From 7c6156f7269e4756d1be2e073c97ca16deddb67f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: hallc-online <>
Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2017 11:40:52 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] Calibrated SHMS DCs.

The calibration scripts work in a very specific way. First you have to change the
`wire_drift_times.h` to read the correct run. Then you have to change the
`pdc_plane_time_zero` in the parameter file to `1280`, since it is hardcoded.
Then you replay the run with these values and run the calibration. Then you
get the correct corrections to the time zero.
 .../scripts/get_pdc_time_histo.C              |  15 +-
 .../get_pdc_time_histo_tzero_corrected.C      |   2 +-
 .../shms_dc_calib/scripts/input_RUN.txt       |   2 +-
 .../shms_dc_calib/scripts/wire_drift_times.h  |   6 +-
 DEF-files/SHMS/GEN/pstackana.def              |  28 +-
 PARAM/SHMS/DC/pdc_tracking.param              |   7 +-
 PARAM/SHMS/DC/pdriftmap.param                 | 316 +++++++++---------
 7 files changed, 184 insertions(+), 192 deletions(-)

diff --git a/CALIBRATION/shms_dc_calib/scripts/get_pdc_time_histo.C b/CALIBRATION/shms_dc_calib/scripts/get_pdc_time_histo.C
index ddb74ae6..87669b2b 100644
--- a/CALIBRATION/shms_dc_calib/scripts/get_pdc_time_histo.C
+++ b/CALIBRATION/shms_dc_calib/scripts/get_pdc_time_histo.C
@@ -12,9 +12,11 @@ void get_pdc_time_histo()
   ifstream infile(f0);
   infile >> run_NUM;
+  TString file_name = "../../../ROOTfiles/shms_replay_%d.root";
   //Create RUN Directories if they dont exist
-  char *dir0 = Form("mkdir ../root_files/run%d", run_NUM);
-  char *dir1 = Form("mkdir ../data_files/run%d", run_NUM);
+  char *dir0 = Form("mkdir -p ../root_files/run%d", run_NUM);
+  char *dir1 = Form("mkdir -p ../data_files/run%d", run_NUM);
   if (system(dir0 || dir1) != 0) {
@@ -22,7 +24,7 @@ void get_pdc_time_histo()
   //open file
-  TFile *f = new TFile(Form("../../../ROOTfiles/pdc_replay_%d.root", run_NUM), "READ");
+  TFile *f = new TFile(Form(file_name.Data(), run_NUM), "READ");
   //create new file
   TFile *g = new TFile(Form("../root_files/run%d/shms_dc_time_%d.root", run_NUM, run_NUM), "RECREATE"); // create new file to store histo
@@ -63,7 +65,6 @@ void get_pdc_time_histo()
     h[ip] = new TH1F(drift_time_histo, title, 200, -50, 350);  //set time to 400 ns/200 bins = 2ns/bin
   //Declare number of entries in the tree
   Long64_t nentries = tree->GetEntries(); //number of triggers (particles that passed through all 4 hodo planes)
@@ -87,12 +88,6 @@ void get_pdc_time_histo()
   //Write histograms to file
diff --git a/CALIBRATION/shms_dc_calib/scripts/get_pdc_time_histo_tzero_corrected.C b/CALIBRATION/shms_dc_calib/scripts/get_pdc_time_histo_tzero_corrected.C
index 581f7972..fa028104 100644
--- a/CALIBRATION/shms_dc_calib/scripts/get_pdc_time_histo_tzero_corrected.C
+++ b/CALIBRATION/shms_dc_calib/scripts/get_pdc_time_histo_tzero_corrected.C
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ void get_pdc_time_histo_tzero_corrected()
 	  //open file
-	  TFile *f = new TFile(Form("../../../ROOTfiles/pdc_replay_%d.root", run_NUM), "READ");
+	  TFile *f = new TFile(Form("../../../ROOTfiles/shms_replay_%d.root", run_NUM), "READ");
 	  //updates file
 	  TFile *g = new TFile(Form("../root_files/run%d/shms_dc_t0_corrected_%d.root", run_NUM, run_NUM), "UPDATE"); // create new file to store histo
diff --git a/CALIBRATION/shms_dc_calib/scripts/input_RUN.txt b/CALIBRATION/shms_dc_calib/scripts/input_RUN.txt
index 74fa38c9..ce9cd490 100644
--- a/CALIBRATION/shms_dc_calib/scripts/input_RUN.txt
+++ b/CALIBRATION/shms_dc_calib/scripts/input_RUN.txt
@@ -1 +1 @@
diff --git a/CALIBRATION/shms_dc_calib/scripts/wire_drift_times.h b/CALIBRATION/shms_dc_calib/scripts/wire_drift_times.h
index 862db2e5..0e6c0b22 100644
--- a/CALIBRATION/shms_dc_calib/scripts/wire_drift_times.h
+++ b/CALIBRATION/shms_dc_calib/scripts/wire_drift_times.h
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 // This class has been automatically generated on
 // Tue Mar  7 17:30:40 2017 by ROOT version 5.34/36
 // from TTree T/Hall A Analyzer Output DST
-// found on file: ROOTfiles/pdc_replay_407.root
+// found on file: ROOTfiles/pdc_replay_437.root
 #ifndef wire_drift_times_h
@@ -324,9 +324,9 @@ wire_drift_times::wire_drift_times(TTree *tree) : fChain(0)
 // if parameter tree is not specified (or zero), connect the file
 // used to generate this class and read the Tree.
    if (tree == 0) {
-      TFile *f = (TFile*)gROOT->GetListOfFiles()->FindObject("../../../ROOTfiles/pdc_replay_407.root");
+      TFile *f = (TFile*)gROOT->GetListOfFiles()->FindObject("../../../ROOTfiles/shms_replay_437.root");
       if (!f || !f->IsOpen()) {
-         f = new TFile("../../../ROOTfiles/pdc_replay_407.root");
+         f = new TFile("../../../ROOTfiles/shms_replay_437.root");
diff --git a/DEF-files/SHMS/GEN/pstackana.def b/DEF-files/SHMS/GEN/pstackana.def
index 0609baf9..c330a2c2 100644
--- a/DEF-files/SHMS/GEN/pstackana.def
+++ b/DEF-files/SHMS/GEN/pstackana.def
@@ -42,19 +42,19 @@ TH1F pdc2x1_wirenum 'SHMS DC 2X1 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' P.dc.2
 TH1F pdc2u2_wirenum 'SHMS DC 2U2 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' P.dc.2u2.wirenum 107 0.5 107.5
 TH1F pdc2u1_wirenum 'SHMS DC 2U1 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' P.dc.2u1.wirenum 107 0.5 107.5
-TH2F pdc1u1_wirenum_vs_tdc 'SHMS DC 1U1 Wire Number vs. TDC; Wire Number; TDC Time (ns) / 1 ns' P.dc.1u1.wirenum P.dc.1u1.time 107 0.5 107.5 500 0 500
-TH2F pdc1u2_wirenum_vs_tdc 'SHMS DC 1U2 Wire Number vs. TDC; Wire Number; TDC Time (ns) / 1 ns' P.dc.1u2.wirenum P.dc.1u2.time 107 0.5 107.5 500 0 500
-TH2F pdc1x1_wirenum_vs_tdc 'SHMS DC 1X1 Wire Number vs. TDC; Wire Number; TDC Time (ns) / 1 ns' P.dc.1x1.wirenum P.dc.1x1.time  79 0.5  79.5 500 0 500
-TH2F pdc1x2_wirenum_vs_tdc 'SHMS DC 1X2 Wire Number vs. TDC; Wire Number; TDC Time (ns) / 1 ns' P.dc.1x2.wirenum P.dc.1x2.time  79 0.5  79.5 500 0 500
-TH2F pdc1v1_wirenum_vs_tdc 'SHMS DC 1V1 Wire Number vs. TDC; Wire Number; TDC Time (ns) / 1 ns' P.dc.1v1.wirenum P.dc.1v1.time 107 0.5 107.5 500 0 500
-TH2F pdc1v2_wirenum_vs_tdc 'SHMS DC 1V2 Wire Number vs. TDC; Wire Number; TDC Time (ns) / 1 ns' P.dc.1v2.wirenum P.dc.1v2.time 107 0.5 107.5 500 0 500
-TH2F pdc2v2_wirenum_vs_tdc 'SHMS DC 2V2 Wire Number vs. TDC; Wire Number; TDC Time (ns) / 1 ns' P.dc.2v2.wirenum P.dc.2v2.time 107 0.5 107.5 500 0 500
-TH2F pdc2v1_wirenum_vs_tdc 'SHMS DC 2V1 Wire Number vs. TDC; Wire Number; TDC Time (ns) / 1 ns' P.dc.2v1.wirenum P.dc.2v1.time 107 0.5 107.5 500 0 500
-TH2F pdc2x2_wirenum_vs_tdc 'SHMS DC 2X2 Wire Number vs. TDC; Wire Number; TDC Time (ns) / 1 ns' P.dc.2x2.wirenum P.dc.2x2.time  79 0.5  79.5 500 0 500
-TH2F pdc2x1_wirenum_vs_tdc 'SHMS DC 2X1 Wire Number vs. TDC; Wire Number; TDC Time (ns) / 1 ns' P.dc.2x1.wirenum P.dc.2x1.time  79 0.5  79.5 500 0 500
-TH2F pdc2u2_wirenum_vs_tdc 'SHMS DC 2U2 Wire Number vs. TDC; Wire Number; TDC Time (ns) / 1 ns' P.dc.2u2.wirenum P.dc.2u2.time 107 0.5 107.5 500 0 500
-TH2F pdc2u1_wirenum_vs_tdc 'SHMS DC 2U1 Wire Number vs. TDC; Wire Number; TDC Time (ns) / 1 ns' P.dc.2u1.wirenum P.dc.2u1.time 107 0.5 107.5 500 0 500
+TH2F pdc1u1_wirenum_vs_tdc 'SHMS DC 1U1 Wire Number vs. TDC; Wire Number; TDC Time (ns) / 1 ns' P.dc.1u1.wirenum P.dc.1u1.time 107 0.5 107.5 600 -100 500
+TH2F pdc1u2_wirenum_vs_tdc 'SHMS DC 1U2 Wire Number vs. TDC; Wire Number; TDC Time (ns) / 1 ns' P.dc.1u2.wirenum P.dc.1u2.time 107 0.5 107.5 600 -100 500
+TH2F pdc1x1_wirenum_vs_tdc 'SHMS DC 1X1 Wire Number vs. TDC; Wire Number; TDC Time (ns) / 1 ns' P.dc.1x1.wirenum P.dc.1x1.time  79 0.5  79.5 600 -100 500
+TH2F pdc1x2_wirenum_vs_tdc 'SHMS DC 1X2 Wire Number vs. TDC; Wire Number; TDC Time (ns) / 1 ns' P.dc.1x2.wirenum P.dc.1x2.time  79 0.5  79.5 600 -100 500
+TH2F pdc1v1_wirenum_vs_tdc 'SHMS DC 1V1 Wire Number vs. TDC; Wire Number; TDC Time (ns) / 1 ns' P.dc.1v1.wirenum P.dc.1v1.time 107 0.5 107.5 600 -100 500
+TH2F pdc1v2_wirenum_vs_tdc 'SHMS DC 1V2 Wire Number vs. TDC; Wire Number; TDC Time (ns) / 1 ns' P.dc.1v2.wirenum P.dc.1v2.time 107 0.5 107.5 600 -100 500
+TH2F pdc2v2_wirenum_vs_tdc 'SHMS DC 2V2 Wire Number vs. TDC; Wire Number; TDC Time (ns) / 1 ns' P.dc.2v2.wirenum P.dc.2v2.time 107 0.5 107.5 600 -100 500
+TH2F pdc2v1_wirenum_vs_tdc 'SHMS DC 2V1 Wire Number vs. TDC; Wire Number; TDC Time (ns) / 1 ns' P.dc.2v1.wirenum P.dc.2v1.time 107 0.5 107.5 600 -100 500
+TH2F pdc2x2_wirenum_vs_tdc 'SHMS DC 2X2 Wire Number vs. TDC; Wire Number; TDC Time (ns) / 1 ns' P.dc.2x2.wirenum P.dc.2x2.time  79 0.5  79.5 600 -100 500
+TH2F pdc2x1_wirenum_vs_tdc 'SHMS DC 2X1 Wire Number vs. TDC; Wire Number; TDC Time (ns) / 1 ns' P.dc.2x1.wirenum P.dc.2x1.time  79 0.5  79.5 600 -100 500
+TH2F pdc2u2_wirenum_vs_tdc 'SHMS DC 2U2 Wire Number vs. TDC; Wire Number; TDC Time (ns) / 1 ns' P.dc.2u2.wirenum P.dc.2u2.time 107 0.5 107.5 600 -100 500
+TH2F pdc2u1_wirenum_vs_tdc 'SHMS DC 2U1 Wire Number vs. TDC; Wire Number; TDC Time (ns) / 1 ns' P.dc.2u1.wirenum P.dc.2u1.time 107 0.5 107.5 600 -100 500
 TH2F pdc1u1_wirenum_vs_resid 'SHMS 1U1 DC Wire Number vs. Residuals; Wire Number; Residuals (mm)' P.dc.1u1.wirenum P.dc.residual[0] 107 0.5 107.5 200 -1.0 1.0
 TH2F pdc1u2_wirenum_vs_resid 'SHMS 1U2 DC Wire Number vs. Residuals; Wire Number; Residuals (mm)' P.dc.1u2.wirenum P.dc.residual[1] 107 0.5 107.5 200 -1.0 1.0
@@ -180,4 +180,4 @@ TH1F ptrig_p2T_tdc 'SHMS p2x/p2y Coincidence TDC Time; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units);
 TH1F ptrig_pT1_tdc 'SHMS p1x/p1y/p2x/p2y Coincidence TDC Time (Slot 20, Channel 15); Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.shms.pT1_tdcTime 350 0 3500
 TH1F ptrig_pT2_tdc 'SHMS p1x/p1y/p2x/p2y Coincidence TDC Time (Slot 19, Channel 31); Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.shms.pT2_tdcTime 350 0 3500
-TH1F ptrig_pT3_tdc 'SHMS p1x/p1y/p2x/p2y Coincidence TDC Time (Slot 19, Channel 38); Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.shms.pT3_tdcTime 350 0 3500
\ No newline at end of file
+TH1F ptrig_pT3_tdc 'SHMS p1x/p1y/p2x/p2y Coincidence TDC Time (Slot 19, Channel 38); Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.shms.pT3_tdcTime 350 0 3500
diff --git a/PARAM/SHMS/DC/pdc_tracking.param b/PARAM/SHMS/DC/pdc_tracking.param
index 88f5a87e..13f409cb 100644
--- a/PARAM/SHMS/DC/pdc_tracking.param
+++ b/PARAM/SHMS/DC/pdc_tracking.param
@@ -14,11 +14,8 @@ pdc_tdc_max_win = 55000, 55000, 55000, 55000, 55000, 55000  ; TODO - wide limits
 pdc_tdc_time_per_channel = -0.10
 ; Zero time correction for each plane in ns that is added to TDC time.
-pdc_plane_time_zero = 1253.89,1252.55,1255.96,1256.28,1256.23,1255.7
-		      1256.94,1256.95,1258.05,1257.86,1257.78,1256.91
-;pdc_plane_time_zero = ;1280.0, 1280.0, 1280.0, 1280.0, 1280.0, 1280.0  ; TODO - fine calibration
-                      ;1280.0, 1280.0, 1280.0, 1280.0, 1280.0, 1280.0
+pdc_plane_time_zero = 1283.82, 1283.30, 1286.73, 1283.56, 1282.57, 1284.30
+                      1283.94, 1283.34, 1286.95, 1286.46, 1286.37, 1284.47
 ; For wire velocity corrections.
 pdc_wire_velocity = 13.0  ; TODO
diff --git a/PARAM/SHMS/DC/pdriftmap.param b/PARAM/SHMS/DC/pdriftmap.param
index 244d58f3..052b8dcc 100644
--- a/PARAM/SHMS/DC/pdriftmap.param
+++ b/PARAM/SHMS/DC/pdriftmap.param
@@ -1,175 +1,175 @@
-; Lookup Table: RUN 407
+; Lookup Table: RUN 437
 ; number of bins in Carlos's time to distance lookup table
 pdriftbins = 138
 ; number of 1st bin in Carlos's table in ns
 ; bin size in ns