From 5f8fa8ef19d99a09d7dccd578cabde93c6b3c186 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Yero1990 <>
Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2018 09:31:54 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] Dc calib work (#430)

* set wire t0 = card t0 in card mode (fixes anomaly in parameter file) :: set good event definition as ndata==1 && cal_energy>0.1 && cer_npe>1.0

* minor fix in wire t0 tzero determination from card tzero

* added t0_card_err criteria to determine whether to set t0 per card to zero because of low statistics. (Some edge cards also have low statistics when the calibration has PID cuts )

* Added GetCardT0_alternative() method, which determines the T0 of the per-card drift time if certain criteria are met, such as the number of entries per card. This method was developed to correctly account for the T0 for edge cards with low statistics. Although this is rare to find, there were ocassions in which entries for edge cards were low adter applying PID cuts.
 CALIBRATION/dc_calib/scripts/DC_calib.C   | 153 ++++++++++++++++++----
 CALIBRATION/dc_calib/scripts/DC_calib.h   |   7 +-
 CALIBRATION/dc_calib/scripts/main_calib.C |   5 +-
 3 files changed, 139 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-)

diff --git a/CALIBRATION/dc_calib/scripts/DC_calib.C b/CALIBRATION/dc_calib/scripts/DC_calib.C
index abf9b035..981d5f08 100644
--- a/CALIBRATION/dc_calib/scripts/DC_calib.C
+++ b/CALIBRATION/dc_calib/scripts/DC_calib.C
@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ void DC_calib::SetPlaneNames()
       //per wire ONLY
       percent = 0.20;  ///set 20% of max drit time content to fit around
-      t0_err_thrs = 0;
+      t0_err_thrs = 15;
       max_wire_entry = 1000;
       tdc_offset = 115.;  
@@ -645,7 +645,7 @@ void DC_calib::CreateHistoNames()
-	      fitted_card_hist[ip][card].SetBins(200, MINBIN, MAXBIN);
+	      fitted_card_hist[ip][card].SetBins(NBINS, MINBIN, MAXBIN);
 	      fitted_card_hist[ip][card].SetXTitle("Drift Time (ns)");
 	      fitted_card_hist[ip][card].SetYTitle("Number of Entries / 1 ns");
@@ -970,8 +970,8 @@ void DC_calib::EventLoop(string option="")
-      //***good event definition***: cal_energy > 100 MeV, cer_npeSum > 1.0, 5/6 plane hits
-      good_event = cal_elec && cer_elec && cnts_ch1>4 && cnts_ch2>4;
+      //***good event definition***: cal_energy > 100 MeV, cer_npeSum > 1.0
+      good_event = cal_elec && cer_elec; //&& cnts_ch1>4 && cnts_ch2>4;
 	  // cout << "passed cut: " << i << endl;
@@ -1078,8 +1078,9 @@ void DC_calib::EventLoop(string option="")
 				      //Fill Corrected Card Drift Times
 				      dt_vs_wire_corr[ip].Fill(wire_num[ip][j], drift_time[ip][j] - t_zero_card[ip][card]);  
-				      t_zero_final[ip][wire-1] = t_zero[ip][wire-1];
+   				      //t_zero_final[ip][wire-1] = t_zero_card[ip][card];
 				} //loop over cards
@@ -1247,7 +1248,7 @@ void DC_calib::FitWireDriftTime()
   //Loop over planes
   for (Int_t ip = 0; ip < NPLANES; ip++)
-      cout << "pLANE: " << ip << endl;
       //Loop over DC sense wires
       for (wire = 0; wire < nwires[ip]; wire++)
@@ -1348,9 +1349,19 @@ void DC_calib::GetTwentyPercent_Card()
 	   binSearchHigh =  fitted_card_hist[ip][card].GetMaximumBin();           //returns bin value of maximum content
 	   wireBinContentMax[ip][card] = fitted_card_hist[ip][card].GetMaximum(); // return maximum histo bin content
-	   wireBinContentLow[ip][card]  = wireBinContentMax[ip][card]*0.20;        // Get content with 20% of max bin content
-	   wireBinContentHigh[ip][card] = wireBinContentMax[ip][card]*0.60;       // Get content with 60% of max bin content
+	   entries_card[ip][card] = fitted_card_hist[ip][card].GetEntries();      // return entries of card histograms
+	   //if (entries_card[ip][card] < 2000)
+	   //{
+	   //  wireBinContentLow[ip][card]  = wireBinContentMax[ip][card]*0.20;        // Get content with 10% of max bin content                                                          
+	   //  wireBinContentHigh[ip][card] = wireBinContentMax[ip][card]*0.40;       // Get content with 30% of max bin content              
+	   //   }
+	   //else if (entries_card[ip][card] >= 2000)
+	   //{
+	       wireBinContentLow[ip][card]  = wireBinContentMax[ip][card]*0.20;        // Get content with 20% of max bin content
+	       wireBinContentHigh[ip][card] = wireBinContentMax[ip][card]*0.60;       // Get content with 60% of max bin content
+	       //}
 	   // | content_of_desired_bin - (binSearch_HighContent-binSearchLowContent) | <= binDiffTherhold 
 	   fitted_card_hist[ip][card].GetBinWithContent(wireBinContentLow[ip][card],  binValLow,  binSearchLow, binSearchHigh, binDiffThreshLow); 
@@ -1384,17 +1395,86 @@ void DC_calib::GetTwentyPercent_Card()
 } //end  GetTwentyPercent_Card() method
+Double_t DC_calib::GetCardT0_alternative(Int_t ip, Int_t card)
+  //NOTE**: This method must be called within FitCardDriftTime() method
+  // if the fit t0 error/card entries exceed a threshold
+  //  cout << "Inside GetCardT0 Method . . ." << endl;
+    cout << "Calling GetCardT0_alternative ( " << ip << " , " << card << " ) " << endl;
+  binSearchHigh = fitted_card_hist[ip][card].GetMaximumBin();
+  maxContent_frac = fitted_card_hist[ip][card].GetBinContent(binSearchHigh) * 0.20;
+  //cout << "Maximum Bin Number: " << binSearchHigh << endl;
+  //cout << "Maximum Bin Content: " << fitted_card_hist[ip][card].GetBinContent(binSearchHigh) << endl;
+  //cout << "20% of Max Content: " << maxContent_frac << endl;
+  //cout << "****About to loop over bins**** ... " << endl;
+  //Loop over card drift time bins
+  for (Int_t bin=1; bin <= binSearchHigh; bin++)
+    {
+      content_bin = fitted_card_hist[ip][card].GetBinContent(bin);
+      content.push_back(content_bin);
+      bin_num.push_back(bin);
+      //      cout << "bin: " << bin << endl;
+      // cout << "content size: " << content.size() << endl;
+      //  cout << "About to check content size " << endl;
+      if (content.size() == 10)
+	{
+	  counts = 0;
+	  //  cout << "About to loop over 5 bins " << endl;
+	  for (Int_t j=0; j<10; j++)
+	    {
+	      //cout << "content["<<j<<"]: " << content[j] << endl; 
+	      //cout << "max_Content frac: " << maxContent_frac << endl;
+	      //cout << "counts: " << counts << endl;
+	      if(content[j] > 0)
+		{
+		  counts = counts + 1;
+		  if(counts >=8) {goto stop;}
+		} //end 'if' statement
+	      content.clear();
+	      bin_num.clear();
+	    } //end loop over 5 bin sample
+	} //end 'if' stmnt checking content size
+    } //end loop over bins
+ stop:
+  // cout << "bin_num[0]:  " << bin_num[0] << endl;
+  card_T0 = fitted_card_hist[ip][card].GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(bin_num[0]);
+  //cout << "card_T0 = " << card_T0 << endl;
+  return card_T0;
 void DC_calib::FitCardDriftTime()
+  cout << "Entering FitCardDriftTime Method . . ." << endl;
   for (Int_t ip = 0; ip < NPLANES; ip++)
+      cout << "Plane : " << ip << endl;
      //Loop over DC cards
       for (card = 0; card < plane_cards[ip]; card++)
+	  cout << "card: " << card << endl;
 	  tZero_fit = new TF1("tZero_fit", "[0]*x + [1]", wireFitRangeLow[ip][card], wireFitRangeHigh[ip][card]);
 	  //Set Parameter Names and Values
@@ -1404,7 +1484,9 @@ void DC_calib::FitCardDriftTime()
 	  tZero_fit->SetParameter(1, 1.0);
 	  entries_card[ip][card] = fitted_card_hist[ip][card].GetEntries();
+	  cout << "entries: " << entries_card[ip][card] << endl;
 	  //Fit Function in specified range
 	  fitted_card_hist[ip][card].Fit("tZero_fit", "QR");
@@ -1418,31 +1500,56 @@ void DC_calib::FitCardDriftTime()
 	  std_dev = fitted_card_hist[ip][card].GetStdDev();
 	  //Require sufficient events and NOT CRAZY! tzero values, otherwis, set t0 to ZERO
-	  if (abs(-y_int/m) < std_dev*5.0 && m > 0.0 && entries_card[ip][card]>max_wire_entry)
+	  if ((abs(-y_int/m) < std_dev*5.0 && m > 0.0 )  || entries_card[ip][card]>2000)
 	      t_zero_card[ip][card] = - y_int/m ;
 	      t_zero_card_err[ip][card] = sqrt(y_int_err*y_int_err/(m*m) + y_int*y_int*m_err*m_err/(m*m*m*m) );
+	      //if error of t0 is bad  (15), then set t0 = 0, since it is liekly that #evts is very low and insignificant to be corrected
+	      if(t_zero_card_err[ip][card] > t0_err_thrs || entries_card[ip][card] <= 2000 || m < 0.0)
+		{
+		  t_zero_card[ip][card] = GetCardT0_alternative(ip, card);
+		  t_zero_card_err[ip][card] = 0.0;
+		  //cout << "About to execute GetCardT0_alternative() " << endl;
+		  cout << "plane: " << ip << " :: card: " << card << "t_zero_card: " << GetCardT0_alternative(ip, card) << endl;
+		}
+	    }
+	  //ensure to assign card tzero values to zero, if card entries are not sufficient                                                                                                                            
+	  else if (abs(-y_int/m)>=5.0*std_dev ||  m <= 0.0  || entries_card[ip][card] <= 2000)                                                                                                              
+	    {                                                                                                                                                                                                         	     	
+	      t_zero_card[ip][card] = GetCardT0_alternative(ip, card);  
+	      t_zero_card_err[ip][card] = 0.0;                                                                                                                           
+	      //cout << "About to execute GetCardT0_alternative() " << endl;                                                                                             
+	      cout << "plane: " << ip << " :: card: " << card << "t_zero_card: " << GetCardT0_alternative(ip, card) << endl;                       
+	    }                                                                                                                                                                                                         
 	      for(wire=1; wire<=nwires[ip]; wire++)
-		  if (wire >= wire_min[ip][card] && wire <=wire_max[ip][card])
+		  if (wire >= wire_min[ip][card] && wire <=wire_max[ip][card]) //entries_card[ip][card]>max_wire_entry)
 		      t_zero[ip][wire-1] = t_zero_card[ip][card];
 		      t_zero_err[ip][wire-1] = t_zero_card_err[ip][card];
-		    }
+		      t_zero_final[ip][wire-1] = t_zero_card[ip][card];                                                                                                                                                                      
+		    } //end 'if' statement for wire group selection
+		  //ensure to assign wire tzero values to zero, if card entries are not sufficient
+		  //else if (wire >= wire_min[ip][card] && wire <=wire_max[ip][card] && t_zero_card_err[ip][card] > t0_err_thrs)//entries_card[ip][card] <= max_wire_entry)
+		  //{
+		  //  t_zero[ip][wire-1] = 0;
+		  //  t_zero_final[ip][wire-1] = 0;                                                                                   
+		  //}
 		} //end wire loop
-	    } //end 'if' statement
-	  else if (abs(-y_int/m)>=5.0*std_dev ||  m <= 0.0  || entries_card[ip][card] <= max_wire_entry)
-	    {
-	        t_zero[ip][card] = 0.0;
-	    }
 	}  //end loop over cards
diff --git a/CALIBRATION/dc_calib/scripts/DC_calib.h b/CALIBRATION/dc_calib/scripts/DC_calib.h
index 90cf5ce5..c73a8ba7 100644
--- a/CALIBRATION/dc_calib/scripts/DC_calib.h
+++ b/CALIBRATION/dc_calib/scripts/DC_calib.h
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ class DC_calib
   void GetTwentyPercent_Card();  
   void FitCardDriftTime();
   void ApplyTZeroCorrectionPerCard(); 
+  Double_t GetCardT0_alternative(Int_t ith_plane, Int_t ith_card);
   //---Per Global/Per Wire methods 
   void setup_Directory();
@@ -216,7 +217,11 @@ class DC_calib
   Int_t plane_cards[NPLANES];    //number of disc. cards / plane
   Int_t card;
+  //GetCardT0_alternative() method variables
+  Double_t maxContent_frac;
+  Double_t card_T0;
   //GetTwentyPercent_Card()/Fit Card methods variables
   Int_t binValLow; 
   Int_t binValHigh; 
diff --git a/CALIBRATION/dc_calib/scripts/main_calib.C b/CALIBRATION/dc_calib/scripts/main_calib.C
index 42ca5066..fe427401 100644
--- a/CALIBRATION/dc_calib/scripts/main_calib.C
+++ b/CALIBRATION/dc_calib/scripts/main_calib.C
@@ -19,9 +19,10 @@ int main_calib()
                                                                                                         //pid_elec,  pid_kFALSE (no PID cuts) 
                                                                                                         // |
                                                                                                         // v
-  //DC_calib obj("HMS", "../../../ROOTfiles/hms_replay_production_all_1856_hodtrefcut1000_-1.root", 1856,-1, "pid_elec");
+  //  DC_calib obj("HMS", "../../../ROOTfiles/hms_replay_production_all_1856_hodtrefcut1000_-1.root", 1856,-1, "pid_elec", "card");
   //DC_calib obj("SHMS", "../../../ROOTfiles/shms_replay_production_all_2774_-1.root", 2774, -1, "pid_elec"); 
-  DC_calib obj("SHMS", "~/abishek/hallc_replay/ROOTfiles/shms_replay_production_all_1791_-1.root", 1791, 10000000, "pid_elec", "card");
+  //  DC_calib obj("SHMS", "~/abishek/hallc_replay/ROOTfiles/shms_replay_production_all_1791_-1.root", 1791, 10000000, "pid_elec", "card");
+    DC_calib obj("SHMS", "../../../ROOTfiles/shms_replay_production_all_1791dcuncal_-1.root", 1791, 10000000, "pid_elec", "card");                                                                                                        
   // DC_calib obj("HMS", "../../../ROOTfiles/hms_coin_replay_production_1866_1000000.root", 1866, 1000, "pid_kFALSE");