From c0afe74096a7fb80f72764fa9fbfe993ddb59f45 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Hall C Online Analyzer User <>
Date: Mon, 19 Feb 2018 13:13:53 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] More clean up (#405)

* Add utility submodules

* Remove UTIL directories since they are now submodules
 .gitmodules                        |  12 ++
 DBASE/COIN/standard.kinematics     | 136 ++++++++++++++-
 UTIL-CT/Bean_counter.C             | 265 -----------------------------
 UTIL-CT/Bean_counter_carbon.C      | 230 -------------------------
 UTIL-CT/coin_histo.C               | 119 -------------
 UTIL-CT/coin_monitor.README        |  35 ----
 UTIL-CT/coin_monitor_calc.C        | 223 ------------------------
 UTIL-CT/ |  49 ------
 UTIL-CT/coin_monitor_graph.C       | 149 ----------------
 UTIL-CT/coin_monitor_init.C        |  26 ---
 UTIL-OL/PED_MON/hms_coin_ped.C     | 155 -----------------
 UTIL-OL/PED_MON/hms_ped.C          | 151 ----------------
 UTIL-OL/PED_MON/shms_coin_ped.C    | 155 -----------------
 UTIL-OL/PED_MON/shms_ped.C         | 149 ----------------
 UTIL-OL/REP_MON/     |  38 -----
 UTIL-OL/REP_MON/    |  40 -----
 UTIL-OL/SCRIPTS/SHELL/  | 172 -------------------
 UTIL_CT                            |   1 +
 UTIL_F2_XEM                        |   1 +
 UTIL_OL                            |   1 +                         |   2 +-                        |   2 +-
 23 files changed, 151 insertions(+), 1961 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 .gitmodules
 delete mode 100644 UTIL-CT/Bean_counter.C
 delete mode 100644 UTIL-CT/Bean_counter_carbon.C
 delete mode 100644 UTIL-CT/coin_histo.C
 delete mode 100644 UTIL-CT/coin_monitor.README
 delete mode 100644 UTIL-CT/coin_monitor_calc.C
 delete mode 100755 UTIL-CT/
 delete mode 100644 UTIL-CT/coin_monitor_graph.C
 delete mode 100644 UTIL-CT/coin_monitor_init.C
 delete mode 100644 UTIL-OL/PED_MON/hms_coin_ped.C
 delete mode 100644 UTIL-OL/PED_MON/hms_ped.C
 delete mode 100644 UTIL-OL/PED_MON/shms_coin_ped.C
 delete mode 100644 UTIL-OL/PED_MON/shms_ped.C
 delete mode 100755 UTIL-OL/REP_MON/
 delete mode 100755 UTIL-OL/REP_MON/
 delete mode 120000 UTIL-OL/SCRIPTS/SHELL/
 delete mode 100755 UTIL-OL/SCRIPTS/SHELL/
 create mode 160000 UTIL_CT
 create mode 160000 UTIL_F2_XEM
 create mode 160000 UTIL_OL

diff --git a/.gitmodules b/.gitmodules
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2804a427
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitmodules
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+[submodule "UTIL_OL"]
+	path = UTIL_OL
+	url =
+	branch = master
+[submodule "UTIL_CT"]
+	path = UTIL_CT
+	url =
+	branch = master
+[submodule "UTIL_F2_XEM"]
+	path = UTIL_F2_XEM
+	url =
+	branch = master
diff --git a/DBASE/COIN/standard.kinematics b/DBASE/COIN/standard.kinematics
index 449f64a6..fd539621 100644
--- a/DBASE/COIN/standard.kinematics
+++ b/DBASE/COIN/standard.kinematics
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 # 27Al gtargmass_amu = 26.98
 gpbeam = 6.430
 htheta_lab = -15.
@@ -418,7 +418,7 @@ ppartmass = 0.93827231
 hpartmass = 0.0005109
 #Color Transparency --Feb 14/H coincidence run
 gpbeam = 10.600
 gtargmass_amu =  1.00794
 htheta_lab = -39.280
@@ -426,4 +426,136 @@ ptheta_lab = 12.800
 hpcentral = 2.982
 ppcentral = 8.505*0.985
 ppartmass = 0.93827231
+hpartmass = 0.0005109
+#Color Transparency --Feb 15/H coincidence run
+gpbeam = 10.600
+gtargmass_amu =  1.00794
+htheta_lab = -39.280
+ptheta_lab = 12.800
+hpcentral = 2.982
+ppcentral = 8.505*0.985
+ppartmass = 0.93827231
+hpartmass = 0.0005109
+#Color Transparency --Feb 16/H coincidence run
+gpbeam = 10.600
+gtargmass_amu =  1.00794
+htheta_lab = -39.280
+ptheta_lab = 12.800
+hpcentral = 2.982
+ppcentral = 8.505*0.985
+ppartmass = 0.93827231
+hpartmass = 0.0005109
+#Color Transparency --Feb 17/H coincidence run
+gpbeam = 10.600
+gtargmass_amu =  1.00794
+htheta_lab = -39.280
+ptheta_lab = 12.800
+hpcentral = 2.982
+ppcentral = 8.505*0.985
+ppartmass = 0.93827231
+hpartmass = 0.0005109
+#Color Transparency --Feb 17/H singles run
+gpbeam = 10.600
+gtargmass_amu =  1.00794
+htheta_lab = -39.280
+ptheta_lab = 12.800
+hpcentral = 2.982
+ppcentral = 8.505*0.985
+ppartmass = 0.93827231
+hpartmass = 0.0005109
+#Color Transparency --Feb 17/Al coincidence run
+gpbeam = 10.600
+gtargmass_amu =  26.98
+htheta_lab = -39.280
+ptheta_lab = 12.800
+hpcentral = 2.982
+ppcentral = 8.505*0.985
+ppartmass = 0.93827231
+hpartmass = 0.0005109
+#Color Transparency --Feb 17/C singles
+gpbeam = 10.600
+gtargmass_amu =  12.0107
+htheta_lab = -39.280
+ptheta_lab = 12.800
+hpcentral = 2.982
+ppcentral = 8.505*0.985
+ppartmass = 0.93827231
+hpartmass = 0.0005109
+#Color Transparency --Feb 17/C coincidence run
+gpbeam = 10.600
+gtargmass_amu =  12.0107
+htheta_lab = -28.505
+ptheta_lab = 17.830
+hpcentral = 4.278
+ppcentral = 7.001*0.985
+ppartmass = 0.93827231
+hpartmass = 0.0005109
+#Color Transparency --Feb 18/C coincidence run
+gpbeam = 10.600
+gtargmass_amu =  12.0107
+htheta_lab = -28.505
+ptheta_lab = 17.830
+hpcentral = 4.478
+ppcentral = 7.001*0.985
+ppartmass = 0.93827231
+hpartmass = 0.0005109
+#Color Transparency --Feb 18/H coincidence run
+gpbeam = 10.600
+gtargmass_amu =  1.00794
+htheta_lab = -28.505
+ptheta_lab = 17.830
+hpcentral = 4.478
+ppcentral = 7.001*0.985
+ppartmass = 0.93827231
+hpartmass = 0.0005109
+#Color Transparency --Feb 18/Al coincidence run
+gpbeam = 10.600
+gtargmass_amu =  26.98
+htheta_lab = -28.505
+ptheta_lab = 17.830
+hpcentral = 4.478
+ppcentral = 7.001*0.985
+ppartmass = 0.93827231
+hpartmass = 0.0005109
+#Color Transparency --Feb 18/C coincidence run
+gpbeam = 10.600
+gtargmass_amu = 12.0107
+htheta_lab = -28.505
+ptheta_lab = 17.830
+hpcentral = 4.478
+ppcentral = 7.001*0.985
+ppartmass = 0.93827231
+hpartmass = 0.0005109
+#Color Transparency --Feb 18/C coincidence run
+gpbeam = 10.600
+gtargmass_amu = 12.0107
+htheta_lab = -28.505
+ptheta_lab = 17.830
+hpcentral = 4.478
+ppcentral = 7.001*0.985
+ppartmass = 0.93827231
 hpartmass = 0.0005109
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/UTIL-CT/Bean_counter.C b/UTIL-CT/Bean_counter.C
deleted file mode 100644
index 82cbe1b9..00000000
--- a/UTIL-CT/Bean_counter.C
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,265 +0,0 @@
-// Filename: Bean_counter.C
-// Description: delta, xptar,yptar, ytar distributions for SHMS and HMS and W, Em, Pm and Cointime distributions 
-// are plotted and the number of good counts are printed out to add to the count of good events.
-// Needs runnumber, and if target is "h" or "c"
-void Bean_counter(Int_t runNumber, Int_t targ){
- //read the input file from data
-  TString fileNameD = "/net/cdaq/cdaql3data/cdaq/hallc-online/ROOTfiles/" ;
-  fileNameD += "coin_replay_production_"; //read the root file from data
-  fileNameD += runNumber; //read the root file from data
-  fileNameD += "_-1.root"; //read the root file from data
-  TFile *f1 = new TFile(fileNameD);
-  TTree *tt = (TTree*)f1->Get("T");
-  //get the relevant branch
-  int nentriesD = tt->GetEntries();
-  cout<<"Entries:\t"<<nentriesD<<endl;
-  TString fileO;
-   fileO += "HISTOGRAMS/COIN/ROOT/run_"; //read the root file from data
-   fileO += runNumber; //read the root file from data
-   fileO += "_hists_coin.root"; //read the root file from data
-   //TFile *fout = new TFile(fileO,"RECREATE");
-  gROOT->SetBatch(kTRUE);
-  //make histograms:
-  TH1D *h_hdelta = new TH1D("h_hdelta","HMS DELTA (%)",100,-12,12);
-  TH1D *h_hxptar = new TH1D("h_hxptar","HMS XPTAR (rad)",100,-0.1,0.1);
-  TH1D *h_hyptar = new TH1D("h_hyptar","HMS YPTAR (rad)",100,-0.08,0.08);
-  TH1D *h_hytar = new TH1D("h_hytar","HMS YTAR (cm)",100,-12.0,12.0);
-  TH1D *h_pdelta = new TH1D("h_pdelta","SHMS DELTA (%)",100,-15,15);
-  TH1D *h_pxptar = new TH1D("h_pxptar","SHMS XPTAR (rad)",100,-0.06,0.06);
-  TH1D *h_pyptar = new TH1D("h_pyptar","SHMS YPTAR (rad)",100,-0.06,0.06);
-  TH1D *h_pytar = new TH1D("h_pytar","SHMS YTAR (cm)",100,-12.0,12.0);
-  TH1D *h_Emd = new TH1D("h_Emd",Form("Missing Energy (GeV) Run:%d",runNumber),200,-0.15,0.25);
-  TH1D *h_Wd = new TH1D("h_Wd",Form("W (GeV) Run:%d",runNumber), 150, 0., 2.);
-  TH1D *h_pmd = new TH1D("h_pmd","Pm (GeV/c)", 100, -0.02, 0.35);
-  TH1D *h1PcointimeROC1 = new TH1D("SHMS ROC1 Corrected Coin Time","SHMS ROC1 Corrected Coin Time; cointime [ns]", 200, -10, 10);    
-  TH1D *h1PcointimeROC2 = new TH1D("SHMS ROC2 Corrected Coin Time","SHMS ROC2 Corrected Coin Time; cointime [ns]", 200, -10, 10); 
-  Double_t HgtrX, HgtrTh, HgtrY, HgtrPh, hdelta, PgtrX, PgtrTh, PgtrY, PgtrPh, pdelta;
-  Double_t HgtrBetaCalc, PgtrBetaCalc, evtType, PgtrP, HgtrP, PhodStatus, PhodStartTime, PhodfpHitsTime;
-  Double_t cointime, HhodStatus, HhodStartTime, HhodfpHitsTime, SHMSpartMass, HMSpartMass;
-  Double_t pkinW, pEm, pPm, modPm, pbeta, hbeta, hcalepr, hcaletot, hcernpe, pcaletot, pcalepr, pcernpe;
-  Double_t TcoinpTRIG1_ROC1_tdcTimeRaw, TcoinpTRIG4_ROC1_tdcTimeRaw, TcoinpTRIG1_ROC2_tdcTimeRaw;
-  Double_t TcoinhTRIG1_ROC1_tdcTimeRaw, TcoinhTRIG1_ROC2_tdcTimeRaw, TcoinhTRIG4_ROC1_tdcTimeRaw;
-  Double_t TcoinhTRIG4_ROC2_tdcTimeRaw, TcoinpTRIG4_ROC2_tdcTimeRaw;
-  int cnts=0;
-  TCut hpdelta;
-  TCut evtCut;                                                                   
-  TCut eBetaCut;                                                                 
-  TCut pBetaCut;                                                                 
-  TCut cerCut;                                                                   
-  TCut calCut;                                                                   
-  TCut hodoTimeCut;
-  TCut Wcut;
-  TCut Emcut;
-  TCut Pmcut;                                                              
-  tt->SetBranchAddress("P.gtr.p", &PgtrP); 
-  tt->SetBranchAddress("H.gtr.p", &HgtrP); 
-  tt->SetBranchAddress("P.gtr.beta", &pbeta);                                                                                 
-  tt->SetBranchAddress("H.gtr.beta", &hbeta); 
-  tt->SetBranchAddress("H.gtr.dp", &hdelta);                                                                                
-  tt->SetBranchAddress("P.gtr.dp", &pdelta);                                                                                
-  tt->SetBranchAddress("", &pcalepr);                                                                    
-  tt->SetBranchAddress("", &pcaletot);                                                                  
-  tt->SetBranchAddress("P.hgcer.npeSum", &pcernpe);                                                 
-  tt->SetBranchAddress("", &hcalepr);                                            
-  tt->SetBranchAddress("", &hcaletot);                                          
-  tt->SetBranchAddress("H.cer.npeSum", &hcernpe); 
-  tt->SetBranchAddress("H.kin.primary.W", &pkinW);                                                    
-  if (targ == 1) {                
-    tt->SetBranchAddress("P.kin.secondary.emiss", &pEm);                           
-  }
-  else if (targ == 2){
-    tt->SetBranchAddress("P.kin.secondary.emiss_nuc", &pEm);                          }                     
-  tt->SetBranchAddress("P.kin.secondary.pmiss", &pPm);                                                    
-  tt->SetBranchAddress("P.hod.goodstarttime", &PhodStatus);                                              
-  tt->SetBranchAddress("P.hod.starttime", &PhodStartTime);                                               
-  tt->SetBranchAddress("P.hod.fpHitsTime", &PhodfpHitsTime);                                             
-  tt->SetBranchAddress("H.hod.goodstarttime", &HhodStatus);                                              
-  tt->SetBranchAddress("H.hod.starttime", &HhodStartTime);                                               
-  tt->SetBranchAddress("H.hod.fpHitsTime", &HhodfpHitsTime);                                             
-  tt->SetBranchAddress("H.gtr.x", &HgtrX);                                                               
-  tt->SetBranchAddress("", &HgtrTh);                                                             
-  tt->SetBranchAddress("H.gtr.y", &HgtrY);                                                               
-  tt->SetBranchAddress("", &HgtrPh);                                                             
-  tt->SetBranchAddress("P.gtr.x", &PgtrX);                                                               
-  tt->SetBranchAddress("", &PgtrTh);                                                             
-  tt->SetBranchAddress("P.gtr.y", &PgtrY);                                                               
-  tt->SetBranchAddress("", &PgtrPh);                                                             
-  tt->SetBranchAddress("T.coin.pTRIG1_ROC1_tdcTimeRaw", &TcoinpTRIG1_ROC1_tdcTimeRaw);                   
-  tt->SetBranchAddress("T.coin.pTRIG4_ROC1_tdcTimeRaw", &TcoinpTRIG4_ROC1_tdcTimeRaw);
-  tt->SetBranchAddress("T.coin.pTRIG1_ROC2_tdcTimeRaw", &TcoinpTRIG1_ROC2_tdcTimeRaw);                   
-  tt->SetBranchAddress("T.coin.pTRIG4_ROC2_tdcTimeRaw", &TcoinpTRIG4_ROC2_tdcTimeRaw);                   
-  tt->SetBranchAddress("T.coin.hTRIG1_ROC1_tdcTimeRaw", &TcoinhTRIG1_ROC1_tdcTimeRaw);                   
-  tt->SetBranchAddress("T.coin.hTRIG4_ROC1_tdcTimeRaw", &TcoinhTRIG4_ROC1_tdcTimeRaw);                   
-  tt->SetBranchAddress("T.coin.hTRIG1_ROC2_tdcTimeRaw", &TcoinhTRIG1_ROC2_tdcTimeRaw);                   
-  tt->SetBranchAddress("T.coin.hTRIG4_ROC2_tdcTimeRaw", &TcoinhTRIG4_ROC2_tdcTimeRaw);                   
-   SHMSpartMass = 0.93827208; // proton mass in GeV/c^2                 
-   HMSpartMass = 0.000510998; // electron mass in GeV/c^2                 
-   hpdelta = "P.gtr.dp > -10 && P.gtr.dp < 10 && H.gtr.dp > -8 && H.gtr.dp < 8";
-   eBetaCut = "P.gtr.beta > 0.8 && P.gtr.beta < 1.3";                        
-   pBetaCut = "H.gtr.beta > 0.8 &&  H.gtr.beta < 1.3";                       
-   cerCut = "P.hgcer.npeSum < 0.1 && H.cer.npeSum > 0.5";                    
-   calCut = " > 0.8 && < 1.5 &&  > 0.2";         
-   hodoTimeCut ="P.hod.goodstarttime == 1 && H.hod.goodstarttime == 1";      
-   Wcut = "H.kin.primary.W >0.75 && H.kin.primary.W < 1.1";
-  TCanvas *canvas1 = new TCanvas("canvas1","canvas1");                           
-  tt->Draw("P.hod.starttime >> SHMShodoStartTime", eBetaCut && pBetaCut && cerCut && calCut && hodoTimeCut);  
-  TH1D *h1PhodoStartTime = (TH1D*)gDirectory->Get("SHMShodoStartTime");
-  h1PhodoStartTime->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("SHMS hodo start time [ns]");           
-  Double_t PhodoStartTimeMean = h1PhodoStartTime->GetMean();                     
-  TCanvas *canvas2 = new TCanvas("canvas2","canvas2");                           
-  tt->Draw("H.hod.starttime >> HMShodoStartTime", eBetaCut && pBetaCut && cerCut && calCut && hodoTimeCut);  
-  TH1D *h1HhodoStartTime = (TH1D*)gDirectory->Get("HMShodoStartTime");           
-  h1HhodoStartTime->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("HMS hodo start time [ns]");            
-  Double_t HhodoStartTimeMean = h1HhodoStartTime->GetMean();                     
-  Double_t pOffset = 1.5; //9.5 + 10;  // in ns                                  
-  Double_t hOffset = 335;                                                        
-  Double_t speedOfLight = 29.9792; // in cm/ns                                   
-  Double_t SHMScentralPathLen = 18.1*100;  // SHMS Target to focal plane path length converted to cm  
-  Double_t SHMSpathLength = 18.1*100;      // For now assume that it's same as SHMScentralPathLen  
-  Double_t HMScentralPathLen = 22*100;     // HMS Target to focal plane path length converted to cm
-  Double_t DeltaHMSpathLength;             // For now assume that it's same as HMScentralPathLen 
-  Double_t SHMScoinCorr = 0.0;                                                   
-  Double_t HMScoinCorr = 0.0;                                                    
-  Double_t SHMSrawCoinTimeROC1;                                                  
-  Double_t SHMSrawCoinTimeROC2;                                                  
-  Double_t HMSrawCoinTimeROC1;                                                   
-  Double_t HMSrawCoinTimeROC2;                                                   
-  Double_t SHMScorrCoinTimeROC1;                                                 
-  Double_t SHMScorrCoinTimeROC2;                                                 
-  Double_t HMScorrCoinTimeROC1;                                                  
-  Double_t HMScorrCoinTimeROC2;                                                  
-  for (int kk=0; kk<nentriesD; kk++){
-    tt->GetEntry(kk);
-    if (kk % 50000 == 0) cout << kk*100/nentriesD << "   % of data done" << endl;
-      evtType = tt->GetLeaf("fEvtHdr.fEvtType")->GetValue(); 
-    if (pbeta>0.6 && pbeta<1.4 && hbeta>0.8 && hbeta<1.2 && hcernpe>0. && hcaletot >0.6 && hcaletot<2.0 && PhodStatus == 1 && HhodStatus ==1 && hdelta > -10 && hdelta < 10 && pdelta > -15 && pdelta < 15 && pcernpe < 0.1) 
-    { 
-	DeltaHMSpathLength = 12.462*HgtrTh + 0.1138*HgtrTh*HgtrX - 0.0154*HgtrX - 72.292*HgtrTh*HgtrTh - 0.0000544*HgtrX*HgtrX - 116.52*HgtrPh*HgtrPh;               
-      PgtrBetaCalc = PgtrP/sqrt(PgtrP*PgtrP + SHMSpartMass*SHMSpartMass);        
-      HgtrBetaCalc = HgtrP/sqrt(HgtrP*HgtrP + HMSpartMass*HMSpartMass);          
-      SHMScoinCorr = SHMScentralPathLen / (speedOfLight*PgtrBetaCalc) + (SHMSpathLength - SHMScentralPathLen) / speedOfLight*PgtrBetaCalc + (PhodoStartTimeMean - PhodfpHitsTime);                                                                   
-      HMScoinCorr = HMScentralPathLen / (speedOfLight*HgtrBetaCalc) + DeltaHMSpathLength / speedOfLight*HgtrBetaCalc + (HhodoStartTimeMean - HhodfpHitsTime);      
-      SHMScorrCoinTimeROC1 = (TcoinpTRIG1_ROC1_tdcTimeRaw*0.1 - SHMScoinCorr) - (TcoinpTRIG4_ROC1_tdcTimeRaw*0.1 - HMScoinCorr) - pOffset; // 0.1 to convert to ns 
-      SHMScorrCoinTimeROC2 = (TcoinpTRIG1_ROC2_tdcTimeRaw*0.1 - SHMScoinCorr) - (TcoinpTRIG4_ROC2_tdcTimeRaw*0.1 - HMScoinCorr) - pOffset;                         
-      h1PcointimeROC1->Fill(SHMScorrCoinTimeROC1);                               
-      h1PcointimeROC2->Fill(SHMScorrCoinTimeROC2);
-      if (targ == 1)
-       {
-       if (pkinW > 0.75 && pkinW < 1.15)
-        {
-        h_hdelta->Fill(hdelta);
-        h_hxptar->Fill(HgtrPh);
-        h_hyptar->Fill(HgtrTh);
-        h_hytar->Fill(HgtrY);
-        h_pdelta->Fill(pdelta);
-        h_pxptar->Fill(PgtrPh);
-        h_pyptar->Fill(PgtrTh);
-        h_pytar->Fill(PgtrY);
-        h_Emd->Fill(pEm+0.025);
-        h_Wd->Fill(pkinW);
-        h_pmd->Fill(pPm-0.04);
-        cnts++;
-        }
-      }
-      else if (targ == 2)
-      {
-	if (sqrt(pPm*pPm) < 0.6)
-        {
-        h_hdelta->Fill(hdelta);
-        h_hxptar->Fill(HgtrPh);
-        h_hyptar->Fill(HgtrTh);
-        h_hytar->Fill(HgtrY);
-        h_pdelta->Fill(pdelta);
-        h_pxptar->Fill(PgtrPh);
-        h_pyptar->Fill(PgtrTh);
-        h_pytar->Fill(PgtrY);
-        h_Emd->Fill(pEm);
-        h_Wd->Fill(pkinW);
-        modPm = sqrt(pPm*pPm);
-        h_pmd->Fill(modPm);
-        cnts++;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  gROOT->SetBatch(kFALSE);
-  TCanvas *can1 = new TCanvas ("can1","can1");
-  can1->Divide(4,2);
-  can1->cd(1);
-  h_hdelta->Draw();  
-  can1->cd(2);
-  h_hxptar->Draw();  
-  can1->cd(3);
-  h_hyptar->Draw();  
-  can1->cd(4);
-  h_hytar->Draw();  
-  can1->cd(5);
-  h_pdelta->Draw();  
-  can1->cd(6);
-  h_pxptar->Draw();  
-  can1->cd(7);
-  h_pyptar->Draw();  
-  can1->cd(8);
-  h_pytar->Draw();  
-  //  can1->SaveAs("tmp1.pdf");
-  TCanvas *can2 = new TCanvas ("can2",Form("can2 Run: %d",runNumber));
-  can2->Divide(2,2);
-  can2->cd(1);
-  h_Wd->SetFillColor(kBlue);
-  h_Wd->Draw();
-  can2->cd(2); 
-  h_Emd->SetFillColor(kBlue);
-  h_Emd->Draw(); 
-  can2->cd(3); 
-  h_pmd->SetFillColor(kBlue);
-  h_pmd->Draw(); 
-  can2->cd(4); 
-  h1PcointimeROC1->SetLineColor(kBlue);
-  h1PcointimeROC1->SetLineWidth(3);
-  h1PcointimeROC1->Draw();
-  // can2->SaveAs("tmp.pdf");
-  //fout->Write();
-  //  fout->Close();
-  cout << "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
-  cout << "NOTE:>>>>  " << cnts <<"  <<<<<  GOOD EVENTS have passed all cuts (update the white board and excel sheet)" << endl;
-  cout << "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
diff --git a/UTIL-CT/Bean_counter_carbon.C b/UTIL-CT/Bean_counter_carbon.C
deleted file mode 100644
index a19eaee7..00000000
--- a/UTIL-CT/Bean_counter_carbon.C
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,230 +0,0 @@
-// Filename: Bean_counter_carbon.C
-// Description: delta, xptar,yptar, ytar distributions for SHMS and HMS and W, Em, Pm and Cointime distributions 
-// are plotted and the number of good counts are printed out to add to the count of good events.
-// Needs runnumber, 
-void Bean_counter_carbon(Int_t runNumber){
- //read the input file from data
-  TString fileNameD = "/net/cdaq/cdaql3data/cdaq/hallc-online/ROOTfiles/" ;
-  fileNameD += "coin_replay_production_"; //read the root file from data
-  fileNameD += runNumber; //read the root file from data
-  fileNameD += "_-1.root"; //read the root file from data
-  TFile *f1 = new TFile(fileNameD);
-  TTree *tt = (TTree*)f1->Get("T");
-  //get the relevant branch
-  int nentriesD = tt->GetEntries();
-  cout<<"Entries:\t"<<nentriesD<<endl;
-  TString fileO;
-   fileO += "HISTOGRAMS/COIN/ROOT/run_"; //read the root file from data
-   fileO += runNumber; //read the root file from data
-   fileO += "_hists_coin.root"; //read the root file from data
-   //TFile *fout = new TFile(fileO,"RECREATE");
-  gROOT->SetBatch(kTRUE);
-  //make histograms:
-  TH1D *h_hdelta = new TH1D("h_hdelta","HMS DELTA (%)",100,-12,12);
-  TH1D *h_hxptar = new TH1D("h_hxptar","HMS XPTAR (rad)",100,-0.1,0.1);
-  TH1D *h_hyptar = new TH1D("h_hyptar","HMS YPTAR (rad)",100,-0.08,0.08);
-  TH1D *h_hytar = new TH1D("h_hytar","HMS YTAR (cm)",100,-12.0,12.0);
-  TH1D *h_pdelta = new TH1D("h_pdelta","SHMS DELTA (%)",100,-12,12);
-  TH1D *h_pxptar = new TH1D("h_pxptar","SHMS XPTAR (rad)",100,-0.06,0.06);
-  TH1D *h_pyptar = new TH1D("h_pyptar","SHMS YPTAR (rad)",100,-0.06,0.06);
-  TH1D *h_pytar = new TH1D("h_pytar","SHMS YTAR (cm)",100,-12.0,12.0);
-  TH1D *h_Emd = new TH1D("h_Emd","Missing Energy (GeV)",200,-0.2,0.2);
-  TH1D *h_Wd = new TH1D("h_Wd","W (GeV)", 150, 0, 2);
-  TH1D *h_pmd = new TH1D("h_pmd","Pm (GeV/c)", 100, -0.2, 0.2);
-  TH1D *h1PcointimeROC1 = new TH1D("SHMS ROC1 Corrected Coin Time","SHMS ROC1 Corrected Coin Time; cointime [ns]", 200, -10, 10);    
-  TH1D *h1PcointimeROC2 = new TH1D("SHMS ROC2 Corrected Coin Time","SHMS ROC2 Corrected Coin Time; cointime [ns]", 200, -10, 10); 
-  Double_t HgtrX, HgtrTh, HgtrY, HgtrPh, hdelta, PgtrX, PgtrTh, PgtrY, PgtrPh, pdelta;// Ep, Epp, p_e, p_p, defEm;
-  Double_t HgtrBetaCalc, PgtrBetaCalc, evtType, PgtrP, HgtrP, PhodStatus, PhodStartTime, PhodfpHitsTime;
-  Double_t cointime, HhodStatus, HhodStartTime, HhodfpHitsTime, SHMSpartMass, HMSpartMass;
-  Double_t pkinW, pEm, pPm, pbeta, hbeta, hcalepr, hcaletot, hcernpe, pcaletot, pcalepr, pcernpe;
-  Double_t TcoinpTRIG1_ROC1_tdcTimeRaw, TcoinpTRIG4_ROC1_tdcTimeRaw, TcoinpTRIG1_ROC2_tdcTimeRaw;
-  Double_t TcoinhTRIG1_ROC1_tdcTimeRaw, TcoinhTRIG1_ROC2_tdcTimeRaw, TcoinhTRIG4_ROC1_tdcTimeRaw;
-  Double_t TcoinhTRIG4_ROC2_tdcTimeRaw, TcoinpTRIG4_ROC2_tdcTimeRaw;
-  int cnts=0;
-  TCut hpdelta;
-  TCut evtCut;                                                                   
-  TCut eBetaCut;                                                                 
-  TCut pBetaCut;                                                                 
-  TCut cerCut;                                                                   
-  TCut calCut;                                                                   
-  TCut hodoTimeCut;
-  TCut Wcut;
-  TCut Emcut;
-  TCut Pmcut;                                                              
-  tt->SetBranchAddress("P.gtr.p", &PgtrP); 
-  tt->SetBranchAddress("H.gtr.p", &HgtrP); 
-  tt->SetBranchAddress("P.gtr.beta", &pbeta);                                                                                 
-  tt->SetBranchAddress("H.gtr.beta", &hbeta); 
-  tt->SetBranchAddress("H.gtr.dp", &hdelta);                                                                                
-  tt->SetBranchAddress("P.gtr.dp", &pdelta);                                                                                
-  tt->SetBranchAddress("", &pcalepr);                                                                    
-  tt->SetBranchAddress("", &pcaletot);                                                                  
-  tt->SetBranchAddress("P.hgcer.npeSum", &pcernpe);                                                 
-  tt->SetBranchAddress("", &hcalepr);                                            
-  tt->SetBranchAddress("", &hcaletot);                                          
-  tt->SetBranchAddress("H.cer.npeSum", &hcernpe); 
-  tt->SetBranchAddress("H.kin.primary.W", &pkinW);                                                    
-  tt->SetBranchAddress("P.kin.secondary.emiss", &pEm);                                                    
-  tt->SetBranchAddress("P.kin.secondary.pmiss", &pPm);                                                    
-  tt->SetBranchAddress("P.hod.goodstarttime", &PhodStatus);                                              
-  tt->SetBranchAddress("P.hod.starttime", &PhodStartTime);                                               
-  tt->SetBranchAddress("P.hod.fpHitsTime", &PhodfpHitsTime);                                             
-  tt->SetBranchAddress("H.hod.goodstarttime", &HhodStatus);                                              
-  tt->SetBranchAddress("H.hod.starttime", &HhodStartTime);                                               
-  tt->SetBranchAddress("H.hod.fpHitsTime", &HhodfpHitsTime);                                             
-  tt->SetBranchAddress("H.gtr.x", &HgtrX);                                                               
-  tt->SetBranchAddress("", &HgtrTh);                                                             
-  tt->SetBranchAddress("H.gtr.y", &HgtrY);                                                               
-  tt->SetBranchAddress("", &HgtrPh);                                                             
-  tt->SetBranchAddress("P.gtr.x", &PgtrX);                                                               
-  tt->SetBranchAddress("", &PgtrTh);                                                             
-  tt->SetBranchAddress("P.gtr.y", &PgtrY);                                                               
-  tt->SetBranchAddress("", &PgtrPh);                                                             
-  tt->SetBranchAddress("T.coin.pTRIG1_ROC1_tdcTimeRaw", &TcoinpTRIG1_ROC1_tdcTimeRaw);                   
-  tt->SetBranchAddress("T.coin.pTRIG4_ROC1_tdcTimeRaw", &TcoinpTRIG4_ROC1_tdcTimeRaw);
-  tt->SetBranchAddress("T.coin.pTRIG1_ROC2_tdcTimeRaw", &TcoinpTRIG1_ROC2_tdcTimeRaw);                   
-  tt->SetBranchAddress("T.coin.pTRIG4_ROC2_tdcTimeRaw", &TcoinpTRIG4_ROC2_tdcTimeRaw);                   
-  tt->SetBranchAddress("T.coin.hTRIG1_ROC1_tdcTimeRaw", &TcoinhTRIG1_ROC1_tdcTimeRaw);                   
-  tt->SetBranchAddress("T.coin.hTRIG4_ROC1_tdcTimeRaw", &TcoinhTRIG4_ROC1_tdcTimeRaw);                   
-  tt->SetBranchAddress("T.coin.hTRIG1_ROC2_tdcTimeRaw", &TcoinhTRIG1_ROC2_tdcTimeRaw);                   
-  tt->SetBranchAddress("T.coin.hTRIG4_ROC2_tdcTimeRaw", &TcoinhTRIG4_ROC2_tdcTimeRaw);                   
-   SHMSpartMass = 0.93827208; // proton mass in GeV/c^2                 
-   HMSpartMass = 0.000510998; // electron mass in GeV/c^2                 
-   hpdelta = "P.gtr.dp > -10 && P.gtr.dp < 10 && H.gtr.dp > -8 && H.gtr.dp < 8";
-   eBetaCut = "P.gtr.beta > 0.8 && P.gtr.beta < 1.3";                        
-   pBetaCut = "H.gtr.beta > 0.8 &&  H.gtr.beta < 1.3";                       
-   cerCut = "P.hgcer.npeSum < 0.1 && H.cer.npeSum > 0.5";                    
-   calCut = " > 0.8 && < 1.5 &&  > 0.2";         
-   hodoTimeCut ="P.hod.goodstarttime == 1 && H.hod.goodstarttime == 1";      
-   Wcut = "H.kin.primary.W >0.75 && H.kin.primary.W < 1.1";
-  TCanvas *canvas1 = new TCanvas("canvas1","canvas1");                           
-  tt->Draw("P.hod.starttime >> SHMShodoStartTime", eBetaCut && pBetaCut && cerCut && calCut && hodoTimeCut);  
-  TH1D *h1PhodoStartTime = (TH1D*)gDirectory->Get("SHMShodoStartTime");
-  h1PhodoStartTime->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("SHMS hodo start time [ns]");           
-  Double_t PhodoStartTimeMean = h1PhodoStartTime->GetMean();                     
-  TCanvas *canvas2 = new TCanvas("canvas2","canvas2");                           
-  tt->Draw("H.hod.starttime >> HMShodoStartTime", eBetaCut && pBetaCut && cerCut && calCut && hodoTimeCut);  
-  TH1D *h1HhodoStartTime = (TH1D*)gDirectory->Get("HMShodoStartTime");           
-  h1HhodoStartTime->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("HMS hodo start time [ns]");            
-  Double_t HhodoStartTimeMean = h1HhodoStartTime->GetMean();                     
-  Double_t pOffset = 3.0; //9.5 + 10;  // in ns                                  
-  Double_t hOffset = 335;                                                        
-  Double_t speedOfLight = 29.9792; // in cm/ns                                   
-  Double_t SHMScentralPathLen = 18.1*100;  // SHMS Target to focal plane path length converted to cm  
-  Double_t SHMSpathLength = 18.1*100;      // For now assume that it's same as SHMScentralPathLen  
-  Double_t HMScentralPathLen = 22*100;     // HMS Target to focal plane path length converted to cm
-  Double_t DeltaHMSpathLength;             // For now assume that it's same as HMScentralPathLen 
-  Double_t SHMScoinCorr = 0.0;                                                   
-  Double_t HMScoinCorr = 0.0;                                                    
-  Double_t SHMSrawCoinTimeROC1;                                                  
-  Double_t SHMSrawCoinTimeROC2;                                                  
-  Double_t HMSrawCoinTimeROC1;                                                   
-  Double_t HMSrawCoinTimeROC2;                                                   
-  Double_t SHMScorrCoinTimeROC1;                                                 
-  Double_t SHMScorrCoinTimeROC2;                                                 
-  Double_t HMScorrCoinTimeROC1;                                                  
-  Double_t HMScorrCoinTimeROC2;                                                  
-  for (int kk=0; kk<nentriesD; kk++){
-    tt->GetEntry(kk);
-    if (kk % 50000 == 0) cout << kk*100/nentriesD << "   % of data done" << endl;
-      evtType = tt->GetLeaf("fEvtHdr.fEvtType")->GetValue(); 
-       if (pbeta>0.7 && pbeta<1.5 && hbeta>0.8 && hbeta<1.2 && hcernpe>0 && hcaletot >0.6 && hcaletot<1.5 && PhodStatus == 1 && HhodStatus ==1 && hdelta > -10 && hdelta < 10 && pdelta > -12 && pdelta < 12 && pcernpe < 0.5) 
-      { 
-	DeltaHMSpathLength = 12.462*HgtrTh + 0.1138*HgtrTh*HgtrX - 0.0154*HgtrX - 72.292*HgtrTh*HgtrTh - 0.0000544*HgtrX*HgtrX - 116.52*HgtrPh*HgtrPh;               
-      PgtrBetaCalc = PgtrP/sqrt(PgtrP*PgtrP + SHMSpartMass*SHMSpartMass);        
-      HgtrBetaCalc = HgtrP/sqrt(HgtrP*HgtrP + HMSpartMass*HMSpartMass);          
-      SHMScoinCorr = SHMScentralPathLen / (speedOfLight*PgtrBetaCalc) + (SHMSpathLength - SHMScentralPathLen) / speedOfLight*PgtrBetaCalc + (PhodoStartTimeMean - PhodfpHitsTime);                                                                   
-      HMScoinCorr = HMScentralPathLen / (speedOfLight*HgtrBetaCalc) + DeltaHMSpathLength / speedOfLight*HgtrBetaCalc + (HhodoStartTimeMean - HhodfpHitsTime);      
-      SHMScorrCoinTimeROC1 = (TcoinpTRIG1_ROC1_tdcTimeRaw*0.1 - SHMScoinCorr) - (TcoinpTRIG4_ROC1_tdcTimeRaw*0.1 - HMScoinCorr) - pOffset; // 0.1 to convert to ns 
-      SHMScorrCoinTimeROC2 = (TcoinpTRIG1_ROC2_tdcTimeRaw*0.1 - SHMScoinCorr) - (TcoinpTRIG4_ROC2_tdcTimeRaw*0.1 - HMScoinCorr) - pOffset;                         
-      h1PcointimeROC1->Fill(SHMScorrCoinTimeROC1);                               
-      h1PcointimeROC2->Fill(SHMScorrCoinTimeROC2);
-      h_hdelta->Fill(hdelta);
-      h_hxptar->Fill(HgtrPh);
-      h_hyptar->Fill(HgtrTh);
-      h_hytar->Fill(HgtrY);
-      h_pdelta->Fill(pdelta);
-      h_pxptar->Fill(PgtrPh);
-      h_pyptar->Fill(PgtrTh);
-      h_pytar->Fill(PgtrY);
-      h_Emd->Fill(pEm+0.025);
-      h_Wd->Fill(pkinW);
-      h_pmd->Fill(pPm-0.04);
-      cnts++;
-      }
-  }
-  gROOT->SetBatch(kFALSE);
-  TCanvas *can1 = new TCanvas ("can1","can1");
-  can1->Divide(4,2);
-  can1->cd(1);
-  h_hdelta->Draw();  
-  can1->cd(2);
-  h_hxptar->Draw();  
-  can1->cd(3);
-  h_hyptar->Draw();  
-  can1->cd(4);
-  h_hytar->Draw();  
-  can1->cd(5);
-  h_pdelta->Draw();  
-  can1->cd(6);
-  h_pxptar->Draw();  
-  can1->cd(7);
-  h_pyptar->Draw();  
-  can1->cd(8);
-  h_pytar->Draw();  
-  //  can1->SaveAs("tmp1.pdf");
-  TCanvas *can2 = new TCanvas ("can2","can2");
-  can2->Divide(2,2);
-  can2->cd(1);
-  h_Wd->Draw();
-  can2->cd(2); 
-  h_Emd->Draw(); 
-  can2->cd(3); 
-  h_pmd->Draw(); 
-  can2->cd(4); 
-  h1PcointimeROC1->Draw();
-  // can2->SaveAs("tmp.pdf");
-  //fout->Write();
-  //  fout->Close();
-  cout << "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
-  cout << "NOTE:>>>>  " << cnts <<"  <<<<<  GOOD EVENTS have passed all cuts (update the white board and excel sheet)" << endl;
-  cout << "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
diff --git a/UTIL-CT/coin_histo.C b/UTIL-CT/coin_histo.C
deleted file mode 100644
index 33dc1f0a..00000000
--- a/UTIL-CT/coin_histo.C
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
-// Small code to check the histograms for the coincidence runs 
-#include "TFile.h"
-#include "TTree.h"
-#include "TH1F.h"
-#include "TF1.h"
-#include "TGraph.h"
-#include <fstream>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <TROOT.h>
-  Int_t run_NUM ;
-  cout << "hms_run_NUM "<< endl;
-  cin >> run_NUM ; 
-  TFile *f = new TFile(Form("/net/cdaq/cdaql3data/cdaq/hallc-online/ROOTfiles/coin_replay_production_%d_-1.root",run_NUM),"READ"); // %d : expects integer; %f expects float
-  TTree *T = (TTree*)f->Get("T");
-  Int_t totev = T->GetEntries();
-  cout << totev << endl;
-  // Read the branch 
-  Double_t HkinQ2;
-  Double_t HkinW;
-  Double_t pkinpmiss;
-  Double_t pkinemiss; 
-  Double_t Hgtrdp;
-  Double_t Hgtrbeta;
-  Double_t Pgtrdp;
-  Double_t Pgtrbeta;
-  Double_t Hgtrph;
-  Double_t Hgtrth;
-  Double_t Hgtry;
-  Double_t Pgtrph;
-  Double_t Pgtrth;
-  Double_t Pgtry;
-  Double_t hcernpe; 
-  Double_t pcernpe;
-  Double_t hcalepr;
-  Double_t hcaletot;
-  T->SetBranchAddress("H.kin.primary.Q2", &HkinQ2);  
-  T->SetBranchAddress("H.kin.primary.W", &HkinW); 
-  T->SetBranchAddress("P.kin.secondary.pmiss",&pkinpmiss);
-  T->SetBranchAddress("P.kin.secondary.emiss",&pkinemiss);
-  T->SetBranchAddress("H.gtr.dp",&Hgtrdp);
-  T->SetBranchAddress("H.gtr.beta",&Hgtrbeta);
-  T->SetBranchAddress("P.gtr.dp",&Pgtrdp);
-  T->SetBranchAddress("P.gtr.beta",&Pgtrbeta);
-  T->SetBranchAddress("",&Hgtrph);
-  T->SetBranchAddress("",&Hgtrth);
-  T->SetBranchAddress("H.gtr.y",&Hgtry);
-  T->SetBranchAddress("",&Pgtrph);
-  T->SetBranchAddress("",&Pgtrth);
-  T->SetBranchAddress("P.gtr.y",&Pgtry);
-  T->SetBranchAddress("", &hcalepr);
-  T->SetBranchAddress("P.hgcer.npeSum", &pcernpe);
-  T->SetBranchAddress("H.cer.npeSum", &hcernpe);
-  T->SetBranchAddress("", &hcaletot);
-  //Creating the histogram 
-  TH1F* hHkinQ2 =new TH1F("HkinQ2","HkinQ2",50,5,15);
-  TH1F* hHkinW = new TH1F("HkinW","HkinW",50,0,2);
-  TH1F* hpkinpmiss = new TH1F("pkinpmiss","pkinpmiss",50,-0.2,0.2);
-  TH1F* hpkinemiss = new TH1F("pkinemiss","pkinemiss",50,-100,100);
-  TH1F* hHgtrdp = new TH1F("Hgtrdp","Hgtrdp",50,-15,15);
-  TH1F* hHgtrbeta = new TH1F("Hgtrbeta","hgtrbeta",50,0.5,1.5);
-  TH1F* hPgtrdp = new TH1F("Pgtrdp","Pgtrdp",100,-15,15);
-  TH1F* hPgtrbeta= new TH1F("Pgtrbeta","Pgtrbeta",50,0.5,1.5);
-  TH1F* hHgtrph = new TH1F("Hgtrph","Hgtrph",50,-0.1,0.1);
-  TH1F* hHgtrth= new TH1F("Hgtrth","Hgtrth",50,-0.1,0.1);
-  TH1F* hHgtry=new TH1F("Hgtry","Hgtry",50,-10,10);
-  TH1F* hPgtrph = new TH1F("Pgtrph","Pgtrph",50, -0.1, 0.1);
-  TH1F* hPgtrth= new TH1F("Pgtrth","Pgtrth",50,-0.1,0.1);
-  TH1F* hPgtry=new TH1F("Pgtry","Pgtry",50,-10,10);
-  TH1F* hHcernpe=new TH1F("hcernpe","hcernpe",50,0,20);
-  TH1F* hPcernpe=new TH1F("pcernpe","pcernpe",50,0,20);
-  TH1F* hHcaletot=new TH1F("hcaletot","hcaletot",50,0,2.0);
-  TH1F* hHcalepr=new TH1F("hcalepr","hcalepr",50,0,2.0);
-  //Fill the Histogram 
-  for (Int_t iev = 0 ; iev < totev ;iev ++){
-    T->GetEntry(iev);
-    hHcalepr->Fill(hcalepr);
-    hHcaletot->Fill(hcaletot);
-    hHcernpe->Fill(hcernpe);
-    hPcernpe->Fill(pcernpe);
-    hHkinQ2 ->Fill(HkinQ2);
-    hHkinW ->Fill(HkinW);
-    hpkinpmiss ->Fill(pkinpmiss);
-    hpkinemiss ->Fill(pkinemiss);
-    hHgtrdp ->Fill(Hgtrdp);
-    hHgtrbeta -> Fill(Hgtrbeta);
-    hPgtrdp -> Fill(Pgtrdp);
-    hPgtrbeta-> Fill(Pgtrbeta);
-    hHgtrph -> Fill(Hgtrph);
-    hHgtrth-> Fill(Hgtrth);
-    hHgtry->Fill(Hgtry);
-    hPgtrph->Fill(Pgtrph);
-    hPgtrth->Fill(Pgtrth);
-    hPgtry->Fill(Pgtry);
-  }
diff --git a/UTIL-CT/coin_monitor.README b/UTIL-CT/coin_monitor.README
deleted file mode 100644
index 9b7553a4..00000000
--- a/UTIL-CT/coin_monitor.README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-These two scripts calculate and plot (vs run number) various quantities
-including yield per mC, live time, and efficiencies. These are all
-grabbed from report files using awk. This obviously makes STRONG assumptions
-about the structure of the template report file, so be careful.
-1) Grab monitored quantities
-        1) Run `./hcana SCRIPTS/COIN/MONITOR/coin_monitor_calc.C` 
-           in your hallc_replay directory
-        2) Enter run number
-        3) Enter index specifying target
-        It will warn you if you're overwriting a run already in coin_monitor.root,
-        but this might be what you want to do! For example, you might have added
-        something to the macro and need to add the new quantities for old runs.
-2) Plot monitored quantities vs run
-        1) Run `./hcana SCRIPTS/COIN/MONITOR/coin_monitor_graph.C` 
-           in your hallc_replay directory
-        2) Make sure nothing has fluctuated
-	*) If you prefer, you can specify a range of runs to graph
-	   e.g. `.x SCRIPTS/COIN/MONITOR/coin_monitor_graph.C(2185,2191)`
-If coin_monitor.root gets deleted, you can run coin_monitor_init.C to create an
-empty coin_monitor.root. Running this will also overwrite any existing data in
-a non-empty coin_monitor.root
-- Macro to delete a run's data from coin_monitor.root
-- Implement kinematic settings (different markers?)
-- Save as PDF 
diff --git a/UTIL-CT/coin_monitor_calc.C b/UTIL-CT/coin_monitor_calc.C
deleted file mode 100644
index 7644c3e3..00000000
--- a/UTIL-CT/coin_monitor_calc.C
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
-void coin_monitor_calc(Int_t RunNumber = 0, Int_t TargetType = 0, Int_t KinematicsType = 0)
-	// Get RunNumber if not provided.
-	if(RunNumber == 0) {
-		cout << "Enter a Run Number (-1 to exit): ";
-		cin >> RunNumber;
-		if( RunNumber<=0 ) return;
-	}
-	// Get if not provided.
-	if(TargetType == 0) {
-		cout << "Enter a target (1=LH2, 2=6% Carbon, 3=dummy, -1 to exit): ";
-		cin >> TargetType;
-		if( TargetType<=0 ) return;
-	}
-	// Get KinematicsType if not provided.
-	//if(KinematicsType == 0) {
-	//	cout << "Enter a kinematics index (see coin_monitor.README; -1 to exit): ";
-	//	cin >> KinematicsType;
-	//	if( KinematicsType<=0 ) return;
-	//}
-	// ========================================================================
-	// A cheat to grab some efficiencies from the report output.
-	// I'm doing this because I don't know how to access this from the root file
-	// Note that this makes BIG assumptions about the structure of the template!
-	//
-	TString sysOutput;	// awk output
-	TString field;          // description in report
-	TObjArray* stringsPtr;  // used in tokenizing
-	// report filename
-	TString reportFile = Form("REPORT_OUTPUT/COIN/PRODUCTION/", RunNumber);
-	// awk template for getting value form report
-	// Assumes value is separated from description by a colon.
-	// You need to be careful if there are multiple matches in the file.
-	TString awk_template = "awk -F':' '/%s/{print $2}' %s";
-	// SHMS charge1 -------------------------------------------------------
-	field = "SHMS BCM1  Beam Cut Charge";
-	sysOutput = gSystem->GetFromPipe(Form(awk_template.Data(), field.Data(), reportFile.Data()));
-	stringsPtr = sysOutput.Tokenize("\n");
-	double pQ_BCM1 = ((TObjString *)(stringsPtr->At(0)))->String().Atof();
-	// SHMS charge2 -------------------------------------------------------
-	field = "SHMS BCM2  Beam Cut Charge";
-	sysOutput = gSystem->GetFromPipe(Form(awk_template.Data(), field.Data(), reportFile.Data()));
-	stringsPtr = sysOutput.Tokenize("\n");
-	double pQ_BCM2 = ((TObjString *)(stringsPtr->At(0)))->String().Atof();
-	// HMS charge1 --------------------------------------------------------
-	field = "HMS BCM1  Beam Cut Charge";
-	sysOutput = gSystem->GetFromPipe(Form(awk_template.Data(), field.Data(), reportFile.Data()));
-	stringsPtr = sysOutput.Tokenize("\n");
-	double hQ_BCM1 = ((TObjString *)(stringsPtr->At(0)))->String().Atof();
-	// HMS charge2 --------------------------------------------------------
-	field = "HMS BCM1  Beam Cut Charge";
-	sysOutput = gSystem->GetFromPipe(Form(awk_template.Data(), field.Data(), reportFile.Data()));
-	stringsPtr = sysOutput.Tokenize("\n");
-	double hQ_BCM2 = ((TObjString *)(stringsPtr->At(0)))->String().Atof();
-	// SHMS N TRIG --------------------------------------------------------
-	field = "SHMS Accepted Physics Triggers";
-	sysOutput = gSystem->GetFromPipe(Form(awk_template.Data(), field.Data(), reportFile.Data()));
-	stringsPtr = sysOutput.Tokenize("\n");
-	double pN_trig = ((TObjString *)(stringsPtr->At(0)))->String().Atof();
-	// HMS N TRIG ---------------------------------------------------------
-	field = "HMS Accepted Physics Triggers";
-	sysOutput = gSystem->GetFromPipe(Form(awk_template.Data(), field.Data(), reportFile.Data()));
-	stringsPtr = sysOutput.Tokenize("\n");
-	double hN_trig = ((TObjString *)(stringsPtr->At(0)))->String().Atof();
-	// Yield per mC
-	double pYield = 1000 * pN_trig / ((pQ_BCM1 + pQ_BCM2)/2.0);
-	double hYield = 1000 * hN_trig / ((hQ_BCM1 + hQ_BCM2)/2.0);
-	// SHMS hadron track efficiency ---------------------------------------
-	// Assume SHMS is the first match, HMS is the second
-	sysOutput = gSystem->GetFromPipe(Form(awk_template.Data(), field.Data(), reportFile.Data()));
-	stringsPtr = sysOutput.Tokenize("\n");
-	sysOutput = ((TObjString *)(stringsPtr->At(0)))->String(); // first match
-	stringsPtr = sysOutput.Tokenize("+-"); // this line has erorr printed as well
-	double pHadTrackEff    = ((TObjString *)(stringsPtr->At(0)))->String().Atof();
-	double pHadTrackEffErr = ((TObjString *)(stringsPtr->At(1)))->String().Atof();
-	// HMS electron track efficiency ---------------------------------------
-	// Assume SHMS is the first match, HMS is the second
-	sysOutput = gSystem->GetFromPipe(Form(awk_template.Data(), field.Data(), reportFile.Data()));
-	stringsPtr = sysOutput.Tokenize("\n");
-	sysOutput = ((TObjString *)(stringsPtr->At(1)))->String(); // second match
-	stringsPtr = sysOutput.Tokenize("+-"); // this line has erorr printed as well
-	double hElecTrackEff    = ((TObjString *)(stringsPtr->At(0)))->String().Atof();
-	double hElecTrackEffErr = ((TObjString *)(stringsPtr->At(1)))->String().Atof();
-	// SHMS and HMS 3/4 trigger efficiency ---------------------------------
-	// Assume SHMS is the first match, HMS is the second
-	field = "3_of_4 EFF";
-	sysOutput = gSystem->GetFromPipe(Form(awk_template.Data(), field.Data(), reportFile.Data()));
-	stringsPtr = sysOutput.Tokenize("\n");
-	double p3of4Eff         = ((TObjString *)(stringsPtr->At(0)))->String().Atof();
-	double h3of4Eff         = ((TObjString *)(stringsPtr->At(1)))->String().Atof();
-	// Live Time ----------------------------------------------------------
-	field = "ROC2 Pre-Scaled Ps6 ROC2 Computer Live Time";
-	sysOutput = gSystem->GetFromPipe(Form(awk_template.Data(), field.Data(), reportFile.Data()));
-	stringsPtr = sysOutput.Tokenize("\n");
-	double roc2PS6liveTime  = ((TObjString *)(stringsPtr->At(0)))->String().Atof();
-	// ========================================================================
-	// Bookkeeping
-	// Open old data, copy to new tree.
-	// We skip if an old datum's run number matches the one the user specified.
-	TFile* newYieldF = new TFile("ROOTfiles/coin_monitor_new.root", "RECREATE");
-	TTree* TY_new = new TTree("Y","coin_monitor tree");
-	int run_new, tgt_new, kin_new, pN_trig_new, hN_trig_new;
-	double pYpc_new, hYpc_new, pQ_new, hQ_new;
-	double pHadTrackEff_new, pHadTrackEffErr_new, hElecTrackEff_new, hElecTrackEffErr_new;
-	double p3of4Eff_new, h3of4Eff_new, roc2PS6liveTime_new;
-	TY_new->Branch("run",&run_new);
-	TY_new->Branch("tgt",&tgt_new);
-	TY_new->Branch("kin",&kin_new);
-	TY_new->Branch("pYpc",&pYpc_new);
-	TY_new->Branch("hYpc",&hYpc_new);
-	TY_new->Branch("pN_trig",&pN_trig_new);
-	TY_new->Branch("hN_trig",&hN_trig_new);
-	TY_new->Branch("pQ",&pQ_new);
-	TY_new->Branch("hQ",&hQ_new);
-	TY_new->Branch("pHadTrackEff",&pHadTrackEff_new);
-	TY_new->Branch("pHadTrackEffErr",&pHadTrackEffErr_new);
-	TY_new->Branch("hElecTrackEff",&hElecTrackEff_new);
-	TY_new->Branch("hElecTrackEffErr",&hElecTrackEffErr_new);
-	TY_new->Branch("p3of4Eff",&p3of4Eff_new);
-	TY_new->Branch("h3of4Eff",&h3of4Eff_new);
-	TY_new->Branch("roc2PS6liveTime",&roc2PS6liveTime_new);
-	TFile* yieldF = new TFile("ROOTfiles/coin_monitor.root","READ");
-	TTree* TY_old = (TTree*)yieldF->Get("Y");
-	int run_old, tgt_old, kin_old, pN_trig_old, hN_trig_old;
-	double pYpc_old, hYpc_old, pQ_old, hQ_old;
-	double pHadTrackEff_old, pHadTrackEffErr_old, hElecTrackEff_old, hElecTrackEffErr_old;
-	double p3of4Eff_old, h3of4Eff_old, roc2PS6liveTime_old;
-	TY_old->SetBranchAddress("run",&run_old);
-	TY_old->SetBranchAddress("tgt",&tgt_old);
-	TY_old->SetBranchAddress("kin",&kin_old);
-	TY_old->SetBranchAddress("pYpc",&pYpc_old);
-	TY_old->SetBranchAddress("hYpc",&hYpc_old);
-	TY_old->SetBranchAddress("pN_trig",&pN_trig_old);
-	TY_old->SetBranchAddress("hN_trig",&hN_trig_old);
-	TY_old->SetBranchAddress("pQ",&pQ_old);
-	TY_old->SetBranchAddress("hQ",&hQ_old);
-	TY_old->SetBranchAddress("pHadTrackEff",&pHadTrackEff_old);
-	TY_old->SetBranchAddress("pHadTrackEffErr",&pHadTrackEffErr_old);
-	TY_old->SetBranchAddress("hElecTrackEff",&hElecTrackEff_old);
-	TY_old->SetBranchAddress("hElecTrackEffErr",&hElecTrackEffErr_old);
-	TY_old->SetBranchAddress("p3of4Eff",&p3of4Eff_old);
-	TY_old->SetBranchAddress("h3of4Eff",&h3of4Eff_old);
-	TY_old->SetBranchAddress("roc2PS6liveTime",&roc2PS6liveTime_old);
-	newYieldF->cd();
-	for (int i=0; i<TY_old->GetEntries(); i++) {
-		TY_old->GetEntry(i);
-		// Skip if matches user specified run
-		if (run_old == RunNumber) {
-			cout << "WARNING: Overwriting run " << RunNumber << endl;
-			continue;
-		}
-		run_new     = run_old;
-		tgt_new     = tgt_old;
-		kin_new     = kin_old;
-		pYpc_new    = pYpc_old;
-		hYpc_new    = hYpc_old;
-		pN_trig_new = pN_trig_old;
-		hN_trig_new = pN_trig_old;
-		pQ_new      = pQ_old;
-		hQ_new      = hQ_old;
-		pHadTrackEff_new     = pHadTrackEff_old;
-		pHadTrackEffErr_new  = pHadTrackEffErr_old;
-		hElecTrackEff_new    = hElecTrackEff_old;
-		hElecTrackEffErr_new = hElecTrackEffErr_old;
-		p3of4Eff_new         = p3of4Eff_old;
-		h3of4Eff_new         = h3of4Eff_old;
-		roc2PS6liveTime_new  = roc2PS6liveTime_old;
-		TY_new->Fill();
-	}
-	// Add user specified run
-	run_new     = RunNumber;
-	tgt_new     = TargetType;
-	kin_new     = KinematicsType;
-	pYpc_new    = pYield;
-	hYpc_new    = hYield;
-	pN_trig_new = pN_trig;
-	hN_trig_new = hN_trig;
-	pQ_new      = ((pQ_BCM1 + pQ_BCM2)/2.0) / 1000.0;
-	hQ_new      = ((hQ_BCM1 + hQ_BCM2)/2.0) / 1000.0;
-	pHadTrackEff_new     = pHadTrackEff;
-	pHadTrackEffErr_new  = pHadTrackEffErr;
-	hElecTrackEff_new    = hElecTrackEff;
-	hElecTrackEffErr_new = hElecTrackEffErr;
-	p3of4Eff_new         = p3of4Eff;
-	h3of4Eff_new         = h3of4Eff;
-	roc2PS6liveTime_new  = roc2PS6liveTime;
-	TY_new->Fill();
-	// Rename new root file to old one
-	newYieldF->Write();
-	newYieldF->Close();
-	gSystem->Exec("mv ROOTfiles/coin_monitor_new.root ROOTfiles/coin_monitor.root");
diff --git a/UTIL-CT/ b/UTIL-CT/
deleted file mode 100755
index ce0e053a..00000000
--- a/UTIL-CT/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-echo Creating blank coin_monitor.root
-./hcana -q "SCRIPTS/COIN/MONITOR/coin_monitor_init.C"
-# Hydrogen
-./hcana -q "SCRIPTS/COIN/MONITOR/coin_monitor_calc.C(2278,1)"
-./hcana -q "SCRIPTS/COIN/MONITOR/coin_monitor_calc.C(2279,1)"
-./hcana -q "SCRIPTS/COIN/MONITOR/coin_monitor_calc.C(2280,1)"
-./hcana -q "SCRIPTS/COIN/MONITOR/coin_monitor_calc.C(2281,1)"
-./hcana -q "SCRIPTS/COIN/MONITOR/coin_monitor_calc.C(2283,1)"
-# Carbon
-./hcana -q "SCRIPTS/COIN/MONITOR/coin_monitor_calc.C(2284,2)"
-./hcana -q "SCRIPTS/COIN/MONITOR/coin_monitor_calc.C(2285,2)"
-./hcana -q "SCRIPTS/COIN/MONITOR/coin_monitor_calc.C(2286,2)"
-./hcana -q "SCRIPTS/COIN/MONITOR/coin_monitor_calc.C(2290,2)"
-./hcana -q "SCRIPTS/COIN/MONITOR/coin_monitor_calc.C(2291,2)"
-./hcana -q "SCRIPTS/COIN/MONITOR/coin_monitor_calc.C(2292,2)"
-./hcana -q "SCRIPTS/COIN/MONITOR/coin_monitor_calc.C(2293,2)"
-./hcana -q "SCRIPTS/COIN/MONITOR/coin_monitor_calc.C(2294,2)"
-./hcana -q "SCRIPTS/COIN/MONITOR/coin_monitor_calc.C(2295,2)"
-./hcana -q "SCRIPTS/COIN/MONITOR/coin_monitor_calc.C(2296,2)"
-./hcana -q "SCRIPTS/COIN/MONITOR/coin_monitor_calc.C(2297,2)"
-./hcana -q "SCRIPTS/COIN/MONITOR/coin_monitor_calc.C(2298,2)"
-./hcana -q "SCRIPTS/COIN/MONITOR/coin_monitor_calc.C(2299,2)"
-./hcana -q "SCRIPTS/COIN/MONITOR/coin_monitor_calc.C(2300,2)"
-./hcana -q "SCRIPTS/COIN/MONITOR/coin_monitor_calc.C(2301,2)"
-./hcana -q "SCRIPTS/COIN/MONITOR/coin_monitor_calc.C(2303,2)"
-./hcana -q "SCRIPTS/COIN/MONITOR/coin_monitor_calc.C(2304,2)"
-./hcana -q "SCRIPTS/COIN/MONITOR/coin_monitor_calc.C(2305,2)"
-./hcana -q "SCRIPTS/COIN/MONITOR/coin_monitor_calc.C(2306,2)"
-./hcana -q "SCRIPTS/COIN/MONITOR/coin_monitor_calc.C(2308,2)"
-./hcana -q "SCRIPTS/COIN/MONITOR/coin_monitor_calc.C(2309,2)"
-./hcana -q "SCRIPTS/COIN/MONITOR/coin_monitor_calc.C(2310,2)"
-./hcana -q "SCRIPTS/COIN/MONITOR/coin_monitor_calc.C(2311,2)"
-./hcana -q "SCRIPTS/COIN/MONITOR/coin_monitor_calc.C(2312,2)"
-./hcana -q "SCRIPTS/COIN/MONITOR/coin_monitor_calc.C(2313,2)"
-./hcana -q "SCRIPTS/COIN/MONITOR/coin_monitor_calc.C(2314,2)"
-./hcana -q "SCRIPTS/COIN/MONITOR/coin_monitor_calc.C(2315,2)"
-./hcana -q "SCRIPTS/COIN/MONITOR/coin_monitor_calc.C(2316,2)"
-./hcana -q "SCRIPTS/COIN/MONITOR/coin_monitor_calc.C(2317,2)"
-./hcana -q "SCRIPTS/COIN/MONITOR/coin_monitor_calc.C(2318,2)"
-./hcana -q "SCRIPTS/COIN/MONITOR/coin_monitor_calc.C(2319,2)"
-./hcana -q "SCRIPTS/COIN/MONITOR/coin_monitor_calc.C(2320,2)"
-./hcana -q "SCRIPTS/COIN/MONITOR/coin_monitor_calc.C(2321,2)"
-./hcana -q "SCRIPTS/COIN/MONITOR/coin_monitor_calc.C(2322,2)"
-./hcana -q "SCRIPTS/COIN/MONITOR/coin_monitor_calc.C(2323,2)"
-./hcana -q "SCRIPTS/COIN/MONITOR/coin_monitor_calc.C(2324,2)"
-./hcana -q "SCRIPTS/COIN/MONITOR/coin_monitor_calc.C(2325,2)"
diff --git a/UTIL-CT/coin_monitor_graph.C b/UTIL-CT/coin_monitor_graph.C
deleted file mode 100644
index d3885af2..00000000
--- a/UTIL-CT/coin_monitor_graph.C
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
-void coin_monitor_graph(int runMin = -1, int runMax = -1) {
-	TFile* yieldF = new TFile("ROOTfiles/coin_monitor.root","READ");
-	TTree* TY=(TTree*)yieldF->Get("Y");
-	//gStyle->SetOptTitle(kFALSE);
-	gStyle->SetPalette(1);
-	TVirtualPad *pad;
-	TCanvas* c = new TCanvas("c", "Coincidence monitoring", 1024, 640);
-	c->Divide(2,2);
-	// Get min and max run number
-	// If user specifies -1 for min||max, we use the min||max in coin_monitor.root
-	// These are also the defaults
-	Y->Draw("run>>htemp","","goff");
-	if (runMin==-1) {
-		runMin = htemp->GetXaxis()->GetXmin() - 5;
-	}
-	if (runMax==-1) {
-		runMax = htemp->GetXaxis()->GetXmax() + 5;
-	}
-	// =============================================
-	// YIELD
-	pad = c->cd(1);
-	TCut hCut = "tgt==1";
-	Y->Draw("run:pYpc:(sqrt(pN_trig)/pQ)",hCut,"goff");
-	TGraphErrors* gHydrogen = new TGraphErrors(Y->GetEntries(),Y->GetV1(),Y->GetV2(),0,Y->GetV3());
-	TCut cCut = "tgt==2";
-	Y->Draw("run:pYpc:(sqrt(pN_trig)/pQ)",cCut,"goff");
-	TGraphErrors* gCarbon = new TGraphErrors(Y->GetEntries(),Y->GetV1(),Y->GetV2(),0,Y->GetV3());
-	//TCut dCut = "tgt==3";
-	//Y->Draw("run:pYpc:(sqrt(pN_trig)/pQ)",dCut,"goff");
-	//TGraphErrors* gDummy = new TGraphErrors(Y->GetEntries(),Y->GetV1(),Y->GetV2(),0,Y->GetV3());
-	gHydrogen->SetLineColor(46);
-	gCarbon->SetLineColor(38);
-	//gDummy->SetLineColor(41);
-	TMultiGraph *mgYield = new TMultiGraph("mgYield", "Coincidence yield per run");
-	mgYield->Add(gHydrogen);
-	mgYield->Add(gCarbon);
-	//mgYield->Add(gDummy);
-	mgYield->Draw("AP");
-	mgYield->GetXaxis()->SetLimits(runMin, runMax);
-	mgYield->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Run Number");
-	mgYield->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Yield per mC");
-	TLegend *legYield = new TLegend(0.15, 0.3, 0.35, 0.2); 
-	legYield->SetFillColor(0); 
-	legYield->AddEntry(gHydrogen, "Hydrogen", "lp"); 
-	legYield->AddEntry(gCarbon, "Carbon", "lp"); 
-	//legYield->AddEntry(gDummy, "Dummy", "lp");
-	legYield->Draw();
-	// =============================================
-	pad = c->cd(2);
-	Y->Draw("run:roc2PS6liveTime","","goff");
-	TGraph* gPLive = new TGraph(Y->GetEntries(), Y->GetV1(), Y->GetV2());
-	gPLive->SetTitle("ROC2 PS6 Live Time");
-	gPLive->SetMarkerStyle(22);
-	gPLive->SetMarkerColor(30);
-	gPLive->SetMinimum(48);
-	gPLive->SetMaximum(102);
-	gPLive->Draw("AP");
-	gPLive->GetXaxis()->SetLimits(runMin, runMax);
-	gPLive->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Run Number");
-	gPLive->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Live time");
-	// =============================================
-	// 3 of 4 efficiency
-	pad = c->cd(3);
-	Y->Draw("run:p3of4Eff","","goff");
-	TGraph* gP3of4 = new TGraph(Y->GetEntries(), Y->GetV1(), Y->GetV2());
-	Y->Draw("run:h3of4Eff","","goff");
-	TGraph* gH3of4 = new TGraph(Y->GetEntries(), Y->GetV1(), Y->GetV2());
-	gP3of4->SetMarkerColor(46);
-	gP3of4->SetMarkerStyle(26);
-	gH3of4->SetMarkerColor(30);
-	gH3of4->SetMarkerStyle(32);
-	TMultiGraph *mg3of4 = new TMultiGraph("mg3of4", "3 of 4 Efficiency");
-	mg3of4->Add(gP3of4);
-	mg3of4->Add(gH3of4);
-	mg3of4->Draw("AP");
-	mg3of4->SetMinimum(0.48);
-	mg3of4->SetMaximum(1.02);
-	mg3of4->GetXaxis()->SetLimits(runMin, runMax);
-	mg3of4->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Run Number");
-	mg3of4->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("3/4 Efficiency");
-	TLegend *leg3of4 = new TLegend(0.15, 0.3, 0.35, 0.2);
-        leg3of4->SetFillColor(0);
-        leg3of4->AddEntry(gP3of4, "SHMS 3/4", "p");
-        leg3of4->AddEntry(gH3of4, "HMS 3/4", "p");
-        leg3of4->Draw();
-	// =============================================
-	// PID track efficiency
-	pad = c->cd(4);
-	Y->Draw("run:pHadTrackEff:pHadTrackEffErr","","goff");
-	TGraphErrors* gPTrack = new TGraphErrors(Y->GetEntries(),Y->GetV1(),Y->GetV2(),0,Y->GetV3());
-	Y->Draw("run:hElecTrackEff:hElecTrackEffErr","","goff");
-	TGraphErrors* gHTrack = new TGraphErrors(Y->GetEntries(),Y->GetV1(),Y->GetV2(),0,Y->GetV3());
-	gPTrack->SetMarkerColor(46);
-	gPTrack->SetLineColor(46);
-	gPTrack->SetMarkerStyle(26);
-	gHTrack->SetMarkerColor(30);
-	gHTrack->SetLineColor(30);
-	gHTrack->SetMarkerStyle(32);
-	TMultiGraph *mgTrack = new TMultiGraph("mgTrack", "PID Tracking Efficiency");
-	mgTrack->Add(gPTrack);
-	mgTrack->Add(gHTrack);
-	mgTrack->Draw("AP");
-	mgTrack->SetMinimum(0.48);
-	mgTrack->SetMaximum(1.02);
-	mgTrack->GetXaxis()->SetLimits(runMin, runMax);
-	mgTrack->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Run Number");
-	mgTrack->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("PID Tracking Efficiency");
-	TLegend *legTrack = new TLegend(0.15, 0.3, 0.35, 0.2);
-        legTrack->SetFillColor(0);
-        legTrack->AddEntry(gPTrack, "SHMS Hadron", "p");
-        legTrack->AddEntry(gHTrack, "HMS Electron", "p");
-        legTrack->Draw();
diff --git a/UTIL-CT/coin_monitor_init.C b/UTIL-CT/coin_monitor_init.C
deleted file mode 100644
index cea6d96e..00000000
--- a/UTIL-CT/coin_monitor_init.C
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-    TFile* newYieldF = new TFile("ROOTfiles/coin_monitor.root", "RECREATE");
-    TTree* TY_new = new TTree("Y","coin_monitor tree");
-    int run_new, tgt_new, kin_new, pN_trig_new, hN_trig_new;
-    double pYpc_new, hYpc_new, pQ_new, hQ_new;
-    double pHadTrackEff_new, pHadTrackEffErr_new, hElecTrackEff_new, hElecTrackEffErr_new;
-    double p3of4Eff_new, h3of4Eff_new, roc2PS6liveTime_new;
-    TY_new->Branch("run",&run_new);
-    TY_new->Branch("tgt",&tgt_new);
-    TY_new->Branch("kin",&kin_new);
-    TY_new->Branch("pYpc",&pYpc_new);
-    TY_new->Branch("hYpc",&hYpc_new);
-    TY_new->Branch("pN_trig",&pN_trig_new);
-    TY_new->Branch("hN_trig",&hN_trig_new);
-    TY_new->Branch("pQ",&pQ_new);
-    TY_new->Branch("hQ",&hQ_new);
-    TY_new->Branch("pHadTrackEff",&pHadTrackEff_new);
-    TY_new->Branch("pHadTrackEffErr",&pHadTrackEffErr_new);
-    TY_new->Branch("hElecTrackEff",&hElecTrackEff_new);
-    TY_new->Branch("hElecTrackEffErr",&hElecTrackEffErr_new);
-    TY_new->Branch("p3of4Eff",&p3of4Eff_new);
-    TY_new->Branch("h3of4Eff",&h3of4Eff_new);
-    TY_new->Branch("roc2PS6liveTime",&roc2PS6liveTime_new);
-    newYieldF->Write();
-    newYieldF->Close();
diff --git a/UTIL-OL/PED_MON/hms_coin_ped.C b/UTIL-OL/PED_MON/hms_coin_ped.C
deleted file mode 100644
index ae3fcff2..00000000
--- a/UTIL-OL/PED_MON/hms_coin_ped.C
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
-//Read one 1D histogram from rootfile
-void hms_ped(Int_t runNumber, Int_t eventNumber)
-  const Int_t run          = runNumber;
-  const  Int_t nevents     = eventNumber;
-  const Int_t goldRunNum   = 1292;
-  const Int_t numHistos  = 3;       //Number of histos
-  // Define golden run in which to compare current run to
-  TFile *f = new TFile(Form("ROOTfiles/hms_replay_production_%d_50000.root", goldRunNum));
-  // TFile *f = new TFile(Form("ROOTfiles/hms_coin_replay_production_%d_50000.root", goldRunNum));
-  ofstream myfile;
-"outHMS.txt"); //To store pedestals differences
-  myfile <<"___________________________________________________________________________"<<endl;
-  myfile <<"HMS PEDESTAL GOLDEN  RUN NUMBER =" "  "<<goldRunNum<<endl;
-  myfile <<"HMS TRIGGER  PPED  RUN   NUMBER =" "  "<<run<<endl;
-  myfile <<"___________________________________________________________________________"<<endl;
-  myfile <<"hms_pped"<< "\t\t\t"<<"Mean_Golden"<<"\t"<<"Mean"<<"\t\t"<<"Mean_Diff"<<endl;
-  myfile <<"___________________________________________________________________________"<<endl;
-  //cout<<"Channel "<<"   Bar"<<"\t"<<"Variable"<<"\t"<<"Mean_Golden"<<"\t"<<"Mean "<<"\t"<<"Mean_Diff"<<endl;
-  //  cout<<"________________________________________________________________"<<endl;
-  TH1D *histG[numHistos];
-  TH1D *hist[numHistos];
-  Int_t channel [3]={13,12,15};//(see hallc_replay/MAPS/HMS/DETEC/TRIG/
-  TString variables[numHistos]={"hSHWR","hPSHWR","hCER"};
-  TString histos[numHistos]={"htrig_hshwr_adc_pped",  "htrig_hpreShwr_adc_pped", "htrig_hcersum_adc_pped" }; 
-  Int_t plane=1;
-  Int_t bar [3]={6,5,8}; //variables are corresponding to these bars
-  //For Golden
-  double meanG[numHistos],rmsG[numHistos];
-  double mean[numHistos],rms[numHistos];
-  double meanDiff[numHistos],rmsDiff[numHistos];
-  double eff_rms[numHistos];
-  for (int i = 0; i<numHistos ; i++)
-    {
-      histG[i] = (TH1D*)gDirectory->Get(histos[i]);
-      //histG[i] = (TH1D*)gDirectory->GetList()->FindObject(branches[i]);
-      if (histG[i]) {
-	meanG[i]=histG[i]->GetMean();
-	rmsG[i]=histG[i]->GetRMS();
-      }
-      else
-	{
-	  cout << "****************ATTENTION REQUIRED *****************************" << endl;
-	  cout << "************HMS_TRIGGER_PULSE_PEDESTALS_HAVE PROBLEMS *********" << endl;
-	  cout << "************PLEASE LOOK AT HMS_TRIGGER_SUM_PPED_HISTOGRAMS*****" << endl;
-	}
-    }
-  // no golden
-  // TFile *f1= new TFile(Form("../../../../ROOTfiles/hms_replay_production_%d_%d.root",run,nevents));
-  TFile *f1= new TFile(Form("ROOTfiles/hms_coin_replay_production_%d_%d.root",run,nevents));
-  for (int i = 0; i<numHistos ; i++)
-    {
-      hist[i] = (TH1D*)gDirectory->Get(histos[i]);
-      mean[i]=hist[i]->GetMean();
-      rms[i]=hist[i]->GetRMS();
-    }
-  for (int i = 0; i<numHistos ; i++)
-    {
-      meanDiff[i]=meanG[i]-mean[i];
-      eff_rms[i] = sqrt(pow(rmsG[i], 2)+pow(rms[i], 2));
-    }
-  for (int i = 0; i<numHistos ; i++)
-    {
-      //open this cout if we want to print values in terminal
-      // cout <<channel[i]<<""<<"\t"<< bar[i]<<"\t"<<variables[i]<<"\t"<<"\t"<<meanG[i]<<"\t\t"<<mean[i]<<"\t\t"<<meanDiff[i]<<endl;
-      // myfile<<variables[i]<<"\t"<<"\t"<<meanG[i]<<"\t\t"<<mean[i]<<"\t\t"<<meanDiff[i]<<endl;//to stores values in .txt file
-      myfile<<histos[i]<<"\t"<<"\t"<<meanG[i]<<"\t\t"<<mean[i]<<"\t\t"<<meanDiff[i]<<endl;//to stores values in .txt file
-      //cout<<histos[i]<<"\t"<<"\t"<<meanG[i]<<"\t\t"<<mean[i]<<"\t\t"<<meanDiff[i]<<endl;
-    }
-  for (int i = 0; i<numHistos ; i++)
-    {
-      if(abs(meanDiff[i])>2.5) // //The following message will appear in terminal if Pedestal mean differnce is greater than 2.5
-	{
-	  cout<<"_____________________________________________________________________"<<endl;
-	  cout << "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Attention Needed !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" << endl;
-	  cout<<"_____________________________________________________________________"<<endl;
-	  cout << "--------------------See ROC1 --- SLOT 17---------------------------" << endl;//hallc_replay/MAPS/HMS/DETEC/TRIG/
-	  cout<<  "------------- FOR SHWER SUM, PRESHWER SUM AND CERENKOV SUM---------"<<endl;
-          cout<<  "NOTE----> MEAN FOR CURRENT RUN  = M  AND THEIR DIFFERNCE = MD------"<<endl;
-          cout << "---------------ABSOLUTE VALUE OF MD should be < 2.5----------------"<< endl;
-	  cout<< "------------BUT HERE YOU SEE THE MG VALUE(S) > 2.5-----------------"<<endl;
-	  cout << "-----------------PLEASE CONSULT WITH  SHIFT LEADER-----------------" <<endl;
-          cout<<"_____________________________________________________________________"<<endl;
-	  cout << "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Attention Needed !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" << endl;
-	  cout << setprecision(4) << fixed <<"chan"<<" "<< channel[i] << " " <<"bar"<<" "<< bar[i] 
-	       << "\t" <<  variables[i] << "\t" <<"MG"<<"  "<<meanG[i] <<"  " 
-	       <<"M"<<"  "<< mean[i] <<" " <<"MD"<<" "<< meanDiff[i] << endl;//MG=mean golden,M = mean current, MD = mean diff
-          cout<<"_____________________________________________________________________"<<endl;
-	}	
-    }
-  myfile <<"____________________________________________________________________________"<<endl;
-  myfile.close();
-  // TCanvas *c2 = new TCanvas();
-  // double x[numHistos] ={1,2,3};
-  // TGraphErrors *gr = new TGraphErrors(numHistos, x, meanDiff, 0, eff_rms); 
-  // c2->cd(1);
-  // gr->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(" HMS SHWR    PRESHWR  CERENKOV");
-  // gr->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("HMS PED_MEAN_DIFF");
-  // gr->SetTitle("HMS PED SHWR PRESHWR CER Golden_vs_current_Run");
-  // gr->SetMarkerColor(2);
-  // gr->SetMarkerSize(1);
-  // gr->SetMarkerStyle(3);
-  // gr->Draw("AP*");
-  //  TLegend *leg = new TLegend(0.2,0.9,0.5,0.7);
-  //  leg->AddEntry(gr ,"1 = Pshwr","p");
-  //  leg->AddEntry(gr ,"2 = Pprshwr","p");
-  //  leg->AddEntry(gr ,"3 = Pcer","p");
-  // leg->Draw();
-  // c2->Update();
diff --git a/UTIL-OL/PED_MON/hms_ped.C b/UTIL-OL/PED_MON/hms_ped.C
deleted file mode 100644
index 42a7f9e3..00000000
--- a/UTIL-OL/PED_MON/hms_ped.C
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
-//Read one 1D histogram from rootfile
-void hms_ped(Int_t runNumber, Int_t eventNumber)
-  const Int_t run          = runNumber;
-  const  Int_t nevents     = eventNumber;
-  const Int_t goldRunNum   = 1292;
-  const Int_t numHistos  = 3;       //Number of histos
-  // Define golden run in which to compare current run to
-  TFile *f = new TFile(Form("ROOTfiles/hms_replay_production_%d_50000.root", goldRunNum));
-  ofstream myfile;
-"outHMS.txt"); //To store pedestals differences
-  myfile <<"___________________________________________________________________________"<<endl;
-  myfile <<"HMS PEDESTAL GOLDEN  RUN NUMBER =" "  "<<goldRunNum<<endl;
-  myfile <<"HMS TRIGGER  PPED  RUN   NUMBER =" "  "<<run<<endl;
-  myfile <<"___________________________________________________________________________"<<endl;
-  myfile <<"hms_pped"<< "\t\t\t"<<"Mean_Golden"<<"\t"<<"Mean"<<"\t\t"<<"Mean_Diff"<<endl;
-  myfile <<"___________________________________________________________________________"<<endl;
-  TH1D *histG[numHistos];
-  TH1D *hist[numHistos];
-  Int_t channel [3]={13,12,15};//(see hallc_replay/MAPS/HMS/DETEC/TRIG/
-  TString variables[numHistos]={"hSHWR","hPSHWR","hCER"};
-  TString histos[numHistos]={"htrig_hshwr_adc_pped",  "htrig_hpreShwr_adc_pped", "htrig_hcersum_adc_pped" }; 
-  Int_t plane=1;
-  Int_t bar [3]={6,5,8}; //variables are corresponding to these bars
-  //For Golden
-  double meanG[numHistos],rmsG[numHistos];
-  double mean[numHistos],rms[numHistos];
-  double meanDiff[numHistos],rmsDiff[numHistos];
-  double eff_rms[numHistos];
-  for (int i = 0; i<numHistos ; i++)
-    {
-      histG[i] = (TH1D*)gDirectory->Get(histos[i]);
-      //histG[i] = (TH1D*)gDirectory->GetList()->FindObject(branches[i]);
-      if (histG[i]) {
-	meanG[i]=histG[i]->GetMean();
-	rmsG[i]=histG[i]->GetRMS();
-      }
-      else
-	{
-	  cout << "****************ATTENTION REQUIRED *****************************" << endl;
-	  cout << "************HMS_TRIGGER_PULSE_PEDESTALS_HAVE PROBLEMS *********" << endl;
-	  cout << "************PLEASE LOOK AT HMS_TRIGGER_SUM_PPED_HISTOGRAMS*****" << endl;
-	}
-    }
-  // no golden
-  TFile *f1= new TFile(Form("ROOTfiles/hms_replay_production_%d_%d.root",run,nevents));
-  for (int i = 0; i<numHistos ; i++)
-    {
-      hist[i] = (TH1D*)gDirectory->Get(histos[i]);
-      mean[i]=hist[i]->GetMean();
-      rms[i]=hist[i]->GetRMS();
-    }
-  for (int i = 0; i<numHistos ; i++)
-    {
-      meanDiff[i]=meanG[i]-mean[i];
-      eff_rms[i] = sqrt(pow(rmsG[i], 2)+pow(rms[i], 2));
-    }
-  for (int i = 0; i<numHistos ; i++)
-    {
-      //open this cout if we want to print values in terminal
-      // cout <<channel[i]<<""<<"\t"<< bar[i]<<"\t"<<variables[i]<<"\t"<<"\t"<<meanG[i]<<"\t\t"<<mean[i]<<"\t\t"<<meanDiff[i]<<endl;
-      myfile<<histos[i]<<"\t"<<"\t"<<meanG[i]<<"\t\t"<<mean[i]<<"\t\t"<<meanDiff[i]<<endl;//to stores values in .txt file
-    }
-  for (int i = 0; i<numHistos ; i++)
-    {
-      if(abs(meanDiff[i])>2.5) // //The following message will appear in terminal if Pedestal mean differnce is greater than 2.5
-	{
-	  cout<<"_____________________________________________________________________"<<endl;
-	  cout << "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Attention Needed !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" << endl;
-	  cout<<"_____________________________________________________________________"<<endl;
-	  cout << "--------------------See ROC1 --- SLOT 17---------------------------" << endl;//hallc_replay/MAPS/HMS/DETEC/TRIG/
-	  cout<<  "------------- FOR SHWER SUM, PRESHWER SUM AND CERENKOV SUM---------"<<endl;
-          cout<<  "NOTE----> MEAN FOR CURRENT RUN  = M  AND THEIR DIFFERNCE = MD------"<<endl;
-          cout << "---------------ABSOLUTE VALUE OF MD should be < 2.5----------------"<< endl;
-	  cout<< "------------BUT HERE YOU SEE THE MG VALUE(S) > 2.5-----------------"<<endl;
-	  cout << "-----------------PLEASE CONSULT WITH  SHIFT LEADER-----------------" <<endl;
-          cout<<"_____________________________________________________________________"<<endl;
-	  cout << "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Attention Needed !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" << endl;
-	  cout << setprecision(4) << fixed <<"chan"<<" "<< channel[i] << " " <<"bar"<<" "<< bar[i] 
-	       << "\t" <<  variables[i] << "\t" <<"MG"<<"  "<<meanG[i] <<"  " 
-	       <<"M"<<"  "<< mean[i] <<" " <<"MD"<<" "<< meanDiff[i] << endl;//MG=mean golden,M = mean current, MD = mean diff
-          cout<<"_____________________________________________________________________"<<endl;
-	}	
-    }
-  myfile <<"____________________________________________________________________________"<<endl;
-  myfile.close();
-  // TCanvas *c2 = new TCanvas();
-  // double x[numHistos] ={1,2,3};
-  // TGraphErrors *gr = new TGraphErrors(numHistos, x, meanDiff, 0, eff_rms); 
-  // c2->cd(1);
-  // gr->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(" HMS SHWR    PRESHWR  CERENKOV");
-  // gr->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("HMS PED_MEAN_DIFF");
-  // gr->SetTitle("HMS PED SHWR PRESHWR CER Golden_vs_current_Run");
-  // gr->SetMarkerColor(2);
-  // gr->SetMarkerSize(1);
-  // gr->SetMarkerStyle(3);
-  // gr->Draw("AP*");
-  //  TLegend *leg = new TLegend(0.2,0.9,0.5,0.7);
-  //  leg->AddEntry(gr ,"1 = Pshwr","p");
-  //  leg->AddEntry(gr ,"2 = Pprshwr","p");
-  //  leg->AddEntry(gr ,"3 = Pcer","p");
-  // leg->Draw();
-  // c2->Update();
diff --git a/UTIL-OL/PED_MON/shms_coin_ped.C b/UTIL-OL/PED_MON/shms_coin_ped.C
deleted file mode 100644
index adb5fc24..00000000
--- a/UTIL-OL/PED_MON/shms_coin_ped.C
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
-//Read one 1D histogram from rootfile
-void shms_ped(Int_t runNumber, Int_t eventNumber)
-  const Int_t run        = runNumber;
-  const Int_t nevents    = eventNumber;
-  const Int_t goldRunNum = 1757;
-  const Int_t numHistos  = 5;     //Number of histos
-  // Define golden run in which to compare current run to
-   TFile *f = new TFile(Form("ROOTfiles/shms_replay_production_%d_50000.root", goldRunNum));
-  // TFile *f = new TFile(Form("ROOTfiles/shms_coin_replay_production_%d_50000.root", goldRunNum));
-  ofstream myfile;
-"outSHMS.txt"); //To store pedestals differences
-  //cout<<"________________________________________________________________"<<endl;
- myfile <<"___________________________________________________________________________"<<endl;
-  myfile <<"SHMS PEDESTAL GOLDEN  RUN NUMBER =" "  "<<goldRunNum<<endl;
-  myfile <<"SHMS TRIGGER SUM PPED RUN NUMBER =" "  "<<run<<endl;
-  myfile <<"___________________________________________________________________________"<<endl;
-  myfile <<"shms_sum_pped"<< "\t\t\t"<<"Mean_Golden"<<"\t"<<"Mean"<<"\t\t"<<"Mean_Diff"<<endl;
-  myfile <<"___________________________________________________________________________"<<endl;
-  // myfile<< "shms_sum_pped   " << "Mean_Golden"<<"\t"<<"Mean"<<"\t\t"<<"Mean_Diff"<<endl;
-  // cout<<"Channel "<<"   Bar"<<"\t"<<"Variable"<<"\t"<<"Mean_Golden"<<"\t"<<"Mean "<<"\t"<<"Mean_Diff"<<endl;
-  //  cout<<"________________________________________________________________"<<endl;
-  TH1D *histG[numHistos];
-  TH1D *hist[numHistos];
-  Int_t   channel[5] = {1,2,3,4,5}; //(see hallc_replay/MAPS/SHMS/DETEC/TRIG/
-  TString variables[numHistos] = {"pHGCER", "pNGCER", "pPSHWR", "pHG_MOD", "pNG_MOD"};
-  TString histos[numHistos]    = {"ptrig_phgc_sum_pped", "ptrig_pngc_sum_pped", "ptrig_prshwr_sum_pped", "ptrig_phgc_sum_MOD_pped", "ptrig_pngc_sum_MOD_pped"};
-  Int_t plane=1;
-  Int_t bar [5]={2,3,4,6,7}; //variables are corresponding to these bars
-  // For Goldern
-  double meanG[numHistos],    rmsG[numHistos];
-  double mean[numHistos],     rms[numHistos];
-  double meanDiff[numHistos], rmsDiff[numHistos];
-  double eff_rms[numHistos];
-  for (int i = 0; i < numHistos-2 ; i++)
-    {
-      histG[i] = (TH1D*)gDirectory->Get(histos[i]);
-      // cout << "histG[i] = " << histG[i] << endl;
-      if (histG[i]) {
-  	//	histG[i]->Draw();
-      	meanG[i]=histG[i]->GetMean();
-      	rmsG[i]=histG[i]->GetRMS();
-      }
-      else 
-  	{	
-  	  cout << "****************ATTENTION REQUIRED *****************************" << endl;
-  	  cout << "************SHMS_TRIGGER_PULSE_PEDESTALS_HAVE PROBLEMS *********" << endl;
-  	  cout << "************PLEASE LOOK AT SHMS_TRIGGER_SUM_PPED_HISTOGRAMS*****" << endl;    
-  	}
-    }
-  //  no golden
-  // TFile *f1= new TFile(Form("../../../../ROOTfiles/shms_replay_production_%d_%d.root",run,nevents));
-  TFile *f1= new TFile(Form("ROOTfiles/shms_coin_replay_production_%d_%d.root",run,nevents));
-  for (int i = 0; i < numHistos-2 ; i++)
-    {
-      hist[i] = (TH1D*)gDirectory->Get(histos[i]);
-      // cout << "mean = " << hist[i]->GetMean() << endl;
-      mean[i]=hist[i]->GetMean();
-      rms[i]=hist[i]->GetRMS();
-    }
-  for (int i = 0; i < numHistos-2 ; i++)
-    {
-      meanDiff[i]=meanG[i]-mean[i];
-      eff_rms[i] = sqrt(pow(rmsG[i], 2)+pow(rms[i], 2));
-    }
-  for (int i = 0; i < numHistos-2 ; i++)
-    {
-      // cout <<channel[i]<<""<<"\t"<< bar[i]<<"\t"<<variables[i]<<"\t"<<"\t"<<meanG[i]<<"\t\t"<<mean[i]<<"\t\t"<<meanDiff[i]<<endl;
-      myfile<<histos[i]<<"\t"<<"\t"<<meanG[i]<<"\t\t"<<mean[i]<<"\t\t"<<meanDiff[i]<<endl;//to store values in .txt file
-    }
-  for (int i = 0; i < numHistos-2 ; i++)
-    {
-      if(abs(meanDiff[i])>2.5) //The following message will appear in terminal if Pedestal mean differnce is greater than 2.5
-	{
-	  cout << "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Attention Needed !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" << endl;
-	  cout<<"_____________________________________________________________________"<<endl;
-	  cout << "--------------------See ROC2 --- SLOT 14---------------------------" << endl;//hallc_replay/MAPS/HMS/DETEC/TRIG/
-          cout<<  "NOTE----> MEAN FOR CURRENT RUN  = M  AND THEIR DIFFERNCE = MD------"<<endl;
-          cout << "---------------ABSOLUTE VALUE OF MD should be < 2.5----------------"<< endl;
-	  cout<< "------------BUT HERE YOU SEE THE MG VALUE(S) > 2.5-----------------"<<endl;
-	  cout << "-----------------PLEASE CONSULT WITH  SHIFT LEADER-----------------" <<endl;
-          cout<<"_____________________________________________________________________"<<endl;
-	  cout << "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Attention Needed !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" << endl;
-	  cout << setprecision(4) << fixed <<"chan"<<" "<< channel[i] << " " <<"bar"<<" "<< bar[i] 
-	       << "\t" <<  variables[i] << "\t" <<"MG"<<"  "<<meanG[i] <<"  " 
-	       <<"M"<<"  "<< mean[i] <<" " <<"MD"<<" "<< meanDiff[i] << endl;//MG=mean golden,M = mean current, MD = mean diff
-          cout<<"_____________________________________________________________________"<<endl;
-	}
-    }
-  myfile <<"___________________________________________________________________________"<<endl;
-  myfile.close();
-  // TCanvas *c2 = new TCanvas();
-  // double x[numHistos] ={1,2,3,4,5};
-  // TGraphErrors *gr = new TGraphErrors(numHistos-2, x, meanDiff, 0, eff_rms); 
-  // c2->cd(1);
-  // gr->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(" SHMS HGC    NGC    PRSHWR");//     PHGC_SUM     PNGC_SUM");
-  // gr->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("PED_MEAN_DIFF");
-  // gr->SetTitle("SHMS PED HGC NGC PRSHWR Golden (1757)_vs_current_Run");
-  // gr->SetMarkerColor(2);
-  // gr->SetMarkerSize(1);
-  // gr->SetMarkerStyle(3);
-  // gr->Draw("AP*");
-  // TLegend *leg = new TLegend(0.20,0.9,0.45,0.7);
-  // leg->AddEntry(gr ,"1 = PHGC","p");
-  // leg->AddEntry(gr ,"2 = PNGC","p");
-  // leg->AddEntry(gr,"3 = PRSHWR","p");
-  // //leg->AddEntry(gr ,"2 = PHGC_SUM","p");
-  // // leg->AddEntry(gr,"3 = PNGC_SUM","p");
-  // leg->Draw();
-  // c2->Update();
diff --git a/UTIL-OL/PED_MON/shms_ped.C b/UTIL-OL/PED_MON/shms_ped.C
deleted file mode 100644
index 3794c93d..00000000
--- a/UTIL-OL/PED_MON/shms_ped.C
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
-//Read one 1D histogram from rootfile
-void shms_ped(Int_t runNumber, Int_t eventNumber)
-  const Int_t run        = runNumber;
-  const Int_t nevents    = eventNumber;
-  const Int_t goldRunNum = 1757;
-  const Int_t numHistos  = 5;     //Number of histos
-  // Define golden run in which to compare current run to
-  TFile *f = new TFile(Form("ROOTfiles/shms_replay_production_%d_50000.root", goldRunNum));
-  ofstream myfile;
-"outSHMS.txt"); //To store pedestals differences
-  myfile <<"___________________________________________________________________________"<<endl;
-  myfile <<"SHMS PEDESTAL GOLDEN  RUN NUMBER =" "  "<<goldRunNum<<endl;
-  myfile <<"SHMS TRIGGER SUM PPED RUN NUMBER =" "  "<<run<<endl;
-  myfile <<"___________________________________________________________________________"<<endl;
-  myfile <<"shms_sum_pped"<< "\t\t\t"<<"Mean_Golden"<<"\t"<<"Mean"<<"\t\t"<<"Mean_Diff"<<endl;
-  myfile <<"___________________________________________________________________________"<<endl;
-  TH1D *histG[numHistos];
-  TH1D *hist[numHistos];
-  Int_t   channel[5] = {1,2,3,4,5}; //(see hallc_replay/MAPS/SHMS/DETEC/TRIG/
-  TString variables[numHistos] = {"pHGCER", "pNGCER", "pPSHWR", "pHG_MOD", "pNG_MOD"};
-  TString histos[numHistos]    = {"ptrig_phgc_sum_pped", "ptrig_pngc_sum_pped", "ptrig_prshwr_sum_pped", "ptrig_phgc_sum_MOD_pped", "ptrig_pngc_sum_MOD_pped"};
-  Int_t plane=1;
-  Int_t bar [5]={2,3,4,6,7}; //variables are corresponding to these bars
-  // For Goldern
-  double meanG[numHistos],    rmsG[numHistos];
-  double mean[numHistos],     rms[numHistos];
-  double meanDiff[numHistos], rmsDiff[numHistos];
-  double eff_rms[numHistos];
-  for (int i = 0; i < numHistos-2 ; i++)
-    {
-      histG[i] = (TH1D*)gDirectory->Get(histos[i]);
-      // cout << "histG[i] = " << histG[i] << endl;
-      if (histG[i]) {
-  	//	histG[i]->Draw();
-      	meanG[i]=histG[i]->GetMean();
-      	rmsG[i]=histG[i]->GetRMS();
-      }
-      else 
-  	{	
-  	  cout << "****************ATTENTION REQUIRED *****************************" << endl;
-  	  cout << "************SHMS_TRIGGER_PULSE_PEDESTALS_HAVE PROBLEMS *********" << endl;
-  	  cout << "************PLEASE LOOK AT SHMS_TRIGGER_SUM_PPED_HISTOGRAMS*****" << endl;    
-  	}
-    }
-  //  no golden
-  // TFile *f1= new TFile(Form("../../../../ROOTfiles/shms_replay_production_%d_%d.root",run,nevents));
-  TFile *f1= new TFile(Form("ROOTfiles/shms_replay_production_%d_%d.root",run,nevents));
-  for (int i = 0; i < numHistos-2 ; i++)
-    {
-      hist[i] = (TH1D*)gDirectory->Get(histos[i]);
-      // cout << "mean = " << hist[i]->GetMean() << endl;
-      mean[i]=hist[i]->GetMean();
-      rms[i]=hist[i]->GetRMS();
-    }
-  for (int i = 0; i < numHistos-2 ; i++)
-    {
-      meanDiff[i]=meanG[i]-mean[i];
-      eff_rms[i] = sqrt(pow(rmsG[i], 2)+pow(rms[i], 2));
-    }
-  for (int i = 0; i < numHistos-2 ; i++)
-    {
-      // cout <<channel[i]<<""<<"\t"<< bar[i]<<"\t"<<variables[i]<<"\t"<<"\t"<<meanG[i]<<"\t\t"<<mean[i]<<"\t\t"<<meanDiff[i]<<endl;
-      myfile<<histos[i]<<"\t"<<"\t"<<meanG[i]<<"\t\t"<<mean[i]<<"\t\t"<<meanDiff[i]<<endl;//to store values in .txt file
-    }
-  for (int i = 0; i < numHistos-2 ; i++)
-    {
-      if(abs(meanDiff[i])>2.5) //The following message will appear in terminal if Pedestal mean differnce is greater than 2.5
-	{
-	  cout << "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Attention Needed !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" << endl;
-	  cout<<"_____________________________________________________________________"<<endl;
-	  cout << "--------------------See ROC2 --- SLOT 14---------------------------" << endl;//hallc_replay/MAPS/HMS/DETEC/TRIG/
-          cout<<  "NOTE----> MEAN FOR CURRENT RUN  = M  AND THEIR DIFFERNCE = MD------"<<endl;
-          cout << "---------------ABSOLUTE VALUE OF MD should be < 2.5----------------"<< endl;
-	  cout<< "------------BUT HERE YOU SEE THE MG VALUE(S) > 2.5-----------------"<<endl;
-	  cout << "-----------------PLEASE CONSULT WITH  SHIFT LEADER-----------------" <<endl;
-          cout<<"_____________________________________________________________________"<<endl;
-	  cout << "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Attention Needed !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" << endl;
-	  cout << setprecision(4) << fixed <<"chan"<<" "<< channel[i] << " " <<"bar"<<" "<< bar[i] 
-	       << "\t" <<  variables[i] << "\t" <<"MG"<<"  "<<meanG[i] <<"  " 
-	       <<"M"<<"  "<< mean[i] <<" " <<"MD"<<" "<< meanDiff[i] << endl;//MG=mean golden,M = mean current, MD = mean diff
-          cout<<"_____________________________________________________________________"<<endl;
-	}
-    }
-myfile <<"___________________________________________________________________________"<<endl;
-  myfile.close();
-  // TCanvas *c2 = new TCanvas();
-  // double x[numHistos] ={1,2,3,4,5};
-  // TGraphErrors *gr = new TGraphErrors(numHistos-2, x, meanDiff, 0, eff_rms); 
-  // c2->cd(1);
-  // gr->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(" SHMS HGC    NGC    PRSHWR");//     PHGC_SUM     PNGC_SUM");
-  // gr->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("PED_MEAN_DIFF");
-  // gr->SetTitle("SHMS PED HGC NGC PRSHWR Golden (1757)_vs_current_Run");
-  // gr->SetMarkerColor(2);
-  // gr->SetMarkerSize(1);
-  // gr->SetMarkerStyle(3);
-  // gr->Draw("AP*");
-  // TLegend *leg = new TLegend(0.20,0.9,0.45,0.7);
-  // leg->AddEntry(gr ,"1 = PHGC","p");
-  // leg->AddEntry(gr ,"2 = PNGC","p");
-  // leg->AddEntry(gr,"3 = PRSHWR","p");
-  // //leg->AddEntry(gr ,"2 = PHGC_SUM","p");
-  // // leg->AddEntry(gr,"3 = PNGC_SUM","p");
-  // leg->Draw();
-  // c2->Update();
diff --git a/UTIL-OL/REP_MON/ b/UTIL-OL/REP_MON/
deleted file mode 100755
index 69095f5d..00000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import sys
-runNo = sys.argv[1]
-evenNo = sys.argv[2]
-filename = './REPORT_OUTPUT/HMS/PRODUCTION/'% (runNo, evenNo)
-f = open(filename)
-fout = open('output.txt','w')
-for line in f:
-    data = line.split(':')
-    if ('Run #' in data[0])or ('4_of_4 EFF' in data[0])  or ('BCM1 Current'in data[0]) or ('BCM2 Current'in data[0]) or('BCM4a Current' in data[0]) or ('SING FID' in data[0]and 'HADRON' not in data[0])or('Plane 1' in data[0]) or('Plane 2' in data[0])or('Plane 3'in data[0])or ('Plane 4'in data[0]) or ('Pre-Scaled Ps1 HMS Computer Live Time' in data[0])or ('Pre-Scaled Ps2 HMS Computer Live Time' in data[0]) or('Pre-Scaled Ps3 HMS Computer Live Time' in data[0])or('Pre-Trigger' in data[0]):
-        # print (data[0]+ ': '+ data[1])
-         fout.write(data[0]+ ': '+ data[1])
-    data2 = line.split('=')
-    if ('Ps' in data2[0] and 'factor' in data2[0] and 'Ps4' not in data2[0] and 'Ps5' not in data2[0] and 'Ps6' not in data2[0]):
-        line = data2[0]
-        line = line.replace('Ps1_factor','Pre-Scale HMS 3/4')
-        line = line.replace('Ps2_factor','Pre-Scale HMS EL-Real')
-        line = line.replace('Ps3_factor','Pre-Scale HMS EL-clean')
-    # print (line + ': '+ data2[1])
-        fout.write(line + ':'+ data2[1])
diff --git a/UTIL-OL/REP_MON/ b/UTIL-OL/REP_MON/
deleted file mode 100755
index 6c0e8979..00000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import sys
-runNo = sys.argv[1]
-evenNo = sys.argv[2]
-#raw_input("Enter the run number: ")
-#eveNo = $2
-#raw_input("Enter the event number: ")
-filename = './REPORT_OUTPUT/SHMS/PRODUCTION/'% (runNo, evenNo)
-f = open(filename)
-fout = open('output.txt','w')
-for line in f:
-    data = line.split(':')
-    if ('Run #' in data[0])or ('4_of_4 EFF' in data[0])  or ('BCM1 Current'in data[0]) or ('BCM2 Current'in data[0]) or('BCM4a Current' in data[0]) or ('SING FID' in data[0]and 'HADRON' not in data[0])or('Plane 1' in data[0]) or('Plane 2' in data[0])or('Plane 3'in data[0])or ('Plane 4'in data[0]) or ('Pre-Scaled Ps1 SHMS Computer Live Time' in data[0])or ('Pre-Scaled Ps2 SHMS Computer Live Time' in data[0]) or('Pre-Scaled Ps3 SHMS Computer Live Time' in data[0])or('Pre-Trigger' in data[0]):
-        # print (data[0]+ ': '+ data[1])
-        fout.write(data[0]+ ': '+ data[1])
-    data2 = line.split('=')
-    if ('Ps' in data2[0] and 'factor' in data2[0] and 'Ps4' not in data2[0] and 'Ps5' not in data2[0] and 'Ps6' not in data2[0]):
-        line = data2[0]
-        line = line.replace('Ps1_factor','Pre-Scale SHMS 3/4')
-        line = line.replace('Ps2_factor','Pre-Scale SHMS EL-Real')
-        line = line.replace('Ps3_factor','Pre-Scale SHMS EL-clean')
-    # print (line + ': '+ data2[1])
-        fout.write(line + ':'+ data2[1])
deleted file mode 120000
index b3c278fe..00000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
deleted file mode 100755
index 08f8a238..00000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/bash
-# Which spectrometer are we analyzing.
-SPEC=$(echo "$spec" | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]')
-# What is the last run number for the spectrometer.
-# The pre-fix zero must be stripped because ROOT is ... well ROOT
-lastRun=$( \
-    ls raw/"${spec}"_all_*.dat raw/../raw.copiedtotape/"${spec}"_all_*.dat -R 2>/dev/null | perl -ne 'if(/0*(\d+)/) {print "$1\n"}' | sort -n | tail -1 \
-# Which run to analyze.
-if [ -z "$runNum" ]; then
-  runNum=$lastRun
-# How many events to analyze.
-# Which scripts to run.
-# Define some useful directories
-# Name of the pedestal monitoring file
-# Which commands to run.
-runHcana="./hcana -q \"${script}(${runNum}, ${numEvents})\""
-runOnlineGUI="./online -f ${config} -r ${runNum}"
-saveOnlineGUI="./online -f ${config} -r ${runNum} -P"
-runReportMon="./${reportMonDir}/readout_${spec}.py ${runNum} ${numEvents}"
-runPedMon="root -l -q \"${pedMonDir}/${spec}_ped.C(${runNum}, ${numEvents})\""
-openReportMon="emacs ${reportMonOutDir}/${reportMonFile}"
-# Name of the replay ROOT file
-# Names of the monitoring file
-# Where to put log
-# What is base name of onlineGUI output.
-# Replay out files
-# Start analysis and monitoring plots.
-  echo ""
-  echo ":=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:="
-  echo "" 
-  date
-  echo ""
-  echo "Running ${SPEC} analysis on the run ${runNum}:"
-  echo " -> SCRIPT:  ${script}"
-  echo " -> RUN:     ${runNum}"
-  echo " -> NEVENTS: ${numEvents}"
-  echo " -> COMMAND: ${runHcana}"
-  echo ""
-  echo ":=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:="
-  sleep 2
-  eval ${runHcana}
-  # Link the ROOT file to latest for online monitoring
-  ln -fs ${rootFile} ${latestRootFile}
-  echo "" 
-  echo ""
-  echo ""
-  echo ":=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:="
-  echo ""
-  echo "Running onlineGUI for analyzed ${SPEC} run ${runNum}:"
-  echo " -> CONFIG:  ${config}"
-  echo " -> RUN:     ${runNum}"
-  echo " -> COMMAND: ${runOnlineGUI}"
-  echo ""
-  echo ":=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:="
-  sleep 2
-  cd onlineGUI
-  eval ${runOnlineGUI}
-  eval ${saveOnlineGUI}
-  mv "${outFile}.pdf" "../HISTOGRAMS/${SPEC}/PDF/${outFile}.pdf"
-  mv "${outFile}.root" "../HISTOGRAMS/${SPEC}/ROOT/${outFile}.root"
-  cd ..
-  ln -fs ${monRootFile} ${latestMonRootFile}
-  ln -fs ${monPdfFile} ${latestMonPdfFile}
-  echo "" 
-  echo ""
-  echo ""
-  echo ":=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:="
-  echo ""
-  echo "Done analyzing ${SPEC} run ${runNum}."
-  echo ""
-  echo ":=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:="
-  echo "" 
-  echo ""
-  echo ""
-  sleep 2
-  echo ":=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:="
-  echo ""
-  echo "Performing pedestal monitoring for ${SPEC} run ${runNum}."
-  echo ""
-  echo ":=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:="
-  sleep 2
-  eval ${runPedMon}
-  mv "${outFilePed}" "${pedMonOutDir}/${pedMonFile}"
-  echo "" 
-  echo ""
-  echo ""
-  echo ":=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:="
-  echo ""
-  echo "Generating report file monitoring data file ${SPEC} run ${runNum}."
-  echo ""
-  echo ":=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:="
-  eval ${runReportMon}
-  mv "${outFileMonitor}" "${reportMonOutDir}/${reportMonFile}"
-  eval ${openReportMon}
-  sleep 2
-  echo "" 
-  echo ""
-  echo ""
-  echo ":=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:="
-  echo ""
-  echo "Done producing report file monitoring data file ${SPEC} run ${runNum}."
-  echo ""
-  echo ":=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:="
-  echo "" 
-  echo ""
-  echo ""
-  echo "-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|"
-  echo ""
-  echo "So long and thanks for all the fish!"
-  echo ""
-  echo "-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|"
-  echo "" 
-  echo ""
-  echo ""
-} 2>&1 | tee "${replayReport}"
diff --git a/UTIL_CT b/UTIL_CT
new file mode 160000
index 00000000..74f7d43d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/UTIL_CT
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Subproject commit 74f7d43d6536fe55f5beed7e564368be11281e80
diff --git a/UTIL_F2_XEM b/UTIL_F2_XEM
new file mode 160000
index 00000000..e73b9002
--- /dev/null
+++ b/UTIL_F2_XEM
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Subproject commit e73b90022cff24a862ddab0faec273fd944be411
diff --git a/UTIL_OL b/UTIL_OL
new file mode 160000
index 00000000..ab978be7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/UTIL_OL
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Subproject commit ab978be7640cc3c19aa96228fc0d805ce030d8cc
diff --git a/ b/
index 6d640fea..3e1c6b1b 120000
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ b/
index 6d640fea..b669af6d 120000
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file