diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index c4ab6bc5b2b396d683f2c6a689892b6c8169289a..c140bbb12084cfae2f14ad9356d81d93e9b25b6e 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ HISTOGRAMS/*
diff --git a/DBASE/COIN/GEN/default_det_calib_files.param b/DBASE/COIN/GEN/default_det_calib_files.param
deleted file mode 100644
index d4bb787151475a9271c06fd52679fd32e24e7116..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/DBASE/COIN/GEN/default_det_calib_files.param
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-; SHMS default calibration parameter files
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/NGCER/CALIB/pngcer_calib.param"
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/DC/CALIB/pdc_calib.param"
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/DC/CALIB/pdc_tzero_per_wire.param"
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/HODO/CALIB/phodo_calib.param"
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/HGCER/CALIB/phgcer_calib.param"
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/AERO/CALIB/paero_calib.param"
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/CAL/CALIB/pcal_calib.param"
diff --git a/DBASE/COIN/GEN/general.param b/DBASE/COIN/GEN/general.param
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c0dafa54e7e7d4d3e691b6209e75602bf0ada03..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/DBASE/COIN/GEN/general.param
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-#real raddeg
-#real cminch
-; General Hall-C parameter files
-#include "PARAM/GEN/genflags.param"
-#include "PARAM/GEN/gdebug.param"
-#include "PARAM/GEN/gtarget.param"
-#include "PARAM/GEN/gbeam.param"
-#include "PARAM/GEN/gscalers.param"
-; General HMS parameter files
-; Note: hmsflags.param includes spectrometer offsets and options.
-#include "PARAM/HMS/GEN/hcana.param"
-#include "PARAM/HMS/GEN/hdebug.param"
-#include "PARAM/HMS/GEN/hmsflags.param"
-#include "PARAM/HMS/GEN/htracking.param"
-; HMS default geometry parameter files 
-#include "PARAM/HMS/CER/GEOM/hcer_geom.param"
-#include "PARAM/HMS/DC/GEOM/hdc_geom.param"
-#include "PARAM/HMS/HODO/GEOM/hhodo_geom.param"
-#include "PARAM/HMS/AERO/GEOM/haero_geom.param"
-#include "PARAM/HMS/CAL/GEOM/hcal_geom.param"
-; HMS default cut parameter files
-#include "PARAM/HMS/CER/CUTS/hcer_cuts.param"
-#include "PARAM/HMS/DC/CUTS/hdc_cuts.param"
-#include "PARAM/HMS/HODO/CUTS/hhodo_cuts.param"
-#include "PARAM/HMS/AERO/CUTS/haero_cuts.param"
-#include "PARAM/HMS/CAL/CUTS/hcal_cuts.param"
-; HMS default calibration parameter files
-#include "PARAM/HMS/CER/CALIB/hcer_calib.param"
-#include "PARAM/HMS/DC/CALIB/hdc_calib.param"
-#include "PARAM/HMS/DC/CALIB/hdc_tzero_per_wire.param"
-#include "PARAM/HMS/HODO/CALIB/hhodo_calib.param"
-#include "PARAM/HMS/AERO/CALIB/haero_calib.param"
-#include "PARAM/HMS/CAL/CALIB/hcal_calib.param"
-; General SHMS parameter files
-; Note: shmsflags.param includes spectrometer offsets and options.
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/GEN/pcana.param"
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/GEN/pdebug.param"
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/GEN/shmsflags.param"
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/GEN/ptracking.param"
-; SHMS default geometry parameter files
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/NGCER/GEOM/pngcer_geom.param"
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/DC/GEOM/pdc_geom.param"
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/HODO/GEOM/phodo_geom.param"
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/HGCER/GEOM/phgcer_geom.param"
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/AERO/GEOM/paero_geom.param"
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/CAL/GEOM/pcal_geom.param"
-; SHMS default cut parameter files
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/NGCER/CUTS/pngcer_cuts.param"
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/DC/CUTS/pdc_cuts.param"
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/HODO/CUTS/phodo_cuts.param"
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/HGCER/CUTS/phgcer_cuts.param"
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/AERO/CUTS/paero_cuts.param"
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/CAL/CUTS/pcal_cuts.param"
-; SHMS default calibration parameter files
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/NGCER/CALIB/pngcer_calib.param"
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/DC/CALIB/pdc_calib.param"
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/DC/CALIB/pdc_tzero_per_wire.param"
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/HODO/CALIB/phodo_calib.param"
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/HGCER/CALIB/phgcer_calib.param"
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/AERO/CALIB/paero_calib.param"
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/CAL/CALIB/pcal_calib.param"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/DBASE/COIN/STD/ep.database b/DBASE/COIN/STD/ep.database
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d1639816cf84f08d708a928a8cae60e1196ecdd..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/DBASE/COIN/STD/ep.database
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-g_ctp_parm_filename ="DBASE/COIN/GEN/general.param"
-g_ctp_kinematics_filename ="DBASE/COIN/STD/ep.kinematics"
-g_ctp_calib_filename ="DBASE/COIN/GEN/default_det_calib_files.param"
diff --git a/DBASE/COIN/STD/ep.kinematics b/DBASE/COIN/STD/ep.kinematics
deleted file mode 100644
index 35a23bad3c91657f4fb446e6d1963c3151b884da..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/DBASE/COIN/STD/ep.kinematics
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,277 +0,0 @@
-# Need to set htheta_lab to a NEGATIVE value
-# Need to set ptheta_lab to a POSITIVE value
-# 1H   gtargmass_amu = 1.00794
-# 12C  gtargmass_amu = 12.0107
-# 27Al gtargmass_amu = 26.98
-gpbeam = 6.4
-htheta_lab = -15.
-ptheta_lab = 15.
-hpcentral = 3.
-ppcentral = 3.
-hpartmass = 0.00051099
-ppartmass = 0.00051099
-hpartmass = 0.938272
-ppartmass = 0.00051099
-hpcentral = 0.957
-ppcentral = 1.816
-htheta_lab = -53.33
-ptheta_lab = 25.01
-gtargmass_amu = 1.00794
-gtargmass_amu = 26.98
-hpcentral = 1.136
-ppcentral = 1.816
-htheta_lab = -47.9
-ptheta_lab = 30.0
-gtargmass_amu = 1.00794
-gtargmass_amu = 26.98
-gtargmass_amu = 1.00794
-hpcentral = 1.136
-ppcentral = 1.686
-htheta_lab = -47.9
-ptheta_lab = 30.0
-gtargmass_amu = 26.98
-gtargmass_amu = 1.00794
-hpcentral = 1.136
-ppcentral = 1.555
-htheta_lab = -47.9
-ptheta_lab = 30.0
-gtargmass_amu = 1.00794
-gtargmass_amu = 26.98
-hpcentral = 0.936
-ppcentral = 2.012
-htheta_lab = -65.1
-ptheta_lab = 25.0
-gtargmass_amu = 26.98
-gtargmass_amu = 1.00794
-gpbeam = 6.405
-gtargmass_amu = 1.00794
-htheta_lab = -27.5
-ptheta_lab = 27.6
-hpcentral = 3.609
-ppcentral = 3.609*0.985
-hpartmass = 0.93827231
-ppartmass = 0.00051099
-gpbeam = 6.405
-gtargmass_amu = 1.00794
-htheta_lab = -20.0
-ptheta_lab = 20.0
-hpcentral = 3.609
-ppcentral = 2.5*0.985
-ppartmass = 0.93827231
-hpartmass = 0.00051099
-gpbeam = 6.405
-gtargmass_amu = 1.00794
-htheta_lab = -27.54
-ptheta_lab = 27.50
-hpcentral = 3.609
-ppcentral = 3.609*0.985
-hpartmass = 0.93827231
-ppartmass = 0.00051099
-gpbeam = 6.405
-gtargmass_amu = 12.0107
-htheta_lab = -27.54
-ptheta_lab = 27.50
-hpcentral = 3.609
-ppcentral = 3.609*0.985
-hpartmass = 0.93827231
-ppartmass = 0.00051099
-gpbeam = 6.405
-gtargmass_amu = 12.0107
-htheta_lab = -22.0
-ptheta_lab = 22.0
-hpcentral = 3.2
-ppcentral = 3.2*0.985
-hpartmass = 0.93827231
-ppartmass = 0.00051099
-gpbeam = 6.405
-gtargmass_amu = 12.0107
-htheta_lab = -25.01
-ptheta_lab = 30.08
-hpcentral = 2.6
-ppcentral = 2.0*0.985
-hpartmass = 0.93827231
-ppartmass = 0.00051099
-gpbeam = 6.405
-gtargmass_amu = 12.0107
-htheta_lab = -22.01
-ptheta_lab = 22.06
-hpcentral = 3.2
-ppcentral = 3.2*0.985
-hpartmass = 0.93827231
-ppartmass = 0.00051099
-gpbeam = 6.405
-gtargmass_amu = 1.00794
-htheta_lab = -22.01
-ptheta_lab = 33.06
-hpcentral = 4.284
-ppcentral = 2.925*0.985
-ppartmass = 0.93827231
-hpartmass = 0.00051099
-junk run
-gpbeam = 6.405
-gtargmass_amu = 12.0107
-htheta_lab = -22.01
-ptheta_lab = 33.07
-hpcentral = 4.284
-ppcentral = 2.925*0.985
-ppartmass = 0.93827231
-hpartmass = 0.00051099
-gpbeam = 6.405
-gtargmass_amu = 12.0107
-htheta_lab = -35.0
-ptheta_lab = 22.05
-hpcentral = 2.869
-ppcentral = 4.38*0.985
-ppartmass = 0.93827231
-hpartmass = 0.00051099
-gpbeam = 6.405
-gtargmass_amu = 1.00794
-htheta_lab = -22.01
-ptheta_lab = 33.07
-hpcentral = 4.284
-ppcentral = 2.925*0.985
-ppartmass = 0.93827231
-hpartmass = 0.00051099
-Junk Run
-EDTM Test
-Junk Run
-1933 - 1949
-Junk Run
-1951 - 1952
-gpbeam = 6.405
-gtarggpbeam = 6.405
-gtargmass_amu = 1.00794
-htheta_lab = -50.0
-ptheta_lab = 15.03
-hpcentral = 1.864
-ppcentral = 5.41*0.985
-ppartmass = 0.93827231
-hpartmass = 0.00051099
-mass_amu = 1.00794
-htheta_lab = -50.0
-ptheta_lab = 15.38
-hpcentral = 1.864
-ppcentral = 5.41*0.985
-ppartmass = 0.93827231
-hpartmass = 0.00051099
-2022 - 2024
-gpbeam = 6.405
-gtargmass_amu = 1.00794
-htheta_lab = -45.1
-ptheta_lab = 17.1
-hpcentral = 2.131
-ppcentral = 5.122*0.985
-ppartmass = 0.93827231
-hpartmass = 0.00051099
-gpbeam = 6.405
-gtargmass_amu = 12.0107
-htheta_lab = -15.02
-ptheta_lab = 17.09
-hpcentral = 2.131
-ppcentral = 3.0*0.985
-ppartmass = 0.93827231
-hpartmass = 0.00051099
-gpbeam = 6.405
-gtargmass_amu =  26.98
-htheta_lab = -15.02
-ptheta_lab = 17.12
-hpcentral = 2.131
-ppcentral = 3.0*0.985
-ppartmass = 0.93827231
-hpartmass = 0.00051099
-gpbeam = 6.405
-gtargmass_amu = 1.00794 
-htheta_lab = -45.1
-ptheta_lab = 17.12
-hpcentral = 2.131
-ppcentral = 5.122
-ppartmass = 0.93827231
-hpartmass = 0.00051099
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/DBASE/COIN/STD/standard.database b/DBASE/COIN/STD/standard.database
deleted file mode 100644
index a7712bc86f75ba9477d9f587fd49f70d430a32ac..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/DBASE/COIN/STD/standard.database
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-g_ctp_parm_filename ="DBASE/COIN/GEN/general.param"
-g_ctp_kinematics_filename ="DBASE/COIN/STD/standard.kinematics"
-g_ctp_calib_filename ="DBASE/COIN/GEN/default_det_calib_files.param"
diff --git a/DBASE/COIN/general.param b/DBASE/COIN/general.param
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2491418750e5f6164dfc7105b80958eb6c3cd104
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DBASE/COIN/general.param
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+#real raddeg
+#real cminch
+; General Hall-C parameter files
+#include "PARAM/GEN/genflags.param"
+#include "PARAM/GEN/gdebug.param"
+#include "PARAM/GEN/gtarget.param"
+#include "PARAM/GEN/gbeam.param"
+#include "PARAM/GEN/gscalers.param"
+; General HMS parameter files
+; Note: hmsflags.param includes spectrometer offsets and options.
+#include "PARAM/HMS/GEN/hcana.param"
+#include "PARAM/HMS/GEN/hdebug.param"
+#include "PARAM/HMS/GEN/hmsflags.param"
+#include "PARAM/HMS/GEN/htracking.param"
+; HMS default geometry parameter files 
+#include "PARAM/HMS/CER/hcer_geom.param"
+#include "PARAM/HMS/DC/hdc_geom.param"
+#include "PARAM/HMS/HODO/hhodo_geom.param"
+#include "PARAM/HMS/AERO/haero_geom.param"
+#include "PARAM/HMS/CAL/hcal_geom.param"
+; HMS default cut parameter files
+#include "PARAM/HMS/CER/hcer_cuts.param"
+#include "PARAM/HMS/DC/hdc_cuts.param"
+#include "PARAM/HMS/HODO/hhodo_cuts.param"
+#include "PARAM/HMS/AERO/haero_cuts.param"
+#include "PARAM/HMS/CAL/hcal_cuts.param"
+; HMS default calibration parameter files
+#include "PARAM/HMS/CER/hcer_calib.param"
+#include "PARAM/HMS/DC/hdc_calib.param"
+#include "PARAM/HMS/DC/hdc_tzero_per_wire.param"
+#include "PARAM/HMS/HODO/hhodo_calib.param"
+#include "PARAM/HMS/AERO/haero_calib.param"
+#include "PARAM/HMS/CAL/hcal_calib.param"
+; General SHMS parameter files
+; Note: shmsflags.param includes spectrometer offsets and options.
+#include "PARAM/SHMS/GEN/pcana.param"
+#include "PARAM/SHMS/GEN/pdebug.param"
+#include "PARAM/SHMS/GEN/shmsflags.param"
+#include "PARAM/SHMS/GEN/ptracking.param"
+; SHMS default geometry parameter files
+#include "PARAM/SHMS/NGCER/pngcer_geom.param"
+#include "PARAM/SHMS/DC/pdc_geom.param"
+#include "PARAM/SHMS/HODO/phodo_geom.param"
+#include "PARAM/SHMS/HGCER/phgcer_geom.param"
+#include "PARAM/SHMS/AERO/paero_geom.param"
+#include "PARAM/SHMS/CAL/pcal_geom.param"
+; SHMS default cut parameter files
+#include "PARAM/SHMS/NGCER/pngcer_cuts.param"
+#include "PARAM/SHMS/DC/pdc_cuts.param"
+#include "PARAM/SHMS/HODO/phodo_cuts.param"
+#include "PARAM/SHMS/HGCER/phgcer_cuts.param"
+#include "PARAM/SHMS/AERO/paero_cuts.param"
+#include "PARAM/SHMS/CAL/pcal_cuts.param"
+; SHMS default calibration parameter files
+#include "PARAM/SHMS/NGCER/pngcer_calib.param"
+#include "PARAM/SHMS/DC/pdc_calib.param"
+#include "PARAM/SHMS/DC/pdc_tzero_per_wire.param"
+#include "PARAM/SHMS/HODO/phodo_calib.param"
+#include "PARAM/SHMS/HGCER/phgcer_calib.param"
+#include "PARAM/SHMS/AERO/paero_calib.param"
+#include "PARAM/SHMS/CAL/pcal_calib.param"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/DBASE/COIN/standard.database b/DBASE/COIN/standard.database
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0b15e34202808a81c74cbcca2aa8b600b49ed71a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DBASE/COIN/standard.database
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+g_ctp_parm_filename       = "DBASE/COIN/general.param"
+g_ctp_kinematics_filename = "DBASE/COIN/standard.kinematics"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/DBASE/COIN/STD/standard.kinematics b/DBASE/COIN/standard.kinematics
similarity index 71%
rename from DBASE/COIN/STD/standard.kinematics
rename to DBASE/COIN/standard.kinematics
index 4f791f04fa487bf92a16ba1c8f0b6e99d3bb9b4c..449f64a68e6e4c7f9ffdd26714a785f97695d0d6 100644
--- a/DBASE/COIN/STD/standard.kinematics
+++ b/DBASE/COIN/standard.kinematics
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 # 27Al gtargmass_amu = 26.98
 gpbeam = 6.430
 htheta_lab = -15.
@@ -418,7 +418,7 @@ ppartmass = 0.93827231
 hpartmass = 0.0005109
 #Color Transparency --Feb 14/H coincidence run
 gpbeam = 10.600
 gtargmass_amu =  1.00794
 htheta_lab = -39.280
@@ -426,136 +426,4 @@ ptheta_lab = 12.800
 hpcentral = 2.982
 ppcentral = 8.505*0.985
 ppartmass = 0.93827231
-hpartmass = 0.0005109
-#Color Transparency --Feb 15/H coincidence run
-gpbeam = 10.600
-gtargmass_amu =  1.00794
-htheta_lab = -39.280
-ptheta_lab = 12.800
-hpcentral = 2.982
-ppcentral = 8.505*0.985
-ppartmass = 0.93827231
-hpartmass = 0.0005109
-#Color Transparency --Feb 16/H coincidence run
-gpbeam = 10.600
-gtargmass_amu =  1.00794
-htheta_lab = -39.280
-ptheta_lab = 12.800
-hpcentral = 2.982
-ppcentral = 8.505*0.985
-ppartmass = 0.93827231
-hpartmass = 0.0005109
-#Color Transparency --Feb 17/H coincidence run
-gpbeam = 10.600
-gtargmass_amu =  1.00794
-htheta_lab = -39.280
-ptheta_lab = 12.800
-hpcentral = 2.982
-ppcentral = 8.505*0.985
-ppartmass = 0.93827231
-hpartmass = 0.0005109
-#Color Transparency --Feb 17/H singles run
-gpbeam = 10.600
-gtargmass_amu =  1.00794
-htheta_lab = -39.280
-ptheta_lab = 12.800
-hpcentral = 2.982
-ppcentral = 8.505*0.985
-ppartmass = 0.93827231
-hpartmass = 0.0005109
-#Color Transparency --Feb 17/Al coincidence run
-gpbeam = 10.600
-gtargmass_amu =  26.98
-htheta_lab = -39.280
-ptheta_lab = 12.800
-hpcentral = 2.982
-ppcentral = 8.505*0.985
-ppartmass = 0.93827231
-hpartmass = 0.0005109
-#Color Transparency --Feb 17/C singles
-gpbeam = 10.600
-gtargmass_amu =  12.0107
-htheta_lab = -39.280
-ptheta_lab = 12.800
-hpcentral = 2.982
-ppcentral = 8.505*0.985
-ppartmass = 0.93827231
-hpartmass = 0.0005109
-#Color Transparency --Feb 17/C coincidence run
-gpbeam = 10.600
-gtargmass_amu =  12.0107
-htheta_lab = -28.505
-ptheta_lab = 17.830
-hpcentral = 4.278
-ppcentral = 7.001*0.985
-ppartmass = 0.93827231
-hpartmass = 0.0005109
-#Color Transparency --Feb 18/C coincidence run
-gpbeam = 10.600
-gtargmass_amu =  12.0107
-htheta_lab = -28.505
-ptheta_lab = 17.830
-hpcentral = 4.478
-ppcentral = 7.001*0.985
-ppartmass = 0.93827231
-hpartmass = 0.0005109
-#Color Transparency --Feb 18/H coincidence run
-gpbeam = 10.600
-gtargmass_amu =  1.00794
-htheta_lab = -28.505
-ptheta_lab = 17.830
-hpcentral = 4.478
-ppcentral = 7.001*0.985
-ppartmass = 0.93827231
-hpartmass = 0.0005109
-#Color Transparency --Feb 18/Al coincidence run
-gpbeam = 10.600
-gtargmass_amu =  26.98
-htheta_lab = -28.505
-ptheta_lab = 17.830
-hpcentral = 4.478
-ppcentral = 7.001*0.985
-ppartmass = 0.93827231
-hpartmass = 0.0005109
-#Color Transparency --Feb 18/C coincidence run
-gpbeam = 10.600
-gtargmass_amu = 12.0107
-htheta_lab = -28.505
-ptheta_lab = 17.830
-hpcentral = 4.478
-ppcentral = 7.001*0.985
-ppartmass = 0.93827231
-hpartmass = 0.0005109
-#Color Transparency --Feb 18/C coincidence run
-gpbeam = 10.600
-gtargmass_amu = 12.0107
-htheta_lab = -28.505
-ptheta_lab = 17.830
-hpcentral = 4.478
-ppcentral = 7.001*0.985
-ppartmass = 0.93827231
-hpartmass = 0.0005109
+hpartmass = 0.0005109
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/DBASE/HMS/GEN/Fall_Comm_2017/calib_1130.param b/DBASE/HMS/GEN/Fall_Comm_2017/calib_1130.param
deleted file mode 100644
index e60dafcbce13ea69fdad9b7097299f4ca58dd1f4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/DBASE/HMS/GEN/Fall_Comm_2017/calib_1130.param
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-; HMS calibration files for run 1130
-#include "/PARAM/HMS/CER/CALIB/Fall_Comm_2017/hcer_calib_1130.param"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/DBASE/HMS/GEN/Fall_Comm_2017/calib_1136.param b/DBASE/HMS/GEN/Fall_Comm_2017/calib_1136.param
deleted file mode 100644
index dd08cabf6daeb1e567b0bd3bafb27a32fd587a58..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/DBASE/HMS/GEN/Fall_Comm_2017/calib_1136.param
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-; HMS calibration files for run 1136
-#include "/PARAM/HMS/CER/CALIB/Fall_Comm_2017/hcer_calib_1136.param"
-#include "/PARAM/HMS/CAL/CALIB/Fall_Comm_2017/hcal_calib_1136.param"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/DBASE/HMS/GEN/Fall_Comm_2017/calib_1178.param b/DBASE/HMS/GEN/Fall_Comm_2017/calib_1178.param
deleted file mode 100644
index e8c378adc5e10fb960a701bcb805c9d32dfa40cd..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/DBASE/HMS/GEN/Fall_Comm_2017/calib_1178.param
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-; HMS calibration files for run 1178
-#include "/PARAM/HMS/CER/CALIB/Fall_Comm_2017/hcer_calib_1178.param"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/DBASE/HMS/GEN/Fall_Comm_2017/calib_1179.param b/DBASE/HMS/GEN/Fall_Comm_2017/calib_1179.param
deleted file mode 100644
index 0db463ec9b404bc135f85024c7c71fa7ab74bf2a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/DBASE/HMS/GEN/Fall_Comm_2017/calib_1179.param
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-; HMS calibration files for run 1179
-#include "/PARAM/HMS/CER/CALIB/Fall_Comm_2017/hcer_calib_1179.param"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/DBASE/HMS/GEN/Fall_Comm_2017/calib_1180.param b/DBASE/HMS/GEN/Fall_Comm_2017/calib_1180.param
deleted file mode 100644
index 1269d2e7e07b1c6525a9d8dad12a04905e40e7cd..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/DBASE/HMS/GEN/Fall_Comm_2017/calib_1180.param
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-; HMS calibration files for run 1180
-#include "/PARAM/HMS/CER/CALIB/Fall_Comm_2017/hcer_calib_1180.param"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/DBASE/HMS/GEN/Fall_Comm_2017/calib_1212.param b/DBASE/HMS/GEN/Fall_Comm_2017/calib_1212.param
deleted file mode 100644
index 88157d17a13daedc8f118219ab29be30cdc3205b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/DBASE/HMS/GEN/Fall_Comm_2017/calib_1212.param
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-; HMS calibration files for run 1212
-#include "/PARAM/HMS/CER/CALIB/Fall_Comm_2017/hcer_calib_1212.param"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/DBASE/HMS/GEN/Fall_Comm_2017/calib_1213.param b/DBASE/HMS/GEN/Fall_Comm_2017/calib_1213.param
deleted file mode 100644
index 8601f869e4a5de99b328e877d24a63cd17da0359..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/DBASE/HMS/GEN/Fall_Comm_2017/calib_1213.param
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-; HMS calibration files for run 1213
-#include "/PARAM/HMS/CER/CALIB/Fall_Comm_2017/hcer_calib_1213.param"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/DBASE/HMS/GEN/Fall_Comm_2017/calib_1214.param b/DBASE/HMS/GEN/Fall_Comm_2017/calib_1214.param
deleted file mode 100644
index 53f3dc95338ab130aa6e0fc399569b9f7593f57f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/DBASE/HMS/GEN/Fall_Comm_2017/calib_1214.param
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-; HMS calibration files for run 1214
-#include "/PARAM/HMS/CER/CALIB/Fall_Comm_2017/hcer_calib_1214.param"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/DBASE/HMS/GEN/Fall_Comm_2017/calib_1235.param b/DBASE/HMS/GEN/Fall_Comm_2017/calib_1235.param
deleted file mode 100644
index 1eedb8950007448067884756ea2ddc8814ff3383..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/DBASE/HMS/GEN/Fall_Comm_2017/calib_1235.param
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-; HMS calibration files for run 1235
-#include "/PARAM/HMS/CAL/CALIB/Fall_Comm_2017/hcal_calib_1235.param"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/DBASE/HMS/GEN/Fall_Comm_2017/calib_1249.param b/DBASE/HMS/GEN/Fall_Comm_2017/calib_1249.param
deleted file mode 100644
index f59be7893cd0278ec7abc1a8f4d00a2606d8e89f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/DBASE/HMS/GEN/Fall_Comm_2017/calib_1249.param
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-; HMS calibration files for run 1249
-#include "/PARAM/HMS/CAL/CALIB/Fall_Comm_2017/hcal_calib_1249.param"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/DBASE/HMS/GEN/Fall_Comm_2017/general.param b/DBASE/HMS/GEN/Fall_Comm_2017/general.param
deleted file mode 100644
index ce8d05fd4916744468d620eea9d01f93410cfcdc..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/DBASE/HMS/GEN/Fall_Comm_2017/general.param
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-#real raddeg
-#real cminch
-; General Hall-C parameter files
-#include "PARAM/GEN/genflags.param"
-#include "PARAM/GEN/gdebug.param"
-#include "PARAM/GEN/gtarget.param"
-#include "PARAM/GEN/gbeam.param"
-#include "PARAM/GEN/gscalers.param"
-; General HMS parameter files
-; Note: hmsflags.param includes spectrometer offsets and options.
-#include "PARAM/HMS/GEN/hcana.param"
-#include "PARAM/HMS/GEN/hdebug.param"
-#include "PARAM/HMS/GEN/hmsflags.param"
-#include "PARAM/HMS/GEN/htracking.param"
-; HMS default geometry parameter files 
-#include "PARAM/HMS/CER/GEOM/hcer_geom.param"
-#include "PARAM/HMS/DC/GEOM/hdc_geom.param"
-#include "PARAM/HMS/HODO/GEOM/hhodo_geom.param"
-#include "PARAM/HMS/AERO/GEOM/haero_geom.param"
-#include "PARAM/HMS/CAL/GEOM/hcal_geom.param"
-; HMS default cut parameter files
-#include "PARAM/HMS/CER/CUTS/hcer_cuts.param"
-#include "PARAM/HMS/DC/CUTS/hdc_cuts.param"
-#include "PARAM/HMS/HODO/CUTS/hhodo_cuts.param"
-#include "PARAM/HMS/AERO/CUTS/haero_cuts.param"
-#include "PARAM/HMS/CAL/CUTS/hcal_cuts.param"
-; HMS default calibration parameter files
-#include "PARAM/HMS/CER/CALIB/hcer_calib.param"
-#include "PARAM/HMS/DC/CALIB/hdc_calib.param"
-#include "PARAM/HMS/DC/CALIB/hdc_tzero_per_wire.param"
-#include "PARAM/HMS/HODO/CALIB/hhodo_calib.param"
-#include "PARAM/HMS/AERO/CALIB/haero_calib.param"
-#include "PARAM/HMS/CAL/CALIB/hcal_calib.param"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/DBASE/HMS/GEN/KPP_Spring_2017/calib_303.param b/DBASE/HMS/GEN/KPP_Spring_2017/calib_303.param
deleted file mode 100644
index b278a65b519dc8c30f7dae08488cdf57933ac32f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/DBASE/HMS/GEN/KPP_Spring_2017/calib_303.param
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-; HMS calibration files for run 303
-#include "PARAM/HMS/CER/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/hcer_calib_303.param"
-#include "PARAM/HMS/DC/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/hdc_calib_303.param"
-#include "PARAM/HMS/HODO/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/hhodo_calib_303.param"
-#include "PARAM/HMS/CAL/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/hcal_calib_303.param"
diff --git a/DBASE/HMS/GEN/KPP_Spring_2017/general.param b/DBASE/HMS/GEN/KPP_Spring_2017/general.param
deleted file mode 100644
index b08575840d2f8730a4cfa6a1a9330bfdbd95857c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/DBASE/HMS/GEN/KPP_Spring_2017/general.param
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-#real raddeg
-#real cminch
-; General Hall-C parameter files
-#include "PARAM/GEN/genflags.param"
-#include "PARAM/GEN/gdebug.param"
-#include "PARAM/GEN/gtarget.param"
-#include "PARAM/GEN/gbeam.param"
-#include "PARAM/GEN/gscalers.param"
-; General HMS parameter files
-; Note: hmsflags.param includes spectrometer offsets and options.
-#include "PARAM/HMS/GEN/hcana.param"
-#include "PARAM/HMS/GEN/hdebug.param"
-#include "PARAM/HMS/GEN/hmsflags.param"
-#include "PARAM/HMS/GEN/htracking.param"
-; HMS default geometry parameter files 
-#include "PARAM/HMS/CER/GEOM/hcer_geom.param"
-#include "PARAM/HMS/DC/GEOM/hdc_geom_6gev.param"
-#include "PARAM/HMS/HODO/GEOM/hhodo_geom.param"
-#include "PARAM/HMS/AERO/GEOM/haero_geom.param"
-#include "PARAM/HMS/CAL/GEOM/hcal_geom.param"
-; HMS default cut parameter files
-#include "PARAM/HMS/CER/CUTS/hcer_cuts.param"
-#include "PARAM/HMS/DC/CUTS/KPP_Spring_2017/hdc_cuts_6gev.param"
-#include "PARAM/HMS/HODO/CUTS/KPP_Spring_2017/hhodo_cuts.param"
-#include "PARAM/HMS/AERO/CUTS/haero_cuts.param"
-#include "PARAM/HMS/CAL/CUTS/hcal_cuts.param"
-; HMS default calibration parameter files
-#include "PARAM/HMS/CER/CALIB/hcer_calib.param"
-#include "PARAM/HMS/DC/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/hdc_calib_6gev.param"
-#include "PARAM/HMS/HODO/CALIB/hhodo_calib.param"
-#include "PARAM/HMS/AERO/CALIB/haero_calib.param"
-#include "PARAM/HMS/CAL/CALIB/hcal_calib.param"
diff --git a/DBASE/HMS/GEN/default_det_calib_files.param b/DBASE/HMS/GEN/default_det_calib_files.param
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a5bfd974ea8cc9a1416b160b306000cb56dd016..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/DBASE/HMS/GEN/default_det_calib_files.param
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-; Default calibration files in general.param
-#include "PARAM/HMS/DC/CALIB/hdc_calib.param"
-#include "PARAM/HMS/DC/CALIB/hdc_tzero_per_wire.param"
-#include "PARAM/HMS/HODO/CALIB/hhodo_calib.param"'
-#include "PARAM/HMS/HODO/CALIB/htofcalib.param"
-#include "PARAM/HMS/CER/CALIB/hcer_calib.param"
-#include "PARAM/HMS/CAL/CALIB/hcal_calib.param"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/DBASE/HMS/GEN/general.param b/DBASE/HMS/GEN/general.param
deleted file mode 100644
index ce8d05fd4916744468d620eea9d01f93410cfcdc..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/DBASE/HMS/GEN/general.param
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-#real raddeg
-#real cminch
-; General Hall-C parameter files
-#include "PARAM/GEN/genflags.param"
-#include "PARAM/GEN/gdebug.param"
-#include "PARAM/GEN/gtarget.param"
-#include "PARAM/GEN/gbeam.param"
-#include "PARAM/GEN/gscalers.param"
-; General HMS parameter files
-; Note: hmsflags.param includes spectrometer offsets and options.
-#include "PARAM/HMS/GEN/hcana.param"
-#include "PARAM/HMS/GEN/hdebug.param"
-#include "PARAM/HMS/GEN/hmsflags.param"
-#include "PARAM/HMS/GEN/htracking.param"
-; HMS default geometry parameter files 
-#include "PARAM/HMS/CER/GEOM/hcer_geom.param"
-#include "PARAM/HMS/DC/GEOM/hdc_geom.param"
-#include "PARAM/HMS/HODO/GEOM/hhodo_geom.param"
-#include "PARAM/HMS/AERO/GEOM/haero_geom.param"
-#include "PARAM/HMS/CAL/GEOM/hcal_geom.param"
-; HMS default cut parameter files
-#include "PARAM/HMS/CER/CUTS/hcer_cuts.param"
-#include "PARAM/HMS/DC/CUTS/hdc_cuts.param"
-#include "PARAM/HMS/HODO/CUTS/hhodo_cuts.param"
-#include "PARAM/HMS/AERO/CUTS/haero_cuts.param"
-#include "PARAM/HMS/CAL/CUTS/hcal_cuts.param"
-; HMS default calibration parameter files
-#include "PARAM/HMS/CER/CALIB/hcer_calib.param"
-#include "PARAM/HMS/DC/CALIB/hdc_calib.param"
-#include "PARAM/HMS/DC/CALIB/hdc_tzero_per_wire.param"
-#include "PARAM/HMS/HODO/CALIB/hhodo_calib.param"
-#include "PARAM/HMS/AERO/CALIB/haero_calib.param"
-#include "PARAM/HMS/CAL/CALIB/hcal_calib.param"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/DBASE/HMS/STD/standard.database b/DBASE/HMS/STD/standard.database
deleted file mode 100644
index 278bf539df22d8160bcce6063868190b083fd1e8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/DBASE/HMS/STD/standard.database
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-g_ctp_parm_filename ="DBASE/HMS/GEN/general.param"
-g_ctp_kinematics_filename ="DBASE/HMS/STD/standard.kinematics"
-g_ctp_calib_filename ="DBASE/HMS/GEN/default_det_calib_files.param"
-g_ctp_parm_filename ="DBASE/HMS/GEN/KPP_Spring_2017/general.param"
-g_ctp_calib_filename ="DBASE/HMS/GEN/KPP_Spring_2017/calib_303.param"
-g_ctp_parm_filename ="DBASE/HMS/GEN/Fall_Comm_2017/general.param"
-g_ctp_calib_filename ="DBASE/HMS/GEN/Fall_Comm_2017/calib_1130.param"
-g_ctp_calib_filename ="DBASE/HMS/GEN/Fall_Comm_2017/calib_1136.param"
-g_ctp_calib_filename ="DBASE/HMS/GEN/Fall_Comm_2017/calib_1178.param"
-g_ctp_calib_filename ="DBASE/HMS/GEN/Fall_Comm_2017/calib_1179.param"
-g_ctp_calib_filename ="DBASE/HMS/GEN/Fall_Comm_2017/calib_1180.param"
-g_ctp_calib_filename ="DBASE/HMS/GEN/Fall_Comm_2017/calib_1212.param"
-g_ctp_calib_filename ="DBASE/HMS/GEN/Fall_Comm_2017/calib_1213.param"
-g_ctp_calib_filename ="DBASE/HMS/GEN/Fall_Comm_2017/calib_1214.param"
-g_ctp_calib_filename ="DBASE/HMS/GEN/Fall_Comm_2017/calib_1235.param"
-g_ctp_calib_filename ="DBASE/HMS/GEN/Fall_Comm_2017/calib_1249.param"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/DBASE/HMS/general.param b/DBASE/HMS/general.param
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6b916a13016df35ef78313c2c02d22aa6459a323
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DBASE/HMS/general.param
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+#real raddeg
+#real cminch
+; General Hall-C parameter files
+#include "PARAM/GEN/genflags.param"
+#include "PARAM/GEN/gdebug.param"
+#include "PARAM/GEN/gtarget.param"
+#include "PARAM/GEN/gbeam.param"
+#include "PARAM/GEN/gscalers.param"
+; General HMS parameter files
+; Note: hmsflags.param includes spectrometer offsets and options.
+#include "PARAM/HMS/GEN/hcana.param"
+#include "PARAM/HMS/GEN/hdebug.param"
+#include "PARAM/HMS/GEN/hmsflags.param"
+#include "PARAM/HMS/GEN/htracking.param"
+; HMS default geometry parameter files 
+#include "PARAM/HMS/CER/hcer_geom.param"
+#include "PARAM/HMS/DC/hdc_geom.param"
+#include "PARAM/HMS/HODO/hhodo_geom.param"
+#include "PARAM/HMS/AERO/haero_geom.param"
+#include "PARAM/HMS/CAL/hcal_geom.param"
+; HMS default cut parameter files
+#include "PARAM/HMS/CER/hcer_cuts.param"
+#include "PARAM/HMS/DC/hdc_cuts.param"
+#include "PARAM/HMS/HODO/hhodo_cuts.param"
+#include "PARAM/HMS/AERO/haero_cuts.param"
+#include "PARAM/HMS/CAL/hcal_cuts.param"
+; HMS default calibration parameter files
+#include "PARAM/HMS/CER/hcer_calib.param"
+#include "PARAM/HMS/DC/hdc_calib.param"
+#include "PARAM/HMS/DC/hdc_tzero_per_wire.param"
+#include "PARAM/HMS/HODO/hhodo_calib.param"
+#include "PARAM/HMS/AERO/haero_calib.param"
+#include "PARAM/HMS/CAL/hcal_calib.param"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/DBASE/HMS/standard.database b/DBASE/HMS/standard.database
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..47802e1d3d27dc1be9ae10d135feb8b3fd8bfb7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DBASE/HMS/standard.database
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+g_ctp_parm_filename       = "DBASE/HMS/general.param"
+g_ctp_kinematics_filename = "DBASE/HMS/standard.kinematics"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/DBASE/HMS/STD/standard.kinematics b/DBASE/HMS/standard.kinematics
similarity index 100%
rename from DBASE/HMS/STD/standard.kinematics
rename to DBASE/HMS/standard.kinematics
diff --git a/DBASE/SHMS/GEN/Fall_Comm_2017/calib_1583.param b/DBASE/SHMS/GEN/Fall_Comm_2017/calib_1583.param
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ffb7b13406a0845aad3c17538c02782945056d3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/DBASE/SHMS/GEN/Fall_Comm_2017/calib_1583.param
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-; SHMS calibration files for run 1583
-#include "/PARAM/SHMS/HGCER/CALIB/Fall_Comm_2017/phgcer_calib_1583.param"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/DBASE/SHMS/GEN/Fall_Comm_2017/calib_1585.param b/DBASE/SHMS/GEN/Fall_Comm_2017/calib_1585.param
deleted file mode 100644
index 1db5a731a540e73b51c8589d057c8a544872c84c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/DBASE/SHMS/GEN/Fall_Comm_2017/calib_1585.param
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-; SHMS calibration files for run 1585
-#include "/PARAM/SHMS/AERO/CALIB/Fall_Comm_2017/paero_calib_1585.param"
-#include "/PARAM/SHMS/CAL/CALIB/Fall_Comm_2017/pcal_calib_1585.param"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/DBASE/SHMS/GEN/Fall_Comm_2017/calib_1586.param b/DBASE/SHMS/GEN/Fall_Comm_2017/calib_1586.param
deleted file mode 100644
index bbe4a6f877e24c4eb0e2ded825fe8c82472221aa..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/DBASE/SHMS/GEN/Fall_Comm_2017/calib_1586.param
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-; SHMS calibration files for run 1586
-#include "/PARAM/SHMS/CAL/CALIB/Fall_Comm_2017/pcal_calib_1586.param"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/DBASE/SHMS/GEN/Fall_Comm_2017/general.param b/DBASE/SHMS/GEN/Fall_Comm_2017/general.param
deleted file mode 100644
index afff83d001eebd2daadcb5f2ccb9e3d78284ac71..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/DBASE/SHMS/GEN/Fall_Comm_2017/general.param
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-#real raddeg
-#real cminch
-; General Hall-C parameter files
-#include "PARAM/GEN/genflags.param"
-#include "PARAM/GEN/gdebug.param"
-#include "PARAM/GEN/gtarget.param"
-#include "PARAM/GEN/gbeam.param"
-#include "PARAM/GEN/gscalers.param"
-; General SHMS parameter files
-; Note: shmsflags.param includes spectrometer offsets and options.
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/GEN/pcana.param"
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/GEN/pdebug.param"
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/GEN/shmsflags.param"
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/GEN/ptracking.param"
-; SHMS default geometry parameter files
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/NGCER/GEOM/pngcer_geom.param"
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/DC/GEOM/pdc_geom.param"
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/HODO/GEOM/phodo_geom.param"
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/HGCER/GEOM/phgcer_geom.param"
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/AERO/GEOM/paero_geom.param"
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/CAL/GEOM/pcal_geom.param"
-; SHMS default cut parameter files
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/NGCER/CUTS/pngcer_cuts.param"
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/DC/CUTS/pdc_cuts.param"
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/HODO/CUTS/phodo_cuts.param"
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/HGCER/CUTS/phgcer_cuts.param"
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/AERO/CUTS/paero_cuts.param"
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/CAL/CUTS/pcal_cuts.param"
-; SHMS default calibration parameter files
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/NGCER/CALIB/pngcer_calib.param"
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/DC/CALIB/pdc_calib.param"
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/DC/CALIB/pdc_tzero_per_wire.param"
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/HODO/CALIB/phodo_calib.param"
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/HGCER/CALIB/phgcer_calib.param"
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/AERO/CALIB/paero_calib.param"
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/CAL/CALIB/pcal_calib.param"
diff --git a/DBASE/SHMS/GEN/KPP_Spring_2017/calib_464.param b/DBASE/SHMS/GEN/KPP_Spring_2017/calib_464.param
deleted file mode 100644
index c9d571e79fc141bbfa371402ea91b1e7fdf55fa9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/DBASE/SHMS/GEN/KPP_Spring_2017/calib_464.param
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-; SHMS calibration files for run 464
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/CAL/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/pcal_calib_464.param"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/DBASE/SHMS/GEN/KPP_Spring_2017/calib_469.param b/DBASE/SHMS/GEN/KPP_Spring_2017/calib_469.param
deleted file mode 100644
index d9c4705479170fef08946a37dd4abbc8c9f210ab..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/DBASE/SHMS/GEN/KPP_Spring_2017/calib_469.param
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-; SHMS calibration files for run 469
diff --git a/DBASE/SHMS/GEN/KPP_Spring_2017/calib_475.param b/DBASE/SHMS/GEN/KPP_Spring_2017/calib_475.param
deleted file mode 100644
index 25666a9d1135d7cde63a4c9453198f6b34a13760..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/DBASE/SHMS/GEN/KPP_Spring_2017/calib_475.param
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-; SHMS calibration files for run 475
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/CAL/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/pcal_calib_475.param"
diff --git a/DBASE/SHMS/GEN/KPP_Spring_2017/calib_478.param b/DBASE/SHMS/GEN/KPP_Spring_2017/calib_478.param
deleted file mode 100644
index 7605b7b85434ac12e3d4fb878a0dd88a19be1f83..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/DBASE/SHMS/GEN/KPP_Spring_2017/calib_478.param
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-; SHMS calibration files for run 478
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/CAL/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/pcal_calib_478.param"
diff --git a/DBASE/SHMS/GEN/KPP_Spring_2017/calib_479.param b/DBASE/SHMS/GEN/KPP_Spring_2017/calib_479.param
deleted file mode 100644
index 659cd6045a84997656bebb36501fb5aed575312a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/DBASE/SHMS/GEN/KPP_Spring_2017/calib_479.param
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-; SHMS calibration files for run 479
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/CAL/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/pcal_calib_479.param"
diff --git a/DBASE/SHMS/GEN/KPP_Spring_2017/calib_480.param b/DBASE/SHMS/GEN/KPP_Spring_2017/calib_480.param
deleted file mode 100644
index 89bdeb226d9da2183e920ee86905d6fc3ecd5536..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/DBASE/SHMS/GEN/KPP_Spring_2017/calib_480.param
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-; SHMS calibration files for run 480
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/CAL/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/pcal_calib_480.param"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/DBASE/SHMS/GEN/KPP_Spring_2017/calib_481.param b/DBASE/SHMS/GEN/KPP_Spring_2017/calib_481.param
deleted file mode 100644
index b8b0e9aa51f99f41ffd82fe000a1c26369e92256..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/DBASE/SHMS/GEN/KPP_Spring_2017/calib_481.param
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-; SHMS calibration files for run 481
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/CAL/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/pcal_calib_481.param"
diff --git a/DBASE/SHMS/GEN/KPP_Spring_2017/calib_483.param b/DBASE/SHMS/GEN/KPP_Spring_2017/calib_483.param
deleted file mode 100644
index 701ba9f1d3df55751b4baae296fcfa8203d0b1d2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/DBASE/SHMS/GEN/KPP_Spring_2017/calib_483.param
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-; SHMS calibration files for run 483
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/NGCER/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/pngcer_calib_483.param"
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/HGCER/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/phgcer_calib_483.param"
diff --git a/DBASE/SHMS/GEN/KPP_Spring_2017/calib_484.param b/DBASE/SHMS/GEN/KPP_Spring_2017/calib_484.param
deleted file mode 100644
index c2ad1d6a1afd25f82ec536c9bea99d0d8b494839..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/DBASE/SHMS/GEN/KPP_Spring_2017/calib_484.param
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-; SHMS calibration files for run 484
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/HGCER/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/phgcer_calib_484.param"
diff --git a/DBASE/SHMS/GEN/KPP_Spring_2017/calib_486.param b/DBASE/SHMS/GEN/KPP_Spring_2017/calib_486.param
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d069e0434f3581fe8f3573041d3fd6dfc9b2f36..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/DBASE/SHMS/GEN/KPP_Spring_2017/calib_486.param
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-; SHMS calibration files for run 486
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/HGCER/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/phgcer_calib_486.param"
diff --git a/DBASE/SHMS/GEN/KPP_Spring_2017/calib_487.param b/DBASE/SHMS/GEN/KPP_Spring_2017/calib_487.param
deleted file mode 100644
index e93fa8ed3266d1207c55bb8051e13a4eb881f296..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/DBASE/SHMS/GEN/KPP_Spring_2017/calib_487.param
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-; SHMS calibration files for run 487
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/NGCER/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/pngcer_calib_487.param"
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/HGCER/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/phgcer_calib_487.param"
diff --git a/DBASE/SHMS/GEN/KPP_Spring_2017/calib_488.param b/DBASE/SHMS/GEN/KPP_Spring_2017/calib_488.param
deleted file mode 100644
index 62555456a5af261df9c8f77c66bd463443177904..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/DBASE/SHMS/GEN/KPP_Spring_2017/calib_488.param
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-; SHMS calibration files for run 488
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/NGCER/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/pngcer_calib_488.param"
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/HGCER/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/phgcer_calib_488.param"
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/CAL/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/pcal_calib_488.param"
diff --git a/DBASE/SHMS/GEN/KPP_Spring_2017/general.param b/DBASE/SHMS/GEN/KPP_Spring_2017/general.param
deleted file mode 100644
index efb31a6cef766b344bced463a2b923b90512a14b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/DBASE/SHMS/GEN/KPP_Spring_2017/general.param
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-#real raddeg
-#real cminch
-; General Hall-C parameter files
-#include "PARAM/GEN/genflags.param"
-#include "PARAM/GEN/gdebug.param"
-#include "PARAM/GEN/gtarget.param"
-#include "PARAM/GEN/gbeam.param"
-#include "PARAM/GEN/gscalers.param"
-; General SHMS parameter files
-; Note: shmsflags.param includes spectrometer offsets and options.
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/GEN/pcana.param"
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/GEN/pdebug.param"
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/GEN/shmsflags.param"
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/GEN/ptracking.param"
-; SHMS default geometry parameter files
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/NGCER/GEOM/pngcer_geom.param"
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/DC/GEOM/pdc_geom.param"
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/HODO/GEOM/phodo_geom.param"
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/HGCER/GEOM/phgcer_geom.param"
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/AERO/GEOM/paero_geom.param"
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/CAL/GEOM/pcal_geom.param"
-; SHMS default cut parameter files
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/NGCER/CUTS/pngcer_cuts.param"
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/DC/CUTS/pdc_cuts.param"
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/HODO/CUTS/KPP_Spring_2017/phodo_cuts.param"
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/HGCER/CUTS/phgcer_cuts.param"
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/AERO/CUTS/paero_cuts.param"
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/CAL/CUTS/pcal_cuts.param"
-; SHMS default calibration parameter files
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/NGCER/CALIB/pngcer_calib.param"
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/DC/CALIB/pdc_calib.param"
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/DC/CALIB/pdc_tzero_per_wire.param"
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/HODO/CALIB/phodo_calib.param"
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/HGCER/CALIB/phgcer_calib.param"
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/AERO/CALIB/paero_calib.param"
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/CAL/CALIB/pcal_calib.param"
diff --git a/DBASE/SHMS/GEN/default_det_calib_files.param b/DBASE/SHMS/GEN/default_det_calib_files.param
deleted file mode 100644
index d4bb787151475a9271c06fd52679fd32e24e7116..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/DBASE/SHMS/GEN/default_det_calib_files.param
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-; SHMS default calibration parameter files
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/NGCER/CALIB/pngcer_calib.param"
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/DC/CALIB/pdc_calib.param"
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/DC/CALIB/pdc_tzero_per_wire.param"
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/HODO/CALIB/phodo_calib.param"
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/HGCER/CALIB/phgcer_calib.param"
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/AERO/CALIB/paero_calib.param"
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/CAL/CALIB/pcal_calib.param"
diff --git a/DBASE/SHMS/GEN/general.param b/DBASE/SHMS/GEN/general.param
deleted file mode 100644
index afff83d001eebd2daadcb5f2ccb9e3d78284ac71..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/DBASE/SHMS/GEN/general.param
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-#real raddeg
-#real cminch
-; General Hall-C parameter files
-#include "PARAM/GEN/genflags.param"
-#include "PARAM/GEN/gdebug.param"
-#include "PARAM/GEN/gtarget.param"
-#include "PARAM/GEN/gbeam.param"
-#include "PARAM/GEN/gscalers.param"
-; General SHMS parameter files
-; Note: shmsflags.param includes spectrometer offsets and options.
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/GEN/pcana.param"
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/GEN/pdebug.param"
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/GEN/shmsflags.param"
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/GEN/ptracking.param"
-; SHMS default geometry parameter files
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/NGCER/GEOM/pngcer_geom.param"
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/DC/GEOM/pdc_geom.param"
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/HODO/GEOM/phodo_geom.param"
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/HGCER/GEOM/phgcer_geom.param"
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/AERO/GEOM/paero_geom.param"
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/CAL/GEOM/pcal_geom.param"
-; SHMS default cut parameter files
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/NGCER/CUTS/pngcer_cuts.param"
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/DC/CUTS/pdc_cuts.param"
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/HODO/CUTS/phodo_cuts.param"
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/HGCER/CUTS/phgcer_cuts.param"
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/AERO/CUTS/paero_cuts.param"
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/CAL/CUTS/pcal_cuts.param"
-; SHMS default calibration parameter files
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/NGCER/CALIB/pngcer_calib.param"
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/DC/CALIB/pdc_calib.param"
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/DC/CALIB/pdc_tzero_per_wire.param"
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/HODO/CALIB/phodo_calib.param"
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/HGCER/CALIB/phgcer_calib.param"
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/AERO/CALIB/paero_calib.param"
-#include "PARAM/SHMS/CAL/CALIB/pcal_calib.param"
diff --git a/DBASE/SHMS/STD/standard.database b/DBASE/SHMS/STD/standard.database
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b2d3358018b571831b6c69d551d1c7ba415bdf8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/DBASE/SHMS/STD/standard.database
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-g_ctp_parm_filename ="DBASE/SHMS/GEN/general.param"
-g_ctp_kinematics_filename ="DBASE/SHMS/STD/standard.kinematics"
-g_ctp_calib_filename ="DBASE/SHMS/GEN/default_det_calib_files.param"
-g_ctp_parm_filename ="DBASE/SHMS/GEN/KPP_Spring_2017/general.param"
-g_ctp_calib_filename ="DBASE/SHMS/GEN/KPP_Spring_2017/calib_464.param"
-g_ctp_calib_filename ="DBASE/SHMS/GEN/KPP_Spring_2017/calib_469.param"
-g_ctp_calib_filename ="DBASE/SHMS/GEN/KPP_Spring_2017/calib_475.param"
-g_ctp_calib_filename ="DBASE/SHMS/GEN/KPP_Spring_2017/calib_478.param"
-g_ctp_calib_filename ="DBASE/SHMS/GEN/KPP_Spring_2017/calib_479.param"
-g_ctp_calib_filename ="DBASE/SHMS/GEN/KPP_Spring_2017/calib_480.param"
-g_ctp_calib_filename ="DBASE/SHMS/GEN/KPP_Spring_2017/calib_481.param"
-g_ctp_calib_filename ="DBASE/SHMS/GEN/KPP_Spring_2017/calib_483.param"
-g_ctp_calib_filename ="DBASE/SHMS/GEN/KPP_Spring_2017/calib_484.param"
-g_ctp_calib_filename ="DBASE/SHMS/GEN/KPP_Spring_2017/calib_486.param"
-g_ctp_calib_filename ="DBASE/SHMS/GEN/KPP_Spring_2017/calib_487.param"
-g_ctp_calib_filename ="DBASE/SHMS/GEN/KPP_Spring_2017/calib_488.param"
-g_ctp_parm_filename ="DBASE/SHMS/GEN/Fall_Comm_2017/general.param"
-g_ctp_calib_filename ="DBASE/SHMS/GEN/Fall_Comm_2017/calib_1583.param"
-g_ctp_calib_filename ="DBASE/SHMS/GEN/Fall_Comm_2017/calib_1585.param"
-g_ctp_calib_filename ="DBASE/SHMS/GEN/Fall_Comm_2017/calib_1586.param"
diff --git a/DBASE/SHMS/general.param b/DBASE/SHMS/general.param
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1377a7a21ded2453bad56f5cf7c9ef094a4672d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DBASE/SHMS/general.param
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+#real raddeg
+#real cminch
+; General Hall-C parameter files
+#include "PARAM/GEN/genflags.param"
+#include "PARAM/GEN/gdebug.param"
+#include "PARAM/GEN/gtarget.param"
+#include "PARAM/GEN/gbeam.param"
+#include "PARAM/GEN/gscalers.param"
+; General SHMS parameter files
+; Note: shmsflags.param includes spectrometer offsets and options.
+#include "PARAM/SHMS/GEN/pcana.param"
+#include "PARAM/SHMS/GEN/pdebug.param"
+#include "PARAM/SHMS/GEN/shmsflags.param"
+#include "PARAM/SHMS/GEN/ptracking.param"
+; SHMS default geometry parameter files
+#include "PARAM/SHMS/NGCER/pngcer_geom.param"
+#include "PARAM/SHMS/DC/pdc_geom.param"
+#include "PARAM/SHMS/HODO/phodo_geom.param"
+#include "PARAM/SHMS/HGCER/phgcer_geom.param"
+#include "PARAM/SHMS/AERO/paero_geom.param"
+#include "PARAM/SHMS/CAL/pcal_geom.param"
+; SHMS default cut parameter files
+#include "PARAM/SHMS/NGCER/pngcer_cuts.param"
+#include "PARAM/SHMS/DC/pdc_cuts.param"
+#include "PARAM/SHMS/HODO/phodo_cuts.param"
+#include "PARAM/SHMS/HGCER/phgcer_cuts.param"
+#include "PARAM/SHMS/AERO/paero_cuts.param"
+#include "PARAM/SHMS/CAL/pcal_cuts.param"
+; SHMS default calibration parameter files
+#include "PARAM/SHMS/NGCER/pngcer_calib.param"
+#include "PARAM/SHMS/DC/pdc_calib.param"
+#include "PARAM/SHMS/DC/pdc_tzero_per_wire.param"
+#include "PARAM/SHMS/HODO/phodo_calib.param"
+#include "PARAM/SHMS/HGCER/phgcer_calib.param"
+#include "PARAM/SHMS/AERO/paero_calib.param"
+#include "PARAM/SHMS/CAL/pcal_calib.param"
diff --git a/DBASE/SHMS/standard.database b/DBASE/SHMS/standard.database
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e76e93d8a9d578c652d2e142fcd758c726223c5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DBASE/SHMS/standard.database
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+g_ctp_parm_filename       = "DBASE/SHMS/general.param"
+g_ctp_kinematics_filename = "DBASE/SHMS/standard.kinematics"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/DBASE/SHMS/STD/standard.kinematics b/DBASE/SHMS/standard.kinematics
similarity index 100%
rename from DBASE/SHMS/STD/standard.kinematics
rename to DBASE/SHMS/standard.kinematics
diff --git a/DBASE/db_run.dat b/DBASE/db_run.dat
deleted file mode 100644
index b45726f2aba4cf6592a4d653c3af1acea1049dd9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/DBASE/db_run.dat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-# d2n run database
---------[ 2015-01-01 01:00:00 ]
-# 2015 SHMS Drift Chamber test sin ESB
-ebeam      = 6.0
diff --git a/DEF-files/HMS/PRODUCTION/TRIG/htrig_histos.def b/DEF-files/HMS/PRODUCTION/TRIG/htrig_histos.def
index 51a3cb48a0268723f7d3803ee67b2ca40559cf13..b7f5620d51185a852cf39cb1e25dc8e7049583c0 100644
--- a/DEF-files/HMS/PRODUCTION/TRIG/htrig_histos.def
+++ b/DEF-files/HMS/PRODUCTION/TRIG/htrig_histos.def
@@ -53,6 +53,6 @@ TH2D htrig6rate_vs_time 'HMS Trig6 Rate vs. Time; 1 MHz Clock Time (s); hTRIG6 R
 #HMS Trigger ADC Pulse pedestals
-TH1F htrig_hpreShwr_adc_pped 'HMS Pre-Shower Pulse Pedestal;  Pulse Pedestal (mV); Counts / 0.25 mV;'   T.hms.hPSHWR_adcPed 4000 0 1000  T.hms.hPSHWR_adcPed>0.0
-TH1F htrig_hshwr_adc_pped 'HMS Shower Pulse Pedestal;  Pulse Pedestal (mV); Counts / 0.25 mV;'          T.hms.hSHWR_adcPed  4000 0 1000  T.hms.hSHWR_adcPed>0.0
-TH1F htrig_hcersum_adc_pped 'HMS Cherenkov Sum Pulse Pedestal;  Pulse Pedestal (mV); Counts / 0.25 mV;' T.hms.hCER_adcPed   4000 0 1000  T.hms.hCER_adcPed>0.0
+TH1F htrig_hpreShwr_adc_pped 'HMS Pre-Shower Pulse Pedestal;  Pulse Pedestal (mV); Counts / 2 mV;' T.hms.hPSHWR_adcPed 500 0 1000  T.hms.hPSHWR_adcPed>0.0
+TH1F htrig_hshwr_adc_pped 'HMS Shower Pulse Pedestal;  Pulse Pedestal (mV); Counts / 2 mV;' T.hms.hSHWR_adcPed 500 0 1000  T.hms.hSHWR_adcPed>0.0
+TH1F htrig_hcersum_adc_pped 'HMS Cherenkov Sum Pulse Pedestal;  Pulse Pedestal (mV); Counts / 2 mV;' T.hms.hCER_adcPed 500 0 1000   T.hms.hCER_adcPed>0.0
diff --git a/DEF-files/HMS/STACK/AERO/haero_histos.def b/DEF-files/HMS/STACK/AERO/haero_histos.def
deleted file mode 100644
index 3ba092dff0191f3c1ba74945a86ab303cc7670b2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/DEF-files/HMS/STACK/AERO/haero_histos.def
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-# HMS AEROGEL GOOD Occupancy and Multiplicity
-TH1F haero_good_occ_pos 'HMS Aero+ Good Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good +ADC Hits' H.aero.numGoodPosAdcHits 8 0.5 8.5
-TH1F haero_good_occ_neg 'HMS Aero- Good Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good -ADC Hits' H.aero.numGoodNegAdcHits 8 0.5 8.5
-TH1F haero_good_mult_pos 'HMS Aero+ Good Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +ADC Hits' H.aero.totNumGoodPosAdcHits 8 0.5 8.5
-TH1F haero_good_mult_neg 'HMS Aero- Good Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good -ADC Hits' H.aero.totNumGoodNegAdcHits 8 0.5 8.5
-TH1F haero_good_mult 'HMS Aero Good Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good ADC Hits' H.aero.totnumGoodAdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
-TH1F haero_tot_npe_pos 'HMS Aero+ Total Number of Photoelectrons; Total Number of Pos Photoelectrons; Number of Entries / 0.5 Photoelectrons' H.aero.posNpeSum 200 0 100 H.aero.posNpeSum>0.0 
-TH1F haero_tot_npe_neg 'HMS Aero- Total Number of Photoelectrons; Total Number of Neg Photoelectrons; Number of Entries / 0.5 Photoelectrons' H.aero.negNpeSum 200 0 100 H.aero.negNpeSum>0.0 
-TH1F haero_tot_npe 'HMS Aero Total Number of Photoelectrons; Total Number of Photoelectrons; Number of Entries / 0.5 Photoelectrons' H.aero.npeSum 200 0 100 H.aero.npeSum>0.0 
-# HMS AERO Number of P.E. / PMT
-TH2F haero_npe_pos 'HMS Aero+ Number of Photoelectrons vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Number of Photoelectrons / PMT' [I+1] H.aero.posNpe 8 0.5 8.5 200 0 100 P.aero.posNpe>0.0 
-TH2F haero_npe_neg 'HMS Aero- Number of Photoelectrons vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Number of Photoelectrons / PMT' [I+1] H.aero.negNpe 8 0.5 8.5 200 0 100 P.aero.negNpe>0.0 
-# HMS AERO GOOD Pulse Pedestal / Integral / Raw Integral / Amplitude / Time 
-# GOOD --> (passed errorFlag cut and pulsetime cuts oN Min/Max ADC Time Window) 
-TH2F haero_good_pped_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS Aero+ Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number;  Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Units' [I+1] H.aero.goodPosAdcPed 7 0.5 7.5 400 300 700  H.aero.goodPosAdcPed>0.0
-TH2F haero_good_pi_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS Aero+ Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number;  Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1] H.aero.goodPosAdcPulseInt 7 0.5 7.5 600 0 30000 H.aero.goodPosAdcPulseInt>0.0
-TH2F haero_good_pamp_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS Aero+ Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number;  Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1] H.aero.goodPosAdcPulseAmp 7 0.5 7.5 200 0 4000 H.aero.goodPosAdcPulseAmp>0.0
-TH2F haero_good_ptime_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS Aero+ Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1] H.aero.goodPosAdcPulseTime 7 0.5 7.5 350 0 3500 H.aero.goodPosAdcPulseTime>0.0
-TH2F haero_good_pped_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS Aero- Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number;  Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Units' [I+1] H.aero.goodNegAdcPed 7 0.5 7.5 400 300 700 H.aero.goodNegAdcPed>0.0
-TH2F haero_good_pi_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS Aero- Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number;  Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1] H.aero.goodNegAdcPulseInt 7 0.5 7.5 600 0 30000 H.aero.goodNegAdcPulseInt>0.0
-TH2F haero_good_pamp_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS Aero- Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number;  Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1] H.aero.goodNegAdcPulseAmp 7 0.5 7.5 200 0 4000 H.aero.goodNegAdcPulseAmp>0.0
-TH2F haero_good_ptime_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS Aero- Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1] H.aero.goodNegAdcPulseTime 7 0.5 7.5 350 0 3500 H.aero.goodNegAdcPulseTime>0.0
diff --git a/DEF-files/HMS/STACK/BLOCK/hblock_vars.def b/DEF-files/HMS/STACK/BLOCK/hblock_vars.def
deleted file mode 100644
index 44d4aa99562e0cbf11be57221c55d65392d2f983..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/DEF-files/HMS/STACK/BLOCK/hblock_vars.def
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-# Block Definitions *
-block T.hms.*
-block H.cer.*
-block H.dc.*
-block H.tr.*
-block H.hod.*
-block H.aero.*
-block H.cal.*
-block H.gtr.*
diff --git a/DEF-files/HMS/STACK/CAL/hcal_histos.def b/DEF-files/HMS/STACK/CAL/hcal_histos.def
deleted file mode 100644
index eedbc99703e8abbbff09ae4079bf817ff7092244..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/DEF-files/HMS/STACK/CAL/hcal_histos.def
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-# HMS CAL Good Occupancy
-TH1F hcal_hA_good_occ_pos 'HMS hA+ Good Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Entries' H.cal.1pr.numGoodPosAdcHits 13 0.5 13.5  
-TH1F hcal_hA_good_occ_neg 'HMS hA- Good Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Entries' H.cal.1pr.numGoodNegAdcHits 13 0.5 13.5 
-TH1F hcal_hB_good_occ_pos 'HMS hB+ Good Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Entries' H.cal.2ta.numGoodPosAdcHits 13 0.5 13.5
-TH1F hcal_hB_good_occ_neg 'HMS hB- Good Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Entries' H.cal.2ta.numGoodNegAdcHits 13 0.5 13.5 
-TH1F hcal_hC_good_occ_pos 'HMS hC+ Good Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Entries' H.cal.3ta.numGoodPosAdcHits 13 0.5 13.5 
-TH1F hcal_hD_good_occ_pos 'HMS hD+ Good Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Entries' H.cal.4ta.numGoodPosAdcHits 13 0.5 13.5 
-# HMS CAL Good Multiplicity
-TH1F hcal_hA_good_mult_pos 'HMS hA+ Good Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +ADC Hits / PMT' H.cal.1pr.totNumGoodPosAdcHits 13 0.5 13.5
-TH1F hcal_hA_good_mult_neg 'HMS hA- Good Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good -ADC Hits / PMT' H.cal.1pr.totNumGoodNegAdcHits 13 0.5 13.5
-TH1F hcal_hA_good_mult 'HMS hA Good Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good ADC Hits / PMT' H.cal.1pr.totnumGoodAdcHits 26 0.5 26.5
-TH1F hcal_hB_good_mult_pos 'HMS hB+ Good Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +ADC Hits / PMT' H.cal.2ta.totNumGoodPosAdcHits 13 0.5 13.5
-TH1F hcal_hB_good_mult_neg 'HMS hB- Good Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good -ADC Hits / PMT' H.cal.2ta.totNumGoodNegAdcHits 13 0.5 13.5
-TH1F hcal_hB_good_mult 'HMS hB Good Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good ADC Hits / PMT' H.cal.2ta.totnumGoodAdcHits 26 0.5 26.5
-TH1F hcal_hC_good_mult_pos 'HMS hC+ Good Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +ADC Hits / PMT' H.cal.3ta.totNumGoodPosAdcHits 13 0.5 13.5
-TH1F hcal_hD_good_mult_pos 'HMS hD+ Good Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +ADC Hits / PMT' H.cal.4ta.totNumGoodPosAdcHits 13 0.5 13.5
-# HMS CAL Good Pulse Pedestals 
-TH2F hcal_hA_good_pped_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hA+ Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Units' [I+1] H.cal.1pr.goodPosAdcPed 13 0.5 13.5 400 300 700 H.cal.1pr.goodPosAdcPed>0.0
-TH2F hcal_hA_good_pped_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS hA- Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Units' [I+1] H.cal.1pr.goodNegAdcPed 13 0.5 13.5 400 300 700 H.cal.1pr.goodNegAdcPed>0.0
-TH2F hcal_hB_good_pped_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hB+ Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Units' [I+1] H.cal.2ta.goodPosAdcPed 13 0.5 13.5 400 300 700 H.cal.2ta.goodPosAdcPed>0.0
-TH2F hcal_hB_good_pped_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS hB- Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Units' [I+1] H.cal.2ta.goodNegAdcPed 13 0.5 13.5 400 300 700 H.cal.2ta.goodNegAdcPed>0.0
-TH2F hcal_hC_good_pped_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hC+ Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Units' [I+1] H.cal.3ta.goodPosAdcPed 13 0.5 13.5 400 300 700 H.cal.3ta.goodPosAdcPed>0.0
-TH2F hcal_hD_good_pped_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hD+ Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Units' [I+1] H.cal.4ta.goodPosAdcPed 13 0.5 13.5 400 300 700 H.cal.4ta.goodPosAdcPed>0.0
-# HMS CAL Good Pulse Integrals 
-TH2F hcal_hA_good_pi_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hA+ Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1] H.cal.1pr.goodPosAdcPulseInt 13 0.5 13.5 600 0 30000 H.cal.1pr.goodPosAdcPulseInt>0.0
-TH2F hcal_hA_good_pi_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS hA- Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1] H.cal.1pr.goodNegAdcPulseInt 13 0.5 13.5 600 0 30000 H.cal.1pr.goodNegAdcPulseInt>0.0
-TH2F hcal_hB_good_pi_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hB+ Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1] H.cal.2ta.goodPosAdcPulseInt 13 0.5 13.5 600 0 30000 H.cal.2ta.goodPosAdcPulseInt>0.0
-TH2F hcal_hB_good_pi_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS hB- Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1] H.cal.2ta.goodNegAdcPulseInt 13 0.5 13.5 600 0 30000 H.cal.2ta.goodNegAdcPulseInt>0.0
-TH2F hcal_hC_good_pi_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hC+ Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1] H.cal.3ta.goodPosAdcPulseInt 13 0.5 13.5 600 0 30000 H.cal.3ta.goodPosAdcPulseInt>0.0
-TH2F hcal_hD_good_pi_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hD+ Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1] H.cal.4ta.goodPosAdcPulseInt 13 0.5 13.5 600 0 30000 H.cal.4ta.goodPosAdcPulseInt>0.0
-# HMS CAL Good Pulse Amplitudes 
-TH2F hcal_hA_good_pamp_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hA+ Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1] H.cal.1pr.goodPosAdcPulseAmp 13 0.5 13.5 200 0 4000 H.cal.1pr.goodPosAdcPulseAmp>0.0
-TH2F hcal_hA_good_pamp_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS hA- Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1] H.cal.1pr.goodNegAdcPulseAmp 13 0.5 13.5 200 0 4000 H.cal.1pr.goodNegAdcPulseAmp>0.0
-TH2F hcal_hB_good_pamp_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hB+ Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1] H.cal.2ta.goodPosAdcPulseAmp 13 0.5 13.5 200 0 4000 H.cal.2ta.goodPosAdcPulseAmp>0.0
-TH2F hcal_hB_good_pamp_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS hB- Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1] H.cal.2ta.goodNegAdcPulseAmp 13 0.5 13.5 200 0 4000 H.cal.2ta.goodNegAdcPulseAmp>0.0
-TH2F hcal_hC_good_pamp_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hC+ Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1] H.cal.3ta.goodPosAdcPulseAmp 13 0.5 13.5 200 0 4000 H.cal.3ta.goodPosAdcPulseAmp>0.0
-TH2F hcal_hD_good_pamp_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hD+ Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1] H.cal.4ta.goodPosAdcPulseAmp 13 0.5 13.5 200 0 4000 H.cal.4ta.goodPosAdcPulseAmp>0.0
-# HMS CAL Good Pulse Times
-TH2F hcal_hA_good_ptime_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hA+ Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1] H.cal.1pr.goodPosAdcPulseTime 13 0.5 13.5 350 0 3500 H.cal.1pr.goodPosAdcPulseTime>0.0
-TH2F hcal_hA_good_ptime_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS hA- Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1] H.cal.1pr.goodNegAdcPulseTime 13 0.5 13.5 350 0 3500 H.cal.1pr.goodNegAdcPulseTime>0.0
-TH2F hcal_hB_good_ptime_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hB+ Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1] H.cal.2ta.goodPosAdcPulseTime 13 0.5 13.5 350 0 3500 H.cal.2ta.goodPosAdcPulseTime>0.0
-TH2F hcal_hB_good_ptime_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS hB- Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1] H.cal.2ta.goodNegAdcPulseTime 13 0.5 13.5 350 0 3500 H.cal.2ta.goodNegAdcPulseTime>0.0
-TH2F hcal_hC_good_ptime_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hC+ Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1] H.cal.3ta.goodPosAdcPulseTime 13 0.5 13.5 350 0 3500 H.cal.3ta.goodPosAdcPulseTime>0.0
-TH2F hcal_hD_good_ptime_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hD+ Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1] H.cal.4ta.goodPosAdcPulseTime 13 0.5 13.5 350 0 3500 H.cal.4ta.goodPosAdcPulseTime>0.0
-# (calib consts (GAIN) are in GeV/ADC units )
-TH2F hA_Epos_vs_pmt 'HMS hA+ Energy Deposition vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Energy Deposition (0.01 GeV / ADC Units)' [I+1] H.cal.1pr.epos 13 0.5 13.5 200 0 2 H.cal.1pr.epos>0.0
-TH2F hA_Eneg_vs_pmt 'HMS hA- Energy Deposition vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Energy Deposition (0.01 GeV / ADC Units)' [I+1] H.cal.1pr.eneg 13 0.5 13.5 200 0 2 H.cal.1pr.eneg>0.0
-TH2F hA_Emean_vs_pmt 'HMS hA Mean Energy Deposition vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Mean Energy Deposition (0.01 GeV / ADC Units)' [I+1] H.cal.1pr.emean 13 0.5 13.5 300 0 3 H.cal.1pr.emean>0.0
-TH2F hB_Epos_vs_pmt 'HMS hB+ Energy Deposition vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Energy Deposition (0.01 GeV / ADC Units)' [I+1] H.cal.2ta.epos 13 0.5 13.5 200 0 2 H.cal.2ta.epos>0.0
-TH2F hB_Eneg_vs_pmt 'HMS hB- Energy Deposition vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Energy Deposition (0.01 GeV / ADC Units)' [I+1] H.cal.2ta.eneg 13 0.5 13.5 200 0 2 H.cal.2ta.eneg>0.0
-TH2F hB_Emean_vs_pmt 'HMS hB Mean Energy Deposition vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Mean Energy Deposition (0.01 GeV / ADC Units)' [I+1] H.cal.2ta.emean 13 0.5 13.5 300 0 3 H.cal.2ta.emean>0.0
-TH2F hC_Epos_vs_pmt 'HMS hC+ Energy Deposition vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Energy Deposition (0.01 GeV / ADC Units)' [I+1] H.cal.3ta.epos 13 0.5 13.5 200 0 2 H.cal.3ta.epos>0.0
-TH2F hD_Epos_vs_pmt 'HMS hD+ Energy Deposition vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Energy Deposition (0.01 GeV / ADC Units)' [I+1] H.cal.4ta.epos 13 0.5 13.5 200 0 2 H.cal.4ta.epos>0.0
-TH1F hcal_hA_Eplane_pos 'HMS hA+ Energy Deposition; Energy Deposition (GeV); Number of Entries / 0.01 GeV' H.cal.1pr.eplane_pos 200 0 2 H.cal.1pr.eplane_pos>0.0
-TH1F hcal_hA_Eplane_neg 'HMS hA- Energy Deposition; Energy Deposition (GeV); Number of Entries / 0.01 GeV' H.cal.1pr.eplane_neg 200 0 2 H.cal.1pr.eplane_neg>0.0
-TH1F hcal_hA_Eplane 'HMS hA Total Energy Deposition; Total Energy Deposition (GeV); Number of Entries / 0.01 GeV' H.cal.1pr.eplane 300 0 3 H.cal.1pr.eplane>0.0
-TH1F hcal_hB_Eplane_pos 'HMS hB+ Energy Deposition; Energy Deposition (GeV); Number of Entries / 0.01 GeV' H.cal.2ta.eplane_pos 200 0 2 H.cal.2ta.eplane_pos>0.0
-TH1F hcal_hB_Eplane_neg 'HMS hB- Energy Deposition; Energy Deposition (GeV); Number of Entries / 0.01 GeV' H.cal.2ta.eplane_neg 200 0 2 H.cal.2ta.eplane_neg>0.0
-TH1F hcal_hB_Eplane 'HMS hB Total Energy Deposition; Total Energy Deposition (GeV); Number of Entries / 0.01 GeV' H.cal.2ta.eplane 300 0 3 H.cal.2ta.eplane>0.0
-TH1F hcal_hC_Eplane_pos 'HMS hC+ Energy Deposition; Energy Deposition (GeV); Number of Entries / 0.01 GeV' H.cal.3ta.eplane_pos 200 0 2 H.cal.3ta.eplane_pos>0.0
-TH1F hcal_hD_Eplane_pos 'HMS hD+ Energy Deposition; Energy Deposition (GeV); Number of Entries / 0.01 GeV' H.cal.4ta.eplane_pos 200 0 2 H.cal.4ta.eplane_pos>0.0
diff --git a/DEF-files/HMS/STACK/CER/hcer_histos.def b/DEF-files/HMS/STACK/CER/hcer_histos.def
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f9d3dbfd960a8628e3998d248b9b0aa8055534d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/DEF-files/HMS/STACK/CER/hcer_histos.def
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-# HMS Gas Cherenkov *
-# HMS Gas CER GOOD Occupancy and Multiplicity
-TH1F hcer_good_occ 'HMS Cherenkov Good Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Entries' H.cer.numGoodAdcHits 2 0.5 2.5
-TH1F hcer_good_mult 'HMS Cherenkov Good Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good ADC Hits / PMT' H.cer.totNumGoodAdcHits 2 0.5 2.5
-# HMS Gas CER GOOD Pulse Pedestal / Integral / Raw Integral / Amplitude / Time 
-# GOOD --> (passed errorFlag cut and pulsetime cuts oN Min/Max ADC Time Window) 
-TH2F hcer_good_pped_vs_pmt 'HMS Cherenkov Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Units' [I+1] H.cer.goodAdcPed 2 0.5 2.5 400 300 700
-TH2F hcer_good_pi_vs_pmt 'HMS Cherenkov Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1] H.cer.goodAdcPulseInt 2 0.5 2.5 600 0 30000 H.cer.goodAdcPulseInt>0.0
-TH2F hcer_good_pamp_vs_pmt 'HMS Cherenkov Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1] H.cer.goodAdcPulseAmp 2 0.5 2.5 200 0 4000 H.cer.goodAdcPulseAmp>0.0
-TH2F hcer_good_ptime_vs_pmt 'HMS Cherenkov Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1] H.cer.goodAdcPulseTime 2 0.5 2.5 350 0 3500 H.cer.goodAdcPulseTime>0.0
-# HMS Gas CER Number of P.E. / PMT
-TH2F hcer_npe 'HMS Cherenkov Number of Photoelectrons vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Number of Photoelectrons / PMT' [I+1] H.cer.npe 2 0.5 2.5 200 0 100 H.cer.npe>0.0
-TH1F hcer_tot_npe 'HMS Cherenkov Total Number of Photoelectrons; Total Number of Photoelectrons; Number of Entries / 0.5 Photoelectrons' H.cer.npeSum 200 0 100 H.cer.npeSum>0.0
-TH1F hcer_trk_match 'HMS  Gas Cherenkov Track Matches; PMT Number; Number of Tracks Matched' H.cer.numTracksMatched 2 0.5 2.5
-TH1F hcer_trk_fired 'HMS  Gas Cherenkov Tracks Fired; PMT Number; Number of Tracks Fired' H.cer.numTracksFired 2 0.5 2.5
diff --git a/DEF-files/HMS/STACK/DC/hdc_6gev_histos.def b/DEF-files/HMS/STACK/DC/hdc_6gev_histos.def
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f7b515bd0119f0269489c7ed697967bf7448551..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/DEF-files/HMS/STACK/DC/hdc_6gev_histos.def
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-# HMS 6 GeV Drift Chambers *
-TH1F hdc1x1_wirenum 'HMS DC 1X1 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' H.dc.1x1.wirenum 113 0.5 113.5
-TH1F hdc1y1_wirenum 'HMS DC 1Y1 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' H.dc.1y1.wirenum  52 0.5  52.5
-TH1F hdc1u1_wirenum 'HMS DC 1U1 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' H.dc.1u1.wirenum 107 0.5 107.5
-TH1F hdc1v1_wirenum 'HMS DC 1V1 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' H.dc.1v1.wirenum 107 0.5 107.5
-TH1F hdc1y2_wirenum 'HMS DC 1Y2 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' H.dc.1y2.wirenum  52 0.5  52.5
-TH1F hdc1x2_wirenum 'HMS DC 1X2 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' H.dc.1x2.wirenum 113 0.5 113.5
-TH1F hdc2x1_wirenum 'HMS DC 2X1 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' H.dc.2x1.wirenum 113 0.5 113.5
-TH1F hdc2y1_wirenum 'HMS DC 2Y1 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' H.dc.2y1.wirenum  52 0.5  52.5
-TH1F hdc2u1_wirenum 'HMS DC 2U1 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' H.dc.2u1.wirenum 107 0.5 107.5
-TH1F hdc2v1_wirenum 'HMS DC 2V1 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' H.dc.2v1.wirenum 107 0.5 107.5
-TH1F hdc2y2_wirenum 'HMS DC 2Y2 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' H.dc.2y2.wirenum  52 0.5  52.5
-TH1F hdc2x2_wirenum 'HMS DC 2X2 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' H.dc.2x2.wirenum 113 0.5 113.5
-TH1F hdc1x1_drifttime 'HMS DC 1X1 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' H.dc.1x1.time 400 -50 350
-TH1F hdc1y1_drifttime 'HMS DC 1Y1 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' H.dc.1y1.time 400 -50 350
-TH1F hdc1u1_drifttime 'HMS DC 1U1 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' H.dc.1u1.time 400 -50 350
-TH1F hdc1v1_drifttime 'HMS DC 1V1 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' H.dc.1v1.time 400 -50 350
-TH1F hdc1y2_drifttime 'HMS DC 1Y2 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' H.dc.1y2.time 400 -50 350
-TH1F hdc1x2_drifttime 'HMS DC 1X2 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' H.dc.1x2.time 400 -50 350
-TH1F hdc2x1_drifttime 'HMS DC 2X1 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' H.dc.2x1.time 400 -50 350
-TH1F hdc2y1_drifttime 'HMS DC 2Y1 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' H.dc.2y1.time 400 -50 350
-TH1F hdc2u1_drifttime 'HMS DC 2U1 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' H.dc.2u1.time 400 -50 350
-TH1F hdc2v1_drifttime 'HMS DC 2V1 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' H.dc.2v1.time 400 -50 350
-TH1F hdc2y2_drifttime 'HMS DC 2Y2 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' H.dc.2y2.time 400 -50 350
-TH1F hdc2x2_drifttime 'HMS DC 2X2 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' H.dc.2x2.time 400 -50 350
-TH2F hdc1x1_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'HMS DC 1X1 Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' H.dc.1x1.wirenum H.dc.1x1.time 113 0.5 113.5 600 -100 500
-TH2F hdc1y1_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'HMS DC 1Y1 Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' H.dc.1y1.wirenum H.dc.1y1.time 52  0.5  52.5 600 -100 500
-TH2F hdc1u1_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'HMS DC 1U1 Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' H.dc.1u1.wirenum H.dc.1u1.time 107 0.5 107.5 600 -100 500
-TH2F hdc1v1_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'HMS DC 1V1 Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' H.dc.1v1.wirenum H.dc.1v1.time 107 0.5 107.5 600 -100 500
-TH2F hdc1y2_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'HMS DC 1Y2 Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' H.dc.1y2.wirenum H.dc.1y2.time 52  0.5  52.5 600 -100 500
-TH2F hdc1x2_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'HMS DC 1X2 Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' H.dc.1x2.wirenum H.dc.1x2.time 113 0.5 113.5 600 -100 500
-TH2F hdc2x1_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'HMS DC 2X1 Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' H.dc.2x1.wirenum H.dc.2x1.time 113 0.5 113.5 600 -100 500
-TH2F hdc2y1_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'HMS DC 2Y1 Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' H.dc.2y1.wirenum H.dc.2y1.time 52  0.5  52.5 600 -100 500
-TH2F hdc2u1_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'HMS DC 2U1 Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' H.dc.2u1.wirenum H.dc.2u1.time 107 0.5 107.5 600 -100 500
-TH2F hdc2v1_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'HMS DC 2V1 Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' H.dc.2v1.wirenum H.dc.2v1.time 107 0.5 107.5 600 -100 500
-TH2F hdc2y2_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'HMS DC 2Y2 Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' H.dc.2y2.wirenum H.dc.2y2.time 52  0.5  52.5 600 -100 500
-TH2F hdc2x2_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'HMS DC 2X2 Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' H.dc.2x2.wirenum H.dc.2x2.time 113 0.5 113.5 600 -100 500
-# HMS DC Drift Distance Per Plane 
-TH1F hdc1x1_ddist 'HMS 1X1 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' H.dc.1x1.dist 28 -0.1 0.6
-TH1F hdc1y1_ddist 'HMS 1Y1 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' H.dc.1y1.dist 28 -0.1 0.6
-TH1F hdc1u1_ddist 'HMS 1U1 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' H.dc.1u1.dist 28 -0.1 0.6
-TH1F hdc1v1_ddist 'HMS 1V1 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' H.dc.1v1.dist 28 -0.1 0.6
-TH1F hdc1y2_ddist 'HMS 1Y2 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' H.dc.1y2.dist 28 -0.1 0.6
-TH1F hdc1x2_ddist 'HMS 1X2 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' H.dc.1x2.dist 28 -0.1 0.6
-TH1F hdc2x1_ddist 'HMS 2U2 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' H.dc.2x1.dist 28 -0.1 0.6
-TH1F hdc2y1_ddist 'HMS 2U1 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' H.dc.2y1.dist 28 -0.1 0.6
-TH1F hdc2u1_ddist 'HMS 2X2 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' H.dc.2u1.dist 28 -0.1 0.6
-TH1F hdc2v1_ddist 'HMS 2X1 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' H.dc.2v1.dist 28 -0.1 0.6
-TH1F hdc2y2_ddist 'HMS 2V2 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' H.dc.2y2.dist 28 -0.1 0.6
-TH1F hdc2x2_ddist 'HMS 2V1 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' H.dc.2x2.dist 28 -0.1 0.6
-TH2F hdc1x1_wirenum_vs_ddist 'HMS DC 1X1 Drift Distance vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' H.dc.1x1.wirenum H.dc.1x1.dist 113 0.5 113.5 300 -0.1 0.6
-TH2F hdc1y1_wirenum_vs_ddist 'HMS DC 1Y1 Drift Distance vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' H.dc.1y1.wirenum H.dc.1y1.dist 52  0.5  52.5 300 -0.1 0.6
-TH2F hdc1u1_wirenum_vs_ddist 'HMS DC 1U1 Drift Distance vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' H.dc.1u1.wirenum H.dc.1u1.dist 107 0.5 107.5 300 -0.1 0.6
-TH2F hdc1v1_wirenum_vs_ddist 'HMS DC 1V1 Drift Distance vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' H.dc.1v1.wirenum H.dc.1v1.dist 107 0.5 107.5 300 -0.1 0.6
-TH2F hdc1y2_wirenum_vs_ddist 'HMS DC 1Y2 Drift Distance vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' H.dc.1y2.wirenum H.dc.1y2.dist 52  0.5  52.5 300 -0.1 0.6
-TH2F hdc1x2_wirenum_vs_ddist 'HMS DC 1X2 Drift Distance vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' H.dc.1x2.wirenum H.dc.1x2.dist 113 0.5 113.5 300 -0.1 0.6
-TH2F hdc2x1_wirenum_vs_ddist 'HMS DC 2X1 Drift Distance vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' H.dc.2x1.wirenum H.dc.2x1.dist 113 0.5 113.5 300 -0.1 0.6
-TH2F hdc2y1_wirenum_vs_ddist 'HMS DC 2Y1 Drift Distance vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' H.dc.2y1.wirenum H.dc.2y1.dist 52  0.5  52.5 300 -0.1 0.6
-TH2F hdc2u1_wirenum_vs_ddist 'HMS DC 2U1 Drift Distance vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' H.dc.2u1.wirenum H.dc.2u1.dist 107 0.5 107.5 300 -0.1 0.6
-TH2F hdc2v1_wirenum_vs_ddist 'HMS DC 2V1 Drift Distance vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' H.dc.2v1.wirenum H.dc.2v1.dist 107 0.5 107.5 300 -0.1 0.6
-TH2F hdc2y2_wirenum_vs_ddist 'HMS DC 2Y2 Drift Distance vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' H.dc.2y2.wirenum H.dc.2y2.dist 52  0.5  52.5 300 -0.1 0.6
-TH2F hdc2x2_wirenum_vs_ddist 'HMS DC 2X2 Drift Distance vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' H.dc.2x2.wirenum H.dc.2x2.dist 113 0.5 113.5 300 -0.1 0.6
-TH1F hdc1x1_residuals 'HMS 1X1 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' H.dc.residual[0]  200 -1.0 1.0
-TH1F hdc1y1_residuals 'HMS 1Y1 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' H.dc.residual[1]  200 -1.0 1.0
-TH1F hdc1u1_residuals 'HMS 1U1 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' H.dc.residual[2]  200 -1.0 1.0
-TH1F hdc1v1_residuals 'HMS 1V1 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' H.dc.residual[3]  200 -1.0 1.0
-TH1F hdc1y2_residuals 'HMS 1Y2 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' H.dc.residual[4]  200 -1.0 1.0
-TH1F hdc1x2_residuals 'HMS 1X2 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' H.dc.residual[5]  200 -1.0 1.0
-TH1F hdc2x1_residuals 'HMS 2X1 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' H.dc.residual[6]  200 -1.0 1.0
-TH1F hdc2y1_residuals 'HMS 2Y1 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' H.dc.residual[7]  200 -1.0 1.0
-TH1F hdc2u1_residuals 'HMS 2U1 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' H.dc.residual[8]  200 -1.0 1.0
-TH1F hdc2v1_residuals 'HMS 2V1 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' H.dc.residual[9]  200 -1.0 1.0
-TH1F hdc2y2_residuals 'HMS 2Y2 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' H.dc.residual[10] 200 -1.0 1.0
-TH1F hdc2x2_residuals 'HMS 2X2 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' H.dc.residual[11] 200 -1.0 1.0
-TH1F hdc_trk_mom 'HMS DC Track Momentum; P (GeV); Number of Entires / 10 MeV' H.tr.p 600 0 6
-TH1F hdc_trk_beta 'HMS DC Track Beta; Beta (GeV); Number of Entires' H.tr.beta 300 -1.5 1.5
-TH2F hdc_xfp_vs_yxp 'HMS DC X_{fp} vs Y_{fp}; Y_{fp} (cm) / 1 cm; X_{fp} (cm) / 1 cm' H.dc.y_fp H.dc.x_fp 100 -50 50 100 -50 50
-TH2F hdc_xpfp_vs_ypfp 'HMS DC X'_{fp} vs Y'_{fp}; Y'_{fp} / 0.002 rad; X'_{fp} / 0.002 rad' H.dc.yp_fp H.dc.xp_fp 100 -.1 .1 100 -.1 .1
-TH2F hdc_xfp_vs_ypfp 'HMS DC X_{fp} vs Y'_{fp}; Y'_{fp} / 0.002 rad; X_{fp} / 1 cm'  H.dc.yp_fp H.dc.x_fp 100 -.1 .1 100 -50 50 
-TH2F hdc_xfp_vs_xpfp 'HMS DC X_{fp} vs X'_{fp}; X'_{fp} / 0.002 rad; X_{fp} / 1 cm' H.dc.xp_fp H.dc.x_fp 100 -.1 .1 100 -50 50
diff --git a/DEF-files/HMS/STACK/DC/hdc_histos.def b/DEF-files/HMS/STACK/DC/hdc_histos.def
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d14945f0728de11257657a6cc6792dd723c065f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/DEF-files/HMS/STACK/DC/hdc_histos.def
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-# See $ANALYZER/examples/output_example.def for examples
-block H.dc.*
-block T.hms.*
-#block H.scin.*
-#SIMPLE DEF FILE TO TEST 12 GeV CHAMBERS: Will need to get updated  after tests
-#HMS Drift Chamber 1
-TH1F hdc1u1_wm 'HDC 1U1 Wiremap' H.dc.1u1.wirenum 96 0.5 96.5
-TH1F hdc1u2_wm 'HDC 1U2 Wiremap' H.dc.1u2.wirenum 96 0.5 96.5
-TH1F hdc1x1_wm 'HDC 1X1 Wiremap' H.dc.1x1.wirenum  102 0.5  102.5
-TH1F hdc1x2_wm 'HDC 1X2 Wiremap' H.dc.1x2.wirenum  102 0.5  102.5
-TH1F hdc1v1_wm 'HDC 1V1 Wiremap' H.dc.1v1.wirenum 96 0.5 96.5
-TH1F hdc1v2_wm 'HDC 1V2 Wiremap' H.dc.1v2.wirenum 96 0.5 96.5
-TH1F hdc1u1_rawt 'HDC 1U1 Raw TDC' H.dc.1u1.rawtdc 500 0 2000
-TH1F hdc1u2_rawt 'HDC 1U2 Raw TDC' H.dc.1u2.rawtdc 500 0 2000
-TH1F hdc1x1_rawt 'HDC 1X1 Raw TDC' H.dc.1x1.rawtdc 500 0 2000
-TH1F hdc1x2_rawt 'HDC 1X2 Raw TDC' H.dc.1x2.rawtdc 500 0 2000
-TH1F hdc1v1_rawt 'HDC 1V1 Raw TDC' H.dc.1v1.rawtdc 500 0 2000
-TH1F hdc1v2_rawt 'HDC 1V2 Raw TDC' H.dc.1v2.rawtdc 500 0 2000
-TH1F hdc1u1_dt 'HDC 1U1 Drift Time' H.dc.1u1.time 200 -1000 1000
-TH1F hdc1u2_dt 'HDC 1U2 Drift Time' H.dc.1u2.time 200 -1000 1000
-TH1F hdc1x1_dt 'HDC 1X1 Drift Time' H.dc.1x1.time 200 -1000 1000
-TH1F hdc1x2_dt 'HDC 1X2 Drift Time' H.dc.1x2.time 200 -1000 1000
-TH1F hdc1v1_dt 'HDC 1V1 Drift Time' H.dc.1v1.time 200 -1000 1000
-TH1F hdc1v2_dt 'HDC 1V2 Drift Time' H.dc.1v2.time 200 -1000 1000
-TH1F hdc1u1_dd 'HDC 1U1 Drift Distance' H.dc.1u1.dist 300 -0.1 0.6
-TH1F hdc1u2_dd 'HDC 1U2 Drift Distance' H.dc.1u2.dist 300 -0.1 0.6
-TH1F hdc1x1_dd 'HDC 1X1 Drift Distance' H.dc.1x1.dist 300 -0.1 0.6
-TH1F hdc1x2_dd 'HDC 1X2 Drift Distance' H.dc.1x2.dist 300 -0.1 0.6
-TH1F hdc1v1_dd 'HDC 1V1 Drift Distance' H.dc.1v1.dist 300 -0.1 0.6
-TH1F hdc1v2_dd 'HDC 1V2 Drift Distance' H.dc.1v2.dist 300 -0.1 0.6
-#HMS Drift Chamber 2
-TH1F hdc2u1_wm 'HDC 2U1 Wiremap' H.dc.2u1.wirenum 96 0.5 96.5
-TH1F hdc2u2_wm 'HDC 2U2 Wiremap' H.dc.2u2.wirenum 96 0.5 96.5
-TH1F hdc2x1_wm 'HDC 2X1 Wiremap' H.dc.2x1.wirenum  102 0.5  102.5
-TH1F hdc2x2_wm 'HDC 2X2 Wiremap' H.dc.2x2.wirenum  102 0.5  102.5
-TH1F hdc2v1_wm 'HDC 2V1 Wiremap' H.dc.2v1.wirenum 96 0.5 96.5
-TH1F hdc2v2_wm 'HDC 2V2 Wiremap' H.dc.2v2.wirenum 96 0.5 96.5
-TH1F hdc2u1_rawt 'HDC 2U1 Raw TDC' H.dc.2u1.rawtdc 500 0 2000
-TH1F hdc2u2_rawt 'HDC 2U2 Raw TDC' H.dc.2u2.rawtdc 500 0 2000
-TH1F hdc2x1_rawt 'HDC 2X1 Raw TDC' H.dc.2x1.rawtdc 500 0 2000
-TH1F hdc2x2_rawt 'HDC 2X2 Raw TDC' H.dc.2x2.rawtdc 500 0 2000
-TH1F hdc2v1_rawt 'HDC 2V1 Raw TDC' H.dc.2v1.rawtdc 500 0 2000
-TH1F hdc2v2_rawt 'HDC 2V2 Raw TDC' H.dc.2v2.rawtdc 500 0 2000
-TH1F hdc2u1_dt 'HDC 2U1 Drift Time' H.dc.2u1.time 200 -1000 1000
-TH1F hdc2u2_dt 'HDC 2U2 Drift Time' H.dc.2u2.time 200 -1000 1000
-TH1F hdc2x1_dt 'HDC 2X1 Drift Time' H.dc.2x1.time 200 -1000 1000
-TH1F hdc2x2_dt 'HDC 2X2 Drift Time' H.dc.2x2.time 200 -1000 1000
-TH1F hdc2v1_dt 'HDC 2V1 Drift Time' H.dc.2v1.time 200 -1000 1000
-TH1F hdc2v2_dt 'HDC 2V2 Drift Time' H.dc.2v2.time 200 -1000 1000
-TH1F hdc2u1_dd 'HDC 2U1 Drift Distance' H.dc.2u1.dist 300 -0.1 0.6
-TH1F hdc2u2_dd 'HDC 2U2 Drift Distance' H.dc.2u2.dist 300 -0.1 0.6
-TH1F hdc2x1_dd 'HDC 2X1 Drift Distance' H.dc.2x1.dist 300 -0.1 0.6
-TH1F hdc2x2_dd 'HDC 2X2 Drift Distance' H.dc.2x2.dist 300 -0.1 0.6
-TH1F hdc2v1_dd 'HDC 2V1 Drift Distance' H.dc.2v1.dist 300 -0.1 0.6
-TH1F hdc2v2_dd 'HDC 2V2 Drift Distance' H.dc.2v2.dist 300 -0.1 0.6
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/DEF-files/HMS/STACK/HODO/hhodo_histos.def b/DEF-files/HMS/STACK/HODO/hhodo_histos.def
deleted file mode 100644
index f0b7df31fac95aec7bc7e54d6d8e6ba63fd03653..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/DEF-files/HMS/STACK/HODO/hhodo_histos.def
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
-# HMS HODO GOOD ADC Multiplicities 
-TH1F hhodo_1x_good_adc_mult_pos 'HMS 1X+ Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +ADC Hits' H.hod.1x.totNumGoodPosAdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
-TH1F hhodo_1y_good_adc_mult_pos 'HMS 1Y+ Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +ADC Hits' H.hod.1y.totNumGoodPosAdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
-TH1F hhodo_2x_good_adc_mult_pos 'HMS 2X+ Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +ADC Hits' H.hod.2x.totNumGoodPosAdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
-TH1F hhodo_2y_good_adc_mult_pos 'HMS 2Y+ Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +ADC Hits' H.hod.2y.totNumGoodPosAdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
-TH1F hhodo_1x_good_adc_mult_neg 'HMS 1X- Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good -ADC Hits' H.hod.1x.totNumGoodNegAdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
-TH1F hhodo_1y_good_adc_mult_neg 'HMS 1Y- Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good -ADC Hits' H.hod.1y.totNumGoodNegAdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
-TH1F hhodo_2x_good_adc_mult_neg 'HMS 2X- Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good -ADC Hits' H.hod.2x.totNumGoodNegAdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
-TH1F hhodo_2y_good_adc_mult_neg 'HMS 2Y- Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good -ADC Hits' H.hod.2y.totNumGoodNegAdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
-TH1F hhodo_1x_good_adc_mult 'HMS 1X Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good ADC Hits' H.hod.1x.totNumGoodAdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
-TH1F hhodo_1y_good_adc_mult 'HMS 1Y Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good ADC Hits' H.hod.1y.totNumGoodAdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
-TH1F hhodo_2x_good_adc_mult 'HMS 2X Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good ADC Hits' H.hod.2x.totNumGoodAdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
-TH1F hhodo_2y_good_adc_mult 'HMS 2Y Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good ADC Hits' H.hod.2y.totNumGoodAdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
-# HMS HODO Good TDC Multiplicities
-TH1F hhodo_1x_good_tdc_mult_pos 'HMS 1X+ Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +TDC Hits' H.hod.1x.totNumGoodPosTdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
-TH1F hhodo_1y_good_tdc_mult_pos 'HMS 1Y+ Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +TDC Hits' H.hod.1y.totNumGoodPosTdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
-TH1F hhodo_2x_good_tdc_mult_pos 'HMS 2X+ Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +TDC Hits' H.hod.2x.totNumGoodPosTdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
-TH1F hhodo_2y_good_tdc_mult_pos 'HMS 2Y+ Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +TDC Hits' H.hod.2y.totNumGoodPosTdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
-TH1F hhodo_1x_good_tdc_mult_neg 'HMS 1X- Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good -TDC Hits' H.hod.1x.totNumGoodNegTdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
-TH1F hhodo_1y_good_tdc_mult_neg 'HMS 1Y- Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good -TDC Hits' H.hod.1y.totNumGoodNegTdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
-TH1F hhodo_2x_good_tdc_mult_neg 'HMS 2X- Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good -TDC Hits' H.hod.2x.totNumGoodNegTdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
-TH1F hhodo_2y_good_tdc_mult_neg 'HMS 2Y- Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good -TDC Hits' H.hod.2y.totNumGoodNegTdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
-TH1F hhodo_1x_good_tdc_mult 'HMS 1X Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good TDC Hits' H.hod.1x.totNumGoodTdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
-TH1F hhodo_1y_good_tdc_mult 'HMS 1Y Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good TDC Hits' H.hod.1y.totNumGoodTdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
-TH1F hhodo_2x_good_tdc_mult 'HMS 2X Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good TDC Hits' H.hod.2x.totNumGoodTdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
-TH1F hhodo_2y_good_tdc_mult 'HMS 2Y Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good TDC Hits' H.hod.2y.totNumGoodTdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
-TH1F hhodo_1x_good_adc_occ_pos 'HMS 1X+ Good ADC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good +ADC Hits' H.hod.1x.numGoodPosAdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
-TH1F hhodo_1y_good_adc_occ_pos 'HMS 1Y+ Good ADC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good +ADC Hits' H.hod.1y.numGoodPosAdcHits 10 0.5 10.5 
-TH1F hhodo_2x_good_adc_occ_pos 'HMS 2X+ Good ADC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good +ADC Hits' H.hod.2x.numGoodPosAdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
-TH1F hhodo_2y_good_adc_occ_pos 'HMS 2Y+ Good ADC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good +ADC Hits' H.hod.2y.numGoodPosAdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
-TH1F hhodo_1x_good_adc_occ_neg 'HMS 1X- Good ADC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good -ADC Hits' H.hod.1x.numGoodNegAdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
-TH1F hhodo_1y_good_adc_occ_neg 'HMS 1Y- Good ADC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good -ADC Hits' H.hod.1y.numGoodNegAdcHits 10 0.5 10.5 
-TH1F hhodo_2x_good_adc_occ_neg 'HMS 2X- Good ADC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good -ADC Hits' H.hod.2x.numGoodNegAdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
-TH1F hhodo_2y_good_adc_occ_neg 'HMS 2Y- Good ADC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good -ADC Hits' H.hod.2y.numGoodNegAdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
-TH1F hhodo_1x_good_tdc_occ_pos 'HMS 1X+ Good TDC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good +TDC Hits' H.hod.1x.numGoodPosTdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
-TH1F hhodo_1y_good_tdc_occ_pos 'HMS 1Y+ Good TDC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good +TDC Hits' H.hod.1y.numGoodPosTdcHits 10 0.5 10.5 
-TH1F hhodo_2x_good_tdc_occ_pos 'HMS 2X+ Good TDC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good +TDC Hits' H.hod.2x.numGoodPosTdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
-TH1F hhodo_2y_good_tdc_occ_pos 'HMS 2Y+ Good TDC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good +TDC Hits' H.hod.2y.numGoodPosTdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
-TH1F hhodo_1x_good_tdc_occ_neg 'HMS 1X- Good TDC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good -TDC Hits' H.hod.1x.numGoodNegTdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
-TH1F hhodo_1y_good_tdc_occ_neg 'HMS 1Y- Good TDC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good -TDC Hits' H.hod.1y.numGoodNegTdcHits 10 0.5 10.5 
-TH1F hhodo_2x_good_tdc_occ_neg 'HMS 2X- Good TDC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good -TDC Hits' H.hod.2x.numGoodNegTdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
-TH1F hhodo_2y_good_tdc_occ_neg 'HMS 2Y- Good TDC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good -TDC Hits' H.hod.2y.numGoodNegTdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
-TH2F hhodo_1x_good_pped_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 1X+ Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1x.GoodPosAdcPed 16 0.5 16.5 400 300 700 H.hod.1x.GoodPosAdcPed>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_1y_good_pped_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 1Y+ Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1y.GoodPosAdcPed 10 0.5 10.5 400 300 700 H.hod.1y.GoodPosAdcPed>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_2x_good_pped_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 2X+ Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2x.GoodPosAdcPed 16 0.5 16.5 400 300 700 H.hod.2x.GoodPosAdcPed>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_2y_good_pped_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 2Y+ Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2y.GoodPosAdcPed 10 0.5 10.5 400 300 700 H.hod.2y.GoodPosAdcPed>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_1x_good_pped_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 1X- Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1x.GoodNegAdcPed 16 0.5 16.5 400 300 700 H.hod.1x.GoodNegAdcPed>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_1y_good_pped_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 1Y- Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1y.GoodNegAdcPed 10 0.5 10.5 400 300 700 H.hod.1y.GoodNegAdcPed>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_2x_good_pped_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 2X- Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2x.GoodNegAdcPed 16 0.5 16.5 400 300 700 H.hod.2x.GoodNegAdcPed>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_2y_good_pped_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 2Y- Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2y.GoodNegAdcPed 10 0.5 10.5 400 300 700 H.hod.2y.GoodNegAdcPed>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_1x_good_pi_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 1X+ Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.1x.GoodPosAdcPulseInt 16 0.5 16.5 600 0 30000 H.hod.1x.GoodPosAdcPulseInt>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_1y_good_pi_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 1Y+ Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.1y.GoodPosAdcPulseInt 10 0.5 10.5 600 0 30000 H.hod.1y.GoodPosAdcPulseInt>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_2x_good_pi_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 2X+ Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.2x.GoodPosAdcPulseInt 16 0.5 16.5 600 0 30000 H.hod.2x.GoodPosAdcPulseInt>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_2y_good_pi_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 2Y+ Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.2y.GoodPosAdcPulseInt 10 0.5 10.5 600 0 30000 H.hod.2y.GoodPosAdcPulseInt>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_1x_good_pi_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 1X- Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.1x.GoodNegAdcPulseInt 16 0.5 16.5 600 0 30000 H.hod.1x.GoodNegAdcPulseInt>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_1y_good_pi_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 1Y- Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.1y.GoodNegAdcPulseInt 10 0.5 10.5 600 0 30000 H.hod.1y.GoodNegAdcPulseInt>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_2x_good_pi_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 2X- Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.2x.GoodNegAdcPulseInt 16 0.5 16.5 600 0 30000 H.hod.2x.GoodNegAdcPulseInt>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_2y_good_pi_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 2Y- Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.2y.GoodNegAdcPulseInt 10 0.5 10.5 600 0 30000 H.hod.2y.GoodNegAdcPulseInt>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_1x_good_pamp_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 1X+ Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.1x.GoodPosAdcPulseAmp 16 0.5 16.5 205 0 4100 H.hod.1x.GoodPosAdcPulseAmp>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_1y_good_pamp_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 1Y+ Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.1y.GoodPosAdcPulseAmp 10 0.5 10.5 205 0 4100 H.hod.1y.GoodPosAdcPulseAmp>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_2x_good_pamp_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 2X+ Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.2x.GoodPosAdcPulseAmp 16 0.5 16.5 205 0 4100 H.hod.2x.GoodPosAdcPulseAmp>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_2y_good_pamp_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 2Y+ Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.2y.GoodPosAdcPulseAmp 10 0.5 10.5 205 0 4100 H.hod.2y.GoodPosAdcPulseAmp>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_1x_good_pamp_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 1X- Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.1x.GoodNegAdcPulseAmp 16 0.5 16.5 205 0 4100 H.hod.1x.GoodNegAdcPulseAmp>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_1y_good_pamp_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 1Y- Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.1y.GoodNegAdcPulseAmp 10 0.5 10.5 205 0 4100 H.hod.1y.GoodNegAdcPulseAmp>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_2x_good_pamp_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 2X- Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.2x.GoodNegAdcPulseAmp 16 0.5 16.5 205 0 4100 H.hod.2x.GoodNegAdcPulseAmp>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_2y_good_pamp_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 2Y- Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.2y.GoodNegAdcPulseAmp 10 0.5 10.5 205 0 4100 H.hod.2y.GoodNegAdcPulseAmp>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_1x_good_ptime_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 1X+ Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.1x.GoodPosAdcPulseTime 16 0.5 16.5 410 0 4100 H.hod.1x.GoodPosAdcPulseTime>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_1y_good_ptime_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 1Y+ Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.1y.GoodPosAdcPulseTime 10 0.5 10.5 410 0 4100 H.hod.1y.GoodPosAdcPulseTime>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_2x_good_ptime_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 2X+ Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.2x.GoodPosAdcPulseTime 16 0.5 16.5 410 0 4100 H.hod.2x.GoodPosAdcPulseTime>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_2y_good_ptime_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 2Y+ Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.2y.GoodPosAdcPulseTime 10 0.5 10.5 410 0 4100 H.hod.2y.GoodPosAdcPulseTime>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_1x_good_ptime_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 1X- Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.1x.GoodNegAdcPulseTime 16 0.5 16.5 410 0 4100 H.hod.1x.GoodNegAdcPulseTime>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_1y_good_ptime_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 1Y- Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.1y.GoodNegAdcPulseTime 10 0.5 10.5 410 0 4100 H.hod.1y.GoodNegAdcPulseTime>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_2x_good_ptime_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 2X- Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.2x.GoodNegAdcPulseTime 16 0.5 16.5 410 0 4100 H.hod.2x.GoodNegAdcPulseTime>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_2y_good_ptime_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 2Y- Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.2y.GoodNegAdcPulseTime 10 0.5 10.5 410 0 4100 H.hod.2y.GoodNegAdcPulseTime>0.0
-# HMS HODO Good TDC TIME UNCORRECTED (uncorrected for time offsets)
-TH2F hhodo_1x_good_tdctime_uncorr_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 1X+ Good Uncorrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Uncorrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1x.GoodPosTdcTimeUnCorr 16 0.5 16.5 120 0 120 H.hod.1x.GoodPosTdcTimeUnCorr>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_1y_good_tdctime_uncorr_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 1Y+ Good Uncorrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Uncorrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1y.GoodPosTdcTimeUnCorr 10 0.5 10.5 120 0 120 H.hod.1y.GoodPosTdcTimeUnCorr>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_2x_good_tdctime_uncorr_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 2X+ Good Uncorrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Uncorrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2x.GoodPosTdcTimeUnCorr 16 0.5 16.5 120 0 120 H.hod.2x.GoodPosTdcTimeUnCorr>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_2y_good_tdctime_uncorr_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 2Y+ Good Uncorrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Uncorrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2y.GoodPosTdcTimeUnCorr 10 0.5 10.5 120 0 120 H.hod.2y.GoodPosTdcTimeUnCorr>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_1x_good_tdctime_uncorr_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 1X- Good Uncorrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Uncorrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1x.GoodNegTdcTimeUnCorr 16 0.5 16.5 120 0 120 H.hod.1x.GoodNegTdcTimeUnCorr>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_1y_good_tdctime_uncorr_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 1Y- Good Uncorrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Uncorrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1y.GoodNegTdcTimeUnCorr 10 0.5 10.5 120 0 120 H.hod.1y.GoodNegTdcTimeUnCorr>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_2x_good_tdctime_uncorr_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 2X- Good Uncorrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Uncorrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2x.GoodNegTdcTimeUnCorr 16 0.5 16.5 120 0 120 H.hod.2x.GoodNegTdcTimeUnCorr>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_2y_good_tdctime_uncorr_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 2Y- Good Uncorrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Uncorrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2y.GoodNegTdcTimeUnCorr 10 0.5 10.5 120 0 120 H.hod.2y.GoodNegTdcTimeUnCorr>0.0
-# HMS HODO Good TDC TIME CORRECTED (corrected for time offsets)
-TH2F hhodo_1x_good_tdctime_corr_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 1X+ Good Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1x.GoodPosTdcTimeCorr 16 0.5 16.5 120 0 120 H.hod.1x.GoodPosTdcTimeCorr>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_1y_good_tdctime_corr_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 1Y+ Good Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1y.GoodPosTdcTimeCorr 10 0.5 10.5 120 0 120 H.hod.1y.GoodPosTdcTimeCorr>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_2x_good_tdctime_corr_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 2X+ Good Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2x.GoodPosTdcTimeCorr 16 0.5 16.5 120 0 120 H.hod.2x.GoodPosTdcTimeCorr>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_2y_good_tdctime_corr_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 2Y+ Good Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2y.GoodPosTdcTimeCorr 10 0.5 10.5 120 0 120 H.hod.2y.GoodPosTdcTimeCorr>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_1x_good_tdctime_corr_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 1X- Good Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1x.GoodNegTdcTimeCorr 16 0.5 16.5 120 0 120 H.hod.1x.GoodNegTdcTimeCorr>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_1y_good_tdctime_corr_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 1Y- Good Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1y.GoodNegTdcTimeCorr 10 0.5 10.5 120 0 120 H.hod.1y.GoodNegTdcTimeCorr>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_2x_good_tdctime_corr_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 2X- Good Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2x.GoodNegTdcTimeCorr 16 0.5 16.5 120 0 120 H.hod.2x.GoodNegTdcTimeCorr>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_2y_good_tdctime_corr_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 2Y- Good Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2y.GoodNegTdcTimeCorr 10 0.5 10.5 120 0 120 H.hod.2y.GoodNegTdcTimeCorr>0.0
-# HMS HODO Good TDC TIME TOF CORRECTED (corrected for time of flight) 
-TH2F hhodo_1x_good_tdctime_tofcorr_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 1X+ Good TOF Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good TOF Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1x.GoodPosTdcTimeTOFCorr 16 0.5 16.5 120 0 120 H.hod.1x.GoodPosTdcTimeTOFCorr>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_1y_good_tdctime_tofcorr_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 1Y+ Good TOF Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good TOF Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1y.GoodPosTdcTimeTOFCorr 10 0.5 10.5 120 0 120 H.hod.1y.GoodPosTdcTimeTOFCorr>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_2x_good_tdctime_tofcorr_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 2X+ Good TOF Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good TOF Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2x.GoodPosTdcTimeTOFCorr 16 0.5 16.5 120 0 120 H.hod.2x.GoodPosTdcTimeTOFCorr>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_2y_good_tdctime_tofcorr_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 2Y+ Good TOF Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good TOF Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2y.GoodPosTdcTimeTOFCorr 10 0.5 10.5 120 0 120 H.hod.2y.GoodPosTdcTimeTOFCorr>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_1x_good_tdctime_tofcorr_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 1X- Good TOF Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good TOF Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1x.GoodNegTdcTimeTOFCorr 16 0.5 16.5 120 0 120 H.hod.1x.GoodNegTdcTimeTOFCorr>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_1y_good_tdctime_tofcorr_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 1Y- Good TOF Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good TOF Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1y.GoodNegTdcTimeTOFCorr 10 0.5 10.5 120 0 120 H.hod.1y.GoodNegTdcTimeTOFCorr>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_2x_good_tdctime_tofcorr_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 2X- Good TOF Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good TOF Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2x.GoodNegTdcTimeTOFCorr 16 0.5 16.5 120 0 120 H.hod.2x.GoodNegTdcTimeTOFCorr>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_2y_good_tdctime_tofcorr_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 2Y- Good TOF Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good TOF Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2y.GoodNegTdcTimeTOFCorr 10 0.5 10.5 120 0 120 H.hod.2y.GoodNegTdcTimeTOFCorr>0.0
-TH1F hhodo_beta_notrack 'HMS Hodo Calculated Beta Without Track Info; Beta; Number of Entries / 0.02' H.hod.betanotrack 100 0 2.0 H.hod.betanotrack>0.0
-TH1F hhodo_beta 'HMS Hodo Beta; Beta; Number of Entries / 0.02' H.hod.beta 100 0 2.0 H.hod.beta>0.0
-TH1F hhodo_fpHitsTime 'HMS Hodo Focal Plane Time; Focal Plane Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' H.hod.fpHitsTime 90 0 90 
-TH1F hhodo_starttime 'HMS Hodo Start Time; Start Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1ns' H.hod.starttime 90 0 90
-TH1F hhodo_good_startime 'HMS Hodo Good Start Time (ns); Good Start Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1ns' H.hod.goodstarttime 90 0 90
-TH2F hhodo_xhod_vs_yhod 'HMS Hodo Projected X vs. Y; Y_hodo(cm) / 1mm; X_hodo(cm) / 1mm' H.hod.y_hodo H.hod.x_hodo 1000 -50 50 1000 -50 50
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/DEF-files/HMS/STACK/TRIG/htrig_histos.def b/DEF-files/HMS/STACK/TRIG/htrig_histos.def
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b9f07b2da8321f50a9e7fd0acc1894b69dc0eb8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/DEF-files/HMS/STACK/TRIG/htrig_histos.def
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
-# Trigger Apparatus *
-# HMS Raw Hodo TRIG TDC Time
-TH1F htrig_h1x_tdc 'HMS h1X TDC Time; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.h1X_tdcTimeRaw 1500 0 1500
-TH1F htrig_h1y_tdc 'HMS h1Y TDC Time; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.h1Y_tdcTimeRaw 1500 0 1500
-TH1F htrig_h2x_tdc 'HMS h2X TDC Time; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.h2X_tdcTimeRaw 1500 0 1500
-TH1F htrig_h2y_tdc 'HMS h2Y TDC Time; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.h2Y_tdcTimeRaw 1500 0 1500
-TH1F htrig_h1T_tdc 'HMS h1X/h1Y Coincidence TDC Time; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.h1T_tdcTimeRaw 1500 0 1500
-TH1F htrig_h2T_tdc 'HMS h2X/h2Y Coincidence TDC Time; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.h2T_tdcTimeRaw 1500 0 1500
-TH1F htrig_hT1_tdc 'HMS h1X/h1Y/h2X/h2Y Coincidence TDC Time (Slot 2); Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hT1_tdcTimeRaw 1500 0 1500
-TH1F htrig_hT2_tdc 'HMS h1X/h1Y/h2X/h2Y Coincidence TDC Time (Slot 20); Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hT2_tdcTimeRaw 1500 0 1500
-# HMS Raw DC Reference Time
-TH1F htrig_hdc_ref1 'HMS DC Reference Time 1; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hDCREF1_tdcTimeRaw 15000 0 15000
-TH1F htrig_hdc_ref2 'HMS DC Reference Time 2; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hDCREF2_tdcTimeRaw 15000 0 15000
-TH1F htrig_hdc_ref3 'HMS DC Reference Time 3; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hDCREF3_tdcTimeRaw 15000 0 15000
-TH1F htrig_hdc_ref4 'HMS DC Reference Time 4; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hDCREF4_tdcTimeRaw 15000 0 15000
-TH1F hdc_refdiff_1m2 'HDC Reference time 1 minus 2; TDC Time (Clicks); Number of Entries / 1 click' T.hms.hDCREF1_tdcTime-T.hms.hDCREF2_tdcTime 2000 -1000 1000
-TH1F hdc_refdiff_1m3 'HDC Reference time 1 minus 3; TDC Time (Clicks); Number of Entries / 1 click' T.hms.hDCREF1_tdcTime-T.hms.hDCREF3_tdcTime 2000 -1000 1000
-TH1F hdc_refdiff_1m4 'HDC Reference time 1 minus 4; TDC Time (Clicks); Number of Entries / 1 click' T.hms.hDCREF1_tdcTime-T.hms.hDCREF4_tdcTime 2000 -1000 1000
-TH1F hdc_refdiff_2m3 'HDC Reference time 2 minus 3; TDC Time (Clicks); Number of Entries / 1 click' T.hms.hDCREF2_tdcTime-T.hms.hDCREF3_tdcTime 2000 -1000 1000
-TH1F hdc_refdiff_2m4 'HDC Reference time 2 minus 4; TDC Time (Clicks); Number of Entries / 1 click' T.hms.hDCREF2_tdcTime-T.hms.hDCREF4_tdcTime 2000 -1000 1000
-TH1F hdc_refdiff_3m4 'HDC Reference time 3 minus 4; TDC Time (Clicks); Number of Entries / 1 click' T.hms.hDCREF3_tdcTime-T.hms.hDCREF4_tdcTime 2000 -1000 1000
-# HMS Calo Layers TRIG Pulse Profile
-TH1F htrig_hasum_adc_pped 'HMS hAsum Pulse Pedestal;  Pulse Pedestal (ADC Units); Counts / 1 ADC Units;' T.hms.hASUM_adcPed 5000 0 5000
-TH1F htrig_hasum_adc_pi 'HMS hAsum Pulse Integral;  Pulse Integral (ADC Units); Counts / 50 ADC Units;' T.hms.hASUM_adcPulseInt 800 0 40000
-TH1F htrig_hasum_adc_pamp 'HMS hAsum Pulse Amplitude;  Pulse Amplitude (ADC Units); Counts / 20 ADC Units;' T.hms.hASUM_adcPulseAmp 205 0 4100
-TH1F htrig_hasum_tdc 'HMS hAsum TDC Time;  TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hASUM_tdcTime 4000 0 40000
-TH1F htrig_hbsum_adc_pped 'HMS hBsum Pulse Pedestal;  Pulse Pedestal (ADC Units); Counts / 1 ADC Units;' T.hms.hBSUM_adcPed 5000 0 5000
-TH1F htrig_hbsum_adc_pi 'HMS hBsum Pulse Integral;  Pulse Integral (ADC Units); Counts / 50 ADC Units;' T.hms.hBSUM_adcPulseInt 800 0 40000
-TH1F htrig_hbsum_adc_pamp 'HMS hBsum Pulse Amplitude;  Pulse Amplitude (ADC Units); Counts / 20 ADC Units;' T.hms.hBSUM_adcPulseAmp 205 0 4100
-TH1F htrig_hbsum_tdc 'HMS hBsum TDC Time;  TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hBSUM_tdcTime 4000 0 40000
-TH1F htrig_hcsum_adc_pped 'HMS hCsum Pulse Pedestal;  Pulse Pedestal (ADC Units); Counts / 1 ADC Units;' T.hms.hCSUM_adcPed 5000 0 5000
-TH1F htrig_hcsum_adc_pi 'HMS hCsum Pulse Integral;  Pulse Integral (ADC Units); Counts / 50 ADC Units;' T.hms.hCSUM_adcPulseInt 800 0 40000
-TH1F htrig_hcsum_adc_pamp 'HMS hCsum Pulse Amplitude;  Pulse Amplitude (ADC Units); Counts / 20 ADC Units;' T.hms.hCSUM_adcPulseAmp 205 0 4100
-TH1F htrig_hcsum_tdc 'HMS hCsum TDC Time;  TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hCSUM_tdcTime 4000 0 40000
-TH1F htrig_hdsum_adc_pped 'HMS hDsum Pulse Pedestal;  Pulse Pedestal (ADC Units); Counts / 1 ADC Units;' T.hms.hDSUM_adcPed 5000 0 5000
-TH1F htrig_hdsum_adc_pi 'HMS hDsum Pulse Integral;  Pulse Integral (ADC Units); Counts / 50 ADC Units;' T.hms.hDSUM_adcPulseInt 800 0 40000
-TH1F htrig_hdsum_adc_pamp 'HMS hDsum Pulse Amplitude;  Pulse Amplitude (ADC Units); Counts / 20 ADC Units;' T.hms.hDSUM_adcPulseAmp 205 0 4100
-TH1F htrig_hdsum_tdc 'HMS hDsum TDC Time;  TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hDSUM_tdcTime 4000 0 40000
-# HMS PreShower TRIG Pulse Profile
-TH1F htrig_hpreShwr_adc_pped 'HMS Pre-Shower Pulse Pedestal;  Pulse Pedestal (ADC Units); Counts / 1 ADC Units;' T.hms.hPSHWR_adcPed 5000 0 5000
-TH1F htrig_hpreShwr_adc_pi 'HMS Pre-Shower Pulse Integral;  Pulse Integral (ADC Units); Counts / 50 ADC Units;' T.hms.hPSHWR_adcPulseInt 800 0 40000
-TH1F htrig_hpreShwr_adc_pamp 'HMS Pre-Shower Pulse Amplitude;  Pulse Amplitude (ADC Units); Counts / 20 ADC Units;' T.hms.hPSHWR_adcPulseAmp 205 0 4100
-# HMS PreShower TRIG LOW/HIGH  
-TH1F htrig_hpreShwrLow_tdc 'HMS hpreShwrLow TDC Time; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hPRLO_tdcTimeRaw 4000 0 40000
-TH1F htrig_hpreShwrHigh_tdc 'HMS hpreShwrHigh TDC Time; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hPRHI_tdcTimeRaw 4000 0 40000
-# HMS Shower TRIG Pulse Profile
-TH1F htrig_hshwr_adc_pped 'HMS Shower Pulse Pedestal;  Pulse Pedestal (ADC Units); Counts / 1 ADC Units;' T.hms.hSHWR_adcPed 5000 0 5000
-TH1F htrig_hshwr_adc_pi 'HMS Shower Pulse Integral;  Pulse Integral (ADC Units); Counts / 50 ADC Units;' T.hms.hSHWR_adcPulseInt 800 0 40000
-TH1F htrig_hshwr_adc_pamp 'HMS Shower Pulse Amplitude;  Pulse Amplitude (ADC Units); Counts / 20 ADC Units;' T.hms.hSHWR_adcPulseAmp 205 0 4100
-TH1F htrig_hshwr_tdc 'HMS Shower TDC Time;  TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hSHWR_tdcTime 4000 0 40000
-# HMS Gas Cherenkov TRIG Pulse Profile
-TH1F htrig_hcersum_adc_pped 'HMS Cherenkov Sum Pulse Pedestal;  Pulse Pedestal (ADC Units); Counts / 1 ADC Units;' T.hms.hCER_adcPed 5000 0 5000
-TH1F htrig_hcersum_adc_pi 'HMS Cherenkov Sum Pulse Integral;  Pulse Integral (ADC Units); Counts / 50 ADC Units;' T.hms.hCER_adcPulseInt 800 0 40000
-TH1F htrig_hcersum_adc_pamp 'HMS Cherenkov Sum Pulse Amplitude;  Pulse Amplitude (ADC Units); Counts / 20 ADC Units;' T.hms.hCER_adcPulseAmp 205 0 4100
-TH1F htrig_hcersum_tdc 'HMS Cherenkov Sum TDC Time;  TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hCER_tdcTime 4000 0 40000
-# HMS Aerogel TRIG Pulse Profile
-TH1F htrig_haersum_adc_pped 'HMS Aerogel Sum Pulse Pedestal;  Pulse Pedestal (ADC Units); Counts / 1 ADC Units;' T.hms.hAER_adcPed 5000 0 5000
-TH1F htrig_haersum_adc_pi 'HMS Aerogel Sum Pulse Integral;  Pulse Integral (ADC Units); Counts / 50 ADC Units;' T.hms.hAER_adcPulseInt 800 0 40000
-TH1F htrig_haersum_adc_pamp 'HMS Aerogel Sum Pulse Amplitude;  Pulse Amplitude (ADC Units); Counts / 20 ADC Units;' T.hms.hAER_adcPulseAmp 205 0 4100
-TH1F htrig_haersum_tdc 'HMS Aerogel Sum TDC Time;  TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hAER_tdcTime 4000 0 40000
-# Fast Raster 
-# Assume FADC range is set to 1V and the integration is 25 channels
-# Offset in the FADC is about 0.122V or 500 channels.
-formula FRXA_V T.hms.hFRXA_adcPulseIntRaw*(1./4096.)/25.
-formula FRXB_V T.hms.hFRXB_adcPulseIntRaw*(1./4096.)/25.
-formula FRYA_V T.hms.hFRYA_adcPulseIntRaw*(1./4096.)/25.
-formula FRYB_V T.hms.hFRYB_adcPulseIntRaw*(1./4096.)/25.
-TH1F hFRXA 'HMS FRXA; FRXA RAW ADC (chan); Counts' T.hms.hFRXA_adcPulseIntRaw 1000 0 100000
-TH1F hFRXA_V 'HMS FRXA; FRXA RAW ADC (Volts); Counts' FRXA_V 1000 0 1.0
-TH1F hFRXB 'HMS FRXB; FRXB RAW ADC (chan); Counts' T.hms.hFRXB_adcPulseIntRaw 1000 0 100000
-TH1F hFRXB_V 'HMS FRXB; FRXB RAW ADC (Volts); Counts' FRXB_V 1000 0 1.0
-TH1F hFRYA 'HMS FRYA; FRYA RAW ADC (chan); Counts' T.hms.hFRYA_adcPulseIntRaw 1000 0 100000
-TH1F hFRYA_V 'HMS FRYA; FRYA RAW ADC (Volts); Counts' FRYA_V 1000 0 1.0
-TH1F hFRYB 'HMS FRYB; FRYB RAW ADC (chan); Counts' T.hms.hFRYB_adcPulseIntRaw 1000 0 100000
-TH1F hFRYB_V 'HMS FRYB; FRYB RAW ADC (Volts); Counts' FRYB_V 1000 0 1.0
-TH2F hFRA_XvsY 'HMSFRA_XvsY; FRXA RAW ADC (Volts); FRYA RAW ADC (Volts)' FRXA_V FRYA_V 1000 0 1.0 1000 0 1.0
-TH2F hFRB_XvsY 'HMSFRB_XvsY; FRXB RAW ADC (Volts); FRYB RAW ADC (Volts)' FRXB_V FRYB_V 1000 0 1.0 1000 0 1.0
diff --git a/DEF-files/HMS/STACK/hstack_include.def b/DEF-files/HMS/STACK/hstack_include.def
deleted file mode 100644
index 236ba2d3dd1b8143e2f5e3e3ac6e463e81429c6d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/DEF-files/HMS/STACK/hstack_include.def
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-#include "DEF-files/HMS/STACK/BLOCK/hblock_vars.def"
-#include "DEF-files/HMS/STACK/DC/hdc_histos.def"
-#include "DEF-files/HMS/STACK/HODO/hhodo_histos.def"
-#include "DEF-files/HMS/STACK/CER/hcer_histos.def"
-#include "DEF-files/HMS/STACK/CAL/hcal_histos.def"
-#include "DEF-files/HMS/STACK/TRIG/htrig_histos.def"
diff --git a/DEF-files/HMS/STACK/hstackana.def b/DEF-files/HMS/STACK/hstackana.def
deleted file mode 100644
index 9cfee44ba941bd614ad600cf2789d29943974101..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/DEF-files/HMS/STACK/hstackana.def
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,600 +0,0 @@
-# Block Definitions *
-block T.hms.*
-block H.cer.*
-block H.dc.*
-block H.tr.*
-block H.hod.*
-block H.aero.*
-block H.cal.*
-block H.gtr.*
-# HMS Gas Cherenkov *
-# HMS Gas CER GOOD Occupancy and Multiplicity
-TH1F hcer_good_occ 'HMS Cherenkov Good Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Entries' H.cer.numGoodAdcHits 2 0.5 2.5
-TH1F hcer_good_mult 'HMS Cherenkov Good Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good ADC Hits / PMT' H.cer.totNumGoodAdcHits 2 0.5 2.5
-# HMS Gas CER GOOD Pulse Pedestal / Integral / Raw Integral / Amplitude / Time 
-# GOOD --> (passed errorFlag cut and pulsetime cuts oN Min/Max ADC Time Window) 
-TH2F hcer_good_pped_vs_pmt 'HMS Cherenkov Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Units' [I+1] H.cer.goodAdcPed 2 0.5 2.5 400 300 700
-TH2F hcer_good_pi_vs_pmt 'HMS Cherenkov Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1] H.cer.goodAdcPulseInt 2 0.5 2.5 600 0 30000 H.cer.goodAdcPulseInt>0.0
-TH2F hcer_good_pamp_vs_pmt 'HMS Cherenkov Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1] H.cer.goodAdcPulseAmp 2 0.5 2.5 200 0 4000 H.cer.goodAdcPulseAmp>0.0
-TH2F hcer_good_ptime_vs_pmt 'HMS Cherenkov Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1] H.cer.goodAdcPulseTime 2 0.5 2.5 350 0 3500 H.cer.goodAdcPulseTime>0.0
-# HMS Gas CER Number of P.E. / PMT
-TH2F hcer_npe 'HMS Cherenkov Number of Photoelectrons vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Number of Photoelectrons / PMT' [I+1] H.cer.npe 2 0.5 2.5 200 0 100 H.cer.npe>0.0
-TH1F hcer_tot_npe 'HMS Cherenkov Total Number of Photoelectrons; Total Number of Photoelectrons; Number of Entries / 0.5 Photoelectrons' H.cer.npeSum 200 0 100 H.cer.npeSum>0.0
-TH1F hcer_trk_match 'HMS  Gas Cherenkov Track Matches; PMT Number; Number of Tracks Matched' H.cer.numTracksMatched 2 0.5 2.5
-TH1F hcer_trk_fired 'HMS  Gas Cherenkov Tracks Fired; PMT Number; Number of Tracks Fired' H.cer.numTracksFired 2 0.5 2.5
-# HMS 6 GeV Drift Chambers *
-TH1F hdc1x1_wirenum 'HMS DC 1X1 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' H.dc.1x1.wirenum 113 0.5 113.5
-TH1F hdc1y1_wirenum 'HMS DC 1Y1 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' H.dc.1y1.wirenum  52 0.5  52.5
-TH1F hdc1u1_wirenum 'HMS DC 1U1 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' H.dc.1u1.wirenum 107 0.5 107.5
-TH1F hdc1v1_wirenum 'HMS DC 1V1 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' H.dc.1v1.wirenum 107 0.5 107.5
-TH1F hdc1y2_wirenum 'HMS DC 1Y2 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' H.dc.1y2.wirenum  52 0.5  52.5
-TH1F hdc1x2_wirenum 'HMS DC 1X2 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' H.dc.1x2.wirenum 113 0.5 113.5
-TH1F hdc2x1_wirenum 'HMS DC 2X1 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' H.dc.2x1.wirenum 113 0.5 113.5
-TH1F hdc2y1_wirenum 'HMS DC 2Y1 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' H.dc.2y1.wirenum  52 0.5  52.5
-TH1F hdc2u1_wirenum 'HMS DC 2U1 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' H.dc.2u1.wirenum 107 0.5 107.5
-TH1F hdc2v1_wirenum 'HMS DC 2V1 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' H.dc.2v1.wirenum 107 0.5 107.5
-TH1F hdc2y2_wirenum 'HMS DC 2Y2 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' H.dc.2y2.wirenum  52 0.5  52.5
-TH1F hdc2x2_wirenum 'HMS DC 2X2 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' H.dc.2x2.wirenum 113 0.5 113.5
-TH1F hdc1x1_drifttime 'HMS DC 1X1 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' H.dc.1x1.time 400 -50 350
-TH1F hdc1y1_drifttime 'HMS DC 1Y1 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' H.dc.1y1.time 400 -50 350
-TH1F hdc1u1_drifttime 'HMS DC 1U1 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' H.dc.1u1.time 400 -50 350
-TH1F hdc1v1_drifttime 'HMS DC 1V1 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' H.dc.1v1.time 400 -50 350
-TH1F hdc1y2_drifttime 'HMS DC 1Y2 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' H.dc.1y2.time 400 -50 350
-TH1F hdc1x2_drifttime 'HMS DC 1X2 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' H.dc.1x2.time 400 -50 350
-TH1F hdc2x1_drifttime 'HMS DC 2X1 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' H.dc.2x1.time 400 -50 350
-TH1F hdc2y1_drifttime 'HMS DC 2Y1 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' H.dc.2y1.time 400 -50 350
-TH1F hdc2u1_drifttime 'HMS DC 2U1 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' H.dc.2u1.time 400 -50 350
-TH1F hdc2v1_drifttime 'HMS DC 2V1 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' H.dc.2v1.time 400 -50 350
-TH1F hdc2y2_drifttime 'HMS DC 2Y2 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' H.dc.2y2.time 400 -50 350
-TH1F hdc2x2_drifttime 'HMS DC 2X2 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' H.dc.2x2.time 400 -50 350
-TH2F hdc1x1_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'HMS DC 1X1 Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' H.dc.1x1.wirenum H.dc.1x1.time 113 0.5 113.5 600 -100 500
-TH2F hdc1y1_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'HMS DC 1Y1 Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' H.dc.1y1.wirenum H.dc.1y1.time 52  0.5  52.5 600 -100 500
-TH2F hdc1u1_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'HMS DC 1U1 Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' H.dc.1u1.wirenum H.dc.1u1.time 107 0.5 107.5 600 -100 500
-TH2F hdc1v1_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'HMS DC 1V1 Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' H.dc.1v1.wirenum H.dc.1v1.time 107 0.5 107.5 600 -100 500
-TH2F hdc1y2_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'HMS DC 1Y2 Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' H.dc.1y2.wirenum H.dc.1y2.time 52  0.5  52.5 600 -100 500
-TH2F hdc1x2_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'HMS DC 1X2 Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' H.dc.1x2.wirenum H.dc.1x2.time 113 0.5 113.5 600 -100 500
-TH2F hdc2x1_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'HMS DC 2X1 Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' H.dc.2x1.wirenum H.dc.2x1.time 113 0.5 113.5 600 -100 500
-TH2F hdc2y1_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'HMS DC 2Y1 Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' H.dc.2y1.wirenum H.dc.2y1.time 52  0.5  52.5 600 -100 500
-TH2F hdc2u1_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'HMS DC 2U1 Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' H.dc.2u1.wirenum H.dc.2u1.time 107 0.5 107.5 600 -100 500
-TH2F hdc2v1_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'HMS DC 2V1 Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' H.dc.2v1.wirenum H.dc.2v1.time 107 0.5 107.5 600 -100 500
-TH2F hdc2y2_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'HMS DC 2Y2 Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' H.dc.2y2.wirenum H.dc.2y2.time 52  0.5  52.5 600 -100 500
-TH2F hdc2x2_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'HMS DC 2X2 Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' H.dc.2x2.wirenum H.dc.2x2.time 113 0.5 113.5 600 -100 500
-# HMS DC Drift Distance Per Plane 
-TH1F hdc1x1_ddist 'HMS 1X1 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' H.dc.1x1.dist 28 -0.1 0.6
-TH1F hdc1y1_ddist 'HMS 1Y1 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' H.dc.1y1.dist 28 -0.1 0.6
-TH1F hdc1u1_ddist 'HMS 1U1 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' H.dc.1u1.dist 28 -0.1 0.6
-TH1F hdc1v1_ddist 'HMS 1V1 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' H.dc.1v1.dist 28 -0.1 0.6
-TH1F hdc1y2_ddist 'HMS 1Y2 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' H.dc.1y2.dist 28 -0.1 0.6
-TH1F hdc1x2_ddist 'HMS 1X2 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' H.dc.1x2.dist 28 -0.1 0.6
-TH1F hdc2x1_ddist 'HMS 2U2 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' H.dc.2x1.dist 28 -0.1 0.6
-TH1F hdc2y1_ddist 'HMS 2U1 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' H.dc.2y1.dist 28 -0.1 0.6
-TH1F hdc2u1_ddist 'HMS 2X2 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' H.dc.2u1.dist 28 -0.1 0.6
-TH1F hdc2v1_ddist 'HMS 2X1 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' H.dc.2v1.dist 28 -0.1 0.6
-TH1F hdc2y2_ddist 'HMS 2V2 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' H.dc.2y2.dist 28 -0.1 0.6
-TH1F hdc2x2_ddist 'HMS 2V1 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' H.dc.2x2.dist 28 -0.1 0.6
-TH2F hdc1x1_wirenum_vs_ddist 'HMS DC 1X1 Drift Distance vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' H.dc.1x1.wirenum H.dc.1x1.dist 113 0.5 113.5 300 -0.1 0.6
-TH2F hdc1y1_wirenum_vs_ddist 'HMS DC 1Y1 Drift Distance vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' H.dc.1y1.wirenum H.dc.1y1.dist 52  0.5  52.5 300 -0.1 0.6
-TH2F hdc1u1_wirenum_vs_ddist 'HMS DC 1U1 Drift Distance vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' H.dc.1u1.wirenum H.dc.1u1.dist 107 0.5 107.5 300 -0.1 0.6
-TH2F hdc1v1_wirenum_vs_ddist 'HMS DC 1V1 Drift Distance vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' H.dc.1v1.wirenum H.dc.1v1.dist 107 0.5 107.5 300 -0.1 0.6
-TH2F hdc1y2_wirenum_vs_ddist 'HMS DC 1Y2 Drift Distance vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' H.dc.1y2.wirenum H.dc.1y2.dist 52  0.5  52.5 300 -0.1 0.6
-TH2F hdc1x2_wirenum_vs_ddist 'HMS DC 1X2 Drift Distance vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' H.dc.1x2.wirenum H.dc.1x2.dist 113 0.5 113.5 300 -0.1 0.6
-TH2F hdc2x1_wirenum_vs_ddist 'HMS DC 2X1 Drift Distance vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' H.dc.2x1.wirenum H.dc.2x1.dist 113 0.5 113.5 300 -0.1 0.6
-TH2F hdc2y1_wirenum_vs_ddist 'HMS DC 2Y1 Drift Distance vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' H.dc.2y1.wirenum H.dc.2y1.dist 52  0.5  52.5 300 -0.1 0.6
-TH2F hdc2u1_wirenum_vs_ddist 'HMS DC 2U1 Drift Distance vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' H.dc.2u1.wirenum H.dc.2u1.dist 107 0.5 107.5 300 -0.1 0.6
-TH2F hdc2v1_wirenum_vs_ddist 'HMS DC 2V1 Drift Distance vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' H.dc.2v1.wirenum H.dc.2v1.dist 107 0.5 107.5 300 -0.1 0.6
-TH2F hdc2y2_wirenum_vs_ddist 'HMS DC 2Y2 Drift Distance vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' H.dc.2y2.wirenum H.dc.2y2.dist 52  0.5  52.5 300 -0.1 0.6
-TH2F hdc2x2_wirenum_vs_ddist 'HMS DC 2X2 Drift Distance vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' H.dc.2x2.wirenum H.dc.2x2.dist 113 0.5 113.5 300 -0.1 0.6
-TH1F hdc1x1_residuals 'HMS 1X1 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' H.dc.residual[0]  200 -1.0 1.0
-TH1F hdc1y1_residuals 'HMS 1Y1 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' H.dc.residual[1]  200 -1.0 1.0
-TH1F hdc1u1_residuals 'HMS 1U1 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' H.dc.residual[2]  200 -1.0 1.0
-TH1F hdc1v1_residuals 'HMS 1V1 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' H.dc.residual[3]  200 -1.0 1.0
-TH1F hdc1y2_residuals 'HMS 1Y2 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' H.dc.residual[4]  200 -1.0 1.0
-TH1F hdc1x2_residuals 'HMS 1X2 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' H.dc.residual[5]  200 -1.0 1.0
-TH1F hdc2x1_residuals 'HMS 2X1 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' H.dc.residual[6]  200 -1.0 1.0
-TH1F hdc2y1_residuals 'HMS 2Y1 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' H.dc.residual[7]  200 -1.0 1.0
-TH1F hdc2u1_residuals 'HMS 2U1 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' H.dc.residual[8]  200 -1.0 1.0
-TH1F hdc2v1_residuals 'HMS 2V1 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' H.dc.residual[9]  200 -1.0 1.0
-TH1F hdc2y2_residuals 'HMS 2Y2 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' H.dc.residual[10] 200 -1.0 1.0
-TH1F hdc2x2_residuals 'HMS 2X2 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' H.dc.residual[11] 200 -1.0 1.0
-TH1F hdc_trk_mom 'HMS DC Track Momentum; P (GeV); Number of Entires / 10 MeV' H.tr.p 600 0 6
-TH1F hdc_trk_beta 'HMS DC Track Beta; Beta (GeV); Number of Entires' H.tr.beta 300 -1.5 1.5
-TH2F hdc_xfp_vs_yxp 'HMS DC X_{fp} vs Y_{fp}; Y_{fp} (cm) / 1 cm; X_{fp} (cm) / 1 cm' H.dc.y_fp H.dc.x_fp 100 -50 50 100 -50 50
-TH2F hdc_xpfp_vs_ypfp 'HMS DC X'_{fp} vs Y'_{fp}; Y'_{fp} / 0.002 rad; X'_{fp} / 0.002 rad' H.dc.yp_fp H.dc.xp_fp 100 -.1 .1 100 -.1 .1
-TH2F hdc_xfp_vs_ypfp 'HMS DC X_{fp} vs Y'_{fp}; Y'_{fp} / 0.002 rad; X_{fp} / 1 cm'  H.dc.yp_fp H.dc.x_fp 100 -.1 .1 100 -50 50 
-TH2F hdc_xfp_vs_xpfp 'HMS DC X_{fp} vs X'_{fp}; X'_{fp} / 0.002 rad; X_{fp} / 1 cm' H.dc.xp_fp H.dc.x_fp 100 -.1 .1 100 -50 50
-# HMS HODO GOOD ADC Multiplicities 
-TH1F hhodo_1x_good_adc_mult_pos 'HMS 1X+ Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +ADC Hits' H.hod.1x.totNumGoodPosAdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
-TH1F hhodo_1y_good_adc_mult_pos 'HMS 1Y+ Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +ADC Hits' H.hod.1y.totNumGoodPosAdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
-TH1F hhodo_2x_good_adc_mult_pos 'HMS 2X+ Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +ADC Hits' H.hod.2x.totNumGoodPosAdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
-TH1F hhodo_2y_good_adc_mult_pos 'HMS 2Y+ Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +ADC Hits' H.hod.2y.totNumGoodPosAdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
-TH1F hhodo_1x_good_adc_mult_neg 'HMS 1X- Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good -ADC Hits' H.hod.1x.totNumGoodNegAdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
-TH1F hhodo_1y_good_adc_mult_neg 'HMS 1Y- Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good -ADC Hits' H.hod.1y.totNumGoodNegAdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
-TH1F hhodo_2x_good_adc_mult_neg 'HMS 2X- Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good -ADC Hits' H.hod.2x.totNumGoodNegAdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
-TH1F hhodo_2y_good_adc_mult_neg 'HMS 2Y- Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good -ADC Hits' H.hod.2y.totNumGoodNegAdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
-TH1F hhodo_1x_good_adc_mult 'HMS 1X Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good ADC Hits' H.hod.1x.totNumGoodAdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
-TH1F hhodo_1y_good_adc_mult 'HMS 1Y Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good ADC Hits' H.hod.1y.totNumGoodAdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
-TH1F hhodo_2x_good_adc_mult 'HMS 2X Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good ADC Hits' H.hod.2x.totNumGoodAdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
-TH1F hhodo_2y_good_adc_mult 'HMS 2Y Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good ADC Hits' H.hod.2y.totNumGoodAdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
-# HMS HODO Good TDC Multiplicities
-TH1F hhodo_1x_good_tdc_mult_pos 'HMS 1X+ Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +TDC Hits' H.hod.1x.totNumGoodPosTdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
-TH1F hhodo_1y_good_tdc_mult_pos 'HMS 1Y+ Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +TDC Hits' H.hod.1y.totNumGoodPosTdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
-TH1F hhodo_2x_good_tdc_mult_pos 'HMS 2X+ Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +TDC Hits' H.hod.2x.totNumGoodPosTdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
-TH1F hhodo_2y_good_tdc_mult_pos 'HMS 2Y+ Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +TDC Hits' H.hod.2y.totNumGoodPosTdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
-TH1F hhodo_1x_good_tdc_mult_neg 'HMS 1X- Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good -TDC Hits' H.hod.1x.totNumGoodNegTdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
-TH1F hhodo_1y_good_tdc_mult_neg 'HMS 1Y- Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good -TDC Hits' H.hod.1y.totNumGoodNegTdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
-TH1F hhodo_2x_good_tdc_mult_neg 'HMS 2X- Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good -TDC Hits' H.hod.2x.totNumGoodNegTdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
-TH1F hhodo_2y_good_tdc_mult_neg 'HMS 2Y- Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good -TDC Hits' H.hod.2y.totNumGoodNegTdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
-TH1F hhodo_1x_good_tdc_mult 'HMS 1X Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good TDC Hits' H.hod.1x.totNumGoodTdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
-TH1F hhodo_1y_good_tdc_mult 'HMS 1Y Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good TDC Hits' H.hod.1y.totNumGoodTdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
-TH1F hhodo_2x_good_tdc_mult 'HMS 2X Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good TDC Hits' H.hod.2x.totNumGoodTdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
-TH1F hhodo_2y_good_tdc_mult 'HMS 2Y Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good TDC Hits' H.hod.2y.totNumGoodTdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
-TH1F hhodo_1x_good_adc_occ_pos 'HMS 1X+ Good ADC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good +ADC Hits' H.hod.1x.numGoodPosAdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
-TH1F hhodo_1y_good_adc_occ_pos 'HMS 1Y+ Good ADC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good +ADC Hits' H.hod.1y.numGoodPosAdcHits 10 0.5 10.5 
-TH1F hhodo_2x_good_adc_occ_pos 'HMS 2X+ Good ADC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good +ADC Hits' H.hod.2x.numGoodPosAdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
-TH1F hhodo_2y_good_adc_occ_pos 'HMS 2Y+ Good ADC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good +ADC Hits' H.hod.2y.numGoodPosAdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
-TH1F hhodo_1x_good_adc_occ_neg 'HMS 1X- Good ADC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good -ADC Hits' H.hod.1x.numGoodNegAdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
-TH1F hhodo_1y_good_adc_occ_neg 'HMS 1Y- Good ADC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good -ADC Hits' H.hod.1y.numGoodNegAdcHits 10 0.5 10.5 
-TH1F hhodo_2x_good_adc_occ_neg 'HMS 2X- Good ADC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good -ADC Hits' H.hod.2x.numGoodNegAdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
-TH1F hhodo_2y_good_adc_occ_neg 'HMS 2Y- Good ADC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good -ADC Hits' H.hod.2y.numGoodNegAdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
-TH1F hhodo_1x_good_tdc_occ_pos 'HMS 1X+ Good TDC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good +TDC Hits' H.hod.1x.numGoodPosTdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
-TH1F hhodo_1y_good_tdc_occ_pos 'HMS 1Y+ Good TDC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good +TDC Hits' H.hod.1y.numGoodPosTdcHits 10 0.5 10.5 
-TH1F hhodo_2x_good_tdc_occ_pos 'HMS 2X+ Good TDC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good +TDC Hits' H.hod.2x.numGoodPosTdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
-TH1F hhodo_2y_good_tdc_occ_pos 'HMS 2Y+ Good TDC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good +TDC Hits' H.hod.2y.numGoodPosTdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
-TH1F hhodo_1x_good_tdc_occ_neg 'HMS 1X- Good TDC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good -TDC Hits' H.hod.1x.numGoodNegTdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
-TH1F hhodo_1y_good_tdc_occ_neg 'HMS 1Y- Good TDC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good -TDC Hits' H.hod.1y.numGoodNegTdcHits 10 0.5 10.5 
-TH1F hhodo_2x_good_tdc_occ_neg 'HMS 2X- Good TDC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good -TDC Hits' H.hod.2x.numGoodNegTdcHits 16 0.5 16.5
-TH1F hhodo_2y_good_tdc_occ_neg 'HMS 2Y- Good TDC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good -TDC Hits' H.hod.2y.numGoodNegTdcHits 10 0.5 10.5
-TH2F hhodo_1x_good_pped_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 1X+ Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1x.GoodPosAdcPed 16 0.5 16.5 400 300 700 H.hod.1x.GoodPosAdcPed>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_1y_good_pped_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 1Y+ Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1y.GoodPosAdcPed 10 0.5 10.5 400 300 700 H.hod.1y.GoodPosAdcPed>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_2x_good_pped_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 2X+ Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2x.GoodPosAdcPed 16 0.5 16.5 400 300 700 H.hod.2x.GoodPosAdcPed>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_2y_good_pped_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 2Y+ Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2y.GoodPosAdcPed 10 0.5 10.5 400 300 700 H.hod.2y.GoodPosAdcPed>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_1x_good_pped_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 1X- Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1x.GoodNegAdcPed 16 0.5 16.5 400 300 700 H.hod.1x.GoodNegAdcPed>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_1y_good_pped_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 1Y- Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1y.GoodNegAdcPed 10 0.5 10.5 400 300 700 H.hod.1y.GoodNegAdcPed>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_2x_good_pped_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 2X- Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2x.GoodNegAdcPed 16 0.5 16.5 400 300 700 H.hod.2x.GoodNegAdcPed>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_2y_good_pped_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 2Y- Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2y.GoodNegAdcPed 10 0.5 10.5 400 300 700 H.hod.2y.GoodNegAdcPed>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_1x_good_pi_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 1X+ Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.1x.GoodPosAdcPulseInt 16 0.5 16.5 600 0 30000 H.hod.1x.GoodPosAdcPulseInt>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_1y_good_pi_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 1Y+ Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.1y.GoodPosAdcPulseInt 10 0.5 10.5 600 0 30000 H.hod.1y.GoodPosAdcPulseInt>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_2x_good_pi_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 2X+ Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.2x.GoodPosAdcPulseInt 16 0.5 16.5 600 0 30000 H.hod.2x.GoodPosAdcPulseInt>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_2y_good_pi_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 2Y+ Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.2y.GoodPosAdcPulseInt 10 0.5 10.5 600 0 30000 H.hod.2y.GoodPosAdcPulseInt>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_1x_good_pi_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 1X- Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.1x.GoodNegAdcPulseInt 16 0.5 16.5 600 0 30000 H.hod.1x.GoodNegAdcPulseInt>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_1y_good_pi_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 1Y- Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.1y.GoodNegAdcPulseInt 10 0.5 10.5 600 0 30000 H.hod.1y.GoodNegAdcPulseInt>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_2x_good_pi_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 2X- Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.2x.GoodNegAdcPulseInt 16 0.5 16.5 600 0 30000 H.hod.2x.GoodNegAdcPulseInt>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_2y_good_pi_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 2Y- Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.2y.GoodNegAdcPulseInt 10 0.5 10.5 600 0 30000 H.hod.2y.GoodNegAdcPulseInt>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_1x_good_pamp_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 1X+ Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.1x.GoodPosAdcPulseAmp 16 0.5 16.5 205 0 4100 H.hod.1x.GoodPosAdcPulseAmp>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_1y_good_pamp_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 1Y+ Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.1y.GoodPosAdcPulseAmp 10 0.5 10.5 205 0 4100 H.hod.1y.GoodPosAdcPulseAmp>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_2x_good_pamp_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 2X+ Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.2x.GoodPosAdcPulseAmp 16 0.5 16.5 205 0 4100 H.hod.2x.GoodPosAdcPulseAmp>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_2y_good_pamp_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 2Y+ Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.2y.GoodPosAdcPulseAmp 10 0.5 10.5 205 0 4100 H.hod.2y.GoodPosAdcPulseAmp>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_1x_good_pamp_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 1X- Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.1x.GoodNegAdcPulseAmp 16 0.5 16.5 205 0 4100 H.hod.1x.GoodNegAdcPulseAmp>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_1y_good_pamp_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 1Y- Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.1y.GoodNegAdcPulseAmp 10 0.5 10.5 205 0 4100 H.hod.1y.GoodNegAdcPulseAmp>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_2x_good_pamp_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 2X- Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.2x.GoodNegAdcPulseAmp 16 0.5 16.5 205 0 4100 H.hod.2x.GoodNegAdcPulseAmp>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_2y_good_pamp_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 2Y- Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.2y.GoodNegAdcPulseAmp 10 0.5 10.5 205 0 4100 H.hod.2y.GoodNegAdcPulseAmp>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_1x_good_ptime_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 1X+ Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.1x.GoodPosAdcPulseTime 16 0.5 16.5 410 0 4100 H.hod.1x.GoodPosAdcPulseTime>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_1y_good_ptime_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 1Y+ Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.1y.GoodPosAdcPulseTime 10 0.5 10.5 410 0 4100 H.hod.1y.GoodPosAdcPulseTime>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_2x_good_ptime_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 2X+ Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.2x.GoodPosAdcPulseTime 16 0.5 16.5 410 0 4100 H.hod.2x.GoodPosAdcPulseTime>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_2y_good_ptime_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 2Y+ Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.2y.GoodPosAdcPulseTime 10 0.5 10.5 410 0 4100 H.hod.2y.GoodPosAdcPulseTime>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_1x_good_ptime_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 1X- Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.1x.GoodNegAdcPulseTime 16 0.5 16.5 410 0 4100 H.hod.1x.GoodNegAdcPulseTime>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_1y_good_ptime_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 1Y- Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.1y.GoodNegAdcPulseTime 10 0.5 10.5 410 0 4100 H.hod.1y.GoodNegAdcPulseTime>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_2x_good_ptime_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 2X- Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.2x.GoodNegAdcPulseTime 16 0.5 16.5 410 0 4100 H.hod.2x.GoodNegAdcPulseTime>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_2y_good_ptime_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 2Y- Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1]  H.hod.2y.GoodNegAdcPulseTime 10 0.5 10.5 410 0 4100 H.hod.2y.GoodNegAdcPulseTime>0.0
-# HMS HODO Good TDC TIME UNCORRECTED (uncorrected for time offsets)
-TH2F hhodo_1x_good_tdctime_uncorr_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 1X+ Good Uncorrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Uncorrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1x.GoodPosTdcTimeUnCorr 16 0.5 16.5 120 0 120 H.hod.1x.GoodPosTdcTimeUnCorr>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_1y_good_tdctime_uncorr_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 1Y+ Good Uncorrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Uncorrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1y.GoodPosTdcTimeUnCorr 10 0.5 10.5 120 0 120 H.hod.1y.GoodPosTdcTimeUnCorr>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_2x_good_tdctime_uncorr_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 2X+ Good Uncorrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Uncorrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2x.GoodPosTdcTimeUnCorr 16 0.5 16.5 120 0 120 H.hod.2x.GoodPosTdcTimeUnCorr>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_2y_good_tdctime_uncorr_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 2Y+ Good Uncorrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Uncorrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2y.GoodPosTdcTimeUnCorr 10 0.5 10.5 120 0 120 H.hod.2y.GoodPosTdcTimeUnCorr>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_1x_good_tdctime_uncorr_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 1X- Good Uncorrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Uncorrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1x.GoodNegTdcTimeUnCorr 16 0.5 16.5 120 0 120 H.hod.1x.GoodNegTdcTimeUnCorr>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_1y_good_tdctime_uncorr_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 1Y- Good Uncorrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Uncorrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1y.GoodNegTdcTimeUnCorr 10 0.5 10.5 120 0 120 H.hod.1y.GoodNegTdcTimeUnCorr>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_2x_good_tdctime_uncorr_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 2X- Good Uncorrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Uncorrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2x.GoodNegTdcTimeUnCorr 16 0.5 16.5 120 0 120 H.hod.2x.GoodNegTdcTimeUnCorr>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_2y_good_tdctime_uncorr_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 2Y- Good Uncorrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Uncorrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2y.GoodNegTdcTimeUnCorr 10 0.5 10.5 120 0 120 H.hod.2y.GoodNegTdcTimeUnCorr>0.0
-# HMS HODO Good TDC TIME CORRECTED (corrected for time offsets)
-TH2F hhodo_1x_good_tdctime_corr_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 1X+ Good Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1x.GoodPosTdcTimeCorr 16 0.5 16.5 120 0 120 H.hod.1x.GoodPosTdcTimeCorr>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_1y_good_tdctime_corr_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 1Y+ Good Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1y.GoodPosTdcTimeCorr 10 0.5 10.5 120 0 120 H.hod.1y.GoodPosTdcTimeCorr>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_2x_good_tdctime_corr_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 2X+ Good Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2x.GoodPosTdcTimeCorr 16 0.5 16.5 120 0 120 H.hod.2x.GoodPosTdcTimeCorr>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_2y_good_tdctime_corr_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 2Y+ Good Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2y.GoodPosTdcTimeCorr 10 0.5 10.5 120 0 120 H.hod.2y.GoodPosTdcTimeCorr>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_1x_good_tdctime_corr_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 1X- Good Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1x.GoodNegTdcTimeCorr 16 0.5 16.5 120 0 120 H.hod.1x.GoodNegTdcTimeCorr>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_1y_good_tdctime_corr_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 1Y- Good Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1y.GoodNegTdcTimeCorr 10 0.5 10.5 120 0 120 H.hod.1y.GoodNegTdcTimeCorr>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_2x_good_tdctime_corr_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 2X- Good Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2x.GoodNegTdcTimeCorr 16 0.5 16.5 120 0 120 H.hod.2x.GoodNegTdcTimeCorr>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_2y_good_tdctime_corr_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 2Y- Good Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2y.GoodNegTdcTimeCorr 10 0.5 10.5 120 0 120 H.hod.2y.GoodNegTdcTimeCorr>0.0
-# HMS HODO Good TDC TIME TOF CORRECTED (corrected for time of flight) 
-TH2F hhodo_1x_good_tdctime_tofcorr_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 1X+ Good TOF Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good TOF Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1x.GoodPosTdcTimeTOFCorr 16 0.5 16.5 120 0 120 H.hod.1x.GoodPosTdcTimeTOFCorr>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_1y_good_tdctime_tofcorr_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 1Y+ Good TOF Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good TOF Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1y.GoodPosTdcTimeTOFCorr 10 0.5 10.5 120 0 120 H.hod.1y.GoodPosTdcTimeTOFCorr>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_2x_good_tdctime_tofcorr_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 2X+ Good TOF Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good TOF Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2x.GoodPosTdcTimeTOFCorr 16 0.5 16.5 120 0 120 H.hod.2x.GoodPosTdcTimeTOFCorr>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_2y_good_tdctime_tofcorr_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS 2Y+ Good TOF Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good TOF Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2y.GoodPosTdcTimeTOFCorr 10 0.5 10.5 120 0 120 H.hod.2y.GoodPosTdcTimeTOFCorr>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_1x_good_tdctime_tofcorr_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 1X- Good TOF Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good TOF Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1x.GoodNegTdcTimeTOFCorr 16 0.5 16.5 120 0 120 H.hod.1x.GoodNegTdcTimeTOFCorr>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_1y_good_tdctime_tofcorr_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 1Y- Good TOF Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good TOF Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.1y.GoodNegTdcTimeTOFCorr 10 0.5 10.5 120 0 120 H.hod.1y.GoodNegTdcTimeTOFCorr>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_2x_good_tdctime_tofcorr_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 2X- Good TOF Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good TOF Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2x.GoodNegTdcTimeTOFCorr 16 0.5 16.5 120 0 120 H.hod.2x.GoodNegTdcTimeTOFCorr>0.0
-TH2F hhodo_2y_good_tdctime_tofcorr_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS 2Y- Good TOF Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good TOF Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  H.hod.2y.GoodNegTdcTimeTOFCorr 10 0.5 10.5 120 0 120 H.hod.2y.GoodNegTdcTimeTOFCorr>0.0
-TH1F hhodo_beta_notrack 'HMS Hodo Calculated Beta Without Track Info; Beta; Number of Entries / 0.02' H.hod.betanotrack 100 0 2.0 H.hod.betanotrack>0.0
-TH1F hhodo_beta 'HMS Hodo Beta; Beta; Number of Entries / 0.02' H.hod.beta 100 0 2.0 H.hod.beta>0.0
-TH1F hhodo_fpHitsTime 'HMS Hodo Focal Plane Time; Focal Plane Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' H.hod.fpHitsTime 90 0 90 
-TH1F hhodo_starttime 'HMS Hodo Start Time; Start Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1ns' H.hod.starttime 90 0 90
-TH1F hhodo_good_startime 'HMS Hodo Good Start Time (ns); Good Start Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1ns' H.hod.goodstarttime 90 0 90
-TH2F hhodo_xhod_vs_yhod 'HMS Hodo Projected X vs. Y; Y_hodo(cm) / 1mm; X_hodo(cm) / 1mm' H.hod.y_hodo H.hod.x_hodo 1000 -50 50 1000 -50 50
-# HMS CAL Good Occupancy
-TH1F hcal_hA_good_occ_pos 'HMS hA+ Good Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Entries' H.cal.1pr.numGoodPosAdcHits 13 0.5 13.5  
-TH1F hcal_hA_good_occ_neg 'HMS hA- Good Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Entries' H.cal.1pr.numGoodNegAdcHits 13 0.5 13.5 
-TH1F hcal_hB_good_occ_pos 'HMS hB+ Good Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Entries' H.cal.2ta.numGoodPosAdcHits 13 0.5 13.5
-TH1F hcal_hB_good_occ_neg 'HMS hB- Good Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Entries' H.cal.2ta.numGoodNegAdcHits 13 0.5 13.5 
-TH1F hcal_hC_good_occ_pos 'HMS hC+ Good Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Entries' H.cal.3ta.numGoodPosAdcHits 13 0.5 13.5 
-TH1F hcal_hD_good_occ_pos 'HMS hD+ Good Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Entries' H.cal.4ta.numGoodPosAdcHits 13 0.5 13.5 
-# HMS CAL Good Multiplicity
-TH1F hcal_hA_good_mult_pos 'HMS hA+ Good Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +ADC Hits / PMT' H.cal.1pr.totNumGoodPosAdcHits 13 0.5 13.5
-TH1F hcal_hA_good_mult_neg 'HMS hA- Good Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good -ADC Hits / PMT' H.cal.1pr.totNumGoodNegAdcHits 13 0.5 13.5
-TH1F hcal_hA_good_mult 'HMS hA Good Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good ADC Hits / PMT' H.cal.1pr.totnumGoodAdcHits 26 0.5 26.5
-TH1F hcal_hB_good_mult_pos 'HMS hB+ Good Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +ADC Hits / PMT' H.cal.2ta.totNumGoodPosAdcHits 13 0.5 13.5
-TH1F hcal_hB_good_mult_neg 'HMS hB- Good Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good -ADC Hits / PMT' H.cal.2ta.totNumGoodNegAdcHits 13 0.5 13.5
-TH1F hcal_hB_good_mult 'HMS hB Good Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good ADC Hits / PMT' H.cal.2ta.totnumGoodAdcHits 26 0.5 26.5
-TH1F hcal_hC_good_mult_pos 'HMS hC+ Good Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +ADC Hits / PMT' H.cal.3ta.totNumGoodPosAdcHits 13 0.5 13.5
-TH1F hcal_hD_good_mult_pos 'HMS hD+ Good Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +ADC Hits / PMT' H.cal.4ta.totNumGoodPosAdcHits 13 0.5 13.5
-# HMS CAL Good Pulse Pedestals 
-TH2F hcal_hA_good_pped_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hA+ Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Units' [I+1] H.cal.1pr.goodPosAdcPed 13 0.5 13.5 400 300 700 H.cal.1pr.goodPosAdcPed>0.0
-TH2F hcal_hA_good_pped_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS hA- Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Units' [I+1] H.cal.1pr.goodNegAdcPed 13 0.5 13.5 400 300 700 H.cal.1pr.goodNegAdcPed>0.0
-TH2F hcal_hB_good_pped_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hB+ Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Units' [I+1] H.cal.2ta.goodPosAdcPed 13 0.5 13.5 400 300 700 H.cal.2ta.goodPosAdcPed>0.0
-TH2F hcal_hB_good_pped_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS hB- Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Units' [I+1] H.cal.2ta.goodNegAdcPed 13 0.5 13.5 400 300 700 H.cal.2ta.goodNegAdcPed>0.0
-TH2F hcal_hC_good_pped_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hC+ Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Units' [I+1] H.cal.3ta.goodPosAdcPed 13 0.5 13.5 400 300 700 H.cal.3ta.goodPosAdcPed>0.0
-TH2F hcal_hD_good_pped_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hD+ Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Units' [I+1] H.cal.4ta.goodPosAdcPed 13 0.5 13.5 400 300 700 H.cal.4ta.goodPosAdcPed>0.0
-# HMS CAL Good Pulse Integrals 
-TH2F hcal_hA_good_pi_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hA+ Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1] H.cal.1pr.goodPosAdcPulseInt 13 0.5 13.5 600 0 30000 H.cal.1pr.goodPosAdcPulseInt>0.0
-TH2F hcal_hA_good_pi_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS hA- Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1] H.cal.1pr.goodNegAdcPulseInt 13 0.5 13.5 600 0 30000 H.cal.1pr.goodNegAdcPulseInt>0.0
-TH2F hcal_hB_good_pi_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hB+ Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1] H.cal.2ta.goodPosAdcPulseInt 13 0.5 13.5 600 0 30000 H.cal.2ta.goodPosAdcPulseInt>0.0
-TH2F hcal_hB_good_pi_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS hB- Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1] H.cal.2ta.goodNegAdcPulseInt 13 0.5 13.5 600 0 30000 H.cal.2ta.goodNegAdcPulseInt>0.0
-TH2F hcal_hC_good_pi_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hC+ Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1] H.cal.3ta.goodPosAdcPulseInt 13 0.5 13.5 600 0 30000 H.cal.3ta.goodPosAdcPulseInt>0.0
-TH2F hcal_hD_good_pi_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hD+ Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1] H.cal.4ta.goodPosAdcPulseInt 13 0.5 13.5 600 0 30000 H.cal.4ta.goodPosAdcPulseInt>0.0
-# HMS CAL Good Pulse Amplitudes 
-TH2F hcal_hA_good_pamp_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hA+ Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1] H.cal.1pr.goodPosAdcPulseAmp 13 0.5 13.5 200 0 4000 H.cal.1pr.goodPosAdcPulseAmp>0.0
-TH2F hcal_hA_good_pamp_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS hA- Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1] H.cal.1pr.goodNegAdcPulseAmp 13 0.5 13.5 200 0 4000 H.cal.1pr.goodNegAdcPulseAmp>0.0
-TH2F hcal_hB_good_pamp_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hB+ Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1] H.cal.2ta.goodPosAdcPulseAmp 13 0.5 13.5 200 0 4000 H.cal.2ta.goodPosAdcPulseAmp>0.0
-TH2F hcal_hB_good_pamp_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS hB- Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1] H.cal.2ta.goodNegAdcPulseAmp 13 0.5 13.5 200 0 4000 H.cal.2ta.goodNegAdcPulseAmp>0.0
-TH2F hcal_hC_good_pamp_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hC+ Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1] H.cal.3ta.goodPosAdcPulseAmp 13 0.5 13.5 200 0 4000 H.cal.3ta.goodPosAdcPulseAmp>0.0
-TH2F hcal_hD_good_pamp_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hD+ Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1] H.cal.4ta.goodPosAdcPulseAmp 13 0.5 13.5 200 0 4000 H.cal.4ta.goodPosAdcPulseAmp>0.0
-# HMS CAL Good Pulse Times
-TH2F hcal_hA_good_ptime_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hA+ Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1] H.cal.1pr.goodPosAdcPulseTime 13 0.5 13.5 350 0 3500 H.cal.1pr.goodPosAdcPulseTime>0.0
-TH2F hcal_hA_good_ptime_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS hA- Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1] H.cal.1pr.goodNegAdcPulseTime 13 0.5 13.5 350 0 3500 H.cal.1pr.goodNegAdcPulseTime>0.0
-TH2F hcal_hB_good_ptime_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hB+ Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1] H.cal.2ta.goodPosAdcPulseTime 13 0.5 13.5 350 0 3500 H.cal.2ta.goodPosAdcPulseTime>0.0
-TH2F hcal_hB_good_ptime_vs_pmt_neg 'HMS hB- Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1] H.cal.2ta.goodNegAdcPulseTime 13 0.5 13.5 350 0 3500 H.cal.2ta.goodNegAdcPulseTime>0.0
-TH2F hcal_hC_good_ptime_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hC+ Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1] H.cal.3ta.goodPosAdcPulseTime 13 0.5 13.5 350 0 3500 H.cal.3ta.goodPosAdcPulseTime>0.0
-TH2F hcal_hD_good_ptime_vs_pmt_pos 'HMS hD+ Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1] H.cal.4ta.goodPosAdcPulseTime 13 0.5 13.5 350 0 3500 H.cal.4ta.goodPosAdcPulseTime>0.0
-# (calib consts (GAIN) are in GeV/ADC units )
-TH2F hA_Epos_vs_pmt 'HMS hA+ Energy Deposition vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Energy Deposition (0.01 GeV / ADC Units)' [I+1] H.cal.1pr.epos 13 0.5 13.5 200 0 2 H.cal.1pr.epos>0.0
-TH2F hA_Eneg_vs_pmt 'HMS hA- Energy Deposition vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Energy Deposition (0.01 GeV / ADC Units)' [I+1] H.cal.1pr.eneg 13 0.5 13.5 200 0 2 H.cal.1pr.eneg>0.0
-TH2F hA_Emean_vs_pmt 'HMS hA Mean Energy Deposition vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Mean Energy Deposition (0.01 GeV / ADC Units)' [I+1] H.cal.1pr.emean 13 0.5 13.5 300 0 3 H.cal.1pr.emean>0.0
-TH2F hB_Epos_vs_pmt 'HMS hB+ Energy Deposition vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Energy Deposition (0.01 GeV / ADC Units)' [I+1] H.cal.2ta.epos 13 0.5 13.5 200 0 2 H.cal.2ta.epos>0.0
-TH2F hB_Eneg_vs_pmt 'HMS hB- Energy Deposition vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Energy Deposition (0.01 GeV / ADC Units)' [I+1] H.cal.2ta.eneg 13 0.5 13.5 200 0 2 H.cal.2ta.eneg>0.0
-TH2F hB_Emean_vs_pmt 'HMS hB Mean Energy Deposition vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Mean Energy Deposition (0.01 GeV / ADC Units)' [I+1] H.cal.2ta.emean 13 0.5 13.5 300 0 3 H.cal.2ta.emean>0.0
-TH2F hC_Epos_vs_pmt 'HMS hC+ Energy Deposition vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Energy Deposition (0.01 GeV / ADC Units)' [I+1] H.cal.3ta.epos 13 0.5 13.5 200 0 2 H.cal.3ta.epos>0.0
-TH2F hD_Epos_vs_pmt 'HMS hD+ Energy Deposition vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Energy Deposition (0.01 GeV / ADC Units)' [I+1] H.cal.4ta.epos 13 0.5 13.5 200 0 2 H.cal.4ta.epos>0.0
-TH1F hcal_hA_Eplane_pos 'HMS hA+ Energy Deposition; Energy Deposition (GeV); Number of Entries / 0.01 GeV' H.cal.1pr.eplane_pos 200 0 2 H.cal.1pr.eplane_pos>0.0
-TH1F hcal_hA_Eplane_neg 'HMS hA- Energy Deposition; Energy Deposition (GeV); Number of Entries / 0.01 GeV' H.cal.1pr.eplane_neg 200 0 2 H.cal.1pr.eplane_neg>0.0
-TH1F hcal_hA_Eplane 'HMS hA Total Energy Deposition; Total Energy Deposition (GeV); Number of Entries / 0.01 GeV' H.cal.1pr.eplane 300 0 3 H.cal.1pr.eplane>0.0
-TH1F hcal_hB_Eplane_pos 'HMS hB+ Energy Deposition; Energy Deposition (GeV); Number of Entries / 0.01 GeV' H.cal.2ta.eplane_pos 200 0 2 H.cal.2ta.eplane_pos>0.0
-TH1F hcal_hB_Eplane_neg 'HMS hB- Energy Deposition; Energy Deposition (GeV); Number of Entries / 0.01 GeV' H.cal.2ta.eplane_neg 200 0 2 H.cal.2ta.eplane_neg>0.0
-TH1F hcal_hB_Eplane 'HMS hB Total Energy Deposition; Total Energy Deposition (GeV); Number of Entries / 0.01 GeV' H.cal.2ta.eplane 300 0 3 H.cal.2ta.eplane>0.0
-TH1F hcal_hC_Eplane_pos 'HMS hC+ Energy Deposition; Energy Deposition (GeV); Number of Entries / 0.01 GeV' H.cal.3ta.eplane_pos 200 0 2 H.cal.3ta.eplane_pos>0.0
-TH1F hcal_hD_Eplane_pos 'HMS hD+ Energy Deposition; Energy Deposition (GeV); Number of Entries / 0.01 GeV' H.cal.4ta.eplane_pos 200 0 2 H.cal.4ta.eplane_pos>0.0
-# Trigger Apparatus *
-# HMS Raw Hodo TRIG TDC Time
-TH1F htrig_h1x_tdc 'HMS h1X TDC Time; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.h1X_tdcTimeRaw 1500 0 1500
-TH1F htrig_h1y_tdc 'HMS h1Y TDC Time; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.h1Y_tdcTimeRaw 1500 0 1500
-TH1F htrig_h2x_tdc 'HMS h2X TDC Time; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.h2X_tdcTimeRaw 1500 0 1500
-TH1F htrig_h2y_tdc 'HMS h2Y TDC Time; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.h2Y_tdcTimeRaw 1500 0 1500
-TH1F htrig_h1T_tdc 'HMS h1X/h1Y Coincidence TDC Time; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.h1T_tdcTimeRaw 1500 0 1500
-TH1F htrig_h2T_tdc 'HMS h2X/h2Y Coincidence TDC Time; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.h2T_tdcTimeRaw 1500 0 1500
-TH1F htrig_hT1_tdc 'HMS h1X/h1Y/h2X/h2Y Coincidence TDC Time (Slot 2); Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hT1_tdcTimeRaw 1500 0 1500
-TH1F htrig_hT2_tdc 'HMS h1X/h1Y/h2X/h2Y Coincidence TDC Time (Slot 20); Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hT2_tdcTimeRaw 1500 0 1500
-# HMS Raw DC Reference Time
-TH1F htrig_hdc_ref1 'HMS DC Reference Time 1; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hDCREF1_tdcTimeRaw 15000 0 15000
-TH1F htrig_hdc_ref2 'HMS DC Reference Time 2; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hDCREF2_tdcTimeRaw 15000 0 15000
-TH1F htrig_hdc_ref3 'HMS DC Reference Time 3; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hDCREF3_tdcTimeRaw 15000 0 15000
-TH1F htrig_hdc_ref4 'HMS DC Reference Time 4; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hDCREF4_tdcTimeRaw 15000 0 15000
-TH1F hdc_refdiff_1m2 'HDC Reference time 1 minus 2; TDC Time (Clicks); Number of Entries / 1 click' T.hms.hDCREF1_tdcTime-T.hms.hDCREF2_tdcTime 2000 -1000 1000
-TH1F hdc_refdiff_1m3 'HDC Reference time 1 minus 3; TDC Time (Clicks); Number of Entries / 1 click' T.hms.hDCREF1_tdcTime-T.hms.hDCREF3_tdcTime 2000 -1000 1000
-TH1F hdc_refdiff_1m4 'HDC Reference time 1 minus 4; TDC Time (Clicks); Number of Entries / 1 click' T.hms.hDCREF1_tdcTime-T.hms.hDCREF4_tdcTime 2000 -1000 1000
-TH1F hdc_refdiff_2m3 'HDC Reference time 2 minus 3; TDC Time (Clicks); Number of Entries / 1 click' T.hms.hDCREF2_tdcTime-T.hms.hDCREF3_tdcTime 2000 -1000 1000
-TH1F hdc_refdiff_2m4 'HDC Reference time 2 minus 4; TDC Time (Clicks); Number of Entries / 1 click' T.hms.hDCREF2_tdcTime-T.hms.hDCREF4_tdcTime 2000 -1000 1000
-TH1F hdc_refdiff_3m4 'HDC Reference time 3 minus 4; TDC Time (Clicks); Number of Entries / 1 click' T.hms.hDCREF3_tdcTime-T.hms.hDCREF4_tdcTime 2000 -1000 1000
-# HMS Calo Layers TRIG Pulse Profile
-TH1F htrig_hasum_adc_pped 'HMS hAsum Pulse Pedestal;  Pulse Pedestal (ADC Units); Counts / 1 ADC Units;' T.hms.hASUM_adcPed 5000 0 5000
-TH1F htrig_hasum_adc_pi 'HMS hAsum Pulse Integral;  Pulse Integral (ADC Units); Counts / 50 ADC Units;' T.hms.hASUM_adcPulseInt 800 0 40000
-TH1F htrig_hasum_adc_pamp 'HMS hAsum Pulse Amplitude;  Pulse Amplitude (ADC Units); Counts / 20 ADC Units;' T.hms.hASUM_adcPulseAmp 205 0 4100
-TH1F htrig_hasum_tdc 'HMS hAsum TDC Time;  TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hASUM_tdcTime 4000 0 40000
-TH1F htrig_hbsum_adc_pped 'HMS hBsum Pulse Pedestal;  Pulse Pedestal (ADC Units); Counts / 1 ADC Units;' T.hms.hBSUM_adcPed 5000 0 5000
-TH1F htrig_hbsum_adc_pi 'HMS hBsum Pulse Integral;  Pulse Integral (ADC Units); Counts / 50 ADC Units;' T.hms.hBSUM_adcPulseInt 800 0 40000
-TH1F htrig_hbsum_adc_pamp 'HMS hBsum Pulse Amplitude;  Pulse Amplitude (ADC Units); Counts / 20 ADC Units;' T.hms.hBSUM_adcPulseAmp 205 0 4100
-TH1F htrig_hbsum_tdc 'HMS hBsum TDC Time;  TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hBSUM_tdcTime 4000 0 40000
-TH1F htrig_hcsum_adc_pped 'HMS hCsum Pulse Pedestal;  Pulse Pedestal (ADC Units); Counts / 1 ADC Units;' T.hms.hCSUM_adcPed 5000 0 5000
-TH1F htrig_hcsum_adc_pi 'HMS hCsum Pulse Integral;  Pulse Integral (ADC Units); Counts / 50 ADC Units;' T.hms.hCSUM_adcPulseInt 800 0 40000
-TH1F htrig_hcsum_adc_pamp 'HMS hCsum Pulse Amplitude;  Pulse Amplitude (ADC Units); Counts / 20 ADC Units;' T.hms.hCSUM_adcPulseAmp 205 0 4100
-TH1F htrig_hcsum_tdc 'HMS hCsum TDC Time;  TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hCSUM_tdcTime 4000 0 40000
-TH1F htrig_hdsum_adc_pped 'HMS hDsum Pulse Pedestal;  Pulse Pedestal (ADC Units); Counts / 1 ADC Units;' T.hms.hDSUM_adcPed 5000 0 5000
-TH1F htrig_hdsum_adc_pi 'HMS hDsum Pulse Integral;  Pulse Integral (ADC Units); Counts / 50 ADC Units;' T.hms.hDSUM_adcPulseInt 800 0 40000
-TH1F htrig_hdsum_adc_pamp 'HMS hDsum Pulse Amplitude;  Pulse Amplitude (ADC Units); Counts / 20 ADC Units;' T.hms.hDSUM_adcPulseAmp 205 0 4100
-TH1F htrig_hdsum_tdc 'HMS hDsum TDC Time;  TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hDSUM_tdcTime 4000 0 40000
-# HMS PreShower TRIG Pulse Profile
-TH1F htrig_hpreShwr_adc_pped 'HMS Pre-Shower Pulse Pedestal;  Pulse Pedestal (ADC Units); Counts / 1 ADC Units;' T.hms.hPSHWR_adcPed 5000 0 5000
-TH1F htrig_hpreShwr_adc_pi 'HMS Pre-Shower Pulse Integral;  Pulse Integral (ADC Units); Counts / 50 ADC Units;' T.hms.hPSHWR_adcPulseInt 800 0 40000
-TH1F htrig_hpreShwr_adc_pamp 'HMS Pre-Shower Pulse Amplitude;  Pulse Amplitude (ADC Units); Counts / 20 ADC Units;' T.hms.hPSHWR_adcPulseAmp 205 0 4100
-# HMS PreShower TRIG LOW/HIGH  
-TH1F htrig_hpreShwrLow_tdc 'HMS hpreShwrLow TDC Time; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hPRLO_tdcTimeRaw 4000 0 40000
-TH1F htrig_hpreShwrHigh_tdc 'HMS hpreShwrHigh TDC Time; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hPRHI_tdcTimeRaw 4000 0 40000
-# HMS Shower TRIG Pulse Profile
-TH1F htrig_hshwr_adc_pped 'HMS Shower Pulse Pedestal;  Pulse Pedestal (ADC Units); Counts / 1 ADC Units;' T.hms.hSHWR_adcPed 5000 0 5000
-TH1F htrig_hshwr_adc_pi 'HMS Shower Pulse Integral;  Pulse Integral (ADC Units); Counts / 50 ADC Units;' T.hms.hSHWR_adcPulseInt 800 0 40000
-TH1F htrig_hshwr_adc_pamp 'HMS Shower Pulse Amplitude;  Pulse Amplitude (ADC Units); Counts / 20 ADC Units;' T.hms.hSHWR_adcPulseAmp 205 0 4100
-TH1F htrig_hshwr_tdc 'HMS Shower TDC Time;  TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hSHWR_tdcTime 4000 0 40000
-# HMS Gas Cherenkov TRIG Pulse Profile
-TH1F htrig_hcersum_adc_pped 'HMS Cherenkov Sum Pulse Pedestal;  Pulse Pedestal (ADC Units); Counts / 1 ADC Units;' T.hms.hCER_adcPed 5000 0 5000
-TH1F htrig_hcersum_adc_pi 'HMS Cherenkov Sum Pulse Integral;  Pulse Integral (ADC Units); Counts / 50 ADC Units;' T.hms.hCER_adcPulseInt 800 0 40000
-TH1F htrig_hcersum_adc_pamp 'HMS Cherenkov Sum Pulse Amplitude;  Pulse Amplitude (ADC Units); Counts / 20 ADC Units;' T.hms.hCER_adcPulseAmp 205 0 4100
-TH1F htrig_hcersum_tdc 'HMS Cherenkov Sum TDC Time;  TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hCER_tdcTime 4000 0 40000
-# HMS Aerogel TRIG Pulse Profile
-TH1F htrig_haersum_adc_pped 'HMS Aerogel Sum Pulse Pedestal;  Pulse Pedestal (ADC Units); Counts / 1 ADC Units;' T.hms.hAER_adcPed 5000 0 5000
-TH1F htrig_haersum_adc_pi 'HMS Aerogel Sum Pulse Integral;  Pulse Integral (ADC Units); Counts / 50 ADC Units;' T.hms.hAER_adcPulseInt 800 0 40000
-TH1F htrig_haersum_adc_pamp 'HMS Aerogel Sum Pulse Amplitude;  Pulse Amplitude (ADC Units); Counts / 20 ADC Units;' T.hms.hAER_adcPulseAmp 205 0 4100
-TH1F htrig_haersum_tdc 'HMS Aerogel Sum TDC Time;  TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units;' T.hms.hAER_tdcTime 4000 0 40000
-# Fast Raster 
-# Assume FADC range is set to 1V and the integration is 25 channels
-# Offset in the FADC is about 0.122V or 500 channels.
-formula FRXA_V T.hms.hFRXA_adcPulseIntRaw*(1./4096.)/25.
-formula FRXB_V T.hms.hFRXB_adcPulseIntRaw*(1./4096.)/25.
-formula FRYA_V T.hms.hFRYA_adcPulseIntRaw*(1./4096.)/25.
-formula FRYB_V T.hms.hFRYB_adcPulseIntRaw*(1./4096.)/25.
-TH1F hFRXA 'HMS FRXA; FRXA RAW ADC (chan); Counts' T.hms.hFRXA_adcPulseIntRaw 1000 0 100000
-TH1F hFRXA_V 'HMS FRXA; FRXA RAW ADC (Volts); Counts' FRXA_V 1000 0 1.0
-TH1F hFRXB 'HMS FRXB; FRXB RAW ADC (chan); Counts' T.hms.hFRXB_adcPulseIntRaw 1000 0 100000
-TH1F hFRXB_V 'HMS FRXB; FRXB RAW ADC (Volts); Counts' FRXB_V 1000 0 1.0
-TH1F hFRYA 'HMS FRYA; FRYA RAW ADC (chan); Counts' T.hms.hFRYA_adcPulseIntRaw 1000 0 100000
-TH1F hFRYA_V 'HMS FRYA; FRYA RAW ADC (Volts); Counts' FRYA_V 1000 0 1.0
-TH1F hFRYB 'HMS FRYB; FRYB RAW ADC (chan); Counts' T.hms.hFRYB_adcPulseIntRaw 1000 0 100000
-TH1F hFRYB_V 'HMS FRYB; FRYB RAW ADC (Volts); Counts' FRYB_V 1000 0 1.0
-TH2F hFRA_XvsY 'HMSFRA_XvsY; FRXA RAW ADC (Volts); FRYA RAW ADC (Volts)' FRXA_V FRYA_V 1000 0 1.0 1000 0 1.0
-TH2F hFRB_XvsY 'HMSFRB_XvsY; FRXB RAW ADC (Volts); FRYB RAW ADC (Volts)' FRXB_V FRYB_V 1000 0 1.0 1000 0 1.0
diff --git a/DEF-files/HMS/STACK/hstackana_6gev_cuts.def b/DEF-files/HMS/STACK/hstackana_6gev_cuts.def
deleted file mode 100644
index 4fd8c8844c02f14f8ae0b9a3ed7e275e422c1f2d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/DEF-files/HMS/STACK/hstackana_6gev_cuts.def
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,199 +0,0 @@
-Block: RawDecode
-Pedestal_event     g.evtyp == 99
-HMS_trig_1_event   g.evtyp == 1
-HMS_trig_2_event   g.evtyp == 2
-HMS_trig_3_event   g.evtyp == 3
-HMS_trig_4_event   g.evtyp == 4
-HMS_trig_5_event   g.evtyp == 5
-HMS_trig_6_event   g.evtyp == 6
-HMS_event          HMS_trig_1_event || HMS_trig_2_event || HMS_trig_3_event || HMS_trig_4_event || HMS_trig_5_event || HMS_trig_6_event
-RawDecode_master  1
-Block: Decode
-hms_trigs         HMS_event
-Decode_master     HMS_event
-Block: CoarseTracking
-CoarseTracking_master HMS_event
-#add cuts to stricter times and apply them to drift distances (HMS 6 GeV Drift Chambers)
-time_cut1                            H.dc.1x1.time > 0 && H.dc.1x1.time < 250
-time_cut2                            H.dc.1y1.time > 0 && H.dc.1y1.time < 250
-time_cut3                            H.dc.1u1.time > 0 && H.dc.1u1.time < 250
-time_cut4                            H.dc.1v1.time > 0 && H.dc.1v1.time < 250
-time_cut5                            H.dc.1y2.time > 0 && H.dc.1y2.time < 250
-time_cut6                            H.dc.1x2.time > 0 && H.dc.1x2.time < 250
-time_cut7                            H.dc.2x1.time > 0 && H.dc.2x1.time < 250
-time_cut8                            H.dc.2y1.time > 0 && H.dc.1y1.time < 250
-time_cut9                            H.dc.2u1.time > 0 && H.dc.2u1.time < 250
-time_cut10                            H.dc.2v1.time > 0 && H.dc.2v1.time < 250
-time_cut11                            H.dc.2y2.time > 0 && H.dc.2y2.time < 250
-time_cut12                            H.dc.2x2.time > 0 && H.dc.2x2.time < 250
-hmsDC1Planes_large  (H.dc.1x1.nhit+H.dc.1y1.nhit+H.dc.1u1.nhit+H.dc.1v1.nhit+H.dc.1x2.nhit+H.dc.1y2.nhit) >20
-hmsDC2Planes_large  (H.dc.2x1.nhit+H.dc.2y1.nhit+H.dc.2u1.nhit+H.dc.2v1.nhit+H.dc.2x2.nhit+H.dc.2y2.nhit) >20
-hmsDC1_1hit_x1                H.dc.1x1.nhit == 1
-hmsDC1_1hit_y1                H.dc.1y1.nhit == 1
-hmsDC1_1hit_u1                H.dc.1u1.nhit == 1
-hmsDC1_1hit_v1                H.dc.1v1.nhit == 1
-hmsDC1_1hit_y2                H.dc.1y2.nhit == 1
-hmsDC1_1hit_x2                H.dc.1x2.nhit == 1
-hmsDC2_1hit_x1                H.dc.2x1.nhit == 1
-hmsDC2_1hit_y1                H.dc.2y1.nhit == 1
-hmsDC2_1hit_u1                H.dc.2u1.nhit == 1
-hmsDC2_1hit_v1                H.dc.2v1.nhit == 1
-hmsDC2_1hit_y2                H.dc.2y2.nhit == 1
-hmsDC2_1hit_x2                H.dc.2x2.nhit == 1
-h1hit1                H.dc.1x1.nhit >= 1
-h1hit2                H.dc.1y1.nhit >= 1
-h1hit3                H.dc.1u1.nhit >= 1
-h1hit4                H.dc.1v1.nhit >= 1
-h1hit5                H.dc.1y2.nhit >= 1
-h1hit6                H.dc.1x2.nhit >= 1
-h2hit1                H.dc.2x1.nhit >= 1
-h2hit2                H.dc.2y1.nhit >= 1
-h2hit3                H.dc.2u1.nhit >= 1
-h2hit4                H.dc.2v1.nhit >= 1
-h2hit5                H.dc.2y2.nhit >= 1
-h2hit6                H.dc.2x2.nhit >= 1
-hmsDC1Planes6hits   (H.dc.1x1.nhit+H.dc.1y1.nhit+H.dc.1u1.nhit+H.dc.1v1.nhit+H.dc.1x2.nhit+H.dc.1y2.nhit) ==6
-hmsDC2Planes6hits   (H.dc.2x1.nhit+H.dc.2y1.nhit+H.dc.2u1.nhit+H.dc.2v1.nhit+H.dc.2x2.nhit+H.dc.2y2.nhit )==6
-hmsDC1_5hits_x1     hmsDC1_1hit_y1&&hmsDC1_1hit_u1&&hmsDC1_1hit_v1&&hmsDC1_1hit_x2&&hmsDC1_1hit_y2
-hmsDC1_6hits_x1     h1hit1&&hmsDC1_1hit_y1&&hmsDC1_1hit_u1&&hmsDC1_1hit_v1&&hmsDC1_1hit_x2&&hmsDC1_1hit_y2
-hmsDC1_5hits_y1     hmsDC1_1hit_x1&&hmsDC1_1hit_u1&&hmsDC1_1hit_v1&&hmsDC1_1hit_x2&&hmsDC1_1hit_y2
-hmsDC1_6hits_y1     h1hit2&&hmsDC1_1hit_x1&&hmsDC1_1hit_u1&&hmsDC1_1hit_v1&&hmsDC1_1hit_x2&&hmsDC1_1hit_y2
-hmsDC1_5hits_u1     hmsDC1_1hit_x1&&hmsDC1_1hit_y1&&hmsDC1_1hit_v1&&hmsDC1_1hit_x2&&hmsDC1_1hit_y2
-hmsDC1_6hits_u1     h1hit3&&hmsDC1_1hit_x1&&hmsDC1_1hit_y1&&hmsDC1_1hit_v1&&hmsDC1_1hit_x2&&hmsDC1_1hit_y2
-hmsDC1_5hits_v1     hmsDC1_1hit_x1&&hmsDC1_1hit_y1&&hmsDC1_1hit_u1&&hmsDC1_1hit_x2&&hmsDC1_1hit_y2 
-hmsDC1_6hits_v1     h1hit4&&hmsDC1_1hit_x1&&hmsDC1_1hit_y1&&hmsDC1_1hit_u1&&hmsDC1_1hit_x2&&hmsDC1_1hit_y2
-hmsDC1_5hits_x2     hmsDC1_1hit_x1&&hmsDC1_1hit_y1&&hmsDC1_1hit_u1&&hmsDC1_1hit_v1&&hmsDC1_1hit_y2
-hmsDC1_6hits_x2     h1hit6&&hmsDC1_1hit_x1&&hmsDC1_1hit_y1&&hmsDC1_1hit_u1&&hmsDC1_1hit_v1&&hmsDC1_1hit_y2
-hmsDC1_5hits_y2     hmsDC1_1hit_x1&&hmsDC1_1hit_y1&&hmsDC1_1hit_u1&&hmsDC1_1hit_v1&&hmsDC1_1hit_x2
-hmsDC1_6hits_y2     h1hit5&&hmsDC1_1hit_x1&&hmsDC1_1hit_y1&&hmsDC1_1hit_u1&&hmsDC1_1hit_v1&&hmsDC1_1hit_x2
-hmsDC2_5hits_x1     hmsDC2_1hit_y1&&hmsDC2_1hit_u1&&hmsDC2_1hit_v1&&hmsDC2_1hit_x2&&hmsDC2_1hit_y2
-hmsDC2_6hits_x1     h2hit1&&hmsDC2_1hit_y1&&hmsDC2_1hit_u1&&hmsDC2_1hit_v1&&hmsDC2_1hit_x2&&hmsDC2_1hit_y2
-hmsDC2_5hits_y1     hmsDC2_1hit_x1&&hmsDC2_1hit_u1&&hmsDC2_1hit_v1&&hmsDC2_1hit_x2&&hmsDC2_1hit_y2
-hmsDC2_6hits_y1     h2hit2&&hmsDC2_1hit_x1&&hmsDC2_1hit_u1&&hmsDC2_1hit_v1&&hmsDC2_1hit_x2&&hmsDC2_1hit_y2
-hmsDC2_5hits_u1     hmsDC2_1hit_x1&&hmsDC2_1hit_y1&&hmsDC2_1hit_v1&&hmsDC2_1hit_x2&&hmsDC2_1hit_y2
-hmsDC2_6hits_u1     h2hit3&&hmsDC2_1hit_x1&&hmsDC2_1hit_y1&&hmsDC2_1hit_v1&&hmsDC2_1hit_x2&&hmsDC2_1hit_y2
-hmsDC2_5hits_v1     hmsDC2_1hit_x1&&hmsDC2_1hit_y1&&hmsDC2_1hit_u1&&hmsDC2_1hit_x2&&hmsDC2_1hit_y2 
-hmsDC2_6hits_v1     h2hit4&&hmsDC2_1hit_x1&&hmsDC2_1hit_y1&&hmsDC2_1hit_u1&&hmsDC2_1hit_x2&&hmsDC2_1hit_y2
-hmsDC2_5hits_x2     hmsDC2_1hit_x1&&hmsDC2_1hit_y1&&hmsDC2_1hit_u1&&hmsDC2_1hit_v1&&hmsDC2_1hit_y2
-hmsDC2_6hits_x2     h2hit6&&hmsDC2_1hit_x1&&hmsDC2_1hit_y1&&hmsDC2_1hit_u1&&hmsDC2_1hit_v1&&hmsDC2_1hit_y2
-hmsDC2_5hits_y2     hmsDC2_1hit_x1&&hmsDC2_1hit_y1&&hmsDC2_1hit_u1&&hmsDC2_1hit_v1&&hmsDC2_1hit_x2
-hmsDC2_6hits_y2     h2hit5&&hmsDC2_1hit_x1&&hmsDC2_1hit_y1&&hmsDC2_1hit_u1&&hmsDC2_1hit_v1&&hmsDC2_1hit_x2
-hms1HitsLt            H.dc.Ch1.nhit <= H.dc.Ch1.maxhits && g.evtyp==1
-hms2HitsLt            H.dc.Ch2.nhit <= H.dc.Ch2.maxhits && g.evtyp==1
-hmsHitsLt             H.dc.Ch1.nhit <= H.dc.Ch1.maxhits && H.dc.Ch2.nhit <= H.dc.Ch2.maxhits && g.evtyp==1
-hmsDC1PlanesGT        (h1hit1 + h1hit2 + h1hit3 + h1hit4 + h1hit5 + h1hit6 )>=5
-hmsDC2PlanesGT        (h2hit1 + h2hit2 + h2hit3 + h2hit4 + h2hit5 + h2hit6 )>=5
-hmsPlanesGT           hmsDC1PlanesGT && hmsDC2PlanesGT
-hmsHitsPlanes         (H.dc.Ch1.nhit <= H.dc.Ch1.maxhits) && (H.dc.Ch2.nhit <= H.dc.Ch2.maxhits) && hmsPlanesGT
-hSpacePoints          H.dc.Ch1.spacepoints >= 1 && H.dc.Ch2.spacepoints >=1
-hSpacePointsStub      H.dc.stubtest==1 && H.dc.Ch1.spacepoints >=1 && H.dc.Ch2.spacepoints >=1
-hFoundTrack           H.dc.ntrack>0 
-hStubLT               H.dc.stubtest==1
-f1HSpacePoints        hms1HitsLt && hmsDC1PlanesGT && H.dc.Ch1.spacepoints==0 && g.evtyp==1
-f2HSpacePoints        hms2HitsLt && hmsDC2PlanesGT && H.dc.Ch2.spacepoints==0 && g.evtyp==1
-hTest1                hmsHitsPlanes && (!hSpacePoints)
-hTest2                hSpacePoints && (!hStubLT)
-Block: CoarseReconstruct
-CoarseReconstruct_master HMS_event
-Block: Tracking
-Tracking_master  HMS_event
-Block: Reconstruct
-Reconstruct_master HMS_event
-cer_pmt1_elec        H.cer.npe[0]>.5
-cer_pmt2_elec        H.cer.npe[0]>.5
-cer_elec       H.cer.npeSum>.5
-cer_pi       H.cer.npeSum<.5
-HMSScinGood           H.hod.goodscinhit == 1
-HMSScinShould         HMSScinGood 
-HMSScinShoulde        HMSScinGood && H.cal.etotnorm > 0.6&& H.cal.etotnorm < 2.0&& H.cer.npeSum > 0.5
-HMSScinShouldh        HMSScinGood && H.cal.etotnorm <0.6&& H.cal.etotnorm>0.0&& H.cer.npeSum < 0.5
-HMSScinDid            HMSScinShould && H.dc.ntrack > 0
-HMSScinDide           HMSScinShoulde && H.dc.ntrack > 0
-HMSScinDidh           HMSScinShouldh && H.dc.ntrack > 0
-goodHDC1x1            H.dc.1x1.nhit > 0 && H.dc.1x1.nhit < 3
-goodHDC1y1            H.dc.1y1.nhit > 0 && H.dc.1y1.nhit < 3
-goodHDC1u1            H.dc.1u1.nhit > 0 && H.dc.1u1.nhit < 3
-goodHDC1v1            H.dc.1v1.nhit > 0 && H.dc.1v1.nhit < 3
-goodHDC1y2            H.dc.1y2.nhit > 0 && H.dc.1y2.nhit < 3
-goodHDC1x2            H.dc.1x2.nhit > 0 && H.dc.1x2.nhit < 3
-goodHDC2x1            H.dc.2x1.nhit > 0 && H.dc.2x1.nhit < 3
-goodHDC2y1            H.dc.2y1.nhit > 0 && H.dc.2y1.nhit < 3
-goodHDC2u1            H.dc.2u1.nhit > 0 && H.dc.2u1.nhit < 3
-goodHDC2v1            H.dc.2v1.nhit > 0 && H.dc.2v1.nhit < 3
-goodHDC2y2            H.dc.2y2.nhit > 0 && H.dc.2y2.nhit < 3
-goodHDC2x2            H.dc.2x2.nhit > 0 && H.dc.2x2.nhit < 3
-goodHDC1              goodHDC1x1  && goodHDC1y1 && goodHDC1u1 && goodHDC1v1 && goodHDC1y2 && goodHDC1x2 
-goodHDC2              goodHDC2x1  && goodHDC2y1 && goodHDC2u1 && goodHDC2v1 && goodHDC2y2 && goodHDC2x2 
-bothGood              goodHDC1 && goodHDC2
-realhdc1x1            goodHDC1x1 && ((H.dc.Ch1.spacepoints+H.dc.Ch2.spacepoints)>0)
-realhdc1y1            goodHDC1y1 && ((H.dc.Ch1.spacepoints+H.dc.Ch2.spacepoints)>0)
-realhdc1u1            goodHDC1u1 && ((H.dc.Ch1.spacepoints+H.dc.Ch2.spacepoints)>0)
-realhdc1v1            goodHDC1v1 && ((H.dc.Ch1.spacepoints+H.dc.Ch2.spacepoints)>0)
-realhdc1y2            goodHDC1y2 && ((H.dc.Ch1.spacepoints+H.dc.Ch2.spacepoints)>0)
-realhdc1x2            goodHDC1x2 && ((H.dc.Ch1.spacepoints+H.dc.Ch2.spacepoints)>0)
-realhdc2x1            goodHDC2x1 && ((H.dc.Ch1.spacepoints+H.dc.Ch2.spacepoints)>0)
-realhdc2y1            goodHDC2y1 && ((H.dc.Ch1.spacepoints+H.dc.Ch2.spacepoints)>0)
-realhdc2u1            goodHDC2u1 && ((H.dc.Ch1.spacepoints+H.dc.Ch2.spacepoints)>0)
-realhdc2v1            goodHDC2v1 && ((H.dc.Ch1.spacepoints+H.dc.Ch2.spacepoints)>0)
-realhdc2y2            goodHDC2y2 && ((H.dc.Ch1.spacepoints+H.dc.Ch2.spacepoints)>0)
-realhdc2x2            goodHDC2x2 && ((H.dc.Ch1.spacepoints+H.dc.Ch2.spacepoints)>0)
-hFound1Track          H.dc.ntrack == 1
-hFound2Track          H.dc.ntrack == 2
-hFound3Track          H.dc.ntrack == 3
-hFound4Track          H.dc.ntrack == 4
-hCleanTrack           H.gtr.index > -1
-1hCleanTrack          H.gtr.index == 0
-2hCleanTrack          H.gtr.index == 1
-3hCleanTrack          H.gtr.index == 2
-4hCleanTrack          H.gtr.index == 3
-anyhs1x               H.hod.1x.nhits > 0
-anyhs1y               H.hod.1y.nhits > 0
-anyhs2x               H.hod.2x.nhits > 0
-anyhs2y               H.hod.2y.nhits > 0
-goodhs1x              H.hod.1x.nhits > 0 && H.hod.1x.nhits < 3
-goodhs1y              H.hod.1y.nhits > 0 && H.hod.1y.nhits < 3
-goodhs1               goodhs1x && goodhs1y
-goodhs2x              H.hod.2x.nhits > 0 && H.hod.2x.nhits < 3
-goodhs2y              H.hod.2y.nhits > 0 && H.hod.2y.nhits < 3
-goodhs2               goodhs2x && goodhs2y
-goodhs1s2             goodhs1 && goodhs2
-Block: Physics
-Physics_master HMS_event
diff --git a/DEF-files/HMS/STACK/hstackana_cuts.def b/DEF-files/HMS/STACK/hstackana_cuts.def
deleted file mode 100644
index a68603288993ba7f8f925cdb4e14aa62ce7d054d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/DEF-files/HMS/STACK/hstackana_cuts.def
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,201 +0,0 @@
-Block: RawDecode
-Pedestal_event     g.evtyp == 99
-HMS_trig_1_event   g.evtyp == 1
-HMS_trig_2_event   g.evtyp == 2
-HMS_trig_3_event   g.evtyp == 3
-HMS_trig_4_event   g.evtyp == 4
-HMS_trig_5_event   g.evtyp == 5
-HMS_trig_6_event   g.evtyp == 6
-HMS_event          HMS_trig_1_event || HMS_trig_2_event || HMS_trig_3_event || HMS_trig_4_event || HMS_trig_5_event || HMS_trig_6_event
-RawDecode_master  1
-Block: Decode
-hms_trigs         HMS_event
-Decode_master     HMS_event
-Block: CoarseTracking
-CoarseTracking_master HMS_event
-#add cuts to stricter times and apply them to drift distances (HMS 6 GeV Drift Chambers)
-time_cut1                            H.dc.1x1.time > 0 && H.dc.1x1.time < 250
-time_cut2                            H.dc.1u2.time > 0 && H.dc.1u2.time < 250
-time_cut3                            H.dc.1u1.time > 0 && H.dc.1u1.time < 250
-time_cut4                            H.dc.1v1.time > 0 && H.dc.1v1.time < 250
-time_cut5                            H.dc.1v2.time > 0 && H.dc.1v2.time < 250
-time_cut6                            H.dc.1x2.time > 0 && H.dc.1x2.time < 250
-time_cut7                            H.dc.2x1.time > 0 && H.dc.2x1.time < 250
-time_cut8                            H.dc.2u2.time > 0 && H.dc.1u2.time < 250
-time_cut9                            H.dc.2u1.time > 0 && H.dc.2u1.time < 250
-time_cut10                            H.dc.2v1.time > 0 && H.dc.2v1.time < 250
-time_cut11                            H.dc.2v2.time > 0 && H.dc.2v2.time < 250
-time_cut12                            H.dc.2x2.time > 0 && H.dc.2x2.time < 250
-hmsDC1Planes_large  (H.dc.1x1.nhit+H.dc.1u2.nhit+H.dc.1u1.nhit+H.dc.1v1.nhit+H.dc.1x2.nhit+H.dc.1v2.nhit) >20
-hmsDC2Planes_large  (H.dc.2x1.nhit+H.dc.2u2.nhit+H.dc.2u1.nhit+H.dc.2v1.nhit+H.dc.2x2.nhit+H.dc.2v2.nhit) >20
-hmsDC1_1hit_x1                H.dc.1x1.nhit == 1
-hmsDC1_1hit_u2                H.dc.1u2.nhit == 1
-hmsDC1_1hit_u1                H.dc.1u1.nhit == 1
-hmsDC1_1hit_v1                H.dc.1v1.nhit == 1
-hmsDC1_1hit_v2                H.dc.1v2.nhit == 1
-hmsDC1_1hit_x2                H.dc.1x2.nhit == 1
-hmsDC2_1hit_x1                H.dc.2x1.nhit == 1
-hmsDC2_1hit_u2                H.dc.2u2.nhit == 1
-hmsDC2_1hit_u1                H.dc.2u1.nhit == 1
-hmsDC2_1hit_v1                H.dc.2v1.nhit == 1
-hmsDC2_1hit_v2                H.dc.2v2.nhit == 1
-hmsDC2_1hit_x2                H.dc.2x2.nhit == 1
-h1hit1                H.dc.1x1.nhit >= 1
-h1hit2                H.dc.1u2.nhit >= 1
-h1hit3                H.dc.1u1.nhit >= 1
-h1hit4                H.dc.1v1.nhit >= 1
-h1hit5                H.dc.1v2.nhit >= 1
-h1hit6                H.dc.1x2.nhit >= 1
-h2hit1                H.dc.2x1.nhit >= 1
-h2hit2                H.dc.2u2.nhit >= 1
-h2hit3                H.dc.2u1.nhit >= 1
-h2hit4                H.dc.2v1.nhit >= 1
-h2hit5                H.dc.2v2.nhit >= 1
-h2hit6                H.dc.2x2.nhit >= 1
-hmsDC1Planes6hits   (H.dc.1x1.nhit+H.dc.1u2.nhit+H.dc.1u1.nhit+H.dc.1v1.nhit+H.dc.1x2.nhit+H.dc.1v2.nhit) ==6
-hmsDC2Planes6hits   (H.dc.2x1.nhit+H.dc.2u2.nhit+H.dc.2u1.nhit+H.dc.2v1.nhit+H.dc.2x2.nhit+H.dc.2v2.nhit )==6
-hmsDC1_5hits_x1     hmsDC1_1hit_u2&&hmsDC1_1hit_u1&&hmsDC1_1hit_v1&&hmsDC1_1hit_x2&&hmsDC1_1hit_v2
-hmsDC1_6hits_x1     h1hit1&&hmsDC1_1hit_u2&&hmsDC1_1hit_u1&&hmsDC1_1hit_v1&&hmsDC1_1hit_x2&&hmsDC1_1hit_v2
-hmsDC1_5hits_u2     hmsDC1_1hit_x1&&hmsDC1_1hit_u1&&hmsDC1_1hit_v1&&hmsDC1_1hit_x2&&hmsDC1_1hit_v2
-hmsDC1_6hits_u2     h1hit2&&hmsDC1_1hit_x1&&hmsDC1_1hit_u1&&hmsDC1_1hit_v1&&hmsDC1_1hit_x2&&hmsDC1_1hit_v2
-hmsDC1_5hits_u1     hmsDC1_1hit_x1&&hmsDC1_1hit_u2&&hmsDC1_1hit_v1&&hmsDC1_1hit_x2&&hmsDC1_1hit_v2
-hmsDC1_6hits_u1     h1hit3&&hmsDC1_1hit_x1&&hmsDC1_1hit_u2&&hmsDC1_1hit_v1&&hmsDC1_1hit_x2&&hmsDC1_1hit_v2
-hmsDC1_5hits_v1     hmsDC1_1hit_x1&&hmsDC1_1hit_u2&&hmsDC1_1hit_u1&&hmsDC1_1hit_x2&&hmsDC1_1hit_v2 
-hmsDC1_6hits_v1     h1hit4&&hmsDC1_1hit_x1&&hmsDC1_1hit_u2&&hmsDC1_1hit_u1&&hmsDC1_1hit_x2&&hmsDC1_1hit_v2
-hmsDC1_5hits_x2     hmsDC1_1hit_x1&&hmsDC1_1hit_u2&&hmsDC1_1hit_u1&&hmsDC1_1hit_v1&&hmsDC1_1hit_v2
-hmsDC1_6hits_x2     h1hit6&&hmsDC1_1hit_x1&&hmsDC1_1hit_u2&&hmsDC1_1hit_u1&&hmsDC1_1hit_v1&&hmsDC1_1hit_v2
-hmsDC1_5hits_v2     hmsDC1_1hit_x1&&hmsDC1_1hit_u2&&hmsDC1_1hit_u1&&hmsDC1_1hit_v1&&hmsDC1_1hit_x2
-hmsDC1_6hits_v2     h1hit5&&hmsDC1_1hit_x1&&hmsDC1_1hit_u2&&hmsDC1_1hit_u1&&hmsDC1_1hit_v1&&hmsDC1_1hit_x2
-hmsDC2_5hits_x1     hmsDC2_1hit_u2&&hmsDC2_1hit_u1&&hmsDC2_1hit_v1&&hmsDC2_1hit_x2&&hmsDC2_1hit_v2
-hmsDC2_6hits_x1     h2hit1&&hmsDC2_1hit_u2&&hmsDC2_1hit_u1&&hmsDC2_1hit_v1&&hmsDC2_1hit_x2&&hmsDC2_1hit_v2
-hmsDC2_5hits_u2     hmsDC2_1hit_x1&&hmsDC2_1hit_u1&&hmsDC2_1hit_v1&&hmsDC2_1hit_x2&&hmsDC2_1hit_v2
-hmsDC2_6hits_u2     h2hit2&&hmsDC2_1hit_x1&&hmsDC2_1hit_u1&&hmsDC2_1hit_v1&&hmsDC2_1hit_x2&&hmsDC2_1hit_v2
-hmsDC2_5hits_u1     hmsDC2_1hit_x1&&hmsDC2_1hit_u2&&hmsDC2_1hit_v1&&hmsDC2_1hit_x2&&hmsDC2_1hit_v2
-hmsDC2_6hits_u1     h2hit3&&hmsDC2_1hit_x1&&hmsDC2_1hit_u2&&hmsDC2_1hit_v1&&hmsDC2_1hit_x2&&hmsDC2_1hit_v2
-hmsDC2_5hits_v1     hmsDC2_1hit_x1&&hmsDC2_1hit_u2&&hmsDC2_1hit_u1&&hmsDC2_1hit_x2&&hmsDC2_1hit_v2 
-hmsDC2_6hits_v1     h2hit4&&hmsDC2_1hit_x1&&hmsDC2_1hit_u2&&hmsDC2_1hit_u1&&hmsDC2_1hit_x2&&hmsDC2_1hit_v2
-hmsDC2_5hits_x2     hmsDC2_1hit_x1&&hmsDC2_1hit_u2&&hmsDC2_1hit_u1&&hmsDC2_1hit_v1&&hmsDC2_1hit_v2
-hmsDC2_6hits_x2     h2hit6&&hmsDC2_1hit_x1&&hmsDC2_1hit_u2&&hmsDC2_1hit_u1&&hmsDC2_1hit_v1&&hmsDC2_1hit_v2
-hmsDC2_5hits_v2     hmsDC2_1hit_x1&&hmsDC2_1hit_u2&&hmsDC2_1hit_u1&&hmsDC2_1hit_v1&&hmsDC2_1hit_x2
-hmsDC2_6hits_v2     h2hit5&&hmsDC2_1hit_x1&&hmsDC2_1hit_u2&&hmsDC2_1hit_u1&&hmsDC2_1hit_v1&&hmsDC2_1hit_x2
-hms1HitsLt            H.dc.Ch1.nhit <= H.dc.Ch1.maxhits && g.evtyp==1
-hms2HitsLt            H.dc.Ch2.nhit <= H.dc.Ch2.maxhits && g.evtyp==1
-hmsHitsLt             H.dc.Ch1.nhit <= H.dc.Ch1.maxhits && H.dc.Ch2.nhit <= H.dc.Ch2.maxhits && g.evtyp==1
-hmsDC1PlanesGT        (h1hit1 + h1hit2 + h1hit3 + h1hit4 + h1hit5 + h1hit6 )>=5
-hmsDC2PlanesGT        (h2hit1 + h2hit2 + h2hit3 + h2hit4 + h2hit5 + h2hit6 )>=5
-hmsPlanesGT           hmsDC1PlanesGT && hmsDC2PlanesGT
-hmsHitsPlanes         (H.dc.Ch1.nhit <= H.dc.Ch1.maxhits) && (H.dc.Ch2.nhit <= H.dc.Ch2.maxhits) && hmsPlanesGT
-hSpacePoints          H.dc.Ch1.spacepoints >= 1 && H.dc.Ch2.spacepoints >=1
-hSpacePointsStub      H.dc.stubtest==1 && H.dc.Ch1.spacepoints >=1 && H.dc.Ch2.spacepoints >=1
-hFoundTrack           H.dc.ntrack>0 
-hStubLT               H.dc.stubtest==1
-f1HSpacePoints        hms1HitsLt && hmsDC1PlanesGT && H.dc.Ch1.spacepoints==0 && g.evtyp==1
-f2HSpacePoints        hms2HitsLt && hmsDC2PlanesGT && H.dc.Ch2.spacepoints==0 && g.evtyp==1
-hTest1                hmsHitsPlanes && (!hSpacePoints)
-hTest2                hSpacePoints && (!hStubLT)
-Block: CoarseReconstruct
-CoarseReconstruct_master HMS_event
-Block: Tracking
-Tracking_master  HMS_event
-Block: Reconstruct
-Reconstruct_master HMS_event
-cer_pmt1_elec        H.cer.npe[0]>.5
-cer_pmt2_elec        H.cer.npe[0]>.5
-cer_elec       H.cer.npeSum>.5
-cer_pi       H.cer.npeSum<.5
-HMSScinGood           H.hod.goodscinhit == 1
-HMSScinShould         HMSScinGood 
-HMSScinShoulde        HMSScinGood && H.cal.etotnorm > 0.6&& H.cal.etotnorm < 2.0&& H.cer.npeSum > 0.5
-HMSScinShouldh        HMSScinGood && H.cal.etotnorm <0.6&& H.cal.etotnorm>0.0&& H.cer.npeSum < 0.5
-HMSScinDid            HMSScinShould && H.dc.ntrack > 0
-HMSScinDide           HMSScinShoulde && H.dc.ntrack > 0
-HMSScinDidh           HMSScinShouldh && H.dc.ntrack > 0
-goodHDC1x1            H.dc.1x1.nhit > 0 && H.dc.1x1.nhit < 3
-goodHDC1u2            H.dc.1u2.nhit > 0 && H.dc.1u2.nhit < 3
-goodHDC1u1            H.dc.1u1.nhit > 0 && H.dc.1u1.nhit < 3
-goodHDC1v1            H.dc.1v1.nhit > 0 && H.dc.1v1.nhit < 3
-goodHDC1v2            H.dc.1v2.nhit > 0 && H.dc.1v2.nhit < 3
-goodHDC1x2            H.dc.1x2.nhit > 0 && H.dc.1x2.nhit < 3
-goodHDC2x1            H.dc.2x1.nhit > 0 && H.dc.2x1.nhit < 3
-goodHDC2u2            H.dc.2u2.nhit > 0 && H.dc.2u2.nhit < 3
-goodHDC2u1            H.dc.2u1.nhit > 0 && H.dc.2u1.nhit < 3
-goodHDC2v1            H.dc.2v1.nhit > 0 && H.dc.2v1.nhit < 3
-goodHDC2v2            H.dc.2v2.nhit > 0 && H.dc.2v2.nhit < 3
-goodHDC2x2            H.dc.2x2.nhit > 0 && H.dc.2x2.nhit < 3
-goodHDC1              goodHDC1x1  && goodHDC1u2 && goodHDC1u1 && goodHDC1v1 && goodHDC1v2 && goodHDC1x2 
-goodHDC2              goodHDC2x1  && goodHDC2u2 && goodHDC2u1 && goodHDC2v1 && goodHDC2v2 && goodHDC2x2 
-bothGood              goodHDC1 && goodHDC2
-realhdc1x1            goodHDC1x1 && ((H.dc.Ch1.spacepoints+H.dc.Ch2.spacepoints)>0)
-realhdc1u2            goodHDC1u2 && ((H.dc.Ch1.spacepoints+H.dc.Ch2.spacepoints)>0)
-realhdc1u1            goodHDC1u1 && ((H.dc.Ch1.spacepoints+H.dc.Ch2.spacepoints)>0)
-realhdc1v1            goodHDC1v1 && ((H.dc.Ch1.spacepoints+H.dc.Ch2.spacepoints)>0)
-realhdc1v2            goodHDC1v2 && ((H.dc.Ch1.spacepoints+H.dc.Ch2.spacepoints)>0)
-realhdc1x2            goodHDC1x2 && ((H.dc.Ch1.spacepoints+H.dc.Ch2.spacepoints)>0)
-realhdc2x1            goodHDC2x1 && ((H.dc.Ch1.spacepoints+H.dc.Ch2.spacepoints)>0)
-realhdc2u2            goodHDC2u2 && ((H.dc.Ch1.spacepoints+H.dc.Ch2.spacepoints)>0)
-realhdc2u1            goodHDC2u1 && ((H.dc.Ch1.spacepoints+H.dc.Ch2.spacepoints)>0)
-realhdc2v1            goodHDC2v1 && ((H.dc.Ch1.spacepoints+H.dc.Ch2.spacepoints)>0)
-realhdc2v2            goodHDC2v2 && ((H.dc.Ch1.spacepoints+H.dc.Ch2.spacepoints)>0)
-realhdc2x2            goodHDC2x2 && ((H.dc.Ch1.spacepoints+H.dc.Ch2.spacepoints)>0)
-hFound1Track          H.dc.ntrack == 1
-hFound2Track          H.dc.ntrack == 2
-hFound3Track          H.dc.ntrack == 3
-hFound4Track          H.dc.ntrack == 4
-hCleanTrack           H.gtr.index > -1
-1hCleanTrack          H.gtr.index == 0
-2hCleanTrack          H.gtr.index == 1
-3hCleanTrack          H.gtr.index == 2
-4hCleanTrack          H.gtr.index == 3
-anyhs1x               H.hod.1x.nhits > 0
-anyhs1y               H.hod.1y.nhits > 0
-anyhs2x               H.hod.2x.nhits > 0
-anyhs2y               H.hod.2y.nhits > 0
-goodhs1x              H.hod.1x.nhits > 0 && H.hod.1x.nhits < 3
-goodhs1y              H.hod.1y.nhits > 0 && H.hod.1y.nhits < 3
-goodhs1               goodhs1x && goodhs1y
-goodhs2x              H.hod.2x.nhits > 0 && H.hod.2x.nhits < 3
-goodhs2y              H.hod.2y.nhits > 0 && H.hod.2y.nhits < 3
-goodhs2               goodhs2x && goodhs2y
-goodhs1s2             goodhs1 && goodhs2
-HMS_hcer_track_matched_region_1 H.cer.numTracksMatched[0]>0
-HMS_hcer_track_fired_region_1 H.cer.numTracksFired[0]>0
-HMS_hcer_track_matched_region_2 H.cer.numTracksMatched[1]>0
-HMS_hcer_track_fired_region_2 H.cer.numTracksFired[1]>0
-HMS_hcer_track_matched_tot H.cer.totNumTracksMatched>0
-HMS_hcer_track_fired_tot H.cer.totNumTracksFired>0
-Block: Physics
-Physics_master HMS_event
diff --git a/DEF-files/HMS/STACK/merge_def_files.py b/DEF-files/HMS/STACK/merge_def_files.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e89af1974f8214a2f6e7ad422391e4bf0035c74c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/DEF-files/HMS/STACK/merge_def_files.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-# Python script to merge multiple def-files into single def-file
-import os
-import sys
-if (len(sys.argv) != 3 or sys.argv[1] == '-h'):
-    print('Usage:')
-    print('  merge_def_files.py merge_list.txt outfile.def')
-    sys.exit()
-defFileList   = open(sys.argv[1], 'r')
-defFile       = defFileList.readlines()
-defFilePath   = []
-mergedDefFile = sys.argv[2]
-for defFileName in defFile:
-    defFilePath.append((defFileName).strip())
-with open(mergedDefFile, 'w') as outFile:
-    for defFileName in defFilePath:
-        outFile.write('\n\n')
-        with open(defFileName) as inFile:
-            for line in inFile:
-                outFile.write(line)
diff --git a/DEF-files/HMS/STACK/merge_list.txt b/DEF-files/HMS/STACK/merge_list.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index b5789849fbd664e3c7b58703153a5b3a8e8a0660..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/DEF-files/HMS/STACK/merge_list.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/DEF-files/SHMS/EXAMPLES/workshop_example.def b/DEF-files/SHMS/EXAMPLES/workshop_example.def
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d55066bdd13cd67c9c4eb9b319c83cb8c38bbea..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/DEF-files/SHMS/EXAMPLES/workshop_example.def
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-# Block variable definitions
-block T.shms.*
-block P.dc.*
-block P.hod.*
-block P.hgcer.*
-block P.gtr.*
-# Hodoscope 1x+ ADC 1D histograms
-TH1F phodo_1x_pos_rawpa 'SHMS 1X+ Raw Pulse Amplitude; Raw Pulse Amplitude; Number of Entries / 10 ADC Channels' P.hod.1x.posAdcPulseAmpRaw 410 0 4100
-TH1F phodo_1x_pos_pa 'SHMS 1X+ Pulse Amplitude; Pulse Amplitude; Number of Entries / 10 ADC Channels' P.hod.1x.posAdcPulseAmp 410 0 4100
-TH1F phodo_1x_pos_pt 'SHMS 1X+ Raw Pulse Time; Raw Pulse Time; Number of Entried / 100 ADC Channels' P.hod.1x.posAdcPulseTimeRaw 640 0 6400
-# Hodoscope 1x+ ADC cut 1D histogram
-TH1F phodo_1x_pos_pa_ntrack_cut 'SHMS 1X+ Pulse Amplitude NTrack = 1 Cut; Pulse Amplitude; Number of Entries / 10 ADC Channels' P.hod.1x.posAdcPulseAmp 410 0 4100 P.dc.ntrack==1
-# Hodoscope 1x+ ADC 2D histograms
-TH2F phodo_1x_pos_rawpa_vs_pmt 'SHMS 1X+ Raw Pulse Amplitude vs PMT; PMT Number; Raw Pulse Amplitude / 10 ADC Channels' P.hod.1x.posAdcCounter P.hod.1x.posAdcPulseAmpRaw 13 0.5 13.5 410 0 4100
-TH2F phodo_1x_pos_pa_vs_pmt 'SHMS 1X+ Pulse Amplitude vs PMT; PMT Number; Pulse Amplitude / 10 ADC Channels' P.hod.1x.posAdcCounter P.hod.1x.posAdcPulseAmp 13 0.5 13.5 410 0 4100
-TH2F phodo_1x_pos_pt_vs_pmt 'SHMS 1X+ Raw Pulse Time vs PMT; PMT Number; Raw Pulse Time / 100 ADC Channels' P.hod.1x.posAdcCounter P.hod.1x.posAdcPulseTimeRaw 13 0.5 13.5 640 0 6400
-# DC TDC 2D histograms
-TH2F pdc_1x1_raw_tdc 'SHMS 1X1 Raw TDC vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Raw TDC Value/ 10 TDC Units' P.dc.1x1.wirenum P.dc.1u1.rawtdc 79 0.5 79.5 5000 -25000 25000
-# Heavy gas 2D histograms
-# Vector of histograms
-TH2F phgc_good_pt_vs_pa_pmt_ 'SHMS HGCER Good Pulse Time vs. Good Pulse Amplitude; Good Pulse Amplitude / 10 ADC Channels; Good Pulse Time / 100 ADC Channels' P.hgcer.goodAdcPulseAmp P.hgcer.goodAdcPulseTime 410 0 4100 250 0 2500
-# Scalar histogram
-sTH2F phgc_good_pt_vs_pa_all 'SHMS HGCER Good Pulse Time vs. Good Pulse Amplitude; Good Pulse Amplitude / 10 ADC Channels; Good Pulse Time / 100 ADC Channels' P.hgcer.goodAdcPulseAmp P.hgcer.goodAdcPulseTime 410 0 4100 250 0 2500
-# Eye histogram
-TH1F phgc_good_pi_pmt_3  'SHMS HGCER Good Pulse Integral; Good Pulse Integral; Number of Entries / 100 ADC Channels' P.hgcer.goodAdcPulseInt[2] 300 0 30000
-TH2F phgc_good_pi_vs_pmt 'SHMS HGCER Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 100 ADC Channels' [I+1] P.hgcer.goodAdcPulseInt 4 0.5 4.5 300 0 30000 P.hgcer.goodAdcPulseInt>0.0
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/DEF-files/SHMS/PRODUCTION/TRIG/ptrig_histos.def b/DEF-files/SHMS/PRODUCTION/TRIG/ptrig_histos.def
index 73c4151c7e18fedb867b742577b5b76eb07adab1..3dd484372cce9febc4846b7f840b2e81b1e7bd78 100644
--- a/DEF-files/SHMS/PRODUCTION/TRIG/ptrig_histos.def
+++ b/DEF-files/SHMS/PRODUCTION/TRIG/ptrig_histos.def
@@ -68,8 +68,8 @@ TH2D ptrig6rate_vs_time 'SHMS Trig6 Rate vs. Time; 1 MHz Clock Time (s); pTRIG6
-TH1F ptrig_phgc_sum_pped     'SHMS Heavy Gas Sum FADC Pulse Pedestal; Pulse Pedestal; Number of Entries / 0.25 mV' T.shms.pHGCER_adcPed      4000 0 1000  T.shms.pHGCER_adcPed>0.0
-TH1F ptrig_pngc_sum_pped     'SHMS Noble Gas Sum FADC Pulse Pedestal; Pulse Pedestal; Number of Entries / 0.25 mV' T.shms.pNGCER_adcPed      4000 0 1000  T.shms.pNGCER_adcPed>0.0
-TH1F ptrig_prshwr_sum_pped   'SHMS Preshwr Sum FADC pulse Pedestal; Pulse Pedestal; Number of entries / 0.25 mV'    T.shms.pPSHWR_adcPed     4000 0 1000  T.shms.pPSHWR_adcPed>0.0
-TH1F ptrig_phgc_sum_MOD_pped 'SHMS Heavy Gas Sum FADC Pulse Pedestal; Pulse Pedestal; Number of Entries / 0.25 mV' T.shms.pHGCER_MOD_adcPed  4000 0 1000  T.shms.pHGCER_MOD_adcPed>0.0
-TH1F ptrig_pngc_sum_MOD_pped 'SHMS Heavy Gas Sum FADC Pulse Pedestal; Pulse Pedestal; Number of Entries / 0.25 mV' T.shms.pNGCER_MOD_adcPed  4000 0 1000  T.shms.pNGCER_MOD_adcPed>0.0
+TH1F ptrig_phgc_sum_pped     'SHMS Heavy Gas Sum FADC Pulse Pedestal; Pulse Pedestal; Number of Entries / 2 mV' T.shms.pHGCER_adcPed      500 0 1000  T.shms.pHGCER_adcPed>0.0
+TH1F ptrig_pngc_sum_pped     'SHMS Noble Gas Sum FADC Pulse Pedestal; Pulse Pedestal; Number of Entries / 2 mV' T.shms.pNGCER_adcPed      500 0 1000  T.shms.pNGCER_adcPed>0.0
+TH1F ptrig_prshwr_sum_pped   'SHMS Preshwr Sum FADC pulse Pedestal; Pulse Pedestal; Number of entries /2 mV'    T.shms.pPSHWR_adcPed      500 0 1000  T.shms.pPSHWR_adcPed>0.0
+TH1F ptrig_phgc_sum_MOD_pped 'SHMS Heavy Gas Sum FADC Pulse Pedestal; Pulse Pedestal; Number of Entries / 2 mV' T.shms.pHGCER_MOD_adcPed  500 0 1000  T.shms.pHGCER_MOD_adcPed>0.0
+TH1F ptrig_pngc_sum_MOD_pped 'SHMS Heavy Gas Sum FADC Pulse Pedestal; Pulse Pedestal; Number of Entries / 2 mV' T.shms.pNGCER_MOD_adcPed  500 0 1000  T.shms.pNGCER_MOD_adcPed>0.0
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/DEF-files/SHMS/STACK/AERO/paero_histos.def b/DEF-files/SHMS/STACK/AERO/paero_histos.def
deleted file mode 100644
index 47e557e40fcb12eae85b309ddc26e9c9b74729ce..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/DEF-files/SHMS/STACK/AERO/paero_histos.def
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-# SHMS AEROGEL GOOD Occupancy and Multiplicity
-TH1F paero_good_occ_pos 'SHMS Aero+ Good Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good +ADC Hits' P.aero.numGoodPosAdcHits 7 0.5 7.5
-TH1F paero_good_occ_neg 'SHMS Aero- Good Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good -ADC Hits' P.aero.numGoodNegAdcHits 7 0.5 7.5
-TH1F paero_good_mult_pos 'SHMS Aero+ Good Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +ADC Hits' P.aero.totNumGoodPosAdcHits 7 0.5 7.5
-TH1F paero_good_mult_neg 'SHMS Aero- Good Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good -ADC Hits' P.aero.totNumGoodNegAdcHits 7 0.5 7.5
-TH1F paero_good_mult 'SHMS Aero Good Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good ADC Hits' P.aero.totnumGoodAdcHits 14 0.5 14.5
-TH1F paero_tot_npe_pos 'SHMS Aero+ Total Number of Photoelectrons; Total Number of Pos Photoelectrons; Number of Entries / 0.5 Photoelectrons' P.aero.posNpeSum 200 0 100 P.aero.posNpeSum>0.0 
-TH1F paero_tot_npe_neg 'SHMS Aero- Total Number of Photoelectrons; Total Number of Neg Photoelectrons; Number of Entries / 0.5 Photoelectrons' P.aero.negNpeSum 200 0 100 P.aero.negNpeSum>0.0 
-TH1F paero_tot_npe 'SHMS Aero Total Number of Photoelectrons; Total Number of Photoelectrons; Number of Entries / 0.5 Photoelectrons' P.aero.npeSum 200 0 100 P.aero.npeSum>0.0 
-# SHMS AERO Number of P.E. / PMT
-TH2F paero_npe_pos 'SHMS Aero+ Number of Photoelectrons vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Number of Photoelectrons / PMT' [I+1] P.aero.posNpe 7 0.5 7.5 200 0 100 P.aero.posNpe>0.0 
-TH2F paero_npe_neg 'SHMS Aero- Number of Photoelectrons vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Number of Photoelectrons / PMT' [I+1] P.aero.negNpe 7 0.5 7.5 200 0 100 P.aero.negNpe>0.0 
-# SHMS AERO GOOD Pulse Pedestal / Integral / Raw Integral / Amplitude / Time 
-# GOOD --> (passed errorFlag cut and pulsetime cuts oN Min/Max ADC Time Window) 
-TH2F paero_good_pped_vs_pmt_pos 'SHMS Aero+ Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number;  Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Units' [I+1] P.aero.goodPosAdcPed 7 0.5 7.5 400 300 700  P.aero.goodPosAdcPed>0.0
-TH2F paero_good_pi_vs_pmt_pos 'SHMS Aero+ Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number;  Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1] P.aero.goodPosAdcPulseInt 7 0.5 7.5 600 0 30000 P.aero.goodPosAdcPulseInt>0.0
-TH2F paero_good_pamp_vs_pmt_pos 'SHMS Aero+ Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number;  Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1] P.aero.goodPosAdcPulseAmp 7 0.5 7.5 200 0 4000 P.aero.goodPosAdcPulseAmp>0.0
-TH2F paero_good_ptime_vs_pmt_pos 'SHMS Aero+ Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1] P.aero.goodPosAdcPulseTime 7 0.5 7.5 350 0 3500 P.aero.goodPosAdcPulseTime>0.0
-TH2F paero_good_pped_vs_pmt_neg 'SHMS Aero- Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number;  Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Units' [I+1] P.aero.goodNegAdcPed 7 0.5 7.5 400 300 700 P.aero.goodNegAdcPed>0.0
-TH2F paero_good_pi_vs_pmt_neg 'SHMS Aero- Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number;  Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1] P.aero.goodNegAdcPulseInt 7 0.5 7.5 600 0 30000 P.aero.goodNegAdcPulseInt>0.0
-TH2F paero_good_pamp_vs_pmt_neg 'SHMS Aero- Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number;  Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1] P.aero.goodNegAdcPulseAmp 7 0.5 7.5 200 0 4000 P.aero.goodNegAdcPulseAmp>0.0
-TH2F paero_good_ptime_vs_pmt_neg 'SHMS Aero- Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1] P.aero.goodNegAdcPulseTime 7 0.5 7.5 350 0 3500 P.aero.goodNegAdcPulseTime>0.0
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deleted file mode 100644
index 4d4ad24c98bb4ba28cb5edf8dd6dd1fbf26d0188..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/DEF-files/SHMS/STACK/BLOCK/pblock_vars.def
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-# Block Definitions *
-block T.shms.*
-block P.ngcer.*
-block P.dc.*
-block P.tr.*
-block P.hod.*
-block P.hgcer.*
-block P.aero.*
-block P.cal.*
-block P.gtr.*
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/DEF-files/SHMS/STACK/CAL/pcal_histos.def b/DEF-files/SHMS/STACK/CAL/pcal_histos.def
deleted file mode 100644
index 36e37b71ccb41dae5ea7e5673684566f6009a0a6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/DEF-files/SHMS/STACK/CAL/pcal_histos.def
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-# SHMS PreSH GOOD Occupancy and Multiplicity
-TH1F pcal_prshwr_good_occ_pos 'SHMS PreShower+ Good Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good +ADC Hits' P.cal.pr.numGoodPosAdcHits 14 0.5 14.5
-TH1F pcal_prshwr_good_occ_neg 'SHMS PreShower- Good Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good -ADC Hits' P.cal.pr.numGoodNegAdcHits 14 0.5 14.5
-TH1F pcal_prshwr_good_mult_pos 'SHMS PreShower+ Good Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +ADC Hits' P.cal.pr.totNumGoodPosAdcHits 14 0.5 14.5
-TH1F pcal_prshwr_good_mult_neg 'SHMS PreShower- Good Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good -ADC Hits' P.cal.pr.totNumGoodNegAdcHits 14 0.5 14.5
-TH1F pcal_prshwr_good_mult 'SHMS PreShower Good Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good ADC Hits' P.cal.pr.totnumGoodAdcHits 28 0.5 28.5
-# GOOD --> (passed errorFlag cut, pulsetime cuts oN Min/Max ADC Time Window, and ADC threshold cut)
-TH2F pcal_prshwr_good_pped_vs_pmt_pos 'SHMS PreShower+ Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Unit' [I+1] P.cal.pr.goodPosAdcPed 14 0.5 14.5 400 300 700  P.cal.pr.goodPosAdcPed>0.0
-TH2F pcal_prshwr_good_pi_vs_pmt_pos 'SHMS PreShower+ Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good  Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1] P.cal.pr.goodPosAdcPulseInt 14 0.5 14.5 600 0 30000 P.cal.pr.goodPosAdcPulseInt>0.0
-TH2F pcal_prshwr_good_pamp_vs_pmt_pos 'SHMS PreShower+ Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good  Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1] P.cal.pr.goodPosAdcPulseAmp 14 0.5 14.5 200 0 4000 P.cal.pr.goodPosAdcPulseAmp>0.0
-TH2F pcal_prshwr_good_ptime_vs_pmt_pos 'SHMS PreShower+ Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1] P.cal.pr.goodPosAdcPulseTime 14 0.5 14.5 350 0 3500 P.cal.pr.goodPosAdcPulseTime>0.0
-TH2F pcal_prshwr_good_pped_vs_pmt_neg 'SHMS PreShower- Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Unit' [I+1] P.cal.pr.goodNegAdcPed 14 0.5 14.5 400 300 700  P.cal.pr.goodNegAdcPed>0.0
-TH2F pcal_prshwr_good_pi_vs_pmt_neg 'SHMS PreShower- Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1] P.cal.pr.goodNegAdcPulseInt 14 0.5 14.5 600 0 30000 P.cal.pr.goodNegAdcPulseInt>0.0
-TH2F pcal_prshwr_good_pamp_vs_pmt_neg 'SHMS PreShower- Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1] P.cal.pr.goodNegAdcPulseAmp 14 0.5 14.5 200 0 4000 P.cal.pr.goodNegAdcPulseAmp>0.0
-TH2F pcal_prshwr_good_ptime_vs_pmt_neg 'SHMS PreShower- Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1] P.cal.pr.goodNegAdcPulseTime 14 0.5 14.5 350 0 3500 P.cal.pr.goodNegAdcPulseTime>0.0
-# (calib consts (GAIN) are in GeV/ADC units )
-TH2F pcal_prshwr_Epos_vs_pmt 'SHMS PreShower+ Energy Deposition vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Energy Deposition (0.01 GeV / ADC Units)' [I+1] P.cal.pr.epos 14 0.5 14.5 200 0 2 P.cal.pr.epos>0.0
-TH2F pcal_prshwr_Eneg_vs_pmt 'SHMS PreShower- Energy Deposition vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Energy Deposition (0.01 GeV / ADC Units)' [I+1] P.cal.pr.eneg 14 0.5 14.5 200 0 2 P.cal.pr.eneg>0.0
-TH2F pcal_prshwr_Emean_vs_pmt 'SHMS PreShower Mean Energy Deposition vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Mean Energy Deposition (0.01 GeV / ADC Units)' [I+1] P.cal.pr.emean 14 0.5 14.5 300 0 3 P.cal.pr.emean>0.0
-TH1F pcal_prshwr_Eplane_pos 'SHMS PreShower+ Energy Deposition; Energy Deposition (GeV); Number of Entries / 0.01 GeV' P.cal.pr.eplane_pos 200 0 2 P.cal.pr.eplane_pos>0.0
-TH1F pcal_prshwr_Eplane_neg 'SHMS PreShower- Energy Deposition; Energy Deposition (GeV); Number of Entries / 0.01 GeV' P.cal.pr.eplane_neg 200 0 2 P.cal.pr.eplane_neg>0.0
-TH1F pcal_prshwr_Eplane 'SHMS PreShower Total Energy Deposition; Total Energy Deposition (GeV); Number of Entries / 0.01 GeV' P.cal.pr.eplane 300 0 3 P.cal.pr.eplane>0.0
-# SHMS Shower GOOD Occupancy and Multiplicity
-TH1F pcal_shwr_good_occ 'SHMS Shower Good Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good ADC Hits' P.cal.fly.numGoodAdcHits 224 0.5 224.5
-TH1F pcal_shwr_good_mult 'SHMS Shower Good Multiplicity; PMT Number; Total Number of Good ADC Hits' P.cal.fly.totNumGoodAdcHits 224 0.5 224.5
-TH2F pcal_shwr_good_pped_vs_pmt 'SHMS Shower Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Unit' [I+1] P.cal.fly.goodAdcPed 224 0.5 224.5 700 300 1000 P.cal.fly.goodAdcPed>0.0
-TH2F pcal_shwr_good_pi_vs_pmt 'SHMS Shower Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1] P.cal.fly.goodAdcPulseInt 224 0.5 224.5 600 0 30000 P.cal.fly.goodAdcPulseInt>0.0
-TH2F pcal_shwr_good_pamp_vs_pmt 'SHMS Shower Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1] P.cal.fly.goodAdcPulseAmp 224 0.5 224.5 200 0 4000 P.cal.fly.goodAdcPulseAmp>0.0
-TH2F pcal_shwr_good_ptime_vs_pmt 'SHMS Shower Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1] P.cal.fly.goodAdcPulseTime 224 0.5 224.5 350 0 3500 P.cal.fly.goodAdcPulseTime>0.0
-# (calib consts (GAIN) are in GeV/ADC units )
-TH2F pcal_shwr_E_vs_pmt 'SHMS Shower Energy Deposition vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Energy Deposited (0.01 GeV / ADC Units)' [I+1] P.cal.fly.e 224 0.5 224.5 300 0 3 P.cal.fly.e>0.0
-TH1F pcal_shwr_Earray 'SHMS Shower Total Energy Deposition in Array; Total Energy Deposited (GeV); Number of Entries / 0.01 GeV' P.cal.fly.earray 600 0 6 P.cal.fly.earray>0.0
-TH1F pcal_etot 'SHMS Calorimeter Total Energy Deposition; Total Energy Deposition (GeV); Number of Entries / 0.01 GeV' P.cal.etot 500 0 5 P.cal.etot>0.0
-TH1F pcal_etot_norm 'SHMS Calorimeter Total Normalized Energy Deposition; Total Energy Deposited (GeV) / P0 (GeV); Number of Entries / 0.01' P.cal.etotnorm 500 0 5 P.cal.etotnorm>0.0
-TH1F pcal_etrack 'SHMS Calorimeter Total Track Energy; Track Energy Deposited (GeV); Number of Entries / 0.1 GeV' P.cal.etrack 100 0 10 P.cal.etrack>0.0 
-TH1F pcal_etracknorm 'SHMS Calorimeter Normalized Track Energy; Trk. Energy Dep. (GeV) / Trk. P (GeV); Number of Entries / 0.1 ' P.cal.etracknorm 100 0 10 P.cal.etracknorm>0.0
-TH1F pcal_etracknorm_track 'SHMS Calorimeter Normalized Track Energy (Ntrack > 0); Trk. Energy Dep. (GeV) / Trk. P (GeV); Number of Entries / 0.1 ' P.cal.etracknorm 100 0 10 P.cal.etracknorm>0.0&&P.dc.ntrack>0
-TH1F pcal_enenorm_track_elec 'SHMS Cal energy/p (npeSum > .5&&abs(del)<8)' P.cal.etracknorm 300 0. 1.5 P.dc.ntrack>0&&P.ngcer.npeSum>.5&&P.hgcer.npeSum>.5&&P.gtr.dp>-8.&&P.gtr.dp<8.
-TH1F pcal_enenorm_track_pion 'SHMS Cal energy/p (npeSum <.5&&abs(del)<8)' P.cal.etracknorm 300 0. 1.5 P.dc.ntrack>0&&P.ngcer.npeSum<.5&&P.hgcer.npeSum<.5&&P.gtr.dp>-8.&&P.gtr.dp<8.
-TH2F pcal_ene_2dtrack 'SHMS Cal energy v energy track' P.cal.etrack P.cal.etot 1000 0. 5. 1000 0. 5. P.dc.ntrack>0
-TH2F pcal_delta_etrack 'SHMS Delta v Cal energy/p ' P.cal.etracknorm P.gtr.dp 60 0. 1.5 80 -15. 25. P.dc.ntrack>0
-TH2F pcal_ngnpe_etrack 'SHMS NG Cer Npe v Cal energy/p' P.cal.etracknorm P.ngcer.npeSum 300 0. 1.5 60 0. 15. P.dc.ntrack>0
-TH2F pcal_hgnpe_etrack 'SHMS HG Cer Npe v Cal energy/p' P.cal.etracknorm P.hgcer.npeSum 300 0. 1.5 60 0. 15. P.dc.ntrack>0
-TH2F hgc_vs_prshw 'SHMS HGC Total N.P.E. vs. PreSh Energy; Total PreSh Energy Deposition / 0.01 GeV; HGC Total N.P.E. / 0.5' P.cal.pr.eplane P.hgcer.npeSum 300 0 3 40 0 20 P.cal.pr.eplane>0.0&&P.hgcer.npeSum>0.0 
-TH2F ngc_vs_prshw 'SHMS NGC Total N.P.E. vs. PreSh Energy; Total PreSh Energy Deposition / 0.01 GeV; NGC Total N.P.E. / 0.5' P.cal.pr.eplane P.ngcer.npeSum 300 0 3 40 0 20 P.cal.pr.eplane>0.0&&P.ngcer.npeSum>0.0 
-TH2F pcal_shw_vs_prshw 'Shower vs. PreShower Energy Deposition; PreShower Energy / 0.1 GeV; Shower Energy / 0.1 GeV' P.cal.pr.eplane P.cal.fly.earray 50 0 5 350 0 35  P.cal.pr.eplane>0.0&&P.cal.fly.earray>0.0 
-TH2F delta_vs_etracknorm 'SHMS Delta. vs. Normalized Track Energy; Calorimeter Normalized Track Energy; Momentum Acceptance (%)' P.cal.etracknorm P.gtr.dp 50 0 5 80 -15, 25 P.cal.etracknorm>0.0&&P.dc.ntrack>0 
-TH1F pcal_xclusttrack 'SHMS Cal X pos' P.cal.xclusttrack 200 -100. 100. P.cal.nclusttrack>-1
-TH1F pcal_xdiff 'SHMS Cal X pos - X track' P.cal.xclusttrack-P.cal.xtrack 200 -20. 20. P.cal.nclusttrack>-1&&P.dc.ntrack>0
-TH2F pcal_xdiff_v_xtr 'SHMS Cal X pos - X track v Xtr' P.cal.xtrack P.cal.xclusttrack-P.cal.xtrack 200 -100. 100. 200 -20. 20. P.cal.nclusttrack>-1&&P.dc.ntrack>0
-TH1F pcal_xtrack 'SHMS Cal X pos of track' P.cal.xtrack 200 -100. 100. P.cal.nclusttrack>-1&&P.dc.ntrack>0
-TH1F pcal_xtrack1 'SHMS Cal X pos of track no matching clust' P.cal.xtrack 200 -100. 100. P.cal.nclusttrack==-1&&P.gtr.dp>-8.&&P.gtr.dp<8.&&P.dc.ntrack>0
-TH1F pcal_xtrack2 'SHMS Cal X pos of track no matching clust number of cluster=1' P.cal.xtrack 200 -100. 100. P.cal.nclusttrack==-1&&P.cal.nclust==0&&P.gtr.dp>-8.&&P.gtr.dp<8.&&P.dc.ntrack>0
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
index 0d5485e0ec32c3f25a412a7b152c009240def729..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/DEF-files/SHMS/STACK/DC/pdc_histos.def
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
-# Drift Chambers *
-TH1F pdc1u1_wirenum 'SHMS DC 1U1 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' P.dc.1u1.wirenum 107 0.5 107.5
-TH1F pdc1u2_wirenum 'SHMS DC 1U2 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' P.dc.1u2.wirenum 107 0.5 107.5
-TH1F pdc1x1_wirenum 'SHMS DC 1X1 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' P.dc.1x1.wirenum  79 0.5  79.5
-TH1F pdc1x2_wirenum 'SHMS DC 1X2 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' P.dc.1x2.wirenum  79 0.5  79.5
-TH1F pdc1v1_wirenum 'SHMS DC 1V1 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' P.dc.1v1.wirenum 107 0.5 107.5
-TH1F pdc1v2_wirenum 'SHMS DC 1V2 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' P.dc.1v2.wirenum 107 0.5 107.5
-TH1F pdc2v2_wirenum 'SHMS DC 2V2 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' P.dc.2v2.wirenum 107 0.5 107.5
-TH1F pdc2v1_wirenum 'SHMS DC 2V1 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' P.dc.2v1.wirenum 107 0.5 107.5
-TH1F pdc2x2_wirenum 'SHMS DC 2X2 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' P.dc.2x2.wirenum  79 0.5  79.5
-TH1F pdc2x1_wirenum 'SHMS DC 2X1 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' P.dc.2x1.wirenum  79 0.5  79.5
-TH1F pdc2u2_wirenum 'SHMS DC 2U2 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' P.dc.2u2.wirenum 107 0.5 107.5
-TH1F pdc2u1_wirenum 'SHMS DC 2U1 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' P.dc.2u1.wirenum 107 0.5 107.5
-TH1F pdc1u1_drifttime 'SHMS DC 1U1 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' P.dc.1u1.time 400 -50 350
-TH1F pdc1u2_drifttime 'SHMS DC 1U2 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' P.dc.1u2.time 400 -50 350
-TH1F pdc1x1_drifttime 'SHMS DC 1X1 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' P.dc.1x1.time 400 -50 350
-TH1F pdc1x2_drifttime 'SHMS DC 1X2 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' P.dc.1x2.time 400 -50 350
-TH1F pdc1v1_drifttime 'SHMS DC 1V1 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' P.dc.1v1.time 400 -50 350
-TH1F pdc1v2_drifttime 'SHMS DC 1V2 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' P.dc.1v2.time 400 -50 350
-TH1F pdc2v2_drifttime 'SHMS DC 2V2 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' P.dc.2v2.time 400 -50 350
-TH1F pdc2v1_drifttime 'SHMS DC 2V1 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' P.dc.2v1.time 400 -50 350
-TH1F pdc2x2_drifttime 'SHMS DC 2X2 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' P.dc.2x2.time 400 -50 350
-TH1F pdc2x1_drifttime 'SHMS DC 2X1 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' P.dc.2x1.time 400 -50 350
-TH1F pdc2u2_drifttime 'SHMS DC 2U2 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' P.dc.2u2.time 400 -50 350
-TH1F pdc2u1_drifttime 'SHMS DC 2U1 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' P.dc.2u1.time 400 -50 350
-TH2F pdc1u1_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'SHMS DC 1U1Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' P.dc.1u1.wirenum P.dc.1u1.time 107 0.5 107.5 500 0 500
-TH2F pdc1u2_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'SHMS DC 1U2Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' P.dc.1u2.wirenum P.dc.1u2.time 107 0.5 107.5 500 0 500
-TH2F pdc1x1_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'SHMS DC 1X1Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' P.dc.1x1.wirenum P.dc.1x1.time  79 0.5  79.5 500 0 500
-TH2F pdc1x2_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'SHMS DC 1X2Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' P.dc.1x2.wirenum P.dc.1x2.time  79 0.5  79.5 500 0 500
-TH2F pdc1v1_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'SHMS DC 1V1Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' P.dc.1v1.wirenum P.dc.1v1.time 107 0.5 107.5 500 0 500
-TH2F pdc1v2_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'SHMS DC 1V2Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' P.dc.1v2.wirenum P.dc.1v2.time 107 0.5 107.5 500 0 500
-TH2F pdc2v2_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'SHMS DC 2V2Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' P.dc.2v2.wirenum P.dc.2v2.time 107 0.5 107.5 500 0 500
-TH2F pdc2v1_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'SHMS DC 2V1Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' P.dc.2v1.wirenum P.dc.2v1.time 107 0.5 107.5 500 0 500
-TH2F pdc2x2_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'SHMS DC 2X2Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' P.dc.2x2.wirenum P.dc.2x2.time  79 0.5  79.5 500 0 500
-TH2F pdc2x1_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'SHMS DC 2X1Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' P.dc.2x1.wirenum P.dc.2x1.time  79 0.5  79.5 500 0 500
-TH2F pdc2u2_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'SHMS DC 2U2Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' P.dc.2u2.wirenum P.dc.2u2.time 107 0.5 107.5 500 0 500
-TH2F pdc2u1_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'SHMS DC 2U1Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' P.dc.2u1.wirenum P.dc.2u1.time 107 0.5 107.5 500 0 500
-# SHMS DC Drift Distance Per Plane 
-TH1F pdc1u1_ddist 'SHMS 1U1 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' P.dc.1u1.dist 50 -0.1 0.6
-TH1F pdc1u1_ddist_cut 'SHMS 1U1 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' P.dc.1u1.dist 50 -0.1 0.6   time_cut1
-TH1F pdc1u2_ddist 'SHMS 1U2 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' P.dc.1u2.dist 50 -0.1 0.6
-TH1F pdc1u2_ddist_cut 'SHMS 1U2 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' P.dc.1u2.dist 50 -0.1 0.6   time_cut2
-TH1F pdc1x1_ddist 'SHMS 1X1 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' P.dc.1x1.dist 50 -0.1 0.6
-TH1F pdc1x1_ddist_cut 'SHMS 1X1 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' P.dc.1x1.dist 50 -0.1 0.6   time_cut3
-TH1F pdc1x2_ddist 'SHMS 1X2 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' P.dc.1x2.dist 50 -0.1 0.6
-TH1F pdc1x2_ddist_cut 'SHMS 1X2 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' P.dc.1x2.dist 50 -0.1 0.6   time_cut4
-TH1F pdc1v1_ddist 'SHMS 1V1 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' P.dc.1v1.dist 50 -0.1 0.6
-TH1F pdc1v1_ddist_cut 'SHMS 1V1 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' P.dc.1v1.dist 50 -0.1 0.6   time_cut5
-TH1F pdc1v2_ddist 'SHMS 1V2 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' P.dc.1v2.dist 50 -0.1 0.6
-TH1F pdc1v2_ddist_cut 'SHMS 1V2 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' P.dc.1v2.dist 50 -0.1 0.6   time_cut6
-TH1F pdc2v2_ddist 'SHMS 2V2 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' P.dc.2v2.dist 50 -0.1 0.6
-TH1F pdc2v2_ddist_cut 'SHMS 2V2 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' P.dc.2v2.dist 50 -0.1 0.6   time_cut7
-TH1F pdc2v1_ddist 'SHMS 2V1 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' P.dc.2v1.dist 50 -0.1 0.6
-TH1F pdc2v1_ddist_cut 'SHMS 2V1 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' P.dc.2v1.dist 50 -0.1 0.6   time_cut8
-TH1F pdc2x2_ddist 'SHMS 2X2 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' P.dc.2x2.dist 50 -0.1 0.6
-TH1F pdc2x2_ddist_cut 'SHMS 2X2 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' P.dc.2x2.dist 50 -0.1 0.6   time_cut9
-TH1F pdc2x1_ddist 'SHMS 2X1 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' P.dc.2x1.dist 50 -0.1 0.6
-TH1F pdc2x1_ddist_cut 'SHMS 2X1 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' P.dc.2x1.dist 50 -0.1 0.6   time_cut10
-TH1F pdc2u2_ddist 'SHMS 2U2 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' P.dc.2u2.dist 50 -0.1 0.6
-TH1F pdc2u2_ddist_cut 'SHMS 2U2 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' P.dc.2u2.dist 50 -0.1 0.6   time_cut11
-TH1F pdc2u1_ddist 'SHMS 2U1 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' P.dc.2u1.dist 50 -0.1 0.6
-TH1F pdc2u1_ddist_cut 'SHMS 2U1 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' P.dc.2u1.dist 50 -0.1 0.6   time_cut12
-# SHMS DC Drift Distance vs. Wire number 
-TH2F pdc1u1_wirenum_vs_ddist 'SHMS 1U1 Wiremap vs. Drift Distance; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' P.dc.1u1.wirenum P.dc.1u1.dist 107 0.5 107.5 300 -0.1 0.6
-TH2F pdc1u2_wirenum_vs_ddist 'SHMS 1U2 Wiremap vs. Drift Distance; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' P.dc.1u2.wirenum P.dc.1u2.dist 107 0.5 107.5 300 -0.1 0.6
-TH2F pdc1x1_wirenum_vs_ddist 'SHMS 1X1 Wiremap vs. Drift Distance; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' P.dc.1x1.wirenum P.dc.1x1.dist  79 0.5  79.5 300 -0.1 0.6
-TH2F pdc1x2_wirenum_vs_ddist 'SHMS 1X2 Wiremap vs. Drift Distance; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' P.dc.1x2.wirenum P.dc.1x2.dist  79 0.5  79.5 300 -0.1 0.6
-TH2F pdc1v1_wirenum_vs_ddist 'SHMS 1V1 Wiremap vs. Drift Distance; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' P.dc.1v1.wirenum P.dc.1v1.dist 107 0.5 107.5 300 -0.1 0.6
-TH2F pdc1v2_wirenum_vs_ddist 'SHMS 1V2 Wiremap vs. Drift Distance; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' P.dc.1v2.wirenum P.dc.1v2.dist 107 0.5 107.5 300 -0.1 0.6
-TH2F pdc2u2_wirenum_vs_ddist 'SHMS 2U2 Wiremap vs. Drift Distance; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' P.dc.2u2.wirenum P.dc.2u2.dist 107 0.5 107.5 300 -0.1 0.6
-TH2F pdc2u1_wirenum_vs_ddist 'SHMS 2U1 Wiremap vs. Drift Distance; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' P.dc.2u1.wirenum P.dc.2u1.dist 107 0.5 107.5 300 -0.1 0.6
-TH2F pdc2x2_wirenum_vs_ddist 'SHMS 2X2 Wiremap vs. Drift Distance; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' P.dc.2x2.wirenum P.dc.2x2.dist  79 0.5  79.5 300 -0.1 0.6
-TH2F pdc2x1_wirenum_vs_ddist 'SHMS 2X1 Wiremap vs. Drift Distance; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' P.dc.2x1.wirenum P.dc.2x1.dist  79 0.5  79.5 300 -0.1 0.6
-TH2F pdc2v2_wirenum_vs_ddist 'SHMS 2V2 Wiremap vs. Drift Distance; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' P.dc.2v2.wirenum P.dc.2v2.dist 107 0.5 107.5 300 -0.1 0.6
-TH2F pdc2v1_wirenum_vs_ddist 'SHMS 2V1 Wiremap vs. Drift Distance; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' P.dc.2v1.wirenum P.dc.2v1.dist 107 0.5 107.5 300 -0.1 0.6
-TH1F pdc1u1_residuals 'SHMS 1U1 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' P.dc.residual[0]  200 -1.0 1.0
-TH1F pdc1u2_residuals 'SHMS 1U2 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' P.dc.residual[1]  200 -1.0 1.0
-TH1F pdc1x1_residuals 'SHMS 1X1 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' P.dc.residual[2]  200 -1.0 1.0
-TH1F pdc1x2_residuals 'SHMS 1X2 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' P.dc.residual[3]  200 -1.0 1.0
-TH1F pdc1v1_residuals 'SHMS 1V1 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' P.dc.residual[4]  200 -1.0 1.0
-TH1F pdc1v2_residuals 'SHMS 1V2 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' P.dc.residual[5]  200 -1.0 1.0
-TH1F pdc2v2_residuals 'SHMS 2V2 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' P.dc.residual[6]  200 -1.0 1.0
-TH1F pdc2v1_residuals 'SHMS 2V1 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' P.dc.residual[7]  200 -1.0 1.0
-TH1F pdc2x2_residuals 'SHMS 2X2 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' P.dc.residual[8]  200 -1.0 1.0
-TH1F pdc2x1_residuals 'SHMS 2X1 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' P.dc.residual[9]  200 -1.0 1.0
-TH1F pdc2u2_residuals 'SHMS 2U2 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' P.dc.residual[10] 200 -1.0 1.0
-TH1F pdc2u1_residuals 'SHMS 2U1 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' P.dc.residual[11] 200 -1.0 1.0
-# SHMS DC RESIDUALS vs. Wire Number
-TH2F pdc1u1_residuals_vs_wirenum 'SHMS 1U1 DC Residuals vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Residuals (cm)' P.dc.1u1.wirenum P.dc.residual[0] 107 0.5 107.5 200 -1.0 1.0
-TH2F pdc1u2_residuals_vs_wirenum 'SHMS 1U2 DC Residuals vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Residuals (cm)' P.dc.1u2.wirenum P.dc.residual[1] 107 0.5 107.5 200 -1.0 1.0
-TH2F pdc1x1_residuals_vs_wirenum 'SHMS 1X1 DC Residuals vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Residuals (cm)' P.dc.1x1.wirenum P.dc.residual[2] 79 0.5  79.5 200 -1.0 1.0
-TH2F pdc1x2_residuals_vs_wirenum 'SHMS 1X2 DC Residuals vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Residuals (cm)' P.dc.1x2.wirenum P.dc.residual[3] 79 0.5  79.5 200 -1.0 1.0
-TH2F pdc1v1_residuals_vs_wirenum 'SHMS 1V1 DC Residuals vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Residuals (cm)' P.dc.1v1.wirenum P.dc.residual[4] 107 0.5 107.5 200 -1.0 1.0
-TH2F pdc1v2_residuals_vs_wirenum 'SHMS 1V2 DC Residuals vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Residuals (cm)' P.dc.1v2.wirenum P.dc.residual[5] 107 0.5 107.5 200 -1.0 1.0
-TH2F pdc2v2_residuals_vs_wirenum 'SHMS 2V2 DC Residuals vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Residuals (cm)' P.dc.2v2.wirenum P.dc.residual[6] 107 0.5 107.5 200 -1.0 1.0
-TH2F pdc2v1_residuals_vs_wirenum 'SHMS 2V1 DC Residuals vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Residuals (cm)' P.dc.2v1.wirenum P.dc.residual[7] 107 0.5 107.5 200 -1.0 1.0
-TH2F pdc2x2_residuals_vs_wirenum 'SHMS 2X2 DC Residuals vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Residuals (cm)' P.dc.2x2.wirenum P.dc.residual[8] 79 0.5  79.5 200 -1.0 1.0
-TH2F pdc2x1_residuals_vs_wirenum 'SHMS 2X1 DC Residuals vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Residuals (cm)' P.dc.2x1.wirenum P.dc.residual[9] 79 0.5  79.5 200 -1.0 1.0
-TH2F pdc2u2_residuals_vs_wirenum 'SHMS 2U2 DC Residuals vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Residuals (cm)' P.dc.2u2.wirenum P.dc.residual[10] 107 0.5 107.5 200 -1.0 1.0
-TH2F pdc2u1_residuals_vs_wirenum 'SHMS 2U1 DC Residuals vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Residuals (cm)' P.dc.2u1.wirenum P.dc.residual[11] 107 0.5 107.5 200 -1.0 1.0
-TH1F pdc_trk_mom 'SHMS DC Track Momentum; P (GeV); Number of Entires / 10 MeV' P.tr.p 600 0 6
-TH1F pdc_trk_beta 'SHMS DC Track Beta; Beta (GeV); Number of Entires' P.tr.beta 300 -1.5 1.5
-TH2F pdc_xfp_vs_yxp 'SHMS DC X_{fp} vs Y_{fp}; Y_{fp} (cm) / 1 cm; X_{fp} (cm) / 1 cm' P.dc.y_fp P.dc.x_fp 100 -50 50 100 -50 50
-TH2F pdc_xpfp_vs_ypfp 'SHMS DC X'_{fp} vs Y'_{fp}; Y'_{fp} / 0.002 rad; X'_{fp} / 0.002 rad' P.dc.yp_fp P.dc.xp_fp 100 -.1 .1 100 -.1 .1
-TH2F pdc_xfp_vs_ypfp 'SHMS DC X_{fp} vs Y'_{fp}; Y'_{fp} / 0.002 rad; X_{fp} / 1 cm'  P.dc.yp_fp P.dc.x_fp 100 -.1 .1 100 -50 50 
-TH2F pdc_xfp_vs_xpfp 'SHMS DC X_{fp} vs X'_{fp}; X'_{fp} / 0.002 rad; X_{fp} / 1 cm' P.dc.xp_fp P.dc.x_fp 100 -.1 .1 100 -50 50
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index 82bae8b9ef9dd724f29f47655f9fd39f9f1be302..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/DEF-files/SHMS/STACK/HGCER/phgcer_histos.def
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-# Heavy Gas Cherenkov *
-# SHMS HGC GOOD Occupancy and Multiplicity
-TH1F phgcer_good_occ 'SHMS Heavy Gas Cherenkov Good Occupancy; PMT Number; Number Good ADC Hits' P.hgcer.numGoodAdcHits 4 0.5 4.5
-TH1F phgcer_good_mult 'SHMS Heavy Gas Cherenkov Good Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good ADC Hits' P.hgcer.totNumGoodAdcHits 4 0.5 4.5
-# SHMS HGC GOOD Pulse Pedestal / Integral / Raw Integral / Amplitude / Time 
-# GOOD --> (passed errorFlag cut and pulsetime cuts oN Min/Max ADC Time Window) 
-TH2F phgcer_good_pped_vs_pmt 'SHMS Heavy Gas Cherenkov Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Units' [I+1] P.hgcer.goodAdcPed 4 0.5 4.5 400 300 700
-TH2F phgcer_good_pi_vs_pmt 'SHMS Heavy Gas Cherenkov Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1] P.hgcer.goodAdcPulseInt 4 0.5 4.5 600 0 30000 P.hgcer.goodAdcPulseInt>0.0
-TH2F phgcer_good_pamp_vs_pmt 'SHMS Heavy Gas Cherenkov Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1] P.hgcer.goodAdcPulseAmp 4 0.5 4.5 200 0 4000 P.hgcer.goodAdcPulseAmp>0.0
-TH2F phgcer_good_ptime_vs_pmt 'SHMS Heavy Gas Cherenkov Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1] P.hgcer.goodAdcPulseTime 4 0.5 4.5 350 0 3500 P.hgcer.goodAdcPulseTime>0.0
-# SHMS HGC Number of P.E. / PMT
-TH2F phgcer_npe 'SHMS Heavy Gas Cherenkov Number of Photoelectrons vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Number of Photoelectrons / PMT' [I+1] P.hgcer.npe 4 0.5 4.5 200 0 100 P.hgcer.npe>0.0 
-TH1F phgcer_tot_npe 'SHMS Heavy Gas Cherenkov Total Number of Photoelectrons; Total Number of Photoelectrons; Number of Entries / 0.5 Photoelectrons' P.hgcer.npeSum 200 0 100 P.hgcer.npeSum>0.0 
-sTH1F phgcer_trk_match 'SHMS Noble Gas Cherenkov Track Matches; PMT Number; Number of Tracks Matched' P.hgcer.numTracksMatched 4 0.5 4.5
-sTH1F phgcer_trk_fired 'SHMS Noble Gas Cherenkov Tracks Fired; PMT Number; Number of Tracks Fired' P.hgcer.numTracksFired 4 0.5 4.5
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index 8e99e5aafbf5fda5974c85089191a1d3514f1f75..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/DEF-files/SHMS/STACK/HODO/phodo_histos.def
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
-# SHMS HODO GOOD ADC Multiplicities 
-TH1F phodo_1x_good_adc_mult_pos 'SHMS 1X+ Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +ADC Hits' P.hod.1x.totNumGoodPosAdcHits 13 0.5 13.5
-TH1F phodo_1y_good_adc_mult_pos 'SHMS 1Y+ Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +ADC Hits' P.hod.1y.totNumGoodPosAdcHits 13 0.5 13.5
-TH1F phodo_2x_good_adc_mult_pos 'SHMS 2X+ Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +ADC Hits' P.hod.2x.totNumGoodPosAdcHits 14 0.5 14.5
-TH1F phodo_2y_good_adc_mult_pos 'SHMS 2Y+ Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +ADC Hits' P.hod.2y.totNumGoodPosAdcHits 21 0.5 21.5
-TH1F phodo_1x_good_adc_mult_neg 'SHMS 1X- Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good -ADC Hits' P.hod.1x.totNumGoodNegAdcHits 13 0.5 13.5
-TH1F phodo_1y_good_adc_mult_neg 'SHMS 1Y- Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good -ADC Hits' P.hod.1y.totNumGoodNegAdcHits 13 0.5 13.5
-TH1F phodo_2x_good_adc_mult_neg 'SHMS 2X- Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good -ADC Hits' P.hod.2x.totNumGoodNegAdcHits 14 0.5 14.5
-TH1F phodo_2y_good_adc_mult_neg 'SHMS 2Y- Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good -ADC Hits' P.hod.2y.totNumGoodNegAdcHits 21 0.5 21.5
-TH1F phodo_1x_good_adc_mult 'SHMS 1X Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good ADC Hits' P.hod.1x.totNumGoodAdcHits 13 0.5 13.5
-TH1F phodo_1y_good_adc_mult 'SHMS 1Y Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good ADC Hits' P.hod.1y.totNumGoodAdcHits 13 0.5 13.5
-TH1F phodo_2x_good_adc_mult 'SHMS 2X Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good ADC Hits' P.hod.2x.totNumGoodAdcHits 14 0.5 14.5
-TH1F phodo_2y_good_adc_mult 'SHMS 2Y Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good ADC Hits' P.hod.2y.totNumGoodAdcHits 21 0.5 21.5
-# SHMS HODO Good TDC Multiplicities
-TH1F phodo_1x_good_tdc_mult_pos 'SHMS 1X+ Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +TDC Hits' P.hod.1x.totNumGoodPosTdcHits 13 0.5 13.5
-TH1F phodo_1y_good_tdc_mult_pos 'SHMS 1Y+ Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +TDC Hits' P.hod.1y.totNumGoodPosTdcHits 13 0.5 13.5
-TH1F phodo_2x_good_tdc_mult_pos 'SHMS 2X+ Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +TDC Hits' P.hod.2x.totNumGoodPosTdcHits 14 0.5 14.5
-TH1F phodo_2y_good_tdc_mult_pos 'SHMS 2Y+ Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +TDC Hits' P.hod.2y.totNumGoodPosTdcHits 21 0.5 21.5
-TH1F phodo_1x_good_tdc_mult_neg 'SHMS 1X- Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good -TDC Hits' P.hod.1x.totNumGoodNegTdcHits 13 0.5 13.5
-TH1F phodo_1y_good_tdc_mult_neg 'SHMS 1Y- Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good -TDC Hits' P.hod.1y.totNumGoodNegTdcHits 13 0.5 13.5
-TH1F phodo_2x_good_tdc_mult_neg 'SHMS 2X- Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good -TDC Hits' P.hod.2x.totNumGoodNegTdcHits 14 0.5 14.5
-TH1F phodo_2y_good_tdc_mult_neg 'SHMS 2Y- Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good -TDC Hits' P.hod.2y.totNumGoodNegTdcHits 21 0.5 21.5
-TH1F phodo_1x_good_tdc_mult 'SHMS 1X Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good TDC Hits' P.hod.1x.totNumGoodTdcHits 13 0.5 13.5
-TH1F phodo_1y_good_tdc_mult 'SHMS 1Y Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good TDC Hits' P.hod.1y.totNumGoodTdcHits 13 0.5 13.5
-TH1F phodo_2x_good_tdc_mult 'SHMS 2X Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good TDC Hits' P.hod.2x.totNumGoodTdcHits 14 0.5 14.5
-TH1F phodo_2y_good_tdc_mult 'SHMS 2Y Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good TDC Hits' P.hod.2y.totNumGoodTdcHits 21 0.5 21.5
-TH1F phodo_1x_good_adc_occ_pos 'SHMS 1X+ Good ADC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good +ADC Hits' P.hod.1x.numGoodPosAdcHits 13 0.5 13.5
-TH1F phodo_1y_good_adc_occ_pos 'SHMS 1Y+ Good ADC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good +ADC Hits' P.hod.1y.numGoodPosAdcHits 13 0.5 13.5 
-TH1F phodo_2x_good_adc_occ_pos 'SHMS 2X+ Good ADC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good +ADC Hits' P.hod.2x.numGoodPosAdcHits 14 0.5 14.5
-TH1F phodo_2y_good_adc_occ_pos 'SHMS 2Y+ Good ADC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good +ADC Hits' P.hod.2y.numGoodPosAdcHits 21 0.5 21.5
-TH1F phodo_1x_good_adc_occ_neg 'SHMS 1X- Good ADC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good -ADC Hits' P.hod.1x.numGoodNegAdcHits 13 0.5 13.5
-TH1F phodo_1y_good_adc_occ_neg 'SHMS 1Y- Good ADC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good -ADC Hits' P.hod.1y.numGoodNegAdcHits 13 0.5 13.5 
-TH1F phodo_2x_good_adc_occ_neg 'SHMS 2X- Good ADC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good -ADC Hits' P.hod.2x.numGoodNegAdcHits 14 0.5 14.5
-TH1F phodo_2y_good_adc_occ_neg 'SHMS 2Y- Good ADC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good -ADC Hits' P.hod.2y.numGoodNegAdcHits 21 0.5 21.5
-TH1F phodo_1x_good_tdc_occ_pos 'SHMS 1X+ Good TDC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good +TDC Hits' P.hod.1x.numGoodPosTdcHits 13 0.5 13.5
-TH1F phodo_1y_good_tdc_occ_pos 'SHMS 1Y+ Good TDC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good +TDC Hits' P.hod.1y.numGoodPosTdcHits 13 0.5 13.5 
-TH1F phodo_2x_good_tdc_occ_pos 'SHMS 2X+ Good TDC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good +TDC Hits' P.hod.2x.numGoodPosTdcHits 14 0.5 14.5
-TH1F phodo_2y_good_tdc_occ_pos 'SHMS 2Y+ Good TDC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good +TDC Hits' P.hod.2y.numGoodPosTdcHits 21 0.5 21.5
-TH1F phodo_1x_good_tdc_occ_neg 'SHMS 1X- Good TDC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good -TDC Hits' P.hod.1x.numGoodNegTdcHits 13 0.5 13.5
-TH1F phodo_1y_good_tdc_occ_neg 'SHMS 1Y- Good TDC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good -TDC Hits' P.hod.1y.numGoodNegTdcHits 13 0.5 13.5 
-TH1F phodo_2x_good_tdc_occ_neg 'SHMS 2X- Good TDC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good -TDC Hits' P.hod.2x.numGoodNegTdcHits 14 0.5 14.5
-TH1F phodo_2y_good_tdc_occ_neg 'SHMS 2Y- Good TDC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good -TDC Hits' P.hod.2y.numGoodNegTdcHits 21 0.5 21.5
-TH2F phodo_1x_good_pped_vs_pmt_pos 'SHMS 1X+ Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Unit' [I+1]  P.hod.1x.GoodPosAdcPed 13 0.5 13.5 400 300 700 P.hod.1x.GoodPosAdcPed>0.0
-TH2F phodo_1y_good_pped_vs_pmt_pos 'SHMS 1Y+ Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Unit' [I+1]  P.hod.1y.GoodPosAdcPed 13 0.5 13.5 400 300 700 P.hod.1y.GoodPosAdcPed>0.0
-TH2F phodo_2x_good_pped_vs_pmt_pos 'SHMS 2X+ Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Unit' [I+1]  P.hod.2x.GoodPosAdcPed 14 0.5 14.5 400 300 700 P.hod.2x.GoodPosAdcPed>0.0
-TH2F phodo_2y_good_pped_vs_pmt_pos 'SHMS 2Y+ Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Unit' [I+1]  P.hod.2y.GoodPosAdcPed 21 0.5 21.5 400 300 700 P.hod.2y.GoodPosAdcPed>0.0
-TH2F phodo_1x_good_pped_vs_pmt_neg 'SHMS 1X- Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Unit' [I+1]  P.hod.1x.GoodNegAdcPed 13 0.5 13.5 400 300 700 P.hod.1x.GoodNegAdcPed>0.0
-TH2F phodo_1y_good_pped_vs_pmt_neg 'SHMS 1Y- Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Unit' [I+1]  P.hod.1y.GoodNegAdcPed 13 0.5 13.5 400 300 700 P.hod.1y.GoodNegAdcPed>0.0
-TH2F phodo_2x_good_pped_vs_pmt_neg 'SHMS 2X- Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Unit' [I+1]  P.hod.2x.GoodNegAdcPed 14 0.5 14.5 400 300 700 P.hod.2x.GoodNegAdcPed>0.0
-TH2F phodo_2y_good_pped_vs_pmt_neg 'SHMS 2Y- Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Unit' [I+1]  P.hod.2y.GoodNegAdcPed 21 0.5 21.5 400 300 700 P.hod.2y.GoodNegAdcPed>0.0
-TH2F phodo_1x_good_pi_vs_pmt_pos 'SHMS 1X+ Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1]  P.hod.1x.GoodPosAdcPulseInt 13 0.5 13.5 600 0 30000 P.hod.1x.GoodPosAdcPulseInt>0.0
-TH2F phodo_1y_good_pi_vs_pmt_pos 'SHMS 1Y+ Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1]  P.hod.1y.GoodPosAdcPulseInt 13 0.5 13.5 600 0 30000 P.hod.1y.GoodPosAdcPulseInt>0.0
-TH2F phodo_2x_good_pi_vs_pmt_pos 'SHMS 2X+ Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1]  P.hod.2x.GoodPosAdcPulseInt 14 0.5 14.5 600 0 30000 P.hod.2x.GoodPosAdcPulseInt>0.0
-TH2F phodo_2y_good_pi_vs_pmt_pos 'SHMS 2Y+ Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1]  P.hod.2y.GoodPosAdcPulseInt 21 0.5 21.5 600 0 30000 P.hod.2y.GoodPosAdcPulseInt>0.0
-TH2F phodo_1x_good_pi_vs_pmt_neg 'SHMS 1X- Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1]  P.hod.1x.GoodNegAdcPulseInt 13 0.5 13.5 600 0 30000 P.hod.1x.GoodNegAdcPulseInt>0.0
-TH2F phodo_1y_good_pi_vs_pmt_neg 'SHMS 1Y- Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1]  P.hod.1y.GoodNegAdcPulseInt 13 0.5 13.5 600 0 30000 P.hod.1y.GoodNegAdcPulseInt>0.0
-TH2F phodo_2x_good_pi_vs_pmt_neg 'SHMS 2X- Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1]  P.hod.2x.GoodNegAdcPulseInt 14 0.5 14.5 600 0 30000 P.hod.2x.GoodNegAdcPulseInt>0.0
-TH2F phodo_2y_good_pi_vs_pmt_neg 'SHMS 2Y- Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1]  P.hod.2y.GoodNegAdcPulseInt 21 0.5 21.5 600 0 30000 P.hod.2y.GoodNegAdcPulseInt>0.0
-TH2F phodo_1x_good_pamp_vs_pmt_pos 'SHMS 1X+ Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1]  P.hod.1x.GoodPosAdcPulseAmp 13 0.5 13.5 205 0 4100 P.hod.1x.GoodPosAdcPulseAmp>0.0
-TH2F phodo_1y_good_pamp_vs_pmt_pos 'SHMS 1Y+ Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1]  P.hod.1y.GoodPosAdcPulseAmp 13 0.5 13.5 205 0 4100 P.hod.1y.GoodPosAdcPulseAmp>0.0
-TH2F phodo_2x_good_pamp_vs_pmt_pos 'SHMS 2X+ Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1]  P.hod.2x.GoodPosAdcPulseAmp 14 0.5 14.5 205 0 4100 P.hod.2x.GoodPosAdcPulseAmp>0.0
-TH2F phodo_2y_good_pamp_vs_pmt_pos 'SHMS 2Y+ Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1]  P.hod.2y.GoodPosAdcPulseAmp 21 0.5 21.5 205 0 4100 P.hod.2y.GoodPosAdcPulseAmp>0.0
-TH2F phodo_1x_good_pamp_vs_pmt_neg 'SHMS 1X- Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1]  P.hod.1x.GoodNegAdcPulseAmp 13 0.5 13.5 205 0 4100 P.hod.1x.GoodNegAdcPulseAmp>0.0
-TH2F phodo_1y_good_pamp_vs_pmt_neg 'SHMS 1Y- Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1]  P.hod.1y.GoodNegAdcPulseAmp 13 0.5 13.5 205 0 4100 P.hod.1y.GoodNegAdcPulseAmp>0.0
-TH2F phodo_2x_good_pamp_vs_pmt_neg 'SHMS 2X- Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1]  P.hod.2x.GoodNegAdcPulseAmp 14 0.5 14.5 205 0 4100 P.hod.2x.GoodNegAdcPulseAmp>0.0
-TH2F phodo_2y_good_pamp_vs_pmt_neg 'SHMS 2Y- Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1]  P.hod.2y.GoodNegAdcPulseAmp 21 0.5 21.5 205 0 4100 P.hod.2y.GoodNegAdcPulseAmp>0.0
-TH2F phodo_1x_good_ptime_vs_pmt_pos 'SHMS 1X+ Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1]  P.hod.1x.GoodPosAdcPulseTime 13 0.5 13.5 410 0 4100 P.hod.1x.GoodPosAdcPulseTime>0.0
-TH2F phodo_1y_good_ptime_vs_pmt_pos 'SHMS 1Y+ Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1]  P.hod.1y.GoodPosAdcPulseTime 13 0.5 13.5 410 0 4100 P.hod.1y.GoodPosAdcPulseTime>0.0
-TH2F phodo_2x_good_ptime_vs_pmt_pos 'SHMS 2X+ Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1]  P.hod.2x.GoodPosAdcPulseTime 14 0.5 14.5 410 0 4100 P.hod.2x.GoodPosAdcPulseTime>0.0
-TH2F phodo_2y_good_ptime_vs_pmt_pos 'SHMS 2Y+ Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1]  P.hod.2y.GoodPosAdcPulseTime 21 0.5 21.5 410 0 4100 P.hod.2y.GoodPosAdcPulseTime>0.0
-TH2F phodo_1x_good_ptime_vs_pmt_neg 'SHMS 1X- Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1]  P.hod.1x.GoodNegAdcPulseTime 13 0.5 13.5 410 0 4100 P.hod.1x.GoodNegAdcPulseTime>0.0
-TH2F phodo_1y_good_ptime_vs_pmt_neg 'SHMS 1Y- Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1]  P.hod.1y.GoodNegAdcPulseTime 13 0.5 13.5 410 0 4100 P.hod.1y.GoodNegAdcPulseTime>0.0
-TH2F phodo_2x_good_ptime_vs_pmt_neg 'SHMS 2X- Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1]  P.hod.2x.GoodNegAdcPulseTime 14 0.5 14.5 410 0 4100 P.hod.2x.GoodNegAdcPulseTime>0.0
-TH2F phodo_2y_good_ptime_vs_pmt_neg 'SHMS 2Y- Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1]  P.hod.2y.GoodNegAdcPulseTime 21 0.5 21.5 410 0 4100 P.hod.2y.GoodNegAdcPulseTime>0.0
-# GOOD TDC TIME UNCORRECTED (uncorrected for time offsets)
-TH2F phodo_1x_good_tdctime_uncorr_vs_pmt_pos 'SHMS 1X+ Good Uncorrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Uncorrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  P.hod.1x.GoodPosTdcTimeUnCorr 13 0.5 13.5 120 0 120 P.hod.1x.GoodPosTdcTimeUnCorr>0.0
-TH2F phodo_1y_good_tdctime_uncorr_vs_pmt_pos 'SHMS 1Y+ Good Uncorrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Uncorrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  P.hod.1y.GoodPosTdcTimeUnCorr 13 0.5 13.5 120 0 120 P.hod.1y.GoodPosTdcTimeUnCorr>0.0
-TH2F phodo_2x_good_tdctime_uncorr_vs_pmt_pos 'SHMS 2X+ Good Uncorrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Uncorrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  P.hod.2x.GoodPosTdcTimeUnCorr 14 0.5 14.5 120 0 120 P.hod.2x.GoodPosTdcTimeUnCorr>0.0
-TH2F phodo_2y_good_tdctime_uncorr_vs_pmt_pos 'SHMS 2Y+ Good Uncorrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Uncorrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  P.hod.2y.GoodPosTdcTimeUnCorr 21 0.5 21.5 120 0 120 P.hod.2y.GoodPosTdcTimeUnCorr>0.0
-TH2F phodo_1x_good_tdctime_uncorr_vs_pmt_neg 'SHMS 1X- Good Uncorrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Uncorrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  P.hod.1x.GoodNegTdcTimeUnCorr 13 0.5 13.5 120 0 120 P.hod.1x.GoodNegTdcTimeUnCorr>0.0
-TH2F phodo_1y_good_tdctime_uncorr_vs_pmt_neg 'SHMS 1Y- Good Uncorrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Uncorrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  P.hod.1y.GoodNegTdcTimeUnCorr 13 0.5 13.5 120 0 120 P.hod.1y.GoodNegTdcTimeUnCorr>0.0
-TH2F phodo_2x_good_tdctime_uncorr_vs_pmt_neg 'SHMS 2X- Good Uncorrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Uncorrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  P.hod.2x.GoodNegTdcTimeUnCorr 14 0.5 14.5 120 0 120 P.hod.2x.GoodNegTdcTimeUnCorr>0.0
-TH2F phodo_2y_good_tdctime_uncorr_vs_pmt_neg 'SHMS 2Y- Good Uncorrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Uncorrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  P.hod.2y.GoodNegTdcTimeUnCorr 21 0.5 21.5 120 0 120 P.hod.2y.GoodNegTdcTimeUnCorr>0.0
-# GOOD TDC TIME CORRECTED (corrected for time offsets)
-TH2F phodo_1x_good_tdctime_corr_vs_pmt_pos 'SHMS 1X+ Good Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  P.hod.1x.GoodPosTdcTimeCorr 13 0.5 13.5 120 0 120 P.hod.1x.GoodPosTdcTimeCorr>0.0
-TH2F phodo_1y_good_tdctime_corr_vs_pmt_pos 'SHMS 1Y+ Good Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  P.hod.1y.GoodPosTdcTimeCorr 13 0.5 13.5 120 0 120 P.hod.1y.GoodPosTdcTimeCorr>0.0
-TH2F phodo_2x_good_tdctime_corr_vs_pmt_pos 'SHMS 2X+ Good Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  P.hod.2x.GoodPosTdcTimeCorr 14 0.5 14.5 120 0 120 P.hod.2x.GoodPosTdcTimeCorr>0.0
-TH2F phodo_2y_good_tdctime_corr_vs_pmt_pos 'SHMS 2Y+ Good Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  P.hod.2y.GoodPosTdcTimeCorr 21 0.5 21.5 120 0 120 P.hod.2y.GoodPosTdcTimeCorr>0.0
-TH2F phodo_1x_good_tdctime_corr_vs_pmt_neg 'SHMS 1X- Good Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  P.hod.1x.GoodNegTdcTimeCorr 13 0.5 13.5 120 0 120 P.hod.1x.GoodNegTdcTimeCorr>0.0
-TH2F phodo_1y_good_tdctime_corr_vs_pmt_neg 'SHMS 1Y- Good Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  P.hod.1y.GoodNegTdcTimeCorr 13 0.5 13.5 120 0 120 P.hod.1y.GoodNegTdcTimeCorr>0.0
-TH2F phodo_2x_good_tdctime_corr_vs_pmt_neg 'SHMS 2X- Good Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  P.hod.2x.GoodNegTdcTimeCorr 14 0.5 14.5 120 0 120 P.hod.2x.GoodNegTdcTimeCorr>0.0
-TH2F phodo_2y_good_tdctime_corr_vs_pmt_neg 'SHMS 2Y- Good Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  P.hod.2y.GoodNegTdcTimeCorr 21 0.5 21.5 120 0 120 P.hod.2y.GoodNegTdcTimeCorr>0.0
-# GOOD TDC TIME TOF CORRECTED (corrected for time of flight) 
-TH2F phodo_1x_good_tdctime_tofcorr_vs_pmt_pos 'SHMS 1X+ Good TOF Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good TOF Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  P.hod.1x.GoodPosTdcTimeTOFCorr 13 0.5 13.5 120 0 120 P.hod.1x.GoodPosTdcTimeTOFCorr>0.0
-TH2F phodo_1y_good_tdctime_tofcorr_vs_pmt_pos 'SHMS 1Y+ Good TOF Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good TOF Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  P.hod.1y.GoodPosTdcTimeTOFCorr 13 0.5 13.5 120 0 120 P.hod.1y.GoodPosTdcTimeTOFCorr>0.0
-TH2F phodo_2x_good_tdctime_tofcorr_vs_pmt_pos 'SHMS 2X+ Good TOF Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good TOF Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  P.hod.2x.GoodPosTdcTimeTOFCorr 14 0.5 14.5 120 0 120 P.hod.2x.GoodPosTdcTimeTOFCorr>0.0
-TH2F phodo_2y_good_tdctime_tofcorr_vs_pmt_pos 'SHMS 2Y+ Good TOF Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good TOF Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  P.hod.2y.GoodPosTdcTimeTOFCorr 21 0.5 21.5 120 0 120 P.hod.2y.GoodPosTdcTimeTOFCorr>0.0
-TH2F phodo_1x_good_tdctime_tofcorr_vs_pmt_neg 'SHMS 1X- Good TOF Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good TOF Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  P.hod.1x.GoodNegTdcTimeTOFCorr 13 0.5 13.5 120 0 120 P.hod.1x.GoodNegTdcTimeTOFCorr>0.0
-TH2F phodo_1y_good_tdctime_tofcorr_vs_pmt_neg 'SHMS 1Y- Good TOF Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good TOF Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  P.hod.1y.GoodNegTdcTimeTOFCorr 13 0.5 13.5 120 0 120 P.hod.1y.GoodNegTdcTimeTOFCorr>0.0
-TH2F phodo_2x_good_tdctime_tofcorr_vs_pmt_neg 'SHMS 2X- Good TOF Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good TOF Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  P.hod.2x.GoodNegTdcTimeTOFCorr 14 0.5 14.5 120 0 120 P.hod.2x.GoodNegTdcTimeTOFCorr>0.0
-TH2F phodo_2y_good_tdctime_tofcorr_vs_pmt_neg 'SHMS 2Y- Good TOF Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good TOF Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  P.hod.2y.GoodNegTdcTimeTOFCorr 21 0.5 21.5 120 0 120 P.hod.2y.GoodNegTdcTimeTOFCorr>0.0
-TH1F phodo_beta_notrack 'SHMS Hodo Calculated Beta Without Track Info; Beta; Number of Entries / 0.02' P.hod.betanotrack 100 0 2.0 P.hod.betanotrack>0.0
-TH1F phodo_beta 'SHMS Hodo Beta; Beta; Number of Entries / 0.02' P.hod.beta 100 0 2.0 P.hod.beta>0.0
-TH1F phodo_fpHitsTime 'SHMS Hodo Focal Plane Time; Focal Plane Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' P.hod.fpHitsTime 90 0 90 
-TH1F phodo_starttime 'SHMS Hodo Start Time; Start Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1ns' P.hod.starttime 90 0 90
-TH1F phodo_good_startime 'SHMS Hodo Good Start Time (ns); Good Start Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1ns' P.hod.goodstarttime 90 0 90
-TH2F phodo_xhod_vs_yhod 'SHMS Hodo Projected X vs. Y; Y_hodo(cm) / 1mm; X_hodo(cm) / 1mm' P.hod.y_hodo P.hod.x_hodo 1000 -50 50 1000 -50 50
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/DEF-files/SHMS/STACK/NGCER/pngcer_histos.def b/DEF-files/SHMS/STACK/NGCER/pngcer_histos.def
deleted file mode 100644
index 868491e774d9929cc26dfd37b96a70968ed7dca3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/DEF-files/SHMS/STACK/NGCER/pngcer_histos.def
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-# Noble Gas Cherenkov *
-# SHMS NGC GOOD Occupancy and Multiplicity 
-TH1F pngcer_good_occ 'SHMS Noble Gas Cherenkov Good Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good ADC Hits' P.ngcer.numGoodAdcHits 4 0.5 4.5
-TH1F pngcer_good_mult 'SHMS Noble Gas Cherenkov Good Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good ADC Hits' P.ngcer.totNumGoodAdcHits 4 0.5 4.5
-# SHMS NGC GOOD Pulse Pedestal / Integral / Raw Integral / Amplitude / Time 
-# GOOD --> (passed errorFlag cut and pulsetime cuts oN Min/Max ADC Time Window) 
-TH2F pngcer_good_pped_vs_pmt 'SHMS Noble Gas Cherenkov Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Units' [I+1] P.ngcer.goodAdcPed 4 0.5 4.5 400 300 700
-TH2F pngcer_good_pi_vs_pmt 'SHMS Noble Gas Cherenkov Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1] P.ngcer.goodAdcPulseInt 4 0.5 4.5 600 0 30000 P.ngcer.goodAdcPulseInt>0.0
-TH2F pngcer_good_pamp_vs_pmt 'SHMS Noble Gas Cherenkov Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1] P.ngcer.goodAdcPulseAmp 4 0.5 4.5 200 0 4000 P.ngcer.goodAdcPulseAmp>0.0
-TH2F pngcer_good_ptime_vs_pmt 'SHMS Noble Gas Cherenkov Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1] P.ngcer.goodAdcPulseTime 4 0.5 4.5 350 0 3500 P.ngcer.goodAdcPulseTime>0.0
-# SHMS NGC Number of P.E. / PMT
-TH2F pngcer_npe 'SHMS Noble Gas Cherenkov Number of Photoelectrons vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Number of Photoelectrons / PMT' [I+1] P.ngcer.npe 4 0.5 4.5 200 0 100 P.ngcer.npe>0.0 
-TH1F pngcer_tot_npe 'SHMS Noble Gas Cherenkov Total Number of Photoelectrons; Total Number of Photoelectrons; Number of Entries / 0.5 Photoelectrons' P.ngcer.npeSum 200 0 100 P.ngcer.npeSum>0.0 
-sTH1F pngcer_trk_match 'SHMS Noble Gas Cherenkov Tracks Matches; PMT Number; Number of Tracks Matched' P.ngcer.numTracksMatched 4 0.5 4.5
-sTH1F pngcer_trk_fired 'SHMS Noble Gas Cherenkov Tracks Fired; PMT Number; Number of Tracks Fired' P.ngcer.numTracksFired 4 0.5 4.5
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/DEF-files/SHMS/STACK/TRIG/ptrig_histos.def b/DEF-files/SHMS/STACK/TRIG/ptrig_histos.def
deleted file mode 100644
index 27479ef615bc6b63505f762743ce0e508d21eece..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/DEF-files/SHMS/STACK/TRIG/ptrig_histos.def
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-# Trigger Apparatus *
-TH1F ptrig_pngc_sum_pped 'SHMS Noble Gas Sum FADC Pulse Pedestal; Pulse Pedestal; Number of Entries / 1 ADC Units' T.shms.pNGCER_adcPed 2000 0 2000
-TH1F ptrig_pngc_sum_pint 'SHMS Noble Gas Sum FADC Pulse Integral; Pulse Integral; Number of Entries / 10 ADC Units' T.shms.pNGCER_adcPulseInt 4000 0 40000
-TH1F ptrig_pngc_sum_pamp 'SHMS Noble Gas Sum FADC Pulse Amplitude; Pulse Amplitude; Number of Entries / 1 ADC Units' T.shms.pNGCER_adcPulseAmp 4100 0 4100
-TH1F ptrig_pngc_sum_ptime 'SHMS Noble Gas Sum FADC Pulse Time; Pulse Time; Number of Entries / 10 ADC Units' T.shms.pNGCER_adcPulseTimeRaw 1000 0 10000
-TH1F ptrig_pngc_sum_tdc 'SHMS Noble Gas Sum TDC Time; TDC Time; Number of Entries / 10 TDC Units' T.shms.pNGCER_tdcTime 700 -3500 3500
-TH1F ptrig_phgc_sum_pped 'SHMS Heavy Gas Sum FADC Pulse Pedestal; Pulse Pedestal; Number of Entries / 1 ADC Units' T.shms.pHGCER_adcPed 2000 0 2000
-TH1F ptrig_phgc_sum_pint 'SHMS Heavy Gas Sum FADC Pulse Integral; Pulse Integral; Number of Entries / 10 ADC Units' T.shms.pHGCER_adcPulseInt 4000 0 40000
-TH1F ptrig_phgc_sum_pamp 'SHMS Heavy Gas Sum FADC Pulse Amplitude; Pulse Amplitude; Number of Entries / 1 ADC Units' T.shms.pHGCER_adcPulseAmp 4100 0 4100
-TH1F ptrig_phgc_sum_ptime 'SHMS Heavy Gas Sum FADC Pulse Time; Pulse Time; Number of Entries / 10 ADC Units' T.shms.pHGCER_adcPulseTimeRaw 1000 0 10000
-TH1F ptrig_phgc_sum_tdc 'SHMS Heavy Gas Sum TDC Time; TDC Time; Number of Entries / 10 TDC Units' T.shms.pHGCER_tdcTime 700 -3500 3500
-TH1F ptrig_p1x_tdc_mult 'SHMS p1x TDC Multiplicity; Raw TDC Multiplicity; Counts / 10' T.shms.p1X_tdcMultiplicity 11 0 11
-TH1F ptrig_p1y_tdc_mult 'SHMS p1y TDC Multiplicity; Raw TDC Multiplicity; Counts / 10' T.shms.p1Y_tdcMultiplicity 11 0 11
-TH1F ptrig_p2x_tdc_mult 'SHMS p2x TDC Multiplicity; Raw TDC Multiplicity; Counts / 10' T.shms.p2X_tdcMultiplicity 11 0 11
-TH1F ptrig_p2y_tdc_mult 'SHMS p2y TDC Multiplicity; Raw TDC Multiplicity; Counts / 10' T.shms.p2Y_tdcMultiplicity 11 0 11
-TH1F ptrig_p1T_tdc_mult 'SHMS p1x/p1y Coincidence TDC Multiplicity; Raw TDC Multiplicity; Counts / 10' T.shms.p1T_tdcMultiplicity 11 0 11
-TH1F ptrig_p2T_tdc_mult 'SHMS p2x/p2y Coincidence TDC Multiplicity; Raw TDC Multiplicity; Counts / 10' T.shms.p2T_tdcMultiplicity 11 0 11
-TH1F ptrig_pT1_tdc_mult 'SHMS p1x/p1y/p2x/p2y Coincidence TDC Multiplicity (Slot 20, Channel 15); Raw TDC Multiplicity; Counts / 10' T.shms.pT1_tdcMultiplicity 11 0 11
-TH1F ptrig_pT2_tdc_mult 'SHMS p1x/p1y/p2x/p2y Coincidence TDC Multiplicity (Slot 19, Channel 31); Raw TDC Multiplicity; Counts / 10' T.shms.pT2_tdcMultiplicity 11 0 11
-TH1F ptrig_pT3_tdc_mult 'SHMS p1x/p1y/p2x/p2y Coincidence TDC Multiplicity (Slot 19, Channel 38); Raw TDC Multiplicity; Counts / 10' T.shms.pT3_tdcMultiplicity 11 0 11
-TH1F ptrig_p1x_tdc 'SHMS p1x TDC Time; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units' T.shms.p1X_tdcTime 350 0 3500
-TH1F ptrig_p1y_tdc 'SHMS p1y TDC Time; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units' T.shms.p1Y_tdcTime 350 0 3500
-TH1F ptrig_p2x_tdc 'SHMS p2x TDC Time; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units' T.shms.p2X_tdcTime 350 0 3500
-TH1F ptrig_p2y_tdc 'SHMS p2y TDC Time; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units' T.shms.p2Y_tdcTime 350 0 3500
-TH1F ptrig_p1T_tdc 'SHMS p1x/p1y Coincidence TDC Time; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units' T.shms.p1T_tdcTime 350 0 3500
-TH1F ptrig_p2T_tdc 'SHMS p2x/p2y Coincidence TDC Time; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units' T.shms.p2T_tdcTime 350 0 3500
-TH1F ptrig_pT1_tdc 'SHMS p1x/p1y/p2x/p2y Coincidence TDC Time (Slot 20, Channel 15); Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units' T.shms.pT1_tdcTime 350 0 3500
-TH1F ptrig_pT2_tdc 'SHMS p1x/p1y/p2x/p2y Coincidence TDC Time (Slot 19, Channel 31); Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units' T.shms.pT2_tdcTime 350 0 3500
-TH1F ptrig_pT3_tdc 'SHMS p1x/p1y/p2x/p2y Coincidence TDC Time (Slot 19, Channel 38); Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units' T.shms.pT3_tdcTime 350 0 3500
-TH1F ptrig_p1x_good_tdc 'SHMS p1x Good TDC Time; Good Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units' T.shms.p1X_tdcTime 350 0 3500 T.shms.p1X_tdcMultiplicity==1
-TH1F ptrig_p1y_good_tdc 'SHMS p1y Good TDC Time; Good Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units' T.shms.p1Y_tdcTime 350 0 3500 T.shms.p1Y_tdcMultiplicity==1
-TH1F ptrig_p2x_good_tdc 'SHMS p2x Good TDC Time; Good Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units' T.shms.p2X_tdcTime 350 0 3500 T.shms.p2X_tdcMultiplicity==1
-TH1F ptrig_p2y_good_tdc 'SHMS p2y Good TDC Time; Good Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units' T.shms.p2Y_tdcTime 350 0 3500 T.shms.p2Y_tdcMultiplicity==1
-TH1F ptrig_p1T_good_tdc 'SHMS p1x/p1y Coincidence Good TDC Time; Good Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units' T.shms.p1T_tdcTime 350 0 3500 T.shms.p1T_tdcMultiplicity==1
-TH1F ptrig_p2T_good_tdc 'SHMS p2x/p2y Coincidence Good TDC Time; Good Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units' T.shms.p2T_tdcTime 350 0 3500 T.shms.p2T_tdcMultiplicity==1
-TH1F ptrig_pT1_good_tdc 'SHMS p1x/p1y/p2x/p2y Coincidence Good TDC Time (Slot 20, Channel 15); Good Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units' T.shms.pT1_tdcTime 350 0 3500 T.shms.pT1_tdcMultiplicity==1
-TH1F ptrig_pT2_good_tdc 'SHMS p1x/p1y/p2x/p2y Coincidence Good TDC Time (Slot 19, Channel 31); Good Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units' T.shms.pT2_tdcTime 350 0 3500 T.shms.pT2_tdcMultiplicity==1
-TH1F ptrig_pT3_good_tdc 'SHMS p1x/p1y/p2x/p2y Coincidence Good TDC Time (Slot 19, Channel 38); Good Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units' T.shms.pT3_tdcTime 350 0 3500 T.shms.pT3_tdcMultiplicity==1
-TH2F ptrig_ch1xy_ch2x 'SHMS Hodo Trig; 1X1Y Trig (ns); 2X Trig (ns)' T.shms.p1T_tdcTime T.shms.p2X_tdcTime 200 100 300 200 100 300 T.shms.p2X_tdcMultiplicity==1&&T.shms.p1T_tdcMultiplicity==1
-TH2F ptrig_ch1x_ch2x 'SHMS Hodo Trig; 1X Trig (ns); 2X Trig (ns)' T.shms.p1X_tdcTime T.shms.p2X_tdcTime 200 100 300 200 100 300 T.shms.p2X_tdcMultiplicity==1&&T.shms.p1X_tdcMultiplicity==1
-TH2F ptrig_ch1y_ch2x 'SHMS Hodo Trig; 1Y Trig (ns); 2X Trig (ns)' T.shms.p1Y_tdcTime T.shms.p2X_tdcTime 200 100 300 200 100 300 T.shms.p2X_tdcMultiplicity==1&&T.shms.p1Y_tdcMultiplicity==1
-TH2F ptrig_ch1ych1x 'SHMS Hodo Trig; Trig 1X (ns); Trig 1Y (ns)' T.shms.p1X_tdcTime T.shms.p1Y_tdcTime 200 100 300 200 100 300 T.shms.p1Y_tdcMultiplicity==1&&T.shms.p1X_tdcMultiplicity==1
-TH1F ptrig_pdc_ref1  'SHMS DC Reference Time Slot 6 Channel 79; Raw TDC Time (TDC Clicks); Counts / 10 TDC Clicks' T.shms.pDCREF1_tdcTime  200 12000 14000
-TH1F ptrig_pdc_ref2  'SHMS DC Reference Time Slot 7 Channel 79; Raw TDC Time (TDC Clicks); Counts / 10 TDC Clicks' T.shms.pDCREF2_tdcTime  200 12000 14000
-TH1F ptrig_pdc_ref3  'SHMS DC Reference Time Slot 8 Channel 79; Raw TDC Time (TDC Clicks); Counts / 10 TDC Clicks' T.shms.pDCREF3_tdcTime  200 12000 14000
-TH1F ptrig_pdc_ref4  'SHMS DC Reference Time Slot 9 Channel 79; Raw TDC Time (TDC Clicks); Counts / 10 TDC Clicks' T.shms.pDCREF4_tdcTime  200 12000 14000
-TH1F ptrig_pdc_ref5  'SHMS DC Reference Time Slot 10 Channel 79; Raw TDC Time (TDC Clicks); Counts / 10 TDC Clicks' T.shms.pDCREF5_tdcTime  200 12000 14000
-TH1F ptrig_pdc_ref6  'SHMS DC Reference Time Slot 11 Channel 47; Raw TDC Time (TDC Clicks); Counts / 10 TDC Clicks' T.shms.pDCREF6_tdcTime  200 12000 14000
-TH1F ptrig_pdc_ref7  'SHMS DC Reference Time Slot 12 Channel 47; Raw TDC Time (TDC Clicks); Counts / 10 TDC Clicks' T.shms.pDCREF7_tdcTime  200 12000 14000
-TH1F ptrig_pdc_ref8  'SHMS DC Reference Time Slot 13 Channel 47; Raw TDC Time (TDC Clicks); Counts / 10 TDC Clicks' T.shms.pDCREF8_tdcTime  200 12000 14000
-TH1F ptrig_pdc_ref9  'SHMS DC Reference Time Slot 14 Channel 15; Raw TDC Time (TDC Clicks); Counts / 10 TDC Clicks' T.shms.pDCREF9_tdcTime  200 12000 14000
-TH1F ptrig_pdc_ref10 'SHMS DC Reference Time Slot 15 Channel 47; Raw TDC Time (TDC Clicks); Counts / 10 TDC Clicks' T.shms.pDCREF10_tdcTime 200 12000 14000
-# Fast Raster 
-# Assume FADC range is set to 1V and the integration is 25 channels
-# Offset in the FADC is about 0.122V or 500 channels.
-formula FRXA_V T.shms.pFRXA_adcPulseIntRaw*(1./4096.)/25.
-formula FRXB_V T.shms.pFRXB_adcPulseIntRaw*(1./4096.)/25.
-formula FRYA_V T.shms.pFRYA_adcPulseIntRaw*(1./4096.)/25.
-formula FRYB_V T.shms.pFRYB_adcPulseIntRaw*(1./4096.)/25.
-TH1F pFRXA 'SHMS FRXA; FRXA RAW ADC (chan); Counts' T.shms.pFRXA_adcPulseIntRaw 1000 0 100000
-TH1F pFRXA_V 'SHMS FRXA; FRXA RAW ADC (Volts); Counts' FRXA_V 1000 0 1.0
-TH1F pFRXB 'SHMS FRXB; FRXB RAW ADC (chan); Counts' T.shms.pFRXB_adcPulseIntRaw 1000 0 100000
-TH1F pFRXB_V 'SHMS FRXB; FRXB RAW ADC (Volts); Counts' FRXB_V 1000 0 1.0
-TH1F pFRYA 'SHMS FRYA; FRYA RAW ADC (chan); Counts' T.shms.pFRYA_adcPulseIntRaw 1000 0 100000
-TH1F pFRYA_V 'SHMS FRYA; FRYA RAW ADC (Volts); Counts' FRYA_V 1000 0 1.0
-TH1F pFRYB 'SHMS FRYB; FRYB RAW ADC (chan); Counts' T.shms.pFRYB_adcPulseIntRaw 1000 0 100000
-TH1F pFRYB_V 'SHMS FRYB; FRYB RAW ADC (Volts); Counts' FRYB_V 1000 0 1.0
-TH2F pFRA_XvsY 'HMSFRA_XvsY; FRXA RAW ADC (Volts); FRYA RAW ADC (Volts)' FRXA_V FRYA_V 1000 0 1.0 1000 0 1.0
-TH2F pFRB_XvsY 'HMSFRB_XvsY; FRXB RAW ADC (Volts); FRYB RAW ADC (Volts)' FRXB_V FRYB_V 1000 0 1.0 1000 0 1.0
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/DEF-files/SHMS/STACK/merge_def_files.py b/DEF-files/SHMS/STACK/merge_def_files.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e89af1974f8214a2f6e7ad422391e4bf0035c74c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/DEF-files/SHMS/STACK/merge_def_files.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-# Python script to merge multiple def-files into single def-file
-import os
-import sys
-if (len(sys.argv) != 3 or sys.argv[1] == '-h'):
-    print('Usage:')
-    print('  merge_def_files.py merge_list.txt outfile.def')
-    sys.exit()
-defFileList   = open(sys.argv[1], 'r')
-defFile       = defFileList.readlines()
-defFilePath   = []
-mergedDefFile = sys.argv[2]
-for defFileName in defFile:
-    defFilePath.append((defFileName).strip())
-with open(mergedDefFile, 'w') as outFile:
-    for defFileName in defFilePath:
-        outFile.write('\n\n')
-        with open(defFileName) as inFile:
-            for line in inFile:
-                outFile.write(line)
diff --git a/DEF-files/SHMS/STACK/merge_list.txt b/DEF-files/SHMS/STACK/merge_list.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 9cd7399273a34ad1299ef67a95f29b3bd67c358b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/DEF-files/SHMS/STACK/merge_list.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/DEF-files/SHMS/STACK/pstackana.def b/DEF-files/SHMS/STACK/pstackana.def
deleted file mode 100644
index 8228e52d8dbb6715708f3cc96b37cea5d949056d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/DEF-files/SHMS/STACK/pstackana.def
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,683 +0,0 @@
-# Block Definitions *
-block T.shms.*
-block P.ngcer.*
-block P.dc.*
-block P.tr.*
-block P.hod.*
-block P.hgcer.*
-block P.aero.*
-block P.cal.*
-block P.gtr.*
-# Noble Gas Cherenkov *
-# SHMS NGC GOOD Occupancy and Multiplicity 
-TH1F pngcer_good_occ 'SHMS Noble Gas Cherenkov Good Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good ADC Hits' P.ngcer.numGoodAdcHits 4 0.5 4.5
-TH1F pngcer_good_mult 'SHMS Noble Gas Cherenkov Good Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good ADC Hits' P.ngcer.totNumGoodAdcHits 4 0.5 4.5
-# SHMS NGC GOOD Pulse Pedestal / Integral / Raw Integral / Amplitude / Time 
-# GOOD --> (passed errorFlag cut and pulsetime cuts oN Min/Max ADC Time Window) 
-TH2F pngcer_good_pped_vs_pmt 'SHMS Noble Gas Cherenkov Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Units' [I+1] P.ngcer.goodAdcPed 4 0.5 4.5 400 300 700
-TH2F pngcer_good_pi_vs_pmt 'SHMS Noble Gas Cherenkov Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1] P.ngcer.goodAdcPulseInt 4 0.5 4.5 600 0 30000 P.ngcer.goodAdcPulseInt>0.0
-TH2F pngcer_good_pamp_vs_pmt 'SHMS Noble Gas Cherenkov Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1] P.ngcer.goodAdcPulseAmp 4 0.5 4.5 200 0 4000 P.ngcer.goodAdcPulseAmp>0.0
-TH2F pngcer_good_ptime_vs_pmt 'SHMS Noble Gas Cherenkov Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1] P.ngcer.goodAdcPulseTime 4 0.5 4.5 350 0 3500 P.ngcer.goodAdcPulseTime>0.0
-# SHMS NGC Number of P.E. / PMT
-TH2F pngcer_npe 'SHMS Noble Gas Cherenkov Number of Photoelectrons vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Number of Photoelectrons / PMT' [I+1] P.ngcer.npe 4 0.5 4.5 200 0 100 P.ngcer.npe>0.0 
-TH1F pngcer_tot_npe 'SHMS Noble Gas Cherenkov Total Number of Photoelectrons; Total Number of Photoelectrons; Number of Entries / 0.5 Photoelectrons' P.ngcer.npeSum 200 0 100 P.ngcer.npeSum>0.0 
-sTH1F pngcer_trk_match 'SHMS Noble Gas Cherenkov Tracks Matches; PMT Number; Number of Tracks Matched' P.ngcer.numTracksMatched 4 0.5 4.5
-sTH1F pngcer_trk_fired 'SHMS Noble Gas Cherenkov Tracks Fired; PMT Number; Number of Tracks Fired' P.ngcer.numTracksFired 4 0.5 4.5
-# Drift Chambers *
-TH1F pdc1u1_wirenum 'SHMS DC 1U1 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' P.dc.1u1.wirenum 107 0.5 107.5
-TH1F pdc1u2_wirenum 'SHMS DC 1U2 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' P.dc.1u2.wirenum 107 0.5 107.5
-TH1F pdc1x1_wirenum 'SHMS DC 1X1 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' P.dc.1x1.wirenum  79 0.5  79.5
-TH1F pdc1x2_wirenum 'SHMS DC 1X2 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' P.dc.1x2.wirenum  79 0.5  79.5
-TH1F pdc1v1_wirenum 'SHMS DC 1V1 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' P.dc.1v1.wirenum 107 0.5 107.5
-TH1F pdc1v2_wirenum 'SHMS DC 1V2 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' P.dc.1v2.wirenum 107 0.5 107.5
-TH1F pdc2v2_wirenum 'SHMS DC 2V2 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' P.dc.2v2.wirenum 107 0.5 107.5
-TH1F pdc2v1_wirenum 'SHMS DC 2V1 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' P.dc.2v1.wirenum 107 0.5 107.5
-TH1F pdc2x2_wirenum 'SHMS DC 2X2 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' P.dc.2x2.wirenum  79 0.5  79.5
-TH1F pdc2x1_wirenum 'SHMS DC 2X1 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' P.dc.2x1.wirenum  79 0.5  79.5
-TH1F pdc2u2_wirenum 'SHMS DC 2U2 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' P.dc.2u2.wirenum 107 0.5 107.5
-TH1F pdc2u1_wirenum 'SHMS DC 2U1 Wiremap; Wire Number; Number of Entries' P.dc.2u1.wirenum 107 0.5 107.5
-TH1F pdc1u1_drifttime 'SHMS DC 1U1 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' P.dc.1u1.time 400 -50 350
-TH1F pdc1u2_drifttime 'SHMS DC 1U2 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' P.dc.1u2.time 400 -50 350
-TH1F pdc1x1_drifttime 'SHMS DC 1X1 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' P.dc.1x1.time 400 -50 350
-TH1F pdc1x2_drifttime 'SHMS DC 1X2 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' P.dc.1x2.time 400 -50 350
-TH1F pdc1v1_drifttime 'SHMS DC 1V1 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' P.dc.1v1.time 400 -50 350
-TH1F pdc1v2_drifttime 'SHMS DC 1V2 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' P.dc.1v2.time 400 -50 350
-TH1F pdc2v2_drifttime 'SHMS DC 2V2 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' P.dc.2v2.time 400 -50 350
-TH1F pdc2v1_drifttime 'SHMS DC 2V1 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' P.dc.2v1.time 400 -50 350
-TH1F pdc2x2_drifttime 'SHMS DC 2X2 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' P.dc.2x2.time 400 -50 350
-TH1F pdc2x1_drifttime 'SHMS DC 2X1 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' P.dc.2x1.time 400 -50 350
-TH1F pdc2u2_drifttime 'SHMS DC 2U2 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' P.dc.2u2.time 400 -50 350
-TH1F pdc2u1_drifttime 'SHMS DC 2U1 Drift Time; Drift Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' P.dc.2u1.time 400 -50 350
-TH2F pdc1u1_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'SHMS DC 1U1Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' P.dc.1u1.wirenum P.dc.1u1.time 107 0.5 107.5 500 0 500
-TH2F pdc1u2_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'SHMS DC 1U2Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' P.dc.1u2.wirenum P.dc.1u2.time 107 0.5 107.5 500 0 500
-TH2F pdc1x1_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'SHMS DC 1X1Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' P.dc.1x1.wirenum P.dc.1x1.time  79 0.5  79.5 500 0 500
-TH2F pdc1x2_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'SHMS DC 1X2Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' P.dc.1x2.wirenum P.dc.1x2.time  79 0.5  79.5 500 0 500
-TH2F pdc1v1_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'SHMS DC 1V1Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' P.dc.1v1.wirenum P.dc.1v1.time 107 0.5 107.5 500 0 500
-TH2F pdc1v2_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'SHMS DC 1V2Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' P.dc.1v2.wirenum P.dc.1v2.time 107 0.5 107.5 500 0 500
-TH2F pdc2v2_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'SHMS DC 2V2Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' P.dc.2v2.wirenum P.dc.2v2.time 107 0.5 107.5 500 0 500
-TH2F pdc2v1_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'SHMS DC 2V1Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' P.dc.2v1.wirenum P.dc.2v1.time 107 0.5 107.5 500 0 500
-TH2F pdc2x2_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'SHMS DC 2X2Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' P.dc.2x2.wirenum P.dc.2x2.time  79 0.5  79.5 500 0 500
-TH2F pdc2x1_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'SHMS DC 2X1Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' P.dc.2x1.wirenum P.dc.2x1.time  79 0.5  79.5 500 0 500
-TH2F pdc2u2_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'SHMS DC 2U2Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' P.dc.2u2.wirenum P.dc.2u2.time 107 0.5 107.5 500 0 500
-TH2F pdc2u1_drifttime_vs_wirenum 'SHMS DC 2U1Drift Time vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Drift Time (ns)' P.dc.2u1.wirenum P.dc.2u1.time 107 0.5 107.5 500 0 500
-# SHMS DC Drift Distance Per Plane 
-TH1F pdc1u1_ddist 'SHMS 1U1 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' P.dc.1u1.dist 50 -0.1 0.6
-TH1F pdc1u1_ddist_cut 'SHMS 1U1 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' P.dc.1u1.dist 50 -0.1 0.6   time_cut1
-TH1F pdc1u2_ddist 'SHMS 1U2 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' P.dc.1u2.dist 50 -0.1 0.6
-TH1F pdc1u2_ddist_cut 'SHMS 1U2 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' P.dc.1u2.dist 50 -0.1 0.6   time_cut2
-TH1F pdc1x1_ddist 'SHMS 1X1 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' P.dc.1x1.dist 50 -0.1 0.6
-TH1F pdc1x1_ddist_cut 'SHMS 1X1 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' P.dc.1x1.dist 50 -0.1 0.6   time_cut3
-TH1F pdc1x2_ddist 'SHMS 1X2 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' P.dc.1x2.dist 50 -0.1 0.6
-TH1F pdc1x2_ddist_cut 'SHMS 1X2 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' P.dc.1x2.dist 50 -0.1 0.6   time_cut4
-TH1F pdc1v1_ddist 'SHMS 1V1 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' P.dc.1v1.dist 50 -0.1 0.6
-TH1F pdc1v1_ddist_cut 'SHMS 1V1 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' P.dc.1v1.dist 50 -0.1 0.6   time_cut5
-TH1F pdc1v2_ddist 'SHMS 1V2 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' P.dc.1v2.dist 50 -0.1 0.6
-TH1F pdc1v2_ddist_cut 'SHMS 1V2 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' P.dc.1v2.dist 50 -0.1 0.6   time_cut6
-TH1F pdc2v2_ddist 'SHMS 2V2 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' P.dc.2v2.dist 50 -0.1 0.6
-TH1F pdc2v2_ddist_cut 'SHMS 2V2 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' P.dc.2v2.dist 50 -0.1 0.6   time_cut7
-TH1F pdc2v1_ddist 'SHMS 2V1 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' P.dc.2v1.dist 50 -0.1 0.6
-TH1F pdc2v1_ddist_cut 'SHMS 2V1 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' P.dc.2v1.dist 50 -0.1 0.6   time_cut8
-TH1F pdc2x2_ddist 'SHMS 2X2 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' P.dc.2x2.dist 50 -0.1 0.6
-TH1F pdc2x2_ddist_cut 'SHMS 2X2 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' P.dc.2x2.dist 50 -0.1 0.6   time_cut9
-TH1F pdc2x1_ddist 'SHMS 2X1 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' P.dc.2x1.dist 50 -0.1 0.6
-TH1F pdc2x1_ddist_cut 'SHMS 2X1 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' P.dc.2x1.dist 50 -0.1 0.6   time_cut10
-TH1F pdc2u2_ddist 'SHMS 2U2 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' P.dc.2u2.dist 50 -0.1 0.6
-TH1F pdc2u2_ddist_cut 'SHMS 2U2 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' P.dc.2u2.dist 50 -0.1 0.6   time_cut11
-TH1F pdc2u1_ddist 'SHMS 2U1 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' P.dc.2u1.dist 50 -0.1 0.6
-TH1F pdc2u1_ddist_cut 'SHMS 2U1 Drift Distance; Drift Distance (cm); Number of Entries' P.dc.2u1.dist 50 -0.1 0.6   time_cut12
-# SHMS DC Drift Distance vs. Wire number 
-TH2F pdc1u1_wirenum_vs_ddist 'SHMS 1U1 Wiremap vs. Drift Distance; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' P.dc.1u1.wirenum P.dc.1u1.dist 107 0.5 107.5 300 -0.1 0.6
-TH2F pdc1u2_wirenum_vs_ddist 'SHMS 1U2 Wiremap vs. Drift Distance; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' P.dc.1u2.wirenum P.dc.1u2.dist 107 0.5 107.5 300 -0.1 0.6
-TH2F pdc1x1_wirenum_vs_ddist 'SHMS 1X1 Wiremap vs. Drift Distance; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' P.dc.1x1.wirenum P.dc.1x1.dist  79 0.5  79.5 300 -0.1 0.6
-TH2F pdc1x2_wirenum_vs_ddist 'SHMS 1X2 Wiremap vs. Drift Distance; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' P.dc.1x2.wirenum P.dc.1x2.dist  79 0.5  79.5 300 -0.1 0.6
-TH2F pdc1v1_wirenum_vs_ddist 'SHMS 1V1 Wiremap vs. Drift Distance; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' P.dc.1v1.wirenum P.dc.1v1.dist 107 0.5 107.5 300 -0.1 0.6
-TH2F pdc1v2_wirenum_vs_ddist 'SHMS 1V2 Wiremap vs. Drift Distance; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' P.dc.1v2.wirenum P.dc.1v2.dist 107 0.5 107.5 300 -0.1 0.6
-TH2F pdc2u2_wirenum_vs_ddist 'SHMS 2U2 Wiremap vs. Drift Distance; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' P.dc.2u2.wirenum P.dc.2u2.dist 107 0.5 107.5 300 -0.1 0.6
-TH2F pdc2u1_wirenum_vs_ddist 'SHMS 2U1 Wiremap vs. Drift Distance; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' P.dc.2u1.wirenum P.dc.2u1.dist 107 0.5 107.5 300 -0.1 0.6
-TH2F pdc2x2_wirenum_vs_ddist 'SHMS 2X2 Wiremap vs. Drift Distance; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' P.dc.2x2.wirenum P.dc.2x2.dist  79 0.5  79.5 300 -0.1 0.6
-TH2F pdc2x1_wirenum_vs_ddist 'SHMS 2X1 Wiremap vs. Drift Distance; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' P.dc.2x1.wirenum P.dc.2x1.dist  79 0.5  79.5 300 -0.1 0.6
-TH2F pdc2v2_wirenum_vs_ddist 'SHMS 2V2 Wiremap vs. Drift Distance; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' P.dc.2v2.wirenum P.dc.2v2.dist 107 0.5 107.5 300 -0.1 0.6
-TH2F pdc2v1_wirenum_vs_ddist 'SHMS 2V1 Wiremap vs. Drift Distance; Wire Number; Drift Distance (cm)' P.dc.2v1.wirenum P.dc.2v1.dist 107 0.5 107.5 300 -0.1 0.6
-TH1F pdc1u1_residuals 'SHMS 1U1 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' P.dc.residual[0]  200 -1.0 1.0
-TH1F pdc1u2_residuals 'SHMS 1U2 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' P.dc.residual[1]  200 -1.0 1.0
-TH1F pdc1x1_residuals 'SHMS 1X1 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' P.dc.residual[2]  200 -1.0 1.0
-TH1F pdc1x2_residuals 'SHMS 1X2 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' P.dc.residual[3]  200 -1.0 1.0
-TH1F pdc1v1_residuals 'SHMS 1V1 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' P.dc.residual[4]  200 -1.0 1.0
-TH1F pdc1v2_residuals 'SHMS 1V2 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' P.dc.residual[5]  200 -1.0 1.0
-TH1F pdc2v2_residuals 'SHMS 2V2 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' P.dc.residual[6]  200 -1.0 1.0
-TH1F pdc2v1_residuals 'SHMS 2V1 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' P.dc.residual[7]  200 -1.0 1.0
-TH1F pdc2x2_residuals 'SHMS 2X2 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' P.dc.residual[8]  200 -1.0 1.0
-TH1F pdc2x1_residuals 'SHMS 2X1 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' P.dc.residual[9]  200 -1.0 1.0
-TH1F pdc2u2_residuals 'SHMS 2U2 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' P.dc.residual[10] 200 -1.0 1.0
-TH1F pdc2u1_residuals 'SHMS 2U1 DC Residuals; Residuals (cm); Number of Entries / 0.01 cm' P.dc.residual[11] 200 -1.0 1.0
-# SHMS DC RESIDUALS vs. Wire Number
-TH2F pdc1u1_residuals_vs_wirenum 'SHMS 1U1 DC Residuals vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Residuals (cm)' P.dc.1u1.wirenum P.dc.residual[0] 107 0.5 107.5 200 -1.0 1.0
-TH2F pdc1u2_residuals_vs_wirenum 'SHMS 1U2 DC Residuals vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Residuals (cm)' P.dc.1u2.wirenum P.dc.residual[1] 107 0.5 107.5 200 -1.0 1.0
-TH2F pdc1x1_residuals_vs_wirenum 'SHMS 1X1 DC Residuals vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Residuals (cm)' P.dc.1x1.wirenum P.dc.residual[2] 79 0.5  79.5 200 -1.0 1.0
-TH2F pdc1x2_residuals_vs_wirenum 'SHMS 1X2 DC Residuals vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Residuals (cm)' P.dc.1x2.wirenum P.dc.residual[3] 79 0.5  79.5 200 -1.0 1.0
-TH2F pdc1v1_residuals_vs_wirenum 'SHMS 1V1 DC Residuals vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Residuals (cm)' P.dc.1v1.wirenum P.dc.residual[4] 107 0.5 107.5 200 -1.0 1.0
-TH2F pdc1v2_residuals_vs_wirenum 'SHMS 1V2 DC Residuals vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Residuals (cm)' P.dc.1v2.wirenum P.dc.residual[5] 107 0.5 107.5 200 -1.0 1.0
-TH2F pdc2v2_residuals_vs_wirenum 'SHMS 2V2 DC Residuals vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Residuals (cm)' P.dc.2v2.wirenum P.dc.residual[6] 107 0.5 107.5 200 -1.0 1.0
-TH2F pdc2v1_residuals_vs_wirenum 'SHMS 2V1 DC Residuals vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Residuals (cm)' P.dc.2v1.wirenum P.dc.residual[7] 107 0.5 107.5 200 -1.0 1.0
-TH2F pdc2x2_residuals_vs_wirenum 'SHMS 2X2 DC Residuals vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Residuals (cm)' P.dc.2x2.wirenum P.dc.residual[8] 79 0.5  79.5 200 -1.0 1.0
-TH2F pdc2x1_residuals_vs_wirenum 'SHMS 2X1 DC Residuals vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Residuals (cm)' P.dc.2x1.wirenum P.dc.residual[9] 79 0.5  79.5 200 -1.0 1.0
-TH2F pdc2u2_residuals_vs_wirenum 'SHMS 2U2 DC Residuals vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Residuals (cm)' P.dc.2u2.wirenum P.dc.residual[10] 107 0.5 107.5 200 -1.0 1.0
-TH2F pdc2u1_residuals_vs_wirenum 'SHMS 2U1 DC Residuals vs. Wire Number; Wire Number; Residuals (cm)' P.dc.2u1.wirenum P.dc.residual[11] 107 0.5 107.5 200 -1.0 1.0
-TH1F pdc_trk_mom 'SHMS DC Track Momentum; P (GeV); Number of Entires / 10 MeV' P.tr.p 600 0 6
-TH1F pdc_trk_beta 'SHMS DC Track Beta; Beta (GeV); Number of Entires' P.tr.beta 300 -1.5 1.5
-TH2F pdc_xfp_vs_yxp 'SHMS DC X_{fp} vs Y_{fp}; Y_{fp} (cm) / 1 cm; X_{fp} (cm) / 1 cm' P.dc.y_fp P.dc.x_fp 100 -50 50 100 -50 50
-TH2F pdc_xpfp_vs_ypfp 'SHMS DC X'_{fp} vs Y'_{fp}; Y'_{fp} / 0.002 rad; X'_{fp} / 0.002 rad' P.dc.yp_fp P.dc.xp_fp 100 -.1 .1 100 -.1 .1
-TH2F pdc_xfp_vs_ypfp 'SHMS DC X_{fp} vs Y'_{fp}; Y'_{fp} / 0.002 rad; X_{fp} / 1 cm'  P.dc.yp_fp P.dc.x_fp 100 -.1 .1 100 -50 50 
-TH2F pdc_xfp_vs_xpfp 'SHMS DC X_{fp} vs X'_{fp}; X'_{fp} / 0.002 rad; X_{fp} / 1 cm' P.dc.xp_fp P.dc.x_fp 100 -.1 .1 100 -50 50
-# SHMS HODO GOOD ADC Multiplicities 
-TH1F phodo_1x_good_adc_mult_pos 'SHMS 1X+ Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +ADC Hits' P.hod.1x.totNumGoodPosAdcHits 13 0.5 13.5
-TH1F phodo_1y_good_adc_mult_pos 'SHMS 1Y+ Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +ADC Hits' P.hod.1y.totNumGoodPosAdcHits 13 0.5 13.5
-TH1F phodo_2x_good_adc_mult_pos 'SHMS 2X+ Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +ADC Hits' P.hod.2x.totNumGoodPosAdcHits 14 0.5 14.5
-TH1F phodo_2y_good_adc_mult_pos 'SHMS 2Y+ Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +ADC Hits' P.hod.2y.totNumGoodPosAdcHits 21 0.5 21.5
-TH1F phodo_1x_good_adc_mult_neg 'SHMS 1X- Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good -ADC Hits' P.hod.1x.totNumGoodNegAdcHits 13 0.5 13.5
-TH1F phodo_1y_good_adc_mult_neg 'SHMS 1Y- Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good -ADC Hits' P.hod.1y.totNumGoodNegAdcHits 13 0.5 13.5
-TH1F phodo_2x_good_adc_mult_neg 'SHMS 2X- Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good -ADC Hits' P.hod.2x.totNumGoodNegAdcHits 14 0.5 14.5
-TH1F phodo_2y_good_adc_mult_neg 'SHMS 2Y- Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good -ADC Hits' P.hod.2y.totNumGoodNegAdcHits 21 0.5 21.5
-TH1F phodo_1x_good_adc_mult 'SHMS 1X Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good ADC Hits' P.hod.1x.totNumGoodAdcHits 13 0.5 13.5
-TH1F phodo_1y_good_adc_mult 'SHMS 1Y Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good ADC Hits' P.hod.1y.totNumGoodAdcHits 13 0.5 13.5
-TH1F phodo_2x_good_adc_mult 'SHMS 2X Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good ADC Hits' P.hod.2x.totNumGoodAdcHits 14 0.5 14.5
-TH1F phodo_2y_good_adc_mult 'SHMS 2Y Good ADC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good ADC Hits' P.hod.2y.totNumGoodAdcHits 21 0.5 21.5
-# SHMS HODO Good TDC Multiplicities
-TH1F phodo_1x_good_tdc_mult_pos 'SHMS 1X+ Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +TDC Hits' P.hod.1x.totNumGoodPosTdcHits 13 0.5 13.5
-TH1F phodo_1y_good_tdc_mult_pos 'SHMS 1Y+ Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +TDC Hits' P.hod.1y.totNumGoodPosTdcHits 13 0.5 13.5
-TH1F phodo_2x_good_tdc_mult_pos 'SHMS 2X+ Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +TDC Hits' P.hod.2x.totNumGoodPosTdcHits 14 0.5 14.5
-TH1F phodo_2y_good_tdc_mult_pos 'SHMS 2Y+ Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +TDC Hits' P.hod.2y.totNumGoodPosTdcHits 21 0.5 21.5
-TH1F phodo_1x_good_tdc_mult_neg 'SHMS 1X- Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good -TDC Hits' P.hod.1x.totNumGoodNegTdcHits 13 0.5 13.5
-TH1F phodo_1y_good_tdc_mult_neg 'SHMS 1Y- Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good -TDC Hits' P.hod.1y.totNumGoodNegTdcHits 13 0.5 13.5
-TH1F phodo_2x_good_tdc_mult_neg 'SHMS 2X- Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good -TDC Hits' P.hod.2x.totNumGoodNegTdcHits 14 0.5 14.5
-TH1F phodo_2y_good_tdc_mult_neg 'SHMS 2Y- Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good -TDC Hits' P.hod.2y.totNumGoodNegTdcHits 21 0.5 21.5
-TH1F phodo_1x_good_tdc_mult 'SHMS 1X Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good TDC Hits' P.hod.1x.totNumGoodTdcHits 13 0.5 13.5
-TH1F phodo_1y_good_tdc_mult 'SHMS 1Y Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good TDC Hits' P.hod.1y.totNumGoodTdcHits 13 0.5 13.5
-TH1F phodo_2x_good_tdc_mult 'SHMS 2X Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good TDC Hits' P.hod.2x.totNumGoodTdcHits 14 0.5 14.5
-TH1F phodo_2y_good_tdc_mult 'SHMS 2Y Good TDC Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good TDC Hits' P.hod.2y.totNumGoodTdcHits 21 0.5 21.5
-TH1F phodo_1x_good_adc_occ_pos 'SHMS 1X+ Good ADC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good +ADC Hits' P.hod.1x.numGoodPosAdcHits 13 0.5 13.5
-TH1F phodo_1y_good_adc_occ_pos 'SHMS 1Y+ Good ADC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good +ADC Hits' P.hod.1y.numGoodPosAdcHits 13 0.5 13.5 
-TH1F phodo_2x_good_adc_occ_pos 'SHMS 2X+ Good ADC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good +ADC Hits' P.hod.2x.numGoodPosAdcHits 14 0.5 14.5
-TH1F phodo_2y_good_adc_occ_pos 'SHMS 2Y+ Good ADC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good +ADC Hits' P.hod.2y.numGoodPosAdcHits 21 0.5 21.5
-TH1F phodo_1x_good_adc_occ_neg 'SHMS 1X- Good ADC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good -ADC Hits' P.hod.1x.numGoodNegAdcHits 13 0.5 13.5
-TH1F phodo_1y_good_adc_occ_neg 'SHMS 1Y- Good ADC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good -ADC Hits' P.hod.1y.numGoodNegAdcHits 13 0.5 13.5 
-TH1F phodo_2x_good_adc_occ_neg 'SHMS 2X- Good ADC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good -ADC Hits' P.hod.2x.numGoodNegAdcHits 14 0.5 14.5
-TH1F phodo_2y_good_adc_occ_neg 'SHMS 2Y- Good ADC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good -ADC Hits' P.hod.2y.numGoodNegAdcHits 21 0.5 21.5
-TH1F phodo_1x_good_tdc_occ_pos 'SHMS 1X+ Good TDC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good +TDC Hits' P.hod.1x.numGoodPosTdcHits 13 0.5 13.5
-TH1F phodo_1y_good_tdc_occ_pos 'SHMS 1Y+ Good TDC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good +TDC Hits' P.hod.1y.numGoodPosTdcHits 13 0.5 13.5 
-TH1F phodo_2x_good_tdc_occ_pos 'SHMS 2X+ Good TDC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good +TDC Hits' P.hod.2x.numGoodPosTdcHits 14 0.5 14.5
-TH1F phodo_2y_good_tdc_occ_pos 'SHMS 2Y+ Good TDC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good +TDC Hits' P.hod.2y.numGoodPosTdcHits 21 0.5 21.5
-TH1F phodo_1x_good_tdc_occ_neg 'SHMS 1X- Good TDC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good -TDC Hits' P.hod.1x.numGoodNegTdcHits 13 0.5 13.5
-TH1F phodo_1y_good_tdc_occ_neg 'SHMS 1Y- Good TDC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good -TDC Hits' P.hod.1y.numGoodNegTdcHits 13 0.5 13.5 
-TH1F phodo_2x_good_tdc_occ_neg 'SHMS 2X- Good TDC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good -TDC Hits' P.hod.2x.numGoodNegTdcHits 14 0.5 14.5
-TH1F phodo_2y_good_tdc_occ_neg 'SHMS 2Y- Good TDC Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good -TDC Hits' P.hod.2y.numGoodNegTdcHits 21 0.5 21.5
-TH2F phodo_1x_good_pped_vs_pmt_pos 'SHMS 1X+ Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Unit' [I+1]  P.hod.1x.GoodPosAdcPed 13 0.5 13.5 400 300 700 P.hod.1x.GoodPosAdcPed>0.0
-TH2F phodo_1y_good_pped_vs_pmt_pos 'SHMS 1Y+ Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Unit' [I+1]  P.hod.1y.GoodPosAdcPed 13 0.5 13.5 400 300 700 P.hod.1y.GoodPosAdcPed>0.0
-TH2F phodo_2x_good_pped_vs_pmt_pos 'SHMS 2X+ Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Unit' [I+1]  P.hod.2x.GoodPosAdcPed 14 0.5 14.5 400 300 700 P.hod.2x.GoodPosAdcPed>0.0
-TH2F phodo_2y_good_pped_vs_pmt_pos 'SHMS 2Y+ Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Unit' [I+1]  P.hod.2y.GoodPosAdcPed 21 0.5 21.5 400 300 700 P.hod.2y.GoodPosAdcPed>0.0
-TH2F phodo_1x_good_pped_vs_pmt_neg 'SHMS 1X- Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Unit' [I+1]  P.hod.1x.GoodNegAdcPed 13 0.5 13.5 400 300 700 P.hod.1x.GoodNegAdcPed>0.0
-TH2F phodo_1y_good_pped_vs_pmt_neg 'SHMS 1Y- Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Unit' [I+1]  P.hod.1y.GoodNegAdcPed 13 0.5 13.5 400 300 700 P.hod.1y.GoodNegAdcPed>0.0
-TH2F phodo_2x_good_pped_vs_pmt_neg 'SHMS 2X- Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Unit' [I+1]  P.hod.2x.GoodNegAdcPed 14 0.5 14.5 400 300 700 P.hod.2x.GoodNegAdcPed>0.0
-TH2F phodo_2y_good_pped_vs_pmt_neg 'SHMS 2Y- Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Unit' [I+1]  P.hod.2y.GoodNegAdcPed 21 0.5 21.5 400 300 700 P.hod.2y.GoodNegAdcPed>0.0
-TH2F phodo_1x_good_pi_vs_pmt_pos 'SHMS 1X+ Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1]  P.hod.1x.GoodPosAdcPulseInt 13 0.5 13.5 600 0 30000 P.hod.1x.GoodPosAdcPulseInt>0.0
-TH2F phodo_1y_good_pi_vs_pmt_pos 'SHMS 1Y+ Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1]  P.hod.1y.GoodPosAdcPulseInt 13 0.5 13.5 600 0 30000 P.hod.1y.GoodPosAdcPulseInt>0.0
-TH2F phodo_2x_good_pi_vs_pmt_pos 'SHMS 2X+ Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1]  P.hod.2x.GoodPosAdcPulseInt 14 0.5 14.5 600 0 30000 P.hod.2x.GoodPosAdcPulseInt>0.0
-TH2F phodo_2y_good_pi_vs_pmt_pos 'SHMS 2Y+ Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1]  P.hod.2y.GoodPosAdcPulseInt 21 0.5 21.5 600 0 30000 P.hod.2y.GoodPosAdcPulseInt>0.0
-TH2F phodo_1x_good_pi_vs_pmt_neg 'SHMS 1X- Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1]  P.hod.1x.GoodNegAdcPulseInt 13 0.5 13.5 600 0 30000 P.hod.1x.GoodNegAdcPulseInt>0.0
-TH2F phodo_1y_good_pi_vs_pmt_neg 'SHMS 1Y- Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1]  P.hod.1y.GoodNegAdcPulseInt 13 0.5 13.5 600 0 30000 P.hod.1y.GoodNegAdcPulseInt>0.0
-TH2F phodo_2x_good_pi_vs_pmt_neg 'SHMS 2X- Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1]  P.hod.2x.GoodNegAdcPulseInt 14 0.5 14.5 600 0 30000 P.hod.2x.GoodNegAdcPulseInt>0.0
-TH2F phodo_2y_good_pi_vs_pmt_neg 'SHMS 2Y- Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1]  P.hod.2y.GoodNegAdcPulseInt 21 0.5 21.5 600 0 30000 P.hod.2y.GoodNegAdcPulseInt>0.0
-TH2F phodo_1x_good_pamp_vs_pmt_pos 'SHMS 1X+ Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1]  P.hod.1x.GoodPosAdcPulseAmp 13 0.5 13.5 205 0 4100 P.hod.1x.GoodPosAdcPulseAmp>0.0
-TH2F phodo_1y_good_pamp_vs_pmt_pos 'SHMS 1Y+ Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1]  P.hod.1y.GoodPosAdcPulseAmp 13 0.5 13.5 205 0 4100 P.hod.1y.GoodPosAdcPulseAmp>0.0
-TH2F phodo_2x_good_pamp_vs_pmt_pos 'SHMS 2X+ Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1]  P.hod.2x.GoodPosAdcPulseAmp 14 0.5 14.5 205 0 4100 P.hod.2x.GoodPosAdcPulseAmp>0.0
-TH2F phodo_2y_good_pamp_vs_pmt_pos 'SHMS 2Y+ Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1]  P.hod.2y.GoodPosAdcPulseAmp 21 0.5 21.5 205 0 4100 P.hod.2y.GoodPosAdcPulseAmp>0.0
-TH2F phodo_1x_good_pamp_vs_pmt_neg 'SHMS 1X- Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1]  P.hod.1x.GoodNegAdcPulseAmp 13 0.5 13.5 205 0 4100 P.hod.1x.GoodNegAdcPulseAmp>0.0
-TH2F phodo_1y_good_pamp_vs_pmt_neg 'SHMS 1Y- Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1]  P.hod.1y.GoodNegAdcPulseAmp 13 0.5 13.5 205 0 4100 P.hod.1y.GoodNegAdcPulseAmp>0.0
-TH2F phodo_2x_good_pamp_vs_pmt_neg 'SHMS 2X- Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1]  P.hod.2x.GoodNegAdcPulseAmp 14 0.5 14.5 205 0 4100 P.hod.2x.GoodNegAdcPulseAmp>0.0
-TH2F phodo_2y_good_pamp_vs_pmt_neg 'SHMS 2Y- Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1]  P.hod.2y.GoodNegAdcPulseAmp 21 0.5 21.5 205 0 4100 P.hod.2y.GoodNegAdcPulseAmp>0.0
-TH2F phodo_1x_good_ptime_vs_pmt_pos 'SHMS 1X+ Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1]  P.hod.1x.GoodPosAdcPulseTime 13 0.5 13.5 410 0 4100 P.hod.1x.GoodPosAdcPulseTime>0.0
-TH2F phodo_1y_good_ptime_vs_pmt_pos 'SHMS 1Y+ Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1]  P.hod.1y.GoodPosAdcPulseTime 13 0.5 13.5 410 0 4100 P.hod.1y.GoodPosAdcPulseTime>0.0
-TH2F phodo_2x_good_ptime_vs_pmt_pos 'SHMS 2X+ Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1]  P.hod.2x.GoodPosAdcPulseTime 14 0.5 14.5 410 0 4100 P.hod.2x.GoodPosAdcPulseTime>0.0
-TH2F phodo_2y_good_ptime_vs_pmt_pos 'SHMS 2Y+ Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1]  P.hod.2y.GoodPosAdcPulseTime 21 0.5 21.5 410 0 4100 P.hod.2y.GoodPosAdcPulseTime>0.0
-TH2F phodo_1x_good_ptime_vs_pmt_neg 'SHMS 1X- Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1]  P.hod.1x.GoodNegAdcPulseTime 13 0.5 13.5 410 0 4100 P.hod.1x.GoodNegAdcPulseTime>0.0
-TH2F phodo_1y_good_ptime_vs_pmt_neg 'SHMS 1Y- Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1]  P.hod.1y.GoodNegAdcPulseTime 13 0.5 13.5 410 0 4100 P.hod.1y.GoodNegAdcPulseTime>0.0
-TH2F phodo_2x_good_ptime_vs_pmt_neg 'SHMS 2X- Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1]  P.hod.2x.GoodNegAdcPulseTime 14 0.5 14.5 410 0 4100 P.hod.2x.GoodNegAdcPulseTime>0.0
-TH2F phodo_2y_good_ptime_vs_pmt_neg 'SHMS 2Y- Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1]  P.hod.2y.GoodNegAdcPulseTime 21 0.5 21.5 410 0 4100 P.hod.2y.GoodNegAdcPulseTime>0.0
-# GOOD TDC TIME UNCORRECTED (uncorrected for time offsets)
-TH2F phodo_1x_good_tdctime_uncorr_vs_pmt_pos 'SHMS 1X+ Good Uncorrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Uncorrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  P.hod.1x.GoodPosTdcTimeUnCorr 13 0.5 13.5 120 0 120 P.hod.1x.GoodPosTdcTimeUnCorr>0.0
-TH2F phodo_1y_good_tdctime_uncorr_vs_pmt_pos 'SHMS 1Y+ Good Uncorrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Uncorrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  P.hod.1y.GoodPosTdcTimeUnCorr 13 0.5 13.5 120 0 120 P.hod.1y.GoodPosTdcTimeUnCorr>0.0
-TH2F phodo_2x_good_tdctime_uncorr_vs_pmt_pos 'SHMS 2X+ Good Uncorrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Uncorrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  P.hod.2x.GoodPosTdcTimeUnCorr 14 0.5 14.5 120 0 120 P.hod.2x.GoodPosTdcTimeUnCorr>0.0
-TH2F phodo_2y_good_tdctime_uncorr_vs_pmt_pos 'SHMS 2Y+ Good Uncorrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Uncorrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  P.hod.2y.GoodPosTdcTimeUnCorr 21 0.5 21.5 120 0 120 P.hod.2y.GoodPosTdcTimeUnCorr>0.0
-TH2F phodo_1x_good_tdctime_uncorr_vs_pmt_neg 'SHMS 1X- Good Uncorrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Uncorrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  P.hod.1x.GoodNegTdcTimeUnCorr 13 0.5 13.5 120 0 120 P.hod.1x.GoodNegTdcTimeUnCorr>0.0
-TH2F phodo_1y_good_tdctime_uncorr_vs_pmt_neg 'SHMS 1Y- Good Uncorrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Uncorrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  P.hod.1y.GoodNegTdcTimeUnCorr 13 0.5 13.5 120 0 120 P.hod.1y.GoodNegTdcTimeUnCorr>0.0
-TH2F phodo_2x_good_tdctime_uncorr_vs_pmt_neg 'SHMS 2X- Good Uncorrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Uncorrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  P.hod.2x.GoodNegTdcTimeUnCorr 14 0.5 14.5 120 0 120 P.hod.2x.GoodNegTdcTimeUnCorr>0.0
-TH2F phodo_2y_good_tdctime_uncorr_vs_pmt_neg 'SHMS 2Y- Good Uncorrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Uncorrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  P.hod.2y.GoodNegTdcTimeUnCorr 21 0.5 21.5 120 0 120 P.hod.2y.GoodNegTdcTimeUnCorr>0.0
-# GOOD TDC TIME CORRECTED (corrected for time offsets)
-TH2F phodo_1x_good_tdctime_corr_vs_pmt_pos 'SHMS 1X+ Good Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  P.hod.1x.GoodPosTdcTimeCorr 13 0.5 13.5 120 0 120 P.hod.1x.GoodPosTdcTimeCorr>0.0
-TH2F phodo_1y_good_tdctime_corr_vs_pmt_pos 'SHMS 1Y+ Good Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  P.hod.1y.GoodPosTdcTimeCorr 13 0.5 13.5 120 0 120 P.hod.1y.GoodPosTdcTimeCorr>0.0
-TH2F phodo_2x_good_tdctime_corr_vs_pmt_pos 'SHMS 2X+ Good Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  P.hod.2x.GoodPosTdcTimeCorr 14 0.5 14.5 120 0 120 P.hod.2x.GoodPosTdcTimeCorr>0.0
-TH2F phodo_2y_good_tdctime_corr_vs_pmt_pos 'SHMS 2Y+ Good Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  P.hod.2y.GoodPosTdcTimeCorr 21 0.5 21.5 120 0 120 P.hod.2y.GoodPosTdcTimeCorr>0.0
-TH2F phodo_1x_good_tdctime_corr_vs_pmt_neg 'SHMS 1X- Good Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  P.hod.1x.GoodNegTdcTimeCorr 13 0.5 13.5 120 0 120 P.hod.1x.GoodNegTdcTimeCorr>0.0
-TH2F phodo_1y_good_tdctime_corr_vs_pmt_neg 'SHMS 1Y- Good Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  P.hod.1y.GoodNegTdcTimeCorr 13 0.5 13.5 120 0 120 P.hod.1y.GoodNegTdcTimeCorr>0.0
-TH2F phodo_2x_good_tdctime_corr_vs_pmt_neg 'SHMS 2X- Good Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  P.hod.2x.GoodNegTdcTimeCorr 14 0.5 14.5 120 0 120 P.hod.2x.GoodNegTdcTimeCorr>0.0
-TH2F phodo_2y_good_tdctime_corr_vs_pmt_neg 'SHMS 2Y- Good Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  P.hod.2y.GoodNegTdcTimeCorr 21 0.5 21.5 120 0 120 P.hod.2y.GoodNegTdcTimeCorr>0.0
-# GOOD TDC TIME TOF CORRECTED (corrected for time of flight) 
-TH2F phodo_1x_good_tdctime_tofcorr_vs_pmt_pos 'SHMS 1X+ Good TOF Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good TOF Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  P.hod.1x.GoodPosTdcTimeTOFCorr 13 0.5 13.5 120 0 120 P.hod.1x.GoodPosTdcTimeTOFCorr>0.0
-TH2F phodo_1y_good_tdctime_tofcorr_vs_pmt_pos 'SHMS 1Y+ Good TOF Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good TOF Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  P.hod.1y.GoodPosTdcTimeTOFCorr 13 0.5 13.5 120 0 120 P.hod.1y.GoodPosTdcTimeTOFCorr>0.0
-TH2F phodo_2x_good_tdctime_tofcorr_vs_pmt_pos 'SHMS 2X+ Good TOF Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good TOF Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  P.hod.2x.GoodPosTdcTimeTOFCorr 14 0.5 14.5 120 0 120 P.hod.2x.GoodPosTdcTimeTOFCorr>0.0
-TH2F phodo_2y_good_tdctime_tofcorr_vs_pmt_pos 'SHMS 2Y+ Good TOF Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good TOF Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  P.hod.2y.GoodPosTdcTimeTOFCorr 21 0.5 21.5 120 0 120 P.hod.2y.GoodPosTdcTimeTOFCorr>0.0
-TH2F phodo_1x_good_tdctime_tofcorr_vs_pmt_neg 'SHMS 1X- Good TOF Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good TOF Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  P.hod.1x.GoodNegTdcTimeTOFCorr 13 0.5 13.5 120 0 120 P.hod.1x.GoodNegTdcTimeTOFCorr>0.0
-TH2F phodo_1y_good_tdctime_tofcorr_vs_pmt_neg 'SHMS 1Y- Good TOF Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good TOF Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  P.hod.1y.GoodNegTdcTimeTOFCorr 13 0.5 13.5 120 0 120 P.hod.1y.GoodNegTdcTimeTOFCorr>0.0
-TH2F phodo_2x_good_tdctime_tofcorr_vs_pmt_neg 'SHMS 2X- Good TOF Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good TOF Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  P.hod.2x.GoodNegTdcTimeTOFCorr 14 0.5 14.5 120 0 120 P.hod.2x.GoodNegTdcTimeTOFCorr>0.0
-TH2F phodo_2y_good_tdctime_tofcorr_vs_pmt_neg 'SHMS 2Y- Good TOF Corrected TDC Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good TOF Corrected TDC Time / 1 TDC Unit' [I+1]  P.hod.2y.GoodNegTdcTimeTOFCorr 21 0.5 21.5 120 0 120 P.hod.2y.GoodNegTdcTimeTOFCorr>0.0
-TH1F phodo_beta_notrack 'SHMS Hodo Calculated Beta Without Track Info; Beta; Number of Entries / 0.02' P.hod.betanotrack 100 0 2.0 P.hod.betanotrack>0.0
-TH1F phodo_beta 'SHMS Hodo Beta; Beta; Number of Entries / 0.02' P.hod.beta 100 0 2.0 P.hod.beta>0.0
-TH1F phodo_fpHitsTime 'SHMS Hodo Focal Plane Time; Focal Plane Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1 ns' P.hod.fpHitsTime 90 0 90 
-TH1F phodo_starttime 'SHMS Hodo Start Time; Start Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1ns' P.hod.starttime 90 0 90
-TH1F phodo_good_startime 'SHMS Hodo Good Start Time (ns); Good Start Time (ns); Number of Entries / 1ns' P.hod.goodstarttime 90 0 90
-TH2F phodo_xhod_vs_yhod 'SHMS Hodo Projected X vs. Y; Y_hodo(cm) / 1mm; X_hodo(cm) / 1mm' P.hod.y_hodo P.hod.x_hodo 1000 -50 50 1000 -50 50
-# Heavy Gas Cherenkov *
-# SHMS HGC GOOD Occupancy and Multiplicity
-TH1F phgcer_good_occ 'SHMS Heavy Gas Cherenkov Good Occupancy; PMT Number; Number Good ADC Hits' P.hgcer.numGoodAdcHits 4 0.5 4.5
-TH1F phgcer_good_mult 'SHMS Heavy Gas Cherenkov Good Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good ADC Hits' P.hgcer.totNumGoodAdcHits 4 0.5 4.5
-# SHMS HGC GOOD Pulse Pedestal / Integral / Raw Integral / Amplitude / Time 
-# GOOD --> (passed errorFlag cut and pulsetime cuts oN Min/Max ADC Time Window) 
-TH2F phgcer_good_pped_vs_pmt 'SHMS Heavy Gas Cherenkov Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Units' [I+1] P.hgcer.goodAdcPed 4 0.5 4.5 400 300 700
-TH2F phgcer_good_pi_vs_pmt 'SHMS Heavy Gas Cherenkov Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1] P.hgcer.goodAdcPulseInt 4 0.5 4.5 600 0 30000 P.hgcer.goodAdcPulseInt>0.0
-TH2F phgcer_good_pamp_vs_pmt 'SHMS Heavy Gas Cherenkov Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1] P.hgcer.goodAdcPulseAmp 4 0.5 4.5 200 0 4000 P.hgcer.goodAdcPulseAmp>0.0
-TH2F phgcer_good_ptime_vs_pmt 'SHMS Heavy Gas Cherenkov Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1] P.hgcer.goodAdcPulseTime 4 0.5 4.5 350 0 3500 P.hgcer.goodAdcPulseTime>0.0
-# SHMS HGC Number of P.E. / PMT
-TH2F phgcer_npe 'SHMS Heavy Gas Cherenkov Number of Photoelectrons vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Number of Photoelectrons / PMT' [I+1] P.hgcer.npe 4 0.5 4.5 200 0 100 P.hgcer.npe>0.0 
-TH1F phgcer_tot_npe 'SHMS Heavy Gas Cherenkov Total Number of Photoelectrons; Total Number of Photoelectrons; Number of Entries / 0.5 Photoelectrons' P.hgcer.npeSum 200 0 100 P.hgcer.npeSum>0.0 
-sTH1F phgcer_trk_match 'SHMS Noble Gas Cherenkov Track Matches; PMT Number; Number of Tracks Matched' P.hgcer.numTracksMatched 4 0.5 4.5
-sTH1F phgcer_trk_fired 'SHMS Noble Gas Cherenkov Tracks Fired; PMT Number; Number of Tracks Fired' P.hgcer.numTracksFired 4 0.5 4.5
-# SHMS AEROGEL GOOD Occupancy and Multiplicity
-TH1F paero_good_occ_pos 'SHMS Aero+ Good Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good +ADC Hits' P.aero.numGoodPosAdcHits 7 0.5 7.5
-TH1F paero_good_occ_neg 'SHMS Aero- Good Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good -ADC Hits' P.aero.numGoodNegAdcHits 7 0.5 7.5
-TH1F paero_good_mult_pos 'SHMS Aero+ Good Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +ADC Hits' P.aero.totNumGoodPosAdcHits 7 0.5 7.5
-TH1F paero_good_mult_neg 'SHMS Aero- Good Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good -ADC Hits' P.aero.totNumGoodNegAdcHits 7 0.5 7.5
-TH1F paero_good_mult 'SHMS Aero Good Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good ADC Hits' P.aero.totnumGoodAdcHits 14 0.5 14.5
-TH1F paero_tot_npe_pos 'SHMS Aero+ Total Number of Photoelectrons; Total Number of Pos Photoelectrons; Number of Entries / 0.5 Photoelectrons' P.aero.posNpeSum 200 0 100 P.aero.posNpeSum>0.0 
-TH1F paero_tot_npe_neg 'SHMS Aero- Total Number of Photoelectrons; Total Number of Neg Photoelectrons; Number of Entries / 0.5 Photoelectrons' P.aero.negNpeSum 200 0 100 P.aero.negNpeSum>0.0 
-TH1F paero_tot_npe 'SHMS Aero Total Number of Photoelectrons; Total Number of Photoelectrons; Number of Entries / 0.5 Photoelectrons' P.aero.npeSum 200 0 100 P.aero.npeSum>0.0 
-# SHMS AERO Number of P.E. / PMT
-TH2F paero_npe_pos 'SHMS Aero+ Number of Photoelectrons vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Number of Photoelectrons / PMT' [I+1] P.aero.posNpe 7 0.5 7.5 200 0 100 P.aero.posNpe>0.0 
-TH2F paero_npe_neg 'SHMS Aero- Number of Photoelectrons vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Number of Photoelectrons / PMT' [I+1] P.aero.negNpe 7 0.5 7.5 200 0 100 P.aero.negNpe>0.0 
-# SHMS AERO GOOD Pulse Pedestal / Integral / Raw Integral / Amplitude / Time 
-# GOOD --> (passed errorFlag cut and pulsetime cuts oN Min/Max ADC Time Window) 
-TH2F paero_good_pped_vs_pmt_pos 'SHMS Aero+ Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number;  Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Units' [I+1] P.aero.goodPosAdcPed 7 0.5 7.5 400 300 700  P.aero.goodPosAdcPed>0.0
-TH2F paero_good_pi_vs_pmt_pos 'SHMS Aero+ Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number;  Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1] P.aero.goodPosAdcPulseInt 7 0.5 7.5 600 0 30000 P.aero.goodPosAdcPulseInt>0.0
-TH2F paero_good_pamp_vs_pmt_pos 'SHMS Aero+ Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number;  Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1] P.aero.goodPosAdcPulseAmp 7 0.5 7.5 200 0 4000 P.aero.goodPosAdcPulseAmp>0.0
-TH2F paero_good_ptime_vs_pmt_pos 'SHMS Aero+ Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1] P.aero.goodPosAdcPulseTime 7 0.5 7.5 350 0 3500 P.aero.goodPosAdcPulseTime>0.0
-TH2F paero_good_pped_vs_pmt_neg 'SHMS Aero- Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number;  Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Units' [I+1] P.aero.goodNegAdcPed 7 0.5 7.5 400 300 700 P.aero.goodNegAdcPed>0.0
-TH2F paero_good_pi_vs_pmt_neg 'SHMS Aero- Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number;  Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1] P.aero.goodNegAdcPulseInt 7 0.5 7.5 600 0 30000 P.aero.goodNegAdcPulseInt>0.0
-TH2F paero_good_pamp_vs_pmt_neg 'SHMS Aero- Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number;  Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1] P.aero.goodNegAdcPulseAmp 7 0.5 7.5 200 0 4000 P.aero.goodNegAdcPulseAmp>0.0
-TH2F paero_good_ptime_vs_pmt_neg 'SHMS Aero- Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1] P.aero.goodNegAdcPulseTime 7 0.5 7.5 350 0 3500 P.aero.goodNegAdcPulseTime>0.0
-# SHMS PreSH GOOD Occupancy and Multiplicity
-TH1F pcal_prshwr_good_occ_pos 'SHMS PreShower+ Good Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good +ADC Hits' P.cal.pr.numGoodPosAdcHits 14 0.5 14.5
-TH1F pcal_prshwr_good_occ_neg 'SHMS PreShower- Good Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good -ADC Hits' P.cal.pr.numGoodNegAdcHits 14 0.5 14.5
-TH1F pcal_prshwr_good_mult_pos 'SHMS PreShower+ Good Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good +ADC Hits' P.cal.pr.totNumGoodPosAdcHits 14 0.5 14.5
-TH1F pcal_prshwr_good_mult_neg 'SHMS PreShower- Good Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good -ADC Hits' P.cal.pr.totNumGoodNegAdcHits 14 0.5 14.5
-TH1F pcal_prshwr_good_mult 'SHMS PreShower Good Multiplicity; Number of PMTs Hit; Total Number of Good ADC Hits' P.cal.pr.totnumGoodAdcHits 28 0.5 28.5
-# GOOD --> (passed errorFlag cut, pulsetime cuts oN Min/Max ADC Time Window, and ADC threshold cut)
-TH2F pcal_prshwr_good_pped_vs_pmt_pos 'SHMS PreShower+ Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Unit' [I+1] P.cal.pr.goodPosAdcPed 14 0.5 14.5 400 300 700  P.cal.pr.goodPosAdcPed>0.0
-TH2F pcal_prshwr_good_pi_vs_pmt_pos 'SHMS PreShower+ Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good  Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1] P.cal.pr.goodPosAdcPulseInt 14 0.5 14.5 600 0 30000 P.cal.pr.goodPosAdcPulseInt>0.0
-TH2F pcal_prshwr_good_pamp_vs_pmt_pos 'SHMS PreShower+ Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good  Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1] P.cal.pr.goodPosAdcPulseAmp 14 0.5 14.5 200 0 4000 P.cal.pr.goodPosAdcPulseAmp>0.0
-TH2F pcal_prshwr_good_ptime_vs_pmt_pos 'SHMS PreShower+ Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1] P.cal.pr.goodPosAdcPulseTime 14 0.5 14.5 350 0 3500 P.cal.pr.goodPosAdcPulseTime>0.0
-TH2F pcal_prshwr_good_pped_vs_pmt_neg 'SHMS PreShower- Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Unit' [I+1] P.cal.pr.goodNegAdcPed 14 0.5 14.5 400 300 700  P.cal.pr.goodNegAdcPed>0.0
-TH2F pcal_prshwr_good_pi_vs_pmt_neg 'SHMS PreShower- Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1] P.cal.pr.goodNegAdcPulseInt 14 0.5 14.5 600 0 30000 P.cal.pr.goodNegAdcPulseInt>0.0
-TH2F pcal_prshwr_good_pamp_vs_pmt_neg 'SHMS PreShower- Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1] P.cal.pr.goodNegAdcPulseAmp 14 0.5 14.5 200 0 4000 P.cal.pr.goodNegAdcPulseAmp>0.0
-TH2F pcal_prshwr_good_ptime_vs_pmt_neg 'SHMS PreShower- Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1] P.cal.pr.goodNegAdcPulseTime 14 0.5 14.5 350 0 3500 P.cal.pr.goodNegAdcPulseTime>0.0
-# (calib consts (GAIN) are in GeV/ADC units )
-TH2F pcal_prshwr_Epos_vs_pmt 'SHMS PreShower+ Energy Deposition vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Energy Deposition (0.01 GeV / ADC Units)' [I+1] P.cal.pr.epos 14 0.5 14.5 200 0 2 P.cal.pr.epos>0.0
-TH2F pcal_prshwr_Eneg_vs_pmt 'SHMS PreShower- Energy Deposition vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Energy Deposition (0.01 GeV / ADC Units)' [I+1] P.cal.pr.eneg 14 0.5 14.5 200 0 2 P.cal.pr.eneg>0.0
-TH2F pcal_prshwr_Emean_vs_pmt 'SHMS PreShower Mean Energy Deposition vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Mean Energy Deposition (0.01 GeV / ADC Units)' [I+1] P.cal.pr.emean 14 0.5 14.5 300 0 3 P.cal.pr.emean>0.0
-TH1F pcal_prshwr_Eplane_pos 'SHMS PreShower+ Energy Deposition; Energy Deposition (GeV); Number of Entries / 0.01 GeV' P.cal.pr.eplane_pos 200 0 2 P.cal.pr.eplane_pos>0.0
-TH1F pcal_prshwr_Eplane_neg 'SHMS PreShower- Energy Deposition; Energy Deposition (GeV); Number of Entries / 0.01 GeV' P.cal.pr.eplane_neg 200 0 2 P.cal.pr.eplane_neg>0.0
-TH1F pcal_prshwr_Eplane 'SHMS PreShower Total Energy Deposition; Total Energy Deposition (GeV); Number of Entries / 0.01 GeV' P.cal.pr.eplane 300 0 3 P.cal.pr.eplane>0.0
-# SHMS Shower GOOD Occupancy and Multiplicity
-TH1F pcal_shwr_good_occ 'SHMS Shower Good Occupancy; PMT Number; Number of Good ADC Hits' P.cal.fly.numGoodAdcHits 224 0.5 224.5
-TH1F pcal_shwr_good_mult 'SHMS Shower Good Multiplicity; PMT Number; Total Number of Good ADC Hits' P.cal.fly.totNumGoodAdcHits 224 0.5 224.5
-TH2F pcal_shwr_good_pped_vs_pmt 'SHMS Shower Good Pulse Pedestal vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Pedestal / 1 ADC Unit' [I+1] P.cal.fly.goodAdcPed 224 0.5 224.5 700 300 1000 P.cal.fly.goodAdcPed>0.0
-TH2F pcal_shwr_good_pi_vs_pmt 'SHMS Shower Good Pulse Integral vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Integral / 50 ADC Units' [I+1] P.cal.fly.goodAdcPulseInt 224 0.5 224.5 600 0 30000 P.cal.fly.goodAdcPulseInt>0.0
-TH2F pcal_shwr_good_pamp_vs_pmt 'SHMS Shower Good Pulse Amplitude vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Amplitude / 20 ADC Units' [I+1] P.cal.fly.goodAdcPulseAmp 224 0.5 224.5 200 0 4000 P.cal.fly.goodAdcPulseAmp>0.0
-TH2F pcal_shwr_good_ptime_vs_pmt 'SHMS Shower Good Pulse Time vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Good Pulse Time / 10 ADC Units' [I+1] P.cal.fly.goodAdcPulseTime 224 0.5 224.5 350 0 3500 P.cal.fly.goodAdcPulseTime>0.0
-# (calib consts (GAIN) are in GeV/ADC units )
-TH2F pcal_shwr_E_vs_pmt 'SHMS Shower Energy Deposition vs. PMT Number; PMT Number; Energy Deposited (0.01 GeV / ADC Units)' [I+1] P.cal.fly.e 224 0.5 224.5 300 0 3 P.cal.fly.e>0.0
-TH1F pcal_shwr_Earray 'SHMS Shower Total Energy Deposition in Array; Total Energy Deposited (GeV); Number of Entries / 0.01 GeV' P.cal.fly.earray 600 0 6 P.cal.fly.earray>0.0
-TH1F pcal_etot 'SHMS Calorimeter Total Energy Deposition; Total Energy Deposition (GeV); Number of Entries / 0.01 GeV' P.cal.etot 500 0 5 P.cal.etot>0.0
-TH1F pcal_etot_norm 'SHMS Calorimeter Total Normalized Energy Deposition; Total Energy Deposited (GeV) / P0 (GeV); Number of Entries / 0.01' P.cal.etotnorm 500 0 5 P.cal.etotnorm>0.0
-TH1F pcal_etrack 'SHMS Calorimeter Total Track Energy; Track Energy Deposited (GeV); Number of Entries / 0.1 GeV' P.cal.etrack 100 0 10 P.cal.etrack>0.0 
-TH1F pcal_etracknorm 'SHMS Calorimeter Normalized Track Energy; Trk. Energy Dep. (GeV) / Trk. P (GeV); Number of Entries / 0.1 ' P.cal.etracknorm 100 0 10 P.cal.etracknorm>0.0
-TH1F pcal_etracknorm_track 'SHMS Calorimeter Normalized Track Energy (Ntrack > 0); Trk. Energy Dep. (GeV) / Trk. P (GeV); Number of Entries / 0.1 ' P.cal.etracknorm 100 0 10 P.cal.etracknorm>0.0&&P.dc.ntrack>0
-TH1F pcal_enenorm_track_elec 'SHMS Cal energy/p (npeSum > .5&&abs(del)<8)' P.cal.etracknorm 300 0. 1.5 P.dc.ntrack>0&&P.ngcer.npeSum>.5&&P.hgcer.npeSum>.5&&P.gtr.dp>-8.&&P.gtr.dp<8.
-TH1F pcal_enenorm_track_pion 'SHMS Cal energy/p (npeSum <.5&&abs(del)<8)' P.cal.etracknorm 300 0. 1.5 P.dc.ntrack>0&&P.ngcer.npeSum<.5&&P.hgcer.npeSum<.5&&P.gtr.dp>-8.&&P.gtr.dp<8.
-TH2F pcal_ene_2dtrack 'SHMS Cal energy v energy track' P.cal.etrack P.cal.etot 1000 0. 5. 1000 0. 5. P.dc.ntrack>0
-TH2F pcal_delta_etrack 'SHMS Delta v Cal energy/p ' P.cal.etracknorm P.gtr.dp 60 0. 1.5 80 -15. 25. P.dc.ntrack>0
-TH2F pcal_ngnpe_etrack 'SHMS NG Cer Npe v Cal energy/p' P.cal.etracknorm P.ngcer.npeSum 300 0. 1.5 60 0. 15. P.dc.ntrack>0
-TH2F pcal_hgnpe_etrack 'SHMS HG Cer Npe v Cal energy/p' P.cal.etracknorm P.hgcer.npeSum 300 0. 1.5 60 0. 15. P.dc.ntrack>0
-TH2F hgc_vs_prshw 'SHMS HGC Total N.P.E. vs. PreSh Energy; Total PreSh Energy Deposition / 0.01 GeV; HGC Total N.P.E. / 0.5' P.cal.pr.eplane P.hgcer.npeSum 300 0 3 40 0 20 P.cal.pr.eplane>0.0&&P.hgcer.npeSum>0.0 
-TH2F ngc_vs_prshw 'SHMS NGC Total N.P.E. vs. PreSh Energy; Total PreSh Energy Deposition / 0.01 GeV; NGC Total N.P.E. / 0.5' P.cal.pr.eplane P.ngcer.npeSum 300 0 3 40 0 20 P.cal.pr.eplane>0.0&&P.ngcer.npeSum>0.0 
-TH2F pcal_shw_vs_prshw 'Shower vs. PreShower Energy Deposition; PreShower Energy / 0.1 GeV; Shower Energy / 0.1 GeV' P.cal.pr.eplane P.cal.fly.earray 50 0 5 350 0 35  P.cal.pr.eplane>0.0&&P.cal.fly.earray>0.0 
-TH2F delta_vs_etracknorm 'SHMS Delta. vs. Normalized Track Energy; Calorimeter Normalized Track Energy; Momentum Acceptance (%)' P.cal.etracknorm P.gtr.dp 50 0 5 80 -15, 25 P.cal.etracknorm>0.0&&P.dc.ntrack>0 
-TH1F pcal_xclusttrack 'SHMS Cal X pos' P.cal.xclusttrack 200 -100. 100. P.cal.nclusttrack>-1
-TH1F pcal_xdiff 'SHMS Cal X pos - X track' P.cal.xclusttrack-P.cal.xtrack 200 -20. 20. P.cal.nclusttrack>-1&&P.dc.ntrack>0
-TH2F pcal_xdiff_v_xtr 'SHMS Cal X pos - X track v Xtr' P.cal.xtrack P.cal.xclusttrack-P.cal.xtrack 200 -100. 100. 200 -20. 20. P.cal.nclusttrack>-1&&P.dc.ntrack>0
-TH1F pcal_xtrack 'SHMS Cal X pos of track' P.cal.xtrack 200 -100. 100. P.cal.nclusttrack>-1&&P.dc.ntrack>0
-TH1F pcal_xtrack1 'SHMS Cal X pos of track no matching clust' P.cal.xtrack 200 -100. 100. P.cal.nclusttrack==-1&&P.gtr.dp>-8.&&P.gtr.dp<8.&&P.dc.ntrack>0
-TH1F pcal_xtrack2 'SHMS Cal X pos of track no matching clust number of cluster=1' P.cal.xtrack 200 -100. 100. P.cal.nclusttrack==-1&&P.cal.nclust==0&&P.gtr.dp>-8.&&P.gtr.dp<8.&&P.dc.ntrack>0
-# Trigger Apparatus *
-TH1F ptrig_pngc_sum_pped 'SHMS Noble Gas Sum FADC Pulse Pedestal; Pulse Pedestal; Number of Entries / 1 ADC Units' T.shms.pNGCER_adcPed 2000 0 2000
-TH1F ptrig_pngc_sum_pint 'SHMS Noble Gas Sum FADC Pulse Integral; Pulse Integral; Number of Entries / 10 ADC Units' T.shms.pNGCER_adcPulseInt 4000 0 40000
-TH1F ptrig_pngc_sum_pamp 'SHMS Noble Gas Sum FADC Pulse Amplitude; Pulse Amplitude; Number of Entries / 1 ADC Units' T.shms.pNGCER_adcPulseAmp 4100 0 4100
-TH1F ptrig_pngc_sum_ptime 'SHMS Noble Gas Sum FADC Pulse Time; Pulse Time; Number of Entries / 10 ADC Units' T.shms.pNGCER_adcPulseTimeRaw 1000 0 10000
-TH1F ptrig_pngc_sum_tdc 'SHMS Noble Gas Sum TDC Time; TDC Time; Number of Entries / 10 TDC Units' T.shms.pNGCER_tdcTime 700 -3500 3500
-TH1F ptrig_phgc_sum_pped 'SHMS Heavy Gas Sum FADC Pulse Pedestal; Pulse Pedestal; Number of Entries / 1 ADC Units' T.shms.pHGCER_adcPed 2000 0 2000
-TH1F ptrig_phgc_sum_pint 'SHMS Heavy Gas Sum FADC Pulse Integral; Pulse Integral; Number of Entries / 10 ADC Units' T.shms.pHGCER_adcPulseInt 4000 0 40000
-TH1F ptrig_phgc_sum_pamp 'SHMS Heavy Gas Sum FADC Pulse Amplitude; Pulse Amplitude; Number of Entries / 1 ADC Units' T.shms.pHGCER_adcPulseAmp 4100 0 4100
-TH1F ptrig_phgc_sum_ptime 'SHMS Heavy Gas Sum FADC Pulse Time; Pulse Time; Number of Entries / 10 ADC Units' T.shms.pHGCER_adcPulseTimeRaw 1000 0 10000
-TH1F ptrig_phgc_sum_tdc 'SHMS Heavy Gas Sum TDC Time; TDC Time; Number of Entries / 10 TDC Units' T.shms.pHGCER_tdcTime 700 -3500 3500
-TH1F ptrig_p1x_tdc_mult 'SHMS p1x TDC Multiplicity; Raw TDC Multiplicity; Counts / 10' T.shms.p1X_tdcMultiplicity 11 0 11
-TH1F ptrig_p1y_tdc_mult 'SHMS p1y TDC Multiplicity; Raw TDC Multiplicity; Counts / 10' T.shms.p1Y_tdcMultiplicity 11 0 11
-TH1F ptrig_p2x_tdc_mult 'SHMS p2x TDC Multiplicity; Raw TDC Multiplicity; Counts / 10' T.shms.p2X_tdcMultiplicity 11 0 11
-TH1F ptrig_p2y_tdc_mult 'SHMS p2y TDC Multiplicity; Raw TDC Multiplicity; Counts / 10' T.shms.p2Y_tdcMultiplicity 11 0 11
-TH1F ptrig_p1T_tdc_mult 'SHMS p1x/p1y Coincidence TDC Multiplicity; Raw TDC Multiplicity; Counts / 10' T.shms.p1T_tdcMultiplicity 11 0 11
-TH1F ptrig_p2T_tdc_mult 'SHMS p2x/p2y Coincidence TDC Multiplicity; Raw TDC Multiplicity; Counts / 10' T.shms.p2T_tdcMultiplicity 11 0 11
-TH1F ptrig_pT1_tdc_mult 'SHMS p1x/p1y/p2x/p2y Coincidence TDC Multiplicity (Slot 20, Channel 15); Raw TDC Multiplicity; Counts / 10' T.shms.pT1_tdcMultiplicity 11 0 11
-TH1F ptrig_pT2_tdc_mult 'SHMS p1x/p1y/p2x/p2y Coincidence TDC Multiplicity (Slot 19, Channel 31); Raw TDC Multiplicity; Counts / 10' T.shms.pT2_tdcMultiplicity 11 0 11
-TH1F ptrig_pT3_tdc_mult 'SHMS p1x/p1y/p2x/p2y Coincidence TDC Multiplicity (Slot 19, Channel 38); Raw TDC Multiplicity; Counts / 10' T.shms.pT3_tdcMultiplicity 11 0 11
-TH1F ptrig_p1x_tdc 'SHMS p1x TDC Time; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units' T.shms.p1X_tdcTime 350 0 3500
-TH1F ptrig_p1y_tdc 'SHMS p1y TDC Time; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units' T.shms.p1Y_tdcTime 350 0 3500
-TH1F ptrig_p2x_tdc 'SHMS p2x TDC Time; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units' T.shms.p2X_tdcTime 350 0 3500
-TH1F ptrig_p2y_tdc 'SHMS p2y TDC Time; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units' T.shms.p2Y_tdcTime 350 0 3500
-TH1F ptrig_p1T_tdc 'SHMS p1x/p1y Coincidence TDC Time; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units' T.shms.p1T_tdcTime 350 0 3500
-TH1F ptrig_p2T_tdc 'SHMS p2x/p2y Coincidence TDC Time; Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units' T.shms.p2T_tdcTime 350 0 3500
-TH1F ptrig_pT1_tdc 'SHMS p1x/p1y/p2x/p2y Coincidence TDC Time (Slot 20, Channel 15); Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units' T.shms.pT1_tdcTime 350 0 3500
-TH1F ptrig_pT2_tdc 'SHMS p1x/p1y/p2x/p2y Coincidence TDC Time (Slot 19, Channel 31); Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units' T.shms.pT2_tdcTime 350 0 3500
-TH1F ptrig_pT3_tdc 'SHMS p1x/p1y/p2x/p2y Coincidence TDC Time (Slot 19, Channel 38); Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units' T.shms.pT3_tdcTime 350 0 3500
-TH1F ptrig_p1x_good_tdc 'SHMS p1x Good TDC Time; Good Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units' T.shms.p1X_tdcTime 350 0 3500 T.shms.p1X_tdcMultiplicity==1
-TH1F ptrig_p1y_good_tdc 'SHMS p1y Good TDC Time; Good Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units' T.shms.p1Y_tdcTime 350 0 3500 T.shms.p1Y_tdcMultiplicity==1
-TH1F ptrig_p2x_good_tdc 'SHMS p2x Good TDC Time; Good Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units' T.shms.p2X_tdcTime 350 0 3500 T.shms.p2X_tdcMultiplicity==1
-TH1F ptrig_p2y_good_tdc 'SHMS p2y Good TDC Time; Good Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units' T.shms.p2Y_tdcTime 350 0 3500 T.shms.p2Y_tdcMultiplicity==1
-TH1F ptrig_p1T_good_tdc 'SHMS p1x/p1y Coincidence Good TDC Time; Good Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units' T.shms.p1T_tdcTime 350 0 3500 T.shms.p1T_tdcMultiplicity==1
-TH1F ptrig_p2T_good_tdc 'SHMS p2x/p2y Coincidence Good TDC Time; Good Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units' T.shms.p2T_tdcTime 350 0 3500 T.shms.p2T_tdcMultiplicity==1
-TH1F ptrig_pT1_good_tdc 'SHMS p1x/p1y/p2x/p2y Coincidence Good TDC Time (Slot 20, Channel 15); Good Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units' T.shms.pT1_tdcTime 350 0 3500 T.shms.pT1_tdcMultiplicity==1
-TH1F ptrig_pT2_good_tdc 'SHMS p1x/p1y/p2x/p2y Coincidence Good TDC Time (Slot 19, Channel 31); Good Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units' T.shms.pT2_tdcTime 350 0 3500 T.shms.pT2_tdcMultiplicity==1
-TH1F ptrig_pT3_good_tdc 'SHMS p1x/p1y/p2x/p2y Coincidence Good TDC Time (Slot 19, Channel 38); Good Raw TDC Time (TDC Units); Counts / 10 TDC Units' T.shms.pT3_tdcTime 350 0 3500 T.shms.pT3_tdcMultiplicity==1
-TH2F ptrig_ch1xy_ch2x 'SHMS Hodo Trig; 1X1Y Trig (ns); 2X Trig (ns)' T.shms.p1T_tdcTime T.shms.p2X_tdcTime 200 100 300 200 100 300 T.shms.p2X_tdcMultiplicity==1&&T.shms.p1T_tdcMultiplicity==1
-TH2F ptrig_ch1x_ch2x 'SHMS Hodo Trig; 1X Trig (ns); 2X Trig (ns)' T.shms.p1X_tdcTime T.shms.p2X_tdcTime 200 100 300 200 100 300 T.shms.p2X_tdcMultiplicity==1&&T.shms.p1X_tdcMultiplicity==1
-TH2F ptrig_ch1y_ch2x 'SHMS Hodo Trig; 1Y Trig (ns); 2X Trig (ns)' T.shms.p1Y_tdcTime T.shms.p2X_tdcTime 200 100 300 200 100 300 T.shms.p2X_tdcMultiplicity==1&&T.shms.p1Y_tdcMultiplicity==1
-TH2F ptrig_ch1ych1x 'SHMS Hodo Trig; Trig 1X (ns); Trig 1Y (ns)' T.shms.p1X_tdcTime T.shms.p1Y_tdcTime 200 100 300 200 100 300 T.shms.p1Y_tdcMultiplicity==1&&T.shms.p1X_tdcMultiplicity==1
-TH1F ptrig_pdc_ref1  'SHMS DC Reference Time Slot 6 Channel 79; Raw TDC Time (TDC Clicks); Counts / 10 TDC Clicks' T.shms.pDCREF1_tdcTime  200 12000 14000
-TH1F ptrig_pdc_ref2  'SHMS DC Reference Time Slot 7 Channel 79; Raw TDC Time (TDC Clicks); Counts / 10 TDC Clicks' T.shms.pDCREF2_tdcTime  200 12000 14000
-TH1F ptrig_pdc_ref3  'SHMS DC Reference Time Slot 8 Channel 79; Raw TDC Time (TDC Clicks); Counts / 10 TDC Clicks' T.shms.pDCREF3_tdcTime  200 12000 14000
-TH1F ptrig_pdc_ref4  'SHMS DC Reference Time Slot 9 Channel 79; Raw TDC Time (TDC Clicks); Counts / 10 TDC Clicks' T.shms.pDCREF4_tdcTime  200 12000 14000
-TH1F ptrig_pdc_ref5  'SHMS DC Reference Time Slot 10 Channel 79; Raw TDC Time (TDC Clicks); Counts / 10 TDC Clicks' T.shms.pDCREF5_tdcTime  200 12000 14000
-TH1F ptrig_pdc_ref6  'SHMS DC Reference Time Slot 11 Channel 47; Raw TDC Time (TDC Clicks); Counts / 10 TDC Clicks' T.shms.pDCREF6_tdcTime  200 12000 14000
-TH1F ptrig_pdc_ref7  'SHMS DC Reference Time Slot 12 Channel 47; Raw TDC Time (TDC Clicks); Counts / 10 TDC Clicks' T.shms.pDCREF7_tdcTime  200 12000 14000
-TH1F ptrig_pdc_ref8  'SHMS DC Reference Time Slot 13 Channel 47; Raw TDC Time (TDC Clicks); Counts / 10 TDC Clicks' T.shms.pDCREF8_tdcTime  200 12000 14000
-TH1F ptrig_pdc_ref9  'SHMS DC Reference Time Slot 14 Channel 15; Raw TDC Time (TDC Clicks); Counts / 10 TDC Clicks' T.shms.pDCREF9_tdcTime  200 12000 14000
-TH1F ptrig_pdc_ref10 'SHMS DC Reference Time Slot 15 Channel 47; Raw TDC Time (TDC Clicks); Counts / 10 TDC Clicks' T.shms.pDCREF10_tdcTime 200 12000 14000
-# Fast Raster 
-# Assume FADC range is set to 1V and the integration is 25 channels
-# Offset in the FADC is about 0.122V or 500 channels.
-formula FRXA_V T.shms.pFRXA_adcPulseIntRaw*(1./4096.)/25.
-formula FRXB_V T.shms.pFRXB_adcPulseIntRaw*(1./4096.)/25.
-formula FRYA_V T.shms.pFRYA_adcPulseIntRaw*(1./4096.)/25.
-formula FRYB_V T.shms.pFRYB_adcPulseIntRaw*(1./4096.)/25.
-TH1F pFRXA 'SHMS FRXA; FRXA RAW ADC (chan); Counts' T.shms.pFRXA_adcPulseIntRaw 1000 0 100000
-TH1F pFRXA_V 'SHMS FRXA; FRXA RAW ADC (Volts); Counts' FRXA_V 1000 0 1.0
-TH1F pFRXB 'SHMS FRXB; FRXB RAW ADC (chan); Counts' T.shms.pFRXB_adcPulseIntRaw 1000 0 100000
-TH1F pFRXB_V 'SHMS FRXB; FRXB RAW ADC (Volts); Counts' FRXB_V 1000 0 1.0
-TH1F pFRYA 'SHMS FRYA; FRYA RAW ADC (chan); Counts' T.shms.pFRYA_adcPulseIntRaw 1000 0 100000
-TH1F pFRYA_V 'SHMS FRYA; FRYA RAW ADC (Volts); Counts' FRYA_V 1000 0 1.0
-TH1F pFRYB 'SHMS FRYB; FRYB RAW ADC (chan); Counts' T.shms.pFRYB_adcPulseIntRaw 1000 0 100000
-TH1F pFRYB_V 'SHMS FRYB; FRYB RAW ADC (Volts); Counts' FRYB_V 1000 0 1.0
-TH2F pFRA_XvsY 'HMSFRA_XvsY; FRXA RAW ADC (Volts); FRYA RAW ADC (Volts)' FRXA_V FRYA_V 1000 0 1.0 1000 0 1.0
-TH2F pFRB_XvsY 'HMSFRB_XvsY; FRXB RAW ADC (Volts); FRYB RAW ADC (Volts)' FRXB_V FRYB_V 1000 0 1.0 1000 0 1.0
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/DEF-files/SHMS/STACK/pstackana_cuts.def b/DEF-files/SHMS/STACK/pstackana_cuts.def
deleted file mode 100644
index 78df32c3cd9df5334ded0dd4c5da6cadb9a5c34a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/DEF-files/SHMS/STACK/pstackana_cuts.def
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,275 +0,0 @@
-# Report file for SHMS stack
-Block: RawDecode
-Pedestal_event     g.evtyp == 99
-SHMS_trig_1_event   g.evtyp == 1
-SHMS_trig_2_event   g.evtyp == 2
-SHMS_trig_3_event   g.evtyp == 3
-SHMS_trig_4_event   g.evtyp == 4
-SHMS_trig_5_event   g.evtyp == 5
-SHMS_trig_6_event   g.evtyp == 6
-SHMS_event          SHMS_trig_1_event || SHMS_trig_2_event || SHMS_trig_3_event || SHMS_trig_4_event || SHMS_trig_5_event || SHMS_trig_6_event
-RawDecode_master  1
-Block: Decode
-shms_trigs        SHMS_event
-good_S1_time         T.shms.p1T_tdcTime > 241 && T.shms.p1T_tdcTime < 243
-good_S2X_time        T.shms.p2X_tdcTime > 180 && T.shms.p2X_tdcTime < 220
-good_S1_S2X_time     good_S1_time && good_S2X_time
-Decode_master     SHMS_event
-Block: CoarseTracking
-CoarseTracking_master SHMS_event
-# Add cuts to stricter times and apply them to drift distances 
-time_cut1      P.dc.1u1.time > 0 && P.dc.1u1.time < 250
-time_cut2      P.dc.1u2.time > 0 && P.dc.1u2.time < 250
-time_cut3      P.dc.1x1.time > 0 && P.dc.1x1.time < 250
-time_cut4      P.dc.1x2.time > 0 && P.dc.1x2.time < 250
-time_cut5      P.dc.1v1.time > 0 && P.dc.1v1.time < 250
-time_cut6      P.dc.1v2.time > 0 && P.dc.1v2.time < 250
-time_cut7      P.dc.2v2.time > 0 && P.dc.2v2.time < 250
-time_cut8      P.dc.2v1.time > 0 && P.dc.2v1.time < 250
-time_cut9      P.dc.2x2.time > 0 && P.dc.2x2.time < 250
-time_cut10     P.dc.2x1.time > 0 && P.dc.2x1.time < 250
-time_cut11     P.dc.2u2.time > 0 && P.dc.2u2.time < 250
-time_cut12     P.dc.2u1.time > 0 && P.dc.2u1.time < 250
-shmsDC1Planes_large     (P.dc.1x1.nhit + P.dc.1u2.nhit + P.dc.1u1.nhit + P.dc.1v1.nhit + P.dc.1x2.nhit + P.dc.1v2.nhit) > 20
-shmsDC2Planes_large     (P.dc.2x1.nhit + P.dc.2u2.nhit + P.dc.2u1.nhit + P.dc.2v1.nhit + P.dc.2x2.nhit + P.dc.2v2.nhit) > 20 
-shms_ch1_gt0           P.dc.Ch1.nhit > 0
-shms_ch2_gt0           P.dc.Ch2.nhit > 0
-shms_ch_gt0            P.dc.Ch2.nhit > 0  && P.dc.Ch1.nhit > 0
-shms_ch_gt4            P.dc.Ch2.nhit > 3  && P.dc.Ch1.nhit > 3
-shms_ch2_gt0_noch1     P.dc.Ch2.nhit > 0  && P.dc.Ch1.nhit == 0
-shms_ch1_gt0_noch2     P.dc.Ch1.nhit > 0  && P.dc.Ch2.nhit == 0
-shms_noch1_noch2       P.dc.Ch1.nhit == 0 && P.dc.Ch2.nhit == 0
-shms_ch_gt0_track      shms_ch_gt0 && P.dc.ntrack > 0
-shms_ch_gt4_track      shms_ch_gt4 && P.dc.ntrack > 0
-shms_ch1_gt0_gtime           P.dc.Ch1.nhit > 0 && good_S1_S2X_time
-shms_ch2_gt0_gtime           P.dc.Ch2.nhit > 0 && good_S1_S2X_time
-shms_ch_gt0_gtime            P.dc.Ch2.nhit > 0 && P.dc.Ch1.nhit > 0 && good_S1_S2X_time
-shms_ch_gt4_gtime            P.dc.Ch2.nhit > 3 && P.dc.Ch1.nhit > 3 && good_S1_S2X_time
-shms_ch2_gt0_noch1_gtime     P.dc.Ch2.nhit > 0 && P.dc.Ch1.nhit == 0 && good_S1_S2X_time
-shms_ch1_gt0_noch2_gtime     P.dc.Ch1.nhit > 0 && P.dc.Ch2.nhit == 0 && good_S1_S2X_time
-shms_noch1_noch2_gtime       P.dc.Ch1.nhit == 0 && P.dc.Ch2.nhit == 0 && good_S1_S2X_time
-shms_ch_gt0_track_gtime      shms_ch_gt0 && P.dc.ntrack > 0 && good_S1_S2X_time
-shms_ch_gt4_track_gtime      shms_ch_gt4 && P.dc.ntrack > 0 && good_S1_S2X_time
-shmsDC1_1hit_x1     P.dc.1x1.nhit == 1
-shmsDC1_1hit_u1     P.dc.1u1.nhit == 1
-shmsDC1_1hit_u2     P.dc.1u2.nhit == 1
-shmsDC1_1hit_v1     P.dc.1v1.nhit == 1
-shmsDC1_1hit_v2     P.dc.1v2.nhit == 1
-shmsDC1_1hit_x2     P.dc.1x2.nhit == 1
-shmsDC2_1hit_x1     P.dc.2x1.nhit == 1
-shmsDC2_1hit_u1	    P.dc.2u1.nhit == 1
-shmsDC2_1hit_u2     P.dc.2u2.nhit == 1
-shmsDC2_1hit_v1     P.dc.2v1.nhit == 1
-shmsDC2_1hit_v2     P.dc.2v2.nhit == 1
-shmsDC2_1hit_x2     P.dc.2x2.nhit == 1
-p1hit1     P.dc.1x1.nhit >= 1
-p1hit2     P.dc.1u1.nhit >= 1
-p1hit3     P.dc.1u2.nhit >= 1
-p1hit4     P.dc.1v1.nhit >= 1
-p1hit5     P.dc.1v2.nhit >= 1
-p1hit6     P.dc.1x2.nhit >= 1
-p2hit1     P.dc.2x1.nhit >= 1
-p2hit2     P.dc.2u1.nhit >= 1
-p2hit3     P.dc.2u2.nhit >= 1
-p2hit4     P.dc.2v1.nhit >= 1
-p2hit5     P.dc.2v2.nhit >= 1
-p2hit6     P.dc.2x2.nhit >= 1
-shmsDC1Planes6hits     shmsDC1_1hit_x1 && shmsDC1_1hit_u1 && shmsDC1_1hit_u2 && shmsDC1_1hit_x2 && shmsDC1_1hit_v1 && shmsDC1_1hit_v2
-shmsDC2Planes6hits     shmsDC2_1hit_x1 && shmsDC2_1hit_u1 && shmsDC2_1hit_u2 && shmsDC2_1hit_x2 && shmsDC2_1hit_v1 && shmsDC2_1hit_v2
-shmsDC1_5hits_x1     shmsDC1_1hit_u1 && shmsDC1_1hit_u2 && shmsDC1_1hit_x2 && shmsDC1_1hit_v1 && shmsDC1_1hit_v2
-shmsDC1_6hits_x1     p1hit1 && shmsDC1_1hit_u1 && shmsDC1_1hit_u2 && shmsDC1_1hit_x2 && shmsDC1_1hit_v1 && shmsDC1_1hit_v2
-shmsDC1_5hits_u1     shmsDC1_1hit_x1 && shmsDC1_1hit_u2 && shmsDC1_1hit_x2 && shmsDC1_1hit_v1 && shmsDC1_1hit_v2
-shmsDC1_6hits_u1     p1hit2 && shmsDC1_1hit_x1 && shmsDC1_1hit_u2 && shmsDC1_1hit_x2 && shmsDC1_1hit_v1 && shmsDC1_1hit_v2
-shmsDC1_5hits_u2     shmsDC1_1hit_x1 && shmsDC1_1hit_u1 && shmsDC1_1hit_x2 && shmsDC1_1hit_v1 && shmsDC1_1hit_v2
-shmsDC1_6hits_u2     p1hit3 && shmsDC1_1hit_x1 && shmsDC1_1hit_u1 && shmsDC1_1hit_x2 && shmsDC1_1hit_v1 && shmsDC1_1hit_v2
-shmsDC1_5hits_v1     shmsDC1_1hit_x1 && shmsDC1_1hit_u1 && shmsDC1_1hit_x2 && shmsDC1_1hit_u2 && shmsDC1_1hit_v2
-shmsDC1_6hits_v1     p1hit4 && shmsDC1_1hit_x1 && shmsDC1_1hit_u1 && shmsDC1_1hit_x2 && shmsDC1_1hit_u2 && shmsDC1_1hit_v2
-shmsDC1_5hits_v2     shmsDC1_1hit_x1 && shmsDC1_1hit_u1 && shmsDC1_1hit_x2 && shmsDC1_1hit_u2 && shmsDC1_1hit_v1
-shmsDC1_6hits_v2     p1hit5 && shmsDC1_1hit_x1 && shmsDC1_1hit_u1 && shmsDC1_1hit_x2 && shmsDC1_1hit_u2 && shmsDC1_1hit_v1
-shmsDC1_5hits_x2     shmsDC1_1hit_x1 && shmsDC1_1hit_u1 && shmsDC1_1hit_v1 && shmsDC1_1hit_u2 && shmsDC1_1hit_v2
-shmsDC1_6hits_x2     p1hit6 && shmsDC1_1hit_x1 && shmsDC1_1hit_u1 && shmsDC1_1hit_v1 && shmsDC1_1hit_u2 && shmsDC1_1hit_v2
-shmsDC2_5hits_x1     shmsDC2_1hit_u1 && shmsDC2_1hit_u2 && shmsDC2_1hit_x2 && shmsDC2_1hit_v1 && shmsDC2_1hit_v2
-shmsDC2_6hits_x1     p2hit1 && shmsDC2_1hit_u1 && shmsDC2_1hit_u2 && shmsDC2_1hit_x2 && shmsDC2_1hit_v1 && shmsDC2_1hit_v2
-shmsDC2_5hits_u1     shmsDC2_1hit_x1 && shmsDC2_1hit_u2 && shmsDC2_1hit_x2 && shmsDC2_1hit_v1 && shmsDC2_1hit_v2
-shmsDC2_6hits_u1     p2hit2 && shmsDC2_1hit_x1 && shmsDC2_1hit_u2 && shmsDC2_1hit_x2 && shmsDC2_1hit_v1 && shmsDC2_1hit_v2
-shmsDC2_5hits_u2     shmsDC2_1hit_x1 && shmsDC2_1hit_u1 && shmsDC2_1hit_x2 && shmsDC2_1hit_v1 && shmsDC2_1hit_v2
-shmsDC2_6hits_u2     p2hit3 && shmsDC2_1hit_x1 && shmsDC2_1hit_u1 && shmsDC2_1hit_x2 && shmsDC2_1hit_v1 && shmsDC2_1hit_v2
-shmsDC2_5hits_v1     shmsDC2_1hit_x1 && shmsDC2_1hit_u1 && shmsDC2_1hit_x2 && shmsDC2_1hit_u2 && shmsDC2_1hit_v2
-shmsDC2_6hits_v1     p2hit4 && shmsDC2_1hit_x1 && shmsDC2_1hit_u1 && shmsDC2_1hit_x2 && shmsDC2_1hit_u2 && shmsDC2_1hit_v2
-shmsDC2_5hits_v2     shmsDC2_1hit_x1 && shmsDC2_1hit_u1 && shmsDC2_1hit_x2 && shmsDC2_1hit_u2 && shmsDC2_1hit_v1
-shmsDC2_6hits_v2     p2hit5 && shmsDC2_1hit_x1 && shmsDC2_1hit_u1 && shmsDC2_1hit_x2 && shmsDC2_1hit_u2 && shmsDC2_1hit_v1
-shmsDC2_5hits_x2     shmsDC2_1hit_x1 && shmsDC2_1hit_u1 && shmsDC2_1hit_v1 && shmsDC2_1hit_u2 && shmsDC2_1hit_v2
-shmsDC2_6hits_x2     p2hit6 && shmsDC2_1hit_x1 && shmsDC2_1hit_u1 && shmsDC2_1hit_v1 && shmsDC2_1hit_u2 && shmsDC2_1hit_v2
-shms1HitsLt     P.dc.Ch1.nhit <= P.dc.Ch1.maxhits && g.evtyp == 1
-shms2HitsLt     P.dc.Ch2.nhit <= P.dc.Ch2.maxhits && g.evtyp == 1
-shmsHitsLt      P.dc.Ch1.nhit <= P.dc.Ch1.maxhits && P.dc.Ch2.nhit <= P.dc.Ch2.maxhits && g.evtyp == 1
-shmsDC1PlanesGT     (p1hit1 + p1hit2 + p1hit3 + p1hit4 + p1hit5 + p1hit6 ) >= 5
-shmsDC2PlanesGT     (p2hit1 + p2hit2 + p2hit3 + p2hit4 + p2hit5 + p2hit6 ) >= 5
-shmsPlanesGT        shmsDC1PlanesGT && shmsDC2PlanesGT
-shmsHitsPlanes      (P.dc.Ch1.nhit <= 6) && (P.dc.Ch2.nhit <= 6) && shmsPlanesGT
-pSpacePoints         P.dc.Ch1.spacepoints >= 1 && P.dc.Ch2.spacepoints >= 1
-pSpacePointsStub     P.dc.stubtest == 1 && P.dc.Ch1.spacepoints >= 1 && P.dc.Ch2.spacepoints >= 1
-pFoundTrack          P.dc.ntrack > 0 
-pStubLT              P.dc.stubtest == 1
-f1PSpacePoints       shms1HitsLt && shmsDC1PlanesGT && P.dc.Ch1.spacepoints == 0 && g.evtyp == 1
-f2PSpacePoints       shms2HitsLt && shmsDC2PlanesGT && P.dc.Ch2.spacepoints == 0 && g.evtyp == 1
-pTest1     shmsHitsPlanes && (!pSpacePoints)
-pTest2	   pSpacePoints && (!pStubLT)
-Block: CoarseReconstruct
-CoarseReconstruct_master SHMS_event
-Block: Tracking
-Tracking_master  SHMS_event
-Block: Reconstruct
-Reconstruct_master SHMS_event
-cer_ng_elec    	  P.ngcer.npeSum > 0.5
-cer_ng_pi      	  P.ngcer.npeSum <= 0.5
-cer_hg_elec	  P.hgcer.npeSum > 0.5
-cer_hg_pi	  P.hgcer.npeSum <= 0.5
-cer_pi_both       cer_ng_pi && cer_hg_pi
-cer_elec_both     cer_ng_elec && cer_hg_elec
-cal_elec          P.cal.etracknorm > 0.6 && P.cal.etracknorm < 1.6
-cal_pi            P.cal.etracknorm <= 0.6 && P.cal.etracknorm > 0.
-elec_all          cer_ng_elec && cer_hg_elec && cal_elec
-pi_all        	  cer_ng_pi && cer_hg_pi && cal_pi
-shmsScinGood        P.hod.goodscinhit == 1
-shmsScinShould      shmsScinGood 
-shmsScinShoulde     shmsScinGood &&  P.cal.etotnorm > 0.6 && P.cal.etotnorm < 1.6 && P.hgcer.npeSum > 0.5
-shmsScinShouldh     shmsScinGood && P.cal.etotnorm <= 0.6 && P.cal.etotnorm > 0. && P.hgcer.npeSum < 0.5
-shmsScinDid         shmsScinShould && P.dc.ntrack > 0
-shmsScinDide        shmsScinShoulde && P.dc.ntrack > 0
-shmsScinDidh        shmsScinShouldh && P.dc.ntrack > 0
-goodHDC1x1     P.dc.1x1.nhit > 0 && P.dc.1x1.nhit < 3
-goodHDC1u2     P.dc.1u2.nhit > 0 && P.dc.1u2.nhit < 3
-goodHDC1u1     P.dc.1u1.nhit > 0 && P.dc.1u1.nhit < 3
-goodHDC1v1     P.dc.1v1.nhit > 0 && P.dc.1v1.nhit < 3
-goodHDC1v2     P.dc.1v2.nhit > 0 && P.dc.1v2.nhit < 3
-goodHDC1x2     P.dc.1x2.nhit > 0 && P.dc.1x2.nhit < 3
-goodHDC2x1     P.dc.2x1.nhit > 0 && P.dc.2x1.nhit < 3
-goodHDC2u2     P.dc.2u2.nhit > 0 && P.dc.2u2.nhit < 3
-goodHDC2u1     P.dc.2u1.nhit > 0 && P.dc.2u1.nhit < 3
-goodHDC2v1     P.dc.2v1.nhit > 0 && P.dc.2v1.nhit < 3
-goodHDC2v2     P.dc.2v2.nhit > 0 && P.dc.2v2.nhit < 3
-goodHDC2x2     P.dc.2x2.nhit > 0 && P.dc.2x2.nhit < 3
-goodHDC1     goodHDC1x1  && goodHDC1u2 && goodHDC1u1 && goodHDC1v1 && goodHDC1v2 && goodHDC1x2 
-goodHDC2     goodHDC2x1  && goodHDC2u2 && goodHDC2u1 && goodHDC2v1 && goodHDC2v2 && goodHDC2x2 
-bothGood     goodHDC1 && goodHDC2
-realhdc1x1     goodHDC1x1 && ((P.dc.Ch1.spacepoints + P.dc.Ch2.spacepoints) > 0)
-realhdc1u2     goodHDC1u2 && ((P.dc.Ch1.spacepoints + P.dc.Ch2.spacepoints) > 0)
-realhdc1u1     goodHDC1u1 && ((P.dc.Ch1.spacepoints + P.dc.Ch2.spacepoints) > 0)
-realhdc1v1     goodHDC1v1 && ((P.dc.Ch1.spacepoints + P.dc.Ch2.spacepoints) > 0)
-realhdc1v2     goodHDC1v2 && ((P.dc.Ch1.spacepoints + P.dc.Ch2.spacepoints) > 0)
-realhdc1x2     goodHDC1x2 && ((P.dc.Ch1.spacepoints + P.dc.Ch2.spacepoints) > 0)
-realhdc2x1     goodHDC2x1 && ((P.dc.Ch1.spacepoints + P.dc.Ch2.spacepoints) > 0)
-realhdc2u2     goodHDC2u2 && ((P.dc.Ch1.spacepoints + P.dc.Ch2.spacepoints) > 0)
-realhdc2u1     goodHDC2u1 && ((P.dc.Ch1.spacepoints + P.dc.Ch2.spacepoints) > 0)
-realhdc2v1     goodHDC2v1 && ((P.dc.Ch1.spacepoints + P.dc.Ch2.spacepoints) > 0)
-realhdc2v2     goodHDC2v2 && ((P.dc.Ch1.spacepoints + P.dc.Ch2.spacepoints) > 0)
-realhdc2x2     goodHDC2x2 && ((P.dc.Ch1.spacepoints + P.dc.Ch2.spacepoints) > 0)
-pFound1Track     P.dc.ntrack == 1
-pFound2Track     P.dc.ntrack == 2
-pFound3Track     P.dc.ntrack == 3
-pFound4Track     P.dc.ntrack == 4
-pCleanTrack      P.gtr.index > -1
-1pCleanTrack     P.gtr.index == 0
-2pCleanTrack     P.gtr.index == 1
-3pCleanTrack     P.gtr.index == 2
-4pCleanTrack     P.gtr.index == 3
-pCleanTrack_cer_elec     (P.gtr.index > -1) && cer_elec_both
-p1hit1_cer_elec		 p1hit1 && cer_elec_both
-pCleanTrack_cal_elec     (P.gtr.index > -1) && cal_elec
-p1hit1_cal_elec          p1hit1 && cal_elec
-anyhs1x     P.hod.1x.nhits > 0
-anyhs1y     P.hod.1y.nhits > 0
-anyhs2x     P.hod.2x.nhits > 0
-anyhs2y     P.hod.2y.nhits > 0
-goodps1x      P.hod.1x.nhits > 0 && P.hod.1x.nhits < 3
-goodps1y      P.hod.1y.nhits > 0 && P.hod.1y.nhits < 3
-goodps1       goodps1x && goodps1y
-goodps2x      P.hod.2x.nhits > 0 && P.hod.2x.nhits < 3
-goodps2y      P.hod.2y.nhits > 0 && P.hod.2y.nhits < 3
-goodps2       goodps2x && goodps2y
-goodps1s2     goodps1 && goodps2
-SHMS_hgcer_track_matched_region_1 P.hgcer.numTracksMatched[0]>0
-SHMS_hgcer_track_fired_region_1 P.hgcer.numTracksFired[0]>0
-SHMS_hgcer_track_matched_region_2 P.hgcer.numTracksMatched[1]>0
-SHMS_hgcer_track_fired_region_2 P.hgcer.numTracksFired[1]>0
-SHMS_hgcer_track_matched_region_3 P.hgcer.numTracksMatched[2]>0
-SHMS_hgcer_track_fired_region_3 P.hgcer.numTracksFired[2]>0
-SHMS_hgcer_track_matched_region_4 P.hgcer.numTracksMatched[3]>0
-SHMS_hgcer_track_fired_region_4 P.hgcer.numTracksFired[3]>0
-SHMS_hgcer_track_matched_tot P.hgcer.totNumTracksMatched>0
-SHMS_hgcer_track_fired_tot P.hgcer.totNumTracksFired>0
-SHMS_ngcer_track_matched_region_1 P.ngcer.numTracksMatched[0]>0
-SHMS_ngcer_track_fired_region_1 P.ngcer.numTracksFired[0]>0
-SHMS_ngcer_track_matched_region_2 P.ngcer.numTracksMatched[1]>0
-SHMS_ngcer_track_fired_region_2 P.ngcer.numTracksFired[1]>0
-SHMS_ngcer_track_matched_region_3 P.ngcer.numTracksMatched[2]>0
-SHMS_ngcer_track_fired_region_3 P.ngcer.numTracksFired[2]>0
-SHMS_ngcer_track_matched_region_4 P.ngcer.numTracksMatched[3]>0
-SHMS_ngcer_track_fired_region_4 P.ngcer.numTracksFired[3]>0
-SHMS_ngcer_track_matched_tot P.ngcer.totNumTracksMatched>0
-SHMS_ngcer_track_fired_tot P.ngcer.totNumTracksFired>0
-SHMS_aero_track_matched_region_1 P.aero.numTracksMatched[0]>0
-SHMS_aero_track_fired_region_1 P.aero.numTracksFired[0]>0
-SHMS_aero_track_matched_region_2 P.aero.numTracksMatched[1]>0
-SHMS_aero_track_fired_region_2 P.aero.numTracksFired[1]>0
-SHMS_aero_track_matched_region_3 P.aero.numTracksMatched[2]>0
-SHMS_aero_track_fired_region_3 P.aero.numTracksFired[2]>0
-SHMS_aero_track_matched_region_4 P.aero.numTracksMatched[3]>0
-SHMS_aero_track_fired_region_4 P.aero.numTracksFired[3]>0
-SHMS_aero_track_matched_region_5 P.aero.numTracksMatched[4]>0
-SHMS_aero_track_fired_region_5 P.aero.numTracksFired[4]>0
-SHMS_aero_track_matched_region_6 P.aero.numTracksMatched[5]>0
-SHMS_aero_track_fired_region_6 P.aero.numTracksFired[5]>0
-SHMS_aero_track_matched_region_7 P.aero.numTracksMatched[6]>0
-SHMS_aero_track_fired_region_7 P.aero.numTracksFired[6]>0
-SHMS_aero_track_matched_tot P.aero.totNumTracksMatched>0
-SHMS_aero_track_fired_tot P.aero.totNumTracksFired>0
-Block: Physics
-Physics_master SHMS_event
diff --git a/PARAM/HMS/AERO/CALIB/haero_calib.param b/PARAM/HMS/AERO/haero_calib.param
similarity index 100%
rename from PARAM/HMS/AERO/CALIB/haero_calib.param
rename to PARAM/HMS/AERO/haero_calib.param
diff --git a/PARAM/HMS/AERO/CUTS/haero_cuts.param b/PARAM/HMS/AERO/haero_cuts.param
similarity index 100%
rename from PARAM/HMS/AERO/CUTS/haero_cuts.param
rename to PARAM/HMS/AERO/haero_cuts.param
diff --git a/PARAM/HMS/AERO/GEOM/haero_geom.param b/PARAM/HMS/AERO/haero_geom.param
similarity index 100%
rename from PARAM/HMS/AERO/GEOM/haero_geom.param
rename to PARAM/HMS/AERO/haero_geom.param
diff --git a/PARAM/HMS/BCM/CALIB/bcmcurrent_1437.param b/PARAM/HMS/BCM/CALIB/bcmcurrent_1437.param
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..262e50e0fce6a516b1acaae807d23f32d1487de6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PARAM/HMS/BCM/CALIB/bcmcurrent_1437.param
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+num_scal_reads = 238
+scal_read_bcm1_current = 65.3904, 65.8471, 65.5617, 66.385, 66.4372, 66.4948, 66.5276, 66.2301, 66.9749, 66.5255, 65.6394, 65.301, 65.2118, 65.5959, 65.3136, 65.5845, 66.0014, 66.0064, 65.9074, 66.5556, 66.3279, 66.2721, 66.7376, 66.7436, 66.406, 66.1495, 66.3664, 66.8288, 66.1698, 65.7488, 65.8068, 65.5182, 65.4781, 65.6477, 65.3168, 65.5482, 65.6113, 65.6373, 65.7855, 65.8375, 65.9434, 66.0618, 65.9619, 65.5811, 66.5881, 66.8738, 66.7127, 66.5399, 66.8307, 66.5464, 66.5779, 66.3498, 66.1766, 66.3075, 66.348, 66.579, 65.731, 65.3561, 65.7531, 65.2712, 65.3861, 65.255, 65.5454, 65.4159, 65.9244, 65.9328, 65.4754, 65.4301, 65.3063, 65.2325, 65.4436, 65.6716, 65.6443, 65.6555, 65.7512, 65.5462, 65.6659, 65.5153, 65.9228, 65.665, 65.3787, 65.6251, 65.8003, 65.3902, 65.2553, 65.3407, 65.3627, 65.3714, 65.6989, 65.4978, 65.4183, 65.8765, 66.3749, 66.2406, 65.9588, 66.2009, 66.4822, 66.6537, 66.0356, 65.9948, 66.0481, 66.2361, 65.9392, 65.6609, 65.2282, 65.2438, 65.5212, 65.605, 65.4217, 65.3312, 65.1659, 65.2751, 65.3517, 65.4686, 65.8597, 65.7995, 65.7597, 66.3868, 66.3652, 66.298, 66.2605, 66.0745, 66.3122, 66.3745, 66.2215, 66.3926, 66.3646, 65.968, 65.8704, 65.8715, 66.0966, 65.7821, 65.7141, 65.9112, 65.8669, 65.988, 65.941, 65.9379, 65.7818, 66.0316, 66.0552, 65.7001, 65.626, 65.796, 65.7736, 65.9744, 65.9549, 65.8338, 65.65, 65.87, 65.529, 65.9812, 65.9359, 65.6887, 64.7208, 65.0609, 64.9503, 64.9911, 65.2434, 65.385, 65.3907, 65.2979, 66.0045, 66.3613, 66.2676, 66.2715, 66.1884, 66.2915, 66.0623, 65.6283, 65.1534, 65.3824, 65.4183, 65.2315, 65.0535, 65.3601, 65.359, 65.6954, 65.7067, 65.2618, 65.3313, 65.9207, 66.0107, 66.3749, 66.4201, 66.1062, 66.5425, 66.4121, 66.6773, 66.5051, 65.7641, 66.1912, 65.71, 65.7193, 65.902, 65.8496, 65.9258, 65.9523, 65.72, 65.9785, 65.7826, 65.4782, 65.7931, 66.0113, 65.7633, 65.7015, 65.6462, 65.7985, 65.7667, 65.6512, 65.5825, 66.0532, 66.0974, 66.0932, 65.858, 65.7763, 65.7491, 65.8858, 65.8141, 66.1577, 65.6943, 65.6536, 65.411, 65.7414, 66.0504, 65.6806, 65.4437, 65.4615, 65.4244, 65.6197, 65.7904, 65.7287, 65.3009, 65.599, 65.9299, 65.435, 64.938, 64.95
+scal_read_bcm2_current = 66.7903, 67.0367, 66.7463, 67.5848, 67.6379, 67.6961, 67.7296, 67.4258, 68.187, 67.7278, 66.8266, 66.4824, 66.3923, 66.7842, 66.5002, 66.7733, 67.1974, 67.2024, 67.1022, 67.7632, 67.531, 67.478, 67.9498, 67.9556, 67.6118, 67.3509, 67.5728, 68.044, 67.3737, 66.9449, 67.0036, 66.7104, 66.6693, 66.8423, 66.5085, 66.7425, 66.8064, 66.8335, 66.9844, 67.0382, 67.1458, 67.2668, 67.1649, 66.7781, 67.8035, 68.0967, 67.933, 67.7563, 68.0314, 67.7631, 67.7956, 67.5629, 67.3863, 67.5192, 67.56, 67.7963, 66.9331, 66.5527, 66.9555, 66.4662, 66.5837, 66.4504, 66.7467, 66.615, 67.1331, 67.1418, 66.677, 66.6321, 66.5053, 66.4319, 66.6468, 66.8784, 66.8517, 66.8635, 66.9608, 66.7501, 66.8755, 66.7223, 67.1367, 66.8742, 66.5831, 66.8345, 67.0135, 66.5956, 66.4587, 66.5455, 66.5687, 66.5781, 66.9108, 66.7068, 66.6271, 67.0925, 67.6004, 67.465, 67.1782, 67.4245, 67.7083, 67.8866, 67.2575, 67.2171, 67.2712, 67.4625, 67.1605, 66.8767, 66.4377, 66.4549, 66.737, 66.8246, 66.6377, 66.5459, 66.377, 66.4888, 66.5677, 66.6869, 67.0854, 67.0244, 66.985, 67.6245, 67.6003, 67.5324, 67.4945, 67.3061, 67.5475, 67.6118, 67.4554, 67.6303, 67.6026, 67.1989, 67.1005, 67.1018, 67.3305, 67.0128, 66.9415, 67.143, 67.098, 67.222, 67.1729, 67.1708, 67.0141, 67.2669, 67.2904, 66.9288, 66.8533, 67.0265, 67.0034, 67.2048, 67.1887, 67.0667, 66.8789, 67.1019, 66.7556, 67.2156, 67.1674, 66.9187, 65.9339, 66.281, 66.1688, 66.2107, 66.4682, 66.6125, 66.6187, 66.5245, 67.2435, 67.6085, 67.5124, 67.5164, 67.4324, 67.5371, 67.3037, 66.8632, 66.3802, 66.6137, 66.6508, 66.46, 66.281, 66.5931, 66.5928, 66.9349, 66.9474, 66.4945, 66.5667, 67.1653, 67.2578, 67.6288, 67.6752, 67.3564, 67.8001, 67.6765, 67.9387, 67.7633, 67.01, 67.4451, 66.9558, 66.9656, 67.1554, 67.099, 67.177, 67.2044, 66.9687, 67.2317, 67.0322, 66.7238, 67.0438, 67.2657, 67.0141, 66.9515, 66.8959, 67.051, 67.0204, 66.9016, 66.8321, 67.3118, 67.3564, 67.3536, 67.1131, 67.0336, 67.0038, 67.145, 67.0715, 67.4217, 66.9508, 66.9093, 66.6628, 66.9993, 67.3142, 66.9389, 66.698, 66.7169, 66.6801, 66.8788, 67.052, 66.9902, 66.555, 66.8586, 67.1956, 66.6914, 66.1847, 66.2024
+scal_read_bcm4a_current = 130.832, 131.612, 131.045, 132.721, 132.816, 132.931, 132.99, 132.384, 133.909, 132.995, 131.201, 130.522, 130.338, 131.109, 130.54, 131.09, 131.947, 131.955, 131.758, 133.092, 132.625, 132.517, 133.459, 133.473, 132.795, 132.271, 132.717, 133.672, 132.337, 131.493, 131.618, 131.021, 130.928, 131.265, 130.6, 131.068, 131.217, 131.274, 131.572, 131.687, 131.899, 132.144, 131.936, 131.17, 133.229, 133.816, 133.492, 133.144, 133.718, 133.159, 133.235, 132.787, 132.433, 132.696, 132.788, 133.273, 131.545, 130.79, 131.595, 130.607, 130.835, 130.587, 131.179, 130.915, 131.95, 131.958, 131.036, 130.952, 130.696, 130.558, 130.992, 131.46, 131.411, 131.432, 131.633, 131.224, 131.456, 131.14, 131.984, 131.469, 130.885, 131.379, 131.734, 130.909, 130.635, 130.81, 130.867, 130.886, 131.548, 131.148, 130.986, 131.913, 132.945, 132.677, 132.101, 132.584, 133.154, 133.522, 132.266, 132.178, 132.295, 132.676, 132.065, 131.501, 130.612, 130.64, 131.195, 131.377, 131.006, 130.828, 130.501, 130.727, 130.879, 131.119, 131.931, 131.806, 131.728, 133.021, 132.974, 132.846, 132.766, 132.372, 132.855, 132.988, 132.691, 133.023, 132.978, 132.186, 131.999, 131.998, 132.455, 131.813, 131.673, 132.08, 131.985, 132.233, 132.143, 132.129, 131.815, 132.341, 132.395, 131.67, 131.532, 131.879, 131.839, 132.25, 132.218, 131.981, 131.603, 132.053, 131.359, 132.274, 132.179, 131.682, 129.734, 130.442, 130.205, 130.287, 130.806, 131.098, 131.115, 130.928, 132.353, 133.077, 132.891, 132.918, 132.744, 132.947, 132.481, 131.611, 130.648, 131.133, 131.219, 130.838, 130.474, 131.089, 131.069, 131.763, 131.796, 130.892, 131.03, 132.23, 132.409, 133.157, 133.26, 132.627, 133.512, 133.253, 133.782, 133.445, 131.953, 132.831, 131.852, 131.877, 132.236, 132.132, 132.281, 132.349, 131.88, 132.399, 131.997, 131.376, 132.04, 132.497, 131.987, 131.851, 131.735, 132.048, 131.987, 131.758, 131.641, 132.602, 132.696, 132.69, 132.206, 132.03, 131.981, 132.273, 132.146, 132.859, 131.886, 131.809, 131.319, 132.015, 132.656, 131.899, 131.412, 131.434, 131.364, 131.769, 132.111, 131.991, 131.128, 131.746, 132.425, 131.434, 130.439, 130.47
+scal_read_bcm4b_current = 186.427, 187.922, 186.853, 188.754, 189.066, 189.434, 189.087, 188.058, 190.236, 188.809, 186.201, 185.346, 185.365, 186.522, 185.274, 186.164, 187.368, 187.506, 187.218, 188.984, 188.233, 188.073, 189.43, 189.597, 189.635, 188.526, 189.178, 190.038, 187.967, 187.263, 187.272, 186.397, 185.939, 186.474, 185.549, 186.3, 186.416, 186.385, 186.749, 187.043, 187.198, 187.638, 187.414, 186.775, 189.412, 190.199, 189.586, 189.18, 190.481, 189.236, 189.197, 188.44, 187.981, 188.475, 188.485, 189.051, 186.621, 185.538, 186.766, 185.532, 186.028, 185.595, 186.161, 185.977, 187.715, 187.881, 187.066, 186.404, 185.801, 185.662, 186.185, 187.034, 186.916, 186.975, 187.717, 187.342, 187.444, 186.749, 188.286, 187.575, 186.916, 186.875, 187.216, 186.1, 185.834, 185.904, 185.959, 186.184, 187.128, 186.515, 186.378, 187.569, 189.258, 189.173, 188.226, 189.189, 190.38, 190.454, 187.941, 187.675, 188.098, 189.022, 188.146, 187.262, 185.674, 186.123, 186.922, 186.777, 186.222, 185.925, 185.407, 185.892, 186.159, 186.386, 187.742, 187.41, 187.432, 189.289, 189.131, 188.83, 188.966, 188.323, 188.88, 189.162, 188.712, 189.041, 188.844, 187.59, 187.711, 187.613, 188.376, 188.267, 188.007, 187.885, 187.526, 187.836, 187.649, 187.61, 187.121, 187.791, 187.919, 186.971, 186.917, 187.511, 187.252, 187.85, 187.923, 187.82, 187.314, 187.985, 186.807, 188.238, 188.021, 188, 185.782, 186.13, 185.394, 185.452, 186.085, 186.433, 186.32, 186.185, 188.02, 189.131, 189.036, 188.974, 188.692, 189.08, 188.302, 187.008, 185.576, 186.24, 186.351, 185.731, 185.562, 186.546, 186.715, 187.671, 187.597, 186.146, 186.17, 187.933, 188.136, 189.294, 190.226, 188.858, 189.974, 189.387, 190.349, 189.964, 187.471, 188.798, 187.492, 187.65, 188.222, 187.988, 188.326, 188.445, 187.278, 188.153, 188.027, 188.275, 188.501, 188.694, 187.586, 187.83, 187.626, 187.848, 187.581, 187.229, 187.029, 188.296, 188.333, 188.329, 187.627, 187.372, 187.334, 187.937, 187.978, 189.235, 187.812, 187.894, 187.069, 187.884, 188.597, 187.509, 186.752, 187.619, 188.231, 188.694, 188.946, 188.106, 186.831, 187.463, 188.513, 186.958, 185.524, 185.494
+scal_read_bcm17_current = -62.2173, -61.9717, -62.1117, -61.701, -61.6758, -61.6471, -61.6274, -61.7838, -61.4084, -61.6312, -62.0685, -62.2373, -62.284, -62.0916, -62.2288, -62.0971, -61.8901, -61.8881, -61.937, -61.6117, -61.7228, -61.7451, -61.518, -61.5144, -61.6813, -61.8059, -61.6963, -61.4666, -61.7942, -62.0044, -61.9769, -62.116, -62.1359, -62.0545, -62.22, -62.1038, -62.0714, -62.0597, -61.9861, -61.9574, -61.8993, -61.837, -61.8899, -62.0779, -61.5809, -61.4351, -61.5142, -61.5972, -61.4199, -61.5935, -61.5773, -61.6899, -61.7713, -61.7118, -61.6921, -61.5781, -61.9987, -62.1819, -61.9853, -62.2216, -62.1631, -62.2294, -62.085, -62.1498, -61.8988, -61.8956, -62.1244, -62.146, -62.2072, -62.242, -62.1389, -62.0223, -62.0334, -62.0277, -61.9823, -62.0849, -62.028, -62.1031, -61.8999, -62.0267, -62.1674, -62.0451, -61.9602, -62.1579, -62.22, -62.1775, -62.1624, -62.1559, -61.9964, -62.0947, -62.1337, -61.9061, -61.6594, -61.7267, -61.8678, -61.7423, -61.5993, -61.5134, -61.8214, -61.843, -61.8179, -61.7263, -61.87, -62.0047, -62.2173, -62.2126, -62.0763, -62.0338, -62.1254, -62.1653, -62.2455, -62.1914, -62.1509, -62.0923, -61.8964, -61.9235, -61.9427, -61.6317, -61.6445, -61.6783, -61.6944, -61.7869, -61.6661, -61.6378, -61.716, -61.633, -61.6471, -61.8443, -61.8933, -61.8925, -61.7797, -61.935, -61.9692, -61.8683, -61.888, -61.8296, -61.8529, -61.8517, -61.9238, -61.8012, -61.7893, -61.9668, -62.0014, -61.9158, -61.9242, -61.8178, -61.8372, -61.9001, -61.9912, -61.8785, -62.0477, -61.8244, -61.8488, -61.969, -62.4491, -62.281, -62.3355, -62.3131, -62.1844, -62.1128, -62.1104, -62.1543, -61.8044, -61.6282, -61.6733, -61.673, -61.7166, -61.6625, -61.7768, -61.9912, -62.2227, -62.1068, -62.0892, -62.1823, -62.269, -62.1169, -62.1179, -61.9478, -61.9401, -62.1597, -62.126, -61.8314, -61.7869, -61.6032, -61.5795, -61.7367, -61.5149, -61.581, -61.4454, -61.5351, -61.9022, -61.6875, -61.9264, -61.9189, -61.8341, -61.8581, -61.8147, -61.8012, -61.9137, -61.7869, -61.8851, -62.0357, -61.8801, -61.7693, -61.8897, -61.9205, -61.9495, -61.8789, -61.896, -61.9521, -61.9882, -61.7512, -61.7272, -61.7326, -61.8502, -61.8927, -61.9029, -61.8347, -61.8715, -61.698, -61.9252, -61.9452, -62.0655, -61.8998, -61.7418, -61.921, -62.0394, -62.0338, -62.0565, -61.9584, -61.8731, -61.9023, -62.1119, -61.9615, -61.7952, -62.0443, -62.2919, -62.2883
+scal_read_event = 1, 1627, 3279, 4922, 6609, 8269, 9916, 10000, 11668, 13335, 14979, 16594, 18242, 19872, 20000, 21647, 23289, 24944, 26596, 28264, 29937, 30000, 31678, 33353, 35004, 36669, 38343, 40000, 41644, 43321, 44982, 46622, 48276, 49921, 50000, 51600, 53250, 54900, 56558, 58210, 59889, 60000, 61672, 63312, 64989, 66673, 68328, 69996, 70000, 71685, 73352, 75024, 76680, 78339, 80000, 81664, 83298, 84921, 86560, 88197, 89833, 90000, 91624, 93271, 94903, 96571, 98213, 99866, 100000, 101627, 103283, 104945, 106587, 108245, 109875, 110000, 111641, 113279, 114934, 116577, 118235, 119904, 120000, 121636, 123289, 124919, 126593, 128227, 129884, 130000, 131648, 133302, 134968, 136627, 138312, 139959, 140000, 141672, 143326, 144983, 146631, 148302, 149975, 150000, 151633, 153292, 154948, 156595, 158251, 159904, 160000, 161638, 163305, 164941, 166607, 168288, 169932, 170000, 171667, 173327, 174978, 176643, 178306, 179977, 180000, 181645, 183331, 184971, 186620, 188277, 189944, 190000, 191619, 193276, 194924, 196601, 198273, 199913, 200000, 201669, 203327, 204982, 206638, 208301, 209947, 210000, 211641, 213308, 214961, 216637, 218268, 219931, 220000, 221636, 223261, 224890, 226521, 228151, 229784, 230000, 231609, 233263, 234925, 236594, 238242, 239915, 240000, 241661, 243313, 244978, 246628, 248260, 249891, 250000, 251655, 253289, 254916, 256553, 258204, 259845, 260000, 261643, 263288, 264979, 266631, 268309, 269984, 270000, 271649, 273325, 274994, 276659, 278300, 279950, 280000, 281640, 283304, 284983, 286630, 288304, 289943, 290000, 291656, 293296, 294969, 296625, 298244, 299890, 300000, 301627, 303268, 304942, 306596, 308253, 309912, 310000, 311650, 313289, 314969, 316633, 318298, 319964, 320000, 321643, 323323, 324973, 326633, 328292, 329915, 330000, 331645, 333301, 334942, 336578, 338242, 339870, 340000, 1e+38
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/PARAM/HMS/BCM/CALIB/bcmcurrent_1445.param b/PARAM/HMS/BCM/CALIB/bcmcurrent_1445.param
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f242f60f8e5e442ff19a44a045a9165018311146
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PARAM/HMS/BCM/CALIB/bcmcurrent_1445.param
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+num_scal_reads = 154
+scal_read_bcm1_current = 50.5009, 50.1226, 50.4317, 50.9125, 51.0089, 50.834, 50.6728, 50.6553, 50.7497, 50.884, 50.8908, 50.9264, 50.9982, 50.5139, 50.6805, 50.5674, 50.6736, 50.93, 50.7266, 50.3512, 50.1216, 50.6034, 50.7112, 50.5524, 50.7244, 50.7601, 50.7551, 51.6381, 51.1424, 23.872, 0.0459189, 0.0461081, 0.0512322, 0.0458103, 0.0457565, 0.0459565, 0.0460539, 0.0458101, 0.0457397, 0.933966, 0.663487, 0.0460929, 0.0463246, 0.0462704, 0.0460112, 0.0462163, 0.0461621, 0.0461472, 1.04107, 2.23518, 3.0138, 5.55885, 7.71833, 8.23467, 9.50704, 11.7628, 13.244, 16.0619, 16.987, 19.049, 21.6977, 22.7971, 24.0462, 25.0353, 27.9611, 28.9614, 31.692, 32.2846, 33.2246, 36.1603, 37.9374, 38.8497, 39.8207, 41.6082, 44.1141, 45.0258, 45.6829, 45.9503, 48.5651, 48.7136, 50.2098, 50.7766, 51.0219, 51.1066, 50.8423, 51.0143, 51.1652, 51.1069, 51.1026, 51.2929, 51.0515, 51.0035, 50.9865, 50.9512, 51.0938, 50.7323, 50.9158, 50.9579, 50.8706, 50.7865, 50.8047, 50.9917, 50.8262, 50.7701, 50.8588, 50.9776, 51.1634, 51.3144, 50.9601, 50.8978, 51.0119, 50.9458, 50.9223, 51.0492, 51.1996, 51.4882, 51.4417, 51.1692, 51.0929, 51.3034, 51.3091, 51.2376, 50.9895, 51.326, 51.0954, 50.9036, 50.6393, 51.2195, 51.0364, 51.3871, 51.4313, 51.3097, 51.316, 51.0998, 51.0606, 51.1745, 50.9071, 50.8718, 51.146, 51.4338, 51.1482, 51.1771, 51.1448, 51.2715, 51.2599, 51.3172, 51.6005, 51.5774, 51.3718, 51.3372, 50.8894, 51.2431, 51.0445, 50.9275
+scal_read_bcm2_current = 51.107, 51.2012, 51.515, 52.0026, 52.1005, 51.9226, 51.759, 51.7409, 51.8363, 51.9728, 51.9803, 52.017, 52.0889, 51.5971, 51.7656, 51.651, 51.758, 52.0186, 51.8127, 51.4313, 51.1977, 51.6873, 51.7962, 51.6348, 51.8089, 51.8449, 51.8393, 52.7351, 52.2321, 24.3988, 0.0825212, 0.0824887, 0.0826405, 0.0825207, 0.0825854, 0.0827048, 0.082553, 0.0826492, 0.0825764, 0.988121, 0.712286, 0.0826083, 0.0826174, 0.082553, 0.0825112, 0.0826174, 0.082553, 0.0825435, 1.09689, 2.31414, 3.10706, 5.70161, 7.90296, 8.42987, 9.72754, 12.0291, 13.5405, 16.416, 17.3599, 19.4644, 22.1667, 23.2891, 24.5635, 25.5728, 28.5579, 29.578, 32.3636, 32.9673, 33.9249, 36.9206, 38.7341, 39.6655, 40.6573, 42.4858, 45.0531, 45.9845, 46.6566, 46.9295, 49.6026, 49.7514, 51.2744, 51.8513, 52.0993, 52.1843, 51.9164, 52.0912, 52.2426, 52.184, 52.1789, 52.3725, 52.1266, 52.079, 52.0242, 52.026, 52.1704, 51.8034, 51.9895, 52.0313, 51.9428, 51.857, 51.8752, 52.0652, 51.8971, 51.8253, 51.9303, 52.0506, 52.2384, 52.3914, 52.0313, 51.9679, 52.0832, 52.0158, 51.9918, 52.1203, 52.2733, 52.566, 52.5186, 52.2423, 52.1643, 52.3774, 52.3827, 52.3098, 52.0582, 52.3997, 52.166, 51.9704, 51.7026, 52.291, 52.1054, 52.4609, 52.5058, 52.3822, 52.3885, 52.1694, 52.1292, 52.244, 51.9726, 51.9353, 52.2138, 52.5061, 52.2161, 52.2448, 52.2122, 52.3407, 52.3292, 52.3869, 52.6738, 52.6502, 52.4411, 52.4065, 51.9524, 52.3106, 52.1083, 51.9915
+scal_read_bcm4a_current = 100.689, 100.366, 100.967, 101.923, 102.12, 101.769, 101.442, 101.395, 101.575, 101.843, 101.853, 101.919, 102.061, 101.09, 101.406, 101.162, 101.373, 101.879, 101.478, 100.721, 100.264, 101.22, 101.436, 101.115, 101.459, 101.536, 101.52, 103.273, 102.264, 48.2115, 0.982674, 0.982136, 0.981667, 0.982748, 0.98367, 0.980509, 0.981291, 0.98313, 0.984677, 2.44656, 2.00271, 0.982516, 0.982289, 0.982288, 0.98159, 0.983746, 0.981981, 0.983055, 2.62343, 4.62117, 6.15407, 11.226, 15.5253, 16.5565, 19.0979, 23.6003, 26.5566, 32.179, 34.0255, 38.1378, 43.4135, 45.6018, 48.0935, 50.0602, 55.8857, 57.8801, 63.3179, 64.496, 66.3584, 72.1925, 75.7303, 77.5466, 79.4741, 83.0398, 88.0343, 89.8509, 91.1629, 91.6983, 96.9026, 97.1968, 100.177, 101.303, 101.786, 101.951, 101.437, 101.776, 102.065, 101.938, 101.918, 102.293, 101.816, 101.721, 101.728, 101.613, 101.885, 101.17, 101.523, 101.603, 101.43, 101.257, 101.293, 101.652, 101.318, 101.212, 101.382, 101.615, 101.979, 102.272, 101.557, 101.426, 101.655, 101.52, 101.463, 101.701, 102.003, 102.575, 102.476, 101.935, 101.765, 102.171, 102.176, 102.042, 101.543, 102.196, 101.737, 101.355, 100.838, 101.989, 101.623, 102.32, 102.414, 102.162, 102.161, 101.719, 101.638, 101.865, 101.329, 101.26, 101.801, 102.364, 101.792, 101.846, 101.775, 102.016, 101.991, 102.095, 102.658, 102.603, 102.193, 102.122, 101.24, 101.934, 101.54, 101.31
+scal_read_bcm4b_current = 143.422, 143.043, 144.189, 145.355, 145.535, 144.64, 144.314, 144.49, 144.625, 145.143, 144.995, 145.004, 145.502, 144.177, 144.664, 144.103, 144.325, 145.082, 144.23, 143.313, 143.051, 144.731, 145.288, 144.922, 145.305, 145.669, 145.014, 147.388, 145.879, 69.6122, 2.72229, 2.73309, 2.72393, 2.71838, 2.72321, 2.72923, 2.7347, 2.71906, 2.70639, 4.29667, 3.83664, 2.72416, 2.71355, 2.72068, 2.75026, 2.74596, 2.74274, 2.73432, 4.51083, 6.7352, 8.85106, 16.0831, 22.1572, 23.5979, 27.2098, 33.6305, 37.859, 45.8833, 48.5111, 54.3043, 61.9179, 64.9889, 68.5411, 71.2345, 79.5069, 82.4891, 90.3633, 91.9081, 94.4824, 103.092, 108.018, 110.562, 113.251, 118.261, 125.429, 127.878, 129.849, 130.627, 138.022, 138.764, 142.845, 144.122, 144.865, 145.029, 145.429, 145.678, 145.806, 145.378, 145.432, 145.786, 145.281, 145.164, 145.288, 145.028, 145.378, 144.528, 145.127, 144.971, 144.763, 144.294, 144.339, 144.583, 144.123, 143.942, 144.235, 145.002, 145.824, 145.775, 144.542, 144.343, 144.779, 144.414, 144.673, 144.834, 145.471, 146.056, 145.629, 145.353, 145.186, 145.589, 145.625, 145.182, 144.806, 145.895, 145.732, 145.235, 144.113, 145.446, 144.91, 145.873, 145.906, 145.306, 145.291, 144.518, 144.565, 145.216, 144.363, 144.343, 145.038, 145.754, 144.86, 144.931, 145.301, 145.587, 145.306, 145.468, 146.329, 146.176, 145.326, 145.257, 144.238, 145.397, 144.734, 144.339
+scal_read_bcm17_current = -69.8798, -69.6452, -69.4958, -69.2636, -69.2201, -69.307, -69.3852, -69.3915, -69.3479, -69.2846, -69.2793, -69.2631, -69.2305, -69.4658, -69.3841, -69.442, -69.3949, -69.274, -69.3746, -69.5564, -69.6684, -69.4324, -69.379, -69.4549, -69.3745, -69.3579, -69.3641, -68.9379, -69.1784, -82.2836, -93.7338, -93.7346, -93.7353, -93.735, -93.7347, -93.7352, -93.7353, -93.7356, -93.7361, -93.4938, -93.5672, -93.7359, -93.7353, -93.7347, -93.7351, -93.735, -93.7344, -93.7352, -93.4643, -93.1228, -92.7666, -91.5475, -90.5119, -90.2592, -89.6394, -88.5312, -87.8042, -86.42, -85.9625, -84.9424, -83.6375, -83.095, -82.48, -81.9945, -80.5547, -80.0642, -78.7286, -78.4383, -77.9765, -76.5487, -75.6857, -75.2412, -74.7671, -73.8908, -72.6633, -72.2131, -71.8891, -71.7586, -70.485, -70.4128, -69.6837, -69.4048, -69.2866, -69.2484, -69.3763, -69.2926, -69.2186, -69.2484, -69.2544, -69.164, -69.2809, -69.3035, -69.3074, -69.3337, -69.2665, -69.4394, -69.3528, -69.3322, -69.3745, -69.4168, -69.4101, -69.3223, -69.4043, -69.4373, -69.3904, -69.3356, -69.2461, -69.1745, -69.3488, -69.3819, -69.3277, -69.3576, -69.3703, -69.3104, -69.2379, -69.0981, -69.1214, -69.2539, -69.2882, -69.1907, -69.1864, -69.2208, -69.3433, -69.1819, -69.2937, -69.3854, -69.5126, -69.2363, -69.3256, -69.156, -69.1359, -69.1987, -69.1969, -69.301, -69.3223, -69.2685, -69.3953, -69.4146, -69.2831, -69.1425, -69.2863, -69.2725, -69.289, -69.2288, -69.2341, -69.2071, -69.0717, -69.0845, -69.1838, -69.2031, -69.4198, -69.2541, -69.3497, -69.4087
+scal_read_event = 1, 5008, 10000, 15066, 20000, 25000, 30000, 35001, 40000, 45038, 50000, 55060, 60000, 64976, 70000, 75057, 80000, 85062, 90000, 95032, 100000, 104996, 110000, 114975, 120000, 125002, 130000, 135015, 140000, 142461, 142670, 142877, 143082, 143289, 143497, 143701, 143911, 144115, 144322, 144723, 145061, 145266, 145474, 145678, 145883, 146088, 146294, 146498, 146907, 147551, 148347, 149525, 150000, 151715, 153626, 155745, 158115, 160000, 162751, 165704, 168938, 170000, 173396, 176868, 180000, 183827, 187799, 190000, 194091, 198377, 200000, 204513, 209029, 210000, 214687, 219490, 220000, 224773, 229728, 230000, 234973, 240000, 245038, 250000, 255038, 260000, 265080, 270000, 275023, 280000, 285041, 289999, 290000, 295042, 300000, 305031, 310000, 315074, 320000, 325036, 330000, 334992, 339982, 340000, 345002, 350000, 355032, 360000, 365048, 370000, 374998, 380000, 385069, 390000, 395068, 400000, 405045, 410000, 415052, 420000, 425028, 430000, 434999, 440000, 445063, 450000, 454976, 460000, 465023, 470000, 474986, 480000, 485012, 490000, 495016, 500000, 505007, 510000, 515066, 520000, 525006, 530000, 535056, 540000, 545064, 550000, 555058, 560000, 565015, 570000, 574956, 580000, 585070, 1e+38
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/PARAM/HMS/CAL/CALIB/Fall_Comm_2017/hcal_calib_1136.param b/PARAM/HMS/CAL/CALIB/Fall_Comm_2017/hcal_calib_1136.param
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c265d678eb7e20e16fbac63d1bac19c3a06f194..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/PARAM/HMS/CAL/CALIB/Fall_Comm_2017/hcal_calib_1136.param
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-; Calibration constants for run 1136_100000, 39049 events processed
-hcal_pos_gain_cor=  0.00,  9.15, 10.44, 10.88, 10.86, 11.14, 12.93, 14.47, 10.02, 14.21, 12.72, 13.03,  0.00,
-                    9.44, 15.69, 10.67, 13.04, 11.65,  9.33, 10.58, 10.56,  9.76, 10.34, 10.30, 12.17,  0.00,
-                   23.63, 16.39, 17.25, 19.63, 17.38, 16.83, 19.07, 18.55, 18.51, 23.70, 18.56, 20.22,  0.00,
-                    0.00, 19.40, 21.71, 19.02, 19.86, 20.51, 24.60, 20.31, 19.73, 21.80, 18.53, 19.00,  0.00,
-hcal_neg_gain_cor=  0.00, 12.76, 13.46, 10.86, 12.85, 14.27, 11.70, 14.84, 13.87, 11.47, 12.57, 12.83,  0.00,
-                   29.74, 12.10, 13.64, 13.64, 13.63, 14.32, 16.45, 14.92, 17.14, 16.15, 17.72, 14.32,  0.00,
-                    0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,
-                    0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/PARAM/HMS/CAL/CALIB/Fall_Comm_2017/hcal_calib_1249.param b/PARAM/HMS/CAL/CALIB/Fall_Comm_2017/hcal_calib_1249.param
deleted file mode 100644
index b4e4c55720680cbc88e19aa3a3217358a2eaf6b9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/PARAM/HMS/CAL/CALIB/Fall_Comm_2017/hcal_calib_1249.param
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-; Calibration constants for run 1249_200000, 78006 events processed
-hcal_pos_gain_cor=  7.20, 14.39, 14.23, 14.22, 15.07, 14.63, 15.87, 22.08, 13.26, 17.94, 17.44, 16.69,  0.00,
-                   13.39, 19.40, 16.50, 17.83, 15.40, 14.08, 17.24, 15.39, 16.85, 15.45, 13.96, 17.48,  0.00,
-                   29.26, 19.92, 20.23, 23.64, 20.64, 20.75, 23.38, 22.36, 22.10, 28.24, 21.46, 23.42,  0.00,
-                    0.00, 26.25, 31.65, 27.98, 29.46, 30.29, 34.00, 31.55, 29.35, 33.95, 28.08, 32.92,  0.00,
-hcal_neg_gain_cor= 29.48, 15.39, 17.31, 15.16, 16.63, 19.68, 17.94, 15.52, 19.04, 16.85, 17.30, 19.02,  0.00,
-                   24.27, 19.16, 16.95, 19.24, 19.62, 17.54, 18.57, 19.75, 19.65, 20.81, 23.76, 19.20,  0.00,
-                    0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,
-                    0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/PARAM/HMS/CAL/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/hcal_calib_303.param b/PARAM/HMS/CAL/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/hcal_calib_303.param
deleted file mode 100644
index 08acd2e880f46f041e1f228377dc878924cd5ff0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/PARAM/HMS/CAL/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/hcal_calib_303.param
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-; Calibration constants for run 303, 77272 events processed
-hcal_pos_gain_cor= 0.272/0.0195, 0.156/0.0195, 0.139/0.0195, 0.229/0.0195, 0.185/0.0195, 0.152/0.0195, 0.146/0.0195, 0.276/0.0195, 0.146/0.0195, 0.268/0.0195, 0.218/0.0195, 0.200/0.0195, 0.150/0.0195,
-                   0.162/0.0195, 0.145/0.0195, 0.125/0.0195, 0.235/0.0195, 0.005/0.0195, 0.152/0.0195, 0.173/0.0195, 0.195/0.0195, 0.181/0.0195, 0.192/0.0195, 0.302/0.0195, 0.235/0.0195, 0.185/0.0195,
-                   0.584/0.0195, 0.334/0.0195, 0.241/0.0195, 0.434/0.0195, 0.302/0.0195, 0.303/0.0195, 0.379/0.0195, 0.422/0.0195, 0.342/0.0195, 0.424/0.0195, 0.314/0.0195, 0.448/0.0195, 0.270/0.0195,
-                   1.073/0.0195, 0.306/0.0195, 0.463/0.0195, 0.402/0.0195, 0.273/0.0195, 0.300/0.0195, 0.744/0.0195, 0.216/0.0195, 0.365/0.0195, 0.497/0.0195, 0.374/0.0195, 0.459/0.0195, 0.572/0.0195,
-hcal_neg_gain_cor= 0.401/0.0195, 0.174/0.0195, 0.190/0.0195, 0.223/0.0195, 0.127/0.0195, 0.183/0.0195, 0.296/0.0195, 0.437/0.0195, 0.224/0.0195, 0.300/0.0195, 0.167/0.0195, 0.139/0.0195, 0.232/0.0195,
-                   0.302/0.0195, 0.378/0.0195, 0.238/0.0195, 0.313/0.0195, 0.427/0.0195, 0.262/0.0195, 0.278/0.0195, 0.234/0.0195, 0.253/0.0195, 0.288/0.0195, 0.290/0.0195, 0.229/0.0195, 0.192/0.0195,
-                   0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195,
-                   0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195,
diff --git a/PARAM/HMS/CAL/CALIB/hcal_calib.param b/PARAM/HMS/CAL/CALIB/hcal_calib.param
deleted file mode 120000
index aa4ff2bdf62e3cd332c7d04feb1185b62be3560f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/PARAM/HMS/CAL/CALIB/hcal_calib.param
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/PARAM/HMS/CAL/CALIB/Fall_Comm_2017/hcal_calib_1235.param b/PARAM/HMS/CAL/hcal_calib.param
similarity index 100%
rename from PARAM/HMS/CAL/CALIB/Fall_Comm_2017/hcal_calib_1235.param
rename to PARAM/HMS/CAL/hcal_calib.param
diff --git a/PARAM/HMS/CAL/CUTS/hcal_cuts.param b/PARAM/HMS/CAL/hcal_cuts.param
similarity index 100%
rename from PARAM/HMS/CAL/CUTS/hcal_cuts.param
rename to PARAM/HMS/CAL/hcal_cuts.param
diff --git a/PARAM/HMS/CAL/GEOM/hcal_geom.param b/PARAM/HMS/CAL/hcal_geom.param
similarity index 100%
rename from PARAM/HMS/CAL/GEOM/hcal_geom.param
rename to PARAM/HMS/CAL/hcal_geom.param
diff --git a/PARAM/HMS/CER/CALIB/Fall_Comm_2017/hcer_calib_1130.param b/PARAM/HMS/CER/CALIB/Fall_Comm_2017/hcer_calib_1130.param
deleted file mode 100644
index d8909e5df1becf9379dbc75602d05d99d41d3b55..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/PARAM/HMS/CER/CALIB/Fall_Comm_2017/hcer_calib_1130.param
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-hcer_adc_to_npe = 1./6.556, 1./5.224
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/PARAM/HMS/CER/CALIB/Fall_Comm_2017/hcer_calib_1136.param b/PARAM/HMS/CER/CALIB/Fall_Comm_2017/hcer_calib_1136.param
deleted file mode 100644
index 2e8b9c20d46b3a17d902a60b74d4d19c976d3e22..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/PARAM/HMS/CER/CALIB/Fall_Comm_2017/hcer_calib_1136.param
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-hcer_adc_to_npe = 1./6.638, 1./5.242
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/PARAM/HMS/CER/CALIB/Fall_Comm_2017/hcer_calib_1178.param b/PARAM/HMS/CER/CALIB/Fall_Comm_2017/hcer_calib_1178.param
deleted file mode 100644
index 17202ac00a6c6cf84722793a83b5b3240aab459c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/PARAM/HMS/CER/CALIB/Fall_Comm_2017/hcer_calib_1178.param
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-hcer_adc_to_npe = 1./6.748, 1./5.310
diff --git a/PARAM/HMS/CER/CALIB/Fall_Comm_2017/hcer_calib_1179.param b/PARAM/HMS/CER/CALIB/Fall_Comm_2017/hcer_calib_1179.param
deleted file mode 100644
index b54472e3dbebfab0dbc63b035921d68acdb93fc3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/PARAM/HMS/CER/CALIB/Fall_Comm_2017/hcer_calib_1179.param
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-hcer_adc_to_npe = 1./6.752, 1./5.850
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/PARAM/HMS/CER/CALIB/Fall_Comm_2017/hcer_calib_1180.param b/PARAM/HMS/CER/CALIB/Fall_Comm_2017/hcer_calib_1180.param
deleted file mode 100644
index 665ff43f7bb622f150c0888e16a02054c0b76fe1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/PARAM/HMS/CER/CALIB/Fall_Comm_2017/hcer_calib_1180.param
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-hcer_adc_to_npe = 1./6.732, 1./5.985
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/PARAM/HMS/CER/CALIB/Fall_Comm_2017/hcer_calib_1213.param b/PARAM/HMS/CER/CALIB/Fall_Comm_2017/hcer_calib_1213.param
deleted file mode 100644
index 786a5145b42bc9cdc0a450f5dea68c0ba34879f6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/PARAM/HMS/CER/CALIB/Fall_Comm_2017/hcer_calib_1213.param
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-hcer_adc_to_npe = 1./6.616, 1./6.564
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/PARAM/HMS/CER/CALIB/Fall_Comm_2017/hcer_calib_1214.param b/PARAM/HMS/CER/CALIB/Fall_Comm_2017/hcer_calib_1214.param
deleted file mode 100644
index 98c25af3dbeab4eec887c23446648f00416f610d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/PARAM/HMS/CER/CALIB/Fall_Comm_2017/hcer_calib_1214.param
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-hcer_adc_to_npe = 1./6.399, 1./5.729
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/PARAM/HMS/CER/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/hcer_calib.param b/PARAM/HMS/CER/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/hcer_calib.param
deleted file mode 100644
index fa4cb59a067442660fbce4943a563410962a2763..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/PARAM/HMS/CER/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/hcer_calib.param
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-;Garth H. ?? gain calibration from run ??
-hcer_adc_to_npe = 1/323./.0195, 1/327./.0195
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/PARAM/HMS/CER/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/hcer_calib_303.param b/PARAM/HMS/CER/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/hcer_calib_303.param
deleted file mode 100644
index 4767aa643fd7deec6e31aeb27849ff8544607fe3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/PARAM/HMS/CER/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/hcer_calib_303.param
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-;Garth H. ?? gain calibration from HMS KPP run 303
-hcer_adc_to_npe = 1/323./.0195, 1/327./.0195
diff --git a/PARAM/HMS/CER/CALIB/hcer_calib.param b/PARAM/HMS/CER/CALIB/hcer_calib.param
deleted file mode 120000
index ace5be072032f79ab0fde3e38ca4eacacb4ed282..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/PARAM/HMS/CER/CALIB/hcer_calib.param
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/PARAM/HMS/CER/CALIB/Fall_Comm_2017/hcer_calib_1212.param b/PARAM/HMS/CER/hcer_calib.param
similarity index 100%
rename from PARAM/HMS/CER/CALIB/Fall_Comm_2017/hcer_calib_1212.param
rename to PARAM/HMS/CER/hcer_calib.param
diff --git a/PARAM/HMS/CER/CUTS/hcer_cuts.param b/PARAM/HMS/CER/hcer_cuts.param
similarity index 100%
rename from PARAM/HMS/CER/CUTS/hcer_cuts.param
rename to PARAM/HMS/CER/hcer_cuts.param
diff --git a/PARAM/HMS/CER/GEOM/hcer_geom.param b/PARAM/HMS/CER/hcer_geom.param
similarity index 100%
rename from PARAM/HMS/CER/GEOM/hcer_geom.param
rename to PARAM/HMS/CER/hcer_geom.param
diff --git a/PARAM/HMS/DC/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/hdc_calib_303.param b/PARAM/HMS/DC/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/hdc_calib_303.param
deleted file mode 100644
index e58c62cb9ae3c5241b1e63f3f74459bc9cc5ccae..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/PARAM/HMS/DC/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/hdc_calib_303.param
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,175 +0,0 @@
-; Lookup Table: RUN 303
-; number of bins in Carlos's time to distance lookup table
-hdriftbins = 138
-; number of 1st bin in Carlos's table in ns
-; bin size in ns
diff --git a/PARAM/HMS/DC/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/hdc_calib_6gev.param b/PARAM/HMS/DC/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/hdc_calib_6gev.param
deleted file mode 100644
index e58c62cb9ae3c5241b1e63f3f74459bc9cc5ccae..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/PARAM/HMS/DC/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/hdc_calib_6gev.param
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,175 +0,0 @@
-; Lookup Table: RUN 303
-; number of bins in Carlos's time to distance lookup table
-hdriftbins = 138
-; number of 1st bin in Carlos's table in ns
-; bin size in ns
diff --git a/PARAM/HMS/DC/CUTS/KPP_Spring_2017/hdc_cuts_6gev.param b/PARAM/HMS/DC/CUTS/KPP_Spring_2017/hdc_cuts_6gev.param
deleted file mode 100644
index 868d7d011de4e37f6f7680b876f22122b7ed6109..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/PARAM/HMS/DC/CUTS/KPP_Spring_2017/hdc_cuts_6gev.param
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-;Utilize per wire tzero offsets, 1 means true
-h_using_tzero_per_wire = 0
-; Custom parameter which should be loaded when aiming to analyze HMS DC
-; data with no tracking 
-hsel_using_scin  = 0
-; hsel_using_prune = 0
-; TDC window limits for each plane.
-hdc_tdc_min_win = -14000, -14000, -14000, -14000, -14000, -14000
-                  -14000, -14000, -14000, -14000, -14000, -14000
-hdc_tdc_max_win = -6000, -6000, -6000, -6000, -6000, -6000
-                  -6000, -6000, -6000, -6000, -8000, -6000
-hdc_fix_lr = 0
-hdc_fix_propcorr = 0
-; Zero time correction for each plane in ns that is added to TDC time.
-hdc_plane_time_zero =  1312.50,1316.50,1310.8,1313.0,1311.45,1312.76,
-                       1315.00,1313.40,1310.8,1312.0,1317.40,1313.50
diff --git a/PARAM/HMS/DC/GEOM/hdc_geom_6gev.param b/PARAM/HMS/DC/GEOM/hdc_geom_6gev.param
deleted file mode 100644
index e94ed1bfb2c6ceeca0e9341aaf7b639962b6d2dc..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/PARAM/HMS/DC/GEOM/hdc_geom_6gev.param
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
-; Geometrical parameters
-; Conversion factor from TDC clicks to ns.
-hdc_tdc_time_per_channel = -0.10
-; Number of drift chambers.
-hdc_num_chambers = 2
-; Total number of planes.
-hdc_num_planes = 12
-; Names of planes.
-hdc_plane_names = "1x1 1y1 1u1 1v1 1y2 1x2 2x1 2y1 2u1 2v1 2y2 2x2"
-; Chamber index for each plane.
-hdc_chamber_planes = 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
-                     2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2
-; Number of wires in each plane.
-hdc_nrwire = 113, 52, 107, 107, 52, 113
-             113, 52, 107, 107, 52, 113
-; Sigma of wire chamber resolution for each plane.
-; From SANE.
-hdc_sigma = 0.020, 0.020, 0.020, 0.020, 0.020, 0.020
-            0.020, 0.020, 0.020, 0.020, 0.020, 0.020
-; For wire velocity corrections.
-; From SANE.
-hdc_wire_velocity = 12.0
-hdc_central_time = 7, 9, 3, 4, 6, 5
-                   7, 5, 3, 4, 6, 6
-hdc_drifttime_sign = -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1
-                     -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1
-; x, y and z position of center for each wire chamber in cm.
-; From SANE with correction from C1768 using 2007 controls.
-hdc_xcenter = 1.6345 - 0.37  ; TODO - final survey
-              2.7825 - 0.40
-hdc_ycenter = 1.2052 - 0.11  ; TODO - final survey
-              2.6510 - 0.06
-hdc_1_zpos = -51.920 - 0.44  ; TODO - final survey
-hdc_2_zpos =  29.291 - 1.76  ; TODO - final survey
-; Roll, pitch and yaw for each wire chamber in degrees.
-; From C1768 using 2007 controls.
-pdc_1_roll = 0.155  ; TODO - final survey
-pdc_2_roll = 0.186  ; TODO - final survey
-pdc_1_pitch = 0.080  ; TODO - final survey
-pdc_2_pitch = 0.077  ; TODO - final survey
-pdc_1_yaw = 0.324  ; TODO - final survey
-pdc_2_yaw = 0.118  ; TODO - final survey
-; Wire number of center of wire chamber for each plane.
-; From SANE.
-hdc_central_wire = 57.257, 26.240, 54.001, 53.999, 26.760 , 56.743
-                   57.244, 26.242, 53.998, 54.002, 26.758 , 56.756
-; Distance between wires for each plane in cm.
-; From SANE.
-hdc_pitch = 1.000252, 1.000252, 1.000252, 1.000252, 1.000252, 1.000252
-            1.000252, 1.000252, 1.000252, 1.000252, 1.000252, 1.000252
-; Order in which wires are counted in each plane.
-hdc_wire_counting = 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0
-                    1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0
-; z position in cm of each plane measured from focal plane.
-; From SANE.
-hdc_zpos = hdc_1_zpos - 3.6
-           hdc_1_zpos - 1.8
-           hdc_1_zpos - 0.0
-           hdc_1_zpos + 1.8
-           hdc_1_zpos + 3.6
-           hdc_1_zpos + 5.4
-           hdc_2_zpos - 3.6
-           hdc_2_zpos - 1.8
-           hdc_2_zpos - 0.0
-           hdc_2_zpos + 1.8
-           hdc_2_zpos + 3.6
-           hdc_2_zpos + 5.4
-; Alpha angle of wires for each plane in radians.
-; From SANE.
-hdc_alpha_angle = ( 90.00000 + pdc_1_roll)*raddeg
-                  (  0.00000 + pdc_1_roll)*raddeg
-                  ( 74.92500 + pdc_1_roll)*raddeg
-                  (105.07500 + pdc_1_roll)*raddeg
-                  (  0.00000 + pdc_1_roll)*raddeg
-                  ( 90.00000 + pdc_1_roll)*raddeg
-                  ( 89.90814 + pdc_2_roll)*raddeg
-                  (  0.01611 + pdc_2_roll)*raddeg
-                  ( 74.85000 + pdc_2_roll)*raddeg
-                  (105.05000 + pdc_2_roll)*raddeg
-                  (  0.01611 + pdc_2_roll)*raddeg
-                  ( 89.90814 + pdc_2_roll)*raddeg
-; Beta angle of wires for each plane in radians.
-hdc_beta_angle = pdc_1_pitch*raddeg
-                 pdc_1_pitch*raddeg
-                 pdc_1_pitch*raddeg
-                 pdc_1_pitch*raddeg
-                 pdc_1_pitch*raddeg
-                 pdc_1_pitch*raddeg
-                 pdc_2_pitch*raddeg
-                 pdc_2_pitch*raddeg
-                 pdc_2_pitch*raddeg
-                 pdc_2_pitch*raddeg
-                 pdc_2_pitch*raddeg
-                 pdc_2_pitch*raddeg
-; Gamma angle of wires for each plane in radians
-hdc_gamma_angle = pdc_1_yaw*raddeg
-                  pdc_1_yaw*raddeg
-                  pdc_1_yaw*raddeg
-                  pdc_1_yaw*raddeg
-                  pdc_1_yaw*raddeg
-                  pdc_1_yaw*raddeg
-                  pdc_2_yaw*raddeg
-                  pdc_2_yaw*raddeg
-                  pdc_2_yaw*raddeg
-                  pdc_2_yaw*raddeg
-                  pdc_2_yaw*raddeg
-                  pdc_2_yaw*raddeg
diff --git a/PARAM/HMS/DC/CALIB/hdc_calib.param b/PARAM/HMS/DC/hdc_calib.param
similarity index 100%
rename from PARAM/HMS/DC/CALIB/hdc_calib.param
rename to PARAM/HMS/DC/hdc_calib.param
diff --git a/PARAM/HMS/DC/CUTS/hdc_cuts.param b/PARAM/HMS/DC/hdc_cuts.param
similarity index 100%
rename from PARAM/HMS/DC/CUTS/hdc_cuts.param
rename to PARAM/HMS/DC/hdc_cuts.param
diff --git a/PARAM/HMS/DC/GEOM/hdc_geom.param b/PARAM/HMS/DC/hdc_geom.param
similarity index 100%
rename from PARAM/HMS/DC/GEOM/hdc_geom.param
rename to PARAM/HMS/DC/hdc_geom.param
diff --git a/PARAM/HMS/DC/CALIB/hdc_tzero_per_wire.param b/PARAM/HMS/DC/hdc_tzero_per_wire.param
similarity index 100%
rename from PARAM/HMS/DC/CALIB/hdc_tzero_per_wire.param
rename to PARAM/HMS/DC/hdc_tzero_per_wire.param
diff --git a/PARAM/HMS/HODO/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/hhodo_calib_303.param b/PARAM/HMS/HODO/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/hhodo_calib_303.param
deleted file mode 100644
index 10dde9a3426ec1543ae0d3cf6f380d24db8f0aad..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/PARAM/HMS/HODO/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/hhodo_calib_303.param
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
-;HMS Hodo Calibration paramters
-; new param from KPP HMS run 303                 
-hhodo_pos_invadc_offset =   -0.00,   -0.00,   -0.70,   -0.00
-                            -0.00,   -0.00,   -0.31,   -2.63
-                            -0.00,    0.13,   -1.03,   -0.58
-                             1.43,   -0.51,   -0.87,   -0.63
-                             0.60,   -0.75,   -0.66,   -1.54
-                             1.73,   -0.66,   -0.82,   -1.46
-                             0.89,    0.08,   -0.92,   -0.88
-                             2.10,    0.20,   -0.32,   -0.39
-                             0.31,   -0.89,   -1.14,   -2.15
-                            -0.00,   -0.00,   -1.52,   -0.00
-                             0.80,   -0.00,   -0.75,   -0.00
-                            -0.25,   -0.00,   -2.36,   -0.00
-                             0.54,   -0.00,   -0.00,   -0.00
-                             0.47,   -0.00,   -0.00,   -0.00
-                            -0.00,   -0.00,   -0.00,   -0.00
-                            -0.00,   -0.00,   -0.00,   -0.00
-hhodo_neg_invadc_offset =   -0.00,   -0.00,   -0.97,   -0.00
-                            -0.00,   -0.00,    0.06,   -2.16
-                            -0.00,   -0.58,   -1.60,   -0.95
-                            -0.09,    0.95,   -0.45,   -0.49
-                            -0.79,   -0.05,    0.21,   -1.82
-                             0.32,   -1.02,   -0.05,   -0.52
-                             0.02,    0.19,    0.90,    3.75
-                            -0.35,    0.35,    0.26,   -1.65
-                            -0.27,   -1.32,    0.33,   -2.44
-                            -1.42,   -0.00,   -1.48,   -0.00
-                             0.14,   -0.00,    0.14,   -0.00
-                             0.24,   -0.00,   -0.06,   -0.00
-                             0.16,   -0.00,   -0.00,   -0.00
-                            -0.83,   -0.00,   -0.00,   -0.00
-                            -0.00,   -0.00,   -0.00,   -0.00
-                            -0.00,   -0.00,   -0.00,   -0.00
-hhodo_pos_invadc_linear =   15.00,   15.00,   15.00,   15.00
-                            15.00,   15.00,   15.00,   15.00
-                            15.00,   15.00,   15.00,   15.00
-                            14.56,   15.00,   15.00,   15.00
-                            12.91,   15.00,   15.00,   15.00
-                            12.81,   14.97,   15.00,   15.00
-                            14.29,   15.00,   15.00,   15.00
-                            12.94,   14.21,   14.85,   15.00
-                            13.27,   13.60,   15.00,   15.00
-                            13.44,   15.00,   15.00,   15.00
-                            14.24,   15.00,   15.00,   15.00
-                            13.24,   15.00,   14.33,   15.00
-                            13.20,   15.00,   15.00,   15.00
-                            13.94,   15.00,   15.00,   15.00
-                            15.00,   15.00,   15.00,   15.00
-                            15.00,   15.00,   15.00,   15.00
-hhodo_neg_invadc_linear =   15.00,   15.00,   15.00,   15.00
-                            15.00,   15.00,   15.00,   15.00
-                            15.00,   14.56,   15.00,   15.00
-                            14.55,   14.16,   15.00,   15.00
-                            15.00,   15.00,   15.00,   15.00
-                            13.47,   15.00,   15.00,   15.00
-                            15.00,   15.00,   15.00,   15.00
-                            14.69,   14.21,   15.00,   15.00
-                            15.00,   15.00,   15.00,   15.00
-                            14.74,   15.00,   15.00,   15.00
-                            14.66,   15.00,   15.00,   15.00
-                            15.00,   15.00,   15.00,   15.00
-                            13.71,   15.00,   15.00,   15.00
-                            12.33,   15.00,   15.00,   15.00
-                            15.00,   15.00,   15.00,   15.00
-                            15.00,   15.00,   15.00,   15.00
-hhodo_pos_invadc_adc=    -0.00,    -0.00,   106.88*0.14,    -0.00
-                        -0.00,    -0.00,   109.67*0.14,   122.91*0.14
-                        -0.00,   102.28*0.14,   127.88*0.14,   117.82*0.14
-                       100.32*0.14,    76.55*0.14,   109.30*0.14,   139.97*0.14
-                        72.45*0.14,    90.73*0.14,   111.62*0.14,   121.49*0.14
-                        59.46*0.14,    83.45*0.14,   116.54*0.14,   123.92*0.14
-                        95.04*0.14,    91.79*0.14,   125.49*0.14,   127.74*0.14
-                        62.95*0.14,    53.50*0.14,   113.46*0.14,   106.91*0.14
-                        78.26*0.14,    49.84*0.14,   100.37*0.14,   141.06*0.14
-                        73.52*0.14,    -0.00,   101.78*0.14,    -0.00
-                        94.23*0.14,    -0.00,   129.39*0.14,    -0.00
-                        75.59*0.14,    -0.00,    94.17*0.14,    -0.00
-                        79.87*0.14,    -0.00,    -0.00,    -0.00
-                        63.90*0.14,    -0.00,    -0.00,    -0.00
-                        -0.00,    -0.00,    -0.00,    -0.00
-                        -0.00,    -0.00,    -0.00,    -0.00
-hhodo_neg_invadc_adc=    -0.00,    -0.00,   128.32*0.14,    -0.00
-                        -0.00,    -0.00,   113.16*0.14,   159.99*0.14
-                        -0.00,    68.41*0.14,   116.51*0.14,   119.18*0.14
-                        73.18*0.14,    65.95*0.14,   112.50*0.14,   122.16*0.14
-                        96.71*0.14,    91.23*0.14,    96.00*0.14,   103.37*0.14
-                        52.93*0.14,    87.48*0.14,   103.59*0.14,   122.65*0.14
-                        72.72*0.14,    82.28*0.14,   118.40*0.14,   140.72*0.14
-                        76.58*0.14,    68.02*0.14,   104.25*0.14,   120.16*0.14
-                        73.69*0.14,    98.85*0.14,    91.95*0.14,   119.78*0.14
-                        72.26*0.14,    -0.00,    89.16*0.14,    -0.00
-                        70.89*0.14,    -0.00,   113.44*0.14,    -0.00
-                        72.26*0.14,    -0.00,   101.96*0.14,    -0.00
-                        76.14*0.14,    -0.00,    -0.00,    -0.00
-                        36.51*0.14,    -0.00,    -0.00,    -0.00
-                        -0.00,    -0.00,    -0.00,    -0.00
-                        -0.00,    -0.00,    -0.00,    -0.00
-hhodo_pos_sigma =  100.00,  100.00,    0.28,  100.00
-                   100.00,  100.00,    0.31,    0.47
-                   100.00,    0.27,    0.33,    0.34
-                     0.26,    0.32,    0.35,    0.44
-                     0.30,    0.30,    0.33,    0.51
-                     0.38,    0.28,    0.22,    0.41
-                     0.25,    0.30,    0.32,    0.46
-                     0.35,    0.30,    0.31,    0.34
-                     0.26,    0.25,    0.24,    0.41
-                     0.27,  100.00,    0.27,  100.00
-                     0.25,  100.00,    0.37,  100.00
-                     0.26,  100.00,    0.24,  100.00
-                     0.34,  100.00,  100.00,  100.00
-                     0.37,  100.00,  100.00,  100.00
-                   100.00,  100.00,  100.00,  100.00
-                   100.00,  100.00,  100.00,  100.00
-hhodo_neg_sigma =  100.00,  100.00,    0.32,  100.00
-                   100.00,  100.00,    0.33,    0.52
-                   100.00,    0.31,    0.35,    0.31
-                     0.25,    0.30,    0.34,    0.32
-                     0.28,    0.32,    0.27,    0.56
-                     0.36,    0.33,    0.28,    0.31
-                     0.26,    0.31,    0.37,    0.42
-                     0.32,    0.30,    0.28,    0.33
-                     0.24,    0.28,    0.20,    0.44
-                     0.27,  100.00,    0.24,  100.00
-                     0.24,  100.00,    0.29,  100.00
-                     0.25,  100.00,    0.25,  100.00
-                     0.28,  100.00,  100.00,  100.00
-                     0.33,  100.00,  100.00,  100.00
-                   100.00,  100.00,  100.00,  100.00
-                   100.00,  100.00,  100.00,  100.00
-hhodo_pos_ped_limit = 1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000                   
-                      1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000                   
-                      1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000                   
-                      1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000                   
-                      1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000                   
-                      1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000                   
-                      1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000                   
-                      1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000                   
-hhodo_neg_ped_limit = 1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000                   
-                      1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000                   
-                      1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000                   
-                      1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000                   
-                      1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000                   
-                      1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000                   
-                      1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000                   
-                      1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000  
-     hhodo_vel_light =  15.0,15.0,15.0,15.0                                     
-                        15.0,15.0,15.0,15.0                                     
-                        15.0,15.0,15.0,15.0                                     
-                        15.0,15.0,15.0,15.0                                     
-                        15.0,15.0,15.0,15.0                                     
-                        15.0,15.0,15.0,15.0                                     
-                        15.0,15.0,15.0,15.0                                     
-                        15.0,15.0,15.0,15.0                                     
-                        15.0,15.0,15.0,15.0                                     
-                        15.0,15.0,15.0,15.0                                     
-                        15.0,15.0,15.0,15.0                                     
-                        15.0,15.0,15.0,15.0                                     
-                        15.0,15.0,15.0,15.0                                     
-                        15.0,15.0,15.0,15.0                                     
-                        15.0,15.0,15.0,15.0                                     
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/PARAM/HMS/HODO/CUTS/KPP_Spring_2017/hhodo_cuts.param b/PARAM/HMS/HODO/CUTS/KPP_Spring_2017/hhodo_cuts.param
deleted file mode 100644
index cae489247bf1efec67f6de24588622e3570333ac..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/PARAM/HMS/HODO/CUTS/KPP_Spring_2017/hhodo_cuts.param
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-; HMS Hodo Cuts parameters
-; Cosmic flag for beta calculation
-; for now manually set hte FADC mode
-;  1 == Use the pulse int - pulse ped
-;  2 == Use the sample integral - known ped
-;  3 == Use the sample integral - sample ped
-; if not set then defaults to use the raw pulse integral
-; hhodo_tdc_offset is array of time offsets for all paddles in a plane
-;   to move the tdc to between 0 and 4000 channels.
-  hhodo_tdc_offset = 1120, 1120, 1120, 1120
-;  hhodo_tdc_offset = 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000
-; hhodo set min and max fADC time window for all paddles in a plane in units of ns
-; the conversion is 0.0625 ns / channel for flash ADC 250
-hhodo_AdcTimeWindowMin = 0., 0., 0., 0.
-hhodo_AdcTimeWindowMax = 200., 200., 200., 200.
-; hstart_time_center  center of allowed time window (ns)
-   hstart_time_center = 32.                                                     
-; hstart_time_slop    1/2 width of time window                                  
-   hstart_time_slop = 100.                                                       
-; hscin_tdc_min       minimum tdc value in hms scin                             
-    hscin_tdc_min = -500                                                           
-; hscin_tdc_max       maximum allowed tdc value                                 
-   hscin_tdc_max = 4000                                                         
-; hscin_tdc_to_time   scin tdc time per channel                                 
-   hscin_tdc_to_time = 0.1                                                  
-; tof and you figured out good values
-   htof_tolerance = 50.0
-; hms_tof_params                                                                
-; hnum_scin_counters, hhodo_zpos, hhodo_center_coord, hhodo_width               
-; are all calculated within h_init_scin                                         
-;    hhodo_pos_coord and hhodo_neg_coord are not yet used                       
-     hhodo_slop     =    2.,  2.,  4.,  4.                                      
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/PARAM/HMS/HODO/hhodo_3of4trigger.param b/PARAM/HMS/HODO/hhodo_3of4trigger.param
deleted file mode 100644
index c59e5c44b602ea6b83c1ee5ce0b019ff39b6d0f9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/PARAM/HMS/HODO/hhodo_3of4trigger.param
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,191 +0,0 @@
-; for now manually set hte FADC mode
-;  1 == Use the pulse int - pulse ped
-;  2 == Use the sample integral - known ped
-;  3 == Use the sample integral - sample ped
-; if not set then defaults to use the raw pulse integral
-; hhodo_tdc_offset is array of time offsets for all paddles in a plane
-;   to move the tdc to between 0 and 4000 channels.
-  hhodo_tdc_offset = 1050, 1050, 1050, 1050
-; hstart_time_center  center of allowed time window (ns)
-   hstart_time_center = 32.                                                     
-; hstart_time_slop    1/2 width of time window                                  
-   hstart_time_slop = 25.                                                       
-; hscin_tdc_min       minimum tdc value in hms scin                             
-    hscin_tdc_min = 0                                                           
-; hscin_tdc_max       maximum allowed tdc value                                 
-   hscin_tdc_max = 4000                                                         
-; hscin_tdc_to_time   scin tdc time per channel                                 
-   hscin_tdc_to_time = 0.1                                                  
-; tof and you figured out good values
-   htof_tolerance = 30.0
-; hms_tof_params                                                                
-; hnum_scin_counters, hhodo_zpos, hhodo_center_coord, hhodo_width               
-; are all calculated within h_init_scin                                         
-;    hhodo_pos_coord and hhodo_neg_coord are not yet used                       
-     hhodo_slop     =    2.,  2.,  4.,  4.                                      
-hhodo_pos_invadc_offset =   0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
-hhodo_neg_invadc_offset =   0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
-hhodo_pos_invadc_linear =   14.0,14.8,15.5,15.8        
-                        14.0,14.8,15.5,15.8      
-                        14.0,14.8,15.5,15.8      
-                        14.0,14.8,15.5,15.8   
-                        14.0,14.8,15.5,15.8   
-                        14.0,14.8,15.5,15.8  
-                        14.0,14.8,15.5,15.8  
-                        14.0,14.8,15.5,15.8
-                        14.0,14.8,15.5,15.8 
-                        14.0,14.8,15.5,15.8 
-                        14.0,14.8,15.5,15.8
-                        14.0,14.8,15.5,15.8
-                        14.0,14.8,15.5,15.8
-                        14.0,14.8,15.5,15.8
-                        14.0,14.8,15.5,15.8  
-                        14.0,14.8,15.5,15.8  
-hhodo_neg_invadc_linear =   14.0,14.8,15.5,15.8        
-                        14.0,14.8,15.5,15.8      
-                        14.0,14.8,15.5,15.8      
-                        14.0,14.8,15.5,15.8   
-                        14.0,14.8,15.5,15.8   
-                        14.0,14.8,15.5,15.8  
-                        14.0,14.8,15.5,15.8  
-                        14.0,14.8,15.5,15.8
-                        14.0,14.8,15.5,15.8 
-                        14.0,14.8,15.5,15.8 
-                        14.0,14.8,15.5,15.8
-                        14.0,14.8,15.5,15.8
-                        14.0,14.8,15.5,15.8
-                        14.0,14.8,15.5,15.8
-                        14.0,14.8,15.5,15.8  
-                        14.0,14.8,15.5,15.8  
-hhodo_pos_invadc_adc =   0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
-hhodo_neg_invadc_adc =   0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
-     hhodo_vel_light =  14.0,14.8,15.5,15.8        
-                        14.0,14.8,15.5,15.8      
-                        14.0,14.8,15.5,15.8      
-                        14.0,14.8,15.5,15.8   
-                        14.0,14.8,15.5,15.8   
-                        14.0,14.8,15.5,15.8  
-                        14.0,14.8,15.5,15.8  
-                        14.0,14.8,15.5,15.8
-                        14.0,14.8,15.5,15.8 
-                        14.0,14.8,15.5,15.8 
-                        14.0,14.8,15.5,15.8
-                        14.0,14.8,15.5,15.8
-                        14.0,14.8,15.5,15.8
-                        14.0,14.8,15.5,15.8
-                        14.0,14.8,15.5,15.8  
-                        14.0,14.8,15.5,15.8  
-      hhodo_pos_sigma = .3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3                                 
-                        .3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3                                 
-                        .3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3                                 
-                        .3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3                                 
-                        .3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3                                 
-                        .3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3                                 
-                        .3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3                                 
-                        .3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3                                 
-      hhodo_neg_sigma = .3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3                                 
-                        .3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3                                 
-                        .3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3                                 
-                        .3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3                                 
-                        .3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3                                 
-                        .3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3                                 
-                        .3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3                                 
-                        .3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3                                 
-hhodo_pos_ped_limit = 1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000                   
-                      1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000                   
-                      1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000                   
-                      1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000                   
-                      1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000                   
-                      1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000                   
-                      1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000                   
-                      1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000                   
-hhodo_neg_ped_limit = 1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000                   
-                      1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000                   
-                      1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000                   
-                      1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000                   
-                      1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000                   
-                      1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000                   
-                      1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000                   
-                      1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000                   
diff --git a/PARAM/HMS/HODO/hhodo_4of4trigger.param b/PARAM/HMS/HODO/hhodo_4of4trigger.param
deleted file mode 100644
index 54596af47693886ae5654fcaef5208a0e7c42e3b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/PARAM/HMS/HODO/hhodo_4of4trigger.param
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,191 +0,0 @@
-; for now manually set hte FADC mode
-;  1 == Use the pulse int - pulse ped
-;  2 == Use the sample integral - known ped
-;  3 == Use the sample integral - sample ped
-; if not set then defaults to use the raw pulse integral
-; hhodo_tdc_offset is array of time offsets for all paddles in a plane
-;   to move the tdc to between 0 and 4000 channels.
-  hhodo_tdc_offset = 1280, 1280, 1280, 1290
-; hstart_time_center  center of allowed time window (ns)
-   hstart_time_center = 32.                                                     
-; hstart_time_slop    1/2 width of time window                                  
-   hstart_time_slop = 25.                                                       
-; hscin_tdc_min       minimum tdc value in hms scin                             
-    hscin_tdc_min = 0                                                           
-; hscin_tdc_max       maximum allowed tdc value                                 
-   hscin_tdc_max = 4000                                                         
-; hscin_tdc_to_time   scin tdc time per channel                                 
-   hscin_tdc_to_time = 0.1                                                  
-; tof and you figured out good values
-   htof_tolerance = 30.0
-; hms_tof_params                                                                
-; hnum_scin_counters, hhodo_zpos, hhodo_center_coord, hhodo_width               
-; are all calculated within h_init_scin                                         
-;    hhodo_pos_coord and hhodo_neg_coord are not yet used                       
-     hhodo_slop     =    2.,  2.,  4.,  4.                                      
-hhodo_pos_invadc_offset =   0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
-hhodo_neg_invadc_offset =   0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
-hhodo_pos_invadc_linear =   14.0,14.8,15.5,15.8        
-                        14.0,14.8,15.5,15.8      
-                        14.0,14.8,15.5,15.8      
-                        14.0,14.8,15.5,15.8   
-                        14.0,14.8,15.5,15.8   
-                        14.0,14.8,15.5,15.8  
-                        14.0,14.8,15.5,15.8  
-                        14.0,14.8,15.5,15.8
-                        14.0,14.8,15.5,15.8 
-                        14.0,14.8,15.5,15.8 
-                        14.0,14.8,15.5,15.8
-                        14.0,14.8,15.5,15.8
-                        14.0,14.8,15.5,15.8
-                        14.0,14.8,15.5,15.8
-                        14.0,14.8,15.5,15.8  
-                        14.0,14.8,15.5,15.8  
-hhodo_neg_invadc_linear =   14.0,14.8,15.5,15.8        
-                        14.0,14.8,15.5,15.8      
-                        14.0,14.8,15.5,15.8      
-                        14.0,14.8,15.5,15.8   
-                        14.0,14.8,15.5,15.8   
-                        14.0,14.8,15.5,15.8  
-                        14.0,14.8,15.5,15.8  
-                        14.0,14.8,15.5,15.8
-                        14.0,14.8,15.5,15.8 
-                        14.0,14.8,15.5,15.8 
-                        14.0,14.8,15.5,15.8
-                        14.0,14.8,15.5,15.8
-                        14.0,14.8,15.5,15.8
-                        14.0,14.8,15.5,15.8
-                        14.0,14.8,15.5,15.8  
-                        14.0,14.8,15.5,15.8  
-hhodo_pos_invadc_adc =   0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
-hhodo_neg_invadc_adc =   0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
- 0.000,   0.0000,  0.000,   0.000
-     hhodo_vel_light =  14.0,14.8,15.5,15.8        
-                        14.0,14.8,15.5,15.8      
-                        14.0,14.8,15.5,15.8      
-                        14.0,14.8,15.5,15.8   
-                        14.0,14.8,15.5,15.8   
-                        14.0,14.8,15.5,15.8  
-                        14.0,14.8,15.5,15.8  
-                        14.0,14.8,15.5,15.8
-                        14.0,14.8,15.5,15.8 
-                        14.0,14.8,15.5,15.8 
-                        14.0,14.8,15.5,15.8
-                        14.0,14.8,15.5,15.8
-                        14.0,14.8,15.5,15.8
-                        14.0,14.8,15.5,15.8
-                        14.0,14.8,15.5,15.8  
-                        14.0,14.8,15.5,15.8  
-      hhodo_pos_sigma = .3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3                                 
-                        .3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3                                 
-                        .3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3                                 
-                        .3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3                                 
-                        .3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3                                 
-                        .3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3                                 
-                        .3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3                                 
-                        .3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3                                 
-      hhodo_neg_sigma = .3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3                                 
-                        .3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3                                 
-                        .3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3                                 
-                        .3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3                                 
-                        .3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3                                 
-                        .3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3                                 
-                        .3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3                                 
-                        .3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3,.3                                 
-hhodo_pos_ped_limit = 1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000                   
-                      1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000                   
-                      1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000                   
-                      1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000                   
-                      1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000                   
-                      1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000                   
-                      1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000                   
-                      1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000                   
-hhodo_neg_ped_limit = 1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000                   
-                      1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000                   
-                      1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000                   
-                      1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000                   
-                      1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000                   
-                      1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000                   
-                      1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000                   
-                      1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000                   
diff --git a/PARAM/HMS/HODO/CALIB/hhodo_calib.param b/PARAM/HMS/HODO/hhodo_calib.param
similarity index 100%
rename from PARAM/HMS/HODO/CALIB/hhodo_calib.param
rename to PARAM/HMS/HODO/hhodo_calib.param
diff --git a/PARAM/HMS/HODO/CUTS/hhodo_cuts.param b/PARAM/HMS/HODO/hhodo_cuts.param
similarity index 100%
rename from PARAM/HMS/HODO/CUTS/hhodo_cuts.param
rename to PARAM/HMS/HODO/hhodo_cuts.param
diff --git a/PARAM/HMS/HODO/GEOM/hhodo_geom.param b/PARAM/HMS/HODO/hhodo_geom.param
similarity index 100%
rename from PARAM/HMS/HODO/GEOM/hhodo_geom.param
rename to PARAM/HMS/HODO/hhodo_geom.param
diff --git a/PARAM/HMS/HODO/CALIB/htofcalib.param b/PARAM/HMS/HODO/htofcalib.param
similarity index 100%
rename from PARAM/HMS/HODO/CALIB/htofcalib.param
rename to PARAM/HMS/HODO/htofcalib.param
diff --git a/PARAM/SHMS/AERO/CALIB/paero_calib.param b/PARAM/SHMS/AERO/CALIB/paero_calib.param
deleted file mode 120000
index 4b55a5d9d51cb9ffc5a3d1ffce5e81ea2f9a4582..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/PARAM/SHMS/AERO/CALIB/paero_calib.param
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/PARAM/SHMS/AERO/CALIB/Fall_Comm_2017/paero_calib_1585.param b/PARAM/SHMS/AERO/paero_calib.param
similarity index 100%
rename from PARAM/SHMS/AERO/CALIB/Fall_Comm_2017/paero_calib_1585.param
rename to PARAM/SHMS/AERO/paero_calib.param
diff --git a/PARAM/SHMS/AERO/CUTS/paero_cuts.param b/PARAM/SHMS/AERO/paero_cuts.param
similarity index 100%
rename from PARAM/SHMS/AERO/CUTS/paero_cuts.param
rename to PARAM/SHMS/AERO/paero_cuts.param
diff --git a/PARAM/SHMS/AERO/GEOM/paero_geom.param b/PARAM/SHMS/AERO/paero_geom.param
similarity index 100%
rename from PARAM/SHMS/AERO/GEOM/paero_geom.param
rename to PARAM/SHMS/AERO/paero_geom.param
diff --git a/PARAM/SHMS/CAL/CALIB/Fall_Comm_2017/pcal_calib_1585.param b/PARAM/SHMS/CAL/CALIB/Fall_Comm_2017/pcal_calib_1585.param
deleted file mode 100644
index a21809fd191ea32a7d83d0c7ccad74f783a9e643..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/PARAM/SHMS/CAL/CALIB/Fall_Comm_2017/pcal_calib_1585.param
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-; Calibration constants for run 1585_500000, 54113 events processed
-pcal_neg_gain_cor =  0.00, 27.47, 28.76, 31.14, 32.36, 29.39, 32.87, 33.42, 35.05, 30.82, 30.72, 28.89,  0.00,  0.00,
-pcal_pos_gain_cor =  0.00, 30.99, 29.82, 31.08, 33.47, 36.42, 33.37, 26.25, 29.50, 28.50, 32.08, 28.19,  0.00,  0.00,
-pcal_arr_gain_cor =  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,
-                    0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,
-                    0.00,  0.00,  0.00, 49.15, 62.45,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,
-                    0.00,  0.00, 36.57, 48.02, 57.60, 36.71, 69.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,
-                    0.00, 49.36, 30.66, 31.17, 67.58, 60.18, 48.33, 36.48, 52.01,  0.00,  0.00, 40.80, 41.89, 77.89,  0.00,  0.00,
-                    0.00, 39.59, 33.79, 74.64, 20.14, 45.04, 47.54, 60.57, 79.52, 38.23, 51.27, 56.64, 78.09, 19.41,  0.00,  0.00,
-                    0.00, 34.92, 57.07, 48.45, 27.70, 47.30, 61.26, 47.87, 43.42, 42.32, 36.35, 24.29, 44.10, 37.91,  0.00,  0.00,
-                    0.00, 19.57, 18.80, 15.50, 19.93, 14.58, 20.18, 24.46, 13.08, 19.84, 28.17, 22.76, 30.04, 18.58, 13.79,  0.00,
-                    0.00, 47.84, 33.91, 37.30, 54.40, 48.51, 27.96, 48.41, 74.16, 73.54, 31.07, 68.04, 30.65, 28.99,  0.00,  0.00,
-                    0.00,  0.00, 19.90, 44.34, 32.10, 65.18, 53.96, 80.39,  0.00, 82.78, 40.40, 42.19, 59.48, 36.94,  0.00,  0.00,
-                    0.00,  0.00,150.71,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00, 42.11, 38.34, 27.87,  0.00,  0.00,
-                    0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,
-                    0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,
-                    0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,
diff --git a/PARAM/SHMS/CAL/CALIB/Fall_Comm_2017/pcal_calib_1586.param b/PARAM/SHMS/CAL/CALIB/Fall_Comm_2017/pcal_calib_1586.param
deleted file mode 100644
index 682ab117d4bb96f8511a6d32bc8e859c76332b55..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/PARAM/SHMS/CAL/CALIB/Fall_Comm_2017/pcal_calib_1586.param
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-; Calibration constants for run 1586_500000, 36985 events processed
-pcal_neg_gain_cor =  0.00, 31.51, 28.13, 30.86, 32.42, 29.27, 32.86, 33.42, 35.00, 30.49, 30.49, 29.10,  0.00,  0.00,
-pcal_pos_gain_cor =  0.00, 28.80, 29.54, 31.20, 33.48, 36.21, 33.23, 26.37, 29.64, 28.06, 32.26, 28.24,  0.00,  0.00,
-pcal_arr_gain_cor =  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,
-                    0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,
-                    0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,
-                    0.00,  0.00, 54.80, 46.82, 43.98, 36.03,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,
-                    0.00, 77.37, 30.65, 31.22, 67.97, 60.92, 49.36, 40.42,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00, 37.38, 41.68, 71.29,  0.00,  0.00,
-                    0.00, 47.40, 34.05, 75.12, 20.23, 45.25, 48.05, 60.94, 80.89, 34.90, 51.37, 56.13, 77.35, 20.30,  0.00,  0.00,
-                    0.00, 39.61, 58.86, 49.32, 27.50, 47.19, 61.69, 47.89, 43.02, 42.17, 36.82, 24.33, 43.74, 38.94,  0.00,  0.00,
-                    0.00, 10.36, 18.93, 15.62, 20.03, 14.50, 20.29, 24.44, 13.14, 19.73, 28.33, 22.92, 30.20, 18.36, 10.17,  0.00,
-                    0.00, 26.11, 33.75, 36.52, 54.50, 48.39, 27.74, 48.42, 71.14, 72.21, 31.29, 68.47, 30.96, 28.41,  0.00,  0.00,
-                    0.00,  0.00, 23.28, 45.52, 28.62, 63.17, 51.75,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00, 44.32, 43.23, 59.05, 36.97,  0.00,  0.00,
-                    0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00, 38.05, 39.57, 27.08,  0.00,  0.00,
-                    0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,
-                    0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,
-                    0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,
diff --git a/PARAM/SHMS/CAL/CALIB/Fall_Comm_2017/pcal_calib_1969.param b/PARAM/SHMS/CAL/CALIB/Fall_Comm_2017/pcal_calib_1969.param
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e2fd29776f0a1d3718529bec9f9078a72ef1703..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/PARAM/SHMS/CAL/CALIB/Fall_Comm_2017/pcal_calib_1969.param
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-; Calibration constants for run 1969_400000, 32287 events processed
-pcal_neg_gain_cor = 43.54, 18.53, 27.48, 29.66, 31.37, 27.98, 31.29, 48.98, 26.99, 28.91, 32.37, 29.46, 36.33, 49.04,
-pcal_pos_gain_cor = 41.08, 17.84, 26.91, 27.67, 30.64, 32.34, 28.31, 24.01, 27.93, 25.98, 30.58, 26.75, 24.00, 25.00,
-pcal_arr_gain_cor =  40.0,  40.0,  40.0,  40.0,  40.0,  40.0,  40.0,  40.0,  40.0,  40.0,  40.0,  40.0,  40.0,  40.0,  40.0,  40.0,
-                   14.56,  40.0,  40.0, 32.96, 59.08, 49.25,  40.0,  40.0,  40.0,  40.0,  40.0,  40.0,  40.0,  40.0,  40.0,  40.0,
-                  40.0, 40.0,  9.80, 21.97, 46.21, 59.91, 58.99, 74.33,  40.0,  40.0,  40.0,  40.0,  40.0,  40.0,  40.0,  40.0,
-                    40.0, 67.23, 27.92, 46.84, 38.90, 31.64, 84.10, 63.79, 50.88,  40.0,  40.0,  40.0,  40.0, 39.44, 51.22,  40.0,
-                    4.04,40.0, 31.43, 28.42, 64.73, 57.99, 47.88, 32.49, 35.05,148.79,  40.0,  40.0, 42.21, 73.94, 39.95, 82.72,
-                   45.94,  8.40, 33.01, 71.45, 18.71, 42.92, 45.68, 57.90, 75.64, 39.23, 57.67, 51.90, 76.50, 19.18, 27.55, 53.63,
-                   29.51,  1.35, 53.28, 46.69, 25.90, 45.39, 58.98, 45.60, 40.63, 39.63, 34.46, 23.45, 42.02, 38.42, 31.82,  40.0,
-                   22.75, 50.29, 17.00, 14.07, 18.62, 13.30, 19.12, 23.62,  7.51, 18.47, 27.17, 21.75, 28.68, 17.15, 12.17,117.68,
-                   -9.35, 25.52, 25.50, 35.28, 51.08, 44.57, 26.10, 47.38, 49.22, 71.07, 28.12, 66.22, 28.81, 26.92, 47.26,  40.0,
-                    40.0,  40.0, 20.36, 43.09, 25.22, 60.80, 49.06, 61.20, 20.11,  40.0,  40.0, 37.81, 55.16, 34.19, 19.32,  4.46,
-                    40.0,  5.65, 62.22, 28.48, 32.43, 41.48, 21.16, 52.10,  40.0,  40.0,  40.0,  40.0, 45.00, 25.76, 33.54,40.0,
-                    40.0,  40.0, 32.74, 28.59,  40.0,  40.0,  5.11,  40.0,  40.0,  40.0,  40.0,  40.0,  40.0,  40.0,  40.0, 15.89,
-                    40.0,  40.0,  40.0,  40.0,  40.0,  40.0,  40.0,  40.0,  40.0,  40.0,  40.0,  40.0,  40.0,  40.0,  40.0,  40.0,
-                    40.0,  40.0,  40.0,  40.0,  40.0,  40.0,  40.0,  40.0,  40.0,  40.0,  40.0,  40.0,  40.0,  40.0,  40.0,  40.0,
diff --git a/PARAM/SHMS/CAL/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/pcal_calib_464.param b/PARAM/SHMS/CAL/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/pcal_calib_464.param
deleted file mode 100644
index 0cd734fc3762e8d580ba729123f822aa57f02c7e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/PARAM/SHMS/CAL/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/pcal_calib_464.param
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-; Calibration constants for run report_464, 66161 events processed
-pcal_neg_gain_cor = 0.3/0.0195, 0.281/0.0195, 0.242/0.0195, 0.295/0.0195, 0.218/0.0195, 0.370/0.0195, 0.474/0.0195, 0.379/0.0195, 0.249/0.0195, 0.316/0.0195, 0.339/0.0195, 0.215/0.0195, 0.490/0.0195, 0.3/0.0195,
-pcal_pos_gain_cor = 0.307/0.0195, 0.216/0.0195, 0.211/0.0195, 0.282/0.0195, 0.238/0.0195, 0.228/0.0195, 0.287/0.0195, 0.228/0.0195, 0.472/0.0195, 0.194/0.0195, 0.377/0.0195, 0.360/0.0195, 0.633/0.0195, 0.3/0.0195,
-pcal_arr_gain_cor = 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195,
-                   1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195,
-                   1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195,
-                   1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 0.750/0.0195, 0.890/0.0195, 0.805/0.0195, 0.591/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195,
-                   1.000/0.0195, 0.651/0.0195, 0.586/0.0195, 0.559/0.0195, 1.262/0.0195, 1.123/0.0195, 0.940/0.0195, 0.598/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 0.772/0.0195, 0.752/0.0195, 1.446/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195,
-                   1.000/0.0195, 0.719/0.0195, 0.623/0.0195, 1.394/0.0195, 0.366/0.0195, 0.826/0.0195, 0.892/0.0195, 1.124/0.0195, 1.468/0.0195, 0.669/0.0195, 0.947/0.0195, 1.030/0.0195, 1.429/0.0195, 0.353/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195,
-                   1.000/0.0195, 0.571/0.0195, 1.019/0.0195, 0.888/0.0195, 0.508/0.0195, 0.832/0.0195, 1.136/0.0195, 0.885/0.0195, 0.819/0.0195, 0.791/0.0195, 0.670/0.0195, 0.456/0.0195, 0.817/0.0195, 0.752/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195,
-                   1.000/0.0195, 0.198/0.0195, 0.311/0.0195, 0.270/0.0195, 0.363/0.0195, 0.262/0.0195, 0.362/0.0195, 0.439/0.0195, 0.229/0.0195, 0.365/0.0195, 0.529/0.0195, 0.418/0.0195, 0.568/0.0195, 0.341/0.0195, 0.231/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195,
-                   1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 0.614/0.0195, 0.664/0.0195, 0.945/0.0195, 0.897/0.0195, 0.520/0.0195, 0.922/0.0195, 1.258/0.0195, 1.413/0.0195, 0.550/0.0195, 1.286/0.0195, 0.563/0.0195, 0.546/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195,
-                   1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 0.389/0.0195, 0.826/0.0195, 0.508/0.0195, 1.221/0.0195, 0.966/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 0.821/0.0195, 0.782/0.0195, 1.091/0.0195, 0.683/0.0195, 0.489/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195,
-                   1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 0.713/0.0195, 0.742/0.0195, 0.541/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195,
-                   1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195,
-                   1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195,
-                   1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195, 1.000/0.0195,
diff --git a/PARAM/SHMS/CAL/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/pcal_calib_475.param b/PARAM/SHMS/CAL/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/pcal_calib_475.param
deleted file mode 100644
index d1b89f46fb1df5e9ca4f46f16654d550452e6950..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/PARAM/SHMS/CAL/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/pcal_calib_475.param
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-; Calibration constants for run 475_-1, 283000 events processed
-pcal_neg_gain_cor = 0.191/0.0195, 0.273/0.0195, 0.231/0.0195, 0.281/0.0195, 0.209/0.0195, 0.354/0.0195, 0.467/0.0195, 0.373/0.0195, 0.246/0.0195, 0.312/0.0195, 0.333/0.0195, 0.214/0.0195, 0.305/0.0195, 1.480/0.0195,
-pcal_pos_gain_cor = 0.966/0.0195, 0.206/0.0195, 0.206/0.0195, 0.278/0.0195, 0.234/0.0195, 0.224/0.0195, 0.284/0.0195, 0.227/0.0195, 0.468/0.0195, 0.190/0.0195, 0.375/0.0195, 0.359/0.0195, 0.445/0.0195, 2.266/0.0195,
-pcal_arr_gain_cor = 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195,
-                   0.000/0.0195, 0.542/0.0195, 1.126/0.0195, 0.922/0.0195, 0.734/0.0195, 0.782/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 3.196/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195,
-                   0.000/0.0195, 1.134/0.0195, 0.644/0.0195, 0.788/0.0195, 1.130/0.0195, 1.296/0.0195, 0.978/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 1.145/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 7.212/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 2.063/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195,
-                   0.000/0.0195, 0.939/0.0195, 0.785/0.0195, 0.895/0.0195, 0.777/0.0195, 0.579/0.0195, 1.616/0.0195, 1.389/0.0195, 0.999/0.0195, 3.832/0.0195, 4.220/0.0195, 0.528/0.0195, 0.964/0.0195, 0.468/0.0195, 3.595/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195,
-                  -0.227/0.0195, 0.585/0.0195, 0.595/0.0195, 0.557/0.0195, 1.276/0.0195, 1.120/0.0195, 0.925/0.0195, 0.614/0.0195, 0.605/0.0195, 0.852/0.0195, 0.745/0.0195, 0.741/0.0195, 0.756/0.0195, 1.402/0.0195, 1.004/0.0195, 0.465/0.0195,
-                   0.000/0.0195, 0.657/0.0195, 0.631/0.0195, 1.401/0.0195, 0.368/0.0195, 0.828/0.0195, 0.896/0.0195, 1.129/0.0195, 1.472/0.0195, 0.677/0.0195, 0.956/0.0195, 1.033/0.0195, 1.439/0.0195, 0.356/0.0195, 0.462/0.0195, 2.643/0.0195,
-                   0.060/0.0195, 0.691/0.0195, 1.024/0.0195, 0.898/0.0195, 0.509/0.0195, 0.839/0.0195, 1.144/0.0195, 0.889/0.0195, 0.816/0.0195, 0.790/0.0195, 0.675/0.0195, 0.458/0.0195, 0.821/0.0195, 0.742/0.0195, 0.826/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195,
-                   0.623/0.0195, 0.086/0.0195, 0.331/0.0195, 0.275/0.0195, 0.368/0.0195, 0.265/0.0195, 0.365/0.0195, 0.442/0.0195, 0.231/0.0195, 0.365/0.0195, 0.531/0.0195, 0.419/0.0195, 0.572/0.0195, 0.341/0.0195, 0.263/0.0195, 0.324/0.0195,
-                   5.728/0.0195,-0.410/0.0195, 0.650/0.0195, 0.673/0.0195, 0.953/0.0195, 0.895/0.0195, 0.521/0.0195, 0.927/0.0195, 1.299/0.0195, 1.417/0.0195, 0.547/0.0195, 1.288/0.0195, 0.564/0.0195, 0.548/0.0195, 0.381/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195,
-                   0.000/0.0195, 0.375/0.0195, 0.396/0.0195, 0.817/0.0195, 0.511/0.0195, 1.214/0.0195, 0.937/0.0195, 1.398/0.0195, 0.592/0.0195, 0.722/0.0195, 0.809/0.0195, 0.781/0.0195, 1.094/0.0195, 0.686/0.0195, 0.432/0.0195, 2.337/0.0195,
-                   1.343/0.0195, 0.103/0.0195, 3.296/0.0195, 1.010/0.0195, 0.722/0.0195, 0.780/0.0195, 0.514/0.0195, 0.772/0.0195, 2.186/0.0195, 0.985/0.0195, 0.724/0.0195, 0.846/0.0195, 0.739/0.0195, 0.533/0.0195, 0.589/0.0195, 3.208/0.0195,
-                  -0.532/0.0195, 2.021/0.0195, 0.137/0.0195,-3.405/0.0195, 0.807/0.0195, 0.784/0.0195, 1.370/0.0195,-0.242/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 1.989/0.0195, 0.654/0.0195, 0.700/0.0195, 0.952/0.0195, 0.584/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195,
-                   0.059/0.0195,-0.518/0.0195, 1.216/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195,-0.040/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 9.954/0.0195,-0.309/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 3.539/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195,
-                   0.135/0.0195,-0.479/0.0195,-0.128/0.0195,-0.065/0.0195,-0.072/0.0195, 0.122/0.0195, 0.748/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 1.168/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.091/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.613/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195,
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/PARAM/SHMS/CAL/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/pcal_calib_478.param b/PARAM/SHMS/CAL/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/pcal_calib_478.param
deleted file mode 100644
index 75dec056cbcb2d933137cca13c5fd6aae4a042be..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/PARAM/SHMS/CAL/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/pcal_calib_478.param
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-; Calibration constants for run 478_-1, 282423 events processed
-pcal_neg_gain_cor = 0.304/0.0195, 0.208/0.0195, 0.227/0.0195, 0.280/0.0195, 0.208/0.0195, 0.352/0.0195, 0.468/0.0195, 0.373/0.0195, 0.243/0.0195, 0.310/0.0195, 0.333/0.0195, 0.214/0.0195, 0.295/0.0195, 0.734/0.0195,
-pcal_pos_gain_cor = 1.257/0.0195, 0.219/0.0195, 0.207/0.0195, 0.280/0.0195, 0.235/0.0195, 0.225/0.0195, 0.282/0.0195, 0.227/0.0195, 0.470/0.0195, 0.190/0.0195, 0.375/0.0195, 0.359/0.0195, 0.457/0.0195, 4.229/0.0195,
-pcal_arr_gain_cor = 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195,
-                   0.000/0.0195, 1.541/0.0195, 1.256/0.0195, 0.757/0.0195, 3.973/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195,
-                   0.000/0.0195, 0.585/0.0195, 0.601/0.0195, 0.632/0.0195, 0.930/0.0195, 1.148/0.0195, 0.946/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 2.458/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 4.041/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.032/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195,
-                   0.000/0.0195, 1.191/0.0195, 0.482/0.0195, 0.955/0.0195, 0.784/0.0195, 0.607/0.0195, 1.493/0.0195, 1.282/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 1.919/0.0195, 0.543/0.0195, 0.932/0.0195, 0.534/0.0195,-1.355/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195,
-                  -0.131/0.0195, 0.597/0.0195, 0.599/0.0195, 0.555/0.0195, 1.276/0.0195, 1.115/0.0195, 0.926/0.0195, 0.610/0.0195, 0.822/0.0195, 0.887/0.0195, 0.640/0.0195, 0.729/0.0195, 0.759/0.0195, 1.383/0.0195, 1.760/0.0195, 2.086/0.0195,
-                  -0.892/0.0195, 0.478/0.0195, 0.624/0.0195, 1.387/0.0195, 0.366/0.0195, 0.827/0.0195, 0.895/0.0195, 1.132/0.0195, 1.459/0.0195, 0.675/0.0195, 0.956/0.0195, 1.034/0.0195, 1.435/0.0195, 0.357/0.0195, 0.456/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195,
-                   0.000/0.0195, 0.575/0.0195, 1.032/0.0195, 0.887/0.0195, 0.508/0.0195, 0.835/0.0195, 1.140/0.0195, 0.892/0.0195, 0.815/0.0195, 0.791/0.0195, 0.673/0.0195, 0.458/0.0195, 0.820/0.0195, 0.739/0.0195, 0.610/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195,
-                   0.406/0.0195, 0.159/0.0195, 0.332/0.0195, 0.274/0.0195, 0.367/0.0195, 0.265/0.0195, 0.366/0.0195, 0.441/0.0195, 0.231/0.0195, 0.366/0.0195, 0.532/0.0195, 0.420/0.0195, 0.572/0.0195, 0.343/0.0195, 0.180/0.0195, 0.659/0.0195,
-                  -0.027/0.0195, 0.852/0.0195, 0.642/0.0195, 0.676/0.0195, 0.954/0.0195, 0.895/0.0195, 0.522/0.0195, 0.922/0.0195, 1.219/0.0195, 1.410/0.0195, 0.548/0.0195, 1.293/0.0195, 0.563/0.0195, 0.549/0.0195, 0.913/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195,
-                   1.548/0.0195, 0.018/0.0195, 0.414/0.0195, 0.847/0.0195, 0.513/0.0195, 1.218/0.0195, 0.943/0.0195, 1.041/0.0195, 0.912/0.0195, 0.822/0.0195, 0.805/0.0195, 0.780/0.0195, 1.097/0.0195, 0.686/0.0195, 0.380/0.0195, 3.226/0.0195,
-                  -1.747/0.0195, 2.302/0.0195, 0.744/0.0195, 0.831/0.0195, 0.686/0.0195, 0.884/0.0195, 0.372/0.0195, 0.658/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 1.157/0.0195, 0.803/0.0195, 0.842/0.0195, 0.739/0.0195, 0.534/0.0195, 0.580/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195,
-                   0.464/0.0195, 1.631/0.0195, 2.294/0.0195, 0.602/0.0195, 1.149/0.0195, 0.531/0.0195, 0.799/0.0195, 0.510/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 1.311/0.0195, 0.470/0.0195, 0.744/0.0195, 0.971/0.0195, 0.816/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195,
-                   0.013/0.0195, 0.199/0.0195, 0.627/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 2.157/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 3.832/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195,
-                   0.161/0.0195, 0.924/0.0195,-0.236/0.0195, 0.067/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.124/0.0195,-0.332/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.862/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.881/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195,
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/PARAM/SHMS/CAL/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/pcal_calib_479.param b/PARAM/SHMS/CAL/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/pcal_calib_479.param
deleted file mode 100644
index 46d33c696a46cac8e6a1c4a59689cec74fd374d7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/PARAM/SHMS/CAL/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/pcal_calib_479.param
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-; for now manually set hte FADC mode
-;  1 == Use the pulse int - pulse ped
-;  2 == Use the sample integral - known ped
-;  3 == Use the sample integral - sample ped
-; if not set then defaults to use the raw pulse integral
-pcal_AdcTimeWindowMin = 81.25
-; Calibration constants for run 479_-1, 278685 events processed
-pcal_neg_gain_cor = 0.226/0.0195, 0.312/0.0195, 0.229/0.0195, 0.281/0.0195, 0.209/0.0195, 0.351/0.0195, 0.467/0.0195, 0.372/0.0195, 0.244/0.0195, 0.310/0.0195, 0.333/0.0195, 0.214/0.0195, 0.282/0.0195, 0.879/0.0195,
-pcal_pos_gain_cor = 1.012/0.0195, 0.237/0.0195, 0.204/0.0195, 0.278/0.0195, 0.234/0.0195, 0.224/0.0195, 0.282/0.0195, 0.226/0.0195, 0.470/0.0195, 0.191/0.0195, 0.374/0.0195, 0.359/0.0195, 0.418/0.0195, 1.238/0.0195,
-pcal_arr_gain_cor = 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195,
-                  -0.724/0.0195, 0.482/0.0195, 1.062/0.0195, 0.714/0.0195, 1.032/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 1.218/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195,
-                   0.000/0.0195, 0.875/0.0195, 0.765/0.0195, 0.733/0.0195, 0.803/0.0195, 1.149/0.0195, 0.861/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 3.282/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 3.856/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.814/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195,
-                   0.000/0.0195, 0.782/0.0195, 0.644/0.0195, 0.932/0.0195, 0.790/0.0195, 0.599/0.0195, 1.557/0.0195, 1.240/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.947/0.0195, 0.679/0.0195, 0.462/0.0195, 0.551/0.0195, 1.957/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195,
-                   0.964/0.0195, 0.360/0.0195, 0.601/0.0195, 0.560/0.0195, 1.278/0.0195, 1.119/0.0195, 0.932/0.0195, 0.613/0.0195, 0.772/0.0195, 1.108/0.0195, 0.707/0.0195, 0.737/0.0195, 0.760/0.0195, 1.407/0.0195, 0.820/0.0195, 3.763/0.0195,
-                   0.000/0.0195,-0.034/0.0195, 0.639/0.0195, 1.391/0.0195, 0.369/0.0195, 0.830/0.0195, 0.898/0.0195, 1.131/0.0195, 1.449/0.0195, 0.682/0.0195, 0.952/0.0195, 1.035/0.0195, 1.437/0.0195, 0.357/0.0195, 0.356/0.0195, 1.327/0.0195,
-                  -3.506/0.0195, 0.111/0.0195, 1.059/0.0195, 0.896/0.0195, 0.507/0.0195, 0.838/0.0195, 1.145/0.0195, 0.894/0.0195, 0.819/0.0195, 0.790/0.0195, 0.674/0.0195, 0.459/0.0195, 0.820/0.0195, 0.742/0.0195, 0.532/0.0195, 2.701/0.0195,
-                   1.179/0.0195, 0.142/0.0195, 0.329/0.0195, 0.274/0.0195, 0.366/0.0195, 0.263/0.0195, 0.366/0.0195, 0.442/0.0195, 0.231/0.0195, 0.365/0.0195, 0.532/0.0195, 0.419/0.0195, 0.573/0.0195, 0.339/0.0195, 0.228/0.0195,-0.411/0.0195,
-                   0.370/0.0195, 0.138/0.0195, 0.644/0.0195, 0.671/0.0195, 0.948/0.0195, 0.894/0.0195, 0.526/0.0195, 0.931/0.0195, 1.262/0.0195, 1.412/0.0195, 0.547/0.0195, 1.292/0.0195, 0.563/0.0195, 0.548/0.0195, 1.027/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195,
-                   1.332/0.0195, 1.186/0.0195, 0.391/0.0195, 0.829/0.0195, 0.524/0.0195, 1.229/0.0195, 0.943/0.0195, 1.230/0.0195, 0.589/0.0195, 0.906/0.0195, 0.811/0.0195, 0.781/0.0195, 1.098/0.0195, 0.687/0.0195, 0.414/0.0195, 0.806/0.0195,
-                   2.454/0.0195, 1.831/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.915/0.0195, 0.547/0.0195, 0.716/0.0195, 0.336/0.0195, 0.704/0.0195, 2.243/0.0195, 5.368/0.0195, 0.540/0.0195, 0.784/0.0195, 0.737/0.0195, 0.529/0.0195, 0.994/0.0195, 0.636/0.0195,
-                   1.871/0.0195, 0.414/0.0195, 0.600/0.0195, 0.384/0.0195, 0.839/0.0195, 0.890/0.0195, 0.396/0.0195, 1.352/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.996/0.0195, 1.358/0.0195,-0.914/0.0195, 1.065/0.0195, 1.114/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 5.720/0.0195,
-                   0.284/0.0195, 0.169/0.0195, 0.751/0.0195,-1.613/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.311/0.0195, 0.587/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 3.068/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.170/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195,
-                   0.089/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.443/0.0195, 1.049/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.047/0.0195,-1.034/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.362/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 1.360/0.0195, 7.498/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195,
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/PARAM/SHMS/CAL/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/pcal_calib_480.param b/PARAM/SHMS/CAL/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/pcal_calib_480.param
deleted file mode 100644
index 67b25a4232b24a58800b12ad2765923938ec232a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/PARAM/SHMS/CAL/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/pcal_calib_480.param
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-; Calibration constants for run 480_-1, 282142 events processed
-pcal_neg_gain_cor = 0.164/0.0195, 0.257/0.0195, 0.230/0.0195, 0.279/0.0195, 0.206/0.0195, 0.349/0.0195, 0.467/0.0195, 0.371/0.0195, 0.242/0.0195, 0.309/0.0195, 0.331/0.0195, 0.213/0.0195, 0.321/0.0195, 2.724/0.0195,
-pcal_pos_gain_cor = 1.187/0.0195, 0.235/0.0195, 0.206/0.0195, 0.278/0.0195, 0.233/0.0195, 0.224/0.0195, 0.281/0.0195, 0.226/0.0195, 0.469/0.0195, 0.190/0.0195, 0.374/0.0195, 0.358/0.0195, 0.538/0.0195, 1.814/0.0195,
-pcal_arr_gain_cor = 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 2.200/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195,
-                  -0.201/0.0195, 0.441/0.0195, 1.261/0.0195, 0.766/0.0195, 0.464/0.0195, 0.886/0.0195, 0.670/0.0195, 1.079/0.0195, 2.181/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195,10.649/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195,
-                   0.000/0.0195, 1.791/0.0195, 0.723/0.0195, 0.698/0.0195, 1.117/0.0195, 1.202/0.0195, 0.788/0.0195, 0.895/0.0195, 0.687/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 1.925/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195,
-                   0.635/0.0195, 0.855/0.0195, 0.747/0.0195, 0.870/0.0195, 0.785/0.0195, 0.617/0.0195, 1.548/0.0195, 1.302/0.0195, 0.958/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195,-1.934/0.0195, 0.377/0.0195, 0.763/0.0195, 0.512/0.0195,-5.008/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195,
-                   1.087/0.0195, 0.312/0.0195, 0.595/0.0195, 0.559/0.0195, 1.274/0.0195, 1.116/0.0195, 0.930/0.0195, 0.609/0.0195, 0.621/0.0195, 1.929/0.0195, 0.785/0.0195, 0.747/0.0195, 0.760/0.0195, 1.406/0.0195, 0.512/0.0195,-5.311/0.0195,
-                   0.293/0.0195, 0.517/0.0195, 0.623/0.0195, 1.389/0.0195, 0.367/0.0195, 0.829/0.0195, 0.896/0.0195, 1.133/0.0195, 1.453/0.0195, 0.673/0.0195, 0.954/0.0195, 1.033/0.0195, 1.436/0.0195, 0.357/0.0195, 0.776/0.0195,-1.928/0.0195,
-                   2.840/0.0195, 0.502/0.0195, 1.035/0.0195, 0.891/0.0195, 0.506/0.0195, 0.839/0.0195, 1.142/0.0195, 0.893/0.0195, 0.817/0.0195, 0.792/0.0195, 0.674/0.0195, 0.459/0.0195, 0.820/0.0195, 0.742/0.0195, 0.364/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195,
-                   0.298/0.0195,-0.060/0.0195, 0.334/0.0195, 0.274/0.0195, 0.367/0.0195, 0.265/0.0195, 0.366/0.0195, 0.442/0.0195, 0.231/0.0195, 0.366/0.0195, 0.532/0.0195, 0.420/0.0195, 0.572/0.0195, 0.340/0.0195, 0.226/0.0195, 1.261/0.0195,
-                   3.062/0.0195, 0.500/0.0195, 0.634/0.0195, 0.672/0.0195, 0.954/0.0195, 0.898/0.0195, 0.523/0.0195, 0.933/0.0195, 1.285/0.0195, 1.420/0.0195, 0.547/0.0195, 1.293/0.0195, 0.564/0.0195, 0.551/0.0195, 0.927/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195,
-                   1.503/0.0195, 1.418/0.0195, 0.367/0.0195, 0.852/0.0195, 0.517/0.0195, 1.202/0.0195, 0.947/0.0195, 1.145/0.0195, 0.653/0.0195, 0.817/0.0195, 0.805/0.0195, 0.781/0.0195, 1.098/0.0195, 0.684/0.0195, 0.706/0.0195,-1.969/0.0195,
-                  -0.189/0.0195, 1.592/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.834/0.0195, 0.680/0.0195, 0.823/0.0195, 0.222/0.0195, 0.643/0.0195, 1.669/0.0195, 0.993/0.0195, 0.641/0.0195, 0.841/0.0195, 0.736/0.0195, 0.532/0.0195, 0.648/0.0195, 2.064/0.0195,
-                  -0.012/0.0195, 2.522/0.0195, 0.427/0.0195, 0.617/0.0195, 0.711/0.0195, 0.824/0.0195, 0.858/0.0195, 1.583/0.0195, 0.474/0.0195, 1.898/0.0195, 1.613/0.0195, 0.794/0.0195, 0.832/0.0195, 0.978/0.0195, 0.320/0.0195,-5.513/0.0195,
-                  -0.044/0.0195, 2.564/0.0195, 1.350/0.0195,-1.409/0.0195, 1.190/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195,-0.138/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 2.478/0.0195, 1.496/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.066/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195,
-                   0.071/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195,-0.021/0.0195, 0.409/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.130/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.124/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.118/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.302/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195,
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/PARAM/SHMS/CAL/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/pcal_calib_481.param b/PARAM/SHMS/CAL/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/pcal_calib_481.param
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e7218e0d732f3476fd5e32c64b616e65d3a9380..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/PARAM/SHMS/CAL/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/pcal_calib_481.param
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-; Calibration constants for run 481_-1, 273901 events processed
-pcal_neg_gain_cor = 0.193/0.0195, 0.204/0.0195, 0.225/0.0195, 0.274/0.0195, 0.200/0.0195, 0.342/0.0195, 0.461/0.0195, 0.352/0.0195, 0.238/0.0195, 0.307/0.0195, 0.332/0.0195, 0.211/0.0195, 0.273/0.0195, 0.946/0.0195,
-pcal_pos_gain_cor = 1.158/0.0195, 0.215/0.0195, 0.203/0.0195, 0.274/0.0195, 0.230/0.0195, 0.221/0.0195, 0.278/0.0195, 0.243/0.0195, 0.467/0.0195, 0.188/0.0195, 0.367/0.0195, 0.355/0.0195, 0.436/0.0195, 1.753/0.0195,
-pcal_arr_gain_cor = 0.000/0.0195, 1.450/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195,12.046/0.0195,-0.762/0.0195, 7.309/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195,-1.849/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195,
-                  -1.525/0.0195, 0.198/0.0195, 1.760/0.0195, 0.734/0.0195, 0.574/0.0195, 0.279/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 4.672/0.0195, 1.347/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 3.856/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195,
-                   0.685/0.0195, 0.304/0.0195, 0.494/0.0195, 0.477/0.0195, 0.776/0.0195, 1.037/0.0195, 0.568/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.576/0.0195, 0.182/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.136/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 3.319/0.0195, 2.186/0.0195,
-                  -0.291/0.0195, 0.406/0.0195, 0.459/0.0195, 0.599/0.0195, 0.540/0.0195, 0.391/0.0195, 1.114/0.0195, 0.696/0.0195, 0.699/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.844/0.0195, 0.264/0.0195, 0.753/0.0195, 0.274/0.0195, 1.143/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195,
-                   0.125/0.0195, 0.182/0.0195, 0.408/0.0195, 0.373/0.0195, 0.875/0.0195, 0.760/0.0195, 0.622/0.0195, 0.398/0.0195, 0.602/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.564/0.0195, 0.529/0.0195, 0.510/0.0195, 0.958/0.0195, 0.721/0.0195,-0.116/0.0195,
-                   0.308/0.0195, 0.342/0.0195, 0.420/0.0195, 0.952/0.0195, 0.244/0.0195, 0.554/0.0195, 0.596/0.0195, 0.799/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.480/0.0195, 0.644/0.0195, 0.693/0.0195, 0.980/0.0195, 0.237/0.0195, 0.469/0.0195, 0.289/0.0195,
-                   0.407/0.0195, 0.400/0.0195, 0.711/0.0195, 0.601/0.0195, 0.346/0.0195, 0.559/0.0195, 0.772/0.0195, 0.599/0.0195, 0.527/0.0195, 0.535/0.0195, 0.455/0.0195, 0.309/0.0195, 0.556/0.0195, 0.511/0.0195, 0.347/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195,
-                   0.246/0.0195, 0.056/0.0195, 0.324/0.0195, 0.185/0.0195, 0.249/0.0195, 0.180/0.0195, 0.246/0.0195, 0.299/0.0195, 0.163/0.0195, 0.246/0.0195, 0.356/0.0195, 0.283/0.0195, 0.392/0.0195, 0.233/0.0195, 0.169/0.0195,-0.707/0.0195,
-                   1.176/0.0195, 1.029/0.0195, 0.424/0.0195, 0.453/0.0195, 0.654/0.0195, 0.612/0.0195, 0.348/0.0195, 0.627/0.0195, 0.863/0.0195, 0.979/0.0195, 0.363/0.0195, 0.887/0.0195, 0.378/0.0195, 0.369/0.0195, 0.716/0.0195, 2.447/0.0195,
-                   2.712/0.0195, 0.233/0.0195, 0.264/0.0195, 0.566/0.0195, 0.345/0.0195, 0.823/0.0195, 0.655/0.0195, 0.766/0.0195, 0.476/0.0195, 0.548/0.0195, 0.558/0.0195, 0.524/0.0195, 0.737/0.0195, 0.471/0.0195, 0.263/0.0195, 1.255/0.0195,
-                   0.994/0.0195, 0.410/0.0195, 1.141/0.0195, 0.489/0.0195, 0.464/0.0195, 0.608/0.0195, 0.252/0.0195, 0.678/0.0195, 2.341/0.0195, 0.577/0.0195, 0.498/0.0195, 0.578/0.0195, 0.495/0.0195, 0.359/0.0195, 0.362/0.0195, 3.317/0.0195,
-                   0.204/0.0195,-0.126/0.0195, 0.393/0.0195, 0.607/0.0195, 0.512/0.0195, 0.627/0.0195, 0.296/0.0195, 1.025/0.0195, 0.224/0.0195, 0.233/0.0195, 0.217/0.0195, 0.476/0.0195, 0.687/0.0195, 0.399/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 1.362/0.0195,
-                  -0.378/0.0195, 1.637/0.0195, 0.059/0.0195,-0.895/0.0195, 0.327/0.0195, 0.512/0.0195, 0.878/0.0195, 0.266/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195,-0.035/0.0195,-0.524/0.0195,-0.446/0.0195, 5.124/0.0195, 1.312/0.0195, 2.956/0.0195, 0.898/0.0195,
-                   0.025/0.0195, 0.117/0.0195, 0.058/0.0195, 0.095/0.0195, 0.022/0.0195,-0.037/0.0195, 1.242/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195,-0.123/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195,-0.728/0.0195,-1.078/0.0195, 0.152/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.027/0.0195,-0.035/0.0195,
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/PARAM/SHMS/CAL/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/pcal_calib_488.param b/PARAM/SHMS/CAL/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/pcal_calib_488.param
deleted file mode 100644
index abb7ee5f6288a562380cf9db72be4e90a54a7b53..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/PARAM/SHMS/CAL/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/pcal_calib_488.param
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-; Calibration constants for run 488_-1, 194924 events processed -- Updated from Varden July 21
-pcal_neg_gain_cor = 0.367/0.0195, 0.282/0.0195, 0.233/0.0195, 0.278/0.0195, 0.200/0.0195, 0.313/0.0195, 0.376/0.0195, 0.432/0.0195, 0.502/0.0195, 0.336/0.0195, 0.335/0.0195, 0.214/0.0195, 0.332/0.0195, 2.185/0.0195,
-pcal_pos_gain_cor = 1.419/0.0195, 0.221/0.0195, 0.205/0.0195, 0.273/0.0195, 0.230/0.0195, 0.198/0.0195, 0.212/0.0195, 0.174/0.0195, 0.443/0.0195, 0.190/0.0195, 0.373/0.0195, 0.358/0.0195, 0.823/0.0195, 4.152/0.0195,
-pcal_arr_gain_cor = 0.000/0.0195, 0.263/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195,-1.119/0.0195, 1.501/0.0195, 0.759/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 9.276/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 4.852/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195,
-                   0.822/0.0195,-1.711/0.0195, 1.058/0.0195, 0.586/0.0195, 0.546/0.0195, 0.353/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 1.503/0.0195, 3.639/0.0195, 3.773/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195,
-                  -12.996/0.0195, 3.347/0.0195, 0.396/0.0195, 0.536/0.0195, 0.871/0.0195, 0.845/0.0195, 1.862/0.0195, 0.816/0.0195, 0.376/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 2.140/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195,
-                   2.826/0.0195,-0.740/0.0195, 0.576/0.0195, 0.624/0.0195, 0.562/0.0195, 0.426/0.0195, 1.340/0.0195, 0.991/0.0195, 0.184/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 5.350/0.0195, 0.481/0.0195, 0.867/0.0195, 0.423/0.0195, 0.497/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195,
-                   0.487/0.0195, 0.530/0.0195, 0.405/0.0195, 0.381/0.0195, 0.891/0.0195, 0.777/0.0195, 0.638/0.0195, 0.437/0.0195, 1.830/0.0195, 0.858/0.0195, 0.257/0.0195, 0.534/0.0195, 0.514/0.0195, 0.949/0.0195, 0.970/0.0195, 2.885/0.0195,
-                   3.660/0.0195, 0.413/0.0195, 0.418/0.0195, 0.966/0.0195, 0.249/0.0195, 0.551/0.0195, 0.086/0.0195, 0.107/0.0195, 3.171/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.670/0.0195, 0.700/0.0195, 0.987/0.0195, 0.240/0.0195, 0.521/0.0195, 1.517/0.0195,
-                   3.396/0.0195, 0.379/0.0195, 0.717/0.0195, 0.612/0.0195, 0.352/0.0195, 0.553/0.0195, 0.100/0.0195, 0.087/0.0195, 0.087/0.0195, 0.623/0.0195, 0.465/0.0195, 0.312/0.0195, 0.561/0.0195, 0.516/0.0195,-0.029/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195,
-                   0.251/0.0195, 0.068/0.0195, 0.330/0.0195, 0.184/0.0195, 0.250/0.0195, 0.175/0.0195, 0.041/0.0195, 0.047/0.0195, 0.029/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.329/0.0195, 0.282/0.0195, 0.395/0.0195, 0.233/0.0195, 0.163/0.0195, 0.109/0.0195,
-                   0.176/0.0195, 0.583/0.0195, 0.425/0.0195, 0.456/0.0195, 0.655/0.0195, 0.620/0.0195, 0.354/0.0195, 0.651/0.0195, 1.341/0.0195, 0.569/0.0195, 0.334/0.0195, 0.885/0.0195, 0.381/0.0195, 0.373/0.0195, 0.324/0.0195,-0.448/0.0195,
-                   2.017/0.0195, 1.563/0.0195, 0.244/0.0195, 0.581/0.0195, 0.346/0.0195, 0.853/0.0195, 0.721/0.0195, 0.901/0.0195, 0.367/0.0195, 0.166/0.0195, 0.536/0.0195, 0.522/0.0195, 0.743/0.0195, 0.477/0.0195, 0.226/0.0195, 0.288/0.0195,
-                   0.992/0.0195,-1.118/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.668/0.0195, 0.475/0.0195, 0.598/0.0195, 0.239/0.0195, 1.150/0.0195, 0.536/0.0195, 1.111/0.0195, 0.325/0.0195, 0.562/0.0195, 0.495/0.0195, 0.362/0.0195, 0.392/0.0195, 1.468/0.0195,
-                   2.263/0.0195, 0.454/0.0195, 0.086/0.0195, 0.898/0.0195, 0.451/0.0195, 0.781/0.0195, 0.523/0.0195,-1.817/0.0195, 7.839/0.0195, 2.955/0.0195, 2.542/0.0195, 0.039/0.0195, 1.033/0.0195, 0.538/0.0195, 5.071/0.0195, 6.466/0.0195,
-                   1.142/0.0195, 1.085/0.0195, 0.645/0.0195, 0.228/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.014/0.0195, 3.795/0.0195, 4.740/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 1.572/0.0195, 1.285/0.0195, 0.969/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 3.814/0.0195, 6.030/0.0195, 3.028/0.0195,
-                   0.006/0.0195, 1.953/0.0195, 0.115/0.0195, 0.438/0.0195,-0.446/0.0195,-0.137/0.0195,-0.345/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.887/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.229/0.0195,-3.800/0.0195, 2.320/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 0.000/0.0195, 3.655/0.0195,
diff --git a/PARAM/SHMS/CAL/CALIB/pcal_calib.param b/PARAM/SHMS/CAL/CALIB/pcal_calib.param
deleted file mode 120000
index 3be66e21534afcbde3387cf37c9a8981a1ab3e8b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/PARAM/SHMS/CAL/CALIB/pcal_calib.param
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/PARAM/SHMS/CAL/pcal_calib.param b/PARAM/SHMS/CAL/pcal_calib.param
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..39ef2f15de9457588d896f70f8dc582d743711b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PARAM/SHMS/CAL/pcal_calib.param
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+; Calibration constants for run 1791_-1, 229102 events processed
+pcal_neg_gain_cor = 96.88, 43.42, 26.93, 28.75, 31.69, 27.26, 29.74, 34.82, 30.97, 28.54, 29.88, 28.69, 32.24,322.93,
+pcal_pos_gain_cor = 49.57, 48.30, 27.70, 28.45, 32.19, 34.07, 28.52, 23.09, 26.06, 27.00, 31.76, 26.70, 25.27, 53.31,
+pcal_arr_gain_cor =  0.00,  0.00,  0.00, 41.18, 19.52, 33.97, 61.75, 60.76, 51.74, 25.21, 62.44,232.98,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,
+                    0.00,126.77, 53.05, 39.15, 41.76, 34.85, 42.18, 26.82, 23.60, 36.68, 72.62, 47.42,158.46,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,
+                    0.00, 49.40, 33.85, 32.71, 58.90, 64.51, 41.46, 60.81, 30.39, 43.49, 36.70, 71.23, 44.71, 88.80,  0.00,  0.00,
+                    0.00,207.98, 35.77, 47.40, 41.66, 31.86, 85.56, 64.62, 55.19, 54.59, 57.67, 20.60,207.33, 68.68,  0.00,  0.00,
+                  276.40, 65.35, 30.21, 29.69, 67.56, 60.81, 49.45, 33.80, 36.42, 49.73, 41.62, 40.25, 42.75, 72.47,167.46,  0.00,
+                    0.00, 53.60, 33.61, 73.13, 19.61, 44.58, 48.06, 61.38, 78.47, 39.97, 52.01, 55.30, 76.32, 19.81, 26.67,  0.00,
+                    0.00, 98.22, 52.89, 46.95, 27.01, 46.75, 61.17, 48.36, 43.27, 42.95, 36.11, 24.00, 42.65, 38.06, 30.11,  0.00,
+                   34.01, 37.89, 17.87, 15.25, 19.49, 14.81, 20.13, 24.30, 13.60, 19.82, 27.99, 22.31, 29.53, 17.69, 16.55,338.81,
+                    0.00,  0.89, 33.23, 35.66, 53.98, 47.92, 28.10, 50.21, 63.71, 78.47, 31.23, 67.49, 29.25, 28.54, 50.58,  0.00,
+                    0.00, 62.04, 21.30, 43.28, 26.87, 63.86, 49.76, 61.35, 34.91, 45.68, 44.43, 41.95, 57.38, 36.00, 19.81,  0.00,
+                    0.00, 54.86, 65.72, 42.66, 34.18, 43.50, 21.59, 39.36, 55.02, 60.69, 39.00, 45.78, 39.72, 27.81,  0.00,  0.00,
+                    0.00, 32.79, 29.24, 33.81, 40.95, 39.85, 20.72, 24.77, 38.51, 29.09, 25.53, 42.81, 53.28,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,
+                    0.00,126.55, 24.18, 62.74, 71.39, 46.27, 22.21, 32.16, 52.76, 30.10, 27.94, 49.61,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,
+                    0.00,  0.00,  0.00, 76.56,101.62, 39.03,118.52,105.08, 33.92, 69.13, 88.28,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,
diff --git a/PARAM/SHMS/CAL/CUTS/pcal_cuts.param b/PARAM/SHMS/CAL/pcal_cuts.param
similarity index 100%
rename from PARAM/SHMS/CAL/CUTS/pcal_cuts.param
rename to PARAM/SHMS/CAL/pcal_cuts.param
diff --git a/PARAM/SHMS/CAL/GEOM/pcal_geom.param b/PARAM/SHMS/CAL/pcal_geom.param
similarity index 100%
rename from PARAM/SHMS/CAL/GEOM/pcal_geom.param
rename to PARAM/SHMS/CAL/pcal_geom.param
diff --git a/PARAM/SHMS/DC/CALIB/pdc_calib.param b/PARAM/SHMS/DC/CALIB/pdc_calib.param
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e725db41dbcc43f22be53b8a41298f828814f38..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/PARAM/SHMS/DC/CALIB/pdc_calib.param
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,175 +0,0 @@
-; Lookup Table: RUN 1585
-; number of bins in time to distance lookup table
-pdriftbins = 275
-; number of 1st bin in table in ns
-; bin size in ns
diff --git a/PARAM/SHMS/DC/CALIB/pdc_tzero_per_wire.param b/PARAM/SHMS/DC/CALIB/pdc_tzero_per_wire.param
deleted file mode 100644
index 77a087e88934cae7b86d7cb4e58dc89382c605e3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/PARAM/SHMS/DC/CALIB/pdc_tzero_per_wire.param
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-0,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000, 0.000000, -149.878788, -27.044944, 0.000000
--53.019139, 0.000000, -50.260274, -34.982213, 0.000000, -8.738622, -2.897827, -88.957606, -18.247487, -26.435768, -38.257075, -36.920949, -38.544987, -13.574403, -17.136405, -12.768693
--11.092262, -11.061283, -19.158681, -10.282248, -17.411800, -10.213980, -11.033041, -8.103336, -5.369464, -10.136824, -10.862941, -11.013567, -10.354999, -9.999297, -8.140986, -7.639592
--5.799753, -6.435159, -9.697298, -9.642149, -4.895693, -10.338910, -5.416720, -10.027175, -9.820353, -9.574116, -6.576418, -6.836446, -9.342115, -8.921875, -5.399340, -6.071421
--2.716801, -4.730585, -4.643014, -2.137888, -4.612864, -9.812626, -4.797696, -4.509772, -2.417883, -2.518058, -1.660606, -4.268741, -1.007727, -5.595541, -0.655227, -5.729748
--2.941562, 1.433470, -7.022648, -6.793346, -1.093934, -2.692041, -5.368772, -2.313670, -0.535338, -12.419597, 1.408650, -14.922182, -7.045547, -14.334220, -26.732339, -21.333777
--62.979622, 0.000000, -16.515590, 18.826460, -12.593894, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000
-0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, -22.040449, 0.000000
--147.617801, -26.966667, -137.021097, 0.000000, 0.000000, -28.627119, -14.941176, -18.415159, -14.696208, -20.579096, -24.697445, -15.578857, -2.278401, -15.425544, -13.576342, -59.057637
--8.297497, -26.335095, -6.240710, -14.332306, -9.337662, -12.442006, -9.433869, -9.249966, -8.051778, -11.105034, -6.037478, -8.480620, -6.585192, -6.478281, -4.910990, -5.934368
--5.792950, -6.462753, -5.570910, -6.088373, -5.744581, -9.204169, -6.527237, -8.423529, -9.576156, -9.370759, -6.563131, -5.764756, -6.671697, -5.313134, -5.915043, -5.329033
--4.410204, -5.632653, -5.348871, -5.392322, -5.405967, -11.284143, -5.301896, -5.339511, -4.985511, -5.867321, -5.500457, -5.734196, -1.442971, -3.832532, -5.857560, -2.569853
--1.827402, -8.447736, -1.181206, -5.493012, -1.700444, -2.188999, -5.561278, -4.939513, -9.105898, -25.358637, 2.580938, -2.166078, 0.623079, -9.780517, 0.000000, -11.418421
-0.000000, -21.878234, 0.000000, 0.000000, -24.397692, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000
--14.539519,-8.623913,0.000000,-22.548968,-39.793914,-23.867460,-41.345389,-22.868744,-13.010130,-12.959581,-23.284333,-27.007979, -32.538955, -32.146932, -33.583155, -29.170812
--32.200802, -41.787854, -17.212203, -13.699141, -14.948461, -14.830713, -14.430041, -11.112643, -16.164051, -13.123006, -11.650473, -15.210152, -16.715404, -11.721185, -10.330664, -2.128493
--3.845541, -5.415209, -1.560923, -4.819262, -5.766017, -10.070796, -10.309841, -7.251039, -10.295419, -10.118901, -9.514578, -9.468954, -9.871537, -9.983389, -10.026513, -10.342800
--5.348445, -4.752431, -4.853999, -3.959887, -1.829495, -4.700794, -4.777136, -4.851488, -5.526942, -9.317676, -9.738987, -5.912226, -4.995086, -4.632347, -3.811859, -1.226331
--0.045974, 0.896840, 0.243041, 4.615494, 4.224372, 4.327548, 5.834475, 7.556615, 5.410825, 5.367559, -1.476670, 4.559396, 0.715059, 0.053429, 0.849818
--55.016592,-13.562510,0.000000,-7.071631,-29.550145,0.000000,-22.168330,-10.668464,2.518435,-7.765819,-36.406271,-27.288225, -24.274907, -29.412507, -34.249801, -32.342973
--33.732782, -12.958052, -7.562686, -11.194995, -10.163004, -8.617651, -13.815932, -7.049287, -9.748398, -7.260630, -6.175684, -9.203265, -9.922077, -8.954731, -5.104794, -10.736535
--9.508698, -7.150723, -10.348552, -11.662765, -10.549808, -12.163057, -14.422396, -13.753539, -13.775856, -14.785803, -13.984077, -14.952515, -14.085753, -12.802270, -13.614471, -13.480726
--9.107323, -8.930448, -8.381766, -9.187436, -9.413030, -9.552128, -10.785366, -9.733731, -9.359220, -11.928057, -10.227059, -10.720464, -10.581628, -10.242276, -9.692433, -4.530073
--2.439071, -4.827234, -4.876435, -4.496282, -0.172116, -0.435153, 0.558391, -0.645408, -4.992914, -1.934176, -6.736845, -6.368848, -8.862971, -7.762419, -6.199756
-0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, -4.139535, 0.000000
--21.717791, 8.010711, 0.000000, -25.931994, -43.034869, 0.000000, -22.131820, -10.702413, -24.088542, -37.512365, -38.294182, -16.242332, -18.438581, -15.414381, -8.578510, -11.498629
--5.332179, -20.315479, -11.095732, -12.538967, -8.769620, -6.286713, -10.829366, -9.172376, -9.341210, -6.659007, -13.908270, -5.783285, -3.245108, -6.094821, -7.826354, -0.549628
--0.441000, -1.689331, -0.590571, -1.707346, -4.145973, -0.822943, -1.327281, -1.220626, -0.536079, -0.637542, -0.200010, -1.158473, -0.598535, 3.447180, -1.180473, -11.337340
--12.689179, -10.053754, -10.673945, -11.422185, -10.543570, -14.101587, -10.838693, -10.516069, -10.615855, -10.769534, -8.436408, -8.684230, -7.335055, -10.559893, -6.995956, -8.959999
--5.076826, -9.446906, -5.124875, -10.036038, -4.975952, -2.396953, -6.659327, -9.439645, -1.740431, -1.938473, -4.583190, -11.003341, -2.208335, -15.226037, -26.731099, -3.348519
--11.609876, -3.843486, -22.384964, -20.842342, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000
-0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000, 0.000000, -28.632075, 0.000000, 3.286842
--70.933333, 0.000000, 0.000000, -15.203762, -8.337360, -20.358362, -13.460231, -67.406504, -12.580107, -14.753963, -21.513033, -28.971014, -11.214427, -13.092499, -7.807551, -2.676841
--2.818912, -1.250374, -10.839249, -11.383036, -3.556444, -6.107571, -5.522785, -5.283835, -5.052643, -4.718076, -4.551138, -1.958875, -10.787063, -8.959363, -9.440976, -10.247301
--10.226974, -9.174320, -10.996215, -10.374791, -9.785427, -10.734714, -10.340582, -12.953363, -10.006269, -10.570451, -10.160367, -10.087976, -10.335959, -10.962595, -9.626739, -10.299623
--9.353292, -9.707042, -10.380186, -6.945875, -11.010234, -9.477172, -10.766120, -10.720449, -9.501830, -8.815282, -10.708544, -5.791427, -3.993972, -5.845197, -4.532529, -5.050685
--4.386009, -6.971782, -5.995297, -3.750091, -4.318816, -4.732792, -5.568521, -2.121042, -1.830385, -9.028361, -2.175074, -3.636017, -2.960751, -15.161597, -2.215909, -18.768914
-0.610858, 0.000000, -7.642458, -53.660256, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000
-0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,-37.604317, 0.000000, -28.504655, 0.000000, 0.000000
--141.533875, -100.961039, 0.000000, 0.000000, -45.978988, -24.858311, -48.209091, 0.000000, -15.880583, -32.436479, -13.257749, -5.943507, -9.743805, -4.174598, 1.944014, -4.606719
--3.619679, -4.413314, -8.416052, -3.738153, -3.967478, -5.204751, -4.326619, -5.534777, -0.146787, -4.514669, -6.606637, -4.138715, -1.043111, -1.946207, -3.997393, 2.159741
--0.618348, -0.741102, -0.999896, -1.359879, -1.231328, -4.741489, -5.112739, -1.542339, -4.440641, -5.471449, -2.035940, -5.662694, -5.896362, -6.323800, -6.010244, -8.580261
--4.939808, -9.398299, -10.299962, -10.304598, -8.514383, -7.123578, -11.229174, -8.725849, -9.808477, -5.563397, -10.383741, -7.472473, -3.801143, 0.424204, 0.343059, 0.156063
--5.490818, -4.624278, -5.172937, -6.128613, -1.328373, -5.685114, -3.825429, -1.085119, -5.675205, -11.406518, -15.548282, -3.319362, -4.981827, -2.869266, 0.000000, -10.741921
--6.196717, -3.110506, -13.799576, -4.631239, -42.127820, -79.386014, -14.186013, -2.197506, -79.979565, -27.679421, 0.000000
-0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,-23.717949, 0.000000, 10.398050, -70.818182, 0.000000
-0.000000, -37.765432, 5.294833, -32.638458, -106.886325, -26.785085, -15.467999, 0.000000, -9.784420, -48.878698, -18.789244, -17.402737, -11.181371, -22.856217, -5.695332, -5.187437
--3.622592, -6.500670, -8.583221, -2.716535, -2.337439, -3.040457, -5.724634, -5.902688, -7.303507, -1.385484, -5.207856, -0.802869, 0.441249, -2.325590, -1.465976, -0.890137
-5.723925, -0.188723, -0.350376, -0.509607, -4.973295, -1.052429, -0.448172, -0.347411, -0.566278, -1.374477, -0.344245, -2.462067, -0.960446, -1.854361, -0.955282, -4.076119
--5.403027, -7.440255, -7.580016, -6.106551, -6.131781, -8.215242, -6.260587, -8.727596, -5.116322, 0.000000, -6.745580, -5.667905, -0.395179, -4.817931, -4.566938, -6.167591
--11.664066, -9.883788, -9.377983, -9.866910, -6.976637, -10.706406, -5.624295, -4.503593, -9.032694, -15.123819, 1.862564, -5.068974, -10.039419, -5.442039, -1.402360, -3.141545
--8.040079, -27.290684, -7.068054, -9.742514, -7.595452, -22.079152, -1.876697, 0.000000, 15.698869, 0.000000, 0.000000
--7.738709,-70.165316,-6.778759,-13.764117,-27.065317,-23.415934,-17.194655,-32.699601,-34.090713,-37.035109,-32.996523,-33.416789, -26.246494, -26.327377, -10.998414, -13.029878
--14.652574, -10.386117, -12.131754, -12.286646, -14.152385, -14.475647, -11.020836, -14.694305, -14.474492, -16.713307, -10.652424, -12.319482, -11.017516, -5.329535, -6.552903, -4.802238
-0.855594, -0.721039, 1.002864, 0.459430, -7.862938, -9.045182, -7.344548, -6.580071, -9.110956, -9.287062, 0.000000, -8.688518, -10.256260, -9.307199, -6.432222, -5.467464
--4.650088, -5.403934, -4.191673, -0.163439, -1.132885, -1.036952, -4.044332, -3.430422, -4.508107, -4.117001, -5.147563, -6.028815, -8.373154, -6.008642, -5.595526, -4.718886
--1.546568, 0.668340, 1.664058, -0.259384, 0.654934, 0.893969, 2.780482, -0.471069, 5.497857, 4.915438, 5.129543, 6.600802, 5.493347, 4.513854, 5.567586
--8.857006,-6.835762,-8.484922,-15.677214,-9.409408,-14.555694,-13.642859,-35.808231,-29.308084,-30.489463,-37.113694,-28.112563, -30.181444, -30.955687, -7.661478, -6.118341
--6.180800, -8.272982, -8.337601, -10.322435, -8.070147, -8.491810, -14.802555, -12.198166, -9.234541, -8.114398, -8.991789, -10.072549, -11.045203, -4.585136, 1.404827, -0.609479
--4.773475, -4.896687, -4.048970, -4.378171, -10.217971, -10.124770, -11.094293, -9.980148, -12.214139, -10.953473, -10.269857, -9.963092, -14.123446, -10.783189, -10.851340, -13.852492
--10.431783, -10.157741, -8.648322, -8.160446, -5.828140, -9.402243, -9.365602, -10.101056, -9.612244, -9.349151, -10.275707, -10.118141, -13.031918, -9.895050, -10.145918, -10.306377
--2.659682, 2.059506, 0.234932, 1.138859, 0.429106, 3.781635, 3.738539, 0.588026, 0.565674, 5.183043, 6.945067, 5.702568, 5.653212, 5.811678, 8.052763
-0.000000,0.000000,-81.805825,-7.658573,-8.680902,-68.963470,-33.917553,-36.558713,-32.231096,-5.307131,-17.958774,0.000000, -9.610909, -14.067282, -16.838356, -11.458683
--9.701599, -21.271680, -13.891508, -9.943052, -14.318237, -30.289808, -15.009664, -8.159707, -9.232988, -12.693153, -9.734148, -6.638037, -6.247705, -7.278174, -6.063763, 1.480555
--14.340321, -11.903690, -2.567057, -7.702670, -9.941212, -7.062838, -5.498039, -5.550918, -3.195592, -5.536720, -5.446182, -6.451206, -10.212149, -9.793741, -8.009971, -10.404054
--8.521498, -10.661369, -9.431566, -6.425367, -10.590730, -10.130491, -10.225396, -10.547321, -9.656655, -13.286903, -10.160071, -9.599908, -6.151144, -5.618537, -9.326286, -5.199788
--6.177496, -9.190011, -9.702095, -6.602321, -6.063407, -5.440984, -6.818605, -11.648772, -6.125139, -5.912331, -4.403718, -4.929408, -5.212071, -5.223724, -2.841251, -6.659634
--2.975184, -4.912972, -0.692701, -8.634152, -3.194877, -4.144765, -6.415722, -5.628076, -1.587482, -3.581284, -4.916867, 1.103407, 2.399031, 4.770044, -0.261184, 6.489866
-7.266291, 3.784884, -16.433059, -4.263158, 0.000000, -29.595142, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000
-0.000000,0.000000,-63.037657,-34.284483,0.000000,-8.707799,-50.888000,-31.113381,-70.600000,-31.520131,-15.295504,-1.667615, -5.243772, -35.168736, -18.141328, -17.221143
--18.488463, -87.874825, -14.268102, -23.799658, -24.382426, -20.739753, -24.863127, -28.851869, -10.930956, -12.241507, -13.317629, -14.289803, -9.875598, -10.442230, -9.411930, -6.766031
--6.790662, -5.792764, -10.864811, -5.354368, -7.010249, -7.171546, -7.032583, -5.426115, -5.829093, -2.389591, -3.407211, -5.828068, -5.240366, -3.042670, -4.573502, -1.026990
--1.809500, -0.471448, -0.251271, -0.511999, -0.751282, -0.520347, -0.509400, -0.790324, 0.091822, -0.524368, -1.068919, 0.080391, 1.838865, 0.877236, -0.767351, -9.350918
--5.444959, -5.702062, -5.332267, -4.095361, -5.956872, -6.089232, -6.195348, -4.682092, -6.267510, -5.609456, -6.422312, -0.757417, -1.239823, -1.593755, -4.907500, -6.934397
--6.196614, -5.828755, -6.517036, -5.751733, -6.479484, -5.859008, -5.016583, -3.053465, -1.025906, -2.524233, -1.884888, -2.146358, -7.397653, -6.470846, -7.458407, 7.569476
--0.303899, 9.642446, 1.733973, -5.403836, 0.000000, -87.060625, 37.472809, -49.069767, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000
diff --git a/PARAM/SHMS/DC/pdc_calib.param b/PARAM/SHMS/DC/pdc_calib.param
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bbd1fb6ea76e639760bdb9707e4a653cb938a7b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PARAM/SHMS/DC/pdc_calib.param
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+; Lookup Table: RUN 2081
+; number of bins in time to distance lookup table
+pdriftbins = 275
+; number of 1st bin in table in ns
+; bin size in ns
diff --git a/PARAM/SHMS/DC/CUTS/pdc_cuts.param b/PARAM/SHMS/DC/pdc_cuts.param
similarity index 100%
rename from PARAM/SHMS/DC/CUTS/pdc_cuts.param
rename to PARAM/SHMS/DC/pdc_cuts.param
diff --git a/PARAM/SHMS/DC/GEOM/pdc_geom.param b/PARAM/SHMS/DC/pdc_geom.param
similarity index 100%
rename from PARAM/SHMS/DC/GEOM/pdc_geom.param
rename to PARAM/SHMS/DC/pdc_geom.param
diff --git a/PARAM/SHMS/DC/pdc_tzero_per_wire.param b/PARAM/SHMS/DC/pdc_tzero_per_wire.param
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9cfaa2f9faedf8f871b71461263c9dee39974e32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PARAM/SHMS/DC/pdc_tzero_per_wire.param
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+0,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,-118.000000,0.000000,0.000000,-46.593838,-108.744017,-92.911647, -46.818605, -25.442644, -54.266269, -18.667863
+-14.671439, -27.990589, -15.734603, -18.336704, -14.406497, -12.482605, -16.465824, -18.507768, -16.107332, -21.078412, -17.855027, -14.344346, -18.572854, -14.043629, -15.166505, -12.659861
+-15.029306, -11.406170, -15.486468, -15.336286, -14.717276, -15.232215, -16.126570, -15.640130, -15.162033, -15.885782, -15.615151, -16.022035, -15.571448, -15.354263, -19.784326, -16.253775
+-20.325653, -15.907230, -20.077029, -16.341873, -16.152670, -20.136907, -15.716527, -15.960186, -16.449383, -16.621038, -20.253219, -15.705525, -15.481208, -16.248817, -15.947153, -15.170799
+-15.946224, -14.695098, -15.432663, -15.742479, -14.946678, -14.220903, -15.935558, -15.365795, -14.163540, -15.154400, -17.934718, -14.813075, -11.234167, -11.472885, -11.827882, -15.853795
+-14.037599, -14.055187, -14.586083, -13.201322, -13.966699, -11.754267, -13.043267, -11.219814, -14.184280, -18.690147, -16.594225, -24.083803, -9.682649, -81.368464, -14.764280, -4.363486
+-2.433277, -107.517857, -168.896552, -69.597701, -89.144414, -20.471245, 0.000000, -52.642857, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000
+0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,-60.075000,0.000000,-41.500000,-21.127243,-183.424242,0.000000,-64.240114,-78.546468, -76.015785, -25.369522, -17.129011, -9.658927
+-17.017722, -39.446385, -15.501773, -13.660313, -19.097214, -11.394009, -10.352452, -10.577673, -16.118628, -16.967594, -16.744267, -12.934676, -15.438180, -12.816288, -11.483131, -10.893740
+-15.308119, -12.330195, -15.963750, -15.542340, -16.804954, -14.388553, -15.857031, -15.416873, -15.261313, -15.918998, -15.995171, -18.853450, -14.856327, -15.905602, -15.992211, -15.445725
+-15.613712, -15.498334, -15.676623, -15.822178, -15.558882, -16.005326, -15.455549, -16.002384, -15.645636, -15.664551, -15.090649, -15.505618, -15.549754, -15.033029, -14.530727, -11.612221
+-11.029034, -14.948437, -12.528483, -14.924248, -11.748899, -15.725251, -15.833634, -15.167942, -15.235324, -15.221023, -19.528904, -15.173925, -16.762679, -15.950937, -13.510960, -14.708145
+-11.283765, -11.873998, -11.961262, -16.059844, -10.451870, -17.561075, -11.751799, -15.633115, -17.752254, -10.210443, -13.705992, -14.014021, -11.143191, -49.100822, -16.586658, -17.424011
+-6.609701, 0.000000, -120.571429, -17.356751, -29.666667, -45.820359, -88.826087, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000
+-17.396932,-16.616998,-14.427758,-15.662944,-18.896822,-20.649833,-20.845532,-20.239644,-20.453763,-20.645283,-19.722749,-21.292879, -19.996908, -15.819017, -16.493059, -14.454149
+-15.215168, -19.324712, -18.303979, -19.976700, -20.571344, -19.634532, -19.917606, -20.499082, -20.533329, -24.768141, -24.362623, -25.156345, -25.065073, -25.372889, -21.662359, -12.914780
+-11.979728, -14.143579, -10.727828, -15.018376, -15.019531, -18.980395, -19.813382, -19.720446, -19.491330, -20.653362, -20.109688, -19.013498, -21.311321, -20.617609, -19.767790, -20.613452
+-16.265665, -14.921409, -15.002730, -15.108378, -16.177587, -14.548971, -14.699022, -14.676888, -15.566706, -15.707402, -15.603769, -15.049021, -15.603108, -15.656655, -14.545699, -9.965188
+-9.606012, -5.641924, -6.024662, -6.110988, -5.205215, -1.377927, -3.492905, -1.409438, -2.679342, -4.802348, -6.431753, -7.643096, -10.768468, -11.778911, -10.021300
+-11.133180,-11.361459,-12.875119,-10.877885,-10.741685,-10.059827,-12.098575,-14.928539,-13.786081,-11.585823,-14.638816,-10.875605, -11.357555, -10.965752, -10.431705, -9.504409
+-10.080042, -11.515404, -14.410463, -14.932231, -10.506702, -14.801313, -15.236224, -15.745603, -15.722284, -19.867270, -19.312415, -19.985808, -19.250538, -16.597176, -16.221166, -21.854182
+-21.338707, -16.075970, -16.117753, -20.290539, -20.544463, -20.648819, -21.107558, -25.376218, -24.549305, -24.388895, -24.220944, -24.738755, -24.779925, -24.348677, -24.818543, -20.466195
+-19.555968, -20.376722, -15.529756, -16.119090, -15.922422, -15.405282, -20.071403, -20.826519, -20.471467, -20.384167, -24.176243, -20.680740, -20.721488, -20.056871, -19.402109, -14.466193
+-14.983991, -15.516466, -15.082542, -11.200562, -10.486867, -9.673503, -9.387304, -10.340439, -10.437801, -15.223371, -17.929544, -16.317810, -15.321074, -17.835667, -16.996288
+0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,-32.537646,-19.941345,-8.940205,-75.707641,-0.484213,-9.878219, -12.268139, -17.963859, -11.997989, -11.008233
+-12.897647, -11.178966, -11.045250, -11.864324, -13.760939, -14.639564, -14.849764, -13.292060, -11.036047, -12.647821, -11.482854, -15.363619, -11.987098, -11.358359, -11.924903, -10.499675
+-10.449299, -9.351114, -11.606230, -10.666652, -10.348103, -14.962950, -14.863966, -15.623615, -15.350615, -14.894038, -11.912008, -15.368759, -15.846638, -15.050496, -15.628292, -10.882714
+-10.482863, -10.459307, -10.438829, -7.475979, -10.954342, -10.528502, -10.387189, -10.560831, -10.923715, -10.570017, -10.587721, -9.992604, -10.082866, -8.575026, -10.928703, -20.644517
+-20.473433, -20.081514, -20.605385, -24.943194, -20.957983, -20.576437, -20.318345, -21.031120, -20.270932, -20.644540, -16.776295, -20.065253, -17.648152, -20.214340, -18.490226, -15.499880
+-16.108298, -16.590104, -16.772870, -17.157326, -15.905081, -17.390738, -18.468479, -11.089967, -16.421729, -16.539538, -12.016415, -21.233799, -11.459183, -10.449851, -13.962564, -13.594324
+-29.829412, -13.780784, 0.000000, -46.268041, -128.479070, -37.310475, 0.000000, -76.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000
+0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,-58.952941,-187.375000,-133.653465,-29.525117,-15.290135,-18.988299,-25.418886,-19.888287, -13.712722, -8.740491, -12.955695, -13.831583
+-6.037878, -11.185355, -10.363306, -10.948649, -16.026710, -11.133190, -9.875440, -10.870794, -13.987848, -10.877031, -10.076667, -9.959178, -10.417289, -10.996529, -9.889054, -7.232447
+-9.276888, -8.846380, -9.967967, -10.595421, -10.762538, -10.033082, -10.768854, -10.882021, -11.675858, -11.277250, -10.990188, -14.666458, -21.226448, -20.736860, -20.770242, -20.794779
+-20.634213, -20.320671, -20.326061, -20.168501, -20.668278, -20.096294, -20.639110, -19.884850, -20.071035, -19.803413, -20.009547, -20.945465, -20.013387, -20.132927, -20.926571, -18.935504
+-20.412900, -20.255256, -18.945872, -21.021155, -19.562812, -20.078687, -20.667660, -20.376120, -20.224003, -17.145285, -20.323343, -19.836211, -15.323977, -14.681761, -12.319151, -15.563993
+-12.582871, -15.876335, -15.744928, -12.450355, -12.210627, -15.676232, -14.279192, -14.780212, -15.080506, -16.200374, -14.622877, -14.168716, -8.104971, -11.483489, -14.338827, -12.627440
+-17.195017, -5.772275, -28.393939, -7.021302, -52.169492, -66.538622, 0.000000, -31.246575, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000
+0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,-55.252252,0.000000,-38.473061,-80.944444,0.000000,-46.521739,-57.526453, -178.688623, -49.077756, -15.696438, -13.407307
+-21.482927, -5.732976, -9.119123, -13.097769, -16.341173, -18.173914, -11.613714, -11.181581, -13.380408, -18.292182, -16.436830, -14.752914, -7.371661, -6.599430, -5.636919, -9.868981
+-5.406981, -8.316591, -9.182955, -9.624926, -6.949120, -9.963222, -10.609307, -10.274327, -10.781501, -10.252669, -10.214538, -9.979853, -10.545668, -10.866172, -10.525814, -10.444994
+-10.768877, -10.278397, -10.793542, -10.217413, -10.653313, -10.604944, -10.854485, -10.680637, -10.622702, -10.247855, -10.774596, -10.598965, -16.002103, -15.064736, -15.237305, -16.504244
+-11.962918, -15.550282, -15.104109, -16.308689, -16.973681, -15.500141, -15.667868, -15.170512, -15.781069, -16.404178, -16.000513, -17.364965, -11.722702, -10.430437, -10.402505, -10.243155
+-11.669607, -12.548985, -15.359886, -10.782238, -11.692608, -12.631165, -10.642360, -10.879855, -6.078466, -13.678743, -10.787420, -15.633249, -12.995810, -6.111241, -16.467060, -7.370892
+-54.571084, -31.192484, -1.627830, -18.932102, -83.915948, 0.000000, 0.000000, -12.061224, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000
+0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,-58.786260,-145.708995,-161.814815,-48.719547,0.596538, -9.177237, -10.528571, -11.525210, -18.337334
+-14.632709, -9.993479, -18.201232, -22.783998, -19.961454, -18.759603, -21.902205, -20.937604, -15.975963, -15.873074, -14.182091, -14.573045, -15.927339, -15.930305, -16.282483, -8.518143
+-10.931875, -6.035319, -5.030974, -9.251932, -9.855573, -6.507426, -9.326183, -10.444483, -9.704609, -10.085460, -10.184591, -10.747589, -10.000750, -10.355946, -10.629790, -10.506950
+-3.979462, -10.717406, -10.071812, -10.464347, -10.212814, -10.285161, -10.818309, -10.545654, -10.694494, -10.184154, -9.987554, -10.584011, -10.210232, -10.378708, -10.927595, -15.325550
+-15.206402, -15.129851, -15.944419, -12.785191, -16.137138, -16.040954, -15.383542, -15.696553, -15.297918, 0.000000, -17.092031, -11.760381, -14.590713, -11.262993, -11.310878, -18.096727
+-17.350433, -15.704236, -13.653274, -14.501943, -16.300056, -15.623983, -14.957049, -12.224362, -16.511533, -15.946371, -15.233101, -16.263684, -9.452166, -11.249890, -11.774317, -9.096770
+-5.707852, -5.898084, -9.242129, -9.806908, -25.822098, -36.541667, -36.814910, -118.372093, -91.216102, 0.000000, 0.000000
+-16.748918,-15.124591,-15.655779,-15.779632,-15.159158,-15.662137,-10.970570,-10.677299,-14.849906,-11.166574,-10.825909,-10.020822, -11.081274, -9.880341, -15.300455, -19.756884
+-15.882175, -19.821219, -19.386450, -19.567998, -16.243312, -24.897918, -25.052492, -23.942925, -24.395798, -24.519525, -21.682892, -20.599320, -15.391712, -10.942988, -11.218927, -10.871735
+-8.927689, -10.376481, -6.334997, -9.681232, -20.037887, -15.371325, -19.329290, -19.544273, -18.976944, -20.099035, -15.112022, -20.330319, -19.406988, -16.158948, -20.116641, -14.635121
+-15.287936, -14.534332, -10.227569, -10.063398, -9.596777, -10.505361, -10.867546, -10.933751, -14.863504, -10.373620, -14.417935, -14.610400, -14.980922, -15.327701, -15.334145, -10.620707
+-11.122348, -6.245197, -6.161308, -10.217335, -5.996817, -10.117649, -6.694481, -10.186875, -5.354901, -5.959353, -1.265031, -1.812126, -4.467019, -5.350857, -0.888789
+-15.481712,-14.510150,-14.042665,-11.926054,-14.164669,-15.528073,-11.981964,-10.303024,-10.130683,-7.158399,-10.270153,-6.882999, -9.966882, -6.606376, -11.344757, -11.273035
+-14.112000, -13.774678, -14.450479, -14.571872, -14.132390, -14.283253, -20.073322, -20.248466, -20.144667, -19.405076, -19.748088, -19.805213, -18.812718, -9.582158, -9.492764, -9.549193
+-10.402621, -14.224441, -11.226767, -11.254525, -15.922456, -20.135171, -20.103250, -19.692955, -20.231764, -20.017073, -19.873282, -19.825937, -19.998373, -20.486216, -20.675932, -24.265387
+-23.357251, -20.122414, -19.907621, -15.583528, -15.234693, -15.710229, -15.435289, -16.004137, -20.004028, -15.012810, -19.964448, -20.085872, -20.536123, -20.202822, -21.020401, -19.648303
+-15.211763, -9.362521, -5.467186, -5.752424, -6.005642, -9.714907, -6.025916, -6.335073, -5.545451, -1.592966, -1.774572, -5.313499, -4.849429, -5.379324, -6.127945
+0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,-29.526316,0.000000,-41.589726,-12.778425,-9.026926,-7.604250,0.581862,-49.143862, -8.263138, -8.776657, -10.581889, -6.065629
+-20.439806, -6.320866, -10.806088, -5.943127, -11.409622, -10.568985, -11.470070, -9.099517, -10.506290, -9.633354, -10.025937, -10.913434, -10.472651, -10.139288, -6.233226, -5.944664
+-8.932264, -9.775214, -9.973038, -9.854598, -11.627100, -11.577306, -10.635871, -10.885483, -14.249194, -15.309788, -11.316589, -15.108956, -20.945624, -16.463572, -16.578092, -16.227273
+-20.622497, -20.528360, -20.333528, -20.128194, -20.465849, -20.332341, -20.063979, -20.573859, -20.161104, -19.834772, -19.797894, -20.715759, -20.300297, -15.882421, -16.370229, -16.156762
+-16.032809, -16.006485, -15.878151, -20.853673, -15.713400, -19.772589, -14.443723, -14.780473, -16.487568, -14.717833, -15.530203, -15.350679, -14.878254, -15.051120, -15.953340, -14.575417
+-14.467203, -15.150858, -14.681377, -15.960946, -12.810314, -10.359781, -14.312577, -10.990081, -12.386042, -12.574944, -13.233289, -15.103140, -7.892723, -0.419968, -4.573796, -5.160847
+-13.683958, -1.533336, -0.251129, -2.387802, -22.440361, -9.695457, -26.111111, 0.000000, 24.384615, 0.000000, 0.000000
+0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,-23.000000,-75.704918,-32.086527,-41.627570,-11.400491,-3.219785,-8.778620,-9.242030, -11.313200, -8.945939, -12.200784, -17.389359
+-30.172852, -10.794550, -15.663870, -14.232468, -15.354955, -11.321932, -16.847831, -12.585629, -12.802457, -16.265244, -16.722856, -11.989827, -15.581233, -10.914094, -10.291462, -10.276079
+-9.402437, -7.602824, -10.306291, -11.331946, -15.991489, -14.688767, -11.397707, -10.587368, -11.127467, -14.708122, -11.236662, -10.962611, -10.494829, -11.097273, -10.814629, -11.044580
+-10.991213, -10.540889, -10.107781, -10.157308, -9.864607, -10.487771, -10.612283, -10.661735, -10.521863, -10.383559, -10.501237, -10.505003, -10.331916, -9.893952, -10.475500, -20.033732
+-15.858321, -19.752716, -16.531776, -15.778780, -20.211390, -15.444742, -16.127475, -16.091552, -17.050459, -15.080525, -14.327763, -15.434578, -16.794215, -11.037562, -12.174039, -15.414071
+-14.497208, -15.608434, -15.051963, -15.375792, 0.000000, -14.278285, -14.553032, -12.272532, -13.124947, -14.641158, -11.936087, -10.251066, -10.894922, -12.114657, -17.011236, -7.398925
+1.803852, -1.136187, 6.953196, -3.846336, -4.488951, -12.752737, 0.625426, 0.000000, -14.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000
diff --git a/PARAM/SHMS/HGCER/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/phgcer_calib_483.param b/PARAM/SHMS/HGCER/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/phgcer_calib_483.param
deleted file mode 100644
index 848a1c9dcbdcb3dd68b6451f7e563faa8f69ebaf..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/PARAM/SHMS/HGCER/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/phgcer_calib_483.param
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-; Garth H. gain calibration for run 483, June 20 2017
-phgcer_adc_to_npe = 1./273./0.0195, 1./460./0.0195, 1./582./0.0195, 1./378./0.0195
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/PARAM/SHMS/HGCER/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/phgcer_calib_484.param b/PARAM/SHMS/HGCER/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/phgcer_calib_484.param
deleted file mode 100644
index e32be4dc6e02f37144052a001f2fc8af8bccaf62..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/PARAM/SHMS/HGCER/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/phgcer_calib_484.param
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-; Garth H. gain calibration for run 484, June 20 2017
-phgcer_adc_to_npe = 1./454./0.0195, 1./447./0.0195, 1./409./0.0195, 1./547./0.0195
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/PARAM/SHMS/HGCER/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/phgcer_calib_486.param b/PARAM/SHMS/HGCER/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/phgcer_calib_486.param
deleted file mode 100644
index 31e7dd268a7bf87a33d5b75ae17807786e424377..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/PARAM/SHMS/HGCER/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/phgcer_calib_486.param
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-; Garth H. gain calibration for run 486, June 20 2017
-phgcer_adc_to_npe = 1./551./0.0195, 1./426./0.0195, 1./376./0.0195, 1./488./0.0195
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/PARAM/SHMS/HGCER/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/phgcer_calib_487.param b/PARAM/SHMS/HGCER/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/phgcer_calib_487.param
deleted file mode 100644
index 28af6b6f46e129956895b9c68b823a9dc0cd0b98..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/PARAM/SHMS/HGCER/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/phgcer_calib_487.param
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-; Garth H. gain calibration from run 487, June 20 2017
-phgcer_adc_to_npe = 1/551./0.0195, 1/426./0.0195, 1/376./0.0195, 1/488./0.0195
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/PARAM/SHMS/HGCER/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/phgcer_calib_488.param b/PARAM/SHMS/HGCER/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/phgcer_calib_488.param
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d9f2296a9d3f0c3005d6d06f0dafe39bf413302..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/PARAM/SHMS/HGCER/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/phgcer_calib_488.param
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-; Garth H. gain calibration from run 488, June 20 2017
-phgcer_adc_to_npe = 1/546./0.0195, 1/430./0.0195, 1/376./0.0195, 1/477./0.0195
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/PARAM/SHMS/HGCER/CALIB/phgcer_calib.param b/PARAM/SHMS/HGCER/CALIB/phgcer_calib.param
deleted file mode 120000
index 32ba2c447246b02069336f6788dbd96eb3a26a3d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/PARAM/SHMS/HGCER/CALIB/phgcer_calib.param
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/PARAM/SHMS/HGCER/CALIB/Fall_Comm_2017/phgcer_calib_1583.param b/PARAM/SHMS/HGCER/phgcer_calib.param
similarity index 100%
rename from PARAM/SHMS/HGCER/CALIB/Fall_Comm_2017/phgcer_calib_1583.param
rename to PARAM/SHMS/HGCER/phgcer_calib.param
diff --git a/PARAM/SHMS/HGCER/CUTS/phgcer_cuts.param b/PARAM/SHMS/HGCER/phgcer_cuts.param
similarity index 100%
rename from PARAM/SHMS/HGCER/CUTS/phgcer_cuts.param
rename to PARAM/SHMS/HGCER/phgcer_cuts.param
diff --git a/PARAM/SHMS/HGCER/GEOM/phgcer_geom.param b/PARAM/SHMS/HGCER/phgcer_geom.param
similarity index 100%
rename from PARAM/SHMS/HGCER/GEOM/phgcer_geom.param
rename to PARAM/SHMS/HGCER/phgcer_geom.param
diff --git a/PARAM/SHMS/HODO/CUTS/KPP_Spring_2017/phodo_cuts.param b/PARAM/SHMS/HODO/CUTS/KPP_Spring_2017/phodo_cuts.param
deleted file mode 100644
index e1ffeb79c23f345048f1dd6546529670d4ad6a30..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/PARAM/SHMS/HODO/CUTS/KPP_Spring_2017/phodo_cuts.param
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-; Cosmic flag for beta calculation
-; for now manually set hte FADC mode
-;  1 == Use the pulse int - pulse ped
-;  2 == Use the sample integral - known ped
-;  3 == Use the sample integral - sample ped
-; if not set then defaults to use the raw pulse integral
-phodo_adc_tdc_offset = 200., 200., 200., 200.
-; phodo_tdc_offset is array of time offsets for all paddles in a plane
-;   to move the tdc to between 0 and 4000 channels.
-phodo_tdc_offset = 1860, 2000, 2060, 2000
-; phodo set min and max fADC time window for all paddles in a plane in 'Channel' units
-;   the conversion is 0.0625 ns / channel for flash ADC 250
-phodo_AdcTimeWindowMin = -10000.,-10000., -10000., -10000.
-phodo_AdcTimeWindowMax = 10000., 10000., 10000., 10000.
-; pstart_time_center  center of allowed time window                             
-pstart_time_center = 32.                                                     
-; hstart_time_slop    1/2 width of time window                                  
-pstart_time_slop = 100.                                                       
-; pscin_tdc_min       minimum tdc value in hms scin                             
-pscin_tdc_min = -500                                                           
-; pscin_tdc_max       maximum allowed tdc value                                 
-pscin_tdc_max = 1000                                                        
-; pscin_tdc_to_time   scin tdc time per channel                                 
-pscin_tdc_to_time = 0.1                                                   
-; tof and you figured out good values
-ptof_tolerance = 100.0
-; shms_tof_params                                                              
-; pnum_scin_counters, phodo_zpos, phodo_center_coord, phodo_width               
-; are all calculated within p_init_scin                                         
-;    phodo_pos_coord and phodo_neg_coord are not yet used                                                                                                    
-phodo_slop = 2.,  2.,  4.,  4.    
diff --git a/PARAM/SHMS/HODO/CALIB/phodo_calib.param b/PARAM/SHMS/HODO/phodo_calib.param
similarity index 100%
rename from PARAM/SHMS/HODO/CALIB/phodo_calib.param
rename to PARAM/SHMS/HODO/phodo_calib.param
diff --git a/PARAM/SHMS/HODO/CUTS/phodo_cuts.param b/PARAM/SHMS/HODO/phodo_cuts.param
similarity index 100%
rename from PARAM/SHMS/HODO/CUTS/phodo_cuts.param
rename to PARAM/SHMS/HODO/phodo_cuts.param
diff --git a/PARAM/SHMS/HODO/GEOM/phodo_geom.param b/PARAM/SHMS/HODO/phodo_geom.param
similarity index 100%
rename from PARAM/SHMS/HODO/GEOM/phodo_geom.param
rename to PARAM/SHMS/HODO/phodo_geom.param
diff --git a/PARAM/SHMS/HODO/CALIB/ptofcalib.param b/PARAM/SHMS/HODO/ptofcalib.param
similarity index 100%
rename from PARAM/SHMS/HODO/CALIB/ptofcalib.param
rename to PARAM/SHMS/HODO/ptofcalib.param
diff --git a/PARAM/SHMS/NGCER/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/pngcer_calib_483.param b/PARAM/SHMS/NGCER/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/pngcer_calib_483.param
deleted file mode 100644
index 58c0c512efad119147eb49a1c8e476b5d30b1f28..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/PARAM/SHMS/NGCER/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/pngcer_calib_483.param
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-; Noble gas cherenkov gain factors run 483, July 11 2017 
-pngcer_adc_to_npe = 1.0/462.791/0.0195, 1.0/475.186/0.0195, 1.0/524.213/0.0195, 1.0/520.873/0.0195
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/PARAM/SHMS/NGCER/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/pngcer_calib_487.param b/PARAM/SHMS/NGCER/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/pngcer_calib_487.param
deleted file mode 100644
index fc0a7a514e5143ab7f31db1dd5d95da987b56088..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/PARAM/SHMS/NGCER/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/pngcer_calib_487.param
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-; Noble gas cherenkov gain factors run 487, July 11 2017 
-pngcer_adc_to_npe = 1.0/464.187/0.0195, 1.0/484.511/0.0195, 1.0/499.748/0.0195, 1.0/462.744/0.0195
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/PARAM/SHMS/NGCER/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/pngcer_calib_488.param b/PARAM/SHMS/NGCER/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/pngcer_calib_488.param
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f346f074ba96916b7e2f3e5fae7365b395d8b72..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/PARAM/SHMS/NGCER/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/pngcer_calib_488.param
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-; Noble gas cherenkov gain factors run 488, July 11 2017 
-pngcer_adc_to_npe = 1.0/438.119/0.0195, 1.0/477.902/0.0195, 1.0/475.153/0.0195, 1.0/488.668/0.0195
diff --git a/PARAM/SHMS/NGCER/CALIB/pngcer_calib.param b/PARAM/SHMS/NGCER/pngcer_calib.param
similarity index 100%
rename from PARAM/SHMS/NGCER/CALIB/pngcer_calib.param
rename to PARAM/SHMS/NGCER/pngcer_calib.param
diff --git a/PARAM/SHMS/NGCER/CUTS/pngcer_cuts.param b/PARAM/SHMS/NGCER/pngcer_cuts.param
similarity index 100%
rename from PARAM/SHMS/NGCER/CUTS/pngcer_cuts.param
rename to PARAM/SHMS/NGCER/pngcer_cuts.param
diff --git a/PARAM/SHMS/NGCER/GEOM/pngcer_geom.param b/PARAM/SHMS/NGCER/pngcer_geom.param
similarity index 100%
rename from PARAM/SHMS/NGCER/GEOM/pngcer_geom.param
rename to PARAM/SHMS/NGCER/pngcer_geom.param
diff --git a/SCRIPTS/COIN/PRODUCTION/replay_production_coin_hElec_pProt.C b/SCRIPTS/COIN/PRODUCTION/replay_production_coin_hElec_pProt.C
index b9df1f2ac9d4930efcf476864ade11040a04bc73..6c6c840c6c2b4e17b6959141ae0659380eea1797 100644
--- a/SCRIPTS/COIN/PRODUCTION/replay_production_coin_hElec_pProt.C
+++ b/SCRIPTS/COIN/PRODUCTION/replay_production_coin_hElec_pProt.C
@@ -18,31 +18,28 @@ void replay_production_coin_hElec_pProt (Int_t RunNumber = 0, Int_t MaxEvent = 0
   // Create file name patterns.
   const char* RunFileNamePattern = "coin_all_%05d.dat";
   vector<TString> pathList;
-    pathList.push_back(".");
-    pathList.push_back("./raw");
-    pathList.push_back("./raw/../raw.copiedtotape");
-    pathList.push_back("./cache");
+  pathList.push_back(".");
+  pathList.push_back("./raw");
+  pathList.push_back("./raw/../raw.copiedtotape");
+  pathList.push_back("./cache");
   //const char* RunFileNamePattern = "raw/coin_all_%05d.dat";
   const char* ROOTFileNamePattern = "ROOTfiles/coin_replay_production_%d_%d.root";
   // Load global parameters
-  // Add variables to global list.
   gHcParms->Define("gen_run_number", "Run Number", RunNumber);
-  gHcParms->AddString("g_ctp_database_filename", "DBASE/COIN/STD/standard.database");
-  // Load varibles from files to global list.
+  gHcParms->AddString("g_ctp_database_filename", "DBASE/COIN/standard.database");
   gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_database_filename"), RunNumber);
-  // g_ctp_parm_filename and g_decode_map_filename should now be defined.
-  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_kinematics_filename"), RunNumber);
-  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_calib_filename"));
-  // Load params for SHMS trigger configuration
+  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_kinematics_filename"), RunNumber);
+  // Load params for COIN trigger configuration
+  // Load fadc debug parameters
+  gHcParms->Load("PARAM/HMS/GEN/h_fadc_debug.param");
+  gHcParms->Load("PARAM/SHMS/GEN/p_fadc_debug.param");
   // Load the Hall C detector map
   gHcDetectorMap = new THcDetectorMap();
-  gHcParms->Load("PARAM/SHMS/GEN/p_fadc_debug.param");
-  gHcParms->Load("PARAM/HMS/GEN/h_fadc_debug.param");
   // SHMS 
@@ -75,19 +72,22 @@ void replay_production_coin_hElec_pProt (Int_t RunNumber = 0, Int_t MaxEvent = 0
   THcShower* pcal = new THcShower("cal", "Calorimeter");
-  // Add Rastered Beam Apparatus
-  THaApparatus* pbeam = new THcRasteredBeam("P.rb", "SHMS Rastered Beamline");
+  // Add rastered beam apparatus
+  THaApparatus* pbeam = new THcRasteredBeam("P.rb", "Rastered Beamline");
-  THaReactionPoint* prp= new THaReactionPoint("P.react"," SHMS reaction point","P","P.rb");
+  // Add physics modules
+  // Calculate reaction point
+  THaReactionPoint* prp = new THaReactionPoint("P.react", "SHMS reaction point", "P", "P.rb");
-  THcExtTarCor* pext = new THcExtTarCor("P.extcor"," HMS extended target corrections","P","P.react");
+  // Calculate extended target corrections
+  THcExtTarCor* pext = new THcExtTarCor("P.extcor", "HMS extended target corrections", "P", "P.react");
-  // Include golden track information
+  // Calculate golden track quantites
   THaGoldenTrack* pgtr = new THaGoldenTrack("P.gtr", "SHMS Golden Track", "P");
-  // Add hodoscope efficiency
-  THcHodoEff* peff = new THcHodoEff("phodeff"," SHMS hodo efficiency","P.hod");
-  gHaPhysics->Add(peff);
+  // Calculate the hodoscope efficiencies
+  THcHodoEff* peff = new THcHodoEff("phodeff", "SHMS hodo efficiency", "P.hod");
+  gHaPhysics->Add(peff);   
   // Add event handler for scaler events
   THcScalerEvtHandler* pscaler = new THcScalerEvtHandler("P", "Hall C scaler event type 1");
@@ -119,29 +119,33 @@ void replay_production_coin_hElec_pProt (Int_t RunNumber = 0, Int_t MaxEvent = 0
   // Add hodoscope to HMS apparatus
   THcHodoscope* hhod = new THcHodoscope("hod", "Hodoscope");
-   // Add Cherenkov to HMS apparatus
+  // Add Cherenkov to HMS apparatus
   THcCherenkov* hcer = new THcCherenkov("cer", "Heavy Gas Cherenkov");
   // Add Aerogel Cherenkov to HMS apparatus
-  //THcAerogel* aero = new THcAerogel("aero", "Aerogel");
-  //HMS->AddDetector(aero);
+  // THcAerogel* haero = new THcAerogel("aero", "Aerogel");
+  // HMS->AddDetector(haero);
   // Add calorimeter to HMS apparatus
   THcShower* hcal = new THcShower("cal", "Calorimeter");
-  // Add Rastered Beam Apparatus
-  THaApparatus* hbeam = new THcRasteredBeam("H.rb", "HMS Rastered Beamline");
-  gHaApps->Add(hbeam);
-  THaReactionPoint* hrp= new THaReactionPoint("H.react"," HMS reaction point","H","H.rb");
+  // Add rastered beam apparatus
+  THaApparatus* hbeam = new THcRasteredBeam("H.rb", "Rastered Beamline");
+  gHaApps->Add(hbeam);  
+  // Add physics modules
+  // Calculate reaction point
+  THaReactionPoint* hrp = new THaReactionPoint("H.react", "HMS reaction point", "H", "H.rb");
-  THcExtTarCor* hext = new THcExtTarCor("H.extcor"," HMS extended target corrections","H","H.react");
+  // Calculate extended target corrections
+  THcExtTarCor* hext = new THcExtTarCor("H.extcor", "HMS extended target corrections", "H", "H.react");
-  // Include golden track information
+  // Calculate golden track quantities
   THaGoldenTrack* hgtr = new THaGoldenTrack("H.gtr", "HMS Golden Track", "H");
-  // Add hodoscope efficiency
-  THcHodoEff* heff = new THcHodoEff("hhodeff"," HMS hodo efficiency","H.hod");
+  // Calculate the hodoscope efficiencies
+  THcHodoEff* heff = new THcHodoEff("hhodeff", "HMS hodo efficiency", "H.hod");
   // Add event handler for scaler events
   THcScalerEvtHandler *hscaler = new THcScalerEvtHandler("H", "Hall C scaler event type 4");  
@@ -158,23 +162,10 @@ void replay_production_coin_hElec_pProt (Int_t RunNumber = 0, Int_t MaxEvent = 0
   // Kinematics Modules
-  // ---------------------------------
-  // electrons in SHMS, protons in HMS
-  // ---------------------------------
-  // Add Physics Module to calculate primary (scattered) beam kinematics
-  // THcPrimaryKine* pkin_primary = new THcPrimaryKine("P.kin.primary", "SHMS Single Arm Kinematics", "P", "P.rb");
-  // gHaPhysics->Add(pkin_primary);
-  // Add Physics Module to calculate secondary (scattered) beam kinematics
-  // THcSecondaryKine* hkin_secondary = new THcSecondaryKine("H.kin.secondary", "HMS Single Arm Kinematics", "H", "P.kin.primary");
-  // gHaPhysics->Add(hkin_secondary);
-  // ---------------------------------
-  // electrons in HMS, protons in SHMS
-  // ---------------------------------
-  // Add Physics Module to calculate primary (scattered) beam kinematics
+  // Add Physics Module to calculate primary (scattered electrons) beam kinematics
   THcPrimaryKine* hkin_primary = new THcPrimaryKine("H.kin.primary", "HMS Single Arm Kinematics", "H", "H.rb");
-  // Add Physics Module to calculate secondary (scattered) beam kinematics
+  // Add Physics Module to calculate secondary (scattered hadrons) beam kinematics
   THcSecondaryKine* pkin_secondary = new THcSecondaryKine("P.kin.secondary", "SHMS Single Arm Kinematics", "P", "H.kin.primary");
@@ -182,7 +173,7 @@ void replay_production_coin_hElec_pProt (Int_t RunNumber = 0, Int_t MaxEvent = 0
   // Global Objects & Event Handlers
-    // Add trigger apparatus
+  // Add trigger apparatus
   THaApparatus* TRG = new THcTrigApp("T", "TRG");
   // Add trigger detector to trigger apparatus
@@ -217,19 +208,18 @@ void replay_production_coin_hElec_pProt (Int_t RunNumber = 0, Int_t MaxEvent = 0
   // Set to read in Hall C run database parameters
-  // Eventually need to learn to skip over, or properly analyze
-  // the pedestal events
-  run->SetEventRange(1, MaxEvent);    // Physics Event number, does not
-                                      // include scaler or control events.
+  // Eventually need to learn to skip over, or properly analyze the pedestal events
+  run->SetEventRange(1, MaxEvent); // Physics Event number, does not include scaler or control events.
   // Define the analysis parameters
   TString ROOTFileName = Form(ROOTFileNamePattern, RunNumber, MaxEvent);
-  analyzer->SetCountMode(2);    // 0 = counter is # of physics triggers
-                                // 1 = counter is # of all decode reads
-                                // 2 = counter is event number
+  analyzer->SetCountMode(2);  // 0 = counter is # of physics triggers
+                              // 1 = counter is # of all decode reads
+                              // 2 = counter is event number
   // Set EPICS event type
diff --git a/SCRIPTS/COIN/PRODUCTION/replay_production_coin_pElec_hProt.C b/SCRIPTS/COIN/PRODUCTION/replay_production_coin_pElec_hProt.C
index df611549a838b0e75c924acc74c080ce5efa4a01..ad1a79421b910f7011de0ba1747d8f1e616ec6e5 100644
--- a/SCRIPTS/COIN/PRODUCTION/replay_production_coin_pElec_hProt.C
+++ b/SCRIPTS/COIN/PRODUCTION/replay_production_coin_pElec_hProt.C
@@ -18,31 +18,28 @@ void replay_production_coin_pElec_hProt (Int_t RunNumber = 0, Int_t MaxEvent = 0
   // Create file name patterns.
   const char* RunFileNamePattern = "coin_all_%05d.dat";
   vector<TString> pathList;
-    pathList.push_back(".");
-    pathList.push_back("./raw");
-    pathList.push_back("./raw/../raw.copiedtotape");
-    pathList.push_back("./cache");
+  pathList.push_back(".");
+  pathList.push_back("./raw");
+  pathList.push_back("./raw/../raw.copiedtotape");
+  pathList.push_back("./cache");
   //const char* RunFileNamePattern = "raw/coin_all_%05d.dat";
   const char* ROOTFileNamePattern = "ROOTfiles/coin_replay_production_%d_%d.root";
   // Load global parameters
-  // Add variables to global list.
   gHcParms->Define("gen_run_number", "Run Number", RunNumber);
-  gHcParms->AddString("g_ctp_database_filename", "DBASE/COIN/STD/standard.database");
-  // Load varibles from files to global list.
+  gHcParms->AddString("g_ctp_database_filename", "DBASE/COIN/standard.database");
   gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_database_filename"), RunNumber);
-  // g_ctp_parm_filename and g_decode_map_filename should now be defined.
-  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_kinematics_filename"), RunNumber);
-  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_calib_filename"));
-  // Load params for SHMS trigger configuration
+  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_kinematics_filename"), RunNumber);
+  // Load params for COIN trigger configuration
+  // Load fadc debug parameters
+  gHcParms->Load("PARAM/HMS/GEN/h_fadc_debug.param");
+  gHcParms->Load("PARAM/SHMS/GEN/p_fadc_debug.param");
   // Load the Hall C detector map
   gHcDetectorMap = new THcDetectorMap();
-  gHcParms->Load("PARAM/SHMS/GEN/p_fadc_debug.param");
-  gHcParms->Load("PARAM/HMS/GEN/h_fadc_debug.param");
   // SHMS 
@@ -75,19 +72,22 @@ void replay_production_coin_pElec_hProt (Int_t RunNumber = 0, Int_t MaxEvent = 0
   THcShower* pcal = new THcShower("cal", "Calorimeter");
-  // Add Rastered Beam Apparatus
-  THaApparatus* pbeam = new THcRasteredBeam("P.rb", "SHMS Rastered Beamline");
+  // Add rastered beam apparatus
+  THaApparatus* pbeam = new THcRasteredBeam("P.rb", "Rastered Beamline");
-  THaReactionPoint* prp= new THaReactionPoint("P.react"," SHMS reaction point","P","P.rb");
+  // Add physics modules
+  // Calculate reaction point
+  THaReactionPoint* prp = new THaReactionPoint("P.react", "SHMS reaction point", "P", "P.rb");
-  THcExtTarCor* pext = new THcExtTarCor("P.extcor"," HMS extended target corrections","P","P.react");
+  // Calculate extended target corrections
+  THcExtTarCor* pext = new THcExtTarCor("P.extcor", "HMS extended target corrections", "P", "P.react");
-   // Include golden track information
+  // Calculate golden track quantites
   THaGoldenTrack* pgtr = new THaGoldenTrack("P.gtr", "SHMS Golden Track", "P");
- // Add hodoscope efficiency
-  THcHodoEff* peff = new THcHodoEff("phodeff"," SHMS hodo efficiency","P.hod");
-  gHaPhysics->Add(peff);
+  // Calculate the hodoscope efficiencies
+  THcHodoEff* peff = new THcHodoEff("phodeff", "SHMS hodo efficiency", "P.hod");
+  gHaPhysics->Add(peff);  
   // Add event handler for scaler events
   THcScalerEvtHandler* pscaler = new THcScalerEvtHandler("P", "Hall C scaler event type 1");
@@ -119,29 +119,33 @@ void replay_production_coin_pElec_hProt (Int_t RunNumber = 0, Int_t MaxEvent = 0
   // Add hodoscope to HMS apparatus
   THcHodoscope* hhod = new THcHodoscope("hod", "Hodoscope");
-   // Add Cherenkov to HMS apparatus
+  // Add Cherenkov to HMS apparatus
   THcCherenkov* hcer = new THcCherenkov("cer", "Heavy Gas Cherenkov");
   // Add Aerogel Cherenkov to HMS apparatus
-  //THcAerogel* aero = new THcAerogel("aero", "Aerogel");
-  //HMS->AddDetector(aero);
+  // THcAerogel* haero = new THcAerogel("aero", "Aerogel");
+  // HMS->AddDetector(haero);
   // Add calorimeter to HMS apparatus
   THcShower* hcal = new THcShower("cal", "Calorimeter");
-  // Add Rastered Beam Apparatus
-  THaApparatus* hbeam = new THcRasteredBeam("H.rb", "HMS Rastered Beamline");
-  gHaApps->Add(hbeam);
-  THaReactionPoint* hrp= new THaReactionPoint("H.react"," HMS reaction point","H","H.rb");
+  // Add rastered beam apparatus
+  THaApparatus* hbeam = new THcRasteredBeam("H.rb", "Rastered Beamline");
+  gHaApps->Add(hbeam);  
+  // Add physics modules
+  // Calculate reaction point
+  THaReactionPoint* hrp = new THaReactionPoint("H.react", "HMS reaction point", "H", "H.rb");
-  THcExtTarCor* hext = new THcExtTarCor("H.extcor"," HMS extended target corrections","H","H.react");
+  // Calculate extended target corrections
+  THcExtTarCor* hext = new THcExtTarCor("H.extcor", "HMS extended target corrections", "H", "H.react");
-  // Include golden track information
+  // Calculate golden track quantities
   THaGoldenTrack* hgtr = new THaGoldenTrack("H.gtr", "HMS Golden Track", "H");
-  // Add hodoscope efficiency
-  THcHodoEff* heff = new THcHodoEff("hhodeff"," HMS hodo efficiency","H.hod");
+  // Calculate the hodoscope efficiencies
+  THcHodoEff* heff = new THcHodoEff("hhodeff", "HMS hodo efficiency", "H.hod");
   // Add event handler for scaler events
   THcScalerEvtHandler *hscaler = new THcScalerEvtHandler("H", "Hall C scaler event type 4");  
@@ -161,28 +165,18 @@ void replay_production_coin_pElec_hProt (Int_t RunNumber = 0, Int_t MaxEvent = 0
   // ---------------------------------
   // electrons in SHMS, protons in HMS
   // ---------------------------------
-  // Add Physics Module to calculate primary (scattered) beam kinematics
+  // Add physics module to calculate primary (scattered electrons) beam kinematics
   THcPrimaryKine* pkin_primary = new THcPrimaryKine("P.kin.primary", "SHMS Single Arm Kinematics", "P", "P.rb");
-  // Add Physics Module to calculate secondary (scattered) beam kinematics
+  // Add physics module to calculate secondary (scattered hadrons) beam kinematics
   THcSecondaryKine* hkin_secondary = new THcSecondaryKine("H.kin.secondary", "HMS Single Arm Kinematics", "H", "P.kin.primary");
-  // ---------------------------------
-  // electrons in HMS, protons in SHMS
-  // ---------------------------------
-  // Add Physics Module to calculate primary (scattered) beam kinematics
-  // THcPrimaryKine* hkin_primary = new THcPrimaryKine("H.kin.primary", "HMS Single Arm Kinematics", "H", "H.rb");
-  // gHaPhysics->Add(hkin_primary);
-  // Add Physics Module to calculate secondary (scattered) beam kinematics
-  // THcSecondaryKine* pkin_secondary = new THcSecondaryKine("P.kin.secondary", "SHMS Single Arm Kinematics", "P", "H.kin.primary");
-  // gHaPhysics->Add(pkin_secondary);
   // Global Objects & Event Handlers
-    // Add trigger apparatus
+  // Add trigger apparatus
   THaApparatus* TRG = new THcTrigApp("T", "TRG");
   // Add trigger detector to trigger apparatus
@@ -217,19 +211,18 @@ void replay_production_coin_pElec_hProt (Int_t RunNumber = 0, Int_t MaxEvent = 0
   // Set to read in Hall C run database parameters
-  // Eventually need to learn to skip over, or properly analyze
-  // the pedestal events
-  run->SetEventRange(1, MaxEvent);    // Physics Event number, does not
-                                      // include scaler or control events.
+  // Eventually need to learn to skip over, or properly analyze the pedestal events
+  run->SetEventRange(1, MaxEvent); // Physics Event number, does not include scaler or control events.
   // Define the analysis parameters
   TString ROOTFileName = Form(ROOTFileNamePattern, RunNumber, MaxEvent);
-  analyzer->SetCountMode(2);    // 0 = counter is # of physics triggers
-                                // 1 = counter is # of all decode reads
-                                // 2 = counter is event number
+  analyzer->SetCountMode(2);  // 0 = counter is # of physics triggers
+                              // 1 = counter is # of all decode reads
+                              // 2 = counter is event number
   // Set EPICS event type
diff --git a/SCRIPTS/COIN/PRODUCTION/replay_production_ep.C b/SCRIPTS/COIN/PRODUCTION/replay_production_ep.C
deleted file mode 100644
index ffe0c4bd398009bcab3e4d04d7e865be9efd847e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/SCRIPTS/COIN/PRODUCTION/replay_production_ep.C
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,253 +0,0 @@
-void replay_production_ep (Int_t RunNumber = 0, Int_t MaxEvent = 0) {
-  // Get RunNumber and MaxEvent if not provided.
-  if(RunNumber == 0) {
-    cout << "Enter a Run Number (-1 to exit): ";
-    cin >> RunNumber;
-    if( RunNumber<=0 ) return;
-  }
-  if(MaxEvent == 0) {
-    cout << "\nNumber of Events to analyze: ";
-    cin >> MaxEvent;
-    if(MaxEvent == 0) {
-      cerr << "...Invalid entry\n";
-      exit;
-    }
-  }
-  // Create file name patterns.
-  const char* RunFileNamePattern = "coin_all_%05d.dat";
-  vector<TString> pathList;
-    pathList.push_back(".");
-    pathList.push_back("./raw");
-    pathList.push_back("./raw/../raw.copiedtotape");
-    pathList.push_back("./cache");
-  //const char* RunFileNamePattern = "raw/coin_all_%05d.dat";
-  const char* ROOTFileNamePattern = "ROOTfiles/ep_%d.root";
-  // Load global parameters
-  // Add variables to global list.
-  gHcParms->Define("gen_run_number", "Run Number", RunNumber);
-  gHcParms->AddString("g_ctp_database_filename", "DBASE/COIN/STD/ep.database");
-  // Load varibles from files to global list.
-  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_database_filename"), RunNumber);
-  // g_ctp_parm_filename and g_decode_map_filename should now be defined.
-  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_kinematics_filename"), RunNumber);
-  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_parm_filename"));
-  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_calib_filename"));
-  // Load params for SHMS trigger configuration
-  gHcParms->Load("PARAM/TRIG/tcoin.param");
-  // Load the Hall C detector map
-  gHcDetectorMap = new THcDetectorMap();
-  gHcDetectorMap->Load("MAPS/COIN/DETEC/coin.map");
-  gHcParms->Load("PARAM/SHMS/GEN/p_fadc_debug.param");
-  gHcParms->Load("PARAM/HMS/GEN/h_fadc_debug.param");
-  //=:=:=:=
-  // SHMS 
-  //=:=:=:=
-  // Set up the equipment to be analyzed.
-  THcHallCSpectrometer* SHMS = new THcHallCSpectrometer("P", "SHMS");
-  SHMS->SetEvtType(1);
-  SHMS->AddEvtType(4);
-  SHMS->AddEvtType(5);
-  SHMS->AddEvtType(6);
-  SHMS->AddEvtType(7);
-  gHaApps->Add(SHMS);
-  // Add Noble Gas Cherenkov to SHMS apparatus
-  THcCherenkov* pngcer = new THcCherenkov("ngcer", "Noble Gas Cherenkov");
-  SHMS->AddDetector(pngcer);
-  // Add drift chambers to SHMS apparatus
-  THcDC* pdc = new THcDC("dc", "Drift Chambers");
-  SHMS->AddDetector(pdc);
-  // Add hodoscope to SHMS apparatus
-  THcHodoscope* phod = new THcHodoscope("hod", "Hodoscope");
-  SHMS->AddDetector(phod);
-  // Add Heavy Gas Cherenkov to SHMS apparatus
-  THcCherenkov* phgcer = new THcCherenkov("hgcer", "Heavy Gas Cherenkov");
-  SHMS->AddDetector(phgcer);
-  // Add Aerogel Cherenkov to SHMS apparatus
-  THcAerogel* paero = new THcAerogel("aero", "Aerogel");
-  SHMS->AddDetector(paero);
-  // Add calorimeter to SHMS apparatus
-  THcShower* pcal = new THcShower("cal", "Calorimeter");
-  SHMS->AddDetector(pcal);
-  // Add Rastered Beam Apparatus
-  THaApparatus* pbeam = new THcRasteredBeam("P.rb", "SHMS Rastered Beamline");
-  gHaApps->Add(pbeam);
-  THaReactionPoint* prp= new THaReactionPoint("P.react"," SHMS reaction point","P","P.rb");
-  gHaPhysics->Add(prp);
-  THcExtTarCor* pext = new THcExtTarCor("P.extcor"," HMS extended target corrections","P","P.react");
-  gHaPhysics->Add(pext);
-  // Include golden track information
-  THaGoldenTrack* pgtr = new THaGoldenTrack("P.gtr", "SHMS Golden Track", "P");
-  gHaPhysics->Add(pgtr);
-  // Hodoscope efficiency
-  THcHodoEff* peff = new THcHodoEff("phodeff"," SHMS hodo efficiency","P.hod");
-  gHaPhysics->Add(peff);
-  // Add event handler for scaler events
-  //  THcScalerEvtHandler* pscaler = new THcScalerEvtHandler("P", "Hall C scaler event type 1");
-  //pscaler->AddEvtType(1);
-  //pscaler->AddEvtType(4);
-  //pscaler->AddEvtType(5);
-  //pscaler->AddEvtType(6);
-  //pscaler->AddEvtType(7);
-  //pscaler->AddEvtType(129);
-  //pscaler->SetDelayedType(129);
-  //pscaler->SetUseFirstEvent(kTRUE);
-  //gHaEvtHandlers->Add(pscaler);
-  //=:=:=
-  // HMS 
-  //=:=:=
-  // Set up the equipment to be analyzed.
-  THcHallCSpectrometer* HMS = new THcHallCSpectrometer("H", "HMS");
-  HMS->SetEvtType(2);
-  HMS->AddEvtType(4);
-  HMS->AddEvtType(5);
-  HMS->AddEvtType(6);
-  HMS->AddEvtType(7);
-  gHaApps->Add(HMS);
-  // Add drift chambers to HMS apparatus
-  THcDC* hdc = new THcDC("dc", "Drift Chambers");
-  HMS->AddDetector(hdc);
-  // Add hodoscope to HMS apparatus
-  THcHodoscope* hhod = new THcHodoscope("hod", "Hodoscope");
-  HMS->AddDetector(hhod);
-   // Add Cherenkov to HMS apparatus
-  THcCherenkov* hcer = new THcCherenkov("cer", "Heavy Gas Cherenkov");
-  HMS->AddDetector(hcer);
-  // Add Aerogel Cherenkov to HMS apparatus
-  //THcAerogel* aero = new THcAerogel("aero", "Aerogel");
-  //HMS->AddDetector(aero);
-  // Add calorimeter to HMS apparatus
-  THcShower* hcal = new THcShower("cal", "Calorimeter");
-  HMS->AddDetector(hcal);
- // Add Rastered Beam Apparatus
-  THaApparatus* hbeam = new THcRasteredBeam("H.rb", "HMS Rastered Beamline");
-  gHaApps->Add(hbeam);
-  THaReactionPoint* hrp= new THaReactionPoint("H.react"," HMS reaction point","H","H.rb");
-  gHaPhysics->Add(hrp);
-  THcExtTarCor* hext = new THcExtTarCor("H.extcor"," HMS extended target corrections","H","H.react");
-  gHaPhysics->Add(hext);
-  // Include golden track information
-  THaGoldenTrack* hgtr = new THaGoldenTrack("H.gtr", "HMS Golden Track", "H");
-  gHaPhysics->Add(hgtr);
-   // Hodoscope efficiency
-  THcHodoEff* heff = new THcHodoEff("hhodeff"," HMS hodo efficiency","H.hod");
-  gHaPhysics->Add(heff);
-  // Add event handler for scaler events
-  //THcScalerEvtHandler *hscaler = new THcScalerEvtHandler("H", "Hall C scaler event type 4");  
-  //hscaler->AddEvtType(2);
-  //hscaler->AddEvtType(4);
-  //pscaler->AddEvtType(5);
-  //pscaler->AddEvtType(6);
-  //pscaler->AddEvtType(7);
-  //hscaler->AddEvtType(129);
-  //hscaler->SetDelayedType(129);
-  //hscaler->SetUseFirstEvent(kTRUE);
-  //gHaEvtHandlers->Add(hscaler);
-  //=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=
-  // Kinematics Modules
-  //=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=
-  // ---------------------------------
-  // electrons in SHMS, protons in HMS
-  // ---------------------------------
-  // Add Physics Module to calculate primary (scattered) beam kinematics
-  // THcPrimaryKine* pkin_primary = new THcPrimaryKine("P.kin.primary", "SHMS Single Arm Kinematics", "P", "P.rb");
-  // gHaPhysics->Add(pkin_primary);
-  // Add Physics Module to calculate secondary (scattered) beam kinematics
-  // THcSecondaryKine* hkin_secondary = new THcSecondaryKine("H.kin.secondary", "HMS Single Arm Kinematics", "H", "P.kin.primary");
-  // gHaPhysics->Add(hkin_secondary);
-  // ---------------------------------
-  // electrons in HMS, protons in SHMS
-  // ---------------------------------
-  // Add Physics Module to calculate primary (scattered) beam kinematics
-  THcPrimaryKine* hkin_primary = new THcPrimaryKine("H.kin.primary", "HMS Single Arm Kinematics", "H", "H.rb");
-  gHaPhysics->Add(hkin_primary);
-  // Add Physics Module to calculate secondary (scattered) beam kinematics
-  THcSecondaryKine* pkin_secondary = new THcSecondaryKine("P.kin.secondary", "SHMS Single Arm Kinematics", "P", "H.kin.primary");
-  gHaPhysics->Add(pkin_secondary);
-  //=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=
-  // Global Objects & Event Handlers
-  //=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=
-    // Add trigger apparatus
-  THaApparatus* TRG = new THcTrigApp("T", "TRG");
-  gHaApps->Add(TRG);
-  // Add trigger detector to trigger apparatus
-  THcTrigDet* coin = new THcTrigDet("coin", "Coincidence Trigger Information");
-  // Suppress missing reference time warnings for these event types
-  coin->SetEvtType(1);
-  coin->AddEvtType(2);
-  TRG->AddDetector(coin); 
-  // Add event handler for prestart event 125.
-  THcConfigEvtHandler* ev125 = new THcConfigEvtHandler("HC", "Config Event type 125");
-  gHaEvtHandlers->Add(ev125);
-  // Add event handler for EPICS events
-  THaEpicsEvtHandler* hcepics = new THaEpicsEvtHandler("epics", "HC EPICS event type 180");
-  gHaEvtHandlers->Add(hcepics);
-  // Set up the analyzer - we use the standard one,
-  // but this could be an experiment-specific one as well.
-  // The Analyzer controls the reading of the data, executes
-  // tests/cuts, loops over Acpparatus's and PhysicsModules,
-  // and executes the output routines.
-  THcAnalyzer* analyzer = new THcAnalyzer;
-  // A simple event class to be output to the resulting tree.
-  // Creating your own descendant of THaEvent is one way of
-  // defining and controlling the output.
-  THaEvent* event = new THaEvent;
-  // Define the run(s) that we want to analyze.
-  // We just set up one, but this could be many.
-  THcRun* run = new THcRun( pathList, Form(RunFileNamePattern, RunNumber) );
-  // Set to read in Hall C run database parameters
-  run->SetRunParamClass("THcRunParameters");
-  // Eventually need to learn to skip over, or properly analyze
-  // the pedestal events
-  run->SetEventRange(1, MaxEvent);    // Physics Event number, does not
-                                      // include scaler or control events.
-  run->SetNscan(1);
-  run->SetDataRequired(0x7);
-  run->Print();
-  // Define the analysis parameters
-  TString ROOTFileName = Form(ROOTFileNamePattern, RunNumber, MaxEvent);
-  analyzer->SetCountMode(2);    // 0 = counter is # of physics triggers
-                                // 1 = counter is # of all decode reads
-                                // 2 = counter is event number
-  analyzer->SetEvent(event);
-  // Set EPICS event type
-  analyzer->SetEpicsEvtType(180);
-  // Define crate map
-  analyzer->SetCrateMapFileName("MAPS/db_cratemap.dat");
-  // Define output ROOT file
-  analyzer->SetOutFile(ROOTFileName.Data());
-  // Define DEF-file+
-  analyzer->SetOdefFile("DEF-files/COIN/PRODUCTION/coin_production_ep.def");
-  // Define cuts file
-  analyzer->SetCutFile("DEF-files/COIN/PRODUCTION/coin_production_ep_cuts.def");  // optional
-  // File to record accounting information for cuts
-  analyzer->SetSummaryFile(Form("REPORT_OUTPUT/COIN/PRODUCTION/summary_production_ep_%d.report", RunNumber));  // optional
-  // Start the actual analysis.
-  analyzer->Process(run);
-  // Create report file from template
-  analyzer->PrintReport("TEMPLATES/COIN/PRODUCTION/coin_production_ep.template",
-  			Form("REPORT_OUTPUT/COIN/PRODUCTION/replay_coin_production_ep_%d.report", RunNumber));  // optional
diff --git a/SCRIPTS/COIN/SCALERS/replay_coin_scalers.C b/SCRIPTS/COIN/SCALERS/replay_coin_scalers.C
index 2a171dc4d1471fa86e9ed47f5b1be4c8daacc293..a3f28c324848d14bc4e85790269b5a0b1f283b8b 100644
--- a/SCRIPTS/COIN/SCALERS/replay_coin_scalers.C
+++ b/SCRIPTS/COIN/SCALERS/replay_coin_scalers.C
@@ -18,32 +18,29 @@ void replay_coin_scalers (Int_t RunNumber = 0, Int_t MaxEvent = 0) {
   // Create file name patterns.
   const char* RunFileNamePattern = "coin_all_%05d.dat";
   vector<TString> pathList;
-    pathList.push_back(".");
-    pathList.push_back("./raw");
-    pathList.push_back("./raw/../raw.copiedtotape");
-    pathList.push_back("./cache");
+  pathList.push_back(".");
+  pathList.push_back("./raw");
+  pathList.push_back("./raw/../raw.copiedtotape");
+  pathList.push_back("./cache");
   const char* ROOTFileNamePattern = "ROOTfiles/coin_replay_scalers_%d_%d.root";
   // Load global parameters
-  // Add variables to global list.
   gHcParms->Define("gen_run_number", "Run Number", RunNumber);
-  gHcParms->AddString("g_ctp_database_filename", "DBASE/COIN/STD/standard.database");
-  // Load varibles from files to global list.
+  gHcParms->AddString("g_ctp_database_filename", "DBASE/COIN/standard.database");
   gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_database_filename"), RunNumber);
-  // g_ctp_parm_filename and g_decode_map_filename should now be defined.
-  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_kinematics_filename"), RunNumber);
-  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_calib_filename"));
+  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_kinematics_filename"), RunNumber);
   // Load params for SHMS coin configuration
+  gHcParms->Load("PARAM/SHMS/GEN/p_fadc_debug.param");
+  gHcParms->Load("PARAM/HMS/GEN/h_fadc_debug.param");
   // Load the Hall C detector map
   gHcDetectorMap = new THcDetectorMap();
-  gHcParms->Load("PARAM/SHMS/GEN/p_fadc_debug.param");
-  gHcParms->Load("PARAM/HMS/GEN/h_fadc_debug.param");
-    // Add trigger apparatus
+  // Add trigger apparatus
   THaApparatus* TRG = new THcTrigApp("T", "TRG");
   // Add trigger detector to trigger apparatus
@@ -114,6 +111,8 @@ void replay_coin_scalers (Int_t RunNumber = 0, Int_t MaxEvent = 0) {
   // Define the run(s) that we want to analyze.
   // We just set up one, but this could be many.
   THcRun* run = new THcRun( pathList, Form(RunFileNamePattern, RunNumber) );
+  // Set to read in Hall C run database parameters
+  run->SetRunParamClass("THcRunParameters");
   // Eventually need to learn to skip over, or properly analyze
   // the pedestal events
diff --git a/SCRIPTS/HMS/MACROS/hhodo_analysis.C b/SCRIPTS/HMS/MACROS/hhodo_analysis.C
deleted file mode 100644
index f4f0fb1d89b8717d5e0d3fed560db198a9326221..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/SCRIPTS/HMS/MACROS/hhodo_analysis.C
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
-// Custom analysis of the hodoscope individual channels
-// Author: Eric Pooser, pooser@jlab.org, 01/06/2017
-// Script adapted from hcana/examples/hhodrawhists.C
-//#include "TF1.h"
-#define NPLANES  4
-#define NSIDES   2
-#define NSIGNALS 2
-#define MAXBARS  16
-TString  DETECTOR     = "hod";
-TString  plane_names[NPLANES] = {"1x", "1y", "2x", "2y"};
-Int_t    nbars[NPLANES]       = {16, 10, 16, 10};
-TString  sides[NSIDES]        = {"neg", "pos"};
-TString  signals[NSIGNALS]    = {"adc", "tdc"};
-static const Double_t ADC_MIN   = 0.0;
-static const Double_t ADC_MAX   = 25000.0;
-static const Int_t    ADC_NBINS = 2500;
-static const Double_t TDC_MIN   = 0.0;
-static const Double_t TDC_MAX   = 8000.0;
-static const Int_t    TDC_NBINS = 800;
-TFile *rif, *rof;
-TTree *T;
-TString base_name, ndata_name, padlist_name, vallist_name;
-Int_t nbins, hmin, hmax, hindex, hindex_base;
-TString ibarname, title, name;
-Int_t ibar;
-Double_t val;
-void hhodo_analysis(Int_t RunNumber=0, Int_t MaxEvent=0) {
-  // Get RunNumber and MaxEvent if not provided.
-  if(RunNumber == 0) {
-    cout << "Enter a Run Number (-1 to exit): ";
-    cin >> RunNumber;
-    if( RunNumber<=0 ) return;
-  }
-  if(MaxEvent == 0) {
-    cout << "\nNumber of Events to analyze: ";
-    cin >> MaxEvent;
-    if(MaxEvent == 0) {
-      cerr << "...Invalid entry\n";
-      exit;
-    }
-  } 
-  // Define root in/out files
-  rif  = new TFile(Form("ROOTfiles/hhodo_htrig_replay_%d.root", RunNumber), "READ");
-  rof = new TFile(Form("ROOTfiles/hhodo_analysis_%d.root", RunNumber), "RECREATE");
-  rif->cd();
-  // Acquire tree from root in file
-  T = new TTree();
-  T = (TTree*) rif->Get("T");
-  for(Int_t iplane = 0; iplane < NPLANES; iplane++) {
-    for(Int_t iside = 0; iside < NSIDES; iside++) {
-      for(Int_t isignal = 0; isignal < NSIGNALS; isignal++) {
-	base_name = SPECTROMETER + "." + DETECTOR + "." +
-	  plane_names[iplane] + "." + sides[iside] + signals[isignal];
-	ndata_name   = "Ndata." + base_name + "pad";
-	padlist_name = base_name + "pad";
-	vallist_name = base_name + "val";
-	// Set branch addresses
-	T->SetBranchAddress(ndata_name,   &nhits[iplane][iside][isignal]);
-	T->SetBranchAddress(padlist_name, &paddles[iplane][iside][isignal][0]);
-	T->SetBranchAddress(vallist_name, &values[iplane][iside][isignal][0]);
-	// Create histograms
-	// ADC and TDC histogram for each
-	if(signals[isignal] == "adc")
-	  nbins = ADC_NBINS; hmin = ADC_MIN; hmax = ADC_MAX;
-	if(signals[isignal] == "tdc")
-	  nbins = TDC_NBINS; hmin = TDC_MIN; hmax = TDC_MAX;
-	rof->cd();
-	for(Int_t ibar = 0; ibar < nbars[iplane]; ibar++) {
-	  hindex = iplane*NSIDES*NSIGNALS*MAXBARS
-	    + iside*NSIGNALS*MAXBARS + isignal*MAXBARS + ibar;
-	  ibarname = Form("%d", ibar + 1);
-	  title = "h" + plane_names[iplane] + ibarname + sides[iside]
-	    + " " + signals[isignal];
-	  name = "h"; name += Form("%d", hindex);
-	  //  cout << name << " " << title << " " << nbins << " " << hmin << " "
-	  //       << hmax << endl;
-	  h[hindex] = new TH1F(name, title, nbins, hmin, hmax);
-	}
-	rif->cd();
-      }  // Signal loop
-    }  // Side loop
-  }  // Plane loop
-  // Loop over the events, filling the histograms
-  for(Int_t ievent = 0, N = T->GetEntries(); ievent < N; ievent++) {
-    T->GetEntry(ievent);
-    for(Int_t iplane = 0; iplane < NPLANES; iplane++){
-      for(Int_t iside = 0;iside < NSIDES; iside++) {
-	for(Int_t isignal = 0;isignal < NSIGNALS; isignal++) {
-	  hindex_base = iplane*NSIDES*NSIGNALS*MAXBARS
-	    + iside*NSIGNALS*MAXBARS + isignal*MAXBARS;
-	  for(Int_t ihit = 0; ihit < nhits[iplane][iside][isignal]; ihit++) {
-	    ibar = TMath::Nint(paddles[iplane][iside][isignal][ihit]) - 1;
-	    val = values[iplane][iside][isignal][ihit];
-	    hindex = hindex_base + ibar;
-	    h[hindex]->Fill(val);
-	  }  // Hit loop
-	}  // Signal loop
-      }  // Side loop
-    }  // Plane loop
-    // Display or save the histograms
-  }
-  // Write the root out file
-  rof->cd(); rof->Write();
diff --git a/SCRIPTS/HMS/PRODUCTION/replay_production_all_hms.C b/SCRIPTS/HMS/PRODUCTION/replay_production_all_hms.C
index 5b8d66477d91b04ccd873b23d79f1e507f2fd3b6..9e0343d97532e630bcb53ec3995f033e00745973 100644
--- a/SCRIPTS/HMS/PRODUCTION/replay_production_all_hms.C
+++ b/SCRIPTS/HMS/PRODUCTION/replay_production_all_hms.C
@@ -25,23 +25,21 @@ void replay_production_all_hms(Int_t RunNumber=0, Int_t MaxEvent=0) {
   const char* ROOTFileNamePattern = "ROOTfiles/hms_replay_production_all_%d_%d.root";
-  //Load Global parameters
+  // Load Global parameters
   // Add variables to global list.
   gHcParms->Define("gen_run_number", "Run Number", RunNumber);
-  gHcParms->AddString("g_ctp_database_filename", "DBASE/HMS/STD/standard.database");
-  // Load varibles from files to global list.
+  gHcParms->AddString("g_ctp_database_filename", "DBASE/HMS/standard.database");
   gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_database_filename"), RunNumber);
-  // g_ctp_parm_filename and g_decode_map_filename should now be defined.
-  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_kinematics_filename"), RunNumber);
-  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_calib_filename"));
+  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_kinematics_filename"), RunNumber);
   // Load params for HMS trigger configuration
+  // Load fadc debug parameters
+  gHcParms->Load("PARAM/HMS/GEN/h_fadc_debug.param");
   // Load the Hall C detector map
   gHcDetectorMap = new THcDetectorMap();
-  gHcParms->Load("PARAM/HMS/GEN/h_fadc_debug.param");
   // Add trigger apparatus
   THaApparatus* TRG = new THcTrigApp("T", "TRG");
@@ -63,29 +61,29 @@ void replay_production_all_hms(Int_t RunNumber=0, Int_t MaxEvent=0) {
   THcCherenkov* cer = new THcCherenkov("cer", "Heavy Gas Cherenkov");
   // Add Aerogel Cherenkov to HMS apparatus
-  //THcAerogel* aero = new THcAerogel("aero", "Aerogel");
-  //HMS->AddDetector(aero);
+  // THcAerogel* aero = new THcAerogel("aero", "Aerogel");
+  // HMS->AddDetector(aero);
   // Add calorimeter to HMS apparatus
   THcShower* cal = new THcShower("cal", "Calorimeter");
-   // Add Rastered Beam Apparatus
+  // Add rastered beam apparatus
   THaApparatus* beam = new THcRasteredBeam("H.rb", "Rastered Beamline");
-  THaReactionPoint* hrp= new THaReactionPoint("H.react", "HMS reaction point", "H", "H.rb");
+  // Add physics modules
+  // Calculate reaction point
+  THaReactionPoint* hrp = new THaReactionPoint("H.react", "HMS reaction point", "H", "H.rb");
+  // Calculate extended target corrections
   THcExtTarCor* hext = new THcExtTarCor("H.extcor", "HMS extended target corrections", "H", "H.react");
- // Include golden track information
+  // Calculate golden track quantities
   THaGoldenTrack* gtr = new THaGoldenTrack("H.gtr", "HMS Golden Track", "H");
-  // Add Ideal Beam Apparatus
-  // THaApparatus* beam = new THaIdealBeam("IB", "Ideal Beamline");
-  // gHaApps->Add(beam);
-  // Add physics module to calculate primary (scattered) beam kinematics
+  // Calculate primary (scattered beam - usually electrons) kinematics
   THcPrimaryKine* hkin = new THcPrimaryKine("H.kin", "HMS Single Arm Kinematics", "H", "H.rb");
-  // Add physics module to calculate the hodoscope efficiencies
+  // Calculate the hodoscope efficiencies
   THcHodoEff* heff = new THcHodoEff("hhodeff", "HMS hodo efficiency", "H.hod");
@@ -125,19 +123,17 @@ void replay_production_all_hms(Int_t RunNumber=0, Int_t MaxEvent=0) {
   // Set to read in Hall C run database parameters
-  // Eventually need to learn to skip over, or properly analyze
-  // the pedestal events
-  run->SetEventRange(1, MaxEvent);    // Physics Event number, does not
-                                      // include scaler or control events.
+  // Eventually need to learn to skip over, or properly analyze the pedestal events
+  run->SetEventRange(1, MaxEvent); // Physics Event number, does not include scaler or control events.
   // Define the analysis parameters
   TString ROOTFileName = Form(ROOTFileNamePattern, RunNumber, MaxEvent);
-  analyzer->SetCountMode(2);    // 0 = counter is # of physics triggers
-                                // 1 = counter is # of all decode reads
-                                // 2 = counter is event number
+  analyzer->SetCountMode(2);  // 0 = counter is # of physics triggers
+                              // 1 = counter is # of all decode reads
+                              // 2 = counter is event number
   // Set EPICS event type
@@ -150,11 +146,11 @@ void replay_production_all_hms(Int_t RunNumber=0, Int_t MaxEvent=0) {
   // Define cuts file
   analyzer->SetCutFile("DEF-files/HMS/PRODUCTION/CUTS/hstackana_production_cuts.def");    // optional
   // File to record cuts accounting information for cuts
-  analyzer->SetSummaryFile(Form("REPORT_OUTPUT/HMS/PRODUCTION/summary_production_%d_%d.report", RunNumber, MaxEvent));    // optional
+  analyzer->SetSummaryFile(Form("REPORT_OUTPUT/HMS/PRODUCTION/summary_all_production_%d_%d.report", RunNumber, MaxEvent));    // optional
   // Start the actual analysis.
   // Create report file from template.
-			Form("REPORT_OUTPUT/HMS/PRODUCTION/replay_hms_production_%d_%d.report", RunNumber, MaxEvent));
+			Form("REPORT_OUTPUT/HMS/PRODUCTION/replay_hms_all_production_%d_%d.report", RunNumber, MaxEvent));
diff --git a/SCRIPTS/HMS/PRODUCTION/replay_production_hms.C b/SCRIPTS/HMS/PRODUCTION/replay_production_hms.C
index b8d28517b3317e8e5cfe7e79dc51a69ee7dc8f05..5319b487557b44a197fa19f7628a0f8aa6d7f973 100644
--- a/SCRIPTS/HMS/PRODUCTION/replay_production_hms.C
+++ b/SCRIPTS/HMS/PRODUCTION/replay_production_hms.C
@@ -18,31 +18,29 @@ void replay_production_hms(Int_t RunNumber=0, Int_t MaxEvent=0) {
   // Create file name patterns.
   const char* RunFileNamePattern = "hms_all_%05d.dat";
   vector<TString> pathList;
-    pathList.push_back(".");
-    pathList.push_back("./raw");
-    pathList.push_back("./raw/../raw.copiedtotape");
-    pathList.push_back("./cache");
+  pathList.push_back(".");
+  pathList.push_back("./raw");
+  pathList.push_back("./raw/../raw.copiedtotape");
+  pathList.push_back("./cache");
   const char* ROOTFileNamePattern = "ROOTfiles/hms_replay_production_%d_%d.root";
-  //Load Global parameters
+  // Load Global parameters
   // Add variables to global list.
   gHcParms->Define("gen_run_number", "Run Number", RunNumber);
-  gHcParms->AddString("g_ctp_database_filename", "DBASE/HMS/STD/standard.database");
-  // Load varibles from files to global list.
+  gHcParms->AddString("g_ctp_database_filename", "DBASE/HMS/standard.database");
   gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_database_filename"), RunNumber);
-  // g_ctp_parm_filename and g_decode_map_filename should now be defined.
-  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_kinematics_filename"), RunNumber);
-  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_calib_filename"));
+  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_kinematics_filename"), RunNumber);
   // Load params for HMS trigger configuration
+  // Load fadc debug parameters
+  gHcParms->Load("PARAM/HMS/GEN/h_fadc_debug.param");
   // Load the Hall C detector map
   gHcDetectorMap = new THcDetectorMap();
-  gHcParms->Load("PARAM/HMS/GEN/h_fadc_debug.param");
   // Add trigger apparatus
   THaApparatus* TRG = new THcTrigApp("T", "TRG");
@@ -63,29 +61,30 @@ void replay_production_hms(Int_t RunNumber=0, Int_t MaxEvent=0) {
   THcCherenkov* cer = new THcCherenkov("cer", "Heavy Gas Cherenkov");
   // Add Aerogel Cherenkov to HMS apparatus
-  //THcAerogel* aero = new THcAerogel("aero", "Aerogel");
-  //HMS->AddDetector(aero);
+  // THcAerogel* aero = new THcAerogel("aero", "Aerogel");
+  // HMS->AddDetector(aero);
   // Add calorimeter to HMS apparatus
   THcShower* cal = new THcShower("cal", "Calorimeter");
-// Add Rastered Beam Apparatus
+  // Add rastered beam apparatus
   THaApparatus* beam = new THcRasteredBeam("H.rb", "Rastered Beamline");
-  THaReactionPoint* hrp= new THaReactionPoint("H.react"," HMS reaction point","H","H.rb");
+  // Add physics modules
+  // Calculate reaction point
+  THaReactionPoint* hrp = new THaReactionPoint("H.react", "HMS reaction point", "H", "H.rb");
-  THcExtTarCor* hext = new THcExtTarCor("H.extcor"," HMS extended target corrections","H","H.react");
+  // Calculate extended target corrections
+  THcExtTarCor* hext = new THcExtTarCor("H.extcor", "HMS extended target corrections", "H", "H.react");
-  // Include golden track information
+  // Calculate golden track quantities
   THaGoldenTrack* gtr = new THaGoldenTrack("H.gtr", "HMS Golden Track", "H");
-// Add Ideal Beam Apparatus
- // THaApparatus* beam = new THaIdealBeam("IB", "Ideal Beamline");
- // gHaApps->Add(beam);
-  // Add Physics Module to calculate primary (scattered) beam kinematics
+  // Calculate primary (scattered beam - usually electrons) kinematics
   THcPrimaryKine* hkin = new THcPrimaryKine("H.kin", "HMS Single Arm Kinematics", "H", "H.rb");
-  THcHodoEff* heff = new THcHodoEff("hhodeff"," HMS hodo efficiency","H.hod");
+  // Calculate the hodoscope efficiencies
+  THcHodoEff* heff = new THcHodoEff("hhodeff", "HMS hodo efficiency", "H.hod");
   // Add handler for prestart event 125.
@@ -124,36 +123,35 @@ void replay_production_hms(Int_t RunNumber=0, Int_t MaxEvent=0) {
   // Set to read in Hall C run database parameters
-  // Eventually need to learn to skip over, or properly analyze
-  // the pedestal events
-  run->SetEventRange(1, MaxEvent);    // Physics Event number, does not
-                                      // include scaler or control events.
+  // Eventually need to learn to skip over, or properly analyze the pedestal events
+  run->SetEventRange(1, MaxEvent); // Physics Event number, does not include scaler or control events.
   // Define the analysis parameters
   TString ROOTFileName = Form(ROOTFileNamePattern, RunNumber, MaxEvent);
-  analyzer->SetCountMode(2);    // 0 = counter is # of physics triggers
-                                // 1 = counter is # of all decode reads
-                                // 2 = counter is event number
- analyzer->SetEvent(event);
- // Set EPICS event type
- analyzer->SetEpicsEvtType(180);
- // Define crate map
- analyzer->SetCrateMapFileName("MAPS/db_cratemap.dat");
- // Define output ROOT file
- analyzer->SetOutFile(ROOTFileName.Data());
- // Define output DEF-file 
- analyzer->SetOdefFile("DEF-files/HMS/PRODUCTION/hstackana_production.def");
- // Define cuts file
- analyzer->SetCutFile("DEF-files/HMS/PRODUCTION/CUTS/hstackana_production_cuts.def");    // optional
- // File to record cuts accounting information for cuts
- analyzer->SetSummaryFile(Form("REPORT_OUTPUT/HMS/PRODUCTION/summary_production_%d_%d.report", RunNumber, MaxEvent));    // optional
- // Start the actual analysis.
- analyzer->Process(run);
- // Create report file from template.
- analyzer->PrintReport("TEMPLATES/HMS/PRODUCTION/hstackana_production.template",
-		       Form("REPORT_OUTPUT/HMS/PRODUCTION/replay_hms_production_%d_%d.report", RunNumber, MaxEvent));
+  analyzer->SetCountMode(2);  // 0 = counter is # of physics triggers
+                              // 1 = counter is # of all decode reads
+                              // 2 = counter is event number
+  analyzer->SetEvent(event);
+  // Set EPICS event type
+  analyzer->SetEpicsEvtType(180);
+  // Define crate map
+  analyzer->SetCrateMapFileName("MAPS/db_cratemap.dat");
+  // Define output ROOT file
+  analyzer->SetOutFile(ROOTFileName.Data());
+  // Define output DEF-file 
+  analyzer->SetOdefFile("DEF-files/HMS/PRODUCTION/hstackana_production.def");
+  // Define cuts file
+  analyzer->SetCutFile("DEF-files/HMS/PRODUCTION/CUTS/hstackana_production_cuts.def");    // optional
+  // File to record cuts accounting information for cuts
+  analyzer->SetSummaryFile(Form("REPORT_OUTPUT/HMS/PRODUCTION/summary_production_%d_%d.report", RunNumber, MaxEvent));    // optional
+  // Start the actual analysis.
+  analyzer->Process(run);
+  // Create report file from template.
+  analyzer->PrintReport("TEMPLATES/HMS/PRODUCTION/hstackana_production.template",
+			Form("REPORT_OUTPUT/HMS/PRODUCTION/replay_hms_production_%d_%d.report", RunNumber, MaxEvent));
diff --git a/SCRIPTS/HMS/PRODUCTION/replay_production_hms_coin.C b/SCRIPTS/HMS/PRODUCTION/replay_production_hms_coin.C
index a2c3664b004fc3d84b6f5211262fbc53650c31b2..0c569059f06be370dcc1b7fdc00c8d48e84797ba 100644
--- a/SCRIPTS/HMS/PRODUCTION/replay_production_hms_coin.C
+++ b/SCRIPTS/HMS/PRODUCTION/replay_production_hms_coin.C
@@ -18,31 +18,29 @@ void replay_production_hms_coin(Int_t RunNumber=0, Int_t MaxEvent=0) {
   // Create file name patterns.
   const char* RunFileNamePattern = "coin_all_%05d.dat";
   vector<TString> pathList;
-    pathList.push_back(".");
-    pathList.push_back("./raw");
-    pathList.push_back("./raw/../raw.copiedtotape");
-    pathList.push_back("./cache");
+  pathList.push_back(".");
+  pathList.push_back("./raw");
+  pathList.push_back("./raw/../raw.copiedtotape");
+  pathList.push_back("./cache");
   const char* ROOTFileNamePattern = "ROOTfiles/hms_coin_replay_production_%d_%d.root";
-  //Load Global parameters
+  // Load Global parameters
   // Add variables to global list.
   gHcParms->Define("gen_run_number", "Run Number", RunNumber);
-  gHcParms->AddString("g_ctp_database_filename", "DBASE/COIN/STD/standard.database");
-  // Load varibles from files to global list.
+  gHcParms->AddString("g_ctp_database_filename", "DBASE/HMS/standard.database");
   gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_database_filename"), RunNumber);
-  // g_ctp_parm_filename and g_decode_map_filename should now be defined.
-  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_kinematics_filename"), RunNumber);
-  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_calib_filename"));
+  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_kinematics_filename"), RunNumber);
   // Load params for HMS trigger configuration
+  // Load fadc debug parameters
+  gHcParms->Load("PARAM/HMS/GEN/h_fadc_debug.param");
   // Load the Hall C detector map
   gHcDetectorMap = new THcDetectorMap();
-  gHcParms->Load("PARAM/HMS/GEN/h_fadc_debug.param");
   // Set up the equipment to be analyzed.
   THcHallCSpectrometer* HMS = new THcHallCSpectrometer("H", "HMS");
@@ -61,8 +59,8 @@ void replay_production_hms_coin(Int_t RunNumber=0, Int_t MaxEvent=0) {
   THcCherenkov* cer = new THcCherenkov("cer", "Heavy Gas Cherenkov");
   // Add Aerogel Cherenkov to HMS apparatus
-  //THcAerogel* aero = new THcAerogel("aero", "Aerogel");
-  //HMS->AddDetector(aero);
+  // THcAerogel* aero = new THcAerogel("aero", "Aerogel");
+  // HMS->AddDetector(aero);
   // Add calorimeter to HMS apparatus
   THcShower* cal = new THcShower("cal", "Calorimeter");
@@ -75,23 +73,24 @@ void replay_production_hms_coin(Int_t RunNumber=0, Int_t MaxEvent=0) {
-// Add Rastered Beam Apparatus
+  // Add rastered beam apparatus
   THaApparatus* beam = new THcRasteredBeam("H.rb", "Rastered Beamline");
-  THaReactionPoint* hrp= new THaReactionPoint("H.react"," HMS reaction point","H","H.rb");
+  // Add physics modules
+  // Calculate reaction point
+  THaReactionPoint* hrp = new THaReactionPoint("H.react", "HMS reaction point", "H", "H.rb");
-  THcExtTarCor* hext = new THcExtTarCor("H.extcor"," HMS extended target corrections","H","H.react");
+  // Calculate extended target corrections
+  THcExtTarCor* hext = new THcExtTarCor("H.extcor", "HMS extended target corrections", "H", "H.react");
-  // Include golden track information
+  // Calculate golden track quantities
   THaGoldenTrack* gtr = new THaGoldenTrack("H.gtr", "HMS Golden Track", "H");
-// Add Ideal Beam Apparatus
- // THaApparatus* beam = new THaIdealBeam("IB", "Ideal Beamline");
- // gHaApps->Add(beam);
-  // Add Physics Module to calculate primary (scattered) beam kinematics
+  // Calculate primary (scattered beam - usually electrons) kinematics
   THcPrimaryKine* hkin = new THcPrimaryKine("H.kin", "HMS Single Arm Kinematics", "H", "H.rb");
-  THcHodoEff* heff = new THcHodoEff("hhodeff"," HMS hodo efficiency","H.hod");
+  // Calculate the hodoscope efficiencies
+  THcHodoEff* heff = new THcHodoEff("hhodeff", "HMS hodo efficiency", "H.hod");
   // Add handler for prestart event 125.
@@ -134,36 +133,35 @@ void replay_production_hms_coin(Int_t RunNumber=0, Int_t MaxEvent=0) {
   // Set to read in Hall C run database parameters
-  // Eventually need to learn to skip over, or properly analyze
-  // the pedestal events
-  run->SetEventRange(1, MaxEvent);    // Physics Event number, does not
-                                      // include scaler or control events.
+  // Eventually need to learn to skip over, or properly analyze the pedestal events
+  run->SetEventRange(1, MaxEvent); // Physics Event number, does not include scaler or control events.
   // Define the analysis parameters
   TString ROOTFileName = Form(ROOTFileNamePattern, RunNumber, MaxEvent);
-  analyzer->SetCountMode(2);    // 0 = counter is # of physics triggers
-                                // 1 = counter is # of all decode reads
-                                // 2 = counter is event number
- analyzer->SetEvent(event);
- // Set EPICS event type
- analyzer->SetEpicsEvtType(180);
- // Define crate map
- analyzer->SetCrateMapFileName("MAPS/db_cratemap.dat");
- // Define output ROOT file
- analyzer->SetOutFile(ROOTFileName.Data());
- // Define output DEF-file 
- analyzer->SetOdefFile("DEF-files/HMS/PRODUCTION/hstackana_production.def");
- // Define cuts file
- analyzer->SetCutFile("DEF-files/HMS/PRODUCTION/CUTS/hstackana_production_cuts.def");    // optional
- // File to record cuts accounting information for cuts
- analyzer->SetSummaryFile(Form("REPORT_OUTPUT/HMS/PRODUCTION/summary_production_%d_%d.report", RunNumber, MaxEvent));    // optional
- // Start the actual analysis.
- analyzer->Process(run);
- // Create report file from template.
- analyzer->PrintReport("TEMPLATES/HMS/PRODUCTION/hstackana_production.template",
-		       Form("REPORT_OUTPUT/HMS/PRODUCTION/replay_hms_production_%d_%d.report", RunNumber, MaxEvent));
+  analyzer->SetCountMode(2);  // 0 = counter is # of physics triggers
+                              // 1 = counter is # of all decode reads
+                              // 2 = counter is event number
+  analyzer->SetEvent(event);
+  // Set EPICS event type
+  analyzer->SetEpicsEvtType(180);
+  // Define crate map
+  analyzer->SetCrateMapFileName("MAPS/db_cratemap.dat");
+  // Define output ROOT file
+  analyzer->SetOutFile(ROOTFileName.Data());
+  // Define output DEF-file 
+  analyzer->SetOdefFile("DEF-files/HMS/PRODUCTION/hstackana_production.def");
+  // Define cuts file
+  analyzer->SetCutFile("DEF-files/HMS/PRODUCTION/CUTS/hstackana_production_cuts.def");    // optional
+  // File to record cuts accounting information for cuts
+  analyzer->SetSummaryFile(Form("REPORT_OUTPUT/HMS/PRODUCTION/summary_coin_production_%d_%d.report", RunNumber, MaxEvent));    // optional
+  // Start the actual analysis.
+  analyzer->Process(run);
+  // Create report file from template.
+  analyzer->PrintReport("TEMPLATES/HMS/PRODUCTION/hstackana_production.template",
+			Form("REPORT_OUTPUT/HMS/PRODUCTION/replay_hms_coin_production_%d_%d.report", RunNumber, MaxEvent));
diff --git a/SCRIPTS/HMS/PRODUCTION/replay_production_hms_kpp.C b/SCRIPTS/HMS/PRODUCTION/replay_production_hms_kpp.C
deleted file mode 100644
index e32b6a7270846461940e232d43823bcb8d0aac94..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/SCRIPTS/HMS/PRODUCTION/replay_production_hms_kpp.C
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
-void replay_production_hms_kpp(Int_t RunNumber=0, Int_t MaxEvent=0) {
-  // Get RunNumber and MaxEvent if not provided.
-  if(RunNumber == 0) {
-    cout << "Enter a Run Number (-1 to exit): ";
-    cin >> RunNumber;
-    if( RunNumber<=0 ) return;
-  }
-  if(MaxEvent == 0) {
-    cout << "\nNumber of Events to analyze: ";
-    cin >> MaxEvent;
-    if(MaxEvent == 0) {
-      cerr << "...Invalid entry\n";
-      exit;
-    }
-  }
-  // Create file name patterns.
-  const char* RunFileNamePattern = "hms_all_%05d.dat";
-  vector<TString> pathList;
-    pathList.push_back(".");
-    pathList.push_back("./raw");
-    pathList.push_back("./raw/../raw.copiedtotape");
-    pathList.push_back("./cache");
-  const char* ROOTFileNamePattern = "ROOTfiles/hms_replay_production_%d_%d.root";
-  //Load Global parameters
-  // Add variables to global list.
-  gHcParms->Define("gen_run_number", "Run Number", RunNumber);
-  gHcParms->AddString("g_ctp_database_filename", "DBASE/HMS/STD/standard.database");
-  // Load varibles from files to global list.
-  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_database_filename"), RunNumber);
-  // g_ctp_parm_filename and g_decode_map_filename should now be defined.
-  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_kinematics_filename"), RunNumber);
-  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_parm_filename"));
-  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_calib_filename"));
-  // Load params for HMS trigger configuration
-  gHcParms->Load("PARAM/TRIG/thms.param");
-  // Load the Hall C detector map
-  gHcDetectorMap = new THcDetectorMap();
-  gHcDetectorMap->Load("MAPS/HMS/DETEC/STACK/hms_stack_6gev.map");
-  // Add trigger apparatus
-  THaApparatus* TRG = new THcTrigApp("T", "TRG");
-  gHaApps->Add(TRG);
-  // Add trigger detector to trigger apparatus
-  THcTrigDet* hms = new THcTrigDet("hms", "HMS Trigger Information");
-  TRG->AddDetector(hms);
-  // Set up the equipment to be analyzed.
-  THaApparatus* HMS = new THcHallCSpectrometer("H", "HMS");
-  gHaApps->Add(HMS);
-  // Add drift chambers to HMS apparatus
-  THcDC* dc = new THcDC("dc", "Drift Chambers");
-  HMS->AddDetector(dc);
-  // Add hodoscope to HMS apparatus
-  THcHodoscope* hod = new THcHodoscope("hod", "Hodoscope");
-  HMS->AddDetector(hod);
-  // Add Cherenkov to HMS apparatus
-  THcCherenkov* cer = new THcCherenkov("cer", "Heavy Gas Cherenkov");
-  HMS->AddDetector(cer);
-  // Add Aerogel Cherenkov to HMS apparatus
-  //THcAerogel* aero = new THcAerogel("aero", "Aerogel");
-  //HMS->AddDetector(aero);
-  // Add calorimeter to HMS apparatus
-  THcShower* cal = new THcShower("cal", "Calorimeter");
-  HMS->AddDetector(cal);
-  // Include golden track information
-  THaGoldenTrack* gtr = new THaGoldenTrack("H.gtr", "HMS Golden Track", "H");
-  gHaPhysics->Add(gtr);
-  // Add Ideal Beam Apparatus
-  // THaApparatus* beam = new THaIdealBeam("IB", "Ideal Beamline");
-// Add Rastered Beam Apparatus
-  THaApparatus* beam = new THcRasteredBeam("H.rb", "Rastered Beamline");
-  gHaApps->Add(beam);
-  THaReactionPoint* hrp= new THaReactionPoint("H.react"," HMS reaction point","H","H.rb");
-  gHaPhysics->Add(hrp);
-  THcExtTarCor* hext = new THcExtTarCor("H.extcor"," HMS extended target corrections","H","H.react");
-  gHaPhysics->Add(hext);
-  // Add Physics Module to calculate primary (scattered) beam kinematics
-  THcPrimaryKine* hkin = new THcPrimaryKine("H.kin", "HMS Single Arm Kinematics", "H", "H.rb");
-  gHaPhysics->Add(hkin);
-  THcHodoEff* heff = new THcHodoEff("hodeff"," HMS hodo efficiency","H.hod");
-  gHaPhysics->Add(heff);
-  // Add handler for prestart event 125.
-  THcConfigEvtHandler* ev125 = new THcConfigEvtHandler("HC", "Config Event type 125");
-  gHaEvtHandlers->Add(ev125);
-  // Add handler for EPICS events
-  THaEpicsEvtHandler *hcepics = new THaEpicsEvtHandler("epics", "HC EPICS event type 180");
-  gHaEvtHandlers->Add(hcepics);
-  // Add handler for scaler events
-  THcScalerEvtHandler *hscaler = new THcScalerEvtHandler("H", "Hall C scaler event type 1");  
-  hscaler->AddEvtType(1);
-  hscaler->SetUseFirstEvent(kTRUE);
-  gHaEvtHandlers->Add(hscaler);
-  // Set up the analyzer - we use the standard one,
-  // but this could be an experiment-specific one as well.
-  // The Analyzer controls the reading of the data, executes
-  // tests/cuts, loops over Acpparatus's and PhysicsModules,
-  // and executes the output routines.
-  THcAnalyzer* analyzer = new THcAnalyzer;
-  // A simple event class to be output to the resulting tree.
-  // Creating your own descendant of THaEvent is one way of
-  // defining and controlling the output.
-  THaEvent* event = new THaEvent;
-  // Define the run(s) that we want to analyze.
-  // We just set up one, but this could be many.
-  THaRun* run = new THaRun( pathList, Form(RunFileNamePattern, RunNumber) );
-  // Set to read in Hall C run database parameters
-  run->SetRunParamClass("THcRunParameters");
-  // Eventually need to learn to skip over, or properly analyze
-  // the pedestal events
-  run->SetEventRange(1, MaxEvent);    // Physics Event number, does not
-                                      // include scaler or control events.
-  run->SetNscan(1);
-  run->SetDataRequired(0x7);
-  run->Print();
-  // Define the analysis parameters
-  TString ROOTFileName = Form(ROOTFileNamePattern, RunNumber, MaxEvent);
-  analyzer->SetCountMode(2);    // 0 = counter is # of physics triggers
-                                // 1 = counter is # of all decode reads
-                                // 2 = counter is event number
- analyzer->SetEvent(event);
- // Set EPICS event type
- analyzer->SetEpicsEvtType(180);
- // Define crate map
- analyzer->SetCrateMapFileName("MAPS/db_cratemap.dat");
- // Define output ROOT file
- analyzer->SetOutFile(ROOTFileName.Data());
- // Define output DEF-file 
- analyzer->SetOdefFile("DEF-files/HMS/PRODUCTION/hstackana_production_kpp.def");
- // Define cuts file
- analyzer->SetCutFile("DEF-files/HMS/PRODUCTION/CUTS/hstackana_production_cuts_kpp.def");    // optional
- // File to record cuts accounting information for cuts
- analyzer->SetSummaryFile(Form("REPORT_OUTPUT/HMS/PRODUCTION/summary_production_%d_%d.report", RunNumber, MaxEvent));    // optional
- // Start the actual analysis.
- analyzer->Process(run);
- // Create report file from template.
- analyzer->PrintReport("TEMPLATES/HMS/PRODUCTION/hstackana_production_kpp.template",
-		       Form("REPORT_OUTPUT/HMS/PRODUCTION/replay_hms_production_%d_%d.report", RunNumber, MaxEvent));
diff --git a/SCRIPTS/HMS/RASTER/replay_hms_raster_simple.C b/SCRIPTS/HMS/RASTER/replay_hms_raster_simple.C
index b61d4e1677741ea799cd921d7d70874989a869d0..19e26bc69765971ce48d7936ca228be83b1ab2f5 100644
--- a/SCRIPTS/HMS/RASTER/replay_hms_raster_simple.C
+++ b/SCRIPTS/HMS/RASTER/replay_hms_raster_simple.C
@@ -18,36 +18,30 @@ void replay_hms_raster_simple(Int_t RunNumber=0, Int_t MaxEvent=0) {
   // Create file name patterns.
   const char* RunFileNamePattern = "hms_all_%05d.dat";
   vector<TString> pathList;
-    pathList.push_back(".");
-    pathList.push_back("./raw");
-    pathList.push_back("./raw/../raw.copiedtotape");
-    pathList.push_back("./cache");
+  pathList.push_back(".");
+  pathList.push_back("./raw");
+  pathList.push_back("./raw/../raw.copiedtotape");
+  pathList.push_back("./cache");
   const char* ROOTFileNamePattern = "ROOTfiles/hms_raster_simple_%d_%d.root";
   // Add variables to global list.
   gHcParms->Define("gen_run_number", "Run Number", RunNumber);
-  gHcParms->AddString("g_ctp_database_filename", "DBASE/HMS/STD/standard.database");
-  //Load global parameters
-  // Load varibles from files to global list.
+  gHcParms->AddString("g_ctp_database_filename", "DBASE/HMS/standard.database");
   gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_database_filename"), RunNumber);
-  // g_ctp_parm_filename and g_decode_map_filename should now be defined.
-  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_kinematics_filename"), RunNumber);
-  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_calib_filename"));
-  // Load params for HMS trigger configuration
+  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_kinematics_filename"), RunNumber);
   // Load the Hall C style detector map
   gHcDetectorMap = new THcDetectorMap();
   // Add handler for EPICS events
   THaEpicsEvtHandler *hcepics = new THaEpicsEvtHandler("epics", "HC EPICS event type 180");
- // Add Rastered Beam Apparatus
+  // Add Rastered Beam Apparatus
   THaApparatus* beam = new THcRasteredBeam("H.rb", "Rastered Beamline");
   // Set up the analyzer - we use the standard one,
   // but this could be an experiment-specific one as well.
   // The Analyzer controls the reading of the data, executes
@@ -63,11 +57,13 @@ void replay_hms_raster_simple(Int_t RunNumber=0, Int_t MaxEvent=0) {
   // Define the run(s) that we want to analyze.
   // We just set up one, but this could be many.
   THcRun* run = new THcRun( pathList, Form(RunFileNamePattern, RunNumber) );
+  // Set to read in Hall C run database parameters
+  run->SetRunParamClass("THcRunParameters");
   // Eventually need to learn to skip over, or properly analyze
   // the pedestal events
   run->SetEventRange(1, MaxEvent);    // Physics Event number, does not
-                                      // include scaler or control events.
+  // include scaler or control events.
@@ -75,19 +71,19 @@ void replay_hms_raster_simple(Int_t RunNumber=0, Int_t MaxEvent=0) {
   // Define the analysis parameters
   TString ROOTFileName = Form(ROOTFileNamePattern, RunNumber, MaxEvent);
   analyzer->SetCountMode(2);    // 0 = counter is # of physics triggers
-                                // 1 = counter is # of all decode reads
-                                // 2 = counter is event number
- analyzer->SetEvent(event);
+  // 1 = counter is # of all decode reads
+  // 2 = counter is event number
+  analyzer->SetEvent(event);
   // Set EPICS event type
- // Define crate map
- analyzer->SetCrateMapFileName("MAPS/db_cratemap.dat");
- // Define output ROOT file
- analyzer->SetOutFile(ROOTFileName.Data());
- // Define DEF-file
- analyzer->SetOdefFile("DEF-files/HMS/RASTER/hms_raster_simple.def");
- // Define cuts file
- analyzer->SetCutFile("DEF-files/HMS/RASTER/hms_raster_simple_cuts.def");    // optional
+  // Define crate map
+  analyzer->SetCrateMapFileName("MAPS/db_cratemap.dat");
+  // Define output ROOT file
+  analyzer->SetOutFile(ROOTFileName.Data());
+  // Define DEF-file
+  analyzer->SetOdefFile("DEF-files/HMS/RASTER/hms_raster_simple.def");
+  // Define cuts file
+  analyzer->SetCutFile("DEF-files/HMS/RASTER/hms_raster_simple_cuts.def");    // optional
   // Start the actual analysis.
diff --git a/SCRIPTS/HMS/SCALERS/replay_hms_scalers.C b/SCRIPTS/HMS/SCALERS/replay_hms_scalers.C
index bcc2eec9d6d3ca34b4242e54a5366d69e65d7bcf..bb509feb5e11256ce7b3c81325b0f8827b3fec7e 100644
--- a/SCRIPTS/HMS/SCALERS/replay_hms_scalers.C
+++ b/SCRIPTS/HMS/SCALERS/replay_hms_scalers.C
@@ -18,24 +18,19 @@ void replay_hms_scalers(Int_t RunNumber=0, Int_t MaxEvent=0) {
   // Create file name patterns.
   const char* RunFileNamePattern = "hms_all_%05d.dat";
   vector<TString> pathList;
-    pathList.push_back(".");
-    pathList.push_back("./raw");
-    pathList.push_back("./raw/../raw.copiedtotape");
-    pathList.push_back("./cache");
+  pathList.push_back(".");
+  pathList.push_back("./raw");
+  pathList.push_back("./raw/../raw.copiedtotape");
+  pathList.push_back("./cache");
   const char* ROOTFileNamePattern = "ROOTfiles/hms_replay_scalers_%d_%d.root";
   // Load global parameters
-  // Add variables to global list.
   gHcParms->Define("gen_run_number", "Run Number", RunNumber);
-  gHcParms->AddString("g_ctp_database_filename", "DBASE/HMS/STD/standard.database");
-  // Load varibles from files to global list.
+  gHcParms->AddString("g_ctp_database_filename", "DBASE/HMS/standard.database");
   gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_database_filename"), RunNumber);
-  // g_ctp_parm_filename and g_decode_map_filename should now be defined.
-  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_kinematics_filename"), RunNumber);
-  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_calib_filename"));
-  // Load params for HMS trigger configuration
+  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_kinematics_filename"), RunNumber);
   // Load the Hall C style detector map
@@ -77,8 +72,9 @@ void replay_hms_scalers(Int_t RunNumber=0, Int_t MaxEvent=0) {
   // Define the run(s) that we want to analyze.
   // We just set up one, but this could be many.
-  //THaRun* run = new THaRun( pathList, Form(RunFileNamePattern, RunNumber) );
   THcRun* run = new THcRun( pathList, Form(RunFileNamePattern, RunNumber) );
+  // Set to read in Hall C run database parameters
+  run->SetRunParamClass("THcRunParameters");
   // Eventually need to learn to skip over, or properly analyze
   // the pedestal events
diff --git a/SCRIPTS/HMS/STACK/replay_hms.C b/SCRIPTS/HMS/STACK/replay_hms.C
deleted file mode 100644
index 551bf315ae0a78cd642ed0521ca0bb72765e155b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/SCRIPTS/HMS/STACK/replay_hms.C
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-void replay_hms(Int_t RunNumber=0, Int_t MaxEvent=0) {
-  // Get RunNumber and MaxEvent if not provided.
-  if(RunNumber == 0) {
-    cout << "Enter a Run Number (-1 to exit): ";
-    cin >> RunNumber;
-    if( RunNumber<=0 ) return;
-  }
-  if(MaxEvent == 0) {
-    cout << "\nNumber of Events to analyze: ";
-    cin >> MaxEvent;
-    if(MaxEvent == 0) {
-      cerr << "...Invalid entry\n";
-      exit;
-    }
-  }
-  // Create file name patterns.
-  const char* RunFileNamePattern = "hms_all_%05d.dat";
-  vector<TString> pathList;
-    pathList.push_back(".");
-    pathList.push_back("./raw");
-    pathList.push_back("./raw/../raw.copiedtotape");
-    pathList.push_back("./cache");
-  const char* ROOTFileNamePattern = "ROOTfiles/hms_replay_%d_%d.root";
-  // Add variables to global list.
-  gHcParms->Define("gen_run_number", "Run Number", RunNumber);
-  gHcParms->AddString("g_ctp_database_filename", "DBASE/HMS/STD/standard.database");
-  // Load varibles from files to global list.
-  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_database_filename"), RunNumber);
-  // g_ctp_parm_filename and g_decode_map_filename should now be defined.
-  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_kinematics_filename"), RunNumber);
-  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_parm_filename"));
-  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_calib_filename"));
-  // Load params for HMS trigger configuration
-  gHcParms->Load("PARAM/TRIG/thms.param");
-  // Load the Hall C style detector map
-  gHcDetectorMap = new THcDetectorMap();
-  gHcDetectorMap->Load("MAPS/HMS/DETEC/STACK/hms_stack.map");
-  // Add trigger apparatus
-  THaApparatus* TRG = new THcTrigApp("T", "TRG");
-  gHaApps->Add(TRG);
-  // Add trigger detector to trigger apparatus
-  THcTrigDet* hms = new THcTrigDet("hms", "HMS Trigger Information");
-  TRG->AddDetector(hms);
-  // Set up the equipment to be analyzed.
-  THaApparatus* HMS = new THcHallCSpectrometer("H", "HMS");
-  gHaApps->Add(HMS);
-  // Add drift chambers to HMS apparatus
-  THcDC* dc = new THcDC("dc", "Drift Chambers");
-  HMS->AddDetector(dc);
-  // Add hodoscope to HMS apparatus
-  THcHodoscope* hod = new THcHodoscope("hod", "Hodoscope");
-  HMS->AddDetector(hod);
-  // Add Aerogel Cherenkov to SHMS apparatus
-  //THcAerogel* aero = new THcAerogel("aero", "Aerogel");
-  //HMS->AddDetector(aero);
-  // Add Cherenkov to HMS apparatus
-  THcCherenkov* cer = new THcCherenkov("cer", "Heavy Gas Cherenkov");
-  HMS->AddDetector(cer);
-  // Add calorimeter to HMS apparatus
-  THcShower* cal = new THcShower("cal", "Calorimeter");
-  HMS->AddDetector(cal);
-  // Include golden track information
-  THaGoldenTrack* gtr = new THaGoldenTrack("H.gtr", "HMS Golden Track", "H");
-  gHaPhysics->Add(gtr);
-  // Add handler for prestart event 125.
-  THcConfigEvtHandler* ev125 = new THcConfigEvtHandler("HC", "Config Event type 125");
-  gHaEvtHandlers->Add(ev125);
- THcHodoEff* heff = new THcHodoEff("hhodeff"," HMS hodo efficiency","H.hod");
-  gHaPhysics->Add(heff);
-  // Set up the analyzer - we use the standard one,
-  // but this could be an experiment-specific one as well.
-  // The Analyzer controls the reading of the data, executes
-  // tests/cuts, loops over Acpparatus's and PhysicsModules,
-  // and executes the output routines.
-  THcAnalyzer* analyzer = new THcAnalyzer;
-  // A simple event class to be output to the resulting tree.
-  // Creating your own descendant of THaEvent is one way of
-  // defining and controlling the output.
-  THaEvent* event = new THaEvent;
-  // Define the run(s) that we want to analyze.
-  // We just set up one, but this could be many.
-  THaRun* run = new THaRun( pathList, Form(RunFileNamePattern, RunNumber) );
-  // Eventually need to learn to skip over, or properly analyze
-  // the pedestal events
-  run->SetEventRange(1, MaxEvent);    // Physics Event number, does not
-                                      // include scaler or control events.
-  run->SetNscan(1);
-  run->SetDataRequired(0x7);
-  run->Print();
-  // Define the analysis parameters
-  TString ROOTFileName = Form(ROOTFileNamePattern, RunNumber, MaxEvent);
-  analyzer->SetCountMode(2);    // 0 = counter is # of physics triggers
-                                // 1 = counter is # of all decode reads
-                                // 2 = counter is event number
- analyzer->SetEvent(event);
-// Define crate map
-  analyzer->SetCrateMapFileName("MAPS/db_cratemap.dat");
-  // Define output ROOT file
-  analyzer->SetOutFile(ROOTFileName.Data());
-  // Define DEF-file
-  analyzer->SetOdefFile("DEF-files/HMS/STACK/hstack_include.def");
-  // Define cuts file
-  analyzer->SetCutFile("DEF-files/HMS/STACK/hstackana_cuts.def");  // optional
-  // File to record accounting information for cuts
-  analyzer->SetSummaryFile(Form("REPORT_OUTPUT/HMS/STACK/summary_stack_%d_%d.report", RunNumber, MaxEvent));  // optional
-  // Start the actual analysis.
-  analyzer->Process(run);
-  // Create report file from template
-  analyzer->PrintReport("TEMPLATES/HMS/STACK/hstackana.template",
-  			Form("REPORT_OUTPUT/HMS/STACK/replay_hms_stack_%d_%d.report", RunNumber, MaxEvent));  // optional
diff --git a/SCRIPTS/HMS/TEST_STANDS/replay_hcal_test_stand.C b/SCRIPTS/HMS/TEST_STANDS/replay_hcal_test_stand.C
index e5ebb594619dce0be44a6cff0d5f276ba5b748d5..9b21cdd5600f16ef3659e2c697eb074af41d8acb 100644
--- a/SCRIPTS/HMS/TEST_STANDS/replay_hcal_test_stand.C
+++ b/SCRIPTS/HMS/TEST_STANDS/replay_hcal_test_stand.C
@@ -18,28 +18,24 @@ void replay_hcal_test_stand(Int_t RunNumber=0, Int_t MaxEvent=0) {
   // Create file name patterns.
   const char* RunFileNamePattern = "hms_all_%05d.dat";
   vector<TString> pathList;
-    pathList.push_back(".");
-    pathList.push_back("./raw");
-    pathList.push_back("./raw/../raw.copiedtotape");
-    pathList.push_back("./cache");
+  pathList.push_back(".");
+  pathList.push_back("./raw");
+  pathList.push_back("./raw/../raw.copiedtotape");
+  pathList.push_back("./cache");
   const char* ROOTFileNamePattern = "ROOTfiles/hcal_replay_%d.root";
   // Add variables to global list.
   gHcParms->Define("gen_run_number", "Run Number", RunNumber);
-  gHcParms->AddString("g_ctp_database_filename", "DBASE/HMS/STD/standard.database");
-  // Load varibles from files to global list.
+  gHcParms->AddString("g_ctp_database_filename", "DBASE/HMS/standard.database");
   gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_database_filename"), RunNumber);
-  // g_ctp_parm_filename and g_decode_map_filename should now be defined.
-  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_kinematics_filename"), RunNumber);
-  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_calib_filename"));
-  // Load params for HMS trigger configuration
+  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_kinematics_filename"), RunNumber);
+  gHcParms->Load("PARAM/HMS/GEN/h_fadc_debug.param");
   // Load the Hall C style detector map
   gHcDetectorMap = new THcDetectorMap();
-  gHcParms->Load("PARAM/HMS/GEN/h_fadc_debug.param");
   // Set up the equipment to be analyzed.
   THaApparatus* HMS = new THcHallCSpectrometer("H", "HMS");
@@ -73,7 +69,9 @@ void replay_hcal_test_stand(Int_t RunNumber=0, Int_t MaxEvent=0) {
   // Define the run(s) that we want to analyze.
   // We just set up one, but this could be many.
-  THaRun* run = new THaRun( pathList, Form(RunFileNamePattern, RunNumber) );
+  THcRun* run = new THcRun( pathList, Form(RunFileNamePattern, RunNumber) );
+  // Set to read in Hall C run database parameters
+  run->SetRunParamClass("THcRunParameters");
   // Eventually need to learn to skip over, or properly analyze
   // the pedestal events
@@ -88,14 +86,14 @@ void replay_hcal_test_stand(Int_t RunNumber=0, Int_t MaxEvent=0) {
   analyzer->SetCountMode(2);    // 0 = counter is # of physics triggers
                                 // 1 = counter is # of all decode reads
                                 // 2 = counter is event number
- analyzer->SetEvent(event);
- analyzer->SetCrateMapFileName("MAPS/db_cratemap.dat");
- analyzer->SetOutFile(ROOTFileName.Data());
- analyzer->SetOdefFile("DEF-files/HMS/TEST_STANDS/CAL/hcalana.def");
- analyzer->SetCutFile("DEF-files/HMS/TEST_STANDS/CAL/hcalana_cuts.def");    // optional
+  analyzer->SetEvent(event);
+  analyzer->SetCrateMapFileName("MAPS/db_cratemap.dat");
+  analyzer->SetOutFile(ROOTFileName.Data());
+  analyzer->SetOdefFile("DEF-files/HMS/TEST_STANDS/CAL/hcalana.def");
+  analyzer->SetCutFile("DEF-files/HMS/TEST_STANDS/CAL/hcalana_cuts.def");    // optional
- // File to record cuts accounting information
- //analyzer->SetSummaryFile("summary_example.log");    // optional
+  // File to record cuts accounting information
+  //analyzer->SetSummaryFile("summary_example.log");    // optional
   // Start the actual analysis.
diff --git a/SCRIPTS/HMS/TEST_STANDS/replay_hcer_test_stand.C b/SCRIPTS/HMS/TEST_STANDS/replay_hcer_test_stand.C
index 71a4f2b5cca5ba03fe56531e8dbeab5e33156b69..4c88c7807b820845939ac17ec726e5e8ddb96d38 100644
--- a/SCRIPTS/HMS/TEST_STANDS/replay_hcer_test_stand.C
+++ b/SCRIPTS/HMS/TEST_STANDS/replay_hcer_test_stand.C
@@ -18,23 +18,19 @@ void replay_hcer_test_stand(Int_t RunNumber=0, Int_t MaxEvent=0) {
   // Create file name patterns.
   const char* RunFileNamePattern = "hms_all_%05d.dat";
   vector<TString> pathList;
-    pathList.push_back(".");
-    pathList.push_back("./raw");
-    pathList.push_back("./raw/../raw.copiedtotape");
-    pathList.push_back("./cache");
+  pathList.push_back(".");
+  pathList.push_back("./raw");
+  pathList.push_back("./raw/../raw.copiedtotape");
+  pathList.push_back("./cache");
   const char* ROOTFileNamePattern = "ROOTfiles/hcer_replay_%d.root";
   // Add variables to global list.
   gHcParms->Define("gen_run_number", "Run Number", RunNumber);
-  gHcParms->AddString("g_ctp_database_filename", "DBASE/HMS/STD/standard.database");
-  // Load varibles from files to global list.
+  gHcParms->AddString("g_ctp_database_filename", "DBASE/HMS/standard.database");
   gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_database_filename"), RunNumber);
-  // g_ctp_parm_filename and g_decode_map_filename should now be defined.
-  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_kinematics_filename"), RunNumber);
-  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_calib_filename"));
-  // Load params for HMS trigger configuration
+  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_kinematics_filename"), RunNumber);  
@@ -74,7 +70,9 @@ void replay_hcer_test_stand(Int_t RunNumber=0, Int_t MaxEvent=0) {
   // Define the run(s) that we want to analyze.
   // We just set up one, but this could be many.
-  THaRun* run = new THaRun( pathList, Form(RunFileNamePattern, RunNumber) );
+  THcRun* run = new THcRun( pathList, Form(RunFileNamePattern, RunNumber) );
+  // Set to read in Hall C run database parameters
+  run->SetRunParamClass("THcRunParameters");
   // Eventually need to learn to skip over, or properly analyze
   // the pedestal events
@@ -89,14 +87,14 @@ void replay_hcer_test_stand(Int_t RunNumber=0, Int_t MaxEvent=0) {
   analyzer->SetCountMode(2);    // 0 = counter is # of physics triggers
                                 // 1 = counter is # of all decode reads
                                 // 2 = counter is event number
- analyzer->SetEvent(event);
- analyzer->SetCrateMapFileName("MAPS/db_cratemap.dat");
- analyzer->SetOutFile(ROOTFileName.Data());
- analyzer->SetOdefFile("DEF-files/HMS/TEST_STANDS/CER/hcerana.def");
- analyzer->SetCutFile("DEF-files/HMS/TEST_STANDS/CER/hcerana_cuts.def");    // optional
+  analyzer->SetEvent(event);
+  analyzer->SetCrateMapFileName("MAPS/db_cratemap.dat");
+  analyzer->SetOutFile(ROOTFileName.Data());
+  analyzer->SetOdefFile("DEF-files/HMS/TEST_STANDS/CER/hcerana.def");
+  analyzer->SetCutFile("DEF-files/HMS/TEST_STANDS/CER/hcerana_cuts.def");    // optional
- // File to record cuts accounting information
- //analyzer->SetSummaryFile("summary_example.log");    // optional
+  // File to record cuts accounting information
+  //analyzer->SetSummaryFile("summary_example.log");    // optional
   // Start the actual analysis.
diff --git a/SCRIPTS/HMS/TEST_STANDS/replay_hdc_test_stand.C b/SCRIPTS/HMS/TEST_STANDS/replay_hdc_test_stand.C
index 9d477ef6d3598be2834d8fef16d11a2f6f564ac8..1ad4aeee6e63a72f3927ca940f09d18f3369c3f0 100644
--- a/SCRIPTS/HMS/TEST_STANDS/replay_hdc_test_stand.C
+++ b/SCRIPTS/HMS/TEST_STANDS/replay_hdc_test_stand.C
@@ -18,28 +18,24 @@ void replay_hdc_test_stand(Int_t RunNumber=0, Int_t MaxEvent=0) {
   // Create file name patterns.
   const char* RunFileNamePattern = "hms_all_%05d.dat";
   vector<TString> pathList;
-    pathList.push_back(".");
-    pathList.push_back("./raw");
-    pathList.push_back("./raw/../raw.copiedtotape");
-    pathList.push_back("./cache");
+  pathList.push_back(".");
+  pathList.push_back("./raw");
+  pathList.push_back("./raw/../raw.copiedtotape");
+  pathList.push_back("./cache");
   const char* ROOTFileNamePattern = "ROOTfiles/hdc_replay_%d.root";
   // Add variables to global list.
   gHcParms->Define("gen_run_number", "Run Number", RunNumber);
-  gHcParms->AddString("g_ctp_database_filename", "DBASE/HMS/STD/standard.database");
-  // Load varibles from files to global list.
+  gHcParms->AddString("g_ctp_database_filename", "DBASE/HMS/standard.database");
   gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_database_filename"), RunNumber);
-  // g_ctp_parm_filename and g_decode_map_filename should now be defined.
-  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_kinematics_filename"), RunNumber);
-  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_calib_filename"));
-   // Load params for HMS trigger configuration
+  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_kinematics_filename"), RunNumber);
+  gHcParms->Load("PARAM/HMS/GEN/h_fadc_debug.param");
   // Load the Hall C style detector map
   gHcDetectorMap = new THcDetectorMap();
-  //gHcDetectorMap->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_decode_map_filename"));
   // Set up the equipment to be analyzed.
@@ -49,7 +45,7 @@ void replay_hdc_test_stand(Int_t RunNumber=0, Int_t MaxEvent=0) {
   THcDC* dc = new THcDC("dc", "Drift Chambers");
-   // Add trigger apparatus
+  // Add trigger apparatus
   THaApparatus* TRG = new THcTrigApp("T", "TRG");
   // Add trigger detector to trigger apparatus
@@ -76,7 +72,9 @@ void replay_hdc_test_stand(Int_t RunNumber=0, Int_t MaxEvent=0) {
   // Define the run(s) that we want to analyze.
   // We just set up one, but this could be many.
-  THaRun* run = new THaRun( pathList, Form(RunFileNamePattern, RunNumber) );
+  THcRun* run = new THcRun( pathList, Form(RunFileNamePattern, RunNumber) );
+  // Set to read in Hall C run database parameters
+  run->SetRunParamClass("THcRunParameters");
   // Eventually need to learn to skip over, or properly analyze
   // the pedestal events
@@ -91,14 +89,14 @@ void replay_hdc_test_stand(Int_t RunNumber=0, Int_t MaxEvent=0) {
   analyzer->SetCountMode(2);    // 0 = counter is # of physics triggers
                                 // 1 = counter is # of all decode reads
                                 // 2 = counter is event number
- analyzer->SetEvent(event);
- analyzer->SetCrateMapFileName("MAPS/db_cratemap.dat");
- analyzer->SetOutFile(ROOTFileName.Data());
- analyzer->SetOdefFile("DEF-files/HMS/TEST_STANDS/DC/hdcana.def");
- analyzer->SetCutFile("DEF-files/HMS/TEST_STANDS/DC/hdcana_cuts.def");    // optional
- // File to record cuts accounting information
- //analyzer->SetSummaryFile("summary_example.log");    // optional
+  analyzer->SetEvent(event);
+  analyzer->SetCrateMapFileName("MAPS/db_cratemap.dat");
+  analyzer->SetOutFile(ROOTFileName.Data());
+  analyzer->SetOdefFile("DEF-files/HMS/TEST_STANDS/DC/hdcana.def");
+  analyzer->SetCutFile("DEF-files/HMS/TEST_STANDS/DC/hdcana_cuts.def");    // optional
+  // File to record cuts accounting information
+  //analyzer->SetSummaryFile("summary_example.log");    // optional
   // Start the actual analysis.
diff --git a/SCRIPTS/HMS/TEST_STANDS/replay_hhodo_test_stand.C b/SCRIPTS/HMS/TEST_STANDS/replay_hhodo_test_stand.C
index 8cac55e0d854ea0a856e2c28f20cdff3c6da5bae..d36751433f4dab0707baecf2da98b79d6400a3a8 100644
--- a/SCRIPTS/HMS/TEST_STANDS/replay_hhodo_test_stand.C
+++ b/SCRIPTS/HMS/TEST_STANDS/replay_hhodo_test_stand.C
@@ -18,30 +18,26 @@ void replay_hhodo_test_stand(Int_t RunNumber=0, Int_t MaxEvent=0) {
   // Create file name patterns.
   const char* RunFileNamePattern = "hms_all_%05d.dat";
   vector<TString> pathList;
-    pathList.push_back(".");
-    pathList.push_back("./raw");
-    pathList.push_back("./raw/../raw.copiedtotape");
-    pathList.push_back("./cache");
+  pathList.push_back(".");
+  pathList.push_back("./raw");
+  pathList.push_back("./raw/../raw.copiedtotape");
+  pathList.push_back("./cache");
   const char* ROOTFileNamePattern = "ROOTfiles/hhodo_replay_%d.root";
   // Add variables to global list.
   gHcParms->Define("gen_run_number", "Run Number", RunNumber);
-  gHcParms->AddString("g_ctp_database_filename", "DBASE/HMS/STD/standard.database");
-  // Load varibles from files to global list.
+  gHcParms->AddString("g_ctp_database_filename", "DBASE/HMS/standard.database");
   gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_database_filename"), RunNumber);
-  // g_ctp_parm_filename and g_decode_map_filename should now be defined.
-  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_kinematics_filename"), RunNumber);
-  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_calib_filename"));
-  // Load params for HMS trigger configuration
+  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_kinematics_filename"), RunNumber);
+  gHcParms->Load("PARAM/HMS/GEN/h_fadc_debug.param");
   // Load the Hall C style detector map
   gHcDetectorMap = new THcDetectorMap();
-  gHcParms->Load("PARAM/HMS/GEN/h_fadc_debug.param");
   // Set up the equipment to be analyzed.
   THaApparatus* HMS = new THcHallCSpectrometer("H", "HMS");
@@ -74,7 +70,9 @@ void replay_hhodo_test_stand(Int_t RunNumber=0, Int_t MaxEvent=0) {
   // Define the run(s) that we want to analyze.
   // We just set up one, but this could be many.
-  THaRun* run = new THaRun( pathList, Form(RunFileNamePattern, RunNumber) );
+  THcRun* run = new THcRun( pathList, Form(RunFileNamePattern, RunNumber) );
+  // Set to read in Hall C run database parameters
+  run->SetRunParamClass("THcRunParameters");
   // Eventually need to learn to skip over, or properly analyze
   // the pedestal events
@@ -89,14 +87,14 @@ void replay_hhodo_test_stand(Int_t RunNumber=0, Int_t MaxEvent=0) {
   analyzer->SetCountMode(2);    // 0 = counter is # of physics triggers
                                 // 1 = counter is # of all decode reads
                                 // 2 = counter is event number
- analyzer->SetEvent(event);
- analyzer->SetCrateMapFileName("MAPS/db_cratemap.dat");
- analyzer->SetOutFile(ROOTFileName.Data());
- analyzer->SetOdefFile("DEF-files/HMS/TEST_STANDS/HODO/hhodoana.def");
- analyzer->SetCutFile("DEF-files/HMS/TEST_STANDS/HODO/hhodoana_cuts.def");    // optional
+  analyzer->SetEvent(event);
+  analyzer->SetCrateMapFileName("MAPS/db_cratemap.dat");
+  analyzer->SetOutFile(ROOTFileName.Data());
+  analyzer->SetOdefFile("DEF-files/HMS/TEST_STANDS/HODO/hhodoana.def");
+  analyzer->SetCutFile("DEF-files/HMS/TEST_STANDS/HODO/hhodoana_cuts.def");    // optional
- // File to record cuts accounting information
- //analyzer->SetSummaryFile("summary_example.log");    // optional
+  // File to record cuts accounting information
+  //analyzer->SetSummaryFile("summary_example.log");    // optional
   // Start the actual analysis.
diff --git a/SCRIPTS/HMS/TEST_STANDS/replay_htrig_test_stand.C b/SCRIPTS/HMS/TEST_STANDS/replay_htrig_test_stand.C
index a2fb37e4f2fb52c24da4389b1d4b4078630c294d..3ad3005ff865a453f7190bde6597bc88eddcf8de 100644
--- a/SCRIPTS/HMS/TEST_STANDS/replay_htrig_test_stand.C
+++ b/SCRIPTS/HMS/TEST_STANDS/replay_htrig_test_stand.C
@@ -18,24 +18,21 @@ void replay_htrig_test_stand(Int_t RunNumber=0, Int_t MaxEvent=0) {
   // Create file name patterns.
   const char* RunFileNamePattern = "hms_all_%05d.dat";
   vector<TString> pathList;
-    pathList.push_back(".");
-    pathList.push_back("./raw");
-    pathList.push_back("./raw/../raw.copiedtotape");
-    pathList.push_back("./cache");
+  pathList.push_back(".");
+  pathList.push_back("./raw");
+  pathList.push_back("./raw/../raw.copiedtotape");
+  pathList.push_back("./cache");
   const char* ROOTFileNamePattern = "ROOTfiles/htrig_replay_%d.root";
   // Add variables to global list.
   gHcParms->Define("gen_run_number", "Run Number", RunNumber);
-  gHcParms->AddString("g_ctp_database_filename", "DBASE/HMS/STD/standard.database");
-  // Load varibles from files to global list.
+  gHcParms->AddString("g_ctp_database_filename", "DBASE/HMS/standard.database");
   gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_database_filename"), RunNumber);
-  // g_ctp_parm_filename and g_decode_map_filename should now be defined.
-  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_kinematics_filename"), RunNumber);
-  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_calib_filename"));
-  // Load params for HMS DC test stand configuration
+  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_kinematics_filename"), RunNumber);
+  gHcParms->Load("PARAM/HMS/GEN/h_fadc_debug.param");
   // Load the Hall C style detector map
   gHcDetectorMap = new THcDetectorMap();
@@ -66,7 +63,9 @@ void replay_htrig_test_stand(Int_t RunNumber=0, Int_t MaxEvent=0) {
   // Define the run(s) that we want to analyze.
   // We just set up one, but this could be many.
-  THaRun* run = new THaRun( pathList, Form(RunFileNamePattern, RunNumber) );
+  THcRun* run = new THcRun( pathList, Form(RunFileNamePattern, RunNumber) );
+  // Set to read in Hall C run database parameters
+  run->SetRunParamClass("THcRunParameters");
   // Eventually need to learn to skip over, or properly analyze
   // the pedestal events
@@ -81,14 +80,14 @@ void replay_htrig_test_stand(Int_t RunNumber=0, Int_t MaxEvent=0) {
   analyzer->SetCountMode(2);    // 0 = counter is # of physics triggers
                                 // 1 = counter is # of all decode reads
                                 // 2 = counter is event number
- analyzer->SetEvent(event);
- analyzer->SetCrateMapFileName("MAPS/db_cratemap.dat");
- analyzer->SetOutFile(ROOTFileName.Data());
- analyzer->SetOdefFile("DEF-files/HMS/TEST_STANDS/TRIG/htrigana.def");
- analyzer->SetCutFile("DEF-files/HMS/TEST_STANDS/TRIG/htrigana_cuts.def");    // optional
+  analyzer->SetEvent(event);
+  analyzer->SetCrateMapFileName("MAPS/db_cratemap.dat");
+  analyzer->SetOutFile(ROOTFileName.Data());
+  analyzer->SetOdefFile("DEF-files/HMS/TEST_STANDS/TRIG/htrigana.def");
+  analyzer->SetCutFile("DEF-files/HMS/TEST_STANDS/TRIG/htrigana_cuts.def");    // optional
- // File to record cuts accounting information
- //analyzer->SetSummaryFile("summary_example.log");    // optional
+  // File to record cuts accounting information
+  //analyzer->SetSummaryFile("summary_example.log");    // optional
   // Start the actual analysis.
diff --git a/SCRIPTS/SHMS/EXAMPLES/replay_workshop_example.C b/SCRIPTS/SHMS/EXAMPLES/replay_workshop_example.C
deleted file mode 100644
index 9bf36bedd1a83906471254910537699105626acb..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/SCRIPTS/SHMS/EXAMPLES/replay_workshop_example.C
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-void replay_workshop_example(Int_t RunNumber=0, Int_t MaxEvent=0) {
-  // Get RunNumber and MaxEvent if not provided.
-  if(RunNumber == 0) {
-    cout << "Enter a Run Number (-1 to exit): ";
-    cin >> RunNumber;
-    if( RunNumber<=0 ) return;
-  }
-  if(MaxEvent == 0) {
-    cout << "\nNumber of Events to analyze: ";
-    cin >> MaxEvent;
-    if(MaxEvent == 0) {
-      cerr << "...Invalid entry\n";
-      exit;
-    }
-  }
-  // Create file name patterns.
-  const char* RunFileNamePattern = "shms_all_%05d.dat";
-  vector<TString> pathList;
-    pathList.push_back(".");
-    pathList.push_back("./raw");
-    pathList.push_back("./raw/../raw.copiedtotape");
-    pathList.push_back("./cache");
-  const char* ROOTFileNamePattern = "ROOTfiles/shms_replay_%d_%d.root";
-  // Add variables to global list.
-  gHcParms->Define("gen_run_number", "Run Number", RunNumber);
-  gHcParms->AddString("g_ctp_database_filename", "DBASE/SHMS/STD/standard.database");
-  // Load varibles from files to global list.
-  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_database_filename"), RunNumber);
-  // g_ctp_parm_filename and g_decode_map_filename should now be defined.
-  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_kinematics_filename"), RunNumber);
-  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_parm_filename"));
-  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_calib_filename"));
-  // Load params for SHMS trigger configuration
-  gHcParms->Load("PARAM/TRIG/tshms.param");
-  // Load the Hall C style detector map
-  gHcDetectorMap = new THcDetectorMap();
-  gHcDetectorMap->Load("MAPS/SHMS/DETEC/STACK/shms_stack.map");
-  // Add trigger apparatus
-  THaApparatus* TRG = new THcTrigApp("T", "TRG");
-  gHaApps->Add(TRG);
-  // Add trigger detector to trigger apparatus
-  THcTrigDet* shms = new THcTrigDet("shms", "SHMS Trigger Information");
-  TRG->AddDetector(shms);
-  // Set up the equipment to be analyzed.
-  THaApparatus* SHMS = new THcHallCSpectrometer("P", "SHMS");
-  gHaApps->Add(SHMS);
-  // Add drift chambers to SHMS apparatus
-  THcDC* dc = new THcDC("dc", "Drift Chambers");
-  SHMS->AddDetector(dc);
-  // Add hodoscope to SHMS apparatus
-  THcHodoscope* hod = new THcHodoscope("hod", "Hodoscope");
-  SHMS->AddDetector(hod);
-  // Add Heavy Gas Cherenkov to SHMS apparatus
-  THcCherenkov* hgcer = new THcCherenkov("hgcer", "Heavy Gas Cherenkov");
-  SHMS->AddDetector(hgcer);
-  // Include golden track information
-  THaGoldenTrack* gtr = new THaGoldenTrack("P.gtr", "SHMS Golden Track", "P");
-  gHaPhysics->Add(gtr);
-  // Add handler for prestart event 125.
-  THcConfigEvtHandler* ev125 = new THcConfigEvtHandler("HC", "Config Event type 125");
-  gHaEvtHandlers->Add(ev125);
-  // Set up the analyzer - we use the standard one,
-  // but this could be an experiment-specific one as well.
-  // The Analyzer controls the reading of the data, executes
-  // tests/cuts, loops over Acpparatus's and PhysicsModules,
-  // and executes the output routines.
-  THcAnalyzer* analyzer = new THcAnalyzer;
-  // A simple event class to be output to the resulting tree.
-  // Creating your own descendant of THaEvent is one way of
-  // defining and controlling the output.
-  THaEvent* event = new THaEvent;
-  // Define the run(s) that we want to analyze.
-  // We just set up one, but this could be many.
-  THaRun* run = new THaRun( pathList, Form(RunFileNamePattern, RunNumber) );
-  // Eventually need to learn to skip over, or properly analyze
-  // the pedestal events
-  run->SetEventRange(1, MaxEvent);    // Physics Event number, does not
-                                      // include scaler or control events.
-  run->SetNscan(1);
-  run->SetDataRequired(0x7);
-  run->Print();
-  // Define the analysis parameters
-  TString ROOTFileName = Form(ROOTFileNamePattern, RunNumber, MaxEvent);
-  analyzer->SetCountMode(2);    // 0 = counter is # of physics triggers
-                                // 1 = counter is # of all decode reads
-                                // 2 = counter is event number
-  analyzer->SetEvent(event);
-  analyzer->SetCrateMapFileName("MAPS/db_cratemap.dat");
-  analyzer->SetOutFile(ROOTFileName.Data());
-  analyzer->SetOdefFile("DEF-files/SHMS/EXAMPLES/workshop_example.def");
-  analyzer->SetCutFile("DEF-files/SHMS/STACK/pstackana_cuts.def");    // optional
-  // File to record cuts accounting information
-  //analyzer->SetSummaryFile("summary_example.log");    // optional
-  // Start the actual analysis.
-  analyzer->Process(run);
-  // Create report file from template.
-  //analyzer->PrintReport(    // optional
-  //  "TEMPLATES/dcana.template",
-  //  Form("REPORT_OUTPUT/replay_shms_%05d.report", RunNumber)
-  //); 
diff --git a/SCRIPTS/SHMS/GEM/replay_gem_shms.C b/SCRIPTS/SHMS/GEM/replay_gem_shms.C
index 40d8268ed6db11ecc9cc2bcf272c4d4a6cc6b575..f87971c648f7d565f75fd50243c117c88a9e63f6 100644
--- a/SCRIPTS/SHMS/GEM/replay_gem_shms.C
+++ b/SCRIPTS/SHMS/GEM/replay_gem_shms.C
@@ -20,24 +20,20 @@ void replay_gem_shms (Int_t RunNumber = 0, Int_t MaxEvent = 0) {
   // Create file name patterns.
   const char* RunFileNamePattern = "shms_all_%05d.dat";
   vector<TString> pathList;
-    pathList.push_back(".");
-    pathList.push_back("./raw");
-    pathList.push_back("./raw/../raw.copiedtotape");
-    pathList.push_back("./cache");
+  pathList.push_back(".");
+  pathList.push_back("./raw");
+  pathList.push_back("./raw/../raw.copiedtotape");
+  pathList.push_back("./cache");
   const char* ROOTFileNamePattern = "ROOTfiles/shms_replay_gem_%d_%d.root";
   // Load global parameters
   // Add variables to global list.
   gHcParms->Define("gen_run_number", "Run Number", RunNumber);
-  gHcParms->AddString("g_ctp_database_filename", "DBASE/SHMS/STD/standard.database");
-  // Load varibles from files to global list.
+  gHcParms->AddString("g_ctp_database_filename", "DBASE/SHMS/standard.database");
   gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_database_filename"), RunNumber);
-  // g_ctp_parm_filename and g_decode_map_filename should now be defined.
-  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_kinematics_filename"), RunNumber);
-  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_calib_filename"));
-  // Load params for SHMS trigger configuration
+  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_kinematics_filename"), RunNumber);
   // Load the Hall C detector map
@@ -47,7 +43,6 @@ void replay_gem_shms (Int_t RunNumber = 0, Int_t MaxEvent = 0) {
   // Add trigger apparatus
   THaApparatus* TRG = new THcTrigApp("T", "TRG");
   // Add trigger detector to trigger apparatus
   THcTrigDet* shms = new THcTrigDet("shms", "SHMS Trigger Information");
diff --git a/SCRIPTS/SHMS/MACROS/shw_pshw.C b/SCRIPTS/SHMS/MACROS/shw_pshw.C
deleted file mode 100644
index 83391c60de2f189d00bd2d4ecd9219df1b5216cb..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/SCRIPTS/SHMS/MACROS/shw_pshw.C
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
-void shw_pshw() {
-  cout << "Hello." << endl << endl;
-  const Int_t nPreShowerBlocks = 14;
-  const Int_t nShowerBlocks = 224;
-  Double_t preShowerNeg_adc2GeV[nPreShowerBlocks] = {
-    1.0/466.2, 1.0/514.7, 1.0/325.5, 1.0/247.8,
-    1.0/322.0, 1.0/176.2, 1.0/161.9, 1.0/197.7,
-    1.0/269.9, 1.0/241.6, 1.0/193.7, 1.0/337.5,
-    1.0/237.3, 1.0/82.0
-  };
-  Double_t preShowerPos_adc2GeV[nPreShowerBlocks] = {
-    1.0/411.2, 1.0/378.6, 1.0/357.9, 1.0/254.8,
-    1.0/315.6, 1.0/331.0, 1.0/264.6, 1.0/305.4,
-    1.0/149.8, 1.0/380.6, 1.0/183.1, 1.0/206.5,
-    1.0/139.8, 1.0/163.1
-  };
-  Double_t shower_adc2GeV = 0.0005;
-  TFile F("../ROOTfiles/shms_replay_488_-1.root");
-  TTree* T = F.Get("T");
-  Int_t nTracks;
-  Double_t track_x[1000];
-  Double_t track_y[1000];
-  Double_t track_xp[1000];
-  Double_t track_yp[1000];
-  T->SetBranchAddress("Ndata.P.dc.x", &nTracks);
-  T->SetBranchAddress("P.dc.x", track_x);
-  T->SetBranchAddress("P.dc.y", track_y);
-  T->SetBranchAddress("P.dc.xp", track_xp);
-  T->SetBranchAddress("P.dc.yp", track_yp);
-  Int_t nPreShower;
-  Double_t preShower_posAdcC[1000];
-  Double_t preShower_posAdcPI[1000];
-  T->SetBranchAddress("Ndata.P.cal.pr.posAdcCounter", &nPreShower);
-  T->SetBranchAddress("P.cal.pr.posAdcCounter", preShower_posAdcC);
-  T->SetBranchAddress("P.cal.pr.posAdcPulseInt", preShower_posAdcPI);
-  Int_t nShower;
-  Double_t shower_C[1000];
-  Double_t shower_PI[1000];
-  T->SetBranchAddress("Ndata.P.cal.fly.adcCounter", &nShower);
-  T->SetBranchAddress("P.cal.fly.adcCounter", shower_C);
-  T->SetBranchAddress("P.cal.fly.adcPulseInt", shower_PI);
-  Int_t nNGC;
-  Double_t NGC_C[1000];
-  Double_t NGC_PI[1000];
-  T->SetBranchAddress("Ndata.P.ngcer.adcCounter", &nNGC);
-  T->SetBranchAddress("P.ngcer.adcCounter", NGC_C);
-  T->SetBranchAddress("P.ngcer.adcPulseInt", NGC_PI);
-  TH2D* s_ps = new TH2D("s_ps", "s_ps", 100, -1, 30, 100, -1, 20);
-  s_ps->SetTitle("");
-  TH2D* s_ps_e = new TH2D("s_ps_e", "s_ps_e", 100, -1, 30, 100, -1, 20);
-  TH2D* s_ps_pi = new TH2D("s_ps_pi", "s_ps_pi", 100, -1, 30, 100, -1, 20);
-  Long64_t nEvents = T->GetEntries();
-  //for (Long64_t iEvent; iEvent<100000; ++iEvent) {
-  for (Long64_t iEvent; iEvent<nEvents; ++iEvent) {
-    if ((iEvent+1)%1000 == 0) cout << "Event: " << iEvent+1 << endl;
-    T->GetEntry(iEvent);
-    if (nTracks!=1 || fabs(track_x[0] + track_xp[0]*330 + 9)>9 || fabs(track_y[0] + track_yp[0]*330 - 9)>9) continue;
-    bool electron=false;
-    for (Int_t iC=0; iC<nNGC; ++iC) {
-      if (NGC_PI[iC] > 4500) {
-	electron = true;
-	continue;
-      }
-    }
-    bool pion=true;
-    for (Int_t iC=0; iC<nNGC; ++iC) {
-      if (NGC_PI[iC] > 3500) {
-	pion = false;
-	continue;
-      }
-    }
-    Double_t preShower_energy = 0.0;
-    for (Int_t iPS=0; iPS<nPreShower; ++iPS) {
-      Int_t psc = preShower_posAdcC[iPS];
-      if (psc==6 || psc==7) {
-	preShower_energy += preShower_posAdcPI[iPS] * preShowerPos_adc2GeV[psc-1];
-      }
-    }
-    Double_t shower_energy = 0.0;
-    for (Int_t iS=0; iS<nShower; ++iS) {
-      Int_t sc = shower_C[iS];
-      if (sc==87 || sc==88 || sc==103 || sc==104) {
-	shower_energy += shower_PI[iS] * shower_adc2GeV;
-      }
-    }
-    s_ps->Fill(preShower_energy, shower_energy);
-    if (electron) s_ps_e->Fill(preShower_energy, shower_energy);
-    if (pion) s_ps_pi->Fill(preShower_energy, shower_energy);
-  }
-  gStyle->SetOptStat(0);
-  s_ps->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("pre-shower energy");
-  s_ps->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("shower energy");
-  s_ps->SetMarkerColor(1);
-  s_ps_e->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("pre-shower energy");
-  s_ps_e->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("shower energy");
-  s_ps_e->SetMarkerColor(2);
-  s_ps_pi->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("pre-shower energy");
-  s_ps_pi->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("shower energy");
-  s_ps_pi->SetMarkerColor(3);
-  TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas("c1", "c1", 800, 600);
-  c1->cd();
-  s_ps->Draw();
-  s_ps_e->Draw("same");
-  //s_ps_pi->Draw("same");
-  c1->Print("shw_pshw.png");
-  c1->SetLogz();
-  s_ps->Draw("colz");
-  c1->Print("shw_pshw_all.png");
-  s_ps_e->Draw("colz");
-  c1->Print("shw_pshw_e.png");
-  s_ps_pi->Draw("colz");
-  c1->Print("shw_pshw_pi.png");
-  cout << endl << "Bye." << endl;
diff --git a/SCRIPTS/SHMS/PRODUCTION/replay_production_all_shms.C b/SCRIPTS/SHMS/PRODUCTION/replay_production_all_shms.C
index b3c0e7b768d8e0616ccfc5c8638a7192f209fefc..11968c95ecd71a5a13eeeeacabd442a43fe97de2 100644
--- a/SCRIPTS/SHMS/PRODUCTION/replay_production_all_shms.C
+++ b/SCRIPTS/SHMS/PRODUCTION/replay_production_all_shms.C
@@ -26,22 +26,19 @@ void replay_production_all_shms (Int_t RunNumber = 0, Int_t MaxEvent = 0) {
   const char* ROOTFileNamePattern = "ROOTfiles/shms_replay_production_all_%d_%d.root";
   // Load global parameters
-  // Add variables to global list.
   gHcParms->Define("gen_run_number", "Run Number", RunNumber);
-  gHcParms->AddString("g_ctp_database_filename", "DBASE/SHMS/STD/standard.database");
-  // Load varibles from files to global list.
+  gHcParms->AddString("g_ctp_database_filename", "DBASE/SHMS/standard.database");
   gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_database_filename"), RunNumber);
-  // g_ctp_parm_filename and g_decode_map_filename should now be defined.
-  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_kinematics_filename"), RunNumber);
-  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_calib_filename"));
-  // Load params for SHMS trigger configuration
+  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_kinematics_filename"), RunNumber);
+  // Load parameters for SHMS trigger configuration
+  // Load fadc debug parameters
+  gHcParms->Load("PARAM/SHMS/GEN/p_fadc_debug.param");
   // Load the Hall C detector map
   gHcDetectorMap = new THcDetectorMap();
-  gHcParms->Load("PARAM/SHMS/GEN/p_fadc_debug.param");
   // Add trigger apparatus
   THaApparatus* TRG = new THcTrigApp("T", "TRG");
@@ -50,7 +47,7 @@ void replay_production_all_shms (Int_t RunNumber = 0, Int_t MaxEvent = 0) {
   THcTrigDet* shms = new THcTrigDet("shms", "SHMS Trigger Information");
-  // Set up the equipment to be analyzed.
+  // Set up the equipment to be analyzed
   THcHallCSpectrometer* SHMS = new THcHallCSpectrometer("P", "SHMS");
   // Add Noble Gas Cherenkov to SHMS apparatus
@@ -65,7 +62,6 @@ void replay_production_all_shms (Int_t RunNumber = 0, Int_t MaxEvent = 0) {
   // Add Heavy Gas Cherenkov to SHMS apparatus
   THcCherenkov* hgcer = new THcCherenkov("hgcer", "Heavy Gas Cherenkov");
   // Add Aerogel Cherenkov to SHMS apparatus
   THcAerogel* aero = new THcAerogel("aero", "Aerogel");
@@ -73,20 +69,23 @@ void replay_production_all_shms (Int_t RunNumber = 0, Int_t MaxEvent = 0) {
   THcShower* cal = new THcShower("cal", "Calorimeter");
-  // Add Rastered Beam Apparatus
+  // Add rastered beam apparatus
   THaApparatus* beam = new THcRasteredBeam("P.rb", "Rastered Beamline");
-  THaReactionPoint* prp= new THaReactionPoint("P.react", "SHMS reaction point", "P", "P.rb");
+  // Add physics modules
+  // Calculate reaction point
+  THaReactionPoint* prp = new THaReactionPoint("P.react", "SHMS reaction point", "P", "P.rb");
+  // Calculate extended target corrections
   THcExtTarCor* pext = new THcExtTarCor("P.extcor", "HMS extended target corrections", "P", "P.react");
-  // Include golden track information
+  // Calculate golden track quantites
   THaGoldenTrack* gtr = new THaGoldenTrack("P.gtr", "SHMS Golden Track", "P");
-  // Add Physics Module to calculate primary (scattered beam - usually electrons) kinematics
+  // Calculate primary (scattered beam - usually electrons) kinematics
   THcPrimaryKine* kin = new THcPrimaryKine("P.kin", "SHMS Single Arm Kinematics", "P", "P.rb");
-  // Add physics module to calculate the hodoscope efficiencies
+  // Calculate the hodoscope efficiencies
   THcHodoEff* peff = new THcHodoEff("phodeff", "SHMS hodo efficiency", "P.hod");
@@ -126,19 +125,17 @@ void replay_production_all_shms (Int_t RunNumber = 0, Int_t MaxEvent = 0) {
   // Set to read in Hall C run database parameters
-  // Eventually need to learn to skip over, or properly analyze
-  // the pedestal events
-  run->SetEventRange(1, MaxEvent);    // Physics Event number, does not
-                                      // include scaler or control events.
+  // Eventually need to learn to skip over, or properly analyze the pedestal events
+  run->SetEventRange(1, MaxEvent); // Physics Event number, does not include scaler or control events.
   // Define the analysis parameters
   TString ROOTFileName = Form(ROOTFileNamePattern, RunNumber, MaxEvent);
-  analyzer->SetCountMode(2);    // 0 = counter is # of physics triggers
-                                // 1 = counter is # of all decode reads
-                                // 2 = counter is event number
+  analyzer->SetCountMode(2);  // 0 = counter is # of physics triggers
+                              // 1 = counter is # of all decode reads
+                              // 2 = counter is event number
   // Set EPICS event type
@@ -151,11 +148,11 @@ void replay_production_all_shms (Int_t RunNumber = 0, Int_t MaxEvent = 0) {
   // Define cuts file
   analyzer->SetCutFile("DEF-files/SHMS/PRODUCTION/CUTS/pstackana_production_cuts.def");  // optional
   // File to record accounting information for cuts
-  analyzer->SetSummaryFile(Form("REPORT_OUTPUT/SHMS/PRODUCTION/summary_production_%d_%d.report", RunNumber, MaxEvent));  // optional
+  analyzer->SetSummaryFile(Form("REPORT_OUTPUT/SHMS/PRODUCTION/summary_all_production_%d_%d.report", RunNumber, MaxEvent));  // optional
   // Start the actual analysis.
   // Create report file from template
-  			Form("REPORT_OUTPUT/SHMS/PRODUCTION/replay_shms_production_%d_%d.report", RunNumber, MaxEvent));  // optional
+  			Form("REPORT_OUTPUT/SHMS/PRODUCTION/replay_shms_all_production_%d_%d.report", RunNumber, MaxEvent));  // optional
diff --git a/SCRIPTS/SHMS/PRODUCTION/replay_production_shms.C b/SCRIPTS/SHMS/PRODUCTION/replay_production_shms.C
index a0b3be0f1fee4496be159296d696181bc2bc481b..ef752a25627304ec9851d35fb1c9c17ab631698c 100644
--- a/SCRIPTS/SHMS/PRODUCTION/replay_production_shms.C
+++ b/SCRIPTS/SHMS/PRODUCTION/replay_production_shms.C
@@ -18,36 +18,31 @@ void replay_production_shms (Int_t RunNumber = 0, Int_t MaxEvent = 0) {
   // Create file name patterns.
   const char* RunFileNamePattern = "shms_all_%05d.dat";
   vector<TString> pathList;
-    pathList.push_back(".");
-    pathList.push_back("./raw");
-    pathList.push_back("./raw/../raw.copiedtotape");
-    pathList.push_back("./cache");
+  pathList.push_back(".");
+  pathList.push_back("./raw");
+  pathList.push_back("./raw/../raw.copiedtotape");
+  pathList.push_back("./cache");
   const char* ROOTFileNamePattern = "ROOTfiles/shms_replay_production_%d_%d.root";
   // Load global parameters
-  // Add variables to global list.
   gHcParms->Define("gen_run_number", "Run Number", RunNumber);
-  gHcParms->AddString("g_ctp_database_filename", "DBASE/SHMS/STD/standard.database");
-  // Load varibles from files to global list.
+  gHcParms->AddString("g_ctp_database_filename", "DBASE/SHMS/standard.database");
   gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_database_filename"), RunNumber);
-  // g_ctp_parm_filename and g_decode_map_filename should now be defined.
-  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_kinematics_filename"), RunNumber);
-  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_calib_filename"));
-  // Load params for SHMS trigger configuration
+  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_kinematics_filename"), RunNumber);
+  // Load parameters for SHMS trigger configuration
+  // Load fadc debug parameters
+  gHcParms->Load("PARAM/SHMS/GEN/p_fadc_debug.param");
   // Load the Hall C detector map
   gHcDetectorMap = new THcDetectorMap();
-  gHcParms->Load("PARAM/SHMS/GEN/p_fadc_debug.param");
   // Add trigger apparatus
   THaApparatus* TRG = new THcTrigApp("T", "TRG");
   // Add trigger detector to trigger apparatus
   THcTrigDet* shms = new THcTrigDet("shms", "SHMS Trigger Information");
@@ -67,7 +62,6 @@ void replay_production_shms (Int_t RunNumber = 0, Int_t MaxEvent = 0) {
   // Add Heavy Gas Cherenkov to SHMS apparatus
   THcCherenkov* hgcer = new THcCherenkov("hgcer", "Heavy Gas Cherenkov");
   // Add Aerogel Cherenkov to SHMS apparatus
   THcAerogel* aero = new THcAerogel("aero", "Aerogel");
@@ -75,23 +69,25 @@ void replay_production_shms (Int_t RunNumber = 0, Int_t MaxEvent = 0) {
   THcShower* cal = new THcShower("cal", "Calorimeter");
-  // Add Rastered Beam Apparatus
+  // Add rastered beam apparatus
   THaApparatus* beam = new THcRasteredBeam("P.rb", "Rastered Beamline");
-  THaReactionPoint* prp= new THaReactionPoint("P.react"," SHMS reaction point","P","P.rb");
+  // Add physics modules
+  // Calculate reaction point
+  THaReactionPoint* prp = new THaReactionPoint("P.react", "SHMS reaction point", "P", "P.rb");
-  THcExtTarCor* pext = new THcExtTarCor("P.extcor"," HMS extended target corrections","P","P.react");
+  // Calculate extended target corrections
+  THcExtTarCor* pext = new THcExtTarCor("P.extcor", "HMS extended target corrections", "P", "P.react");
-  // Include golden track information
+  // Calculate golden track quantites
   THaGoldenTrack* gtr = new THaGoldenTrack("P.gtr", "SHMS Golden Track", "P");
-  // Add Physics Module to calculate primary (scattered beam - usually electrons) kinematics
+  // Calculate primary (scattered beam - usually electrons) kinematics
   THcPrimaryKine* kin = new THcPrimaryKine("P.kin", "SHMS Single Arm Kinematics", "P", "P.rb");
- THcHodoEff* peff = new THcHodoEff("phodeff"," SHMS hodo efficiency","P.hod");
-  gHaPhysics->Add(peff);
+  // Calculate the hodoscope efficiencies
+  THcHodoEff* peff = new THcHodoEff("phodeff", "SHMS hodo efficiency", "P.hod");
+  gHaPhysics->Add(peff);   
   // Add event handler for prestart event 125.
   THcConfigEvtHandler* ev125 = new THcConfigEvtHandler("HC", "Config Event type 125");
@@ -129,19 +125,17 @@ void replay_production_shms (Int_t RunNumber = 0, Int_t MaxEvent = 0) {
   // Set to read in Hall C run database parameters
-  // Eventually need to learn to skip over, or properly analyze
-  // the pedestal events
-  run->SetEventRange(1, MaxEvent);    // Physics Event number, does not
-                                      // include scaler or control events.
+  // Eventually need to learn to skip over, or properly analyze the pedestal events
+  run->SetEventRange(1, MaxEvent); // Physics Event number, does not include scaler or control events.
   // Define the analysis parameters
   TString ROOTFileName = Form(ROOTFileNamePattern, RunNumber, MaxEvent);
-  analyzer->SetCountMode(2);    // 0 = counter is # of physics triggers
-                                // 1 = counter is # of all decode reads
-                                // 2 = counter is event number
+  analyzer->SetCountMode(2);  // 0 = counter is # of physics triggers
+                              // 1 = counter is # of all decode reads
+                              // 2 = counter is event number
   // Set EPICS event type
diff --git a/SCRIPTS/SHMS/PRODUCTION/replay_production_shms_coin.C b/SCRIPTS/SHMS/PRODUCTION/replay_production_shms_coin.C
index 774bebca8d55f6843ae9ca977f7d51b3affd4bf3..dba14bbfc07a7d076a5ceb8849e475f5917e154e 100644
--- a/SCRIPTS/SHMS/PRODUCTION/replay_production_shms_coin.C
+++ b/SCRIPTS/SHMS/PRODUCTION/replay_production_shms_coin.C
@@ -18,31 +18,28 @@ void replay_production_shms_coin (Int_t RunNumber = 0, Int_t MaxEvent = 0) {
   // Create file name patterns.
   const char* RunFileNamePattern = "coin_all_%05d.dat";
   vector<TString> pathList;
-    pathList.push_back(".");
-    pathList.push_back("./raw");
-    pathList.push_back("./raw/../raw.copiedtotape");
-    pathList.push_back("./cache");
+  pathList.push_back(".");
+  pathList.push_back("./raw");
+  pathList.push_back("./raw/../raw.copiedtotape");
+  pathList.push_back("./cache");
   const char* ROOTFileNamePattern = "ROOTfiles/shms_coin_replay_production_%d_%d.root";
   // Load global parameters
-  // Add variables to global list.
   gHcParms->Define("gen_run_number", "Run Number", RunNumber);
-  gHcParms->AddString("g_ctp_database_filename", "DBASE/COIN/STD/standard.database");
-  // Load varibles from files to global list.
+  gHcParms->AddString("g_ctp_database_filename", "DBASE/COIN/standard.database");
   gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_database_filename"), RunNumber);
-  // g_ctp_parm_filename and g_decode_map_filename should now be defined.
-  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_kinematics_filename"), RunNumber);
-  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_calib_filename"));
-  // Load params for SHMS trigger configuration
+  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_kinematics_filename"), RunNumber);
+  // Load parameters for SHMS trigger configuration
+  // Load fadc debug parameters
+  gHcParms->Load("PARAM/SHMS/GEN/p_fadc_debug.param");
   // Load the Hall C detector map
   gHcDetectorMap = new THcDetectorMap();
-  gHcParms->Load("PARAM/SHMS/GEN/p_fadc_debug.param");
   // Set up the equipment to be analyzed.
   THcHallCSpectrometer* SHMS = new THcHallCSpectrometer("P", "SHMS");
@@ -63,7 +60,6 @@ void replay_production_shms_coin (Int_t RunNumber = 0, Int_t MaxEvent = 0) {
   // Add Heavy Gas Cherenkov to SHMS apparatus
   THcCherenkov* hgcer = new THcCherenkov("hgcer", "Heavy Gas Cherenkov");
   // Add Aerogel Cherenkov to SHMS apparatus
   THcAerogel* aero = new THcAerogel("aero", "Aerogel");
@@ -74,29 +70,30 @@ void replay_production_shms_coin (Int_t RunNumber = 0, Int_t MaxEvent = 0) {
   // Add trigger apparatus
   THaApparatus* TRG = new THcTrigApp("T", "TRG");
   // Add trigger detector to trigger apparatus
   THcTrigDet* shms = new THcTrigDet("shms", "SHMS Trigger Information");
-  // Add Rastered Beam Apparatus
+  // Add rastered beam apparatus
   THaApparatus* beam = new THcRasteredBeam("P.rb", "Rastered Beamline");
-  THaReactionPoint* prp= new THaReactionPoint("P.react"," SHMS reaction point","P","P.rb");
+  // Add physics modules
+  // Calculate reaction point
+  THaReactionPoint* prp = new THaReactionPoint("P.react", "SHMS reaction point", "P", "P.rb");
-  THcExtTarCor* pext = new THcExtTarCor("P.extcor"," HMS extended target corrections","P","P.react");
+  // Calculate extended target corrections
+  THcExtTarCor* pext = new THcExtTarCor("P.extcor", "HMS extended target corrections", "P", "P.react");
-  // Include golden track information
+  // Calculate golden track quantites
   THaGoldenTrack* gtr = new THaGoldenTrack("P.gtr", "SHMS Golden Track", "P");
-  // Add Physics Module to calculate primary (scattered beam - usually electrons) kinematics
+  // Calculate primary (scattered beam - usually electrons) kinematics
   THcPrimaryKine* kin = new THcPrimaryKine("P.kin", "SHMS Single Arm Kinematics", "P", "P.rb");
- THcHodoEff* peff = new THcHodoEff("phodeff"," SHMS hodo efficiency","P.hod");
-  gHaPhysics->Add(peff);
+  // Calculate the hodoscope efficiencies
+  THcHodoEff* peff = new THcHodoEff("phodeff", "SHMS hodo efficiency", "P.hod");
+  gHaPhysics->Add(peff);   
   // Add event handler for prestart event 125.
   THcConfigEvtHandler* ev125 = new THcConfigEvtHandler("HC", "Config Event type 125");
@@ -110,7 +107,7 @@ void replay_production_shms_coin (Int_t RunNumber = 0, Int_t MaxEvent = 0) {
- pscaler->AddEvtType(7);
+  pscaler->AddEvtType(7);
@@ -138,19 +135,18 @@ void replay_production_shms_coin (Int_t RunNumber = 0, Int_t MaxEvent = 0) {
   // Set to read in Hall C run database parameters
-  // Eventually need to learn to skip over, or properly analyze
-  // the pedestal events
-  run->SetEventRange(1, MaxEvent);    // Physics Event number, does not
-                                      // include scaler or control events.
+  // Eventually need to learn to skip over, or properly analyze the pedestal events
+  run->SetEventRange(1, MaxEvent); // Physics Event number, does not include scaler or control events.
   // Define the analysis parameters
   TString ROOTFileName = Form(ROOTFileNamePattern, RunNumber, MaxEvent);
-  analyzer->SetCountMode(2);    // 0 = counter is # of physics triggers
-                                // 1 = counter is # of all decode reads
-                                // 2 = counter is event number
+  analyzer->SetCountMode(2);  // 0 = counter is # of physics triggers
+                              // 1 = counter is # of all decode reads
+                              // 2 = counter is event number
   // Set EPICS event type
@@ -163,11 +159,11 @@ void replay_production_shms_coin (Int_t RunNumber = 0, Int_t MaxEvent = 0) {
   // Define cuts file
   analyzer->SetCutFile("DEF-files/SHMS/PRODUCTION/CUTS/pstackana_production_cuts.def");  // optional
   // File to record accounting information for cuts
-  analyzer->SetSummaryFile(Form("REPORT_OUTPUT/SHMS/PRODUCTION/summary_production_%d_%d.report", RunNumber, MaxEvent));  // optional
+  analyzer->SetSummaryFile(Form("REPORT_OUTPUT/SHMS/PRODUCTION/summary_coin_production_%d_%d.report", RunNumber, MaxEvent));  // optional
   // Start the actual analysis.
   // Create report file from template
-  			Form("REPORT_OUTPUT/SHMS/PRODUCTION/replay_shms_production_%d_%d.report", RunNumber, MaxEvent));  // optional
+  			Form("REPORT_OUTPUT/SHMS/PRODUCTION/replay_shms_coin_production_%d_%d.report", RunNumber, MaxEvent));  // optional
diff --git a/SCRIPTS/SHMS/PRODUCTION/replay_production_shms_kpp.C b/SCRIPTS/SHMS/PRODUCTION/replay_production_shms_kpp.C
deleted file mode 100644
index c453b937c0582b884720cf1a1cb8d04a471544c0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/SCRIPTS/SHMS/PRODUCTION/replay_production_shms_kpp.C
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
-void replay_production_shms_kpp (Int_t RunNumber = 0, Int_t MaxEvent = 0) {
-  // Get RunNumber and MaxEvent if not provided.
-  if(RunNumber == 0) {
-    cout << "Enter a Run Number (-1 to exit): ";
-    cin >> RunNumber;
-    if( RunNumber<=0 ) return;
-  }
-  if(MaxEvent == 0) {
-    cout << "\nNumber of Events to analyze: ";
-    cin >> MaxEvent;
-    if(MaxEvent == 0) {
-      cerr << "...Invalid entry\n";
-      exit;
-    }
-  }
-  // Create file name patterns.
-  const char* RunFileNamePattern = "shms_all_%05d.dat";
-  vector<TString> pathList;
-    pathList.push_back(".");
-    pathList.push_back("./raw");
-    pathList.push_back("./raw/../raw.copiedtotape");
-    pathList.push_back("./cache");
-  const char* ROOTFileNamePattern = "ROOTfiles/shms_replay_production_%d_%d.root";
-  // Load global parameters
-  // Add variables to global list.
-  gHcParms->Define("gen_run_number", "Run Number", RunNumber);
-  gHcParms->AddString("g_ctp_database_filename", "DBASE/SHMS/STD/standard.database");
-  // Load varibles from files to global list.
-  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_database_filename"), RunNumber);
-  // g_ctp_parm_filename and g_decode_map_filename should now be defined.
-  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_kinematics_filename"), RunNumber);
-  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_parm_filename"));
-  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_calib_filename"));
-  // Load params for SHMS trigger configuration
-  gHcParms->Load("PARAM/TRIG/tshms_kpp.param");
-  // Load the Hall C detector map
-  gHcDetectorMap = new THcDetectorMap();
-  gHcDetectorMap->Load("MAPS/SHMS/DETEC/STACK/shms_stack_kpp.map");
-  gHcParms->Load("PARAM/SHMS/GEN/p_fadc_debug.param");
-  // gHcParms->Load("PARAM/SHMS/HODO/CALIB/ptofcalib.param");
-  // Add trigger apparatus
-  THaApparatus* TRG = new THcTrigApp("T", "TRG");
-  gHaApps->Add(TRG);
-  // Add trigger detector to trigger apparatus
-  THcTrigDet* shms = new THcTrigDet("shms", "SHMS Trigger Information");
-  TRG->AddDetector(shms);
-  // Set up the equipment to be analyzed.
-  THaApparatus* SHMS = new THcHallCSpectrometer("P", "SHMS");
-  gHaApps->Add(SHMS);
-  // Add Noble Gas Cherenkov to SHMS apparatus
-  THcCherenkov* ngcer = new THcCherenkov("ngcer", "Noble Gas Cherenkov");
-  SHMS->AddDetector(ngcer);
-  // Add drift chambers to SHMS apparatus
-  THcDC* dc = new THcDC("dc", "Drift Chambers");
-  SHMS->AddDetector(dc);
-  // Add hodoscope to SHMS apparatus
-  THcHodoscope* hod = new THcHodoscope("hod", "Hodoscope");
-  SHMS->AddDetector(hod);
-  // Add Heavy Gas Cherenkov to SHMS apparatus
-  THcCherenkov* hgcer = new THcCherenkov("hgcer", "Heavy Gas Cherenkov");
-  SHMS->AddDetector(hgcer);
-  // Add Aerogel Cherenkov to SHMS apparatus
-  THcAerogel* aero = new THcAerogel("aero", "Aerogel");
-  SHMS->AddDetector(aero);
-  // Add calorimeter to SHMS apparatus
-  THcShower* cal = new THcShower("cal", "Calorimeter");
-  SHMS->AddDetector(cal);
-  // Include golden track information
-  THaGoldenTrack* gtr = new THaGoldenTrack("P.gtr", "SHMS Golden Track", "P");
-  gHaPhysics->Add(gtr);
-  // Add Rastered Beam Apparatus
-  THaApparatus* beam = new THcRasteredBeam("P.rb", "Rastered Beamline");
-  gHaApps->Add(beam);
-  THaReactionPoint* prp= new THaReactionPoint("P.react"," SHMS reaction point","P","P.rb");
-  gHaPhysics->Add(prp);
-  THcExtTarCor* pext = new THcExtTarCor("P.extcor"," HMS extended target corrections","P","P.react");
-  gHaPhysics->Add(pext);
-  // Add Physics Module to calculate primary (scattered beam - usually electrons) kinematics
-  THcPrimaryKine* kin = new THcPrimaryKine("P.kin", "SHMS Single Arm Kinematics", "P", "P.rb");
-  gHaPhysics->Add(kin);
-  // Add event handler for prestart event 125.
-  THcConfigEvtHandler* ev125 = new THcConfigEvtHandler("HC", "Config Event type 125");
-  gHaEvtHandlers->Add(ev125);
-  // Add event handler for EPICS events
-  THaEpicsEvtHandler* hcepics = new THaEpicsEvtHandler("epics", "HC EPICS event type 180");
-  gHaEvtHandlers->Add(hcepics);
-  // Add event handler for scaler events
-  THcScalerEvtHandler* pscaler = new THcScalerEvtHandler("P", "Hall C scaler event");
-  pscaler->AddEvtType(1);
-  pscaler->AddEvtType(129);
-  pscaler->SetDelayedType(129);
-  pscaler->SetUseFirstEvent(kTRUE);
-  gHaEvtHandlers->Add(pscaler);
-  // Set up the analyzer - we use the standard one,
-  // but this could be an experiment-specific one as well.
-  // The Analyzer controls the reading of the data, executes
-  // tests/cuts, loops over Acpparatus's and PhysicsModules,
-  // and executes the output routines.
-  THcAnalyzer* analyzer = new THcAnalyzer;
-  // A simple event class to be output to the resulting tree.
-  // Creating your own descendant of THaEvent is one way of
-  // defining and controlling the output.
-  THaEvent* event = new THaEvent;
-  // Define the run(s) that we want to analyze.
-  // We just set up one, but this could be many.
-  THcRun* run = new THcRun( pathList, Form(RunFileNamePattern, RunNumber) );
-  // Set to read in Hall C run database parameters
-  run->SetRunParamClass("THcRunParameters");
-  // Eventually need to learn to skip over, or properly analyze
-  // the pedestal events
-  run->SetEventRange(1, MaxEvent);    // Physics Event number, does not
-                                      // include scaler or control events.
-  run->SetNscan(1);
-  run->SetDataRequired(0x7);
-  run->Print();
-  // Define the analysis parameters
-  TString ROOTFileName = Form(ROOTFileNamePattern, RunNumber, MaxEvent);
-  analyzer->SetCountMode(2);    // 0 = counter is # of physics triggers
-                                // 1 = counter is # of all decode reads
-                                // 2 = counter is event number
-  analyzer->SetEvent(event);
-  // Set EPICS event type
-  analyzer->SetEpicsEvtType(180);
-  // Define crate map
-  analyzer->SetCrateMapFileName("MAPS/db_cratemap.dat");
-  // Define output ROOT file
-  analyzer->SetOutFile(ROOTFileName.Data());
-  // Define DEF-file
-  analyzer->SetOdefFile("DEF-files/SHMS/PRODUCTION/pstackana_production.def");
-  // Define cuts file
-  analyzer->SetCutFile("DEF-files/SHMS/PRODUCTION/CUTS/pstackana_production_cuts.def");  // optional
-  // File to record accounting information for cuts
-  analyzer->SetSummaryFile(Form("REPORT_OUTPUT/SHMS/PRODUCTION/summary_production_%d_%d.report", RunNumber, MaxEvent));  // optional
-  // Start the actual analysis.
-  analyzer->Process(run);
-  // Create report file from template
-  analyzer->PrintReport("TEMPLATES/SHMS/PRODUCTION/pstackana_production.template",
-  			Form("REPORT_OUTPUT/SHMS/PRODUCTION/replay_shms_production_%d_%d.report", RunNumber, MaxEvent));  // optional
diff --git a/SCRIPTS/SHMS/RASTER/replay_shms_raster_simple.C b/SCRIPTS/SHMS/RASTER/replay_shms_raster_simple.C
index fc8af9e30c4c3fe751c5a33600f34727529743e9..8d3e5c81d2e9222fc4b30e240e22bb5dd8ee4a48 100644
--- a/SCRIPTS/SHMS/RASTER/replay_shms_raster_simple.C
+++ b/SCRIPTS/SHMS/RASTER/replay_shms_raster_simple.C
@@ -18,31 +18,28 @@ void replay_shms_raster_simple (Int_t RunNumber = 0, Int_t MaxEvent = 0) {
   // Create file name patterns.
   const char* RunFileNamePattern = "shms_all_%05d.dat";
   vector<TString> pathList;
-    pathList.push_back(".");
-    pathList.push_back("./raw");
-    pathList.push_back("./raw/../raw.copiedtotape");
-    pathList.push_back("./cache");
+  pathList.push_back(".");
+  pathList.push_back("./raw");
+  pathList.push_back("./raw/../raw.copiedtotape");
+  pathList.push_back("./cache");
   const char* ROOTFileNamePattern = "ROOTfiles/shms_replay_raster_simple_%d_%d.root";
   // Add variables to global list.
   gHcParms->Define("gen_run_number", "Run Number", RunNumber);
-  gHcParms->AddString("g_ctp_database_filename", "DBASE/SHMS/STD/standard.database");
-  // Load global parameters
-  // Add varibles to global list.
+  gHcParms->AddString("g_ctp_database_filename", "DBASE/SHMS/standard.database");
   gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_database_filename"), RunNumber);
-  // g_ctp_parm_filename and g_decode_map_filename should now be defined.
-  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_kinematics_filename"), RunNumber);
+  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_kinematics_filename"), RunNumber);
   // Load the Hall C detector map
   gHcDetectorMap = new THcDetectorMap();
-   // Add handler for EPICS events
+  // Add handler for EPICS events
   THaEpicsEvtHandler *hcepics = new THaEpicsEvtHandler("epics", "HC EPICS event type 180");
- // Add Rastered Beam Apparatus
+  // Add Rastered Beam Apparatus
   THaApparatus* beam = new THcRasteredBeam("P.rb", "Rastered Beamline");
@@ -61,6 +58,8 @@ void replay_shms_raster_simple (Int_t RunNumber = 0, Int_t MaxEvent = 0) {
   // Define the run(s) that we want to analyze.
   // We just set up one, but this could be many.
   THcRun* run = new THcRun( pathList, Form(RunFileNamePattern, RunNumber) );
+  // Set to read in Hall C run database parameters
+  run->SetRunParamClass("THcRunParameters");
   // Eventually need to learn to skip over, or properly analyze
   // the pedestal events
@@ -75,18 +74,18 @@ void replay_shms_raster_simple (Int_t RunNumber = 0, Int_t MaxEvent = 0) {
   analyzer->SetCountMode(2);    // 0 = counter is # of physics triggers
                                 // 1 = counter is # of all decode reads
                                 // 2 = counter is event number
- analyzer->SetEvent(event);
- // Define crate map
- analyzer->SetCrateMapFileName("MAPS/db_cratemap.dat");
+  analyzer->SetEvent(event);
+  // Define crate map
+  analyzer->SetCrateMapFileName("MAPS/db_cratemap.dat");
   // Set EPICS event type
- // Define output ROOT file
- analyzer->SetOutFile(ROOTFileName.Data());
- // Define DEF-file
- analyzer->SetOdefFile("DEF-files/SHMS/RASTER/shms_raster_simple.def");
- // Define cuts file
- analyzer->SetCutFile("DEF-files/SHMS/RASTER/shms_raster_simple_cuts.def");    // optional
- // Start the actual analysis.
- analyzer->Process(run);
+  // Define output ROOT file
+  analyzer->SetOutFile(ROOTFileName.Data());
+  // Define DEF-file
+  analyzer->SetOdefFile("DEF-files/SHMS/RASTER/shms_raster_simple.def");
+  // Define cuts file
+  analyzer->SetCutFile("DEF-files/SHMS/RASTER/shms_raster_simple_cuts.def");    // optional
+  // Start the actual analysis.
+  analyzer->Process(run);
diff --git a/SCRIPTS/SHMS/SCALERS/replay_shms_scalers.C b/SCRIPTS/SHMS/SCALERS/replay_shms_scalers.C
index 8a984a75e7aa7aa3f8f81ccff298c555fe9cc132..30ef30532f20a7aaa730233306d1ab67613be336 100644
--- a/SCRIPTS/SHMS/SCALERS/replay_shms_scalers.C
+++ b/SCRIPTS/SHMS/SCALERS/replay_shms_scalers.C
@@ -18,24 +18,20 @@ void replay_shms_scalers (Int_t RunNumber = 0, Int_t MaxEvent = 0) {
   // Create file name patterns.
   const char* RunFileNamePattern = "shms_all_%05d.dat";
   vector<TString> pathList;
-    pathList.push_back(".");
-    pathList.push_back("./raw");
-    pathList.push_back("./raw/../raw.copiedtotape");
-    pathList.push_back("./cache");
+  pathList.push_back(".");
+  pathList.push_back("./raw");
+  pathList.push_back("./raw/../raw.copiedtotape");
+  pathList.push_back("./cache");
   const char* ROOTFileNamePattern = "ROOTfiles/shms_replay_scalers_%d_%d.root";
   // Load global parameters
   // Add variables to global list.
   gHcParms->Define("gen_run_number", "Run Number", RunNumber);
-  gHcParms->AddString("g_ctp_database_filename", "DBASE/SHMS/STD/standard.database");
-  // Load varibles from files to global list.
+  gHcParms->AddString("g_ctp_database_filename", "DBASE/SHMS/standard.database");
   gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_database_filename"), RunNumber);
-  // g_ctp_parm_filename and g_decode_map_filename should now be defined.
-  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_kinematics_filename"), RunNumber);
-  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_calib_filename"));
-  // Load params for SHMS trigger configuration
+  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_kinematics_filename"), RunNumber);
   // Load the Hall C detector map
@@ -78,6 +74,8 @@ void replay_shms_scalers (Int_t RunNumber = 0, Int_t MaxEvent = 0) {
   // Define the run(s) that we want to analyze.
   // We just set up one, but this could be many.
   THcRun* run = new THcRun( pathList, Form(RunFileNamePattern, RunNumber) );
+  // Set to read in Hall C run database parameters
+  run->SetRunParamClass("THcRunParameters");
   // Eventually need to learn to skip over, or properly analyze
   // the pedestal events
diff --git a/SCRIPTS/SHMS/STACK/replay_shms.C b/SCRIPTS/SHMS/STACK/replay_shms.C
deleted file mode 100644
index faa45e5470b79a821bb34c431cd2f76dfcd09afe..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/SCRIPTS/SHMS/STACK/replay_shms.C
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
-void replay_shms (Int_t RunNumber = 0, Int_t MaxEvent = 0) {
-  // Get RunNumber and MaxEvent if not provided.
-  if(RunNumber == 0) {
-    cout << "Enter a Run Number (-1 to exit): ";
-    cin >> RunNumber;
-    if( RunNumber<=0 ) return;
-  }
-  if(MaxEvent == 0) {
-    cout << "\nNumber of Events to analyze: ";
-    cin >> MaxEvent;
-    if(MaxEvent == 0) {
-      cerr << "...Invalid entry\n";
-      exit;
-    }
-  }
-  // Create file name patterns.
-  const char* RunFileNamePattern = "shms_all_%05d.dat";
-  vector<TString> pathList;
-    pathList.push_back(".");
-    pathList.push_back("./raw");
-    pathList.push_back("./raw/../raw.copiedtotape");
-    pathList.push_back("./cache");
-  const char* ROOTFileNamePattern = "ROOTfiles/shms_replay_%d_%d.root";
-  // Load global parameters
-  // Add variables to global list.
-  gHcParms->Define("gen_run_number", "Run Number", RunNumber);
-  gHcParms->AddString("g_ctp_database_filename", "DBASE/SHMS/STD/standard.database");
-  // Load varibles from files to global list.
-  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_database_filename"), RunNumber);
-  // g_ctp_parm_filename and g_decode_map_filename should now be defined.
-  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_kinematics_filename"), RunNumber);
-  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_parm_filename"));
-  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_calib_filename"));
-  // Load params for SHMS trigger configuration
-  gHcParms->Load("PARAM/TRIG/tshms.param");
-  // Load the Hall C detector map
-  gHcDetectorMap = new THcDetectorMap();
-  gHcDetectorMap->Load("MAPS/SHMS/DETEC/STACK/shms_stack.map");
-  // Add trigger apparatus
-  THaApparatus* TRG = new THcTrigApp("T", "TRG");
-  gHaApps->Add(TRG);
-  // Add trigger detector to trigger apparatus
-  THcTrigDet* shms = new THcTrigDet("shms", "SHMS Trigger Information");
-  TRG->AddDetector(shms);
-  // Set up the equipment to be analyzed.
-  THaApparatus* SHMS = new THcHallCSpectrometer("P", "SHMS");
-  gHaApps->Add(SHMS);
-  // Add Noble Gas Cherenkov to SHMS apparatus
-  THcCherenkov* ngcer = new THcCherenkov("ngcer", "Noble Gas Cherenkov");
-  SHMS->AddDetector(ngcer);
-  // Add drift chambers to SHMS apparatus
-  THcDC* dc = new THcDC("dc", "Drift Chambers");
-  SHMS->AddDetector(dc);
-  // Add hodoscope to SHMS apparatus
-  THcHodoscope* hod = new THcHodoscope("hod", "Hodoscope");
-  SHMS->AddDetector(hod);
-  // Add Heavy Gas Cherenkov to SHMS apparatus
-  THcCherenkov* hgcer = new THcCherenkov("hgcer", "Heavy Gas Cherenkov");
-  SHMS->AddDetector(hgcer);
-  // Add Aerogel Cherenkov to SHMS apparatus
-  THcAerogel* aero = new THcAerogel("aero", "Aerogel");
-  SHMS->AddDetector(aero);
-  // Add calorimeter to SHMS apparatus
-  THcShower* cal = new THcShower("cal", "Calorimeter");
-  SHMS->AddDetector(cal);
-  // Include golden track information
-  THaGoldenTrack* gtr = new THaGoldenTrack("P.gtr", "SHMS Golden Track", "P");
-  gHaPhysics->Add(gtr);
- THcHodoEff* peff = new THcHodoEff("phodeff"," SHMS hodo efficiency","P.hod");
-  gHaPhysics->Add(peff);
-  // Add handler for prestart event 125.
-  THcConfigEvtHandler* ev125 = new THcConfigEvtHandler("HC", "Config Event type 125");
-  gHaEvtHandlers->Add(ev125);
-  // Set up the analyzer - we use the standard one,
-  // but this could be an experiment-specific one as well.
-  // The Analyzer controls the reading of the data, executes
-  // tests/cuts, loops over Acpparatus's and PhysicsModules,
-  // and executes the output routines.
-  THcAnalyzer* analyzer = new THcAnalyzer;
-  // A simple event class to be output to the resulting tree.
-  // Creating your own descendant of THaEvent is one way of
-  // defining and controlling the output.
-  THaEvent* event = new THaEvent;
-  // Define the run(s) that we want to analyze.
-  // We just set up one, but this could be many.
-  THaRun* run = new THaRun( pathList, Form(RunFileNamePattern, RunNumber) );
-  // Eventually need to learn to skip over, or properly analyze
-  // the pedestal events
-  run->SetEventRange(1, MaxEvent);    // Physics Event number, does not
-                                      // include scaler or control events.
-  run->SetNscan(1);
-  run->SetDataRequired(0x7);
-  run->Print();
-  // Define the analysis parameters
-  TString ROOTFileName = Form(ROOTFileNamePattern, RunNumber, MaxEvent);
-  analyzer->SetCountMode(2);    // 0 = counter is # of physics triggers
-                                // 1 = counter is # of all decode reads
-                                // 2 = counter is event number
-  analyzer->SetEvent(event);
-  // Define crate map
-  analyzer->SetCrateMapFileName("MAPS/db_cratemap.dat");
-  // Define output ROOT file
-  analyzer->SetOutFile(ROOTFileName.Data());
-  // Define DEF-file
-  analyzer->SetOdefFile("DEF-files/SHMS/STACK/pstackana.def");
-  // Define cuts file
-  analyzer->SetCutFile("DEF-files/SHMS/STACK/pstackana_cuts.def");  // optional
-  // File to record accounting information for cuts
-  analyzer->SetSummaryFile(Form("REPORT_OUTPUT/SHMS/STACK/summary_stack_%d_%d.report", RunNumber, MaxEvent));  // optional
-  // Start the actual analysis.
-  analyzer->Process(run);
-  // Create report file from template
-  analyzer->PrintReport("TEMPLATES/SHMS/STACK/pstackana.template",
-  			Form("REPORT_OUTPUT/SHMS/STACK/replay_shms_stack_%d_%d.report", RunNumber, MaxEvent));  // optional
diff --git a/SCRIPTS/SHMS/TEST_STANDS/replay_paero_test_stand.C b/SCRIPTS/SHMS/TEST_STANDS/replay_paero_test_stand.C
index 5b0d9f8339cc38b8ff0b00a2c9261e55c0c7d032..4c94fb276f96deaaf11deb2843e04d66dca6e82f 100644
--- a/SCRIPTS/SHMS/TEST_STANDS/replay_paero_test_stand.C
+++ b/SCRIPTS/SHMS/TEST_STANDS/replay_paero_test_stand.C
@@ -18,30 +18,24 @@ void replay_paero_test_stand(Int_t RunNumber=0, Int_t MaxEvent=0) {
   // Create file name patterns.
   const char* RunFileNamePattern = "shms_all_%05d.dat";
   vector<TString> pathList;
-    pathList.push_back(".");
-    pathList.push_back("./raw");
-    pathList.push_back("./raw/../raw.copiedtotape");
-    pathList.push_back("./cache");
+  pathList.push_back(".");
+  pathList.push_back("./raw");
+  pathList.push_back("./raw/../raw.copiedtotape");
+  pathList.push_back("./cache");
   const char* ROOTFileNamePattern = "ROOTfiles/paero_replay_%d.root";
   // Add variables to global list.
   gHcParms->Define("gen_run_number", "Run Number", RunNumber);
-  gHcParms->AddString("g_ctp_database_filename", "DBASE/SHMS/STD/standard.database");
-  // Load varibles from files to global list.
+  gHcParms->AddString("g_ctp_database_filename", "DBASE/SHMS/standard.database");
   gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_database_filename"), RunNumber);
-  // g_ctp_parm_filename and g_decode_map_filename should now be defined.
-  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_kinematics_filename"), RunNumber);
-  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_calib_filename"));
-  // Load params for SHMS trigger configuration
+  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_kinematics_filename"), RunNumber);
+  gHcParms->Load("PARAM/SHMS/GEN/p_fadc_debug.param");
   // Load the Hall C style detector map
   gHcDetectorMap = new THcDetectorMap();
-  gHcParms->Load("PARAM/SHMS/GEN/p_fadc_debug.param");
   // Set up the equipment to be analyzed.
   THaApparatus* SHMS = new THcHallCSpectrometer("P", "SHMS");
@@ -75,7 +69,9 @@ void replay_paero_test_stand(Int_t RunNumber=0, Int_t MaxEvent=0) {
   // Define the run(s) that we want to analyze.
   // We just set up one, but this could be many.
-  THaRun* run = new THaRun( pathList, Form(RunFileNamePattern, RunNumber) );
+  THcRun* run = new THcRun( pathList, Form(RunFileNamePattern, RunNumber) );
+  // Set to read in Hall C run database parameters
+  run->SetRunParamClass("THcRunParameters");
   // Eventually need to learn to skip over, or properly analyze
   // the pedestal events
@@ -90,14 +86,14 @@ void replay_paero_test_stand(Int_t RunNumber=0, Int_t MaxEvent=0) {
   analyzer->SetCountMode(2);    // 0 = counter is # of physics triggers
                                 // 1 = counter is # of all decode reads
                                 // 2 = counter is event number
- analyzer->SetEvent(event);
- analyzer->SetCrateMapFileName("MAPS/db_cratemap.dat");
- analyzer->SetOutFile(ROOTFileName.Data());
- analyzer->SetOdefFile("DEF-files/SHMS/TEST_STANDS/AERO/paeroana.def");
- analyzer->SetCutFile("DEF-files/SHMS/TEST_STANDS/AERO/paeroana_cuts.def");    // optional
- // File to record cuts accounting information
- //analyzer->SetSummaryFile("summary_example.log");    // optional
+  analyzer->SetEvent(event);
+  analyzer->SetCrateMapFileName("MAPS/db_cratemap.dat");
+  analyzer->SetOutFile(ROOTFileName.Data());
+  analyzer->SetOdefFile("DEF-files/SHMS/TEST_STANDS/AERO/paeroana.def");
+  analyzer->SetCutFile("DEF-files/SHMS/TEST_STANDS/AERO/paeroana_cuts.def");    // optional
+  // File to record cuts accounting information
+  //analyzer->SetSummaryFile("summary_example.log");    // optional
   // Start the actual analysis.
diff --git a/SCRIPTS/SHMS/TEST_STANDS/replay_pcal_test_stand.C b/SCRIPTS/SHMS/TEST_STANDS/replay_pcal_test_stand.C
index 752365a3bc89ca58ce93f7ec14d88b1cfb829759..eda761b3282ec40b668133ec392479f7fb0a31b0 100644
--- a/SCRIPTS/SHMS/TEST_STANDS/replay_pcal_test_stand.C
+++ b/SCRIPTS/SHMS/TEST_STANDS/replay_pcal_test_stand.C
@@ -18,30 +18,25 @@ void replay_pcal_test_stand(Int_t RunNumber=0, Int_t MaxEvent=0) {
   // Create file name patterns
   const char* RunFileNamePattern = "shms_all_%05d.dat";
   vector<TString> pathList;
-    pathList.push_back(".");
-    pathList.push_back("./raw");
-    pathList.push_back("./raw/../raw.copiedtotape");
-    pathList.push_back("./cache");
+  pathList.push_back(".");
+  pathList.push_back("./raw");
+  pathList.push_back("./raw/../raw.copiedtotape");
+  pathList.push_back("./cache");
   const char* ROOTFileNamePattern = "ROOTfiles/pcal_replay_%d.root";
   // Add variables to global list.
   gHcParms->Define("gen_run_number", "Run Number", RunNumber);
-  gHcParms->AddString("g_ctp_database_filename", "DBASE/SHMS/STD/standard.database");
-  // Load varibles from files to global list.
+  gHcParms->AddString("g_ctp_database_filename", "DBASE/SHMS/standard.database");
   gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_database_filename"), RunNumber);
-  // g_ctp_parm_filename and g_decode_map_filename should now be defined.
-  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_kinematics_filename"), RunNumber);
-  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_calib_filename"));
-  // Load params for SHMS trigger configuration
+  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_kinematics_filename"), RunNumber);
+  gHcParms->Load("PARAM/SHMS/GEN/p_fadc_debug.param");
   // Load the Hall C style detector map
   gHcDetectorMap = new THcDetectorMap();
-  gHcParms->Load("PARAM/SHMS/GEN/p_fadc_debug.param");
   // Set up the equipment to be analyzed.
   THaApparatus* SHMS = new THcHallCSpectrometer("P", "SHMS");
@@ -49,6 +44,13 @@ void replay_pcal_test_stand(Int_t RunNumber=0, Int_t MaxEvent=0) {
   THcShower* cal = new THcShower("cal", "Calorimeter");
+  // Add trigger apparatus
+  THaApparatus* TRG = new THcTrigApp("T", "TRG");
+  gHaApps->Add(TRG);
+  // Add trigger detector to trigger apparatus
+  THcTrigDet* shms = new THcTrigDet("shms", "SHMS Trigger Information");
+  TRG->AddDetector(shms);
   // Add handler for prestart event 125.
   THcConfigEvtHandler* ev125 = new THcConfigEvtHandler("HC", "Config Event type 125");
@@ -67,7 +69,9 @@ void replay_pcal_test_stand(Int_t RunNumber=0, Int_t MaxEvent=0) {
   // Define the run(s) that we want to analyze.
   // We just set up one, but this could be many.
-  THaRun* run = new THaRun( pathList, Form(RunFileNamePattern, RunNumber) );
+  THcRun* run = new THcRun( pathList, Form(RunFileNamePattern, RunNumber) );
+  // Set to read in Hall C run database parameters
+  run->SetRunParamClass("THcRunParameters");
   // Eventually need to learn to skip over, or properly analyze
   // the pedestal events
@@ -82,14 +86,14 @@ void replay_pcal_test_stand(Int_t RunNumber=0, Int_t MaxEvent=0) {
   analyzer->SetCountMode(2);    // 0 = counter is # of physics triggers
                                 // 1 = counter is # of all decode reads
                                 // 2 = counter is event number
- analyzer->SetEvent(event);
- analyzer->SetCrateMapFileName("MAPS/db_cratemap.dat");
- analyzer->SetOutFile(ROOTFileName.Data());
- analyzer->SetOdefFile("DEF-files/SHMS/TEST_STANDS/CAL/pcalana.def");
- analyzer->SetCutFile("DEF-files/SHMS/TEST_STANDS/CAL/pcalana_cuts.def");    // optional
+  analyzer->SetEvent(event);
+  analyzer->SetCrateMapFileName("MAPS/db_cratemap.dat");
+  analyzer->SetOutFile(ROOTFileName.Data());
+  analyzer->SetOdefFile("DEF-files/SHMS/TEST_STANDS/CAL/pcalana.def");
+  analyzer->SetCutFile("DEF-files/SHMS/TEST_STANDS/CAL/pcalana_cuts.def");    // optional
- // File to record cuts accounting information
- //analyzer->SetSummaryFile("summary_example.log");    // optional
+  // File to record cuts accounting information
+  //analyzer->SetSummaryFile("summary_example.log");    // optional
   // Start the actual analysis.
diff --git a/SCRIPTS/SHMS/TEST_STANDS/replay_pdc_test_stand.C b/SCRIPTS/SHMS/TEST_STANDS/replay_pdc_test_stand.C
index aeb16591062317a42754cf1417e6333e17ec8a8d..d59988788c68bb9820dc4db47f6e17e1962fc9a0 100644
--- a/SCRIPTS/SHMS/TEST_STANDS/replay_pdc_test_stand.C
+++ b/SCRIPTS/SHMS/TEST_STANDS/replay_pdc_test_stand.C
@@ -18,29 +18,23 @@ void replay_pdc_test_stand(Int_t RunNumber=0, Int_t MaxEvent=0) {
   // Create file name patterns.
   const char* RunFileNamePattern = "shms_all_%05d.dat";
   vector<TString> pathList;
-    pathList.push_back(".");
-    pathList.push_back("./raw");
-    pathList.push_back("./raw/../raw.copiedtotape");
-    pathList.push_back("./cache");
+  pathList.push_back(".");
+  pathList.push_back("./raw");
+  pathList.push_back("./raw/../raw.copiedtotape");
+  pathList.push_back("./cache");
   const char* ROOTFileNamePattern = "ROOTfiles/pdc_replay_%d.root";
   // Add variables to global list.
   gHcParms->Define("gen_run_number", "Run Number", RunNumber);
-  gHcParms->AddString("g_ctp_database_filename", "DBASE/SHMS/STD/standard.database");
-  // Load varibles from files to global list.
+  gHcParms->AddString("g_ctp_database_filename", "DBASE/SHMS/standard.database");
   gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_database_filename"), RunNumber);
-  // g_ctp_parm_filename and g_decode_map_filename should now be defined.
-  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_kinematics_filename"), RunNumber);
-  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_calib_filename"));
-  // Load params for the trigger apparatus
+  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_kinematics_filename"), RunNumber);
+  gHcParms->Load("PARAM/SHMS/GEN/p_fadc_debug.param");
   // Load the Hall C style detector map
   gHcDetectorMap = new THcDetectorMap();
-  //gHcDetectorMap->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_decode_map_filename"));
   // Set up the equipment to be analyzed.
@@ -60,7 +54,6 @@ void replay_pdc_test_stand(Int_t RunNumber=0, Int_t MaxEvent=0) {
   THcConfigEvtHandler* ev125 = new THcConfigEvtHandler("HC", "Config Event type 125");
   // Set up the analyzer - we use the standard one,
   // but this could be an experiment-specific one as well.
   // The Analyzer controls the reading of the data, executes
@@ -75,7 +68,9 @@ void replay_pdc_test_stand(Int_t RunNumber=0, Int_t MaxEvent=0) {
   // Define the run(s) that we want to analyze.
   // We just set up one, but this could be many.
-  THaRun* run = new THaRun( pathList, Form(RunFileNamePattern, RunNumber) );
+  THcRun* run = new THcRun( pathList, Form(RunFileNamePattern, RunNumber) );
+  // Set to read in Hall C run database parameters
+  run->SetRunParamClass("THcRunParameters");
   // Eventually need to learn to skip over, or properly analyze
   // the pedestal events
@@ -90,14 +85,14 @@ void replay_pdc_test_stand(Int_t RunNumber=0, Int_t MaxEvent=0) {
   analyzer->SetCountMode(2);    // 0 = counter is # of physics triggers
                                 // 1 = counter is # of all decode reads
                                 // 2 = counter is event number
- analyzer->SetEvent(event);
- analyzer->SetCrateMapFileName("MAPS/db_cratemap.dat");
- analyzer->SetOutFile(ROOTFileName.Data());
- analyzer->SetOdefFile("DEF-files/SHMS/TEST_STANDS/DC/pdcana.def");
- analyzer->SetCutFile("DEF-files/SHMS/TEST_STANDS/DC/pdcana_cuts.def");    // optional
- // File to record cuts accounting information
- //analyzer->SetSummaryFile("summary_example.log");    // optional
+  analyzer->SetEvent(event);
+  analyzer->SetCrateMapFileName("MAPS/db_cratemap.dat");
+  analyzer->SetOutFile(ROOTFileName.Data());
+  analyzer->SetOdefFile("DEF-files/SHMS/TEST_STANDS/DC/pdcana.def");
+  analyzer->SetCutFile("DEF-files/SHMS/TEST_STANDS/DC/pdcana_cuts.def");    // optional
+  // File to record cuts accounting information
+  //analyzer->SetSummaryFile("summary_example.log");    // optional
   // Start the actual analysis.
diff --git a/SCRIPTS/SHMS/TEST_STANDS/replay_phgcer_test_stand.C b/SCRIPTS/SHMS/TEST_STANDS/replay_phgcer_test_stand.C
index fbbc1864f246b56440d328ced7a60ff728d85fe2..5975b40123b124a80bb196993efa6f68f8854d3e 100644
--- a/SCRIPTS/SHMS/TEST_STANDS/replay_phgcer_test_stand.C
+++ b/SCRIPTS/SHMS/TEST_STANDS/replay_phgcer_test_stand.C
@@ -18,26 +18,21 @@ void replay_phgcer_test_stand(Int_t RunNumber=0, Int_t MaxEvent=0) {
   // Create file name patterns.
   const char* RunFileNamePattern = "shms_all_%05d.dat";
   vector<TString> pathList;
-    pathList.push_back(".");
-    pathList.push_back("./raw");
-    pathList.push_back("./raw/../raw.copiedtotape");
-    pathList.push_back("./cache");
+  pathList.push_back(".");
+  pathList.push_back("./raw");
+  pathList.push_back("./raw/../raw.copiedtotape");
+  pathList.push_back("./cache");
   const char* ROOTFileNamePattern = "ROOTfiles/phgcer_replay_%d.root";
   // Add variables to global list.
   gHcParms->Define("gen_run_number", "Run Number", RunNumber);
-  gHcParms->AddString("g_ctp_database_filename", "DBASE/SHMS/STD/standard.database");
-  // Load varibles from files to global list.
+  gHcParms->AddString("g_ctp_database_filename", "DBASE/SHMS/standard.database");
   gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_database_filename"), RunNumber);
-  // g_ctp_parm_filename and g_decode_map_filename should now be defined.
-  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_kinematics_filename"), RunNumber);
-  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_calib_filename"));
-  // Load params for SHMS trigger configuration
+  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_kinematics_filename"), RunNumber);
   // Load the Hall C style detector map
   gHcDetectorMap = new THcDetectorMap();
@@ -74,7 +69,9 @@ void replay_phgcer_test_stand(Int_t RunNumber=0, Int_t MaxEvent=0) {
   // Define the run(s) that we want to analyze.
   // We just set up one, but this could be many.
-  THaRun* run = new THaRun( pathList, Form(RunFileNamePattern, RunNumber) );
+  THcRun* run = new THcRun( pathList, Form(RunFileNamePattern, RunNumber) );
+  // Set to read in Hall C run database parameters
+  run->SetRunParamClass("THcRunParameters");
   // Eventually need to learn to skip over, or properly analyze
   // the pedestal events
@@ -89,14 +86,14 @@ void replay_phgcer_test_stand(Int_t RunNumber=0, Int_t MaxEvent=0) {
   analyzer->SetCountMode(2);    // 0 = counter is # of physics triggers
                                 // 1 = counter is # of all decode reads
                                 // 2 = counter is event number
- analyzer->SetEvent(event);
- analyzer->SetCrateMapFileName("MAPS/db_cratemap.dat");
- analyzer->SetOutFile(ROOTFileName.Data());
- analyzer->SetOdefFile("DEF-files/SHMS/TEST_STANDS/HGCER/phgcerana.def");
- analyzer->SetCutFile("DEF-files/SHMS/TEST_STANDS/HGCER/phgcerana_cuts.def");    // optional
+  analyzer->SetEvent(event);
+  analyzer->SetCrateMapFileName("MAPS/db_cratemap.dat");
+  analyzer->SetOutFile(ROOTFileName.Data());
+  analyzer->SetOdefFile("DEF-files/SHMS/TEST_STANDS/HGCER/phgcerana.def");
+  analyzer->SetCutFile("DEF-files/SHMS/TEST_STANDS/HGCER/phgcerana_cuts.def");    // optional
- // File to record cuts accounting information
- //analyzer->SetSummaryFile("summary_example.log");    // optional
+  // File to record cuts accounting information
+  //analyzer->SetSummaryFile("summary_example.log");    // optional
   // Start the actual analysis.
diff --git a/SCRIPTS/SHMS/TEST_STANDS/replay_phodo_test_stand.C b/SCRIPTS/SHMS/TEST_STANDS/replay_phodo_test_stand.C
index 42a20f194cc7f2a83e89952cb470c13afda0bd05..7a76dbb749491b6116b6a99a0772a7b780f19939 100644
--- a/SCRIPTS/SHMS/TEST_STANDS/replay_phodo_test_stand.C
+++ b/SCRIPTS/SHMS/TEST_STANDS/replay_phodo_test_stand.C
@@ -18,29 +18,25 @@ void replay_phodo_test_stand(Int_t RunNumber=0, Int_t MaxEvent=0) {
   // Create file name patterns.
   const char* RunFileNamePattern = "shms_all_%05d.dat";
   vector<TString> pathList;
-    pathList.push_back(".");
-    pathList.push_back("./raw");
-    pathList.push_back("./raw/../raw.copiedtotape");
-    pathList.push_back("./cache");
+  pathList.push_back(".");
+  pathList.push_back("./raw");
+  pathList.push_back("./raw/../raw.copiedtotape");
+  pathList.push_back("./cache");
   const char* ROOTFileNamePattern = "ROOTfiles/phodo_replay_%d.root";
   // Add variables to global list.
   gHcParms->Define("gen_run_number", "Run Number", RunNumber);
-  gHcParms->AddString("g_ctp_database_filename", "DBASE/SHMS/STD/standard.database");
-  // Load varibles from files to global list.
+  gHcParms->AddString("g_ctp_database_filename", "DBASE/SHMS/standard.database");
   gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_database_filename"), RunNumber);
-  // g_ctp_parm_filename and g_decode_map_filename should now be defined.
-  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_kinematics_filename"), RunNumber);
-  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_calib_filename"));
-  // Load params for SHMS trigger configuration
+  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_kinematics_filename"), RunNumber);
+  gHcParms->Load("PARAM/SHMS/GEN/p_fadc_debug.param");
   // Load the Hall C style detector map
   gHcDetectorMap = new THcDetectorMap();
-  gHcParms->Load("PARAM/SHMS/GEN/p_fadc_debug.param");
   // Set up the equipment to be analyzed.
   THaApparatus* SHMS = new THcHallCSpectrometer("P", "SHMS");
@@ -73,7 +69,9 @@ void replay_phodo_test_stand(Int_t RunNumber=0, Int_t MaxEvent=0) {
   // Define the run(s) that we want to analyze.
   // We just set up one, but this could be many.
-  THaRun* run = new THaRun( pathList, Form(RunFileNamePattern, RunNumber) );
+  THcRun* run = new THcRun( pathList, Form(RunFileNamePattern, RunNumber) );
+  // Set to read in Hall C run database parameters
+  run->SetRunParamClass("THcRunParameters");
   // Eventually need to learn to skip over, or properly analyze
   // the pedestal events
@@ -88,14 +86,14 @@ void replay_phodo_test_stand(Int_t RunNumber=0, Int_t MaxEvent=0) {
   analyzer->SetCountMode(2);    // 0 = counter is # of physics triggers
                                 // 1 = counter is # of all decode reads
                                 // 2 = counter is event number
- analyzer->SetEvent(event);
- analyzer->SetCrateMapFileName("MAPS/db_cratemap.dat");
- analyzer->SetOutFile(ROOTFileName.Data());
- analyzer->SetOdefFile("DEF-files/SHMS/TEST_STANDS/HODO/phodoana.def");
- analyzer->SetCutFile("DEF-files/SHMS/TEST_STANDS/HODO/phodoana_cuts.def");    // optional
+  analyzer->SetEvent(event);
+  analyzer->SetCrateMapFileName("MAPS/db_cratemap.dat");
+  analyzer->SetOutFile(ROOTFileName.Data());
+  analyzer->SetOdefFile("DEF-files/SHMS/TEST_STANDS/HODO/phodoana.def");
+  analyzer->SetCutFile("DEF-files/SHMS/TEST_STANDS/HODO/phodoana_cuts.def");    // optional
- // File to record cuts accounting information
- //analyzer->SetSummaryFile("summary_example.log");    // optional
+  // File to record cuts accounting information
+  //analyzer->SetSummaryFile("summary_example.log");    // optional
   // Start the actual analysis.
diff --git a/SCRIPTS/SHMS/TEST_STANDS/replay_pngcer_test_stand.C b/SCRIPTS/SHMS/TEST_STANDS/replay_pngcer_test_stand.C
index ce1cab5f2d3d2454ae065b3b8536c2db09f64e80..f0faec8e4c67301a7d6ef0fe8d6cf5470e6a230a 100644
--- a/SCRIPTS/SHMS/TEST_STANDS/replay_pngcer_test_stand.C
+++ b/SCRIPTS/SHMS/TEST_STANDS/replay_pngcer_test_stand.C
@@ -18,26 +18,21 @@ void replay_pngcer_test_stand(Int_t RunNumber=0, Int_t MaxEvent=0) {
   // Create file name patterns.
   const char* RunFileNamePattern = "shms_all_%05d.dat";
   vector<TString> pathList;
-    pathList.push_back(".");
-    pathList.push_back("./raw");
-    pathList.push_back("./raw/../raw.copiedtotape");
-    pathList.push_back("./cache");
+  pathList.push_back(".");
+  pathList.push_back("./raw");
+  pathList.push_back("./raw/../raw.copiedtotape");
+  pathList.push_back("./cache");
   const char* ROOTFileNamePattern = "ROOTfiles/pngcer_replay_%d.root";
   // Add variables to global list.
   gHcParms->Define("gen_run_number", "Run Number", RunNumber);
-  gHcParms->AddString("g_ctp_database_filename", "DBASE/SHMS/STD/standard.database");
-  // Load varibles from files to global list.
+  gHcParms->AddString("g_ctp_database_filename", "DBASE/SHMS/standard.database");
   gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_database_filename"), RunNumber);
-  // g_ctp_parm_filename and g_decode_map_filename should now be defined.
-  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_kinematics_filename"), RunNumber);
-  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_calib_filename"));
-  // Load params for SHMS trigger configuration
+  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_kinematics_filename"), RunNumber);
   // Load the Hall C style detector map
   gHcDetectorMap = new THcDetectorMap();
@@ -74,7 +69,9 @@ void replay_pngcer_test_stand(Int_t RunNumber=0, Int_t MaxEvent=0) {
   // Define the run(s) that we want to analyze.
   // We just set up one, but this could be many.
-  THaRun* run = new THaRun( pathList, Form(RunFileNamePattern, RunNumber) );
+  THcRun* run = new THcRun( pathList, Form(RunFileNamePattern, RunNumber) );
+  // Set to read in Hall C run database parameters
+  run->SetRunParamClass("THcRunParameters");
   // Eventually need to learn to skip over, or properly analyze
   // the pedestal events
@@ -89,14 +86,14 @@ void replay_pngcer_test_stand(Int_t RunNumber=0, Int_t MaxEvent=0) {
   analyzer->SetCountMode(2);    // 0 = counter is # of physics triggers
                                 // 1 = counter is # of all decode reads
                                 // 2 = counter is event number
- analyzer->SetEvent(event);
- analyzer->SetCrateMapFileName("MAPS/db_cratemap.dat");
- analyzer->SetOutFile(ROOTFileName.Data());
- analyzer->SetOdefFile("DEF-files/SHMS/TEST_STANDS/NGCER/pngcerana.def");
- analyzer->SetCutFile("DEF-files/SHMS/TEST_STANDS/NGCER/pngcerana_cuts.def");    // optional
+  analyzer->SetEvent(event);
+  analyzer->SetCrateMapFileName("MAPS/db_cratemap.dat");
+  analyzer->SetOutFile(ROOTFileName.Data());
+  analyzer->SetOdefFile("DEF-files/SHMS/TEST_STANDS/NGCER/pngcerana.def");
+  analyzer->SetCutFile("DEF-files/SHMS/TEST_STANDS/NGCER/pngcerana_cuts.def");    // optional
- // File to record cuts accounting information
- //analyzer->SetSummaryFile("summary_example.log");    // optional
+  // File to record cuts accounting information
+  //analyzer->SetSummaryFile("summary_example.log");    // optional
   // Start the actual analysis.
diff --git a/SCRIPTS/SHMS/TEST_STANDS/replay_ptrig_test_stand.C b/SCRIPTS/SHMS/TEST_STANDS/replay_ptrig_test_stand.C
index bbae4b17593267a78413c0957355f1b02cce684c..9053e4780402fcde66f1dc1775a1439e71765f74 100644
--- a/SCRIPTS/SHMS/TEST_STANDS/replay_ptrig_test_stand.C
+++ b/SCRIPTS/SHMS/TEST_STANDS/replay_ptrig_test_stand.C
@@ -18,25 +18,20 @@ void replay_ptrig_test_stand(Int_t RunNumber=0, Int_t MaxEvent=0) {
   // Create file name patterns.
   const char* RunFileNamePattern = "shms_all_%05d.dat";
   vector<TString> pathList;
-    pathList.push_back(".");
-    pathList.push_back("./raw");
-    pathList.push_back("./raw/../raw.copiedtotape");
-    pathList.push_back("./cache");
+  pathList.push_back(".");
+  pathList.push_back("./raw");
+  pathList.push_back("./raw/../raw.copiedtotape");
+  pathList.push_back("./cache");
   const char* ROOTFileNamePattern = "ROOTfiles/ptrig_replay_%d.root";
   // Add variables to global list.
   gHcParms->Define("gen_run_number", "Run Number", RunNumber);
-  gHcParms->AddString("g_ctp_database_filename", "DBASE/SHMS/STD/standard.database");
-  // Load varibles from files to global list.
+  gHcParms->AddString("g_ctp_database_filename", "DBASE/SHMS/standard.database");
   gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_database_filename"), RunNumber);
-  // g_ctp_parm_filename and g_decode_map_filename should now be defined.
-  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_kinematics_filename"), RunNumber);
-  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_calib_filename"));
-  // Load params for SHMS test stand configuration
+  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_kinematics_filename"), RunNumber);
+  gHcParms->Load("PARAM/SHMS/GEN/p_fadc_debug.param");
   // Load the Hall C style detector map
   gHcDetectorMap = new THcDetectorMap();
@@ -67,7 +62,9 @@ void replay_ptrig_test_stand(Int_t RunNumber=0, Int_t MaxEvent=0) {
   // Define the run(s) that we want to analyze.
   // We just set up one, but this could be many.
-  THaRun* run = new THaRun( pathList, Form(RunFileNamePattern, RunNumber) );
+  THcRun* run = new THcRun( pathList, Form(RunFileNamePattern, RunNumber) );
+  // Set to read in Hall C run database parameters
+  run->SetRunParamClass("THcRunParameters");
   // Eventually need to learn to skip over, or properly analyze
   // the pedestal events
@@ -82,14 +79,14 @@ void replay_ptrig_test_stand(Int_t RunNumber=0, Int_t MaxEvent=0) {
   analyzer->SetCountMode(2);    // 0 = counter is # of physics triggers
                                 // 1 = counter is # of all decode reads
                                 // 2 = counter is event number
- analyzer->SetEvent(event);
- analyzer->SetCrateMapFileName("MAPS/db_cratemap.dat");
- analyzer->SetOutFile(ROOTFileName.Data());
- analyzer->SetOdefFile("DEF-files/SHMS/TEST_STANDS/TRIG/ptrigana.def");
- analyzer->SetCutFile("DEF-files/SHMS/TEST_STANDS/TRIG/ptrigana_cuts.def");    // optional
+  analyzer->SetEvent(event);
+  analyzer->SetCrateMapFileName("MAPS/db_cratemap.dat");
+  analyzer->SetOutFile(ROOTFileName.Data());
+  analyzer->SetOdefFile("DEF-files/SHMS/TEST_STANDS/TRIG/ptrigana.def");
+  analyzer->SetCutFile("DEF-files/SHMS/TEST_STANDS/TRIG/ptrigana_cuts.def");    // optional
- // File to record cuts accounting information
- //analyzer->SetSummaryFile("summary_example.log");    // optional
+  // File to record cuts accounting information
+  //analyzer->SetSummaryFile("summary_example.log");    // optional
   // Start the actual analysis.
diff --git a/TEMPLATES/DETEC/dcana.template b/TEMPLATES/DETEC/dcana.template
deleted file mode 100644
index c8bf342498bf9292983ec7ba662ffcacb7dff8f5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/TEMPLATES/DETEC/dcana.template
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-           Standalone drift chamber analysis report template
-hmsDC1Planes6     {hmsDC1Planes6hits.npassed}  
-hmsDC2Planes6  	  {hmsDC2Planes6hits.npassed}  
-hmsDC1x1Planes5	  {hmsDC1_5hits_x1.npassed} {hmsDC1Planes6hits.npassed/hmsDC1_5hits_x1.npassed}
-hmsDC1y1Planes5	  {hmsDC1_5hits_y1.npassed} {hmsDC1Planes6hits.npassed/hmsDC1_5hits_y1.npassed}
-hmsDC1u1Planes5	  {hmsDC1_5hits_u1.npassed} {hmsDC1Planes6hits.npassed/hmsDC1_5hits_u1.npassed}
-hmsDC1v1Planes5	  {hmsDC1_5hits_v1.npassed} {hmsDC1Planes6hits.npassed/hmsDC1_5hits_v1.npassed}
-hmsDC1x2Planes5	  {hmsDC1_5hits_y2.npassed} {hmsDC1Planes6hits.npassed/hmsDC1_5hits_y2.npassed} 
-hmsDC1y2Planes5	  {hmsDC1_5hits_x2.npassed} {hmsDC1Planes6hits.npassed/hmsDC1_5hits_x2.npassed}
-hmsDC2x1Planes5	  {hmsDC2_5hits_x1.npassed} {hmsDC2Planes6hits.npassed/hmsDC2_5hits_x1.npassed}
-hmsDC2y1Planes5	  {hmsDC2_5hits_y1.npassed} {hmsDC2Planes6hits.npassed/hmsDC2_5hits_y1.npassed}
-hmsDC2u1Planes5	  {hmsDC2_5hits_u1.npassed} {hmsDC2Planes6hits.npassed/hmsDC2_5hits_u1.npassed}
-hmsDC2v1Planes5	  {hmsDC2_5hits_v1.npassed} {hmsDC2Planes6hits.npassed/hmsDC2_5hits_v1.npassed}
-hmsDC2x2Planes5	  {hmsDC2_5hits_y2.npassed} {hmsDC2Planes6hits.npassed/hmsDC2_5hits_y2.npassed} 
-hmsDC2y2Planes5	  {hmsDC2_5hits_x2.npassed} {hmsDC2Planes6hits.npassed/hmsDC2_5hits_x2.npassed}
-htrig                          :   {hmscoin_event.npassed}
-hhitslt = passed hits/cham     :   {hmsHitsLt.npassed}
-hhitsplanes = +planes >= 5/6   :   {hmsHitsPlanes.npassed}
-hhitsplanessps = + sps         :   {hSpacePoints.npassed}
-hhitsplanesspsstubs +stub      :   {hSpacePointsStub.npassed}
-hsfoundtrack                   :   {hFoundTrack.npassed}
-hscleantrack                   :   {hCleanTrack.npassed}
-hstublt = passed stub tests    :   {hStubLT.npassed}
-h1hitslt                       :   {hms1HitsLt.npassed}
-h2hitslt                       :   {hms2HitsLt.npassed}
-h1planesgt                     :   {hmsDC1PlanesGT.npassed}
-h2planesgt                     :   {hmsDC2PlanesGT.npassed}
-hplanesgt = gt 5 planes/cham   :   {hmsPlanseGT.npassed}
-f1hspacepoints                 :   {f1HSpacePoints.npassed}
-f2hspacepoints                 :   {f2HSpacePoints.npassed}
-htest1=p hits/planes, f sp     :   {hTest1.npassed}
-htest2=p sp, f stubs           :   {hTest2.npassed}
-hdid                           :   {HMSScinDid.npassed}
-hdide                          :   {HMSScinDide.npassed}
-hdidh                          :   {HMSScinDidh.npassed}
-hscinshould                    :   {HMSScinShould.npassed}
-hscinshoulde                   :   {HMSScinShoulde.npassed}
-hscinshouldh                   :   {HMSScinShouldh.npassed}
-SING FID TRACK EFFIC           : {HMSScinDid.npassed/(HMSScinShould.npassed+0.0001):%8.4f} +- {(sqrt(HMSScinShould.npassed-HMSScinDid.npassed)/(HMSScinShould.npassed+.0001)):%8.4f}
-E SING FID TRACK EFFIC         : {HMSScinDide.npassed/(HMSScinShoulde.npassed+0.0001):%8.4f} +- {(sqrt(HMSScinShoulde.npassed-HMSScinDide.npassed)/(HMSScinShoulde.npassed+.0001)):%8.4f}
-HADRON SING FID TRACK EFFIC    : {HMSScinDidh.npassed/(HMSScinShouldh.npassed+0.0001):%8.4f} +- {(sqrt(HMSScinShouldh.npassed-HMSScinDidh.npassed)/(HMSScinShouldh.npassed+.0001)):%8.4f}
diff --git a/TEMPLATES/HMS/PRODUCTION/hstackana_production_kpp.template b/TEMPLATES/HMS/PRODUCTION/hstackana_production_kpp.template
deleted file mode 100644
index e7e40f428acc1c3a7ed18d50b779ab9064869871..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/TEMPLATES/HMS/PRODUCTION/hstackana_production_kpp.template
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,484 +0,0 @@
-Run #{gen_run_number}
-* General Run Information
-1 MhZ Pulses : {H.1Mhz.scaler}
-Run Length   : {H.1Mhz.scalerTime:%.3f} sec
-* Beamline
-BCM1 Current:	{H.BCM1.scalerCurrent:%.3f} uA		  
-BCM2 Current: 	{H.BCM2.scalerCurrent:%.3f} uA		 
-Unser Current: 	{H.Unser.scalerCurrent:%.3f} uA		  
-With no cuts on BCM{gBCM_Current_threshold_index+1}.
-BCM1 Counts: 	{H.BCM1.scaler}		Total Charge: {H.BCM1.scalerCharge:%.3f} uC
-BCM2 Counts: 	{H.BCM2.scaler}	     	Total Charge: {H.BCM2.scalerCharge:%.3f} uC	
-Unser Counts: 	{H.Unser.scaler}     	     	Total Charge: {H.Unser.scalerCharge:%.3f} uC
-Cut on BCM{gBCM_Current_threshold_index+1} current of {gBCM_Current_threshold} uA. Beam over threshold for {H.1Mhz.scalerTimeCut:%.3f}s, or {((H.1Mhz.scalerTimeCut/H.1Mhz.scalerTime)*100.):%.3f}% of total run time.
-BCM1 Counts: 	{H.BCM1.scalerCut}		Total Charge: {H.BCM1.scalerChargeCut:%.3f} uC
-BCM2 Counts: 	{H.BCM2.scalerCut}		Total Charge: {H.BCM2.scalerChargeCut:%.3f} uC
-Unser Counts: 	{H.Unser.scalerCut}		Total Charge: {H.Unser.scalerChargeCut:%.3f} uC
-Horizontal drift chamber z positions:
-Chamber 1: {hdc_zpos[0]:%6.2f} {hdc_zpos[1]:%6.2f} {hdc_zpos[2]:%6.2f} 
-           {hdc_zpos[3]:%6.2f} {hdc_zpos[4]:%6.2f} {hdc_zpos[5]:%6.2f} 
-Chamber 2: {hdc_zpos[6]:%6.2f} {hdc_zpos[7]:%6.2f} {hdc_zpos[8]:%6.2f} 
-           {hdc_zpos[9]:%6.2f} {hdc_zpos[10]:%6.2f} {hdc_zpos[11]:%6.2f}
-Rate  :  {H.Trig.scalerRate/1000.:%7.3f} kHz
-Live Time : {(hms_trigs.npassed / H.Trig.scaler)*100.0:%3.2f} %
-Dead Time : {100.0 - (hms_trigs.npassed / H.Trig.scaler)*100.0:%3.2f} %
-hmsDC1Planes_large  Counts:{hmsDC1Planes_large.npassed} /hms_trigs : {hmsDC1Planes_large.npassed/hms_trigs.npassed}
-hmsDC2Planes_large  Counts:{hmsDC2Planes_large.npassed}  /hms_trigs : {hmsDC2Planes_large.npassed/hms_trigs.npassed}  
-hmsDC1Planes6       Counts:  {hmsDC1Planes6hits.npassed} /hms_trigs : {hmsDC1Planes6hits.npassed/hms_trigs.npassed}
-hmsDC2Planes6  	    Counts:  {hmsDC2Planes6hits.npassed} /hms_trigs : {hmsDC2Planes6hits.npassed/hms_trigs.npassed}  
-hmsDC1x1Planes5	    Counts:  {hmsDC1_5hits_x1.npassed} eff : {hmsDC1_6hits_x1.npassed/hmsDC1_5hits_x1.npassed}
-hmsDC1u1Planes5	    Counts:  {hmsDC1_5hits_u1.npassed} eff : {hmsDC1_6hits_u1.npassed/hmsDC1_5hits_u1.npassed}
-hmsDC1y2Planes5	    Counts:  {hmsDC1_5hits_y2.npassed} eff : {hmsDC1_6hits_y2.npassed/hmsDC1_5hits_y2.npassed}
-hmsDC1v1Planes5	    Counts:  {hmsDC1_5hits_v1.npassed} eff : {hmsDC1_6hits_v1.npassed/hmsDC1_5hits_v1.npassed}
-hmsDC1y1Planes5	    Counts:  {hmsDC1_5hits_y1.npassed} eff : {hmsDC1_6hits_y1.npassed/hmsDC1_5hits_y1.npassed}
-hmsDC1x2Planes5	    Counts:  {hmsDC1_5hits_x2.npassed} eff : {hmsDC1_6hits_x2.npassed/hmsDC1_5hits_x2.npassed}
-hmsDC2x1Planes5	    Counts:  {hmsDC2_5hits_x1.npassed} eff : {hmsDC2_6hits_x1.npassed/hmsDC2_5hits_x1.npassed}
-hmsDC2u1Planes5	    Counts:  {hmsDC2_5hits_u1.npassed} eff : {hmsDC2_6hits_u1.npassed/hmsDC2_5hits_u1.npassed}
-hmsDC2y2Planes5	    Counts:  {hmsDC2_5hits_y2.npassed} eff : {hmsDC2_6hits_y2.npassed/hmsDC2_5hits_y2.npassed}
-hmsDC2v1Planes5	    Counts:  {hmsDC2_5hits_v1.npassed} eff : {hmsDC2_6hits_v1.npassed/hmsDC2_5hits_v1.npassed}
-hmsDC2y1Planes5	    Counts:  {hmsDC2_5hits_y1.npassed} eff : {hmsDC2_6hits_y1.npassed/hmsDC2_5hits_y1.npassed}
-hmsDC2x2Planes5	    Counts:  {hmsDC2_5hits_x2.npassed} eff : {hmsDC2_6hits_x2.npassed/hmsDC2_5hits_x2.npassed}
-htrig                          :   {hms_trigs.npassed}
-hhitslt = passed hits/cham     :   {hmsHitsLt.npassed}
-hhitsplanes = +planes >= 5/6   :   {hmsHitsPlanes.npassed}
-hhitsplanessps = + sps         :   {hSpacePoints.npassed}
-hhitsplanesspsstubs +stub      :   {hSpacePointsStub.npassed}
-hsfoundtrack                   :   {hFoundTrack.npassed}
-hscleantrack                   :   {hCleanTrack.npassed}
-hstublt = passed stub tests    :   {hStubLT.npassed}
-h1hitslt                       :   {hms1HitsLt.npassed}
-h2hitslt                       :   {hms2HitsLt.npassed}
-h1planesgt                     :   {hmsDC1PlanesGT.npassed}
-h2planesgt                     :   {hmsDC2PlanesGT.npassed}
-hplanesgt = gt 5 planes/cham   :   {hmsPlanesGT.npassed}
-f1hspacepoints                 :   {f1HSpacePoints.npassed}
-f2hspacepoints                 :   {f2HSpacePoints.npassed}
-htest1=p hits/planes, f sp     :   {hTest1.npassed}
-htest2=p sp, f stubs           :   {hTest2.npassed}
-hdid                           :   {HMSScinDid.npassed}
-hdide                          :   {HMSScinDide.npassed}
-hdidh                          :   {HMSScinDidh.npassed}
-hscinshould                    :   {HMSScinShould.npassed}
-hscinshoulde                   :   {HMSScinShoulde.npassed}
-hscinshouldh                   :   {HMSScinShouldh.npassed}
-SING FID TRACK EFFIC           : {HMSScinDid.npassed/(HMSScinShould.npassed+0.0001):%8.4f} +- {(sqrt(HMSScinShould.npassed-HMSScinDid.npassed)/(HMSScinShould.npassed+.0001)):%8.4f}
-E SING FID TRACK EFFIC         : {HMSScinDide.npassed/(HMSScinShoulde.npassed+0.0001):%8.4f} +- {(sqrt(HMSScinShoulde.npassed-HMSScinDide.npassed)/(HMSScinShoulde.npassed+.0001)):%8.4f}
-HADRON SING FID TRACK EFFIC    : {HMSScinDidh.npassed/(HMSScinShouldh.npassed+0.0001):%8.4f} +- {(sqrt(HMSScinShouldh.npassed-HMSScinDidh.npassed)/(HMSScinShouldh.npassed+.0001)):%8.4f}
-* Hardware Scalers
-Scint	Counts		Rate
-H1X1+:  {H.hod.1x1.posScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.1x1.posScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H1X2+:  {H.hod.1x2.posScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.1x2.posScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H1X3+:  {H.hod.1x3.posScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.1x3.posScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H1X4+:  {H.hod.1x4.posScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.1x4.posScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H1X5+:  {H.hod.1x5.posScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.1x5.posScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H1X6+:  {H.hod.1x6.posScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.1x6.posScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H1X7+:  {H.hod.1x7.posScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.1x7.posScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H1X8+:  {H.hod.1x8.posScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.1x8.posScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H1X9+:  {H.hod.1x9.posScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.1x9.posScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H1X10+: {H.hod.1x10.posScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.1x10.posScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H1X11+: {H.hod.1x11.posScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.1x11.posScalerRate:%7.1f} ] 
-H1X12+: {H.hod.1x12.posScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.1x12.posScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H1X13+: {H.hod.1x13.posScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.1x13.posScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H1X14+: {H.hod.1x14.posScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.1x14.posScalerRate:%7.1f} ] 
-H1X15+: {H.hod.1x15.posScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.1x15.posScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H1X16+: {H.hod.1x16.posScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.1x16.posScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H1X1-:  {H.hod.1x1.negScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.1x1.negScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H1X2-:  {H.hod.1x2.negScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.1x2.negScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H1X3-:  {H.hod.1x3.negScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.1x3.negScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H1X4-:  {H.hod.1x4.negScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.1x4.negScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H1X5-:  {H.hod.1x5.negScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.1x5.negScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H1X6-:  {H.hod.1x6.negScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.1x6.negScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H1X7-:  {H.hod.1x7.negScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.1x7.negScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H1X8-:  {H.hod.1x8.negScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.1x8.negScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H1X9-:  {H.hod.1x9.negScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.1x9.negScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H1X10-: {H.hod.1x10.negScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.1x10.negScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H1X11-: {H.hod.1x11.negScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.1x11.negScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H1X12-: {H.hod.1x12.negScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.1x12.negScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H1X13-: {H.hod.1x13.negScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.1x13.negScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H1X14-: {H.hod.1x14.negScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.1x14.negScalerRate:%7.1f} ] 
-H1X15-: {H.hod.1x15.negScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.1x15.negScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H1X16-: {H.hod.1x16.negScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.1x16.negScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H1Y1+:  {H.hod.1y1.posScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.1y1.posScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H1Y2+:  {H.hod.1y2.posScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.1y2.posScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H1Y3+:  {H.hod.1y3.posScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.1y3.posScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H1Y4+:  {H.hod.1y4.posScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.1y4.posScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H1Y5+:  {H.hod.1y5.posScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.1y5.posScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H1Y6+:  {H.hod.1y6.posScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.1y6.posScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H1Y7+:  {H.hod.1y7.posScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.1y7.posScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H1Y8+:  {H.hod.1y8.posScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.1y8.posScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H1Y9+:  {H.hod.1y9.posScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.1y9.posScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H1Y10+: {H.hod.1y10.posScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.1y10.posScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H1Y1-:  {H.hod.1y1.negScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.1y1.negScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H1Y2-:  {H.hod.1y2.negScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.1y2.negScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H1Y3-:  {H.hod.1y3.negScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.1y3.negScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H1Y4-:  {H.hod.1y4.negScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.1y4.negScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H1Y5-:  {H.hod.1y5.negScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.1y5.negScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H1Y6-:  {H.hod.1y6.negScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.1y6.negScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H1Y7-:  {H.hod.1y7.negScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.1y7.negScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H1Y8-:  {H.hod.1y8.negScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.1y8.negScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H1Y9-:  {H.hod.1y9.negScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.1y9.negScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H1Y10-: {H.hod.1y10.negScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.1y10.negScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H2X1+:  {H.hod.2x1.posScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.2x1.posScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H2X2+:  {H.hod.2x2.posScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.2x2.posScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H2X3+:  {H.hod.2x3.posScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.2x3.posScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H2X4+:  {H.hod.2x4.posScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.2x4.posScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H2X5+:  {H.hod.2x5.posScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.2x5.posScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H2X6+:  {H.hod.2x6.posScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.2x6.posScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H2X7+:  {H.hod.2x7.posScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.2x7.posScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H2X8+:  {H.hod.2x8.posScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.2x8.posScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H2X9+:  {H.hod.2x9.posScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.2x9.posScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H2X10+: {H.hod.2x10.posScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.2x10.posScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H2X11+: {H.hod.2x11.posScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.2x11.posScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H2X12+: {H.hod.2x12.posScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.2x12.posScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H2X13+: {H.hod.2x13.posScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.2x13.posScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H2X14+: {H.hod.2x14.posScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.2x14.posScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H2X15+: {H.hod.2x15.posScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.2x15.posScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H2X16+: {H.hod.2x16.posScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.2x16.posScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H2X1-:  {H.hod.2x1.negScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.2x1.negScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H2X2-:  {H.hod.2x2.negScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.2x2.negScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H2X3-:  {H.hod.2x3.negScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.2x3.negScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H2X4-:  {H.hod.2x4.negScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.2x4.negScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H2X5-:  {H.hod.2x5.negScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.2x5.negScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H2X6-:  {H.hod.2x6.negScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.2x6.negScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H2X7-:  {H.hod.2x7.negScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.2x7.negScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H2X8-:  {H.hod.2x8.negScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.2x8.negScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H2X9-:  {H.hod.2x9.negScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.2x9.negScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H2X10-: {H.hod.2x10.negScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.2x10.negScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H2X11-: {H.hod.2x11.negScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.2x11.negScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H2X12-: {H.hod.2x12.negScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.2x12.negScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H2X13-: {H.hod.2x13.negScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.2x13.negScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H2X14-: {H.hod.2x14.negScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.2x14.negScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H2X15-: {H.hod.2x15.negScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.2x15.negScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H2X16-: {H.hod.2x16.negScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.2x16.negScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H2Y1+:  {H.hod.2y1.posScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.2y1.posScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H2Y2+:  {H.hod.2y2.posScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.2y2.posScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H2Y3+:  {H.hod.2y3.posScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.2y3.posScalerRate:%7.1f} ] 
-H2Y4+:  {H.hod.2y4.posScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.2y4.posScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H2Y5+:  {H.hod.2y5.posScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.2y5.posScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H2Y6+:  {H.hod.2y6.posScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.2y6.posScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H2Y7+:  {H.hod.2y7.posScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.2y7.posScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H2Y8+:  {H.hod.2y8.posScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.2y8.posScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H2Y9+:  {H.hod.2y9.posScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.2y9.posScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H2Y10+: {H.hod.2y10.posScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.2y10.posScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H2Y1-:  {H.hod.2y1.negScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.2y1.negScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H2Y2-:  {H.hod.2y2.negScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.2y2.negScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H2Y3-:  {H.hod.2y3.negScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.2y3.negScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H2Y4-:  {H.hod.2y4.negScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.2y4.negScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H2Y5-:  {H.hod.2y5.negScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.2y5.negScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H2Y6-:  {H.hod.2y6.negScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.2y6.negScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H2Y7-:  {H.hod.2y7.negScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.2y7.negScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H2Y8-:  {H.hod.2y8.negScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.2y8.negScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H2Y9-:  {H.hod.2y9.negScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.2y9.negScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H2Y10-: {H.hod.2y10.negScaler:%8d}  [ {H.hod.2y10.negScalerRate:%7.1f} ]
-H1X:	{H.S1X.scaler:%8d} [ {H.S1X.scalerRate:%7.1f} ] AND between + and - sides of H1X 
-H1Y: 	{H.S1Y.scaler:%8d} [ {H.S1Y.scalerRate:%7.1f} ] AND between + and - sides of H1Y
-H2X: 	{H.S2X.scaler:%8d} [ {H.S2X.scalerRate:%7.1f} ] AND between + and - sides of H2X
-H2Y: 	{H.S2Y.scaler:%8d} [ {H.S2Y.scalerRate:%7.1f} ] AND between + and - sides of H2Y
-H1XH1Y: {H.S1XS1Y.scaler:%8d} [{H.S1XS1Y.scalerRate:%7.1f}] AND between H1X and H1Y planes 
-H2XH2Y: {H.S2XS2Y.scaler:%8d} [{H.S2XS2Y.scalerRate:%7.1f}] AND between H2X and H2Y planes                                                
-CERSUM:	     {H.CERSUM.scaler:%8d}  [{H.CERSUM.scalerRate:%8d}]
-PRESHOWERLO: {H.PSHWRLO.scaler:%8d}  [{H.PSHWRLO.scalerRate:%8d}]
-PRESHOWERHI: {H.PSHWRHI.scaler:%8d}  [{H.PSHWRHI.scalerRate:%8d}]
-SHWR: 	     {H.SHWR.scaler:%8d} [{H.SHWR.scalerRate:%8d}]
-ASUM: 	     {H.ASUM.scaler:%8d}  [{H.ASUM.scalerRate:%8d}]
-BSUM:	     {H.BSUM.scaler:%8d}  [{H.BSUM.scalerRate:%8d}]
-CSUM:	     {H.CSUM.scaler:%8d}  [{H.CSUM.scalerRate:%8d}]
-DSUM:	     {H.DSUM.scaler:%8d}  [{H.DSUM.scalerRate:%8d}]
-I'm pretty sure that these are the "raw" number of counts. "Raw" means one or more hits per dc plane.
-hmsDC1_1hit_x1:      {hmsDC1_1hit_x1.npassed} 		
-hmsDC1_1hit_u1:      {hmsDC1_1hit_u1.npassed}		
-hmsDC1_1hit_y2:      {hmsDC1_1hit_y2.npassed}		
-hmsDC1_1hit_v1:      {hmsDC1_1hit_v1.npassed}		
-hmsDC1_1hit_y2:      {hmsDC1_1hit_y2.npassed}		
-hmsDC1_1hit_x2:      {hmsDC1_1hit_x2.npassed}		
-hmsDC2_1hit_x1:      {hmsDC2_1hit_x1.npassed}		
-hmsDC2_1hit_u1:      {hmsDC2_1hit_u1.npassed}		
-hmsDC2_1hit_y2:      {hmsDC2_1hit_y2.npassed}		
-hmsDC2_1hit_v1:      {hmsDC2_1hit_v1.npassed}		
-hmsDC2_1hit_y2:      {hmsDC2_1hit_y2.npassed}		
-hmsDC2_1hit_x2:      {hmsDC2_1hit_x2.npassed}		
-"Good" means one or two hits per dc plane.
-goodHDC1x1:	     {goodHDC1x1.npassed}	eff : {goodHDC1x1.npassed/(hms_trigs.npassed+.0001):%5.3f}
-goodHDC1y2:	     {goodHDC1y2.npassed}	eff : {goodHDC1y2.npassed/(hms_trigs.npassed+.0001):%5.3f}
-goodHDC1u1:          {goodHDC1u1.npassed}	eff : {goodHDC1u1.npassed/(hms_trigs.npassed+.0001):%5.3f}
-goodHDC1v1:	     {goodHDC1v1.npassed}	eff : {goodHDC1v1.npassed/(hms_trigs.npassed+.0001):%5.3f}
-goodHDC1y1:	     {goodHDC1y1.npassed}	eff : {goodHDC1y1.npassed/(hms_trigs.npassed+.0001):%5.3f}
-goodHDC1x2:	     {goodHDC1x2.npassed}	eff : {goodHDC1x2.npassed/(hms_trigs.npassed+.0001):%5.3f}
-goodHDC2x1:	     {goodHDC2x1.npassed}	eff : {goodHDC2x1.npassed/(hms_trigs.npassed+.0001):%5.3f}
-goodHDC2y2:	     {goodHDC2y2.npassed}	eff : {goodHDC2y2.npassed/(hms_trigs.npassed+.0001):%5.3f}
-goodHDC2u1:	     {goodHDC2u1.npassed}	eff : {goodHDC2u1.npassed/(hms_trigs.npassed+.0001):%5.3f}
-goodHDC2v1:	     {goodHDC2v1.npassed}	eff : {goodHDC2v1.npassed/(hms_trigs.npassed+.0001):%5.3f}
-goodHDC2y1:	     {goodHDC2y1.npassed}	eff : {goodHDC2y1.npassed/(hms_trigs.npassed+.0001):%5.3f}
-goodHDC2x2:	     {goodHDC2x2.npassed}	eff : {goodHDC2x2.npassed/(hms_trigs.npassed+.0001):%5.3f}
-goodHDC1:	     {goodHDC1.npassed}	eff : {goodHDC1.npassed/(hms_trigs.npassed+.0001):%5.3f}
-goodHDC2:	     {goodHDC2.npassed}	eff : {goodHDC2.npassed/(hms_trigs.npassed+.0001):%5.3f}
-bothgood:	     {bothGood.npassed}	eff : {bothGood.npassed/(hms_trigs.npassed+.0001):%5.3f}
-realhdc1x1:	     {realhdc1x1.npassed}
-realhdc1y2:	     {realhdc1y2.npassed}
-realhdc1u1:          {realhdc1u1.npassed}
-realhdc1v1:	     {realhdc1v1.npassed}
-realhdc1y1:	     {realhdc1y1.npassed}
-realhdc1x2:	     {realhdc1x2.npassed}
-realhdc2x1:	     {realhdc2x1.npassed}
-realhdc2y2:	     {realhdc2y2.npassed}
-realhdc2u1:	     {realhdc2u1.npassed}
-realhdc2v1:	     {realhdc2v1.npassed}
-realhdc2y1:	     {realhdc2y1.npassed}
-realhdc2x2:	     {realhdc2x2.npassed}
-"Any" means one or more hits per scint plane.
-anyhs1x:    	     {anyhs1x.npassed}	eff: {anyhs1x.npassed/(hms_trigs.npassed+.0001):%5.3f}	BAD = ??
-anyhs1y: 	     {anyhs1y.npassed}	eff: {anyhs1y.npassed/(hms_trigs.npassed+.0001):%5.3f}
-anyhs2x:	     {anyhs2x.npassed}	eff: {anyhs2x.npassed/(hms_trigs.npassed+.0001):%5.3f}
-anyhs2y: 	     {anyhs2y.npassed}	eff: {anyhs2y.npassed/(hms_trigs.npassed+.0001):%5.3f} 
-"Good" means one or two hits per scint plane.
-goodhs1x :   	     {goodhs1x.npassed}	 eff: {goodhs1x.npassed/(hms_trigs.npassed+.0001):%5.3f}	BAD = ??
-goodhs1y:	     {goodhs1y.npassed}	 eff: {goodhs1y.npassed/(hms_trigs.npassed+.0001):%5.3f}
-goodhs1:	     {goodhs1.npassed}	 eff: {goodhs1.npassed/(hms_trigs.npassed+.0001):%5.3f}
-goodhs2x:	     {goodhs2x.npassed}	 eff: {goodhs2x.npassed/(hms_trigs.npassed+.0001):%5.3f}
-goodhs2y:	     {goodhs2y.npassed}	 eff: {goodhs2y.npassed/(hms_trigs.npassed+.0001):%5.3f}
-goodhs2:	     {goodhs2.npassed}	 eff: {goodhs2.npassed/(hms_trigs.npassed+.0001):%5.3f}
-goodhs1s2: 	     {goodhs1s2.npassed}       eff: {goodhs1s2.npassed/(hms_trigs.npassed+.0001):%5.3f}
-hFoundTrack:	     {hFoundTrack.npassed}	 eff: {hFoundTrack.npassed/(hms_trigs.npassed+.0001):%5.3f}	BAD = ??
-hFound1Track:	     {hFound1Track.npassed}	 eff: {hFound1Track.npassed/(hms_trigs.npassed+.0001):%5.3f} 
-hFound2Track:	     {hFound2Track.npassed}	 eff: {hFound2Track.npassed/(hms_trigs.npassed+.0001):%5.3f} 
-hFound3Track:	     {hFound3Track.npassed}	 eff: {hFound3Track.npassed/(hms_trigs.npassed+.0001):%5.3f} 
-hFound4Track:	     {hFound4Track.npassed}	 eff: {hFound4Track.npassed/(hms_trigs.npassed+.0001):%5.3f} 
-hCleanTrack:	     {hCleanTrack.npassed}	 eff: {hCleanTrack.npassed/(hms_trigs.npassed+.0001):%5.3f}	 BAD = ??
-1hCleanTrack:	     {1hCleanTrack.npassed}	 eff: {1hCleanTrack.npassed/(hms_trigs.npassed+.0001):%5.3f} 
-2hCleanTrack:	     {2hCleanTrack.npassed}	 eff: {2hCleanTrack.npassed/(hms_trigs.npassed+.0001):%5.3f}
-3hCleanTrack:	     {3hCleanTrack.npassed}	 eff: {3hCleanTrack.npassed/(hms_trigs.npassed+.0001):%5.3f}
-4hCleanTrack:	     {4hCleanTrack.npassed}	 eff: {4hCleanTrack.npassed/(hms_trigs.npassed+.0001):%5.3f}
-cer_pmt1_elec:	     {cer_pmt1_elec.npassed}
-cer_pmt2_elect:	     {cer_pmt2_elec.npassed}
-cer_elec:	     {cer_elec.npassed}
-cer_pi:		     {cer_pi.npassed}
-* HGC Cerenkov *
-Good Track Requirements:
-   1. Only one track found in the focal plane
-   2. chisq/dof < {hcer_red_chi2_max:%5.1f}
-   3. {hcer_beta_min:%5.3f} < beta < {hcer_beta_max:%5.3f}
-   4. {hcer_enorm_min:%5.3f} < calorimeter energy < {hcer_enorm_max:%5.3f}
-Threshold set at {hcer_npe_thresh:%4.1f}
-HMS Region 1 efficiency: {HMS_hcer_track_fired_region_1.npassed/HMS_hcer_track_matched_region_1.npassed} = {HMS_hcer_track_fired_region_1.npassed} of {HMS_hcer_track_matched_region_1.npassed} good tracks.
-HMS Region 2 efficiency: {HMS_hcer_track_fired_region_2.npassed/HMS_hcer_track_matched_region_2.npassed} = {HMS_hcer_track_fired_region_2.npassed} of {HMS_hcer_track_matched_region_2.npassed} good tracks.
-Overall HGC Efficiency: {HMS_hcer_track_fired_tot.npassed/HMS_hcer_track_matched_tot.npassed} = {HMS_hcer_track_fired_tot.npassed} of {HMS_hcer_track_matched_tot.npassed} good tracks.
-* Calorimeter Efficiencies *
-Efficiencies for calorimeter is the fraction of times block was hit when track
-with chisquared/dof < {hstat_cal_maxchisq:%5.1f} came within {hstat_cal_slop:%4.1f} cm of the center.
-and scal_npe_sum  > 3.0 (hardwired). (is this still true?)
-Events examined = strig       = {hms_trigs.npassed}
-Tracks found    = scleantrack = {hCleanTrack.npassed}
-//Tracks passing chisquared cut = {hstat_cal_numevents:%7d} (in previous template, do we need this here?)
-hmsPreShower	     Counts: {H.cal.stat_trksum1} eff : {H.cal.stat_hitsum1 / H.cal.stat_trksum1}
-hmsShowerArray	     Counts: {H.cal.stat_trksum_array} eff : {H.cal.stat_hitsum_array / H.cal.stat_trksum_array}
-* Hodoscope Efficiencies * 
-Efficiencies for hodoscopes is the fraction of times scin. was hit when track
-with chisquared/dof < {hstat_maxchisq:%5.1f} came within {hstat_slop:%4.1f} cm of the center.
-Events examined = strig       = {hms_trigs.npassed}
-Tracks found    = scleantrack = {hCleanTrack.npassed}
-//Tracks passing chisquared cut = {hstat_numevents} (in previous template, do we still need this?)
-Hodo efficiency:
-Plane 1: {hhodo_plane_AND_eff[0]}
-Plane 2: {hhodo_plane_AND_eff[1]}
-Plane 3: {hhodo_plane_AND_eff[2]}
-Plane 4: {hhodo_plane_AND_eff[3]}
-S1XY : {hhodo_s1XY_eff}
-S2XY : {hhodo_s2XY_eff}
-STOF: {hhodo_stof_eff}
-3_of_4 EFF : {hhodo_3_of_4_eff}
-4_of_4 EFF : {hhodo_4_of_4_eff}
-*HODO EFF* Need to checkout hodoeff module.
-Scint		Pos eff		Neg eff		OR eff		AND eff		 Hits
diff --git a/TEMPLATES/HMS/STACK/hstackana.template b/TEMPLATES/HMS/STACK/hstackana.template
deleted file mode 100644
index bfc4c17e4803e9f61910f7b3eaf1ee6ec8e14031..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/TEMPLATES/HMS/STACK/hstackana.template
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
-Run #{gen_run_number}
-Horizontal drift chamber z positions:
-Chamber 1: {hdc_zpos[0]:%6.2f} {hdc_zpos[1]:%6.2f} {hdc_zpos[2]:%6.2f} 
-           {hdc_zpos[3]:%6.2f} {hdc_zpos[4]:%6.2f} {hdc_zpos[5]:%6.2f} 
-Chamber 2: {hdc_zpos[6]:%6.2f} {hdc_zpos[7]:%6.2f} {hdc_zpos[8]:%6.2f} 
-           {hdc_zpos[9]:%6.2f} {hdc_zpos[10]:%6.2f} {hdc_zpos[11]:%6.2f}
-HMS triggers:  {hms_trigs.npassed}
-hmsDC1Planes_large  Counts:  {hmsDC1Planes_large.npassed} /hms_trigs : {hmsDC1Planes_large.npassed/hms_trigs.npassed}
-hmsDC2Planes_large  Counts:	  {hmsDC2Planes_large.npassed}  /hms_trigs : {hmsDC2Planes_large.npassed/hms_trigs.npassed}  
-hmsDC1Planes6     Counts: {hmsDC1Planes6hits.npassed} /hms_trigs : {hmsDC1Planes6hits.npassed/hms_trigs.npassed}
-hmsDC2Planes6  	  Counts: {hmsDC2Planes6hits.npassed} /hms_trigs : {hmsDC2Planes6hits.npassed/hms_trigs.npassed}  
-hmsDC1x1Planes5	  Counts: {hmsDC1_5hits_x1.npassed} eff : {hmsDC1_6hits_x1.npassed/hmsDC1_5hits_x1.npassed}
-hmsDC1u1Planes5	  Counts: {hmsDC1_5hits_u1.npassed} eff : {hmsDC1_6hits_u1.npassed/hmsDC1_5hits_u1.npassed}
-hmsDC1u2Planes5	  Counts: {hmsDC1_5hits_u2.npassed} eff : {hmsDC1_6hits_u2.npassed/hmsDC1_5hits_u2.npassed}
-hmsDC1v1Planes5	  Counts: {hmsDC1_5hits_v1.npassed} eff : {hmsDC1_6hits_v1.npassed/hmsDC1_5hits_v1.npassed}
-hmsDC1v2Planes5	  Counts: {hmsDC1_5hits_v2.npassed} eff : {hmsDC1_6hits_v2.npassed/hmsDC1_5hits_v2.npassed}
-hmsDC1x2Planes5	  Counts: {hmsDC1_5hits_x2.npassed} eff : {hmsDC1_6hits_x2.npassed/hmsDC1_5hits_x2.npassed}
-hmsDC2x1Planes5	  Counts: {hmsDC2_5hits_x1.npassed} eff : {hmsDC2_6hits_x1.npassed/hmsDC2_5hits_x1.npassed}
-hmsDC2u1Planes5	  Counts: {hmsDC2_5hits_u1.npassed} eff : {hmsDC2_6hits_u1.npassed/hmsDC2_5hits_u1.npassed}
-hmsDC2u2Planes5	  Counts: {hmsDC2_5hits_u2.npassed} eff : {hmsDC2_6hits_u2.npassed/hmsDC2_5hits_u2.npassed}
-hmsDC2v1Planes5	  Counts: {hmsDC2_5hits_v1.npassed} eff : {hmsDC2_6hits_v1.npassed/hmsDC2_5hits_v1.npassed}
-hmsDC2v2Planes5	  Counts: {hmsDC2_5hits_v2.npassed} eff : {hmsDC2_6hits_v2.npassed/hmsDC2_5hits_v2.npassed}
-hmsDC2x2Planes5	  Counts: {hmsDC2_5hits_x2.npassed} eff : {hmsDC2_6hits_x2.npassed/hmsDC2_5hits_x2.npassed}
-htrig                          :   {hms_trigs.npassed}
-hhitslt = passed hits/cham     :   {hmsHitsLt.npassed}
-hhitsplanes = +planes >= 5/6   :   {hmsHitsPlanes.npassed}
-hhitsplanessps = + sps         :   {hSpacePoints.npassed}
-hhitsplanesspsstubs +stub      :   {hSpacePointsStub.npassed}
-hsfoundtrack                   :   {hFoundTrack.npassed}
-hscleantrack                   :   {hCleanTrack.npassed}
-hstublt = passed stub tests    :   {hStubLT.npassed}
-h1hitslt                       :   {hms1HitsLt.npassed}
-h2hitslt                       :   {hms2HitsLt.npassed}
-h1planesgt                     :   {hmsDC1PlanesGT.npassed}
-h2planesgt                     :   {hmsDC2PlanesGT.npassed}
-hplanesgt = gt 5 planes/cham   :   {hmsPlanesGT.npassed}
-f1hspacepoints                 :   {f1HSpacePoints.npassed}
-f2hspacepoints                 :   {f2HSpacePoints.npassed}
-htest1=p hits/planes, f sp     :   {hTest1.npassed}
-htest2=p sp, f stubs           :   {hTest2.npassed}
-hdid                           :   {HMSScinDid.npassed}
-hdide                          :   {HMSScinDide.npassed}
-hdidh                          :   {HMSScinDidh.npassed}
-hscinshould                    :   {HMSScinShould.npassed}
-hscinshoulde                   :   {HMSScinShoulde.npassed}
-hscinshouldh                   :   {HMSScinShouldh.npassed}
-SING FID TRACK EFFIC           : {HMSScinDid.npassed/(HMSScinShould.npassed+0.0001):%8.4f} +- {(sqrt(HMSScinShould.npassed-HMSScinDid.npassed)/(HMSScinShould.npassed+.0001)):%8.4f}
-E SING FID TRACK EFFIC         : {HMSScinDide.npassed/(HMSScinShoulde.npassed+0.0001):%8.4f} +- {(sqrt(HMSScinShoulde.npassed-HMSScinDide.npassed)/(HMSScinShoulde.npassed+.0001)):%8.4f}
-HADRON SING FID TRACK EFFIC    : {HMSScinDidh.npassed/(HMSScinShouldh.npassed+0.0001):%8.4f} +- {(sqrt(HMSScinShouldh.npassed-HMSScinDidh.npassed)/(HMSScinShouldh.npassed+.0001)):%8.4f}
-* HGC Cerenkov *
-Good Track Requirements:
-   1. Only one track found in the focal plane
-   2. chisq/dof < {hcer_red_chi2_max:%5.1f}
-   3. {hcer_beta_min:%5.3f} < beta < {hcer_beta_max:%5.3f}
-   4. {hcer_enorm_min:%5.3f} < calorimeter energy < {hcer_enorm_max:%5.3f}
-Threshold set at {hcer_npe_thresh:%4.1f}
-HMS Region 1 efficiency: {HMS_hcer_track_fired_region_1.npassed/HMS_hcer_track_matched_region_1.npassed} = {HMS_hcer_track_fired_region_1.npassed} of {HMS_hcer_track_matched_region_1.npassed} good tracks.
-HMS Region 2 efficiency: {HMS_hcer_track_fired_region_2.npassed/HMS_hcer_track_matched_region_2.npassed} = {HMS_hcer_track_fired_region_2.npassed} of {HMS_hcer_track_matched_region_2.npassed} good tracks.
-Overall HGC Efficiency: {HMS_hcer_track_fired_tot.npassed/HMS_hcer_track_matched_tot.npassed} = {HMS_hcer_track_fired_tot.npassed} of {HMS_hcer_track_matched_tot.npassed} good tracks.
-* Calorimeter Efficiencies *
-Efficiencies for calorimeter is the fraction of times block was hit when track
-with chisquared/dof < {hstat_cal_maxchisq:%5.1f} came within {hstat_cal_slop:%4.1f} cm of the center.
-and scal_npe_sum  > 3.0 (hardwired). (is this still true?)
-Events examined = strig       = {hms_trigs.npassed}
-Tracks found    = scleantrack = {hCleanTrack.npassed}
-Tracks passing chisquared cut = (hstat_cal_numevents:%7d) (in previous template, do we need this here?)
-hmsPreShower	     Counts: {H.cal.stat_trksum1} eff : {H.cal.stat_hitsum1 / H.cal.stat_trksum1}
-hmsShowerArray	     Counts: {H.cal.stat_trksum_array} eff : {H.cal.stat_hitsum_array / H.cal.stat_trksum_array}
-hA	     Counts: {H.cal.stat_trksum1} eff : {H.cal.stat_hitsum1 / H.cal.stat_trksum1}
-hB	     Counts: {H.cal.stat_trksum2} eff : {H.cal.stat_hitsum2 / H.cal.stat_trksum2}
-hC	     Counts: {H.cal.stat_trksum3} eff : {H.cal.stat_hitsum3 / H.cal.stat_trksum3}
-hD	     Counts: {H.cal.stat_trksum4} eff : {H.cal.stat_hitsum4 / H.cal.stat_trksum4}
-* Hodoscope Efficiencies * 
-Efficiencies for hodoscopes is the fraction of times scin. was hit when track
-with chisquared/dof < {hstat_maxchisq:%5.1f} came within {hstat_slop:%4.1f} cm of the center.
-Events examined = strig       = {hms_trigs.npassed}
-Tracks found    = scleantrack = {hCleanTrack.npassed}
-//Tracks passing chisquared cut = (stat_numevents) (in previous template, do we still need this?)
-Plane 1: {hhodo_plane_AND_eff[0]}
-Plane 2: {hhodo_plane_AND_eff[1]}
-Plane 3: {hhodo_plane_AND_eff[2]}
-Plane 4: {hhodo_plane_AND_eff[3]}
-S1XY : {hhodo_s1XY_eff}
-S2XY : {hhodo_s2XY_eff}
-STOF: {hhodo_stof_eff}
-3_of_4 EFF : {hhodo_3_of_4_eff}
-4_of_4 EFF : {hhodo_4_of_4_eff}
-Scint		Pos eff		Neg eff		OR eff		AND eff		 Hits
-H1X1		{hhodo_pos_eff[0]}		{hhodo_neg_eff[0]}		 {hhodo_or_eff[0]}		 {hhodo_and_eff[0]}             {hhodo_gold_hits[0]}
-H1X2		{hhodo_pos_eff[4]}		{hhodo_neg_eff[4]}	 	 {hhodo_or_eff[4]}	 	 {hhodo_and_eff[4]}	       {hhodo_gold_hits[4]}
-H1X3	 	{hhodo_pos_eff[8]}		{hhodo_neg_eff[8]}		 {hhodo_or_eff[8]}	 	 {hhodo_and_eff[8]}  	       {hhodo_gold_hits[8]}
-H1X4 	 	{hhodo_pos_eff[12]}		{hhodo_neg_eff[12]} 	 	 {hhodo_or_eff[12]} 	 	 {hhodo_and_eff[12]}	       {hhodo_gold_hits[12]}
-H1X5	 	{hhodo_pos_eff[16]}		{hhodo_neg_eff[16]} 	 	 {hhodo_or_eff[16]} 	 	 {hhodo_and_eff[16]} 	       {hhodo_gold_hits[16]}
-H1X6	 	{hhodo_pos_eff[20]}		{hhodo_neg_eff[20]} 	 	 {hhodo_or_eff[20]} 	 	 {hhodo_and_eff[20]} 	       {hhodo_gold_hits[20]}
-H1X7 	 	{hhodo_pos_eff[24]}  		{hhodo_neg_eff[24]} 	 	 {hhodo_or_eff[24]} 	 	 {hhodo_and_eff[24]} 	       {hhodo_gold_hits[24]}
-H1X8 	 	{hhodo_pos_eff[28]} 		{hhodo_neg_eff[28]} 	 	 {hhodo_or_eff[28]} 	 	 {hhodo_and_eff[28]} 	       {hhodo_gold_hits[28]}
-H1X9 	 	{hhodo_pos_eff[32]}		{hhodo_neg_eff[32]} 	 	 {hhodo_or_eff[32]} 	 	 {hhodo_and_eff[32]} 	       {hhodo_gold_hits[32]}
-H1X10 	 	{hhodo_pos_eff[36]} 		{hhodo_neg_eff[36]} 	 	 {hhodo_or_eff[36]} 	 	 {hhodo_and_eff[36]}	       {hhodo_gold_hits[36]}
-H1X11	 	{hhodo_pos_eff[40]} 		{hhodo_neg_eff[40]} 	 	 {hhodo_or_eff[40]} 	 	 {hhodo_and_eff[40]} 	       {hhodo_gold_hits[40]}
-H1X12	 	{hhodo_pos_eff[44]} 		{hhodo_neg_eff[44]} 	 	 {hhodo_or_eff[44]} 	 	 {hhodo_and_eff[44]} 	       {hhodo_gold_hits[44]}
-H1X13 	 	{hhodo_pos_eff[48]} 		{hhodo_neg_eff[48]} 	 	 {hhodo_or_eff[48]} 	 	 {hhodo_and_eff[48]} 	       {hhodo_gold_hits[48]}
-H1X14 	 	{hhodo_pos_eff[52]} 		{hhodo_neg_eff[52]} 	 	 {hhodo_or_eff[52]} 	 	 {hhodo_and_eff[52]} 	       {hhodo_gold_hits[52]}
-H1X15 	 	{hhodo_pos_eff[56]} 		{hhodo_neg_eff[56]} 	 	 {hhodo_or_eff[56]} 	 	 {hhodo_and_eff[56]} 	       {hhodo_gold_hits[56]}
-H1X16  	 	{hhodo_pos_eff[60]} 		{hhodo_neg_eff[60]} 	 	 {hhodo_or_eff[60]} 	 	 {hhodo_and_eff[60]} 	       {hhodo_gold_hits[60]}
-H1Y1 	 	{hhodo_pos_eff[1]}		{hhodo_neg_eff[1]} 	 	 {hhodo_or_eff[1]}	 	 {hhodo_and_eff[1]}	       {hhodo_gold_hits[1]}
-H1Y2 	 	{hhodo_pos_eff[5]} 		{hhodo_neg_eff[5]} 	 	 {hhodo_or_eff[5]} 	 	 {hhodo_and_eff[5]} 	       {hhodo_gold_hits[5]}
-H1Y3		{hhodo_pos_eff[9]} 		{hhodo_neg_eff[9]} 	 	 {hhodo_or_eff[9]} 	 	 {hhodo_and_eff[9]} 	       {hhodo_gold_hits[9]}
-H1Y4   	 	{hhodo_pos_eff[13]} 		{hhodo_neg_eff[13]} 	 	 {hhodo_or_eff[13]} 	 	 {hhodo_and_eff[13]} 	       {hhodo_gold_hits[13]}
-H1Y5 	 	{hhodo_pos_eff[17]} 		{hhodo_neg_eff[17]} 	 	 {hhodo_or_eff[17]} 	 	 {hhodo_and_eff[17]} 	       {hhodo_gold_hits[17]}
-H1Y6 	 	{hhodo_pos_eff[21]} 		{hhodo_neg_eff[21]} 	 	 {hhodo_or_eff[21]} 	 	 {hhodo_and_eff[21]} 	       {hhodo_gold_hits[21]}
-H1Y7 	 	{hhodo_pos_eff[25]} 		{hhodo_neg_eff[25]} 	 	 {hhodo_or_eff[25]} 	 	 {hhodo_and_eff[25]} 	       {hhodo_gold_hits[25]}
-H1Y8 	 	{hhodo_pos_eff[29]} 		{hhodo_neg_eff[29]} 	 	 {hhodo_or_eff[29]} 	 	 {hhodo_and_eff[29]} 	       {hhodo_gold_hits[29]}
-H1Y9 	 	{hhodo_pos_eff[33]} 		{hhodo_neg_eff[33]} 	 	 {hhodo_or_eff[33]} 	 	 {hhodo_and_eff[33]} 	       {hhodo_gold_hits[33]}
-H1Y10 	 	{hhodo_pos_eff[37]} 		{hhodo_neg_eff[37]} 	 	 {hhodo_or_eff[37]} 	 	 {hhodo_and_eff[37]} 	       {hhodo_gold_hits[37]}
-H2X1	 	{hhodo_pos_eff[2]}	 	{hhodo_neg_eff[2]}	 	 {hhodo_or_eff[2]} 	 	 {hhodo_and_eff[2]} 	       {hhodo_gold_hits[2]}
-H2X2 	 	{hhodo_pos_eff[6]}	 	{hhodo_neg_eff[6]}	 	 {hhodo_or_eff[6]}	 	 {hhodo_and_eff[6]}	       {hhodo_gold_hits[6]}
-H2X3 	 	{hhodo_pos_eff[10]} 	 	{hhodo_neg_eff[10]} 	 	 {hhodo_or_eff[10]}	 	 {hhodo_and_eff[10]} 	       {hhodo_gold_hits[10]}
-H2X4 	 	{hhodo_pos_eff[14]} 	 	{hhodo_neg_eff[14]}	 	 {hhodo_or_eff[14]} 	 	 {hhodo_and_eff[14]} 	       {hhodo_gold_hits[14]}
-H2X5 	 	{hhodo_pos_eff[18]} 	 	{hhodo_neg_eff[18]} 	 	 {hhodo_or_eff[18]} 	 	 {hhodo_and_eff[18]}	       {hhodo_gold_hits[18]}
-H2X6 	 	{hhodo_pos_eff[22]}	 	{hhodo_neg_eff[22]}	 	 {hhodo_or_eff[22]} 	 	 {hhodo_and_eff[22]} 	       {hhodo_gold_hits[22]}
-H2X7 	 	{hhodo_pos_eff[26]} 	 	{hhodo_neg_eff[26]}	 	 {hhodo_or_eff[26]}	 	 {hhodo_and_eff[26]}	       {hhodo_gold_hits[26]}
-H2X8 	 	{hhodo_pos_eff[30]} 	 	{hhodo_neg_eff[30]}		 {hhodo_or_eff[30]}      	 {hhodo_and_eff[30]}	       {hhodo_gold_hits[30]}
-H2X9 	 	{hhodo_pos_eff[34]} 	 	{hhodo_neg_eff[34]}		 {hhodo_or_eff[34]}		 {hhodo_and_eff[34]}	       {hhodo_gold_hits[34]}
-H2X10	 	{hhodo_pos_eff[38]}	 	{hhodo_neg_eff[38]}		 {hhodo_or_eff[38]}		 {hhodo_and_eff[38]}	       {hhodo_gold_hits[38]}
-H2X11 	 	{hhodo_pos_eff[42]} 	 	{hhodo_neg_eff[42]}		 {hhodo_or_eff[42]}		 {hhodo_and_eff[42]}	       {hhodo_gold_hits[42]}
-H2X12 	 	{hhodo_pos_eff[46]} 	 	{hhodo_neg_eff[46]}		 {hhodo_or_eff[46]}		 {hhodo_and_eff[46]}	       {hhodo_gold_hits[46]}
-H2X13 	 	{hhodo_pos_eff[50]} 	 	{hhodo_neg_eff[50]}		 {hhodo_or_eff[50]}		 {hhodo_and_eff[50]}	       {hhodo_gold_hits[50]}
-H2X14 	 	{hhodo_pos_eff[54]} 	 	{hhodo_neg_eff[54]}		 {hhodo_or_eff[54]}		 {hhodo_and_eff[54]}	       {hhodo_gold_hits[54]}
-H2X15 	 	{hhodo_pos_eff[58]} 	 	{hhodo_neg_eff[58]}		 {hhodo_or_eff[58]}		 {hhodo_and_eff[58]}	       {hhodo_gold_hits[58]}
-H2X16 	 	{hhodo_pos_eff[62]} 	 	{hhodo_neg_eff[62]}		 {hhodo_or_eff[62]}		 {hhodo_and_eff[62]}	       {hhodo_gold_hits[62]}
-H2Y1	 	{hhodo_pos_eff[3]}	 	{hhodo_neg_eff[3]}		 {hhodo_or_eff[3]}       	 {hhodo_and_eff[3]}	       {hhodo_gold_hits[3]}
-H2Y2 	 	{hhodo_pos_eff[7]}	 	{hhodo_neg_eff[7]} 	 	 {hhodo_or_eff[7]} 	 	 {hhodo_and_eff[7]}    	       {hhodo_gold_hits[7]}
-H2Y3 	 	{hhodo_pos_eff[11]} 	 	{hhodo_neg_eff[11]}	 	 {hhodo_or_eff[11]} 	 	 {hhodo_and_eff[11]}	       {hhodo_gold_hits[11]}
-H2Y4 	 	{hhodo_pos_eff[15]} 	 	{hhodo_neg_eff[15]} 	 	 {hhodo_or_eff[15]} 	 	 {hhodo_and_eff[15]}	       {hhodo_gold_hits[15]}
-H2Y5 	 	{hhodo_pos_eff[19]} 	 	{hhodo_neg_eff[19]}	 	 {hhodo_or_eff[19]} 	 	 {hhodo_and_eff[19]}	       {hhodo_gold_hits[19]}
-H2Y6 	 	{hhodo_pos_eff[23]} 	 	{hhodo_neg_eff[23]} 	 	 {hhodo_or_eff[23]} 	 	 {hhodo_and_eff[23]}	       {hhodo_gold_hits[23]}
-H2Y7 	 	{hhodo_pos_eff[27]} 	 	{hhodo_neg_eff[27]} 	 	 {hhodo_or_eff[27]} 	 	 {hhodo_and_eff[27]}	       {hhodo_gold_hits[27]}
-H2Y8 	 	{hhodo_pos_eff[31]} 	 	{hhodo_neg_eff[31]} 	 	 {hhodo_or_eff[31]} 	 	 {hhodo_and_eff[31]}	       {hhodo_gold_hits[31]}
-H2Y9 	 	{hhodo_pos_eff[35]} 	 	{hhodo_neg_eff[35]} 	 	 {hhodo_or_eff[35]} 	 	 {hhodo_and_eff[35]}	       {hhodo_gold_hits[35]}
-H2Y10 	 	{hhodo_pos_eff[39]} 	 	{hhodo_neg_eff[39]} 	 	 {hhodo_or_eff[39]} 	 	 {hhodo_and_eff[39]}	       {hhodo_gold_hits[39]}
diff --git a/TEMPLATES/HMS/STACK/hstackana_6gev.template b/TEMPLATES/HMS/STACK/hstackana_6gev.template
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b54523f29575c32d2a566e60b1627012309cace..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/TEMPLATES/HMS/STACK/hstackana_6gev.template
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-Run #{gen_run_number}
-Horizontal drift chamber z positions:
-Chamber 1: {hdc_zpos[0]:%6.2f} {hdc_zpos[1]:%6.2f} {hdc_zpos[2]:%6.2f} 
-           {hdc_zpos[3]:%6.2f} {hdc_zpos[4]:%6.2f} {hdc_zpos[5]:%6.2f} 
-Chamber 2: {hdc_zpos[6]:%6.2f} {hdc_zpos[7]:%6.2f} {hdc_zpos[8]:%6.2f} 
-           {hdc_zpos[9]:%6.2f} {hdc_zpos[10]:%6.2f} {hdc_zpos[11]:%6.2f}
-HMS triggers:  {hms_trigs.npassed}
-hmsDC1Planes_large  Counts:  {hmsDC1Planes_large.npassed} /hms_trigs : {hmsDC1Planes_large.npassed/hms_trigs.npassed}
-hmsDC2Planes_large  Counts:	  {hmsDC2Planes_large.npassed}  /hms_trigs : {hmsDC2Planes_large.npassed/hms_trigs.npassed}  
-hmsDC1Planes6     Counts: {hmsDC1Planes6hits.npassed} /hms_trigs : {hmsDC1Planes6hits.npassed/hms_trigs.npassed}
-hmsDC2Planes6  	  Counts: {hmsDC2Planes6hits.npassed} /hms_trigs : {hmsDC2Planes6hits.npassed/hms_trigs.npassed}  
-hmsDC1x1Planes5	  Counts: {hmsDC1_5hits_x1.npassed} eff : {hmsDC1_6hits_x1.npassed/hmsDC1_5hits_x1.npassed}
-hmsDC1u1Planes5	  Counts: {hmsDC1_5hits_u1.npassed} eff : {hmsDC1_6hits_u1.npassed/hmsDC1_5hits_u1.npassed}
-hmsDC1y2Planes5	  Counts: {hmsDC1_5hits_y2.npassed} eff : {hmsDC1_6hits_y2.npassed/hmsDC1_5hits_y2.npassed}
-hmsDC1v1Planes5	  Counts: {hmsDC1_5hits_v1.npassed} eff : {hmsDC1_6hits_v1.npassed/hmsDC1_5hits_v1.npassed}
-hmsDC1y1Planes5	  Counts: {hmsDC1_5hits_y1.npassed} eff : {hmsDC1_6hits_y1.npassed/hmsDC1_5hits_y1.npassed}
-hmsDC1x2Planes5	  Counts: {hmsDC1_5hits_x2.npassed} eff : {hmsDC1_6hits_x2.npassed/hmsDC1_5hits_x2.npassed}
-hmsDC2x1Planes5	  Counts: {hmsDC2_5hits_x1.npassed} eff : {hmsDC2_6hits_x1.npassed/hmsDC2_5hits_x1.npassed}
-hmsDC2u1Planes5	  Counts: {hmsDC2_5hits_u1.npassed} eff : {hmsDC2_6hits_u1.npassed/hmsDC2_5hits_u1.npassed}
-hmsDC2y2Planes5	  Counts: {hmsDC2_5hits_y2.npassed} eff : {hmsDC2_6hits_y2.npassed/hmsDC2_5hits_y2.npassed}
-hmsDC2v1Planes5	  Counts: {hmsDC2_5hits_v1.npassed} eff : {hmsDC2_6hits_v1.npassed/hmsDC2_5hits_v1.npassed}
-hmsDC2y1Planes5	  Counts: {hmsDC2_5hits_y1.npassed} eff : {hmsDC2_6hits_y1.npassed/hmsDC2_5hits_y1.npassed}
-hmsDC2x2Planes5	  Counts: {hmsDC2_5hits_x2.npassed} eff : {hmsDC2_6hits_x2.npassed/hmsDC2_5hits_x2.npassed}
-HMS Calorimeter Efficiencies
-hA	     Counts: {H.cal.stat_trksum1} eff : {H.cal.stat_hitsum1 / H.cal.stat_trksum1}
-hB	     Counts: {H.cal.stat_trksum2} eff : {H.cal.stat_hitsum2 / H.cal.stat_trksum2}
-hC	     Counts: {H.cal.stat_trksum3} eff : {H.cal.stat_hitsum3 / H.cal.stat_trksum3}
-hD	     Counts: {H.cal.stat_trksum4} eff : {H.cal.stat_hitsum4 / H.cal.stat_trksum4}
-htrig                          :   {hmscoin_event.npassed}
-hhitslt = passed hits/cham     :   {hmsHitsLt.npassed}
-hhitsplanes = +planes >= 5/6   :   {hmsHitsPlanes.npassed}
-hhitsplanessps = + sps         :   {hSpacePoints.npassed}
-hhitsplanesspsstubs +stub      :   {hSpacePointsStub.npassed}
-hsfoundtrack                   :   {hFoundTrack.npassed}
-hscleantrack                   :   {hCleanTrack.npassed}
-hstublt = passed stub tests    :   {hStubLT.npassed}
-h1hitslt                       :   {hms1HitsLt.npassed}
-h2hitslt                       :   {hms2HitsLt.npassed}
-h1planesgt                     :   {hmsDC1PlanesGT.npassed}
-h2planesgt                     :   {hmsDC2PlanesGT.npassed}
-hplanesgt = gt 5 planes/cham   :   {hmsPlanesGT.npassed}
-f1hspacepoints                 :   {f1HSpacePoints.npassed}
-f2hspacepoints                 :   {f2HSpacePoints.npassed}
-htest1=p hits/planes, f sp     :   {hTest1.npassed}
-htest2=p sp, f stubs           :   {hTest2.npassed}
-hdid                           :   {HMSScinDid.npassed}
-hdide                          :   {HMSScinDide.npassed}
-hdidh                          :   {HMSScinDidh.npassed}
-hscinshould                    :   {HMSScinShould.npassed}
-hscinshoulde                   :   {HMSScinShoulde.npassed}
-hscinshouldh                   :   {HMSScinShouldh.npassed}
-SING FID TRACK EFFIC           : {HMSScinDid.npassed/(HMSScinShould.npassed+0.0001):%8.4f} +- {(sqrt(HMSScinShould.npassed-HMSScinDid.npassed)/(HMSScinShould.npassed+.0001)):%8.4f}
-E SING FID TRACK EFFIC         : {HMSScinDide.npassed/(HMSScinShoulde.npassed+0.0001):%8.4f} +- {(sqrt(HMSScinShoulde.npassed-HMSScinDide.npassed)/(HMSScinShoulde.npassed+.0001)):%8.4f}
-HADRON SING FID TRACK EFFIC    : {HMSScinDidh.npassed/(HMSScinShouldh.npassed+0.0001):%8.4f} +- {(sqrt(HMSScinShouldh.npassed-HMSScinDidh.npassed)/(HMSScinShouldh.npassed+.0001)):%8.4f}
diff --git a/TEMPLATES/SHMS/STACK/pstackana.template b/TEMPLATES/SHMS/STACK/pstackana.template
deleted file mode 100644
index d1be61bc0b6c842311690736a50c32cd73620d64..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/TEMPLATES/SHMS/STACK/pstackana.template
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,328 +0,0 @@
-Run #{gen_run_number}
-SHMS triggers  :  {shms_trigs.npassed}
-good_S1_time				  Counts: {good_S1_time.npassed}     / shms_trigs : {good_S1_time.npassed / shms_trigs.npassed}       
-good_S2X_time        			  Counts: {good_S2X_time.npassed}    / shms_trigs : {good_S2X_time.npassed / shms_trigs.npassed}    
-good_S1_S2X_time     			  Counts: {good_S1_S2X_time.npassed} / shms_trigs : {good_S1_S2X_time.npassed / shms_trigs.npassed}
-Chamber 1 hits > 0                        Counts: {shms_ch1_gt0.npassed} / shms_trigs : {shms_ch1_gt0.npassed / shms_trigs.npassed}         
-Chamber 2 hits > 0                   	  Counts: {shms_ch2_gt0.npassed} / shms_trigs : { shms_ch2_gt0.npassed / shms_trigs.npassed}        
-Chamber 2 hits > 0 & Ch 1 hits = 0    	  Counts: {shms_ch2_gt0_noch1.npassed} / shms_trigs : { shms_ch2_gt0_noch1.npassed / shms_trigs.npassed}  
-Chamber 1 hits > 0 & Ch 2 hits = 0    	  Counts: {shms_ch1_gt0_noch2.npassed} / shms_trigs : {shms_ch1_gt0_noch2.npassed / shms_trigs.npassed}  
-Chamber 1 hits = 0 & Ch 2 hits = 0    	  Counts: {shms_noch1_noch2.npassed} / shms_trigs : {shms_noch1_noch2.npassed / shms_trigs.npassed}  
-Chamber 1 > 0 & Ch 2 hits > 0             Counts: {shms_ch_gt0.npassed} / shms_trigs : { shms_ch_gt0.npassed / shms_trigs.npassed}        
-Ch 1 hits > 0 & Ch 2 hits > 0 & track     Counts: {shms_ch_gt0_track.npassed} / shms_trigs : { shms_ch_gt0_track.npassed / shms_trigs.npassed}
-Chamber 1 > 3 & Ch 2 hits > 3             Counts: {shms_ch_gt4.npassed} / shms_trigs : { shms_ch_gt4.npassed / shms_trigs.npassed}        
-Ch 1 hits > 3 & Ch 2 hits > 3 & track     Counts: {shms_ch_gt4_track.npassed} / shms_trigs : { shms_ch_gt4_track.npassed / shms_trigs.npassed}
-Add cut on good_S1_S2X_time 
-Chamber 1 hits > 0                        Counts: {shms_ch1_gt0_gtime.npassed} / shms_trigs : {shms_ch1_gt0_gtime.npassed / shms_trigs.npassed}         
-Chamber 2 hits > 0                   	  Counts: {shms_ch2_gt0_gtime.npassed} / shms_trigs : { shms_ch2_gt0_gtime.npassed / shms_trigs.npassed}        
-Chamber 2 hits > 0 & Ch 1 hits = 0    	  Counts: {shms_ch2_gt0_noch1_gtime.npassed} / shms_trigs : { shms_ch2_gt0_noch1_gtime.npassed / shms_trigs.npassed}  
-Chamber 1 hits > 0 & Ch 2 hits = 0    	  Counts: {shms_ch1_gt0_noch2_gtime.npassed} / shms_trigs : {shms_ch1_gt0_noch2_gtime.npassed / shms_trigs.npassed}  
-Chamber 1 hits = 0 & Ch 2 hits = 0    	  Counts: {shms_noch1_noch2_gtime.npassed} / shms_trigs : {shms_noch1_noch2_gtime.npassed / shms_trigs.npassed}  
-Chamber 1 > 0 & Ch 2 hits > 0             Counts: {shms_ch_gt0_gtime.npassed} / shms_trigs : { shms_ch_gt0_gtime.npassed / shms_trigs.npassed}        
-Ch 1 hits > 0 & Ch 2 hits > 0 & track     Counts: {shms_ch_gt0_track_gtime.npassed} / shms_trigs : { shms_ch_gt0_track_gtime.npassed / shms_trigs.npassed}
-Chamber 1 > 3 & Ch 2 hits > 3             Counts: {shms_ch_gt4_gtime.npassed} / shms_trigs : { shms_ch_gt4_gtime.npassed / shms_trigs.npassed}        
-Ch 1 hits > 3 & Ch 2 hits > 3 & track     Counts: {shms_ch_gt4_track_gtime.npassed} / shms_trigs : { shms_ch_gt4_track_gtime.npassed / shms_trigs.npassed}
-shmsDC1Planes_large           		  Counts: {shmsDC1Planes_large.npassed} / shms_trigs : {shmsDC1Planes_large.npassed / shms_trigs.npassed}
-shmsDC2Planes_large     		  Counts: {shmsDC2Planes_large.npassed} / shms_trigs : {shmsDC2Planes_large.npassed / shms_trigs.npassed}  
-shmsDC1Planes6   			  Counts: {shmsDC1Planes6hits.npassed} / shms_trigs : {shmsDC1Planes6hits.npassed / shms_trigs.npassed}
-shmsDC2Planes6     			  Counts: {shmsDC2Planes6hits.npassed} / shms_trigs : {shmsDC2Planes6hits.npassed / shms_trigs.npassed}  
-shmsDC1x1Planes5    			  Counts: {shmsDC1_5hits_x1.npassed} eff : {shmsDC1_6hits_x1.npassed / shmsDC1_5hits_x1.npassed}
-shmsDC1u1Planes5     			  Counts: {shmsDC1_5hits_u1.npassed} eff : {shmsDC1_6hits_u1.npassed / shmsDC1_5hits_u1.npassed}
-shmsDC1u2Planes5     			  Counts: {shmsDC1_5hits_u2.npassed} eff : {shmsDC1_6hits_u2.npassed / shmsDC1_5hits_u2.npassed}
-shmsDC1v1Planes5     			  Counts: {shmsDC1_5hits_v1.npassed} eff : {shmsDC1_6hits_v1.npassed / shmsDC1_5hits_v1.npassed}
-shmsDC1v2Planes5     			  Counts: {shmsDC1_5hits_v2.npassed} eff : {shmsDC1_6hits_v2.npassed / shmsDC1_5hits_v2.npassed}
-shmsDC1x2Planes5     			  Counts: {shmsDC1_5hits_x2.npassed} eff : {shmsDC1_6hits_x2.npassed / shmsDC1_5hits_x2.npassed}
-shmsDC2x1Planes5     			  Counts: {shmsDC2_5hits_x1.npassed} eff : {shmsDC2_6hits_x1.npassed / shmsDC2_5hits_x1.npassed}
-shmsDC2u1Planes5     			  Counts: {shmsDC2_5hits_u1.npassed} eff : {shmsDC2_6hits_u1.npassed / shmsDC2_5hits_u1.npassed}
-shmsDC2u2Planes5     			  Counts: {shmsDC2_5hits_u2.npassed} eff : {shmsDC2_6hits_u2.npassed / shmsDC2_5hits_u2.npassed}
-shmsDC2v1Planes5     			  Counts: {shmsDC2_5hits_v1.npassed} eff : {shmsDC2_6hits_v1.npassed / shmsDC2_5hits_v1.npassed}
-shmsDC2v2Planes5     			  Counts: {shmsDC2_5hits_v2.npassed} eff : {shmsDC2_6hits_v2.npassed / shmsDC2_5hits_v2.npassed}
-shmsDC2x2Planes5     			  Counts: {shmsDC2_5hits_x2.npassed} eff : {shmsDC2_6hits_x2.npassed / shmsDC2_5hits_x2.npassed}
-I'm pretty sure that these are the "raw" number of counts. "Raw" means one or more hits per dc plane.
-shmsDC1_1hit_x1:     	   {shmsDC1_1hit_x1.npassed} 		
-shmsDC1_1hit_u1:     	   {shmsDC1_1hit_u1.npassed}		
-shmsDC1_1hit_u2:      	   {shmsDC1_1hit_u2.npassed}		
-shmsDC1_1hit_v1:      	   {shmsDC1_1hit_v1.npassed}		
-shmsDC1_1hit_v2:      	   {shmsDC1_1hit_v2.npassed}		
-shmsDC1_1hit_x2:      	   {shmsDC1_1hit_x2.npassed}		
-shmsDC2_1hit_x1:      	   {shmsDC2_1hit_x1.npassed}		
-shmsDC2_1hit_u1:      	   {shmsDC2_1hit_u1.npassed}		
-shmsDC2_1hit_u2:      	   {shmsDC2_1hit_u2.npassed}		
-shmsDC2_1hit_v1:      	   {shmsDC2_1hit_v1.npassed}		
-shmsDC2_1hit_v2:      	   {shmsDC2_1hit_v2.npassed}		
-shmsDC2_1hit_x2:      	   {shmsDC2_1hit_x2.npassed}		
-"Good" means one or two hits per dc plane.
-goodHDC1x1:	     {goodHDC1x1.npassed}	eff : {goodHDC1x1.npassed/(P.pTREF3.scaler+.0001):%5.3f}
-goodHDC1u2:	     {goodHDC1u2.npassed}	eff : {goodHDC1u2.npassed/(P.pTREF3.scaler+.0001):%5.3f}
-goodHDC1u1:          {goodHDC1u1.npassed}	eff : {goodHDC1u1.npassed/(P.pTREF3.scaler+.0001):%5.3f}
-goodHDC1v1:	     {goodHDC1v1.npassed}	eff : {goodHDC1v1.npassed/(P.pTREF3.scaler+.0001):%5.3f}
-goodHDC1v2:	     {goodHDC1v2.npassed}	eff : {goodHDC1v2.npassed/(P.pTREF3.scaler+.0001):%5.3f}
-goodHDC1x2:	     {goodHDC1x2.npassed}	eff : {goodHDC1x2.npassed/(P.pTREF3.scaler+.0001):%5.3f}
-goodHDC2x1:	     {goodHDC2x1.npassed}	eff : {goodHDC2x1.npassed/(P.pTREF3.scaler+.0001):%5.3f}
-goodHDC2u2:	     {goodHDC2u2.npassed}	eff : {goodHDC2u2.npassed/(P.pTREF3.scaler+.0001):%5.3f}
-goodHDC2u1:	     {goodHDC2u1.npassed}	eff : {goodHDC2u1.npassed/(P.pTREF3.scaler+.0001):%5.3f}
-goodHDC2v1:	     {goodHDC2v1.npassed}	eff : {goodHDC2v1.npassed/(P.pTREF3.scaler+.0001):%5.3f}
-goodHDC2v2:	     {goodHDC2v2.npassed}	eff : {goodHDC2v2.npassed/(P.pTREF3.scaler+.0001):%5.3f}
-goodHDC2x2:	     {goodHDC2x2.npassed}	eff : {goodHDC2x2.npassed/(P.pTREF3.scaler+.0001):%5.3f}
-goodHDC1:	     {goodHDC1.npassed}	eff : {goodHDC1.npassed/(P.pTREF3.scaler+.0001):%5.3f}
-goodHDC2:	     {goodHDC2.npassed}	eff : {goodHDC2.npassed/(P.pTREF3.scaler+.0001):%5.3f}
-bothgood:	     {bothGood.npassed}	eff : {bothGood.npassed/(P.pTREF3.scaler+.0001):%5.3f}
-realhdc1x1:	     	   {realhdc1x1.npassed}
-realhdc1u2:	     	   {realhdc1u2.npassed}
-realhdc1u1:          	   {realhdc1u1.npassed}
-realhdc1v1:	    	   {realhdc1v1.npassed}
-realhdc1v2:	     	   {realhdc1v2.npassed}
-realhdc1x2:	     	   {realhdc1x2.npassed}
-realhdc2x1:	     	   {realhdc2x1.npassed}
-realhdc2u2:	     	   {realhdc2u2.npassed}
-realhdc2u1:	     	   {realhdc2u1.npassed}
-realhdc2v1:	     	   {realhdc2v1.npassed}
-realhdc2v2:	     	   {realhdc2v2.npassed}
-realhdc2x2:	     	   {realhdc2x2.npassed}
-"Any" means one or more hits per scint plane.
-anyhs1x:    	   	   {anyhs1x.npassed}	eff: {anyhs1x.npassed/(P.pTREF3.npassed+.0001):%5.3f}		BAD = ??
-anyhs1y:    	 	   {anyhs1y.npassed}	eff: {anyhs1y.npassed/(P.pTREF3.npassed+.0001):%5.3f}
-anyhs2x:    	 	   {anyhs2x.npassed}	eff: {anyhs2x.npassed/(P.pTREF3.npassed+.0001):%5.3f}
-anyhs2y:    	 	   {anyhs2y.npassed}	eff: {anyhs2y.npassed/(P.pTREF3.npassed+.0001):%5.3f} 
-"Good" means one or two hits per scint plane.
-goodps1x:    	    	   {goodps1x.npassed}	eff: {goodps1x.npassed/(P.pTREF3.npassed+.0001):%5.3f}		BAD = ??
-goodps1y:    	 	   {goodps1y.npassed}	eff: {goodps1y.npassed/(P.pTREF3.npassed+.0001):%5.3f}
-goodps1:     	 	   {goodps1.npassed}	eff: {goodps1.npassed/(P.pTREF3.npassed+.0001):%5.3f}
-goodps2x:    	 	   {goodps2x.npassed}	eff: {goodps2x.npassed/(P.pTREF3.npassed+.0001):%5.3f}
-goodps2y:    	 	   {goodps2y.npassed}	eff: {goodps2y.npassed/(P.pTREF3.npassed+.0001):%5.3f}
-goodps2:     	 	   {goodps2.npassed}	eff: {goodps2.npassed/(P.pTREF3.npassed+.0001):%5.3f}
-goodps1s2:   		   {goodps1s2.npassed}	eff: {goodps1s2.npassed/(P.pTREF3.npassed+.0001):%5.3f}
-pFoundTrack: 	 	   {pFoundTrack.npassed}	eff: {pFoundTrack.npassed/(P.pTREF3.npassed+.0001):%5.3f}		BAD = ??
-pFound1Track:	 	   {pFound1Track.npassed}	eff: {pFound1Track.npassed/(P.pTREF3.npassed+.0001):%5.3f} 
-pFound2Track:	 	   {pFound2Track.npassed}	eff: {pFound2Track.npassed/(P.pTREF3.npassed+.0001):%5.3f} 
-pFound3Track:	 	   {pFound3Track.npassed}	eff: {pFound3Track.npassed/(P.pTREF3.npassed+.0001):%5.3f} 
-pFound4Track:	 	   {pFound4Track.npassed}	eff: {pFound4Track.npassed/(P.pTREF3.npassed+.0001):%5.3f} 
-pCleanTrack: 	 	   {pCleanTrack.npassed}	eff: {pCleanTrack.npassed/(P.pTREF3.npassed+.0001):%5.3f}		BAD = ??
-1pCleanTrack:	 	   {1pCleanTrack.npassed}	eff: {1pCleanTrack.npassed/(P.pTREF3.npassed+.0001):%5.3f} 
-2pCleanTrack:	 	   {2pCleanTrack.npassed}	eff: {2pCleanTrack.npassed/(P.pTREF3.npassed+.0001):%5.3f}
-3pCleanTrack:	 	   {3pCleanTrack.npassed}	eff: {3pCleanTrack.npassed/(P.pTREF3.npassed+.0001):%5.3f}
-4pCleanTrack:	 	   {4pCleanTrack.npassed}	eff: {4pCleanTrack.npassed/(P.pTREF3.npassed+.0001):%5.3f}
-cer_ng_elec:		{cer_ng_elec.npassed}
-cer_ng_pi:		{cer_ng_pi.npassed}
-cer_hg_elec:	  	{cer_hg_elec.npassed}
-cer_hg_pi:	  	{cer_hg_pi.npassed}
-cer_pi_both:	  	{cer_pi_both.npassed}
-cer_elec_both:	  	{cer_elec_both.npassed}
-cal_elec:	  	{cal_elec.npassed}
-cal_pi:		  	{cal_pi.npassed}
-elec_all:	  	{elec_all.npassed}
-pi_all:		  	{pi_all.npassed} 
-pCleanTrack_cer_elec: 	{pCleanTrack_cer_elec.npassed} 
-p1hit1_cer_elec:      	{p1hit1_cer_elec.npassed}
-pCleanTrack_cal_elec: 	{pCleanTrack_cal_elec.npassed} 
-p1hit1_cal_elec:      	{p1hit1_cal_elec.npassed}
-ptrig                          : {SHMS_event.npassed}
-phitslt = passed hits/cham     : {shmsHitsLt.npassed}
-phitsplanes = +planes >= 5/6   : {shmsHitsPlanes.npassed}
-phitsplanessps = + sps         : {pSpacePoints.npassed}
-phitsplanesspsstubs +stub      : {pSpacePointsStub.npassed}
-psfoundtrack                   : {pFoundTrack.npassed}
-pscleantrack                   : {pCleanTrack.npassed}
-pstublt = passed stub tests    : {pStubLT.npassed}
-p1hitslt                       : {shms1HitsLt.npassed}
-p2hitslt                       : {shms2HitsLt.npassed}
-p1planesgt                     : {shmsDC1PlanesGT.npassed}
-p2planesgt                     : {shmsDC2PlanesGT.npassed}
-pplanesgt = gt 5 planes/cham   : {shmsPlanesGT.npassed}
-f1pspacepoints                 : {f1PSpacePoints.npassed}
-f2pspacepoints                 : {f2PSpacePoints.npassed}
-ptest1=p hits/planes, f sp     : {pTest1.npassed}
-ptest2=p sp, f stubs           : {pTest2.npassed}
-pdid                           : {shmsScinDid.npassed}
-pdide                          : {shmsScinDide.npassed}
-pdidh                          : {shmsScinDidh.npassed}
-pscinshould                    : {shmsScinShould.npassed}
-pscinshoulde                   : {shmsScinShoulde.npassed}
-pscinshouldh                   : {shmsScinShouldh.npassed}
-SING FID TRACK EFFIC           : {shmsScinDid.npassed / (shmsScinShould.npassed+0.0001):%8.4f} +- {(sqrt(shmsScinShould.npassed-shmsScinDid.npassed) / (shmsScinShould.npassed+.0001)):%8.4f}
-E SING FID TRACK EFFIC         : {shmsScinDide.npassed / (shmsScinShoulde.npassed+0.0001):%8.4f} +- {(sqrt(shmsScinShoulde.npassed-shmsScinDide.npassed) / (shmsScinShoulde.npassed+.0001)):%8.4f}
-HADRON SING FID TRACK EFFIC    : {shmsScinDidh.npassed / (shmsScinShouldh.npassed+0.0001):%8.4f} +- {(sqrt(shmsScinShouldh.npassed-shmsScinDidh.npassed) / (shmsScinShouldh.npassed+.0001)):%8.4f}
-* HGC Cerenkov *
-Good Track Requirements:
-   1. Only one track found in the focal plane
-   2. chisq/dof < {phgcer_red_chi2_max:%5.1f}
-   3. {phgcer_beta_min:%5.3f} < beta < {phgcer_beta_max:%5.3f}
-   4. {phgcer_enorm_min:%5.3f} < calorimeter energy < {phgcer_enorm_max:%5.3f}
-Threshold set at {phgcer_npe_thresh:%4.1f}
-SHMS HGC Region 1 efficiency: {SHMS_hgcer_track_fired_region_1.npassed/SHMS_hgcer_track_matched_region_1.npassed} = {SHMS_hgcer_track_fired_region_1.npassed} of {SHMS_hgcer_track_matched_region_1.npassed} good tracks.
-SHMS HGC Region 2 efficiency: {SHMS_hgcer_track_fired_region_2.npassed/SHMS_hgcer_track_matched_region_2.npassed} = {SHMS_hgcer_track_fired_region_2.npassed} of {SHMS_hgcer_track_matched_region_2.npassed} good tracks.
-SHMS HGC Region 3 efficiency: {SHMS_hgcer_track_fired_region_3.npassed/SHMS_hgcer_track_matched_region_3.npassed} = {SHMS_hgcer_track_fired_region_3.npassed} of {SHMS_hgcer_track_matched_region_3.npassed} good tracks.
-SHMS HGC Region 4 efficiency: {SHMS_hgcer_track_fired_region_4.npassed/SHMS_hgcer_track_matched_region_4.npassed} = {SHMS_hgcer_track_fired_region_4.npassed} of {SHMS_hgcer_track_matched_region_4.npassed} good tracks.
-Overall HGC Efficiency: {SHMS_hgcer_track_fired_tot.npassed/SHMS_hgcer_track_matched_tot.npassed} = {SHMS_hgcer_track_fired_tot.npassed} of {SHMS_hgcer_track_matched_tot.npassed} good tracks.
-* NGC Cerenkov *
-Good Track Requirements:
-   1. Only one track found in the focal plane
-   2. chisq/dof < {pngcer_red_chi2_max:%5.1f}
-   3. {pngcer_beta_min:%5.3f} < beta < {pngcer_beta_max:%5.3f}
-   4. {pngcer_enorm_min:%5.3f} < calorimeter energy < {pngcer_enorm_max:%5.3f}
-Threshold set at {pngcer_npe_thresh:%4.1f}
-SHMS NGC Region 1 efficiency: {SHMS_ngcer_track_fired_region_1.npassed/SHMS_ngcer_track_matched_region_1.npassed} = {SHMS_ngcer_track_fired_region_1.npassed} of {SHMS_ngcer_track_matched_region_1.npassed} good tracks.
-SHMS NGC Region 2 efficiency: {SHMS_ngcer_track_fired_region_2.npassed/SHMS_ngcer_track_matched_region_2.npassed} = {SHMS_ngcer_track_fired_region_2.npassed} of {SHMS_ngcer_track_matched_region_2.npassed} good tracks.
-SHMS NGC Region 3 efficiency: {SHMS_ngcer_track_fired_region_3.npassed/SHMS_ngcer_track_matched_region_3.npassed} = {SHMS_ngcer_track_fired_region_3.npassed} of {SHMS_ngcer_track_matched_region_3.npassed} good tracks.
-SHMS NGC Region 4 efficiency: {SHMS_ngcer_track_fired_region_4.npassed/SHMS_ngcer_track_matched_region_4.npassed} = {SHMS_ngcer_track_fired_region_4.npassed} of {SHMS_ngcer_track_matched_region_4.npassed} good tracks.
-Overall NGC Efficiency: {SHMS_ngcer_track_fired_tot.npassed/SHMS_ngcer_track_matched_tot.npassed} = {SHMS_ngcer_track_fired_tot.npassed} of {SHMS_ngcer_track_matched_tot.npassed} good tracks.
-* Aerogel Cerenkov * Still need to add requirements for what constitutes a good track.
-Good Track Requirements:
-   1. Only one track found in the focal plane 
-   2. chisq/dof < {paero_red_chi2_max:%5.1f}
-   3. {paero_beta_min:%5.3f} < beta < {paero_beta_max:%5.3f}
-   4. {paero_enorm_min:%5.3f} < calorimeter energy < {paero_enorm_max:%5.3f}
-   5. {paero_dp_min:%5.3f} < delta p (dp) < {paero_dp_max:%5.3f} //added because paero_cuts.param has this as a cut 
-*AEROGEL EFF* 7 PMT pairs
-SHMS AERO Region 1 efficiency: {SHMS_aero_track_fired_region_1.npassed/SHMS_aero_track_matched_region_1.npassed} = {SHMS_aero_track_fired_region_1.npassed} of {SHMS_aero_track_matched_region_1.npassed} good tracks.
-SHMS AERO Region 2 efficiency: {SHMS_aero_track_fired_region_2.npassed/SHMS_aero_track_matched_region_2.npassed} = {SHMS_aero_track_fired_region_2.npassed} of {SHMS_aero_track_matched_region_2.npassed} good tracks.
-SHMS AERO Region 3 efficiency: {SHMS_aero_track_fired_region_3.npassed/SHMS_aero_track_matched_region_3.npassed} = {SHMS_aero_track_fired_region_3.npassed} of {SHMS_aero_track_matched_region_3.npassed} good tracks.
-SHMS AERO Region 4 efficiency: {SHMS_aero_track_fired_region_4.npassed/SHMS_aero_track_matched_region_4.npassed} = {SHMS_aero_track_fired_region_4.npassed} of {SHMS_aero_track_matched_region_4.npassed} good tracks.
-SHMS AERO Region 5 efficiency: {SHMS_aero_track_fired_region_5.npassed/SHMS_aero_track_matched_region_5.npassed} = {SHMS_aero_track_fired_region_5.npassed} of {SHMS_aero_track_matched_region_5.npassed} good tracks.
-SHMS AERO Region 6 efficiency: {SHMS_aero_track_fired_region_6.npassed/SHMS_aero_track_matched_region_6.npassed} = {SHMS_aero_track_fired_region_6.npassed} of {SHMS_aero_track_matched_region_6.npassed} good tracks.
-SHMS AERO Region 7 efficiency: {SHMS_aero_track_fired_region_7.npassed/SHMS_aero_track_matched_region_7.npassed} = {SHMS_aero_track_fired_region_7.npassed} of {SHMS_aero_track_matched_region_7.npassed} good tracks.
-Overall AERO Efficiency: {SHMS_aero_track_fired_tot.npassed/SHMS_aero_track_matched_tot.npassed} = {SHMS_aero_track_matched_tot.npassed} of {SHMS_aero_track_matched_tot.npassed} good tracks.
-* Calorimeter Efficiencies *
-Efficiencies for calorimeter is the fraction of times block was hit when track
-with chisquared/dof < {pstat_cal_maxchisq:%5.1f} came within {pstat_cal_slop:%4.1f} cm of the center.
-and scal_npe_sum  > 3.0 (hardwired). (is this still true?)
-Events examined = strig       = {shms_trigs.npassed}
-Tracks found    = scleantrack = {pCleanTrack.npassed}
-//Tracks passing chisquared cut = {pstat_cal_numevents:%7d} (in previous template, do we need this here?)
-shmsPreShower	     Counts: {P.cal.stat_trksum1} eff : {P.cal.stat_hitsum1 / P.cal.stat_trksum1}
-shmsShowerArray	     Counts: {P.cal.stat_trksum_array} eff : {P.cal.stat_hitsum_array / P.cal.stat_trksum_array}
-* Hodoscope Efficiencies * 
-Efficiencies for hodoscopes is the fraction of times scin. was hit when track
-with chisquared/dof < {pstat_maxchisq:%5.1f} came within {pstat_slop:%4.1f} cm of the center.
-Events examined = strig       = {shms_trigs.npassed}
-Tracks found    = scleantrack = {pCleanTrack.npassed}
-//Tracks passing chisquared cut = {pstat_numevents} (in previous template, do we still need this?)
-Plane 1: {phodo_plane_AND_eff[0]}
-Plane 2: {phodo_plane_AND_eff[1]}
-Plane 3: {phodo_plane_AND_eff[2]}
-Plane 4: {phodo_plane_AND_eff[3]}
-S1XY : {phodo_s1XY_eff}
-S2XY : {phodo_s2XY_eff}
-STOF: {phodo_stof_eff}
-3_of_4 EFF : {phodo_3_of_4_eff}
-4_of_4 EFF : {phodo_4_of_4_eff}
-Scint		Pos eff		Neg eff		OR eff		AND eff		 Hits
-P1X1		{phodo_pos_eff[0]}		{phodo_neg_eff[0]}		 {phodo_or_eff[0]}		 {phodo_and_eff[0]}             {phodo_gold_hits[0]}
-P1X2		{phodo_pos_eff[4]}		{phodo_neg_eff[4]}	 	 {phodo_or_eff[4]}	 	 {phodo_and_eff[4]}	       {phodo_gold_hits[4]}
-P1X3	 	{phodo_pos_eff[8]}		{phodo_neg_eff[8]}		 {phodo_or_eff[8]}	 	 {phodo_and_eff[8]}  	       {phodo_gold_hits[8]}
-P1X4 	 	{phodo_pos_eff[12]}		{phodo_neg_eff[12]} 	 	 {phodo_or_eff[12]} 	 	 {phodo_and_eff[12]}	       {phodo_gold_hits[12]}
-P1X5	 	{phodo_pos_eff[16]}		{phodo_neg_eff[16]} 	 	 {phodo_or_eff[16]} 	 	 {phodo_and_eff[16]} 	       {phodo_gold_hits[16]}
-P1X6	 	{phodo_pos_eff[20]}		{phodo_neg_eff[20]} 	 	 {phodo_or_eff[20]} 	 	 {phodo_and_eff[20]} 	       {phodo_gold_hits[20]}
-P1X7 	 	{phodo_pos_eff[24]}  		{phodo_neg_eff[24]} 	 	 {phodo_or_eff[24]} 	 	 {phodo_and_eff[24]} 	       {phodo_gold_hits[24]}
-P1X8 	 	{phodo_pos_eff[28]} 		{phodo_neg_eff[28]} 	 	 {phodo_or_eff[28]} 	 	 {phodo_and_eff[28]} 	       {phodo_gold_hits[28]}
-P1X9 	 	{phodo_pos_eff[32]}		{phodo_neg_eff[32]} 	 	 {phodo_or_eff[32]} 	 	 {phodo_and_eff[32]} 	       {phodo_gold_hits[32]}
-P1X10 	 	{phodo_pos_eff[36]} 		{phodo_neg_eff[36]} 	 	 {phodo_or_eff[36]} 	 	 {phodo_and_eff[36]}	       {phodo_gold_hits[36]}
-P1X11	 	{phodo_pos_eff[40]} 		{phodo_neg_eff[40]} 	 	 {phodo_or_eff[40]} 	 	 {phodo_and_eff[40]} 	       {phodo_gold_hits[40]}
-P1X12	 	{phodo_pos_eff[44]} 		{phodo_neg_eff[44]} 	 	 {phodo_or_eff[44]} 	 	 {phodo_and_eff[44]} 	       {phodo_gold_hits[44]}
-P1X13 	 	{phodo_pos_eff[48]} 		{phodo_neg_eff[48]} 	 	 {phodo_or_eff[48]} 	 	 {phodo_and_eff[48]} 	       {phodo_gold_hits[48]}
-P1Y1 	 	{phodo_pos_eff[1]}		{phodo_neg_eff[1]} 	 	 {phodo_or_eff[1]}	 	 {phodo_and_eff[1]}	       {phodo_gold_hits[1]}
-P1Y2 	 	{phodo_pos_eff[5]} 		{phodo_neg_eff[5]} 	 	 {phodo_or_eff[5]} 	 	 {phodo_and_eff[5]} 	       {phodo_gold_hits[5]}
-P1Y3		{phodo_pos_eff[9]} 		{phodo_neg_eff[9]} 	 	 {phodo_or_eff[9]} 	 	 {phodo_and_eff[9]} 	       {phodo_gold_hits[9]}
-P1Y4   	 	{phodo_pos_eff[13]} 		{phodo_neg_eff[13]} 	 	 {phodo_or_eff[13]} 	 	 {phodo_and_eff[13]} 	       {phodo_gold_hits[13]}
-P1Y5 	 	{phodo_pos_eff[17]} 		{phodo_neg_eff[17]} 	 	 {phodo_or_eff[17]} 	 	 {phodo_and_eff[17]} 	       {phodo_gold_hits[17]}
-P1Y6 	 	{phodo_pos_eff[21]} 		{phodo_neg_eff[21]} 	 	 {phodo_or_eff[21]} 	 	 {phodo_and_eff[21]} 	       {phodo_gold_hits[21]}
-P1Y7 	 	{phodo_pos_eff[25]} 		{phodo_neg_eff[25]} 	 	 {phodo_or_eff[25]} 	 	 {phodo_and_eff[25]} 	       {phodo_gold_hits[25]}
-P1Y8 	 	{phodo_pos_eff[29]} 		{phodo_neg_eff[29]} 	 	 {phodo_or_eff[29]} 	 	 {phodo_and_eff[29]} 	       {phodo_gold_hits[29]}
-P1Y9 	 	{phodo_pos_eff[33]} 		{phodo_neg_eff[33]} 	 	 {phodo_or_eff[33]} 	 	 {phodo_and_eff[33]} 	       {phodo_gold_hits[33]}
-P1Y10 	 	{phodo_pos_eff[37]} 		{phodo_neg_eff[37]} 	 	 {phodo_or_eff[37]} 	 	 {phodo_and_eff[37]} 	       {phodo_gold_hits[37]}
-P1Y11 	 	{phodo_pos_eff[41]} 		{phodo_neg_eff[41]} 	 	 {phodo_or_eff[41]} 	 	 {phodo_and_eff[41]} 	       {phodo_gold_hits[41]}
-P1Y12 	 	{phodo_pos_eff[45]} 		{phodo_neg_eff[45]} 	 	 {phodo_or_eff[45]} 	 	 {phodo_and_eff[45]} 	       {phodo_gold_hits[45]}
-P1Y13 	 	{phodo_pos_eff[49]} 		{phodo_neg_eff[49]} 	 	 {phodo_or_eff[49]} 	 	 {phodo_and_eff[49]} 	       {phodo_gold_hits[49]}
-P2X1	 	{phodo_pos_eff[2]}	 	{phodo_neg_eff[2]}	 	 {phodo_or_eff[2]} 	 	 {phodo_and_eff[2]} 	       {phodo_gold_hits[2]}
-P2X2 	 	{phodo_pos_eff[6]}	 	{phodo_neg_eff[6]}	 	 {phodo_or_eff[6]}	 	 {phodo_and_eff[6]}	       {phodo_gold_hits[6]}
-P2X3 	 	{phodo_pos_eff[10]} 	 	{phodo_neg_eff[10]} 	 	 {phodo_or_eff[10]}	 	 {phodo_and_eff[10]} 	       {phodo_gold_hits[10]}
-P2X4 	 	{phodo_pos_eff[14]} 	 	{phodo_neg_eff[14]}	 	 {phodo_or_eff[14]} 	 	 {phodo_and_eff[14]} 	       {phodo_gold_hits[14]}
-P2X5 	 	{phodo_pos_eff[18]} 	 	{phodo_neg_eff[18]} 	 	 {phodo_or_eff[18]} 	 	 {phodo_and_eff[18]}	       {phodo_gold_hits[18]}
-P2X6 	 	{phodo_pos_eff[22]}	 	{phodo_neg_eff[22]}	 	 {phodo_or_eff[22]} 	 	 {phodo_and_eff[22]} 	       {phodo_gold_hits[22]}
-P2X7 	 	{phodo_pos_eff[26]} 	 	{phodo_neg_eff[26]}	 	 {phodo_or_eff[26]}	 	 {phodo_and_eff[26]}	       {phodo_gold_hits[26]}
-P2X8 	 	{phodo_pos_eff[30]} 	 	{phodo_neg_eff[30]}		 {phodo_or_eff[30]}      	 {phodo_and_eff[30]}	       {phodo_gold_hits[30]}
-P2X9 	 	{phodo_pos_eff[34]} 	 	{phodo_neg_eff[34]}		 {phodo_or_eff[34]}		 {phodo_and_eff[34]}	       {phodo_gold_hits[34]}
-P2X10	 	{phodo_pos_eff[38]}	 	{phodo_neg_eff[38]}		 {phodo_or_eff[38]}		 {phodo_and_eff[38]}	       {phodo_gold_hits[38]}
-P2X11 	 	{phodo_pos_eff[42]} 	 	{phodo_neg_eff[42]}		 {phodo_or_eff[42]}		 {phodo_and_eff[42]}	       {phodo_gold_hits[42]}
-P2X12 	 	{phodo_pos_eff[46]} 	 	{phodo_neg_eff[46]}		 {phodo_or_eff[46]}		 {phodo_and_eff[46]}	       {phodo_gold_hits[46]}
-P2X13 	 	{phodo_pos_eff[50]} 	 	{phodo_neg_eff[50]}		 {phodo_or_eff[50]}		 {phodo_and_eff[50]}	       {phodo_gold_hits[50]}
-P2X14 	 	{phodo_pos_eff[54]} 	 	{phodo_neg_eff[54]}		 {phodo_or_eff[54]}		 {phodo_and_eff[54]}	       {phodo_gold_hits[54]}
-P2Y1	 	{phodo_pos_eff[3]}	 	{phodo_neg_eff[3]}		 {phodo_or_eff[3]}       	 {phodo_and_eff[3]}	       {phodo_gold_hits[3]}
-P2Y2 	 	{phodo_pos_eff[7]}	 	{phodo_neg_eff[7]} 	 	 {phodo_or_eff[7]} 	 	 {phodo_and_eff[7]}    	       {phodo_gold_hits[7]}
-P2Y3 	 	{phodo_pos_eff[11]} 	 	{phodo_neg_eff[11]}	 	 {phodo_or_eff[11]} 	 	 {phodo_and_eff[11]}	       {phodo_gold_hits[11]}
-P2Y4 	 	{phodo_pos_eff[15]} 	 	{phodo_neg_eff[15]} 	 	 {phodo_or_eff[15]} 	 	 {phodo_and_eff[15]}	       {phodo_gold_hits[15]}
-P2Y5 	 	{phodo_pos_eff[19]} 	 	{phodo_neg_eff[19]}	 	 {phodo_or_eff[19]} 	 	 {phodo_and_eff[19]}	       {phodo_gold_hits[19]}
-P2Y6 	 	{phodo_pos_eff[23]} 	 	{phodo_neg_eff[23]} 	 	 {phodo_or_eff[23]} 	 	 {phodo_and_eff[23]}	       {phodo_gold_hits[23]}
-P2Y7 	 	{phodo_pos_eff[27]} 	 	{phodo_neg_eff[27]} 	 	 {phodo_or_eff[27]} 	 	 {phodo_and_eff[27]}	       {phodo_gold_hits[27]}
-P2Y8 	 	{phodo_pos_eff[31]} 	 	{phodo_neg_eff[31]} 	 	 {phodo_or_eff[31]} 	 	 {phodo_and_eff[31]}	       {phodo_gold_hits[31]}
-P2Y9 	 	{phodo_pos_eff[35]} 	 	{phodo_neg_eff[35]} 	 	 {phodo_or_eff[35]} 	 	 {phodo_and_eff[35]}	       {phodo_gold_hits[35]}
-P2Y10 	 	{phodo_pos_eff[39]} 	 	{phodo_neg_eff[39]} 	 	 {phodo_or_eff[39]} 	 	 {phodo_and_eff[39]}	       {phodo_gold_hits[39]}
-P2Y11 	 	{phodo_pos_eff[43]} 	 	{phodo_neg_eff[43]} 	 	 {phodo_or_eff[43]} 	 	 {phodo_and_eff[43]}	       {phodo_gold_hits[43]}
-P2Y12 	 	{phodo_pos_eff[47]} 	 	{phodo_neg_eff[47]} 	 	 {phodo_or_eff[47]} 	 	 {phodo_and_eff[47]}	       {phodo_gold_hits[47]}
-P2Y13 	 	{phodo_pos_eff[51]} 	 	{phodo_neg_eff[51]} 	 	 {phodo_or_eff[51]} 	 	 {phodo_and_eff[51]}	       {phodo_gold_hits[51]}
-P2Y14 	 	{phodo_pos_eff[55]} 	 	{phodo_neg_eff[55]} 	 	 {phodo_or_eff[55]} 	 	 {phodo_and_eff[55]}	       {phodo_gold_hits[55]}
-P2Y15 	 	{phodo_pos_eff[59]} 	 	{phodo_neg_eff[59]} 	 	 {phodo_or_eff[59]} 	 	 {phodo_and_eff[59]}	       {phodo_gold_hits[59]}
-P2Y16 	 	{phodo_pos_eff[63]} 	 	{phodo_neg_eff[63]} 	 	 {phodo_or_eff[63]}	 	 {phodo_and_eff[63]}	       {phodo_gold_hits[63]}
-P2Y17 	 	{phodo_pos_eff[67]} 	 	{phodo_neg_eff[67]} 	 	 {phodo_or_eff[67]} 	 	 {phodo_and_eff[67]}	       {phodo_gold_hits[67]}
-P2Y18 	 	{phodo_pos_eff[71]} 	 	{phodo_neg_eff[71]} 	 	 {phodo_or_eff[71]} 	 	 {phodo_and_eff[71]}	       {phodo_gold_hits[71]}
-P2Y19 	 	{phodo_pos_eff[75]} 	 	{phodo_neg_eff[75]} 	 	 {phodo_or_eff[75]} 	 	 {phodo_and_eff[75]}	       {phodo_gold_hits[75]}
-P2Y20 	 	{phodo_pos_eff[79]} 	 	{phodo_neg_eff[79]} 	 	 {phodo_or_eff[79]} 	 	 {phodo_and_eff[79]}	       {phodo_gold_hits[79]}
-P2Y21 	 	{phodo_pos_eff[83]} 	 	{phodo_neg_eff[83]}	 	 {phodo_or_eff[83]} 	 	 {phodo_and_eff[83]}	       {phodo_gold_hits[83]}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/SCRIPTS/COIN/MONITOR/Bean_counter.C b/UTIL-CT/Bean_counter.C
similarity index 99%
rename from SCRIPTS/COIN/MONITOR/Bean_counter.C
rename to UTIL-CT/Bean_counter.C
index 17e9dc4ed34776078e2dbae8d16bb495a64d39bb..82cbe1b9105bdefb1bb3e50216fbbcc95d9f56e2 100644
--- a/SCRIPTS/COIN/MONITOR/Bean_counter.C
+++ b/UTIL-CT/Bean_counter.C
@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ void Bean_counter(Int_t runNumber, Int_t targ){
       else if (targ == 2)
-	if (sqrt(pPm*pPm) < 0.4)
+	if (sqrt(pPm*pPm) < 0.6)
diff --git a/SCRIPTS/COIN/MONITOR/Bean_counter_carbon.C b/UTIL-CT/Bean_counter_carbon.C
similarity index 100%
rename from SCRIPTS/COIN/MONITOR/Bean_counter_carbon.C
rename to UTIL-CT/Bean_counter_carbon.C
diff --git a/SCRIPTS/COIN/MONITOR/coin_histo.C b/UTIL-CT/coin_histo.C
similarity index 100%
rename from SCRIPTS/COIN/MONITOR/coin_histo.C
rename to UTIL-CT/coin_histo.C
diff --git a/SCRIPTS/COIN/MONITOR/coin_monitor.README b/UTIL-CT/coin_monitor.README
similarity index 100%
rename from SCRIPTS/COIN/MONITOR/coin_monitor.README
rename to UTIL-CT/coin_monitor.README
diff --git a/SCRIPTS/COIN/MONITOR/coin_monitor_calc.C b/UTIL-CT/coin_monitor_calc.C
similarity index 100%
rename from SCRIPTS/COIN/MONITOR/coin_monitor_calc.C
rename to UTIL-CT/coin_monitor_calc.C
diff --git a/SCRIPTS/COIN/MONITOR/coin_monitor_calc_batch.sh b/UTIL-CT/coin_monitor_calc_batch.sh
similarity index 100%
rename from SCRIPTS/COIN/MONITOR/coin_monitor_calc_batch.sh
rename to UTIL-CT/coin_monitor_calc_batch.sh
diff --git a/SCRIPTS/COIN/MONITOR/coin_monitor_graph.C b/UTIL-CT/coin_monitor_graph.C
similarity index 100%
rename from SCRIPTS/COIN/MONITOR/coin_monitor_graph.C
rename to UTIL-CT/coin_monitor_graph.C
diff --git a/SCRIPTS/COIN/MONITOR/coin_monitor_init.C b/UTIL-CT/coin_monitor_init.C
similarity index 100%
rename from SCRIPTS/COIN/MONITOR/coin_monitor_init.C
rename to UTIL-CT/coin_monitor_init.C
diff --git a/UTIL/PEDESTAL_MON/COIN/PRODUCTION/hms_ped.C b/UTIL-OL/PED_MON/hms_coin_ped.C
similarity index 93%
rename to UTIL-OL/PED_MON/hms_coin_ped.C
index d547657436e0b2117f52582b1a3b18433fb1c51f..ae3fcff24394755b17ab2f6d04a1fff4f3c8e90d 100644
+++ b/UTIL-OL/PED_MON/hms_coin_ped.C
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ void hms_ped(Int_t runNumber, Int_t eventNumber)
   for (int i = 0; i<numHistos ; i++)
-      if(abs(meanDiff[i])>10.0) // //The following message will appear in terminal if Pedestal mean differnce is greater than 10 Channels
+      if(abs(meanDiff[i])>2.5) // //The following message will appear in terminal if Pedestal mean differnce is greater than 2.5
 	  cout << "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Attention Needed !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" << endl;
@@ -105,9 +105,9 @@ void hms_ped(Int_t runNumber, Int_t eventNumber)
 	  cout<<  "------------- FOR SHWER SUM, PRESHWER SUM AND CERENKOV SUM---------"<<endl;
           cout<<  "NOTE----> MEAN FOR CURRENT RUN  = M  AND THEIR DIFFERNCE = MD------"<<endl;
-          cout << "-----ABSOLUTE VALUE OF MD should be < 10 Channels(2.5 mV)----------"<< endl;
-	  cout<< "------------BUT HERE YOU SEE THE MG VALUE(S) > 10 Channels----------"<<endl;
-	  cout << "-----------------PLEASE CONSULT WITH  EXPERTS-----------------------" <<endl;
+          cout << "---------------ABSOLUTE VALUE OF MD should be < 2.5----------------"<< endl;
+	  cout<< "------------BUT HERE YOU SEE THE MG VALUE(S) > 2.5-----------------"<<endl;
+	  cout << "-----------------PLEASE CONSULT WITH  SHIFT LEADER-----------------" <<endl;
 	  cout << "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Attention Needed !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" << endl;
 	  cout << setprecision(4) << fixed <<"chan"<<" "<< channel[i] << " " <<"bar"<<" "<< bar[i] 
diff --git a/UTIL/PEDESTAL_MON/HMS/PRODUCTION/hms_ped.C.Feb18 b/UTIL-OL/PED_MON/hms_ped.C
similarity index 92%
rename from UTIL/PEDESTAL_MON/HMS/PRODUCTION/hms_ped.C.Feb18
rename to UTIL-OL/PED_MON/hms_ped.C
index d1934357a28aac81cac286c064024f9e5e8e3d48..42a7f9e33eb3d11b464ed0fb2e5e58d4932b3442 100644
+++ b/UTIL-OL/PED_MON/hms_ped.C
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ void hms_ped(Int_t runNumber, Int_t eventNumber)
   for (int i = 0; i<numHistos ; i++)
-      if(abs(meanDiff[i])>10.0) // //The following message will appear in terminal if Pedestal mean differnce is greater than 2.5
+      if(abs(meanDiff[i])>2.5) // //The following message will appear in terminal if Pedestal mean differnce is greater than 2.5
 	  cout << "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Attention Needed !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" << endl;
@@ -101,9 +101,9 @@ void hms_ped(Int_t runNumber, Int_t eventNumber)
 	  cout<<  "------------- FOR SHWER SUM, PRESHWER SUM AND CERENKOV SUM---------"<<endl;
           cout<<  "NOTE----> MEAN FOR CURRENT RUN  = M  AND THEIR DIFFERNCE = MD------"<<endl;
-          cout << "-----ABSOLUTE VALUE OF MD should be < 10 Channels (2.5 mV)---------"<< endl;
-	  cout<< "------------BUT HERE YOU SEE THE MG VALUE(S) > 10-----------------"<<endl;
-	  cout << "-----------------PLEASE CONSULT WITH  EXPERTS----------------" <<endl;
+          cout << "---------------ABSOLUTE VALUE OF MD should be < 2.5----------------"<< endl;
+	  cout<< "------------BUT HERE YOU SEE THE MG VALUE(S) > 2.5-----------------"<<endl;
+	  cout << "-----------------PLEASE CONSULT WITH  SHIFT LEADER-----------------" <<endl;
 	  cout << "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Attention Needed !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" << endl;
 	  cout << setprecision(4) << fixed <<"chan"<<" "<< channel[i] << " " <<"bar"<<" "<< bar[i] 
diff --git a/UTIL/PEDESTAL_MON/COIN/PRODUCTION/shms_ped.C b/UTIL-OL/PED_MON/shms_coin_ped.C
similarity index 93%
rename to UTIL-OL/PED_MON/shms_coin_ped.C
index a80047757ba272d0a69cb8d1fc82018da3cd4f17..adb5fc24bcea8e629b32f360f58b225d96acdef0 100644
+++ b/UTIL-OL/PED_MON/shms_coin_ped.C
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ void shms_ped(Int_t runNumber, Int_t eventNumber)
   for (int i = 0; i < numHistos-2 ; i++)
-      if(abs(meanDiff[i])>10.0) //The following message will appear in terminal if Pedestal mean differnce is greater than 2.5
+      if(abs(meanDiff[i])>2.5) //The following message will appear in terminal if Pedestal mean differnce is greater than 2.5
@@ -101,9 +101,9 @@ cout<<"_____________________________________________________________________"<<e
           cout<<  "NOTE----> MEAN FOR CURRENT RUN  = M  AND THEIR DIFFERNCE = MD------"<<endl;
-          cout << "--------ABSOLUTE VALUE OF MD should be < 10 Channels (2.5 mV)-------"<< endl;
-	  cout<< "------------BUT HERE YOU SEE THE MG VALUE(S) > 10-----------------"<<endl;
-	  cout << "-----------------PLEASE CONSULT WITH  EXPERTS-------------------" <<endl;
+          cout << "---------------ABSOLUTE VALUE OF MD should be < 2.5----------------"<< endl;
+	  cout<< "------------BUT HERE YOU SEE THE MG VALUE(S) > 2.5-----------------"<<endl;
+	  cout << "-----------------PLEASE CONSULT WITH  SHIFT LEADER-----------------" <<endl;
 	  cout << "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Attention Needed !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" << endl;
 	  cout << setprecision(4) << fixed <<"chan"<<" "<< channel[i] << " " <<"bar"<<" "<< bar[i] 
diff --git a/UTIL/PEDESTAL_MON/SHMS/PRODUCTION/shms_ped.C.Feb18 b/UTIL-OL/PED_MON/shms_ped.C
similarity index 93%
rename from UTIL/PEDESTAL_MON/SHMS/PRODUCTION/shms_ped.C.Feb18
rename to UTIL-OL/PED_MON/shms_ped.C
index 2242ae5d01a3a752e3a2aaaa9a7efb01181888a2..3794c93dc31b34a9094f1a3ce367d51e7f35f321 100644
+++ b/UTIL-OL/PED_MON/shms_ped.C
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ void shms_ped(Int_t runNumber, Int_t eventNumber)
   for (int i = 0; i < numHistos-2 ; i++)
-      if(abs(meanDiff[i])>10.0) //The following message will appear in terminal if Pedestal mean differnce is greater than 2.5
+      if(abs(meanDiff[i])>2.5) //The following message will appear in terminal if Pedestal mean differnce is greater than 2.5
@@ -95,9 +95,9 @@ cout<<"_____________________________________________________________________"<<e
           cout<<  "NOTE----> MEAN FOR CURRENT RUN  = M  AND THEIR DIFFERNCE = MD------"<<endl;
-          cout << "--------ABSOLUTE VALUE OF MD should be < 10 Channels (2.5 mV)------"<< endl;
-	  cout<< "------------BUT HERE YOU SEE THE MG VALUE(S) > 10-------------------"<<endl;
-	  cout << "-----------------PLEASE CONSULT WITH  EXPERTS----------------------" <<endl;
+          cout << "---------------ABSOLUTE VALUE OF MD should be < 2.5----------------"<< endl;
+	  cout<< "------------BUT HERE YOU SEE THE MG VALUE(S) > 2.5-----------------"<<endl;
+	  cout << "-----------------PLEASE CONSULT WITH  SHIFT LEADER-----------------" <<endl;
 	  cout << "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Attention Needed !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" << endl;
 	  cout << setprecision(4) << fixed <<"chan"<<" "<< channel[i] << " " <<"bar"<<" "<< bar[i] 
diff --git a/UTIL/REPORT_MON/HMS/readout_hms.py b/UTIL-OL/REP_MON/readout_hms.py
similarity index 85%
rename from UTIL/REPORT_MON/HMS/readout_hms.py
rename to UTIL-OL/REP_MON/readout_hms.py
index 4da380644a4fd91dc3487d08949b40bda129e3e0..69095f5d272c2139ea71aa4d0ce437a05208da62 100755
--- a/UTIL/REPORT_MON/HMS/readout_hms.py
+++ b/UTIL-OL/REP_MON/readout_hms.py
@@ -2,14 +2,14 @@
 import sys
 runNo = sys.argv[1]
 evenNo = sys.argv[2]
-filename = '../../../REPORT_OUTPUT/HMS/PRODUCTION/replay_hms_production_%s_%s.report'% (runNo, evenNo)
+filename = './REPORT_OUTPUT/HMS/PRODUCTION/replay_hms_production_%s_%s.report'% (runNo, evenNo)
 f = open(filename)
 fout = open('output.txt','w')
 for line in f:
     data = line.split(':')
-    if ('Run #' in data[0])or ('3_of_4 EFF' in data[0])  or ('BCM1 Current'in data[0]) or ('BCM2 Current'in data[0]) or('BCM4a Current' in data[0]) or ('SING FID' in data[0]and 'HADRON' not in data[0])or('Plane 1' in data[0]) or('Plane 2' in data[0])or('Plane 3'in data[0])or ('Plane 4'in data[0]) or ('Pre-Scaled Ps1 HMS Computer Live Time' in data[0])or ('Pre-Scaled Ps2 HMS Computer Live Time' in data[0]) or('Pre-Scaled Ps3 HMS Computer Live Time' in data[0]):
+    if ('Run #' in data[0])or ('4_of_4 EFF' in data[0])  or ('BCM1 Current'in data[0]) or ('BCM2 Current'in data[0]) or('BCM4a Current' in data[0]) or ('SING FID' in data[0]and 'HADRON' not in data[0])or('Plane 1' in data[0]) or('Plane 2' in data[0])or('Plane 3'in data[0])or ('Plane 4'in data[0]) or ('Pre-Scaled Ps1 HMS Computer Live Time' in data[0])or ('Pre-Scaled Ps2 HMS Computer Live Time' in data[0]) or('Pre-Scaled Ps3 HMS Computer Live Time' in data[0])or('Pre-Trigger' in data[0]):
         # print (data[0]+ ': '+ data[1])
diff --git a/UTIL/REPORT_MON/SHMS/readout_shms.py b/UTIL-OL/REP_MON/readout_shms.py
similarity index 85%
rename from UTIL/REPORT_MON/SHMS/readout_shms.py
rename to UTIL-OL/REP_MON/readout_shms.py
index fbbb29061e794a4bb1f65e9f60ffd93e9966af1f..6c0e8979c27f487d8162b590f674ca3dc5dee7e1 100755
--- a/UTIL/REPORT_MON/SHMS/readout_shms.py
+++ b/UTIL-OL/REP_MON/readout_shms.py
@@ -5,14 +5,14 @@ evenNo = sys.argv[2]
 #raw_input("Enter the run number: ")
 #eveNo = $2
 #raw_input("Enter the event number: ")
-filename = '../../../REPORT_OUTPUT/SHMS/PRODUCTION/replay_shms_production_%s_%s.report'% (runNo, evenNo)
+filename = './REPORT_OUTPUT/SHMS/PRODUCTION/replay_shms_production_%s_%s.report'% (runNo, evenNo)
 f = open(filename)
 fout = open('output.txt','w')
 for line in f:
     data = line.split(':')
-    if ('Run #' in data[0])or ('3_of_4 EFF' in data[0])  or ('BCM1 Current'in data[0]) or ('BCM2 Current'in data[0]) or('BCM4a Current' in data[0]) or ('SING FID' in data[0]and 'HADRON' not in data[0])or('Plane 1' in data[0]) or('Plane 2' in data[0])or('Plane 3'in data[0])or ('Plane 4'in data[0]) or ('Pre-Scaled Ps1 SHMS Computer Live Time' in data[0])or ('Pre-Scaled Ps2 SHMS Computer Live Time' in data[0]) or('Pre-Scaled Ps3 SHMS Computer Live Time' in data[0]):
+    if ('Run #' in data[0])or ('4_of_4 EFF' in data[0])  or ('BCM1 Current'in data[0]) or ('BCM2 Current'in data[0]) or('BCM4a Current' in data[0]) or ('SING FID' in data[0]and 'HADRON' not in data[0])or('Plane 1' in data[0]) or('Plane 2' in data[0])or('Plane 3'in data[0])or ('Plane 4'in data[0]) or ('Pre-Scaled Ps1 SHMS Computer Live Time' in data[0])or ('Pre-Scaled Ps2 SHMS Computer Live Time' in data[0]) or('Pre-Scaled Ps3 SHMS Computer Live Time' in data[0])or('Pre-Trigger' in data[0]):
         # print (data[0]+ ': '+ data[1])
deleted file mode 100644
index 9fae1a65e22af614c8d3c6ee5eac79588ae12751..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
-//Read one 1D histogram from rootfile
-void hms_ped(Int_t runNumber, Int_t eventNumber)
-  const Int_t run          = runNumber;
-  const  Int_t nevents     = eventNumber;
-  const Int_t goldRunNum   = 1292;
-  const Int_t numHistos  = 3;       //Number of histos
-  // Define golden run in which to compare current run to
-  TFile *f = new TFile(Form("ROOTfiles/hms_replay_production_%d_50000.root", goldRunNum));
-  ofstream myfile;
-  myfile.open("outHMS.txt"); //To store pedestals differences
-  myfile <<"___________________________________________________________________________"<<endl;
-  myfile <<"HMS PEDESTAL GOLDEN  RUN NUMBER =" "  "<<goldRunNum<<endl;
-  myfile <<"HMS TRIGGER  PPED  RUN   NUMBER =" "  "<<run<<endl;
-  myfile <<"___________________________________________________________________________"<<endl;
-  myfile <<"hms_pped"<< "\t\t\t"<<"Mean_Golden"<<"\t"<<"Mean"<<"\t\t"<<"Mean_Diff"<<endl;
-  myfile <<"___________________________________________________________________________"<<endl;
-  TH1D *histG[numHistos];
-  TH1D *hist[numHistos];
-  Int_t channel [3]={13,12,15};//(see hallc_replay/MAPS/HMS/DETEC/TRIG/htrig.map)
-  TString variables[numHistos]={"hSHWR","hPSHWR","hCER"};
-  TString histos[numHistos]={"htrig_hshwr_adc_pped",  "htrig_hpreShwr_adc_pped", "htrig_hcersum_adc_pped" }; 
-  Int_t plane=1;
-  Int_t bar [3]={6,5,8}; //variables are corresponding to these bars
-  //For Golden
-  double meanG[numHistos],rmsG[numHistos];
-  double mean[numHistos],rms[numHistos];
-  double meanDiff[numHistos],rmsDiff[numHistos];
-  double eff_rms[numHistos];
-  for (int i = 0; i<numHistos ; i++)
-    {
-      histG[i] = (TH1D*)gDirectory->Get(histos[i]);
-      //histG[i] = (TH1D*)gDirectory->GetList()->FindObject(branches[i]);
-      if (histG[i]) {
-	meanG[i]=histG[i]->GetMean();
-	rmsG[i]=histG[i]->GetRMS();
-      }
-      else
-	{
-	  cout << "****************ATTENTION REQUIRED *****************************" << endl;
-	  cout << "************HMS_TRIGGER_PULSE_PEDESTALS_HAVE PROBLEMS *********" << endl;
-	  cout << "************PLEASE LOOK AT HMS_TRIGGER_SUM_PPED_HISTOGRAMS*****" << endl;
-	}
-    }
-  // no golden
-  TFile *f1= new TFile(Form("ROOTfiles/hms_replay_production_%d_%d.root",run,nevents));
-  for (int i = 0; i<numHistos ; i++)
-    {
-      hist[i] = (TH1D*)gDirectory->Get(histos[i]);
-      mean[i]=hist[i]->GetMean();
-      rms[i]=hist[i]->GetRMS();
-    }
-  for (int i = 0; i<numHistos ; i++)
-    {
-      meanDiff[i]=meanG[i]-mean[i];
-      eff_rms[i] = sqrt(pow(rmsG[i], 2)+pow(rms[i], 2));
-    }
-  for (int i = 0; i<numHistos ; i++)
-    {
-      //open this cout if we want to print values in terminal
-      // cout <<channel[i]<<""<<"\t"<< bar[i]<<"\t"<<variables[i]<<"\t"<<"\t"<<meanG[i]<<"\t\t"<<mean[i]<<"\t\t"<<meanDiff[i]<<endl;
-      myfile<<histos[i]<<"\t"<<"\t"<<meanG[i]<<"\t\t"<<mean[i]<<"\t\t"<<meanDiff[i]<<endl;//to stores values in .txt file
-    }
-  for (int i = 0; i<numHistos ; i++)
-    {
-      if(abs(meanDiff[i])>10.0) // //The following message will appear in terminal if Pedestal mean differnce is greater than 2.5
-	{
-	  /*
-	  //commented out on Feb. 18 for F2 running (Sanghwa)
-	  cout<<"_____________________________________________________________________"<<endl;
-	  cout << "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Attention Needed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" << endl;
-	  cout<<"_____________________________________________________________________"<<endl;
-	  cout << "--------------------See ROC1 --- SLOT 17---------------------------" << endl;//hallc_replay/MAPS/HMS/DETEC/TRIG/htrig.map
-	  cout<<  "------------- FOR SHWER SUM, PRESHWER SUM AND CERENKOV SUM---------"<<endl;
-          cout<<  "NOTE----> MEAN FOR CURRENT RUN  = M  AND THEIR DIFFERNCE = MD------"<<endl;
-          cout << "-----ABSOLUTE VALUE OF MD should be < 10 Channels (2.5 mV)---------"<< endl;
-	  cout<< "------------BUT HERE YOU SEE THE MG VALUE(S) > 10-----------------"<<endl;
-	  cout << "-----------------PLEASE CONSULT WITH  EXPERTS----------------" <<endl;
-          cout<<"_____________________________________________________________________"<<endl;
-	  */
-	  cout << " " << endl;
-	  cout << " " << endl;
-	  cout << "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Attention Needed IT AFFECTS TRIGGER EFFICIENCY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" << endl;
-	  cout << setprecision(4) << fixed <<"chan"<<" "<< channel[i] << " " <<"bar"<<" "<< bar[i] 
-	       << "\t" <<  variables[i] << "\t" <<"Mean gold run:"<<"  "<<meanG[i] <<"  " 
-	       <<"Mean current run:"<<"  "<< mean[i] <<" " <<"Mean diff:"<<" "<< meanDiff[i] << endl;//MG=mean golden,M = mean current, MD = mean diff
-	}	
-    }
-  myfile <<"____________________________________________________________________________"<<endl;
-  myfile.close();
-  // TCanvas *c2 = new TCanvas();
-  // double x[numHistos] ={1,2,3};
-  // TGraphErrors *gr = new TGraphErrors(numHistos, x, meanDiff, 0, eff_rms); 
-  // c2->cd(1);
-  // gr->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(" HMS SHWR    PRESHWR  CERENKOV");
-  // gr->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("HMS PED_MEAN_DIFF");
-  // gr->SetTitle("HMS PED SHWR PRESHWR CER Golden_vs_current_Run");
-  // gr->SetMarkerColor(2);
-  // gr->SetMarkerSize(1);
-  // gr->SetMarkerStyle(3);
-  // gr->Draw("AP*");
-  //  TLegend *leg = new TLegend(0.2,0.9,0.5,0.7);
-  //  leg->AddEntry(gr ,"1 = Pshwr","p");
-  //  leg->AddEntry(gr ,"2 = Pprshwr","p");
-  //  leg->AddEntry(gr ,"3 = Pcer","p");
-  // leg->Draw();
-  // c2->Update();
deleted file mode 100644
index f3329929ae59e438b00a5e4267dbc14f5888c0ef..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
-//Read one 1D histogram from rootfile
-void shms_ped(Int_t runNumber, Int_t eventNumber)
-  const Int_t run        = runNumber;
-  const Int_t nevents    = eventNumber;
-  const Int_t goldRunNum = 1757;
-  const Int_t numHistos  = 5;     //Number of histos
-  // Define golden run in which to compare current run to
-  TFile *f = new TFile(Form("ROOTfiles/shms_replay_production_%d_50000.root", goldRunNum));
-  ofstream myfile;
-  myfile.open("outSHMS.txt"); //To store pedestals differences
-  myfile <<"___________________________________________________________________________"<<endl;
-  myfile <<"SHMS PEDESTAL GOLDEN  RUN NUMBER =" "  "<<goldRunNum<<endl;
-  myfile <<"SHMS TRIGGER SUM PPED RUN NUMBER =" "  "<<run<<endl;
-  myfile <<"___________________________________________________________________________"<<endl;
-  myfile <<"shms_sum_pped"<< "\t\t\t"<<"Mean_Golden"<<"\t"<<"Mean"<<"\t\t"<<"Mean_Diff"<<endl;
-  myfile <<"___________________________________________________________________________"<<endl;
-  TH1D *histG[numHistos];
-  TH1D *hist[numHistos];
-  Int_t   channel[5] = {1,2,3,4,5}; //(see hallc_replay/MAPS/SHMS/DETEC/TRIG/ptrig.map)
-  TString variables[numHistos] = {"pHGCER", "pNGCER", "pPSHWR", "pHG_MOD", "pNG_MOD"};
-  TString histos[numHistos]    = {"ptrig_phgc_sum_pped", "ptrig_pngc_sum_pped", "ptrig_prshwr_sum_pped", "ptrig_phgc_sum_MOD_pped", "ptrig_pngc_sum_MOD_pped"};
-  Int_t plane=1;
-  Int_t bar [5]={2,3,4,6,7}; //variables are corresponding to these bars
-  // For Goldern
-  double meanG[numHistos],    rmsG[numHistos];
-  double mean[numHistos],     rms[numHistos];
-  double meanDiff[numHistos], rmsDiff[numHistos];
-  double eff_rms[numHistos];
-  for (int i = 0; i < numHistos-2 ; i++)
-    {
-      histG[i] = (TH1D*)gDirectory->Get(histos[i]);
-      // cout << "histG[i] = " << histG[i] << endl;
-      if (histG[i]) {
-  	//	histG[i]->Draw();
-      	meanG[i]=histG[i]->GetMean();
-      	rmsG[i]=histG[i]->GetRMS();
-      }
-      else 
-  	{	
-  	  cout << "****************ATTENTION REQUIRED *****************************" << endl;
-  	  cout << "************SHMS_TRIGGER_PULSE_PEDESTALS_HAVE PROBLEMS *********" << endl;
-  	  cout << "************PLEASE LOOK AT SHMS_TRIGGER_SUM_PPED_HISTOGRAMS*****" << endl;    
-  	}
-    }
-  //  no golden
-  // TFile *f1= new TFile(Form("../../../../ROOTfiles/shms_replay_production_%d_%d.root",run,nevents));
-  TFile *f1= new TFile(Form("ROOTfiles/shms_replay_production_%d_%d.root",run,nevents));
-  for (int i = 0; i < numHistos-2 ; i++)
-    {
-      hist[i] = (TH1D*)gDirectory->Get(histos[i]);
-      // cout << "mean = " << hist[i]->GetMean() << endl;
-      mean[i]=hist[i]->GetMean();
-      rms[i]=hist[i]->GetRMS();
-    }
-  for (int i = 0; i < numHistos-2 ; i++)
-    {
-      meanDiff[i]=meanG[i]-mean[i];
-      eff_rms[i] = sqrt(pow(rmsG[i], 2)+pow(rms[i], 2));
-    }
-  for (int i = 0; i < numHistos-2 ; i++)
-    {
-      // cout <<channel[i]<<""<<"\t"<< bar[i]<<"\t"<<variables[i]<<"\t"<<"\t"<<meanG[i]<<"\t\t"<<mean[i]<<"\t\t"<<meanDiff[i]<<endl;
-      myfile<<histos[i]<<"\t"<<"\t"<<meanG[i]<<"\t\t"<<mean[i]<<"\t\t"<<meanDiff[i]<<endl;//to store values in .txt file
-    }
-  for (int i = 0; i < numHistos-2 ; i++)
-    {
-      if(abs(meanDiff[i])>10.0) //The following message will appear in terminal if Pedestal mean differnce is greater than 2.5
-	{
-	  /*
-	  //commented out on Feb. 18 for F2 running (Sanghwa)
-	  cout<<"_____________________________________________________________________"<<endl;
-	  cout << "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Attention Needed !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" << endl;
-	  cout<<"_____________________________________________________________________"<<endl;
-	  cout << "--------------------See ROC2 --- SLOT 14---------------------------" << endl;//hallc_replay/MAPS/HMS/DETEC/TRIG/htrig.map
-          cout<<  "NOTE----> MEAN FOR CURRENT RUN  = M  AND THEIR DIFFERNCE = MD------"<<endl;
-          cout << "--------ABSOLUTE VALUE OF MD should be < 10 Channels (2.5 mV)------"<< endl;
-	  cout<< "------------BUT HERE YOU SEE THE MG VALUE(S) > 10-------------------"<<endl;
-	  cout << "-----------------PLEASE CONSULT WITH  EXPERTS----------------------" <<endl;
-          cout<<"_____________________________________________________________________"<<endl;
-	  cout << "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Attention Needed !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" << endl;
-	  cout << setprecision(4) << fixed <<"chan"<<" "<< channel[i] << " " <<"bar"<<" "<< bar[i] 
-	       << "\t" <<  variables[i] << "\t" <<"MG"<<"  "<<meanG[i] <<"  " 
-	       <<"M"<<"  "<< mean[i] <<" " <<"MD"<<" "<< meanDiff[i] << endl;//MG=mean golden,M = mean current, MD = mean diff
-          cout<<"_____________________________________________________________________"<<endl;
-	  */
-	  cout << " " << endl;
-	  cout << " " << endl;
-	  cout << "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Attention Needed IT AFFECTS TRIGGER EFFICIENCY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" << endl;
-	  cout << setprecision(4) << fixed <<"chan"<<" "<< channel[i] << " " <<"bar"<<" "<< bar[i] 
-	       << "\t" <<  variables[i] << "\t" <<"Mean golden run:"<<"  "<<meanG[i] <<"  " 
-	       <<"Mean current run:"<<"  "<< mean[i] <<" " <<"Mean diff:"<<" "<< meanDiff[i] << endl;//MG=mean golden,M = mean current, MD = mean diff
-	}
-    }
-myfile <<"___________________________________________________________________________"<<endl;
-  myfile.close();
-  // TCanvas *c2 = new TCanvas();
-  // double x[numHistos] ={1,2,3,4,5};
-  // TGraphErrors *gr = new TGraphErrors(numHistos-2, x, meanDiff, 0, eff_rms); 
-  // c2->cd(1);
-  // gr->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(" SHMS HGC    NGC    PRSHWR");//     PHGC_SUM     PNGC_SUM");
-  // gr->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("PED_MEAN_DIFF");
-  // gr->SetTitle("SHMS PED HGC NGC PRSHWR Golden (1757)_vs_current_Run");
-  // gr->SetMarkerColor(2);
-  // gr->SetMarkerSize(1);
-  // gr->SetMarkerStyle(3);
-  // gr->Draw("AP*");
-  // TLegend *leg = new TLegend(0.20,0.9,0.45,0.7);
-  // leg->AddEntry(gr ,"1 = PHGC","p");
-  // leg->AddEntry(gr ,"2 = PNGC","p");
-  // leg->AddEntry(gr,"3 = PRSHWR","p");
-  // //leg->AddEntry(gr ,"2 = PHGC_SUM","p");
-  // // leg->AddEntry(gr,"3 = PNGC_SUM","p");
-  // leg->Draw();
-  // c2->Update();
diff --git a/UTIL/SHELL/full_coin_shms.sh b/UTIL/SHELL/full_coin_shms.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index c2d2d2bdf66767460bcf64042faf07d5b7d650fa..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/UTIL/SHELL/full_coin_shms.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/bash
-# Which spectrometer are we analyzing.
-SPEC=$(echo "$spec" | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]')
-# What is the last run number for the spectrometer.
-# The pre-fix zero must be stripped because ROOT is ... well ROOT
-#lastRun=$( \
-#    ls raw/"${spec}"_all_*.dat raw/../raw.copiedtotape/"${spec}"_all_*.dat -R 2>/dev/null | perl -ne 'if(/0*(\d+)/) {prin#t "$1\n"}' | sort -n | tail -1 \
-lastRun=$( \
-    ls raw/coin_all_*.dat raw/../raw.copiedtotape/coin_all_*.dat cache/coin_all_*.dat -R 2>/dev/null | perl -ne 'if(/0*(\d+)/) {print "$1\n"}' | sort -n | tail -1 \
-# Which run to analyze.
-if [ -z "$runNum" ]; then
-  runNum=$lastRun
-# How many events to analyze.
-# Which scripts to run.
-# Which commands to run.
-runHcana="./hcana -q \"${script}(${runNum}, ${numEvents})\""
-runOnlineGUI="./online -f ${config} -r ${runNum}"
-saveOnlineGUI="./online -f ${config} -r ${runNum} -P"
-# Name of the replay ROOT file
-# Names of the monitoring file
-# Where to put log.
-# What is base name of onlineGUI output.
-# Start analysis and monitoring plots.
-  echo ""
-  echo ":=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:="
-  echo "" 
-  date
-  echo ""
-  echo "Running ${SPEC} COIN analysis on the run ${runNum}:"
-  echo " -> SCRIPT:  ${script}"
-  echo " -> RUN:     ${runNum}"
-  echo " -> NEVENTS: ${numEvents}"
-  echo " -> COMMAND: ${runHcana}"
-  echo ""
-  echo ":=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:="
-  sleep 2
-  eval ${runHcana}
-  # Link the ROOT file to latest for online monitoring
-  ln -fs ${rootFile} ${latestRootFile}
-  echo ":=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:="
-  echo ""
-  echo "Running onlineGUI for analyzed ${SPEC} COIN run ${runNum}:"
-  echo " -> CONFIG:  ${config}"
-  echo " -> RUN:     ${runNum}"
-  echo " -> COMMAND: ${runOnlineGUI}"
-  echo ""
-  echo ":=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:="
-  sleep 2
-  cd onlineGUI
-  eval ${runOnlineGUI}
-  eval ${saveOnlineGUI}
-  mv "${outFile}.pdf" "../HISTOGRAMS/${SPEC}/PDF/${outFile}.pdf"
-  mv "${outFile}.root" "../HISTOGRAMS/${SPEC}/ROOT/${outFile}.root"
-  cd ..
-  ln -fs ${monRootFile} ${latestMonRootFile}
-  ln -fs ${monPdfFile} ${latestMonPdfFile}
-  echo ":=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:="
-  echo ""
-  echo "Done analyzing ${SPEC} run ${runNum}."
-  echo ""
-  echo ":=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:="
-} 2>&1 | tee "${reportFile}"
-2>&1 | tee "${summaryFile}"
diff --git a/UTIL/SHELL/full_shms.sh b/UTIL/SHELL/full_shms.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 22a5787d5b45cac484280cca378c94132ca402c6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/UTIL/SHELL/full_shms.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/bash
-# Which spectrometer are we analyzing.
-SPEC=$(echo "$spec" | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]')
-# What is the last run number for the spectrometer.
-# The pre-fix zero must be stripped because ROOT is ... well ROOT
-lastRun=$( \
-    ls raw/"${spec}"_all_*.dat raw/../raw.copiedtotape/"${spec}"_all_*.dat -R 2>/dev/null | perl -ne 'if(/0*(\d+)/) {print "$1\n"}' | sort -n | tail -1 \
-# Which run to analyze.
-if [ -z "$runNum" ]; then
-  runNum=$lastRun
-# How many events to analyze.
-# Which scripts to run.
-# Which commands to run.
-runHcana="./hcana -q \"${script}(${runNum}, ${numEvents})\""
-runOnlineGUI="./online -f ${config} -r ${runNum} -P"
-# Name of the replay ROOT file
-# Where to put log.
-# Names of the monitoring file
-# What is base name of onlineGUI output.
-# Start analysis and monitoring plots.
-  echo ""
-  echo ":=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:="
-  echo ""  
-  date
-  echo ""
-  echo "Running ${SPEC} analysis on the run ${runNum}:"
-  echo " -> SCRIPT:  ${script}"
-  echo " -> RUN:     ${runNum}"
-  echo " -> NEVENTS: ${numEvents}"
-  echo " -> COMMAND: ${runHcana}"
-  echo ""
-  echo ":=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:="
-  sleep 2
-  eval ${runHcana}
-  # Link the ROOT file to latest for online monitoring
-  ln -fs ${rootFile} ${latestRootFile}
-  echo ":=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:="
-  echo ""
-  echo "Running onlineGUI for analyzed ${SPEC} run ${runNum}:"
-  echo " -> CONFIG:  ${config}"
-  echo " -> RUN:     ${runNum}"
-  echo " -> COMMAND: ${runOnlineGUI}"
-  echo ""
-  echo ":=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:="
-  sleep 2
-  cd onlineGUI
-  eval ${runOnlineGUI}
-  mv "${outFile}.pdf" "../HISTOGRAMS/${SPEC}/PDF/${outFile}.pdf"
-  mv "${outFile}.root" "../HISTOGRAMS/${SPEC}/ROOT/${outFile}.root"
-  cd ..
-  ln -fs ${monRootFile} ${latestMonRootFile}
-  ln -fs ${monPdfFile} ${latestMonPdfFile}
-  echo ":=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:="
-  echo ""
-  echo "Done analyzing ${SPEC} run ${runNum}."
-  echo ""
-  echo ":=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:="
-} 2>&1 | tee "${reportFile}"
-2>&1 | tee "${summaryFile}"
diff --git a/UTIL/SHELL/run_all_shms.sh b/UTIL/SHELL/run_all_shms.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index d18d930aacd8711ef4ee77c5303c431fc155eec8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/UTIL/SHELL/run_all_shms.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/bash
-# Which spectrometer are we analyzing.
-SPEC=$(echo "$spec" | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]')
-# What is the last run number for the spectrometer.
-# The pre-fix zero must be stripped because ROOT is ... well ROOT
-lastRun=$( \
-    ls raw/"${spec}"_all_*.dat raw/../raw.copiedtotape/"${spec}"_all_*.dat -R 2>/dev/null | perl -ne 'if(/0*(\d+)/) {print "$1\n"}' | sort -n | tail -1 \
-# Which run to analyze.
-if [ -z "$runNum" ]; then
-  runNum=$lastRun
-# How many events to analyze.
-# Which scripts to run.
-# Which commands to run.
-runHcana="./hcana -q \"${script}(${runNum}, ${numEvents})\""
-# Where to put log.
-# Start analysis and monitoring plots.
-  echo ""
-  echo ":=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:="
-  echo "" 
-  date
-  echo ""
-  echo "Running ${SPEC} analysis on the run ${runNum}:"
-  echo " -> SCRIPT:  ${script}"
-  echo " -> RUN:     ${runNum}"
-  echo " -> NEVENTS: ${numEvents}"
-  echo " -> COMMAND: ${runHcana}"
-  echo ""
-  echo ":=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:="
-  echo
-  sleep 2
-  eval ${runHcana}
-  sleep 2
-  echo
-  echo ":=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:="
-  echo ""
-  echo "Done analyzing ${SPEC} run ${runNum}."
-  echo ""
-  echo ":=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:="
-} 2>&1 | tee "${reportFile}"
-2>&1 | tee "${summaryFile}"
diff --git a/UTIL/SHELL/run_beancounter.sh b/UTIL/SHELL/run_beancounter.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index eb19aab3697298948cd3d8733b3b9c76e13ffb18..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/UTIL/SHELL/run_beancounter.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/bash
-# Which run to use
-if [ -z "$runNum" ]; then
-  echo " give Run Number to use"
-  exit
-# which target
-if [ -z "$target" ]; then
-  echo " give target type h or c "
-  exit
-if [ "$target" = "h" ]; then
- targ=1
-if [ "$target" = "c" ]; then
- targ=2
-echo " counting for ${target} target"
-# Which scripts to run.
-# Which commands to run.
-runbc="root -l \"${script}(${runNum}, ${targ})\""
-eval ${runbc}
-echo "If the plots look good quit root otherwise call an expert"
diff --git a/UTIL/SHELL/run_coin.sh b/UTIL/SHELL/run_coin.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 5550c77ad2a7e1c3b51f19f77abcb1c09e61bc36..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/UTIL/SHELL/run_coin.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/bash
-# What is the last run number for the spectrometer.
-# The pre-fix zero must be stripped because ROOT is ... well ROOT
-#lastRun=$( \
-#    ls raw/"${spec}"_all_*.dat raw/../raw.copiedtotape/"${spec}"_all_*.dat -R 2>/dev/null | perl -ne 'if(/0*(\d+)/) {prin#t "$1\n"}' | sort -n | tail -1 \
-lastRun=$( \
-    ls raw/coin_all_*.dat raw/../raw.copiedtotape/coin_all_*.dat cache/coin_all_*.dat -R 2>/dev/null | perl -ne 'if(/0*(\d+)/) {print "$1\n"}' | sort -n | tail -1 \
-# Which run to analyze.
-if [ -z "$runNum" ]; then
-  runNum=$lastRun
-# How many events to analyze.
-# Which scripts to run.
-# Which commands to run.
-runHcana="./hcana -q \"${script}(${runNum}, ${numEvents})\""
-#runOnlineGUI="./online -f ${config} -r ${runNum}"
-#saveOnlineGUI="./online -f ${config} -r ${runNum} -P"
-# Name of the replay ROOT file
-# Names of the monitoring file
-# Where to put log.
-# What is base name of onlineGUI output.
-# Start analysis and monitoring plots.
-  echo ""
-  echo ":=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:="
-  echo "" 
-  date
-  echo ""
-  echo "Running ${SPEC} COIN analysis on the run ${runNum}:"
-  echo " -> SCRIPT:  ${script}"
-  echo " -> RUN:     ${runNum}"
-  echo " -> NEVENTS: ${numEvents}"
-  echo " -> COMMAND: ${runHcana}"
-  echo ""
-  echo ":=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:="
-  sleep 2
-  eval ${runHcana}
-  # Link the ROOT file to latest for online monitoring
- # ln -fs ${rootFile} ${latestRootFile}
-  echo ":=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:="
-  echo ""
-  echo "Running onlineGUI for analyzed ${SPEC} COIN run ${runNum}:"
-  echo " -> CONFIG:  ${config}"
-  echo " -> RUN:     ${runNum}"
-  echo " -> COMMAND: ${runOnlineGUI}"
-  echo ""
-  echo ":=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:="
-#  sleep 2
-#  cd onlineGUI
-#  eval ${runOnlineGUI}
-#  eval ${saveOnlineGUI}
-#  mv "${outFile}.pdf" "../HISTOGRAMS/${SPEC}/PDF/${outFile}.pdf"
-#  mv "${outFile}.root" "../HISTOGRAMS/${SPEC}/ROOT/${outFile}.root"
-#  cd ..
-#  ln -fs ${monRootFile} ${latestMonRootFile}
-#  ln -fs ${monPdfFile} ${latestMonPdfFile}
-  echo ":=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:="
-  echo ""
-  echo "Done analyzing ${SPEC} run ${runNum}."
-  echo ""
-  echo ":=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:="
-#2>&1 | tee "${reportFile}"
-#2>&1 | tee "${summaryFile}"
diff --git a/UTIL/SHELL/run_coin_ep.sh b/UTIL/SHELL/run_coin_ep.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 47a82c1bca5cf2c3f90461629ede9164051cf0d9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/UTIL/SHELL/run_coin_ep.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/bash
-# What is the last run number for the spectrometer.
-# The pre-fix zero must be stripped because ROOT is ... well ROOT
-#lastRun=$( \
-#    ls raw/"${spec}"_all_*.dat raw/../raw.copiedtotape/"${spec}"_all_*.dat -R 2>/dev/null | perl -ne 'if(/0*(\d+)/) {prin#t "$1\n"}' | sort -n | tail -1 \
-lastRun=$( \
-    ls raw/coin_all_*.dat raw/../raw.copiedtotape/coin_all_*.dat cache/coin_all_*.dat -R 2>/dev/null | perl -ne 'if(/0*(\d+)/) {print "$1\n"}' | sort -n | tail -1 \
-# Which run to analyze.
-if [ -z "$runNum" ]; then
-  runNum=$lastRun
-# How many events to analyze.
-# Which scripts to run.
-# Which commands to run.
-runHcana="./hcana -q \"${script}(${runNum}, ${numEvents})\""
-#runOnlineGUI="./online -f ${config} -r ${runNum}"
-#saveOnlineGUI="./online -f ${config} -r ${runNum} -P"
-# Name of the replay ROOT file
-# Names of the monitoring file
-# Where to put log.
-# What is base name of onlineGUI output.
-# Start analysis and monitoring plots.
-  echo ""
-  echo ":=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:="
-  echo "" 
-  date
-  echo ""
-  echo "Running ${SPEC} COIN analysis on the run ${runNum}:"
-  echo " -> SCRIPT:  ${script}"
-  echo " -> RUN:     ${runNum}"
-  echo " -> NEVENTS: ${numEvents}"
-  echo " -> COMMAND: ${runHcana}"
-  echo ""
-  echo ":=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:="
-  sleep 2
-  eval ${runHcana}
-  # Link the ROOT file to latest for online monitoring
- # ln -fs ${rootFile} ${latestRootFile}
-#  echo ":=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:="
-#  echo ""
-#  echo "Running onlineGUI for analyzed ${SPEC} ep run ${runNum}:"
-#  echo " -> CONFIG:  ${config}"
-#  echo " -> RUN:     ${runNum}"
-#  echo " -> COMMAND: ${runOnlineGUI}"
-#  echo ""
-#  echo ":=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:="
-#  sleep 2
-#  cd onlineGUI
-#  eval ${runOnlineGUI}
-#  eval ${saveOnlineGUI}
-#  mv "${outFile}.pdf" "../HISTOGRAMS/${SPEC}/PDF/${outFile}.pdf"
-#  mv "${outFile}.root" "../HISTOGRAMS/${SPEC}/ROOT/${outFile}.root"
-#  cd ..
-#  ln -fs ${monRootFile} ${latestMonRootFile}
-#  ln -fs ${monPdfFile} ${latestMonPdfFile}
-  echo ":=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:="
-  echo ""
-  echo "Done analyzing ${SPEC} run ${runNum}."
-  echo ""
-  echo ":=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:="
-#2>&1 | tee "${reportFile}"
-#2>&1 | tee "${summaryFile}"
diff --git a/UTIL/SHELL/run_coin_hElec_pProt.C b/UTIL/SHELL/run_coin_hElec_pProt.C
deleted file mode 100755
index 563cfd23e64c29eb2343f5703236e983f26c6179..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/UTIL/SHELL/run_coin_hElec_pProt.C
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/bash
-# What is the last run number for the spectrometer.
-# The pre-fix zero must be stripped because ROOT is ... well ROOT
-#lastRun=$( \
-#    ls raw/"${spec}"_all_*.dat raw/../raw.copiedtotape/"${spec}"_all_*.dat -R 2>/dev/null | perl -ne 'if(/0*(\d+)/) {prin#t "$1\n"}' | sort -n | tail -1 \
-lastRun=$( \
-    ls raw/coin_all_*.dat raw/../raw.copiedtotape/coin_all_*.dat cache/coin_all_*.dat -R 2>/dev/null | perl -ne 'if(/0*(\d+)/) {print "$1\n"}' | sort -n | tail -1 \
-# Which run to analyze.
-if [ -z "$runNum" ]; then
-  runNum=$lastRun
-# How many events to analyze.
-# Which scripts to run.
-# Which commands to run.
-runHcana="./hcana -q \"${script}(${runNum}, ${numEvents})\""
-#runOnlineGUI="./online -f ${config} -r ${runNum}"
-#saveOnlineGUI="./online -f ${config} -r ${runNum} -P"
-# Name of the replay ROOT file
-# Names of the monitoring file
-# Where to put log.
-# What is base name of onlineGUI output.
-# Start analysis and monitoring plots.
-  echo ""
-  echo ":=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:="
-  echo "" 
-  date
-  echo ""
-  echo "Running ${SPEC} COIN analysis on the run ${runNum}:"
-  echo " -> SCRIPT:  ${script}"
-  echo " -> RUN:     ${runNum}"
-  echo " -> NEVENTS: ${numEvents}"
-  echo " -> COMMAND: ${runHcana}"
-  echo ""
-  echo ":=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:="
-  sleep 2
-  eval ${runHcana}
-  # Link the ROOT file to latest for online monitoring
- # ln -fs ${rootFile} ${latestRootFile}
-  echo ":=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:="
-  echo ""
-  echo "Running onlineGUI for analyzed ${SPEC} COIN run ${runNum}:"
-  echo " -> CONFIG:  ${config}"
-  echo " -> RUN:     ${runNum}"
-  echo " -> COMMAND: ${runOnlineGUI}"
-  echo ""
-  echo ":=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:="
-#  sleep 2
-#  cd onlineGUI
-#  eval ${runOnlineGUI}
-#  eval ${saveOnlineGUI}
-#  mv "${outFile}.pdf" "../HISTOGRAMS/${SPEC}/PDF/${outFile}.pdf"
-#  mv "${outFile}.root" "../HISTOGRAMS/${SPEC}/ROOT/${outFile}.root"
-#  cd ..
-#  ln -fs ${monRootFile} ${latestMonRootFile}
-#  ln -fs ${monPdfFile} ${latestMonPdfFile}
-  echo ":=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:="
-  echo ""
-  echo "Done analyzing ${SPEC} run ${runNum}."
-  echo ""
-  echo ":=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:="
-#2>&1 | tee "${reportFile}"
-#2>&1 | tee "${summaryFile}"
diff --git a/UTIL/SHELL/run_coin_monitor.sh b/UTIL/SHELL/run_coin_monitor.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 4a320db69d5451220bcec9af31f51b070df8ac5d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/UTIL/SHELL/run_coin_monitor.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/bash
-# Which run to use
-if [ -z "$runNum" ]; then
-  echo " give Run Number to use"
-  exit
-# which target
-if [ -z "$target" ]; then
-  echo " give target type h or c "
-  exit
-if [ "$target" = "h" ]; then
- targ=1
-if [ "$target" = "c" ]; then
- targ=2
-if [ "$target" = "d" ]; then
- targ=3
-echo " Grabbing monitored data for run ${runNum}, ${target} target"
-# Grab monitored data and put it in the database
-runbc="root -q -l \"${script}(${runNum}, ${targ})\""
-eval ${runbc}
-# Plot this run, with 5 on either side
-runbc="root -l \"${script}(${runMin}, ${runMax})\""
-eval ${runbc}
-echo "If the plots look good quit root otherwise call an expert"
diff --git a/UTIL/SHELL/run_coin_shms.sh b/UTIL/SHELL/run_coin_shms.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index a84b1b1710c21ebfee8c98e97976ab9da4033117..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/UTIL/SHELL/run_coin_shms.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/bash
-# Which spectrometer are we analyzing.
-SPEC=$(echo "$spec" | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]')
-# What is the last run number for the spectrometer.
-# The pre-fix zero must be stripped because ROOT is ... well ROOT
-#lastRun=$( \
-#    ls raw/"${spec}"_all_*.dat raw/../raw.copiedtotape/"${spec}"_all_*.dat -R 2>/dev/null | perl -ne 'if(/0*(\d+)/) {prin#t "$1\n"}' | sort -n | tail -1 \
-lastRun=$( \
-    ls raw/coin_all_*.dat raw/../raw.copiedtotape/coin_all_*.dat cache/coin_all_*.dat -R 2>/dev/null | perl -ne 'if(/0*(\d+)/) {print "$1\n"}' | sort -n | tail -1 \
-# Which run to analyze.
-if [ -z "$runNum" ]; then
-  runNum=$lastRun
-# How many events to analyze.
-# Which scripts to run.
-# Which commands to run.
-runHcana="./hcana -q \"${script}(${runNum}, ${numEvents})\""
-runOnlineGUI="./online -f ${config} -r ${runNum}"
-saveOnlineGUI="./online -f ${config} -r ${runNum} -P"
-runPedMon="root -l -q \"UTIL/PEDESTAL_MON/COIN/PRODUCTION/${spec}_ped.C(${runNum}, ${numEvents})\""
-#Define where to put the PEDESTAL_MON
-# Name of the replay ROOT file
-# Names of the monitoring file
-# Where to put log.
-# What is base name of onlineGUI output.
-# Start analysis and monitoring plots.
-  echo ""
-  echo ":=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:="
-  echo "" 
-  date
-  echo ""
-  echo "Running ${SPEC} COIN analysis on the run ${runNum}:"
-  echo " -> SCRIPT:  ${script}"
-  echo " -> RUN:     ${runNum}"
-  echo " -> NEVENTS: ${numEvents}"
-  echo " -> COMMAND: ${runHcana}"
-  echo ""
-  echo ":=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:="
-  sleep 2
-  eval ${runHcana}
-  # Link the ROOT file to latest for online monitoring
-  ln -fs ${rootFile} ${latestRootFile}
-  echo ":=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:="
-  echo ""
-  echo "Running onlineGUI for analyzed ${SPEC} COIN run ${runNum}:"
-  echo " -> CONFIG:  ${config}"
-  echo " -> RUN:     ${runNum}"
-  echo " -> COMMAND: ${runOnlineGUI}"
-  echo ""
-  echo ":=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:="
-  sleep 2
-  cd onlineGUI
-  eval ${runOnlineGUI}
-  eval ${saveOnlineGUI}
-  mv "${outFile}.pdf" "../HISTOGRAMS/${SPEC}/PDF/${outFile}.pdf"
-  mv "${outFile}.root" "../HISTOGRAMS/${SPEC}/ROOT/${outFile}.root"
-  cd ..
-  ln -fs ${monRootFile} ${latestMonRootFile}
-  ln -fs ${monPdfFile} ${latestMonPdfFile}
-  echo ":=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:="
-  echo ""
-  echo "Done analyzing ${SPEC} run ${runNum}."
-  echo ""
-  echo ":=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:="
-  sleep 2
-  echo ":=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:="
-  echo ""
-  echo "Performing pedestal monitoring for COIN ${SPEC} run ${runNum}."
-  echo ""
-  echo ":=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:="
-  sleep 2
-  eval ${runPedMon}
-  mv "${outFilePed}.txt" ${pedMonFile}
-  echo ":=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:="
-} 2>&1 | tee "${reportFile}"
-2>&1 | tee "${summaryFile}"
diff --git a/UTIL/SHELL/run_shms.sh b/UTIL/SHELL/run_shms.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 5fef81f45e9d00fcc8cfe4b8c07aa0338dd52ec2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/UTIL/SHELL/run_shms.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/bash
-# Which spectrometer are we analyzing.
-SPEC=$(echo "$spec" | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]')
-# What is the last run number for the spectrometer.
-# The pre-fix zero must be stripped because ROOT is ... well ROOT
-lastRun=$( \
-    ls raw/"${spec}"_all_*.dat raw/../raw.copiedtotape/"${spec}"_all_*.dat -R 2>/dev/null | perl -ne 'if(/0*(\d+)/) {print "$1\n"}' | sort -n | tail -1 \
-# Which run to analyze.
-if [ -z "$runNum" ]; then
-  runNum=$lastRun
-# How many events to analyze.
-# Which scripts to run.
-# Which commands to run.
-runHcana="./hcana -q \"${script}(${runNum}, ${numEvents})\""
-runOnlineGUI="./online -f ${config} -r ${runNum}"
-saveOnlineGUI="./online -f ${config} -r ${runNum} -P"
-runReportMon="./readout_${spec}.py ${runNum} ${numEvents}"
-runPedMon="root -l -q \"UTIL/PEDESTAL_MON/${SPEC}/PRODUCTION/${spec}_ped.C(${runNum}, ${numEvents})\""
-# Define report monitoring directroy
-#Define where to put the REPORT_MON
-ReportMon="emacs ../../../REPORT_MONITOR/${SPEC}/reportMonitor_${spec}_production_${runNum}_${numEvents}.txt"
-#Define where to put the PEDESTAL_MON
-# Name of the replay ROOT file
-# Names of the monitoring file
-# Where to put log.
-# What is base name of onlineGUI output.
-# Start analysis and monitoring plots.
-  echo ""
-  echo ":=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:="
-  echo "" 
-  date
-  echo ""
-  echo "Running ${SPEC} analysis on the run ${runNum}:"
-  echo " -> SCRIPT:  ${script}"
-  echo " -> RUN:     ${runNum}"
-  echo " -> NEVENTS: ${numEvents}"
-  echo " -> COMMAND: ${runHcana}"
-  echo ""
-  echo ":=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:="
-  sleep 2
-  eval ${runHcana}
-  # Link the ROOT file to latest for online monitoring
-  ln -fs ${rootFile} ${latestRootFile}
-  echo ":=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:="
-  echo ""
-  echo "Running onlineGUI for analyzed ${SPEC} run ${runNum}:"
-  echo " -> CONFIG:  ${config}"
-  echo " -> RUN:     ${runNum}"
-  echo " -> COMMAND: ${runOnlineGUI}"
-  echo ""
-  echo ":=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:="
-  sleep 2
-  cd onlineGUI
-  eval ${runOnlineGUI}
-  eval ${saveOnlineGUI}
-  mv "${outFile}.pdf" "../HISTOGRAMS/${SPEC}/PDF/${outFile}.pdf"
-  mv "${outFile}.root" "../HISTOGRAMS/${SPEC}/ROOT/${outFile}.root"
-  cd ..
-  ln -fs ${monRootFile} ${latestMonRootFile}
-  ln -fs ${monPdfFile} ${latestMonPdfFile}
-  echo ":=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:="
-  echo ""
-  echo "Done analyzing ${SPEC} run ${runNum}."
-  echo ""
-  echo ":=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:="
-  sleep 2
-  echo ":=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:="
-  echo ""
-  echo "Performing pedestal monitoring for ${SPEC} run ${runNum}."
-  echo ""
-  echo ":=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:="
-  sleep 2
-  eval ${runPedMon}
-  mv "${outFilePed}.txt" ${pedMonFile}
-  echo ":=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:="
-  echo ""
-  echo "Generating report file monitoring data file ${SPEC} run ${runNum}."
-  echo ""
-  echo ":=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:="
-  cd ${reportMonDir}
-  eval ${runReportMon}
-  mv "${outFileMonitor}.txt" ${pathReportMon}
-  eval ${ReportMon}
-  sleep 2
-  echo ":=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:="
-  echo ""
-  echo "Done producing report file monitoring data file ${SPEC} run ${runNum}."
-  echo ""
-  echo ":=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:="
-  echo ":=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:="
-  echo ""
-  echo "So long and thanks for all the fish!"
-  echo ""
-  echo ":=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:="
-} 2>&1 | tee "${reportFile}"
-2>&1 | tee "${summaryFile}"
diff --git a/full_coin_hms.sh b/full_coin_hms.sh
deleted file mode 120000
index 05528058a089159ae466931985a8a74f2d7ed91b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/full_coin_hms.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 120000
index 2fbd67c24b83ff1cdfd46fe23fd98da5a8d92b79..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/full_coin_shms.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/full_hms.sh b/full_hms.sh
deleted file mode 120000
index 36534e0c5ff2144d7b62affd93582c19e2334b17..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/full_hms.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/full_shms.sh b/full_shms.sh
deleted file mode 120000
index 77513444fbb6e7f2ce6a78b49352df36599cbddc..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/full_shms.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/run_all_shms.sh b/run_all_shms.sh
deleted file mode 120000
index 953985b3303db473d25fb8312fdcaee6c143c963..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/run_all_shms.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/run_beancounter.sh b/run_beancounter.sh
deleted file mode 120000
index 7287ee7f614d3cb5c1bac1b510679182c7065640..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/run_beancounter.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/run_coin.sh b/run_coin.sh
deleted file mode 120000
index e3c3aaf1ba34f7cbd7107a5971b2fec819a3f4c3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/run_coin.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/run_coin_ep.sh b/run_coin_ep.sh
deleted file mode 120000
index 9471e54b7bf06ef671c9f9701150523d68a1e1fd..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/run_coin_ep.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/run_coin_hms.sh b/run_coin_hms.sh
deleted file mode 120000
index e3a3941c7375755d0e824d44b6f1c40e454211ec..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/run_coin_hms.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/run_coin_monitor.sh b/run_coin_monitor.sh
deleted file mode 120000
index d16e8ce14796700573c389cdc3dcd8f9ff7d81b7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/run_coin_monitor.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/run_coin_shms.sh b/run_coin_shms.sh
deleted file mode 120000
index 75d0b06c2beea4d7c491c33bccd23ad39ab23719..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/run_coin_shms.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/run_hms.sh b/run_hms.sh
deleted file mode 120000
index b3c278fe18006cbffe9868492262b00f11ef7c3a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/run_hms.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/run_shms.sh b/run_shms.sh
deleted file mode 120000
index 9a279130e6f3b4b2dcc31d3026489930dfce3fb5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/run_shms.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file