diff --git a/PARAM/HMS/GEN/hcana.param b/PARAM/HMS/GEN/hcana.param
index b0224aa0b5bf13c3d6984f3d700b82baf836cca4..caf48164c2fc7fde47931b5a7697b1a67b169a74 100644
--- a/PARAM/HMS/GEN/hcana.param
+++ b/PARAM/HMS/GEN/hcana.param
@@ -24,4 +24,5 @@ hcal_d_cor =  1.66,  1.66
 hcal_layer_names = "1pr 2ta 3ta 4ta"
 # The following were defined in REPLAY.PARAM
-h_recon_coeff_filename =    'DATFILES/hms_recon_coeff.dat'  ;hms optics matrix
+;h_recon_coeff_filename =    'DATFILES/hms_recon_coeff.dat'  ;hms optics matrix
+h_recon_coeff_filename =    'DATFILES/hms_recon_coeff_opt2018.dat'  ;hms optics matrix
diff --git a/PARAM/HMS/GEN/hmsflags.param b/PARAM/HMS/GEN/hmsflags.param
index 288fa8bfa7ebb310d4e703fbb3a9eaf5012b82c8..bed5850b4fb4f91d21fdb7dbccf46da9fae35b74 100644
--- a/PARAM/HMS/GEN/hmsflags.param
+++ b/PARAM/HMS/GEN/hmsflags.param
@@ -14,8 +14,8 @@
 ;  CMOP matrix elements. If you do change then your hms sieve
 ;  plots will be screwed up.
   hdelta_offset = 0.       ; (%)   hdelta_tar = hdelta_tar + hdelta_offset
-  htheta_offset = 4.83e-5  ; (rad) hyp_tar = hyp_tar + htheta_offset
-  hphi_offset   = -4.73e-3 ; (rad) hxp_tar = hxp_tar + hphi_offset
+  htheta_offset = 0.  ; (rad) hyp_tar = hyp_tar + htheta_offset
+  hphi_offset   = -4.946337367e-3 ; (rad) hxp_tar = hxp_tar + hphi_offset
 ;saturation correction flag
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
                           ; Data taken with fields set by field00.f or later should set to 2000.
 ; These offsets are determined from elastic ep data.
 ; central field  correction
-  hpcentral_offset = -0.025   
+  hpcentral_offset = 0.0 ;    
   hthetacentral_offset = 0.000 ; (rad) 
   h_oopcentral_offset = 0.00  ; (rad)
 ; sets hpcentral = hpcentral * ( 1. + hpcentral_offset / 100. )
diff --git a/PARAM/HMS/GEN/hmsflags_orig_6GeV.param b/PARAM/HMS/GEN/hmsflags_orig_6GeV.param
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..288fa8bfa7ebb310d4e703fbb3a9eaf5012b82c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PARAM/HMS/GEN/hmsflags_orig_6GeV.param
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+; Offset in the spectrometer momentum.
+  hmomentum_factor = 0.000 ; leave 0 so it will have no effect
+                           ; use hpcentral_offset if one needs to offset central momentum
+; The hdelta_offset,htheta_offset,hphi_offset effect the
+; reconstructed target quantities. Used in h_targ_trans.f 
+; For transport x is in the dispersive direction with + down
+;               y is in the horizontal + towards small angles.
+;               z is along the central optics axis.
+; In transport coordinates phi = hyptar = dy/dz and theta = hxptar = dx/dz 
+;    but for unknown reasons the yp offset is named  htheta_offset
+;    and  the xp offset is named  hphi_offset
+; Do not to change these values, since these are the zero order
+;  CMOP matrix elements. If you do change then your hms sieve
+;  plots will be screwed up.
+  hdelta_offset = 0.       ; (%)   hdelta_tar = hdelta_tar + hdelta_offset
+  htheta_offset = 4.83e-5  ; (rad) hyp_tar = hyp_tar + htheta_offset
+  hphi_offset   = -4.73e-3 ; (rad) hxp_tar = hxp_tar + hphi_offset
+;saturation correction flag
+  hsatcorr = 2000 ; 
+                          ; a correction to hsdelta event by event
+                          ; for a problem in setting Q3 current.
+                          ; There was an unknown zero offset in the Q3 current.
+                          ; The magnet setting code field00.f partially 
+                          ; fixes this problem. T. Horn in 2003 determined
+                          ; the corrections to delta.
+                          ; Data taken with fields set by field99.f or earlier should set to 1999.
+                          ; Data taken with fields set by field00.f or later should set to 2000.
+; These offsets are determined from elastic ep data.
+; central field  correction
+  hpcentral_offset = -0.025   
+  hthetacentral_offset = 0.000 ; (rad) 
+  h_oopcentral_offset = 0.00  ; (rad)
+; sets hpcentral = hpcentral * ( 1. + hpcentral_offset / 100. )
+;      htheta_lab=htheta_lab + hthetacentral_offset/degree 
diff --git a/PARAM/SHMS/GEN/pcana.param b/PARAM/SHMS/GEN/pcana.param
index a786c902c6e15843c471db3afebb21b20b5db2b9..02ebf970d56754f3a47812c8c540a537715bb5f5 100644
--- a/PARAM/SHMS/GEN/pcana.param
+++ b/PARAM/SHMS/GEN/pcana.param
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
 ; Parameters we need to keep THcHallCSpectrometer Happy
-p_recon_coeff_filename = "DATFILES/SHMS_fr3_rec__order_5.dat"
+;p_recon_coeff_filename = "DATFILES/SHMS_fr3_rec__order_5.dat"
 ;p_recon_coeff_filename = "DATFILES/shms-2011-26cm-monte_q2_p20_rec.dat"
 ;p_recon_coeff_filename = "DATFILES/shms-2011-26cm-monte_q2_m015_rec.dat"
 ;p_recon_coeff_filename = "DATFILES/shms_dipole_2plow.dat"
+p_recon_coeff_filename = "DATFILES/shms-2017-optimized.dat"
diff --git a/PARAM/SHMS/GEN/shmsflags.param b/PARAM/SHMS/GEN/shmsflags.param
index 78493f50f8a76526fa49297624a7cd979a86abdc..84b2dcfca26d4a13afc3b60006bbc018583a5912 100644
--- a/PARAM/SHMS/GEN/shmsflags.param
+++ b/PARAM/SHMS/GEN/shmsflags.param
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 pdelta_offset = 0.0
 ptheta_offset = 0.0
-pphi_offset = 0.0
+pphi_offset = 4.83E-4
 ; The following offsets are applied to the central kinematic variables
 ; These might be modified by an experiment