From d02e6a42d52843eeb4786d4567e6b3a2f538c250 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Eric Pooser <>
Date: Tue, 25 Jul 2017 10:31:28 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] Hms replay restruct (#182)

* Re-structure the PARAM files for HMS and added raster variables to thms.param

* restructure hallc_replay DBASE for HMS param files; add hodo/cer kpp_spring_2017 calibration directories and parameter files

* restructure HMS detector maps directory; add hms run 303 to standard.database

* -added Raster to HMS trigger map
-minor fix in commented raster names
-minor fix in name for HMS to SHMS in an shms map file

* -Include only one spectrometer in 'g.evtyp' variable for HMS/SHMS report file cuts (for the moment ...)

* -added new 'PRODUCTION' directory for HMS where all def files with 'good' variables are included
-copied python script/list from SHMS 'PRODUCTION' directory to HMS.
(This script combines individual detector def files into one)

* -added STACK directory in HMS Def-files dir, which includes only stack histograms (excludes EPICS variables)

* -added TEST_STANDS directory in HMS Def-Files to include raw and good
detector histograms

* -excluded hms Aerogel from def files (for now . . .)

* -updated HMS templates for scalers, stack and production

* Re-structure the PARAM files for HMS and added raster variables to thms.param

* restructure hallc_replay DBASE for HMS param files; add hodo/cer kpp_spring_2017 calibration directories and parameter files

* restructure HMS detector maps directory; add hms run 303 to standard.database

* -added Raster to HMS trigger map
-minor fix in commented raster names
-minor fix in name for HMS to SHMS in an shms map file

* -Include only one spectrometer in 'g.evtyp' variable for HMS/SHMS report file cuts (for the moment ...)

* -added new 'PRODUCTION' directory for HMS where all def files with 'good' variables are included
-copied python script/list from SHMS 'PRODUCTION' directory to HMS.
(This script combines individual detector def files into one)

* -added STACK directory in HMS Def-files dir, which includes only stack histograms (excludes EPICS variables)

* -added TEST_STANDS directory in HMS Def-Files to include raw and good
detector histograms

* -excluded hms Aerogel from def files (for now . . .)

* -updated HMS templates for scalers, stack and production

* -Restructurization of replay scripts in HMS

* Minor fixes in shms replay scripts

* -moved replay scripts to new directories
 DBASE/GEN/KPP_Spring_2017/calib_303.param     |    5 +
 DBASE/GEN/general.param                       |   34 +-
 DBASE/STD/standard.database                   |    5 +-
 .../HMS/PRODUCTION/AERO/haero_histos.def      |   43 +
 .../HMS/PRODUCTION/BLOCK/hblock_vars.def      |   12 +
 DEF-files/HMS/PRODUCTION/CAL/hcal_histos.def  |  106 ++
 DEF-files/HMS/PRODUCTION/CER/hcer_histos.def  |   41 +
 .../HMS/PRODUCTION/DC/hdc_6gev_histos.def     |  122 ++
 .../HMS/PRODUCTION/EPICS/hepics_vars.def      |   15 +
 .../HMS/PRODUCTION/HODO/hhodo_histos.def      |  178 ++
 .../HMS/PRODUCTION/TRIG/htrig_histos.def      |  131 ++
 .../HMS/PRODUCTION/hstackana_production.def   |  618 +++++++
 .../PRODUCTION/hstackana_production_cuts.def  |  208 +++
 DEF-files/HMS/PRODUCTION/   |   25 +
 DEF-files/HMS/PRODUCTION/merge_list.txt       |    7 +
 DEF-files/HMS/SCALERS/hscaler_cuts.def        |   41 +
 DEF-files/HMS/STACK/AERO/haero_histos.def     |   43 +
 DEF-files/HMS/STACK/BLOCK/hblock_vars.def     |   12 +
 DEF-files/HMS/STACK/CAL/hcal_histos.def       |  106 ++
 DEF-files/HMS/STACK/CER/hcer_histos.def       |   41 +
 DEF-files/HMS/STACK/DC/hdc_6gev_histos.def    |  122 ++
 DEF-files/HMS/STACK/HODO/hhodo_histos.def     |  178 ++
 DEF-files/HMS/STACK/TRIG/htrig_histos.def     |  131 ++
 DEF-files/HMS/STACK/hstackana.def             |  601 +++++++
 DEF-files/HMS/STACK/hstackana_cuts.def        |  208 +++
 DEF-files/HMS/STACK/        |   25 +
 DEF-files/HMS/STACK/merge_list.txt            |    6 +
 DEF-files/HMS/TEST_STANDS/AERO/haeroana.def   |   70 +
 .../HMS/TEST_STANDS/AERO/haeroana_cuts.def    |   14 +
 DEF-files/HMS/TEST_STANDS/CAL/hcalana.def     |  178 ++
 .../HMS/TEST_STANDS/CAL/hcalana_cuts.def      |   13 +
 DEF-files/HMS/TEST_STANDS/CER/hcerana.def     |   39 +
 .../HMS/TEST_STANDS/CER/hcerana_cuts.def      |   13 +
 .../HMS/TEST_STANDS/DC/hdc_6gev_histos.def    |  155 ++
 DEF-files/HMS/TEST_STANDS/DC/hdcana_cuts.def  |   13 +
 DEF-files/HMS/TEST_STANDS/HODO/hhodoana.def   |  379 ++++
 .../HMS/TEST_STANDS/HODO/hhodoana_cuts.def    |   13 +
 DEF-files/HMS/TEST_STANDS/TRIG/htrigana.def   |  194 ++
 .../HMS/TEST_STANDS/TRIG/htrigana_cuts.def    |   13 +
 .../PRODUCTION/pstackana_production_cuts.def  |   14 +-
 DEF-files/SHMS/SCALERS/pscaler_cuts.def       |   14 +-
 MAPS/HMS/DETEC/AERO/                 |   27 +
 MAPS/HMS/DETEC/AERO/           |   78 +
 MAPS/HMS/DETEC/CAL/                   |   95 +
 MAPS/HMS/DETEC/CAL/             |  146 ++
 MAPS/HMS/DETEC/CER/                   |   12 +
 MAPS/HMS/DETEC/CER/             |   62 +
 MAPS/HMS/DETEC/DC/                | 1163 ++++++++++++
 MAPS/HMS/DETEC/DC/          | 1214 +++++++++++++
 MAPS/HMS/DETEC/HODO/                 |  274 +++
 MAPS/HMS/DETEC/HODO/           |  284 +++
 MAPS/HMS/DETEC/RASTER/      |   18 +
 MAPS/HMS/DETEC/STACK/            | 1576 +++++++++++++++++
 MAPS/HMS/DETEC/TRIG/                 |   71 +
 MAPS/SHMS/DETEC/RASTER/     |    2 +-
 MAPS/SHMS/DETEC/TRIG/                |    4 +-
 PARAM/HMS/AERO/CALIB/haero_calib.param        |    7 +
 PARAM/HMS/AERO/CUTS/haero_cuts.param          |   20 +
 PARAM/HMS/AERO/GEOM/haero_geom.param          |   25 +
 PARAM/HMS/AERO/haero.param                    |   48 -
 .../KPP_Spring_2017/hcal_calib_303.param      |   10 +
 PARAM/HMS/CAL/CALIB/hcal_calib.param          |   10 +
 PARAM/HMS/CAL/CUTS/hcal_cuts.param            |   45 +
 .../CAL/{hcal.pos => GEOM/hcal_geom.param}    |   18 +
 PARAM/HMS/CAL/hcal.param                      |   70 -
 .../CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/hcer_calib.param    |    3 +
 .../KPP_Spring_2017/hcer_calib_303.param      |    3 +
 PARAM/HMS/CER/CALIB/hcer_calib.param          |    3 +
 PARAM/HMS/CER/CUTS/hcer_cuts.param            |   20 +
 .../CER/{hcer.param => GEOM/hcer_geom.param}  |   19 +-
 .../KPP_Spring_2017/hdc_calib_303.param}      |    0
 PARAM/HMS/DC/CALIB/hdc_calib_6gev.param       |  175 ++
 PARAM/HMS/DC/CUTS/hdc_cuts_6gev.param         |   22 +
 .../DC/{hdc.pos => GEOM/hdc_geom_6gev.param}  |   39 +
 PARAM/HMS/DC/hdc.param                        |   18 -
 PARAM/HMS/DC/hdc_test_stand.param             |    3 -
 PARAM/HMS/DC/hdc_tracking.param               |   34 -
 .../KPP_Spring_2017/hhodo_calib_303.param     |  141 ++
 .../{hhodo.param => CALIB/hhodo_calib.param}  |   42 +-
 PARAM/HMS/HODO/CUTS/hhodo_cuts.param          |   43 +
 .../HODO/{hhodo.pos => GEOM/hhodo_geom.param} |    3 +-
 PARAM/HMS/HODO/htofcal.param                  |    2 -
 PARAM/TRIG/thms.param                         |    6 +-
 PARAM/TRIG/thms_raster.param                  |    2 +-
 .../HMS/PRODUCTION/replay_production_hms.C    |  136 ++
 .../{ => RASTER}/replay_hms_raster_simple.C   |   29 +-
 .../HMS/{ => SCALERS}/replay_hms_scalers.C    |   56 +-
 SCRIPTS/HMS/{ => STACK}/replay_hms.C          |   42 +-
 .../replay_hcal_test_stand.C                  |   11 +-
 .../replay_hcer_test_stand.C                  |   11 +-
 .../{ => TEST_STANDS}/replay_hdc_test_stand.C |   23 +-
 .../replay_hhodo_test_stand.C                 |   10 +-
 .../replay_htrig_test_stand.C                 |    9 +-
 .../SHMS/PRODUCTION/replay_production_shms.C  |    3 +-
 SCRIPTS/SHMS/STACK/replay_shms.C              |    2 +-
 .../SHMS/TEST_STANDS/replay_pcal_test_stand.C |    2 +-
 .../SHMS/TEST_STANDS/replay_pdc_test_stand.C  |   16 +-
 .../TEST_STANDS/replay_phgcer_test_stand.C    |    2 +-
 .../TEST_STANDS/replay_phodo_test_stand.C     |    2 -
 .../PRODUCTION/hstackana_production.template  |   74 +
 TEMPLATES/HMS/SCALERS/hscalers.template       |   14 +
 TEMPLATES/HMS/STACK/hstackana.template        |   63 +
 102 files changed, 10175 insertions(+), 373 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 DBASE/GEN/KPP_Spring_2017/calib_303.param
 create mode 100644 DEF-files/HMS/PRODUCTION/AERO/haero_histos.def
 create mode 100644 DEF-files/HMS/PRODUCTION/BLOCK/hblock_vars.def
 create mode 100644 DEF-files/HMS/PRODUCTION/CAL/hcal_histos.def
 create mode 100644 DEF-files/HMS/PRODUCTION/CER/hcer_histos.def
 create mode 100644 DEF-files/HMS/PRODUCTION/DC/hdc_6gev_histos.def
 create mode 100644 DEF-files/HMS/PRODUCTION/EPICS/hepics_vars.def
 create mode 100644 DEF-files/HMS/PRODUCTION/HODO/hhodo_histos.def
 create mode 100644 DEF-files/HMS/PRODUCTION/TRIG/htrig_histos.def
 create mode 100644 DEF-files/HMS/PRODUCTION/hstackana_production.def
 create mode 100644 DEF-files/HMS/PRODUCTION/hstackana_production_cuts.def
 create mode 100644 DEF-files/HMS/PRODUCTION/
 create mode 100644 DEF-files/HMS/PRODUCTION/merge_list.txt
 create mode 100644 DEF-files/HMS/SCALERS/hscaler_cuts.def
 create mode 100644 DEF-files/HMS/STACK/AERO/haero_histos.def
 create mode 100644 DEF-files/HMS/STACK/BLOCK/hblock_vars.def
 create mode 100644 DEF-files/HMS/STACK/CAL/hcal_histos.def
 create mode 100644 DEF-files/HMS/STACK/CER/hcer_histos.def
 create mode 100644 DEF-files/HMS/STACK/DC/hdc_6gev_histos.def
 create mode 100644 DEF-files/HMS/STACK/HODO/hhodo_histos.def
 create mode 100644 DEF-files/HMS/STACK/TRIG/htrig_histos.def
 create mode 100644 DEF-files/HMS/STACK/hstackana.def
 create mode 100644 DEF-files/HMS/STACK/hstackana_cuts.def
 create mode 100644 DEF-files/HMS/STACK/
 create mode 100644 DEF-files/HMS/STACK/merge_list.txt
 create mode 100644 DEF-files/HMS/TEST_STANDS/AERO/haeroana.def
 create mode 100644 DEF-files/HMS/TEST_STANDS/AERO/haeroana_cuts.def
 create mode 100644 DEF-files/HMS/TEST_STANDS/CAL/hcalana.def
 create mode 100644 DEF-files/HMS/TEST_STANDS/CAL/hcalana_cuts.def
 create mode 100644 DEF-files/HMS/TEST_STANDS/CER/hcerana.def
 create mode 100644 DEF-files/HMS/TEST_STANDS/CER/hcerana_cuts.def
 create mode 100644 DEF-files/HMS/TEST_STANDS/DC/hdc_6gev_histos.def
 create mode 100644 DEF-files/HMS/TEST_STANDS/DC/hdcana_cuts.def
 create mode 100644 DEF-files/HMS/TEST_STANDS/HODO/hhodoana.def
 create mode 100644 DEF-files/HMS/TEST_STANDS/HODO/hhodoana_cuts.def
 create mode 100644 DEF-files/HMS/TEST_STANDS/TRIG/htrigana.def
 create mode 100644 DEF-files/HMS/TEST_STANDS/TRIG/htrigana_cuts.def
 create mode 100644 MAPS/HMS/DETEC/AERO/
 create mode 100644 MAPS/HMS/DETEC/AERO/
 create mode 100644 MAPS/HMS/DETEC/CAL/
 create mode 100644 MAPS/HMS/DETEC/CAL/
 create mode 100644 MAPS/HMS/DETEC/CER/
 create mode 100644 MAPS/HMS/DETEC/CER/
 create mode 100644 MAPS/HMS/DETEC/DC/
 create mode 100644 MAPS/HMS/DETEC/DC/
 create mode 100644 MAPS/HMS/DETEC/HODO/
 create mode 100644 MAPS/HMS/DETEC/HODO/
 create mode 100644 MAPS/HMS/DETEC/RASTER/
 create mode 100644 MAPS/HMS/DETEC/STACK/
 create mode 100644 MAPS/HMS/DETEC/TRIG/
 create mode 100644 PARAM/HMS/AERO/CALIB/haero_calib.param
 create mode 100644 PARAM/HMS/AERO/CUTS/haero_cuts.param
 create mode 100644 PARAM/HMS/AERO/GEOM/haero_geom.param
 delete mode 100644 PARAM/HMS/AERO/haero.param
 create mode 100644 PARAM/HMS/CAL/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/hcal_calib_303.param
 create mode 100644 PARAM/HMS/CAL/CALIB/hcal_calib.param
 create mode 100644 PARAM/HMS/CAL/CUTS/hcal_cuts.param
 rename PARAM/HMS/CAL/{hcal.pos => GEOM/hcal_geom.param} (74%)
 delete mode 100644 PARAM/HMS/CAL/hcal.param
 create mode 100644 PARAM/HMS/CER/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/hcer_calib.param
 create mode 100644 PARAM/HMS/CER/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/hcer_calib_303.param
 create mode 100644 PARAM/HMS/CER/CALIB/hcer_calib.param
 create mode 100644 PARAM/HMS/CER/CUTS/hcer_cuts.param
 rename PARAM/HMS/CER/{hcer.param => GEOM/hcer_geom.param} (60%)
 rename PARAM/HMS/DC/{hdriftmap.param => CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/hdc_calib_303.param} (100%)
 create mode 100644 PARAM/HMS/DC/CALIB/hdc_calib_6gev.param
 create mode 100644 PARAM/HMS/DC/CUTS/hdc_cuts_6gev.param
 rename PARAM/HMS/DC/{hdc.pos => GEOM/hdc_geom_6gev.param} (77%)
 delete mode 100644 PARAM/HMS/DC/hdc.param
 delete mode 100644 PARAM/HMS/DC/hdc_tracking.param
 create mode 100644 PARAM/HMS/HODO/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/hhodo_calib_303.param
 rename PARAM/HMS/HODO/{hhodo.param => CALIB/hhodo_calib.param} (87%)
 create mode 100644 PARAM/HMS/HODO/CUTS/hhodo_cuts.param
 rename PARAM/HMS/HODO/{hhodo.pos => GEOM/hhodo_geom.param} (97%)
 delete mode 100644 PARAM/HMS/HODO/htofcal.param
 create mode 100644 SCRIPTS/HMS/PRODUCTION/replay_production_hms.C
 rename SCRIPTS/HMS/{ => RASTER}/replay_hms_raster_simple.C (80%)
 rename SCRIPTS/HMS/{ => SCALERS}/replay_hms_scalers.C (64%)
 rename SCRIPTS/HMS/{ => STACK}/replay_hms.C (75%)
 rename SCRIPTS/HMS/{ => TEST_STANDS}/replay_hcal_test_stand.C (89%)
 rename SCRIPTS/HMS/{ => TEST_STANDS}/replay_hcer_test_stand.C (90%)
 rename SCRIPTS/HMS/{ => TEST_STANDS}/replay_hdc_test_stand.C (84%)
 rename SCRIPTS/HMS/{ => TEST_STANDS}/replay_hhodo_test_stand.C (89%)
 rename SCRIPTS/HMS/{ => TEST_STANDS}/replay_htrig_test_stand.C (90%)
 create mode 100644 TEMPLATES/HMS/PRODUCTION/hstackana_production.template
 create mode 100644 TEMPLATES/HMS/SCALERS/hscalers.template
 create mode 100644 TEMPLATES/HMS/STACK/hstackana.template

diff --git a/DBASE/GEN/KPP_Spring_2017/calib_303.param b/DBASE/GEN/KPP_Spring_2017/calib_303.param
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b278a65b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DBASE/GEN/KPP_Spring_2017/calib_303.param
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+; HMS calibration files for run 303
+#include "PARAM/HMS/CER/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/hcer_calib_303.param"
+#include "PARAM/HMS/DC/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/hdc_calib_303.param"
+#include "PARAM/HMS/HODO/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/hhodo_calib_303.param"
+#include "PARAM/HMS/CAL/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/hcal_calib_303.param"
diff --git a/DBASE/GEN/general.param b/DBASE/GEN/general.param
index 6e2ac4bf..706895bf 100644
--- a/DBASE/GEN/general.param
+++ b/DBASE/GEN/general.param
@@ -16,17 +16,27 @@ cminch=2.54
 #include "PARAM/HMS/GEN/hmsflags.param"
 #include "PARAM/HMS/GEN/htracking.param"
-; HMS detector specific paramter files
-#include "PARAM/HMS/AERO/haero.param"
-#include "PARAM/HMS/CAL/hcal.pos"
-#include "PARAM/HMS/CAL/hcal.param"
-#include "PARAM/HMS/CER/hcer.param"
-#include "PARAM/HMS/DC/hdc.param"
-#include "PARAM/HMS/DC/hdc.pos"
-#include "PARAM/HMS/DC/hdc_tracking.param"
-#include "PARAM/HMS/DC/hdriftmap.param"
-#include "PARAM/HMS/HODO/hhodo.pos"
-#include "PARAM/HMS/HODO/hhodo.param"
+; HMS default geometry parameter files 
+#include "PARAM/HMS/CER/GEOM/hcer_geom.param"
+#include "PARAM/HMS/DC/GEOM/hdc_geom_6gev.param"
+#include "PARAM/HMS/HODO/GEOM/hhodo_geom.param"
+#include "PARAM/HMS/AERO/GEOM/haero_geom.param"
+#include "PARAM/HMS/CAL/GEOM/hcal_geom.param"
+; HMS default cut parameter files
+#include "PARAM/HMS/CER/CUTS/hcer_cuts.param"
+#include "PARAM/HMS/DC/CUTS/hdc_cuts_6gev.param"
+#include "PARAM/HMS/HODO/CUTS/hhodo_cuts.param"
+#include "PARAM/HMS/AERO/CUTS/haero_cuts.param"
+#include "PARAM/HMS/CAL/CUTS/hcal_cuts.param"
+; HMS default calibration parameter files
+#include "PARAM/HMS/CER/CALIB/hcer_calib.param"
+#include "PARAM/HMS/DC/CALIB/hdc_calib_6gev.param"
+#include "PARAM/HMS/HODO/CALIB/hhodo_calib.param"
+#include "PARAM/HMS/AERO/CALIB/haero_calib.param"
+#include "PARAM/HMS/CAL/CALIB/hcal_calib.param"  
 ; General SHMS parameter files
 ; Note: shmsflags.param includes spectrometer offsets and options.
@@ -57,4 +67,4 @@ cminch=2.54
 #include "PARAM/SHMS/HODO/CALIB/phodo_calib.param"
 #include "PARAM/SHMS/HGCER/CALIB/phgcer_calib.param"
 #include "PARAM/SHMS/AERO/CALIB/paero_calib.param"
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/CAL/CALIB/pcal_calib.param"
\ No newline at end of file
+#include "PARAM/SHMS/CAL/CALIB/pcal_calib.param"
diff --git a/DBASE/STD/standard.database b/DBASE/STD/standard.database
index 2f0cd4d3..d1d852bf 100644
--- a/DBASE/STD/standard.database
+++ b/DBASE/STD/standard.database
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
 g_ctp_parm_filename ="DBASE/GEN/general.param"
 g_ctp_kinematics_filename ="DBASE/STD/standard.kinematics"
+g_ctp_calib_filename ="DBASE/GEN/KPP_Spring_2017/calib_303.param"
 g_ctp_calib_filename ="DBASE/GEN/KPP_Spring_2017/calib_464.param"
@@ -36,4 +39,4 @@ g_ctp_calib_filename ="DBASE/GEN/KPP_Spring_2017/calib_486.param"
 g_ctp_calib_filename ="DBASE/GEN/KPP_Spring_2017/calib_487.param"
-g_ctp_calib_filename ="DBASE/GEN/KPP_Spring_2017/calib_488.param"
\ No newline at end of file
+g_ctp_calib_filename ="DBASE/GEN/KPP_Spring_2017/calib_488.param"
diff --git a/DEF-files/HMS/PRODUCTION/AERO/haero_histos.def b/DEF-files/HMS/PRODUCTION/AERO/haero_histos.def
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3ba092df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DEF-files/HMS/PRODUCTION/AERO/haero_histos.def
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+# HMS AEROGEL GOOD Occupancy and Multiplicity
+TH1F haero_good_occ_pos 'HMS Aero+ Good Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good +ADC Hits' 8 0.5 8.5
+TH1F haero_good_occ_neg 'HMS Aero- Good Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good -ADC Hits' 8 0.5 8.5
+TH1F haero_good_mult_pos 'HMS Aero+ Good Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +ADC Hits' 8 0.5 8.5
+TH1F haero_good_mult_neg 'HMS Aero- Good Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good -ADC Hits' 8 0.5 8.5
+TH1F haero_good_mult 'HMS Aero Good Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good ADC Hits' 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F haero_tot_npe_pos 'HMS Aero+ Total Number of Photoelectrons; Total Number of Pos Photoelectrons; Number of Entries / 0.5 Photoelectrons' 200 0 100>0.0 
+TH1F haero_tot_npe_neg 'HMS Aero- Total Number of Photoelectrons; Total Number of Neg Photoelectrons; Number of Entries / 0.5 Photoelectrons' 200 0 100>0.0 
+TH1F haero_tot_npe 'HMS Aero Total Number of Photoelectrons; Total Number of Photoelectrons; Number of Entries / 0.5 Photoelectrons' 200 0 100>0.0 
+# HMS AERO Number of P.E. / PMT
+TH2F haero_npe_pos 'HMS Aero+ Number of Photoelectrons vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Number of Photoelectrons / PMT' [I+1] 8 0.5 8.5 200 0 100>0.0 
+TH2F haero_npe_neg 'HMS Aero- Number of Photoelectrons vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Number of Photoelectrons / PMT' [I+1] 8 0.5 8.5 200 0 100>0.0 
+# HMS AERO GOOD Pulse Pedestal / Integral / Raw Integral / Amplitude / Time 
+# GOOD --> (passed errorFlag cut and pulsetime cuts oN Min/Max ADC Time Window) 
+TH2F haero_good_pped_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS Aero+ Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number;  Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Units' [I+1] 7 0.5 7.5 400 300 700>0.0
+TH2F haero_good_pi_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS Aero+ Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number;  Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1] 7 0.5 7.5 600 0 30000>0.0
+TH2F haero_good_pamp_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS Aero+ Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number;  Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1] 7 0.5 7.5 200 0 4000>0.0
+TH2F haero_good_ptime_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS Aero+ Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1] 7 0.5 7.5 350 0 3500>0.0
+TH2F haero_good_pped_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS Aero- Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number;  Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Units' [I+1] 7 0.5 7.5 400 300 700>0.0
+TH2F haero_good_pi_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS Aero- Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number;  Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1] 7 0.5 7.5 600 0 30000>0.0
+TH2F haero_good_pamp_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS Aero- Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number;  Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1] 7 0.5 7.5 200 0 4000>0.0
+TH2F haero_good_ptime_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS Aero- Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1] 7 0.5 7.5 350 0 3500>0.0
diff --git a/DEF-files/HMS/PRODUCTION/BLOCK/hblock_vars.def b/DEF-files/HMS/PRODUCTION/BLOCK/hblock_vars.def
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..44d4aa99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DEF-files/HMS/PRODUCTION/BLOCK/hblock_vars.def
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# Block Definitions *
+block T.hms.*
+block H.cer.*
+block H.dc.*
+block H.hod.*
+block H.gtr.*
diff --git a/DEF-files/HMS/PRODUCTION/CAL/hcal_histos.def b/DEF-files/HMS/PRODUCTION/CAL/hcal_histos.def
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..eedbc997
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DEF-files/HMS/PRODUCTION/CAL/hcal_histos.def
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+# HMS CAL Good Occupancy
+TH1F hcal_hA_good_occ_pos 'HMS hA+ Good Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Entries' 13 0.5 13.5  
+TH1F hcal_hA_good_occ_neg 'HMS hA- Good Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Entries' 13 0.5 13.5 
+TH1F hcal_hB_good_occ_pos 'HMS hB+ Good Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Entries' 13 0.5 13.5
+TH1F hcal_hB_good_occ_neg 'HMS hB- Good Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Entries' 13 0.5 13.5 
+TH1F hcal_hC_good_occ_pos 'HMS hC+ Good Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Entries' 13 0.5 13.5 
+TH1F hcal_hD_good_occ_pos 'HMS hD+ Good Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Entries' 13 0.5 13.5 
+# HMS CAL Good Multiplicity
+TH1F hcal_hA_good_mult_pos 'HMS hA+ Good Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +ADC Hits / PMT' 13 0.5 13.5
+TH1F hcal_hA_good_mult_neg 'HMS hA- Good Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good -ADC Hits / PMT' 13 0.5 13.5
+TH1F hcal_hA_good_mult 'HMS hA Good Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good ADC Hits / PMT' 26 0.5 26.5
+TH1F hcal_hB_good_mult_pos 'HMS hB+ Good Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +ADC Hits / PMT' 13 0.5 13.5
+TH1F hcal_hB_good_mult_neg 'HMS hB- Good Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good -ADC Hits / PMT' 13 0.5 13.5
+TH1F hcal_hB_good_mult 'HMS hB Good Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good ADC Hits / PMT' 26 0.5 26.5
+TH1F hcal_hC_good_mult_pos 'HMS hC+ Good Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +ADC Hits / PMT' 13 0.5 13.5
+TH1F hcal_hD_good_mult_pos 'HMS hD+ Good Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +ADC Hits / PMT' 13 0.5 13.5
+# HMS CAL Good Pulse Pedestals 
+TH2F hcal_hA_good_pped_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hA+ Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 400 300 700>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hA_good_pped_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS hA- Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 400 300 700>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hB_good_pped_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hB+ Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 400 300 700>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hB_good_pped_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS hB- Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 400 300 700>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hC_good_pped_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hC+ Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 400 300 700>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hD_good_pped_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hD+ Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 400 300 700>0.0
+# HMS CAL Good Pulse Integrals 
+TH2F hcal_hA_good_pi_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hA+ Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 600 0 30000>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hA_good_pi_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS hA- Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 600 0 30000>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hB_good_pi_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hB+ Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 600 0 30000>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hB_good_pi_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS hB- Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 600 0 30000>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hC_good_pi_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hC+ Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 600 0 30000>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hD_good_pi_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hD+ Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 600 0 30000>0.0
+# HMS CAL Good Pulse Amplitudes 
+TH2F hcal_hA_good_pamp_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hA+ Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 200 0 4000>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hA_good_pamp_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS hA- Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 200 0 4000>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hB_good_pamp_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hB+ Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 200 0 4000>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hB_good_pamp_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS hB- Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 200 0 4000>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hC_good_pamp_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hC+ Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 200 0 4000>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hD_good_pamp_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hD+ Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 200 0 4000>0.0
+# HMS CAL Good Pulse Times
+TH2F hcal_hA_good_ptime_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hA+ Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 350 0 3500>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hA_good_ptime_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS hA- Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 350 0 3500>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hB_good_ptime_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hB+ Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 350 0 3500>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hB_good_ptime_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS hB- Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 350 0 3500>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hC_good_ptime_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hC+ Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 350 0 3500>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hD_good_ptime_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hD+ Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 350 0 3500>0.0
+# (calib consts (GAIN) are in GeV/ADC units )
+TH2F hA_Epos_vs_pmt 'HMS hA+ Energy Deposition vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Energy Deposition (0.01 GeV / ADC Units)' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 200 0 2>0.0
+TH2F hA_Eneg_vs_pmt 'HMS hA- Energy Deposition vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Energy Deposition (0.01 GeV / ADC Units)' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 200 0 2>0.0
+TH2F hA_Emean_vs_pmt 'HMS hA Mean Energy Deposition vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Mean Energy Deposition (0.01 GeV / ADC Units)' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 300 0 3>0.0
+TH2F hB_Epos_vs_pmt 'HMS hB+ Energy Deposition vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Energy Deposition (0.01 GeV / ADC Units)' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 200 0 2>0.0
+TH2F hB_Eneg_vs_pmt 'HMS hB- Energy Deposition vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Energy Deposition (0.01 GeV / ADC Units)' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 200 0 2>0.0
+TH2F hB_Emean_vs_pmt 'HMS hB Mean Energy Deposition vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Mean Energy Deposition (0.01 GeV / ADC Units)' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 300 0 3>0.0
+TH2F hC_Epos_vs_pmt 'HMS hC+ Energy Deposition vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Energy Deposition (0.01 GeV / ADC Units)' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 200 0 2>0.0
+TH2F hD_Epos_vs_pmt 'HMS hD+ Energy Deposition vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Energy Deposition (0.01 GeV / ADC Units)' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 200 0 2>0.0
+TH1F hcal_hA_Eplane_pos 'HMS hA+ Energy Deposition; Energy Deposition (GeV); Number of Entries / 0.01 GeV' 200 0 2>0.0
+TH1F hcal_hA_Eplane_neg 'HMS hA- Energy Deposition; Energy Deposition (GeV); Number of Entries / 0.01 GeV' 200 0 2>0.0
+TH1F hcal_hA_Eplane 'HMS hA Total Energy Deposition; Total Energy Deposition (GeV); Number of Entries / 0.01 GeV' 300 0 3>0.0
+TH1F hcal_hB_Eplane_pos 'HMS hB+ Energy Deposition; Energy Deposition (GeV); Number of Entries / 0.01 GeV' 200 0 2>0.0
+TH1F hcal_hB_Eplane_neg 'HMS hB- Energy Deposition; Energy Deposition (GeV); Number of Entries / 0.01 GeV' 200 0 2>0.0
+TH1F hcal_hB_Eplane 'HMS hB Total Energy Deposition; Total Energy Deposition (GeV); Number of Entries / 0.01 GeV' 300 0 3>0.0
+TH1F hcal_hC_Eplane_pos 'HMS hC+ Energy Deposition; Energy Deposition (GeV); Number of Entries / 0.01 GeV' 200 0 2>0.0
+TH1F hcal_hD_Eplane_pos 'HMS hD+ Energy Deposition; Energy Deposition (GeV); Number of Entries / 0.01 GeV' 200 0 2>0.0
diff --git a/DEF-files/HMS/PRODUCTION/CER/hcer_histos.def b/DEF-files/HMS/PRODUCTION/CER/hcer_histos.def
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7f9d3dbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DEF-files/HMS/PRODUCTION/CER/hcer_histos.def
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+# HMS Gas Cherenkov *
+# HMS Gas CER GOOD Occupancy and Multiplicity
+TH1F hcer_good_occ 'HMS Cherenkov Good Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Entries' H.cer.numGoodAdcHits 2 0.5 2.5
+TH1F hcer_good_mult 'HMS Cherenkov Good Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good ADC Hits / PMT' H.cer.totNumGoodAdcHits 2 0.5 2.5
+# HMS Gas CER GOOD Pulse Pedestal / Integral / Raw Integral / Amplitude / Time 
+# GOOD --> (passed errorFlag cut and pulsetime cuts oN Min/Max ADC Time Window) 
+TH2F hcer_good_pped_vs_pmt 'HMS Cherenkov Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Units' [I+1] H.cer.goodAdcPed 2 0.5 2.5 400 300 700
+TH2F hcer_good_pi_vs_pmt 'HMS Cherenkov Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1] H.cer.goodAdcPulseInt 2 0.5 2.5 600 0 30000 H.cer.goodAdcPulseInt>0.0
+TH2F hcer_good_pamp_vs_pmt 'HMS Cherenkov Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1] H.cer.goodAdcPulseAmp 2 0.5 2.5 200 0 4000 H.cer.goodAdcPulseAmp>0.0
+TH2F hcer_good_ptime_vs_pmt 'HMS Cherenkov Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1] H.cer.goodAdcPulseTime 2 0.5 2.5 350 0 3500 H.cer.goodAdcPulseTime>0.0
+# HMS Gas CER Number of P.E. / PMT
+TH2F hcer_npe 'HMS Cherenkov Number of Photoelectrons vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Number of Photoelectrons / PMT' [I+1] H.cer.npe 2 0.5 2.5 200 0 100 H.cer.npe>0.0
+TH1F hcer_tot_npe 'HMS Cherenkov Total Number of Photoelectrons; Total Number of Photoelectrons; Number of Entries / 0.5 Photoelectrons' H.cer.npeSum 200 0 100 H.cer.npeSum>0.0
+TH1F hcer_trk_match 'HMS  Gas Cherenkov Track Matches; PMT Number; Number of Tracks Matched' H.cer.numTracksMatched 2 0.5 2.5
+TH1F hcer_trk_fired 'HMS  Gas Cherenkov Tracks Fired; PMT Number; Number of Tracks Fired' H.cer.numTracksFired 2 0.5 2.5
diff --git a/DEF-files/HMS/PRODUCTION/DC/hdc_6gev_histos.def b/DEF-files/HMS/PRODUCTION/DC/hdc_6gev_histos.def
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1f7b515b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DEF-files/HMS/PRODUCTION/DC/hdc_6gev_histos.def
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+# HMS 6 GeV Drift Chambers *
+TH1F hdc1x1_wirenum 'HMS DC 1X1 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' H.dc.1x1.wirenum 113 0.5 113.5
+TH1F hdc1y1_wirenum 'HMS DC 1Y1 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' H.dc.1y1.wirenum  52 0.5  52.5
+TH1F hdc1u1_wirenum 'HMS DC 1U1 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' H.dc.1u1.wirenum 107 0.5 107.5
+TH1F hdc1v1_wirenum 'HMS DC 1V1 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' H.dc.1v1.wirenum 107 0.5 107.5
+TH1F hdc1y2_wirenum 'HMS DC 1Y2 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' H.dc.1y2.wirenum  52 0.5  52.5
+TH1F hdc1x2_wirenum 'HMS DC 1X2 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' H.dc.1x2.wirenum 113 0.5 113.5
+TH1F hdc2x1_wirenum 'HMS DC 2X1 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' H.dc.2x1.wirenum 113 0.5 113.5
+TH1F hdc2y1_wirenum 'HMS DC 2Y1 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' H.dc.2y1.wirenum  52 0.5  52.5
+TH1F hdc2u1_wirenum 'HMS DC 2U1 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' H.dc.2u1.wirenum 107 0.5 107.5
+TH1F hdc2v1_wirenum 'HMS DC 2V1 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' H.dc.2v1.wirenum 107 0.5 107.5
+TH1F hdc2y2_wirenum 'HMS DC 2Y2 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' H.dc.2y2.wirenum  52 0.5  52.5
+TH1F hdc2x2_wirenum 'HMS DC 2X2 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' H.dc.2x2.wirenum 113 0.5 113.5
+TH1F hdc1x1_drifttime 'HMS DC 1X1 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' H.dc.1x1.time 400 -50 350
+TH1F hdc1y1_drifttime 'HMS DC 1Y1 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' H.dc.1y1.time 400 -50 350
+TH1F hdc1u1_drifttime 'HMS DC 1U1 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' H.dc.1u1.time 400 -50 350
+TH1F hdc1v1_drifttime 'HMS DC 1V1 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' H.dc.1v1.time 400 -50 350
+TH1F hdc1y2_drifttime 'HMS DC 1Y2 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' H.dc.1y2.time 400 -50 350
+TH1F hdc1x2_drifttime 'HMS DC 1X2 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' H.dc.1x2.time 400 -50 350
+TH1F hdc2x1_drifttime 'HMS DC 2X1 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' H.dc.2x1.time 400 -50 350
+TH1F hdc2y1_drifttime 'HMS DC 2Y1 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' H.dc.2y1.time 400 -50 350
+TH1F hdc2u1_drifttime 'HMS DC 2U1 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' H.dc.2u1.time 400 -50 350
+TH1F hdc2v1_drifttime 'HMS DC 2V1 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' H.dc.2v1.time 400 -50 350
+TH1F hdc2y2_drifttime 'HMS DC 2Y2 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' H.dc.2y2.time 400 -50 350
+TH1F hdc2x2_drifttime 'HMS DC 2X2 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' H.dc.2x2.time 400 -50 350
+TH2F hdc1x1_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'HMS DC 1X1 Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' H.dc.1x1.wirenum H.dc.1x1.time 113 0.5 113.5 600 -100 500
+TH2F hdc1y1_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'HMS DC 1Y1 Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' H.dc.1y1.wirenum H.dc.1y1.time 52  0.5  52.5 600 -100 500
+TH2F hdc1u1_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'HMS DC 1U1 Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' H.dc.1u1.wirenum H.dc.1u1.time 107 0.5 107.5 600 -100 500
+TH2F hdc1v1_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'HMS DC 1V1 Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' H.dc.1v1.wirenum H.dc.1v1.time 107 0.5 107.5 600 -100 500
+TH2F hdc1y2_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'HMS DC 1Y2 Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' H.dc.1y2.wirenum H.dc.1y2.time 52  0.5  52.5 600 -100 500
+TH2F hdc1x2_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'HMS DC 1X2 Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' H.dc.1x2.wirenum H.dc.1x2.time 113 0.5 113.5 600 -100 500
+TH2F hdc2x1_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'HMS DC 2X1 Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' H.dc.2x1.wirenum H.dc.2x1.time 113 0.5 113.5 600 -100 500
+TH2F hdc2y1_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'HMS DC 2Y1 Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' H.dc.2y1.wirenum H.dc.2y1.time 52  0.5  52.5 600 -100 500
+TH2F hdc2u1_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'HMS DC 2U1 Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' H.dc.2u1.wirenum H.dc.2u1.time 107 0.5 107.5 600 -100 500
+TH2F hdc2v1_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'HMS DC 2V1 Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' H.dc.2v1.wirenum H.dc.2v1.time 107 0.5 107.5 600 -100 500
+TH2F hdc2y2_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'HMS DC 2Y2 Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' H.dc.2y2.wirenum H.dc.2y2.time 52  0.5  52.5 600 -100 500
+TH2F hdc2x2_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'HMS DC 2X2 Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' H.dc.2x2.wirenum H.dc.2x2.time 113 0.5 113.5 600 -100 500
+# HMS DC Drift Distance Per Plane 
+TH1F hdc1x1_ddist 'HMS 1X1 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' H.dc.1x1.dist 28 -0.1 0.6
+TH1F hdc1y1_ddist 'HMS 1Y1 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' H.dc.1y1.dist 28 -0.1 0.6
+TH1F hdc1u1_ddist 'HMS 1U1 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' H.dc.1u1.dist 28 -0.1 0.6
+TH1F hdc1v1_ddist 'HMS 1V1 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' H.dc.1v1.dist 28 -0.1 0.6
+TH1F hdc1y2_ddist 'HMS 1Y2 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' H.dc.1y2.dist 28 -0.1 0.6
+TH1F hdc1x2_ddist 'HMS 1X2 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' H.dc.1x2.dist 28 -0.1 0.6
+TH1F hdc2x1_ddist 'HMS 2U2 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' H.dc.2x1.dist 28 -0.1 0.6
+TH1F hdc2y1_ddist 'HMS 2U1 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' H.dc.2y1.dist 28 -0.1 0.6
+TH1F hdc2u1_ddist 'HMS 2X2 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' H.dc.2u1.dist 28 -0.1 0.6
+TH1F hdc2v1_ddist 'HMS 2X1 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' H.dc.2v1.dist 28 -0.1 0.6
+TH1F hdc2y2_ddist 'HMS 2V2 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' H.dc.2y2.dist 28 -0.1 0.6
+TH1F hdc2x2_ddist 'HMS 2V1 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' H.dc.2x2.dist 28 -0.1 0.6
+TH2F hdc1x1_wirenum_vs_ddist 'HMS DC 1X1 Drift Distance vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' H.dc.1x1.wirenum H.dc.1x1.dist 113 0.5 113.5 300 -0.1 0.6
+TH2F hdc1y1_wirenum_vs_ddist 'HMS DC 1Y1 Drift Distance vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' H.dc.1y1.wirenum H.dc.1y1.dist 52  0.5  52.5 300 -0.1 0.6
+TH2F hdc1u1_wirenum_vs_ddist 'HMS DC 1U1 Drift Distance vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' H.dc.1u1.wirenum H.dc.1u1.dist 107 0.5 107.5 300 -0.1 0.6
+TH2F hdc1v1_wirenum_vs_ddist 'HMS DC 1V1 Drift Distance vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' H.dc.1v1.wirenum H.dc.1v1.dist 107 0.5 107.5 300 -0.1 0.6
+TH2F hdc1y2_wirenum_vs_ddist 'HMS DC 1Y2 Drift Distance vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' H.dc.1y2.wirenum H.dc.1y2.dist 52  0.5  52.5 300 -0.1 0.6
+TH2F hdc1x2_wirenum_vs_ddist 'HMS DC 1X2 Drift Distance vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' H.dc.1x2.wirenum H.dc.1x2.dist 113 0.5 113.5 300 -0.1 0.6
+TH2F hdc2x1_wirenum_vs_ddist 'HMS DC 2X1 Drift Distance vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' H.dc.2x1.wirenum H.dc.2x1.dist 113 0.5 113.5 300 -0.1 0.6
+TH2F hdc2y1_wirenum_vs_ddist 'HMS DC 2Y1 Drift Distance vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' H.dc.2y1.wirenum H.dc.2y1.dist 52  0.5  52.5 300 -0.1 0.6
+TH2F hdc2u1_wirenum_vs_ddist 'HMS DC 2U1 Drift Distance vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' H.dc.2u1.wirenum H.dc.2u1.dist 107 0.5 107.5 300 -0.1 0.6
+TH2F hdc2v1_wirenum_vs_ddist 'HMS DC 2V1 Drift Distance vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' H.dc.2v1.wirenum H.dc.2v1.dist 107 0.5 107.5 300 -0.1 0.6
+TH2F hdc2y2_wirenum_vs_ddist 'HMS DC 2Y2 Drift Distance vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' H.dc.2y2.wirenum H.dc.2y2.dist 52  0.5  52.5 300 -0.1 0.6
+TH2F hdc2x2_wirenum_vs_ddist 'HMS DC 2X2 Drift Distance vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' H.dc.2x2.wirenum H.dc.2x2.dist 113 0.5 113.5 300 -0.1 0.6
+TH1F hdc1x1_residuals 'HMS 1X1 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' H.dc.residual[0]  200 -1.0 1.0
+TH1F hdc1y1_residuals 'HMS 1Y1 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' H.dc.residual[1]  200 -1.0 1.0
+TH1F hdc1u1_residuals 'HMS 1U1 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' H.dc.residual[2]  200 -1.0 1.0
+TH1F hdc1v1_residuals 'HMS 1V1 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' H.dc.residual[3]  200 -1.0 1.0
+TH1F hdc1y2_residuals 'HMS 1Y2 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' H.dc.residual[4]  200 -1.0 1.0
+TH1F hdc1x2_residuals 'HMS 1X2 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' H.dc.residual[5]  200 -1.0 1.0
+TH1F hdc2x1_residuals 'HMS 2X1 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' H.dc.residual[6]  200 -1.0 1.0
+TH1F hdc2y1_residuals 'HMS 2Y1 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' H.dc.residual[7]  200 -1.0 1.0
+TH1F hdc2u1_residuals 'HMS 2U1 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' H.dc.residual[8]  200 -1.0 1.0
+TH1F hdc2v1_residuals 'HMS 2V1 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' H.dc.residual[9]  200 -1.0 1.0
+TH1F hdc2y2_residuals 'HMS 2Y2 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' H.dc.residual[10] 200 -1.0 1.0
+TH1F hdc2x2_residuals 'HMS 2X2 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' H.dc.residual[11] 200 -1.0 1.0
+TH1F hdc_trk_mom 'HMS DC Track Momentum; P (GeV); Number of Entires / 10 MeV' 600 0 6
+TH1F hdc_trk_beta 'HMS DC Track Beta; Beta (GeV); Number of Entires' 300 -1.5 1.5
+TH2F hdc_xfp_vs_yxp 'HMS DC X_{fp} vs Y_{fp}; Y_{fp} (cm) / 1 cm; X_{fp} (cm) / 1 cm' H.dc.y_fp H.dc.x_fp 100 -50 50 100 -50 50
+TH2F hdc_xpfp_vs_ypfp 'HMS DC X'_{fp} vs Y'_{fp}; Y'_{fp} / 0.002 rad; X'_{fp} / 0.002 rad' H.dc.yp_fp H.dc.xp_fp 100 -.1 .1 100 -.1 .1
+TH2F hdc_xfp_vs_ypfp 'HMS DC X_{fp} vs Y'_{fp}; Y'_{fp} / 0.002 rad; X_{fp} / 1 cm'  H.dc.yp_fp H.dc.x_fp 100 -.1 .1 100 -50 50 
+TH2F hdc_xfp_vs_xpfp 'HMS DC X_{fp} vs X'_{fp}; X'_{fp} / 0.002 rad; X_{fp} / 1 cm' H.dc.xp_fp H.dc.x_fp 100 -.1 .1 100 -50 50
diff --git a/DEF-files/HMS/PRODUCTION/EPICS/hepics_vars.def b/DEF-files/HMS/PRODUCTION/EPICS/hepics_vars.def
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cf57cde2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DEF-files/HMS/PRODUCTION/EPICS/hepics_vars.def
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+begin epics
+end epics
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/DEF-files/HMS/PRODUCTION/HODO/hhodo_histos.def b/DEF-files/HMS/PRODUCTION/HODO/hhodo_histos.def
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f0b7df31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DEF-files/HMS/PRODUCTION/HODO/hhodo_histos.def
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+# HMS HODO GOOD ADC Multiplicities 
+TH1F hhodo_1x_good_adc_mult_pos 'HMS 1X+ Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +ADC Hits' H.hod.1x.totNumGoodPosAdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_1y_good_adc_mult_pos 'HMS 1Y+ Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +ADC Hits' H.hod.1y.totNumGoodPosAdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
+TH1F hhodo_2x_good_adc_mult_pos 'HMS 2X+ Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +ADC Hits' H.hod.2x.totNumGoodPosAdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_2y_good_adc_mult_pos 'HMS 2Y+ Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +ADC Hits' H.hod.2y.totNumGoodPosAdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
+TH1F hhodo_1x_good_adc_mult_neg 'HMS 1X- Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good -ADC Hits' H.hod.1x.totNumGoodNegAdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_1y_good_adc_mult_neg 'HMS 1Y- Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good -ADC Hits' H.hod.1y.totNumGoodNegAdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
+TH1F hhodo_2x_good_adc_mult_neg 'HMS 2X- Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good -ADC Hits' H.hod.2x.totNumGoodNegAdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_2y_good_adc_mult_neg 'HMS 2Y- Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good -ADC Hits' H.hod.2y.totNumGoodNegAdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
+TH1F hhodo_1x_good_adc_mult 'HMS 1X Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good ADC Hits' H.hod.1x.totNumGoodAdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_1y_good_adc_mult 'HMS 1Y Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good ADC Hits' H.hod.1y.totNumGoodAdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
+TH1F hhodo_2x_good_adc_mult 'HMS 2X Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good ADC Hits' H.hod.2x.totNumGoodAdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_2y_good_adc_mult 'HMS 2Y Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good ADC Hits' H.hod.2y.totNumGoodAdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
+# HMS HODO Good TDC Multiplicities
+TH1F hhodo_1x_good_tdc_mult_pos 'HMS 1X+ Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +TDC Hits' H.hod.1x.totNumGoodPosTdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_1y_good_tdc_mult_pos 'HMS 1Y+ Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +TDC Hits' H.hod.1y.totNumGoodPosTdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
+TH1F hhodo_2x_good_tdc_mult_pos 'HMS 2X+ Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +TDC Hits' H.hod.2x.totNumGoodPosTdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_2y_good_tdc_mult_pos 'HMS 2Y+ Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +TDC Hits' H.hod.2y.totNumGoodPosTdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
+TH1F hhodo_1x_good_tdc_mult_neg 'HMS 1X- Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good -TDC Hits' H.hod.1x.totNumGoodNegTdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_1y_good_tdc_mult_neg 'HMS 1Y- Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good -TDC Hits' H.hod.1y.totNumGoodNegTdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
+TH1F hhodo_2x_good_tdc_mult_neg 'HMS 2X- Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good -TDC Hits' H.hod.2x.totNumGoodNegTdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_2y_good_tdc_mult_neg 'HMS 2Y- Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good -TDC Hits' H.hod.2y.totNumGoodNegTdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
+TH1F hhodo_1x_good_tdc_mult 'HMS 1X Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good TDC Hits' H.hod.1x.totNumGoodTdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_1y_good_tdc_mult 'HMS 1Y Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good TDC Hits' H.hod.1y.totNumGoodTdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
+TH1F hhodo_2x_good_tdc_mult 'HMS 2X Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good TDC Hits' H.hod.2x.totNumGoodTdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_2y_good_tdc_mult 'HMS 2Y Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good TDC Hits' H.hod.2y.totNumGoodTdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
+TH1F hhodo_1x_good_adc_occ_pos 'HMS 1X+ Good ADC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good +ADC Hits' H.hod.1x.numGoodPosAdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_1y_good_adc_occ_pos 'HMS 1Y+ Good ADC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good +ADC Hits' H.hod.1y.numGoodPosAdcHits 10 0.5 10.5 
+TH1F hhodo_2x_good_adc_occ_pos 'HMS 2X+ Good ADC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good +ADC Hits' H.hod.2x.numGoodPosAdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_2y_good_adc_occ_pos 'HMS 2Y+ Good ADC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good +ADC Hits' H.hod.2y.numGoodPosAdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
+TH1F hhodo_1x_good_adc_occ_neg 'HMS 1X- Good ADC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good -ADC Hits' H.hod.1x.numGoodNegAdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_1y_good_adc_occ_neg 'HMS 1Y- Good ADC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good -ADC Hits' H.hod.1y.numGoodNegAdcHits 10 0.5 10.5 
+TH1F hhodo_2x_good_adc_occ_neg 'HMS 2X- Good ADC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good -ADC Hits' H.hod.2x.numGoodNegAdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_2y_good_adc_occ_neg 'HMS 2Y- Good ADC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good -ADC Hits' H.hod.2y.numGoodNegAdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
+TH1F hhodo_1x_good_tdc_occ_pos 'HMS 1X+ Good TDC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good +TDC Hits' H.hod.1x.numGoodPosTdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_1y_good_tdc_occ_pos 'HMS 1Y+ Good TDC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good +TDC Hits' H.hod.1y.numGoodPosTdcHits 10 0.5 10.5 
+TH1F hhodo_2x_good_tdc_occ_pos 'HMS 2X+ Good TDC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good +TDC Hits' H.hod.2x.numGoodPosTdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_2y_good_tdc_occ_pos 'HMS 2Y+ Good TDC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good +TDC Hits' H.hod.2y.numGoodPosTdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
+TH1F hhodo_1x_good_tdc_occ_neg 'HMS 1X- Good TDC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good -TDC Hits' H.hod.1x.numGoodNegTdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_1y_good_tdc_occ_neg 'HMS 1Y- Good TDC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good -TDC Hits' H.hod.1y.numGoodNegTdcHits 10 0.5 10.5 
+TH1F hhodo_2x_good_tdc_occ_neg 'HMS 2X- Good TDC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good -TDC Hits' H.hod.2x.numGoodNegTdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_2y_good_tdc_occ_neg 'HMS 2Y- Good TDC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good -TDC Hits' H.hod.2y.numGoodNegTdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
+TH2F hhodo_1x_good_pped_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 1X+ Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1x.GoodPosAdcPed 16 0.5 16.5 400 300 700 H.hod.1x.GoodPosAdcPed>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1y_good_pped_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 1Y+ Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1y.GoodPosAdcPed 10 0.5 10.5 400 300 700 H.hod.1y.GoodPosAdcPed>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2x_good_pped_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 2X+ Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2x.GoodPosAdcPed 16 0.5 16.5 400 300 700 H.hod.2x.GoodPosAdcPed>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2y_good_pped_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 2Y+ Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2y.GoodPosAdcPed 10 0.5 10.5 400 300 700 H.hod.2y.GoodPosAdcPed>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1x_good_pped_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 1X- Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1x.GoodNegAdcPed 16 0.5 16.5 400 300 700 H.hod.1x.GoodNegAdcPed>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1y_good_pped_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 1Y- Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1y.GoodNegAdcPed 10 0.5 10.5 400 300 700 H.hod.1y.GoodNegAdcPed>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2x_good_pped_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 2X- Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2x.GoodNegAdcPed 16 0.5 16.5 400 300 700 H.hod.2x.GoodNegAdcPed>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2y_good_pped_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 2Y- Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2y.GoodNegAdcPed 10 0.5 10.5 400 300 700 H.hod.2y.GoodNegAdcPed>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1x_good_pi_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 1X+ Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.1x.GoodPosAdcPulseInt 16 0.5 16.5 600 0 30000 H.hod.1x.GoodPosAdcPulseInt>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1y_good_pi_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 1Y+ Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.1y.GoodPosAdcPulseInt 10 0.5 10.5 600 0 30000 H.hod.1y.GoodPosAdcPulseInt>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2x_good_pi_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 2X+ Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.2x.GoodPosAdcPulseInt 16 0.5 16.5 600 0 30000 H.hod.2x.GoodPosAdcPulseInt>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2y_good_pi_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 2Y+ Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.2y.GoodPosAdcPulseInt 10 0.5 10.5 600 0 30000 H.hod.2y.GoodPosAdcPulseInt>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1x_good_pi_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 1X- Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.1x.GoodNegAdcPulseInt 16 0.5 16.5 600 0 30000 H.hod.1x.GoodNegAdcPulseInt>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1y_good_pi_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 1Y- Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.1y.GoodNegAdcPulseInt 10 0.5 10.5 600 0 30000 H.hod.1y.GoodNegAdcPulseInt>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2x_good_pi_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 2X- Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.2x.GoodNegAdcPulseInt 16 0.5 16.5 600 0 30000 H.hod.2x.GoodNegAdcPulseInt>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2y_good_pi_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 2Y- Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.2y.GoodNegAdcPulseInt 10 0.5 10.5 600 0 30000 H.hod.2y.GoodNegAdcPulseInt>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1x_good_pamp_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 1X+ Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.1x.GoodPosAdcPulseAmp 16 0.5 16.5 205 0 4100 H.hod.1x.GoodPosAdcPulseAmp>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1y_good_pamp_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 1Y+ Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.1y.GoodPosAdcPulseAmp 10 0.5 10.5 205 0 4100 H.hod.1y.GoodPosAdcPulseAmp>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2x_good_pamp_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 2X+ Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.2x.GoodPosAdcPulseAmp 16 0.5 16.5 205 0 4100 H.hod.2x.GoodPosAdcPulseAmp>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2y_good_pamp_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 2Y+ Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.2y.GoodPosAdcPulseAmp 10 0.5 10.5 205 0 4100 H.hod.2y.GoodPosAdcPulseAmp>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1x_good_pamp_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 1X- Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.1x.GoodNegAdcPulseAmp 16 0.5 16.5 205 0 4100 H.hod.1x.GoodNegAdcPulseAmp>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1y_good_pamp_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 1Y- Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.1y.GoodNegAdcPulseAmp 10 0.5 10.5 205 0 4100 H.hod.1y.GoodNegAdcPulseAmp>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2x_good_pamp_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 2X- Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.2x.GoodNegAdcPulseAmp 16 0.5 16.5 205 0 4100 H.hod.2x.GoodNegAdcPulseAmp>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2y_good_pamp_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 2Y- Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.2y.GoodNegAdcPulseAmp 10 0.5 10.5 205 0 4100 H.hod.2y.GoodNegAdcPulseAmp>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1x_good_ptime_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 1X+ Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.1x.GoodPosAdcPulseTime 16 0.5 16.5 410 0 4100 H.hod.1x.GoodPosAdcPulseTime>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1y_good_ptime_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 1Y+ Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.1y.GoodPosAdcPulseTime 10 0.5 10.5 410 0 4100 H.hod.1y.GoodPosAdcPulseTime>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2x_good_ptime_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 2X+ Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.2x.GoodPosAdcPulseTime 16 0.5 16.5 410 0 4100 H.hod.2x.GoodPosAdcPulseTime>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2y_good_ptime_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 2Y+ Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.2y.GoodPosAdcPulseTime 10 0.5 10.5 410 0 4100 H.hod.2y.GoodPosAdcPulseTime>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1x_good_ptime_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 1X- Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.1x.GoodNegAdcPulseTime 16 0.5 16.5 410 0 4100 H.hod.1x.GoodNegAdcPulseTime>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1y_good_ptime_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 1Y- Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.1y.GoodNegAdcPulseTime 10 0.5 10.5 410 0 4100 H.hod.1y.GoodNegAdcPulseTime>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2x_good_ptime_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 2X- Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.2x.GoodNegAdcPulseTime 16 0.5 16.5 410 0 4100 H.hod.2x.GoodNegAdcPulseTime>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2y_good_ptime_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 2Y- Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.2y.GoodNegAdcPulseTime 10 0.5 10.5 410 0 4100 H.hod.2y.GoodNegAdcPulseTime>0.0
+# HMS HODO Good TDC TIME UNCORRECTED (uncorrected for time offsets)
+TH2F hhodo_1x_good_tdctime_uncorr_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 1X+ Good Uncorrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Uncorrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1x.GoodPosTdcTimeUnCorr 16 0.5 16.5 120 0 120 H.hod.1x.GoodPosTdcTimeUnCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1y_good_tdctime_uncorr_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 1Y+ Good Uncorrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Uncorrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1y.GoodPosTdcTimeUnCorr 10 0.5 10.5 120 0 120 H.hod.1y.GoodPosTdcTimeUnCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2x_good_tdctime_uncorr_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 2X+ Good Uncorrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Uncorrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2x.GoodPosTdcTimeUnCorr 16 0.5 16.5 120 0 120 H.hod.2x.GoodPosTdcTimeUnCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2y_good_tdctime_uncorr_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 2Y+ Good Uncorrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Uncorrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2y.GoodPosTdcTimeUnCorr 10 0.5 10.5 120 0 120 H.hod.2y.GoodPosTdcTimeUnCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1x_good_tdctime_uncorr_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 1X- Good Uncorrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Uncorrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1x.GoodNegTdcTimeUnCorr 16 0.5 16.5 120 0 120 H.hod.1x.GoodNegTdcTimeUnCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1y_good_tdctime_uncorr_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 1Y- Good Uncorrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Uncorrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1y.GoodNegTdcTimeUnCorr 10 0.5 10.5 120 0 120 H.hod.1y.GoodNegTdcTimeUnCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2x_good_tdctime_uncorr_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 2X- Good Uncorrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Uncorrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2x.GoodNegTdcTimeUnCorr 16 0.5 16.5 120 0 120 H.hod.2x.GoodNegTdcTimeUnCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2y_good_tdctime_uncorr_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 2Y- Good Uncorrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Uncorrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2y.GoodNegTdcTimeUnCorr 10 0.5 10.5 120 0 120 H.hod.2y.GoodNegTdcTimeUnCorr>0.0
+# HMS HODO Good TDC TIME CORRECTED (corrected for time offsets)
+TH2F hhodo_1x_good_tdctime_corr_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 1X+ Good Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1x.GoodPosTdcTimeCorr 16 0.5 16.5 120 0 120 H.hod.1x.GoodPosTdcTimeCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1y_good_tdctime_corr_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 1Y+ Good Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1y.GoodPosTdcTimeCorr 10 0.5 10.5 120 0 120 H.hod.1y.GoodPosTdcTimeCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2x_good_tdctime_corr_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 2X+ Good Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2x.GoodPosTdcTimeCorr 16 0.5 16.5 120 0 120 H.hod.2x.GoodPosTdcTimeCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2y_good_tdctime_corr_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 2Y+ Good Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2y.GoodPosTdcTimeCorr 10 0.5 10.5 120 0 120 H.hod.2y.GoodPosTdcTimeCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1x_good_tdctime_corr_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 1X- Good Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1x.GoodNegTdcTimeCorr 16 0.5 16.5 120 0 120 H.hod.1x.GoodNegTdcTimeCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1y_good_tdctime_corr_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 1Y- Good Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1y.GoodNegTdcTimeCorr 10 0.5 10.5 120 0 120 H.hod.1y.GoodNegTdcTimeCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2x_good_tdctime_corr_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 2X- Good Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2x.GoodNegTdcTimeCorr 16 0.5 16.5 120 0 120 H.hod.2x.GoodNegTdcTimeCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2y_good_tdctime_corr_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 2Y- Good Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2y.GoodNegTdcTimeCorr 10 0.5 10.5 120 0 120 H.hod.2y.GoodNegTdcTimeCorr>0.0
+# HMS HODO Good TDC TIME TOF CORRECTED (corrected for time of flight) 
+TH2F hhodo_1x_good_tdctime_tofcorr_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 1X+ Good TOF Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good TOF Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1x.GoodPosTdcTimeTOFCorr 16 0.5 16.5 120 0 120 H.hod.1x.GoodPosTdcTimeTOFCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1y_good_tdctime_tofcorr_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 1Y+ Good TOF Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good TOF Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1y.GoodPosTdcTimeTOFCorr 10 0.5 10.5 120 0 120 H.hod.1y.GoodPosTdcTimeTOFCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2x_good_tdctime_tofcorr_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 2X+ Good TOF Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good TOF Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2x.GoodPosTdcTimeTOFCorr 16 0.5 16.5 120 0 120 H.hod.2x.GoodPosTdcTimeTOFCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2y_good_tdctime_tofcorr_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 2Y+ Good TOF Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good TOF Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2y.GoodPosTdcTimeTOFCorr 10 0.5 10.5 120 0 120 H.hod.2y.GoodPosTdcTimeTOFCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1x_good_tdctime_tofcorr_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 1X- Good TOF Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good TOF Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1x.GoodNegTdcTimeTOFCorr 16 0.5 16.5 120 0 120 H.hod.1x.GoodNegTdcTimeTOFCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1y_good_tdctime_tofcorr_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 1Y- Good TOF Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good TOF Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1y.GoodNegTdcTimeTOFCorr 10 0.5 10.5 120 0 120 H.hod.1y.GoodNegTdcTimeTOFCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2x_good_tdctime_tofcorr_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 2X- Good TOF Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good TOF Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2x.GoodNegTdcTimeTOFCorr 16 0.5 16.5 120 0 120 H.hod.2x.GoodNegTdcTimeTOFCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2y_good_tdctime_tofcorr_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 2Y- Good TOF Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good TOF Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2y.GoodNegTdcTimeTOFCorr 10 0.5 10.5 120 0 120 H.hod.2y.GoodNegTdcTimeTOFCorr>0.0
+TH1F hhodo_beta_notrack 'HMS Hodo Calculated Beta Without Track Info; Beta; Number of Entries / 0.02' H.hod.betanotrack 100 0 2.0 H.hod.betanotrack>0.0
+TH1F hhodo_beta 'HMS Hodo Beta; Beta; Number of Entries / 0.02' H.hod.beta 100 0 2.0 H.hod.beta>0.0
+TH1F hhodo_fpHitsTime 'HMS Hodo Focal Plane Time; Focal Plane Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' H.hod.fpHitsTime 90 0 90 
+TH1F hhodo_starttime 'HMS Hodo Start Time; Start Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1ns' H.hod.starttime 90 0 90
+TH1F hhodo_good_startime 'HMS Hodo Good Start Time (ns); Good Start Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1ns' H.hod.goodstarttime 90 0 90
+TH2F hhodo_xhod_vs_yhod 'HMS Hodo Projected X vs. Y; Y_hodo(cm) / 1mm; X_hodo(cm) / 1mm' H.hod.y_hodo H.hod.x_hodo 1000 -50 50 1000 -50 50
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/DEF-files/HMS/PRODUCTION/TRIG/htrig_histos.def b/DEF-files/HMS/PRODUCTION/TRIG/htrig_histos.def
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b094df93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DEF-files/HMS/PRODUCTION/TRIG/htrig_histos.def
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+# Trigger Apparatus *
+# HMS Raw Hodo TRIG TDC Time
+TH1F htrig_h1x_tdc 'HMS h1X TDC Time; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.h1X_tdcTimeRaw 1500 0 1500
+TH1F htrig_h1y_tdc 'HMS h1Y TDC Time; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.h1Y_tdcTimeRaw 1500 0 1500
+TH1F htrig_h2x_tdc 'HMS h2X TDC Time; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.h2X_tdcTimeRaw 1500 0 1500
+TH1F htrig_h2y_tdc 'HMS h2Y TDC Time; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.h2Y_tdcTimeRaw 1500 0 1500
+TH1F htrig_h1T_tdc 'HMS h1X/h1Y Coincidence TDC Time; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.h1T_tdcTimeRaw 1500 0 1500
+TH1F htrig_h2T_tdc 'HMS h2X/h2Y Coincidence TDC Time; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.h2T_tdcTimeRaw 1500 0 1500
+TH1F htrig_hT1_tdc 'HMS h1X/h1Y/h2X/h2Y Coincidence TDC Time (Slot 2); Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hT1_tdcTimeRaw 1500 0 1500
+TH1F htrig_hT2_tdc 'HMS h1X/h1Y/h2X/h2Y Coincidence TDC Time (Slot 20); Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hT2_tdcTimeRaw 1500 0 1500
+# HMS Raw DC Reference Time
+TH1F htrig_hdc_ref1 'HMS DC Reference Time 1; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hDCREF1_tdcTimeRaw 15000 0 15000
+TH1F htrig_hdc_ref2 'HMS DC Reference Time 2; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hDCREF2_tdcTimeRaw 15000 0 15000
+TH1F htrig_hdc_ref3 'HMS DC Reference Time 3; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hDCREF3_tdcTimeRaw 15000 0 15000
+TH1F htrig_hdc_ref4 'HMS DC Reference Time 4; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hDCREF4_tdcTimeRaw 15000 0 15000
+TH1F hdc_refdiff_1m2 'HDC Reference time 1 minus 2; TDC Time (Clicks); Number of Entries / 1 click' T.hms.hDCREF1_tdcTime-T.hms.hDCREF2_tdcTime 2000 -1000 1000
+TH1F hdc_refdiff_1m3 'HDC Reference time 1 minus 3; TDC Time (Clicks); Number of Entries / 1 click' T.hms.hDCREF1_tdcTime-T.hms.hDCREF3_tdcTime 2000 -1000 1000
+TH1F hdc_refdiff_1m4 'HDC Reference time 1 minus 4; TDC Time (Clicks); Number of Entries / 1 click' T.hms.hDCREF1_tdcTime-T.hms.hDCREF4_tdcTime 2000 -1000 1000
+TH1F hdc_refdiff_2m3 'HDC Reference time 2 minus 3; TDC Time (Clicks); Number of Entries / 1 click' T.hms.hDCREF2_tdcTime-T.hms.hDCREF3_tdcTime 2000 -1000 1000
+TH1F hdc_refdiff_2m4 'HDC Reference time 2 minus 4; TDC Time (Clicks); Number of Entries / 1 click' T.hms.hDCREF2_tdcTime-T.hms.hDCREF4_tdcTime 2000 -1000 1000
+TH1F hdc_refdiff_3m4 'HDC Reference time 3 minus 4; TDC Time (Clicks); Number of Entries / 1 click' T.hms.hDCREF3_tdcTime-T.hms.hDCREF4_tdcTime 2000 -1000 1000
+# HMS Calo Layers TRIG Pulse Profile
+TH1F htrig_hasum_adc_pped 'HMS hAsum Pulse Pedestal;  Pulse Pedestal (ADC Units); Counts / 1 ADC Units;' T.hms.hASUM_adcPed 5000 0 5000
+TH1F htrig_hasum_adc_pi 'HMS hAsum Pulse Integral;  Pulse Integral (ADC Units); Counts / 50 ADC Units;' T.hms.hASUM_adcPulseInt 800 0 40000
+TH1F htrig_hasum_adc_pamp 'HMS hAsum Pulse Amplitude;  Pulse Amplitude (ADC Units); Counts / 20 ADC Units;' T.hms.hASUM_adcPulseAmp 205 0 4100
+TH1F htrig_hasum_tdc 'HMS hAsum TDC Time;  TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hASUM_tdcTime 4000 0 40000
+TH1F htrig_hbsum_adc_pped 'HMS hBsum Pulse Pedestal;  Pulse Pedestal (ADC Units); Counts / 1 ADC Units;' T.hms.hBSUM_adcPed 5000 0 5000
+TH1F htrig_hbsum_adc_pi 'HMS hBsum Pulse Integral;  Pulse Integral (ADC Units); Counts / 50 ADC Units;' T.hms.hBSUM_adcPulseInt 800 0 40000
+TH1F htrig_hbsum_adc_pamp 'HMS hBsum Pulse Amplitude;  Pulse Amplitude (ADC Units); Counts / 20 ADC Units;' T.hms.hBSUM_adcPulseAmp 205 0 4100
+TH1F htrig_hbsum_tdc 'HMS hBsum TDC Time;  TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hBSUM_tdcTime 4000 0 40000
+TH1F htrig_hcsum_adc_pped 'HMS hCsum Pulse Pedestal;  Pulse Pedestal (ADC Units); Counts / 1 ADC Units;' T.hms.hCSUM_adcPed 5000 0 5000
+TH1F htrig_hcsum_adc_pi 'HMS hCsum Pulse Integral;  Pulse Integral (ADC Units); Counts / 50 ADC Units;' T.hms.hCSUM_adcPulseInt 800 0 40000
+TH1F htrig_hcsum_adc_pamp 'HMS hCsum Pulse Amplitude;  Pulse Amplitude (ADC Units); Counts / 20 ADC Units;' T.hms.hCSUM_adcPulseAmp 205 0 4100
+TH1F htrig_hcsum_tdc 'HMS hCsum TDC Time;  TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hCSUM_tdcTime 4000 0 40000
+TH1F htrig_hdsum_adc_pped 'HMS hDsum Pulse Pedestal;  Pulse Pedestal (ADC Units); Counts / 1 ADC Units;' T.hms.hDSUM_adcPed 5000 0 5000
+TH1F htrig_hdsum_adc_pi 'HMS hDsum Pulse Integral;  Pulse Integral (ADC Units); Counts / 50 ADC Units;' T.hms.hDSUM_adcPulseInt 800 0 40000
+TH1F htrig_hdsum_adc_pamp 'HMS hDsum Pulse Amplitude;  Pulse Amplitude (ADC Units); Counts / 20 ADC Units;' T.hms.hDSUM_adcPulseAmp 205 0 4100
+TH1F htrig_hdsum_tdc 'HMS hDsum TDC Time;  TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hDSUM_tdcTime 4000 0 40000
+# HMS PreShower TRIG Pulse Profile
+TH1F htrig_hpreShwr_adc_pped 'HMS Pre-Shower Pulse Pedestal;  Pulse Pedestal (ADC Units); Counts / 1 ADC Units;' T.hms.hPSHWR_adcPed 5000 0 5000
+TH1F htrig_hpreShwr_adc_pi 'HMS Pre-Shower Pulse Integral;  Pulse Integral (ADC Units); Counts / 50 ADC Units;' T.hms.hPSHWR_adcPulseInt 800 0 40000
+TH1F htrig_hpreShwr_adc_pamp 'HMS Pre-Shower Pulse Amplitude;  Pulse Amplitude (ADC Units); Counts / 20 ADC Units;' T.hms.hPSHWR_adcPulseAmp 205 0 4100
+TH1F htrig_hpreShwr_tdc 'HMS Pre-Shower TDC Time;  TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hPSHWR_tdcTime 4000 0 40000
+# HMS PreShower TRIG LOW/HIGH  
+TH1F htrig_hpreShwrLow_tdc 'HMS hpreShwrLow TDC Time; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hPSHWRLO_tdcTimeRaw 4000 0 40000
+TH1F htrig_hpreShwrHigh_tdc 'HMS hpreShwrHigh TDC Time; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hPSHWRHI_tdcTimeRaw 4000 0 40000
+# HMS Shower TRIG Pulse Profile
+TH1F htrig_hshwr_adc_pped 'HMS Shower Pulse Pedestal;  Pulse Pedestal (ADC Units); Counts / 1 ADC Units;' T.hms.hSHWR_adcPed 5000 0 5000
+TH1F htrig_hshwr_adc_pi 'HMS Shower Pulse Integral;  Pulse Integral (ADC Units); Counts / 50 ADC Units;' T.hms.hSHWR_adcPulseInt 800 0 40000
+TH1F htrig_hshwr_adc_pamp 'HMS Shower Pulse Amplitude;  Pulse Amplitude (ADC Units); Counts / 20 ADC Units;' T.hms.hSHWR_adcPulseAmp 205 0 4100
+TH1F htrig_hshwr_tdc 'HMS Shower TDC Time;  TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hSHWR_tdcTime 4000 0 40000
+# HMS Gas Cherenkov TRIG Pulse Profile
+TH1F htrig_hcersum_adc_pped 'HMS Cherenkov Sum Pulse Pedestal;  Pulse Pedestal (ADC Units); Counts / 1 ADC Units;' T.hms.hCERSUM_adcPed 5000 0 5000
+TH1F htrig_hcersum_adc_pi 'HMS Cherenkov Sum Pulse Integral;  Pulse Integral (ADC Units); Counts / 50 ADC Units;' T.hms.hCERSUM_adcPulseInt 800 0 40000
+TH1F htrig_hcersum_adc_pamp 'HMS Cherenkov Sum Pulse Amplitude;  Pulse Amplitude (ADC Units); Counts / 20 ADC Units;' T.hms.hCERSUM_adcPulseAmp 205 0 4100
+TH1F htrig_hcersum_tdc 'HMS Cherenkov Sum TDC Time;  TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hCERSUM_tdcTime 4000 0 40000
+# HMS Aerogel TRIG Pulse Profile
+TH1F htrig_haersum_adc_pped 'HMS Aerogel Sum Pulse Pedestal;  Pulse Pedestal (ADC Units); Counts / 1 ADC Units;' T.hms.hAERSUM_adcPed 5000 0 5000
+TH1F htrig_haersum_adc_pi 'HMS Aerogel Sum Pulse Integral;  Pulse Integral (ADC Units); Counts / 50 ADC Units;' T.hms.hAERSUM_adcPulseInt 800 0 40000
+TH1F htrig_haersum_adc_pamp 'HMS Aerogel Sum Pulse Amplitude;  Pulse Amplitude (ADC Units); Counts / 20 ADC Units;' T.hms.hAERSUM_adcPulseAmp 205 0 4100
+TH1F htrig_haersum_tdc 'HMS Aerogel Sum TDC Time;  TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hAERSUM_tdcTime 4000 0 40000
+# Fast Raster 
+# Assume FADC range is set to 1V and the integration is 25 channels
+# Offset in the FADC is about 0.122V or 500 channels.
+formula FRXA_V T.hms.pFRXA_adcPulseIntRaw*(1./4096.)/25.
+formula FRXB_V T.hms.pFRXB_adcPulseIntRaw*(1./4096.)/25.
+formula FRYA_V T.hms.pFRYA_adcPulseIntRaw*(1./4096.)/25.
+formula FRYB_V T.hms.pFRYB_adcPulseIntRaw*(1./4096.)/25.
+TH1F hFRXA 'HMS FRXA; FRXA RAW ADC (chan); Counts' T.hms.pFRXA_adcPulseIntRaw 1000 0 100000
+TH1F hFRXA_V 'HMS FRXA; FRXA RAW ADC (Volts); Counts' FRXA_V 1000 0 1.0
+TH1F hFRXB 'HMS FRXB; FRXB RAW ADC (chan); Counts' T.hms.pFRXB_adcPulseIntRaw 1000 0 100000
+TH1F hFRXB_V 'HMS FRXB; FRXB RAW ADC (Volts); Counts' FRXB_V 1000 0 1.0
+TH1F hFRYA 'HMS FRYA; FRYA RAW ADC (chan); Counts' T.hms.pFRYA_adcPulseIntRaw 1000 0 100000
+TH1F hFRYA_V 'HMS FRYA; FRYA RAW ADC (Volts); Counts' FRYA_V 1000 0 1.0
+TH1F hFRYB 'HMS FRYB; FRYB RAW ADC (chan); Counts' T.hms.pFRYB_adcPulseIntRaw 1000 0 100000
+TH1F hFRYB_V 'HMS FRYB; FRYB RAW ADC (Volts); Counts' FRYB_V 1000 0 1.0
+TH2F hFRA_XvsY 'HMSFRA_XvsY; FRXA RAW ADC (Volts); FRYA RAW ADC (Volts)' FRXA_V FRYA_V 1000 0 1.0 1000 0 1.0
+TH2F hFRB_XvsY 'HMSFRB_XvsY; FRXB RAW ADC (Volts); FRYB RAW ADC (Volts)' FRXB_V FRYB_V 1000 0 1.0 1000 0 1.0
diff --git a/DEF-files/HMS/PRODUCTION/hstackana_production.def b/DEF-files/HMS/PRODUCTION/hstackana_production.def
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d649877f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DEF-files/HMS/PRODUCTION/hstackana_production.def
@@ -0,0 +1,618 @@
+# Block Definitions *
+block T.hms.*
+block H.cer.*
+block H.dc.*
+block H.hod.*
+block H.gtr.*
+# HMS Gas Cherenkov *
+# HMS Gas CER GOOD Occupancy and Multiplicity
+TH1F hcer_good_occ 'HMS Cherenkov Good Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Entries' H.cer.numGoodAdcHits 2 0.5 2.5
+TH1F hcer_good_mult 'HMS Cherenkov Good Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good ADC Hits / PMT' H.cer.totNumGoodAdcHits 2 0.5 2.5
+# HMS Gas CER GOOD Pulse Pedestal / Integral / Raw Integral / Amplitude / Time 
+# GOOD --> (passed errorFlag cut and pulsetime cuts oN Min/Max ADC Time Window) 
+TH2F hcer_good_pped_vs_pmt 'HMS Cherenkov Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Units' [I+1] H.cer.goodAdcPed 2 0.5 2.5 400 300 700
+TH2F hcer_good_pi_vs_pmt 'HMS Cherenkov Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1] H.cer.goodAdcPulseInt 2 0.5 2.5 600 0 30000 H.cer.goodAdcPulseInt>0.0
+TH2F hcer_good_pamp_vs_pmt 'HMS Cherenkov Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1] H.cer.goodAdcPulseAmp 2 0.5 2.5 200 0 4000 H.cer.goodAdcPulseAmp>0.0
+TH2F hcer_good_ptime_vs_pmt 'HMS Cherenkov Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1] H.cer.goodAdcPulseTime 2 0.5 2.5 350 0 3500 H.cer.goodAdcPulseTime>0.0
+# HMS Gas CER Number of P.E. / PMT
+TH2F hcer_npe 'HMS Cherenkov Number of Photoelectrons vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Number of Photoelectrons / PMT' [I+1] H.cer.npe 2 0.5 2.5 200 0 100 H.cer.npe>0.0
+TH1F hcer_tot_npe 'HMS Cherenkov Total Number of Photoelectrons; Total Number of Photoelectrons; Number of Entries / 0.5 Photoelectrons' H.cer.npeSum 200 0 100 H.cer.npeSum>0.0
+TH1F hcer_trk_match 'HMS  Gas Cherenkov Track Matches; PMT Number; Number of Tracks Matched' H.cer.numTracksMatched 2 0.5 2.5
+TH1F hcer_trk_fired 'HMS  Gas Cherenkov Tracks Fired; PMT Number; Number of Tracks Fired' H.cer.numTracksFired 2 0.5 2.5
+# HMS 6 GeV Drift Chambers *
+TH1F hdc1x1_wirenum 'HMS DC 1X1 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' H.dc.1x1.wirenum 113 0.5 113.5
+TH1F hdc1y1_wirenum 'HMS DC 1Y1 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' H.dc.1y1.wirenum  52 0.5  52.5
+TH1F hdc1u1_wirenum 'HMS DC 1U1 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' H.dc.1u1.wirenum 107 0.5 107.5
+TH1F hdc1v1_wirenum 'HMS DC 1V1 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' H.dc.1v1.wirenum 107 0.5 107.5
+TH1F hdc1y2_wirenum 'HMS DC 1Y2 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' H.dc.1y2.wirenum  52 0.5  52.5
+TH1F hdc1x2_wirenum 'HMS DC 1X2 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' H.dc.1x2.wirenum 113 0.5 113.5
+TH1F hdc2x1_wirenum 'HMS DC 2X1 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' H.dc.2x1.wirenum 113 0.5 113.5
+TH1F hdc2y1_wirenum 'HMS DC 2Y1 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' H.dc.2y1.wirenum  52 0.5  52.5
+TH1F hdc2u1_wirenum 'HMS DC 2U1 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' H.dc.2u1.wirenum 107 0.5 107.5
+TH1F hdc2v1_wirenum 'HMS DC 2V1 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' H.dc.2v1.wirenum 107 0.5 107.5
+TH1F hdc2y2_wirenum 'HMS DC 2Y2 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' H.dc.2y2.wirenum  52 0.5  52.5
+TH1F hdc2x2_wirenum 'HMS DC 2X2 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' H.dc.2x2.wirenum 113 0.5 113.5
+TH1F hdc1x1_drifttime 'HMS DC 1X1 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' H.dc.1x1.time 400 -50 350
+TH1F hdc1y1_drifttime 'HMS DC 1Y1 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' H.dc.1y1.time 400 -50 350
+TH1F hdc1u1_drifttime 'HMS DC 1U1 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' H.dc.1u1.time 400 -50 350
+TH1F hdc1v1_drifttime 'HMS DC 1V1 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' H.dc.1v1.time 400 -50 350
+TH1F hdc1y2_drifttime 'HMS DC 1Y2 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' H.dc.1y2.time 400 -50 350
+TH1F hdc1x2_drifttime 'HMS DC 1X2 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' H.dc.1x2.time 400 -50 350
+TH1F hdc2x1_drifttime 'HMS DC 2X1 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' H.dc.2x1.time 400 -50 350
+TH1F hdc2y1_drifttime 'HMS DC 2Y1 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' H.dc.2y1.time 400 -50 350
+TH1F hdc2u1_drifttime 'HMS DC 2U1 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' H.dc.2u1.time 400 -50 350
+TH1F hdc2v1_drifttime 'HMS DC 2V1 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' H.dc.2v1.time 400 -50 350
+TH1F hdc2y2_drifttime 'HMS DC 2Y2 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' H.dc.2y2.time 400 -50 350
+TH1F hdc2x2_drifttime 'HMS DC 2X2 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' H.dc.2x2.time 400 -50 350
+TH2F hdc1x1_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'HMS DC 1X1 Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' H.dc.1x1.wirenum H.dc.1x1.time 113 0.5 113.5 600 -100 500
+TH2F hdc1y1_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'HMS DC 1Y1 Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' H.dc.1y1.wirenum H.dc.1y1.time 52  0.5  52.5 600 -100 500
+TH2F hdc1u1_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'HMS DC 1U1 Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' H.dc.1u1.wirenum H.dc.1u1.time 107 0.5 107.5 600 -100 500
+TH2F hdc1v1_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'HMS DC 1V1 Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' H.dc.1v1.wirenum H.dc.1v1.time 107 0.5 107.5 600 -100 500
+TH2F hdc1y2_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'HMS DC 1Y2 Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' H.dc.1y2.wirenum H.dc.1y2.time 52  0.5  52.5 600 -100 500
+TH2F hdc1x2_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'HMS DC 1X2 Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' H.dc.1x2.wirenum H.dc.1x2.time 113 0.5 113.5 600 -100 500
+TH2F hdc2x1_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'HMS DC 2X1 Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' H.dc.2x1.wirenum H.dc.2x1.time 113 0.5 113.5 600 -100 500
+TH2F hdc2y1_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'HMS DC 2Y1 Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' H.dc.2y1.wirenum H.dc.2y1.time 52  0.5  52.5 600 -100 500
+TH2F hdc2u1_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'HMS DC 2U1 Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' H.dc.2u1.wirenum H.dc.2u1.time 107 0.5 107.5 600 -100 500
+TH2F hdc2v1_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'HMS DC 2V1 Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' H.dc.2v1.wirenum H.dc.2v1.time 107 0.5 107.5 600 -100 500
+TH2F hdc2y2_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'HMS DC 2Y2 Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' H.dc.2y2.wirenum H.dc.2y2.time 52  0.5  52.5 600 -100 500
+TH2F hdc2x2_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'HMS DC 2X2 Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' H.dc.2x2.wirenum H.dc.2x2.time 113 0.5 113.5 600 -100 500
+# HMS DC Drift Distance Per Plane 
+TH1F hdc1x1_ddist 'HMS 1X1 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' H.dc.1x1.dist 28 -0.1 0.6
+TH1F hdc1y1_ddist 'HMS 1Y1 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' H.dc.1y1.dist 28 -0.1 0.6
+TH1F hdc1u1_ddist 'HMS 1U1 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' H.dc.1u1.dist 28 -0.1 0.6
+TH1F hdc1v1_ddist 'HMS 1V1 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' H.dc.1v1.dist 28 -0.1 0.6
+TH1F hdc1y2_ddist 'HMS 1Y2 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' H.dc.1y2.dist 28 -0.1 0.6
+TH1F hdc1x2_ddist 'HMS 1X2 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' H.dc.1x2.dist 28 -0.1 0.6
+TH1F hdc2x1_ddist 'HMS 2U2 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' H.dc.2x1.dist 28 -0.1 0.6
+TH1F hdc2y1_ddist 'HMS 2U1 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' H.dc.2y1.dist 28 -0.1 0.6
+TH1F hdc2u1_ddist 'HMS 2X2 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' H.dc.2u1.dist 28 -0.1 0.6
+TH1F hdc2v1_ddist 'HMS 2X1 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' H.dc.2v1.dist 28 -0.1 0.6
+TH1F hdc2y2_ddist 'HMS 2V2 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' H.dc.2y2.dist 28 -0.1 0.6
+TH1F hdc2x2_ddist 'HMS 2V1 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' H.dc.2x2.dist 28 -0.1 0.6
+TH2F hdc1x1_wirenum_vs_ddist 'HMS DC 1X1 Drift Distance vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' H.dc.1x1.wirenum H.dc.1x1.dist 113 0.5 113.5 300 -0.1 0.6
+TH2F hdc1y1_wirenum_vs_ddist 'HMS DC 1Y1 Drift Distance vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' H.dc.1y1.wirenum H.dc.1y1.dist 52  0.5  52.5 300 -0.1 0.6
+TH2F hdc1u1_wirenum_vs_ddist 'HMS DC 1U1 Drift Distance vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' H.dc.1u1.wirenum H.dc.1u1.dist 107 0.5 107.5 300 -0.1 0.6
+TH2F hdc1v1_wirenum_vs_ddist 'HMS DC 1V1 Drift Distance vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' H.dc.1v1.wirenum H.dc.1v1.dist 107 0.5 107.5 300 -0.1 0.6
+TH2F hdc1y2_wirenum_vs_ddist 'HMS DC 1Y2 Drift Distance vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' H.dc.1y2.wirenum H.dc.1y2.dist 52  0.5  52.5 300 -0.1 0.6
+TH2F hdc1x2_wirenum_vs_ddist 'HMS DC 1X2 Drift Distance vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' H.dc.1x2.wirenum H.dc.1x2.dist 113 0.5 113.5 300 -0.1 0.6
+TH2F hdc2x1_wirenum_vs_ddist 'HMS DC 2X1 Drift Distance vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' H.dc.2x1.wirenum H.dc.2x1.dist 113 0.5 113.5 300 -0.1 0.6
+TH2F hdc2y1_wirenum_vs_ddist 'HMS DC 2Y1 Drift Distance vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' H.dc.2y1.wirenum H.dc.2y1.dist 52  0.5  52.5 300 -0.1 0.6
+TH2F hdc2u1_wirenum_vs_ddist 'HMS DC 2U1 Drift Distance vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' H.dc.2u1.wirenum H.dc.2u1.dist 107 0.5 107.5 300 -0.1 0.6
+TH2F hdc2v1_wirenum_vs_ddist 'HMS DC 2V1 Drift Distance vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' H.dc.2v1.wirenum H.dc.2v1.dist 107 0.5 107.5 300 -0.1 0.6
+TH2F hdc2y2_wirenum_vs_ddist 'HMS DC 2Y2 Drift Distance vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' H.dc.2y2.wirenum H.dc.2y2.dist 52  0.5  52.5 300 -0.1 0.6
+TH2F hdc2x2_wirenum_vs_ddist 'HMS DC 2X2 Drift Distance vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' H.dc.2x2.wirenum H.dc.2x2.dist 113 0.5 113.5 300 -0.1 0.6
+TH1F hdc1x1_residuals 'HMS 1X1 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' H.dc.residual[0]  200 -1.0 1.0
+TH1F hdc1y1_residuals 'HMS 1Y1 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' H.dc.residual[1]  200 -1.0 1.0
+TH1F hdc1u1_residuals 'HMS 1U1 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' H.dc.residual[2]  200 -1.0 1.0
+TH1F hdc1v1_residuals 'HMS 1V1 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' H.dc.residual[3]  200 -1.0 1.0
+TH1F hdc1y2_residuals 'HMS 1Y2 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' H.dc.residual[4]  200 -1.0 1.0
+TH1F hdc1x2_residuals 'HMS 1X2 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' H.dc.residual[5]  200 -1.0 1.0
+TH1F hdc2x1_residuals 'HMS 2X1 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' H.dc.residual[6]  200 -1.0 1.0
+TH1F hdc2y1_residuals 'HMS 2Y1 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' H.dc.residual[7]  200 -1.0 1.0
+TH1F hdc2u1_residuals 'HMS 2U1 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' H.dc.residual[8]  200 -1.0 1.0
+TH1F hdc2v1_residuals 'HMS 2V1 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' H.dc.residual[9]  200 -1.0 1.0
+TH1F hdc2y2_residuals 'HMS 2Y2 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' H.dc.residual[10] 200 -1.0 1.0
+TH1F hdc2x2_residuals 'HMS 2X2 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' H.dc.residual[11] 200 -1.0 1.0
+TH1F hdc_trk_mom 'HMS DC Track Momentum; P (GeV); Number of Entires / 10 MeV' 600 0 6
+TH1F hdc_trk_beta 'HMS DC Track Beta; Beta (GeV); Number of Entires' 300 -1.5 1.5
+TH2F hdc_xfp_vs_yxp 'HMS DC X_{fp} vs Y_{fp}; Y_{fp} (cm) / 1 cm; X_{fp} (cm) / 1 cm' H.dc.y_fp H.dc.x_fp 100 -50 50 100 -50 50
+TH2F hdc_xpfp_vs_ypfp 'HMS DC X'_{fp} vs Y'_{fp}; Y'_{fp} / 0.002 rad; X'_{fp} / 0.002 rad' H.dc.yp_fp H.dc.xp_fp 100 -.1 .1 100 -.1 .1
+TH2F hdc_xfp_vs_ypfp 'HMS DC X_{fp} vs Y'_{fp}; Y'_{fp} / 0.002 rad; X_{fp} / 1 cm'  H.dc.yp_fp H.dc.x_fp 100 -.1 .1 100 -50 50 
+TH2F hdc_xfp_vs_xpfp 'HMS DC X_{fp} vs X'_{fp}; X'_{fp} / 0.002 rad; X_{fp} / 1 cm' H.dc.xp_fp H.dc.x_fp 100 -.1 .1 100 -50 50
+# HMS HODO GOOD ADC Multiplicities 
+TH1F hhodo_1x_good_adc_mult_pos 'HMS 1X+ Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +ADC Hits' H.hod.1x.totNumGoodPosAdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_1y_good_adc_mult_pos 'HMS 1Y+ Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +ADC Hits' H.hod.1y.totNumGoodPosAdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
+TH1F hhodo_2x_good_adc_mult_pos 'HMS 2X+ Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +ADC Hits' H.hod.2x.totNumGoodPosAdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_2y_good_adc_mult_pos 'HMS 2Y+ Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +ADC Hits' H.hod.2y.totNumGoodPosAdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
+TH1F hhodo_1x_good_adc_mult_neg 'HMS 1X- Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good -ADC Hits' H.hod.1x.totNumGoodNegAdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_1y_good_adc_mult_neg 'HMS 1Y- Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good -ADC Hits' H.hod.1y.totNumGoodNegAdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
+TH1F hhodo_2x_good_adc_mult_neg 'HMS 2X- Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good -ADC Hits' H.hod.2x.totNumGoodNegAdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_2y_good_adc_mult_neg 'HMS 2Y- Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good -ADC Hits' H.hod.2y.totNumGoodNegAdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
+TH1F hhodo_1x_good_adc_mult 'HMS 1X Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good ADC Hits' H.hod.1x.totNumGoodAdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_1y_good_adc_mult 'HMS 1Y Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good ADC Hits' H.hod.1y.totNumGoodAdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
+TH1F hhodo_2x_good_adc_mult 'HMS 2X Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good ADC Hits' H.hod.2x.totNumGoodAdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_2y_good_adc_mult 'HMS 2Y Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good ADC Hits' H.hod.2y.totNumGoodAdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
+# HMS HODO Good TDC Multiplicities
+TH1F hhodo_1x_good_tdc_mult_pos 'HMS 1X+ Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +TDC Hits' H.hod.1x.totNumGoodPosTdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_1y_good_tdc_mult_pos 'HMS 1Y+ Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +TDC Hits' H.hod.1y.totNumGoodPosTdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
+TH1F hhodo_2x_good_tdc_mult_pos 'HMS 2X+ Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +TDC Hits' H.hod.2x.totNumGoodPosTdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_2y_good_tdc_mult_pos 'HMS 2Y+ Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +TDC Hits' H.hod.2y.totNumGoodPosTdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
+TH1F hhodo_1x_good_tdc_mult_neg 'HMS 1X- Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good -TDC Hits' H.hod.1x.totNumGoodNegTdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_1y_good_tdc_mult_neg 'HMS 1Y- Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good -TDC Hits' H.hod.1y.totNumGoodNegTdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
+TH1F hhodo_2x_good_tdc_mult_neg 'HMS 2X- Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good -TDC Hits' H.hod.2x.totNumGoodNegTdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_2y_good_tdc_mult_neg 'HMS 2Y- Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good -TDC Hits' H.hod.2y.totNumGoodNegTdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
+TH1F hhodo_1x_good_tdc_mult 'HMS 1X Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good TDC Hits' H.hod.1x.totNumGoodTdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_1y_good_tdc_mult 'HMS 1Y Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good TDC Hits' H.hod.1y.totNumGoodTdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
+TH1F hhodo_2x_good_tdc_mult 'HMS 2X Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good TDC Hits' H.hod.2x.totNumGoodTdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_2y_good_tdc_mult 'HMS 2Y Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good TDC Hits' H.hod.2y.totNumGoodTdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
+TH1F hhodo_1x_good_adc_occ_pos 'HMS 1X+ Good ADC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good +ADC Hits' H.hod.1x.numGoodPosAdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_1y_good_adc_occ_pos 'HMS 1Y+ Good ADC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good +ADC Hits' H.hod.1y.numGoodPosAdcHits 10 0.5 10.5 
+TH1F hhodo_2x_good_adc_occ_pos 'HMS 2X+ Good ADC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good +ADC Hits' H.hod.2x.numGoodPosAdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_2y_good_adc_occ_pos 'HMS 2Y+ Good ADC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good +ADC Hits' H.hod.2y.numGoodPosAdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
+TH1F hhodo_1x_good_adc_occ_neg 'HMS 1X- Good ADC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good -ADC Hits' H.hod.1x.numGoodNegAdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_1y_good_adc_occ_neg 'HMS 1Y- Good ADC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good -ADC Hits' H.hod.1y.numGoodNegAdcHits 10 0.5 10.5 
+TH1F hhodo_2x_good_adc_occ_neg 'HMS 2X- Good ADC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good -ADC Hits' H.hod.2x.numGoodNegAdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_2y_good_adc_occ_neg 'HMS 2Y- Good ADC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good -ADC Hits' H.hod.2y.numGoodNegAdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
+TH1F hhodo_1x_good_tdc_occ_pos 'HMS 1X+ Good TDC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good +TDC Hits' H.hod.1x.numGoodPosTdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_1y_good_tdc_occ_pos 'HMS 1Y+ Good TDC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good +TDC Hits' H.hod.1y.numGoodPosTdcHits 10 0.5 10.5 
+TH1F hhodo_2x_good_tdc_occ_pos 'HMS 2X+ Good TDC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good +TDC Hits' H.hod.2x.numGoodPosTdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_2y_good_tdc_occ_pos 'HMS 2Y+ Good TDC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good +TDC Hits' H.hod.2y.numGoodPosTdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
+TH1F hhodo_1x_good_tdc_occ_neg 'HMS 1X- Good TDC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good -TDC Hits' H.hod.1x.numGoodNegTdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_1y_good_tdc_occ_neg 'HMS 1Y- Good TDC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good -TDC Hits' H.hod.1y.numGoodNegTdcHits 10 0.5 10.5 
+TH1F hhodo_2x_good_tdc_occ_neg 'HMS 2X- Good TDC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good -TDC Hits' H.hod.2x.numGoodNegTdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_2y_good_tdc_occ_neg 'HMS 2Y- Good TDC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good -TDC Hits' H.hod.2y.numGoodNegTdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
+TH2F hhodo_1x_good_pped_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 1X+ Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1x.GoodPosAdcPed 16 0.5 16.5 400 300 700 H.hod.1x.GoodPosAdcPed>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1y_good_pped_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 1Y+ Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1y.GoodPosAdcPed 10 0.5 10.5 400 300 700 H.hod.1y.GoodPosAdcPed>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2x_good_pped_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 2X+ Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2x.GoodPosAdcPed 16 0.5 16.5 400 300 700 H.hod.2x.GoodPosAdcPed>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2y_good_pped_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 2Y+ Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2y.GoodPosAdcPed 10 0.5 10.5 400 300 700 H.hod.2y.GoodPosAdcPed>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1x_good_pped_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 1X- Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1x.GoodNegAdcPed 16 0.5 16.5 400 300 700 H.hod.1x.GoodNegAdcPed>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1y_good_pped_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 1Y- Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1y.GoodNegAdcPed 10 0.5 10.5 400 300 700 H.hod.1y.GoodNegAdcPed>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2x_good_pped_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 2X- Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2x.GoodNegAdcPed 16 0.5 16.5 400 300 700 H.hod.2x.GoodNegAdcPed>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2y_good_pped_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 2Y- Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2y.GoodNegAdcPed 10 0.5 10.5 400 300 700 H.hod.2y.GoodNegAdcPed>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1x_good_pi_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 1X+ Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.1x.GoodPosAdcPulseInt 16 0.5 16.5 600 0 30000 H.hod.1x.GoodPosAdcPulseInt>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1y_good_pi_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 1Y+ Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.1y.GoodPosAdcPulseInt 10 0.5 10.5 600 0 30000 H.hod.1y.GoodPosAdcPulseInt>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2x_good_pi_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 2X+ Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.2x.GoodPosAdcPulseInt 16 0.5 16.5 600 0 30000 H.hod.2x.GoodPosAdcPulseInt>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2y_good_pi_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 2Y+ Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.2y.GoodPosAdcPulseInt 10 0.5 10.5 600 0 30000 H.hod.2y.GoodPosAdcPulseInt>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1x_good_pi_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 1X- Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.1x.GoodNegAdcPulseInt 16 0.5 16.5 600 0 30000 H.hod.1x.GoodNegAdcPulseInt>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1y_good_pi_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 1Y- Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.1y.GoodNegAdcPulseInt 10 0.5 10.5 600 0 30000 H.hod.1y.GoodNegAdcPulseInt>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2x_good_pi_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 2X- Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.2x.GoodNegAdcPulseInt 16 0.5 16.5 600 0 30000 H.hod.2x.GoodNegAdcPulseInt>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2y_good_pi_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 2Y- Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.2y.GoodNegAdcPulseInt 10 0.5 10.5 600 0 30000 H.hod.2y.GoodNegAdcPulseInt>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1x_good_pamp_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 1X+ Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.1x.GoodPosAdcPulseAmp 16 0.5 16.5 205 0 4100 H.hod.1x.GoodPosAdcPulseAmp>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1y_good_pamp_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 1Y+ Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.1y.GoodPosAdcPulseAmp 10 0.5 10.5 205 0 4100 H.hod.1y.GoodPosAdcPulseAmp>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2x_good_pamp_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 2X+ Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.2x.GoodPosAdcPulseAmp 16 0.5 16.5 205 0 4100 H.hod.2x.GoodPosAdcPulseAmp>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2y_good_pamp_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 2Y+ Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.2y.GoodPosAdcPulseAmp 10 0.5 10.5 205 0 4100 H.hod.2y.GoodPosAdcPulseAmp>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1x_good_pamp_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 1X- Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.1x.GoodNegAdcPulseAmp 16 0.5 16.5 205 0 4100 H.hod.1x.GoodNegAdcPulseAmp>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1y_good_pamp_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 1Y- Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.1y.GoodNegAdcPulseAmp 10 0.5 10.5 205 0 4100 H.hod.1y.GoodNegAdcPulseAmp>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2x_good_pamp_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 2X- Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.2x.GoodNegAdcPulseAmp 16 0.5 16.5 205 0 4100 H.hod.2x.GoodNegAdcPulseAmp>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2y_good_pamp_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 2Y- Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.2y.GoodNegAdcPulseAmp 10 0.5 10.5 205 0 4100 H.hod.2y.GoodNegAdcPulseAmp>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1x_good_ptime_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 1X+ Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.1x.GoodPosAdcPulseTime 16 0.5 16.5 410 0 4100 H.hod.1x.GoodPosAdcPulseTime>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1y_good_ptime_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 1Y+ Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.1y.GoodPosAdcPulseTime 10 0.5 10.5 410 0 4100 H.hod.1y.GoodPosAdcPulseTime>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2x_good_ptime_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 2X+ Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.2x.GoodPosAdcPulseTime 16 0.5 16.5 410 0 4100 H.hod.2x.GoodPosAdcPulseTime>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2y_good_ptime_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 2Y+ Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.2y.GoodPosAdcPulseTime 10 0.5 10.5 410 0 4100 H.hod.2y.GoodPosAdcPulseTime>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1x_good_ptime_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 1X- Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.1x.GoodNegAdcPulseTime 16 0.5 16.5 410 0 4100 H.hod.1x.GoodNegAdcPulseTime>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1y_good_ptime_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 1Y- Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.1y.GoodNegAdcPulseTime 10 0.5 10.5 410 0 4100 H.hod.1y.GoodNegAdcPulseTime>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2x_good_ptime_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 2X- Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.2x.GoodNegAdcPulseTime 16 0.5 16.5 410 0 4100 H.hod.2x.GoodNegAdcPulseTime>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2y_good_ptime_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 2Y- Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.2y.GoodNegAdcPulseTime 10 0.5 10.5 410 0 4100 H.hod.2y.GoodNegAdcPulseTime>0.0
+# HMS HODO Good TDC TIME UNCORRECTED (uncorrected for time offsets)
+TH2F hhodo_1x_good_tdctime_uncorr_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 1X+ Good Uncorrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Uncorrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1x.GoodPosTdcTimeUnCorr 16 0.5 16.5 120 0 120 H.hod.1x.GoodPosTdcTimeUnCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1y_good_tdctime_uncorr_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 1Y+ Good Uncorrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Uncorrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1y.GoodPosTdcTimeUnCorr 10 0.5 10.5 120 0 120 H.hod.1y.GoodPosTdcTimeUnCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2x_good_tdctime_uncorr_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 2X+ Good Uncorrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Uncorrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2x.GoodPosTdcTimeUnCorr 16 0.5 16.5 120 0 120 H.hod.2x.GoodPosTdcTimeUnCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2y_good_tdctime_uncorr_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 2Y+ Good Uncorrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Uncorrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2y.GoodPosTdcTimeUnCorr 10 0.5 10.5 120 0 120 H.hod.2y.GoodPosTdcTimeUnCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1x_good_tdctime_uncorr_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 1X- Good Uncorrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Uncorrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1x.GoodNegTdcTimeUnCorr 16 0.5 16.5 120 0 120 H.hod.1x.GoodNegTdcTimeUnCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1y_good_tdctime_uncorr_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 1Y- Good Uncorrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Uncorrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1y.GoodNegTdcTimeUnCorr 10 0.5 10.5 120 0 120 H.hod.1y.GoodNegTdcTimeUnCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2x_good_tdctime_uncorr_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 2X- Good Uncorrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Uncorrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2x.GoodNegTdcTimeUnCorr 16 0.5 16.5 120 0 120 H.hod.2x.GoodNegTdcTimeUnCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2y_good_tdctime_uncorr_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 2Y- Good Uncorrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Uncorrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2y.GoodNegTdcTimeUnCorr 10 0.5 10.5 120 0 120 H.hod.2y.GoodNegTdcTimeUnCorr>0.0
+# HMS HODO Good TDC TIME CORRECTED (corrected for time offsets)
+TH2F hhodo_1x_good_tdctime_corr_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 1X+ Good Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1x.GoodPosTdcTimeCorr 16 0.5 16.5 120 0 120 H.hod.1x.GoodPosTdcTimeCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1y_good_tdctime_corr_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 1Y+ Good Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1y.GoodPosTdcTimeCorr 10 0.5 10.5 120 0 120 H.hod.1y.GoodPosTdcTimeCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2x_good_tdctime_corr_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 2X+ Good Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2x.GoodPosTdcTimeCorr 16 0.5 16.5 120 0 120 H.hod.2x.GoodPosTdcTimeCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2y_good_tdctime_corr_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 2Y+ Good Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2y.GoodPosTdcTimeCorr 10 0.5 10.5 120 0 120 H.hod.2y.GoodPosTdcTimeCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1x_good_tdctime_corr_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 1X- Good Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1x.GoodNegTdcTimeCorr 16 0.5 16.5 120 0 120 H.hod.1x.GoodNegTdcTimeCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1y_good_tdctime_corr_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 1Y- Good Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1y.GoodNegTdcTimeCorr 10 0.5 10.5 120 0 120 H.hod.1y.GoodNegTdcTimeCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2x_good_tdctime_corr_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 2X- Good Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2x.GoodNegTdcTimeCorr 16 0.5 16.5 120 0 120 H.hod.2x.GoodNegTdcTimeCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2y_good_tdctime_corr_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 2Y- Good Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2y.GoodNegTdcTimeCorr 10 0.5 10.5 120 0 120 H.hod.2y.GoodNegTdcTimeCorr>0.0
+# HMS HODO Good TDC TIME TOF CORRECTED (corrected for time of flight) 
+TH2F hhodo_1x_good_tdctime_tofcorr_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 1X+ Good TOF Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good TOF Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1x.GoodPosTdcTimeTOFCorr 16 0.5 16.5 120 0 120 H.hod.1x.GoodPosTdcTimeTOFCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1y_good_tdctime_tofcorr_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 1Y+ Good TOF Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good TOF Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1y.GoodPosTdcTimeTOFCorr 10 0.5 10.5 120 0 120 H.hod.1y.GoodPosTdcTimeTOFCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2x_good_tdctime_tofcorr_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 2X+ Good TOF Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good TOF Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2x.GoodPosTdcTimeTOFCorr 16 0.5 16.5 120 0 120 H.hod.2x.GoodPosTdcTimeTOFCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2y_good_tdctime_tofcorr_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 2Y+ Good TOF Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good TOF Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2y.GoodPosTdcTimeTOFCorr 10 0.5 10.5 120 0 120 H.hod.2y.GoodPosTdcTimeTOFCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1x_good_tdctime_tofcorr_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 1X- Good TOF Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good TOF Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1x.GoodNegTdcTimeTOFCorr 16 0.5 16.5 120 0 120 H.hod.1x.GoodNegTdcTimeTOFCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1y_good_tdctime_tofcorr_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 1Y- Good TOF Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good TOF Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1y.GoodNegTdcTimeTOFCorr 10 0.5 10.5 120 0 120 H.hod.1y.GoodNegTdcTimeTOFCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2x_good_tdctime_tofcorr_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 2X- Good TOF Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good TOF Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2x.GoodNegTdcTimeTOFCorr 16 0.5 16.5 120 0 120 H.hod.2x.GoodNegTdcTimeTOFCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2y_good_tdctime_tofcorr_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 2Y- Good TOF Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good TOF Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2y.GoodNegTdcTimeTOFCorr 10 0.5 10.5 120 0 120 H.hod.2y.GoodNegTdcTimeTOFCorr>0.0
+TH1F hhodo_beta_notrack 'HMS Hodo Calculated Beta Without Track Info; Beta; Number of Entries / 0.02' H.hod.betanotrack 100 0 2.0 H.hod.betanotrack>0.0
+TH1F hhodo_beta 'HMS Hodo Beta; Beta; Number of Entries / 0.02' H.hod.beta 100 0 2.0 H.hod.beta>0.0
+TH1F hhodo_fpHitsTime 'HMS Hodo Focal Plane Time; Focal Plane Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' H.hod.fpHitsTime 90 0 90 
+TH1F hhodo_starttime 'HMS Hodo Start Time; Start Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1ns' H.hod.starttime 90 0 90
+TH1F hhodo_good_startime 'HMS Hodo Good Start Time (ns); Good Start Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1ns' H.hod.goodstarttime 90 0 90
+TH2F hhodo_xhod_vs_yhod 'HMS Hodo Projected X vs. Y; Y_hodo(cm) / 1mm; X_hodo(cm) / 1mm' H.hod.y_hodo H.hod.x_hodo 1000 -50 50 1000 -50 50
+# HMS CAL Good Occupancy
+TH1F hcal_hA_good_occ_pos 'HMS hA+ Good Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Entries' 13 0.5 13.5  
+TH1F hcal_hA_good_occ_neg 'HMS hA- Good Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Entries' 13 0.5 13.5 
+TH1F hcal_hB_good_occ_pos 'HMS hB+ Good Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Entries' 13 0.5 13.5
+TH1F hcal_hB_good_occ_neg 'HMS hB- Good Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Entries' 13 0.5 13.5 
+TH1F hcal_hC_good_occ_pos 'HMS hC+ Good Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Entries' 13 0.5 13.5 
+TH1F hcal_hD_good_occ_pos 'HMS hD+ Good Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Entries' 13 0.5 13.5 
+# HMS CAL Good Multiplicity
+TH1F hcal_hA_good_mult_pos 'HMS hA+ Good Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +ADC Hits / PMT' 13 0.5 13.5
+TH1F hcal_hA_good_mult_neg 'HMS hA- Good Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good -ADC Hits / PMT' 13 0.5 13.5
+TH1F hcal_hA_good_mult 'HMS hA Good Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good ADC Hits / PMT' 26 0.5 26.5
+TH1F hcal_hB_good_mult_pos 'HMS hB+ Good Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +ADC Hits / PMT' 13 0.5 13.5
+TH1F hcal_hB_good_mult_neg 'HMS hB- Good Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good -ADC Hits / PMT' 13 0.5 13.5
+TH1F hcal_hB_good_mult 'HMS hB Good Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good ADC Hits / PMT' 26 0.5 26.5
+TH1F hcal_hC_good_mult_pos 'HMS hC+ Good Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +ADC Hits / PMT' 13 0.5 13.5
+TH1F hcal_hD_good_mult_pos 'HMS hD+ Good Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +ADC Hits / PMT' 13 0.5 13.5
+# HMS CAL Good Pulse Pedestals 
+TH2F hcal_hA_good_pped_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hA+ Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 400 300 700>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hA_good_pped_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS hA- Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 400 300 700>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hB_good_pped_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hB+ Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 400 300 700>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hB_good_pped_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS hB- Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 400 300 700>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hC_good_pped_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hC+ Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 400 300 700>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hD_good_pped_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hD+ Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 400 300 700>0.0
+# HMS CAL Good Pulse Integrals 
+TH2F hcal_hA_good_pi_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hA+ Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 600 0 30000>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hA_good_pi_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS hA- Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 600 0 30000>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hB_good_pi_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hB+ Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 600 0 30000>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hB_good_pi_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS hB- Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 600 0 30000>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hC_good_pi_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hC+ Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 600 0 30000>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hD_good_pi_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hD+ Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 600 0 30000>0.0
+# HMS CAL Good Pulse Amplitudes 
+TH2F hcal_hA_good_pamp_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hA+ Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 200 0 4000>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hA_good_pamp_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS hA- Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 200 0 4000>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hB_good_pamp_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hB+ Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 200 0 4000>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hB_good_pamp_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS hB- Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 200 0 4000>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hC_good_pamp_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hC+ Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 200 0 4000>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hD_good_pamp_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hD+ Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 200 0 4000>0.0
+# HMS CAL Good Pulse Times
+TH2F hcal_hA_good_ptime_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hA+ Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 350 0 3500>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hA_good_ptime_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS hA- Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 350 0 3500>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hB_good_ptime_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hB+ Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 350 0 3500>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hB_good_ptime_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS hB- Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 350 0 3500>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hC_good_ptime_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hC+ Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 350 0 3500>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hD_good_ptime_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hD+ Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 350 0 3500>0.0
+# (calib consts (GAIN) are in GeV/ADC units )
+TH2F hA_Epos_vs_pmt 'HMS hA+ Energy Deposition vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Energy Deposition (0.01 GeV / ADC Units)' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 200 0 2>0.0
+TH2F hA_Eneg_vs_pmt 'HMS hA- Energy Deposition vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Energy Deposition (0.01 GeV / ADC Units)' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 200 0 2>0.0
+TH2F hA_Emean_vs_pmt 'HMS hA Mean Energy Deposition vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Mean Energy Deposition (0.01 GeV / ADC Units)' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 300 0 3>0.0
+TH2F hB_Epos_vs_pmt 'HMS hB+ Energy Deposition vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Energy Deposition (0.01 GeV / ADC Units)' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 200 0 2>0.0
+TH2F hB_Eneg_vs_pmt 'HMS hB- Energy Deposition vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Energy Deposition (0.01 GeV / ADC Units)' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 200 0 2>0.0
+TH2F hB_Emean_vs_pmt 'HMS hB Mean Energy Deposition vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Mean Energy Deposition (0.01 GeV / ADC Units)' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 300 0 3>0.0
+TH2F hC_Epos_vs_pmt 'HMS hC+ Energy Deposition vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Energy Deposition (0.01 GeV / ADC Units)' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 200 0 2>0.0
+TH2F hD_Epos_vs_pmt 'HMS hD+ Energy Deposition vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Energy Deposition (0.01 GeV / ADC Units)' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 200 0 2>0.0
+TH1F hcal_hA_Eplane_pos 'HMS hA+ Energy Deposition; Energy Deposition (GeV); Number of Entries / 0.01 GeV' 200 0 2>0.0
+TH1F hcal_hA_Eplane_neg 'HMS hA- Energy Deposition; Energy Deposition (GeV); Number of Entries / 0.01 GeV' 200 0 2>0.0
+TH1F hcal_hA_Eplane 'HMS hA Total Energy Deposition; Total Energy Deposition (GeV); Number of Entries / 0.01 GeV' 300 0 3>0.0
+TH1F hcal_hB_Eplane_pos 'HMS hB+ Energy Deposition; Energy Deposition (GeV); Number of Entries / 0.01 GeV' 200 0 2>0.0
+TH1F hcal_hB_Eplane_neg 'HMS hB- Energy Deposition; Energy Deposition (GeV); Number of Entries / 0.01 GeV' 200 0 2>0.0
+TH1F hcal_hB_Eplane 'HMS hB Total Energy Deposition; Total Energy Deposition (GeV); Number of Entries / 0.01 GeV' 300 0 3>0.0
+TH1F hcal_hC_Eplane_pos 'HMS hC+ Energy Deposition; Energy Deposition (GeV); Number of Entries / 0.01 GeV' 200 0 2>0.0
+TH1F hcal_hD_Eplane_pos 'HMS hD+ Energy Deposition; Energy Deposition (GeV); Number of Entries / 0.01 GeV' 200 0 2>0.0
+# Trigger Apparatus *
+# HMS Raw Hodo TRIG TDC Time
+TH1F htrig_h1x_tdc 'HMS h1X TDC Time; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.h1X_tdcTimeRaw 1500 0 1500
+TH1F htrig_h1y_tdc 'HMS h1Y TDC Time; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.h1Y_tdcTimeRaw 1500 0 1500
+TH1F htrig_h2x_tdc 'HMS h2X TDC Time; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.h2X_tdcTimeRaw 1500 0 1500
+TH1F htrig_h2y_tdc 'HMS h2Y TDC Time; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.h2Y_tdcTimeRaw 1500 0 1500
+TH1F htrig_h1T_tdc 'HMS h1X/h1Y Coincidence TDC Time; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.h1T_tdcTimeRaw 1500 0 1500
+TH1F htrig_h2T_tdc 'HMS h2X/h2Y Coincidence TDC Time; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.h2T_tdcTimeRaw 1500 0 1500
+TH1F htrig_hT1_tdc 'HMS h1X/h1Y/h2X/h2Y Coincidence TDC Time (Slot 2); Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hT1_tdcTimeRaw 1500 0 1500
+TH1F htrig_hT2_tdc 'HMS h1X/h1Y/h2X/h2Y Coincidence TDC Time (Slot 20); Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hT2_tdcTimeRaw 1500 0 1500
+# HMS Raw DC Reference Time
+TH1F htrig_hdc_ref1 'HMS DC Reference Time 1; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hDCREF1_tdcTimeRaw 15000 0 15000
+TH1F htrig_hdc_ref2 'HMS DC Reference Time 2; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hDCREF2_tdcTimeRaw 15000 0 15000
+TH1F htrig_hdc_ref3 'HMS DC Reference Time 3; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hDCREF3_tdcTimeRaw 15000 0 15000
+TH1F htrig_hdc_ref4 'HMS DC Reference Time 4; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hDCREF4_tdcTimeRaw 15000 0 15000
+TH1F hdc_refdiff_1m2 'HDC Reference time 1 minus 2; TDC Time (Clicks); Number of Entries / 1 click' T.hms.hDCREF1_tdcTime-T.hms.hDCREF2_tdcTime 2000 -1000 1000
+TH1F hdc_refdiff_1m3 'HDC Reference time 1 minus 3; TDC Time (Clicks); Number of Entries / 1 click' T.hms.hDCREF1_tdcTime-T.hms.hDCREF3_tdcTime 2000 -1000 1000
+TH1F hdc_refdiff_1m4 'HDC Reference time 1 minus 4; TDC Time (Clicks); Number of Entries / 1 click' T.hms.hDCREF1_tdcTime-T.hms.hDCREF4_tdcTime 2000 -1000 1000
+TH1F hdc_refdiff_2m3 'HDC Reference time 2 minus 3; TDC Time (Clicks); Number of Entries / 1 click' T.hms.hDCREF2_tdcTime-T.hms.hDCREF3_tdcTime 2000 -1000 1000
+TH1F hdc_refdiff_2m4 'HDC Reference time 2 minus 4; TDC Time (Clicks); Number of Entries / 1 click' T.hms.hDCREF2_tdcTime-T.hms.hDCREF4_tdcTime 2000 -1000 1000
+TH1F hdc_refdiff_3m4 'HDC Reference time 3 minus 4; TDC Time (Clicks); Number of Entries / 1 click' T.hms.hDCREF3_tdcTime-T.hms.hDCREF4_tdcTime 2000 -1000 1000
+# HMS Calo Layers TRIG Pulse Profile
+TH1F htrig_hasum_adc_pped 'HMS hAsum Pulse Pedestal;  Pulse Pedestal (ADC Units); Counts / 1 ADC Units;' T.hms.hASUM_adcPed 5000 0 5000
+TH1F htrig_hasum_adc_pi 'HMS hAsum Pulse Integral;  Pulse Integral (ADC Units); Counts / 50 ADC Units;' T.hms.hASUM_adcPulseInt 800 0 40000
+TH1F htrig_hasum_adc_pamp 'HMS hAsum Pulse Amplitude;  Pulse Amplitude (ADC Units); Counts / 20 ADC Units;' T.hms.hASUM_adcPulseAmp 205 0 4100
+TH1F htrig_hasum_tdc 'HMS hAsum TDC Time;  TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hASUM_tdcTime 4000 0 40000
+TH1F htrig_hbsum_adc_pped 'HMS hBsum Pulse Pedestal;  Pulse Pedestal (ADC Units); Counts / 1 ADC Units;' T.hms.hBSUM_adcPed 5000 0 5000
+TH1F htrig_hbsum_adc_pi 'HMS hBsum Pulse Integral;  Pulse Integral (ADC Units); Counts / 50 ADC Units;' T.hms.hBSUM_adcPulseInt 800 0 40000
+TH1F htrig_hbsum_adc_pamp 'HMS hBsum Pulse Amplitude;  Pulse Amplitude (ADC Units); Counts / 20 ADC Units;' T.hms.hBSUM_adcPulseAmp 205 0 4100
+TH1F htrig_hbsum_tdc 'HMS hBsum TDC Time;  TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hBSUM_tdcTime 4000 0 40000
+TH1F htrig_hcsum_adc_pped 'HMS hCsum Pulse Pedestal;  Pulse Pedestal (ADC Units); Counts / 1 ADC Units;' T.hms.hCSUM_adcPed 5000 0 5000
+TH1F htrig_hcsum_adc_pi 'HMS hCsum Pulse Integral;  Pulse Integral (ADC Units); Counts / 50 ADC Units;' T.hms.hCSUM_adcPulseInt 800 0 40000
+TH1F htrig_hcsum_adc_pamp 'HMS hCsum Pulse Amplitude;  Pulse Amplitude (ADC Units); Counts / 20 ADC Units;' T.hms.hCSUM_adcPulseAmp 205 0 4100
+TH1F htrig_hcsum_tdc 'HMS hCsum TDC Time;  TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hCSUM_tdcTime 4000 0 40000
+TH1F htrig_hdsum_adc_pped 'HMS hDsum Pulse Pedestal;  Pulse Pedestal (ADC Units); Counts / 1 ADC Units;' T.hms.hDSUM_adcPed 5000 0 5000
+TH1F htrig_hdsum_adc_pi 'HMS hDsum Pulse Integral;  Pulse Integral (ADC Units); Counts / 50 ADC Units;' T.hms.hDSUM_adcPulseInt 800 0 40000
+TH1F htrig_hdsum_adc_pamp 'HMS hDsum Pulse Amplitude;  Pulse Amplitude (ADC Units); Counts / 20 ADC Units;' T.hms.hDSUM_adcPulseAmp 205 0 4100
+TH1F htrig_hdsum_tdc 'HMS hDsum TDC Time;  TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hDSUM_tdcTime 4000 0 40000
+# HMS PreShower TRIG Pulse Profile
+TH1F htrig_hpreShwr_adc_pped 'HMS Pre-Shower Pulse Pedestal;  Pulse Pedestal (ADC Units); Counts / 1 ADC Units;' T.hms.hPSHWR_adcPed 5000 0 5000
+TH1F htrig_hpreShwr_adc_pi 'HMS Pre-Shower Pulse Integral;  Pulse Integral (ADC Units); Counts / 50 ADC Units;' T.hms.hPSHWR_adcPulseInt 800 0 40000
+TH1F htrig_hpreShwr_adc_pamp 'HMS Pre-Shower Pulse Amplitude;  Pulse Amplitude (ADC Units); Counts / 20 ADC Units;' T.hms.hPSHWR_adcPulseAmp 205 0 4100
+TH1F htrig_hpreShwr_tdc 'HMS Pre-Shower TDC Time;  TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hPSHWR_tdcTime 4000 0 40000
+# HMS PreShower TRIG LOW/HIGH  
+TH1F htrig_hpreShwrLow_tdc 'HMS hpreShwrLow TDC Time; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hPSHWRLO_tdcTimeRaw 4000 0 40000
+TH1F htrig_hpreShwrHigh_tdc 'HMS hpreShwrHigh TDC Time; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hPSHWRHI_tdcTimeRaw 4000 0 40000
+# HMS Shower TRIG Pulse Profile
+TH1F htrig_hshwr_adc_pped 'HMS Shower Pulse Pedestal;  Pulse Pedestal (ADC Units); Counts / 1 ADC Units;' T.hms.hSHWR_adcPed 5000 0 5000
+TH1F htrig_hshwr_adc_pi 'HMS Shower Pulse Integral;  Pulse Integral (ADC Units); Counts / 50 ADC Units;' T.hms.hSHWR_adcPulseInt 800 0 40000
+TH1F htrig_hshwr_adc_pamp 'HMS Shower Pulse Amplitude;  Pulse Amplitude (ADC Units); Counts / 20 ADC Units;' T.hms.hSHWR_adcPulseAmp 205 0 4100
+TH1F htrig_hshwr_tdc 'HMS Shower TDC Time;  TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hSHWR_tdcTime 4000 0 40000
+# HMS Gas Cherenkov TRIG Pulse Profile
+TH1F htrig_hcersum_adc_pped 'HMS Cherenkov Sum Pulse Pedestal;  Pulse Pedestal (ADC Units); Counts / 1 ADC Units;' T.hms.hCERSUM_adcPed 5000 0 5000
+TH1F htrig_hcersum_adc_pi 'HMS Cherenkov Sum Pulse Integral;  Pulse Integral (ADC Units); Counts / 50 ADC Units;' T.hms.hCERSUM_adcPulseInt 800 0 40000
+TH1F htrig_hcersum_adc_pamp 'HMS Cherenkov Sum Pulse Amplitude;  Pulse Amplitude (ADC Units); Counts / 20 ADC Units;' T.hms.hCERSUM_adcPulseAmp 205 0 4100
+TH1F htrig_hcersum_tdc 'HMS Cherenkov Sum TDC Time;  TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hCERSUM_tdcTime 4000 0 40000
+# HMS Aerogel TRIG Pulse Profile
+TH1F htrig_haersum_adc_pped 'HMS Aerogel Sum Pulse Pedestal;  Pulse Pedestal (ADC Units); Counts / 1 ADC Units;' T.hms.hAERSUM_adcPed 5000 0 5000
+TH1F htrig_haersum_adc_pi 'HMS Aerogel Sum Pulse Integral;  Pulse Integral (ADC Units); Counts / 50 ADC Units;' T.hms.hAERSUM_adcPulseInt 800 0 40000
+TH1F htrig_haersum_adc_pamp 'HMS Aerogel Sum Pulse Amplitude;  Pulse Amplitude (ADC Units); Counts / 20 ADC Units;' T.hms.hAERSUM_adcPulseAmp 205 0 4100
+TH1F htrig_haersum_tdc 'HMS Aerogel Sum TDC Time;  TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hAERSUM_tdcTime 4000 0 40000
+# Fast Raster 
+# Assume FADC range is set to 1V and the integration is 25 channels
+# Offset in the FADC is about 0.122V or 500 channels.
+formula FRXA_V T.hms.pFRXA_adcPulseIntRaw*(1./4096.)/25.
+formula FRXB_V T.hms.pFRXB_adcPulseIntRaw*(1./4096.)/25.
+formula FRYA_V T.hms.pFRYA_adcPulseIntRaw*(1./4096.)/25.
+formula FRYB_V T.hms.pFRYB_adcPulseIntRaw*(1./4096.)/25.
+TH1F hFRXA 'HMS FRXA; FRXA RAW ADC (chan); Counts' T.hms.pFRXA_adcPulseIntRaw 1000 0 100000
+TH1F hFRXA_V 'HMS FRXA; FRXA RAW ADC (Volts); Counts' FRXA_V 1000 0 1.0
+TH1F hFRXB 'HMS FRXB; FRXB RAW ADC (chan); Counts' T.hms.pFRXB_adcPulseIntRaw 1000 0 100000
+TH1F hFRXB_V 'HMS FRXB; FRXB RAW ADC (Volts); Counts' FRXB_V 1000 0 1.0
+TH1F hFRYA 'HMS FRYA; FRYA RAW ADC (chan); Counts' T.hms.pFRYA_adcPulseIntRaw 1000 0 100000
+TH1F hFRYA_V 'HMS FRYA; FRYA RAW ADC (Volts); Counts' FRYA_V 1000 0 1.0
+TH1F hFRYB 'HMS FRYB; FRYB RAW ADC (chan); Counts' T.hms.pFRYB_adcPulseIntRaw 1000 0 100000
+TH1F hFRYB_V 'HMS FRYB; FRYB RAW ADC (Volts); Counts' FRYB_V 1000 0 1.0
+TH2F hFRA_XvsY 'HMSFRA_XvsY; FRXA RAW ADC (Volts); FRYA RAW ADC (Volts)' FRXA_V FRYA_V 1000 0 1.0 1000 0 1.0
+TH2F hFRB_XvsY 'HMSFRB_XvsY; FRXB RAW ADC (Volts); FRYB RAW ADC (Volts)' FRXB_V FRYB_V 1000 0 1.0 1000 0 1.0
+begin epics
+end epics
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/DEF-files/HMS/PRODUCTION/hstackana_production_cuts.def b/DEF-files/HMS/PRODUCTION/hstackana_production_cuts.def
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f787145d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DEF-files/HMS/PRODUCTION/hstackana_production_cuts.def
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+# Demo cuts for hodtest
+Block: RawDecode
+Pedestal_event     g.evtyp==4
+scalar_event       g.evtyp==0
+HMS_event          g.evtyp==1
+#SHMS_event        g.evtyp==2
+#coin_event        g.evtyp==3
+tr4_event          g.evtyp==4
+tr5_event          g.evtyp==5
+tr6_event          g.evtyp==6
+misc_event         g.evtyp>=10
+#hmscoin_event      g.evtyp==1||g.evtyp==3
+#shmscoin_event     g.evtyp==2||g.evtyp==3
+#all_event          g.evtyp==1||g.evtyp==2||g.evtyp==3
+RawDecode_master  1
+Block: Decode
+#all_trigs             g.evtyp==1 || g.evtyp==2 || g.evtyp==3
+#hms_shms_trig          g.evtyp==1 || g.evtyp==2
+#hms_coin_trig         g.evtyp==1 || g.evtyp==3
+Decode_master     HMS_event
+Block: CoarseTracking
+CoarseTracking_master HMS_event
+#add cuts to stricter times and apply them to drift distances (HMS 6 GeV Drift Chambers)
+time_cut1                            H.dc.1x1.time > 0 && H.dc.1x1.time < 250
+time_cut2                            H.dc.1y1.time > 0 && H.dc.1y1.time < 250
+time_cut3                            H.dc.1u1.time > 0 && H.dc.1u1.time < 250
+time_cut4                            H.dc.1v1.time > 0 && H.dc.1v1.time < 250
+time_cut5                            H.dc.1y2.time > 0 && H.dc.1y2.time < 250
+time_cut6                            H.dc.1x2.time > 0 && H.dc.1x2.time < 250
+time_cut7                            H.dc.2x1.time > 0 && H.dc.2x1.time < 250
+time_cut8                            H.dc.2y1.time > 0 && H.dc.1y1.time < 250
+time_cut9                            H.dc.2u1.time > 0 && H.dc.2u1.time < 250
+time_cut10                            H.dc.2v1.time > 0 && H.dc.2v1.time < 250
+time_cut11                            H.dc.2y2.time > 0 && H.dc.2y2.time < 250
+time_cut12                            H.dc.2x2.time > 0 && H.dc.2x2.time < 250
+hmsDC1Planes_large  (H.dc.1x1.nhit+H.dc.1y1.nhit+H.dc.1u1.nhit+H.dc.1v1.nhit+H.dc.1x2.nhit+H.dc.1y2.nhit) >20
+hmsDC2Planes_large  (H.dc.2x1.nhit+H.dc.2y1.nhit+H.dc.2u1.nhit+H.dc.2v1.nhit+H.dc.2x2.nhit+H.dc.2y2.nhit) >20
+hmsDC1_1hit_x1                H.dc.1x1.nhit == 1
+hmsDC1_1hit_y1                H.dc.1y1.nhit == 1
+hmsDC1_1hit_u1                H.dc.1u1.nhit == 1
+hmsDC1_1hit_v1                H.dc.1v1.nhit == 1
+hmsDC1_1hit_y2                H.dc.1y2.nhit == 1
+hmsDC1_1hit_x2                H.dc.1x2.nhit == 1
+hmsDC2_1hit_x1                H.dc.2x1.nhit == 1
+hmsDC2_1hit_y1                H.dc.2y1.nhit == 1
+hmsDC2_1hit_u1                H.dc.2u1.nhit == 1
+hmsDC2_1hit_v1                H.dc.2v1.nhit == 1
+hmsDC2_1hit_y2                H.dc.2y2.nhit == 1
+hmsDC2_1hit_x2                H.dc.2x2.nhit == 1
+h1hit1                H.dc.1x1.nhit >= 1
+h1hit2                H.dc.1y1.nhit >= 1
+h1hit3                H.dc.1u1.nhit >= 1
+h1hit4                H.dc.1v1.nhit >= 1
+h1hit5                H.dc.1y2.nhit >= 1
+h1hit6                H.dc.1x2.nhit >= 1
+h2hit1                H.dc.2x1.nhit >= 1
+h2hit2                H.dc.2y1.nhit >= 1
+h2hit3                H.dc.2u1.nhit >= 1
+h2hit4                H.dc.2v1.nhit >= 1
+h2hit5                H.dc.2y2.nhit >= 1
+h2hit6                H.dc.2x2.nhit >= 1
+hmsDC1Planes6hits   (H.dc.1x1.nhit+H.dc.1y1.nhit+H.dc.1u1.nhit+H.dc.1v1.nhit+H.dc.1x2.nhit+H.dc.1y2.nhit) ==6
+hmsDC2Planes6hits   (H.dc.2x1.nhit+H.dc.2y1.nhit+H.dc.2u1.nhit+H.dc.2v1.nhit+H.dc.2x2.nhit+H.dc.2y2.nhit )==6
+hmsDC1_5hits_x1     hmsDC1_1hit_y1&&hmsDC1_1hit_u1&&hmsDC1_1hit_v1&&hmsDC1_1hit_x2&&hmsDC1_1hit_y2
+hmsDC1_6hits_x1     h1hit1&&hmsDC1_1hit_y1&&hmsDC1_1hit_u1&&hmsDC1_1hit_v1&&hmsDC1_1hit_x2&&hmsDC1_1hit_y2
+hmsDC1_5hits_y1     hmsDC1_1hit_x1&&hmsDC1_1hit_u1&&hmsDC1_1hit_v1&&hmsDC1_1hit_x2&&hmsDC1_1hit_y2
+hmsDC1_6hits_y1     h1hit2&&hmsDC1_1hit_x1&&hmsDC1_1hit_u1&&hmsDC1_1hit_v1&&hmsDC1_1hit_x2&&hmsDC1_1hit_y2
+hmsDC1_5hits_u1     hmsDC1_1hit_x1&&hmsDC1_1hit_y1&&hmsDC1_1hit_v1&&hmsDC1_1hit_x2&&hmsDC1_1hit_y2
+hmsDC1_6hits_u1     h1hit3&&hmsDC1_1hit_x1&&hmsDC1_1hit_y1&&hmsDC1_1hit_v1&&hmsDC1_1hit_x2&&hmsDC1_1hit_y2
+hmsDC1_5hits_v1     hmsDC1_1hit_x1&&hmsDC1_1hit_y1&&hmsDC1_1hit_u1&&hmsDC1_1hit_x2&&hmsDC1_1hit_y2 
+hmsDC1_6hits_v1     h1hit4&&hmsDC1_1hit_x1&&hmsDC1_1hit_y1&&hmsDC1_1hit_u1&&hmsDC1_1hit_x2&&hmsDC1_1hit_y2
+hmsDC1_5hits_x2     hmsDC1_1hit_x1&&hmsDC1_1hit_y1&&hmsDC1_1hit_u1&&hmsDC1_1hit_v1&&hmsDC1_1hit_y2
+hmsDC1_6hits_x2     h1hit6&&hmsDC1_1hit_x1&&hmsDC1_1hit_y1&&hmsDC1_1hit_u1&&hmsDC1_1hit_v1&&hmsDC1_1hit_y2
+hmsDC1_5hits_y2     hmsDC1_1hit_x1&&hmsDC1_1hit_y1&&hmsDC1_1hit_u1&&hmsDC1_1hit_v1&&hmsDC1_1hit_x2
+hmsDC1_6hits_y2     h1hit5&&hmsDC1_1hit_x1&&hmsDC1_1hit_y1&&hmsDC1_1hit_u1&&hmsDC1_1hit_v1&&hmsDC1_1hit_x2
+hmsDC2_5hits_x1     hmsDC2_1hit_y1&&hmsDC2_1hit_u1&&hmsDC2_1hit_v1&&hmsDC2_1hit_x2&&hmsDC2_1hit_y2
+hmsDC2_6hits_x1     h2hit1&&hmsDC2_1hit_y1&&hmsDC2_1hit_u1&&hmsDC2_1hit_v1&&hmsDC2_1hit_x2&&hmsDC2_1hit_y2
+hmsDC2_5hits_y1     hmsDC2_1hit_x1&&hmsDC2_1hit_u1&&hmsDC2_1hit_v1&&hmsDC2_1hit_x2&&hmsDC2_1hit_y2
+hmsDC2_6hits_y1     h2hit2&&hmsDC2_1hit_x1&&hmsDC2_1hit_u1&&hmsDC2_1hit_v1&&hmsDC2_1hit_x2&&hmsDC2_1hit_y2
+hmsDC2_5hits_u1     hmsDC2_1hit_x1&&hmsDC2_1hit_y1&&hmsDC2_1hit_v1&&hmsDC2_1hit_x2&&hmsDC2_1hit_y2
+hmsDC2_6hits_u1     h2hit3&&hmsDC2_1hit_x1&&hmsDC2_1hit_y1&&hmsDC2_1hit_v1&&hmsDC2_1hit_x2&&hmsDC2_1hit_y2
+hmsDC2_5hits_v1     hmsDC2_1hit_x1&&hmsDC2_1hit_y1&&hmsDC2_1hit_u1&&hmsDC2_1hit_x2&&hmsDC2_1hit_y2 
+hmsDC2_6hits_v1     h2hit4&&hmsDC2_1hit_x1&&hmsDC2_1hit_y1&&hmsDC2_1hit_u1&&hmsDC2_1hit_x2&&hmsDC2_1hit_y2
+hmsDC2_5hits_x2     hmsDC2_1hit_x1&&hmsDC2_1hit_y1&&hmsDC2_1hit_u1&&hmsDC2_1hit_v1&&hmsDC2_1hit_y2
+hmsDC2_6hits_x2     h2hit6&&hmsDC2_1hit_x1&&hmsDC2_1hit_y1&&hmsDC2_1hit_u1&&hmsDC2_1hit_v1&&hmsDC2_1hit_y2
+hmsDC2_5hits_y2     hmsDC2_1hit_x1&&hmsDC2_1hit_y1&&hmsDC2_1hit_u1&&hmsDC2_1hit_v1&&hmsDC2_1hit_x2
+hmsDC2_6hits_y2     h2hit5&&hmsDC2_1hit_x1&&hmsDC2_1hit_y1&&hmsDC2_1hit_u1&&hmsDC2_1hit_v1&&hmsDC2_1hit_x2
+hms1HitsLt            H.dc.Ch1.nhit <= H.dc.Ch1.maxhits && g.evtyp==1
+hms2HitsLt            H.dc.Ch2.nhit <= H.dc.Ch2.maxhits && g.evtyp==1
+hmsHitsLt             H.dc.Ch1.nhit <= H.dc.Ch1.maxhits && H.dc.Ch2.nhit <= H.dc.Ch2.maxhits && g.evtyp==1
+hmsDC1PlanesGT        (h1hit1 + h1hit2 + h1hit3 + h1hit4 + h1hit5 + h1hit6 )>=5
+hmsDC2PlanesGT        (h2hit1 + h2hit2 + h2hit3 + h2hit4 + h2hit5 + h2hit6 )>=5
+hmsPlanesGT           hmsDC1PlanesGT && hmsDC2PlanesGT
+hmsHitsPlanes         (H.dc.Ch1.nhit <= H.dc.Ch1.maxhits) && (H.dc.Ch2.nhit <= H.dc.Ch2.maxhits) && hmsPlanesGT
+hSpacePoints          H.dc.Ch1.spacepoints >= 1 && H.dc.Ch2.spacepoints >=1
+hSpacePointsStub      H.dc.stubtest==1 && H.dc.Ch1.spacepoints >=1 && H.dc.Ch2.spacepoints >=1
+hFoundTrack           H.dc.ntrack>0 
+hStubLT               H.dc.stubtest==1
+f1HSpacePoints        hms1HitsLt && hmsDC1PlanesGT && H.dc.Ch1.spacepoints==0 && g.evtyp==1
+f2HSpacePoints        hms2HitsLt && hmsDC2PlanesGT && H.dc.Ch2.spacepoints==0 && g.evtyp==1
+hTest1                hmsHitsPlanes && (!hSpacePoints)
+hTest2                hSpacePoints && (!hStubLT)
+Block: CoarseReconstruct
+CoarseReconstruct_master HMS_event
+Block: Tracking
+Tracking_master  HMS_event
+Block: Reconstruct
+Reconstruct_master HMS_event
+cer_pmt1_elec        H.cer.npe[0]>.5
+cer_pmt2_elec        H.cer.npe[0]>.5
+cer_elec       H.cer.npeSum>.5
+cer_pi       H.cer.npeSum<.5
+HMSScinGood           H.hod.goodscinhit == 1
+HMSScinShould         HMSScinGood 
+HMSScinShoulde        HMSScinGood && > 0.6&& < 2.0&& H.cer.npeSum > 0.5
+HMSScinShouldh        HMSScinGood && <0.6&&>0.0&& H.cer.npeSum < 0.5
+HMSScinDid            HMSScinShould && H.dc.ntrack > 0
+HMSScinDide           HMSScinShoulde && H.dc.ntrack > 0
+HMSScinDidh           HMSScinShouldh && H.dc.ntrack > 0
+goodHDC1x1            H.dc.1x1.nhit > 0 && H.dc.1x1.nhit < 3
+goodHDC1y1            H.dc.1y1.nhit > 0 && H.dc.1y1.nhit < 3
+goodHDC1u1            H.dc.1u1.nhit > 0 && H.dc.1u1.nhit < 3
+goodHDC1v1            H.dc.1v1.nhit > 0 && H.dc.1v1.nhit < 3
+goodHDC1y2            H.dc.1y2.nhit > 0 && H.dc.1y2.nhit < 3
+goodHDC1x2            H.dc.1x2.nhit > 0 && H.dc.1x2.nhit < 3
+goodHDC2x1            H.dc.2x1.nhit > 0 && H.dc.2x1.nhit < 3
+goodHDC2y1            H.dc.2y1.nhit > 0 && H.dc.2y1.nhit < 3
+goodHDC2u1            H.dc.2u1.nhit > 0 && H.dc.2u1.nhit < 3
+goodHDC2v1            H.dc.2v1.nhit > 0 && H.dc.2v1.nhit < 3
+goodHDC2y2            H.dc.2y2.nhit > 0 && H.dc.2y2.nhit < 3
+goodHDC2x2            H.dc.2x2.nhit > 0 && H.dc.2x2.nhit < 3
+goodHDC1              goodHDC1x1  && goodHDC1y1 && goodHDC1u1 && goodHDC1v1 && goodHDC1y2 && goodHDC1x2 
+goodHDC2              goodHDC2x1  && goodHDC2y1 && goodHDC2u1 && goodHDC2v1 && goodHDC2y2 && goodHDC2x2 
+bothGood              goodHDC1 && goodHDC2
+realhdc1x1            goodHDC1x1 && ((H.dc.Ch1.spacepoints+H.dc.Ch2.spacepoints)>0)
+realhdc1y1            goodHDC1y1 && ((H.dc.Ch1.spacepoints+H.dc.Ch2.spacepoints)>0)
+realhdc1u1            goodHDC1u1 && ((H.dc.Ch1.spacepoints+H.dc.Ch2.spacepoints)>0)
+realhdc1v1            goodHDC1v1 && ((H.dc.Ch1.spacepoints+H.dc.Ch2.spacepoints)>0)
+realhdc1y2            goodHDC1y2 && ((H.dc.Ch1.spacepoints+H.dc.Ch2.spacepoints)>0)
+realhdc1x2            goodHDC1x2 && ((H.dc.Ch1.spacepoints+H.dc.Ch2.spacepoints)>0)
+realhdc2x1            goodHDC2x1 && ((H.dc.Ch1.spacepoints+H.dc.Ch2.spacepoints)>0)
+realhdc2y1            goodHDC2y1 && ((H.dc.Ch1.spacepoints+H.dc.Ch2.spacepoints)>0)
+realhdc2u1            goodHDC2u1 && ((H.dc.Ch1.spacepoints+H.dc.Ch2.spacepoints)>0)
+realhdc2v1            goodHDC2v1 && ((H.dc.Ch1.spacepoints+H.dc.Ch2.spacepoints)>0)
+realhdc2y2            goodHDC2y2 && ((H.dc.Ch1.spacepoints+H.dc.Ch2.spacepoints)>0)
+realhdc2x2            goodHDC2x2 && ((H.dc.Ch1.spacepoints+H.dc.Ch2.spacepoints)>0)
+hFound1Track          H.dc.ntrack == 1
+hFound2Track          H.dc.ntrack == 2
+hFound3Track          H.dc.ntrack == 3
+hFound4Track          H.dc.ntrack == 4
+hCleanTrack           H.gtr.index > -1
+1hCleanTrack          H.gtr.index == 0
+2hCleanTrack          H.gtr.index == 1
+3hCleanTrack          H.gtr.index == 2
+4hCleanTrack          H.gtr.index == 3
+anyhs1x               H.hod.1x.nhits > 0
+anyhs1y               H.hod.1y.nhits > 0
+anyhs2x               H.hod.2x.nhits > 0
+anyhs2y               H.hod.2y.nhits > 0
+goodhs1x              H.hod.1x.nhits > 0 && H.hod.1x.nhits < 3
+goodhs1y              H.hod.1y.nhits > 0 && H.hod.1y.nhits < 3
+goodhs1               goodhs1x && goodhs1y
+goodhs2x              H.hod.2x.nhits > 0 && H.hod.2x.nhits < 3
+goodhs2y              H.hod.2y.nhits > 0 && H.hod.2y.nhits < 3
+goodhs2               goodhs2x && goodhs2y
+goodhs1s2             goodhs1 && goodhs2
+Block: Physics
+Physics_master HMS_event
diff --git a/DEF-files/HMS/PRODUCTION/ b/DEF-files/HMS/PRODUCTION/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e89af197
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# Python script to merge multiple def-files into single def-file
+import os
+import sys
+if (len(sys.argv) != 3 or sys.argv[1] == '-h'):
+    print('Usage:')
+    print(' merge_list.txt outfile.def')
+    sys.exit()
+defFileList   = open(sys.argv[1], 'r')
+defFile       = defFileList.readlines()
+defFilePath   = []
+mergedDefFile = sys.argv[2]
+for defFileName in defFile:
+    defFilePath.append((defFileName).strip())
+with open(mergedDefFile, 'w') as outFile:
+    for defFileName in defFilePath:
+        outFile.write('\n\n')
+        with open(defFileName) as inFile:
+            for line in inFile:
+                outFile.write(line)
diff --git a/DEF-files/HMS/PRODUCTION/merge_list.txt b/DEF-files/HMS/PRODUCTION/merge_list.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ad15b5d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DEF-files/HMS/PRODUCTION/merge_list.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
diff --git a/DEF-files/HMS/SCALERS/hscaler_cuts.def b/DEF-files/HMS/SCALERS/hscaler_cuts.def
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0e461516
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DEF-files/HMS/SCALERS/hscaler_cuts.def
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+#Report file for HMS Stack
+Block: RawDecode
+Pedestal_event     g.evtyp==4
+scalar_event       g.evtyp==0
+HMS_event          g.evtyp==1
+#SHMS_event        g.evtyp==2
+#coin_event        g.evtyp==3
+tr4_event          g.evtyp==4
+tr5_event          g.evtyp==5
+tr6_event          g.evtyp==6
+misc_event         g.evtyp>=10
+#hmscoin_event     g.evtyp==1||g.evtyp==3
+#shmscoin_event    g.evtyp==2||g.evtyp==3
+#all_event         g.evtyp==1||g.evtyp==2||g.evtyp==3
+RawDecode_master  1
+Block: Decode
+#all_trigs            g.evtyp==1 || g.evtyp==2 || g.evtyp==3
+#hms_shms_trig        g.evtyp==1 || g.evtyp==2
+#hms_coin_trig        g.evtyp==1 || g.evtyp==3
+Decode_master     HMS_event
+Block: CoarseTracking
+CoarseTracking_master HMS_event
+Block: CoarseReconstruct
+CoarseReconstruct_master HMS_event
+Block: Tracking
+Tracking_master  HMS_event
+Block: Reconstruct
+Reconstruct_master HMS_event
+Block: Physics
+Physics_master HMS_event
diff --git a/DEF-files/HMS/STACK/AERO/haero_histos.def b/DEF-files/HMS/STACK/AERO/haero_histos.def
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3ba092df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DEF-files/HMS/STACK/AERO/haero_histos.def
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+# HMS AEROGEL GOOD Occupancy and Multiplicity
+TH1F haero_good_occ_pos 'HMS Aero+ Good Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good +ADC Hits' 8 0.5 8.5
+TH1F haero_good_occ_neg 'HMS Aero- Good Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good -ADC Hits' 8 0.5 8.5
+TH1F haero_good_mult_pos 'HMS Aero+ Good Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +ADC Hits' 8 0.5 8.5
+TH1F haero_good_mult_neg 'HMS Aero- Good Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good -ADC Hits' 8 0.5 8.5
+TH1F haero_good_mult 'HMS Aero Good Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good ADC Hits' 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F haero_tot_npe_pos 'HMS Aero+ Total Number of Photoelectrons; Total Number of Pos Photoelectrons; Number of Entries / 0.5 Photoelectrons' 200 0 100>0.0 
+TH1F haero_tot_npe_neg 'HMS Aero- Total Number of Photoelectrons; Total Number of Neg Photoelectrons; Number of Entries / 0.5 Photoelectrons' 200 0 100>0.0 
+TH1F haero_tot_npe 'HMS Aero Total Number of Photoelectrons; Total Number of Photoelectrons; Number of Entries / 0.5 Photoelectrons' 200 0 100>0.0 
+# HMS AERO Number of P.E. / PMT
+TH2F haero_npe_pos 'HMS Aero+ Number of Photoelectrons vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Number of Photoelectrons / PMT' [I+1] 8 0.5 8.5 200 0 100>0.0 
+TH2F haero_npe_neg 'HMS Aero- Number of Photoelectrons vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Number of Photoelectrons / PMT' [I+1] 8 0.5 8.5 200 0 100>0.0 
+# HMS AERO GOOD Pulse Pedestal / Integral / Raw Integral / Amplitude / Time 
+# GOOD --> (passed errorFlag cut and pulsetime cuts oN Min/Max ADC Time Window) 
+TH2F haero_good_pped_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS Aero+ Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number;  Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Units' [I+1] 7 0.5 7.5 400 300 700>0.0
+TH2F haero_good_pi_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS Aero+ Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number;  Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1] 7 0.5 7.5 600 0 30000>0.0
+TH2F haero_good_pamp_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS Aero+ Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number;  Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1] 7 0.5 7.5 200 0 4000>0.0
+TH2F haero_good_ptime_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS Aero+ Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1] 7 0.5 7.5 350 0 3500>0.0
+TH2F haero_good_pped_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS Aero- Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number;  Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Units' [I+1] 7 0.5 7.5 400 300 700>0.0
+TH2F haero_good_pi_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS Aero- Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number;  Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1] 7 0.5 7.5 600 0 30000>0.0
+TH2F haero_good_pamp_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS Aero- Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number;  Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1] 7 0.5 7.5 200 0 4000>0.0
+TH2F haero_good_ptime_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS Aero- Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1] 7 0.5 7.5 350 0 3500>0.0
diff --git a/DEF-files/HMS/STACK/BLOCK/hblock_vars.def b/DEF-files/HMS/STACK/BLOCK/hblock_vars.def
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..44d4aa99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DEF-files/HMS/STACK/BLOCK/hblock_vars.def
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# Block Definitions *
+block T.hms.*
+block H.cer.*
+block H.dc.*
+block H.hod.*
+block H.gtr.*
diff --git a/DEF-files/HMS/STACK/CAL/hcal_histos.def b/DEF-files/HMS/STACK/CAL/hcal_histos.def
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..eedbc997
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DEF-files/HMS/STACK/CAL/hcal_histos.def
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+# HMS CAL Good Occupancy
+TH1F hcal_hA_good_occ_pos 'HMS hA+ Good Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Entries' 13 0.5 13.5  
+TH1F hcal_hA_good_occ_neg 'HMS hA- Good Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Entries' 13 0.5 13.5 
+TH1F hcal_hB_good_occ_pos 'HMS hB+ Good Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Entries' 13 0.5 13.5
+TH1F hcal_hB_good_occ_neg 'HMS hB- Good Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Entries' 13 0.5 13.5 
+TH1F hcal_hC_good_occ_pos 'HMS hC+ Good Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Entries' 13 0.5 13.5 
+TH1F hcal_hD_good_occ_pos 'HMS hD+ Good Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Entries' 13 0.5 13.5 
+# HMS CAL Good Multiplicity
+TH1F hcal_hA_good_mult_pos 'HMS hA+ Good Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +ADC Hits / PMT' 13 0.5 13.5
+TH1F hcal_hA_good_mult_neg 'HMS hA- Good Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good -ADC Hits / PMT' 13 0.5 13.5
+TH1F hcal_hA_good_mult 'HMS hA Good Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good ADC Hits / PMT' 26 0.5 26.5
+TH1F hcal_hB_good_mult_pos 'HMS hB+ Good Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +ADC Hits / PMT' 13 0.5 13.5
+TH1F hcal_hB_good_mult_neg 'HMS hB- Good Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good -ADC Hits / PMT' 13 0.5 13.5
+TH1F hcal_hB_good_mult 'HMS hB Good Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good ADC Hits / PMT' 26 0.5 26.5
+TH1F hcal_hC_good_mult_pos 'HMS hC+ Good Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +ADC Hits / PMT' 13 0.5 13.5
+TH1F hcal_hD_good_mult_pos 'HMS hD+ Good Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +ADC Hits / PMT' 13 0.5 13.5
+# HMS CAL Good Pulse Pedestals 
+TH2F hcal_hA_good_pped_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hA+ Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 400 300 700>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hA_good_pped_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS hA- Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 400 300 700>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hB_good_pped_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hB+ Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 400 300 700>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hB_good_pped_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS hB- Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 400 300 700>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hC_good_pped_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hC+ Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 400 300 700>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hD_good_pped_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hD+ Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 400 300 700>0.0
+# HMS CAL Good Pulse Integrals 
+TH2F hcal_hA_good_pi_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hA+ Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 600 0 30000>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hA_good_pi_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS hA- Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 600 0 30000>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hB_good_pi_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hB+ Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 600 0 30000>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hB_good_pi_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS hB- Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 600 0 30000>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hC_good_pi_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hC+ Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 600 0 30000>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hD_good_pi_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hD+ Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 600 0 30000>0.0
+# HMS CAL Good Pulse Amplitudes 
+TH2F hcal_hA_good_pamp_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hA+ Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 200 0 4000>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hA_good_pamp_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS hA- Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 200 0 4000>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hB_good_pamp_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hB+ Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 200 0 4000>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hB_good_pamp_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS hB- Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 200 0 4000>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hC_good_pamp_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hC+ Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 200 0 4000>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hD_good_pamp_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hD+ Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 200 0 4000>0.0
+# HMS CAL Good Pulse Times
+TH2F hcal_hA_good_ptime_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hA+ Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 350 0 3500>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hA_good_ptime_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS hA- Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 350 0 3500>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hB_good_ptime_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hB+ Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 350 0 3500>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hB_good_ptime_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS hB- Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 350 0 3500>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hC_good_ptime_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hC+ Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 350 0 3500>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hD_good_ptime_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hD+ Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 350 0 3500>0.0
+# (calib consts (GAIN) are in GeV/ADC units )
+TH2F hA_Epos_vs_pmt 'HMS hA+ Energy Deposition vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Energy Deposition (0.01 GeV / ADC Units)' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 200 0 2>0.0
+TH2F hA_Eneg_vs_pmt 'HMS hA- Energy Deposition vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Energy Deposition (0.01 GeV / ADC Units)' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 200 0 2>0.0
+TH2F hA_Emean_vs_pmt 'HMS hA Mean Energy Deposition vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Mean Energy Deposition (0.01 GeV / ADC Units)' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 300 0 3>0.0
+TH2F hB_Epos_vs_pmt 'HMS hB+ Energy Deposition vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Energy Deposition (0.01 GeV / ADC Units)' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 200 0 2>0.0
+TH2F hB_Eneg_vs_pmt 'HMS hB- Energy Deposition vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Energy Deposition (0.01 GeV / ADC Units)' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 200 0 2>0.0
+TH2F hB_Emean_vs_pmt 'HMS hB Mean Energy Deposition vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Mean Energy Deposition (0.01 GeV / ADC Units)' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 300 0 3>0.0
+TH2F hC_Epos_vs_pmt 'HMS hC+ Energy Deposition vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Energy Deposition (0.01 GeV / ADC Units)' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 200 0 2>0.0
+TH2F hD_Epos_vs_pmt 'HMS hD+ Energy Deposition vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Energy Deposition (0.01 GeV / ADC Units)' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 200 0 2>0.0
+TH1F hcal_hA_Eplane_pos 'HMS hA+ Energy Deposition; Energy Deposition (GeV); Number of Entries / 0.01 GeV' 200 0 2>0.0
+TH1F hcal_hA_Eplane_neg 'HMS hA- Energy Deposition; Energy Deposition (GeV); Number of Entries / 0.01 GeV' 200 0 2>0.0
+TH1F hcal_hA_Eplane 'HMS hA Total Energy Deposition; Total Energy Deposition (GeV); Number of Entries / 0.01 GeV' 300 0 3>0.0
+TH1F hcal_hB_Eplane_pos 'HMS hB+ Energy Deposition; Energy Deposition (GeV); Number of Entries / 0.01 GeV' 200 0 2>0.0
+TH1F hcal_hB_Eplane_neg 'HMS hB- Energy Deposition; Energy Deposition (GeV); Number of Entries / 0.01 GeV' 200 0 2>0.0
+TH1F hcal_hB_Eplane 'HMS hB Total Energy Deposition; Total Energy Deposition (GeV); Number of Entries / 0.01 GeV' 300 0 3>0.0
+TH1F hcal_hC_Eplane_pos 'HMS hC+ Energy Deposition; Energy Deposition (GeV); Number of Entries / 0.01 GeV' 200 0 2>0.0
+TH1F hcal_hD_Eplane_pos 'HMS hD+ Energy Deposition; Energy Deposition (GeV); Number of Entries / 0.01 GeV' 200 0 2>0.0
diff --git a/DEF-files/HMS/STACK/CER/hcer_histos.def b/DEF-files/HMS/STACK/CER/hcer_histos.def
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7f9d3dbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DEF-files/HMS/STACK/CER/hcer_histos.def
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+# HMS Gas Cherenkov *
+# HMS Gas CER GOOD Occupancy and Multiplicity
+TH1F hcer_good_occ 'HMS Cherenkov Good Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Entries' H.cer.numGoodAdcHits 2 0.5 2.5
+TH1F hcer_good_mult 'HMS Cherenkov Good Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good ADC Hits / PMT' H.cer.totNumGoodAdcHits 2 0.5 2.5
+# HMS Gas CER GOOD Pulse Pedestal / Integral / Raw Integral / Amplitude / Time 
+# GOOD --> (passed errorFlag cut and pulsetime cuts oN Min/Max ADC Time Window) 
+TH2F hcer_good_pped_vs_pmt 'HMS Cherenkov Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Units' [I+1] H.cer.goodAdcPed 2 0.5 2.5 400 300 700
+TH2F hcer_good_pi_vs_pmt 'HMS Cherenkov Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1] H.cer.goodAdcPulseInt 2 0.5 2.5 600 0 30000 H.cer.goodAdcPulseInt>0.0
+TH2F hcer_good_pamp_vs_pmt 'HMS Cherenkov Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1] H.cer.goodAdcPulseAmp 2 0.5 2.5 200 0 4000 H.cer.goodAdcPulseAmp>0.0
+TH2F hcer_good_ptime_vs_pmt 'HMS Cherenkov Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1] H.cer.goodAdcPulseTime 2 0.5 2.5 350 0 3500 H.cer.goodAdcPulseTime>0.0
+# HMS Gas CER Number of P.E. / PMT
+TH2F hcer_npe 'HMS Cherenkov Number of Photoelectrons vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Number of Photoelectrons / PMT' [I+1] H.cer.npe 2 0.5 2.5 200 0 100 H.cer.npe>0.0
+TH1F hcer_tot_npe 'HMS Cherenkov Total Number of Photoelectrons; Total Number of Photoelectrons; Number of Entries / 0.5 Photoelectrons' H.cer.npeSum 200 0 100 H.cer.npeSum>0.0
+TH1F hcer_trk_match 'HMS  Gas Cherenkov Track Matches; PMT Number; Number of Tracks Matched' H.cer.numTracksMatched 2 0.5 2.5
+TH1F hcer_trk_fired 'HMS  Gas Cherenkov Tracks Fired; PMT Number; Number of Tracks Fired' H.cer.numTracksFired 2 0.5 2.5
diff --git a/DEF-files/HMS/STACK/DC/hdc_6gev_histos.def b/DEF-files/HMS/STACK/DC/hdc_6gev_histos.def
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1f7b515b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DEF-files/HMS/STACK/DC/hdc_6gev_histos.def
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+# HMS 6 GeV Drift Chambers *
+TH1F hdc1x1_wirenum 'HMS DC 1X1 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' H.dc.1x1.wirenum 113 0.5 113.5
+TH1F hdc1y1_wirenum 'HMS DC 1Y1 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' H.dc.1y1.wirenum  52 0.5  52.5
+TH1F hdc1u1_wirenum 'HMS DC 1U1 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' H.dc.1u1.wirenum 107 0.5 107.5
+TH1F hdc1v1_wirenum 'HMS DC 1V1 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' H.dc.1v1.wirenum 107 0.5 107.5
+TH1F hdc1y2_wirenum 'HMS DC 1Y2 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' H.dc.1y2.wirenum  52 0.5  52.5
+TH1F hdc1x2_wirenum 'HMS DC 1X2 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' H.dc.1x2.wirenum 113 0.5 113.5
+TH1F hdc2x1_wirenum 'HMS DC 2X1 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' H.dc.2x1.wirenum 113 0.5 113.5
+TH1F hdc2y1_wirenum 'HMS DC 2Y1 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' H.dc.2y1.wirenum  52 0.5  52.5
+TH1F hdc2u1_wirenum 'HMS DC 2U1 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' H.dc.2u1.wirenum 107 0.5 107.5
+TH1F hdc2v1_wirenum 'HMS DC 2V1 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' H.dc.2v1.wirenum 107 0.5 107.5
+TH1F hdc2y2_wirenum 'HMS DC 2Y2 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' H.dc.2y2.wirenum  52 0.5  52.5
+TH1F hdc2x2_wirenum 'HMS DC 2X2 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' H.dc.2x2.wirenum 113 0.5 113.5
+TH1F hdc1x1_drifttime 'HMS DC 1X1 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' H.dc.1x1.time 400 -50 350
+TH1F hdc1y1_drifttime 'HMS DC 1Y1 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' H.dc.1y1.time 400 -50 350
+TH1F hdc1u1_drifttime 'HMS DC 1U1 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' H.dc.1u1.time 400 -50 350
+TH1F hdc1v1_drifttime 'HMS DC 1V1 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' H.dc.1v1.time 400 -50 350
+TH1F hdc1y2_drifttime 'HMS DC 1Y2 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' H.dc.1y2.time 400 -50 350
+TH1F hdc1x2_drifttime 'HMS DC 1X2 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' H.dc.1x2.time 400 -50 350
+TH1F hdc2x1_drifttime 'HMS DC 2X1 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' H.dc.2x1.time 400 -50 350
+TH1F hdc2y1_drifttime 'HMS DC 2Y1 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' H.dc.2y1.time 400 -50 350
+TH1F hdc2u1_drifttime 'HMS DC 2U1 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' H.dc.2u1.time 400 -50 350
+TH1F hdc2v1_drifttime 'HMS DC 2V1 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' H.dc.2v1.time 400 -50 350
+TH1F hdc2y2_drifttime 'HMS DC 2Y2 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' H.dc.2y2.time 400 -50 350
+TH1F hdc2x2_drifttime 'HMS DC 2X2 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' H.dc.2x2.time 400 -50 350
+TH2F hdc1x1_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'HMS DC 1X1 Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' H.dc.1x1.wirenum H.dc.1x1.time 113 0.5 113.5 600 -100 500
+TH2F hdc1y1_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'HMS DC 1Y1 Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' H.dc.1y1.wirenum H.dc.1y1.time 52  0.5  52.5 600 -100 500
+TH2F hdc1u1_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'HMS DC 1U1 Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' H.dc.1u1.wirenum H.dc.1u1.time 107 0.5 107.5 600 -100 500
+TH2F hdc1v1_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'HMS DC 1V1 Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' H.dc.1v1.wirenum H.dc.1v1.time 107 0.5 107.5 600 -100 500
+TH2F hdc1y2_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'HMS DC 1Y2 Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' H.dc.1y2.wirenum H.dc.1y2.time 52  0.5  52.5 600 -100 500
+TH2F hdc1x2_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'HMS DC 1X2 Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' H.dc.1x2.wirenum H.dc.1x2.time 113 0.5 113.5 600 -100 500
+TH2F hdc2x1_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'HMS DC 2X1 Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' H.dc.2x1.wirenum H.dc.2x1.time 113 0.5 113.5 600 -100 500
+TH2F hdc2y1_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'HMS DC 2Y1 Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' H.dc.2y1.wirenum H.dc.2y1.time 52  0.5  52.5 600 -100 500
+TH2F hdc2u1_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'HMS DC 2U1 Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' H.dc.2u1.wirenum H.dc.2u1.time 107 0.5 107.5 600 -100 500
+TH2F hdc2v1_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'HMS DC 2V1 Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' H.dc.2v1.wirenum H.dc.2v1.time 107 0.5 107.5 600 -100 500
+TH2F hdc2y2_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'HMS DC 2Y2 Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' H.dc.2y2.wirenum H.dc.2y2.time 52  0.5  52.5 600 -100 500
+TH2F hdc2x2_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'HMS DC 2X2 Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' H.dc.2x2.wirenum H.dc.2x2.time 113 0.5 113.5 600 -100 500
+# HMS DC Drift Distance Per Plane 
+TH1F hdc1x1_ddist 'HMS 1X1 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' H.dc.1x1.dist 28 -0.1 0.6
+TH1F hdc1y1_ddist 'HMS 1Y1 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' H.dc.1y1.dist 28 -0.1 0.6
+TH1F hdc1u1_ddist 'HMS 1U1 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' H.dc.1u1.dist 28 -0.1 0.6
+TH1F hdc1v1_ddist 'HMS 1V1 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' H.dc.1v1.dist 28 -0.1 0.6
+TH1F hdc1y2_ddist 'HMS 1Y2 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' H.dc.1y2.dist 28 -0.1 0.6
+TH1F hdc1x2_ddist 'HMS 1X2 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' H.dc.1x2.dist 28 -0.1 0.6
+TH1F hdc2x1_ddist 'HMS 2U2 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' H.dc.2x1.dist 28 -0.1 0.6
+TH1F hdc2y1_ddist 'HMS 2U1 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' H.dc.2y1.dist 28 -0.1 0.6
+TH1F hdc2u1_ddist 'HMS 2X2 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' H.dc.2u1.dist 28 -0.1 0.6
+TH1F hdc2v1_ddist 'HMS 2X1 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' H.dc.2v1.dist 28 -0.1 0.6
+TH1F hdc2y2_ddist 'HMS 2V2 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' H.dc.2y2.dist 28 -0.1 0.6
+TH1F hdc2x2_ddist 'HMS 2V1 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' H.dc.2x2.dist 28 -0.1 0.6
+TH2F hdc1x1_wirenum_vs_ddist 'HMS DC 1X1 Drift Distance vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' H.dc.1x1.wirenum H.dc.1x1.dist 113 0.5 113.5 300 -0.1 0.6
+TH2F hdc1y1_wirenum_vs_ddist 'HMS DC 1Y1 Drift Distance vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' H.dc.1y1.wirenum H.dc.1y1.dist 52  0.5  52.5 300 -0.1 0.6
+TH2F hdc1u1_wirenum_vs_ddist 'HMS DC 1U1 Drift Distance vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' H.dc.1u1.wirenum H.dc.1u1.dist 107 0.5 107.5 300 -0.1 0.6
+TH2F hdc1v1_wirenum_vs_ddist 'HMS DC 1V1 Drift Distance vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' H.dc.1v1.wirenum H.dc.1v1.dist 107 0.5 107.5 300 -0.1 0.6
+TH2F hdc1y2_wirenum_vs_ddist 'HMS DC 1Y2 Drift Distance vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' H.dc.1y2.wirenum H.dc.1y2.dist 52  0.5  52.5 300 -0.1 0.6
+TH2F hdc1x2_wirenum_vs_ddist 'HMS DC 1X2 Drift Distance vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' H.dc.1x2.wirenum H.dc.1x2.dist 113 0.5 113.5 300 -0.1 0.6
+TH2F hdc2x1_wirenum_vs_ddist 'HMS DC 2X1 Drift Distance vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' H.dc.2x1.wirenum H.dc.2x1.dist 113 0.5 113.5 300 -0.1 0.6
+TH2F hdc2y1_wirenum_vs_ddist 'HMS DC 2Y1 Drift Distance vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' H.dc.2y1.wirenum H.dc.2y1.dist 52  0.5  52.5 300 -0.1 0.6
+TH2F hdc2u1_wirenum_vs_ddist 'HMS DC 2U1 Drift Distance vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' H.dc.2u1.wirenum H.dc.2u1.dist 107 0.5 107.5 300 -0.1 0.6
+TH2F hdc2v1_wirenum_vs_ddist 'HMS DC 2V1 Drift Distance vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' H.dc.2v1.wirenum H.dc.2v1.dist 107 0.5 107.5 300 -0.1 0.6
+TH2F hdc2y2_wirenum_vs_ddist 'HMS DC 2Y2 Drift Distance vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' H.dc.2y2.wirenum H.dc.2y2.dist 52  0.5  52.5 300 -0.1 0.6
+TH2F hdc2x2_wirenum_vs_ddist 'HMS DC 2X2 Drift Distance vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' H.dc.2x2.wirenum H.dc.2x2.dist 113 0.5 113.5 300 -0.1 0.6
+TH1F hdc1x1_residuals 'HMS 1X1 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' H.dc.residual[0]  200 -1.0 1.0
+TH1F hdc1y1_residuals 'HMS 1Y1 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' H.dc.residual[1]  200 -1.0 1.0
+TH1F hdc1u1_residuals 'HMS 1U1 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' H.dc.residual[2]  200 -1.0 1.0
+TH1F hdc1v1_residuals 'HMS 1V1 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' H.dc.residual[3]  200 -1.0 1.0
+TH1F hdc1y2_residuals 'HMS 1Y2 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' H.dc.residual[4]  200 -1.0 1.0
+TH1F hdc1x2_residuals 'HMS 1X2 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' H.dc.residual[5]  200 -1.0 1.0
+TH1F hdc2x1_residuals 'HMS 2X1 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' H.dc.residual[6]  200 -1.0 1.0
+TH1F hdc2y1_residuals 'HMS 2Y1 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' H.dc.residual[7]  200 -1.0 1.0
+TH1F hdc2u1_residuals 'HMS 2U1 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' H.dc.residual[8]  200 -1.0 1.0
+TH1F hdc2v1_residuals 'HMS 2V1 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' H.dc.residual[9]  200 -1.0 1.0
+TH1F hdc2y2_residuals 'HMS 2Y2 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' H.dc.residual[10] 200 -1.0 1.0
+TH1F hdc2x2_residuals 'HMS 2X2 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' H.dc.residual[11] 200 -1.0 1.0
+TH1F hdc_trk_mom 'HMS DC Track Momentum; P (GeV); Number of Entires / 10 MeV' 600 0 6
+TH1F hdc_trk_beta 'HMS DC Track Beta; Beta (GeV); Number of Entires' 300 -1.5 1.5
+TH2F hdc_xfp_vs_yxp 'HMS DC X_{fp} vs Y_{fp}; Y_{fp} (cm) / 1 cm; X_{fp} (cm) / 1 cm' H.dc.y_fp H.dc.x_fp 100 -50 50 100 -50 50
+TH2F hdc_xpfp_vs_ypfp 'HMS DC X'_{fp} vs Y'_{fp}; Y'_{fp} / 0.002 rad; X'_{fp} / 0.002 rad' H.dc.yp_fp H.dc.xp_fp 100 -.1 .1 100 -.1 .1
+TH2F hdc_xfp_vs_ypfp 'HMS DC X_{fp} vs Y'_{fp}; Y'_{fp} / 0.002 rad; X_{fp} / 1 cm'  H.dc.yp_fp H.dc.x_fp 100 -.1 .1 100 -50 50 
+TH2F hdc_xfp_vs_xpfp 'HMS DC X_{fp} vs X'_{fp}; X'_{fp} / 0.002 rad; X_{fp} / 1 cm' H.dc.xp_fp H.dc.x_fp 100 -.1 .1 100 -50 50
diff --git a/DEF-files/HMS/STACK/HODO/hhodo_histos.def b/DEF-files/HMS/STACK/HODO/hhodo_histos.def
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f0b7df31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DEF-files/HMS/STACK/HODO/hhodo_histos.def
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+# HMS HODO GOOD ADC Multiplicities 
+TH1F hhodo_1x_good_adc_mult_pos 'HMS 1X+ Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +ADC Hits' H.hod.1x.totNumGoodPosAdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_1y_good_adc_mult_pos 'HMS 1Y+ Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +ADC Hits' H.hod.1y.totNumGoodPosAdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
+TH1F hhodo_2x_good_adc_mult_pos 'HMS 2X+ Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +ADC Hits' H.hod.2x.totNumGoodPosAdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_2y_good_adc_mult_pos 'HMS 2Y+ Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +ADC Hits' H.hod.2y.totNumGoodPosAdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
+TH1F hhodo_1x_good_adc_mult_neg 'HMS 1X- Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good -ADC Hits' H.hod.1x.totNumGoodNegAdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_1y_good_adc_mult_neg 'HMS 1Y- Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good -ADC Hits' H.hod.1y.totNumGoodNegAdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
+TH1F hhodo_2x_good_adc_mult_neg 'HMS 2X- Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good -ADC Hits' H.hod.2x.totNumGoodNegAdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_2y_good_adc_mult_neg 'HMS 2Y- Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good -ADC Hits' H.hod.2y.totNumGoodNegAdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
+TH1F hhodo_1x_good_adc_mult 'HMS 1X Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good ADC Hits' H.hod.1x.totNumGoodAdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_1y_good_adc_mult 'HMS 1Y Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good ADC Hits' H.hod.1y.totNumGoodAdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
+TH1F hhodo_2x_good_adc_mult 'HMS 2X Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good ADC Hits' H.hod.2x.totNumGoodAdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_2y_good_adc_mult 'HMS 2Y Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good ADC Hits' H.hod.2y.totNumGoodAdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
+# HMS HODO Good TDC Multiplicities
+TH1F hhodo_1x_good_tdc_mult_pos 'HMS 1X+ Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +TDC Hits' H.hod.1x.totNumGoodPosTdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_1y_good_tdc_mult_pos 'HMS 1Y+ Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +TDC Hits' H.hod.1y.totNumGoodPosTdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
+TH1F hhodo_2x_good_tdc_mult_pos 'HMS 2X+ Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +TDC Hits' H.hod.2x.totNumGoodPosTdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_2y_good_tdc_mult_pos 'HMS 2Y+ Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +TDC Hits' H.hod.2y.totNumGoodPosTdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
+TH1F hhodo_1x_good_tdc_mult_neg 'HMS 1X- Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good -TDC Hits' H.hod.1x.totNumGoodNegTdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_1y_good_tdc_mult_neg 'HMS 1Y- Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good -TDC Hits' H.hod.1y.totNumGoodNegTdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
+TH1F hhodo_2x_good_tdc_mult_neg 'HMS 2X- Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good -TDC Hits' H.hod.2x.totNumGoodNegTdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_2y_good_tdc_mult_neg 'HMS 2Y- Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good -TDC Hits' H.hod.2y.totNumGoodNegTdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
+TH1F hhodo_1x_good_tdc_mult 'HMS 1X Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good TDC Hits' H.hod.1x.totNumGoodTdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_1y_good_tdc_mult 'HMS 1Y Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good TDC Hits' H.hod.1y.totNumGoodTdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
+TH1F hhodo_2x_good_tdc_mult 'HMS 2X Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good TDC Hits' H.hod.2x.totNumGoodTdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_2y_good_tdc_mult 'HMS 2Y Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good TDC Hits' H.hod.2y.totNumGoodTdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
+TH1F hhodo_1x_good_adc_occ_pos 'HMS 1X+ Good ADC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good +ADC Hits' H.hod.1x.numGoodPosAdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_1y_good_adc_occ_pos 'HMS 1Y+ Good ADC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good +ADC Hits' H.hod.1y.numGoodPosAdcHits 10 0.5 10.5 
+TH1F hhodo_2x_good_adc_occ_pos 'HMS 2X+ Good ADC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good +ADC Hits' H.hod.2x.numGoodPosAdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_2y_good_adc_occ_pos 'HMS 2Y+ Good ADC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good +ADC Hits' H.hod.2y.numGoodPosAdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
+TH1F hhodo_1x_good_adc_occ_neg 'HMS 1X- Good ADC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good -ADC Hits' H.hod.1x.numGoodNegAdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_1y_good_adc_occ_neg 'HMS 1Y- Good ADC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good -ADC Hits' H.hod.1y.numGoodNegAdcHits 10 0.5 10.5 
+TH1F hhodo_2x_good_adc_occ_neg 'HMS 2X- Good ADC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good -ADC Hits' H.hod.2x.numGoodNegAdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_2y_good_adc_occ_neg 'HMS 2Y- Good ADC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good -ADC Hits' H.hod.2y.numGoodNegAdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
+TH1F hhodo_1x_good_tdc_occ_pos 'HMS 1X+ Good TDC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good +TDC Hits' H.hod.1x.numGoodPosTdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_1y_good_tdc_occ_pos 'HMS 1Y+ Good TDC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good +TDC Hits' H.hod.1y.numGoodPosTdcHits 10 0.5 10.5 
+TH1F hhodo_2x_good_tdc_occ_pos 'HMS 2X+ Good TDC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good +TDC Hits' H.hod.2x.numGoodPosTdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_2y_good_tdc_occ_pos 'HMS 2Y+ Good TDC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good +TDC Hits' H.hod.2y.numGoodPosTdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
+TH1F hhodo_1x_good_tdc_occ_neg 'HMS 1X- Good TDC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good -TDC Hits' H.hod.1x.numGoodNegTdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_1y_good_tdc_occ_neg 'HMS 1Y- Good TDC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good -TDC Hits' H.hod.1y.numGoodNegTdcHits 10 0.5 10.5 
+TH1F hhodo_2x_good_tdc_occ_neg 'HMS 2X- Good TDC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good -TDC Hits' H.hod.2x.numGoodNegTdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_2y_good_tdc_occ_neg 'HMS 2Y- Good TDC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good -TDC Hits' H.hod.2y.numGoodNegTdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
+TH2F hhodo_1x_good_pped_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 1X+ Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1x.GoodPosAdcPed 16 0.5 16.5 400 300 700 H.hod.1x.GoodPosAdcPed>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1y_good_pped_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 1Y+ Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1y.GoodPosAdcPed 10 0.5 10.5 400 300 700 H.hod.1y.GoodPosAdcPed>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2x_good_pped_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 2X+ Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2x.GoodPosAdcPed 16 0.5 16.5 400 300 700 H.hod.2x.GoodPosAdcPed>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2y_good_pped_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 2Y+ Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2y.GoodPosAdcPed 10 0.5 10.5 400 300 700 H.hod.2y.GoodPosAdcPed>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1x_good_pped_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 1X- Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1x.GoodNegAdcPed 16 0.5 16.5 400 300 700 H.hod.1x.GoodNegAdcPed>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1y_good_pped_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 1Y- Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1y.GoodNegAdcPed 10 0.5 10.5 400 300 700 H.hod.1y.GoodNegAdcPed>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2x_good_pped_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 2X- Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2x.GoodNegAdcPed 16 0.5 16.5 400 300 700 H.hod.2x.GoodNegAdcPed>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2y_good_pped_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 2Y- Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2y.GoodNegAdcPed 10 0.5 10.5 400 300 700 H.hod.2y.GoodNegAdcPed>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1x_good_pi_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 1X+ Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.1x.GoodPosAdcPulseInt 16 0.5 16.5 600 0 30000 H.hod.1x.GoodPosAdcPulseInt>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1y_good_pi_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 1Y+ Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.1y.GoodPosAdcPulseInt 10 0.5 10.5 600 0 30000 H.hod.1y.GoodPosAdcPulseInt>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2x_good_pi_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 2X+ Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.2x.GoodPosAdcPulseInt 16 0.5 16.5 600 0 30000 H.hod.2x.GoodPosAdcPulseInt>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2y_good_pi_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 2Y+ Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.2y.GoodPosAdcPulseInt 10 0.5 10.5 600 0 30000 H.hod.2y.GoodPosAdcPulseInt>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1x_good_pi_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 1X- Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.1x.GoodNegAdcPulseInt 16 0.5 16.5 600 0 30000 H.hod.1x.GoodNegAdcPulseInt>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1y_good_pi_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 1Y- Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.1y.GoodNegAdcPulseInt 10 0.5 10.5 600 0 30000 H.hod.1y.GoodNegAdcPulseInt>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2x_good_pi_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 2X- Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.2x.GoodNegAdcPulseInt 16 0.5 16.5 600 0 30000 H.hod.2x.GoodNegAdcPulseInt>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2y_good_pi_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 2Y- Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.2y.GoodNegAdcPulseInt 10 0.5 10.5 600 0 30000 H.hod.2y.GoodNegAdcPulseInt>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1x_good_pamp_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 1X+ Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.1x.GoodPosAdcPulseAmp 16 0.5 16.5 205 0 4100 H.hod.1x.GoodPosAdcPulseAmp>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1y_good_pamp_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 1Y+ Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.1y.GoodPosAdcPulseAmp 10 0.5 10.5 205 0 4100 H.hod.1y.GoodPosAdcPulseAmp>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2x_good_pamp_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 2X+ Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.2x.GoodPosAdcPulseAmp 16 0.5 16.5 205 0 4100 H.hod.2x.GoodPosAdcPulseAmp>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2y_good_pamp_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 2Y+ Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.2y.GoodPosAdcPulseAmp 10 0.5 10.5 205 0 4100 H.hod.2y.GoodPosAdcPulseAmp>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1x_good_pamp_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 1X- Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.1x.GoodNegAdcPulseAmp 16 0.5 16.5 205 0 4100 H.hod.1x.GoodNegAdcPulseAmp>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1y_good_pamp_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 1Y- Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.1y.GoodNegAdcPulseAmp 10 0.5 10.5 205 0 4100 H.hod.1y.GoodNegAdcPulseAmp>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2x_good_pamp_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 2X- Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.2x.GoodNegAdcPulseAmp 16 0.5 16.5 205 0 4100 H.hod.2x.GoodNegAdcPulseAmp>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2y_good_pamp_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 2Y- Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.2y.GoodNegAdcPulseAmp 10 0.5 10.5 205 0 4100 H.hod.2y.GoodNegAdcPulseAmp>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1x_good_ptime_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 1X+ Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.1x.GoodPosAdcPulseTime 16 0.5 16.5 410 0 4100 H.hod.1x.GoodPosAdcPulseTime>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1y_good_ptime_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 1Y+ Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.1y.GoodPosAdcPulseTime 10 0.5 10.5 410 0 4100 H.hod.1y.GoodPosAdcPulseTime>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2x_good_ptime_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 2X+ Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.2x.GoodPosAdcPulseTime 16 0.5 16.5 410 0 4100 H.hod.2x.GoodPosAdcPulseTime>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2y_good_ptime_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 2Y+ Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.2y.GoodPosAdcPulseTime 10 0.5 10.5 410 0 4100 H.hod.2y.GoodPosAdcPulseTime>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1x_good_ptime_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 1X- Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.1x.GoodNegAdcPulseTime 16 0.5 16.5 410 0 4100 H.hod.1x.GoodNegAdcPulseTime>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1y_good_ptime_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 1Y- Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.1y.GoodNegAdcPulseTime 10 0.5 10.5 410 0 4100 H.hod.1y.GoodNegAdcPulseTime>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2x_good_ptime_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 2X- Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.2x.GoodNegAdcPulseTime 16 0.5 16.5 410 0 4100 H.hod.2x.GoodNegAdcPulseTime>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2y_good_ptime_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 2Y- Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.2y.GoodNegAdcPulseTime 10 0.5 10.5 410 0 4100 H.hod.2y.GoodNegAdcPulseTime>0.0
+# HMS HODO Good TDC TIME UNCORRECTED (uncorrected for time offsets)
+TH2F hhodo_1x_good_tdctime_uncorr_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 1X+ Good Uncorrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Uncorrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1x.GoodPosTdcTimeUnCorr 16 0.5 16.5 120 0 120 H.hod.1x.GoodPosTdcTimeUnCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1y_good_tdctime_uncorr_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 1Y+ Good Uncorrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Uncorrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1y.GoodPosTdcTimeUnCorr 10 0.5 10.5 120 0 120 H.hod.1y.GoodPosTdcTimeUnCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2x_good_tdctime_uncorr_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 2X+ Good Uncorrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Uncorrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2x.GoodPosTdcTimeUnCorr 16 0.5 16.5 120 0 120 H.hod.2x.GoodPosTdcTimeUnCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2y_good_tdctime_uncorr_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 2Y+ Good Uncorrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Uncorrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2y.GoodPosTdcTimeUnCorr 10 0.5 10.5 120 0 120 H.hod.2y.GoodPosTdcTimeUnCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1x_good_tdctime_uncorr_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 1X- Good Uncorrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Uncorrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1x.GoodNegTdcTimeUnCorr 16 0.5 16.5 120 0 120 H.hod.1x.GoodNegTdcTimeUnCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1y_good_tdctime_uncorr_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 1Y- Good Uncorrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Uncorrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1y.GoodNegTdcTimeUnCorr 10 0.5 10.5 120 0 120 H.hod.1y.GoodNegTdcTimeUnCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2x_good_tdctime_uncorr_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 2X- Good Uncorrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Uncorrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2x.GoodNegTdcTimeUnCorr 16 0.5 16.5 120 0 120 H.hod.2x.GoodNegTdcTimeUnCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2y_good_tdctime_uncorr_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 2Y- Good Uncorrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Uncorrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2y.GoodNegTdcTimeUnCorr 10 0.5 10.5 120 0 120 H.hod.2y.GoodNegTdcTimeUnCorr>0.0
+# HMS HODO Good TDC TIME CORRECTED (corrected for time offsets)
+TH2F hhodo_1x_good_tdctime_corr_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 1X+ Good Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1x.GoodPosTdcTimeCorr 16 0.5 16.5 120 0 120 H.hod.1x.GoodPosTdcTimeCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1y_good_tdctime_corr_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 1Y+ Good Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1y.GoodPosTdcTimeCorr 10 0.5 10.5 120 0 120 H.hod.1y.GoodPosTdcTimeCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2x_good_tdctime_corr_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 2X+ Good Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2x.GoodPosTdcTimeCorr 16 0.5 16.5 120 0 120 H.hod.2x.GoodPosTdcTimeCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2y_good_tdctime_corr_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 2Y+ Good Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2y.GoodPosTdcTimeCorr 10 0.5 10.5 120 0 120 H.hod.2y.GoodPosTdcTimeCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1x_good_tdctime_corr_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 1X- Good Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1x.GoodNegTdcTimeCorr 16 0.5 16.5 120 0 120 H.hod.1x.GoodNegTdcTimeCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1y_good_tdctime_corr_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 1Y- Good Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1y.GoodNegTdcTimeCorr 10 0.5 10.5 120 0 120 H.hod.1y.GoodNegTdcTimeCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2x_good_tdctime_corr_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 2X- Good Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2x.GoodNegTdcTimeCorr 16 0.5 16.5 120 0 120 H.hod.2x.GoodNegTdcTimeCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2y_good_tdctime_corr_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 2Y- Good Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2y.GoodNegTdcTimeCorr 10 0.5 10.5 120 0 120 H.hod.2y.GoodNegTdcTimeCorr>0.0
+# HMS HODO Good TDC TIME TOF CORRECTED (corrected for time of flight) 
+TH2F hhodo_1x_good_tdctime_tofcorr_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 1X+ Good TOF Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good TOF Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1x.GoodPosTdcTimeTOFCorr 16 0.5 16.5 120 0 120 H.hod.1x.GoodPosTdcTimeTOFCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1y_good_tdctime_tofcorr_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 1Y+ Good TOF Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good TOF Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1y.GoodPosTdcTimeTOFCorr 10 0.5 10.5 120 0 120 H.hod.1y.GoodPosTdcTimeTOFCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2x_good_tdctime_tofcorr_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 2X+ Good TOF Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good TOF Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2x.GoodPosTdcTimeTOFCorr 16 0.5 16.5 120 0 120 H.hod.2x.GoodPosTdcTimeTOFCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2y_good_tdctime_tofcorr_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 2Y+ Good TOF Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good TOF Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2y.GoodPosTdcTimeTOFCorr 10 0.5 10.5 120 0 120 H.hod.2y.GoodPosTdcTimeTOFCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1x_good_tdctime_tofcorr_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 1X- Good TOF Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good TOF Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1x.GoodNegTdcTimeTOFCorr 16 0.5 16.5 120 0 120 H.hod.1x.GoodNegTdcTimeTOFCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1y_good_tdctime_tofcorr_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 1Y- Good TOF Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good TOF Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1y.GoodNegTdcTimeTOFCorr 10 0.5 10.5 120 0 120 H.hod.1y.GoodNegTdcTimeTOFCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2x_good_tdctime_tofcorr_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 2X- Good TOF Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good TOF Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2x.GoodNegTdcTimeTOFCorr 16 0.5 16.5 120 0 120 H.hod.2x.GoodNegTdcTimeTOFCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2y_good_tdctime_tofcorr_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 2Y- Good TOF Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good TOF Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2y.GoodNegTdcTimeTOFCorr 10 0.5 10.5 120 0 120 H.hod.2y.GoodNegTdcTimeTOFCorr>0.0
+TH1F hhodo_beta_notrack 'HMS Hodo Calculated Beta Without Track Info; Beta; Number of Entries / 0.02' H.hod.betanotrack 100 0 2.0 H.hod.betanotrack>0.0
+TH1F hhodo_beta 'HMS Hodo Beta; Beta; Number of Entries / 0.02' H.hod.beta 100 0 2.0 H.hod.beta>0.0
+TH1F hhodo_fpHitsTime 'HMS Hodo Focal Plane Time; Focal Plane Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' H.hod.fpHitsTime 90 0 90 
+TH1F hhodo_starttime 'HMS Hodo Start Time; Start Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1ns' H.hod.starttime 90 0 90
+TH1F hhodo_good_startime 'HMS Hodo Good Start Time (ns); Good Start Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1ns' H.hod.goodstarttime 90 0 90
+TH2F hhodo_xhod_vs_yhod 'HMS Hodo Projected X vs. Y; Y_hodo(cm) / 1mm; X_hodo(cm) / 1mm' H.hod.y_hodo H.hod.x_hodo 1000 -50 50 1000 -50 50
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/DEF-files/HMS/STACK/TRIG/htrig_histos.def b/DEF-files/HMS/STACK/TRIG/htrig_histos.def
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b094df93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DEF-files/HMS/STACK/TRIG/htrig_histos.def
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+# Trigger Apparatus *
+# HMS Raw Hodo TRIG TDC Time
+TH1F htrig_h1x_tdc 'HMS h1X TDC Time; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.h1X_tdcTimeRaw 1500 0 1500
+TH1F htrig_h1y_tdc 'HMS h1Y TDC Time; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.h1Y_tdcTimeRaw 1500 0 1500
+TH1F htrig_h2x_tdc 'HMS h2X TDC Time; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.h2X_tdcTimeRaw 1500 0 1500
+TH1F htrig_h2y_tdc 'HMS h2Y TDC Time; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.h2Y_tdcTimeRaw 1500 0 1500
+TH1F htrig_h1T_tdc 'HMS h1X/h1Y Coincidence TDC Time; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.h1T_tdcTimeRaw 1500 0 1500
+TH1F htrig_h2T_tdc 'HMS h2X/h2Y Coincidence TDC Time; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.h2T_tdcTimeRaw 1500 0 1500
+TH1F htrig_hT1_tdc 'HMS h1X/h1Y/h2X/h2Y Coincidence TDC Time (Slot 2); Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hT1_tdcTimeRaw 1500 0 1500
+TH1F htrig_hT2_tdc 'HMS h1X/h1Y/h2X/h2Y Coincidence TDC Time (Slot 20); Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hT2_tdcTimeRaw 1500 0 1500
+# HMS Raw DC Reference Time
+TH1F htrig_hdc_ref1 'HMS DC Reference Time 1; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hDCREF1_tdcTimeRaw 15000 0 15000
+TH1F htrig_hdc_ref2 'HMS DC Reference Time 2; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hDCREF2_tdcTimeRaw 15000 0 15000
+TH1F htrig_hdc_ref3 'HMS DC Reference Time 3; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hDCREF3_tdcTimeRaw 15000 0 15000
+TH1F htrig_hdc_ref4 'HMS DC Reference Time 4; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hDCREF4_tdcTimeRaw 15000 0 15000
+TH1F hdc_refdiff_1m2 'HDC Reference time 1 minus 2; TDC Time (Clicks); Number of Entries / 1 click' T.hms.hDCREF1_tdcTime-T.hms.hDCREF2_tdcTime 2000 -1000 1000
+TH1F hdc_refdiff_1m3 'HDC Reference time 1 minus 3; TDC Time (Clicks); Number of Entries / 1 click' T.hms.hDCREF1_tdcTime-T.hms.hDCREF3_tdcTime 2000 -1000 1000
+TH1F hdc_refdiff_1m4 'HDC Reference time 1 minus 4; TDC Time (Clicks); Number of Entries / 1 click' T.hms.hDCREF1_tdcTime-T.hms.hDCREF4_tdcTime 2000 -1000 1000
+TH1F hdc_refdiff_2m3 'HDC Reference time 2 minus 3; TDC Time (Clicks); Number of Entries / 1 click' T.hms.hDCREF2_tdcTime-T.hms.hDCREF3_tdcTime 2000 -1000 1000
+TH1F hdc_refdiff_2m4 'HDC Reference time 2 minus 4; TDC Time (Clicks); Number of Entries / 1 click' T.hms.hDCREF2_tdcTime-T.hms.hDCREF4_tdcTime 2000 -1000 1000
+TH1F hdc_refdiff_3m4 'HDC Reference time 3 minus 4; TDC Time (Clicks); Number of Entries / 1 click' T.hms.hDCREF3_tdcTime-T.hms.hDCREF4_tdcTime 2000 -1000 1000
+# HMS Calo Layers TRIG Pulse Profile
+TH1F htrig_hasum_adc_pped 'HMS hAsum Pulse Pedestal;  Pulse Pedestal (ADC Units); Counts / 1 ADC Units;' T.hms.hASUM_adcPed 5000 0 5000
+TH1F htrig_hasum_adc_pi 'HMS hAsum Pulse Integral;  Pulse Integral (ADC Units); Counts / 50 ADC Units;' T.hms.hASUM_adcPulseInt 800 0 40000
+TH1F htrig_hasum_adc_pamp 'HMS hAsum Pulse Amplitude;  Pulse Amplitude (ADC Units); Counts / 20 ADC Units;' T.hms.hASUM_adcPulseAmp 205 0 4100
+TH1F htrig_hasum_tdc 'HMS hAsum TDC Time;  TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hASUM_tdcTime 4000 0 40000
+TH1F htrig_hbsum_adc_pped 'HMS hBsum Pulse Pedestal;  Pulse Pedestal (ADC Units); Counts / 1 ADC Units;' T.hms.hBSUM_adcPed 5000 0 5000
+TH1F htrig_hbsum_adc_pi 'HMS hBsum Pulse Integral;  Pulse Integral (ADC Units); Counts / 50 ADC Units;' T.hms.hBSUM_adcPulseInt 800 0 40000
+TH1F htrig_hbsum_adc_pamp 'HMS hBsum Pulse Amplitude;  Pulse Amplitude (ADC Units); Counts / 20 ADC Units;' T.hms.hBSUM_adcPulseAmp 205 0 4100
+TH1F htrig_hbsum_tdc 'HMS hBsum TDC Time;  TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hBSUM_tdcTime 4000 0 40000
+TH1F htrig_hcsum_adc_pped 'HMS hCsum Pulse Pedestal;  Pulse Pedestal (ADC Units); Counts / 1 ADC Units;' T.hms.hCSUM_adcPed 5000 0 5000
+TH1F htrig_hcsum_adc_pi 'HMS hCsum Pulse Integral;  Pulse Integral (ADC Units); Counts / 50 ADC Units;' T.hms.hCSUM_adcPulseInt 800 0 40000
+TH1F htrig_hcsum_adc_pamp 'HMS hCsum Pulse Amplitude;  Pulse Amplitude (ADC Units); Counts / 20 ADC Units;' T.hms.hCSUM_adcPulseAmp 205 0 4100
+TH1F htrig_hcsum_tdc 'HMS hCsum TDC Time;  TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hCSUM_tdcTime 4000 0 40000
+TH1F htrig_hdsum_adc_pped 'HMS hDsum Pulse Pedestal;  Pulse Pedestal (ADC Units); Counts / 1 ADC Units;' T.hms.hDSUM_adcPed 5000 0 5000
+TH1F htrig_hdsum_adc_pi 'HMS hDsum Pulse Integral;  Pulse Integral (ADC Units); Counts / 50 ADC Units;' T.hms.hDSUM_adcPulseInt 800 0 40000
+TH1F htrig_hdsum_adc_pamp 'HMS hDsum Pulse Amplitude;  Pulse Amplitude (ADC Units); Counts / 20 ADC Units;' T.hms.hDSUM_adcPulseAmp 205 0 4100
+TH1F htrig_hdsum_tdc 'HMS hDsum TDC Time;  TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hDSUM_tdcTime 4000 0 40000
+# HMS PreShower TRIG Pulse Profile
+TH1F htrig_hpreShwr_adc_pped 'HMS Pre-Shower Pulse Pedestal;  Pulse Pedestal (ADC Units); Counts / 1 ADC Units;' T.hms.hPSHWR_adcPed 5000 0 5000
+TH1F htrig_hpreShwr_adc_pi 'HMS Pre-Shower Pulse Integral;  Pulse Integral (ADC Units); Counts / 50 ADC Units;' T.hms.hPSHWR_adcPulseInt 800 0 40000
+TH1F htrig_hpreShwr_adc_pamp 'HMS Pre-Shower Pulse Amplitude;  Pulse Amplitude (ADC Units); Counts / 20 ADC Units;' T.hms.hPSHWR_adcPulseAmp 205 0 4100
+TH1F htrig_hpreShwr_tdc 'HMS Pre-Shower TDC Time;  TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hPSHWR_tdcTime 4000 0 40000
+# HMS PreShower TRIG LOW/HIGH  
+TH1F htrig_hpreShwrLow_tdc 'HMS hpreShwrLow TDC Time; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hPSHWRLO_tdcTimeRaw 4000 0 40000
+TH1F htrig_hpreShwrHigh_tdc 'HMS hpreShwrHigh TDC Time; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hPSHWRHI_tdcTimeRaw 4000 0 40000
+# HMS Shower TRIG Pulse Profile
+TH1F htrig_hshwr_adc_pped 'HMS Shower Pulse Pedestal;  Pulse Pedestal (ADC Units); Counts / 1 ADC Units;' T.hms.hSHWR_adcPed 5000 0 5000
+TH1F htrig_hshwr_adc_pi 'HMS Shower Pulse Integral;  Pulse Integral (ADC Units); Counts / 50 ADC Units;' T.hms.hSHWR_adcPulseInt 800 0 40000
+TH1F htrig_hshwr_adc_pamp 'HMS Shower Pulse Amplitude;  Pulse Amplitude (ADC Units); Counts / 20 ADC Units;' T.hms.hSHWR_adcPulseAmp 205 0 4100
+TH1F htrig_hshwr_tdc 'HMS Shower TDC Time;  TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hSHWR_tdcTime 4000 0 40000
+# HMS Gas Cherenkov TRIG Pulse Profile
+TH1F htrig_hcersum_adc_pped 'HMS Cherenkov Sum Pulse Pedestal;  Pulse Pedestal (ADC Units); Counts / 1 ADC Units;' T.hms.hCERSUM_adcPed 5000 0 5000
+TH1F htrig_hcersum_adc_pi 'HMS Cherenkov Sum Pulse Integral;  Pulse Integral (ADC Units); Counts / 50 ADC Units;' T.hms.hCERSUM_adcPulseInt 800 0 40000
+TH1F htrig_hcersum_adc_pamp 'HMS Cherenkov Sum Pulse Amplitude;  Pulse Amplitude (ADC Units); Counts / 20 ADC Units;' T.hms.hCERSUM_adcPulseAmp 205 0 4100
+TH1F htrig_hcersum_tdc 'HMS Cherenkov Sum TDC Time;  TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hCERSUM_tdcTime 4000 0 40000
+# HMS Aerogel TRIG Pulse Profile
+TH1F htrig_haersum_adc_pped 'HMS Aerogel Sum Pulse Pedestal;  Pulse Pedestal (ADC Units); Counts / 1 ADC Units;' T.hms.hAERSUM_adcPed 5000 0 5000
+TH1F htrig_haersum_adc_pi 'HMS Aerogel Sum Pulse Integral;  Pulse Integral (ADC Units); Counts / 50 ADC Units;' T.hms.hAERSUM_adcPulseInt 800 0 40000
+TH1F htrig_haersum_adc_pamp 'HMS Aerogel Sum Pulse Amplitude;  Pulse Amplitude (ADC Units); Counts / 20 ADC Units;' T.hms.hAERSUM_adcPulseAmp 205 0 4100
+TH1F htrig_haersum_tdc 'HMS Aerogel Sum TDC Time;  TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hAERSUM_tdcTime 4000 0 40000
+# Fast Raster 
+# Assume FADC range is set to 1V and the integration is 25 channels
+# Offset in the FADC is about 0.122V or 500 channels.
+formula FRXA_V T.hms.pFRXA_adcPulseIntRaw*(1./4096.)/25.
+formula FRXB_V T.hms.pFRXB_adcPulseIntRaw*(1./4096.)/25.
+formula FRYA_V T.hms.pFRYA_adcPulseIntRaw*(1./4096.)/25.
+formula FRYB_V T.hms.pFRYB_adcPulseIntRaw*(1./4096.)/25.
+TH1F hFRXA 'HMS FRXA; FRXA RAW ADC (chan); Counts' T.hms.pFRXA_adcPulseIntRaw 1000 0 100000
+TH1F hFRXA_V 'HMS FRXA; FRXA RAW ADC (Volts); Counts' FRXA_V 1000 0 1.0
+TH1F hFRXB 'HMS FRXB; FRXB RAW ADC (chan); Counts' T.hms.pFRXB_adcPulseIntRaw 1000 0 100000
+TH1F hFRXB_V 'HMS FRXB; FRXB RAW ADC (Volts); Counts' FRXB_V 1000 0 1.0
+TH1F hFRYA 'HMS FRYA; FRYA RAW ADC (chan); Counts' T.hms.pFRYA_adcPulseIntRaw 1000 0 100000
+TH1F hFRYA_V 'HMS FRYA; FRYA RAW ADC (Volts); Counts' FRYA_V 1000 0 1.0
+TH1F hFRYB 'HMS FRYB; FRYB RAW ADC (chan); Counts' T.hms.pFRYB_adcPulseIntRaw 1000 0 100000
+TH1F hFRYB_V 'HMS FRYB; FRYB RAW ADC (Volts); Counts' FRYB_V 1000 0 1.0
+TH2F hFRA_XvsY 'HMSFRA_XvsY; FRXA RAW ADC (Volts); FRYA RAW ADC (Volts)' FRXA_V FRYA_V 1000 0 1.0 1000 0 1.0
+TH2F hFRB_XvsY 'HMSFRB_XvsY; FRXB RAW ADC (Volts); FRYB RAW ADC (Volts)' FRXB_V FRYB_V 1000 0 1.0 1000 0 1.0
diff --git a/DEF-files/HMS/STACK/hstackana.def b/DEF-files/HMS/STACK/hstackana.def
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c29c27d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DEF-files/HMS/STACK/hstackana.def
@@ -0,0 +1,601 @@
+# Block Definitions *
+block T.hms.*
+block H.cer.*
+block H.dc.*
+block H.hod.*
+block H.gtr.*
+# HMS Gas Cherenkov *
+# HMS Gas CER GOOD Occupancy and Multiplicity
+TH1F hcer_good_occ 'HMS Cherenkov Good Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Entries' H.cer.numGoodAdcHits 2 0.5 2.5
+TH1F hcer_good_mult 'HMS Cherenkov Good Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good ADC Hits / PMT' H.cer.totNumGoodAdcHits 2 0.5 2.5
+# HMS Gas CER GOOD Pulse Pedestal / Integral / Raw Integral / Amplitude / Time 
+# GOOD --> (passed errorFlag cut and pulsetime cuts oN Min/Max ADC Time Window) 
+TH2F hcer_good_pped_vs_pmt 'HMS Cherenkov Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Units' [I+1] H.cer.goodAdcPed 2 0.5 2.5 400 300 700
+TH2F hcer_good_pi_vs_pmt 'HMS Cherenkov Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1] H.cer.goodAdcPulseInt 2 0.5 2.5 600 0 30000 H.cer.goodAdcPulseInt>0.0
+TH2F hcer_good_pamp_vs_pmt 'HMS Cherenkov Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1] H.cer.goodAdcPulseAmp 2 0.5 2.5 200 0 4000 H.cer.goodAdcPulseAmp>0.0
+TH2F hcer_good_ptime_vs_pmt 'HMS Cherenkov Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1] H.cer.goodAdcPulseTime 2 0.5 2.5 350 0 3500 H.cer.goodAdcPulseTime>0.0
+# HMS Gas CER Number of P.E. / PMT
+TH2F hcer_npe 'HMS Cherenkov Number of Photoelectrons vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Number of Photoelectrons / PMT' [I+1] H.cer.npe 2 0.5 2.5 200 0 100 H.cer.npe>0.0
+TH1F hcer_tot_npe 'HMS Cherenkov Total Number of Photoelectrons; Total Number of Photoelectrons; Number of Entries / 0.5 Photoelectrons' H.cer.npeSum 200 0 100 H.cer.npeSum>0.0
+TH1F hcer_trk_match 'HMS  Gas Cherenkov Track Matches; PMT Number; Number of Tracks Matched' H.cer.numTracksMatched 2 0.5 2.5
+TH1F hcer_trk_fired 'HMS  Gas Cherenkov Tracks Fired; PMT Number; Number of Tracks Fired' H.cer.numTracksFired 2 0.5 2.5
+# HMS 6 GeV Drift Chambers *
+TH1F hdc1x1_wirenum 'HMS DC 1X1 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' H.dc.1x1.wirenum 113 0.5 113.5
+TH1F hdc1y1_wirenum 'HMS DC 1Y1 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' H.dc.1y1.wirenum  52 0.5  52.5
+TH1F hdc1u1_wirenum 'HMS DC 1U1 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' H.dc.1u1.wirenum 107 0.5 107.5
+TH1F hdc1v1_wirenum 'HMS DC 1V1 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' H.dc.1v1.wirenum 107 0.5 107.5
+TH1F hdc1y2_wirenum 'HMS DC 1Y2 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' H.dc.1y2.wirenum  52 0.5  52.5
+TH1F hdc1x2_wirenum 'HMS DC 1X2 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' H.dc.1x2.wirenum 113 0.5 113.5
+TH1F hdc2x1_wirenum 'HMS DC 2X1 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' H.dc.2x1.wirenum 113 0.5 113.5
+TH1F hdc2y1_wirenum 'HMS DC 2Y1 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' H.dc.2y1.wirenum  52 0.5  52.5
+TH1F hdc2u1_wirenum 'HMS DC 2U1 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' H.dc.2u1.wirenum 107 0.5 107.5
+TH1F hdc2v1_wirenum 'HMS DC 2V1 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' H.dc.2v1.wirenum 107 0.5 107.5
+TH1F hdc2y2_wirenum 'HMS DC 2Y2 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' H.dc.2y2.wirenum  52 0.5  52.5
+TH1F hdc2x2_wirenum 'HMS DC 2X2 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' H.dc.2x2.wirenum 113 0.5 113.5
+TH1F hdc1x1_drifttime 'HMS DC 1X1 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' H.dc.1x1.time 400 -50 350
+TH1F hdc1y1_drifttime 'HMS DC 1Y1 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' H.dc.1y1.time 400 -50 350
+TH1F hdc1u1_drifttime 'HMS DC 1U1 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' H.dc.1u1.time 400 -50 350
+TH1F hdc1v1_drifttime 'HMS DC 1V1 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' H.dc.1v1.time 400 -50 350
+TH1F hdc1y2_drifttime 'HMS DC 1Y2 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' H.dc.1y2.time 400 -50 350
+TH1F hdc1x2_drifttime 'HMS DC 1X2 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' H.dc.1x2.time 400 -50 350
+TH1F hdc2x1_drifttime 'HMS DC 2X1 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' H.dc.2x1.time 400 -50 350
+TH1F hdc2y1_drifttime 'HMS DC 2Y1 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' H.dc.2y1.time 400 -50 350
+TH1F hdc2u1_drifttime 'HMS DC 2U1 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' H.dc.2u1.time 400 -50 350
+TH1F hdc2v1_drifttime 'HMS DC 2V1 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' H.dc.2v1.time 400 -50 350
+TH1F hdc2y2_drifttime 'HMS DC 2Y2 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' H.dc.2y2.time 400 -50 350
+TH1F hdc2x2_drifttime 'HMS DC 2X2 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' H.dc.2x2.time 400 -50 350
+TH2F hdc1x1_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'HMS DC 1X1 Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' H.dc.1x1.wirenum H.dc.1x1.time 113 0.5 113.5 600 -100 500
+TH2F hdc1y1_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'HMS DC 1Y1 Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' H.dc.1y1.wirenum H.dc.1y1.time 52  0.5  52.5 600 -100 500
+TH2F hdc1u1_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'HMS DC 1U1 Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' H.dc.1u1.wirenum H.dc.1u1.time 107 0.5 107.5 600 -100 500
+TH2F hdc1v1_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'HMS DC 1V1 Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' H.dc.1v1.wirenum H.dc.1v1.time 107 0.5 107.5 600 -100 500
+TH2F hdc1y2_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'HMS DC 1Y2 Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' H.dc.1y2.wirenum H.dc.1y2.time 52  0.5  52.5 600 -100 500
+TH2F hdc1x2_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'HMS DC 1X2 Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' H.dc.1x2.wirenum H.dc.1x2.time 113 0.5 113.5 600 -100 500
+TH2F hdc2x1_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'HMS DC 2X1 Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' H.dc.2x1.wirenum H.dc.2x1.time 113 0.5 113.5 600 -100 500
+TH2F hdc2y1_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'HMS DC 2Y1 Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' H.dc.2y1.wirenum H.dc.2y1.time 52  0.5  52.5 600 -100 500
+TH2F hdc2u1_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'HMS DC 2U1 Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' H.dc.2u1.wirenum H.dc.2u1.time 107 0.5 107.5 600 -100 500
+TH2F hdc2v1_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'HMS DC 2V1 Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' H.dc.2v1.wirenum H.dc.2v1.time 107 0.5 107.5 600 -100 500
+TH2F hdc2y2_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'HMS DC 2Y2 Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' H.dc.2y2.wirenum H.dc.2y2.time 52  0.5  52.5 600 -100 500
+TH2F hdc2x2_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'HMS DC 2X2 Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' H.dc.2x2.wirenum H.dc.2x2.time 113 0.5 113.5 600 -100 500
+# HMS DC Drift Distance Per Plane 
+TH1F hdc1x1_ddist 'HMS 1X1 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' H.dc.1x1.dist 28 -0.1 0.6
+TH1F hdc1y1_ddist 'HMS 1Y1 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' H.dc.1y1.dist 28 -0.1 0.6
+TH1F hdc1u1_ddist 'HMS 1U1 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' H.dc.1u1.dist 28 -0.1 0.6
+TH1F hdc1v1_ddist 'HMS 1V1 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' H.dc.1v1.dist 28 -0.1 0.6
+TH1F hdc1y2_ddist 'HMS 1Y2 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' H.dc.1y2.dist 28 -0.1 0.6
+TH1F hdc1x2_ddist 'HMS 1X2 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' H.dc.1x2.dist 28 -0.1 0.6
+TH1F hdc2x1_ddist 'HMS 2U2 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' H.dc.2x1.dist 28 -0.1 0.6
+TH1F hdc2y1_ddist 'HMS 2U1 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' H.dc.2y1.dist 28 -0.1 0.6
+TH1F hdc2u1_ddist 'HMS 2X2 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' H.dc.2u1.dist 28 -0.1 0.6
+TH1F hdc2v1_ddist 'HMS 2X1 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' H.dc.2v1.dist 28 -0.1 0.6
+TH1F hdc2y2_ddist 'HMS 2V2 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' H.dc.2y2.dist 28 -0.1 0.6
+TH1F hdc2x2_ddist 'HMS 2V1 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' H.dc.2x2.dist 28 -0.1 0.6
+TH2F hdc1x1_wirenum_vs_ddist 'HMS DC 1X1 Drift Distance vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' H.dc.1x1.wirenum H.dc.1x1.dist 113 0.5 113.5 300 -0.1 0.6
+TH2F hdc1y1_wirenum_vs_ddist 'HMS DC 1Y1 Drift Distance vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' H.dc.1y1.wirenum H.dc.1y1.dist 52  0.5  52.5 300 -0.1 0.6
+TH2F hdc1u1_wirenum_vs_ddist 'HMS DC 1U1 Drift Distance vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' H.dc.1u1.wirenum H.dc.1u1.dist 107 0.5 107.5 300 -0.1 0.6
+TH2F hdc1v1_wirenum_vs_ddist 'HMS DC 1V1 Drift Distance vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' H.dc.1v1.wirenum H.dc.1v1.dist 107 0.5 107.5 300 -0.1 0.6
+TH2F hdc1y2_wirenum_vs_ddist 'HMS DC 1Y2 Drift Distance vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' H.dc.1y2.wirenum H.dc.1y2.dist 52  0.5  52.5 300 -0.1 0.6
+TH2F hdc1x2_wirenum_vs_ddist 'HMS DC 1X2 Drift Distance vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' H.dc.1x2.wirenum H.dc.1x2.dist 113 0.5 113.5 300 -0.1 0.6
+TH2F hdc2x1_wirenum_vs_ddist 'HMS DC 2X1 Drift Distance vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' H.dc.2x1.wirenum H.dc.2x1.dist 113 0.5 113.5 300 -0.1 0.6
+TH2F hdc2y1_wirenum_vs_ddist 'HMS DC 2Y1 Drift Distance vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' H.dc.2y1.wirenum H.dc.2y1.dist 52  0.5  52.5 300 -0.1 0.6
+TH2F hdc2u1_wirenum_vs_ddist 'HMS DC 2U1 Drift Distance vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' H.dc.2u1.wirenum H.dc.2u1.dist 107 0.5 107.5 300 -0.1 0.6
+TH2F hdc2v1_wirenum_vs_ddist 'HMS DC 2V1 Drift Distance vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' H.dc.2v1.wirenum H.dc.2v1.dist 107 0.5 107.5 300 -0.1 0.6
+TH2F hdc2y2_wirenum_vs_ddist 'HMS DC 2Y2 Drift Distance vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' H.dc.2y2.wirenum H.dc.2y2.dist 52  0.5  52.5 300 -0.1 0.6
+TH2F hdc2x2_wirenum_vs_ddist 'HMS DC 2X2 Drift Distance vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' H.dc.2x2.wirenum H.dc.2x2.dist 113 0.5 113.5 300 -0.1 0.6
+TH1F hdc1x1_residuals 'HMS 1X1 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' H.dc.residual[0]  200 -1.0 1.0
+TH1F hdc1y1_residuals 'HMS 1Y1 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' H.dc.residual[1]  200 -1.0 1.0
+TH1F hdc1u1_residuals 'HMS 1U1 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' H.dc.residual[2]  200 -1.0 1.0
+TH1F hdc1v1_residuals 'HMS 1V1 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' H.dc.residual[3]  200 -1.0 1.0
+TH1F hdc1y2_residuals 'HMS 1Y2 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' H.dc.residual[4]  200 -1.0 1.0
+TH1F hdc1x2_residuals 'HMS 1X2 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' H.dc.residual[5]  200 -1.0 1.0
+TH1F hdc2x1_residuals 'HMS 2X1 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' H.dc.residual[6]  200 -1.0 1.0
+TH1F hdc2y1_residuals 'HMS 2Y1 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' H.dc.residual[7]  200 -1.0 1.0
+TH1F hdc2u1_residuals 'HMS 2U1 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' H.dc.residual[8]  200 -1.0 1.0
+TH1F hdc2v1_residuals 'HMS 2V1 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' H.dc.residual[9]  200 -1.0 1.0
+TH1F hdc2y2_residuals 'HMS 2Y2 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' H.dc.residual[10] 200 -1.0 1.0
+TH1F hdc2x2_residuals 'HMS 2X2 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' H.dc.residual[11] 200 -1.0 1.0
+TH1F hdc_trk_mom 'HMS DC Track Momentum; P (GeV); Number of Entires / 10 MeV' 600 0 6
+TH1F hdc_trk_beta 'HMS DC Track Beta; Beta (GeV); Number of Entires' 300 -1.5 1.5
+TH2F hdc_xfp_vs_yxp 'HMS DC X_{fp} vs Y_{fp}; Y_{fp} (cm) / 1 cm; X_{fp} (cm) / 1 cm' H.dc.y_fp H.dc.x_fp 100 -50 50 100 -50 50
+TH2F hdc_xpfp_vs_ypfp 'HMS DC X'_{fp} vs Y'_{fp}; Y'_{fp} / 0.002 rad; X'_{fp} / 0.002 rad' H.dc.yp_fp H.dc.xp_fp 100 -.1 .1 100 -.1 .1
+TH2F hdc_xfp_vs_ypfp 'HMS DC X_{fp} vs Y'_{fp}; Y'_{fp} / 0.002 rad; X_{fp} / 1 cm'  H.dc.yp_fp H.dc.x_fp 100 -.1 .1 100 -50 50 
+TH2F hdc_xfp_vs_xpfp 'HMS DC X_{fp} vs X'_{fp}; X'_{fp} / 0.002 rad; X_{fp} / 1 cm' H.dc.xp_fp H.dc.x_fp 100 -.1 .1 100 -50 50
+# HMS HODO GOOD ADC Multiplicities 
+TH1F hhodo_1x_good_adc_mult_pos 'HMS 1X+ Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +ADC Hits' H.hod.1x.totNumGoodPosAdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_1y_good_adc_mult_pos 'HMS 1Y+ Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +ADC Hits' H.hod.1y.totNumGoodPosAdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
+TH1F hhodo_2x_good_adc_mult_pos 'HMS 2X+ Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +ADC Hits' H.hod.2x.totNumGoodPosAdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_2y_good_adc_mult_pos 'HMS 2Y+ Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +ADC Hits' H.hod.2y.totNumGoodPosAdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
+TH1F hhodo_1x_good_adc_mult_neg 'HMS 1X- Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good -ADC Hits' H.hod.1x.totNumGoodNegAdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_1y_good_adc_mult_neg 'HMS 1Y- Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good -ADC Hits' H.hod.1y.totNumGoodNegAdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
+TH1F hhodo_2x_good_adc_mult_neg 'HMS 2X- Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good -ADC Hits' H.hod.2x.totNumGoodNegAdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_2y_good_adc_mult_neg 'HMS 2Y- Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good -ADC Hits' H.hod.2y.totNumGoodNegAdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
+TH1F hhodo_1x_good_adc_mult 'HMS 1X Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good ADC Hits' H.hod.1x.totNumGoodAdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_1y_good_adc_mult 'HMS 1Y Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good ADC Hits' H.hod.1y.totNumGoodAdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
+TH1F hhodo_2x_good_adc_mult 'HMS 2X Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good ADC Hits' H.hod.2x.totNumGoodAdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_2y_good_adc_mult 'HMS 2Y Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good ADC Hits' H.hod.2y.totNumGoodAdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
+# HMS HODO Good TDC Multiplicities
+TH1F hhodo_1x_good_tdc_mult_pos 'HMS 1X+ Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +TDC Hits' H.hod.1x.totNumGoodPosTdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_1y_good_tdc_mult_pos 'HMS 1Y+ Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +TDC Hits' H.hod.1y.totNumGoodPosTdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
+TH1F hhodo_2x_good_tdc_mult_pos 'HMS 2X+ Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +TDC Hits' H.hod.2x.totNumGoodPosTdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_2y_good_tdc_mult_pos 'HMS 2Y+ Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +TDC Hits' H.hod.2y.totNumGoodPosTdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
+TH1F hhodo_1x_good_tdc_mult_neg 'HMS 1X- Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good -TDC Hits' H.hod.1x.totNumGoodNegTdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_1y_good_tdc_mult_neg 'HMS 1Y- Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good -TDC Hits' H.hod.1y.totNumGoodNegTdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
+TH1F hhodo_2x_good_tdc_mult_neg 'HMS 2X- Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good -TDC Hits' H.hod.2x.totNumGoodNegTdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_2y_good_tdc_mult_neg 'HMS 2Y- Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good -TDC Hits' H.hod.2y.totNumGoodNegTdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
+TH1F hhodo_1x_good_tdc_mult 'HMS 1X Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good TDC Hits' H.hod.1x.totNumGoodTdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_1y_good_tdc_mult 'HMS 1Y Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good TDC Hits' H.hod.1y.totNumGoodTdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
+TH1F hhodo_2x_good_tdc_mult 'HMS 2X Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good TDC Hits' H.hod.2x.totNumGoodTdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_2y_good_tdc_mult 'HMS 2Y Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good TDC Hits' H.hod.2y.totNumGoodTdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
+TH1F hhodo_1x_good_adc_occ_pos 'HMS 1X+ Good ADC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good +ADC Hits' H.hod.1x.numGoodPosAdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_1y_good_adc_occ_pos 'HMS 1Y+ Good ADC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good +ADC Hits' H.hod.1y.numGoodPosAdcHits 10 0.5 10.5 
+TH1F hhodo_2x_good_adc_occ_pos 'HMS 2X+ Good ADC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good +ADC Hits' H.hod.2x.numGoodPosAdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_2y_good_adc_occ_pos 'HMS 2Y+ Good ADC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good +ADC Hits' H.hod.2y.numGoodPosAdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
+TH1F hhodo_1x_good_adc_occ_neg 'HMS 1X- Good ADC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good -ADC Hits' H.hod.1x.numGoodNegAdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_1y_good_adc_occ_neg 'HMS 1Y- Good ADC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good -ADC Hits' H.hod.1y.numGoodNegAdcHits 10 0.5 10.5 
+TH1F hhodo_2x_good_adc_occ_neg 'HMS 2X- Good ADC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good -ADC Hits' H.hod.2x.numGoodNegAdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_2y_good_adc_occ_neg 'HMS 2Y- Good ADC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good -ADC Hits' H.hod.2y.numGoodNegAdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
+TH1F hhodo_1x_good_tdc_occ_pos 'HMS 1X+ Good TDC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good +TDC Hits' H.hod.1x.numGoodPosTdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_1y_good_tdc_occ_pos 'HMS 1Y+ Good TDC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good +TDC Hits' H.hod.1y.numGoodPosTdcHits 10 0.5 10.5 
+TH1F hhodo_2x_good_tdc_occ_pos 'HMS 2X+ Good TDC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good +TDC Hits' H.hod.2x.numGoodPosTdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_2y_good_tdc_occ_pos 'HMS 2Y+ Good TDC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good +TDC Hits' H.hod.2y.numGoodPosTdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
+TH1F hhodo_1x_good_tdc_occ_neg 'HMS 1X- Good TDC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good -TDC Hits' H.hod.1x.numGoodNegTdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_1y_good_tdc_occ_neg 'HMS 1Y- Good TDC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good -TDC Hits' H.hod.1y.numGoodNegTdcHits 10 0.5 10.5 
+TH1F hhodo_2x_good_tdc_occ_neg 'HMS 2X- Good TDC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good -TDC Hits' H.hod.2x.numGoodNegTdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_2y_good_tdc_occ_neg 'HMS 2Y- Good TDC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good -TDC Hits' H.hod.2y.numGoodNegTdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
+TH2F hhodo_1x_good_pped_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 1X+ Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1x.GoodPosAdcPed 16 0.5 16.5 400 300 700 H.hod.1x.GoodPosAdcPed>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1y_good_pped_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 1Y+ Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1y.GoodPosAdcPed 10 0.5 10.5 400 300 700 H.hod.1y.GoodPosAdcPed>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2x_good_pped_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 2X+ Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2x.GoodPosAdcPed 16 0.5 16.5 400 300 700 H.hod.2x.GoodPosAdcPed>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2y_good_pped_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 2Y+ Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2y.GoodPosAdcPed 10 0.5 10.5 400 300 700 H.hod.2y.GoodPosAdcPed>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1x_good_pped_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 1X- Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1x.GoodNegAdcPed 16 0.5 16.5 400 300 700 H.hod.1x.GoodNegAdcPed>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1y_good_pped_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 1Y- Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1y.GoodNegAdcPed 10 0.5 10.5 400 300 700 H.hod.1y.GoodNegAdcPed>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2x_good_pped_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 2X- Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2x.GoodNegAdcPed 16 0.5 16.5 400 300 700 H.hod.2x.GoodNegAdcPed>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2y_good_pped_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 2Y- Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2y.GoodNegAdcPed 10 0.5 10.5 400 300 700 H.hod.2y.GoodNegAdcPed>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1x_good_pi_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 1X+ Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.1x.GoodPosAdcPulseInt 16 0.5 16.5 600 0 30000 H.hod.1x.GoodPosAdcPulseInt>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1y_good_pi_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 1Y+ Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.1y.GoodPosAdcPulseInt 10 0.5 10.5 600 0 30000 H.hod.1y.GoodPosAdcPulseInt>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2x_good_pi_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 2X+ Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.2x.GoodPosAdcPulseInt 16 0.5 16.5 600 0 30000 H.hod.2x.GoodPosAdcPulseInt>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2y_good_pi_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 2Y+ Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.2y.GoodPosAdcPulseInt 10 0.5 10.5 600 0 30000 H.hod.2y.GoodPosAdcPulseInt>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1x_good_pi_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 1X- Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.1x.GoodNegAdcPulseInt 16 0.5 16.5 600 0 30000 H.hod.1x.GoodNegAdcPulseInt>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1y_good_pi_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 1Y- Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.1y.GoodNegAdcPulseInt 10 0.5 10.5 600 0 30000 H.hod.1y.GoodNegAdcPulseInt>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2x_good_pi_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 2X- Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.2x.GoodNegAdcPulseInt 16 0.5 16.5 600 0 30000 H.hod.2x.GoodNegAdcPulseInt>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2y_good_pi_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 2Y- Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.2y.GoodNegAdcPulseInt 10 0.5 10.5 600 0 30000 H.hod.2y.GoodNegAdcPulseInt>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1x_good_pamp_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 1X+ Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.1x.GoodPosAdcPulseAmp 16 0.5 16.5 205 0 4100 H.hod.1x.GoodPosAdcPulseAmp>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1y_good_pamp_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 1Y+ Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.1y.GoodPosAdcPulseAmp 10 0.5 10.5 205 0 4100 H.hod.1y.GoodPosAdcPulseAmp>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2x_good_pamp_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 2X+ Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.2x.GoodPosAdcPulseAmp 16 0.5 16.5 205 0 4100 H.hod.2x.GoodPosAdcPulseAmp>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2y_good_pamp_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 2Y+ Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.2y.GoodPosAdcPulseAmp 10 0.5 10.5 205 0 4100 H.hod.2y.GoodPosAdcPulseAmp>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1x_good_pamp_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 1X- Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.1x.GoodNegAdcPulseAmp 16 0.5 16.5 205 0 4100 H.hod.1x.GoodNegAdcPulseAmp>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1y_good_pamp_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 1Y- Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.1y.GoodNegAdcPulseAmp 10 0.5 10.5 205 0 4100 H.hod.1y.GoodNegAdcPulseAmp>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2x_good_pamp_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 2X- Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.2x.GoodNegAdcPulseAmp 16 0.5 16.5 205 0 4100 H.hod.2x.GoodNegAdcPulseAmp>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2y_good_pamp_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 2Y- Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.2y.GoodNegAdcPulseAmp 10 0.5 10.5 205 0 4100 H.hod.2y.GoodNegAdcPulseAmp>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1x_good_ptime_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 1X+ Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.1x.GoodPosAdcPulseTime 16 0.5 16.5 410 0 4100 H.hod.1x.GoodPosAdcPulseTime>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1y_good_ptime_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 1Y+ Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.1y.GoodPosAdcPulseTime 10 0.5 10.5 410 0 4100 H.hod.1y.GoodPosAdcPulseTime>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2x_good_ptime_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 2X+ Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.2x.GoodPosAdcPulseTime 16 0.5 16.5 410 0 4100 H.hod.2x.GoodPosAdcPulseTime>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2y_good_ptime_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 2Y+ Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.2y.GoodPosAdcPulseTime 10 0.5 10.5 410 0 4100 H.hod.2y.GoodPosAdcPulseTime>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1x_good_ptime_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 1X- Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.1x.GoodNegAdcPulseTime 16 0.5 16.5 410 0 4100 H.hod.1x.GoodNegAdcPulseTime>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1y_good_ptime_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 1Y- Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.1y.GoodNegAdcPulseTime 10 0.5 10.5 410 0 4100 H.hod.1y.GoodNegAdcPulseTime>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2x_good_ptime_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 2X- Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.2x.GoodNegAdcPulseTime 16 0.5 16.5 410 0 4100 H.hod.2x.GoodNegAdcPulseTime>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2y_good_ptime_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 2Y- Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.2y.GoodNegAdcPulseTime 10 0.5 10.5 410 0 4100 H.hod.2y.GoodNegAdcPulseTime>0.0
+# HMS HODO Good TDC TIME UNCORRECTED (uncorrected for time offsets)
+TH2F hhodo_1x_good_tdctime_uncorr_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 1X+ Good Uncorrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Uncorrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1x.GoodPosTdcTimeUnCorr 16 0.5 16.5 120 0 120 H.hod.1x.GoodPosTdcTimeUnCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1y_good_tdctime_uncorr_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 1Y+ Good Uncorrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Uncorrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1y.GoodPosTdcTimeUnCorr 10 0.5 10.5 120 0 120 H.hod.1y.GoodPosTdcTimeUnCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2x_good_tdctime_uncorr_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 2X+ Good Uncorrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Uncorrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2x.GoodPosTdcTimeUnCorr 16 0.5 16.5 120 0 120 H.hod.2x.GoodPosTdcTimeUnCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2y_good_tdctime_uncorr_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 2Y+ Good Uncorrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Uncorrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2y.GoodPosTdcTimeUnCorr 10 0.5 10.5 120 0 120 H.hod.2y.GoodPosTdcTimeUnCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1x_good_tdctime_uncorr_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 1X- Good Uncorrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Uncorrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1x.GoodNegTdcTimeUnCorr 16 0.5 16.5 120 0 120 H.hod.1x.GoodNegTdcTimeUnCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1y_good_tdctime_uncorr_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 1Y- Good Uncorrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Uncorrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1y.GoodNegTdcTimeUnCorr 10 0.5 10.5 120 0 120 H.hod.1y.GoodNegTdcTimeUnCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2x_good_tdctime_uncorr_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 2X- Good Uncorrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Uncorrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2x.GoodNegTdcTimeUnCorr 16 0.5 16.5 120 0 120 H.hod.2x.GoodNegTdcTimeUnCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2y_good_tdctime_uncorr_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 2Y- Good Uncorrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Uncorrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2y.GoodNegTdcTimeUnCorr 10 0.5 10.5 120 0 120 H.hod.2y.GoodNegTdcTimeUnCorr>0.0
+# HMS HODO Good TDC TIME CORRECTED (corrected for time offsets)
+TH2F hhodo_1x_good_tdctime_corr_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 1X+ Good Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1x.GoodPosTdcTimeCorr 16 0.5 16.5 120 0 120 H.hod.1x.GoodPosTdcTimeCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1y_good_tdctime_corr_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 1Y+ Good Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1y.GoodPosTdcTimeCorr 10 0.5 10.5 120 0 120 H.hod.1y.GoodPosTdcTimeCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2x_good_tdctime_corr_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 2X+ Good Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2x.GoodPosTdcTimeCorr 16 0.5 16.5 120 0 120 H.hod.2x.GoodPosTdcTimeCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2y_good_tdctime_corr_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 2Y+ Good Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2y.GoodPosTdcTimeCorr 10 0.5 10.5 120 0 120 H.hod.2y.GoodPosTdcTimeCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1x_good_tdctime_corr_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 1X- Good Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1x.GoodNegTdcTimeCorr 16 0.5 16.5 120 0 120 H.hod.1x.GoodNegTdcTimeCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1y_good_tdctime_corr_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 1Y- Good Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1y.GoodNegTdcTimeCorr 10 0.5 10.5 120 0 120 H.hod.1y.GoodNegTdcTimeCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2x_good_tdctime_corr_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 2X- Good Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2x.GoodNegTdcTimeCorr 16 0.5 16.5 120 0 120 H.hod.2x.GoodNegTdcTimeCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2y_good_tdctime_corr_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 2Y- Good Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2y.GoodNegTdcTimeCorr 10 0.5 10.5 120 0 120 H.hod.2y.GoodNegTdcTimeCorr>0.0
+# HMS HODO Good TDC TIME TOF CORRECTED (corrected for time of flight) 
+TH2F hhodo_1x_good_tdctime_tofcorr_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 1X+ Good TOF Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good TOF Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1x.GoodPosTdcTimeTOFCorr 16 0.5 16.5 120 0 120 H.hod.1x.GoodPosTdcTimeTOFCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1y_good_tdctime_tofcorr_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 1Y+ Good TOF Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good TOF Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1y.GoodPosTdcTimeTOFCorr 10 0.5 10.5 120 0 120 H.hod.1y.GoodPosTdcTimeTOFCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2x_good_tdctime_tofcorr_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 2X+ Good TOF Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good TOF Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2x.GoodPosTdcTimeTOFCorr 16 0.5 16.5 120 0 120 H.hod.2x.GoodPosTdcTimeTOFCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2y_good_tdctime_tofcorr_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 2Y+ Good TOF Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good TOF Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2y.GoodPosTdcTimeTOFCorr 10 0.5 10.5 120 0 120 H.hod.2y.GoodPosTdcTimeTOFCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1x_good_tdctime_tofcorr_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 1X- Good TOF Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good TOF Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1x.GoodNegTdcTimeTOFCorr 16 0.5 16.5 120 0 120 H.hod.1x.GoodNegTdcTimeTOFCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1y_good_tdctime_tofcorr_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 1Y- Good TOF Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good TOF Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1y.GoodNegTdcTimeTOFCorr 10 0.5 10.5 120 0 120 H.hod.1y.GoodNegTdcTimeTOFCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2x_good_tdctime_tofcorr_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 2X- Good TOF Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good TOF Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2x.GoodNegTdcTimeTOFCorr 16 0.5 16.5 120 0 120 H.hod.2x.GoodNegTdcTimeTOFCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2y_good_tdctime_tofcorr_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 2Y- Good TOF Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good TOF Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2y.GoodNegTdcTimeTOFCorr 10 0.5 10.5 120 0 120 H.hod.2y.GoodNegTdcTimeTOFCorr>0.0
+TH1F hhodo_beta_notrack 'HMS Hodo Calculated Beta Without Track Info; Beta; Number of Entries / 0.02' H.hod.betanotrack 100 0 2.0 H.hod.betanotrack>0.0
+TH1F hhodo_beta 'HMS Hodo Beta; Beta; Number of Entries / 0.02' H.hod.beta 100 0 2.0 H.hod.beta>0.0
+TH1F hhodo_fpHitsTime 'HMS Hodo Focal Plane Time; Focal Plane Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' H.hod.fpHitsTime 90 0 90 
+TH1F hhodo_starttime 'HMS Hodo Start Time; Start Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1ns' H.hod.starttime 90 0 90
+TH1F hhodo_good_startime 'HMS Hodo Good Start Time (ns); Good Start Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1ns' H.hod.goodstarttime 90 0 90
+TH2F hhodo_xhod_vs_yhod 'HMS Hodo Projected X vs. Y; Y_hodo(cm) / 1mm; X_hodo(cm) / 1mm' H.hod.y_hodo H.hod.x_hodo 1000 -50 50 1000 -50 50
+# HMS CAL Good Occupancy
+TH1F hcal_hA_good_occ_pos 'HMS hA+ Good Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Entries' 13 0.5 13.5  
+TH1F hcal_hA_good_occ_neg 'HMS hA- Good Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Entries' 13 0.5 13.5 
+TH1F hcal_hB_good_occ_pos 'HMS hB+ Good Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Entries' 13 0.5 13.5
+TH1F hcal_hB_good_occ_neg 'HMS hB- Good Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Entries' 13 0.5 13.5 
+TH1F hcal_hC_good_occ_pos 'HMS hC+ Good Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Entries' 13 0.5 13.5 
+TH1F hcal_hD_good_occ_pos 'HMS hD+ Good Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Entries' 13 0.5 13.5 
+# HMS CAL Good Multiplicity
+TH1F hcal_hA_good_mult_pos 'HMS hA+ Good Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +ADC Hits / PMT' 13 0.5 13.5
+TH1F hcal_hA_good_mult_neg 'HMS hA- Good Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good -ADC Hits / PMT' 13 0.5 13.5
+TH1F hcal_hA_good_mult 'HMS hA Good Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good ADC Hits / PMT' 26 0.5 26.5
+TH1F hcal_hB_good_mult_pos 'HMS hB+ Good Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +ADC Hits / PMT' 13 0.5 13.5
+TH1F hcal_hB_good_mult_neg 'HMS hB- Good Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good -ADC Hits / PMT' 13 0.5 13.5
+TH1F hcal_hB_good_mult 'HMS hB Good Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good ADC Hits / PMT' 26 0.5 26.5
+TH1F hcal_hC_good_mult_pos 'HMS hC+ Good Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +ADC Hits / PMT' 13 0.5 13.5
+TH1F hcal_hD_good_mult_pos 'HMS hD+ Good Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +ADC Hits / PMT' 13 0.5 13.5
+# HMS CAL Good Pulse Pedestals 
+TH2F hcal_hA_good_pped_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hA+ Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 400 300 700>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hA_good_pped_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS hA- Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 400 300 700>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hB_good_pped_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hB+ Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 400 300 700>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hB_good_pped_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS hB- Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 400 300 700>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hC_good_pped_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hC+ Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 400 300 700>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hD_good_pped_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hD+ Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 400 300 700>0.0
+# HMS CAL Good Pulse Integrals 
+TH2F hcal_hA_good_pi_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hA+ Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 600 0 30000>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hA_good_pi_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS hA- Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 600 0 30000>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hB_good_pi_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hB+ Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 600 0 30000>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hB_good_pi_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS hB- Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 600 0 30000>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hC_good_pi_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hC+ Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 600 0 30000>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hD_good_pi_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hD+ Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 600 0 30000>0.0
+# HMS CAL Good Pulse Amplitudes 
+TH2F hcal_hA_good_pamp_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hA+ Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 200 0 4000>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hA_good_pamp_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS hA- Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 200 0 4000>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hB_good_pamp_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hB+ Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 200 0 4000>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hB_good_pamp_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS hB- Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 200 0 4000>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hC_good_pamp_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hC+ Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 200 0 4000>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hD_good_pamp_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hD+ Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 200 0 4000>0.0
+# HMS CAL Good Pulse Times
+TH2F hcal_hA_good_ptime_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hA+ Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 350 0 3500>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hA_good_ptime_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS hA- Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 350 0 3500>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hB_good_ptime_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hB+ Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 350 0 3500>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hB_good_ptime_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS hB- Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 350 0 3500>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hC_good_ptime_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hC+ Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 350 0 3500>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hD_good_ptime_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hD+ Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 350 0 3500>0.0
+# (calib consts (GAIN) are in GeV/ADC units )
+TH2F hA_Epos_vs_pmt 'HMS hA+ Energy Deposition vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Energy Deposition (0.01 GeV / ADC Units)' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 200 0 2>0.0
+TH2F hA_Eneg_vs_pmt 'HMS hA- Energy Deposition vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Energy Deposition (0.01 GeV / ADC Units)' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 200 0 2>0.0
+TH2F hA_Emean_vs_pmt 'HMS hA Mean Energy Deposition vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Mean Energy Deposition (0.01 GeV / ADC Units)' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 300 0 3>0.0
+TH2F hB_Epos_vs_pmt 'HMS hB+ Energy Deposition vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Energy Deposition (0.01 GeV / ADC Units)' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 200 0 2>0.0
+TH2F hB_Eneg_vs_pmt 'HMS hB- Energy Deposition vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Energy Deposition (0.01 GeV / ADC Units)' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 200 0 2>0.0
+TH2F hB_Emean_vs_pmt 'HMS hB Mean Energy Deposition vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Mean Energy Deposition (0.01 GeV / ADC Units)' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 300 0 3>0.0
+TH2F hC_Epos_vs_pmt 'HMS hC+ Energy Deposition vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Energy Deposition (0.01 GeV / ADC Units)' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 200 0 2>0.0
+TH2F hD_Epos_vs_pmt 'HMS hD+ Energy Deposition vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Energy Deposition (0.01 GeV / ADC Units)' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 200 0 2>0.0
+TH1F hcal_hA_Eplane_pos 'HMS hA+ Energy Deposition; Energy Deposition (GeV); Number of Entries / 0.01 GeV' 200 0 2>0.0
+TH1F hcal_hA_Eplane_neg 'HMS hA- Energy Deposition; Energy Deposition (GeV); Number of Entries / 0.01 GeV' 200 0 2>0.0
+TH1F hcal_hA_Eplane 'HMS hA Total Energy Deposition; Total Energy Deposition (GeV); Number of Entries / 0.01 GeV' 300 0 3>0.0
+TH1F hcal_hB_Eplane_pos 'HMS hB+ Energy Deposition; Energy Deposition (GeV); Number of Entries / 0.01 GeV' 200 0 2>0.0
+TH1F hcal_hB_Eplane_neg 'HMS hB- Energy Deposition; Energy Deposition (GeV); Number of Entries / 0.01 GeV' 200 0 2>0.0
+TH1F hcal_hB_Eplane 'HMS hB Total Energy Deposition; Total Energy Deposition (GeV); Number of Entries / 0.01 GeV' 300 0 3>0.0
+TH1F hcal_hC_Eplane_pos 'HMS hC+ Energy Deposition; Energy Deposition (GeV); Number of Entries / 0.01 GeV' 200 0 2>0.0
+TH1F hcal_hD_Eplane_pos 'HMS hD+ Energy Deposition; Energy Deposition (GeV); Number of Entries / 0.01 GeV' 200 0 2>0.0
+# Trigger Apparatus *
+# HMS Raw Hodo TRIG TDC Time
+TH1F htrig_h1x_tdc 'HMS h1X TDC Time; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.h1X_tdcTimeRaw 1500 0 1500
+TH1F htrig_h1y_tdc 'HMS h1Y TDC Time; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.h1Y_tdcTimeRaw 1500 0 1500
+TH1F htrig_h2x_tdc 'HMS h2X TDC Time; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.h2X_tdcTimeRaw 1500 0 1500
+TH1F htrig_h2y_tdc 'HMS h2Y TDC Time; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.h2Y_tdcTimeRaw 1500 0 1500
+TH1F htrig_h1T_tdc 'HMS h1X/h1Y Coincidence TDC Time; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.h1T_tdcTimeRaw 1500 0 1500
+TH1F htrig_h2T_tdc 'HMS h2X/h2Y Coincidence TDC Time; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.h2T_tdcTimeRaw 1500 0 1500
+TH1F htrig_hT1_tdc 'HMS h1X/h1Y/h2X/h2Y Coincidence TDC Time (Slot 2); Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hT1_tdcTimeRaw 1500 0 1500
+TH1F htrig_hT2_tdc 'HMS h1X/h1Y/h2X/h2Y Coincidence TDC Time (Slot 20); Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hT2_tdcTimeRaw 1500 0 1500
+# HMS Raw DC Reference Time
+TH1F htrig_hdc_ref1 'HMS DC Reference Time 1; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hDCREF1_tdcTimeRaw 15000 0 15000
+TH1F htrig_hdc_ref2 'HMS DC Reference Time 2; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hDCREF2_tdcTimeRaw 15000 0 15000
+TH1F htrig_hdc_ref3 'HMS DC Reference Time 3; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hDCREF3_tdcTimeRaw 15000 0 15000
+TH1F htrig_hdc_ref4 'HMS DC Reference Time 4; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hDCREF4_tdcTimeRaw 15000 0 15000
+TH1F hdc_refdiff_1m2 'HDC Reference time 1 minus 2; TDC Time (Clicks); Number of Entries / 1 click' T.hms.hDCREF1_tdcTime-T.hms.hDCREF2_tdcTime 2000 -1000 1000
+TH1F hdc_refdiff_1m3 'HDC Reference time 1 minus 3; TDC Time (Clicks); Number of Entries / 1 click' T.hms.hDCREF1_tdcTime-T.hms.hDCREF3_tdcTime 2000 -1000 1000
+TH1F hdc_refdiff_1m4 'HDC Reference time 1 minus 4; TDC Time (Clicks); Number of Entries / 1 click' T.hms.hDCREF1_tdcTime-T.hms.hDCREF4_tdcTime 2000 -1000 1000
+TH1F hdc_refdiff_2m3 'HDC Reference time 2 minus 3; TDC Time (Clicks); Number of Entries / 1 click' T.hms.hDCREF2_tdcTime-T.hms.hDCREF3_tdcTime 2000 -1000 1000
+TH1F hdc_refdiff_2m4 'HDC Reference time 2 minus 4; TDC Time (Clicks); Number of Entries / 1 click' T.hms.hDCREF2_tdcTime-T.hms.hDCREF4_tdcTime 2000 -1000 1000
+TH1F hdc_refdiff_3m4 'HDC Reference time 3 minus 4; TDC Time (Clicks); Number of Entries / 1 click' T.hms.hDCREF3_tdcTime-T.hms.hDCREF4_tdcTime 2000 -1000 1000
+# HMS Calo Layers TRIG Pulse Profile
+TH1F htrig_hasum_adc_pped 'HMS hAsum Pulse Pedestal;  Pulse Pedestal (ADC Units); Counts / 1 ADC Units;' T.hms.hASUM_adcPed 5000 0 5000
+TH1F htrig_hasum_adc_pi 'HMS hAsum Pulse Integral;  Pulse Integral (ADC Units); Counts / 50 ADC Units;' T.hms.hASUM_adcPulseInt 800 0 40000
+TH1F htrig_hasum_adc_pamp 'HMS hAsum Pulse Amplitude;  Pulse Amplitude (ADC Units); Counts / 20 ADC Units;' T.hms.hASUM_adcPulseAmp 205 0 4100
+TH1F htrig_hasum_tdc 'HMS hAsum TDC Time;  TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hASUM_tdcTime 4000 0 40000
+TH1F htrig_hbsum_adc_pped 'HMS hBsum Pulse Pedestal;  Pulse Pedestal (ADC Units); Counts / 1 ADC Units;' T.hms.hBSUM_adcPed 5000 0 5000
+TH1F htrig_hbsum_adc_pi 'HMS hBsum Pulse Integral;  Pulse Integral (ADC Units); Counts / 50 ADC Units;' T.hms.hBSUM_adcPulseInt 800 0 40000
+TH1F htrig_hbsum_adc_pamp 'HMS hBsum Pulse Amplitude;  Pulse Amplitude (ADC Units); Counts / 20 ADC Units;' T.hms.hBSUM_adcPulseAmp 205 0 4100
+TH1F htrig_hbsum_tdc 'HMS hBsum TDC Time;  TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hBSUM_tdcTime 4000 0 40000
+TH1F htrig_hcsum_adc_pped 'HMS hCsum Pulse Pedestal;  Pulse Pedestal (ADC Units); Counts / 1 ADC Units;' T.hms.hCSUM_adcPed 5000 0 5000
+TH1F htrig_hcsum_adc_pi 'HMS hCsum Pulse Integral;  Pulse Integral (ADC Units); Counts / 50 ADC Units;' T.hms.hCSUM_adcPulseInt 800 0 40000
+TH1F htrig_hcsum_adc_pamp 'HMS hCsum Pulse Amplitude;  Pulse Amplitude (ADC Units); Counts / 20 ADC Units;' T.hms.hCSUM_adcPulseAmp 205 0 4100
+TH1F htrig_hcsum_tdc 'HMS hCsum TDC Time;  TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hCSUM_tdcTime 4000 0 40000
+TH1F htrig_hdsum_adc_pped 'HMS hDsum Pulse Pedestal;  Pulse Pedestal (ADC Units); Counts / 1 ADC Units;' T.hms.hDSUM_adcPed 5000 0 5000
+TH1F htrig_hdsum_adc_pi 'HMS hDsum Pulse Integral;  Pulse Integral (ADC Units); Counts / 50 ADC Units;' T.hms.hDSUM_adcPulseInt 800 0 40000
+TH1F htrig_hdsum_adc_pamp 'HMS hDsum Pulse Amplitude;  Pulse Amplitude (ADC Units); Counts / 20 ADC Units;' T.hms.hDSUM_adcPulseAmp 205 0 4100
+TH1F htrig_hdsum_tdc 'HMS hDsum TDC Time;  TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hDSUM_tdcTime 4000 0 40000
+# HMS PreShower TRIG Pulse Profile
+TH1F htrig_hpreShwr_adc_pped 'HMS Pre-Shower Pulse Pedestal;  Pulse Pedestal (ADC Units); Counts / 1 ADC Units;' T.hms.hPSHWR_adcPed 5000 0 5000
+TH1F htrig_hpreShwr_adc_pi 'HMS Pre-Shower Pulse Integral;  Pulse Integral (ADC Units); Counts / 50 ADC Units;' T.hms.hPSHWR_adcPulseInt 800 0 40000
+TH1F htrig_hpreShwr_adc_pamp 'HMS Pre-Shower Pulse Amplitude;  Pulse Amplitude (ADC Units); Counts / 20 ADC Units;' T.hms.hPSHWR_adcPulseAmp 205 0 4100
+TH1F htrig_hpreShwr_tdc 'HMS Pre-Shower TDC Time;  TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hPSHWR_tdcTime 4000 0 40000
+# HMS PreShower TRIG LOW/HIGH  
+TH1F htrig_hpreShwrLow_tdc 'HMS hpreShwrLow TDC Time; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hPSHWRLO_tdcTimeRaw 4000 0 40000
+TH1F htrig_hpreShwrHigh_tdc 'HMS hpreShwrHigh TDC Time; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hPSHWRHI_tdcTimeRaw 4000 0 40000
+# HMS Shower TRIG Pulse Profile
+TH1F htrig_hshwr_adc_pped 'HMS Shower Pulse Pedestal;  Pulse Pedestal (ADC Units); Counts / 1 ADC Units;' T.hms.hSHWR_adcPed 5000 0 5000
+TH1F htrig_hshwr_adc_pi 'HMS Shower Pulse Integral;  Pulse Integral (ADC Units); Counts / 50 ADC Units;' T.hms.hSHWR_adcPulseInt 800 0 40000
+TH1F htrig_hshwr_adc_pamp 'HMS Shower Pulse Amplitude;  Pulse Amplitude (ADC Units); Counts / 20 ADC Units;' T.hms.hSHWR_adcPulseAmp 205 0 4100
+TH1F htrig_hshwr_tdc 'HMS Shower TDC Time;  TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hSHWR_tdcTime 4000 0 40000
+# HMS Gas Cherenkov TRIG Pulse Profile
+TH1F htrig_hcersum_adc_pped 'HMS Cherenkov Sum Pulse Pedestal;  Pulse Pedestal (ADC Units); Counts / 1 ADC Units;' T.hms.hCERSUM_adcPed 5000 0 5000
+TH1F htrig_hcersum_adc_pi 'HMS Cherenkov Sum Pulse Integral;  Pulse Integral (ADC Units); Counts / 50 ADC Units;' T.hms.hCERSUM_adcPulseInt 800 0 40000
+TH1F htrig_hcersum_adc_pamp 'HMS Cherenkov Sum Pulse Amplitude;  Pulse Amplitude (ADC Units); Counts / 20 ADC Units;' T.hms.hCERSUM_adcPulseAmp 205 0 4100
+TH1F htrig_hcersum_tdc 'HMS Cherenkov Sum TDC Time;  TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hCERSUM_tdcTime 4000 0 40000
+# HMS Aerogel TRIG Pulse Profile
+TH1F htrig_haersum_adc_pped 'HMS Aerogel Sum Pulse Pedestal;  Pulse Pedestal (ADC Units); Counts / 1 ADC Units;' T.hms.hAERSUM_adcPed 5000 0 5000
+TH1F htrig_haersum_adc_pi 'HMS Aerogel Sum Pulse Integral;  Pulse Integral (ADC Units); Counts / 50 ADC Units;' T.hms.hAERSUM_adcPulseInt 800 0 40000
+TH1F htrig_haersum_adc_pamp 'HMS Aerogel Sum Pulse Amplitude;  Pulse Amplitude (ADC Units); Counts / 20 ADC Units;' T.hms.hAERSUM_adcPulseAmp 205 0 4100
+TH1F htrig_haersum_tdc 'HMS Aerogel Sum TDC Time;  TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hAERSUM_tdcTime 4000 0 40000
+# Fast Raster 
+# Assume FADC range is set to 1V and the integration is 25 channels
+# Offset in the FADC is about 0.122V or 500 channels.
+formula FRXA_V T.hms.pFRXA_adcPulseIntRaw*(1./4096.)/25.
+formula FRXB_V T.hms.pFRXB_adcPulseIntRaw*(1./4096.)/25.
+formula FRYA_V T.hms.pFRYA_adcPulseIntRaw*(1./4096.)/25.
+formula FRYB_V T.hms.pFRYB_adcPulseIntRaw*(1./4096.)/25.
+TH1F hFRXA 'HMS FRXA; FRXA RAW ADC (chan); Counts' T.hms.pFRXA_adcPulseIntRaw 1000 0 100000
+TH1F hFRXA_V 'HMS FRXA; FRXA RAW ADC (Volts); Counts' FRXA_V 1000 0 1.0
+TH1F hFRXB 'HMS FRXB; FRXB RAW ADC (chan); Counts' T.hms.pFRXB_adcPulseIntRaw 1000 0 100000
+TH1F hFRXB_V 'HMS FRXB; FRXB RAW ADC (Volts); Counts' FRXB_V 1000 0 1.0
+TH1F hFRYA 'HMS FRYA; FRYA RAW ADC (chan); Counts' T.hms.pFRYA_adcPulseIntRaw 1000 0 100000
+TH1F hFRYA_V 'HMS FRYA; FRYA RAW ADC (Volts); Counts' FRYA_V 1000 0 1.0
+TH1F hFRYB 'HMS FRYB; FRYB RAW ADC (chan); Counts' T.hms.pFRYB_adcPulseIntRaw 1000 0 100000
+TH1F hFRYB_V 'HMS FRYB; FRYB RAW ADC (Volts); Counts' FRYB_V 1000 0 1.0
+TH2F hFRA_XvsY 'HMSFRA_XvsY; FRXA RAW ADC (Volts); FRYA RAW ADC (Volts)' FRXA_V FRYA_V 1000 0 1.0 1000 0 1.0
+TH2F hFRB_XvsY 'HMSFRB_XvsY; FRXB RAW ADC (Volts); FRYB RAW ADC (Volts)' FRXB_V FRYB_V 1000 0 1.0 1000 0 1.0
diff --git a/DEF-files/HMS/STACK/hstackana_cuts.def b/DEF-files/HMS/STACK/hstackana_cuts.def
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f787145d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DEF-files/HMS/STACK/hstackana_cuts.def
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+# Demo cuts for hodtest
+Block: RawDecode
+Pedestal_event     g.evtyp==4
+scalar_event       g.evtyp==0
+HMS_event          g.evtyp==1
+#SHMS_event        g.evtyp==2
+#coin_event        g.evtyp==3
+tr4_event          g.evtyp==4
+tr5_event          g.evtyp==5
+tr6_event          g.evtyp==6
+misc_event         g.evtyp>=10
+#hmscoin_event      g.evtyp==1||g.evtyp==3
+#shmscoin_event     g.evtyp==2||g.evtyp==3
+#all_event          g.evtyp==1||g.evtyp==2||g.evtyp==3
+RawDecode_master  1
+Block: Decode
+#all_trigs             g.evtyp==1 || g.evtyp==2 || g.evtyp==3
+#hms_shms_trig          g.evtyp==1 || g.evtyp==2
+#hms_coin_trig         g.evtyp==1 || g.evtyp==3
+Decode_master     HMS_event
+Block: CoarseTracking
+CoarseTracking_master HMS_event
+#add cuts to stricter times and apply them to drift distances (HMS 6 GeV Drift Chambers)
+time_cut1                            H.dc.1x1.time > 0 && H.dc.1x1.time < 250
+time_cut2                            H.dc.1y1.time > 0 && H.dc.1y1.time < 250
+time_cut3                            H.dc.1u1.time > 0 && H.dc.1u1.time < 250
+time_cut4                            H.dc.1v1.time > 0 && H.dc.1v1.time < 250
+time_cut5                            H.dc.1y2.time > 0 && H.dc.1y2.time < 250
+time_cut6                            H.dc.1x2.time > 0 && H.dc.1x2.time < 250
+time_cut7                            H.dc.2x1.time > 0 && H.dc.2x1.time < 250
+time_cut8                            H.dc.2y1.time > 0 && H.dc.1y1.time < 250
+time_cut9                            H.dc.2u1.time > 0 && H.dc.2u1.time < 250
+time_cut10                            H.dc.2v1.time > 0 && H.dc.2v1.time < 250
+time_cut11                            H.dc.2y2.time > 0 && H.dc.2y2.time < 250
+time_cut12                            H.dc.2x2.time > 0 && H.dc.2x2.time < 250
+hmsDC1Planes_large  (H.dc.1x1.nhit+H.dc.1y1.nhit+H.dc.1u1.nhit+H.dc.1v1.nhit+H.dc.1x2.nhit+H.dc.1y2.nhit) >20
+hmsDC2Planes_large  (H.dc.2x1.nhit+H.dc.2y1.nhit+H.dc.2u1.nhit+H.dc.2v1.nhit+H.dc.2x2.nhit+H.dc.2y2.nhit) >20
+hmsDC1_1hit_x1                H.dc.1x1.nhit == 1
+hmsDC1_1hit_y1                H.dc.1y1.nhit == 1
+hmsDC1_1hit_u1                H.dc.1u1.nhit == 1
+hmsDC1_1hit_v1                H.dc.1v1.nhit == 1
+hmsDC1_1hit_y2                H.dc.1y2.nhit == 1
+hmsDC1_1hit_x2                H.dc.1x2.nhit == 1
+hmsDC2_1hit_x1                H.dc.2x1.nhit == 1
+hmsDC2_1hit_y1                H.dc.2y1.nhit == 1
+hmsDC2_1hit_u1                H.dc.2u1.nhit == 1
+hmsDC2_1hit_v1                H.dc.2v1.nhit == 1
+hmsDC2_1hit_y2                H.dc.2y2.nhit == 1
+hmsDC2_1hit_x2                H.dc.2x2.nhit == 1
+h1hit1                H.dc.1x1.nhit >= 1
+h1hit2                H.dc.1y1.nhit >= 1
+h1hit3                H.dc.1u1.nhit >= 1
+h1hit4                H.dc.1v1.nhit >= 1
+h1hit5                H.dc.1y2.nhit >= 1
+h1hit6                H.dc.1x2.nhit >= 1
+h2hit1                H.dc.2x1.nhit >= 1
+h2hit2                H.dc.2y1.nhit >= 1
+h2hit3                H.dc.2u1.nhit >= 1
+h2hit4                H.dc.2v1.nhit >= 1
+h2hit5                H.dc.2y2.nhit >= 1
+h2hit6                H.dc.2x2.nhit >= 1
+hmsDC1Planes6hits   (H.dc.1x1.nhit+H.dc.1y1.nhit+H.dc.1u1.nhit+H.dc.1v1.nhit+H.dc.1x2.nhit+H.dc.1y2.nhit) ==6
+hmsDC2Planes6hits   (H.dc.2x1.nhit+H.dc.2y1.nhit+H.dc.2u1.nhit+H.dc.2v1.nhit+H.dc.2x2.nhit+H.dc.2y2.nhit )==6
+hmsDC1_5hits_x1     hmsDC1_1hit_y1&&hmsDC1_1hit_u1&&hmsDC1_1hit_v1&&hmsDC1_1hit_x2&&hmsDC1_1hit_y2
+hmsDC1_6hits_x1     h1hit1&&hmsDC1_1hit_y1&&hmsDC1_1hit_u1&&hmsDC1_1hit_v1&&hmsDC1_1hit_x2&&hmsDC1_1hit_y2
+hmsDC1_5hits_y1     hmsDC1_1hit_x1&&hmsDC1_1hit_u1&&hmsDC1_1hit_v1&&hmsDC1_1hit_x2&&hmsDC1_1hit_y2
+hmsDC1_6hits_y1     h1hit2&&hmsDC1_1hit_x1&&hmsDC1_1hit_u1&&hmsDC1_1hit_v1&&hmsDC1_1hit_x2&&hmsDC1_1hit_y2
+hmsDC1_5hits_u1     hmsDC1_1hit_x1&&hmsDC1_1hit_y1&&hmsDC1_1hit_v1&&hmsDC1_1hit_x2&&hmsDC1_1hit_y2
+hmsDC1_6hits_u1     h1hit3&&hmsDC1_1hit_x1&&hmsDC1_1hit_y1&&hmsDC1_1hit_v1&&hmsDC1_1hit_x2&&hmsDC1_1hit_y2
+hmsDC1_5hits_v1     hmsDC1_1hit_x1&&hmsDC1_1hit_y1&&hmsDC1_1hit_u1&&hmsDC1_1hit_x2&&hmsDC1_1hit_y2 
+hmsDC1_6hits_v1     h1hit4&&hmsDC1_1hit_x1&&hmsDC1_1hit_y1&&hmsDC1_1hit_u1&&hmsDC1_1hit_x2&&hmsDC1_1hit_y2
+hmsDC1_5hits_x2     hmsDC1_1hit_x1&&hmsDC1_1hit_y1&&hmsDC1_1hit_u1&&hmsDC1_1hit_v1&&hmsDC1_1hit_y2
+hmsDC1_6hits_x2     h1hit6&&hmsDC1_1hit_x1&&hmsDC1_1hit_y1&&hmsDC1_1hit_u1&&hmsDC1_1hit_v1&&hmsDC1_1hit_y2
+hmsDC1_5hits_y2     hmsDC1_1hit_x1&&hmsDC1_1hit_y1&&hmsDC1_1hit_u1&&hmsDC1_1hit_v1&&hmsDC1_1hit_x2
+hmsDC1_6hits_y2     h1hit5&&hmsDC1_1hit_x1&&hmsDC1_1hit_y1&&hmsDC1_1hit_u1&&hmsDC1_1hit_v1&&hmsDC1_1hit_x2
+hmsDC2_5hits_x1     hmsDC2_1hit_y1&&hmsDC2_1hit_u1&&hmsDC2_1hit_v1&&hmsDC2_1hit_x2&&hmsDC2_1hit_y2
+hmsDC2_6hits_x1     h2hit1&&hmsDC2_1hit_y1&&hmsDC2_1hit_u1&&hmsDC2_1hit_v1&&hmsDC2_1hit_x2&&hmsDC2_1hit_y2
+hmsDC2_5hits_y1     hmsDC2_1hit_x1&&hmsDC2_1hit_u1&&hmsDC2_1hit_v1&&hmsDC2_1hit_x2&&hmsDC2_1hit_y2
+hmsDC2_6hits_y1     h2hit2&&hmsDC2_1hit_x1&&hmsDC2_1hit_u1&&hmsDC2_1hit_v1&&hmsDC2_1hit_x2&&hmsDC2_1hit_y2
+hmsDC2_5hits_u1     hmsDC2_1hit_x1&&hmsDC2_1hit_y1&&hmsDC2_1hit_v1&&hmsDC2_1hit_x2&&hmsDC2_1hit_y2
+hmsDC2_6hits_u1     h2hit3&&hmsDC2_1hit_x1&&hmsDC2_1hit_y1&&hmsDC2_1hit_v1&&hmsDC2_1hit_x2&&hmsDC2_1hit_y2
+hmsDC2_5hits_v1     hmsDC2_1hit_x1&&hmsDC2_1hit_y1&&hmsDC2_1hit_u1&&hmsDC2_1hit_x2&&hmsDC2_1hit_y2 
+hmsDC2_6hits_v1     h2hit4&&hmsDC2_1hit_x1&&hmsDC2_1hit_y1&&hmsDC2_1hit_u1&&hmsDC2_1hit_x2&&hmsDC2_1hit_y2
+hmsDC2_5hits_x2     hmsDC2_1hit_x1&&hmsDC2_1hit_y1&&hmsDC2_1hit_u1&&hmsDC2_1hit_v1&&hmsDC2_1hit_y2
+hmsDC2_6hits_x2     h2hit6&&hmsDC2_1hit_x1&&hmsDC2_1hit_y1&&hmsDC2_1hit_u1&&hmsDC2_1hit_v1&&hmsDC2_1hit_y2
+hmsDC2_5hits_y2     hmsDC2_1hit_x1&&hmsDC2_1hit_y1&&hmsDC2_1hit_u1&&hmsDC2_1hit_v1&&hmsDC2_1hit_x2
+hmsDC2_6hits_y2     h2hit5&&hmsDC2_1hit_x1&&hmsDC2_1hit_y1&&hmsDC2_1hit_u1&&hmsDC2_1hit_v1&&hmsDC2_1hit_x2
+hms1HitsLt            H.dc.Ch1.nhit <= H.dc.Ch1.maxhits && g.evtyp==1
+hms2HitsLt            H.dc.Ch2.nhit <= H.dc.Ch2.maxhits && g.evtyp==1
+hmsHitsLt             H.dc.Ch1.nhit <= H.dc.Ch1.maxhits && H.dc.Ch2.nhit <= H.dc.Ch2.maxhits && g.evtyp==1
+hmsDC1PlanesGT        (h1hit1 + h1hit2 + h1hit3 + h1hit4 + h1hit5 + h1hit6 )>=5
+hmsDC2PlanesGT        (h2hit1 + h2hit2 + h2hit3 + h2hit4 + h2hit5 + h2hit6 )>=5
+hmsPlanesGT           hmsDC1PlanesGT && hmsDC2PlanesGT
+hmsHitsPlanes         (H.dc.Ch1.nhit <= H.dc.Ch1.maxhits) && (H.dc.Ch2.nhit <= H.dc.Ch2.maxhits) && hmsPlanesGT
+hSpacePoints          H.dc.Ch1.spacepoints >= 1 && H.dc.Ch2.spacepoints >=1
+hSpacePointsStub      H.dc.stubtest==1 && H.dc.Ch1.spacepoints >=1 && H.dc.Ch2.spacepoints >=1
+hFoundTrack           H.dc.ntrack>0 
+hStubLT               H.dc.stubtest==1
+f1HSpacePoints        hms1HitsLt && hmsDC1PlanesGT && H.dc.Ch1.spacepoints==0 && g.evtyp==1
+f2HSpacePoints        hms2HitsLt && hmsDC2PlanesGT && H.dc.Ch2.spacepoints==0 && g.evtyp==1
+hTest1                hmsHitsPlanes && (!hSpacePoints)
+hTest2                hSpacePoints && (!hStubLT)
+Block: CoarseReconstruct
+CoarseReconstruct_master HMS_event
+Block: Tracking
+Tracking_master  HMS_event
+Block: Reconstruct
+Reconstruct_master HMS_event
+cer_pmt1_elec        H.cer.npe[0]>.5
+cer_pmt2_elec        H.cer.npe[0]>.5
+cer_elec       H.cer.npeSum>.5
+cer_pi       H.cer.npeSum<.5
+HMSScinGood           H.hod.goodscinhit == 1
+HMSScinShould         HMSScinGood 
+HMSScinShoulde        HMSScinGood && > 0.6&& < 2.0&& H.cer.npeSum > 0.5
+HMSScinShouldh        HMSScinGood && <0.6&&>0.0&& H.cer.npeSum < 0.5
+HMSScinDid            HMSScinShould && H.dc.ntrack > 0
+HMSScinDide           HMSScinShoulde && H.dc.ntrack > 0
+HMSScinDidh           HMSScinShouldh && H.dc.ntrack > 0
+goodHDC1x1            H.dc.1x1.nhit > 0 && H.dc.1x1.nhit < 3
+goodHDC1y1            H.dc.1y1.nhit > 0 && H.dc.1y1.nhit < 3
+goodHDC1u1            H.dc.1u1.nhit > 0 && H.dc.1u1.nhit < 3
+goodHDC1v1            H.dc.1v1.nhit > 0 && H.dc.1v1.nhit < 3
+goodHDC1y2            H.dc.1y2.nhit > 0 && H.dc.1y2.nhit < 3
+goodHDC1x2            H.dc.1x2.nhit > 0 && H.dc.1x2.nhit < 3
+goodHDC2x1            H.dc.2x1.nhit > 0 && H.dc.2x1.nhit < 3
+goodHDC2y1            H.dc.2y1.nhit > 0 && H.dc.2y1.nhit < 3
+goodHDC2u1            H.dc.2u1.nhit > 0 && H.dc.2u1.nhit < 3
+goodHDC2v1            H.dc.2v1.nhit > 0 && H.dc.2v1.nhit < 3
+goodHDC2y2            H.dc.2y2.nhit > 0 && H.dc.2y2.nhit < 3
+goodHDC2x2            H.dc.2x2.nhit > 0 && H.dc.2x2.nhit < 3
+goodHDC1              goodHDC1x1  && goodHDC1y1 && goodHDC1u1 && goodHDC1v1 && goodHDC1y2 && goodHDC1x2 
+goodHDC2              goodHDC2x1  && goodHDC2y1 && goodHDC2u1 && goodHDC2v1 && goodHDC2y2 && goodHDC2x2 
+bothGood              goodHDC1 && goodHDC2
+realhdc1x1            goodHDC1x1 && ((H.dc.Ch1.spacepoints+H.dc.Ch2.spacepoints)>0)
+realhdc1y1            goodHDC1y1 && ((H.dc.Ch1.spacepoints+H.dc.Ch2.spacepoints)>0)
+realhdc1u1            goodHDC1u1 && ((H.dc.Ch1.spacepoints+H.dc.Ch2.spacepoints)>0)
+realhdc1v1            goodHDC1v1 && ((H.dc.Ch1.spacepoints+H.dc.Ch2.spacepoints)>0)
+realhdc1y2            goodHDC1y2 && ((H.dc.Ch1.spacepoints+H.dc.Ch2.spacepoints)>0)
+realhdc1x2            goodHDC1x2 && ((H.dc.Ch1.spacepoints+H.dc.Ch2.spacepoints)>0)
+realhdc2x1            goodHDC2x1 && ((H.dc.Ch1.spacepoints+H.dc.Ch2.spacepoints)>0)
+realhdc2y1            goodHDC2y1 && ((H.dc.Ch1.spacepoints+H.dc.Ch2.spacepoints)>0)
+realhdc2u1            goodHDC2u1 && ((H.dc.Ch1.spacepoints+H.dc.Ch2.spacepoints)>0)
+realhdc2v1            goodHDC2v1 && ((H.dc.Ch1.spacepoints+H.dc.Ch2.spacepoints)>0)
+realhdc2y2            goodHDC2y2 && ((H.dc.Ch1.spacepoints+H.dc.Ch2.spacepoints)>0)
+realhdc2x2            goodHDC2x2 && ((H.dc.Ch1.spacepoints+H.dc.Ch2.spacepoints)>0)
+hFound1Track          H.dc.ntrack == 1
+hFound2Track          H.dc.ntrack == 2
+hFound3Track          H.dc.ntrack == 3
+hFound4Track          H.dc.ntrack == 4
+hCleanTrack           H.gtr.index > -1
+1hCleanTrack          H.gtr.index == 0
+2hCleanTrack          H.gtr.index == 1
+3hCleanTrack          H.gtr.index == 2
+4hCleanTrack          H.gtr.index == 3
+anyhs1x               H.hod.1x.nhits > 0
+anyhs1y               H.hod.1y.nhits > 0
+anyhs2x               H.hod.2x.nhits > 0
+anyhs2y               H.hod.2y.nhits > 0
+goodhs1x              H.hod.1x.nhits > 0 && H.hod.1x.nhits < 3
+goodhs1y              H.hod.1y.nhits > 0 && H.hod.1y.nhits < 3
+goodhs1               goodhs1x && goodhs1y
+goodhs2x              H.hod.2x.nhits > 0 && H.hod.2x.nhits < 3
+goodhs2y              H.hod.2y.nhits > 0 && H.hod.2y.nhits < 3
+goodhs2               goodhs2x && goodhs2y
+goodhs1s2             goodhs1 && goodhs2
+Block: Physics
+Physics_master HMS_event
diff --git a/DEF-files/HMS/STACK/ b/DEF-files/HMS/STACK/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e89af197
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DEF-files/HMS/STACK/
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# Python script to merge multiple def-files into single def-file
+import os
+import sys
+if (len(sys.argv) != 3 or sys.argv[1] == '-h'):
+    print('Usage:')
+    print(' merge_list.txt outfile.def')
+    sys.exit()
+defFileList   = open(sys.argv[1], 'r')
+defFile       = defFileList.readlines()
+defFilePath   = []
+mergedDefFile = sys.argv[2]
+for defFileName in defFile:
+    defFilePath.append((defFileName).strip())
+with open(mergedDefFile, 'w') as outFile:
+    for defFileName in defFilePath:
+        outFile.write('\n\n')
+        with open(defFileName) as inFile:
+            for line in inFile:
+                outFile.write(line)
diff --git a/DEF-files/HMS/STACK/merge_list.txt b/DEF-files/HMS/STACK/merge_list.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b5789849
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DEF-files/HMS/STACK/merge_list.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
diff --git a/DEF-files/HMS/TEST_STANDS/AERO/haeroana.def b/DEF-files/HMS/TEST_STANDS/AERO/haeroana.def
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..218cc193
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DEF-files/HMS/TEST_STANDS/AERO/haeroana.def
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+# See $ANALYZER/examples/output_example.def for examples
+block T.hms.*
+#HMS AERO FPGA Error Flag
+TH2F haero_adcErrFlg2D_pos 'HMS Aero+ FPGA Error Flag; PMT Number; Error Flag' 8 0.5 8.5 2 -0.5 1.5
+TH2F haero_adcErrFlg2D_neg 'HMS Aero- FPGA Error Flag; PMT Number; Error Flag' 8 0.5 8.5 2 -0.5 1.5
+#HMS AERO RAW Occupancy and Multiplicity
+TH1F haero_raw_occ_pos 'HMS Aero+ Raw Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Raw +ADC Hits' 8 0.5 8.5
+TH1F haero_raw_occ_neg 'HMS Aero- Raw Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Raw -ADC Hits' 8 0.5 8.5
+TH1F haero_raw_mult_pos 'HMS Aero+ Raw Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Raw +ADC Hits' 8 0.5 8.5
+TH1F haero_raw_mult_neg 'HMS Aero- Raw Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Raw -ADC Hits' 8 0.5 8.5
+TH1F haero_raw_mult 'HMS Aero Raw Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Raw ADC Hits' 14 0.5 14.5
+#HMS GOOD Occupancy and Multiplicity
+TH1F haero_good_occ_pos 'HMS Aero+ Good Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good +ADC Hits' 8 0.5 8.5
+TH1F haero_good_occ_neg 'HMS Aero- Good Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good -ADC Hits' 8 0.5 8.5
+TH1F haero_good_mult_pos 'HMS Aero+ Good Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +ADC Hits' 8 0.5 8.5
+TH1F haero_good_mult_neg 'HMS Aero- Good Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good -ADC Hits' 8 0.5 8.5
+TH1F haero_good_mult 'HMS Aero Good Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good ADC Hits' 14 0.5 14.5
+TH1F haero_tot_npe_pos 'HMS Aero+ Total Number of Photoelectrons; Total Number of Pos Photoelectrons; Number of Entries / 0.5 Photoelectrons' 200 0 100>0.0 
+TH1F haero_tot_npe_neg 'HMS Aero- Total Number of Photoelectrons; Total Number of Neg Photoelectrons; Number of Entries / 0.5 Photoelectrons' 200 0 100>0.0 
+TH1F haero_tot_npe 'HMS Aero Total Number of Photoelectrons; Total Number of Photoelectrons; Number of Entries / 0.5 Photoelectrons' 200 0 100>0.0 
+#HMS AERO Number of P.E. / PMT
+TH2F haero_npe_pos 'HMS Aero+ Number of Photoelectrons vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Number of Photoelectrons / PMT' [I+1] 8 0.5 8.5 200 0 100>0.0 
+TH2F haero_npe_neg 'HMS Aero- Number of Photoelectrons vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Number of Photoelectrons / PMT' [I+1] 8 0.5 8.5 200 0 100>0.0 
+#HMS AERO RAW Pulse Pedestal / Integral  / Amplitude / Time
+TH2F haero_raw_pped_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS Aero+ Raw Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Raw Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Units' 8 0.5 8.5 10000 0 10000
+TH2F haero_raw_pi_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS Aero+ Raw Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Raw Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' 8 0.5 8.5 650 0 32500
+TH2F haero_raw_pamp_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS Aero+ Raw Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Raw Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' 8 0.5 8.5 410 0 8200
+TH2F haero_raw_ptime_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS Aero+ Raw Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Raw Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' 8 0.5 8.5 650 0 6500
+TH2F haero_raw_pped_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS Aero- Raw Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Raw Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Units' 8 0.5 8.5 10000 0 10000
+TH2F haero_raw_pi_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS Aero- Raw Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Raw Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' 8 0.5 8.5 650 0 32500
+TH2F haero_raw_pamp_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS Aero- Raw Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Raw Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' 8 0.5 8.5 410 0 8200
+TH2F haero_raw_ptime_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS Aero- Raw Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number;  Raw Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' 8 0.5 8.5 650 0 6500
+#HMS AERO Pulse Pedestal / Integral  / Amplitude 
+TH2F haero_pped_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS Aero+ Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number;  Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Units' 8 0.5 8.5 400 300 700
+TH2F haero_pi_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS Aero+ Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number;  Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' 8 0.5 8.5 600 0 30000
+TH2F haero_pamp_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS Aero+ Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number;  Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' 8 0.5 8.5 400 0 8000
+TH2F haero_pped_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS Aero- Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number;  Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Units' 8 0.5 8.5 400 300 700
+TH2F haero_pi_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS Aero- Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number;  Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' 8 0.5 8.5 600 0 30000
+TH2F haero_pamp_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS Aero- Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number;  Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' 8 0.5 8.5 400 0 8000
+#HMS AERO GOOD Pulse Pedestal / Integral / Raw Integral / Amplitude / Time :: GOOD --> (passed errorFlag cut and pulsetime cuts oN Min/Max ADC Time Window) 
+TH2F haero_good_pped_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS Aero+ Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number;  Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Units' [I+1] 8 0.5 8.5 400 300 700>0.0
+TH2F haero_good_pi_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS Aero+ Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number;  Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1] 8 0.5 8.5 600 0 30000>0.0
+TH2F haero_good_raw_pi_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS Aero+ Good Raw Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Raw Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1] 8 0.5 8.5 600 0 30000>0.0
+TH2F haero_good_pamp_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS Aero+ Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number;  Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1] 8 0.5 8.5 200 0 4000>0.0
+TH2F haero_good_ptime_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS Aero+ Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1] 8 0.5 8.5 350 0 3500>0.0
+TH2F haero_good_pped_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS Aero- Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number;  Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Units' [I+1] 8 0.5 8.5 400 300 700>0.0
+TH2F haero_good_pi_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS Aero- Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number;  Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1] 8 0.5 8.5 600 0 30000>0.0
+TH2F haero_good_raw_pi_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS Aero- Good Raw Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Raw Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1] 8 0.5 8.5 600 0 30000>0.0
+TH2F haero_good_pamp_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS Aero- Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number;  Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1] 8 0.5 8.5 200 0 4000>0.0
+TH2F haero_good_ptime_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS Aero- Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1] 8 0.5 8.5 350 0 3500>0.0
diff --git a/DEF-files/HMS/TEST_STANDS/AERO/haeroana_cuts.def b/DEF-files/HMS/TEST_STANDS/AERO/haeroana_cuts.def
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5add84a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DEF-files/HMS/TEST_STANDS/AERO/haeroana_cuts.def
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Block: RawDecode
+Pedestal_event 0
+RawDecode_master 1
+Block: Decode
+Decode_master 1
+Block: CoarseTracking
+CoarseTracking_master 1
+Block: CoarseReconstruct
+CourseReconstruct 0
diff --git a/DEF-files/HMS/TEST_STANDS/CAL/hcalana.def b/DEF-files/HMS/TEST_STANDS/CAL/hcalana.def
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2d64c2e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DEF-files/HMS/TEST_STANDS/CAL/hcalana.def
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+# See $ANALYZER/examples/output_example.def for examples
+#FPGA Error Flags
+TH1F hcal_hA_adcErrFlg2D_pos 'HMS hA+ FPGA Error Flag; Error Flag; PMT Number; Error Flag' 13 0.5 13.5 2 -0.5 1.5
+TH1F hcal_hA_adcErrFlg2D_neg 'HMS hA- FPGA Error Flag; Error Flag; PMT Number; Error Flag' 13 0.5 13.5 2 -0.5 1.5
+TH1F hcal_hB_adcErrFlg2D_pos 'HMS hB+ FPGA Error Flag; Error Flag; PMT Number; Error Flag' 13 0.5 13.5 2 -0.5 1.5
+TH1F hcal_hB_adcErrFlg2D_neg 'HMS hB- FPGA Error Flag; Error Flag; PMT Number; Error Flag' 13 0.5 13.5 2 -0.5 1.5
+TH1F hcal_hC_adcErrFlg2D_pos 'HMS hC+ FPGA Error Flag; Error Flag; PMT Number; Error Flag' 13 0.5 13.5 2 -0.5 1.5
+TH1F hcal_hD_adcErrFlg2D_pos 'HMS hD+ FPGA Error Flag; Error Flag; PMT Number; Error Flag' 13 0.5 13.5 2 -0.5 1.5
+#Raw Occupancy
+TH1F hcal_hA_raw_occ_pos 'HMS hA+ Raw Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Entries' 13 0.5 13.5
+TH1F hcal_hA_raw_occ_neg 'HMS hA- Raw Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Entries' 13 0.5 13.5
+TH1F hcal_hB_raw_occ_pos 'HMS hB+ Raw Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Entries' 13 0.5 13.5
+TH1F hcal_hB_raw_occ_neg 'HMS hB- Raw Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Entries' 13 0.5 13.5
+TH1F hcal_hC_raw_occ_pos 'HMS hC+ Raw Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Entries' 13 0.5 13.5
+TH1F hcal_hD_raw_occ_pos 'HMS hD+ Raw Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Entries' 13 0.5 13.5
+#Raw Multiplicity
+TH1F hcal_hA_raw_mult_pos 'HMS hA+ Raw Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Raw +ADC Hits / PMT' 13 0.5 13.5
+TH1F hcal_hA_raw_mult_neg 'HMS hA- Raw Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Raw -ADC Hits / PMT' 13 0.5 13.5
+TH1F hcal_hA_raw_mult 'HMS hA Raw Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Raw ADC Hits / PMT' 26 0.5 26.5
+TH1F hcal_hB_raw_mult_pos 'HMS hB+ Raw Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Raw +ADC Hits / PMT' 13 0.5 13.5
+TH1F hcal_hB_raw_mult_neg 'HMS hB- Raw Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Raw -ADC Hits / PMT' 13 0.5 13.5
+TH1F hcal_hB_raw_mult 'HMS hB Raw Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Raw ADC Hits / PMT' 26 0.5 26.5
+TH1F hcal_hC_raw_mult_pos 'HMS hC+ Raw Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Raw +ADC Hits / PMT' 13 0.5 13.5
+TH1F hcal_hD_raw_mult_pos 'HMS hD+ Raw Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Raw +ADC Hits / PMT' 13 0.5 13.5
+#Good Occupancy
+TH1F hcal_hA_good_occ_pos 'HMS hA+ Good Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Entries' 13 0.5 13.5  
+TH1F hcal_hA_good_occ_neg 'HMS hA- Good Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Entries' 13 0.5 13.5 
+TH1F hcal_hB_good_occ_pos 'HMS hB+ Good Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Entries' 13 0.5 13.5
+TH1F hcal_hB_good_occ_neg 'HMS hB- Good Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Entries' 13 0.5 13.5 
+TH1F hcal_hC_good_occ_pos 'HMS hC+ Good Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Entries' 13 0.5 13.5 
+TH1F hcal_hD_good_occ_pos 'HMS hD+ Good Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Entries' 13 0.5 13.5 
+#Good Multiplicity 
+TH1F hcal_hA_good_mult_pos 'HMS hA+ Good Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +ADC Hits / PMT' 13 0.5 13.5
+TH1F hcal_hA_good_mult_neg 'HMS hA- Good Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good -ADC Hits / PMT' 13 0.5 13.5
+TH1F hcal_hA_good_mult 'HMS hA Good Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good ADC Hits / PMT' 26 0.5 26.5
+TH1F hcal_hB_good_mult_pos 'HMS hB+ Good Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +ADC Hits / PMT' 13 0.5 13.5
+TH1F hcal_hB_good_mult_neg 'HMS hB- Good Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good -ADC Hits / PMT' 13 0.5 13.5
+TH1F hcal_hB_good_mult 'HMS hB Good Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good ADC Hits / PMT' 26 0.5 26.5
+TH1F hcal_hC_good_mult_pos 'HMS hC+ Good Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +ADC Hits / PMT' 13 0.5 13.5
+TH1F hcal_hD_good_mult_pos 'HMS hD+ Good Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +ADC Hits / PMT' 13 0.5 13.5
+#Raw Pulse Pedestals
+TH2F hcal_hA_raw_pped_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hA+ Raw Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Raw Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Units' 13 0.5 13.5 4000 0 4000
+TH2F hcal_hA_raw_pped_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS hA- Raw Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Raw Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Units' 13 0.5 13.5 4000 0 4000
+TH2F hcal_hB_raw_pped_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hB+ Raw Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Raw Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Units' 13 0.5 13.5 4000 0 4000
+TH2F hcal_hB_raw_pped_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS hB- Raw Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Raw Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Units' 13 0.5 13.5 4000 0 4000
+TH2F hcal_hC_raw_pped_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hC+ Raw Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Raw Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Units' 13 0.5 13.5 4000 0 4000
+TH2F hcal_hD_raw_pped_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hD+ Raw Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Raw Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Units' 13 0.5 13.5 4000 0 4000
+#Raw Pulse Integrals
+TH2F hcal_hA_raw_pi_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hA+ Raw Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Raw Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' 13 0.5 13.5 650 0 32500
+TH2F hcal_hA_raw_pi_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS hA- Raw Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Raw Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' 13 0.5 13.5 650 0 32500
+TH2F hcal_hB_raw_pi_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hB+ Raw Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Raw Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' 13 0.5 13.5 650 0 32500
+TH2F hcal_hB_raw_pi_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS hB- Raw Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Raw Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' 13 0.5 13.5 650 0 32500
+TH2F hcal_hC_raw_pi_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hC+ Raw Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Raw Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' 13 0.5 13.5 650 0 32500
+TH2F hcal_hD_raw_pi_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hD+ Raw Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Raw Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' 13 0.5 13.5 650 0 32500
+#Raw Pulse Amplitudes 
+TH2F hcal_hA_raw_pamp_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hA+ Raw Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Raw Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' 13 0.5 13.5 410 0 8200
+TH2F hcal_hA_raw_pamp_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS hA- Raw Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Raw Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' 13 0.5 13.5 410 0 8200
+TH2F hcal_hB_raw_pamp_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hB+ Raw Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Raw Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' 13 0.5 13.5 410 0 8200
+TH2F hcal_hB_raw_pamp_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS hB- Raw Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Raw Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' 13 0.5 13.5 410 0 8200
+TH2F hcal_hC_raw_pamp_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hC+ Raw Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Raw Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' 13 0.5 13.5 410 0 8200
+TH2F hcal_hD_raw_pamp_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hD+ Raw Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Raw Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' 13 0.5 13.5 410 0 8200
+#Raw Pulse Times
+TH2F hcal_hA_raw_ptime_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hA+ Raw Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Raw Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' 13 0.5 13.5 650 0 6500
+TH2F hcal_hA_raw_ptime_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS hA- Raw Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Raw Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' 13 0.5 13.5 650 0 6500
+TH2F hcal_hB_raw_ptime_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hB+ Raw Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Raw Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' 13 0.5 13.5 650 0 6500
+TH2F hcal_hB_raw_ptime_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS hB- Raw Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Raw Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' 13 0.5 13.5 650 0 6500
+TH2F hcal_hC_raw_ptime_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hC+ Raw Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Raw Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' 13 0.5 13.5 650 0 6500
+TH2F hcal_hD_raw_ptime_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hD+ Raw Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Raw Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' 13 0.5 13.5 650 0 6500
+#Pulse Pedestals 
+TH2F hcal_hA_pped_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hA+ Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Units' 13 0.5 13.5 400 300 700
+TH2F hcal_hA_pped_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS hA- Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Units' 13 0.5 13.5 400 300 700
+TH2F hcal_hB_pped_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hB+ Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Units' 13 0.5 13.5 400 300 700
+TH2F hcal_hB_pped_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS hB- Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Units' 13 0.5 13.5 400 300 700
+TH2F hcal_hC_pped_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hC+ Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Units' 13 0.5 13.5 400 300 700
+TH2F hcal_hD_pped_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hD+ Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Units' 13 0.5 13.5 400 300 700
+#Pulse Integrals
+TH2F hcal_hA_pi_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hA+ Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' 13 0.5 13.5 600 0 30000
+TH2F hcal_hA_pi_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS hA- Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' 13 0.5 13.5 600 0 30000
+TH2F hcal_hB_pi_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hB+ Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' 13 0.5 13.5 600 0 30000
+TH2F hcal_hB_pi_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS hB- Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' 13 0.5 13.5 600 0 30000
+TH2F hcal_hC_pi_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hC+ Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' 13 0.5 13.5 600 0 30000
+TH2F hcal_hD_pi_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hD+ Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' 13 0.5 13.5 600 0 30000
+#Pulse Amplitudes 
+TH2F hcal_hA_pamp_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hA+ Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' 13 0.5 13.5 400 0 8000
+TH2F hcal_hA_pamp_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS hA- Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' 13 0.5 13.5 400 0 8000
+TH2F hcal_hB_pamp_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hB+ Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' 13 0.5 13.5 400 0 8000
+TH2F hcal_hB_pamp_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS hB- Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' 13 0.5 13.5 400 0 8000
+TH2F hcal_hC_pamp_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hC+ Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' 13 0.5 13.5 400 0 8000
+TH2F hcal_hD_pamp_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hD+ Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' 13 0.5 13.5 400 0 8000
+#Good Pulse Pedestals 
+TH2F hcal_hA_good_pped_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hA+ Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 400 300 700>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hA_good_pped_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS hA- Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 400 300 700>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hB_good_pped_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hB+ Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 400 300 700>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hB_good_pped_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS hB- Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 400 300 700>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hC_good_pped_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hC+ Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 400 300 700>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hD_good_pped_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hD+ Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 400 300 700>0.0
+#Good Pulse Integrals 
+TH2F hcal_hA_good_pi_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hA+ Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 600 0 30000>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hA_good_pi_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS hA- Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 600 0 30000>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hB_good_pi_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hB+ Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 600 0 30000>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hB_good_pi_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS hB- Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 600 0 30000>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hC_good_pi_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hC+ Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 600 0 30000>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hD_good_pi_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hD+ Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 600 0 30000>0.0
+#Good Pulse Amplitudes 
+TH2F hcal_hA_good_pamp_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hA+ Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 200 0 4000>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hA_good_pamp_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS hA- Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 200 0 4000>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hB_good_pamp_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hB+ Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 200 0 4000>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hB_good_pamp_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS hB- Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 200 0 4000>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hC_good_pamp_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hC+ Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 200 0 4000>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hD_good_pamp_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hD+ Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 200 0 4000>0.0
+#Good Pulse Times 
+TH2F hcal_hA_good_ptime_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hA+ Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 350 0 3500>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hA_good_ptime_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS hA- Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 350 0 3500>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hB_good_ptime_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hB+ Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 350 0 3500>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hB_good_ptime_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS hB- Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 350 0 3500>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hC_good_ptime_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hC+ Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 350 0 3500>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hD_good_ptime_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hD+ Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 350 0 3500>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hA_good_raw_pi_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hA+ Good Raw Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Raw Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 650 0 32500>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hA_good_raw_pi_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS hA- Good Raw Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Raw Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 650 0 32500>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hB_good_raw_pi_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hB+ Good Raw Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Raw Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 650 0 32500>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hB_good_raw_pi_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS hB- Good Raw Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Raw Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 650 0 32500>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hC_good_raw_pi_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hC+ Good Raw Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Raw Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 650 0 32500>0.0
+TH2F hcal_hD_good_raw_pi_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hD+ Good Raw Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Raw Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 650 0 32500>0.0
+#ENERGY DEPOSITION vs. PMT HISTOGRAMS (calib consts (GAIN) are in GeV/ADC units )
+TH2F hA_Epos_vs_pmt 'HMS hA+ Energy Deposition vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Energy Deposition (0.01 GeV / ADC Units)' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 200 0 2>0.0
+TH2F hA_Eneg_vs_pmt 'HMS hA- Energy Deposition vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Energy Deposition (0.01 GeV / ADC Units)' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 200 0 2>0.0
+TH2F hA_Emean_vs_pmt 'HMS hA Mean Energy Deposition vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Mean Energy Deposition (0.01 GeV / ADC Units)' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 300 0 3>0.0
+TH2F hB_Epos_vs_pmt 'HMS hB+ Energy Deposition vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Energy Deposition (0.01 GeV / ADC Units)' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 200 0 2>0.0
+TH2F hB_Eneg_vs_pmt 'HMS hB- Energy Deposition vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Energy Deposition (0.01 GeV / ADC Units)' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 200 0 2>0.0
+TH2F hB_Emean_vs_pmt 'HMS hB Mean Energy Deposition vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Mean Energy Deposition (0.01 GeV / ADC Units)' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 300 0 3>0.0
+TH2F hC_Epos_vs_pmt 'HMS hC+ Energy Deposition vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Energy Deposition (0.01 GeV / ADC Units)' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 200 0 2>0.0
+TH2F hD_Epos_vs_pmt 'HMS hD+ Energy Deposition vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Energy Deposition (0.01 GeV / ADC Units)' [I+1] 13 0.5 13.5 200 0 2>0.0
+#ENERGY DEPOSITION in each Calorimeter Plane
+TH1F hcal_hA_Eplane_pos 'HMS hA+ Energy Deposition; Energy Deposition (GeV); Number of Entries / 0.01 GeV' 200 0 2>0.0
+TH1F hcal_hA_Eplane_neg 'HMS hA- Energy Deposition; Energy Deposition (GeV); Number of Entries / 0.01 GeV' 200 0 2>0.0
+TH1F hcal_hA_Eplane 'HMS hA Total Energy Deposition; Total Energy Deposition (GeV); Number of Entries / 0.01 GeV' 300 0 3>0.0
+TH1F hcal_hB_Eplane_pos 'HMS hB+ Energy Deposition; Energy Deposition (GeV); Number of Entries / 0.01 GeV' 200 0 2>0.0
+TH1F hcal_hB_Eplane_neg 'HMS hB- Energy Deposition; Energy Deposition (GeV); Number of Entries / 0.01 GeV' 200 0 2>0.0
+TH1F hcal_hB_Eplane 'HMS hB Total Energy Deposition; Total Energy Deposition (GeV); Number of Entries / 0.01 GeV' 300 0 3>0.0
+TH1F hcal_hC_Eplane_pos 'HMS hC+ Energy Deposition; Energy Deposition (GeV); Number of Entries / 0.01 GeV' 200 0 2>0.0
+TH1F hcal_hD_Eplane_pos 'HMS hD+ Energy Deposition; Energy Deposition (GeV); Number of Entries / 0.01 GeV' 200 0 2>0.0
diff --git a/DEF-files/HMS/TEST_STANDS/CAL/hcalana_cuts.def b/DEF-files/HMS/TEST_STANDS/CAL/hcalana_cuts.def
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3af34a5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DEF-files/HMS/TEST_STANDS/CAL/hcalana_cuts.def
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+Block: RawDecode
+Pedestal_event 0
+RawDecode_master 1
+Block: Decode
+Decode_master 1
+Block: CoarseTracking
+CoarseTracking_master 1
+Block: CoarseReconstruct
+CourseReconstruct 0
diff --git a/DEF-files/HMS/TEST_STANDS/CER/hcerana.def b/DEF-files/HMS/TEST_STANDS/CER/hcerana.def
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..83503cbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DEF-files/HMS/TEST_STANDS/CER/hcerana.def
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# See $ANALYZER/examples/output_example.def for examples
+block H.cer.*
+block T.hms.*
+# HMS CER Error FPGA Error Flag
+TH2F hcer_adcErrFlg2D_pos 'HMS Cherenkov FPGA Error Flag; Number of Entries' H.cer.posAdcCounter H.cer.posAdcErrorFlag 2 0.5 2.5 2 -0.5 1.5
+# HMS CER Raw Occupancy and Multiplicity
+TH1F hcer_raw_occ 'HMS Cherenkov Raw Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Entries' H.cer.adcCounter 2 0.5 2.5
+TH1F hcer_raw_mult 'HMS Cherenkov Raw Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Raw ADC Hits / PMT' H.cer.totNumAdcHits 2 0.5 2.5
+# HMS CER Good Occupancy and Multiplity
+TH1F hcer_good_occ 'HMS Cherenkov Good Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Entries' H.cer.numGoodAdcHits 2 0.5 2.5
+TH1F hcer_good_mult 'HMS Cherenkov Good Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good ADC Hits / PMT' H.cer.totNumGoodAdcHits 2 0.5 2.5
+# HMS CER Num. of P.E. / PMT
+TH2F hcer_npe 'HMS Cherenkov Number of Photoelectrons vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Number of Photoelectrons / PMT' [I+1] H.cer.npe 2 0.5 2.5 200 0 100 H.cer.npe>0.0 
+# HMS CER Total Number of  P.E.
+TH1F hcer_tot_npe 'HMS Cherenkov Total Number of Photoelectrons; Total Number of Photoelectrons; Number of Entries / 0.5 Photoelectrons' H.cer.npeSum 200 0 100 H.cer.npeSum>0.0 
+# HMS CER Raw Pulse Profile 
+TH2F hcer_raw_pped_vs_pmt 'HMS Cherenkov Raw Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Raw Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Units' H.cer.adcCounter H.cer.adcPedRaw 2 0.5 2.5 10000 0 10000
+TH2F hcer_raw_pi_vs_pmt 'HMS Cherenkov Raw Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Raw Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' H.cer.adcCounter H.cer.adcPulseIntRaw 2 0.5 2.5 650 0 32500
+TH2F hcer_raw_pamp_vs_pmt 'HMS Cherenkov Raw Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Raw Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' H.cer.adcCounter H.cer.adcPulseAmpRaw 2 0.5 2.5 410 0 8200
+TH2F hcer_raw_ptime_vs_pmt 'HMS Cherenkov Raw Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number;  Raw Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' H.cer.adcCounter H.cer.adcPulseTimeRaw 2 0.5 2.5 650 0 6500
+# HMS CER Pulse Profile
+TH2F hcer_pped_vs_pmt 'HMS Cherenkov Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number;  Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Units' H.cer.adcCounter H.cer.adcPed 2 0.5 2.5 400 300 700
+TH2F hcer_pi_vs_pmt 'HMS Cherenkov Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number;  Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' H.cer.adcCounter H.cer.adcPulseInt 2 0.5 2.5 600 0 30000
+TH2F hcer_pamp_vs_pmt 'HMS Cherenkov Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number;  Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' H.cer.adcCounter H.cer.adcPulseAmp 2 0.5 2.5 400 0 8000
+# HMS CER GOOD Pulse Profile
+TH2F hcer_good_pped_vs_pmt 'HMS Cherenkov Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Units' [I+1] H.cer.goodAdcPed 2 0.5 2.5 400 300 700
+TH2F hcer_good_pi_vs_pmt 'HMS Cherenkov Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1] H.cer.goodAdcPulseInt 2 0.5 2.5 600 0 30000 H.cer.goodAdcPulseInt>0.0
+TH2F hcer_good_rawpi_vs_pmt 'HMS Cherenkov Good Raw Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Raw Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1] H.cer.goodAdcPulseIntRaw 2 0.5 2.5 600 0 30000 H.cer.goodAdcPulseIntRaw>0.0
+TH2F hcer_good_pamp_vs_pmt 'HMS Cherenkov Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1] H.cer.goodAdcPulseAmp 2 0.5 2.5 200 0 4000 H.cer.goodAdcPulseAmp>0.0
+TH2F hcer_good_ptime_vs_pmt 'HMS Cherenkov Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1] H.cer.goodAdcPulseTime 2 0.5 2.5 350 0 3500 H.cer.goodAdcPulseTime>0.0
diff --git a/DEF-files/HMS/TEST_STANDS/CER/hcerana_cuts.def b/DEF-files/HMS/TEST_STANDS/CER/hcerana_cuts.def
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3af34a5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DEF-files/HMS/TEST_STANDS/CER/hcerana_cuts.def
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+Block: RawDecode
+Pedestal_event 0
+RawDecode_master 1
+Block: Decode
+Decode_master 1
+Block: CoarseTracking
+CoarseTracking_master 1
+Block: CoarseReconstruct
+CourseReconstruct 0
diff --git a/DEF-files/HMS/TEST_STANDS/DC/hdc_6gev_histos.def b/DEF-files/HMS/TEST_STANDS/DC/hdc_6gev_histos.def
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b5759127
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DEF-files/HMS/TEST_STANDS/DC/hdc_6gev_histos.def
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+# See $ANALYZER/examples/output_example.def for examples
+block H.dc.*
+block T.hms.*
+TH1F hdc1x1_wirenum 'HMS DC 1X1 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' H.dc.1x1.wirenum 113 0.5 113.5
+TH1F hdc1y1_wirenum 'HMS DC 1Y1 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' H.dc.1y1.wirenum  52 0.5  52.5
+TH1F hdc1u1_wirenum 'HMS DC 1U1 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' H.dc.1u1.wirenum 107 0.5 107.5
+TH1F hdc1v1_wirenum 'HMS DC 1V1 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' H.dc.1v1.wirenum 107 0.5 107.5
+TH1F hdc1y2_wirenum 'HMS DC 1Y2 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' H.dc.1y2.wirenum  52 0.5  52.5
+TH1F hdc1x2_wirenum 'HMS DC 1X2 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' H.dc.1x2.wirenum 113 0.5 113.5
+TH1F hdc2x1_wirenum 'HMS DC 2X1 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' H.dc.2x1.wirenum 113 0.5 113.5
+TH1F hdc2y1_wirenum 'HMS DC 2Y1 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' H.dc.2y1.wirenum  52 0.5  52.5
+TH1F hdc2u1_wirenum 'HMS DC 2U1 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' H.dc.2u1.wirenum 107 0.5 107.5
+TH1F hdc2v1_wirenum 'HMS DC 2V1 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' H.dc.2v1.wirenum 107 0.5 107.5
+TH1F hdc2y2_wirenum 'HMS DC 2Y2 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' H.dc.2y2.wirenum  52 0.5  52.5
+TH1F hdc2x2_wirenum 'HMS DC 2X2 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' H.dc.2x2.wirenum 113 0.5 113.5
+TH1F hdc1x1_raw_tdc 'HMS DC 1X1 Raw TDC; Raw TDC Value / 10 TDC Units; Number of Entries' H.dc.1x1.rawtdc 5000 -25000 25000
+TH1F hdc1y1_raw_tdc 'HMS DC 1Y1 Raw TDC; Raw TDC Value / 10 TDC Units; Number of Entries' H.dc.1y1.rawtdc 5000 -25000 25000
+TH1F hdc1u1_raw_tdc 'HMS DC 1U1 Raw TDC; Raw TDC Value / 10 TDC Units; Number of Entries' H.dc.1u1.rawtdc 5000 -25000 25000
+TH1F hdc1v1_raw_tdc 'HMS DC 1V1 Raw TDC; Raw TDC Value / 10 TDC Units; Number of Entries' H.dc.1v1.rawtdc 5000 -25000 25000
+TH1F hdc1y2_raw_tdc 'HMS DC 1Y2 Raw TDC; Raw TDC Value / 10 TDC Units; Number of Entries' H.dc.1y2.rawtdc 5000 -25000 25000
+TH1F hdc1x2_raw_tdc 'HMS DC 1X2 Raw TDC; Raw TDC Value / 10 TDC Units; Number of Entries' H.dc.1x2.rawtdc 5000 -25000 25000
+TH1F hdc2x1_raw_tdc 'HMS DC 2X1 Raw TDC; Raw TDC Value / 10 TDC Units; Number of Entries' H.dc.2x1.rawtdc 5000 -25000 25000
+TH1F hdc2y1_raw_tdc 'HMS DC 2Y1 Raw TDC; Raw TDC Value / 10 TDC Units; Number of Entries' H.dc.2y1.rawtdc 5000 -25000 25000
+TH1F hdc2u1_raw_tdc 'HMS DC 2U1 Raw TDC; Raw TDC Value / 10 TDC Units; Number of Entries' H.dc.2u1.rawtdc 5000 -25000 25000
+TH1F hdc2v1_raw_tdc 'HMS DC 2V1 Raw TDC; Raw TDC Value / 10 TDC Units; Number of Entries' H.dc.2v1.rawtdc 5000 -25000 25000
+TH1F hdc2y2_raw_tdc 'HMS DC 2Y2 Raw TDC; Raw TDC Value / 10 TDC Units; Number of Entries' H.dc.2y2.rawtdc 5000 -25000 25000
+TH1F hdc2x2_raw_tdc 'HMS DC 2X2 Raw TDC; Raw TDC Value / 10 TDC Units; Number of Entries' H.dc.2x2.rawtdc 5000 -25000 25000
+#HMS DC RAW TDC vs. WireNumber
+TH2F hdc1x1_raw_tdc_vs_wirenum 'HMS DC 1X1 Raw TDC vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Raw TDC Value / 10 TDC Units' H.dc.1x1.wirenum H.dc.1x1.rawtdc 113 0.5 113.5 10000 -50000 50000
+TH2F hdc1y1_raw_tdc_vs_wirenum 'HMS DC 1Y1 Raw TDC vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Raw TDC Value / 10 TDC Units' H.dc.1y1.wirenum H.dc.1y1.rawtdc 52  0.5  52.5 10000 -50000 50000
+TH2F hdc1u1_raw_tdc_vs_wirenum 'HMS DC 1U1 Raw TDC vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Raw TDC Value / 10 TDC Units' H.dc.1u1.wirenum H.dc.1u1.rawtdc 107 0.5 107.5 10000 -50000 50000
+TH2F hdc1v1_raw_tdc_vs_wirenum 'HMS DC 1V1 Raw TDC vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Raw TDC Value / 10 TDC Units' H.dc.1v1.wirenum H.dc.1v1.rawtdc 107 0.5 107.5 10000 -50000 50000
+TH2F hdc1y2_raw_tdc_vs_wirenum 'HMS DC 1Y2 Raw TDC vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Raw TDC Value / 10 TDC Units' H.dc.1y2.wirenum H.dc.1y2.rawtdc 52  0.5  52.5 10000 -50000 50000
+TH2F hdc1x2_raw_tdc_vs_wirenum 'HMS DC 1X2 Raw TDC vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Raw TDC Value / 10 TDC Units' H.dc.1x2.wirenum H.dc.1x2.rawtdc 113 0.5 113.5 10000 -50000 50000
+TH2F hdc2x1_raw_tdc_vs_wirenum 'HMS DC 2X1 Raw TDC vs. Wire Number; Raw TDC Value / 10 TDC Units' H.dc.2x1.wirenum H.dc.2x1.rawtdc 113 0.5 113.5 10000 -50000 50000
+TH2F hdc2y1_raw_tdc_vs_wirenum 'HMS DC 2Y1 Raw TDC vs. Wire Number; Raw TDC Value / 10 TDC Units' H.dc.2y1.wirenum H.dc.2y1.rawtdc 52  0.5  52.5 10000 -50000 50000
+TH2F hdc2u1_raw_tdc_vs_wirenum 'HMS DC 2U1 Raw TDC vs. Wire Number; Raw TDC Value / 10 TDC Units' H.dc.2u1.wirenum H.dc.2u1.rawtdc 107 0.5 107.5 10000 -50000 50000
+TH2F hdc2v1_raw_tdc_vs_wirenum 'HMS DC 2V1 Raw TDC vs. Wire Number; Raw TDC Value / 10 TDC Units' H.dc.2v1.wirenum H.dc.2v1.rawtdc 107 0.5 107.5 10000 -50000 50000
+TH2F hdc2y2_raw_tdc_vs_wirenum 'HMS DC 2Y2 Raw TDC vs. Wire Number; Raw TDC Value / 10 TDC Units' H.dc.2y2.wirenum H.dc.2y2.rawtdc 52  0.5  52.5 10000 -50000 50000
+TH2F hdc2x2_raw_tdc_vs_wirenum 'HMS DC 2X2 Raw TDC vs. Wire Number; Raw TDC Value / 10 TDC Units' H.dc.2x2.wirenum H.dc.2x2.rawtdc 113 0.5 113.5 10000 -50000 50000
+TH1F hdc1x1_drifttime 'HMS DC 1X1 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' H.dc.1x1.time 400 -50 350
+TH1F hdc1y1_drifttime 'HMS DC 1Y1 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' H.dc.1y1.time 400 -50 350
+TH1F hdc1u1_drifttime 'HMS DC 1U1 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' H.dc.1u1.time 400 -50 350
+TH1F hdc1v1_drifttime 'HMS DC 1V1 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' H.dc.1v1.time 400 -50 350
+TH1F hdc1y2_drifttime 'HMS DC 1Y2 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' H.dc.1y2.time 400 -50 350
+TH1F hdc1x2_drifttime 'HMS DC 1X2 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' H.dc.1x2.time 400 -50 350
+TH1F hdc2x1_drifttime 'HMS DC 2X1 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' H.dc.2x1.time 400 -50 350
+TH1F hdc2y1_drifttime 'HMS DC 2Y1 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' H.dc.2y1.time 400 -50 350
+TH1F hdc2u1_drifttime 'HMS DC 2U1 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' H.dc.2u1.time 400 -50 350
+TH1F hdc2v1_drifttime 'HMS DC 2V1 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' H.dc.2v1.time 400 -50 350
+TH1F hdc2y2_drifttime 'HMS DC 2Y2 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' H.dc.2y2.time 400 -50 350
+TH1F hdc2x2_drifttime 'HMS DC 2X2 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' H.dc.2x2.time 400 -50 350
+TH2F hdc1x1_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'HMS DC 1X1 Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' H.dc.1x1.wirenum H.dc.1x1.time 113 0.5 113.5 600 -100 500
+TH2F hdc1y1_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'HMS DC 1Y1 Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' H.dc.1y1.wirenum H.dc.1y1.time 52  0.5  52.5 600 -100 500
+TH2F hdc1u1_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'HMS DC 1U1 Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' H.dc.1u1.wirenum H.dc.1u1.time 107 0.5 107.5 600 -100 500
+TH2F hdc1v1_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'HMS DC 1V1 Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' H.dc.1v1.wirenum H.dc.1v1.time 107 0.5 107.5 600 -100 500
+TH2F hdc1y2_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'HMS DC 1Y2 Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' H.dc.1y2.wirenum H.dc.1y2.time 52  0.5  52.5 600 -100 500
+TH2F hdc1x2_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'HMS DC 1X2 Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' H.dc.1x2.wirenum H.dc.1x2.time 113 0.5 113.5 600 -100 500
+TH2F hdc2x1_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'HMS DC 2X1 Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' H.dc.2x1.wirenum H.dc.2x1.time 113 0.5 113.5 600 -100 500
+TH2F hdc2y1_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'HMS DC 2Y1 Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' H.dc.2y1.wirenum H.dc.2y1.time 52  0.5  52.5 600 -100 500
+TH2F hdc2u1_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'HMS DC 2U1 Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' H.dc.2u1.wirenum H.dc.2u1.time 107 0.5 107.5 600 -100 500
+TH2F hdc2v1_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'HMS DC 2V1 Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' H.dc.2v1.wirenum H.dc.2v1.time 107 0.5 107.5 600 -100 500
+TH2F hdc2y2_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'HMS DC 2Y2 Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' H.dc.2y2.wirenum H.dc.2y2.time 52  0.5  52.5 600 -100 500
+TH2F hdc2x2_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'HMS DC 2X2 Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' H.dc.2x2.wirenum H.dc.2x2.time 113 0.5 113.5 600 -100 500
+#HMS DC Drift Distance Per Plane 
+TH1F hdc1x1_ddist 'HMS 1X1 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' H.dc.1x1.dist 28 -0.1 0.6
+TH1F hdc1y1_ddist 'HMS 1Y1 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' H.dc.1y1.dist 28 -0.1 0.6
+TH1F hdc1u1_ddist 'HMS 1U1 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' H.dc.1u1.dist 28 -0.1 0.6
+TH1F hdc1v1_ddist 'HMS 1V1 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' H.dc.1v1.dist 28 -0.1 0.6
+TH1F hdc1y2_ddist 'HMS 1Y2 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' H.dc.1y2.dist 28 -0.1 0.6
+TH1F hdc1x2_ddist 'HMS 1X2 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' H.dc.1x2.dist 28 -0.1 0.6
+TH1F hdc2x1_ddist 'HMS 2U2 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' H.dc.2x1.dist 28 -0.1 0.6
+TH1F hdc2y1_ddist 'HMS 2U1 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' H.dc.2y1.dist 28 -0.1 0.6
+TH1F hdc2u1_ddist 'HMS 2X2 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' H.dc.2u1.dist 28 -0.1 0.6
+TH1F hdc2v1_ddist 'HMS 2X1 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' H.dc.2v1.dist 28 -0.1 0.6
+TH1F hdc2y2_ddist 'HMS 2V2 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' H.dc.2y2.dist 28 -0.1 0.6
+TH1F hdc2x2_ddist 'HMS 2V1 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' H.dc.2x2.dist 28 -0.1 0.6
+TH2F hdc1x1_wirenum_vs_ddist 'HMS DC 1X1 Drift Distance vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' H.dc.1x1.wirenum H.dc.1x1.dist 113 0.5 113.5 300 -0.1 0.6
+TH2F hdc1y1_wirenum_vs_ddist 'HMS DC 1Y1 Drift Distance vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' H.dc.1y1.wirenum H.dc.1y1.dist 52  0.5  52.5 300 -0.1 0.6
+TH2F hdc1u1_wirenum_vs_ddist 'HMS DC 1U1 Drift Distance vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' H.dc.1u1.wirenum H.dc.1u1.dist 107 0.5 107.5 300 -0.1 0.6
+TH2F hdc1v1_wirenum_vs_ddist 'HMS DC 1V1 Drift Distance vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' H.dc.1v1.wirenum H.dc.1v1.dist 107 0.5 107.5 300 -0.1 0.6
+TH2F hdc1y2_wirenum_vs_ddist 'HMS DC 1Y2 Drift Distance vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' H.dc.1y2.wirenum H.dc.1y2.dist 52  0.5  52.5 300 -0.1 0.6
+TH2F hdc1x2_wirenum_vs_ddist 'HMS DC 1X2 Drift Distance vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' H.dc.1x2.wirenum H.dc.1x2.dist 113 0.5 113.5 300 -0.1 0.6
+TH2F hdc2x1_wirenum_vs_ddist 'HMS DC 2X1 Drift Distance vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' H.dc.2x1.wirenum H.dc.2x1.dist 113 0.5 113.5 300 -0.1 0.6
+TH2F hdc2y1_wirenum_vs_ddist 'HMS DC 2Y1 Drift Distance vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' H.dc.2y1.wirenum H.dc.2y1.dist 52  0.5  52.5 300 -0.1 0.6
+TH2F hdc2u1_wirenum_vs_ddist 'HMS DC 2U1 Drift Distance vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' H.dc.2u1.wirenum H.dc.2u1.dist 107 0.5 107.5 300 -0.1 0.6
+TH2F hdc2v1_wirenum_vs_ddist 'HMS DC 2V1 Drift Distance vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' H.dc.2v1.wirenum H.dc.2v1.dist 107 0.5 107.5 300 -0.1 0.6
+TH2F hdc2y2_wirenum_vs_ddist 'HMS DC 2Y2 Drift Distance vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' H.dc.2y2.wirenum H.dc.2y2.dist 52  0.5  52.5 300 -0.1 0.6
+TH2F hdc2x2_wirenum_vs_ddist 'HMS DC 2X2 Drift Distance vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' H.dc.2x2.wirenum H.dc.2x2.dist 113 0.5 113.5 300 -0.1 0.6
+TH1F hdc1x1_residuals 'HMS 1X1 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' H.dc.residual[0]  200 -1.0 1.0
+TH1F hdc1y1_residuals 'HMS 1Y1 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' H.dc.residual[1]  200 -1.0 1.0
+TH1F hdc1u1_residuals 'HMS 1U1 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' H.dc.residual[2]  200 -1.0 1.0
+TH1F hdc1v1_residuals 'HMS 1V1 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' H.dc.residual[3]  200 -1.0 1.0
+TH1F hdc1y2_residuals 'HMS 1Y2 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' H.dc.residual[4]  200 -1.0 1.0
+TH1F hdc1x2_residuals 'HMS 1X2 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' H.dc.residual[5]  200 -1.0 1.0
+TH1F hdc2x1_residuals 'HMS 2X1 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' H.dc.residual[6]  200 -1.0 1.0
+TH1F hdc2y1_residuals 'HMS 2Y1 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' H.dc.residual[7]  200 -1.0 1.0
+TH1F hdc2u1_residuals 'HMS 2U1 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' H.dc.residual[8]  200 -1.0 1.0
+TH1F hdc2v1_residuals 'HMS 2V1 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' H.dc.residual[9]  200 -1.0 1.0
+TH1F hdc2y2_residuals 'HMS 2Y2 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' H.dc.residual[10] 200 -1.0 1.0
+TH1F hdc2x2_residuals 'HMS 2X2 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' H.dc.residual[11] 200 -1.0 1.0
+TH1F hdc_trk_mom 'HMS DC Track Momentum; P (GeV); Number of Entires / 10 MeV' 600 0 6
+TH1F hdc_trk_beta 'HMS DC Track Beta; Beta (GeV); Number of Entires' 300 -1.5 1.5
+TH2F hdc_xfp_vs_yxp 'HMS DC X_{fp} vs Y_{fp}; Y_{fp} (cm) / 1 cm; X_{fp} (cm) / 1 cm' H.dc.y_fp H.dc.x_fp 100 -50 50 100 -50 50
+TH2F hdc_xpfp_vs_ypfp 'HMS DC X'_{fp} vs Y'_{fp}; Y'_{fp} / 0.002 rad; X'_{fp} / 0.002 rad' H.dc.yp_fp H.dc.xp_fp 100 -.1 .1 100 -.1 .1
+TH2F hdc_xfp_vs_ypfp 'HMS DC X_{fp} vs Y'_{fp}; Y'_{fp} / 0.002 rad; X_{fp} / 1 cm'  H.dc.yp_fp H.dc.x_fp 100 -.1 .1 100 -50 50 
+TH2F hdc_xfp_vs_xpfp 'HMS DC X_{fp} vs X'_{fp}; X'_{fp} / 0.002 rad; X_{fp} / 1 cm' H.dc.xp_fp H.dc.x_fp 100 -.1 .1 100 -50 50
diff --git a/DEF-files/HMS/TEST_STANDS/DC/hdcana_cuts.def b/DEF-files/HMS/TEST_STANDS/DC/hdcana_cuts.def
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3af34a5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DEF-files/HMS/TEST_STANDS/DC/hdcana_cuts.def
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+Block: RawDecode
+Pedestal_event 0
+RawDecode_master 1
+Block: Decode
+Decode_master 1
+Block: CoarseTracking
+CoarseTracking_master 1
+Block: CoarseReconstruct
+CourseReconstruct 0
diff --git a/DEF-files/HMS/TEST_STANDS/HODO/hhodoana.def b/DEF-files/HMS/TEST_STANDS/HODO/hhodoana.def
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..168aa4fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DEF-files/HMS/TEST_STANDS/HODO/hhodoana.def
@@ -0,0 +1,379 @@
+# See $ANALYZER/examples/output_example.def for examples
+block H.hod.*
+block T.hms.*
+# HMS Hodo Error Flags
+TH2F hhodo_1x_pos_adcErrFlg2D 'HMS 1X+ FPGA Error Flag; PMT Number; Error Flag' H.hod.1x.posAdcCounter H.hod.1x.posAdcErrorFlag 16 0.5 16.5 2 -0.5 1.5
+TH2F hhodo_1y_pos_adcErrFlg2D 'HMS 1Y+ FPGA Error Flag; PMT Number; Error Flag' H.hod.1y.posAdcCounter H.hod.1y.posAdcErrorFlag 10 0.5 10.5 2 -0.5 1.5
+TH2F hhodo_2x_pos_adcErrFlg2D 'HMS 2X+ FPGA Error Flag; PMT Number; Error Flag' H.hod.2x.posAdcCounter H.hod.2x.posAdcErrorFlag 16 0.5 16.5 2 -0.5 1.5
+TH2F hhodo_2y_pos_adcErrFlg2D 'HMS 2Y+ FPGA Error Flag; PMT Number; Error Flag' H.hod.2y.posAdcCounter H.hod.2y.posAdcErrorFlag 10 0.5 10.5 2 -0.5 1.5
+TH2F hhodo_1x_neg_adcErrFlg2D 'HMS 1X- FPGA Error Flag; PMT Number; Error Flag' H.hod.1x.negAdcCounter H.hod.1x.negAdcErrorFlag 16 0.5 16.5 2 -0.5 1.5
+TH2F hhodo_1y_neg_adcErrFlg2D 'HMS 1Y- FPGA Error Flag; PMT Number; Error Flag' H.hod.1y.negAdcCounter H.hod.1y.negAdcErrorFlag 10 0.5 10.5 2 -0.5 1.5
+TH2F hhodo_2x_neg_adcErrFlg2D 'HMS 2X- FPGA Error Flag; PMT Number; Error Flag' H.hod.2x.negAdcCounter H.hod.2x.negAdcErrorFlag 16 0.5 16.5 2 -0.5 1.5
+TH2F hhodo_2y_neg_adcErrFlg2D 'HMS 2Y- FPGA Error Flag; PMT Number; Error Flag' H.hod.2y.negAdcCounter H.hod.2y.negAdcErrorFlag 10 0.5 10.5 2 -0.5 1.5
+# HMS HODO RAW ADC Multiplicities 
+TH1F hhodo_1x_raw_adc_mult_pos 'HMS 1X+ Raw ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Raw +ADC Hits' H.hod.1x.totNumPosAdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_1y_raw_adc_mult_pos 'HMS 1Y+ Raw ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Raw +ADC Hits' H.hod.1y.totNumPosAdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
+TH1F hhodo_2x_raw_adc_mult_pos 'HMS 2X+ Raw ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Raw +ADC Hits' H.hod.2x.totNumPosAdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_2y_raw_adc_mult_pos 'HMS 2Y+ Raw ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Raw +ADC Hits' H.hod.2y.totNumPosAdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
+TH1F hhodo_1x_raw_adc_mult_neg 'HMS 1X- Raw ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Raw -ADC Hits' H.hod.1x.totNumNegAdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_1y_raw_adc_mult_neg 'HMS 1Y- Raw ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Raw -ADC Hits' H.hod.1y.totNumNegAdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
+TH1F hhodo_2x_raw_adc_mult_neg 'HMS 2X- Raw ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Raw -ADC Hits' H.hod.2x.totNumNegAdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_2y_raw_adc_mult_neg 'HMS 2Y- Raw ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Raw -ADC Hits' H.hod.2y.totNumNegAdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
+TH1F hhodo_1x_raw_adc_mult 'HMS 1X Raw ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Raw ADC Hits' H.hod.1x.totNumAdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_1y_raw_adc_mult 'HMS 1Y Raw ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Raw ADC Hits' H.hod.1y.totNumAdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
+TH1F hhodo_2x_raw_adc_mult 'HMS 2X Raw ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Raw ADC Hits' H.hod.2x.totNumAdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_2y_raw_adc_mult 'HMS 2Y Raw ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Raw ADC Hits' H.hod.2y.totNumAdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
+# HMS HODO Raw TDC Multiplicities
+TH1F hhodo_1x_raw_tdc_mult_pos 'HMS 1X+ Raw TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Raw +TDC Hits' H.hod.1x.totNumPosTdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_1y_raw_tdc_mult_pos 'HMS 1Y+ Raw TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Raw +TDC Hits' H.hod.1y.totNumPosTdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
+TH1F hhodo_2x_raw_tdc_mult_pos 'HMS 2X+ Raw TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Raw +TDC Hits' H.hod.2x.totNumPosTdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_2y_raw_tdc_mult_pos 'HMS 2Y+ Raw TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Raw +TDC Hits' H.hod.2y.totNumPosTdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
+TH1F hhodo_1x_raw_tdc_mult_neg 'HMS 1X- Raw TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Raw -TDC Hits' H.hod.1x.totNumNegTdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_1y_raw_tdc_mult_neg 'HMS 1Y- Raw TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Raw -TDC Hits' H.hod.1y.totNumNegTdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
+TH1F hhodo_2x_raw_tdc_mult_neg 'HMS 2X- Raw TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Raw -TDC Hits' H.hod.2x.totNumNegTdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_2y_raw_tdc_mult_neg 'HMS 2Y- Raw TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Raw -TDC Hits' H.hod.2y.totNumNegTdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
+TH1F hhodo_1x_raw_tdc_mult 'HMS 1X Raw TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Raw TDC Hits' H.hod.1x.totNumTdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_1y_raw_tdc_mult 'HMS 1Y Raw TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Raw TDC Hits' H.hod.1y.totNumTdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
+TH1F hhodo_2x_raw_tdc_mult 'HMS 2X Raw TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Raw TDC Hits' H.hod.2x.totNumTdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_2y_raw_tdc_mult 'HMS 2Y Raw TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Raw TDC Hits' H.hod.2y.totNumTdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
+TH1F hhodo_1x_raw_adc_occ_pos 'HMS 1X+ Raw ADC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Raw +ADC Hits' H.hod.1x.posAdcCounter 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_1y_raw_adc_occ_pos 'HMS 1Y+ Raw ADC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Raw +ADC Hits' H.hod.1y.posAdcCounter 10 0.5 10.5 
+TH1F hhodo_2x_raw_adc_occ_pos 'HMS 2X+ Raw ADC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Raw +ADC Hits' H.hod.2x.posAdcCounter 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_2y_raw_adc_occ_pos 'HMS 2Y+ Raw ADC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Raw +ADC Hits' H.hod.2y.posAdcCounter 10 0.5 10.5
+TH1F hhodo_1x_raw_adc_occ_neg 'HMS 1X- Raw ADC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Raw -ADC Hits' H.hod.1x.negAdcCounter 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_1y_raw_adc_occ_neg 'HMS 1Y- Raw ADC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Raw -ADC Hits' H.hod.1y.negAdcCounter 10 0.5 10.5 
+TH1F hhodo_2x_raw_adc_occ_neg 'HMS 2X- Raw ADC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Raw -ADC Hits' H.hod.2x.negAdcCounter 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_2y_raw_adc_occ_neg 'HMS 2Y- Raw ADC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Raw -ADC Hits' H.hod.2y.negAdcCounter 10 0.5 10.5
+TH1F hhodo_1x_raw_tdc_occ_pos 'HMS 1X+ Raw TDC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Raw +TDC Hits' H.hod.1x.posTdcCounter 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_1y_raw_tdc_occ_pos 'HMS 1Y+ Raw TDC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Raw +TDC Hits' H.hod.1y.posTdcCounter 10 0.5 10.5 
+TH1F hhodo_2x_raw_tdc_occ_pos 'HMS 2X+ Raw TDC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Raw +TDC Hits' H.hod.2x.posTdcCounter 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_2y_raw_tdc_occ_pos 'HMS 2Y+ Raw TDC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Raw +TDC Hits' H.hod.2y.posTdcCounter 10 0.5 10.5
+TH1F hhodo_1x_raw_tdc_occ_neg 'HMS 1X- Raw TDC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Raw -TDC Hits' H.hod.1x.negTdcCounter 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_1y_raw_tdc_occ_neg 'HMS 1Y- Raw TDC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Raw -TDC Hits' H.hod.1y.negTdcCounter 10 0.5 10.5 
+TH1F hhodo_2x_raw_tdc_occ_neg 'HMS 2X- Raw TDC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Raw -TDC Hits' H.hod.2x.negTdcCounter 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_2y_raw_tdc_occ_neg 'HMS 2Y- Raw TDC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Raw -TDC Hits' H.hod.2y.negTdcCounter 10 0.5 10.5
+# HMS Hodo Raw Pulse Pedestal
+TH2F hhodo_1x_pos_rawped_vs_pad 'HMS 1X+ Raw Pulse Pedestal vs. Paddle Number; Paddle Number; Raw Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Unit' H.hod.1x.posAdcCounter  H.hod.1x.posAdcPedRaw 16 0.5 16.5 4000 0 4000
+TH2F hhodo_1y_pos_rawped_vs_pad 'HMS 1Y+ Raw Pulse Pedestal vs. Paddle Number; Paddle Number; Raw Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Unit' H.hod.1y.posAdcCounter  H.hod.1y.posAdcPedRaw 10 0.5 10.5 4000 0 4000
+TH2F hhodo_2x_pos_rawped_vs_pad 'HMS 2X+ Raw Pulse Pedestal vs. Paddle Number; Paddle Number; Raw Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Unit' H.hod.2x.posAdcCounter  H.hod.2x.posAdcPedRaw 16 0.5 16.5 4000 0 4000
+TH2F hhodo_2y_pos_rawped_vs_pad 'HMS 2Y+ Raw Pulse Pedestal vs. Paddle Number; Paddle Number; Raw Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Unit' H.hod.2y.posAdcCounter  H.hod.2y.posAdcPedRaw 10 0.5 10.5 4000 0 4000
+TH2F hhodo_1x_neg_rawped_vs_pad 'HMS 1X- Raw Pulse Pedestal vs. Paddle Number; Paddle Number; Raw Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Unit' H.hod.1x.negAdcCounter  H.hod.1x.negAdcPedRaw 16 0.5 16.5 4000 0 4000
+TH2F hhodo_1y_neg_rawped_vs_pad 'HMS 1Y- Raw Pulse Pedestal vs. Paddle Number; Paddle Number; Raw Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Unit' H.hod.1y.negAdcCounter  H.hod.1y.negAdcPedRaw 10 0.5 10.5 4000 0 4000
+TH2F hhodo_2x_neg_rawped_vs_pad 'HMS 2X- Raw Pulse Pedestal vs. Paddle Number; Paddle Number; Raw Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Unit' H.hod.2x.negAdcCounter  H.hod.2x.negAdcPedRaw 16 0.5 16.5 4000 0 4000
+TH2F hhodo_2y_neg_rawped_vs_pad 'HMS 2Y- Raw Pulse Pedestal vs. Paddle Number; Paddle Number; Raw Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Unit' H.hod.2y.negAdcCounter  H.hod.2y.negAdcPedRaw 10 0.5 10.5 4000 0 4000
+# HMS Hodo Raw Pulse Integral
+TH2F hhodo_1x_pos_rawpi_vs_pad 'HMS 1X+ Raw Pulse Integral vs. Paddle Number; Paddle Number; Raw Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' H.hod.1x.posAdcCounter  H.hod.1x.posAdcPulseIntRaw 16 0.5 16.5 400 0 20000
+TH2F hhodo_1y_pos_rawpi_vs_pad 'HMS 1Y+ Raw Pulse Integral vs. Paddle Number; Paddle Number; Raw Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' H.hod.1y.posAdcCounter  H.hod.1y.posAdcPulseIntRaw 10 0.5 10.5 400 0 20000
+TH2F hhodo_2x_pos_rawpi_vs_pad 'HMS 2X+ Raw Pulse Integral vs. Paddle Number; Paddle Number; Raw Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' H.hod.2x.posAdcCounter  H.hod.2x.posAdcPulseIntRaw 16 0.5 16.5 400 0 20000
+TH2F hhodo_2y_pos_rawpi_vs_pad 'HMS 2Y+ Raw Pulse Integral vs. Paddle Number; Paddle Number; Raw Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' H.hod.2y.posAdcCounter  H.hod.2y.posAdcPulseIntRaw 10 0.5 10.5 400 0 20000
+TH2F hhodo_1x_neg_rawpi_vs_pad 'HMS 1X- Raw Pulse Integral vs. Paddle Number; Paddle Number; Raw Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' H.hod.1x.negAdcCounter  H.hod.1x.negAdcPulseIntRaw 16 0.5 16.5 400 0 20000
+TH2F hhodo_1y_neg_rawpi_vs_pad 'HMS 1Y- Raw Pulse Integral vs. Paddle Number; Paddle Number; Raw Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' H.hod.1y.negAdcCounter  H.hod.1y.negAdcPulseIntRaw 10 0.5 10.5 400 0 20000
+TH2F hhodo_2x_neg_rawpi_vs_pad 'HMS 2X- Raw Pulse Integral vs. Paddle Number; Paddle Number; Raw Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' H.hod.2x.negAdcCounter  H.hod.2x.negAdcPulseIntRaw 16 0.5 16.5 400 0 20000
+TH2F hhodo_2y_neg_rawpi_vs_pad 'HMS 2Y- Raw Pulse Integral vs. Paddle Number; Paddle Number; Raw Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' H.hod.2y.negAdcCounter  H.hod.2y.negAdcPulseIntRaw 10 0.5 10.5 400 0 20000
+# HMS Hodo Raw Pulse Amplitude
+TH2F hhodo_1x_pos_rawpamp_vs_pad 'HMS 1X+ Raw Pulse Amplitude vs. Paddle Number; Paddle Number; Raw Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' H.hod.1x.posAdcCounter  H.hod.1x.posAdcPulseAmpRaw 16 0.5 16.5 205 0 4100
+TH2F hhodo_1y_pos_rawpamp_vs_pad 'HMS 1Y+ Raw Pulse Amplitude vs. Paddle Number; Paddle Number; Raw Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' H.hod.1y.posAdcCounter  H.hod.1y.posAdcPulseAmpRaw 10 0.5 10.5 205 0 4100
+TH2F hhodo_2x_pos_rawpamp_vs_pad 'HMS 2X+ Raw Pulse Amplitude vs. Paddle Number; Paddle Number; Raw Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' H.hod.2x.posAdcCounter  H.hod.2x.posAdcPulseAmpRaw 16 0.5 16.5 205 0 4100
+TH2F hhodo_2y_pos_rawpamp_vs_pad 'HMS 2Y+ Raw Pulse Amplitude vs. Paddle Number; Paddle Number; Raw Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' H.hod.2y.posAdcCounter  H.hod.2y.posAdcPulseAmpRaw 10 0.5 10.5 205 0 4100
+TH2F hhodo_1x_neg_rawpamp_vs_pad 'HMS 1X- Raw Pulse Amplitude vs. Paddle Number; Paddle Number; Raw Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' H.hod.1x.negAdcCounter  H.hod.1x.negAdcPulseAmpRaw 16 0.5 16.5 205 0 4100
+TH2F hhodo_1y_neg_rawpamp_vs_pad 'HMS 1Y- Raw Pulse Amplitude vs. Paddle Number; Paddle Number; Raw Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' H.hod.1y.negAdcCounter  H.hod.1y.negAdcPulseAmpRaw 10 0.5 10.5 205 0 4100
+TH2F hhodo_2x_neg_rawpamp_vs_pad 'HMS 2X- Raw Pulse Amplitude vs. Paddle Number; Paddle Number; Raw Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' H.hod.2x.negAdcCounter  H.hod.2x.negAdcPulseAmpRaw 16 0.5 16.5 205 0 4100
+TH2F hhodo_2y_neg_rawpamp_vs_pad 'HMS 2Y- Raw Pulse Amplitude vs. Paddle Number; Paddle Number; Raw Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' H.hod.2y.negAdcCounter  H.hod.2y.negAdcPulseAmpRaw 10 0.5 10.5 205 0 4100
+# HMS Hodo Raw Pulse Time
+TH2F hhodo_1x_pos_rawptime_vs_pad 'HMS 1X+ Raw Pulse Time vs. Paddle Number; Paddle Number; Raw Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' H.hod.1x.posAdcCounter  H.hod.1x.posAdcPulseTimeRaw 16 0.5 16.5 410 0 4100
+TH2F hhodo_1y_pos_rawptime_vs_pad 'HMS 1Y+ Raw Pulse Time vs. Paddle Number; Paddle Number; Raw Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' H.hod.1y.posAdcCounter  H.hod.1y.posAdcPulseTimeRaw 10 0.5 10.5 410 0 4100
+TH2F hhodo_2x_pos_rawptime_vs_pad 'HMS 2X+ Raw Pulse Time vs. Paddle Number; Paddle Number; Raw Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' H.hod.2x.posAdcCounter  H.hod.2x.posAdcPulseTimeRaw 16 0.5 16.5 410 0 4100
+TH2F hhodo_2y_pos_rawptime_vs_pad 'HMS 2Y+ Raw Pulse Time vs. Paddle Number; Paddle Number; Raw Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' H.hod.2y.posAdcCounter  H.hod.2y.posAdcPulseTimeRaw 10 0.5 10.5 410 0 4100
+TH2F hhodo_1x_neg_rawptime_vs_pad 'HMS 1X- Raw Pulse Time vs. Paddle Number; Paddle Number; Raw Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' H.hod.1x.negAdcCounter  H.hod.1x.negAdcPulseTimeRaw 16 0.5 16.5 410 0 4100
+TH2F hhodo_1y_neg_rawptime_vs_pad 'HMS 1Y- Raw Pulse Time vs. Paddle Number; Paddle Number; Raw Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' H.hod.1y.negAdcCounter  H.hod.1y.negAdcPulseTimeRaw 10 0.5 10.5 410 0 4100
+TH2F hhodo_2x_neg_rawptime_vs_pad 'HMS 2X- Raw Pulse Time vs. Paddle Number; Paddle Number; Raw Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' H.hod.2x.negAdcCounter  H.hod.2x.negAdcPulseTimeRaw 16 0.5 16.5 410 0 4100
+TH2F hhodo_2y_neg_rawptime_vs_pad 'HMS 2Y- Raw Pulse Time vs. Paddle Number; Paddle Number; Raw Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' H.hod.2y.negAdcCounter  H.hod.2y.negAdcPulseTimeRaw 10 0.5 10.5 410 0 4100
+# HMS Hodo Raw TDC Time
+TH2F hhodo_1x_pos_raw_tdc_time_vs_pad 'HMS 1X+ Raw TDC Time vs. Paddle Number; Paddle Number; Raw TDC Time / 10 ADC Units' H.hod.1x.posTdcCounter  H.hod.1x.posTdcTimeRaw 16 0.5 16.5 800 0 8000
+TH2F hhodo_1y_pos_raw_tdc_time_vs_pad 'HMS 1Y+ Raw TDC Time vs. Paddle Number; Paddle Number; Raw TDC Time / 10 ADC Units' H.hod.1y.posTdcCounter  H.hod.1y.posTdcTimeRaw 10 0.5 10.5 800 0 8000
+TH2F hhodo_2x_pos_raw_tdc_time_vs_pad 'HMS 2X+ Raw TDC Time vs. Paddle Number; Paddle Number; Raw TDC Time / 10 ADC Units' H.hod.2x.posTdcCounter  H.hod.2x.posTdcTimeRaw 16 0.5 16.5 800 0 8000
+TH2F hhodo_2y_pos_raw_tdc_time_vs_pad 'HMS 2Y+ Raw TDC Time vs. Paddle Number; Paddle Number; Raw TDC Time / 10 ADC Units' H.hod.2y.posTdcCounter  H.hod.2y.posTdcTimeRaw 10 0.5 10.5 800 0 8000
+TH2F hhodo_1x_neg_raw_tdc_time_vs_pad 'HMS 1X- Raw TDC Time vs. Paddle Number; Paddle Number; Raw TDC Time / 10 ADC Units' H.hod.1x.negTdcCounter  H.hod.1x.negTdcTimeRaw 16 0.5 16.5 800 0 8000
+TH2F hhodo_1y_neg_raw_tdc_time_vs_pad 'HMS 1Y- Raw TDC Time vs. Paddle Number; Paddle Number; Raw TDC Time / 10 ADC Units' H.hod.1y.negTdcCounter  H.hod.1y.negTdcTimeRaw 10 0.5 10.5 800 0 8000
+TH2F hhodo_2x_neg_raw_tdc_time_vs_pad 'HMS 2X- Raw TDC Time vs. Paddle Number; Paddle Number; Raw TDC Time / 10 ADC Units' H.hod.2x.negTdcCounter  H.hod.2x.negTdcTimeRaw 16 0.5 16.5 800 0 8000
+TH2F hhodo_2y_neg_raw_tdc_time_vs_pad 'HMS 2Y- Raw TDC Time vs. Paddle Number; Paddle Number; Raw TDC Time / 10 ADC Units' H.hod.2y.negTdcCounter  H.hod.2y.negTdcTimeRaw 10 0.5 10.5 800 0 8000
+# HMS Hodo Pulse Pedestal
+TH2F hhodo_1x_pos_ped_vs_pad 'HMS 1X+ Pulse Pedestal vs. Paddle Number; Paddle Number; Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Unit' H.hod.1x.posAdcCounter  H.hod.1x.posAdcPed 16 0.5 16.5 1000 0 1000
+TH2F hhodo_1y_pos_ped_vs_pad 'HMS 1Y+ Pulse Pedestal vs. Paddle Number; Paddle Number; Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Unit' H.hod.1y.posAdcCounter  H.hod.1y.posAdcPed 10 0.5 10.5 1000 0 1000
+TH2F hhodo_2x_pos_ped_vs_pad 'HMS 2X+ Pulse Pedestal vs. Paddle Number; Paddle Number; Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Unit' H.hod.2x.posAdcCounter  H.hod.2x.posAdcPed 16 0.5 16.5 1000 0 1000
+TH2F hhodo_2y_pos_ped_vs_pad 'HMS 2Y+ Pulse Pedestal vs. Paddle Number; Paddle Number; Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Unit' H.hod.2y.posAdcCounter  H.hod.2y.posAdcPed 10 0.5 10.5 1000 0 1000
+TH2F hhodo_1x_neg_ped_vs_pad 'HMS 1X- Pulse Pedestal vs. Paddle Number; Paddle Number; Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Unit' H.hod.1x.negAdcCounter  H.hod.1x.negAdcPed 16 0.5 16.5 1000 0 1000
+TH2F hhodo_1y_neg_ped_vs_pad 'HMS 1Y- Pulse Pedestal vs. Paddle Number; Paddle Number; Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Unit' H.hod.1y.negAdcCounter  H.hod.1y.negAdcPed 10 0.5 10.5 1000 0 1000
+TH2F hhodo_2x_neg_ped_vs_pad 'HMS 2X- Pulse Pedestal vs. Paddle Number; Paddle Number; Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Unit' H.hod.2x.negAdcCounter  H.hod.2x.negAdcPed 16 0.5 16.5 1000 0 1000
+TH2F hhodo_2y_neg_ped_vs_pad 'HMS 2Y- Pulse Pedestal vs. Paddle Number; Paddle Number; Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Unit' H.hod.2y.negAdcCounter  H.hod.2y.negAdcPed 10 0.5 10.5 1000 0 1000
+# HMS Hodo Pulse Integral
+TH2F hhodo_1x_pos_pi_vs_pad 'HMS 1X+ Pulse Integral vs. Paddle Number; Paddle Number; Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' H.hod.1x.posAdcCounter  H.hod.1x.posAdcPulseInt 16 0.5 16.5 800 0 40000
+TH2F hhodo_1y_pos_pi_vs_pad 'HMS 1Y+ Pulse Integral vs. Paddle Number; Paddle Number; Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' H.hod.1y.posAdcCounter  H.hod.1y.posAdcPulseInt 10 0.5 10.5 800 0 40000
+TH2F hhodo_2x_pos_pi_vs_pad 'HMS 2X+ Pulse Integral vs. Paddle Number; Paddle Number; Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' H.hod.2x.posAdcCounter  H.hod.2x.posAdcPulseInt 16 0.5 16.5 800 0 40000
+TH2F hhodo_2y_pos_pi_vs_pad 'HMS 2Y+ Pulse Integral vs. Paddle Number; Paddle Number; Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' H.hod.2y.posAdcCounter  H.hod.2y.posAdcPulseInt 10 0.5 10.5 800 0 40000
+TH2F hhodo_1x_neg_pi_vs_pad 'HMS 1X- Pulse Integral vs. Paddle Number; Paddle Number; Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' H.hod.1x.negAdcCounter  H.hod.1x.negAdcPulseInt 16 0.5 16.5 800 0 40000
+TH2F hhodo_1y_neg_pi_vs_pad 'HMS 1Y- Pulse Integral vs. Paddle Number; Paddle Number; Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' H.hod.1y.negAdcCounter  H.hod.1y.negAdcPulseInt 10 0.5 10.5 800 0 40000
+TH2F hhodo_2x_neg_pi_vs_pad 'HMS 2X- Pulse Integral vs. Paddle Number; Paddle Number; Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' H.hod.2x.negAdcCounter  H.hod.2x.negAdcPulseInt 16 0.5 16.5 800 0 40000
+TH2F hhodo_2y_neg_pi_vs_pad 'HMS 2Y- Pulse Integral vs. Paddle Number; Paddle Number; Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' H.hod.2y.negAdcCounter  H.hod.2y.negAdcPulseInt 10 0.5 10.5 800 0 40000
+# HMS Hodo Pulse Amplitude
+TH2F hhodo_1x_pos_pamp_vs_pad 'HMS 1X+ Pulse Amplitude vs. Paddle Number; Paddle Number; Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' H.hod.1x.posAdcCounter  H.hod.1x.posAdcPulseAmp 16 0.5 16.5 205 0 4100
+TH2F hhodo_1y_pos_pamp_vs_pad 'HMS 1Y+ Pulse Amplitude vs. Paddle Number; Paddle Number; Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' H.hod.1y.posAdcCounter  H.hod.1y.posAdcPulseAmp 10 0.5 10.5 205 0 4100
+TH2F hhodo_2x_pos_pamp_vs_pad 'HMS 2X+ Pulse Amplitude vs. Paddle Number; Paddle Number; Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' H.hod.2x.posAdcCounter  H.hod.2x.posAdcPulseAmp 16 0.5 16.5 205 0 4100
+TH2F hhodo_2y_pos_pamp_vs_pad 'HMS 2Y+ Pulse Amplitude vs. Paddle Number; Paddle Number; Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' H.hod.2y.posAdcCounter  H.hod.2y.posAdcPulseAmp 10 0.5 10.5 205 0 4100
+TH2F hhodo_1x_neg_pamp_vs_pad 'HMS 1X- Pulse Amplitude vs. Paddle Number; Paddle Number; Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' H.hod.1x.negAdcCounter  H.hod.1x.negAdcPulseAmp 16 0.5 16.5 205 0 4100
+TH2F hhodo_1y_neg_pamp_vs_pad 'HMS 1Y- Pulse Amplitude vs. Paddle Number; Paddle Number; Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' H.hod.1y.negAdcCounter  H.hod.1y.negAdcPulseAmp 10 0.5 10.5 205 0 4100
+TH2F hhodo_2x_neg_pamp_vs_pad 'HMS 2X- Pulse Amplitude vs. Paddle Number; Paddle Number; Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' H.hod.2x.negAdcCounter  H.hod.2x.negAdcPulseAmp 16 0.5 16.5 205 0 4100
+TH2F hhodo_2y_neg_pamp_vs_pad 'HMS 2Y- Pulse Amplitude vs. Paddle Number; Paddle Number; Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' H.hod.2y.negAdcCounter  H.hod.2y.negAdcPulseAmp 10 0.5 10.5 205 0 4100
+# HMS Hodo TDC Time
+TH2F hhodo_1x_pos_tdc_time_vs_pad 'HMS 1X+ TDC Time vs. Paddle Number; Paddle Number; TDC Time / 10 ADC Units' H.hod.1x.posTdcCounter  H.hod.1x.posTdcTime 16 0.5 16.5 200 -2000 0
+TH2F hhodo_1y_pos_tdc_time_vs_pad 'HMS 1Y+ TDC Time vs. Paddle Number; Paddle Number; TDC Time / 10 ADC Units' H.hod.1y.posTdcCounter  H.hod.1y.posTdcTime 10 0.5 10.5 200 -2000 0
+TH2F hhodo_2x_pos_tdc_time_vs_pad 'HMS 2X+ TDC Time vs. Paddle Number; Paddle Number; TDC Time / 10 ADC Units' H.hod.2x.posTdcCounter  H.hod.2x.posTdcTime 16 0.5 16.5 200 -2000 0
+TH2F hhodo_2y_pos_tdc_time_vs_pad 'HMS 2Y+ TDC Time vs. Paddle Number; Paddle Number; TDC Time / 10 ADC Units' H.hod.2y.posTdcCounter  H.hod.2y.posTdcTime 10 0.5 10.5 200 -2000 0
+TH2F hhodo_1x_neg_tdc_time_vs_pad 'HMS 1X- TDC Time vs. Paddle Number; Paddle Number; TDC Time / 10 ADC Units' H.hod.1x.negTdcCounter  H.hod.1x.negTdcTime 16 0.5 16.5 200 -2000 0
+TH2F hhodo_1y_neg_tdc_time_vs_pad 'HMS 1Y- TDC Time vs. Paddle Number; Paddle Number; TDC Time / 10 ADC Units' H.hod.1y.negTdcCounter  H.hod.1y.negTdcTime 10 0.5 10.5 200 -2000 0
+TH2F hhodo_2x_neg_tdc_time_vs_pad 'HMS 2X- TDC Time vs. Paddle Number; Paddle Number; TDC Time / 10 ADC Units' H.hod.2x.negTdcCounter  H.hod.2x.negTdcTime 16 0.5 16.5 200 -2000 0
+TH2F hhodo_2y_neg_tdc_time_vs_pad 'HMS 2Y- TDC Time vs. Paddle Number; Paddle Number; TDC Time / 10 ADC Units' H.hod.2y.negTdcCounter  H.hod.2y.negTdcTime 10 0.5 10.5 200 -2000 0
+# HMS HODO GOOD ADC Multiplicities 
+TH1F hhodo_1x_good_adc_mult_pos 'HMS 1X+ Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +ADC Hits' H.hod.1x.totNumGoodPosAdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_1y_good_adc_mult_pos 'HMS 1Y+ Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +ADC Hits' H.hod.1y.totNumGoodPosAdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
+TH1F hhodo_2x_good_adc_mult_pos 'HMS 2X+ Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +ADC Hits' H.hod.2x.totNumGoodPosAdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_2y_good_adc_mult_pos 'HMS 2Y+ Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +ADC Hits' H.hod.2y.totNumGoodPosAdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
+TH1F hhodo_1x_good_adc_mult_neg 'HMS 1X- Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good -ADC Hits' H.hod.1x.totNumGoodNegAdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_1y_good_adc_mult_neg 'HMS 1Y- Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good -ADC Hits' H.hod.1y.totNumGoodNegAdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
+TH1F hhodo_2x_good_adc_mult_neg 'HMS 2X- Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good -ADC Hits' H.hod.2x.totNumGoodNegAdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_2y_good_adc_mult_neg 'HMS 2Y- Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good -ADC Hits' H.hod.2y.totNumGoodNegAdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
+TH1F hhodo_1x_good_adc_mult 'HMS 1X Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good ADC Hits' H.hod.1x.totNumGoodAdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_1y_good_adc_mult 'HMS 1Y Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good ADC Hits' H.hod.1y.totNumGoodAdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
+TH1F hhodo_2x_good_adc_mult 'HMS 2X Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good ADC Hits' H.hod.2x.totNumGoodAdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_2y_good_adc_mult 'HMS 2Y Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good ADC Hits' H.hod.2y.totNumGoodAdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
+# HMS HODO Good TDC Multiplicities
+TH1F hhodo_1x_good_tdc_mult_pos 'HMS 1X+ Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +TDC Hits' H.hod.1x.totNumGoodPosTdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_1y_good_tdc_mult_pos 'HMS 1Y+ Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +TDC Hits' H.hod.1y.totNumGoodPosTdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
+TH1F hhodo_2x_good_tdc_mult_pos 'HMS 2X+ Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +TDC Hits' H.hod.2x.totNumGoodPosTdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_2y_good_tdc_mult_pos 'HMS 2Y+ Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +TDC Hits' H.hod.2y.totNumGoodPosTdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
+TH1F hhodo_1x_good_tdc_mult_neg 'HMS 1X- Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good -TDC Hits' H.hod.1x.totNumGoodNegTdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_1y_good_tdc_mult_neg 'HMS 1Y- Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good -TDC Hits' H.hod.1y.totNumGoodNegTdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
+TH1F hhodo_2x_good_tdc_mult_neg 'HMS 2X- Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good -TDC Hits' H.hod.2x.totNumGoodNegTdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_2y_good_tdc_mult_neg 'HMS 2Y- Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good -TDC Hits' H.hod.2y.totNumGoodNegTdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
+TH1F hhodo_1x_good_tdc_mult 'HMS 1X Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good TDC Hits' H.hod.1x.totNumGoodTdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_1y_good_tdc_mult 'HMS 1Y Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good TDC Hits' H.hod.1y.totNumGoodTdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
+TH1F hhodo_2x_good_tdc_mult 'HMS 2X Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good TDC Hits' H.hod.2x.totNumGoodTdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_2y_good_tdc_mult 'HMS 2Y Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good TDC Hits' H.hod.2y.totNumGoodTdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
+TH1F hhodo_1x_good_adc_occ_pos 'HMS 1X+ Good ADC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good +ADC Hits' H.hod.1x.numGoodPosAdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_1y_good_adc_occ_pos 'HMS 1Y+ Good ADC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good +ADC Hits' H.hod.1y.numGoodPosAdcHits 10 0.5 10.5 
+TH1F hhodo_2x_good_adc_occ_pos 'HMS 2X+ Good ADC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good +ADC Hits' H.hod.2x.numGoodPosAdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_2y_good_adc_occ_pos 'HMS 2Y+ Good ADC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good +ADC Hits' H.hod.2y.numGoodPosAdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
+TH1F hhodo_1x_good_adc_occ_neg 'HMS 1X- Good ADC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good -ADC Hits' H.hod.1x.numGoodNegAdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_1y_good_adc_occ_neg 'HMS 1Y- Good ADC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good -ADC Hits' H.hod.1y.numGoodNegAdcHits 10 0.5 10.5 
+TH1F hhodo_2x_good_adc_occ_neg 'HMS 2X- Good ADC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good -ADC Hits' H.hod.2x.numGoodNegAdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_2y_good_adc_occ_neg 'HMS 2Y- Good ADC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good -ADC Hits' H.hod.2y.numGoodNegAdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
+TH1F hhodo_1x_good_tdc_occ_pos 'HMS 1X+ Good TDC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good +TDC Hits' H.hod.1x.numGoodPosTdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_1y_good_tdc_occ_pos 'HMS 1Y+ Good TDC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good +TDC Hits' H.hod.1y.numGoodPosTdcHits 10 0.5 10.5 
+TH1F hhodo_2x_good_tdc_occ_pos 'HMS 2X+ Good TDC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good +TDC Hits' H.hod.2x.numGoodPosTdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_2y_good_tdc_occ_pos 'HMS 2Y+ Good TDC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good +TDC Hits' H.hod.2y.numGoodPosTdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
+TH1F hhodo_1x_good_tdc_occ_neg 'HMS 1X- Good TDC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good -TDC Hits' H.hod.1x.numGoodNegTdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_1y_good_tdc_occ_neg 'HMS 1Y- Good TDC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good -TDC Hits' H.hod.1y.numGoodNegTdcHits 10 0.5 10.5 
+TH1F hhodo_2x_good_tdc_occ_neg 'HMS 2X- Good TDC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good -TDC Hits' H.hod.2x.numGoodNegTdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
+TH1F hhodo_2y_good_tdc_occ_neg 'HMS 2Y- Good TDC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good -TDC Hits' H.hod.2y.numGoodNegTdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
+TH2F hhodo_1x_good_pped_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 1X+ Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1x.GoodPosAdcPed 16 0.5 16.5 400 300 700 H.hod.1x.GoodPosAdcPed>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1y_good_pped_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 1Y+ Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1y.GoodPosAdcPed 10 0.5 10.5 400 300 700 H.hod.1y.GoodPosAdcPed>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2x_good_pped_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 2X+ Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2x.GoodPosAdcPed 16 0.5 16.5 400 300 700 H.hod.2x.GoodPosAdcPed>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2y_good_pped_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 2Y+ Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2y.GoodPosAdcPed 10 0.5 10.5 400 300 700 H.hod.2y.GoodPosAdcPed>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1x_good_pped_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 1X- Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1x.GoodNegAdcPed 16 0.5 16.5 400 300 700 H.hod.1x.GoodNegAdcPed>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1y_good_pped_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 1Y- Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1y.GoodNegAdcPed 10 0.5 10.5 400 300 700 H.hod.1y.GoodNegAdcPed>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2x_good_pped_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 2X- Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2x.GoodNegAdcPed 16 0.5 16.5 400 300 700 H.hod.2x.GoodNegAdcPed>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2y_good_pped_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 2Y- Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2y.GoodNegAdcPed 10 0.5 10.5 400 300 700 H.hod.2y.GoodNegAdcPed>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1x_good_pi_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 1X+ Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.1x.GoodPosAdcPulseInt 16 0.5 16.5 600 0 30000 H.hod.1x.GoodPosAdcPulseInt>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1y_good_pi_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 1Y+ Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.1y.GoodPosAdcPulseInt 10 0.5 10.5 600 0 30000 H.hod.1y.GoodPosAdcPulseInt>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2x_good_pi_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 2X+ Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.2x.GoodPosAdcPulseInt 16 0.5 16.5 600 0 30000 H.hod.2x.GoodPosAdcPulseInt>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2y_good_pi_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 2Y+ Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.2y.GoodPosAdcPulseInt 10 0.5 10.5 600 0 30000 H.hod.2y.GoodPosAdcPulseInt>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1x_good_pi_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 1X- Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.1x.GoodNegAdcPulseInt 16 0.5 16.5 600 0 30000 H.hod.1x.GoodNegAdcPulseInt>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1y_good_pi_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 1Y- Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.1y.GoodNegAdcPulseInt 10 0.5 10.5 600 0 30000 H.hod.1y.GoodNegAdcPulseInt>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2x_good_pi_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 2X- Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.2x.GoodNegAdcPulseInt 16 0.5 16.5 600 0 30000 H.hod.2x.GoodNegAdcPulseInt>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2y_good_pi_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 2Y- Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.2y.GoodNegAdcPulseInt 10 0.5 10.5 600 0 30000 H.hod.2y.GoodNegAdcPulseInt>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1x_good_pamp_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 1X+ Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.1x.GoodPosAdcPulseAmp 16 0.5 16.5 205 0 4100 H.hod.1x.GoodPosAdcPulseAmp>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1y_good_pamp_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 1Y+ Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.1y.GoodPosAdcPulseAmp 10 0.5 10.5 205 0 4100 H.hod.1y.GoodPosAdcPulseAmp>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2x_good_pamp_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 2X+ Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.2x.GoodPosAdcPulseAmp 16 0.5 16.5 205 0 4100 H.hod.2x.GoodPosAdcPulseAmp>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2y_good_pamp_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 2Y+ Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.2y.GoodPosAdcPulseAmp 10 0.5 10.5 205 0 4100 H.hod.2y.GoodPosAdcPulseAmp>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1x_good_pamp_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 1X- Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.1x.GoodNegAdcPulseAmp 16 0.5 16.5 205 0 4100 H.hod.1x.GoodNegAdcPulseAmp>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1y_good_pamp_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 1Y- Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.1y.GoodNegAdcPulseAmp 10 0.5 10.5 205 0 4100 H.hod.1y.GoodNegAdcPulseAmp>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2x_good_pamp_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 2X- Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.2x.GoodNegAdcPulseAmp 16 0.5 16.5 205 0 4100 H.hod.2x.GoodNegAdcPulseAmp>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2y_good_pamp_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 2Y- Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.2y.GoodNegAdcPulseAmp 10 0.5 10.5 205 0 4100 H.hod.2y.GoodNegAdcPulseAmp>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1x_good_ptime_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 1X+ Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.1x.GoodPosAdcPulseTime 16 0.5 16.5 410 0 4100 H.hod.1x.GoodPosAdcPulseTime>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1y_good_ptime_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 1Y+ Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.1y.GoodPosAdcPulseTime 10 0.5 10.5 410 0 4100 H.hod.1y.GoodPosAdcPulseTime>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2x_good_ptime_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 2X+ Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.2x.GoodPosAdcPulseTime 16 0.5 16.5 410 0 4100 H.hod.2x.GoodPosAdcPulseTime>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2y_good_ptime_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 2Y+ Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.2y.GoodPosAdcPulseTime 10 0.5 10.5 410 0 4100 H.hod.2y.GoodPosAdcPulseTime>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1x_good_ptime_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 1X- Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.1x.GoodNegAdcPulseTime 16 0.5 16.5 410 0 4100 H.hod.1x.GoodNegAdcPulseTime>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1y_good_ptime_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 1Y- Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.1y.GoodNegAdcPulseTime 10 0.5 10.5 410 0 4100 H.hod.1y.GoodNegAdcPulseTime>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2x_good_ptime_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 2X- Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.2x.GoodNegAdcPulseTime 16 0.5 16.5 410 0 4100 H.hod.2x.GoodNegAdcPulseTime>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2y_good_ptime_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 2Y- Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.2y.GoodNegAdcPulseTime 10 0.5 10.5 410 0 4100 H.hod.2y.GoodNegAdcPulseTime>0.0
+# HMS HODO Good TDC TIME UNCORRECTED (uncorrected for time offsets)
+TH2F hhodo_1x_good_tdctime_uncorr_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 1X+ Good Uncorrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Uncorrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1x.GoodPosTdcTimeUnCorr 16 0.5 16.5 120 0 120 H.hod.1x.GoodPosTdcTimeUnCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1y_good_tdctime_uncorr_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 1Y+ Good Uncorrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Uncorrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1y.GoodPosTdcTimeUnCorr 10 0.5 10.5 120 0 120 H.hod.1y.GoodPosTdcTimeUnCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2x_good_tdctime_uncorr_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 2X+ Good Uncorrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Uncorrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2x.GoodPosTdcTimeUnCorr 16 0.5 16.5 120 0 120 H.hod.2x.GoodPosTdcTimeUnCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2y_good_tdctime_uncorr_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 2Y+ Good Uncorrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Uncorrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2y.GoodPosTdcTimeUnCorr 10 0.5 10.5 120 0 120 H.hod.2y.GoodPosTdcTimeUnCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1x_good_tdctime_uncorr_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 1X- Good Uncorrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Uncorrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1x.GoodNegTdcTimeUnCorr 16 0.5 16.5 120 0 120 H.hod.1x.GoodNegTdcTimeUnCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1y_good_tdctime_uncorr_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 1Y- Good Uncorrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Uncorrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1y.GoodNegTdcTimeUnCorr 10 0.5 10.5 120 0 120 H.hod.1y.GoodNegTdcTimeUnCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2x_good_tdctime_uncorr_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 2X- Good Uncorrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Uncorrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2x.GoodNegTdcTimeUnCorr 16 0.5 16.5 120 0 120 H.hod.2x.GoodNegTdcTimeUnCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2y_good_tdctime_uncorr_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 2Y- Good Uncorrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Uncorrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2y.GoodNegTdcTimeUnCorr 10 0.5 10.5 120 0 120 H.hod.2y.GoodNegTdcTimeUnCorr>0.0
+# HMS HODO Good TDC TIME CORRECTED (corrected for time offsets)
+TH2F hhodo_1x_good_tdctime_corr_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 1X+ Good Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1x.GoodPosTdcTimeCorr 16 0.5 16.5 120 0 120 H.hod.1x.GoodPosTdcTimeCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1y_good_tdctime_corr_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 1Y+ Good Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1y.GoodPosTdcTimeCorr 10 0.5 10.5 120 0 120 H.hod.1y.GoodPosTdcTimeCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2x_good_tdctime_corr_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 2X+ Good Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2x.GoodPosTdcTimeCorr 16 0.5 16.5 120 0 120 H.hod.2x.GoodPosTdcTimeCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2y_good_tdctime_corr_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 2Y+ Good Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2y.GoodPosTdcTimeCorr 10 0.5 10.5 120 0 120 H.hod.2y.GoodPosTdcTimeCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1x_good_tdctime_corr_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 1X- Good Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1x.GoodNegTdcTimeCorr 16 0.5 16.5 120 0 120 H.hod.1x.GoodNegTdcTimeCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1y_good_tdctime_corr_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 1Y- Good Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1y.GoodNegTdcTimeCorr 10 0.5 10.5 120 0 120 H.hod.1y.GoodNegTdcTimeCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2x_good_tdctime_corr_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 2X- Good Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2x.GoodNegTdcTimeCorr 16 0.5 16.5 120 0 120 H.hod.2x.GoodNegTdcTimeCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2y_good_tdctime_corr_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 2Y- Good Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2y.GoodNegTdcTimeCorr 10 0.5 10.5 120 0 120 H.hod.2y.GoodNegTdcTimeCorr>0.0
+# HMS HODO Good TDC TIME TOF CORRECTED (corrected for time of flight) 
+TH2F hhodo_1x_good_tdctime_tofcorr_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 1X+ Good TOF Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good TOF Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1x.GoodPosTdcTimeTOFCorr 16 0.5 16.5 120 0 120 H.hod.1x.GoodPosTdcTimeTOFCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1y_good_tdctime_tofcorr_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 1Y+ Good TOF Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good TOF Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1y.GoodPosTdcTimeTOFCorr 10 0.5 10.5 120 0 120 H.hod.1y.GoodPosTdcTimeTOFCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2x_good_tdctime_tofcorr_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 2X+ Good TOF Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good TOF Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2x.GoodPosTdcTimeTOFCorr 16 0.5 16.5 120 0 120 H.hod.2x.GoodPosTdcTimeTOFCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2y_good_tdctime_tofcorr_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 2Y+ Good TOF Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good TOF Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2y.GoodPosTdcTimeTOFCorr 10 0.5 10.5 120 0 120 H.hod.2y.GoodPosTdcTimeTOFCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1x_good_tdctime_tofcorr_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 1X- Good TOF Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good TOF Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1x.GoodNegTdcTimeTOFCorr 16 0.5 16.5 120 0 120 H.hod.1x.GoodNegTdcTimeTOFCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_1y_good_tdctime_tofcorr_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 1Y- Good TOF Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good TOF Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1y.GoodNegTdcTimeTOFCorr 10 0.5 10.5 120 0 120 H.hod.1y.GoodNegTdcTimeTOFCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2x_good_tdctime_tofcorr_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 2X- Good TOF Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good TOF Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2x.GoodNegTdcTimeTOFCorr 16 0.5 16.5 120 0 120 H.hod.2x.GoodNegTdcTimeTOFCorr>0.0
+TH2F hhodo_2y_good_tdctime_tofcorr_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 2Y- Good TOF Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good TOF Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2y.GoodNegTdcTimeTOFCorr 10 0.5 10.5 120 0 120 H.hod.2y.GoodNegTdcTimeTOFCorr>0.0
diff --git a/DEF-files/HMS/TEST_STANDS/HODO/hhodoana_cuts.def b/DEF-files/HMS/TEST_STANDS/HODO/hhodoana_cuts.def
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3af34a5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DEF-files/HMS/TEST_STANDS/HODO/hhodoana_cuts.def
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+Block: RawDecode
+Pedestal_event 0
+RawDecode_master 1
+Block: Decode
+Decode_master 1
+Block: CoarseTracking
+CoarseTracking_master 1
+Block: CoarseReconstruct
+CourseReconstruct 0
diff --git a/DEF-files/HMS/TEST_STANDS/TRIG/htrigana.def b/DEF-files/HMS/TEST_STANDS/TRIG/htrigana.def
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d24b18e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DEF-files/HMS/TEST_STANDS/TRIG/htrigana.def
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+# Trigger Apparatus *
+# HMS Raw Hodo TRIG TDC Time
+TH1F htrig_h1x_tdc 'HMS h1X TDC Time; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.h1X_tdcTimeRaw 1500 0 1500
+TH1F htrig_h1y_tdc 'HMS h1Y TDC Time; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.h1Y_tdcTimeRaw 1500 0 1500
+TH1F htrig_h2x_tdc 'HMS h2X TDC Time; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.h2X_tdcTimeRaw 1500 0 1500
+TH1F htrig_h2y_tdc 'HMS h2Y TDC Time; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.h2Y_tdcTimeRaw 1500 0 1500
+TH1F htrig_h1T_tdc 'HMS h1X/h1Y Coincidence TDC Time; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.h1T_tdcTimeRaw 1500 0 1500
+TH1F htrig_h2T_tdc 'HMS h2X/h2Y Coincidence TDC Time; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.h2T_tdcTimeRaw 1500 0 1500
+TH1F htrig_hT1_tdc 'HMS h1X/h1Y/h2X/h2Y Coincidence TDC Time (Slot 2); Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hT1_tdcTimeRaw 1500 0 1500
+TH1F htrig_hT2_tdc 'HMS h1X/h1Y/h2X/h2Y Coincidence TDC Time (Slot 20); Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hT2_tdcTimeRaw 1500 0 1500
+# HMS Raw DC Reference Time
+TH1F htrig_hdc_ref1 'HMS DC Reference Time 1; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hDCREF1_tdcTimeRaw 15000 0 15000
+TH1F htrig_hdc_ref2 'HMS DC Reference Time 2; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hDCREF2_tdcTimeRaw 15000 0 15000
+TH1F htrig_hdc_ref3 'HMS DC Reference Time 3; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hDCREF3_tdcTimeRaw 15000 0 15000
+TH1F htrig_hdc_ref4 'HMS DC Reference Time 4; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hDCREF4_tdcTimeRaw 15000 0 15000
+TH1F hdc_refdiff_1m2 'HDC Reference time 1 minus 2; TDC Time (Clicks); Number of Entries / 1 click' T.hms.hDCREF1_tdcTime-T.hms.hDCREF2_tdcTime 2000 -1000 1000
+TH1F hdc_refdiff_1m3 'HDC Reference time 1 minus 3; TDC Time (Clicks); Number of Entries / 1 click' T.hms.hDCREF1_tdcTime-T.hms.hDCREF3_tdcTime 2000 -1000 1000
+TH1F hdc_refdiff_1m4 'HDC Reference time 1 minus 4; TDC Time (Clicks); Number of Entries / 1 click' T.hms.hDCREF1_tdcTime-T.hms.hDCREF4_tdcTime 2000 -1000 1000
+TH1F hdc_refdiff_2m3 'HDC Reference time 2 minus 3; TDC Time (Clicks); Number of Entries / 1 click' T.hms.hDCREF2_tdcTime-T.hms.hDCREF3_tdcTime 2000 -1000 1000
+TH1F hdc_refdiff_2m4 'HDC Reference time 2 minus 4; TDC Time (Clicks); Number of Entries / 1 click' T.hms.hDCREF2_tdcTime-T.hms.hDCREF4_tdcTime 2000 -1000 1000
+TH1F hdc_refdiff_3m4 'HDC Reference time 3 minus 4; TDC Time (Clicks); Number of Entries / 1 click' T.hms.hDCREF3_tdcTime-T.hms.hDCREF4_tdcTime 2000 -1000 1000
+# HMS Calo Layers TRIG Raw Pulse Profile
+TH1F htrig_hasum_adc_rawpped 'HMS hAsum Raw Pulse Pedestal; Raw Pulse Pedestal (ADC Units); Counts / 10 ADC Units;' T.hms.hASUM_adcPedRaw 500 0 5000
+TH1F htrig_hasum_adc_rawpi 'HMS hAsum Raw Pulse Integral; Raw Pulse Integral (ADC Units); Counts / 10 ADC Units;' T.hms.hASUM_adcPulseIntRaw 4000 0 40000
+TH1F htrig_hasum_adc_rawpamp 'HMS hAsum Raw Pulse Amplitude; Raw Pulse Amplitude (ADC Units); Counts / 10 ADC Units;' T.hms.hASUM_adcPulseAmpRaw 410 0 4100
+TH1F htrig_hasum_adc_rawptime 'HMS hAsum Raw Pulse Time; Raw Pulse Time (ADC Units); Counts / 10 ADC Units;' T.hms.hASUM_adcPulseTimeRaw 2000 0 20000
+TH1F htrig_hasum_rawtdc 'HMS hAsum Raw TDC Time; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hASUM_tdcTimeRaw 4000 0 40000
+TH1F htrig_hbsum_adc_rawpped 'HMS hBsum Raw Pulse Pedestal; Raw Pulse Pedestal (ADC Units); Counts / 10 ADC Units;' T.hms.hBSUM_adcPedRaw 500 0 5000
+TH1F htrig_hbsum_adc_rawpi 'HMS hBsum Raw Pulse Integral; Raw Pulse Integral (ADC Units); Counts / 10 ADC Units;' T.hms.hBSUM_adcPulseIntRaw 4000 0 40000
+TH1F htrig_hbsum_adc_rawpamp 'HMS hBsum Raw Pulse Amplitude; Raw Pulse Amplitude (ADC Units); Counts / 10 ADC Units;' T.hms.hBSUM_adcPulseAmpRaw 410 0 4100
+TH1F htrig_hbsum_adc_rawptime 'HMS hBsum Raw Pulse Time; Raw Pulse Time (ADC Units); Counts / 10 ADC Units;' T.hms.hBSUM_adcPulseTimeRaw 2000 0 20000
+TH1F htrig_hbsum_rawtdc 'HMS hBsum Raw TDC Time; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hBSUM_tdcTimeRaw 4000 0 40000
+TH1F htrig_hcsum_adc_rawpped 'HMS hCsum Raw Pulse Pedestal; Raw Pulse Pedestal (ADC Units); Counts / 10 ADC Units;' T.hms.hCSUM_adcPedRaw 500 0 5000
+TH1F htrig_hcsum_adc_rawpi 'HMS hCsum Raw Pulse Integral; Raw Pulse Integral (ADC Units); Counts / 10 ADC Units;' T.hms.hCSUM_adcPulseIntRaw 4000 0 40000
+TH1F htrig_hcsum_adc_rawpamp 'HMS hCsum Raw Pulse Amplitude; Raw Pulse Amplitude (ADC Units); Counts / 10 ADC Units;' T.hms.hCSUM_adcPulseAmpRaw 410 0 4100
+TH1F htrig_hcsum_adc_rawptime 'HMS hCsum Raw Pulse Time; Raw Pulse Time (ADC Units); Counts / 10 ADC Units;' T.hms.hCSUM_adcPulseTimeRaw 2000 0 20000
+TH1F htrig_hcsum_rawtdc 'HMS hCsum Raw TDC Time; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hCSUM_tdcTimeRaw 4000 0 40000
+TH1F htrig_hdsum_adc_rawpped 'HMS hDsum Raw Pulse Pedestal; Raw Pulse Pedestal (ADC Units); Counts / 10 ADC Units;' T.hms.hDSUM_adcPedRaw 500 0 5000
+TH1F htrig_hdsum_adc_rawpi 'HMS hDsum Raw Pulse Integral; Raw Pulse Integral (ADC Units); Counts / 10 ADC Units;' T.hms.hDSUM_adcPulseIntRaw 4000 0 40000
+TH1F htrig_hdsum_adc_rawpamp 'HMS hDsum Raw Pulse Amplitude; Raw Pulse Amplitude (ADC Units); Counts / 10 ADC Units;' T.hms.hDSUM_adcPulseAmpRaw 410 0 4100
+TH1F htrig_hdsum_adc_rawptime 'HMS hDsum Raw Pulse Time; Raw Pulse Time (ADC Units); Counts / 10 ADC Units;' T.hms.hDSUM_adcPulseTimeRaw 2000 0 20000
+TH1F htrig_hdsum_rawtdc 'HMS hDsum Raw TDC Time; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hDSUM_tdcTimeRaw 4000 0 40000
+# HMS PreShower TRIG Raw Pulse Profile
+TH1F htrig_hpreShwr_adc_rawpped 'HMS Pre-Shower Raw Pulse Pedestal; Raw Pulse Pedestal (ADC Units); Counts / 10 ADC Units;' T.hms.hPSHWR_adcPedRaw 500 0 5000
+TH1F htrig_hpreShwr_adc_rawpi 'HMS Pre-Shower Raw Pulse Integral; Raw Pulse Integral (ADC Units); Counts / 10 ADC Units;' T.hms.hPSHWR_adcPulseIntRaw 4000 0 40000
+TH1F htrig_hpreShwr_adc_rawpamp 'HMS Pre-Shower Raw Pulse Amplitude; Raw Pulse Amplitude (ADC Units); Counts / 10 ADC Units;' T.hms.hPSHWR_adcPulseAmpRaw 410 0 4100
+TH1F htrig_hpreShwr_adc_rawptime 'HMS Pre-Shower Raw Pulse Time; Raw Pulse Time (ADC Units); Counts / 10 ADC Units;' T.hms.hPSHWR_adcPulseTimeRaw 2000 0 20000
+TH1F htrig_hpreShwr_rawtdc 'HMS Pre-Shower Raw TDC Time; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hPSHWR_tdcTimeRaw 4000 0 40000
+TH1F htrig_hpreShwrLow_tdc 'HMS hpreShwrLow TDC Time; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hPSHWRLO_tdcTimeRaw 4000 0 40000
+TH1F htrig_hpreShwrHigh_tdc 'HMS hpreShwrHigh TDC Time; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hPSHWRHI_tdcTimeRaw 4000 0 40000
+# HMS Shower TRIG Raw Pulse Profile
+TH1F htrig_hshwr_adc_rawpped 'HMS Shower Raw Pulse Pedestal; Raw Pulse Pedestal (ADC Units); Counts / 10 ADC Units;' T.hms.hSHWR_adcPedRaw 500 0 5000
+TH1F htrig_hshwr_adc_rawpi 'HMS Shower Raw Pulse Integral; Raw Pulse Integral (ADC Units); Counts / 10 ADC Units;' T.hms.hSHWR_adcPulseIntRaw 4000 0 40000
+TH1F htrig_hshwr_adc_rawpamp 'HMS Shower Raw Pulse Amplitude; Raw Pulse Amplitude (ADC Units); Counts / 10 ADC Units;' T.hms.hSHWR_adcPulseAmpRaw 410 0 4100
+TH1F htrig_hshwr_adc_rawptime 'HMS Shower Raw Pulse Time; Raw Pulse Time (ADC Units); Counts / 10 ADC Units;' T.hms.hSHWR_adcPulseTimeRaw 2000 0 20000
+TH1F htrig_hshwr_rawtdc 'HMS Shower Raw TDC Time; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hSHWR_tdcTimeRaw 4000 0 40000
+# HMS Calo Layers TRIG Pulse Profile
+TH1F htrig_hasum_adc_pped 'HMS hAsum Pulse Pedestal;  Pulse Pedestal (ADC Units); Counts / 10 ADC Units;' T.hms.hASUM_adcPed 500 0 5000
+TH1F htrig_hasum_adc_pi 'HMS hAsum Pulse Integral;  Pulse Integral (ADC Units); Counts / 10 ADC Units;' T.hms.hASUM_adcPulseInt 4000 0 40000
+TH1F htrig_hasum_adc_pamp 'HMS hAsum Pulse Amplitude;  Pulse Amplitude (ADC Units); Counts / 10 ADC Units;' T.hms.hASUM_adcPulseAmp 410 0 4100
+TH1F htrig_hasum_tdc 'HMS hAsum TDC Time;  TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hASUM_tdcTime 4000 0 40000
+TH1F htrig_hbsum_adc_pped 'HMS hBsum Pulse Pedestal;  Pulse Pedestal (ADC Units); Counts / 10 ADC Units;' T.hms.hBSUM_adcPed 500 0 5000
+TH1F htrig_hbsum_adc_pi 'HMS hBsum Pulse Integral;  Pulse Integral (ADC Units); Counts / 10 ADC Units;' T.hms.hBSUM_adcPulseInt 4000 0 40000
+TH1F htrig_hbsum_adc_pamp 'HMS hBsum Pulse Amplitude;  Pulse Amplitude (ADC Units); Counts / 10 ADC Units;' T.hms.hBSUM_adcPulseAmp 410 0 4100
+TH1F htrig_hbsum_tdc 'HMS hBsum TDC Time;  TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hBSUM_tdcTime 4000 0 40000
+TH1F htrig_hcsum_adc_pped 'HMS hCsum Pulse Pedestal;  Pulse Pedestal (ADC Units); Counts / 10 ADC Units;' T.hms.hCSUM_adcPed 500 0 5000
+TH1F htrig_hcsum_adc_pi 'HMS hCsum Pulse Integral;  Pulse Integral (ADC Units); Counts / 10 ADC Units;' T.hms.hCSUM_adcPulseInt 4000 0 40000
+TH1F htrig_hcsum_adc_pamp 'HMS hCsum Pulse Amplitude;  Pulse Amplitude (ADC Units); Counts / 10 ADC Units;' T.hms.hCSUM_adcPulseAmp 410 0 4100
+TH1F htrig_hcsum_tdc 'HMS hCsum TDC Time;  TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hCSUM_tdcTime 4000 0 40000
+TH1F htrig_hdsum_adc_pped 'HMS hDsum Pulse Pedestal;  Pulse Pedestal (ADC Units); Counts / 10 ADC Units;' T.hms.hDSUM_adcPed 500 0 5000
+TH1F htrig_hdsum_adc_pi 'HMS hDsum Pulse Integral;  Pulse Integral (ADC Units); Counts / 10 ADC Units;' T.hms.hDSUM_adcPulseInt 4000 0 40000
+TH1F htrig_hdsum_adc_pamp 'HMS hDsum Pulse Amplitude;  Pulse Amplitude (ADC Units); Counts / 10 ADC Units;' T.hms.hDSUM_adcPulseAmp 410 0 4100
+TH1F htrig_hdsum_tdc 'HMS hDsum TDC Time;  TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hDSUM_tdcTime 4000 0 40000
+# HMS PreShower TRIG Pulse Profile
+TH1F htrig_hpreShwr_adc_pped 'HMS Pre-Shower Pulse Pedestal;  Pulse Pedestal (ADC Units); Counts / 10 ADC Units;' T.hms.hPSHWR_adcPed 500 0 5000
+TH1F htrig_hpreShwr_adc_pi 'HMS Pre-Shower Pulse Integral;  Pulse Integral (ADC Units); Counts / 10 ADC Units;' T.hms.hPSHWR_adcPulseInt 4000 0 40000
+TH1F htrig_hpreShwr_adc_pamp 'HMS Pre-Shower Pulse Amplitude;  Pulse Amplitude (ADC Units); Counts / 10 ADC Units;' T.hms.hPSHWR_adcPulseAmp 410 0 4100
+TH1F htrig_hpreShwr_tdc 'HMS Pre-Shower TDC Time;  TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hPSHWR_tdcTime 4000 0 40000
+# HMS Shower TRIG Pulse Profile
+TH1F htrig_hshwr_adc_pped 'HMS Shower Pulse Pedestal;  Pulse Pedestal (ADC Units); Counts / 10 ADC Units;' T.hms.hSHWR_adcPed 500 0 5000
+TH1F htrig_hshwr_adc_pi 'HMS Shower Pulse Integral;  Pulse Integral (ADC Units); Counts / 10 ADC Units;' T.hms.hSHWR_adcPulseInt 4000 0 40000
+TH1F htrig_hshwr_adc_pamp 'HMS Shower Pulse Amplitude;  Pulse Amplitude (ADC Units); Counts / 10 ADC Units;' T.hms.hSHWR_adcPulseAmp 410 0 4100
+TH1F htrig_hshwr_tdc 'HMS Shower TDC Time;  TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hSHWR_tdcTime 4000 0 40000
+# HMS Gas Cherenkov TRIG Raw Pulse Profile
+TH1F htrig_hcersum_adc_rawpped 'HMS Cherenkov Sum Raw Pulse Pedestal; Raw Pulse Pedestal (ADC Units); Counts / 10 ADC Units;' T.hms.hCERSUM_adcPedRaw 500 0 5000
+TH1F htrig_hcersum_adc_rawpi 'HMS Cherenkov Sum Raw Pulse Integral; Raw Pulse Integral (ADC Units); Counts / 10 ADC Units;' T.hms.hCERSUM_adcPulseIntRaw 4000 0 40000
+TH1F htrig_hcersum_adc_rawpamp 'HMS Cherenkov Sum Raw Pulse Amplitude; Raw Pulse Amplitude (ADC Units); Counts / 10 ADC Units;' T.hms.hCERSUM_adcPulseAmpRaw 410 0 4100
+TH1F htrig_hcersum_adc_rawptime 'HMS Cherenkov Sum Raw Pulse Time; Raw Pulse Time (ADC Units); Counts / 10 ADC Units;' T.hms.hCERSUM_adcPulseTimeRaw 2000 0 20000
+TH1F htrig_hcersum_rawtdc 'HMS Cherenkov Sum Raw TDC Time; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hCERSUM_tdcTimeRaw 4000 0 40000
+# HMS Gas Cherenkov TRIG Pulse Profile
+TH1F htrig_hcersum_adc_pped 'HMS Cherenkov Sum Pulse Pedestal;  Pulse Pedestal (ADC Units); Counts / 10 ADC Units;' T.hms.hCERSUM_adcPed 500 0 5000
+TH1F htrig_hcersum_adc_pi 'HMS Cherenkov Sum Pulse Integral;  Pulse Integral (ADC Units); Counts / 10 ADC Units;' T.hms.hCERSUM_adcPulseInt 4000 0 40000
+TH1F htrig_hcersum_adc_pamp 'HMS Cherenkov Sum Pulse Amplitude;  Pulse Amplitude (ADC Units); Counts / 10 ADC Units;' T.hms.hCERSUM_adcPulseAmp 410 0 4100
+TH1F htrig_hcersum_tdc 'HMS Cherenkov Sum TDC Time;  TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hCERSUM_tdcTime 4000 0 40000
+# HMS Aerogel TRIG Raw Pulse Profile
+TH1F htrig_haersum_adc_rawpped 'HMS Aerogel Sum Raw Pulse Pedestal; Raw Pulse Pedestal (ADC Units); Counts / 10 ADC Units;' T.hms.hAERSUM_adcPedRaw 500 0 5000
+TH1F htrig_haersum_adc_rawpi 'HMS Aerogel Sum Raw Pulse Integral; Raw Pulse Integral (ADC Units); Counts / 10 ADC Units;' T.hms.hAERSUM_adcPulseIntRaw 4000 0 40000
+TH1F htrig_haersum_adc_rawpamp 'HMS Aerogel Sum Raw Pulse Amplitude; Raw Pulse Amplitude (ADC Units); Counts / 10 ADC Units;' T.hms.hAERSUM_adcPulseAmpRaw 410 0 4100
+TH1F htrig_haersum_adc_rawptime 'HMS Aerogel Sum Raw Pulse Time; Raw Pulse Time (ADC Units); Counts / 10 ADC Units;' T.hms.hAERSUM_adcPulseTimeRaw 2000 0 20000
+TH1F htrig_haersum_rawtdc 'HMS Aerogel Sum Raw TDC Time; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hAERSUM_tdcTimeRaw 4000 0 40000
+# HMS Aerogel TRIG Raw Pulse Profile
+TH1F htrig_haersum_adc_pped 'HMS Aerogel Sum Pulse Pedestal;  Pulse Pedestal (ADC Units); Counts / 10 ADC Units;' T.hms.hAERSUM_adcPed 500 0 5000
+TH1F htrig_haersum_adc_pi 'HMS Aerogel Sum Pulse Integral;  Pulse Integral (ADC Units); Counts / 10 ADC Units;' T.hms.hAERSUM_adcPulseInt 4000 0 40000
+TH1F htrig_haersum_adc_pamp 'HMS Aerogel Sum Pulse Amplitude;  Pulse Amplitude (ADC Units); Counts / 10 ADC Units;' T.hms.hAERSUM_adcPulseAmp 410 0 4100
+TH1F htrig_haersum_tdc 'HMS Aerogel Sum TDC Time;  TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hAERSUM_tdcTime 4000 0 40000
+# Fast Raster 
+# Assume FADC range is set to 1V and the integration is 25 channels
+# Offset in the FADC is about 0.122V or 500 channels.
+formula FRXA_V T.hms.pFRXA_adcPulseIntRaw*(1./4096.)/25.
+formula FRXB_V T.hms.pFRXB_adcPulseIntRaw*(1./4096.)/25.
+formula FRYA_V T.hms.pFRYA_adcPulseIntRaw*(1./4096.)/25.
+formula FRYB_V T.hms.pFRYB_adcPulseIntRaw*(1./4096.)/25.
+TH1F hFRXA 'HMS FRXA; FRXA RAW ADC (chan); Counts' T.hms.pFRXA_adcPulseIntRaw 1000 0 100000
+TH1F hFRXA_V 'HMS FRXA; FRXA RAW ADC (Volts); Counts' FRXA_V 1000 0 1.0
+TH1F hFRXB 'HMS FRXB; FRXB RAW ADC (chan); Counts' T.hms.pFRXB_adcPulseIntRaw 1000 0 100000
+TH1F hFRXB_V 'HMS FRXB; FRXB RAW ADC (Volts); Counts' FRXB_V 1000 0 1.0
+TH1F hFRYA 'HMS FRYA; FRYA RAW ADC (chan); Counts' T.hms.pFRYA_adcPulseIntRaw 1000 0 100000
+TH1F hFRYA_V 'HMS FRYA; FRYA RAW ADC (Volts); Counts' FRYA_V 1000 0 1.0
+TH1F hFRYB 'HMS FRYB; FRYB RAW ADC (chan); Counts' T.hms.pFRYB_adcPulseIntRaw 1000 0 100000
+TH1F hFRYB_V 'HMS FRYB; FRYB RAW ADC (Volts); Counts' FRYB_V 1000 0 1.0
+TH2F hFRA_XvsY 'HMSFRA_XvsY; FRXA RAW ADC (Volts); FRYA RAW ADC (Volts)' FRXA_V FRYA_V 1000 0 1.0 1000 0 1.0
+TH2F hFRB_XvsY 'HMSFRB_XvsY; FRXB RAW ADC (Volts); FRYB RAW ADC (Volts)' FRXB_V FRYB_V 1000 0 1.0 1000 0 1.0
diff --git a/DEF-files/HMS/TEST_STANDS/TRIG/htrigana_cuts.def b/DEF-files/HMS/TEST_STANDS/TRIG/htrigana_cuts.def
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3af34a5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DEF-files/HMS/TEST_STANDS/TRIG/htrigana_cuts.def
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+Block: RawDecode
+Pedestal_event 0
+RawDecode_master 1
+Block: Decode
+Decode_master 1
+Block: CoarseTracking
+CoarseTracking_master 1
+Block: CoarseReconstruct
+CourseReconstruct 0
diff --git a/DEF-files/SHMS/PRODUCTION/pstackana_production_cuts.def b/DEF-files/SHMS/PRODUCTION/pstackana_production_cuts.def
index de1a1358..b871dd09 100644
--- a/DEF-files/SHMS/PRODUCTION/pstackana_production_cuts.def
+++ b/DEF-files/SHMS/PRODUCTION/pstackana_production_cuts.def
@@ -4,20 +4,20 @@ Block: RawDecode
 Pedestal_event     g.evtyp == 4
 scalar_event       g.evtyp == 0
-HMS_event          g.evtyp == 1
+#HMS_event          g.evtyp == 1
 SHMS_event         g.evtyp == 1
-coin_event         g.evtyp == 3
+#coin_event         g.evtyp == 3
 misc_event         g.evtyp >= 5
-hmscoin_event      HMS_event || coin_event
-shmscoin_event     SHMS_event || coin_event
-all_event          HMS_event || SHMS_event || coin_event
+#hmscoin_event      HMS_event || coin_event
+#shmscoin_event     SHMS_event || coin_event
+#all_event          HMS_event || SHMS_event || coin_event
 RawDecode_master  1
 Block: Decode
-all_trigs          HMS_event || SHMS_event || coin_event
-shms_coin_trig     SHMS_event || coin_event
+#all_trigs          HMS_event || SHMS_event || coin_event
+#shms_coin_trig     SHMS_event || coin_event
 good_S1_time         T.shms.p1T_tdcTime > 241 && T.shms.p1T_tdcTime < 243
 good_S2X_time        T.shms.p2X_tdcTime > 180 && T.shms.p2X_tdcTime < 220
diff --git a/DEF-files/SHMS/SCALERS/pscaler_cuts.def b/DEF-files/SHMS/SCALERS/pscaler_cuts.def
index 4868f694..af374d29 100644
--- a/DEF-files/SHMS/SCALERS/pscaler_cuts.def
+++ b/DEF-files/SHMS/SCALERS/pscaler_cuts.def
@@ -4,20 +4,20 @@ Block: RawDecode
 Pedestal_event     g.evtyp == 4
 scalar_event       g.evtyp == 0
-HMS_event          g.evtyp == 1
+#HMS_event          g.evtyp == 1
 SHMS_event         g.evtyp == 1
-coin_event         g.evtyp == 3
+#coin_event         g.evtyp == 3
 misc_event         g.evtyp >= 5
-hmscoin_event      HMS_event || coin_event
-shmscoin_event     SHMS_event || coin_event
-all_event          HMS_event || SHMS_event || coin_event
+#hmscoin_event      HMS_event || coin_event
+#shmscoin_event     SHMS_event || coin_event
+#all_event          HMS_event || SHMS_event || coin_event
 RawDecode_master  1
 Block: Decode
-all_trigs          HMS_event || SHMS_event || coin_event
-shms_coin_trig     SHMS_event || coin_event
+#all_trigs          HMS_event || SHMS_event || coin_event
+#shms_coin_trig     SHMS_event || coin_event
 Decode_master     SHMS_event
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9c877a40
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+! HAERO_ID= 12             (TDC),ADC
+!F250 modules
+!  chan    plane   tube     sig
+     8,      1,      1,      1!    hAER01-
+     9,      1,      2,      1!    hAER02-
+     10,     1,      3,      1!    hAER03-
+     11,     1,      4,      1!    hAER04-
+     12,     1,      5,      1!    hAER05-
+     13,     1,      6,      1!    hAER06-
+     14,     1,      7,      1!    hAER07-
+     15,     1,      8,      1!    hAER08-
+!  chan    plane   tube     sig
+     0,      1,      1,      0!   hAER01+
+     1,      1,      2,      0!   hAER02+
+     2,      1,      3,      0!   hAER03+
+     3,      1,      4,      0!   hAER04+
+     4,      1,      5,      0!   hAER05+
+     5,      1,      6,      0!   hAER06+
+     6,      1,      7,      0!   hAER07+
+     7,      1,      8,      0!   hAER08+
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d6129c33
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+! THMS_ID=10       ::  ADC,TDC
+! HAERO_ID=12      ::  (TDC),ADC
+   8,   1,   1,   0  ! hASUM
+   9,   1,   2,   0  ! hBSUM
+  10,   1,   3,   0  ! hCSUM
+  11,   1,   4,   0  ! hDSUM
+  12,   1,   5,   0  ! hPSHWR
+  13,   1,   6,   0  ! hSHWR
+  14,   1,   7,   0  ! hAERSUM
+  15,   1,   8,   0  ! hCERSUM
+   0,   2,   1,   1  ! h1X
+   1,   2,   2,   1  ! h1Y
+   2,   2,   3,   1  ! h2X
+   3,   2,   4,   1  ! h2Y
+   4,   2,   5,   1  ! h1T
+   5,   2,   6,   1  ! h2T
+   6,1000,   0,   0  ! hTref
+   7,   2,   8,   1  ! hASUM
+   8,   2,   9,   1  ! hBSUM
+   9,   2,  10,   1  ! hCSUM
+  10,   2,  11,   1  ! hDSUM
+  11,   2,  12,   1  ! hPSHWRLO
+  12,   2,  13,   1  ! hPSHWRHI
+  13,   2,  14,   1  ! hSHWR
+  14,   2,  15,   1  ! hAERSUM
+  15,   2,  16,   1  ! hCERSUM
+ 127,   2,  17,   1  ! hT2
+ 111,   2,  18,   1  ! hDCREF1
+ 127,   2,  19,   1  ! hDCREF2
+ 127,   2,  20,   1  ! hDCREF3
+ 127,   2,  21,   1  ! hDCREF4
+   8,   1,   1,   1  ! hAER01-
+   9,   1,   2,   1  ! hAER02-
+  10,   1,   3,   1  ! hAER03-
+  11,   1,   4,   1  ! hAER04-
+  12,   1,   5,   1  ! hAER05-
+  13,   1,   6,   1  ! hAER06-
+  14,   1,   7,   1  ! hAER07-
+  15,   1,   8,   1  ! hAER08-
+   0,   1,   1,   0  ! hAER01+
+   1,   1,   2,   0  ! hAER02+
+   2,   1,   3,   0  ! hAER03+
+   3,   1,   4,   0  ! hAER04+
+   4,   1,   5,   0  ! hAER05+
+   5,   1,   6,   0  ! hAER06+
+   6,   1,   7,   0  ! hAER07+
+   7,   1,   8,   0  ! hAER08+
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c79bed6a
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+! HCAL_ID= 15              ADC
+!F250 modules
+! chan   plane    row      sig
+     0,      1,      1,      0!    hA01+
+     1,      1,      2,      0!    hA02+
+     2,      1,      3,      0!    hA03+
+     3,      1,      4,      0!    hA04+
+     4,      1,      5,      0!    hA05+
+     5,      1,      6,      0!    hA06+
+     6,      1,      7,      0!    hA07+
+     7,      1,      8,      0!    hA08+
+     8,      1,      9,      0!    hA09+
+     9,      1,      10,     0!    hA10+
+     10,     1,      11,     0!    hA11+
+     11,     1,      12,     0!    hA12+
+     12,     1,      13,     0!    hA13+
+     13,     1,      1,      1!    hA01-
+     14,     1,      2,      1!    hA02-
+     15,     1,      3,      1!    hA03-
+! chan   plane    row      sig
+     0,      1,      4,      1!    hA04-
+     1,      1,      5,      1!    hA05-
+     2,      1,      6,      1!    hA06-
+     3,      1,      7,      1!    hA07-
+     4,      1,      8,      1!    hA08-
+     5,      1,      9,      1!    hA09-
+     6,      1,      10,     1!    hA10-
+     7,      1,      11,     1!    hA11-
+     8,      1,      12,     1!    hA12-
+     9,      1,      13,     1!    hA13-
+     10,     2,      1,      0!    hB01+
+     11,     2,      2,      0!    hB02+
+     12,     2,      3,      0!    hB03+
+     13,     2,      4,      0!    hB04+
+     14,     2,      5,      0!    hB05+
+     15,     2,      6,      0!    hB06+
+! chan   plane    row      sig
+     0,      2,      7,      0!    hB07+
+     1,      2,      8,      0!    hB08+
+     2,      2,      9,      0!    hB09+
+     3,      2,      10,     0!    hB10+
+     4,      2,      11,     0!    hB11+
+     5,      2,      12,     0!    hB12+
+     6,      2,      13,     0!    hB13+
+     7,      2,      1,      1!    hB01-
+     8,      2,      2,      1!    hB02-
+     9,      2,      3,      1!    hB03-
+     10,     2,      4,      1!    hB04-
+     11,     2,      5,      1!    hB05-
+     12,     2,      6,      1!    hB06-
+     13,     2,      7,      1!    hB07-
+     14,     2,      8,      1!    hB08-
+     15,     2,      9,      1!    hB09-
+! chan   plane    row      sig
+     0,      2,      10,     1!    hB10-
+     1,      2,      11,     1!    hB11-
+     2,      2,      12,     1!    hB12-
+     3,      2,      13,     1!    hB13-
+     4,      3,      1,      0!    hC01+
+     5,      3,      2,      0!    hC02+
+     6,      3,      3,      0!    hC03+
+     7,      3,      4,      0!    hC04+
+     8,      3,      5,      0!    hC05+
+     9,      3,      6,      0!    hC06+
+     10,     3,      7,      0!    hC07+
+     11,     3,      8,      0!    hC08+
+     12,     3,      9,      0!    hC09+
+     13,     3,      10,     0!    hC10+
+     14,     3,      11,     0!    hC11+
+     15,     3,      12,     0!    hC12+
+! chan   plane    row      sig
+     0,      3,      13,     0!    hC13+
+     1,      4,      1,      0!    hD01+
+     2,      4,      2,      0!    hD02+
+     3,      4,      3,      0!    hD03+
+     4,      4,      4,      0!    hD04+
+     5,      4,      5,      0!    hD05+
+     6,      4,      6,      0!    hD06+
+     7,      4,      7,      0!    hD07+
+     8,      4,      8,      0!    hD08+
+     9,      4,      9,      0!    hD09+
+     10,     4,      10,     0!    hD10+
+     11,     4,      11,     0!    hD11+
+     12,     4,      12,     0!    hD12+
+     13,     4,      13,     0!    hD13+
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..47c4dffd
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+! THMS_ID=10       ::  ADC,TDC
+! HCAL_ID=15       ::  ADC
+   8,   1,   1,   0  ! hASUM
+   9,   1,   2,   0  ! hBSUM
+  10,   1,   3,   0  ! hCSUM
+  11,   1,   4,   0  ! hDSUM
+  12,   1,   5,   0  ! hPSHWR
+  13,   1,   6,   0  ! hSHWR
+  14,   1,   7,   0  ! hAERSUM
+  15,   1,   8,   0  ! hCERSUM
+   0,   2,   1,   1  ! h1X
+   1,   2,   2,   1  ! h1Y
+   2,   2,   3,   1  ! h2X
+   3,   2,   4,   1  ! h2Y
+   4,   2,   5,   1  ! h1T
+   5,   2,   6,   1  ! h2T
+   6,1000,   0,   0  ! hTref
+   7,   2,   8,   1  ! hASUM
+   8,   2,   9,   1  ! hBSUM
+   9,   2,  10,   1  ! hCSUM
+  10,   2,  11,   1  ! hDSUM
+  11,   2,  12,   1  ! hPSHWRLO
+  12,   2,  13,   1  ! hPSHWRHI
+  13,   2,  14,   1  ! hSHWR
+  14,   2,  15,   1  ! hAERSUM
+  15,   2,  16,   1  ! hCERSUM
+ 127,   2,  17,   1  ! hT2
+ 111,   2,  18,   1  ! hDCREF1
+ 127,   2,  19,   1  ! hDCREF2
+ 127,   2,  20,   1  ! hDCREF3
+ 127,   2,  21,   1  ! hDCREF4
+   0,   1,   1,   0  ! hA01+
+   1,   1,   2,   0  ! hA02+
+   2,   1,   3,   0  ! hA03+
+   3,   1,   4,   0  ! hA04+
+   4,   1,   5,   0  ! hA05+
+   5,   1,   6,   0  ! hA06+
+   6,   1,   7,   0  ! hA07+
+   7,   1,   8,   0  ! hA08+
+   8,   1,   9,   0  ! hA09+
+   9,   1,  10,   0  ! hA10+
+  10,   1,  11,   0  ! hA11+
+  11,   1,  12,   0  ! hA12+
+  12,   1,  13,   0  ! hA13+
+  13,   1,   1,   1  ! hA01-
+  14,   1,   2,   1  ! hA02-
+  15,   1,   3,   1  ! hA03-
+   0,   1,   4,   1  ! hA04-
+   1,   1,   5,   1  ! hA05-
+   2,   1,   6,   1  ! hA06-
+   3,   1,   7,   1  ! hA07-
+   4,   1,   8,   1  ! hA08-
+   5,   1,   9,   1  ! hA09-
+   6,   1,  10,   1  ! hA10-
+   7,   1,  11,   1  ! hA11-
+   8,   1,  12,   1  ! hA12-
+   9,   1,  13,   1  ! hA13-
+  10,   2,   1,   0  ! hB01+
+  11,   2,   2,   0  ! hB02+
+  12,   2,   3,   0  ! hB03+
+  13,   2,   4,   0  ! hB04+
+  14,   2,   5,   0  ! hB05+
+  15,   2,   6,   0  ! hB06+
+   0,   2,   7,   0  ! hB07+
+   1,   2,   8,   0  ! hB08+
+   2,   2,   9,   0  ! hB09+
+   3,   2,  10,   0  ! hB10+
+   4,   2,  11,   0  ! hB11+
+   5,   2,  12,   0  ! hB12+
+   6,   2,  13,   0  ! hB13+
+   7,   2,   1,   1  ! hB01-
+   8,   2,   2,   1  ! hB02-
+   9,   2,   3,   1  ! hB03-
+  10,   2,   4,   1  ! hB04-
+  11,   2,   5,   1  ! hB05-
+  12,   2,   6,   1  ! hB06-
+  13,   2,   7,   1  ! hB07-
+  14,   2,   8,   1  ! hB08-
+  15,   2,   9,   1  ! hB09-
+   0,   2,  10,   1  ! hB10-
+   1,   2,  11,   1  ! hB11-
+   2,   2,  12,   1  ! hB12-
+   3,   2,  13,   1  ! hB13-
+   4,   3,   1,   0  ! hC01+
+   5,   3,   2,   0  ! hC02+
+   6,   3,   3,   0  ! hC03+
+   7,   3,   4,   0  ! hC04+
+   8,   3,   5,   0  ! hC05+
+   9,   3,   6,   0  ! hC06+
+  10,   3,   7,   0  ! hC07+
+  11,   3,   8,   0  ! hC08+
+  12,   3,   9,   0  ! hC09+
+  13,   3,  10,   0  ! hC10+
+  14,   3,  11,   0  ! hC11+
+  15,   3,  12,   0  ! hC12+
+   0,   3,  13,   0  ! hC13+
+   1,   4,   1,   0  ! hD01+
+   2,   4,   2,   0  ! hD02+
+   3,   4,   3,   0  ! hD03+
+   4,   4,   4,   0  ! hD04+
+   5,   4,   5,   0  ! hD05+
+   6,   4,   6,   0  ! hD06+
+   7,   4,   7,   0  ! hD07+
+   8,   4,   8,   0  ! hD08+
+   9,   4,   9,   0  ! hD09+
+  10,   4,  10,   0  ! hD10+
+  11,   4,  11,   0  ! hD11+
+  12,   4,  12,   0  ! hD12+
+  13,   4,  13,   0  ! hD13+
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..805bd365
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+! HCER_ID= 14             (TDC),ADC
+!F250 modules
+!  chan    plane   tube     sig
+    14,      1,      1,      0!    hCER01
+    15,      1,      2,      0!    hCER02
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7dde3c53
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+! THMS_ID=10       ::  ADC,TDC
+! HCER_ID=14       ::  (TDC),ADC
+   8,   1,   1,   0  ! hASUM
+   9,   1,   2,   0  ! hBSUM
+  10,   1,   3,   0  ! hCSUM
+  11,   1,   4,   0  ! hDSUM
+  12,   1,   5,   0  ! hPSHWR
+  13,   1,   6,   0  ! hSHWR
+  14,   1,   7,   0  ! hAERSUM
+  15,   1,   8,   0  ! hCERSUM
+   0,   2,   1,   1  ! h1X
+   1,   2,   2,   1  ! h1Y
+   2,   2,   3,   1  ! h2X
+   3,   2,   4,   1  ! h2Y
+   4,   2,   5,   1  ! h1T
+   5,   2,   6,   1  ! h2T
+   6,1000,   0,   0  ! hTref
+   7,   2,   8,   1  ! hASUM
+   8,   2,   9,   1  ! hBSUM
+   9,   2,  10,   1  ! hCSUM
+  10,   2,  11,   1  ! hDSUM
+  11,   2,  12,   1  ! hPSHWRLO
+  12,   2,  13,   1  ! hPSHWRHI
+  13,   2,  14,   1  ! hSHWR
+  14,   2,  15,   1  ! hAERSUM
+  15,   2,  16,   1  ! hCERSUM
+ 127,   2,  17,   1  ! hT2
+ 111,   2,  18,   1  ! hDCREF1
+ 127,   2,  19,   1  ! hDCREF2
+ 127,   2,  20,   1  ! hDCREF3
+ 127,   2,  21,   1  ! hDCREF4
+  14,   1,   1,   0  ! hCER01
+  15,   1,   2,   0  ! hCER02
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..339f56f1
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,1163 @@
+! HDC_ID=11        ::  TDC
+DETECTOR=11  ! HMS chambers
+98,3,1 ! Plane U, wire 1
+99,3,2 ! Plane U, wire 2
+100,3,3 ! Plane U, wire 3
+101,3,4 ! Plane U, wire 4
+102,3,5 ! Plane U, wire 5
+103,3,6 ! Plane U, wire 6
+104,3,7 ! Plane U, wire 7
+105,3,8 ! Plane U, wire 8
+106,3,9 ! Plane U, wire 9
+107,3,10 ! Plane U, wire 10
+108,3,11 ! Plane U, wire 11
+109,3,12 ! Plane U, wire 12
+110,3,13 ! Plane U, wire 13
+111,3,14 ! Plane U, wire 14
+96,1,113  ! Plane X, wire 113
+111,1000, 0, 0
+80,3,15 ! Plane U, wire 15
+81,3,16 ! Plane U, wire 16
+82,3,17 ! Plane U, wire 17
+83,3,18 ! Plane U, wire 18
+84,3,19 ! Plane U, wire 19
+85,3,20 ! Plane U, wire 20
+86,3,21 ! Plane U, wire 21
+87,3,22 ! Plane U, wire 22
+88,3,23 ! Plane U, wire 23
+89,3,24 ! Plane U, wire 24
+90,3,25 ! Plane U, wire 25
+91,3,26 ! Plane U, wire 26
+92,3,27 ! Plane U, wire 27
+93,3,28 ! Plane U, wire 28
+94,3,29 ! Plane U, wire 29
+64,3,30 ! Plane U, wire 30
+65,3,31 ! Plane U, wire 31
+66,3,32 ! Plane U, wire 32
+67,3,33 ! Plane U, wire 33
+68,3,34 ! Plane U, wire 34
+69,3,35 ! Plane U, wire 35
+70,3,36 ! Plane U, wire 36
+71,3,37 ! Plane U, wire 37
+72,3,38 ! Plane U, wire 38
+73,3,39 ! Plane U, wire 39
+74,3,40 ! Plane U, wire 40
+75,3,41 ! Plane U, wire 41
+76,3,42 ! Plane U, wire 42
+77,3,43 ! Plane U, wire 43
+78,3,44 ! Plane U, wire 44
+79,3,45 ! Plane U, wire 45
+48,3,46 ! Plane U, wire 46
+49,3,47 ! Plane U, wire 47
+50,3,48 ! Plane U, wire 48
+51,3,49 ! Plane U, wire 49
+52,3,50 ! Plane U, wire 50
+53,3,51 ! Plane U, wire 51
+54,3,52 ! Plane U, wire 52
+55,3,53 ! Plane U, wire 53
+56,3,54 ! Plane U, wire 54
+57,3,55 ! Plane U, wire 55
+58,3,56 ! Plane U, wire 56
+59,3,57 ! Plane U, wire 57
+60,3,58 ! Plane U, wire 58
+61,3,59 ! Plane U, wire 59
+62,3,60 ! Plane U, wire 60
+32,3,61 ! Plane U, wire 61
+33,3,62 ! Plane U, wire 62
+34,3,63 ! Plane U, wire 63
+35,3,64 ! Plane U, wire 64
+36,3,65 ! Plane U, wire 65
+37,3,66 ! Plane U, wire 66
+38,3,67 ! Plane U, wire 67
+39,3,68 ! Plane U, wire 68
+40,3,69 ! Plane U, wire 69
+41,3,70 ! Plane U, wire 70
+42,3,71 ! Plane U, wire 71
+43,3,72 ! Plane U, wire 72
+44,3,73 ! Plane U, wire 73
+45,3,74 ! Plane U, wire 74
+46,3,75 ! Plane U, wire 75
+47,3,76 ! Plane U, wire 76
+16,3,77 ! Plane U, wire 77
+17,3,78 ! Plane U, wire 78
+18,3,79 ! Plane U, wire 79
+19,3,80 ! Plane U, wire 80
+20,3,81 ! Plane U, wire 81
+21,3,82 ! Plane U, wire 82
+22,3,83 ! Plane U, wire 83
+23,3,84 ! Plane U, wire 84
+24,3,85 ! Plane U, wire 85
+25,3,86 ! Plane U, wire 86
+26,3,87 ! Plane U, wire 87
+27,3,88 ! Plane U, wire 88
+28,3,89 ! Plane U, wire 89
+29,3,90 ! Plane U, wire 90
+30,3,91 ! Plane U, wire 91
+0,3,92 ! Plane U, wire 92
+1,3,93 ! Plane U, wire 93
+2,3,94 ! Plane U, wire 94
+3,3,95 ! Plane U, wire 95
+4,3,96 ! Plane U, wire 96
+5,3,97 ! Plane U, wire 97
+6,3,98 ! Plane U, wire 98
+7,3,99 ! Plane U, wire 99
+8,3,100 ! Plane U, wire 100
+9,3,101 ! Plane U, wire 101
+10,3,102 ! Plane U, wire 102
+11,3,103 ! Plane U, wire 103
+12,3,104 ! Plane U, wire 104
+13,3,105 ! Plane U, wire 105
+14,3,106 ! Plane U, wire 106
+15,3,107 ! Plane U, wire 107
+98,4,1 ! Plane V, wire 1
+99,4,2 ! Plane V, wire 2
+100,4,3 ! Plane V, wire 3
+101,4,4 ! Plane V, wire 4
+102,4,5 ! Plane V, wire 5
+103,4,6 ! Plane V, wire 6
+104,4,7 ! Plane V, wire 7
+105,4,8 ! Plane V, wire 8
+106,4,9 ! Plane V, wire 9
+107,4,10 ! Plane V, wire 10
+108,4,11 ! Plane V, wire 11
+109,4,12 ! Plane V, wire 12
+110,4,13 ! Plane V, wire 13
+111,4,14 ! Plane V, wire 14
+96,6,113! Plane X', wire 113
+112,4,15 ! Plane V, wire 15
+113,4,16 ! Plane V, wire 16
+114,4,17 ! Plane V, wire 17
+115,4,18 ! Plane V, wire 18
+116,4,19 ! Plane V, wire 19
+117,4,20 ! Plane V, wire 20
+118,4,21 ! Plane V, wire 21
+119,4,22 ! Plane V, wire 22
+120,4,23 ! Plane V, wire 23
+121,4,24 ! Plane V, wire 24
+122,4,25 ! Plane V, wire 25
+123,4,26 ! Plane V, wire 26
+124,4,27 ! Plane V, wire 27
+125,4,28 ! Plane V, wire 28
+126,4,29 ! Plane V, wire 29
+0,4,30 ! Plane V, wire 30
+1,4,31 ! Plane V, wire 31
+2,4,32 ! Plane V, wire 32
+3,4,33 ! Plane V, wire 33
+4,4,34 ! Plane V, wire 34
+5,4,35 ! Plane V, wire 35
+6,4,36 ! Plane V, wire 36
+7,4,37 ! Plane V, wire 37
+8,4,38 ! Plane V, wire 38
+9,4,39 ! Plane V, wire 39
+10,4,40 ! Plane V, wire 40
+11,4,41 ! Plane V, wire 41
+12,4,42 ! Plane V, wire 42
+13,4,43 ! Plane V, wire 43
+14,4,44 ! Plane V, wire 44
+15,4,45 ! Plane V, wire 45
+16,4,46 ! Plane V, wire 46
+17,4,47 ! Plane V, wire 47
+18,4,48 ! Plane V, wire 48
+19,4,49 ! Plane V, wire 49
+20,4,50 ! Plane V, wire 50
+21,4,51 ! Plane V, wire 51
+22,4,52 ! Plane V, wire 52
+23,4,53 ! Plane V, wire 53
+24,4,54 ! Plane V, wire 54
+25,4,55 ! Plane V, wire 55
+26,4,56 ! Plane V, wire 56
+27,4,57 ! Plane V, wire 57
+28,4,58 ! Plane V, wire 58
+29,4,59 ! Plane V, wire 59
+30,4,60 ! Plane V, wire 60
+32,4,61 ! Plane V, wire 61
+33,4,62 ! Plane V, wire 62
+34,4,63 ! Plane V, wire 63
+35,4,64 ! Plane V, wire 64
+36,4,65 ! Plane V, wire 65
+37,4,66 ! Plane V, wire 66
+38,4,67 ! Plane V, wire 67
+39,4,68 ! Plane V, wire 68
+40,4,69 ! Plane V, wire 69
+41,4,70 ! Plane V, wire 70
+42,4,71 ! Plane V, wire 71
+43,4,72 ! Plane V, wire 72
+44,4,73 ! Plane V, wire 73
+45,4,74 ! Plane V, wire 74
+46,4,75 ! Plane V, wire 75
+47,4,76 ! Plane V, wire 76
+48,4,77 ! Plane V, wire 77
+49,4,78 ! Plane V, wire 78
+50,4,79 ! Plane V, wire 79
+51,4,80 ! Plane V, wire 80
+52,4,81 ! Plane V, wire 81
+53,4,82 ! Plane V, wire 82
+54,4,83 ! Plane V, wire 83
+55,4,84 ! Plane V, wire 84
+56,4,85 ! Plane V, wire 85
+57,4,86 ! Plane V, wire 86
+58,4,87 ! Plane V, wire 87
+59,4,88 ! Plane V, wire 88
+60,4,89 ! Plane V, wire 89
+61,4,90 ! Plane V, wire 90
+62,4,91 ! Plane V, wire 91
+96,4,92 ! Plane V, wire 92
+97,4,93 ! Plane V, wire 93
+98,4,94 ! Plane V, wire 94
+99,4,95 ! Plane V, wire 95
+100,4,96 ! Plane V, wire 96
+101,4,97 ! Plane V, wire 97
+102,4,98 ! Plane V, wire 98
+103,4,99 ! Plane V, wire 99
+104,4,100 ! Plane V, wire 100
+105,4,101 ! Plane V, wire 101
+106,4,102 ! Plane V, wire 102
+107,4,103 ! Plane V, wire 103
+108,4,104 ! Plane V, wire 104
+109,4,105 ! Plane V, wire 105
+110,4,106 ! Plane V, wire 106
+111,4,107 ! Plane V, wire 107
+80,1,1 ! Plane X, wire 1
+81,1,2 ! Plane X, wire 2
+82,1,3 ! Plane X, wire 3
+83,1,4 ! Plane X, wire 4
+84,1,5 ! Plane X, wire 5
+85,1,6 ! Plane X, wire 6
+86,1,7 ! Plane X, wire 7
+87,1,8 ! Plane X, wire 8
+88,1,9 ! Plane X, wire 9
+89,1,10 ! Plane X, wire 10
+90,1,11 ! Plane X, wire 11
+91,1,12 ! Plane X, wire 12
+92,1,13 ! Plane X, wire 13
+93,1,14 ! Plane X, wire 14
+94,1,15 ! Plane X, wire 15
+95,1,16 ! Plane X, wire 16
+64,1,17 ! Plane X, wire 17
+65,1,18 ! Plane X, wire 18
+66,1,19 ! Plane X, wire 19
+67,1,20 ! Plane X, wire 20
+68,1,21 ! Plane X, wire 21
+69,1,22 ! Plane X, wire 22
+70,1,23 ! Plane X, wire 23
+71,1,24 ! Plane X, wire 24
+72,1,25 ! Plane X, wire 25
+73,1,26 ! Plane X, wire 26
+74,1,27 ! Plane X, wire 27
+75,1,28 ! Plane X, wire 28
+76,1,29 ! Plane X, wire 29
+77,1,30 ! Plane X, wire 30
+78,1,31 ! Plane X, wire 31
+79,1,32 ! Plane X, wire 32
+48,1,33 ! Plane X, wire 33
+49,1,34 ! Plane X, wire 34
+50,1,35 ! Plane X, wire 35
+51,1,36 ! Plane X, wire 36
+52,1,37 ! Plane X, wire 37
+53,1,38 ! Plane X, wire 38
+54,1,39 ! Plane X, wire 39
+55,1,40 ! Plane X, wire 40
+56,1,41 ! Plane X, wire 41
+57,1,42 ! Plane X, wire 42
+58,1,43 ! Plane X, wire 43
+59,1,44 ! Plane X, wire 44
+60,1,45 ! Plane X, wire 45
+61,1,46 ! Plane X, wire 46
+62,1,47 ! Plane X, wire 47
+63,1,48 ! Plane X, wire 48
+32,1,49 ! Plane X, wire 49
+33,1,50 ! Plane X, wire 50
+34,1,51 ! Plane X, wire 51
+35,1,52 ! Plane X, wire 52
+36,1,53 ! Plane X, wire 53
+37,1,54 ! Plane X, wire 54
+38,1,55 ! Plane X, wire 55
+39,1,56 ! Plane X, wire 56
+40,1,57 ! Plane X, wire 57
+41,1,58 ! Plane X, wire 58
+42,1,59 ! Plane X, wire 59
+43,1,60 ! Plane X, wire 60
+44,1,61 ! Plane X, wire 61
+45,1,62 ! Plane X, wire 62
+46,1,63 ! Plane X, wire 63
+47,1,64 ! Plane X, wire 64
+16,1,65 ! Plane X, wire 65
+17,1,66 ! Plane X, wire 66
+18,1,67 ! Plane X, wire 67
+19,1,68 ! Plane X, wire 68
+20,1,69 ! Plane X, wire 69
+21,1,70 ! Plane X, wire 70
+22,1,71 ! Plane X, wire 71
+23,1,72 ! Plane X, wire 72
+24,1,73 ! Plane X, wire 73
+25,1,74 ! Plane X, wire 74
+26,1,75 ! Plane X, wire 75
+27,1,76 ! Plane X, wire 76
+28,1,77 ! Plane X, wire 77
+29,1,78 ! Plane X, wire 78
+30,1,79 ! Plane X, wire 79
+31,1,80 ! Plane X, wire 80
+0,1,81 ! Plane X, wire 81
+1,1,82 ! Plane X, wire 82
+2,1,83 ! Plane X, wire 83
+3,1,84 ! Plane X, wire 84
+4,1,85 ! Plane X, wire 85
+5,1,86 ! Plane X, wire 86
+6,1,87 ! Plane X, wire 87
+7,1,88 ! Plane X, wire 88
+8,1,89 ! Plane X, wire 89
+9,1,90 ! Plane X, wire 90
+10,1,91 ! Plane X, wire 91
+11,1,92 ! Plane X, wire 92
+12,1,93 ! Plane X, wire 93
+13,1,94 ! Plane X, wire 94
+14,1,95 ! Plane X, wire 95
+15,1,96 ! Plane X, wire 96
+112,1,97 ! Plane X, wire 97
+113,1,98 ! Plane X, wire 98
+114,1,99 ! Plane X, wire 99
+115,1,100 ! Plane X, wire 100
+116,1,101 ! Plane X, wire 101
+117,1,102 ! Plane X, wire 102
+118,1,103 ! Plane X, wire 103
+119,1,104 ! Plane X, wire 104
+120,1,105 ! Plane X, wire 105
+121,1,106 ! Plane X, wire 106
+122,1,107 ! Plane X, wire 107
+123,1,108 ! Plane X, wire 108
+124,1,109 ! Plane X, wire 109
+125,1,110 ! Plane X, wire 110
+126,1,111 ! Plane X, wire 111
+127,1,112 ! Plane X, wire 112
+80,6,1 ! Plane X', wire 1
+81,6,2 ! Plane X', wire 2
+82,6,3 ! Plane X', wire 3
+83,6,4 ! Plane X', wire 4
+84,6,5 ! Plane X', wire 5
+85,6,6 ! Plane X', wire 6
+86,6,7 ! Plane X', wire 7
+87,6,8 ! Plane X', wire 8
+88,6,9 ! Plane X', wire 9
+89,6,10 ! Plane X', wire 10
+90,6,11 ! Plane X', wire 11
+91,6,12 ! Plane X', wire 12
+92,6,13 ! Plane X', wire 13
+93,6,14 ! Plane X', wire 14
+94,6,15 ! Plane X', wire 15
+95,6,16 ! Plane X', wire 16
+112,6,17 ! Plane X', wire 17
+113,6,18 ! Plane X', wire 18
+114,6,19 ! Plane X', wire 19
+115,6,20 ! Plane X', wire 20
+116,6,21 ! Plane X', wire 21
+117,6,22 ! Plane X', wire 22
+118,6,23 ! Plane X', wire 23
+119,6,24 ! Plane X', wire 24
+120,6,25 ! Plane X', wire 25
+121,6,26 ! Plane X', wire 26
+122,6,27 ! Plane X', wire 27
+123,6,28 ! Plane X', wire 28
+124,6,29 ! Plane X', wire 29
+125,6,30 ! Plane X', wire 30
+126,6,31 ! Plane X', wire 31
+127,6,32 ! Plane X', wire 32
+0,6,33 ! Plane X', wire 33
+1,6,34 ! Plane X', wire 34
+2,6,35 ! Plane X', wire 35
+3,6,36 ! Plane X', wire 36
+4,6,37 ! Plane X', wire 37
+5,6,38 ! Plane X', wire 38
+6,6,39 ! Plane X', wire 39
+7,6,40 ! Plane X', wire 40
+8,6,41 ! Plane X', wire 41
+9,6,42 ! Plane X', wire 42
+10,6,43 ! Plane X', wire 43
+11,6,44 ! Plane X', wire 44
+12,6,45 ! Plane X', wire 45
+13,6,46 ! Plane X', wire 46
+14,6,47 ! Plane X', wire 47
+15,6,48 ! Plane X', wire 48
+16,6,49 ! Plane X', wire 49
+17,6,50 ! Plane X', wire 50
+18,6,51 ! Plane X', wire 51
+19,6,52 ! Plane X', wire 52
+20,6,53 ! Plane X', wire 53
+21,6,54 ! Plane X', wire 54
+22,6,55 ! Plane X', wire 55
+23,6,56 ! Plane X', wire 56
+24,6,57 ! Plane X', wire 57
+25,6,58 ! Plane X', wire 58
+26,6,59 ! Plane X', wire 59
+27,6,60 ! Plane X', wire 60
+28,6,61 ! Plane X', wire 61
+29,6,62 ! Plane X', wire 62
+30,6,63 ! Plane X', wire 63
+31,6,64 ! Plane X', wire 64
+32,6,65 ! Plane X', wire 65
+33,6,66 ! Plane X', wire 66
+34,6,67 ! Plane X', wire 67
+35,6,68 ! Plane X', wire 68
+36,6,69 ! Plane X', wire 69
+37,6,70 ! Plane X', wire 70
+38,6,71 ! Plane X', wire 71
+39,6,72 ! Plane X', wire 72
+40,6,73 ! Plane X', wire 73
+41,6,74 ! Plane X', wire 74
+42,6,75 ! Plane X', wire 75
+43,6,76 ! Plane X', wire 76
+44,6,77 ! Plane X', wire 77
+45,6,78 ! Plane X', wire 78
+46,6,79 ! Plane X', wire 79
+47,6,80 ! Plane X', wire 80
+48,6,81 ! Plane X', wire 81
+49,6,82 ! Plane X', wire 82
+50,6,83 ! Plane X', wire 83
+51,6,84 ! Plane X', wire 84
+52,6,85 ! Plane X', wire 85
+53,6,86 ! Plane X', wire 86
+54,6,87 ! Plane X', wire 87
+55,6,88 ! Plane X', wire 88
+56,6,89 ! Plane X', wire 89
+57,6,90 ! Plane X', wire 90
+58,6,91 ! Plane X', wire 91
+59,6,92 ! Plane X', wire 92
+60,6,93 ! Plane X', wire 93
+61,6,94 ! Plane X', wire 94
+62,6,95 ! Plane X', wire 95
+63,6,96 ! Plane X', wire 96
+64,6,97 ! Plane X', wire 97
+65,6,98 ! Plane X', wire 98
+66,6,99 ! Plane X', wire 99
+67,6,100 ! Plane X', wire 100
+68,6,101 ! Plane X', wire 101
+69,6,102 ! Plane X', wire 102
+70,6,103 ! Plane X', wire 103
+71,6,104 ! Plane X', wire 104
+72,6,105 ! Plane X', wire 105
+73,6,106 ! Plane X', wire 106
+74,6,107 ! Plane X', wire 107
+75,6,108 ! Plane X', wire 108
+76,6,109 ! Plane X', wire 109
+77,6,110 ! Plane X', wire 110
+78,6,111 ! Plane X', wire 111
+79,6,112 ! Plane X', wire 112
+64,2,1 ! Plane Y, wire 1
+65,2,2 ! Plane Y, wire 2
+66,2,3 ! Plane Y, wire 3
+67,2,4 ! Plane Y, wire 4
+68,2,5 ! Plane Y, wire 5
+69,2,6 ! Plane Y, wire 6
+70,2,7 ! Plane Y, wire 7
+71,2,8 ! Plane Y, wire 8
+72,2,9 ! Plane Y, wire 9
+73,2,10 ! Plane Y, wire 10
+74,2,11 ! Plane Y, wire 11
+75,2,12 ! Plane Y, wire 12
+76,2,13 ! Plane Y, wire 13
+80,2,14 ! Plane Y, wire 14
+81,2,15 ! Plane Y, wire 15
+82,2,16 ! Plane Y, wire 16
+83,2,17 ! Plane Y, wire 17
+84,2,18 ! Plane Y, wire 18
+85,2,19 ! Plane Y, wire 19
+86,2,20 ! Plane Y, wire 20
+87,2,21 ! Plane Y, wire 21
+88,2,22 ! Plane Y, wire 22
+89,2,23 ! Plane Y, wire 23
+90,2,24 ! Plane Y, wire 24
+91,2,25 ! Plane Y, wire 25
+92,2,26 ! Plane Y, wire 26
+96,2,27 ! Plane Y, wire 27
+97,2,28 ! Plane Y, wire 28
+98,2,29 ! Plane Y, wire 29
+99,2,30 ! Plane Y, wire 30
+100,2,31 ! Plane Y, wire 31
+101,2,32 ! Plane Y, wire 32
+102,2,33 ! Plane Y, wire 33
+103,2,34 ! Plane Y, wire 34
+104,2,35 ! Plane Y, wire 35
+105,2,36 ! Plane Y, wire 36
+106,2,37 ! Plane Y, wire 37
+107,2,38 ! Plane Y, wire 38
+108,2,39 ! Plane Y, wire 39
+112,2,40 ! Plane Y, wire 40
+113,2,41 ! Plane Y, wire 41
+114,2,42 ! Plane Y, wire 42
+115,2,43 ! Plane Y, wire 43
+116,2,44 ! Plane Y, wire 44
+117,2,45 ! Plane Y, wire 45
+118,2,46 ! Plane Y, wire 46
+119,2,47 ! Plane Y, wire 47
+120,2,48 ! Plane Y, wire 48
+121,2,49 ! Plane Y, wire 49
+122,2,50 ! Plane Y, wire 50
+123,2,51 ! Plane Y, wire 51
+124,2,52 ! Plane Y, wire 52
+48,5,1 ! Plane Y', wire 1
+49,5,2 ! Plane Y', wire 2
+50,5,3 ! Plane Y', wire 3
+51,5,4 ! Plane Y', wire 4
+52,5,5 ! Plane Y', wire 5
+53,5,6 ! Plane Y', wire 6
+54,5,7 ! Plane Y', wire 7
+55,5,8 ! Plane Y', wire 8
+56,5,9 ! Plane Y', wire 9
+57,5,10 ! Plane Y', wire 10
+58,5,11 ! Plane Y', wire 11
+59,5,12 ! Plane Y', wire 12
+60,5,13 ! Plane Y', wire 13
+16,5,14 ! Plane Y', wire 14
+17,5,15 ! Plane Y', wire 15
+18,5,16 ! Plane Y', wire 16
+19,5,17 ! Plane Y', wire 17
+20,5,18 ! Plane Y', wire 18
+21,5,19 ! Plane Y', wire 19
+22,5,20 ! Plane Y', wire 20
+23,5,21 ! Plane Y', wire 21
+24,5,22 ! Plane Y', wire 22
+25,5,23 ! Plane Y', wire 23
+26,5,24 ! Plane Y', wire 24
+27,5,25 ! Plane Y', wire 25
+28,5,26 ! Plane Y', wire 26
+32,5,27 ! Plane Y', wire 27
+33,5,28 ! Plane Y', wire 28
+34,5,29 ! Plane Y', wire 29
+35,5,30 ! Plane Y', wire 30
+36,5,31 ! Plane Y', wire 31
+37,5,32 ! Plane Y', wire 32
+38,5,33 ! Plane Y', wire 33
+39,5,34 ! Plane Y', wire 34
+40,5,35 ! Plane Y', wire 35
+41,5,36 ! Plane Y', wire 36
+42,5,37 ! Plane Y', wire 37
+43,5,38 ! Plane Y', wire 38
+44,5,39 ! Plane Y', wire 39
+2,5,40 ! Plane Y', wire 40
+3,5,41 ! Plane Y', wire 41
+4,5,42 ! Plane Y', wire 42
+5,5,43 ! Plane Y', wire 43
+6,5,44 ! Plane Y', wire 44
+7,5,45 ! Plane Y', wire 45
+8,5,46 ! Plane Y', wire 46
+9,5,47 ! Plane Y', wire 47
+10,5,48 ! Plane Y', wire 48
+11,5,49 ! Plane Y', wire 49
+12,5,50 ! Plane Y', wire 50
+13,5,51 ! Plane Y', wire 51
+14,5,52 ! Plane Y', wire 52
+  98,   12,  3  ! Plane X', wire 3
+  99,   12,  4  ! Plane X', wire 4
+ 100,   12,  5  ! Plane X', wire 5
+ 101,   12,  6  ! Plane X', wire 6
+ 102,   12,  7  ! Plane X', wire 7
+ 103,   12,  8  ! Plane X', wire 8
+ 104,   12,  9  ! Plane X', wire 9
+ 105,   12,  10  ! Plane X', wire 10
+ 106,   12,  11  ! Plane X', wire 11
+ 107,   12,  12  ! Plane X', wire 12
+ 108,   12,  13  ! Plane X', wire 13
+ 109,   12,  14  ! Plane X', wire 14
+ 110,   12,  15  ! Plane X', wire 15
+ 111,   12,  16  ! Plane X', wire 16
+ 96,    7,  113  ! Plane X, wire 113
+ 112,   12, 17  ! Plane X', wire 17
+ 113,   12, 18  ! Plane X', wire 18
+ 114,   12, 19  ! Plane X', wire 19
+ 115,   12, 20  ! Plane X', wire 20
+ 116,   12, 21  ! Plane X', wire 21
+ 117,   12, 22  ! Plane X', wire 22
+ 118,   12, 23  ! Plane X', wire 23
+ 119,   12, 24  ! Plane X', wire 24
+ 120,   12, 25  ! Plane X', wire 25
+ 121,   12, 26  ! Plane X', wire 26
+ 122,   12, 27  ! Plane X', wire 27
+ 123,   12, 28  ! Plane X', wire 28
+ 124,   12, 29  ! Plane X', wire 29
+ 125,   12, 30  ! Plane X', wire 30
+ 126,   12, 31  ! Plane X', wire 31
+   0,   9,  30  ! Plane U, wire 30
+   1,   9,  31  ! Plane U, wire 31
+   2,   9,  32  ! Plane U, wire 32
+   3,   9,  33  ! Plane U, wire 33
+   4,   9,  34  ! Plane U, wire 34
+   5,   9,  35  ! Plane U, wire 35
+   6,   9,  36  ! Plane U, wire 36
+   7,   9,  37  ! Plane U, wire 37
+   8,   9,  38  ! Plane U, wire 38
+   9,   9,  39  ! Plane U, wire 39
+  10,   9,  40  ! Plane U, wire 40
+  11,   9,  41  ! Plane U, wire 41
+  12,   9,  42  ! Plane U, wire 42
+  13,   9,  43  ! Plane U, wire 43
+  14,   9,  44  ! Plane U, wire 44
+  15,   9,  45  ! Plane U, wire 45
+  32,   9,  46  ! Plane U, wire 46
+  33,   9,  47  ! Plane U, wire 47
+  34,   9,  48  ! Plane U, wire 48
+  35,   9,  49  ! Plane U, wire 49
+  36,   9,  50  ! Plane U, wire 50
+  37,   9,  51  ! Plane U, wire 51
+  38,   9,  52  ! Plane U, wire 52
+  39,   9,  53  ! Plane U, wire 53
+  40,   9,  54  ! Plane U, wire 54
+  41,   9,  55  ! Plane U, wire 55
+  42,   9,  56  ! Plane U, wire 56
+  43,   9,  57  ! Plane U, wire 57
+  44,   9,  58  ! Plane U, wire 58
+  45,   9,  59  ! Plane U, wire 59
+  46,   9,  60  ! Plane U, wire 60
+  48,   9,  61  ! Plane U, wire 61
+  49,   9,  62  ! Plane U, wire 62
+  50,   9,  63  ! Plane U, wire 63
+  51,   9,  64  ! Plane U, wire 64
+  52,   9,  65  ! Plane U, wire 65
+  53,   9,  66  ! Plane U, wire 66
+  54,   9,  67  ! Plane U, wire 67
+  55,   9,  68  ! Plane U, wire 68
+  56,   9,  69  ! Plane U, wire 69
+  57,   9,  70  ! Plane U, wire 70
+  58,   9,  71  ! Plane U, wire 71
+  59,   9,  72  ! Plane U, wire 72
+  60,   9,  73  ! Plane U, wire 73
+  61,   9,  74  ! Plane U, wire 74
+  62,   9,  75  ! Plane U, wire 75
+  63,   9,  76  ! Plane U, wire 76
+  64,   9,  77  ! Plane U, wire 77
+  65,   9,  78  ! Plane U, wire 78
+  66,   9,  79  ! Plane U, wire 79
+  67,   9,  80  ! Plane U, wire 80
+  68,   9,  81  ! Plane U, wire 81
+  69,   9,  82  ! Plane U, wire 82
+  70,   9,  83  ! Plane U, wire 83
+  71,   9,  84  ! Plane U, wire 84
+  72,   9,  85  ! Plane U, wire 85
+  73,   9,  86  ! Plane U, wire 86
+  74,   9,  87  ! Plane U, wire 87
+  75,   9,  88  ! Plane U, wire 88
+  76,   9,  89  ! Plane U, wire 89
+  77,   9,  90  ! Plane U, wire 90
+  78,   9,  91  ! Plane U, wire 91
+  80,   9,  92  ! Plane U, wire 92
+  81,   9,  93  ! Plane U, wire 93
+  82,   9,  94  ! Plane U, wire 94
+  83,   9,  95  ! Plane U, wire 95
+  84,   9,  96  ! Plane U, wire 96
+  85,   9,  97  ! Plane U, wire 97
+  86,   9,  98  ! Plane U, wire 98
+  87,   9,  99  ! Plane U, wire 99
+  88,   9, 100  ! Plane U, wire 100
+  89,   9, 101  ! Plane U, wire 101
+  90,   9, 102  ! Plane U, wire 102
+  91,   9, 103  ! Plane U, wire 103
+  92,   9, 104  ! Plane U, wire 104
+  93,   9, 105  ! Plane U, wire 105
+  94,   9, 106  ! Plane U, wire 106
+  95,   9, 107  ! Plane U, wire 107
+  82,  10,   1  ! Plane V, wire 1
+  83,  10,   2  ! Plane V, wire 2
+  84,  10,   3  ! Plane V, wire 3
+  85,  10,   4  ! Plane V, wire 4
+  86,  10,   5  ! Plane V, wire 5
+  87,  10,   6  ! Plane V, wire 6
+  88,  10,   7  ! Plane V, wire 7
+  89,  10,   8  ! Plane V, wire 8
+  90,  10,   9  ! Plane V, wire 9
+  91,  10,  10  ! Plane V, wire 10
+  92,  10,  11  ! Plane V, wire 11
+  93,  10,  12  ! Plane V, wire 12
+  94,  10,  13  ! Plane V, wire 13
+  95,  10,  14  ! Plane V, wire 14
+  80,  12, 113  ! Plane X', wire 113
+  96,  10,  15  ! Plane V, wire 15
+  97,  10,  16  ! Plane V, wire 16
+  98,  10,  17  ! Plane V, wire 17
+  99,  10,  18  ! Plane V, wire 18
+ 100,  10,  19  ! Plane V, wire 19
+ 101,  10,  20  ! Plane V, wire 20
+ 102,  10,  21  ! Plane V, wire 21
+ 103,  10,  22  ! Plane V, wire 22
+ 104,  10,  23  ! Plane V, wire 23
+ 105,  10,  24  ! Plane V, wire 24
+ 106,  10,  25  ! Plane V, wire 25
+ 107,  10,  26  ! Plane V, wire 26
+ 108,  10,  27  ! Plane V, wire 27
+ 109,  10,  28  ! Plane V, wire 28
+ 110,  10,  29  ! Plane V, wire 29
+ 112,  10,  30  ! Plane V, wire 30
+ 113,  10,  31  ! Plane V, wire 31
+ 114,  10,  32  ! Plane V, wire 32
+ 115,  10,  33  ! Plane V, wire 33
+ 116,  10,  34  ! Plane V, wire 34
+ 117,  10,  35  ! Plane V, wire 35
+ 118,  10,  36  ! Plane V, wire 36
+ 119,  10,  37  ! Plane V, wire 37
+ 120,  10,  38  ! Plane V, wire 38
+ 121,  10,  39  ! Plane V, wire 39
+ 122,  10,  40  ! Plane V, wire 40
+ 123,  10,  41  ! Plane V, wire 41
+ 124,  10,  42  ! Plane V, wire 42
+ 125,  10,  43  ! Plane V, wire 43
+ 126,  10,  44  ! Plane V, wire 44
+ 127,  10,  45  ! Plane V, wire 45
+ 127,1000,   0,   3
+   0,  10,  46  ! Plane V, wire 46
+   1,  10,  47  ! Plane V, wire 47
+   2,  10,  48  ! Plane V, wire 48
+   3,  10,  49  ! Plane V, wire 49
+   4,  10,  50  ! Plane V, wire 50
+   5,  10,  51  ! Plane V, wire 51
+   6,  10,  52  ! Plane V, wire 52
+   7,  10,  53  ! Plane V, wire 53
+   8,  10,  54  ! Plane V, wire 54
+   9,  10,  55  ! Plane V, wire 55
+  10,  10,  56  ! Plane V, wire 56
+  11,  10,  57  ! Plane V, wire 57
+  12,  10,  58  ! Plane V, wire 58
+  13,  10,  59  ! Plane V, wire 59
+  14,  10,  60  ! Plane V, wire 60
+  16,  10,  61  ! Plane V, wire 61
+  17,  10,  62  ! Plane V, wire 62
+  18,  10,  63  ! Plane V, wire 63
+  19,  10,  64  ! Plane V, wire 64
+  20,  10,  65  ! Plane V, wire 65
+  21,  10,  66  ! Plane V, wire 66
+  22,  10,  67  ! Plane V, wire 67
+  23,  10,  68  ! Plane V, wire 68
+  24,  10,  69  ! Plane V, wire 69
+  25,  10,  70  ! Plane V, wire 70
+  26,  10,  71  ! Plane V, wire 71
+  27,  10,  72  ! Plane V, wire 72
+  28,  10,  73  ! Plane V, wire 73
+  29,  10,  74  ! Plane V, wire 74
+  30,  10,  75  ! Plane V, wire 75
+  31,  10,  76  ! Plane V, wire 76
+  32,  10,  77  ! Plane V, wire 77
+  33,  10,  78  ! Plane V, wire 78
+  34,  10,  79  ! Plane V, wire 79
+  35,  10,  80  ! Plane V, wire 80
+  36,  10,  81  ! Plane V, wire 81
+  37,  10,  82  ! Plane V, wire 82
+  38,  10,  83  ! Plane V, wire 83
+  39,  10,  84  ! Plane V, wire 84
+  40,  10,  85  ! Plane V, wire 85
+  41,  10,  86  ! Plane V, wire 86
+  42,  10,  87  ! Plane V, wire 87
+  43,  10,  88  ! Plane V, wire 88
+  44,  10,  89  ! Plane V, wire 89
+  45,  10,  90  ! Plane V, wire 90
+  46,  10,  91  ! Plane V, wire 91
+  48,  10,  92  ! Plane V, wire 92
+  49,  10,  93  ! Plane V, wire 93
+  50,  10,  94  ! Plane V, wire 94
+  51,  10,  95  ! Plane V, wire 95
+  52,  10,  96  ! Plane V, wire 96
+  53,  10,  97  ! Plane V, wire 97
+  54,  10,  98  ! Plane V, wire 98
+  55,  10,  99  ! Plane V, wire 99
+  56,  10, 100  ! Plane V, wire 100
+  57,  10, 101  ! Plane V, wire 101
+  58,  10, 102  ! Plane V, wire 102
+  59,  10, 103  ! Plane V, wire 103
+  60,  10, 104  ! Plane V, wire 104
+  61,  10, 105  ! Plane V, wire 105
+  62,  10, 106  ! Plane V, wire 106
+  63,  10, 107  ! Plane V, wire 107
+   0,   7,   1  ! Plane X, wire 1
+   1,   7,   2  ! Plane X, wire 2
+   2,   7,   3  ! Plane X, wire 3
+   3,   7,   4  ! Plane X, wire 4
+   4,   7,   5  ! Plane X, wire 5
+   5,   7,   6  ! Plane X, wire 6
+   6,   7,   7  ! Plane X, wire 7
+   7,   7,   8  ! Plane X, wire 8
+   8,   7,   9  ! Plane X, wire 9
+   9,   7,  10  ! Plane X, wire 10
+  10,   7,  11  ! Plane X, wire 11
+  11,   7,  12  ! Plane X, wire 12
+  12,   7,  13  ! Plane X, wire 13
+  13,   7,  14  ! Plane X, wire 14
+  14,   7,  15  ! Plane X, wire 15
+  15,   7,  16  ! Plane X, wire 16
+  16,   7,  17  ! Plane X, wire 17
+  17,   7,  18  ! Plane X, wire 18
+  18,   7,  19  ! Plane X, wire 19
+  19,   7,  20  ! Plane X, wire 20
+  20,   7,  21  ! Plane X, wire 21
+  21,   7,  22  ! Plane X, wire 22
+  22,   7,  23  ! Plane X, wire 23
+  23,   7,  24  ! Plane X, wire 24
+  24,   7,  25  ! Plane X, wire 25
+  25,   7,  26  ! Plane X, wire 26
+  26,   7,  27  ! Plane X, wire 27
+  27,   7,  28  ! Plane X, wire 28
+  28,   7,  29  ! Plane X, wire 29
+  29,   7,  30  ! Plane X, wire 30
+  30,   7,  31  ! Plane X, wire 31
+  31,   7,  32  ! Plane X, wire 32
+  32,   7,  33  ! Plane X, wire 33
+  33,   7,  34  ! Plane X, wire 34
+  34,   7,  35  ! Plane X, wire 35
+  35,   7,  36  ! Plane X, wire 36
+  36,   7,  37  ! Plane X, wire 37
+  37,   7,  38  ! Plane X, wire 38
+  38,   7,  39  ! Plane X, wire 39
+  39,   7,  40  ! Plane X, wire 40
+  40,   7,  41  ! Plane X, wire 41
+  41,   7,  42  ! Plane X, wire 42
+  42,   7,  43  ! Plane X, wire 43
+  43,   7,  44  ! Plane X, wire 44
+  44,   7,  45  ! Plane X, wire 45
+  45,   7,  46  ! Plane X, wire 46
+  46,   7,  47  ! Plane X, wire 47
+  47,   7,  48  ! Plane X, wire 48
+  48,   7,  49  ! Plane X, wire 49
+  49,   7,  50  ! Plane X, wire 50
+  50,   7,  51  ! Plane X, wire 51
+  51,   7,  52  ! Plane X, wire 52
+  52,   7,  53  ! Plane X, wire 53
+  53,   7,  54  ! Plane X, wire 54
+  54,   7,  55  ! Plane X, wire 55
+  55,   7,  56  ! Plane X, wire 56
+  56,   7,  57  ! Plane X, wire 57
+  57,   7,  58  ! Plane X, wire 58
+  58,   7,  59  ! Plane X, wire 59
+  59,   7,  60  ! Plane X, wire 60
+  60,   7,  61  ! Plane X, wire 61
+  61,   7,  62  ! Plane X, wire 62
+  62,   7,  63  ! Plane X, wire 63
+  63,   7,  64  ! Plane X, wire 64
+  64,   7,  65  ! Plane X, wire 65
+  65,   7,  66  ! Plane X, wire 66
+  66,   7,  67  ! Plane X, wire 67
+  67,   7,  68  ! Plane X, wire 68
+  68,   7,  69  ! Plane X, wire 69
+  69,   7,  70  ! Plane X, wire 70
+  70,   7,  71  ! Plane X, wire 71
+  71,   7,  72  ! Plane X, wire 72
+  72,   7,  73  ! Plane X, wire 73
+  73,   7,  74  ! Plane X, wire 74
+  74,   7,  75  ! Plane X, wire 75
+  75,   7,  76  ! Plane X, wire 76
+  76,   7,  77  ! Plane X, wire 77
+  77,   7,  78  ! Plane X, wire 78
+  78,   7,  79  ! Plane X, wire 79
+  79,   7,  80  ! Plane X, wire 80
+  80,   7,  81  ! Plane X, wire 81
+  81,   7,  82  ! Plane X, wire 82
+  82,   7,  83  ! Plane X, wire 83
+  83,   7,  84  ! Plane X, wire 84
+  84,   7,  85  ! Plane X, wire 85
+  85,   7,  86  ! Plane X, wire 86
+  86,   7,  87  ! Plane X, wire 87
+  87,   7,  88  ! Plane X, wire 88
+  88,   7,  89  ! Plane X, wire 89
+  89,   7,  90  ! Plane X, wire 90
+  90,   7,  91  ! Plane X, wire 91
+  91,   7,  92  ! Plane X, wire 92
+  92,   7,  93  ! Plane X, wire 93
+  93,   7,  94  ! Plane X, wire 94
+  94,   7,  95  ! Plane X, wire 95
+  95,   7,  96  ! Plane X, wire 96
+  96,   7,  97  ! Plane X, wire 97
+  97,   7,  98  ! Plane X, wire 98
+  98,   7,  99  ! Plane X, wire 99
+  99,   7, 100  ! Plane X, wire 100
+ 100,   7, 101  ! Plane X, wire 101
+ 101,   7, 102  ! Plane X, wire 102
+ 102,   7, 103  ! Plane X, wire 103
+ 103,   7, 104  ! Plane X, wire 104
+ 104,   7, 105  ! Plane X, wire 105
+ 105,   7, 106  ! Plane X, wire 106
+ 106,   7, 107  ! Plane X, wire 107
+ 107,   7, 108  ! Plane X, wire 108
+ 108,   7, 109  ! Plane X, wire 109
+ 109,   7, 110  ! Plane X, wire 110
+ 110,   7, 111  ! Plane X, wire 111
+ 111,   7, 112  ! Plane X, wire 112
+ 112,  12,   1  ! Plane X', wire 1
+ 113,  12,   2  ! Plane X', wire 2
+ 114,  9,    1  ! Plane U, wire 1
+ 115,  9,    2  ! Plane U, wire 2
+ 116,  9,    3  ! Plane U, wire 3
+ 117,  9,    4  ! Plane U, wire 4
+ 118,  9,    5  ! Plane U, wire 5
+ 119,  9,    6  ! Plane U, wire 6
+ 120,  9,    7  ! Plane U, wire 7
+ 121,  9,    8  ! Plane U, wire 8
+ 122,  9,    9  ! Plane U, wire 9
+ 123,  9,    10 ! Plane U, wire 10
+ 124,  9,    11 ! Plane U, wire 11
+ 125,  9,    12 ! Plane U, wire 12
+ 126,  9,    13 ! Plane U, wire 13
+ 127,  9,    14 ! Plane U, wire 14
+  16,  9,  15  ! Plane U, wire 15
+  17,  9,  16  ! Plane U, wire 16
+  18,  9,  17  ! Plane U, wire 17
+  19,  9,  18  ! Plane U, wire 18
+  20,  9,  19  ! Plane U, wire 19
+  21,  9,  20  ! Plane U, wire 20
+  22,  9,  21  ! Plane U, wire 21
+  23,  9,  22  ! Plane U, wire 22
+  24,  9,  23  ! Plane U, wire 23
+  25,  9,  24  ! Plane U, wire 24
+  26,  9,  25  ! Plane U, wire 25
+  27,  9,  26  ! Plane U, wire 26
+  28,  9,  27  ! Plane U, wire 27
+  29,  9,  28  ! Plane U, wire 28
+  30,  9,  29  ! Plane U, wire 29
+  31,  12, 32  ! Plane X', wire 32
+   0,  12,  33  ! Plane X', wire 33
+   1,  12,  34  ! Plane X', wire 34
+   2,  12,  35  ! Plane X', wire 35
+   3,  12,  36  ! Plane X', wire 36
+   4,  12,  37  ! Plane X', wire 37
+   5,  12,  38  ! Plane X', wire 38
+   6,  12,  39  ! Plane X', wire 39
+   7,  12,  40  ! Plane X', wire 40
+   8,  12,  41  ! Plane X', wire 41
+   9,  12,  42  ! Plane X', wire 42
+  10,  12,  43  ! Plane X', wire 43
+  11,  12,  44  ! Plane X', wire 44
+  12,  12,  45  ! Plane X', wire 45
+  13,  12,  46  ! Plane X', wire 46
+  14,  12,  47  ! Plane X', wire 47
+  15,  12,  48  ! Plane X', wire 48
+  16,  12,  49  ! Plane X', wire 49
+  17,  12,  50  ! Plane X', wire 50
+  18,  12,  51  ! Plane X', wire 51
+  19,  12,  52  ! Plane X', wire 52
+  20,  12,  53  ! Plane X', wire 53
+  21,  12,  54  ! Plane X', wire 54
+  22,  12,  55  ! Plane X', wire 55
+  23,  12,  56  ! Plane X', wire 56
+  24,  12,  57  ! Plane X', wire 57
+  25,  12,  58  ! Plane X', wire 58
+  26,  12,  59  ! Plane X', wire 59
+  27,  12,  60  ! Plane X', wire 60
+  28,  12,  61  ! Plane X', wire 61
+  29,  12,  62  ! Plane X', wire 62
+  30,  12,  63  ! Plane X', wire 63
+  31,  12,  64  ! Plane X', wire 64
+  32,  12,  65  ! Plane X', wire 65
+  33,  12,  66  ! Plane X', wire 66
+  34,  12,  67  ! Plane X', wire 67
+  35,  12,  68  ! Plane X', wire 68
+  36,  12,  69  ! Plane X', wire 69
+  37,  12,  70  ! Plane X', wire 70
+  38,  12,  71  ! Plane X', wire 71
+  39,  12,  72  ! Plane X', wire 72
+  40,  12,  73  ! Plane X', wire 73
+  41,  12,  74  ! Plane X', wire 74
+  42,  12,  75  ! Plane X', wire 75
+  43,  12,  76  ! Plane X', wire 76
+  44,  12,  77  ! Plane X', wire 77
+  45,  12,  78  ! Plane X', wire 78
+  46,  12,  79  ! Plane X', wire 79
+  47,  12,  80  ! Plane X', wire 80
+  48,  12,  81  ! Plane X', wire 81
+  49,  12,  82  ! Plane X', wire 82
+  50,  12,  83  ! Plane X', wire 83
+  51,  12,  84  ! Plane X', wire 84
+  52,  12,  85  ! Plane X', wire 85
+  53,  12,  86  ! Plane X', wire 86
+  54,  12,  87  ! Plane X', wire 87
+  55,  12,  88  ! Plane X', wire 88
+  56,  12,  89  ! Plane X', wire 89
+  57,  12,  90  ! Plane X', wire 90
+  58,  12,  91  ! Plane X', wire 91
+  59,  12,  92  ! Plane X', wire 92
+  60,  12,  93  ! Plane X', wire 93
+  61,  12,  94  ! Plane X', wire 94
+  62,  12,  95  ! Plane X', wire 95
+  63,  12,  96  ! Plane X', wire 96
+  64,  12,  97  ! Plane X', wire 97
+  65,  12,  98  ! Plane X', wire 98
+  66,  12,  99  ! Plane X', wire 99
+  67,  12, 100  ! Plane X', wire 100
+  68,  12, 101  ! Plane X', wire 101
+  69,  12, 102  ! Plane X', wire 102
+  70,  12, 103  ! Plane X', wire 103
+  71,  12, 104  ! Plane X', wire 104
+  72,  12, 105  ! Plane X', wire 105
+  73,  12, 106  ! Plane X', wire 106
+  74,  12, 107  ! Plane X', wire 107
+  75,  12, 108  ! Plane X', wire 108
+  76,  12, 109  ! Plane X', wire 109
+  77,  12, 110  ! Plane X', wire 110
+  78,  12, 111  ! Plane X', wire 111
+  79,  12, 112  ! Plane X', wire 112
+  64,   8,   1  ! Plane Y, wire 1
+  65,   8,   2  ! Plane Y, wire 2
+  66,   8,   3  ! Plane Y, wire 3
+  67,   8,   4  ! Plane Y, wire 4
+  68,   8,   5  ! Plane Y, wire 5
+  69,   8,   6  ! Plane Y, wire 6
+  70,   8,   7  ! Plane Y, wire 7
+  71,   8,   8  ! Plane Y, wire 8
+  72,   8,   9  ! Plane Y, wire 9
+  73,   8,  10  ! Plane Y, wire 10
+  74,   8,  11  ! Plane Y, wire 11
+  75,   8,  12  ! Plane Y, wire 12
+  76,   8,  13  ! Plane Y, wire 13
+  80,   8,  14  ! Plane Y, wire 14
+  81,   8,  15  ! Plane Y, wire 15
+  82,   8,  16  ! Plane Y, wire 16
+  83,   8,  17  ! Plane Y, wire 17
+  84,   8,  18  ! Plane Y, wire 18
+  85,   8,  19  ! Plane Y, wire 19
+  86,   8,  20  ! Plane Y, wire 20
+  87,   8,  21  ! Plane Y, wire 21
+  88,   8,  22  ! Plane Y, wire 22
+  89,   8,  23  ! Plane Y, wire 23
+  90,   8,  24  ! Plane Y, wire 24
+  91,   8,  25  ! Plane Y, wire 25
+  92,   8,  26  ! Plane Y, wire 26
+  96,   8,  27  ! Plane Y, wire 27
+  97,   8,  28  ! Plane Y, wire 28
+  98,   8,  29  ! Plane Y, wire 29
+  99,   8,  30  ! Plane Y, wire 30
+ 100,   8,  31  ! Plane Y, wire 31
+ 101,   8,  32  ! Plane Y, wire 32
+ 102,   8,  33  ! Plane Y, wire 33
+ 103,   8,  34  ! Plane Y, wire 34
+ 104,   8,  35  ! Plane Y, wire 35
+ 105,   8,  36  ! Plane Y, wire 36
+ 106,   8,  37  ! Plane Y, wire 37
+ 107,   8,  38  ! Plane Y, wire 38
+ 108,   8,  39  ! Plane Y, wire 39
+ 112,   8,  40  ! Plane Y, wire 40
+ 113,   8,  41  ! Plane Y, wire 41
+ 114,   8,  42  ! Plane Y, wire 42
+ 115,   8,  43  ! Plane Y, wire 43
+ 116,   8,  44  ! Plane Y, wire 44
+ 117,   8,  45  ! Plane Y, wire 45
+ 118,   8,  46  ! Plane Y, wire 46
+ 119,   8,  47  ! Plane Y, wire 47
+ 120,   8,  48  ! Plane Y, wire 48
+ 121,   8,  49  ! Plane Y, wire 49
+ 122,   8,  50  ! Plane Y, wire 50
+ 123,   8,  51  ! Plane Y, wire 51
+ 124,   8,  52  ! Plane Y, wire 52
+ 127,1000,   0,   1
+  64,  11,   1  ! Plane Y', wire 1
+  65,  11,   2  ! Plane Y', wire 2
+  66,  11,   3  ! Plane Y', wire 3
+  67,  11,   4  ! Plane Y', wire 4
+  68,  11,   5  ! Plane Y', wire 5
+  69,  11,   6  ! Plane Y', wire 6
+  70,  11,   7  ! Plane Y', wire 7
+  71,  11,   8  ! Plane Y', wire 8
+  72,  11,   9  ! Plane Y', wire 9
+  73,  11,  10  ! Plane Y', wire 10
+  74,  11,  11  ! Plane Y', wire 11
+  75,  11,  12  ! Plane Y', wire 12
+  76,  11,  13  ! Plane Y', wire 13
+  80,  11,  14  ! Plane Y', wire 14
+  81,  11,  15  ! Plane Y', wire 15
+  82,  11,  16  ! Plane Y', wire 16
+  83,  11,  17  ! Plane Y', wire 17
+  84,  11,  18  ! Plane Y', wire 18
+  85,  11,  19  ! Plane Y', wire 19
+  86,  11,  20  ! Plane Y', wire 20
+  87,  11,  21  ! Plane Y', wire 21
+  88,  11,  22  ! Plane Y', wire 22
+  89,  11,  23  ! Plane Y', wire 23
+  90,  11,  24  ! Plane Y', wire 24
+  91,  11,  25  ! Plane Y', wire 25
+  92,  11,  26  ! Plane Y', wire 26
+  96,  11,  27  ! Plane Y', wire 27
+  97,  11,  28  ! Plane Y', wire 28
+  98,  11,  29  ! Plane Y', wire 29
+  99,  11,  30  ! Plane Y', wire 30
+ 100,  11,  31  ! Plane Y', wire 31
+ 101,  11,  32  ! Plane Y', wire 32
+ 102,  11,  33  ! Plane Y', wire 33
+ 103,  11,  34  ! Plane Y', wire 34
+ 104,  11,  35  ! Plane Y', wire 35
+ 105,  11,  36  ! Plane Y', wire 36
+ 106,  11,  37  ! Plane Y', wire 37
+ 107,  11,  38  ! Plane Y', wire 38
+ 108,  11,  39  ! Plane Y', wire 39
+ 112,  11,  40  ! Plane Y', wire 40
+ 113,  11,  41  ! Plane Y', wire 41
+ 114,  11,  42  ! Plane Y', wire 42
+ 115,  11,  43  ! Plane Y', wire 43
+ 116,  11,  44  ! Plane Y', wire 44
+ 117,  11,  45  ! Plane Y', wire 45
+ 118,  11,  46  ! Plane Y', wire 46
+ 119,  11,  47  ! Plane Y', wire 47
+ 120,  11,  48  ! Plane Y', wire 48
+ 121,  11,  49  ! Plane Y', wire 49
+ 122,  11,  50  ! Plane Y', wire 50
+ 123,  11,  51  ! Plane Y', wire 51
+ 124,  11,  52  ! Plane Y', wire 52
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..873e201c
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,1214 @@
+! THMS_ID=10       ::  ADC,TDC
+! HDC_ID=11        ::  TDC
+   8,   1,   1,   0  ! hASUM
+   9,   1,   2,   0  ! hBSUM
+  10,   1,   3,   0  ! hCSUM
+  11,   1,   4,   0  ! hDSUM
+  12,   1,   5,   0  ! hPSHWR
+  13,   1,   6,   0  ! hSHWR
+  14,   1,   7,   0  ! hAERSUM
+  15,   1,   8,   0  ! hCERSUM
+   0,   2,   1,   1  ! h1X
+   1,   2,   2,   1  ! h1Y
+   2,   2,   3,   1  ! h2X
+   3,   2,   4,   1  ! h2Y
+   4,   2,   5,   1  ! h1T
+   5,   2,   6,   1  ! h2T
+   6,1000,   0,   0  ! hTref
+   7,   2,   8,   1  ! hASUM
+   8,   2,   9,   1  ! hBSUM
+   9,   2,  10,   1  ! hCSUM
+  10,   2,  11,   1  ! hDSUM
+  11,   2,  12,   1  ! hPSHWRLO
+  12,   2,  13,   1  ! hPSHWRHI
+  13,   2,  14,   1  ! hSHWR
+  14,   2,  15,   1  ! hAERSUM
+  15,   2,  16,   1  ! hCERSUM
+ 127,   2,  17,   1  ! hT2
+ 111,   2,  18,   1  ! hDCREF1
+ 127,   2,  19,   1  ! hDCREF2
+ 127,   2,  20,   1  ! hDCREF3
+ 127,   2,  21,   1  ! hDCREF4
+DETECTOR=11  ! HMS chambers
+  98,   3,   1  ! Plane U, wire 1
+  99,   3,   2  ! Plane U, wire 2
+ 100,   3,   3  ! Plane U, wire 3
+ 101,   3,   4  ! Plane U, wire 4
+ 102,   3,   5  ! Plane U, wire 5
+ 103,   3,   6  ! Plane U, wire 6
+ 104,   3,   7  ! Plane U, wire 7
+ 105,   3,   8  ! Plane U, wire 8
+ 106,   3,   9  ! Plane U, wire 9
+ 107,   3,  10  ! Plane U, wire 10
+ 108,   3,  11  ! Plane U, wire 11
+ 109,   3,  12  ! Plane U, wire 12
+ 110,   3,  13  ! Plane U, wire 13
+ 111,   3,  14  ! Plane U, wire 14
+  96,   1, 113  ! Plane X, wire 113
+ 111,1000,   0,   0
+  80,   3,  15  ! Plane U, wire 15
+  81,   3,  16  ! Plane U, wire 16
+  82,   3,  17  ! Plane U, wire 17
+  83,   3,  18  ! Plane U, wire 18
+  84,   3,  19  ! Plane U, wire 19
+  85,   3,  20  ! Plane U, wire 20
+  86,   3,  21  ! Plane U, wire 21
+  87,   3,  22  ! Plane U, wire 22
+  88,   3,  23  ! Plane U, wire 23
+  89,   3,  24  ! Plane U, wire 24
+  90,   3,  25  ! Plane U, wire 25
+  91,   3,  26  ! Plane U, wire 26
+  92,   3,  27  ! Plane U, wire 27
+  93,   3,  28  ! Plane U, wire 28
+  94,   3,  29  ! Plane U, wire 29
+  64,   3,  30  ! Plane U, wire 30
+  65,   3,  31  ! Plane U, wire 31
+  66,   3,  32  ! Plane U, wire 32
+  67,   3,  33  ! Plane U, wire 33
+  68,   3,  34  ! Plane U, wire 34
+  69,   3,  35  ! Plane U, wire 35
+  70,   3,  36  ! Plane U, wire 36
+  71,   3,  37  ! Plane U, wire 37
+  72,   3,  38  ! Plane U, wire 38
+  73,   3,  39  ! Plane U, wire 39
+  74,   3,  40  ! Plane U, wire 40
+  75,   3,  41  ! Plane U, wire 41
+  76,   3,  42  ! Plane U, wire 42
+  77,   3,  43  ! Plane U, wire 43
+  78,   3,  44  ! Plane U, wire 44
+  79,   3,  45  ! Plane U, wire 45
+  48,   3,  46  ! Plane U, wire 46
+  49,   3,  47  ! Plane U, wire 47
+  50,   3,  48  ! Plane U, wire 48
+  51,   3,  49  ! Plane U, wire 49
+  52,   3,  50  ! Plane U, wire 50
+  53,   3,  51  ! Plane U, wire 51
+  54,   3,  52  ! Plane U, wire 52
+  55,   3,  53  ! Plane U, wire 53
+  56,   3,  54  ! Plane U, wire 54
+  57,   3,  55  ! Plane U, wire 55
+  58,   3,  56  ! Plane U, wire 56
+  59,   3,  57  ! Plane U, wire 57
+  60,   3,  58  ! Plane U, wire 58
+  61,   3,  59  ! Plane U, wire 59
+  62,   3,  60  ! Plane U, wire 60
+  32,   3,  61  ! Plane U, wire 61
+  33,   3,  62  ! Plane U, wire 62
+  34,   3,  63  ! Plane U, wire 63
+  35,   3,  64  ! Plane U, wire 64
+  36,   3,  65  ! Plane U, wire 65
+  37,   3,  66  ! Plane U, wire 66
+  38,   3,  67  ! Plane U, wire 67
+  39,   3,  68  ! Plane U, wire 68
+  40,   3,  69  ! Plane U, wire 69
+  41,   3,  70  ! Plane U, wire 70
+  42,   3,  71  ! Plane U, wire 71
+  43,   3,  72  ! Plane U, wire 72
+  44,   3,  73  ! Plane U, wire 73
+  45,   3,  74  ! Plane U, wire 74
+  46,   3,  75  ! Plane U, wire 75
+  47,   3,  76  ! Plane U, wire 76
+  16,   3,  77  ! Plane U, wire 77
+  17,   3,  78  ! Plane U, wire 78
+  18,   3,  79  ! Plane U, wire 79
+  19,   3,  80  ! Plane U, wire 80
+  20,   3,  81  ! Plane U, wire 81
+  21,   3,  82  ! Plane U, wire 82
+  22,   3,  83  ! Plane U, wire 83
+  23,   3,  84  ! Plane U, wire 84
+  24,   3,  85  ! Plane U, wire 85
+  25,   3,  86  ! Plane U, wire 86
+  26,   3,  87  ! Plane U, wire 87
+  27,   3,  88  ! Plane U, wire 88
+  28,   3,  89  ! Plane U, wire 89
+  29,   3,  90  ! Plane U, wire 90
+  30,   3,  91  ! Plane U, wire 91
+   0,   3,  92  ! Plane U, wire 92
+   1,   3,  93  ! Plane U, wire 93
+   2,   3,  94  ! Plane U, wire 94
+   3,   3,  95  ! Plane U, wire 95
+   4,   3,  96  ! Plane U, wire 96
+   5,   3,  97  ! Plane U, wire 97
+   6,   3,  98  ! Plane U, wire 98
+   7,   3,  99  ! Plane U, wire 99
+   8,   3, 100  ! Plane U, wire 100
+   9,   3, 101  ! Plane U, wire 101
+  10,   3, 102  ! Plane U, wire 102
+  11,   3, 103  ! Plane U, wire 103
+  12,   3, 104  ! Plane U, wire 104
+  13,   3, 105  ! Plane U, wire 105
+  14,   3, 106  ! Plane U, wire 106
+  15,   3, 107  ! Plane U, wire 107
+  98,   4,   1  ! Plane V, wire 1
+  99,   4,   2  ! Plane V, wire 2
+ 100,   4,   3  ! Plane V, wire 3
+ 101,   4,   4  ! Plane V, wire 4
+ 102,   4,   5  ! Plane V, wire 5
+ 103,   4,   6  ! Plane V, wire 6
+ 104,   4,   7  ! Plane V, wire 7
+ 105,   4,   8  ! Plane V, wire 8
+ 106,   4,   9  ! Plane V, wire 9
+ 107,   4,  10  ! Plane V, wire 10
+ 108,   4,  11  ! Plane V, wire 11
+ 109,   4,  12  ! Plane V, wire 12
+ 110,   4,  13  ! Plane V, wire 13
+ 111,   4,  14  ! Plane V, wire 14
+  96,   6, 113  ! Plane X', wire 113
+ 112,   4,  15  ! Plane V, wire 15
+ 113,   4,  16  ! Plane V, wire 16
+ 114,   4,  17  ! Plane V, wire 17
+ 115,   4,  18  ! Plane V, wire 18
+ 116,   4,  19  ! Plane V, wire 19
+ 117,   4,  20  ! Plane V, wire 20
+ 118,   4,  21  ! Plane V, wire 21
+ 119,   4,  22  ! Plane V, wire 22
+ 120,   4,  23  ! Plane V, wire 23
+ 121,   4,  24  ! Plane V, wire 24
+ 122,   4,  25  ! Plane V, wire 25
+ 123,   4,  26  ! Plane V, wire 26
+ 124,   4,  27  ! Plane V, wire 27
+ 125,   4,  28  ! Plane V, wire 28
+ 126,   4,  29  ! Plane V, wire 29
+ 127,1000,   0,   1
+   0,   4,  30  ! Plane V, wire 30
+   1,   4,  31  ! Plane V, wire 31
+   2,   4,  32  ! Plane V, wire 32
+   3,   4,  33  ! Plane V, wire 33
+   4,   4,  34  ! Plane V, wire 34
+   5,   4,  35  ! Plane V, wire 35
+   6,   4,  36  ! Plane V, wire 36
+   7,   4,  37  ! Plane V, wire 37
+   8,   4,  38  ! Plane V, wire 38
+   9,   4,  39  ! Plane V, wire 39
+  10,   4,  40  ! Plane V, wire 40
+  11,   4,  41  ! Plane V, wire 41
+  12,   4,  42  ! Plane V, wire 42
+  13,   4,  43  ! Plane V, wire 43
+  14,   4,  44  ! Plane V, wire 44
+  15,   4,  45  ! Plane V, wire 45
+  16,   4,  46  ! Plane V, wire 46
+  17,   4,  47  ! Plane V, wire 47
+  18,   4,  48  ! Plane V, wire 48
+  19,   4,  49  ! Plane V, wire 49
+  20,   4,  50  ! Plane V, wire 50
+  21,   4,  51  ! Plane V, wire 51
+  22,   4,  52  ! Plane V, wire 52
+  23,   4,  53  ! Plane V, wire 53
+  24,   4,  54  ! Plane V, wire 54
+  25,   4,  55  ! Plane V, wire 55
+  26,   4,  56  ! Plane V, wire 56
+  27,   4,  57  ! Plane V, wire 57
+  28,   4,  58  ! Plane V, wire 58
+  29,   4,  59  ! Plane V, wire 59
+  30,   4,  60  ! Plane V, wire 60
+  32,   4,  61  ! Plane V, wire 61
+  33,   4,  62  ! Plane V, wire 62
+  34,   4,  63  ! Plane V, wire 63
+  35,   4,  64  ! Plane V, wire 64
+  36,   4,  65  ! Plane V, wire 65
+  37,   4,  66  ! Plane V, wire 66
+  38,   4,  67  ! Plane V, wire 67
+  39,   4,  68  ! Plane V, wire 68
+  40,   4,  69  ! Plane V, wire 69
+  41,   4,  70  ! Plane V, wire 70
+  42,   4,  71  ! Plane V, wire 71
+  43,   4,  72  ! Plane V, wire 72
+  44,   4,  73  ! Plane V, wire 73
+  45,   4,  74  ! Plane V, wire 74
+  46,   4,  75  ! Plane V, wire 75
+  47,   4,  76  ! Plane V, wire 76
+  48,   4,  77  ! Plane V, wire 77
+  49,   4,  78  ! Plane V, wire 78
+  50,   4,  79  ! Plane V, wire 79
+  51,   4,  80  ! Plane V, wire 80
+  52,   4,  81  ! Plane V, wire 81
+  53,   4,  82  ! Plane V, wire 82
+  54,   4,  83  ! Plane V, wire 83
+  55,   4,  84  ! Plane V, wire 84
+  56,   4,  85  ! Plane V, wire 85
+  57,   4,  86  ! Plane V, wire 86
+  58,   4,  87  ! Plane V, wire 87
+  59,   4,  88  ! Plane V, wire 88
+  60,   4,  89  ! Plane V, wire 89
+  61,   4,  90  ! Plane V, wire 90
+  62,   4,  91  ! Plane V, wire 91
+  96,   4,  92  ! Plane V, wire 92
+  97,   4,  93  ! Plane V, wire 93
+  98,   4,  94  ! Plane V, wire 94
+  99,   4,  95  ! Plane V, wire 95
+ 100,   4,  96  ! Plane V, wire 96
+ 101,   4,  97  ! Plane V, wire 97
+ 102,   4,  98  ! Plane V, wire 98
+ 103,   4,  99  ! Plane V, wire 99
+ 104,   4, 100  ! Plane V, wire 100
+ 105,   4, 101  ! Plane V, wire 101
+ 106,   4, 102  ! Plane V, wire 102
+ 107,   4, 103  ! Plane V, wire 103
+ 108,   4, 104  ! Plane V, wire 104
+ 109,   4, 105  ! Plane V, wire 105
+ 110,   4, 106  ! Plane V, wire 106
+ 111,   4, 107  ! Plane V, wire 107
+  80,   1,   1  ! Plane X, wire 1
+  81,   1,   2  ! Plane X, wire 2
+  82,   1,   3  ! Plane X, wire 3
+  83,   1,   4  ! Plane X, wire 4
+  84,   1,   5  ! Plane X, wire 5
+  85,   1,   6  ! Plane X, wire 6
+  86,   1,   7  ! Plane X, wire 7
+  87,   1,   8  ! Plane X, wire 8
+  88,   1,   9  ! Plane X, wire 9
+  89,   1,  10  ! Plane X, wire 10
+  90,   1,  11  ! Plane X, wire 11
+  91,   1,  12  ! Plane X, wire 12
+  92,   1,  13  ! Plane X, wire 13
+  93,   1,  14  ! Plane X, wire 14
+  94,   1,  15  ! Plane X, wire 15
+  95,   1,  16  ! Plane X, wire 16
+  64,   1,  17  ! Plane X, wire 17
+  65,   1,  18  ! Plane X, wire 18
+  66,   1,  19  ! Plane X, wire 19
+  67,   1,  20  ! Plane X, wire 20
+  68,   1,  21  ! Plane X, wire 21
+  69,   1,  22  ! Plane X, wire 22
+  70,   1,  23  ! Plane X, wire 23
+  71,   1,  24  ! Plane X, wire 24
+  72,   1,  25  ! Plane X, wire 25
+  73,   1,  26  ! Plane X, wire 26
+  74,   1,  27  ! Plane X, wire 27
+  75,   1,  28  ! Plane X, wire 28
+  76,   1,  29  ! Plane X, wire 29
+  77,   1,  30  ! Plane X, wire 30
+  78,   1,  31  ! Plane X, wire 31
+  79,   1,  32  ! Plane X, wire 32
+  48,   1,  33  ! Plane X, wire 33
+  49,   1,  34  ! Plane X, wire 34
+  50,   1,  35  ! Plane X, wire 35
+  51,   1,  36  ! Plane X, wire 36
+  52,   1,  37  ! Plane X, wire 37
+  53,   1,  38  ! Plane X, wire 38
+  54,   1,  39  ! Plane X, wire 39
+  55,   1,  40  ! Plane X, wire 40
+  56,   1,  41  ! Plane X, wire 41
+  57,   1,  42  ! Plane X, wire 42
+  58,   1,  43  ! Plane X, wire 43
+  59,   1,  44  ! Plane X, wire 44
+  60,   1,  45  ! Plane X, wire 45
+  61,   1,  46  ! Plane X, wire 46
+  62,   1,  47  ! Plane X, wire 47
+  63,   1,  48  ! Plane X, wire 48
+  32,   1,  49  ! Plane X, wire 49
+  33,   1,  50  ! Plane X, wire 50
+  34,   1,  51  ! Plane X, wire 51
+  35,   1,  52  ! Plane X, wire 52
+  36,   1,  53  ! Plane X, wire 53
+  37,   1,  54  ! Plane X, wire 54
+  38,   1,  55  ! Plane X, wire 55
+  39,   1,  56  ! Plane X, wire 56
+  40,   1,  57  ! Plane X, wire 57
+  41,   1,  58  ! Plane X, wire 58
+  42,   1,  59  ! Plane X, wire 59
+  43,   1,  60  ! Plane X, wire 60
+  44,   1,  61  ! Plane X, wire 61
+  45,   1,  62  ! Plane X, wire 62
+  46,   1,  63  ! Plane X, wire 63
+  47,   1,  64  ! Plane X, wire 64
+  16,   1,  65  ! Plane X, wire 65
+  17,   1,  66  ! Plane X, wire 66
+  18,   1,  67  ! Plane X, wire 67
+  19,   1,  68  ! Plane X, wire 68
+  20,   1,  69  ! Plane X, wire 69
+  21,   1,  70  ! Plane X, wire 70
+  22,   1,  71  ! Plane X, wire 71
+  23,   1,  72  ! Plane X, wire 72
+  24,   1,  73  ! Plane X, wire 73
+  25,   1,  74  ! Plane X, wire 74
+  26,   1,  75  ! Plane X, wire 75
+  27,   1,  76  ! Plane X, wire 76
+  28,   1,  77  ! Plane X, wire 77
+  29,   1,  78  ! Plane X, wire 78
+  30,   1,  79  ! Plane X, wire 79
+  31,   1,  80  ! Plane X, wire 80
+   0,   1,  81  ! Plane X, wire 81
+   1,   1,  82  ! Plane X, wire 82
+   2,   1,  83  ! Plane X, wire 83
+   3,   1,  84  ! Plane X, wire 84
+   4,   1,  85  ! Plane X, wire 85
+   5,   1,  86  ! Plane X, wire 86
+   6,   1,  87  ! Plane X, wire 87
+   7,   1,  88  ! Plane X, wire 88
+   8,   1,  89  ! Plane X, wire 89
+   9,   1,  90  ! Plane X, wire 90
+  10,   1,  91  ! Plane X, wire 91
+  11,   1,  92  ! Plane X, wire 92
+  12,   1,  93  ! Plane X, wire 93
+  13,   1,  94  ! Plane X, wire 94
+  14,   1,  95  ! Plane X, wire 95
+  15,   1,  96  ! Plane X, wire 96
+ 112,   1,  97  ! Plane X, wire 97
+ 113,   1,  98  ! Plane X, wire 98
+ 114,   1,  99  ! Plane X, wire 99
+ 115,   1, 100  ! Plane X, wire 100
+ 116,   1, 101  ! Plane X, wire 101
+ 117,   1, 102  ! Plane X, wire 102
+ 118,   1, 103  ! Plane X, wire 103
+ 119,   1, 104  ! Plane X, wire 104
+ 120,   1, 105  ! Plane X, wire 105
+ 121,   1, 106  ! Plane X, wire 106
+ 122,   1, 107  ! Plane X, wire 107
+ 123,   1, 108  ! Plane X, wire 108
+ 124,   1, 109  ! Plane X, wire 109
+ 125,   1, 110  ! Plane X, wire 110
+ 126,   1, 111  ! Plane X, wire 111
+ 127,   1, 112  ! Plane X, wire 112
+  80,   6,   1  ! Plane X', wire 1
+  81,   6,   2  ! Plane X', wire 2
+  82,   6,   3  ! Plane X', wire 3
+  83,   6,   4  ! Plane X', wire 4
+  84,   6,   5  ! Plane X', wire 5
+  85,   6,   6  ! Plane X', wire 6
+  86,   6,   7  ! Plane X', wire 7
+  87,   6,   8  ! Plane X', wire 8
+  88,   6,   9  ! Plane X', wire 9
+  89,   6,  10  ! Plane X', wire 10
+  90,   6,  11  ! Plane X', wire 11
+  91,   6,  12  ! Plane X', wire 12
+  92,   6,  13  ! Plane X', wire 13
+  93,   6,  14  ! Plane X', wire 14
+  94,   6,  15  ! Plane X', wire 15
+  95,   6,  16  ! Plane X', wire 16
+ 112,   6,  17  ! Plane X', wire 17
+ 113,   6,  18  ! Plane X', wire 18
+ 114,   6,  19  ! Plane X', wire 19
+ 115,   6,  20  ! Plane X', wire 20
+ 116,   6,  21  ! Plane X', wire 21
+ 117,   6,  22  ! Plane X', wire 22
+ 118,   6,  23  ! Plane X', wire 23
+ 119,   6,  24  ! Plane X', wire 24
+ 120,   6,  25  ! Plane X', wire 25
+ 121,   6,  26  ! Plane X', wire 26
+ 122,   6,  27  ! Plane X', wire 27
+ 123,   6,  28  ! Plane X', wire 28
+ 124,   6,  29  ! Plane X', wire 29
+ 125,   6,  30  ! Plane X', wire 30
+ 126,   6,  31  ! Plane X', wire 31
+ 127,   6,  32  ! Plane X', wire 32
+   0,   6,  33  ! Plane X', wire 33
+   1,   6,  34  ! Plane X', wire 34
+   2,   6,  35  ! Plane X', wire 35
+   3,   6,  36  ! Plane X', wire 36
+   4,   6,  37  ! Plane X', wire 37
+   5,   6,  38  ! Plane X', wire 38
+   6,   6,  39  ! Plane X', wire 39
+   7,   6,  40  ! Plane X', wire 40
+   8,   6,  41  ! Plane X', wire 41
+   9,   6,  42  ! Plane X', wire 42
+  10,   6,  43  ! Plane X', wire 43
+  11,   6,  44  ! Plane X', wire 44
+  12,   6,  45  ! Plane X', wire 45
+  13,   6,  46  ! Plane X', wire 46
+  14,   6,  47  ! Plane X', wire 47
+  15,   6,  48  ! Plane X', wire 48
+  16,   6,  49  ! Plane X', wire 49
+  17,   6,  50  ! Plane X', wire 50
+  18,   6,  51  ! Plane X', wire 51
+  19,   6,  52  ! Plane X', wire 52
+  20,   6,  53  ! Plane X', wire 53
+  21,   6,  54  ! Plane X', wire 54
+  22,   6,  55  ! Plane X', wire 55
+  23,   6,  56  ! Plane X', wire 56
+  24,   6,  57  ! Plane X', wire 57
+  25,   6,  58  ! Plane X', wire 58
+  26,   6,  59  ! Plane X', wire 59
+  27,   6,  60  ! Plane X', wire 60
+  28,   6,  61  ! Plane X', wire 61
+  29,   6,  62  ! Plane X', wire 62
+  30,   6,  63  ! Plane X', wire 63
+  31,   6,  64  ! Plane X', wire 64
+  32,   6,  65  ! Plane X', wire 65
+  33,   6,  66  ! Plane X', wire 66
+  34,   6,  67  ! Plane X', wire 67
+  35,   6,  68  ! Plane X', wire 68
+  36,   6,  69  ! Plane X', wire 69
+  37,   6,  70  ! Plane X', wire 70
+  38,   6,  71  ! Plane X', wire 71
+  39,   6,  72  ! Plane X', wire 72
+  40,   6,  73  ! Plane X', wire 73
+  41,   6,  74  ! Plane X', wire 74
+  42,   6,  75  ! Plane X', wire 75
+  43,   6,  76  ! Plane X', wire 76
+  44,   6,  77  ! Plane X', wire 77
+  45,   6,  78  ! Plane X', wire 78
+  46,   6,  79  ! Plane X', wire 79
+  47,   6,  80  ! Plane X', wire 80
+  48,   6,  81  ! Plane X', wire 81
+  49,   6,  82  ! Plane X', wire 82
+  50,   6,  83  ! Plane X', wire 83
+  51,   6,  84  ! Plane X', wire 84
+  52,   6,  85  ! Plane X', wire 85
+  53,   6,  86  ! Plane X', wire 86
+  54,   6,  87  ! Plane X', wire 87
+  55,   6,  88  ! Plane X', wire 88
+  56,   6,  89  ! Plane X', wire 89
+  57,   6,  90  ! Plane X', wire 90
+  58,   6,  91  ! Plane X', wire 91
+  59,   6,  92  ! Plane X', wire 92
+  60,   6,  93  ! Plane X', wire 93
+  61,   6,  94  ! Plane X', wire 94
+  62,   6,  95  ! Plane X', wire 95
+  63,   6,  96  ! Plane X', wire 96
+  64,   6,  97  ! Plane X', wire 97
+  65,   6,  98  ! Plane X', wire 98
+  66,   6,  99  ! Plane X', wire 99
+  67,   6, 100  ! Plane X', wire 100
+  68,   6, 101  ! Plane X', wire 101
+  69,   6, 102  ! Plane X', wire 102
+  70,   6, 103  ! Plane X', wire 103
+  71,   6, 104  ! Plane X', wire 104
+  72,   6, 105  ! Plane X', wire 105
+  73,   6, 106  ! Plane X', wire 106
+  74,   6, 107  ! Plane X', wire 107
+  75,   6, 108  ! Plane X', wire 108
+  76,   6, 109  ! Plane X', wire 109
+  77,   6, 110  ! Plane X', wire 110
+  78,   6, 111  ! Plane X', wire 111
+  79,   6, 112  ! Plane X', wire 112
+  64,   2,   1  ! Plane Y, wire 1
+  65,   2,   2  ! Plane Y, wire 2
+  66,   2,   3  ! Plane Y, wire 3
+  67,   2,   4  ! Plane Y, wire 4
+  68,   2,   5  ! Plane Y, wire 5
+  69,   2,   6  ! Plane Y, wire 6
+  70,   2,   7  ! Plane Y, wire 7
+  71,   2,   8  ! Plane Y, wire 8
+  72,   2,   9  ! Plane Y, wire 9
+  73,   2,  10  ! Plane Y, wire 10
+  74,   2,  11  ! Plane Y, wire 11
+  75,   2,  12  ! Plane Y, wire 12
+  76,   2,  13  ! Plane Y, wire 13
+  80,   2,  14  ! Plane Y, wire 14
+  81,   2,  15  ! Plane Y, wire 15
+  82,   2,  16  ! Plane Y, wire 16
+  83,   2,  17  ! Plane Y, wire 17
+  84,   2,  18  ! Plane Y, wire 18
+  85,   2,  19  ! Plane Y, wire 19
+  86,   2,  20  ! Plane Y, wire 20
+  87,   2,  21  ! Plane Y, wire 21
+  88,   2,  22  ! Plane Y, wire 22
+  89,   2,  23  ! Plane Y, wire 23
+  90,   2,  24  ! Plane Y, wire 24
+  91,   2,  25  ! Plane Y, wire 25
+  92,   2,  26  ! Plane Y, wire 26
+  96,   2,  27  ! Plane Y, wire 27
+  97,   2,  28  ! Plane Y, wire 28
+  98,   2,  29  ! Plane Y, wire 29
+  99,   2,  30  ! Plane Y, wire 30
+ 100,   2,  31  ! Plane Y, wire 31
+ 101,   2,  32  ! Plane Y, wire 32
+ 102,   2,  33  ! Plane Y, wire 33
+ 103,   2,  34  ! Plane Y, wire 34
+ 104,   2,  35  ! Plane Y, wire 35
+ 105,   2,  36  ! Plane Y, wire 36
+ 106,   2,  37  ! Plane Y, wire 37
+ 107,   2,  38  ! Plane Y, wire 38
+ 108,   2,  39  ! Plane Y, wire 39
+ 112,   2,  40  ! Plane Y, wire 40
+ 113,   2,  41  ! Plane Y, wire 41
+ 114,   2,  42  ! Plane Y, wire 42
+ 115,   2,  43  ! Plane Y, wire 43
+ 116,   2,  44  ! Plane Y, wire 44
+ 117,   2,  45  ! Plane Y, wire 45
+ 118,   2,  46  ! Plane Y, wire 46
+ 119,   2,  47  ! Plane Y, wire 47
+ 120,   2,  48  ! Plane Y, wire 48
+ 121,   2,  49  ! Plane Y, wire 49
+ 122,   2,  50  ! Plane Y, wire 50
+ 123,   2,  51  ! Plane Y, wire 51
+ 124,   2,  52  ! Plane Y, wire 52
+ 127,1000,   0,   2
+  48,   5,   1  ! Plane Y', wire 1
+  49,   5,   2  ! Plane Y', wire 2
+  50,   5,   3  ! Plane Y', wire 3
+  51,   5,   4  ! Plane Y', wire 4
+  52,   5,   5  ! Plane Y', wire 5
+  53,   5,   6  ! Plane Y', wire 6
+  54,   5,   7  ! Plane Y', wire 7
+  55,   5,   8  ! Plane Y', wire 8
+  56,   5,   9  ! Plane Y', wire 9
+  57,   5,  10  ! Plane Y', wire 10
+  58,   5,  11  ! Plane Y', wire 11
+  59,   5,  12  ! Plane Y', wire 12
+  60,   5,  13  ! Plane Y', wire 13
+  16,   5,  14  ! Plane Y', wire 14
+  17,   5,  15  ! Plane Y', wire 15
+  18,   5,  16  ! Plane Y', wire 16
+  19,   5,  17  ! Plane Y', wire 17
+  20,   5,  18  ! Plane Y', wire 18
+  21,   5,  19  ! Plane Y', wire 19
+  22,   5,  20  ! Plane Y', wire 20
+  23,   5,  21  ! Plane Y', wire 21
+  24,   5,  22  ! Plane Y', wire 22
+  25,   5,  23  ! Plane Y', wire 23
+  26,   5,  24  ! Plane Y', wire 24
+  27,   5,  25  ! Plane Y', wire 25
+  28,   5,  26  ! Plane Y', wire 26
+  32,   5,  27  ! Plane Y', wire 27
+  33,   5,  28  ! Plane Y', wire 28
+  34,   5,  29  ! Plane Y', wire 29
+  35,   5,  30  ! Plane Y', wire 30
+  36,   5,  31  ! Plane Y', wire 31
+  37,   5,  32  ! Plane Y', wire 32
+  38,   5,  33  ! Plane Y', wire 33
+  39,   5,  34  ! Plane Y', wire 34
+  40,   5,  35  ! Plane Y', wire 35
+  41,   5,  36  ! Plane Y', wire 36
+  42,   5,  37  ! Plane Y', wire 37
+  43,   5,  38  ! Plane Y', wire 38
+  44,   5,  39  ! Plane Y', wire 39
+   2,   5,  40  ! Plane Y', wire 40
+   3,   5,  41  ! Plane Y', wire 41
+   4,   5,  42  ! Plane Y', wire 42
+   5,   5,  43  ! Plane Y', wire 43
+   6,   5,  44  ! Plane Y', wire 44
+   7,   5,  45  ! Plane Y', wire 45
+   8,   5,  46  ! Plane Y', wire 46
+   9,   5,  47  ! Plane Y', wire 47
+  10,   5,  48  ! Plane Y', wire 48
+  11,   5,  49  ! Plane Y', wire 49
+  12,   5,  50  ! Plane Y', wire 50
+  13,   5,  51  ! Plane Y', wire 51
+  14,   5,  52  ! Plane Y', wire 52
+  98,  12,   3  ! Plane X', wire 3
+  99,  12,   4  ! Plane X', wire 4
+ 100,  12,   5  ! Plane X', wire 5
+ 101,  12,   6  ! Plane X', wire 6
+ 102,  12,   7  ! Plane X', wire 7
+ 103,  12,   8  ! Plane X', wire 8
+ 104,  12,   9  ! Plane X', wire 9
+ 105,  12,  10  ! Plane X', wire 10
+ 106,  12,  11  ! Plane X', wire 11
+ 107,  12,  12  ! Plane X', wire 12
+ 108,  12,  13  ! Plane X', wire 13
+ 109,  12,  14  ! Plane X', wire 14
+ 110,  12,  15  ! Plane X', wire 15
+ 111,  12,  16  ! Plane X', wire 16
+  96,   7, 113  ! Plane X, wire 113
+ 112,  12,  17  ! Plane X', wire 17
+ 113,  12,  18  ! Plane X', wire 18
+ 114,  12,  19  ! Plane X', wire 19
+ 115,  12,  20  ! Plane X', wire 20
+ 116,  12,  21  ! Plane X', wire 21
+ 117,  12,  22  ! Plane X', wire 22
+ 118,  12,  23  ! Plane X', wire 23
+ 119,  12,  24  ! Plane X', wire 24
+ 120,  12,  25  ! Plane X', wire 25
+ 121,  12,  26  ! Plane X', wire 26
+ 122,  12,  27  ! Plane X', wire 27
+ 123,  12,  28  ! Plane X', wire 28
+ 124,  12,  29  ! Plane X', wire 29
+ 125,  12,  30  ! Plane X', wire 30
+ 126,  12,  31  ! Plane X', wire 31
+   0,   9,  30  ! Plane U, wire 30
+   1,   9,  31  ! Plane U, wire 31
+   2,   9,  32  ! Plane U, wire 32
+   3,   9,  33  ! Plane U, wire 33
+   4,   9,  34  ! Plane U, wire 34
+   5,   9,  35  ! Plane U, wire 35
+   6,   9,  36  ! Plane U, wire 36
+   7,   9,  37  ! Plane U, wire 37
+   8,   9,  38  ! Plane U, wire 38
+   9,   9,  39  ! Plane U, wire 39
+  10,   9,  40  ! Plane U, wire 40
+  11,   9,  41  ! Plane U, wire 41
+  12,   9,  42  ! Plane U, wire 42
+  13,   9,  43  ! Plane U, wire 43
+  14,   9,  44  ! Plane U, wire 44
+  15,   9,  45  ! Plane U, wire 45
+  32,   9,  46  ! Plane U, wire 46
+  33,   9,  47  ! Plane U, wire 47
+  34,   9,  48  ! Plane U, wire 48
+  35,   9,  49  ! Plane U, wire 49
+  36,   9,  50  ! Plane U, wire 50
+  37,   9,  51  ! Plane U, wire 51
+  38,   9,  52  ! Plane U, wire 52
+  39,   9,  53  ! Plane U, wire 53
+  40,   9,  54  ! Plane U, wire 54
+  41,   9,  55  ! Plane U, wire 55
+  42,   9,  56  ! Plane U, wire 56
+  43,   9,  57  ! Plane U, wire 57
+  44,   9,  58  ! Plane U, wire 58
+  45,   9,  59  ! Plane U, wire 59
+  46,   9,  60  ! Plane U, wire 60
+  48,   9,  61  ! Plane U, wire 61
+  49,   9,  62  ! Plane U, wire 62
+  50,   9,  63  ! Plane U, wire 63
+  51,   9,  64  ! Plane U, wire 64
+  52,   9,  65  ! Plane U, wire 65
+  53,   9,  66  ! Plane U, wire 66
+  54,   9,  67  ! Plane U, wire 67
+  55,   9,  68  ! Plane U, wire 68
+  56,   9,  69  ! Plane U, wire 69
+  57,   9,  70  ! Plane U, wire 70
+  58,   9,  71  ! Plane U, wire 71
+  59,   9,  72  ! Plane U, wire 72
+  60,   9,  73  ! Plane U, wire 73
+  61,   9,  74  ! Plane U, wire 74
+  62,   9,  75  ! Plane U, wire 75
+  63,   9,  76  ! Plane U, wire 76
+  64,   9,  77  ! Plane U, wire 77
+  65,   9,  78  ! Plane U, wire 78
+  66,   9,  79  ! Plane U, wire 79
+  67,   9,  80  ! Plane U, wire 80
+  68,   9,  81  ! Plane U, wire 81
+  69,   9,  82  ! Plane U, wire 82
+  70,   9,  83  ! Plane U, wire 83
+  71,   9,  84  ! Plane U, wire 84
+  72,   9,  85  ! Plane U, wire 85
+  73,   9,  86  ! Plane U, wire 86
+  74,   9,  87  ! Plane U, wire 87
+  75,   9,  88  ! Plane U, wire 88
+  76,   9,  89  ! Plane U, wire 89
+  77,   9,  90  ! Plane U, wire 90
+  78,   9,  91  ! Plane U, wire 91
+  80,   9,  92  ! Plane U, wire 92
+  81,   9,  93  ! Plane U, wire 93
+  82,   9,  94  ! Plane U, wire 94
+  83,   9,  95  ! Plane U, wire 95
+  84,   9,  96  ! Plane U, wire 96
+  85,   9,  97  ! Plane U, wire 97
+  86,   9,  98  ! Plane U, wire 98
+  87,   9,  99  ! Plane U, wire 99
+  88,   9, 100  ! Plane U, wire 100
+  89,   9, 101  ! Plane U, wire 101
+  90,   9, 102  ! Plane U, wire 102
+  91,   9, 103  ! Plane U, wire 103
+  92,   9, 104  ! Plane U, wire 104
+  93,   9, 105  ! Plane U, wire 105
+  94,   9, 106  ! Plane U, wire 106
+  95,   9, 107  ! Plane U, wire 107
+  82,  10,   1  ! Plane V, wire 1
+  83,  10,   2  ! Plane V, wire 2
+  84,  10,   3  ! Plane V, wire 3
+  85,  10,   4  ! Plane V, wire 4
+  86,  10,   5  ! Plane V, wire 5
+  87,  10,   6  ! Plane V, wire 6
+  88,  10,   7  ! Plane V, wire 7
+  89,  10,   8  ! Plane V, wire 8
+  90,  10,   9  ! Plane V, wire 9
+  91,  10,  10  ! Plane V, wire 10
+  92,  10,  11  ! Plane V, wire 11
+  93,  10,  12  ! Plane V, wire 12
+  94,  10,  13  ! Plane V, wire 13
+  95,  10,  14  ! Plane V, wire 14
+  80,  12, 113  ! Plane X', wire 113
+  96,  10,  15  ! Plane V, wire 15
+  97,  10,  16  ! Plane V, wire 16
+  98,  10,  17  ! Plane V, wire 17
+  99,  10,  18  ! Plane V, wire 18
+ 100,  10,  19  ! Plane V, wire 19
+ 101,  10,  20  ! Plane V, wire 20
+ 102,  10,  21  ! Plane V, wire 21
+ 103,  10,  22  ! Plane V, wire 22
+ 104,  10,  23  ! Plane V, wire 23
+ 105,  10,  24  ! Plane V, wire 24
+ 106,  10,  25  ! Plane V, wire 25
+ 107,  10,  26  ! Plane V, wire 26
+ 108,  10,  27  ! Plane V, wire 27
+ 109,  10,  28  ! Plane V, wire 28
+ 110,  10,  29  ! Plane V, wire 29
+ 112,  10,  30  ! Plane V, wire 30
+ 113,  10,  31  ! Plane V, wire 31
+ 114,  10,  32  ! Plane V, wire 32
+ 115,  10,  33  ! Plane V, wire 33
+ 116,  10,  34  ! Plane V, wire 34
+ 117,  10,  35  ! Plane V, wire 35
+ 118,  10,  36  ! Plane V, wire 36
+ 119,  10,  37  ! Plane V, wire 37
+ 120,  10,  38  ! Plane V, wire 38
+ 121,  10,  39  ! Plane V, wire 39
+ 122,  10,  40  ! Plane V, wire 40
+ 123,  10,  41  ! Plane V, wire 41
+ 124,  10,  42  ! Plane V, wire 42
+ 125,  10,  43  ! Plane V, wire 43
+ 126,  10,  44  ! Plane V, wire 44
+ 127,  10,  45  ! Plane V, wire 45
+ 127,1000,   0,   3
+   0,  10,  46  ! Plane V, wire 46
+   1,  10,  47  ! Plane V, wire 47
+   2,  10,  48  ! Plane V, wire 48
+   3,  10,  49  ! Plane V, wire 49
+   4,  10,  50  ! Plane V, wire 50
+   5,  10,  51  ! Plane V, wire 51
+   6,  10,  52  ! Plane V, wire 52
+   7,  10,  53  ! Plane V, wire 53
+   8,  10,  54  ! Plane V, wire 54
+   9,  10,  55  ! Plane V, wire 55
+  10,  10,  56  ! Plane V, wire 56
+  11,  10,  57  ! Plane V, wire 57
+  12,  10,  58  ! Plane V, wire 58
+  13,  10,  59  ! Plane V, wire 59
+  14,  10,  60  ! Plane V, wire 60
+  16,  10,  61  ! Plane V, wire 61
+  17,  10,  62  ! Plane V, wire 62
+  18,  10,  63  ! Plane V, wire 63
+  19,  10,  64  ! Plane V, wire 64
+  20,  10,  65  ! Plane V, wire 65
+  21,  10,  66  ! Plane V, wire 66
+  22,  10,  67  ! Plane V, wire 67
+  23,  10,  68  ! Plane V, wire 68
+  24,  10,  69  ! Plane V, wire 69
+  25,  10,  70  ! Plane V, wire 70
+  26,  10,  71  ! Plane V, wire 71
+  27,  10,  72  ! Plane V, wire 72
+  28,  10,  73  ! Plane V, wire 73
+  29,  10,  74  ! Plane V, wire 74
+  30,  10,  75  ! Plane V, wire 75
+  31,  10,  76  ! Plane V, wire 76
+  32,  10,  77  ! Plane V, wire 77
+  33,  10,  78  ! Plane V, wire 78
+  34,  10,  79  ! Plane V, wire 79
+  35,  10,  80  ! Plane V, wire 80
+  36,  10,  81  ! Plane V, wire 81
+  37,  10,  82  ! Plane V, wire 82
+  38,  10,  83  ! Plane V, wire 83
+  39,  10,  84  ! Plane V, wire 84
+  40,  10,  85  ! Plane V, wire 85
+  41,  10,  86  ! Plane V, wire 86
+  42,  10,  87  ! Plane V, wire 87
+  43,  10,  88  ! Plane V, wire 88
+  44,  10,  89  ! Plane V, wire 89
+  45,  10,  90  ! Plane V, wire 90
+  46,  10,  91  ! Plane V, wire 91
+  48,  10,  92  ! Plane V, wire 92
+  49,  10,  93  ! Plane V, wire 93
+  50,  10,  94  ! Plane V, wire 94
+  51,  10,  95  ! Plane V, wire 95
+  52,  10,  96  ! Plane V, wire 96
+  53,  10,  97  ! Plane V, wire 97
+  54,  10,  98  ! Plane V, wire 98
+  55,  10,  99  ! Plane V, wire 99
+  56,  10, 100  ! Plane V, wire 100
+  57,  10, 101  ! Plane V, wire 101
+  58,  10, 102  ! Plane V, wire 102
+  59,  10, 103  ! Plane V, wire 103
+  60,  10, 104  ! Plane V, wire 104
+  61,  10, 105  ! Plane V, wire 105
+  62,  10, 106  ! Plane V, wire 106
+  63,  10, 107  ! Plane V, wire 107
+   0,   7,   1  ! Plane X, wire 1
+   1,   7,   2  ! Plane X, wire 2
+   2,   7,   3  ! Plane X, wire 3
+   3,   7,   4  ! Plane X, wire 4
+   4,   7,   5  ! Plane X, wire 5
+   5,   7,   6  ! Plane X, wire 6
+   6,   7,   7  ! Plane X, wire 7
+   7,   7,   8  ! Plane X, wire 8
+   8,   7,   9  ! Plane X, wire 9
+   9,   7,  10  ! Plane X, wire 10
+  10,   7,  11  ! Plane X, wire 11
+  11,   7,  12  ! Plane X, wire 12
+  12,   7,  13  ! Plane X, wire 13
+  13,   7,  14  ! Plane X, wire 14
+  14,   7,  15  ! Plane X, wire 15
+  15,   7,  16  ! Plane X, wire 16
+  16,   7,  17  ! Plane X, wire 17
+  17,   7,  18  ! Plane X, wire 18
+  18,   7,  19  ! Plane X, wire 19
+  19,   7,  20  ! Plane X, wire 20
+  20,   7,  21  ! Plane X, wire 21
+  21,   7,  22  ! Plane X, wire 22
+  22,   7,  23  ! Plane X, wire 23
+  23,   7,  24  ! Plane X, wire 24
+  24,   7,  25  ! Plane X, wire 25
+  25,   7,  26  ! Plane X, wire 26
+  26,   7,  27  ! Plane X, wire 27
+  27,   7,  28  ! Plane X, wire 28
+  28,   7,  29  ! Plane X, wire 29
+  29,   7,  30  ! Plane X, wire 30
+  30,   7,  31  ! Plane X, wire 31
+  31,   7,  32  ! Plane X, wire 32
+  32,   7,  33  ! Plane X, wire 33
+  33,   7,  34  ! Plane X, wire 34
+  34,   7,  35  ! Plane X, wire 35
+  35,   7,  36  ! Plane X, wire 36
+  36,   7,  37  ! Plane X, wire 37
+  37,   7,  38  ! Plane X, wire 38
+  38,   7,  39  ! Plane X, wire 39
+  39,   7,  40  ! Plane X, wire 40
+  40,   7,  41  ! Plane X, wire 41
+  41,   7,  42  ! Plane X, wire 42
+  42,   7,  43  ! Plane X, wire 43
+  43,   7,  44  ! Plane X, wire 44
+  44,   7,  45  ! Plane X, wire 45
+  45,   7,  46  ! Plane X, wire 46
+  46,   7,  47  ! Plane X, wire 47
+  47,   7,  48  ! Plane X, wire 48
+  48,   7,  49  ! Plane X, wire 49
+  49,   7,  50  ! Plane X, wire 50
+  50,   7,  51  ! Plane X, wire 51
+  51,   7,  52  ! Plane X, wire 52
+  52,   7,  53  ! Plane X, wire 53
+  53,   7,  54  ! Plane X, wire 54
+  54,   7,  55  ! Plane X, wire 55
+  55,   7,  56  ! Plane X, wire 56
+  56,   7,  57  ! Plane X, wire 57
+  57,   7,  58  ! Plane X, wire 58
+  58,   7,  59  ! Plane X, wire 59
+  59,   7,  60  ! Plane X, wire 60
+  60,   7,  61  ! Plane X, wire 61
+  61,   7,  62  ! Plane X, wire 62
+  62,   7,  63  ! Plane X, wire 63
+  63,   7,  64  ! Plane X, wire 64
+  64,   7,  65  ! Plane X, wire 65
+  65,   7,  66  ! Plane X, wire 66
+  66,   7,  67  ! Plane X, wire 67
+  67,   7,  68  ! Plane X, wire 68
+  68,   7,  69  ! Plane X, wire 69
+  69,   7,  70  ! Plane X, wire 70
+  70,   7,  71  ! Plane X, wire 71
+  71,   7,  72  ! Plane X, wire 72
+  72,   7,  73  ! Plane X, wire 73
+  73,   7,  74  ! Plane X, wire 74
+  74,   7,  75  ! Plane X, wire 75
+  75,   7,  76  ! Plane X, wire 76
+  76,   7,  77  ! Plane X, wire 77
+  77,   7,  78  ! Plane X, wire 78
+  78,   7,  79  ! Plane X, wire 79
+  79,   7,  80  ! Plane X, wire 80
+  80,   7,  81  ! Plane X, wire 81
+  81,   7,  82  ! Plane X, wire 82
+  82,   7,  83  ! Plane X, wire 83
+  83,   7,  84  ! Plane X, wire 84
+  84,   7,  85  ! Plane X, wire 85
+  85,   7,  86  ! Plane X, wire 86
+  86,   7,  87  ! Plane X, wire 87
+  87,   7,  88  ! Plane X, wire 88
+  88,   7,  89  ! Plane X, wire 89
+  89,   7,  90  ! Plane X, wire 90
+  90,   7,  91  ! Plane X, wire 91
+  91,   7,  92  ! Plane X, wire 92
+  92,   7,  93  ! Plane X, wire 93
+  93,   7,  94  ! Plane X, wire 94
+  94,   7,  95  ! Plane X, wire 95
+  95,   7,  96  ! Plane X, wire 96
+  96,   7,  97  ! Plane X, wire 97
+  97,   7,  98  ! Plane X, wire 98
+  98,   7,  99  ! Plane X, wire 99
+  99,   7, 100  ! Plane X, wire 100
+ 100,   7, 101  ! Plane X, wire 101
+ 101,   7, 102  ! Plane X, wire 102
+ 102,   7, 103  ! Plane X, wire 103
+ 103,   7, 104  ! Plane X, wire 104
+ 104,   7, 105  ! Plane X, wire 105
+ 105,   7, 106  ! Plane X, wire 106
+ 106,   7, 107  ! Plane X, wire 107
+ 107,   7, 108  ! Plane X, wire 108
+ 108,   7, 109  ! Plane X, wire 109
+ 109,   7, 110  ! Plane X, wire 110
+ 110,   7, 111  ! Plane X, wire 111
+ 111,   7, 112  ! Plane X, wire 112
+ 112,  12,   1  ! Plane X', wire 1
+ 113,  12,   2  ! Plane X', wire 2
+ 114,   9,   1  ! Plane U, wire 1
+ 115,   9,   2  ! Plane U, wire 2
+ 116,   9,   3  ! Plane U, wire 3
+ 117,   9,   4  ! Plane U, wire 4
+ 118,   9,   5  ! Plane U, wire 5
+ 119,   9,   6  ! Plane U, wire 6
+ 120,   9,   7  ! Plane U, wire 7
+ 121,   9,   8  ! Plane U, wire 8
+ 122,   9,   9  ! Plane U, wire 9
+ 123,   9,  10  ! Plane U, wire 10
+ 124,   9,  11  ! Plane U, wire 11
+ 125,   9,  12  ! Plane U, wire 12
+ 126,   9,  13  ! Plane U, wire 13
+ 127,   9,  14  ! Plane U, wire 14
+  16,   9,  15  ! Plane U, wire 15
+  17,   9,  16  ! Plane U, wire 16
+  18,   9,  17  ! Plane U, wire 17
+  19,   9,  18  ! Plane U, wire 18
+  20,   9,  19  ! Plane U, wire 19
+  21,   9,  20  ! Plane U, wire 20
+  22,   9,  21  ! Plane U, wire 21
+  23,   9,  22  ! Plane U, wire 22
+  24,   9,  23  ! Plane U, wire 23
+  25,   9,  24  ! Plane U, wire 24
+  26,   9,  25  ! Plane U, wire 25
+  27,   9,  26  ! Plane U, wire 26
+  28,   9,  27  ! Plane U, wire 27
+  29,   9,  28  ! Plane U, wire 28
+  30,   9,  29  ! Plane U, wire 29
+  31,  12,  32  ! Plane X', wire 32
+   0,  12,  33  ! Plane X', wire 33
+   1,  12,  34  ! Plane X', wire 34
+   2,  12,  35  ! Plane X', wire 35
+   3,  12,  36  ! Plane X', wire 36
+   4,  12,  37  ! Plane X', wire 37
+   5,  12,  38  ! Plane X', wire 38
+   6,  12,  39  ! Plane X', wire 39
+   7,  12,  40  ! Plane X', wire 40
+   8,  12,  41  ! Plane X', wire 41
+   9,  12,  42  ! Plane X', wire 42
+  10,  12,  43  ! Plane X', wire 43
+  11,  12,  44  ! Plane X', wire 44
+  12,  12,  45  ! Plane X', wire 45
+  13,  12,  46  ! Plane X', wire 46
+  14,  12,  47  ! Plane X', wire 47
+  15,  12,  48  ! Plane X', wire 48
+  16,  12,  49  ! Plane X', wire 49
+  17,  12,  50  ! Plane X', wire 50
+  18,  12,  51  ! Plane X', wire 51
+  19,  12,  52  ! Plane X', wire 52
+  20,  12,  53  ! Plane X', wire 53
+  21,  12,  54  ! Plane X', wire 54
+  22,  12,  55  ! Plane X', wire 55
+  23,  12,  56  ! Plane X', wire 56
+  24,  12,  57  ! Plane X', wire 57
+  25,  12,  58  ! Plane X', wire 58
+  26,  12,  59  ! Plane X', wire 59
+  27,  12,  60  ! Plane X', wire 60
+  28,  12,  61  ! Plane X', wire 61
+  29,  12,  62  ! Plane X', wire 62
+  30,  12,  63  ! Plane X', wire 63
+  31,  12,  64  ! Plane X', wire 64
+  32,  12,  65  ! Plane X', wire 65
+  33,  12,  66  ! Plane X', wire 66
+  34,  12,  67  ! Plane X', wire 67
+  35,  12,  68  ! Plane X', wire 68
+  36,  12,  69  ! Plane X', wire 69
+  37,  12,  70  ! Plane X', wire 70
+  38,  12,  71  ! Plane X', wire 71
+  39,  12,  72  ! Plane X', wire 72
+  40,  12,  73  ! Plane X', wire 73
+  41,  12,  74  ! Plane X', wire 74
+  42,  12,  75  ! Plane X', wire 75
+  43,  12,  76  ! Plane X', wire 76
+  44,  12,  77  ! Plane X', wire 77
+  45,  12,  78  ! Plane X', wire 78
+  46,  12,  79  ! Plane X', wire 79
+  47,  12,  80  ! Plane X', wire 80
+  48,  12,  81  ! Plane X', wire 81
+  49,  12,  82  ! Plane X', wire 82
+  50,  12,  83  ! Plane X', wire 83
+  51,  12,  84  ! Plane X', wire 84
+  52,  12,  85  ! Plane X', wire 85
+  53,  12,  86  ! Plane X', wire 86
+  54,  12,  87  ! Plane X', wire 87
+  55,  12,  88  ! Plane X', wire 88
+  56,  12,  89  ! Plane X', wire 89
+  57,  12,  90  ! Plane X', wire 90
+  58,  12,  91  ! Plane X', wire 91
+  59,  12,  92  ! Plane X', wire 92
+  60,  12,  93  ! Plane X', wire 93
+  61,  12,  94  ! Plane X', wire 94
+  62,  12,  95  ! Plane X', wire 95
+  63,  12,  96  ! Plane X', wire 96
+  64,  12,  97  ! Plane X', wire 97
+  65,  12,  98  ! Plane X', wire 98
+  66,  12,  99  ! Plane X', wire 99
+  67,  12, 100  ! Plane X', wire 100
+  68,  12, 101  ! Plane X', wire 101
+  69,  12, 102  ! Plane X', wire 102
+  70,  12, 103  ! Plane X', wire 103
+  71,  12, 104  ! Plane X', wire 104
+  72,  12, 105  ! Plane X', wire 105
+  73,  12, 106  ! Plane X', wire 106
+  74,  12, 107  ! Plane X', wire 107
+  75,  12, 108  ! Plane X', wire 108
+  76,  12, 109  ! Plane X', wire 109
+  77,  12, 110  ! Plane X', wire 110
+  78,  12, 111  ! Plane X', wire 111
+  79,  12, 112  ! Plane X', wire 112
+  64,   8,   1  ! Plane Y, wire 1
+  65,   8,   2  ! Plane Y, wire 2
+  66,   8,   3  ! Plane Y, wire 3
+  67,   8,   4  ! Plane Y, wire 4
+  68,   8,   5  ! Plane Y, wire 5
+  69,   8,   6  ! Plane Y, wire 6
+  70,   8,   7  ! Plane Y, wire 7
+  71,   8,   8  ! Plane Y, wire 8
+  72,   8,   9  ! Plane Y, wire 9
+  73,   8,  10  ! Plane Y, wire 10
+  74,   8,  11  ! Plane Y, wire 11
+  75,   8,  12  ! Plane Y, wire 12
+  76,   8,  13  ! Plane Y, wire 13
+  80,   8,  14  ! Plane Y, wire 14
+  81,   8,  15  ! Plane Y, wire 15
+  82,   8,  16  ! Plane Y, wire 16
+  83,   8,  17  ! Plane Y, wire 17
+  84,   8,  18  ! Plane Y, wire 18
+  85,   8,  19  ! Plane Y, wire 19
+  86,   8,  20  ! Plane Y, wire 20
+  87,   8,  21  ! Plane Y, wire 21
+  88,   8,  22  ! Plane Y, wire 22
+  89,   8,  23  ! Plane Y, wire 23
+  90,   8,  24  ! Plane Y, wire 24
+  91,   8,  25  ! Plane Y, wire 25
+  92,   8,  26  ! Plane Y, wire 26
+  96,   8,  27  ! Plane Y, wire 27
+  97,   8,  28  ! Plane Y, wire 28
+  98,   8,  29  ! Plane Y, wire 29
+  99,   8,  30  ! Plane Y, wire 30
+ 100,   8,  31  ! Plane Y, wire 31
+ 101,   8,  32  ! Plane Y, wire 32
+ 102,   8,  33  ! Plane Y, wire 33
+ 103,   8,  34  ! Plane Y, wire 34
+ 104,   8,  35  ! Plane Y, wire 35
+ 105,   8,  36  ! Plane Y, wire 36
+ 106,   8,  37  ! Plane Y, wire 37
+ 107,   8,  38  ! Plane Y, wire 38
+ 108,   8,  39  ! Plane Y, wire 39
+ 112,   8,  40  ! Plane Y, wire 40
+ 113,   8,  41  ! Plane Y, wire 41
+ 114,   8,  42  ! Plane Y, wire 42
+ 115,   8,  43  ! Plane Y, wire 43
+ 116,   8,  44  ! Plane Y, wire 44
+ 117,   8,  45  ! Plane Y, wire 45
+ 118,   8,  46  ! Plane Y, wire 46
+ 119,   8,  47  ! Plane Y, wire 47
+ 120,   8,  48  ! Plane Y, wire 48
+ 121,   8,  49  ! Plane Y, wire 49
+ 122,   8,  50  ! Plane Y, wire 50
+ 123,   8,  51  ! Plane Y, wire 51
+ 124,   8,  52  ! Plane Y, wire 52
+ 127,1000,   0,   1
+  64,  11,   1  ! Plane Y', wire 1
+  65,  11,   2  ! Plane Y', wire 2
+  66,  11,   3  ! Plane Y', wire 3
+  67,  11,   4  ! Plane Y', wire 4
+  68,  11,   5  ! Plane Y', wire 5
+  69,  11,   6  ! Plane Y', wire 6
+  70,  11,   7  ! Plane Y', wire 7
+  71,  11,   8  ! Plane Y', wire 8
+  72,  11,   9  ! Plane Y', wire 9
+  73,  11,  10  ! Plane Y', wire 10
+  74,  11,  11  ! Plane Y', wire 11
+  75,  11,  12  ! Plane Y', wire 12
+  76,  11,  13  ! Plane Y', wire 13
+  80,  11,  14  ! Plane Y', wire 14
+  81,  11,  15  ! Plane Y', wire 15
+  82,  11,  16  ! Plane Y', wire 16
+  83,  11,  17  ! Plane Y', wire 17
+  84,  11,  18  ! Plane Y', wire 18
+  85,  11,  19  ! Plane Y', wire 19
+  86,  11,  20  ! Plane Y', wire 20
+  87,  11,  21  ! Plane Y', wire 21
+  88,  11,  22  ! Plane Y', wire 22
+  89,  11,  23  ! Plane Y', wire 23
+  90,  11,  24  ! Plane Y', wire 24
+  91,  11,  25  ! Plane Y', wire 25
+  92,  11,  26  ! Plane Y', wire 26
+  96,  11,  27  ! Plane Y', wire 27
+  97,  11,  28  ! Plane Y', wire 28
+  98,  11,  29  ! Plane Y', wire 29
+  99,  11,  30  ! Plane Y', wire 30
+ 100,  11,  31  ! Plane Y', wire 31
+ 101,  11,  32  ! Plane Y', wire 32
+ 102,  11,  33  ! Plane Y', wire 33
+ 103,  11,  34  ! Plane Y', wire 34
+ 104,  11,  35  ! Plane Y', wire 35
+ 105,  11,  36  ! Plane Y', wire 36
+ 106,  11,  37  ! Plane Y', wire 37
+ 107,  11,  38  ! Plane Y', wire 38
+ 108,  11,  39  ! Plane Y', wire 39
+ 112,  11,  40  ! Plane Y', wire 40
+ 113,  11,  41  ! Plane Y', wire 41
+ 114,  11,  42  ! Plane Y', wire 42
+ 115,  11,  43  ! Plane Y', wire 43
+ 116,  11,  44  ! Plane Y', wire 44
+ 117,  11,  45  ! Plane Y', wire 45
+ 118,  11,  46  ! Plane Y', wire 46
+ 119,  11,  47  ! Plane Y', wire 47
+ 120,  11,  48  ! Plane Y', wire 48
+ 121,  11,  49  ! Plane Y', wire 49
+ 122,  11,  50  ! Plane Y', wire 50
+ 123,  11,  51  ! Plane Y', wire 51
+ 124,  11,  52  ! Plane Y', wire 52
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..698489c2
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
+! F250 modules
+! chan   plane     bar     sig
+     0,      1,      1,      0!    h1x01A+
+     1,      1,      2,      0!    h1x02A+
+     2,      1,      3,      0!    h1x03A+
+     3,      1,      4,      0!    h1x04A+
+     4,      1,      5,      0!    h1x05A+
+     5,      1,      6,      0!    h1x06A+
+     6,      1,      7,      0!    h1x07A+
+     7,      1,      8,      0!    h1x08A+
+     8,      1,      9,      0!    h1x09A+
+     9,      1,     10,      0!    h1x10A+
+    10,      1,     11,      0!    h1x11A+
+    11,      1,     12,      0!    h1x12A+
+    12,      1,     13,      0!    h1x13A+
+    13,      1,     14,      0!    h1x14A+
+    14,      1,     15,      0!    h1x15A+
+    15,      1,     16,      0!    h1x16A+
+! chan   plane     bar     sig
+     0,      1,      1,      1!    h1x01A-
+     1,      1,      2,      1!    h1x02A-
+     2,      1,      3,      1!    h1x03A-
+     3,      1,      4,      1!    h1x04A-
+     4,      1,      5,      1!    h1x05A-
+     5,      1,      6,      1!    h1x06A-
+     6,      1,      7,      1!    h1x07A-
+     7,      1,      8,      1!    h1x08A-
+     8,      1,      9,      1!    h1x09A-
+     9,      1,     10,      1!    h1x10A-
+    10,      1,     11,      1!    h1x11A-
+    11,      1,     12,      1!    h1x12A-
+    12,      1,     13,      1!    h1x13A-
+    13,      1,     14,      1!    h1x14A-
+    14,      1,     15,      1!    h1x15A-
+    15,      1,     16,      1!    h1x16A-
+! chan   plane     bar     sig
+     0,      2,      1,      0!    h1y01A+
+     1,      2,      2,      0!    h1y02A+
+     2,      2,      3,      0!    h1y03A+
+     3,      2,      4,      0!    h1y04A+
+     4,      2,      5,      0!    h1y05A+
+     5,      2,      6,      0!    h1y06A+
+     6,      2,      7,      0!    h1y07A+
+     7,      2,      8,      0!    h1y08A+
+     8,      2,      9,      0!    h1y09A+
+     9,      2,     10,      0!    h1y10A+
+    10,      2,      1,      1!    h1y01A-
+    11,      2,      2,      1!    h1y02A-
+    12,      2,      3,      1!    h1y03A-
+    13,      2,      4,      1!    h1y04A-
+    14,      2,      5,      1!    h1y05A-
+    15,      2,      6,      1!    h1y06A-
+! chan   plane     bar     sig
+     0,      2,      7,      1!    h1y07A-
+     1,      2,      8,      1!    h1y08A-
+     2,      2,      9,      1!    h1y09A-
+     3,      2,     10,      1!    h1y10A-
+     4,      3,      1,      0!    h2x01A+
+     5,      3,      2,      0!    h2x02A+
+     6,      3,      3,      0!    h2x03A+
+     7,      3,      4,      0!    h2x04A+
+     8,      3,      5,      0!    h2x05A+
+     9,      3,      6,      0!    h2x06A+
+    10,      3,      7,      0!    h2x07A+
+    11,      3,      8,      0!    h2x08A+
+    12,      3,      9,      0!    h2x09A+
+    13,      3,     10,      0!    h2x10A+
+    14,      3,     11,      0!    h2x11A+
+    15,      3,     12,      0!    h2x12A+
+! chan   plane     bar     sig
+     0,      3,     13,      0!    h2x13A+
+     1,      3,     14,      0!    h2x14A+
+     2,      3,     15,      0!    h2x15A+
+     3,      3,     16,      0!    h2x16A+
+     4,      3,      1,      1!    h2x01A-
+     5,      3,      2,      1!    h2x02A-
+     6,      3,      3,      1!    h2x03A-
+     7,      3,      4,      1!    h2x04A-
+     8,      3,      5,      1!    h2x05A-
+     9,      3,      6,      1!    h2x06A-
+    10,      3,      7,      1!    h2x07A-
+    11,      3,      8,      1!    h2x08A-
+    12,      3,      9,      1!    h2x09A-
+    13,      3,     10,      1!    h2x10A-
+    14,      3,     11,      1!    h2x11A-
+    15,      3,     12,      1!    h2x12A-
+! chan   plane     bar     sig
+     0,      3,     13,      1!    h2x13A-
+     1,      3,     14,      1!    h2x14A-
+     2,      3,     15,      1!    h2x15A-
+     3,      3,     16,      1!    h2x16A-
+     4,      4,      1,      0!    h2y01A+
+     5,      4,      2,      0!    h2y02A+
+     6,      4,      3,      0!    h2y03A+
+     7,      4,      4,      0!    h2y04A+
+     8,      4,      5,      0!    h2y05A+
+     9,      4,      6,      0!    h2y06A+
+    10,      4,      7,      0!    h2y07A+
+    11,      4,      8,      0!    h2y08A+
+    12,      4,      9,      0!    h2y09A+
+    13,      4,     10,      0!    h2y10A+
+    14,      4,      1,      1!    h2y01A-
+    15,      4,      2,      1!    h2y02A-
+! chan   plane     bar     sig
+     0,      4,      3,      1!    h2y03A-
+     1,      4,      4,      1!    h2y04A-
+     2,      4,      5,      1!    h2y05A-
+     3,      4,      6,      1!    h2y06A-
+     4,      4,      7,      1!    h2y07A-
+     5,      4,      8,      1!    h2y08A-
+     6,      4,      9,      1!    h2y09A-
+     7,      4,     10,      1!    h2y10A-
+! Caen 1190 module
+  127,1000,   0,   0
+! A0
+! chan   plane     bar     sig
+     0,      1,      1,      2!    h1x01T+
+     1,      1,      3,      2!    h1x03T+
+     2,      1,      5,      2!    h1x05T+
+     3,      1,      7,      2!    h1x07T+
+     4,      1,      2,      2!    h1x02T+
+     5,      1,      4,      2!    h1x04T+
+     6,      1,      6,      2!    h1x06T+
+     7,      1,      8,      2!    h1x08T+
+     8,      1,      9,      2!    h1x09T+
+     9,      1,     11,      2!    h1x11T+
+    10,      1,     13,      2!    h1x13T+
+    11,      1,     15,      2!    h1x15T+
+    12,      1,     10,      2!    h1x10T+
+    13,      1,     12,      2!    h1x12T+
+    14,      1,     14,      2!    h1x14T+
+    15,      1,     16,      2!    h1x16T+
+! A1
+! chan   plane     bar     sig
+    16,      1,      1,      3!    h1x01T-
+    17,      1,      3,      3!    h1x03T-
+    18,      1,      5,      3!    h1x05T-
+    19,      1,      7,      3!    h1x07T-
+    20,      1,      2,      3!    h1x02T-
+    21,      1,      4,      3!    h1x04T-
+    22,      1,      6,      3!    h1x06T-
+    23,      1,      8,      3!    h1x08T-
+    24,      1,      9,      3!    h1x09T-
+    25,      1,     11,      3!    h1x11T-
+    26,      1,     13,      3!    h1x13T-
+    27,      1,     15,      3!    h1x15T-
+    28,      1,     10,      3!    h1x10T-
+    29,      1,     12,      3!    h1x12T-
+    30,      1,     14,      3!    h1x14T-
+    31,      1,     16,      3!    h1x16T-
+! B0
+! chan   plane     bar     sig
+    32,      2,      1,      2!    h1y01T+
+    33,      2,      3,      2!    h1y03T+
+    34,      2,      5,      2!    h1y05T+
+    35,      2,      7,      2!    h1y07T+
+    36,      2,      2,      2!    h1y02T+
+    37,      2,      4,      2!    h1y04T+
+    38,      2,      6,      2!    h1y06T+
+    39,      2,      8,      2!    h1y08T+
+    40,      2,      9,      2!    h1y09T+
+!   41,       ,       ,       !
+!   42,       ,       ,       !
+!   43,       ,       ,       !
+    44,      2,     10,      2!    h1y10T+
+!   45,       ,       ,       !
+!   46,       ,       ,       !
+!   47,       ,       ,       !
+! B1
+! chan   plane     bar     sig
+    48,      2,      1,      3!    h1y01T-
+    49,      2,      3,      3!    h1y03T-
+    50,      2,      5,      3!    h1y05T-
+    51,      2,      7,      3!    h1y07T-
+    52,      2,      2,      3!    h1y02T-
+    53,      2,      4,      3!    h1y04T-
+    54,      2,      6,      3!    h1y06T-
+    55,      2,      8,      3!    h1y08T-
+    56,      2,      9,      3!    h1y09T-
+!   57,       ,       ,       !
+!   58,       ,       ,       !
+!   59,       ,       ,       !
+    60,      2,     10,      3!    h1y10T-
+!   61,       ,       ,       !
+!   62,       ,       ,       !
+!   63,       ,       ,       !
+! C0
+! chan   plane     bar     sig
+    64,      3,      1,      2!    h2x01T+
+    65,      3,      3,      2!    h2x03T+
+    66,      3,      5,      2!    h2x05T+
+    67,      3,      7,      2!    h2x07T+
+    68,      3,      2,      2!    h2x02T+
+    69,      3,      4,      2!    h2x04T+
+    70,      3,      6,      2!    h2x06T+
+    71,      3,      8,      2!    h2x08T+
+    72,      3,      9,      2!    h2x09T+
+    73,      3,     11,      2!    h2x11T+
+    74,      3,     13,      2!    h2x13T+
+    75,      3,     15,      2!    h2x15T+
+    76,      3,     10,      2!    h2x10T+
+    77,      3,     12,      2!    h2x12T+
+    78,      3,     14,      2!    h2x14T+
+    79,      3,     16,      2!    h2x16T+
+! C1
+! chan   plane     bar     sig
+    80,      3,      1,      3!    h2x01T-
+    81,      3,      3,      3!    h2x03T-
+    82,      3,      5,      3!    h2x05T-
+    83,      3,      7,      3!    h2x07T-
+    84,      3,      2,      3!    h2x02T-
+    85,      3,      4,      3!    h2x04T-
+    86,      3,      6,      3!    h2x06T-
+    87,      3,      8,      3!    h2x08T-
+    88,      3,      9,      3!    h2x09T-
+    89,      3,     11,      3!    h2x11T-
+    90,      3,     13,      3!    h2x13T-
+    91,      3,     15,      3!    h2x15T-
+    92,      3,     10,      3!    h2x10T-
+    93,      3,     12,      3!    h2x12T-
+    94,      3,     14,      3!    h2x14T-
+    95,      3,     16,      3!    h2x16T-
+! D0
+! chan   plane     bar     sig
+    96,      4,      1,      2!    h2y01T+
+    97,      4,      3,      2!    h2y03T+
+    98,      4,      5,      2!    h2y05T+
+    99,      4,      7,      2!    h2y07T+
+   100,      4,      2,      2!    h2y02T+
+   101,      4,      4,      2!    h2y04T+
+   102,      4,      6,      2!    h2y06T+
+   103,      4,      8,      2!    h2y08T+
+   104,      4,      9,      2!    h2y09T+
+!  105,       ,       ,       !
+!  106,       ,       ,       !
+!  107,       ,       ,       !
+   108,      4,     10,      2!    h2y10T+
+!  109,       ,       ,       !
+!  110,       ,       ,       !
+!  111,       ,       ,       !
+! D1
+! chan   plane     bar     sig
+   112,      4,      1,      3!    h2y01T-
+   113,      4,      3,      3!    h2y03T-
+   114,      4,      5,      3!    h2y05T-
+   115,      4,      7,      3!    h2y07T-
+   116,      4,      2,      3!    h2y02T-
+   117,      4,      4,      3!    h2y04T-
+   118,      4,      6,      3!    h2y06T-
+   119,      4,      8,      3!    h2y08T-
+   120,      4,      9,      3!    h2y09T-
+!  121,       ,       ,       !
+!  122,       ,       ,       !
+!  123,       ,       ,       !
+   124,      4,     10,      3!    h2y10T-
+!  125,       ,       ,       !
+!  126,       ,       ,       !
+!  127,       ,       ,       !
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..76fb62c9
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
+! THMS_ID=10       ::  ADC,TDC
+! HSCIN_ID=13      ::  ADC+,ADC-,TDC+,TDC-
+   8,   1,   1,   0  ! hASUM
+   9,   1,   2,   0  ! hBSUM
+  10,   1,   3,   0  ! hCSUM
+  11,   1,   4,   0  ! hDSUM
+  12,   1,   5,   0  ! hPSHWR
+  13,   1,   6,   0  ! hSHWR
+  14,   1,   7,   0  ! hAERSUM
+  15,   1,   8,   0  ! hCERSUM
+   0,   2,   1,   1  ! h1X
+   1,   2,   2,   1  ! h1Y
+   2,   2,   3,   1  ! h2X
+   3,   2,   4,   1  ! h2Y
+   4,   2,   5,   1  ! h1T
+   5,   2,   6,   1  ! h2T
+   6,1000,   0,   0  ! hTref
+   7,   2,   8,   1  ! hASUM
+   8,   2,   9,   1  ! hBSUM
+   9,   2,  10,   1  ! hCSUM
+  10,   2,  11,   1  ! hDSUM
+  11,   2,  12,   1  ! hPSHWRLO
+  12,   2,  13,   1  ! hPSHWRHI
+  13,   2,  14,   1  ! hSHWR
+  14,   2,  15,   1  ! hAERSUM
+  15,   2,  16,   1  ! hCERSUM
+ 127,   2,  17,   1  ! hT2
+ 111,   2,  18,   1  ! hDCREF1
+ 127,   2,  19,   1  ! hDCREF2
+ 127,   2,  20,   1  ! hDCREF3
+ 127,   2,  21,   1  ! hDCREF4
+   0,   1,   1,   0  ! h1x01A+
+   1,   1,   2,   0  ! h1x02A+
+   2,   1,   3,   0  ! h1x03A+
+   3,   1,   4,   0  ! h1x04A+
+   4,   1,   5,   0  ! h1x05A+
+   5,   1,   6,   0  ! h1x06A+
+   6,   1,   7,   0  ! h1x07A+
+   7,   1,   8,   0  ! h1x08A+
+   8,   1,   9,   0  ! h1x09A+
+   9,   1,  10,   0  ! h1x10A+
+  10,   1,  11,   0  ! h1x11A+
+  11,   1,  12,   0  ! h1x12A+
+  12,   1,  13,   0  ! h1x13A+
+  13,   1,  14,   0  ! h1x14A+
+  14,   1,  15,   0  ! h1x15A+
+  15,   1,  16,   0  ! h1x16A+
+   0,   1,   1,   1  ! h1x01A-
+   1,   1,   2,   1  ! h1x02A-
+   2,   1,   3,   1  ! h1x03A-
+   3,   1,   4,   1  ! h1x04A-
+   4,   1,   5,   1  ! h1x05A-
+   5,   1,   6,   1  ! h1x06A-
+   6,   1,   7,   1  ! h1x07A-
+   7,   1,   8,   1  ! h1x08A-
+   8,   1,   9,   1  ! h1x09A-
+   9,   1,  10,   1  ! h1x10A-
+  10,   1,  11,   1  ! h1x11A-
+  11,   1,  12,   1  ! h1x12A-
+  12,   1,  13,   1  ! h1x13A-
+  13,   1,  14,   1  ! h1x14A-
+  14,   1,  15,   1  ! h1x15A-
+  15,   1,  16,   1  ! h1x16A-
+   0,   2,   1,   0  ! h1y01A+
+   1,   2,   2,   0  ! h1y02A+
+   2,   2,   3,   0  ! h1y03A+
+   3,   2,   4,   0  ! h1y04A+
+   4,   2,   5,   0  ! h1y05A+
+   5,   2,   6,   0  ! h1y06A+
+   6,   2,   7,   0  ! h1y07A+
+   7,   2,   8,   0  ! h1y08A+
+   8,   2,   9,   0  ! h1y09A+
+   9,   2,  10,   0  ! h1y10A+
+  10,   2,   1,   1  ! h1y01A-
+  11,   2,   2,   1  ! h1y02A-
+  12,   2,   3,   1  ! h1y03A-
+  13,   2,   4,   1  ! h1y04A-
+  14,   2,   5,   1  ! h1y05A-
+  15,   2,   6,   1  ! h1y06A-
+   0,   2,   7,   1  ! h1y07A-
+   1,   2,   8,   1  ! h1y08A-
+   2,   2,   9,   1  ! h1y09A-
+   3,   2,  10,   1  ! h1y10A-
+   4,   3,   1,   0  ! h2x01A+
+   5,   3,   2,   0  ! h2x02A+
+   6,   3,   3,   0  ! h2x03A+
+   7,   3,   4,   0  ! h2x04A+
+   8,   3,   5,   0  ! h2x05A+
+   9,   3,   6,   0  ! h2x06A+
+  10,   3,   7,   0  ! h2x07A+
+  11,   3,   8,   0  ! h2x08A+
+  12,   3,   9,   0  ! h2x09A+
+  13,   3,  10,   0  ! h2x10A+
+  14,   3,  11,   0  ! h2x11A+
+  15,   3,  12,   0  ! h2x12A+
+   0,   3,  13,   0  ! h2x13A+
+   1,   3,  14,   0  ! h2x14A+
+   2,   3,  15,   0  ! h2x15A+
+   3,   3,  16,   0  ! h2x16A+
+   4,   3,   1,   1  ! h2x01A-
+   5,   3,   2,   1  ! h2x02A-
+   6,   3,   3,   1  ! h2x03A-
+   7,   3,   4,   1  ! h2x04A-
+   8,   3,   5,   1  ! h2x05A-
+   9,   3,   6,   1  ! h2x06A-
+  10,   3,   7,   1  ! h2x07A-
+  11,   3,   8,   1  ! h2x08A-
+  12,   3,   9,   1  ! h2x09A-
+  13,   3,  10,   1  ! h2x10A-
+  14,   3,  11,   1  ! h2x11A-
+  15,   3,  12,   1  ! h2x12A-
+   0,   3,  13,   1  ! h2x13A-
+   1,   3,  14,   1  ! h2x14A-
+   2,   3,  15,   1  ! h2x15A-
+   3,   3,  16,   1  ! h2x16A-
+   4,   4,   1,   0  ! h2y01A+
+   5,   4,   2,   0  ! h2y02A+
+   6,   4,   3,   0  ! h2y03A+
+   7,   4,   4,   0  ! h2y04A+
+   8,   4,   5,   0  ! h2y05A+
+   9,   4,   6,   0  ! h2y06A+
+  10,   4,   7,   0  ! h2y07A+
+  11,   4,   8,   0  ! h2y08A+
+  12,   4,   9,   0  ! h2y09A+
+  13,   4,  10,   0  ! h2y10A+
+  14,   4,   1,   1  ! h2y01A-
+  15,   4,   2,   1  ! h2y02A-
+   0,   4,   3,   1  ! h2y03A-
+   1,   4,   4,   1  ! h2y04A-
+   2,   4,   5,   1  ! h2y05A-
+   3,   4,   6,   1  ! h2y06A-
+   4,   4,   7,   1  ! h2y07A-
+   5,   4,   8,   1  ! h2y08A-
+   6,   4,   9,   1  ! h2y09A-
+   7,   4,  10,   1  ! h2y10A-
+ 127,1000,   0,   0
+   0,   1,   1,   2  ! h1x01T+
+   1,   1,   3,   2  ! h1x03T+
+   2,   1,   5,   2  ! h1x05T+
+   3,   1,   7,   2  ! h1x07T+
+   4,   1,   2,   2  ! h1x02T+
+   5,   1,   4,   2  ! h1x04T+
+   6,   1,   6,   2  ! h1x06T+
+   7,   1,   8,   2  ! h1x08T+
+   8,   1,   9,   2  ! h1x09T+
+   9,   1,  11,   2  ! h1x11T+
+  10,   1,  13,   2  ! h1x13T+
+  11,   1,  15,   2  ! h1x15T+
+  12,   1,  10,   2  ! h1x10T+
+  13,   1,  12,   2  ! h1x12T+
+  14,   1,  14,   2  ! h1x14T+
+  15,   1,  16,   2  ! h1x16T+
+  16,   1,   1,   3  ! h1x01T-
+  17,   1,   3,   3  ! h1x03T-
+  18,   1,   5,   3  ! h1x05T-
+  19,   1,   7,   3  ! h1x07T-
+  20,   1,   2,   3  ! h1x02T-
+  21,   1,   4,   3  ! h1x04T-
+  22,   1,   6,   3  ! h1x06T-
+  23,   1,   8,   3  ! h1x08T-
+  24,   1,   9,   3  ! h1x09T-
+  25,   1,  11,   3  ! h1x11T-
+  26,   1,  13,   3  ! h1x13T-
+  27,   1,  15,   3  ! h1x15T-
+  28,   1,  10,   3  ! h1x10T-
+  29,   1,  12,   3  ! h1x12T-
+  30,   1,  14,   3  ! h1x14T-
+  31,   1,  16,   3  ! h1x16T-
+  32,   2,   1,   2  ! h1y01T+
+  33,   2,   3,   2  ! h1y03T+
+  34,   2,   5,   2  ! h1y05T+
+  35,   2,   7,   2  ! h1y07T+
+  36,   2,   2,   2  ! h1y02T+
+  37,   2,   4,   2  ! h1y04T+
+  38,   2,   6,   2  ! h1y06T+
+  39,   2,   8,   2  ! h1y08T+
+  40,   2,   9,   2  ! h1y09T+
+  44,   2,  10,   2  ! h1y10T+
+  48,   2,   1,   3  ! h1y01T-
+  49,   2,   3,   3  ! h1y03T-
+  50,   2,   5,   3  ! h1y05T-
+  51,   2,   7,   3  ! h1y07T-
+  52,   2,   2,   3  ! h1y02T-
+  53,   2,   4,   3  ! h1y04T-
+  54,   2,   6,   3  ! h1y06T-
+  55,   2,   8,   3  ! h1y08T-
+  56,   2,   9,   3  ! h1y09T-
+  60,   2,  10,   3  ! h1y10T-
+  64,   3,   1,   2  ! h2x01T+
+  65,   3,   3,   2  ! h2x03T+
+  66,   3,   5,   2  ! h2x05T+
+  67,   3,   7,   2  ! h2x07T+
+  68,   3,   2,   2  ! h2x02T+
+  69,   3,   4,   2  ! h2x04T+
+  70,   3,   6,   2  ! h2x06T+
+  71,   3,   8,   2  ! h2x08T+
+  72,   3,   9,   2  ! h2x09T+
+  73,   3,  11,   2  ! h2x11T+
+  74,   3,  13,   2  ! h2x13T+
+  75,   3,  15,   2  ! h2x15T+
+  76,   3,  10,   2  ! h2x10T+
+  77,   3,  12,   2  ! h2x12T+
+  78,   3,  14,   2  ! h2x14T+
+  79,   3,  16,   2  ! h2x16T+
+  80,   3,   1,   3  ! h2x01T-
+  81,   3,   3,   3  ! h2x03T-
+  82,   3,   5,   3  ! h2x05T-
+  83,   3,   7,   3  ! h2x07T-
+  84,   3,   2,   3  ! h2x02T-
+  85,   3,   4,   3  ! h2x04T-
+  86,   3,   6,   3  ! h2x06T-
+  87,   3,   8,   3  ! h2x08T-
+  88,   3,   9,   3  ! h2x09T-
+  89,   3,  11,   3  ! h2x11T-
+  90,   3,  13,   3  ! h2x13T-
+  91,   3,  15,   3  ! h2x15T-
+  92,   3,  10,   3  ! h2x10T-
+  93,   3,  12,   3  ! h2x12T-
+  94,   3,  14,   3  ! h2x14T-
+  95,   3,  16,   3  ! h2x16T-
+  96,   4,   1,   2  ! h2y01T+
+  97,   4,   3,   2  ! h2y03T+
+  98,   4,   5,   2  ! h2y05T+
+  99,   4,   7,   2  ! h2y07T+
+ 100,   4,   2,   2  ! h2y02T+
+ 101,   4,   4,   2  ! h2y04T+
+ 102,   4,   6,   2  ! h2y06T+
+ 103,   4,   8,   2  ! h2y08T+
+ 104,   4,   9,   2  ! h2y09T+
+ 108,   4,  10,   2  ! h2y10T+
+ 112,   4,   1,   3  ! h2y01T-
+ 113,   4,   3,   3  ! h2y03T-
+ 114,   4,   5,   3  ! h2y05T-
+ 115,   4,   7,   3  ! h2y07T-
+ 116,   4,   2,   3  ! h2y02T-
+ 117,   4,   4,   3  ! h2y04T-
+ 118,   4,   6,   3  ! h2y06T-
+ 119,   4,   8,   3  ! h2y08T-
+ 120,   4,   9,   3  ! h2y09T-
+ 124,   4,  10,   3  ! h2y10T-
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5f27fa71
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+! THMS_ID=10    ADC,TDC
+! Plane = 1 >> ADC Only
+! Plane = 2 >> TDC Only
+!F250 module
+! chan    plane     bar    sig
+     12,      1,      1,     0!  FR-XA
+     13,      1,      2,     0!  FR-XB
+     14,      1,      3,     0!  FR-YA
+     15,      1,      4,     0!  FR-YB
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5885eeb1
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,1576 @@
+! THMS_ID=10       ::  ADC,TDC
+! HDC_ID=11        ::  TDC
+! HAERO_ID=12      ::  (TDC),ADC
+! HSCIN_ID=13      ::  ADC+,ADC-,TDC+,TDC-
+! HCER_ID=14       ::  (TDC),ADC
+! HCAL_ID=15       ::  ADC
+   8,   1,   1,   0  ! hASUM
+   9,   1,   2,   0  ! hBSUM
+  10,   1,   3,   0  ! hCSUM
+  11,   1,   4,   0  ! hDSUM
+  12,   1,   5,   0  ! hPSHWR
+  13,   1,   6,   0  ! hSHWR
+  14,   1,   7,   0  ! hAERSUM
+  15,   1,   8,   0  ! hCERSUM
+   0,   2,   1,   1  ! h1X
+   1,   2,   2,   1  ! h1Y
+   2,   2,   3,   1  ! h2X
+   3,   2,   4,   1  ! h2Y
+   4,   2,   5,   1  ! h1T
+   5,   2,   6,   1  ! h2T
+   6,1000,   0,   0  ! hTref
+   7,   2,   8,   1  ! hASUM
+   8,   2,   9,   1  ! hBSUM
+   9,   2,  10,   1  ! hCSUM
+  10,   2,  11,   1  ! hDSUM
+  11,   2,  12,   1  ! hPSHWRLO
+  12,   2,  13,   1  ! hPSHWRHI
+  13,   2,  14,   1  ! hSHWR
+  14,   2,  15,   1  ! hAERSUM
+  15,   2,  16,   1  ! hCERSUM
+ 127,   2,  17,   1  ! hT2
+ 111,   2,  18,   1  ! hDCREF1
+ 127,   2,  19,   1  ! hDCREF2
+ 127,   2,  20,   1  ! hDCREF3
+ 127,   2,  21,   1  ! hDCREF4
+DETECTOR=11  ! HMS chambers
+  98,   3,   1  ! Plane U, wire 1
+  99,   3,   2  ! Plane U, wire 2
+ 100,   3,   3  ! Plane U, wire 3
+ 101,   3,   4  ! Plane U, wire 4
+ 102,   3,   5  ! Plane U, wire 5
+ 103,   3,   6  ! Plane U, wire 6
+ 104,   3,   7  ! Plane U, wire 7
+ 105,   3,   8  ! Plane U, wire 8
+ 106,   3,   9  ! Plane U, wire 9
+ 107,   3,  10  ! Plane U, wire 10
+ 108,   3,  11  ! Plane U, wire 11
+ 109,   3,  12  ! Plane U, wire 12
+ 110,   3,  13  ! Plane U, wire 13
+ 111,   3,  14  ! Plane U, wire 14
+  96,   1, 113  ! Plane X, wire 113
+ 111,1000,   0,   0
+  80,   3,  15  ! Plane U, wire 15
+  81,   3,  16  ! Plane U, wire 16
+  82,   3,  17  ! Plane U, wire 17
+  83,   3,  18  ! Plane U, wire 18
+  84,   3,  19  ! Plane U, wire 19
+  85,   3,  20  ! Plane U, wire 20
+  86,   3,  21  ! Plane U, wire 21
+  87,   3,  22  ! Plane U, wire 22
+  88,   3,  23  ! Plane U, wire 23
+  89,   3,  24  ! Plane U, wire 24
+  90,   3,  25  ! Plane U, wire 25
+  91,   3,  26  ! Plane U, wire 26
+  92,   3,  27  ! Plane U, wire 27
+  93,   3,  28  ! Plane U, wire 28
+  94,   3,  29  ! Plane U, wire 29
+  64,   3,  30  ! Plane U, wire 30
+  65,   3,  31  ! Plane U, wire 31
+  66,   3,  32  ! Plane U, wire 32
+  67,   3,  33  ! Plane U, wire 33
+  68,   3,  34  ! Plane U, wire 34
+  69,   3,  35  ! Plane U, wire 35
+  70,   3,  36  ! Plane U, wire 36
+  71,   3,  37  ! Plane U, wire 37
+  72,   3,  38  ! Plane U, wire 38
+  73,   3,  39  ! Plane U, wire 39
+  74,   3,  40  ! Plane U, wire 40
+  75,   3,  41  ! Plane U, wire 41
+  76,   3,  42  ! Plane U, wire 42
+  77,   3,  43  ! Plane U, wire 43
+  78,   3,  44  ! Plane U, wire 44
+  79,   3,  45  ! Plane U, wire 45
+  48,   3,  46  ! Plane U, wire 46
+  49,   3,  47  ! Plane U, wire 47
+  50,   3,  48  ! Plane U, wire 48
+  51,   3,  49  ! Plane U, wire 49
+  52,   3,  50  ! Plane U, wire 50
+  53,   3,  51  ! Plane U, wire 51
+  54,   3,  52  ! Plane U, wire 52
+  55,   3,  53  ! Plane U, wire 53
+  56,   3,  54  ! Plane U, wire 54
+  57,   3,  55  ! Plane U, wire 55
+  58,   3,  56  ! Plane U, wire 56
+  59,   3,  57  ! Plane U, wire 57
+  60,   3,  58  ! Plane U, wire 58
+  61,   3,  59  ! Plane U, wire 59
+  62,   3,  60  ! Plane U, wire 60
+  32,   3,  61  ! Plane U, wire 61
+  33,   3,  62  ! Plane U, wire 62
+  34,   3,  63  ! Plane U, wire 63
+  35,   3,  64  ! Plane U, wire 64
+  36,   3,  65  ! Plane U, wire 65
+  37,   3,  66  ! Plane U, wire 66
+  38,   3,  67  ! Plane U, wire 67
+  39,   3,  68  ! Plane U, wire 68
+  40,   3,  69  ! Plane U, wire 69
+  41,   3,  70  ! Plane U, wire 70
+  42,   3,  71  ! Plane U, wire 71
+  43,   3,  72  ! Plane U, wire 72
+  44,   3,  73  ! Plane U, wire 73
+  45,   3,  74  ! Plane U, wire 74
+  46,   3,  75  ! Plane U, wire 75
+  47,   3,  76  ! Plane U, wire 76
+  16,   3,  77  ! Plane U, wire 77
+  17,   3,  78  ! Plane U, wire 78
+  18,   3,  79  ! Plane U, wire 79
+  19,   3,  80  ! Plane U, wire 80
+  20,   3,  81  ! Plane U, wire 81
+  21,   3,  82  ! Plane U, wire 82
+  22,   3,  83  ! Plane U, wire 83
+  23,   3,  84  ! Plane U, wire 84
+  24,   3,  85  ! Plane U, wire 85
+  25,   3,  86  ! Plane U, wire 86
+  26,   3,  87  ! Plane U, wire 87
+  27,   3,  88  ! Plane U, wire 88
+  28,   3,  89  ! Plane U, wire 89
+  29,   3,  90  ! Plane U, wire 90
+  30,   3,  91  ! Plane U, wire 91
+   0,   3,  92  ! Plane U, wire 92
+   1,   3,  93  ! Plane U, wire 93
+   2,   3,  94  ! Plane U, wire 94
+   3,   3,  95  ! Plane U, wire 95
+   4,   3,  96  ! Plane U, wire 96
+   5,   3,  97  ! Plane U, wire 97
+   6,   3,  98  ! Plane U, wire 98
+   7,   3,  99  ! Plane U, wire 99
+   8,   3, 100  ! Plane U, wire 100
+   9,   3, 101  ! Plane U, wire 101
+  10,   3, 102  ! Plane U, wire 102
+  11,   3, 103  ! Plane U, wire 103
+  12,   3, 104  ! Plane U, wire 104
+  13,   3, 105  ! Plane U, wire 105
+  14,   3, 106  ! Plane U, wire 106
+  15,   3, 107  ! Plane U, wire 107
+  98,   4,   1  ! Plane V, wire 1
+  99,   4,   2  ! Plane V, wire 2
+ 100,   4,   3  ! Plane V, wire 3
+ 101,   4,   4  ! Plane V, wire 4
+ 102,   4,   5  ! Plane V, wire 5
+ 103,   4,   6  ! Plane V, wire 6
+ 104,   4,   7  ! Plane V, wire 7
+ 105,   4,   8  ! Plane V, wire 8
+ 106,   4,   9  ! Plane V, wire 9
+ 107,   4,  10  ! Plane V, wire 10
+ 108,   4,  11  ! Plane V, wire 11
+ 109,   4,  12  ! Plane V, wire 12
+ 110,   4,  13  ! Plane V, wire 13
+ 111,   4,  14  ! Plane V, wire 14
+  96,   6, 113  ! Plane X', wire 113
+ 112,   4,  15  ! Plane V, wire 15
+ 113,   4,  16  ! Plane V, wire 16
+ 114,   4,  17  ! Plane V, wire 17
+ 115,   4,  18  ! Plane V, wire 18
+ 116,   4,  19  ! Plane V, wire 19
+ 117,   4,  20  ! Plane V, wire 20
+ 118,   4,  21  ! Plane V, wire 21
+ 119,   4,  22  ! Plane V, wire 22
+ 120,   4,  23  ! Plane V, wire 23
+ 121,   4,  24  ! Plane V, wire 24
+ 122,   4,  25  ! Plane V, wire 25
+ 123,   4,  26  ! Plane V, wire 26
+ 124,   4,  27  ! Plane V, wire 27
+ 125,   4,  28  ! Plane V, wire 28
+ 126,   4,  29  ! Plane V, wire 29
+ 127,1000,   0,   1
+   0,   4,  30  ! Plane V, wire 30
+   1,   4,  31  ! Plane V, wire 31
+   2,   4,  32  ! Plane V, wire 32
+   3,   4,  33  ! Plane V, wire 33
+   4,   4,  34  ! Plane V, wire 34
+   5,   4,  35  ! Plane V, wire 35
+   6,   4,  36  ! Plane V, wire 36
+   7,   4,  37  ! Plane V, wire 37
+   8,   4,  38  ! Plane V, wire 38
+   9,   4,  39  ! Plane V, wire 39
+  10,   4,  40  ! Plane V, wire 40
+  11,   4,  41  ! Plane V, wire 41
+  12,   4,  42  ! Plane V, wire 42
+  13,   4,  43  ! Plane V, wire 43
+  14,   4,  44  ! Plane V, wire 44
+  15,   4,  45  ! Plane V, wire 45
+  16,   4,  46  ! Plane V, wire 46
+  17,   4,  47  ! Plane V, wire 47
+  18,   4,  48  ! Plane V, wire 48
+  19,   4,  49  ! Plane V, wire 49
+  20,   4,  50  ! Plane V, wire 50
+  21,   4,  51  ! Plane V, wire 51
+  22,   4,  52  ! Plane V, wire 52
+  23,   4,  53  ! Plane V, wire 53
+  24,   4,  54  ! Plane V, wire 54
+  25,   4,  55  ! Plane V, wire 55
+  26,   4,  56  ! Plane V, wire 56
+  27,   4,  57  ! Plane V, wire 57
+  28,   4,  58  ! Plane V, wire 58
+  29,   4,  59  ! Plane V, wire 59
+  30,   4,  60  ! Plane V, wire 60
+  32,   4,  61  ! Plane V, wire 61
+  33,   4,  62  ! Plane V, wire 62
+  34,   4,  63  ! Plane V, wire 63
+  35,   4,  64  ! Plane V, wire 64
+  36,   4,  65  ! Plane V, wire 65
+  37,   4,  66  ! Plane V, wire 66
+  38,   4,  67  ! Plane V, wire 67
+  39,   4,  68  ! Plane V, wire 68
+  40,   4,  69  ! Plane V, wire 69
+  41,   4,  70  ! Plane V, wire 70
+  42,   4,  71  ! Plane V, wire 71
+  43,   4,  72  ! Plane V, wire 72
+  44,   4,  73  ! Plane V, wire 73
+  45,   4,  74  ! Plane V, wire 74
+  46,   4,  75  ! Plane V, wire 75
+  47,   4,  76  ! Plane V, wire 76
+  48,   4,  77  ! Plane V, wire 77
+  49,   4,  78  ! Plane V, wire 78
+  50,   4,  79  ! Plane V, wire 79
+  51,   4,  80  ! Plane V, wire 80
+  52,   4,  81  ! Plane V, wire 81
+  53,   4,  82  ! Plane V, wire 82
+  54,   4,  83  ! Plane V, wire 83
+  55,   4,  84  ! Plane V, wire 84
+  56,   4,  85  ! Plane V, wire 85
+  57,   4,  86  ! Plane V, wire 86
+  58,   4,  87  ! Plane V, wire 87
+  59,   4,  88  ! Plane V, wire 88
+  60,   4,  89  ! Plane V, wire 89
+  61,   4,  90  ! Plane V, wire 90
+  62,   4,  91  ! Plane V, wire 91
+  96,   4,  92  ! Plane V, wire 92
+  97,   4,  93  ! Plane V, wire 93
+  98,   4,  94  ! Plane V, wire 94
+  99,   4,  95  ! Plane V, wire 95
+ 100,   4,  96  ! Plane V, wire 96
+ 101,   4,  97  ! Plane V, wire 97
+ 102,   4,  98  ! Plane V, wire 98
+ 103,   4,  99  ! Plane V, wire 99
+ 104,   4, 100  ! Plane V, wire 100
+ 105,   4, 101  ! Plane V, wire 101
+ 106,   4, 102  ! Plane V, wire 102
+ 107,   4, 103  ! Plane V, wire 103
+ 108,   4, 104  ! Plane V, wire 104
+ 109,   4, 105  ! Plane V, wire 105
+ 110,   4, 106  ! Plane V, wire 106
+ 111,   4, 107  ! Plane V, wire 107
+  80,   1,   1  ! Plane X, wire 1
+  81,   1,   2  ! Plane X, wire 2
+  82,   1,   3  ! Plane X, wire 3
+  83,   1,   4  ! Plane X, wire 4
+  84,   1,   5  ! Plane X, wire 5
+  85,   1,   6  ! Plane X, wire 6
+  86,   1,   7  ! Plane X, wire 7
+  87,   1,   8  ! Plane X, wire 8
+  88,   1,   9  ! Plane X, wire 9
+  89,   1,  10  ! Plane X, wire 10
+  90,   1,  11  ! Plane X, wire 11
+  91,   1,  12  ! Plane X, wire 12
+  92,   1,  13  ! Plane X, wire 13
+  93,   1,  14  ! Plane X, wire 14
+  94,   1,  15  ! Plane X, wire 15
+  95,   1,  16  ! Plane X, wire 16
+  64,   1,  17  ! Plane X, wire 17
+  65,   1,  18  ! Plane X, wire 18
+  66,   1,  19  ! Plane X, wire 19
+  67,   1,  20  ! Plane X, wire 20
+  68,   1,  21  ! Plane X, wire 21
+  69,   1,  22  ! Plane X, wire 22
+  70,   1,  23  ! Plane X, wire 23
+  71,   1,  24  ! Plane X, wire 24
+  72,   1,  25  ! Plane X, wire 25
+  73,   1,  26  ! Plane X, wire 26
+  74,   1,  27  ! Plane X, wire 27
+  75,   1,  28  ! Plane X, wire 28
+  76,   1,  29  ! Plane X, wire 29
+  77,   1,  30  ! Plane X, wire 30
+  78,   1,  31  ! Plane X, wire 31
+  79,   1,  32  ! Plane X, wire 32
+  48,   1,  33  ! Plane X, wire 33
+  49,   1,  34  ! Plane X, wire 34
+  50,   1,  35  ! Plane X, wire 35
+  51,   1,  36  ! Plane X, wire 36
+  52,   1,  37  ! Plane X, wire 37
+  53,   1,  38  ! Plane X, wire 38
+  54,   1,  39  ! Plane X, wire 39
+  55,   1,  40  ! Plane X, wire 40
+  56,   1,  41  ! Plane X, wire 41
+  57,   1,  42  ! Plane X, wire 42
+  58,   1,  43  ! Plane X, wire 43
+  59,   1,  44  ! Plane X, wire 44
+  60,   1,  45  ! Plane X, wire 45
+  61,   1,  46  ! Plane X, wire 46
+  62,   1,  47  ! Plane X, wire 47
+  63,   1,  48  ! Plane X, wire 48
+  32,   1,  49  ! Plane X, wire 49
+  33,   1,  50  ! Plane X, wire 50
+  34,   1,  51  ! Plane X, wire 51
+  35,   1,  52  ! Plane X, wire 52
+  36,   1,  53  ! Plane X, wire 53
+  37,   1,  54  ! Plane X, wire 54
+  38,   1,  55  ! Plane X, wire 55
+  39,   1,  56  ! Plane X, wire 56
+  40,   1,  57  ! Plane X, wire 57
+  41,   1,  58  ! Plane X, wire 58
+  42,   1,  59  ! Plane X, wire 59
+  43,   1,  60  ! Plane X, wire 60
+  44,   1,  61  ! Plane X, wire 61
+  45,   1,  62  ! Plane X, wire 62
+  46,   1,  63  ! Plane X, wire 63
+  47,   1,  64  ! Plane X, wire 64
+  16,   1,  65  ! Plane X, wire 65
+  17,   1,  66  ! Plane X, wire 66
+  18,   1,  67  ! Plane X, wire 67
+  19,   1,  68  ! Plane X, wire 68
+  20,   1,  69  ! Plane X, wire 69
+  21,   1,  70  ! Plane X, wire 70
+  22,   1,  71  ! Plane X, wire 71
+  23,   1,  72  ! Plane X, wire 72
+  24,   1,  73  ! Plane X, wire 73
+  25,   1,  74  ! Plane X, wire 74
+  26,   1,  75  ! Plane X, wire 75
+  27,   1,  76  ! Plane X, wire 76
+  28,   1,  77  ! Plane X, wire 77
+  29,   1,  78  ! Plane X, wire 78
+  30,   1,  79  ! Plane X, wire 79
+  31,   1,  80  ! Plane X, wire 80
+   0,   1,  81  ! Plane X, wire 81
+   1,   1,  82  ! Plane X, wire 82
+   2,   1,  83  ! Plane X, wire 83
+   3,   1,  84  ! Plane X, wire 84
+   4,   1,  85  ! Plane X, wire 85
+   5,   1,  86  ! Plane X, wire 86
+   6,   1,  87  ! Plane X, wire 87
+   7,   1,  88  ! Plane X, wire 88
+   8,   1,  89  ! Plane X, wire 89
+   9,   1,  90  ! Plane X, wire 90
+  10,   1,  91  ! Plane X, wire 91
+  11,   1,  92  ! Plane X, wire 92
+  12,   1,  93  ! Plane X, wire 93
+  13,   1,  94  ! Plane X, wire 94
+  14,   1,  95  ! Plane X, wire 95
+  15,   1,  96  ! Plane X, wire 96
+ 112,   1,  97  ! Plane X, wire 97
+ 113,   1,  98  ! Plane X, wire 98
+ 114,   1,  99  ! Plane X, wire 99
+ 115,   1, 100  ! Plane X, wire 100
+ 116,   1, 101  ! Plane X, wire 101
+ 117,   1, 102  ! Plane X, wire 102
+ 118,   1, 103  ! Plane X, wire 103
+ 119,   1, 104  ! Plane X, wire 104
+ 120,   1, 105  ! Plane X, wire 105
+ 121,   1, 106  ! Plane X, wire 106
+ 122,   1, 107  ! Plane X, wire 107
+ 123,   1, 108  ! Plane X, wire 108
+ 124,   1, 109  ! Plane X, wire 109
+ 125,   1, 110  ! Plane X, wire 110
+ 126,   1, 111  ! Plane X, wire 111
+ 127,   1, 112  ! Plane X, wire 112
+  80,   6,   1  ! Plane X', wire 1
+  81,   6,   2  ! Plane X', wire 2
+  82,   6,   3  ! Plane X', wire 3
+  83,   6,   4  ! Plane X', wire 4
+  84,   6,   5  ! Plane X', wire 5
+  85,   6,   6  ! Plane X', wire 6
+  86,   6,   7  ! Plane X', wire 7
+  87,   6,   8  ! Plane X', wire 8
+  88,   6,   9  ! Plane X', wire 9
+  89,   6,  10  ! Plane X', wire 10
+  90,   6,  11  ! Plane X', wire 11
+  91,   6,  12  ! Plane X', wire 12
+  92,   6,  13  ! Plane X', wire 13
+  93,   6,  14  ! Plane X', wire 14
+  94,   6,  15  ! Plane X', wire 15
+  95,   6,  16  ! Plane X', wire 16
+ 112,   6,  17  ! Plane X', wire 17
+ 113,   6,  18  ! Plane X', wire 18
+ 114,   6,  19  ! Plane X', wire 19
+ 115,   6,  20  ! Plane X', wire 20
+ 116,   6,  21  ! Plane X', wire 21
+ 117,   6,  22  ! Plane X', wire 22
+ 118,   6,  23  ! Plane X', wire 23
+ 119,   6,  24  ! Plane X', wire 24
+ 120,   6,  25  ! Plane X', wire 25
+ 121,   6,  26  ! Plane X', wire 26
+ 122,   6,  27  ! Plane X', wire 27
+ 123,   6,  28  ! Plane X', wire 28
+ 124,   6,  29  ! Plane X', wire 29
+ 125,   6,  30  ! Plane X', wire 30
+ 126,   6,  31  ! Plane X', wire 31
+ 127,   6,  32  ! Plane X', wire 32
+   0,   6,  33  ! Plane X', wire 33
+   1,   6,  34  ! Plane X', wire 34
+   2,   6,  35  ! Plane X', wire 35
+   3,   6,  36  ! Plane X', wire 36
+   4,   6,  37  ! Plane X', wire 37
+   5,   6,  38  ! Plane X', wire 38
+   6,   6,  39  ! Plane X', wire 39
+   7,   6,  40  ! Plane X', wire 40
+   8,   6,  41  ! Plane X', wire 41
+   9,   6,  42  ! Plane X', wire 42
+  10,   6,  43  ! Plane X', wire 43
+  11,   6,  44  ! Plane X', wire 44
+  12,   6,  45  ! Plane X', wire 45
+  13,   6,  46  ! Plane X', wire 46
+  14,   6,  47  ! Plane X', wire 47
+  15,   6,  48  ! Plane X', wire 48
+  16,   6,  49  ! Plane X', wire 49
+  17,   6,  50  ! Plane X', wire 50
+  18,   6,  51  ! Plane X', wire 51
+  19,   6,  52  ! Plane X', wire 52
+  20,   6,  53  ! Plane X', wire 53
+  21,   6,  54  ! Plane X', wire 54
+  22,   6,  55  ! Plane X', wire 55
+  23,   6,  56  ! Plane X', wire 56
+  24,   6,  57  ! Plane X', wire 57
+  25,   6,  58  ! Plane X', wire 58
+  26,   6,  59  ! Plane X', wire 59
+  27,   6,  60  ! Plane X', wire 60
+  28,   6,  61  ! Plane X', wire 61
+  29,   6,  62  ! Plane X', wire 62
+  30,   6,  63  ! Plane X', wire 63
+  31,   6,  64  ! Plane X', wire 64
+  32,   6,  65  ! Plane X', wire 65
+  33,   6,  66  ! Plane X', wire 66
+  34,   6,  67  ! Plane X', wire 67
+  35,   6,  68  ! Plane X', wire 68
+  36,   6,  69  ! Plane X', wire 69
+  37,   6,  70  ! Plane X', wire 70
+  38,   6,  71  ! Plane X', wire 71
+  39,   6,  72  ! Plane X', wire 72
+  40,   6,  73  ! Plane X', wire 73
+  41,   6,  74  ! Plane X', wire 74
+  42,   6,  75  ! Plane X', wire 75
+  43,   6,  76  ! Plane X', wire 76
+  44,   6,  77  ! Plane X', wire 77
+  45,   6,  78  ! Plane X', wire 78
+  46,   6,  79  ! Plane X', wire 79
+  47,   6,  80  ! Plane X', wire 80
+  48,   6,  81  ! Plane X', wire 81
+  49,   6,  82  ! Plane X', wire 82
+  50,   6,  83  ! Plane X', wire 83
+  51,   6,  84  ! Plane X', wire 84
+  52,   6,  85  ! Plane X', wire 85
+  53,   6,  86  ! Plane X', wire 86
+  54,   6,  87  ! Plane X', wire 87
+  55,   6,  88  ! Plane X', wire 88
+  56,   6,  89  ! Plane X', wire 89
+  57,   6,  90  ! Plane X', wire 90
+  58,   6,  91  ! Plane X', wire 91
+  59,   6,  92  ! Plane X', wire 92
+  60,   6,  93  ! Plane X', wire 93
+  61,   6,  94  ! Plane X', wire 94
+  62,   6,  95  ! Plane X', wire 95
+  63,   6,  96  ! Plane X', wire 96
+  64,   6,  97  ! Plane X', wire 97
+  65,   6,  98  ! Plane X', wire 98
+  66,   6,  99  ! Plane X', wire 99
+  67,   6, 100  ! Plane X', wire 100
+  68,   6, 101  ! Plane X', wire 101
+  69,   6, 102  ! Plane X', wire 102
+  70,   6, 103  ! Plane X', wire 103
+  71,   6, 104  ! Plane X', wire 104
+  72,   6, 105  ! Plane X', wire 105
+  73,   6, 106  ! Plane X', wire 106
+  74,   6, 107  ! Plane X', wire 107
+  75,   6, 108  ! Plane X', wire 108
+  76,   6, 109  ! Plane X', wire 109
+  77,   6, 110  ! Plane X', wire 110
+  78,   6, 111  ! Plane X', wire 111
+  79,   6, 112  ! Plane X', wire 112
+  64,   2,   1  ! Plane Y, wire 1
+  65,   2,   2  ! Plane Y, wire 2
+  66,   2,   3  ! Plane Y, wire 3
+  67,   2,   4  ! Plane Y, wire 4
+  68,   2,   5  ! Plane Y, wire 5
+  69,   2,   6  ! Plane Y, wire 6
+  70,   2,   7  ! Plane Y, wire 7
+  71,   2,   8  ! Plane Y, wire 8
+  72,   2,   9  ! Plane Y, wire 9
+  73,   2,  10  ! Plane Y, wire 10
+  74,   2,  11  ! Plane Y, wire 11
+  75,   2,  12  ! Plane Y, wire 12
+  76,   2,  13  ! Plane Y, wire 13
+  80,   2,  14  ! Plane Y, wire 14
+  81,   2,  15  ! Plane Y, wire 15
+  82,   2,  16  ! Plane Y, wire 16
+  83,   2,  17  ! Plane Y, wire 17
+  84,   2,  18  ! Plane Y, wire 18
+  85,   2,  19  ! Plane Y, wire 19
+  86,   2,  20  ! Plane Y, wire 20
+  87,   2,  21  ! Plane Y, wire 21
+  88,   2,  22  ! Plane Y, wire 22
+  89,   2,  23  ! Plane Y, wire 23
+  90,   2,  24  ! Plane Y, wire 24
+  91,   2,  25  ! Plane Y, wire 25
+  92,   2,  26  ! Plane Y, wire 26
+  96,   2,  27  ! Plane Y, wire 27
+  97,   2,  28  ! Plane Y, wire 28
+  98,   2,  29  ! Plane Y, wire 29
+  99,   2,  30  ! Plane Y, wire 30
+ 100,   2,  31  ! Plane Y, wire 31
+ 101,   2,  32  ! Plane Y, wire 32
+ 102,   2,  33  ! Plane Y, wire 33
+ 103,   2,  34  ! Plane Y, wire 34
+ 104,   2,  35  ! Plane Y, wire 35
+ 105,   2,  36  ! Plane Y, wire 36
+ 106,   2,  37  ! Plane Y, wire 37
+ 107,   2,  38  ! Plane Y, wire 38
+ 108,   2,  39  ! Plane Y, wire 39
+ 112,   2,  40  ! Plane Y, wire 40
+ 113,   2,  41  ! Plane Y, wire 41
+ 114,   2,  42  ! Plane Y, wire 42
+ 115,   2,  43  ! Plane Y, wire 43
+ 116,   2,  44  ! Plane Y, wire 44
+ 117,   2,  45  ! Plane Y, wire 45
+ 118,   2,  46  ! Plane Y, wire 46
+ 119,   2,  47  ! Plane Y, wire 47
+ 120,   2,  48  ! Plane Y, wire 48
+ 121,   2,  49  ! Plane Y, wire 49
+ 122,   2,  50  ! Plane Y, wire 50
+ 123,   2,  51  ! Plane Y, wire 51
+ 124,   2,  52  ! Plane Y, wire 52
+ 127,1000,   0,   2
+  48,   5,   1  ! Plane Y', wire 1
+  49,   5,   2  ! Plane Y', wire 2
+  50,   5,   3  ! Plane Y', wire 3
+  51,   5,   4  ! Plane Y', wire 4
+  52,   5,   5  ! Plane Y', wire 5
+  53,   5,   6  ! Plane Y', wire 6
+  54,   5,   7  ! Plane Y', wire 7
+  55,   5,   8  ! Plane Y', wire 8
+  56,   5,   9  ! Plane Y', wire 9
+  57,   5,  10  ! Plane Y', wire 10
+  58,   5,  11  ! Plane Y', wire 11
+  59,   5,  12  ! Plane Y', wire 12
+  60,   5,  13  ! Plane Y', wire 13
+  16,   5,  14  ! Plane Y', wire 14
+  17,   5,  15  ! Plane Y', wire 15
+  18,   5,  16  ! Plane Y', wire 16
+  19,   5,  17  ! Plane Y', wire 17
+  20,   5,  18  ! Plane Y', wire 18
+  21,   5,  19  ! Plane Y', wire 19
+  22,   5,  20  ! Plane Y', wire 20
+  23,   5,  21  ! Plane Y', wire 21
+  24,   5,  22  ! Plane Y', wire 22
+  25,   5,  23  ! Plane Y', wire 23
+  26,   5,  24  ! Plane Y', wire 24
+  27,   5,  25  ! Plane Y', wire 25
+  28,   5,  26  ! Plane Y', wire 26
+  32,   5,  27  ! Plane Y', wire 27
+  33,   5,  28  ! Plane Y', wire 28
+  34,   5,  29  ! Plane Y', wire 29
+  35,   5,  30  ! Plane Y', wire 30
+  36,   5,  31  ! Plane Y', wire 31
+  37,   5,  32  ! Plane Y', wire 32
+  38,   5,  33  ! Plane Y', wire 33
+  39,   5,  34  ! Plane Y', wire 34
+  40,   5,  35  ! Plane Y', wire 35
+  41,   5,  36  ! Plane Y', wire 36
+  42,   5,  37  ! Plane Y', wire 37
+  43,   5,  38  ! Plane Y', wire 38
+  44,   5,  39  ! Plane Y', wire 39
+   2,   5,  40  ! Plane Y', wire 40
+   3,   5,  41  ! Plane Y', wire 41
+   4,   5,  42  ! Plane Y', wire 42
+   5,   5,  43  ! Plane Y', wire 43
+   6,   5,  44  ! Plane Y', wire 44
+   7,   5,  45  ! Plane Y', wire 45
+   8,   5,  46  ! Plane Y', wire 46
+   9,   5,  47  ! Plane Y', wire 47
+  10,   5,  48  ! Plane Y', wire 48
+  11,   5,  49  ! Plane Y', wire 49
+  12,   5,  50  ! Plane Y', wire 50
+  13,   5,  51  ! Plane Y', wire 51
+  14,   5,  52  ! Plane Y', wire 52
+  98,  12,   3  ! Plane X', wire 3
+  99,  12,   4  ! Plane X', wire 4
+ 100,  12,   5  ! Plane X', wire 5
+ 101,  12,   6  ! Plane X', wire 6
+ 102,  12,   7  ! Plane X', wire 7
+ 103,  12,   8  ! Plane X', wire 8
+ 104,  12,   9  ! Plane X', wire 9
+ 105,  12,  10  ! Plane X', wire 10
+ 106,  12,  11  ! Plane X', wire 11
+ 107,  12,  12  ! Plane X', wire 12
+ 108,  12,  13  ! Plane X', wire 13
+ 109,  12,  14  ! Plane X', wire 14
+ 110,  12,  15  ! Plane X', wire 15
+ 111,  12,  16  ! Plane X', wire 16
+  96,   7, 113  ! Plane X, wire 113
+ 112,  12,  17  ! Plane X', wire 17
+ 113,  12,  18  ! Plane X', wire 18
+ 114,  12,  19  ! Plane X', wire 19
+ 115,  12,  20  ! Plane X', wire 20
+ 116,  12,  21  ! Plane X', wire 21
+ 117,  12,  22  ! Plane X', wire 22
+ 118,  12,  23  ! Plane X', wire 23
+ 119,  12,  24  ! Plane X', wire 24
+ 120,  12,  25  ! Plane X', wire 25
+ 121,  12,  26  ! Plane X', wire 26
+ 122,  12,  27  ! Plane X', wire 27
+ 123,  12,  28  ! Plane X', wire 28
+ 124,  12,  29  ! Plane X', wire 29
+ 125,  12,  30  ! Plane X', wire 30
+ 126,  12,  31  ! Plane X', wire 31
+   0,   9,  30  ! Plane U, wire 30
+   1,   9,  31  ! Plane U, wire 31
+   2,   9,  32  ! Plane U, wire 32
+   3,   9,  33  ! Plane U, wire 33
+   4,   9,  34  ! Plane U, wire 34
+   5,   9,  35  ! Plane U, wire 35
+   6,   9,  36  ! Plane U, wire 36
+   7,   9,  37  ! Plane U, wire 37
+   8,   9,  38  ! Plane U, wire 38
+   9,   9,  39  ! Plane U, wire 39
+  10,   9,  40  ! Plane U, wire 40
+  11,   9,  41  ! Plane U, wire 41
+  12,   9,  42  ! Plane U, wire 42
+  13,   9,  43  ! Plane U, wire 43
+  14,   9,  44  ! Plane U, wire 44
+  15,   9,  45  ! Plane U, wire 45
+  32,   9,  46  ! Plane U, wire 46
+  33,   9,  47  ! Plane U, wire 47
+  34,   9,  48  ! Plane U, wire 48
+  35,   9,  49  ! Plane U, wire 49
+  36,   9,  50  ! Plane U, wire 50
+  37,   9,  51  ! Plane U, wire 51
+  38,   9,  52  ! Plane U, wire 52
+  39,   9,  53  ! Plane U, wire 53
+  40,   9,  54  ! Plane U, wire 54
+  41,   9,  55  ! Plane U, wire 55
+  42,   9,  56  ! Plane U, wire 56
+  43,   9,  57  ! Plane U, wire 57
+  44,   9,  58  ! Plane U, wire 58
+  45,   9,  59  ! Plane U, wire 59
+  46,   9,  60  ! Plane U, wire 60
+  48,   9,  61  ! Plane U, wire 61
+  49,   9,  62  ! Plane U, wire 62
+  50,   9,  63  ! Plane U, wire 63
+  51,   9,  64  ! Plane U, wire 64
+  52,   9,  65  ! Plane U, wire 65
+  53,   9,  66  ! Plane U, wire 66
+  54,   9,  67  ! Plane U, wire 67
+  55,   9,  68  ! Plane U, wire 68
+  56,   9,  69  ! Plane U, wire 69
+  57,   9,  70  ! Plane U, wire 70
+  58,   9,  71  ! Plane U, wire 71
+  59,   9,  72  ! Plane U, wire 72
+  60,   9,  73  ! Plane U, wire 73
+  61,   9,  74  ! Plane U, wire 74
+  62,   9,  75  ! Plane U, wire 75
+  63,   9,  76  ! Plane U, wire 76
+  64,   9,  77  ! Plane U, wire 77
+  65,   9,  78  ! Plane U, wire 78
+  66,   9,  79  ! Plane U, wire 79
+  67,   9,  80  ! Plane U, wire 80
+  68,   9,  81  ! Plane U, wire 81
+  69,   9,  82  ! Plane U, wire 82
+  70,   9,  83  ! Plane U, wire 83
+  71,   9,  84  ! Plane U, wire 84
+  72,   9,  85  ! Plane U, wire 85
+  73,   9,  86  ! Plane U, wire 86
+  74,   9,  87  ! Plane U, wire 87
+  75,   9,  88  ! Plane U, wire 88
+  76,   9,  89  ! Plane U, wire 89
+  77,   9,  90  ! Plane U, wire 90
+  78,   9,  91  ! Plane U, wire 91
+  80,   9,  92  ! Plane U, wire 92
+  81,   9,  93  ! Plane U, wire 93
+  82,   9,  94  ! Plane U, wire 94
+  83,   9,  95  ! Plane U, wire 95
+  84,   9,  96  ! Plane U, wire 96
+  85,   9,  97  ! Plane U, wire 97
+  86,   9,  98  ! Plane U, wire 98
+  87,   9,  99  ! Plane U, wire 99
+  88,   9, 100  ! Plane U, wire 100
+  89,   9, 101  ! Plane U, wire 101
+  90,   9, 102  ! Plane U, wire 102
+  91,   9, 103  ! Plane U, wire 103
+  92,   9, 104  ! Plane U, wire 104
+  93,   9, 105  ! Plane U, wire 105
+  94,   9, 106  ! Plane U, wire 106
+  95,   9, 107  ! Plane U, wire 107
+  82,  10,   1  ! Plane V, wire 1
+  83,  10,   2  ! Plane V, wire 2
+  84,  10,   3  ! Plane V, wire 3
+  85,  10,   4  ! Plane V, wire 4
+  86,  10,   5  ! Plane V, wire 5
+  87,  10,   6  ! Plane V, wire 6
+  88,  10,   7  ! Plane V, wire 7
+  89,  10,   8  ! Plane V, wire 8
+  90,  10,   9  ! Plane V, wire 9
+  91,  10,  10  ! Plane V, wire 10
+  92,  10,  11  ! Plane V, wire 11
+  93,  10,  12  ! Plane V, wire 12
+  94,  10,  13  ! Plane V, wire 13
+  95,  10,  14  ! Plane V, wire 14
+  80,  12, 113  ! Plane X', wire 113
+  96,  10,  15  ! Plane V, wire 15
+  97,  10,  16  ! Plane V, wire 16
+  98,  10,  17  ! Plane V, wire 17
+  99,  10,  18  ! Plane V, wire 18
+ 100,  10,  19  ! Plane V, wire 19
+ 101,  10,  20  ! Plane V, wire 20
+ 102,  10,  21  ! Plane V, wire 21
+ 103,  10,  22  ! Plane V, wire 22
+ 104,  10,  23  ! Plane V, wire 23
+ 105,  10,  24  ! Plane V, wire 24
+ 106,  10,  25  ! Plane V, wire 25
+ 107,  10,  26  ! Plane V, wire 26
+ 108,  10,  27  ! Plane V, wire 27
+ 109,  10,  28  ! Plane V, wire 28
+ 110,  10,  29  ! Plane V, wire 29
+ 112,  10,  30  ! Plane V, wire 30
+ 113,  10,  31  ! Plane V, wire 31
+ 114,  10,  32  ! Plane V, wire 32
+ 115,  10,  33  ! Plane V, wire 33
+ 116,  10,  34  ! Plane V, wire 34
+ 117,  10,  35  ! Plane V, wire 35
+ 118,  10,  36  ! Plane V, wire 36
+ 119,  10,  37  ! Plane V, wire 37
+ 120,  10,  38  ! Plane V, wire 38
+ 121,  10,  39  ! Plane V, wire 39
+ 122,  10,  40  ! Plane V, wire 40
+ 123,  10,  41  ! Plane V, wire 41
+ 124,  10,  42  ! Plane V, wire 42
+ 125,  10,  43  ! Plane V, wire 43
+ 126,  10,  44  ! Plane V, wire 44
+ 127,  10,  45  ! Plane V, wire 45
+ 127,1000,   0,   3
+   0,  10,  46  ! Plane V, wire 46
+   1,  10,  47  ! Plane V, wire 47
+   2,  10,  48  ! Plane V, wire 48
+   3,  10,  49  ! Plane V, wire 49
+   4,  10,  50  ! Plane V, wire 50
+   5,  10,  51  ! Plane V, wire 51
+   6,  10,  52  ! Plane V, wire 52
+   7,  10,  53  ! Plane V, wire 53
+   8,  10,  54  ! Plane V, wire 54
+   9,  10,  55  ! Plane V, wire 55
+  10,  10,  56  ! Plane V, wire 56
+  11,  10,  57  ! Plane V, wire 57
+  12,  10,  58  ! Plane V, wire 58
+  13,  10,  59  ! Plane V, wire 59
+  14,  10,  60  ! Plane V, wire 60
+  16,  10,  61  ! Plane V, wire 61
+  17,  10,  62  ! Plane V, wire 62
+  18,  10,  63  ! Plane V, wire 63
+  19,  10,  64  ! Plane V, wire 64
+  20,  10,  65  ! Plane V, wire 65
+  21,  10,  66  ! Plane V, wire 66
+  22,  10,  67  ! Plane V, wire 67
+  23,  10,  68  ! Plane V, wire 68
+  24,  10,  69  ! Plane V, wire 69
+  25,  10,  70  ! Plane V, wire 70
+  26,  10,  71  ! Plane V, wire 71
+  27,  10,  72  ! Plane V, wire 72
+  28,  10,  73  ! Plane V, wire 73
+  29,  10,  74  ! Plane V, wire 74
+  30,  10,  75  ! Plane V, wire 75
+  31,  10,  76  ! Plane V, wire 76
+  32,  10,  77  ! Plane V, wire 77
+  33,  10,  78  ! Plane V, wire 78
+  34,  10,  79  ! Plane V, wire 79
+  35,  10,  80  ! Plane V, wire 80
+  36,  10,  81  ! Plane V, wire 81
+  37,  10,  82  ! Plane V, wire 82
+  38,  10,  83  ! Plane V, wire 83
+  39,  10,  84  ! Plane V, wire 84
+  40,  10,  85  ! Plane V, wire 85
+  41,  10,  86  ! Plane V, wire 86
+  42,  10,  87  ! Plane V, wire 87
+  43,  10,  88  ! Plane V, wire 88
+  44,  10,  89  ! Plane V, wire 89
+  45,  10,  90  ! Plane V, wire 90
+  46,  10,  91  ! Plane V, wire 91
+  48,  10,  92  ! Plane V, wire 92
+  49,  10,  93  ! Plane V, wire 93
+  50,  10,  94  ! Plane V, wire 94
+  51,  10,  95  ! Plane V, wire 95
+  52,  10,  96  ! Plane V, wire 96
+  53,  10,  97  ! Plane V, wire 97
+  54,  10,  98  ! Plane V, wire 98
+  55,  10,  99  ! Plane V, wire 99
+  56,  10, 100  ! Plane V, wire 100
+  57,  10, 101  ! Plane V, wire 101
+  58,  10, 102  ! Plane V, wire 102
+  59,  10, 103  ! Plane V, wire 103
+  60,  10, 104  ! Plane V, wire 104
+  61,  10, 105  ! Plane V, wire 105
+  62,  10, 106  ! Plane V, wire 106
+  63,  10, 107  ! Plane V, wire 107
+   0,   7,   1  ! Plane X, wire 1
+   1,   7,   2  ! Plane X, wire 2
+   2,   7,   3  ! Plane X, wire 3
+   3,   7,   4  ! Plane X, wire 4
+   4,   7,   5  ! Plane X, wire 5
+   5,   7,   6  ! Plane X, wire 6
+   6,   7,   7  ! Plane X, wire 7
+   7,   7,   8  ! Plane X, wire 8
+   8,   7,   9  ! Plane X, wire 9
+   9,   7,  10  ! Plane X, wire 10
+  10,   7,  11  ! Plane X, wire 11
+  11,   7,  12  ! Plane X, wire 12
+  12,   7,  13  ! Plane X, wire 13
+  13,   7,  14  ! Plane X, wire 14
+  14,   7,  15  ! Plane X, wire 15
+  15,   7,  16  ! Plane X, wire 16
+  16,   7,  17  ! Plane X, wire 17
+  17,   7,  18  ! Plane X, wire 18
+  18,   7,  19  ! Plane X, wire 19
+  19,   7,  20  ! Plane X, wire 20
+  20,   7,  21  ! Plane X, wire 21
+  21,   7,  22  ! Plane X, wire 22
+  22,   7,  23  ! Plane X, wire 23
+  23,   7,  24  ! Plane X, wire 24
+  24,   7,  25  ! Plane X, wire 25
+  25,   7,  26  ! Plane X, wire 26
+  26,   7,  27  ! Plane X, wire 27
+  27,   7,  28  ! Plane X, wire 28
+  28,   7,  29  ! Plane X, wire 29
+  29,   7,  30  ! Plane X, wire 30
+  30,   7,  31  ! Plane X, wire 31
+  31,   7,  32  ! Plane X, wire 32
+  32,   7,  33  ! Plane X, wire 33
+  33,   7,  34  ! Plane X, wire 34
+  34,   7,  35  ! Plane X, wire 35
+  35,   7,  36  ! Plane X, wire 36
+  36,   7,  37  ! Plane X, wire 37
+  37,   7,  38  ! Plane X, wire 38
+  38,   7,  39  ! Plane X, wire 39
+  39,   7,  40  ! Plane X, wire 40
+  40,   7,  41  ! Plane X, wire 41
+  41,   7,  42  ! Plane X, wire 42
+  42,   7,  43  ! Plane X, wire 43
+  43,   7,  44  ! Plane X, wire 44
+  44,   7,  45  ! Plane X, wire 45
+  45,   7,  46  ! Plane X, wire 46
+  46,   7,  47  ! Plane X, wire 47
+  47,   7,  48  ! Plane X, wire 48
+  48,   7,  49  ! Plane X, wire 49
+  49,   7,  50  ! Plane X, wire 50
+  50,   7,  51  ! Plane X, wire 51
+  51,   7,  52  ! Plane X, wire 52
+  52,   7,  53  ! Plane X, wire 53
+  53,   7,  54  ! Plane X, wire 54
+  54,   7,  55  ! Plane X, wire 55
+  55,   7,  56  ! Plane X, wire 56
+  56,   7,  57  ! Plane X, wire 57
+  57,   7,  58  ! Plane X, wire 58
+  58,   7,  59  ! Plane X, wire 59
+  59,   7,  60  ! Plane X, wire 60
+  60,   7,  61  ! Plane X, wire 61
+  61,   7,  62  ! Plane X, wire 62
+  62,   7,  63  ! Plane X, wire 63
+  63,   7,  64  ! Plane X, wire 64
+  64,   7,  65  ! Plane X, wire 65
+  65,   7,  66  ! Plane X, wire 66
+  66,   7,  67  ! Plane X, wire 67
+  67,   7,  68  ! Plane X, wire 68
+  68,   7,  69  ! Plane X, wire 69
+  69,   7,  70  ! Plane X, wire 70
+  70,   7,  71  ! Plane X, wire 71
+  71,   7,  72  ! Plane X, wire 72
+  72,   7,  73  ! Plane X, wire 73
+  73,   7,  74  ! Plane X, wire 74
+  74,   7,  75  ! Plane X, wire 75
+  75,   7,  76  ! Plane X, wire 76
+  76,   7,  77  ! Plane X, wire 77
+  77,   7,  78  ! Plane X, wire 78
+  78,   7,  79  ! Plane X, wire 79
+  79,   7,  80  ! Plane X, wire 80
+  80,   7,  81  ! Plane X, wire 81
+  81,   7,  82  ! Plane X, wire 82
+  82,   7,  83  ! Plane X, wire 83
+  83,   7,  84  ! Plane X, wire 84
+  84,   7,  85  ! Plane X, wire 85
+  85,   7,  86  ! Plane X, wire 86
+  86,   7,  87  ! Plane X, wire 87
+  87,   7,  88  ! Plane X, wire 88
+  88,   7,  89  ! Plane X, wire 89
+  89,   7,  90  ! Plane X, wire 90
+  90,   7,  91  ! Plane X, wire 91
+  91,   7,  92  ! Plane X, wire 92
+  92,   7,  93  ! Plane X, wire 93
+  93,   7,  94  ! Plane X, wire 94
+  94,   7,  95  ! Plane X, wire 95
+  95,   7,  96  ! Plane X, wire 96
+  96,   7,  97  ! Plane X, wire 97
+  97,   7,  98  ! Plane X, wire 98
+  98,   7,  99  ! Plane X, wire 99
+  99,   7, 100  ! Plane X, wire 100
+ 100,   7, 101  ! Plane X, wire 101
+ 101,   7, 102  ! Plane X, wire 102
+ 102,   7, 103  ! Plane X, wire 103
+ 103,   7, 104  ! Plane X, wire 104
+ 104,   7, 105  ! Plane X, wire 105
+ 105,   7, 106  ! Plane X, wire 106
+ 106,   7, 107  ! Plane X, wire 107
+ 107,   7, 108  ! Plane X, wire 108
+ 108,   7, 109  ! Plane X, wire 109
+ 109,   7, 110  ! Plane X, wire 110
+ 110,   7, 111  ! Plane X, wire 111
+ 111,   7, 112  ! Plane X, wire 112
+ 112,  12,   1  ! Plane X', wire 1
+ 113,  12,   2  ! Plane X', wire 2
+ 114,   9,   1  ! Plane U, wire 1
+ 115,   9,   2  ! Plane U, wire 2
+ 116,   9,   3  ! Plane U, wire 3
+ 117,   9,   4  ! Plane U, wire 4
+ 118,   9,   5  ! Plane U, wire 5
+ 119,   9,   6  ! Plane U, wire 6
+ 120,   9,   7  ! Plane U, wire 7
+ 121,   9,   8  ! Plane U, wire 8
+ 122,   9,   9  ! Plane U, wire 9
+ 123,   9,  10  ! Plane U, wire 10
+ 124,   9,  11  ! Plane U, wire 11
+ 125,   9,  12  ! Plane U, wire 12
+ 126,   9,  13  ! Plane U, wire 13
+ 127,   9,  14  ! Plane U, wire 14
+  16,   9,  15  ! Plane U, wire 15
+  17,   9,  16  ! Plane U, wire 16
+  18,   9,  17  ! Plane U, wire 17
+  19,   9,  18  ! Plane U, wire 18
+  20,   9,  19  ! Plane U, wire 19
+  21,   9,  20  ! Plane U, wire 20
+  22,   9,  21  ! Plane U, wire 21
+  23,   9,  22  ! Plane U, wire 22
+  24,   9,  23  ! Plane U, wire 23
+  25,   9,  24  ! Plane U, wire 24
+  26,   9,  25  ! Plane U, wire 25
+  27,   9,  26  ! Plane U, wire 26
+  28,   9,  27  ! Plane U, wire 27
+  29,   9,  28  ! Plane U, wire 28
+  30,   9,  29  ! Plane U, wire 29
+  31,  12,  32  ! Plane X', wire 32
+   0,  12,  33  ! Plane X', wire 33
+   1,  12,  34  ! Plane X', wire 34
+   2,  12,  35  ! Plane X', wire 35
+   3,  12,  36  ! Plane X', wire 36
+   4,  12,  37  ! Plane X', wire 37
+   5,  12,  38  ! Plane X', wire 38
+   6,  12,  39  ! Plane X', wire 39
+   7,  12,  40  ! Plane X', wire 40
+   8,  12,  41  ! Plane X', wire 41
+   9,  12,  42  ! Plane X', wire 42
+  10,  12,  43  ! Plane X', wire 43
+  11,  12,  44  ! Plane X', wire 44
+  12,  12,  45  ! Plane X', wire 45
+  13,  12,  46  ! Plane X', wire 46
+  14,  12,  47  ! Plane X', wire 47
+  15,  12,  48  ! Plane X', wire 48
+  16,  12,  49  ! Plane X', wire 49
+  17,  12,  50  ! Plane X', wire 50
+  18,  12,  51  ! Plane X', wire 51
+  19,  12,  52  ! Plane X', wire 52
+  20,  12,  53  ! Plane X', wire 53
+  21,  12,  54  ! Plane X', wire 54
+  22,  12,  55  ! Plane X', wire 55
+  23,  12,  56  ! Plane X', wire 56
+  24,  12,  57  ! Plane X', wire 57
+  25,  12,  58  ! Plane X', wire 58
+  26,  12,  59  ! Plane X', wire 59
+  27,  12,  60  ! Plane X', wire 60
+  28,  12,  61  ! Plane X', wire 61
+  29,  12,  62  ! Plane X', wire 62
+  30,  12,  63  ! Plane X', wire 63
+  31,  12,  64  ! Plane X', wire 64
+  32,  12,  65  ! Plane X', wire 65
+  33,  12,  66  ! Plane X', wire 66
+  34,  12,  67  ! Plane X', wire 67
+  35,  12,  68  ! Plane X', wire 68
+  36,  12,  69  ! Plane X', wire 69
+  37,  12,  70  ! Plane X', wire 70
+  38,  12,  71  ! Plane X', wire 71
+  39,  12,  72  ! Plane X', wire 72
+  40,  12,  73  ! Plane X', wire 73
+  41,  12,  74  ! Plane X', wire 74
+  42,  12,  75  ! Plane X', wire 75
+  43,  12,  76  ! Plane X', wire 76
+  44,  12,  77  ! Plane X', wire 77
+  45,  12,  78  ! Plane X', wire 78
+  46,  12,  79  ! Plane X', wire 79
+  47,  12,  80  ! Plane X', wire 80
+  48,  12,  81  ! Plane X', wire 81
+  49,  12,  82  ! Plane X', wire 82
+  50,  12,  83  ! Plane X', wire 83
+  51,  12,  84  ! Plane X', wire 84
+  52,  12,  85  ! Plane X', wire 85
+  53,  12,  86  ! Plane X', wire 86
+  54,  12,  87  ! Plane X', wire 87
+  55,  12,  88  ! Plane X', wire 88
+  56,  12,  89  ! Plane X', wire 89
+  57,  12,  90  ! Plane X', wire 90
+  58,  12,  91  ! Plane X', wire 91
+  59,  12,  92  ! Plane X', wire 92
+  60,  12,  93  ! Plane X', wire 93
+  61,  12,  94  ! Plane X', wire 94
+  62,  12,  95  ! Plane X', wire 95
+  63,  12,  96  ! Plane X', wire 96
+  64,  12,  97  ! Plane X', wire 97
+  65,  12,  98  ! Plane X', wire 98
+  66,  12,  99  ! Plane X', wire 99
+  67,  12, 100  ! Plane X', wire 100
+  68,  12, 101  ! Plane X', wire 101
+  69,  12, 102  ! Plane X', wire 102
+  70,  12, 103  ! Plane X', wire 103
+  71,  12, 104  ! Plane X', wire 104
+  72,  12, 105  ! Plane X', wire 105
+  73,  12, 106  ! Plane X', wire 106
+  74,  12, 107  ! Plane X', wire 107
+  75,  12, 108  ! Plane X', wire 108
+  76,  12, 109  ! Plane X', wire 109
+  77,  12, 110  ! Plane X', wire 110
+  78,  12, 111  ! Plane X', wire 111
+  79,  12, 112  ! Plane X', wire 112
+  64,   8,   1  ! Plane Y, wire 1
+  65,   8,   2  ! Plane Y, wire 2
+  66,   8,   3  ! Plane Y, wire 3
+  67,   8,   4  ! Plane Y, wire 4
+  68,   8,   5  ! Plane Y, wire 5
+  69,   8,   6  ! Plane Y, wire 6
+  70,   8,   7  ! Plane Y, wire 7
+  71,   8,   8  ! Plane Y, wire 8
+  72,   8,   9  ! Plane Y, wire 9
+  73,   8,  10  ! Plane Y, wire 10
+  74,   8,  11  ! Plane Y, wire 11
+  75,   8,  12  ! Plane Y, wire 12
+  76,   8,  13  ! Plane Y, wire 13
+  80,   8,  14  ! Plane Y, wire 14
+  81,   8,  15  ! Plane Y, wire 15
+  82,   8,  16  ! Plane Y, wire 16
+  83,   8,  17  ! Plane Y, wire 17
+  84,   8,  18  ! Plane Y, wire 18
+  85,   8,  19  ! Plane Y, wire 19
+  86,   8,  20  ! Plane Y, wire 20
+  87,   8,  21  ! Plane Y, wire 21
+  88,   8,  22  ! Plane Y, wire 22
+  89,   8,  23  ! Plane Y, wire 23
+  90,   8,  24  ! Plane Y, wire 24
+  91,   8,  25  ! Plane Y, wire 25
+  92,   8,  26  ! Plane Y, wire 26
+  96,   8,  27  ! Plane Y, wire 27
+  97,   8,  28  ! Plane Y, wire 28
+  98,   8,  29  ! Plane Y, wire 29
+  99,   8,  30  ! Plane Y, wire 30
+ 100,   8,  31  ! Plane Y, wire 31
+ 101,   8,  32  ! Plane Y, wire 32
+ 102,   8,  33  ! Plane Y, wire 33
+ 103,   8,  34  ! Plane Y, wire 34
+ 104,   8,  35  ! Plane Y, wire 35
+ 105,   8,  36  ! Plane Y, wire 36
+ 106,   8,  37  ! Plane Y, wire 37
+ 107,   8,  38  ! Plane Y, wire 38
+ 108,   8,  39  ! Plane Y, wire 39
+ 112,   8,  40  ! Plane Y, wire 40
+ 113,   8,  41  ! Plane Y, wire 41
+ 114,   8,  42  ! Plane Y, wire 42
+ 115,   8,  43  ! Plane Y, wire 43
+ 116,   8,  44  ! Plane Y, wire 44
+ 117,   8,  45  ! Plane Y, wire 45
+ 118,   8,  46  ! Plane Y, wire 46
+ 119,   8,  47  ! Plane Y, wire 47
+ 120,   8,  48  ! Plane Y, wire 48
+ 121,   8,  49  ! Plane Y, wire 49
+ 122,   8,  50  ! Plane Y, wire 50
+ 123,   8,  51  ! Plane Y, wire 51
+ 124,   8,  52  ! Plane Y, wire 52
+ 127,1000,   0,   1
+  64,  11,   1  ! Plane Y', wire 1
+  65,  11,   2  ! Plane Y', wire 2
+  66,  11,   3  ! Plane Y', wire 3
+  67,  11,   4  ! Plane Y', wire 4
+  68,  11,   5  ! Plane Y', wire 5
+  69,  11,   6  ! Plane Y', wire 6
+  70,  11,   7  ! Plane Y', wire 7
+  71,  11,   8  ! Plane Y', wire 8
+  72,  11,   9  ! Plane Y', wire 9
+  73,  11,  10  ! Plane Y', wire 10
+  74,  11,  11  ! Plane Y', wire 11
+  75,  11,  12  ! Plane Y', wire 12
+  76,  11,  13  ! Plane Y', wire 13
+  80,  11,  14  ! Plane Y', wire 14
+  81,  11,  15  ! Plane Y', wire 15
+  82,  11,  16  ! Plane Y', wire 16
+  83,  11,  17  ! Plane Y', wire 17
+  84,  11,  18  ! Plane Y', wire 18
+  85,  11,  19  ! Plane Y', wire 19
+  86,  11,  20  ! Plane Y', wire 20
+  87,  11,  21  ! Plane Y', wire 21
+  88,  11,  22  ! Plane Y', wire 22
+  89,  11,  23  ! Plane Y', wire 23
+  90,  11,  24  ! Plane Y', wire 24
+  91,  11,  25  ! Plane Y', wire 25
+  92,  11,  26  ! Plane Y', wire 26
+  96,  11,  27  ! Plane Y', wire 27
+  97,  11,  28  ! Plane Y', wire 28
+  98,  11,  29  ! Plane Y', wire 29
+  99,  11,  30  ! Plane Y', wire 30
+ 100,  11,  31  ! Plane Y', wire 31
+ 101,  11,  32  ! Plane Y', wire 32
+ 102,  11,  33  ! Plane Y', wire 33
+ 103,  11,  34  ! Plane Y', wire 34
+ 104,  11,  35  ! Plane Y', wire 35
+ 105,  11,  36  ! Plane Y', wire 36
+ 106,  11,  37  ! Plane Y', wire 37
+ 107,  11,  38  ! Plane Y', wire 38
+ 108,  11,  39  ! Plane Y', wire 39
+ 112,  11,  40  ! Plane Y', wire 40
+ 113,  11,  41  ! Plane Y', wire 41
+ 114,  11,  42  ! Plane Y', wire 42
+ 115,  11,  43  ! Plane Y', wire 43
+ 116,  11,  44  ! Plane Y', wire 44
+ 117,  11,  45  ! Plane Y', wire 45
+ 118,  11,  46  ! Plane Y', wire 46
+ 119,  11,  47  ! Plane Y', wire 47
+ 120,  11,  48  ! Plane Y', wire 48
+ 121,  11,  49  ! Plane Y', wire 49
+ 122,  11,  50  ! Plane Y', wire 50
+ 123,  11,  51  ! Plane Y', wire 51
+ 124,  11,  52  ! Plane Y', wire 52
+   8,   1,   1,   1  ! hAER01-
+   9,   1,   2,   1  ! hAER02-
+  10,   1,   3,   1  ! hAER03-
+  11,   1,   4,   1  ! hAER04-
+  12,   1,   5,   1  ! hAER05-
+  13,   1,   6,   1  ! hAER06-
+  14,   1,   7,   1  ! hAER07-
+  15,   1,   8,   1  ! hAER08-
+   0,   1,   1,   0  ! hAER01+
+   1,   1,   2,   0  ! hAER02+
+   2,   1,   3,   0  ! hAER03+
+   3,   1,   4,   0  ! hAER04+
+   4,   1,   5,   0  ! hAER05+
+   5,   1,   6,   0  ! hAER06+
+   6,   1,   7,   0  ! hAER07+
+   7,   1,   8,   0  ! hAER08+
+   0,   1,   1,   0  ! h1x01A+
+   1,   1,   2,   0  ! h1x02A+
+   2,   1,   3,   0  ! h1x03A+
+   3,   1,   4,   0  ! h1x04A+
+   4,   1,   5,   0  ! h1x05A+
+   5,   1,   6,   0  ! h1x06A+
+   6,   1,   7,   0  ! h1x07A+
+   7,   1,   8,   0  ! h1x08A+
+   8,   1,   9,   0  ! h1x09A+
+   9,   1,  10,   0  ! h1x10A+
+  10,   1,  11,   0  ! h1x11A+
+  11,   1,  12,   0  ! h1x12A+
+  12,   1,  13,   0  ! h1x13A+
+  13,   1,  14,   0  ! h1x14A+
+  14,   1,  15,   0  ! h1x15A+
+  15,   1,  16,   0  ! h1x16A+
+   0,   1,   1,   1  ! h1x01A-
+   1,   1,   2,   1  ! h1x02A-
+   2,   1,   3,   1  ! h1x03A-
+   3,   1,   4,   1  ! h1x04A-
+   4,   1,   5,   1  ! h1x05A-
+   5,   1,   6,   1  ! h1x06A-
+   6,   1,   7,   1  ! h1x07A-
+   7,   1,   8,   1  ! h1x08A-
+   8,   1,   9,   1  ! h1x09A-
+   9,   1,  10,   1  ! h1x10A-
+  10,   1,  11,   1  ! h1x11A-
+  11,   1,  12,   1  ! h1x12A-
+  12,   1,  13,   1  ! h1x13A-
+  13,   1,  14,   1  ! h1x14A-
+  14,   1,  15,   1  ! h1x15A-
+  15,   1,  16,   1  ! h1x16A-
+   0,   2,   1,   0  ! h1y01A+
+   1,   2,   2,   0  ! h1y02A+
+   2,   2,   3,   0  ! h1y03A+
+   3,   2,   4,   0  ! h1y04A+
+   4,   2,   5,   0  ! h1y05A+
+   5,   2,   6,   0  ! h1y06A+
+   6,   2,   7,   0  ! h1y07A+
+   7,   2,   8,   0  ! h1y08A+
+   8,   2,   9,   0  ! h1y09A+
+   9,   2,  10,   0  ! h1y10A+
+  10,   2,   1,   1  ! h1y01A-
+  11,   2,   2,   1  ! h1y02A-
+  12,   2,   3,   1  ! h1y03A-
+  13,   2,   4,   1  ! h1y04A-
+  14,   2,   5,   1  ! h1y05A-
+  15,   2,   6,   1  ! h1y06A-
+   0,   2,   7,   1  ! h1y07A-
+   1,   2,   8,   1  ! h1y08A-
+   2,   2,   9,   1  ! h1y09A-
+   3,   2,  10,   1  ! h1y10A-
+   4,   3,   1,   0  ! h2x01A+
+   5,   3,   2,   0  ! h2x02A+
+   6,   3,   3,   0  ! h2x03A+
+   7,   3,   4,   0  ! h2x04A+
+   8,   3,   5,   0  ! h2x05A+
+   9,   3,   6,   0  ! h2x06A+
+  10,   3,   7,   0  ! h2x07A+
+  11,   3,   8,   0  ! h2x08A+
+  12,   3,   9,   0  ! h2x09A+
+  13,   3,  10,   0  ! h2x10A+
+  14,   3,  11,   0  ! h2x11A+
+  15,   3,  12,   0  ! h2x12A+
+   0,   3,  13,   0  ! h2x13A+
+   1,   3,  14,   0  ! h2x14A+
+   2,   3,  15,   0  ! h2x15A+
+   3,   3,  16,   0  ! h2x16A+
+   4,   3,   1,   1  ! h2x01A-
+   5,   3,   2,   1  ! h2x02A-
+   6,   3,   3,   1  ! h2x03A-
+   7,   3,   4,   1  ! h2x04A-
+   8,   3,   5,   1  ! h2x05A-
+   9,   3,   6,   1  ! h2x06A-
+  10,   3,   7,   1  ! h2x07A-
+  11,   3,   8,   1  ! h2x08A-
+  12,   3,   9,   1  ! h2x09A-
+  13,   3,  10,   1  ! h2x10A-
+  14,   3,  11,   1  ! h2x11A-
+  15,   3,  12,   1  ! h2x12A-
+   0,   3,  13,   1  ! h2x13A-
+   1,   3,  14,   1  ! h2x14A-
+   2,   3,  15,   1  ! h2x15A-
+   3,   3,  16,   1  ! h2x16A-
+   4,   4,   1,   0  ! h2y01A+
+   5,   4,   2,   0  ! h2y02A+
+   6,   4,   3,   0  ! h2y03A+
+   7,   4,   4,   0  ! h2y04A+
+   8,   4,   5,   0  ! h2y05A+
+   9,   4,   6,   0  ! h2y06A+
+  10,   4,   7,   0  ! h2y07A+
+  11,   4,   8,   0  ! h2y08A+
+  12,   4,   9,   0  ! h2y09A+
+  13,   4,  10,   0  ! h2y10A+
+  14,   4,   1,   1  ! h2y01A-
+  15,   4,   2,   1  ! h2y02A-
+   0,   4,   3,   1  ! h2y03A-
+   1,   4,   4,   1  ! h2y04A-
+   2,   4,   5,   1  ! h2y05A-
+   3,   4,   6,   1  ! h2y06A-
+   4,   4,   7,   1  ! h2y07A-
+   5,   4,   8,   1  ! h2y08A-
+   6,   4,   9,   1  ! h2y09A-
+   7,   4,  10,   1  ! h2y10A-
+ 127,1000,   0,   0
+   0,   1,   1,   2  ! h1x01T+
+   1,   1,   3,   2  ! h1x03T+
+   2,   1,   5,   2  ! h1x05T+
+   3,   1,   7,   2  ! h1x07T+
+   4,   1,   2,   2  ! h1x02T+
+   5,   1,   4,   2  ! h1x04T+
+   6,   1,   6,   2  ! h1x06T+
+   7,   1,   8,   2  ! h1x08T+
+   8,   1,   9,   2  ! h1x09T+
+   9,   1,  11,   2  ! h1x11T+
+  10,   1,  13,   2  ! h1x13T+
+  11,   1,  15,   2  ! h1x15T+
+  12,   1,  10,   2  ! h1x10T+
+  13,   1,  12,   2  ! h1x12T+
+  14,   1,  14,   2  ! h1x14T+
+  15,   1,  16,   2  ! h1x16T+
+  16,   1,   1,   3  ! h1x01T-
+  17,   1,   3,   3  ! h1x03T-
+  18,   1,   5,   3  ! h1x05T-
+  19,   1,   7,   3  ! h1x07T-
+  20,   1,   2,   3  ! h1x02T-
+  21,   1,   4,   3  ! h1x04T-
+  22,   1,   6,   3  ! h1x06T-
+  23,   1,   8,   3  ! h1x08T-
+  24,   1,   9,   3  ! h1x09T-
+  25,   1,  11,   3  ! h1x11T-
+  26,   1,  13,   3  ! h1x13T-
+  27,   1,  15,   3  ! h1x15T-
+  28,   1,  10,   3  ! h1x10T-
+  29,   1,  12,   3  ! h1x12T-
+  30,   1,  14,   3  ! h1x14T-
+  31,   1,  16,   3  ! h1x16T-
+  32,   2,   1,   2  ! h1y01T+
+  33,   2,   3,   2  ! h1y03T+
+  34,   2,   5,   2  ! h1y05T+
+  35,   2,   7,   2  ! h1y07T+
+  36,   2,   2,   2  ! h1y02T+
+  37,   2,   4,   2  ! h1y04T+
+  38,   2,   6,   2  ! h1y06T+
+  39,   2,   8,   2  ! h1y08T+
+  40,   2,   9,   2  ! h1y09T+
+  44,   2,  10,   2  ! h1y10T+
+  48,   2,   1,   3  ! h1y01T-
+  49,   2,   3,   3  ! h1y03T-
+  50,   2,   5,   3  ! h1y05T-
+  51,   2,   7,   3  ! h1y07T-
+  52,   2,   2,   3  ! h1y02T-
+  53,   2,   4,   3  ! h1y04T-
+  54,   2,   6,   3  ! h1y06T-
+  55,   2,   8,   3  ! h1y08T-
+  56,   2,   9,   3  ! h1y09T-
+  60,   2,  10,   3  ! h1y10T-
+  64,   3,   1,   2  ! h2x01T+
+  65,   3,   3,   2  ! h2x03T+
+  66,   3,   5,   2  ! h2x05T+
+  67,   3,   7,   2  ! h2x07T+
+  68,   3,   2,   2  ! h2x02T+
+  69,   3,   4,   2  ! h2x04T+
+  70,   3,   6,   2  ! h2x06T+
+  71,   3,   8,   2  ! h2x08T+
+  72,   3,   9,   2  ! h2x09T+
+  73,   3,  11,   2  ! h2x11T+
+  74,   3,  13,   2  ! h2x13T+
+  75,   3,  15,   2  ! h2x15T+
+  76,   3,  10,   2  ! h2x10T+
+  77,   3,  12,   2  ! h2x12T+
+  78,   3,  14,   2  ! h2x14T+
+  79,   3,  16,   2  ! h2x16T+
+  80,   3,   1,   3  ! h2x01T-
+  81,   3,   3,   3  ! h2x03T-
+  82,   3,   5,   3  ! h2x05T-
+  83,   3,   7,   3  ! h2x07T-
+  84,   3,   2,   3  ! h2x02T-
+  85,   3,   4,   3  ! h2x04T-
+  86,   3,   6,   3  ! h2x06T-
+  87,   3,   8,   3  ! h2x08T-
+  88,   3,   9,   3  ! h2x09T-
+  89,   3,  11,   3  ! h2x11T-
+  90,   3,  13,   3  ! h2x13T-
+  91,   3,  15,   3  ! h2x15T-
+  92,   3,  10,   3  ! h2x10T-
+  93,   3,  12,   3  ! h2x12T-
+  94,   3,  14,   3  ! h2x14T-
+  95,   3,  16,   3  ! h2x16T-
+  96,   4,   1,   2  ! h2y01T+
+  97,   4,   3,   2  ! h2y03T+
+  98,   4,   5,   2  ! h2y05T+
+  99,   4,   7,   2  ! h2y07T+
+ 100,   4,   2,   2  ! h2y02T+
+ 101,   4,   4,   2  ! h2y04T+
+ 102,   4,   6,   2  ! h2y06T+
+ 103,   4,   8,   2  ! h2y08T+
+ 104,   4,   9,   2  ! h2y09T+
+ 108,   4,  10,   2  ! h2y10T+
+ 112,   4,   1,   3  ! h2y01T-
+ 113,   4,   3,   3  ! h2y03T-
+ 114,   4,   5,   3  ! h2y05T-
+ 115,   4,   7,   3  ! h2y07T-
+ 116,   4,   2,   3  ! h2y02T-
+ 117,   4,   4,   3  ! h2y04T-
+ 118,   4,   6,   3  ! h2y06T-
+ 119,   4,   8,   3  ! h2y08T-
+ 120,   4,   9,   3  ! h2y09T-
+ 124,   4,  10,   3  ! h2y10T-
+  14,   1,   1,   0  ! hCER01
+  15,   1,   2,   0  ! hCER02
+   0,   1,   1,   0  ! hA01+
+   1,   1,   2,   0  ! hA02+
+   2,   1,   3,   0  ! hA03+
+   3,   1,   4,   0  ! hA04+
+   4,   1,   5,   0  ! hA05+
+   5,   1,   6,   0  ! hA06+
+   6,   1,   7,   0  ! hA07+
+   7,   1,   8,   0  ! hA08+
+   8,   1,   9,   0  ! hA09+
+   9,   1,  10,   0  ! hA10+
+  10,   1,  11,   0  ! hA11+
+  11,   1,  12,   0  ! hA12+
+  12,   1,  13,   0  ! hA13+
+  13,   1,   1,   1  ! hA01-
+  14,   1,   2,   1  ! hA02-
+  15,   1,   3,   1  ! hA03-
+   0,   1,   4,   1  ! hA04-
+   1,   1,   5,   1  ! hA05-
+   2,   1,   6,   1  ! hA06-
+   3,   1,   7,   1  ! hA07-
+   4,   1,   8,   1  ! hA08-
+   5,   1,   9,   1  ! hA09-
+   6,   1,  10,   1  ! hA10-
+   7,   1,  11,   1  ! hA11-
+   8,   1,  12,   1  ! hA12-
+   9,   1,  13,   1  ! hA13-
+  10,   2,   1,   0  ! hB01+
+  11,   2,   2,   0  ! hB02+
+  12,   2,   3,   0  ! hB03+
+  13,   2,   4,   0  ! hB04+
+  14,   2,   5,   0  ! hB05+
+  15,   2,   6,   0  ! hB06+
+   0,   2,   7,   0  ! hB07+
+   1,   2,   8,   0  ! hB08+
+   2,   2,   9,   0  ! hB09+
+   3,   2,  10,   0  ! hB10+
+   4,   2,  11,   0  ! hB11+
+   5,   2,  12,   0  ! hB12+
+   6,   2,  13,   0  ! hB13+
+   7,   2,   1,   1  ! hB01-
+   8,   2,   2,   1  ! hB02-
+   9,   2,   3,   1  ! hB03-
+  10,   2,   4,   1  ! hB04-
+  11,   2,   5,   1  ! hB05-
+  12,   2,   6,   1  ! hB06-
+  13,   2,   7,   1  ! hB07-
+  14,   2,   8,   1  ! hB08-
+  15,   2,   9,   1  ! hB09-
+   0,   2,  10,   1  ! hB10-
+   1,   2,  11,   1  ! hB11-
+   2,   2,  12,   1  ! hB12-
+   3,   2,  13,   1  ! hB13-
+   4,   3,   1,   0  ! hC01+
+   5,   3,   2,   0  ! hC02+
+   6,   3,   3,   0  ! hC03+
+   7,   3,   4,   0  ! hC04+
+   8,   3,   5,   0  ! hC05+
+   9,   3,   6,   0  ! hC06+
+  10,   3,   7,   0  ! hC07+
+  11,   3,   8,   0  ! hC08+
+  12,   3,   9,   0  ! hC09+
+  13,   3,  10,   0  ! hC10+
+  14,   3,  11,   0  ! hC11+
+  15,   3,  12,   0  ! hC12+
+   0,   3,  13,   0  ! hC13+
+   1,   4,   1,   0  ! hD01+
+   2,   4,   2,   0  ! hD02+
+   3,   4,   3,   0  ! hD03+
+   4,   4,   4,   0  ! hD04+
+   5,   4,   5,   0  ! hD05+
+   6,   4,   6,   0  ! hD06+
+   7,   4,   7,   0  ! hD07+
+   8,   4,   8,   0  ! hD08+
+   9,   4,   9,   0  ! hD09+
+  10,   4,  10,   0  ! hD10+
+  11,   4,  11,   0  ! hD11+
+  12,   4,  12,   0  ! hD12+
+  13,   4,  13,   0  ! hD13+
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bf86bea8
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+! THMS_ID=10    ADC,TDC
+! Plane = 1 >> ADC Only
+! Plane = 2 >> TDC Only
+!F250 module
+! chan    plane     bar    sig
+     8,       1,      1,     0!  hASUM
+     9,       1,      2,     0!  hBSUM
+     10,      1,      3,     0!  hCSUM
+     11,      1,      4,     0!  hDSUM
+     12,      1,      5,     0!  hPSHWR
+     13,      1,      6,     0!  hSHWR
+     14,      1,      7,     0!  hAERSUM
+     15,      1,      8,     0!  hCERSUM
+! chan    plane     bar    sig
+     12,      1,      9,     0!  hFRXA
+     13,      1,     10,     0!  hFRYA
+     14,      1,     11,     0!  hFRXB
+     15,      1,     12,     0!  hFRYB 
+!CAEN1190 module
+! A0
+! chan    plane     bar    sig
+     0,       2,      1,     1!  h1X
+     1,       2,      2,     1!  h1Y
+     2,       2,      3,     1!  h2X
+     3,       2,      4,     1!  h2Y
+     4,       2,      5,     1!  h1T
+     5,       2,      6,     1!  h2T
+     6,   1000,   0,   0  ! hTref
+     7,       2,      8,     1!  hASUM
+     8,       2,      9,     1!  hBSUM
+     9,       2,     10,     1!  hCSUM
+    10,       2,     11,     1!  hDSUM
+    11,       2,     12,     1!  hPSHWRLO
+    12,       2,     13,     1!  hPSHWRHI
+    13,       2,     14,     1!  hSHWR
+    14,       2,     15,     1!  hAERSUM
+    15,       2,     16,     1!  hCERSUM
+!CAEN1190 module
+! D1
+! chan    plane     bar    sig
+     127,     2,     17,      1!  hT2
+!CAEN1190 module
+! chan    plane     bar    sig
+     111,     2,     18,      1!  hDCREF1
+! chan    plane     bar    sig
+     127,     2,     19,      1!  hDCREF2
+! chan    plane     bar    sig
+     127,     2,     20,      1!  hDCREF3
+! chan    plane     bar    sig
+     127,     2,     21,      1!  hDCREF4
\ No newline at end of file
index b0212c9b..9dee1d7a 100644
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
 ! Plane = 1 >> ADC Only
index 539b2153..4c09cf42 100644
@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ SLOT=14
    1,   1,   2,   0  ! pHGCERSUM
    2,   1,   3,   0  ! pNGCERSUM
   12,   1,   4,   0  ! FR-XA
-  13,   1,   5,   0  ! FR-XB
-  14,   1,   6,   0  ! FR-YA
+  13,   1,   5,   0  ! FR-YA
+  14,   1,   6,   0  ! FR-XB
   15,   1,   7,   0  ! FR-YB
diff --git a/PARAM/HMS/AERO/CALIB/haero_calib.param b/PARAM/HMS/AERO/CALIB/haero_calib.param
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5d453568
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PARAM/HMS/AERO/CALIB/haero_calib.param
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+;Calibration constants for HMS Aerogel - unknown run number
+; Positive aerogel gain factors
+haero_pos_gain   = 1./168.3, 1./233.9, 1./181.3, 1./169.2, 1./177.6, 1./155.0, 1./169.5, 1./149.7
+; Negative aerogel gain factors
+haero_neg_gain   = 1./248.8, 1./186.4, 1./236.4, 1./172.0, 1./205.3, 1./198.1, 1./227.9, 1./229.2
diff --git a/PARAM/HMS/AERO/CUTS/haero_cuts.param b/PARAM/HMS/AERO/CUTS/haero_cuts.param
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3c192eb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PARAM/HMS/AERO/CUTS/haero_cuts.param
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+;HMS Aerogel Cut parameters
+; Track matching reduced chi2 cut values
+haero_red_chi2_min = 0.0
+haero_red_chi2_max = 25.0
+; Track matching beta cut values
+haero_beta_min = 0.0
+haero_beta_max = 1.2
+; Track matching normailized energy (E/p) cut values
+haero_enorm_min = 0.0
+haero_enorm_max = 1.5
+; ADC time window cut values used to select "good" ADC events
+haero_adcTimeWindowMin = 500.
+haero_adcTimeWindowMax = 2500.
+; NPE Threshold for "good" hit (for measureing effic.)
+haero_npe_thresh = 0.5
diff --git a/PARAM/HMS/AERO/GEOM/haero_geom.param b/PARAM/HMS/AERO/GEOM/haero_geom.param
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e1315201
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PARAM/HMS/AERO/GEOM/haero_geom.param
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+;HMS Aerogel geometry parameters
+; Number of aerogel pairs of pmt's
+haero_num_pairs = 8
+; Value of zpos for diffusion box cited by Hamlet M. 03/29/2017
+; FIX ME! This value is for the SHMS!
+haero_diff_box_zpos = 231.0
+; Number of regions in which tracks can be matched too
+haero_num_regions = 1;
+; phgcer_region: 8 values for each region
+; central x,y,dx,dy values and x,y,dx,dy half widths.
+; Defined in clomuns, region 1, region 2, region 3, region 4...
+; FIX ME! These values are for the SHMS!
+; Assumes rectangular volume with x = 103.0 cm and y = 113.0 cm
+haero_region =  0.0,
+                0.0,
+                0.0,
+                0.0,
+               51.5,
+               56.5,
+	       0.15,
+	        0.1
diff --git a/PARAM/HMS/AERO/haero.param b/PARAM/HMS/AERO/haero.param
deleted file mode 100644
index 88c21004..00000000
--- a/PARAM/HMS/AERO/haero.param
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-; Number of aerogel pairs of pmt's
-haero_num_pairs = 8
-; Positive aerogel gain factors
-haero_pos_gain   = 1./168.3, 1./233.9, 1./181.3, 1./169.2, 1./177.6, 1./155.0, 1./169.5, 1./149.7
-; Negative aerogel gain factors
-haero_neg_gain   = 1./248.8, 1./186.4, 1./236.4, 1./172.0, 1./205.3, 1./198.1, 1./227.9, 1./229.2
-; Track matching reduced chi2 cut values
-haero_red_chi2_min = 0.0
-haero_red_chi2_max = 25.0
-; Track matching beta cut values
-haero_beta_min = 0.0
-haero_beta_max = 1.2
-; Track matching normailized energy (E/p) cut values
-haero_enorm_min = 0.0
-haero_enorm_max = 1.5
-; ADC time window cut values used to select "good" ADC events
-haero_adcTimeWindowMin = 500.
-haero_adcTimeWindowMax = 2500.
-; NPE Threshold for "good" hit (for measureing effic.)
-haero_npe_thresh = 0.5
-; Value of zpos for diffusion box cited by Hamlet M. 03/29/2017
-; FIX ME! This value is for the SHMS!
-haero_diff_box_zpos = 231.0
-; Number of regions in which tracks can be matched too
-haero_num_regions = 1;
-; phgcer_region: 8 values for each region
-; central x,y,dx,dy values and x,y,dx,dy half widths.
-; Defined in clomuns, region 1, region 2, region 3, region 4...
-; FIX ME! These values are for the SHMS!
-; Assumes rectangular volume with x = 103.0 cm and y = 113.0 cm
-haero_region =  0.0,
-                0.0,
-                0.0,
-                0.0,
-               51.5,
-               56.5,
-	       0.15,
-	        0.1
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/PARAM/HMS/CAL/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/hcal_calib_303.param b/PARAM/HMS/CAL/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/hcal_calib_303.param
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a2f27854
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PARAM/HMS/CAL/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/hcal_calib_303.param
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+; Calibration constants for run 303, 77272 events processed
+hcal_pos_gain_cor= 0.272, 0.156, 0.139, 0.229, 0.185, 0.152, 0.146, 0.276, 0.146, 0.268, 0.218, 0.200, 0.150,
+                   0.162, 0.145, 0.125, 0.235, 0.005, 0.152, 0.173, 0.195, 0.181, 0.192, 0.302, 0.235, 0.185,
+                   0.584, 0.334, 0.241, 0.434, 0.302, 0.303, 0.379, 0.422, 0.342, 0.424, 0.314, 0.448, 0.270,
+                   1.073, 0.306, 0.463, 0.402, 0.273, 0.300, 0.744, 0.216, 0.365, 0.497, 0.374, 0.459, 0.572,
+hcal_neg_gain_cor= 0.401, 0.174, 0.190, 0.223, 0.127, 0.183, 0.296, 0.437, 0.224, 0.300, 0.167, 0.139, 0.232,
+                   0.302, 0.378, 0.238, 0.313, 0.427, 0.262, 0.278, 0.234, 0.253, 0.288, 0.290, 0.229, 0.192,
+                   0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000,
+                   0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000,
diff --git a/PARAM/HMS/CAL/CALIB/hcal_calib.param b/PARAM/HMS/CAL/CALIB/hcal_calib.param
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a2f27854
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PARAM/HMS/CAL/CALIB/hcal_calib.param
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+; Calibration constants for run 303, 77272 events processed
+hcal_pos_gain_cor= 0.272, 0.156, 0.139, 0.229, 0.185, 0.152, 0.146, 0.276, 0.146, 0.268, 0.218, 0.200, 0.150,
+                   0.162, 0.145, 0.125, 0.235, 0.005, 0.152, 0.173, 0.195, 0.181, 0.192, 0.302, 0.235, 0.185,
+                   0.584, 0.334, 0.241, 0.434, 0.302, 0.303, 0.379, 0.422, 0.342, 0.424, 0.314, 0.448, 0.270,
+                   1.073, 0.306, 0.463, 0.402, 0.273, 0.300, 0.744, 0.216, 0.365, 0.497, 0.374, 0.459, 0.572,
+hcal_neg_gain_cor= 0.401, 0.174, 0.190, 0.223, 0.127, 0.183, 0.296, 0.437, 0.224, 0.300, 0.167, 0.139, 0.232,
+                   0.302, 0.378, 0.238, 0.313, 0.427, 0.262, 0.278, 0.234, 0.253, 0.288, 0.290, 0.229, 0.192,
+                   0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000,
+                   0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000,
diff --git a/PARAM/HMS/CAL/CUTS/hcal_cuts.param b/PARAM/HMS/CAL/CUTS/hcal_cuts.param
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..782f843f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PARAM/HMS/CAL/CUTS/hcal_cuts.param
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+; for now manually set hte FADC mode
+;  1 == Use the pulse int - pulse ped
+;  2 == Use the sample integral - known ped
+;  3 == Use the sample integral - sample ped
+; if not set then defaults to use the raw pulse integral
+;FADC Pulse time window cuts
+; threshold on selecting good adc is dynamic pedestal+pcal_AdcNegThreshold
+; threshold on selecting good adc is dynamic pedestal+pcal_AdcPosThreshold
+;Turn on HMS cal. fiducial volume cut. 0="no cut"
+;Default hcal_fv_test=0
+hcal_fv_test = 0
+hcal_pos_gain_ini  =1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000
+                    1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000
+                    1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000
+                    1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000
+hcal_neg_gain_ini  =1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000
+                    1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000
+                    1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000
+                    1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000
+hcal_pos_ped_limit =1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000
+                    1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000
+                    1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000
+                    1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000
+hcal_neg_ped_limit =1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000
+                    1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000
+                    1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000
+                    1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000
diff --git a/PARAM/HMS/CAL/hcal.pos b/PARAM/HMS/CAL/GEOM/hcal_geom.param
similarity index 74%
rename from PARAM/HMS/CAL/hcal.pos
rename to PARAM/HMS/CAL/GEOM/hcal_geom.param
index 9906aae8..8776aa50 100644
--- a/PARAM/HMS/CAL/hcal.pos
+++ b/PARAM/HMS/CAL/GEOM/hcal_geom.param
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+;HMS Calorimeter geometry parameters
 ; neglect extra tubes for now.
 hcal_num_neg_columns = 2
@@ -79,3 +81,19 @@ hcal_num_neg_columns = 2
                        ( 31.0-1.4)
                        ( 41.0-1.4)
                        ( 51.0-1.4)
+; Slop in x position.  Allowed distance between track and edge of block (in cm)
+; too tight djm hcal_slop = 7.5
+hcal_slop = 30.
+hcal_pos_cal_const =0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001
+                    0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001
+                    0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001
+                    0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001
+hcal_neg_cal_const =0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001
+                    0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001
+                    0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001
+                    0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/PARAM/HMS/CAL/hcal.param b/PARAM/HMS/CAL/hcal.param
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f077361..00000000
--- a/PARAM/HMS/CAL/hcal.param
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-; for now manually set hte FADC mode
-;  1 == Use the pulse int - pulse ped
-;  2 == Use the sample integral - known ped
-;  3 == Use the sample integral - sample ped
-; if not set then defaults to use the raw pulse integral
-; threshold on selecting good adc is dynamic pedestal+pcal_AdcNegThreshold
-; threshold on selecting good adc is dynamic pedestal+pcal_AdcPosThreshold
-; Slop in x position.  Allowed distance between track and edge of block (in cm)
-; too tight djm hcal_slop = 7.5
-hcal_slop = 30.
-;Turn on HMS cal. fiducial volume cut. 0="no cut"
-;Default hcal_fv_test=0
-hcal_fv_test = 0
-hcal_pos_cal_const =0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001
-                    0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001
-                    0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001
-                    0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001
-hcal_neg_cal_const =0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001
-                    0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001
-                    0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001
-                    0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001
-hcal_pos_gain_ini  =1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000
-                    1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000
-                    1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000
-                    1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000
-hcal_neg_gain_ini  =1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000
-                    1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000
-                    1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000
-                    1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000
-hcal_neg_gain_cur  =1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000
-                    1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000
-                    1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000
-                    1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000
-hcal_pos_ped_limit =1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000
-                    1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000
-                    1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000
-                    1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000
-hcal_neg_ped_limit =1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000
-                    1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000
-                    1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000
-                    1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000
-; Calibration constants for run 303, 77272 events processed
-hcal_pos_gain_cor= 0.272, 0.156, 0.139, 0.229, 0.185, 0.152, 0.146, 0.276, 0.146, 0.268, 0.218, 0.200, 0.150,
-                   0.162, 0.145, 0.125, 0.235, 0.005, 0.152, 0.173, 0.195, 0.181, 0.192, 0.302, 0.235, 0.185,
-                   0.584, 0.334, 0.241, 0.434, 0.302, 0.303, 0.379, 0.422, 0.342, 0.424, 0.314, 0.448, 0.270,
-                   1.073, 0.306, 0.463, 0.402, 0.273, 0.300, 0.744, 0.216, 0.365, 0.497, 0.374, 0.459, 0.572,
-hcal_neg_gain_cor= 0.401, 0.174, 0.190, 0.223, 0.127, 0.183, 0.296, 0.437, 0.224, 0.300, 0.167, 0.139, 0.232,
-                   0.302, 0.378, 0.238, 0.313, 0.427, 0.262, 0.278, 0.234, 0.253, 0.288, 0.290, 0.229, 0.192,
-                   0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000,
-                   0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000,
diff --git a/PARAM/HMS/CER/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/hcer_calib.param b/PARAM/HMS/CER/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/hcer_calib.param
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..48cbe17a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PARAM/HMS/CER/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/hcer_calib.param
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+;Garth H. ?? gain calibration from run ??
+hcer_adc_to_npe = 1/323., 1/327.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/PARAM/HMS/CER/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/hcer_calib_303.param b/PARAM/HMS/CER/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/hcer_calib_303.param
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3efbf3e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PARAM/HMS/CER/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/hcer_calib_303.param
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+;Garth H. ?? gain calibration from HMS KPP run 303
+hcer_adc_to_npe = 1/323., 1/327.
diff --git a/PARAM/HMS/CER/CALIB/hcer_calib.param b/PARAM/HMS/CER/CALIB/hcer_calib.param
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..64429137
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PARAM/HMS/CER/CALIB/hcer_calib.param
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+;Garth H.  gain calibration from HMS run 303
+hcer_adc_to_npe = 1/323., 1/327.
diff --git a/PARAM/HMS/CER/CUTS/hcer_cuts.param b/PARAM/HMS/CER/CUTS/hcer_cuts.param
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7dcf4039
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PARAM/HMS/CER/CUTS/hcer_cuts.param
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+; HMS Cherenkov Cuts parameter files
+; Track matching reduced chi2 cut values
+hcer_red_chi2_min = 0.0
+hcer_red_chi2_max = 25.0
+; Track matching beta cut values
+hcer_beta_min = 0.0
+hcer_beta_max = 1.2
+; Track matching normalized energy (E/p) cut values
+hcer_enorm_min = 0.0
+hcer_enorm_max = 1.5
+; ADC time window cut values used to select "good" ADC events
+hcer_adcTimeWindowMin = 1500.
+hcer_adcTimeWindowMax = 3500.
+; NPE Threshold for good hit (for measureing effic.)
+hcer_npe_thresh = 0.5
diff --git a/PARAM/HMS/CER/hcer.param b/PARAM/HMS/CER/GEOM/hcer_geom.param
similarity index 60%
rename from PARAM/HMS/CER/hcer.param
rename to PARAM/HMS/CER/GEOM/hcer_geom.param
index 7be444bb..4b03cc59 100644
--- a/PARAM/HMS/CER/hcer.param
+++ b/PARAM/HMS/CER/GEOM/hcer_geom.param
@@ -1,25 +1,10 @@
+; Number of gas cherenkov PMTs
 hcer_tot_pmts = 2
-hcer_adc_to_npe = 1/323., 1/327.
-hcer_red_chi2_min = 0.0
-hcer_red_chi2_max = 25.0
-hcer_beta_min = 0.0
-hcer_beta_max = 1.2
-hcer_enorm_min = 0.0
-hcer_enorm_max = 1.5
 hcer_mirror_zpos = 230.0
-hcer_adcTimeWindowMin = 1500.
-hcer_adcTimeWindowMax = 3500.
-; Threshold for good hit (for measureing effic.)
-hcer_npe_thresh = 0.5
 hcer_num_regions = 3 ; This value is from the 6 GeV era
 ; hcer_region: 8 values for each region (1 per mirror + sum)
diff --git a/PARAM/HMS/DC/hdriftmap.param b/PARAM/HMS/DC/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/hdc_calib_303.param
similarity index 100%
rename from PARAM/HMS/DC/hdriftmap.param
rename to PARAM/HMS/DC/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/hdc_calib_303.param
diff --git a/PARAM/HMS/DC/CALIB/hdc_calib_6gev.param b/PARAM/HMS/DC/CALIB/hdc_calib_6gev.param
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e58c62cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PARAM/HMS/DC/CALIB/hdc_calib_6gev.param
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+; Lookup Table: RUN 303
+; number of bins in Carlos's time to distance lookup table
+hdriftbins = 138
+; number of 1st bin in Carlos's table in ns
+; bin size in ns
diff --git a/PARAM/HMS/DC/CUTS/hdc_cuts_6gev.param b/PARAM/HMS/DC/CUTS/hdc_cuts_6gev.param
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..397cf428
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PARAM/HMS/DC/CUTS/hdc_cuts_6gev.param
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+;Utilize per wire tzero offsets, 1 means true
+h_using_tzero_per_wire = 1
+; Custom parameter which should be loaded when aiming to analyze HMS DC
+; data with no tracking 
+hsel_using_scin  = 0
+; hsel_using_prune = 0
+; TDC window limits for each plane.
+hdc_tdc_min_win = -14000, -14000, -14000, -14000, -14000, -14000
+                  -14000, -14000, -14000, -14000, -14000, -14000
+hdc_tdc_max_win = -6000, -6000, -6000, -6000, -6000, -6000
+                  -6000, -6000, -6000, -6000, -8000, -6000
+hdc_fix_lr = 0
+hdc_fix_propcorr = 0
+; Zero time correction for each plane in ns that is added to TDC time.
+hdc_plane_time_zero =  1312.50,1316.50,1310.8,1313.0,1311.45,1312.76,
+                       1315.00,1313.40,1310.8,1312.0,1317.40,1313.50
diff --git a/PARAM/HMS/DC/hdc.pos b/PARAM/HMS/DC/GEOM/hdc_geom_6gev.param
similarity index 77%
rename from PARAM/HMS/DC/hdc.pos
rename to PARAM/HMS/DC/GEOM/hdc_geom_6gev.param
index 597ab6a8..e0acc58f 100644
--- a/PARAM/HMS/DC/hdc.pos
+++ b/PARAM/HMS/DC/GEOM/hdc_geom_6gev.param
@@ -1,3 +1,40 @@
+; Geometrical parameters
+; Conversion factor from TDC clicks to ns.
+hdc_tdc_time_per_channel = -0.10
+; Number of drift chambers.
+hdc_num_chambers = 2
+; Total number of planes.
+hdc_num_planes = 12
+; Names of planes.
+hdc_plane_names = "1x1 1y1 1u1 1v1 1y2 1x2 2x1 2y1 2u1 2v1 2y2 2x2"
+; Chamber index for each plane.
+hdc_chamber_planes = 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
+                     2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2
+; Number of wires in each plane.
+hdc_nrwire = 113, 52, 107, 107, 52, 113
+             113, 52, 107, 107, 52, 113
+; Sigma of wire chamber resolution for each plane.
+; From SANE.
+hdc_sigma = 0.020, 0.020, 0.020, 0.020, 0.020, 0.020
+            0.020, 0.020, 0.020, 0.020, 0.020, 0.020
+; For wire velocity corrections.
+; From SANE.
+hdc_wire_velocity = 12.0
+hdc_central_time = 7, 9, 3, 4, 6, 5
+                   7, 5, 3, 4, 6, 6
+hdc_drifttime_sign = -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1
+                     -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1
 ; x, y and z position of center for each wire chamber in cm.
@@ -92,3 +129,5 @@ hdc_gamma_angle = pdc_1_yaw*raddeg
+; TZERO PER WIRE CORRECTIONS (when hms dc calibration script is ready  :) 
diff --git a/PARAM/HMS/DC/hdc.param b/PARAM/HMS/DC/hdc.param
deleted file mode 100644
index da5d2704..00000000
--- a/PARAM/HMS/DC/hdc.param
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-; Number of drift chambers.
-hdc_num_chambers = 2
-; Total number of planes.
-hdc_num_planes = 12
-; Names of planes.
-hdc_plane_names = "1x1 1y1 1u1 1v1 1y2 1x2 2x1 2y1 2u1 2v1 2y2 2x2"
-; Chamber index for each plane.
-hdc_chamber_planes = 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
-                     2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2
-; Number of wires in each plane.
-hdc_nrwire = 113, 52, 107, 107, 52, 113
-             113, 52, 107, 107, 52, 113
diff --git a/PARAM/HMS/DC/hdc_test_stand.param b/PARAM/HMS/DC/hdc_test_stand.param
index 53fd4445..2fb03fec 100644
--- a/PARAM/HMS/DC/hdc_test_stand.param
+++ b/PARAM/HMS/DC/hdc_test_stand.param
@@ -8,9 +8,6 @@ hdc_tdc_min_win = -50000, -50000, -50000, -50000, -50000, -50000
 hdc_tdc_max_win = 50000, 50000, 50000, 50000, 50000, 50000
                   50000, 50000, 50000, 50000, 50000, 50000
-; Remove hodoscope dependence on tracking.
-hsel_using_scin  = 0
-; hsel_using_prune = 0
 ; Adjust HMS DC plane t = 0
 ; hdc_plane_time_zero = 1500.0, 1500.0, 1500.0, 1500.0, 1500.0, 1500.0
diff --git a/PARAM/HMS/DC/hdc_tracking.param b/PARAM/HMS/DC/hdc_tracking.param
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d1c7859..00000000
--- a/PARAM/HMS/DC/hdc_tracking.param
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-; Sigma of wire chamber resolution for each plane.
-; From SANE.
-hdc_sigma = 0.020, 0.020, 0.020, 0.020, 0.020, 0.020
-            0.020, 0.020, 0.020, 0.020, 0.020, 0.020
-; TDC window limits for each plane.
-hdc_tdc_min_win = -14000, -14000, -14000, -14000, -14000, -14000
-                  -14000, -14000, -14000, -14000, -14000, -14000
-hdc_tdc_max_win = -6000, -6000, -6000, -6000, -6000, -6000
-                  -6000, -6000, -6000, -6000, -8000, -6000
-; Conversion factor from TDC clicks to ns.
-hdc_tdc_time_per_channel = -0.10
-; Zero time correction for each plane in ns that is added to TDC time.
-; From SANE.
-hdc_plane_time_zero =  1312.50,1316.50,1310.8,1313.0,1311.45,1312.76,
-                      1315.0,1313.40,1310.8,1312.0,1317.4,1313.5
-; For wire velocity corrections.
-; From SANE.
-hdc_wire_velocity = 12.0
-hdc_central_time = 7, 9, 3, 4, 6, 5
-                   7, 5, 3, 4, 6, 6
-hdc_drifttime_sign = -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1
-                     -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1
-hdc_fix_lr = 0
-hdc_fix_propcorr = 0
diff --git a/PARAM/HMS/HODO/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/hhodo_calib_303.param b/PARAM/HMS/HODO/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/hhodo_calib_303.param
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0ede5893
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PARAM/HMS/HODO/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/hhodo_calib_303.param
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+;HMS Hodo Calibration paramters
+; new param from KPP HMS run 303                 
+hhodo_pos_invadc_offset =   -0.00,   -0.00,   -0.70,   -0.00
+                            -0.00,   -0.00,   -0.31,   -2.63
+                            -0.00,    0.13,   -1.03,   -0.58
+                             1.43,   -0.51,   -0.87,   -0.63
+                             0.60,   -0.75,   -0.66,   -1.54
+                             1.73,   -0.66,   -0.82,   -1.46
+                             0.89,    0.08,   -0.92,   -0.88
+                             2.10,    0.20,   -0.32,   -0.39
+                             0.31,   -0.89,   -1.14,   -2.15
+                            -0.00,   -0.00,   -1.52,   -0.00
+                             0.80,   -0.00,   -0.75,   -0.00
+                            -0.25,   -0.00,   -2.36,   -0.00
+                             0.54,   -0.00,   -0.00,   -0.00
+                             0.47,   -0.00,   -0.00,   -0.00
+                            -0.00,   -0.00,   -0.00,   -0.00
+                            -0.00,   -0.00,   -0.00,   -0.00
+hhodo_neg_invadc_offset =   -0.00,   -0.00,   -0.97,   -0.00
+                            -0.00,   -0.00,    0.06,   -2.16
+                            -0.00,   -0.58,   -1.60,   -0.95
+                            -0.09,    0.95,   -0.45,   -0.49
+                            -0.79,   -0.05,    0.21,   -1.82
+                             0.32,   -1.02,   -0.05,   -0.52
+                             0.02,    0.19,    0.90,    3.75
+                            -0.35,    0.35,    0.26,   -1.65
+                            -0.27,   -1.32,    0.33,   -2.44
+                            -1.42,   -0.00,   -1.48,   -0.00
+                             0.14,   -0.00,    0.14,   -0.00
+                             0.24,   -0.00,   -0.06,   -0.00
+                             0.16,   -0.00,   -0.00,   -0.00
+                            -0.83,   -0.00,   -0.00,   -0.00
+                            -0.00,   -0.00,   -0.00,   -0.00
+                            -0.00,   -0.00,   -0.00,   -0.00
+hhodo_pos_invadc_linear =   15.00,   15.00,   15.00,   15.00
+                            15.00,   15.00,   15.00,   15.00
+                            15.00,   15.00,   15.00,   15.00
+                            14.56,   15.00,   15.00,   15.00
+                            12.91,   15.00,   15.00,   15.00
+                            12.81,   14.97,   15.00,   15.00
+                            14.29,   15.00,   15.00,   15.00
+                            12.94,   14.21,   14.85,   15.00
+                            13.27,   13.60,   15.00,   15.00
+                            13.44,   15.00,   15.00,   15.00
+                            14.24,   15.00,   15.00,   15.00
+                            13.24,   15.00,   14.33,   15.00
+                            13.20,   15.00,   15.00,   15.00
+                            13.94,   15.00,   15.00,   15.00
+                            15.00,   15.00,   15.00,   15.00
+                            15.00,   15.00,   15.00,   15.00
+hhodo_neg_invadc_linear =   15.00,   15.00,   15.00,   15.00
+                            15.00,   15.00,   15.00,   15.00
+                            15.00,   14.56,   15.00,   15.00
+                            14.55,   14.16,   15.00,   15.00
+                            15.00,   15.00,   15.00,   15.00
+                            13.47,   15.00,   15.00,   15.00
+                            15.00,   15.00,   15.00,   15.00
+                            14.69,   14.21,   15.00,   15.00
+                            15.00,   15.00,   15.00,   15.00
+                            14.74,   15.00,   15.00,   15.00
+                            14.66,   15.00,   15.00,   15.00
+                            15.00,   15.00,   15.00,   15.00
+                            13.71,   15.00,   15.00,   15.00
+                            12.33,   15.00,   15.00,   15.00
+                            15.00,   15.00,   15.00,   15.00
+                            15.00,   15.00,   15.00,   15.00
+hhodo_pos_invadc_adc=    -0.00,    -0.00,   106.88,    -0.00
+                        -0.00,    -0.00,   109.67,   122.91
+                        -0.00,   102.28,   127.88,   117.82
+                       100.32,    76.55,   109.30,   139.97
+                        72.45,    90.73,   111.62,   121.49
+                        59.46,    83.45,   116.54,   123.92
+                        95.04,    91.79,   125.49,   127.74
+                        62.95,    53.50,   113.46,   106.91
+                        78.26,    49.84,   100.37,   141.06
+                        73.52,    -0.00,   101.78,    -0.00
+                        94.23,    -0.00,   129.39,    -0.00
+                        75.59,    -0.00,    94.17,    -0.00
+                        79.87,    -0.00,    -0.00,    -0.00
+                        63.90,    -0.00,    -0.00,    -0.00
+                        -0.00,    -0.00,    -0.00,    -0.00
+                        -0.00,    -0.00,    -0.00,    -0.00
+hhodo_neg_invadc_adc=    -0.00,    -0.00,   128.32,    -0.00
+                        -0.00,    -0.00,   113.16,   159.99
+                        -0.00,    68.41,   116.51,   119.18
+                        73.18,    65.95,   112.50,   122.16
+                        96.71,    91.23,    96.00,   103.37
+                        52.93,    87.48,   103.59,   122.65
+                        72.72,    82.28,   118.40,   140.72
+                        76.58,    68.02,   104.25,   120.16
+                        73.69,    98.85,    91.95,   119.78
+                        72.26,    -0.00,    89.16,    -0.00
+                        70.89,    -0.00,   113.44,    -0.00
+                        72.26,    -0.00,   101.96,    -0.00
+                        76.14,    -0.00,    -0.00,    -0.00
+                        36.51,    -0.00,    -0.00,    -0.00
+                        -0.00,    -0.00,    -0.00,    -0.00
+                        -0.00,    -0.00,    -0.00,    -0.00
+hhodo_pos_sigma =  100.00,  100.00,    0.28,  100.00
+                   100.00,  100.00,    0.31,    0.47
+                   100.00,    0.27,    0.33,    0.34
+                     0.26,    0.32,    0.35,    0.44
+                     0.30,    0.30,    0.33,    0.51
+                     0.38,    0.28,    0.22,    0.41
+                     0.25,    0.30,    0.32,    0.46
+                     0.35,    0.30,    0.31,    0.34
+                     0.26,    0.25,    0.24,    0.41
+                     0.27,  100.00,    0.27,  100.00
+                     0.25,  100.00,    0.37,  100.00
+                     0.26,  100.00,    0.24,  100.00
+                     0.34,  100.00,  100.00,  100.00
+                     0.37,  100.00,  100.00,  100.00
+                   100.00,  100.00,  100.00,  100.00
+                   100.00,  100.00,  100.00,  100.00
+hhodo_neg_sigma =  100.00,  100.00,    0.32,  100.00
+                   100.00,  100.00,    0.33,    0.52
+                   100.00,    0.31,    0.35,    0.31
+                     0.25,    0.30,    0.34,    0.32
+                     0.28,    0.32,    0.27,    0.56
+                     0.36,    0.33,    0.28,    0.31
+                     0.26,    0.31,    0.37,    0.42
+                     0.32,    0.30,    0.28,    0.33
+                     0.24,    0.28,    0.20,    0.44
+                     0.27,  100.00,    0.24,  100.00
+                     0.24,  100.00,    0.29,  100.00
+                     0.25,  100.00,    0.25,  100.00
+                     0.28,  100.00,  100.00,  100.00
+                     0.33,  100.00,  100.00,  100.00
+                   100.00,  100.00,  100.00,  100.00
+                   100.00,  100.00,  100.00,  100.00
diff --git a/PARAM/HMS/HODO/hhodo.param b/PARAM/HMS/HODO/CALIB/hhodo_calib.param
similarity index 87%
rename from PARAM/HMS/HODO/hhodo.param
rename to PARAM/HMS/HODO/CALIB/hhodo_calib.param
index ac89bede..36a7d845 100644
--- a/PARAM/HMS/HODO/hhodo.param
+++ b/PARAM/HMS/HODO/CALIB/hhodo_calib.param
@@ -1,44 +1,8 @@
-; for now manually set hte FADC mode
-;  1 == Use the pulse int - pulse ped
-;  2 == Use the sample integral - known ped
-;  3 == Use the sample integral - sample ped
-; if not set then defaults to use the raw pulse integral
-; hhodo_tdc_offset is array of time offsets for all paddles in a plane
-;   to move the tdc to between 0 and 4000 channels.
-  hhodo_tdc_offset = 1120, 1120, 1120, 1120
-;  hhodo_tdc_offset = 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000
+;HMS Hodo Calibration paramters
-;hhodo set min and max fADC time window for all paddles in a plane in 'Channel' units
-; the conversion is 0.0625 ns / channel for flash ADC 250
-hhodo_AdcTimeWindowMin = 0., 0., 0., 0.
-hhodo_AdcTimeWindowMax = 3200., 3200., 3200., 3200.
-; hstart_time_center  center of allowed time window (ns)
-   hstart_time_center = 32.                                                     
-; hstart_time_slop    1/2 width of time window                                  
-   hstart_time_slop = 100.                                                       
-; hscin_tdc_min       minimum tdc value in hms scin                             
-    hscin_tdc_min = -500                                                           
-; hscin_tdc_max       maximum allowed tdc value                                 
-   hscin_tdc_max = 4000                                                         
-; hscin_tdc_to_time   scin tdc time per channel                                 
-   hscin_tdc_to_time = 0.1                                                  
-; tof and you figured out good values
-   htof_tolerance = 50.0
-; hms_tof_params                                                                
-; hnum_scin_counters, hhodo_zpos, hhodo_center_coord, hhodo_width               
-; are all calculated within h_init_scin                                         
-;    hhodo_pos_coord and hhodo_neg_coord are not yet used                       
-     hhodo_slop     =    2.,  2.,  4.,  4.                                      
 hhodo_pos_invadc_offset = 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
  0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
  0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
diff --git a/PARAM/HMS/HODO/CUTS/hhodo_cuts.param b/PARAM/HMS/HODO/CUTS/hhodo_cuts.param
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e322f189
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PARAM/HMS/HODO/CUTS/hhodo_cuts.param
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+; HMS Hodo Cuts parameters
+; Cosmic flag for beta calculation
+; for now manually set hte FADC mode
+;  1 == Use the pulse int - pulse ped
+;  2 == Use the sample integral - known ped
+;  3 == Use the sample integral - sample ped
+; if not set then defaults to use the raw pulse integral
+; hhodo_tdc_offset is array of time offsets for all paddles in a plane
+;   to move the tdc to between 0 and 4000 channels.
+  hhodo_tdc_offset = 1120, 1120, 1120, 1120
+;  hhodo_tdc_offset = 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000
+;hhodo set min and max fADC time window for all paddles in a plane in 'Channel' units
+; the conversion is 0.0625 ns / channel for flash ADC 250
+hhodo_AdcTimeWindowMin = 0., 0., 0., 0.
+hhodo_AdcTimeWindowMax = 3200., 3200., 3200., 3200.
+; hstart_time_center  center of allowed time window (ns)
+   hstart_time_center = 32.                                                     
+; hstart_time_slop    1/2 width of time window                                  
+   hstart_time_slop = 100.                                                       
+; hscin_tdc_min       minimum tdc value in hms scin                             
+    hscin_tdc_min = -500                                                           
+; hscin_tdc_max       maximum allowed tdc value                                 
+   hscin_tdc_max = 4000                                                         
+; hscin_tdc_to_time   scin tdc time per channel                                 
+   hscin_tdc_to_time = 0.1                                                  
+; tof and you figured out good values
+   htof_tolerance = 50.0
+; hms_tof_params                                                                
+; hnum_scin_counters, hhodo_zpos, hhodo_center_coord, hhodo_width               
+; are all calculated within h_init_scin                                         
+;    hhodo_pos_coord and hhodo_neg_coord are not yet used                       
+     hhodo_slop     =    2.,  2.,  4.,  4.                                      
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/PARAM/HMS/HODO/hhodo.pos b/PARAM/HMS/HODO/GEOM/hhodo_geom.param
similarity index 97%
rename from PARAM/HMS/HODO/hhodo.pos
rename to PARAM/HMS/HODO/GEOM/hhodo_geom.param
index d543d89a..ca710874 100644
--- a/PARAM/HMS/HODO/hhodo.pos
+++ b/PARAM/HMS/HODO/GEOM/hhodo_geom.param
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+; HMS Hodo Geometry parmeters
 hhodo_num_planes = 4
 hhodo_plane_names = "1x 1y 2x 2y"
@@ -89,4 +90,4 @@ hhodo_plane_names = "1x 1y 2x 2y"
-                       -33.750
+                       -33.750
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/PARAM/HMS/HODO/htofcal.param b/PARAM/HMS/HODO/htofcal.param
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ace7125..00000000
--- a/PARAM/HMS/HODO/htofcal.param
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/PARAM/TRIG/thms.param b/PARAM/TRIG/thms.param
index 715959a5..5f86e65d 100644
--- a/PARAM/TRIG/thms.param
+++ b/PARAM/TRIG/thms.param
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-t_hms_numAdc = 8
+t_hms_numAdc = 12
 t_hms_numTdc = 21
-; bar num:                1     2     3     4     5      6     7       8
+; bar num:        1     2     3     4     5      6     7       8       9     10    11    12
 ; bar num:              1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8     9     10    11    12       13       14    15      16      17    18      19     20      21
diff --git a/PARAM/TRIG/thms_raster.param b/PARAM/TRIG/thms_raster.param
index 7888eccf..2cdf405c 100644
--- a/PARAM/TRIG/thms_raster.param
+++ b/PARAM/TRIG/thms_raster.param
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 t_hms_numAdc = 4
 t_hms_numTdc = 1
-; bar num:                1     2     3     4     5      6     7       8
+; bar num:        1     2     3     4  
 t_hms_adcNames = "hFRXA hFRYA hFRXB hFRYB"
 t_hms_tdcNames = "hFRXA"
diff --git a/SCRIPTS/HMS/PRODUCTION/replay_production_hms.C b/SCRIPTS/HMS/PRODUCTION/replay_production_hms.C
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..88e6ca39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SCRIPTS/HMS/PRODUCTION/replay_production_hms.C
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+void replay_production_hms(Int_t RunNumber=0, Int_t MaxEvent=0) {
+  // Get RunNumber and MaxEvent if not provided.
+  if(RunNumber == 0) {
+    cout << "Enter a Run Number (-1 to exit): ";
+    cin >> RunNumber;
+    if( RunNumber<=0 ) return;
+  }
+  if(MaxEvent == 0) {
+    cout << "\nNumber of Events to analyze: ";
+    cin >> MaxEvent;
+    if(MaxEvent == 0) {
+      cerr << "...Invalid entry\n";
+      exit;
+    }
+  }
+  // Create file name patterns.
+  const char* RunFileNamePattern = "raw/hms_all_%05d.dat";
+  const char* ROOTFileNamePattern = "ROOTfiles/hms_replay_production_%d_%d.root";
+  //Load Global parameters
+  // Add variables to global list.
+  gHcParms->Define("gen_run_number", "Run Number", RunNumber);
+  gHcParms->AddString("g_ctp_database_filename", "DBASE/STD/standard.database");
+  // Load varibles from files to global list.
+  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_database_filename"), RunNumber);
+  // g_ctp_parm_filename and g_decode_map_filename should now be defined.
+  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_kinematics_filename"), RunNumber);
+  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_parm_filename"));
+  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_calib_filename"));
+  // Load params for HMS trigger configuration
+  gHcParms->Load("PARAM/TRIG/thms.param");
+  // Load the Hall C style detector map
+  gHcDetectorMap = new THcDetectorMap();
+  gHcDetectorMap->Load("MAPS/HMS/DETEC/STACK/");
+  // Add trigger apparatus
+  THaApparatus* TRG = new THcTrigApp("T", "TRG");
+  gHaApps->Add(TRG);
+  // Add trigger detector to trigger apparatus
+  THcTrigDet* hms = new THcTrigDet("hms", "HMS Trigger Information");
+  TRG->AddDetector(hms);
+  // Set up the equipment to be analyzed.
+  THaApparatus* HMS = new THcHallCSpectrometer("H", "HMS");
+  gHaApps->Add(HMS);
+  // Add drift chambers to HMS apparatus
+  THcDC* dc = new THcDC("dc", "Drift Chambers");
+  HMS->AddDetector(dc);
+  // Add hodoscope to HMS apparatus
+  THcHodoscope* hod = new THcHodoscope("hod", "Hodoscope");
+  HMS->AddDetector(hod);
+  // Add Cherenkov to HMS apparatus
+  THcCherenkov* cer = new THcCherenkov("cer", "Heavy Gas Cherenkov");
+  HMS->AddDetector(cer);
+  // Add Aerogel Cherenkov to HMS apparatus
+  //THcAerogel* aero = new THcAerogel("aero", "Aerogel");
+  //HMS->AddDetector(aero);
+  // Add calorimeter to HMS apparatus
+  THcShower* cal = new THcShower("cal", "Calorimeter");
+  HMS->AddDetector(cal);
+  // Include golden track information
+  THaGoldenTrack* gtr = new THaGoldenTrack("H.gtr", "HMS Golden Track", "H");
+  gHaPhysics->Add(gtr);
+  // Add handler for prestart event 125.
+  THcConfigEvtHandler* ev125 = new THcConfigEvtHandler("HC", "Config Event type 125");
+  gHaEvtHandlers->Add(ev125);
+  // Add handler for EPICS events
+  THaEpicsEvtHandler *hcepics = new THaEpicsEvtHandler("epics", "HC EPICS event type 180");
+  gHaEvtHandlers->Add(hcepics);
+  // Add handler for scaler events
+  THcScalerEvtHandler *hscaler = new THcScalerEvtHandler("H","Hall C scaler event type 1");  
+  hscaler->AddEvtType(1);
+  hscaler->SetUseFirstEvent(kTRUE);
+  gHaEvtHandlers->Add(hscaler);
+  // Set up the analyzer - we use the standard one,
+  // but this could be an experiment-specific one as well.
+  // The Analyzer controls the reading of the data, executes
+  // tests/cuts, loops over Acpparatus's and PhysicsModules,
+  // and executes the output routines.
+  THcAnalyzer* analyzer = new THcAnalyzer;
+  // A simple event class to be output to the resulting tree.
+  // Creating your own descendant of THaEvent is one way of
+  // defining and controlling the output.
+  THaEvent* event = new THaEvent;
+  // Define the run(s) that we want to analyze.
+  // We just set up one, but this could be many.
+  char RunFileName[100];
+  sprintf(RunFileName, RunFileNamePattern, RunNumber);
+  THaRun* run = new THaRun(RunFileName);
+  // Eventually need to learn to skip over, or properly analyze
+  // the pedestal events
+  run->SetEventRange(1, MaxEvent);    // Physics Event number, does not
+                                      // include scaler or control events.
+  run->SetNscan(1);
+  run->SetDataRequired(0x7);
+  run->Print();
+  // Define the analysis parameters
+  TString ROOTFileName = Form(ROOTFileNamePattern, RunNumber);
+  analyzer->SetCountMode(2);    // 0 = counter is # of physics triggers
+                                // 1 = counter is # of all decode reads
+                                // 2 = counter is event number
+ analyzer->SetEvent(event);
+ // Set EPICS event type
+ analyzer->SetEpicsEvtType(180);
+ // Define crate map
+ analyzer->SetCrateMapFileName("MAPS/db_cratemap.dat");
+ // Define output ROOT file
+ analyzer->SetOutFile(ROOTFileName.Data());
+ // Define output DEF-file 
+ analyzer->SetOdefFile("DEF-files/HMS/PRODUCTION/hstackana_production.def");
+ // Define cuts file
+ analyzer->SetCutFile("DEF-files/HMS/PRODUCTION/hstackana_production_cuts.def");    // optional
+ // File to record cuts accounting information for cuts
+ analyzer->SetSummaryFile(Form("REPORT_OUTPUT/HMS/PRODUCTION/", RunNumber, MaxEvent));    // optional
+ // Start the actual analysis.
+ analyzer->Process(run);
+ // Create report file from template.
+ analyzer->PrintReport("TEMPLATES/HMS/PRODUCTION/hstackana_production.template",
+		       Form("REPORT_OUTPUT/HMS/PRODUCTION/", RunNumber, MaxEvent));
diff --git a/SCRIPTS/HMS/replay_hms_raster_simple.C b/SCRIPTS/HMS/RASTER/replay_hms_raster_simple.C
similarity index 80%
rename from SCRIPTS/HMS/replay_hms_raster_simple.C
rename to SCRIPTS/HMS/RASTER/replay_hms_raster_simple.C
index 36843a12..f23116da 100644
--- a/SCRIPTS/HMS/replay_hms_raster_simple.C
+++ b/SCRIPTS/HMS/RASTER/replay_hms_raster_simple.C
@@ -17,11 +17,12 @@ void replay_hms_raster_simple(Int_t RunNumber=0, Int_t MaxEvent=0) {
   // Create file name patterns.
   const char* RunFileNamePattern = "raw/hms_all_%05d.dat";
-  const char* ROOTFileNamePattern = "ROOTfiles/hms_raster_simple_%d.root";
+  const char* ROOTFileNamePattern = "ROOTfiles/hms_raster_simple_%d_%d.root";
   // Add variables to global list.
   gHcParms->Define("gen_run_number", "Run Number", RunNumber);
-  gHcParms->AddString("g_ctp_database_filename", "DBASE/standard.database");
+  gHcParms->AddString("g_ctp_database_filename", "DBASE/STD/standard.database");
+  //Load global parameters
   // Load varibles from files to global list.
   gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_database_filename"), RunNumber);
@@ -34,14 +35,8 @@ void replay_hms_raster_simple(Int_t RunNumber=0, Int_t MaxEvent=0) {
   // Load the Hall C style detector map
   gHcDetectorMap = new THcDetectorMap();
-  gHcDetectorMap->Load("MAPS/HMS/DETEC/");
+  gHcDetectorMap->Load("MAPS/HMS/DETEC/RASTER/");
-  // Set up the equipment to be analyzed.
-  //THaApparatus* HMS = new THcHallCSpectrometer("H", "HMS");
-  //gHaApps->Add(HMS);
-  // Add hodoscope to HMS apparatus
-  //THcHodoscope* hod = new THcHodoscope("hod", "Hodoscope");
-  //HMS->AddDetector(hod);
   // Add trigger apparatus
   THaApparatus* TRG = new THcTrigApp("T", "TRG");
@@ -77,24 +72,20 @@ void replay_hms_raster_simple(Int_t RunNumber=0, Int_t MaxEvent=0) {
   // Define the analysis parameters
-  TString ROOTFileName = Form(ROOTFileNamePattern, RunNumber);
+  TString ROOTFileName = Form(ROOTFileNamePattern, RunNumber, MaxEvent);
   analyzer->SetCountMode(2);    // 0 = counter is # of physics triggers
                                 // 1 = counter is # of all decode reads
                                 // 2 = counter is event number
+ // Define crate map
+ // Define output ROOT file
+ // Define DEF-file
+ // Define cuts file
  analyzer->SetCutFile("DEF-files/HMS/RASTER/hms_raster_simple_cuts.def");    // optional
- // File to record cuts accounting information
- //analyzer->SetSummaryFile("summary_example.log");    // optional
   // Start the actual analysis.
-  // Create report file from template.
-  //analyzer->PrintReport(    // optional
-  //  "TEMPLATES/dcana.template",
-  //  Form("REPORT_OUTPUT/", RunNumber)
-  //);
diff --git a/SCRIPTS/HMS/replay_hms_scalers.C b/SCRIPTS/HMS/SCALERS/replay_hms_scalers.C
similarity index 64%
rename from SCRIPTS/HMS/replay_hms_scalers.C
rename to SCRIPTS/HMS/SCALERS/replay_hms_scalers.C
index e4da9c4c..f834cb40 100644
--- a/SCRIPTS/HMS/replay_hms_scalers.C
+++ b/SCRIPTS/HMS/SCALERS/replay_hms_scalers.C
@@ -17,10 +17,12 @@ void replay_hms_scalers(Int_t RunNumber=0, Int_t MaxEvent=0) {
   // Create file name patterns.
   const char* RunFileNamePattern = "raw/hms_all_%05d.dat";
-  const char* ROOTFileNamePattern = "ROOTfiles/hms_replay_scalers_%d.root";
+  const char* ROOTFileNamePattern = "ROOTfiles/hms_replay_scalers_%d_%d.root";
+  // Load global parameters
   // Add variables to global list.
   gHcParms->Define("gen_run_number", "Run Number", RunNumber);
-  gHcParms->AddString("g_ctp_database_filename", "DBASE/standard.database");
+  gHcParms->AddString("g_ctp_database_filename", "DBASE/STD/standard.database");
   // Load varibles from files to global list.
   gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_database_filename"), RunNumber);
@@ -28,11 +30,10 @@ void replay_hms_scalers(Int_t RunNumber=0, Int_t MaxEvent=0) {
   // g_ctp_parm_filename and g_decode_map_filename should now be defined.
   gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_kinematics_filename"), RunNumber);
+  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_calib_filename"));
   // Load params for HMS trigger configuration
-  // Load params for HODO tof calibration. 
-  // gHcParms->Load("PARAM/HMS/HODO/htofcal.param");
   // Load the Hall C style detector map
   gHcDetectorMap = new THcDetectorMap();
@@ -42,12 +43,22 @@ void replay_hms_scalers(Int_t RunNumber=0, Int_t MaxEvent=0) {
-  gHaEvtHandlers->Add (new THaEpicsEvtHandler("epics","HC EPICS event type 180"));
-  THcScalerEvtHandler *hscaler = new THcScalerEvtHandler("HS","Hall C scaler event type 1");
+  // Add trigger apparatus
+  THaApparatus* TRG = new THcTrigApp("T", "TRG");
+  gHaApps->Add(TRG);
+  // Add trigger detector to trigger apparatus
+  THcTrigDet* hms = new THcTrigDet("hms", "HMS Trigger Information");
+  TRG->AddDetector(hms);
+  // Add handler for EPICS events
+  THaEpicsEvtHandler *hcepics = new THaEpicsEvtHandler("epics", "HC EPICS event type 180");
+  gHaEvtHandlers->Add(hcepics);
+  // Add handler for scaler events
+  THcScalerEvtHandler *hscaler = new THcScalerEvtHandler("H","Hall C scaler event type 1");
-  // hscaler->SetDebugFile("REPORT_OUTPUT/hms_scaler_debug.txt");
   // Set up the analyzer - we use the standard one,
   // but this could be an experiment-specific one as well.
   // The Analyzer controls the reading of the data, executes
@@ -75,23 +86,28 @@ void replay_hms_scalers(Int_t RunNumber=0, Int_t MaxEvent=0) {
   // Define the analysis parameters
-  TString ROOTFileName = Form(ROOTFileNamePattern, RunNumber);
+  TString ROOTFileName = Form(ROOTFileNamePattern, RunNumber, MaxEvent);
   analyzer->SetCountMode(2);    // 0 = counter is # of physics triggers
                                 // 1 = counter is # of all decode reads
                                 // 2 = counter is event number
- analyzer->SetEvent(event);
+  analyzer->SetEvent(event);
+  // Set EPICS event type
- analyzer->SetCrateMapFileName("MAPS/db_cratemap.dat");
- analyzer->SetOutFile(ROOTFileName.Data());
-  analyzer->SetOdefFile("DEF-files/HMS/EPICS/epics_short.def");  // Call EPICS variables  K.Park
-  // analyzer->SetOdefFile("DEF-files/HMS/GEN/hstackana_report.def");
-  //analyzer->SetCutFile("DEF-files/HMS/GEN/hstackana_report_cuts.def");    // optional
- // File to record cuts accounting information
-  analyzer->SetSummaryFile(Form("REPORT_OUTPUT/HMS/", RunNumber));    // optional
+  // Define crate map
+  analyzer->SetCrateMapFileName("MAPS/db_cratemap.dat");
+  // Define output ROOT file
+  analyzer->SetOutFile(ROOTFileName.Data());
+  // Define DEF-file
+  analyzer->SetOdefFile("DEF-files/HMS/EPICS/epics_short.def");
+  // Define cuts file
+  analyzer->SetCutFile("DEF-files/HMS/SCALERS/hscaler_cuts.def");  // optional
+  // File to record accounting information for cuts
+  analyzer->SetSummaryFile(Form("REPORT_OUTPUT/HMS/SCALERS/", RunNumber, MaxEvent));  // optional
   // Start the actual analysis.
-  // Create report file from template.
-  // analyzer->PrintReport("TEMPLATES/hstackana.template",Form("REPORT_OUTPUT/HMS/", RunNumber));
+  // Create report file from template
+  analyzer->PrintReport("TEMPLATES/HMS/SCALERS/hscalers.template",
+  			Form("REPORT_OUTPUT/HMS/SCALERS/", RunNumber, MaxEvent));  // optional  
diff --git a/SCRIPTS/HMS/replay_hms.C b/SCRIPTS/HMS/STACK/replay_hms.C
similarity index 75%
rename from SCRIPTS/HMS/replay_hms.C
rename to SCRIPTS/HMS/STACK/replay_hms.C
index c51371b8..4c16798b 100644
--- a/SCRIPTS/HMS/replay_hms.C
+++ b/SCRIPTS/HMS/STACK/replay_hms.C
@@ -17,10 +17,10 @@ void replay_hms(Int_t RunNumber=0, Int_t MaxEvent=0) {
   // Create file name patterns.
   const char* RunFileNamePattern = "raw/hms_all_%05d.dat";
-  const char* ROOTFileNamePattern = "ROOTfiles/hms_replay_%d.root";
+  const char* ROOTFileNamePattern = "ROOTfiles/hms_replay_%d_%d.root";
   // Add variables to global list.
   gHcParms->Define("gen_run_number", "Run Number", RunNumber);
-  gHcParms->AddString("g_ctp_database_filename", "DBASE/standard.database");
+  gHcParms->AddString("g_ctp_database_filename", "DBASE/STD/standard.database");
   // Load varibles from files to global list.
   gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_database_filename"), RunNumber);
@@ -28,13 +28,14 @@ void replay_hms(Int_t RunNumber=0, Int_t MaxEvent=0) {
   // g_ctp_parm_filename and g_decode_map_filename should now be defined.
   gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_kinematics_filename"), RunNumber);
+  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_calib_filename"));
   // Load params for HMS trigger configuration
   // Load the Hall C style detector map
   gHcDetectorMap = new THcDetectorMap();
-  gHcDetectorMap->Load("MAPS/HMS/DETEC/");
+  gHcDetectorMap->Load("MAPS/HMS/DETEC/STACK/");
   // Add trigger apparatus
   THaApparatus* TRG = new THcTrigApp("T", "TRG");
@@ -52,6 +53,11 @@ void replay_hms(Int_t RunNumber=0, Int_t MaxEvent=0) {
   // Add hodoscope to HMS apparatus
   THcHodoscope* hod = new THcHodoscope("hod", "Hodoscope");
+  // Add Aerogel Cherenkov to SHMS apparatus
+  //THcAerogel* aero = new THcAerogel("aero", "Aerogel");
+  //HMS->AddDetector(aero);
   // Add Cherenkov to HMS apparatus
   THcCherenkov* cer = new THcCherenkov("cer", "Heavy Gas Cherenkov");
@@ -94,24 +100,26 @@ void replay_hms(Int_t RunNumber=0, Int_t MaxEvent=0) {
   // Define the analysis parameters
-  TString ROOTFileName = Form(ROOTFileNamePattern, RunNumber);
+  TString ROOTFileName = Form(ROOTFileNamePattern, RunNumber, MaxEvent);
   analyzer->SetCountMode(2);    // 0 = counter is # of physics triggers
                                 // 1 = counter is # of all decode reads
                                 // 2 = counter is event number
- analyzer->SetCrateMapFileName("MAPS/db_cratemap.dat");
- analyzer->SetOutFile(ROOTFileName.Data());
- analyzer->SetOdefFile("DEF-files/HMS/GEN/hstackana.def");
- analyzer->SetCutFile("DEF-files/HMS/GEN/hstackana_cuts.def");    // optional
- // File to record cuts accounting information
- //analyzer->SetSummaryFile("summary_example.log");    // optional
+// Define crate map
+  analyzer->SetCrateMapFileName("MAPS/db_cratemap.dat");
+  // Define output ROOT file
+  analyzer->SetOutFile(ROOTFileName.Data());
+  // Define DEF-file
+  analyzer->SetOdefFile("DEF-files/HMS/STACK/hstackana.def");
+  // Define cuts file
+  analyzer->SetCutFile("DEF-files/HMS/STACK/hstackana_cuts.def");  // optional
+  // File to record accounting information for cuts
+  analyzer->SetSummaryFile(Form("REPORT_OUTPUT/HMS/STACK/", RunNumber, MaxEvent));  // optional
   // Start the actual analysis.
-  // Create report file from template.
-  //analyzer->PrintReport(    // optional
-  //  "TEMPLATES/dcana.template",
-  //  Form("REPORT_OUTPUT/", RunNumber)
-  //);
+  // Create report file from template
+  analyzer->PrintReport("TEMPLATES/HMS/STACK/hstackana.template",
+  			Form("REPORT_OUTPUT/HMS/STACK/", RunNumber, MaxEvent));  // optional
diff --git a/SCRIPTS/HMS/replay_hcal_test_stand.C b/SCRIPTS/HMS/TEST_STANDS/replay_hcal_test_stand.C
similarity index 89%
rename from SCRIPTS/HMS/replay_hcal_test_stand.C
rename to SCRIPTS/HMS/TEST_STANDS/replay_hcal_test_stand.C
index e047d5fa..e2c4fa6f 100644
--- a/SCRIPTS/HMS/replay_hcal_test_stand.C
+++ b/SCRIPTS/HMS/TEST_STANDS/replay_hcal_test_stand.C
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ void replay_hcal_test_stand(Int_t RunNumber=0, Int_t MaxEvent=0) {
   const char* ROOTFileNamePattern = "ROOTfiles/hcal_replay_%d.root";
   // Add variables to global list.
   gHcParms->Define("gen_run_number", "Run Number", RunNumber);
-  gHcParms->AddString("g_ctp_database_filename", "DBASE/standard.database");
+  gHcParms->AddString("g_ctp_database_filename", "DBASE/STD/standard.database");
   // Load varibles from files to global list.
   gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_database_filename"), RunNumber);
@@ -28,16 +28,17 @@ void replay_hcal_test_stand(Int_t RunNumber=0, Int_t MaxEvent=0) {
   // g_ctp_parm_filename and g_decode_map_filename should now be defined.
   gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_kinematics_filename"), RunNumber);
+  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_calib_filename"));
   // Load the Hall C style detector map
   gHcDetectorMap = new THcDetectorMap();
-  gHcDetectorMap->Load("MAPS/HMS/DETEC/");
+  gHcDetectorMap->Load("MAPS/HMS/DETEC/CAL/");
   // Set up the equipment to be analyzed.
   THaApparatus* HMS = new THcHallCSpectrometer("H", "HMS");
-  // Add hodoscope to HMS apparatus
+  // Add Calorimeter to HMS apparatus
   THcShower* cal = new THcShower("cal", "Calorimeter");
@@ -79,8 +80,8 @@ void replay_hcal_test_stand(Int_t RunNumber=0, Int_t MaxEvent=0) {
- analyzer->SetOdefFile("DEF-files/HMS/CAL/hcalana.def");
- analyzer->SetCutFile("DEF-files/HMS/CAL/hcalana_cuts.def");    // optional
+ analyzer->SetOdefFile("DEF-files/HMS/TEST_STANDS/CAL/hcalana.def");
+ analyzer->SetCutFile("DEF-files/HMS/TEST_STANDS/CAL/hcalana_cuts.def");    // optional
  // File to record cuts accounting information
  //analyzer->SetSummaryFile("summary_example.log");    // optional
diff --git a/SCRIPTS/HMS/replay_hcer_test_stand.C b/SCRIPTS/HMS/TEST_STANDS/replay_hcer_test_stand.C
similarity index 90%
rename from SCRIPTS/HMS/replay_hcer_test_stand.C
rename to SCRIPTS/HMS/TEST_STANDS/replay_hcer_test_stand.C
index e6fc8909..072e1a2f 100644
--- a/SCRIPTS/HMS/replay_hcer_test_stand.C
+++ b/SCRIPTS/HMS/TEST_STANDS/replay_hcer_test_stand.C
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ void replay_hcer_test_stand(Int_t RunNumber=0, Int_t MaxEvent=0) {
   const char* ROOTFileNamePattern = "ROOTfiles/hcer_replay_%d.root";
   // Add variables to global list.
   gHcParms->Define("gen_run_number", "Run Number", RunNumber);
-  gHcParms->AddString("g_ctp_database_filename", "DBASE/standard.database");
+  gHcParms->AddString("g_ctp_database_filename", "DBASE/STD/standard.database");
   // Load varibles from files to global list.
   gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_database_filename"), RunNumber);
@@ -28,18 +28,19 @@ void replay_hcer_test_stand(Int_t RunNumber=0, Int_t MaxEvent=0) {
   // g_ctp_parm_filename and g_decode_map_filename should now be defined.
   gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_kinematics_filename"), RunNumber);
+  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_calib_filename"));
   // Load params for HMS trigger configuration
   // Load the Hall C style detector map
   gHcDetectorMap = new THcDetectorMap();
-  gHcDetectorMap->Load("MAPS/HMS/DETEC/");
+  gHcDetectorMap->Load("MAPS/HMS/DETEC/CER/");
   // Set up the equipment to be analyzed.
   THaApparatus* HMS = new THcHallCSpectrometer("H", "HMS");
-  // Add hodoscope to HMS apparatus
+  // Add Cherenkov to HMS apparatus
   THcCherenkov* cer = new THcCherenkov("cer", "Heavy Gas Cherenkov");
@@ -88,8 +89,8 @@ void replay_hcer_test_stand(Int_t RunNumber=0, Int_t MaxEvent=0) {
- analyzer->SetOdefFile("DEF-files/HMS/CER/hcerana.def");
- analyzer->SetCutFile("DEF-files/HMS/CER/hcerana_cuts.def");    // optional
+ analyzer->SetOdefFile("DEF-files/HMS/TEST_STANDS/CER/hcerana.def");
+ analyzer->SetCutFile("DEF-files/HMS/TEST_STANDS/CER/hcerana_cuts.def");    // optional
  // File to record cuts accounting information
  //analyzer->SetSummaryFile("summary_example.log");    // optional
diff --git a/SCRIPTS/HMS/replay_hdc_test_stand.C b/SCRIPTS/HMS/TEST_STANDS/replay_hdc_test_stand.C
similarity index 84%
rename from SCRIPTS/HMS/replay_hdc_test_stand.C
rename to SCRIPTS/HMS/TEST_STANDS/replay_hdc_test_stand.C
index f45e0c3f..71c184bc 100644
--- a/SCRIPTS/HMS/replay_hdc_test_stand.C
+++ b/SCRIPTS/HMS/TEST_STANDS/replay_hdc_test_stand.C
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ void replay_hdc_test_stand(Int_t RunNumber=0, Int_t MaxEvent=0) {
   const char* ROOTFileNamePattern = "ROOTfiles/hdc_replay_%d.root";
   // Add variables to global list.
   gHcParms->Define("gen_run_number", "Run Number", RunNumber);
-  gHcParms->AddString("g_ctp_database_filename", "DBASE/standard.database");
+  gHcParms->AddString("g_ctp_database_filename", "DBASE/STD/standard.database");
   // Load varibles from files to global list.
   gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_database_filename"), RunNumber);
@@ -28,15 +28,15 @@ void replay_hdc_test_stand(Int_t RunNumber=0, Int_t MaxEvent=0) {
   // g_ctp_parm_filename and g_decode_map_filename should now be defined.
   gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_kinematics_filename"), RunNumber);
+  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_calib_filename"));
-  // Load params for HMS DC test stand configuration
-  gHcParms->Load("PARAM/HMS/DC/hdc_test_stand.param");
+   // Load params for HMS trigger configuration
   // Load the Hall C style detector map
   gHcDetectorMap = new THcDetectorMap();
-  gHcDetectorMap->Load("MAPS/HMS/DETEC/");
+  gHcDetectorMap->Load("MAPS/HMS/DETEC/DC/");
   // Set up the equipment to be analyzed.
   THaApparatus* HMS = new THcHallCSpectrometer("H", "HMS");
@@ -44,25 +44,20 @@ void replay_hdc_test_stand(Int_t RunNumber=0, Int_t MaxEvent=0) {
   // Add drift chambers to HMS apparatus
   THcDC* dc = new THcDC("dc", "Drift Chambers");
-  // Add hodoscope to HMS apparatus
-  // THcHodoscope* hod = new THcHodoscope("hod", "Hodoscope");
-  // HMS->AddDetector(hod);
-  // Add trigger apparatus
+   // Add trigger apparatus
   THaApparatus* TRG = new THcTrigApp("T", "TRG");
   // Add trigger detector to trigger apparatus
   THcTrigDet* hms = new THcTrigDet("hms", "HMS Trigger Information");
   // Add handler for prestart event 125.
   THcConfigEvtHandler* ev125 = new THcConfigEvtHandler("HC", "Config Event type 125");
-  //THcScalerEvtHandler *hscaler = new THcScalerEvtHandler("HS", "HC scaler event type 0");
-  //hscaler->SetDebugFile("HScaler.txt");
-  //gHaEvtHandlers->Add(hscaler);
   // Set up the analyzer - we use the standard one,
   // but this could be an experiment-specific one as well.
   // The Analyzer controls the reading of the data, executes
@@ -97,8 +92,8 @@ void replay_hdc_test_stand(Int_t RunNumber=0, Int_t MaxEvent=0) {
- analyzer->SetOdefFile("DEF-files/HMS/DC/hdcana.def");
- analyzer->SetCutFile("DEF-files/HMS/DC/hdcana_cuts.def");    // optional
+ analyzer->SetOdefFile("DEF-files/HMS/TEST_STANDS/DC/hdcana.def");
+ analyzer->SetCutFile("DEF-files/HMS/TEST_STANDS/DC/hdcana_cuts.def");    // optional
  // File to record cuts accounting information
  //analyzer->SetSummaryFile("summary_example.log");    // optional
diff --git a/SCRIPTS/HMS/replay_hhodo_test_stand.C b/SCRIPTS/HMS/TEST_STANDS/replay_hhodo_test_stand.C
similarity index 89%
rename from SCRIPTS/HMS/replay_hhodo_test_stand.C
rename to SCRIPTS/HMS/TEST_STANDS/replay_hhodo_test_stand.C
index 867c771a..6fa31b05 100644
--- a/SCRIPTS/HMS/replay_hhodo_test_stand.C
+++ b/SCRIPTS/HMS/TEST_STANDS/replay_hhodo_test_stand.C
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ void replay_hhodo_test_stand(Int_t RunNumber=0, Int_t MaxEvent=0) {
   const char* ROOTFileNamePattern = "ROOTfiles/hhodo_replay_%d.root";
   // Add variables to global list.
   gHcParms->Define("gen_run_number", "Run Number", RunNumber);
-  gHcParms->AddString("g_ctp_database_filename", "DBASE/standard.database");
+  gHcParms->AddString("g_ctp_database_filename", "DBASE/STD/standard.database");
   // Load varibles from files to global list.
   gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_database_filename"), RunNumber);
@@ -28,13 +28,15 @@ void replay_hhodo_test_stand(Int_t RunNumber=0, Int_t MaxEvent=0) {
   // g_ctp_parm_filename and g_decode_map_filename should now be defined.
   gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_kinematics_filename"), RunNumber);
+  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_calib_filename"));
   // Load params for HMS trigger configuration
   // Load the Hall C style detector map
   gHcDetectorMap = new THcDetectorMap();
-  gHcDetectorMap->Load("MAPS/HMS/DETEC/");
+  gHcDetectorMap->Load("MAPS/HMS/DETEC/HODO/");
+  gHcParms->Load("PARAM/HMS/GEN/h_fadc_debug.param");
   // Set up the equipment to be analyzed.
   THaApparatus* HMS = new THcHallCSpectrometer("H", "HMS");
@@ -88,8 +90,8 @@ void replay_hhodo_test_stand(Int_t RunNumber=0, Int_t MaxEvent=0) {
- analyzer->SetOdefFile("DEF-files/HMS/HODO/hhodoana.def");
- analyzer->SetCutFile("DEF-files/HMS/HODO/hhodoana_cuts.def");    // optional
+ analyzer->SetOdefFile("DEF-files/HMS/TEST_STANDS/HODO/hhodoana.def");
+ analyzer->SetCutFile("DEF-files/HMS/TEST_STANDS/HODO/hhodoana_cuts.def");    // optional
  // File to record cuts accounting information
  //analyzer->SetSummaryFile("summary_example.log");    // optional
diff --git a/SCRIPTS/HMS/replay_htrig_test_stand.C b/SCRIPTS/HMS/TEST_STANDS/replay_htrig_test_stand.C
similarity index 90%
rename from SCRIPTS/HMS/replay_htrig_test_stand.C
rename to SCRIPTS/HMS/TEST_STANDS/replay_htrig_test_stand.C
index 70effe5a..219ad1da 100644
--- a/SCRIPTS/HMS/replay_htrig_test_stand.C
+++ b/SCRIPTS/HMS/TEST_STANDS/replay_htrig_test_stand.C
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ void replay_htrig_test_stand(Int_t RunNumber=0, Int_t MaxEvent=0) {
   const char* ROOTFileNamePattern = "ROOTfiles/htrig_replay_%d.root";
   // Add variables to global list.
   gHcParms->Define("gen_run_number", "Run Number", RunNumber);
-  gHcParms->AddString("g_ctp_database_filename", "DBASE/standard.database");
+  gHcParms->AddString("g_ctp_database_filename", "DBASE/STD/standard.database");
   // Load varibles from files to global list.
   gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_database_filename"), RunNumber);
@@ -28,13 +28,14 @@ void replay_htrig_test_stand(Int_t RunNumber=0, Int_t MaxEvent=0) {
   // g_ctp_parm_filename and g_decode_map_filename should now be defined.
   gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_kinematics_filename"), RunNumber);
+  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_calib_filename"));
   // Load params for HMS DC test stand configuration
   // Load the Hall C style detector map
   gHcDetectorMap = new THcDetectorMap();
-  gHcDetectorMap->Load("MAPS/HMS/DETEC/");
+  gHcDetectorMap->Load("MAPS/HMS/DETEC/TRIG/");
   // Add trigger apparatus
   THaApparatus* TRG = new THcTrigApp("T", "TRG");
@@ -81,8 +82,8 @@ void replay_htrig_test_stand(Int_t RunNumber=0, Int_t MaxEvent=0) {
- analyzer->SetOdefFile("DEF-files/HMS/TRIG/htrigana.def");
- analyzer->SetCutFile("DEF-files/HMS/TRIG/htrigana_cuts.def");    // optional
+ analyzer->SetOdefFile("DEF-files/HMS/TEST_STANDS/TRIG/htrigana.def");
+ analyzer->SetCutFile("DEF-files/HMS/TEST_STANDS/TRIG/htrigana_cuts.def");    // optional
  // File to record cuts accounting information
  //analyzer->SetSummaryFile("summary_example.log");    // optional
diff --git a/SCRIPTS/SHMS/PRODUCTION/replay_production_shms.C b/SCRIPTS/SHMS/PRODUCTION/replay_production_shms.C
index d0477376..dc8c07f7 100644
--- a/SCRIPTS/SHMS/PRODUCTION/replay_production_shms.C
+++ b/SCRIPTS/SHMS/PRODUCTION/replay_production_shms.C
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ void replay_production_shms (Int_t RunNumber = 0, Int_t MaxEvent = 0) {
   // Add Heavy Gas Cherenkov to SHMS apparatus
   THcCherenkov* hgcer = new THcCherenkov("hgcer", "Heavy Gas Cherenkov");
-  // Add Heavy Gas Cherenkov to SHMS apparatus
+  // Add Aerogel Cherenkov to SHMS apparatus
   THcAerogel* aero = new THcAerogel("aero", "Aerogel");
   // Add calorimeter to SHMS apparatus
@@ -76,6 +76,7 @@ void replay_production_shms (Int_t RunNumber = 0, Int_t MaxEvent = 0) {
   THaEpicsEvtHandler *hcepics = new THaEpicsEvtHandler("epics", "HC EPICS event type 180");
   // Add handler for scaler events
+  THcScalerEvtHandler *pscaler = new THcScalerEvtHandler("P","Hall C scaler event type 1");
diff --git a/SCRIPTS/SHMS/STACK/replay_shms.C b/SCRIPTS/SHMS/STACK/replay_shms.C
index 345b7433..18a7a7a3 100644
--- a/SCRIPTS/SHMS/STACK/replay_shms.C
+++ b/SCRIPTS/SHMS/STACK/replay_shms.C
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ void replay_shms (Int_t RunNumber = 0, Int_t MaxEvent = 0) {
   // Add Heavy Gas Cherenkov to SHMS apparatus
   THcCherenkov* hgcer = new THcCherenkov("hgcer", "Heavy Gas Cherenkov");
-  // Add Heavy Gas Cherenkov to SHMS apparatus
+  // Add Aerogel Cherenkov to SHMS apparatus
   THcAerogel* aero = new THcAerogel("aero", "Aerogel");
   // Add calorimeter to SHMS apparatus
diff --git a/SCRIPTS/SHMS/TEST_STANDS/replay_pcal_test_stand.C b/SCRIPTS/SHMS/TEST_STANDS/replay_pcal_test_stand.C
index ee903f4e..e4334b3a 100644
--- a/SCRIPTS/SHMS/TEST_STANDS/replay_pcal_test_stand.C
+++ b/SCRIPTS/SHMS/TEST_STANDS/replay_pcal_test_stand.C
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ void replay_pcal_test_stand(Int_t RunNumber=0, Int_t MaxEvent=0) {
   // Set up the equipment to be analyzed.
   THaApparatus* SHMS = new THcHallCSpectrometer("P", "SHMS");
-  // Add hodoscope to HMS apparatus
+  // Add Calorimeter to SHMS apparatus
   THcShower* cal = new THcShower("cal", "Calorimeter");
diff --git a/SCRIPTS/SHMS/TEST_STANDS/replay_pdc_test_stand.C b/SCRIPTS/SHMS/TEST_STANDS/replay_pdc_test_stand.C
index cb8a1afc..30495784 100644
--- a/SCRIPTS/SHMS/TEST_STANDS/replay_pdc_test_stand.C
+++ b/SCRIPTS/SHMS/TEST_STANDS/replay_pdc_test_stand.C
@@ -29,9 +29,11 @@ void replay_pdc_test_stand(Int_t RunNumber=0, Int_t MaxEvent=0) {
   gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_kinematics_filename"), RunNumber);
   // Load params for HMS DC test stand configuration
-  gHcParms->Load("PARAM/SHMS/DC/pdc_test_stand.param");
+  //gHcParms->Load("PARAM/SHMS/DC/pdc_test_stand.param");
+  // Load the Hall C style detector map
   gHcDetectorMap = new THcDetectorMap();
@@ -46,18 +48,6 @@ void replay_pdc_test_stand(Int_t RunNumber=0, Int_t MaxEvent=0) {
   THcConfigEvtHandler* ev125 = new THcConfigEvtHandler("HC", "Config Event type 125");
-  // Additional detectors:
-  //HMS->AddDetector(new THcHodoscope("hod", "Hodoscope"));
-  //HMS->AddDetector(new THcShower("cal", "Shower"));
-  //
-  //THcCherenkov* cherenkov = new THcCherenkov("cher", "Gas Cerenkov");
-  //HMS->AddDetector(cherenkov);
-  //THcAerogel* aerogel = new THcAerogel("aero", "Aerogel Cerenkov");
-  //HMS->AddDetector(aerogel);
-  //
-  //THcScalerEvtHandler *hscaler = new THcScalerEvtHandler("HS", "HC scaler event type 0");
-  //hscaler->SetDebugFile("HScaler.txt");
-  //gHaEvtHandlers->Add(hscaler);
   // Set up the analyzer - we use the standard one,
   // but this could be an experiment-specific one as well.
diff --git a/SCRIPTS/SHMS/TEST_STANDS/replay_phgcer_test_stand.C b/SCRIPTS/SHMS/TEST_STANDS/replay_phgcer_test_stand.C
index d21a487b..e554f1ad 100644
--- a/SCRIPTS/SHMS/TEST_STANDS/replay_phgcer_test_stand.C
+++ b/SCRIPTS/SHMS/TEST_STANDS/replay_phgcer_test_stand.C
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ void replay_phgcer_test_stand(Int_t RunNumber=0, Int_t MaxEvent=0) {
   // Set up the equipment to be analyzed.
   THaApparatus* SHMS = new THcHallCSpectrometer("P", "SHMS");
-  // Add hodoscope to HMS apparatus
+  // Add Cherenkov to HMS apparatus
   THcCherenkov* hgcer = new THcCherenkov("hgcer", "Heavy Gas Cherenkov");
diff --git a/SCRIPTS/SHMS/TEST_STANDS/replay_phodo_test_stand.C b/SCRIPTS/SHMS/TEST_STANDS/replay_phodo_test_stand.C
index 500f8563..bfca89e9 100644
--- a/SCRIPTS/SHMS/TEST_STANDS/replay_phodo_test_stand.C
+++ b/SCRIPTS/SHMS/TEST_STANDS/replay_phodo_test_stand.C
@@ -37,8 +37,6 @@ void replay_phodo_test_stand(Int_t RunNumber=0, Int_t MaxEvent=0) {
   // Set up the equipment to be analyzed.
   THaApparatus* SHMS = new THcHallCSpectrometer("P", "SHMS");
diff --git a/TEMPLATES/HMS/PRODUCTION/hstackana_production.template b/TEMPLATES/HMS/PRODUCTION/hstackana_production.template
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9f039bba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TEMPLATES/HMS/PRODUCTION/hstackana_production.template
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+Run #{gen_run_number}
+Run Time  : {H.1Mhz.scaler}  {H.1Mhz.scaler/1000000.} sec 
+BCM1  : {(H.BCM1.scalerRate-250000)/(4673):%3.3f} uA      Total charge = {(H.BCM1.scalerRate-250000) / (4673)*H.1Mhz.scaler/1000000.:%7.3f} uC
+BCM2  : {(H.BCM2.scalerRate-250000)/(3954):%3.3f} uA      Total charge = {(H.BCM2.scalerRate-250000) / (3954)*H.1Mhz.scaler/1000000.:%7.3f} uC 
+Unser : {(H.Unser.scalerRate-393000)/(4000):%3.3f} uA     Total charge = {(H.Unser.scalerRate-393000) / (4000)*H.1Mhz.scaler/1000000.:%7.3f} uC 
+Horizontal drift chamber z positions:
+Chamber 1: {hdc_zpos[0]:%6.2f} {hdc_zpos[1]:%6.2f} {hdc_zpos[2]:%6.2f} 
+           {hdc_zpos[3]:%6.2f} {hdc_zpos[4]:%6.2f} {hdc_zpos[5]:%6.2f} 
+Chamber 2: {hdc_zpos[6]:%6.2f} {hdc_zpos[7]:%6.2f} {hdc_zpos[8]:%6.2f} 
+           {hdc_zpos[9]:%6.2f} {hdc_zpos[10]:%6.2f} {hdc_zpos[11]:%6.2f}
+All triggers:  {all_trigs.npassed}
+Rate  :  {H.Trig.scalerRate/1000.:%7.3f} kHz
+Live Time : {(all_trigs.npassed / H.Trig.scaler)*100.0:%3.2f} %
+Dead Time : {100.0 - (all_trigs.npassed / H.Trig.scaler)*100.0:%3.2f} %
+hmsDC1Planes_large  Counts:       {hmsDC1Planes_large.npassed} /all_trigs : {hmsDC1Planes_large.npassed/all_trigs.npassed}
+hmsDC2Planes_large  Counts:	  {hmsDC2Planes_large.npassed}  /all_trigs : {hmsDC2Planes_large.npassed/all_trigs.npassed}  
+hmsDC1Planes6     Counts: {hmsDC1Planes6hits.npassed} /all_trigs : {hmsDC1Planes6hits.npassed/all_trigs.npassed}
+hmsDC2Planes6  	  Counts: {hmsDC2Planes6hits.npassed} /all_trigs : {hmsDC2Planes6hits.npassed/all_trigs.npassed}  
+hmsDC1x1Planes5	  Counts: {hmsDC1_5hits_x1.npassed} eff : {hmsDC1_6hits_x1.npassed/hmsDC1_5hits_x1.npassed}
+hmsDC1u1Planes5	  Counts: {hmsDC1_5hits_u1.npassed} eff : {hmsDC1_6hits_u1.npassed/hmsDC1_5hits_u1.npassed}
+hmsDC1y2Planes5	  Counts: {hmsDC1_5hits_y2.npassed} eff : {hmsDC1_6hits_y2.npassed/hmsDC1_5hits_y2.npassed}
+hmsDC1v1Planes5	  Counts: {hmsDC1_5hits_v1.npassed} eff : {hmsDC1_6hits_v1.npassed/hmsDC1_5hits_v1.npassed}
+hmsDC1y1Planes5	  Counts: {hmsDC1_5hits_y1.npassed} eff : {hmsDC1_6hits_y1.npassed/hmsDC1_5hits_y1.npassed}
+hmsDC1x2Planes5	  Counts: {hmsDC1_5hits_x2.npassed} eff : {hmsDC1_6hits_x2.npassed/hmsDC1_5hits_x2.npassed}
+hmsDC2x1Planes5	  Counts: {hmsDC2_5hits_x1.npassed} eff : {hmsDC2_6hits_x1.npassed/hmsDC2_5hits_x1.npassed}
+hmsDC2u1Planes5	  Counts: {hmsDC2_5hits_u1.npassed} eff : {hmsDC2_6hits_u1.npassed/hmsDC2_5hits_u1.npassed}
+hmsDC2y2Planes5	  Counts: {hmsDC2_5hits_y2.npassed} eff : {hmsDC2_6hits_y2.npassed/hmsDC2_5hits_y2.npassed}
+hmsDC2v1Planes5	  Counts: {hmsDC2_5hits_v1.npassed} eff : {hmsDC2_6hits_v1.npassed/hmsDC2_5hits_v1.npassed}
+hmsDC2y1Planes5	  Counts: {hmsDC2_5hits_y1.npassed} eff : {hmsDC2_6hits_y1.npassed/hmsDC2_5hits_y1.npassed}
+hmsDC2x2Planes5	  Counts: {hmsDC2_5hits_x2.npassed} eff : {hmsDC2_6hits_x2.npassed/hmsDC2_5hits_x2.npassed}
+htrig                          :   {hmscoin_event.npassed}
+hhitslt = passed hits/cham     :   {hmsHitsLt.npassed}
+hhitsplanes = +planes >= 5/6   :   {hmsHitsPlanes.npassed}
+hhitsplanessps = + sps         :   {hSpacePoints.npassed}
+hhitsplanesspsstubs +stub      :   {hSpacePointsStub.npassed}
+hsfoundtrack                   :   {hFoundTrack.npassed}
+hscleantrack                   :   {hCleanTrack.npassed}
+hstublt = passed stub tests    :   {hStubLT.npassed}
+h1hitslt                       :   {hms1HitsLt.npassed}
+h2hitslt                       :   {hms2HitsLt.npassed}
+h1planesgt                     :   {hmsDC1PlanesGT.npassed}
+h2planesgt                     :   {hmsDC2PlanesGT.npassed}
+hplanesgt = gt 5 planes/cham   :   {hmsPlanesGT.npassed}
+f1hspacepoints                 :   {f1HSpacePoints.npassed}
+f2hspacepoints                 :   {f2HSpacePoints.npassed}
+htest1=p hits/planes, f sp     :   {hTest1.npassed}
+htest2=p sp, f stubs           :   {hTest2.npassed}
+hdid                           :   {HMSScinDid.npassed}
+hdide                          :   {HMSScinDide.npassed}
+hdidh                          :   {HMSScinDidh.npassed}
+hscinshould                    :   {HMSScinShould.npassed}
+hscinshoulde                   :   {HMSScinShoulde.npassed}
+hscinshouldh                   :   {HMSScinShouldh.npassed}
+SING FID TRACK EFFIC           : {HMSScinDid.npassed/(HMSScinShould.npassed+0.0001):%8.4f} +- {(sqrt(HMSScinShould.npassed-HMSScinDid.npassed)/(HMSScinShould.npassed+.0001)):%8.4f}
+E SING FID TRACK EFFIC         : {HMSScinDide.npassed/(HMSScinShoulde.npassed+0.0001):%8.4f} +- {(sqrt(HMSScinShoulde.npassed-HMSScinDide.npassed)/(HMSScinShoulde.npassed+.0001)):%8.4f}
+HADRON SING FID TRACK EFFIC    : {HMSScinDidh.npassed/(HMSScinShouldh.npassed+0.0001):%8.4f} +- {(sqrt(HMSScinShouldh.npassed-HMSScinDidh.npassed)/(HMSScinShouldh.npassed+.0001)):%8.4f}
diff --git a/TEMPLATES/HMS/SCALERS/hscalers.template b/TEMPLATES/HMS/SCALERS/hscalers.template
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cb247bfa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TEMPLATES/HMS/SCALERS/hscalers.template
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Run #: {gen_run_number}
+Run Time  : {H.1Mhz.scaler}  {H.1Mhz.scaler/1000000.} sec
+BCM1  : {(H.BCM1.scalerRate-250000)/(4673):%3.3f} uA      Total charge = {(H.BCM1.scalerRate-250000) / (4673)*H.1Mhz.scaler/1000000.:%7.3f} uC
+BCM2  : {(H.BCM2.scalerRate-250000)/(3954):%3.3f} uA      Total charge = {(H.BCM2.scalerRate-250000) / (3954)*H.1Mhz.scaler/1000000.:%7.3f} uC 
+Unser : {(H.Unser.scalerRate-393000)/(4000):%3.3f} uA     Total charge = {(H.Unser.scalerRate-393000) / (4000)*H.1Mhz.scaler/1000000.:%7.3f} uC
+All triggers  :  {all_trigs.npassed}
+Rate  :  {H.Trig.scalerRate/1000.:%7.3f} kHz
+Live Time : {(all_trigs.npassed / H.Trig.scaler)*100.0:%3.2f} %
+Dead Time : {100.0 - (all_trigs.npassed / H.Trig.scaler)*100.0:%3.2f} %
diff --git a/TEMPLATES/HMS/STACK/hstackana.template b/TEMPLATES/HMS/STACK/hstackana.template
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..196e4b3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TEMPLATES/HMS/STACK/hstackana.template
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+Run #{gen_run_number}
+Horizontal drift chamber z positions:
+Chamber 1: {hdc_zpos[0]:%6.2f} {hdc_zpos[1]:%6.2f} {hdc_zpos[2]:%6.2f} 
+           {hdc_zpos[3]:%6.2f} {hdc_zpos[4]:%6.2f} {hdc_zpos[5]:%6.2f} 
+Chamber 2: {hdc_zpos[6]:%6.2f} {hdc_zpos[7]:%6.2f} {hdc_zpos[8]:%6.2f} 
+           {hdc_zpos[9]:%6.2f} {hdc_zpos[10]:%6.2f} {hdc_zpos[11]:%6.2f}
+All triggers:  {all_trigs.npassed}
+hmsDC1Planes_large  Counts:  {hmsDC1Planes_large.npassed} /all_trigs : {hmsDC1Planes_large.npassed/all_trigs.npassed}
+hmsDC2Planes_large  Counts:	  {hmsDC2Planes_large.npassed}  /all_trigs : {hmsDC2Planes_large.npassed/all_trigs.npassed}  
+hmsDC1Planes6     Counts: {hmsDC1Planes6hits.npassed} /all_trigs : {hmsDC1Planes6hits.npassed/all_trigs.npassed}
+hmsDC2Planes6  	  Counts: {hmsDC2Planes6hits.npassed} /all_trigs : {hmsDC2Planes6hits.npassed/all_trigs.npassed}  
+hmsDC1x1Planes5	  Counts: {hmsDC1_5hits_x1.npassed} eff : {hmsDC1_6hits_x1.npassed/hmsDC1_5hits_x1.npassed}
+hmsDC1u1Planes5	  Counts: {hmsDC1_5hits_u1.npassed} eff : {hmsDC1_6hits_u1.npassed/hmsDC1_5hits_u1.npassed}
+hmsDC1y2Planes5	  Counts: {hmsDC1_5hits_y2.npassed} eff : {hmsDC1_6hits_y2.npassed/hmsDC1_5hits_y2.npassed}
+hmsDC1v1Planes5	  Counts: {hmsDC1_5hits_v1.npassed} eff : {hmsDC1_6hits_v1.npassed/hmsDC1_5hits_v1.npassed}
+hmsDC1y1Planes5	  Counts: {hmsDC1_5hits_y1.npassed} eff : {hmsDC1_6hits_y1.npassed/hmsDC1_5hits_y1.npassed}
+hmsDC1x2Planes5	  Counts: {hmsDC1_5hits_x2.npassed} eff : {hmsDC1_6hits_x2.npassed/hmsDC1_5hits_x2.npassed}
+hmsDC2x1Planes5	  Counts: {hmsDC2_5hits_x1.npassed} eff : {hmsDC2_6hits_x1.npassed/hmsDC2_5hits_x1.npassed}
+hmsDC2u1Planes5	  Counts: {hmsDC2_5hits_u1.npassed} eff : {hmsDC2_6hits_u1.npassed/hmsDC2_5hits_u1.npassed}
+hmsDC2y2Planes5	  Counts: {hmsDC2_5hits_y2.npassed} eff : {hmsDC2_6hits_y2.npassed/hmsDC2_5hits_y2.npassed}
+hmsDC2v1Planes5	  Counts: {hmsDC2_5hits_v1.npassed} eff : {hmsDC2_6hits_v1.npassed/hmsDC2_5hits_v1.npassed}
+hmsDC2y1Planes5	  Counts: {hmsDC2_5hits_y1.npassed} eff : {hmsDC2_6hits_y1.npassed/hmsDC2_5hits_y1.npassed}
+hmsDC2x2Planes5	  Counts: {hmsDC2_5hits_x2.npassed} eff : {hmsDC2_6hits_x2.npassed/hmsDC2_5hits_x2.npassed}
+htrig                          :   {hmscoin_event.npassed}
+hhitslt = passed hits/cham     :   {hmsHitsLt.npassed}
+hhitsplanes = +planes >= 5/6   :   {hmsHitsPlanes.npassed}
+hhitsplanessps = + sps         :   {hSpacePoints.npassed}
+hhitsplanesspsstubs +stub      :   {hSpacePointsStub.npassed}
+hsfoundtrack                   :   {hFoundTrack.npassed}
+hscleantrack                   :   {hCleanTrack.npassed}
+hstublt = passed stub tests    :   {hStubLT.npassed}
+h1hitslt                       :   {hms1HitsLt.npassed}
+h2hitslt                       :   {hms2HitsLt.npassed}
+h1planesgt                     :   {hmsDC1PlanesGT.npassed}
+h2planesgt                     :   {hmsDC2PlanesGT.npassed}
+hplanesgt = gt 5 planes/cham   :   {hmsPlanesGT.npassed}
+f1hspacepoints                 :   {f1HSpacePoints.npassed}
+f2hspacepoints                 :   {f2HSpacePoints.npassed}
+htest1=p hits/planes, f sp     :   {hTest1.npassed}
+htest2=p sp, f stubs           :   {hTest2.npassed}
+hdid                           :   {HMSScinDid.npassed}
+hdide                          :   {HMSScinDide.npassed}
+hdidh                          :   {HMSScinDidh.npassed}
+hscinshould                    :   {HMSScinShould.npassed}
+hscinshoulde                   :   {HMSScinShoulde.npassed}
+hscinshouldh                   :   {HMSScinShouldh.npassed}
+SING FID TRACK EFFIC           : {HMSScinDid.npassed/(HMSScinShould.npassed+0.0001):%8.4f} +- {(sqrt(HMSScinShould.npassed-HMSScinDid.npassed)/(HMSScinShould.npassed+.0001)):%8.4f}
+E SING FID TRACK EFFIC         : {HMSScinDide.npassed/(HMSScinShoulde.npassed+0.0001):%8.4f} +- {(sqrt(HMSScinShoulde.npassed-HMSScinDide.npassed)/(HMSScinShoulde.npassed+.0001)):%8.4f}
+HADRON SING FID TRACK EFFIC    : {HMSScinDidh.npassed/(HMSScinShouldh.npassed+0.0001):%8.4f} +- {(sqrt(HMSScinShouldh.npassed-HMSScinDidh.npassed)/(HMSScinShouldh.npassed+.0001)):%8.4f}