bcscaler_old(271):R*8,bcscaler_saved(271):R*8,'//
+c     $    'lucscaler(12):R*8,'//
+c     $    'lucscaler_change(12):R*8')
+c     $    'lucscaler_skipped(12):R*8,lucscalernroll(12):I,'//
+c     $    'lucscaler_old(12):R*8,lucscaler_saved(12):R*8')
+      call HBNAME(id,'TRIGGERTIME',T_trgHMS,
+     $     'T_trgHMS:R*4, T_trgBIG:R*4, T_trgPI0:R*4,'//
+     $     'T_trgBETA:R*4, T_trgCOIN1:R*4,T_trgCOIN2:R*4')
+      call HBNAME(id,'GEN_BEAM',GEBEAM,
+     $     'GEBEAM:I*4, GPBEAM:I*4, G_BEAM_TARGET_S:I*4,'//
+     $     'ncalls_calc_ped:I*4,gbeam_helicity:I*4,'//
+     $     'gbeam_helicity_ADC:I*4,gbeam_helicity_TS:I*4,'//
+     $     'GBEAM_X:R*4,GBEAM_Y:R*4,'//
+     $     'GBEAM_XP:R*4, GBEAM_YP:R*4,geloss:R*4')
+      call HBNT(id+1,'SCALERS1','')
+!       call HBNT(id+2,title//'Scalers2',' ')
+!       call HBNT(id+3,title//'Scalers3',' ')
+!       call HBNT(id+4,title//'Scalers4',' ')
+!       call HBNT(id+5,title//'Scalers5',' ')
+         call HBNAME(id+1,'SCALERS1',nbcscalers,
+     $    'nbcscalers[0,272]:I,runtime:R*8, runtimebeam:R*8,'//
+     $    'beamonruntime(2):R*8,beamonruntimehelp(2):R*8,'//
+     $    'beamonruntimehelm(2):R*8,cerscaler(12):R*8,'//
+     $    'cerscaler_change(12):R*8,'//
+c     $    'cerscaler_skipped(12):R*8,cerscalernroll(12):I,'//
+c     $    'cerscaler_old(12):R*8,cerscaler_saved(12):R*8,'//
+     $    'tkscaler(32):R*8,'//
+     $    'tkscaler_change(32):R*8')
+         call HBNAME(id+1,'gen_event_info', gen_event_ID_number,
+     $        'gen_event_ID_number:I,gen_event_type:I,'//
+     $        'gen_event_class:I,gen_event_ROC_summary:I,'//
+     $        'gen_event_sequence_N:I,gen_event_trigtype(12):I')
+        call HBNAME(id,'hmsblk',TH_HMS,'TH_HMS,PH_HMS,E_HMS,'//
+     $              'X_HMS,Y_HMS,dPel_HMS')
+        call HBNAME(id,'HMSINFO',hms_p,
+     $        'hms_p:R*4,hms_e:R*4,hms_theta:R*4,hms_phi:R*4,'//
+     $        'hsxfp_s:R*4,hsyfp_s:R*4,hsxpfp_s:R*4,hsypfp_s:R*4,'//
+     $        'hms_xtar:R*4,hms_ytar:R*4,hms_yptar:R*4,'//
+     $        'hms_xptar:R*4,hms_delta:R*4,hms_start:R*4,'//
+     $        'hsshtrk_s:R*4, hsshsum_s:R*4, hsbeta_s:R*4,'//
+     $        'hms_cer_npe1:R*4,hms_cer_npe2:R*4,'//
+     $        ' hms_cer_adc1:R*4,hms_cer_adc2:R*4')
+        call HBNAME(id,'RASTINFO',rast_x,
+     $        'rast_x:R*4,rast_y:R*4,'//
+     $        'slow_rast_x:R*4,slow_rast_y:R*4,'//
+     $        'sem_x:R*4,sem_y:R*4,'//
+     $        'i_helicity:I*4')
+c      call HBNAME(id,'HMSINFO',hms_p,
+c     $     'hms_p:R*4,hms_e:R*4,hms_theta:R*4,hms_phi:R*4,'//
+c     $     'hsxfp_s:R*4,hsyfp_s:R*4,hsxpfp_s:R*4,hsypfp_s:R*4,'//
+c     $     'hms_xtar:R*4,hms_ytar:R*4,hms_yptar:R*4,'//
+c     $     'hms_xptar:R*4,hms_delta:R*4,hms_start:R*4,'//
+c     $     'hsshtrk_s:R*4, hsshsum_s:R*4, hsbeta_s:R*4,'//
+c     $     'rast_x:R*4,rast_y:R*4,'//
+c     $     'slow_rast_x:R*4,slow_rast_y:R*4,'//
+c     $     'sem_x:R*4,sem_y:R*4,'//
+c     $     'i_helicity:I*4,'//
+c     $     'hms_cer_npe1:R*4,hms_cer_npe2:R*4,'//
+c     $     'hms_cer_adc1:R*4,hms_cer_adc2:R*4')
+      endif ! sane_ntuple_type.eq.9
+      call HCDIR(sane_ntuple_directory,'R') ! record ntuple directory
+      write(*,*)'SANE DIR ',sane_ntuple_directory
+      call HCDIR(directory,' ') !reset CERNLIB directory
+      sane_ntuple_exists = HEXIST(sane_ntuple_id)
+      abort = .not.sane_ntuple_exists
+      iv(1) = id
+      iv(2) = io
+      pat = 'Ntuple id#$ [' // sane_ntuple_directory // '/]' //
+     $     name // ' IO#$ "' // file // '"'
+      call G_build_note(pat,'$',iv,' ',rv,' ',msg)
+      call sub_string(msg,'/]','/]')
+      if(abort) then
+         err = 'unable to create '//msg
+         call G_add_path(here,err)
+      else
+         pat=':created '//msg
+         call G_add_path(here,pat)
+         call G_log_message('INFO: '//pat)
+      endif
+      return 
+      end
diff --git a/SANE/sane_ntup_register.f b/SANE/sane_ntup_register.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..85438c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SANE/sane_ntup_register.f
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+      subroutine sane_ntup_register(ABORT,err)
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*17 here
+      parameter(here='sane_ntuple_register')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      include 'b_ntuple.cmn'
+      include 'sane_ntuple.cmn'
+      include 'gen_routines.dec'
+      integer ierr
+      err=' '
+      abort=.false.
+      call G_reg_C('sane_ntuple',sane_ntuple_file,ABORT,err)
+      if(abort) then
+         call G_prepend(':unable to register-',err)
+         call G_add_path(here,err)
+      endif
+      return 
+      end
diff --git a/SANE/sane_ntup_shutdown.f b/SANE/sane_ntup_shutdown.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..86e44ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SANE/sane_ntup_shutdown.f
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+      subroutine sane_ntup_shutdown(ABORT,err)
+c     final shutdown of BigCal ntuple
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*17 here
+      parameter(here='sane_ntuple_shutdown')
+      logical abort
+      character*(*) err
+      include 'b_ntuple.cmn'
+      include 'sane_ntuple.cmn'
+      include 'gen_routines.dec'
+      logical fail
+      character*80 why,directory,name
+      character*1000 msg
+      integer io,id,cycle,m
+      err=' '
+      abort=.false.
+      if(.not.sane_ntuple_exists) return ! nothing to do
+      call sane_ntup_close(ABORT,err)
+      if(sane_ntuple_exists) then
+         abort=.true.
+      endif
+      sane_ntuple_ID=0
+      sane_ntuple_name=' '
+      sane_ntuple_file=' '
+      sane_ntuple_title=' '
+      sane_ntuple_size=0
+      do m=1,sanemax_ntuple_size
+         sane_ntuple_tag(m)=  ' '
+         sane_ntuple_contents(m) = 0.
+      enddo
+      if(abort) call G_add_path(here,err)
+      return 
+      end
diff --git a/SANE/sane_ntuple_keep.f b/SANE/sane_ntuple_keep.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d6733e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SANE/sane_ntuple_keep.f
@@ -0,0 +1,641 @@
+      subroutine sane_ntuple_keep(ABORT,err)
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*13 here
+      parameter(here='sane_ntuple_keep')
+      logical abort
+      character*(*) err
+      integer i,j,status(100,100),k,m
+      include 'b_ntuple.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_tof_parms.cmn'
+      include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_gain_parms.cmn'
+      include 'gen_event_info.cmn'
+      include 'gen_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'gep_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'sane_ntuple.cmn'
+      include 'sane_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'sem_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'h_ntuple.cmn'
+      include 'f1trigger_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'hms_calorimeter.cmn'
+      include 'gen_detectorids.par'
+      include 'gen_scalers.cmn'
+      include 'gen_run_info.cmn'
+      logical HEXIST ! CERNLIB function
+      integer t_sane,l_sane,cer_sane
+      integer icycle,inum,ihit
+      real*8 Eb,theta_big, phi_big!,ccx,ccy,ccz
+      real P_el(4),p_e,WW2
+      common/FAKEBIG/Eb,theta_big, phi_big
+      real*8 tcharge_old,tcharge_help_old,tcharge_helm_old 
+      real*8 charge2s_old,charge2s_help_old,charge2s_helm_old  
+      real*8 polarea_old ,polarization_old
+      integer*4 hel_p_scaler_old 
+      integer*4 hel_n_scaler_old 
+      integer*4 hel_p_trig_old 
+      integer*4 hel_n_trig_old 
+      real*8 dtime_p_old ,dtime_n_old 
+      real*4 half_plate_old 
+      common/SANEEV_old /
+     $     tcharge_old ,
+     $     charge2s_old ,
+     $     tcharge_help_old,charge2s_help_old,
+     $     tcharge_helm_old,charge2s_helm_old ,
+     $     polarea_old ,polarization_old,
+     $ 	   hel_p_scaler_old ,
+     $	    hel_n_scaler_old ,
+     $	    hel_p_trig_old ,
+     $	    hel_n_trig_old ,
+     $	    dtime_p_old ,dtime_n_old,half_plate_old 
+      real Mp
+      parameter(Mp=.938272)
+      err=' '
+      ABORT=.false.
+c      write(*,*)'Starting sane'
+c     INQUIRE(FILE="input.txt",EXIST=file_exist)
+c     write(*,*)file_exist
+      if( then
+         if( then
+            call sane_ntup_change(ABORT,err)
+            sane_ntuple_segmentevents=0
+         else 
+            sane_ntuple_segmentevents = sane_ntuple_segmentevents + 1
+         endif
+      endif
+      if(.not.sane_ntuple_exists) return
+      if(.not.charge_data_open.and.charge_ch)then
+         charge2s = gbcm1_charge-tcharge
+         tcharge = gbcm1_charge
+         charge2s_help = gbcm1_charge_help -tcharge_help 
+         tcharge_help  = gbcm1_charge_help 
+         charge2s_helm = gbcm1_charge_helm -tcharge_helm 
+         tcharge_helm  = gbcm1_charge_helm 
+c         write(*,*)'MMM'
+c      endif
+c      if(.not.charge_data_open.and.gscaler_change(538).ne.hel_p_scaler)then
+        hel_p_scaler=gscaler_change(538)
+c        hel_p_scaler= 0.985*gscaler_change(510)-gscaler_change(538)
+        hel_p_trig= g_hel_pos
+        dtime_p =1.
+        if(abs(hel_p_scaler).gt.0)then
+           dtime_p =float(g_hel_pos)/float(hel_p_scaler)
+        endif
+        call NANcheckF(dtime_p,0)
+        g_hel_pos =0
+c        write(*,*)'MMM P'
+c      endif
+c      if(.not.charge_data_open.and.gscaler_change(546).ne.hel_n_scaler)then
+        hel_n_scaler= 0.985*gscaler_change(510)-gscaler_change(538)
+        hel_n_trig= g_hel_neg
+        dtime_n=1
+        if(abs(hel_n_scaler).gt.0.0)then
+           dtime_n = float(g_hel_neg)/float(hel_n_scaler)
+        endif
+        call NANcheckF(dtime_n,0)
+        g_hel_neg =0
+c        write(*,*)'MMM N'
+      endif
+      if(polarization_data_open)then
+         polarea = polarea_old
+         polarization =polarization_old
+         half_plate =half_plate_old 
+      endif
+      if(charge_data_open)then
+         charge2s = charge2s_old 
+         tcharge = tcharge_old
+         charge2s_help = charge2s_help_old 
+         tcharge_help = tcharge_help_old
+         charge2s_helm = charge2s_helm_old 
+         tcharge_helm = tcharge_helm_old
+         hel_p_scaler = hel_p_scaler_old
+         hel_p_trig = hel_p_trig_old
+         dtime_p = dtime_p 
+         hel_n_scaler = hel_n_scaler_old
+         hel_n_trig = hel_n_trig_old
+         dtime_n = dtime_n_old
+c         if(abs(gbcm1_charge-tcharge).lt.0.001)charge_ch = .TRUE.
+      endif
+      if(polarization_data_open.and.gen_event_ID_number.eq.pol_id_change)then
+         read(polarization_data_unit,*,end=19)pol_id_change,polarea_old,polarization_old,half_plate_old 
+c          write(*,*)'HELP ',polarea_old 
+         polarea = polarea_old
+         polarization=polarization_old
+         half_plate =half_plate_old 
+         polarization_ch = .FALSE.
+      else if(.not.polarization_data_open.and.polarization_ch)then
+          write(polarization_data_unit,*)gen_event_ID_number,polarea ,polarization ,half_plate
+          polarization_ch = .FALSE.
+      endif
+      if(charge_data_open.and.gen_event_ID_number.eq.charge_id_change)then
+c         write(*,*)'HELP charge Had',tcharge,gbcm1_charge
+         read(charge_data_unit,*,end=18)
+     ,           charge_id_change,charge2s_old,tcharge_old,
+     ,           tcharge_help_old,charge2s_help_old,
+     ,           tcharge_helm_old,charge2s_helm_old ,
+     ,           hel_p_scaler_old,hel_p_trig_old,dtime_p_old,
+     ,           hel_n_scaler_old,hel_n_trig_old,dtime_n_old
+c         write(*,*)'HELP charge NOW',tcharge_old,gbcm1_charge
+         charge2s = charge2s_old 
+         tcharge = tcharge_old
+         charge2s_help = charge2s_help_old 
+         tcharge_help = tcharge_help_old
+         charge2s_helm = charge2s_helm_old 
+         tcharge_helm = tcharge_helm_old
+         hel_p_scaler = hel_p_scaler_old
+         hel_p_trig = hel_p_trig_old
+         dtime_p = dtime_p_old 
+         hel_n_scaler = hel_n_scaler_old
+         hel_n_trig = hel_n_trig_old
+         dtime_n = dtime_n_old
+         charge_ch = .FALSE.
+c        write(*,*)gbcm1_charge,tcharge
+      else if(.not.charge_data_open.and.charge_ch)then
+         write(charge_data_unit,*)
+     ,        gen_event_ID_number,charge2s,tcharge,
+     ,        tcharge_help,charge2s_help,
+     ,        tcharge_helm,charge2s_helm ,
+     >        hel_p_scaler,hel_p_trig,dtime_p,
+     ,        hel_n_scaler,hel_n_trig,dtime_n
+         charge_ch = .FALSE.
+      endif
+      call NANcheckF(polarization,3)
+c      write(*,*)'HALF PLATE ',half_plate
+c      if(charge_ch)then
+c         write(*,*)polarea,charge2s,tcharge,hel_n_trig,hel_p_trig,hel_p_scaler
+c      endif
+c      if(polarization_ch)then
+c         write(*,*)polarea,charge2s,tcharge,hel_n_trig,hel_p_trig,hel_p_scaler
+c      endif
+c      write(*,*)gbcm1_charge
+      T_trgHMS     = gmisc_dec_data(11,1)
+      call NANcheckF(T_trgHMS,3)
+      T_trgBIG     = gmisc_dec_data(12,1) 
+      call NANcheckF(T_trgBIG,3)
+      T_trgPI0     = gmisc_dec_data(13,1)
+      call NANcheckF(T_trgPI0,3)
+      T_trgBETA    = gmisc_dec_data(14,1)
+      call NANcheckF(T_trgBETA,3)
+      T_trgCOIN1   = gmisc_dec_data(15,1)
+      call NANcheckF(T_trgCOIN1,3)
+      T_trgCOIN2   = gmisc_dec_data(16,1)
+      call NANcheckF(T_trgCOIN2,3)
+cccccccccc Lucite Hodoscope
+      luc_hit = 0
+c      write(*,*) LUCITE_SANE_RAW_TDC_POS
+c      write(*,*) LUCITE_SANE_RAW_TDC_POS
+!      do i=1,LUCITE_SANE_RAW_TOT_HITS2 ! TDC hit counter for positive side
+c         if(LUCITE_SANE_RAW_COUNTER_NUM2(i).eq.7)write(*,*)7
+!         if(LUCITE_SANE_RAW_TDC_POS(i).gt.0)then
+!            do j=1,LUCITE_SANE_RAW_TOT_HITS3 !TDC hit counter for negative side
+c         if(LUCITE_SANE_RAW_COUNTER_NUM3(j).eq.7)write(*,*)72
+!               if ( luc_hit .lt. 90) then  ! check hard coded array max
+!               if(LUCITE_SANE_RAW_TDC_NEG(j).gt.0.and.
+!     ,              LUCITE_SANE_RAW_COUNTER_NUM2(i).eq.LUCITE_SANE_RAW_COUNTER_NUM3(j))then
+!                  luc_hit            =  luc_hit+1
+!                  luc_row(luc_hit)   =  LUCITE_SANE_RAW_COUNTER_NUM2(i)
+!                  ladc_pos(luc_hit)  =  LUCITE_SANE_RAW_ADC_POS(luc_row(luc_hit)) !- luc_ped_mean_pos(luc_row(luc_hit))
+!                  ladc_neg(luc_hit)  =  LUCITE_SANE_RAW_ADC_NEG(luc_row(luc_hit)) !- luc_ped_mean_neg(luc_row(luc_hit))
+!                  luc_y(luc_hit)     =  -82.35 + (luc_row(luc_hit)-1)*6.1
+!                  call NANcheck(luc_hit,LUCITE_SANE_ID)
+!                  call NANcheck(luc_row(luc_hit),LUCITE_SANE_ID)
+!                  call NANcheck(ladc_neg(luc_hit),LUCITE_SANE_ID)
+!                  call NANcheck(ladc_pos(luc_hit),LUCITE_SANE_ID)
+!                  call NANcheck(ltdc_neg(luc_hit),LUCITE_SANE_ID)
+!                  call NANcheck(ltdc_pos(luc_hit),LUCITE_SANE_ID)
+!                  call CORRECT_RAW_TIME_SANE(LUCITE_SANE_RAW_TDC_POS(i),ltdc_pos(luc_hit))
+!                  call CORRECT_RAW_TIME_SANE(LUCITE_SANE_RAW_TDC_NEG(j),ltdc_NEG(luc_hit))
+c                  call HFILL(10121, float(luc_row(luc_hit)), float(ltdc_pos(luc_hit)), 1.)
+c                  call HFILL(10122, float(luc_row(luc_hit)), float(ltdc_neg(luc_hit)), 1.)
+c                  call HFILL(10125, float(luc_row(luc_hit)), float(ladc_pos(luc_hit)), 1.)
+c                  call HFILL(10126, float(luc_row(luc_hit)), float(ladc_neg(luc_hit)), 1.)
+!                  LUCITE_SANE_RAW_TDC_NEG(j) = 0
+!               endif
+!               endif
+!            enddo
+!            LUCITE_SANE_RAW_TDC_POS(i) = 0
+!         endif
+!      enddo
+c      write(*,*)'LUC sane done'
+         if(LUCITE_SANE_RAW_TDC_POS(i).gt.0)then
+                luc_hit            =  luc_hit+1
+                luc_row(luc_hit)   =  LUCITE_SANE_RAW_COUNTER_NUM2(i)
+                ladc_pos(luc_hit)  =  LUCITE_SANE_RAW_ADC_POS(luc_row(luc_hit)) - luc_ped_mean_pos(luc_row(luc_hit))
+                ladc_neg(luc_hit)  =  -100000
+                call CORRECT_RAW_TIME_SANE(LUCITE_SANE_RAW_TDC_POS(i),ltdc_pos(luc_hit))
+                ltdc_NEG(luc_hit)  =  -100000
+                LUCITE_SANE_RAW_TDC_POS(i) = 0
+c                call HFILL(10121, float(luc_row(luc_hit)), float(ltdc_pos(luc_hit)), 1.)
+c                call HFILL(10125, float(luc_row(luc_hit)), float(ladc_pos(luc_hit)), 1.)
+         endif
+      enddo
+         if(LUCITE_SANE_RAW_TDC_NEG(i).gt.0)then
+                luc_hit            =  luc_hit+1
+                luc_row(luc_hit)   =  LUCITE_SANE_RAW_COUNTER_NUM3(i)
+                ladc_neg(luc_hit)  =  LUCITE_SANE_RAW_ADC_NEG(luc_row(luc_hit)) - luc_ped_mean_pos(luc_row(luc_hit))
+                ladc_pos(luc_hit)  =  -100000
+                call CORRECT_RAW_TIME_SANE(LUCITE_SANE_RAW_TDC_NEG(i),ltdc_neg(luc_hit))
+                ltdc_POS(luc_hit)  =  -100000
+                LUCITE_SANE_RAW_TDC_NEG(i) = 0
+c                call HFILL(10122, float(luc_row(luc_hit)), float(ltdc_neg(luc_hit)), 1.)
+c                call HFILL(10126, float(luc_row(luc_hit)), float(ladc_neg(luc_hit)), 1.)
+         endif
+      enddo
+cccccccccc End Lucite Hodoscope
+cc InSANE SCALERS cccccccccccccccc
+c     Cherenkov Scalers 6*12=72
+c     Cherenkov Scalers start at 519
+      do i=1,12
+        cerscalernroll(i)=gscaler_nroll(518+i)
+        cerscaler(i)=gscaler(518+i)
+        cerscaler_change(i)=gscaler_change(518+i)
+        cerscaler_old(i)=gscaler_old(518+i)
+        cerscaler_skipped(i)=gscaler_skipped(518+i)
+        cerscaler_saved(i)=gscaler_saved(518+i)
+      enddo
+c     Hodoscope Scalers 6*56*2 = 672 
+C     Hodoscope Scalers start at??????
+      do i=1,12
+        lucscalernroll(i)=gscaler_nroll(518+i)
+        lucscaler(i)=gscaler(518+i)
+        lucscaler_change(i)=gscaler_change(518+i)
+        lucscaler_old(i)=gscaler_old(518+i)
+        lucscaler_skipped(i)=gscaler_skipped(518+i)
+        lucscaler_saved(i)=gscaler_saved(518+i)
+      enddo
+c     Bigcal scalers 6*271=1626
+c     Bigcal scalers start at index 271
+      nbcscalers=272
+      do i=1,272
+        bcscalernroll(i)=gscaler_nroll(230+i)
+        bcscaler(i)=gscaler(230+i)
+        bcscaler_change(i)=gscaler_change(230+i)
+        bcscaler_old(i)=gscaler_old(230+i)
+        bcscaler_skipped(i)=gscaler_skipped(230+i)
+        bcscaler_saved(i)=gscaler_saved(230+i)
+      enddo
+c     Forward Tracker scalers 32*6=192
+c     Forward Tracker scalers start at index 550
+      do i=1,32
+        tkscalernroll(i)=gscaler_nroll(550+i)
+        tkscaler(i)=gscaler(550+i)
+        tkscaler_change(i)=gscaler_change(550+i)
+        tkscaler_old(i)=gscaler_old(550+i)
+        tkscaler_skipped(i)=gscaler_skipped(550+i)
+        tkscaler_saved(i)=gscaler_saved(550+i)
+      enddo
+c    Total BETA Detector Scalers = 2562
+cc END InSANE SCALERS ccccccccccc
+ccccccc Cherenkov 
+      cer_hit = 0
+c      write(*,*)'c, ',CERENKOV_SANE_RAW_COUNTER_NUM
+c      write(*,*)'a, ' ,CERENKOV_SANE_RAW_ADC
+         if(CERENKOV_SANE_RAW_TDC(i).gt.0)then
+            cer_hit         =  cer_hit+1
+            cer_num(cer_hit)   =  CERENKOV_SANE_RAW_COUNTER_NUM2(i)
+            call CORRECT_RAW_TIME_SANE(CERENKOV_SANE_RAW_TDC(i),cer_tdc(cer_hit))
+            cer_adcc(cer_hit) = CERENKOV_SANE_RAW_ADC(cer_num(cer_hit))-cer_sane_ped_mean(cer_num(cer_hit))
+            call HFILL(10111,float(cer_num(cer_hit)),float(cer_TDC(cer_hit)), 1.)
+            call NANcheck(cer_hit,CERENKOV_SANE_ID)
+            call NANcheck(cer_num(cer_hit),CERENKOV_SANE_ID)
+            call NANcheck(cer_adcc(cer_hit),CERENKOV_SANE_ID2)
+            call NANcheck(cer_tdc(cer_hit),CERENKOV_SANE_ID)
+c            if ( then
+c               call HFILL(10500+cer_num(cer_hit),float(cer_adcc(cer_hit)),float(cer_tdc(cer_hit)),1.)
+c            endif
+         endif
+      enddo
+c         write(*,*)CERENKOV_SANE_RAW_TOT_HITS2,' ',
+       ceradc_hit = 0
+         if (ceradc_hit .le. 15) then
+            ceradc_hit = ceradc_hit + 1
+            ceradc_num(ceradc_hit)   =  CERENKOV_SANE_RAW_COUNTER_NUM(i)
+            cer_adc(ceradc_hit)   =  CERENKOV_SANE_RAW_ADC(ceradc_num(ceradc_hit))-cer_sane_ped_mean(ceradc_num(ceradc_hit))
+            call NANcheck(ceradc_hit,CERENKOV_SANE_ID2)
+            call NANcheck(ceradc_num(ceradc_hit),CERENKOV_SANE_ID2)
+            call NANcheck(cer_adc(ceradc_hit),CERENKOV_SANE_ID2)
+            call HFILL(10112,float(ceradc_num(ceradc_hit)),float(cer_adc(ceradc_hit)), 1.)
+         endif
+       enddo
+c      write(*,*)'Cer sane done'
+      x1t_hit         =  0
+      if( go to 10
+         if(TRACKER_SANE_RAW_TDC_X(i).gt.0)then
+            x1t_hit         =  x1t_hit+1
+            x1t_row(x1t_hit)   =  TRACKER_SANE_RAW_COUNTER_X(i)
+            call CORRECT_RAW_TIME_SANE(TRACKER_SANE_RAW_TDC_X(i),x1t_tdc(x1t_hit))
+            x1t_x(x1t_hit)     =  -12.32+0.37422*(x1t_row(x1t_hit)-1)
+            call HFILL(10100,float(x1t_row(x1t_hit)),float(x1t_tdc(x1t_hit)),1.) 
+            call NANcheck(x1t_hit,TRACKER_SANE_X_ID)
+            call NANcheck(x1t_row(x1t_hit),TRACKER_SANE_X_ID)
+            call NANcheck(x1t_tdc(x1t_hit),TRACKER_SANE_X_ID)
+         endif
+      enddo
+      y1t_hit=0
+      y2t_hit=0
+c      write(*,*)gen_event_ID_number,TRACKER_SANE_RAW_TOT_HITS_Y
+         if(TRACKER_SANE_RAW_TDC_Y(i).lt.67000.and.
+     ,        TRACKER_SANE_RAW_TDC_Y(i).gt.0)then
+            if(TRACKER_SANE_RAW_COUNTER_Y(i).lt.129)then
+               y1t_hit            =  y1t_hit + 1 
+c               write(*,*)'Tracker TDC', y1t_hit,TRACKER_SANE_RAW_TDC_Y(i)
+               if( go to 20
+               y1t_row(y1t_hit)   =  TRACKER_SANE_RAW_COUNTER_Y(i)
+               call CORRECT_RAW_TIME_SANE(TRACKER_SANE_RAW_TDC_Y(i),y1t_tdc(y1t_hit))
+               y1t_y(y1t_hit)     =  -22.225+(y1t_row(y1t_hit)-1)*0.35
+               call HFILL(10101,float(y1t_row(y1t_hit)),float(y1t_tdc(y1t_hit)),1.) 
+               call NANcheck(y1t_hit,TRACKER_SANE_Y_ID)
+               call NANcheck(y1t_row(y1t_hit),TRACKER_SANE_Y_ID)
+               call NANcheck(y1t_tdc(y1t_hit),TRACKER_SANE_Y_ID)
+             else if(TRACKER_SANE_RAW_COUNTER_Y(i).lt.257)then
+               y2t_hit            =  y2t_hit + 1 
+               if( go to 20
+               y2t_row(y2t_hit)   =  TRACKER_SANE_RAW_COUNTER_Y(i)-128
+               call CORRECT_RAW_TIME_SANE(TRACKER_SANE_RAW_TDC_Y(i),y2t_tdc(y2t_hit))
+               y2t_y(y2t_hit)     =  -22.4+(y2t_row(y2t_hit)-1)*0.35
+               call HFILL(10102,float(y2t_row(y2t_hit)),float(y2t_tdc(y2t_hit)),1.) 
+               call NANcheck(y2t_hit,TRACKER_SANE_Y_ID)
+               call NANcheck(y2t_row(y2t_hit),TRACKER_SANE_Y_ID)
+               call NANcheck(y2t_tdc(y2t_hit),TRACKER_SANE_Y_ID)
+            endif
+         endif
+ 20      CONTINUE
+      enddo
+c      write(*,*)'TRACK sane done'
+c          do inum=1,nclust
+c         enddo
+             hms_p = 0
+      if(
+c         write(*,*)HSNUM_FPTRACK,hsp,hstheta
+         hms_p        = hsp	
+         call NANcheckF(hms_p,4)
+         hms_e        = hsenergy
+         call NANcheckF(hms_e,4)
+         hms_theta    = hstheta
+         call NANcheckF(hms_theta,4)
+         hms_phi      = hsphi
+         call NANcheckF(hms_phi,4)
+         hsxfp_s      = hsx_fp
+         call NANcheckF(hsxfp_s,4)
+         hsyfp_s      = hsy_fp
+         call NANcheckF(hsyfp_s,4)
+         hsxpfp_s     = hsxp_fp
+         call NANcheckF(hsxpfp_s,4)
+         hsypfp_s     = hsyp_fp
+         call NANcheckF(hsypfp_s,4)
+         hms_xtar     = hsx_tar*100
+         call NANcheckF(hms_xtar,4)
+         hms_ytar     = hsy_tar*100
+         call NANcheckF(hms_ytar,4)
+c         write(*,*)hms_ytar,hsy_tar
+         hms_yptar    = hsyp_tar
+         call NANcheckF(hms_yptar,4)
+         hms_xptar    = hsxp_tar
+c         write(*,*)hms_yptar,hms_xptar
+         call NANcheckF(hms_xptar,4)
+         hms_delta    = hsdelta
+         call NANcheckF(hms_delta,4)
+         hms_start    = hstart_time
+         call NANcheck(hms_start,4)
+         hsshtrk_s    = HSTRACK_ET
+         call NANcheckF(hsshtrk_s,4)
+         hsshsum_s    = hsshsum
+         call NANcheckF(hsshsum_s,4)
+         hsbeta_s     = hsbeta 
+         call NANcheckF(hsbeta_s,4)
+         hms_cer_npe1 = hcer_npe(1)
+         call NANcheckF(hms_cer_npe1,4)
+         hms_cer_npe2 = hcer_npe(2)
+         call NANcheckF(hms_cer_npe2,4)
+         hms_cer_adc1 = hcer_adc(1) 
+         call NANcheckF(hms_cer_adc1,4)
+         hms_cer_adc2 = hcer_adc(2)
+         call NANcheckF(hms_cer_adc2,4)
+         call HFILL(10302,X_HMS,Y_HMS,1.)
+c         if(nclust.eq.1)then
+         do i=1,nclust
+!             call HFILL(10300,X_HMS,xclust(i)+Bigcal_SHIFT(1),1.) 
+!             call HFILL(10304,X_HMS-Xclust(i),Y_HMS-Yclust(i),1.)
+!             call HFILL(10301,Y_HMS,Yclust(i)+Bigcal_SHIFT(2),1.) 
+c            write(*,*)Bigcal_SHIFT(1),Bigcal_SHIFT(2)
+               if(abs(X_HMS-xclust(i)-Bigcal_SHIFT(1)).lt.10.and.
+     ,              abs(Y_HMS-Yclust(i)-Bigcal_SHIFT(2)).lt.10)then
+c                  write(*,*)'Slow raster ',gsrx_calib,gsry_calib
+c                  write(*,*)'HMS raster ',hms_xtar,hms_ytar
+!                   call HFILL(10303,Xclust(i)+Bigcal_SHIFT(1),Yclust(i)+Bigcal_SHIFT(2),1.)
+!                   call HFILL(10310,hms_delta,hms_yptar ,1.)
+!                   call HFILL(10311,hms_delta,hms_xptar ,1.)
+!                   call HFILL(10312,dpel_hms,hms_yptar ,1.)
+!                   call HFILL(10313,dpel_hms,hms_xptar ,1.)
+!                   call HFILL(10315,dpel_hms,hms_ytar ,1.)
+!                   call HFILL(10314,dpel_hms,hms_xtar ,1.)
+!                   call HF1(10321,0.006*hms_delta+0.01-hms_yptar,1.)
+                  P_e = hms_p
+                  P_el(1) = p_e*sin(hms_theta)*cos(HMS_phi)
+                  P_el(2) = p_e*sin(hms_theta)*sin(HMS_phi)
+                  P_el(3) = p_e*cos(hms_theta)
+                  P_el(4) = hms_e
+                  ww2 = (GEBEAM+Mp-P_el(4))**2-
+     ,                 (P_el(1)**2+p_el(2)**2+(GEBEAM-p_el(3))**2)
+c                  write(*,*)ww2
+!                   call HF1(10322,ww2,1.)
+!                   call HFILL(10323,ww2,hms_yptar,1.)
+!                   call HFILL(10324,ww2,hms_xtar,1.)
+               endif
+         enddo
+c         endif
+      endif
+      rast_x       = gfry_raw_adc
+      call NANcheckF(rast_x,3)
+      rast_y       = gfrx_raw_adc
+      call NANcheckF(rast_y,3)
+      i_helicity   = gbeam_helicity
+      call NANcheck(i_helicity,3)
+!       write(*,*)'i_helicity',i_helicity
+c      if(sane_ntuple_type.eq.1)then
+         slow_rast_x  = gsrx_calib
+         call NANcheckF(gsrx_raw_adc,3)
+         slow_rast_y  = gsry_calib
+         call NANcheckF(gsry_raw_adc,3)
+c      else 
+c         slow_rast_x  = gsrx_raw_adc
+c         call NANcheckF(gsrx_raw_adc,3)
+c         slow_rast_y  = gsry_raw_adc
+c         call NANcheckF(gsry_raw_adc,3)
+c      endif
+      call HFILL(10215,gsry_raw_adc,gsrx_raw_adc, 1.)
+      call HFILL(10216,gsrx_calib,gsry_calib, 1.)
+      if(
+                  call HFILL(10316,slow_rast_y,-hms_xtar ,1.)
+                  call HFILL(10317,slow_rast_x,hms_ytar ,1.)
+      endif
+      call NANcheckF(gsry_raw_adc,3)
+      sem_x        = -ntbpmx/10.
+      call NANcheckF(sem_x,3)
+      sem_y        = ntbpmy/10.
+      call NANcheckF(sem_y,3)
+      call HFILL(10214,sem_x,sem_y, 1.)
+      n_clust = nclust
+      do i =1,  n_clust
+          call Bigcal_Betta(i)
+          call icer(i)
+c          call Bigcal_Betta(i)
+          call tracker(i)
+          call TrackerCoordnate(i)
+          call GeometryMatch(i)
+          call Lucite(i)
+         do j=1, ncellclust(i)
+            call HFILL(10200,float(ixcell(j,i)),float(iycell(j,i)), 1.)
+         enddo
+c         if(sane_ntuple_type.eq.1)then
+c            n_clust = nclust
+c            call Lucite(i)
+c         endif
+      enddo
+c      write(*,*)'Sane is Done'
+      abort=.not.HEXIST(sane_ntuple_ID)
+      if(abort) then
+         call G_build_note(':Ntuple ID#$ does not exist',
+     $        '$',sane_ntuple_ID,' ',0.,' ',err)
+         call G_add_path(here,err)
+      else 
+         icycle=999999
+         call HFNT(sane_ntuple_ID)
+         if(sane_ntuple_type.eq.9) then 
+           call HFNT(sane_ntuple_ID+1)
+c           call HFNT(sane_ntuple_ID+2)
+c           call HFNT(sane_ntuple_ID+3)
+c           call HFNT(sane_ntuple_ID+4)
+c           call HFNT(sane_ntuple_ID+5)
+         endif
+      endif
+      return 
+  18   write(*,*)'HELP charge error',charge2s,gbcm1_charge
+       return
+ 19    write(*,*)'HELP Polarization error'
+       return
+      end
+      include 'sane_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'f1trigger_data_structures.cmn'
+c     Function arguments are RAW_TDC -raw TDC value
+c     and CORRECTED_TDC -Corrected by Trigger time and rolover time 
+c     MAKE SURE TO Include correct parameter files
+      integer*4 RAW_TDC, CORRECTED_TDC, f1trigmax
+      save
+c find largest value of trigger time, to check rollover
+     >        SANE_TRIGGER_COUNTER) .gt.f1trigmax) then
+        write(6,'('' SANE trigger time max='',i8)')
+     >        SANE_TRIGGER_COUNTER)
+        f1trigmax = 
+     >        SANE_TRIGGER_COUNTER)
+      endif
+      if(
+         CORRECTED_TDC =  RAW_TDC - 
+c     Taking care of ROLOVER For positive TDC
+         if(
+         if(
+      else
+         CORRECTED_TDC =0
+      endif 
+      end
+      subroutine NANcheck(l,did)
+      integer*4 l
+      integer did
+      if(
+         l=0
+c         write(*,*)did
+      endif
+      end
+      subroutine NANcheckF(l,did)
+      real*4 l
+      integer did
+      if(
+         l=0
+c         write(*,*)did
+      endif
+      end
diff --git a/SANE/sane_physics.f b/SANE/sane_physics.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..216dba5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SANE/sane_physics.f
@@ -0,0 +1,1248 @@
+      subroutine Bigcal_Betta(inum)
+      include 'bigcal_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'sane_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'b_ntuple.cmn'
+      include 'sane_ntuple.cmn'
+      include 'gen_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'gen_run_info.cmn'
+      integer inum
+      real*4 Vector(3),Vector_r(3)
+      real*4  coorX, coorY
+      real*4 coorX1,coorX3,coorY1,coorY3
+      real*8 Eb,theta_big, phi_big!,shift,ccx,ccy,ccz, emax,jmax
+      common/FAKEBIG/Eb,theta_big, phi_big
+      integer ixmax,iymax
+c      real Etot3pm,Etot3mp,Etot3mm,Etot3pp,Etot,etot9
+      real xmomsqr,xmom,xmomsq,ymomsqr,ymom,ymomsq
+      real Emt,Etot,etot9,xx(5,5),yy(5,5),eyx(5,5)
+*      double precision VectorN(12)
+      double precision VectorN(27)
+      double precision COORE,coorX2,coorY2
+      integer jmax
+      real emax
+      common/EBL/jmax,emax
+      double precision FixX,FixY,FixE
+      common/SNEU/FixX,FixY,FixE
+      real temp_phi,temp_th
+      double precision sane_n100xye      
+c     Call for NeuralParam subroutine which prepares the input parameters for Neural network
+      call       NueralParam(inum,ixmax,iymax,jmax,etot,
+     ,     XX,YY,Eyx)    
+*          call NueralParam(inum,Emax,Emt,Etot9,Etot,
+*     ,        xmomsqr,xmom,xmomsq,ymomsqr,ymom,ymomsq,
+*     ,        ixmax,iymax,jmax,XX,YY)    
+c     Set the input vector for Neural Network
+c     25 -energies from 5x5 cluster
+c     and position of max energy cluster
+         VectorN(1)   = eyx(1,1)
+         VectorN(2)   = eyx(2,1)
+         VectorN(3)   = eyx(3,1)
+         VectorN(4)   = eyx(4,1)
+         VectorN(5)   = eyx(5,1)
+         VectorN(6)   = eyx(1,2)
+         VectorN(7)   = eyx(2,2)
+         VectorN(8)   = eyx(3,2)
+         VectorN(9)   = eyx(4,2)
+         VectorN(10)  = eyx(5,2)
+         VectorN(11)  = eyx(1,3)
+         VectorN(12)  = eyx(2,3)
+         VectorN(13)  = eyx(3,3)
+         VectorN(14)  = eyx(4,3)
+         VectorN(15)  = eyx(5,3)
+         VectorN(16)  = eyx(1,4)
+         VectorN(17)  = eyx(2,4)
+         VectorN(18)  = eyx(3,4)
+         VectorN(19)  = eyx(4,4)
+         VectorN(20)  = eyx(5,4)
+         VectorN(21)  = eyx(1,5)
+         VectorN(22)  = eyx(2,5)
+         VectorN(23)  = eyx(3,5)
+         VectorN(24)  = eyx(4,5)
+         VectorN(25)  = eyx(5,5)
+         VectorN(26) = DBLE(ixmax)
+         VectorN(27) =DBLE(iymax)
+c     sane_n100xye(VectorN,n) -is neural network function 
+c     if n=0 -correction for x
+c        n=1 -correction for y
+c        n=2 -correction for energy
+            COORX2 = sane_n100xye(VectorN,0)
+            COORY2 = sane_n100xye(VectorN,1)
+            COORE  = sane_n100xye(VectorN,2)
+c     Calculations of final coordinate and energy of the cluster at z=335
+      x_clust(inum) = xcell(jmax,inum)+coorX2
+      Y_clust(inum) = ycell(jmax,inum)+coorY2
+      xclust(inum) = x_clust(inum)
+      yclust(inum) = Y_clust(inum)
+c      write(*,*)iycell(jmax,inum),ycell(jmax,inum),y_clust(inum)
+      if(ncellclust(inum).gt.6)then
+         call HFILL(10227,y_clust(inum),Y_clust(inum)-yclust(inum),1.)
+      endif
+      Z_clust(inum) = Bigcal_SHIFT(3) !to be 335 cm 
+      E_clust(inum) = Etot+COORE
+      eclust(inum)  = e_clust(inum)
+c     Obtaining the coordinates in Lab system
+      Vector(1)         = x_clust(inum)
+      Vector(2)         = y_clust(inum)
+      Vector(3)         = Z_clust(inum)
+      call ROTATE(Vector,0.,-Bigcal_SHIFT(4)*3.1415926536/180.,0.,Vector_r)
+      X_clust_r(inum) =  Vector_r(1)
+      Y_clust_r(inum) =  Vector_r(2)
+      Z_clust_r(inum) =  Vector_r(3)
+c     Cheching for NAN
+      call NANcheckF(E_clust(inum),33)
+      call NANcheckF(x_clust(inum),33)
+      call NANcheckF(y_clust(inum),33)
+      call NANcheckF(Z_clust(inum),33)
+      call NANcheckF(X_clust_r(inum),33)
+      call NANcheckF(Y_clust_r(inum),33)
+      call NANcheckF(Z_clust_r(inum),33)
+c     Calling cerenkov for info
+      call icer(inum)
+cc     OBTAIN Angles THeta and Phi Assuming the particle was Electron
+c     Angles are in degree
+      if(cer_h(inum).gt.0)then
+c     If cerenkov fired use electron corrections
+         call CORRECT_ANGLES(
+     ,        X_clust_r(inum),
+     ,        Y_clust_r(inum)-Bigcal_SHIFT(2),
+     ,        Z_clust_r(inum),E_clust(inum),
+     ,        SANE_IF_ELECTRON_ANGLE_PHI,1,slow_rast_x,slow_rast_y)
+      else
+c     else use photon corrections
+         call CORRECT_ANGLES(
+     ,        X_clust_r(inum),
+     ,        Y_clust_r(inum)-Bigcal_SHIFT(2),
+     ,        Z_clust_r(inum),E_clust(inum),
+     ,        SANE_IF_ELECTRON_ANGLE_PHI,0,slow_rast_x,slow_rast_y)
+      endif
+c     Fill and check for NAN  theta_e and phi_e ntuple variables
+      Theta_e(inum) = SANE_IF_ELECTRON_ANGLE_THETA
+      Phi_e(inum) = SANE_IF_ELECTRON_ANGLE_PHI
+      call NANcheckF(Theta_e(inum),33)
+      call NANcheckF(Phi_e(inum),33)
+c                           write(*,*)inum,x_clust(inum),xclust(inum),ixcell(jmax,inum),xcell(jmax,inum)
+      end
+c      real function ener(e)
+c      real e
+c      ener=e
+c      end
+c     Tracker
+      subroutine tracker(inum) ! inum -cluster number ! 
+      include 'bigcal_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'sane_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'b_ntuple.cmn'
+      include 'sane_ntuple.cmn'
+      real*4 X_trc_r(20,maxcl)
+      real*4 Y1_trc_r(20,maxcl)
+      real*4 Y2_trc_r(20,maxcl)
+      real*4 Z_trc_r(20,maxcl)
+      real*4 Z1_trc_r(20,maxcl)
+      real*4 Z2_trc_r(20,maxcl)
+      integer x1t_stat,y1t_stat,y2t_stat
+      integer i,inum
+      integer i4,itrig
+      logical cut1,cut2
+      common /B_TIME_SHIFT/i4,itrig
+      x1t_stat = 0
+      y1t_stat = 0
+      y2t_stat = 0
+      trc_hx(inum) =0
+c     Geometrical matching
+c      write(*,*)'Tracker Start X',nclust
+c      write(*,*)ixcell(1,inum),iycell(1,inum),ncellclust(inum)
+c     Do the tracking only for particles wth cerenkov
+      if(cer_h(inum).ge.0 .and. i4 .gt. 0)then
+         do i=1,x1t_hit
+c     for Some runs part of bigcal had timing shift. if this shift is there then correct for it
+            x1t_tdc(i)=x1t_tdc(i)-BIG_TIME_SHIFT_CH(i4)
+c     Very wide geometrical cut
+            cut1 = .FALSE.
+            cut1 = abs(x1t_tdc(i)-TRACKER_SANE_XCALIBRATION(x1t_row(i))).lt.
+     ,           TRACKER_SANE_XSIGMA(x1t_row(i))
+            cut2 = .FALSE.
+c     Define cuts for tracker
+            if(BIG_TIME_SHIFT_CH(9).ne.0)then
+               cut2 = abs(x1t_tdc(i)-BIG_TIME_SHIFT_CH(9)-TRACKER_SANE_XCALIBRATION(x1t_row(i))).lt.
+     ,           TRACKER_SANE_XSIGMA(x1t_row(i))
+            endif
+c                  call HFILL(10103,float(x1t_row(i)),float(x1t_tdc(i)),1.)
+            if(cut1.or.cut2)then
+               call HFILL(10106,x1t_x(i)-TrackerX_SHIFT(1),TrackerX_SHIFT(3)/Bigcal_SHIFT(3)*
+     ,              (xclust(inum))-Bigcal_SHIFT(1),1.)
+               if(cer_h(inum).gt.0)then
+                  call HFILL(10103,float(x1t_row(i)),float(x1t_tdc(i)),1.)
+               endif
+            endif
+c     Apply the riming cuts with geometrical cut
+            IF(abs(x1t_x(i)-TrackerX_SHIFT(1)-
+     ,           TrackerX_SHIFT(3)/(Bigcal_SHIFT(3))*
+     ,           (x_clust(inum)-Bigcal_SHIFT(1)) ).lt.2.)then
+c     TDC CUT
+               if(cut1.or.cut2)then
+                  x1t_stat = x1t_stat+1
+                  trc_hx(inum) = x1t_stat
+                  if(
+                     X_trc(trc_hx(inum),inum)  = x1t_x(i)-TrackerX_SHIFT(1)
+                     X_trc_r(trc_hx(inum),inum)  = 0
+                     Z_trc_r(trc_hx(inum),inum)  = 0
+                     call NANcheckF(X_trc(trc_hx(inum),inum),35)
+                     Z_trc(trc_hx(inum),inum)  = TrackerX_SHIFT(3)
+                  endif
+               endif
+            ENDIF
+         enddo
+c      write(*,*)'Tracker Start Y1'
+         trc_hy1(inum) =0
+         do i=1,y1t_hit
+            y1t_tdc(i)=y1t_tdc(i)-BIG_TIME_SHIFT_CH(i4)
+c     Very wide geometrical cut
+            cut1 = .FALSE.
+            cut1 = abs(y1t_tdc(i)-TRACKER_SANE_Y1CALIBRATION(y1t_row(i))).lt.
+     ,           TRACKER_SANE_Y1SIGMA(y1t_row(i))
+            cut2 = .FALSE.
+            if(BIG_TIME_SHIFT_CH(9).ne.0)then
+               cut2 = abs(y1t_tdc(i)-BIG_TIME_SHIFT_CH(9)-TRACKER_SANE_Y1CALIBRATION(y1t_row(i))).lt.
+     ,              TRACKER_SANE_Y1SIGMA(y1t_row(i))
+            endif
+            if(cut1.or.cut2)then
+               call HFILL(10107,y1t_y(i)-TrackerY1_SHIFT(2),TrackerY1_SHIFT(3)/Bigcal_SHIFT(3)*
+     ,              (y_clust(inum))-Bigcal_SHIFT(2),1.)
+               if(cer_h(inum).gt.0)then
+                  call HFILL(10104,float(y1t_row(i)),float(y1t_tdc(i)),1.)
+               endif
+            endif
+            IF(abs(y1t_y(i)-TrackerY1_SHIFT(2)-
+     ,           TrackerY1_SHIFT(3)/(Bigcal_SHIFT(3))*
+     ,           (y_clust(inum)-Bigcal_SHIFT(2))).lt.2.)then
+c     TDC CUT
+               if(cut1.or.cut2)then
+                  y1t_stat = y1t_stat +1
+                  trc_hy1(inum) = y1t_stat
+                  if(
+                     Y1_trc(trc_hy1(inum),inum)  = y1t_y(i)-TrackerY1_SHIFT(2)
+                     Y1_trc_r(trc_hy1(inum),inum)  = 0
+                      Z1_trc_r(trc_hy1(inum),inum)  = 0
+                     call NANcheckF(Y1_trc(trc_hy1(inum),inum),35)
+                     Z1_trc(trc_hy1(inum),inum)  = TrackerY1_SHIFT(3)
+                  endif
+               endif
+            ENDIF
+         enddo
+         trc_hy2(inum) =0
+c      write(*,*)'Tracker Start Y2'
+         do i=1,y2t_hit
+            y2t_tdc(i)=y2t_tdc(i)-BIG_TIME_SHIFT_CH(i4)
+c     Very wide geometrical cut
+            cut1 = .FALSE.
+            cut1 = abs(y2t_tdc(i)-TRACKER_SANE_Y2CALIBRATION(y2t_row(i))).lt.
+     ,           TRACKER_SANE_Y2SIGMA(y2t_row(i))
+            cut2 = .FALSE.
+            if(BIG_TIME_SHIFT_CH(9).ne.0)then
+               cut2 = abs(y2t_tdc(i)-BIG_TIME_SHIFT_CH(9)-TRACKER_SANE_Y2CALIBRATION(y2t_row(i))).lt.
+     ,              TRACKER_SANE_Y2SIGMA(y2t_row(i))
+            endif
+            if(cut1.or.cut2)then
+               call HFILL(10108,y2t_y(i)-TrackerY2_SHIFT(2),TrackerY2_SHIFT(3)/Bigcal_SHIFT(3)*
+     ,              (y_clust(inum))-Bigcal_SHIFT(2),1.)
+               call HFILL(10109,float(y2t_row(i)),TrackerY2_SHIFT(3)/Bigcal_SHIFT(3)*
+     ,              (y_clust(inum))-Bigcal_SHIFT(2),1.)
+               if(cer_h(inum).gt.0)then
+                  call HFILL(10105,float(y2t_row(i)),float(y2t_tdc(i)),1.) 
+               endif
+            endif
+c            write(*,*)y2t_tdc(i),TRACKER_SANE_Y2CALIBRATION(y2t_row(i)),TRACKER_SANE_Y1SIGMA(y1t_row(i))
+            IF(abs(y2t_y(i)-TrackerY2_SHIFT(2)-
+     ,           TrackerY2_SHIFT(3)/(Bigcal_SHIFT(3))*
+     ,           (y_clust(inum)-Bigcal_SHIFT(2))).lt.2.)then
+c     TDC CUT
+               if(cut1.or.cut2)then
+                  y2t_stat = y2t_stat +1
+                  trc_hy2(inum) = y2t_stat
+                  if(
+                     Y2_trc(trc_hy2(inum),inum)  = y2t_y(i)-TrackerY2_SHIFT(2)
+                     Y2_trc_r(trc_hy2(inum),inum)  = 0
+                     Z2_trc_r(trc_hy2(inum),inum)  = 0
+                     call NANcheckF(Y2_trc(trc_hy2(inum),inum),35)
+                     Z2_trc(trc_hy2(inum),inum)  = TrackerY2_SHIFT(3)
+                  endif
+               endif
+            ENDIF
+         enddo
+      endif
+      end
+c     Lucite 
+      subroutine lucite(inum)
+      include 'bigcal_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'sane_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'b_ntuple.cmn'
+      include 'sane_ntuple.cmn'
+      integer jmax
+      real emax
+      common/EBL/jmax,emax
+      integer inum,i,ibar
+      integer luc,ip
+      real*4 tdc_dif, xDelta1,koef,yfake,ytracker,ztracker,ipi(10)
+      real*4 Vector(3),Vector_r(3),Zbigclust,xattrack,yattrack
+      integer i4,itrig
+      logical cut,cut1,cut2
+      common /B_TIME_SHIFT/i4,itrig
+      luc=0
+      ip=0
+c     calculations are done if cherenkov triggered.
+      if(
+     ,     .and.cer_h(inum).ge.0
+     ,     .and. i4 .gt. 0)then
+         do i=1,luc_hit
+            ltdc_pos(i) = ltdc_pos(i) -BIG_TIME_SHIFT_CH(i4)!-BIG_TIME_SHIFT_CH(itrig)
+            ltdc_neg(i) = ltdc_neg(i) -BIG_TIME_SHIFT_CH(i4)!-BIG_TIME_SHIFT_CH(itrig)
+c     Define cuts for timing for lucite
+            cut =abs(ltdc_pos(i)-LUCITE_SANE_MEAN_POS(luc_row(i))).lt.
+     ,           3*LUCITE_SANE_SIGMA_POS(luc_row(i)).and.
+     ,           abs(ltdc_neg(i)-LUCITE_SANE_MEAN_NEG(luc_row(i))).lt.
+     ,           3*LUCITE_SANE_SIGMA_NEG(luc_row(i))
+            cut1 = .FALSE.
+            cut2 = .FALSE.
+            if(BIG_TIME_SHIFT_CH(5).ne.0)then
+               cut =(abs(ltdc_pos(i)-LUCITE_SANE_MEAN_POS(luc_row(i))).lt.
+     ,              3.*LUCITE_SANE_SIGMA_POS(luc_row(i)).and.
+     ,              abs(ltdc_neg(i)-LUCITE_SANE_MEAN_NEG(luc_row(i))).lt.
+     ,              3.*LUCITE_SANE_SIGMA_NEG(luc_row(i))).or.
+     ,              (abs(ltdc_pos(i)-BIG_TIME_SHIFT_CH(5)-LUCITE_SANE_MEAN_POS(luc_row(i))).lt.
+     ,              3.*LUCITE_SANE_SIGMA_POS(luc_row(i)).and.
+     ,              abs(ltdc_neg(i)-BIG_TIME_SHIFT_CH(5)-LUCITE_SANE_MEAN_NEG(luc_row(i))).lt.
+     ,              3.*LUCITE_SANE_SIGMA_NEG(luc_row(i)))
+               cut1 =             (abs(ltdc_pos(i)-LUCITE_SANE_MEAN_POS(luc_row(i))).lt.
+     ,              3.*LUCITE_SANE_SIGMA_POS(luc_row(i)).and.
+     ,              abs(ltdc_neg(i)-BIG_TIME_SHIFT_CH(5)-LUCITE_SANE_MEAN_NEG(luc_row(i))).lt.
+     ,              3.*LUCITE_SANE_SIGMA_NEG(luc_row(i)))
+               cut2 =
+     ,              (abs(ltdc_pos(i)-BIG_TIME_SHIFT_CH(5)-LUCITE_SANE_MEAN_POS(luc_row(i))).lt.
+     ,              3.*LUCITE_SANE_SIGMA_POS(luc_row(i)).and.
+     ,              abs(ltdc_neg(i)-LUCITE_SANE_MEAN_NEG(luc_row(i))).lt.
+     ,              3.*LUCITE_SANE_SIGMA_NEG(luc_row(i)))
+            endif
+c     Apply cuts and find the x coordinate of hit
+            If(cut.or.cut1.or.cut2
+     ,           )then
+                  call HFILL(10121, float(luc_row(i)), float(ltdc_pos(i)), 1.)
+                  call HFILL(10122, float(luc_row(i)), float(ltdc_neg(i)), 1.)
+                  call HFILL(10125, float(luc_row(i)), float(ladc_pos(i)), 1.)
+                  call HFILL(10126, float(luc_row(i)), float(ladc_neg(i)), 1.)
+               tdc_dif=float(ltdc_pos(i))-
+     ,              float(ltdc_neg(i))
+     ,              +LUCITE_SANE_MEAN_NEG(luc_row(i))
+     ,              -LUCITE_SANE_MEAN_POS(luc_row(i))
+c     X coordinate for Lucite
+               xDelta1    = 
+     ,              -(tdc_dif)*LUCITE_SANE_TDC_TIMING(luc_row(i))*
+     ,              29.979/1.49*0.7313*LUCITE_SANE_COEF(luc_row(i))-LUCITE_SANE_SHIFT(luc_row(i))*Lucite_SHIFT(3)/Bigcal_SHIFT(3)
+C     Y Geometrical CUT
+               call HFILL(10128,luc_y(i),y_clust(inum),1.)
+               IF(abs(luc_y(i)-Lucite_SHIFT(2)-
+     ,              Lucite_SHIFT(3)/(Bigcal_SHIFT(3))*
+     ,              (y_clust(inum)-Bigcal_SHIFT(2))).lt.30)then
+c                  if(luc_row(i).eq.18)write(*,*)xDelta1-Lucite_SHIFT(1)
+                  call HFILL(10150+luc_row(i),xDelta1-Lucite_SHIFT(1),
+     ,                 sqrt(Lucite_SHIFT(3)**2+luc_y(i)**2)/sqrt(Bigcal_SHIFT(3)**2+
+     ,                 y_clust(inum)**2)*xclust(inum),1.)
+                  call HFILL(20150+luc_row(i),(xDelta1-Lucite_SHIFT(1))*
+     ,                 Bigcal_SHIFT(3)/Lucite_SHIFT(3),
+     ,                 Xclust(inum),1.)
+c     endif
+      if(abs(xclust(inum)).lt.5)then
+                  call HFILL(10131, float(luc_row(i)), float(ltdc_pos(i)), 1.)
+                  call HFILL(10132, float(luc_row(i)), float(ltdc_neg(i)), 1.)
+                  call HFILL(10135, float(luc_row(i)), float(ladc_pos(i)), 1.)
+                  call HFILL(10136, float(luc_row(i)), float(ladc_neg(i)), 1.)
+      endif
+                  ip=ip+1
+                  ipi(ip) = i
+C     X Geometrical CUT
+c                  write(*,*)luc_row(i)
+                  If(abs(xDelta1-Lucite_SHIFT(1)-
+     ,                 Lucite_SHIFT(3)/Bigcal_SHIFT(3)*
+     ,                 (xclust(inum))-Bigcal_SHIFT(1)).lt.20)then
+c                     write(*,*)xDelta1
+c     Fill lucite coordinates
+                     luc = luc+1
+                     X_luc(luc,inum)   = xDelta1-Lucite_SHIFT(1)
+                     Y_luc(luc,inum)   = luc_y(i)-Lucite_SHIFT(2)
+                     Z_luc(luc,inum)   = sqrt(Lucite_SHIFT(3)**2-
+     ,                    X_luc(luc,inum)**2)
+                     call NANcheckF(X_luc(luc,inum),333)
+                     call NANcheckF(Y_luc(luc,inum),444)
+                     call NANcheckF(Z_luc(luc,inum),555)
+c     Rotate lucite coordinates into Lab system
+                     Vector(1)         = X_luc(luc,inum)
+                     Vector(2)         = Y_luc(luc,inum)
+                     Vector(3)         = Z_luc(luc,inum)
+                     call ROTATE(Vector,0.,-BIGCAL_SHIFT(4)*3.1415926536/180.,0.,Vector_r)
+                     X_luc_r(luc,inum)   = Vector_r(1)
+                     Y_luc_r(luc,inum)   = Vector_r(2)
+                     Z_luc_r(luc,inum)   = Vector_r(3)
+                     call NANcheckF(X_luc_r(luc,inum),34)
+                     call NANcheckF(Y_luc_r(luc,inum),34)
+                     call NANcheckF(Z_luc_r(luc,inum),34)
+                  ENDIF
+               Endif
+c                  ENDIF
+               endif
+         enddo
+         luc_h(inum) = luc
+c         write(*,*)luc
+         X_luc_av(inum) = 0
+         Y_luc_av(inum) = 0
+         Z_luc_av(inum) = 0
+c     Some plots to look at two lucite hits at the same time
+         if(luc_h(inum).eq.2)then
+c            write(*,*)X_luc(1,inum),X_luc(2,inum)
+             if(abs(Y_luc(1,inum)-Y_luc(2,inum)).lt.7.and.e_clust(inum).gt.0.7.and.
+     ,           abs(X_luc(1,inum)-X_luc(2,inum)).lt.5.and.ncellclust(inum).gt.6)then
+c               write(32,*)X_luc(1,inum),X_luc(2,inum),luc_row(ipi(1)),luc_row(ipi(2))
+c           write(*,*)luc_h(inum)
+               X_luc_av(inum) =  (X_luc(1,inum)+X_luc(2,inum))/2.
+               Z_luc_av(inum) =  (Z_luc(1,inum)+Z_luc(2,inum))/2.
+               Y_luc_av(inum) =  (Y_luc(1,inum)+Y_luc(2,inum))/2.
+               ibar = (Y_luc_av(inum)+82.35)/6.1+1
+c               write(*,*)ibar
+               Y_luc_av(inum) =  Y_luc_av(inum)-3.5/2.*Y_luc_av(inum)/Z_luc_av(inum)
+c                write(*,*)'   ',Y_luc_av(inum)S
+               if(abs(x_clust(inum)).lt.103)then
+                  if((trc_hy1(inum).eq.1.and.trc_hy2(inum).eq.1.and.trc_hx(inum).eq.1))then
+c                  write(*,*)trc_hy1(inum),trc_hy2(inum),trc_hx(inum)
+                     ytracker = 0
+                     if(trc_hy2(inum).eq.1.and.trc_hy1(inum).eq.0)then
+                        ytracker = Y2_trc(trc_hy2(inum),inum)
+                        ztracker = TrackerY2_SHIFT(3)
+                     endif
+                     if(trc_hy1(inum).eq.1.and.trc_hy2(inum).eq.0)then
+                        ytracker = Y1_trc(trc_hy1(inum),inum)
+                        ztracker = TrackerY1_SHIFT(3)
+                     endif
+                     if(trc_hy2(inum).eq.1.and.trc_hy1(inum).eq.1.and.
+     ,                    abs(Y2_trc(trc_hy2(inum),inum)-Y1_trc(trc_hy1(inum),inum)).lt.0.4)then
+c                        write(*,*)Y2_trc(trc_hy2(inum),inum),Y1_trc(trc_hy1(inum),inum)
+                        ytracker = 0.5*(Y2_trc(trc_hy2(inum),inum)+Y1_trc(trc_hy1(inum),inum))
+                        ztracker = 0.5*(TrackerY2_SHIFT(3)+TrackerY1_SHIFT(3))
+                     endif
+                     if(
+                        xattrack = X_luc_av(inum)*TrackerX_SHIFT(3)/Z_luc_av(inum)
+                        yattrack = y_luc_av(inum)*ztracker/Z_luc_av(inum)
+                        koef = (Y_luc_av(inum)-ytracker)/(Z_luc_av(inum)-ztracker)
+                        yfake = koef*(Bigcal_SHIFT(3)-ztracker-10)+ytracker
+                        Zbigclust = (y_clust(inum)-ytracker)/koef+ztracker-Bigcal_SHIFT(3)
+                        call HFILL(10220,Yfake,yfake-y_clust(inum),1.)
+                        call HFILL(10221,yfake,Y_luc_av(inum)*Bigcal_SHIFT(3)/Z_luc_av(inum)-yclust(inum),1.)
+                        call HFILL(10225,eclust(inum),yfake-y_clust(inum),1.)
+                        call HFILL(20250+ibar,xcell(jmax,inum),ycell(jmax,inum),1.)
+                        if(
+                           call HFILL(10222,xclust(inum),(yfake-y_clust(inum)),1.)
+                        endif
+                     endif
+                  endif
+               endif
+               if(abs(Y_Clust(inum)).lt.10)then
+                  call HFILL(10223,X_luc_av(inum)*(Bigcal_SHIFT(3))/Z_luc_av(inum)-X_clust(inum),X_clust(inum),1.)
+                  call HFILL(10226,X_luc_av(inum)*(Bigcal_SHIFT(3))/Z_luc_av(inum)-x_clust(inum),eclust(inum),1.)
+               endif
+            endif
+         endif
+c     do i=1,luc
+c     fluc           = luc
+c     X_luc_av(inum) = X_luc_av(inum) + X_luc(i,inum)/fluc
+c     Y_luc_av(inum) = Y_luc_av(inum) + Y_luc(i,inum)/fluc
+c     Z_luc_av(inum) = Z_luc_av(inum) + Z_luc(i,inum)/fluc
+c     enddo
+      endif
+      end
+c     Cerenkov
+      Subroutine  icer(inum)
+      include 'bigcal_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'sane_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'b_ntuple.cmn'
+      include 'sane_ntuple.cmn'
+      include 'gen_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'gen_run_info.cmn'
+      integer inum,i,j,cer_n
+      integer i4,itrig,itrigcellX,itrigcellY
+      real T_trgBIG_CUT_U,T_trgBIG_CUT_D
+      common /B_TIME_SHIFT/i4,itrig
+      real amax,dtime
+      real Brow,a64c
+      integer iBnum,ibcol,ibrow
+c      integer BIGCAL_CER_330_SHIT(8)
+c      data BIGCAL_CER_330_SHIT/0,-3,1,1,3,3,1,3/
+      cer_h(inum)=0
+      cer_geom(inum)=0
+               cerb_time(inum)=0
+               cerb_adc(inum) = 0
+      if(ncellclust(inum).gt.4)then
+         i4=1
+         itrig = 1
+         amax = ablock(1,inum)
+         if(iycell(1,inum).gt.32) then
+            i4=2
+         else 
+            i4=1
+         endif
+         T_trgBIG_CUT_U=50
+         T_trgBIG_CUT_D=30
+         if(grun.le.72400)then  !!!!!!!!!!!!!! NEEDS TO BE CHANGED TO CORRECT ONE         
+            T_trgBIG_CUT_U=55
+            T_trgBIG_CUT_D=34
+         endif
+c         itrig = 3
+c     write(*,*)"Amax= ",amax,ncellclust(inum)
+c     do k=1,ncellclust(inum)
+c     if(ablock(k,inum).ge.amax)then
+c            amax = ablock(k,inum)
+c     i4 = iycell(k,inum)
+c     write(*,*)"i4=",i4,k,iycell(k,inum)
+c     endif
+c     enddo
+         do i=1, min(cer_hit,50)
+            if(cer_num(i).lt.9 .and. ncell64clust(inum) .gt. 0)then
+               cer_n = cer_num(i)
+c                  write(*,*)1,cer_tdc(i),cer_adcc(i),cer_num(i)
+                 iBnum = 10700+icol64hit(ncell64clust(inum),inum)*10+cer_num(i)
+                 Brow=float( irow64hit(ncell64clust(inum),inum) )               
+                 call HF2( iBnum,Brow,float(cer_tdc(i))+2090,1.)
+              if(grun.le.72487)then
+                 if(abs(cer_tdc(i)+1678).lt.60)cer_tdc(i)=100000
+                 if(grun.le.72487.and.icol64hit(ncell64clust(inum),inum).eq.1.and.
+     ,                abs(BIGCAL_CER_COL1_SHIFT(irow64hit(ncell64clust(inum),inum),cer_num(i))).lt.0.0001)cer_tdc(i)=100000
+                 if(grun.le.72487.and.icol64hit(ncell64clust(inum),inum).eq.2.and.
+     ,              abs(BIGCAL_CER_COL2_SHIFT(irow64hit(ncell64clust(inum),inum),cer_num(i))).lt.0.0001)cer_tdc(i)=100000
+                 if(icol64hit(ncell64clust(inum),inum).eq.1)
+     ,                cer_tdc(i) = cer_tdc(i) -BIGCAL_CER_COL1_SHIFT(irow64hit(ncell64clust(inum),inum),cer_num(i))
+                 if(icol64hit(ncell64clust(inum),inum).eq.2)
+     ,                cer_tdc(i) = cer_tdc(i) -BIGCAL_CER_COL2_SHIFT(irow64hit(ncell64clust(inum),inum),cer_num(i))
+                 iBnum = 10730+cer_num(i)
+                 Brow=float( irow64hit(ncell64clust(inum),inum) )               
+                 call HF2( iBnum,Brow,float(cer_tdc(i))+2090,1.)
+              endif
+               if(y_clust(inum).gt.(CER_SANE_GEOM_CUT_LOW(cer_n)*4-1)-120..and.
+     ,              y_clust(inum).lt.(CER_SANE_GEOM_CUT_HI(cer_n)*4+1)-120.and.
+     ,              CER_SANE_GEOM_CUT_X(cer_n)*x_clust(inum).gt.-20)then
+                  if(
+c                     write(*,*)T_trgBIG
+                     call HFILL(10560+cer_num(i),T_trgBIG,float(cer_tdc(i)),1.)
+                     call HFILL(10570+cer_num(i),T_trgBETA,float(cer_tdc(i)),1.)
+                  endif
+               endif
+c     Trigger SHIFT COrrections
+               if(int(T_trgBETA-45).gt.0.and. int(T_trgBETA-45) .le. 30)then
+                  cer_tdc(i) = cer_tdc(i) -T_TRGBETA_SHIFT(int(T_trgBETA-45))
+               endif
+               if(grun.le.72487)then
+                  if(
+               endif
+c     write(*,*)cer_n,CER_SANE_GEOM_CUT_LOW(cer_n),CER_SANE_GEOM_CUT_HI(cer_n)
+               if(y_clust(inum).gt.(CER_SANE_GEOM_CUT_LOW(cer_n)-1)*4-120..and.
+     ,              y_clust(inum).lt.(CER_SANE_GEOM_CUT_HI(cer_n)+1)*4-120.and.
+     ,              CER_SANE_GEOM_CUT_X(cer_n)*x_clust(inum).gt.-20.and.
+     ,    
+c               write(*,*)1,2,cer_tdc(i),cer_adcc(i),cer_num(i)
+                     call HFILL(10580+cer_num(i),T_trgBIG,float(cer_tdc(i)),1.)
+                  if(aclust(inum).gt.500)then
+                     call HFILL(10520+cer_num(i),aclust(inum),float(cer_tdc(i)),1.)
+                     if(grun.le.72487)then !!!!!!!!!!!!!! NEEDS TO BE CHANGED TO CORRECT ONE
+                        cer_tdc(i) = cer_tdc(i) - 
+     ,                       (BIGCAL_CER_TIME_WALK_SHIFT(cer_num(i))-
+     ,                       BIGCAL_CER_TIME_WALK_SLOPE(cer_num(i))/aclust(inum)-
+     ,                       CER_SANE_TIME_WALK(cer_num(i))/cer_adcc(i))
+                     endif
+                  endif
+c                  write(*,*)cer_tdc(i),cer_adcc(i),cer_num(i)
+                  call HFILL(10530+cer_num(i),aclust(inum),float(cer_tdc(i)),1.)
+                  call HFILL(10500+cer_num(i),float(cer_adcc(i)),float(cer_tdc(i)),1.)
+                  if (ncell64clust(inum) .gt. 0) then
+                  ibcol = icol64hit(ncell64clust(inum),inum)
+                  ibrow = irow64hit(ncell64clust(inum),inum)
+                  a64c  = s64(ncell64clust(inum),inum)
+                  iBnum = 17000+ibrow+100*ibcol
+                  if(iBnum.eq.106)write(*,*)iBnum,a64c,cer_tdc(i)
+                  call HF2(iBnum,a64c,float(cer_tdc(i)),1.)
+                  endif
+               endif
+               bigc_time(inum) = tclust64(inum)!-(5000/s64(ncell64clust(inum),inum)-4)
+                   if (ncell64clust(inum) .gt. 0) then
+              if(,inum).eq.1.and.
+     ,              abs(BIGCAL_CERB_COL1_SHIFT(irow64hit(ncell64clust(inum),inum),cer_num(i))).lt.0.0001)bigc_time(inum)=100000
+               if(,inum).eq.2.and.
+     ,              abs(BIGCAL_CERB_COL2_SHIFT(irow64hit(ncell64clust(inum),inum),cer_num(i))).lt.0.0001)bigc_time(inum)=100000
+               if(icol64hit(ncell64clust(inum),inum).eq.1)
+     ,              bigc_time(inum) = bigc_time(inum) -BIGCAL_CERB_COL1_SHIFT(irow64hit(ncell64clust(inum),inum),cer_num(i))
+               if(icol64hit(ncell64clust(inum),inum).eq.2)
+     ,              bigc_time(inum) = bigc_time(inum) -BIGCAL_CERB_COL2_SHIFT(irow64hit(ncell64clust(inum),inum),cer_num(i))
+                 endif
+c               write(*,*)grun,bigc_time(inum),ncell64clust(inum),inum
+c               if(
+c                  iBnum = 10700+icol64hit(ncell64clust(inum),inum)*10+cer_num(i)
+c                  Brow=float( irow64hit(ncell64clust(inum),inum) )               
+c                  call HF2( iBnum,Brow,float(bigc_time(inum))-330,1.)
+c               endif
+c               bigc_time(inum) = bigc_time(inum) -(5000/s64(ncell64clust(inum),inum)-4)
+               bigc_adc(inum)  = s64(ncell64clust(inum),inum)
+               iBnum = 18000+ibrow+100*ibcol
+               call HF2(iBnum,float(bigc_adc(inum)),float(bigc_time(inum)),1.)
+               if(              
+     ,    
+                  if(y_clust(inum).gt.(CER_SANE_GEOM_CUT_LOW(cer_n)*4-1)-120..and.
+     ,                 y_clust(inum).lt.(CER_SANE_GEOM_CUT_HI(cer_n)*4+1)-120.and.
+     ,                 CER_SANE_GEOM_CUT_X(cer_n)*x_clust(inum).gt.-20)then
+                     cer_geom(inum)=cer_geom(inum)+1
+                     if(cer_h(inum).eq.0)then
+                        cerb_time(inum)=cer_tdc(i)
+                        cerb_adc(inum) = cer_adcc(i)
+                        cerbc_num(inum) = cer_num(i)
+                     endif
+                     iBnum = 10740+cer_num(i)
+                     Brow=float( irow64hit(ncell64clust(inum),inum) )               
+                     call HF2( iBnum,Brow,float(cer_tdc(i))+2090,1.)
+                     if(
+     ,                    abs(cer_tdc(i)-CER_SANE_MEAN(cer_num(i))).lt.
+     ,                    CER_SANE_SIGMA(cer_n)
+     ,                    )then
+                        cer_h(inum)=cer_h(inum)+1
+                        if(cer_h(inum).eq.1)then
+                           cerb_time(inum)=cer_tdc(i)
+                           cerb_adc(inum) = cer_adcc(i)
+                           cerbc_num(inum) = cer_num(i)*10**(cer_h(inum)-1)
+                        else
+                           cerb_time(inum)=cerb_time(inum)+cer_tdc(i)
+                           cerb_adc(inum) = cerb_adc(inum)+cer_adcc(i)
+                           cerbc_num(inum) = cer_num(i)*10**(cer_h(inum)-1)+cerbc_num(inum) 
+                        endif
+c                        write(*,*)cer_h(inum),cer_hit,cer_n
+                        call HFILL(10540+cer_num(i),float(cer_adcc(i)),float(cer_tdc(i)),1.)
+                        call HF1(10113,tclust64(inum),1.)
+                        call HF2(10114,tclust64(inum),float(cer_tdc(i)),1.)
+                        do j=1, ncellclust(inum) 
+c                           write(*,*)inum,x_clust(inum),xclust(inum),ixcell(j,inum),xcell(j,inum)
+                           call HFILL(10510+cer_n,float(ixcell(j,inum)),float(iycell(j,inum)), 1.)
+                        enddo
+                     endif
+                  endif
+               endif
+            endif
+         enddo
+         if(cer_h(inum).gt.0)cerb_time(inum)=cerb_time(inum)/float(cer_h(inum))
+      endif
+      end
+c     Particle ID
+      subroutine TrackerCoordnate(inum)
+      include 'sane_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'sane_ntuple.cmn'
+      real*4 TrakerVertex(3), TrakerVertex_r(3)
+      real*4 TrakerTEMP_Y1,TrakerTEMP_Y2 
+      integer i,inum
+      logical TRAKER_STATUS
+c     Average coordinate on X plane
+      Tr_Vertex(1,inum)        = 0
+      Tr_Vertex(2,inum)        = 0
+      Tr_Vertex(3,inum)        = 0
+      Tr_Vertex_r(1,inum)        = 0
+      Tr_Vertex_r(2,inum)        = 0
+      Tr_Vertex_r(3,inum)        = 0
+      TrakerVertex(3) = TrackerY2_SHIFT(3)
+      if(trc_hx(inum).gt.0.and.(trc_hy1(inum).gt.0.or.trc_hy2(inum).gt.0))then
+         TrakerVertex(1)       = 0
+         if(trc_hx(inum).eq.1)then
+            TrakerVertex(1)    = X_trc(trc_hx(inum),inum)
+         else if(trc_hx(inum).gt.1)then 
+            do i=1, trc_hx(inum)
+               TrakerVertex(1) = TrakerVertex(1) + X_trc(trc_hx(inum),inum)/trc_hx(inum) 
+            enddo
+         endif
+         TrakerVertex(2)       = 0
+c     Average coordinate on Y1 plane
+         TrakerTEMP_Y1         = 0
+         if(trc_hy1(inum).eq.1)then
+            TrakerTEMP_Y1      = Y1_trc(trc_hy1(inum),inum)
+         else if(trc_hy1(inum).gt.1)then 
+            do i=1, trc_hy1(inum)
+               TrakerTEMP_Y1   = TrakerTEMP_Y1 + Y1_trc(trc_hy1(inum),inum)/trc_hy1(inum) 
+            enddo
+         endif
+c     Average coordinate on Y2 plane
+         TrakerTEMP_Y2         = 0
+         if(trc_hy2(inum).eq.1)then
+            TrakerTEMP_Y2      = Y2_trc(trc_hy2(inum),inum)
+         else if(trc_hy2(inum).gt.1)then 
+            do i=1, trc_hy2(inum)
+               TrakerTEMP_Y2   = TrakerTEMP_Y2 + Y2_trc(trc_hy2(inum),inum)/trc_hy2(inum) 
+            enddo
+         endif
+c         write(*,*)TrakerTEMP_Y1,TrakerTEMP_Y2
+         if(
+            TrakerVertex(2)       = (TrakerTEMP_Y1+TrakerTEMP_Y2)/2.
+            TrakerVertex(3)       = (TrackerY1_SHIFT(3)+TrackerY2_SHIFT(3))/2.
+         else if(
+            TrakerVertex(2)       = TrakerTEMP_Y1
+            TrakerVertex(3)       = TrackerY1_SHIFT(3)
+         else if(
+            TrakerVertex(2)       = TrakerTEMP_Y2
+            TrakerVertex(3)       = TrackerY2_SHIFT(3)
+         else if(TrakerTEMP_Y1.eq.0.and.TrakerTEMP_Y2.eq.0)then
+            TrakerVertex(2)       = 0
+            TrakerVertex(3)       = TrackerY2_SHIFT(3)
+         endif
+         if(Z_trc(trc_hx(inum),inum).ne.0)then
+            TrakerVertex(1)          = TrakerVertex(1)*TrakerVertex(3)/Z_trc(trc_hx(inum),inum) 
+         endif
+         call ROTATE(TrakerVertex,0.,-Bigcal_SHIFT(4)*3.1415926536/180.,0.,TrakerVertex_r)
+c         WRITE(*,*)1,TrakerVertex,TrakerVertex_r
+         Tr_Vertex(1,inum)        = TrakerVertex(1)
+         Tr_Vertex(2,inum)        = TrakerVertex(2)
+         Tr_Vertex(3,inum)        = TrakerVertex(3)
+         Tr_Vertex_r(1,inum)        = TrakerVertex_r(1)
+         Tr_Vertex_r(2,inum)        = TrakerVertex_r(2)
+         Tr_Vertex_r(3,inum)        = TrakerVertex_r(3)
+           call NANcheckF(Tr_Vertex(1,inum),33)
+           call NANcheckF(Tr_Vertex(2,inum),33)
+           call NANcheckF(Tr_Vertex(3,inum),33)
+           call NANcheckF(Tr_Vertex_r(1,inum),33)
+           call NANcheckF(Tr_Vertex_r(2,inum),33)
+           call NANcheckF(Tr_Vertex_r(2,inum),33)
+      endif
+      end
+c     Real Angles
+      Subroutine CORRECT_ANGLES(X,Y,Z,EE,TH,PHI,cer_stat,srx,sry)
+c     X = X(Bigcal)-X(raster)
+c     Y = Y(Bigcal)-Y(raster)
+c     Z = Z(Bigcal)
+c     EE - energy in GEV
+c     RETURNS THeta and PHI In Degree.
+      include 'sane_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'gen_run_info.cmn'
+      real*4 X,Y,Z,TH,Phi,thr,phr,EE 
+      real*4 DIST,srx,sry
+      real*8 P_th(10),P_phi(10)
+      integer cer_stat
+      data P_th /
+     ,     -2.199987805718,      1.312318933346,      0.644032653274,      
+     ,     2.001711272282  ,    4.831055345667,
+     ,     0.596870277140   ,   0.237530064696 ,    -0.444891749961,
+     ,     -0.668604044519  ,   -1.988327254812/
+      data P_Phi /
+     ,     -1.206886920591,      3.898203794202,      1.409952555564 , 
+     ,     -0.737821993549,      4.693839032660,
+     ,     -0.853486677346,     -3.282568717839 ,     1.891695882259,    
+     ,     1.158605334109 ,    -4.578605424909/
+      DIST = sqrt(X**2+Y**2+Z**2)
+      thr  = acos(Z/Dist)
+      phr= atan2(y/Dist,x/Dist)
+      if(
+         SANE_BETA_OMEGA=40
+      else
+         SANE_BETA_OMEGA=140
+      endif
+      if(
+     ,        SANE_TRANSFORM_MATRIX_PHI,thr,
+     ,        phr,EE,TH,PHI,srx,sry)
+c      if(
+c     .     write(*,*)thr*180/3.1415926,th,phr*180/3.1415926,phi
+      else
+c            phi=phr*180/3.14159
+c            th = thr*180/3.14159
+         DIST = sqrt((X-srx)**2+(Y-sry)**2+Z**2)
+         thr  = acos(Z/Dist)
+         phr= atan2((y-sry)/Dist,(x-srx)/Dist)
+         th  = THR*180/3.1415926+
+     ,        (P_th(1)+P_th(2)*phr+P_th(3)*thr+P_th(4)*phr**2+P_th(5)*thr**2)/EE+
+     ,        (P_th(6)+P_th(7)*thr+P_th(8)*phr+P_th(9)*phr**2+P_th(10)*thr**2)/EE**2
+         phi = phR*180/3.1415926
+     ,        +(P_phi(1)+P_phi(2)*phr+P_phi(3)*phr**2+
+     ,        P_phi(4)*phr**3+P_phi(5)*thr+P_phi(6)*thr**2+
+     ,        P_phi(7)*thr**3+P_phi(8)*phr*thr+
+     ,        P_phi(9)*phr**2*thr+
+     ,        P_phi(10)*phr*thr**2)
+      endif
+c      write(*,*)phr*180/3.141-90,phi,SANE_BETA_OMEGA
+c      write(28,*)thr*180/3.1415926,th,phr*180/3.1415926-phi,SANE_BETA_OMEGA,gen_run_number
+      end
+      Subroutine POLYNOM_CORRECTION(P_th,P_phi,thr,phr,EE,TH,PHI,srx,sry)
+c     Input patameters are P(26) -transformation Matrix
+c     input thr and phr angles from CALORIMETER ,THr and PHr in radians
+c     EE Energy in GEV
+c     Output :TH and Phi Correctes in degrees
+      real*4 TH,Phi,thr,phr,EE
+      REAL*8 OMEGA,srx,sry
+      real*4 P_th(15),P_phi(15),COSOM,SINOM
+      cosom = cos(omega*3.1415926/180.)
+      sinom = sin(omega*3.1415926/180.)
+c      write(*,*)P_th
+         th  = THR*180/3.1415926+
+     ,           (p_th(1)+p_th(2)*thr+p_th(3)*phr+p_th(4)*thr**2+
+     ,           p_th(5)*phr**2+p_th(6)*thr*phr)*
+     ,           (p_th(7)+p_th(8)/EE+p_th(9)/EE**2)*
+     ,           (p_th(10)+p_th(11)*srx+p_th(12)*srx**2)*
+     ,           (p_th(13)+p_th(14)*sry+p_th(15)*sry**2)
+         phi = phR*180/3.1415926+
+     ,           (p_phi(1)+p_phi(2)*thr+p_phi(3)*phr+p_phi(4)*thr**2+
+     ,           p_phi(5)*phr**2+p_phi(6)*thr*phr)*
+     ,           (p_phi(7)+p_phi(8)/EE+p_phi(9)/EE**2)*
+     ,           (p_phi(10)+p_phi(11)*srx+p_phi(12)*srx**2)*
+     ,           (p_phi(13)+p_phi(14)*sry+p_phi(15)*sry**2)
+      end
+c     Geometry match of the tracks
+      Subroutine GeometryMatch(inum)
+      include 'bigcal_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'sane_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'b_ntuple.cmn'
+      include 'sane_ntuple.cmn'
+      integer inum
+c      real*8 U, U_pos, U_neg
+      real*8 dl
+      real*4 P_tr(3),P_big(3),P_tar(3)
+c      real*4 Vector(3),Vector_r(3)
+c      LOGICAL ok1
+      logical TRAKER_STATUS
+      data P1_track /0.,0.,66./
+      data P2_track /0.,1.,66./
+      data P3_track /1.,0.,66./
+      if(TRAKER_STATUS)then
+         P1_track(3) = Tr_Vertex(3,inum)
+         P2_track(3) = Tr_Vertex(3,inum)
+         P3_track(3) = Tr_Vertex(3,inum)
+         dl =0.1
+C         if(a_tracker.eq.0.and.b_tracker.eq.0.and.c_tracker.eq.0)then
+c     c
+c     Define Traker plane
+            call ROTATE(P1_track, 0., -Bigcal_SHIFT(4)*3.1415926536/180., 0.,P1_track_r)
+            call ROTATE(P2_track, 0., -Bigcal_SHIFT(4)*3.1415926536/180., 0.,P2_track_r)
+            call ROTATE(P3_track, 0., -Bigcal_SHIFT(4)*3.1415926536/180., 0.,P3_track_r)
+            call Plane(P1_track_r,P2_track_r,P3_track_r,
+     ,           a_tracker,b_tracker,c_tracker,d_tracker)
+C         endif
+C         if(a_bigcal.eq.0.and.b_bigcal.eq.0.and.c_bigcal.eq.0)then
+c     c
+c     Define Bigcal plane
+c     call ROTATE(P1_bigcal, 0., Bigcal_SHIFT(4)*3.141/180., 0. ,P1_bigcal_r)
+c     call ROTATE(P2_bigcal, 0., Bigcal_SHIFT(4)*3.141/180., 0. ,P2_bigcal_r)
+c     call ROTATE(P3_bigcal, 0., Bigcal_SHIFT(4)*3.141/180., 0. ,P3_bigcal_r)
+            call Plane(P1_track,P2_track,P3_track,
+     ,           a_bigcal,b_bigcal,c_bigcal,d_bigcal)
+C         endif
+c     Start Particle Identification
+         Delta_Y(inum) =-100
+         Delta_X(inum) =-100
+         if(cer_h(inum).ge.0)then
+c     It's most probably electron or positron 
+c     Next step is calculate distance between tracker position and 
+c     Virtual position reconstructed by linear track to target.
+            P_tar(1) = slow_rast_x
+            P_tar(2) = slow_rast_y
+            P_tar(3) = 0
+            P_tar(1) = 0
+            P_tar(2) = 0
+            P_tar(3) = 0
+c            P_big(1) = X_clust_r(inum)
+c            P_big(2) = Y_clust_r(inum)
+c            P_big(3) = Z_clust_r(inum)
+c            call PlaneLineIntersection(a_tracker,b_tracker,c_tracker,
+c     ,           d_tracker,P_tar,P_big,P_tr)
+c            Delta_Y(inum) = Tr_Vertex_r(2,inum)-P_tr(2)
+c            Delta_X(inum) = Tr_Vertex_r(1,inum)-P_tr(1)
+c            write(*,*) 'TRACK MATCH 1',Delta_X(inum)
+            P_tar(1) = 0
+            P_tar(2) = 0
+            P_tar(3) = 0
+            P_big(1) = x_clust(inum)
+            P_big(2) = y_clust(inum)
+            P_big(3) = Z_clust(inum)
+            call PlaneLineIntersection(a_bigcal,b_bigcal,c_bigcal,
+     ,           d_bigcal,P_tar,P_big,P_tr)
+            Delta_Y(inum) = Tr_Vertex(2,inum)-P_tr(2)
+            Delta_X(inum) = Tr_Vertex(1,inum)-P_tr(1)
+            call NANcheckF(Delta_Y(inum),4)
+            call NANcheckF(Delta_X(inum),4)
+            call HFILL(10550,E_clust(inum),Delta_Y(inum), 1.)
+            call HFILL(10551,E_clust(inum),Delta_X(inum), 1.)
+c            write(*,*) 'TRACK MATCH 2',Delta_X(inum)
+c            write(*,*) 'TRACK MATCH 3'
+c     c
+cc     The particle is charged. 
+c     c
+c     if(luc_h(inum).gt.0)then
+c            do i=1,luc_h(inum)
+c     call CalcMomComp(
+c     ,              X_luc_r(i,inum),Y_luc_r(i,inum),Z_luc_r(i,inum),
+c     ,              X_clust_r(inum),Y_clust_r(inum),Z_clust_r(inum),
+c     ,              px, py, pz, E_clust(inum), 0.0005)
+c     call TransformTo6Vector(
+c     ,              X_luc_r(i,inum),Y_luc_r(i,inum),Z_luc_r(i,inum),
+c     ,              px,py,pz,E_clust(inum),U)  
+c     call EqVector(U,U_pos)
+c               call EqVector(U,U_neg)
+c     ok1 = .TRUE.
+c     call  trgTrackToPlane(U_pos,E_clust(inum),dl,
+c     ,              a_tracker,b_tracker,c_tracker,d_tracker,ok1)
+c               ok1 = .TRUE.
+c               call  trgTrackToPlane(U_neg,-E_clust(inum),dl,
+c     ,              a_tracker,b_tracker,c_tracker,d_tracker,ok1)
+c            enddo
+c     endif
+         else
+         endif
+      endif
+      end
+      Subroutine PHYSICS_VARIABLES(inum,theta,phi)
+      include 'sane_ntuple.cmn'
+      include 'gen_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'sane_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'b_ntuple.cmn'
+      real*8 Eb,theta_big, phi_big!,ccx,ccy,ccz
+      common/FAKEBIG/Eb,theta_big, phi_big
+      integer inum, ihistnum
+      real*4 theta,phi
+      real*4 thetar,phir
+      real*4 deg2rad, Mp,shelicity
+      Mp = 0.938272309
+      deg2rad = 3.1415926536/180.
+      ENue(inum)      = 0
+      Q2(inum)        = 0
+      X_Bjorken(inum) = 0
+      W2(inum)        = 0
+      if(cer_h(inum).ge.0.and.
+     ,     E_clust(inum).gt.0.6.and.
+     ,     E_clust(inum).lt.GEBeam)then
+         thetar= theta*deg2rad
+         phir= phi*deg2rad
+         ENue(inum)      = GEBeam - E_clust(inum)
+         Q2(inum)        = 2*GEBeam*E_clust(inum)*(1-cos(thetar))
+         X_Bjorken(inum) = Q2(inum)/( 2*Mp*ENue(inum) )
+         W2(inum)        = Mp**2 + 2*Mp*ENue(inum) -Q2(inum)
+         ihistnum        = (Q2(inum)-2.5)+1
+c        WRITE(*,*)cer_h(inum),E_clust(inum),X_Bjorken(inum),theta,(1-cos(thetar))
+         call NANcheckF(ENue(inum),5)
+         call NANcheckF(Q2(inum),5)
+         call NANcheckF(X_Bjorken(inum),5)
+         call NANcheckF(W2(inum),5)
+c         shelicity       = i_helicity
+         if(
+            shelicity=1.
+         else if(
+            shelicity=-1.
+         endif
+c         write(18,'(4I13,2F10.5)')bgid,i_helicity,inum,cer_h(inum),Q2(inum),X_Bjorken(inum)
+         call NANcheckF(shelicity,5)
+         if(
+            call HF1(10600+ihistnum,X_Bjorken(inum),shelicity)
+            call HF1(10610+ihistnum,X_Bjorken(inum),1.)
+         endif
+         call HFILL(10620,X_Bjorken(inum),Q2(inum),1.)
+         call HFILL(10621,W2(inum),Q2(inum),1.)
+      endif
+      end
diff --git a/SANE/sane_register_variables.f b/SANE/sane_register_variables.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9935a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SANE/sane_register_variables.f
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+      subroutine sane_register_variables(ABORT,err)
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*20 here
+      parameter (here='sane_register_variables')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      logical FAIL
+      character*1000 why
+      err= ' '
+      ABORT= .false.
+      call r_sane_data_structures
+      call r_sane_filenames
+      call r_sane_ntuple
+      call sane_ntup_register(FAIL,why)    ! remove this when ctp files fixed
+      if(' '' ') then
+         call G_append(err,' & '//why)
+      else if(' ') then
+         err=why
+      endif
+      abort =
+      if(' ') call G_add_path(here,err)
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/SANE/sane_reset_event.f b/SANE/sane_reset_event.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..350cd34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SANE/sane_reset_event.f
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+      subroutine SANE_RESET_EVENT(ABORT,err)
+      SAVE
+      character*13 here
+      parameter (here= 'sane_clear_event')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      call lucite_sane_clear_event(ABORT,err)
+      call cerenkov_sane_clear_event(ABORT,err)
+      call tracker_sane_clear_event(ABORT,err)
+      call SANE_DUMP_NTUP_VAR()
+      end
+      SUBROUTINE lucite_sane_reset_event(ABORT,err)
+      SAVE
+      INCLUDE 'sane_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'sane_ntuple.cmn'
+      character*13 here
+      parameter (here= 'lucite_sane_clear_event')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err     
+      integer*4 i
+      LUCITE_SANE_RAW_TOT_HITS          = 0
+      LUCITE_SANE_RAW_TOT_HITS2          = 0
+      LUCITE_SANE_RAW_TOT_HITS3          = 0
+c      LUCITE_SANE_RAW_PLANE             = 0
+      do i=1,LUCITE_SANE_MAX_HITS
+         LUCITE_SANE_RAW_ADC_POS(i)     = 0
+         LUCITE_SANE_RAW_ADC_NEG(i)     = 0
+         LUCITE_SANE_RAW_TDC_POS(i)     = 0
+         LUCITE_SANE_RAW_TDC_NEG(i)     = 0
+      enddo
+      do i=1,luc_hit
+         ltdc_pos(i) = 0
+         ltdc_neg(i) = 0
+         ladc_pos(i) = 0
+         ladc_neg(i) = 0
+      enddo
+       luc_hit = 0
+      ABORT= .FALSE.
+      err= ' '
+      RETURN
+      END
+      SUBROUTINE cerenkov_sane_reset_event(ABORT,err)
+      SAVE
+      INCLUDE 'sane_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'sane_ntuple.cmn'
+      character*13 here
+      parameter (here= 'cerenkov_sane_clear_event')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err     
+      integer*4 i
+      CERENKOV_SANE_RAW_TOT_HITS          = 0
+      CERENKOV_SANE_RAW_TOT_HITS2          = 0
+c      CERENKOV_SANE_RAW_PLANE             = 0
+         CERENKOV_SANE_RAW_ADC(i)         = 0
+         CERENKOV_SANE_RAW_TDC(i)         = 0
+         if(i.le.cer_hit)then
+            cer_tdc(i) = 0
+            cer_adcc(i) = 0
+         endif
+      enddo
+      cer_hit = 0
+      ABORT= .FALSE.
+      err= ' '
+      RETURN
+      END
+      SUBROUTINE tracker_sane_reset_event(ABORT,err)
+      SAVE
+      character*50 here
+      parameter (here= 'tracker_sane_clear_event')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 'sane_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'sane_ntuple.cmn'
+      integer*4 i
+      TRACKER_SANE_RAW_TOT_HITS_Y          = 0
+      TRACKER_SANE_RAW_TOT_HITS_X          = 0
+c      TRACKER_SANE_RAW_PLANE_Y             = 0
+c      TRACKER_SANE_RAW_PLANE_X             = 0
+         TRACKER_SANE_RAW_COUNTER_Y(i)     = 0
+         TRACKER_SANE_RAW_COUNTER_X(i)     = 0
+         TRACKER_SANE_RAW_TDC_Y(i)         = 0
+         TRACKER_SANE_RAW_TDC_X(i)         = 0
+         x1t_tdc(i) = 0
+         x1t_row(i) = -200
+         y1t_tdc(i) = 0
+         y1t_row(i) = -200
+         y2t_tdc(i) = 0
+         y2t_row(i) = -200
+      enddo
+      x1t_hit = 0
+      y1t_hit = 0
+      y2t_hit = 0
+      ABORT= .FALSE.
+      err= ' '
+      RETURN
+      end
diff --git a/SANE/sane_trgtrack.f b/SANE/sane_trgtrack.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..73d4aaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SANE/sane_trgtrack.f
@@ -0,0 +1,903 @@
+*       TRG_TRACK  GEN Target Rracking routines 
+*       -=========-
+*       tracks ELECTRONS through polarized target B field
+*	Raytracing of 3-d motion in polarized target field by solution
+*	of differential equations of motion via 4th order Runge-Kutta. Field 
+*	orientation arbitrary. 
+*       Note: - the HMS routines use a right handed coord. system with
+*       x : pointing downwards
+*       y : perpendicular to x,z, 
+*                     pointing to the left (if seen in z-direction)
+*       z : BEAM axis or HMS axis, pointing downstream or 
+*       from the target to the focal plane respectively
+*       - the B field map uses a cylindrical coordinate system
+*       with z along the field axis and r perpendicular to it
+*       - all length (x,y,z,dl,l,...) are measured in [cm]
+*       - all velocities are measured in [cm/ns]
+*       - all angles are measured counter clock wise in [deg]
+*       - time is measured in [ns] 
+*       - the B field is measured in [T]
+*       original devloped by ???
+*       widely modified by MM 
+*       - converted into subroutines  
+*       - rotation algorytm correced (at moment: phi==0 assumed)
+*       - changed coordinate system 
+*       beam direction:   z
+*       horizontal plane: zy
+*       out of plane:     x  (points downwards) 
+*       Supplies:
+*       trgInit (map,theta,phi) 
+*       load the target field map
+*       trgTrack (u,E,dl,l)
+*       Note: - Before calling trgTrack,trgXTrack or trgTrackToPlane
+*       the target field map has to be loaded by a call to 
+*       trgInit
+*       load the field map and calculate the magnetic field strength  
+	SUBROUTINE trgInit(map)
+	CHARACTER map*(*)
+        include 'sane_data_structures.cmn'
+*       --  read field map (for calculations in the LAB system)
+*       Parameter:
+*       map        I : filename of the fieldmap (=' ': uniform field test case)
+*       note: currently phi is always treated as 0
+	INTEGER    nz,nr 
+	PARAMETER (nz = 337)
+	PARAMETER (nr = 337)
+	REAL*8   B_field_z(nz,nr),B_field_r(nz,nr),zz(nz),rr(nr)
+	REAL*8   B_theta,B_stheta,B_ctheta,B_phi,B_sphi,B_cphi 
+	COMMON  /trgFieldStrength/ B_field_z,B_field_r,zz,rr
+	COMMON  /trgFieldAngles/   B_theta,B_stheta,B_ctheta,
+     ,   B_phi,  B_sphi,  B_cphi 
+	REAL*8      pi180
+	PARAMETER (pi180 = 3.141592653/180.) 
+	INTEGER ir,iz 
+	REAL*8   xx, scale
+				! if desired target field is 0, set it to nominal 5.1
+				! if it is -999.9 set it to 0
+c      scale = 10.0d0  ! return field in kG for GEANT, not T
+	if (SANE_TGTFIELD_B .eq. 0.0) then
+	   scale = 1.0
+	   print *,"  f-f-f-f  target field NOT rescaled  f-f-f-f"
+	elseif (SANE_TGTFIELD_B.eq. -999.9) then
+	   scale = 0.0
+	 print *,"  f-f-f-f  target field scaled to 0  f-f-f-f"
+	else
+	   scale = SANE_TGTFIELD_B/5.1
+	   print *,"  f-f-f-f  target field scaled to ",
+     ,	"  f-f-f-f"
+	endif 
+c	scale=10000
+	IF (map .NE. ' ') THEN	!read in numerical field map
+	   write(*,*)'OPENING MAP FILE =',map
+	   OPEN (unit=1,file=map,status='old')
+	   DO ir=1,nr
+	      rr(ir) = 2.*float(ir-1)
+	      zz(ir) = 2.*float(ir-1)
+	      DO iz=1,nz
+		 READ (1,*)xx,xx,B_field_z(iz,ir),B_field_r(iz,ir),xx,xx,xx
+				! rescale field to desired value
+		 B_field_z(iz,ir) = B_field_z(iz,ir) * scale
+	      B_field_r(iz,ir) = B_field_r(iz,ir) * scale
+	   ENDDO
+        ENDDO
+        CLOSE (unit=1)
+	   DO ir=1,nr		! uniform 5T field over 26 cm in z
+          rr(ir) = 2.*float(ir-1)	! and 16 cm in r
+          zz(ir) = 2.*float(ir-1)
+          DO iz=1,nz
+	     B_field_r(iz,ir) = 0.
+            IF (rr(ir) .LE. 16. .and. zz(ir) .LE. 26.) THEN
+              B_field_z(iz,ir) = SANE_TGTFIELD_B 
+            ELSE
+	      B_field_z(iz,ir) = 0.0
+	    ENDIF
+      ENDIF
+      write(*,*) 'Target field : ',SANE_TGTFIELD_B 
+      write(*,*) 'Target field initiated with file: ',map
+      RETURN
+      END
+* ******************************************************
+	Subroutine trgInitFieldANGLES(theta,phi)
+*       theta,phi  I : inplane (theta) and out of plane (phi) angle
+	REAL*8     theta,phi
+	REAL*8   B_theta,B_stheta,B_ctheta,B_phi,B_sphi,B_cphi 
+	COMMON  /trgFieldAngles/   B_theta,B_stheta,B_ctheta,
+     >                           B_phi,  B_sphi,  B_cphi 
+	REAL*8      pi180,p,p0
+	PARAMETER (pi180 = 3.141592653/180.) 
+c	write(*,*) 'target theta = ',theta
+	B_theta  = theta
+	B_stheta = SIN(theta*pi180)*cos(phi*pi180) 
+	B_ctheta = COS(theta*pi180)
+	! Note: for performance reasons B_phi is always treated 0 in trgField
+	B_phi    = phi
+	B_sphi   = SIN(phi*pi180) 
+	B_cphi   = COS(phi*pi180)
+	end
+      subroutine TransformTo6Vector(x,y,z,px,py,pz,E,U)
+c     x,y,z coordinates ! Coor should be in z - along beamline
+c                                           y - along the target insert
+c                                           x perpendicular
+c     px,py,pz - momentum components in GEV
+c     E        - energy in GEV
+c     U(6) is six dimentional vector used in Tracking
+      real*8 U(6)
+      real*4 x,y,z,px,py,pz,E
+      U(1) = y
+      U(2) = x
+      U(3) = z
+      U(4) = py/E*29.97
+      U(5) = px/E*29.97
+      U(6) = pz/E*29.97
+      end
+      subroutine TransformFROM6Vector(PCooR,PMom,E,U)
+c     x,y,z coordinates ! Coor should be in z - along beamline
+c                                           y - along the target insert
+c                                           x perpendicular
+c     px,py,pz - momentum components in GEV
+c     E        - energy in GEV
+c     U(6) is six dimentional vector used in Tracking
+      real*8 U(6)
+      real*4 PCoor(3),PMom(3),E
+      PCoor(2)  = U(1) 
+      PCoor(1)  = U(2) 
+      PCoor(3)  = U(3) 
+      Pmom(2)   = U(4)*E/29.97
+      Pmom(1)   = U(5)*E/29.97
+      Pmom(3)   = U(6)*E/29.97
+      end
+      subroutine TransformFrom6VectorC(x,y,z,px,py,pz,E,U)
+c     Transforms from 6 Vector from tracking to XYZ,PX,PY,PZ 
+c     x,y,z coordinates ! Coor should be in z - along beamline
+c                                           y - along the target insert
+c                                           x perpendicular
+c     px,py,pz - momentum components in GEV
+c     E        - energy in GEV
+c     U(6) is six dimentional vector used in Tracking
+      real*8 U(6)
+      real*4 x,y,z,px,py,pz,E
+      y    = U(1)
+      x    = U(2) 
+      z    = U(3)  
+      py   = U(4)*E/29.97
+      px   = U(5)*E/29.97
+      pz   = U(6)*E/29.97
+      end
+      SUBROUTINE trgTrack (u,E,dl,l)
+      REAL*8    u(6),E,dl,l
+* --  track a single particle with given start parameters
+*     Parameter:
+*       u   IO : coordinate vector (initial/final)
+*                  u(1,2,3) : x, y, z [cm]
+*                  u(4,5,6) : dx/dt, dy/dt, dz/dt [cm/ns] 
+*       E   I  : particle energy [MeV] * sign of particle charge
+*                (negative for electrons, positive for protons/deuterons)
+*       dl  I  : step size [cm]
+*       l   I  : tracking distance [cm]
+      REAL*8  factor
+      COMMON /trgConversionFactor/factor
+      REAL*8   ts
+      INTEGER i,n
+      factor = 90./E
+      ts     = dl/30.
+      n      = ABS(l/dl)
+      DO i=1,n 			!step thru time
+  	CALL trgRK4(u,u,ts) 	!solve diff. eqs.
+      ENDDO
+      RETURN
+      END
+      SUBROUTINE trgXTrack (u,E,dl,l,Bdl,Xfun,id)
+      REAL*8   u(6),E,dl,l,Bdl
+      INTEGER id
+      INTEGER  Xfun 
+      EXTERNAL Xfun 
+*  -- track a single particle with given start parameters and 
+*     writes the track's coordinates to a hbook file  
+*     Parameter:
+*       u    IO : coordinate vector (initial/final)
+*                   u(1,2,3) : x, y, z [cm]
+*                   u(4,5,6) : dx/dt, dy/dt, dz/dt [cm/ns] 
+*       E    I  : particle energy [MeV] * sign of particle charge
+*                (negative for electrons, positive for protons/deuterons)
+*       dl   I  : step size [cm]
+*       l    I  : tracking distance [cm]
+*       Bdl  O  : Integrated Bdl [Tcm]
+*       Xfun I  : external function called after every iteration
+*                 int Xfun (id,t,l,u)
+*                    int  id         as passed to trgXtrack
+*                    real*8t,l,u(9)   time, pathlength and act. coordinates
+*       id   I  : histogram id
+      REAL*8   factor
+      COMMON /trgConversionFactor/factor
+      REAL*8   ts,uu(9)
+      INTEGER i,n,x
+      factor = 90./E
+      ts     = dl/30.
+      n      = l/dl
+      ! book start location
+      DO i=1,6
+        uu (i) = u(i)
+      ENDDO
+      DO i=7,9 
+        uu (i) = 0.
+      ENDDO
+      x = Xfun(id,0.,0.,uu)
+      ! track the particle and book location
+      DO i=1,n  
+        CALL trgRK4Bdl(uu,uu,ts)     ! solve diff. eqs.
+        x = Xfun (id,i*ts,i*dl,uu)
+      ENDDO
+      DO i=1,6
+        u(i) = uu (i)
+      ENDDO
+      ! calculate Bdl  ( B_x^2+B_y^2+B_z^2 )
+      Bdl = SQRT(uu(7)**2+uu(8)**2+uu(9)**2)	 
+      RETURN
+      END
+      SUBROUTINE trgTrackToLine (u,E,dl,P1,P2,ok)
+      REAL*8   u(6),E,dl,p1(3),P2(3)
+      LOGICAL ok
+* --  track a single particle with given start parameters
+*     and find the closest aproach of the particle track with a given lane
+*     Parameter:
+*        u     IO : coordinate vector (initial/final)
+*                     u0(1,2,3) : x, y, z [cm]
+*                     u0(4,5,6) : dx/dt, dy/dt, dz/dt [cm/ns] 
+*        E     I  : particle energy [MeV] * sign of particle charge
+*                   (negative for electrons, positive for protons/deuterons)
+*        dl    I  : step size [cm]
+*        P1 and P2 I  : two poinst on the lane 
+*        ok    IO : status variable 
+*                   - if false no action is taken 
+*                   - set to false when no intersection point is found 
+      REAL*8  factor
+      COMMON /trgConversionFactor/factor
+      REAL*8 one, Coordinate(3)
+      REAL*8   ts,n,an,bn,cn,dn,maxdist,dist0,dist1,u0(6),u1(6)
+      integer idist0,idist1,icount	
+      INTEGER i
+      one = 1.
+      IF (.NOT. OK) RETURN   
+      factor =  90./E
+      ts     = -dl/30.
+      Coordinate(1) = u(1)
+      Coordinate(2) = u(2)
+      Coordinate(3) = u(3)
+      call  Dist2Lane(P1,P2,Coordinate,dist0)
+      maxdist = max(ABS(dist0)*4.,1.0)
+      ! check for the tracking direction 
+      CALL trgRK4(u,u0,ts)
+	do i=1,6
+	   u1(i) = u0(i)
+	enddo
+      Coordinate(1) = u1(1)
+      Coordinate(2) = u1(2)
+      Coordinate(3) = u1(3)
+      call Dist2Lane(P1,P2,Coordinate,dist1) 
+      IF ( ts=-ts
+      ! track through the intersection plane 
+      dist0 = dist1 
+      icount=0
+      DO WHILE (
+c      write(*,*)dist0,dist1,icount
+	icount=icount+1 
+	dist0 = dist1
+	do i=1,6
+	   u1(i) = u0(i)
+	enddo
+        CALL trgRK4(u1,u0,ts)
+        Coordinate(1) = u0(1)
+        Coordinate(2) = u0(2)
+        Coordinate(3) = u0(3)
+        call Dist2Lane(P1,P2,Coordinate,dist1) 
+      ENDDO  
+      if(
+	do i=1,6
+	   u(i) = u1(i)
+	enddo
+      endif
+      if( write(*,*)'Failed'                  
+      RETURN
+      END
+      SUBROUTINE trgTrackToLineBDL (u,E,dl,P1,P2,ok)
+      REAL*8   u(9),E,dl,p1(3),P2(3)
+      LOGICAL ok
+* --  track a single particle with given start parameters
+*     and find the closest aproach of the particle track with a given lane
+*     Parameter:
+*        u     IO : coordinate vector (initial/final)
+*                     u0(1,2,3) : x, y, z [cm]
+*                     u0(4,5,6) : dx/dt, dy/dt, dz/dt [cm/ns] 
+*        E     I  : particle energy [MeV] * sign of particle charge
+*                   (negative for electrons, positive for protons/deuterons)
+*        dl    I  : step size [cm]
+*        P1 and P2 I  : two poinst on the lane 
+*        ok    IO : status variable 
+*                   - if false no action is taken 
+*                   - set to false when no intersection point is found 
+      REAL*8  factor
+      COMMON /trgConversionFactor/factor
+      REAL*8 one, Coordinate(3)
+      REAL*8   ts,n,an,bn,cn,dn,maxdist,dist0,dist1,u0(6),u1(6)
+      integer idist0,idist1,icount	
+      INTEGER i
+      one = 1.
+      IF (.NOT. OK) RETURN   
+      factor =  90./E
+      ts     = -dl/30.
+      Coordinate(1) = u(1)
+      Coordinate(2) = u(2)
+      Coordinate(3) = u(3)
+      call  Dist2Lane(P1,P2,Coordinate,dist0)
+      maxdist = max(ABS(dist0)*4.,1.0)
+      ! check for the tracking direction 
+      CALL trgRK4(u,u0,ts)
+	do i=1,6
+	   u1(i) = u0(i)
+	enddo
+      Coordinate(1) = u1(1)
+      Coordinate(2) = u1(2)
+      Coordinate(3) = u1(3)
+      call Dist2Lane(P1,P2,Coordinate,dist1) 
+      IF ( ts=-ts
+      ! track through the intersection plane 
+      dist0 = dist1 
+      icount=0
+      DO WHILE (
+c      write(*,*)dist0,dist1,icount
+	icount=icount+1 
+	dist0 = dist1
+	do i=1,6
+	   u1(i) = u0(i)
+	enddo
+        CALL trgRK4(u1,u0,ts)
+        Coordinate(1) = u0(1)
+        Coordinate(2) = u0(2)
+        Coordinate(3) = u0(3)
+        call Dist2Lane(P1,P2,Coordinate,dist1) 
+      ENDDO  
+      if(
+	do i=1,6
+	   u(i) = u1(i)
+	enddo
+      endif
+      if( write(*,*)'Failed'                  
+      RETURN
+      END
+	Subroutine Dist2Lane(PLine1,PLine2,Dot,Dist)
+	real*8 PLine1(3),PLine2(3),Dot(3)
+	real*8 Vect1(3),Vect2(3),VectCross(3)
+	real*8 Dist,val0,val1
+	call Sub3Vec(PLine1,PLine2,Vect1)
+	call Sub3Vec(PLine1,DOT,Vect2)
+	call CROSS(Vect1,Vect2,VectCross)
+	call value(VectCross,val0)
+	call value(Vect1,val1)
+	Dist = val0/val1
+	end
+	Subroutine CROSS(P1,P2,P12)
+	real*8 P1(3),P2(3),P12(3)
+	p12(1) = P1(2)*P2(3) - P1(3)*P2(2)
+	p12(2) = P1(3)*P2(1) - P1(1)*P2(3)
+	p12(3) = P1(1)*P2(2) - P1(2)*P2(1)
+	end
+	Subroutine Value(P,val)
+	real*8 P(3)
+	real*8 Val
+	Val = sqrt(P(1)**2+P(2)**2+P(3)**2)
+	end
+	Subroutine Sub3Vec(P1,P2,P12)
+	real*8 P1(3),P2(3),P12(3)
+	P12(1) = P1(1) - P2(1)
+	P12(2) = P1(2) - P2(2)
+	P12(3) = P1(3) - P2(3)
+	end
+      SUBROUTINE trgTrackToPlaneBDL (u,E,dl,a,b,c,d,ok)
+!      REAL    u(6),E,dl,a,b,c,d 
+      REAL*8    u(9),E,dl,a,b,c,d 
+      LOGICAL ok
+* --  track a single particle with given start parameters
+*     and find the intersection of the particle track with a given plane
+*     Parameter:
+*        u     IO : coordinate vector (initial/final)
+*                     u0(1,2,3) : x, y, z [cm]
+*                     u0(4,5,6) : dx/dt, dy/dt, dz/dt [cm/ns] 
+*        E     I  : particle energy [MeV] * sign of particle charge
+*                   (negative for electrons, positive for protons/deuterons)
+*        dl    I  : step size [cm]
+*        a..d  I  : parameter of the intersection plane 
+*                   0 = a*x+b*y+c*z+d; 
+*        ok    IO : status variable 
+*                   - if false no action is taken 
+*                   - set to false when no intersection point is found 
+      INCLUDE 'gen_event_info.cmn'
+      logical outside_fieldmap
+      common /mkjtemp/ outside_fieldmap
+      REAL*8   factor
+      COMMON /trgConversionFactor/factor
+!      REAL    ts,n,an,bn,cn,dn,maxdist,dist0,dist1,u0(6),u1(6)
+      REAL*8    ts,n,an,bn,cn,dn,maxdist,dist0,dist1,u0(9),u1(9)
+      INTEGER i,steps,max_steps
+!	For Bdl
+	do i=7,9
+	   u(i)=0.0
+	   u0(i)=0.0
+	   u1(i)=0.0
+	end do
+      IF (.NOT. OK) RETURN   
+	n  = 1/SQRT (a*a+b*b+c*c)
+	an = a*n
+	bn = b*n
+	cn = c*n
+	dn = d*n
+	factor =  90./E
+!       ts     = -dl/30.
+	ts     = -dl/sqrt(u(4)**2+u(5)**2+u(6)**2) ! to match MC OR - 4/04
+	dist0   = u(1)*an + u(2)*bn + u(3)*cn + dn
+	maxdist = max(ABS(dist0)*4.,1.0)
+				! check for the tracking direction 
+!      CALL trgRK4(u,u1,ts)
+	CALL trgRK4Bdl(u,u1,ts)
+	dist1 = u1(1)*an + u1(2)*bn + u1(3)*cn + dn  
+	IF ((sign(1.d00,dist0) .EQ. sign(1.d00,dist1)) .AND.
+     >    (ABS(dist0) .LT. ABS(dist1))) ts=-ts
+      ! track through the intersection plane
+      steps=0
+      max_steps = int(max(dist0,10.*dl)/dl)*10
+      if (sign(1.d00,dist0) .EQ. sign(1.d00,dist1)) then
+      dist1 = dist0   
+      DO WHILE ((sign(1.d00,dist0) .EQ. sign(1.d00,dist1)) .AND. ok) 
+!        CALL trgRK4(u1,u0,ts)
+        CALL trgRK4Bdl(u1,u0,ts)
+        dist0 = u0(1)*an + u0(2)*bn + u0(3)*cn + dn 
+        IF (sign(1.d00,dist0) .EQ. sign(1.d00,dist1)) THEN
+!          CALL trgRK4(u0,u1,ts)
+          CALL trgRK4Bdl(u0,u1,ts)
+          dist1 = u1(1)*an + u1(2)*bn + u1(3)*cn + dn  
+        ENDIF
+        ok = (ABS(dist1) .LT. maxdist) .and. steps .lt. max_steps
+        steps = steps + 1
+      ENDDO  
+      else
+         do i=1,6
+            u0(i) = u(i)
+         enddo
+      endif
+      IF (ok) THEN        
+        ! calculate the intersection point
+        DO i=1,6
+          u(i) = u0(i) + (u1(i)-u0(i)) * dist0/(dist0-dist1)
+        ENDDO
+!	Bdl
+	do i=7,9
+          u(i) = u0(i) + (u1(i)-u0(i)) * dist0/(dist0-dist1)
+!	u(i)=u0(i)
+	end do
+      ENDIF
+      RETURN
+      END
+      SUBROUTINE trgTrackToPlane (u,E,dl,a,b,c,d,ok)
+      REAL*8   u(6),E,dl,a,b,c,d 
+      LOGICAL ok
+* --  track a single particle with given start parameters
+*     and find the intersection of the particle track with a given plane
+*     Parameter:
+*        u     IO : coordinate vector (initial/final)
+*                     u0(1,2,3) : x, y, z [cm]
+*                     u0(4,5,6) : dx/dt, dy/dt, dz/dt [cm/ns] 
+*        E     I  : particle energy [MeV] * sign of particle charge
+*                   (negative for electrons, positive for protons/deuterons)
+*        dl    I  : step size [cm]
+*        a..d  I  : parameter of the intersection plane 
+*                   0 = a*x+b*y+c*z+d; 
+*        ok    IO : status variable 
+*                   - if false no action is taken 
+*                   - set to false when no intersection point is found 
+      REAL*8  factor
+      COMMON /trgConversionFactor/factor
+      REAL*8 one
+      REAL*8   ts,n,an,bn,cn,dn,maxdist,dist0,dist1,u0(6),u1(6)
+      integer idist0,idist1	
+      INTEGER i
+      one = 1.
+      IF (.NOT. OK) RETURN   
+      n  = 1/SQRT (a*a+b*b+c*c)
+      an = a*n
+      bn = b*n
+      cn = c*n
+      dn = d*n
+      factor =  90./E
+      ts     = -dl/30.
+      dist0   = u(1)*an + u(2)*bn + u(3)*cn + dn
+      maxdist = max(ABS(dist0)*4.,1.0)
+      ! check for the tracking direction 
+      CALL trgRK4(u,u1,ts)
+      dist1 = u1(1)*an + u1(2)*bn + u1(3)*cn + dn  
+       IF ((SIGN(one,dist0) .EQ. SIGN(one,dist1)) .AND.
+     >    (ABS(dist0) .LT. ABS(dist1))) ts=-ts
+      ! track through the intersection plane 
+      dist1 = dist0   
+      DO WHILE ((SIGN(one,dist0) .EQ. SIGN(one,dist1)) .AND. ok) 
+        CALL trgRK4(u1,u0,ts)
+        dist0 = u0(1)*an + u0(2)*bn + u0(3)*cn + dn 
+        IF (SIGN(one,dist0) .EQ. SIGN(one,dist1)) THEN
+          CALL trgRK4(u0,u1,ts)
+          dist1 = u1(1)*an + u1(2)*bn + u1(3)*cn + dn  
+        ENDIF
+        ok = (ABS(dist1) .LT. maxdist) 
+      ENDDO  
+      IF (ok) THEN        
+        ! calculate the intersection point
+        DO i=1,6
+          u(i) = u0(i) + (u1(i)-u0(i)) * dist0/(dist0-dist1)
+        ENDDO
+      ENDIF
+      RETURN
+      END
+      SUBROUTINE trgField (x_,B_)
+      REAL*8 x_(3),B_(3)
+* --  calculate actual field
+*     Parameter:
+*        x_   I : lab coordinates  
+*        B_   O : B field in lab coordinates
+*      Notes:
+*      - 2-Dimensional Linear Interpolation:                               
+*        Assumes uniform spacing of fieldmap in x,y        
+*      - for performance reasons B_phi is always treated 0 
+      INTEGER    nz,nr 
+      PARAMETER (nz = 337)
+      PARAMETER (nr = 337)
+      REAL*8   B_field_z(nz,nr),B_field_r(nz,nr),zz(nz),rr(nr)
+      REAL*8   B_theta,B_stheta,B_ctheta,B_phi,B_sphi,B_cphi 
+      COMMON  /trgFieldStrength/ B_field_z,B_field_r,zz,rr
+      COMMON  /trgFieldAngles/   B_theta,B_stheta,B_ctheta,
+     >                           B_phi,  B_sphi,  B_cphi 
+      INTEGER i,j
+      REAL*8   x(3),B(3),z,r,az,ar,a0,a1
+      ! rotate to coordinates with z' along field direction
+      x(1) =           x_(1)
+      x(2) =  B_stheta*x_(3) + B_ctheta*x_(2)
+      x(3) =  B_ctheta*x_(3) - B_stheta*x_(2)  
+      ! compute zylinder coordinates
+      z  = ABS  (x(3))
+      r  = SQRT (x(1)**2 + x(2)**2)
+      ! interpolate the field map 
+      i = INT((z-zz(1))/(zz(2)-zz(1))) + 1                                              
+      j = INT((r-rr(1))/(rr(2)-rr(1))) + 1                                              
+      IF ((i+1 .GT. nz) .OR. (i .LT. 1) .OR. 
+     >    (j+1 .GT. nr) .OR. (j .LT. 1)) THEN                
+        B(1)=0.
+        B(2)=0.
+        B(3)=0.
+        B_(1)=0.
+        B_(2)=0.
+        B_(3)=0.
+      ELSE                                                                     
+        ! calculate the Bz component 
+        az = ((z-zz(i))/(zz(2)-zz(1))) 
+        ar = ((r-rr(j))/(rr(2)-rr(1))) 
+        a0=az*(B_field_z(i+1,j)  -B_field_z(i,j))  +B_field_z(i,j)                                           
+        a1=az*(B_field_z(i+1,j+1)-B_field_z(i,j+1))+B_field_z(i,j+1)                                           
+        B(3) = (ar*(a1-a0)+a0)           
+        IF (r .gt. 0.) THEN
+          ! calculate the Bx,By components 
+          a0=az*(B_field_r(i+1,j)  -B_field_r(i,j))  +B_field_r(i,j)                                           
+          a1=az*(B_field_r(i+1,j+1)-B_field_r(i,j+1))+B_field_r(i,j+1)                                           
+          B(2) = (ar*(a1-a0)+a0)/r
+          IF (x(3) .LT. 0.) B(2)= -B(2)
+          B(1) = B(2)*x(1)
+          B(2) = B(2)*x(2)       
+          ! transform B field to lab. system
+          B_(1) =            B(1)  
+          B_(2) = - B_stheta*B(3) + B_ctheta*B(2)
+          B_(3) =   B_ctheta*B(3) + B_stheta*B(2)  
+        ELSE  
+          B_(1) =   0.
+          B_(2) = - B_stheta*B(3)
+          B_(3) =   B_ctheta*B(3)
+        ENDIF
+      ENDIF	   
+      RETURN
+      END
+* solve the differential equation of the particle  
+      SUBROUTINE trgDeriv(u,dudt)
+      REAL*8 u(9),dudt(9)
+* --  calculate the derivatives du(i)/dt for the runke kutta routine         
+*     Parameter:
+*       u     I : actual coordinate vector
+*                   u(1,2,3)    I : x, y, z
+*                   u(4,5,6)    I : dx/dt, dy/dt, dz/dt 
+*                   u(7,8,9)    I : integral Bxdx, Bydy, Bzdz   
+*       dudt  O : derivative du/dt
+*                   dudt(1,2,3) : dx/dt, dy/dt, dz/dt 
+*                   dudt(4,5,6) : d^2xdt^2, d^2ydt^2, d^2zdt^2
+*                   dudt(7,8,9) : B x v
+      REAL*8  factor
+      COMMON /trgConversionFactor/factor
+      REAL*8  B(3)
+      CALL trgField (u,B)
+      ! These are just the velocities
+      dudt(1) = u(4)
+      dudt(2) = u(5)
+      dudt(3) = u(6)
+      ! This is just (v_vec X B_vec)  
+      dudt(7) = u(5)*B(3) - u(6)*B(2)
+      dudt(8) = u(6)*B(1) - u(4)*B(3) 
+      dudt(9) = u(4)*B(2) - u(5)*B(1)  
+      ! This is just (v_vec X B_vec) * factor
+      dudt(4) = dudt(7)*factor
+      dudt(5) = dudt(8)*factor
+      dudt(6) = dudt(9)*factor
+      RETURN
+      END
+      SUBROUTINE trgRK4(u0,u1,h)
+      REAL*8    u0(6),u1(6),h
+* --  Fourth-order Runge-Kutta from Numerical Recipes book
+*     for tracking through the target field 
+*     Parameter:
+*       u0  I  : input  coordinate vector
+*       u1  O  : output coordinate vector
+*                u(1,2,3) : x, y, z
+*                u(4,5,6) : dx/dt, dy/dt, dz/dt 
+*       h   I  : time step
+      INTEGER i
+      REAL*8   ut(6),dudt(9),dut(9),dum(9),hh,h6
+      hh=h*0.5
+      h6=h/6.
+      CALL trgDeriv(u0,dudt)
+      DO i=1,6
+	ut(i) = u0(i) + hh*dudt(i)
+      ENDDO
+      CALL trgDeriv(ut,dut)
+      DO i=1,6
+	ut(i) = u0(i) + hh*dut(i)
+      ENDDO
+      CALL trgDeriv(ut,dum)
+      DO i=1,6
+	ut(i) = u0(i) +h*dum(i)
+        dum(i)= dut(i)  +dum(i)
+      ENDDO
+      CALL trgDeriv(ut,dut)
+      DO i=1,6
+        u1(i)=u0(i)+h6*(dudt(i)+dut(i)+2.*dum(i))
+      ENDDO
+      RETURN       
+      END
+      SUBROUTINE trgRK4Bdl(u0,u1,h)
+      REAL*8    u0(9),u1(9),h
+* --  Fourth-order Runge-Kutta from Numerical Recipes book
+*     for tracking through the target field (incl. B/dl calculation)
+*     Parameter:
+*      u0  I  : input  coordinate vector
+*      u1  O  : output coordinate vector
+*                 u(1,2,3) : x, y, z
+*                 u(4,5,6) : dx/dt, dy/dt, dz/dt 
+*                 u(7,8,9) : integral Bxdx, Bydy, Bzdz   
+*      h   I  : time step
+      INTEGER i
+      REAL*8   ut(9),dudt(9),dut(9),dum(9),hh,h6
+      hh=h*0.5
+      h6=h/6.
+      CALL trgDeriv(u0,dudt)
+      DO i=1,9
+	ut(i) = u0(i) + hh*dudt(i)
+      ENDDO
+      CALL trgDeriv(ut,dut)
+      DO i=1,9
+	ut(i) = u0(i) + hh*dut(i)
+      ENDDO
+      CALL trgDeriv(ut,dum)
+      DO i=1,9
+	ut(i) = u0(i) +h*dum(i)
+        dum(i)= dut(i)  +dum(i)
+      ENDDO
+      CALL trgDeriv(ut,dut)
+      DO i=1,9
+        u1(i)=u0(i)+h6*(dudt(i)+dut(i)+2.*dum(i))
+      ENDDO
+      RETURN       
+      END
diff --git a/SEM/.cvsignore b/SEM/.cvsignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b6ddf9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SEM/.cvsignore
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/SEM/CVS/Entries b/SEM/CVS/Entries
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b9760b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SEM/CVS/Entries
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+/.cvsignore/ Apr  3 15:33:18 2009//Tsane
+/Makefile/ Oct 25 12:49:15 2008//Tsane
+/Makefile.Unix/ Oct 25 12:49:15 2008//Tsane
+/sem_analyze_pedestal.f/ Oct 25 12:49:15 2008//Tsane
+/sem_calc_pedestal.f/ Oct 25 12:49:15 2008//Tsane
+/sem_calc_sr_beampos.f/ Jun  5 18:08:02 2009//Tsane
+/sem_clear_event.f/ Oct 25 12:49:16 2008//Tsane
+/sem_decode.f/ Jan 16 18:48:01 2009//Tsane
+/sem_fill_tbpm.f/ Feb 11 21:42:32 2009//Tsane
+/sem_register_variables.f/ Oct 25 12:49:16 2008//Tsane
+/sem_reset_event.f/ Oct 25 12:49:16 2008//Tsane
diff --git a/SEM/CVS/Repository b/SEM/CVS/Repository
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..008f05c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SEM/CVS/Repository
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/SEM/CVS/Root b/SEM/CVS/Root
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6288c3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SEM/CVS/Root
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/SEM/CVS/Tag b/SEM/CVS/Tag
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..25d73f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SEM/CVS/Tag
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/SEM/Makefile b/SEM/Makefile
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d37f2d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SEM/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# $Log: Makefile,v $
+# Revision  2008/10/25 12:49:15  cdaq
+# *** empty log message ***
+# Revision  2008/05/07 18:13:53  bhovik
+# starting files
+# Revision  2007/05/15 01:19:10  jones
+# Start to Bigcal code
+# Revision 1.1  1998/12/08 14:33:24  saw
+# Initial Setup
+include $(ETC)/Makefile.NEW
diff --git a/SEM/Makefile.Unix b/SEM/Makefile.Unix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7fd0a3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SEM/Makefile.Unix
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+include ../../etc/Makefile
+include ../../etc/Makefile.flags
+osources = sem_analyze_pedestal.f  sem_calc_pedestal.f sem_fill_tbpm.f \
+           sem_clear_event.f       sem_register_variables.f  sem_reset_event.f \
+	   sem_decode.f            sem_calc_sr_beampos.f
+makeregstuff = r_sem_data_structures.f 
+sources = $(osources) $(makeregstuff)
+libsources = $(sources)
+lib_targets := $(patsubst %.f, libsem.a(%.o), $(libsources))
+install-dirs := lib
+bin_targets =
+#	@echo "nothing to make"
+../%.f : $(NFSDIRECTORY)/SEM/%.f
+	ln -s $< $@
+.PRECIOUS: ../%.f
+# Rule for making the register subroutines
+../r_%.f : ../%.cmn $(MAKEREG)
+	(cd .. ; $(MAKEREG) $(<F) -o $(@F) -e /dev/null)
+.PRECIOUS: ../r_%.f
+# Get include files from INCLUDE directory
+%.cmn ../%.cmn:: ../../INCLUDE/%.cmn
+	$(CP) $< $@
+%.dec ../%.dec:: ../../INCLUDE/%.dec
+	$(CP) $< $@
+%.par ../%.par:: ../../INCLUDE/%.par
+	$(CP) $< $@
+%.dte ../%.dte:: ../../INCLUDE/%.dte
+	$(CP) $< $@
+include $(sources:.f=.d)
diff --git a/SEM/sem_analyze_pedestal.f b/SEM/sem_analyze_pedestal.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ff1785
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SEM/sem_analyze_pedestal.f
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+      subroutine sem_analyze_pedestal(ABORT,err)
+      implicit none
+      save
+      INCLUDE 'sem_data_structures.cmn'
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      character*18 here
+      parameter (here='sem_analyze_pedestal')
+      integer*4 ihit,counter,plane
+      logical atleastone
+      integer PLANE_TBPM
+      parameter (PLANE_TBPM=2)
+      atleastone = .false.
+      do ihit = 1 , N_TBPM_TOT_HITS
+        plane   = N_TBPM_ADDR1(ihit)
+        counter = N_TBPM_ADDR2(ihit)
+        if (plane .ne. PLANE_TBPM) then
+          write(6,*) ' !!!!! bad SEM plane ID=',plane,
+     >       ' !!!!   (should be=',PLANE_TBPM,')   counter=',counter
+        elseif (counter .gt. num_tbpm) then
+          write(6,*) ' !!!!! bad SEM counter ID=,counter,
+     >         ' !!!!   (should not exceed ', num_tbpm, ')'
+        else
+          atleastone = .true.
+          ndet_ped_tbpm_sum2(counter) = ndet_ped_tbpm_sum2(counter) +
+     &         N_TBPM_RAW_DATA(counter)* N_TBPM_RAW_DATA(counter)
+          ndet_ped_tbpm_sum(counter) = ndet_ped_tbpm_sum(counter) +
+     &         N_TBPM_RAW_DATA(counter)
+        endif
+      enddo
+      if (atleastone) ndet_tbpm_ped_counts = ndet_tbpm_ped_counts + 1
+      if(ABORT) then
+         call G_add_path(here,err)
+         return
+      endif
+      end
diff --git a/SEM/sem_calc_pedestal.f b/SEM/sem_calc_pedestal.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..641346c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SEM/sem_calc_pedestal.f
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+      SUBROUTINE sem_calc_pedestal(ABORT,err)
+      implicit none
+      save
+      INCLUDE 'sem_data_structures.cmn'
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      character*18 here
+      parameter (here='sem_calc_pedestal')
+      integer*4 pmt,i
+      real*4 num
+      num = ndet_tbpm_ped_counts
+      print *, 'artificially set PEDESTALS='
+      do i = 1,N_TBPM_ALL_CHAN
+        ndet_ped_tbpm(i) = float(ndet_ped_tbpm_sum(i))/num
+        ndet_ped_tbpm_sig(i) = sqrt(abs(float(ndet_ped_tbpm_sum2(i))/num 
+     &       - (ndet_ped_tbpm(i))**2))
+      enddo
+      end
diff --git a/SEM/sem_calc_sr_beampos.f b/SEM/sem_calc_sr_beampos.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..55c2c6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SEM/sem_calc_sr_beampos.f
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+      SUBROUTINE sem_calc_sr_beampos
+*-   Purpose and Methods :  determines position of raster beam
+*-                          at the target based on selected data.
+      SAVE
+      character*17 here
+      parameter (here= 'sem_calc_sr_beampos')
+      include 'gen_data_structures.cmn'
+c      INCLUDE 'gen_constants.par'
+c      include 'hms_bypass_switches.cmn'
+      include 'sem_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'gen_constants.par'
+      include 'gen_event_info.cmn'
+c      include 'gen_scalers.cmn'
+c      include 'n_id_histid.cmn'
+      real*4 x_coord, y_coord
+* some comments before the code:
+* the SEM coordinate system is different from the HALL C coordinate
+* system that is used throughout the analysis code.
+* 1) the positive SEM x coordinate points to the right when looking
+*    in beam direction, this corresponds to negative y direction of
+*    the HALL C transport coordinate system.
+*    the ADC positive x coordinate points DOWN.
+* 2) the positive SEM y coordinate points vertical up when looking
+*    down stream this corresponds to negative x of the HALL C coordinate
+*    system.
+*    the ADC positive y coordinate points RIGHT, but historically
+*    it has been assumed that it points left, thus all signs are
+*    inverted in the code -- but that's OK, because the ADC calibration
+*    automatically fixes that
+* 3) the raster adc values are calibrated using the sem by fitting
+*    the profile spectrum of SEM vs RASTER_ADC. So converting
+*    from raster adc into mm gives results in SEM coordinate system
+*    and to convert back to HALL C system one has to change signs of
+*    the parameters!
+* 4) we now have a new SEM mode,  slow_raster_correction=4
+*    the MEAN beam position comes from the SEM, via scalers, and the
+*    event deviation is obtained from the raster ADC
+*    we use the same ADC calibration constants for this mode
+*    we use the same ADC calibration constants for this mode
+*    but they have somewhat different meaning...
+* 5) calibration of slow raster with SEM
+*     * the ntbpmx and ntbpmy unit is millimeter
+*     * the shared variables gSR_beamx,gSR_beamy use centimeters!
+*=============================Executable Code =============================
+* gsrx_adc is in ADC system
+* ntbpmx is in SEM system
+* x_coord is in SEM system
+* gsrx_calib is in SEM system
+* gSR_beamx is in TRANSPORT system
+      if ((slow_raster_correction.eq.0)
+     >    .or. (slow_raster_correction.eq.-1)
+     >    .or. (slow_raster_correction.eq.1)) then     !use SEM data
+        x_coord = ntbpmx
+        y_coord = ntbpmy
+        gsrx_calib = gsry_raw_adc  ! uncalibrated so we can
+        gsry_calib = gsrx_raw_adc  !  determine calibration
+* mkj 2/20/2004 added parameters n_sr_adcx_zero,n_sr_adcy_zero
+*   so that now n_sr_offsety,n_sr_offsetx are offsets in beam
+*   position in which +x is horizontal beam right,+y is vertical up.
+      else if (slow_raster_correction.eq.2) then       ! use raster data
+c         write(*,*)n_sr_size,n_sr_slopex,n_sr_adcx_zero
+         gsry_calib = n_sr_size/n_sr_slopey*(gsry_raw_adc-n_sr_adcy_zero)!-
+c     ,     n_fr_size/n_fr_slopex*(gfrx_raw_adc-n_fr_adcx_zero)   
+         gsrx_calib = n_sr_size/n_sr_slopex*(gsrx_raw_adc-n_sr_adcx_zero)!+
+         gsry_calib = gsry_calib + n_sr_offsety
+         gsrx_calib = gsrx_calib + n_sr_offsetx
+c     ,        n_fr_size/n_fr_slopey*(gfry_raw_adc-n_fr_adcy_zero)
+c         write(*,*)n_fr_slopey,n_fr_slopex
+         x_coord = gsrx_calib
+         y_coord = gsry_calib
+      if (gen_event_type .ne. 4 ) then
+      call HFILL(10210,gsry_raw_adc,gsrx_raw_adc, 1.)
+      call HFILL(10211,gfry_raw_adc,gfrx_raw_adc, 1.)
+      call HFILL(10212,gsrx_calib,gsry_calib, 1.)
+      call HFILL(10213,gbeam_y,gbeam_x, 1.)
+      endif
+c        write(*,*)gsrx_calib,gsry_calib
+c      else if (slow_raster_correction.eq.4) then       ! use mixed mode
+c        gsrx_calib = n_sr_slopex*(gsry_adc-n_sr_adcx_zero) + n_sr_offsetx
+c        gsry_calib = n_sr_slopey*(gsrx_adc-n_sr_adcy_zero) + n_sr_offsety
+c        x_coord = gsrx_calib - gsem_meanxpos
+c        y_coord = gsry_calib - gsem_meanypos
+      else                                         ! shouldn't happen!
+        x_coord = 0.
+        y_coord = 0.
+      endif
+*     * correct units and switch to TRANSPORT system
+      gSR_beamx = x_coord 
+      gSR_beamy = y_coord 
+c      write(*,*)gSR_beamx,gSR_beamy
+c*     * in any case plot event SEM vs calib ADC
+c* mkj 1/23/02 change to plot tbpm without negative sign
+c      call hf2(nidSEM_ADCx, n_sr_slopex*gsrx_adc+n_sr_offsetx, ntbpmy, 1.)
+c      call hf2(nidSEM_ADCy, n_sr_slopey*gsry_adc+n_sr_offsety, ntbpmx, 1.)
+cc mkj 1/23/02 switch y to horz axis
+c      call hf2(nidndetsrADC, n_sr_slopey*gsry_adc+n_sr_offsety,
+c     >                       n_sr_slopex*gsrx_adc+n_sr_offsetx, 1.)
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/SEM/sem_clear_event.f b/SEM/sem_clear_event.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..45b4369
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SEM/sem_clear_event.f
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+      subroutine SEM_CLEAR_EVENT(ABORT,err)
+      SAVE
+      INCLUDE 'sem_data_structures.cmn'
+      character*13 here
+      parameter (here= 'sem_clear_event')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      integer i
+*  SEM hits
+      N_TBPM_TOT_HITS = 0
+      do i=1,N_TBPM_ALL_CHAN
+        n_tbpm_addr1(i) = 0
+        n_tbpm_addr2(i) = 0
+        N_TBPM_RAW_DATA(i) = 0
+      enddo
+      end
diff --git a/SEM/sem_decode.f b/SEM/sem_decode.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..984badd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SEM/sem_decode.f
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+      subroutine sem_decode(pointer,lastslot, roc, bank, 
+     &     maxwords, did)
+      implicit none
+      integer*4 pointer,lastslot, roc, bank(*) 
+      integer*4 maxwords, did 
+      integer*4 g_decode_fb_detector ! Detector unpacking routine
+      include 'gen_detectorids.par'
+      include 'sem_data_structures.cmn'
+      if(did.eq.SEM_ID)then
+         pointer = pointer +
+     $        g_decode_fb_detector(lastslot, roc, bank(pointer), 
+     &        maxwords, did, 
+     $            N_TBPM_ALL_CHAN , N_TBPM_TOT_HITS, N_TBPM_ADDR1,
+     $            N_TBPM_ADDR2, 1, N_TBPM_RAW_DATA, 0, 0, 0)
+c         write(*,*)'SEM ',N_TBPM_TOT_HITS,did
+c         write(*,*)'SEM ',N_TBPM_ADDR2
+c         write(*,*)'SEM ',N_TBPM_RAW_DATA
+      endif
+      end
diff --git a/SEM/sem_fill_tbpm.f b/SEM/sem_fill_tbpm.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3bda09f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SEM/sem_fill_tbpm.f
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+      subroutine sem_fill_tbpm()
+*     Author:   B. Zihlmann
+*     Date:     16 june 1998
+* changes
+* changes
+* mz 04/17/00 Changed n_fill_tbpm.f from foil numbers to mm
+*             (according to propsition from M. Steinacher)
+* frw 11-2000  changed code to allow for out-of-plane reconstruction
+*             even without raster.
+*             new hms_recon_xychoice value of 0 forces bad SEM
+*             event to be interpreted as being at center of target
+* frw 8-2001  new hms_recon_xychoice value of -1 forces SEM event
+*             mode position to whatever user has specified
+*             changed mode=0 to also use these values (0 is an option)
+* vht 11-2008 re-coded the new method of the old code, changed
+*             the mapping of raw data in accordance with cabling
+*             for SANE experiment.
+      character*50 here
+      parameter (here= 'sem_fill_tbpm')
+      include 'sem_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'gen_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'gen_constants.par'
+      integer*4 i,counter,plane
+      integer PLANE_TBPM
+      parameter (PLANE_TBPM=2)
+      real*4 cent_x, edge_x, cent_y, edge_y
+      real*4 cent_x_inv, edge_x_inv, cent_y_inv, edge_y_inv
+      real*4 cent,edge
+      logical inv
+      real*4 sem_coordinate
+      sem_coordinate(cent,edge)=-7.5*(1.+(edge-cent)/(edge+cent))+0.5
+*     decode TBPM hit array
+      do i = 1 , N_TBPM_TOT_HITS
+        plane   = N_TBPM_ADDR1(i)
+        counter = N_TBPM_ADDR2(i)
+        if (plane .ne. PLANE_TBPM) then
+          write(6,*) ' !!!!! bad SEM plane ID=',plane,
+     >       ' !!!!   (should be=',PLANE_TBPM,')   counter=',counter
+          pause
+        elseif (counter .gt. num_tbpm) then
+          write(6,*) ' !!!!! bad SEM counter ID=,counter,
+     >         ' !!!!   (should be<=',num_tbpm,')'
+          pause
+        else
+          N_TBPM_DATA(counter) = float(N_TBPM_RAW_DATA(i))
+        endif
+      enddo
+*     subtract pedestals
+      do i = 1,NUM_TBPM
+        N_TBPM_DATA(i) = MAX((N_TBPM_DATA(i) - ndet_ped_tbpm(i)),0.)
+      enddo
+*     This mapping is for SANE.
+      edge_x    =n_tbpm_data(1)
+      edge_x_inv=n_tbpm_data(2)
+      cent_x    =n_tbpm_data(3)
+      cent_x_inv=n_tbpm_data(4)
+      edge_y    =n_tbpm_data(5)
+      edge_y_inv=n_tbpm_data(6)
+      cent_y    =n_tbpm_data(7)
+      cent_y_inv=n_tbpm_data(8)
+*     X coordinate.
+      if( then
+         cent=cent_x
+         edge=edge_x
+         inv=.false.
+      else
+         cent=cent_x_inv
+         edge=edge_x_inv
+         inv=.true.
+      end if
+      if(
+     , abs(edge-cent).eq.abs(edge+cent)) then
+         ntbpmx=-20.
+      elseif( then
+         ntbpmx= 20.
+      else
+         ntbpmx=sem_coordinate(cent,edge)
+      end if
+c      write(2,*)edge_x,edge_x_inv,cent_x,cent_x_inv,edge_y,edge_y_inv,cent_y,cent_y_inv
+      if(inv) ntbpmx=-ntbpmx
+*     Y coordinate
+      if( then
+         cent=cent_y
+         edge=edge_y
+         inv=.false.
+      else
+         cent=cent_y_inv
+         edge=edge_y_inv
+         inv=.true.
+      end if
+      if(
+     , abs(edge-cent).eq.abs(edge+cent)) then
+         ntbpmy=-20.
+      elseif( then
+         ntbpmy= 20.
+      else
+         ntbpmy=sem_coordinate(cent,edge)
+      end if
+      if(inv) ntbpmy=-ntbpmy
+      end
diff --git a/SEM/sem_register_variables.f b/SEM/sem_register_variables.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..271953f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SEM/sem_register_variables.f
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+      subroutine sem_register_variables(ABORT,err)
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*20 here
+      parameter (here='sem_register_variables')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      logical FAIL
+      character*1000 why
+      err= ' '
+      ABORT= .false.
+      call r_sem_data_structures
+      if(' '' ') then
+         call G_append(err,' & '//why)
+      else if(' ') then
+         err=why
+      endif
+      abort =
+      if(' ') call G_add_path(here,err)
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/SEM/sem_reset_event.f b/SEM/sem_reset_event.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e8d78b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SEM/sem_reset_event.f
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+      subroutine SEM_RESET_EVENT(ABORT,err)
+      SAVE
+      INCLUDE 'sem_data_structures.cmn'
+      character*13 here
+      parameter (here= 'sem_reset_event')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      integer i
+*  SEM hits
+      N_TBPM_TOT_HITS = 0
+      do i=1,N_TBPM_ALL_CHAN
+        n_tbpm_addr1(i) = 0
+        n_tbpm_addr2(i) = 0
+        N_TBPM_RAW_DATA(i) = 0
+      enddo
+      end
diff --git a/STRACKING/.cvsignore b/STRACKING/.cvsignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b6ddf9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/.cvsignore
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/STRACKING/CVS/Entries b/STRACKING/CVS/Entries
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c4edd47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/CVS/Entries
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+/.cvsignore/1.1/Thu Jul  8 18:10:46 2004//Tsane
+/Makefile/1.1/Tue Dec  8 15:45:53 1998//Tsane
+/Makefile.Unix/ Sep 10 20:08:02 2007//Tsane
+/s_aero.f/1.3/Thu Nov  7 19:48:28 1996//Tsane
+/s_analyze_pedestal.f/1.10/Thu Jun 10 16:55:48 1999//Tsane
+/s_cal.f/1.9/Thu Apr  3 00:45:01 2003//Tsane
+/s_cal_calib.f/ Sep 10 20:28:01 2007//Tsane
+/s_cal_eff.f/1.7/Wed Jul 31 20:20:57 2002//Tsane
+/s_cal_eff_shutdown.f/1.5/Tue Feb 23 18:55:22 1999//Tsane
+/s_calc_pedestal.f/1.13/Tue Feb 23 18:57:19 1999//Tsane
+/s_cer.f/1.2/Mon May 22 19:45:33 1995//Tsane
+/s_cer_eff.f/1.4/Wed Feb 10 18:20:29 1999//Tsane
+/s_cer_eff_shutdown.f/1.1/Thu Aug 31 15:04:56 1995//Tsane
+/s_chamnum.f/1.2/Mon May 22 19:45:33 1995//Tsane
+/s_choose_single_hit.f/1.3/Wed Jan 17 19:04:08 1996//Tsane
+/s_clusters_cal.f/1.4/Wed Feb  3 21:13:44 1999//Tsane
+/s_correct_cal.f/1.7/Thu Apr  3 00:45:01 2003//Tsane
+/s_correct_cal_neg.f/1.4/Thu Apr  3 00:45:01 2003//Tsane
+/s_correct_cal_pos.f/1.4/Fri Mar 21 22:58:02 2003//Tsane
+/s_correct_cal_two.f/1.2/Fri Mar 21 22:58:02 2003//Tsane
+/s_dc_eff.f/1.1/Thu Aug 31 15:07:28 1995//Tsane
+/s_dc_eff_shutdown.f/1.2/Thu Sep  5 13:29:49 1996//Tsane
+/s_dc_trk_eff.f/1.2/Wed Jan 17 17:09:36 1996//Tsane
+/s_dc_trk_eff_shutdown.f/1.1/Mon Oct  9 20:05:32 1995//Tsane
+/s_dpsifun.f/1.3/Mon May 22 19:45:35 1995//Tsane
+/s_drift_dist_calc.f/1.5/Tue Apr 30 17:01:21 1996//Tsane
+/s_drift_time_calc.f/1.5/Mon Oct  9 20:16:16 1995//Tsane
+/s_dump_cal.f/1.4/Thu Jun 10 16:56:30 1999//Tsane
+/s_dump_peds.f/ Sep 13 04:02:18 2007//Tsane
+/s_dump_tof.f/1.7/Thu Nov  4 20:36:47 1999//Tsane
+/s_fcnchisq.f/1.3/Mon May 22 19:45:37 1995//Tsane
+/s_fill_cal_hist.f/1.10/Thu Dec 19 22:05:45 2002//Tsane
+/s_fill_dc_dec_hist.f/1.6/Wed Jul 31 20:20:58 2002//Tsane
+/s_fill_dc_fp_hist.f/1.5/Wed Jul 31 20:20:58 2002//Tsane
+/s_fill_dc_target_hist.f/1.4/Wed Jul 31 20:20:58 2002//Tsane
+/s_fill_scin_raw_hist.f/1.7/Wed Jan 17 19:04:54 1996//Tsane
+/s_find_best_stub.f/1.5/Wed Jan 17 19:05:23 1996//Tsane
+/s_find_easy_space_point.f/1.1/Thu Oct 26 14:18:53 1995//Tsane
+/s_generate_geometry.f/1.7/Thu Sep  5 13:30:18 1996//Tsane
+/s_init_cal.f/1.3/Mon May 22 19:45:40 1995//Tsane
+/s_init_cer.f/1.1/Thu Aug 31 15:05:05 1995//Tsane
+/s_init_histid.f/1.7/Tue Feb 23 18:58:40 1999//Tsane
+/s_init_physics.f/1.6/Wed Feb 10 18:15:40 1999//Tsane
+/s_init_scin.f/1.6/Tue Apr 30 17:32:20 1996//Tsane
+/s_initialize_fitting.f/1.3/Thu Sep  5 20:09:06 1996//Tsane
+/s_left_right.f/ Sep 10 20:28:01 2007//Tsane
+/s_link_stubs.f/1.7/Thu Sep  5 19:55:23 1996//Tsane
+/s_lucite.f/1.1/Thu Nov  7 19:50:56 1996//Tsane
+/s_pattern_recognition.f/1.10/Thu Sep  5 20:09:36 1996//Tsane
+/s_physics.f/1.21/Fri Nov 28 14:57:30 2003//Tsane
+/s_physics_stat.f/1.5/Tue Oct 10 16:49:32 1995//Tsane
+/s_print_decoded_dc.f/1.4/Tue Oct 10 16:52:50 1995//Tsane
+/s_print_links.f/1.2/Mon May 22 19:45:45 1995//Tsane
+/s_print_pr.f/1.2/Mon May 22 19:45:45 1995//Tsane
+/s_print_raw_dc.f/1.2/Mon May 22 19:45:46 1995//Tsane
+/s_print_stubs.f/1.3/Mon May 22 19:45:46 1995//Tsane
+/s_print_tar_tracks.f/1.3/Mon May 22 19:45:46 1995//Tsane
+/s_print_tracks.f/1.3/Mon May 22 19:45:47 1995//Tsane
+/s_prt_cal_clusters.f/1.3/Fri Jan 29 17:34:58 1999//Tsane
+/s_prt_cal_decoded.f/1.2/Mon May 22 19:45:48 1995//Tsane
+/s_prt_cal_raw.f/1.4/Fri Jan 29 17:34:59 1999//Tsane
+/s_prt_cal_sparsified.f/1.3/Fri Jan 29 17:34:59 1999//Tsane
+/s_prt_cal_tests.f/1.2/Mon May 22 19:45:49 1995//Tsane
+/s_prt_cal_tracks.f/1.2/Mon May 22 19:45:49 1995//Tsane
+/s_prt_dec_scin.f/1.7/Wed Jan 17 19:00:09 1996//Tsane
+/s_prt_raw_scin.f/1.6/Fri Sep  5 19:58:29 2003//Tsane
+/s_prt_tof.f/1.3/Mon May 22 19:45:51 1995//Tsane
+/s_prt_track_tests.f/1.2/Mon May 22 19:45:52 1995//Tsane
+/s_psifun.f/1.2/Mon May 22 19:45:53 1995//Tsane
+/s_raw_dump_all.f/1.2/Mon May 22 19:45:53 1995//Tsane
+/s_reconstruction.f/1.13/Thu Nov  7 19:53:12 1996//Tsane
+/s_register_param.f/1.11/Thu Nov  7 19:53:37 1996//Tsane
+/s_report_bad_data.f/1.3/Thu Sep  5 20:14:25 1996//Tsane
+/s_satcorr.f/1.2/Fri Sep  5 20:00:03 2003//Tsane
+/s_scin_eff.f/1.8/Fri Sep  5 20:01:02 2003//Tsane
+/s_scin_eff_shutdown.f/1.9/Tue Feb 23 18:59:27 1999//Tsane
+/s_select_best_track.f/1.6/Wed Mar 23 16:34:09 2005//Tsane
+/s_select_best_track_prune.f/1.1/Wed Mar 23 16:34:08 2005//Tsane
+/s_select_best_track_using_scin.f/1.2/Wed Mar 23 16:18:14 2005//Tsane
+/s_solve_3by3.f/1.3/Tue Oct 10 17:36:30 1995//Tsane
+/s_sparsify_cal.f/1.13/Wed Jul 31 20:20:58 2002//Tsane
+/s_strip_scin.f/1.7/Tue Feb 23 19:00:39 1999//Tsane
+/s_targ_trans.f/1.15/Tue Feb 23 19:01:10 1999//Tsane
+/s_targ_trans_init.f/ Sep 10 20:28:01 2007//Tsane
+/s_tdc_time_per_channel.f/1.3/Mon May 22 19:45:57 1995//Tsane
+/s_tdc_zero.f/1.3/Mon May 22 19:45:58 1995//Tsane
+/s_tof.f/ Sep 10 20:28:01 2007//Tsane
+/s_tof_fit.f/1.6/Wed Sep  4 20:36:55 1996//Tsane
+/s_tof_init.f/1.5/Mon May 22 19:46:00 1995//Tsane
+/s_track.f/1.5/Wed Sep  4 20:19:45 1996//Tsane
+/s_track_fit.f/1.8/Wed Jan 17 18:56:08 1996//Tsane
+/s_track_tests.f/1.3/Thu Sep 26 14:54:03 2002//Tsane
+/s_tracks_cal.f/ Sep 10 20:28:01 2007//Tsane
+/s_trans_cal.f/1.8/Wed May 12 15:38:59 2004//Tsane
+/s_trans_cer.f/1.2/Wed Jan 17 18:45:10 1996//Tsane
+/s_trans_dc.f/1.13/Wed Jul 31 20:20:58 2002//Tsane
+/s_trans_misc.f/1.6/Wed Jan 27 16:02:45 1999//Tsane
+/s_trans_scin.f/1.14/Tue Mar 15 21:13:09 2005//Tsane
+/s_wire_center_calc.f/1.5/Wed Sep  4 20:17:35 1996//Tsane
diff --git a/STRACKING/CVS/Repository b/STRACKING/CVS/Repository
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8818f07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/CVS/Repository
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/STRACKING/CVS/Root b/STRACKING/CVS/Root
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6288c3f
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..25d73f7
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/STRACKING/Makefile b/STRACKING/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09247cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# $Log: Makefile,v $
+# Revision 1.1  1998/12/08 15:45:53  saw
+# Initial setup
+include $(ETC)/Makefile.NEW
diff --git a/STRACKING/Makefile.Unix b/STRACKING/Makefile.Unix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f4ad97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/Makefile.Unix
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+# $Log: Makefile.Unix,v $
+# Revision  2007/09/10 20:08:02  pcarter
+# Implemented changes to allow compilation on RHEL 3,4,5 and MacOSX
+# Revision 1.27  2005/03/23 16:34:08  jones
+# Add new code s_select_best_track_prune.f (P Bosted)
+# Revision 1.26  2005/03/23 16:18:14  jones
+# Add new code s_select_best_track_using_scin.f . Copy of code used for HMS.
+# Revision 1.25  2003/04/03 00:45:01  jones
+# Update to calorimeter calibration (V. Tadevosyan)
+# Revision 1.24  1999/03/04 21:38:24  saw
+# Another typo
+# Revision 1.23  1999/03/04 19:07:33  saw
+# Fix typo
+# Revision 1.22  1999/02/23 18:53:46  csa
+# Add s_satcorr
+# Revision 1.21  1999/01/29 17:34:56  saw
+# Add variables for second tubes on shower counter
+# Revision 1.20  1999/01/21 21:41:48  saw
+# Clean up Include file rules
+# Revision 1.19  1998/12/09 16:31:16  saw
+# Remove dependence on Csoft environment variable
+# Revision 1.18  1998/12/07 22:11:29  saw
+# Initial setup
+# Revision 1.17  1996/11/07 19:54:28  saw
+# (SAW) Add Lucite Cerenkov routines and AIX support
+# Revision 1.16  1996/09/04 20:15:59  saw
+# (SAW) Add routines.  Linux compatibility updates
+# Revision 1.15  1996/04/29 18:29:40  saw
+# (SAW) New makefile style
+# Revision 1.14  1996/01/17 17:00:27  cdaq
+# (SAW) Use $(CP) instead of cp.  Add s_cer_eff, s_cer_eff_shutdown, s_init_cer,
+#       s_trans_cer, s_dc_eff, s_dc_eff_shutdown, s_dump_peds, s_dump_cal,
+#       s_report_bad_data, s_dc_trk_eff, s_dc_trk_eff_shutdown,
+#       s_find_easy_space_point, r_sos_cer_parms.f
+# Revision 1.13  1995/07/20  19:09:05  cdaq
+# (SAW) Add option to get source via softlink to read only source tree
+# Revision 1.12  1995/05/24  13:23:13  cdaq
+# Add s_init_histid, r_sos_pedestals
+# Revision 1.11  1995/05/11  21:18:16  cdaq
+# (SAW) Compile s_trans_misc.f and s_fill_cal_hist.f
+# Revision 1.10  1995/04/06  20:07:09  cdaq
+# (SAW) Add pedestal routines
+# Revision 1.9  1995/03/08  20:34:23  cdaq
+# (SAW) Add new routines, add -f to include file copy statements
+# Revision 1.8  1995/01/27  20:49:07  cdaq
+# (SAW) Remove RCS from include file rules
+# Revision 1.7  1994/11/23  15:36:04  cdaq
+# (SAW) Update list of sources to bring in line with HMS
+# Revision 1.6  1994/08/18  04:23:42  cdaq
+# (SAW) Call makereg generated routines to register variables
+# Revision 1.5  1994/07/07  15:17:56  cdaq
+# (SAW) Fix a bug so that all sources not get compiled
+# Revision 1.4  1994/06/14  05:02:25  cdaq
+# (SAW) Add s_init_physics and s_physics_stat
+# Revision 1.3  1994/06/07  18:50:41  cdaq
+# Add register_bypass and register_statistics routines
+# Revision 1.2  1994/05/19  13:55:24  cdaq
+# Add new routines from DFG
+# Revision 1.1  1994/04/15  20:28:07  cdaq
+# Initial revision
+include ../../etc/Makefile
+include ../../etc/Makefile.flags
+osources = s_cal.f s_cer.f s_chamnum.f s_dpsifun.f s_drift_dist_calc.f \
+	s_drift_time_calc.f s_fcnchisq.f s_find_best_stub.f \
+	s_generate_geometry.f s_initialize_fitting.f s_left_right.f \
+	s_link_stubs.f s_pattern_recognition.f s_physics.f s_print_links.f \
+	s_print_pr.f s_print_stubs.f s_print_tar_tracks.f s_print_tracks.f \
+	s_psifun.f s_register_param.f s_reconstruction.f s_targ_trans.f \
+	s_tdc_time_per_channel.f s_tdc_zero.f s_tof.f s_track.f s_track_fit.f \
+	s_trans_cal.f s_trans_dc.f s_trans_scin.f s_wire_center_calc.f \
+	s_print_decoded_dc.f s_print_raw_dc.f
+newstuff = s_clusters_cal.f s_correct_cal.f s_fill_dc_dec_hist.f \
+	s_fill_dc_fp_hist.f s_init_cal.f s_init_scin.f s_prt_cal_clusters.f \
+	s_prt_cal_decoded.f s_prt_cal_raw.f s_prt_cal_sparsified.f \
+	s_prt_cal_tests.f s_prt_cal_tracks.f s_prt_dec_scin.f \
+	s_prt_raw_scin.f s_prt_tof.f s_prt_track_tests.f s_raw_dump_all.f \
+	s_sparsify_cal.f s_tof.f s_tof_init.f s_tof_fit.f s_tracks_cal.f \
+	s_trans_cal.f s_trans_scin.f s_fill_scin_raw_hist.f
+newerstuff = s_fill_dc_target_hist.f s_targ_trans_init.f \
+	s_init_physics.f s_physics_stat.f \
+	s_strip_scin.f s_choose_single_hit.f s_solve_3by3.f \
+	s_dump_tof.f s_select_best_track.f s_select_best_track_using_scin.f \
+	s_scin_eff.f s_scin_eff_shutdown.f \
+	s_cal_eff.f s_cal_eff_shutdown.f s_analyze_pedestal.f \
+	s_calc_pedestal.f s_trans_misc.f s_fill_cal_hist.f s_init_histid.f \
+	s_cer_eff.f s_cer_eff_shutdown.f s_init_cer.f s_trans_cer.f \
+	s_dc_eff.f s_dc_eff_shutdown.f s_dump_peds.f s_dump_cal.f \
+	s_report_bad_data.f s_dc_trk_eff.f s_dc_trk_eff_shutdown.f \
+	s_find_easy_space_point.f s_aero.f s_track_tests.f s_lucite.f \
+	s_correct_cal_pos.f s_correct_cal_neg.f s_cal_calib.f \
+	s_satcorr.f  s_select_best_track_prune.f
+makeregstuff = r_sos_filenames.f r_sos_tracking.f r_sos_geometry.f \
+	 r_sos_track_histid.f r_sos_recon_elements.f r_sos_physics_sing.f \
+	r_sos_scin_parms.f r_sos_scin_tof.f r_sos_calorimeter.f \
+	r_sos_id_histid.f r_sos_bypass_switches.f r_sos_statistics.f \
+	r_sos_pedestals.f r_sos_cer_parms.f r_sos_aero_parms.f \
+	r_sos_lucite_parms.f
+sources = $(osources) $(newstuff) $(newerstuff) $(makeregstuff)
+ifeq ($(MYOS),AIX)
+xsources := $(filter-out s_link_stubs.f s_track_tests.f ,$(sources))
+sources = s_link_stubs_aix.f s_track_tests_aix.f $(xsources)
+../s_%_aix.f : ../s_%.f
+	sed -e "s/access=.append./position='append'/"< $< > $@	
+libsources = $(sources)
+lib_targets := $(patsubst %.f, libstracking.a(%.o), $(libsources))
+install-dirs := lib
+bin_targets =
+#	@echo "nothing to make"
+	ln -s $< $@
+.PRECIOUS: ../%.f
+# Rule for making the register subroutines
+../r_%.f : ../%.cmn $(MAKEREG)
+	(cd .. ; $(MAKEREG) $(<F) -o $(@F) -e /dev/null)
+.PRECIOUS: ../r_%.f
+# Get include files from INCLUDE directory
+%.cmn ../%.cmn:: ../../INCLUDE/%.cmn
+	$(CP) $< $@
+%.dec ../%.dec:: ../../INCLUDE/%.dec
+	$(CP) $< $@
+%.par ../%.par:: ../../INCLUDE/%.par
+	$(CP) $< $@
+include $(sources:.f=.d)
diff --git a/STRACKING/s_aero.f b/STRACKING/s_aero.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..daba4ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/s_aero.f
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+*-   Purpose and Methods : Analyze aerogel information for each track
+*-      Required Input BANKS     SOS_RAW_AER
+*-      Output BANKS             SOS_TRACK_TESTS
+*-   Output: ABORT           - success or failure
+*-         : err             - reason for failure, if any
+*-   Created 13-MAY-1995     H. Breuer and R. Mohring, UMD
+*-                           SOS Aerogel detector calibration routine
+* $Log: s_aero.f,v $
+* Revision 1.3  1996/11/07 19:48:28  saw
+* (JRA) Handle over and underflows
+* Revision 1.2  1996/09/05 13:13:14  saw
+* (JRA) ??
+* Revision 1.1  1996/04/30 17:12:40  saw
+* Initial revision
+      SAVE
+      character*6 here
+      parameter (here= 'S_AERO')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      integer*4 ind,npmt
+      INCLUDE 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'sos_pedestals.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'sos_aero_parms.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'sos_scin_parms.cmn'  ! For smisc_dec_data bank
+      ABORT= .FALSE.
+      err= ' '
+      saer_neg_npe_sum = 0.0
+      saer_pos_npe_sum = 0.0
+      saer_tot_good_hits = 0
+      do ind = 1,smax_aer_hits
+        saer_pos_npe(ind)=0.0
+        saer_neg_npe(ind)=0.0
+      enddo
+      do ind = 1,saer_tot_hits
+* pedestal subtraction and gain adjustment
+* Note: rmm 28-aug-96
+* An ADC value of less than zero occurs when that particular
+* channel has been sparsified away and has not been read. The NPE
+* for that tube will be assigned zero by this code (the NPE
+* variables are initialized above.) An ADC value of greater than
+* 8000 (more specifically, 8192) occurs when the ADC overflows on
+* an input that is too large. Tubes with this characteristic will
+* be assigned NPE = 100.0.
+        npmt=saer_pair_num(ind)
+       if (saer_adc_pos(ind).gt.0) then
+         if (saer_adc_pos(ind).lt.8000) then
+           saer_pos_npe(npmt) =
+     &       (saer_adc_pos(ind)-saer_pos_ped_mean(npmt))*saer_pos_gain(npmt)
+          else
+           saer_pos_npe(npmt) = 100.0
+         endif                         !
+       endif                           ! gt.0
+        if (saer_adc_neg(ind).gt.0) then
+          if (saer_adc_neg(ind).lt.8000) then
+           saer_neg_npe(npmt) =
+     &       (saer_adc_neg(ind)-saer_neg_ped_mean(npmt))*saer_neg_gain(npmt)
+          else
+            saer_neg_npe(npmt) = 100.0
+          endif                         !
+        endif                           ! gt.0
+* sum positive and negative hits if above software threshold
+* also, fill saer_tot_good_hits for those events that have
+* more than 0.3 npe (mostly cuts out scintillation)
+        if (saer_neg_npe(npmt).ge.saer_neg_threshold(npmt)) then
+          saer_neg_npe_sum = saer_neg_npe_sum + saer_neg_npe(npmt)
+         if (saer_neg_npe(npmt).ge.0.3)
+     &         saer_tot_good_hits = saer_tot_good_hits + 1
+        endif
+        if (saer_pos_npe(npmt).ge.saer_pos_threshold(npmt)) then
+          saer_pos_npe_sum = saer_pos_npe_sum + saer_pos_npe(npmt)
+         if (saer_pos_npe(npmt).ge.0.3)
+     &         saer_tot_good_hits = saer_tot_good_hits + 1
+        endif
+      enddo
+      saer_npe_sum = saer_neg_npe_sum + saer_pos_npe_sum
+* If the total hits are 0, then make sure NPE=0
+      if ( then
+       saer_npe_sum=0.
+      endif
+* Next, fill the rawadc variables with the actual tube values
+*      mainly for diagnostic purposes.
+      do ind=1,7
+       saer_rawadc_neg(ind)=-100
+       saer_rawadc_pos(ind)=-100
+      enddo
+      do ind=1,saer_tot_hits
+       npmt=saer_pair_num(ind)
+        saer_rawadc_neg(npmt)=saer_adc_neg(ind)
+        saer_rawadc_pos(npmt)=saer_adc_pos(ind)
+      enddo
+*RMM added 28-aug-96 summing amp outputs:
+      saer_sumA = smisc_dec_data(17,2)
+      saer_sumB = smisc_dec_data(18,2)
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/STRACKING/s_analyze_pedestal.f b/STRACKING/s_analyze_pedestal.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..847c8de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/s_analyze_pedestal.f
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+      subroutine s_analyze_pedestal(ABORT,err)
+* $Log: s_analyze_pedestal.f,v $
+* Revision 1.10  1999/06/10 16:55:48  csa
+* (JRA) Removed two calorimeter debugging statements
+* Revision 1.9  1999/02/23 18:54:33  csa
+* (JRA) Implement improved pedestal calcs
+* Revision 1.8  1999/01/29 17:34:56  saw
+* Add variables for second tubes on shower counter
+* Revision 1.7  1996/11/07 19:49:10  saw
+* (WH) Add pedestal analysis for lucite cerenkov
+* Revision 1.6  1996/04/30 17:00:53  saw
+* (JRA) Change some aerogel variable names
+* Revision 1.5  1995/10/09 20:07:55  cdaq
+* (JRA) Use scer_raw_adc instead of hcer_adc
+* Revision 1.4  1995/07/20 14:45:42  cdaq
+* (???) Fix typo in Gas Cerenkov Pedestals section
+* Revision 1.3  1995/05/22  19:45:30  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.2  1995/05/17  16:41:08  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add Cernekov pedestals, cosmetic changes
+* Revision 1.1  1995/04/01  19:35:31  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*18 here
+      parameter (here='s_analyze_pedestal')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      integer*4 ihit
+      integer*4 pln,cnt
+      integer*4 row,col
+      integer*4 blk
+      integer*4 pmt
+      INCLUDE 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'sos_pedestals.cmn'
+      do ihit = 1 , sscin_all_tot_hits
+        pln = sscin_all_plane_num(ihit)
+        cnt = sscin_all_counter_num(ihit)
+        if (sscin_all_adc_pos(ihit).le.shodo_pos_ped_limit(pln,cnt)) then
+          shodo_neg_ped_sum2(pln,cnt) = shodo_neg_ped_sum2(pln,cnt) +
+     &          sscin_all_adc_neg(ihit)*sscin_all_adc_neg(ihit)
+          shodo_neg_ped_sum(pln,cnt) = shodo_neg_ped_sum(pln,cnt) +
+     &          sscin_all_adc_neg(ihit)
+          shodo_neg_ped_num(pln,cnt) = shodo_neg_ped_num(pln,cnt) + 1
+          if (shodo_pos_ped_num(pln,cnt).eq.nint(shodo_min_peds/5.)) then
+            shodo_pos_ped_limit(pln,cnt) = 100 +
+     &               shodo_pos_ped_sum(pln,cnt) / shodo_pos_ped_num(pln,cnt)
+          endif
+        endif
+        if (sscin_all_adc_neg(ihit).le.shodo_neg_ped_limit(pln,cnt)) then
+          shodo_pos_ped_sum2(pln,cnt) = shodo_pos_ped_sum2(pln,cnt) +
+     &          sscin_all_adc_pos(ihit)*sscin_all_adc_pos(ihit)
+          shodo_pos_ped_sum(pln,cnt) = shodo_pos_ped_sum(pln,cnt) +
+     &          sscin_all_adc_pos(ihit)
+          shodo_pos_ped_num(pln,cnt) = shodo_pos_ped_num(pln,cnt) + 1
+          if (shodo_neg_ped_num(pln,cnt).eq.nint(shodo_min_peds/5.)) then
+            shodo_neg_ped_limit(pln,cnt) = 100 +
+     &               shodo_neg_ped_sum(pln,cnt) / shodo_neg_ped_num(pln,cnt)
+          endif
+        endif
+      enddo
+      do ihit = 1 , scal_tot_hits
+        row = scal_row(ihit)
+        col = scal_column(ihit)
+        blk = row + (col-1)*smax_cal_rows
+        if (scal_adc_pos(ihit) .le. scal_pos_ped_limit(blk)) then
+          scal_pos_ped_sum2(blk) = scal_pos_ped_sum2(blk) +
+     $       scal_adc_pos(ihit)*scal_adc_pos(ihit)
+          scal_pos_ped_sum(blk) = scal_pos_ped_sum(blk) + scal_adc_pos(ihit)
+          scal_pos_ped_num(blk) = scal_pos_ped_num(blk) + 1
+          if (scal_pos_ped_num(blk).eq.nint(scal_min_peds/5.)) then
+            scal_pos_ped_limit(blk) = 100 +
+     &              scal_pos_ped_sum(blk) / scal_pos_ped_num(blk)
+          endif
+        endif
+        if (scal_adc_neg(ihit) .le. scal_neg_ped_limit(blk)) then
+          scal_neg_ped_sum2(blk) = scal_neg_ped_sum2(blk) +
+     $       scal_adc_neg(ihit)*scal_adc_neg(ihit)
+          scal_neg_ped_sum(blk) = scal_neg_ped_sum(blk) + scal_adc_neg(ihit)
+          scal_neg_ped_num(blk) = scal_neg_ped_num(blk) + 1
+          if (scal_neg_ped_num(blk).eq.nint(scal_min_peds/5.)) then
+            scal_neg_ped_limit(blk) = 100 +
+     &              scal_neg_ped_sum(blk) / scal_neg_ped_num(blk)
+          endif
+        endif
+      enddo
+      do ihit = 1 , scer_tot_hits
+        pmt=scer_tube_num(ihit)       ! no sparsification yet - NEED TO FIX!!!!
+        if (scer_raw_adc(ihit) .le. scer_ped_limit(pmt)) then
+          scer_ped_sum2(pmt) = scer_ped_sum2(pmt) +
+     $       scer_raw_adc(ihit)*scer_raw_adc(ihit)
+          scer_ped_sum(pmt) = scer_ped_sum(pmt) + scer_raw_adc(ihit)
+          scer_ped_num(pmt) = scer_ped_num(pmt) + 1
+          if (scer_ped_num(pmt).eq.nint(scer_min_peds/5.)) then
+            scer_ped_limit(pmt) = 100 +
+     &              scer_ped_sum(pmt) / scer_ped_num(pmt)
+          endif
+        endif
+      enddo
+      do ihit = 1 , saer_tot_hits
+        blk = saer_pair_num(ihit)
+        if (saer_adc_pos(ihit) .le. saer_pos_ped_limit(blk)) then
+          saer_pos_ped_sum2(blk) = saer_pos_ped_sum2(blk) + saer_adc_pos(ihit)*saer_adc_pos(ihit)
+          saer_pos_ped_sum(blk) = saer_pos_ped_sum(blk) + saer_adc_pos(ihit)
+          saer_pos_ped_num(blk) = saer_pos_ped_num(blk) + 1
+          if (saer_pos_ped_num(blk).eq.nint(scer_min_peds/5.)) then
+            saer_pos_ped_limit(blk) = 100 +
+     &              saer_pos_ped_sum(blk) / saer_pos_ped_num(blk)
+          endif
+        endif
+        if (saer_adc_neg(ihit) .le. saer_neg_ped_limit(blk)) then
+          saer_neg_ped_sum2(blk) = saer_neg_ped_sum2(blk) + saer_adc_neg(ihit)*saer_adc_neg(ihit)
+          saer_neg_ped_sum(blk) = saer_neg_ped_sum(blk) + saer_adc_neg(ihit)
+          saer_neg_ped_num(blk) = saer_neg_ped_num(blk) + 1
+          if (saer_neg_ped_num(blk).eq.nint(scer_min_peds/5.)) then
+            saer_neg_ped_limit(blk) = 100 +
+     &              saer_neg_ped_sum(blk) / saer_neg_ped_num(blk)
+          endif
+        endif
+      enddo
+      do ihit = 1 , sluc_tot_hits
+        blk = sluc_pair_num(ihit)
+        if (sluc_adc_pos(ihit) .le. sluc_pos_ped_sum(blk)) then
+          sluc_pos_ped_sum2(blk) = sluc_pos_ped_sum2(blk) + sluc_adc_pos(ihit)*sluc_adc_pos(ihit)
+          sluc_pos_ped_sum(blk) = sluc_pos_ped_sum(blk) + sluc_adc_pos(ihit)
+          sluc_pos_ped_num(blk) = sluc_pos_ped_num(blk) + 1
+          if (sluc_pos_ped_num(blk).eq.nint(scer_min_peds/5.)) then
+            sluc_pos_ped_limit(blk) = 100 +
+     &              sluc_pos_ped_sum(blk) / sluc_pos_ped_num(blk)
+          endif
+        endif
+        if (sluc_adc_neg(ihit) .le. sluc_neg_ped_sum(blk)) then
+          sluc_neg_ped_sum2(blk) = sluc_neg_ped_sum2(blk) + sluc_adc_neg(ihit)*sluc_adc_neg(ihit)
+          sluc_neg_ped_sum(blk) = sluc_neg_ped_sum(blk) + sluc_adc_neg(ihit)
+          sluc_neg_ped_num(blk) = sluc_neg_ped_num(blk) + 1
+          if (sluc_neg_ped_num(blk).eq.nint(scer_min_peds/5.)) then
+            sluc_neg_ped_limit(blk) = 100 +
+     &              sluc_neg_ped_sum(blk) / sluc_neg_ped_num(blk)
+          endif
+        endif
+      enddo
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/STRACKING/s_cal.f b/STRACKING/s_cal.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fcea0c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/s_cal.f
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+*-   Purpose and Methods : Analyze Calorimeter information for each track 
+*-      Required Input BANKS     SOS_RAW_CAL
+*-                               SOS_DECODED_CAL
+*-                               SOS_FOCAL_PLANE
+*-      Output BANKS             SOS_TRACK_TESTS
+*-   Output: ABORT           - success or failure
+*-         : err             - reason for failure, if any
+*-   Created 19-JAN-1994   D. F. Geesaman
+*-                           Dummy Shell routine
+* $Log: s_cal.f,v $
+* Revision 1.9  2003/04/03 00:45:01  jones
+* Update to calorimeter calibration (V. Tadevosyan)
+* Revision 1.8  1999/06/10 16:56:02  csa
+* (JRA) Cosmetic changes
+* Revision 1.7  1999/02/25 20:18:40  saw
+* Vardan Tadevosyan shower code updates
+* Revision 1.6  1999/02/03 21:13:44  saw
+* Code for new Shower counter tubes
+* Revision 1.5  1999/01/29 17:34:56  saw
+* Add variables for second tubes on shower counter
+* Revision 1.4  1995/05/22 19:45:31  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.3  1995/05/11  21:02:26  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add call to s_tracks_cal
+* Revision 1.2  1994/11/22  21:05:51  cdaq
+* (SPB) Recopied from hms file and modified names for SOS
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/21  16:06:52  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      SAVE
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      character*5 here
+      parameter (here= 'S_CAL')
+      integer*4 nt                      !Detector track number
+      integer*4 nc                      !Calorimeter cluster number
+      real*4    cor     !Correction factor for X,Y dependence ! Single PMT.
+      real*4    cor_pos !Correction factor for X,Y dependence ! Pos
+      real*4    cor_neg !Correction factor for X,Y dependence ! Neg
+      real*4 s_correct_cal     !External function to compute "cor"
+      real*4 s_correct_cal_pos !External function to compute "cor_pos"
+      real*4 s_correct_cal_neg !External function to compute "cor_neg"
+      include 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'sos_calorimeter.cmn'
+      include 'gen_run_info.cmn' !To get run number.
+      do nt=1, sntracks_fp
+        strack_e1_pos(nt)=0.            !  Only pos_pmt for layer "A"
+        strack_e1_neg(nt)=0.            !  Only_neg_pmt for layer "A"
+        strack_e2_pos(nt)=0.            !  Only_pos_pmt for layer "B"  
+        strack_e2_neg(nt)=0.            !  Only_neg_pmt for layer "B" 
+        strack_e1(nt)=0.
+        strack_e2(nt)=0.
+        strack_e3(nt)=0.
+        strack_e4(nt)=0.
+        strack_et(nt)=0.
+        strack_preshower_e(nt)=0.
+      enddo
+      call s_clusters_cal(abort,err)
+      if(abort) then
+        call g_add_path(here,err)
+        return
+      endif
+      call s_tracks_cal(abort,err)
+      if (abort) then
+        call g_add_path(here,err)
+        return
+      endif
+*     Return if there are no tracks found or none of the found tracks
+*     matches a cluster in the calorimeter
+      if(sntracks_fp .le.0) go to 100   !Return
+      if(sntracks_cal.le.0) go to 100   !Return
+      do nt =1,sntracks_fp
+         nc=scluster_track(nt)
+         if( then
+            cor    =s_correct_cal(strack_xc(nt),strack_yc(nt))     ! Single PMT
+            cor_pos=s_correct_cal_pos(strack_xc(nt),strack_yc(nt)) ! Single pos PMT
+            cor_neg=s_correct_cal_neg(strack_xc(nt),strack_yc(nt)) ! Single neg PMT
+c...  Correction factors for old runs, with single PMT modules only.
+            if( then
+               cor_pos=cor
+               cor_neg=0.
+            end if
+            snblocks_cal(nt)=scluster_size(nc)
+            if( then
+               strack_e1_pos(nt)=cor_pos*scluster_e1_pos(nc) !  For "A" layer "POS_PMT"    
+               strack_e1_neg(nt)=cor_neg*scluster_e1_neg(nc) !  For "A" layer "NEG_PMT"
+               strack_e1(nt)=strack_e1_pos(nt)+strack_e1_neg(nt) !  For "A" layer "POS"+"NEG_PMT"
+            else
+               strack_e1(nt)=cor_pos*scluster_e1(nc) !   IF ONLY "POS_PMT" in layer "A"                
+            endif
+            if( then
+               strack_e2_pos(nt)=cor_pos*scluster_e2_pos(nc) !  For "B" layer "POS_PMT"    
+               strack_e2_neg(nt)=cor_neg*scluster_e2_neg(nc) !  For "B" layer "NEG_PMT"
+               strack_e2(nt)=strack_e2_pos(nt)+strack_e2_neg(nt) !  For "B" layer "POS"+"NEG_PMT"
+            else
+               strack_e2(nt)=cor_pos*scluster_e2(nc) !   IF ONLY "POS_PMT" in layer "B"
+            endif
+            if( then
+               print *,"Extra tubes on more than two layers not supported"
+            endif
+            strack_e3(nt)=cor*scluster_e3(nc)  
+            strack_e4(nt)=cor*scluster_e4(nc)
+            strack_et(nt)=strack_e1(nt)+strack_e2(nt)+ strack_e3(nt)
+     &           +strack_e4(nt) 
+            strack_preshower_e(nt)=strack_e1(nt)
+         endif                  !End ... if nc > 0
+      enddo                     !End loop over detetor tracks       
+ 100  continue
+      if( call s_prt_cal_tests
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/STRACKING/s_cal_calib.f b/STRACKING/s_cal_calib.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..799d5b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/s_cal_calib.f
@@ -0,0 +1,628 @@
+      subroutine s_cal_calib(mode)
+c     SOS calorimeter calibration with electrons.
+c     Input paramater mode = 0 means collect data for calibration,
+c     otherwise calibrate.
+      implicit none
+      integer mode
+      include 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'sos_calorimeter.cmn'
+      include 'sos_tracking.cmn'
+      include 'gen_run_info.cmn'
+      include 'gen_event_info.cmn'
+      integer ihit
+      integer nblk
+      real adc_pos,adc_neg
+      integer nct_hit_blk(66),ipmt !sos
+      logical write_out
+      common/scal_calib/nct_hit_blk,ncall,spare_id
+      integer ncall
+      data ncall/0/
+      real thr_lo,thr_hi        !thresholds on sammed raw calorimeter signal.
+      integer spare_id
+      logical ABORT
+      character*80 err
+      ncall=ncall+1
+      if (ncall .eq. 1) then
+	call g_IO_control(spare_id,'ANY',ABORT,err)  !get IO channel
+         open(spare_id,file='s_cal_calib.raw_data')
+         do ipmt=1,66
+            nct_hit_blk(ipmt)=0
+         enddo
+      endif
+      if(mode.eq.0) then        !collect data.
+c        Choose clean single electron tracks within SOS momentum acceptance.
+         if(  (sntracks_fp.eq.1).and.
+     &        (snclusters_cal.eq.1).and.
+     &        (sntracks_cal.eq.1).and.
+     &        (
+     &        (abs(sdelta_tar(1)).lt.20.).and.
+     &        (abs(sbeta(1)-1.).lt.0.1).and.
+     &        spare_id .ne. 0 ) then
+***   &     (sbeta_chisq(1).ge.0.).and.(sbeta_chisq(1).lt.1.)  ) then
+            write_out = .false.
+            do ihit=1,scal_num_hits
+               nblk=(scal_cols(ihit)-1)*smax_cal_rows+scal_rows(ihit)
+               nct_hit_blk(nblk) = nct_hit_blk(nblk) + 1
+               if (nct_hit_blk(nblk) .lt. 4000) write_out = .true.
+            enddo
+            if (write_out) then
+               write(spare_id,'(i2,1x,f7.4,2(1x,f5.1,1x,f9.6))')
+     &              scal_num_hits,sp_tar(1),
+     &              strack_xc(1),sxp_fp(1),strack_yc(1),syp_fp(1)
+               do ihit=1,scal_num_hits
+                  if(scal_cols(ihit).le.scal_num_neg_columns) then
+                     adc_neg=scal_adcs_neg(ihit)
+                  else
+                     adc_neg=0.
+                  end if
+                  adc_pos=scal_adcs_pos(ihit)
+                  nblk=(scal_cols(ihit)-1)*smax_cal_rows+scal_rows(ihit)
+                  write(spare_id,'(2(f9.3,1x),i2)'),
+     &                 adc_pos,adc_neg,nblk
+               end do
+            endif               ! if write_out
+         end if                 !electron in acceptance
+      else                      !mode<>0, calibrate.
+         close(spare_id)
+         print*,'=========================================================='
+         print*,'Calibrating SOS Calorimeter at event #',gen_event_id_number
+         call scal_raw_thr(spare_id,thr_lo,thr_hi)
+         print*,'lo & hi thresholds:', thr_lo,thr_hi
+         call scal_clb_det(spare_id,gen_run_number,thr_lo,thr_hi)
+         print*,'=========================================================='
+      end if                    !mode=0
+      end
+      subroutine scal_raw_thr(lun,thr_lo,thr_hi)
+      implicit none
+      integer lun
+      real thr_lo,thr_hi
+c     Get thresholds around electron peak in summed raw calorimeter signal.
+      integer*4 num_negs
+      parameter (num_negs=22)   !sos
+      integer*4 nhit
+      real*4 adc_pos,adc_neg
+      integer*4 nh
+      integer*4 nb
+      real*8 eb
+      integer*4 nrow
+      parameter (nrow=11)       !sos
+      real*4 zbl
+      parameter (zbl=10.)
+      real*4 x,xp,y,yp
+      real*4 xh,yh
+      integer*4 nc
+      real*4 sig,avr,t
+      real*4 qdc
+      integer nev
+      real s_correct_cal_neg, s_correct_cal_pos, s_correct_cal
+*     Get thresholds on total_signal/p_tar.
+      open(lun,file='s_cal_calib.raw_data',err=989)
+      avr=0.
+      sig=0.
+      nev=0
+      do while(.true.)
+         read(lun,*,end=3) nhit,eb,x,xp,y,yp
+         qdc=0.
+         do nh=1,nhit
+            read(lun,*,end=3) adc_pos,adc_neg,nb
+            nc=(nb-1)/nrow+1
+            xh=x+xp*(nc-0.5)*zbl
+            yh=y+yp*(nc-0.5)*zbl
+            if(nb.le.num_negs) then
+               qdc=qdc+adc_pos*s_correct_cal_pos(xh,yh)*0.5
+               qdc=qdc+adc_neg*s_correct_cal_neg(xh,yh)*0.5
+            else
+               qdc=qdc+adc_pos*s_correct_cal(xh,yh)
+            end if
+         enddo
+         eb=eb*1000.
+         t=qdc/eb
+c          write(lun,*) t
+c         write(lun,*) t,nhit,eb,x,xp,y,yp,nev
+         avr=avr+t
+         sig=sig+t*t
+         nev=nev+1
+c         print*,eb,qdc,nev
+      end do
+ 3    close(lun)
+c      print*,avr,sig,nev
+      avr=avr/nev
+      sig=sqrt(sig/nev-avr*avr)
+      thr_lo=avr-3.*sig
+      thr_hi=avr+3.*sig
+c      write(*,*) 'thr_lo=',thr_lo,'   thr_hi=',thr_hi
+      return
+ 989  write(*,*) ' error opening file s_cal_calib.raw_data, channel',lun,
+     *           ' in scal_raw_thr.f'
+      end
+	subroutine scal_clb_det(lun,nrun,thr_lo,thr_hi)
+	implicit none
+	include 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+	include 'sos_calorimeter.cmn'
+	integer lun,nrun
+	real thr_lo,thr_hi
+	integer npmts
+	parameter (npmts=66)	!sos
+	integer npmts2
+	parameter (npmts2=npmts*npmts)
+	integer nrow
+	parameter (nrow=11)     !sos
+	real*8 q0(npmts)
+	real*8 qm(npmts,npmts)
+	real*8 qe(npmts)
+	real*8 q(npmts)
+	real*8 eb
+	real*8 e0
+	real*8 ac(npmts)
+	real*8 au(npmts)
+c      real*8 t
+	real*8 s
+	integer nev
+	logical*1 eod
+	integer i,j
+	integer nf(npmts)
+	integer minf
+	parameter (minf=200) ! minimum number to hit pmt before including pmt in  calib
+	integer nums(npmts)
+	integer numsel
+	real*8 q0s(npmts)
+	real*8 qes(npmts)
+	integer nsi,nsj
+	real*8 acs(npmts)
+	real*8 aus(npmts)
+	real*8 aux(npmts2)
+	integer jp
+	integer spare_id
+        logical ABORT
+        character*80 err
+	character*40 fn
+	real xh,yh
+	open(lun,file='s_cal_calib.raw_data')
+	do i=1,npmts
+	   q0(i)=0.
+	   qe(i)=0.
+	   do j=1,npmts
+	      qm(i,j)=0.
+	   end do
+	   au(i)=0.
+	   ac(i)=0.
+	   nf(i)=0
+	end do
+	e0=0.
+	nev=0
+	eod=.false.
+	do while(.not.eod)
+	   call s_get_data(lun,eb,q,xh,yh,eod,thr_lo,thr_hi)
+	   if(.not.eod) then
+	      do i=1,npmts
+		 if(q(i).gt.0.) then
+		    q0(i)=q0(i)+q(i)
+		    qe(i)=qe(i)+eb*q(i)
+		    do j=1,npmts
+		       qm(i,j)=qm(i,j)+q(i)*q(j)
+		    end do
+		    nf(i)=nf(i)+1
+		 end if
+	      end do
+	      e0=e0+eb
+	      nev=nev+1
+c	      if(nev/1000*1000.eq.nev) write(*,'(e10.3,i7)') e0,nev
+	   end if
+	end do
+	close(lun)
+	do i=1,npmts
+	   q0(i)=q0(i)/nev
+	   qe(i)=qe(i)/nev
+	   do j=1,npmts
+	      qm(i,j)=qm(i,j)/nev
+	   end do
+	end do
+	e0=e0/nev
+	numsel=0
+	do i=1,npmts
+	   if(nf(i).ge.minf) then
+	      numsel=numsel+1
+	      nums(numsel)=i
+c	      print*,nums(numsel),numsel,nf(i)
+           else
+	      write(*,*) ' PMT ',i,' only ',nf(i),' events. Will not to be calibrated. Gain is set to 0.'
+	   end if
+	end do
+c	print*,'numsel =',numsel
+	write(*,'(''Number of events for each PMT for calib for run '',i7,'', '',
+     1    i6,'' events processed'')') nrun,nev
+	write(*,*) ' PMT with less than', minf,' events  are not included in calibration.'
+	write(*,*)
+	write(*,11) 'scal_pos_gain_cor=',(nf(i),i=       1,  nrow)
+	write(*,11) '                  ',(nf(i),i=  nrow+1,2*nrow)
+	write(*,11) '                  ',(nf(i),i=2*nrow+1,3*nrow)
+	write(*,11) '                  ',(nf(i),i=3*nrow+1,4*nrow)
+	write(*,11) 'scal_neg_gain_cor=',(nf(i),i=4*nrow+1,5*nrow)
+	write(*,11) '                  ',(nf(i),i=5*nrow+1,6*nrow)
+	write(*,11) '                  ',(0.,   i=6*nrow+1,7*nrow)
+	write(*,11) '                  ',(0.,   i=7*nrow+1,8*nrow)
+	do i=1,numsel
+	   nsi=nums(i)
+	   q0s(i)=q0(nsi)
+	   qes(i)=qe(nsi)
+	   do j=1,numsel
+	      nsj=nums(j)
+	      jp=j+(i-1)*numsel
+	      aux(jp)=qm(nsj,nsi)
+c	      write(65,'(e12.5)') aux(jp)
+	   end do
+	end do
+	call calib(e0,q0s,qes,aux,numsel,numsel*numsel,aus,acs)
+	do i=1,numsel
+	   nsi=nums(i)
+	   au(nsi)=aus(i)
+	   ac(nsi)=acs(i)
+	end do
+c	write(*,'(2e10.3,i5)') (ac(i),au(i),i,i=1,npmts)
+	write(fn,'(a17,i5.5)') 'PARAM/scal.param.',nrun
+	call g_IO_control(spare_id,'ANY',ABORT,err)  !get IO channel
+	open(spare_id,file=fn)
+	write(spare_id,'(''; Calibration constants for run '',i7,'', '',
+     1    i6,'' events processed'')') nrun,nev
+	write(spare_id,*)
+        write(spare_id,10) 'scal_pos_gain_cor=',(ac(i)*1.D+3,i=       1,  nrow)
+        write(spare_id,10) '                  ',(ac(i)*1.D+3,i=  nrow+1,2*nrow)
+        write(spare_id,10) '                  ',(ac(i)*1.D+3,i=2*nrow+1,3*nrow)
+        write(spare_id,10) '                  ',(ac(i)*1.D+3,i=3*nrow+1,4*nrow)
+        write(spare_id,10) 'scal_neg_gain_cor=',(ac(i)*1.D+3,i=4*nrow+1,5*nrow)
+        write(spare_id,10) '                  ',(ac(i)*1.D+3,i=5*nrow+1,6*nrow)
+        write(spare_id,10) '                  ',(0.,         i=6*nrow+1,7*nrow)
+        write(spare_id,10) '                  ',(0.,         i=7*nrow+1,8*nrow)
+*	write(spare_id,10) 'scal_pos_gain_cor=',(ac(i)*2.D+3,i=       1,  nrow)
+*	write(spare_id,10) '                  ',(ac(i)*2.D+3,i=  nrow+1,2*nrow)
+*	write(spare_id,10) '                  ',(ac(i)*1.D+3,i=2*nrow+1,3*nrow)
+*	write(spare_id,10) '                  ',(ac(i)*1.D+3,i=3*nrow+1,4*nrow)
+*	write(spare_id,10) 'scal_neg_gain_cor=',(ac(i)*2.D+3,i=4*nrow+1,5*nrow)
+*	write(spare_id,10) '                  ',(ac(i)*2.D+3,i=5*nrow+1,6*nrow)
+*	write(spare_id,10) '                  ',(0.,         i=6*nrow+1,7*nrow)
+*	write(spare_id,10) '                  ',(0.,         i=7*nrow+1,8*nrow)
+	close(spare_id)
+        call G_IO_control(spare_ID,'FREE',ABORT,err) !free up IO channel
+	write(*,*)
+	write(*,'(''Calibration constants for run '',i7,'', '',
+     1    i6,'' events processed'')') nrun,nev
+	write(*,*)
+	write(*,*) ' constants written to ',fn
+	write(*,*)
+        write(*,10) 'scal_pos_gain_cor=',(ac(i)*1.D+3,i=       1,  nrow)
+        write(*,10) '                  ',(ac(i)*1.D+3,i=  nrow+1,2*nrow)
+        write(*,10) '                  ',(ac(i)*1.D+3,i=2*nrow+1,3*nrow)
+        write(*,10) '                  ',(ac(i)*1.D+3,i=3*nrow+1,4*nrow)
+        write(*,10) 'scal_neg_gain_cor=',(ac(i)*1.D+3,i=4*nrow+1,5*nrow)
+        write(*,10) '                  ',(ac(i)*1.D+3,i=5*nrow+1,6*nrow)
+        write(*,10) '                  ',(0.,         i=6*nrow+1,7*nrow)
+        write(*,10) '                  ',(0.,         i=7*nrow+1,8*nrow)
+*	write(*,10) 'scal_pos_gain_cor=',(ac(i)*2.D+3,i=       1,  nrow)
+*	write(*,10) '                  ',(ac(i)*2.D+3,i=  nrow+1,2*nrow)
+*	write(*,10) '                  ',(ac(i)*1.D+3,i=2*nrow+1,3*nrow)
+*	write(*,10) '                  ',(ac(i)*1.D+3,i=3*nrow+1,4*nrow)
+*	write(*,10) 'scal_neg_gain_cor=',(ac(i)*2.D+3,i=4*nrow+1,5*nrow)
+*	write(*,10) '                  ',(ac(i)*2.D+3,i=5*nrow+1,6*nrow)
+*	write(*,10) '                  ',(0.,         i=6*nrow+1,7*nrow)
+*	write(*,10) '                  ',(0.,         i=7*nrow+1,8*nrow)
+ 10	format(a18,13(f6.3,','))
+ 11	format(a18,13(i5,','))
+	open(lun,file='s_cal_calib.raw_data')
+	call g_IO_control(spare_id,'ANY',ABORT,err)  !get IO channel
+        open(spare_id,file='s_cal_calib.cal_data')
+	write(*,*) 'In sos shower cal  creating file s_cal_calib.cal_data, ',
+     *       'channel ',spare_id
+	nev=0
+	eod=.false.
+	do while(.not.eod)
+	   call s_get_data(lun,eb,q,xh,yh,eod,0.,1.E+8)
+	   if(.not.eod) then
+	      s=0.
+*	      t=0.
+	      do i=1,npmts
+	         s=s+q(i)*ac(i)
+*	         t=t+q(i)*au(i)
+	      end do
+              write(spare_id,*) s,eb,xh,yh
+	   end if
+	end do
+	close(lun)
+	close(spare_id)
+        call G_IO_control(spare_ID,'FREE',ABORT,err)  !free up IO channel
+	end
+c...  Done already in h_cal_calib.f.
+c	subroutine calib(e0,q0,qe,aux,npmts,npmts2,au,ac)
+c	implicit none
+c	integer npmts,npmts2
+c	real*8 e0
+c	real*8 q0(npmts)
+c	real*8 qe(npmts)
+c	real*8 aux(npmts2)
+c	real*8 ac(npmts)
+c	real*8 au(npmts)
+c	real*8 qm(npmts,npmts)
+c	real*8 t
+c	real*8 s
+c	integer ifail
+c	integer i,j
+c	integer jp
+c	do i=1,npmts
+c	   do j=1,npmts
+c	      jp=j+(i-1)*npmts
+c	      qm(j,i)=aux(jp)
+cD	      write(66,'(e12.5)') qm(j,i)
+c	   end do
+c	end do
+c	print*,'Calib: npmts =',npmts
+c	print*,' '
+c	print*,'Inversing the Matrix...'
+c	call smxinv(qm,npmts,ifail)
+c	if( then
+c	   stop '*** Singular Matrix ***'
+c	else
+c	   print*,'                    ...done.'
+c	end if
+c	do i=1,npmts
+c	   au(i)=0.
+c	   do j=1,npmts
+c	      au(i)=au(i)+qm(i,j)*qe(j)
+c	   end do
+c	end do
+c	s=0.
+c	do i=1,npmts
+c	   t=0.
+c	   do j=1,npmts
+c	      t=t+qm(i,j)*q0(j)
+c	   end do
+c	   s=s+q0(i)*t
+c	end do
+c	t=0.
+c	do i=1,npmts
+c	   t=t+au(i)*q0(i)
+c	end do
+c	s=(e0-t)/s
+c	do i=1,npmts
+c	   t=0.
+c	   do j=1,npmts
+c	      t=t+qm(i,j)*q0(j)
+c	   end do
+c	   ac(i)=s*t+au(i)
+c	end do
+c	end
+      subroutine s_get_data(lun,eb,q,xh,yh,eod,thr_lo,thr_hi)
+      implicit none
+      integer lun
+      real*8 eb
+      integer*4 num_blocks,num_negs,num_pmts
+      parameter (num_blocks=44,num_negs=22,num_pmts=66) !sos.
+      real*8 q(num_pmts)
+      logical*1 eod
+      integer*4 nhit 
+      real*4 adc_pos,adc_neg 
+      integer*4 nh 
+      integer*4 nb 
+      integer*4 nrow
+      parameter (nrow=11) !sos
+      real*4 zbl
+      parameter (zbl=10.)
+      real*4 x,xp,y,yp
+      real*4 xh,yh
+      integer*4 nc
+      real*4 s_correct_cal
+      real*4 s_correct_cal_pos,s_correct_cal_neg
+      real*4 thr_lo,thr_hi
+      logical*1 good_ev
+      real*4 qnet
+      good_ev=.false.
+      do while(.not.good_ev)
+	 eb=0.d0
+	 do nb=1,num_pmts
+	    q(nb)=0.d0
+	 end do
+	 qnet=0.
+	 eod=.true.
+	 read(lun,*,end=5) nhit,eb,x,xp,y,yp
+	 do nh=1,nhit
+	    read(lun,*,end=5) adc_pos,adc_neg,nb
+	    nc=(nb-1)/nrow+1
+	    xh=x+xp*(nc-0.5)*zbl
+	    yh=y+yp*(nc-0.5)*zbl
+	    if(nb.le.num_negs) then
+	       q(nb)=adc_pos*s_correct_cal_pos(xh,yh)
+	       q(num_blocks+nb)=adc_neg*s_correct_cal_neg(xh,yh)
+	       qnet=qnet+0.5*(q(nb)+q(num_blocks+nb))
+	    else
+	       q(nb)=adc_pos*s_correct_cal(xh,yh)
+	       qnet=qnet+q(nb)
+	    end if
+	 enddo
+	 eod=.false.
+	 qnet=qnet/(eb*1000.)
+	 good_ev=(
+c	 write(99,*) qnet
+      end do   !.not.good_ev
+ 5    continue
+      end
+c...  Done already in h_cal_calib.f.
+C CERN PROGLIB# F107    SMXINV          .VERSION KERNFOR  1.0   720503
+C ORIG. 03/05/72 CL
+c     REAL*8 A(*),RI(100)
+c     INTEGER*4 INDEX(100)
+c     DATA  TOL / 1.D-14/
+c     IFAIL=0
+c     N=NDIM
+c     NP1=N+1
+c        DO 10 I=1,N
+c   10 INDEX(I)=1
+c        DO 80 I=1,N
+C--                FIND PIVOT
+c     PIVOT=0.0D0
+c     JJ=1
+c        DO 20 J=1,N
+c     IF (INDEX(J).EQ.0) GO TO 19
+c     ELM=DABS (A(JJ))
+c     IF (ELM.LE.PIVOT) GO TO 19
+c     PIVOT=ELM
+c     K=J
+c     KK=JJ
+c   19 JJ=JJ+NP1
+c   20 CONTINUE
+c     IF (PIVOT/DABS(A(1)).LT.TOL) GO TO 100
+c     INDEX(K)=0
+c     PIVOT=-A(KK)
+C--                ELIMINATION
+c     KJ=K
+c     NP=N
+c        DO 70 J=1,N
+c     IF (J-K) 34,30,34
+c   30 A(KJ)=1.0D0/PIVOT
+c     RI(J)=0.0D0
+c     NP=1
+c     GO TO 70
+c   34 ELM=-A(KJ)
+c   40 RI(J)=ELM/PIVOT
+c     IF (ELM.EQ.0.0D0) GO TO 50
+c     JL=J
+c        DO 45 L=1,J
+c     A(JL)=A(JL)+ELM*RI(L)
+c   45 JL=JL+N
+c   50 A(KJ)=RI(J)
+c   70 KJ=KJ+NP
+c   80 CONTINUE
+c     IJ0=1
+c     JI0=1
+c        DO 95 I=1,N
+c     IJ=IJ0
+c     JI=JI0
+c        DO 90 J=1,I
+c     A(IJ)=-A(IJ)
+c     A(JI)=A(IJ)
+c     IJ=IJ+N
+c     JI=JI+1
+c   90 CONTINUE
+c     IJ0=IJ0+1
+c     JI0=JI0+N
+c   95 CONTINUE
+c     RETURN
+C--                FAILURE RETURN
+c  100 IFAIL=1
+c     RETURN
+c     END
diff --git a/STRACKING/s_cal_eff.f b/STRACKING/s_cal_eff.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..98a4d57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/s_cal_eff.f
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+*-   Purpose and Methods : Analyze calorimeter statistics for each track 
+*-      Required Input BANKS     SOS_CALORIMETER
+*-                               GEN_DATA_STRUCTURES
+*-   Output: ABORT           - success or failure
+*-         : err             - reason for failure, if any
+* author: John Arrington
+* created: 2/17/95
+* s_cal_eff calculates efficiencies for the hodoscope.
+* $Log: s_cal_eff.f,v $
+* Revision 1.7  2002/07/31 20:20:57  saw
+* Only try to fill user hists that are defined
+* Revision 1.6  1999/01/29 17:34:56  saw
+* Add variables for second tubes on shower counter
+* Revision 1.5  1996/09/04 20:17:05  saw
+* (JRA) Require more than one photoelectron
+* Revision 1.4  1995/08/31 15:06:45  cdaq
+* (JRA) Fill dpos (pos. track - pos. hit) histograms
+* Revision 1.3  1995/05/22  19:45:31  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.2  1995/04/01  20:39:32  cdaq
+* (SAW) Fix typos
+* Revision 1.1  1995/02/23  15:42:27  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      character*9 here
+      parameter (here= 'S_CAL_EFF')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) errmsg
+      INCLUDE 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_constants.par'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_units.par'
+      include 'sos_calorimeter.cmn'
+      include 'sos_statistics.cmn'
+      include 'sos_id_histid.cmn'
+      integer col,row,blk
+      integer hit_row(smax_cal_columns)
+      integer nhit
+      real    adc_pos, adc_neg
+      real    hit_pos(smax_cal_columns),hit_dist(smax_cal_columns)
+      real    histval
+      save
+* find counters on track, and distance from center.
+      if (sschi2perdeg.le.sstat_cal_maxchisq .and.
+     &       sstat_cal_numevents=sstat_cal_numevents+1
+      hit_pos(1)=ssx_fp + ssxp_fp*(scal_1pr_zpos+0.5*scal_1pr_thick)
+      hit_row(1)=nint((hit_pos(1)-scal_block_xc(1))
+     &          /scal_block_xsize)+1
+      hit_row(1)=max(min(hit_row(1),smax_cal_rows),1)
+      hit_dist(1)=hit_pos(1)-(scal_block_xsize*(hit_row(1)-1)
+     &           +scal_block_xc(1))
+      hit_pos(2)=ssx_fp + ssxp_fp*(scal_2ta_zpos+0.5*scal_2ta_thick)
+      hit_row(2)=nint((hit_pos(2)-scal_block_xc(smax_cal_rows+1))
+     &          /scal_block_xsize)+1
+      hit_row(2)=max(min(hit_row(2),smax_cal_rows),1)
+      hit_dist(2)=hit_pos(2)-(scal_block_xsize*(hit_row(2)-1)
+     &           +scal_block_xc(smax_cal_rows+1))
+      hit_pos(3)=ssx_fp + ssxp_fp*(scal_3ta_zpos+0.5*scal_3ta_thick)
+      hit_row(3)=nint((hit_pos(3)-scal_block_xc(2*smax_cal_rows+1))
+     &          /scal_block_xsize)+1
+      hit_row(3)=max(min(hit_row(3),smax_cal_rows),1)
+      hit_dist(3)=hit_pos(3)-(scal_block_xsize*(hit_row(3)-1)
+     &           +scal_block_xc(2*smax_cal_rows+1))
+      hit_pos(4)=ssx_fp + ssxp_fp*(scal_4ta_zpos+0.5*scal_4ta_thick)
+      hit_row(4)=nint((hit_pos(4)-scal_block_xc(3*smax_cal_rows+1))
+     &          /scal_block_xsize)+1
+      hit_row(4)=max(min(hit_row(4),smax_cal_rows),1)
+      hit_dist(4)=hit_pos(3)-(scal_block_xsize*(hit_row(4)-1)
+     &           +scal_block_xc(3*smax_cal_rows+1))
+*   increment 'should have hit' counters
+      do col=1,smax_cal_columns
+        if(abs(hit_dist(col)).le.sstat_cal_slop .and.    !hit in middle of blk.
+     &           sschi2perdeg.le.sstat_cal_maxchisq .and. then
+          sstat_cal_trk(col,hit_row(col))=sstat_cal_trk(col,hit_row(col))+1
+        endif
+      enddo
+      do nhit=1,scal_num_hits
+        row=scal_rows(nhit)
+        col=scal_cols(nhit)
+* We don't actually do anything with the following values?
+        adc_pos=scal_adcs_pos(nhit)
+        adc_neg=scal_adcs_neg(nhit)
+        blk=row+smax_cal_rows*(col-1)
+* fill the dpos histograms.
+        if (col .eq. 1) then
+          histval=(scal_block_xc(1)+scal_block_xsize*(row-1))-hit_pos(1)
+          if (
+     $         call hf1(sidcaldpos,histval,1.)
+        endif
+*  Record the hits if track is near center of block and the chisquared of the 
+*  track is good
+        if(abs(hit_dist(col)).le.sstat_cal_slop .and. row.eq.hit_row(col)) then
+          if (sschi2perdeg.le.sstat_cal_maxchisq .and. then
+            sstat_cal_hit(col,hit_row(col))=sstat_cal_hit(col,hit_row(col))+1
+          endif     !was it a good track.
+        endif     !if hit was on track.
+      enddo
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/STRACKING/s_cal_eff_shutdown.f b/STRACKING/s_cal_eff_shutdown.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e9b3b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/s_cal_eff_shutdown.f
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+*-   Purpose and Methods : Summary of calorimeter efficiencies.
+*-      Required Input BANKS     SOS_CALORIMETER
+*-                               GEN_DATA_STRUCTURES
+*-   Output: ABORT           - success or failure
+*-         : err             - reason for failure, if any
+* author: John Arrington
+* created: 2/17/95
+* s_cal_eff calculates efficiencies for the calorimeter.
+* s_cal_eff_shutdown does some final manipulation of the numbers.
+* $Log: s_cal_eff_shutdown.f,v $
+* Revision 1.5  1999/02/23 18:55:22  csa
+* (JRA) Remove sdebugcalcpeds stuff
+* Revision 1.4  1995/10/09 20:09:10  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add bypass switch around writing of pedestal data
+* Revision 1.3  1995/08/31 18:04:19  cdaq
+* (JRA) Calculate and printout pedestals
+* Revision 1.2  1995/05/22  19:45:32  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.1  1995/02/23  15:42:42  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      character*18 here
+      parameter (here= 'S_CAL_EFF_SHUTDOWN')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) errmsg
+      INCLUDE 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_constants.par'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_units.par'
+      include 'sos_calorimeter.cmn'
+      include 'sos_statistics.cmn'
+      include 'sos_tracking.cmn'
+      integer col,row,blk
+      real ave,ave2,num
+      save
+! fill sums over counters
+      do col=1,smax_cal_columns
+        sstat_cal_trksum(col)=0
+        sstat_cal_hitsum(col)=0
+        do row=1,smax_cal_rows
+          sstat_cal_eff(col,row)=sstat_cal_hit(col,row)
+     $         /max(.01,float(sstat_cal_trk(col,row))) 
+          sstat_cal_trksum(col)=sstat_cal_trksum(col)+sstat_cal_trk(col,row)
+          sstat_cal_hitsum(col)=sstat_cal_hitsum(col)+sstat_cal_hit(col,row)
+        enddo
+        sstat_cal_effsum(col)=sstat_cal_hitsum(col)
+     $       /max(.01,float(sstat_cal_trksum(col)))
+      enddo
+      do blk=1,smax_cal_blocks
+        num=float(max(1,scal_zero_num(blk)))
+        ave=float(scal_zero_sum(blk))/num
+        ave2=float(scal_zero_sum2(blk))/num
+        scal_zero_ave(blk)=ave
+        scal_zero_sig(blk)=sqrt(max(0.,ave2-ave*ave))
+        scal_zero_thresh(blk)=min(50.,max(20.,3*scal_zero_sig(blk)))
+      enddo
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/STRACKING/s_calc_pedestal.f b/STRACKING/s_calc_pedestal.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..17d3236
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/s_calc_pedestal.f
@@ -0,0 +1,359 @@
+      subroutine s_calc_pedestal(ABORT,err)
+* $Log: s_calc_pedestal.f,v $
+* Revision 1.13  1999/02/23 18:57:19  csa
+* (JRA) Sparsify aerogel/lucite channels, cleanup
+* Revision 1.12  1999/02/03 21:13:44  saw
+* Code for new Shower counter tubes
+* Revision 1.11  1999/01/29 17:34:57  saw
+* Add variables for second tubes on shower counter
+* Revision 1.10  1996/11/07 19:49:46  saw
+* (WH) Add calculations for Lucite Cerenkov
+* Revision 1.9  1996/09/05 13:15:15  saw
+* (JRA) Slight increase in threshold above pedestal
+* Revision 1.8  1996/01/24 16:06:55  saw
+* (JRA) Adjust which channels are disabled on Areogel
+* Revision 1.7  1996/01/17 19:03:49  cdaq
+* (JRA) Fixes, write results to file.
+* Revision 1.6  1995/10/09 20:12:30  cdaq
+* (JRA) Note pedestals that differ by 2 sigma from parameter file
+* Revision 1.5  1995/08/31 18:04:55  cdaq
+* (JRA) Change threshold limits
+* Revision 1.4  1995/07/20  14:46:39  cdaq
+* (JRA) Cleanup statistics calculations
+* Revision 1.3  1995/05/22  19:45:32  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.2  1995/05/17  16:42:40  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add gas cerenkov and Aerogel, float integer accumulators before arithmetic
+* Revision 1.1  1995/04/01  19:36:03  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*18 here
+      parameter (here='s_calc_pedestal')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      integer*4 pln,cnt
+      integer*4 blk
+      integer*4 pmt
+      integer*4 ind
+      integer*4 roc,slot
+      integer*4 signalcount
+      real*4 sig2
+      real*4 num
+      character*80 file
+      INCLUDE 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'sos_pedestals.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'sos_scin_parms.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'sos_calorimeter.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'sos_cer_parms.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'sos_filenames.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_run_info.cmn'
+      integer SPAREID
+      parameter (SPAREID=67)
+      ind = 0
+      do pln = 1 , snum_scin_planes
+        do cnt = 1 , snum_scin_counters(pln)
+*calculate new pedestal values, positive tubes first.
+          num=max(1.,float(shodo_pos_ped_num(pln,cnt)))
+          shodo_new_ped_pos(pln,cnt) = float(shodo_pos_ped_sum(pln,cnt)) / num
+          sig2 = float(shodo_pos_ped_sum2(pln,cnt))/num -
+     $           shodo_new_ped_pos(pln,cnt)**2
+          shodo_new_sig_pos(pln,cnt) = sqrt(max(0.,sig2))
+          shodo_new_threshold_pos(pln,cnt) = shodo_new_ped_pos(pln,cnt)+15.
+*note channels with 2 sigma difference from paramter file values.
+          if (abs(sscin_all_ped_pos(pln,cnt)-shodo_new_ped_pos(pln,cnt))
+     &            .ge.(2.*shodo_new_sig_pos(pln,cnt))) then
+            ind = ind + 1     !final value of 'ind' is saved at end of loop
+            shodo_changed_plane(ind)=pln
+            shodo_changed_element(ind)=cnt
+            shodo_changed_sign(ind)= 1       !1=pos,2=neg.
+            shodo_ped_change(ind) = shodo_new_ped_pos(pln,cnt) -
+     &                              sscin_all_ped_pos(pln,cnt)
+          endif   !large pedestal change
+*replace old peds (from param file) with calculated pedestals
+          if ( .and. then
+            sscin_all_ped_pos(pln,cnt)=shodo_new_ped_pos(pln,cnt)
+          endif
+*do it all again for negative tubes.
+          num=max(1.,float(shodo_neg_ped_num(pln,cnt)))
+          shodo_new_ped_neg(pln,cnt) = float(shodo_neg_ped_sum(pln,cnt)) / num
+          sig2 = float(shodo_neg_ped_sum2(pln,cnt))/num -
+     $           shodo_new_ped_neg(pln,cnt)**2
+          shodo_new_sig_neg(pln,cnt) = sqrt(max(0.,sig2))
+          shodo_new_threshold_neg(pln,cnt) = shodo_new_ped_neg(pln,cnt)+15.
+          if (abs(sscin_all_ped_neg(pln,cnt)-shodo_new_ped_neg(pln,cnt))
+     &            .ge.(2.*shodo_new_sig_neg(pln,cnt))) then
+            ind = ind + 1
+            shodo_changed_plane(ind)=pln
+            shodo_changed_element(ind)=cnt
+            shodo_changed_sign(ind)= 2       !1=pos, 2=neg.
+            shodo_ped_change(ind) = shodo_new_ped_neg(pln,cnt) -
+     &                              sscin_all_ped_neg(pln,cnt)
+          endif   !large pedestal change
+          if ( .and. then
+            sscin_all_ped_neg(pln,cnt)=shodo_new_ped_neg(pln,cnt)
+          endif
+        enddo                      !counters
+      enddo                        !planes
+      shodo_num_ped_changes = ind
+      ind = 0
+      do blk = 1 , smax_cal_blocks
+* calculate new pedestal values, positive tubes first.      
+       num=max(1.,float(scal_pos_ped_num(blk)))
+        scal_new_ped_pos(blk)=scal_pos_ped_sum(blk)/num
+        sig2 = float(scal_pos_ped_sum2(blk))/num - scal_new_ped_pos(blk)**2
+        scal_new_rms_pos(blk)=sqrt(max(0.,sig2))
+        scal_new_adc_threshold_pos(blk)=scal_new_ped_pos(blk)+15.
+        if (abs(scal_pos_ped_mean(blk)-scal_new_ped_pos(blk))
+     &                 .ge.(2.*scal_new_rms_pos(blk))) then
+          ind = ind + 1
+          scal_changed_block(ind)=blk
+          scal_changed_sign(ind)=1         ! 1=pos,2=neg.
+          scal_ped_change(ind)=scal_new_ped_pos(blk)-
+     &                         scal_pos_ped_mean(blk) 
+        endif
+        if ( .and. then
+          scal_pos_ped_mean(blk)=scal_new_ped_pos(blk)
+          scal_pos_ped_rms(blk)=scal_new_rms_pos(blk)
+          scal_pos_threshold(blk)=min(50.,max(10.,3.*scal_new_rms_pos(blk)))
+        endif
+*do it all again for negative tubes.
+       num=max(1.,float(scal_neg_ped_num(blk)))
+        scal_new_ped_neg(blk)=scal_neg_ped_sum(blk)/num
+        sig2 = float(scal_neg_ped_sum2(blk))/num-scal_new_ped_neg(blk)**2
+        scal_new_rms_neg(blk)=sqrt(max(0.,sig2))
+        scal_new_adc_threshold_neg(blk)=scal_new_ped_neg(blk)+15.
+        if (abs(scal_neg_ped_mean(blk)-scal_new_ped_neg(blk))
+     &                 .ge.(2.*scal_new_rms_neg(blk))) then
+          ind = ind + 1
+          scal_changed_block(ind)=blk
+          scal_changed_sign(ind)=2         ! 1=pos,2=neg.
+          scal_ped_change(ind)=scal_new_ped_neg(blk)-
+     &                         scal_neg_ped_mean(blk) 
+        endif
+c        type *,num,scal_min_peds
+        if ( .and. then
+          scal_neg_ped_mean(blk)=scal_new_ped_neg(blk)
+          scal_neg_ped_rms(blk)=scal_new_rms_neg(blk)
+          scal_neg_threshold(blk)=min(50.,max(10.,3.*scal_new_rms_neg(blk)))
+        endif
+      enddo
+      scal_num_ped_changes = ind
+      ind = 0
+      do pmt = 1 , smax_cer_hits
+        num=max(1.,float(scer_ped_num(pmt)))
+        scer_new_ped(pmt) = float(scer_ped_sum(pmt)) / num
+        sig2 = float(scer_ped_sum2(pmt))/ num - scer_new_ped(pmt)**2
+        scer_new_rms(pmt) = sqrt(max(0.,sig2))
+        scer_new_adc_threshold(pmt) = scer_new_ped(pmt)+15.
+        if (abs(scer_ped(pmt)-scer_new_ped(pmt))
+     &              .ge.(2.*scer_new_rms(pmt))) then
+          ind = ind + 1
+          scer_changed_tube(ind)=pmt
+          scer_ped_change(ind)=scer_new_ped(pmt)-scer_ped(pmt)
+        endif
+        if ( .and. then
+          scer_ped(pmt)=scer_new_ped(pmt)
+        endif
+      enddo
+      scer_num_ped_changes = ind
+      do pmt = 1 , (smax_aer_hits-1)
+        if (saer_pos_ped_num(pmt) .ge. saer_min_peds .and.
+     &      saer_min_peds .ne. 0) then
+          saer_pos_ped_mean(pmt) = saer_pos_ped_sum(pmt) /
+     &      float(saer_pos_ped_num(pmt))
+          sig2 = float(saer_pos_ped_sum2(pmt))/
+     &            float(saer_pos_ped_num(pmt))-
+     &            saer_pos_ped_mean(pmt)**2
+          saer_pos_ped_rms(pmt) = sqrt(max(0.,sig2))
+        endif
+        if (saer_neg_ped_num(pmt) .ge. saer_min_peds .and.
+     &      saer_min_peds .ne. 0) then
+          saer_neg_ped_mean(pmt) = saer_neg_ped_sum(pmt) /
+     &      float(saer_neg_ped_num(pmt))
+          sig2 = float(saer_neg_ped_sum2(pmt))/
+     &            float(saer_neg_ped_num(pmt))-
+     &            saer_neg_ped_mean(pmt)**2
+          saer_neg_ped_rms(pmt) = sqrt(max(0.,sig2))
+          saer_neg_adc_threshold(pmt) = saer_neg_ped_mean(pmt)+15.
+          saer_pos_adc_threshold(pmt) = saer_pos_ped_mean(pmt)+15.
+        endif
+      enddo
+      do pmt = 1 , (smax_luc_hits-1)
+        if (sluc_pos_ped_num(pmt) .ge. sluc_min_peds .and.
+     &      sluc_min_peds .ne. 0) then
+          sluc_pos_ped_mean(pmt) = sluc_pos_ped_sum(pmt) /
+     &      float(sluc_pos_ped_num(pmt))
+          sig2 = float(sluc_pos_ped_sum2(pmt))/
+     &            float(sluc_pos_ped_num(pmt))-
+     &            sluc_pos_ped_mean(pmt)**2
+          sluc_pos_ped_rms(pmt) = sqrt(max(0.,sig2))
+        endif
+        if (sluc_neg_ped_num(pmt) .ge. sluc_min_peds .and.
+     &      sluc_min_peds .ne. 0) then
+          sluc_neg_ped_mean(pmt) = sluc_neg_ped_sum(pmt) /
+     &      float(sluc_neg_ped_num(pmt))
+          sig2 = float(sluc_neg_ped_sum2(pmt))/
+     &            float(sluc_neg_ped_num(pmt))-
+     &            sluc_neg_ped_mean(pmt)**2
+          sluc_neg_ped_rms(pmt) = sqrt(max(0.,sig2))
+          sluc_neg_adc_threshold(pmt) = sluc_neg_ped_mean(pmt)
+          sluc_pos_adc_threshold(pmt) = sluc_pos_ped_mean(pmt)
+        endif
+      enddo
+      if (' ') then
+        file=s_threshold_output_filename
+        call g_sub_run_number(file, gen_run_number)
+        open(unit=SPAREID,file=file,status='unknown')
+        write(SPAREID,*) '# This is the ADC threshold file generated automatically'
+        write(SPAREID,*) 'from the pedestal data from run number ',gen_run_number
+        roc=3
+        slot=1
+        signalcount=1
+        write(SPAREID,*) 'slot=',slot
+        call g_output_thresholds(SPAREID,roc,slot,signalcount,smax_cal_rows,
+     &      scal_new_adc_threshold_pos,scal_new_adc_threshold_neg,
+     &      scal_new_rms_pos,scal_new_rms_neg)
+c Want aero as well.  For now, don't sparsify at all.
+c        slot=3
+c        signalcount=1
+c        write(SPAREID,*) 'slot=',slot
+c        call g_output_thresholds(SPAREID,roc,slot,signalcount,smax_cer_hits,
+c     &      scer_new_adc_threshold,0,scer_new_rms,0)
+* JRA - 2/18/99 - sparsify all aerogel/lucite channels for early '99
+* running.
+        slot=3
+        write(SPAREID,*) 'slot=',slot
+        do ind=1,4
+          write(SPAREID,*) int(scer_new_adc_threshold(ind))
+        enddo
+        do ind=5,64
+          write(SPAREID,'(a6)') '  4000'
+        enddo
+c        slot=3
+c        write(SPAREID,*) 'slot=',slot
+c        do ind=1,4
+c          write(SPAREID,'(i6)') int(scer_new_adc_threshold(ind))
+c        enddo
+c        do ind=5,15
+c          write(SPAREID,'(a6)') '4000'
+c        enddo
+c* Lucite
+c        do pmt=1,8
+c          write(SPAREID,'(i6)') sluc_pos_adc_threshold(pmt)
+c          write(SPAREID,'(i6)') sluc_neg_adc_threshold(pmt)  
+c        enddo
+c        do ind=32,34
+c          write(SPAREID,'(a6)') '4000'
+c        enddo
+c        do pmt=1,7
+c          write(SPAREID,'(i6)') saer_pos_adc_threshold(pmt)
+c        enddo
+c        do pmt=1,7
+c          write(SPAREID,'(i6)') saer_neg_adc_threshold(pmt)
+c        enddo
+c        do ind=49,64
+c          write(SPAREID,'(a6)') '4000'
+c        enddo
+        slot=5
+        signalcount=2
+        write(SPAREID,*) 'slot=',slot
+        call g_output_thresholds(SPAREID,roc,slot,signalcount,smax_cal_rows,
+     &      scal_new_adc_threshold_pos,scal_new_adc_threshold_neg,
+     &      scal_new_rms_pos,scal_new_rms_neg)
+        slot=7
+        signalcount=2
+        write(SPAREID,*) 'slot=',slot
+        call g_output_thresholds(SPAREID,roc,slot,signalcount,snum_scin_planes,
+     &      shodo_new_threshold_pos,shodo_new_threshold_neg,shodo_new_sig_pos,
+     &      shodo_new_sig_neg)
+        slot=9
+        signalcount=2
+        write(SPAREID,*) 'slot=',slot
+        call g_output_thresholds(SPAREID,roc,slot,signalcount,snum_scin_planes,
+     &      shodo_new_threshold_pos,shodo_new_threshold_neg,shodo_new_sig_pos,
+     &      shodo_new_sig_neg)
+        close (unit=SPAREID)
+      endif
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/STRACKING/s_cer.f b/STRACKING/s_cer.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..462e112
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/s_cer.f
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+*-   Purpose and Methods : Analyze Cerenkov information for each track 
+*-      Required Input BANKS     SOS_RAW_CER
+*-                               SOS_FOCAL_PLANE
+*-      Output BANKS             SOS_TRACK_TESTS
+*-   Output: ABORT           - success or failure
+*-         : err             - reason for failure, if any
+*-   Created 19-JAN-1994   D. F. Geesaman
+*-                           Dummy Shell routine
+* $Log: s_cer.f,v $
+* Revision 1.2  1995/05/22 19:45:33  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/21  16:07:11  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+       SAVE
+       character*50 here
+       parameter (here= 'S_CER')
+       logical ABORT
+       character*(*) err
+       INCLUDE 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+       INCLUDE 'gen_constants.par'
+       INCLUDE 'gen_units.par'
+       ABORT= .FALSE.
+       err= ':dummy routine!'
+       RETURN
+       END
diff --git a/STRACKING/s_cer_eff.f b/STRACKING/s_cer_eff.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b9b758d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/s_cer_eff.f
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+*  Purpose and Methods : Analyze cerenkov information for the "best
+*                        track" as selected in s_select_best_track
+*  Required Input BANKS: sos_cer_parms
+*                        SOS_DATA_STRUCTURES
+*                Output: ABORT           - success or failure
+*                      : err             - reason for failure, if any
+* author: Chris Cothran
+* created: 5/25/95
+* $Log: s_cer_eff.f,v $
+* Revision 1.4  1999/02/10 18:20:29  csa
+* Changed sscer_et test to use momentum-normalized variable
+* Revision 1.3  1999/02/03 21:13:44  saw
+* Code for new Shower counter tubes
+* Revision 1.2  1995/10/09 20:14:50  cdaq
+* (JRA) Move calculation of hit position on mirror to s_physics
+* Revision 1.1  1995/08/31 15:04:48  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      character*9 here
+      parameter (here= 'S_CER_EFF')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) errmsg
+      include 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'sos_cer_parms.cmn'
+      include 'sos_physics_sing.cmn'
+      include 'sos_calorimeter.cmn'
+      integer*4 nr
+*     test for a good electron. Use normalized, tracked shower counter
+*     variable (hsshtrk).
+      if (sntracks_fp .eq. 1
+     &  .and. sschi2perdeg .gt. 0. 
+     &  .and. sschi2perdeg .lt. scer_chi2max
+     &  .and. ssbeta .gt. scer_beta_min
+     &  .and. ssbeta .lt. scer_beta_max
+     &  .and. ssshtrk .gt. scer_et_min
+     &  .and. ssshtrk .lt. scer_et_max) then
+        do nr = 1, scer_num_regions
+* hit must be inside the region in order to continue
+          if (abs(scer_region(nr,1)-ssx_cer).lt.scer_region(nr,5)
+     >  .and. abs(scer_region(nr,2)-ssy_cer).lt.scer_region(nr,6)
+     >  .and. abs(scer_region(nr,3)-ssxp_fp).lt.scer_region(nr,7)
+     >  .and. abs(scer_region(nr,4)-ssyp_fp).lt.scer_region(nr,8))
+     >    then
+* increment the 'should have fired' counters
+            scer_track_counter(nr) = scer_track_counter(nr) + 1
+* increment the 'did fire' counters
+            if ( then
+              scer_fired_counter(nr) = scer_fired_counter(nr) + 1
+            endif
+          endif
+        enddo
+      endif
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/STRACKING/s_cer_eff_shutdown.f b/STRACKING/s_cer_eff_shutdown.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..83d42e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/s_cer_eff_shutdown.f
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+*   Purpose and Methods: Output Cerenkov efficiency information
+*                Output: ABORT           - success or failure
+*                      : err             - reason for failure, if any
+* author: Chris Cothran
+* created: 5/25/95
+* $Log: s_cer_eff_shutdown.f,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1995/08/31 15:04:56  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      character*18 here
+      parameter (here= 'S_CER_EFF_SHUTDOWN')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) errmsg
+      INCLUDE 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'sos_cer_parms.cmn'
+      integer*4 lunout
+      integer*4 nr
+      logical written_header
+      save
+      written_header = .false.    !haven't done the header yet
+      do nr = 1, scer_num_regions
+        if (scer_track_counter(nr) .gt. scer_min_counts) then
+          scer_region_eff(nr) = float(scer_fired_counter(nr))
+     >                         /float(scer_track_counter(nr))
+        else
+          scer_region_eff(nr) = 1.0
+c          write (lunout,'(A,I1,A)')
+c     >      'Warning: Not enough counts for SOS Cerenkov efficiency
+c     > measurement in Region #',nr,'.'
+        endif
+        if (scer_region_eff(nr) .lt. scer_min_eff) then
+          if (.not.written_header) then
+            write(lunout,*)
+            write(lunout,'(a,f6.3)') ' SOS cerenkov regions with effic. < ',scer_min_eff
+          endif
+          write (lunout,'(2x,a,i1,a,f7.4)') 'region ',nr,' has eff = ',
+     &         scer_region_eff(nr)
+c          write (lunout,'(A,I1,A,F7.5,A)')
+c     >      'Warning: Efficiency of SOS Cerekov Region #',nr,' is ',
+c    >      scer_region_eff(nr),'.'
+        endif
+      enddo
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/STRACKING/s_chamnum.f b/STRACKING/s_chamnum.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ebb85c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/s_chamnum.f
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+      function s_chamnum(ispace_point)
+*     This function returns the chamber number of a space point
+*      d.f. geesaman              8 Sept 1993
+* $Log: s_chamnum.f,v $
+* Revision 1.2  1995/05/22 19:45:33  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/21  16:07:27  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      include "sos_data_structures.cmn"
+      include "sos_tracking.cmn"
+      include "sos_geometry.cmn"
+*     output
+      integer*4 s_chamnum
+*     input
+      integer*4 ispace_point
+*     local variables
+      integer*4 plane
+      s_chamnum=0
+      plane=SDC_PLANE_NUM(sspace_point_hits(ispace_point,3))
+      if( .and. plane.le. sdc_num_planes) then
+          s_chamnum=sdc_chamber_planes(plane)
+      endif
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/STRACKING/s_choose_single_hit.f b/STRACKING/s_choose_single_hit.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6272462
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/s_choose_single_hit.f
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+      subroutine s_choose_single_hit(ABORT,err,nspace_points,
+     &       space_point_hits)
+*-   Purpose and Methods :  This routine looks at all hits in a space
+*-                          point. If two hits are in the same plane it
+*-                          rejects the one with the longer drift time
+*-   Output: ABORT           - success or failure
+*-         : err             - reason for failure, if any
+*-   Created 28-JUN-1994   D. F. Geesaman
+* $Log: s_choose_single_hit.f,v $
+* Revision 1.3  1996/01/17 19:04:08  cdaq
+* (JRA) Misc changes
+* Revision 1.2  1995/05/22 19:45:33  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.1  1994/11/22  21:06:12  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      SAVE
+      character*50 here
+      parameter (here= 's_choose_single_hit')
+      integer*4 nspace_points
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_constants.par'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_units.par'
+      include 'sos_tracking.cmn'
+      include 'sos_geometry.cmn'
+      integer*4 space_point_hits(smax_space_points,smax_hits_per_point+2)
+*     local variables
+      integer*4 point,startnum,finalnum,goodhit(smax_dc_hits)
+      integer*4 plane1,plane2,hit1,hit2,drifttime1,drifttime2
+      integer*4 hits(smax_hits_per_point)
+      integer*4 j,k
+*     temporary initialization
+      ABORT= .FALSE.
+      err=' '
+*     loop over all space points
+      do point =1,nspace_points
+        startnum = space_point_hits(point,1)
+        finalnum=0
+        do j=3,startnum+2
+          goodhit(j) = 1
+        enddo
+        do j=3,startnum+1
+          hit1 = space_point_hits(point,j)
+          plane1 = sdc_plane_num(hit1)
+          drifttime1 = sdc_drift_time(hit1)
+          do k=j+1,startnum+2
+            hit2 = space_point_hits(point,k)
+            plane2 = sdc_plane_num(hit2)
+            drifttime2 = sdc_drift_time(hit2)
+            if(plane1 .eq. plane2 ) then
+              if( then
+                goodhit(j) = 0
+              else                      !if equal times, choose 1st hit(arbitrary)
+                goodhit(k) = 0
+              endif
+            endif                       ! end test on equal planes
+          enddo                         ! end loop on k
+        enddo                           ! end loop on j
+        do j=3,startnum+2
+          if(goodhit(j).gt.0) then
+            finalnum = finalnum + 1
+            hits(finalnum)=space_point_hits(point,j)
+          endif                         ! end check on good hit
+        enddo
+*     copy good hits to space_point_hits
+        space_point_hits(point,1) = finalnum
+        do j = 1, finalnum
+          space_point_hits(point,j+2) = hits(j)
+        enddo                           ! end of copy 
+      enddo                             ! end loop on space points
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/STRACKING/s_clusters_cal.f b/STRACKING/s_clusters_cal.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ea7cf7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/s_clusters_cal.f
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+      subroutine s_clusters_cal(abort,errmsg)
+*-      Purpose: Finds clusters in the calorimeter and computes
+*-               for each cluster it's size(number of hit blocks),
+*-               position, energy deposition in the calorimeter
+*-               columns and the total energy deposition.
+*-               The energy depositions are not corrected yet for
+*-               impact point coordinate dependence.
+*-               A cluster is defined as a set of adjacent hit blocks
+*-               which share a common edge or a corner. Any two hits
+*-               from different clusters are separated by at least one 
+*-               block which has not fired.
+*-      Output Bank: SOS_CLUSTERS_CAL
+*-      Created: 15 Mar 1994      Tsolak A. Amatuni
+*-      Modified 25 Mar 1994      DFG
+*-                                Change name of print routine
+*-               11 Apr 1994      DFG Check if E_t =0 before division
+* $Log: s_clusters_cal.f,v $
+* Revision 1.4  1999/02/03 21:13:44  saw
+* Code for new Shower counter tubes
+* Revision 1.3  1995/05/22 19:45:34  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.2  1994/11/22  21:08:54  cdaq
+* (SPB) Recopied from hms file and modified names for SOS
+* Revision 1.1  1994/04/13  18:09:34  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      save
+      logical abort
+      character*(*) errmsg
+      character*14 here
+      parameter (here='S_CLUSTERS_CAL')
+      integer*4 nc                     !Cluster number
+      integer*4 ihit,jhit,khit,nh      !Internal loop counters.
+      integer*4 hits_tagged            !Current number of tagged hits.
+      integer*4 irow,icol,jrow,jcol,col!Row and column indecies
+      integer*4 d_row,d_col            !Distance between rows(columns)
+      logical tagged
+      include 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'sos_calorimeter.cmn'
+      snclusters_cal=0
+      if(scal_num_hits.le.0) go to 100   !Return
+      do ihit=1,smax_cal_blocks
+        scluster_hit(ihit)=0
+      enddo
+      nc                 = 1
+      scluster_hit(1)    =-1
+      scluster_size(1)   = 1
+      hits_tagged        = 1
+      tagged             =.true.
+*      Find the clusters.
+*-----Loop untill all the hits are tagged
+      do while(hits_tagged.le.scal_num_hits)
+*--------Loop untill there are no more hits
+*--------in the current cluster to be tagged
+        do while(tagged)
+          tagged=.false.
+*-----------Loop over all the hits
+          do ihit=1,scal_num_hits
+*--------------and find a hit("seed") which belongs to the
+*--------------current cluster, but it's neighbors are not tagged
+            if(scluster_hit(ihit).lt.0) then
+              irow  =scal_rows(ihit)
+              icol  =scal_cols(ihit)
+*-----------------Loop over all the hits
+              do jhit=1,scal_num_hits
+*--------------------and find hits which are not tagged yet
+                if(scluster_hit(jhit).eq.0) then
+                  jrow =scal_rows(jhit)
+                  jcol =scal_cols(jhit)
+                  d_row=iabs(jrow-irow)
+                  d_col=iabs(jcol-icol)
+*-----------------------Are these hits a neighbor to "seed"?
+                  if(d_row.le.1.and.d_col.le.1) then
+*--------------------------Assign them to the same current cluster
+                    scluster_hit(jhit)=scluster_hit(ihit)
+                    scluster_size(nc) =scluster_size(nc)+1
+                    hits_tagged       =hits_tagged+1
+                    tagged            =.true.
+                  endif                 !End ... if neighbor of "seed"
+                endif                   !End ... if not scanned yet
+              enddo                     !End loop over all hits
+*-----------------All the neighbors of "seed" were scanned
+              scluster_hit(ihit)=-scluster_hit(ihit)
+            endif                       !End ... if "seed"
+          enddo                         !End loop over all hits
+        enddo                           !All the hits of the current cluster were tagged
+*--------Initialize to start the search for the next cluster
+        nc            =nc+1
+        hits_tagged   =hits_tagged+1
+        tagged        =.true.
+*--------Find a hit which is not tagged
+        khit=1
+        do while(scluster_hit(khit).ne.0 .AND. KHIT.LT.SMAX_CAL_BLOCKS)
+          khit=khit+1
+        enddo
+*--------This will be the new "seed"
+        scluster_hit(khit)=-nc
+        scluster_size(nc) = 1
+      enddo                             !End. Now all the hits are assigned to some cluster
+*-----Number of clusters found
+      snclusters_cal=nc-1
+*     For each cluster found, compute the center of gravity in X
+*     projection, the energy deposited in succesive calorimeter columns
+*     and the total energy deposition
+      do nc=1,snclusters_max
+        scluster_e1_pos(nc)=0.      
+        scluster_e1_neg(nc)=0.
+        scluster_e2_pos(nc)=0.      
+        scluster_e2_neg(nc)=0.     
+        scluster_e1(nc)=0.
+        scluster_e2(nc)=0.
+        scluster_e3(nc)=0.
+        scluster_e4(nc)=0.
+        scluster_et(nc)=0.
+        scluster_xc(nc)=0.
+      enddo
+      do nh=1,scal_num_hits
+        nc =MAX(1,scluster_hit(nh))     !AVOIDS OUT/BOUNDS ERRORS
+        col=scal_cols(nh)
+        scluster_xc(nc)=scluster_xc(nc)+sblock_xc(nh)*sblock_de(nh)
+        if(col.eq.1) then
+          if( then
+            scluster_e1_pos(nc)=scluster_e1_pos(nc)+sblock_de_pos(nh)
+            scluster_e1_neg(nc)=scluster_e1_neg(nc)+sblock_de_neg(nh)
+            scluster_e1(nc)=scluster_e1_pos(nc)+scluster_e1_neg(nc)
+          else
+            scluster_e1(nc)=scluster_e1(nc)+sblock_de(nh)
+          endif
+        else if (col.eq.2) then
+          if( then
+            scluster_e2_pos(nc)=scluster_e2_pos(nc)+sblock_de_pos(nh)
+            scluster_e2_neg(nc)=scluster_e2_neg(nc)+sblock_de_neg(nh)
+            scluster_e2(nc)=scluster_e2_pos(nc)+scluster_e2_neg(nc)
+          else
+            scluster_e2(nc)=scluster_e2(nc)+sblock_de(nh)
+          endif
+        else if(col.eq.3) then
+          scluster_e3(nc)=scluster_e3(nc)+sblock_de(nh)
+        else if(col.eq.4) then
+          scluster_e4(nc)=scluster_e4(nc)+sblock_de(nh)
+        endif
+        scluster_et(nc)=scluster_et(nc)+sblock_de(nh)  ! Is sblock_de de_pos+de_neg?
+      enddo
+      do nc=1,snclusters_cal
+        if(scluster_et(nc) .gt. 0.) then
+          scluster_xc(nc)=scluster_xc(nc)/scluster_et(nc)
+        else
+          scluster_xc(nc) = -1.
+        endif
+      enddo
+ 100  continue
+      if( call s_prt_cal_clusters
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/STRACKING/s_correct_cal.f b/STRACKING/s_correct_cal.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7cea272
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/s_correct_cal.f
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+      function s_correct_cal(x,y)
+*-      Purpose: Returns the impact point correction factor. This
+*-               factor is to be applied to the energy depositions.
+*-      Input Parameters: x,y - impact point coordinates
+*-      Created 15 Mar 1994      Tsolak A. Amatuni
+* $Log: s_correct_cal.f,v $
+* Revision 1.7  2003/04/03 00:45:01  jones
+* Update to calorimeter calibration (V. Tadevosyan)
+* Revision 1.6  2003/03/21 22:58:02  jones
+* Subroutines had arguments with abort,errmsg . But these arguments were not
+* used when the subroutine was called. Also abort ,errmsg were not used in the
+* subroutines. So eliminate abort,errmsg. (E. Brash)
+* Revision 1.5  1999/01/29 17:34:57  saw
+* Add variables for second tubes on shower counter
+* Revision 1.4  1995/05/22 19:45:34  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.3  1995/05/11  21:02:59  cdaq
+* (???) Tweak hardwired attenuation length
+* Revision 1.2  1994/11/22  21:09:22  cdaq
+* (SPB) Recopied from hms file and modified names for SOS
+* Revision 1.1  1994/04/13  18:10:02  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      save
+*      logical abort
+*      character*(*) errmsg
+      character*13 here
+      parameter (here='S_CORRECT_CAL')
+      real*4 x,y         !Impact point coordinates
+      real*4 s_correct_cal
+      include 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'sos_calorimeter.cmn'
+c     Check calorimeter boundaries.
+      if( y=scal_ymin
+      if( y=scal_ymax
+      s_correct_cal=exp(-y/400.)  !400 cm atten length.
+      s_correct_cal=s_correct_cal/(1. + y*y/12000)
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/STRACKING/s_correct_cal_neg.f b/STRACKING/s_correct_cal_neg.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..89dc8a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/s_correct_cal_neg.f
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+      function s_correct_cal_neg(x,y)
+*-      Purpose: Returns the impact point correction factor. This
+*-               factor is to be applied to the energy depositions.
+*-               This correction for single "NEG_PMT" readout from 
+*-               LG-blocks. The final energy is the ADC value TIMES 
+*-               the correction factor.
+*-      Input Parameters: x,y - impact point coordinates
+*-      Created 27 January 1999      SAW
+* $Log: s_correct_cal_neg.f,v $
+* Revision 1.4  2003/04/03 00:45:01  jones
+* Update to calorimeter calibration (V. Tadevosyan)
+* Revision 1.3  2003/03/21 22:58:02  jones
+* Subroutines had arguments with abort,errmsg . But these arguments were not
+* used when the subroutine was called. Also abort ,errmsg were not used in the
+* subroutines. So eliminate abort,errmsg. (E. Brash)
+* Revision 1.2  1999/02/25 20:18:40  saw
+* Vardan Tadevosyan shower code updates
+* Revision 1.1  1999/01/29 17:34:57  saw
+* Add variables for second tubes on shower counter
+      implicit none
+      save
+*      logical abort
+*      character*(*) errmsg
+      character*17 here
+      parameter (here='S_CORRECT_CAL_NEG')
+      real*4 x,y                ! Impact point coordinates
+      real*4 s_correct_cal_neg
+      include 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'sos_calorimeter.cmn'
+c     Check calorimeter boundaries.
+      if( y=scal_ymin
+      if( y=scal_ymax
+c     Tuned to straight through pions of run #23121. Works well for |Y|<20.
+      s_correct_cal_neg=(100.+y)/(100.+y/3.)
+      end
diff --git a/STRACKING/s_correct_cal_pos.f b/STRACKING/s_correct_cal_pos.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be56307
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/s_correct_cal_pos.f
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+      function s_correct_cal_pos(x,y)
+*-      Purpose: Returns the impact point correction factor. This
+*-               factor is to be applied to the energy depositions.
+*-               The final energy is the ADC value TIMES the correction factor.
+*-      Input Parameters: x,y - impact point coordinates
+*-      Created 15 Mar 1994      Tsolak A. Amatuni
+* $Log: s_correct_cal_pos.f,v $
+* Revision 1.4  2003/03/21 22:58:02  jones
+* Subroutines had arguments with abort,errmsg . But these arguments were not
+* used when the subroutine was called. Also abort ,errmsg were not used in the
+* subroutines. So eliminate abort,errmsg. (E. Brash)
+* Revision 1.3  1999/06/10 17:04:19  csa
+* (JRA) Changed s_correct_cal_pos calculation
+* Revision 1.2  1999/02/25 20:18:40  saw
+* Vardan Tadevosyan shower code updates
+* Revision 1.1  1999/01/29 17:34:57  saw
+* Add variables for second tubes on shower counter
+      implicit none
+      save
+*      logical abort
+*      character*(*) errmsg
+      character*17 here
+      parameter (here='S_CORRECT_CAL_POS')
+      real a,b,c	! Fit parameters.
+      parameter (a=2.3926,b=-0.371375,c=-0.25401)
+      real*4 x,y         !Impact point coordinates
+      real*4 s_correct_cal_pos
+      real*4 d,al	! Auxiliary variables.
+      include 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'sos_calorimeter.cmn'
+*     Fit to MC data in the range of y [-30,+30].
+!      d=y-35.		!need to insure d is never less than -35!!!
+!      al=alog(d)
+!      s_correct_cal_pos=1./(a+b*al+c/al)
+*      Fit to data (run23121)
+      s_correct_cal_pos=exp(-y/210.7) !~200 cm atten length.
+      s_correct_cal_pos=s_correct_cal_pos/(1.+y*y/22000.)
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/STRACKING/s_correct_cal_two.f b/STRACKING/s_correct_cal_two.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..368f241
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/s_correct_cal_two.f
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+      function s_correct_cal_two(x,y)
+*-  Purpose: Returns the impact point correction factor. This
+*-           factor is to be applied to the energy depositions.
+*-           (This correction for the case when "POS_PMT"+"NEG_PMT".
+*-           The final energy is the ADC value TIMES the correction factor.
+*-      Input Parameters: x,y - impact point coordinates
+*-      Created 27 September 1999      SAW
+* $Log: s_correct_cal_two.f,v $
+* Revision 1.2  2003/03/21 22:58:02  jones
+* Subroutines had arguments with abort,errmsg . But these arguments were not
+* used when the subroutine was called. Also abort ,errmsg were not used in the
+* subroutines. So eliminate abort,errmsg. (E. Brash)
+* Revision 1.1  1999/01/29 17:34:57  saw
+* Add variables for second tubes on shower counter
+      implicit none
+      save
+*      logical abort
+*      character*(*) errmsg
+      character*17 here
+      parameter (here='S_CORRECT_CAL_TWO')
+      real*4 x,y         !Impact point coordinates
+      real*4 s_correct_cal_two
+      include 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'sos_calorimeter.cmn'
+* ! I was used simple combination of "s_correct_cal_pos" and 
+*   and "s_correct_cal_neg". To be corrected !! (Hamlet)
+      s_correct_cal_two=exp(y/200.)+exp(-y/200.)     !200 cm atten length.    
+      s_correct_cal_two=s_correct_cal_two*(1. + y*y/8000.)  
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/STRACKING/s_dc_eff.f b/STRACKING/s_dc_eff.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b00c277
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/s_dc_eff.f
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+*-   Purpose and Methods : Analyze scintillator information for each track 
+*-      Required Input BANKS     SOS_STATISTICS
+*-                               GEN_DATA_STRUCTURES
+*-   Output: ABORT           - success or failure
+*-         : err             - reason for failure, if any
+* author: John Arrington
+* created: 8/17/95
+* s_dc_eff calculates efficiencies for the drift chambers.
+* $Log: s_dc_eff.f,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1995/08/31 15:07:28  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      character*8 here
+      parameter (here= 'S_DC_EFF')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) errmsg
+      INCLUDE 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_constants.par'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_units.par'
+      include 'sos_statistics.cmn'
+      include 'sos_tracking.cmn'
+      integer*4 ind
+      save
+      sdc_tot_events = sdc_tot_events + 1
+      do ind = 1 , sdc_num_planes
+        if (sdc_hits_per_plane(ind).gt.0) sdc_events(ind)=sdc_events(ind)+1
+      enddo
+      if (sdc_hits_per_plane(1)+sdc_hits_per_plane(2)+sdc_hits_per_plane(3)
+     &   +sdc_hits_per_plane(4)+sdc_hits_per_plane(5)+sdc_hits_per_plane(6)
+     &    .ne. 0)   sdc_cham_hits(1) = sdc_cham_hits(1) + 1
+      if (sdc_hits_per_plane( 7)+sdc_hits_per_plane( 8)+sdc_hits_per_plane( 9)
+     &   +sdc_hits_per_plane(10)+sdc_hits_per_plane(11)+sdc_hits_per_plane(12)
+     &    .ne. 0)   sdc_cham_hits(2) = sdc_cham_hits(2) + 1
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/STRACKING/s_dc_eff_shutdown.f b/STRACKING/s_dc_eff_shutdown.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..76748b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/s_dc_eff_shutdown.f
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+*-   Purpose and Methods : Analyze and report drift chamber efficiencies.
+*-      Required Input BANKS     SOS_STATISTICS
+*-                               GEN_DATA_STRUCTURES
+*-   Output: ABORT           - success or failure
+*-         : err             - reason for failure, if any
+* author: John Arrington
+* created: 2/15/95
+* s_dc_eff calculates efficiencies for the hodoscope.
+* s_dc_eff_shutdown does some final manipulation of the numbers.
+* $Log: s_dc_eff_shutdown.f,v $
+* Revision 1.2  1996/09/05 13:29:49  saw
+* (JRA) Cosmetic
+* Revision 1.1  1995/08/31 15:07:37  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      character*17 here
+      parameter (here= 'S_DC_EFF_SHUTDOWN')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) errmsg
+      INCLUDE 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_constants.par'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_units.par'
+      include 'sos_statistics.cmn'
+      include 'sos_tracking.cmn'
+      logical written_header
+      integer*4 lunout
+      integer*4 ind
+      real*4 num         ! real version of #/events (aviod repeated floats)
+      save
+      written_header = .false.
+      num = float(max(1,sdc_tot_events))
+      do ind = 1 , sdc_num_planes
+        sdc_plane_eff(ind) = float(sdc_events(ind))/num
+        if (sdc_plane_eff(ind) .le. sdc_min_eff(ind) .and. then
+          if (.not.written_header) then
+            write(lunout,*)
+            write(lunout,'(a,f6.3)') ' SOS DC planes with low raw hit (hits/trig)efficiencies'
+            written_header = .true.
+          endif
+          write(lunout,'(5x,a,i2,a,f5.3,a,f5.3)') 'eff. for plane #',ind,' is ',
+     &       sdc_plane_eff(ind),',   warning level is ',sdc_min_eff(ind)
+        endif
+      enddo
+      do ind = 1 , sdc_num_chambers
+        sdc_cham_eff(ind) = float(sdc_cham_hits(ind))/num
+      enddo
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/STRACKING/s_dc_trk_eff.f b/STRACKING/s_dc_trk_eff.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..084f62b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/s_dc_trk_eff.f
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+*-   Purpose and Methods : Analyze DC information for each track 
+*-      Required Input BANKS     SOS_STATISTICS
+*-                               GEN_DATA_STRUCTURES
+*-   Output: ABORT           - success or failure
+*-         : err             - reason for failure, if any
+* author: John Arrington
+* created: 9/5/95
+* s_dc_trk_eff calculates efficiencies for the drift chambers,
+*   using the tracking information.
+* $Log: s_dc_trk_eff.f,v $
+* Revision 1.2  1996/01/17 17:09:36  cdaq
+* (JRA) Change array sizes from sdc_num_planes to SMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES
+* Revision 1.1  1995/10/09 20:02:37  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      character*12 here
+      parameter (here= 'S_DC_TRK_EFF')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) errmsg
+      INCLUDE 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_constants.par'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_units.par'
+      include 'sos_tracking.cmn'
+      include 'sos_geometry.cmn'
+      integer*4 pln,hit,ihit
+      integer*4 iwire(SMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES)
+      integer*4 ihitwire
+      real*4 hitwire
+      real*4 hitdist(SMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES)
+      save
+* find nearest wire, and increment 'should have fired' counter.
+      do pln=1,sdc_num_planes
+        hitwire = sdc_central_wire(pln) +
+     &         (ssdc_track_coord(pln)+sdc_center(pln))/sdc_pitch(pln) 
+        hitdist(pln) = (hitwire - nint(hitwire))*sdc_pitch(pln)
+        if (sdc_wire_counting(pln).eq.0) then         !normal wire numbering.
+          ihitwire = nint(hitwire)
+        else                                          !backwards numbering.
+          ihitwire = (sdc_nrwire(pln) + 1 ) - nint(hitwire)
+        endif
+        iwire(pln) = max(1,min(sdc_nrwire(pln),ihitwire))
+        if ( hitdist(pln)=99. !if had to reset wire,
+                                                    !make it a 'miss'
+        if (abs(hitdist(pln)).le.0.3) then           !hit close to wire.
+          sdc_shouldhit(pln,iwire(pln)) = sdc_shouldhit(pln,iwire(pln)) + 1
+        endif
+      enddo
+* note, this does not look for hits on the track which were NOT in the space
+* point used to fit the track!  (though this is probably OK).
+      do ihit=2,sntrack_hits(ssnum_fptrack,1)+1
+        hit=sntrack_hits(ssnum_fptrack,ihit)
+        pln=sdc_plane_num(hit)
+        if (iwire(pln).eq.sdc_wire_num(hit) .and. 
+     &            abs(hitdist(pln)).le.0.3)then
+          sdc_didhit(pln,iwire(pln)) = sdc_didhit(pln,iwire(pln)) + 1
+        endif
+      enddo
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/STRACKING/s_dc_trk_eff_shutdown.f b/STRACKING/s_dc_trk_eff_shutdown.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e282432
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/s_dc_trk_eff_shutdown.f
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+*-   Purpose and Methods : Analyze and report drift chamber efficiencies.
+*-      Required Input BANKS     SOS_STATISTICS
+*-                               GEN_DATA_STRUCTURES
+*-   Output: ABORT           - success or failure
+*-         : err             - reason for failure, if any
+* author: John Arrington
+* created: 9/5/95
+* s_dc_trk_eff calculates efficiencies for the chambers (using tracking)
+* s_dc_trk_eff_shutdown does some final manipulation of the numbers.
+* $Log: s_dc_trk_eff_shutdown.f,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1995/10/09 20:05:32  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      character*21 here
+      parameter (here= 'S_DC_TRK_EFF_SHUTDOWN')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) errmsg
+      INCLUDE 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_constants.par'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_units.par'
+      include 'sos_tracking.cmn'
+      include 'sos_geometry.cmn'
+      logical written_header
+      integer*4 lunout
+      integer*4 pln,wire
+      real*4 wireeff,planeeff
+      real*4 num         ! real version of #/events (aviod repeated floats)
+      save
+      written_header = .false.
+      do pln = 1 , sdc_num_planes
+        sdc_didsum(pln)=0
+        sdc_shouldsum(pln)=0
+        do wire = 1 , sdc_nrwire(pln)
+          sdc_shouldsum(pln) = sdc_shouldsum(pln) + 1
+          sdc_didsum(pln) = sdc_didsum(pln) + 1
+          num = float(max(1,sdc_shouldhit(pln,wire)))
+          wireeff = float(sdc_didhit(pln,wire)) / num
+          if ( .and. then
+            write(lunout,111) '       SOS pln=',pln,',  wire=',wire,
+     &         ',  effic=',wireeff,' = ',sdc_didhit(pln,wire),'/',
+     &         sdc_shouldhit(pln,wire)
+          endif
+        enddo
+      enddo
+111   format (a,i3,a,i4,a,f4.2,a,i6,a,i6)
+      do pln = 1 , sdc_num_planes
+        planeeff=float(sdc_didsum(pln))/float(max(1,sdc_shouldsum(pln)))
+        if   (sdc_shouldsum(pln).gt.1000 .and. 
+     & then
+          write(lunout,112) 'ave. effic for plane',pln,' is ',
+     &        planeeff,' = ',sdc_didsum(pln),'/',sdc_shouldsum(pln)
+        endif
+      enddo
+112   format (a,i3,a,f4.2,a,i7,a,i7)
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/STRACKING/s_dpsifun.f b/STRACKING/s_dpsifun.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d693d1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/s_dpsifun.f
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+      function S_DPSIFUN(ray,iplane)
+*     this function calculates the psi coordinate of the intersection
+*     of a ray (defined by ray) with a wire chamber plane. the geometry
+*     of the plane is contained in the coeff array calculated in the
+*     array splane_coeff
+*     Note it is call by MINUIT via S_FCNCHISQ and so uses double precision
+*     variables
+*     the ray is defined by
+*     x = (z-zt)*tan(xp) + xt
+*     y = (z-zt)*tan(yp) + yt
+*      at some fixed value of zt*
+*     ray(1) = xt
+*     ray(2) = yt
+*     ray(3) = tan(xp)
+*     ray(4) = tan(yp)
+*     d.f. geesaman                   1 September 1993
+* $Log: s_dpsifun.f,v $
+* Revision 1.3  1995/05/22 19:45:35  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.2  1994/02/22  05:47:45  cdaq
+* (SAW) Removed dfloat calls with floating args
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/21  16:07:39  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      include "sos_data_structures.cmn"
+      include "sos_geometry.cmn"
+*     input
+      real*8 ray(4)           ! xt,yt,xpt,ypt
+      integer*4 iplane        ! plane number
+*     output
+      real*8 S_DPSIFUN         ! value of psi coordinate of hit of ray in plane
+*     local variables   
+      real*8 denom,infinity,cinfinity
+      parameter (infinity = 1.0d20)
+      parameter (cinfinity = 1/infinity)
+      S_DPSIFUN =  ray(3)*ray(2)*(splane_coeff(1,iplane)) 
+     &        + ray(4)*ray(1)*(splane_coeff(2,iplane))
+     &        + ray(3)*(splane_coeff(3,iplane)) 
+     &        + ray(4)*(splane_coeff(4,iplane))
+     &        + ray(1)*(splane_coeff(5,iplane))
+     &        + ray(2)*(splane_coeff(6,iplane))
+      denom = ray(3)*(splane_coeff(7,iplane)) 
+     &      + ray(4)*(splane_coeff(8,iplane))  
+     &      + (splane_coeff(9,iplane))
+      if(abs(denom).lt.cinfinity) then
+          S_DPSIFUN=infinity
+      else
+          S_DPSIFUN = S_DPSIFUN/denom
+      endif
+      return
+      end  
diff --git a/STRACKING/s_drift_dist_calc.f b/STRACKING/s_drift_dist_calc.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1772adb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/s_drift_dist_calc.f
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+      real*4 function s_drift_dist_calc(plane,wire,time)
+*     function to calculate sos drift time from tdc value in sos
+*     wire chambers
+*     d.f. geesaman              17 feb 1994
+* $Log: s_drift_dist_calc.f,v $
+* Revision 1.5  1996/04/30 17:01:21  saw
+* (JRA) Add drift time correction for disc card
+* Revision 1.4  1995/10/10 13:02:39  cdaq
+* (JRA) Remove check for zero drift bin size
+* Revision 1.3  1995/05/22 19:45:35  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.2  1994/11/22  21:09:59  cdaq
+* (SPB) Recopied from hms file and modified names for SOS
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/21  16:08:13  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      include 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'sos_geometry.cmn'
+      include 'sos_tracking.cmn'        ! for lookup tables
+*     input
+      integer*4  plane      !  plane number of hit
+      integer*4  wire       !  wire number  of hit
+      integer*4  ilo,ihi    !  interpolate between bins ilo and ilo+1
+      real*4     time       !  drift time in ns
+      real*4     fractinterp        !  interpolated fraction 
+*     output
+* look in the appropriate drift time to distance table and perform a linear
+* interpolation. minimum and maximum distance values are 0.0cm and 0.5cm. 
+c      if( sdriftbinsz.eq.0.0)then
+c        fractinterp = -1.0
+c        s_drift_dist_calc = 0.5*fractinterp
+c        return
+c      endif      
+      ilo = int((time-sdrift1stbin)/sdriftbinsz) + 1
+      ihi = ilo + 1
+      if( .and. ihi.le.sdriftbins)then 
+        fractinterp = sfract(ilo,plane) + 
+     &    ( (sfract(ilo+1,plane)-sfract(ilo,plane))/sdriftbinsz )*
+     &    (time - sdrift1stbin - (ilo-1)*sdriftbinsz)
+      else
+        if( )then
+          fractinterp = 0.0
+        else
+          if( )fractinterp = 1.0
+        endif
+      endif
+      s_drift_dist_calc = 0.5*fractinterp -
+     $     sdc_card_delay(sdc_card_no(wire,plane))
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/STRACKING/s_drift_time_calc.f b/STRACKING/s_drift_time_calc.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0634302
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/s_drift_time_calc.f
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+      function s_drift_time_calc(plane,wire,tdc)
+*     function to calculate sos drift time from tdc value in sos
+*     wire chambers
+*     d.f. geesaman              17 feb 1994
+* $Log: s_drift_time_calc.f,v $
+* Revision 1.5  1995/10/09 20:16:16  cdaq
+* (JRA) Remove monte carlo data option
+* Revision 1.4  1995/05/22 19:45:36  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.3  1994/11/22  21:10:31  cdaq
+* (SPB) Recopied from hms file and modified names for SOS
+* Revision 1.2  1994/03/24  19:52:20  cdaq
+* (DFG) Allow switch for monte carlo data
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/21  16:08:30  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      include "sos_data_structures.cmn"
+      include "sos_tracking.cmn"
+      include "sos_geometry.cmn"
+*     input
+      integer*4  plane      !  plane number of hit
+      integer*4  wire       !  wire number  of hit
+      integer*4  tdc        !  tdc value
+*     output
+      real*4     s_drift_time_calc       !  drift time in nanoseconds
+      s_drift_time_calc = sstart_time
+     &     - float(tdc)*sdc_tdc_time_per_channel
+     &     + sdc_plane_time_zero(plane)
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/STRACKING/s_dump_cal.f b/STRACKING/s_dump_cal.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..14d9cad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/s_dump_cal.f
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+*-   Purpose and Methods : Analyze scintillator information for each track 
+*-      Required Input BANKS     SOS_CALORIMETER
+*-                               GEN_DATA_STRUCTURES
+*-   Output: ABORT           - success or failure
+*-         : err             - reason for failure, if any
+* author: John Arrington
+* created: 9/7/95
+* s_dump_cal writes out the raw calorimeter information for the final tracks.
+* This data is analyzed by independent routines to fit the gains for each
+* block.
+* $Log: s_dump_cal.f,v $
+* Revision 1.4  1999/06/10 16:56:30  csa
+* (JRA) Added ycal, emeas calculations, changed test condition
+* Revision 1.3  1999/01/29 17:34:58  saw
+* Add variables for second tubes on shower counter
+* Revision 1.2  1996/01/17 18:07:51  cdaq
+* (JRA) Put track and delta cuts on what get's written out
+* Revision 1.1  1995/10/09 20:17:10  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      character*10 here
+      parameter (here= 'S_DUMP_CAL')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) errmsg
+      INCLUDE 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'sos_calorimeter.cmn'
+      integer*4 blk
+      real*4 emeas,ycal
+      save
+*  Write out cal fitting data.
+*  What should this do for new tubes?
+      if (abs(ssdelta).le.18 .and. then
+        ycal=ssy_fp + scal_1pr_zpos*ssyp_fp
+	ycal=min(35.,ycal)
+	ycal=max(-35.,ycal)
+        emeas=ssp*exp(-ycal/210.7)/(1+ycal**2/22000.)
+        write(36,'(1x,44(1x,f6.1),1x,e11.4)') 
+     &       (scal_realadc_pos(blk),blk=1,smax_cal_blocks),emeas
+!        if( then
+!          write(36,'(1x,44(1x,f6.1),1x,e11.4)') 
+!     &       (scal_realadc_neg(blk),blk=1,smax_cal_blocks),ssp
+!        endif
+      endif
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/STRACKING/s_dump_peds.f b/STRACKING/s_dump_peds.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09dceb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/s_dump_peds.f
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+      subroutine s_dump_peds(ABORT,err)
+* $Log: s_dump_peds.f,v $
+* Revision  2007/09/13 04:02:18  brash
+* Implement some minor changes to fix Mac OS X runtime errors ... ejb
+* Revision 1.6  1999/01/29 17:34:58  saw
+* Add variables for second tubes on shower counter
+* Revision 1.5  1996/11/07 19:50:44  saw
+* (JRA) ??
+* Revision 1.4  1996/04/30 17:11:20  saw
+* (JRA) Cleanup
+* Revision 1.3  1996/01/17 19:04:27  cdaq
+* (JRA)
+* Revision 1.2  1995/10/09 20:18:31  cdaq
+* (JRA) Cleanup, add cerenkov pedestals
+* Revision 1.1  1995/08/31 18:06:45  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*11 here
+      parameter (here='s_dump_peds')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      integer*4 pln,cnt
+      integer*4 blk
+      integer*4 pmt
+      character*132 file
+      integer*4 SPAREID
+      parameter (SPAREID=67)
+      INCLUDE 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'sos_pedestals.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'sos_scin_parms.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'sos_calorimeter.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'sos_cer_parms.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'sos_filenames.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_run_info.cmn'
+      if (' ') then
+        file=s_pedestal_output_filename
+        call g_sub_run_number(file, gen_run_number)
+        open(unit=SPAREID,file=file,status='unknown')
+      else
+        return
+      endif
+      write(SPAREID,*) 'These are the values that were used for the analysis'
+      write(SPAREID,*) '      (from the param file or pedestal events)'
+      write(SPAREID,*)
+      write(SPAREID,*) 'sscin_all_ped_pos ='
+      do cnt = 1 , snum_scin_elements
+          write(SPAREID,111) (sscin_all_ped_pos(pln,cnt),pln=1,4)
+      enddo
+      write(SPAREID,*) 'shodo_new_ped_pos ='
+      do cnt = 1 , snum_scin_elements
+        write(SPAREID,111) (shodo_new_ped_pos(pln,cnt),pln=1,4)
+      enddo
+      write(SPAREID,*) 'shodo_new_sig_pos ='
+      do cnt = 1 , snum_scin_elements
+        write(SPAREID,111) (shodo_new_sig_pos(pln,cnt),pln=1,4)
+      enddo
+      write(SPAREID,*) 'shodo_new_threshold_pos ='
+      do cnt = 1 , snum_scin_elements
+          write(SPAREID,111) (shodo_new_threshold_pos(pln,cnt),pln=1,4)
+      enddo
+      write(SPAREID,*) 'sscin_all_ped_neg ='
+      do cnt = 1 , snum_scin_elements
+          write(SPAREID,111) (sscin_all_ped_neg(pln,cnt),pln=1,4)
+      enddo
+      write(SPAREID,*) 'shodo_new_ped_neg ='
+      do cnt = 1 , snum_scin_elements
+        write(SPAREID,111) (shodo_new_ped_neg(pln,cnt),pln=1,4)
+      enddo
+      write(SPAREID,*) 'shodo_new_sig_neg ='
+      do cnt = 1 , snum_scin_elements
+        write(SPAREID,111) (shodo_new_sig_neg(pln,cnt),pln=1,4)
+      enddo
+      write(SPAREID,*) 'shodo_new_threshold_neg ='
+      do cnt = 1 , snum_scin_elements
+          write(SPAREID,111) (shodo_new_threshold_neg(pln,cnt),pln=1,4)
+      enddo
+111   format(10x,3(f6.1,','),f6.1)
+* CALORIMETER PEDESTALS ( Hamlet test version) 
+      write(SPAREID,*) ' scal_pos_ped_mean = '
+      write(SPAREID,112) (scal_pos_ped_mean(blk),blk=1,smax_cal_rows)
+      write(SPAREID,112) (scal_pos_ped_mean(blk),blk=smax_cal_rows+1,2*smax_cal_rows)
+      write(SPAREID,112) (scal_pos_ped_mean(blk),blk=2*smax_cal_rows+1,3*smax_cal_rows)
+      write(SPAREID,112) (scal_pos_ped_mean(blk),blk=3*smax_cal_rows+1,4*smax_cal_rows)
+      write(SPAREID,*) '; calorimeter ped. sigma (sqrt(variance))'
+      write(SPAREID,*) ' scal_pos_ped_rms = '
+      write(SPAREID,112) (scal_pos_ped_rms(blk),blk=1,smax_cal_rows)
+      write(SPAREID,112) (scal_pos_ped_rms(blk),blk=smax_cal_rows+1,2*smax_cal_rows)
+      write(SPAREID,112) (scal_pos_ped_rms(blk),blk=2*smax_cal_rows+1,3*smax_cal_rows)
+      write(SPAREID,112) (scal_pos_ped_rms(blk),blk=3*smax_cal_rows+1,4*smax_cal_rows)
+      write(SPAREID,*) '; calorimeter threshold above ped. =MIN(50,MAX(10,3*sigma))'
+      write(SPAREID,*) 'scal_new_threshold_pos = '
+      write(SPAREID,112) (scal_new_adc_threshold_pos(blk),blk=1,smax_cal_rows)
+      write(SPAREID,112) (scal_new_adc_threshold_pos(blk),blk=smax_cal_rows+1,2*smax_cal_rows)
+      write(SPAREID,112) (scal_new_adc_threshold_pos(blk),blk=2*smax_cal_rows+1,3*smax_cal_rows)
+      write(SPAREID,112) (scal_new_adc_threshold_pos(blk),blk=3*smax_cal_rows+1,4*smax_cal_rows)
+      write(SPAREID,*) ' scal_neg_ped_mean = '
+      write(SPAREID,112) (scal_neg_ped_mean(blk),blk=1,smax_cal_rows)
+      write(SPAREID,112) (scal_neg_ped_mean(blk),blk=smax_cal_rows+1,2*smax_cal_rows)
+      write(SPAREID,112) (scal_neg_ped_mean(blk),blk=2*smax_cal_rows+1,3*smax_cal_rows)
+      write(SPAREID,112) (scal_neg_ped_mean(blk),blk=3*smax_cal_rows+1,4*smax_cal_rows)
+      write(SPAREID,*) '; calorimeter ped. sigma (sqrt(variance))'
+      write(SPAREID,*) ' scal_ped_neg_rms = '
+      write(SPAREID,112) (scal_neg_ped_rms(blk),blk=1,smax_cal_rows)
+      write(SPAREID,112) (scal_neg_ped_rms(blk),blk=smax_cal_rows+1,2*smax_cal_rows)
+      write(SPAREID,112) (scal_neg_ped_rms(blk),blk=2*smax_cal_rows+1,3*smax_cal_rows)
+      write(SPAREID,112) (scal_neg_ped_rms(blk),blk=3*smax_cal_rows+1,4*smax_cal_rows)
+      write(SPAREID,*) '; calorimeter threshold above ped. =MIN(50,MAX(10,3*sigma))'
+      write(SPAREID,*) 'scal_new_threshold_neg = '
+      write(SPAREID,112) (scal_new_adc_threshold_neg(blk),blk=1,smax_cal_rows)
+      write(SPAREID,112) (scal_new_adc_threshold_neg(blk),blk=smax_cal_rows+1,2*smax_cal_rows)
+      write(SPAREID,112) (scal_new_adc_threshold_neg(blk),blk=2*smax_cal_rows+1,3*smax_cal_rows)
+      write(SPAREID,112) (scal_new_adc_threshold_neg(blk),blk=3*smax_cal_rows+1,4*smax_cal_rows)
+112   format (12(f5.1,','),f5.1)
+      write(SPAREID,*) 'scer_ped = '
+      write(SPAREID,113) (scer_ped(pmt),pmt=1,smax_cer_hits)
+113   format (3(i6,','),i6)
+      close(SPAREID)
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/STRACKING/s_dump_tof.f b/STRACKING/s_dump_tof.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..04d3a0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/s_dump_tof.f
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+*-   Purpose and Methods : Analyze scintillator information for each track 
+*-      Required Input BANKS     SOS_SCIN_TOF
+*-                               GEN_DATA_STRUCTURES
+*-   Output: ABORT           - success or failure
+*-         : err             - reason for failure, if any
+* author: John Arrington
+* created: 1/30/95
+* s_dump_tof writes out the raw timing information for the final chosen tracks.
+* This data is analyzed by independent routines to fit the corrections for
+* pulse height walk, time lag from the hit to the pmt signal, and time offsets
+* for each signal.
+* $Log: s_dump_tof.f,v $
+* Revision 1.7  1999/11/04 20:36:47  saw
+* Linux/G77 compatibility fixes
+* Revision 1.6  1999/06/10 16:57:17  csa
+* (JRA) Added test on scer_npe_sum, changed output formats
+* Revision 1.5  1999/02/10 18:20:40  csa
+* Fixed format problem with ph > 10,000
+* Revision 1.4  1995/10/09 20:20:18  cdaq
+* (JRA) Subtract sstart_time from tdc output
+* Revision 1.3  1995/05/22 19:45:36  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.2  1995/05/11  21:03:28  cdaq
+* (JRA) Formatting changes
+* Revision 1.1  1995/04/01  20:39:50  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      character*50 here
+      parameter (here= 'S_DUMP_TOF')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) errmsg
+      INCLUDE 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_constants.par'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_units.par'
+      include 'sos_scin_parms.cmn'
+      include 'sos_scin_tof.cmn'
+      integer*4 hit, ind
+      integer*4 pmt,cnt,lay,dir
+      real*4 ph,tim,betap
+      save
+*  Write out TOF fitting data.
+*     In some circumstances you might also cut on
+*     scer_npe_sum and/or ssshtrk:
+      if ( .and. ssnum_pmt_hit.le.12 .and. then
+        betap=1.
+        write(38,111) ssnum_pmt_hit,ssx_fp,ssxp_fp,
+     $       ssy_fp,ssyp_fp,betap
+111     format(i3,1x,f10.5,1x,f8.5,1x,f10.5,1x,f8.5,1x,f7.3)
+        do ind = 1, ssnum_scin_hit
+          hit = sscin_hit(ssnum_fptrack,ind)
+          if (sscin_tdc_pos(hit) .ge. sscin_tdc_min .and.  
+     1         sscin_tdc_pos(hit) .le. sscin_tdc_max) then
+            cnt=sscin_counter_num(hit)
+            lay=int((sscin_plane_num(hit)+1)/2)
+            dir=mod(sscin_plane_num(hit)+1,2)+1
+            pmt=1
+            tim=sscin_tdc_pos(hit)*sscin_tdc_to_time-sstart_time
+            ph=sscin_adc_pos(hit)
+            write(38,112) pmt,cnt,lay,dir,ph,tim
+          endif
+          if (sscin_tdc_neg(hit) .ge. sscin_tdc_min .and.  
+     1         sscin_tdc_neg(hit) .le. sscin_tdc_max) then
+            cnt=sscin_counter_num(hit)
+            lay=int((sscin_plane_num(hit)+1)/2)
+            dir=mod(sscin_plane_num(hit)+1,2)+1
+            pmt=2
+            tim=sscin_tdc_neg(hit)*sscin_tdc_to_time-sstart_time
+            ph=sscin_adc_neg(hit)
+            write(38,112) pmt,cnt,lay,dir,ph,tim
+          endif
+        enddo
+ 112    format(i2,1x,i3,2(1x,i2),1x,f7.1,1x,f8.3)
+      endif
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/STRACKING/s_fcnchisq.f b/STRACKING/s_fcnchisq.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d7c45cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/s_fcnchisq.f
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+      subroutine S_FCNCHISQ(npar,grad,fval,ray,iflag,dumarg)
+*     This subroutine calculates chi**2 for MINUIT. The
+*     arguments are determined by MINUIT
+*     d.f. geesaman             8 September 1993
+*     modified   dfg            14 Feb 1993   Change SPLANE_PARAM to 
+*                                             sdc_sigma
+* $Log: s_fcnchisq.f,v $
+* Revision 1.3  1995/05/22 19:45:37  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.2  1994/11/22  21:11:17  cdaq
+* (SPB) Recopied from hms file and modified names for SOS
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/21  16:13:20  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      external S_DPSIFUN
+      real*8 S_DPSIFUN
+      include 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'sos_tracking.cmn'
+      include 'sos_geometry.cmn'
+*     input
+      real*8 ray(*),grad(*),dumarg
+      integer*4 npar,iflag
+*     output
+      real*8 fval                              ! value of chi2
+*     local variables
+      real*8 diff
+      integer*4 ihit
+      integer*4 hitnum,planenum
+      fval=0.0d0
+      do ihit=1,SNTRACK_HITS(strack_fit_num,1)
+         hitnum=SNTRACK_HITS(strack_fit_num,ihit+1)
+         planenum=SDC_PLANE_NUM(hitnum)
+         diff=(dble(SDC_WIRE_COORD(hitnum))-S_DPSIFUN(ray,planenum))
+     &        /dble(sdc_sigma(planenum))
+         fval=fval+diff*diff
+      enddo
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/STRACKING/s_fill_cal_hist.f b/STRACKING/s_fill_cal_hist.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e3937a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/s_fill_cal_hist.f
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+      subroutine s_fill_cal_hist(Abort,err)
+*     routine to fill histograms with sos_cal varibles
+*     Author:   J. R. Arrington
+*     Date:     26 April 1995
+*     Copied from:  s_fill_scin_raw_hist
+* $Log: s_fill_cal_hist.f,v $
+* Revision 1.10  2002/12/19 22:05:45  jones
+*    sidcalposhits and sidcalneghits are integer*4 not logical
+*  so sidcalposhits(col).gt.0 replaces sidcalposhits(col) in if statement
+* Revision 1.9  2002/07/31 20:20:58  saw
+* Only try to fill user hists that are defined
+* Revision 1.8  1999/02/23 18:58:02  csa
+* (JRA) Remove obsolete hf1 call
+* Revision 1.7  1999/02/03 21:13:45  saw
+* Code for new Shower counter tubes
+* Revision 1.6  1999/01/29 17:34:58  saw
+* Add variables for second tubes on shower counter
+* Revision 1.5  1999/01/27 16:02:45  saw
+* Check if some hists are defined before filling
+* Revision 1.4  1995/08/31 18:07:29  cdaq
+* (JRA) Move sidcalsumadc filling to s_sparsify_cal
+* Revision 1.3  1995/07/20  14:49:57  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add calorimeter adc sum per hit histogram
+* Revision 1.2  1995/05/22  19:45:37  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.1  1995/04/27  20:40:22  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      external thgetid
+      integer*4 thgetid
+      character*50 here
+      parameter (here= 's_fill_cal_hist')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      real*4  histval
+      integer*4 row,col,ihit
+      include 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'sos_id_histid.cmn'          
+      include 'sos_calorimeter.cmn'
+      SAVE
+      ABORT= .FALSE.
+      err= ' '
+*     Light in either tube will do
+      if(scal_num_hits .gt. 0 ) then
+        do ihit=1,scal_num_hits
+          row=scal_rows(ihit)
+          col=scal_cols(ihit)
+          histval=float(col)
+          if( call hf1(sidcalplane,histval,1.)
+          histval=float(row)
+          if(scal_adcs_pos(ihit).gt.0.1.and.sidcalposhits(col).gt.0)
+     $         call hf1(sidcalposhits(col),histval,1.)
+          if(scal_adcs_neg(ihit).gt.0.1.and.sidcalneghits(col).gt.0)
+     $         call hf1(sidcalneghits(col),histval,1.)
+        enddo
+      endif
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/STRACKING/s_fill_dc_dec_hist.f b/STRACKING/s_fill_dc_dec_hist.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b647b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/s_fill_dc_dec_hist.f
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+      subroutine s_fill_dc_dec_hist(Abort,err)
+*     routine to fill histograms with sos_decoded_dc varibles
+*     Author:	D. F. Geesaman
+*     Date:     30 March 1994
+*     Modified:  9 April 1994     D. F. Geesaman
+*                                 Put id's in sos_tracking_histid
+*                                 implement flag to turn block off
+* $Log: s_fill_dc_dec_hist.f,v $
+* Revision 1.6  2002/07/31 20:20:58  saw
+* Only try to fill user hists that are defined
+* Revision 1.5  1996/04/30 17:12:04  saw
+* (JRA) Comment out SDC_DRIFT_DIS and SDC_DRIFT_TIME histograms
+* Revision 1.4  1995/08/31 18:42:28  cdaq
+* (JRA) Comment out filling of siddcwirecent (wire center) histogram
+* Revision 1.3  1995/05/22  19:45:38  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.2  1994/08/18  04:33:13  cdaq
+* (SAW) Indentation changes
+* Revision 1.1  1994/04/13  18:10:22  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      character*50 here
+      parameter (here= 's_fill_dc_dec_hist_')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      real*4  histval
+      integer*4 plane,ihit
+      include 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'sos_tracking.cmn'
+      include 'sos_track_histid.cmn'
+      include 'gen_event_info.cmn'
+      SAVE
+      ABORT= .FALSE.
+      err= ' '
+* Is histogramming flag set
+      if( ) then
+* Make sure there is at least 1 hit
+        if(SDC_TOT_HITS .gt. 0 ) then
+* Loop over all hits
+          do ihit=1,SDC_TOT_HITS 
+            plane=SDC_PLANE_NUM(ihit)
+            histval=SDC_WIRE_NUM(ihit)
+* Is plane number valid
+            if( (plane .gt. 0) .and. (plane.le. sdc_num_planes)) then
+              if(siddcwiremap(plane).gt.0)
+     $             call hf1(siddcwiremap(plane),histval,1.)
+c              call hf1(siddcwirecent(plane),SDC_WIRE_CENTER(ihit),1.)
+c              call hf1(siddcdriftdis(plane),SDC_DRIFT_DIS(ihit),1.)
+c              call hf1(siddcdrifttime(plane),SDC_DRIFT_TIME(ihit),1.)
+            endif                       ! end test on valid plane number
+          enddo                         ! end loop over hits
+        endif                           ! end test on zero hits       
+      endif                             ! end test on histogram block turned on.
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/STRACKING/s_fill_dc_fp_hist.f b/STRACKING/s_fill_dc_fp_hist.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..81cfd7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/s_fill_dc_fp_hist.f
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+      subroutine s_fill_dc_fp_hist(Abort,err)
+*     routine to fill histograms with sos_focal_plane varibles
+*     Author:	D. F. Geesaman
+*     Date:     30 March 1994
+*     Modified: 9 April 1994        DFG
+*                                   Transfer ID in common block
+*                                   Implement flag to turn block on
+* $Log: s_fill_dc_fp_hist.f,v $
+* Revision 1.5  2002/07/31 20:20:58  saw
+* Only try to fill user hists that are defined
+* Revision 1.4  1995/05/22 19:45:38  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.3  1995/04/06  19:35:40  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add WC residual histograms
+* Revision 1.2  1994/08/18  04:34:23  cdaq
+* (SAW) Indentation changes
+* Revision 1.1  1994/04/13  18:10:39  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      character*50 here
+      parameter (here= 's_fill_dc_fp_hist')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      real*4  histval
+      integer*4 itrk
+      integer*4 plane
+      include 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'sos_track_histid.cmn'
+      include 'sos_tracking.cmn'
+      SAVE
+      ABORT= .FALSE.
+      err= ' '
+* Is this histogram flag turned on
+      if(sturnon_focal_plane_hist .ne. 0 ) then
+* Make sure there is at least 1 track
+        if(SNTRACKS_FP .gt. 0 ) then
+* Loop over all hits
+          do itrk=1,SNTRACKS_FP
+            if(
+     $           call hf1(sidsx_fp,SX_FP(itrk),1.)
+            if(
+     $           call hf1(sidsy_fp,SY_FP(itrk),1.)
+            if(
+     $           call hf1(sidsxp_fp,SXP_FP(itrk),1.)
+            if(
+     $           call hf1(sidsyp_fp,SYP_FP(itrk),1.)
+            if(SCHI2_FP(itrk) .gt. 0 ) then
+              histval=log10(SCHI2_FP(itrk))            
+            else 
+              histval = 10.
+            endif
+            if(
+     $           call hf1(sidslogchi2_fp,histval,1.)
+            histval= SNFREE_FP(itrk)
+            if(
+     $           call hf1(sidsnfree_fp,histval,1.)
+            if( SNFREE_FP(itrk) .ne.0) then
+              histval= SCHI2_FP(itrk) /  SNFREE_FP(itrk)
+            else
+              histval = -1.
+            endif
+            if(
+     $           call hf1(sidschi2perdeg_fp,histval,1.)
+            do plane = 1,sdc_num_planes
+              if(sidres_fp(plane).gt.0)
+     $             call hf1(sidres_fp(plane),
+     $             sdc_double_residual(itrk,plane),1.)
+              if(sidsingres_fp(plane).gt.0)
+     $             call hf1(sidsingres_fp(plane),
+     $             sdc_single_residual(itrk,plane),1.)
+            enddo
+          enddo                         ! end loop over hits
+        endif                           ! end test on zero hits       
+      endif                             ! end test on histogramming flag
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/STRACKING/s_fill_dc_target_hist.f b/STRACKING/s_fill_dc_target_hist.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..97b2682
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/s_fill_dc_target_hist.f
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+      subroutine s_fill_dc_target_hist(Abort,err)
+*     routine to fill histograms with SOS_TARGET varibles
+*     Author:	D. F. Geesaman
+*     Date:     3 May 1994
+* $Log: s_fill_dc_target_hist.f,v $
+* Revision 1.4  2002/07/31 20:20:58  saw
+* Only try to fill user hists that are defined
+* Revision 1.3  1995/05/22 19:45:38  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.2  1994/08/18  04:31:47  cdaq
+* (SAW) Indentation changes
+* Revision 1.1  1994/05/13  03:04:19  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      character*50 here
+      parameter (here= 's_fill_dc_target_hist')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      real*4  histval
+      integer*4 itrk
+      include 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'sos_track_histid.cmn'
+      SAVE
+      ABORT= .FALSE.
+      err= ' '
+* Make sure there is at least 1 track
+      if(SNTRACKS_FP .gt. 0 ) then
+* Loop over all hits
+        do itrk=1,SNTRACKS_FP
+          if (
+     $         call hf1(sidsx_tar,SX_TAR(itrk),1.)
+          if (
+     $         call hf1(sidsy_tar,SY_TAR(itrk),1.)
+          if (
+     $         call hf1(sidsz_tar,SZ_TAR(itrk),1.)
+          if (
+     $         call hf1(sidsxp_tar,SXP_TAR(itrk),1.)
+          if (
+     $         call hf1(sidsyp_tar,SYP_TAR(itrk),1.)
+          if (
+     $         call hf1(sidsdelta_tar,SDELTA_TAR(itrk),1.)
+          if (
+     $         call hf1(sidsp_tar,SP_TAR(itrk),1.)
+        enddo                           ! end loop over hits
+      endif                             ! end test on zero hits       
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/STRACKING/s_fill_scin_raw_hist.f b/STRACKING/s_fill_scin_raw_hist.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..15cd8c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/s_fill_scin_raw_hist.f
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+      subroutine s_fill_scin_raw_hist(Abort,err)
+*     routine to fill histograms with sos_raw_scin varibles
+*     Author:	D. F. Geesaman
+*     Date:     4 April 1994
+*     Modified  9 April 1994     DFG
+*                                Add CTP flag to turn on histogramming
+*                                id's in sos_id_histid
+* $Log: s_fill_scin_raw_hist.f,v $
+* Revision 1.7  1996/01/17 19:04:54  cdaq
+* (JRA)
+* Revision 1.6  1995/10/10 13:27:45  cdaq
+* (JRA) Remove some unneeded validity tests
+* Revision 1.5  1995/07/20 14:52:20  cdaq
+* (JRA) Fill hist's from "all" data structures
+* Revision 1.4  1995/05/22  19:45:39  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.3  1995/05/11  21:04:14  cdaq
+* (JRA) Modifications to user histograms
+* Revision 1.2  1995/02/10  19:11:36  cdaq
+* (JRA) Change sscin_num_counters to snum_scin_counters
+* Revision 1.1  1994/04/13  20:07:48  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      external thgetid
+      integer*4 thgetid
+      character*20 here
+      parameter (here='s_fill_scin_raw_hist')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      real*4 histval
+      real*4 rcnt
+      integer*4 pln,cnt,ihit
+      include 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'sos_scin_parms.cmn'
+      include 'sos_id_histid.cmn'          
+      SAVE
+      ABORT= .FALSE.
+      err= ' '
+* Do we want to histogram raw scintillators
+* Make sure there is at least 1 hit
+      if(sscin_all_tot_hits .gt. 0 ) then
+* Loop over all hits
+        do ihit=1,sscin_all_tot_hits
+          pln=sscin_all_plane_num(ihit)
+          cnt=sscin_all_counter_num(ihit)
+          rcnt=float(cnt)
+* Fill plane map                  
+c          histval = float(pln)
+c          call hf1(sidscinplane,histval,1.)
+* Fill counter map
+          histval = rcnt
+          call hf1(sidscincounters(pln),histval,1.)
+* Fill ADC and TDC histograms for positive tubes.
+          if (sscin_all_tdc_pos(ihit).ne.-1) then   !tube was hit.
+            histval = rcnt
+            call hf1(sidscinallpostdc(pln),histval,1.)
+            histval = float(sscin_all_tdc_pos(ihit))
+            call hf1(sidsumpostdc(pln),histval,1.)
+          else                                          !tube was NOT hit.
+            histval = sscin_all_adc_pos(ihit)-sscin_all_ped_pos(pln,cnt)
+            call hf1(sidsumposadc(pln),histval,1.)
+          endif
+          if ((sscin_all_adc_pos(ihit)-sscin_all_ped_pos(pln,cnt))
+     $         .ge.50) then
+            histval = rcnt
+            call hf1(sidscinallposadc(pln),histval,1.)
+          endif
+* Fill ADC and TDC histograms for negative tubes.
+          if (sscin_all_tdc_neg(ihit).ne.-1) then       !tube was hit.
+            histval = rcnt
+            call hf1(sidscinallnegtdc(pln),histval,1.)
+            histval = float(sscin_all_tdc_neg(ihit))
+            call hf1(sidsumnegtdc(pln),histval,1.)
+          else                                          !tube was NOT hit.
+            histval = sscin_all_adc_neg(ihit)-sscin_all_ped_neg(pln,cnt)
+            call hf1(sidsumnegadc(pln),histval,1.)
+          endif
+          if ((sscin_all_adc_neg(ihit)-sscin_all_ped_neg(pln,cnt))
+     $         .ge.50) then
+            histval = rcnt
+            call hf1(sidscinallnegadc(pln),histval,1.)
+          endif
+          if(sturnon_scin_raw_hist .ne. 0 ) then
+            histval = sscin_all_adc_pos(ihit)-sscin_all_ped_pos(pln,cnt)
+            call hf1(sidscinposadc(pln,cnt),histval,1.)
+            histval = sscin_all_adc_neg(ihit)-sscin_all_ped_neg(pln,cnt)
+            call hf1(sidscinnegadc(pln,cnt),histval,1.)
+            histval = float(sscin_all_tdc_pos(ihit))
+            call hf1(sidscinpostdc(pln,cnt),histval,1.)
+            histval = float(sscin_all_tdc_neg(ihit))
+            call hf1(sidscinnegtdc(pln,cnt),histval,1.)
+          endif                         ! end test on histogramming flag
+        enddo                           ! end loop over hits
+      endif                             ! end test on zero hits       
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/STRACKING/s_find_best_stub.f b/STRACKING/s_find_best_stub.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c4301b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/s_find_best_stub.f
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+      subroutine s_find_best_stub(numhits,hits,pl,pindex,plusminus,stub,chi2)
+*     This subroutine does a linear least squares fit of a line to the
+*     hits in an individual chamber. It assumes that the y slope is 0 
+*     The wire coordinate is calculated
+*     from the wire center + plusminus*(drift distance).
+*     This is called in a loop over all combinations of plusminus
+*     d. f. geesaman
+* $Log: s_find_best_stub.f,v $
+* Revision 1.5  1996/01/17 19:05:23  cdaq
+* (JRA)
+* Revision 1.4  1995/10/10 13:39:56  cdaq
+* (JRA) Cleanup
+* Revision 1.3  1995/05/22 19:45:39  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.2  1994/11/22  21:11:50  cdaq
+* (SPB) Recopied from hms file and modified names for SOS
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/21  16:13:42  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+*     the four parameters of a stub are x_t,y_t,xp_t,yp_t
+*     Called by S_LEFT_RIGHT
+      implicit none
+      include 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'sos_tracking.cmn'
+      include 'sos_geometry.cmn'
+*     input quantities
+      integer*4 numhits
+      integer*4 hits(*)
+      real*4 plusminus(*)
+*     output quantitites
+      real*8 dstub(3)               ! x, xp , y of local line fit
+      real*4 stub(4)
+      real*4 chi2                  ! chi2 of fit      
+*     local variables
+      real*4 dpos(smax_hits_per_point)
+      integer*4 pl(smax_hits_per_point)
+      integer*4 pindex
+      real*8 TT(3)
+      integer*4 hit
+      integer*4 i
+      TT(1)=0.
+      TT(2)=0.
+      TT(3)=0.
+* calculate trail hit position and least squares matrix coefficients.
+      do hit=1,numhits
+        dpos(hit)=SDC_WIRE_CENTER(hits(hit)) +
+     &       plusminus(hit)*SDC_DRIFT_DIS(hits(hit)) -
+     &       spsi0(pl(hit))
+        do i=1,3
+          TT(i)=TT(i)+(dpos(hit)*sstubcoef(pl(hit),i))/sdc_sigma(pl(hit))
+        enddo
+      enddo
+*     solve three by three equations
+ccc      call s_solve_3by3(TT,pindex,dstub,ierr)
+      dstub(1)=SAAINV3(1,1,pindex)*TT(1) + SAAINV3(1,2,pindex)*TT(2) +
+     &     SAAINV3(1,3,pindex)*TT(3)
+      dstub(2)=SAAINV3(1,2,pindex)*TT(1) + SAAINV3(2,2,pindex)*TT(2) +
+     &     SAAINV3(2,3,pindex)*TT(3)
+      dstub(3)=SAAINV3(1,3,pindex)*TT(1) + SAAINV3(2,3,pindex)*TT(2) +
+     &     SAAINV3(3,3,pindex)*TT(3)
+* calculate chi2.  Remember one power of sigma is in sstubcoef
+      chi2=0.
+      stub(1)=dstub(1)
+      stub(2)=dstub(2)
+      stub(3)=dstub(3)
+      stub(4)=0.
+      do hit=1,numhits
+        chi2=chi2+(dpos(hit)/sdc_sigma(pl(hit))
+     &       -sstubcoef(pl(hit),1)*stub(1)
+     &       -sstubcoef(pl(hit),2)*stub(2)
+     &       -sstubcoef(pl(hit),3)*stub(3) )**2
+      enddo
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/STRACKING/s_find_easy_space_point.f b/STRACKING/s_find_easy_space_point.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82ae2ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/s_find_easy_space_point.f
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+      subroutine s_find_easy_space_point(ncham_hits,
+     &  hit_num, wire_center, ipln,space_point_criterion,
+     &  nspace_point_len,
+     &  x_hit,xp_hit,easy_space_point,
+     &  nspace_points,space_points,space_point_hits)
+* $Log: s_find_easy_space_point.f,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1995/10/26 14:18:53  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+* Simplified SOS find_space_point routine.  It is given all x hits, and checks
+* to see if all y-like hits are close enough together to make a space point.
+      implicit none
+      INCLUDE 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_constants.par'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_units.par'
+      INCLUDE 'sos_tracking.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'sos_geometry.cmn'
+*     input
+      integer*4 ncham_hits		! total number of hits in chamber
+      integer*4 hit_num(*)		! array of hit numbers
+      integer*4 ipln(*)			! array of plane numbers for each hit
+      real*4 wire_center(*)		! array of wire coordinates for hits
+      real*4 space_point_criterion	! squared distance limit for points
+      integer*4 nspace_point_len	! dimension of space point arrays
+      integer*4 x_hit,xp_hit		! hit # of x and x' planes
+      logical easy_space_point
+*     outputs
+      integer*4 nspace_points      ! number of space points in chamber
+      real*4 space_points(nspace_point_len,2)     ! xt, yt of each space point
+      integer*4 space_point_hits(nspace_point_len,*)
+*                                  ! hit numbers for each space point
+* internal Variables,
+      integer*4 k
+      integer*4 num_yhits
+      real*4 xt,yt
+      real*4 y_pos(smax_hits_per_point)
+      real*4 max_dist
+      xt=(wire_center(x_hit)+wire_center(xp_hit))/2
+      yt=0.
+      num_yhits=0
+      nspace_points = 0
+      max_dist = sqrt(space_point_criterion/2)
+* loop over all hits, find y of space point.
+      do k = 1, ncham_hits
+        if ( .and. then !y-like hits
+          y_pos(k) = ( wire_center(k)-xt*sxsp(ipln(k)) )/sysp(ipln(k))
+          yt = yt + y_pos(k)
+          num_yhits = num_yhits + 1
+        else
+          y_pos(k) = 0.
+        endif
+      enddo
+      yt = yt / float(max(1,num_yhits))
+      easy_space_point = .true.
+      do k = 1, ncham_hits
+        if ( .and. then
+          if (abs(yt-y_pos(k)).ge.max_dist) easy_space_point=.false.
+        endif
+      enddo
+* If easy_space_point is true, all hits were on the space points.
+      if (easy_space_point) then
+        nspace_points = 1
+        space_point_hits(1,1) = ncham_hits
+        space_point_hits(1,2) = 0          !no combos.
+        do k = 1, ncham_hits
+          space_point_hits(1,k+2) = hit_num(k)
+        enddo
+        space_points(1,1)=xt
+        space_points(1,2)=yt
+      endif
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/STRACKING/s_generate_geometry.f b/STRACKING/s_generate_geometry.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..754649f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/s_generate_geometry.f
@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
+      subroutine s_generate_geometry
+*     This subroutine reads in the wire plane parameters and fills all the
+*     geometrical constants used in Track Fitting for the SOS spectrometer
+*     The constants are stored in sos_geometry.cmn
+*     d.f. geesaman           2 Sept 1993
+*     modified                14 feb 1994 for CTP input.
+*                             Change SPLANE_PARAM to individual arrays
+* $Log: s_generate_geometry.f,v $
+* Revision 1.7  1996/09/05 13:30:18  saw
+* (JRA) Format statement changes
+* Revision 1.6  1996/04/30 17:13:09  saw
+* (JRA) Set up card drift time delay structures
+* Revision 1.5  1995/10/10 14:21:21  cdaq
+* (JRA) Calculate wire velocity correction parameters.  Cosmetics and comments
+* Revision 1.4  1995/05/22 19:45:40  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.3  1995/04/01  20:42:06  cdaq
+* (SAW) Use sdc_planes_per_chamber instead of (sdc_num_planes/sdc_num_chambers)
+* Revision 1.2  1994/11/22  20:19:22  cdaq
+* (SPB) Recopied from hms file and modified names for SOS
+* (SAW) Remove hardwired plane and chamber counts.
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/21  16:14:17  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      include "sos_data_structures.cmn"
+      include "sos_tracking.cmn"
+      include "sos_geometry.cmn"
+*     local variables
+      logical missing_card_no
+      integer*4 pln,i,j,k,pindex,ich
+      real*4 cosalpha,sinalpha,cosbeta,sinbeta,cosgamma,singamma,z0
+      real*4 stubxchi,stubxpsi,stubychi,stubypsi
+      real*4 sumsqupsi,sumsquchi,sumcross,denom
+*     read basic parameters from CTP input file
+*     sdc_zpos(pln) = Z0
+*     sdc_alpha_angle(pln) = ALPHA
+*     sdc_beta_angle(pln)  = BETA
+*     sdc_gamma_angle(pln) = GAMMA
+*     sdc_pitch(pln)       = Wire spacing
+*     sdc_nrwire(pln)      = Number of wires
+*     sdc_central_wire(pln) = Location of center of wire 1
+*     sdc_sigma(pln)       = sigma
+      sdc_planes_per_chamber = sdc_num_planes / sdc_num_chambers
+      missing_card_no = .false.
+      do j=1,smax_num_dc_planes
+        do i=1,sdc_max_wires_per_plane
+          if (sdc_card_no(i,j).eq.0) then
+       write(6,*) 'card number = 0 for wire,plane=',i,j
+            missing_card_no = .true.
+            sdc_card_no(i,j)=1        !avoid 0 in array index
+            sdc_card_delay(1)=0      !no delay for wires
+          endif
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      if (missing_card_no) write(6,*) 'missing sdc_card_no(IGNORE THIS-JRA)'
+*     loop over all planes
+      do pln=1,sdc_num_planes
+        sdc_plane_num(pln)=pln
+        z0=sdc_zpos(pln)
+        cosalpha = cos(sdc_alpha_angle(pln))
+        sinalpha = sin(sdc_alpha_angle(pln))
+        cosbeta  = cos(sdc_beta_angle(pln))
+        sinbeta  = sin(sdc_beta_angle(pln))
+        cosgamma = cos(sdc_gamma_angle(pln))
+        singamma = sin(sdc_gamma_angle(pln))
+        ssinbeta(pln) = sinbeta
+        scosbeta(pln) = cosbeta
+*     make sure cosbeta is not zero
+        if(abs(cosbeta).lt.1e-10) then
+          write(sluno,'('' unphysical beta rotation in sos plane'',i4,
+     &      ''    beta='',f10.5)') pln,sdc_beta_angle(pln)
+        endif
+        stanbeta(pln) = sinbeta / cosbeta
+* compute chi,psi to x,y,z transformation coefficient(comments are beta=gamma=0)
+        szchi(pln) = -cosalpha*sinbeta + sinalpha*cosbeta*singamma   !  =0.
+        szpsi(pln) =  sinalpha*sinbeta + cosalpha*cosbeta*singamma   !  =0.
+        sxchi(pln) = -cosalpha*cosbeta - sinalpha*sinbeta*singamma   !-cos(a)
+        sxpsi(pln) =  sinalpha*cosbeta - cosalpha*sinbeta*singamma   ! sin(a)
+        sychi(pln) =  sinalpha*cosgamma                                     ! sin(a)
+        sypsi(pln) =  cosalpha*cosgamma                                     ! cos(a)
+*     stub transformations are done in beta=gamma=0 system
+        stubxchi = -cosalpha                                   !-cos(a)
+        stubxpsi =  sinalpha                                   ! sin(a)
+        stubychi =  sinalpha                                   ! sin(a)
+        stubypsi =  cosalpha                                   ! cos(a)
+* parameters for wire propogation correction. dt=distance from centerline of
+* chamber = ( xcoeff*x + ycoeff*y )*corr / veloc.
+        if (cosalpha .le. 0.707) then  !x-like wire, need dist. from x=0 line
+          sdc_readout_x(pln) = .true.
+          sdc_readout_corr(pln) = 1./sinalpha
+        else                           !y-like wire, need dist. from y=0 line
+          sdc_readout_x(pln) = .false.
+          sdc_readout_corr(pln) = 1./cosalpha
+        endif
+*     fill spsi0,schi0,sz0  used in stub fit
+        sumsqupsi = szpsi(pln)**2 + sxpsi(pln)**2 + sypsi(pln)**2 ! =1.
+        sumsquchi = szchi(pln)**2 + sxchi(pln)**2 + sychi(pln)**2 ! =1.
+        sumcross =   szpsi(pln)*szchi(pln) + sxpsi(pln)*sxchi(pln)
+     &             + sypsi(pln)*sychi(pln)                       ! =0.
+        denom = sumsqupsi*sumsquchi-sumcross**2                           ! =1.
+        spsi0(pln) = (-z0*szpsi(pln)*sumsquchi                   ! =0.
+     &                   +z0*szchi(pln)*sumcross) / denom
+        schi0(pln) = (-z0*szchi(pln)*sumsqupsi                   ! =0.
+     &                   +z0*szpsi(pln)*sumcross) / denom
+* calculate magnitude of sphi0                                   ! =z0
+        sphi0(pln) = sqrt(
+     &         (z0+szpsi(pln)*spsi0(pln)+szchi(pln)*schi0(pln))**2
+     &          + (sxpsi(pln)*spsi0(pln)+sxchi(pln)*schi0(pln))**2
+     &          + (sypsi(pln)*spsi0(pln)+sychi(pln)*schi0(pln))**2 )
+        if( sphi0(pln)=-sphi0(pln)        
+* sstubcoef used in stub fits. check these.  I don't think they are correct
+        denom = stubxpsi*stubychi - stubxchi*stubypsi          !  =1.
+        sstubcoef(pln,1)= stubychi/(sdc_sigma(pln)*denom)      !sin(a)/sigma
+        sstubcoef(pln,2)= -stubxchi/(sdc_sigma(pln)*denom)     !cos(a)/sigma
+        sstubcoef(pln,3)= sphi0(pln)*sstubcoef(pln,1)          !z0*sin(a)/sig
+        sstubcoef(pln,4)= sphi0(pln)*sstubcoef(pln,2)          !z0*cos(a)/sig
+*     xsp and ysp used in space point pattern recognition
+        sxsp(pln) = sychi(pln) / denom  !sin(a)
+        sysp(pln) = -sxchi(pln) / denom !cos(a)
+*     compute track fitting coefficients
+        splane_coeff(1,pln)= szchi(pln)                                  !  =0.
+        splane_coeff(2,pln)=-szchi(pln)                                  !  =0.
+        splane_coeff(3,pln)= sychi(pln)*(sdc_zpos(pln)-slocrayzt) !sin(a)*(z-slocrayzt)
+        splane_coeff(4,pln)= sxchi(pln)*(slocrayzt-sdc_zpos(pln)) !cos(a)*(z-slocrayzt)
+        splane_coeff(5,pln)= sychi(pln)                                  !sin(a)
+        splane_coeff(6,pln)=-sxchi(pln)                                  !cos(a)
+        splane_coeff(7,pln)= szchi(pln)*sypsi(pln) - sychi(pln)*szpsi(pln) !0.
+        splane_coeff(8,pln)=-szchi(pln)*sxpsi(pln) + sxchi(pln)*szpsi(pln) !0.
+        splane_coeff(9,pln)= sychi(pln)*sxpsi(pln) - sxchi(pln)*sypsi(pln) !1.
+      enddo                  !  end loop over all planes
+* djm 10/2/94 generate/store the inverse matrices SAAINV3(i,j,pindex) used in solve_3by3_hdc
+* pindex = 1    plane 1 missing from sdc1
+* pindex = 2    plane 2 missing from sdc1
+*   etc.
+* pindex = 7    plane 1 missing from sdc2
+* pindex = 8    plane 2 missing from sdc2
+*   etc.
+* pindex = 13   sdc1 no missing planes
+* pindex = 14   sdc2 no missing planes
+*     The following is pretty gross, but might actually work for an
+*     arbitrary number of chambers if each chamber has the same number of
+*     planes and sdc_num_planes is SDC_NUM_CHAMBERS * # of planes/chamber
+      do pindex=1,sdc_num_planes+SDC_NUM_CHAMBERS
+* generate the matrix SAA3 for an sdc missing a particular plane
+        do i=1,3
+          do j=1,3
+            SAA3(i,j)=0.
+            if(              ! SAA3 is symmetric so only calculate 6 terms
+              SAA3(i,j)=SAA3(j,i)
+            else
+              if(pindex.le.sdc_num_planes) then
+                ich = (pindex-1)/(sdc_planes_per_chamber)+1
+                do k=(ich-1)*(sdc_planes_per_chamber)+1
+     $               ,ich*(sdc_planes_per_chamber)
+                  if( then
+                    SAA3(i,j)=SAA3(i,j) + sstubcoef(k,i)*sstubcoef(k,j)
+                  endif
+                enddo
+              else
+                ich = pindex - sdc_num_planes
+                do k=(ich-1)*(sdc_planes_per_chamber)+1
+     $               ,ich*(sdc_planes_per_chamber)
+                  SAA3(i,j)=SAA3(i,j) + sstubcoef(k,i)*sstubcoef(k,j)
+                enddo
+              endif
+            endif                       !end test j lt i
+          enddo                         !end j loop
+        enddo                           !end i loop
+* form the inverse matrix SAAINV3 for each configuration
+        SAAINV3(1,1,pindex)=(SAA3(2,2)*SAA3(3,3)-SAA3(2,3)**2)
+        SAAINV3(1,2,pindex)=-(SAA3(1,2)*SAA3(3,3)-SAA3(1,3)*SAA3(2,3))
+        SAAINV3(1,3,pindex)=(SAA3(1,2)*SAA3(2,3)-SAA3(1,3)*SAA3(2,2))
+        SDET3(pindex)=SAA3(1,1)*SAAINV3(1,1,pindex)+SAA3(1,2)*SAAINV3(1,2
+     $       ,pindex)+SAA3(1,3)*SAAINV3(1,3,pindex)
+        if(abs(sdet3(pindex)).le.1e-20)then
+          write(6,*
+     $         )'******************************************************'
+          write(6,*
+     $         )'Warning! Determinate of matrix SAA3(i,j) is nearly zero.'
+          write(6,*)'All tracks using pindex=',pindex,' will be zerfucked.'
+          write(6,*)'Fix problem in h_generate_geometry.f or else!'
+          write(6,*
+     $         )'******************************************************'
+          sdet3(pindex)=1.
+        endif
+        SAAINV3(1,1,pindex)=SAAINV3(1,1,pindex)/SDET3(pindex)
+        SAAINV3(1,2,pindex)=SAAINV3(1,2,pindex)/SDET3(pindex)
+        SAAINV3(1,3,pindex)=SAAINV3(1,3,pindex)/SDET3(pindex)
+        SAAINV3(2,2,pindex)=(SAA3(1,1)*SAA3(3,3)-SAA3(1,3)**2)/SDET3(pindex
+     $       )
+        SAAINV3(2,3,pindex)= -(SAA3(1,1)*SAA3(2,3)-SAA3(1,2)*SAA3(3,1))
+     $       /SDET3(pindex)
+        SAAINV3(3,3,pindex)=(SAA3(1,1)*SAA3(2,2)-SAA3(1,2)**2)/SDET3(pindex
+     $       )
+      enddo                             !end pindex loop
+*     for debug write out all parameters
+      if( then
+        write(sluno,'(''    SOS PLANE PARAMETERS: '')')
+        write(sluno,'('' plane   z0      alpha      beta     gamma    wire  ''
+     &                '' number  center  resolution'')')
+        write(sluno,'('' number                                      spacing ''
+     &                '' wires  position'')')
+        write(sluno,1000) (sdc_plane_num(j),
+     &                     sdc_zpos(j),
+     &                     sdc_alpha_angle(j),
+     &                     sdc_beta_angle(j),
+     &                     sdc_gamma_angle(j),
+     &                     sdc_pitch(j),
+     &                     sdc_nrwire(j),
+     &                     sdc_central_wire(j),
+     &                     sdc_sigma(j),j=1,sdc_num_planes)
+1000  format(1x,i4,f9.4,3f10.6,f8.4,i6,f10.4,f10.6)
+        write(sluno,'(''  plane'',
+     &        ''  szchi     szpsi     sxchi     sxpsi     sychi     sypsi'')')
+        write(sluno,1001) (i, szchi(i),szpsi(i),sxchi(i),sxpsi(i),sychi(i),
+     &               sypsi(i),i=1,sdc_num_planes )
+1001  format(i5,6f10.6)
+        write(sluno,'(''plane'',
+     &        ''    spsi0       schi0       sphi0'')')
+       write(sluno,1002) (i, spsi0(i),schi0(i),sphi0(i),i=1,sdc_num_planes)
+1002  format(i5,3f12.6)
+        write(sluno,'(''  plane'',
+     &        ''     sstubcoef 1        2              3             4'')')
+        write(sluno,1003) (i, sstubcoef(i,1),sstubcoef(i,2),sstubcoef(i,3),
+     &         sstubcoef(i,4),i=1,sdc_num_planes)
+1003  format(i5,4f15.6)
+        write(sluno,'(''                 splane_coeff'')')
+        write(sluno,'('' plane     1        2       3        4        5'',
+     &   ''      6       7       8        9'')')
+        do j=1,sdc_num_planes
+          write(sluno,1004) j,(splane_coeff(i,j),i=1,9) 
+        enddo                           ! end of print over planes loop
+1004  format(1x,i3,f10.5,2f8.3,f9.3,4f8.3,f9.3)
+      endif                               !   end if on debug print out
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/STRACKING/s_init_cal.f b/STRACKING/s_init_cal.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c09a1e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/s_init_cal.f
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+      subroutine s_init_cal(abort,errmsg)
+*-      Purpose: SOS Calorimeter Initialization
+*-      Created: 20 Mar 1994      Tsolak A. Amatuni
+* $Log: s_init_cal.f,v $
+* Revision 1.3  1995/05/22 19:45:40  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.2  1994/06/14  04:30:27  cdaq
+* (DFG) Remove hardwired parameters
+* Revision 1.1  1994/04/13  18:18:40  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      save
+      logical abort
+      character*(*) errmsg
+      character*10 here
+      parameter (here='S_INIT_CAL')
+      integer*4 block      !Block number
+      integer*4 row        !Row number
+      integer*4 column     !Column number
+      include 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'sos_calorimeter.cmn'
+*-----Initialize the positions
+      do column=1,smax_cal_columns
+         do row=1,smax_cal_rows
+            block=row+smax_cal_rows*(column-1)
+            if(column.eq.1) then
+               scal_block_xc(block)=scal_1pr_top(row)+0.5*scal_1pr_thick
+               scal_block_yc(block)=0.5*(scal_1pr_left+scal_1pr_right)
+               scal_block_zc(block)=scal_1pr_zpos+0.5*scal_1pr_thick
+            else if(column.eq.2) then
+               scal_block_xc(block)=scal_2ta_top(row)+0.5*scal_2ta_thick
+               scal_block_yc(block)=0.5*(scal_2ta_left+scal_2ta_right)
+               scal_block_zc(block)=scal_2ta_zpos+0.5*scal_2ta_thick
+            else if(column.eq.3) then
+               scal_block_xc(block)=scal_3ta_top(row)+0.5*scal_3ta_thick
+               scal_block_yc(block)=0.5*(scal_3ta_left+scal_3ta_right)
+               scal_block_zc(block)=scal_3ta_zpos+0.5*scal_3ta_thick
+            else
+               scal_block_xc(block)=scal_4ta_top(row)+0.5*scal_4ta_thick
+               scal_block_yc(block)=0.5*(scal_4ta_left+scal_4ta_right)
+               scal_block_zc(block)=scal_4ta_zpos+0.5*scal_4ta_thick
+            endif
+         enddo   !End loop over rows
+      enddo   !End loop over columns
+      scal_block_xsize= scal_4ta_top(2) - scal_4ta_top(1)
+      scal_block_ysize= scal_4ta_left - scal_4ta_right
+      scal_block_zsize= scal_4ta_thick
+      scal_xmax= scal_4ta_top(scal_4ta_nr) + scal_block_xsize
+      scal_xmin= scal_4ta_top(1)
+      scal_ymax= scal_4ta_left
+      scal_ymin= scal_4ta_right
+      scal_zmin= scal_1pr_zpos
+      scal_zmax= scal_4ta_zpos
+      scal_fv_xmin=scal_xmin+5.
+      scal_fv_xmax=scal_xmax-5.
+      scal_fv_ymin=scal_ymin+5.
+      scal_fv_ymax=scal_ymax-5.
+      scal_fv_zmin=scal_zmin
+      scal_fv_zmax=scal_zmax
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/STRACKING/s_init_cer.f b/STRACKING/s_init_cer.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..96babc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/s_init_cer.f
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+      subroutine s_init_cer(ABORT,err)
+* author: Chris Cothran
+* created: 5/25/95
+* s_init_cer initializes parameters relevant to the SOS Cerenkov.
+* $Log: s_init_cer.f,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1995/08/31 15:05:05  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      include 'sos_cer_parms.cmn'
+      logical abort
+      character*(*) err
+      character*20 here
+      parameter (here='s_init_cer')
+      integer*4 ii
+      save
+      do ii = 1, scer_num_regions
+        scer_track_counter(ii) = 0
+        scer_fired_counter(ii) = 0
+      enddo
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/STRACKING/s_init_histid.f b/STRACKING/s_init_histid.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2fded07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/s_init_histid.f
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+      subroutine s_init_histid(Abort,err)
+*     routine to get HBOOK histogram ID numbers for all hard coded
+*     histograms.
+*     Author:	D. F. Geesaman
+*     Date:      9 April 1994
+* $Log: s_init_histid.f,v $
+* Revision 1.7  1999/02/23 18:58:40  csa
+* (JRA) Add pos/neg cal stuff
+* Revision 1.6  1999/02/03 21:13:45  saw
+* Code for new Shower counter tubes
+* Revision 1.5  1996/09/05 19:53:39  saw
+* (JRA) Get id for misc. TDC's
+* Revision 1.4  1996/01/17 19:02:45  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add sidcuttdc, sidscinalltimes, and sidscintimes
+* Revision 1.3  1995/08/31 18:43:01  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add dpos (pos. track - pos. hit) histograms
+* Revision 1.2  1995/07/20  18:57:12  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add per hit adc/tdc sums for hodo and calormeter
+* (SAW) Relocate data statements for f2c compatibility
+* Revision 1.1  1995/05/22  18:32:10  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+* Revision 1.6  1995/05/12  12:23:22  cdaq
+* (JRA) Modify/add user histograms
+* Revision 1.5  1995/04/06  20:33:34  cdaq
+* (SAW) Fix SOS wc plane names.  Add SOS residuals histogram id's
+c Revision 1.4  1995/03/14  21:01:18  cdaq
+c (SAW) Change ?scin_num_counters to ?num_scin_counters
+c Revision 1.3  1994/08/18  03:13:51  cdaq
+c (SAW) Use arrays of histids for residuals, new names for residuals histos
+c Revision 1.2  1994/05/12  18:59:14  cdaq
+c (DFG) Add hms_target and sos_target histid
+c Revision 1.1  1994/05/12  18:56:22  cdaq
+c Initial revision
+* Revision 1.1  1994/04/12  21:00:57  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      character*13 here
+      parameter (here= 's_init_histid')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      external thgetid
+      integer*4 thgetid
+      integer*4 plane,counter
+      include 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'sos_tracking.cmn'
+      include 'sos_track_histid.cmn'          
+      include 'sos_scin_parms.cmn'
+      include 'sos_id_histid.cmn'
+      character*32 histname
+      character*8 wiremap
+      character*10 drifttime
+      character*9 driftdis
+      character*9 wirecent
+      character*9 residual
+      character*9 singres
+      character*6 posadc,negadc,postdc,negtdc
+      character*6 sdcplanename(smax_num_dc_planes)
+      character*1 sscinplanenum(SNUM_SCIN_PLANES)
+      character*10 sscinplane
+      character*7 sposadc,snegadc,spostdc,snegtdc
+      character*7 sscinplanename(SNUM_SCIN_PLANES)
+      data wiremap/'_wiremap'/       
+      data drifttime/'_drifttime'/
+      data driftdis /'_driftdis'/
+      data wirecent/'_wirecent'/
+      data residual/'_residual'/
+      data singres/'_sing_res'/
+      data posadc /'posadc'/
+      data negadc /'negadc'/
+      data postdc /'postdc'/
+      data negtdc /'negtdc'/
+      data sdcplanename/'sdc1u1','sdc1u2','sdc1x1','sdc1x2','sdc1v1'
+     $     ,'sdc1v2','sdc2u1','sdc2u2','sdc2x1','sdc2x2','sdc2v1','sdc2v2'/
+      data sscinplanenum/'1','2','3','4'/
+      data sscinplane /'sscinplane'/
+      data sposadc /'sposadc'/
+      data snegadc /'snegadc'/
+      data spostdc /'spostdc'/
+      data snegtdc /'snegtdc'/
+      data sscinplanename/'sscin1x','sscin1y','sscin2x','sscin2y'/
+      SAVE
+      ABORT= .FALSE.
+      err= ' '
+*     Histogram block sos_target
+      sidsx_tar = thgetid('sx_tar')
+      sidsy_tar = thgetid('sy_tar')
+      sidsz_tar = thgetid('sz_tar')
+      sidsxp_tar = thgetid('sxp_tar')
+      sidsyp_tar = thgetid('syp_tar')
+      sidsdelta_tar = thgetid('sdelta_tar')
+      sidsp_tar = thgetid('sp_tar')   
+*     histogram block sos_focal_plane
+      sidsx_fp = thgetid('sx_fp')
+      sidsy_fp = thgetid('sy_fp')
+      sidsxp_fp = thgetid('sxp_fp')
+      sidsyp_fp = thgetid('syp_fp')
+      sidslogchi2_fp = thgetid('slogchi2_fp')
+      sidsnfree_fp = thgetid('snfree_fp')
+      sidschi2perdeg_fp = thgetid('schi2perdeg_fp')
+*     histogram block sos_decoded_dc
+      sidrawtdc = thgetid('sdcrawtdc')
+      sidcuttdc = thgetid('sdccuttdc')
+      do plane = 1, sdc_num_planes
+        histname = sdcplanename(plane)//wiremap
+        siddcwiremap(plane) = thgetid(histname)
+        histname = sdcplanename(plane)//drifttime
+        siddcdrifttime(plane) = thgetid(histname)
+        histname = sdcplanename(plane)//driftdis
+        siddcdriftdis(plane) = thgetid(histname)
+        histname = sdcplanename(plane)//wirecent
+        siddcwirecent(plane) = thgetid(histname)
+        histname = sdcplanename(plane)//residual
+        sidres_fp(plane) = thgetid(histname)
+        histname = sdcplanename(plane)//singres
+        sidsingres_fp(plane) = thgetid(histname)
+      enddo                             ! end loop over dc planes 
+*     histogram block sos_raw_sc
+      sidscinrawtothits = thgetid('sscintothits')
+      sidscinplane = thgetid('sscinplane')
+      sidscinalltimes = thgetid('sscinalltimes')
+      sidscintimes = thgetid('sscintimes')
+      snum_scin_counters(1) = sscin_1x_nr
+      snum_scin_counters(2) = sscin_1y_nr
+      snum_scin_counters(3) = sscin_2x_nr
+      snum_scin_counters(4) = sscin_2y_nr
+      siddcdposx = thgetid('sdcdposx')
+      siddcdposy = thgetid('sdcdposy')
+      siddcdposxp = thgetid('sdcdposxp')
+      siddcdposyp = thgetid('sdcdposyp') 
+      sidcaldpos = thgetid('scaldpos')
+      do plane = 1, SNUM_SCIN_PLANES
+        histname = sscinplane//sscinplanenum(plane)
+        sidscincounters(plane) = thgetid(histname)
+        histname = spostdc//sscinplanenum(plane)
+        sidscinallpostdc(plane) = thgetid(histname)
+        histname = snegtdc//sscinplanenum(plane)
+        sidscinallnegtdc(plane) = thgetid(histname)
+        histname = sposadc//sscinplanenum(plane)
+        sidscinallposadc(plane) = thgetid(histname)
+        histname = snegadc//sscinplanenum(plane)
+        sidscinallnegadc(plane) = thgetid(histname)
+        histname = "ssumpostdc"//sscinplanenum(plane)
+        sidsumpostdc(plane) = thgetid(histname)
+        histname = "ssumnegtdc"//sscinplanenum(plane)
+        sidsumnegtdc(plane) = thgetid(histname)
+        histname = "ssumposadc"//sscinplanenum(plane)
+        sidsumposadc(plane) = thgetid(histname)
+        histname = "ssumnegadc"//sscinplanenum(plane)
+        sidsumnegadc(plane) = thgetid(histname)
+        histname = "sscindpos"//sscinplanenum(plane)
+        sidscindpos(plane) = thgetid(histname)
+        histname = "sscindpos_pid"//sscinplanenum(plane)
+        sidscindpos_pid(plane) = thgetid(histname)
+        do counter = 1,snum_scin_counters(plane)
+*     this is probably very awkward character manipulation
+          if( then
+            write(histname,'(a7,i1,a6)') sscinplanename(plane),counter,posadc
+          else
+            write(histname,'(a7,i2,a6)') sscinplanename(plane),counter,posadc
+          endif
+          sidscinposadc(plane,counter) = thgetid(histname)
+          if( then
+            write(histname,'(a7,i1,a6)') sscinplanename(plane),counter,negadc
+          else
+            write(histname,'(a7,i2,a6)') sscinplanename(plane),counter,negadc
+          endif
+          sidscinnegadc(plane,counter) = thgetid(histname)
+          if( then
+            write(histname,'(a7,i1,a6)') sscinplanename(plane),counter,postdc
+          else
+            write(histname,'(a7,i2,a6)') sscinplanename(plane),counter,postdc
+          endif
+          sidscinpostdc(plane,counter) = thgetid(histname)
+          if( then
+            write(histname,'(a7,i1,a6)') sscinplanename(plane),counter,negtdc
+          else
+            write(histname,'(a7,i2,a6)') sscinplanename(plane),counter,negtdc
+          endif
+          sidscinnegtdc(plane,counter) = thgetid(histname)     
+        enddo                           ! end loop over scintillator counters
+      enddo                             ! end loop over scintillator plane
+      sidcalplane = thgetid('scalplane')
+      sidcalposhits(1) = thgetid('scalaposhits')
+      sidcalposhits(2) = thgetid('scalbposhits')
+      sidcalposhits(3) = thgetid('scalcposhits')
+      sidcalposhits(4) = thgetid('scaldposhits')
+      sidcalneghits(1) = thgetid('scalaneghits')
+      sidcalneghits(2) = thgetid('scalbneghits')
+      sidcalneghits(3) = thgetid('scalcneghits')
+      sidcalneghits(4) = thgetid('scaldneghits')
+      sidcalsumadc = thgetid('scalsumadc')
+      sidmisctdcs = thgetid('smisctdcs')
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/STRACKING/s_init_physics.f b/STRACKING/s_init_physics.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..48f7765
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/s_init_physics.f
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+      SUBROUTINE s_init_physics(ABORT,err)
+*-   Purpose and Methods : Initialize constants for s_physics
+*-   Output: ABORT           - success or failure
+*-         : err             - reason for failure, if any
+*-   Created 6-6-94          D. F. Geesaman
+* $Log: s_init_physics.f,v $
+* Revision 1.6  1999/02/10 18:15:40  csa
+* Bug fix in sin/cossthetas calculations
+* Revision 1.5  1996/09/05 19:54:16  saw
+* (JRA) avoid setting p=0??
+* Revision 1.4  1996/01/24 16:07:34  saw
+* (JRA) Change upper case to lower case, cebeam to gebeam
+* Revision 1.3  1995/05/22 19:45:41  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.2  1995/05/11  17:07:14  cdaq
+* (SAW) Fix SOS to be in plane, beam left
+* Revision 1.1  1994/06/14  04:09:12  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      SAVE
+      character*50 here
+      parameter (here= 's_init_physics')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 'gen_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_constants.par'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_units.par'
+      INCLUDE 'sos_physics_sing.cmn'
+*     local variables 
+      ABORT= .FALSE.
+      err= ' '
+*     Fix SOS to be in plane, beam left
+      sphi_lab = tt/2
+      if (smomentum_factor .gt. 0.1) then    !avoid setting p=0
+        spcentral = spcentral * smomentum_factor
+      endif
+      cossthetas = cos(stheta_lab*degree)
+      sinsthetas = sin(stheta_lab*degree)
+*     Constants for elastic kinematics calcultion
+      sphysicsa = 2.*gebeam*gtarg_mass(gtarg_num) -
+     $     mass_electron**2 - spartmass**2
+      sphysicsb = 2. * (gtarg_mass(gtarg_num) - gebeam)
+      sphysicab2 = sphysicsa**2 * sphysicsb**2
+      sphysicsm3b = spartmass**2 * sphysicsb**2
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/STRACKING/s_init_scin.f b/STRACKING/s_init_scin.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..57b40e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/s_init_scin.f
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+      subroutine s_init_scin(ABORT,err)
+* author: John Arrington
+* created: 2/22/94
+* s_init_scin initializes the corrections and parameters
+* for the scintillators.  Corrections are read from data files
+* or the database.  Arrays used by the tof fitting routines
+* are filled from the CTP variables input from the sos_positions
+* parameter file.
+* modifications:
+*       23 March 1993   DFG
+*            Remove /nolist from include statement. UNIX doesn't like it.
+* $Log: s_init_scin.f,v $
+* Revision 1.6  1996/04/30 17:32:20  saw
+* (JRA) Calculate expected particle velocity
+* Revision 1.5  1995/05/22 19:45:41  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.4  1995/02/23  13:36:31  cdaq
+* * (JRA) Remove _coord fro shodo_center array.  Edge coordinates replaced by
+* * center locations.
+* Revision 1.3  1994/11/22  21:12:11  cdaq
+* (SPB) Recopied from hms file and modified names for SOS
+* Revision 1.2  1994/06/01  15:37:05  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add Abort and err arguments
+* Revision 1.1  1994/04/13  18:19:01  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      include 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'sos_scin_parms.cmn'
+      include 'sos_scin_tof.cmn'
+      include 'sos_statistics.cmn'
+      logical abort
+      character*(*) err
+      character*20 here
+      parameter (here='s_init_scin')
+      integer*4 plane,counter
+      save
+* initialize some position parameters.
+      snum_scin_counters(1) = sscin_1x_nr
+      snum_scin_counters(2) = sscin_1y_nr
+      snum_scin_counters(3) = sscin_2x_nr
+      snum_scin_counters(4) = sscin_2y_nr
+      sstat_numevents=0
+      do plane = 1 , snum_scin_planes
+        do counter = 1 , snum_scin_counters(plane)
+* initialize tof parameters.
+          if (plane .eq. 1) then
+            shodo_width(plane,counter) = sscin_1x_size
+            shodo_center(plane,counter) =
+     1           sscin_1x_center(counter) + sscin_1x_offset
+          else if (plane .eq. 2) then
+            shodo_width(plane,counter) = sscin_1y_size
+            shodo_center(plane,counter) =
+     1           sscin_1y_center(counter) + sscin_1y_offset
+          else if (plane .eq. 3) then
+            shodo_width(plane,counter) = sscin_2x_size
+            shodo_center(plane,counter) =
+     1           sscin_2x_center(counter) + sscin_2x_offset
+          else if (plane .eq. 4) then
+            shodo_width(plane,counter) = sscin_2y_size
+            shodo_center(plane,counter) =
+     1           sscin_2y_center(counter) + sscin_2y_offset
+          else                          ! Error in plane number
+            abort = .true.
+            write(err,*) 'Trying to init. sos hodoscope plane',plane
+            call g_prepend(here,err)
+            return
+          endif
+          sstat_trk(plane,counter)=0
+          sstat_poshit(plane,counter)=0
+          sstat_neghit(plane,counter)=0
+          sstat_andhit(plane,counter)=0
+          sstat_orhit(plane,counter)=0
+        enddo                           !loop over counters
+      enddo                             !loop over planes
+* need expected particle velocity for start time calculation.
+      sbeta_pcent = spcentral/sqrt(spcentral*spcentral+spartmass*spartmass)
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/STRACKING/s_initialize_fitting.f b/STRACKING/s_initialize_fitting.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d76b905
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/s_initialize_fitting.f
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+      subroutine s_initialize_fitting
+*     This subroutine does the MINUIT initialization for track fitting
+*     d.f. geesaman               8 Sept 1993
+* $Log: s_initialize_fitting.f,v $
+* Revision 1.3  1996/09/05 20:09:06  saw
+* (JRA) Cosmetic
+* Revision 1.2  1995/05/22 19:45:41  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/21  16:14:30  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      external S_FCNCHISQ
+      real*8 S_FCNCHISQ
+      include "sos_data_structures.cmn"
+      include "sos_tracking.cmn"
+*     local variables
+      integer*4 ierr,dummy
+      integer*4 mlunin,mlunsave
+      real*8 arglis(10)
+      parameter(mlunin=5)
+      parameter(mlunsave=10)
+*     initialize MINUIT lun settings
+      call MNINIT(mlunin,sluno,mlunsave)
+*     set print to -1 (no output)
+      arglis(1)=-1
+      call MNEXCM(S_FCNCHISQ,'SET PRI',arglis,1,ierr,dummy)      
+      call MNSETI( ' Track fitting in SOS Spectrometer')
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/STRACKING/s_left_right.f b/STRACKING/s_left_right.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf207d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/s_left_right.f
@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
+      subroutine s_left_right(ABORT,err)
+* Warning: This routine contains lots of gobbledeguk that won't work if the
+*     number of chambers is changed to 3.
+*     This routine fits stubs to all possible left-right combinations of
+*     drift distances and chooses the set with the minimum chi**2
+*     It then fills the SDC_WIRE_COORD variable for each hit in a good
+*     space point.
+*     d. f. geesaman           31 August 1993
+* $Log: s_left_right.f,v $
+* Revision  2007/09/10 20:28:01  pcarter
+* Implemented changes to allow compilation on RHEL 3,4,5 and MacOSX
+* Revision 1.12  1999/11/04 20:36:47  saw
+* Linux/G77 compatibility fixes
+* Revision 1.11  1996/09/05 19:54:51  saw
+* (JRA) Cosmetic
+* Revision 1.10  1996/01/17 19:01:59  cdaq
+* (JRA)
+* Revision 1.9  1995/10/10 15:59:06  cdaq
+* (JRA) Remove sdc_sing_wcoord stuff
+* Revision 1.8  1995/08/31 18:44:23  cdaq
+* (JRA) Fix some logic in small angle L/R determination loop
+* Revision 1.7  1995/07/20  18:57:39  cdaq
+* (SAW) Declare jibset for f2c compatibility
+* Revision 1.6  1995/05/22  19:45:42  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.5  1995/05/11  21:05:32  cdaq
+* (JRA) Fix errors in left right selection.  Add some commented out code
+* Revision 1.4  1995/04/01  20:42:35  cdaq
+* (SAW) Fix typos
+* Revision 1.3  1994/12/01  21:55:08  cdaq
+* (SAW) Generalize for variable # of chambers.
+*       Add Small Ang approx for Brookhaven chambers
+* Revision 1.2  1994/11/22  21:14:25  cdaq
+* (SPB) Recopied from hms file and modified names for SOS
+* (SAW) Don't count on Mack's monster if statement working for
+*       sdc_num_chambers > 2
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/21  16:14:42  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      save
+      include 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'sos_tracking.cmn'
+      include 'sos_geometry.cmn'
+      external jbit                     ! cernlib bit routine
+      external jieor, jibset
+      integer*4 jbit
+      integer*4 jibset                  ! Declare to help f2c
+      integer*4 jieor                   ! Declare to help f2c
+*     local variables
+      character*12 here
+      parameter (here= 's_left_right')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      integer*4 isp, ihit,iswhit, idummy, pmloop, ich
+      integer*4 nplusminus
+      integer*4 numhits,npaired,ihit2
+      integer*4 hits(smax_hits_per_point), pl(smax_hits_per_point)
+      integer*4 pindex
+      real*4 wc(smax_hits_per_point)
+      integer*4 plane, isa_y1, isa_y2
+      integer*4 plusminusknown(smax_hits_per_point)
+      real*4 plusminus(smax_hits_per_point)
+      real*4 plusminusbest(smax_hits_per_point)
+      real*4 chi2
+      real*4 minchi2
+      real*4 stub(4)
+      logical smallAngOk
+      ABORT= .FALSE.
+      err=' '
+      do isp=1,snspace_points_tot       ! loop over all space points
+        do ich=1,sdc_num_chambers
+          gplanesdc(isp,ich) = 0
+        enddo
+        minchi2=1e10
+        smallAngOK = .FALSE.
+        isa_y1 = 0
+        isa_y2 = 0
+        numhits=sspace_point_hits(isp,1)
+        nplusminus=2**numhits
+*     Identify which plane the space point is in.
+        ich = (SDC_PLANE_NUM(sspace_point_hits(isp,2+1))-1)
+     $       /(sdc_planes_per_chamber)+1
+        do ihit=1,numhits
+          hits(ihit)=sspace_point_hits(isp,2+ihit)
+          pl(ihit)=SDC_PLANE_NUM(hits(ihit))
+          gplanesdc(isp,ich)=jibset(gplanesdc(isp,ich),pl(ihit)-
+     $         ((ich-1)*(sdc_planes_per_chamber)+1))
+c          if(pl(ihit).ge.1 .and. pl(ihit).le.6)then
+c            gplanesdc1(isp)=jibset(gplanesdc1(isp),pl(ihit)-1)
+c          else
+c            gplanesdc2(isp)=jibset(gplanesdc2(isp),pl(ihit)-7)
+c          endif
+          wc(ihit)=SDC_WIRE_CENTER(hits(ihit))
+          plusminusknown(ihit) = 0
+          if(s_hms_style_chambers.eq.1) then
+            if(pl(ihit).eq.2 .OR. pl(ihit).eq.8)  isa_y1 = ihit
+            if(pl(ihit).eq.5 .OR. pl(ihit).eq.11) isa_y2 = ihit
+          endif
+        enddo
+* djm 10/2/94 check bad sdc pattern units to set the index for the inverse
+* matrix SAAINV(i,j,pindex).
+        if(jieor(gplanesdc(isp,ich),'3F'x).eq.0) then
+          pindex=sdc_num_planes+ich
+        else if (jieor(gplanesdc(isp,ich),'3E'x).eq.0) then
+          pindex=(ich-1)*(sdc_planes_per_chamber) + 1
+        else if (jieor(gplanesdc(isp,ich),'3D'x).eq.0) then
+          pindex=(ich-1)*(sdc_planes_per_chamber) + 2
+        else if (jieor(gplanesdc(isp,ich),'3B'x).eq.0) then
+          pindex=(ich-1)*(sdc_planes_per_chamber) + 3
+        else if (jieor(gplanesdc(isp,ich),'37'x).eq.0) then
+          pindex=(ich-1)*(sdc_planes_per_chamber) + 4
+        else if (jieor(gplanesdc(isp,ich),'2F'x).eq.0) then
+          pindex=(ich-1)*(sdc_planes_per_chamber) + 5
+        else if (jieor(gplanesdc(isp,ich),'1F'x).eq.0) then
+          pindex=(ich-1)*(sdc_planes_per_chamber) + 6
+        else
+          pindex=-1
+        endif
+*     check if small angle L/R determination of Y and Y' planes is possible
+        if( then
+          if(s_hms_style_chambers.eq.1) then
+            if( .AND. then
+              if(wc(isa_y2).le.wc(isa_y1)) then
+                plusminusknown(isa_y1) = -1
+                plusminusknown(isa_y2) = 1
+              else
+                plusminusknown(isa_y1) = 1
+                plusminusknown(isa_y2) = -1
+              endif
+              nplusminus = 2**(numhits-2)
+            endif
+          else                          ! SOS chambers
+*     Brookhaven chamber L/R code
+*     Can we assume that hits are sorted by plane?  As best I (SAW) can
+*     tell, we can not.
+            ihit = 1
+            npaired = 0
+            do ihit=1,numhits
+              if(pl(ihit)-2*(pl(ihit)/2) .eq. 1) then ! Odd plane
+                do ihit2=1,numhits      ! Look for the adjacent plane
+                  if(pl(ihit2)-pl(ihit).eq.1) then ! Adjacent plane found
+                    if(wc(ihit2).le.wc(ihit)) then
+                      plusminusknown(ihit) = -1
+                      plusminusknown(ihit2) = 1
+                    else
+                      plusminusknown(ihit) = 1
+                      plusminusknown(ihit2) = -1
+                    endif
+                    npaired = npaired + 2
+                  endif
+                enddo
+              endif
+            enddo
+          endif
+          nplusminus = 2**(numhits-npaired)
+*     Let's hope that following code will work with nplusminus = 1
+        endif
+*     use bit value of integer word to set + or -
+        do pmloop=0,nplusminus-1
+          iswhit = 1
+          do ihit=1,numhits
+            if(plusminusknown(ihit).ne.0) then
+              plusminus(ihit) = float(plusminusknown(ihit))
+            else
+              if(jbit(pmloop,iswhit).eq.1) then
+                plusminus(ihit)=1.0
+              else
+                plusminus(ihit)=-1.0
+              endif
+              iswhit = iswhit + 1
+            endif
+          enddo
+          if ( .and. pindex.le.14) then
+            call s_find_best_stub(numhits,hits,pl,pindex,plusminus,stub,chi2)
+            if( then
+              write(sluno,'('' sos pmloop='',i4,''   chi2='',e14.6)')
+     &             pmloop,chi2
+            endif
+            if (  then
+              minchi2=chi2
+              do idummy=1,numhits
+                plusminusbest(idummy)=plusminus(idummy)
+              enddo
+              do idummy=1,4
+                sbeststub(isp,idummy)=stub(idummy)
+              enddo
+            endif                       ! end if on lower chi2
+          else                          ! if pindex<0 or >14
+            write(6,*) 'pindex=',pindex,' in s_left_right'
+          endif
+        enddo                           ! end loop on possible left-right
+*     calculate final coordinate based on plusminusbest
+        do ihit=1,numhits
+          SDC_WIRE_COORD(sspace_point_hits(isp,ihit+2))=
+     &         SDC_WIRE_CENTER(sspace_point_hits(isp,ihit+2)) +
+     &         plusminusbest(ihit)*SDC_DRIFT_DIS(sspace_point_hits(isp,ihit
+     $         +2))
+        enddo
+*     stubs are calculated in rotated coordinate system
+*     use first hit to determine chamber
+        plane=SDC_PLANE_NUM(hits(1))
+        stub(3)=(sbeststub(isp,3) - stanbeta(plane))
+     &       /(1.0 + sbeststub(isp,3)*stanbeta(plane))
+        stub(4)=sbeststub(isp,4)
+     &       /(sbeststub(isp,3)*ssinbeta(plane)+scosbeta(plane))
+        stub(1)=sbeststub(isp,1)*scosbeta(plane) 
+     &       - sbeststub(isp,1)*stub(3)*ssinbeta(plane)
+        stub(2)=sbeststub(isp,2) 
+     &       - sbeststub(isp,1)*stub(4)*ssinbeta(plane)
+        sbeststub(isp,1)=stub(1)
+        sbeststub(isp,2)=stub(2)
+        sbeststub(isp,3)=stub(3)
+        sbeststub(isp,4)=stub(4)
+      enddo                             ! end loop over space points
+*     write out results if sdebugflagstubs is set
+      if( then
+        call s_print_stubs
+      endif
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/STRACKING/s_link_stubs.f b/STRACKING/s_link_stubs.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4064540
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/s_link_stubs.f
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+      subroutine S_LINK_STUBS(ABORT,err)
+*     This subroutine compares all the space-point-stubs found in
+*     S_LEFT_RIGHT.f and links together stubs to form tracks.
+*     The criterion are that the stubs are in different chambers and
+*     each of the four track parameters are within limit:
+*     sxt_track_criterion      for x_t
+*     syt_track_criterion      for y_t
+*     stx_track_criterion      for t_x
+*     sty_track_criterion      for t_y
+*     d.f. geesaman           7-September 1993
+* $Log: s_link_stubs.f,v $
+* Revision 1.7  1996/09/05 19:55:23  saw
+* (DVW) Added some track tests
+* Revision 1.6  1996/01/17 19:01:38  cdaq
+* (JRA)
+* Revision 1.5  1995/08/31 18:44:51  cdaq
+* (JRA) Calculate dpos (pos. track - pos. hit) variables
+* Revision 1.4  1995/05/22  19:45:42  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.3  1995/04/01  20:42:57  cdaq
+* (SAW) Fix typos
+* Revision 1.2  1994/06/07  04:41:19  cdaq
+* (DFG) Add switch to include single stub tracks
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/21  16:14:56  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+*     The logic is 1) loop over all space points as seeds  isp1
+*                  2) Check if this space point is all ready in a track
+*                  3) loop over all succeeding space pointss   isp2
+*                  4) check if there is a track-criterion match
+*                       either add to existing track
+*                       or if there is another point in same chamber
+*                          make a copy containing isp2 rather than 
+*                            other point in same chamber
+*                  5) If ssingle_stub is set, make a track of all single
+*                     stubs.
+      implicit none
+      include 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'sos_tracking.cmn'
+      include 'sos_id_histid.cmn'
+      include 'sos_geometry.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'sos_track_histid.cmn'    ! TEMP. JUNK
+*Derek added these next lines
+      include 'sos_bypass_switches.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_event_info.cmn'
+      external s_chamnum
+      integer*4 s_chamnum
+*     local variables
+      logical ABORT
+      character*12 here
+      parameter (here='S_LINK_STUBS')
+      character*(*) err
+      integer*4  isp1,isp2,isp       !  loop index on space points
+      integer*4  ihit                !  loop index on hits
+      integer*4  spindex,spoint,duppoint
+      integer*4  sptracks            !  number of tracks with this seed
+      integer*4  stub_tracks(SNTRACKS_MAX)
+      integer*4  numhits
+      integer*4  itrack              !  loop index on tracks
+      integer*4  track
+      integer*4  track_space_points(SNTRACKS_MAX,smax_space_points+1)
+      integer*4  tryflag             ! flag to loop over rest of points
+      integer*4  newtrack            ! make a new track
+      real*4 dposx,dposy,dposxp,dposyp
+      real*4 y1,y2
+*Derek added these next lines
+      if (sbypass_track_eff_files.eq.0) then
+       open(unit=16,file='scalers/strackstubs.txt',status='unknown',
+     $      access='append')
+      endif
+      sstubtest = 0
+      ABORT= .FALSE.
+      err=' '
+      SNTRACKS_FP=0
+      if(ssingle_stub.eq.0 ) then
+*     loop over all pairs of space points
+       if( then ! return if less than 2 space points
+        do isp1=1,snspace_points_tot-1  ! loop over all points
+*     is this point all ready associated with a track
+         tryflag=1
+         if( then
+          do itrack=1,SNTRACKS_FP           
+           if(track_space_points(itrack,1).gt.0) then
+            do isp2=1,track_space_points(itrack,1)
+             if(track_space_points(itrack,isp2+1).eq.isp1) then
+              tryflag=0                 ! space point all ready in a track
+             endif                      ! end test on found point
+            enddo
+           endif                        ! end test of >0  point
+          enddo                         ! end loop over tracks
+         endif
+*     if space point not all ready part of a track then look for matches
+         if( tryflag .eq.1) then
+          newtrack=1
+          do isp2=isp1+1,snspace_points_tot
+*     are these stubs in the same chamber. If so then skip
+           if(s_chamnum(isp1).ne.s_chamnum(isp2)) then
+*     does this stub match
+*     since single chamber angular resolution is ~50mr, and the maximum y'
+*     angle is about 30mr, use difference between y AT CHAMBERS, rather than
+*     at focal plane.  (project back to chamber, to take out y' uncertainty).
+            dposx = sbeststub(isp2,1)-sbeststub(isp1,1)
+            y1=sbeststub(isp1,2)+sdc_1_zpos*sbeststub(isp1,4)
+            y2=sbeststub(isp2,2)+sdc_2_zpos*sbeststub(isp2,4)
+            dposy=y2-y1
+            dposxp= sbeststub(isp2,3)-sbeststub(isp1,3)
+            dposyp= sbeststub(isp2,4)-sbeststub(isp1,4)
+* Derek added this for track tests...
+            if (abs(dposx).LT.abs(sstubminx)) sstubminx = dposx
+            if (abs(dposy).LT.abs(sstubminy)) sstubminy = dposy
+            if (abs(dposxp).LT.abs(sstubminxp)) sstubminxp = dposxp
+            if (abs(dposyp).LT.abs(sstubminyp)) sstubminyp = dposyp
+            if (sbypass_track_eff_files.eq.0) then
+             if (abs(sstubminx) .gt. sxt_track_criterion) then
+              write(16,*) 'event # ',gen_event_ID_number,
+     $             ' sstubminx = ',sstubminx
+             endif
+             if (abs(sstubminy) .gt. syt_track_criterion) then
+              write(16,*) 'event # ',gen_event_ID_number,
+     $             '  sstubminy =            ',sstubminy
+             endif
+             if (abs(sstubminxp) .gt. sxpt_track_criterion) then
+              write(16,*) 'event # ',gen_event_ID_number,
+     $             ' sstubminxp =                      ',sstubminxp
+             endif
+             if (abs(sstubminyp) .gt. sypt_track_criterion) then
+              write(16,*) 'event # ',gen_event_ID_number,
+     $             ' sstubminyp =                                 ',sstubminyp
+             endif
+             close(16)
+            endif
+            if      (abs(dposx) .lt. sxt_track_criterion
+     $           .and. abs(dposy) .lt. syt_track_criterion
+     $           .and. abs(dposxp).lt. sxpt_track_criterion
+     $           .and. abs(dposyp).lt. sypt_track_criterion) then
+             if(newtrack.eq.1) then
+*Derek add this next line
+              sstubtest=1
+*     make a new track
+              if( then ! are there too many 
+               SNTRACKS_FP=SNTRACKS_FP+1 ! increment the number of tracks
+               sptracks=1               ! one track with this seed
+               stub_tracks(1)=SNTRACKS_FP
+               track_space_points(SNTRACKS_FP,1)=2
+               track_space_points(SNTRACKS_FP,2)=isp1
+               track_space_points(SNTRACKS_FP,3)=isp2
+               sx_sp1(sntracks_fp)=sbeststub(isp1,1)
+               sx_sp2(sntracks_fp)=sbeststub(isp2,1)
+               sy_sp1(sntracks_fp)=sbeststub(isp1,2)
+               sy_sp2(sntracks_fp)=sbeststub(isp2,2)
+               sxp_sp1(sntracks_fp)=sbeststub(isp1,3)
+               sxp_sp2(sntracks_fp)=sbeststub(isp2,3)
+               newtrack=0               ! make no more track in this loop
+              endif                     ! end test on too many tracks
+             else
+*     check if there is another space point in same chamber
+              itrack=0
+              do while (
+               itrack=itrack+1
+               track=stub_tracks(itrack)
+               spoint=0
+               duppoint=0
+               do isp=1,track_space_points(track,1)
+                if(s_chamnum(isp2).eq.
+     &               s_chamnum(track_space_points(track,isp+1))) then
+                 spoint=isp
+                endif
+                if(isp2.eq.track_space_points(track,isp+1)) then
+                 duppoint=1
+                endif                   
+               enddo                    ! end loop over sp in tracks with isp1
+*     if there is no other space point in this chamber
+*     add this space point to current track(2)
+               if(duppoint.eq.0) then
+                if(spoint.eq.0) then
+                 spindex=track_space_points(track,1)+1
+                 track_space_points(track,1)= spindex
+                 track_space_points(track,spindex+1)=isp2
+*     if there is another point in the same chamber in this track
+*     create a new track with all the same space points except spoint
+                else
+                 if( then ! are there too many 
+                  SNTRACKS_FP=SNTRACKS_FP+1 ! increment the number of tracks
+                  sptracks= sptracks+1  ! one track with this seed
+                  stub_tracks(sptracks) = SNTRACKS_FP
+                  track_space_points(SNTRACKS_FP,1)
+     $                 =track_space_points(track,1)
+                  do isp=1,track_space_points(track,1)
+                   if( then
+                    track_space_points(SNTRACKS_FP,isp+1)=
+     &                   track_space_points(track,isp+1)
+                   elseif(isp.eq.spoint) then
+                    track_space_points(SNTRACKS_FP,isp+1)= isp2
+                   endif                ! end check for dup on copy
+                  enddo                 ! end copy of track
+                 endif                  ! end if on too many tracks
+                endif                   ! end if on same chamber
+               endif                    ! end if on  duplicate point
+              enddo                     ! end do while over tracks with isp1
+             endif
+            endif
+           endif                        ! end test on same chamber
+          enddo                         ! end loop over new space points
+         endif                          ! end test on tryflag
+        enddo                           ! end outer loop over space points
+       endif                            ! end if on <2 space points
+      else                              ! if ssingle_stub .ne. 0
+*     when ssingle_stub is set, make each space point a track
+*     This will have poor resolution but may be appropriate for debugging
+       do isp1=1,snspace_points_tot     ! loop over all points
+        if( then ! are there too many
+         SNTRACKS_FP=SNTRACKS_FP+1      ! increment the number of tracks
+         track_space_points(SNTRACKS_FP,1)= 1
+         track_space_points(SNTRACKS_FP,2)= isp1
+        endif                           ! end if on too many tracks
+       enddo                            ! end loop over all space points
+      endif                             ! end test on ssingle_stub
+*     now list all hits on a track
+      if(   then
+       do itrack=1,SNTRACKS_FP          ! loop over all tracks
+        SNTRACK_HITS(itrack,1)=0
+        do isp1=1,track_space_points(itrack,1)
+         spindex=track_space_points(itrack,isp1+1)
+         numhits=sspace_point_hits(spindex,1)
+         do ihit=1,numhits
+          if(SNTRACK_HITS(itrack,1).lt.SNTRACKHITS_MAX) then 
+           SNTRACK_HITS(itrack,1)=SNTRACK_HITS(itrack,1)+1
+           SNTRACK_HITS(itrack,SNTRACK_HITS(itrack,1)+1)=
+     &          sspace_point_hits(spindex,ihit+2)                
+          endif                         ! end test on too many hits
+         enddo                          ! end loop over space point hits
+        enddo                           ! end loop over space points
+       enddo                            ! end loop over all tracks
+      endif
+      if( then
+       call s_print_links
+      endif
+      return
+      end
+*     Local Variables:
+*     mode: fortran
+*     fortran-if-indent: 1
+*     fortran-do-indent: 1
+*     End:
diff --git a/STRACKING/s_lucite.f b/STRACKING/s_lucite.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..73658d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/s_lucite.f
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+*-   Purpose and Methods : Analyze lucite aerogel information for each track
+*-      Required Input BANKS     SOS_RAW_LUC
+*-      Output BANKS             SOS_TRACK_TESTS
+*-   Output: ABORT           - success or failure
+*-         : err             - reason for failure, if any
+* $Log: s_lucite.f,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1996/11/07 19:50:56  saw
+* Initial revision
+      SAVE
+      character*8 here
+      parameter (here= 'S_LUCITE')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      integer*4 ind,npmt
+      INCLUDE 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'sos_pedestals.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'sos_lucite_parms.cmn'
+      ABORT= .FALSE.
+      err= ' '
+      sluc_neg_npe_sum = 0.0
+      sluc_pos_npe_sum = 0.0
+      sluc_tot_good_hits = 0
+      do ind = 1,smax_luc_hits
+        sluc_pos_npe(ind)=0.
+        sluc_neg_npe(ind)=0.
+      enddo
+      do ind = 1,sluc_tot_hits
+* pedestal subtraction and gain adjustment
+        npmt=sluc_pair_num(ind)
+        sluc_pos_npe(npmt) =
+     &     (sluc_adc_pos(ind)-sluc_pos_ped_mean(npmt))*sluc_pos_gain(npmt)
+        sluc_neg_npe(npmt) =
+     &     (sluc_adc_neg(ind)-sluc_neg_ped_mean(npmt))*sluc_neg_gain(npmt)
+* sum positive and negative hits 
+* also, fill sluc_tot_good_hits
+          sluc_neg_npe_sum = sluc_neg_npe_sum + sluc_neg_npe(npmt)
+	  if (sluc_neg_npe(npmt).ge.1.0) 
+     &		sluc_tot_good_hits = sluc_tot_good_hits + 1
+          sluc_pos_npe_sum = sluc_pos_npe_sum + sluc_pos_npe(npmt)
+	  if (sluc_pos_npe(npmt).ge.0.3) 
+     &          sluc_tot_good_hits = sluc_tot_good_hits + 1
+      enddo
+      sluc_npe_sum = sluc_neg_npe_sum + sluc_pos_npe_sum
+* If the total hits are 0, then give a noticable ridiculous NPE.
+      if ( then
+	sluc_npe_sum=100.
+      endif
+* Next, fill the rawadc variables with the actual tube values
+*	mainly for diagnostic purposes.
+      do ind=1,8
+	sluc_rawadc_neg(ind)=-100
+	sluc_rawadc_pos(ind)=-100
+      enddo
+      do ind=1,sluc_tot_hits
+	npmt=sluc_pair_num(ind)
+        sluc_rawadc_neg(npmt)=sluc_adc_neg(ind)
+        sluc_rawadc_pos(npmt)=sluc_adc_pos(ind)
+      enddo
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/STRACKING/s_pattern_recognition.f b/STRACKING/s_pattern_recognition.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8538603
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/s_pattern_recognition.f
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+      subroutine s_pattern_recognition(ABORT,err)
+*-   Purpose and Methods :  Finds SOS Space points 
+*-      Required Input BANKS     SOS_DECODED_DC
+*-      Output BANKS             SOS_FOCAL_PLANE
+*-                               SOS_DECODED_DC hit coordinates
+*-   Output: ABORT           - success or failure
+*-         : err             - reason for failure, if any
+*-   Created 30-AUG-1993   D. F. Geesaman
+*-   Modified 19-JAN-1994  DFG    Include standard error form
+* $Log: s_pattern_recognition.f,v $
+* Revision 1.10  1996/09/05 20:09:36  saw
+* (JRA) Cosmetic
+* Revision 1.9  1996/04/30 17:34:56  saw
+* (JRA) Histogram the card id.
+* Revision 1.8  1996/01/17 19:01:21  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add code for easy space points
+* Revision 1.7  1995/10/10 16:13:47  cdaq
+* (JRA) Remove sdc_sing_wcenter, cosmetics.
+* Revision 1.6  1995/07/20 18:58:50  cdaq
+* (SAW) Declare sind and cosd for f2c compatibility
+* Revision 1.5  1995/05/22  19:45:43  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.4  1995/04/06  19:36:53  cdaq
+* (SAW) Hopefully improve wire velocity correction for SOS chambers
+* Revision 1.3  1994/12/06  15:33:06  cdaq
+* (SAW) First pass at wire velocity correction for Brookhaven chambers
+* Revision 1.2  1994/11/22  21:48:45  cdaq
+* (SPB) Recopied from hms file and modified names for SOS
+* (SAW) Improved some code hardwired for 3 chambers.  NOTE: the wire velocity
+*       correction stuff at the end is HMS specific.  This needs to
+*       be worked on.
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/21  16:15:19  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+*     This routine finds the space points in each chamber using wire center
+*     locations.
+      SAVE
+      character*21 here
+      parameter (here= 's_pattern_recognition')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_constants.par'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_units.par'
+      INCLUDE 'sos_tracking.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'sos_geometry.cmn'
+*     local variables
+      integer*4 hit_number(smax_chamber_hits)
+      integer*4 space_point_hits(smax_space_points,smax_hits_per_point+2)
+      integer*4 pln, isp, ihit, hit
+      integer*4 i,j,k,xx,xxprime
+      integer*4 xplane,xprimeplane
+      integer*4 ich, ip
+      logical easy_space_point
+      real*4 space_points(smax_space_points,2)
+      real*4 xdist,ydist
+      real*4 time_corr
+      real*4 s_drift_dist_calc
+      external s_drift_dist_calc
+*     temporary initialization
+      ABORT= .FALSE.
+      err=' '
+      ihit = 0
+      snspace_points_tot = 0
+      do ich=1,sdc_num_chambers
+        easy_space_point = .false.
+        snspace_points(ich)=0        
+        sncham_hits(ich)=0
+*     For this loop to work, sdc_planes_per_chamber must be
+*     the number of planes per chamber.  (And all chambers must have the
+*     same number of planes.)
+        do ip=(ich-1)*sdc_planes_per_chamber+1,ich*sdc_planes_per_chamber
+          sncham_hits(ich)=sncham_hits(ich)+sdc_hits_per_plane(ip)
+        enddo
+        xplane=3+(ich-1)*sdc_planes_per_chamber
+        xprimeplane=4+(ich-1)*sdc_planes_per_chamber
+        if(sncham_hits(ich).ge.smin_hit(ich) .and.
+     $     sncham_hits(ich).lt.smax_pr_hits(ich))  then
+          do i=ihit+1,ihit+sncham_hits(ich)
+            hit_number(i)=i
+            if(sdc_plane_num(i).eq.xplane) xx=i
+            if(sdc_plane_num(i).eq.xprimeplane) xxprime=i
+          enddo
+          if((sdc_hits_per_plane(xplane).eq.1) .and.
+     &       (sdc_hits_per_plane(xprimeplane).eq.1).and.
+     &       ((sdc_wire_center(xx)-sdc_wire_center(xxprime))**
+     &       (sspace_point_criterion(ich))) .and.
+     &       (sncham_hits(ich).le.6)) then
+            call s_find_easy_space_point(sncham_hits(ich),hit_number(ihit+1),
+     &        sdc_wire_center(ihit+1),sdc_plane_num(ihit+1),
+     &        sspace_point_criterion(ich),smax_space_points,xx-ihit,
+     &        xxprime-ihit,easy_space_point,snspace_points(ich),
+     &        space_points,space_point_hits)
+            if (.not.easy_space_point) call find_space_points(sncham_hits(ich),
+     &         hit_number(ihit+1),sdc_wire_center(ihit+1),
+     &         sdc_plane_num(ihit+1),sspace_point_criterion(ich),
+     &         sxsp(1),sysp(1),smax_space_points,
+     &         snspace_points(ich), space_points, space_point_hits)
+          else
+          call find_space_points(sncham_hits(ich),hit_number(ihit+1),
+     &         sdc_wire_center(ihit+1),
+     &         sdc_plane_num(ihit+1),sspace_point_criterion(ich),
+     &         sxsp(1),sysp(1),smax_space_points,
+     &         snspace_points(ich), space_points, space_point_hits)
+          endif
+          if (snspace_points(ich).gt.0) then
+*    If two hits in same plane, choose one with minimum drift time
+          call s_choose_single_hit(ABORT,err,snspace_points(ich),
+     &         space_point_hits)
+* Select on minimum number of combinations and hits
+            call select_space_points(smax_space_points,snspace_points(ich),
+     &         space_points,space_point_hits,smin_hit(ich),smin_combos(ich),
+     $         easy_space_point)
+          endif
+          do i=1,snspace_points(ich)
+            k=snspace_points_tot+i
+            sspace_points(k,1)=space_points(i,1)
+            sspace_points(k,2)=space_points(i,2)
+            sspace_point_hits(k,1)=space_point_hits(i,1)
+            sspace_point_hits(k,2)=space_point_hits(i,2)
+            do j=1,space_point_hits(i,1)
+              sspace_point_hits(k,j+2)=space_point_hits(i,j+2)
+            enddo
+          enddo
+        endif
+        snspace_points_tot = snspace_points_tot+ snspace_points(ich)
+        ihit = ihit + sncham_hits(ich)
+      enddo
+* Now we know rough hit positions in the chambers so we can make
+* wire velocity drift time corrections for each hit in the space point
+* Assume all wires for a plane are read out on the same side (l/r or t/b).
+* If the wire is closer to horizontal, read out left/right.  If nearer
+* vertical, assume top/bottom.  (Note, this is not always true for the
+* SOS u and v planes.  They have 1 card each on the side, but the overall
+* time offset per card will cancel much of the error caused by this.  The
+* alternative is to check by card, rather than by plane and this is harder.
+      if( then
+        do isp=1,snspace_points_tot
+          xdist = sspace_points(isp,1)
+          ydist = sspace_points(isp,2)
+            do ihit=1,sspace_point_hits(isp,1)
+              hit = sspace_point_hits(isp,ihit+2)
+              pln = sdc_plane_num(hit)
+            if (sdc_readout_x(pln)) then    !readout from side
+              time_corr = ydist*sdc_readout_corr(pln)/sdc_wire_velocity
+            else                           !readout from top/bottom
+              time_corr = xdist*sdc_readout_corr(pln)/sdc_wire_velocity
+            endif
+            sdc_drift_time(hit)=sdc_drift_time(hit) - sdc_central_time(pln)
+     &            + sdc_drifttime_sign(pln)*time_corr
+            sdc_drift_dis(hit) = s_drift_dist_calc
+     &            (pln,sdc_wire_num(hit),sdc_drift_time(hit))
+* djm 8/25/94
+* Stuff drift time and distance into registered variables for histogramming and tests.
+* In the case of two separated hits per plane, the last one will be histogrammed.
+              sdc_sing_drifttime(pln) = sdc_drift_time(hit)
+              sdc_sing_driftdis(pln) = sdc_drift_dis(hit)
+              sdc_sing_cardid(pln) =
+     &             sdc_card_no(sdc_wire_num(hit),sdc_plane_num(hit))
+            enddo
+          enddo
+        endif
+*     Histogram sdc_DECODED_DC
+      call s_fill_dc_dec_hist(ABORT,err)
+*     write out results if debugflagpr is set
+      if( then
+        call s_print_pr
+      endif
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/STRACKING/s_physics.f b/STRACKING/s_physics.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa5707a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/s_physics.f
@@ -0,0 +1,486 @@
+*-   Purpose and Methods : Do final SOS physics analysis on SOS only part of
+*-                            event.
+*-                                to decoded information 
+*-      Required Input BANKS     SOS_FOCAL_PLANE
+*-                               SOS_TARGET
+*-                               SOS_TRACK_TESTS
+*-      Output BANKS             SOS_PHYSICS_R4
+*-                               SOS_PHYSICS_I4
+*-   Output: ABORT           - success or failure
+*-         : err             - reason for failure, if any
+*-   Created 19-JAN-1994   D. F. Geesaman
+*-                           Dummy Shell routine
+* $Log: s_physics.f,v $
+* Revision 1.21  2003/11/28 14:57:30  jones
+* Added variable ssxp_tar_temp = ssxp_tar + s_oopcentral_offset  (MKJ)
+* Revision 1.20  2003/09/05 19:52:01  jones
+* Merge in online03 changes (mkj)
+* Revision  2003/09/05 14:32:57  jones
+* Use s_oopcentral_offset (mkj)
+* Revision  2003/08/12 17:36:21  cdaq
+* Add variables for e00-108 (hamlet)
+* Revision  2003/07/15 19:04:40  cdaq
+* add calculation of ssinplane
+* Revision  2003/04/10 12:40:30  cdaq
+* add  e_nonzero and modify p_nonzero.  These are used in calculating E_cal/p and beta.
+* Revision 1.19  2002/12/27 22:13:00  jones
+*    a. Ioana Niculescu modified total_eloss call
+*    b. CSA 4/15/99 -- changed ssbeta to ssbeta_p in total_eloss call
+*       to yield reasonable calculation for ssbeta=0 events.
+*    c. CSA 4/12/99 -- changed sscorre/p back to ssenergy and ssp so
+*       I could keep those names in c_physics.f
+* Revision 1.18  2002/07/31 20:20:58  saw
+* Only try to fill user hists that are defined
+* Revision 1.17  1999/02/10 17:46:15  csa
+* Cleanup and bugfixes (mostly G. Warren)
+* Revision 1.16  1996/11/07 19:51:38  saw
+* (JRA) Correct error in mass calculation
+* Revision 1.15  1996/09/05 20:13:14  saw
+* (JRA) Improved track length calculation.  Photon E calc. for (gamma,p)
+* Revision 1.14  1996/04/30 17:13:48  saw
+* (JRA) Add pathlength and rf calculations
+* Revision 1.13  1996/01/24 16:08:14  saw
+* (JRA) Change cpbeam/cebeam to gpbeam/gebeam
+* Revision 1.12  1996/01/17 19:00:50  cdaq
+* (JRA) Calculate q, W for electrons
+* Revision 1.11  1995/10/10 12:54:30  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add call to s_dump_cal, change upper to lower case
+* Revision 1.10  1995/08/31 18:45:26  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add projection to cerenkov mirror pos, fill sdc_sing_res array
+* Revision 1.9  1995/07/20  18:59:15  cdaq
+* (SAW) Declare sind and tand for f2c compatibility
+* Revision 1.8  1995/05/22  19:45:43  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.7  1995/05/11  17:15:15  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add additional kinematics variables
+* Revision 1.6  1995/04/06  19:37:30  cdaq
+* (SAW) Fix typo
+* Revision 1.5  1995/02/23  13:39:13  cdaq
+* (SAW) Moved best track selection code into S_SELECT_BEST_TRACK (new)
+* Revision 1.4  1995/01/18  20:57:12  cdaq
+* (SAW) Correct some trig and check for negative arg in elastic kin calculation
+* Revision 1.4  1995/01/18  20:00:04  cdaq
+* (SAW) Correct some trig and check for negative arg in elastic kin calculation
+* Revision 1.3  1994/11/23  13:55:03  cdaq
+* (SPB) Recopied from hms file and modified names for SOS
+* Revision 1.2  1994/06/14  03:41:10  cdaq
+* (DFG) Calculate physics quantities
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/21  16:15:43  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      SAVE
+      character*9 here
+      parameter (here= 'S_PHYSICS')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      integer ierr
+      include 'gen_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_routines.dec'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_constants.par'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_units.par'
+      INCLUDE 'sos_physics_sing.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'sos_calorimeter.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'sos_scin_parms.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'sos_tracking.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'sos_cer_parms.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'sos_geometry.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'sos_id_histid.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'sos_track_histid.cmn'
+      include 'gen_event_info.cmn'
+      include 'sos_scin_tof.cmn'
+*     local variables 
+      integer*4 i,ip,ihit
+      integer*4 itrkfp
+      real*4 cossstheta,sinsstheta
+      real*4 p_nonzero,e_nonzero
+      real*4 xdist,ydist,dist(12),res(12)
+      real*4 tmp,W2
+      real*4 ssp_z
+      real*4 Wvec(4)
+      real*4 sstheta_1st
+      real*4 scalar,mink
+      real*4 ssxp_tar_temp
+      ierr=0
+      sphi_lab=0.0
+      if (ssnum_fptrack.le.0) return    ! No Good track 
+      itrkfp=ssnum_fptrack
+*     Copy variables for ntuple so we can test on them
+      ssdelta      = sdelta_tar(ssnum_tartrack)
+      ssx_tar      = sx_tar(ssnum_tartrack)
+      ssy_tar      = sy_tar(ssnum_tartrack)
+      ssxp_tar     = sxp_tar(ssnum_tartrack) ! This is an angle (radians)
+      ssxp_tar_temp = ssxp_tar + s_oopcentral_offset
+      ssyp_tar     = syp_tar(ssnum_tartrack) ! This is an angle (radians)
+      ssbeta       = sbeta(itrkfp)
+      ssbeta_chisq = sbeta_chisq(itrkfp)
+      sstime_at_fp = stime_at_fp(itrkfp)
+      ssx_fp  = sx_fp(itrkfp)
+      ssy_fp  = sy_fp(itrkfp)
+      ssxp_fp = sxp_fp(itrkfp) ! This is a slope (dx/dz)
+      ssyp_fp = syp_fp(itrkfp) ! This is a slope (dy/dz)
+*     Correct delta (this must be called AFTER filling 
+*     focal plane quantites).
+      call s_satcorr(ABORT,err)
+      ssp = spcentral*(1.0 + ssdelta/100.) !Momentum in GeV
+      ssenergy = sqrt(ssp*ssp+spartmass*spartmass)        
+      sstrack_et   = strack_et(itrkfp)
+      sstrack_preshower_e = strack_preshower_e(itrkfp)
+      p_nonzero    = ssp !reconstructed momentum with 'reasonable' limits.
+                         !Used to calc. E_cal/p and beta.
+      p_nonzero    = max(0.6*spcentral,p_nonzero)
+      p_nonzero    = min(1.4*spcentral,p_nonzero)
+      e_nonzero    = sqrt(p_nonzero**2+spartmass**2)
+      sscal_suma   = scal_e1/p_nonzero  !normalized cal. plane sums
+      sscal_sumb   = scal_e2/p_nonzero
+      sscal_sumc   = scal_e3/p_nonzero
+      sscal_sumd   = scal_e4/p_nonzero
+      ssprsum      = sscal_suma
+      ssshsum      = scal_et/p_nonzero
+      ssprtrk      = sstrack_preshower_e/p_nonzero
+      ssshtrk      = sstrack_et/p_nonzero
+      ssx_sp1      = sx_sp1(itrkfp)
+      ssy_sp1      = sy_sp1(itrkfp)
+      ssxp_sp1     = sxp_sp1(itrkfp)
+      ssx_sp2      = sx_sp2(itrkfp)
+      ssy_sp2      = sy_sp2(itrkfp)
+      ssxp_sp2     = sxp_sp2(itrkfp)
+      if ( then
+        do ihit=1,snum_scin_hit(itrkfp)
+          call hf1(sidscintimes,sscin_fptime(itrkfp,ihit),1.)
+        enddo
+      endif
+      if ( then
+        do ihit=1,sntrack_hits(itrkfp,1)
+          call hf1(sidcuttdc,
+     &       float(sdc_tdc(sntrack_hits(itrkfp,ihit+1))),1.)
+        enddo
+      endif
+      ssx_dc1 = ssx_fp  +  ssxp_fp * sdc_1_zpos
+      ssy_dc1 = ssy_fp  +  ssyp_fp * sdc_1_zpos
+      ssx_dc2 = ssx_fp  +  ssxp_fp * sdc_2_zpos
+      ssy_dc2 = ssy_fp  +  ssyp_fp * sdc_2_zpos
+      ssx_s1  = ssx_fp  +  ssxp_fp * sscin_1x_zpos
+      ssy_s1  = ssy_fp  +  ssyp_fp * sscin_1x_zpos
+      ssx_cer = ssx_fp  +  ssxp_fp * scer_mirror_zpos
+      ssy_cer = ssy_fp  +  ssyp_fp * scer_mirror_zpos
+      ssx_s2  = ssx_fp  +  ssxp_fp * sscin_2x_zpos
+      ssy_s2  = ssy_fp  +  ssyp_fp * sscin_2x_zpos
+      ssx_cal = ssx_fp  +  ssxp_fp * scal_1pr_zpos
+      ssy_cal = ssy_fp  +  ssyp_fp * scal_1pr_zpos
+c Used to use hsp, replace with p_nonzero, to give reasonable limits
+C (+/-40%) to avoid unreasonable hsbeta_p values
+c      ssbeta_p = ssp/max(ssenergy,.00001)
+      ssbeta_p = p_nonzero/e_nonzero
+C old 'fit' value for pathlen correction
+C        sspathlength = 2.78*ssxp_fp - 3.5*ssxp_fp**2 + 2.9e-3*ssy_fp
+C new 'modeled' value.
+      sspathlength = 2.923*ssxp_fp - 6.1065*ssxp_fp**2
+     &     +0.006908*ssx_fp*ssxp_fp + 0.001225*ssx_fp
+     &     -0.0000324*ssx_fp**2 -21.936*ssyp_fp**2
+      sspath_cor = sspathlength/ssbeta_p -
+     &     spathlength_central/speed_of_light*(1/max(.01,ssbeta_p) - 1)
+      ssrftime = smisc_dec_data(8,1)/9.68
+     &     - (sstime_at_fp-sstart_time_center) - sspath_cor
+      do ip = 1,4
+        ssscin_elem_hit(ip) = 0
+      enddo
+      do i = 1,snum_scin_hit(itrkfp)
+        ip = sscin_plane_num(sscin_hit(itrkfp,i))
+        if (ssscin_elem_hit(ip).eq.0) then
+          ssscin_elem_hit(ip) = sscin_counter_num(sscin_hit(itrkfp,i))
+          ssdedx(ip)          = sdedx(itrkfp,i)
+        else                          ! more than 1 hit in plane
+          ssscin_elem_hit(ip) = 18
+          ssdedx(ip)          = sqrt(ssdedx(ip)*sdedx(itrkfp,i))
+        endif
+      enddo
+      ssnum_scin_hit = snum_scin_hit(itrkfp)
+      ssnum_pmt_hit  = snum_pmt_hit(itrkfp)
+      sschi2perdeg   = schi2_fp(itrkfp) / float(snfree_fp(itrkfp))
+      ssnfree_fp     = snfree_fp(itrkfp)
+      do ip = 1, sdc_num_planes
+        sdc_sing_res(ip)     = sdc_single_residual(itrkfp,ip)
+        ssdc_track_coord(ip) = sdc_track_coord(itrkfp,ip)
+      enddo
+      if (sntrack_hits(itrkfp,1).eq.12 .and. sschi2perdeg.le.4) then
+        xdist = ssx_dc1
+        ydist = ssy_dc1
+        do ip = 1,12
+          if (sdc_readout_x(ip)) then
+            dist(ip) = ydist*sdc_readout_corr(ip)
+          else                        !readout from top/bottom
+            dist(ip) = xdist*sdc_readout_corr(ip)
+          endif
+          res(ip) = sdc_sing_res(ip)
+          tmp = sdc_plane_wirecoord(itrkfp,ip)
+     $        - sdc_plane_wirecenter(itrkfp,ip)
+          if (tmp.eq.0) then          !drift dist = 0
+            res(ip) = abs(res(ip))
+          else
+            res(ip) = res(ip) * (abs(tmp)/tmp) !convert +/- res to near/far res
+          endif
+        enddo
+c       write(37,'(12f7.2,12f8.3,12f8.5)') (ssdc_track_coord(ip),ip=1,12),
+c     &           (dist(ip),ip=1,12),(res(ip),ip=1,12)
+      endif
+*     Do energy loss, which is particle specific
+      sstheta_1st = stheta_lab*TT/180. + atan(ssyp_tar) ! rough scat angle
+      ssinplane = stheta_lab*TT/180. + atan(ssyp_tar) ! In plane scat angle (rad)
+      if (spartmass .lt. 2.*mass_electron) then ! for electron
+        if (gtarg_z(gtarg_num).gt.0.) then
+          call total_eloss(2,.true.,sstheta_1st,1.0,sseloss)
+         else
+           sseloss=0.
+        endif
+      else   ! not an electron
+        if (gtarg_z(gtarg_num).gt.0.) then
+          call total_eloss(2,.false.,sstheta_1st,ssbeta_p,sseloss)
+        else
+          sseloss=0.
+        endif
+      endif           ! particle specific stuff
+*     Correct ssenergy and ssp for eloss at the target
+* csa 4/12/99 -- changed sscorre/p back to ssenergy and ssp so
+* I could keep those names in c_physics.f
+      ssenergy = ssenergy + sseloss
+      ssp = sqrt(ssenergy**2-spartmass**2)
+*     Begin Kinematic stuff
+*     coordinate system :
+*     z points downstream along beam
+*     x points downward 
+*     y points toward beam left (away from HMS)
+*     This coordinate system is a just a simple rotation away from the
+*     TRANSPORT coordinate system used in the spectrometers
+      ssp_z = ssp/sqrt(1.+ssxp_tar_temp**2+ssyp_tar**2)
+*     Initial Electron
+      ss_kvec(1) = gebeam  ! after energy loss in target
+      ss_kvec(2) = 0
+      ss_kvec(3) = 0
+      ss_kvec(4) = gebeam 
+*     Scattered Electron (not meaningful if hadron is in SOS!)
+*     calculation without small angle approximation - gaw 98/10/5 csa
+*     12/21/98 -- notice assumption of no out-of-plane offset
+      ss_kpvec(1) =  ssenergy
+      ss_kpvec(2) =  ssp_z*ssxp_tar_temp
+      ss_kpvec(3) =  ssp_z*(ssyp_tar*cossthetas+sinsthetas)
+      ss_kpvec(4) =  ssp_z*(-ssyp_tar*sinsthetas+cossthetas)
+*     Angles for Scattered particle. Theta and phi are conventional
+*     polar/azimuthal angles defined w.r.t. coordinate system defined
+*     above. In rad, of course. Note that phi is around -pi/2 for HMS,
+*     +pi/2 for SOS.
+      if (abs(ss_kpvec(4)/ssp).le.1.) then
+        sstheta = acos(ss_kpvec(4)/ssp)
+      else
+        sstheta = -10.
+      endif
+      ssphi = atan(ss_kpvec(3)/ss_kpvec(2))
+      sinsstheta = sin(sstheta)
+      cossstheta = cos(sstheta)
+      ssphi = sphi_lab + ssphi
+c      if (ssphi .lt. 0.) ssphi = ssphi + tt
+*     sszbeam is the intersection of the beam ray with the
+*     spectrometer as measured along the z axis.
+      if( sinsstheta .eq. 0.) then
+        sszbeam = 0.
+      else
+        sszbeam = sin(ssphi) * ( -ssy_tar + gbeam_y * cossstheta) /
+     $         sinsstheta 
+      endif                           ! end test on sinsstheta=0
+*     Target particle 4-momentum
+      ss_tvec(1) = gtarg_mass(gtarg_num)*m_amu
+      ss_tvec(2) = 0.
+      ss_tvec(3) = 0.
+      ss_tvec(4) = 0.
+*     Initialize the electron-specific variables
+      do i=1,4
+         ss_qvec(i) = -1000.
+         Wvec(i)    = -1000.
+      enddo 
+      ssq3     = -1000.
+      ssbigq2  = -1000.
+      W2       = -1000.
+      sinvmass = -1000.
+*     Calculate quantities that are meaningful only if 
+*     the particle in the SOS is an electron.
+      if (spartmass .lt. 2.*mass_electron) then
+         do i=1,4
+            ss_qvec(i) = ss_kvec(i) - ss_kpvec(i)
+            Wvec(i)    = ss_qvec(i) + ss_tvec(i) ! Q+P 4 vector
+         enddo 
+*     Magnitudes
+         ssq3    = sqrt(scalar(ss_qvec,ss_qvec))
+         ssbigq2 = -mink(ss_qvec,ss_qvec) 
+         W2      = mink(Wvec,Wvec)
+         ssomega = gebeam-ssenergy
+         ssthet_gamma = asin((ssenergy*sin(sstheta))/ssq3)
+         ssx_bj = ssbigq2/(2.0*mass_nucleon*ssomega)
+         if( ) then
+            sinvmass = SQRT(W2)
+         else
+            sinvmass = 0.
+         endif
+*     Calculate elastic scattering kinematical correction
+*     t1  = 2.*sphysicsa*gpbeam*cossstheta      
+*     ta  = 4.*gpbeam**2*cossstheta**2 - sphysicsb**2
+*     SAW 1/17/95.  Add the stuff after the or.
+*     if(ta.eq.0.0 .or. ( sphysicab2 + sphysicsm3b * ta).lt.0.0) then
+*     p3=0.       
+*     else
+*     t3  = ta-sphysicsb**2
+*     p3  = (T1 - sqrt( sphysicab2 + sphysicsm3b * ta)) / ta
+*     endif
+*     This is the difference in the momentum obtained by tracking
+*     and the momentum from elastic kinematics
+*     sselas_cor = ssp - P3
+      endif
+      if (.false.) then
+*      if (.true.) then
+         write(6,*)' ***********************************'
+         write(6,*)' s_phys: stheta_lab, sphi_lab =',stheta_lab,sphi_lab
+         write(6,*)' s_phys: ssdelta            =',ssdelta
+         write(6,*)' s_phys: ssx_tar, ssy_tar   =',ssx_tar,ssy_tar
+         write(6,*)' s_phys: ssxp_tar, ssyp_tar =',ssxp_tar,ssyp_tar
+         write(6,*)' s_phys: ssbeta, ssbeta_p   =',ssbeta,ssbeta_p
+         write(6,*)' s_phys: ssenergy, ssp      =',ssenergy,ssp
+         write(6,*)' s_phys: sseloss            =',sseloss
+*         write(6,*)' s_phys: sscorre, sscorrp   =',sscorre,sscorrp
+         write(6,*)' s_phys: sstheta_1st        =',sstheta_1st
+         write(6,*)' s_phys: ssp_z              =',ssp_z
+         write(6,*)' s_phys: ss_kvec            =',ss_kvec
+         write(6,*)' s_phys: cos/sinsthetas     =',cossthetas,sinsthetas
+         write(6,*)' s_phys: ss_kpvec           =',ss_kpvec
+         write(6,*)' s_phys: ss_tvec            =',ss_tvec
+         write(6,*)' s_phys: ss_qvec            =',ss_qvec
+         write(6,*)' s_phys: Wvec               =',Wvec
+         write(6,*)' s_phys: ssq3               =',ssq3
+         write(6,*)' s_phys: ssbigq2, W2        =',ssbigq2,W2
+         write(6,*)' s_phys: sstheta, ssphi     =',sstheta,ssphi
+      endif
+*     Write raw timing information for fitting.
+      if( call s_dump_tof
+      if( call s_dump_cal
+*     Calculate physics statistics and wire chamber efficencies.
+      call s_physics_stat(ABORT,err)
+      ABORT= .or. ABORT
+        call G_add_path(here,err)
+      ENDIF
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/STRACKING/s_physics_stat.f b/STRACKING/s_physics_stat.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..21b1680
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/s_physics_stat.f
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+      subroutine s_physics_stat(ABORT,err)
+*-   Purpose and Methods : Calculate statistics and chamber efficencies for 
+*-                         SOS physics analysis on SOS only part of
+*-                            event.
+*-      Required Input BANKS     SOS_DECODED_DC
+*-                               SOS_FOCAL_PLANE
+*-      Output BANKS             CTP PARAMETERS
+*-   Output: ABORT           - success or failure
+*-         : err             - reason for failure, if any
+*-   Created 10-JUN-1994     D. F. Geesaman
+* $Log: s_physics_stat.f,v $
+* Revision 1.5  1995/10/10 16:49:32  cdaq
+* (JRA) Comment out some redundant efficiency calculations
+* Revision 1.4  1995/08/31 18:56:53  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add call to s_cer_eff
+* Revision 1.3  1995/05/22  19:45:44  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.2  1995/02/23  15:38:41  cdaq
+* (JRA) Move scint eff's to s_scin_eff, add call to s_cal_eff
+* Revision 1.1  1994/06/14  04:10:43  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      SAVE
+      character*14 here
+      parameter (here= 's_physics_stat')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_routines.dec'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_constants.par'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_units.par'
+      INCLUDE 'sos_geometry.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'sos_physics_sing.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'sos_statistics.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'sos_bypass_switches.cmn'
+*     local variables 
+c      integer*4 goodtrack,tothits,ihit,hitnum,plane
+c      real*4 normsigma
+c      real*8 ray(4)                     ! xt,yt,xpt,ypt
+c      REAL*8 S_DPSIFUN
+      ABORT= .FALSE.
+      err= ' '
+c*     increment numbr of tracks
+c      sgoodtracksctr = sgoodtracksctr +1
+c*     loop over all hists
+c      goodtrack = SSNUM_FPTRACK
+c      tothits=SNTRACK_HITS(goodtrack,1)
+c      if( then
+c*     get ray parameters
+c        ray(1) = DBLE(SX_FP(goodtrack))
+c        ray(2) = DBLE(SY_FP(goodtrack))
+c        ray(3) = DBLE(SXP_FP(goodtrack))
+c        ray(4) = DBLE(SYP_FP(goodtrack))
+c*     loop over all hits in track
+c        do ihit = 1, tothits
+c          hitnum=SNTRACK_HITS(goodtrack,1+ihit)
+c          plane = SDC_PLANE_NUM(hitnum)
+c          normsigma = (SDC_WIRE_COORD(hitnum)
+c     $         - REAL(S_DPSIFUN(ray,plane)))/sdc_sigma(plane)
+c          splanehitctr(plane) = splanehitctr(plane) + 1
+c          splanesigmasq(plane) = splanesigmasq(plane) + normsigma
+c     $         *normsigma
+c          smeasuredsigma(plane) = SQRT(splanesigmasq(plane) 
+c     &         / FLOAT(splanehitctr(plane)))
+c          schambereff(plane) =FLOAT(splanehitctr(plane))
+c     $         /FLOAT(sgoodtracksctr)
+c        enddo                           ! endloop over hits in track
+c      endif                             ! end test on zero hits
+*     Drift chamber efficiencies
+      if (sbypass_dc_eff.eq.0) call s_dc_trk_eff
+*     Scintillator efficiencies
+      if (sbypass_scin_eff.eq.0) call s_scin_eff
+*     Cerenkov efficiencies
+      if (sbypass_cer_eff.eq.0) call s_cer_eff
+*     Calorimeter efficiencies
+      if (sbypass_cal_eff.eq.0) call s_cal_eff
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/STRACKING/s_print_decoded_dc.f b/STRACKING/s_print_decoded_dc.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..35b7b5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/s_print_decoded_dc.f
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+       SUBROUTINE  s_print_decoded_dc(ABORT,err)
+*-   Purpose and Methods : Dump SOS_DECODED_DC BANKS
+*-      Required Input BANKS     SOSS_DECODED_DC
+*-   Output: ABORT           - success or failure
+*-         : err             - reason for failure, if any
+*-   Created 29-FEB-1994   D. F. Geesaman
+* $Log: s_print_decoded_dc.f,v $
+* Revision 1.4  1995/10/10 16:52:50  cdaq
+* (JRA) Remove drift distance from print out
+* Revision 1.3  1995/05/22 19:45:44  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.2  1995/04/06  19:38:33  cdaq
+* Revision 1.1  1994/03/24  20:29:16  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+       SAVE
+       character*50 here
+       parameter (here= 's_print_decoded_dc')
+       logical ABORT
+       character*(*) err
+       integer*4 j
+       include 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+       include 'gen_constants.par'
+       include 'gen_units.par'
+       include 'sos_tracking.cmn'
+       include 'sos_geometry.cmn'          
+       ABORT = .FALSE.
+       err = ' '
+       write(sluno,'(''        SOS_DECODED_DC BANKS'')')
+       write(sluno,'(''     SDC_TOT_HITS='',I4)') SDC_TOT_HITS
+       if(SDC_TOT_HITS.GT.0) then
+         write(sluno,'(''     SDC_HITS_PER_PLANE'')')
+         write(sluno,'('' Plane='',18i4)') (j,j=1,sdc_num_planes)
+         write(sluno,'(7x,18i4)')
+     &      (SDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(j),j=1,sdc_num_planes)
+         write(sluno,'('' Num  Plane     Wire    Wire Center '',
+     &      ''TDC Value RAW DRIFT TIME'')')
+         write(sluno,'(1x,i2,2x,i3,7x,i4,5x,F10.5,i8,2x,F10.5)')       
+     &     (j,SDC_PLANE_NUM(j),SDC_WIRE_NUM(j),
+     &        SDC_WIRE_CENTER(j),SDC_TDC(j),SDC_DRIFT_TIME(j),
+     &        j=1,SDC_TOT_HITS)    
+       endif
+       RETURN
+       END
diff --git a/STRACKING/s_print_links.f b/STRACKING/s_print_links.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..477af02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/s_print_links.f
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+      subroutine s_print_links
+*     prints the output of link matching
+*     d.f. geesaman           7 Sept 1993
+* $Log: s_print_links.f,v $
+* Revision 1.2  1995/05/22 19:45:45  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/21  16:15:59  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      include "sos_data_structures.cmn"
+      include "sos_tracking.cmn"
+      integer*4 itrack,ihit
+      write(sluno,
+        if( then
+        write(sluno,'(''  Track   HITS'')')
+          do itrack=1,SNTRACKS_FP
+           write(sluno,1000) itrack,(SNTRACK_HITS(itrack,ihit),
+     &        ihit=2,SNTRACK_HITS(itrack,1)+1) 
+1000  format(2x,i3,2x,24i3)
+          enddo
+        endif
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/STRACKING/s_print_pr.f b/STRACKING/s_print_pr.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bcdb58f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/s_print_pr.f
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+      subroutine s_print_pr
+*     subroutine to dump output of S_PATTERN_RECOGNITION
+*     All the results are contained in
+*     d.f. geesaman          5 September 1993
+* $Log: s_print_pr.f,v $
+* Revision 1.2  1995/05/22 19:45:45  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/21  16:37:52  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      include "sos_data_structures.cmn"
+      include "sos_tracking.cmn"
+      include "sos_geometry.cmn"
+*     local variables
+      integer*4 i,j
+      write(sluno,'('' SOS PATTERN RECOGNITION RESULTS'')')
+      write(sluno,'('' chamber='',i3,'' number of hits='',i3)')
+     &         (i,sncham_hits(i),i=1,sdc_num_chambers)
+      write(sluno,'('' Total number of space points found='',i3)')
+     &         snspace_points_tot
+      write(sluno,'('' chamber number'',i2,''  number of points='',i3)')
+     &     (i,snspace_points(i),i=1,sdc_num_chambers)
+      write(sluno,'('' Space point requirements'')')
+      write(sluno,'('' chamber='',i3,''   min_hit='',i4,''  min_combos='',i3)')
+     &      (i,smin_hit(i),smin_combos(i),i=1,sdc_num_chambers)  
+      if( then
+         write(sluno,'('' point       x         y     number  number  hits'')')
+         write(sluno,'('' number                       hits   combos'')')
+1001  format(3x,i3,f10.4,f10.4,3x,i3,6x,i3,5x,11i3)
+         do i=1,snspace_points_tot
+         write(sluno,1001) i, sspace_points(i,1),sspace_points(i,2),
+     &   sspace_point_hits(i,1), sspace_point_hits(i,2),
+     &   (sspace_point_hits(i,j+2),j=1,sspace_point_hits(i,1))
+         enddo
+      endif
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/STRACKING/s_print_raw_dc.f b/STRACKING/s_print_raw_dc.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b3157c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/s_print_raw_dc.f
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+       SUBROUTINE  s_print_raw_dc(ABORT,err)
+*-   Purpose and Methods : Dump SOS_RAW_DC BANKS
+*-      Required Input BANKS     SOS_RAW_DC
+*-   Output: ABORT           - success or failure
+*-         : err             - reason for failure, if any
+*-   Created 29-FEB-1994   D. F. Geesaman
+* $Log: s_print_raw_dc.f,v $
+* Revision 1.2  1995/05/22 19:45:46  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.1  1994/03/24  20:30:01  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+       SAVE
+       character*50 here
+       parameter (here= 's_print_raw_dc')
+       logical ABORT
+       character*(*) err
+       integer*4 j
+       include 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+       include 'gen_constants.par'
+       include 'gen_units.par'
+       include 'sos_tracking.cmn'
+       include 'sos_geometry.cmn'          
+       ABORT = .FALSE.
+       err = ' '
+       write(sluno,'(''        SOS_RAW_DC BANKS'')')
+       write(sluno,'(''    SDC _RAW_TOT_HITS='',I4)') SDC_RAW_TOT_HITS
+       if(SDC_RAW_TOT_HITS.GT.0) then
+         write(sluno,'('' Num  Plane     Wire          TDC Value'')')
+         write(sluno,'(1x,i2,2x,i3,7x,i4,5x,i10)')
+     &     (j,SDC_RAW_PLANE_NUM(j),SDC_RAW_WIRE_NUM(j),
+     &        SDC_RAW_TDC(j),j=1,SDC_RAW_TOT_HITS)    
+       endif
+       RETURN
+       END
diff --git a/STRACKING/s_print_stubs.f b/STRACKING/s_print_stubs.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a87584c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/s_print_stubs.f
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+      subroutine s_print_stubs
+*     subroutine to dump output of S_LEFT_RIGHT
+*     All the results are contained in
+*     d.f. geesaman          5 September 1993
+* $Log: s_print_stubs.f,v $
+* Revision 1.3  1995/05/22 19:45:46  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.2  1995/05/11  21:06:54  cdaq
+* (JRA) ???
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/21  16:38:06  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      include "sos_data_structures.cmn"
+      include "sos_tracking.cmn"
+      include "sos_geometry.cmn"
+*     local variables
+      integer*4 i,j,k
+      write(sluno,'('' SOS STUB FIT RESULTS'')')
+      if( then
+        write(sluno,'(''point        x_t              y_t     '',
+     &           ''          xp_t          yp_t'')')
+        write(sluno,'(''             [cm]             [cm]    '',
+     &           ''         [rad]          [rad]'')')
+1001  format(3x,i3,4x,4e15.7)
+        do i=1,snspace_points_tot
+          write(sluno,1001) i,(sbeststub(i,j),j=1,4)
+        enddo
+        write(sluno,'('' hit   plane    SDC_WIRE_CENTER  SDC_DRIFT_DIS     '',
+     &         '' SDC_WIRE_COORD'')')
+        do i=1,snspace_points_tot
+          do j=1,sspace_point_hits(i,1)
+            k=sspace_point_hits(i,2+j)
+            write(sluno,1002) k,sdc_plane_num(k),SDC_WIRE_CENTER(k),
+     &       SDC_DRIFT_DIS(k),SDC_WIRE_COORD(k)
+ 1002       format(2x,i3,i4,4x,e16.8,2x,e16.8,2x,e16.8)
+          enddo
+          write(sluno,*) ' '
+        enddo
+      endif
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/STRACKING/s_print_tar_tracks.f b/STRACKING/s_print_tar_tracks.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3d4f79e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/s_print_tar_tracks.f
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+      subroutine s_print_tar_tracks
+* Facility: CEBAF Hall-C software.
+* Module:   s_print_tar_tracks
+* Version:  0.1 (In development)  18-Nov-1993 (DHP)
+* Abstract: Dump selected track data in SOS_TARGET common block.
+* Author:   David H. Potterveld, Argonne National Lab, Nov. 1993
+* modified  D. F. Geesaman     21 Jan 94
+*              changed name for s_target_dump to s_print_tar_tracks
+*              made output lun sluno
+* $Log: s_print_tar_tracks.f,v $
+* Revision 1.3  1995/05/22 19:45:46  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.2  1994/05/13  03:20:37  cdaq
+* (DFG) Check for more than zero tracks
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/21  16:38:38  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+! Include files.
+      include 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'sos_tracking.cmn'
+! Misc. variables.
+      integer*4 itrk
+* ============================= Executable Code ===============================
+      if(sntracks_tar .gt. 0 ) then
+! Write out header.
+        write (sluno,1001) 'SOS TARGET TRACKS'
+	write (sluno,1002)
+! Loop over tracks.
+        do itrk = 1,sntracks_tar
+! Write out data lines.
+          write (sluno,1003) itrk,
+     >         sx_tar(itrk),sxp_tar(itrk),
+     >         sy_tar(itrk),syp_tar(itrk),
+     >         sz_tar(itrk),
+     >         sdelta_tar(itrk),
+     >         sp_tar(itrk)
+	enddo
+      endif
+      return
+* ============================ Format Statements ==============================
+ 1001 format(a)
+ 1002 format(/,1x,'TRK',t10,'SX_TAR',t20,'SXP_TAR',t30,'SY_TAR',t40
+     $     ,'SYP_TAR',t50,'SZ_TAR',t60,'SDELTA_TAR',t72,'SP_TAR')
+ 1003 format(1x,i2,t8,3(f10.6,f10.5),f10.5)
+	end
diff --git a/STRACKING/s_print_tracks.f b/STRACKING/s_print_tracks.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b28485
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/s_print_tracks.f
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+      subroutine s_print_tracks
+*     prints the output of track matching
+*     d.f. geesaman           7 Sept 1993
+* $Log: s_print_tracks.f,v $
+* Revision 1.3  1995/05/22 19:45:47  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.2  1994/06/07  04:43:40  cdaq
+* (DFG) print warning if ssingle_stub is set
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/21  16:40:41  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      include "sos_data_structures.cmn"
+      include "sos_tracking.cmn"
+      external S_DPSIFUN
+      real*8 S_DPSIFUN
+*     local variables
+      integer*4 itrack,ihit
+      integer*4 hitnum,planenum
+      real*8 ray(snum_fpray_param),calculated_position,residual
+      if( then
+         if( then
+            write(sluno,'(''  Warning - ssingle_stub is set'')')
+         endif
+         write(sluno,'('' point     x_t             y_t     '',
+     &        ''        xp_t        yp_t   chi**2 degrees of'')')
+         write(sluno,'(''           [cm]            [cm]    '',
+     &        ''        [rad]       [rad]          freedom'')')
+         do itrack=1,SNTRACKS_FP
+ 1001       format(1x,i3,2x,4e14.6,e10.3,1x,i3)
+            write(sluno,1001) itrack,SX_FP(itrack),SY_FP(itrack),
+     &           SXP_FP(itrack),SYP_FP(itrack),SCHI2_FP(itrack),
+     &           SNFREE_FP(itrack)
+         enddo
+         do itrack=1,SNTRACKS_FP
+            strack_fit_num=itrack
+            ray(1)=dble(SX_FP(itrack))
+            ray(2)=dble(SY_FP(itrack))
+            ray(3)=dble(SXP_FP(itrack))
+            ray(4)=dble(SYP_FP(itrack))
+            write(sluno,'(a,i3)') ' Hits in SOS track number',itrack
+            write(sluno,'(a)') 
+     &           '   hit  plane  SDC_WIRE_COORD   FIT POSITION    RESIDUAL'
+            do ihit=1,SNTRACK_HITS(itrack,1)
+               hitnum=SNTRACK_HITS(itrack,ihit+1)
+               planenum=SDC_PLANE_NUM(hitnum)
+               calculated_position=S_DPSIFUN(ray,planenum)
+               residual=dble(SDC_WIRE_COORD(hitnum))-calculated_position
+               write(sluno,1011) hitnum,planenum,SDC_WIRE_COORD(hitnum),
+     &              calculated_position,residual
+ 1011          format(3x,i3,3x,i3,3x,e15.7,2d15.7)
+            enddo
+         enddo
+      endif
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/STRACKING/s_prt_cal_clusters.f b/STRACKING/s_prt_cal_clusters.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..65e0aad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/s_prt_cal_clusters.f
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+      subroutine s_prt_cal_clusters
+*-      Dumps the calorimeter cluster data
+*-      Created: 20 Mar 1994      Tsolak A. Amatuni
+*-      Modified 25 Mar 1994      DFG
+*-                                change name and lun
+* $Log: s_prt_cal_clusters.f,v $
+* Revision 1.3  1999/01/29 17:34:58  saw
+* Add variables for second tubes on shower counter
+* Revision 1.2  1995/05/22 19:45:47  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.1  1994/04/13  18:19:30  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      save
+      integer*4 nh      !Hit number
+      integer*4 nc      !Cluster number
+      include 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'sos_calorimeter.cmn'
+      include 'sos_tracking.cmn'
+      write(slun_dbg_cal,10) snclusters_cal
+   10 format(///'      SOS Calorimeter Cluster Data', /,
+     &          '      Total Number of Clusters:',i3,//,
+     &          ' Hit #   Cluster #')
+      if(scal_num_hits.le.0) return
+*-----Print the link pointer to cluster number
+      do nh=1,scal_num_hits
+         write(slun_dbg_cal,20) nh,scluster_hit(nh)
+   20    format(i5,7x,i5)
+      enddo
+      if(snclusters_cal.le.0) return
+*-----Print the cluster parameters
+      write(slun_dbg_cal,30)
+   30 format(/,
+     &' Cluster',/,
+     &' #(size)    XC[cm]  E1[GeV]  E2[GeV]  E3[GeV]  E4[GeV]  ET[GeV]] E1_POS[GeV] E1_NEG[GeV] E2_POS[GeV] E2_NEG[GeV] ')
+      if(snclusters_cal.le.0) return
+      do nc=1,snclusters_cal
+         write(slun_dbg_cal,40)
+     &   nc,
+     &   scluster_size(nc),
+     &   scluster_xc(nc),
+     &   scluster_e1(nc),
+     &   scluster_e2(nc),
+     &   scluster_e3(nc),
+     &   scluster_e4(nc),
+     &   scluster_et(nc),
+     &   scluster_e1_pos(nc),
+     &   scluster_e1_neg(nc),
+     &   scluster_e2_pos(nc),
+     &   scluster_e2_neg(nc)
+   40    format(i3,'(',i3,')',4x,f6.2,5(1x,f8.4))
+      enddo
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/STRACKING/s_prt_cal_decoded.f b/STRACKING/s_prt_cal_decoded.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c289bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/s_prt_cal_decoded.f
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+      subroutine s_prt_cal_decoded
+*-      Dumps the decoded calorimeter data
+*-      Created: 19 Mar 1994      Tsolak A. Amatuni
+*-      Modified: 25 March 1994   DFG
+*-                                Change name
+*-                                Change lun
+* $Log: s_prt_cal_decoded.f,v $
+* Revision 1.2  1995/05/22 19:45:48  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.1  1994/04/13  18:19:52  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      save
+      integer*4 hit      !Hit number
+      include 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'sos_calorimeter.cmn'
+      include 'sos_tracking.cmn'
+      write(slun_dbg_cal,10) snhits_cal
+   10 format(///'          SOS Calorimeter Decoded Data      ',/,
+     &          '             Total Number of Hits:',i4,      //,
+     &          ' Hit #   X[cm]   Z[cm]   Energy Deposition[GeV]')
+      if(snhits_cal.le.0) return
+      do hit=1,snhits_cal
+         write(slun_dbg_cal,20)
+     &   hit,sblock_xc(hit),sblock_zc(hit),sblock_de(hit)
+   20    format(i5,3x,f6.2,1x,f7.2,5x,f9.4)
+      enddo
+      write(slun_dbg_cal,30) scal_e1,scal_e2,scal_e3,scal_e4,scal_et
+   30 format( /,' Column #   Energy Deposition[GeV]',/,
+     &          '    1         ',f9.4               ,/,
+     &          '    2         ',f9.4               ,/,
+     &          '    3         ',f9.4               ,/,
+     &          '    4         ',f9.4               ,/,
+     &          '        Total:',f9.4)
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/STRACKING/s_prt_cal_raw.f b/STRACKING/s_prt_cal_raw.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..95cfbab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/s_prt_cal_raw.f
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+      subroutine s_prt_cal_raw
+*-      Dumps the raw calorimeter data
+*-      Created: 19 Mar 1994      Tsolak A. Amatuni
+*-      Modified 25 Mar 1994      DFG
+*-                                Change name
+*-                                Change lun
+*-                7 Apr 1994      DFG  Change print order
+* $Log: s_prt_cal_raw.f,v $
+* Revision 1.4  1999/01/29 17:34:59  saw
+* Add variables for second tubes on shower counter
+* Revision 1.3  1995/08/31 20:41:54  cdaq
+* (JRA) Subtract pedestal in raw data dump
+* Revision 1.2  1995/05/22  19:45:48  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.1  1994/04/13  18:20:03  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      save
+      integer*4 hit      !Hit number
+      integer*4 row,col,nb
+      real*4 adc_pos, adc_neg
+      include 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'sos_calorimeter.cmn'
+      include 'sos_tracking.cmn'
+      write(slun_dbg_cal,10) scal_tot_hits
+   10 format(///'      SOS Calorimeter Raw Data      ',/,
+     &          '      Total Number of Hits:',i3,     //,
+     &          ' Hit #   Column #   Row #   ADC Value')
+      if(scal_tot_hits.le.0) return
+      do hit=1,scal_tot_hits
+        row=scal_row(hit)
+        col=scal_column(hit)
+        nb =row+smax_cal_rows*(col-1)
+        adc_pos=float(scal_adc_pos(hit))-scal_pos_ped_mean(nb)
+        adc_neg=float(scal_adc_neg(hit))-scal_neg_ped_mean(nb)
+        if(col.le.scal_num_neg_columns) then
+          write(slun_dbg_cal,20)
+     &         hit,scal_column(hit),scal_row(hit),adc_pos,adc_neg
+ 20       format(i5,3x,i5,4x,i5,7x,2f8.1)
+        else
+          write(slun_dbg_cal,20)
+     &         hit,scal_column(hit),scal_row(hit),adc_pos
+        endif
+      enddo
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/STRACKING/s_prt_cal_sparsified.f b/STRACKING/s_prt_cal_sparsified.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c761e89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/s_prt_cal_sparsified.f
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+      subroutine s_prt_cal_sparsified
+*-      Dumps the sparsified calorimeter data
+*-      Created: 19 Mar 1994      Tsolak A. Amatuni
+*-      Modified 25 Mar 1994      DFG
+*-                                change name and lun
+* $Log: s_prt_cal_sparsified.f,v $
+* Revision 1.3  1999/01/29 17:34:59  saw
+* Add variables for second tubes on shower counter
+* Revision 1.2  1995/05/22 19:45:49  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.1  1994/04/13  18:20:30  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      save
+      integer*4 hit      !Hit number
+      include 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'sos_calorimeter.cmn'
+      include 'sos_tracking.cmn'
+      write(slun_dbg_cal,10) scal_num_hits
+   10 format(///'   SOS Calorimeter Sparsified Data   ',/,
+     &          '      Total Number of Hits:',i7,      //,
+     &          ' Hit #   Row #   Column #   ADC - PED')
+      if(scal_num_hits.le.0) return
+      do hit=1,scal_num_hits
+         write(slun_dbg_cal,20)
+     &   hit,scal_rows(hit),scal_cols(hit),scal_adcs_pos(hit)
+     &   ,scal_adcs_neg(hit)
+   20    format(i5,3x,i5,4x,i5,6x,2f8.2)
+      enddo
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/STRACKING/s_prt_cal_tests.f b/STRACKING/s_prt_cal_tests.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..54b72b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/s_prt_cal_tests.f
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+      subroutine s_prt_cal_tests
+*-      Dumps the calorimeter particle ID information
+*-      Created: 20 Mar 1994      Tsolak A. Amatuni
+*-      Modified 25 Mar 1994      DFG
+*-                                Change name and lun
+* $Log: s_prt_cal_tests.f,v $
+* Revision 1.2  1995/05/22 19:45:49  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.1  1994/04/13  18:20:44  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      save
+      integer*4 nt      !Detector track number
+      include 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'sos_calorimeter.cmn'
+      include 'sos_tracking.cmn'
+      write(slun_dbg_cal,10) sntracks_fp
+   10 format(///'      SOS Calorimeter Particle ID Quantities', /,
+     &          '         Total Number of Detector Tracks:',i3,//,
+     &' Track #  N-blocks  E1[GeV]  E2[GeV]  E3[GeV]  E4[GeV]  Et[GeV]')
+      if(sntracks_fp.le.0) return
+      do nt=1,sntracks_fp
+         write(slun_dbg_cal,20)
+     &   nt,
+     &   snblocks_cal(nt),
+     &   strack_e1(nt),
+     &   strack_e2(nt),
+     &   strack_e3(nt),
+     &   strack_e4(nt),
+     &   strack_et(nt)
+   20    format(3x,i5,5x,i5,5(1x,f8.4))
+      enddo
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/STRACKING/s_prt_cal_tracks.f b/STRACKING/s_prt_cal_tracks.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e4fdbb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/s_prt_cal_tracks.f
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+      subroutine s_prt_cal_tracks
+*-      Dumps the calorimeter track quantities
+*-      Created: 20 Mar 1994      Tsolak A. Amatuni
+*-      Modified 25 Mar 1994      DFG
+*-                                Change name and lun
+* $Log: s_prt_cal_tracks.f,v $
+* Revision 1.2  1995/05/22 19:45:49  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.1  1994/04/13  18:21:11  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      save
+      integer*4 nt      !Detector track number
+      include 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'sos_calorimeter.cmn'
+      include 'sos_tracking.cmn'
+      write(slun_dbg_cal,10) sntracks_fp
+   10 format(///'      SOS  Calorimeter  Track  Quantities', /,
+     &          '      Total Number of Detector Tracks:',i3,//,
+     &          ' Track #   Cluster #   X[cm]   Y[cm]')
+      if(sntracks_fp.le.0) return
+      do nt=1,sntracks_fp
+         write(slun_dbg_cal,20)
+     &   nt,scluster_track(nt),strack_xc(nt),strack_yc(nt)
+   20    format(3x,i5,7x,i5,2(2x,f6.2))
+      enddo
+      write(slun_dbg_cal,30) sntracks_cal
+   30 format(' Total Number of Calorimeter Tracks:',i3)
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/STRACKING/s_prt_dec_scin.f b/STRACKING/s_prt_dec_scin.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4126941
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/s_prt_dec_scin.f
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+       SUBROUTINE  s_prt_dec_scin(ABORT,err)
+*-   Purpose and Methods : Dump SOS_DECODED_SCIN BANKS
+*-      Required Input BANKS     SOS_DECODED_SCIN
+*-   Output: ABORT           - success or failure
+*-         : err             - reason for failure, if any
+*-   Created 29-FEB-1994   D. F. Geesaman
+* $Log: s_prt_dec_scin.f,v $
+* Revision 1.7  1996/01/17 19:00:09  cdaq
+* (JRA)
+* Revision 1.6  1995/05/22 19:45:50  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.5  1995/04/06  19:40:51  cdaq
+* (SAW) Fix typo
+* Revision 1.4  1995/02/10  19:57:47  cdaq
+* (JRA) Make sscin_all_adc_pos/neg floating
+* Revision 1.4  1995/02/10  19:13:11  cdaq
+* (JRA) Make sscin_all_adc_pos/neg floating
+* Revision 1.3  1994/11/23  13:56:18  cdaq
+* (SPB) Recopied from hms file and modified names for SOS
+* Revision 1.2  1994/05/13  03:22:48  cdaq
+* (DFG) Fix logical format statement
+* Revision 1.1  1994/04/13  18:21:29  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      SAVE
+      character*50 here
+      parameter (here= 's_prt_dec_scin')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      integer*4 j
+      include 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'gen_constants.par'
+      include 'gen_units.par'
+      include 'sos_tracking.cmn'
+      ABORT = .FALSE.
+      err = ' '
+      write(sluno,'(''        ***SOS_REAL_SCIN BANKS***'')')
+      write(sluno,'(''     SSCIN_TOT_HITS='',I4)') SSCIN_TOT_HITS
+      if(SSCIN_TOT_HITS.GT.0) then
+        write(sluno,'('' Num  Plane    Counter        ADC_POS'',
+     &       ''ADC_NEG  TDC_POS  TDC_NEG'')')
+        write(sluno,'(1x,i2,2x,i3,5x,i4,8x,2f8.2,2i8)')
+     &       (j,SSCIN_PLANE_NUM(j),SSCIN_COUNTER_NUM(j),
+     &       SSCIN_ADC_POS(j),SSCIN_ADC_NEG(j),
+     &       SSCIN_TDC_POS(j),SSCIN_TDC_NEG(j),
+     &       j=1,SSCIN_TOT_HITS )
+      endif
+      write(sluno,'(''        SOS_DECODED_SCIN BANKS'')')
+      if(SSCIN_TOT_HITS.GT.0) then
+         write(sluno,'('' Scintillator hits per plane'')')
+         write(sluno,'('' Plane  '',10i4)') (j,j=1,SNUM_SCIN_PLANES)   
+         write(sluno,'('' Number '',10i4)') 
+         write(sluno,'('' Num     ZPOS    CENTER  HIT_COORD  SLOP'',
+     &        ''   COR_TDC  TWO_GOOD'')')
+         write(sluno,'(1x,i2,2x,4f9.3,f10.3,4x,l2)')
+     &        (j,SSCIN_ZPOS(j),SSCIN_CENTER_COORD(j),
+     &        SSCIN_DEC_HIT_COORD(j),
+     &        SSCIN_SLOP(j),SSCIN_COR_TIME(j),
+     &        STWO_GOOD_TIMES(j), 
+     &        j=1,SSCIN_TOT_HITS)    
+         write(sluno,'('' SGOOD_START_TIME='', l2)')
+     &        SGOOD_START_TIME
+         write(sluno,'('' SSTART_TIME='',e10.4)') SSTART_TIME 
+         write(sluno,*)
+      endif
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/STRACKING/s_prt_raw_scin.f b/STRACKING/s_prt_raw_scin.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5276d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/s_prt_raw_scin.f
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+      SUBROUTINE s_prt_raw_scin(ABORT,err)
+*-   Purpose and Methods : Dump SOS_RAW_SCIN BANKS
+*-      Required Input BANKS     SOS_RAW_SCIN
+*-   Output: ABORT           - success or failure
+*-         : err             - reason for failure, if any
+*-   Created 29-FEB-1994   D. F. Geesaman
+* $Log: s_prt_raw_scin.f,v $
+* Revision 1.6  2003/09/05 19:58:29  jones
+* Merge in online03 changes (mkj)
+* Revision  2003/04/10 12:42:26  cdaq
+* Print out additional info on raw scint
+* Revision 1.5  1995/07/20 18:59:35  cdaq
+* (SAW) Fix format
+* Revision 1.4  1995/05/22  19:45:50  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.3  1995/04/06  19:42:03  cdaq
+* Revision 1.2  1994/11/23  13:56:57  cdaq
+* (SPB) Recopied from hms file and modified names for SOS
+* Revision 1.1  1994/04/13  18:21:45  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      SAVE
+      character*50 here
+      parameter (here= 's_prt_raw_scin')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      integer*4 j
+      include 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'gen_constants.par'
+      include 'gen_units.par'
+      include 'sos_tracking.cmn'
+      include 'sos_scin_parms.cmn'
+      ABORT = .FALSE.
+      err = ' '
+      write(sluno,'(''        SOS_RAW_SCIN BANKS'')')
+      write(sluno,'(''     SSCIN_ALL_TOT_HITS='',I4)') SSCIN_ALL_TOT_HITS
+      if(SSCIN_ALL_TOT_HITS.GT.0) then
+        write(sluno,'('' Num  Plane    Counter      ADC_POS  ''
+     &       '' ADC_NEG  TDC_POS  TDC_NEG'')')
+        write(sluno,'(1x,i2,2x,i3,7x,i4,8x,2f8.1,2i8)')
+     &       (SSCIN_ALL_ADC_POS(j)
+     $       -SSCIN_ALL_PED_POS(sscin_all_plane_num(j)
+     $       ,sscin_all_counter_num(j)))
+     $       ,(SSCIN_ALL_ADC_NEG(j)
+     $       -SSCIN_ALL_PED_NEG(sscin_all_plane_num(j)
+     $       ,sscin_all_counter_num(j)))
+     $       ,SSCIN_ALL_TDC_POS(j)
+     $       ,SSCIN_ALL_TDC_NEG(j),j=1,SSCIN_ALL_TOT_HITS )
+        write(sluno,'('' Num  Plane    Counter    RAW_ADC_+ ''
+     &       ''RAW_ADC_-  PED_POS  PED_NEG'')')
+        write(sluno,'(3i5,4f10.2)')
+     &       float(SSCIN_ALL_ADC_POS(j)),
+     $       float(SSCIN_ALL_ADC_NEG(j)),
+     $       SSCIN_ALL_PED_POS(sscin_all_plane_num(j),sscin_all_counter_num(j)),
+     $       SSCIN_ALL_PED_NEG(sscin_all_plane_num(j),sscin_all_counter_num(j)),
+     $       j=1,SSCIN_ALL_TOT_HITS )
+      endif
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/STRACKING/s_prt_tof.f b/STRACKING/s_prt_tof.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..68df2a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/s_prt_tof.f
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+      subroutine s_prt_tof(itrk)
+* author: John Arrington
+* created: 3/27/94
+* s_prt_tof dumps the sos_scin_tof bank.
+* modifications:
+* $Log: s_prt_tof.f,v $
+* Revision 1.3  1995/05/22 19:45:51  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.2  1994/11/23  13:57:39  cdaq
+* (SPB) Recopied from hms file and modified names for SOS
+* Revision 1.1  1994/04/13  18:22:01  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      include 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'sos_scin_parms.cmn'
+      include 'sos_scin_tof.cmn'
+      include 'sos_tracking.cmn'
+      integer*4 ihit, itrk
+      save
+      write(sluno,'(''              ***S_SCIN_TOF BANK***'')')
+      write(sluno,'(''        TRACK NUMBER'',i3)') itrk
+      write(sluno,'(''POSITION/CALIBRATION VARIABLES:'')')
+      write(sluno,'(''  +coord  -coord '',
+     &     '' pos_dt  neg_dt  +sigma  +sigma'')')
+      do ihit=1,sscin_tot_hits
+        write(sluno,'(f8.3,f8.3,2f8.3,2f8.3)')
+     &       sscin_pos_coord(ihit), sscin_neg_coord(ihit),
+     &       sscin_neg_time_offset(ihit), sscin_pos_time_offset(ihit),
+     &       sscin_pos_sigma(ihit), sscin_neg_sigma(ihit)
+      enddo
+      write(sluno,'(''  long_coord trans_coord    +time    -time'',
+     &     '' scin_time scin_sig  on_track  time@fp'')')
+      do ihit=1,sscin_tot_hits
+        write(sluno,'(2f12.4,2f9.3,2f10.3,l2,f10.3)')
+     &       sscin_long_coord(ihit), sscin_trans_coord(ihit),
+     &       sscin_pos_time(ihit), sscin_neg_time(ihit),
+     &       sscin_time(ihit),  sscin_sigma(ihit),
+     &       sscin_on_track(itrk,ihit),sscin_time_fp(ihit)
+      enddo
+      write(sluno,'(''  trk  beta     chisq_beta  fp_time '',
+     &     ''num_scin_hit'')')
+      write(sluno,'(i4,f8.4,f14.3,f9.3,i8)') itrk,
+     &     sbeta(itrk), sbeta_chisq(itrk), stime_at_fp(itrk),
+     &     snum_scin_hit(itrk)
+      write(sluno,*)
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/STRACKING/s_prt_track_tests.f b/STRACKING/s_prt_track_tests.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..040ec74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/s_prt_track_tests.f
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+        subroutine s_prt_track_tests
+* author: John Arrington
+* created: 3/28/94
+* s_prt_track_tests dumps the sos_track_tests bank.
+* modifications:
+* $Log: s_prt_track_tests.f,v $
+* Revision 1.2  1995/05/22 19:45:52  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.1  1994/04/13  18:22:19  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+        implicit none
+        include 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+        include 'sos_scin_parms.cmn'
+        include 'sos_scin_tof.cmn'
+        include 'sos_tracking.cmn'
+        logical abort
+        integer*4 ihit, itrk
+        character*1024 errmsg
+        character*25 here
+        parameter (here = 's_prt_track_tests')
+        save
+       if( then
+        write(sluno,'(''        SOS_TRACK_TESTS BANK'')')
+        write(sluno,'(''SHOWER COUNTER TESTS'')')
+        write(sluno,'(''  num_blks   plane1   plane2   plane3   plane4'', 
+     &        ''    shtrk    prtrk'')')
+        do itrk=1, sntracks_fp
+          write(sluno,'(i10,6f9.3)') snblocks_cal(itrk), 
+     &          strack_e1(itrk), strack_e2(itrk),
+     &          strack_e3(itrk), strack_e4(itrk),
+     &          strack_et(itrk), strack_preshower_e(itrk)
+        enddo
+        write(sluno,'(''SCIN/CERENKOV TESTS'')')
+        write(sluno,'(''  trk   beta  chisq_beta  fp_time  '',
+     &        ''num_scin_hit'')')
+        do itrk=1, sntracks_fp
+          write(sluno,'(i4,f8.4,f10.4,f9.3,i12)') itrk,
+     &          sbeta(itrk), sbeta_chisq(itrk), stime_at_fp(itrk),
+     &          snum_scin_hit(itrk)
+        enddo
+        do itrk=1, sntracks_fp
+          write(sluno,'(''hits on track number'',i3,'', and dE/dx:'')') itrk
+          write(sluno,'(16i6)') 
+     &       (sscin_hit(itrk,ihit),ihit=1,snum_scin_hit(itrk))
+          write(sluno,'(16f6.1)') 
+     &       (sdedx(itrk,ihit),ihit=1,snum_scin_hit(itrk))
+        enddo
+       endif         ! end check on zero focal plane tracks
+        return
+        end
diff --git a/STRACKING/s_psifun.f b/STRACKING/s_psifun.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..97e71a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/s_psifun.f
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+      function s_psifun(ray,iplane)
+*     this function calculates the psi coordinate of the intersection
+*     of a ray (defined by ray) with a wire chamber plane. the geometry
+*     of the plane is contained in the coeff array calculated in the
+*     array splane_coeff
+*     the ray is defined by
+*     x = (z-zt)*tan(xp) + xt
+*     y = (z-zt)*tan(yp) + yt
+*      at some fixed value of zt*
+*     ray(1) = xt
+*     ray(2) = yt
+*     ray(3) = tan(xp)
+*     ray(4) = tan(yp)
+*     d.f. geesaman                   1 September 1993
+* $Log: s_psifun.f,v $
+* Revision 1.2  1995/05/22 19:45:53  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/21  16:40:53  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      include "sos_data_structures.cmn"
+      include "sos_geometry.cmn"
+*     input
+      real*4 ray(4)           ! xt,yt,xpt,ypt
+      integer*4 iplane        ! plane number
+*     output
+      real*4 S_PSIFUN         ! value of psi coordinate of hit of ray in plane
+*     local variables   
+      real*4 denom,infinity,cinfinity
+      parameter (infinity = 1.0d20)
+      parameter (cinfinity = 1/infinity)
+      S_PSIFUN =  ray(3)*ray(2)*splane_coeff(1,iplane) 
+     &        + ray(4)*ray(1)*splane_coeff(2,iplane)
+     &        + ray(3)*splane_coeff(3,iplane) 
+     &        + ray(4)*splane_coeff(4,iplane)
+     &        + ray(1)*splane_coeff(5,iplane) 
+     &        + ray(2)*splane_coeff(6,iplane)
+      denom = ray(3)*splane_coeff(7,iplane) 
+     &      + ray(4)*splane_coeff(8,iplane) + splane_coeff(9,iplane)
+      if(abs(denom).lt.cinfinity) then
+          S_PSIFUN=infinity
+      else
+          S_PSIFUN = S_PSIFUN/denom
+      endif
+      return
+      end  
diff --git a/STRACKING/s_raw_dump_all.f b/STRACKING/s_raw_dump_all.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f357c57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/s_raw_dump_all.f
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+       SUBROUTINE  s_raw_dump_all(ABORT,err)
+*-   Purpose and Methods : Dump all raw SOS banks
+*-      Required Input BANKS     SOS_RAW_SCIN,SOS_RAW_CAL,SOS_RAW_DC
+*-   Output: ABORT           - success or failure
+*-         : err             - reason for failure, if any
+*-   Created 5-APR-1994   D. F. Geesaman
+* $Log: s_raw_dump_all.f,v $
+* Revision 1.2  1995/05/22 19:45:53  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.1  1994/04/13  16:07:03  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+       SAVE
+       character*50 here
+       parameter (here= 's_raw_dump_all')
+       logical ABORT
+       character*(*) err
+       include 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+       include 'sos_scin_parms.cmn'
+       include 'sos_tracking.cmn'
+       include 'sos_calorimeter.cmn'
+       ABORT = .FALSE.
+       err = ' '
+*  Dump raw bank if sdebugprintscinraw is set
+        if( sdebugprintscinraw .ne. 0) then
+          call s_prt_raw_scin(ABORT,err)
+        endif
+        if( call s_prt_cal_raw
+*       call s_prt_raw_cer
+*      Dump raw bank if debug flag set
+       if( then
+          call s_print_raw_dc(ABORT,err)
+       endif
+       RETURN
+       END
diff --git a/STRACKING/s_reconstruction.f b/STRACKING/s_reconstruction.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..354a0e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/s_reconstruction.f
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+      SUBROUTINE S_reconstruction(ABORT,err)
+*-       Prototype C analysis routine
+*-   Purpose and Methods : reconstruction of SOS quantities 
+*-   Output: ABORT              - success or failure
+*-         : err             - reason for failure, if any
+* $Log: s_reconstruction.f,v $
+* Revision 1.13  1996/11/07 19:53:12  saw
+* (WH) Add lucite information
+* Revision 1.12  1996/09/05 20:13:45  saw
+* (JRA) Add sbypass_track_eff
+* Revision 1.11  1996/04/30 17:14:36  saw
+* (JRA) Add call to aerogel routine
+* Revision 1.10  1995/10/10 17:33:31  cdaq
+* (JRA) Don't make an error just because no track is found
+* Revision 1.9  1995/08/31 20:43:03  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add call to s_trans_cer
+* Revision 1.8  1995/05/22  19:45:54  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.7  1995/05/11  21:07:26  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add call to s_trans_misc
+* Revision 1.6  1995/04/06  19:42:47  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add call to s_select_best_track before s_physics
+* Revision 1.5  1994/06/07  04:46:21  cdaq
+* (DFG) add s_recon_num and bypass switches
+* Revision 1.4  1994/05/13  03:34:52  cdaq
+* (DFG) Put s_prt_track_tests here. Remove from s_tof
+* Revision 1.3  1994/04/13  18:30:40  cdaq
+* (DFG) add call to s_raw_dump_all and comment out some returns after ABORT's
+* Revision 1.2  1994/02/22  15:56:17  cdaq
+* (DFG) Replace with real version
+* (SAW) Move to TRACKING directory
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/04  22:16:44  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+*- All standards are from "Proposal for Hall C Analysis Software
+*- Vade Mecum, Draft 1.0" by D.F.Geesamn and S.Wood, 7 May 1993
+      SAVE
+      character*16 here
+      parameter (here= 'S_reconstruction')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_constants.par'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_units.par'
+      include 'sos_scin_parms.cmn'
+      include 'sos_bypass_switches.cmn'
+      include 'sos_statistics.cmn'
+*     local variables
+      integer*4 istat
+ccc      ABORT= .TRUE.
+ccc      err= ':no events analyzed!'
+* increment reconstructed number
+c      s_recon_num= s_recon_num + 1
+*     dump all raw data
+      call s_raw_dump_all(ABORT,err)
+      if(ABORT) then
+         call g_add_path(here,err)
+         return
+      endif
+      If(sbypass_trans_scin.eq.0) then
+        call S_TRANS_SCIN(ABORT,err)
+        if(ABORT)  then
+           call G_add_path(here,err)
+*          return
+        endif                                     ! end test on SCIN ABORT
+      endif                              ! end test on sbypass_trans_scin
+      If(sbypass_trans_scin.eq.0) then
+         call S_TRANS_MISC(ABORT,err)
+         if(ABORT)  then
+            call G_add_path(here,err)
+*     return
+         endif                          ! end test on SCIN ABORT
+      endif                             ! end test on hbypass_trans_scin
+      If(sbypass_trans_cer.eq.0) then
+         call S_TRANS_CER(ABORT,err)
+         if(ABORT)  then
+            call G_add_path(here,err)
+*            return
+         endif                          ! end test on CER ABORT
+      endif                             ! end test on sbypass_trans_cer
+      if(sbypass_trans_cal.eq.0) then
+        call S_TRANS_CAL(ABORT,err)
+        if(ABORT)   then
+         call G_add_path(here,err)
+*         return
+        endif                                     ! end test on CAL ABORT
+      endif                                    ! end test on sbypass_trans_cal
+      if(sbypass_trans_dc.eq.0) then
+        call S_TRANS_DC(ABORT,err)
+        if(ABORT) then
+          call G_add_path(here,err)
+          return
+        endif                                     ! end test on S_TRANS_DC ABORT
+      endif                                     ! end test on sbypass_trans_dc
+      if(sbypass_track.eq.0) then
+        call S_TRACK(ABORT,err)
+        if(ABORT)  then
+           call G_add_path(here,err)
+           return
+        endif                                     ! end test on S_TRACK ABORT
+        if(sbypass_track_eff.eq.0) then
+          call s_track_tests
+        endif                           ! end test on sbypass_trackeff
+      endif                               ! end test on sbypass_track
+*     only proceed if the number of tracks is greater than one
+      if(SNTRACKS_FP .lt. 1) then
+c         don't want error message every time a track is not found.
+c         ABORT=.FALSE.
+c         err=":no tracks found!"
+         return
+      else
+*     Proceed if one or more track has been found
+*     Project tracks back to target
+       if(sbypass_targ_trans.eq. 0) then
+         call S_TARG_TRANS(ABORT,err,istat)
+         if(ABORT) then
+            call G_add_path(here,err)
+            return
+         endif                                  ! end test on S_TARG_TRANS ABORT
+       endif                                 ! end test on sbypass_target_trans
+*     Now begin to process particle identification information
+*     First scintillator and time of flight
+       if(sbypass_tof.eq.0) then
+         call S_TOF(ABORT,err)
+         if(ABORT) then
+            call G_add_path(here,err)
+            return
+         endif                                  ! end test of S_TOF ABORT
+       endif                                    ! end test on sbypass_tof
+*      Next Calorimeter information
+       if(sbypass_cal.eq.0) then
+         call S_CAL(ABORT,err)
+         if(ABORT) then
+            call G_add_path(here,err)
+            return
+         endif                                  ! end test of S_CAL ABORT
+       endif                                    ! end test on sbypass_cal
+*     Next Cerenkov information
+       if(sbypass_cer.eq.0) then
+         call S_CER(ABORT,err)
+         if(ABORT) then
+            call G_add_path(here,err)
+*            return
+         endif                                  ! end test of S_CER ABORT
+       endif                                    ! end test on sbypass_cer
+*     Next Aerogel Cerenkov information
+       if(sbypass_aero.eq.0) then
+         call S_AERO(ABORT,err)
+         if(ABORT) then
+            call G_add_path(here,err)
+*            return
+         endif                                  ! end test of S_AERO ABORT
+       endif                                    ! end test on sbypass_aero
+*     Next Lucite Cerenkov information
+       if(sbypass_lucite.eq.0) then
+         call S_LUCITe(ABORT,err)
+         if(ABORT) then
+            call G_add_path(here,err)
+*            return
+         endif                                  ! end test of S_LUCITE ABORT
+       endif                                    ! end test on sbypass_lucite
+*     Dump SOS_TRACK_TESTS if sdebugprinttracktests is set
+          if( sdebugprinttracktests .ne. 0 ) then
+            call s_prt_track_tests
+          endif
+*     Combine results in SOS physics analysis
+         if(sbypass_track.eq.0) then
+           call s_select_best_track(abort,err)
+           if(ABORT) then
+             call G_add_path(here,err)
+             return
+           endif
+         endif
+        if(sbypass_physics.eq.0) then
+         call S_PHYSICS(ABORT,err)
+         if(ABORT) then
+            call G_add_path(here,err)
+*            return
+         endif                                  ! end test of S_PHYSICS ABORT
+        endif                                   ! end test on sbypass_physics
+      endif                                     ! end test no tracks found       
+*     Successful return
+      ABORT=.FALSE.
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/STRACKING/s_register_param.f b/STRACKING/s_register_param.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a94e3e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/s_register_param.f
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+      SUBROUTINE s_register_param(ABORT,err)
+*-   Purpose and Methods : Initializes SOS quantities 
+*-   Output: ABORT           - success or failure
+*-         : err             - reason for failure, if any
+*-   Created  8-Nov-1993   Kevin B. Beard
+*-   Modified 20-Nov-1993  KBB for new errors
+*-            14 Feb-1994  DFG Put in real variables
+*- All standards are from "Proposal for Hall C Analysis Software
+*- Vade Mecum, Draft 1.0" by D.F.Geesamn and S.Wood, 7 May 1993
+* $Log: s_register_param.f,v $
+* Revision 1.11  1996/11/07 19:53:37  saw
+* (WH) Add lucite parameters
+* Revision 1.10  1996/04/30 17:15:12  saw
+* (JRA) Register Aerogel variables
+* Revision 1.9  1995/08/31 20:43:41  cdaq
+* (JRA) Register Cerenkov variables
+* Revision 1.8  1995/05/17  16:43:28  cdaq
+* (JRA) Register pedestal variables
+* Revision 1.7  1994/08/18  03:59:50  cdaq
+* (SAW) Call makereg generated routines to register variables
+* Revision 1.6  1994/06/07  03:01:22  cdaq
+* (DFG) add call to register bypass switches and statistics
+* Revision 1.5  1994/03/24  19:54:54  cdaq
+* (DFG) Put actual registering of variables in subroutines
+* Revision 1.4  1994/02/23  15:39:50  cdaq
+* (SAW) ABORT now when ierr.NE.0
+* Revision 1.3  1994/02/22  20:39:28  cdaq
+* (SAW) Fix booboo
+* Revision 1.2  1994/02/22  18:52:19  cdaq
+* (SAW) Move regpar declarations to gen_routines.dec.  Make title arg null.
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/22  18:42:21  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      SAVE
+      character*16 here
+      parameter (here= 's_register_param')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      err= ' '
+      ABORT = .false.
+*     register tracking variables
+      call r_sos_tracking
+      call r_sos_geometry
+      call r_sos_track_histid
+      call r_sos_recon_elements
+      call r_sos_physics_sing
+*     register cal, tof and cer variables
+      call r_sos_scin_parms
+      call r_sos_scin_tof
+      call r_sos_cer_parms
+      call r_sos_aero_parms
+      call r_sos_lucite_parms
+      call r_sos_calorimeter
+      call r_sos_id_histid
+*     register bypass switches
+      call r_sos_bypass_switches
+*     register sos statistics
+      call r_sos_statistics
+      call r_sos_pedestals
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/STRACKING/s_report_bad_data.f b/STRACKING/s_report_bad_data.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b65b86b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/s_report_bad_data.f
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+*   Purpose and Methods: Output warnings for possible hardware problems
+*          in file 'bad<runnum>.txt' (unit=lunout)
+*      NOTE: Nothing should be written to the file unless there is a warning
+*             to be reported.  (i.e. check for error messages before writing
+*             headers.
+*  Required Input BANKS: 
+*                Output: ABORT           - success or failure
+*                      : err             - reason for failure, if any
+* author: John Arrington
+* created: 8/17/95
+* $Log: s_report_bad_data.f,v $
+* Revision 1.3  1996/09/05 20:14:25  saw
+* (JRA) Don't report difference between input pedestals and pedestals from
+*       pedestal events
+* Revision 1.2  1996/01/17 18:59:46  cdaq
+* (JRA) Warn when pedestals change too much
+* Revision 1.1  1995/08/31 20:43:52  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      character*17 here
+      parameter (here= 'S_REPORT_BAD_DATA')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) errmsg
+      include 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'sos_calorimeter.cmn'
+      include 'sos_pedestals.cmn'
+      include 'sos_cer_parms.cmn'
+      integer*4 lunout
+      integer*4 ind
+      integer*4 icol,irow
+      character*4 pln(snum_scin_planes)
+      character*2 cnt(snum_scin_elements)
+      character*1 sgn(2)
+      character*2 col(smax_cal_columns)
+      character*2 row(smax_cal_rows)
+      character*5 mir(scer_num_mirrors)
+      save
+      data pln/'sS1X','sS1Y','sS2X','sS2Y'/
+      data cnt/'01','02','03','04','05','06','07','08',
+     &      '09','10','11','12','13','14','15','16'/
+      data sgn/'+','-'/
+      data col/'sA','sB','sC','sD'/
+      data row/'01','02','03','04','05','06','07',
+     &         '08','09','10','11'/
+      data mir/'scer1','scer2','scer3','scer4'/
+! Remove reporting of difference between pedestals and input pedestals
+! from parameter files now that we always use the pedestal events.
+* report channels where the pedestal analysis differs from the param file.
+!      if ((shodo_num_ped_changes+scal_num_ped_changes+scer_num_ped_changes)
+!     &     .gt. 0) then
+!        write(lunout,*) '  SOS detectors with large (>2sigma) pedestal changes'
+!        write(lunout,*)
+!        write(lunout,*) ' Signal  Pedestal change(new-old)'
+!        if ( then
+!          do ind=1,shodo_num_ped_changes
+!            write(lunout,'(2x,a4,a2,a1,f9.1)')
+!     $           pln(shodo_changed_plane(ind))
+!     $           ,cnt(shodo_changed_element(ind))
+!     $           ,sgn(shodo_changed_sign(ind)),shodo_ped_change(ind)
+!          enddo
+!        endif
+!        if ( then
+!          do ind=1,scal_num_ped_changes
+!            icol=(scal_changed_block(ind)-0.5)/smax_cal_rows + 1
+!            irow=scal_changed_block(ind)-smax_cal_rows*(icol-1)
+!            write(lunout,'(4x,a2,a2,f9.1)') col(icol),row(irow),
+!     &           scal_ped_change(ind)
+!          enddo
+!        endif
+!        if ( then
+!          do ind=1,scer_num_ped_changes
+!            write(lunout,'(3x,a4,f9.1)') mir(scer_changed_tube(ind)),
+!     &           scer_ped_change(ind)
+!          enddo
+!        endif
+!      endif              ! are there pedestal changes to report?
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/STRACKING/s_satcorr.f b/STRACKING/s_satcorr.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..53234d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/s_satcorr.f
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+*-   Purpose and Methods : Correct delta or other reconstructed physics variables
+*-                         for magnet saturation effects
+*-                                to decoded information 
+*-      Required Input BANKS     SOS_FOCAL_PLANE
+*-                               SOS_TARGET
+*-      Output BANKS             SOS_PHYSICS_R4
+*-                               SOS_PHYSICS_I4
+*-   Output: ABORT           - success or failure
+*-         : err             - reason for failure, if any
+*-   Created 24-JUN-1998   J. Volmer
+*-                           Dummy Shell routine
+* $Log: s_satcorr.f,v $
+* Revision 1.2  2003/09/05 20:00:03  jones
+* Merge in online03 changes (mkj)
+* Revision  2003/04/11 14:01:34  cdaq
+* eliminate p0corr since already in s_fieldcorr.f (mkj)
+* Revision 1.1  1999/02/10 18:35:01  csa
+* Initial revision
+* Revision 1.1  1998/06/24  14:58:18  jv
+* Initial revision
+      SAVE
+      character*9 here
+      parameter (here= 'S_SATCORR')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      integer ierr
+      include 'gen_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_constants.par'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_units.par'
+*     local variables 
+      REAL*4 deltacorr,p0corr
+      ierr=0
+      ABORT=.FALSE.
+      p0corr=0.
+      deltacorr=0.
+      if ( then
+         if ( then
+            deltacorr = 46.729-137.21*spcentral+181.15*spcentral**2
+     >               -76.089*spcentral**3
+         else
+            deltacorr = 14.6369
+         endif
+c         p0corr = .225
+c         if ( p0corr=p0corr-16.7*(spcentral-1.483)**2
+      endif
+*      write(6,*)' s_satcorr: ssdelta, ssxp_fp =',ssdelta, ssxp_fp
+*      write(6,*)' s_satcorr: deltacorr, p0corr =',deltacorr,p0corr
+c      ssdelta = ssdelta + deltacorr*ssxp_fp**2 + p0corr
+       ssdelta = ssdelta + deltacorr*ssxp_fp**2 
+*      write(6,*)' s_satcorr: ssdelta =',ssdelta
+      ABORT= .or. ABORT
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/STRACKING/s_scin_eff.f b/STRACKING/s_scin_eff.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..282bf9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/s_scin_eff.f
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+*-   Purpose and Methods : Analyze scintillator information for each track 
+*-      Required Input BANKS     SOS_SCIN_TOF
+*-                               GEN_DATA_STRUCTURES
+*-   Output: ABORT           - success or failure
+*-         : err             - reason for failure, if any
+* author: John Arrington
+* created: 2/13/95
+* s_scin_eff calculates efficiencies for the hodoscope.
+* $Log: s_scin_eff.f,v $
+* Revision 1.8  2003/09/05 20:01:02  jones
+* Merge in online03 changes (mkj)
+* Revision  2003/04/02 22:27:03  cdaq
+* added some extra scint. effic calculations (from oct 1999 online) - JRA
+* Revision 1.7  1996/01/17 18:59:15  cdaq
+* (JRA) Fix typos
+* Revision 1.6  1995/08/31 15:08:15  cdaq
+* (JRA) Fill dpos (pos. track - pos. hit) histograms
+* Revision 1.5  1995/07/20  19:00:29  cdaq
+* (SAW) Put nint around some things for Ultrix compat.  Put h in front of
+*       various *good variables.
+* Revision 1.4  1995/05/22  19:45:54  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.3  1995/05/11  21:17:23  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add position calibration variables
+* Revision 1.2  1995/04/06  19:43:37  cdaq
+* (JRA) Fix some latent HMS variable names
+* Revision 1.1  1995/02/23  15:42:08  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      character*50 here
+      parameter (here= 'S_SCIN_EFF')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) errmsg
+      INCLUDE 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_constants.par'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_units.par'
+      include 'sos_scin_parms.cmn'
+      include 'sos_scin_tof.cmn'
+      include 'sos_statistics.cmn'
+      include 'sos_id_histid.cmn'
+      integer pln,cnt,pln2
+      integer hit_cnt(snum_scin_planes)
+      integer nhit
+      real dist, histval
+      real hit_pos(snum_scin_planes),hit_dist(snum_scin_planes)
+      real xatback,yatback
+      logical good_tdc_oneside(snum_scin_planes)
+      logical good_tdc_bothsides(snum_scin_planes)
+      logical otherthreehit
+      save
+* find counters on track, and distance from center.
+      if (sschi2perdeg.le.sstat_maxchisq) sstat_numevents=sstat_numevents+1
+      hit_pos(1)=ssx_fp + ssxp_fp*(sscin_1x_zpos+0.5*sscin_1x_dzpos)
+      hit_cnt(1)=nint((hit_pos(1)-shodo_center(1,1))/sscin_1x_spacing)+1
+      hit_cnt(1)=max(min(hit_cnt(1),nint(snum_scin_counters(1))),1)
+      hit_dist(1)=hit_pos(1)-(sscin_1x_spacing*(hit_cnt(1)-1)+shodo_center(1,1))
+      hit_pos(2)=ssy_fp + ssyp_fp*(sscin_1y_zpos+0.5*sscin_1y_dzpos)
+      hit_cnt(2)=nint((shodo_center(2,1)-hit_pos(2))/sscin_1y_spacing)+1
+      hit_cnt(2)=max(min(hit_cnt(2),nint(snum_scin_counters(2))),1)
+      hit_dist(2)=hit_pos(2)-(shodo_center(2,1)-sscin_1y_spacing*(hit_cnt(2)-1))
+      hit_pos(3)=ssx_fp + ssxp_fp*(sscin_2x_zpos+0.5*sscin_2x_dzpos)
+      hit_cnt(3)=nint((hit_pos(3)-shodo_center(3,1))/sscin_2x_spacing)+1
+      hit_cnt(3)=max(min(hit_cnt(3),nint(snum_scin_counters(3))),1)
+      hit_dist(3)=hit_pos(3)-(sscin_2x_spacing*(hit_cnt(3)-1)+shodo_center(3,1))
+      hit_pos(4)=ssy_fp + ssyp_fp*(sscin_2y_zpos+0.5*sscin_2y_dzpos)
+      hit_cnt(4)=nint((shodo_center(4,1)-hit_pos(4))/sscin_2y_spacing)+1
+      hit_cnt(4)=max(min(hit_cnt(4),nint(snum_scin_counters(4))),1)
+      hit_dist(4)=hit_pos(4)-(shodo_center(4,1)-sscin_2y_spacing*(hit_cnt(4)-1))
+      do pln=1,snum_scin_planes
+        good_tdc_oneside(pln) = .false.
+        good_tdc_bothsides(pln) = .false.
+      enddo
+*   Fill dpos (pos. track - pos. hit) histograms
+      do nhit=1,sscin_tot_hits
+        pln=sscin_plane_num(nhit)
+        histval = shodo_center(pln,sscin_counter_num(nhit))-hit_pos(pln)
+        call hf1(sidscindpos(pln),histval,1.)
+      enddo
+*   Record position differences between track and center of scin. and
+*   increment 'should have hit' counters
+      do pln=1,snum_scin_planes
+        cnt=hit_cnt(pln)
+        dist=hit_dist(pln)
+        if(abs(dist).le.sstat_slop .and.    !hit in middle of scin.
+     &           sschi2perdeg.le.sstat_maxchisq) then
+          sstat_trk(pln,hit_cnt(pln))=sstat_trk(pln,hit_cnt(pln))+1
+        endif
+      enddo
+      do nhit=1,sscin_tot_hits
+        cnt=sscin_counter_num(nhit)
+        pln=sscin_plane_num(nhit)
+*  Record the hits if track is near center of track and the chisquared of the 
+*  track is good.
+        if(abs(hit_dist(pln)).le.sstat_slop .and. cnt.eq.hit_cnt(pln) .and. 
+     &          sschi2perdeg.le.sstat_maxchisq) then
+          if (sgood_tdc_pos(ssnum_fptrack,nhit)) then
+            if (sgood_tdc_neg(ssnum_fptrack,nhit)) then    !both fired
+              sstat_poshit(pln,hit_cnt(pln))=sstat_poshit(pln,hit_cnt(pln))+1
+              sstat_neghit(pln,hit_cnt(pln))=sstat_neghit(pln,hit_cnt(pln))+1
+              sstat_andhit(pln,hit_cnt(pln))=sstat_andhit(pln,hit_cnt(pln))+1
+              sstat_orhit(pln,hit_cnt(pln))=sstat_orhit(pln,hit_cnt(pln))+1
+            else                            !pos fired
+              sstat_poshit(pln,hit_cnt(pln))=sstat_poshit(pln,hit_cnt(pln))+1
+              sstat_orhit(pln,hit_cnt(pln))=sstat_orhit(pln,hit_cnt(pln))+1
+            endif
+          else   !no pos tdc
+            if (sgood_tdc_neg(ssnum_fptrack,nhit)) then    !neg fired
+              sstat_neghit(pln,hit_cnt(pln))=sstat_neghit(pln,hit_cnt(pln))+1
+              sstat_orhit(pln,hit_cnt(pln))=sstat_orhit(pln,hit_cnt(pln))+1
+            endif       !if neg tdc fired.
+          endif       !if pos tdc fired.
+        endif       !if hit was on good track.
+*   Increment pos/neg/both fired.  Track indepenant, so no chisquared cut (but
+*   note that only scintillators on the track are examined.
+        if (sgood_tdc_pos(ssnum_fptrack,nhit)) then
+          if (sgood_tdc_neg(ssnum_fptrack,nhit)) then    !both fired
+            sbothgood(pln,cnt)=sbothgood(pln,cnt)+1
+          else                            !pos fired
+            sposgood(pln,cnt)=sposgood(pln,cnt)+1
+          endif
+        else
+          if (sgood_tdc_neg(ssnum_fptrack,nhit)) then    !neg fired
+            sneggood(pln,cnt)=sneggood(pln,cnt)+1
+          endif
+        endif
+*  Determine if one or both PMTs had a good tdc.
+        if (sgood_tdc_pos(ssnum_fptrack,nhit) .and. 
+     &      sgood_tdc_neg(ssnum_fptrack,nhit) ) good_tdc_bothsides(pln)=.true.
+        if (sgood_tdc_pos(ssnum_fptrack,nhit) .or. 
+     &      sgood_tdc_neg(ssnum_fptrack,nhit) ) good_tdc_oneside(pln)=.true.
+      enddo                 !loop over ssnum_pmt_hit
+*  For each plane, see of other 3 fired.  This means that they were enough
+*  to form a 3/4 trigger, and so the fraction of times this plane fired is
+*  the plane trigger efficiency.  NOTE: we only require a TDC hit, not a
+*  TDC hit within the SCIN 3/4 trigger window, so high rates will make
+*  this seem better than it is.  Also, make sure we're not near the edge
+*  of the hodoscope (at the last plane), using the same shodo_slop param. as for h_tof.f
+*  NOTE ALSO: to make this check simpler, we are assuming that all planes
+*  have identical active areas.  y_scin = y_cent + y_offset, so shift track
+*  position by offset for comparing to edges.
+      xatback = ssx_fp+ssxp_fp*sscin_2y_zpos - sscin_2x_offset
+      yatback = ssy_fp+ssyp_fp*sscin_2y_zpos - sscin_2y_offset
+      if (  -2.*shodo_slop(3))  .and.
+     &  +2.*shodo_slop(3))  .and.
+     & -2.*shodo_slop(3))  .and.
+     &*shodo_slop(3))) then
+        do pln=1,snum_scin_planes
+          otherthreehit=.true.
+          do pln2=1,snum_scin_planes         !see of one of the others missed or pln2=pln
+            if (.not.(good_tdc_bothsides(pln2) .or. pln2.eq.pln)) then
+              otherthreehit=.false.
+            endif
+          enddo
+          if (otherthreehit) then
+            strig_hodoshouldflag(pln) = .true.
+            if (good_tdc_bothsides(pln)) then
+              strig_hododidflag(pln) = .true.
+            else
+              strig_hododidflag(pln) = .false.
+            endif
+          else
+            strig_hodoshouldflag(pln) = .false.
+            strig_hododidflag(pln) = .false.
+          endif
+        enddo
+      else            !outside of fiducial region
+        do pln=1,snum_scin_planes
+          strig_hodoshouldflag(pln) = .false.
+          strig_hododidflag(pln) = .false.
+        enddo
+      endif
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/STRACKING/s_scin_eff_shutdown.f b/STRACKING/s_scin_eff_shutdown.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d136135
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/s_scin_eff_shutdown.f
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+*-   Purpose and Methods : Analyze scintillator information for each track 
+*-      Required Input BANKS     SOS_SCIN_TOF
+*-                               GEN_DATA_STRUCTURES
+*-   Output: ABORT           - success or failure
+*-         : err             - reason for failure, if any
+* author: John Arrington
+* created: 2/15/95
+* s_scin_eff calculates efficiencies for the hodoscope.
+* s_scin_eff_shutdown does some final manipulation of the numbers.
+* $Log: s_scin_eff_shutdown.f,v $
+* Revision 1.9  1999/02/23 18:59:27  csa
+* (JRA) Remove sdebugcalcpeds stuff
+* Revision 1.8  1996/09/05 20:15:12  saw
+* (JRA) Cosmetic
+* Revision 1.7  1996/01/17 18:58:53  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add debug control flag around write statements
+* Revision 1.6  1995/08/31 15:08:52  cdaq
+* (JRA) Dump bad counter infomation
+* Revision 1.5  1995/07/20  19:00:54  cdaq
+* (SAW) Move data statement for f2c compatibility
+* Revision 1.4  1995/05/22  19:45:54  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.3  1995/05/17  16:44:17  cdaq
+* (JRA) Write out list of potential PMT problems
+* Revision 1.2  1995/05/11  21:17:34  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add position calibration variables
+* Revision 1.1  1995/03/13  18:18:07  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      character*19 here
+      parameter (here= 'S_SCIN_EFF_SHUTDOWN')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) errmsg
+      INCLUDE 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_constants.par'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_units.par'
+      include 'sos_scin_parms.cmn'
+      include 'sos_scin_tof.cmn'
+      include 'sos_statistics.cmn'
+      include 'sos_tracking.cmn'
+      logical written_header
+      integer pln,cnt
+      integer lunout
+      real*4 num_real,nhits_real
+      real*4 p1,p2,p3,p4         !prob. of having both tubes fire for planes1-4
+      real*4 p1234,p123,p124,p134,p234 !prob. of having combos fire
+      character*4 planename(SNUM_SCIN_PLANES)
+      data planename/'sS1X','sS1Y','sS2X','sS2Y'/
+      save
+      written_header = .false.
+! fill sums over counters
+      do pln=1,snum_scin_planes
+        sstat_trksum(pln)=0
+        sstat_possum(pln)=0
+        sstat_negsum(pln)=0
+        sstat_andsum(pln)=0
+        sstat_orsum(pln)=0
+        do cnt=1,snum_scin_counters(pln)
+          num_real=float(max(1,sscin_zero_num(pln,cnt)))
+          sscin_zero_pave(pln,cnt)=float(sscin_zero_pos(pln,cnt))/num_real
+          sscin_zero_nave(pln,cnt)=float(sscin_zero_neg(pln,cnt))/num_real
+          sstat_trksum(pln)=sstat_trksum(pln)+sstat_trk(pln,cnt)
+          sstat_possum(pln)=sstat_possum(pln)+sstat_poshit(pln,cnt)
+          sstat_negsum(pln)=sstat_negsum(pln)+sstat_neghit(pln,cnt)
+          sstat_andsum(pln)=sstat_andsum(pln)+sstat_andhit(pln,cnt)
+          sstat_orsum(pln)=sstat_orsum(pln)+sstat_orhit(pln,cnt)
+* write out list of possible problms
+          nhits_real = max(1.,float(sstat_trk(pln,cnt)))
+          sstat_neff(pln,cnt)=float(sstat_neghit(pln,cnt))/nhits_real
+          sstat_peff(pln,cnt)=float(sstat_poshit(pln,cnt))/nhits_real
+          sstat_oeff(pln,cnt)=float(sstat_orhit(pln,cnt))/nhits_real
+          sstat_aeff(pln,cnt)=float(sstat_andhit(pln,cnt))/nhits_real
+          if (nhits_real .gt. 100.) then   !dump bad counter information
+            if (sstat_peff(pln,cnt).le.sstat_mineff) then
+              if (.not.written_header) then
+                write(lunout,*)
+                write(lunout,'(a,f6.3)') ' SOS scintilators with effic. < '
+     $               ,sstat_mineff
+                written_header = .true.
+              endif
+              write(lunout,'(5x,a4,i2,a,f7.4)') planename(pln),cnt,'+',sstat_peff(pln,cnt)
+            endif
+            if (sstat_neff(pln,cnt).le.sstat_mineff) then
+              if (.not.written_header) then
+                write(lunout,*)
+                write(lunout,'(a,f6.3)') ' SOS scintillators with tracking based effic. < '
+     $               ,sstat_mineff
+                written_header = .true.
+              endif
+              write(lunout,'(5x,a4,i2,a,f7.4)') planename(pln),cnt,'-',sstat_neff(pln,cnt)
+            endif
+          endif
+        enddo
+        sstat_poseff(pln)=sstat_possum(pln)/max(1.,float(sstat_trksum(pln)))
+        sstat_negeff(pln)=sstat_negsum(pln)/max(1.,float(sstat_trksum(pln)))
+        sstat_andeff(pln)=sstat_andsum(pln)/max(1.,float(sstat_trksum(pln)))
+        sstat_oreff(pln)=sstat_orsum(pln)/max(1.,float(sstat_trksum(pln)))
+      enddo
+      write(lunout,*) ' '
+      p1=sstat_andeff(1)
+      p2=sstat_andeff(2)
+      p3=sstat_andeff(3)
+      p4=sstat_andeff(4)
+! probability that ONLY the listed planes had triggers
+      p1234= p1*p2*p3*p4
+      p123 = p1*p2*p3*(1.-p4)
+      p124 = p1*p2*(1.-p3)*p4
+      p134 = p1*(1.-p2)*p3*p4
+      p234 = (1.-p1)*p2*p3*p4
+      seff_s1 = 1. - ((1.-p1)*(1.-p2))
+      seff_s2 = 1. - ((1.-p3)*(1.-p4))
+      seff_stof=seff_s1 * seff_s2
+      seff_3_of_4=p1234+p123+p124+p134+p234
+      seff_4_of_4=p1234
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/STRACKING/s_select_best_track.f b/STRACKING/s_select_best_track.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..47481c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/s_select_best_track.f
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+*-   Purpose and Methods : Select the best track through the HMS
+*-      Required Input BANKS
+*-      Output BANKS
+*-   Output: ABORT           - success or failure
+*-         : err             - reason for failure, if any
+*- $Log: s_select_best_track.f,v $
+*- Revision 1.6  2005/03/23 16:34:09  jones
+*- Add new code s_select_best_track_prune.f (P Bosted)
+*- Revision 1.5  2005/03/23 16:18:14  jones
+*- Add new code s_select_best_track_using_scin.f . Copy of code used for HMS.
+*- Revision 1.4  1995/07/20 19:01:37  cdaq
+*- (CC) Fix bug in best chisq finding
+c Revision 1.3  1995/05/22  19:45:55  cdaq
+c (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+c Revision 1.2  1995/04/06  19:44:04  cdaq
+c (JRA) Fix some latent HMS variable names
+c Revision 1.1  1995/02/23  13:29:49  cdaq
+c Initial revision
+      SAVE
+      character*50 here
+      parameter (here= 'S_SELECT_BEST_TRACK')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_routines.dec'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_constants.par'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_units.par'
+      INCLUDE 'sos_physics_sing.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'sos_calorimeter.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'sos_scin_parms.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'sos_scin_tof.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'sos_tracking.cmn'
+*     local variables 
+      integer*4 goodtrack,track,trk,savegood
+      logical first
+      real*4 chi2perdeg,chi2min
+      integer*4 i,j
+      data first /.true./
+      ABORT= .FALSE.
+      err= ' '
+*     Need to test to chose the best track
+      SSNUM_FPTRACK = 0
+* adding choice to use scintillators to choose best track...
+      if ( ssel_using_prune .eq. 1) then
+         if (first) write(*,*) ' SOS track selection using Pruning'
+         first = .false.
+        return
+      endif
+* adding choice to use scintillators to choose best track...
+      if ( ssel_using_scin .eq. 1) then
+         if (first) write(*,*) ' SOS track selection using scintillators'
+         first = .false.
+      else
+* done here...
+         if( SNTRACKS_FP.GT. 0) then
+            if (first) write(*,*) ' SOS track selection using chi-squared'
+            first = .false.
+            chi2min= 1e10
+            goodtrack = 0
+            do track = 1, SNTRACKS_FP
+               if( SNFREE_FP(track).ge. ssel_ndegreesmin) then
+                  chi2perdeg = SCHI2_FP(track)/FLOAT(SNFREE_FP(track))
+                  if(chi2perdeg .lt. chi2min) then
+*     simple particle id tests
+                     if( ( SDEDX(track,1) .gt. ssel_dedx1min)  .and.
+     &                    ( SDEDX(track,1) .lt. ssel_dedx1max)  .and.
+     &                    ( SBETA(track)   .gt. ssel_betamin)   .and.
+     &                    ( SBETA(track)   .lt. ssel_betamax)   .and.
+     &                    ( STRACK_ET(track) .gt. ssel_etmin)   .and.
+     &                    ( STRACK_ET(track) .lt. ssel_etmax)) then
+                        goodtrack = track
+                        chi2min = chi2perdeg
+                     endif      ! end test on track id
+                  endif         ! end test on lower chisq
+               endif            ! end test on minimum number of degrees of freedom
+            enddo               ! end loop on track
+            SSNUM_TARTRACK = goodtrack
+            SSNUM_FPTRACK  = goodtrack
+            if(goodtrack.eq.0) return ! return if no valid tracks
+         endif
+      endif
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/STRACKING/s_select_best_track_prune.f b/STRACKING/s_select_best_track_prune.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..97a6ecd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/s_select_best_track_prune.f
@@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
+*-   Purpose and Methods : Select the best track through the HMS
+*-      Required Input BANKS
+*-      Output BANKS
+*-   Output: ABORT           - success or failure
+*-         : err             - reason for failure, if any
+*- $Log: s_select_best_track_prune.f,v $
+*- Revision 1.1  2005/03/23 16:34:08  jones
+*- Add new code s_select_best_track_prune.f (P Bosted)
+      SAVE
+      character*50 here
+      parameter (here= 's_SELECT_BEST_TRACK_PRUNE')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_routines.dec'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_constants.par'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_units.par'
+      INCLUDE 'sos_physics_sing.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'sos_calorimeter.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'sos_scin_parms.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'sos_scin_tof.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'sos_tracking.cmn'
+*     local variables 
+      integer*4 goodtrack,track,ngood,reject(1000),trk
+      logical first,keep(1000)
+      real*4 chi2perdeg,chi2min,betap,p
+      integer*4 i,j
+      data first /.true./
+      ABORT= .FALSE.
+      err= ' '
+*     Need to test to chose the best track
+      sSNUM_FPTRACK = 0
+      sSNUM_TARTRACK = 0
+      if (first) then
+        write(*,*) ' sos track selection using pruning method'
+        first = .false.
+! Make sure limits are reasonable
+        sprune_xp    = max(0.04, sprune_xp)
+        sprune_yp    = max(0.08, sprune_yp)
+        sprune_ytar  = max(4.0,  sprune_ytar)
+        sprune_delta = max(25.0, sprune_delta)
+        sprune_beta  = max(0.1,  sprune_beta)
+        sprune_df    = max(2,  sprune_df)
+        sprune_chibeta= max(2.,  sprune_chibeta)
+        sprune_fptime= max(5.,  sprune_fptime)
+        sprune_npmt  = max(6 ,  sprune_npmt)  
+        write(*,'(1x,'' using following SOS limits''/
+     >    1x,''abs(xptar)<'',f6.3/
+     >    1x,''abs(yptar)<'',f6.3/
+     >    1x,''abs(ytar)<'',f6.3/
+     >    1x,''abs(delta)<'',f6.3/
+     >    1x,''abs(beta-betap)<'',f6.3/
+     >    1x,''ndegfreedom trk>='',i2/
+     >    1x,''beta chisq>'',f6.1/
+     >    1x,''num PMT hits >='',i3/
+     >    1x,''abs(fptime-sstart_time_center)<'',f6.1)') 
+     >    sprune_xp,sprune_yp,sprune_ytar,sprune_delta,
+     >    sprune_beta,sprune_df,sprune_chibeta,sprune_npmt,sprune_fptime
+      endif
+      if( sNTRACKS_FP.GT. 0) then
+        chi2min= 1e10
+        goodtrack = 0
+! Initialize all tracks to be good
+        do track = 1, sNTRACKS_FP
+          keep(track) = .true.
+          reject(track)=0
+        enddo
+! Prune on xptar
+        ngood=0
+        do track = 1, sNTRACKS_FP
+          if( abs(sxp_tar(track)) .lt. sprune_xp .and. keep(track)) then
+            ngood = ngood + 1
+          endif
+        enddo
+        if( then
+          do track = 1, sNTRACKS_FP
+            if( abs(sxp_tar(track)) .ge. sprune_xp) then
+              keep(track) = .false. 
+              reject(track) = reject(track) + 1
+            endif
+          enddo
+        endif
+! Prune on yptar
+        ngood=0
+        do track = 1, sNTRACKS_FP
+          if( abs(syp_tar(track)) .lt. sprune_yp .and. keep(track)) then
+            ngood = ngood + 1
+          endif
+        enddo
+        if( then
+          do track = 1, sNTRACKS_FP
+            if( abs(syp_tar(track)) .ge. sprune_yp) then
+              keep(track) = .false. 
+              reject(track) = reject(track) + 2
+            endif
+          enddo
+        endif
+! Prune on ytar
+        ngood=0
+        do track = 1, sNTRACKS_FP
+          if( abs(sy_tar(track)) .lt. sprune_ytar .and. keep(track)) then
+            ngood = ngood + 1
+          endif
+        enddo
+        if( then
+          do track = 1, sNTRACKS_FP
+            if( abs(sy_tar(track)) .ge. sprune_ytar) then
+              keep(track) = .false. 
+              reject(track) = reject(track) + 10
+            endif
+          enddo
+        endif
+! Prune on delta
+        ngood=0
+        do track = 1, sNTRACKS_FP
+          if( abs(sdelta_tar(track)) .lt. sprune_delta 
+     >       .and. keep(track)) then
+            ngood = ngood + 1
+          endif
+        enddo
+        if( then
+          do track = 1, sNTRACKS_FP
+            if(abs(sdelta_tar(track)) .ge. sprune_delta) then 
+              keep(track) = .false. 
+              reject(track) = reject(track) + 20
+            endif
+          enddo
+        endif
+! Prune on beta
+        ngood=0
+        do track = 1, sNTRACKS_FP
+          p = sp_tar(track)
+          betap = p/sqrt(p*p+spartmass*spartmass)
+          if( abs(sbeta(track)-betap) .lt. sprune_beta 
+     >       .and. keep(track)) then
+            ngood = ngood + 1
+          endif
+        enddo
+        if( then
+          do track = 1, sNTRACKS_FP
+            p = sp_tar(track)
+            betap = p/sqrt(p*p+spartmass*spartmass)
+            if(abs(sbeta(track)-betap) .ge. sprune_beta) then
+              keep(track) = .false. 
+              reject(track) = reject(track) + 100
+            endif
+          enddo
+        endif
+! Prune on deg. freedom for track chisq
+        ngood=0
+        do track = 1, sNTRACKS_FP
+          if(sNFREE_FP(track) .ge. sprune_df .and. keep(track)) then
+            ngood = ngood + 1
+          endif
+        enddo
+        if( then
+          do track = 1, sNTRACKS_FP
+            if(sNFREE_FP(track) .lt. sprune_df) then 
+              keep(track) = .false. 
+              reject(track) = reject(track) + 200
+            endif
+          enddo
+        endif
+! Prune on num pmt hits
+        ngood=0
+        do track = 1, sNTRACKS_FP
+          if(snum_pmt_hit(track) .ge. sprune_npmt.and. keep(track)) then
+            ngood = ngood + 1
+          endif
+        enddo
+        if( then
+          do track = 1, sNTRACKS_FP
+            if(snum_pmt_hit(track) .lt. sprune_npmt) then 
+              keep(track) = .false. 
+              reject(track) = reject(track) + 100000
+            endif
+          enddo
+        endif
+! Prune on beta chisqr
+        ngood=0
+        do track = 1, sNTRACKS_FP
+          if(sbeta_chisq(track) .lt. sprune_chibeta .and.
+     >       sbeta_chisq(track) .gt. 0.01 .and. keep(track)) then
+            ngood = ngood + 1
+          endif
+        enddo
+        if( then
+          do track = 1, sNTRACKS_FP
+            if(sbeta_chisq(track) .ge. sprune_chibeta .or. 
+     >       sbeta_chisq(track) .le. 0.01) then
+              keep(track) = .false. 
+              reject(track) = reject(track) + 1000
+            endif
+          enddo
+        endif
+! Prune on fptime
+        ngood=0
+        do track = 1, sNTRACKS_FP
+          if( abs(stime_at_fp(track)-sstart_time_center).lt.sprune_fptime 
+     >       .and. keep(track)) then
+            ngood = ngood + 1
+          endif
+        enddo
+        if( then
+          do track = 1, sNTRACKS_FP
+            if(abs(stime_at_fp(track)-sstart_time_center).ge.
+     >        sprune_fptime) then 
+              keep(track) = .false. 
+              reject(track) = reject(track) + 2000
+            endif
+          enddo
+        endif
+! Prune on Y2 being hit
+        ngood=0
+        do track = 1, sNTRACKS_FP
+          if(sgood_plane_time(track,4).and. keep(track)) ngood = ngood + 1
+        enddo
+        if( then
+          do track = 1, sNTRACKS_FP
+            if(.not.sgood_plane_time(track,4)) then
+              keep(track) = .false. 
+              reject(track) = reject(track) + 10000
+            endif
+          enddo
+        endif
+! Prune on X2 being hit
+        ngood=0
+        do track = 1, sNTRACKS_FP
+          if(sgood_plane_time(track,3).and. keep(track)) ngood = ngood + 1
+        enddo
+        if( then
+          do track = 1, sNTRACKS_FP
+            if(.not.sgood_plane_time(track,3)) then
+              keep(track) = .false. 
+              reject(track) = reject(track) + 20000
+            endif
+          enddo
+        endif
+! Pick track with best chisq if more than one track passed prune tests
+        goodtrack = 1
+        do track = 1, sNTRACKS_FP
+          chi2perdeg = sCHI2_FP(track)/max(1.,FLOAT(sNFREE_FP(track)))
+          if(chi2perdeg .lt. chi2min .and. keep(track)) then
+            goodtrack = track
+            chi2min = chi2perdeg
+          endif                    
+        enddo                          
+        sSNUM_TARTRACK = goodtrack
+        sSNUM_FPTRACK  = goodtrack
+      endif
+! for debugging
+      if( sNTRACKS_FP.GT. 100) then
+           write(*,'(/)')
+           do trk = 1, sNTRACKS_FP
+             write(*,'(3i3,4L2,7f6.1,L2,i9)') trk,sNFREE_FP(trk),
+     >          snum_pmt_hit(trk),
+     >         sgood_plane_time(trk,1),sgood_plane_time(trk,3),
+     >         sgood_plane_time(trk,2),sgood_plane_time(trk,4),
+     >         stime_at_fp(trk),sbeta(trk),sbeta_chisq(trk),
+     >         sdelta_tar(trk),sy_tar(trk),sxp_tar(trk),syp_tar(trk),
+     >         keep(trk),reject(trk)
+           enddo
+           write(*,'(1x,''good trk='',2i4)') goodtrack
+      endif
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/STRACKING/s_select_best_track_using_scin.f b/STRACKING/s_select_best_track_using_scin.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e412aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/s_select_best_track_using_scin.f
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+*     -
+*     -   Purpose and Methods : Select the best track through the SOS
+*     -                              by see which track is closest to S2y
+*     -                         or if no S2y then use closest to S2x
+*     -                         if neither than smallest chi-squared.
+*     -
+*     -      Required Input BANKS
+*     -
+*     -      Output BANKS 
+*     -
+*     -   Output: ABORT           - success or failure
+*     -         : err             - reason for failure, if any
+*     - 
+*     -
+      SAVE
+      character*50 here
+      parameter (here= 'S_SELECT_BEST_TRACK')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_routines.dec'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_constants.par'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_units.par'
+      INCLUDE 'sos_physics_sing.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'sos_calorimeter.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'sos_scin_parms.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'sos_scin_tof.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'sos_tracking.cmn'
+*     local variables 
+      integer*4 goodtrack,track,i,j
+      real*4 chi2perdeg,chi2min
+      integer pln,cnt
+      integer hit_cnt(snum_scin_planes)
+      integer nhit,zz,t
+      real*4 y2dmin,x2dmin,zap
+      real*4  hit_pos(snum_scin_planes),hit_dist(snum_scin_planes)          
+      real*4 stub_x(SNTRACKS_MAX),stub_y(SNTRACKS_MAX)
+      real*4 y2d(SNTRACKS_MAX),x2d(SNTRACKS_MAX)
+      ABORT= .FALSE.
+      err= ' '
+*     Need to test to chose the best track
+      SSNUM_FPTRACK = 0
+      if( SNTRACKS_FP.GT. 0) then !!! (1) !!!
+         chi2min= 1e10
+	 goodtrack = 0
+	 y2dmin=100.
+	 x2dmin=100.	 
+         zap=0.  
+         do track = 1, SNTRACKS_FP
+            if( SNFREE_FP(track).ge. ssel_ndegreesmin) then !!! (2) !!!
+               chi2perdeg = SCHI2_FP(track)/FLOAT(SNFREE_FP(track))
+*     simple particle id tests
+               if(( SDEDX(track,1).gt.ssel_dedx1min).and. !!! (3) !!!
+     &              ( SDEDX(track,1).lt.ssel_dedx1max).and.
+     &              ( SBETA(track).gt.ssel_betamin).and.
+     &              ( SBETA(track).lt.ssel_betamax).and.
+     &              ( STRACK_ET(track) .gt. ssel_etmin)   .and.
+     &              ( STRACK_ET(track) .lt. ssel_etmax)) then
+*     first, fill the arrays of which scins were hit
+                  do i=1,4
+                     do j=1,sscin_1x_nr
+                        sscinhit(i,j)=0
+                     enddo
+                  enddo
+                  do i=1,sscin_tot_hits
+                     sscinhit(sscin_plane_num(i),sscin_counter_num(i))=1
+                  enddo
+                  hit_pos(4)=sy_fp(track) + syp_fp(track)*(sscin_2y_zpos+0.5*sscin_2y_dzpos)
+                  hit_cnt(4)=nint((shodo_center(4,1)-hit_pos(4))/sscin_2y_spacing)+1
+                  hit_cnt(4)=max(min(hit_cnt(4),nint(snum_scin_counters(4))),1)                
+                  hit_dist(4)=hit_pos(4)-(shodo_center(4,1)-sscin_2y_spacing*(hit_cnt(4)-1))
+*     * shodo_center(4.1) = 31.35
+*     * sscin_2y_spacing = 7.5
+*     * snum_scin_counters(4) = 10
+*     * sscin_2y_zpos = 318.51
+*     * sscin_2y_dzpos = 2.12
+                  if( then !!! (4) !!!
+                     zap=0.
+                     t=0.
+                     do j=1,10
+                        if(sscinhit(4,j).eq.1) then
+                           y2d(track)=abs(hit_cnt(4)-j)
+                           t=t+1
+                           if(t.eq.1) zap=y2d(track)
+                           if(t.eq.2.and.y2d(track).lt.zap) then
+                              zap=y2d(track)
+                           endif
+                           if(t.eq.3.and.y2d(track).lt.zap) then
+                              zap=y2d(track)
+                           endif
+                           if(t.eq.4.and.y2d(track).lt.zap) then
+                              zap=y2d(track)
+                           endif
+                           if(t.eq.5.and.y2d(track).lt.zap) then
+                              zap=y2d(track)
+                           endif
+                           if(t.eq.6.and.y2d(track).lt.zap) then
+                              zap=y2d(track)
+                           endif
+                        endif
+                     enddo 
+                     y2d(track)=zap
+                  endif         !!! (4) !!!
+                  if(sntracks_fp.eq.1) y2d(track)=0.
+                  hit_pos(3)=sx_fp(track) + sxp_fp(track)*(sscin_2x_zpos
+     &                 +0.5*sscin_2x_dzpos)
+                  hit_cnt(3)=nint((hit_pos(3)-
+     &                 shodo_center(3,1))/sscin_2x_spacing)+1
+                  hit_cnt(3)=max(min(hit_cnt(3),
+     &                 nint(snum_scin_counters(3))),1)
+                  hit_dist(3)=hit_pos(3)-
+     &                 (sscin_2x_spacing*(hit_cnt(3)-1)
+     &                 +shodo_center(3,1))         
+                  if( then !!! (4) !!!
+                     zap=0.
+                     t=0.
+                     do j=1,16
+                        if(sscinhit(3,j).eq.1) then
+                           x2d(track)=abs(hit_cnt(3)-j)
+                           t=t+1
+                           if(t.eq.1) zap=x2d(track)
+                           if(t.eq.2.and.x2d(track).lt.zap) then
+                              zap=x2d(track)
+                           endif
+                           if(t.eq.3.and.x2d(track).lt.zap) then
+                              zap=x2d(track)
+                           endif
+                           if(t.eq.4.and.x2d(track).lt.zap) then
+                              zap=x2d(track)
+                           endif
+                           if(t.eq.5.and.x2d(track).lt.zap) then
+                              zap=x2d(track)
+                           endif
+                           if(t.eq.6.and.x2d(track).lt.zap) then
+                              zap=x2d(track)
+                           endif
+                        endif
+                     enddo 
+                     x2d(track)=zap
+                  endif         !!! (4) !!!
+                  if(sntracks_fp.eq.1) x2d(track)=0.
+                  if(y2d(track).le.y2dmin) then  
+                     if(y2d(track).lt.y2dmin) then
+                        x2dmin=100.                
+                        chi2min=1e10 
+                     endif 
+                     if(x2d(track).le.x2dmin) then
+                        if(x2d(track).lt.x2dmin) then
+                           chi2min=1e10
+                        endif	 
+                        if( then 
+                           goodtrack = track
+                           y2dmin=y2d(track)
+                           x2dmin=x2d(track)
+                           chi2min=chi2perdeg		   
+                        endif    		                      
+                     endif
+                  endif
+               endif            !!! (3) !!!
+            endif               !!! (2) !!!      
+         enddo                        
+         if (goodtrack.eq.0) then	  
+            chi2min= 1e10
+            do track = 1, SNTRACKS_FP   
+               if( SNFREE_FP(track).ge. ssel_ndegreesmin) then  	   
+                  chi2perdeg = SCHI2_FP(track)/FLOAT(SNFREE_FP(track))
+                  if( then
+                     goodtrack = track
+                     chi2min = chi2perdeg		     
+                  endif 
+               endif  		    
+            enddo    
+         endif	 
+         SSNUM_TARTRACK = goodtrack
+         SSNUM_FPTRACK  = goodtrack
+         if(goodtrack.eq.0) return ! return if no valid tracks
+      endif                     !!! (1) !!!
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/STRACKING/s_solve_3by3.f b/STRACKING/s_solve_3by3.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f9d072
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/s_solve_3by3.f
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+      subroutine s_solve_3by3(TT,pindex,stub,ierr)
+*     Explicit solution of a symmetric three by three equation TT = AA * STUB
+*     Remember AA must be a symmetrix matrix
+*     Used in find_best_stub.f
+* $Log: s_solve_3by3.f,v $
+* Revision 1.3  1995/10/10 17:36:30  cdaq
+* (JRA) Cleanup
+* Revision 1.2  1995/05/22 19:45:55  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+c Revision 1.1  1994/11/23  13:59:37  cdaq
+c Initial revision
+* djm 10/2/94
+* The present version replaces solve_three_by_three(TT,AA,stub,ierr) in 
+* find_best_stub. New version is entirely based on dfg's version, but matrix 
+* inversion is now done only at initialization for faster event sorting.
+      implicit none
+      include 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'sos_tracking.cmn'
+*     input quantities
+      real*8 TT(3) 
+      integer*4 pindex
+*     output quantities
+      real*8 stub(3)
+      integer*4 ierr                       ! ierr = 0 means valid solution
+      if(pindex.le.SDC_NUM_PLANES+SDC_NUM_CHAMBERS)then !accept 5/6 or 6/6 good planes
+        ierr=0
+        stub(1)=SAAINV3(1,1,pindex)*TT(1) + SAAINV3(1,2,pindex)*TT(2) + 
+     & SAAINV3(1,3,pindex)*TT(3)
+        stub(2)=SAAINV3(1,2,pindex)*TT(1) + SAAINV3(2,2,pindex)*TT(2) + 
+     & SAAINV3(2,3,pindex)*TT(3)
+        stub(3)=SAAINV3(1,3,pindex)*TT(1) + SAAINV3(2,3,pindex)*TT(2) + 
+     & SAAINV3(3,3,pindex)*TT(3)
+      else
+        ierr=1
+      endif          !end test on plane index
+*      write(6,*)'TT i=1,2,3',TT(1),TT(2),TT(3)
+*      write(6,*)'aainv(1,1,) (1,2,) (1,3,)',aainv(1,1,pindex),
+*     &    aainv(1,2,pindex),aainv(1,3,pindex)
+*      write(6,*)'aainv(2,2) (2,3) (3,3)',aainv(2,2,pindex),
+*     &    aainv(2,3,pindex),aainv(3,3,pindex)
+*     write(6,*)
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/STRACKING/s_sparsify_cal.f b/STRACKING/s_sparsify_cal.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..80e179b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/s_sparsify_cal.f
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+      subroutine s_sparsify_cal(abort,errmsg)
+*-      Purpose: Sparsifies the calorimeter raw data.
+*-      Input Banks: SOS_RAW_CAL, SOS_PEDESTALS_CAL
+*-      Output Bank: SOS_SPARSIFIED_CAL
+*-      Created: 15 Mar 1994      Tsolak A. Amatuni
+*-      Modified 25 Mar 1994      DFG
+*-                                Change name of print routines
+*-                5 Apr 1994      DFG Move print routine to s_raw_dump_all
+* $Log: s_sparsify_cal.f,v $
+* Revision 1.13  2002/07/31 20:20:58  saw
+* Only try to fill user hists that are defined
+* Revision 1.12  1999/06/10 16:57:38  csa
+* (JRA) Removed adc_max, added adc sign test, structural and cosmetic changes
+* Revision 1.11  1999/02/25 20:18:40  saw
+* Vardan Tadevosyan shower code updates
+* Revision 1.10  1999/02/23 19:00:04  csa
+* (JRA) Add neg cal hf1 call
+* Revision 1.9  1999/02/03 21:13:45  saw
+* Code for new Shower counter tubes
+* Revision 1.8  1999/01/29 17:34:59  saw
+* Add variables for second tubes on shower counter
+* Revision 1.7  1996/01/17 18:58:19  cdaq
+* (JRA) Only histogram ADC's that are not 200 above pedestal
+* Revision 1.6  1995/08/31 18:08:04  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add a hist of all adc's into one spectrum
+* Revision 1.5  1995/07/20  19:04:20  cdaq
+* (JRA) Fix typo's, init scal_realadc array
+* Revision 1.4  1995/05/22  19:45:56  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.3  1995/05/11  14:55:09  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add call to s_fill_cal_hist
+* Revision 1.2  1994/11/23  14:01:04  cdaq
+* (SPB) Recopied from hms file and modified names for SOS
+* Revision 1.1  1994/04/13  18:44:11  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      save
+      logical abort
+      character*(*) errmsg
+      character*14 here
+      parameter (here='S_SPARSIFY_CAL')
+      integer*4 nh        !Loop variable for raw hits
+      integer*4 nb        !Block number
+      integer*4 row,col   !Row & column numbers
+      integer*4 adc_pos   !ADC value
+      integer*4 adc_neg   !ADC value
+      include 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'sos_calorimeter.cmn'
+      include 'sos_id_histid.cmn'
+      errmsg=' '
+      if( then
+        write(6,*) here,':scal_tot_hits = ',scal_tot_hits
+        return
+      endif
+      scal_num_hits=0
+      do nb = 1 , smax_cal_blocks
+        scal_realadc_pos(nb)=-100
+        scal_realadc_neg(nb)=-100
+      enddo
+      if(scal_tot_hits.le.0) return
+*      Loop over raw hits
+      do nh=1,scal_tot_hits      
+        row=scal_row(nh)
+        col=scal_column(nh)
+        nb =row+smax_cal_rows*(col-1)
+        adc_pos=scal_adc_pos(nh)
+        adc_neg=scal_adc_neg(nh)
+        if ( then        ! =-1 if no ADC value was read.
+          scal_realadc_pos(nb) = float(adc_pos) - scal_pos_ped_mean(nb)
+          if (scal_realadc_pos(nb)
+     &        call hf1(sidcalsumadc,scal_realadc_pos(nb),1.)
+	endif
+        if ( then        ! =-1 if no ADC value was read.
+          scal_realadc_neg(nb) = float(adc_neg) - scal_neg_ped_mean(nb)
+          if (scal_realadc_neg(nb)
+     &        call hf1(sidcalsumadc,scal_realadc_neg(nb),1.)
+	endif
+*      Sparsify the raw data
+        if(scal_realadc_pos(nb).gt.scal_pos_threshold(nb) .or.
+     &        scal_realadc_neg(nb).gt.scal_neg_threshold(nb)) then
+           scal_num_hits=scal_num_hits+1
+           scal_rows(scal_num_hits)=row
+           scal_cols(scal_num_hits)=col
+           if(scal_realadc_pos(nb).lt.scal_pos_threshold(nb)) then
+              scal_adcs_pos(scal_num_hits)= 0.0
+           else
+              scal_adcs_pos(scal_num_hits)=scal_realadc_pos(nb)
+           endif
+           if(scal_realadc_neg(nb).lt.scal_neg_threshold(nb)) then
+              scal_adcs_neg(scal_num_hits)= 0.0
+           else
+              scal_adcs_neg(scal_num_hits)=scal_realadc_neg(nb)
+           endif
+        endif
+      enddo                      !End loop over raw hits
+      if( call s_prt_cal_sparsified
+      call s_fill_cal_hist(abort,errmsg)
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/STRACKING/s_strip_scin.f b/STRACKING/s_strip_scin.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..11c7c6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/s_strip_scin.f
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+      subroutine s_strip_scin(abort,err)
+* author: John Arrington
+* created: 6/25/94
+* s_strip_scin converts the raw hits to arrays over hits
+* with good TDC values.
+* $Log: s_strip_scin.f,v $
+* Revision 1.7  1999/02/23 19:00:39  csa
+* (JRA) Remove sdebugcalcpeds stuff
+* Revision 1.6  1996/01/17 18:57:36  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add sdebugcalcpeds flag
+* Revision 1.5  1995/08/31 20:44:25  cdaq
+* (JRA) Accumulate pedestals from pedestal events.
+* Revision 1.4  1995/05/22  19:45:56  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.3  1995/05/11  15:02:18  cdaq
+* (JRA) Cosmetic changes
+* Revision 1.2  1995/02/10  19:14:37  cdaq
+* JRA) Make sscin_all_adc_pos/neg floating
+* Revision 1.1  1994/11/23  14:01:45  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      include 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'sos_scin_parms.cmn'
+      include 'sos_scin_tof.cmn'
+      include 'sos_tracking.cmn'
+      logical abort
+      character*(*) err
+      character*12 here
+      parameter (here = 's_strip_scin')
+      integer*4 ihit,igoodhit,ind,plane,counter
+      integer*4 ip,ic
+      save
+      abort = .false.
+      igoodhit = 0
+      sscin_tot_hits = 0
+      do ind = 1, snum_scin_planes
+        sscin_hits_per_plane(ind) = 0
+        sscin_sing_counter(ind) = -1
+      enddo
+      do ihit = 1 , sscin_all_tot_hits  ! pick out 'good' hits.
+**    Criteria for good hit is at least one valid tdc value.
+        if (((sscin_all_tdc_pos(ihit) .ge. sscin_tdc_min).and.
+     1       (sscin_all_tdc_pos(ihit) .le. sscin_tdc_max)) .or. 
+     2       ((sscin_all_tdc_neg(ihit) .ge. sscin_tdc_min).and.
+     3       (sscin_all_tdc_neg(ihit) .le. sscin_tdc_max))) then !good hit
+          igoodhit = igoodhit + 1
+          sscin_tot_hits = sscin_tot_hits + 1
+          ip = sscin_all_plane_num(ihit)
+          sscin_plane_num(igoodhit) = ip
+          ic = sscin_all_counter_num(ihit)
+          sscin_counter_num(igoodhit) = ic
+          sscin_adc_pos(igoodhit) = float(sscin_all_adc_pos(ihit)) -
+     $         sscin_all_ped_pos(ip,ic)
+          sscin_adc_neg(igoodhit) = float(sscin_all_adc_neg(ihit)) -
+     $         sscin_all_ped_neg(ip,ic)
+          sscin_tdc_pos(igoodhit) = sscin_all_tdc_pos(ihit)
+          sscin_tdc_neg(igoodhit) = sscin_all_tdc_neg(ihit)
+          sscin_hits_per_plane(sscin_plane_num(igoodhit)) = 
+     $         sscin_hits_per_plane(sscin_plane_num(igoodhit)) + 1
+*djm register counter which is hit. if more than one counter is hit per event,
+* only the last one will be histogrammed. this will bias events which have more
+* than one hit per plane, so it's only really useful for looking at single hits.
+* if you need to see all the hits, then hardwire it. 
+          plane = sscin_PLANE_NUM(igoodhit)
+          counter = sscin_COUNTER_NUM(igoodhit)
+          if( sscin_sing_counter(plane) = counter
+        endif
+      enddo
+      abort = .false.
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/STRACKING/s_targ_trans.f b/STRACKING/s_targ_trans.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..03a398b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/s_targ_trans.f
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+*-   Purpose and Methods :  Transforms tracks from SOS focal plane to 
+*-                          target.
+*-      Required Input BANKS     SOS_FOCAL_PLANE
+*-      Output BANKS             SOS_TARGET
+*-   Output: ABORT           - success or failure
+*-         : err             - reason for failure, if any
+*-   istat   (integer) Status flag. Value returned indicates the following:
+*-           = 1      Normal return.
+*-           = 2      Matrix elements not initted correctly.
+* Version:  0.1 (In development)  18-Nov-1993 (DHP)
+*-Modified 21-JAN-94  D.F.Geesaman
+*-            Add ABORT and err
+* $Log: s_targ_trans.f,v $
+* Revision 1.15  1999/02/23 19:01:10  csa
+* (JRA) Correct (another) hut(5) error
+* Revision 1.14  1999/02/10 17:47:17  csa
+* Sign change in hut(5)
+* Revision 1.13  1996/09/05 20:15:53  saw
+* (JRA) Apply offsets to reconstruction
+* Revision 1.12  1996/01/17 18:10:27  cdaq
+* (JRA)
+* Revision 1.11  1995/10/10 17:52:40  cdaq
+* (JRA) Cleanup
+* Revision 1.10  1995/08/08 16:01:57  cdaq
+* (DD) Add detector and angular offsets
+* Revision 1.9  1995/05/22  19:45:57  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.8  1995/03/23  16:51:57  cdaq
+* (SAW) Previous change wrong.  COSY wants slopes.
+* Target track data is now slopes.
+* Revision 1.7  1995/02/23  16:03:05  cdaq
+* (SAW) Convert focal plane slopes to angles before COSY transport.
+* Target track data is now angles.
+* Revision 1.6  1994/11/23  14:03:27  cdaq
+* (SPB) Recopied from hms file and modified names for SOS
+* Revision 1.5  1994/08/18  04:35:28  cdaq
+* (SAW) ???
+* Revision 1.4  1994/06/14  04:33:22  cdaq
+* (DFG) Add fill SLINK_TAR_FP 1 to 1
+* Revision 1.3  1994/06/07  01:58:56  cdaq
+* (DFG) Protect against asin argument > 1.0
+* Revision 1.2  1994/05/13  03:45:52  cdaq
+* (DFG) Add call to s_fill_dc_target_hist
+*       Add calculation of SP_TAR
+* (SAW) Cosmetic changes to source
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/21  16:41:11  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+* Abstract: Reconstruct target scattering variables from track variables in
+*           the detectors, using a polynomial (Taylor series) map. The track,
+*           target, and map data are all maintained in common blocks.
+* NOTE:     This version assumes that the beam is not rastered.
+*           Also, there is no treatment of error matrices, yet.
+* Right-handed coordinates are assumed: X=down, Z=downstream, Y = (Z cross X)
+* Author:   David H. Potterveld, Argonne National Lab, Nov. 1993
+      SAVE
+      character*12 here
+      parameter (here= 's_targ_trans')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      integer*4   istat
+      INCLUDE 'gen_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_constants.par'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_units.par'
+      include 'sos_tracking.cmn'
+      include 'sos_recon_elements.cmn'
+      include 'sos_track_histid.cmn'
+      include 'sos_physics_sing.cmn'
+* Misc. variables.
+      integer*4        i,j,itrk
+      real*8           sum(4),hut(5),term,hut_rot(5)
+*============================= Executable Code ================================
+      ABORT= .FALSE.
+      err= ' '
+* Check for correct initialization.
+      if ( then
+         istat = 2
+         return
+      endif
+      istat = 1
+* Loop over tracks.
+      sntracks_tar = sntracks_fp
+      do itrk = 1,sntracks_fp
+*     set link between target and focal plane track. Currenty 1 to 1
+         slink_tar_fp(itrk) = itrk
+* Reset COSY sums.
+         do i = 1,4
+            sum(i) = 0.
+         enddo
+* Load track data into local array, Converting to COSY units.
+* Note:  At this point, the focal plane variables sxp_fp and syp_fp are
+* still slopes.  We convert them to angles before running them through the
+* COSY transport matrices.
+* It is assumed that the track coordinates are reported at
+* the same focal plane as the COSY matrix elements were calculated.
+         hut(1) = sx_fp(itrk)/100.+ s_z_true_focus*sxp_fp(itrk)
+     $        + s_det_offset_x !m + detector offset
+! includes transformation to actual focus if not at Z=0.
+         hut(2) = sxp_fp(itrk) + s_ang_offset_x         !COSY wants slopes
+         hut(3) = sy_fp(itrk)/100. + s_z_true_focus*syp_fp(itrk)
+     $        + s_det_offset_y     !m + detector offset
+! again icludes transformation to true focus.
+         hut(4) = syp_fp(itrk) + s_ang_offset_y         !COSY wants slopes
+         hut(5) = -gbeam_y/100.         ! spectrometer target X in meter!    
+! now transform
+         hut_rot(1) = hut(1)
+         hut_rot(3) = hut(3)
+         hut_rot(2) = hut(2) + hut(1)*s_ang_slope_x
+         hut_rot(4) = hut(4) + hut(3)*s_ang_slope_y
+         hut_rot(5) = hut(5)
+* Compute COSY sums.
+         do i = 1,s_num_recon_terms
+            term = 1.
+            do j = 1,5
+               if (s_recon_expon(j,i).ne.0.)
+     $              term = term*hut(j)**s_recon_expon(j,i)
+            enddo
+            sum(1) = sum(1) + term*s_recon_coeff(1,i)
+            sum(2) = sum(2) + term*s_recon_coeff(2,i)
+            sum(3) = sum(3) + term*s_recon_coeff(3,i)
+         enddo
+! For the SOS only the delta needs the transformation
+         do i = 1,s_num_recon_terms
+            term = 1.
+            do j = 1,5
+               if (s_recon_expon(j,i).ne.0.)
+     $              term = term*hut_rot(j)**s_recon_expon(j,i)
+            enddo
+            sum(4) = sum(4) + term*s_recon_coeff(4,i)
+         enddo
+* Protect against asin argument > 1.
+c         if(sum(1).gt. 1.0)  sum(1)= 0.99
+c         if(sum(1).lt. -1.0) sum(1)= -.99
+c         if(sum(3).gt. 1.0) sum(3)=  0.99
+c         if(sum(3).lt. -1.0) sum(3)= -.99
+* Load output values.
+         sx_tar(itrk) = 0               ! ** No beam raster **
+         sy_tar(itrk) = sum(2)*100.     !cm.
+         sxp_tar(itrk) = sum(1)         !Slope xp
+         syp_tar(itrk) = sum(3)         !Slope yp
+         sz_tar(itrk) = 0.0             !Track is at origin
+         sdelta_tar(itrk) = sum(4)*100. !percent.
+* Apply offsets to reconstruction.
+         sdelta_tar(itrk) = sdelta_tar(itrk) + sdelta_offset
+         syp_tar(itrk) = syp_tar(itrk) + stheta_offset
+         sxp_tar(itrk) = sxp_tar(itrk) + sphi_offset
+         sp_tar(itrk)  = spcentral*(1.0 + sdelta_tar(itrk)/100.) !Momentum in GeV
+* The above coordinates are in the spectrometer reference frame in which the
+* Z axis is along the central ray. Do we need to rotate to the lab frame?
+* For now, I assume not.
+      enddo                             !End of loop over tracks.
+* All done...
+*       check print flag to print results
+      if( then
+         call s_print_tar_tracks
+      endif
+* Fill hardwired histograms if sturnon_target_hist is non zero
+      if( then
+         call s_fill_dc_target_hist(ABORT,err)
+         if(ABORT) then
+            call g_add_path(here,err)
+         endif
+      endif
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/STRACKING/s_targ_trans_init.f b/STRACKING/s_targ_trans_init.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a789493
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/s_targ_trans_init.f
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+      subroutine s_targ_trans_init(ABORT,err,istat)
+* Facility: CEBAF Hall-C software.
+* Module:   s_targ_trans_init
+* Version:  0.1 (In development)
+* $Log: s_targ_trans_init.f,v $
+* Revision  2007/09/10 20:28:01  pcarter
+* Implemented changes to allow compilation on RHEL 3,4,5 and MacOSX
+* Revision 1.5  2004/02/19 16:42:13  jones
+* Can set filename for the SOS matrix elements using the parameter
+* s_recon_coeff_filename . If parameter is not set then uses
+* sos_recon_coeff.dat
+* Revision 1.4  1996/09/04 20:57:23  saw
+* (JRA) Add target x to track definition
+* Revision 1.3  1996/01/17 18:56:58  cdaq
+* (JRA)
+* Revision 1.2  1995/08/08 16:08:36  cdaq
+* (DD) Add detector and angular offsets
+* Revision 1.1  1994/05/13  03:50:18  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+* Abstract: Temporary routine to initialize SOS reconstruction coefficients
+*           from a datafile.
+* Output arguments:
+*   istat   (integer) Status flag. Value returned indicates the following:
+*            = 1      Normal return.
+*            = 2      Datafile could not be opened.
+*            = 4      Error reading datafile.
+*            = 6      Datafile overflowed the internal arrays.
+* Author:   David H. Potterveld, Argonne National Lab, Nov. 1993
+* Modified: D. F. Geesaman   Add Abort, err arguments
+*                            Use G_IO_CONTROL to get LUN
+      implicit none
+! Argument definitions.
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      integer         istat
+! Include files.
+      include 'sos_recon_elements.cmn'  !Recon coefficients.
+      include 'gen_filenames.cmn'
+      include 'sos_filenames.cmn'
+! Misc. variables.
+      integer*4       i,j,chan
+      character*132   line
+! ============================= Executable Code ================================
+! Reset flag, and zero arrays.
+      err= ' '
+      ABORT = .FALSE.
+      s_recon_initted = 0
+      do j = 1,smax_recon_elements
+        do i = 1,4
+          s_recon_coeff(i,j) = 0.
+          s_recon_expon(i,j) = 0.
+        enddo
+        s_recon_expon(5,j) = 0.
+      enddo
+      s_ang_slope_x=0.0
+      s_ang_slope_y=0.0
+      s_ang_offset_x=0.0
+      s_ang_offset_y=0.0
+      s_det_offset_x=0.0
+      s_det_offset_y=0.0
+      s_z_true_focus=0.0
+      istat = 1                         !Assume success.
+! Get an I/O unit to open datafiles.
+c      call G_IO_control(chan,'ANY',ABORT,err) !"ASK"="ANY"
+      chan = G_LUN_TEMP
+! Open and read in coefficients.
+      if ( s_recon_coeff_filename .eq. ' ' ) then
+         s_recon_coeff_filename = 'sos_recon_coeff.dat'
+       else
+      endif
+      write(*,*) '*******'
+       write(*,*) ' Opening SOS matrix element file ',s_recon_coeff_filename
+      write(*,*) '*******'
+      open (unit=chan,status='old',file=s_recon_coeff_filename,err=92)
+! Read header comments.
+      line = '!'
+      do while (line(1:1).eq.'!')
+        read (chan,1001,err=94) line
+      enddo
+* Read in focal plane rotation coefficients.
+      do while (line(1:4).ne.' ---')
+        if(line(1:13).eq.'s_ang_slope_x')read(line,1201,err=94)s_ang_slope_x
+        if(line(1:13).eq.'s_ang_slope_y')read(line,1201,err=94)s_ang_slope_y
+        if(line(1:14).eq.'s_ang_offset_x')read(line,1201,err=94)s_ang_offset_x
+        if(line(1:14).eq.'s_ang_offset_y')read(line,1201,err=94)s_ang_offset_y
+        if(line(1:14).eq.'s_det_offset_x')read(line,1201,err=94)s_det_offset_x
+        if(line(1:14).eq.'s_det_offset_y')read(line,1201,err=94)s_det_offset_y
+        if(line(1:14).eq.'s_z_true_focus')read(line,1201,err=94)s_z_true_focus
+        read (chan,1001,err=94) line
+      enddo
+! Read in coefficients and exponents.
+      line =' '
+      read (chan,1001,err=94) line
+      s_num_recon_terms = 0
+      do while (line(1:4).ne.' ---')
+        s_num_recon_terms = s_num_recon_terms + 1
+        if ( goto 96
+        read (line,1200,err=94) (s_recon_coeff(i,s_num_recon_terms),i=1,4),
+     >       (s_recon_expon(j,s_num_recon_terms),j=1,5)
+        read (chan,1001,err=94) line
+      enddo
+! Data read in OK.
+      s_recon_initted = 1
+      goto 100
+! File reading or data processing errors.
+ 92   istat = 2                         !Error opening file.
+* If file does not exist, report err and then continue for development
+      err = 'error opening file '//s_recon_coeff_filename
+      call g_rep_err(ABORT,err)
+      stop
+      goto 100
+ 94   istat = 4                         !Error reading or processing data.
+      ABORT=.true.
+      err = 'error processing file'//s_recon_coeff_filename
+      stop
+      goto 100
+ 96   istat = 6                         !Too much data in file for arrays.
+      ABORT=.true.
+      err = 'too much data in file '//s_recon_coeff_filename
+      stop
+      goto 100
+! Done with open file.
+ 100  close (unit=chan)
+*     free lun
+c      call G_IO_control(chan,'FREE',ABORT,err) !"FINISH"="FREE"
+      return
+! ============================ Format Statements ===============================
+ 1001 format(a)
+ 1200 format(1x,4g16.9,1x,5i1)
+ 1201 format(17x,g16.9)
+      end
diff --git a/STRACKING/s_tdc_time_per_channel.f b/STRACKING/s_tdc_time_per_channel.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..249ae1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/s_tdc_time_per_channel.f
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+      function s_tdc_time_per_channel(plane,wire)
+*     routinne to return tdc slope (in ns/channel ) for a given sos plane and
+*     wire
+*     d.f. geesaman      17 feb 1994        first dummy routine
+* $Log: s_tdc_time_per_channel.f,v $
+* Revision 1.3  1995/05/22 19:45:57  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.2  1994/03/24  19:56:24  cdaq
+* (DFG) Add includes, return value now a registered variable
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/21  16:41:23  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      include 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'sos_geometry.cmn'
+*     inputs
+      integer*4      plane     ! sos plane number of hit
+      integer*4      wire      ! sos wire number of hit
+*     output
+      real*4         s_tdc_time_per_channel 
+*      s_drift_time_calc = SSTART_TIME 
+*     &      - FLOAT(tdc)*s_tdc_time_per_channel(plane,wire)
+*     &      + s_tdc_zero(plane,wire)                     
+      s_tdc_time_per_channel = sdc_tdc_time_per_channel
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/STRACKING/s_tdc_zero.f b/STRACKING/s_tdc_zero.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2dd2e9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/s_tdc_zero.f
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+      function s_tdc_zero(plane,wire)
+*     routine to return tdc_zero offset (in ns) for a given sos plane and
+*     wire
+*     d.f. geesaman      17 feb 1994        first dummy routine
+* $Log: s_tdc_zero.f,v $
+* Revision 1.3  1995/05/22 19:45:58  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.2  1994/06/14  04:38:30  cdaq
+* (DFG) Make zero time a parameter
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/21  16:41:38  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+*     inputs
+*     integer*4      plane     sos plane number of hit
+*     integer*4      wire      sos wire number of hit
+*     output
+*     real*4         s_tdc_zero  offset
+*      s_drift_time_calc = SSTART_TIME 
+*     &      - FLOAT(tdc)*s_tdc_time_per_channel(plane,wire)
+*     &      + s_tdc_zero(plane,wire)                     
+      implicit none
+      include 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'sos_tracking.cmn'
+      include 'sos_geometry.cmn'            
+      integer*4 plane,wire
+      real*4 s_tdc_zero
+      s_tdc_zero=sdc_plane_time_zero(plane)
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/STRACKING/s_tof.f b/STRACKING/s_tof.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb45889
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/s_tof.f
@@ -0,0 +1,444 @@
+       SUBROUTINE S_TOF(ABORT,errmsg)
+*-   Purpose and Methods : Analyze SOS scintillator information for each track 
+*-      Required Input BANKS     SOS_RAW_SCIN
+*-                               SOS_DECODED_SCIN
+*-                               SOS_FOCAL_PLANE
+*-      Output BANKS             SOS_TRACK_TESTS
+*-   Output: ABORT           - success or failure
+*-         : err             - reason for failure, if any
+*-   Created 22-FEB-1994   John Arrington
+* $Log: s_tof.f,v $
+* Revision  2007/09/10 20:28:01  pcarter
+* Implemented changes to allow compilation on RHEL 3,4,5 and MacOSX
+* Revision 1.14  2005/03/15 21:13:09  jones
+* Add code to filter the scintillator tdc hits and group them by time. ( P. Bosted)
+* Revision 1.13  1999/06/10 16:57:49  csa
+* (JRA) Cosmetic changes
+* Revision 1.12  1997/03/19 18:18:58  saw
+* (JRA) Don't neglect negative side of hodoscopes
+* Revision 1.11  1996/09/05 20:16:28  saw
+* (JRA) Include actual beta in calculation of focal plane time.
+* Revision 1.10  1996/01/17 18:56:31  cdaq
+* (JRA)
+* Revision 1.9  1995/05/22 19:45:58  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.8  1995/05/17  16:46:14  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add sum_plane_time and num_plane_time
+* Revision 1.7  1995/02/23  15:47:24  cdaq
+* (JRA) Catch up to HMS.  Add track index to hgood_plane_time,
+* hgood_scin_time, hgood_tdc_pos, and hgood_tdc_neg.  Zero out some
+* variables at start, minph variables now per pmt, hscin_adc_pos/neg
+* change to floats.  Added count of pmt's firing and cosmetic changes.
+* Cosmetic changes.  Remove commented out code to dump time of light
+* fitting data.  Add calculation of time for each plane.  Add commented
+* out code to dump time of flight fitting data.
+* Revision 1.6  1995/01/18  20:41:48  cdaq
+* (SAW) Catch negative ADC values in argument of square root
+* Revision 1.5  1994/11/23  14:15:23  cdaq
+* (SPB) Recopied from hms file and modified names for SOS
+* Revision 1.4  1994/05/13  03:55:14  cdaq
+* (DFG) Remove s_prt_track_tests call
+* Revision 1.3  1994/04/13  05:34:55  cdaq
+* (SAW) Fix typo
+* Revision 1.2  1994/04/13  05:30:02  cdaq
+* Put in arrington code
+* (DFG) Add check for zero track
+*       Add calls to print routines
+*       Add check for zero hits
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/21  16:41:51  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+* s_tof finds the time of flight for a particle from
+* the hodoscope TDC information.  It corrects for pulse
+* height walk, time lag from the hit to the pmt signal,
+* and time offsets for each signal.  It requires the
+* hodoscope ADC and TDC information, the track, and
+* the correction parameters.
+      SAVE
+      character*50 here
+      parameter (here= 'S_TOF')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) errmsg
+      INCLUDE 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_constants.par'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_units.par'
+      include 'sos_scin_parms.cmn'
+      include 'sos_scin_tof.cmn'
+      integer*4 hit, trk
+      integer*4 plane,ind
+      integer*4 sntof_pairs
+      real*4 adc_ph                     !pulse height (channels)
+      real*4 xhit_coord,yhit_coord
+      real*4 time
+      real*4 p,betap         !momentum and velocity from momentum, assuming desired mass
+      real*4 path
+      real*4 sum_fp_time,sum_plane_time(snum_scin_planes)
+      integer*4 num_fp_time,num_plane_time(snum_scin_planes)
+      integer timehist(200),i,j,jmax,maxhit,nfound
+      real*4 time_pos(1000),time_neg(1000),tmin,time_tolerance
+      logical keep_pos(1000),keep_neg(1000),first/.true./
+      save
+      ABORT= .FALSE.
+      errmsg = ' '
+      if(sntracks_fp.le.0 .or. sscin_tot_hits.le.0) then
+        do trk = 1 , sntracks_fp
+          snum_scin_hit(trk) = 0
+          snum_pmt_hit(trk) = 0
+          sbeta(trk) = 0
+          sbeta_chisq(trk) = -3
+          stime_at_fp(trk) = 0
+        enddo
+        goto 666
+      endif
+**    MAIN LOOP:  Loop over all tracks and get corrected time, tof, beta...
+      do trk = 1 , sntracks_fp
+**    Initialize counter,flags...
+        sntof = 0
+        sntof_pairs = 0
+        sum_fp_time = 0.
+        num_fp_time = 0
+        snum_scin_hit(trk) = 0
+        snum_pmt_hit(trk) = 0
+        p = sp_tar(trk)
+        betap = p/sqrt(p*p+spartmass*spartmass)
+! Calculate all corrected hit times and histogram
+! This uses a copy of code below. Results are saved in time_pos,neg
+! including the z-pos. correction assuming nominal value of betap
+! Code is currently hard-wired to look for a peak in the
+! range of 0 to 100 nsec, with a group of times that all
+! agree withing a time_tolerance of time_tolerance nsec. The normal
+! peak position appears to be around 35 nsec.
+! NOTE: if want to find farticles with beta different than
+!       reference particle, need to make sure this is big enough
+!       to accomodate difference in TOF for other particles
+! Default value in case user hasnt definedd something reasonable
+        time_tolerance=3.0
+        if( then
+          time_tolerance=stof_tolerance
+        endif
+        if(first) then
+           first=.false.
+           write(*,'(//1x,''USING '',f8.2,'' NSEC WINDOW FOR'',
+     >     ''  SOS TOF AND FP CALCULATIONS'')') time_tolerance
+           write(*,'(//)')
+        endif
+        nfound = 0
+        do j=1,200
+          timehist(j)=0
+        enddo
+        do hit = 1 , sscin_tot_hits
+          i=min(1000,hit)
+          time_pos(i)=-99.
+          time_neg(i)=-99.
+          keep_pos(i)=.false.
+          keep_neg(i)=.false.
+          plane = sscin_plane_num(hit)
+          xhit_coord = sx_fp(trk) + sxp_fp(trk)*sscin_zpos(hit)
+          yhit_coord = sy_fp(trk) + syp_fp(trk)*sscin_zpos(hit)
+          if (plane.eq.1 .or. plane.eq.3) then !x plane
+            sscin_trans_coord(hit) = xhit_coord
+            sscin_long_coord(hit) = yhit_coord
+          else if (plane.eq.2 .or. plane.eq.4) then !y plane
+            sscin_trans_coord(hit) = yhit_coord
+            sscin_long_coord(hit) = xhit_coord
+          else                          !bad plane #.
+            abort = .true.
+            write(errmsg,*) 'sscin_plane_num(',hit,') = ',plane
+            call g_prepend(here,errmsg)
+            return
+          endif
+          if (abs(sscin_center_coord(hit)-sscin_trans_coord(hit))
+     &         .lt.(sscin_width(hit)/2.+sscin_slop(hit))) then
+            if(sscin_tdc_pos(hit) .ge. sscin_tdc_min .and.  
+     &          sscin_tdc_pos(hit) .le. sscin_tdc_max) then
+              adc_ph = sscin_adc_pos(hit)
+              path = sscin_pos_coord(hit) - sscin_long_coord(hit)
+              time = sscin_tdc_pos(hit) * sscin_tdc_to_time
+              time = time - sscin_pos_phc_coeff(hit) *
+     &             sqrt(max(0.,(adc_ph/sscin_pos_minph(hit)-1.)))
+              time = time - path/sscin_vel_light(hit)
+     &                  - (sscin_zpos(hit)/(29.979*betap) *
+     &          sqrt(1.+sxp_fp(trk)*sxp_fp(trk)+syp_fp(trk)*syp_fp(trk)))
+              time_pos(i) = time - sscin_pos_time_offset(hit)
+              nfound = nfound + 1
+              do j=1,200
+                tmin = 0.5*float(j)                
+                if(time_pos(i) .gt. tmin .and.
+     >             time_pos(i) .lt. tmin + time_tolerance) 
+     >            timehist(j) = timehist(j) + 1
+              enddo
+            endif
+            if (sscin_tdc_neg(hit).ge.sscin_tdc_min .and. !good tdc
+     1           sscin_tdc_neg(hit).le.sscin_tdc_max) then
+              adc_ph = sscin_adc_neg(hit)
+              path = sscin_long_coord(hit) - sscin_neg_coord(hit)
+              time = sscin_tdc_neg(hit) * sscin_tdc_to_time
+              time = time - sscin_neg_phc_coeff(hit) *
+     &             sqrt(max(0.,(adc_ph/sscin_neg_minph(hit)-1.)))
+              time = time - path/sscin_vel_light(hit)
+     &                    - (sscin_zpos(hit)/(29.979*betap) *
+     &          sqrt(1.+sxp_fp(trk)*sxp_fp(trk)+syp_fp(trk)*syp_fp(trk)))
+              time_neg(i) = time - sscin_neg_time_offset(hit)
+              nfound = nfound + 1
+              do j=1,200
+                tmin = 0.5*float(j)                
+                if(time_neg(i) .gt. tmin .and.
+     >             time_neg(i) .lt. tmin + time_tolerance) 
+     >            timehist(j) = timehist(j)+1
+             enddo
+            endif
+          endif
+        enddo
+! Find bin with most hits
+        jmax=0
+        maxhit=0
+        do j=1,200
+          if(timehist(j) .gt. maxhit) then
+            jmax = j
+            maxhit = timehist(j)
+          endif
+        enddo
+        if( then
+          tmin = 0.5*float(jmax) 
+          do hit = 1 , sscin_tot_hits
+            i=min(1000,hit)
+            if(time_pos(i) .gt. tmin .and.
+     >         time_pos(i) .lt. tmin + time_tolerance) then
+              keep_pos(i) = .true.
+            endif
+            if(time_neg(i) .gt. tmin .and.
+     >         time_neg(i) .lt. tmin + time_tolerance) then
+              keep_neg(i) = .true.
+            endif
+          enddo
+        endif
+! Resume regular tof code, now using time filer from above
+        do plane = 1 , snum_scin_planes
+          sgood_plane_time(trk,plane) = .false.
+          sum_plane_time(plane) = 0.
+          num_plane_time(plane) = 0
+        enddo
+        do hit = 1 , sscin_tot_hits
+          sgood_scin_time(trk,hit) = .false.
+          sgood_tdc_pos(trk,hit) = .false.
+          sgood_tdc_neg(trk,hit) = .false.
+          sscin_time(hit) = 0
+          sscin_sigma(hit) = 0
+        enddo
+        do hit = 1 , sscin_tot_hits
+          plane = sscin_plane_num(hit)
+**    Find hit position
+          xhit_coord = sx_fp(trk) + sxp_fp(trk)*sscin_zpos(hit)
+          yhit_coord = sy_fp(trk) + syp_fp(trk)*sscin_zpos(hit)
+          if (plane.eq.1 .or. plane.eq.3) then !x plane
+            sscin_trans_coord(hit) = xhit_coord
+            sscin_long_coord(hit) = yhit_coord
+          else if (plane.eq.2 .or. plane.eq.4) then !y plane
+            sscin_trans_coord(hit) = yhit_coord
+            sscin_long_coord(hit) = xhit_coord
+          else                          !bad plane #.
+            abort = .true.
+            write(errmsg,*) 'sscin_plane_num(',hit,') = ',plane
+            call g_prepend(here,errmsg)
+            return
+          endif
+**    Check if scin is on track
+          if (abs(sscin_center_coord(hit)-sscin_trans_coord(hit)) .gt
+     &         .(sscin_width(hit)/2.+sscin_slop(hit))) then
+            sscin_on_track(trk,hit) = .false.
+          else
+            sscin_on_track(trk,hit) = .true.
+***   Check for good TDC
+            if (sscin_tdc_pos(hit) .ge. sscin_tdc_min .and.  
+     &          sscin_tdc_pos(hit) .le. sscin_tdc_max.and.
+     >          keep_pos(hit)) then
+**    Calculate time for each tube with a good tdc. 'pos' side first.
+              sgood_tdc_pos(trk,hit) = .true.
+              sntof = sntof + 1
+              adc_ph = sscin_adc_pos(hit)
+              path = sscin_pos_coord(hit) - sscin_long_coord(hit)
+*     Convert TDC value to time, do pulse height correction, correction for
+*     propogation of light thru scintillator, and offset.
+              time = sscin_tdc_pos(hit) * sscin_tdc_to_time
+              time = time - sscin_pos_phc_coeff(hit) *
+     &             sqrt(max(0.,(adc_ph/sscin_pos_minph(hit)-1.)))
+              time = time - path/sscin_vel_light(hit)
+              sscin_pos_time(hit) = time - sscin_pos_time_offset(hit)
+            endif
+**    Repeat for pmts on 'negative' side
+            if (sscin_tdc_neg(hit).ge.sscin_tdc_min .and. !good tdc
+     1           sscin_tdc_neg(hit).le.sscin_tdc_max.and.
+     >          keep_neg(hit)) then
+              sgood_tdc_neg(trk,hit) = .true.
+              sntof = sntof + 1
+              adc_ph = sscin_adc_neg(hit)
+              path = sscin_long_coord(hit) - sscin_neg_coord(hit)
+              time = sscin_tdc_neg(hit) * sscin_tdc_to_time
+              time = time - sscin_neg_phc_coeff(hit) *
+     &             sqrt(max(0.,(adc_ph/sscin_neg_minph(hit)-1.)))
+              time = time - path/sscin_vel_light(hit)
+              sscin_neg_time(hit) = time - sscin_neg_time_offset(hit)
+            endif
+**    Calculate ave time for scintillator and error.
+            if (sgood_tdc_pos(trk,hit)) then
+              if (sgood_tdc_neg(trk,hit)) then
+                sscin_time(hit) = (sscin_neg_time(hit) + sscin_pos_time(hit))/2.
+                sscin_sigma(hit) = sqrt(sscin_neg_sigma(hit)**2 + 
+     1               sscin_pos_sigma(hit)**2)/2.
+                sgood_scin_time(trk,hit) = .true.
+                sntof_pairs = sntof_pairs + 1
+              else
+                sscin_time(hit) = sscin_pos_time(hit)
+                sscin_sigma(hit) = sscin_pos_sigma(hit)
+                sgood_scin_time(trk,hit) = .true.
+*                sgood_scin_time(trk,hit) = .false.
+              endif
+            else                        ! if sgood_tdc_neg = .false.
+              if (sgood_tdc_neg(trk,hit)) then
+                sscin_time(hit) = sscin_neg_time(hit)
+                sscin_sigma(hit) = sscin_neg_sigma(hit)
+                sgood_scin_time(trk,hit) = .true.
+*                sgood_scin_time(trk,hit) = .false.
+              endif
+            endif
+c     Get time at focal plane
+            if (sgood_scin_time(trk,hit)) then
+              sscin_time_fp(hit) = sscin_time(hit)
+     &             - (sscin_zpos(hit)/(29.979*betap) *
+     &             sqrt(1.+sxp_fp(trk)*sxp_fp(trk)+syp_fp(trk)*syp_fp(trk)) )
+              sum_fp_time = sum_fp_time + sscin_time_fp(hit)
+              num_fp_time = num_fp_time + 1
+              sum_plane_time(plane)=sum_plane_time(plane)
+     &             +sscin_time_fp(hit)
+              num_plane_time(plane)=num_plane_time(plane)+1
+              snum_scin_hit(trk) = snum_scin_hit(trk) + 1
+              sscin_hit(trk,snum_scin_hit(trk)) = hit
+              sscin_fptime(trk,snum_scin_hit(trk)) = sscin_time_fp(hit)
+              if (sgood_tdc_pos(trk,hit) .and. sgood_tdc_neg(trk,hit)) then
+                snum_pmt_hit(trk) = snum_pmt_hit(trk) + 2
+              else
+                snum_pmt_hit(trk) = snum_pmt_hit(trk) + 1
+              endif
+              if (sgood_tdc_pos(trk,hit)) then
+                if (sgood_tdc_neg(trk,hit)) then
+                  sdedx(trk,snum_scin_hit(trk)) = sqrt(max(0.,
+     &                 sscin_adc_pos(hit)*sscin_adc_neg(hit)))
+                else
+                  sdedx(trk,snum_scin_hit(trk))=max(0.,sscin_adc_pos(hit))
+                endif
+              else
+                if(sgood_tdc_neg(trk,hit)) then
+                  sdedx(trk,snum_scin_hit(trk))=max(0.,sscin_adc_neg(hit))
+                else
+                  sdedx(trk,snum_scin_hit(trk))=0.
+                endif
+              endif
+            endif
+          endif                         !end of 'if scintillator was on the track'
+**    See if there are any good time measurements in the plane.
+          if (sgood_scin_time(trk,hit)) then
+            sgood_plane_time(trk,plane) = .true. !still in loop over hits.
+          endif
+        enddo                           !end of loop over hit scintillators
+**    Fit beta if there are enough time measurements (one upper, one lower)
+        if ((sgood_plane_time(trk,1) .or. sgood_plane_time(trk,2)) .and.
+     1       (sgood_plane_time(trk,3) .or. sgood_plane_time(trk,4))) then
+          call s_tof_fit(abort,errmsg,trk) !fit velocity of particle
+          if (abort) then
+            call g_prepend(here,errmsg)
+            return
+          endif
+        else                            !cannot fit beta from given time measurements
+          sbeta(trk) = 0.
+          sbeta_chisq(trk) = -1.
+        endif
+        if (num_fp_time .ne. 0) then
+          stime_at_fp(trk) = sum_fp_time / float(num_fp_time)
+        endif
+        do ind=1,4
+          if (num_plane_time(ind) .ne. 0) then
+            s_fptime(ind)=sum_plane_time(ind)/float(num_plane_time(ind))
+          else
+            s_fptime(ind)=1000.*ind
+          endif
+        enddo
+        s_fptimedif(1)=s_fptime(1)-s_fptime(2)
+        s_fptimedif(2)=s_fptime(1)-s_fptime(3)
+        s_fptimedif(3)=s_fptime(1)-s_fptime(4)
+        s_fptimedif(4)=s_fptime(2)-s_fptime(3)
+        s_fptimedif(5)=s_fptime(2)-s_fptime(4)
+        s_fptimedif(6)=s_fptime(3)-s_fptime(4)   
+*     Dump tof common blocks if (sdebugprinttoftracks is set
+        if( ) call s_prt_tof(trk)
+        if( then
+          if(trk.eq.1) write(*,'(/1x,''sos tol='',f8.2)') time_tolerance
+          write(*,'(5i3,4L2,7f7.2)') trk,nfound,jmax,timehist(max(1,jmax)),
+     >      snum_pmt_hit(trk),
+     >      sgood_plane_time(trk,1),sgood_plane_time(trk,3),
+     >      sgood_plane_time(trk,2),sgood_plane_time(trk,4),
+     >      stime_at_fp(trk),sbeta(trk),sbeta_chisq(trk),
+     >      sdelta_tar(trk),sy_tar(trk),sxp_tar(trk),syp_tar(trk)
+        endif
+      enddo                             !end of loop over tracks
+ 666  continue
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/STRACKING/s_tof_fit.f b/STRACKING/s_tof_fit.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e1e3e82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/s_tof_fit.f
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+      subroutine s_tof_fit(abort,errmsg,trk)
+* author: John Arrington
+* created: 2/22/94
+* s_tof_fit fits the velocity of the paritcle from the corrected
+* times generated by s_tof.
+* modifications:
+* $Log: s_tof_fit.f,v $
+* Revision 1.6  1996/09/04 20:36:55  saw
+* (JRA) Don't forget the  sqrt in pathnorm
+* Revision 1.5  1995/05/22 19:45:59  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.4  1995/02/23  13:28:35  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add track index to sgood_scin_time
+* Revision 1.3  1994/11/23  14:15:49  cdaq
+* * (SPB) Recopied from hms file and modified names for SOS
+* Revision 1.2  1994/06/14  04:36:30  cdaq
+* (DFG) Protect against divide by 0 in beta calc
+* Revision 1.1  1994/04/13  18:45:19  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      include 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'sos_scin_parms.cmn'
+      include 'sos_scin_tof.cmn'
+      logical abort
+      character*1024 errmsg
+      character*20 here
+      parameter (here = 's_tof_fit')
+      real*4 sumw, sumt, sumz, sumzz, sumtz
+      real*4 scin_weight
+      real*4 tmp, t0 ,tmpdenom
+      real*4 pathnorm
+      integer*4 hit, trk
+      save
+      sumw = 0.
+      sumt = 0.
+      sumz = 0.
+      sumzz = 0.
+      sumtz = 0.
+      do hit = 1 , sscin_tot_hits
+        if (sgood_scin_time(trk,hit)) then
+          scin_weight = 1./sscin_sigma(hit)**2
+          sumw = sumw + scin_weight
+          sumt = sumt + scin_weight * sscin_time(hit)
+          sumz = sumz + scin_weight * sscin_zpos(hit)
+          sumzz = sumzz + scin_weight * sscin_zpos(hit)**2
+          sumtz = sumtz + scin_weight * sscin_zpos(hit) *
+     1         sscin_time(hit)
+        endif
+      enddo
+* The formula for beta (and t0) come from taking chi-squared (as
+* defined below), and differentiating  with respect to each
+* of the fit paramters (beta and t0 for fit to z=beta*(t-t0)).
+* Setting both of these derivatives to zero gives the minumum
+* chisquared (since they are quadratic in beta and t0), and
+* gives a solution for beta in terms of sums of z, t, and w.
+      tmp = sumw*sumzz - sumz*sumz
+      t0 = (sumt*sumzz - sumz*sumtz) / tmp
+      tmpdenom = sumw*sumtz - sumz*sumt
+      if(tmpdenom .gt. 1.e-10) then
+        sbeta(trk) = tmp / tmpdenom     !velocity in cm/ns.
+        sbeta_chisq(trk) = 0.
+        do hit = 1 , sscin_tot_hits
+          if (sgood_scin_time(trk,hit)) then
+            sbeta_chisq(trk) = sbeta_chisq(trk) + 
+     1           (sscin_zpos(hit)/sbeta(trk) -
+     1           (sscin_time(hit) - t0))**2 / sscin_sigma(hit)**2
+          endif
+        enddo
+        pathnorm = sqrt(1 + sxp_fp(trk)**2 + syp_fp(trk)**2)
+        sbeta(trk) = sbeta(trk) * pathnorm !take angle into account
+        sbeta(trk) = sbeta(trk) / 29.979 !velocity/c
+      else
+        sbeta(trk) = 0.                 !set unphysical beta
+        sbeta_chisq(trk) = -2
+      endif                             !end if on denomimator = 0.
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/STRACKING/s_tof_init.f b/STRACKING/s_tof_init.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e8f506
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/s_tof_init.f
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+      subroutine s_tof_init(abort,err)
+* author: John Arrington
+* created: 2/22/94
+* s_tof_init sets up the track independant parameters
+* for fitting the tof of the particle.
+* modifications: 31 Mar 1994    DFG  Check for 0 hits
+* $Log: s_tof_init.f,v $
+* Revision 1.5  1995/05/22 19:46:00  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.4  1995/02/23  15:58:54  cdaq
+* (JRA)  Change shodo_center_coord to shodo_center.
+*        Make minph variables into per pmt constants.
+* Revision 1.3  1994/11/23  14:23:05  cdaq
+* (SPB) Recopied from hms file and modified names for SOS
+* Revision 1.2  1994/06/01  15:40:08  cdaq
+* (SAW) Change declaration of err to *(*)
+* Revision 1.1  1994/04/13  18:45:03  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      include 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'sos_scin_parms.cmn'
+      include 'sos_scin_tof.cmn'
+      logical abort
+      character*(*) err
+      character*20 here
+      parameter (here = 's_tof_init')
+      integer*4 ihit,plane,counter
+      save
+      if( then
+        do ihit = 1 , sscin_tot_hits
+          plane = sscin_plane_num(ihit) !from s_raw_scin common block.
+          counter = sscin_counter_num(ihit)
+          sscin_slop(ihit) = shodo_slop(plane)
+          sscin_pos_sigma(ihit) = shodo_pos_sigma(plane,counter)
+          sscin_neg_sigma(ihit) = shodo_neg_sigma(plane,counter)
+          sscin_center_coord(ihit) = shodo_center(plane,counter)
+          sscin_vel_light(ihit) = shodo_vel_light(plane,counter)
+          sscin_pos_phc_coeff(ihit) = shodo_pos_phc_coeff(plane,counter)
+          sscin_neg_phc_coeff(ihit) = shodo_neg_phc_coeff(plane,counter)
+          sscin_pos_time_offset(ihit) = shodo_pos_time_offset(plane,counter)
+          sscin_neg_time_offset(ihit) = shodo_neg_time_offset(plane,counter)
+          sscin_pos_minph(ihit) = shodo_pos_minph(plane,counter)
+          sscin_neg_minph(ihit) = shodo_neg_minph(plane,counter)
+          if (plane .eq. 1) then        !1x
+            sscin_zpos(ihit) = sscin_1x_zpos
+            if (2*int(float(counter)/2.) .eq. counter) then !even tube, in back.
+              sscin_zpos(ihit) = sscin_zpos(ihit) + sscin_1x_dzpos
+            endif
+            sscin_pos_coord(ihit) = sscin_1x_left
+            sscin_neg_coord(ihit) = sscin_1x_right
+            sscin_width(ihit) = sscin_1x_size
+          else if (plane .eq. 2) then   !1y
+            sscin_zpos(ihit) = sscin_1y_zpos
+            if (2*int(float(counter)/2.) .eq. counter) then !even tube, in back.
+              sscin_zpos(ihit) = sscin_zpos(ihit) + sscin_1y_dzpos
+            endif
+            sscin_pos_coord(ihit) = sscin_1y_bot
+            sscin_neg_coord(ihit) = sscin_1y_top
+            sscin_width(ihit) = sscin_1y_size
+          else if (plane .eq. 3) then   !2x
+            sscin_zpos(ihit) = sscin_2x_zpos
+            if (2*int(float(counter)/2.) .eq. counter) then !even tube, in back.
+              sscin_zpos(ihit) = sscin_zpos(ihit) + sscin_2x_dzpos
+            endif
+            sscin_pos_coord(ihit) = sscin_2x_left
+            sscin_neg_coord(ihit) = sscin_2x_right
+            sscin_width(ihit) = sscin_2x_size
+          else if (plane .eq. 4) then   !2y
+            sscin_zpos(ihit) = sscin_2y_zpos
+            if (2*int(float(counter)/2.) .eq. counter) then !even tube, in back.
+              sscin_zpos(ihit) = sscin_zpos(ihit) + sscin_2y_dzpos
+            endif
+            sscin_pos_coord(ihit) = sscin_2y_bot
+            sscin_neg_coord(ihit) = sscin_2y_top
+            sscin_width(ihit) = sscin_2y_size
+          else
+            abort = .true.
+            write(err,*) 'Trying to init. sos hodoscope plane',plane
+            call g_prepend(here,err)
+            return
+          endif
+        enddo
+      endif                             ! end test on zero hits
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/STRACKING/s_track.f b/STRACKING/s_track.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fbc5f28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/s_track.f
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+*-   Purpose and Methods :  Finds and fits tracks in SOS focal plane 
+*-      Required Input BANKS     SOS_DECODED_DC
+*-      Output BANKS             SOS_FOCAL_PLANE
+*-                               SOS_DECODED_DC hit coordinates
+*-   Output: ABORT           - success or failure
+*-         : err             - reason for failure, if any
+*-   Created 19-JAN-1994   D. F. Geesaman
+* $Log: s_track.f,v $
+* Revision 1.5  1996/09/04 20:19:45  saw
+* (JRA) Initialize sstubmin variables
+* Revision 1.4  1995/10/11 12:31:21  cdaq
+* (JRA) Only call tracking routines when it is warranted
+* Revision 1.3  1995/05/22 19:46:00  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.2  1994/04/13  18:51:49  cdaq
+* (DFG) Add call to s_fill_dc_fp_hist
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/21  16:42:12  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      SAVE
+      character*7 here
+      parameter (here= 'S_TRACK')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      integer*4 ierr
+      character*5  line_err
+      INCLUDE 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'sos_tracking.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_constants.par'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_units.par'
+      if ( then
+        if(ABORT) then
+          call G_add_path(here,err)
+          return
+        endif
+        if ( then
+          call S_LEFT_RIGHT(ABORT,err)
+          if(ABORT) then
+            call G_add_path(here,err)
+            return
+          endif
+          sstubminx = 999999.
+          sstubminy = 999999.
+          sstubminxp = 999999.
+          sstubminyp = 999999.
+          call S_LINK_STUBS(ABORT,err)
+          if(ABORT) then
+            call G_add_path(here,err)
+            return
+          endif
+          if ( then
+            call S_TRACK_FIT(ABORT,err,ierr)
+            if(ABORT) then
+              call G_add_path(here,err)
+              return
+            endif
+*     Check for internal error in S_TRACK_FIT
+            if( then
+              line_err=' '
+              call CSETDI(ierr,line_err,1,5)
+              err='MUNUIT ERROR IN S_TRACK_FIT' // line_err
+              call G_add_path(here,err)
+              call G_LOG_MESSAGE(err)
+            endif
+*     histogram focal plane tracks
+            call s_fill_dc_fp_hist(ABORT,err)
+            if(ABORT) then
+              call g_add_path(here,err)
+              return
+            endif
+          endif                         !(
+        endif                           !(
+      endif                             !(
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/STRACKING/s_track_fit.f b/STRACKING/s_track_fit.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..64d412a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/s_track_fit.f
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+      subroutine S_TRACK_FIT(ABORT,err,ierr)
+*     primary track fitting routine for the SOS spectrometer
+*     Called by S_TRACK
+*     d.f. geesaman         8 Sept 1993
+* $Log: s_track_fit.f,v $
+* Revision 1.8  1996/01/17 18:56:08  cdaq
+* (JRA) Fill sdc_plane_wirecenter and sdc_plane_wirecoord arrays
+* Revision 1.7  1995/10/11 18:15:12  cdaq
+* (JRA) Comment out MINUIT track fitting for now.
+* Revision 1.6  1995/08/31 20:44:56  cdaq
+* (JRA) Don't fill single_residual arrray
+* Revision 1.5  1995/07/20  19:06:05  cdaq
+* (SAW) Move data statements for f2c compatibility
+* Revision 1.4  1995/05/22  19:46:01  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.3  1995/04/06  19:45:16  cdaq
+* (JRA) Rename residuals variables
+* Revision 1.2  1994/11/23  14:24:18  cdaq
+* (SPB) Recopied from hms file and modified names for SOS
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/21  16:42:27  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      include "sos_data_structures.cmn"
+      include "sos_tracking.cmn"
+      include "sos_geometry.cmn"
+c      external S_FCNCHISQ
+c      external S_DPSIFUN
+c      real*8 S_DPSIFUN
+c      real*8 S_FCNCHISQ
+*     local variables
+      logical ABORT
+      character*11 here
+      parameter (here='S_TRACK_FIT')
+      character*(*) err
+      integer*4 itrk                    ! track loop index
+      integer*4 i,j                     ! loop index
+      integer*4 ierr                    ! error return flag
+c      integer*4 ivarbl                  ! dummy MINUIT variable
+      integer*4 ihit, pln, hit
+c      real*8 pos
+      real*8 dray(snum_fpray_param)
+      real*8 TT(snum_fpray_param)
+      real*8 AA(snum_fpray_param,snum_fpray_param)
+c      real*8 error(snum_fpray_param)
+c      real*8 initialray(snum_fpray_param)
+c      real*8 initialsteps(snum_fpray_param)
+c      real*8 zero
+c      real*8 arglis(10)
+c      real*8 bnd1,bnd2                     ! unused MUNUIT output variables
+      real*8 chi2
+c      real*8 fedm,errder                   ! unused MUNUIT output variables
+c      integer*4 npari,nparz,istat          ! unused MUNUIT output variables
+c      character*10 fitnames(4)
+c      data initialray/0.D0,0.D0,.5D-2,.5D-2/     ! starting ray values
+c      data initialsteps/1.D0,1.D0,.5E-2,.5D-2/
+c      data zero/0.0D0/
+c      data fitnames/' x_t ',' y_t ','tan(xp)','tan(yp)'/
+c      save initialray,initialsteps,fitnames   ! starting ray, steps, names
+      integer*4 remap(snum_fpray_param)
+      data remap/5,6,3,4/
+      save remap
+      ABORT= .FALSE.
+      ierr=0
+*  initailize residuals
+      do pln=1,sdc_num_planes
+        do itrk=1,sntracks_fp
+          sdc_double_residual(itrk,pln)=1000
+          sdc_single_residual(itrk,pln)=1000
+        enddo
+c fill the 1d arrays from the 2d arrays in h_physics (don't clear here).
+c        sdc_sing_res(pln)=1000
+        sdc_dbl_res(pln)=1000
+      enddo
+*     test for no tracks
+      if( then
+        do itrk=1,sntracks_fp
+            strack_fit_num=itrk
+*     are there enough degrees of freedom
+          snfree_fp(itrk)=sntrack_hits(itrk,1)-snum_fpray_param
+          if(snfree_fp(itrk).gt.0) then
+c*     initialize parameters
+c           do i=1,snum_fpray_param
+c            call MNPARM(i,fitnames(i),initialray(i),initialsteps(i),
+c     &                  zero,zero,ierr)  
+c            if( then
+c              write(sluno,'(a,i,a)') ' Unable to define parameter no.',i,
+c     &                           fitnames(i)
+c              ierr=1
+c              go to 1000                     ! error return
+c            endif
+c           enddo                              ! end loop over track param
+c           do i=1,10
+c            arglis(i)=0.
+c           enddo
+c*     Do track fit on track number strack_fit_num (passes in sos_tracking)
+c           Call MNSETI(' Track Fitting in SOS Spectrometer')
+c           Call MNEXCM(S_FCNCHISQ,'MIGRAD',arglis,0,ierr)
+c           Call MNEXCM(S_FCNCHISQ,'MINOS',arglis,0,ierr)
+c           Call MNSTAT(chi2,fedm,errder,npari,nparz,istat)
+c           do i=1,snum_fpray_param
+c             call MNPOUT(i,fitnames(i),ray(i),error(i),bnd1,bnd2,ivarbl)
+c           enddo     
+c           sx_fp(itrk)=real(ray(1))
+c           sy_fp(itrk)=real(ray(2))
+c           sz_fp(itrk)=0.                   ! z=0 of tracking.
+c           sxp_fp(itrk)=real(ray(3))
+c           syp_fp(itrk)=real(ray(4))
+c           schi2_fp(itrk)=real(chi2)
+c* calculate residuals
+c           ray1(1)=dble(sx_fp(itrk))
+c           ray1(2)=dble(sy_fp(itrk))
+c           ray1(3)=dble(sxp_fp(itrk))
+c           ray1(4)=dble(syp_fp(itrk))
+c           do ihit=2,sntrack_hits(itrk,1)+1
+c             hit=sntrack_hits(itrk,ihit)
+c             pln=sdc_plane_num(hit)
+c             pos=s_dpsifun(ray1,pln)
+c             sdc_single_residual(itrk,pln)=sdc_wire_coord(hit)-pos
+c           enddo
+c         endif                          ! end test on degrees of freedom
+c       enddo                            ! end loop over tracks
+c      endif
+*     initialize parameters
+            do i=1,snum_fpray_param
+              TT(i)=0.
+              do ihit=2,sntrack_hits(itrk,1)+1
+                hit=sntrack_hits(itrk,ihit)
+                pln=sdc_plane_num(hit)
+                TT(i)=TT(i)+((sdc_wire_coord(hit)*
+     &               splane_coeff(remap(i),pln))
+     &               /(sdc_sigma(pln)*sdc_sigma(pln)))
+              enddo
+            enddo
+            do i=1,snum_fpray_param
+              do j=1,snum_fpray_param
+                AA(i,j)=0.
+                if(
+                  AA(i,j)=AA(j,i)
+                else
+                  do ihit=2,sntrack_hits(itrk,1)+1
+                    hit=sntrack_hits(itrk,ihit)
+                    pln=sdc_plane_num(hit)
+                    AA(i,j)=AA(i,j) + (
+     &                   splane_coeff(remap(i),pln)*splane_coeff(remap(j)
+     $                   ,pln)/(sdc_sigma(pln)*sdc_sigma(pln)))
+                  enddo                 ! end loop on ihit
+                endif                   ! end test on j .lt. i
+              enddo                     ! end loop on j
+            enddo                       ! end loop on i
+*     solve four by four equations
+            call solve_four_by_four(TT,AA,dray,ierr)
+            if( then
+              dray(1)=10000.
+              dray(2)=10000.
+              dray(3)=2.
+              dray(4)=2.
+            else
+*     calculate chi2
+              chi2=0.
+*              ray(1)=dray(1)
+*              ray(2)=dray(2)
+*              ray(3)=dray(3)
+*              ray(4)=dray(4)
+* calculate hit coord at each plane for chisquared and efficiency calculations.
+              do pln=1,sdc_num_planes
+                sdc_track_coord(itrk,pln)=splane_coeff(remap(1),pln)*dray(1)
+     &               +splane_coeff(remap(2),pln)*dray(2)
+     &               +splane_coeff(remap(3),pln)*dray(3)
+     &               +splane_coeff(remap(4),pln)*dray(4)
+              enddo
+              do ihit=2,sntrack_hits(itrk,1)+1
+                hit=sntrack_hits(itrk,ihit)
+                pln=sdc_plane_num(hit)
+* note chi2 is single precision
+                sdc_plane_wirecenter(itrk,pln)=sdc_wire_center(hit)
+                sdc_plane_wirecoord(itrk,pln)=sdc_wire_coord(hit)
+                sdc_single_residual(itrk,pln)=
+     &              sdc_wire_coord(hit)-sdc_track_coord(itrk,pln)
+                chi2=chi2+
+     &              (sdc_single_residual(itrk,pln)/sdc_sigma(pln))**2
+              enddo
+            endif
+            sx_fp(itrk)=dray(1)
+            sy_fp(itrk)=dray(2)
+            sz_fp(itrk)=0.            ! z=0 of tracking.
+            sxp_fp(itrk)=dray(3)
+            syp_fp(itrk)=dray(4)
+          endif                         ! end test on degrees of freedom
+          schi2_fp(itrk)=chi2
+        enddo                           ! end loop over tracks
+      endif
+*     test if we want to dump out trackfit results
+      if( then
+         call s_print_tracks
+      endif                                   ! end test on zero tracks
+1000  return
+      end
diff --git a/STRACKING/s_track_tests.f b/STRACKING/s_track_tests.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..87a7b87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/s_track_tests.f
@@ -0,0 +1,421 @@
+      SUBROUTINE s_track_tests
+*  Derek made this in Mar 1996
+*  This routine delivers some handy tracking information.  It's divided
+*  into three parts.  The first part looks at the chambers and their
+*  efficiency.  The second part defines some scintillator tests to determine
+*  whether the chambers should have fired.  The last part puts this info
+*  into different files.  Also, if you want to look at the stub tests you
+*  you can uncomment some lines in s_link_stubs.f to get that output.
+*  A final note.  Many of these tests have similar counterparts in 
+*  trackeff.test;  if you change something here, make sure it agrees with the
+*  the tests there!!
+* $Log: s_track_tests.f,v $
+* Revision 1.3  2002/09/26 14:54:03  jones
+*    Add variables sweet1xscin,sweet1yscin,sweet2xscin,sweet2yscin
+*    which record which scint got hit inside the defined scint region
+*    Then hgoodscinhits is set to zero if front and back hodoscopes
+*    are abs(sweet1xscin-sweet2xscin).gt.3 or bs(sweet1yscin-sweet2yscin).gt.2
+* Revision 1.2  1996/09/04 20:19:12  saw
+* (JRA) Treat logicals as logicals
+* Revision 1.1  1996/05/02 14:38:55  saw
+* Initial revision
+       SAVE
+       character*50 here
+       parameter (here= 'S_TRACK_TESTS')
+       INCLUDE 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+       INCLUDE 'coin_data_structures.cmn'
+       INCLUDE 'gen_constants.par'
+       INCLUDE 'sos_tracking.cmn'
+       INCLUDE 'gen_units.par'
+       INCLUDE 'gen_event_info.cmn'
+       INCLUDE 'sos_scin_tof.cmn'
+       INCLUDE 'sos_scin_parms.cmn'
+       INCLUDE 'sos_calorimeter.cmn'
+       include 'sos_bypass_switches.cmn'
+       integer planetemp
+       real*4 stestbeta
+       integer txth,txthp,txthps,txthpss,txtft,txtct
+       integer i,j,count
+       integer testsum
+       integer shitsweet1x,shitsweet1y,shitsweet2x,shitsweet2y
+       integer sweet1xscin,sweet1yscin,sweet2xscin,sweet2yscin
+       real*4 lastcointime
+       real*4 thiscointime
+*In c_keep_results, the cointime is updated depending on tracking information
+*Because we're independent of tracking here, we have to do some tricks to
+*update the cointime.  We set cointime=100.0 if the code hasn't updated it (ie,
+*it's the same as the previous event...).  First, if it's not a coincidence
+*event, we just set the cointime to zero.
+       thiscointime=0.0
+       if (gen_event_type.eq.3) then
+          thiscointime=ccointime_sos
+          if (thiscointime.eq.lastcointime) then
+             thiscointime=100.0
+          endif
+          lastcointime=ccointime_sos
+       endif
+*this next file prints out events the fail to track and why.  You can then
+*look at them with the event display to see if they're worrisome.
+       if (sbypass_track_eff_files.eq.0) then
+          open(unit=15,file='scalers/strackeff.txt',status='unknown',
+     $         access='append')
+       endif
+*this next file outputs a huge ascii file with many tracking parameters.  It
+*is intended for use with physica.  The order of the ouput is given in the write
+*statement at the end of this file.
+       if (sbypass_track_eff_files.eq.0) then
+          open(unit=17,file='scalers/strack.out',status='unknown',
+     $         access='append')
+       endif
+*we start by looking at the chambers.  First, we look to see if each plane fired
+       s1hit1 = (SDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(1).GE.1)
+       s1hit2 = (SDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(2).GE.1)
+       s1hit3 = (SDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(3).GE.1)
+       s1hit4 = (SDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(4).GE.1)
+       s1hit5 = (SDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(5).GE.1)
+       s1hit6 = (SDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(6).GE.1)
+       s1hit7 = (SDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(7).GE.1)
+       s1hit8 = (SDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(8).GE.1)
+       s1hit9 = (SDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(9).GE.1)
+       s1hit10 = (SDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(10).GE.1)
+       s1hit11 = (SDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(11).GE.1)
+       s1hit12 = (SDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(12).GE.1)
+*next, we see how many hits per plane there were ...
+       snumhit1 = SDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(1)
+       snumhit2 = SDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(2)
+       snumhit3 = SDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(3)
+       snumhit4 = SDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(4)
+       snumhit5 = SDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(5)
+       snumhit6 = SDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(6)
+       snumhit7 = SDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(7)
+       snumhit8 = SDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(8)
+       snumhit9 = SDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(9)
+       snumhit10 = SDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(10)
+       snumhit11 = SDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(11)
+       snumhit12 = SDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(12)
+       snumhits1 = SDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(1) + SDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(2) +
+     $      SDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(3) + SDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(4) +
+       snumhits2 = SDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(7) + SDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(8) +
+     $      SDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(9) + SDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(10) +
+     $      SDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(11) + SDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(12) 
+*next we check to see if we have fewer than the max allowed hits per chamber
+*this number should agree with the value in trackeff.test.
+       s1hitslt = snumhits1.LE.smax_pr_hits(1)
+       s2hitslt = snumhits2.LE.smax_pr_hits(2)
+*next we check to see if we have the minimum number of planes per chamber
+*this number should agree with the value in trackeff.test.
+       planetemp = 0
+       if(SDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(1).GE.1) planetemp = planetemp+1
+       if(SDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(2).GE.1) planetemp = planetemp+1
+       if(SDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(3).GE.1) planetemp = planetemp+1
+       if(SDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(4).GE.1) planetemp = planetemp+1
+       if(SDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(5).GE.1) planetemp = planetemp+1
+       if(SDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(6).GE.1) planetemp = planetemp+1
+       snumplanes1 = planetemp
+       planetemp = 0
+       if(SDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(7).GE.1) planetemp = planetemp+1
+       if(SDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(8).GE.1) planetemp = planetemp+1
+       if(SDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(9).GE.1) planetemp = planetemp+1
+       if(SDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(10).GE.1) planetemp = planetemp+1
+       if(SDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(11).GE.1) planetemp = planetemp+1
+       if(SDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(12).GE.1) planetemp = planetemp+1
+       snumplanes2 = planetemp
+       s1planesgt = snumplanes1.GE.smin_hit(1)
+       s2planesgt = snumplanes2.GE.smin_hit(2)
+*we now fill in the chamber part of the track tests.
+       sfoundtrack = (sntracks_fp.NE.0)
+       if (sfoundtrack) then
+          stestbeta=ssbeta
+       else
+          stestbeta=0.0
+       endif
+       scleantrack = (ssnum_fptrack.NE.0).AND.(ssbeta.GT.(0.1))
+*shitslt is less than max allowed hits in both chambers
+       shitslt = s1hitslt.AND.s2hitslt
+*splanesgt is at least the minimum number of planes fired per chamber
+       splanesgt = s1planesgt.AND.s2planesgt
+*sspacepoints is finding at least one space point in both chambers
+       sspacepoints = ((snspace_points(1).GE.1).AND.(snspace_points(2).GE.1))
+*sstublt is passing the stub criteria for at least one spacepoint in both chambers
+       sstublt = (
+*shitsplanes is passing not too many hits and not too few planes
+       shitsplanes = shitslt.AND.splanesgt
+*shitsplanessps is that and finding a spacepoint
+       shitsplanessps = shitsplanes.AND.sspacepoints
+*shitsplanesspsstubs is that and passing the stub tests
+       shitsplanesspsstubs = shitsplanessps.AND.sstublt
+*fXsspacepoints is pasisng htis and planes but failing to find a space point
+       f1sspacepoints = s1hitslt.AND.s1planesgt.AND.(snspace_points(1).EQ.0)
+       f2sspacepoints = s2hitslt.AND.s2planesgt.AND.(snspace_points(2).EQ.0)
+       fsspacepoints = f1sspacepoints.OR.f2sspacepoints
+************************now look at some hodoscope tests
+*second, we move the scintillators.  here we use scintillator cuts to see
+*if a track should have been found.
+       snumscins1 = sscin_hits_per_plane(1)
+       snumscins2 = sscin_hits_per_plane(2)
+       snumscins3 = sscin_hits_per_plane(3)
+       snumscins4 = sscin_hits_per_plane(4)
+*first, fill the arrays of which scins were sit
+       do i=1,4
+          do j=1,sscin_2x_nr
+             sscinhit(i,j)=0
+          enddo
+       enddo
+       do i=1,sscin_tot_hits
+          sscinhit(sscin_plane_num(i),sscin_counter_num(i))=1
+       enddo
+*next, look for clusters of hits in a scin plane.  a cluster is a group of 
+*adjacent scintillator hits separated by a non-firing scintillator.
+*Wwe count the number of three adjacent scintillators too.  (A signle track 
+*shouldn't fire three adjacent scintillators.
+       do i=1,4
+          snclust(i)=0
+          sthreescin(i)=0
+       enddo
+*look for clusters in first x plane... (9 scins)
+       count=0
+       if (sscinhit(1,1).EQ.1) count=count+1
+       do i=1,(sscin_1x_nr-1)            !look for number of clusters of 1 or more hits
+          if ((sscinhit(1,i).EQ.0).AND.(sscinhit(1,i+1).EQ.1)) count=count+1
+       enddo
+       snclust(1)=count
+       count=0
+       do i=1,(sscin_1x_nr-2)            !look for three or more adjacent hits
+          if ((sscinhit(1,i).EQ.1).AND.(sscinhit(1,i+1).EQ.1).AND.
+     $         (sscinhit(1,i+2).EQ.1)) count=count+1
+       enddo
+       if (count.GT.0) sthreescin(1)=1
+*look for clusters in second x plane... (16 scins)
+       count=0
+       if (sscinhit(3,1).EQ.1) count=count+1
+       do i=1,(sscin_2x_nr-1)            !look for number of clusters of 1 or more hits
+          if ((sscinhit(3,i).EQ.0).AND.(sscinhit(3,i+1).EQ.1)) count=count+1
+       enddo
+       snclust(3)=count
+       count=0
+       do i=1,(sscin_2x_nr-2)            !look for three or more adjacent hits
+          if ((sscinhit(3,i).EQ.1).AND.(sscinhit(3,i+1).EQ.1).AND.
+     $         (sscinhit(3,i+2).EQ.1)) count=count+1
+       enddo
+       if (count.GT.0) sthreescin(3)=1
+*look for clusters in y planes... (9 scins)
+       do j=2,4,2
+          count=0
+          if (sscinhit(j,1).EQ.1) count=count+1
+          do i=1,(sscin_1y_nr-1)         !look for number of clusters of 1 or more hits
+             if ((sscinhit(j,i).EQ.0).AND.(sscinhit(j,i+1).EQ.1)) count=count+1
+          enddo
+          snclust(j)=count
+          count=0
+          do i=1,(sscin_1y_nr-2)         !look for three or more adjacent sits
+             if ((sscinhit(j,i).EQ.1).AND.(sscinhit(j,i+1).EQ.1).AND.
+     $            (sscinhit(j,i+2).EQ.1)) count=count+1
+          enddo
+          if (count.GT.0) sthreescin(j)=1
+       enddo
+       if ((gen_event_ID_number.GT.1000).AND.((snclust(2).GT.1).OR.
+     $      (sthreescin(2).EQ.1))) then
+        if (sbypass_track_eff_files.eq.0) then
+          write(15,*) 'three or cluster in 1st yplane event',gen_event_ID_number
+        endif
+       endif
+*now put some "tracking" like cuts on the sslopes, based only on scins...
+*by "slope" here, I mean the difference in the position of scin hits in two
+*like-planes.  For example, a track that those great straight through will 
+*have a slope of zero.  If it moves one scin over from s1x to s2x it has an
+*x-slope of 1...  I pick the minimum slope if there are multiple scin hits.
+       sbestxpscin=100
+       sbestypscin=100
+       do i=1,sscin_2x_nr
+          do j=1,sscin_2x_nr
+             if ((sscinhit(1,i).EQ.1).AND.(sscinhit(3,j).EQ.1)) then
+                sslope=abs(i-j)
+                if (sslope.LT.sbestxpscin) sbestxpscin=sslope
+             endif
+          enddo
+       enddo
+       do i=1,10
+          do j=1,10
+             if ((sscinhit(2,i).EQ.1).AND.(sscinhit(4,j).EQ.1)) then
+                sslope=abs(i-j)
+                if (sslope.LT.sbestypscin) sbestypscin=sslope
+             endif
+          enddo
+       enddo
+*next we mask out the edge scintillators, and look at triggers that happened
+*at the center of the acceptance.  To change which scins are in the mask
+*change the values of s*loscin and s*hiscin in stracking.param
+       shitsweet1x=0
+       shitsweet1y=0
+       shitsweet2x=0
+       shitsweet2y=0
+       sgoodscinhits=0
+*first x plane.  first see if there are hits inside the scin region
+       do i=sxloscin(1),sxhiscin(1)
+          if (sscinhit(1,i).EQ.1) then
+             shitsweet1x=1
+             sweet1xscin=i
+          endif
+       enddo
+*  next make sure nothing fired outside the good region
+       do i=1,sxloscin(1)-1
+          if (sscinhit(1,i).EQ.1) shitsweet1x=-1
+       enddo
+       do i=sxhiscin(1)+1,sscin_1x_nr
+          if (sscinhit(1,i).EQ.1) shitsweet1x=-1
+       enddo
+*second x plane.  first see if there are hits inside the scin region
+       do i=sxloscin(2),sxhiscin(2)
+          if (sscinhit(3,i).EQ.1) then
+             shitsweet2x=1
+             sweet2xscin=i
+          endif
+       enddo
+*  next make sure nothing fired outside the good region
+       do i=1,sxloscin(2)-1
+          if (sscinhit(3,i).EQ.1) shitsweet2x=-1
+       enddo
+       do i=sxhiscin(2)+1,sscin_2x_nr
+          if (sscinhit(3,i).EQ.1) shitsweet2x=-1
+       enddo
+*first y plane.  first see if there are hits inside the scin region
+       do i=syloscin(1),syhiscin(1)
+          if (sscinhit(2,i).EQ.1) then
+             shitsweet1y=1
+             sweet1yscin=i
+          endif
+       enddo
+*  next make sure nothing fired outside the good region
+       do i=1,syloscin(1)-1
+          if (sscinhit(2,i).EQ.1) shitsweet1y=-1
+       enddo
+       do i=syhiscin(1)+1,sscin_1y_nr
+          if (sscinhit(2,i).EQ.1) shitsweet1y=-1
+       enddo
+*second y plane.  first see if there are hits inside the scin region
+       do i=syloscin(2),syhiscin(2)
+          if (sscinhit(4,i).EQ.1) then
+             shitsweet2y=1
+             sweet2yscin=i
+          endif
+       enddo
+*  next make sure nothing fired outside the good region
+       do i=1,syloscin(2)-1
+          if (sscinhit(4,i).EQ.1) shitsweet2y=-1
+       enddo
+       do i=syhiscin(2)+1,sscin_2y_nr
+          if (sscinhit(4,i).EQ.1) shitsweet2y=-1
+       enddo
+       testsum=shitsweet1x+shitsweet1y+shitsweet2x+shitsweet2y
+* now define a 3/4 or 4/4 trigger of only good scintillators the value
+* is specified in stracking.param...
+       if (testsum.GE.strack_eff_test_num_scin_planes) sgoodscinhits=1
+* require front/back hodoscopes be within close to each other.,
+       if (sgoodscinhits.eq.1 .and. strack_eff_test_num_scin_planes.eq.4) then
+          if (abs(sweet1xscin-sweet2xscin).gt.3) sgoodscinhits=0
+          if (abs(sweet1yscin-sweet2yscin).gt.2) sgoodscinhits=0
+       endif
+*     here's where we start writing to the files.  Uncomment these lines and
+*     the corresponding file open and close lines at the beginning and end
+*     of this file if you want this output.  the scaler report should take
+*     care of most people though...
+       if (sbypass_track_eff_files.eq.0) then
+          if (sgoodscinhits.EQ.1) then
+             write(15,*) 'sweet spot hit, event number           ',gen_event_ID_number
+          endif
+          if (.not.shitslt) then
+             write(15,*) 'too many hits, event number           ',gen_event_ID_number
+          endif
+          if (.not.splanesgt) then
+             write(15,*)  'too few planes event number                    ',
+     $            gen_event_ID_number
+          endif
+          if (shitsplanes.AND.(.not.sspacepoints)) then
+             write(15,*) 'p sits/planes, f sp # = ',gen_event_ID_number
+          endif
+          if ((.not.sfoundtrack).AND.shitsplanessps) then
+             write(15,*) 'p sits/planes/sps, f track # = ',gen_event_ID_number
+          endif
+          if (sspacepoints.AND.(.not.sstublt)) then
+             write(15,*) 'p sp, f stubs # = ',gen_event_ID_number
+          endif
+       endif
+*the rest of this file prepares the output of htrack.out.  If you're not
+*writing to that file, do't' worry about this.
+           if (sbypass_track_eff_files.eq.0) then
+              txth=0
+              if (shitslt) txth=1
+              txthp=0
+              if (shitsplanes) txthp=1
+              txthps=0
+              if (shitsplanessps) txthps=1
+              txthpss=0
+              if (shitsplanesspsstubs) txthpss=1        
+              txtft=0
+              if (sfoundtrack) txtft=1
+              txtct=0
+              if (scleantrack) txtct=1
+              write(17,902) gen_event_ID_number,snumhits1,snumhits2,
+     $             snumhit1,snumhit2,snumhit3,snumhit4,
+     $             snumhit5,snumhit6,snumhit7,snumhit8,
+     $             snumhit9,snumhit10,snumhit11,snumhit12,
+     $             snumplanes1,snumplanes2,snumscins1,snumscins2,
+     $             snumscins3,snumscins4,snclust(1),snclust(2),
+     $             snclust(3),snclust(4),sthreescin(1),sthreescin(2),
+     $             sthreescin(3),sthreescin(4),sbestxpscin,sbestypscin,
+     $             sgoodscinhits,
+     $             txtft,txtct,sntracks_fp,sbeta_notrk,stestbeta,scal_et,ssshtrk,
+     $             scer_npe_sum,sschi2perdeg,ssdelta,thiscointime
+ 902          format(1x,i6,i4,i4,12(i4),2(i2),4(i3),8(i2),2(i4),i2,i2,i2,i2,f10.3,f9.3,
+     $             f9.3,f9.3,f9.3,f10.3,f10.3,f10.3)
+              close(15)         !closes "strackeff.txt"
+              close(17)         !closes "strack.out"
+           endif
+       end
diff --git a/STRACKING/s_tracks_cal.f b/STRACKING/s_tracks_cal.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01a7783
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/s_tracks_cal.f
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+      subroutine s_tracks_cal(abort,errmsg)
+*-      Purpose: Associates clusters with detector tracks which are inside
+*-               the calorimeter fiducial volume. A track and a cluster
+*-               are considered as matched if the distance in X projection
+*-               between these two is less than half the block width.
+*-      Output Bank: SOS_TRACK_CAL
+*-      Created: 15 Mar 1994      Tsolak A. Amatuni
+*-      Modified 25 Mar 1994      DFG
+*-                                Change name of print routine
+*-      Modified 9 Apr 1998       Added a switch to turn on the fiducial
+*-                                cut.  The default for this is now no cut.
+*-                                K.G. Vansyoc
+* $Log: s_tracks_cal.f,v $
+* Revision  2007/09/10 20:28:01  pcarter
+* Implemented changes to allow compilation on RHEL 3,4,5 and MacOSX
+* Revision 1.10  2005/03/15 20:08:23  jones
+* Modify the criterion for matching track and calorimeter cluster. As before,
+* the track must hit within (0.5*scal_block_xsize + scal_slop) of the cluster
+* position. Previously if more than one cluster was within
+* (0.5*scal_block_xsize + scal_slop) then the last cluster in the loop was
+* associated with the track. Now, if more than one cluster meets that
+* condition then cluster which has a position closest to the track is
+* associated with the track.
+* Revision 1.9  2003/04/03 00:45:01  jones
+* Update to calorimeter calibration (V. Tadevosyan)
+* Revision 1.8  1999/02/23 19:01:45  csa
+* (JRA) Clean up logical structure, remove sdebugcalcpeds stuff
+* Revision 1.7  1999/01/29 17:34:59  saw
+* Add variables for second tubes on shower counter
+* Revision 1.6  1997/02/13 14:13:29  saw
+* (JRA) Correct error in position of top edge of fiducial cut.
+* Revision 1.5  1996/01/17 18:54:41  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add sdebugcalcpeds flag
+* Revision 1.4  1995/08/31 20:45:28  cdaq
+* (JRA) Use off-track blocks to accumulate pedestal data
+* Revision 1.3  1995/05/22  19:46:01  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.2  1994/11/23  14:24:46  cdaq
+* * (SPB) Recopied from hms file and modified names for SOS
+* Revision 1.1  1994/04/13  16:16:04  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      save
+      logical abort
+      character*(*) errmsg
+      character*12 here
+      parameter (here='S_TRACKS_CAL')
+      integer*4 nt      !Track number
+      integer*4 nc      !Cluster number
+      real*4 xf         !X position of track on calorimeter front surface
+      real*4 xb         !X position of track on calorimeter back  surface
+      real*4 yf         !Y position of track on calorimeter front surface
+      real*4 yb         !Y position of track on calorimeter back  surface
+      real*4 dz_f       !Distance along Z axis between focal plane and
+      real*4 dz_b       !calorimeter front(f) and back(b) surfaces
+      real*4 delta_x    !Distance between track & cluster in X projection
+      logical*4 track_in_fv
+      integer*4 t_nt, t_nc
+      real*4 t_minx, temp_x
+      include 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'sos_calorimeter.cmn'
+      include 'sos_tracking.cmn'
+      sntracks_cal=0
+      if(sntracks_fp.le.0) go to 100   !Return
+* Compute impact point coordinates on the calorimeter front and back surfaces
+      do nt=1,sntracks_fp
+        dz_f=scal_zmin-sz_fp(nt)
+        dz_b=scal_zmax-sz_fp(nt)
+        xf=sx_fp(nt)+sxp_fp(nt)*dz_f
+        xb=sx_fp(nt)+sxp_fp(nt)*dz_b
+        yf=sy_fp(nt)+syp_fp(nt)*dz_f
+        yb=sy_fp(nt)+syp_fp(nt)*dz_b
+        strack_xc(nt)        = xf
+        strack_yc(nt)        = yf
+        track_in_fv = (xf.le.scal_fv_xmax  .and.  .and.
+     &                 xb.le.scal_fv_xmax  .and.  .and.
+     &                 yf.le.scal_fv_ymax  .and.  .and.
+     &                 yb.le.scal_fv_ymax  .and.
+* Initialize scluster_track(nt)
+        if(scal_fv_test.eq.0) then         !not using fv test
+          scluster_track(nt)=-1
+        else                               !using fv test
+          if (track_in_fv) then
+            scluster_track(nt)=0   !Track is inside the fiducial volume
+          else
+            scluster_track(nt)=-1  !Track is outside the fiducial volume
+          endif
+        endif
+*----------If inside fv (or no test), search for a cluster matching this track
+        if(( .or. scal_fv_test.eq.0) then
+          if( then
+             t_minx = 99999
+             t_nt = 1
+             t_nc = 1
+            do nc=1,snclusters_cal
+              delta_x=abs(xf-scluster_xc(nc))
+              if(delta_x.le.(0.5*scal_block_xsize + scal_slop)) then
+!! TH - Check the deviation distance for each track for each cluster. If 
+!!      distance smaller assign to t_minx. Eventually want to associate 
+!!      the track with the smallest deviation to the cluster. Increment 
+!!      tracks for calorimeter though whenever condition above is passed
+                 temp_x = delta_x
+                 if( then
+                    t_minx = temp_x
+                    t_nt = nt
+                    t_nc = nc
+                 endif
+                 sntracks_cal      =sntracks_cal+1
+              endif                     !End ... if matched
+            enddo                       !End loop over clusters
+            scluster_track(t_nt)=t_nc   !Track matches cluster #nc with min deviation
+          endif                         !End ... if number of clusters > 0
+        endif                           !End ... if inside fiducial volume
+      enddo                             !End loop over detector tracks
+  100 continue
+      if( call s_prt_cal_tracks
+c     Collect data for SOS calorimeter calibration.
+      if( call s_cal_calib(0)
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/STRACKING/s_trans_cal.f b/STRACKING/s_trans_cal.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..35d4b0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/s_trans_cal.f
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+      subroutine s_trans_cal(abort,errmsg)
+*-      Purpose: Computes the energy deposited in each of the hit
+*-               counters, the energy deposition in calorimeter
+*-               columns and the total energy deposition, using only
+*-               the calorimeter information.
+*-               The energy depositions are not corrected yet for
+*-               impact point coordinate dependence.
+*-               The subroutine also returns the X and Z coordinates
+*-               of the hit block centers.
+*-      Output Bank: SOS_DECODED_CAL
+*-      Created: 15 Mar 1994      Tsolak A. Amatuni
+* $Log: s_trans_cal.f,v $
+* Revision 1.8  2004/05/12 15:38:59  jones
+* Initialize ssshsum and ssshtrk to zero.
+* Revision 1.7  2003/04/03 00:45:01  jones
+* Update to calorimeter calibration (V. Tadevosyan)
+* Revision 1.6  1999/02/04 18:18:30  saw
+* Fix calculation of energy for blocks with two tubes
+* Revision 1.5  1999/02/03 21:13:45  saw
+* Code for new Shower counter tubes
+* Revision 1.4  1999/01/29 17:34:59  saw
+* Add variables for second tubes on shower counter
+* Revision 1.3  1995/05/22 19:46:02  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.2  1994/11/23  14:45:40  cdaq
+* * (SPB) Recopied from hms file and modified names for SOS
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/21  16:42:44  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      save
+      logical abort
+      character*(*) errmsg
+      character*11 here
+      parameter (here='S_TRANS_CAL')
+      integer*4 nb      !Block number
+      integer*4 nh      !Hit number
+      integer*4 row     !Row number
+      integer*4 col     !Column number
+      real*4 adc_pos, adc_neg !ADC-PED value
+      include 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'sos_calorimeter.cmn'
+*      Sparsify the raw data
+      call s_sparsify_cal(abort,errmsg)
+      if(abort) then
+        call g_add_path(here,errmsg)
+        return
+      endif
+      snhits_cal =0
+      scal_e1    =0.
+      scal_e2    =0.
+      scal_e3    =0.
+      scal_e4    =0.
+      scal_et    =0.
+      ssshsum = 0.
+      ssshtrk = 0.
+      scal_e1_pos    =0.
+      scal_e1_neg    =0.
+      scal_e2_pos    =0.
+      scal_e2_neg    =0.
+      if(scal_num_hits.le.0) go to 100   !Return
+*      Loop over hits
+      do nh=1,scal_num_hits
+        row=scal_rows(nh)
+        col=scal_cols(nh)
+        adc_pos=scal_adcs_pos(nh)
+        adc_neg=scal_adcs_neg(nh)
+        nb =row+smax_cal_rows*(col-1)
+*------Determine position and energy deposition for each block
+        sblock_xc(nh)=scal_block_xc(nb)
+        sblock_zc(nh)=scal_block_zc(nb)
+        if(col.le.scal_num_neg_columns) then ! Blocks with two tubes
+          sblock_de_pos(nh)=adc_pos*scal_pos_cal_const(nb)
+     $         *scal_pos_gain_cor(nb)
+          sblock_de_neg(nh)=adc_neg*scal_neg_cal_const(nb)
+     $         *scal_neg_gain_cor(nb)
+          sblock_de(nh)=sblock_de_pos(nh)+sblock_de_neg(nh)
+        else                            ! Blocks with single tube
+          sblock_de(nh)=adc_pos*scal_pos_cal_const(nb)*scal_pos_gain_cor(nb)
+          sblock_de_pos(nh)=sblock_de(nh)
+        endif
+*------Accumulate the integral energy depositions
+        if(col.eq.1) then
+          scal_e1=scal_e1+sblock_de(nh)
+          if( then
+            scal_e1_pos=scal_e1_pos+sblock_de_pos(nh)
+            scal_e1_neg=scal_e1_neg+sblock_de_neg(nh)
+          endif
+        else if (col.eq.2) then
+          scal_e2=scal_e2+sblock_de(nh)
+          if( then
+            scal_e2_pos=scal_e2_pos+sblock_de_pos(nh)
+            scal_e2_neg=scal_e2_neg+sblock_de_neg(nh)
+          endif
+        else if(col.eq.3) then
+          scal_e3=scal_e3+sblock_de(nh)
+        else if(col.eq.4) then
+          scal_e4=scal_e4+sblock_de(nh)
+        endif
+        scal_et=scal_et+sblock_de(nh)  ! Is sblock_de de_pos+de_neg?
+      enddo                             !End loop over hits
+      snhits_cal=scal_num_hits
+  100 continue
+      if( call s_prt_cal_decoded
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/STRACKING/s_trans_cer.f b/STRACKING/s_trans_cer.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c2452b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/s_trans_cer.f
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+      subroutine s_trans_cer(abort,errmsg)
+* author: Chris Cothran
+* created: 5/25/95
+* s_trans_cer fills the sos_decoded_cer common block
+* with track independent corrections and parameters
+* $Log: s_trans_cer.f,v $
+* Revision 1.2  1996/01/17 18:45:10  cdaq
+* (JRA) Make scer_adc pedestal subtracted value
+* Revision 1.1  1995/08/31 15:04:22  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      include 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'sos_cer_parms.cmn'
+      logical abort
+      character*1024 errmsg
+      character*20 here
+      parameter (here = 's_trans_cer')
+      integer*4 nhit,tube
+      save
+      abort = .false.
+      scer_num_hits = 0
+      do tube=1,scer_num_mirrors
+        scer_npe(tube) = 0.
+        scer_adc(tube) = 0.
+      enddo
+      scer_npe_sum = 0.
+      do nhit = 1, scer_tot_hits
+        tube = scer_tube_num(nhit)
+        scer_adc(tube) = scer_raw_adc(nhit) - scer_ped(tube)
+        if (scer_adc(tube) .gt. scer_width(tube)) then
+          scer_num_hits = scer_num_hits + 1
+          scer_tube_num(scer_num_hits) = tube
+          scer_npe(tube) = scer_adc(tube) * scer_adc_to_npe(tube)
+          scer_npe_sum = scer_npe_sum + scer_npe(tube)
+        endif
+      enddo
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/STRACKING/s_trans_dc.f b/STRACKING/s_trans_dc.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..33aa548
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/s_trans_dc.f
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+*-   Purpose and Methods : Translate SOS raw drift and start time 
+*-                                to decoded information 
+*-      Required Input BANKS     SOS_RAW_DC
+*-                               SOS_DECODED_SCIN
+*-      Output BANKS             SOS_DECODED_DC
+*-   Output: ABORT           - success or failure
+*-         : err             - reason for failure, if any
+* $Log: s_trans_dc.f,v $
+* Revision 1.13  2002/07/31 20:20:58  saw
+* Only try to fill user hists that are defined
+* Revision 1.12  1996/09/04 20:18:35  saw
+* (??) Cosmetic
+* Revision 1.11  1996/01/17 18:44:30  cdaq
+* (JRA) Change sign on sstart_time
+* Revision 1.10  1995/10/11 13:54:18  cdaq
+* (JRA) Cleanup, add bypass switch to s_dc_eff call
+* Revision 1.9  1995/08/31 15:04:12  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add call to s_dc_eff, warn about invalid plane numbers
+* Revision 1.8  1995/05/22  19:46:02  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.7  1995/05/17  16:47:43  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add hist for all dc tdc's in one histogram.
+* Revision 1.6  1995/04/06  19:52:15  cdaq
+* Revision 1.5  1994/11/23  15:08:04  cdaq
+* (SPB) Recopied from hms file and modified names for SOS
+* Revision 1.4  1994/04/13  18:56:40  cdaq
+* (DFG) Add call to s_fill_dc_dec_hist, remove s_raw_dump_all call
+* Revision 1.3  1994/03/24  19:59:03  cdaq
+* (DFG) add print routines and flags
+*       check plane number and wire number for validity
+* Revision 1.2  1994/02/22  14:22:58  cdaq
+* (SAW) replace err='' with ' '
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/21  16:42:58  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      SAVE
+      character*10 here
+      parameter (here= 'S_TRANS_DC')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      include 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'gen_constants.par'
+      include 'gen_units.par'
+      include 'sos_tracking.cmn'
+      include 'sos_geometry.cmn'
+      include 'sos_track_histid.cmn'
+      include 'sos_bypass_switches.cmn'
+      real*4 s_drift_dist_calc
+      external s_drift_dist_calc
+      integer*4 ihit,goodhit,old_wire,old_pln,wire,pln,chamber
+      real*4 histval
+      ABORT= .FALSE.
+      err= ' '
+      old_wire = -1
+      old_pln = -1
+      goodhit = 0
+      if (sdc_center(1).eq.0.) then   !initialize hdc_center if not yet set.
+        do pln = 1, sdc_num_planes
+          chamber = sdc_chamber_planes(pln)
+          sdc_center(pln) = sdc_xcenter(chamber)
+     $         *sin(sdc_alpha_angle(pln))+sdc_ycenter(chamber)
+     $         *cos(sdc_alpha_angle(pln))
+        enddo
+      endif
+*     Are there any raw hits
+      if( then
+*     loop over all raw hits
+        do ihit=1,sdc_raw_tot_hits
+          pln = sdc_raw_plane_num(ihit)
+          wire  = sdc_raw_wire_num(ihit)
+*     check valid plane and wire number
+          if( .and. pln.le. sdc_num_planes) then
+            histval=float(sdc_raw_tdc(ihit))
+            if( call hf1(sidrawtdc,histval,1.)
+*     test if tdc value less than lower limit for good hits
+            if(sdc_raw_tdc(ihit) .lt. sdc_tdc_min_win(pln))  then
+              swire_early_mult(wire,pln)
+     $             = swire_early_mult(wire,pln)+1
+            else
+              if(sdc_raw_tdc(ihit) .gt. sdc_tdc_max_win(pln))  then
+                swire_late_mult(wire,pln)
+     $               = swire_late_mult(wire,pln)+1
+              else
+*     test for valid wire number
+                if( .and. wire.le.sdc_nrwire(pln)) then
+*     test for multiple hit on the same wire
+                  if(pln.eq.old_pln .and. wire.eq.old_wire) then
+                    swire_extra_mult(wire,pln) =
+     $                   swire_extra_mult(wire,pln)+1
+                  else
+*     valid hit proceed with decoding
+                    goodhit = goodhit + 1
+                    sdc_plane_num(goodhit) = sdc_raw_plane_num(ihit)
+                    sdc_wire_num(goodhit) = sdc_raw_wire_num(ihit)
+                    sdc_tdc(goodhit) = sdc_raw_tdc(ihit)
+* if sdc_wire_counting(pln) is 1 then wires are number in reverse order
+                    if(sdc_wire_counting(pln).eq.0) then !normal ordering
+                      sdc_wire_center(goodhit) = sdc_pitch(pln)
+     &                  * (float(wire) - sdc_central_wire(pln))
+     &                  - sdc_center(pln)
+                    else
+                      sdc_wire_center(goodhit) = sdc_pitch(pln)
+     &                  * ( (sdc_nrwire(pln) + (1 - wire))
+     &                  - sdc_central_wire(pln) ) - sdc_center(pln)
+                    endif
+                    sdc_drift_time(goodhit) = - sstart_time
+     &                  - float(sdc_tdc(goodhit))*sdc_tdc_time_per_channel
+     &                  + sdc_plane_time_zero(pln)
+*  find dist in pattern_recognition, after apply propogation correction.
+*                    sdc_drift_dis(goodhit) =
+*     &                  s_drift_dist_calc(pln,wire,sdc_drift_time(goodhit))
+                    sdc_hits_per_plane(pln)=sdc_hits_per_plane(pln)+1
+                  endif                 ! end test on duplicate wire
+                  old_pln = pln
+                  old_wire = wire
+                endif                   ! end test on valid wire number
+              endif                     ! end test on hdc_tdc_max_win
+            endif                       ! end test on hdc_tdc_min_win
+          else                          ! if not a valid plane number
+            write(6,*) 'S_TRANS_DC: invalid plane number = ',pln
+          endif                         ! end test on valid plane number
+        enddo                           ! end loop over raw hits
+*     set total number of good hits
+        sdc_tot_hits = goodhit
+        if (sbypass_dc_eff.eq.0) call s_dc_eff !only call if there was a hit.
+      endif                     !  end test on
+*     Dump decoded banks if flag is set
+      if( then
+        call s_print_decoded_dc(ABORT,err)
+      endif
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/STRACKING/s_trans_misc.f b/STRACKING/s_trans_misc.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc4a944
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/s_trans_misc.f
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+      subroutine s_trans_misc(abort,errmsg)
+* author: John Arrington
+* created: 4/8/95
+* s_trans_misc fills the sos_decoded_misc common block
+* $Log: s_trans_misc.f,v $
+* Revision 1.6  1999/01/27 16:02:45  saw
+* Check if some hists are defined before filling
+* Revision 1.5  1996/09/04 20:18:07  saw
+* (JRA) Add misc. tdc's
+* Revision 1.4  1996/01/24 16:08:38  saw
+* (JRA) Replace 48 with smax_misc_hits
+* Revision 1.3  1996/01/17 18:12:35  cdaq
+* (JRA) Misc. fixes.
+* Revision 1.2  1995/05/22 19:46:03  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.1  1995/04/12  03:59:23  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      include 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'sos_scin_parms.cmn'
+      include 'sos_id_histid.cmn'
+      logical abort
+      character*1024 errmsg
+      character*20 here
+      parameter (here = 's_trans_misc')
+      integer*4 ihit,ich,isig
+      save
+      do ihit = 1 , smax_misc_hits
+        smisc_dec_data(ihit,1) = 0     ! Clear TDC's
+        smisc_dec_data(ihit,2) = -1     ! Clear ADC's
+      enddo
+      do ihit = 1 , smisc_tot_hits
+        ich=smisc_raw_addr2(ihit)
+        isig=smisc_raw_addr1(ihit)
+        smisc_dec_data(ich,isig) = smisc_raw_data(ihit)
+        smisc_scaler(ich,isig) = smisc_scaler(ich,isig) + 1
+        if ( then        !TDC
+          call hf1(sidmisctdcs,float(smisc_dec_data(ich,isig)),1.)
+        endif
+      enddo
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/STRACKING/s_trans_scin.f b/STRACKING/s_trans_scin.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad7fa47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/s_trans_scin.f
@@ -0,0 +1,353 @@
+      subroutine s_trans_scin(abort,errmsg)
+* author: John Arrington
+* created: 2/22/94
+* s_trans_scin fills the sos_decoded_scin common block
+* with track independant corrections and parameters
+* needed for the drift chamber and tof analysis.
+* $Log: s_trans_scin.f,v $
+* Revision 1.14  2005/03/15 21:13:09  jones
+* Add code to filter the scintillator tdc hits and group them by time. ( P. Bosted)
+* Revision 1.13  1999/06/10 16:57:58  csa
+* (JRA) Cosmetic changes
+* Revision 1.12  1996/04/30 17:15:39  saw
+* (JRA) Cleanup
+* Revision 1.11  1996/01/17 18:21:56  cdaq
+* (JRA) Misc. fixes.
+* Revision 1.10  1995/05/22 19:46:03  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.9  1995/05/17  16:48:22  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add hscintimes user histogram
+* Revision 1.8  1995/05/11  15:10:59  cdaq
+* (JRA) Replace hardwired TDC offsets with ctp variables.  Fix latent hmsism.
+* Revision 1.7  1995/04/06  19:52:59  cdaq
+* (JRA) Change hardwired TDC offset to 100
+* Revision 1.6  1995/02/23  13:25:28  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add a calculation of beta without finding a track
+* Revision 1.5  1995/01/18  21:00:24  cdaq
+* (SAW) Catch negative ADC values in argument of square root
+* Revision 1.4  1994/11/23  15:08:24  cdaq
+* * (SPB) Recopied from hms file and modified names for SOS
+* Revision 1.3  1994/04/13  20:07:02  cdaq
+* (SAW) Fix a typo
+* Revision 1.2  1994/04/13  19:00:06  cdaq
+* (DFG) 3/24  Add s_prt_scin_raw    raw bank dump routine
+*             Add s_prt_scin_dec    decoded print routine
+*             Add test for zero hits and skip all but initialization
+*             Commented out setting abort = .true.
+*             Add ABORT and errmsg to arguements
+* (DFG) 4/5   Move prt_scin_raw to s_raw_dump_all routine
+* (DFG) 4/12  Add call to s_fill_scin_raw_hist
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/21  16:43:53  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      include 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'sos_scin_parms.cmn'
+      include 'sos_scin_tof.cmn'
+      include 'sos_id_histid.cmn'
+      logical abort
+      character*1024 errmsg
+      character*20 here
+      parameter (here = 's_trans_scin')
+      integer*4 dumtrk
+      parameter (dumtrk=1)
+      integer*4 ihit, plane
+      integer*4 time_num
+      real*4 time_sum
+      real*4 fptime
+      real*4 scint_center
+      real*4 hit_position
+      real*4 dist_from_center
+      real*4 pos_path, neg_path
+      real*4 pos_ph(smax_scin_hits)     !pulse height (channels)
+      real*4 neg_ph(smax_scin_hits)
+      real*4 postime(smax_scin_hits)
+      real*4 negtime(smax_scin_hits)
+      logical goodtime(snum_scin_planes)
+      integer timehist(200),i,j,jmax,maxhit,nfound
+      real*4 time_pos(1000),time_neg(1000),tmin,time_tolerance
+      logical keep_pos(1000),keep_neg(1000),first/.true./
+      save
+      abort = .false.
+**    Find scintillators with real hits (good TDC values)
+      call s_strip_scin(abort,errmsg)
+      if (abort) then
+        call g_prepend(here,errmsg)
+        return
+      endif
+** Initialize track-independant quantaties.
+      call s_tof_init(abort,errmsg)
+      if (abort) then
+        call g_prepend(here,errmsg)
+        return
+      endif
+      sgood_start_time = .false.
+      if( sscin_tot_hits .gt. 0)  then
+** Histogram raw scin
+        call s_fill_scin_raw_hist(abort,errmsg)
+        if (abort) then
+          call g_prepend(here,errmsg)
+          return
+        endif
+      endif
+** Return if no valid hits.
+      if( sscin_tot_hits .le. 0) return
+! Calculate all corrected hit times and histogram
+! This uses a copy of code below. Results are save in time_pos,neg
+! including the z-pos. correction assuming nominal value of betap
+! Code is currently hard-wired to look for a peak in the
+! range of 0 to 100 nsec, with a group of times that all
+! agree withing a time_tolerance of time_tolerance nsec. The normal
+! peak position appears to be around 35 nsec (SOS0 or 31 nsec (HMS)
+! NOTE: if want to find farticles with beta different than
+!       reference particle, need to make sure this is big enough
+!       to accomodate difference in TOF for other particles
+! Default value in case user hasnt definedd something reasonable
+      time_tolerance=3.0
+      if( then
+         time_tolerance=stof_tolerance
+      endif
+      if(first) then
+         first=.false.
+         write(*,'(//1x,''USING '',f8.2,'' NSEC WINDOW FOR'',
+     >        ''  SOS FP NO_TRACK  CALCULATIONS'')') time_tolerance
+         write(*,'(//)')
+      endif
+      nfound = 0
+      do j=1,200
+         timehist(j)=0
+      enddo
+      do ihit = 1 , sscin_tot_hits
+        i=min(1000,ihit)
+        time_pos(i)=-99.
+        time_neg(i)=-99.
+        keep_pos(i)=.false.
+        keep_neg(i)=.false.
+        if ((sscin_tdc_pos(ihit) .ge. sscin_tdc_min) .and.
+     1      (sscin_tdc_pos(ihit) .le. sscin_tdc_max) .and.
+     2      (sscin_tdc_neg(ihit) .ge. sscin_tdc_min) .and.
+     3      (sscin_tdc_neg(ihit) .le. sscin_tdc_max)) then
+          pos_ph(ihit) = sscin_adc_pos(ihit)
+          postime(ihit) = sscin_tdc_pos(ihit) * sscin_tdc_to_time
+          postime(ihit) = postime(ihit) - sscin_pos_phc_coeff(ihit) * 
+     1         sqrt(max(0.,(pos_ph(ihit)/sscin_pos_minph(ihit)-1.)))
+          postime(ihit) = postime(ihit) - sscin_pos_time_offset(ihit)
+          neg_ph(ihit) = sscin_adc_neg(ihit)
+          negtime(ihit) = sscin_tdc_neg(ihit) * sscin_tdc_to_time
+          negtime(ihit) = negtime(ihit) - sscin_neg_phc_coeff(ihit) * 
+     1         sqrt(max(0.,(neg_ph(ihit)/sscin_neg_minph(ihit)-1.)))
+          negtime(ihit) = negtime(ihit) - sscin_neg_time_offset(ihit)
+* Find hit position.  If postime larger, then hit was nearer negative side.
+          dist_from_center = 0.5*(negtime(ihit) - postime(ihit))
+     1         * sscin_vel_light(ihit)
+          scint_center = (sscin_pos_coord(ihit)+sscin_neg_coord(ihit))/2.
+          hit_position = scint_center + dist_from_center
+          hit_position = min(sscin_pos_coord(ihit),hit_position)
+          hit_position = max(sscin_neg_coord(ihit),hit_position)
+          sscin_dec_hit_coord(ihit) = hit_position
+*     Get corrected time.
+          pos_path = sscin_pos_coord(ihit) - hit_position
+          neg_path = hit_position - sscin_neg_coord(ihit)
+          postime(ihit) = postime(ihit) - pos_path/sscin_vel_light(ihit)
+          negtime(ihit) = negtime(ihit) - neg_path/sscin_vel_light(ihit)
+          time_pos(i)  = postime(ihit) - 
+     >        sscin_zpos(ihit) / (29.979*sbeta_pcent)
+          time_neg(i)  = negtime(ihit) - 
+     >        sscin_zpos(ihit) / (29.979*sbeta_pcent)
+          nfound = nfound + 1
+          do j=1,200
+            tmin = 0.5*float(j)                
+            if(time_pos(i) .gt. tmin .and.
+     >         time_pos(i) .lt. tmin + time_tolerance) 
+     >         timehist(j) = timehist(j) + 1
+          enddo
+          nfound = nfound + 1
+          do j=1,200
+            tmin = 0.5*float(j)                
+            if(time_neg(i) .gt. tmin .and.
+     >         time_neg(i) .lt. tmin + time_tolerance) 
+     >         timehist(j) = timehist(j) + 1
+          enddo
+        endif
+      enddo
+! Find bin with most hits
+        jmax=0
+        maxhit=0
+        do j=1,200
+          if(timehist(j) .gt. maxhit) then
+            jmax = j
+            maxhit = timehist(j)
+          endif
+        enddo
+        if( then
+          tmin = 0.5*float(jmax) 
+          do ihit = 1 , sscin_tot_hits
+            i=min(1000,ihit)
+            if(time_pos(i) .gt. tmin .and.
+     >         time_pos(i) .lt. tmin + time_tolerance) then
+               keep_pos(i) = .true.
+            endif
+            if(time_neg(i) .gt. tmin .and.
+     >         time_neg(i) .lt. tmin + time_tolerance) then
+               keep_neg(i) = .true.
+            endif
+          enddo
+        endif
+! Resume regular tof code, now using time filer from above
+** Check for two good TDC values.
+      do ihit = 1 , sscin_tot_hits
+        if ((sscin_tdc_pos(ihit) .ge. sscin_tdc_min) .and.
+     1       (sscin_tdc_pos(ihit) .le. sscin_tdc_max) .and.
+     2       (sscin_tdc_neg(ihit) .ge. sscin_tdc_min) .and.
+     3       (sscin_tdc_neg(ihit) .le. sscin_tdc_max).and.
+     4       keep_pos(ihit).and.keep_neg(ihit)) then
+          stwo_good_times(ihit) = .true.
+        else
+          stwo_good_times(ihit) = .false.
+        endif
+      enddo                           !end of loop that finds tube setting time.
+** Get corrected time/adc for each scintillator hit
+      do ihit = 1 , sscin_tot_hits
+        if (stwo_good_times(ihit)) then !both tubes fired
+*  Correct time for everything except veloc. correction in order to
+*  find hit location from difference in tdc.
+          pos_ph(ihit) = sscin_adc_pos(ihit)
+          postime(ihit) = sscin_tdc_pos(ihit) * sscin_tdc_to_time
+          postime(ihit) = postime(ihit) - sscin_pos_phc_coeff(ihit) * 
+     1           sqrt(max(0.,(pos_ph(ihit)/sscin_pos_minph(ihit)-1.)))
+          postime(ihit) = postime(ihit) - sscin_pos_time_offset(ihit)
+          neg_ph(ihit) = sscin_adc_neg(ihit)
+          negtime(ihit) = sscin_tdc_neg(ihit) * sscin_tdc_to_time
+          negtime(ihit) = negtime(ihit) - sscin_neg_phc_coeff(ihit) * 
+     1           sqrt(max(0.,(neg_ph(ihit)/sscin_neg_minph(ihit)-1.)))
+          negtime(ihit) = negtime(ihit) - sscin_neg_time_offset(ihit)
+*  Find hit position.  If postime larger, then hit was nearer negative side.
+          dist_from_center = 0.5*(negtime(ihit) - postime(ihit))
+     1           * sscin_vel_light(ihit)
+          scint_center = (sscin_pos_coord(ihit)+sscin_neg_coord(ihit))/2.
+          hit_position = scint_center + dist_from_center
+          hit_position = min(sscin_pos_coord(ihit),hit_position)
+          hit_position = max(sscin_neg_coord(ihit),hit_position)
+          sscin_dec_hit_coord(ihit) = hit_position
+*     Get corrected time.
+          pos_path = sscin_pos_coord(ihit) - hit_position
+          neg_path = hit_position - sscin_neg_coord(ihit)
+          postime(ihit) = postime(ihit) - pos_path/sscin_vel_light(ihit)
+          negtime(ihit) = negtime(ihit) - neg_path/sscin_vel_light(ihit)
+          sscin_cor_time(ihit) = ( postime(ihit) + negtime(ihit) )/2.
+        else                          !only 1 tube fired
+          sscin_dec_hit_coord(ihit) = 0.
+          sscin_cor_time(ihit) = 0.   !not a very good 'flag', but there is
+                                      ! the logical stwo_good_hits.
+        endif
+      enddo                           !loop over hits to find ave time,adc.
+* start time calculation.  assume xp=yp=0 radians.  project all
+* time values to focal plane.  use average for start time.
+      time_num = 0
+      time_sum = 0.
+      do ihit = 1 , sscin_tot_hits
+        if (stwo_good_times(ihit)) then
+          fptime  = sscin_cor_time(ihit) - sscin_zpos(ihit)/(29.979*sbeta_pcent)
+          call hf1(sidscinalltimes,fptime,1.)
+          if (abs(fptime-sstart_time_center).le.sstart_time_slop) then
+            time_sum = time_sum + fptime
+            time_num = time_num + 1
+          endif
+        endif
+      enddo
+      if (time_num.eq.0) then
+        sgood_start_time = .false.
+        sstart_time = sstart_time_center
+      else
+        sgood_start_time = .true.
+        sstart_time = time_sum / float(time_num)
+      endif
+*     Dump decoded bank if sdebugprintscindec is set
+      if( sdebugprintscindec .ne. 0) call s_prt_dec_scin(ABORT,errmsg)
+*    Calculate beta without finding track (to reject cosmics for efficiencies)
+*    using tube only if both pmts fired since the velocity correction is
+*    position (track) dependant.
+*    Fitting routine fills variables assuming track=1.
+      do plane = 1 , snum_scin_planes
+        goodtime(plane)=.false.
+      enddo
+      do ihit = 1 , sscin_tot_hits
+        sgood_scin_time(dumtrk,ihit)=.false.
+        if (stwo_good_times(ihit)) then !require 2 tubes to be track indep.
+          if (abs(fptime-sstart_time_center).le.sstart_time_slop) then !throw out outliers.
+            sgood_scin_time(dumtrk,ihit)=.true.
+            sscin_time(ihit)=sscin_cor_time(ihit)
+            sscin_sigma(ihit)=sqrt(sscin_neg_sigma(ihit)**2 +
+     &           sscin_pos_sigma(ihit)**2)/2.
+            goodtime(sscin_plane_num(ihit))=.true.
+          endif
+        endif
+      enddo
+*    Fit beta if there are enough time measurements (one upper, one lower)
+      if ((goodtime(1) .or. goodtime(2)) .and.
+     1    (goodtime(3) .or. goodtime(4))) then
+        sxp_fp(dumtrk)=0.0
+        syp_fp(dumtrk)=0.0
+        call s_tof_fit(abort,errmsg,dumtrk) !fit velocity of particle
+        if (abort) then
+          call g_prepend(here,errmsg)
+          return
+        endif
+        sbeta_notrk = sbeta(dumtrk)
+        sbeta_chisq_notrk = sbeta_chisq(dumtrk)
+      else
+        sbeta_notrk = 0.
+        sbeta_chisq_notrk = -1.
+      endif
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/STRACKING/s_wire_center_calc.f b/STRACKING/s_wire_center_calc.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e85265
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STRACKING/s_wire_center_calc.f
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+      function s_wire_center_calc(plane,wire)
+*     function to calculate sos wire center positions in sos
+*     wire chambers
+*     d.f. geesaman              17 feb 1994
+* $Log: s_wire_center_calc.f,v $
+* Revision 1.5  1996/09/04 20:17:35  saw
+* (??) Cosmetic
+* Revision 1.4  1995/05/22 19:46:04  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.3  1994/11/23  15:08:41  cdaq
+* * (SPB) Recopied from hms file and modified names for SOS
+* Revision 1.2  1994/03/24  20:04:21  cdaq
+* (DFG) allow for reverse wire ordering
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/21  16:44:09  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      include "sos_data_structures.cmn"
+      include "sos_geometry.cmn"
+*     input
+      integer*4  plane      ! plane number of hit
+      integer*4  wire       ! wire number  of hit
+*     output
+      real*4     s_wire_center_calc       !  wire center in cm
+*     if sdc_sire_counting(plane) is 1 then wires are number in reverse order
+      if(sdc_wire_counting(plane).eq.0) then 
+*          normal ordering
+         s_wire_center_calc = (FLOAT(wire)-sdc_central_wire(plane))
+     &        * sdc_pitch(plane) - sdc_center(plane)
+      else        
+           s_wire_center_calc = 
+     &        ((sdc_nrwire(plane) + (1 - wire))-
+     &        sdc_central_wire(plane))* sdc_pitch(plane)-sdc_center(plane)
+      endif
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/SYNCFILTER/CVS/Entries b/SYNCFILTER/CVS/Entries
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2721a25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SYNCFILTER/CVS/Entries
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+/Makefile/ Sep  2 14:01:33 2009//Tsane
+/syncfilter.c/1.3/Fri Dec 19 17:46:30 2003//Tsane
diff --git a/SYNCFILTER/CVS/Repository b/SYNCFILTER/CVS/Repository
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef55ace
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SYNCFILTER/CVS/Repository
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6288c3f
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..25d73f7
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/SYNCFILTER/Makefile b/SYNCFILTER/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af8381a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SYNCFILTER/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+include ../etc/Makefile.variables
+.PHONY: all
+override CFLAGS += -L../../$(MYOS)/lib
+all: ../../$(MYOS)/bin/syncfilter
+../../$(MYOS)/bin/syncfilter: syncfilter.c ../../$(MYOS)/lib/libcoda.a
+	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o syncfilter syncfilter.c -lcoda
+	$(CP) syncfilter ../../$(MYOS)/bin/syncfilter
+	$(RM) syncfilter
diff --git a/SYNCFILTER/syncfilter.c b/SYNCFILTER/syncfilter.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e8fdf7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SYNCFILTER/syncfilter.c
@@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
+ *Dump out CODA event bank information
+  Bad codes
+  dcff0000       Not all modules converted.  Probable missing gate
+  dcfe           Extra buffers at Sync event.  Each dcfe gives # extra events
+                                               for a given slot
+  dcee           ROC1 only missing BPM ADC data on SOS event.
+  Assume for now any type 0 event is a sync event.  If that event has dcfe
+  stuff in it, then all data back to the previous sync is suspect.
+ */
+#define DEBUG 0
+#include <stdio.h>
+#define OUTSYNC 1
+#define INSYNC 0
+#define EARLYEND 2
+#define SCALERSYNC 0
+#define TIMEDSYNC 16
+#define GOEVENT 18
+#define TYPE_BANK 0x10
+#define MAX_EVENT_LEN 163840
+#define MAX_REALLYBIGBUFFER 3000000
+void list_banks(int evno, int *buffer);
+void printbadstuff(int evno, int *buffer);
+int problems(int evno, int *buffer);
+void appendevent(int *really_big_buffer,int *buffer,int *endpointer);
+void writeoutofsyncevent(int ohandle, int nev);
+void writeoutthebigbuffer(int ohandle,int *really_big_buffer,int *endpointer,
+			  int *evcounts);
+void writeinsyncevent(int ohandle,int nev);
+void writeearlyendevent(int ohandle,int nev);
+int GetNextEvent(char *fname,int *handle,int *buffer) {
+  int status;
+  char *filename;
+  char *xfilename;
+  static char infileext[3]; 
+  static int segno = -1;
+  /*  
+  If current value of HANDLE is -1, the file has not been opened yet
+  so open it and start reading
+  If read returns error, check segment number: if it's -1, then
+  we're in single segment mode and the run has ended.  If segno
+  is 0 or larger, we are in multi-segment mode and need to switch
+  segments
+  */
+  if (*handle == -1) {    /* open first file */
+     filename = (char *)malloc(strlen(fname)+1);
+     strcpy(filename,fname);
+         fprintf(stderr,"///syncfilter: filename %s\n",
+	  filename);
+     status = evOpen(filename,"r",handle);
+     if(status==0) {
+     	 segno = -1;
+         fprintf(stderr,"///syncfilter: Processing singular input file %s\n",
+	  filename);
+     } else {
+     	 segno = 0;
+     	 infileext[0] = '.';
+     	 infileext[1] = '0';
+     	 infileext[2] = '\0';
+     	 xfilename = (char *)malloc(strlen(fname)+3);
+     	 strcpy(xfilename,fname);
+     	 strcat(xfilename,infileext);    
+     	 status=evOpen(xfilename,"r",handle);
+     	 if(status!=0) {
+             fprintf(stderr,"///syncfilter TROUBLE: ");
+	     fprintf(stderr,"Error opening input file (%d)\n\n",status);
+             fprintf(stderr,"///syncfilter: Processing input file segment %s\n\n",
+	  xfilename);
+	     free(xfilename);
+     	     return(status);
+     	 }
+         fprintf(stderr,"///syncfilter: Processing input file segment %s\n\n",
+	  xfilename);
+	 free(xfilename);
+     }
+  }
+  status=evRead(*handle,buffer,MAX_EVENT_LEN);
+  if(status!=0 && segno>=0) {
+        evClose(*handle);
+     	segno++;
+	infileext[1]++;
+     	xfilename = (char *)malloc(strlen(fname)+3);
+     	strcpy(xfilename,fname);
+     	strcat(xfilename,infileext);
+	status=evOpen(xfilename,"r",handle);
+        if(status==0) {
+           fprintf(stderr,"///syncfilter: Continuing with ");
+	   fprintf(stderr,"input segment %d (%s)\n\n",segno,xfilename);
+           status=evRead(*handle,buffer,MAX_EVENT_LEN);
+	}
+	free(xfilename);
+  }
+  if (status == 1) evClose(*handle);
+  return(status);
+main(int argc, char **argv)
+  int nevents,evtype,count,diff;
+  int buffer[MAX_EVENT_LEN];
+  /*  int really_big_buffer[MAX_REALLYBIGBUFFER];*/
+  int *really_big_buffer;
+  int endpointer;
+  char err[500];
+  int ihandle,ohandle,status;
+  int pointer,evlen,evnum,datatype;
+  int sumlen;
+  int outofsync;
+  int n_at_outofsync;
+  int writeoutput;
+  int goodevs[16],badevs[16],endevs[16];
+  int i;
+  int num_between_scalread;
+  int num_event4;
+  int nscalread;
+  char *infilename;
+ char *outfilename;
+  really_big_buffer = (int *) malloc(MAX_REALLYBIGBUFFER*sizeof(int));
+  writeoutput = 1;
+  if(argc>1) {
+     infilename = (char *)malloc(strlen(argv[1])+1); 
+     strcpy(infilename,argv[1]);
+     if(argc>2) {
+        outfilename = (char *)malloc(strlen(argv[2])+1); 
+        strcpy(outfilename,argv[2]);
+     } else {
+        outfilename = "-";
+     }
+  } else {
+      infilename = "-";
+      outfilename = "-";
+  }
+  ihandle=-1;
+  if (DEBUG)  fprintf(stderr,"\n///syncfilter infilename %s ",infilename);
+  if (DEBUG)  fprintf(stderr,"\n///syncfilter outfilename %s ",outfilename);
+  status = evOpen(outfilename,"w",&ohandle);
+  if(status!=0) {
+    fprintf(stderr,"\n///syncfilter TROUBLE: couldn't open ");
+    fprintf(stderr,"output file, scanning input for errors\n");
+    status = evOpen("/dev/null","w",&ohandle);
+  }
+  for(i=0;i<16;i++) {
+    goodevs[i] = badevs[i] = endevs[i] = 0; /* Initialize event counters */
+  }
+  nevents = 0;
+  num_between_scalread=0;
+  endpointer = 0;
+  outofsync = 0;
+  n_at_outofsync = 0;
+  num_event4=0;
+  nscalread=0;
+  writeinsyncevent(ohandle,nevents);
+    while ((status=GetNextEvent(infilename,&ihandle,buffer)) == 0) { 
+    nevents++;
+    sumlen = 1;
+    evtype = buffer[1]>>16;
+    evlen = buffer[0];
+    datatype = (buffer[1] & 0xff00) >> 8;
+    /*    if(!outofsync && problems(nevents,buffer)) {
+      outofsync = 1;
+      }*/
+        if( problems(nevents,buffer) && !outofsync ) {
+      outofsync = 1;
+      } 
+    if(evtype==4) {
+      num_event4++;
+      if(DEBUG) fprintf(stderr,"%d: %d %d\n",nevents,evtype,num_event4);
+    }
+    if(evtype==20) {
+      fprintf(stderr,"END event found, number of events since last scaler read : %d\n",num_between_scalread);
+      appendevent(really_big_buffer,buffer,&endpointer);
+      break;
+    }
+    if(evtype==16 || evtype==0 || evtype==18 ) {
+      if(nevents>1000) {
+	if(DEBUG) fprintf(stderr,"%d: %d\n",nevents,evtype);
+      }
+      if ( num_event4 != 1000 && evtype==0 ) {
+	fprintf(stderr,"Number of Scaler reads before 1000 event type 4 =%d\n",nscalread);
+      }
+      if (evtype==0) {
+	nscalread++;
+      }
+      num_between_scalread=0;
+      if(outofsync) {
+	writeoutofsyncevent(ohandle,n_at_outofsync);
+	evWrite(ohandle,&buffer[0]);
+        writeoutthebigbuffer(ohandle,really_big_buffer,&endpointer,badevs);
+	writeinsyncevent(ohandle,nevents);
+	outofsync = 0;
+      } else {
+ 	  if(evtype==0) {
+          evWrite(ohandle,&buffer[0]);
+	  writeoutthebigbuffer(ohandle,really_big_buffer,&endpointer,goodevs);
+	  } else {
+	  writeoutthebigbuffer(ohandle,really_big_buffer,&endpointer,goodevs);
+          evWrite(ohandle,&buffer[0]);
+          }
+      }
+      if(DEBUG) fprintf(stderr,"Events=%d\n",nevents);
+      n_at_outofsync = nevents+1;
+    } else {
+      appendevent(really_big_buffer,buffer,&endpointer);
+      num_between_scalread++;
+    }
+  }
+  fprintf(stderr,"Done\n");
+  if(endpointer) {
+    if(evtype!=20) {
+      writeearlyendevent(ohandle,n_at_outofsync);
+      writeoutthebigbuffer(ohandle,really_big_buffer,&endpointer,endevs);
+    } else if(outofsync) {
+      fprintf(stderr,"Last buffer sent (out-of-sync)\n");
+      writeoutofsyncevent(ohandle,n_at_outofsync);
+      writeoutthebigbuffer(ohandle,really_big_buffer,&endpointer,badevs);
+    } else {
+      fprintf(stderr,"Last buffer sent (in-sync) \n");
+      writeoutthebigbuffer(ohandle,really_big_buffer,&endpointer,goodevs);
+    }
+    if(DEBUG) fprintf(stderr,"Events=%d\n",nevents);
+  }
+  if (DEBUG) fprintf(stderr,"%d:%s\n",status,err);
+  fprintf(stderr,"%d events in run\n",nevents);
+  evClose(ihandle);
+  evClose(ohandle); 
+  for(i=0;i<16;i++) {
+    fprintf(stderr,"%2d: %8d %8d %8d\n",i,goodevs[i],badevs[i],endevs[i]);
+  }
+  exit(0);
+int problems(int evno, int *buffer)
+  int len = buffer[0];
+  int *end = buffer+len;
+  int datatype = (buffer[1] & 0xff00) >> 8;
+  int *pointer=buffer;
+  int bankn=0;
+  int result;
+  int evprinted;
+  result = 0;
+  evprinted=0;
+  if(datatype == TYPE_BANK){
+    pointer += 2;
+    while(pointer<end) {
+      int roc = (*(pointer+1) >> 16)&0x1f;
+      int len = *pointer;
+      int i;
+      bankn++;
+      if(roc>0 && roc <=4) {
+	for(i=2;i<=len;i++) {
+	  if((pointer[i]&0xff000000) == 0xdc000000 ||
+	     (pointer[i]&0xff000000) == 0xfb000000) {
+	    result = 1;
+	    if(!evprinted) {
+	      fprintf(stderr,"Evno: %d\n",evno);
+	      evprinted=0;
+	    }
+	    fprintf(stderr,"Roc: %d, Word: %d, %x\n",roc,i,pointer[i]);
+	  }
+	}
+      }
+      pointer += (*pointer + 1);
+    }
+  }
+  return(result);
+void appendevent(int *really_big_buffer,int *buffer,int *endpointer)
+  int end;
+  int i;
+  int newendpointer;
+  newendpointer = *endpointer + buffer[0]+1;
+  if(newendpointer>MAX_REALLYBIGBUFFER) {
+    fprintf(stderr,"Amount of data between sync's exceeds buffer size\n");
+    exit(1);
+  }
+  for(i=0;i<=buffer[0];i++) {
+    really_big_buffer[*endpointer+i] = buffer[i];
+  }
+  *endpointer = newendpointer;
+void writeoutthebigbuffer(int ohandle,int *really_big_buffer,int *endpointer,
+			  int *evcounts)
+  int pointer;
+  int evtype;
+  if(DEBUG) {
+    fprintf(stderr,"endpointer=%d\n",*endpointer);
+    fprintf(stderr,"Writing a big bunch of stuff\n");
+  }
+  pointer = 0;
+  while(pointer < *endpointer) {
+    evtype = really_big_buffer[pointer+1]>>16;
+    if(evtype < 16) {
+      evcounts[evtype]++;
+    }
+    evWrite(ohandle,&really_big_buffer[pointer]);
+    pointer += really_big_buffer[pointer]+1;
+  }
+  *endpointer=0;		/* Clear the buffer */
+void writeoutofsyncevent(int ohandle,int nev)
+  int evbuf[5];
+  evbuf[0] = 4;
+  evbuf[1] = (SYNCANALYSISFLAG<<16) + 0x10cc;
+  evbuf[2] = 2;
+  evbuf[3] = 1<<8;		/* Integer type */
+  evbuf[4] = OUTSYNC;
+  evWrite(ohandle,evbuf);
+  fprintf(stderr,"SF: OUT OF SYNC at %d\n",nev);
+void writeinsyncevent(int ohandle,int nev)
+  int evbuf[5];
+  evbuf[0] = 4;
+  evbuf[1] = (SYNCANALYSISFLAG<<16) + 0x10cc;
+  evbuf[2] = 2;
+  evbuf[3] = 1<<8;		/* Integer type */
+  evbuf[4] = INSYNC;
+  evWrite(ohandle,evbuf);
+  fprintf(stderr,"SF: IN OF SYNC at %d\n",nev);
+void writeearlyendevent(int ohandle,int nev)
+  int evbuf[5];
+  evbuf[0] = 4;
+  evbuf[1] = (SYNCANALYSISFLAG<<16) + 0x10cc;
+  evbuf[2] = 2;
+  evbuf[3] = 1<<8;		/* Integer type */
+  evbuf[4] = EARLYEND;
+  evWrite(ohandle,evbuf);
+  fprintf(stderr,"END missing, adding flag at last SYNC: %d\n",nev);
diff --git a/T20/CVS/Entries b/T20/CVS/Entries
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f21169
--- /dev/null
+++ b/T20/CVS/Entries
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+/Makefile/1.1/Mon Dec  7 22:11:31 1998//Tsane
+/Makefile.Unix/1.2/Mon Dec  7 22:11:31 1998//Tsane
+/g_analyze_misc.f/1.1/Mon Dec  7 22:11:31 1998//Tsane
+/g_analyze_pedestal.f/1.1/Tue Dec  1 21:01:12 1998//Tsane
+/g_analyze_scalers.f/1.1/Fri May 23 13:52:06 1997//Tsane
+/g_calc_pedestal.f/1.1/Tue Dec  1 21:01:16 1998//Tsane
+/g_clear_event.f/1.1/Tue Dec  1 21:01:21 1998//Tsane
+/g_decode_fb_bank.f/1.1/Tue Dec  1 20:58:23 1998//Tsane
+/g_decode_fb_detector.f/ Sep 11 19:14:18 2007//Tsane
+/g_examine_go_info.f/ Sep 11 19:14:18 2007//Tsane
+/g_get_next_event.f/1.1/Fri May 23 19:22:54 1997//Tsane
+/g_init_filenames.f/1.1/Tue Dec  1 20:58:38 1998//Tsane
+/g_initialize.f/1.1/Tue Dec  1 20:58:42 1998//Tsane
+/g_open_source.f/1.1/Fri May 23 19:38:57 1997//Tsane
+/g_proper_shutdown.f/1.1/Tue Dec  1 20:57:53 1998//Tsane
+/g_reconstruction.f/1.2/Tue Dec  1 20:59:06 1998//Tsane
+/g_register_variables.f/1.2/Fri May 23 19:48:43 1997//Tsane
+/g_reset_event.f/ Sep 11 19:14:18 2007//Tsane
+/g_scaler.f/1.1/Tue Dec  1 20:57:58 1998//Tsane
+/g_trans_misc.f/1.1/Tue Dec  1 21:00:45 1998//Tsane
+/gen_data_structures.cmn/1.1/Tue Dec  1 21:03:43 1998//Tsane
+/gen_misc.cmn/1.1/Tue Dec  1 21:03:34 1998//Tsane
+/gen_run_info.cmn/1.2/Tue Dec  1 21:04:07 1998//Tsane
+/h_ntuple_init.f/1.1/Tue Dec  1 20:58:08 1998//Tsane
+/h_ntuple_keep.f/1.1/Tue Dec  1 20:58:13 1998//Tsane
+/t20_bypass_switches.cmn/1.1/Tue Dec  1 21:02:48 1998//Tsane
+/t20_data_structures.cmn/1.2/Tue May 20 19:32:50 1997//Tsane
+/t20_filenames.cmn/1.1/Tue Dec  1 21:04:18 1998//Tsane
+/t20_geometry.cmn/1.1/Tue Dec  1 21:04:30 1998//Tsane
+/t20_hms.cmn/1.1/Tue Dec  1 21:02:39 1998//Tsane
+/t20_hodo.cmn/1.1/Tue Dec  1 21:03:15 1998//Tsane
+/t20_hodo_parms.cmn/1.1/Tue Dec  1 21:04:41 1998//Tsane
+/t20_misc.cmn/1.1/Tue Dec  1 21:04:53 1998//Tsane
+/t20_pedestals.cmn/1.1/Tue Dec  1 21:02:30 1998//Tsane
+/t20_reg_polder_structures.cmn/1.1/Tue Dec  1 21:05:04 1998//Tsane
+/t20_test_detectors.cmn/1.2/Tue Dec  1 21:02:25 1998//Tsane
+/t20_test_histid.cmn/1.1/Tue Dec  1 21:05:10 1998//Tsane
+/t20_track_histid.cmn/1.1/Tue Dec  1 21:02:09 1998//Tsane
+/t20_tracking.cmn/1.2/Tue Dec  1 21:02:01 1998//Tsane
+/t_analyze_pedestal.f/1.1/Tue Dec  1 20:56:24 1998//Tsane
+/t_calc_pedestal.f/1.1/Tue Dec  1 20:56:28 1998//Tsane
+/t_clear_event.f/1.1/Tue Dec  1 20:57:37 1998//Tsane
+/t_dump_peds.f/1.1/Tue Dec  1 20:57:41 1998//Tsane
+/t_hms.f/1.1/Fri May 23 20:51:35 1997//Tsane
+/t_hodos.f/1.1/Tue Dec  1 20:56:31 1998//Tsane
+/t_init_histid.f/1.1/Tue Dec  1 20:56:35 1998//Tsane
+/t_init_physics.f/1.1/Tue Dec  1 20:56:44 1998//Tsane
+/t_initialize.f/1.1/Tue Dec  1 20:56:51 1998//Tsane
+/t_misc.f/1.1/Tue Dec  1 20:57:23 1998//Tsane
+/t_mwpc.f/1.1/Tue Dec  1 20:55:18 1998//Tsane
+/t_ntuple.cmn/1.1/Tue Dec  1 21:01:41 1998//Tsane
+/t_ntuple_register.f/1.1/Tue Dec  1 20:56:56 1998//Tsane
+/t_proper_shutdown.f/1.1/Tue Dec  1 20:57:27 1998//Tsane
+/t_prt_raw_hodo.f/1.1/Tue Dec  1 20:57:05 1998//Tsane
+/t_prt_raw_mwpc.f/1.1/Tue Dec  1 20:57:33 1998//Tsane
+/t_raw_dump_all.f/1.1/Tue Dec  1 20:57:09 1998//Tsane
+/t_reconstruction.f/1.1/Tue Dec  1 20:54:23 1998//Tsane
+/t_register_param.f/1.1/Tue Dec  1 20:57:13 1998//Tsane
+/t_register_variables.f/1.1/Tue Dec  1 20:57:17 1998//Tsane
+/t_reset_event.f/1.1/Tue Dec  1 20:54:42 1998//Tsane
+/t_test_straw_analyze.f/1.3/Tue Dec  1 20:55:11 1998//Tsane
+/tengine.f/1.1/Tue Dec  1 20:55:32 1998//Tsane
diff --git a/T20/CVS/Repository b/T20/CVS/Repository
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..997846e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/T20/CVS/Repository
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/T20/CVS/Root b/T20/CVS/Root
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6288c3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/T20/CVS/Root
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/T20/CVS/Tag b/T20/CVS/Tag
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..25d73f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/T20/CVS/Tag
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/T20/Makefile b/T20/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b3c52ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/T20/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# $Log: Makefile,v $
+# Revision 1.1  1998/12/07 22:11:31  saw
+# Initial setup
+include $(ETC)/Makefile.NEW
diff --git a/T20/Makefile.Unix b/T20/Makefile.Unix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b43435
--- /dev/null
+++ b/T20/Makefile.Unix
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+# $Log: Makefile.Unix,v $
+# Revision 1.2  1998/12/07 22:11:31  saw
+# Initial setup
+# Revision 1.1  1998/12/01 20:56:12  saw
+# Initial revision
+include $(Csoft)/etc/Makefile
+t20_sources = g_register_variables.f g_initialize.f \
+	g_decode_fb_bank.f g_decode_fb_detector.f \
+	g_clear_event.f g_reset_event.f g_reconstruction.f \
+	g_init_filenames.f g_proper_shutdown.f g_analyze_pedestal.f \
+	g_calc_pedestal.f t_test_straw_analyze.f t_clear_event.f \
+	t_reset_event.f t_reconstruction.f t_register_variables.f \
+	t_ntuple_register.f t_register_param.f t_initialize.f \
+	t_analyze_pedestal.f t_calc_pedestal.f t_dump_peds.f \
+	t_proper_shutdown.f t_init_physics.f t_init_histid.f \
+	t_raw_dump_all.f t_prt_raw_mwpc.f t_prt_raw_hodo.f \
+	t_hodos.f t_misc.f t_mwpc.f t_hms.f \
+	g_examine_go_info.f g_scaler.f g_trans_misc.f g_analyze_misc.f \
+	g_analyze_scalers.f g_get_next_event.f g_open_source.f \
+	h_ntuple_init.f h_ntuple_keep.f
+# Sources that are not changed, but that need to be rebuilt because of include files
+unchanged_sources = g_analyze_beam_pedestal.f g_calc_beam_pedestal.f
+t20_makereg_sources = r_t20_bypass_switches.f r_t20_data_structures.f \
+	r_t20_test_detectors.f r_t_ntuple.f r_t20_tracking.f \
+	r_t20_pedestals.f r_t20_filenames.f r_t20_test_histid.f \
+	r_gen_run_info.f r_t20_test_histid.f r_t20_test_detectors.f \
+	r_t20_hodo.f r_t20_geometry.f r_t20_track_histid.f r_t20_hms.f \
+	r_t20_misc.f r_gen_misc.f r_gen_data_structures.f
+include_files = gen_detectorids.par t20_filenames.cmn t20_test_histid.cmn \
+	t20_hodo_parms.cmn t20_tracking.cmn t20_bypass_switches.cmn \
+	t20_pedestals.cmn t_ntuple.cmn t20_data_structures.cmn \
+	t20_test_detectors.cmn gen_run_info.cmn
+treplay_source = tengine.f
+libsources = $(t20_sources) $(unchaged_sources) $(t20_makereg_sources)
+sources = $(libsources) $(treplay_source)
+lib_targets := $(patsubst %.f, libt20.a(%.o), $(libsources))
+bin_targets = tengine
+install-dirs := lib bin
+T20LIB = $(LIBROOT)/libt20.a
+DEPLIBS = $(LIBROOT)/libengine.a \
+	$(LIBROOT)/libhtracking.a \
+	$(LIBROOT)/libtracking.a $(LIBROOT)/libhack.a \
+	$(LIBROOT)/libutils.a
+CTPCLIENT = $(LIBROOT)/libctpclient.a
+CTP =  $(LIBROOT)/libctp.a
+#CERNLIBS = -lgeant$(GEANTVER) -lpawlib -lgraflib -lgrafX11 -lpacklib -lmathlib
+CERNLIBS = -lpacklib
+ifeq ($(ARCH),HPUX)
+  FFLAGS = -g +ppu +es -O +Obb1000 +FPVZOU 
+  OTHERLIBS = -Wl,-L$(LIBROOT) -lctpclient -lctp -Wl,-L$(CODA)/HP_UX/lib \
+	-Wl,-L$(CERN_ROOT)/lib $(CERNLIBS) -lU77 -lm
+ifeq ($(ARCH),IRIX)
+  OTHERLIBS = -L$(LIBROOT) -lctpclient -lctp \
+        -L$(CERN_ROOT)/lib $(CERNLIBS) \
+        -L/usr/lib -lX11 -lm
+ifeq ($(ARCH),ULTRIX)
+	-lana -lmsg -lcoda -L$(CERN_ROOT)/lib $(CERNLIBS) -L/usr/lib -lX11 -lm
+ifeq ($(ARCH),SunOS)
+  OTHERLIBS = -L$(LIBROOT) -lctpclient -lctp -L$(CERN_ROOT)/lib $(CERNLIBS) -lX11
+ifeq ($(ARCH),AIX)
+  OTHERLIBS = -L$(LIBROOT) -lctpclient -lctp \
+	-L$(CERN_ROOT)/lib $(CERNLIBS) -lX11
+ifeq ($(ARCH),Linux)
+#  CERNLIBS = -lgeant$(GEANTVER) -lpawlib -lgraflib -lgrafX11 -lmathlib -lpacklib -lkernlib -lmathlib -lpacklib
+  OTHERLIBS = -L$(LIBROOT) -lctpclient -lctp -L$(CERN_ROOT)/lib \
+	$(CERNLIBS) -L/usr/X11/lib -lX11 -lm
+  DEPLIBS := $(DEPLIBS) $(LIBROOT)/libport.a
+	@make -C $(Csoft)/SRC/PORT
+ifeq ($(ARCH),OSF1)
+tengine: $(T20LIB) $(DEPLIBS)
+	$(AR) x $(T20LIB) tengine.o
+	$(F77) $(FLDFLAGS) -o tengine tengine.o $(T20LIB) $(DEPLIBS) $(OTHERLIBS)
+	$(RM) tengine.o
+tengine: $(T20LIB) $(DEPLIBS)
+	$(AR) x $(T20LIB) tengine.o
+	$(F77) $(FFLAGS) -o tengine tengine.o $(T20LIB) $(DEPLIBS) $(OTHERLIBS)
+	$(RM) tengine.o
+../%.f : $(NFSDIRECTORY)/T20/%.f
+	ln -s $< $@
+../t%.cmn : $(NFSDIRECTORY)/T20/t%.cmn
+	ln -s $< $@
+../gen_data_structures.cmn : $(NFSDIRECTORY)/T20/gen_data_structures.cmn
+	ln -s $< $@
+../gen_misc.cmn : $(NFSDIRECTORY)/T20/gen_misc.cmn
+	ln -s $< $@
+../gen_run_info.cmn : $(NFSDIRECTORY)/T20/gen_run_info.cmn
+	ln -s $< $@
+../gen_detectorids.par : $(NFSDIRECTORY)/T20/gen_detectorids.par
+	ln -s $< $@
+.PRECIOUS: ../%.f ../t%.cmn
+.PRECIOUS: ../gen_data_structures.cmn ../gen_misc.cmn ../gen_run_info.cmn
+.PRECIOUS: ../gen_detectorids.par
+# Rule for making the register subroutines
+../r_%.f : ../%.cmn $(MAKEREG)
+	(cd .. ; $(MAKEREG) $(<F) -o $(@F) -e /dev/null)
+.PRECIOUS: ../r_%.f
+# Get include files from INCLUDE directory.  Need an exclusion
+# on replacements for gen_* include files.  How do I do this?
+# For now, it is only gen_detectorids.par that is reused.  We'll
+# just put in explicit rules for .par files as needed.
+%.cmn:: ../%.cmn
+	$(CP) $< $@
+%.dec:: ../%.dec
+	$(CP) $< $@
+../%.dec :: ../../INCLUDE/%.dec
+	$(CP) $< $@
+%.par:: ../%.par
+	$(CP) $< $@
+../gen_units.par:: ../../INCLUDE/gen_units.par
+	$(CP) $< $@
+../gen_constants.par:: ../../INCLUDE/gen_constants.par
+	$(CP) $< $@
+%.dte:: ../%.dte
+	$(CP) $< $@
+../%.dte:: ../../INCLUDE/%.dte
+	$(CP) $< $@
+include $(sources:.f=.d)
diff --git a/T20/g_analyze_misc.f b/T20/g_analyze_misc.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c50fed7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/T20/g_analyze_misc.f
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+      subroutine g_analyze_misc(abort,errmsg)
+* author: John Arrington
+* created: 1/17/96
+* g_analyze_misc takes the gen_decoded_misc common block and
+*   generates decoded bpm/raster information.
+* $Log: g_analyze_misc.f,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1998/12/07 22:11:31  saw
+* Initial setup
+* Revision 1.3  1996/09/04 14:30:41  saw
+* (JRA) Add beam position calculations
+* Revision 1.2  1996/04/29 19:41:09  saw
+* (JRA) Update BPM code
+* Revision 1.1  1996/01/22 15:08:37  saw
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      include 'gen_data_structures.cmn'
+      logical abort
+      character*1024 errmsg
+      character*20 here
+      parameter (here = 'g_analyze_misc')
+      integer*4 ibpm,isig
+      real*8 normfry,fryphase,frydphase
+      save
+      abort = .false.
+      errmsg = ' '
+* BPM Signals.
+      do ibpm=1,gmax_num_bpms       !need some kind of 'map' for this.
+        do isig=1,gnum_bpm_signals
+          gbpm_raw_adc(isig,ibpm) = gmisc_dec_data(4*(ibpm-1)+isig,2)
+          gbpm_adc(isig,ibpm)=gbpm_raw_adc(isig,ibpm)-gbpm_adc_ped(isig,ibpm)
+        enddo
+      enddo
+* Raster Signals.
+      gfrx_raw_adc = gmisc_dec_data(14,2)
+      gfry_raw_adc = gmisc_dec_data(16,2)
+      gfrx_adc = gfrx_raw_adc - gfrx_adc_ped
+      gfry_adc = gfry_raw_adc - gfry_adc_ped
+      gfrx_sync = gmisc_dec_data(13,2) - gfrx_sync_mean  !sign gives sync phase.
+      gfry_sync = gmisc_dec_data(15,2) - gfry_sync_mean
+* Beam position on target: this block calculates the beam Y position (beam
+*                          line coordinate system) on the target in mm: gbeam_y
+*         --- use Chen Yan's formula to calculate the Y amplitude ---
+*             Vamp = 0.278*Ebeam*Xamp, where:
+*               Vamp is the amplitude of the monitor signal in Volts
+*               Ebeam is the beam energy in GeV  (gpbeam)
+*               Xamp is the raster amplitude on target in mm
+*             need two calibration constants to be defined in gconstants.param
+*               gfry_defcalib := .278 or whatever it will be in the future
+*               gfry_vperch := 1/(ADC channels per Volt input)
+      if (gusefr .eq. 0) then      !do not correct for raster
+        gbeam_y = gbeam_yoff
+      else                         !correct for raster
+        if (guse_frdefault .ne. 0) then   ! use nominal calibration
+          gbeam_y = gfry_adc*gfry_vperch/(gfry_defcalib*gpbeam)
+        else                             ! use user calibration
+          if (guse_frphase .eq. 0) then   ! do not correct for FR phase
+            gbeam_y = (gfry_adc/gfry_adcmax)*gfry_maxsize
+          else                           ! correct for FR phase
+            normfry = gfry_adc/gfry_adcmax
+            normfry = min(1.0D0,normfry)
+            normfry = max(-1.0D0,normfry)
+            fryphase = asin(normfry)
+            if( gfry_sync .gt. gfry_synccut ) then
+              frydphase = gfry_dphase*3.141/180.
+            else
+              frydphase = -gfry_dphase*3.141/180.
+            endif
+            fryphase = fryphase + frydphase
+            gbeam_y = sin(fryphase)*gfry_maxsize
+          endif
+        endif
+        gbeam_y = gbeam_y + gbeam_yoff
+      endif
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/T20/g_analyze_pedestal.f b/T20/g_analyze_pedestal.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c7bf00c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/T20/g_analyze_pedestal.f
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+      subroutine g_analyze_pedestal(ABORT,err)
+* $Log: g_analyze_pedestal.f,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1998/12/01 21:01:12  saw
+* Initial revision
+* Revision 1.2  1996/01/22 15:09:24  saw
+* (JRA) Add call to g_analyze_beam_pedestal
+* Revision 1.1  1995/04/01 19:36:55  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      character*18 here
+      parameter (here='g_analyze_pedestal')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      call g_analyze_beam_pedestal(ABORT,err)
+      if(ABORT) then
+         call G_add_path(here,err)
+         return
+      endif
+      call h_analyze_pedestal(ABORT,err)
+      if(ABORT) then
+         call G_add_path(here,err)
+         return
+      endif
+      call t_analyze_pedestal(ABORT,err)
+      if(ABORT) then
+         call G_add_path(here,err)
+         return
+      endif
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/T20/g_analyze_scalers.f b/T20/g_analyze_scalers.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a327451
--- /dev/null
+++ b/T20/g_analyze_scalers.f
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+      subroutine g_analyze_scalers(event,ABORT,err)
+* $Log: g_analyze_scalers.f,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1997/05/23 13:52:06  saw
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      save
+      integer*4 event(*)
+      character*17 here
+      parameter (here='g_analyze_scalers')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 'gen_scalers.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_run_info.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_filenames.cmn'
+      integer ind
+      integer*4 cratenum                ! 1=hms,2=sos
+      real*8 realscal
+      logical update_bcms
+      integer*4 jiand, jishft           ! Declare to help f2c
+*     Scaler events have a header in from of each scaler.  High 16 bits
+*     will contain the address (the switch settings).  Address for hall C
+*     will be of the form DANN, where NN is the scaler number.  The low 16
+*     bits will contain the number of scaler values to follow (this should
+*     be no larger than 16, but we will allow more.)
+*     NOTE that the variables gscaler(i) is REAL!!!!!
+*     this is so that we can record the correct value when the 
+*     hardware scalers (32 bit <> I*4) overflow.
+      integer evtype, evnum, evlen, pointer
+      integer scalid, countinmod, address, counter
+*     Temporary variables for beam current and charge calculations
+      real*8 ave_current_bcm1, ave_current_bcm2, ave_current_bcm3
+      real*8 ave_current_unser
+      real*8 delta_time
+* Find if hms or sos scaler event (assumes first HMS scaler is DA01).
+      if (jiand(jishft(event(3),-16),'FFFF'X).eq.'DA01'X) then !first scaler
+        cratenum=1     !hms
+      else
+        cratenum=2     !sos
+      endif
+      evtype = jishft(event(2),-16)
+      evnum = jiand(event(2),'FF'x)  ! last 2 bytes give event number (mod 256)
+* evnum is mod(256), so must reset lastevnum for rollover
+      if (evnum.eq.0 .and. gscal_lastevnum(cratenum).gt.200) then
+        gscal_lastevnum(cratenum)=0
+      else if (evnum.le.gscal_lastevnum(cratenum)) then
+        write(6,*) 'STATUS: skipping outoforder scaler event:',
+     &             ' crate,oldevnum,newevnum=',cratenum,
+     &             gscal_lastevnum(cratenum),evnum
+        return
+      endif
+      gscal_lastevnum(cratenum)=evnum
+*     Should check against list of known scaler events
+      evlen = event(1) + 1
+      update_bcms = .false.
+      if( then           ! We have a scaler bank
+        pointer = 3
+        do while(
+          scalid = jiand(jishft(event(pointer),-16),'FF'x)
+          countinmod = jiand(event(pointer),'FFFF'x)
+          if(jiand(event(pointer),'FF000000'x).eq.'DA000000'x) then
+c     Old style header with scaler ID @ 00FF0000
+            scalid = jiand(jishft(event(pointer),-16),'FF'x)
+            address = scalid*16
+*     Might want to check that count is not to big.
+            if( then
+              err = 'Scaler module header word has count<>16'
+              ABORT = .true.
+              call g_add_path(here,err)
+              return                    ! Safest action
+            endif
+          else
+c     New style header with scaler ID @ FFF?0000
+c     (If ? is non zero, it means we are starting in the middle of a scaler)
+c     Allows for non multiple of 16 address starts
+            address = jishft(event(pointer),-16)
+*     Might want to check that count is not to big.
+            if( then
+              err = 'Scaler module header word has count >16'
+              ABORT = .true.
+              call g_add_path(here,err)
+              return                    ! Safest action
+            endif
+          endif
+          address = scalid*16
+          do counter = 1,countinmod
+            ind=address+counter
+            realscal=dfloat(event(pointer+counter))
+            if (ind.eq.gbcm1_index) update_bcms=.true. !assume bcms in same crate
+* Save scaler value from previous scaler event:
+            gscaler_old(ind) = gscaler(ind)
+            if ( then
+              realscal=realscal+4294967296.
+            endif
+            if ( (realscal+dfloat(gscaler_nroll(ind))*4294967296.) .ge.
+     &           gscaler(ind) ) then    ! 2**32 = 4.295e+9
+              gscaler(ind) = realscal + gscaler_nroll(ind)*4294967296.
+            else                        !32 bit scaler rolled over.
+              gscaler_nroll(ind)=gscaler_nroll(ind)+1
+              gscaler(ind) = realscal + gscaler_nroll(ind)*4294967296.
+            endif
+* Calculate difference between current scaler value and previous value:
+            gscaler_change(ind) = gscaler(ind) - gscaler_old(ind)
+          enddo
+          pointer = pointer + countinmod + 1 ! Add 17 to pointer
+        enddo
+      else
+        err = 'Event not big enough to contain scalers'
+        ABORT = .true.
+        call g_add_path(here,err)
+        return
+      endif
+* calculate time of run (must not be zero to avoid div. by zero).
+      g_run_time = max(0.001D00,gscaler(gclock_index)/gclock_rate)
+* Calculate beam current and charge between scaler events
+      if (update_bcms) then             ! can't assume in hms crate, moved for some runs
+        delta_time = max(gscaler_change(gclock_index)/gclock_rate,.0001D00)
+	if (gen_run_number.le.13000) then
+        ave_current_bcm1 = gbcm1_gain*sqrt(max(0.0D00,
+     &       (gscaler_change(gbcm1_index)/delta_time)-gbcm1_offset))
+     	else
+        ave_current_bcm1 = gbcm1_gain*((gscaler_change(gbcm1_index)
+     &         /delta_time) - gbcm1_offset)
+        endif
+        ave_current_bcm3 = gbcm3_gain*((gscaler_change(gbcm3_index)
+     &       /delta_time) - gbcm3_offset)
+        ave_current_unser = gunser_gain*((gscaler_change(gunser_index)
+     &       /delta_time) - gunser_offset)
+        if (gen_run_number.le.6268) then
+          ave_current_bcm2 = gbcm2_gain*sqrt(max(0.0D00,
+     &         (gscaler_change(gbcm2_index)/delta_time)-gbcm2_offset))
+        else
+          ave_current_bcm2 = gbcm2_gain*((gscaler_change(gbcm2_index)
+     &         /delta_time) - gbcm2_offset)
+        endif
+        if ( then
+          gbcm1_charge = gbcm1_charge + ave_current_bcm1*delta_time
+          gbcm2_charge = gbcm2_charge + ave_current_bcm2*delta_time
+          gbcm3_charge = gbcm3_charge + ave_current_bcm3*delta_time
+          gunser_charge = gunser_charge + ave_current_unser*delta_time
+          gscaler_event_num = gscaler_event_num + 1
+*         Write out pertinent charge scaler rates for each scaler event.
+          if (' ') then
+            write(G_LUN_CHARGE_SCALER,1001) gscaler_event_num,!scaler event num
+     &           gscaler_change(gunser_index)/delta_time, !scaler rate(Hz)
+     &           gscaler_change(gbcm1_index)/delta_time, !scaler rate(Hz)
+     &           gscaler_change(gbcm2_index)/delta_time, !scaler rate(Hz)
+     &           gscaler_change(gbcm3_index)/delta_time, !scaler rate(Hz)
+     &           delta_time             !time since last scaler event (sec)
+          endif
+        endif
+      endif
+ 1001 format(i7,4f15.2,f14.6)
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/T20/g_calc_pedestal.f b/T20/g_calc_pedestal.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad3f4c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/T20/g_calc_pedestal.f
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+      subroutine g_calc_pedestal(ABORT,err)
+* $Log: g_calc_pedestal.f,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1998/12/01 21:01:16  saw
+* Initial revision
+* Revision 1.2  1996/01/22 15:12:35  saw
+* (JRA) Add call to g_calc_beam_pedestal
+* Revision 1.1  1995/04/01 19:37:06  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      character*18 here
+      parameter (here='g_calc_pedestal')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      call g_calc_beam_pedestal(ABORT,err)
+      if(ABORT) then
+         call G_add_path(here,err)
+         return
+      endif
+      call h_calc_pedestal(ABORT,err)
+      if(ABORT) then
+         call G_add_path(here,err)
+         return
+      endif
+      call t_calc_pedestal(ABORT,err)
+      if(ABORT) then
+         call G_add_path(here,err)
+         return
+      endif
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/T20/g_clear_event.f b/T20/g_clear_event.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c60b9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/T20/g_clear_event.f
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+      SUBROUTINE G_clear_event(ABORT,err)
+*-       Prototype C analysis routine
+*-   Purpose and Methods : clears all quantities AT THE START OF EACH EVENT
+*-   Output: ABORT		- success or failure
+*-         : err	- reason for failure, if any
+*-   Created  29-Oct-1993   Kevin B. Beard, Hampton U.
+*-   Modified 19-Nov-1993   Kevin B. Beard for new error standards
+*-      $Log: g_clear_event.f,v $
+*-      Revision 1.1  1998/12/01 21:01:21  saw
+*-      Initial revision
+*-      Revision 1.10  1996/09/04 14:33:10  saw
+*-      (SAW) Don't use gmc_abort since gmc stuff not called
+*-      Revision 1.9  1996/01/22 15:14:48  saw
+*-      (JRA) Put BPM/Raster data into MISC data structures
+*-      Revision 1.8  1996/01/16 18:41:36  cdaq
+*-      (JRA) Explain that routine runs at start of each event
+*-      Revision 1.7  1995/07/27 19:06:40  cdaq
+*-      (SAW) Disable monte carlo (GMC)
+* Revision 1.6  1995/04/01  19:44:31  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add clear of BPM hit counter
+* Revision 1.5  1994/06/22  20:23:47  cdaq
+* (SAW) Clear the uninstrumented channel hit counter
+* Revision 1.4  1994/04/15  20:33:43  cdaq
+* (SAW) Changes for ONLINE use
+* Revision 1.3  1994/02/22  19:47:07  cdaq
+* Change gmc_clear_event to gmc_mc_clear
+* Revision 1.2  1994/02/17  21:46:03  cdaq
+* Add call to gmc_clear_event
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/04  21:48:38  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+*- All standards are from "Proposal for Hall C Analysis Software
+*- Vade Mecum, Draft 1.0" by D.F.Geesamn and S.Wood, 7 May 1993
+      SAVE
+      character*13 here
+      parameter (here= 'G_clear_event')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 'gen_data_structures.cmn'
+      character*132 HMS_err,T20_err,COIN_err
+      err= ' '
+      HMS_err= ' '
+      T20_err= ' '
+      GUNINST_TOT_HITS = 0              ! Unistrumented hit counter
+      GMISC_TOT_HITS = 0
+      call H_clear_event(HMS_ABORT,HMS_err)
+      call T_clear_event(T20_ABORT,T20_err)
+      call C_clear_event(COIN_ABORT,COIN_err)
+         err= COIN_err
+         call G_prepend(T20_err,err)
+         call G_prepend(HMS_err,err)
+         call G_add_path(here,err)
+      ELSE
+         err= ' '
+      ENDIF
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/T20/g_decode_fb_bank.f b/T20/g_decode_fb_bank.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f77da8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/T20/g_decode_fb_bank.f
@@ -0,0 +1,361 @@
+      subroutine g_decode_fb_bank(bank, ABORT, error)
+*     Purpose and Methods: Decode a Fastbus bank.
+*     Looks at detector ID for a word in a data bank and passes the
+*     appopriate data structure pointers to the g_decode_fb_detector routine.
+*     That routine will return when it gets to another detector in which
+*     case the the present routine will dispatch g_decode_fb_detector with a
+*     new set of pointers.
+*     This routine must be modified when new detectors are added.  It may
+*     also may need to modified if fastbus modules other than from LeCroy
+*     are used.
+*     It is the responsibility of the calling routine to call
+*     g_decode_fb_bank only for banks of fastbus data.
+*     Inputs:
+*     bank       Pointer to the first word (length) of a data bank.
+*     Outputs:
+*     ABORT
+*     error
+*     Created  16-NOV-1993   Stephen Wood, CEBAF
+*     Modified  3-Dec-1993   Kevin Beard, Hampton U.
+* $Log: g_decode_fb_bank.f,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1998/12/01 20:58:23  saw
+* Initial revision
+* Revision 1.24  1996/11/08 15:48:01  saw
+* (WH) Add decoding for lucite counter
+* Revision 1.23  1996/04/29 19:45:37  saw
+* (JRA) Update Aerogel variable names
+* Revision 1.22  1996/01/22 15:13:56  saw
+* (JRA) Put BPM/Raster data into MISC data structures
+* Revision 1.21  1996/01/16 20:49:40  cdaq
+* (SAW) Handle banks containing two parallel link ROC banks
+* Revision 1.20  1995/12/06 19:04:24  cdaq
+* (SAW) What is this version?  Two bank banks processing lost.
+* Revision 1.19  1995/11/28 18:50:03  cdaq
+* (SAW) Quick hack to accept banks with 2 rocs (from parallel link)
+* Revision 1.18  1995/10/09 18:20:51  cdaq
+*       Replace g_decode_getdid call with explicit calculation (for speed)
+* Revision 1.17  1995/07/27 19:06:02  cdaq
+* (SAW) Use specific bit manipulation routines for f2c compatibility
+*       Get FB roc from header on parallel link banks
+* Revision 1.16  1995/05/22  20:50:45  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.15  1995/05/22  13:35:40  cdaq
+* (SAW) Fix up some problems with decoding of parallel link wrappers around
+* fastbus events.  Still doesn't hadle two fb rocs wrapped into one bank.
+* Revision 1.14  1995/05/11  17:17:00  cdaq
+* (SAW) Extend || link hack for SOS.  Add Aerogel detector.
+* Revision 1.13  1995/04/01  19:44:50  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add BPM hitlist
+* Revision 1.12  1995/01/27  20:12:48  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add hacks to deal with parallel link data.  Pass lastslot variable to
+*       g_decode_fb_detector so it can find 1881M/1877 headers.
+* Revision 1.11  1994/11/22  20:13:02  cdaq
+* (SPB) Update array names for raw SOS Scintillator bank
+* Revision 1.10  1994/06/28  20:01:23  cdaq
+* (SAW) Change arrays that HMS scintillators go into
+* Revision 1.9  1994/06/18  02:45:49  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add code for miscleaneous data and uninstrumented channels
+* Revision 1.8  1994/06/09  04:48:28  cdaq
+* (SAW) Fix length argument on gmc_mc_decode call again
+* Revision 1.7  1994/04/13  18:49:10  cdaq
+* (KBB Fix length argument on gmc_mc_deocde call
+      implicit none
+      SAVE
+      character*16 here
+      parameter (here='g_decode_fb_bank')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) error
+      integer*4 bank(*)
+*     This routine unpacks a ROC bank.  It looks a fastbus word to
+*     determine which detector it belongs to.  It then passes the
+*     appropriate arrays for that detector to detector independent unpacker
+*     G_DECODE_FB_DETECTOR which will unpack words from the bank into the
+*     hit arrays until the detector changes or it runs out of data.
+*     G_DECODE_FB_DETECTOR returns a pointer to the next data word to be
+*     processed.
+      include 'gen_detectorids.par'
+      include 'gen_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 't20_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'gen_decode_common.cmn'
+*      include 'mc_structures.cmn'
+      include 'gen_event_info.cmn'
+      integer*4 pointer                 ! Pointer FB data word
+      integer*4 banklength,maxwords
+      integer*4 roc,subadd,slot,lastslot
+      integer*4 stat_roc
+      integer*4 slotp                   ! temp variable
+      integer*4 did                     ! Detector ID
+      integer*4 g_decode_fb_detector    ! Detector unpacking routine
+      integer*4 last_first              ! Last word of first bank in || bank
+      integer*4 jiand, jishft           ! Declare to help f2c
+      banklength = bank(1) + 1          ! Bank length including count
+      last_first = banklength
+      stat_roc = jishft(bank(2),-16)
+      roc = jiand(stat_roc,'1F'X)                ! Get ROC from header
+      if(roc.eq.15) roc = 4             ! Map t20 EEL ROC# to 4
+*     First look for special Monte Carlo Banks
+c      if(stat_roc.eq.mc_status_and_ROC) then
+c*        call gmc_mc_decode(banklength-2,bank(3),ABORT,error)
+c        ABORT = .TRUE.
+c        error = 'Monte Carlo Event analysis disabled'
+c        if(ABORT) then
+c          call g_add_path(here,error)
+c        endif
+c        return
+c      endif
+      if( .and. then
+        ABORT = .false.                 ! Just warn
+        write(error,*) ':ROC out of range, ROC#=',roc
+        call g_add_path(here,error)
+        return
+      endif
+      pointer = 3                               ! First word of bank
+      if (roc.eq.7 .or. roc.eq.8 .or. roc.eq.9) then
+*     These 3 rocs are VME front ends for fastbus crates.  At present
+*     we assume that each VME front end is only taking data from one
+*     FB roc and that this FB roc # is in 4 word of the bank.  This
+*     hack will not work when we have roc 8 taking data from both
+*     fbch1 and fbch2.  But it should work for runs up through
+*     at least 5/31/95.
+        last_first = pointer + bank(pointer) ! Last word in sub bank
+        stat_roc = jishft(bank(pointer+1),-16)!2 words are fb roc header.
+        roc = jiand(stat_roc,'1F'X)
+        if(roc.eq.15) roc = 4           ! Map t20 EEL ROC# to 4
+        pointer=pointer+2               !using parallel link, so next
+      endif
+      lastslot = -1
+      do while (pointer .le. banklength)
+        if(pointer.eq.(last_first+1)) then ! Second bank in a two bank bank
+          last_first = banklength       ! Reset to end of second bank
+          stat_roc = jishft(bank(pointer+1),-16) !2 words are fb roc header
+          roc = jiand(stat_roc,'1F'X)  ! New roc
+          if(roc.eq.15) roc = 4         ! Map t20 EEL ROC# to 4
+        endif
+*     Look for and report empty ROCs.
+      if (bank(pointer).eq.'DCFF0000'X) then
+	if (roc.eq.1 .or. roc.eq.2) then    !missing hms data
+          if ( then     !event type 2 is sos only event.
+            write(6,'(a,i3,a,i8,a,z8,a,i2)') 'roc',roc,' has no data for event'
+     &           ,gen_event_id_number,' scanmask=',bank(pointer+1)
+     $           ,', evtype=',gen_event_type
+          endif
+        else                                !missing sos data
+          if ( then     !event type 1 is hms only data.
+            write(6,'(a,i3,a,i8,a,z8,a,i2)') 'roc',roc,' has no data for event'
+     &           ,gen_event_id_number,' scanmask=',bank(pointer+1)
+     $           ,', evtype=',gen_event_type
+          endif
+        endif
+      endif
+      slot = jiand(jishft(bank(pointer),-27),'1F'X)
+      if( .and.
+     $ .and. roc.le.g_decode_maxrocs) then
+c      write(6,*) 'pointer,roc,slot=',pointer,roc,slot
+        subadd = jiand(jishft(bank(pointer),
+     $       -g_decode_subaddbit(roc,slot)),'7F'X)
+        if (subadd .lt. '7F'X) then     ! Only valid subaddress
+                                        ! This skips module headers
+          slotp = g_decode_slotpointer(roc,slot)
+          if ( then
+            did = g_decode_didmap(slotp+subadd)
+          else
+            did = UNINST_ID
+          endif
+          maxwords = last_first - pointer + 1
+*        1         2         3         4         5         6         7
+          if(did.eq.HDC_ID) then
+            pointer = pointer +
+     $           g_decode_fb_detector(lastslot, roc, bank(pointer), 
+     &           maxwords, did, 
+     $           HDC_RAW_WIRE_NUM,1 ,HDC_RAW_TDC,0, 0, 0)
+          else if (did.eq.HSCIN_ID) then
+            pointer = pointer +
+     $           g_decode_fb_detector(lastslot, roc, bank(pointer), 
+     &           maxwords, did, 
+          else if (did.eq.HCAL_ID) then
+            pointer = pointer +
+     $           g_decode_fb_detector(lastslot, roc, bank(pointer), 
+     &           maxwords, did,
+     $           HCAL_ROW, 1, HCAL_ADC, 0, 0, 0)
+          else if (did.eq.HCER_ID) then
+*     Cerenkov has no plane array.  Pass it HCER_COR_ADC.  Unpacker will
+*     fill it with zeros or ones.  (Or whatever we tell the unpacker the
+*     plane number is.)
+            pointer = pointer +
+     $           g_decode_fb_detector(lastslot, roc, bank(pointer), 
+     &           maxwords, did, 
+     $           HCER_TUBE_NUM, 1, HCER_RAW_ADC, 0, 0, 0)
+          else if (did.eq.HMISC_ID) then
+*     This array is for data words that don't belong to a specific
+*     detector counter.  Things like energy sums, and TDC's from various
+*     points in the logic will go here.  Most likely we will set ADDR1
+*     always to 1, and ADDR2 will start at 1.
+            pointer = pointer +
+     $           g_decode_fb_detector(lastslot, roc, bank(pointer), 
+     &           maxwords, did, 
+     $           HMISC_RAW_ADDR2, 1, HMISC_RAW_DATA, 0, 0, 0)
+*        1         2         3         4         5         6         7
+*     T20 Detector POLDER and Test detection counters.  Not DONE!
+          else if (did.eq.TMWPC_ID) then
+            pointer = pointer +
+     $           g_decode_fb_detector(lastslot, roc, bank(pointer), 
+     &           maxwords, did,
+     $           TMWPC_RAW_WIRE_NUM, 1, TMWPC_RAW_TDC, 0, 0, 0)
+          else if (did.eq.THODO_ID) then
+            pointer = pointer +
+     $           g_decode_fb_detector(lastslot, roc, bank(pointer), 
+     &           maxwords, did,
+     $           THODO_BAR_NUM, 1, THODO_TDC_VAL, 0, 0, 0)
+*     This array is for data words that don't belong to a specific
+*     detector counter.  Things like energy sums, and TDC's from various
+*     points in the logic will go here.  Most likely we will set ADDR1
+*     always to 1, and ADDR2 will start at 1.
+          else if (did.eq.TMISC_ID) then
+            pointer = pointer +
+     $           g_decode_fb_detector(lastslot, roc, bank(pointer), 
+     &           maxwords, did,
+     $           TMISC_RAW_ADDR2, 1, TMISC_RAW_DATA, 0, 0, 0)
+          else if (did.eq.TSTRAW_ID) then
+            pointer = pointer +
+     $           g_decode_fb_detector(lastslot, roc, bank(pointer), 
+     &           maxwords, did, 
+     $           TTST_RAW_GROUP_NUM, 1, TTST_RAW_TDC, 0, 0, 0)
+ccc          else if (did.eq.TSTRAW_MISC_ID) then
+*     BPM/Raster ADC values. 
+          else if (did.eq.GMISC_ID) then
+            pointer = pointer +
+     $           g_decode_fb_detector(lastslot, roc, bank(pointer), 
+     &           maxwords, did,
+     $           GMISC_RAW_ADDR2, 1, GMISC_RAW_DATA, 0, 0, 0)
+*     Data from Uninstrumented channels and slots go into a special array
+          else if (did.eq.UNINST_ID) then
+            pointer = pointer +
+     $           g_decode_fb_detector(lastslot, roc, bank(pointer), 
+     &           maxwords, did, 
+     $           GUNINST_RAW_SUBADD, 1, GUNINST_RAW_DATAWORD, 0, 0, 0)
+          else
+*     Should never get here.  Unknown detector ID's or did=-1 for bad ROC#
+*     or SLOT# will come here.
+            print *,"BAD DID, unknown ROC,SLOT",roc,slot,did
+            pointer = pointer + 1       ! Skip unknown detector id's
+          endif
+        else
+          lastslot = slot
+          pointer = pointer + 1         ! Skip Bad subaddresses (module header)
+        endif
+      else
+        pointer = pointer + 1           ! Skip bad slots
+      endif
+      enddo
+      ABORT= .FALSE.
+      error= ' '
+      return
+      end
+*     Local Variables:
+*     mode: fortran
+*     fortran-if-indent: 2
+*     fortran-do-indent: 2
+*     End:
diff --git a/T20/g_decode_fb_detector.f b/T20/g_decode_fb_detector.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b4bea7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/T20/g_decode_fb_detector.f
@@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
+      INTEGER*4 FUNCTION g_decode_fb_detector(oslot,roc,evfrag,length,did,
+     $     maxhits,hitcount,planelist,counterlist,signalcount,signal0,
+     $     signal1,signal2,signal3)
+*- Created ?   Steve Wood, CEBAF
+*- Corrected  3-Dec-1993 Kevin Beard, Hampton U.
+* $Log: g_decode_fb_detector.f,v $
+* Revision  2007/09/11 19:14:18  frw
+* fixed FPP related arrays and limits
+* Revision 1.1  1998/12/01 20:58:30  saw
+* Initial revision
+* Revision 1.18  1997/04/03 10:56:05  saw
+* (SAW) Better report of DCFE code words.  Prints out roc, slot, event
+* number and how many extra events are in the module.
+* Revision 1.17  96/09/04  14:34:19  14:34:19  saw (Stephen A. Wood)
+* (JRA) More error reporting of error codes in FB data stream
+* Revision 1.16  1996/04/29 19:46:19  saw
+* (JRA) Tweak diagnostic messages
+* Revision 1.15  1996/01/16 20:51:55  cdaq
+* (SAW) Fixes:  Forgot why
+* Revision 1.14  1995/11/28 18:59:24  cdaq
+* (SAW) Change arrays that use roc as index to start with zero.
+* Revision 1.13  1995/10/09 18:23:29  cdaq
+* (JRA) Comment out some debugging statements
+* Revision 1.12  1995/07/27 19:10:02  cdaq
+* (SAW) Use specific bit manipulation routines for f2c compatibility
+* Revision 1.11  1995/01/31  15:55:52  cdaq
+* (SAW) Make sure mappointer and subaddbit are set on program entry.
+* Revision 1.10  1995/01/27  20:14:04  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add assorted diagnostic printouts.  Add hack to look for the headers
+*       on new 1881M/1877 modules while maintaining backward compatibility.
+* Revision 1.9  1994/10/20  12:34:55  cdaq
+* (SAW) Only print out "Max exceeded, did=" meesage once
+* Revision 1.8  1994/06/27  02:14:18  cdaq
+* (SAW) Ignore all words that start with DC
+* Revision 1.7  1994/06/22  20:21:24  cdaq
+* (SAW) Put -1 in hodoscope signals that don't get any data
+* Revision 1.6  1994/06/22  20:07:37  cdaq
+* (SAW) Fix problems with filling of hodoscope type hit lists (multiple signal)
+* Revision 1.5  1994/06/21  16:02:54  cdaq
+* (SAW) Ignore DCFF0000 headers from Arrington's CRL's
+* Revision 1.4  1994/06/18  02:48:04  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add code for miscleaneous data and uninstrumented channels
+* Revision 1.3  1994/04/06  18:03:38  cdaq
+* (SAW) # of bits to get channel number is now configurable (g_decode_subaddbit).
+* Changed range of signal types from 1:4 to 0:3 to agree with documentation.
+* Revision 1.2  1994/03/24  22:00:15  cdaq
+* Temporarily change shift to get subaddress from 17 to 16
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/04  21:50:03  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      SAVE
+*     The following arguments don't get modified.
+      integer*4 roc,evfrag(*),length,did,maxhits,signalcount
+*     The following arguments get modified.
+      integer*4 oslot
+      integer*4 buffer
+      integer*4 hitcount,planelist(*),counterlist(*)
+      integer*4 signal0(*),signal1(*),signal2(*),signal3(*)
+      integer pointer,newdid,subadd,slot,mappointer,plane
+      integer counter,signal,sigtyp
+      include 'gen_detectorids.par'
+      include 'gen_decode_common.cmn'
+      include 'gen_scalers.cmn'
+      include 'gen_event_info.cmn'
+      integer iscaler,nscalers
+      integer h,hshift
+      integer subaddbit
+      logical printerr  !flag to turn off printing of error after 1 time.
+      logical firsttime
+      integer*4 jishft, jiand
+      printerr = .true.
+      pointer = 1
+      newdid = did
+      firsttime = .true.
+      do while(pointer.le.length .and. did.eq.newdid)
+        if(jiand(evfrag(pointer),'FFFFFFFF'x).eq.'DCAA0000'x) then ! VME/FB event length mismatch
+          write(6,'(a,i10)') 'ERROR: VME/Fastbus event length mismatch for event #',gen_event_id_number
+          write(6,'(a,z9,a,z9,a)') '   Fastbus event length:',evfrag(pointer+1),
+     &        ' VME event length:',evfrag(pointer+2),' (or vice-versa).'
+          pointer = pointer + 3
+          goto 987
+! Check for extra events in FB modules on sync events
+        else if(jiand(evfrag(pointer),'FFFF0000'x).eq.'DCFE0000'x) then
+          write(6,'(a,i2,a,i3,a,i3,a,i10)') 'ROC',roc,': Slot'
+     $         ,jiand(jishft(evfrag(pointer),-11),'1F'x),': '
+     $         ,jiand(evfrag(pointer),'7FF'x),' extra events, event=',
+     &         gen_event_id_number
+          pointer = pointer + 1
+          goto 987
+        else if(jiand(evfrag(pointer),'FF000000'x).eq.'DC000000'x) then ! Catch arrington's headers
+          write(6,'(a,i2,a,i10,a,z10)') 'ROC',roc,': no gate or too much data, event=',
+     &         gen_event_id_number,' error dataword=',evfrag(pointer)
+          pointer = pointer + 1
+          goto 987
+        endif
+*     Check for event by event scalers thrown in by the scaler hack.
+*        if(jiand(evfrag(pointer),'FF000000'x).eq.'DA000000'x) then ! Magic header
+*          nscalers = jiand(evfrag(pointer),'FF'x)
+*          do iscaler=1,nscalers
+*            evscalers(iscaler) = evfrag(pointer+iscaler)
+*          enddo
+*          pointer = pointer + nscalers + 1
+*          goto 987
+*        endif
+        if(evfrag(pointer).le.1.and.evfrag(pointer).ge.0) then
+! on sync events, get zeros at end of event.
+          if (gen_event_id_number .eq. 1000*int(gen_event_id_number/1000)) then
+            if (evfrag(pointer).ne.0) then
+              write(6,'(" ERROR: BAD FB value evfrag(",i4,")=",z10," ROC=",i2,"event=",i7)')
+     $         pointer,evfrag(pointer),roc,gen_event_id_number
+            endif
+          endif
+          pointer = pointer + 1
+          goto 987
+        endif
+        slot = jiand(JISHFT(evfrag(pointer),-27),'1F'X)
+        if( then
+          if (slot.le.0 .or. .or. roc.le.0 .or. then
+            write (6,'(a,i2,i3,z10,a,i5,a,i8)') 'roc,slot,evfrag=',roc,
+     &           slot,evfrag(pointer),
+     $           '(p=',pointer,') for event #',gen_event_id_number
+            write (6,'(a,i3)') '  Probably after slot',jiand(JISHFT(evfrag(pointer-1),-27),'1F'X)
+            pointer = pointer + 1
+            goto 987
+          else
+            mappointer = g_decode_slotpointer(roc,slot)
+            subaddbit = g_decode_subaddbit(roc,slot) ! Usually 16 or 17
+          endif
+        endif
+        if( then
+          oslot = slot
+c     On 1881M's and 1877, a subaddress of zero could be a header word, so
+c     we need to put in some hackery to catch these.  We need to make sure
+c     that 1881's and 1876's will still work.
+c     A real ugly hack that looks to see if the first word of an 1881M or
+c     1877 has a subaddress of zero, in which case it is the header word and must
+c     be discarded.  If it is an 1881 or 1876, then the the first word of a
+c     new slot will have a subaddress of '7F' and later be discarded.
+          if(subaddbit.eq.17) then      ! Is not an 1872A (which has not headers)
+            if(jiand(evfrag(pointer),'00FE0000'X).eq.0) then ! probably a header
+              if(jiand(evfrag(pointer),'07FF0000'X).ne.0) then
+                print *,"SHIT:misidentified real data word as a header"
+                print *,"DID=",did,", SLOT=",slot,", POINTER=",pointer
+              else
+                pointer = pointer + 1
+                goto 987
+              endif
+            endif
+          endif
+        endif
+cc     write(6,*) buffer
+c          buffer = jiand(JISHFT(evfrag(pointer),-24),'03'X)
+c          if (g_decode_bufnum .ne. buffer) then
+c            if (g_decode_bufnum.eq.-1) then 
+c              g_decode_bufnum=buffer
+c            else
+c            write (6,*) 'g_decode_fb_detector: roc,slot,buffer='
+c     &             ,roc,slot,buffer,'but previous data was buffer=',
+c     &             g_decode_bufnum
+c              write (6,*) 'gen_event_id_number=',gen_event_id_number
+cc              stop
+c            endif
+c          endif
+        subadd = jiand(JISHFT(evfrag(pointer),-subaddbit),'7F'X)
+*     If a module that uses a shift of 17 for the subaddress is in a slot
+*     that we havn't told the map file about, it's data will end up in the
+*     unstrimented channel "detector" hit list.  However, the decoder will
+*     think that the subaddress starts in channel 16 (since some Lecroy
+*     modules do so), The next statement will mean that only the first 64
+*     channels will end up in the uninstrumented hit list.  The rest will
+*     be lost.  If you don't want to put this module in the map file, put
+*     in a single entry for it with a detector id of UNINST_ID (zero) and
+*     the proper BSUB value.
+        if (subadd .lt. '7F'X) then     ! Only valid subaddresses
+                                        ! Skips headers for 1881 and 1876
+          if( then
+            newdid = g_decode_didmap(mappointer+subadd)
+          else
+            newdid = UNINST_ID
+          endif
+          if(newdid.eq.did) then
+            if( then
+              plane = g_decode_planemap(mappointer+subadd)
+              counter = g_decode_countermap(mappointer+subadd)
+              signal =jiand(evfrag(pointer),g_decode_slotmask(roc,slot))
+            else
+              plane = jishft(roc,16) + slot
+              counter = subadd
+              signal = evfrag(pointer)
+            endif
+            if(hitcount .lt. maxhits) then ! Don't overwrite arrays
+              if(signalcount .eq. 1) then ! single signal counter
+*     Starting at end of hit list, search back until a hit earlier in
+*     the sort order is found.
+                h = hitcount
+                do while(h .gt. 0 .and. (plane .lt. planelist(h)
+     $               .or.(plane .eq. planelist(h).and. counter .lt.
+     $               counterlist(h))))
+*     Shift hit to next place in list
+                  planelist(h+1) = planelist(h)
+                  counterlist(h+1) = counterlist(h)
+                  signal0(h+1) = signal0(h)
+                  h = h - 1
+                enddo
+                h = h + 1               ! Put hit pointer to blank
+                planelist(h) = plane
+                counterlist(h) = counter
+                signal0(h) = signal
+                hitcount = hitcount + 1
+              else if(signalcount.eq.4) then ! Multiple signal counter
+*     Starting at the end of the hist list, search back until a hit on
+*     the same counter or earlier in the sort order is found.
+                h = hitcount
+                do while(h .gt. 0 .and. (plane .lt. planelist(h)
+     $               .or.(plane .eq. planelist(h).and. counter .lt.
+     $               counterlist(h))))
+                  h = h - 1
+                enddo
+*     If plane/counter match is not found, then need to shift up the array
+*     to make room for the new hit.
+                if( ! Plane and counter
+     $      then ! not found
+                  h = h + 1
+                  do hshift=hitcount,h,-1 ! Shift up to make room
+                    planelist(hshift+1) = planelist(hshift)
+                    counterlist(hshift+1) = counterlist(hshift)
+                    signal0(hshift+1) = signal0(hshift)
+                    signal1(hshift+1) = signal1(hshift)
+                    signal2(hshift+1) = signal2(hshift)
+                    signal3(hshift+1) = signal3(hshift)
+                  enddo
+                  planelist(h) = plane
+                  counterlist(h) = counter
+                  signal0(h) = -1
+                  signal1(h) = -1
+                  signal2(h) = -1
+                  signal3(h) = -1
+                  hitcount = hitcount + 1
+                endif
+                sigtyp = g_decode_sigtypmap(mappointer+subadd)
+                if(sigtyp.eq.0) then
+                  signal0(h) = signal
+                else if (sigtyp.eq.1) then
+                  signal1(h) = signal
+                else if (sigtyp.eq.2) then
+                  signal2(h) = signal
+                else if (sigtyp.eq.3) then
+                  signal3(h) = signal
+                endif
+              endif
+            else if(hitcount.eq.maxhits .and. printerr) then ! Only print this message once
+c              print *,'g_decode_fb_detector: Max exceeded, did=',
+c     $             did,', max=',maxhits,': event',gen_event_id_number
+c              print *,'   roc,slot,cntr=',roc,slot,counter
+              printerr = .false.
+*     Print/generate some kind of error that the hit array has been
+*     exceeded.
+            endif
+            pointer = pointer + 1
+*         else
+*           exit and get called back with the correct arrays for the new did
+          endif
+        else
+          pointer = pointer + 1
+        endif
+ 987    continue
+      enddo
+      g_decode_fb_detector = pointer - 1 ! Number of words processed
+      return
+      end
+*     Local Variables:
+*     mode: fortran
+*     fortran-if-indent: 2
+*     fortran-do-indent: 2
+*     End:
diff --git a/T20/g_examine_go_info.f b/T20/g_examine_go_info.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5edb13b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/T20/g_examine_go_info.f
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+      SUBROUTINE G_examine_go_info(buffer,ABORT,err)
+*-    Purpose and Methods : examine the go information and gather various
+*-                          quantities
+*-    Input: buffer             - raw data buffer
+*-         : ABORT              - success or failure
+*-         : err                - reason for failure, if any
+*-   Created  30-Nov-1995   John Arrington, Caltech.
+* $Log: g_examine_go_info.f,v $
+* Revision  2007/09/11 19:14:18  frw
+* fixed FPP related arrays and limits
+* Revision 1.1  1997/05/23 20:39:42  saw
+* Initial revision
+      SAVE
+      character*18 here
+      parameter (here= 'G_examine_go_info')
+      INTEGER buffer(*)
+      CHARACTER*(*) err
+      include 'gen_detectorids.par'
+      include 'gen_decode_common.cmn'
+      include 'gen_run_info.cmn'
+      integer EvType
+      integer*4 pointer,subpntr,ind
+      integer*4 evlen,sublen,subheader,slotheader,numvals
+      integer*4 roc,slot
+      integer*4 jiand,jishft
+      logical*4 found_thresholds,found_prescale
+      character*80 prescale_string
+      character*4 tmpstring
+      integer*4 ilo,prescale_len
+*     functions
+      integer g_important_length
+      err= ' '
+      EvType = jISHFT(buffer(2),-16)
+      if ( then
+         err = 'Event is not a control event'
+         ABORT = .true.
+         call g_add_path(here,err)
+         return
+      endif
+      found_thresholds = .false.
+      found_prescale = .false.
+      prescale_string = ' '
+      evlen = buffer(1)
+c	write(6,*) 'evlen=',buffer(1)
+      pointer = 3                     !1=#/words, 2=event type
+      roc= (jiand(buffer(2),'FF'x))
+c	write(6,*) 'roc=',roc,'evtype=',evtype
+      do while (.not.found_thresholds .and. pointer.le.evlen)
+        sublen=buffer(pointer)
+c	write(6,*) '  sublen=',sublen
+        subheader=buffer(pointer+1)
+c	write(6,'(a,z10)') '  subheader=',subheader
+        if (jishft(jiand(subheader,'FF0000'x),-16) .eq. '10'x) then !thresholds
+          found_thresholds = .true.
+c	  write(6,*) '  THRESHOLDS!'
+          subpntr=2                            !skip past main subheader.
+c	  write(6,*) '  subpntr=',subpntr
+          do while (subpntr .lt. sublen)
+            slotheader=buffer(pointer+subpntr)
+            slot=jishft(jiand(slotheader,'FF000000'x),-24)
+c	    write(6,'(a,z10)') '    slotheader=',slotheader
+            numvals=jiand(slotheader,'FF'x)
+c	    write(6,*) '    slot#',slot,' has ',numvals,' thresholds'
+            do ind=1,numvals
+              subpntr=subpntr+1
+              g_threshold_readback(ind,roc,slot)=buffer(pointer+subpntr)
+c            write(6,*) 'g_threshold_readback(',ind,roc,slot,')=',g_threshold_readback(ind,roc,slot)
+            enddo
+            subpntr=subpntr+1                  !skip to next slotheader
+c	    write(6,*) 'subpntr=',subpntr
+          enddo   !NEED CHECK FOR NEXT HEADER.
+          pointer=pointer+subpntr
+        else if (roc.eq.0 .and.
+     &           jishft(jiand(subheader,'FF0000'x),-16).eq.'02'x) then
+c        write(6,*) 'PRESCALE FACTORS'
+          found_prescale=.true.
+          do ind=2,sublen
+c          write(6,'(3x,a,i4,2x,a4) ') 'ind=',ind,buffer(pointer+ind)
+            write(tmpstring,'(a4)') buffer(pointer+ind)
+            prescale_string(4*(ind-2)+1:4*(ind-1)) = tmpstring
+          enddo
+          prescale_len=4*(sublen-1)
+          pointer=pointer+sublen+1
+        else
+c        write(6,*) '  NOT THRESHOLDS,NOT PS FACTORS.  WHO CARES.'
+          pointer=pointer+sublen+1
+        endif
+      enddo
+      if (found_prescale .and. then
+        prescale_len = g_important_length(prescale_string(1:prescale_len))
+        if(ichar(prescale_string(prescale_len:prescale_len)).eq.10)
+     $       prescale_len = prescale_len - 1
+        ilo=index(prescale_string(1:prescale_len),'=')+1
+        read(prescale_string(ilo:prescale_len),*,err=998) gps1
+        ilo=index(prescale_string(ilo+1:prescale_len),'=')+ilo+1
+        read(prescale_string(ilo:prescale_len),*,err=998) gps2
+        ilo=index(prescale_string(ilo+1:prescale_len),'=')+ilo+1
+        read(prescale_string(ilo:prescale_len),*,err=998) gps3
+        ilo=index(prescale_string(ilo+1:prescale_len),'=')+ilo+1
+        read(prescale_string(ilo:prescale_len),*,err=998) gps4
+        ilo=index(prescale_string(ilo+1:prescale_len),'=')+ilo+1
+        read(prescale_string(ilo:prescale_len),*,err=998) gps5
+c        write(6,*) 'gps1=',gps1,'gps2=',gps2,'gps3=',gps3,'gps4=',gps4,'gps5='
+c     $       ,gps5
+      endif
+      goto 999
+998   write(6,*) 'WARNING: g_examine_go_info.f >>> error extracting prescale factors, giving up'
+999   continue
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/T20/g_get_next_event.f b/T20/g_get_next_event.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b11587
--- /dev/null
+++ b/T20/g_get_next_event.f
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+      SUBROUTINE G_get_next_event(ABORT,err)
+*-       Prototype C analysis routine
+*-   Purpose and Methods : gets the CRAW (C raw data) buffer
+*-                         from a FASTBUS CODA file
+*-   Output: ABORT      - success or failure
+*-         : err        - reason for failure, if any
+*-   Created  29-Oct-1993   Kevin B. Beard
+*-   Modified 1-Dec-1993    KBB: borrowed L.Dennis's hall B routines
+* $Log: g_get_next_event.f,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1997/05/23 19:22:54  saw
+* Initial revision
+*- All standards are from "Proposal for Hall C Analysis Software
+*- Vade Mecum, Draft 1.0" by D.F.Geesamn and S.Wood, 7 May 1993
+      SAVE
+      character*16 here
+      parameter (here= 'G_get_next_event')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 'gen_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'gen_craw.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_filenames.cmn'
+      include 'gen_run_info.cmn'
+      integer maxsize
+      integer*4 status
+      integer*4 evread                          ! Coda event read routine
+      integer*4 tc_read                 ! Saturne t20 calib event read routine
+      err= ' '
+      ABORT= .NOT.g_data_source_opened
+        err= ':no data source open'
+      ELSE                     !try to get next event
+        maxsize= LENGTH_CRAW
+* change for the t20 experiment D.P. 2/21/97 (21.2.97)
+        if(gen_run_number.GT.100000) then
+           status = tc_read(g_data_source_in_hndl,CRAW,maxsize)
+        else  
+           status = evread(g_data_source_in_hndl,CRAW,maxsize)
+        endif   
+        if( then
+           call cemsg(status,0,err)             ! Get error string from CODA
+           ABORT = .true.
+        endif
+      ENDIF
+      IF(ABORT) call G_add_path(here,err)    
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/T20/g_init_filenames.f b/T20/g_init_filenames.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e6a330
--- /dev/null
+++ b/T20/g_init_filenames.f
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+      subroutine g_init_filenames(ABORT, err, env_var)
+*-    Purpose and Methods:
+*-    Read a configuration file with set of filenames and options.
+*-    Much of this will be handled by CTP when a string capability is added
+*-    to CTP parameter files.  Allowed keywords in config file are
+*-    'hist', 'test', 'parm', 'alias', 'data', 'hbook', 'map', 'nevents', 'data'
+*-    This routine does the booking of hist, test, and parm files.  This
+*-    booking should be moved to another file.
+*-    Inputs:
+*-    env_var     Environment variable pointing to the config file.
+*-    Outputs:
+*-    ABORT
+*-    err
+*-    Created               Steve Wood, CEBAF
+*-    Modified   3-Dec-1993 Kevin Beard, Hampton U.
+*-    Modified   8-Dec-1993 Kevin Beard; rewrote parsing,added 'data' type
+* $Log: g_init_filenames.f,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1998/12/01 20:58:38  saw
+* Initial revision
+* Revision 1.17  1996/11/05 21:40:59  saw
+* (JRA) Add g_epics_output_filename
+* Revision 1.16  1996/09/04 14:36:59  saw
+* (JRA) Add read of command line parameters
+* Revision 1.15  1996/04/29 19:47:11  saw
+* (JRA) Add g_pedestal_output_filename
+* Revision 1.14  1996/01/16 18:31:26  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add file for tcl stats display, add files for thresholds and pedestals
+* Revision 1.13  1995/10/09 18:37:52  cdaq
+* (SAW) Move g_ctp_database call to engine.f
+* Revision 1.12  1995/09/01 14:31:03  cdaq
+* (JRA) Blank out g_ctp_kinematics_filename
+* Revision 1.11  1995/07/27  19:35:15  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add call to g_ctp_database to set ctp vars by run number
+* Revision 1.10  1995/05/11  19:01:29  cdaq
+* (SAW) Check 0 in g_config_filename in case user doesn't update engine.f
+* Revision 1.9  1995/05/11  16:16:11  cdaq
+* (SAW) Don't get g_config_filename from environment if it is already set
+*       from the command line and allow %d run number substitution in it.
+* Revision 1.8  1995/04/01  19:46:13  cdaq
+* (SAW) One report file for each of g, h, s, c instead of a single report file
+* Revision 1.7  1994/10/19  19:51:55  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add g_label variable for labels on reports
+* Revision 1.6  1994/06/22  20:57:14  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add more variables for reports
+* Revision 1.5  1994/06/16  03:47:57  cdaq
+* (SAW) Blank out filenames for reports
+* Revision 1.4  1994/03/24  22:02:21  cdaq
+* Reorganize for online compatibility
+* Revision 1.3  1994/02/11  18:34:34  cdaq
+* Split off CTP variables registration from initialize routines
+* Revision 1.2  1994/02/03  18:12:17  cdaq
+* Use CTP parameter block to get the filenames
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/02  20:08:15  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      SAVE
+      character*16 here
+      parameter (here= 'g_init_filenames')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      character*(*) env_var
+      include 'gen_filenames.cmn'
+      include 'hms_filenames.cmn'
+      include 't20_filenames.cmn'
+      include 'coin_filenames.cmn'
+      include 'gen_routines.dec'
+      include 'gen_run_info.cmn'
+      integer ierr
+      character*132 file
+*-all crucial setup information here; failure is fatal
+      g_hist_rebook = .true.
+      g_test_rebook = .true.
+      g_parm_rebook = .true.
+      g_report_rebook = .true.
+      g_ctp_parm_filename = ' '
+      g_ctp_test_filename = ' '
+      g_ctp_hist_filename = ' '
+      g_data_source_filename= ' '
+      g_alias_filename = ' '
+      g_histout_filename = ' '
+      g_decode_map_filename = ' '
+      g_ctp_database_filename = ' '
+      g_ctp_kinematics_filename = ' '
+      g_charge_scaler_filename = ' '
+      t_recon_coeff_filename = ' '
+      h_recon_coeff_filename = ' '
+      h_report_template_filename = ' '
+      t_report_template_filename = ' '
+      g_report_template_filename = ' '
+      c_report_template_filename = ' '
+      g_stats_template_filename = ' '
+      h_report_output_filename = ' '
+      t_report_output_filename = ' '
+      g_report_output_filename = ' '
+      c_report_output_filename = ' '
+      g_stats_output_filename = ' '
+      g_bad_output_filename = ' '
+      g_epics_output_filename = ' '
+      h_report_blockname = ' '
+      t_report_blockname = ' '
+      g_report_blockname = ' '
+      c_report_blockname = ' '
+      g_stats_blockname = ' '
+      h_threshold_output_filename = ' '
+      t_threshold_output_filename = ' '
+      g_pedestal_output_filename = ' '
+      h_pedestal_output_filename = ' '
+      t_pedestal_output_filename = ' '
+      g_label = ' '                     ! Label for reports etc.
+      if(g_config_filename.eq.' '.or.
+     $     ichar(g_config_filename(1:1)).eq.0) ! Only if not already set
+     $     call getenv(env_var,g_config_filename)
+      call engine_command_line(.false.)
+      ABORT= g_config_filename.EQ.' '
+        err= here//':blank environmental variable '//env_var
+        RETURN
+      ENDIF
+      file = g_config_filename
+      call g_sub_run_number(file,gen_run_number)
+      ierr =  thload(file)         ! Config file is now a CTP parm file
+      if( goto 999
+      ierr = thbook()
+      if(ierr.eq.0) then
+         g_config_loaded = .true.
+      else
+         g_config_loaded = .false.
+      endif
+      ABORT= .NOT.g_config_loaded
+        err= ':opened OK, but thbook command failed from "'//file//'"'
+        call G_add_path(here,err)
+      ELSE
+        err= ' '
+      ENDIF
+      return
+999   g_config_loaded= .FALSE.
+      ABORT= .NOT.g_config_loaded
+      err= ':unable to open file "'//file//'"'
+      call G_add_path(here,err)
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/T20/g_initialize.f b/T20/g_initialize.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ec7919
--- /dev/null
+++ b/T20/g_initialize.f
@@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
+      SUBROUTINE G_initialize(ABORT,err)
+*-       Prototype hall C initialize routine
+*-   Purpose and Methods : Initialization is performed and status returned
+*-   Output: ABORT      - success or failure
+*-         : err        - reason for failure, if any
+*-   Created   9-Nov-1993   Kevin B. Beard
+*-   Modified 20-Nov-1993   Kevin B. Beard
+* $Log: g_initialize.f,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1998/12/01 20:58:42  saw
+* Initial revision
+* Revision 1.21  1996/11/05 21:41:36  saw
+* (SAW) Use CTP routines as functions rather than subroutines for
+* porting.
+* Revision 1.20  1996/09/04 14:37:56  saw
+* (JRA) Open output file for charge scalers
+* Revision 1.19  1996/04/29 19:47:42  saw
+* (JRA) Add call to engine_command_line
+* Revision 1.18  1996/01/22 15:18:12  saw
+* (JRA) Add call to g_target_initialize.  Remove call to
+* g_kludge_up_kinematics
+* Revision 1.17  1996/01/16 18:24:47  cdaq
+* (JRA) Get kinematics for runinfo event, create a tcl stats screen.  Groupify
+*       CTP calls
+* Revision 1.16  1995/10/09 18:42:57  cdaq
+* (SAW) Move loading of ctp_kinematics database to before CTP loading.  Take
+* ntuple inialization out of spec specific init routines into a all ntuple
+* init routine.
+* Revision 1.15  1995/09/01 14:29:41  cdaq
+* (JRA) Zero run time variable, read kinematics database after last book
+* Revision 1.14  1995/07/27  19:36:41  cdaq
+* (SAW) Relocate data statements for f2c compatibility, check error returns
+*       on thload calls and quit if important files are missing.
+* Revision 1.13  1995/05/22  20:41:40  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split g_init_histid into h_init_histid and s_init_histid
+* Revision 1.12  1995/04/01  19:47:22  cdaq
+* (SAW) One report file for each of g, h, s, c instead of a single report file
+*       Allow %d for run number in filenames
+* Revision 1.11  1994/10/11  18:39:40  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add some hacks for event display
+* Revision 1.10  1994/09/21  19:52:57  cdaq
+* (SAW) Cosmetic change
+* Revision 1.9  1994/08/30  14:47:41  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add calls to clear the test flags and scalers
+* Revision 1.8  1994/08/18  03:45:01  cdaq
+* (SAW) Correct typo in adding hack stuff
+* Revision 1.7  1994/08/04  03:08:11  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add call to Breuer's hack_initialize
+* Revision 1.6  1994/06/22  20:55:14  cdaq
+* (SAW) Load report templates
+* Revision 1.5  1994/06/04  02:35:59  cdaq
+* (KBB) Make sure CTP files are non-blank before trying to thload them
+* Revision 1.4  1994/04/12  20:59:21  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add call to calculation of histid's for hfilled histograms
+* Revision 1.3  1994/03/24  22:02:31  cdaq
+* Reorganize for online compatibility
+* Revision 1.2  1994/02/11  18:34:49  cdaq
+* Split off CTP variables registration from initialize routines
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/04  22:00:26  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+*- All standards are from "Proposal for Hall C Analysis Software
+*- Vade Mecum, Draft 1.0" by D.F.Geesamn and S.Wood, 7 May 1993
+      SAVE
+      character*12 here
+      parameter (here= 'G_initialize')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 'gen_filenames.cmn'               !all setup files
+      INCLUDE 'hms_filenames.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 't20_filenames.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'coin_filenames.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_routines.dec'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_pawspace.cmn'        !includes sizes of special CERNLIB space
+      INCLUDE 'gen_run_info.cmn'
+      include 'gen_scalers.cmn'
+      include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 't20_data_structures.cmn'
+      integer ierr
+      logical HMS_ABORT,T20_ABORT, HACK_ABORT
+      character*132 HMS_err,T20_err, HACK_err
+      character*132 file
+      logical*4 first_time                      ! Allows routine to be called 
+      save first_time
+      data first_time /.true./                  ! by online code
+      ABORT= .FALSE.                            !clear any old flags
+      err= ' '                                  !erase any old errors
+      HMS_err= ' '
+      T20_err= ' '
+* set the runtime variable to avoid divide by zero during report
+      g_run_time = 0.0001
+*     Book the histograms, tests and parameters
+      if(first_time) then
+        call HLIMIT(G_sizeHBOOK)        !set in "gen_pawspace.cmn"
+      endif
+*     Load and book all the CTP files
+      if((first_time.or.g_parm_rebook)' ') then
+        file = g_ctp_parm_filename
+        call g_sub_run_number(file,gen_run_number)
+        if(thload(file).ne.0) then
+          ABORT = .true.
+          err = file
+        endif
+        ierr = thbook()                 ! Assert parm values
+      endif                             ! so that ctp_database can override
+*     Now if there is a g_ctp_kinematics_filename set, pass the run number
+*     to it to set CTP variables.  Parameters placed in this file will
+*     override values defined in the CTP input files.
+      if(' ') then
+        write(6,'(a,a60)') 'KINEMATICS FROM ',g_ctp_kinematics_filename(1:60)
+        call g_ctp_database(ABORT, err
+     $       ,gen_run_number, g_ctp_kinematics_filename)
+        IF(ABORT) THEN
+          call G_add_path(here,err)
+        endif
+      ENDIF
+      if((first_time.or.g_test_rebook)' ') then
+        file = g_ctp_test_filename
+        call g_sub_run_number(file,gen_run_number)
+        print *,'Test:',file
+        if(thload(file).ne.0) then
+          ABORT = .true.
+          if(' ') then
+            call g_append(err,' & '//file)
+          else
+            err = file
+          endif
+        endif
+      endif
+      write(6,'(a)') 'COMMAND LINE FLAGS'
+      call engine_command_line(.true.)  ! Reset CTP vars from command line
+* that was the last call to engine_command_line, the last time to input
+* ctp variables.  Set some here to avoid divide by zero errors if they
+* were not read in.
+      if (hpcentral.le.0.001)  hpcentral = 1.
+      if (tpcentral.le.0.001)  tpcentral = 1.
+      if (htheta_lab.le.0.001) htheta_lab = 90.
+      if (ttheta_lab.le.0.001) ttheta_lab = 90.
+      if((first_time.or.g_hist_rebook)' ') then
+        file = g_ctp_hist_filename
+        call g_sub_run_number(file,gen_run_number)
+        print *,'Hist:',file
+        if(thload(file).ne.0) then
+          ABORT = .true.
+          if(' ') then
+            call g_append(err,' & '//file)
+          else
+            err = file
+          endif
+        endif
+      endif
+      if(ABORT) then
+        call g_add_path(here,err)
+        return                          ! Don't try to proceed
+      endif
+*     Load the report definitions
+      if((first_time.or.g_report_rebook)
+     $' ') then
+        file = g_report_template_filename
+        call g_sub_run_number(file,gen_run_number)
+        ierr = thload(file)
+      endif
+      if((first_time.or.g_report_rebook)
+     $' ') then
+        file = g_stats_template_filename
+        call g_sub_run_number(file,gen_run_number)
+        ierr = thload(file)
+      endif
+      if((first_time.or.g_report_rebook)
+     $' ') then
+        file = t_report_template_filename
+        call g_sub_run_number(file,gen_run_number)
+        ierr = thload(file)
+      endif
+      if((first_time.or.g_report_rebook)
+     $' ') then
+        file = h_report_template_filename
+        call g_sub_run_number(file,gen_run_number)
+        ierr = thload(file)
+      endif
+      if((first_time.or.g_report_rebook)
+     $' ') then
+        file = c_report_template_filename
+        call g_sub_run_number(file,gen_run_number)
+        ierr = thload(file)
+      endif
+*     Call thbook if any new files have been loaded
+      if(first_time.or.g_parm_rebook.or.g_test_rebook
+     $     .or.g_hist_rebook.or.g_report_rebook) then
+        ierr = thbook()
+*     Recalculate all histogram id's of user (hard wired) histograms
+        call h_init_histid(ABORT,err)
+        call t_init_histid(ABORT,err)
+        if(' ') then
+          file = g_alias_filename
+          call g_sub_run_number(file,gen_run_number)
+          ierr = thwhalias(file)
+          if ( print *,'called haliaswrite',ierr
+        endif
+      endif
+      call thtstclrg("default")                     ! Clear test flags
+      call thtstclsg("default")                     ! Clear test scalers
+      call g_target_initialize(ABORT,err)
+* Open output file for charge scalers.
+      if (' ') then
+        file=g_charge_scaler_filename
+        call g_sub_run_number(file,gen_run_number)
+        open(unit=G_LUN_CHARGE_SCALER,file=file,status='unknown')
+        write(G_LUN_CHARGE_SCALER,*) '!Charge scalers - Run #',gen_run_number
+        write(G_LUN_CHARGE_SCALER,*) '!event   Unser(Hz)     BCM1(Hz)     BCM2(Hz)',
+     &               '     BCM3(Hz)     Time(s)'
+      endif
+* Open output file for epics events.
+      if (' ') then
+        file=g_epics_output_filename
+        call g_sub_run_number(file,gen_run_number)
+        open(unit=G_LUN_EPICS_OUTPUT,file=file,status='unknown')
+      endif
+*-HMS initialize
+      call H_initialize(HMS_ABORT,HMS_err)
+*-T20 initialize
+      call T_initialize(T20_ABORT,T20_err)
+      ABORT= HMS_ABORT .or. T20_ABORT
+      If(HMS_ABORT .and. .NOT.T20_ABORT) Then
+         err= HMS_err
+      ElseIf(T20_ABORT .and. .NOT.HMS_ABORT) Then
+         err= T20_err
+      ElseIf(HMS_ABORT .and. T20_ABORT) Then
+         err= '&'//T20_err
+         call G_prepend(HMS_err,err)
+      EndIf
+*-COIN initialize
+         call C_initialize(ABORT,err)
+      ENDIF
+      call g_ntuple_init(HACK_ABORT,HACK_err) ! Ingore error return for now
+      call hack_initialize(HACK_ABORT,HACK_err) ! Ignore error return for now
+*-force reset of all space of all working arrays
+*-(clear just zeros the index of each array)
+         call G_reset_event(ABORT,err)
+      ENDIF
+      IF(ABORT .or. err.NE.' ') call G_add_path(here,err)
+      first_time = .false.
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/T20/g_open_source.f b/T20/g_open_source.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..808da05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/T20/g_open_source.f
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+      SUBROUTINE G_open_source(ABORT,err)
+*-       Prototype hall C open (FASTBUS) CODA file routine
+*-   Purpose and Methods : Initialization is performed and status returned
+*-   Output: ABORT      - success or failure
+*-         : err        - reason for failure, if any
+*-   Created  30-Nov-1993   Kevin B. Beard
+* $Log: g_open_source.f,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1997/05/23 19:38:57  saw
+* Initial revision
+*- All standards are from "Proposal for Hall C Analysis Software
+*- Vade Mecum, Draft 1.0" by D.F.Geesamn and S.Wood, 7 May 1993
+      SAVE
+      character*13 here
+      parameter (here= 'G_open_source')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 'gen_filenames.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_run_info.cmn'
+      integer*4 status
+      integer*4 evopen                          ! CODA routine
+      integer*4 tc_open                 ! polder calibration data file opener
+      character*132 file
+      err= ' '
+      ABORT = .FALSE.
+      g_data_source_in_hndl= 0
+      file = g_data_source_filename
+      call g_sub_run_number(file,gen_run_number)
+* change here for t20 D.P. 21/02/97    
+      if(gen_run_number.GT.100000) then
+         write(6,*) "|",file,"|"
+         status = tc_open(file,'r',g_data_source_in_hndl)
+      else
+         status = evopen(file,'r',g_data_source_in_hndl)
+      endif   
+      if( then
+*         call cemsg(status,0,err)
+         g_data_source_opened = .false.
+      else
+         g_data_source_opened = .true.
+      endif
+      IF(.not.g_data_source_opened) THEN
+        err= ':could not open "'//file//'"'
+        call G_add_path(here,err)
+        ABORT = .TRUE.
+      ENDIF
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/T20/g_proper_shutdown.f b/T20/g_proper_shutdown.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c49d16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/T20/g_proper_shutdown.f
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+      SUBROUTINE G_proper_shutdown(ABORT,err)
+*-       Prototype C analysis routine
+*-   Purpose and Methods : Closes files properly, flushes, etc.
+*-   Output: ABORT		- success or failure
+*-         : err	- reason for failure, if any
+*-   Created  20-Nov-1993   Kevin B. Beard for new error standards
+* $Log: g_proper_shutdown.f,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1998/12/01 20:57:53  saw
+* Initial revision
+* Revision 1.11  1996/09/04 14:40:05  saw
+* (JRA) Get filename for "bad" report from a ctp variable
+* Revision 1.10  1995/10/09 18:44:27  cdaq
+* (JRA) Only write pedestal file if appropriate control flag(s) set.
+* Revision 1.9  1995/09/01 15:46:41  cdaq
+* (JRA) Open temp file for pedestal outputs
+* Revision 1.8  1995/07/27  19:03:36  cdaq
+* (SAW) Error return fix up
+* Revision 1.7  1995/05/22  13:29:24  cdaq
+* (JRA) Make a listing of potential detector problems
+* Revision 1.6  1995/04/01  19:42:36  cdaq
+* (SAW) One report file for each of g, h, s, c instead of a single report file
+* Revision 1.5  1994/08/04  03:45:46  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add call to Breuer's hack_shutdown
+* Revision 1.4  1994/06/22  19:49:31  cdaq
+* (SAW) Create report file and append g_report_template to it
+* Revision 1.3  1994/06/14  19:13:20  cdaq
+* (SAW) Move histogram saving to new routine g_dump_histograms
+* Revision 1.2  1994/04/15  20:36:49  cdaq
+* (KBB) Add ntuple handling
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/04  22:12:15  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+*- All standards are from "Proposal for Hall C Analysis Software
+*- Vade Mecum, Draft 1.0" by D.F.Geesamn and S.Wood, 7 May 1993
+      SAVE
+      character*17 here
+      parameter (here= 'G_proper_shutdown')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      logical bad_report,bad_HMS,bad_T20,bad_COIN,bad_HBK,bad_hack
+      character*132 err_report,err_HMS,err_T20,err_COIN,err_HBK,err_hack
+      integer SPAREID
+      parameter (SPAREID=67)
+      include 'gen_filenames.cmn'
+      include 'gen_routines.dec'
+      include 'gen_run_info.cmn'
+      include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'hms_tracking.cmn'
+      include 't20_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 't20_tracking.cmn'
+      integer ierr
+      character*132 file
+      bad_report = .TRUE.
+      err_report = 'Failed to open report file'
+      if (' ') then
+        file = g_bad_output_filename
+        call g_sub_run_number(file, gen_run_number)
+        open(unit=SPAREID,file=file,status='unknown')
+      else
+        open(unit=SPAREID,file='bad.tmp',status='unknown')
+      endif
+c temporary files for pedestal calculation.
+      if ( .or. then
+        open(unit=39,file='peds.calc',status='unknown')
+        write(39,*) 'pedestals as extracted from analysis',
+     &       'of the physics events'
+      endif
+*-chance to flush any statistics, etc.
+      call H_proper_shutdown(SPAREID,bad_HMS,err_HMS)
+      call T_proper_shutdown(SPAREID,bad_T20,err_T20)
+      call C_proper_shutdown(SPAREID,bad_COIN,err_COIN)
+      close(unit=SPAREID)
+      call hack_shutdown(bad_hack,err_hack)
+      call g_dump_histograms(bad_HBK,err_HBK)
+      bad_report = .false.
+      err_report = ' '
+      if(' '.and.
+     $' ') then
+        file = g_report_output_filename
+        call g_sub_run_number(file, gen_run_number)
+        ierr = threp(g_report_blockname,file)
+        if( then
+          bad_report = .true.
+          err_report = 'threp failed to create report in file '//file
+        endif
+      endif
+      ABORT= bad_HMS .or. bad_T20 .or. bad_COIN .or. bad_HBK
+     $     .or. bad_report
+      err= ' '
+      IF(ABORT) THEN                    !assemble error message
+         if(bad_report) err = err_report
+         If(bad_HBK) Then
+            call G_prepend(err_HBK//' &',err)
+         elseif (bad_HBK) then
+            err= err_HBK
+         EndIf
+         If(bad_COIN .and. err.NE.' ') Then
+            call G_prepend(err_COIN//' &',err)
+         ElseIf(bad_COIN) Then
+            err= err_COIN
+         EndIf
+         If(bad_T20 .and. err.NE.' ') Then
+            call G_prepend(err_T20//' &',err)
+         ElseIf(bad_T20) Then
+            err= err_T20
+         EndIf
+         If(bad_HMS .and. err.NE.' ') Then
+            call G_prepend(err_HMS//' &',err)
+         ElseIf(bad_HMS) Then
+            err= err_HMS
+         EndIf
+         call G_add_path(here,err)
+      ENDIF
+      bad_HBK = .false.
+      err_HBK = ' '
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/T20/g_reconstruction.f b/T20/g_reconstruction.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f112e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/T20/g_reconstruction.f
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+      SUBROUTINE G_reconstruction(event,ABORT,err)
+*-       Prototype hall C reconstruction routine
+*-   Purpose and Methods : Given previously filled data structures,
+*-                         reconstruction is performed and status returned
+*-   Inputs:
+*-       event      Pointer to the first word (length) of an event data bank.
+*-   Output: ABORT	- success or failure
+*-         : err	- reason for failure, if any
+*-   Created  20-Oct-1993   Kevin B. Beard
+*-   Modified 20-Nov-1993   KBB for new error routines
+* $Log: g_reconstruction.f,v $
+* Revision 1.2  1998/12/01 20:59:06  saw
+* (SAW) Checkin
+*- All standards are from "Proposal for Hall C Analysis Software
+*- Vade Mecum, Draft 1.0" by D.F.Geesamn and S.Wood, 7 May 1993
+      SAVE
+      integer*4 event(*)
+      character*16 here
+      parameter (here= 'G_reconstruction')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 'gen_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_event_info.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hack_.cmn'
+      logical FAIL
+      character*1024 why
+      logical update_peds               ! TRUE = There is new pedestal data
+      ABORT= .FALSE.
+      err= ' '                                  !erase any old errors
+      call G_decode_event_by_banks(event,ABORT,err)
+         call G_add_path(here,err)
+         RETURN
+      ENDIF
+      IF(gen_event_type .eq. 4) then            !pedestal event
+        call g_analyze_pedestal(ABORT,err)
+        update_peds = .true.                    !need to recalculate pedestals
+        RETURN
+      ENDIF
+*  check to see if pedestals need to be recalculated.  Note that this is only
+*  done if the event was NOT a scaler event, because of the 'return' at the
+*  end of the pedestal handling call.
+      IF(update_peds) then
+        call g_calc_pedestal(ABORT,err)
+        update_peds = .false.
+      ENDIF
+*-Beamline reconstruction
+      IF(( then !HMS/POLDER/COIN trig
+        call g_trans_misc(FAIL,why)
+        IF(err.NE.' ' .and. why.NE.' ') THEN
+          call G_append(err,' & '//why)
+        ELSEIF(why.NE.' ') THEN
+          err= why
+        ENDIF
+        ABORT= ABORT .or. FAIL
+        call g_analyze_misc(FAIL,why)
+        IF(err.NE.' ' .and. why.NE.' ') THEN
+          call G_append(err,' & '//why)
+        ELSEIF(why.NE.' ') THEN
+          err= why
+        ENDIF
+        ABORT= ABORT .or. FAIL
+      ENDIF
+*-HMS reconstruction
+      IF(( then  !HMS/COIN trig
+        call H_reconstruction(FAIL,why)
+        IF(err.NE.' ' .and. why.NE.' ') THEN
+          call G_append(err,' & '//why)
+        ELSEIF(why.NE.' ') THEN
+          err= why
+        ENDIF
+        ABORT= ABORT .or. FAIL
+      ENDIF
+*-POLDER reconstruction (T20 experiment)
+      IF(( then  !Polder/COIN trig
+        call t_reconstruction(FAIL,why)
+        IF(err.NE.' ' .and. why.NE.' ') THEN
+          call G_append(err,' & '//why)
+        ELSEIF(why.NE.' ') THEN
+          err= why
+        ENDIF
+        ABORT= ABORT .or. FAIL
+      ENDIF
+*-Fill histogram(s) with scaler values, for all event types
+      IF( then  !physics events
+        call g_scaler(FAIL,why)
+        IF(err.NE.' ' .and. why.NE.' ') THEN
+          call G_append(err,' & '//why)
+        ELSEIF(why.NE.' ') THEN
+          err= why
+        ENDIF
+        ABORT= ABORT .or. FAIL
+      ENDIF
+*-COIN reconstruction
+*+++ gen_event_type 1 is an HMS single gen_event_type 2 is POLDER single
+*++  and gen_event_type 4 is a pedestal
+      IF(( then  !COIN trig
+        call C_reconstruction(FAIL,why)
+        IF(err.NE.' ' .and. why.NE.' ') THEN
+          call G_append(err,' & '//why)
+        ELSEIF(why.NE.' ') THEN
+          err= why
+        ENDIF
+        ABORT= ABORT .or. FAIL
+      ENDIF
+      IF(ABORT .or. err.NE.' ') call G_add_path(here,err)
+      IF( then
+        call hack_anal(FAIL,why)
+        IF(err.NE.' ' .and. why.NE.' ') THEN
+          call G_append(err,' & '//why)
+        ELSEIF(why.NE.' ') THEN
+          err= why
+        ENDIF
+        ABORT= ABORT .or. FAIL
+      ENDIF
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/T20/g_register_variables.f b/T20/g_register_variables.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a08e53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/T20/g_register_variables.f
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+      subroutine g_register_variables(ABORT,err)
+*     CTP variable registration routine
+*     Purpose : Register all variables that are to be used by CTP.  This
+*     includes externally configured parameters/contants, event data that
+*     can be a histogram source, and possible test results and scalers.
+*     Method: 1. Register variables needed to use CTP to get various
+*     filenames.  And register other common variables.
+*             2. Call Register routines for HMS, Polder and coincidence.
+*     Output: ABORT      - success or failure
+*           : err        - reason for failure, if any
+*     Created: 9-Feb-1994  Stephen A. Wood
+*     Modified: 17-May-1994 Kevin B. Beard, Hampton U.
+*     Modified: 24-May-1994 K.B.Beard
+* $Log: g_register_variables.f,v $
+* Revision 1.2  1997/05/23 19:48:43  saw
+* (t20) Call r_gen_misc
+* Revision 1.1  1997/05/23 19:47:04  saw
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*20 here
+      parameter (here='g_register_variables')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      include 'gen_routines.dec'
+      include 'gen_run_info.cmn'
+      include 'gen_run_pref.cmn'
+      integer ierr,m,i
+      logical FAIL
+      character*1000 why
+      character*30 msg
+      include 'gen_run_info.dte'
+      include 'gen_run_pref.dte'
+*     Register the variables that contain the filenames and other
+*     configuration variables.
+      ABORT= .FALSE.
+      err = ' '
+      call r_gen_filenames
+      call r_gen_run_info
+      call r_gen_event_info
+      call r_gen_scalers
+      call r_gen_run_pref
+      call r_gen_data_structures        ! Contains both HMS and Polder stuff
+      call r_gen_misc      !(3/21/97) the t20 hms/polder coin timing/scaler cmn
+*HDISPLAY      call r_one_ev_io
+*     Need to change in parm files
+*     hist_filename -> g_ctp_hist_filename
+*     g_hist_rebook -> hist_rebook
+*     parm_filename -> g_ctp_parm_filename
+*     parm_rebook -> g_parm_rebook
+*     test_filename -> g_ctp_test_filename
+*     test_rebook -> g_test_rebook
+*     report_rebook -> g_report_rebook
+*     data_source_filename -> g_data_source_filename
+*     alias_filename -> g_alias_filename
+*     histout_filename -> g_histout_filename
+*     decode_map_filename -> g_decode_map_filename
+*     g_report_template_filename -> g_report_template_filename
+*     g_report_output_filename -> g_report_output_filename
+*     g_report_blockname -> g_report_blockname
+*     max_events -> g_max_events
+*     RUN_number -> gen_run_number
+*     RUN_type -> gen_run_type
+*     RUN_total_events -> gen_run_total_events
+*     RUN_comment -> gen_run_comment
+*     RUN_start_date -> gen_run_date_start
+*     RUN_stop_date -> gen_run_date_stop
+*     RUN_last_date -> gen_run_date_last
+*     RUN_start_event -> gen_run_starting_event
+*     RUN_stop_event -> gen_run_stopping_event
+*     EVENT_id -> gen_event_ID_number
+*     EVENT_type -> gen_event_type
+*     EVENT_class -> gen_event_class
+*     EVENT_sequenceN -> gen_event_sequence_N
+*     SHOW_progress -> gen_show_progress
+*     SHOW_interval -> gen_show_interval
+*     PREF_muddleON -> gen_pref_muddleON
+* Leave in these aliases
+      Do m=0,gen_MAX_trigger_types
+        write(msg,'("enable_EvType",i4)') m
+        call squeeze(msg,i)
+        ierr= regparmint(msg(1:i),gen_run_enable(m),0)
+        if( call G_append(err,',"'//msg(1:i)//'"')
+        ABORT= .or. ABORT
+      EndDo
+      Do m=0,gen_MAX_trigger_types
+        write(msg,'("triggered_EvType",i4)') m
+        call squeeze(msg,i)
+        ierr= regparmint(msg(1:i),gen_run_triggered(m),0)
+        if( call G_append(err,',"'//msg(1:i)//'"')
+        ABORT= .or. ABORT
+      EndDo
+      call h_register_variables(FAIL,why) ! HMS
+      IF(err.NE.' ' .and. why.NE.' ') THEN
+         call G_append(err,' & '//why)
+      ELSEIF(why.NE.' ') THEN
+         err= why
+      ENDIF
+      ABORT= ABORT .or. FAIL 
+      call t_register_variables(FAIL,why) ! Polder
+      IF(err.NE.' ' .and. why.NE.' ') THEN
+         call G_append(err,' & '//why)
+      ELSEIF(why.NE.' ') THEN
+         err= why
+      ENDIF
+      ABORT= ABORT .or. FAIL 
+      call c_register_variables(FAIL,why)
+      IF(err.NE.' ' .and. why.NE.' ') THEN
+         call G_append(err,' & '//why)
+      ELSEIF(why.NE.' ') THEN
+         err= why
+      ENDIF
+      ABORT= ABORT .or. FAIL 
+      call hack_register_variables(FAIL,why)
+      IF(err.NE.' ' .and. why.NE.' ') THEN
+         call G_append(err,' & '//why)
+      ELSEIF(why.NE.' ') THEN
+         err= why
+      ENDIF
+      ABORT= ABORT .or. FAIL 
+      if(ABORT .or. err.NE.' ') call g_add_path(here,err)
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/T20/g_reset_event.f b/T20/g_reset_event.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..60fcd18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/T20/g_reset_event.f
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+      SUBROUTINE G_reset_event(ABORT,err)
+*-       Prototype C analysis routine
+*-   Purpose and Methods : Resets all quantities AT THE BEGINNING OF THE RUN
+*-   Output: ABORT	- success or failure
+*-         : err	- reason for failure, if any
+*-   Created  29-Oct-1993   Kevin B. Beard
+*-   Modified  3-Dec-1993   Kevin B. Beard, Hampton U.
+* $Log: g_reset_event.f,v $
+* Revision  2007/09/11 19:14:18  frw
+* fixed FPP related arrays and limits
+* Revision 1.1  1998/12/01 21:00:36  saw
+* Initial revision
+* Revision 1.11  1996/01/22 15:15:01  saw
+* (JRA) Put BPM/Raster data into MISC data structures
+* Revision 1.10  1996/01/16 17:07:55  cdaq
+* (JRA) Zero out ADC threshold readback array
+* Revision 1.9  1995/10/09 18:45:20  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add scaler event reset call.  Remove monte carlo stuff.
+* Revision 1.8  1995/07/27 19:39:25  cdaq
+* (SAW) Disable monte carlo (GMC)
+* Revision 1.7  1995/04/01  19:50:55  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add BPM hitlist
+* Revision 1.6  1994/06/22  20:24:23  cdaq
+* (SAW) Zero out uninstrumented channel hit data structure
+* Revision 1.5  1994/04/12  18:42:05  cdaq
+* (SAW) Remove clearing of CRAW event buffer to online compatibility
+* Revision 1.4  1994/02/22  19:47:36  cdaq
+* Change gmc_reset_event to gmc_mc_reset
+* Revision 1.3  1994/02/17  21:49:57  cdaq
+* Simplify error handling to be like g_clear_event
+* Revision 1.2  1994/02/17  21:43:39  cdaq
+* Add call to gmc_reset_event
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/04  22:13:26  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+*- All standards are from "Proposal for Hall C Analysis Software
+*- Vade Mecum, Draft 1.0" by D.F.Geesamn and S.Wood, 7 May 1993
+      SAVE
+      character*13 here
+      parameter (here= 'G_reset_event')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      character*132 HMS_err,T20_err,COIN_err,SCAL_err
+      integer hit,chan,roc,slot
+      INCLUDE 'gen_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'gen_detectorids.par'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_decode_common.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_misc.cmn'
+      err = ' '
+      hms_err = ' '
+      t20_err = ' '
+*     Uninstrumented hits
+      do hit=1,GMAX_UNINST_HITS
+         GUNINST_RAW_ROCSLOT(hit) = 0
+         GUNINST_RAW_SUBADD(hit) = 0
+         GUNINST_RAW_DATAWORD(hit) = 0
+      enddo
+      do hit=1,GMAX_MISC_HITS
+        GMISC_RAW_ADDR1(hit) = 0
+        GMISC_RAW_ADDR2(hit) = 0
+        GMISC_RAW_DATA(hit) = 0
+      enddo
+      GMISC_TOT_HITS = 0
+      do slot=1,gmax_slot_with_adc
+        do roc=1,gmax_roc_with_adc
+          do chan=1,gnum_adc_channels
+            g_threshold_readback(chan,roc,slot)=0
+          enddo
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      do chan = 1, g_maxscal_h
+        g_scaler_h1(chan) = 0
+        g_scaler_h2(chan) = 0
+        g_scaler_h3(chan) = 0
+        g_scaler_h4(chan) = 0
+        g_scaler_h5(chan) = 0
+        g_scaler_h6(chan) = 0
+        g_scaler_h7(chan) = 0
+        g_scaler_h8(chan) = 0
+        g_scaler_h3(chan) = 0
+        g_scaler_h_old1(chan) = 0
+        g_scaler_h_old2(chan) = 0
+        g_scaler_h_old3(chan) = 0
+        g_scaler_h_old4(chan) = 0
+        g_scaler_h_old5(chan) = 0
+        g_scaler_h_old6(chan) = 0
+        g_scaler_h_old7(chan) = 0
+        g_scaler_h_old8(chan) = 0
+      enddo
+      call g_scaler_reset_event(SCAL_ABORT,SCAL_err)
+      call H_reset_event(HMS_ABORT,HMS_err)
+      call T_reset_event(T20_ABORT,T20_err)
+      call C_reset_event(COIN_ABORT,COIN_err)
+      abort = hms_abort.or.t20_abort.or.coin_abort.or.scal_abort
+      IF(ABORT) then
+         err= COIN_err
+         call G_prepend(T20_err,err)
+         call G_prepend(HMS_err,err)
+         call G_prepend(SCAL_err,err)
+         call G_add_path(here,err)
+      else
+         err = ' '
+      endif
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/T20/g_scaler.f b/T20/g_scaler.f
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b1b6b13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/T20/g_scaler.f
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+      subroutine g_scaler(ABORT,err)
+*     Purpose: program to copy scaler values to histogram
+*       for software scalers (from tests) needs to have 
+*       t20.test file to fill the array
+* $Log: g_scaler.f,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1998/12/01 20:57:58  saw
+* Initial revision
+      SAVE
+      character*12 here
+      parameter (here= ' ')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+c      include 't20_data_structures.cmn'
+c      include 't20_tracking.cmn'
+c      include 't20_geometry.cmn'
+c      include 't20_track_histid.cmn'
+c      include 't20_bypass_switches.cmn'	
+      include 'gen_misc.cmn'
+      integer ichan
+      real*4  rtdc, rinc
+c note: currently: the old scaler value is first subtracted from histogram,
+c       and then the new scaler value is added; alternately (better) the
+c       histogram could be cleared first and then updated with current value
+      do ichan = 1,g_maxscal_h
+        rtdc = float(ichan)
+        rinc = g_scaler_h1(ichan)-g_scaler_h_old1(ichan)
+        call hf1(g_scal_his1,rtdc,rinc)
+	g_scaler_h_old1(ichan) = g_scaler_h1(ichan)
+        rinc = g_scaler_h2(ichan)-g_scaler_h_old2(ichan)
+        call hf1(g_scal_his2,rtdc,rinc)
+	g_scaler_h_old2(ichan) = g_scaler_h2(ichan)
+        rinc = g_scaler_h3(ichan)-g_scaler_h_old3(ichan)
+        call hf1(g_scal_his3,rtdc,rinc)
+	g_scaler_h_old3(ichan) = g_scaler_h3(ichan)
+        rinc = g_scaler_h4(ichan)-g_scaler_h_old4(ichan)
+        call hf1(g_scal_his4,rtdc,rinc)
+	g_scaler_h_old4(ichan) = g_scaler_h4(ichan)
+        rinc = g_scaler_h5(ichan)-g_scaler_h_old5(ichan)
+        call hf1(g_scal_his5,rtdc,rinc)
+	g_scaler_h_old5(ichan) = g_scaler_h5(ichan)
+        rinc = g_scaler_h6(ichan)-g_scaler_h_old6(ichan)
+        call hf1(g_scal_his6,rtdc,rinc)
+	g_scaler_h_old6(ichan) = g_scaler_h6(ichan)
+        rinc = g_scaler_h7(ichan)-g_scaler_h_old7(ichan)
+        call hf1(g_scal_his7,rtdc,rinc)
+	g_scaler_h_old7(ichan) = g_scaler_h7(ichan)
+        rinc = g_scaler_h8(ichan)-g_scaler_h_old8(ichan)
+        call hf1(g_scal_his8,rtdc,rinc)
+	g_scaler_h_old8(ichan) = g_scaler_h8(ichan)
+      enddo
+      RETURN
+      END
+*     Local Variables:
+*     mode: fortran
+*     fortran-if-indent: 2
+*     fortran-do-indent: 2
+*     End:
diff --git a/T20/g_trans_misc.f b/T20/g_trans_misc.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..369e441
--- /dev/null
+++ b/T20/g_trans_misc.f
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+      subroutine g_trans_misc(abort,errmsg)
+* author: John Arrington
+* created: 1/16/96
+* Modified for t20 on 1997/0321 by Glenn Collins
+* g_trans_misc fills the gen_decoded_misc common block
+* $Log: g_trans_misc.f,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1998/12/01 21:00:45  saw
+* Initial revision
+* Revision 1.1  1996/01/22 15:14:10  saw
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      include 'gen_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'gen_misc.cmn'
+      logical abort
+      character*1024 errmsg
+      character*20 here
+      parameter (here = 'g_trans_misc')
+      integer*4 ihit
+      save
+      abort = .false.
+      errmsg = ' '
+      do ihit = 1 , gmax_misc_hits
+        gmisc_dec_data(ihit,1) = 0      ! Clear HRTDCs
+        gmisc_dec_data(ihit,2) = -1     ! Clear ADCs
+**later        gmisc_dec_data(ihit,3) = 0      ! Clear MHTDCs
+      enddo
+C*** Note for clarity, the first number in the gmisc_dec_data array is the
+C    "signal" number (addr2), while the second is the LeCroy unit type (addr1)
+C        For GMISC events, the module types have the following addr1
+C           1872A HRTDC: 1
+C           1881M ADC:   2
+C           1877  MHTDC: 3
+      do ihit = 1 , gmisc_tot_hits
+         gmisc_dec_data(gmisc_raw_addr2(ihit),gmisc_raw_addr1(ihit)) =
+     $       gmisc_raw_data(ihit)
+C*** Note:  Possibly want to fill user filled histograms here in the loop. for mh-tdc
+      enddo
+c         c_hrtdc_s22 =  gmisc_dec_data(10,1)
+c         c_hrtdc_tts1 = gmisc_dec_data(64,1)
+c         c_hrtdc_hms = gmisc_dec_data(1,1)
+**later         c_mhtdc_s22 = gmisc_dec_data(1,3)
+**later         c_mhtdc_tts1 = gmisc_dec_data(2,3)
+**later         c_mhtdc_hms = gmisc_dec_data(16,3)
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/T20/gen_data_structures.cmn b/T20/gen_data_structures.cmn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1acb8e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/T20/gen_data_structures.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
+*****************begin: gen_data_structures.cmn*************************
+*     include file     gen_data_structures.cmn
+*     Author:	D. F. Geesaman		1 September 1993
+* $Log: gen_data_structures.cmn,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1998/12/01 21:03:43  saw
+* Initial revision
+* Revision 1.28  96/09/04  15:45:04  15:45:04  saw (Stephen A. Wood)
+* (JRA) Increase # of possible targets.  Add fast raster variables.
+* Revision 1.27  1996/04/30 13:34:25  saw
+* (JRA) Swap index order in GBPM_ADC_PED, GBPM_RAW_ADC
+* Revision 1.26  1996/01/24 16:18:29  saw
+* (JRA) Change raster to use misc arrays.  Change some variable names
+*       for beam position and target information.
+* Revision 1.25  1995/05/22 18:40:21  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts
+* Revision 1.24  1995/05/11  15:16:26  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add new singles and coin kinematics.  Add aerogel structure.
+* (JRA) Change ?SDEDXn vars to arrays.
+* Revision 1.23  1995/04/06  20:16:28  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add ddutta's pre cosy rotation stuff.  Add arrays for BPM data
+* Revision 1.22  1995/03/13  18:54:22  cdaq
+* (JRA) ?SCIN_ADC_??? now real, add several element max's for array sizes, add
+* Revision 1.21  1995/01/03  13:59:37  cdaq
+* (HGM) Increase # of HMS shower counter blocks to 52
+* Revision 1.20  1994/11/22  18:37:46  cdaq
+* (SPB) Brought SOS commons up to date
+* (SAW) Cleaned up ?DC_NUM_CHAMBERS and ?MAX_NUM_CHAMBERS stuff
+* Revision 1.19  1994/09/19  20:26:44  cdaq
+* Revision 1.18  1994/09/13  21:47:19  cdaq
+* Revision 1.17  1994/09/13  19:15:21  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add chisq, shower c. raw adc, number of chambers, shower c slop
+* Revision 1.16  1994/08/15  13:20:47  cdaq
+* (SAW) CEBEAM and CPBEAM are parm not event
+* Revision 1.15  1994/08/15  04:39:29  cdaq
+* (SAW) Change CTPTYPE to parm for some variables
+* Revision 1.14  1994/08/03  19:57:07  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add "CTPTYPE=event" directive for auto generation of CTP reg calls
+* Revision 1.13  1994/06/26  02:32:07  cdaq
+* (JA&SAW) Add rawer data structure for HMS scintillator hits.
+* Increase  HMS DC max hits to 3600.
+* Revision 1.12  1994/06/22  15:34:35  cdaq
+* (SAW) Increase max # of hits for hodoscopes to allow for non sparsified data
+* Revision 1.11  1994/06/21  19:22:59  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add hit counters to H_RAW_MISC, S_RAW_MISC and G_RAW_UNINST commons
+* Revision 1.10  1994/06/18  02:49:49  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add code for miscleaneous data and uninstrumented channels
+* Revision 1.9  1994/06/14  03:05:42  cdaq
+* (DFG) Add hms_physics, sos_physics, and coin_physics
+*       Add particle mass to hms_spectrometer and sos_spectrometer
+* Revision 1.8  1994/04/14  16:25:43  cdaq
+* (SAW) Fix typo
+* Revision 1.7  1994/04/12  20:42:22  cdaq
+* (SAW) Put column first in shower commons (column == plane)
+*       Add a structure for hits on uninstrumented channels
+*       Correct "FILLED BY" comment
+* Revision 1.6  1994/04/12  18:38:15  cdaq
+*                           SNTRACK_HITS(SNTRACKS_MAX,SNTRACKHITS_MAX+1)
+*                           to allow space for number of hits.
+* (SAW) Remove craw common to gen_craw.cmn
+* Revision 1.5  1994/03/24  17:02:03  cdaq
+* DFG change decoded scin to arrington format in both hms and sos
+*     change track tests to amatouni format
+* Revision 1.4  1994/02/21  02:54:22  cdaq
+* DFG Separate dimensioning parameters from actual number
+* Revision 1.3  1994/02/09  22:26:10  cdaq
+* (DFG) Add beam and spectrometer geometry banks.
+* Separate raw and decoded data for scin and cal
+* Revision 1.2  1994/02/08  21:19:34  cdaq
+* Geesaman's Jan 5 copy adding HMS_TRACK_TESTS and SOS_TRACK_TESTS
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/07  17:05:43  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+*    None of these are really coincidence things, and some are constant
+*    while some are event by event. 
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      REAL*4  GEBEAM         ! BEAM ENERGY (GEV)
+      REAL*4  GPBEAM         ! BEAM MOMENTUM (GEV/C)
+      REAL*4  G_BEAM_TARGET_S      ! s computed from beam and target info
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+      REAL*4 GBEAM_X,GBEAM_Y    !final beam position from bpm & raster info
+      REAL*4 GBEAM_XP,GBEAM_YP  !final beam angles from bpm & raster info
+     &     GEBEAM,
+     &     GPBEAM,
+     &     G_BEAM_TARGET_S,
+     &     GBEAM_X,GBEAM_Y,
+     &     GBEAM_XP,GBEAM_YP
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      integer   gmax_targets
+      parameter(gmax_targets=30)
+      integer   gtarg_num       !position in target ladder
+      REAL*4    gtarg_mass      !target mass
+      REAL*4    gtarg_z         !target Z
+      REAL*4    gtarg_a         !target A
+      REAL*4    gtarg_lrad      !radiation length in %
+      REAL*4    gtarg_thick     !thickness in g/cm^2
+      REAL*4    gtarg_dens      !density in g/cm^3
+      REAL*4    gtarg_theta     !angle of target to beam. Note that
+                                 !90 degrees is target normal to beam!
+     &     gtarg_num,
+     &     gtarg_theta,
+     &     gtarg_mass(gmax_targets),
+     &     gtarg_z(gmax_targets),
+     &     gtarg_a(gmax_targets),
+     &     gtarg_lrad(gmax_targets),
+     &     gtarg_thick(gmax_targets),
+     &     gtarg_dens(gmax_targets)
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+*     Hits from Uninstrumented fastbus channels
+*     filled by G_decode_event_by_banks
+      INTEGER*4 GUNINST_RAW_SUBADD      ! Fastbus channel
+      INTEGER*4 GUNINST_RAW_DATAWORD    ! Full fastbus dataword
+     &     GUNINST_TOT_HITS
+*     Decoded data from ADC's encoding beam position.
+*     The raw data comes from the 'hmisc' detector.
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+      PARAMETER(GMAX_NUM_BPMS=4)      !enough for 2 bpms, 2 readouts each.
+      PARAMETER(GNUM_BPM_SIGNALS=4)   !1=X+,2=X-,3=Y+,4=Y-
+     &     GBPM_ADC_PED,
+     &     GBPM_RAW_ADC,
+     &     GBPM_ADC,
+     &     GBPM_XPRIME,
+     &     GBPM_YPRIME,
+     &     GBPM_X,
+     &     GBPM_Y
+*     Decoded data from ADC's encoding fast/slow raster position (FR/SR).
+*     The raw data comes from the 'hmisc' detector.
+*     The CBEAM variables are final beam positions from raster and bpm signals.
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+     &     GFRX_ADC,GFRY_ADC,
+     &     GFRX,GFRY,
+     &     GFRX_SYNC,GFRY_SYNC,
+     &     GSRX_ADC,GSRY_ADC,
+     &     GSRX,GSRY,
+     &     GSRX_SYNC,GSRY_SYNC,
+*     Misc. signals read out for hms AND sos events. Mostly
+*     beamline information: BPMs, BLMs, Fast Raster, slow raster, ...
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+*later?      PARAMETER(GMAX_MISC_HITS=500)
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+      INTEGER*4 GMISC_RAW_ADDR1    ! "Plane"   (1=HRTDC,2=ADC,3=MHTDC)
+      INTEGER*4 GMISC_RAW_ADDR2    ! "Counter" or signal description  
+     &     GMISC_TOT_HITS,
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+      integer*4 gmisc_ped_sum2(gmax_misc_hits,gnum_misc_planes)
+      integer*4 gmisc_ped_sum(gmax_misc_hits,gnum_misc_planes)
+      integer*4 gmisc_ped_num(gmax_misc_hits,gnum_misc_planes)
+      integer*4 gmisc_num_ped_changes
+      integer*4 gmisc_changed_tube(gmax_misc_hits)
+      real*4 gmisc_ped_change(gmax_misc_hits)
+      real*4 gmisc_ped(gmax_misc_hits,gnum_misc_planes)
+      real*4 gmisc_ped_rms(gmax_misc_hits,gnum_misc_planes)
+      real*4 gmisc_new_ped(gmax_misc_hits,gnum_misc_planes)
+      real*4 gmisc_new_rms(gmax_misc_hits,gnum_misc_planes)
+      real*4 gmisc_new_adc_threshold(gmax_misc_hits,gnum_misc_planes)
+      real*4 gmisc_dum_adc_threshold(gmax_misc_hits,gnum_misc_planes)
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      integer*4 gmisc_min_peds
+      integer*4 gusefr, guse_frdefault, guse_frphase
+      real*4    gfry_defcalib, gfry_vperch
+      real*4    gfry_adcmax, gfry_maxsize
+      real*4    gfry_dphase, gfry_synccut
+      real*4    gbeam_yoff
+      common/gen_misc_pedestals/
+     &   gmisc_ped,
+     &   gmisc_ped_sum2,       !sum of squares
+     &   gmisc_ped_sum,        !sum of peds
+     &   gmisc_ped_num,        !number of peds
+     &   gmisc_min_peds,       !# of peds required to override default pedestal
+     &   gmisc_ped_rms,
+     &   gmisc_new_ped,
+     &   gmisc_new_rms,
+     &   gmisc_num_ped_changes,!# of peds with 2 sigma changes from param file
+     &   gmisc_changed_tube,   !list of changed tubes
+     &   gmisc_ped_change,     !change in pedestal
+     &   gmisc_new_adc_threshold,
+     &   gmisc_dum_adc_threshold,
+     &   gusefr,
+     &   guse_frdefault,
+     &   guse_frphase,
+     &   gfry_defcalib,
+     &   gfry_vperch,
+     &   gfry_adcmax,
+     &   gfry_maxsize,
+     &   gfry_dphase,
+     &   gfry_synccut,
+     &   gbeam_yoff
+*******************end: gen_data_structures.cmn*************************
+*     Local Variables:
+*     mode: fortran
+*     fortran-continuation-string: "&"
+*     comment-column: 35
+*     End:
diff --git a/T20/gen_misc.cmn b/T20/gen_misc.cmn
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b01da49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/T20/gen_misc.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+*     file name: gen_misc.cmn
+* $Log: gen_misc.cmn,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1998/12/01 21:03:34  saw
+* Initial revision
+*     purpose: define varibles for
+*     - scaler histograms
+*     - coincidence TDCs (coin between HMS and Polder)
+*  for display of scalers or test values in histograms
+*    CTPTYPE=parm
+      integer*4 g_maxscal_h
+      parameter (g_maxscal_h=50)  !max number of scalers per histogram
+      integer*4
+     2  g_scal_his1, g_scal_his2, g_scal_his3, g_scal_his4,
+     2  g_scal_his5, g_scal_his6, g_scal_his7, g_scal_his8
+*    CTPTYPE=event
+      real*4
+     1  g_scaler_h1(g_maxscal_h), g_scaler_h_old1(g_maxscal_h),
+     1  g_scaler_h2(g_maxscal_h), g_scaler_h_old2(g_maxscal_h),
+     1  g_scaler_h3(g_maxscal_h), g_scaler_h_old3(g_maxscal_h),
+     1  g_scaler_h4(g_maxscal_h), g_scaler_h_old4(g_maxscal_h),
+     1  g_scaler_h5(g_maxscal_h), g_scaler_h_old5(g_maxscal_h),
+     1  g_scaler_h6(g_maxscal_h), g_scaler_h_old6(g_maxscal_h),
+     1  g_scaler_h7(g_maxscal_h), g_scaler_h_old7(g_maxscal_h),
+     1  g_scaler_h8(g_maxscal_h), g_scaler_h_old8(g_maxscal_h)
+      common /g_scaler_hist/
+     1  g_scaler_h1, g_scaler_h_old1,
+     1  g_scaler_h2, g_scaler_h_old2,
+     1  g_scaler_h3, g_scaler_h_old3,
+     1  g_scaler_h4, g_scaler_h_old4,
+     1  g_scaler_h5, g_scaler_h_old5,
+     1  g_scaler_h6, g_scaler_h_old6,
+     1  g_scaler_h7, g_scaler_h_old7,
+     1  g_scaler_h8, g_scaler_h_old8,
+     2  g_scal_his1, g_scal_his2, g_scal_his3, g_scal_his4,
+     2  g_scal_his5, g_scal_his6, g_scal_his7, g_scal_his8
+*    CTPTYPE=event
+      integer*4
+     1   c_hrtdc_s22,
+     3   c_hrtdc_hms, 
+     6   c_mhtdc_hms 
+      common/gcoin_misc/
+     1   c_hrtdc_s22,
+     3   c_hrtdc_hms, 
+     6   c_mhtdc_hms 
diff --git a/T20/gen_run_info.cmn b/T20/gen_run_info.cmn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f165aca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/T20/gen_run_info.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+**************************begin: gen_run_info.cmn ***********************
+*-   Created   22-Apr-1994   Kevin B. Beard, Hampton Univ.
+* $Log: gen_run_info.cmn,v $
+* Revision 1.2  1998/12/01 21:04:07  saw
+* (SAW) Checkin
+* Revision 1.1  1997/05/01 13:41:24  saw
+* Initial revision
+* Revision 1.7  1996/09/04 15:46:13  saw
+* (JRA) Add prescale factors and some a debugging  flag
+* Revision 1.6  1996/01/17 15:57:28  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add some short equivalences for CTP convenience
+* Revision 1.5  1995/03/13 19:01:03  cdaq
+* (SAW) Change gen_run_enable from logical to integer
+* Revision 1.4  1995/01/31  15:52:04  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add gen_run_hist_dump_interval for in run hist dumping
+* Revision 1.3  1994/10/20  14:19:12  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add accumulators for analyzed event counts ("May process")
+* Revision 1.2  1994/08/03  20:11:50  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add "CTPTYPE=parm" directive for auto generation of CTP reg calls
+* Revision 1.1  1994/05/27  15:12:47  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+*- Misc. info. about a run
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      INTEGER gen_run_number,gen_run_type
+      INTEGER gen_run_total_events             !reported by CODA
+      INTEGER gen_run_UTC_start,gen_run_UTC_stop,gen_run_UTC_last
+      CHARACTER*80 gen_run_date_start,gen_run_date_stop
+      CHARACTER*80 gen_run_date_last
+      CHARACTER*800 gen_run_comment
+      COMMON /gen_run_info/ gen_run_number,gen_run_type,
+     &     gen_run_total_events,gen_run_UTC_start,gen_run_UTC_stop,
+     &     gen_run_UTC_last,gen_run_date_start,gen_run_date_stop,
+     &     gen_run_date_last,gen_run_comment
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      INTEGER gen_MAX_trigger_types
+      PARAMETER (gen_MAX_trigger_types= 15)
+      INTEGER gen_run_enable(0:gen_MAX_trigger_types)    !1=process, 0=ignore
+      INTEGER gen_run_triggered(0:gen_MAX_trigger_types) !triggers found
+      INTEGER gen_run_analyzed(0:gen_MAX_trigger_types)  ! NOT USED ANYWHERE
+      INTEGER gen_run_hist_dump_interval
+      INTEGER gen_run_starting_event,gen_run_stopping_event
+      COMMON /gen_run_cntrl/ gen_run_starting_event,
+     &     gen_run_stopping_event,
+     &     gen_run_enable,
+     &     gen_run_triggered,
+     &     gen_run_analyzed,
+     &     gen_run_hist_dump_interval
+*-shorter names for command line input
+      integer grun,gstart,gstop,gdump,gtrig1,gtrig2,gtrig3,gtrig4,gtrig5 ! aliases
+      equivalence (grun,gen_run_number)
+      equivalence (gstart,gen_run_starting_event)
+      equivalence (gstop,gen_run_stopping_event)
+      equivalence (gdump,gen_run_hist_dump_interval)
+      equivalence (gtrig1,gen_run_enable(0))
+      equivalence (gtrig2,gen_run_enable(1))
+      equivalence (gtrig3,gen_run_enable(2))
+      equivalence (gtrig4,gen_run_enable(3))
+      equivalence (gtrig5,gen_run_enable(4))
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      real*4 gps1,gps2,gps3,gps4,gps5  !prescale factors (1-hms,2-sos,3-coin)
+*                                      ! 4-ped,5-ed
+      common/gen_prescales/ gps1,gps2,gps3,gps4,gps5
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      integer gdebugdumpepics
+      common/gen_debuggingstuff/ gdebugdumpepics
+****************************end: gen_run_info.cmn ***********************
diff --git a/T20/h_ntuple_init.f b/T20/h_ntuple_init.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..774887a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/T20/h_ntuple_init.f
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+      subroutine h_Ntuple_init(ABORT,err)
+*     Creates an HMS Ntuple
+*     Purpose : Books an HMS Ntuple; defines structure of it
+*     Output: ABORT      - success or failure
+*           : err        - reason for failure, if any
+*     Created: 8-Apr-1994  K.B.Beard, Hampton Univ.
+* $Log: h_ntuple_init.f,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1998/12/01 20:58:08  saw
+* Initial revision
+* Revision 1.9  1996/09/04 14:42:44  saw
+* (JRA) Some changes to ntuple contents
+* Revision 1.8  1996/01/16 17:03:52  cdaq
+* (JRA) Modify ntuple contents
+* Revision 1.7  1995/09/01 13:38:05  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add Cerenkov photoelectron count to ntuple
+* Revision 1.6  1995/07/27  19:00:17  cdaq
+* (SAW) Relocate data statements for f2c compatibility
+* Revision 1.5  1995/05/22  20:50:46  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.4  1995/05/11  17:17:38  cdaq
+* (SAW) Allow %d for run number in filenames
+* Revision 1.3  1995/01/27  20:09:59  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add Gas cerenkov to ntuple
+* Revision 1.2  1994/06/17  02:34:12  cdaq
+* (KBB) Upgrade
+* Revision 1.1  1994/04/12  16:15:02  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*13 here
+      parameter (here='h_Ntuple_init')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 'h_ntuple.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_routines.dec'
+      include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'gen_run_info.cmn'
+      character*80 default_name
+      parameter (default_name= 'HMSntuple')
+      integer default_bank,default_recL
+      parameter (default_bank= 8000)    !4 bytes/word
+      parameter (default_recL= 1024)    !record length
+      character*80 title,file
+      character*80 directory,name
+      character*1000 pat,msg
+      integer status,size,io,id,bank,recL,iv(10),m
+      real rv(10)
+      logical HEXIST           !CERNLIB function
+      INCLUDE 'h_ntuple.dte'
+      err= ' '
+      ABORT = .FALSE.
+      IF(h_Ntuple_exists) THEN
+        call h_Ntuple_shutdown(ABORT,err)
+        If(ABORT) Then
+          call G_add_path(here,err)
+          RETURN
+        EndIf
+      ENDIF
+      call NO_nulls(h_Ntuple_file)     !replace null characters with blanks
+*-if name blank, just forget it
+      IF(h_Ntuple_file.EQ.' ') RETURN   !do nothing
+*- get any free IO channel
+      call g_IO_control(io,'ANY',ABORT,err)
+      h_Ntuple_exists= .NOT.ABORT
+        call G_add_path(here,err)
+        RETURN
+      ENDIF
+      h_Ntuple_IOchannel= io
+      h_Ntuple_ID= default_h_Ntuple_ID
+      id= h_Ntuple_ID
+      ABORT= HEXIST(id)
+        call g_IO_control(h_Ntuple_IOchannel,'FREE',ABORT,err)
+        call G_build_note(':HBOOK id#$ already in use',
+     &                                 '$',id,' ',rv,' ',err)
+        call G_add_path(here,err)
+        RETURN
+      ENDIF
+      CALL HCDIR(directory,'R')       !CERNLIB read current directory
+      h_Ntuple_name= default_name
+      id= h_Ntuple_ID
+      name= h_Ntuple_name
+      file= h_Ntuple_file
+      call g_sub_run_number(file,gen_run_number)
+      recL= default_recL
+      io= h_Ntuple_IOchannel
+*-open New *.rzdat file-
+      call HROPEN(io,name,file,'N',recL,status)       !CERNLIB
+*                                       !directory set to "//TUPLE"
+      io= h_Ntuple_IOchannel
+      ABORT= status.NE.0
+        call g_IO_control(h_Ntuple_IOchannel,'FREE',ABORT,err)
+        iv(1)= status
+        iv(2)= io
+        pat= ':HROPEN error#$ opening IO#$ "'//file//'"'
+        call G_build_note(pat,'$',iv,' ',rv,' ',err)
+        call G_add_path(here,err)
+        RETURN
+      ENDIF
+      h_Ntuple_file= file
+      m= 0
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'hcer_npe' ! cerenkov photoelectron spectrum
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'hsp'     ! Lab momentum of chosen track in GeV/c
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'hse'      ! Lab total energy of chosen track in GeV
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'charge' ! charge
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'hsdelta'       ! Spectrometer delta of chosen track
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'hstheta'       ! Lab Scattering angle in radians
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'hsphi' ! Lab Azymuthal angle in radians
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'w'     ! Invariant Mass of remaing hadronic system
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'hszbeam'! Lab Z coordinate of intersection of beam
+                                ! track with spectrometer ray
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'hsdedx1'       ! DEDX of chosen track in 1st scin plane
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'hsbeta'        ! BETA of chosen track
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'hsshtrk'  ! 'HSTRACK_ET'       ! Total shower energy of chosen track
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'hsprtrk'   !'HSTRACK_PRESHOWER_E' ! preshower of chosen track
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'hsxfp'		! X focal plane position 
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'hsyfp'
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'hsxpfp'
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'hsypfp'
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'hsytar'
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'hsxptar'
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'hsyptar'
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'hstart'
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'rt_hit'
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_tag(m)= 'eventID'
+* Experiment dependent entries start here.
+* Open ntuple
+      h_Ntuple_size= m     !total size
+      title= h_Ntuple_title
+      IF(title.EQ.' ') THEN
+        msg= name//' '//h_Ntuple_file
+        call only_one_blank(msg)
+        title= msg   
+        h_Ntuple_title= title
+      ENDIF
+      id= h_Ntuple_ID
+      io= h_Ntuple_IOchannel
+      name= h_Ntuple_name
+      title= h_Ntuple_title
+      size= h_Ntuple_size
+      file= h_Ntuple_file
+      bank= default_bank
+      call HBOOKN(id,title,size,name,bank,h_Ntuple_tag)      !create Ntuple
+      call HCDIR(h_Ntuple_directory,'R')      !record Ntuple directory
+      CALL HCDIR(directory,' ')       !reset CERNLIB directory
+      h_Ntuple_exists= HEXIST(h_Ntuple_ID)
+      ABORT= .NOT.h_Ntuple_exists
+      iv(1)= id
+      iv(2)= io
+      pat= 'Ntuple id#$ [' // h_Ntuple_directory // '/]' // 
+     &                         name // ' IO#$ "' // file // '"'
+      call G_build_note(pat,'$',iv,' ',rv,' ',msg)
+      call sub_string(msg,' /]','/]')
+        err= ':unable to create '//msg
+        call G_add_path(here,err)
+c      ELSE
+c        pat= ':created '//msg
+c        call G_add_path(here,pat)
+c        call G_log_message('INFO: '//pat)
+      ENDIF
+      RETURN
+      END  
diff --git a/T20/h_ntuple_keep.f b/T20/h_ntuple_keep.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e14a4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/T20/h_ntuple_keep.f
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+      subroutine h_Ntuple_keep(ABORT,err)
+*     Purpose : Add entry to the HMS Ntuple
+*     Output: ABORT      - success or failure
+*           : err        - reason for failure, if any
+*     Created: 11-Apr-1994  K.B.Beard, Hampton U.
+* $Log: h_ntuple_keep.f,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1998/12/01 20:58:13  saw
+* Initial revision
+* Revision 1.8  1996/09/04 14:43:17  saw
+* (JRA) Modify ntuple contents
+* Revision 1.7  1996/01/16 17:01:55  cdaq
+* (JRA) Modify ntuple contents
+* Revision 1.6  1995/09/01 13:38:28  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add Cerenkov photoelectron count to ntuple
+* Revision 1.5  1995/05/22  20:50:46  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.4  1995/05/11  17:37:13  cdaq
+* (SAW) Change HSDEDXn vars to an array.
+* Revision 1.3  1995/01/27  20:10:27  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add Gas cerenkov to ntuple
+* Revision 1.2  1994/06/17  02:44:38  cdaq
+* (KBB) Upgrade
+* Revision 1.1  1994/04/12  16:15:21  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*13 here
+      parameter (here='h_Ntuple_keep')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 'h_ntuple.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_event_info.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_tracking.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_physics_sing.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'hms_scin_tof.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_scalers.cmn'
+      include 'hms_track_histid.cmn'  !temp junk.
+      logical HEXIST	!CERNLIB function
+      integer m
+      real proton_mass
+      parameter ( proton_mass = 0.93827247 ) ! [GeV/c^2]
+      err= ' '
+      ABORT = .FALSE.
+      IF(.NOT.h_Ntuple_exists) RETURN       !nothing to do
+      m= 0
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_contents(m)= HCER_NPE_SUM ! cerenkov photoelectron spectrum
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_contents(m)= HSP	        ! Lab momentum of chosen track in GeV/c
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_contents(m)= HSENERGY    ! Lab total energy of chosen track in GeV
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_contents(m)= gbcm1_charge ! Charge of last scaler event
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_contents(m)= HSDELTA	! Spectrometer delta of chosen track
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_contents(m)= HSTHETA	! Lab Scattering angle in radians
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_contents(m)= HSPHI	! Lab Azymuthal angle in radians
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_contents(m)= HINVMASS	! Invariant Mass of remaing hadronic system
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_contents(m)= HSZBEAM! Lab Z coordinate of intersection of beam
+c                                ! track with spectrometer ray
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_contents(m)= HSDEDX(1)	! DEDX of chosen track in 1st scin plane
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_contents(m)= HSBETA	! BETA of chosen track
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_contents(m)= HSTRACK_ET	! Total shower energy of chosen track
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_contents(m)= HSTRACK_PRESHOWER_E	! preshower of chosen track
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_contents(m)= HSX_FP		! X focal plane position 
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_contents(m)= HSY_FP
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_contents(m)= HSXP_FP
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_contents(m)= HSYP_FP
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_contents(m)= HSY_TAR
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_contents(m)= HSXP_TAR
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_contents(m)= HSYP_TAR
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_contents(m)= hstart_time
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_contents(m)= HDC_RAW_TOT_HITS
+      m= m+1
+      h_Ntuple_contents(m)= float(gen_event_ID_number)
+* Experiment dependent entries start here.
+* Fill ntuple for this event
+      ABORT= .NOT.HEXIST(h_Ntuple_ID)
+        call G_build_note(':Ntuple ID#$ does not exist',
+     &                        '$',h_Ntuple_ID,' ',0.,' ',err)
+        call G_add_path(here,err)
+      ELSE
+        call HFN(h_Ntuple_ID,h_Ntuple_contents)
+      ENDIF
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/T20/t20_bypass_switches.cmn b/T20/t20_bypass_switches.cmn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d9a9339
--- /dev/null
+++ b/T20/t20_bypass_switches.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+*      sos_bypass_switches.cmn
+*      common blocks of CTP switches to bypass reconstruction code
+*      elements.
+*      Created:     S.A. Wood         22 Jan 1997
+* $Log: t20_bypass_switches.cmn,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1998/12/01 21:02:48  saw
+* Initial revision
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      integer*4 tbypass_test
+      integer*4 tbypass_polder
+      common/t20_bypass_switches/
+     $     tbypass_test,
+     $     tbypass_polder
diff --git a/T20/t20_data_structures.cmn b/T20/t20_data_structures.cmn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9950b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/T20/t20_data_structures.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+********************* begin:  t20_data_structures.cmn*****************************
+*	include file	t20_data_structures
+*	Author:		Glenn S. Collins	1/16/97
+* $Log: t20_data_structures.cmn,v $
+* Revision 1.2  1997/05/20 19:32:50  saw
+* (many) Updates
+* Revision 1.1  1997/05/20 19:31:25  saw
+* Initial revision
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+*     TPHI_LAB               T20 LAB ANGLE PHI 
+*     TPCENTRAL              T20 CENTRAL MOMENUTM (GEV)
+*     TBFIELD                T20 B FIELD INCLUDING SIGN
+      REAL*4  TPHI_LAB       ! T20 LAB ANGLE PHI 
+     &     TTHETA_LAB,
+     &     TPHI_LAB,
+     &     TPCENTRAL,
+     &     TBFIELD,
+     &     TPARTMASS
+*     RAW MWPC DATA FILLED BY g_decode_event_by_banks 
+*             PLANE NUMBER
+*             WIRE NUMBER
+*             TDC VALUE
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+     &     TMWPC_RAW_TOT_HITS
+*     RAW MWPC3 DATA 
+*      CTPTYPE=parm
+*      CTPTYPE=event
+*      &       T_MWPC3_TOT_HITS,
+*      &       T_MWPC3_PLANE_NUM,
+*      &       T_MWPC3_DIRECTION,
+*      &       T_MWPC3_RAW_DAT
+*     RAW POLDER HODOSCOPE HIT DATA FILLED BY g_decode_by_banks.f
+*    CTPTYPE=parm
+*    CTPTYPE=event
+     &     THODO_TOT_HITS
+*    CTPTYPE=parm
+*    CTPTYPE=event
+      INTEGER*4 TMISC_RAW_ADDR1    !    
+      INTEGER*4 TMISC_RAW_ADDR2    ! "Counter"
+      INTEGER*4 TMISC_RAW_DATA	   !  Raw Data
+     &     TMISC_TOT_HITS
+*     RAW POLDER Test detector Straw Chamber hit data
+*     FILLED BY g_decode_event_by_banks
+*     EACH Straw detector HIT IS DESCRIBED BY:
+     &     TTST_RAW_TOT_HITS
diff --git a/T20/t20_filenames.cmn b/T20/t20_filenames.cmn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ba0cbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/T20/t20_filenames.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+******************* begin: t20_filenames.cmn ***********************
+*-Common block with filenames
+* $Log: t20_filenames.cmn,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1998/12/01 21:04:18  saw
+* Initial revision
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      character*80 t_recon_coeff_filename
+      character*80 t_report_template_filename    ! CTP file with sos report
+      character*80 t_report_blockname   ! Name of block for sos report template
+      character*80 t_report_output_filename
+      character*80 t_threshold_output_filename
+      character*80 t_pedestal_output_filename
+      common /t20_filenames/
+     $     t_recon_coeff_filename,
+     $     t_report_template_filename,
+     $     t_report_blockname,
+     $     t_report_output_filename,
+     $     t_threshold_output_filename,
+     $     t_pedestal_output_filename
diff --git a/T20/t20_geometry.cmn b/T20/t20_geometry.cmn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b137788
--- /dev/null
+++ b/T20/t20_geometry.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+*     t20_geometry.cmn
+* $Log: t20_geometry.cmn,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1998/12/01 21:04:30  saw
+* Initial revision
+*     This include file has all the geometrical coefficients for the
+*     Polder
+*%%   include 't20_data_structures.cmn'
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      real*4    tmwpc_pitch
+      real*4    tmwpc_central_wire
+      real*4    tmwpc_center
+      integer*4 tmwpc_nrwire
+      real*4	tmwpc_zcoord
+      common/T20_PLANE_PARAMETERS/
+     $     tmwpc_pitch(TMAX_NUM_MWPC_PLANES),
+     $     tmwpc_central_wire(TMAX_NUM_MWPC_PLANES),
+     $     tmwpc_center(TMAX_NUM_MWPC_PLANES),
+     $     tmwpc_nrwire(TMAX_NUM_MWPC_PLANES),
+     $     tmwpc_zcoord(TMAX_NUM_MWPC_PLANES)
+      integer*4 tmwpc_wire_counting
+      integer*4 tdmytst
+      common/T20_CHAMBER_READOUT_INT/
+     $     tmwpc_wire_counting(TMAX_NUM_MWPC_PLANES),
+     $     tdmytst
diff --git a/T20/t20_hms.cmn b/T20/t20_hms.cmn
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f1c317b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/T20/t20_hms.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+*     file name: t20_hms.cmn
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+      REAL*4  tsinhtheta    ! Sin half lab Scattering angle 
+      REAL*4  te_v          ! Beam energy in GEV
+      REAL*4  thms_td1      ! Deuteron energy from electron energy
+      REAL*4  thms_td2      ! Deuteron energy from electron angle
+      REAL*4  tq2           ! Q**2
+      INTEGER*4 hr_start_hms
+      COMMON/T20_Ed/
+     &     tsinhtheta,
+     &     te_v,
+     &     thms_td1,
+     &     thms_td2,
+     &     tq2,
+     &     hr_start_hms
diff --git a/T20/t20_hodo.cmn b/T20/t20_hodo.cmn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c5d0f61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/T20/t20_hodo.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+*	t20_hodo.cmn
+* $Log: t20_hodo.cmn,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1998/12/01 21:03:15  saw
+* Initial revision
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      integer*4 tidhodo_tdc_min,tidhodo_tdc_max
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+      integer*4 
+     1          th1p1_tdc_i, tidh1p1_tdc_all,
+     1          th1p2_tdc_i, tidh1p2_tdc_all,
+     1          th2p1_tdc_i, tidh2p1_tdc_all,
+     1          th2p2_tdc_i, tidh2p2_tdc_all,
+     1          tidhod_allbars_vs_tdc
+      common/t_hodo/
+     &      tidhodo_tdc_min,tidhodo_tdc_max,    
+     1          th1p1_tdc_i(60), tidh1p1_tdc_all,
+     1          th1p2_tdc_i(60), tidh1p2_tdc_all,
+     1          th2p1_tdc_i(60), tidh2p1_tdc_all,
+     1          th2p2_tdc_i(60), tidh2p2_tdc_all,
+     1          tidhod_allbars_vs_tdc
+      integer*4
+     2          tMwpc_pl1(158),tMwpc_pl2(158),tMwpc_pl3(158),
+     2          tMwpc_pl4(158),tMwpc_pl5(158),tMwpc_pl6(158),
+     4          tidmwpl1,tidmwpl2,tidmwpl3,tidmwpl4,tidmwpl5,tidmwpl6,
+     5          tidmwpl1_anytdc,tidmwpl2_anytdc,tidmwpl3_anytdc,
+     5          tidmwpl4_anytdc,tidmwpl5_anytdc,tidmwpl6_anytdc,
+     5          tidmwpl1_tdc_vs_wire,tidmwpl2_tdc_vs_wire,tidmwpl3_tdc_vs_wire,
+     5          tidmwpl4_tdc_vs_wire,tidmwpl5_tdc_vs_wire,tidmwpl6_tdc_vs_wire,
+     6          tmwpl1_wire_mult,tmwpl2_wire_mult,tmwpl3_wire_mult,
+     6          tmwpl4_wire_mult,tmwpl5_wire_mult,tmwpl6_wire_mult,
+     7          tidmwpl1_multperwire,tidmwpl2_multperwire,tidmwpl3_multperwire,
+     7          tidmwpl4_multperwire,tidmwpl5_multperwire,tidmwpl6_multperwire,
+     &		t_rwirepl7,t_lwirepl7,
+     &		t_rwirepl8,t_lwirepl8,
+     &		t_rwirepl9,t_lwirepl9,
+     &          tmwpc3sumpl7,tmwpc3diffpl7,
+     &          tmwpc3sumpl8,tmwpc3diffpl8,
+     &          tmwpc3sumpl9,tmwpc3diffpl9,
+     &          t_r_wire_pl7,t_l_wire_pl7,
+     &          t_r_wire_pl8,t_l_wire_pl8,
+     &          t_r_wire_pl9,t_l_wire_pl9
+      common/t_mwpc_cmn/
+     2      tMwpc_pl1,tMwpc_pl2,tMwpc_pl3,
+     2      tMwpc_pl4,tMwpc_pl5,tMwpc_pl6,
+     4          tidmwpl1,tidmwpl2,tidmwpl3,tidmwpl4,tidmwpl5,tidmwpl6,
+     5          tidmwpl1_anytdc,tidmwpl2_anytdc,tidmwpl3_anytdc,
+     5          tidmwpl4_anytdc,tidmwpl5_anytdc,tidmwpl6_anytdc,
+     5          tidmwpl1_tdc_vs_wire,tidmwpl2_tdc_vs_wire,tidmwpl3_tdc_vs_wire,
+     5          tidmwpl4_tdc_vs_wire,tidmwpl5_tdc_vs_wire,tidmwpl6_tdc_vs_wire,
+     6          tmwpl1_wire_mult,tmwpl2_wire_mult,tmwpl3_wire_mult,
+     6          tmwpl4_wire_mult,tmwpl5_wire_mult,tmwpl6_wire_mult,
+     7          tidmwpl1_multperwire,tidmwpl2_multperwire,tidmwpl3_multperwire,
+     7          tidmwpl4_multperwire,tidmwpl5_multperwire,tidmwpl6_multperwire,
+     &		t_rwirepl7,t_lwirepl7,
+     &		t_rwirepl8,t_lwirepl8,
+     &		t_rwirepl9,t_lwirepl9,
+     &          tmwpc3sumpl7,tmwpc3diffpl7,
+     &          tmwpc3sumpl8,tmwpc3diffpl8,
+     &          tmwpc3sumpl9,tmwpc3diffpl9,
+     &          t_r_wire_pl7,t_l_wire_pl7,
+     &          t_r_wire_pl8,t_l_wire_pl8,
+     &          t_r_wire_pl9,t_l_wire_pl9
diff --git a/T20/t20_hodo_parms.cmn b/T20/t20_hodo_parms.cmn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e64dc6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/T20/t20_hodo_parms.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+* t20_hodo_parms.cmn -  two common blocks:
+* $Log: t20_hodo_parms.cmn,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1998/12/01 21:04:41  saw
+* Initial revision
+*    hms_hodo_parms - variables from the t20_positions.parm file
+*    hms_tof_parms  - tof correction parameters and position parameters
+*                     converted to arrays over plane,counter by h_init_scin.
+c*    NOTE:  Variables whose names start with hHODO are arrays over
+c*           plane and counter.  hSCIN is used for parameters from the
+c*           .parm files and for arrays over hits.
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      integer*4 tdebugprinthodoraw      !
+      common/t20_hodo_parms/
+     $     tdebugprinthodoraw
diff --git a/T20/t20_misc.cmn b/T20/t20_misc.cmn
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1c16871
--- /dev/null
+++ b/T20/t20_misc.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+*     file name: t20_misc.cmn
+* $Log: t20_misc.cmn,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1998/12/01 21:04:53  saw
+* Initial revision
+*     purpose: defines variables for
+*     - start and veto scintillators of Polder
+*    CTPTYPE=event
+      integer*4 traw_adc(7:32)
+      integer*4 traw_mhtdc(6:32)
+      integer*4 traw_hrtdc(1:16)
+      integer*4 traw_adc_s11
+      integer*4 traw_adc_s12
+      integer*4 traw_adc_s21
+      integer*4 traw_adc_s22
+      integer*4 traw_adc_veto1
+      integer*4 traw_adc_veto2
+      integer*4 traw_mhtdc_s11
+      integer*4 traw_mhtdc_s12
+      integer*4 traw_mhtdc_s21
+      integer*4 traw_mhtdc_s22
+      integer*4 traw_mhtdc_veto
+      integer*4 traw_adc_s1sum
+      integer*4 traw_adc_s2sum
+      integer*4 traw_adc_s1s2sum
+      integer*4 traw_adc_vetosum
+      integer*4 				!test detector setup
+     3 traw_adc_tts1l, traw_adc_tts1r, traw_adc_tts2l, traw_adc_tts2r,
+     3 traw_mhtdc_s1, traw_mhtdc_s2
+      integer*4 		!tdc's used for flagging of event type
+     2 tfl_mhtdc_dc, tfl_mhtdc_hms, tfl_mhtdc_hms_dc, tfl_mhtdc_big1,
+     2 tfl_mhtdc_ce, tfl_mhtdc_polder, tfl_mhtdc_h1m3, tfl_mhtdc_h2m3
+      integer*4                   ! POLDER Upstairs HRTDC
+     4 traw_hrtdc_hms,
+     4 traw_hrtdc_dc,
+     4 traw_hrtdc_hms_dc,
+     4 traw_hrtdc_polder,
+     4 traw_hrtdc_hms_nb,
+     4 traw_hrtdc_pldr_nb,
+     4 traw_hrtdc_ce
+      common/t_miscellaneous/
+     &	    traw_adc,
+     &      traw_mhtdc,
+     &      traw_hrtdc,
+     &      traw_adc_s11,
+     &      traw_adc_s12,
+     &      traw_adc_s21,
+     &      traw_adc_s22,
+     &      traw_adc_veto1,
+     &      traw_adc_veto2,
+     &      traw_mhtdc_s11,
+     &      traw_mhtdc_s12,
+     &      traw_mhtdc_s21,
+     &      traw_mhtdc_s22,
+     &      traw_mhtdc_veto,
+     1      traw_adc_s1sum,
+     1      traw_adc_s2sum,
+     1      traw_adc_s1s2sum,
+     1      traw_adc_vetosum,
+     2 tfl_mhtdc_dc, tfl_mhtdc_hms, tfl_mhtdc_hms_dc, tfl_mhtdc_big1,
+     2 tfl_mhtdc_ce, tfl_mhtdc_polder, tfl_mhtdc_h1m3, tfl_mhtdc_h2m3,
+     3 traw_adc_tts1l, traw_adc_tts1r, traw_adc_tts2l, traw_adc_tts2r,
+     3 traw_mhtdc_s1, traw_mhtdc_s2,
+     4 traw_hrtdc_hms,
+     4 traw_hrtdc_dc,
+     4 traw_hrtdc_hms_dc,
+     4 traw_hrtdc_polder,
+     4 traw_hrtdc_hms_nb,
+     4 traw_hrtdc_pldr_nb,
+     4 traw_hrtdc_ce
diff --git a/T20/t20_pedestals.cmn b/T20/t20_pedestals.cmn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..415bccf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/T20/t20_pedestals.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+*     Refer to sos_pedestals.cmn or hms_pedestals.cmn for examples of
+*     what to put here.
+* t20_pedestals.cmn -  counters used for calculating pedestals from the set
+*                      of pedestal events at the beginning of each run.
+* $Log: t20_pedestals.cmn,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1998/12/01 21:02:30  saw
+* Initial revision
+*%%   include 't20_data_structures.cmn'
+*     CTPTYPE=event
diff --git a/T20/t20_reg_polder_structures.cmn b/T20/t20_reg_polder_structures.cmn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a0c55bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/T20/t20_reg_polder_structures.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,406 @@
+c*****	definition common POLDER variables
+c*****	--> used to fill the polder structures
+c*****	<-- filled after analysis by polder structures
+c*****	j.s. real 14 feb 1997
+c*****	This file is generate from  def_polder_structures.h (1)
+c*****	using exp_structures translation software.
+c*****	The following definitions and the order of commons block
+c*****	are very sensitive and should be the same as in (1)
+* $Log: t20_reg_polder_structures.cmn,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1998/12/01 21:05:04  saw
+* Initial revision
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+c	structure /file/	! 22 + 544 + 43 + 120 int*4 =
+      logical*4	tfile_open
+      integer*4	tfile_iunit
+      character*8	tfile_name
+      integer*4	tfile_record
+      integer*4	tfile_runnb
+      character*20	tfile_device
+      integer*4	tfile_position
+      character*4	tfile_sort
+      real*4	tfile_Ed
+      integer*4	tfile_divNinci
+      integer*4	tfile_posHod
+      real*4	tfile_cur_HMS
+      real*4	tfile_ang_HMS
+      integer*4	tfile_q2_point
+      integer*4	tfile_tailleBuf
+      integer*4	tfile_longBufRead
+      integer*4	tfile_numBuf
+      integer*4	tfile_NBevent
+      integer*4	tfile_NbCEevent
+      integer*4	tfile_nbevtreste
+      integer*4	tfile_nbposfinDeBurst
+      integer*4	tfile_cuts_tdc_shift	! value of shift for raw tdc cuts (spectra random)
+      integer*4	tfile_cuts_diftdcinf(4)	! Lower (inferior) cut on the difference in time betwee
+      integer*4	tfile_cuts_diftdcsup(4)	! Upper (superior) cut on the difference in time betwee
+      real*4	tfile_cuts_mwpcxinf(3)		! Lower cut on the x position of a hit in a MWPC
+      real*4	tfile_cuts_mwpcyinf(3)		! Lower cut on the y position of a hit in a MWPC
+      real*4	tfile_cuts_mwpcxsup(3)		! Upper cut on the x position of a hit in a MWPC
+      real*4	tfile_cuts_mwpcysup(3)		! Upper cut on the y position of a hit in a MWPC
+      integer*4	tfile_cuts_fenmin(3,2)		! Lower cut on the wire hit-time in MWPC 1 and 2
+      integer*4	tfile_cuts_fenmax(3,2)		! Upper cut on the wire hit-time in MWPC 1 and 2
+      integer*4	tfile_cuts_adcmin(3)		! Lower cut on the QDC spectra deuteron
+      integer*4	tfile_cuts_adcmax(3)		! Upper cut on the QDC spectra deuteron
+      integer*4	tfile_cuts_adcminp(3)		! Lower cut on the QDC spectra proton
+      integer*4	tfile_cuts_adcmaxp(3)		! Upper cut on the QDC spectra proton
+      integer*4	tfile_cuts_tofmin(1:6)		! Lower cut on the time coincidence
+      integer*4	tfile_cuts_tofmax(1:6)		! Upper cut on the time coincidence
+      integer*4	tfile_cuts_RpLmin(3)		! Lower cut on the right plus left spectra for the planes
+      integer*4	tfile_cuts_RpLmax(3)		! Upper cut on the right plus left spectra for the planes
+      integer*4	tfile_cuts_tbbi(0:29,4)	! Lower cuts on the raw TDC spectra for the individual
+      integer*4	tfile_cuts_tbbs(0:29,4)	! Upper cuts on the raw TDC spectra for the individual
+      integer*4	tfile_cuts_tcbi(0:29,4)	! Lower cuts on the corrected TDC spectra for the indiv
+      integer*4	tfile_cuts_tcbs(0:29,4)	! Upper cuts on the corrected TDC spectra for the indiv
+      real*4	tfile_cuts_raypmax		! Exterior cone cut for PH
+      real*4	tfile_cuts_raygmax		! Exterior cone cut for GH
+      real*4	tfile_cuts_raypmin		! inner cone cut for PH
+      real*4	tfile_cuts_raypmin33		! inner cone cut for PH mul. 3 x 3
+      real*4	tfile_cuts_raygmin		! inner cone cut for GH
+      real*4	tfile_cuts_raygmin33		! iner cone cut for GH mul. 3 x 3
+      real*4	tfile_cuts_rayopt		! optique ray for tuning d channel
+      character*80	tfile_param_dirdata
+      character*80	tfile_param_dirzero
+      character*80	tfile_param_dircumul
+      character*80	tfile_param_dirresult
+      integer*4	tfile_param_user_cuts
+      integer*4	tfile_param_nPC
+      integer*4	tfile_param_nConf
+      integer*4	tfile_param_refgene(3)
+      integer*4	tfile_param_paramEvent(0:20)
+      real*4	tfile_param_dph
+      real*4	tfile_param_dgh
+      real*4	tfile_param_dispg
+      real*4	tfile_param_dispg2
+      real*4	tfile_param_dph2
+      real*4	tfile_param_dgh2
+      real*4	tfile_param_dis2c
+      real*4	tfile_param_dghch1
+      real*4	tfile_param_dphch1
+      real*4	tfile_param_convtq
+      real*4	tfile_param_cexch1
+      real*4	tfile_param_ceych1
+      real*4	tfile_param_xpme
+      real*4	tfile_param_ypme
+      real*4	tfile_param_xgme
+      real*4	tfile_param_ygme
+      real*4	tfile_param_beta
+      real*4	tfile_corre_abstdc(0:29,4)	! Correction to bring the center of each each hodoscope
+c	end structure
+      common/polder_file/
+     &tfile_open,
+     &tfile_iunit,
+     &tfile_name,
+     &tfile_record,
+     &tfile_runnb,
+     &tfile_device,
+     &tfile_position,
+     &tfile_sort,
+     &tfile_Ed,
+     &tfile_divNinci,
+     &tfile_posHod,
+     &tfile_cur_HMS,
+     &tfile_ang_HMS,
+     &tfile_q2_point,
+     &tfile_tailleBuf,
+     &tfile_longBufRead,
+     &tfile_numBuf,
+     &tfile_NBevent,
+     &tfile_NbCEevent,
+     &tfile_nbevtreste,
+     &tfile_nbposfinDeBurst,
+     &tfile_cuts_tdc_shift,
+     &tfile_cuts_diftdcinf,
+     &tfile_cuts_diftdcsup,
+     &tfile_cuts_mwpcxinf,
+     &tfile_cuts_mwpcyinf,
+     &tfile_cuts_mwpcxsup,
+     &tfile_cuts_mwpcysup,
+     &tfile_cuts_fenmin,
+     &tfile_cuts_fenmax,
+     &tfile_cuts_adcmin,
+     &tfile_cuts_adcmax,
+     &tfile_cuts_adcminp,
+     &tfile_cuts_adcmaxp,
+     &tfile_cuts_tofmin,
+     &tfile_cuts_tofmax,
+     &tfile_cuts_RpLmin,
+     &tfile_cuts_RpLmax,
+     &tfile_cuts_tbbi,
+     &tfile_cuts_tbbs,
+     &tfile_cuts_tcbi,
+     &tfile_cuts_tcbs,
+     &tfile_cuts_raypmax,
+     &tfile_cuts_raygmax,
+     &tfile_cuts_raypmin,
+     &tfile_cuts_raypmin33,
+     &tfile_cuts_raygmin,
+     &tfile_cuts_raygmin33,
+     &tfile_cuts_rayopt,
+     &tfile_param_dirdata,
+     &tfile_param_dirzero,
+     &tfile_param_dircumul,
+     &tfile_param_dirresult,
+     &tfile_param_user_cuts,
+     &tfile_param_nPC,
+     &tfile_param_nConf,
+     &tfile_param_refgene,
+     &tfile_param_paramEvent,
+     &tfile_param_dph,
+     &tfile_param_dgh,
+     &tfile_param_dispg,
+     &tfile_param_dispg2,
+     &tfile_param_dph2,
+     &tfile_param_dgh2,
+     &tfile_param_dis2c,
+     &tfile_param_dghch1,
+     &tfile_param_dphch1,
+     &tfile_param_convtq,
+     &tfile_param_cexch1,
+     &tfile_param_ceych1,
+     &tfile_param_xpme,
+     &tfile_param_ypme,
+     &tfile_param_xgme,
+     &tfile_param_ygme,
+     &tfile_param_beta,
+     &tfile_corre_abstdc
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+c	structure /event/
+      logical*4	tfinDeBurst
+      logical*4	tVeto
+      logical*4	tBeamSampl
+      logical*4	tGeneCh3
+      logical*4	tCE
+      logical*4	tT3
+      logical*4	tmwpc_ok
+      logical*4	tgood_event
+      logical*4	ttc_tof_ok
+      logical*4	ttc_adc_ok
+      logical*4	ttc_mwpc_ok
+      integer*4	tnbpartch
+      integer*4	tTdc_Veto
+      integer*4	tadc_Veto1
+      integer*4	tadc_Veto2
+      integer*4	tadc_Vetosum
+      integer*4	tspin
+      integer*4	ttof(1:6)
+      integer*4	tadc_s11
+      integer*4	tadc_s12
+      integer*4	tadc_s1sum
+      integer*4	tadc_s21
+      integer*4	tadc_s22
+      integer*4	tadc_s2sum
+      integer*4	ttdc_s11
+      integer*4	ttdc_s12
+      integer*4	ttdc_s21
+      integer*4	ttdc_s22
+      integer*4	tnumburst
+      integer*4	tparamEvent(0:20)
+      integer*4	tmwpc1_nbp(3)
+      integer*4	tmwpc1_fil(40,3)
+      integer*4	tmwpc1_temps(0:158,3)
+      logical*4	tmwpc1_mwpc_ok(0:3)
+      integer*4	tmwpc1_nbpart(3)
+      integer*4	tmwpc2_nbp(3)
+      integer*4	tmwpc2_fil(40,3)
+      integer*4	tmwpc2_temps(0:158,3)
+      logical*4	tmwpc2_mwpc_ok(0:3)
+      integer*4	tmwpc2_nbpart(3)
+      integer*4	tmwpc3_R(3)
+      integer*4	tmwpc3_L(3)
+      integer*4	tmwpc3_RmL(3)
+      integer*4	tmwpc3_RpL(3)
+      logical*4	tmwpc3_mwpc_ok(0:3)
+      integer*4	tmwpc3_nbpart(3)
+      integer*4	thod1_nbp
+      integer*4	thod1_barre(100)
+      integer*4	thod1_tdcb(100)
+      integer*4	thod1_tdc(100)
+      integer*4	thod2_nbp
+      integer*4	thod2_barre(100)
+      integer*4	thod2_tdcb(100)
+      integer*4	thod2_tdc(100)
+      integer*4	thod3_nbp
+      integer*4	thod3_barre(100)
+      integer*4	thod3_tdcb(100)
+      integer*4	thod3_tdc(100)
+      integer*4	thod4_nbp
+      integer*4	thod4_barre(100)
+      integer*4	thod4_tdcb(100)
+      integer*4	thod4_tdc(100)
+      integer*4	thod5_nbp
+      integer*4	thod5_barre(100)
+      integer*4	thod5_tdcb(100)
+      integer*4	thod5_tdc(100)
+      integer*4	thod6_nbp
+      integer*4	thod6_barre(100)
+      integer*4	thod6_tdcb(100)
+      integer*4	thod6_tdc(100)
+      integer*4	tdeuton1_type		!   1=deutce, 2=prot, 3=deutbruit
+      real*4	tdeuton1_dir(4)		! x, y, z, norm
+      real*4	tdeuton1_x(6)		! ch1, ch2, cible, ho1, ho2, ch3
+      real*4	tdeuton1_y(6)
+      real*4	tdeuton1_z(6)
+      real*4	tdeuton1_raypmieu
+      real*4	tdeuton1_rayp
+      real*4	tdeuton1_raygmieu
+      real*4	tdeuton1_rayg
+      integer*4	tdeuton1_tof
+      integer*4	tdeuton1_hms_tof
+      integer*4	tdeuton1_mh_tof(16)
+      integer*4	tdeuton1_mh_hms_tof(16)
+      integer*4	tdeuton2_type		!   1=deutce, 2=prot, 3=deutbruit
+      real*4	tdeuton2_dir(4)		! x, y, z, norm
+      real*4	tdeuton2_x(6)		! ch1, ch2, cible, ho1, ho2, ch3
+      real*4	tdeuton2_y(6)
+      real*4	tdeuton2_z(6)
+      real*4	tdeuton2_raypmieu
+      real*4	tdeuton2_rayp
+      real*4	tdeuton2_raygmieu
+      real*4	tdeuton2_rayg
+      integer*4	tdeuton2_tof
+      integer*4	tdeuton2_hms_tof
+      integer*4	tdeuton2_mh_tof(16)
+      integer*4	tdeuton2_mh_hms_tof(16)
+      real*4	tproton1_dir(4)		! x, y, z, norm
+      real*4	tproton1_x(4)		! cible, ho1, ho2, ch3
+      real*4	tproton1_y(4)
+      real*4	tproton1_z(4)
+      real*4	tproton1_rayp
+      real*4	tproton1_rayg
+      real*4	tproton1_tdcbrut(4)	! ho1x, ho1y, ho2x, ho2y
+      real*4	tproton1_tdccorr(4)
+      real*4	tproton1_barhod(4)
+      real*4	tproton2_dir(4)		! x, y, z, norm
+      real*4	tproton2_x(4)		! cible, ho1, ho2, ch3
+      real*4	tproton2_y(4)
+      real*4	tproton2_z(4)
+      real*4	tproton2_rayp
+      real*4	tproton2_rayg
+      real*4	tproton2_tdcbrut(4)	! ho1x, ho1y, ho2x, ho2y
+      real*4	tproton2_tdccorr(4)
+      real*4	tproton2_barhod(4)
+      real*4	tcpp_dir(4)		! x, y, z, norm
+      real*4	tcpp_x(4)		! cible, ho1, ho2, ch3
+      real*4	tcpp_y(4)
+      real*4	tcpp_z(4)
+      real*4	tcpp_diftdc(4)	! ho1x, ho1y, ho2x, ho2y
+      real*4	tcpp_tetaqk
+      real*4	tcpp_tetaerl
+      real*4	tcpp_erl
+      real*4	tcpp_teta
+      real*4	tcpp_q
+      real*4	tcpp_phi
+c	end structure
+      common/polder_event/
+     &tfinDeBurst, tVeto, tBeamSampl, tGeneCh3, tCE, tT3,
+     &tmwpc_ok, tgood_event, ttc_tof_ok, ttc_adc_ok, ttc_mwpc_ok,
+     &tnbpartch, tTdc_Veto,
+     &tadc_Veto1, tadc_Veto2, tadc_Vetosum, tspin,
+     &ttof,
+     &tadc_s11, tadc_s12, tadc_s1sum, tadc_s21, tadc_s22, tadc_s2sum,
+     &ttdc_s11, ttdc_s12, ttdc_s21, ttdc_s22,
+     &tnumburst, tparamEvent,
+     &tmwpc1_nbp, tmwpc1_fil, tmwpc1_temps, tmwpc1_mwpc_ok, tmwpc1_nbpart,
+     &tmwpc2_nbp,
+     &tmwpc2_fil,
+     &tmwpc2_temps,
+     &tmwpc2_mwpc_ok,
+     &tmwpc2_nbpart,
+     &tmwpc3_R,
+     &tmwpc3_L,
+     &tmwpc3_RmL,
+     &tmwpc3_RpL,
+     &tmwpc3_mwpc_ok,
+     &tmwpc3_nbpart,
+     &thod1_nbp,
+     &thod1_barre,
+     &thod1_tdcb,
+     &thod1_tdc,
+     &thod2_nbp,
+     &thod2_barre,
+     &thod2_tdcb,
+     &thod2_tdc,
+     &thod3_nbp,
+     &thod3_barre,
+     &thod3_tdcb,
+     &thod3_tdc,
+     &thod4_nbp,
+     &thod4_barre,
+     &thod4_tdcb,
+     &thod4_tdc,
+     &thod5_nbp,
+     &thod5_barre,
+     &thod5_tdcb,
+     &thod5_tdc,
+     &thod6_nbp,
+     &thod6_barre,
+     &thod6_tdcb,
+     &thod6_tdc,
+     &tdeuton1_type,
+     &tdeuton1_dir,
+     &tdeuton1_x,
+     &tdeuton1_y,
+     &tdeuton1_z,
+     &tdeuton1_raypmieu,
+     &tdeuton1_rayp,
+     &tdeuton1_raygmieu,
+     &tdeuton1_rayg,
+     &tdeuton1_tof,
+     &tdeuton1_hms_tof,
+     &tdeuton1_mh_tof,
+     &tdeuton1_mh_hms_tof,
+     &tdeuton2_type,
+     &tdeuton2_dir,
+     &tdeuton2_x,
+     &tdeuton2_y,
+     &tdeuton2_z,
+     &tdeuton2_raypmieu,
+     &tdeuton2_rayp,
+     &tdeuton2_raygmieu,
+     &tdeuton2_rayg,
+     &tdeuton2_tof,
+     &tdeuton2_hms_tof,
+     &tdeuton2_mh_tof,
+     &tdeuton2_mh_hms_tof,
+     &tproton1_dir,
+     &tproton1_x,
+     &tproton1_y,
+     &tproton1_z,
+     &tproton1_rayp,
+     &tproton1_rayg,
+     &tproton1_tdcbrut,
+     &tproton1_tdccorr,
+     &tproton1_barhod,
+     &tproton2_dir,
+     &tproton2_x,
+     &tproton2_y,
+     &tproton2_z,
+     &tproton2_rayp,
+     &tproton2_rayg,
+     &tproton2_tdcbrut,
+     &tproton2_tdccorr,
+     &tproton2_barhod,
+     &tcpp_dir,
+     &tcpp_x,
+     &tcpp_y,
+     &tcpp_z,
+     &tcpp_diftdc,
+     &tcpp_tetaqk,
+     &tcpp_tetaerl,
+     &tcpp_erl,
+     &tcpp_teta,
+     &tcpp_q,
+     &tcpp_phi
diff --git a/T20/t20_test_detectors.cmn b/T20/t20_test_detectors.cmn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb46bff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/T20/t20_test_detectors.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,359 @@
+*     t20_test_detectors.cmn
+*     include file for t20 tracking intermediate results
+*      R. Gilman December 1996, loosely based on HMS tracking code, ...
+* $Log: t20_test_detectors.cmn,v $
+* Revision 1.2  1998/12/01 21:02:25  saw
+* (SAW) Checkin
+* Revision 1.1  1997/05/20 19:09:01  saw
+* Initial revision
+*     The following include statments must precede the inclusion of this
+*     file in each routine that uses it.  The *%% syntax is also a
+*     directive to makereg to tell it to include the code in the program
+*     that it generates.
+*%%   include 't20_data_structures.cmn'
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      integer*4 ttst_n_straw_planes
+      parameter (ttst_n_straw_planes=8)
+      integer*4 ttst_n_straw_wgs
+      parameter (ttst_n_straw_wgs=40)
+      integer*4 ttst_plane_group(ttst_n_straw_planes)
+      integer*4 ttst_plane_of_group(ttst_n_straw_wgs)
+      real*8 ttst_straw_z(ttst_n_straw_planes)
+      real*8 ttst_straw_z0
+      real*8 ttst_straw_x1(ttst_n_straw_planes)
+      real*8 ttst_straw_x2(ttst_n_straw_planes)
+      real*8 ttst_straw_xoff(2)
+      real*8 ttst_rotate_ang(3)
+      real*8 ttst_rotate_xz
+      real*8 ttst_rotate_yz
+      real*8 ttst_rotate_xy
+      equivalence (ttst_rotate_ang(1), ttst_rotate_xz)
+      equivalence (ttst_rotate_ang(2), ttst_rotate_yz)
+      equivalence (ttst_rotate_ang(3), ttst_rotate_xy)
+      real*8 ttst_rotate_xyplane(8)
+      real*8 ttst_straw_sctr(ttst_n_straw_planes)
+      integer*4 ttst_straw_nst(ttst_n_straw_planes)
+      real*8 ttst_scin_z(2)
+      real*8 ttst_straw_zchmbr
+      real*8 ttst_straw_zscint
+      real*8 ttst_scin_x(2)
+      real*8 ttst_scin_y(2)
+      real*8 ttst_scin_xwid(2)
+      real*8 ttst_scin_ywid(2)
+      integer*4 ttst_scin_peds(4)
+      real*8 ttst_scin_v_corr
+      real*8 ttst_straw_v_corr
+      integer*4 ttst_straw_type(ttst_n_straw_planes)
+      integer*4 ttst_type_order(ttst_n_straw_planes,2)
+      integer*4 ttst_straw_plane_group_off(ttst_n_straw_planes)
+      integer*4 ttst_dmx(9,ttst_n_straw_wgs)
+      integer*4 ttst_TDC_min
+      integer*4 ttst_TDC_max
+      integer*4 ttst_t0(ttst_n_straw_wgs)
+      real*8 ttst_straw_spacing
+      real*8 ttst_drift_max
+      real*8 ttst_drift_v
+      real*8 ttst_drift_t0
+      real*8 ttst_drift_table(400)
+      real*8 ttst_track_distcut
+      real*8 ttst_track_chisqcut
+      common /ttst_parms/
+     $     ttst_straw_z,                ! Real*4
+     $     ttst_straw_z0,
+     $     ttst_straw_zchmbr,
+     $     ttst_straw_zscint,
+     $     ttst_straw_x1,
+     $     ttst_straw_x2,
+     $     ttst_straw_xoff,
+     $     ttst_rotate_ang,
+     $     ttst_rotate_xyplane,
+     $     ttst_straw_sctr,
+     $     ttst_straw_nst,
+     $     ttst_scin_z,
+     $     ttst_scin_x,
+     $     ttst_scin_y,
+     $     ttst_scin_xwid,
+     $     ttst_scin_ywid,
+     $     ttst_scin_peds,
+     $     ttst_scin_v_corr,
+     $     ttst_straw_v_corr,
+     $     ttst_plane_group,
+     $     ttst_plane_of_group,
+     $     ttst_straw_type,
+     $     ttst_type_order,
+     $     ttst_straw_plane_group_off,
+     $     ttst_dmx,
+     $     ttst_TDC_min,
+     $     ttst_TDC_max, 
+     $     ttst_t0,
+     $     ttst_straw_spacing,
+     $     ttst_drift_max,
+     $     ttst_drift_v,
+     $     ttst_drift_t0,
+     $     ttst_drift_table,
+     $     ttst_track_distcut,
+     $     ttst_track_chisqcut
+* Scintillator Event variables
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+      integer*4 ttst_scin_rawadc(4)
+      integer*4 ttst_scin_adc1l
+      integer*4 ttst_scin_adc1r
+      integer*4 ttst_scin_adc2l
+      integer*4 ttst_scin_adc2r
+      equivalence (ttst_scin_rawadc(1), ttst_scin_adc1l)
+      equivalence (ttst_scin_rawadc(2), ttst_scin_adc2l)
+      equivalence (ttst_scin_rawadc(3), ttst_scin_adc1r)
+      equivalence (ttst_scin_rawadc(4), ttst_scin_adc2r)
+      integer*4 ttst_scin_psadc(4)
+      integer*4 ttst_scin_psadc1l
+      integer*4 ttst_scin_psadc1r
+      integer*4 ttst_scin_psadc2l
+      integer*4 ttst_scin_psadc2r
+      equivalence (ttst_scin_psadc(1), ttst_scin_psadc1l)
+      equivalence (ttst_scin_psadc(2), ttst_scin_psadc2l)
+      equivalence (ttst_scin_psadc(3), ttst_scin_psadc1r)
+      equivalence (ttst_scin_psadc(4), ttst_scin_psadc2r)
+      integer*4 ttst_scin_gmean_adc
+      integer*4 ttst_scin_amean_adc
+      integer*4 ttst_scin_nzadcs
+      integer*4 ttst_scin_adc1m
+      integer*4 ttst_scin_adc2m
+*      integer*4 ttst_scin_tdc(4)
+*      integer*4 ttst_scin_tdc1l
+*      integer*4 ttst_scin_tdc1r
+*      integer*4 ttst_scin_tdc2l
+*      integer*4 ttst_scin_tdc2r
+*      equivalence (ttst_scin_tdc(1), ttst_scin_tdc1l)
+*      equivalence (ttst_scin_tdc(2), ttst_scin_tdc1r)
+*      equivalence (ttst_scin_tdc(3), ttst_scin_tdc2l)
+*      equivalence (ttst_scin_tdc(4), ttst_scin_tdc2r)
+*      integer*4 ttst_scin_timeoff(4)
+*      integer*4 ttst_scin_tdccor(4)
+*      integer*4 ttst_scin_pos1
+*      integer*4 ttst_scin_pos2
+*      integer*4 ttst_scin_pos
+*      integer*4 ttst_scin_time1
+*      integer*4 ttst_scin_time2
+*      integer*4 ttst_scin_time
+*      integer*4 ttst_scin_timecor1
+*      integer*4 ttst_scin_timecor2
+*      integer*4 ttst_scin_timecor
+*      integer*4 ttst_t0_correction
+      common /ttst_scin/ 
+     $     ttst_scin_rawadc,
+     $     ttst_scin_psadc,
+     $     ttst_scin_gmean_adc,
+     $     ttst_scin_amean_adc,
+     $     ttst_scin_nzadcs,
+     $     ttst_scin_adc1m,
+     $     ttst_scin_adc2m
+*     $     ttst_scin_tdc,
+*     $     ttst_scin_timeoff,
+*     $     ttst_scin_tdccor,
+*     $     ttst_scin_pos1,
+*     $     ttst_scin_pos2,
+*     $     ttst_scin_pos,
+*     $     ttst_scin_time1,
+*     $     ttst_scin_time2,
+*     $     ttst_scin_time,
+*     $     ttst_scin_timecor1,
+*     $     ttst_scin_timecor2,
+*     $     ttst_scin_timecor,
+*     $     ttst_t0_correction
+* Chamber Event variables
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+      integer*4 ttst_straw_tdc(8,ttst_n_straw_wgs)
+      integer*4 ttst_straw_wid(8,ttst_n_straw_wgs)
+      integer*4 ttst_straw_num(8,ttst_n_straw_wgs)
+      integer*4 ttst_straw_hits(ttst_n_straw_wgs)
+c      integer*4 ttst_straw_goodedge
+c      integer*4 ttst_straw_plane
+      integer*4 ttst_straw_goodhit
+      integer*4 ttst_straw_gooddemux
+      integer*4 ttst_straw_xygddmx(2)
+      integer*4 ttst_straw_xgddmx
+      integer*4 ttst_straw_ygddmx
+      equivalence (ttst_straw_xygddmx(1), ttst_straw_xgddmx)
+      equivalence (ttst_straw_xygddmx(2), ttst_straw_ygddmx)
+      integer*4 ttst_straw_xyplnsht(2)
+      integer*4 ttst_straw_xplnsht
+      integer*4 ttst_straw_yplnsht
+      equivalence (ttst_straw_xyplnsht(1), ttst_straw_xplnsht)
+      equivalence (ttst_straw_xyplnsht(2), ttst_straw_yplnsht)
+      integer*4 ttst_straw_planes_hit(ttst_n_straw_planes)
+      integer*4 ttst_straw_plane1_hit
+      integer*4 ttst_straw_plane2_hit
+      integer*4 ttst_straw_plane3_hit
+      integer*4 ttst_straw_plane4_hit
+      integer*4 ttst_straw_plane5_hit
+      integer*4 ttst_straw_plane6_hit
+      integer*4 ttst_straw_plane7_hit
+      integer*4 ttst_straw_plane8_hit
+      equivalence (ttst_straw_planes_hit(1), ttst_straw_plane1_hit)
+      equivalence (ttst_straw_planes_hit(2), ttst_straw_plane2_hit)
+      equivalence (ttst_straw_planes_hit(3), ttst_straw_plane3_hit)
+      equivalence (ttst_straw_planes_hit(4), ttst_straw_plane4_hit)
+      equivalence (ttst_straw_planes_hit(5), ttst_straw_plane5_hit)
+      equivalence (ttst_straw_planes_hit(6), ttst_straw_plane6_hit)
+      equivalence (ttst_straw_planes_hit(7), ttst_straw_plane7_hit)
+      equivalence (ttst_straw_planes_hit(8), ttst_straw_plane8_hit)
+      integer*4 ttst_num_oot(2)
+      integer*4 ttst_num_oot1
+      integer*4 ttst_num_oot2
+      equivalence (ttst_num_oot1,ttst_num_oot(1))
+      equivalence (ttst_num_oot2,ttst_num_oot(2))
+      integer*4 ttst_avetim_oot(2)
+      integer*4 ttst_wg_oot(10,2)
+      integer*4 ttst_tim_oot(10,2)
+      integer*4 ttst_wid_oot(10,2)
+      integer*4 ttst_str_oot(10,2)
+      integer*4 ttst_pln_oot(10,2)
+      common /ttst_straw/ 
+     $     ttst_straw_tdc,
+     $     ttst_straw_wid,
+     $     ttst_straw_num,
+     $     ttst_straw_hits,
+c     $     ttst_straw_goodedge,
+c     $     ttst_straw_plane,
+     $     ttst_straw_goodhit,
+     $     ttst_straw_gooddemux,
+     $     ttst_straw_xygddmx,
+     $     ttst_straw_xyplnsht,
+     $     ttst_straw_planes_hit
+      common/ttst_oot/
+     $ ttst_num_oot,
+     $ ttst_avetim_oot,
+     $ ttst_wg_oot,
+     $ ttst_tim_oot,
+     $ ttst_wid_oot,
+     $ ttst_str_oot,
+     $ ttst_pln_oot
+* Straw Chamber Tracking variables
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+      integer*4 max_track_hit
+      parameter (max_track_hit=8)
+      real*4 ttst_track_pos_est(2)
+      real*4 ttst_track_pos_estx
+      real*4 ttst_track_pos_esty
+      equivalence (ttst_track_pos_est(1),ttst_track_pos_estx)
+      equivalence (ttst_track_pos_est(2),ttst_track_pos_esty)
+      real*4 ttst_track_xpos(max_track_hit,ttst_n_straw_planes)
+      real*4 ttst_track_dxpos(max_track_hit,ttst_n_straw_planes)
+      real*4 ttst_track_dxpos2(max_track_hit,ttst_n_straw_planes)
+      integer*4 ttst_track_straw(max_track_hit,ttst_n_straw_planes)
+c     info type, hit_on_plane, plane#
+      real*4 ttst_track_hitarray(4,10,8)
+      integer*4 ttst_track_ntracks
+      real*4 ttst_track_params(3,2)
+      real*4 ttst_track_bxint
+      real*4 ttst_track_byint
+      equivalence (ttst_track_params(2,1),ttst_track_bxint)
+      equivalence (ttst_track_params(2,2),ttst_track_byint)
+      real*4 ttst_track_xchisq
+      real*4 ttst_track_ychisq
+      equivalence (ttst_track_params(3,1),ttst_track_xchisq)
+      equivalence (ttst_track_params(3,2),ttst_track_ychisq)
+      real*4 ttst_track_angle(2)
+      real*4 ttst_track_theta
+      real*4 ttst_track_phi
+      equivalence (ttst_track_angle(1),ttst_track_theta)
+      equivalence (ttst_track_angle(2),ttst_track_phi)
+      real*4 ttst_track_chmbrpos(2)
+      real*4 ttst_track_chmbrx
+      real*4 ttst_track_chmbry
+      equivalence  (ttst_track_chmbrpos(1),ttst_track_chmbrx)
+      equivalence  (ttst_track_chmbrpos(2),ttst_track_chmbry)
+      real*4 ttst_track_scintpos(2)
+      real*4 ttst_track_scintx
+      real*4 ttst_track_scinty
+      equivalence  (ttst_track_scintpos(1),ttst_track_scintx)
+      equivalence  (ttst_track_scintpos(2),ttst_track_scinty)
+      real*4 ttst_track_code
+      integer*4 ttst_nxytracktried(2)
+      integer*4 ttst_nxytrack(2)
+      integer*4 ttst_xtrack
+      integer*4 ttst_ytrack
+      equivalence (ttst_nxytrack(1),ttst_xtrack)
+      equivalence (ttst_nxytrack(2),ttst_ytrack)
+c     define some variables for difference between straws and front POLDER
+c     chambers
+      real*4 ttst_stpld_xposdiff
+      real*4 ttst_stpld_yposdiff
+      real*4 ttst_stpld_thposdiff
+      real*4 ttst_stpld_phposdiff
+      integer*4 ttst_good_comp
+      common /ttst_track_strawchamber/
+     $     ttst_track_pos_est,
+     $     ttst_track_xpos,
+     $     ttst_track_dxpos,
+     $     ttst_track_dxpos2,
+     $     ttst_track_straw,
+     $     ttst_track_hitarray,
+     $     ttst_track_ntracks,
+     $     ttst_track_params,
+     $     ttst_track_angle,
+     $     ttst_track_chmbrpos,
+     $     ttst_track_scintpos,
+     $     ttst_track_code,
+     $     ttst_nxytracktried,
+     $     ttst_nxytrack,
+     $     ttst_stpld_xposdiff,
+     $     ttst_stpld_yposdiff,
+     $     ttst_stpld_thposdiff,
+     $     ttst_stpld_phposdiff,
+     $     ttst_good_comp
+*     CTPTYPE=param
+*     How many ntuple should written out.  May go away when ENGINE
+*     standard ntuples are used.
+      integer*4 ttst_raw_ntuples_out
+      integer*4 ttst_reallyraw_out
+      integer*4 ttst_track_ntuples_out
+      integer*4 raw_ntuples_written
+      integer*4 reallyraw_written
+      integer*4 track_ntuples_written
+      common /ttst_stuff/
+     $     ttst_raw_ntuples_out,
+     $     ttst_reallyraw_out,
+     $     ttst_track_ntuples_out,
+     $     raw_ntuples_written,
+     $     reallyraw_written,
+     $     track_ntuples_written
diff --git a/T20/t20_test_histid.cmn b/T20/t20_test_histid.cmn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab5e154
--- /dev/null
+++ b/T20/t20_test_histid.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+*     Look at sos_id_histid.cmn and hms_id_histid.cmn for examples
+*      t20_id_histid.cmn
+*      This common block contains the HBOOK histogram id numbers
+*      for all sos particle id histograms in which direct hfill 
+*      calls are made.
+*      It also contains the paramter flags to turn on and off histograming
+*      of each of the hard coded blocks.
+*     Created 23 Jan 1997    Stephen A. Wood
+* $Log: t20_test_histid.cmn,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1998/12/01 21:05:10  saw
+* Initial revision
+*%%   include 't20_data_structures.cmn'
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+       integer*4 ttst_hid_straw_wletdc
+       integer*4 ttst_hid_straw_letdc
+       integer*4 ttst_hid_straw_width
+       integer*4 ttst_hid_dmxchck
+       integer*4 ttst_hid_wg
+       integer*4 ttst_hid_strawmap
+       integer*4 ttst_hid_numhitsonplanes
+       integer*4 ttst_hid_driftdist
+       integer*4 ttst_hid_driftdistv0
+       integer*4 ttst_hid_drifttime
+       integer*4 ttst_hid_drifttimet0
+       integer*4 ttst_hid_xoryhits
+       integer*4 ttst_hid_evtstrcked
+       integer*4 ttst_hid_strawres
+       integer*4 ttst_hid_strawhitgd
+       integer*4 ttst_hid_strawhitbd
+       integer*4 ttst_hid_strawhitms
+       integer*4 ttst_hid_planeoffs(8)
+       integer*4 ttst_hid_linoff(8)
+       integer*4 ttst_hid_trackcode
+       integer*4 ttst_hid_trackcodet
+       integer*4 ttst_hid_oot_thvx
+       integer*4 ttst_hid_oot_phvy
+       integer*4 ttst_hid_oot_yvx
+       common/ttst_straw_histids/
+     +   ttst_hid_straw_wletdc,
+     +   ttst_hid_straw_letdc,
+     +   ttst_hid_straw_width,
+     +   ttst_hid_dmxchck,
+     +   ttst_hid_wg,
+     +   ttst_hid_strawmap,
+     +   ttst_hid_numhitsonplanes,
+     +   ttst_hid_driftdist,
+     +   ttst_hid_driftdistv0,
+     +   ttst_hid_drifttime,
+     +   ttst_hid_drifttimet0,
+     +   ttst_hid_xoryhits,
+     +   ttst_hid_evtstrcked,
+     +   ttst_hid_strawres,
+     +   ttst_hid_strawhitgd,
+     +   ttst_hid_strawhitbd,
+     +   ttst_hid_strawhitms,
+     +   ttst_hid_planeoffs,
+     +   ttst_hid_linoff,
+     +   ttst_hid_trackcode,
+     +   ttst_hid_trackcodet,
+     +   ttst_hid_oot_thvx,
+     +   ttst_hid_oot_phvy,
+     +   ttst_hid_oot_yvx
diff --git a/T20/t20_track_histid.cmn b/T20/t20_track_histid.cmn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..72de979
--- /dev/null
+++ b/T20/t20_track_histid.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+*      t20_track_histid.cmn
+*      This common block contains the HBOOK histogram id numbers
+*      for all t20 histograms in which direct hfill calls are made.
+*      Note (HB): actually, most histograms are in other t20_*.cmn files
+*      It also contains the parameter flags to turn on and off histograming
+*      of each of the hard coded blocks.
+*     Created 30 January 1997   S.A. Wood
+* $Log: t20_track_histid.cmn,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1998/12/01 21:02:09  saw
+* Initial revision
+*%%   include 't20_data_structures.cmn'
+*     CTPTYPE=parm            ! The following probably should not be registered
+      integer*4 tidrawtdc
+      common/t20_tracking_histid/
+     $     tidrawtdc
diff --git a/T20/t20_tracking.cmn b/T20/t20_tracking.cmn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f28c8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/T20/t20_tracking.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+*     t20_tracking.cmn
+*     include file for t20 tracking intermediate results
+*     S.A. Wood              22 Jan 97
+* $Log: t20_tracking.cmn,v $
+* Revision 1.2  1998/12/01 21:02:01  saw
+* (SAW) Checkin
+* Revision 1.1  1997/05/23 19:07:39  saw
+* Initial revision
+*     The following include statments must precede the inclusion of this
+*     file in each routine that uses it.  The *%% syntax is also a
+*     directive to makereg to tell it to include the code in the program
+*     that it generates.
+*%%   include 't20_data_structures.cmn'
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      integer*4 tmwpc_max_wires_per_plane
+      parameter (tmwpc_max_wires_per_plane=158)
+      integer*4 tmwpc_num_planes        ! Actual number of mwpc planes - set in CTP
+      integer*4 tmwpc_num_chambers      ! Actual number of mwpc chambers - set in CTP
+      integer*4 tmwpc_tdc_min_win       ! mwpc tdc min value for good hit
+      integer*4 tmwpc_tdc_max_win       ! mwpc tdc max value for good hit
+      common/T20_TRACKING/
+     $     tmwpc_num_planes,
+     $     tmwpc_num_chambers,
+     $     tmwpc_tdc_min_win(tmax_num_mwpc_planes),
+     $     tmwpc_tdc_max_win(tmax_num_mwpc_planes)
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      integer*4 tdebugcalcpeds        ! calc peds from physics events.
+      integer*4 tdebugprintmwpcraw    !
+      integer*4 tluno                   ! logical unit number for debugging output
+      common/T20_TRACKFLAGS/
+     &     tdebugcalcpeds,
+     $     tdebugprintmwpcraw,
+     $     tluno
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+* warning levels for efficiency
+c      real*4 hdc_min_plane_eff(hmax_num_dc_planes)
+c      real*4 hdc_min_wire_eff
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+* multiple hits per wire statistics.
+      integer*4 twire_mult(tmwpc_max_wires_per_plane,tmax_num_mwpc_planes)
+      integer*4 twire_early_mult(tmwpc_max_wires_per_plane,tmax_num_mwpc_planes)
+      integer*4 twire_late_mult(tmwpc_max_wires_per_plane,tmax_num_mwpc_planes)
+      integer*4 twire_extra_mult(tmwpc_max_wires_per_plane,tmax_num_mwpc_planes)
+      common/t20_mwpc_stats/
+     &     twire_mult,twire_early_mult,twire_late_mult,twire_extra_mult
diff --git a/T20/t_analyze_pedestal.f b/T20/t_analyze_pedestal.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b361285
--- /dev/null
+++ b/T20/t_analyze_pedestal.f
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+      subroutine t_analyze_pedestal(ABORT,err)
+*     Refer to s_analyze_pedestal or h_analyze_pedestal for examples
+*     of what to put here.
+* $Log: t_analyze_pedestal.f,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1998/12/01 20:56:24  saw
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*18 here
+      parameter (here='t_analyze_pedestal')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 't20_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 't20_pedestals.cmn'
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/T20/t_calc_pedestal.f b/T20/t_calc_pedestal.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0fb05a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/T20/t_calc_pedestal.f
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+      subroutine t_calc_pedestal(ABORT,err)
+*     See s_calc_pedestal or h_calc_pedestal for examples of what to put here
+* $Log: t_calc_pedestal.f,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1998/12/01 20:56:28  saw
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*18 here
+      parameter (here='t_calc_pedestal')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 't20_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 't20_pedestals.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 't20_filenames.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_run_info.cmn'
+      integer SPAREID
+      parameter (SPAREID=67)
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/T20/t_clear_event.f b/T20/t_clear_event.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..25313a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/T20/t_clear_event.f
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+      SUBROUTINE T_clear_event(ABORT,err)
+*-   Purpose and Methods : clears all T20 quantities before event is processed.
+*-   Output: ABORT		- success or failure
+*-         : err	- reason for failure, if any
+*-   Created  22-Jan-1997   Stephen A. Wood
+* $Log: t_clear_event.f,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1998/12/01 20:57:37  saw
+* Initial revision
+      SAVE
+      character*13 here
+      parameter (here= 'T_clear_event')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 't20_data_structures.cmn'
+*      INCLUDE 'hms_tracking.cmn'
+*      INCLUDE 'hms_statistics.cmn'
+*      INCLUDE 'hms_scin_parms.cmn'
+*      INCLUDE 'hms_scin_tof.cmn'
+*      INCLUDE 'hms_cer_parms.cmn'
+*      INCLUDE 'hms_calorimeter.cmn'
+c      INTEGER plane,tube
+      THODO_TOT_HITS = 0
+      TMISC_TOT_HITS = 0
+      TTST_RAW_TOT_HITS = 0
+      ABORT= .FALSE.
+      err= ' '
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/T20/t_dump_peds.f b/T20/t_dump_peds.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f614244
--- /dev/null
+++ b/T20/t_dump_peds.f
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+      subroutine t_dump_peds(ABORT,err)
+*     Look in h_dump_peds and s_dump_peds for examples
+* $Log: t_dump_peds.f,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1998/12/01 20:57:41  saw
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*11 here
+      parameter (here='t_dump_peds')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      character*132 file
+      integer*4 SPAREID
+      parameter (SPAREID=67)
+      INCLUDE 't20_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 't20_pedestals.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 't20_filenames.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_run_info.cmn'
+      if (' ') then
+        file=t_pedestal_output_filename
+        call g_sub_run_number(file, gen_run_number)
+        open(unit=SPAREID,file=file,status='unknown')
+      else
+        return
+      endif
+      write(SPAREID,*) 'These are the values that were used for the analysis'
+      write(SPAREID,*) '      (from the param file or pedestal events)'
+      write(SPAREID,*)
+      close(SPAREID)
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/T20/t_hms.f b/T20/t_hms.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f1e479f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/T20/t_hms.f
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+      SUBROUTINE t_hms(ABORT,err)
+* $Log: t_hms.f,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1997/05/23 20:51:35  saw
+* Initial revision
+      SAVE
+       character*(*) here
+       parameter (here= 't_hms')
+       logical ABORT
+       character*(*) err
+       INCLUDE 'gen_data_structures.cmn'
+       INCLUDE 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+       INCLUDE 't20_data_structures.cmn'
+       INCLUDE 'gen_constants.par'
+       INCLUDE 't20_hms.cmn'
+	include 'hms_tracking.cmn'
+	include 'gen_event_info.cmn'
+	include 't20_misc.cmn'
+      integer*4 ihit
+*      GPBEAM : beam momentun (GEV/C)
+*      HSENERGY : Lab total energy of chosen track in GeV
+*      HSDELTA : Spectrometer delta of chosen track
+*      HSYP_TAR : hstheta = htheta_lab*pi/180. - hsyp_tar
+*      HSTHETA : Lab Scattering angle in radians
+	if ( then	!need at least one HMS track
+          tsinhtheta = sin(hstheta/2.)
+          te_v = sqrt(Gpbeam*Gpbeam + mass_electron*mass_electron)
+          thms_td1 = te_v - hsenergy
+          thms_td2 = te_v*(1. - 1./(1. + 2.*te_v*tsinhtheta**2/tpartmass))
+          tq2 = 2.*tpartmass*thms_td1
+	else
+          tsinhtheta = 0.
+          te_v = 0.
+          thms_td1 = 0.
+          thms_td2 = 0.
+          tq2 = 0.
+	endif
+	do ihit=1,HMISC_TOT_HITS
+		if(HMISC_RAW_ADDR1(ihit).eq.1) then	! hight precision tdc
+			if(HMISC_RAW_ADDR2(ihit).eq.10) hr_start_hms=HMISC_RAW_DATA(ihit)
+		endif
+	enddo
+        return
+        end
diff --git a/T20/t_hodos.f b/T20/t_hodos.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..def02e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/T20/t_hodos.f
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+      subroutine t_hodos(ABORT,err)
+* $Log: t_hodos.f,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1998/12/01 20:56:31  saw
+* Initial revision
+      SAVE
+      character*12 here
+      parameter (here= '')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      include 't20_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 't20_tracking.cmn'
+      include 't20_geometry.cmn'
+      include 't20_track_histid.cmn'
+      include 't20_bypass_switches.cmn'	
+      include 't20_hodo.cmn'
+      integer*4 ibar, ihit, iplane
+      real*4 ribar, rch, rtdc
+*      integer th_hodmaxbar(4) /30,30,24,24/
+c      integer th_hodmaxbar(4) /60,60,60,60/	!temporary
+      integer th_hodmaxbar(4)
+      data th_hodmaxbar /60,60,60,60/                     !temporary
+      ABORT= .FALSE.
+      err= ' '
+c ** fill th*pl*_tdc_i(ibar): most recent TDC value for each bar, each plane
+c ** fill th*pl*_tdc_all: for each plane, fill all tdc values into one hosto.
+      do ibar=1,60
+	th1p1_tdc_i(ibar)=0
+	th1p2_tdc_i(ibar)=0
+	th2p1_tdc_i(ibar)=0
+	th2p2_tdc_i(ibar)=0
+      enddo
+      do ihit=1,thodo_tot_hits
+	ibar=thodo_bar_num(ihit)
+	ribar=float(ibar)
+	iplane = thodo_plane_num(ihit)
+	if ( then
+	  write(6,*) 'shpl1 ibar=',ibar
+	else
+	  rtdc= float(thodo_tdc_val(ihit))
+	  rch = float((iplane-1)*30+ibar)	   !all 4 planes, offset by 30
+	  call hf2(tidhod_allbars_vs_tdc,rch,rtdc,1.)!tdc vs bar for all 4 planes
+	  if(iplane.eq.1)then
+	    th1p1_tdc_i(ibar)=thodo_tdc_val(ihit)
+	    call hf1(tidh1p1_tdc_all,ribar,1.)
+	  endif
+	  if(iplane.eq.2)then
+	    th1p2_tdc_i(ibar)=thodo_tdc_val(ihit)
+	    call hf1(tidh1p2_tdc_all,ribar,1.)
+	  endif
+	  if(iplane.eq.3)then
+	    th2p1_tdc_i(ibar)=thodo_tdc_val(ihit)
+	    call hf1(tidh2p1_tdc_all,ribar,1.)
+	  endif
+	  if(iplane.eq.4)then
+	    th2p2_tdc_i(ibar)=thodo_tdc_val(ihit)
+	    call hf1(tidh2p2_tdc_all,ribar,1.)
+	  endif
+ 	endif
+      enddo 
+      RETURN
+      END
+*     Local Variables:
+*     mode: fortran
+*     fortran-if-indent: 2
+*     fortran-do-indent: 2
+*     End:
diff --git a/T20/t_init_histid.f b/T20/t_init_histid.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e2e3bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/T20/t_init_histid.f
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+      subroutine t_init_histid(abort,err)
+*     routine to get HBOOK histogram ID numbers for all hard coded
+*     histograms.
+*     Author:	 S.A. Wood
+*     Date:      23 Jan 1997
+* $Log: t_init_histid.f,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1998/12/01 20:56:35  saw
+* Initial revision
+      character*13 here
+      parameter (here= 't_init_histid')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      external thgetid
+      integer*4 thgetid
+c      integer*4 plane,counter
+      include 't20_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 't20_hodo.cmn'
+      include 't20_tracking.cmn'
+c      include 't20_track_histid.cmn'          
+c      include 't20_scin_parms.cmn'
+      include 't20_test_histid.cmn'
+      include 't20_misc.cmn'
+      include 'gen_misc.cmn'
+c      character*32 histname
+c      character*8 wiremap
+c      character*10 drifttime
+c      character*9 driftdis
+c      character*9 wirecent
+c      character*9 residual
+c      character*9 singres
+c      character*6 posadc,negadc,postdc,negtdc
+c      character*6 sdcplanename(smax_num_dc_planes)
+c      character*1 sscinplanenum(SNUM_SCIN_PLANES)
+c      character*10 sscinplane
+c      character*7 sposadc,snegadc,spostdc,snegtdc
+c      character*7 sscinplanename(SNUM_SCIN_PLANES)
+c      data wiremap/'_wiremap'/       
+c      data drifttime/'_drifttime'/
+c      data driftdis /'_driftdis'/
+c      data wirecent/'_wirecent'/
+c      data residual/'_residual'/
+c      data singres/'_sing_res'/
+c      data posadc /'posadc'/
+c      data negadc /'negadc'/
+c      data postdc /'postdc'/
+c      data negtdc /'negtdc'/
+c      data sdcplanename/'sdc1u1','sdc1u2','sdc1x1','sdc1x2','sdc1v1'
+c     $     ,'sdc1v2','sdc2u1','sdc2u2','sdc2x1','sdc2x2','sdc2v1','sdc2v2'/
+c      data sscinplanenum/'1','2','3','4'/
+c      data sscinplane /'sscinplane'/
+c      data sposadc /'sposadc'/
+c      data snegadc /'snegadc'/
+c      data spostdc /'spostdc'/
+c      data snegtdc /'snegtdc'/
+c      data sscinplanename/'sscin1x','sscin1y','sscin2x','sscin2y'/
+      SAVE
+      ABORT= .FALSE.
+      err= ' '
+      ttst_hid_straw_wletdc = thgetid('ttst_letdc_wide')
+      ttst_hid_straw_letdc = thgetid('ttst_letdc')
+      ttst_hid_straw_width = thgetid('ttst_strawwidth')
+      ttst_hid_wg          = thgetid('ttst_wg')
+c      ttst_hid_strawmap(1) = thgetid('ttstwiremapx1')
+c      ttst_hid_strawmap(2) = thgetid('ttstwiremapx2')
+c      ttst_hid_strawmap(3) = thgetid('ttstwiremapx3')
+c      ttst_hid_strawmap(4) = thgetid('ttstwiremapx4')
+c      ttst_hid_strawmap(5) = thgetid('ttstwiremapy1')
+c      ttst_hid_strawmap(6) = thgetid('ttstwiremapy2')
+c      ttst_hid_strawmap(7) = thgetid('ttstwiremapy3')
+c      ttst_hid_strawmap(8) = thgetid('ttstwiremapy4')
+      ttst_hid_strawmap = thgetid('ttst_straw_wiremaps')
+      ttst_hid_numhitsonplanes = thgetid('num_hits_on_all_planes')
+      ttst_hid_dmxchck = thgetid('ttst_demux_check')
+      ttst_hid_driftdist   = thgetid('ttstdriftdist')
+      ttst_hid_driftdistv0 = thgetid('ttstdriftdistv0')
+      ttst_hid_drifttime   = thgetid('ttstdrifttime')
+      ttst_hid_drifttimet0 = thgetid('ttstdrifttimet0')
+      ttst_hid_xoryhits   = 
+     +     thgetid('ttststrawhitsinxory')
+      ttst_hid_evtstrcked = 
+     +     thgetid('ttststrawtrckd_vs_hits')
+c      ttst_hid_strawres   = thgetid('ttststrawres')
+      ttst_hid_strawres   = thgetid('ttsttrackchisq')
+      ttst_hid_strawhitgd = thgetid('ttststrawgoodhit')
+      ttst_hid_strawhitbd = thgetid('ttststrawbadhit')
+      ttst_hid_strawhitms = thgetid('ttststrawmisshit')
+c      ttst_hid_planeoffs(1) = thgetid('ttststrawoffpl1')
+c      ttst_hid_planeoffs(2) = thgetid('ttststrawoffpl2')
+c      ttst_hid_planeoffs(3) = thgetid('ttststrawoffpl3')
+c      ttst_hid_planeoffs(4) = thgetid('ttststrawoffpl4')
+c      ttst_hid_planeoffs(5) = thgetid('ttststrawoffpl5')
+c      ttst_hid_planeoffs(6) = thgetid('ttststrawoffpl6')
+c      ttst_hid_planeoffs(7) = thgetid('ttststrawoffpl7')
+c      ttst_hid_planeoffs(8) = thgetid('ttststrawoffpl8')
+      ttst_hid_linoff(3) = thgetid('ttststrlinoffpl3')
+      ttst_hid_linoff(4) = thgetid('ttststrlinoffpl4')
+      ttst_hid_linoff(7) = thgetid('ttststrlinoffpl7')
+      ttst_hid_linoff(8) = thgetid('ttststrlinoffpl8')
+      ttst_hid_trackcode = thgetid('ttsttrackcode')
+      ttst_hid_trackcodet = thgetid('ttsttrackcodet')
+      ttst_hid_oot_thvx = thgetid('ttstoot-thvx-ch')
+      ttst_hid_oot_phvy = thgetid('ttstoot-phvy-ch')
+      ttst_hid_oot_yvx = thgetid('ttstoot-yvx-han')
+c ** POLDER hodoscope information
+c  * last tdc for each hodoscope in each plane
+c       tidh1p1_tdc_i = thgetid('th1p1_tdc_i')
+c       tidh1p2_tdc_i = thgetid('th1p2_tdc_i')
+c       tidh2p1_tdc_i = thgetid('th2p1_tdc_i')
+c       tidh2p2_tdc_i = thgetid('th2p2_tdc_i')
+c  * all tdc values for all hodoscopes in one plane
+       tidh1p1_tdc_all = thgetid('th1p1_tdc_all')
+       tidh1p2_tdc_all = thgetid('th1p2_tdc_all')
+       tidh2p1_tdc_all = thgetid('th2p1_tdc_all')
+       tidh2p2_tdc_all = thgetid('th2p2_tdc_all')
+c  * 2dim: all tdc vs all bars (any plane)
+       tidhod_allbars_vs_tdc = thgetid('tidhod_allbars_vs_tdc')
+       tidmwpl1 = thgetid('tmwpl1')
+       tidmwpl2 = thgetid('tmwpl2')
+       tidmwpl3 = thgetid('tmwpl3')
+       tidmwpl4 = thgetid('tmwpl4')
+       tidmwpl5 = thgetid('tmwpl5')
+       tidmwpl6 = thgetid('tmwpl6')
+       tidmwpl1_anytdc = thgetid('tmwpl1_anytdc')
+       tidmwpl2_anytdc = thgetid('tmwpl2_anytdc')
+       tidmwpl3_anytdc = thgetid('tmwpl3_anytdc')
+       tidmwpl4_anytdc = thgetid('tmwpl4_anytdc')
+       tidmwpl5_anytdc = thgetid('tmwpl5_anytdc')
+       tidmwpl6_anytdc = thgetid('tmwpl6_anytdc')
+       tidmwpl1_tdc_vs_wire = thgetid('tmwpl1_tdc_vs_wire')
+       tidmwpl2_tdc_vs_wire = thgetid('tmwpl2_tdc_vs_wire')
+       tidmwpl3_tdc_vs_wire = thgetid('tmwpl3_tdc_vs_wire')
+       tidmwpl4_tdc_vs_wire = thgetid('tmwpl4_tdc_vs_wire')
+       tidmwpl5_tdc_vs_wire = thgetid('tmwpl5_tdc_vs_wire')
+       tidmwpl6_tdc_vs_wire = thgetid('tmwpl6_tdc_vs_wire')
+cc       tmwpl1_wire_mult = thgetid('tmwpl1_wire_mult')
+cc       tmwpl2_wire_mult = thgetid('tmwpl2_wire_mult')
+cc       tmwpl3_wire_mult = thgetid('tmwpl3_wire_mult')
+cc       tmwpl4_wire_mult = thgetid('tmwpl4_wire_mult')
+cc       tmwpl5_wire_mult = thgetid('tmwpl5_wire_mult')
+cc       tmwpl6_wire_mult = thgetid('tmwpl6_wire_mult')
+       tidmwpl1_multperwire = thgetid('tmwpl1_multperwire')
+       tidmwpl2_multperwire = thgetid('tmwpl2_multperwire')
+       tidmwpl3_multperwire = thgetid('tmwpl3_multperwire')
+       tidmwpl4_multperwire = thgetid('tmwpl4_multperwire')
+       tidmwpl5_multperwire = thgetid('tmwpl5_multperwire')
+       tidmwpl6_multperwire = thgetid('tmwpl6_multperwire')
+c       t_rwirepl7 = thgetid('t_rwirepl7')
+c       t_rwirepl8 = thgetid('t_rwirepl8')
+c       t_rwirepl9 = thgetid('t_rwirepl9')
+c       t_lwirepl7  = thgetid('t_lwirepl7')
+c       t_lwirepl8  = thgetid('t_lwirepl8')
+c       t_lwirepl9  = thgetid('t_lwirepl9')
+c       tmwpc3sumpl7  = thgetid('tmwpc3sumpl7')
+c       tmwpc3sumpl8  = thgetid('tmwpc3sumpl8')
+c       tmwpc3sumpl9  = thgetid('tmwpc3sumpl9')
+c       tmwpc3diffpl7 = thgetid('tmwpc3diffpl7')
+c       tmwpc3diffpl8 = thgetid('tmwpc3diffpl8')
+c       tmwpc3diffpl9 = thgetid('tmwpc3diffpl9')
+       g_scal_his1 = thgetid('g_scal_his1')
+       g_scal_his2 = thgetid('g_scal_his2')
+       g_scal_his3 = thgetid('g_scal_his3')
+       g_scal_his4 = thgetid('g_scal_his4')
+       g_scal_his5 = thgetid('g_scal_his5')
+       g_scal_his6 = thgetid('g_scal_his6')
+       g_scal_his7 = thgetid('g_scal_his7')
+       g_scal_his8 = thgetid('g_scal_his8')
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/T20/t_init_physics.f b/T20/t_init_physics.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a04da2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/T20/t_init_physics.f
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+      SUBROUTINE t_init_physics(ABORT,err)
+*-   Purpose and Methods : Initialize constants for s_physics
+*-   Output: ABORT           - success or failure
+*-         : err             - reason for failure, if any
+*-   Created 6-6-94          D. F. Geesaman
+* $Log: t_init_physics.f,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1998/12/01 20:56:44  saw
+* Initial revision
+* Revision 1.5  1996/09/05 19:54:16  saw
+* (JRA) avoid setting p=0??
+* Revision 1.4  1996/01/24 16:07:34  saw
+* (JRA) Change upper case to lower case, cebeam to gebeam
+* Revision 1.3  1995/05/22 19:45:41  cdaq
+* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
+* Revision 1.2  1995/05/11  17:07:14  cdaq
+* (SAW) Fix SOS to be in plane, beam left
+* Revision 1.1  1994/06/14  04:09:12  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      SAVE
+      character*14 here
+      parameter (here= 't_init_physics')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 'gen_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 't20_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_constants.par'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_units.par'
+c      INCLUDE 't20_physics_sing.cmn'
+*     local variables 
+      ABORT= .FALSE.
+      err= ' '
+*     Fix SOS to be in plane, beam left
+c      sphi_lab = tt/2
+c      if (smomentum_factor .gt. 0.1) then    !avoid setting p=0
+c        spcentral = spcentral * smomentum_factor
+c      endif
+c      cossthetas = cos(stheta_lab)
+c      sinsthetas = sin(stheta_lab)
+c*     Constants for elastic kinematics calcultion
+c      sphysicsa = 2.*gebeam*gtarg_mass(gtarg_num) -
+c     $     mass_electron**2 - spartmass**2
+c      sphysicsb = 2. * (gtarg_mass(gtarg_num) - gebeam)
+c      sphysicab2 = sphysicsa**2 * sphysicsb**2
+c      sphysicsm3b = spartmass**2 * sphysicsb**2
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/T20/t_initialize.f b/T20/t_initialize.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc9c93a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/T20/t_initialize.f
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+      SUBROUTINE t_initialize(ABORT,err)
+*-       Prototype C analysis routine
+*-   Purpose and Methods : Initializes T20 quantities 
+*-   Output: ABORT           - success or failure
+*-         : err             - reason for failure, if any
+*-   Created  22-Jan-1997  Stephen A. Wood
+* $Log: t_initialize.f,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1998/12/01 20:56:51  saw
+* Initial revision
+*- All standards are from "Proposal for Hall C Analysis Software
+*- Vade Mecum, Draft 1.0" by D.F.Geesamn and S.Wood, 7 May 1993
+      SAVE
+      character*12 here
+      parameter (here= 't_initialize')
+      include 't20_bypass_switches.cmn'
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+c      character*20 err1
+c      integer*4 istat 
+      logical FAIL
+      character*1000 why
+*SDISPLAY   include 'one_ev_io.cmn'
+      ABORT = .FALSE.
+      err= ' '
+*-calculate physics singles constants
+      call t_init_physics(FAIL,why)
+      if(err.NE.' ' .and. why.NE.' ') then
+        call G_append(err,' & '//why)
+      elseif(why.NE.' ') then
+        err= why
+      endif
+      ABORT= ABORT .or. FAIL
+      if ( .and. then
+        call t_polder_initialize(FAIL,why)
+        if(why.NE.' ') then
+          err= why
+        endif
+        ABORT= ABORT .or. FAIL
+      endif
+c      call s_generate_geometry          ! Tracking routine
+c      call s_initialize_fitting         ! Minuit initialization
+*-calculate secondary scintillator and time of flight parameters
+c      call s_init_scin(FAIL,why)
+c      if(why.NE.' ') then
+c        err= why
+c      endif
+c      ABORT= ABORT .or. FAIL
+*SDISPLAY*     If one_ev flag on, initialize the event display package
+*           if( call one_ev_init  !One event display unit
+*-read in Optical matrix elements
+c      call s_targ_trans_init(FAIL,why,istat)
+c      if(FAIL) then
+c        write(err1,'(":istat=",i2)') istat
+c        call G_prepend(err1,why)
+c      endif
+c      if(err.NE.' ' .and. why.NE.' ') then   !keep warnings
+c        call G_append(err,' & '//why)
+c      elseif(why.NE.' ') then
+c        err= why
+c      endif
+c      ABORT= ABORT .or. FAIL
+      if(ABORT .or. err.NE.' ') call g_add_path(here,err)
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/T20/t_misc.f b/T20/t_misc.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..430d855
--- /dev/null
+++ b/T20/t_misc.f
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+      subroutine T_MISC(ABORT,err)
+* $Log: t_misc.f,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1998/12/01 20:57:23  saw
+* Initial revision
+      SAVE
+      character*12 here
+      parameter (here= '')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      include 't20_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 't20_tracking.cmn'
+      include 't20_geometry.cmn'
+      include 't20_track_histid.cmn'
+      include 't20_bypass_switches.cmn'	
+      include 't20_misc.cmn'
+C      include 't20_reg_polder_structures.cmn'
+      integer*4 ihit,iaddr1,iaddr2        
+           traw_adc_s11 = 0.
+           traw_adc_s12 = 0.
+           traw_adc_s21 = 0.
+           traw_adc_s22 = 0.
+           traw_adc_veto1 = 0.
+           traw_adc_veto2 = 0.
+           traw_adc_tts1l = 0.
+           traw_adc_tts1r = 0.
+           traw_adc_tts2l = 0.
+           traw_adc_tts2r = 0.
+           tfl_mhtdc_dc = 0.
+           tfl_mhtdc_hms = 0.
+           tfl_mhtdc_hms_dc = 0.
+           tfl_mhtdc_big1 = 0.
+           tfl_mhtdc_ce = 0.
+           tfl_mhtdc_polder = 0.
+           tfl_mhtdc_h1m3 = 0.
+           tfl_mhtdc_h2m3 = 0.
+           traw_mhtdc_s11 = 0.
+           traw_mhtdc_s12 = 0.
+           traw_mhtdc_s21 = 0.
+           traw_mhtdc_s22 = 0.
+           traw_mhtdc_s1 = 0.
+           traw_mhtdc_s2 = 0.
+           traw_mhtdc_veto = 0.
+           traw_hrtdc_hms = 0.
+           traw_hrtdc_dc = 0.
+           traw_hrtdc_hms_dc = 0.
+           traw_hrtdc_polder = 0.
+           traw_hrtdc_hms_nb = 0.
+           traw_hrtdc_pldr_nb = 0.
+           traw_hrtdc_ce = 0.
+	do ihit=1,tmisc_tot_hits
+	  iaddr1=tmisc_raw_addr1(ihit)	  ! iaddr1=1 for ADC, =2 for MHTDCs, and =3 for HRTDC
+	  iaddr2=tmisc_raw_addr2(ihit)	
+           if((
+            write(6,*)'There is a problem in t_misc:  iaddr1 = ',iaddr1
+            goto 100
+          endif
+          if (iaddr1.eq.1) then
+           if (( then
+             write(6,*)'There is a problem in t_misc:  for iaddr1=1, iaddr2=',iaddr2
+             goto 25
+           else
+	     if (iaddr2.eq.1) traw_adc_s11=tmisc_raw_data(ihit)
+	     if (iaddr2.eq.2) traw_adc_s12=tmisc_raw_data(ihit)
+	     if (iaddr2.eq.3) traw_adc_s21=tmisc_raw_data(ihit)
+	     if (iaddr2.eq.4) traw_adc_s22=tmisc_raw_data(ihit)
+	     if (iaddr2.eq.5) traw_adc_veto1=tmisc_raw_data(ihit)
+	     if (iaddr2.eq.6) traw_adc_veto2=tmisc_raw_data(ihit)
+	     if (iaddr2.eq.7) traw_adc_tts1l=tmisc_raw_data(ihit)
+	     if (iaddr2.eq.8) traw_adc_tts1r=tmisc_raw_data(ihit)
+	     if (iaddr2.eq.9) traw_adc_tts2l=tmisc_raw_data(ihit)
+	     if (iaddr2.eq.10) traw_adc_tts2r=tmisc_raw_data(ihit)
+       	     if (( then
+	        traw_adc(iaddr2)=tmisc_raw_data(ihit)
+             endif
+           endif
+          endif
+25        continue
+          if (iaddr1.eq.2) then
+           if ((
+             write(6,*)'There is a problem in t_misc:  for iaddr1=2, iaddr2=',iaddr2
+             goto 50
+           else
+       	     if (iaddr2.eq.1) tfl_mhtdc_dc = tmisc_raw_data(ihit)
+       	     if (iaddr2.eq.2) tfl_mhtdc_hms = tmisc_raw_data(ihit)
+       	     if (iaddr2.eq.3) tfl_mhtdc_hms_dc = tmisc_raw_data(ihit)
+       	     if (iaddr2.eq.4) tfl_mhtdc_big1 = tmisc_raw_data(ihit)
+       	     if (iaddr2.eq.5) tfl_mhtdc_ce = tmisc_raw_data(ihit)
+       	     if (iaddr2.eq.6) tfl_mhtdc_polder = tmisc_raw_data(ihit)
+       	     if (iaddr2.eq.7) tfl_mhtdc_h1m3 = tmisc_raw_data(ihit)
+       	     if (iaddr2.eq.8) tfl_mhtdc_h2m3 = tmisc_raw_data(ihit)
+	     if (iaddr2.eq.9) traw_mhtdc_s11 = tmisc_raw_data(ihit)
+	     if (iaddr2.eq.10) traw_mhtdc_s12 = tmisc_raw_data(ihit)
+	     if (iaddr2.eq.11) traw_mhtdc_s21 = tmisc_raw_data(ihit)
+ 	     if (iaddr2.eq.12) traw_mhtdc_s22 = tmisc_raw_data(ihit)
+ 	     if (iaddr2.eq.13) traw_mhtdc_s1 = tmisc_raw_data(ihit)
+ 	     if (iaddr2.eq.14) traw_mhtdc_s2 = tmisc_raw_data(ihit)
+ 	     if (iaddr2.eq.15) traw_mhtdc_veto = tmisc_raw_data(ihit)
+           endif
+          endif
+50         if (iaddr1.eq.3) then
+             if (( then
+c               write(6,*)'There is a problem in t_misc:  for iaddr1=3, iaddr2=',iaddr2
+               goto 100
+             endif
+             if(( then
+c                write(6,*)'t_misc:  in the mhtdc part.  iaddr2 =  ',iaddr2,ihit ,tmisc_raw_data(ihit)
+             endif
+             if(iaddr2.eq.1)traw_hrtdc_hms = tmisc_raw_data(ihit)
+             if(iaddr2.eq.2)traw_hrtdc_dc = tmisc_raw_data(ihit)
+             if(iaddr2.eq.3)traw_hrtdc_hms_dc = tmisc_raw_data(ihit)
+             if(iaddr2.eq.4)traw_hrtdc_polder = tmisc_raw_data(ihit)
+             if(iaddr2.eq.5)traw_hrtdc_hms_nb = tmisc_raw_data(ihit)
+             if(iaddr2.eq.6)traw_hrtdc_pldr_nb = tmisc_raw_data(ihit)
+             if(iaddr2.eq.7)traw_hrtdc_ce = tmisc_raw_data(ihit)
+          endif
+100     continue
+	enddo
+C***** now do a few combinations of ADCs and TDCs
+      traw_adc_s1sum = traw_adc_s11 + traw_adc_s12
+      traw_adc_s2sum = traw_adc_s21 + traw_adc_s22
+      traw_adc_s1s2sum = traw_adc_s2sum + traw_adc_s1sum
+      traw_adc_vetosum = traw_adc_veto1 + traw_adc_veto2
+      RETURN
+      END
+*     Local Variables:
+*     mode: fortran
+*     fortran-if-indent: 2
+*     fortran-do-indent: 2
+*     End:
diff --git a/T20/t_mwpc.f b/T20/t_mwpc.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..becae07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/T20/t_mwpc.f
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+      subroutine t_mwpc(ABORT,err)
+* $Log: t_mwpc.f,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1998/12/01 20:55:18  saw
+* Initial revision
+      SAVE
+      character*12 here
+      parameter (here= 't_trans_mwpc')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      include 't20_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 't20_tracking.cmn'
+      include 't20_geometry.cmn'
+      include 't20_track_histid.cmn'
+      include 't20_bypass_switches.cmn'	
+      include 't20_hodo.cmn'
+      integer*4 hitperw(158,9)
+      integer*4 iwire, iplane, ihit
+      integer*4 itdc
+      real*4 rwire, rhit
+      real*4 rtdc
+      ABORT= .FALSE.
+      err= ' '
+c ** fill user histograms: tPl1_anytdc, tPl1_tdc_vs_wire
+c    and CTP variables tMwpc_pl* with last TDC value for each wire
+      do iwire=1,158
+	do iplane = 1,9
+	  hitperw(iwire,iplane) = 0
+	enddo
+	tMwpc_pl1(iwire)=0
+        tMwpc_pl2(iwire)=0
+        tMwpc_pl3(iwire)=0
+        tMwpc_pl4(iwire)=0
+        tMwpc_pl5(iwire)=0
+        tMwpc_pl6(iwire)=0
+      enddo
+      tmwpl1_wire_mult=0
+      tmwpl2_wire_mult=0
+      tmwpl3_wire_mult=0
+      tmwpl4_wire_mult=0
+      tmwpl5_wire_mult=0
+      tmwpl6_wire_mult=0
+      if ( then
+        write (6,*) 't_mwpc: total hits:', tmwpc_raw_tot_hits
+      endif
+      do ihit=1,tmwpc_raw_tot_hits
+	iplane = tmwpc_raw_plane_num(ihit)
+	iwire=tmwpc_raw_wire_num(ihit)
+	rwire=float(iwire)
+	itdc=tmwpc_raw_tdc(ihit)
+	rtdc=float(itdc)
+CC   Some tests
+        if( 
+           write(6,*)'t_mwpc:  You have a bad plane number: ',iplane
+        endif
+        if(
+           write(6,*)'t_mwpc: You have a bad wire number: ',iwire,'in plane: ',iplane
+	else
+	  if ( hitperw(iwire,iplane)=hitperw(iwire,iplane)+1
+	  if(iplane.eq.1)then
+	    if (tMwpc_pl1(iwire).eq.0) then		!only fill once a wire
+	      tmwpl1_wire_mult=tmwpl1_wire_mult+1
+	    endif
+	    tMwpc_pl1(iwire)=itdc
+	    call hf1(tidmwpl1_anytdc,rtdc,1.)
+	    call hf2(tidmwpl1_tdc_vs_wire,rwire,rtdc,1.)
+	    call hf1(tidmwpl1,rwire,1.)
+	  endif
+	  if(iplane.eq.2)then
+	    if (tMwpc_pl2(iwire).eq.0) then		!only fill once a wire
+	      tmwpl2_wire_mult=tmwpl2_wire_mult+1
+	    endif
+	    tMwpc_pl2(iwire)=itdc
+	    call hf1(tidmwpl2_anytdc,rtdc,1.)
+	    call hf2(tidmwpl2_tdc_vs_wire,rwire,rtdc,1.)
+	    call hf1(tidmwpl2,rwire,1.)
+	  endif
+	  if(iplane.eq.3)then
+	    if (tMwpc_pl3(iwire).eq.0) then		!only fill once a wire
+	      tmwpl3_wire_mult=tmwpl3_wire_mult+1
+	    endif
+	    tMwpc_pl3(iwire)=itdc
+	    call hf1(tidmwpl3_anytdc,rtdc,1.)
+	    call hf2(tidmwpl3_tdc_vs_wire,rwire,rtdc,1.)
+	    call hf1(tidmwpl3,rwire,1.)
+	  endif
+	  if(iplane.eq.4)then
+	    if (tMwpc_pl4(iwire).eq.0) then		!only fill once a wire
+	      tmwpl4_wire_mult=tmwpl4_wire_mult+1
+	    endif
+	    tMwpc_pl4(iwire)=itdc
+	    call hf1(tidmwpl4_anytdc,rtdc,1.)
+	    call hf2(tidmwpl4_tdc_vs_wire,rwire,rtdc,1.)
+	    call hf1(tidmwpl4,rwire,1.)
+	  endif
+	  if(iplane.eq.5)then
+	    if (tMwpc_pl5(iwire).eq.0) then		!only fill once a wire
+	      tmwpl5_wire_mult=tmwpl5_wire_mult+1
+	    endif
+	    tMwpc_pl5(iwire)=itdc
+	    call hf1(tidmwpl5_anytdc,rtdc,1.)
+	    call hf2(tidmwpl5_tdc_vs_wire,rwire,rtdc,1.)
+	    call hf1(tidmwpl5,rwire,1.)
+	  endif
+	  if(iplane.eq.6)then
+	    if (tMwpc_pl6(iwire).eq.0) then		!only fill once a wire
+	      tmwpl6_wire_mult=tmwpl6_wire_mult+1
+	    endif
+	    tMwpc_pl6(iwire)=itdc
+	    call hf1(tidmwpl6_anytdc,rtdc,1.)
+	    call hf2(tidmwpl6_tdc_vs_wire,rwire,rtdc,1.)
+	    call hf1(tidmwpl6,rwire,1.)
+          endif
+C******** mwpc3
+          if( 100
+          if(
+             write(6,*)'t_mwpc: You have a bad wire number in chamber3: ',iwire,'in plane: ',iplane 
+          endif
+          if(iplane.eq.7)then
+            if(iwire.eq.1)then
+               t_r_wire_pl7=rtdc
+               call hf1(t_rwirepl7,rtdc,1.)
+            else
+               t_l_wire_pl7=rtdc
+               call hf1(t_lwirepl7,rtdc,1.)
+            endif   
+	  endif
+          if(iplane.eq.8)then
+            if(iwire.eq.1)then
+               t_r_wire_pl8=rtdc
+               call hf1(t_rwirepl8,rtdc,1.)
+            else
+               t_l_wire_pl8=rtdc
+               call hf1(t_lwirepl8,rtdc,1.)
+            endif   
+	  endif
+          if(iplane.eq.9)then
+            if(iwire.eq.1)then
+               t_r_wire_pl9=rtdc
+               call hf1(t_rwirepl9,rtdc,1.)
+            else
+               t_l_wire_pl9=rtdc
+               call hf1(t_lwirepl9,rtdc,1.)
+            endif   
+	  endif
+C  Some tmwpc3 sums and differences
+          tmwpc3sumpl7=t_r_wire_pl7+t_l_wire_pl7
+          tmwpc3diffpl7=t_r_wire_pl7-t_l_wire_pl7
+          tmwpc3sumpl8=t_r_wire_pl8+t_l_wire_pl8
+          tmwpc3diffpl8=t_r_wire_pl8-t_l_wire_pl8
+          tmwpc3sumpl9=t_r_wire_pl9+t_l_wire_pl9
+          tmwpc3diffpl9=t_r_wire_pl9-t_l_wire_pl9
+100     endif
+      enddo
+c **  copy hits per wire into user array
+      do iwire = 1,158
+        rhit = float(hitperw(iwire,1))
+	call hf1(tidmwpl1_MultPerWire,rhit,1.)
+        rhit = float(hitperw(iwire,2))
+	call hf1(tidmwpl2_MultPerWire,rhit,1.)
+        rhit = float(hitperw(iwire,3))
+	call hf1(tidmwpl3_MultPerWire,rhit,1.)
+        rhit = float(hitperw(iwire,4))
+	call hf1(tidmwpl4_MultPerWire,rhit,1.)
+        rhit = float(hitperw(iwire,5))
+	call hf1(tidmwpl5_MultPerWire,rhit,1.)
+        rhit = float(hitperw(iwire,6))
+	call hf1(tidmwpl6_MultPerWire,rhit,1.)
+      enddo
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/T20/t_ntuple.cmn b/T20/t_ntuple.cmn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..371219d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/T20/t_ntuple.cmn
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+**************************begin: s_Ntuple.cmn ***********************
+*-   Created    22-Jan-1997   Stephen A. Wood
+*- Misc. info. required for T20 Ntuple
+* $Log: t_ntuple.cmn,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1998/12/01 21:01:41  saw
+* Initial revision
+      integer TMAX_Ntuple_size
+      parameter (TMAX_Ntuple_size= 100)
+      integer default_t_Ntuple_ID
+      parameter (default_t_Ntuple_ID= 9030)
+*     CTPTYPE=parm
+      logical t_Ntuple_exists
+      integer t_Ntuple_ID
+      integer t_Ntuple_size
+      integer t_Ntuple_IOchannel
+      character*80 t_Ntuple_name
+      character*80 t_Ntuple_title
+      character*132 t_Ntuple_directory
+      character*256 t_Ntuple_file
+      character*8 t_Ntuple_tag(TMAX_Ntuple_size)
+*     CTPTYPE=event
+      real t_Ntuple_contents(TMAX_Ntuple_size)
+      COMMON /T20_Ntuple/ t_Ntuple_exists,t_Ntuple_ID,
+     &                     t_Ntuple_size,t_Ntuple_IOchannel,
+     &                      t_Ntuple_name,t_Ntuple_title,
+     &                       t_Ntuple_directory,t_Ntuple_file,
+     &                        t_Ntuple_tag,t_Ntuple_contents
+****************************end: t_ntuple.cmn ***********************
diff --git a/T20/t_ntuple_register.f b/T20/t_ntuple_register.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..851b340
--- /dev/null
+++ b/T20/t_ntuple_register.f
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+      subroutine t_Ntuple_register(ABORT,err)
+*     CTP variable registration routine for the SOS Ntuples 
+*     Purpose : Register output filename for SOS Ntuple; temporary
+*     implementation to be superceeded by CTP Ntuples
+*     Output: ABORT      - success or failure
+*           : err        - reason for failure, if any
+*     Created: 8-Apr-1994  K.B.Beard, HU: added Ntuples
+* $Log: t_ntuple_register.f,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1998/12/01 20:56:56  saw
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*17 here
+      parameter (here='t_Ntuple_register')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 't_ntuple.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_routines.dec'
+      integer ierr
+      err= ' '
+      ABORT = .FALSE.
+      call G_reg_C('T20_Ntuple',t_Ntuple_file,ABORT,err)
+        call G_prepend(':unable to register-',err)
+        call G_add_path(here,err)
+      ENDIF
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/T20/t_proper_shutdown.f b/T20/t_proper_shutdown.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f7828f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/T20/t_proper_shutdown.f
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+      SUBROUTINE T_proper_shutdown(lunout,ABORT,err)
+*-       T20 end of run analysis
+*-   Purpose and Methods : Closes files properly, flushes, etc.
+*-   Output: ABORT		- success or failure
+*-         : err	- reason for failure, if any
+*-   Created  23-Jan-1997   Stephen A. Wood
+* $Log: t_proper_shutdown.f,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1998/12/01 20:57:27  saw
+* Initial revision
+*- All standards are from "Proposal for Hall C Analysis Software
+*- Vade Mecum, Draft 1.0" by D.F.Geesamn and S.Wood, 7 May 1993
+      SAVE
+      include 'gen_routines.dec'
+      include 'gen_filenames.cmn'
+      include 'gen_run_info.cmn'
+      include 't20_filenames.cmn'
+      include 't20_bypass_switches.cmn'
+      character*17 here
+      parameter (here= 't_proper_shutdown')
+      logical ABORT, report_abort
+      character*(*) err
+      integer ierr
+      character*132 file
+      integer lunout
+*-    chance to flush any statistics, etc.
+      ABORT= .FALSE.
+      err= ' '
+      call t_polder_shutdown(ABORT,err)
+c     if (tbypass_dc_eff.eq.0) then
+c       call t_dc_eff_shutdown(lunout,ABORT,err)
+c       call t_dc_trk_eff_shutdown(lunout,ABORT,err)
+c     endif
+c     if (tbypass_scin_eff.eq.0) call tscin_eff_shutdown(lunout,ABORT,err)
+c      if (tbypass_cer_eff.eq.0) call t_eff_shutdown(lunout,ABORT,err)
+c      if (tbypass_cal_eff.eq.0) call t_cal_eff_shutdown(ABORT,err)
+c      call t_report_bad_data(lunout,ABORT,err)
+      if(' '.and.
+     $' ') then
+        file = t_report_output_filename
+        call g_sub_run_number(file, gen_run_number)
+        ierr = threp(t_report_blockname, file)
+        if( then
+          call g_append(err,'& threp failed to create report in file'//file)
+          report_abort = .true.
+        endif
+      endif
+      IF(ABORT.or.report_abort) THEN
+         call G_add_path(here,err)
+      ELSE
+         err= ' '
+      ENDIF
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/T20/t_prt_raw_hodo.f b/T20/t_prt_raw_hodo.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ea0fb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/T20/t_prt_raw_hodo.f
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+      SUBROUTINE  t_prt_raw_hodo(ABORT,err)
+*-   Purpose and Methods : Dump POLDER_RAW_HODO BANKS
+*-      Required Input BANKS     POLDER_RAW_HODO
+*-   Output: ABORT           - success or failure
+*-         : err             - reason for failure, if any
+*-   Created 25-JAN-1997   S. A. Wood
+* $Log: t_prt_raw_hodo.f,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1998/12/01 20:57:05  saw
+* Initial revision
+      SAVE
+      character*14 here
+      parameter (here= 't_prt_raw_hodo')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      integer*4 j
+      include 't20_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'gen_constants.par'
+      include 'gen_units.par'
+      include 't20_tracking.cmn'
+      include 't20_hodo_parms.cmn'
+      ABORT = .FALSE.
+      err = ' '
+      write(tluno,'(''        POLDER_RAW_HODO BANKS'')')
+      write(tluno,'(''     THODO_TOT_HITS='',I4)') THODO_TOT_HITS
+      if(THODO_TOT_HITS.GT.0) then
+        write(tluno,'('' Num  Plane    Bar          TDC'')')
+        write(tluno,'(1x,i2,2x,i3,7x,i4,8x,i10)')
+     &       (j,THODO_PLANE_NUM(j),THODO_BAR_NUM(j),
+     $       THODO_TDC_VAL(j),j=1,THODO_TOT_HITS )
+      endif
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/T20/t_prt_raw_mwpc.f b/T20/t_prt_raw_mwpc.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4cac6a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/T20/t_prt_raw_mwpc.f
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+       SUBROUTINE  t_prt_raw_mwpc(ABORT,err)
+*-    Purpose and Methods : Dump POLDER_RAW_MWPC BANKS
+*-      Required Input BANKS     POLDER_RAW_MWPC
+*-   Output: ABORT           - success or failure
+*-         : err             - reason for failure, if any
+*-   Created 25-Jan-1997    S. A. Wood
+* $Log: t_prt_raw_mwpc.f,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1998/12/01 20:57:33  saw
+* Initial revision
+       SAVE
+       character*14 here
+       parameter (here= 't_prt_raw_mwpc')
+       logical ABORT
+       character*(*) err
+       integer*4 j
+       include 't20_data_structures.cmn'
+       include 'gen_constants.par'
+       include 'gen_units.par'
+       include 't20_tracking.cmn'
+c       include 'hms_geometry.cmn'          
+       ABORT = .FALSE.
+       err = ' '
+       write(tluno,'(''        POLDER_RAW_MWPC BANKS'')')
+       write(tluno,'(''     TMWPC_RAW_TOT_HITS='',I4)') TMWPC_RAW_TOT_HITS
+       if(TMWPC_RAW_TOT_HITS.GT.0) then
+         write(tluno,'('' Num  Plane     Wire          TDC Value'')')
+         write(tluno,'(1x,i2,2x,i3,7x,i4,5x,i10)')
+     &        TMWPC_RAW_TDC(j),j=1,TMWPC_RAW_TOT_HITS)    
+       endif
+       RETURN
+       END
diff --git a/T20/t_raw_dump_all.f b/T20/t_raw_dump_all.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..49d9675
--- /dev/null
+++ b/T20/t_raw_dump_all.f
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+       SUBROUTINE  t_raw_dump_all(ABORT,err)
+*-   Purpose and Methods : Dump all raw T20 banks
+*-      Required Input BANKS     SOS_RAW_SCIN,SOS_RAW_CAL,SOS_RAW_DC
+*-   Output: ABORT           - success or failure
+*-         : err             - reason for failure, if any
+*-   Created 25-Jan-1997   S. A. Wood
+* $Log: t_raw_dump_all.f,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1998/12/01 20:57:09  saw
+* Initial revision
+       SAVE
+       character*14 here
+       parameter (here= 't_raw_dump_all')
+       logical ABORT
+       character*(*) err
+       include 't20_data_structures.cmn'
+       include 't20_hodo_parms.cmn'
+       include 't20_tracking.cmn'
+c       include 'sos_calorimeter.cmn'
+       ABORT = .FALSE.
+       err = ' '
+*  Dump raw bank if tdebugprinthodoraw is set
+       if( tdebugprinthodoraw .ne. 0) then
+         call t_prt_raw_hodo(ABORT,err)
+       endif
+*      Dump raw bank if debug flag set
+       if( then
+         call t_prt_raw_mwpc(ABORT,err)
+       endif
+       RETURN
+       END
diff --git a/T20/t_reconstruction.f b/T20/t_reconstruction.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c65900a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/T20/t_reconstruction.f
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+      SUBROUTINE T_reconstruction(ABORT,err)
+*-       Prototype C analysis routine
+*-   Purpose and Methods : reconstruction of T20 quantities 
+*-   Output: ABORT              - success or failure
+*-         : err             - reason for failure, if any
+* $Log: t_reconstruction.f,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1998/12/01 20:54:23  saw
+* Initial revision
+      SAVE
+      character*16 here
+      parameter (here= 'T_reconstruction')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 't20_data_structures.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_constants.par'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_units.par'
+      include 't20_bypass_switches.cmn'
+*     local variables
+*      integer*4 istat
+ccc      ABORT= .TRUE.
+ccc      err= ':no events analyzed!'
+* increment reconstructed number
+      err = ' '
+c      t_recon_num= t_recon_num + 1
+*     dump all raw data
+      call t_raw_dump_all(ABORT,err)
+      if(ABORT) then
+         call g_add_path(here,err)
+         return
+      endif
+c      If(sbypass_trans_scin.eq.0) then
+c        call S_TRANS_SCIN(ABORT,err)
+c        if(ABORT)  then
+c           call G_add_path(here,err)
+c*          return
+c        endif                                     ! end test on SCIN ABORT
+c      endif                              ! end test on sbypass_trans_scin
+c      If(sbypass_trans_scin.eq.0) then
+c         call S_TRANS_MISC(ABORT,err)
+c         if(ABORT)  then
+c            call G_add_path(here,err)
+c*     return
+c         endif                          ! end test on SCIN ABORT
+c      endif                             ! end test on hbypass_trans_scin
+      if(tbypass_test.eq.0) then        ! Analyze test detector straw tubes
+        call t_test_straw_analyze
+      endif
+* The next two routines are not needed by the t_polder_* routines
+      call t_hodos(ABORT,err)          !raw data transfer to CTP & user hist.
+      call t_mwpc(ABORT,err)           !raw data transfer to CTP & user hist.
+      call t_misc(ABORT,err)           !raw data transfer to CTP & user hist.
+* The next routine is needed by the t_polder_* routines
+* not any more 3/31/97
+      call t_hms(ABORT,err)
+      if(tbypass_polder.eq.0) then
+        call t_polder_analyse(ABORT,err)
+      else if(tbypass_polder.eq.1) then
+        call t_polder_cuts(ABORT,err)
+      else if(tbypass_polder.eq.2) then
+        call t_polder_alignement(ABORT,err)
+      else if(tbypass_polder.eq.3) then
+        call t_polder_calmwpc3(ABORT,err)
+      endif
+      if(tbypass_test.eq.0) then        ! Analyze test detector straw tubes
+        call t_test_stpld_comp
+      endif
+*     Successful return
+      ABORT=.FALSE.
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/T20/t_register_param.f b/T20/t_register_param.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..063ce95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/T20/t_register_param.f
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+      SUBROUTINE t_register_param(ABORT,err)
+*-   Purpose and Methods : Initializes T20 quantities 
+*-   Output: ABORT           - success or failure
+*-         : err             - reason for failure, if any
+*-   Created  22-Jan-1997  Stephen A. Wood
+*- All standards are from "Proposal for Hall C Analysis Software
+*- Vade Mecum, Draft 1.0" by D.F.Geesamn and S.Wood, 7 May 1993
+* $Log: t_register_param.f,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1998/12/01 20:57:13  saw
+* Initial revision
+      SAVE
+      character*16 here
+      parameter (here= 't_register_param')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      err= ' '
+      ABORT = .false.
+*     Register t20 parameters
+      call r_t20_tracking
+      call r_t20_test_histid
+*     register bypass switches
+      call r_t20_bypass_switches
+*     register sos statistics
+c      call r_sos_statistics
+c      call r_sos_pedestals
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/T20/t_register_variables.f b/T20/t_register_variables.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa51c3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/T20/t_register_variables.f
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+      subroutine t_register_variables(ABORT,err)
+*     CTP variable registration routine for T20
+*     Purpose : Register all variables that are to be used by CTP, that are
+*     connected with the SOS.  This includes externally configured
+*     parameters/contants, event data that can be a histogram source, and
+*     possible test results and scalers.
+*     Output: ABORT      - success or failure
+*           : err        - reason for failure, if any
+*     Created: 22-Jan-1997  Stephen A. Wood
+* $Log: t_register_variables.f,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1998/12/01 20:57:17  saw
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      save
+      character*20 here
+      parameter (here='t_register_variables')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      logical FAIL
+      character*1000 why
+      err= ' '
+      ABORT = .FALSE.
+      call r_t20_data_structures
+      call r_t20_filenames
+      call r_t20_test_detectors
+      call r_t20_hodo
+      call r_t20_reg_polder_structures
+      call r_t20_misc
+      call r_t20_hms
+      call r_t_ntuple
+      call t_register_param(FAIL,why) ! TRACKING ROUTINE
+      IF(err.NE.' ' .and. why.NE.' ') THEN   !keep warnings
+        call G_append(err,' & '//why)
+      ELSEIF(why.NE.' ') THEN
+        err= why
+      ENDIF
+      ABORT= ABORT .or. FAIL
+      call t_ntuple_register(FAIL,why)  ! Remove this when ctp files fixed
+      IF(err.NE.' ' .and. why.NE.' ') THEN   !keep warnings
+        call G_append(err,' & '//why)
+      ELSEIF(why.NE.' ') THEN
+        err= why
+      ENDIF
+      ABORT= ABORT .or. FAIL
+      if(ABORT .or. err.NE.' ') call G_add_path(here,err)
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/T20/t_reset_event.f b/T20/t_reset_event.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fbb3511
--- /dev/null
+++ b/T20/t_reset_event.f
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+      SUBROUTINE T_reset_event(ABORT,err)
+*-       Prototype C analysis routine
+*-   Purpose and Methods : Resets all T20 quantities at the beginning of the run
+*-   Output: ABORT		- success or failure
+*-         : err	- reason for failure, if any
+*-   Created  22-Jan-1997   Stephen A. Wood
+*- All standards are from "Proposal for Hall C Analysis Software
+*- Vade Mecum, Draft 1.0" by D.F.Geesamn and S.Wood, 7 May 1993
+* $Log: t_reset_event.f,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1998/12/01 20:54:42  saw
+* Initial revision
+      SAVE
+      character*13 here
+      parameter (here= 'T_reset_event')
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 't20_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 't20_misc.cmn'
+      include 't20_hms.cmn'
+       INCLUDE 'gen_data_structures.cmn'
+       INCLUDE 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+c      include 'gen_misc.cmn'
+      include 'hms_tracking.cmn'
+c      include 'hms_pedestals.cmn'
+c      include 'hms_scin_parms.cmn'
+      INTEGER hit
+      DO hit= 1,TMAX_MWPC_HITS
+        TMWPC_RAW_PLANE_NUM(hit) = 0
+        TMWPC_RAW_WIRE_NUM(hit) = 0
+        TMWPC_RAW_TDC(hit) = 0
+      ENDDO
+      DO hit= 1,TMAX_HODO_HITS
+        THODO_PLANE_NUM(hit) = 0
+        THODO_BAR_NUM(hit) = 0
+        THODO_TDC_VAL(hit) = 0
+      ENDDO
+      THODO_TOT_HITS = 0
+      DO hit= 1,TMAX_MISC_HITS
+        TMISC_RAW_ADDR1(hit) = 0
+        TMISC_RAW_ADDR2(hit) = 0
+        TMISC_RAW_DATA(hit) = 0
+      ENDDO
+      TMISC_TOT_HITS = 0
+        TTST_RAW_PLANE_NUM(hit) = 0
+        TTST_RAW_GROUP_NUM(hit) = 0
+        TTST_RAW_TDC(hit) = 0
+      ENDDO
+      TTST_RAW_TOT_HITS = 0
+c     reset variables calculated in t_hms.f
+      tsinhtheta = -2.
+      te_v = 0.
+      thms_td1 = 0.
+      thms_td2 = 0.
+      tq2 = 0.
+c Note:  These don't really belong here (saw)
+      hstheta = 0.
+      hsenergy = 0.
+      hfoundtrack = .false.
+      hcleantrack = .false.
+      hntracks_fp = 0
+      ABORT= .FALSE.
+      err= ' '
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/T20/t_test_straw_analyze.f b/T20/t_test_straw_analyze.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f6f34e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/T20/t_test_straw_analyze.f
@@ -0,0 +1,1471 @@
+      subroutine t_test_straw_analyze
+      implicit none
+      save
+*     File: t_test_straw_analyze.f
+*     Author: R. Gilman, 20 Dec 1996
+*     Modified: 21 Jan 1997 (saw).  Edit for inclusion in Hall C analyzer
+*     Purpose: decode straw chamber data, prepare for histogramming raw quantites,
+*       setup for tracking...
+*     Based on simple FPP analysis routines for Hall A
+* $Log: t_test_straw_analyze.f,v $
+* Revision 1.3  1998/12/01 20:55:11  saw
+* (SAW) Checkin
+* Revision 1.2  1997/05/20 18:30:36  saw
+* (Ron Gilman) Code update
+* Revision 1.1  1997/05/20 18:28:49  saw
+* Initial revision
+*     include files...
+      include 't20_test_detectors.cmn'
+      include 't20_test_histid.cmn'
+      include 't20_reg_polder_structures.cmn'
+      include 't20_data_structures.cmn'
+      integer*4 lun_calib               ! Set this somewhere else
+      parameter (lun_calib=62)
+*     local variables
+      integer*4 nplane, idiff
+      integer*4 i, j, n, kk, ihit, noff, iok
+      real*4 pos
+*      real*4 slope, bint, pos1, pos2, dpos
+*     most intializations have been moved into ctp file
+*         terplay/PARAM/t20_test_detectors.param
+*     first get hits out of input array and group into local plane hit
+*     structures the TDC appears to be LIFO (info from Glen Collins) but the
+*     SAW decoder reverses the order into FIFO.  Thus, leading edges should
+*     always precede the trailing edges.  This is assumed,to simplify the
+*     decoding...
+*     The time scale is in 1/2 ns! and is left in those units...
+*     positions will be in cm and angles will be in radians
+*     look through the raw data to associate the edges into hits,
+*     the way the decoder works, should get le hit immediately followed by
+*     te hit - the decoder reverses the readout order
+      call t_test_scint_analyze
+      call t_test_straw_initialize
+      call t_test_straw_gethits
+      if(ttst_raw_tot_hits.le.0)then
+        return
+      endif
+      call t_test_setup_track_input
+c      call t_test_throwout_hits
+      call t_test_set_trackcode
+*     if hits distributed okay, get track and do things with it...
+      noff = -3
+      do i = 1, 2
+         ttst_track_ntracks = 0
+         noff = noff + 4
+         ttst_nxytrack(i) = 0
+         ttst_nxytracktried(i) = 0
+         if(ttst_straw_xygddmx(i).gt.2 .and.
+     +        ttst_straw_xygddmx(i).lt.6 .and.
+     +        ttst_straw_xyplnsht(i).gt.2) then
+            ttst_nxytracktried(i) = 1
+            call trk4(ttst_straw_planes_hit(noff),
+     +           ttst_track_hitarray(1,1,noff),
+     +           ttst_track_ntracks,
+     +           ttst_track_params(1,i) )
+            ttst_nxytrack(i) = ttst_track_ntracks
+            if(ttst_track_ntracks.eq.1)then
+c     increment a single chisq (resolution) histogram
+               call hf1(ttst_hid_strawres,ttst_track_params(3,i),1.)
+c     work out the good,bad,missing wire hists
+               do j = 1, 4
+                  nplane = j + noff - 1
+                  pos = ttst_track_params(2,i) + 
+     +                 ttst_track_params(1,i) *
+     +                 (ttst_straw_z0+ttst_straw_z(nplane))
+                  pos = pos - ttst_straw_x1(nplane)
+                  idiff = nint(pos/ttst_straw_spacing +
+     +                 ttst_straw_sctr(nplane))
+                  if(i.eq.1)kk = 56*(j-1)
+                  if(i.eq.2)kk = 224 + 24*(j-1)
+                  if(ttst_straw_planes_hit(nplane).eq.0)then
+                     call hf1(ttst_hid_strawhitms,float(kk+idiff),1.)
+                  else
+                     iok = 0
+                     do ihit = 1, ttst_straw_planes_hit(nplane)
+                        n = ttst_track_hitarray(1,ihit,nplane)
+c     if(n.eq.idiff)then
+                        if(n.le.idiff+1 .and.
+                           iok = 1
+                           call hf1(ttst_hid_strawhitgd,float(kk+n),1.)
+c     call hf1(ttst_hid_planeoffs(nplane),0.,1.)
+                        else
+                           call hf1(ttst_hid_strawhitbd,float(kk+n),1.)
+                           n = n-idiff
+c     call hf1(ttst_hid_planeoffs(nplane),
+c     +                float(n),1.)
+                        endif                   !if there are hits on planes
+                     enddo                      !loop over hits in plane
+                     if(iok.eq.0)then
+                        call hf1(ttst_hid_strawhitms,float(kk+idiff),1.)
+                     endif                      !if no hit where expected
+                  endif                         !if there are hits in plane
+               enddo                            !loop over planes
+            endif                               !if there is track
+         endif                                  !if okay #hits to try to track
+      enddo                                     !loop over two coordinates
+c     rotate track if needed
+      call t_test_project_track
+c     work out the track codes from the arrays...
+      call hf1(ttst_hid_trackcode, 0., 1.)
+      do i = 1, 2
+         j = 2*i - 1
+         if(ttst_nxytracktried(i).eq.1)then
+            call hf1(ttst_hid_trackcode, float(j), 1.)
+c            type *, i, ttst_track_chisqcut, ttst_track_params(3,i)
+            if(ttst_nxytrack(i).gt.0 .and. 
+     +           ttst_track_params(3,i).le.0.2)
+     +           call hf1(ttst_hid_trackcode, float(j+1), 1.)
+         endif
+      enddo
+      if(ttst_nxytracktried(1).eq.1 .and. 
+     +     ttst_nxytracktried(2).eq.1) then
+         call hf1(ttst_hid_trackcode, float(5), 1.)
+         if(ttst_nxytrack(1).eq.1 .and. ttst_nxytrack(2).eq.1.and.
+     +        ttst_track_params(3,1).le.0.2 .and.
+     +        ttst_track_params(3,2).le.0.2 )
+     +        call hf1(ttst_hid_trackcode, float(6), 1.)
+      endif
+      return
+      end
+c     ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+      subroutine t_test_straw_initialize
+      implicit none
+      save
+      include 't20_test_detectors.cmn'
+      integer*4 i, j
+c      ttst_straw_goodedge = 0
+      ttst_straw_goodhit = 0
+      ttst_straw_gooddemux = 0
+      ttst_straw_xgddmx = 0
+      ttst_straw_ygddmx = 0
+      ttst_straw_xplnsht = 0
+      ttst_straw_yplnsht = 0
+      do i = 1, ttst_n_straw_planes
+        ttst_straw_planes_hit(i) = 0
+      enddo
+      do i = 1, ttst_n_straw_wgs
+        ttst_straw_hits(i) = 0
+      enddo
+      do i = 1, 2
+         ttst_num_oot(i) = 0
+         do j = 1, 3
+            ttst_track_params(j,i) = -9999.
+         enddo
+         ttst_track_pos_est(i) = 0.
+         ttst_track_angle(i) = -9999.
+         ttst_nxytrack(i) = 0
+         ttst_num_oot(i) = 0
+         ttst_avetim_oot(i) = 0
+      enddo
+      ttst_track_ntracks = 0
+      ttst_stpld_xposdiff = -9999.
+      ttst_stpld_yposdiff = -9999.
+      ttst_stpld_thposdiff = -9999.
+      ttst_stpld_phposdiff = -9999.
+      return
+      end
+c     ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+      subroutine t_test_straw_gethits
+      implicit none
+      save
+      include 't20_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 't20_test_histid.cmn'
+      include 't20_test_detectors.cmn'
+      integer*4 lun_calib               ! Set this somewhere else
+      parameter (lun_calib=62)
+      integer*4 str_group,str_plane,str_ggroup
+      integer*4 i,n,oldwg,tim,ilete,oldtim
+      integer*4 wgs(50),times(50),wids(50),straws(50),planes(50)
+      integer*4 ioot1, nfp, idiff, kk, itype
+      integer*4 jiand
+      if(
+     + .and.
+     + ) then
+        print *, 't_test_straw_analyze called, tot_hits=',
+     +    ttst_raw_tot_hits
+        reallyraw_written = reallyraw_written + 1
+      endif
+      if(ttst_raw_tot_hits.le.0)then
+        return
+      endif
+      if( 
+     + .and. 
+     +  raw_ntuples_written.eq.0 .and.
+     + ) then
+        open(unit=lun_calib,file='t20_test_hits.ntuple',status='new')
+      endif
+c     combine edges into pairs of le/te edges...
+      nfp = 0
+      oldwg = 0
+      do i =  ttst_raw_tot_hits, 1, -1
+         str_plane = ttst_raw_plane_num(i)
+         str_group = ttst_raw_group_num(i)
+         str_ggroup = str_group + ttst_straw_plane_group_off(str_plane)
+         tim = ttst_raw_tdc(i)
+         ilete = jiand(tim,'10000'X)
+         if(
+         tim = jiand(tim,'FFFF'X)
+c     iand generic, jiand 4 byte, iiand 2 byte
+         if(
+     + .and.
+     + ) then
+            print *,i,ttst_raw_plane_num(i),ttst_raw_group_num(i),
+     +           str_group,ilete,tim
+         endif
+         if(ilete.eq.0)then
+            oldwg = str_ggroup
+            oldtim = tim
+         else
+c     only get trailing edge immediately after a LE
+            if(str_ggroup.eq.oldwg)then          !same group :)
+               nfp = nfp + 1
+               if( = 50
+               planes(nfp) = str_plane
+               wgs(nfp) = oldwg
+               times(nfp) = oldtim
+               wids(nfp) = oldtim - tim
+c     demux here and now!
+               idiff = 0
+               do kk = 1, 9
+                  if(wids(nfp).gt.ttst_dmx(kk,str_ggroup)) idiff=kk
+               enddo
+               if( then
+                  itype = ttst_straw_type(str_plane)
+                  idiff = ttst_type_order(idiff,itype)
+                  straws(nfp) = 8*(str_group-1) + idiff
+               else
+                  nfp = nfp - 1
+               endif
+c     done demux!
+               if(
+     +     .and.
+     +     ) then
+                  raw_ntuples_written = raw_ntuples_written + 1
+                  write(lun_calib,'(3f6.0)') float(oldwg),
+     +                 float(oldtim),float(wids(nfp))
+                  if(raw_ntuples_written.eq.ttst_raw_ntuples_out)then
+                     write(6,*)' t_test_straw_analyze wrote',
+     +                    raw_ntuples_written,' ntuples'
+                     raw_ntuples_written = raw_ntuples_written + 1
+                  endif
+               endif
+               call hf1(ttst_hid_straw_wletdc,float(oldtim),1.)
+               call hf1(ttst_hid_straw_letdc,float(oldtim),1.)
+            endif
+         endif
+      enddo
+c     have found all le/te pairs, save good and bad (oot=out of time) hits
+      do i =  1, nfp
+         if(times(i).ge.ttst_TDC_min .and. times(i).le.ttst_TDC_max)then
+            n = ttst_straw_hits(wgs(i)) + 1
+            if( = 8
+            ttst_straw_hits(wgs(i)) = n
+            ttst_straw_tdc(n,wgs(i)) = times(i)
+            ttst_straw_wid(n,wgs(i)) = wids(i)
+            ttst_straw_num(n,wgs(i)) = straws(i)
+            ttst_straw_goodhit = ttst_straw_goodhit + 1
+            call hf2(ttst_hid_dmxchck,float(wgs(i)),float(wids(i)),1.)
+            call hf1(ttst_hid_straw_width,float(wids(i)),1.)
+            call hf1(ttst_hid_wg,float(wgs(i)),1.)
+            n = 8*ttst_straw_plane_group_off(planes(i)) + straws(i)
+            call hf1(ttst_hid_strawmap,float(n),1.)
+         else
+            ioot1 = 0
+            do n = 1, 2
+               if(ioot1.eq.0)then
+                  if(ttst_num_oot(n).eq.0)then
+                     ttst_num_oot(n) = 1
+                     ttst_avetim_oot(n) = times(i)
+                     ttst_wg_oot(1,n) = wgs(i)
+                     ttst_tim_oot(1,n) = times(i)
+                     ttst_wid_oot(1,n) = wids(i)
+                     ttst_str_oot(1,n) = straws(i)
+                     ttst_pln_oot(1,n) = planes(i)
+                     ioot1 = 1
+	          else
+                     if(times(i).gt.ttst_avetim_oot(n)-200 .and.
+     +	                times(i).lt.ttst_avetim_oot(n)+200) then
+                        ttst_num_oot(n) = ttst_num_oot(n) + 1
+                        if(ttst_num_oot(n).lt.11)then
+                           ttst_wg_oot(ttst_num_oot(n),n) = wgs(i)
+                           ttst_tim_oot(ttst_num_oot(n),n) = times(i)
+                           ttst_wid_oot(ttst_num_oot(n),n) = wids(i)
+                           ttst_str_oot(ttst_num_oot(n),n) = straws(i)
+                           ttst_pln_oot(ttst_num_oot(n),n) = planes(i)
+                        endif
+                        ioot1 = 1
+                     endif
+                  endif
+               endif
+            enddo
+         endif
+      enddo
+      call t_test_oot_track
+      return
+      end
+c     ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+      subroutine t_test_oot_track
+      implicit none
+      save
+      include 't20_test_detectors.cmn'
+      include 't20_test_histid.cmn'
+      integer*4 i, j, k, np
+      integer*4 nxy(8), nxyt(2), ntf
+      real*4 z(8), xy(8), t, avexy(2)
+      real*4 rcept(2), slope(2)
+      real*4 xbar, ybar, xsqbar, xybar, diff
+*     this routine attempts to track 1-2 oot tracks using wire positions only
+*     try to track oot hits if a likely-to-be-trackable number of them
+*     cannot get hits out quite like do for usual tracking...
+      do i = 1, 2
+         if(ttst_num_oot(i).gt.10)ttst_num_oot(i)=10
+         if(ttst_num_oot(i).gt.6)then
+            do j = 1, 8
+               nxy(j) = 0
+               xy(j) = 0.
+               enddo
+            do j = 1, ttst_num_oot(i)
+               np = ttst_pln_oot(j,i)
+               if(nxy(np).eq.0)then
+                  nxy(np) = 1
+                  z(np) = ttst_straw_z(np) + ttst_straw_z0
+                  xy(np) = 
+     +                 (ttst_str_oot(j,i)-ttst_straw_sctr(np)) *
+     +                 ttst_straw_spacing + ttst_straw_x1(np)
+               else                             !boot, 1 hit/plane unless close
+                  t = (ttst_str_oot(j,i)-ttst_straw_sctr(np)) *
+     +                 ttst_straw_spacing + ttst_straw_x1(np)
+                  if(abs(t-xy(np)).gt.2.5) then
+                     if(nxy(np).eq.1) nxy(np) = 0
+                  else
+                     xy(np) = xy(np)*nxy(np) + t
+                     nxy(np) = nxy(np)+1
+                     xy(np) = xy(np) / nxy(np)
+                  endif
+               endif
+            enddo
+c     have accumulated all of the x and y hits... make sure all
+co    hits close together, and if enough try to track...
+c            type *,'accumulated all oots into tracking arrays...'
+c            type *,'num_oots=',ttst_num_oot(i)
+c            type *,(nxy(j),j=1,8)
+c            type *,(z(j),j=1,8)
+c            type *,(xy(j),j=1,8)
+            ntf = 0
+            do j = 1, 2
+               slope(j) = -999.
+               rcept(j) = -99999999.
+               avexy(j) = 0.
+               nxyt(j) = 0
+               do k = 4*j-3, 4*j
+                  if(nxy(k).gt.0)then
+                     avexy(j) = avexy(j) + xy(k)
+                     nxyt(j) = nxyt(j) + 1
+                  endif
+               enddo
+               if(nxyt(j).gt.0)avexy(j) = avexy(j)/nxyt(j)
+               nxyt(j) = 0
+               do k = 4*j-3, 4*j
+                  if(abs(xy(k)-avexy(j)).gt.2.0)nxy(k) = 0
+                  if(nxy(k).gt.0)nxyt(j) = nxyt(j) + 1
+               enddo
+c               type *,'nxyt=',nxyt(j)
+               if(nxyt(j).gt.2)then
+                  xbar   = 0
+                  ybar   = 0
+                  xsqbar = 0
+                  xybar  = 0
+                  do k = 4*j-3, 4*j
+                     if(nxy(k).gt.0)then
+                        xbar   = xbar + z(k)
+                        xsqbar = xsqbar + z(k)**2
+                        ybar   = ybar + xy(k)
+                        xybar  = xybar + z(k)*xy(k)
+                     endif
+                  enddo
+                  diff   = nxyt(j)*xsqbar - xbar**2
+                  if(
+                     slope(j)  = (nxyt(j)*xybar - xbar*ybar) / diff
+                     rcept(j)  = -1.*(xybar*xbar-xsqbar*ybar) / diff
+                     ntf = ntf + 1
+c     histogram x, y here!
+                     xbar = rcept(j) + slope(j)*
+     +                    (ttst_straw_z0+ttst_straw_zchmbr)
+                     if(j.eq.1)then
+                        call hf2(ttst_hid_oot_thvx,xbar,slope(j),1.)
+                     else
+                        call hf2(ttst_hid_oot_phvy,xbar,slope(j),1.)
+                     endif
+                  endif
+               endif
+            enddo
+            if(ntf.eq.2)then
+c     histogram x_vs_y here
+               call hf2(ttst_hid_oot_yvx,rcept(1),rcept(2),1.)
+            endif
+         endif
+      enddo
+      return
+      end
+c     ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+      subroutine t_test_setup_track_input
+      implicit none
+      save
+      include 't20_test_detectors.cmn'
+      include 't20_test_histid.cmn'
+      integer*4 i, j, k, ihit, drift_time
+      integer*4 ngroup, nplane, noff, itype
+      real*8 avepos(8), ave, driftdistance
+*      now have captured into the arrays the pairs of hits...
+*      count up planes hit, also work out demultiplex and straws hit...
+*      increment the arrays that will be used for tracking
+*      have also ordered everything by global wiregroup, and thus
+*      by  plane number
+      do i = 1, 8
+         avepos(i) = 0.
+      enddo
+      do ngroup=1, ttst_n_straw_wgs
+         if(ttst_straw_hits(ngroup).gt.0)then
+            nplane = ttst_plane_of_group(ngroup)
+            noff = 8*(ngroup-ttst_straw_plane_group_off(nplane)-1)
+            itype = ttst_straw_type(nplane)
+            do i = 1, ttst_straw_hits(ngroup)
+               ttst_straw_planes_hit(nplane) =
+     +              ttst_straw_planes_hit(nplane) + 1
+               ihit = ttst_straw_planes_hit(nplane)
+               if( ihit=max_track_hit
+               ttst_straw_gooddemux = ttst_straw_gooddemux + 1
+c     have a good hit and a good demux, so store it for tracking!
+c     hitarray 1=straw #, 2=drift distance 3=z of plane 4=x/y of straw wire
+               ttst_track_hitarray(1,ihit,nplane) =
+     +              ttst_straw_num(i,ngroup)
+               ttst_track_hitarray(3,ihit,nplane) =
+     +              ttst_straw_z(nplane) + ttst_straw_z0
+               ttst_track_hitarray(4,ihit,nplane) =
+     +              (ttst_straw_num(i,ngroup)-ttst_straw_sctr(nplane))
+     +              * ttst_straw_spacing + ttst_straw_x1(nplane)
+               avepos(nplane) = avepos(nplane) + 
+     +            ttst_track_hitarray(4,ihit,nplane)
+*     readjust tim with tim offset... 
+*     do not do above, affects writing raw ntuples
+*     the readjustment could move us out of the drift table range, so ensure
+*     it does not!
+               ttst_straw_tdc(i,ngroup) = ttst_straw_tdc(i,ngroup)
+     +              - ttst_t0(ngroup)
+               drift_time = ttst_straw_tdc(i,ngroup)-ttst_TDC_min
+               if( = 1
+               if( = 400
+               driftdistance = 
+     +              ttst_drift_max * ttst_drift_table(drift_time)
+               ttst_track_hitarray(2,ihit,nplane) = driftdistance
+               call hf1(ttst_hid_driftdist,
+     +              ttst_track_hitarray(2,ihit,nplane),1.)
+               call hf1(ttst_hid_drifttime,float(drift_time),1.)
+*     find ``real'' drift time, and use simple constant velocity, for
+*     comparison to better table algoithym
+               drift_time = ttst_drift_t0-ttst_straw_tdc(i,ngroup)
+               ttst_track_dxpos2(ihit,nplane) =
+     +              ttst_drift_v * drift_time
+               if(ttst_track_dxpos2(ihit,nplane).gt.ttst_drift_max)
+     +              ttst_track_dxpos2(ihit,nplane) = ttst_drift_max
+               if(ttst_track_dxpos2(ihit,nplane).lt. 0.)
+     +              ttst_track_dxpos2(ihit,nplane) = 0.
+               call hf1(ttst_hid_driftdistv0,
+     +              ttst_track_dxpos2(ihit,nplane),1.)
+               call hf1(ttst_hid_drifttimet0,float(drift_time),1.)
+*     last chance to remove hit if drift time/distance not sufficiently
+*     good... keep it in center 99% of te drift range... or  remove
+               if(*ttst_drift_max .or.
+     +    *ttst_drift_max) then
+                  ttst_straw_planes_hit(nplane) =
+     +                 ttst_straw_planes_hit(nplane) - 1
+                  ttst_straw_gooddemux = ttst_straw_gooddemux - 1
+               endif
+            enddo                               ! loop over # hits      
+         endif                                  ! if   any straws in group hit
+      enddo                                     ! loop over wiregroups in plane
+*     work out average position in x, y, and
+*     make new summary plot of hits on planes...
+*     add up # of x, y hits, xyplaneshit, total # of hits: for later use
+      do i = 1, 2
+        ave = 0
+        j = 0
+        do nplane = 4*i-3, 4*i
+          j = j + ttst_straw_planes_hit(nplane)
+          ave = ave + avepos(nplane)
+          k = 10*(nplane-1)+ ttst_straw_planes_hit(nplane)
+          call hf1(ttst_hid_numhitsonplanes,float(k),1.)
+          ttst_straw_xygddmx(i) = ttst_straw_xygddmx(i) + 
+     +         ttst_straw_planes_hit(nplane)
+          if(ttst_straw_planes_hit(nplane).gt.0)
+     +         ttst_straw_xyplnsht(i) = ttst_straw_xyplnsht(i) + 1
+        enddo
+        if( = ave/j
+        call hf1(ttst_hid_xoryhits,float(ttst_straw_xygddmx(i)),1.)
+      enddo
+*     adjust positions os x,y's to account for plane to plane rotations...
+*     assume small angle ==> theta = sin(theta) = tan(theta)
+*     (correction good to 0.3% even for 100 mr)
+      do i = 1, 2
+         do nplane = 4*i-3, 4*i
+            if(ttst_straw_planes_hit(nplane).gt.0)then
+               do ihit = 1, ttst_straw_planes_hit(nplane)
+                  ave = 0.001 * ttst_rotate_xyplane(nplane) *
+     +                 ttst_track_pos_est(3-i)
+c                  if(ttst_straw_xygddmx(i).le.5)
+c     +              type *,nplane,ttst_track_hitarray(4,ihit,nplane),ave
+                  ttst_track_hitarray(4,ihit,nplane) =
+     +                 ttst_track_hitarray(4,ihit,nplane) + ave
+               enddo
+            endif
+         enddo
+      enddo
+      return
+      end
+c     ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+      subroutine t_test_set_trackcode
+      implicit none
+      save
+      include 't20_test_detectors.cmn'
+      include 't20_test_histid.cmn'
+c      integer*4 i
+c      do i = 1, 2
+c        ttst_track_code = 0
+c        if(ttst_straw_xygddmx(i).lt.3)ttst_track_code = 1
+c        if(ttst_straw_xygddmx(i).eq.3)then
+c          if(ttst_straw_xyplnsht(i).lt.3)then
+c            ttst_track_code = 2
+c          else
+c            ttst_track_code = 3
+c          endif
+c        endif
+c        if(ttst_straw_xygddmx(i).eq.4)then
+c          if(ttst_straw_xyplnsht(i).lt.4)then
+c            ttst_track_code = 4
+c          else
+c            ttst_track_code = 5
+c          endif
+c        endif
+c        if(ttst_straw_xygddmx(i).eq.5)then
+c          if(ttst_straw_xyplnsht(i).lt.4)then
+c            ttst_track_code = 6
+c          else
+c            ttst_track_code = 7
+c          endif
+c        endif
+c        if(ttst_track_code.eq.0)ttst_track_code = 8
+c        ttst_track_code = ttst_track_code + 10*(i-1)
+c        call hf1(ttst_hid_trackcode, float(ttst_track_code), 1.)
+c      enddo
+      return
+      end
+c     ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+c     rotate / offset chamber track into polder coordinate system...
+      subroutine t_test_project_track
+      implicit none
+      save
+      include 't20_test_detectors.cmn'
+      integer*4 i
+      real*8 xych(2)
+      do i = 1, 2
+         ttst_track_angle(i) = atan(ttst_track_params(1,i))
+     +        + ttst_rotate_ang(i)
+         ttst_track_chmbrpos(i) = ttst_track_params(2,i) +
+     +        ttst_track_params(1,i) *
+     +        (ttst_straw_zchmbr+ttst_straw_z0) +
+     +        ttst_straw_xoff(i)
+      enddo
+      xych(1) = cos(ttst_rotate_ang(3)) * ttst_track_chmbrpos(1) +
+     +     sin(ttst_rotate_ang(3)) * ttst_track_chmbrpos(2)
+      xych(2) = cos(ttst_rotate_ang(3)) * ttst_track_chmbrpos(2) -
+     +     sin(ttst_rotate_ang(3)) * ttst_track_chmbrpos(1)
+      do i = 1, 2
+         ttst_track_chmbrpos(i) = xych(i)
+         ttst_track_params(1,i) = tan(ttst_track_angle(i))
+         ttst_track_params(2,i) = ttst_track_chmbrpos(i) -
+     +        ttst_track_params(1,i) *
+     +        (ttst_straw_zchmbr+ttst_straw_z0)
+         ttst_track_scintpos(i) = ttst_track_params(2,i) +
+     +        ttst_track_params(1,i) * ttst_straw_zscint
+      enddo
+c     note that chamber pos is measured in z relative to the _z0 parameter,
+c     but scintillator position (POLDER start scntillator that is) is measured
+c     relative to the origin of the coordinate system, the POLDER target
+      return
+      end
+c     ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+      subroutine t_test_stpld_comp
+      implicit none
+      save
+      include 't20_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 't20_test_detectors.cmn'
+      include 't20_test_histid.cmn'
+      include 't20_reg_polder_structures.cmn'
+      integer*4 opened
+      integer*4 lun_calib               ! Set this somewhere else
+      parameter (lun_calib=63)
+      data opened/0/
+c     need to compare tracks to polder tracks....
+      ttst_good_comp = 0
+      ttst_stpld_xposdiff = ttst_track_params(2,1) - tdeuton1_x(3)
+      ttst_stpld_yposdiff = ttst_track_params(2,2) - tdeuton1_y(3)
+      ttst_stpld_thposdiff = ttst_track_angle(1) - atan(tdeuton1_dir(1))
+      ttst_stpld_phposdiff = ttst_track_angle(2) - atan(tdeuton1_dir(2))
+*     write out track nutples only for 4x + 4y = 8 hit events?
+c      type *,'nt trk write:',ttst_straw_xgddmx,ttst_straw_ygddmx
+c      type *,ttst_straw_xplnsht,ttst_straw_yplnsht
+c      type *,tdeuton1_x(1),tdeuton1_dir(1)
+c      type *,tdeuton1_y(1),tdeuton1_dir(2)
+      if(
+      if(
+      if(
+      if(
+c     if the polder chambers do not track, they will give positions of 0.,0.
+c     so let's make sure as first step that neither chamber gives 0's in
+c     both x and y...
+c     the way the algorithym appears to work, an angle is calculated even if
+c     a chamber does not track
+      if(tdeuton1_x(1).eq.0. .and. tdeuton1_y(1).eq.0.)return
+      if(tdeuton1_x(2).eq.0. .and. tdeuton1_y(2).eq.0.)return
+      if(	  !looks like >= 2 particles in polder mwpcs
+      if(abs(tdeuton1_x(1)).gt.10.)return
+      if(abs(tdeuton1_x(2)).gt.10.)return
+      ttst_good_comp = 1
+      if( ttst_track_ntuples_out.le.0) return
+      if( return
+      if( track_ntuples_written.eq.ttst_track_ntuples_out) then
+        write(6,*)' t_test_straw_analyze wrote',
+     +    track_ntuples_written,'track ntuples'
+        track_ntuples_written = track_ntuples_written + 1
+      endif
+      if( opened.eq.0 ) then
+        opened = 1
+      open(unit=lun_calib,file='t20_test_track.ntuple',status='new')
+      endif
+      track_ntuples_written = track_ntuples_written + 1
+c      type *,track_ntuples_written,' trks written'
+      write(lun_calib,'(4(f7.2,f7.4))')
+     +  tdeuton1_x(1),tdeuton1_dir(1),tdeuton1_y(1),tdeuton1_dir(2),
+     +  ttst_track_chmbrpos(1),ttst_track_params(1,1),
+     +  ttst_track_chmbrpos(2),ttst_track_params(1,2)
+      return
+      end
+c      following is the tracking routine, copied over and slightly modified
+c      from the Rutgers / LA analysis... all variables in this routine will
+c      be left as local variables, all histogramming, etc., will be done above
+c       the following subroutine trk4 is taken from LA analysis code by RG
+c       modified by RG 1/30/97 to use for t20 analysis
+c	note that this routine assumes the hits come in ordered, all hits
+c       on a plane are together, and wire number is monotonic 
+       subroutine trk4(nhit,hit,ntrack,track)
+c       input:
+       integer*4 nhit(*)          !number of hits(plane)
+       real*4 hit(4,10,4)         !hit info(info type, hit on plane, plane)
+c                     hit(1,x,y)=wire#
+c			 (2,x,y)=drift distance
+c			 (3,x,y)=z position
+c			 (4,x,y)=x position
+c                        (5,x,y)=residual, track to (pos+/-dpos)?
+c	              hit(5,x,y)=group (for residual histing) - not used here
+c       output:
+       integer*4 ntrack           !# of tracks
+       real*4 track(3)          !track information
+c                     track(1,i)=parameter a in az+b
+c                          (2,i)=parameter b in az+b
+c                          (3,i)=chi2 (actually just a rms)
+c                          (4,i)=hit channel in x1   0. if not used, 
+c                          (5,i)=hit channel in x2   positive if L-side hit
+c                          (6,i)=hit channel in x3   negative if R-side hit
+c                          (7,i)=hit channel in x4
+c     the second index above was to handle multiple tracks, removing
+       common /effarray/nhgood(80,4), nhbad(80,4), sigbad(80,4)
+c       local variables:
+       integer*4 lrfit(10)
+       integer*4 iok3, iok43, iok4, utra(10), nwtra(10), nptra(10)
+       integer*4 ufnd(10,3), lrfnd(10,3), lrf3(10)
+       real*4    chfnd(3), sfnd(3), xfnd(3)
+       real*4    ztra(10), xtra(10), dxtra(10), dxfit(10)
+       real*4    chi0, chif, chf3(10)
+       real*4    xmin, xmax
+       integer*4 nhitx
+c       initialize
+       iok3 = -1
+       iok4 = -1
+       iok43 = -1
+       chif = -1.
+       xat0 = -1000.
+       slope = -1000.
+       track(1) = slope
+       track(2) = xat0
+       track(3) = chif
+c       start analysis
+       ntrack = 0
+       nhitx = nhit(1)+nhit(2)+nhit(3)+nhit(4)
+       nhitx0 = nhitx
+       nplane = 0
+       do i = 1, 4
+         if(nhit(i).gt.0)nplane = nplane + 1
+         enddo
+c       bag out if too few hits / too few planes
+       if( .or.
+c       fill arrays
+       k = 0
+       xmin = 99.
+       xmax = -99.
+       do i=1, 4
+         if(nhit(i).gt.0)then
+           do j = 1, nhit(i)
+             k = k + 1
+             ztra(k) = hit(3,j,i)
+             xtra(k) = hit(4,j,i)
+             dxtra(k) = hit(2,j,i)
+             utra(k) = 1
+             dxfit(k) = 0.
+             nwtra(k) = hit(1,j,i)
+c             nptra(k) = 1 + nint( 0.33333*(ztra(k)-zoff) )
+             nptra(k) = i
+             if(nptra(k).gt.4 .or. nptra(k).lt.1)nptra(k) = 0
+             if(xtra(k).lt.xmin)xmin = xtra(k)
+             if(xtra(k).gt.xmax)xmax = xtra(k)
+             enddo
+           endif
+         enddo
+1       continue              !come here if remove hits
+c       analyze 3 hit events, require 3 planes to be hit
+       if(nhitx.eq.3)then
+         chi0 = 0.0
+         chif = 0.0
+         call trackit
+     +     (nhitx,ztra,xtra,dxtra,utra,dxfit,lrfit,xat0,slope,chi0,chif)
+         if(
+           chif = sqrt(chif/3.)
+           else
+           chif = 0.
+           endif
+         if(
+           chi0 = sqrt(chi0/3.)
+           else
+           chi0 = 0.
+           endif
+         endif
+c       analyze tracks with 4 hits on 3 planes - straight line + arc
+       if(nhitx.eq.4 .and. nplane.eq.3)then
+         do i = 1, 3
+           if(ztra(i).eq.ztra(i+1))j = i
+           enddo
+c       if two hits on adjacent wires, fit as if 4 planes
+         if( abs(xtra(j)-xtra(j+1)) .lt. 1.1 )then       !adjacent wires
+           iok4 = 3
+           call trackit
+     +    (nhitx,ztra,xtra,dxtra,utra,dxfit,lrfit,xat0,slope,chi0,chif)
+           if(
+             chif = sqrt(chif/4.)
+             else
+             chif = 0.
+             endif
+           if(
+             chi0 = sqrt(chi0/4.)
+             else
+             chi0 = 0.
+             endif
+           go to 2
+           endif
+c       try to delete worse of two hits -- one that gives worse straight
+c       line fit
+         nhitx = 3
+         utra(j) = -1
+         call trackit
+     +   (nhitx,ztra,xtra,dxtra,utra,dxfit,lrfit,xat0,slope,chi0,chif)
+         chisave = chi0
+         utra(j) = 1
+         utra(j+1) = -1
+         call trackit
+     +   (nhitx,ztra,xtra,dxtra,utra,dxfit,lrfit,xat0,slope,chi0,chif)
+         if(
+           utra(j) = -1
+           utra(j+1) = 1
+           endif
+         iok43 = 1
+         go to 1
+         endif
+2       continue
+c       analyze 4 hit / 4 plane events
+       if(nhitx.eq.4 .and. nplane.eq.4)then
+         call trackit
+     +   (nhitx,ztra,xtra,dxtra,utra,dxfit,lrfit,xat0,slope,chi0,chif)
+         if(
+           chif = sqrt(chif/4.)
+           else
+           chif = 0.
+           endif
+         if(
+           chi0 = sqrt(chi0/4.)
+           else
+           chi0 = 0.
+           endif
+c       if chisq large, see if should eliminate one of the hits
+         if(              !more than four x's nominal chisq
+           nhitx = 3
+           chmin = 9999999.
+           nmin = 0
+           do i = 1, 4
+             utra(i) = -1
+             call trackit
+     +    (nhitx,ztra,xtra,dxtra,utra,dxf3,lrf3,x03,slop3,ch03,chf3(i))
+             chf3(i) = sqrt(chf3(i)/3.)
+             utra(i) = 1
+             if(chf3(i).lt.chmin)then
+               chmin = chf3(i)
+               nmin = i
+               endif
+             enddo
+           if(
+             iok3 = 1
+             do i = 1, 4
+               if( .and. chf3(i).lt.1.5*chmin)iok3 = -1
+               enddo
+             if(iok3.eq.1)then
+               utra(nmin) = -1
+               iok3 = -1
+               iok43 = 1
+               go to 1
+               endif
+             endif
+           nhitx = 4
+           endif
+         endif
+c       5 or 6 hit events: require track to have nhits, nhits-1, or nhits-2
+c              ==> no 3+3 two tracks found for nhitx=6
+c                     1 track w/ double on one plane
+c                     1 track w/ 2 accidentals (3 or 4 planes)
+c                     2 tracks sharing 1 hit (3 or 4 planes)
+c       increase and let it consider 7,8 hit events...
+       if( .and. nhitx.le.10)then
+         do i = 1, nhitx-1
+           if(ztra(i).eq.ztra(i+1) .and.
+     +        abs(xtra(i)-xtra(i+1)) .gt. 1.1) go to 5
+           enddo
+c                     try for nhitx hit track if same plane hits adjacent
+         call trackit
+     +   (nhitx,ztra,xtra,dxtra,utra,dxfit,lrfit,xat0,slope,chi0,chif)
+         if(
+           chif = sqrt(chif/nhitx)
+           else
+           chif = 0.
+           endif
+         if(
+           chi0 = sqrt(chi0/nhitx)
+           else
+           chi0 = 0.
+           endif
+         if( to 3
+c                     try for 4 hit track otherwise, or if 5 hit chisq bad
+5         nhitx = nhitx - 1
+         chmin = 1.5
+         nmin = 0
+         do i = 1, nhitx0
+           utra(i) = -1
+           call trackit
+     +     (nhitx,ztra,xtra,dxtra,utra,dxf3,lrf3,x03,slop3,ch03,chf3(i))
+           chf3(i) = sqrt(chf3(i)/nhitx)
+           if(chf3(i).lt.chmin)then
+             chmin = chf3(i)
+             nmin = i
+             chfnd(1) = chf3(nmin)
+             do l = 1, nhitx0
+               ufnd(l,1) = utra(l)
+               lrfnd(l,1) = lrf3(l)
+               enddo
+             xfnd(1) = x03
+             sfnd(1) = slop3
+             endif
+           utra(i) = 1
+           enddo
+         if(
+           chif = chfnd(1)
+           do l = 1, nhitx0
+             utra(l) = ufnd(l,1)
+             lrfit(l) = lrfnd(l,1)
+             enddo
+           xat0 = xfnd(1)
+           slope = sfnd(1)
+           go to 3
+           endif
+c       do following analysis for 5,6 hits only. For more hits, have
+c       to get good fit from all or all - 1
+         if(
+c       if no good 4/5 hit tracks, try for good 3 hit track
+c       require each hit to be on different plane
+c       if 2 good 3 hit tracks, keep only one with better chisq
+c       above comments similar for nhitx0 = 6
+c       loop over 2 hits to remove...
+         nhitx = nhitx - 1
+         chmin = 1.5
+         nmin = 0
+         do i = 1, nhitx0-1
+           do j = i+1, nhitx0
+             do k = 1, nhitx0-1
+               do l = k+1, nhitx0
+                 if( .and. .and. .and.
+                   if(ztra(k).eq.ztra(l))go to 4
+                   endif
+                 enddo
+               enddo
+             do l = 1, nhitx0
+               if(l.eq.i .or. l.eq.j)then
+                 utra(l) = -1
+                 else
+                 utra(l) = 1
+                 endif
+               enddo
+             call trackit
+     +     (nhitx,ztra,xtra,dxtra,utra,dxf3,lrf3,x03,slop3,ch03,chf3(1))
+             chf3(1) = sqrt(chf3(1)/nhitx)
+             if(chf3(1).lt.chmin .and. nmin.le.1)then
+               nmin = nmin + 1
+               chfnd(nmin) = chf3(1)
+               do l = 1, nhitx0
+                 ufnd(l,nmin) = utra(l)
+                 lrfnd(l,nmin) = lrf3(l)
+                 enddo
+               xfnd(nmin) = x03
+               sfnd(nmin) = slop3
+               endif
+4             continue
+             enddo
+           enddo
+         if(nmin.eq.0)then
+           return
+           endif
+         if(nmin.eq.2)then                     !select better of 2 tracks
+           if(chfnd(1).lt.chfnd(2))nmin = 1
+           endif
+          xat0 = xfnd(nmin)
+         slope = sfnd(nmin)
+         chif = chfnd(nmin)
+         do l = 1, nhitx0
+           utra(l) = ufnd(l,nmin)
+           lrfit(l) = lrfnd(l,nmin)
+           enddo
+         endif
+3       continue         
+c       can have 2 tracks if 6 or more hits
+c       bag out for now if more than 4
+       if(
+         return
+         endif
+c      following was setup for topdrawer plot, remove it
+c       put positions at each plane into array
+c        do i = 1, 4
+c          z(i) = zoff + zplane(i)
+c          x(i) = xat0 + slope*z(i)
+c          enddo
+c       work out good / bad statistics
+c       do i = 1, nhitx0
+c         if(nptra(i).ne.0)then
+c         if(utra(i).eq.1)then
+c           nhgood(nwtra(i),nptra(i)) =
+c     +       nhgood(nwtra(i),nptra(i)) + 1
+c           else
+c           if(x(nptra(i)).gt.-50.)then
+c             nhbad(nwtra(i),nptra(i)) =
+c     +         nhbad(nwtra(i),nptra(i)) + 1
+c             if(x(nptra(i)).gt.xtra(i))then
+c               sigbad(nwtra(i),nptra(i)) =
+c     +           sigbad(nwtra(i),nptra(i)) +
+c     +           x(nptra(i)) - xtra(i) - dxtra(i)
+c               else
+c               sigbad(nwtra(i),nptra(i)) =
+c     +            sigbad(nwtra(i),nptra(i)) +
+c     +            x(nptra(i)) - xtra(i) + dxtra(i)
+c               endif
+c             endif
+c           endif
+c           endif
+c         enddo
+c       hist chi sq -- actually sigma in units of mm....
+c       call hf1(653, chi0, 1.)
+c       call hf1(655, chif, 1.)
+c       histogram the residuals...on 4hit tracks only
+c       see sigbad stuff above for times when not hit
+c         k = 0
+c         do i = 1, 4
+c           if(nhit(i).gt.0)then
+c             do j=1, nhit(i)
+c               k = k + 1
+c               if(utra(k).eq.1)then
+c                 call hf1(612+i, dxfit(k), 1.)
+c                 igr = hit(5,j,i)
+c                 call hf1(616+igr, dxfit(k), 1.)
+c                 endif
+c               enddo
+c             endif
+c           enddo
+c       store results of one track fit in track(*,*) array
+       ntrack     = 1
+       track(1) = slope
+       track(2) = xat0
+       track(3) = chif
+c       k = 0
+c       do i = 1, 4
+c         track(3+i) = 0.
+c         if(nhit(i).eq.1)then
+c           k = k + 1
+c           if(lrfit(k).ne.0)track(3+i) = hit(1,1,i) * lrfit(k)
+c           endif
+c         if(nhit(i).gt.1)then
+c           do j = 1, nhit(i)
+c             k = k + 1
+c             if(lrfit(k).ne.0 .and. track(3+i).eq.0.)
+c     +           track(3+i) = hit(1,1,i) * lrfit(k)
+c             enddo
+c           endif
+c         enddo
+       return
+c       all tracks need to have >=3 hits
+c       accpt varies across chamber, but is generally only a little
+c       larger than 45 degrees - set 60 degrees to maximum, ==> ~+/-6cm
+c       from one plane to the next to determine which hits are in road
+c       technique is to find set of 3 hits
+c       see if can include more as part of track
+c       try to put track to remaining hits
+c       -avoid repeating set of hits
+c       -find best fit set of tracks in some sense
+       end
+       subroutine trackit(nt,zt,xt,dxt,ut,dxf,lrf,x0,tht,chi0,chif)
+c       subroutine track(ntr,ztra,xtra,dxtra,dxfit,lr,x0,thtx,chibest)
+c       fits hits nominal positions z, x, xdrift to a straight line
+c       x = mz + b
+c       ntr      number of hits
+c       ztra     z positions of track hits (cm)
+c       xtra     x positions of track hits (cm)
+c       dxtra    drift distances for track (cm)
+c       dxfit    (fit distance from wire - drift distance from wire) (cm)
+c       lr       ``left/right'' of track at each wire
+c       x0       b of the fit (cm)
+c       thtx     arctan(m) from the fit (mr)
+c       chibest  best fit chi square, assuming sigma = 0.1 (cm, if all else is)
+c       first find best fit using wire positions only, to get starting estimate
+c                 of track
+c       then loop over each combination of l/r's wth drift distances, to get
+c                 best fit for each combination, leading to best fit
+c       iterate using previous theta values to start another fit to improve
+c                 theta; it appears wires + 2 iterations with drift distances
+c                 are quite enough.
+c       subroutine track(nt,zt,xt,dxt,dxf,lrf,x0,tht,chi0,chif)
+       implicit none
+       real zt(10), xt(10), dxt(10), dxf(10), x0, tht, chi0, chif
+       integer nt, lrf(10), nlrin
+       integer lr(10), i, j, ibetin, ibetter
+       integer nloop, iloop(10)
+       integer nlr, ju(10), ut(10), ninput
+       real    xx(10), zz(10), dxx(10), del(10)
+       real    driftfit(10)
+       real    xbar, ybar, xsqbar, xybar
+       real    slope, ctg, stg, rcept
+       real    chisq, dx2, chibest
+       real    chiterm(10), diff
+       real    sigma, pi
+       data    sigma, pi /1.0, 3.1415926/
+c                     first move input data into local arrays
+       j = 0
+       do i = 1, nt
+900      j = j + 1
+        if(
+          write(*,*)' err in trackit -- found',i-1,' of',nt,
+     +      ' hits w/',j-1,' inputs'
+          chi0 = 9999999.
+          chif = 9999999.
+          return
+          endif
+         if(ut(j).ne.1)go to 900
+         lr(i) = 0
+         ju(i) = j
+         enddo
+       ninput = j
+       nlr = nt
+       nlrin = nlr
+       chi0 = 0.
+c                     other setup
+1      ibetin = 2
+       chibest = 999998.
+c                     first estimate theta from wire positions only
+       xbar   = 0
+       ybar   = 0
+       xsqbar = 0
+       xybar  = 0
+       do i = 1, nt
+         dxx(i) = dxt(ju(i))
+         xx(i) = xt(ju(i))
+         zz(i) = zt(ju(i))
+         xbar   = xbar + zz(i)
+         xsqbar = xsqbar + zz(i)**2
+         ybar   = ybar + xx(i)
+         xybar  = xybar + zz(i)*xx(i)
+         enddo
+       xbar   = xbar / nlr
+       xsqbar = xsqbar / nlr
+       ybar   = ybar / nlr
+       xybar  = xybar / nlr
+       diff   = xsqbar - xbar**2
+       if(
+         slope  = (xybar - xbar*ybar) / diff
+         ctg    = 1./sqrt(1.+slope**2)
+         stg    = slope*ctg
+         else
+         ctg    = 0.
+         stg    = 1.
+         endif
+       nloop = 2**nlr
+       do i = 1, nloop
+c                     set up all +/- combinations to loop over
+         call seti(nlr,i,iloop)
+         ibetter = 1
+100         xbar   = 0
+         ybar   = 0
+         xsqbar = 0
+         xybar  = 0
+         do j = 1, nlr
+           xx(j) = xt(ju(j)) + iloop(j)*dxx(j)*ctg
+           zz(j) = zt(ju(j)) - iloop(j)*dxx(j)*stg
+c                     calculate best track for this combination
+c                     y=f(x) <---> x=f(z)
+           xbar   = xbar + zz(j)
+           xsqbar = xsqbar + zz(j)**2
+           ybar   = ybar + xx(j)
+           xybar  = xybar + zz(j)*xx(j)
+           enddo
+         xbar   = xbar / nlr
+         xsqbar = xsqbar / nlr
+         ybar   = ybar / nlr
+         xybar  = xybar / nlr
+         diff   = xsqbar - xbar**2
+         if(
+           slope  = (xybar - xbar*ybar) / diff
+           ctg    = 1./sqrt(1.+slope**2)
+           stg    = slope*ctg
+           rcept  = -1.*(xybar*xbar-xsqbar*ybar) / diff
+           else
+           ctg    = 0.
+           stg    = 1.
+           rcept = -999999.
+           slope = 999999.
+           endif
+c                     iterate a few times to converge
+         if(ibetter.le.ibetin)then
+           ibetter = ibetter + 1
+           go to 100
+           endif
+c                     calculate chisq
+         chisq = 0.
+         do j = 1, nlr
+           dx2 = slope * zt(ju(j)) + rcept - xt(ju(j))
+            driftfit(j) = dx2 * ctg
+c      adjust dxfit sign if track on opposite side of wire from drift distance
+c      dx2>0 --> track on + side of wire, dx2<0 --> track on - side of wire
+c      lr = 1--> track on + side of wire, lr=-1 --> track on - side of wire
+c      use iloop if lr = 0...    note dx always +
+c...   note: lr always 0 in Los Alamos case, but do not change code below
+            if(driftfit(j).gt.0) then              !track on + side of wire
+              if(lr(j).eq.1 .or. (lr(j).eq.0.and.iloop(j).eq.1)) then
+                del(j) = driftfit(j) - dxx(j)       !track +, drift +
+                else
+                del(j) = driftfit(j) + dxx(j)       !track +, drift -
+                endif
+              else                            !track on - side of wire
+              if(lr(j).eq.-1 .or. (lr(j).eq.0.and.iloop(j).eq.-1))then
+                del(j) = driftfit(j) + dxx(j)        !track -, drift -
+                else
+                del(j) = driftfit(j) - dxx(j)        !track -, drift +
+                endif
+              endif
+           chiterm(j) = (del(j)/sigma)**2
+           chisq = chisq + chiterm(j)
+           enddo
+c                       save if best fit so far
+         if(
+c                     save lr input to fit, not side of wire of fit
+           do j = 1, ninput
+             dxf(j) = 0.
+             lrf(j) = 0
+             enddo
+           do j = 1, nlr
+             dxf(ju(j)) = del(j)
+              if(iloop(j).lt.0)then
+               lrf(ju(j)) = -1
+               else
+               lrf(ju(j)) = 1
+               endif
+             enddo
+           tht = slope
+            x0 = rcept
+           chibest = chisq
+           endif
+         enddo
+       if(chi0.le.0)chi0 = chibest
+       chif = chibest
+c      do not refit... leaving out worse chisq point if chisq too large
+c      only do once
+c       with sigma = 0.1 cm, and want point off by 3+ cm, require
+c       chi > 30**2 ==> 1000
+c       if(nlrin.eq.nlr .and. .and.
+c         dx2 = chiterm(1)
+c         i1 = 1
+c         do j = 1, nlr
+c           lrf(ju(j)) = 0
+c          enddo
+c         do j = 2, nlr
+c           if(chiterm(j).gt.dx2)then
+c             dx2 = chiterm(j)
+c             i1 = j
+c             endif
+c           enddo
+c         nlr = nlr - 1
+c         if(i1.le.nlr)then
+c           do j = i1, nlr-1
+c             ju(j) = ju(j+1)
+c             enddo
+c           endif
+c         lrf(i1) = -99
+c         go to 1
+c         endif
+       return
+       end
+       subroutine seti(ntr,i,iloop)
+c                     subroutine to set phases for loop combinations
+        implicit none
+       integer*4 ntr, i, iloop(10)
+       integer*4 j, k, jn, jrem
+       j = i-1
+       do k = 1, ntr
+         jn   = j/2
+         jrem = j - 2*jn
+         if(jrem.eq.0)then
+           iloop(k) = 1
+           else
+           iloop(k) = -1
+           endif
+         j = jn
+         enddo
+       return
+       end
+ccccccccccccc put scintillator analysis here....
+      subroutine t_test_scint_analyze
+      implicit none
+*	subroutine: t_test_scint_analyze.f
+*	written: R. Gilman, Dec 20 1996
+*	purpose: Use raw scintillator times to get positions in scintillators,
+*		recalibrate scintillators, and get time offsets to improve
+*		chamber resolution.
+*               The 4th phototube is assumed to be the self timing one.
+* Local Variables
+      include 't20_test_detectors.cmn'
+      include 't20_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 't20_misc.cmn'
+      integer*4 i,j
+      real*4 t,f
+c     the test scintillators are plugged into adcs 7 - 10 of the polder
+c     strat adc, thus the addr1 is 1 and the addr2 is 7 - 10...
+c     by initializing all the values to -10000, any valu not found will cause
+c     a negative mean value, making it clear the event is not a proper
+c     average
+c     at some point the histograms should be used to determine pedestal
+c     values, but we need to look at the pedestals or hope this is auto-done
+c     by hall c software...
+      do j = 1, 4
+        ttst_scin_rawadc(j) = -10000
+        ttst_scin_psadc(j) = -10000
+      enddo
+      i = 1
+      do i = 1, tmisc_tot_hits
+        if(tmisc_raw_addr1(i).eq.1)then
+          if(tmisc_raw_addr2(i).gt.6 .and. tmisc_raw_addr2(i).lt.11)then
+            j = tmisc_raw_addr2(i) - 6
+            ttst_scin_rawadc(j) = tmisc_raw_data(i)
+            ttst_scin_psadc(j) = tmisc_raw_data(i)
+     +                         - ttst_scin_peds(j)
+          endif
+        endif
+      enddo
+*     work out geo and arith means for sintillators
+      ttst_scin_amean_adc = 0
+      ttst_scin_nzadcs = 0
+      f = 1.
+      do j = 1, 4
+        if(ttst_scin_psadc(j).gt.0.)then
+          ttst_scin_nzadcs = ttst_scin_nzadcs + 1
+          ttst_scin_amean_adc = ttst_scin_amean_adc +
+     +                          ttst_scin_psadc(j)  
+          f = f * ttst_scin_psadc(j)
+        endif
+      enddo
+      t = ttst_scin_nzadcs
+      if(
+        ttst_scin_amean_adc = ttst_scin_amean_adc / ttst_scin_nzadcs
+        ttst_scin_gmean_adc = nint(f ** (1./t))
+        else
+        ttst_scin_amean_adc = -1
+        ttst_scin_gmean_adc = -1
+      endif
+*     work out means of two signals for scint 1 and for scint 2
+      ttst_scin_adc1m = (ttst_scin_psadc(1) + ttst_scin_psadc(3))/2
+      ttst_scin_adc2m = (ttst_scin_psadc(2) + ttst_scin_psadc(4))/2
+*     work out scintillator times
+*       call ttst_scinadccor
+*       do i = 1, 4
+*         ttst_scin_tdccor(i) = ttst_scin_tdc(i) + ttst_scin_timeoff(i)
+*         if(ttst_scin_off_parm.eq.1)
+*           ttst_scin_tdccor(i) = ttst_scin_tdccor(i) + ttst_scin_adccor(i)
+*         enddo
+*       ttst_scin_time1 = 0.5*(ttst_scint_tdc(1) + ttst_scint_tdc(2))
+*       ttst_scin_time2 = 0.5*(ttst_scint_tdc(3) + ttst_scint_tdc(4))
+*       ttst_scin_tim = 0.5*(ttst_scin_time1 + ttst_scin_time2)
+*       ttst_scin_timecor1 = 
+*     +   0.5*(ttst_scint_tdccor(1) + ttst_scint_tdccor(2))
+*       ttst_scin_timecor2 = 
+*     +   0.5*(ttst_scint_tdccor(3) + ttst_scint_tdccor(4))
+*       ttst_scin_timcor = 
+*     +   0.5*(ttst_scin_timecor1 + ttst_scin_timecor2)
+*      work out scintillator positions
+*      The factor of 1/2 corrects for the fact
+*      that one tube is earlier and the other is later, due to position offset.
+*      The sign of the subtraction in the following equation must be checked.     
+*       ttst_scin_pos1 = ttst_scin_v_corr * 0.5 *
+*     +     (ttst_scint_tdccor(1) - ttst_scint_tdccor(2))
+*       ttst_scin_pos2 = ttst_scin_v_corr * 0.5 *
+*     +   (ttst_scint_tdccor(3) - ttst_scint_tdccor(4))
+*       ttst_scin_pos = 0.5*(ttst_scin_pos1 + ttst_scin_pos2)
+*      calculate t0 offset correction for this event...
+*      t0 is the time the particle actually passes through the chamber,
+*      relative to the trigger time, this varies from event to event due
+*      to positions, ...
+*      in this routine calculate the time the p[article passes through the
+*      scintilator, based on the scintillator measure of position... a
+*      0th order track from the chamber wires would probably give a better
+*      measure, so leave as 0 for now...
+*       ttst_t0_correction = 0.
+       return
+       end
diff --git a/T20/tengine.f b/T20/tengine.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7bf2953
--- /dev/null
+++ b/T20/tengine.f
@@ -0,0 +1,711 @@
+* PROGRAM Engine
+*-       Prototype C analysis routine
+*- This is the analysis shell for CEBAF hall C.
+*  It gets all of its instructions via the CTP package
+*- Loops through data until it encounters an error.
+*-   Created  18-Nov-1993   Kevin B. Beard, Hampton Univ.
+* $Log: tengine.f,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1998/12/01 20:55:32  saw
+* Initial revision
+* Revision 1.23  1996/11/08 15:40:09  saw
+* (JRA) Add analysis of epics events.
+* Revision 1.22  1996/09/04 15:33:43  saw
+* (JRA) Assorted changes and diagnostics
+* Revision 1.21  1996/04/29 19:19:04  saw
+* (JRA) Corrections
+* Revision 1.20  1996/01/24 16:11:10  saw
+* (JRA) Change evtype to registered gen_event_type.  Refresh statistics
+*       file at a time interval rather than event interval
+* Revision 1.19  1996/01/16 21:12:41  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add tcl run statistics display
+* Revision 1.18  1995/10/09 19:59:00  cdaq
+* (JRA) Improve event counting for periodic dumping.  Dump pedestal data
+* at end of run.
+* Revision 1.17  1995/09/22 19:39:13  cdaq
+* (SAW) Move g_ctp_database from g_init_filenames to here.  Process all
+* CTP command line vars after every ctp file read so that command line
+* overrides everything.
+* Revision 1.16  1995/07/27 19:45:40  cdaq
+* (SAW) f2c compatibility changes.  Only shutdown ntuples at very end.
+*       ctp command line variables override at every oportunity
+* Revision 1.15  1995/05/11  19:02:23  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add ability to set CTP variables from the command line
+* Revision 1.14  1995/04/01  20:12:58  cdaq
+* (SAW) Call g_proper_shutdown instead of dump_hists for periodic hist dumps
+* Revision 1.13  1995/03/13  18:11:05  cdaq
+* (JRA) Write scaler report when histograms are dumped at intervals
+* Revision 1.12  1995/01/31  21:12:17  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add gen_run_hist_dump_interval for in run hist dumping.  Add commented
+*           out code to query user for # of event and hist dump interval.
+* Revision 1.11  1994/11/22  20:12:01  cdaq
+* (SAW) Change "" to " " so this would compile under ultrix.
+* Revision 1.10  1994/10/19  20:40:29  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add handling of RPC requests
+* Revision 1.9  1994/07/07  15:28:29  cdaq
+* (SAW) Move check for scaler event to proper place
+* Revision 1.8  1994/06/26  02:07:03  cdaq
+* (KBB) Add ability to analyze selected subset of events.  Add evcount stats.
+* (SAW) Add call to scaler analysis
+* Revision 1.7  1994/06/17  03:35:00  cdaq
+* (KBB) Upgrade error reporting
+* Revision 1.6  1994/06/15  14:27:30  cdaq
+* (SAW) Actually add call to g_examine_physics_event
+* Revision 1.5  1994/06/07  18:22:58  cdaq
+* (SAW) Add calls to g_examine_physics_event and g_examine_control_event
+* Revision 1.4  1994/04/15  20:31:25  cdaq
+* (SAW) Changes for ONLINE use
+* Revision 1.3  1994/03/24  22:02:12  cdaq
+* Reorganize for online compatibility
+* Revision 1.2  1994/02/11  18:32:06  cdaq
+* Split off CTP variables registration from initialize routines
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/04  21:04:59  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      SAVE
+      character*6 here
+      parameter (here= 'Engine')
+      logical ABORT,EoF
+      character*800 err,mss
+      include 'gen_filenames.cmn'
+      include 'gen_craw.cmn'
+      include 'gen_run_info.cmn'
+      include 'gen_event_info.cmn'
+      include 'gen_run_pref.cmn'
+      include 'gen_routines.dec'
+      include 'gen_scalers.cmn'
+      include 'gen_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 't20_data_structures.cmn'
+      logical problems, finished_extracting
+      integer total_event_count
+      integer physics_events
+      integer analyzed_events(0:gen_max_trigger_types)
+      integer sum_analyzed
+      integer recorded_events(0:gen_max_trigger_types)
+      integer sum_recorded
+      integer num_events_skipped
+      integer i,since_cnt,lastdump
+      integer rpc_pend                  ! # Pending asynchronous RPC requests
+      character*80 g_config_environmental_var
+      parameter (g_config_environmental_var= 'ENGINE_CONFIG_FILE')
+      integer*4 jishft,jiand
+      integer ierr
+      integer*4 status
+      integer*4 evclose
+      character*132 file
+      character*20 groupname
+      character*132 system_string
+*      real*4 ebeam,phms,thms,psos,tsos,ntarg
+      real*4 ebeam,phms,thms,pt20,tt20,ntarg
+      integer start_time,lasttime
+      integer time
+      integer*4 preprocessor_keep_event
+      external time
+      print *
+      print *,'  Hall C Proudly Presents: PHYSICS Analysis Engine - Spring 1996'
+      print *
+      total_event_count= 0                      ! Need to register this
+      lastdump=0
+      do i=0,gen_max_trigger_types
+        analyzed_events(i)=0
+        recorded_events(i)=0
+      enddo
+      sum_analyzed=0
+      sum_recorded=0
+      num_events_skipped=0
+      rpc_on=0                          ! RPC servicing off by default
+      rpc_control=-1                    ! If RPC on, don't block by default
+      call g_register_variables(ABORT,err)
+      if(' ') then
+         call G_add_path(here,err)
+         call G_rep_err(ABORT,err)
+         If(ABORT) STOP
+         err= ' '
+      ENDIF
+      g_config_filename = ' '
+      call engine_command_line(.false.) ! Set CTP vars from command line
+      call G_init_filenames(ABORT,err,g_config_environmental_var)
+      if(' ') then
+         call G_add_path(here,err)
+         call G_rep_err(ABORT,err)
+         If(ABORT) STOP
+         err= ' '
+      ENDIF
+      call engine_command_line(.false.) ! Set CTP vars from command line
+* If there is a g_ctp_database_filename set, pass the run number
+* to it to set CTP variables
+      if(' ') then
+        call g_ctp_database(ABORT, err
+     $       ,gen_run_number, g_ctp_database_filename)
+        IF(ABORT) THEN
+          call G_add_path(here,err)
+        endif
+      ENDIF
+      call engine_command_line(.false.) ! Set CTP vars from command line
+      call G_decode_init(ABORT,err)
+      if(' ') then
+         call G_add_path(here,err)
+         call G_rep_err(ABORT,err)
+         If(ABORT) STOP
+         err= ' '
+      endif
+      g_data_source_opened = .false.     !not opened yet
+      g_data_source_in_hndl= 0           !none
+      call G_open_source(ABORT,err)
+      if(' ') then
+         call G_add_path(here,err)
+         call G_rep_err(ABORT,err)
+         If(ABORT) STOP
+         err= ' '
+      endif
+* if preprocessor on, open event file
+      if(
+        g_preproc_opened=.false. !not opened yet
+        g_preproc_in_hndl=0      !none IO opened
+        call g_preproc_open(ABORT,err)
+        if (' ')then
+          call G_add_path(here,err)
+          call G_rep_err(ABORT,err)
+          if (ABORT) STOP
+          err=' '
+        endif
+        write(6,*)'Opened CODA event file for preprocessor output'
+      endif
+      finished_extracting = .false.
+      finished_extracting = .true.      ! For t20 EEL detector tests
+c The above line causes the following DO WHILE loop to be skipped for now.      
+      DO WHILE(.NOT.problems .and. .NOT.ABORT .and. .NOT.EoF .and.
+     &         .NOT.finished_extracting)
+        mss= ' '
+        g_replay_time=time()-start_time
+        call G_clear_event(ABORT,err)   !clear out old data
+        problems= problems .OR. ABORT
+        if(mss.NE.' ' .and. err.NE.' ') then
+          call G_append(mss,' & '//err)
+        elseif(err.NE.' ') then
+          mss= err
+        endif
+        If(.NOT.problems) Then
+          call G_get_next_event(ABORT,err) !get and store 1 event 
+          problems= problems .OR. ABORT 
+          if(.NOT.ABORT) total_event_count= total_event_count+1
+        EndIf
+        if(mss.NE.' ' .and. err.NE.' ') then
+          call G_append(mss,' & '//err)
+        elseif(err.NE.' ') then
+          mss= err
+        endif
+* Check if this is a physics event or a CODA control event.
+        if(.not.problems) then
+          gen_event_type = jishft(craw(2),-16)
+          if(gen_event_type.eq.1) gen_event_type = 2            ! T20 temporary hack for EEL runs
+          if(gen_event_type.le.gen_MAX_trigger_types) then
+            recorded_events(gen_event_type)=recorded_events(gen_event_type)+1
+            sum_recorded=sum_recorded+1
+            print *,gen_event_type
+            write(6,*) "Whew, I feel much bettter now"
+            write(6,*) "However, you might want to know that I've hit a physics event"
+            write(6,*) "In my run info event loop and THAT SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN!!!"
+            write(6,*) "KILL ME!!! KILL ME NOW!!!!!"
+          endif
+* if preprocessor is on write all events of trig type > 16
+*   (i.e. all non-physics events)
+          if( .and.
+     $ then
+            call g_write_event(ABORT,err)
+          endif
+          if (gen_event_type.eq.130) then !run info event (get e,p,theta)
+            finished_extracting=.true.
+            write(6,'(a)') 'COMMENTS FROM RUN INFO EVENT'
+            call g_extract_kinematics(ebeam,phms,thms,pt20,tt20,ntarg)
+            write(6,'(a)') 'KINEMATICS FROM RUN INFO EVENT'
+c  beam energy no longer in runinfo event.
+c            if ( ebeam=ebeam/1000. !usually in MeV
+c            write(6,*) '   gpbeam     =',abs(ebeam),' GeV'
+c            gpbeam=abs(ebeam)
+            write(6,*) '   hpcentral  =',abs(phms),' GeV/c'
+            hpcentral=abs(phms)
+            write(6,*) '   htheta_lab =',abs(thms),' deg.'
+            htheta_lab=abs(thms)
+            write(6,*) '   tpcentral  =',abs(pt20),' GeV/c'
+            tpcentral=abs(pt20)
+            write(6,*) '   ttheta_lab =',abs(tt20),' deg.'
+            ttheta_lab=abs(tt20)
+            write(6,*) '   gtarg_num  =',abs(ntarg)
+            gtarg_num=ntarg
+          endif
+          if (gen_event_type.eq.131.or.gen_event_type.eq.133) then !past run info event. must be missing
+            write(6,*) "no run information event found"
+            finished_extracting=.true.
+          endif
+        endif                           !if .not.problems
+      enddo                             !do while .not.finished_extracting
+      call G_initialize(ABORT,err)              !includes a total reset
+      IF(ABORT.or.err.NE.' ') THEN
+         call G_add_path(here,err)
+         call G_rep_err(ABORT,err)
+         If(ABORT) STOP
+         err= ' '
+      ENDIF
+*-attempt to open FASTBUS-CODA file
+c      g_data_source_opened = .false.     !not opened yet
+c      g_data_source_in_hndl= 0           !none
+c      call G_open_source(ABORT,err)
+c      if(' ') then
+c         call G_add_path(here,err)
+c         call G_rep_err(ABORT,err)
+c         If(ABORT) STOP
+c         err= ' '
+c      endif
+      call engine_command_line(.false.) ! Set CTP vars from command line
+* Print out the statistics report once...
+      if(' '.and.
+     $' ') then
+         file = g_stats_output_filename
+         call g_sub_run_number(file, gen_run_number)
+         ierr = threp(g_stats_blockname,file)
+      endif
+* Comment out the following three lines if they cause trouble or
+* if wish is unavailable.
+      write(system_string,*) 'runstats ',file(1:index(file,' ')-1), ' ',
+     $     gen_run_number, '> /dev/null 2>&1 &'
+      call system(system_string)
+*-zero entire event buffer
+      DO i=1,LENGTH_CRAW
+         CRAW(i)= 0
+      ENDDO
+      since_cnt= 0
+      problems= .false.
+      EoF = .false.
+      if( then
+        print *,"*****************************************************"
+        print *," "
+        print *,"ENGINE is enabled to receive RPC requests"
+        if(rpc_control.eq.0) then
+          print *," "
+          print *,"ENGINE will HANG waiting for RPC requests"
+                else if( then
+          print *,"ENGINE will HANG to waitfor RPC requests after "
+     $         ,rpc_control," events"
+        endif
+        if( then
+          print *,"If you don't want this to happen, put one of the"
+          print *,"following in your CTP setup file"
+          print *,"    rpc_on = 0 ; Turns off RPC handling"
+          print *,"    rpc_control = -1 ; No Hanging, but RPC handled"
+        endif
+        print *," "
+        print *,"*****************************************************"
+        call thservset(0,0)             !prepare for RPC requests
+      endif
+      rpc_pend = 0
+      start_time=time()
+      lasttime=0.
+      DO WHILE(.NOT.problems .and. .NOT.ABORT .and. .NOT.EoF)
+        mss= ' '
+        g_replay_time=time()-start_time
+        call G_clear_event(ABORT,err)   !clear out old data
+        problems= problems .OR. ABORT
+        if(mss.NE.' ' .and. err.NE.' ') then
+          call G_append(mss,' & '//err)
+        elseif(err.NE.' ') then
+          mss= err
+        endif
+        If(.NOT.problems) Then
+          call G_get_next_event(ABORT,err) !get and store 1 event
+          problems= problems .OR. ABORT
+          if(.NOT.ABORT) total_event_count= total_event_count+1
+        EndIf
+        if(mss.NE.' ' .and. err.NE.' ') then
+          call G_append(mss,' & '//err)
+        elseif(err.NE.' ') then
+          mss= err
+        endif
+* Check if this is a physics event or a CODA control event.
+        if(.not.problems) then
+          gen_event_type = jishft(craw(2),-16)
+          if(gen_event_type.eq.1) gen_event_type = 2            ! T20 temporary hack for EEL runs
+          if(gen_event_type.le.gen_MAX_trigger_types) then
+            recorded_events(gen_event_type)=recorded_events(gen_event_type)+1
+            sum_recorded=sum_recorded+1
+          endif
+*if preprocessor is on write all events of trig type > 16
+*  (i.e. all non-physics events)
+          if( .and.
+     &
+            call g_write_event(ABORT,err)
+          endif
+          if (gen_event_type.eq.130) then       !run info event (get e,p,theta)
+c            call g_extract_kinematics(ebeam,phms,thms,psos,tsos)
+c            if (gpbeam .ge. 7. .and. ebeam.le.7.) then !sometimes ebeam in MeV
+c              gpbeam=abs(ebeam)
+c              write(6,*) 'gpbeam=',abs(ebeam),' GeV'
+c            endif
+c            if (hpcentral .ge. 7.) then
+c              write(6,*) 'hpcentral=',abs(phms),' GeV/c'
+c              hpcentral=abs(phms)
+c            endif
+c            if (htheta_lab .le. 0.) then
+c              write(6,*) 'htheta_lab=',abs(thms),' deg.'
+c              htheta_lab=abs(thms)*3.14159265/180.
+c            endif
+c            if (spcentral .ge. 7.) then
+c              write(6,*) 'spcentral=',abs(psos),' GeV/c'
+c              spcentral=abs(psos)
+c            endif
+c            if (stheta_lab .le. 0.) then
+c              write(6,*) 'stheta_lab=',abs(tsos),' deg.'
+c              stheta_lab=abs(tsos)*3.14159265/180.
+c            endif
+          endif
+          if(jiand(CRAW(2),'FFFF'x).eq.'10CC'x) then ! Physics event
+            if(gen_event_type.le.gen_MAX_trigger_types .and.
+     $           gen_run_enable(gen_event_type-1).ne.0) then
+              call g_examine_physics_event(CRAW,ABORT,err)
+              if(gen_event_type.eq.1) gen_event_type = 2 ! T20 temporary hack for EEL runs
+              problems = problems .or.ABORT
+              if(mss.NE.' ' .and. err.NE.' ') then
+                call G_append(mss,' & '//err)
+              elseif(err.NE.' ') then
+                mss= err
+              endif
+              IF( .and.
+     $    THEN ! always analyze peds.
+                num_events_skipped = num_events_skipped + 1
+              ELSE
+                if(gen_run_starting_event.eq.gen_event_id_number)
+     &               start_time=time()  !reset start time for analysis rate
+                if(.NOT.problems) then
+                  call G_reconstruction(CRAW,ABORT,err) !COMMONs
+                  physics_events = physics_events + 1
+                  analyzed_events(gen_event_type)=analyzed_events(gen_event_type)+1
+                  sum_analyzed=sum_analyzed+1
+                  problems= problems .OR. ABORT
+                endif
+                if(mss.NE.' ' .and. err.NE.' ') then
+                  call G_append(mss,' & '//err)
+                elseif(err.NE.' ') then
+                  mss= err
+                endif
+                groupname=' '
+                if (gen_event_type.eq.1) then
+                  groupname='hms'
+                else if (gen_event_type.eq.2) then
+                  groupname='t20'
+                else if (gen_event_type.eq.3) then
+                  groupname='both'
+                else if (gen_event_type.eq.4) then
+                  start_time=time()     !reset start time for analysis rate
+                  groupname='ped'
+                else
+                  write(6,*) 'gen_event_type= ',gen_event_type,' for call to g_keep_results'
+                endif
+                If(.NOT.problems .and.' ') Then
+                  call G_keep_results(groupname,ABORT,err) !file away results as
+                  problems= problems .OR. ABORT !specified by interface
+                EndIf
+                if(mss.NE.' ' .and. err.NE.' ') then
+                  call G_append(mss,' & '//err)
+                elseif(err.NE.' ') then
+                  mss= err
+                endif
+* if preprocessor is on check event for write criteria
+                if(
+                  if(.NOT.problems)then
+                    call g_preproc_event(preprocessor_keep_event)
+                    if(preprocessor_keep_event.eq.1)then
+                      call g_write_event(ABORT,err)
+                    endif
+                  endif
+                endif
+*- Here is where we insert a check for an Remote Proceedure Call (RPC)
+*- from another process for CTP to interpret
+                if( then
+                  if(rpc_pend.eq.0.and.rpc_control.eq.0) then
+                    do while(rpc_pend.eq.0.and.rpc_control.eq.0)
+                      ierr = thservone(-1) !block until one RPC request serviced
+                      rpc_pend = thcallback()
+                    enddo
+                  else
+                    ierr = thservone(0)   !service one RPC requests
+                    rpc_pend = thcallback()
+                  endif
+                  if( rpc_pend = 0 ! Last thcallback took care of all
+                                        ! outstanding requests
+                  if( rpc_control = rpc_control - 1
+                endif
+              endif
+            else if (gen_event_type.eq.131) then ! EPICS event
+              call g_examine_epics_event
+            endif
+          Else
+            if(gen_event_type.eq.129) then
+              call g_analyze_scalers(CRAW,ABORT,err)
+* Dump report at first scaler event AFTER hist_dump_interval to keep hardware
+* and software scalers in sync.
+              if((physics_events-lastdump).ge.gen_run_hist_dump_interval.and.
+     &   then
+                lastdump=physics_events   ! Wait for next interval of dump_int.
+                call g_proper_shutdown(ABORT,err)
+                print 112,"Finished dumping histograms/scalers for first"
+     &               ,physics_events," events"
+ 112            format (a,i8,a)
+              endif
+            else if (gen_event_type.eq.133) then  !SAW's new go_info events
+              call g_examine_go_info(CRAW,ABORT,err)
+            else
+              call g_examine_control_event(CRAW,ABORT,err)
+            endif
+            mss = err
+          EndIf
+        endif
+*Now write the statistics report every 2 sec...
+         if ( then  !dump every 2 seconds
+           lasttime=g_replay_time
+           if(' '.and.
+     $' ') then
+              file = g_stats_output_filename
+              call g_sub_run_number(file, gen_run_number)
+              ierr = threp(g_stats_blockname,file)
+           endif
+        endif
+        since_cnt= since_cnt+1
+        if(since_cnt.GE.5000) then
+          print *,' event#',total_event_count
+          since_cnt= 0
+        endif
+        If(ABORT .or. mss.NE.' ') Then
+          call G_add_path(here,mss)     !only if problems
+          call G_rep_err(ABORT,mss)
+        EndIf
+        EoF= gen_event_type.EQ.20
+        If(gen_run_stopping_event.GT.0 .and.
+     &       gen_event_ID_number.GT.0) Then
+          EoF= EoF .or. gen_run_stopping_event.LE.sum_analyzed-
+     $         analyzed_events(4)
+        EndIf
+*- Here is where we insert a check for an Remote Proceedure Call (RPC)
+*- from another process for CTP to interpret
+      ENDDO                             !found a problem or end of run
+      print *,'    -------------------------------------'
+      IF(ABORT .or. mss.NE.' ') THEN
+        call G_rep_err(ABORT,mss)       !report any errors or warnings
+        err= ' '
+      ENDIF
+      if( call thservunset(0,0)
+      print *,'    -------------------------------------'
+* Print out the statistics report one last time...
+      if(' '.and.
+     $' ') then
+         file = g_stats_output_filename
+         call g_sub_run_number(file, gen_run_number)
+         ierr = threp(g_stats_blockname,file)
+      endif
+      call G_proper_shutdown(ABORT,err) !save files, etc.
+      If(ABORT .or. err.NE.' ') Then
+        call G_add_path(here,err)       !report any errors or warnings
+        call G_rep_err(ABORT,err)
+        err= ' '
+      EndIf
+      call g_ntuple_shutdown(ABORT,err)
+      If(ABORT .or. err.NE.' ') Then
+        call G_add_path(here,err)       !report any errors or warnings
+        call G_rep_err(ABORT,err)
+        err= ' '
+      EndIf
+* close charge scalers output file.
+      if (' ') close(unit=G_LUN_CHARGE_SCALER)
+* close epics output file.
+      if (' ') close(unit=G_LUN_EPICS_OUTPUT)
+      if (g_preproc_opened) then
+        status= evclose(g_preproc_in_hndl)
+        if ( write(6,*) 'status for evclose=',status
+      endif
+      call g_dump_peds
+      call h_dump_peds
+      call t_dump_peds
+      print *,'Processed:'
+      DO i=0,gen_MAX_trigger_types
+        If(recorded_events(i).GT.0) Then
+          write(mss,'(4x,i12," / ",i8," events of type",i3)')
+     &             analyzed_events(i),recorded_events(i),i
+          call G_log_message(mss)
+        EndIf
+      ENDDO
+      write(mss,'(i12," / ",i8," total")') sum_analyzed,sum_recorded
+      call G_log_message(mss)
+      print *,'  for run#',gen_run_number
+* Comment out the following two lines if they cause trouble
+      call system
+     &  ("kill `ps | grep runstats | awk '{ print $1}'` > /dev/null 2>&1")
+      END
+      subroutine engine_command_line(outputflag)
+      implicit none
+      integer iarg
+      character*132 arg
+      integer iargc
+      external iargc
+      logical outputflag
+* Process command line args that set CTP variables
+      do iarg=1,iargc()
+        call getarg(iarg,arg)
+        if(index(arg,'=').gt.0) then
+          call thpset(arg)
+          if (outputflag) write(6,'(4x,a70)') arg(1:70)
+        endif
+      enddo
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine force
+c     Force the linker to pull the following routines out of the first
+c     library (libt20) on the link line.
+      call g_decode_fb_bank
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/TRACKING/.cvsignore b/TRACKING/.cvsignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92aeffc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TRACKING/.cvsignore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/TRACKING/CVS/Entries b/TRACKING/CVS/Entries
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..76b2401
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TRACKING/CVS/Entries
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+/.cvsignore/1.1/Thu Jul  8 18:42:10 2004//Tsane
+/Makefile/1.1/Mon Dec  7 22:11:33 1998//Tsane
+/Makefile.Unix/ Sep 10 20:08:03 2007//Tsane
+/find_space_points.f/1.6/Wed Jan 17 19:20:25 1996//Tsane
+/select_space_points.f/1.3/Wed Jan 17 19:20:48 1996//Tsane
+/solve_four_by_four.f/1.1/Mon Feb 21 16:44:35 1994//Tsane
+/total_eloss.f/ Nov 29 18:32:13 2007//Tsane
diff --git a/TRACKING/CVS/Repository b/TRACKING/CVS/Repository
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..08e94b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TRACKING/CVS/Repository
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/TRACKING/CVS/Root b/TRACKING/CVS/Root
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6288c3f
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/TRACKING/CVS/Tag b/TRACKING/CVS/Tag
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..25d73f7
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/TRACKING/Makefile b/TRACKING/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..779a395
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TRACKING/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# $Log: Makefile,v $
+# Revision 1.1  1998/12/07 22:11:33  saw
+# Initial setup
+include $(ETC)/Makefile.NEW
diff --git a/TRACKING/Makefile.Unix b/TRACKING/Makefile.Unix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..56c2035
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TRACKING/Makefile.Unix
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+# $Log: Makefile.Unix,v $
+# Revision  2007/09/10 20:08:03  pcarter
+# Implemented changes to allow compilation on RHEL 3,4,5 and MacOSX
+# Revision 1.14  1999/02/24 15:43:52  saw
+# Add rule for getting .par files from INCLUDE
+# Revision 1.13  1999/01/21 21:42:04  saw
+# Clean up Include file rules
+# Revision 1.12  1998/12/09 16:31:17  saw
+# Remove dependence on Csoft environment variable
+# Revision 1.11  1996/09/05 20:19:23  saw
+# (SAW) Linux compatibility fixes
+# Revision 1.10  1996/04/29 18:29:50  saw
+# (SAW) New makefile style
+# Revision 1.9  1996/01/17 19:11:00  cdaq
+# (SAW) Add total_eloss
+# Revision 1.8  1995/07/28 15:17:32  cdaq
+# Revision 1.7  1995/05/24  13:24:13  cdaq
+# (SAW) Remove g_init_histid
+# Revision 1.6  1995/03/13  20:01:57  cdaq
+# (SAW) Add -f switch on include file copy commands
+# Revision 1.5  1995/01/27  21:10:12  cdaq
+# (SAW) Remove RCS from include file rules
+# Revision 1.4  1994/11/23  15:37:02  cdaq
+# (SAW) Remove solve_3by3_hdc.f
+# Revision 1.3  1994/10/12  18:44:22  cdaq
+# (SAW) Change solve_three_by_three.f to solve_3by3_hdc.f
+# Revision 1.2  1994/07/07  15:18:09  cdaq
+# (SAW) Fix a bug so that all sources not get compiled
+# Revision 1.1  1994/04/15  20:27:51  cdaq
+# Initial revision
+include ../../etc/Makefile
+include ../../etc/Makefile.flags
+sources = find_space_points.f select_space_points.f solve_four_by_four.f \
+	total_eloss.f
+libsources = $(sources)
+lib_targets := $(patsubst %.f, libtracking.a(%.o), $(libsources))
+install-dirs := lib
+bin_targets =
+#	@echo "nothing to make"
+	ln -s $< $@
+.PRECIOUS: ../%.f
+# Get include files from ENGINE directory
+%.cmn ../%.cmn:: ../../INCLUDE/%.cmn
+	$(CP) $< $@
+%.par ../%.par:: ../../INCLUDE/%.par
+	$(CP) $< $@
+include $(sources:.f=.d)
diff --git a/TRACKING/find_space_points.f b/TRACKING/find_space_points.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a7ccfa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TRACKING/find_space_points.f
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+      subroutine find_space_points(ncham_hits,
+     &  hit_number, wire_center, plane_number,space_point_criterion,
+     &  xsp,ysp,nspace_point_len,
+     &  nspace_points,space_points,space_point_hits)
+*       Created D.F. Geesaman     Sept 1993       
+* $Log: find_space_points.f,v $
+* Revision 1.6  1996/01/17 19:20:25  cdaq
+* (JRA) Misc. fixes, reindent
+* Revision 1.5  1995/07/28 15:18:35  cdaq
+* (SAW) Change print to type for f2c
+* Revision 1.4  1994/10/11  20:00:44  cdaq
+* (JRA) Remove bug that allowed double counting of hits
+* Revision 1.3  1994/04/12  20:23:53  cdaq
+* (DFG) Change dim of combos from max_number_pairs to max_number_comb
+* Revision 1.2  1994/02/23  13:34:09  cdaq
+* (SAW) Change 2nd arg of space_points_hits declaration from 1 to *
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/19  06:12:06  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+*     This algorithm finds space points in a wire chamber by finding the
+*     intersection of each pair of hits in non-parallel planes,
+*     then combining all two-hit space points that are within a squared
+*     distance space_point_criterion.
+      implicit none
+*     input
+      integer*4 ncham_hits         ! total number of hits in chamber
+      integer*4 hit_number(*)      ! array of hit numbers 
+      integer*4 plane_number(*)    ! array of plane numbers for each hit
+      real*4 wire_center(*)        ! array of wire coordinates for hits
+      real*4 xsp(*),ysp(*)         ! arrays of geometrical factors
+                                   ! see pattern recognition writeup
+      real*4    space_point_criterion   ! squared distance limit for points
+      integer*4 nspace_point_len   ! dimension of space point arrays
+*     outputs
+      integer*4 nspace_points      ! number of space points in chamber
+      real*4 space_points(nspace_point_len,2)     ! xt, yt of each space point
+      integer*4 space_point_hits(nspace_point_len,*)
+*                                  ! hit numbers for each space point
+                                   ! (,1) number of hits
+                                   ! (,2) number of combanations attached
+                                   !      to the point
+                                   ! (,3).. hits associated with space point
+*     internal variables
+      integer*4 ipair1,ipair2,icombo,i,j   ! do loop variables
+      integer*4 loopsp,loop,hit(4),hit_point
+      integer*4 add_flag,iflag(4)
+      integer*4 max_number_pairs            ! max number of pairs of points
+      parameter (max_number_pairs=1000)
+      integer*4 pair(max_number_pairs,2)    ! hit1 hit2
+      integer*4 ntest_points             ! number of valid combinations
+      integer*4 plane1,plane2
+      real*4 test_points(max_number_pairs,2) ! x and y of each test point
+      real*4 determinate,xt,yt
+      integer*4 max_number_comb
+      parameter (max_number_comb=10*max_number_pairs)
+      integer*4 ncombo
+      integer*4 combos(max_number_comb,2)   ! pair1 and pair2 of each combo
+      real*4 sqdistance_test
+      nspace_points=0
+      ntest_points=0
+*     loop over all pairs of intersecting wires and calculate position
+      do ipair1=1,ncham_hits-1
+        do ipair2=ipair1+1,ncham_hits
+          if( then 
+            plane1=plane_number(ipair1)
+            plane2=plane_number(ipair2)
+            determinate=xsp(plane1)*ysp(plane2)-ysp(plane1)*xsp(plane2)
+            if(abs(determinate) .gt. 0.3 ) then !0.3 is sin(alpha1-alpha2)=sin(17.5)
+              ntest_points=ntest_points+1
+              pair(ntest_points,1)=hit_number(ipair1)
+              pair(ntest_points,2)=hit_number(ipair2)
+              test_points(ntest_points,1)= 
+     &             (wire_center(ipair1)*ysp(plane2)-wire_center(ipair2)
+     $             *ysp(plane1))/ determinate
+              test_points(ntest_points,2)= 
+     &             (wire_center(ipair2)*xsp(plane1)-wire_center(ipair1)
+     $             *xsp(plane2))/ determinate
+            endif                       ! end if for indeterminate planes
+          endif                         ! end test on too many pairs 
+        enddo                           ! end loop over pair2
+      enddo                             ! end loop over pair1
+*     loop over all test_points and calculate squared distance
+*     for each combination
+      ncombo=0
+      do ipair1=1,ntest_points-1
+        do ipair2=ipair1+1,ntest_points
+          if( then
+            sqdistance_test=
+     &           (test_points(ipair1,1)-test_points(ipair2,1))**2 +
+     &           (test_points(ipair1,2)-test_points(ipair2,2))**2
+            if(sqdistance_test.le.space_point_criterion) then 
+              ncombo=ncombo+1
+              combos(ncombo,1)=ipair1
+              combos(ncombo,2)=ipair2                    
+            endif
+          endif                         ! end test on too many combos
+        enddo                           ! end loop over pair2
+      enddo                             ! end loop over pair1
+*     loop over all valid combinations and build space points
+      if( then
+        do icombo=1,ncombo
+*     get hits in combo
+          hit(1)=pair(combos(icombo,1),1)
+          hit(2)=pair(combos(icombo,1),2)
+          hit(3)=pair(combos(icombo,2),1)
+          hit(4)=pair(combos(icombo,2),2)
+*     get average space point xt, yt
+          xt=(test_points(combos(icombo,1),1)
+     $         +test_points(combos(icombo,2),1))/2
+          yt=(test_points(combos(icombo,1),2)
+     $         +test_points(combos(icombo,2),2))/2
+*     loop over space_points
+          if( then
+            loopsp=1
+            add_flag=1
+            do while (loopsp .le. nspace_points)
+              if(space_point_hits(loopsp,1).gt.0)  then
+                sqdistance_test=(xt-space_points(loopsp,1))**2 +
+     &               (yt-space_points(loopsp,2))**2
+*     I want to be careful if sqdistance is between 1 and 
+*     3 space_point_criterion. Let me ignore not add a new point then
+                if( (3.*space_point_criterion)) then
+                  add_flag=0            ! do not add new space point
+                endif
+                if( then
+*     This is a real match.
+*     Add the new hits to existing space point
+                  iflag(1)=0
+                  iflag(2)=0
+                  iflag(3)=0
+                  iflag(4)=0
+                  do loop=1,space_point_hits(loopsp,1)
+                    do i=1,4 
+                      if(space_point_hits(loopsp,loop+2).eq.hit(i)) then
+                        iflag(i)=1
+                      endif
+                    enddo               ! end loop on i  
+                  enddo                 ! end loop over hits in space point
+*  if 2 hits in the combo are identicle, both might get in. Remove all but one
+                  do i=1,3
+                    do j=i+1,4
+                      if (hit(j).eq.hit(i)) iflag(j)=1
+                    enddo
+                  enddo
+                  do i=1,4
+                    if(iflag(i).eq.0) then
+                      hit_point=space_point_hits(loopsp,1)+1
+                      space_point_hits(loopsp,1)=hit_point
+                      space_point_hits(loopsp,hit_point+2)=hit(i)
+                    endif
+                  enddo                 ! end loop over 4 hits
+*              increment number of combos contributing to this space point
+                  space_point_hits(loopsp,2)=space_point_hits(loopsp,2)+1
+*              terminate loop since this combo can only belong to one
+*              space point
+                  loopsp=nspace_points+1    
+                endif
+              endif                     ! end check on number of hits
+              loopsp=loopsp+1           ! increment loop counter on return
+            enddo                       ! end do while loop over space points
+*     create a new space point if more than 2*space_point_criteria
+            if( then
+              if( then
+                nspace_points=nspace_points+1
+                space_point_hits(nspace_points,1)=2
+                space_point_hits(nspace_points,2)=1
+                space_point_hits(nspace_points,3)=hit(1)
+                space_point_hits(nspace_points,4)=hit(2)
+                space_points(nspace_points,1)=xt
+                space_points(nspace_points,2)=yt
+                if(hit(1).ne.hit(3) .and. hit(2) .ne. hit(3))   then
+                  hit_point=space_point_hits(nspace_points,1)+1
+                  space_point_hits(nspace_points,1)=hit_point
+                  space_point_hits(nspace_points,hit_point+2)=hit(3)
+                endif                   !
+                if(hit(1).ne.hit(4) .and. hit(2) .ne. hit(4))   then
+                  hit_point=space_point_hits(nspace_points,1)+1
+                  space_point_hits(nspace_points,1)= hit_point
+                  space_point_hits(nspace_points,hit_point+2)=hit(4)
+                endif         
+              endif                     ! endif on check if too many space points
+            endif                       ! endif to add point on add_flag
+          else
+*    create first space point
+            nspace_points=1
+            space_point_hits(nspace_points,1)=2
+            space_point_hits(nspace_points,2)=1
+            space_point_hits(nspace_points,3)=hit(1)
+            space_point_hits(nspace_points,4)=hit(2)
+            space_points(nspace_points,1)=xt
+            space_points(nspace_points,2)=yt
+            if(hit(1).ne.hit(3) .and. hit(2) .ne. hit(3))   then
+              hit_point=space_point_hits(nspace_points,1)+1
+              space_point_hits(nspace_points,1)=hit_point
+              space_point_hits(nspace_points,hit_point+2)=hit(3)
+            endif                       !
+            if(hit(1).ne.hit(4) .and. hit(2) .ne. hit(4))   then
+              hit_point=space_point_hits(nspace_points,1)+1
+              space_point_hits(nspace_points,1)= hit_point
+              space_point_hits(nspace_points,hit_point+2)=hit(4)
+            endif         
+          endif                         ! end check on 0 space points
+        enddo                           ! end loop over combos
+      endif                             ! end check if no valid combos
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/TRACKING/select_space_points.f b/TRACKING/select_space_points.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..79485c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TRACKING/select_space_points.f
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+      subroutine select_space_points(nspace_point_len,
+     & nspace_points,space_points,space_point_hits,min_hits,min_combos,
+     & easy_space_point)
+*     This routine goes through the list of space_points and space_point_hits
+*     found by find_space_points and only accepts those with 
+*     number of hits > min_hits
+*     number of combinations > min_combos
+*     dfg              30 august 1993
+* $Log: select_space_points.f,v $
+* Revision 1.3  1996/01/17 19:20:48  cdaq
+* (JRA) Add eash_space_point argument
+* Revision 1.2  1994/02/23 13:52:40  cdaq
+* (SAW) Change 2nd arg of space_points_hits declaration from 1 to *
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/21  16:44:23  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+*     inputs
+      integer*4 nspace_point_len        ! dimension variable for two-d arrays
+      integer*4 nspace_points           ! number of input points     
+					! on return it is the number of valid
+                                        ! space points
+      integer*4 space_points(nspace_point_len,2)
+      integer*4 space_point_hits(nspace_point_len,*)
+      integer*4 min_hits                ! minimum number of hits in valid point
+      integer*4 min_combos              ! minimum number of combos
+      logical easy_space_point          ! flag for having found easy space pt.
+*     outputs
+*     note nspace_points, space_points, and space_point_hits are all 
+*     modified by the action of this routine
+*     local variables
+      integer*4 space_point_count,ploop,hloop
+      space_point_count=0
+      do ploop=1,nspace_points
+* if easy_space_point, then the number of combos is not filled.
+        if(space_point_hits(ploop,2).ge.min_combos.or.easy_space_point) then
+          if(space_point_hits(ploop,1).ge.min_hits) then
+            space_point_count=space_point_count+1
+            space_points(space_point_count,1)=space_points(ploop,1)
+            space_points(space_point_count,2)=space_points(ploop,2)
+            do hloop=1,space_point_hits(ploop,1)+2
+              space_point_hits(space_point_count,hloop)=
+     &             space_point_hits(ploop,hloop)
+            enddo
+          endif
+        endif
+      enddo
+      nspace_points=space_point_count
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/TRACKING/solve_four_by_four.f b/TRACKING/solve_four_by_four.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..980afbb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TRACKING/solve_four_by_four.f
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+      subroutine  solve_four_by_four(TT,AA,stub,ierr)
+*     Explicit solution of a symmetric four by four equation TT = AA * STUB
+*     Remember AA must be a symmetrix matrix
+*     Used in find_best_stub.f and h_track_fit
+*     d.f. geesaman       1 september 1993
+* $Log: solve_four_by_four.f,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/21 16:44:35  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+*     input quantities
+      real*8 TT(4),AA(4,4)
+*     output quantities
+      real*8 stub(4)
+      integer*4 ierr                       ! ierr = 0 means valid solution
+*     local quantities
+      real*8 T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T10,T11,T12,T13,T14,T15,T16,T17,T18
+      real*8 B11,B12,B13,B14,B22,B23,B24,B33,B34,B44,DET
+      ierr=1
+      T1=AA(3,3)*AA(4,4)-AA(3,4)*AA(3,4)
+      T2=AA(2,3)*AA(4,4)-AA(2,4)*AA(3,4)
+      T3=AA(2,3)*AA(3,4)-AA(2,4)*AA(3,3)
+      T4=AA(1,3)*AA(2,4)-AA(1,4)*AA(2,3)
+      T5=AA(1,2)*AA(2,4)-AA(1,4)*AA(2,2)
+      T6=AA(1,2)*AA(2,3)-AA(1,3)*AA(2,2)
+      T7=AA(1,3)*AA(4,4)-AA(1,4)*AA(3,4)
+      T8=AA(1,3)*AA(3,4)-AA(1,4)*AA(3,3)
+      T10=AA(1,2)*AA(4,4)-AA(1,4)*AA(2,4)
+      T11=AA(1,2)*AA(3,4)-AA(1,4)*AA(2,3)
+      T13=AA(1,2)*AA(3,4)-AA(1,3)*AA(2,4)
+      T14=AA(1,2)*AA(3,3)-AA(1,3)*AA(2,3)
+      T15=AA(2,2)*AA(4,4)-AA(2,4)*AA(2,4)
+      T16=AA(2,2)*AA(3,4)-AA(2,4)*AA(2,3)
+      T17=AA(1,2)*AA(2,3)-AA(1,3)*AA(2,2)
+      T18=AA(2,2)*AA(3,3)-AA(2,3)*AA(2,3)
+      B11=AA(2,2)*T1-AA(2,3)*T2+AA(2,4)*T3
+      B12= -(AA(1,2)*T1-AA(1,3)*T2+AA(1,4)*T3)
+      B13= AA(2,4)*T4-AA(3,4)*T5+AA(4,4)*T6
+      B14= -(AA(2,3)*T4-AA(3,3)*T5+AA(3,4)*T6)
+      DET= AA(1,1)*B11+AA(1,2)*B12+AA(1,3)*B13+AA(1,4)*B14
+*     if determinant is finite then continue, otherwise quit
+      if(abs(DET).gt. 1e-20) then
+        ierr=0
+        B11=B11/DET
+        B12=B12/DET
+        B13=B13/DET
+        B14=B14/DET
+        B22=(AA(1,1)*T1-AA(1,3)*T7+AA(1,4)*T8)/DET
+        B23= -(AA(1,1)*T2-AA(1,3)*T10+AA(1,4)*T11)/DET
+        B24=(AA(1,1)*T3-AA(1,3)*T13+AA(1,4)*T14)/DET
+        B33=(AA(1,1)*T15-AA(1,2)*T10+AA(1,4)*T5)/DET
+        B34= -(AA(1,1)*T16-AA(1,2)*T13+AA(1,4)*T17)/DET
+        B44= (AA(1,1)*T18-AA(1,2)*T14+AA(1,3)*T17)/DET
+*     Calculate results
+        stub(3)=B13*TT(1)+B23*TT(2)+B33*TT(3)+B34*TT(4)
+        stub(1)=B11*TT(1)+B12*TT(2)+B13*TT(3)+B14*TT(4)
+        stub(4)=B14*TT(1)+B24*TT(2)+B34*TT(3)+B44*TT(4)
+        stub(2)=B12*TT(1)+B22*TT(2)+B23*TT(3)+B24*TT(4)
+      endif                                   !   end check on determinant
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/TRACKING/total_eloss.f b/TRACKING/total_eloss.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3400ce8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TRACKING/total_eloss.f
@@ -0,0 +1,781 @@
+       subroutine total_eloss(arm,prt,angle,beta,e_loss)
+*-         Prototype C routine
+*-    Purpose and Method :  In separate calls, calculate the energy loss for 
+*-                          the incident electron in the target OR the energy  
+*-                          loss for exiting particles in the target and 
+*-                          other materials like windows. Cryogenic targets
+*-                          must be beer-can cells. Solid targets are okay too.
+*-                          Ytarget information is NOT used; all calculations
+*-                          assume the reaction vertex is at the target center.
+*-    Output: loss            -   energy loss for the arm requested
+*-    Created   1-Dec-1995  Rolf Ent
+* $Log: total_eloss.f,v $
+* Revision  2007/11/29 18:32:13  cdaq
+* commented out "eloss > 1e-2" error message
+* Revision  2007/10/24 17:00:42  cdaq
+* some modifications for BigCal
+* Revision  2007/10/23 17:04:04  cdaq
+* Added eloss calculation for materials in front of BigCal
+* Revision  2007/08/07 19:12:46  puckett
+* *** empty log message ***
+* Revision 1.8  2003/09/05 20:06:07  jones
+* Merge in online03 changes (mkj)
+* Revision  2003/04/09 02:59:10  cdaq
+* Changed gtarg_type from a scaler to an array: gtarg_type(gtarg_num)
+* Revision 1.7  2002/12/27 22:21:55  jones
+*    a. Ioana Niculescu made major changes in the subroutine call variables.
+*    b. Code now expects to get target info from parameter files.
+*    c. include gen_run_info.cmn
+*    d. Many more checks that nonzero parameter values are present.
+*       Corrects problem with checking variable 'angle' instead of 'tgangle'
+*    e. Has either beer can or tuna can.
+*    f. Use gtarg_type = 1 tuna can,2 beer can, >=21 solid and assume
+*        gtarg_type <=20 is liquid rather than based on target z.
+* Wed Aug 16 14:25:55 EDT 2000
+* replaced switch old_tgeom with with run number check  B.Z
+* Revision 1.6  1999/09/03 13:22:51  meod
+* Added tuna-can geometry.  Added switch, old_tgeom, to enable 
+* old beer can geometry
+* Revision 1.6  1999/09/03 13:22:51  saw
+* Explicitely type 0.1 constand in max as double
+* Revision 1.5  1999/06/10 16:59:37  csa
+* (CSA) Removed debugging statement
+* Revision 1.4  1999/02/10 17:34:41  csa
+* Numerous corrections and improvements (D. Mack, K. Vansyoc, J. Volmer)
+* Revision 1.2  1996/01/24 16:31:35  saw
+* (JRA) Cleanup
+* Revision 1.1  1996/01/17 19:12:32  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+* LH2 and LD2 targets
+* Incoming beam sees the following materials to target center:
+*    1.  a 3.0 mil Al-foil (upstream endcap of target) J. Dunne Dec 96
+*    2.  half the target thickness
+* Any particle exiting target center sees the following materials:  
+*    3. Particle leaves thru side-walls:1.325 inch of target material corrected
+* for the spectrometer angle, OR    
+*       Particle leaves thru downstream window: half the target length, correc-
+* ted for the spectrometer angle.
+*    4.  A 5.0 mil Al-foil target wall thickness (J. Dunne Dec 96), corrected 
+* for spectrometer angle.
+* Solid targets:
+* Incoming beam sees the following materials to target center:
+*     1.  half the target thickness, corrected for the spectrometer angle.
+* Any particle exiting target center sees the following materials:
+*     2.  half the target thickness, corrected for the spectrometer angle
+*     Additional materials (irregardless of target):
+*     * effective density for kevlar is 0.74 
+*     * effective z for CH2 is 2.67, effective a is 4.67
+*                                (values confirmed by T. Keppel Mar. 98)
+*	HMS particles only: 
+*	1. 16 mil Aluminum scattering chamber window (J. Mitchell Feb. 98)
+*	2. 15 cm of air between chamber window and HMS entrance window.
+*          *effective a for air is 14.68, effective z is 7.32, dens is .00121
+*     	3. HMS entrance window, 17 mil kevlar and 5 mil mylar. 
+*                                 (values confirmed by T. Keppel Mar. 98)
+*	SOS particles only: 
+*	1. 8.0 mil Al-foil scattering chamber window (J.Mitchell Feb 98)
+*	2. 15 cm of air between chamber window and HMS entrance window.
+*          *effective a for air is 14.68, effective z is 7.32, dens is .00121
+*  	2.  SOS entrance window, 6 mil kevlar and 1.5 mil mylar.
+*                                  (values confirmed by T. Keppel Mar. 98)
+      SAVE
+      include 'gen_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'bigcal_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'gen_run_info.cmn'
+      include 'gen_constants.par'
+      INTEGER arm                       ! 0 : incident beam
+                                        ! 1 : HMS
+                                        ! 2 : SOS
+      LOGICAL prt                       ! .true. : electron
+                                        ! .false. : non-electron (beta .lt. 1)
+      LOGICAL liquid
+      REAL*4 crit_angle,tg_spect_angle
+      REAL*4 z,a,tgthick,dens,angle,tgangle,beta,type
+      REAL*4 thick,thick_side,thick_front,e_loss,total_loss
+      REAL*4 targ_win_loss,front_loss,back_loss,cell_wall_loss
+      REAL*4 scat_win_loss,air_loss,h_win_loss,s_win_loss,b_abs_loss
+      REAL*4 b_luc_loss,b_fpl_loss
+      REAL*4 electron
+      REAL*8 beta_temp,gamma_temp,X_temp,frac_temp,p_temp
+      REAL*4 velocity
+********************INITIALIZE ENERGY LOSS VARIABLES*****************
+      e_loss         = 0.0
+      total_loss     = 0.0
+      targ_win_loss  = 0.0
+      front_loss     = 0.0
+      back_loss      = 0.0
+      cell_wall_loss = 0.0
+      scat_win_loss  = 0.0
+      air_loss       = 0.0
+      h_win_loss     = 0.0
+      s_win_loss     = 0.0
+      liquid =.FALSE.
+*********************ENABLE SWITCH***********************************
+      if (gen_eloss_enable.eq.0.) goto 100  !if 0 don't do eloss correction.
+***********************SETUP OF PARAMETERS****************************
+* Parameters should be accessed via the various common blocks
+* No more hardwired #s in the code!!! (I.N. 2001)
+* z,a,tgthick,dens come via a common block
+      z=gtarg_z(gtarg_num)
+      a=gtarg_a(gtarg_num)
+      tgthick=gtarg_thick(gtarg_num)
+      dens=gtarg_dens(gtarg_num)
+      tgangle=gtarg_theta  
+      type=gtarg_type(gtarg_num)
+*******DIVIDE BY ZERO CHECK**************************************
+      if ((gcell_radius.eq.0.0).or.(gz_cell.eq.0.0).or.(ga_cell.eq.0.0)
+     & .or.(gcell_den.eq.0.0).or.(gwall_thk.eq.0.0).or.(gend_thk.eq.0.0)
+     & .or.(gfront_thk.eq.0.0)) then
+         write(6,*)'Total_eloss: Uninitialized target variable(s)!!!'
+         write(6,*)'gcell_radius = ',gcell_radius
+         write(6,*)'gz_cell      = ',gz_cell
+         write(6,*)'ga_cell      = ',ga_cell
+         write(6,*)'gcell_den    = ',gcell_den
+         write(6,*)'gwall_thk    = ',gwall_thk
+         write(6,*)'gend_thk     = ',gend_thk
+         write(6,*)'gfront_thk   = ',gfront_thk
+         stop
+      elseif ((arm.eq.1).and.((hscat_win_den.eq.0.0).or.
+     &        (hscat_win_thk.eq.0.0).or.(hscat_win_z.eq.0.0).or.
+     &        (hscat_win_a.eq.0.0).or.(hdet_ent_z.eq.0.0).or.
+     &        (hdet_ent_a.eq.0.0))) then
+         write(6,*)'Total_eloss: Uninitialized HMS window specs!!!'
+         stop
+      elseif ((arm.eq.2).and.((sscat_win_den.eq.0.0).or.
+     &        (sscat_win_thk.eq.0.0).or.(sscat_win_z.eq.0.0).or.
+     &        (sscat_win_a.eq.0.0).or.(sdet_ent_z.eq.0.0).or.
+     &        (sdet_ent_a.eq.0.0))) then
+         write(6,*)'Total_eloss: Uninitialized SOS window specs!!!'
+         stop
+      else if((arm.eq.3).and.((bscat_win_den.eq.0.0).or.
+     $        (bscat_win_thk.eq.0.0).or.(bscat_win_z.eq.0).or.
+     $        (bscat_win_a.eq.0.0))) then
+         write(6,*)
+     $        'Total_eloss: Uninitialized BigCal window specs!!!'
+         stop
+      endif
+      if ((z*a*tgthick*dens*tgangle).eq.0.0) then
+         write(6,*)'Total_eloss: Uninitialized target material!!!'
+         write(6,*)
+         write(6,*)'target angle = ',gtarg_theta
+         write(6,*)'target type  = ',type
+         write(6,*)'thickness    = ',tgthick
+         write(6,*)'Z            = ',z
+         write(6,*)'A            = ',A
+         write(6,*)'density      = ',dens
+         stop
+      else
+      endif
+* If an angle is provided, use it, otherwise use the central
+* spectrometer angle
+      if((angle.eq.0.0).and.( then 
+         write(6,*)'total_eloss: angle = 0.0, using centr spectr angle (VT)'
+         if (arm.eq.1) angle=htheta_lab*3.14159/180.
+         if (arm.eq.2) angle=stheta_lab*3.14159/180.
+      endif
+      if(( then
+         write(6,*) 'total_eloss: angle = 90 degrees, using centr spectr angle(VT)'
+         if (arm.eq.1) angle=htheta_lab*3.14159/180.
+         if (arm.eq.2) angle=stheta_lab*3.14159/180.
+         if (arm.eq.3) angle=bigcal_theta_rad
+      endif
+ 10            format(7(2x,A10))
+ 20            format(12x,6(2x,f10.9))
+ 30            format(5(2x,A10))
+ 40            format(12x,4(2x,f10.9))
+ 50            format(12x,3(2x,f10.9))
+ 60            format(4(A12))
+ 70            format(10(A11))
+ 80            format(2x,I9,9(2x,f9.6))
+ 90            format(7(2x,A10))
+ 92            format(9(2x,A10))
+ 134           format(12x,6(2x,f10.9))
+ 136           format(12x,8(2x,f10.9))
+***********************END SETUP******************************
+* With the adoption of a new, beta-dependent energy loss correction formula
+* for electrons, it became necessary to give the velocity of electrons in terms
+* of log_10(beta*gamma), since REAL*4 was not good enough to distinguish the
+* beta of electrons from 1. For hadrons, nothing will change.
+      velocity=0.
+      if( then
+         write(6,'(3A10)') 'gpbeam','hsp','ssp'
+         write(6,'(3(2x,f8.5))') gpbeam,hsp,ssp
+      endif
+      if (prt) then
+         if (arm.eq.0) then
+            p_temp=gpbeam
+         elseif (arm.eq.1) then
+            p_temp=hsp
+         elseif (arm.eq.2) then
+            p_temp=ssp
+         elseif (arm.eq.3) then
+            p_temp=gpbeam
+         else
+            write(6,*) 
+     $           'total_eloss: no arm specified for electron velocity'
+         endif
+         p_temp=max(p_temp,.1D0)
+         frac_temp=mass_electron/p_temp
+         if( then
+            write(6,*) 'total_eloss: p_temp=',p_temp
+            write(6,*) 'total_eloss: frac_temp=',frac_temp
+         endif
+         beta_temp=1./sqrt(1.+frac_temp**2)
+         gamma_temp=sqrt(1.+frac_temp**2)/frac_temp
+         X_temp=log(beta_temp*gamma_temp)/log(10.)   
+         velocity=X_temp
+         if(arm.eq.3) then 
+            velocity = beta
+         endif
+      else
+         velocity=beta
+      endif
+* Calculate the angle at which the ejectile passes through the side of the
+* target cell rather than the end.
+       if ((type.eq.2).and.( then
+          crit_angle= atan(gcell_radius/(tgthick/dens/2.))
+       else
+          crit_angle= 0.45
+       endif
+* Define hydrogen, deuterium and 3,4He as liquid targets: z<=2
+       if (type.le.20) liquid =.TRUE. 
+* For debugging purposes, print out the variables that have been given
+* over to the subroutine
+       if ( then
+          electron=0.0
+          if (prt) electron=1.0
+          write(6,70) 'arm','electron?','ztgt','atgt','tgtdens','spec_angle'
+     &              ,'tgangle','velocity','e_loss'
+          write(6,80) arm,electron,z,a,dens,angle,tgangle,velocity,e_loss
+          write(6,*) ' '
+       endif
+* Calculate the electron beam energy loss before the target center. 
+      if(arm.eq.0) then      
+         if (liquid) then			! cryo target !
+            call loss(.true.,gz_cell,ga_cell,gfront_thk,gcell_den !aluminum
+     >           ,velocity,targ_win_loss)	
+            total_loss = total_loss + targ_win_loss
+            if(type.eq.2) then
+               thick = tgthick/2. !!! beer-can !!! 
+            else if (type.eq.1) then
+               thick = gcell_radius*dens !!! tuna-can !!!
+            else
+               write(6,*)'Unknown liquid target specified ',type
+               stop
+            endif
+            call loss(.true.,z,a,thick,dens,velocity,front_loss) !liquid
+            total_loss = total_loss + front_loss
+         else
+*     Assume that tgangle = 90 deg 
+*     corresponds to a target normal to the beam direction
+            if (abs(sin(tgangle)).ge.0.01) then
+               thick = tgthick/2./abs(sin(tgangle))
+            else
+               thick = tgthick/2./0.01
+            endif
+            call loss(.true.,z,a,thick,dens,velocity,front_loss) !liquid
+            total_loss = total_loss + front_loss
+         endif
+* debug output for electron beam loss
+         if(
+            write(6,60) 'Ebeam loss:','window','front','total'
+            write(6,50) targ_win_loss,front_loss,total_loss
+            write(6,*) ' '
+         endif
+         e_loss = total_loss
+         goto 100
+      endif
+      if( then
+         goto 101
+      endif
+*Calculate the energy loss of ejectile after the target center.
+      if (liquid .and. then
+*     Liquid target*********
+         if (type.eq.1) then   
+            call loss(prt,z,a,thick,dens,velocity,back_loss) !liquid
+            total_loss = total_loss + back_loss
+            call loss(prt,gz_cell,ga_cell,gfront_thk,gcell_den !aluminum 
+     >           ,velocity,cell_wall_loss)                          
+            total_loss = total_loss + cell_wall_loss
+         else
+*     write(6,*)'********************I am HERE*****************(VT)'
+            thick=0.0
+            thick_front=0.0
+            thick_side=0.0
+*     Through the end of the cell.
+            if (angle.le.crit_angle) then        
+               if (cos(angle).ge.0.01) then
+                  thick = abs(gend_thk/cos(angle))
+                  thick_front= abs(tgthick/2./cos(angle))
+               else
+                  thick = abs(gend_thk/0.01)
+                  thick_front= abs(tgthick/2./0.01)
+               endif
+               call loss(prt,z,a,thick_front,dens,velocity,back_loss) !liquid
+               total_loss = total_loss + back_loss
+               call loss(prt,gz_cell,ga_cell,thick,gcell_den,velocity !aluminum
+     >              ,cell_wall_loss)                          
+               total_loss = total_loss + cell_wall_loss
+*     Through the side of the cell. 
+            else					
+               if (abs(sin(angle)).ge.0.01) then
+                  thick = abs(gwall_thk/abs(sin(angle)))
+                  thick_side  = abs(gcell_radius*dens/abs(sin(angle)))
+               else
+                  thick = abs(gwall_thk/0.01)
+                  thick_side  = abs(gcell_radius*dens/0.01)
+               endif
+               call loss(prt,z,a,thick_side,dens,velocity,back_loss) !liquid
+               total_loss = total_loss + back_loss
+               call loss(prt,gz_cell,ga_cell,thick,gcell_den,velocity !aluminum
+     >              ,cell_wall_loss)                        
+               total_loss = total_loss + cell_wall_loss
+            endif
+c$$$            if(total_loss.GE.1e-2)
+c$$$     &           write(*,*) arm, velocity, 
+c$$$     &           " total_loss ", total_loss, " back_loss ",back_loss," angle ",
+c$$$     $           angle
+         endif
+*Solid target************
+      else    
+*     In any ordinary case, the solid target has angle of 90 degrees
+*     with respect to the beam direction: tgangle=90.*degrad
+*     csa 1/5/99 -- Here I define tgangle > 90 deg to mean that the
+*     solid target is facing the SOS.
+         if (arm.eq.1) then     ! HMS
+            tg_spect_angle = angle + tgangle
+         elseif (arm.eq.2) then ! SOS
+            tg_spect_angle = angle - tgangle
+         elseif(arm.eq.3) then  ! BigCal
+            tg_spect_angle = angle - tgangle
+         else
+            write(6,*)' '
+            write(6,*)' bad ''arm'' in total_eloss.f'
+            write(6,*)' '
+         endif
+         if (abs(sin(tg_spect_angle)).ge.0.01) then
+            thick = abs((tgthick/2.)/abs(sin(tg_spect_angle)))
+         else
+            thick = abs((tgthick/2.)/0.01)
+         endif
+         call loss(prt,z,a,thick,dens,velocity,back_loss) !generic solid target
+         total_loss = total_loss + back_loss
+      endif
+* Now calculate the HMS energy loss.  
+ 101  continue
+      if (arm.eq.1) then			! HMS
+c       write(*,*) "In HMS"
+* 16 mil aluminum scattering chamber window on HMS side
+         call loss(prt,hscat_win_z,hscat_win_a,hscat_win_thk,
+     &               hscat_win_den,velocity,scat_win_loss) !aluminum
+         total_loss = total_loss + scat_win_loss
+         call loss(prt,gair_z,gair_a,gair_thk,gair_dens,velocity,air_loss) 
+         total_loss = total_loss + air_loss
+* HMS Det. entrance window loss
+         call loss(prt,hdet_ent_z,hdet_ent_a,hdet_ent_thk,
+     &              hdet_ent_den,velocity,h_win_loss) !HMS window
+         total_loss = total_loss + h_win_loss
+         e_loss = total_loss
+*eloss debug HMS
+         if(
+            if(liquid) then
+               write(6,10)'liquid',
+     &              'back','cell_wall','scat_win','air','HMS_win',
+     &              'total'
+               write(6,20) back_loss,cell_wall_loss,scat_win_loss,air_loss,
+     &              h_win_loss,total_loss
+            else
+               write(6,30)'solid', 'scat_win','air','HMS_win','total'
+               write(6,40) scat_win_loss,air_loss,h_win_loss,total_loss
+            endif
+            write(6,*)
+         endif   
+      endif
+* Now calculate the SOS energy loss.  
+      if (arm.eq.2) then			! SOS
+* 8 mil aluminum scattering chamber window on SOS side
+         call loss(prt,sscat_win_z,sscat_win_a,sscat_win_thk,
+     &               sscat_win_den,velocity,scat_win_loss) !aluminum
+         total_loss = total_loss + scat_win_loss
+         call loss(prt,gair_z,gair_a,gair_thk,gair_dens,velocity,air_loss) 
+         total_loss = total_loss + air_loss
+* SOS Det. entrance window loss
+         call loss(prt,sdet_ent_z,sdet_ent_a,sdet_ent_thk,
+     &               sdet_ent_den,velocity,s_win_loss) !SOS window
+         total_loss = total_loss + s_win_loss
+         e_loss = total_loss
+*eloss debug SOS
+         if(
+            if(liquid) then
+               write(6,10)'liquid',
+     &              'back','cell_wall','scat_win','air','SOS_win',
+     &              'total'
+               write(6,20) back_loss,cell_wall_loss,scat_win_loss,air_loss,
+     &              s_win_loss,total_loss
+            else
+               write(6,30)'solid',
+     &               'scat_win','air','SOS_win','total'
+               write(6,40) scat_win_loss,air_loss,s_win_loss,total_loss
+            endif
+            write(6,*) ' '
+         endif   
+      endif
+* Now calculate the BigCal energy loss *
+      if(arm.eq.3) then
+c     scattering window on bigcal side!!!!
+         call loss(prt,bscat_win_z,bscat_win_a,bscat_win_thk,
+     $        bscat_win_den,velocity,scat_win_loss) !aluminum
+         total_loss = total_loss + scat_win_loss
+c     air gap between the chamber and the entrance window!
+         call loss(prt,gair_z,gair_a,gair_thk,gair_dens,velocity,air_loss) ! air
+         total_loss = total_loss + air_loss
+c     BigCal Al absorber loss (most significant)
+         call loss(prt,babs_z,babs_a,babs_thk,babs_den,velocity,b_abs_loss) ! absorber
+         total_loss = total_loss + b_abs_loss
+c     BigCal lucite plate loss 
+         call loss(prt,bluc_z,bluc_a,bluc_thk,bluc_den,velocity,b_luc_loss) ! lucite
+         total_loss = total_loss + b_luc_loss
+c     BigCal front plate(plates) loss:
+         call loss(prt,bfpl_z,bfpl_a,bfpl_thk,bfpl_den,velocity,b_fpl_loss) ! front plate(s)
+         total_loss = total_loss + b_fpl_loss
+         e_loss = total_loss
+         if(
+            if(liquid) then
+               write(6,92)'liquid',
+     &              'back','cell_wall','scat_win','air','BigCal_abs',
+     &              'BigCal_luc','BigCal_fpl','total'
+               write(6,136) back_loss,cell_wall_loss,scat_win_loss,air_loss,
+     &              b_abs_loss,b_luc_loss,b_fpl_loss,total_loss
+            else
+               write(6,90)'solid',
+     &               'scat_win','air','BigCal_abs','Bigcal_luc','BigCal fpl',
+     $              'total'
+               write(6,134) scat_win_loss,air_loss,b_abs_loss,b_luc_loss,b_fpl_loss,
+     $              total_loss
+            endif
+            write(6,*) ' '
+         endif   
+      endif
+ 100  continue
+      RETURN
+      END
+      subroutine loss(electron,z,a,thick,dens,velocity,e_loss)
+*-         Prototype C function 
+*-    Purpose and Method :  Calculate energy loss 
+*-    Output: -
+*-    Created   1-Dec-1995  Rolf Ent
+*-    Verification:  The non-electron portion on this subr. is Bethe_Bloch
+*-                   equation (Physial Review D vol.50 (1994) 1251 with full
+*-		     calculation of Tmax and the density correction. The electron
+*-		     part has been switched from O'Brien, Phys. Rev. C9(1974)1418,
+*-		     to Bethe-Bloch with relativistic corrections and density
+*-		     density correction, Leo, Techniques for Nuclear and Particle 
+*-		     Physics Experiments
+*-                   J. Volmer 8/2/98 16:50
+      SAVE
+      include 'gen_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
+      include 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
+      LOGICAL electron
+      REAL*4 eloss,z,a,thick,dens,beta,e_loss
+      REAL*4 icon_ev,me_ev
+      REAL*4 icon_gev,me_gev
+      REAL*4 particle
+      REAL*4 denscorr,hnup,c0,log10bg,pmass,tmax,gamma,velocity
+      REAL*4 tau,betagamma
+      parameter (me_ev = 510999.)
+      parameter (me_gev = 0.000510999)
+ 91   format(7(A10))
+ 90   format(7(2x,f8.5))
+      e_loss = 0.0
+      eloss  = 0.0
+* for debugging print out all variables that have been passed on tol loss
+* calculate the mean excitation potential I in a newer parametrization 
+* given in W.R. Leo's Techniques for Nuclear and Particle Physics Experiments
+*     csa 1/99 -- Note that this code calculates the mean energy loss,
+*     not the most probable. This is appropriate for the case (as in
+*     Hall C) where the resolution of the measurement is significantly
+*     greater than the energy loss.
+      if ( then
+         icon_ev = 21.8
+      elseif ( then
+         icon_ev = 12.*z+7.
+      elseif ( then
+         icon_ev = z*(9.76+58.8*z**(-1.19))
+      endif
+      icon_gev = icon_ev*1.0e-9
+* extract the velocity of the particle:
+*     hadrons:   velocity = beta
+*     electrons: velocity = log_10(beta*gamma)
+      if (electron) then
+         log10bg=velocity
+         betagamma=exp(velocity*log(10.))
+         beta=betagamma/(sqrt(1.+betagamma**2))
+         gamma=sqrt(1.+betagamma**2)
+         tau=gamma-1.
+      elseif (.not.electron) then
+         beta=abs(velocity)
+* we still need some protection from nonsense values for beta
+         if ( beta=.9995
+         if (beta.le..1) beta=.1
+         gamma=1./sqrt(1.-beta**2)
+         betagamma=beta*gamma
+         log10bg=log(betagamma)/log(10.)
+         tau=gamma-1.
+      endif
+* calculate the density correction, as given in Leo,
+* with Sternheimer's parametrization
+* I is the mean excitation potential of the material
+* hnup= h*nu_p is the plasma frequency of the material
+      denscorr=0.
+      if( then
+         HNUP=28.816E-9*sqrt(abs(DENS*Z/A))
+      else
+         HNUP=28.816E-9*sqrt(abs(DENS*Z/1.))
+      endif
+* log(icon_gev/hnup)=log(icon_gev)-log(hnup)
+      C0=-2*(log(icon_gev)-log(hnup)+.5)
+      if( then
+         denscorr=0.
+      elseif( then
+         denscorr=C0+2*log(10.)*log10bg+abs(C0/27.)*(3.-log10bg)**3
+      elseif( then
+         denscorr=C0+2*log(10.)*log10bg
+      else
+         denscorr=C0+2*log(10.)*4.7
+      endif
+* for hadrons: calculate the maximum possible energy transfer to an
+*              orbital electron, find out what the hadron mass is
+      pmass=me_gev
+      if (.not.electron) then
+         pmass=max(hpartmass,spartmass)
+         if (*me_gev) pmass=0.5
+         tmax=abs(2*me_gev*beta**2*gamma**2/
+     >        (1+2*abs(gamma)*me_gev/pmass+(me_gev/pmass)**2))
+      endif
+* now calculate the energy loss for electrons 
+* electron
+      if (electron) then
+         if((
+     >       .and.(
+*jv            eloss=0.1535e-03*z/a*thick/beta**2*(
+*jv     >           log(tau**2*(tau+2.)/2./(icon_gev/me_gev)**2)
+*jv     >           +1-beta**2+(tau**2/8-(2*tau+1)*log(2.))/(tau+1)**2
+*jv     >           -(-(2*log(icon_gev/hnup)+1)+2*log(betagamma)))
+            eloss=0.1535e-03*z/a*thick/beta**2*(
+     >           2*log(tau)+log((tau+2.)/2.)-2*(log(icon_gev)-log(me_gev))
+     >           +1-beta**2+(tau**2/8-(2*tau+1)*log(2.))/(tau+1)**2
+     >           -(-(2*(log(icon_gev)-log(hnup))+1)+2*log(betagamma)))
+         endif
+*jv        if(
+*jv           eloss = 0.1536e-03*z/a*thick*(19.26 + log(thick/dens))
+*jv         endif
+      endif
+* now calculate the energy loss for hadrons 
+* proton
+      if(.not.electron) then
+*jv         icon_ev = 16.*z**0.9
+*jv         if ( icon_ev = 21.8
+         if((
+*jv            eloss = 2.*0.1535e-3*Z/A*thick/beta**2*(
+*jv     >           .5*log(2*me_gev*beta**2*gamma**2*tmax/icon_gev**2)
+*jv     >           -beta**2-denscorr/2.)
+            eloss = abs(2.*0.1535e-3*Z/A*thick/beta**2)*(
+     >           .5*(log(2*me_gev)+2*log(beta)+2*log(gamma)+log(tmax)-2*log(icon_gev))
+     >           -beta**2-denscorr/2.)
+*jv          eloss = log(2.*me_ev*beta*beta/icon_ev/(1.-beta*beta))
+*jv     &                - beta*beta
+*jv          eloss = 2.*0.1536e-03*z/a*thick/beta/beta * eloss
+         endif
+      endif
+      if (eloss.le.0.) write(6,*)'loss: eloss<=0!'
+* units should be in GeV
+      e_loss = eloss
+      if (( then
+         particle=0.0
+         if (electron) particle=1.0
+         write(6,91) 'electron?','ztgt','atgt','thick','dens','velocity','e_loss'
+         write(6,90) particle,z,a,thick,dens,velocity,e_loss
+         write(6,'(4A10)') 'velocity','beta','pmass','denscorr'
+         write(6,'(6(2x,f8.5))') velocity,beta,pmass,denscorr
+         write(6,'(6A10)') 'betagamma','log10bg','tau','gamma','icon_ev','hnup (eV)'
+         write(6,'(6(2x,F8.3))') betagamma,log10bg,tau,gamma,icon_ev,hnup*1e9
+      endif
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/UTILSUBS/.cvsignore b/UTILSUBS/.cvsignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92aeffc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/UTILSUBS/.cvsignore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/UTILSUBS/CVS/Entries b/UTILSUBS/CVS/Entries
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..182cb6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/UTILSUBS/CVS/Entries
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+/.cvsignore/1.1/Thu Jul  8 18:42:36 2004//Tsane
+/Makefile/1.1/Tue Dec  8 14:30:49 1998//Tsane
+/Makefile.Unix/ Sep 10 20:08:03 2007//Tsane
+/clear_after_null.f/1.1/Thu May 16 17:48:45 1996//Tsane
+/data_row.f/1.3/Wed Feb  2 18:45:17 1994//Tsane
+/g_add_path.f/1.1/Wed Feb  9 14:13:19 1994//Tsane
+/g_append.f/1.1/Fri May 27 16:11:41 1994//Tsane
+/g_build_note.f/1.3/Wed Jun  8 17:40:56 1994//Tsane
+/g_important_length.f/1.1/Wed Feb  9 14:16:13 1994//Tsane
+/g_int_sort.f/1.1/Wed Feb  9 14:16:05 1994//Tsane
+/g_io_control.f/1.4/Fri Nov 22 17:07:02 1996//Tsane
+/g_log_message.f/1.1/Wed Feb  9 14:15:58 1994//Tsane
+/g_normalize.f/1.1/Wed Feb  9 14:16:38 1994//Tsane
+/g_prepend.f/1.1/Wed Feb  9 14:17:14 1994//Tsane
+/g_reg_c.f/1.2/Fri Jun 17 02:51:45 1994//Tsane
+/g_rep_err.f/1.4/Fri Nov 22 17:08:00 1996//Tsane
+/g_rep_where.f/1.2/Tue Mar 21 15:35:00 1995//Tsane
+/g_shift_len.f/1.2/Thu Sep  5 21:06:17 1996//Tsane
+/g_sort.f/1.1/Wed Feb  9 14:18:04 1994//Tsane
+/g_sph_xyz.f/1.1/Wed Feb  9 14:18:28 1994//Tsane
+/g_sub_run_number.f/1.4/Thu Sep  5 21:06:54 1996//Tsane
+/g_utc_date.f/1.2/Tue Mar 21 15:35:10 1995//Tsane
+/g_wrap_note.f/1.4/Thu Sep  5 21:07:18 1996//Tsane
+/g_xyz_sph.f/1.1/Wed Feb  9 14:18:59 1994//Tsane
+/get_values.f/1.1/Tue Feb 22 20:00:24 1994//Tsane
+/match.f/1.1/Tue Feb 22 20:01:00 1994//Tsane
+/no_blanks.f/1.1/Tue Feb 22 20:01:14 1994//Tsane
+/no_comments.f/1.3/Fri May 24 16:01:47 1996//Tsane
+/no_leading_blanks.f/1.2/Fri May 24 16:02:54 1996//Tsane
+/no_nulls.f/1.1/Tue Feb 22 20:01:49 1994//Tsane
+/no_tabs.f/1.1/Tue Feb 22 20:05:11 1994//Tsane
+/only_one_blank.f/1.1/Tue Feb 22 20:02:18 1994//Tsane
+/regparmstringarray.f/1.1/Thu Aug 18 03:50:34 1994//Tsane
+/shiftall.f/1.1/Tue Feb 22 20:02:34 1994//Tsane
+/squeeze.f/1.2/Fri May 24 16:03:33 1996//Tsane
+/string_length.f/1.1/Tue Feb 22 20:03:04 1994//Tsane
+/sub_string.f/1.1/Fri Apr 15 18:12:37 1994//Tsane
+/up_case.f/1.1/Tue Feb 22 20:03:16 1994//Tsane
+/up_shift.f/1.1/Tue Feb 22 20:03:26 1994//Tsane
diff --git a/UTILSUBS/CVS/Repository b/UTILSUBS/CVS/Repository
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..562e9f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/UTILSUBS/CVS/Repository
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/UTILSUBS/CVS/Root b/UTILSUBS/CVS/Root
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6288c3f
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/UTILSUBS/CVS/Tag b/UTILSUBS/CVS/Tag
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..25d73f7
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/UTILSUBS/Makefile b/UTILSUBS/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0c0680
--- /dev/null
+++ b/UTILSUBS/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# $Log: Makefile,v $
+# Revision 1.1  1998/12/08 14:30:49  saw
+# Initial Setup
+include $(ETC)/Makefile.NEW
diff --git a/UTILSUBS/Makefile.Unix b/UTILSUBS/Makefile.Unix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..000433d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/UTILSUBS/Makefile.Unix
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+# $Log: Makefile.Unix,v $
+# Revision  2007/09/10 20:08:03  pcarter
+# Implemented changes to allow compilation on RHEL 3,4,5 and MacOSX
+# Revision 1.14  2004/07/08 20:01:17  saw
+# Make include file rules like other directories.  Avoids leaving copies around.
+# Revision 1.13  1998/12/07 22:11:35  saw
+# Initial setup
+# Revision 1.12  1998/12/01 21:19:55  saw
+# (SAW) Remove g_sort
+# Revision 1.11  1996/09/05 20:44:53  saw
+# (SAW) Fixes for linux compatibility
+# Revision 1.10  1996/04/29 18:30:19  saw
+# (SAW) New makefile style
+# Revision 1.9  1996/01/17 19:25:01  cdaq
+# (SAW) Change cp -f to $(CP)
+# Revision 1.8  1995/07/28 15:23:51  cdaq
+# Revision 1.7  1995/04/06  20:37:18  cdaq
+# (SAW) Add g_sub_run_number
+# Revision 1.6  1995/03/14  21:04:40  cdaq
+# # (SAW) Add -f switch on include file copy commands
+# Revision 1.5  1995/01/27  21:11:04  cdaq
+# (SAW) Remove RCS from include file rules
+# Revision 1.4  1994/08/18  04:36:28  cdaq
+# (SAW) Add regparmstringarray
+# Revision 1.3  1994/07/08  18:46:08  cdaq
+# (SAW) Add g_rep_where
+# Revision 1.2  1994/06/18  02:57:07  cdaq
+# (SAW) Add g_reg_c.f
+# Revision 1.1  1994/06/07  18:52:21  cdaq
+# Initial revision
+include ../../etc/Makefile
+include ../../etc/Makefile.flags
+gsources = g_add_path.f g_build_note.f g_important_length.f g_int_sort.f \
+	g_log_message.f g_normalize.f g_prepend.f g_rep_err.f \
+	g_sph_xyz.f g_wrap_note.f g_xyz_sph.f g_shift_len.f \
+	g_io_control.f g_append.f g_utc_date.f g_reg_c.f g_rep_where.f \
+	regparmstringarray.f g_sub_run_number.f
+kbutils = get_values.f only_one_blank.f shiftall.f match.f no_tabs.f \
+	no_blanks.f no_comments.f no_leading_blanks.f squeeze.f sub_string.f \
+	up_case.f up_shift.f no_nulls.f string_length.f data_row.f \
+	clear_after_null.f
+unused =
+libsources = $(gsources) $(kbutils)
+sources = $(libsources) 
+lib_targets := $(patsubst %.f, libutils.a(%.o), $(libsources))
+install-dirs := lib
+bin_targets =
+#	@echo "nothing to make"
+	ln -s $< $@
+.PRECIOUS: ../%.f
+%.cmn ../%.cmn:: ../../INCLUDE/%.cmn
+	$(CP) $< $@
+%.dec ../%.dec:: ../../INCLUDE/%.dec
+	$(CP) $< $@
+%.par ../%.par:: ../../INCLUDE/%.par
+	$(CP) $< $@
+include $(sources:.f=.d)
diff --git a/UTILSUBS/clear_after_null.f b/UTILSUBS/clear_after_null.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5908ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/UTILSUBS/clear_after_null.f
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+        SUBROUTINE clear_after_null(string) 
+* $Log: clear_after_null.f,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1996/05/16 17:48:45  saw
+* Initial revision
+        CHARACTER*(*) string
+        CHARACTER*1024 line 
+        INTEGER i
+        CHARACTER*1 null
+C		clear out the string after the first null character.
+        null=char(0)   !null character.
+        i= INDEX(string,null)                !2 blanks
+        if ( string(i:)=' '
+        RETURN
+        END 
diff --git a/UTILSUBS/data_row.f b/UTILSUBS/data_row.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..56e2129
--- /dev/null
+++ b/UTILSUBS/data_row.f
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+c  Handy & general string manipulations.
+c     $Log: data_row.f,v $
+c     Revision 1.3  1994/02/02 18:45:17  cdaq
+c     Add Log keyword
+       SUBROUTINE data_row(string) 
+       SAVE
+       character*(*) string
+       character*1024 pad
+       integer out,imp,i,m,LENGTH
+       logical last_blank,last_comma
+       integer string_length	!FUNCTION
+       integer g_important_length !FUNCTION
+c      eliminates adjacent blanks, comments, packs with ","s 
+c	ex: "1   2,	3" =>  "1,2,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"
+	LENGTH= string_length(string)       !total length
+        pad= string
+	call NO_nulls(pad)			!remove nulls
+	call NO_tabs(pad)			!remove tabs
+	call NO_comments(pad)		!remove comments
+	call NO_leading_blanks(pad)		!remove leading blanks
+        call only_one_blank(pad)             !remove redundant blanks
+        imp= g_important_length(pad)           !only nonblank length
+        m= INDEX(pad,', ')
+	DO WHILE(m.LT.imp .and. m.GT.0)
+           string= pad(m+2:)
+	   pad(m+1:)= string
+           m= INDEX(pad,', ')
+        ENDDO
+        m= INDEX(pad,' ,')
+        DO WHILE(m.LT.imp .and. m.GT.0)
+           string= pad(m+1:)
+           pad(m:)= string
+           m= INDEX(pad,' ,')
+        ENDDO
+        m= INDEX(pad,' ')
+        DO WHILE(m.LT.imp .and. m.GT.0)
+           pad(m:m)= ','
+           m= INDEX(pad,' ')
+        ENDDO
+        imp= g_important_length(pad)
+        string= pad(1:imp)
+        DO i= imp+1,LENGTH
+           string(i:i)= ','
+        ENDDO
+        RETURN
+        END
diff --git a/UTILSUBS/g_add_path.f b/UTILSUBS/g_add_path.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c102fd1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/UTILSUBS/g_add_path.f
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+      SUBROUTINE G_add_path(where,mss)
+*-   Purpose and Methods : Put "where" as a prefix on the message
+*-   Inputs  : where	- location (subroutine name usually)
+*-           : mss      - error message
+*-   Outputs : mss	- prpended error message
+*-   Created  20-Nov-1993   Kevin B. Beard, Hampton U. 
+*-    $Log: g_add_path.f,v $
+*-    Revision 1.1  1994/02/09 14:13:19  cdaq
+*-    Initial revision
+*-note: Taken from hall B package.
+      SAVE 
+      character*(*) where,mss
+      integer m
+      character*1 first,last
+      character*1024 msg
+      logical marker
+      INCLUDE 'gen_routines.dec'
+	msg= where
+	call no_leading_blanks(msg)
+	call no_leading_blanks(mss)
+	m= G_important_length(msg)
+	first= mss(1:1)
+	last= msg(m:m)
+        marker= last.EQ.'>' .or. last.EQ.':' .or. 
+     &		last.EQ.'<' .or. first.EQ.':' .or.
+     &		first.EQ.'>' .or. first.EQ.'<'
+	If(marker) Then
+	   msg(m:)= last//mss
+	Else
+	   msg(m:)= last//'>'//mss
+	EndIf
+	mss= msg
+        RETURN 
+        END
diff --git a/UTILSUBS/g_append.f b/UTILSUBS/g_append.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a2dbf6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/UTILSUBS/g_append.f
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+      SUBROUTINE G_append(prefix,suffix)
+*-   Purpose and Methods : Put "suffix" as a suffix on the message
+*-   Inputs  : prefix	- prefix to add onto suffix
+*-           : suffix   - suffix to be prepended
+*-   Outputs : prefix	- suffixed prefix
+*-   Created  17-May-1994   Kevin B. Beard, Hampton U. 
+* $Log: g_append.f,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1994/05/27 16:11:41  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      SAVE 
+      character*(*) prefix,suffix
+      integer m
+      INCLUDE 'gen_routines.dec'
+        IF(prefix.EQ.' ') THEN
+          prefix= suffix
+          RETURN
+        ELSEIF(suffix.EQ.' ') THEN
+          RETURN
+        ENDIF
+	call no_leading_blanks(prefix)
+	m= G_important_length(prefix)
+        IF(LEN(prefix).GT.m) prefix(m+1:)= suffix
+        RETURN 
+        END
diff --git a/UTILSUBS/g_build_note.f b/UTILSUBS/g_build_note.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca54c62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/UTILSUBS/g_build_note.f
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+      SUBROUTINE G_build_note(pat,wildI,Ival,wildR,Rval,fmt,note)
+*-   Purpose and Methods : Insert integer and real values into a message.
+*-   Inputs  : pat	        - string to copy before substitution
+*-           : wildI            - character to replace with real values
+*-           : Ival		- integer values to insert
+*-           : wildR            - character to replace with real values
+*-           : Rval             - real values to insert
+*-           : fmt              - character string format for real values
+*-           : note		- new message
+*-   Created  20-Nov-1993 Kevin B. Beard, Hampton U.
+*-   Modified 18-Jan-1994 K.B.Beard, HU, so wild=" " gets skipped
+*     $Log: g_build_note.f,v $
+*     Revision 1.3  1994/06/08 17:40:56  cdaq
+*     (KBB) new version
+* Revision 1.2  1994/02/17  20:56:34  cdaq
+*   Fmt also for integers
+*   fmt control words: "X" "Z" "HEX"       hexadecimal
+*                      "B" "BIN"           binary
+*   fmt decided on basis of F or E present, "()" added if needed
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/09  14:15:01  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+*-   example: 
+*-         Ival(1)= 8
+*-         Ival(2)= 3
+*-         call G_build_note('message#@ is #@','@',Ival,' ',Rval,' ',msg)
+*-         => msg= 'message#8 is #3'
+      SAVE 
+      character*(*) pat,wildI,wildR,fmt,note 
+      integer Ival(*)
+      real Rval(*)
+      integer N,i,m
+      character*1024 msg,tmp
+      character*1 w
+      character*20 fmtR,fmtI,FT
+      character*40 pad,new
+      logical wldI,wldR,binary,real_fmt,int_fmt
+      character*8 dflt_fmtR,dflt_fmtI,dflt_fmtZ
+      parameter (dflt_fmtR= '(f20.3)')
+      parameter (dflt_fmtI= '(i20)')
+      parameter (dflt_fmtZ= '(z10)')
+      wldI= wildI.NE.' '
+      wldR= wildR.NE.' '
+      IF(.NOT.wldI .and. .NOT.wldI) THEN
+        note= pat                       !do nothing
+        call only_one_blank(note)       !leave only 1 consecutive blank 
+        RETURN
+      ENDIF
+      msg= pat
+      call only_one_blank(msg)	!leave only 1 consecutive blank 
+      binary= .FALSE.           !assume not a binary dump
+      fmtI= dflt_fmtI
+      fmtR= dflt_fmtR
+      call ShiftAll(fmt,FT)
+      call NO_leading_blanks(FT)
+      IF(FT.EQ.'Z' .or. FT.EQ.'X' .or. FT(1:3).EQ.'HEX') THEN     !hexadecimal
+        fmtI= dflt_fmtZ
+        fmtR= dflt_fmtR
+        FT= ' '
+      ELSEIF(FT.EQ.'B' .or. FT(1:3).EQ.'BIN') THEN                !binary
+        fmtI= dflt_fmtZ
+        fmtR= dflt_fmtR
+        binary= .TRUE.
+        FT= ' '
+      ELSEIF(FT.NE.' ' .and. FT(1:1).NE.'(') THEN                 !add "()"
+        pad= '('//FT//')'
+        FT= pad
+        call only_one_blank(FT)
+      ENDIF
+      real_fmt= (.NOT.wldI .and. FT.NE.' ') .or. 
+     &                    INDEX(FT,'F')+INDEX(FT,'E').GT.0
+      int_fmt= (.NOT.wldR .and. FT.NE.' ') .or. 
+     &                    INDEX(FT,'I')+INDEX(FT,'Z').GT.0
+      IF(real_fmt) THEN
+        fmtR= FT
+      ELSEIF(int_fmt) THEN
+        fmtI= FT
+      EndIf
+      N= 0
+      w= wildI
+      i= INDEX(msg,w)
+      DO WHILE (w.NE.' ' .and. i.GT.0)
+        N= N+1
+        new= '****<'//fmtI//'>****'                 !in case of write error
+        call NO_blanks(new)
+        write(pad,fmtI,err=666) Ival(N)
+        new= pad
+        If(binary) Then                      !substitue binary symbols for hex symbols
+          call sub_string(new,'0','0000')
+          call sub_string(new,'1','0001')
+          call sub_string(new,'2','0010')
+          call sub_string(new,'3','0011')
+          call sub_string(new,'4','0100')
+          call sub_string(new,'5','0101')
+          call sub_string(new,'6','0110')
+          call sub_string(new,'7','0111')
+          call sub_string(new,'8','1000')
+          call sub_string(new,'9','1001')
+          call sub_string(new,'A','1010')
+          call sub_string(new,'B','1011')
+          call sub_string(new,'C','1100')
+          call sub_string(new,'D','1101')
+          call sub_string(new,'E','1110')
+          call sub_string(new,'F','1111')
+        EndIf
+666     call squeeze(new,m)            !squeeze
+        If(i.EQ.1) Then
+          tmp= new(1:m)//msg(2:)
+          msg= tmp
+        Else
+          tmp= msg(1:i-1)//new(1:m)//msg(i+1:)
+          msg= tmp
+        EndIf       
+        call only_one_blank(msg)	!leave only 1 consecutive blank 
+        i= INDEX(msg,w)
+      ENDDO
+      N= 0
+      w= wildR
+      i= INDEX(msg,w)
+      DO WHILE (w.NE.' ' .and. i.GT.0)
+        N= N+1
+        new= '****<'//fmtR//'>****'                 !in case of write error
+        call NO_blanks(new)
+        write(pad,fmtR,err=777) Rval(N)
+        new= pad
+777     call squeeze(new,m)            !squeeze
+        If(i.EQ.1) Then
+          tmp= new(1:m)//msg(i+1:)
+          msg= tmp
+        ElseIf(i.GT.1) Then
+          tmp= msg(1:i-1)//new(1:m)//msg(i+1:)
+          msg= tmp
+        EndIf       
+        call only_one_blank(msg)	!leave only 1 consecutive blank 
+        i= INDEX(msg,w)
+      ENDDO
+      note= msg
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/UTILSUBS/g_important_length.f b/UTILSUBS/g_important_length.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0023ce4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/UTILSUBS/g_important_length.f
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+      INTEGER FUNCTION G_important_length(string)
+*-   Purpose and Methods : return last nonblank,nonnull character position 
+*-			   always return at least 1 
+*-   Inputs  : string -  character string of any length
+*-   Created  24-MAR-1992   Kevin B. Beard 
+*-   Modified 9/1/93 for hall C: KBB
+*     $Log: g_important_length.f,v $
+*     Revision 1.1  1994/02/09 14:16:13  cdaq
+*     Initial revision
+      character*(*) string 
+      integer m,length 
+      integer LEN		!FUNCTION 
+      logical one_character,more,nonblank_last,all_blank 
+      length= LEN(string)
+      one_character= length.EQ.1 
+      nonblank_last= string(length:length).NE.' '
+      all_blank= string.EQ.' ' 
+      IF(all_blank) THEN 
+	G_important_length= 1 
+      ELSEIF(one_character .or. nonblank_last) THEN
+	G_important_length= length
+      ELSE		!longer than 1 character and last is blank 
+	Do G_important_length= 1,length-1
+	  IF(string(G_important_length+1:).EQ.' ') RETURN 
+        EndDo
+	G_important_length= 1 
+      ENDIF
+      RETURN 
+      END
diff --git a/UTILSUBS/g_int_sort.f b/UTILSUBS/g_int_sort.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0221477
--- /dev/null
+++ b/UTILSUBS/g_int_sort.f
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+      SUBROUTINE G_int_sort(N,list,idx) 
+*-   Purpose and Methods : Sort list by increasing value
+*-   Inputs  : N	- number of input quantities
+*-           : list(*)	- input lists in numerical order (not reorderd) 
+*-           : threshold- minimum list to consider 
+*-   Outputs : idx(*)	- ordered index pointers
+*-   Created  17-Jul-1993 K.B.Beard
+*-   Modified for hall C 9/1/93: KBB
+*     $Log: g_int_sort.f,v $
+*     Revision 1.1  1994/02/09 14:16:05  cdaq
+*     Initial revision
+      integer N,list(*),idx(*)
+      integer m,m1,temp_ID
+      logical ordered_OK,swap
+      IF(N.LE.0) THEN	!ignore if no elements
+      ELSEIF(N.EQ.1) THEN	!simple
+	idx(1)= 1
+      ENDIF
+*- pick out those above threshold
+      DO m= 1,N
+	idx(m)= m
+      ENDDO
+*- use a bubble sort to order by increasing list 
+      ordered_OK= .FALSE.
+      DO WHILE (.not.ordered_OK) 
+	ordered_OK= .TRUE.
+	Do m=1,N-1			!1st element 
+	  m1= m+1			!next element 
+	  swap= list(idx(m)).GT.list(idx(m1)) 
+	  if(swap) then			!swap pair
+	    temp_ID= idx(m)
+	    idx(m)= idx(m1) 
+	    idx(m1)= temp_ID 
+	    ordered_OK= .FALSE.		!swapped at least one pair 
+	  endif	
+	EndDo 
+      ENDDO
+      RETURN 
+      END
diff --git a/UTILSUBS/g_io_control.f b/UTILSUBS/g_io_control.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0273d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/UTILSUBS/g_io_control.f
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+      SUBROUTINE G_IO_control(IO,command,ABORT,err)
+*-   Purpose : Serve as a clearing house for all FORTRAN IO channels
+*-    Input: IO         - FORTRAN IO channel [command="RESERVE","FREE"]
+*-           command    - "R","C","A","?"
+*-   Output: IO		- FORTRAN IO channel [command="ANY","?"]
+*-           ABORT	- success or failure
+*-           err	- reason for failure, if any
+*-   Created   8-Apr-1994   Kevin B. Beard, Hampton U.
+*-   Modified 11-Apr-1994   KBB; added FREE, removed CLOSE, 
+*-                               more efficient parsing
+* $Log: g_io_control.f,v $
+* Revision 1.4  1996/11/22 17:07:02  saw
+* (SAW) Change .eq. to .eqv. for AIX compatibility
+* Revision 1.3  1996/09/05 21:05:48  saw
+* (SAW) Reduce max lun from 100 to 99 for linux compatibility
+* Revision 1.2  1996/05/24 16:04:33  saw
+* (SAW) Relocate data statements for f2c compatibility
+* Revision 1.1  1994/04/12 16:06:00  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+*-commands: FREE    -given channel IO, mark IDLE, but don't FORTRAN CLOSE it
+*-          RESERVE -given channel IO, see if it's free and if so
+*-                   mark it .NOT.IDLE; if already IDLE, report error
+*-          ANY or ? -put the next free channel into IO and mark it .NOT.IDLE
+*- All standards are from "Proposal for Hall C Analysis Software
+*- Vade Mecum, Draft 1.3" by D.F.Geesamn and S.Wood, Csoft-NOTE-94-001
+      SAVE
+      character*12 here
+      parameter (here= 'G_IO_control')
+      integer IO
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) command,err
+      integer gMAX_IO_channels_allowed
+      parameter (gMAX_IO_channels_allowed= 99)
+      logical IDLE
+      parameter (IDLE= .FALSE.)
+      logical request,OK
+      character*20 cmd
+      character*80 pat
+      real rv
+      integer m
+      logical LUN_channel(gMAX_IO_channels_allowed)
+      data LUN_channel/gMAX_IO_channels_allowed*IDLE/
+      err= ' '
+      LUN_channel(5)= .NOT.IDLE                   !always in use
+      LUN_channel(6)= .NOT.IDLE                   !always in use
+      cmd= command
+*-most common command forms-
+      IF(cmd.EQ.'FREE' .or. cmd.EQ.'FINISHED') THEN
+        cmd= 'F'
+      ELSEIF(cmd.EQ.'ANY' .or. cmd.EQ.'ASK') THEN
+        cmd= 'A'
+      ELSEIF(cmd.EQ.'RESERVE' .or. cmd.EQ.'REQUEST') THEN
+        cmd= 'R'
+      ELSE                 !mixed case & VMS-like abbreviations allowed
+        If(MATCH(cmd,'F*ree') .or. MATCH(cmd,'F*inished')) Then
+          cmd='F'
+        ElseIf(MATCH(cmd,'A*ny') .or. MATCH(cmd,'A*sk')) Then
+          cmd='A'
+        ElseIf(MATCH(cmd,'R*eserve') .or. MATCH(cmd,'R*equest')) Then
+          cmd='R'
+        Else
+          call g_Shift_len(command,cmd,m)   !shift it to upper case
+        EndIf
+      ENDIF
+      IF(cmd.eq.'F') Then                !FREE up a channel
+        ABORT= 1.GT.IO .and. IO.GT.gMAX_IO_channels_allowed
+        If(ABORT) Then
+          pat= ':illegal FORTRAN IO channel#$ cannot be freed'
+          call G_build_note(pat,'$',IO,' ',rv,' ',err)
+        Else
+          ABORT= IO.eq.5 .or. IO.eq.6
+          if(ABORT) then
+            pat= ':FORTRAN IO channel#$ special; cannot be freed'
+            call G_build_note(pat,'$',IO,' ',rv,' ',err)
+          else
+            ABORT= LUN_channel(IO).EQV.IDLE  !already idle
+            IF(ABORT) THEN
+              pat= ':FORTRAN IO channel#$ already IDLE'
+              call G_build_note(pat,'$',IO,' ',rv,' ',err)
+            ENDIF
+            LUN_channel(IO)= IDLE
+          endif
+        EndIf
+      ELSEIF(cmd.EQ.'A') Then            !get ANY channel
+        DO IO=gMAX_IO_channels_allowed,1,-1    !for max compat.; start at top
+          If(LUN_channel(IO) .eqv. IDLE) Then
+            LUN_channel(IO)= .NOT.IDLE
+            ABORT= .FALSE.
+            RETURN
+          EndIf
+        ENDDO
+        ABORT= .TRUE.
+        IO= gMAX_IO_channels_allowed
+        err= ':no FORTRAN IO channels IDLE from 1-#?'
+        call G_build_note(pat,'$',IO,' ',rv,' ',err)
+        IO= 0
+      ELSEIF(cmd.EQ.'R') THEN            !RESERVE a channel
+        ABORT= 1.GT.IO .and. IO.GT.gMAX_IO_channels_allowed
+        If(ABORT) Then
+          pat= ':illegal FORTRAN IO channel#$ cannot be reserved'
+          call G_build_note(pat,'$',IO,' ',rv,' ',err)
+          call G_add_path(here,err)
+        Else
+          ABORT= LUN_channel(IO) .neqv. IDLE
+          if(ABORT) then
+            pat= ':FORTRAN IO channel#$ not IDLE-'//
+     &                                   'cannot be reserved'
+            call G_build_note(pat,'$',IO,' ',rv,' ',err)
+          else
+            LUN_channel(IO)= .NOT.IDLE
+          endif  
+        EndIf
+      ELSE
+         ABORT= .TRUE.
+         err= ':command "'//cmd(1:m)//'" not supported'
+      ENDIF
+      IF(ABORT) call G_add_path(here,err)
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/UTILSUBS/g_log_message.f b/UTILSUBS/g_log_message.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f6ce1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/UTILSUBS/g_log_message.f
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+      SUBROUTINE G_log_message(note)
+*-   Purpose and Methods : Output "note"; allow future steering etc.
+*-   Inputs  : note	- error message
+*-   Created  20-NOV-1993   Kevin B. Beard, Hampton U. 
+*-   Modified  7-Dec-1993   KBB; updated for new include file
+*     $Log: g_log_message.f,v $
+*     Revision 1.1  1994/02/09 14:15:58  cdaq
+*     Initial revision
+      SAVE 
+      character*(*) note 
+      INCLUDE 'gen_output_info.cmn'
+      DATA G_OUTPUT_tty/6/
+      IF(g_OUTPUT_OK) call G_wrap_note(g_OUTPUT_channel,note)
+      call G_wrap_note(G_OUTPUT_tty,note)
+      RETURN 
+      END
diff --git a/UTILSUBS/g_normalize.f b/UTILSUBS/g_normalize.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f66787e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/UTILSUBS/g_normalize.f
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+      SUBROUTINE G_normalize(x,y,z)
+*-   Purpose and Methods : normalizes a vector 
+*-   Inputs  : x	- X coord. (conventional right handed system) 
+*-             y	- Y 
+*-             z	- Z 
+*-   Outputs : x	- X coord. (conventional right handed system) 
+*-             y	- Y 
+*-             z	- Z 
+*-   Created  24-MAR-1992   Kevin B. Beard 
+*-   Modified for hall C 9/1/93: KBB
+*     $Log: g_normalize.f,v $
+*     Revision 1.1  1994/02/09 14:16:38  cdaq
+*     Initial revision
+      real x,y,z,r 
+      logical normalizable 
+      real nothing
+      parameter (nothing= 1.E-25)
+      real r2
+	r2= x**2 + y**2 + z**2
+	normalizable= r2.GT.nothing
+	IF(normalizable) THEN 
+	  r= SQRT(r2)
+	  x= x/r
+	  y= y/r
+	  z= z/r
+	  x= 0. 
+	  y= 0. 
+	  z= 0. 
+	end 
diff --git a/UTILSUBS/g_prepend.f b/UTILSUBS/g_prepend.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d3b48c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/UTILSUBS/g_prepend.f
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+      SUBROUTINE G_prepend(prefix,suffix)
+*-   Purpose and Methods : Put "prefix" as a prefix on the message
+*-   Inputs  : prefix	- prefix to add onto suffix
+*-           : suffix   - suffix to be prepended
+*-   Outputs : suffix	- prepended suffix
+*-   Created  7-Dec-1993   Kevin B. Beard, Hampton U. 
+*     $Log: g_prepend.f,v $
+*     Revision 1.1  1994/02/09 14:17:14  cdaq
+*     Initial revision
+*-note: Taken from hall B package.
+      SAVE 
+      character*(*) prefix,suffix
+      integer m
+      character*5000 msg
+      character*1 last
+      INCLUDE 'gen_routines.dec'
+        IF(prefix.EQ.' ') THEN
+          RETURN                        !no change to suffix
+        ELSEIF(suffix.EQ.' ') THEN
+          suffix= prefix                !just copy
+          RETURN
+        ENDIF
+	msg= prefix
+	call no_leading_blanks(msg)
+	m= G_important_length(msg)
+        last= msg(m:m)
+	call no_leading_blanks(suffix)
+	msg(m:)= last//suffix            !prevents illegal access
+	suffix= msg                      !in case
+        RETURN 
+        END
diff --git a/UTILSUBS/g_reg_c.f b/UTILSUBS/g_reg_c.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..672b6fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/UTILSUBS/g_reg_c.f
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+      SUBROUTINE G_reg_C(name,var,any_FAIL,err)
+*     routine to register CTP I4 variables; nice error handling
+*     Created 7-Jun-1994 K.B.Beard; separate HMS, SOS routines
+* Input:  name          - name for CTP to give variable
+*         var           - variable 
+*         any_FAIL      - success or failure of previous attempts
+*         err           - current error message
+* Output: any_FAIL      - OR of previous failure or current
+*         err           - appended error message
+* $Log: g_reg_c.f,v $
+* Revision 1.2  1994/06/17 02:51:45  cdaq
+* (SAW) Fix typo in here
+* Revision 1.1  1994/06/17  02:49:58  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      SAVE
+      character*8 here
+      parameter (here= 'G_reg_C')
+      character*(*) name
+      character*(*) var
+      logical any_FAIL
+      character*(*) err
+      INCLUDE 'gen_routines.dec'
+      logical FAIL
+      integer ierr,m
+      character*256 sanitized
+      sanitized= name           !copy name, truncate at 256 characters
+      call squeeze(sanitized,m) !remove blanks,tabs,&nulls, get nonblank length
+      ierr= regparmstring(sanitized(1:m),var,0)  !only give CTP nonblank length
+      FAIL= ierr.NE.0
+      IF(FAIL) call G_append(err,','//sanitized(1:m))
+      any_FAIL= any_FAIL .OR. FAIL
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/UTILSUBS/g_rep_err.f b/UTILSUBS/g_rep_err.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ab1b24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/UTILSUBS/g_rep_err.f
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+      SUBROUTINE G_rep_err(ABORT,note)
+*-   Purpose and Methods : if status ABORT (.NOT.OK)  output the "note" 
+*-   Inputs  : OK	- status 
+*-           : note	- error message
+*-   Created  26-MAR-1992   Kevin B. Beard 
+*-   Modified for hall C 9/1/93: KBB
+*-   Modified 11/19/93 for warning: KBB
+*     $Log: g_rep_err.f,v $
+*     Revision 1.4  1996/11/22 17:08:00  saw
+*     (SAW) Cleanup
+*     Revision 1.3  1995/03/21 15:35:48  cdaq
+*     (SAW) Replace variable min with minute
+* Revision 1.2  1994/06/06  13:30:35  cdaq
+* (KBB) Add date/time info.  Return on warning's.
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/09  14:17:33  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      SAVE 
+      logical ABORT
+      character*(*) note 
+      INCLUDE 'gen_output_info.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_run_info.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_event_info.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_routines.dec'
+      logical warning,valid_run_info
+      character*80 msg,time
+      integer iv(10),dy,mth,yr,hr,minute,sec
+      real rv(10)
+      integer lentemp
+      warning= note.NE.' '
+      IF(.NOT.ABORT .and. .NOT.warning) RETURN    !do nothing
+      valid_run_info= gen_run_number.GT.0 .or. 
+     &                            gen_event_ID_number.GT.0
+      IF(valid_run_info) THEN
+         iv(1)= gen_run_number
+         iv(2)= gen_event_ID_number
+         iv(3)= gen_event_type
+         iv(4)= gen_event_class
+         If(gen_run_UTC_last.NE.0) Then
+            call g_UTC_date(gen_run_UTC_last,gen_run_date_last,
+     &           dy,mth,yr,hr,minute,sec)
+            time= gen_run_date_last
+         Else
+            time= ' '
+         EndIf
+         call G_build_note('>>> Run#$ Event#$ Type#$ Class#$ '//
+     &        time,'$',iv,' ',rv,' ',msg)
+         call G_wrap_note(G_OUTPUT_tty,msg)
+      ENDIF
+      lentemp = g_important_length(note)
+        call g_prepend('ERROR: ',note)
+        call G_wrap_note(G_OUTPUT_tty,note)
+      ELSE
+        call g_prepend('WARNING: ',note)
+        call G_wrap_note(G_OUTPUT_tty,note)
+      ENDIF
+      RETURN 
+      END
diff --git a/UTILSUBS/g_rep_where.f b/UTILSUBS/g_rep_where.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c2ca0d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/UTILSUBS/g_rep_where.f
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+      SUBROUTINE G_rep_where(note)
+*-   Purpose and Methods : report current location&time in run
+*-   Outputs  : note	- current location & time
+*-   Created  8Jun1994 Kevin B. Beard, Hampton U.
+*- form: 
+*    Run#[i] Event sequence#[j] ID#[k] Type#[m] Class#[n] date time zone
+*- example: 
+*    Run#332 Event sequence#55 ID#51 Type#1 Class#4 8-Jun-1994 14:11:33 GMT
+* $Log: g_rep_where.f,v $
+* Revision 1.2  1995/03/21 15:35:00  cdaq
+* (SAW) Replace variable min with minute
+c Revision 1.1  1994/07/08  18:45:43  cdaq
+c Initial revision
+      SAVE 
+      CHARACTER*(*) note 
+      INCLUDE 'gen_output_info.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_run_info.cmn'
+      INCLUDE 'gen_event_info.cmn'
+      character*80 time
+      character*160 msg
+      integer iv(10),dy,mth,yr,hr,minute,sec
+      real rv(10)
+      character*50 pttrn
+      parameter (pttrn= 'Run#$ Event sequence#$ id#$ Type#$ Class#$')
+      iv(1)= gen_run_number          !current run ID number
+      iv(2)= gen_event_sequence_N    !total number of events (control&physics)
+      iv(3)= gen_event_ID_number     !current, unique physics event ID
+      iv(4)= gen_event_type          !current trigger type
+      iv(5)= gen_event_class         !current classification
+      If(gen_run_UTC_last.NE.0) Then              !update date
+        call g_UTC_date(gen_run_UTC_last,gen_run_date_last,
+     &                                  dy,mth,yr,hr,minute,sec)
+        time= gen_run_date_last
+      Else                                        !ignore date
+        time= ' '
+      EndIf
+      call G_build_note(pttrn//' '//time,
+     &                     '$',iv,' ',rv,' ',msg) !fill in "$"s
+      note= msg                                   !copy
+      RETURN 
+      END
diff --git a/UTILSUBS/g_shift_len.f b/UTILSUBS/g_shift_len.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4413441
--- /dev/null
+++ b/UTILSUBS/g_shift_len.f
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+      subroutine G_shift_len(in,out,length)
+*-   Purpose and Methods : copy "in" to "out", upshift "out" and
+*-                         return important length of "out"
+*-   Inputs  : in	-  character string of any length
+*-   Outputs : out	-  character string of any length
+*-           : length  -  important length of out
+*-   Created  8-Jul-1993 Kevin B. Beard 
+*-   Modified 9/1/93 for hall C: KBB
+*     $Log: g_shift_len.f,v $
+*     Revision 1.2  1996/09/05 21:06:17  saw
+*     (SAW) Change from function to subroutine
+*     Revision 1.1  1994/02/09 14:17:47  cdaq
+*     Initial revision
+      character*(*) in,out
+      integer length 
+      integer G_important_length	!FUNCTION
+      call ShiftAll(in,out)	!copy, upshift, remove leading blanks&tabs
+      length= G_important_length(out)
+      RETURN 
+      END
diff --git a/UTILSUBS/g_sort.f b/UTILSUBS/g_sort.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4374178
--- /dev/null
+++ b/UTILSUBS/g_sort.f
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+      SUBROUTINE G_sort(N,size,threshold,ID) 
+*-   Purpose and Methods : Sort numerically ordered input by decreasing size 
+*-   Inputs  : N	- number of input quantities
+*-           : size(*)	- input sizes in numerical order (not reorderd) 
+*-           : threshold- minimum size to consider 
+*-   Outputs : N	- number of input quantities (above threshold)
+*-           : ID(*)	- ordered id numbers (above threshold)
+*-   Created  8-Apr-1992   Kevin B. Beard
+*-   Modified for hall C 9/1/93: KBB
+*     $Log: g_sort.f,v $
+*     Revision 1.1  1994/02/09 14:18:04  cdaq
+*     Initial revision
+      integer N,ID(*)
+      real size(*),threshold 
+      integer Nin,m,m1,temp_ID 
+      logical significant,ordered_OK,swap
+      Nin= N	!orig. number of inputs 
+      IF(N.LE.0) THEN	!ignore if no elements
+	N= 0
+      ELSEIF(N.EQ.1) THEN	!simple
+	significant= size(1).GE.threshold 
+	If(significant) Then
+	  id(1)= 1
+	Else
+	  N= 0
+	EndIf
+      ENDIF
+*- pick out those above threshold
+      N= 0 
+      DO m=1,Nin 
+	significant= size(m).GE.threshold 
+	If(significant) Then		!above threshold
+	  N= N+1			!# 
+	  ID(N)= m			!ID's above thresh. in sequence
+	EndIf 
+      ENDDO
+*- use a bubble sort to order by decreasing size 
+      ordered_OK= .FALSE.
+      DO WHILE (.not.ordered_OK) 
+	ordered_OK= .TRUE.
+	Do m=1,N-1			!1st element 
+	  m1= m+1			!next element 
+	  swap= size(ID(m)).LT.size(ID(m1)) 
+	  if(swap) then			!swap pair
+	    temp_ID= ID(m)
+	    ID(m)= ID(m1) 
+	    ID(m1)= temp_ID 
+	    ordered_OK= .FALSE.		!swapped at least one pair 
+	  endif	
+	EndDo 
+      ENDDO
+      RETURN 
+      END
diff --git a/UTILSUBS/g_sph_xyz.f b/UTILSUBS/g_sph_xyz.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d7a32af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/UTILSUBS/g_sph_xyz.f
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+      SUBROUTINE G_sph_XYZ(r,theta,phi,x,y,z)
+*-   Purpose and Methods : convert spherical coord.s to cartesian
+*-   Inputs  : r	- conventional radial coord.
+*-             theta	-              theta angle (radians)
+*-	       phi	-              phi 
+*-   Outputs : x	- X coord. (conventional right handed system) 
+*-             y	- Y 
+*-             z	- Z 
+*-   Created  27-MAR-1992   Kevin B. Beard 
+*-   Modified for hall C 9/1/93: KBB
+*     $Log: g_sph_xyz.f,v $
+*     Revision 1.1  1994/02/09 14:18:28  cdaq
+*     Initial revision
+      real r,theta,phi,x,y,z 
+	x= r*SIN(theta)*COS(phi)
+	y= r*SIN(theta)*SIN(phi)
+	z= r*COS(theta) 
+	end 
diff --git a/UTILSUBS/g_sub_run_number.f b/UTILSUBS/g_sub_run_number.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd21be5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/UTILSUBS/g_sub_run_number.f
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+      subroutine g_sub_run_number(string,number)
+* $Log: g_sub_run_number.f,v $
+* Revision 1.4  1996/09/05 21:06:54  saw
+* (SAW) fix a bug
+* Revision 1.3  1996/01/17 19:26:27  cdaq
+* (SAW) Fix so it works on more platforms
+* Revision 1.2  1995/07/20 19:08:00  cdaq
+* (SAW) Build result into temporary string, then copy back to string.
+* Revision 1.1  1995/07/14  16:31:30  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      implicit none
+      character*(*) string
+      integer number
+*     If a %d is found in the string, replace it with the number.
+*     We should probably return an error if the new string wont fit.  For
+*     now we just don't do the substitution.
+*     This is not very fancy, it  should really do something like replace
+*     <runnumber> by the run number, but replace %d by the run number is
+*     what run control does for log file names, so we do the same as CODA
+*     for now.
+      integer iper
+      character*10 snum                 ! String to hold the run number
+      character*132 stemp
+      integer inum,reallen
+      iper = index(string,'%')
+      if(iper.eq.0) return
+      if(string(iper+1:iper+1).ne.'d') return ! %d not found
+      write(snum,'(i10)') number
+      inum = 1
+      do while(snum(inum:inum).eq.' ')
+        inum = inum + 1
+      enddo
+      reallen = iper+2
+      do while(string(reallen:reallen).ne.' ')
+        reallen = reallen + 1
+      enddo
+      reallen = reallen-1
+      if(reallen+(10-inum+1) return ! Would be too long
+      if(reallen+(10-inum+1) return ! Would be too long
+      if( then        ! Line ends with %d
+        stemp = string(1:iper-1)//snum(inum:10)
+      else if (iper.eq.1) then
+        stemp = snum(inum:10)//string(iper+2:reallen)
+      else
+        stemp = string(1:iper-1)//snum(inum:10)//string(iper+2:reallen)
+      endif
+      string = stemp
+c      print *,number
+c      print *,snum
+c      print *,string
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/UTILSUBS/g_utc_date.f b/UTILSUBS/g_utc_date.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6dbf925
--- /dev/null
+++ b/UTILSUBS/g_utc_date.f
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+      SUBROUTINE G_UTC_date(UTC_time,date,dy,mth,yr,hr,minute,sec)
+*-   Purpose and Methods : Convert UTC time (seconds since 1 Jan 1970)
+*-                         into GMT time & date 
+*-   Inputs  : UTC_time	- UTC time in seconds
+*-   Outputs : date	- time&date string
+*-             dy	- day (1-31)
+*-             mth	- month (1-12)
+*-             yr	- year (1970-)
+*-             hr	- hr (0-23)
+*-             minute	- minute. (0-59)
+*-             sec	- sec. (0-59)
+*-   Created 27-Apr-1992   Kevin B. Beard
+* $Log: g_utc_date.f,v $
+* Revision 1.2  1995/03/21 15:35:10  cdaq
+* (SAW) Replace variable min with minute
+* Revision 1.1  1994/05/27  16:45:09  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      SAVE
+      INTEGER UTC_time,dy,mth,yr,hr,minute,sec
+      CHARACTER*(*) date
+      integer hr_per_day,min_per_hr,sec_per_min,sec_per_day
+      parameter (hr_per_day= 24)
+      parameter (min_per_hr= 60)
+      parameter (sec_per_min= 60)
+      parameter (sec_per_day= hr_per_day*min_per_hr*sec_per_min)
+      parameter (JAN= 1)
+      parameter (FEB= 2)
+      parameter (MAR= 3)
+      parameter (APR= 4)
+      parameter (MAY= 5)
+      parameter (JUN= 6)
+      parameter (JUL= 7)
+      parameter (AUG= 8)
+      parameter (SEP= 9)
+      parameter (OCT= 10)
+      parameter (NOV= 11)
+      parameter (DEC= 12)
+      character*3 month(JAN:DEC)
+      integer days_per_month(JAN:DEC)
+      integer mon,time
+      integer sec_year,sec_mon,sec_nonleap,sec_leap,iv(6)
+      real rv
+      logical first_call,leap_year
+      data first_call/.TRUE./
+      IF(first_call) THEN
+	first_call= .FALSE.
+        month(JAN)= 'Jan'
+	month(FEB)= 'Feb'
+	month(MAR)= 'Mar'
+	month(APR)= 'Apr'
+	month(MAY)= 'May'
+	month(JUN)= 'Jun'
+	month(JUL)= 'Jul'
+	month(AUG)= 'Aug'
+	month(SEP)= 'Sep'
+	month(OCT)= 'Oct'
+	month(NOV)= 'Nov'
+	month(DEC)= 'Dec'
+        days_per_month(JAN)= 31
+        days_per_month(FEB)= 28
+        days_per_month(MAR)= 31
+        days_per_month(APR)= 30
+        days_per_month(MAY)= 31
+        days_per_month(JUN)= 30
+        days_per_month(JUL)= 31
+        days_per_month(AUG)= 31
+        days_per_month(SEP)= 30
+        days_per_month(OCT)= 31
+        days_per_month(NOV)= 30
+        days_per_month(DEC)= 31
+	sec= 0
+	do mon= JAN,DEC
+	  sec= sec + 
+     &          days_per_month(mon)*sec_per_day
+          enddo
+        sec_nonleap= sec
+        sec_leap= sec_nonleap + sec_per_day
+      ENDIF
+      time= UTC_time
+      leap_year= .FALSE.
+      yr= 1970
+      IF(time.GE.0) THEN
+        sec_year= sec_nonleap
+        Do while(time.GE.sec_year)
+          time= time-sec_year
+          yr= yr+1
+          leap_year= MOD(yr,4).EQ.0
+          if(leap_year) then
+            sec_year= sec_leap
+          else
+            sec_year= sec_nonleap
+          endif
+        EndDo
+      ELSE
+        Do while(time.LT.0) 
+          yr= yr-1
+          leap_year= MOD(yr,4).EQ.0
+          if(leap_year) then
+            sec_year= sec_leap
+          else
+            sec_year= sec_nonleap
+          endif
+          time= time+sec_year
+        EndDo
+      ENDIF
+      mth= JAN                                !determine the month
+      sec_mon= days_per_month(mth)*sec_per_day
+      DO WHILE(time.GE.sec_mon .AND. mth.LT.DEC)
+        time= time - sec_mon
+	mth= mth+1
+        sec_mon= days_per_month(mth)*sec_per_day
+        If(mth.EQ.FEB .and. leap_year) Then
+          sec_mon= sec_mon + sec_per_day
+        EndIf
+      ENDDO
+      dy= INT(time/sec_per_day)+1
+      time= time - (dy-1)*sec_per_day
+      hr= INT(time/(min_per_hr*sec_per_min))
+      time= time - hr*min_per_hr*sec_per_min
+      minute= INT(time/sec_per_min)
+      time= time - minute*sec_per_min
+      sec= time
+      iv(1)= dy
+      iv(2)= yr
+      iv(3)= hr
+      iv(4)= minute
+      iv(5)= sec
+      call G_build_note('#-'//month(mth)//'-# #:#:# GMT',
+     &                                    '#',iv,' ',rv,' ',date)
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/UTILSUBS/g_wrap_note.f b/UTILSUBS/g_wrap_note.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f5aa12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/UTILSUBS/g_wrap_note.f
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+      SUBROUTINE G_wrap_note(IOchannel,note)
+*-   Purpose and Methods : send to output a (possibly) long message
+*-                         with wrapping if necc.
+*-   Inputs  : IOchannel	- FORTRAN IO channel used for errors
+*-           : note		- message
+*-   Created  2-Dec-1992   Kevin B. Beard 
+*-   Modified for hall C 9/1/93: KBB
+*     $Log: g_wrap_note.f,v $
+*     Revision 1.4  1996/09/05 21:07:18  saw
+*     (SAW) Watch for Null's
+*     Revision 1.3  1994/06/17 03:05:37  cdaq
+*     (SAW) Get correct copy of improved line wrapping from KBB
+* Revision 1.2  1994/06/06  02:57:10  cdaq
+* (KBB) Improve line wrapping by looking for good breakpoints
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/09  14:18:43  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      SAVE 
+      integer IOchannel
+      character*(*) note 
+      integer m,max_len,pref
+      character*1024 msg
+      logical break,indent
+      character*1 blank
+      parameter (blank=' ')	!blank character
+      INCLUDE 'gen_routines.dec'
+      character*20 breakpt(3)   !acceptable break points in order of
+                                !decreasing preference     
+      data breakpt/ ' >]}),;:!&|?', '<[{(+-?=*#', '$^`"''_/.~%@'/
+      msg= note				!truncate after 1024 characters
+      call clear_after_null(msg)        !clear out string after a null character.
+      call NO_tabs(msg)			!replace tabs w/ blanks (if any)
+      call NO_leading_blanks(msg)	!remove leading blanks (if any)
+      call only_one_blank(msg)		!leave only 1 consecutive blank 
+      m= G_important_length(msg)	!return usefull length
+      max_len= 78			!less than max char./line
+      indent= .FALSE.			!don't indent 1st line
+      DO WHILE(msg.NE.blank)            !keep cycling until message gone
+         break= m.LE.max_len            !look for a break (ok if short enough)
+         If(.not.break) Then
+           m= max_len                             !start at end-of-line down
+           do pref=1,3                            !three tries
+             DO while(.not.break .and. m.GT.2)    !look for good break
+               m= m-1                             !but quit if too short
+               break= INDEX(breakpt(pref),msg(m:m)).NE.0   !seek in order
+             ENDDO
+           enddo
+           if(.NOT.break) m= max_len      !break in the middle of a word
+         EndIf
+         If(indent) then
+            write(IOchannel,'(6x,a)',err=1) msg(1:m) !indent 5 extra spaces
+         Else
+            write(IOchannel,'(1x,a)',err=1) msg(1:m) !do not indent
+            max_len= max_len - 5        !decrease # significant char./line
+            indent= .TRUE.		!indent from now on
+         EndIf
+         msg(1:m)= blank                !erase what's been just output
+         call NO_leading_blanks(msg)	!shift
+         m= G_important_length(msg)	!get new length
+      ENDDO
+ 1    RETURN                            !if unable to write, just give up
+      END
diff --git a/UTILSUBS/g_xyz_sph.f b/UTILSUBS/g_xyz_sph.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e8529ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/UTILSUBS/g_xyz_sph.f
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+      SUBROUTINE G_XYZ_sph(Tx,Ty,Tz,Tr,Ttheta,Tphi)
+*-   Purpose and Methods : convert cartesian coord.s to spherical
+*-   Inputs  : Tx	- X coord. (conventional right handed system) 
+*-             Ty	- Y 
+*-             Tz	- Z 
+*-   Outputs : Tr	- conventional radial coord.
+*-             Ttheta	-              theta angle (radians 0-TT)
+*-	       Tphi	-              phi angle (radians 0-2*TT)
+*-   Created  25-MAR-1992   Kevin B. Beard 
+*-   Modified 19-OCT-1992   KBB	(fix phi)
+*-   Modified for hall C 9/1/93: KBB
+*     $Log: g_xyz_sph.f,v $
+*     Revision 1.1  1994/02/09 14:18:59  cdaq
+*     Initial revision
+      real Tx,Ty,Tz,Tr,Ttheta,Tphi
+      real xyprj
+      logical off_orig,off_z_axis
+      INCLUDE 'gen_constants.par'
+	Tr= SQRT(Tx**2 + Ty**2 + Tz**2)
+	off_orig= Tr .GT. 0.			!not at origin
+	IF(off_orig) THEN
+	  Ttheta= ATAN2( SQRT(Tx**2 + Ty**2), Tz )
+	  off_z_axis= ABS(Tx).GT.0. .or. ABS(Ty).GT.0.
+	  If(off_z_axis) Then
+	    Tphi= ATAN2( Ty, Tx )		!defined from -TT to +TT
+	    if(Tphi.LT.0.) Tphi= Tphi + 2*TT
+	  Else
+	    Tphi= 0.
+	  EndIf
+	  Tr= 0.
+	  Ttheta= 0.
+	  Tphi= 0.
+	end
diff --git a/UTILSUBS/get_values.f b/UTILSUBS/get_values.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b7ba588
--- /dev/null
+++ b/UTILSUBS/get_values.f
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+        SUBROUTINE get_values(string,n,values,ok) 
+* $Log: get_values.f,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/22 20:00:24  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+        CHARACTER*(*) string
+        INTEGER*4 n,values(*),v(2),divider
+        INTEGER*4 i,j,k,m,value4,cycle,step
+        INTEGER*2 last_binary,last_oct,last_hex,dummy2
+        LOGICAL*2 ok,hex,oct,bin
+        CHARACTER*132 orig,line,this
+        INTEGER*4 important_length        !FUNCTION 
+        INTEGER*4 INDEX                   !FUNCTION 
+        CHARACTER*1 quote 
+        PARAMETER (quote='''')
+        n=0
+	orig= string
+        CALL no_tabs(orig)			!remove tabs
+        DO WHILE (INDEX(orig,quote).ne.0)	!remove quote marks 
+          i=INDEX(orig,quote) 
+          orig(i:i)=' ' 
+        ENDDO 
+        DO WHILE (INDEX(orig,'::').ne.0) 	!replace sequence marks
+          i=INDEX(orig,'::') 
+          orig(i:i+1)='^ '
+        ENDDO 
+        DO WHILE (INDEX(orig,':').ne.0) 	!replace seperator marks
+          i=INDEX(orig,':') 
+          orig(i:i)=','
+        ENDDO 
+        CALL NO_blanks(orig)			!remove blanks
+	CALL UP_case(ORIG)			!shift to upper case
+        IF(orig.EQ.' ') THEN
+          ok=.false.				!nothing to read
+          RETURN
+        ENDIF 
+        line= orig
+	j= INDEX(line,',')
+	IF( line(j:)=' '		!get first line
+        DO WHILE (orig.NE.' ')
+	  divider= INDEX(line,'*')			!duplicate
+	  If(divider.eq.0) divider= INDEX(line,'^')	!sequence
+	  If(divider.eq.0) Then
+		cycle=1
+		this= line
+	  ElseIf(divider.eq.1) Then
+                GOTO 2222 			!illegal
+	  Else
+		cycle=2
+		this= line(1:divider-1)
+	  EndIf
+	  Do j=1,cycle
+            last_binary= INDEX(this,'B')
+            bin= 
+            last_hex= INDEX(this,'H') 
+            If(last_hex.EQ.0) last_hex= INDEX(this,'X') 
+            hex=
+            last_oct= INDEX(this,'O') 
+            oct=
+            if(hex) then
+              this(last_hex:)=' ' 
+              CALL squeeze(this,i)
+              IF(this.eq.' ') goto 2222
+              READ(this(1:i),'(z)',err=2222) v(j)
+            elseif(oct) then
+              this(last_oct:)=' ' 
+              CALL squeeze(this,i)
+              IF(this.eq.' ') goto 2222
+              READ(this(1:i),'(o)',err=2222) v(j)
+            elseif(bin) then
+              this(last_binary:)=' '
+              CALL squeeze(this,i)
+              IF(this.eq.' ') goto 2222
+              value4= 0 
+              DO k=1,i
+                value4= 2*value4
+                If(this(k:k).EQ.'1') Then
+                  value4= value4+1
+                ElseIf(this(k:k).NE.'0') Then
+                  GOTO 2222 
+                EndIf 
+              ENDDO
+	      v(j)= value4			!only take lowest bits
+            else
+              CALL squeeze(this,i)
+              IF(this.eq.' ') goto 2222
+              READ(this(1:i),'(i)',err=2222) v(j)
+            endif
+	    this= line(divider+1:)	 
+          EndDo
+	  ok=.true.
+	  If(cycle.eq.2) Then
+	    if(line(divider:divider).eq.'^') then	!sequence "^"
+	      DO k=v(1),v(2),MAX(MIN(v(2)-v(1),1),-1)
+		n= n+1
+		values(n)= k
+	      ENDDO	
+	    else					!duplicate "*"
+	      DO k=1,v(1)
+		n=n+1
+		values(n)= v(2)
+	      ENDDO	
+            endif
+	  Else						!just single value
+	    n=n+1 
+            values(n)= v(1)
+	  EndIf
+          m= INDEX(orig,',')		!find next line
+          If(m.EQ.0) Then 	!done
+            orig=' '
+          Else			!another line
+            orig(1:m)=' ' 
+            CALL no_leading_blanks(orig)
+            line= orig 
+	    m= INDEX(line,',')
+	    if( line(m:)=' '
+	  EndIf
+        ENDDO 
+        RETURN
+ 2222   ok=.false.
+        RETURN
+        END 
diff --git a/UTILSUBS/match.f b/UTILSUBS/match.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bdbca15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/UTILSUBS/match.f
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+	LOGICAL FUNCTION match(test,pattern)
+* $Log: match.f,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/22 20:01:00  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+	CHARACTER*(*) test,pattern
+	CHARACTER*132 a,b,b_
+	INTEGER*4 i,j,k,m,n,star,B_min,A_min,j_ 
+	LOGICAL*2 ok
+c  require all of "test" match "pattern", require at least up to "*" 
+C  EX: test="cl" matches pattern="CL*EAR" but not pattern="CLEAR"
+C      test="clx" does not match-   [case insensitive]
+        a= test 
+        b= pattern
+	If(a.eq.' '.or.b.eq.' ') Then
+	   match=.FALSE. 
+	EndIf
+        i= INDEX(a,':') 
+        IF(i.GT.0) a(i:)=' '
+        i= INDEX(a,'=') 
+        IF(i.GT.0) a(i:)=' '
+        i= INDEX(a,'*') 
+        IF(i.GT.0) a(i:)=' '
+        CALL shiftall(a,a)
+        CALL shiftall(b,b)
+        CALL squeeze(a,i) 
+        CALL squeeze(b,j) 
+        star= INDEX(b,'*')
+        IF(star.GT.0) THEN
+          b_= b(1:star-1)//b(star+1:) 
+          ok= a(1:star-1).EQ.b_(1:star-1) 
+          if( ok= ok .AND. a(1:i).EQ.b_(1:i)
+        ELSEIF(star.eq.1) THEN
+          ok= .TRUE.
+        ELSE
+          ok= a.EQ.b
+        ENDIF 
+        match= ok 
+        RETURN
+        END
diff --git a/UTILSUBS/no_blanks.f b/UTILSUBS/no_blanks.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d66714
--- /dev/null
+++ b/UTILSUBS/no_blanks.f
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+       SUBROUTINE NO_blanks(string)
+* $Log: no_blanks.f,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/22 20:01:14  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+       character*(*) string
+       integer nonblank_length
+c      strips out blanks and tabs
+       if(string.eq.' ') RETURN
+       call squeeze(string,nonblank_length)
+       return
+       end
diff --git a/UTILSUBS/no_comments.f b/UTILSUBS/no_comments.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a5773fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/UTILSUBS/no_comments.f
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+      SUBROUTINE NO_Comments(string) 
+* $Log: no_comments.f,v $
+* Revision 1.3  1996/05/24 16:01:47  saw
+* (SAW) Relocate data statements for f2c compatibility
+* Revision 1.2  1994/06/06 04:39:27  cdaq
+* (KBB) Speedup
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/22  20:01:25  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      character*(*) string
+      integer string_length	!FUNCTION
+      character*23 flag
+      data flag/'!@#$%^&*<>[]{}*;?:"()~/'/ 
+c     strips out comments [including "quotes"]
+      do i=1,string_length(string)
+         if(INDEX(flag,string(i:i)).ne.0) then
+            string(i:)=' '
+            return
+         elseif(string(i:).EQ.' ') then
+            return
+         endif 
+      enddo
+      return 
+      end
diff --git a/UTILSUBS/no_leading_blanks.f b/UTILSUBS/no_leading_blanks.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ad92ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/UTILSUBS/no_leading_blanks.f
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+       SUBROUTINE NO_leading_blanks(string)
+* $Log: no_leading_blanks.f,v $
+* Revision 1.2  1996/05/24 16:02:54  saw
+* (SAW) Relocate data statements for f2c compatibility
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/22 20:01:36  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+       character*(*) string
+       integer skip
+       integer string_length	!FUNCTION
+       character*1 tab
+       data tab/'	'/ 
+c      strips out leading blanks and tabs
+	if(string.eq.' ') RETURN
+	skip=0
+	LEN_string= string_length(string)
+	DO i=1,LEN_string
+	  if(string(i:i).eq.' ' .or. string(i:i) then
+	    skip=skip+1 
+	  else				!not a tab or blank
+	    if(skip.eq.0) RETURN
+	    do k=skip+1,LEN_string
+		string(k-skip:k-skip)=string(k:k)
+	    enddo
+	    string(LEN_string-skip+1:)=' '
+	    RETURN
+	  endif 
+	string=' '			!only tabs and blanks
+	end 
diff --git a/UTILSUBS/no_nulls.f b/UTILSUBS/no_nulls.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09e73ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/UTILSUBS/no_nulls.f
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+	SUBROUTINE NO_nulls(line)
+* $Log: no_nulls.f,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/22 20:01:49  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+	character*(*) line
+	character*1 null
+        integer i
+	character*1 CHAR	!FUNCTION
+c   replaces nulls with blanks
+	null= CHAR(0)			!ASCII zero
+	i= INDEX(line,null)
+	DO WHILE (i.NE.0)
+	  line(i:i)= ' '		!blank
+	  i= INDEX(line,null)
diff --git a/UTILSUBS/no_tabs.f b/UTILSUBS/no_tabs.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ae50e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/UTILSUBS/no_tabs.f
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+	SUBROUTINE NO_tabs(line)
+* $Log: no_tabs.f,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/22 20:05:11  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+	character*(*) line
+	character*1 tab
+        integer i
+	character*1 CHAR	!FUNCTION
+c   replaces tabs with blanks
+	tab= CHAR(9)			!ASCII nine
+	i= INDEX(line,tab)
+	DO WHILE (i.NE.0)
+	  line(i:i)= ' '		!blank
+	  i= INDEX(line,tab)
diff --git a/UTILSUBS/only_one_blank.f b/UTILSUBS/only_one_blank.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d85179c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/UTILSUBS/only_one_blank.f
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+        SUBROUTINE only_one_blank(string) 
+* $Log: only_one_blank.f,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/22 20:02:18  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+        CHARACTER*(*) string
+        CHARACTER*1024 line 
+        INTEGER i 
+C		eliminate tabs,leading blanks, multiple blanks
+        CALL NO_tabs(string)
+        CALL NO_leading_blanks(string)
+        i= INDEX(string,'  ')                !2 blanks
+        DO WHILE (i.NE.0 .AND. string(max(i,1):).ne.' ')
+          line= string(i+1:)              !skip 1st blank 
+          string(i:)= line                !shift left 
+          i= INDEX(string,'  ')           !look again 
+        ENDDO 
+        RETURN
+        END 
diff --git a/UTILSUBS/regparmstringarray.f b/UTILSUBS/regparmstringarray.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1819beb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/UTILSUBS/regparmstringarray.f
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+      integer function regparmstringarray(name, strings, size)
+* $Log: regparmstringarray.f,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1994/08/18 03:50:34  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+      character*(*) name, strings(*)
+      integer*4 size
+      regparmstringarray = 0
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/UTILSUBS/shiftall.f b/UTILSUBS/shiftall.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d4bd68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/UTILSUBS/shiftall.f
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+* $Log: shiftall.f,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/22 20:02:34  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+       character*(*) InPut,OUTPUT 
+c      shifts strings to upper case, removes all tabs,nulls & leading blanks
+	OutPut=InPut
+	call UP_shift(OutPut)
+	call NO_leading_blanks(OUTPUT)
+	return
+       end 
diff --git a/UTILSUBS/squeeze.f b/UTILSUBS/squeeze.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6fb9ef0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/UTILSUBS/squeeze.f
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+       SUBROUTINE squeeze(line,nonblank)
+* $Log: squeeze.f,v $
+* Revision 1.2  1996/05/24 16:03:33  saw
+* (SAW) Relocate data statements for f2c compatibility
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/22 20:02:45  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+       character*(*) line
+       integer nonblank
+       integer string_length	!FUNCTION
+       character*1 tab
+       data tab/'	'/
+c      removes all blanks and tabs from a string
+c       and return nonblank length
+       call NO_nulls(line)			!nulls=>' '
+       nonblank=0
+       LEN_line= string_length(line) 
+       DO i=1,LEN_line
+           if(line(i:i).ne.' '.and.line(i:i) then
+		nonblank=nonblank+1			!skip blanks&tabs
+		line(nonblank:nonblank)=line(i:i)
+           elseif(line(i:).eq.' ') then		!nonblank < LEN_line 
+		line(nonblank+1:)=' '			!quick check
+		return
+           endif
+       ENDDO
+       if( line(nonblank+1:)=' '
+       return
+       end 
diff --git a/UTILSUBS/string_length.f b/UTILSUBS/string_length.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..97ad8cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/UTILSUBS/string_length.f
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+c......................................................character operations
+	integer FUNCTION string_length(string)
+* $Log: string_length.f,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/22 20:03:04  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+	character*(*) string
+c			returns the declared length of the string
+	string_length= LEN(string)
+	end
diff --git a/UTILSUBS/sub_string.f b/UTILSUBS/sub_string.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd3ac57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/UTILSUBS/sub_string.f
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+	subroutine sub_string(string,old,new)
+********************* substitute new char. for old char. in string
+* $Log: sub_string.f,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1994/04/15 18:12:37  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+	character*(*) string,old,new
+	integer i,j,len_old,len_new,len_string
+	character*1024 temp
+	integer string_length		!FUNCTION
+	if( RETURN
+	len_string= string_length(string)
+	len_old= string_length(old)
+	len_new= string_length(new)
+	j= 0
+	i= INDEX(string,old)
+	do while (i.NE.0 .and. j.LE.2*len_string+1)
+	  j= j+1
+	  if(len_old.EQ.len_new) then
+	    string(i:i+len_new-1)= new
+	  else
+	    temp= string(i+len_old:)
+	    string(i:)= new//temp
+	  endif
+	  i= INDEX(string,old)
+	enddo
+	end
diff --git a/UTILSUBS/up_case.f b/UTILSUBS/up_case.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb650c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/UTILSUBS/up_case.f
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+	SUBROUTINE UP_case(string)
+* $Log: up_case.f,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/22 20:03:16  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+	character*(*) string
+	integer len_string,char,m,j
+	integer string_length	!FUNCTION
+	character*26 lo,HI
+	data lo/'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'/
+*	shifts string to upper case
+	len_string= string_length(string)
+	m=1		!stop looking when only blanks remain
+	DO WHILE(m.LE.len_string .and. string(m:).NE.' ')
+	  j= INDEX(lo,string(m:m))
+	  if(j.NE.0) string(m:m)= HI(j:j)
+	  m= m+1
diff --git a/UTILSUBS/up_shift.f b/UTILSUBS/up_shift.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ced7e4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/UTILSUBS/up_shift.f
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+	SUBROUTINE UP_shift(InPut)
+* $Log: up_shift.f,v $
+* Revision 1.1  1994/02/22 20:03:26  cdaq
+* Initial revision
+	character*(*) InPut
+	integer tab
+c      shifts strings to upper case, replaces nulls&tabs with spaces
+	if(InPut.eq.' ') return 
+	call NO_nulls(INPUT)
+	call NO_tabs(INPUT)
+	call UP_case(InPut)
diff --git a/etc/CVS/Entries b/etc/CVS/Entries
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c28ceb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/etc/CVS/Entries
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+/Makefile/ Sep 10 20:08:03 2007//Tsane
+/Makefile.NEW/ Sep 12 16:43:31 2007//Tsane
+/Makefile.flags/ Sep 10 20:11:30 2007//Tsane
+/Makefile.variables/ Sep  2 14:02:10 2009//Tsane
+/ Sep 10 20:08:03 2007//Tsane
diff --git a/etc/CVS/Repository b/etc/CVS/Repository
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..429fbeb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/etc/CVS/Repository
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/etc/CVS/Root b/etc/CVS/Root
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6288c3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/etc/CVS/Root
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/etc/CVS/Tag b/etc/CVS/Tag
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..25d73f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/etc/CVS/Tag
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/etc/Makefile b/etc/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5b7d1fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/etc/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+# Copyright (c) 1991, 1992  Southeastern Universities Research Association,  * 
+#			    Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility    *
+#									     *
+#   This software was developed under a United States Government license     *
+#    described in the NOTICE file included as part of this distribution.     *
+#									     *
+#CEBAF Data Acquisition Group, 12000 Jefferson Ave., Newport News, VA 23606  *
+#	Tel: (804) 249-7030    Fax: (804) 249-7363	     *
+#Description: follows this header.
+#	Graham Heyes
+#	CEBAF Data Acquisition Group
+#  Revision History:
+#    $Log: Makefile,v $
+#    Revision  2007/09/10 20:08:03  pcarter
+#    Implemented changes to allow compilation on RHEL 3,4,5 and MacOSX
+#    Revision 1.5  2002/12/20 21:58:57  jones
+#    reduce output echoing
+#    Revision 1.4  1999/11/04 20:37:27  saw
+#    Linux/G77 compatibility fixes
+#    Revision 1.3  1998/12/07 22:09:50  saw
+#    Remove dependency on $Csoft
+#    Revision 1.1  1996/02/02 14:14:46  saw
+#    Initial revision
+#    93/12/14 saw Copied from $(Csoft)/etc
+# Generic Makefile add more directories here
+AR = ar
+PW := $(shell pwd)
+include $(sources:.f=.d) 
+include $(sources:.c=.d) 
+#EVGENLIB   = ../../../$(MYOS)$(OSEXT)/lib/libevgen.a
+LIBROOT   = ../../../$(MYOS)$(OSEXT)/lib
+#INCROOT   = $(Csoft)/$(MYOS)/include
+#OS     := $(shell echo $(MYOS) | tr "[A-Z]" "[a-z]")
+#MAKEDIRS:=$(addprefix $(shell pwd)/,$(shell find . -type d -print | sed -e '/RCS/d'|xargs echo))
+#TIMESTAMP := "\"$(shell date +%h\ %d\ %Y)\""
+#CSOFT_VERSION := "\"$(shell grep define $(Csoft)/.version.h | sed -e 's|.*CSOFTVERSION ||')\""
+#CSOFT_VERSION := "Version 0"
+# OS dependent declarations of library and include directories etc...
+#.PRECIOUS: %.cmn ../%.cmn %.par ../%.par %.dte ../%.dte %.dec ../%.dec
+.PHONY : default depend CLEAN clean ALL_CLEAN all_clean directory csoft ALL_CSOFT all_csoft
+DEPENDS_RULE.c =  $(CC) -MM $(CFLAGS) $< |\
+	(sed -e 's|$*.o|& $@|g' -e 's|:|: .os$(MYOS) Makefile |' ;\
+	cat $< | sed -n -e \ "s|\#include \"|$@: ../|p" |\
+	sed -e "s|\".*$$||" | sed -e 's|.d:|.o:|') >$@
+DEPENDS_RULE.c =  $(CC) -MM $(CFLAGS) $< |\
+	 sed -e 's|$*.o|& $@|g' -e 's|:|: .os$(MYOS) Makefile |' > $@
+DEPENDS_RULE.f = 	( cat $< | sed -n -e \
+	"s|^[ 	]*[Ii][Nn][Cc][Ll][Uu][Dd][Ee][ 	]*['\"]|$@: |p" | \
+	sed -e "s|['\"].*$$||" | sed -e 's|.d:|.o:|' ; \
+	echo $*.o: .os$(MYOS) ) > $@
+COMPILE_RULE.f = $(FC) $(FFLAGS) -c $< -o $@ 
+COMPILE_RULE.c = $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@
+# Don't "Makefile" to .d files anymore
+%.d: ../%.c
+#	@echo remaking $@
+%.d: ../%.cpp
+#	@echo remaking $@
+#	@echo r_$*.o: r_$*.f > $@
+%.d: ../%.f
+	@echo remaking $@
+%.o: ../%.f
+%.o: ../%.c
+%.d: %.c
+#	@echo remaking $@
+%.d: %.cpp
+#	@echo remaking $@
+#%.d: %.f .os$(MYOS)
+%.d: %.f
+	@echo remaking $@
+#	( cat $< | sed -n -e \
+#	"s/^[ 	]*[Ii][Nn][Cc][Ll][Uu][Dd][Ee][ 	]*['\"]/$<: /p" | \
+#	sed -e "s/['\"].*$$//" | sed -e 's/.f:/.o:/' ; \
+#	@echo $*.o: .os$(MYOS) ) > $@
+%.o: %.f
+#%.f : %.F
+#	$(FC) -F $<
+(%.o): %.o
+#	@echo Adding $*.o to $@
+	$(AR) $(ARFLAGS) $@ $*.o
+ifdef RANLIB
+	$(RANLIB) $@
+# Phil: the quot variable is used to keep from confusing my syntax highligher
+# I put it twice because the syntax highlighter likes to see two quotes
+# You could replace $(quot) with a literal " below, but it looks wierd
+# and doubly so with VIM's syntax highlighting
+quot = "
+quot = "
+FILES       = $(addsuffix $(quot),$(addprefix $(quot)$(TARGET_PATH),$($(SUBDIR)_targets)))
+$(TARGET_PATH)%: %	
+	@echo "Making $@ from $< "
+	$(RM) -r $@
+	$(CP) $< $@
+	$(RM) $<
+	$(RM) *.d .os*
+	@echo $(MYOS) > .os$(MYOS)
+	@echo remade marker .os$(MYOS)
+csoft: $(REGSOURCES)
+#	@echo "CSOFT - Arch. $(MYOS) sys.vers $(MYOS)$(OSEXT)"
+#	@echo "`pwd` $(REGSOURCES)"
+# if ! ( $(MAKE) ... ) exits the for loop if there's an error. Otherwise the for loop will only return
+# an error if the last make command fails. This follows the default behavior of make but breaks the
+# -p option. This section could use a rewrite.
+	@echo "Considering $(shell pwd) ... "
+	@if test -z "$(install-dirs)"; then \
+	  echo Nothing to do for $(MYOS)$(OSEXT); \
+	else \
+	for subdir in $(install-dirs) dummy; do \
+            if test $$subdir != dummy; then \
+	        echo $(MAKE) SUBDIR=$$subdir OSPREFIX=$(MYOS)$(OSEXT)/ directory;\
+	        if ! ( $(MAKE) SUBDIR=$$subdir OSPREFIX=$(MYOS)$(OSEXT)/ directory ); then exit 1; fi; \
+	    fi \
+	done \
+	fi
+	@echo "Done $(shell pwd)"
+depend: .os$(MYOS)
+	@ echo depending...
+	@$(MAKE) $(sources:.f=.d) 
+	@$(MAKE) $(sources:.c=.d) 
+CLEAN clean::
+	@ echo Cleaning `pwd`
+	$(RM) -f *.o *.d .os*
+	@ echo Done.
+ALL_CLEAN all_clean: 
+	@  for makefile in `find . -name Makefile -print | sed -e '/Eiffel/d'  -e '/pre_/d'`; do \
+	  echo ; \
+	  echo Considering `dirname $$makefile` ... ; \
+	  $(MAKE) -C `dirname $$makefile` clean ; \
+        done
+	@echo Doing directory SUBDIR=$(SUBDIR) OSPREFIX=$(OSPREFIX)
+#	@echo 'FILES=$(FILES)'
+	mkdir -p $(TARGET_PATH)
+ALL_CSOFT all_csoft: 
+	@ for makefile in `find . -name Makefile -print | sed -e '/Eiffel/d'  -e '/pre_/d' -e '/dev_/d`; do \
+	  echo ; \
+	  $(MAKE) -C `dirname $$makefile` csoft ; \
+        done
+	@ echo Made csoft for $(MYOS)
diff --git a/etc/Makefile.NEW b/etc/Makefile.NEW
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..327eb9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/etc/Makefile.NEW
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+include ../etc/Makefile.variables
+MAKEFILENAME = Makefile.Unix
+ifeq ($(MYOS),HPUX)
+  ifneq (,$(findstring 09,$(shell uname -r)))
+    HPUXVERSION := 09
+  else
+    HPUXVERSION := 10
+  endif
+ifeq ($(MYOS),HPUXTEST)
+  SUBDIRNAME = O.hpuxtest
+ifeq ($(MYOS),ULTRIX)
+  SUBDIRNAME = O.ultrix
+  OSEXT =
+#Alpha port known to work on a
+#	DEC Alphastation 200 4/166 with DEC Unix V4.0B (Rev 564)
+ifeq ($(MYOS),OSF1)
+  OSEXT =
+ifeq ($(MYOS),Linux)
+  OSEXT =
+ifeq ($(MYOS),LinuxTEST)
+  MYOS = Linux
+ifeq ($(MYOS),SunOS)
+  ifeq ($(MYOS),SunOS4)
+  else
+  endif
+  OSEXT =
+ifeq ($(MYOS),AIX)
+  OSEXT = 
+# OSEXT is either TEST or empty
+# If you want to use LinuxTEST as shown above, just pass OSEXT=TEST
+# after 'make' on the command line, and leave MYOS as the default (Linux)
+# we don't need to do anything with OSEXT here 
+#export OSEXT #either TEST or empty
+#export OSVERSION #not used since we probably can't compile on SunOS anyway
+.PHONY: all
+all:  $(SUBDIRNAME) $(SUBDIRNAME)/Makefile
+	@echo change in $(CURDIR)/$(MAKEFILENAME)
+	(cd $(SUBDIRNAME) ; ln -f -s ../$(MAKEFILENAME) Makefile)
+	@echo copy $(CURDIR)/$(MAKEFILENAME)
+	(cd $(SUBDIRNAME) ; ln -f -s ../$(MAKEFILENAME) Makefile)
+	mkdir $(SUBDIRNAME)
diff --git a/etc/Makefile.flags b/etc/Makefile.flags
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..861cbf6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/etc/Makefile.flags
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# We don't want to keep appending these options to FFLAGS, so only
+# do it the first time through
+ifeq ($(MAKELEVEL),2)
+  ifeq ($(MYOS),Linux)
+    override FFLAGS += -I. -fno-automatic
+    ifeq ($(GCCVERSION),3)
+      override FFLAGS += -finit-local-zero
+    else
+#      $(warning Warning: Cant use -finit-local-zero with gfortran.)
+    endif
+  endif
+# None of $(INCS) $(DEFS) $(EXTRA) are set, and no programs read the macros defined below 
diff --git a/etc/Makefile.variables b/etc/Makefile.variables
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d50e8eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/etc/Makefile.variables
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+# If you're not using GCC version 3 or 4 and Linux or Mac OS X, you'll proably
+# need to make some changes to the makefiles and possibly the source code.
+# New gcc version grab  assumes a string like
+# gcc (GCC) 4.1.3 20070929 (prerelease) (Ubuntu 4.1.2-16ubuntu2)
+# where the version is at position 10
+gccversionstring =  $(shell gcc --version | head -1)
+gccversion = ${gccversionstring:10:1}
+#getversion = --version | head -1 | sed 's/.*) //' | sed 's/\..*//'
+#gccversion = $(shell gcc $(getversion))
+g77flags = -Wimplicit
+export #export all variables
+unexport getversion gccversion g77flags message #except these ones
+CFLAGS = -Wall -W -O #-ggdb #-pg #-pedantic
+#CFLAGS = -Wall -W
+#FFLAGS = -O -ffixed-line-length-132 -ggdb -Wall -W -fbounds-check #-pg #-pedantic
+FFLAGS = -O -ffixed-line-length-132  -Wall -W   #-pg #-pedantic
+CC = gcc
+CXX = g++
+ifeq ($(gccversion),4)
+  ifeq ($(gccversion),4)
+#  ifeq ($(shell gfortran $(getversion)),4)
+    FC = gfortran
+    # cfortran.h wants gFortran to be defined
+    # We have two versions of cfortran.h: one from NetCDF and one from Debian
+    # Both versions support GCC 4, whereas the official version does not
+    # We use NetCDF's cfortran.h at the moment
+    # The other version is in CTP/cfortran.h.debian
+    CFLAGS += -DgFortran
+    CXXFLAGS += -DgFortran
+  else
+    # this happens if you're using a JLab RHEL3 system and have typed "use gcc/4.1.1"
+    # JLab RHEL3 systems currently have GCC 4 but no gfortran.
+    define message
+  +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | Warning: Using GNU C compiler version 4 but gfortran not found. Falling  |
+  | back to g77 + GCC 3 for Fortran but still using GCC 4 for C and C++.     |
+  +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+    endef
+    $(warning $(message))
+    FC = g77
+    FFLAGS += $(g77flags)
+  endif
+  FC = gfortran
+  FFLAGS += $(g77flags)
+SHELL = /bin/sh
+CP = cp -f
+RM = rm -f
+# This program has only been tested under Linux and Mac OS X lately
+# For either Mac or Linux, this variable should be set to Linux
+MYOS = Linux
+# There are a couple places in the Makefiles where libraries are chosen for linking.  
+# It is helpful to know in these situations what the real OS is - i.e. Linux vs. MacOSX(Darwin)
+MYREALOS := $(subst -,,$(shell uname))
+# Once upon a time, there were variables named $(MYOS), $(OSTYPE), and $(ARCH)
+# but they all tended to be set to the same value. We only use MYOS now, and
+# it's always set to Linux.
+#MYOS := $(subst -,,$(shell uname))
+#ifeq ($(MYOS),SunOS)
+#  OSTYPE = $(MYOS)
+#  ifeq ($(MYOS),HPUX)
+#    OSTYPE = hpux10
+#  else
+#    ifeq ($(MYOS),AIX)
+#      OSTYPE = aix
+#    else
+#      OSTYPE = $(MYOS)
+#    endif
+#  endif
diff --git a/etc/ b/etc/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..966064f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/etc/
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+# This file isn't used anymore 
+# this file sets AR, FFLAGS, PW, and MAKEREG
+AR = ar
+ifeq ($(MYOS),HPUX)
+  ifeq ($(OSEXT),TEST)
+    FFLAGS=+ppu -C +es -O -G +Obb1000 +FPVZOU
+  else
+    ifeq ($(OSEXT),09)
+      FFLAGS=+ppu -C +es -O +Obb1000 +FPVZOU
+    else
+      FFLAGS=+ppu -C +es -O +Onolimit +FPVZOU
+      AR=/usr/bin/ar
+    endif
+  endif
+  ARFLAGS=frv
+  CC = gcc
+  RPCGEN = rpcgen
+  FC = f77
+  CP=cp -f
+  RM        = rm -f 
+ifeq ($(MYOS),ULTRIX)
+  EXTRA = 
+  FFLAGS=-check_bounds -extend_source -g2 -I.
+  CC = gcc
+  RPC_ROOT = /usr/site1/rpc/usr/lib
+  RPCGEN = rpcgen
+  FC = f77
+  ##CODA=/usr/site2/coda/1.3b
+  CP=cp -f
+  RM        = rm -f 
+  RANLIB = ranlib
+ifeq ($(MYOS),IRIX)
+  EXTRA =
+  FFLAGS=-check_bounds -extend_source -g2
+  CC = gcc
+  RPCGEN = rpcgen
+  FC = f77
+  CP=cp
+  RM        = rm -f 
+#Alpha port known to work on a
+#	DEC Alphastation 200 4/166 with DEC Unix V4.0B (Rev 564)
+ifeq ($(MYOS),OSF1)
+  EXTRA =
+  FFLAGS=-extend_source -align dcommons -I.
+  CC = gcc
+  RPCGEN = rpcgen
+  FC = f77
+  CP=cp -f
+  RM        = rm
+ifeq ($(MYOS),Linux)
+  override FFLAGS += -I. -ffixed-line-length-132 -finit-local-zero -fno-automatic
+#this doesn't run anymore
+ifeq ($(MYOS),LinuxOLD)
+ CC = gcc
+ CP=cp -f
+ G77:=$(filter no,$(shell which g77))
+ ifneq ($(G77),no)
+  FC=g77
+  FFLAGS= -I. -ffixed-line-length-132 -finit-local-zero -fno-automatic
+ else
+  NOFORT77:=$(filter no,$(shell which fort77))
+  ifneq ($(NOFORT77),no)
+   FC=fort77
+   FFLAGS=-Wf,-f -Nn1604
+  else
+   FC = f77
+   ifeq ($(F77COMPILER),Absoft)
+    ifndef CERN_ROOT
+     CERN_ROOT = /usr/local/cernlib/96a_absoft
+    endif
+    FFLAGS=-f -W
+    EXTRA=-DNOF77extname -DAbsoftUNIXFortran
+   else
+    ifndef CERN_ROOT
+     CERN_ROOT = /usr/local/cernlib/96a
+    endif
+    ifeq ($(F77COMPILER),fort77)
+     FC = fort77
+     FFLAGS=-Wf,-f -Nn1604
+    else
+     ifeq ($(OSEXT),TEST)
+      FFLAGS=-Nn1604 -O -f -g -pg
+     else
+      FFLAGS=-Nn1604 -O -f -g
+     endif
+    endif
+   endif
+  endif
+ endif
+ RM        = rm -f 
+ifeq ($(MYOS),SunOS)
+CC = gcc
+CP=cp -f
+FC = f77
+RM        = rm -f 
+ifeq ($(OSVERSION),4)
+  RANLIB = ranlib
+ifeq ($(MYOS),AIX)
+CC = gcc
+CP=cp -f
+FC =f77
+FFLAGS=-qfixed=132 -qextname -O
+RM = rm -f
+PW := $(shell pwd)
diff --git a/modified.txt b/modified.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fefc0fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modified.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+Changes were made to the following files:
+etc/Makefile.variables :
+Made it use gfortran NOT g77
+SANE/sane_ntup_init.f :
+Added new ntuple (3) 
+Around line 160
+SANE/sane_ntup_open.f :
+Added ntuple definition
+around line 417
+SANE/sane_ntuple_keep.f :
+Used old version .... 
+ENGINE/g_analyze_scalers_by_banks.f :
+Added some extra includes and added scaler dump to a text file
+at the very end of the subroutine.
+ENGINE/g_initialize.f :
+Opened output file for scalers
+Added file for scaler output
+Added new scaler stuff at line 104
+Commented out lines around 158 which do pedestal stuff 
+in order to leave the pedestal events in the data.
+SANE/sane_keep_results.f :
+Commented out line to keep event type 4 (pedestal)
+SANE/sane_ntup_open.f : 
+Added common block GEN_BEAM