From a1c8b50948df5709c207ec48383ca392a97e3d2b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Yero1990 <>
Date: Sat, 17 Mar 2018 10:40:07 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] Dc calib work (#429)

* moved 'old_scripts' directory to UTIL_ED

* Added optional num_evts argument to take '-1' as an option to loop over all events in the TTree.

* updated good_event definition:>0.1&&X.cer_npeSum>1.0&&(5/6 PLANE HITS)

* added percent variable to determine fit region for HMS/SHMS independently

* add t0_err_threshold as criteria for accepting good wire drift time fits

* Started to implement Per Card DC Calibration: 1)Added per-card methods in header file, 2)Added varible plane_cars[NPLANES] to store max number of disc. cards in a plane

* added per-card histogram definitions

* added GetCard() method

* Added option to calibrated by card ... Currently working on EventLoop() method

* Implement GetCard() method within EventLoop() method :: Add option to fill uncorrected plane and card drift times while in 'card' mode during the calibration

* added GetTwentyPercent_Card() method

* added FitCardDriftTime() method

* re-arranged methods

* added card histograms to WriteToFile() method

* added mode string to setup directory methood

* Working version of DC Calib using 'card' optional argument

* Finished implementing per card DC Calibration
 CALIBRATION/dc_calib/scripts/DC_calib.C       | 1152 ++++++++++++++---
 CALIBRATION/dc_calib/scripts/DC_calib.h       |   67 +-
 CALIBRATION/dc_calib/scripts/main_calib.C     |    9 +-
 .../scripts/old_scripts/get_LookUp_Values.C   |  128 --
 .../scripts/old_scripts/get_pdc_time_histo.C  |   95 --
 .../get_pdc_time_histo_tzero_corrected.C      |  218 ----
 .../scripts/old_scripts/get_tzero_param.C     |  303 -----
 .../old_scripts/get_tzero_per_wire_param.C    |  150 ---
 .../scripts/old_scripts/get_wire_tzero.C      |  424 ------
 .../dc_calib/scripts/old_scripts/run_Cal.C    |  110 --
 .../scripts/old_scripts/update_pdcparam.C     |  111 --
 .../scripts/old_scripts/wire_drift_times.C    |  308 -----
 .../scripts/old_scripts/wire_drift_times.h    |  552 --------
 13 files changed, 1016 insertions(+), 2611 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 CALIBRATION/dc_calib/scripts/old_scripts/get_LookUp_Values.C
 delete mode 100644 CALIBRATION/dc_calib/scripts/old_scripts/get_pdc_time_histo.C
 delete mode 100644 CALIBRATION/dc_calib/scripts/old_scripts/get_pdc_time_histo_tzero_corrected.C
 delete mode 100644 CALIBRATION/dc_calib/scripts/old_scripts/get_tzero_param.C
 delete mode 100644 CALIBRATION/dc_calib/scripts/old_scripts/get_tzero_per_wire_param.C
 delete mode 100644 CALIBRATION/dc_calib/scripts/old_scripts/get_wire_tzero.C
 delete mode 100644 CALIBRATION/dc_calib/scripts/old_scripts/run_Cal.C
 delete mode 100644 CALIBRATION/dc_calib/scripts/old_scripts/update_pdcparam.C
 delete mode 100644 CALIBRATION/dc_calib/scripts/old_scripts/wire_drift_times.C
 delete mode 100644 CALIBRATION/dc_calib/scripts/old_scripts/wire_drift_times.h

diff --git a/CALIBRATION/dc_calib/scripts/DC_calib.C b/CALIBRATION/dc_calib/scripts/DC_calib.C
index 2348d582..abf9b035 100644
--- a/CALIBRATION/dc_calib/scripts/DC_calib.C
+++ b/CALIBRATION/dc_calib/scripts/DC_calib.C
@@ -5,13 +5,14 @@
 using namespace std;
-DC_calib::DC_calib(string a, TString b, const int c, Long64_t d, TString e)
+DC_calib::DC_calib(string a, TString b, const int c, Long64_t d, TString e, string f)
   :spec(a),          //set spectrometer to 'HMS', or 'SHMS'  ex. DC_Calib(HMS, pdc_replay.C, 488, 50000)
    ifile_name(b),    //initialization list
-   pid(e)
+   pid(e),
+   mode(f)
   //Initialize pointers
   dir_log    = NULL;
@@ -38,12 +39,31 @@ DC_calib::DC_calib(string a, TString b, const int c, Long64_t d, TString e)
   twenty_perc_maxContent = NULL;
   ref_time               = NULL;
   tZero_fit              = NULL;
   graph                  = NULL;
   gr1_canv               = NULL;
+  if(mode=="card")
+    {
+  //--Card Variables
+      entries_card           = NULL;
+      t_zero_card            = NULL;
+      t_zero_card_err        = NULL;
+      card_hist              = NULL;
+      corr_card_hist         = NULL;
+      fitted_card_hist       = NULL;
+      wire_min               = NULL;
+      wire_max               = NULL;
+      wireBinContentMax      = NULL;
+      wireBinContentLow      = NULL;
+      wireBinContentHigh     = NULL;
+      wireBinHigh            = NULL;
+      wireBinLow             = NULL;
+      wireFitRangeLow        = NULL;
+      wireFitRangeHigh       = NULL;
+    }
@@ -57,6 +77,9 @@ DC_calib::~DC_calib()
   delete out_file; out_file = NULL;             
   delete graph;    graph    = NULL;
   delete gr1_canv; gr1_canv = NULL;
   //Delete 1D Arrays pointers to free up 'heap' space
     delete [] dt_vs_wire; dt_vs_wire = NULL;
@@ -64,6 +87,7 @@ DC_calib::~DC_calib()
     delete [] plane_dt; plane_dt     = NULL;
     delete [] plane_dt_corr; plane_dt_corr = NULL;
     //free 2d dynamic array cell_dt[][]
     for(int ip = 0; ip<NPLANES; ip++) 
@@ -80,6 +104,29 @@ DC_calib::~DC_calib()
 	delete [] twenty_perc_maxContent[ip]; 
 	delete [] ref_time[ip];
 	delete [] offset[ip];
+	if (mode=="card")
+	  {
+	    //Card Variables
+	    delete [] entries_card[ip];        
+	    delete [] t_zero_card[ip];
+	    delete [] t_zero_card_err[ip];
+	    delete [] card_hist[ip]; 
+	    delete [] corr_card_hist[ip];
+	    delete [] fitted_card_hist[ip];
+	    delete [] wire_min[ip];
+	    delete [] wire_max[ip];
+	    delete [] wireBinContentMax[ip];
+	    delete [] wireBinContentLow[ip];
+	    delete [] wireBinContentHigh[ip];
+	    delete [] wireBinHigh[ip];
+	    delete [] wireBinLow[ip];
+	    delete [] wireFitRangeHigh[ip];
+	    delete [] wireFitRangeLow[ip];
+	  }
     delete [] entries;                     entries                = NULL;
@@ -95,8 +142,30 @@ DC_calib::~DC_calib()
     delete [] twenty_perc_maxContent;      twenty_perc_maxContent = NULL;
     delete [] ref_time;                    ref_time               = NULL;
     delete [] offset;                      offset                 = NULL;
+    if (mode=="card")
+      {
+	//Card Variables 
+	delete [] entries_card;                entries_card           = NULL;
+	delete [] t_zero_card;                 t_zero_card            = NULL;
+	delete [] t_zero_card_err;             t_zero_card_err        = NULL;
+	delete [] card_hist;                   card_hist              = NULL;
+	delete [] corr_card_hist;              corr_card_hist         = NULL;
+	delete [] fitted_card_hist;            fitted_card_hist       = NULL;
+	delete [] wire_min;                    wire_min               = NULL;
+	delete [] wire_max;                    wire_max               = NULL;
+	delete [] wireBinContentMax;           wireBinContentMax      = NULL;
+	delete [] wireBinContentLow;           wireBinContentLow      = NULL;
+	delete [] wireBinContentHigh;          wireBinContentHigh     = NULL;
+	delete [] wireBinHigh;                 wireBinHigh            = NULL;
+	delete [] wireBinLow;                  wireBinLow             = NULL;
+	delete [] wireFitRangeLow;             wireFitRangeLow        = NULL;
+	delete [] wireFitRangeHigh;            wireFitRangeHigh       = NULL;
+      }
 void DC_calib::setup_Directory()
@@ -105,7 +174,7 @@ void DC_calib::setup_Directory()
   if (spec == "HMS")
-      dir_log = Form("mkdir -p ./%s_DC_Log_%d/", spec.c_str(), run_NUM);
+      dir_log = Form("mkdir -p ./%s_DC_%sLog_%d/", spec.c_str(), mode.c_str(), run_NUM);
       //Check if directory exists
       if (system(dir_log) != 0) 
@@ -120,7 +189,7 @@ void DC_calib::setup_Directory()
   else if (spec == "SHMS")
-      dir_log = Form("mkdir -p ./%s_DC_Log_%d/", spec.c_str(), run_NUM);
+      dir_log = Form("mkdir -p ./%s_DC_%sLog_%d/", spec.c_str(), mode.c_str(), run_NUM);
       //Check if directory exists
       if (system(dir_log) != 0) 
@@ -146,8 +215,12 @@ void DC_calib::SetPlaneNames()
   //initialize DC plane names
-      tdc_offset = 0.0;
+      //--per wire ONLY
+      percent = 0.40;
+      t0_err_thrs = 15;  
       max_wire_entry = 1000;
+      tdc_offset = 0.0;
       SPECTROMETER = "P";
       spectre = "p";
@@ -163,15 +236,37 @@ void DC_calib::SetPlaneNames()
       planes[9] = plane_names[9]="2x1",  nwires[9] = 79;
       planes[10] = plane_names[10]="2u2", nwires[10] = 107;
       planes[11] = plane_names[11]="2u1", nwires[11] = 107;
+      if (mode=="card")
+	{
+	  //cout << "Setting Plane Cards . . ." << endl;
+      //---Per Card ONLY----
+      plane_cards[0] = 7;
+      plane_cards[1] = 7;
+      plane_cards[2] = 5;
+      plane_cards[3] = 5;
+      plane_cards[4] = 7;
+      plane_cards[5] = 7;
+      plane_cards[6] = 7;
+      plane_cards[7] = 7;
+      plane_cards[8] = 5;
+      plane_cards[9] = 5;
+      plane_cards[10] = 7;
+      plane_cards[11] = 7;
+	}
   else if(spec=="HMS")
+      //per wire ONLY
+      percent = 0.20;  ///set 20% of max drit time content to fit around
+      t0_err_thrs = 0;
       max_wire_entry = 1000;
-      tdc_offset = 115.;   //wires 81-96
-      // tdc_offset_1v2 = 109.9;   //49-65
+      tdc_offset = 115.;  
       SPECTROMETER = "H";
@@ -187,6 +282,23 @@ void DC_calib::SetPlaneNames()
       planes[9] = plane_names[9]="2x1",  nwires[9] = 102;
       planes[10] = plane_names[10]="2u2", nwires[10] = 96;
       planes[11] = plane_names[11]="2u1", nwires[11] = 96;
+      if (mode=="card")
+	{
+      //---Per-Card ONLY---
+      plane_cards[0] = 6;
+      plane_cards[1] = 6;
+      plane_cards[2] = 7;
+      plane_cards[3] = 7;
+      plane_cards[4] = 6;
+      plane_cards[5] = 6;
+      plane_cards[6] = 6;
+      plane_cards[7] = 6;
+      plane_cards[8] = 7;
+      plane_cards[9] = 7;
+      plane_cards[10] = 6;
+      plane_cards[11] = 6;
+	}
@@ -194,7 +306,7 @@ void DC_calib::SetPlaneNames()
 void DC_calib::SetTdcOffset()
-  cout << "Setting TDC offsets for the HMS " << endl;
+  //cout << "Setting TDC offsets for the HMS " << endl;
   for (int ip = 0; ip < NPLANES; ip ++)
@@ -223,7 +335,7 @@ void DC_calib::SetTdcOffset()
 void DC_calib::GetDCLeafs()
-  cout << "DC_calib::GetDCLeafs " << endl;
   //open input root file
   in_file = new TFile(ifile_name, "READ" );
@@ -237,10 +349,15 @@ void DC_calib::GetDCLeafs()
       cout << "Number of entries entered: " << num_evts << " exeeds MAX number of entries: " << nentries << endl;
       cout << "Setting the number of entries to:  " << nentries  <<  endl;
-      num_evts = nentries;
+      num_evts = nentries;
+  else if (num_evts==-1)
+    {
+      cout << "Analyzing ALL entries: " << nentries << " entries " << endl;
+      num_evts = nentries;
+    }
   //Loop over each plane
   for (int ip = 0; ip < NPLANES; ip++)
@@ -264,9 +381,9 @@ void DC_calib::GetDCLeafs()
       cal_etot_leaf = "";
       cer_npe_leaf = "P.ngcer.npeSum";  
-      //Check Branch Status
-      status_cal = tree->GetBranchStatus(cal_etot_leaf);
-      status_cer = tree->GetBranchStatus(cer_npe_leaf); 
+      //Check Branch Status 
+      status_cal = tree->GetBranchStatus(cal_etot_leaf);  //returns a boolean
+      status_cer = tree->GetBranchStatus(cer_npe_leaf);  //return a boolean
       if ((!status_cal || !status_cer )&& (pid=="pid_elec"))
@@ -366,8 +483,29 @@ void DC_calib::AllocateDynamicArrays()
   twenty_perc_maxContent  = new Double_t*[NPLANES]; /*Array to store 20% of maximum bin content (peak)*/						     
   ref_time                = new Double_t*[NPLANES]; /*Array to store ref_time(time corresp. to 20% of peak) times for each sense wire*/             
   offset                  = new Double_t*[NPLANES];
+  if (mode=="card")
+    {
+      //cout << "Allocating Card Variables . . ." << endl;
+      //Card Variables
+      entries_card            = new Int_t*[NPLANES];
+      t_zero_card             = new Double_t*[NPLANES];
+      t_zero_card_err         = new Double_t*[NPLANES];
+      card_hist               = new TH1F*[NPLANES];  //Array to store uncorrected histogram per card
+      fitted_card_hist        = new TH1F*[NPLANES];  //Array to store fitted card histogram
+      corr_card_hist          = new TH1F*[NPLANES];  //Array to store corrected histogram per card
+      wire_min                = new Int_t*[NPLANES];
+      wire_max                = new Int_t*[NPLANES];
+      wireBinContentMax       = new Double_t*[NPLANES];
+      wireBinContentLow       = new Double_t*[NPLANES];
+      wireBinContentHigh      = new Double_t*[NPLANES];
+      wireBinHigh             = new Double_t*[NPLANES];
+      wireBinLow              = new Double_t*[NPLANES];
+      wireFitRangeLow         = new Double_t*[NPLANES];
+      wireFitRangeHigh        = new Double_t*[NPLANES];
+    }
   for(int ip=0; ip<NPLANES; ip++)
       entries[ip]                 = new Int_t[nwires[ip]]; 
@@ -383,6 +521,29 @@ void DC_calib::AllocateDynamicArrays()
       twenty_perc_maxContent[ip]  = new Double_t[nwires[ip]];   						     
       ref_time[ip]                = new Double_t[nwires[ip]];                    
       offset[ip]                  = new Double_t[nwires[ip]];
+      if (mode=="card")
+	{
+      //Card Variables
+      entries_card[ip]            = new Int_t[plane_cards[ip]];
+      t_zero_card[ip]             = new Double_t[plane_cards[ip]];
+      t_zero_card_err[ip]         = new Double_t[plane_cards[ip]];
+      card_hist[ip]               = new TH1F[plane_cards[ip]];
+      fitted_card_hist[ip]        = new TH1F[plane_cards[ip]];
+      corr_card_hist[ip]          = new TH1F[plane_cards[ip]];
+      wire_min[ip]                = new Int_t[plane_cards[ip]];
+      wire_max[ip]                = new Int_t[plane_cards[ip]];
+      wireBinContentMax[ip]       = new Double_t [plane_cards[ip]];
+      wireBinContentLow[ip]       = new Double_t [plane_cards[ip]];
+      wireBinContentHigh[ip]      = new Double_t [plane_cards[ip]];
+      wireBinLow[ip]              = new Double_t [plane_cards[ip]];
+      wireBinHigh[ip]             = new Double_t [plane_cards[ip]];
+      wireFitRangeLow[ip]         = new Double_t [plane_cards[ip]];
+      wireFitRangeHigh[ip]        = new Double_t [plane_cards[ip]];
+	}
@@ -460,36 +621,334 @@ void DC_calib::CreateHistoNames()
 	  cell_dt_corr[ip][wire].SetXTitle("Drift Time (ns)");
 	  cell_dt_corr[ip][wire].SetYTitle("Number of Entries / 1 ns");
-	}
+	} //End Loop over wires
+      if (mode=="card")
+	{
+	  //cout << "Setting Card Histogram Names . . ." << endl;
+	  //Loop over plane cards :: CARD_MODE
+	  for (card = 0; card < plane_cards[ip]; card++ )
+	    {
+	      card_hist_name = Form("UnCorr_Card_%d", card+1); 
+	      card_hist_title = spec + " DC Plane " +plane_names[ip] + Form(": Uncorrected Card_%d", card+1);
+	      card_hist[ip][card].SetName(card_hist_name);
+	      card_hist[ip][card].SetTitle(card_hist_title);
+	      card_hist[ip][card].SetBins(NBINS, MINBIN, MAXBIN);
+	      card_hist[ip][card].SetXTitle("Drift Time (ns)");
+	      card_hist[ip][card].SetYTitle("Number of Entries / 1 ns");
+	      fitted_card_hist_name = Form("Fitted_Card_%d", card+1); 
+	      fitted_card_hist_title = spec + " DC Plane " +plane_names[ip] + Form(": Fitted Card_%d", card+1);
+	      fitted_card_hist[ip][card].SetName(fitted_card_hist_name);
+	      fitted_card_hist[ip][card].SetTitle(fitted_card_hist_title);
+	      fitted_card_hist[ip][card].SetBins(200, MINBIN, MAXBIN);
+	      fitted_card_hist[ip][card].SetXTitle("Drift Time (ns)");
+	      fitted_card_hist[ip][card].SetYTitle("Number of Entries / 1 ns");
+	      corr_card_hist_name = Form("Corr_Card_%d", card+1); 
+	      corr_card_hist_title = spec + " DC Plane " +plane_names[ip] + Form(": Corrected Card_%d", card+1);
+	      corr_card_hist[ip][card].SetName(corr_card_hist_name);
+	      corr_card_hist[ip][card].SetTitle(corr_card_hist_title);
+	      corr_card_hist[ip][card].SetBins(NBINS, MINBIN, MAXBIN);
+	      corr_card_hist[ip][card].SetXTitle("Drift Time (ns)");
+	      corr_card_hist[ip][card].SetYTitle("Number of Entries / 1 ns");
+	    } //end loop over cards
+	} //end card mode
+    } //End Loop over Planes
+} //End CreateHistoNames() method
+void DC_calib::GetCard()
+  //ONLY required in :: CARD MODE
-    }
+  if (spec=="HMS")
+    {
+      //---1U1 MIN----          ----1U1 MAX-----
+      wire_min[0][0]=1;         wire_max[0][0]=16;
+      wire_min[0][1]=17;        wire_max[0][1]=32;
+      wire_min[0][2]=33;        wire_max[0][2]=48;
+      wire_min[0][3]=49;        wire_max[0][3]=64;
+      wire_min[0][4]=65;        wire_max[0][4]=80;
+      wire_min[0][5]=81;        wire_max[0][5]=96;
+      //--1U2 MIN----           ---1U2 MAX------
+      wire_min[1][0]=1;         wire_max[1][0]=16;
+      wire_min[1][1]=17;        wire_max[1][1]=32;
+      wire_min[1][2]=33;        wire_max[1][2]=48;
+      wire_min[1][3]=49;        wire_max[1][3]=64;
+      wire_min[1][4]=65;        wire_max[1][4]=80;
+      wire_min[1][5]=81;        wire_max[1][5]=96;
+      //--1X1 MIN----           ----1X1 MAX-----
+      wire_min[2][0]=1;         wire_max[2][0]=11;
+      wire_min[2][1]=12;        wire_max[2][1]=27;
+      wire_min[2][2]=28;        wire_max[2][2]=43;
+      wire_min[2][3]=44;        wire_max[2][3]=59;
+      wire_min[2][4]=60;        wire_max[2][4]=75;
+      wire_min[2][5]=76;        wire_max[2][5]=91;
+      wire_min[2][6]=92;        wire_max[2][6]=102;
+      //--1X2 MIN-----         ----1X2 MAX------
+      wire_min[3][0]=1;         wire_max[3][0]=11;
+      wire_min[3][1]=12;        wire_max[3][1]=27;
+      wire_min[3][2]=28;        wire_max[3][2]=43;
+      wire_min[3][3]=44;        wire_max[3][3]=59;
+      wire_min[3][4]=60;        wire_max[3][4]=75;
+      wire_min[3][5]=76;        wire_max[3][5]=91;
+      wire_min[3][6]=92;        wire_max[3][6]=102;
+      //--1V2 MIN-----         ---1V2 MAX-------
+      wire_min[4][0]=1;        wire_max[4][0]=16;
+      wire_min[4][1]=17;       wire_max[4][1]=32;
+      wire_min[4][2]=33;       wire_max[4][2]=48;
+      wire_min[4][3]=49;       wire_max[4][3]=64;
+      wire_min[4][4]=65;       wire_max[4][4]=80;
+      wire_min[4][5]=81;       wire_max[4][5]=96;
+      //--1V1 MIN-----         ---1V1 MAX-------
+      wire_min[5][0]=1;        wire_max[5][0]=16;
+      wire_min[5][1]=17;       wire_max[5][1]=32;
+      wire_min[5][2]=33;       wire_max[5][2]=48;
+      wire_min[5][3]=49;       wire_max[5][3]=64;
+      wire_min[5][4]=65;       wire_max[5][4]=80;
+      wire_min[5][5]=81;       wire_max[5][5]=96;
+      //--2V1 MIN-----         ---2V1 MAX-------
+      wire_min[6][0]=1;        wire_max[6][0]=16;
+      wire_min[6][1]=17;       wire_max[6][1]=32;
+      wire_min[6][2]=33;       wire_max[6][2]=48;
+      wire_min[6][3]=49;       wire_max[6][3]=64;
+      wire_min[6][4]=65;       wire_max[6][4]=80;
+      wire_min[6][5]=81;       wire_max[6][5]=96;
+      //--2V2 MIN-----         ---2V2 MAX-------
+      wire_min[7][0]=1;        wire_max[7][0]=16;
+      wire_min[7][1]=17;       wire_max[7][1]=32;
+      wire_min[7][2]=33;       wire_max[7][2]=48;
+      wire_min[7][3]=49;       wire_max[7][3]=64;
+      wire_min[7][4]=65;       wire_max[7][4]=80;
+      wire_min[7][5]=81;       wire_max[7][5]=96;
+      //--2X2 MIN-----         ----2X2 MAX------
+      wire_min[8][0]=1;         wire_max[8][0]=11;
+      wire_min[8][1]=12;        wire_max[8][1]=27;
+      wire_min[8][2]=28;        wire_max[8][2]=43;
+      wire_min[8][3]=44;        wire_max[8][3]=59;
+      wire_min[8][4]=60;        wire_max[8][4]=75;
+      wire_min[8][5]=76;        wire_max[8][5]=91;
+      wire_min[8][6]=92;        wire_max[8][6]=102;
+      //--2X1 MIN-----         ----2X1 MAX------
+      wire_min[9][0]=1;         wire_max[9][0]=11;
+      wire_min[9][1]=12;        wire_max[9][1]=27;
+      wire_min[9][2]=28;        wire_max[9][2]=43;
+      wire_min[9][3]=44;        wire_max[9][3]=59;
+      wire_min[9][4]=60;        wire_max[9][4]=75;
+      wire_min[9][5]=76;        wire_max[9][5]=91;
+      wire_min[9][6]=92;        wire_max[9][6]=102;
+      //--2U2 MIN-----         ---2U2 MAX-------
+      wire_min[10][0]=1;        wire_max[10][0]=16;
+      wire_min[10][1]=17;       wire_max[10][1]=32;
+      wire_min[10][2]=33;       wire_max[10][2]=48;
+      wire_min[10][3]=49;       wire_max[10][3]=64;
+      wire_min[10][4]=65;       wire_max[10][4]=80;
+      wire_min[10][5]=81;       wire_max[10][5]=96;
+       //--2U1 MIN-----         ---2U1 MAX-------
+      wire_min[11][0]=1;        wire_max[11][0]=16;
+      wire_min[11][1]=17;       wire_max[11][1]=32;
+      wire_min[11][2]=33;       wire_max[11][2]=48;
+      wire_min[11][3]=49;       wire_max[11][3]=64;
+      wire_min[11][4]=65;       wire_max[11][4]=80;
+      wire_min[11][5]=81;       wire_max[11][5]=96;
+    } //end hms card defnitions
+  else if (spec=="SHMS")
+    {
+      //---1U1 MIN---        ----1U1 MAX-------
+      wire_min[0][0]=1,      wire_max[0][0]=15;
+      wire_min[0][1]=16,     wire_max[0][1]=31;
+      wire_min[0][2]=32,     wire_max[0][2]=47;
+      wire_min[0][3]=48,     wire_max[0][3]=63;
+      wire_min[0][4]=64,     wire_max[0][4]=79;
+      wire_min[0][5]=80,     wire_max[0][5]=95;
+      wire_min[0][6]=96,     wire_max[0][6]=107;
+      //--1U2 MIN----        ---1U2 MAX--------
+      wire_min[1][0]=1,      wire_max[1][0]=12;
+      wire_min[1][1]=13,     wire_max[1][1]=28;
+      wire_min[1][2]=29,     wire_max[1][2]=44;
+      wire_min[1][3]=45,     wire_max[1][3]=60;
+      wire_min[1][4]=61,     wire_max[1][4]=76;
+      wire_min[1][5]=77,     wire_max[1][5]=92;
+      wire_min[1][6]=93,     wire_max[1][6]=107;
+      //--1X1 MIN----        ---1X1 MAX--------
+      wire_min[2][0]=1,      wire_max[2][0]=16;
+      wire_min[2][1]=17,     wire_max[2][1]=32;
+      wire_min[2][2]=33,     wire_max[2][2]=48;
+      wire_min[2][3]=49,     wire_max[2][3]=64;
+      wire_min[2][4]=65,     wire_max[2][4]=79;
+      //--1X2 MIN----        ---1X2 MAX--------
+      wire_min[3][0]=1,      wire_max[3][0]=15;
+      wire_min[3][1]=16,     wire_max[3][1]=31;
+      wire_min[3][2]=32,     wire_max[3][2]=47;
+      wire_min[3][3]=48,     wire_max[3][3]=63;
+      wire_min[3][4]=64,     wire_max[3][4]=79;
+      //--1V1 MIN----        --1V1 MAX---------
+      wire_min[4][0]=1,      wire_max[4][0]=15;
+      wire_min[4][1]=16,     wire_max[4][1]=31;
+      wire_min[4][2]=32,     wire_max[4][2]=47;
+      wire_min[4][3]=48,     wire_max[4][3]=63;
+      wire_min[4][4]=64,     wire_max[4][4]=79;
+      wire_min[4][5]=80,     wire_max[4][5]=95;
+      wire_min[4][6]=96,     wire_max[4][6]=107;
+      //--1V2 MIN----        --1V2 MAX---------
+      wire_min[5][0]=1,      wire_max[5][0]=12;
+      wire_min[5][1]=13,     wire_max[5][1]=28;
+      wire_min[5][2]=29,     wire_max[5][2]=44;
+      wire_min[5][3]=45,     wire_max[5][3]=60;
+      wire_min[5][4]=61,     wire_max[5][4]=76;
+      wire_min[5][5]=77,     wire_max[5][5]=92;
+      wire_min[5][6]=93,     wire_max[5][6]=107;
+      //--2V2 MIN----        --2V2 MAX---------
+      wire_min[6][0]=1,      wire_max[6][0]=12;
+      wire_min[6][1]=13,     wire_max[6][1]=28;
+      wire_min[6][2]=29,     wire_max[6][2]=44;
+      wire_min[6][3]=45,     wire_max[6][3]=60;
+      wire_min[6][4]=61,     wire_max[6][4]=76;
+      wire_min[6][5]=77,     wire_max[6][5]=92;
+      wire_min[6][6]=93,     wire_max[6][6]=107;
+      //--2V1 MIN----        --2V1 MAX---------
+      wire_min[7][0]=1,      wire_max[7][0]=15;
+      wire_min[7][1]=16,     wire_max[7][1]=31;
+      wire_min[7][2]=32,     wire_max[7][2]=47;
+      wire_min[7][3]=48,     wire_max[7][3]=63;
+      wire_min[7][4]=64,     wire_max[7][4]=79;
+      wire_min[7][5]=80,     wire_max[7][5]=95;
+      wire_min[7][6]=96,     wire_max[7][6]=107;
+      //--2X2 MIN----        --2X2 MAX---------
+      wire_min[8][0]=1,      wire_max[8][0]=15;
+      wire_min[8][1]=16,     wire_max[8][1]=31;
+      wire_min[8][2]=32,     wire_max[8][2]=47;
+      wire_min[8][3]=48,     wire_max[8][3]=63;
+      wire_min[8][4]=64,     wire_max[8][4]=79;
+      //--2X1 MIN----        --2X1 MAX---------
+      wire_min[9][0]=1,      wire_max[9][0]=16;
+      wire_min[9][1]=17,     wire_max[9][1]=32;
+      wire_min[9][2]=33,     wire_max[9][2]=48;
+      wire_min[9][3]=49,     wire_max[9][3]=64;
+      wire_min[9][4]=65,     wire_max[9][4]=79;
+      //--2U2 MIN----        --2U2 MAX---------
+      wire_min[10][0]=1,      wire_max[10][0]=12;
+      wire_min[10][1]=13,     wire_max[10][1]=28;
+      wire_min[10][2]=29,     wire_max[10][2]=44;
+      wire_min[10][3]=45,     wire_max[10][3]=60;
+      wire_min[10][4]=61,     wire_max[10][4]=76;
+      wire_min[10][5]=77,     wire_max[10][5]=92;
+      wire_min[10][6]=93,     wire_max[10][6]=107;
+      //--2U1 MIN----        --2U1 MAX---------
+      wire_min[11][0]=1,      wire_max[11][0]=15;
+      wire_min[11][1]=16,     wire_max[11][1]=31;
+      wire_min[11][2]=32,     wire_max[11][2]=47;
+      wire_min[11][3]=48,     wire_max[11][3]=63;
+      wire_min[11][4]=64,     wire_max[11][4]=79;
+      wire_min[11][5]=80,     wire_max[11][5]=95;
+      wire_min[11][6]=96,     wire_max[11][6]=107;
+    }  //end shms card definitions
+} //End method getCard
 void DC_calib::EventLoop(string option="")
+  if (mode=="card")
+    {
+      //cout << "Executing GetCard() Method . . ." << endl;
+      GetCard();
+    }
+  //cout << "successful GetCards() " << endl;
   //Initialize counter to count how many good events (5/6 hits / chamber)
   ngood_evts = 0;
   //Loop over all entries
   for(Long64_t i=0; i<num_evts; i++)
-      //cout << "=======Entry:======== " << i << endl;
-      tree->GetEntry(i);  
-      //Initialize chamber hit counter
+      tree->GetEntry(i);  
+      //------READ USER 'pid' input to determine particle type to calibrate----------
+      //NO PID Cut,
+      if(pid=="pid_kFALSE")
+	{
+	  cal_elec = 1;
+	  cer_elec = 1;         
+	}
+      //PID Cut, Set Bool_t to actual leaf value, and see if it passes cut
+      else if (pid=="pid_elec")
+	{
+	  cal_elec = cal_etot>0.1;  //normalize energy > 0.1 (bkg cleanup)
+	  cer_elec = cer_npe>1.0;     //number of photoelec. > 1 (electrons)
+	}
+      else 
+	{
+	  cout << "Enter which particle to calibrate in main_calib.C: " << endl;
+	  cout << "For electrons: 'pid_elec' " << endl;
+	  cout << "NO PID Cuts: 'pid_KFALSE' " << endl;
+	  cout << "Exiting NOW!" << endl;
+	  exit (EXIT_SUCCESS);
+	}
+      //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      //cout << "Set PID Flags " << endl;
+     //Initialize chamber hit counter
-      //Count how many planes were hit per chamber (5/6 minimum / chamber for good events)
       for(int ip=0; ip<NPLANES; ip++)
-	  //cout << "Plane: " << ip << " Ndata: " << ndata_time[ip] << endl;
+	  //Count how many planes were hit by the event
 	  if(ip<=5 && ndata_time[ip]==1) 
@@ -507,45 +966,20 @@ void DC_calib::EventLoop(string option="")
-      //------READ USER 'pid' input to determine particle type to calibrate----------
-      //NO PID Cut,
-      if(pid=="pid_kFALSE")
-	{
-	  //cal_elec = 1;
-	  cer_elec = 1;         
-	}
-      //PID Cut, Set Bool_t to actual leaf value, and see if it passes cut
-      else if (pid=="pid_elec")
-	{
-	  //cal_elec = cal_etot>0.1;  //normalize energy > 0.1 (bkg cleanup)
-	  cer_elec = cer_npe>1.0;     //number of photoelec. > 1 (electrons)
-	}
-      else 
-	{
-	  cout << "Enter which particle to calibrate in main_calib.C: " << endl;
-	  cout << "For electrons: 'pid_elec' " << endl;
-	  cout << "NO PID Cuts: 'pid_KFALSE' " << endl;
-	  cout << "Exiting NOW!" << endl;
-	  exit (EXIT_SUCCESS);
-	}
-      //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-      good_event = cer_elec && cnts_ch1>4 && cnts_ch2>4;
+      //***good event definition***: cal_energy > 100 MeV, cer_npeSum > 1.0, 5/6 plane hits
+      good_event = cal_elec && cer_elec && cnts_ch1>4 && cnts_ch2>4;
 	  // cout << "passed cut: " << i << endl;
 	  for(Int_t ip=0; ip<NPLANES; ip++)
 	      // cout << "PLANE: " << ip << endl;
-   	  if (ndata_time[ip]==1)
+   	  if (good_event&&ndata_time[ip]==1)
@@ -557,7 +991,17 @@ void DC_calib::EventLoop(string option="")
 		      //get wire hit for ith event in 'ip' plane
-		      wire = int(wire_num[ip][j]);		      
+		      wire = int(wire_num[ip][j]);
+		      //cout << "About to enter Wire Mode in EventLoop. . ." << endl;
+		      if (mode=="wire")
+			{
+		      //-----------WIRE MODE ONLY----------------------------
 		      if (option=="FillUncorrectedTimes")
 			  //Fill uncorrected plane drift times  (from: get_pdc_time_histo.C )
@@ -566,6 +1010,8 @@ void DC_calib::EventLoop(string option="")
 			  cell_dt[ip][wire-1].Fill(drift_time[ip][j] - offset[ip][wire-1]);
 			  fitted_cell_dt[ip][wire-1].Fill(drift_time[ip][j] - offset[ip][wire-1]);
 		      else if (option=="ApplyT0Correction")
 			  //Fill corrected plane drift times 
@@ -574,21 +1020,92 @@ void DC_calib::EventLoop(string option="")
 			  dt_vs_wire_corr[ip].Fill(wire_num[ip][j], drift_time[ip][j] - offset[ip][wire-1] - t_zero[ip][wire-1]);
 			  t_zero_final[ip][wire-1] = offset[ip][wire-1] + t_zero[ip][wire-1];
+		      //-------------END WIRE MODE ONLY------------------------
+			}
+		      //cout << "About To Enter Card Mode in EventLoop() " << endl;
+		      if (mode=="card")
+		      	{
+		      //cout << "Entered in Card Mode " << endl;
+			      //------------CARD MODE ONLY-----------------------------
+			  if (option=="FillUncorrectedTimes")
+			    {
+			      //Fill uncorrected plane drift times 
+			      plane_dt[ip].Fill(drift_time[ip][j] - offset[ip][wire-1]); 
+			      dt_vs_wire[ip].Fill(wire_num[ip][j], drift_time[ip][j] - offset[ip][wire-1]);
+			      //Loop over plane cards
+			      for (card = 0; card < plane_cards[ip]; card++ )
+				{
+				  //Conditions
+				  if (wire >= wire_min[ip][card] && wire <= wire_max[ip][card])
+				    {
+				      //Fill Uncorrected Cards dRIFT tIME
+				      card_hist[ip][card].Fill(drift_time[ip][j]);
+				      fitted_card_hist[ip][card].Fill(drift_time[ip][j]);
+				    } //End loop over wires
+				} //End loop over cards
+			    } //end option argument
+			  else if (option=="ApplyT0Correction")
+			    {
+			      for (card = 0; card < plane_cards[ip]; card++ )
+				{
+				  //Fill Corrected plane drift times (using the CARD method)
+				  if (wire >= wire_min[ip][card] && wire <= wire_max[ip][card])
+				    {
+				      //Fill Corrected Plane Drift Times
+				      plane_dt_corr[ip].Fill(drift_time[ip][j] - t_zero_card[ip][card]);
+				      //Fill Corrected Card Drift Times
+				      dt_vs_wire_corr[ip].Fill(wire_num[ip][j], drift_time[ip][j] - t_zero_card[ip][card]);  
+				      corr_card_hist[ip][card].Fill(drift_time[ip][j]-t_zero_card[ip][card]);
+				      t_zero_final[ip][wire-1] = t_zero[ip][wire-1];
+				    } 
+				} //loop over cards
+			    } //end option argument
+			  //------------END CARD MODE ONLY------------------------
+			  } //End CARD MODE
 		    } //end loop over hits
-	    } //END loop over planes   
+		} //good event cut   
-	} //end loop over pid cuts
+	    } //end plane loop
     } //end loop over events
 } // end event loop method
 void DC_calib::CalcT0Historical()
@@ -663,7 +1180,9 @@ void DC_calib::GetTwentyPercent_Peak()
   //Loop over DC PLANES
   for (int ip = 0; ip<NPLANES; ip++)
       //Loop over DC wires
       for (wire = 0; wire < nwires[ip]; wire++)
@@ -671,7 +1190,7 @@ void DC_calib::GetTwentyPercent_Peak()
 	  bin_max[ip][wire]                = cell_dt[ip][wire].GetMaximumBin();                      //Get bin with Maximum Content
 	  bin_maxContent[ip][wire]         = cell_dt[ip][wire].GetBinContent(bin_max[ip][wire]);	      //Get content of bin_max
 	  time_max[ip][wire]               = cell_dt[ip][wire].GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(bin_max[ip][wire]);  //Get time (ns) [x-axis] corresponding to bin_max 
-	  twenty_perc_maxContent[ip][wire] = bin_maxContent[ip][wire] * 0.20;	                      
+	  twenty_perc_maxContent[ip][wire] = bin_maxContent[ip][wire] * percent;	                      
 	  //Calculate 20% of max bin content
 	  //ref_time[ip][wire] = cell_dt[ip][wire].GetBinCenter(cell_dt[ip][wire].FindBin(twenty_perc_maxContent[ip][wire]));
 	  //Loop over DC drift time bins
@@ -708,11 +1227,11 @@ void DC_calib::GetTwentyPercent_Peak()
 	  ref_time[ip][wire] = cell_dt[ip][wire].GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(bin_num[0]); //Get time corresponding ~20% Max BIN CONTENT  
-	}
+	} // end wire loop
-    }
+    } //end planes loop
+} //End GetTwentyPercent_Peak() method
@@ -765,26 +1284,31 @@ void DC_calib::FitWireDriftTime()
 	  std_dev = fitted_cell_dt[ip][wire].GetStdDev();
 	  //Require sufficient events and NOT CRAZY! tzero values, otherwis, set t0 to ZERO
-	  if (abs(-y_int/m) < std_dev*5.0 && m > 0.2 && entries[ip][wire]>max_wire_entry)
+	  if ( abs(-y_int/m) < std_dev*5.0 && m > 0.2 && entries[ip][wire]>max_wire_entry  )
 	      t_zero[ip][wire] = - y_int/m ;
 	      t_zero_err[ip][wire] = sqrt(y_int_err*y_int_err/(m*m) + y_int*y_int*m_err*m_err/(m*m*m*m) );
-	      //calculate the weighted average     
-	      sum_NUM = sum_NUM + t_zero[ip][wire]/pow(t_zero_err[ip][wire],2);
-	      sum_DEN = sum_DEN + 1.0/ (pow(t_zero_err[ip][wire],2));
-	      //cout << "wire: " << wire + 1 << " :: " << "tzero: " << t_zero[ip][wire] << endl;
+	      if (t_zero_err[ip][wire] < t0_err_thrs)
+		{
+		  //calculate the weighted average     
+		  sum_NUM = sum_NUM + t_zero[ip][wire]/pow(t_zero_err[ip][wire],2);
+		  sum_DEN = sum_DEN + 1.0/ (pow(t_zero_err[ip][wire],2));
+		  //cout << "wire: " << wire + 1 << " :: " << "tzero: " << t_zero[ip][wire] << endl;
+		}
+	      else if (t_zero_err[ip][wire] >= t0_err_thrs) { 
+		t_zero[ip][wire] = 0.0;
+	      }
-	    else if (abs(-y_int/m)>=5.0*std_dev ||  m <= 0.2  || entries[ip][wire] <= max_wire_entry)
+	  else if (abs(-y_int/m)>=5.0*std_dev ||  m <= 0.2  || entries[ip][wire] <= max_wire_entry || t_zero_err[ip][wire] >= t0_err_thrs )
-		  t_zero[ip][wire] = 0.0;
-		//if (ip==3) {
-		//cout << "wire: " << wire <<  " t_zero_bad: " << t_zero[ip][wire] << endl;    
-		 //cout << "m = " << m << " :: " << entries[ip][wire] << endl;
-		//} 
+		      t_zero[ip][wire] = 0.0;
@@ -807,8 +1331,124 @@ void DC_calib::FitWireDriftTime()
+} //End FitWireDriftTime() method
+void DC_calib::GetTwentyPercent_Card()
+  binValLow = binValHigh = binSearchLow = 0, binSearchHigh = 0;
+  binDiffThreshHigh = 100; binDiffThreshLow = 100;
+  for (int ip = 0; ip<NPLANES; ip++)
+    {
+      for (card = 0; card < plane_cards[ip]; card++)
+	{
+	   binSearchHigh =  fitted_card_hist[ip][card].GetMaximumBin();           //returns bin value of maximum content
+	   wireBinContentMax[ip][card] = fitted_card_hist[ip][card].GetMaximum(); // return maximum histo bin content
+	   wireBinContentLow[ip][card]  = wireBinContentMax[ip][card]*0.20;        // Get content with 20% of max bin content
+	   wireBinContentHigh[ip][card] = wireBinContentMax[ip][card]*0.60;       // Get content with 60% of max bin content
+	   // | content_of_desired_bin - (binSearch_HighContent-binSearchLowContent) | <= binDiffTherhold 
+	   fitted_card_hist[ip][card].GetBinWithContent(wireBinContentLow[ip][card],  binValLow,  binSearchLow, binSearchHigh, binDiffThreshLow); 
+	   fitted_card_hist[ip][card].GetBinWithContent(wireBinContentHigh[ip][card], binValHigh, binSearchLow, binSearchHigh, binDiffThreshHigh); 
+	   while(binValLow == 0)
+	     {
+	       binDiffThreshLow = binDiffThreshLow  + 100;
+	       fitted_card_hist[ip][card].GetBinWithContent(wireBinContentLow[ip][card],  binValLow,  binSearchLow, binSearchHigh, binDiffThreshLow); 	  	     
+	     }
+	   while(binValHigh == 0)
+	     {
+	       binDiffThreshHigh = binDiffThreshHigh + 100;
+	       fitted_card_hist[ip][card].GetBinWithContent(wireBinContentHigh[ip][card],  binValHigh,  binSearchLow, binSearchHigh, binDiffThreshHigh);
+	     }	     
+	  wireBinLow[ip][card]  = binValLow;
+	  wireBinHigh[ip][card] = binValHigh;
+	  wireFitRangeLow[ip][card]  = fitted_card_hist[ip][card].GetBinCenter(wireBinLow[ip][card]);
+	  wireFitRangeHigh[ip][card] = fitted_card_hist[ip][card].GetBinCenter(wireBinHigh[ip][card]);
+	} //end plane cards loop
+    } //end planes loop
+} //end  GetTwentyPercent_Card() method
+void DC_calib::FitCardDriftTime()
+  for (Int_t ip = 0; ip < NPLANES; ip++)
+    {
+     //Loop over DC cards
+      for (card = 0; card < plane_cards[ip]; card++)
+	{
+	  tZero_fit = new TF1("tZero_fit", "[0]*x + [1]", wireFitRangeLow[ip][card], wireFitRangeHigh[ip][card]);
+	  //Set Parameter Names and Values
+	  tZero_fit->SetParName(0, "slope");
+	  tZero_fit->SetParName(1, "y-int");
+	  tZero_fit->SetParameter(0, 1.0);
+	  tZero_fit->SetParameter(1, 1.0);
+	  entries_card[ip][card] = fitted_card_hist[ip][card].GetEntries();
+	  //Fit Function in specified range
+	  fitted_card_hist[ip][card].Fit("tZero_fit", "QR");
+	  gStyle->SetOptFit(1);
+	  //Get Parameters and their errors
+	  m = tZero_fit->GetParameter(0);
+	  y_int = tZero_fit->GetParameter(1);
+	  m_err = tZero_fit->GetParError(0);
+	  y_int_err = tZero_fit->GetParError(1);
+	  std_dev = fitted_card_hist[ip][card].GetStdDev();
+	  //Require sufficient events and NOT CRAZY! tzero values, otherwis, set t0 to ZERO
+	  if (abs(-y_int/m) < std_dev*5.0 && m > 0.0 && entries_card[ip][card]>max_wire_entry)
+	    {
+	      t_zero_card[ip][card] = - y_int/m ;
+	      t_zero_card_err[ip][card] = sqrt(y_int_err*y_int_err/(m*m) + y_int*y_int*m_err*m_err/(m*m*m*m) );
+	      for(wire=1; wire<=nwires[ip]; wire++)
+		{
+		  if (wire >= wire_min[ip][card] && wire <=wire_max[ip][card])
+		    {
+		      t_zero[ip][wire-1] = t_zero_card[ip][card];
+		      t_zero_err[ip][wire-1] = t_zero_card_err[ip][card];
+		    }
+		} //end wire loop
+	    } //end 'if' statement
+	  else if (abs(-y_int/m)>=5.0*std_dev ||  m <= 0.0  || entries_card[ip][card] <= max_wire_entry)
+	    {
+	        t_zero[ip][card] = 0.0;
+	    }
+	}  //end loop over cards
+    } // end loop over planes
+} //end FitCardDriftTime() method
 void DC_calib::Calculate_tZero()
@@ -816,19 +1456,147 @@ void DC_calib::Calculate_tZero()
-  GetTwentyPercent_Peak();
-  FitWireDriftTime();
+  if (mode=="wire")
+    {
+      GetTwentyPercent_Peak();
+      FitWireDriftTime();
+    }
+  else if (mode=="card")
+    {
+      GetTwentyPercent_Card();
+      FitCardDriftTime();
+    }
-void DC_calib::WriteToFile(Int_t debug = 0)
+void DC_calib::WriteTZeroParam()
+  otxtfile_name =  "./"+spec+"_DC_"+mode.c_str()+"Log_"+ std::to_string(run_NUM) +"/"+spectre+"dc_tzero_per_wire_"+std::to_string(run_NUM)+".param";
-  //create output ROOT file to write UnCALIB./CALIB. histos
-  ofile_name = "./"+spec+"_DC_Log_"+std::to_string(run_NUM) +"/"+spec+"_DC_driftimes.root";
-  out_file   = new TFile(ofile_name, "RECREATE"); 
+  for (int ip=0; ip<NPLANES; ip++) { 
+    //write plane headers
+    out_txtFILE << spectre+"tzero"+plane_names[ip] << "=" << endl;
+    //cout << "Plane: "  << ip << endl;
+   for (wire=0; wire<nwires[ip]; wire++) 
+     {
+       //cout << "Plane: " << ip << " ::  wire: " << wire+1 << " :: " << "tzero_final: "<< t_zero_final[ip][wire] << endl;
+       if (wire <= 10) 
+	 { 
+	   out_txtFILE << setprecision(6) << t_zero_final[ip][wire] << fixed << ",";
+	 }
+       else if (wire>10 && wire <(nwires[ip]-1))
+	 {
+	   out_txtFILE << setprecision(6) << t_zero_final[ip][wire] << ((wire+1) % 16 ? ", " : "\n") << fixed;
+	 }
+       else if (wire==nwires[ip]-1) 
+	 {
+	   out_txtFILE << setprecision(6) << t_zero_final[ip][wire] << fixed << endl;
+	   }
+  out_txtFILE.close();
+} //end WriteTZeroParam() Method
+void DC_calib::WriteLookUpTable()
+  otxtfile_name = "./"+spec+"_DC_"+mode.c_str()+"Log_"+std::to_string(run_NUM)+"/"+spectre+"dc_calib_"+std::to_string(run_NUM)+".param";
+  Double_t t_offset_firstbin = 0.0;
+  //Set headers for subsequent columns of data
+  out_txtFILE << Form("; Lookup Table: RUN %d", run_NUM) << "\n";
+  out_txtFILE << "; number of bins in time to distance lookup table" << "\n";
+  out_txtFILE << Form(spectre+"driftbins = %d", TOTAL_BINS+1) << "\n";
+  out_txtFILE << "; number of 1st bin in table in ns" << "\n";
+  out_txtFILE << spectre+Form("drift1stbin=%f", t_offset_firstbin + 1.) << "\n";
+  out_txtFILE << "; bin size in ns" << "\n";
+  out_txtFILE << spectre+"driftbinsz=1" << "\n";
+//Loop over each plane of hms/shms Drift Chambers (DC1 & DC2)
+  for (int ip=0; ip<NPLANES; ip++){
+    //Get bin corresponding to t0 = 0 ns
+    bin_t0[ip] = plane_dt_corr[ip].GetXaxis()->FindBin(t_offset_firstbin);
+    //Get final bin 
+    bin_final[ip] = bin_t0[ip] + TOTAL_BINS;
+    //Find total BIN Content over entire integration range
+    binContent_TOTAL[ip] = 0.; //set counter to zero
+    for (int bin = bin_t0[ip]; bin <= bin_final[ip]; bin ++ ) {
+      bin_Content[ip] = plane_dt_corr[ip].GetBinContent(bin);
+      binContent_TOTAL[ip] = bin_Content[ip] + binContent_TOTAL[ip];
+      //   cout << "Bin: " << bin << endl;
+      //   cout << "Content " << bin_Content[ip] << endl;
+      //   cout << "Content SUM : " << binContent_TOTAL[ip] << endl;
+    }
+    TString headers = spectre+"wc" + plane_names[ip] + "fract=";      
+    out_txtFILE << headers;	  
+    //Calculate LookUp Value
+    binSUM[ip] = 0.0;
+    bin_count = 0;
+    for (int bin = bin_t0[ip]; bin <= bin_final[ip]; bin++) {
+      bin_Content[ip] = plane_dt_corr[ip].GetBinContent(bin);
+      binSUM[ip] = binSUM[ip] + bin_Content[ip];
+      lookup_value[ip] = binSUM[ip] / binContent_TOTAL[ip];
+      bin_count = bin_count + 1;
+      if (bin_count <= 16 ) {
+	out_txtFILE << setprecision(5) << lookup_value[ip] << fixed << ",";
+      }
+      else if (bin_count >16 && bin_count <= TOTAL_BINS) {
+	out_txtFILE << setprecision(5) << lookup_value[ip] << ((bin_count+1) % 20 ? "," : "\n") << fixed; 
+      }
+      else {
+	out_txtFILE  << setprecision(5) << lookup_value[ip] <<  fixed << endl;	  
+      }
+    } //END LOOP OVER plane drift time BINS
+  } //END LOOP OVER PLANES                     
+  out_txtFILE.close();
+} //end WriteLookUpTable() method
+void DC_calib::WriteToFile(Int_t debug = 0)
+  //create output ROOT file to write UnCALIB./CALIB. histos
+  ofile_name = "./"+spec+"_DC_"+mode.c_str()+"Log_"+std::to_string(run_NUM) +"/"+spec+"_DC_driftimes.root";
+  out_file   = new TFile(ofile_name, "RECREATE"); 
   //***NOTE***  debug = 0 (OFF), 1 (ON)
@@ -845,6 +1613,8 @@ void DC_calib::WriteToFile(Int_t debug = 0)
    //------write corrected plane drift time histos to a directory on FILE--------
       main_dir = out_file->mkdir("corr_plane_times");   
@@ -853,15 +1623,13 @@ void DC_calib::WriteToFile(Int_t debug = 0)
 	  //write histos to root file
-		}
+	}      
+      if (mode=="wire")
+	{
   //--------write uncorrected cell drift times histos to FILE-------- 
   main_dir = out_file->mkdir("uncorr_wire_times");
@@ -904,8 +1672,6 @@ void DC_calib::WriteToFile(Int_t debug = 0)
@@ -934,7 +1700,7 @@ void DC_calib::WriteToFile(Int_t debug = 0)
     for (int ip = 0; ip < NPLANES; ip++) 
-	otxtfile_name = Form("./%s_DC_Log_%d/t_zero_values_%s.dat", spec.c_str(), run_NUM, planes[ip].c_str());
+	otxtfile_name = Form("./%s_DC_%sLog_%d/t_zero_values_%s.dat", spec.c_str(), mode.c_str(), run_NUM, planes[ip].c_str());;
 	out_txtFILE << "#Plane_" + plane_names[ip] << endl;
 	out_txtFILE << "#Wire " << setw(12) << "tzero " << setw(12) << "t_zero_err " << setw(12) << "entries" << endl;
@@ -960,7 +1726,7 @@ void DC_calib::WriteToFile(Int_t debug = 0)
 	gr1_canv = new TCanvas("gr1", "", 2000, 500);
 	//write TGraph: tzero v. wire number to root file
-	itxtfile_name =  "./"+spec+"_DC_Log_"+ std::to_string(run_NUM) +"/"+"t_zero_values_"+plane_names[ip]+".dat";
+	itxtfile_name =  "./"+spec+"_DC_"+mode.c_str()+"Log_"+ std::to_string(run_NUM) +"/"+"t_zero_values_"+plane_names[ip]+".dat";
 	graph = new TGraphErrors(itxtfile_name, "%lg %lg %lg");
@@ -982,123 +1748,101 @@ void DC_calib::WriteToFile(Int_t debug = 0)
 	gr1_canv->Write(graph_title);   //write to a root file
-    } //END DEBUG   
+	} //end "wire mode" 
-void DC_calib::WriteTZeroParam()
-  otxtfile_name =  "./"+spec+"_DC_Log_"+ std::to_string(run_NUM) +"/"+spectre+"dc_tzero_per_wire_"+std::to_string(run_NUM)+".param";
-  for (int ip=0; ip<NPLANES; ip++) { 
+      if (mode=="card")
+	{
+	  //--------write uncorrected CARD drift times histos to FILE--------
-    //write plane headers
-    out_txtFILE << spectre+"tzero"+plane_names[ip] << "=" << endl;
-    //cout << "Plane: "  << ip << endl;
-   for (wire=0; wire<nwires[ip]; wire++) 
-     {
-       //cout << "Plane: " << ip << " ::  wire: " << wire+1 << " :: " << "tzero_final: "<< t_zero_final[ip][wire] << endl;
-       if (wire <= 10) 
-	 { 
-	   out_txtFILE << setprecision(6) << t_zero_final[ip][wire] << fixed << ",";
-	 }
-       else if (wire>10 && wire <(nwires[ip]-1))
-	 {
-	   out_txtFILE << setprecision(6) << t_zero_final[ip][wire] << ((wire+1) % 16 ? ", " : "\n") << fixed;
-	 }
-       else if (wire==nwires[ip]-1) 
-	 {
-	   out_txtFILE << setprecision(6) << t_zero_final[ip][wire] << fixed << endl;
-	   }
+	  main_dir = out_file->mkdir("uncorr_card_times");
+	  for (int ip=0; ip<NPLANES; ip++)
+	    {
+	// create planes sub-directories to store card drift times
+	(main_dir->mkdir("plane "+plane_names[ip], ""))->cd();
+	dt_vs_wire[ip].Write(); //write 2d drifttimet_vs_wire to FILE
+	for (card = 0; card < plane_cards[ip]; card++)
+	  {
+	    card_hist[ip][card].Write();   //Write wire driftimes to FILE
+	  } //end card loop
-  out_txtFILE.close();
+	    }//end plane loop
-void DC_calib::WriteLookUpTable()
-  otxtfile_name = "./"+spec+"_DC_Log_"+std::to_string(run_NUM)+"/"+spectre+"dc_calib_"+std::to_string(run_NUM)+".param";
-  Double_t t_offset_firstbin = 0.0;
-  //Set headers for subsequent columns of data
-  out_txtFILE << Form("; Lookup Table: RUN %d", run_NUM) << "\n";
-  out_txtFILE << "; number of bins in time to distance lookup table" << "\n";
-  out_txtFILE << Form(spectre+"driftbins = %d", TOTAL_BINS+1) << "\n";
-  out_txtFILE << "; number of 1st bin in table in ns" << "\n";
-  out_txtFILE << spectre+Form("drift1stbin=%f", t_offset_firstbin + 1.) << "\n";
-  out_txtFILE << "; bin size in ns" << "\n";
-  out_txtFILE << spectre+"driftbinsz=1" << "\n";
-//Loop over each plane of hms/shms Drift Chambers (DC1 & DC2)
-  for (int ip=0; ip<NPLANES; ip++){
-    //Get bin corresponding to t0 = 0 ns
-    bin_t0[ip] = plane_dt_corr[ip].GetXaxis()->FindBin(t_offset_firstbin);
-    //Get final bin 
-    bin_final[ip] = bin_t0[ip] + TOTAL_BINS;
+    //--------write corrected CARD drift times histos to FILE--------
-    //Find total BIN Content over entire integration range
-    binContent_TOTAL[ip] = 0.; //set counter to zero
-    for (int bin = bin_t0[ip]; bin <= bin_final[ip]; bin ++ ) {
-      bin_Content[ip] = plane_dt_corr[ip].GetBinContent(bin);
-      binContent_TOTAL[ip] = bin_Content[ip] + binContent_TOTAL[ip];
-      //   cout << "Bin: " << bin << endl;
-      //   cout << "Content " << bin_Content[ip] << endl;
-      //   cout << "Content SUM : " << binContent_TOTAL[ip] << endl;
-    }
-    TString headers = spectre+"wc" + plane_names[ip] + "fract=";      
-    out_txtFILE << headers;	  
-    //Calculate LookUp Value
-    binSUM[ip] = 0.0;
-    bin_count = 0;
-    for (int bin = bin_t0[ip]; bin <= bin_final[ip]; bin++) {
-      bin_Content[ip] = plane_dt_corr[ip].GetBinContent(bin);
-      binSUM[ip] = binSUM[ip] + bin_Content[ip];
-      lookup_value[ip] = binSUM[ip] / binContent_TOTAL[ip];
-      bin_count = bin_count + 1;
-      if (bin_count <= 16 ) {
-	out_txtFILE << setprecision(5) << lookup_value[ip] << fixed << ",";
-      }
-      else if (bin_count >16 && bin_count <= TOTAL_BINS) {
-	out_txtFILE << setprecision(5) << lookup_value[ip] << ((bin_count+1) % 20 ? "," : "\n") << fixed; 
-      }
-      else {
-	out_txtFILE  << setprecision(5) << lookup_value[ip] <<  fixed << endl;	  
-      }
-    } //END LOOP OVER plane drift time BINS
+	  main_dir = out_file->mkdir("corr_card_times");
+	  for (int ip=0; ip<NPLANES; ip++)
+	    {
+	      // create planes sub-directories to store card drift times
+	      (main_dir->mkdir("plane "+plane_names[ip], ""))->cd();
+	      dt_vs_wire_corr[ip].Write(); //write 2d drifttimet_vs_wire to FILE
+	      for (card = 0; card < plane_cards[ip]; card++)
+		{
+		  corr_card_hist[ip][card].Write();   //Write wire driftimes to FILE
+		} //end card loop
+	    } //end plane loop
+	  //-------Write Fitted Card Drift Time histos to FILE----------------------------
-  } //END LOOP OVER PLANES                     
+	  main_dir = out_file->mkdir("fitted_card_drift_times");
+	  for (int ip=0; ip<NPLANES; ip++)
+	    {
+	      // create planes sub-directories to store fitted wire drift times
+	      (main_dir->mkdir("plane "+plane_names[ip], ""))->cd();
+	      for (card = 0; card < plane_cards[ip]; card++)
+		{
+		  fitted_card_hist[ip][card].Write();   //Write card driftimes to FILE
+		}
+	    } //end plane loop
+	  //-----Write 'tzero-per-card' values to a TEXT FILE--------------------
+	  //open a text FILE to write
+	  for (int ip = 0; ip < NPLANES; ip++) 
+	    {
+	      otxtfile_name = "./"+spec+"_DC_"+mode.c_str()+"Log_"+ std::to_string(run_NUM) +"/"+"t_zeroCARD_values_"+plane_names[ip]+".dat";
+	      out_txtFILE << "#Plane_" + plane_names[ip] << endl;
+	      out_txtFILE << "#Card " << setw(12) << "tzero " << setw(12) << "t_zero_err " << setw(12) << "entries" << endl;
+	      for (card = 0; card < plane_cards[ip]; card++) 
+		{
+		  out_txtFILE << card << "    " << t_zero_card[ip][card] << "     " << t_zero_card_err[ip][card] << "             " << entries_card[ip][card] << endl;
+		} //end card loop
+	      out_txtFILE.close();
+	    } //end plane loop
-  out_txtFILE.close();
+	} //end "card mode"
+    } //END DEBUG   
+} //end WriteToFile() method
diff --git a/CALIBRATION/dc_calib/scripts/DC_calib.h b/CALIBRATION/dc_calib/scripts/DC_calib.h
index dc8fead5..90cf5ce5 100644
--- a/CALIBRATION/dc_calib/scripts/DC_calib.h
+++ b/CALIBRATION/dc_calib/scripts/DC_calib.h
@@ -12,11 +12,20 @@ class DC_calib
   //consructor and destructor
-  DC_calib(string a, TString b, const Int_t c, Long64_t d, TString e);
+  DC_calib(string a, TString b, const Int_t c, Long64_t d, TString e, string f);
   //Define Functions
+  //----Per-Card Methods
+  void GetCard();       
+  void GetTwentyPercent_Card();  
+  void FitCardDriftTime();
+  void ApplyTZeroCorrectionPerCard(); 
+  //---Per Global/Per Wire methods 
   void setup_Directory();
   void SetPlaneNames();
   void SetTdcOffset();
@@ -25,7 +34,7 @@ class DC_calib
   void CreateHistoNames();
   void EventLoop(string option);
   void WriteToFile(Int_t debug);
-  void CalcT0Historical();
+  // void CalcT0Historical();
   void Calculate_tZero();
   void GetTwentyPercent_Peak();
   void FitWireDriftTime();
@@ -34,6 +43,9 @@ class DC_calib
+  //Calibration mode
+  string mode;
   Int_t run_NUM;
   Long64_t num_evts;
@@ -140,7 +152,7 @@ class DC_calib
   Double_t **time_max;
   Double_t **twenty_perc_maxContent;
   Double_t **ref_time;
   //variables to be used in loop over bins for wire drift time
   Int_t content_bin;      //stores content for each bin
   Int_t counts;           //a counter used to count the number of bins that have >20% max bin content for a plane 
@@ -151,6 +163,7 @@ class DC_calib
   //Declare 'FIT' related variables
   Int_t **entries;               //wire drift time histo entries
+  Int_t **entries_card;
   Int_t binx;
   Double_t time_init;           //start fit value 
   Double_t time_final;          //end fit value
@@ -164,11 +177,17 @@ class DC_calib
   Double_t std_dev;
   Double_t **t_zero;         
   Double_t **t_zero_err;
+  Double_t **t_zero_card;         
+  Double_t **t_zero_card_err;
   //tzero with tdc offsets taken into account, 
   //to be written into tzero param file
   Double_t **t_zero_final; 
+  //set limits on tzero fit procedure
+  Double_t percent;        //set % of drift_time max bin content to do fit
+  Double_t t0_err_thrs;    //set max error on t0 fit, as criteria for 'good' t0
   //declare variables to make plot of tzero v. wire number
   Double_t weighted_avg[NPLANES];
@@ -193,6 +212,46 @@ class DC_calib
   Double_t tdc_offset;
   Double_t max_wire_entry;
+  //---Per Card "SPECIFIC" Variables---
+  Int_t plane_cards[NPLANES];    //number of disc. cards / plane
+  Int_t card;
+  //GetTwentyPercent_Card()/Fit Card methods variables
+  Int_t binValLow; 
+  Int_t binValHigh; 
+  Int_t binSearchLow; 
+  Int_t binSearchHigh;
+  Double_t binDiffThreshHigh; 
+  Double_t binDiffThreshLow;
+  Double_t **wireBinContentMax;
+  Double_t **wireBinContentLow;
+  Double_t **wireBinContentHigh;
+  Double_t **wireBinHigh;
+  Double_t **wireBinLow;
+  Double_t **wireFitRangeLow;
+  Double_t **wireFitRangeHigh;
+  //TStrings for Histo Names
+  TString card_hist_name;
+  TString card_hist_title;
+  TString fitted_card_hist_name;
+  TString fitted_card_hist_title;
+  TString corr_card_hist_name;
+  TString corr_card_hist_title;
+  //Card Histograms
+  TH1F **card_hist; 
+  TH1F **corr_card_hist;
+  TH1F **fitted_card_hist;
+  Int_t **wire_min;
+  Int_t **wire_max;
diff --git a/CALIBRATION/dc_calib/scripts/main_calib.C b/CALIBRATION/dc_calib/scripts/main_calib.C
index cb25a564..42ca5066 100644
--- a/CALIBRATION/dc_calib/scripts/main_calib.C
+++ b/CALIBRATION/dc_calib/scripts/main_calib.C
@@ -16,11 +16,12 @@ int main_calib()
   clock_t cl;
   cl = clock();
-                                                                                                        //pid_elec, pid_hadron,  pid_kFALSE (no PID cuts) 
+                                                                                                        //pid_elec,  pid_kFALSE (no PID cuts) 
                                                                                                         // |
                                                                                                         // v
-  DC_calib obj("HMS", "../../../ROOTfiles/hms_replay_production_all_1856_dcuncal.root", 1856,2000000, "pid_kFALSE");
-  //DC_calib obj("SHMS", "../../../ROOTfiles/shms_replay_production_all_2071_-1_dcuncalib.root", 2071, 3000000, "pid_bkg"); 
+  //DC_calib obj("HMS", "../../../ROOTfiles/hms_replay_production_all_1856_hodtrefcut1000_-1.root", 1856,-1, "pid_elec");
+  //DC_calib obj("SHMS", "../../../ROOTfiles/shms_replay_production_all_2774_-1.root", 2774, -1, "pid_elec"); 
+  DC_calib obj("SHMS", "~/abishek/hallc_replay/ROOTfiles/shms_replay_production_all_1791_-1.root", 1791, 10000000, "pid_elec", "card");
   // DC_calib obj("HMS", "../../../ROOTfiles/hms_coin_replay_production_1866_1000000.root", 1866, 1000, "pid_kFALSE");
@@ -35,7 +36,7 @@ int main_calib()
   obj.WriteToFile(1);  //set argument to (1) for debugging
   //stop clock
  cl = clock() - cl;
diff --git a/CALIBRATION/dc_calib/scripts/old_scripts/get_LookUp_Values.C b/CALIBRATION/dc_calib/scripts/old_scripts/get_LookUp_Values.C
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b77d8d4..00000000
--- a/CALIBRATION/dc_calib/scripts/old_scripts/get_LookUp_Values.C
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
-/*This code produces a lookup table necessary to convert drift times to
-  drift distances in the shms drift chambers
-#define NPLANES 12
-#define TOTAL_BINS 274
-void get_LookUp_Values() {
-  //Read Run Number from txt file
-  int run_NUM;
-  Long64_t num_evts;        //added
-  string input_file;   //added
-  TString f0 = "input_RUN.txt";
-  ifstream infile(f0);
-  infile >> input_file >> run_NUM >> num_evts;
-  //Open root file containing drift time histos
-  TFile *f = new TFile(Form("../root_files/run%d/shms_tzero_corr_histo.root", run_NUM),"READ");
-  //Define histogram array
-  TH1F *h[NPLANES];
-  //Define the number Drift Chamber planes
-  TString plane_names[NPLANES]={"1u1", "1u2", "1x1", "1x2", "1v1", "1v2", "2v2", "2v1", "2x2", "2x1", "2u2", "2u1"};
-  //Declare bin properties
-  int bin_t0[NPLANES];
-  int bin_final[NPLANES];					/*Array to store the bin number corresponding to last bin*/
-  int bin_Content[NPLANES];          /*Array to store the content (# events) corresponding to the bin with maximum content*/
-  double binContent_TOTAL[NPLANES];     /*Array to store sum of all bin contents for each plane*/
-  double binSUM[NPLANES];
-  int bin;
-  int binx;
-  double lookup_value[NPLANES];           /*Array to store lookup values for each plane*/ 
-  //Create an output file to store lookup values  
-  ofstream ofs;
-  TString lookup_table = Form("../../../PARAM/SHMS/DC/CALIB/pdc_calib_%d.param", run_NUM);
- (lookup_table);
-  //Set headers for subsequent columns of data
-  ofs << Form("; Lookup Table: RUN %d", run_NUM) << "\n";
-  ofs << "; number of bins in time to distance lookup table" << "\n";
-  ofs << Form("pdriftbins = %d", TOTAL_BINS+1) << "\n";
-  ofs << "; number of 1st bin in table in ns" << "\n";
-  ofs << "pdrift1stbin=0" << "\n";
-  ofs << "; bin size in ns" << "\n";
-  ofs << "pdriftbinsz=1" << "\n";
-  //Loop over each plane of shms Drift Chambers (DC1 & DC2)
-  for (int ip=0; ip<NPLANES; ip++){
-    TString drift_time_histo = "pdc"+plane_names[ip]+"_time"; 
-    //Get drift time histograms from root file
-    h[ip] = (TH1F*)f->Get(drift_time_histo);
-    //Get bin corresponding to t0 = 0 ns
-    bin_t0[ip] = h[ip]->GetXaxis()->FindBin(0.0);
-    //Get final bin 
-    bin_final[ip] = bin_t0[ip] + TOTAL_BINS;
-    //Find total BIN Content over entire integration range
-    binContent_TOTAL[ip] = 0; //set counter to zero
-    for (bin = bin_t0[ip]; bin <= bin_final[ip]; bin ++ ) {
-      bin_Content[ip] = h[ip] -> GetBinContent(bin);
-      binContent_TOTAL[ip] = bin_Content[ip] + binContent_TOTAL[ip];
-      //   cout << "Bin: " << bin << endl;
-      //   cout << "Content " << bin_Content[ip] << endl;
-      //   cout << "Content SUM : " << binContent_TOTAL[ip] << endl;
-    }
-    TString headers = "pwc" + plane_names[ip] + "fract=";      
-    ofs << headers;	  
-    //Calculate LookUp Value
-    binSUM[ip] = 0.0;
-    int bin_count = 0;
-    for (bin = bin_t0[ip]; bin <= bin_final[ip]; bin++) {
-      bin_Content[ip] = h[ip] -> GetBinContent(bin);
-      binSUM[ip] = binSUM[ip] + bin_Content[ip];
-      lookup_value[ip] = binSUM[ip] / binContent_TOTAL[ip];
-      bin_count = bin_count + 1;
-      if (bin_count <= 16 ) {
-	ofs << setprecision(5) << lookup_value[ip] << fixed << ",";
-      }
-      else if (bin_count >16 && bin_count <= 274) {
-	ofs << setprecision(5) << lookup_value[ip] << ((bin_count+1) % 20 ? "," : "\n") << fixed; 
-      }
-      else {
-	ofs  << setprecision(5) << lookup_value[ip] <<  fixed << endl;	  
-      }
-    }
-  }                                            
diff --git a/CALIBRATION/dc_calib/scripts/old_scripts/get_pdc_time_histo.C b/CALIBRATION/dc_calib/scripts/old_scripts/get_pdc_time_histo.C
deleted file mode 100644
index 6bb64537..00000000
--- a/CALIBRATION/dc_calib/scripts/old_scripts/get_pdc_time_histo.C
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-//Script to add necessary drift time histograms/plane from original root file to new root file
-#define NPLANES 12
-#define NBINS 400
-#define bin_min -50.5
-#define bin_max 349.5
-void get_pdc_time_histo()
-  //Read Run Number from txt file
-  int run_NUM;
-  Long64_t num_evts;        //added
-  string input_file;   //added
-  TString f0 = "input_RUN.txt";
-  ifstream infile(f0);
-  infile >> input_file >> run_NUM >> num_evts;
-  TString file_name = "../../../ROOTfiles/"+input_file;
-  //open file
-  TFile *f = new TFile(file_name, "READ");
-  //create new file
-  TFile *g = new TFile(Form("../root_files/run%d/shms_dc_time_%d.root", run_NUM, run_NUM), "RECREATE"); // create new file to store histo
-  f->cd();
-  //Get the tree
-  TTree *tree = (TTree*)f->Get("T");
-  TString DETECTOR="dc";
-  TString plane_names[NPLANES]={"1u1", "1u2", "1x1", "1x2", "1v1", "1v2", "2v2", "2v1", "2x2", "2x1", "2u2", "2u1"};
-  //Declare Variables to Loop Over
-  Int_t Ndata[NPLANES];
-  Double_t pdc_time[NPLANES][1000];
-  //Declare Histogram array to store AVG drift times per plane
-  TH1F* h[NPLANES];
-  g->cd();
-  //Loop over each plane
-  for(Int_t ip=0; ip<NPLANES; ip++){
-    TString base_name = SPECTROMETER+"."+DETECTOR+"."+plane_names[ip];
-    TString ndata_name = "Ndata."+base_name+".time";
-    TString drift_time = base_name+".time";
-    TString drift_time_histo = "pdc"+plane_names[ip]+"_time"; 
-    TString title = "pdc"+plane_names[ip]+"_drifttime";
-    //Set Branch Address
-    tree->SetBranchAddress(drift_time, pdc_time[ip]);   
-    tree->SetBranchAddress(ndata_name, &Ndata[ip]);  // Ndata represents number of triggers vs number of hits that each trigger produced.
-						     // A hit is refer to as when a trigger(traversing particle), ionizes the WC gas and ionized
-						     //	electrons reach the rearest sense wire, producing a detectable signal in the O'scope 
-    //Create Histograms
-    h[ip] = new TH1F(drift_time_histo, title, NBINS, bin_min, bin_max);  //set time to 400 ns/200 bins = 2ns/bin
-    h[ip]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Drift Time (ns)");
-    h[ip]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Number of Entries / 1 ns");
-  }
-  //Declare number of entries in the tree
-  Long64_t nentries = tree->GetEntries(); //number of triggers (particles that passed through all 4 hodo planes)
-  //Loop over all entries
-  for(Long64_t i=0; i<num_evts; i++)
-    {
-      tree->GetEntry(i);
-      //Loop over number of hits for each trigger in each DC plane 
-      for(Int_t ip=0; ip<NPLANES; ip++){
-	for(Int_t j=0; j<Ndata[ip]; j++){
-	  h[ip]->Fill(pdc_time[ip][j]); 
-	}
-      }
-    }
-  //Write histograms to file
-  g->Write();
diff --git a/CALIBRATION/dc_calib/scripts/old_scripts/get_pdc_time_histo_tzero_corrected.C b/CALIBRATION/dc_calib/scripts/old_scripts/get_pdc_time_histo_tzero_corrected.C
deleted file mode 100644
index b8e6f595..00000000
--- a/CALIBRATION/dc_calib/scripts/old_scripts/get_pdc_time_histo_tzero_corrected.C
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,218 +0,0 @@
-#define NPLANES 12
-#define NBINS 400
-using namespace std;
-void get_pdc_time_histo_tzero_corrected()
-  int run_NUM;
-  Long64_t num_evts;        //added
-  string input_file;   //added
-  TString f0 = "input_RUN.txt";
-  ifstream infile(f0);
-  infile >> input_file >> run_NUM >> num_evts;   
-  TString run = Form("run%d", run_NUM);
-  //this script reads all tzero values inside tzero_group.dat and assigns them to their corresponding planes. 
-  //these values will then be used to shift the drift time histos, wire by wire (t0-correction wire-by-wire)
-  int ip;  //to loop over planes
-  int sw;  //to loop over sensewires
-  int tot_wires[NPLANES] = {107, 107, 79, 79, 107, 107, 107, 107, 79, 79, 107, 107};
-  //sum over all wires in both DC
-  int wire_sum = 0;
-  for (ip=0; ip<NPLANES; ip++) {
-    wire_sum = wire_sum + tot_wires[ip];
-  }
-  //open and read tzero data file 
-  ifstream file;
-  string line;
-  int counter;
-  Double_t value;
-  Double_t *tzero_offset;
-  tzero_offset = new Double_t[wire_sum];
-  counter = 0;
-  while (getline(file, line)) {
-    if (line[0]!='#' ) 
-      {
-	sscanf(line.c_str(), "%lf", &value);  //pass data in file to variable 'value'
-	tzero_offset[counter] = value;  //write all tzero values for all wires in both DC to an array
-	//cout << tzero_offset[counter] << endl;
-	counter++;
-      }
-  }
-  //***************************************************************
-  //pass all tzero values into their corresponding planes
-  //declare a 2d dynamic array to store tzero values to be used for t0-correction
-  Double_t **tzero = new Double_t*[NPLANES];
-  for (ip = 0; ip < NPLANES; ip++) 
-    {
-      tzero[ip] = new Double_t[tot_wires[ip]];
-    }
-  //initialize 2d dynamic array to 0.0
-  for (ip = 0; ip<NPLANES; ip++) {
-    for (sw = 0; sw<tot_wires[ip]; sw++) {
-      tzero[ip][sw] = 0.0;
-    }
-  }
-  counter = 0;
-  for (ip = 0; ip<NPLANES; ip++) {
-    for (sw = 0; sw < tot_wires[ip]; sw++) {
-      tzero[ip][sw] = tzero_offset[counter];   //tzero corrections that must be added wire by wire
-      //cout << tzero[ip][sw] << endl;
-      //cout <<  tzero[ip][sw] << " :: "<<tzero_offset[counter] << endl;
-	   counter++;
-    }
-  }
-  //*****************************************************************************************
-  //THIS SCRIPT WILL READ the drift times array tzero[ip][sw] on a wire basis and apply the tzero correction.
-  int i;
-  int bin_width = 1; 
-  int bin_Content;
-  Double_t shift;  //will be the t0 offset
-  //Declare plane names to loop over
-  TString plane_names[NPLANES]={"1u1", "1u2", "1x1", "1x2", "1v1", "1v2", "2v2", "2v1", "2x2", "2x1", "2u2", "2u1"};
-  //Declare a root file to read individual DC cell drift times
-  TString root_file;
-  TFile *f[NPLANES];
-  //Declare root file were NEW tzero corrected histograms will be added
-  TString file_name =  Form("../root_files/run%d/shms_tzero_corr_histos.root", run_NUM);
-  TFile *g = new TFile(file_name, "RECREATE");
-  TH1F *h_add[NPLANES]; //t0-corrected plane drift times 
- //Loop over all planes
- for (ip = 0; ip < NPLANES; ip++){
-   //READ wire drift time root file per plane
-    root_file = "../root_files/"+run+"/shms_DC_"+plane_names[ip]+Form("_%d_wire_histos.root",run_NUM);
-    f[ip] = new TFile(root_file, "READ");
-   h_add[ip] =new TH1F("plane_"+plane_names[ip]+"drifttime", "", NBINS, -50, 350);
-   h_add[ip]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Drift Time (ns)");
-   h_add[ip]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Number of Entries / 1 ns");
-   TH1F *cell_dt[107];
-   TH1F *cell_dt_corr[107];
-   //Get wire histos from root file and loop over each 
-   //  sense wire of a plane in shms Drift Chambers (DC1 or DC2)
-   f[ip]->cd(); //change to file containing uncorrected wire drift times
-   for (sw=1; sw<=tot_wires[ip]; sw++){
-     //set title of histos in root file
-     TString drift_time_histo = Form("wire_%d", sw); 
-     //Get drift time histograms from root file
-     cell_dt[sw-1] = (TH1F*)f[ip]->Get(drift_time_histo);  
-     //Create corrected wire histos
-     cell_dt_corr[sw-1] = new TH1F(plane_names[ip]+Form("_wire_%d_corr", sw), "", NBINS, -50, 350);
-     cell_dt_corr[sw-1]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Drift Time (ns)");
-     cell_dt_corr[sw-1]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Number of Entries / 1 ns");
-     shift = tzero[ip][sw-1];  //the shift represents how much the drift time histo needs to be offset
-	//cout << "sw: " << sw << " :: " << "offset: " << shift << endl;
-     //INCLUDE the code 'shift.C ', which shifts a histogram   
-     for (i=1; i<=NBINS; i++) {
-       bin_Content = cell_dt[sw-1]->GetBinContent(i);
-       cell_dt_corr[sw-1]->SetBinContent(i-shift/bin_width, bin_Content);  //apply the t0 correction
-     }
-     //*************************************************************************************************
-     //write wire drift times (after tzero corrections) to file
-     g->cd();
-     cell_dt_corr[sw-1]->Write(plane_names[ip]+Form("_wire_%d", sw), TObject::kWriteDelete); 
-     //add all cell drift times into a single plane
-     h_add[ip]->Add(cell_dt_corr[sw-1]);
-   } // end loop over sense wires
-   //Wire combined wire drift times (t0 -corrected) for each plane to file, 
-    g->cd();
-    h_add[ip]->Write();
- } // end loop over planes
diff --git a/CALIBRATION/dc_calib/scripts/old_scripts/get_tzero_param.C b/CALIBRATION/dc_calib/scripts/old_scripts/get_tzero_param.C
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e1e061f..00000000
--- a/CALIBRATION/dc_calib/scripts/old_scripts/get_tzero_param.C
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,303 +0,0 @@
-#include <iostream>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <math.h>
-#include <string>
-#define NPLANES 12
-void get_tzero_param()
- //read run number from input file
-  int run_NUM;
-  TString f0 = "input_RUN.txt";
-  ifstream infile(f0);
-  infile >> run_NUM;   
-  TString run = Form("run%d", run_NUM);
-  //                             0     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10     11
-  //TString planes[NPLANES] = {"1u1","1u2","1x1","1x2","1v1","1v2","2u1","2u2","2x1","2x2","2v1","2v2"};
-  TString planes[NPLANES] =   {"1u1","1u2","1x1","1x2","1v1","1v2","2v2","2v1","2x2","2x1","2u2","2u1"};   //planes 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 OK :: 
-  //what needs to be changed
-  //2u1 (6) --> 2v2 (11)||    2u2 (7) --> 2v1 (10)||,  2x1 (8) --> 2x2(9)||,   
-int fNWires[NPLANES] = {107, 107, 79, 79, 107, 107, 107, 107, 79, 79, 107, 107};
-int group_size[NPLANES] = {7, 7, 5, 5, 7, 7, 7, 7, 5, 5, 7, 7};
-int group;
-int sw;
-int ip;
-//allocate space for calc. of  weighted avg of cable group
-Double_t *sum_NUM; 
-Double_t *sum_DEN; 
-Double_t *weighted_AVG;
-Double_t *weighted_AVG_err;
-Int_t *wire;
-Double_t *t0;
-Double_t *t0_err;
-Int_t *entries;
-Int_t **dc_group_min;
-Int_t **dc_group_max;
-//dynamic allocation of a 2d array in dim. of plane and groups, (depending on which plane, group size is 5 or 7)
-dc_group_min = new Int_t*[NPLANES];
-for (ip=0; ip<NPLANES; ip++){
-  dc_group_min[ip] = new Int_t[group_size[ip]];
-//Fill the 2d array with 1st sensewire corresponding to each group in a given plane
- for (ip=0; ip<NPLANES; ip++) {
-   dc_group_min[ip][0]=1;  //set initial array value to 1st sensewire in the group
-   for (group=1; group < group_size[ip]; group++){
-     if (ip==2 || ip==9){
-      //dc_group_min[ip][5] = {1, 17, 33, 49, 65};   //plane 2(1x1) or plane9(2x1)
-       dc_group_min[ip][group] = dc_group_min[ip][group-1] + 16;
-     }     
-     else if (ip==3 || ip==8){
-       //dc_group_min[ip][5] = {{1, 16, 32, 48, 64}};  //plane 3(1x2) or plane 8(2x2)
-       dc_group_min[ip][1]=16;
-       dc_group_min[ip][group+1] = dc_group_min[ip][group] + 16;
-     }
-     else if(ip==0 || ip==4 || ip==11 || ip ==7){
-       // dc_group_min[ip][7] = {{1, 16, 32, 48, 64, 80, 96}}; //planes: 1u1, 1v1, 2u1, 2v1  
-       dc_group_min[ip][1]=16;
-       dc_group_min[ip][group+1] = dc_group_min[ip][group] + 16;
-     }
-     else if(ip==1 || ip==5 || ip==10 || ip==6){
-       // dc_group_min[ip][7] = {{1, 13, 29, 45, 61, 77, 93}}; //planes 1u2, 1v2, 2u2, 2v2
-       dc_group_min[ip][1]=13;
-       dc_group_min[ip][group+1] = dc_group_min[ip][group] + 16;
-     }
-   }//end loop over groups
- }//end loop over planes
- //****************************************
- //dynamic allocation of a 2d array in dim. of plane and groups, (depending on which plane, group size is 5 or 7)
-dc_group_max = new Int_t*[NPLANES];
-for (ip=0; ip<NPLANES; ip++){
-  dc_group_max[ip] = new Int_t[group_size[ip]];
-//Fill the 2d array with last sensewire corresponding to each group in a given plane
- for (ip=0; ip<NPLANES; ip++) {
-   for (group=1; group < group_size[ip]; group++){
-     if (ip==2 || ip==9){
-      //dc_group_max[ip][5] = {16, 32, 48, 64, 79};   //plane 2(1x1) or plane 9(2x1)
-       dc_group_max[ip][0]=16;
-       dc_group_max[ip][group] = dc_group_max[ip][group-1] + 16;
-     }     
-     else if (ip==3 || ip==8){
-       //dc_group_max[ip][5] = {15, 31, 47, 63, 79}; //plane 3(1x2) or plane 8(2x2)
-       dc_group_max[ip][0]=15;
-       dc_group_max[ip][group] = dc_group_max[ip][group-1] + 16;
-     }
-     else if(ip==0 || ip==4 || ip==11 || ip ==7){
-       // dc_group_max[ip][7] = {15, 31, 47, 63, 79, 95, 107}; //planes: 1u1, 1v1, 2u1, 2v1 
-       dc_group_max[ip][0]=15;
-       dc_group_max[ip][group] = dc_group_max[ip][group-1] + 16;
-     }
-     else if(ip==1 || ip==5 || ip==10 || ip==6){
-       // dc_group_max[ip][7] = {12, 28, 44, 60, 76, 92, 107}; //planes 1u2, 1v2, 2u2, 2v2
-       dc_group_max[ip][0]=12;
-       dc_group_max[ip][group] = dc_group_max[ip][group-1] + 16;
-     }
-   }//end loop over groups
- }//end loop over planes
- //*********************************
- //sanity check to see if arrays were filled properly!
- // for (int i=0; i<7; i++) {
- // cout << dc_group_max[1][i] << endl;
- // }
- //note: some planes max values exceeded th ephysical max wire, 
- //but does not pose any problems when setting the limits
- //*********************************
-  //declare a 2d dynamic arrays to store weighted average per group
-  Double_t** weighted_avg = new Double_t*[NPLANES];
-  Double_t** weighted_avg_err = new Double_t*[NPLANES];
- for (ip = 0; ip < NPLANES; ip++) {
-    weighted_avg[ip] = new Double_t[group_size[ip]];
-    weighted_avg_err[ip] = new Double_t[group_size[ip]];
- }
-  //initialize a 2d dynamic array
- for (ip=0; ip<NPLANES; ip++) {
-   for (group=0; group<group_size[ip]; group++) {
-     weighted_avg[ip][group] = 0.0;
-     weighted_avg_err[ip][group] = 0.0;
-    }
-  }
-//Loop over each plane
- for(ip=0; ip<NPLANES; ip++) {
-    wire = new Int_t[fNWires[ip]];
-    t0 = new Double_t[fNWires[ip]];
-    t0_err = new Double_t[fNWires[ip]];
-    entries = new Int_t[fNWires[ip]];
-    //open and read each wire tzero file
-    ifstream ifs;
-"../data_files/run%d/hdc_"+planes[ip]+"tzero_run%d_updated.txt", run_NUM, run_NUM ) );
-    if (ifs.is_open()) {
-      //    cout << "File opened!" << endl;
-       ifs.ignore(50000, '\n');    //ignore the first line 
-      for (sw=0; sw<fNWires[ip]; ++sw) {
-	ifs >> wire[sw] >> t0[sw] >> t0_err[sw] >> entries[sw];
-	//cout
-	//	  << "wire: " << wire[sw] << "  " << endl;
-	//  << "t0: " << t0[sw] << "  "
-	//  << "t0_err: " << t0_err[sw] << "  "
-	//  << "entries: " << entries[sw] << endl;
-      } 
-      ifs.close();
-    }  // ifstream condition
-    else {
-      // cout << "File not opened!" << endl;
-    }
-    //Loop over each ribbon cable group of wires
-    for (group =0; group<group_size[ip]; group++) {
-	//initialize variables
-	double sum_num = 0.0;
-	double sum_den = 0.0;
-	double w_avg = 0.0;
-	double w_avg_err = 0.0;
-      for (sw = 1; sw<=fNWires[ip]; sw++) {
-	// compute the sums if the sense wires lie in a given group
-	if (sw >= dc_group_min[ip][group] && sw <= dc_group_max[ip][group] && t0[sw-1]!=0) {
-	  //calculate numerator and denominator of weighted average for each group
-	  sum_num = sum_num + t0[sw-1]/(t0_err[sw-1]*t0_err[sw-1]);
-	  sum_den = sum_den + 1.0/(t0_err[sw-1]*t0_err[sw-1]);  
-	}
-      } // end loop over sensewires
-      //compute weighted average per ribbon cable group
-      if (sum_den!=0.0) { 
-	w_avg = sum_num / sum_den;
-	w_avg_err = sqrt( 1.0 / sum_den ); 
-	weighted_avg[ip][group] = w_avg; //write weighted average to an array
-	weighted_avg_err[ip][group] = w_avg_err;
-      }
-    } //end loop over groups
- } //end loop over planes
-  //create output file stream to write tzero values to a data file
-  ofstream out;
-  TString tzero_file = "../data_files/"+run+"/tzero_group.dat";
-  //Create an output parameter file to store tzero values 
-  ofstream ofs;
-  TString wire_tzero = Form("./pdc_tzero_per_wire_run%d.param", run_NUM);
- (wire_tzero);
-  //loop over planes
-  for (ip = 0; ip < NPLANES; ip++) 
-    {
-      //write plane headers
-      ofs << "ptzero"+planes[ip] << "=" << endl;
-      out << "#PLANE: " << planes[ip] << endl;
-      //loop over group
-      for (group = 0; group < group_size[ip]; group++)
-	{
-	  out << "#GROUP: " << group+1 << endl;
-	  //loop over sensewires
-	  for (sw = 1; sw<=fNWires[ip]; sw++) {
-	    if (sw >= dc_group_min[ip][group] && sw <= dc_group_max[ip][group]) 
-	      {
-	       out << setprecision(7) << weighted_avg[ip][group] << endl;
-		if (sw<fNWires[ip])
-		  {
-		    ofs << setprecision(7) << weighted_avg[ip][group] << ((sw+1) % 16 ? ", " : "\n") << fixed;
-		  }
-		else {
-		  ofs << setprecision(7) << weighted_avg[ip][group] << fixed << endl;
-		  ofs << endl;
-		}
-	      }
-	  } // end loop over sensewires
-	}// end loop over groups 
-    }//end loop over planes
-  //close files
-  ofs.close();
-  out.close();
diff --git a/CALIBRATION/dc_calib/scripts/old_scripts/get_tzero_per_wire_param.C b/CALIBRATION/dc_calib/scripts/old_scripts/get_tzero_per_wire_param.C
deleted file mode 100644
index 7dd900b9..00000000
--- a/CALIBRATION/dc_calib/scripts/old_scripts/get_tzero_per_wire_param.C
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
-#include <iostream>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <math.h>
-#include <string>
-#define NPLANES 12
-using namespace std;
-void get_tzero_per_wire_param()
- //read run number from input file
-  int run_NUM;
-  Long64_t num_evts;        //added
-  string input_file;   //added
-  TString f0 = "input_RUN.txt";
-  ifstream infile(f0);
-  infile >> input_file >> run_NUM >> num_evts;   
-  TString run = Form("run%d", run_NUM);
-  TString planes[NPLANES] =   {"1u1","1u2","1x1","1x2","1v1","1v2","2v2","2v1","2x2","2x1","2u2","2u1"};   //planes 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 OK :: 
-  int fNWires[NPLANES] = {107, 107, 79, 79, 107, 107, 107, 107, 79, 79, 107, 107};
- int sw;
- int ip;
-Int_t **wire = new Int_t*[NPLANES];
-Double_t **t0 = new Double_t*[NPLANES];
-//Double_t **t0_err = new Double_t*[NPLANES];
-//Int_t **entries = new Int_t*[NPLANES];
- for (ip = 0; ip < NPLANES; ip++) {
-   t0[ip] = new Double_t[fNWires[ip]];
-   for (sw=0; sw<fNWires[ip]; sw++) {
-     t0[ip][sw] = 0.0;
-   }
- }
-//Loop over each plane
- for(ip=0; ip<NPLANES; ip++) {
-         //write plane headers
-      int nwire;
-      double nt0;
-      double nt0_err;
-      int nentries;
-    //open and read each wire tzero file
-      TString file_name = Form("../data_files/run%d/shms_dc_", run_NUM) + planes[ip] + Form("tzero_run%d_updated.dat", run_NUM);
-      //  cout << file_name << endl;
-      string line;
-      ifstream input;
-       sw = 0;
-      while (getline(input, line))
-	{
-	  // cout << line << endl;
-	  if (line[0]!='#')
-	    {	  
-	      // if(!input.good()) {break;}
-	      sscanf(line.c_str(), "%d %lf", &nwire, &nt0);
-	      // if(sw>0) {
-	      t0[ip][nwire-1] = nt0;
-	       // }
-	       // sw++;
-	    }
-	} 
-      input.close();
- } //end loop over planes
-//create output file stream to write tzero values to a data file
- ofstream out;
- TString tzero_file = "../data_files/"+run+"/tzero_values_per_wire.dat";
- //Create an output parameter file to store tzero values 
- ofstream ofs;
- TString wire_tzero = Form("../../../PARAM/SHMS/DC/CALIB/pdc_tzero_per_wire_%d.param", run_NUM);
- (wire_tzero);
- for (ip=0; ip<NPLANES; ip++) { 
-   //write plane headers
-   ofs << "ptzero"+planes[ip] << "=" << endl;
-   out << "#PLANE: " << planes[ip] << endl;
-   for (sw=0; sw<fNWires[ip]; sw++) {
-     out << setprecision(6) << t0[ip][sw] << endl;
-     if (sw <= 10) 
-       { 
-	 ofs << setprecision(6) << t0[ip][sw] << fixed << ",";
-       }
-     else if (sw>10 && sw <(fNWires[ip]-1))
-       {
-	 ofs << setprecision(6) << t0[ip][sw] << ((sw+1) % 16 ? ", " : "\n") << fixed;
-       }
-     else if (sw==78 || sw == 106) {
-       ofs << setprecision(6) << t0[ip][sw] << fixed << endl;
-      }
-   }
- }
- //close files
- ofs.close();
- out.close();
diff --git a/CALIBRATION/dc_calib/scripts/old_scripts/get_wire_tzero.C b/CALIBRATION/dc_calib/scripts/old_scripts/get_wire_tzero.C
deleted file mode 100644
index 343a2feb..00000000
--- a/CALIBRATION/dc_calib/scripts/old_scripts/get_wire_tzero.C
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,424 +0,0 @@
-/*Script to extract reference time "t0"  for each sense wire in a given HMS Wire Chamber Plane with COSMIC RUNS.  
-20% (MAX BIN CONTENT) is calculated per wire, and the corresponding bin is fitted linearly about +/- 
-a certain number of bins and this fit is extrapolated to y=0(x-axis). The extrapolated value is take to be t0*/
-#include <vector>
-#include "TMath.h"
-#include <iomanip>
-#include <iostream>
-#define NPLANES 12
-  using namespace std;
-void get_wire_tzero()
-  int run_NUM;
-  Long64_t num_evts;        //added
-  string input_file;   //added
-  TString f0 = "input_RUN.txt";
-  ifstream infile(f0);
-  infile >> input_file >> run_NUM >> num_evts;   //read the input file (added)   
-  //check if tzero_weighted_avg text file exists (if it does, DELETE IT, otherwise new values will be appended to it, in addition to pre-existing tzero values)
-  std::ifstream stream(Form("../data_files/run%d/tzero_weighted_avg_run%d.dat",run_NUM, run_NUM));
- if (stream.good())
-  {
-  gSystem->Exec(Form("rm ../data_files/run%d/tzero_weighted_avg_run%d.dat",run_NUM, run_NUM));
-  }
- TString run = Form("run%d", run_NUM);
- //Declare plane names to loop over
- TString plane_names[NPLANES]={"1u1", "1u2", "1x1", "1x2", "1v1", "1v2", "2v2", "2v1", "2x2", "2x1", "2u2", "2u1"};
- int fNWires[NPLANES] = {107, 107, 79, 79, 107, 107, 107, 107, 79, 79, 107, 107};
- //Declare a root file array to store individual DC cell drift times
- TString root_file;
- TFile *f[NPLANES];
- // int total_wires;  //integer to store total sense wires for a plane chosen by the user
- //Loop over all planes
- for (int ip = 0; ip < NPLANES; ip++){
-   //READ root file
-   root_file = "../root_files/"+run+"/shms_DC_"+plane_names[ip]+Form("_%d_wire_histos.root",run_NUM);
-   f[ip] = new TFile(root_file, "READ");
-   //Create a file output file stream object to write t0 values to data file
-   ofstream ofs;
-   TString t_zero_file = "../data_files/" + run + "/shms_dc_"+plane_names[ip]+Form("tzero_run%d.dat", run_NUM);
- (t_zero_file);
-   //Set headers for subsequent columns of data
-   ofs << "#WIRE " << setw(15)  << "t0" << setw(15) << "t0_err" << setw(15) << "entries" << endl;
-   //Create root file to store fitted wire drift times histos and "t0 vs. wirenum"
-   TString output_root_file = "../root_files/"+run+"/shms_DC_"+plane_names[ip]+Form("_%d_fitted_histos.root", run_NUM);
-   TFile *g = new TFile(output_root_file,"RECREATE");
-   f[ip]->cd();  //change to file containing the wire drift times histos
-   //   int total_wires;  //integer to store total sense wires for a plane chosen by the user
-   int total_wires;
-   int sensewire;
-   TH1F *cell_dt[107];
-   Int_t *bin_max;
-   Int_t *bin_maxContent;
-   Double_t *time_max;
-   Double_t *twenty_perc_maxContent;
-   Double_t *ref_time;
-     //Declarations
-     int time_init;           //start fit value 
-     int time_final;          //end fit value
-     int t_zero;
-     int entries;             //entries for each wire
-     double m;                //slope
-     double y_int;            //y-intercept
-     double m_err;
-     double y_int_err;
-     double t_zero_err;
-   //Set variables depending on which plane is being studied
-   if(ip == 0 || ip == 1 || ip == 4 || ip == 5 || ip == 6 || ip == 7 || ip == 10 || ip == 11) {
-     //declare array of histos to store drift times     
-     total_wires=107; 
-     //Declare bin properties for given sense wires in a plane
-     bin_max = new Int_t[total_wires];                    /*Array to store the bin number corresponding to the drift time distribution peak*/
-     bin_maxContent= new Int_t[total_wires];             /*Array to store the content (# events) corresponding to the bin with maximum content*/
-     time_max= new Double_t[total_wires];                /*Array to store the x-axis(drift time (ns)) corresponding to bin_max*/
-     twenty_perc_maxContent= new Double_t[total_wires];  /*Array to store 20% of maximum bin content (peak)*/						     
-     ref_time= new Double_t[total_wires];               /*Array to store reference times for each sense wire*/
-   }
-   else if(ip == 2 || ip == 3 || ip == 8 || ip == 9) {
-     total_wires=79;      
-     bin_max = new Int_t[total_wires];                               
-     bin_maxContent= new Int_t[total_wires]; 
-     time_max= new Double_t[total_wires];
-     twenty_perc_maxContent= new Double_t[total_wires];
-     ref_time= new Double_t[total_wires];
-   }	   
-   /*Get wire histos from root file and loop over each 
-     sense wire of a plane in shms Drift Chambers (DC1 or DC2)*/
-   for (sensewire=1; sensewire<=total_wires; sensewire++){
-     //Get title of histos in root file
-     TString drift_time_histo = Form("wire_%d", sensewire); 
-     //Get drift time histograms from root file
-     cell_dt[sensewire-1] = (TH1F*)f[ip]->Get(drift_time_histo);
-     //Get bin with Maximum Content
-     bin_max[sensewire-1] = cell_dt[sensewire-1]->GetMaximumBin();
-     //Get content of bin_max
-     bin_maxContent[sensewire-1] = cell_dt[sensewire-1]->GetBinContent(bin_max[sensewire-1]);
-     //Get time (ns) [x-axis] corresponding to bin_max 
-     time_max[sensewire-1] = cell_dt[sensewire-1]->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(bin_max[sensewire-1]);
-     //Calculate 20% of max content
-     twenty_perc_maxContent[sensewire-1] = bin_maxContent[sensewire-1] * 0.20;
-   }
-   //****************************************************//
-   //Determine  which bin has around 20% max_BinContent *//
-   //****************************************************//
-   //Declarations
-   int content_bin;      //stores content for each bin
-   int counts;           //a counter used to count the number of bins that have >20% max bin content for a plane 
-   int bin;              //store bin number
-   int j;                //jth bin, used to loop over n bins 
-   //Declare vector arrays 
-   vector<int> content;               //stores bin content
-   vector <int> bin_num;           //stores bin number
-   //Loop over each wire 
-   for(sensewire=1; sensewire<=total_wires; sensewire++) {
-     //Loop over each bin for individual wire drift time histo
-     for(bin=0; bin < bin_max[sensewire-1]; bin++) {
-       content_bin = cell_dt[sensewire-1]->GetBinContent(bin);              //get bin content for all bins in a wire
-       content.push_back(content_bin);                                      //add bin content to array
-       bin_num.push_back(bin);                                              //add bin number to array
-       // check if 2 bin contents have been stored and examine if these contents exceed or not 20% of peak
-       if (content.size() == 2) {
-	 //initialize counter to count how many bin contents >= 20%
-	 counts = 0;
-	 // Loop over 2 bin contents stored in array content
-	 for (j=0; j<2; j++){
-	   if(content[j] >=  twenty_perc_maxContent[sensewire-1]){
-	     counts = counts+1;
-	     if(counts >= 2) { goto stop;}
-	   }
-	   content.clear();
-	   bin_num.clear();
-	 }
-       }
-     }
-     //Print the time(ns) and BIN NUM corresponding to 20% of MAX content 
-     //if 2/2 elements exceeds 20% of Max content (for each plane)
-   stop:
-     ref_time[sensewire-1] = cell_dt[sensewire-1] ->GetXaxis() -> GetBinCenter(bin_num[0]); //Get time corresponding ~20% Max BIN CONTENT  
-     //cout << " ******* " << "Wire " << sensewire << " ******* " << endl;
-     //cout << "time (20% of Max BIN): " << ref_time[sensewire-1] << " ns" << endl;
-     //cout << "BIN: " << bin_num[0] << endl;
-     //*********************************************************//
-     //*******Extract the "t0" Using a Fitting Procedure********//
-     //*********************************************************//
-     //Get time corresponding to bin (fit range) 
-     time_init = cell_dt[sensewire-1] -> GetXaxis() -> GetBinCenter(bin_num[0]-5); //choose bin range over which to fit
-     time_final = cell_dt[sensewire-1] -> GetXaxis() -> GetBinCenter(bin_num[0]+5); 
-     //Create Fit Function
-     TF1* tZero_fit = new TF1("tZero_fit", "[0]*x + [1]", time_init, time_final);
-     //Set Parameter Names and Values
-     tZero_fit->SetParName(0, "slope");
-     tZero_fit->SetParName(1, "y-int");
-     tZero_fit->SetParameter(0, 1.0);
-     tZero_fit->SetParameter(1, 1.0);
-     //Fit Function in specified range
-     cell_dt[sensewire-1]->Fit("tZero_fit", "QR");
-     //Get Parameters and their errors
-     m = tZero_fit->GetParameter(0);
-     y_int = tZero_fit->GetParameter(1);
-     m_err = tZero_fit->GetParError(0);
-     y_int_err = tZero_fit->GetParError(1);
-     //Calculate error on t0 using error propagation method of expanding partial derivatives
-     t_zero = - y_int/m;
-     t_zero_err = sqrt(y_int_err*y_int_err/(m*m) + y_int*y_int*m_err*m_err/(m*m*m*m) );
-     entries = cell_dt[sensewire-1]->GetEntries();  //number of entries (triggers) per wire
-     //cout << "y_int: " << y_int << " :: " << "m: " << m << " :: " << "t0: " << setprecision(6) << -y_int/m << endl;
-     //Write "t0" values to file
-     ofs << sensewire << setw(15) << setprecision(6) << -y_int/m << setw(15) <<  t_zero_err << setw(15) << entries << endl;
-     //Change to output root file and write fitted histos to file
-     g->cd();
-     cell_dt[sensewire-1]->Write();
-   }
-       // Make Plot of t0 versus Wire Number 
-   TCanvas *t = new TCanvas("t", "", 2000,500);
-   t->SetGrid();
-   TGraphErrors *graph = new TGraphErrors(t_zero_file, "%lg %lg %lg");
-   graph->SetName("graph");
-   TString title = "DC"+plane_names[ip]+": t0 versus sensewire";
-   graph->SetTitle(title);
-   graph->SetMarkerStyle(20);
-   graph->SetMarkerColor(1);
-   graph->GetXaxis()->SetLimits(0., total_wires);
-   graph->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Wire Number");
-   graph->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle();
-   graph->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("t-Zero (ns)");
-   graph->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle();
-   graph->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(-50.0, 50.0);
-   graph->Draw("AP");
-   t->Update();
-   t->Write(title);   //write to a root file
-   //close dat file
-   ofs.close();
-   //*****************************************************************************************//
-   //*****************************************************************************************//
-   //open t0 dat file
-   ifstream ifs;
- (t_zero_file);
-   string line;
-   //open new data file to write updated t0 values
-   TString t_zero_file_corr = "../data_files/" + run + "/shms_dc_"+plane_names[ip]+Form("tzero_run%d_updated.dat", run_NUM);
-   ofs << "#Wire" << setw(15)  << "t_zero" << setw(15) << "t_zero_err" << setw(15) << "entries" << endl; 
-   //Initialize variables related to weighted avg
-   double sum_NUM;  //numerator of weighted avg
-   double sum_DEN;   //denominator of weighted avg
-   double weighted_AVG;
-   double weighted_AVG_err; 
-    int counter;
-    // double t0_corr; 
-    //double t0_corr_err;
-    Double_t t0;
-    Double_t t0_err;
-    //set them to zero to start sum inside while loop 
-   sum_NUM = 0.0;
-   sum_DEN = 0.0;
-   weighted_AVG =0.0 ;
-   weighted_AVG_err= 0.0; 
-   counter = 0;
-   //read line bt line the t_zero_file
-   while(getline(ifs, line)) {
-     if(line[0]!='#') {
-       sscanf(line.c_str(), "%d %lf %lf %d", &sensewire, &t0, &t0_err, &entries); //assign each of the variables above a data in the t_zero_file
-       //  if(sensewire<=fNWires[ip]){
-       //cout << sensewire << endl;
-     //Check if entries for each sensewire exceeds a certain number of events
-       if (entries>300 && abs(t0)<30) 
-       {
-	 //cout << ip << "::" << sensewire << "::" << t0 << endl;
-	 //Calculate the weighted average of t0s
-	 sum_NUM = sum_NUM + t0/(t0_err*t0_err);
-	 sum_DEN = sum_DEN + 1.0/(t0_err*t0_err);      
-	 //cout << "sum_NUM : " << sum_NUM << endl;  
-	 //cout << "sum_DEN : " << sum_DEN << endl;  
-	 ofs << sensewire << setw(15) << t0 << setw(15) << t0_err << setw(15) << entries << endl;
-	 //cout << "TZERO: " << t0 << endl;
-       }
-     else { ofs << sensewire << setw(15) << 0.0 << setw(15) << 0.0 << setw(15) << entries << endl;}
-     //}
-     } //end if statement
-   }
-   weighted_AVG = sum_NUM / sum_DEN;
-   weighted_AVG_err = sqrt( 1.0 / sum_DEN );
-   //open new data file to write weighted average of updated t_zero values
-   TString t_zero_AVG = Form("../data_files/run%d/tzero_weighted_avg_run%d.dat", run_NUM, run_NUM);
-   ofstream ofile;
-, std::ofstream::out | std::ofstream::app); //open file in and output and append mode
-   ofile << " #weighted_AVG " << "     " << " DC plane: " <<  plane_names[ip] << endl; 
-   ofile << weighted_AVG << endl;
-   ifs.close();
-    // Make Plot of t0 versus Wire Number for entries > 300 events
-   TCanvas *t1 = new TCanvas("t1", "", 2000,500);
-   t1->SetGrid();
-   //TString mygraph = "hdc"+plane_names[ip]+Form("_t_zero_run%d.txt", run);
-   TGraphErrors *graph1 = new TGraphErrors(t_zero_file_corr, "%lg %lg %lg");
-   graph1->SetName("graph1");
-   TString title1 = "shms_dc"+plane_names[ip]+": t0 versus sensewire_corrected";
-   graph1->SetTitle(title1);
-   graph1->SetMarkerStyle(20);
-   graph1->SetMarkerColor(1);
-   //graph1->GetXaxis()->SetLimits(0., total_wires);
-   graph1->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Wire Number");
-   graph1->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle();
-   graph1->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("t-Zero (ns)");
-   graph1->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle();
-   graph1->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(-50.0, 50.0);
-   graph1->Draw("AP");
-   t1->Update();
-   // Draw TLine
-   TLine *wght_avg = new TLine(t1->GetUxmin(), weighted_AVG, t1->GetUxmax(), weighted_AVG);
-   wght_avg->SetLineColor(kRed);
-   wght_avg->SetLineWidth(2);
-   wght_avg->SetLineStyle(2);
-   wght_avg->Draw();
-   //Add text to canvas
-   TLatex* ltx1 =  new TLatex();
-   ltx1->DrawLatex(t1->GetUxmax()*0.75,40, Form("Weighted Average = %lf #pm %lf ns", weighted_AVG, weighted_AVG_err) );
-   t1->Write(title1);   //write canvas to a root file
-      ofs.close();  //close data file
- }
diff --git a/CALIBRATION/dc_calib/scripts/old_scripts/run_Cal.C b/CALIBRATION/dc_calib/scripts/old_scripts/run_Cal.C
deleted file mode 100644
index 2f637700..00000000
--- a/CALIBRATION/dc_calib/scripts/old_scripts/run_Cal.C
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-//NECESSARY PARAMTER FILES hdriftmap.param and  hdc.param
-  using namespace std;
-  void run_Cal()
-  {
-    //User Input filename, Run and  number of events to analyze
-    string file_name;
-    cout << "Enter Root File Name (without '.root' extension): " << endl;
-    cin >> file_name;
-    int run_NUM;
-    cout << "Enter Run Number: " << endl;
-    cin >> run_NUM;
-    int num_evts;
-    cout << "Enter Number of Events to analyze: " << endl;
-    cin >> num_evts;  
-    string suffix = ".root";
-    //Create input file with run number
-    ofstream fout;
-"scripts/input_RUN.txt", std::ofstream::trunc);
-    fout << file_name+suffix << "   ";
-    fout << run_NUM << "   ";
-    fout << num_evts << "   ";
-    fout.close();
-    //Create root and data files Directories if they dont exist
-    const char *dir_root = "mkdir ./root_files/";
-    const char *dir_data = "mkdir ./data_files/";
-    if (system(dir_root) != 0 || system(dir_data) != 0) 
-      {
-	cout << " ... creating 'root_files' directory " << endl;
-	cout << " ... creating 'data_files' directory " << endl;
-	system(dir_root);
-	system(dir_data);
-      }
-    //Create run Directories if they dont exist
-    const char *dir0 = Form("mkdir ./root_files/run%d", run_NUM);
-    const char *dir1 = Form("mkdir ./data_files/run%d", run_NUM);
-    if (system(dir0) != 0 || system(dir1) != 0) 
-      {
-	system(dir0);
-	system(dir1);
-      } 
-    //Make a copy of the input root file to be calibrated;
-    string original_filepath;
-    string dc_uncal_filepath;
-    original_filepath = "../../ROOTfiles/"+file_name+suffix;
-    dc_uncal_filepath = "../../ROOTfiles/"+file_name+"_dc_uncal"+suffix; 
-    gSystem->CopyFile(original_filepath.c_str(), dc_uncal_filepath.c_str()); 
-    //change directories and execute scripts
-    gSystem->cd("./scripts");
-    gSystem->Exec("root -l -q get_pdc_time_histo.C");
-    //Load and Loop over Make Class events to get individual drift times
-    gROOT->LoadMacro("wire_drift_times.C");
-    gROOT->ProcessLine("wire_drift_times t"); //process line allows one to execute interactive root commands from a script, such as this one
-    gROOT->ProcessLine("t.Loop()");
-    //gROOT->ProcessLine(".q");
-    gROOT->Reset();
-    gSystem->cd("./scripts");
-    //execute code to get t0 from each wire in each plane
-    gSystem->Exec("root -l -q -b get_wire_tzero.C");
-    //execute code to update parameter file with new t0 values per wire
-    gSystem->Exec("root -l -q get_tzero_per_wire_param.C"); 
-    //execute code to get t0 corrected drift times
-    gSystem->Exec("root -l -q get_pdc_time_histo_tzero_corrected.C");
-    //execute code to update LookUp Table
-    gSystem->Exec("root -l -q get_LookUp_Values.C");
-  }
diff --git a/CALIBRATION/dc_calib/scripts/old_scripts/update_pdcparam.C b/CALIBRATION/dc_calib/scripts/old_scripts/update_pdcparam.C
deleted file mode 100644
index bc10993b..00000000
--- a/CALIBRATION/dc_calib/scripts/old_scripts/update_pdcparam.C
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-//This scirpt will produce an updated version of hdc.param file, with
-//the necessary t-zero corrections
-#define time_shift 1280.0
-void update_pdcparam()
-  //read run number from input file
-  int run_NUM;
-  TString f0 = "input_RUN.txt";
-  ifstream infile(f0);
-  infile >> run_NUM;   
-  TString run = Form("run%d", run_NUM);
-    int lin_NUM = 0;
-	string t_zero[12];
-	double tzero[12];
-	string line;
-   //open t_zero file
-   ifstream ifs;
-"../data_files/"+ run +"/tzero_weighted_avg_" + run + ".txt");
-while (getline(ifs, line))
-  {
-    istringstream ss(line);
-    char id;
-    if ( ss >> t_zero)
-      {
-	if (id != '#') //skip comments   
-	  {
-	    //count lines  
-	    lin_NUM = lin_NUM + 1;
-	    cout << lin_NUM << endl;    
-	       t_zero[lin_NUM-1] = line;
-	       tzero[lin_NUM-1] = atof(t_zero[lin_NUM-1].c_str()); // convert string to double
-	    cout << tzero[lin_NUM-1] << endl;
-	  }       
-      }     
-  }
-//Update pdc.param parameter file 
-TString pdc_param = "../../../PARAM/SHMS/DC/pdc_tracking_new.param";
-ofstream ofs(pdc_param);
-// ofs << ";---------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
-// ofs <<"; SHMS_TRACKING"<< endl;
-// ofs <<"; CTP parameter file containing all tracking parameters for the SHMS "<< endl;
-// ofs <<";----------------------------------------------------------------------"<< endl;
-// ofs <<"; sigma of wire chamber resolution for each plane "<< endl;
-// ofs <<" pdc_sigma = 0.020 "<< endl;
-// ofs <<"             0.020"<< endl;
-// ofs <<"             0.020"<< endl;
-// ofs <<"             0.020"<< endl;
-// ofs <<"             0.020"<< endl;
-// ofs <<"             0.020"<< endl;
-// ofs <<"             0.020"<< endl;
-// ofs <<"             0.020"<< endl;
-// ofs <<"             0.020"<< endl;
-// ofs <<"             0.020"<< endl;
-// ofs <<"             0.020"<< endl;
-// ofs <<"             0.020"<< endl;
-// ofs <<"  pdc_tdc_min_win = -25000,-25000,-25000,-25000,-25000,-25000 "<< endl;
-// ofs <<"  		    -25000,-25000,-25000,-25000,-25000,-25000 "<< endl;
-// ofs <<"  pdc_tdc_max_win = 25000,25000,25000,25000,25000,25000 "<< endl;
-// ofs <<"                    25000,25000,25000,25000,25000,25000 "<< endl;
-// ofs <<"; hms drift chamber tdc's time per channel "<< endl;
-// ofs <<"        pdc_tdc_time_per_channel = -0.10 "<< endl;
-// ofs <<"; hms zero time for drift chambers	!DECREASING this number moves the hdtime plots to LOWER time. "<< endl;
-// ofs <<"pdc_plane_time_zero =  ";
-//output all t_0 corrected values to pdc.param    
-for (int i=0; i<12; i++) { 
-if (i < = 5){
-ofs  <<  time_shift - tzero[i]   << ","; 
-if (i ==6) {ofs << "\n" << time_shift - tzero[6]  << ",";}
-else if (i>6 && i <11) {
-ofs << time_shift - tzero[i] << ","; 
-if (i==11){ ofs << time_shift - tzero[i] << endl;}
-// ofs << "\n";
-// ofs <<"; Dave Abbott's wire velocity correction "<< endl;
-// ofs <<"pdc_wire_velocity = 12.0 "<< endl;
-// ofs <<"pdc_central_time = 7,9,3,4,6,5 "<< endl;
-// ofs << "                   7,5,3,4,6,6" << endl;
-//create a t_zero data file copy in another directory that will also use these values
-TString tzero_dat = "../data_files/" + run + "/tzero.dat";
-ofstream ofs(tzero_dat);
-for (int i=0; i<12; i++) 
-ofs  <<  tzero[i]  << endl; 
diff --git a/CALIBRATION/dc_calib/scripts/old_scripts/wire_drift_times.C b/CALIBRATION/dc_calib/scripts/old_scripts/wire_drift_times.C
deleted file mode 100644
index fc7d9d5a..00000000
--- a/CALIBRATION/dc_calib/scripts/old_scripts/wire_drift_times.C
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,308 +0,0 @@
-#define wire_drift_times_cxx
-#include "wire_drift_times.h"
-#include <TH2.h>
-#include <TStyle.h>
-#include <TCanvas.h>
-#define NPLANES 12
-#define NBINS 400
-#define bin_min -50.5
-#define bin_max 349.5
-void wire_drift_times::Loop()
-  //   In a ROOT session, you can do:
-  //      Root > .L wire_drift_times.C
-  //      Root > wire_drift_times t
-  //      Root > t.GetEntry(12); // Fill t data members with entry number 12
-  //      Root > t.Show();       // Show values of entry 12
-  //      Root > t.Show(16);     // Read and show values of entry 16
-  //      Root > t.Loop();       // Loop on all entries
-  //
-  //     This is the loop skeleton where:
-  //    jentry is the global entry number in the chain
-  //    ientry is the entry number in the current Tree
-  //  Note that the argument to GetEntry must be:
-  //    jentry for TChain::GetEntry
-  //    ientry for TTree::GetEntry and TBranch::GetEntry
-  //
-  //       To read only selected branches, Insert statements like:
-  // METHOD1:
-  //    fChain->SetBranchStatus("*",0);  // disable all branches
-  //    fChain->SetBranchStatus("branchname",1);  // activate branchname
-  // METHOD2: replace line
-  //    fChain->GetEntry(jentry);       //read all branches
-  //by  b_branchname->GetEntry(ientry); //read only this branch
-  if (fChain == 0) return;
-  Long64_t nentries = fChain->GetEntriesFast();
-  //Read Run Number from txt file
-  int run_NUM;
-  Long64_t num_evts;        //added
-  string input_file;   //added
-  TString f0 = "input_RUN.txt";
-  ifstream infile(f0);
-  infile >> input_file >> run_NUM >> num_evts;
-  TString run = Form("run%d", run_NUM);
-  //Declare plane names to loop over
-  TString plane_names[NPLANES]={"1u1", "1u2", "1x1", "1x2", "1v1", "1v2", "2v2", "2v1", "2x2", "2x1", "2u2", "2u1"};
-  //Declare a root file array to store individual DC cell drift times
-  TString root_file[NPLANES];
-  TFile *g[NPLANES];
-  //integer to store total sense wires for a plane chosen by the user
-  static const Int_t total_wires_x  = 79;  
-  static const Int_t total_wires_uv = 107;
-  Long64_t nbytes = 0, nb = 0;
-  //Loop over all planes
-  for (int ip = 0; ip < NPLANES; ip++){
-    //Initialize a root file array to store individual DC cell drift times
-    root_file[ip] = "../root_files/" + run + "/shms_DC_"+plane_names[ip]+Form("_%d_wire_histos.root", run_NUM);
-    g[ip] = new TFile(root_file[ip], "RECREATE");
-    g[ip]->cd();
-    /*========================PLANES 1X1,1X2,2X1,2X2=====================================*/
-    //If specific planes are encountered, treat them as follows:
-    //variable declarations
-    int wirenum;
-    /*PLANE 1U1, 1V1, 2U1, 2V1*/				
-    //If specific planes are encountered, treat them as follows:
-    if(ip == 0 || ip == 1 || ip == 4 || ip == 5 || ip == 6 || ip == 7 || ip == 10 || ip == 11) {
-      TH1F *cell_dt[total_wires_uv];    
-      TH2F *drifttime_vs_wire = new TH2F("drifttime_vs_wire", "", 107., 0.,107., NBINS, bin_min, bin_max);
-      drifttime_vs_wire->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Wire Number");
-      drifttime_vs_wire->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Drift Time (ns)");
-      //Initialize wire drift time histograms
-      for (wirenum=1; wirenum<=total_wires_uv; wirenum++){
-	cell_dt[wirenum-1] = new TH1F(Form("wire_%d", wirenum), "", NBINS, bin_min, bin_max);
-      cell_dt[wirenum-1]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Drift Time (ns)");
-      cell_dt[wirenum-1]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Number of Entries / 1 ns");
-      }
-      //Loop over all entries (triggers or events)   
-      for (Long64_t jentry=0; jentry<num_evts; jentry++) {
-	Long64_t ientry = LoadTree(jentry);
-	if (ientry < 0) break;
-	nb = fChain->GetEntry(jentry);   nbytes += nb;
-	// if (Cut(ientry) < 0) continue;
-	if (ip == 0) {
-	  for (int i=0; i< Ndata_P_dc_1u1_wirenum; i++){
-	    wirenum = int(P_dc_1u1_wirenum[i]);
-	    //cout << " wire num: " << P_dc_1u1_wirenum[i] << endl;
-	    //cout << "Time: " << P_dc_1u1_time[i] << endl;
-	    //Fill the Histograms
-	    cell_dt[wirenum-1]->Fill(P_dc_1u1_time[i]);
-	    drifttime_vs_wire->Fill(P_dc_1u1_wirenum[i], P_dc_1u1_time[i]);
-	  }
-	}
-	if (ip == 1) {
-	  for (int i=0; i< Ndata_P_dc_1u2_wirenum; i++){
-	    wirenum = int(P_dc_1u2_wirenum[i]);
-	    //cout << " wire num: " << P_dc_1u2_wirenum[i] << endl;
-	    //cout << "Time: " << P_dc_1u2_time[i] << endl;
-	    //Fill the Histograms
-	    cell_dt[wirenum-1]->Fill(P_dc_1u2_time[i]);
-	    drifttime_vs_wire->Fill(P_dc_1u2_wirenum[i], P_dc_1u2_time[i]);
-	  }
-	}						
-	if (ip == 4) {
-	  for (int i=0; i< Ndata_P_dc_1v1_wirenum; i++){
-	    wirenum = int(P_dc_1v1_wirenum[i]);
-	    //cout << " wire num: " << P_dc_1v1_wirenum[i] << endl;
-	    //cout << "Time: " << P_dc_1v1_time[i] << endl;
-	    //Fill the Histograms
-	    cell_dt[wirenum-1]->Fill(P_dc_1v1_time[i]);
-	    drifttime_vs_wire->Fill(P_dc_1v1_wirenum[i], P_dc_1v1_time[i]);
-	  }
-	}		
-	if (ip == 5) {
-	  for (int i=0; i< Ndata_P_dc_1v2_wirenum; i++){
-	    wirenum = int(P_dc_1v2_wirenum[i]);
-	    //cout << " wire num: " << P_dc_1v2_wirenum[i] << endl;
-	    //cout << "Time: " << P_dc_1v2_time[i] << endl;
-	    //Fill the Histograms
-	    cell_dt[wirenum-1]->Fill(P_dc_1v2_time[i]);
-	    drifttime_vs_wire->Fill(P_dc_1v2_wirenum[i], P_dc_1v2_time[i]);
-	  }
-	}
-	if (ip == 6) {
-	  for (int i=0; i< Ndata_P_dc_2v2_wirenum; i++){
-	    wirenum = int(P_dc_2v2_wirenum[i]);
-	    //cout << " wire num: " << P_dc_2v2_wirenum[i] << endl;
-	    //cout << "Time: " << P_dc_2v2_time[i] << endl;
-	    //Fill the Histograms
-	    cell_dt[wirenum-1]->Fill(P_dc_2v2_time[i]);
-	    drifttime_vs_wire->Fill(P_dc_2v2_wirenum[i], P_dc_2v2_time[i]);
-	  }
-	}
-	if (ip == 7) {
-	  for (int i=0; i< Ndata_P_dc_2v1_wirenum; i++){
-	    wirenum = int(P_dc_2v1_wirenum[i]);
-	    //cout << " wire num: " << P_dc_2v1_wirenum[i] << endl;
-	    //cout << "Time: " << P_dc_2v1_time[i] << endl;
-	    //Fill the Histograms
-	    cell_dt[wirenum-1]->Fill(P_dc_2v1_time[i]);
-	    drifttime_vs_wire->Fill(P_dc_2v1_wirenum[i], P_dc_2v1_time[i]);
-	  }
-	}
-	if (ip == 10) {
-	  for (int i=0; i< Ndata_P_dc_2u2_wirenum; i++){
-	    wirenum = int(P_dc_2u2_wirenum[i]);
-	    //cout << " wire num: " << P_dc_2u2_wirenum[i] << endl;
-	    //cout << "Time: " << P_dc_2u2_time[i] << endl;
-	    //Fill the Histograms
-	    cell_dt[wirenum-1]->Fill(P_dc_2u2_time[i]);
-	    drifttime_vs_wire->Fill(P_dc_2u2_wirenum[i], P_dc_2u2_time[i]);
-	  }
-	}
-	if (ip == 11) {
-	  for (int i=0; i< Ndata_P_dc_2u1_wirenum; i++){
-	    wirenum = int(P_dc_2u1_wirenum[i]);
-	    //cout << " wire num: " << P_dc_2u1_wirenum[i] << endl;
-	    //cout << "Time: " << P_dc_2u1_time[i] << endl;
-	    //Fill the Histograms
-	    cell_dt[wirenum-1]->Fill(P_dc_2u1_time[i]);
-	    drifttime_vs_wire->Fill(P_dc_2u1_wirenum[i], P_dc_2u1_time[i]);
-	  }
-	}						
-      }
-    }
-    if(ip == 2 || ip == 3 || ip == 8 || ip == 9) {
-      TH1F *cell_dt[total_wires_x];    
-      TH2F *drifttime_vs_wire = new TH2F("drifttime_vs_wire", "", 79., 0., 79., NBINS, bin_min, bin_max);
-      drifttime_vs_wire->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Wire Number");
-      drifttime_vs_wire->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Drift Time (ns)");    
-      //Initialize wire drift time histograms
-      for (int wirenum=1; wirenum<=total_wires_x; wirenum++){
-	cell_dt[wirenum-1] = new TH1F(Form("wire_%d", wirenum), "", NBINS, bin_min, bin_max);
-	cell_dt[wirenum-1]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Drift Time (ns)");
-	cell_dt[wirenum-1]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Number of Entries / 1 ns");
-      }
-      //Loop over all entries (triggers or events)   
-      for (Long64_t jentry=0; jentry<num_evts; jentry++) {
-	Long64_t ientry = LoadTree(jentry);
-	if (ientry < 0) break;
-	nb = fChain->GetEntry(jentry);   nbytes += nb;
-	// if (Cut(ientry) < 0) continue;
-	if (ip == 2) {
-	  for (int i=0; i< Ndata_P_dc_1x1_wirenum; i++){
-	    wirenum = int(P_dc_1x1_wirenum[i]);
-	    //cout << " wire num: " << P_dc_1x1_wirenum[i] << endl;
-	    //cout << "Time: " << P_dc_1x1_time[i] << endl;
-	    //Fill the Histograms
-	    cell_dt[wirenum-1]->Fill(P_dc_1x1_time[i]);
-	    drifttime_vs_wire->Fill(P_dc_1x1_wirenum[i], P_dc_1x1_time[i]);
-	  }
-	}
-	if (ip == 3) {
-	  for (int i=0; i< Ndata_P_dc_1x2_wirenum; i++){
-	    wirenum = int(P_dc_1x2_wirenum[i]);
-	    //cout << " wire num: " << P_dc_1x2_wirenum[i] << endl;
-	    //cout << "Time: " << P_dc_1x2_time[i] << endl;
-	    //Fill the Histograms
-	    cell_dt[wirenum-1]->Fill(P_dc_1x2_time[i]);
-	    drifttime_vs_wire->Fill(P_dc_1x2_wirenum[i], P_dc_1x2_time[i]);
-	  }
-	}						
-	if (ip == 8) {
-	  for (int i=0; i< Ndata_P_dc_2x2_wirenum; i++){
-	    wirenum = int(P_dc_2x2_wirenum[i]);
-	    //cout << " wire num: " << P_dc_2x2_wirenum[i] << endl;
-	    //cout << "Time: " << P_dc_2x2_time[i] << endl;
-	    //Fill the Histograms
-	    cell_dt[wirenum-1]->Fill(P_dc_2x2_time[i]);
-	    drifttime_vs_wire->Fill(P_dc_2x2_wirenum[i], P_dc_2x2_time[i]);
-	  }
-	}		
-	if (ip == 9) {
-	  for (int i=0; i< Ndata_P_dc_2x1_wirenum; i++){
-	    wirenum = int(P_dc_2x1_wirenum[i]);
-	    //cout << " wire num: " << P_dc_2x1_wirenum[i] << endl;
-	    //cout << "Time: " << P_dc_2x1_time[i] << endl;
-	    //Fill the Histograms
-	    cell_dt[wirenum-1]->Fill(P_dc_2x1_time[i]);
-	    drifttime_vs_wire->Fill(P_dc_2x1_wirenum[i], P_dc_2x1_time[i]);
-	  }
-	}						
-      }
-    }
-    //Write wire drift time histos to file
-    g[ip]->Write();
-    cout << "EVERYTHING OK in plane:" << ip << endl;	
-  }
-  //     cout << "\r          \r" << (float)sensewire / total_wires * 100.0 << "%" << flush; 
diff --git a/CALIBRATION/dc_calib/scripts/old_scripts/wire_drift_times.h b/CALIBRATION/dc_calib/scripts/old_scripts/wire_drift_times.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 577f2203..00000000
--- a/CALIBRATION/dc_calib/scripts/old_scripts/wire_drift_times.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,552 +0,0 @@
-// This class has been automatically generated on
-// Tue Mar  7 17:30:40 2017 by ROOT version 5.34/36
-// from TTree T/Hall A Analyzer Output DST
-// found on file: ROOTfiles/pdc_replay_437.root
-#ifndef wire_drift_times_h
-#define wire_drift_times_h
-#include <TROOT.h>
-#include <TChain.h>
-#include <TFile.h>
-// Header file for the classes stored in the TTree if any.
-// Fixed size dimensions of array or collections stored in the TTree if any.
-class wire_drift_times {
-public :
-   TTree          *fChain;   //!pointer to the analyzed TTree or TChain
-   Int_t           fCurrent; //!current Tree number in a TChain
-   // Declaration of leaf types
-   Int_t           Ndata_P_dc_1u1_dist;
-   Double_t        P_dc_1u1_dist[107];   //[Ndata.P.dc.1u1.dist]
-   Int_t           Ndata_P_dc_1u1_rawtdc;
-   Double_t        P_dc_1u1_rawtdc[107];   //[Ndata.P.dc.1u1.rawtdc]
-   Int_t           Ndata_P_dc_1u1_time;
-   Double_t        P_dc_1u1_time[107];   //[Ndata.P.dc.1u1.time]
-   Int_t           Ndata_P_dc_1u1_wirenum;
-   Double_t        P_dc_1u1_wirenum[107];   //[Ndata.P.dc.1u1.wirenum]
-   Int_t           Ndata_P_dc_1u2_dist;
-   Double_t        P_dc_1u2_dist[107];   //[Ndata.P.dc.1u2.dist]
-   Int_t           Ndata_P_dc_1u2_rawtdc;
-   Double_t        P_dc_1u2_rawtdc[107];   //[Ndata.P.dc.1u2.rawtdc]
-   Int_t           Ndata_P_dc_1u2_time;
-   Double_t        P_dc_1u2_time[107];   //[Ndata.P.dc.1u2.time]
-   Int_t           Ndata_P_dc_1u2_wirenum;
-   Double_t        P_dc_1u2_wirenum[107];   //[Ndata.P.dc.1u2.wirenum]
-   Int_t           Ndata_P_dc_1v1_dist;
-   Double_t        P_dc_1v1_dist[107];   //[Ndata.P.dc.1v1.dist]
-   Int_t           Ndata_P_dc_1v1_rawtdc;
-   Double_t        P_dc_1v1_rawtdc[107];   //[Ndata.P.dc.1v1.rawtdc]
-   Int_t           Ndata_P_dc_1v1_time;
-   Double_t        P_dc_1v1_time[107];   //[Ndata.P.dc.1v1.time]
-   Int_t           Ndata_P_dc_1v1_wirenum;
-   Double_t        P_dc_1v1_wirenum[107];   //[Ndata.P.dc.1v1.wirenum]
-   Int_t           Ndata_P_dc_1v2_dist;
-   Double_t        P_dc_1v2_dist[107];   //[Ndata.P.dc.1v2.dist]
-   Int_t           Ndata_P_dc_1v2_rawtdc;
-   Double_t        P_dc_1v2_rawtdc[107];   //[Ndata.P.dc.1v2.rawtdc]
-   Int_t           Ndata_P_dc_1v2_time;
-   Double_t        P_dc_1v2_time[107];   //[Ndata.P.dc.1v2.time]
-   Int_t           Ndata_P_dc_1v2_wirenum;
-   Double_t        P_dc_1v2_wirenum[107];   //[Ndata.P.dc.1v2.wirenum]
-   Int_t           Ndata_P_dc_1x1_dist;
-   Double_t        P_dc_1x1_dist[80];   //[Ndata.P.dc.1x1.dist]
-   Int_t           Ndata_P_dc_1x1_rawtdc;
-   Double_t        P_dc_1x1_rawtdc[80];   //[Ndata.P.dc.1x1.rawtdc]
-   Int_t           Ndata_P_dc_1x1_time;
-   Double_t        P_dc_1x1_time[80];   //[Ndata.P.dc.1x1.time]
-   Int_t           Ndata_P_dc_1x1_wirenum;
-   Double_t        P_dc_1x1_wirenum[80];   //[Ndata.P.dc.1x1.wirenum]
-   Int_t           Ndata_P_dc_1x2_dist;
-   Double_t        P_dc_1x2_dist[80];   //[Ndata.P.dc.1x2.dist]
-   Int_t           Ndata_P_dc_1x2_rawtdc;
-   Double_t        P_dc_1x2_rawtdc[80];   //[Ndata.P.dc.1x2.rawtdc]
-   Int_t           Ndata_P_dc_1x2_time;
-   Double_t        P_dc_1x2_time[80];   //[Ndata.P.dc.1x2.time]
-   Int_t           Ndata_P_dc_1x2_wirenum;
-   Double_t        P_dc_1x2_wirenum[80];   //[Ndata.P.dc.1x2.wirenum]
-   Int_t           Ndata_P_dc_2u1_dist;
-   Double_t        P_dc_2u1_dist[107];   //[Ndata.P.dc.2u1.dist]
-   Int_t           Ndata_P_dc_2u1_rawtdc;
-   Double_t        P_dc_2u1_rawtdc[107];   //[Ndata.P.dc.2u1.rawtdc]
-   Int_t           Ndata_P_dc_2u1_time;
-   Double_t        P_dc_2u1_time[107];   //[Ndata.P.dc.2u1.time]
-   Int_t           Ndata_P_dc_2u1_wirenum;
-   Double_t        P_dc_2u1_wirenum[107];   //[Ndata.P.dc.2u1.wirenum]
-   Int_t           Ndata_P_dc_2u2_dist;
-   Double_t        P_dc_2u2_dist[107];   //[Ndata.P.dc.2u2.dist]
-   Int_t           Ndata_P_dc_2u2_rawtdc;
-   Double_t        P_dc_2u2_rawtdc[107];   //[Ndata.P.dc.2u2.rawtdc]
-   Int_t           Ndata_P_dc_2u2_time;
-   Double_t        P_dc_2u2_time[107];   //[Ndata.P.dc.2u2.time]
-   Int_t           Ndata_P_dc_2u2_wirenum;
-   Double_t        P_dc_2u2_wirenum[107];   //[Ndata.P.dc.2u2.wirenum]
-   Int_t           Ndata_P_dc_2v1_dist;
-   Double_t        P_dc_2v1_dist[107];   //[Ndata.P.dc.2v1.dist]
-   Int_t           Ndata_P_dc_2v1_rawtdc;
-   Double_t        P_dc_2v1_rawtdc[107];   //[Ndata.P.dc.2v1.rawtdc]
-   Int_t           Ndata_P_dc_2v1_time;
-   Double_t        P_dc_2v1_time[107];   //[Ndata.P.dc.2v1.time]
-   Int_t           Ndata_P_dc_2v1_wirenum;
-   Double_t        P_dc_2v1_wirenum[107];   //[Ndata.P.dc.2v1.wirenum]
-   Int_t           Ndata_P_dc_2v2_dist;
-   Double_t        P_dc_2v2_dist[107];   //[Ndata.P.dc.2v2.dist]
-   Int_t           Ndata_P_dc_2v2_rawtdc;
-   Double_t        P_dc_2v2_rawtdc[107];   //[Ndata.P.dc.2v2.rawtdc]
-   Int_t           Ndata_P_dc_2v2_time;
-   Double_t        P_dc_2v2_time[107];   //[Ndata.P.dc.2v2.time]
-   Int_t           Ndata_P_dc_2v2_wirenum;
-   Double_t        P_dc_2v2_wirenum[107];   //[Ndata.P.dc.2v2.wirenum]
-   Int_t           Ndata_P_dc_2x1_dist;
-   Double_t        P_dc_2x1_dist[80];   //[Ndata.P.dc.2x1.dist]
-   Int_t           Ndata_P_dc_2x1_rawtdc;
-   Double_t        P_dc_2x1_rawtdc[80];   //[Ndata.P.dc.2x1.rawtdc]
-   Int_t           Ndata_P_dc_2x1_time;
-   Double_t        P_dc_2x1_time[80];   //[Ndata.P.dc.2x1.time]
-   Int_t           Ndata_P_dc_2x1_wirenum;
-   Double_t        P_dc_2x1_wirenum[80];   //[Ndata.P.dc.2x1.wirenum]
-   Int_t           Ndata_P_dc_2x2_dist;
-   Double_t        P_dc_2x2_dist[80];   //[Ndata.P.dc.2x2.dist]
-   Int_t           Ndata_P_dc_2x2_rawtdc;
-   Double_t        P_dc_2x2_rawtdc[80];   //[Ndata.P.dc.2x2.rawtdc]
-   Int_t           Ndata_P_dc_2x2_time;
-   Double_t        P_dc_2x2_time[80];   //[Ndata.P.dc.2x2.time]
-   Int_t           Ndata_P_dc_2x2_wirenum;
-   Double_t        P_dc_2x2_wirenum[80];   //[Ndata.P.dc.2x2.wirenum]
-   Int_t           Ndata_P_dc_residual;
-   Double_t        P_dc_residual[12];   //[Ndata.P.dc.residual]
-   Int_t           Ndata_P_dc_x;
-   Double_t        P_dc_x[10];   //[Ndata.P.dc.x]
-   Int_t           Ndata_P_dc_xp;
-   Double_t        P_dc_xp[10];   //[Ndata.P.dc.xp]
-   Int_t           Ndata_P_dc_y;
-   Double_t        P_dc_y[10];   //[Ndata.P.dc.y]
-   Int_t           Ndata_P_dc_yp;
-   Double_t        P_dc_yp[10];   //[Ndata.P.dc.yp]
-   Double_t        P_dc_1u1_nhit;
-   Double_t        P_dc_1u2_nhit;
-   Double_t        P_dc_1v1_nhit;
-   Double_t        P_dc_1v2_nhit;
-   Double_t        P_dc_1x1_nhit;
-   Double_t        P_dc_1x2_nhit;
-   Double_t        P_dc_2u1_nhit;
-   Double_t        P_dc_2u2_nhit;
-   Double_t        P_dc_2v1_nhit;
-   Double_t        P_dc_2v2_nhit;
-   Double_t        P_dc_2x1_nhit;
-   Double_t        P_dc_2x2_nhit;
-   Double_t        P_dc_Ch1_maxhits;
-   Double_t        P_dc_Ch1_nhit;
-   Double_t        P_dc_Ch1_spacepoints;
-   Double_t        P_dc_Ch1_trawhit;
-   Double_t        P_dc_Ch2_maxhits;
-   Double_t        P_dc_Ch2_nhit;
-   Double_t        P_dc_Ch2_spacepoints;
-   Double_t        P_dc_Ch2_trawhit;
-   Double_t        P_dc_nhit;
-   Double_t        P_dc_nsp;
-   Double_t        P_dc_ntrack;
-   Double_t        P_dc_stubtest;
-   Double_t        P_dc_tnhit;
-   Double_t        P_dc_trawhit;
- //THaEvent        *Event_Branch;
-   ULong64_t       fEvtHdr_fEvtTime;
-   UInt_t          fEvtHdr_fEvtNum;
-   Int_t           fEvtHdr_fEvtType;
-   Int_t           fEvtHdr_fEvtLen;
-   Int_t           fEvtHdr_fHelicity;
-   Int_t           fEvtHdr_fTargetPol;
-   Int_t           fEvtHdr_fRun;
-   // List of branches
-   TBranch        *b_Ndata_P_dc_1u1_dist;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_P_dc_1u1_dist;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_Ndata_P_dc_1u1_rawtdc;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_P_dc_1u1_rawtdc;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_Ndata_P_dc_1u1_time;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_P_dc_1u1_time;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_Ndata_P_dc_1u1_wirenum;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_P_dc_1u1_wirenum;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_Ndata_P_dc_1u2_dist;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_P_dc_1u2_dist;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_Ndata_P_dc_1u2_rawtdc;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_P_dc_1u2_rawtdc;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_Ndata_P_dc_1u2_time;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_P_dc_1u2_time;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_Ndata_P_dc_1u2_wirenum;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_P_dc_1u2_wirenum;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_Ndata_P_dc_1v1_dist;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_P_dc_1v1_dist;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_Ndata_P_dc_1v1_rawtdc;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_P_dc_1v1_rawtdc;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_Ndata_P_dc_1v1_time;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_P_dc_1v1_time;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_Ndata_P_dc_1v1_wirenum;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_P_dc_1v1_wirenum;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_Ndata_P_dc_1v2_dist;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_P_dc_1v2_dist;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_Ndata_P_dc_1v2_rawtdc;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_P_dc_1v2_rawtdc;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_Ndata_P_dc_1v2_time;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_P_dc_1v2_time;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_Ndata_P_dc_1v2_wirenum;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_P_dc_1v2_wirenum;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_Ndata_P_dc_1x1_dist;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_P_dc_1x1_dist;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_Ndata_P_dc_1x1_rawtdc;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_P_dc_1x1_rawtdc;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_Ndata_P_dc_1x1_time;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_P_dc_1x1_time;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_Ndata_P_dc_1x1_wirenum;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_P_dc_1x1_wirenum;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_Ndata_P_dc_1x2_dist;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_P_dc_1x2_dist;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_Ndata_P_dc_1x2_rawtdc;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_P_dc_1x2_rawtdc;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_Ndata_P_dc_1x2_time;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_P_dc_1x2_time;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_Ndata_P_dc_1x2_wirenum;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_P_dc_1x2_wirenum;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_Ndata_P_dc_2u1_dist;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_P_dc_2u1_dist;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_Ndata_P_dc_2u1_rawtdc;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_P_dc_2u1_rawtdc;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_Ndata_P_dc_2u1_time;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_P_dc_2u1_time;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_Ndata_P_dc_2u1_wirenum;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_P_dc_2u1_wirenum;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_Ndata_P_dc_2u2_dist;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_P_dc_2u2_dist;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_Ndata_P_dc_2u2_rawtdc;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_P_dc_2u2_rawtdc;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_Ndata_P_dc_2u2_time;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_P_dc_2u2_time;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_Ndata_P_dc_2u2_wirenum;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_P_dc_2u2_wirenum;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_Ndata_P_dc_2v1_dist;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_P_dc_2v1_dist;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_Ndata_P_dc_2v1_rawtdc;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_P_dc_2v1_rawtdc;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_Ndata_P_dc_2v1_time;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_P_dc_2v1_time;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_Ndata_P_dc_2v1_wirenum;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_P_dc_2v1_wirenum;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_Ndata_P_dc_2v2_dist;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_P_dc_2v2_dist;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_Ndata_P_dc_2v2_rawtdc;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_P_dc_2v2_rawtdc;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_Ndata_P_dc_2v2_time;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_P_dc_2v2_time;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_Ndata_P_dc_2v2_wirenum;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_P_dc_2v2_wirenum;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_Ndata_P_dc_2x1_dist;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_P_dc_2x1_dist;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_Ndata_P_dc_2x1_rawtdc;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_P_dc_2x1_rawtdc;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_Ndata_P_dc_2x1_time;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_P_dc_2x1_time;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_Ndata_P_dc_2x1_wirenum;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_P_dc_2x1_wirenum;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_Ndata_P_dc_2x2_dist;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_P_dc_2x2_dist;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_Ndata_P_dc_2x2_rawtdc;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_P_dc_2x2_rawtdc;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_Ndata_P_dc_2x2_time;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_P_dc_2x2_time;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_Ndata_P_dc_2x2_wirenum;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_P_dc_2x2_wirenum;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_Ndata_P_dc_residual;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_P_dc_residual;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_Ndata_P_dc_x;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_P_dc_x;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_Ndata_P_dc_xp;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_P_dc_xp;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_Ndata_P_dc_y;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_P_dc_y;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_Ndata_P_dc_yp;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_P_dc_yp;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_P_dc_1u1_nhit;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_P_dc_1u2_nhit;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_P_dc_1v1_nhit;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_P_dc_1v2_nhit;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_P_dc_1x1_nhit;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_P_dc_1x2_nhit;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_P_dc_2u1_nhit;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_P_dc_2u2_nhit;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_P_dc_2v1_nhit;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_P_dc_2v2_nhit;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_P_dc_2x1_nhit;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_P_dc_2x2_nhit;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_P_dc_Ch1_maxhits;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_P_dc_Ch1_nhit;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_P_dc_Ch1_spacepoints;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_P_dc_Ch1_trawhit;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_P_dc_Ch2_maxhits;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_P_dc_Ch2_nhit;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_P_dc_Ch2_spacepoints;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_P_dc_Ch2_trawhit;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_P_dc_nhit;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_P_dc_nsp;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_P_dc_ntrack;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_P_dc_stubtest;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_P_dc_tnhit;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_P_dc_trawhit;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_Event_Branch_fEvtHdr_fEvtTime;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_Event_Branch_fEvtHdr_fEvtNum;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_Event_Branch_fEvtHdr_fEvtType;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_Event_Branch_fEvtHdr_fEvtLen;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_Event_Branch_fEvtHdr_fHelicity;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_Event_Branch_fEvtHdr_fTargetPol;   //!
-   TBranch        *b_Event_Branch_fEvtHdr_fRun;   //!
-   wire_drift_times(TTree *tree=0);
-   virtual ~wire_drift_times();
-   virtual Int_t    Cut(Long64_t entry);
-   virtual Int_t    GetEntry(Long64_t entry);
-   virtual Long64_t LoadTree(Long64_t entry);
-   virtual void     Init(TTree *tree);
-   virtual void     Loop();
-   virtual Bool_t   Notify();
-   virtual void     Show(Long64_t entry = -1);
-#ifdef wire_drift_times_cxx
-wire_drift_times::wire_drift_times(TTree *tree) : fChain(0) 
-// if parameter tree is not specified (or zero), connect the file
-// used to generate this class and read the Tree.
-   if (tree == 0) {
-     int run_NUM;
-     Long64_t num_evts;        //added
-     string input_file;   //added
-     TString f0 = "input_RUN.txt";
-     ifstream  infile(f0);
-     infile >> input_file >> run_NUM >> num_evts;
-     string path_to_inputfile = "../../../ROOTfiles/"+input_file;
-     TFile *f = (TFile*)gROOT->GetListOfFiles()->FindObject(path_to_inputfile.c_str());
-      if (!f || !f->IsOpen()) {
-	f = new TFile(path_to_inputfile.c_str());
-      }
-      f->GetObject("T",tree);
-   }
-   Init(tree);
-   if (!fChain) return;
-   delete fChain->GetCurrentFile();
-Int_t wire_drift_times::GetEntry(Long64_t entry)
-// Read contents of entry.
-   if (!fChain) return 0;
-   return fChain->GetEntry(entry);
-Long64_t wire_drift_times::LoadTree(Long64_t entry)
-// Set the environment to read one entry
-   if (!fChain) return -5;
-   Long64_t centry = fChain->LoadTree(entry);
-   if (centry < 0) return centry;
-   if (fChain->GetTreeNumber() != fCurrent) {
-      fCurrent = fChain->GetTreeNumber();
-      Notify();
-   }
-   return centry;
-void wire_drift_times::Init(TTree *tree)
-   // The Init() function is called when the selector needs to initialize
-   // a new tree or chain. Typically here the branch addresses and branch
-   // pointers of the tree will be set.
-   // It is normally not necessary to make changes to the generated
-   // code, but the routine can be extended by the user if needed.
-   // Init() will be called many times when running on PROOF
-   // (once per file to be processed).
-   // Set branch addresses and branch pointers
-   if (!tree) return;
-   fChain = tree;
-   fCurrent = -1;
-   fChain->SetMakeClass(1);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("Ndata.P.dc.1u1.dist", &Ndata_P_dc_1u1_dist, &b_Ndata_P_dc_1u1_dist);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("P.dc.1u1.dist", P_dc_1u1_dist, &b_P_dc_1u1_dist);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("Ndata.P.dc.1u1.rawtdc", &Ndata_P_dc_1u1_rawtdc, &b_Ndata_P_dc_1u1_rawtdc);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("P.dc.1u1.rawtdc", P_dc_1u1_rawtdc, &b_P_dc_1u1_rawtdc);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("Ndata.P.dc.1u1.time", &Ndata_P_dc_1u1_time, &b_Ndata_P_dc_1u1_time);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("P.dc.1u1.time", P_dc_1u1_time, &b_P_dc_1u1_time);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("Ndata.P.dc.1u1.wirenum", &Ndata_P_dc_1u1_wirenum, &b_Ndata_P_dc_1u1_wirenum);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("P.dc.1u1.wirenum", P_dc_1u1_wirenum, &b_P_dc_1u1_wirenum);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("Ndata.P.dc.1u2.dist", &Ndata_P_dc_1u2_dist, &b_Ndata_P_dc_1u2_dist);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("P.dc.1u2.dist", P_dc_1u2_dist, &b_P_dc_1u2_dist);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("Ndata.P.dc.1u2.rawtdc", &Ndata_P_dc_1u2_rawtdc, &b_Ndata_P_dc_1u2_rawtdc);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("P.dc.1u2.rawtdc", P_dc_1u2_rawtdc, &b_P_dc_1u2_rawtdc);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("Ndata.P.dc.1u2.time", &Ndata_P_dc_1u2_time, &b_Ndata_P_dc_1u2_time);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("P.dc.1u2.time", P_dc_1u2_time, &b_P_dc_1u2_time);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("Ndata.P.dc.1u2.wirenum", &Ndata_P_dc_1u2_wirenum, &b_Ndata_P_dc_1u2_wirenum);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("P.dc.1u2.wirenum", P_dc_1u2_wirenum, &b_P_dc_1u2_wirenum);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("Ndata.P.dc.1v1.dist", &Ndata_P_dc_1v1_dist, &b_Ndata_P_dc_1v1_dist);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("P.dc.1v1.dist", P_dc_1v1_dist, &b_P_dc_1v1_dist);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("Ndata.P.dc.1v1.rawtdc", &Ndata_P_dc_1v1_rawtdc, &b_Ndata_P_dc_1v1_rawtdc);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("P.dc.1v1.rawtdc", P_dc_1v1_rawtdc, &b_P_dc_1v1_rawtdc);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("Ndata.P.dc.1v1.time", &Ndata_P_dc_1v1_time, &b_Ndata_P_dc_1v1_time);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("P.dc.1v1.time", P_dc_1v1_time, &b_P_dc_1v1_time);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("Ndata.P.dc.1v1.wirenum", &Ndata_P_dc_1v1_wirenum, &b_Ndata_P_dc_1v1_wirenum);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("P.dc.1v1.wirenum", P_dc_1v1_wirenum, &b_P_dc_1v1_wirenum);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("Ndata.P.dc.1v2.dist", &Ndata_P_dc_1v2_dist, &b_Ndata_P_dc_1v2_dist);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("P.dc.1v2.dist", P_dc_1v2_dist, &b_P_dc_1v2_dist);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("Ndata.P.dc.1v2.rawtdc", &Ndata_P_dc_1v2_rawtdc, &b_Ndata_P_dc_1v2_rawtdc);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("P.dc.1v2.rawtdc", P_dc_1v2_rawtdc, &b_P_dc_1v2_rawtdc);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("Ndata.P.dc.1v2.time", &Ndata_P_dc_1v2_time, &b_Ndata_P_dc_1v2_time);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("P.dc.1v2.time", P_dc_1v2_time, &b_P_dc_1v2_time);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("Ndata.P.dc.1v2.wirenum", &Ndata_P_dc_1v2_wirenum, &b_Ndata_P_dc_1v2_wirenum);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("P.dc.1v2.wirenum", P_dc_1v2_wirenum, &b_P_dc_1v2_wirenum);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("Ndata.P.dc.1x1.dist", &Ndata_P_dc_1x1_dist, &b_Ndata_P_dc_1x1_dist);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("P.dc.1x1.dist", P_dc_1x1_dist, &b_P_dc_1x1_dist);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("Ndata.P.dc.1x1.rawtdc", &Ndata_P_dc_1x1_rawtdc, &b_Ndata_P_dc_1x1_rawtdc);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("P.dc.1x1.rawtdc", P_dc_1x1_rawtdc, &b_P_dc_1x1_rawtdc);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("Ndata.P.dc.1x1.time", &Ndata_P_dc_1x1_time, &b_Ndata_P_dc_1x1_time);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("P.dc.1x1.time", P_dc_1x1_time, &b_P_dc_1x1_time);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("Ndata.P.dc.1x1.wirenum", &Ndata_P_dc_1x1_wirenum, &b_Ndata_P_dc_1x1_wirenum);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("P.dc.1x1.wirenum", P_dc_1x1_wirenum, &b_P_dc_1x1_wirenum);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("Ndata.P.dc.1x2.dist", &Ndata_P_dc_1x2_dist, &b_Ndata_P_dc_1x2_dist);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("P.dc.1x2.dist", P_dc_1x2_dist, &b_P_dc_1x2_dist);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("Ndata.P.dc.1x2.rawtdc", &Ndata_P_dc_1x2_rawtdc, &b_Ndata_P_dc_1x2_rawtdc);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("P.dc.1x2.rawtdc", P_dc_1x2_rawtdc, &b_P_dc_1x2_rawtdc);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("Ndata.P.dc.1x2.time", &Ndata_P_dc_1x2_time, &b_Ndata_P_dc_1x2_time);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("P.dc.1x2.time", P_dc_1x2_time, &b_P_dc_1x2_time);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("Ndata.P.dc.1x2.wirenum", &Ndata_P_dc_1x2_wirenum, &b_Ndata_P_dc_1x2_wirenum);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("P.dc.1x2.wirenum", P_dc_1x2_wirenum, &b_P_dc_1x2_wirenum);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("Ndata.P.dc.2u1.dist", &Ndata_P_dc_2u1_dist, &b_Ndata_P_dc_2u1_dist);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("P.dc.2u1.dist", P_dc_2u1_dist, &b_P_dc_2u1_dist);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("Ndata.P.dc.2u1.rawtdc", &Ndata_P_dc_2u1_rawtdc, &b_Ndata_P_dc_2u1_rawtdc);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("P.dc.2u1.rawtdc", P_dc_2u1_rawtdc, &b_P_dc_2u1_rawtdc);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("Ndata.P.dc.2u1.time", &Ndata_P_dc_2u1_time, &b_Ndata_P_dc_2u1_time);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("P.dc.2u1.time", P_dc_2u1_time, &b_P_dc_2u1_time);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("Ndata.P.dc.2u1.wirenum", &Ndata_P_dc_2u1_wirenum, &b_Ndata_P_dc_2u1_wirenum);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("P.dc.2u1.wirenum", P_dc_2u1_wirenum, &b_P_dc_2u1_wirenum);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("Ndata.P.dc.2u2.dist", &Ndata_P_dc_2u2_dist, &b_Ndata_P_dc_2u2_dist);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("P.dc.2u2.dist", P_dc_2u2_dist, &b_P_dc_2u2_dist);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("Ndata.P.dc.2u2.rawtdc", &Ndata_P_dc_2u2_rawtdc, &b_Ndata_P_dc_2u2_rawtdc);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("P.dc.2u2.rawtdc", P_dc_2u2_rawtdc, &b_P_dc_2u2_rawtdc);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("Ndata.P.dc.2u2.time", &Ndata_P_dc_2u2_time, &b_Ndata_P_dc_2u2_time);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("P.dc.2u2.time", P_dc_2u2_time, &b_P_dc_2u2_time);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("Ndata.P.dc.2u2.wirenum", &Ndata_P_dc_2u2_wirenum, &b_Ndata_P_dc_2u2_wirenum);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("P.dc.2u2.wirenum", P_dc_2u2_wirenum, &b_P_dc_2u2_wirenum);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("Ndata.P.dc.2v1.dist", &Ndata_P_dc_2v1_dist, &b_Ndata_P_dc_2v1_dist);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("P.dc.2v1.dist", P_dc_2v1_dist, &b_P_dc_2v1_dist);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("Ndata.P.dc.2v1.rawtdc", &Ndata_P_dc_2v1_rawtdc, &b_Ndata_P_dc_2v1_rawtdc);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("P.dc.2v1.rawtdc", P_dc_2v1_rawtdc, &b_P_dc_2v1_rawtdc);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("Ndata.P.dc.2v1.time", &Ndata_P_dc_2v1_time, &b_Ndata_P_dc_2v1_time);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("P.dc.2v1.time", P_dc_2v1_time, &b_P_dc_2v1_time);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("Ndata.P.dc.2v1.wirenum", &Ndata_P_dc_2v1_wirenum, &b_Ndata_P_dc_2v1_wirenum);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("P.dc.2v1.wirenum", P_dc_2v1_wirenum, &b_P_dc_2v1_wirenum);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("Ndata.P.dc.2v2.dist", &Ndata_P_dc_2v2_dist, &b_Ndata_P_dc_2v2_dist);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("P.dc.2v2.dist", P_dc_2v2_dist, &b_P_dc_2v2_dist);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("Ndata.P.dc.2v2.rawtdc", &Ndata_P_dc_2v2_rawtdc, &b_Ndata_P_dc_2v2_rawtdc);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("P.dc.2v2.rawtdc", P_dc_2v2_rawtdc, &b_P_dc_2v2_rawtdc);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("Ndata.P.dc.2v2.time", &Ndata_P_dc_2v2_time, &b_Ndata_P_dc_2v2_time);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("P.dc.2v2.time", P_dc_2v2_time, &b_P_dc_2v2_time);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("Ndata.P.dc.2v2.wirenum", &Ndata_P_dc_2v2_wirenum, &b_Ndata_P_dc_2v2_wirenum);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("P.dc.2v2.wirenum", P_dc_2v2_wirenum, &b_P_dc_2v2_wirenum);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("Ndata.P.dc.2x1.dist", &Ndata_P_dc_2x1_dist, &b_Ndata_P_dc_2x1_dist);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("P.dc.2x1.dist", P_dc_2x1_dist, &b_P_dc_2x1_dist);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("Ndata.P.dc.2x1.rawtdc", &Ndata_P_dc_2x1_rawtdc, &b_Ndata_P_dc_2x1_rawtdc);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("P.dc.2x1.rawtdc", P_dc_2x1_rawtdc, &b_P_dc_2x1_rawtdc);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("Ndata.P.dc.2x1.time", &Ndata_P_dc_2x1_time, &b_Ndata_P_dc_2x1_time);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("P.dc.2x1.time", P_dc_2x1_time, &b_P_dc_2x1_time);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("Ndata.P.dc.2x1.wirenum", &Ndata_P_dc_2x1_wirenum, &b_Ndata_P_dc_2x1_wirenum);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("P.dc.2x1.wirenum", P_dc_2x1_wirenum, &b_P_dc_2x1_wirenum);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("Ndata.P.dc.2x2.dist", &Ndata_P_dc_2x2_dist, &b_Ndata_P_dc_2x2_dist);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("P.dc.2x2.dist", P_dc_2x2_dist, &b_P_dc_2x2_dist);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("Ndata.P.dc.2x2.rawtdc", &Ndata_P_dc_2x2_rawtdc, &b_Ndata_P_dc_2x2_rawtdc);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("P.dc.2x2.rawtdc", P_dc_2x2_rawtdc, &b_P_dc_2x2_rawtdc);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("Ndata.P.dc.2x2.time", &Ndata_P_dc_2x2_time, &b_Ndata_P_dc_2x2_time);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("P.dc.2x2.time", P_dc_2x2_time, &b_P_dc_2x2_time);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("Ndata.P.dc.2x2.wirenum", &Ndata_P_dc_2x2_wirenum, &b_Ndata_P_dc_2x2_wirenum);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("P.dc.2x2.wirenum", P_dc_2x2_wirenum, &b_P_dc_2x2_wirenum);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("Ndata.P.dc.residual", &Ndata_P_dc_residual, &b_Ndata_P_dc_residual);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("P.dc.residual", P_dc_residual, &b_P_dc_residual);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("Ndata.P.dc.x", &Ndata_P_dc_x, &b_Ndata_P_dc_x);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("P.dc.x", P_dc_x, &b_P_dc_x);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("Ndata.P.dc.xp", &Ndata_P_dc_xp, &b_Ndata_P_dc_xp);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("P.dc.xp", P_dc_xp, &b_P_dc_xp);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("Ndata.P.dc.y", &Ndata_P_dc_y, &b_Ndata_P_dc_y);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("P.dc.y", P_dc_y, &b_P_dc_y);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("Ndata.P.dc.yp", &Ndata_P_dc_yp, &b_Ndata_P_dc_yp);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("P.dc.yp", P_dc_yp, &b_P_dc_yp);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("P.dc.1u1.nhit", &P_dc_1u1_nhit, &b_P_dc_1u1_nhit);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("P.dc.1u2.nhit", &P_dc_1u2_nhit, &b_P_dc_1u2_nhit);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("P.dc.1v1.nhit", &P_dc_1v1_nhit, &b_P_dc_1v1_nhit);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("P.dc.1v2.nhit", &P_dc_1v2_nhit, &b_P_dc_1v2_nhit);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("P.dc.1x1.nhit", &P_dc_1x1_nhit, &b_P_dc_1x1_nhit);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("P.dc.1x2.nhit", &P_dc_1x2_nhit, &b_P_dc_1x2_nhit);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("P.dc.2u1.nhit", &P_dc_2u1_nhit, &b_P_dc_2u1_nhit);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("P.dc.2u2.nhit", &P_dc_2u2_nhit, &b_P_dc_2u2_nhit);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("P.dc.2v1.nhit", &P_dc_2v1_nhit, &b_P_dc_2v1_nhit);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("P.dc.2v2.nhit", &P_dc_2v2_nhit, &b_P_dc_2v2_nhit);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("P.dc.2x1.nhit", &P_dc_2x1_nhit, &b_P_dc_2x1_nhit);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("P.dc.2x2.nhit", &P_dc_2x2_nhit, &b_P_dc_2x2_nhit);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("P.dc.Ch1.maxhits", &P_dc_Ch1_maxhits, &b_P_dc_Ch1_maxhits);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("P.dc.Ch1.nhit", &P_dc_Ch1_nhit, &b_P_dc_Ch1_nhit);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("P.dc.Ch1.spacepoints", &P_dc_Ch1_spacepoints, &b_P_dc_Ch1_spacepoints);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("P.dc.Ch1.trawhit", &P_dc_Ch1_trawhit, &b_P_dc_Ch1_trawhit);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("P.dc.Ch2.maxhits", &P_dc_Ch2_maxhits, &b_P_dc_Ch2_maxhits);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("P.dc.Ch2.nhit", &P_dc_Ch2_nhit, &b_P_dc_Ch2_nhit);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("P.dc.Ch2.spacepoints", &P_dc_Ch2_spacepoints, &b_P_dc_Ch2_spacepoints);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("P.dc.Ch2.trawhit", &P_dc_Ch2_trawhit, &b_P_dc_Ch2_trawhit);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("P.dc.nhit", &P_dc_nhit, &b_P_dc_nhit);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("P.dc.nsp", &P_dc_nsp, &b_P_dc_nsp);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("P.dc.ntrack", &P_dc_ntrack, &b_P_dc_ntrack);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("P.dc.stubtest", &P_dc_stubtest, &b_P_dc_stubtest);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("P.dc.tnhit", &P_dc_tnhit, &b_P_dc_tnhit);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("P.dc.trawhit", &P_dc_trawhit, &b_P_dc_trawhit);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("fEvtHdr.fEvtTime", &fEvtHdr_fEvtTime, &b_Event_Branch_fEvtHdr_fEvtTime);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("fEvtHdr.fEvtNum", &fEvtHdr_fEvtNum, &b_Event_Branch_fEvtHdr_fEvtNum);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("fEvtHdr.fEvtType", &fEvtHdr_fEvtType, &b_Event_Branch_fEvtHdr_fEvtType);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("fEvtHdr.fEvtLen", &fEvtHdr_fEvtLen, &b_Event_Branch_fEvtHdr_fEvtLen);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("fEvtHdr.fHelicity", &fEvtHdr_fHelicity, &b_Event_Branch_fEvtHdr_fHelicity);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("fEvtHdr.fTargetPol", &fEvtHdr_fTargetPol, &b_Event_Branch_fEvtHdr_fTargetPol);
-   fChain->SetBranchAddress("fEvtHdr.fRun", &fEvtHdr_fRun, &b_Event_Branch_fEvtHdr_fRun);
-   Notify();
-Bool_t wire_drift_times::Notify()
-   // The Notify() function is called when a new file is opened. This
-   // can be either for a new TTree in a TChain or when when a new TTree
-   // is started when using PROOF. It is normally not necessary to make changes
-   // to the generated code, but the routine can be extended by the
-   // user if needed. The return value is currently not used.
-   return kTRUE;
-void wire_drift_times::Show(Long64_t entry)
-// Print contents of entry.
-// If entry is not specified, print current entry
-   if (!fChain) return;
-   fChain->Show(entry);
-Int_t wire_drift_times::Cut(Long64_t entry)
-// This function may be called from Loop.
-// returns  1 if entry is accepted.
-// returns -1 otherwise.
-   return 1;
-#endif // #ifdef wire_drift_times_cxx