From 7a99d8f44b367a012a9f594ca7bc98e2e1ae6566 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Yero1990 <>
Date: Thu, 8 Mar 2018 06:25:31 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] added optional pid_hadron cut in DC calibration :: changed
 'good drift time fit' criteria to also consider fit slope of >0.2, based on
 previous observations of bad fits (#420)

 CALIBRATION/shms_dc_calib/scripts/DC_calib.C  | 78 +++++++++++++++----
 .../shms_dc_calib/scripts/main_calib.C        |  4 +-
 2 files changed, 65 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)

diff --git a/CALIBRATION/shms_dc_calib/scripts/DC_calib.C b/CALIBRATION/shms_dc_calib/scripts/DC_calib.C
index 75b54f9b..aa0f9a00 100644
--- a/CALIBRATION/shms_dc_calib/scripts/DC_calib.C
+++ b/CALIBRATION/shms_dc_calib/scripts/DC_calib.C
@@ -204,7 +204,8 @@ void DC_calib::GetDCLeafs()
       cer_npe_name = "P.ngcer.npeSum";  
       EL_CLEAN_name = "T.shms.pEL_CLEAN_tdcTime";
+      //EL_CLEAN_name = "T.coin.pEL_CLEAN_ROC2_tdcTime";
       tree->SetBranchAddress(cer_npe_name, &cer_npe);   
       tree->SetBranchAddress(EL_CLEAN_name, &EL_CLEAN);
@@ -213,7 +214,8 @@ void DC_calib::GetDCLeafs()
       cer_npe_name = "H.cer.npeSum";  
       EL_CLEAN_name = "T.hms.hEL_CLEAN_tdcTime";
+      //EL_CLEAN_name = "T.coin.hEL_CLEAN_ROC2_tdcTime";
       tree->SetBranchAddress(cer_npe_name, &cer_npe);   
       tree->SetBranchAddress(EL_CLEAN_name, &EL_CLEAN);
@@ -356,31 +358,38 @@ void DC_calib::EventLoop()
+      //------READ USER 'pid' input to determine particle type to calibrate----------
       //NO PID Cut, Set Bool_t to always kTRUE
 	  cer_elec = 1;    
-	  elec_clean = 1;    //tdcTime>0
+	  elec_clean = 1;     
       //PID Cut, Set Bool_t to actual value, and see if it passes cut
       else if (pid=="pid_elec")
 	  cer_elec = cer_npe>1.0;
 	  elec_clean = EL_CLEAN>0;    //tdcTime>0
+	}
+      //PID Cut, hadron, Set Bool_t to actual value, and see if it passes cut
+      else if (pid=="pid_hadron")
+	{
+	  cer_elec = cer_npe<1.0;
+	  elec_clean = EL_CLEAN==0;    //tdcTime==0 
 	  cout << "Enter which particle to calibrate: " << endl;
-	  cout << "For electrons: 'pid_elec' " << endl; 
+	  cout << "For electrons: 'pid_elec' " << endl;
+	  cout << "For hadrons: 'pid_hadron' " << endl;	  
 	  cout << "NO PID Cuts: 'pid_KFALSE' " << endl;
+      //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
       if (cer_elec&&elec_clean) 
@@ -657,7 +666,7 @@ void DC_calib::FitWireDriftTime()
 	  std_dev = fitted_cell_dt[ip][wire].GetStdDev();
 	  //Require sufficient events and NOT CRAZY! tzero values, otherwis, set t0 to ZERO
-	  if (abs(-y_int/m) < std_dev*5.0 && m > 0.0 && entries[ip][wire]>max_wire_entry)
+	  if (abs(-y_int/m) < std_dev*5.0 && m > 0.2 && entries[ip][wire]>max_wire_entry)
 	      t_zero[ip][wire] = - y_int/m ;
 	      t_zero_err[ip][wire] = sqrt(y_int_err*y_int_err/(m*m) + y_int*y_int*m_err*m_err/(m*m*m*m) );
@@ -669,7 +678,7 @@ void DC_calib::FitWireDriftTime()
-	    else if (abs(-y_int/m)>=5.0*std_dev ||  m <= 0.0  || entries[ip][wire] <= max_wire_entry)
+	    else if (abs(-y_int/m)>=5.0*std_dev ||  m <= 0.2  || entries[ip][wire] <= max_wire_entry)
 		  t_zero[ip][wire] = 0.0;
@@ -923,14 +932,53 @@ void DC_calib::ApplyTZeroCorrection()
-  //cout << "ApplyT0Corr  "<< endl;
+  cout << "ApplyT0Corr  "<< endl;
   //Loop over all entries
   for(Long64_t i=0; i<num_evts; i++)
-      tree->GetEntry(i);      
+      tree->GetEntry(i);
+      //----------READ USER 'pid' input to determine particle type to calibrate----------
+      //PID Cut, Set Bool_t to always kTRUE
+      if(pid=="pid_kFALSE")
+	{
+	  cer_elec = 1;    
+	  elec_clean = 1;    
+	}
+      //PID Cut, Set Bool_t to actual value, and see if it passes cut
+      else if (pid=="pid_elec")
+	{
+	  cer_elec = cer_npe>1.0;
+	  elec_clean = EL_CLEAN>0;    //tdcTime>0
+	}
+      //PID Cut, hadron, Set Bool_t to actual value, and see if it passes cut
+      else if (pid=="pid_hadron")
+	{
+	  cer_elec = cer_npe<1.0;
+	  elec_clean = EL_CLEAN==0;    //tdcTime==0
+	}
+      else 
+	{
+	  cout << "Enter which particle to calibrate: " << endl;
+	  cout << "For electrons: 'pid_elec' " << endl;
+	  cout << "For hadrons: 'pid_hadron' " << endl;	  
+	  cout << "NO PID Cuts: 'pid_KFALSE' " << endl;
+	}
+      //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       if (cer_elec&&elec_clean) 
diff --git a/CALIBRATION/shms_dc_calib/scripts/main_calib.C b/CALIBRATION/shms_dc_calib/scripts/main_calib.C
index 74379ca7..baa58aa9 100644
--- a/CALIBRATION/shms_dc_calib/scripts/main_calib.C
+++ b/CALIBRATION/shms_dc_calib/scripts/main_calib.C
@@ -16,10 +16,10 @@ int main_calib()
   clock_t cl;
   cl = clock();
-                                                                                                  //pid_elec, pid_kFALSE (no PID cuts) 
+                                                                                                  //pid_elec, pid_hadron, pid_kFALSE (no PID cuts) 
                                                                                                   // |
                                                                                                   // v
-  DC_calib obj("HMS", "../../../ROOTfiles/hms_replay_production_all_1640_300000.root", 1640,290000, "pid_elec");
+  DC_calib obj("HMS", "../../../ROOTfiles/coin_replay_production_1866_-1_dcuncalib.root", 1866,1400000, "pid_hadron");