From 14caa016e52b78f391f0d6c50a6299d9d8c86867 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ryan Ambrose <>
Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2018 15:15:51 -0600
Subject: [PATCH] Generalized calibration to first determine appropriate timing
 cuts (hence new "preprocess" files), removing the need of arbitrary
 hard-coded timing values.

 CALIBRATION/shms_hgcer_calib/calibration.C  |  94 ++++++----
 CALIBRATION/shms_hgcer_calib/calibration.h  |  16 +-
 CALIBRATION/shms_hgcer_calib/efficiencies.C |  10 +-
 CALIBRATION/shms_hgcer_calib/preprocess.C   | 191 ++++++++++++++++++++
 CALIBRATION/shms_hgcer_calib/preprocess.h   |  99 ++++++++++
 CALIBRATION/shms_hgcer_calib/run_cal.C      |  36 +++-
 6 files changed, 401 insertions(+), 45 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 CALIBRATION/shms_hgcer_calib/preprocess.C
 create mode 100644 CALIBRATION/shms_hgcer_calib/preprocess.h

diff --git a/CALIBRATION/shms_hgcer_calib/calibration.C b/CALIBRATION/shms_hgcer_calib/calibration.C
index 3c7c23e0..a627ceec 100644
--- a/CALIBRATION/shms_hgcer_calib/calibration.C
+++ b/CALIBRATION/shms_hgcer_calib/calibration.C
@@ -49,8 +49,9 @@ void calibration::Begin(TTree * /*tree*/)
   TString option = GetOption();
+  TString report_option = option(0,option.Length()-79);
   Info("Begin", "Script will fail unless 'calibration.C+' is used");
-  Info("Begin", "Starting calibration process with option: %s", option.Data());
+  Info("Begin", "Starting calibration process with option: %s", report_option.Data());
   Info("Begin", "To load all branches, use option readall (warning, very slow)");
   Info("Begin", "To see details of calibration, use option showall");
   Info("Begin", "Default calibration is the HGC, for NGC use option NGC");
@@ -65,7 +66,7 @@ void calibration::Begin(TTree * /*tree*/)
   if (option.Contains("showall")) fFullShow = kTRUE;
   if (option.Contains("trackfired")) fTrack = kTRUE;
   if (option.Contains("pions") || option.Contains("pion")) fPions = kTRUE;
-  if (option.Contains("cut") || fPions || option.Contains("cuts")) fCut = kTRUE;
+  if (option.Contains("cut") || fPions || option.Contains("cuts")) fCut = kTRUE; 
 void calibration::SlaveBegin(TTree * /*tree*/)
@@ -76,7 +77,25 @@ void calibration::SlaveBegin(TTree * /*tree*/)
   TString option = GetOption();
+  TString timing_mean_1 = option(option.Length()-79,option.Length()-69);
+  TString timing_std_1  = option(option.Length()-67,option.Length()-60);
+  TString timing_mean_2 = option(option.Length()-59,option.Length()-49);
+  TString timing_std_2  = option(option.Length()-47,option.Length()-40);
+  TString timing_mean_3 = option(option.Length()-39,option.Length()-29);
+  TString timing_std_3  = option(option.Length()-27,option.Length()-20);
+  TString timing_mean_4 = option(option.Length()-19,option.Length()-9);
+  TString timing_std_4  = option(option.Length()-7,option.Length()-0);
+  timing_mean[0] = timing_mean_1.Atof();
+  timing_std[0]  = timing_std_1.Atof();
+  timing_mean[1] = timing_mean_2.Atof();
+  timing_std[1]  = timing_std_2.Atof();
+  timing_mean[2] = timing_mean_3.Atof();
+  timing_std[2]  = timing_std_3.Atof();
+  timing_mean[3] = timing_mean_4.Atof();
+  timing_std[3]  = timing_std_4.Atof();
   //Check option
   if (option.Contains("readall")) fFullRead = kTRUE;
   if (option.Contains("NGC")) fNGC = kTRUE;
@@ -100,8 +119,8 @@ void calibration::SlaveBegin(TTree * /*tree*/)
   if (fNGC) //Set up histograms for NGC
       ADC_min = -10;
-      ADC_max = 250;
-      bins = 2*(abs(ADC_min) + abs(ADC_max));
+      ADC_max = 200;
+      bins = 12*(abs(ADC_min) + abs(ADC_max));
   if (!fNGC) //Set up histograms for HGC
@@ -148,7 +167,7 @@ void calibration::SlaveBegin(TTree * /*tree*/)
   fCut_pion = new TH2F("Cut_pion", "Visualization of pion cut; Calorimeter Energy (GeV); Pre-Shower Energy (GeV)", 250, 0, 1.0, 250, 0, 1.0);
@@ -172,10 +191,17 @@ Bool_t calibration::Process(Long64_t entry)
   // The return value is currently not used.
   //Output to verify script is working, and store the total number of events
   if (entry % 100000 == 0) printf("Processing Entry number %lld\n",entry);
+  if (entry == 1)
+    {
+      cout << timing_mean[0] << "   " << timing_std[0] << endl;
+      cout << timing_mean[1] << "   " << timing_std[1] << endl;
+      cout << timing_mean[2] << "   " << timing_std[2] << endl;
+      cout << timing_mean[3] << "   " << timing_std[3] << endl;
+    }
   //Define quantities to loop over
   Int_t fpmts;
   fpmts = fNGC ? fngc_pmts : fhgc_pmts;   //Note HGC & NGC have the same # of PMTS
@@ -183,7 +209,7 @@ Bool_t calibration::Process(Long64_t entry)
   //Get the entry to loop over
   if (fFullRead) fChain->GetTree()->GetEntry(entry);
   else b_Ndata_P_tr_p->GetEntry(entry);
   //Require only one good track reconstruction for the event
   if (Ndata_P_tr_p != 1) return kTRUE;
@@ -200,11 +226,10 @@ Bool_t calibration::Process(Long64_t entry)
       for (Int_t ipmt = 0; ipmt < fpmts; ipmt++) 
 	  //Perform a loose timing cut
-	  if (!fFullRead) fNGC ? b_P_ngcer_goodAdcPulseTime->GetEntry(entry) : b_P_hgcer_goodAdcTdcDiffTime->GetEntry(entry);
-	  fTiming_Full->Fill(fNGC ? P_ngcer_goodAdcPulseTime[ipmt] : P_hgcer_goodAdcTdcDiffTime[ipmt]);
-	  if (fNGC ? P_ngcer_goodAdcPulseTime[ipmt] < 50 || P_ngcer_goodAdcPulseTime[ipmt] > 125 :
-	             P_hgcer_goodAdcTdcDiffTime[ipmt] > -17.0 || P_hgcer_goodAdcTdcDiffTime[ipmt] < -30.0) continue;
-	  fTiming_Cut->Fill(fNGC ? P_ngcer_goodAdcPulseTime[ipmt] : P_hgcer_goodAdcTdcDiffTime[ipmt]);
+	  if (!fFullRead) fNGC ? b_P_ngcer_goodAdcTdcDiffTime->GetEntry(entry) : b_P_hgcer_goodAdcTdcDiffTime->GetEntry(entry);
+	  fTiming_Full->Fill(fNGC ? P_ngcer_goodAdcTdcDiffTime[ipmt] : P_hgcer_goodAdcTdcDiffTime[ipmt]);
+	  if (fNGC ? P_ngcer_goodAdcTdcDiffTime[ipmt] > -10.0 || P_ngcer_goodAdcTdcDiffTime[ipmt] < -35.0 : TMath::Abs(P_hgcer_goodAdcTdcDiffTime[ipmt] - timing_mean[ipmt]) > 3*timing_std[ipmt]) continue;
+	  fTiming_Cut->Fill(fNGC ? P_ngcer_goodAdcTdcDiffTime[ipmt] : P_hgcer_goodAdcTdcDiffTime[ipmt]);
 	  //Cuts to remove entries corresponding to a PMT not registering a hit	  
 	  if (!fFullRead) fNGC ? b_P_ngcer_goodAdcPulseInt->GetEntry(entry) : b_P_hgcer_goodAdcPulseInt->GetEntry(entry);
@@ -491,17 +516,17 @@ void calibration::Terminate()
   //Rebin the histograms, add functionality to bin HGC & NGC independently
-  //Not needed since unit conversion into SI, but available in the future
-  /*
-  for (Int_t ipmt=0; ipmt < (fNGC ? fngc_pmts : fhgc_pmts); ipmt++)
-    {
-      for (Int_t iquad=0; iquad<4; iquad++)
-	{
-	  fNGC ? PulseInt_quad[iquad][ipmt]->Rebin(20) : PulseInt_quad[iquad][ipmt]->Rebin(20);
-	}
-      fNGC ? PulseInt[ipmt]->Rebin(20) : PulseInt[ipmt]->Rebin(20);
-    }
+  if (fTrack) {
+    for (Int_t ipmt=0; ipmt < (fNGC ? fngc_pmts : fhgc_pmts); ipmt++)
+      {
+	for (Int_t iquad=0; iquad<4; iquad++)
+	  {
+	    fNGC ? PulseInt_quad[iquad][ipmt]->Rebin(4) : PulseInt_quad[iquad][ipmt]->Rebin(4);
+	  }
+	fNGC ? PulseInt[ipmt]->Rebin(4) : PulseInt[ipmt]->Rebin(4);
+      }
+  }
   //Canvases to display cut information
   if (fFullShow)
@@ -598,7 +623,7 @@ void calibration::Terminate()
 	      if (fFullShow) quad_cuts_ipmt->cd(ipad);
 	      //Perform search for the SPE and save the peak into the array xpeaks
-	      fFullShow ? s->Search(PulseInt_quad[iquad][ipmt], 2.0, "nobackground", 0.001) : s->Search(PulseInt_quad[iquad][ipmt], 2.5, "nobackground&&nodraw", 0.001);
+	      fFullShow ? s->Search(PulseInt_quad[iquad][ipmt], 2.5, "nobackground", 0.001) : s->Search(PulseInt_quad[iquad][ipmt], 2.5, "nobackground&&nodraw", 0.001);
 	      TList *functions = PulseInt_quad[iquad][ipmt]->GetListOfFunctions();
 	      TPolyMarker *pm = (TPolyMarker*)functions->FindObject("TPolyMarker");
 	      Double_t *xpeaks = pm->GetX();
@@ -811,25 +836,24 @@ void calibration::Terminate()
 	      //Perform search for the SPE and save the peak into the array xpeaks
 	      if (fFullShow) quad_cuts_ipmt->cd(iquad+1);
-	      //fNGC ? PulseInt_quad[iquad][ipmt]->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(150,2000) : PulseInt_quad[ipmt][ipmt]->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(5,20);
-	      fFullShow ? s->Search(PulseInt_quad[iquad][ipmt], 2.0, "nobackground", 0.001) : s->Search(PulseInt_quad[iquad][ipmt], 2.0, "nobackground&&nodraw", 0.001);
+	      fNGC ? PulseInt_quad[iquad][ipmt]->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(0,30) : PulseInt_quad[ipmt][ipmt]->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(0,30);
+	      fFullShow ? s->Search(PulseInt_quad[iquad][ipmt], 1.0, "nobackground", 0.001) : s->Search(PulseInt_quad[iquad][ipmt], 1.5, "nobackground&&nodraw", 0.001);
 	      TList *functions = PulseInt_quad[iquad][ipmt]->GetListOfFunctions();
 	      TPolyMarker *pm = (TPolyMarker*)functions->FindObject("TPolyMarker");
 	      Double_t *xpeaks = pm->GetX();
+	      PulseInt_quad[iquad][ipmt]->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(-1,200);
 	      //Use the peak to fit the SPE with a Gaussian to determine the mean
-	      Gauss1->SetRange(xpeaks[1]-3, xpeaks[1]+3);
-	      Gauss1->SetParameter(1, xpeaks[1]);
+	      Gauss1->SetRange(xpeaks[0]-3, xpeaks[0]+3);
+	      Gauss1->SetParameter(1, xpeaks[0]);
 	      Gauss1->SetParameter(2, 10.);
 	      Gauss1->SetParLimits(0, 0., 2000.);
-	      Gauss1->SetParLimits(1, xpeaks[1]-3, xpeaks[1]+3);
+	      Gauss1->SetParLimits(1, xpeaks[0]-3, xpeaks[0]+3);
 	      Gauss1->SetParLimits(2, 0.5, 10.);
-	      //PulseInt_quad[iquad][ipmt]->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(5,20);
 	      fFullShow ? PulseInt_quad[iquad][ipmt]->Fit("Gauss1","RQ") : PulseInt_quad[iquad][ipmt]->Fit("Gauss1","RQN");
 	      //Store the mean of the SPE in the mean array provided it is not zero, passes a loose statistical cut, and is above a minimum channel number
-	      //Added condition that iquad != ipmt since spectrum is quite different
-	      if (xpeaks[1] != 0.0 && PulseInt_quad[iquad][ipmt]->GetBinContent(PulseInt_quad[iquad][ipmt]->GetXaxis()->FindBin(xpeaks[1])) > 50 && iquad != ipmt) mean[iquad] = Gauss1->GetParameter(1);
+	      if (xpeaks[0] != 0.0 && PulseInt_quad[iquad][ipmt]->GetBinContent(PulseInt_quad[iquad][ipmt]->GetXaxis()->FindBin(xpeaks[0])) > 10 && ipmt != iquad) mean[iquad] = Gauss1->GetParameter(1);
 	  Double_t xscale = 0.0;
@@ -866,7 +890,7 @@ void calibration::Terminate()
 	  if (fFullShow) final_spectra_ipmt->cd(1);
 	  //Find the location of the SPE and subtract from 1.0 to determine accuracy of calibration
-	  Gauss1->SetRange(0.50, 2.0);
+	  Gauss1->SetRange(0.50, 1.50);
 	  Gauss1->SetParameter(0, 0.05);
 	  Gauss1->SetParameter(1, 1.0);
 	  Gauss1->SetParameter(2, 0.3);
@@ -898,7 +922,7 @@ void calibration::Terminate()
 	  if (fFullShow) final_spectra_mk2_ipmt->cd(1);
 	  //Find the location of the SPE and subtract from 1.0 to determine accuracy of calibration
-	  Gauss1->SetRange(0.50,2.0);
+	  Gauss1->SetRange(0.50, 1.50);
 	  Gauss1->SetParameter(0, 0.05);
 	  Gauss1->SetParameter(1, 1.0);
 	  Gauss1->SetParameter(2, 0.3);
diff --git a/CALIBRATION/shms_hgcer_calib/calibration.h b/CALIBRATION/shms_hgcer_calib/calibration.h
index f73c1ef2..2ae4093c 100644
--- a/CALIBRATION/shms_hgcer_calib/calibration.h
+++ b/CALIBRATION/shms_hgcer_calib/calibration.h
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
 #include <TSelector.h>
 #include <TH1.h>
 #include <TH2.h>
+#include <TNtuple.h>
 const Int_t        fhgc_pmts = 4;
 const Int_t        fngc_pmts = 4;
@@ -67,8 +68,11 @@ public :
    TCanvas *final_spectra_combined;
    TCanvas *final_spectra_combined_mk2;
    TCanvas *scaled_poisson;
-   TCanvas *scaled_total;
+   TCanvas *scaled_total;   
+   // Declaration of preprocessing quantities
+   Double_t  timing_mean[4];
+   Double_t  timing_std[4];
    // Declaration of leaf types
    Int_t           Ndata_P_aero_goodNegAdcPed;
@@ -623,6 +627,8 @@ public :
    Double_t        P_ngcer_goodAdcPulseIntRaw[4];   //[Ndata.P.ngcer.goodAdcPulseIntRaw]
    Int_t           Ndata_P_ngcer_goodAdcPulseTime;
    Double_t        P_ngcer_goodAdcPulseTime[4];   //[Ndata.P.ngcer.goodAdcPulseTime]
+   Int_t           Ndata_P_ngcer_goodAdcTdcDiffTime;
+   Double_t        P_ngcer_goodAdcTdcDiffTime[4];
    Int_t           Ndata_P_ngcer_npe;
    Double_t        P_ngcer_npe[4];   //[Ndata.P.ngcer.npe]
    Int_t           Ndata_P_ngcer_numGoodAdcHits;
@@ -1452,6 +1458,8 @@ public :
    TBranch        *b_P_ngcer_goodAdcPulseIntRaw;   //!
    TBranch        *b_Ndata_P_ngcer_goodAdcPulseTime;   //!
    TBranch        *b_P_ngcer_goodAdcPulseTime;   //!
+   TBranch        *b_Ndata_P_ngcer_goodAdcTdcDiffTime;
+   TBranch        *b_P_ngcer_goodAdcTdcDiffTime;
    TBranch        *b_Ndata_P_ngcer_npe;   //!
    TBranch        *b_P_ngcer_npe;   //!
    TBranch        *b_Ndata_P_ngcer_numGoodAdcHits;   //!
@@ -1727,7 +1735,7 @@ public :
    TBranch        *b_Event_Branch_fEvtHdr_fTargetPol;   //!
    TBranch        *b_Event_Branch_fEvtHdr_fRun;   //!
- calibration(TTree * /*tree*/ =0) : fChain(0) {fPulseInt = 0, fPulseInt_quad = 0, fCut_everything = 0, fCut_electron = 0, fCut_pion = 0, fBeta_Cut = 0, fBeta_Full = 0, fTiming_Cut = 0, fTiming_Full = 0, fFullRead = kFALSE, fFullShow = kFALSE, fNGC = kFALSE, fTrack = kFALSE, fCut = kFALSE, fPions = kFALSE;}
+ calibration(TTree * /*tree*/ =0) : fChain(0) {fPulseInt = 0, fPulseInt_quad = 0, fCut_everything = 0, fCut_electron = 0, fCut_pion = 0, fBeta_Cut = 0, fBeta_Full = 0, fTiming_Cut = 0, fTiming_Full = 0, fFullRead = kFALSE, fFullShow = kFALSE, fNGC = kFALSE, fTrack = kFALSE, fCut = kFALSE, fPions = kFALSE, timing_mean[0] = 0, timing_mean[1] = 0, timing_mean[2] = 0, timing_mean[3] = 0, timing_std[0] = 0, timing_std[1] = 0, timing_std[2] = 0, timing_std[3] = 0;}
    virtual ~calibration() { }
    virtual Int_t   Version() const { return 2; }
    virtual void    Begin(TTree *tree);
@@ -2316,6 +2324,8 @@ void calibration::Init(TTree *tree)
    fChain->SetBranchAddress("P.ngcer.goodAdcPulseIntRaw", P_ngcer_goodAdcPulseIntRaw, &b_P_ngcer_goodAdcPulseIntRaw);
    fChain->SetBranchAddress("Ndata.P.ngcer.goodAdcPulseTime", &Ndata_P_ngcer_goodAdcPulseTime, &b_Ndata_P_ngcer_goodAdcPulseTime);
    fChain->SetBranchAddress("P.ngcer.goodAdcPulseTime", P_ngcer_goodAdcPulseTime, &b_P_ngcer_goodAdcPulseTime);
+   fChain->SetBranchAddress("Ndata.P.ngcer.goodAdcTdcDiffTime", &Ndata_P_ngcer_goodAdcTdcDiffTime, &b_Ndata_P_ngcer_goodAdcTdcDiffTime);
+   fChain->SetBranchAddress("P.ngcer.goodAdcTdcDiffTime", P_ngcer_goodAdcTdcDiffTime, &b_P_ngcer_goodAdcTdcDiffTime);
    fChain->SetBranchAddress("Ndata.P.ngcer.npe", &Ndata_P_ngcer_npe, &b_Ndata_P_ngcer_npe);
    fChain->SetBranchAddress("P.ngcer.npe", P_ngcer_npe, &b_P_ngcer_npe);
    fChain->SetBranchAddress("Ndata.P.ngcer.numGoodAdcHits", &Ndata_P_ngcer_numGoodAdcHits, &b_Ndata_P_ngcer_numGoodAdcHits);
diff --git a/CALIBRATION/shms_hgcer_calib/efficiencies.C b/CALIBRATION/shms_hgcer_calib/efficiencies.C
index 3d299a0e..543909e8 100644
--- a/CALIBRATION/shms_hgcer_calib/efficiencies.C
+++ b/CALIBRATION/shms_hgcer_calib/efficiencies.C
@@ -262,8 +262,8 @@ Bool_t efficiencies::Process(Long64_t entry)
 	  Float_t esemimajor_axis = 0.28;
 	  Float_t esemiminor_axis = 0.04;*/
 	  Float_t eangle = 3.0*3.14159/4.0;
-	  Float_t ex_center = 0.375;
-	  Float_t ey_center = 0.360;
+	  Float_t ex_center = 0.490;
+	  Float_t ey_center = 0.400;
 	  Float_t esemimajor_axis = 0.38;
 	  Float_t esemiminor_axis = 0.05;
 	  if (pow((P_cal_fly_earray/p - ex_center)*cos(eangle) + (P_cal_pr_eplane/p - ey_center)*sin(eangle),2)/pow(esemimajor_axis,2) + 
@@ -290,9 +290,9 @@ Bool_t efficiencies::Process(Long64_t entry)
 	  Float_t piy_center = 0.03;
 	  Float_t pisemimajor_axis = 0.1;
 	  Float_t pisemiminor_axis = 0.02;*/
-	  Float_t pix_center = 0.00;
-	  Float_t piy_center = 0.00;
-	  Float_t pisemimajor_axis = 0.01;
+	  Float_t pix_center = 0.30;
+	  Float_t piy_center = 0.05;
+	  Float_t pisemimajor_axis = 0.08;
 	  Float_t pisemiminor_axis = 0.02;
 	  if (pow((P_cal_fly_earray/p - pix_center)*cos(piangle) + (P_cal_pr_eplane/p - piy_center)*sin(piangle),2)/pow(pisemimajor_axis,2) + 
 	      pow((P_cal_fly_earray/p - pix_center)*sin(piangle) - (P_cal_pr_eplane/p - piy_center)*cos(piangle),2)/pow(pisemiminor_axis,2) < 1)
diff --git a/CALIBRATION/shms_hgcer_calib/preprocess.C b/CALIBRATION/shms_hgcer_calib/preprocess.C
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a6bbff4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CALIBRATION/shms_hgcer_calib/preprocess.C
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+#define preprocess_cxx
+// The class definition in preprocess.h has been generated automatically
+// by the ROOT utility TTree::MakeSelector(). This class is derived
+// from the ROOT class TSelector. For more information on the TSelector
+// framework see $ROOTSYS/README/README.SELECTOR or the ROOT User Manual.
+// The following methods are defined in this file:
+//    Begin():        called every time a loop on the tree starts,
+//                    a convenient place to create your histograms.
+//    SlaveBegin():   called after Begin(), when on PROOF called only on the
+//                    slave servers.
+//    Process():      called for each event, in this function you decide what
+//                    to read and fill your histograms.
+//    SlaveTerminate: called at the end of the loop on the tree, when on PROOF
+//                    called only on the slave servers.
+//    Terminate():    called at the end of the loop on the tree,
+//                    a convenient place to draw/fit your histograms.
+// To use this file, try the following session on your Tree T:
+// root> T->Process("preprocess.C")
+// root> T->Process("preprocess.C","some options")
+// root> T->Process("preprocess.C+")
+#include "preprocess.h"
+#include <TH1.h>
+#include <TF1.h>
+#include <TCanvas.h>
+#include <TSpectrum.h>
+#include <TPolyMarker.h>
+#include <TStyle.h>
+#include <TNtuple.h>
+void preprocess::Begin(TTree * /*tree*/)
+   // The Begin() function is called at the start of the query.
+   // When running with PROOF Begin() is only called on the client.
+   // The tree argument is deprecated (on PROOF 0 is passed).
+  printf("\n\n");
+  Info("Begin", "Starting preprocessing script to: determine correct fADC timing cuts");
+  printf("\n");
+  TString option = GetOption();
+  if (option.Contains("NGC")) fNGC = kTRUE;
+  if (option.Contains("showall")) fFullShow = kTRUE;
+void preprocess::SlaveBegin(TTree * /*tree*/)
+   // The SlaveBegin() function is called after the Begin() function.
+   // When running with PROOF SlaveBegin() is called on each slave server.
+   // The tree argument is deprecated (on PROOF 0 is passed).
+   TString option = GetOption();
+   fTiming = new TH1F*[4]; 
+   for (Int_t ipmt = 0; ipmt < 4; ipmt++)
+     {
+       fTiming[ipmt] = new TH1F(Form("Timing_PMT%d",ipmt+1),Form("ADC TDC Diff Time PMT%d; Time (ns); Counts",ipmt+1), 400, -50, 0);
+       GetOutputList()->Add(fTiming[ipmt]);
+     }
+Bool_t preprocess::Process(Long64_t entry)
+   // The Process() function is called for each entry in the tree (or possibly
+   // keyed object in the case of PROOF) to be processed. The entry argument
+   // specifies which entry in the currently loaded tree is to be processed.
+   // When processing keyed objects with PROOF, the object is already loaded
+   // and is available via the fObject pointer.
+   //
+   // This function should contain the \"body\" of the analysis. It can contain
+   // simple or elaborate selection criteria, run algorithms on the data
+   // of the event and typically fill histograms.
+   //
+   // The processing can be stopped by calling Abort().
+   //
+   // Use fStatus to set the return value of TTree::Process().
+   //
+   // The return value is currently not used.
+   fReader.SetEntry(entry);
+   //Output to verify script is working, and store the total number of events
+   if (entry % 100000 == 0) printf("Processing Entry number %lld\n",entry);
+   //Require only one good track reconstruction for the event
+   if (Ndata_P_tr_p[0] != 1) return kTRUE;
+   //Redundant, but useful if multiple tracks will be allowed
+   for (Int_t itrack = 0; itrack < Ndata_P_tr_p[0]; itrack++)
+     {
+       //Require cut on particle velocity
+       if (TMath::Abs(P_tr_beta[itrack] -1.0) > 0.2) return kTRUE;
+       //Fill the histograms
+       for (Int_t ipmt = 0; ipmt < 4; ipmt++)
+	 {
+	   fTiming[ipmt]->Fill(P_hgcer_goodAdcTdcDiffTime[ipmt]);
+	 }
+     }
+   return kTRUE;
+void preprocess::SlaveTerminate()
+   // The SlaveTerminate() function is called after all entries or objects
+   // have been processed. When running with PROOF SlaveTerminate() is called
+   // on each slave server.
+void preprocess::Terminate()
+   // The Terminate() function is the last function to be called during
+   // a query. It always runs on the client, it can be used to present
+   // the results graphically or save the results to file.
+  printf("\n\n");
+  Info("Terminate", "calibrating '%s'", (fNGC ? "NGC" : "HGC"));
+  Info("Terminate", "'%s' showing", (fFullShow ? "full" : "minimal"));
+  Info("Terminate","Histograms formed, now determining timing peaks");
+  //Create temporary file to store fit information
+  TFile ofile("Timing_Cuts.root","RECREATE");
+  //Create arrays to store Gaussian fit information
+  Float_t mean[4];
+  Float_t sigma[4];
+  //Create Ntuple to store timing data
+  TNtuple timing_data("timing_data","Storage of Timing Information","Mean:Std"); 
+  //Single Gaussian to find mean and spread of peak
+  TF1 *Gauss1 = new TF1("Gauss1",pregauss,-10,200,3);
+  Gauss1->SetParNames("Amplitude","Mean","Std. Dev.");
+  //Have to extract histograms from OutputList
+  TH1F *Timing[4];
+  for (Int_t ipmt = 0; ipmt < 4; ipmt++)
+    {
+      Timing[ipmt] = dynamic_cast<TH1F*> (GetOutputList()->FindObject(Form("Timing_PMT%d",ipmt+1)));
+    }
+  //Visualize the timing information
+  if (fFullShow) 
+    {
+      cTiming = new TCanvas("Timing", "Timing Information");
+      cTiming->Divide(2,2);
+    }
+  TSpectrum *s = new TSpectrum(2);
+  //Main loop to find timing peaks
+  for (Int_t ipmt = 0; ipmt < 4; ipmt++)
+    {
+      //Use peak finding algorithm from TSpectrum
+      if (fFullShow) cTiming->cd(ipmt+1);
+      //Perform search for largest peak and save into array xpeaks
+      fFullShow ? s->Search(Timing[ipmt],2.0,"nobackground",0.9) : s->Search(Timing[ipmt],2.0,"nobackground&&nodraw",0.9);
+      TList *functions = Timing[ipmt]->GetListOfFunctions();
+      TPolyMarker *pm = (TPolyMarker*)functions->FindObject("TPolyMarker");
+      Double_t *xpeaks = pm->GetX();
+      //Use the peak to fit with a Gaussian to determine range of cut
+      Gauss1->SetRange(xpeaks[0]-3, xpeaks[0]+3);
+      Gauss1->SetParameter(0, 10000.);
+      Gauss1->SetParameter(1, xpeaks[0]);
+      Gauss1->SetParameter(2, 0.4);
+      //Gauss1->SetParLimits(0, 0., 10000.);
+      Gauss1->SetParLimits(1, xpeaks[0]-3, xpeaks[0]+3);
+      Gauss1->SetParLimits(2, 0.2, 1.);
+      fFullShow ? Timing[ipmt]->Fit("Gauss1","RQ") : Timing[ipmt]->Fit("Gauss1","RQN");
+      mean[ipmt] = Gauss1->GetParameter(1);
+      sigma[ipmt] = Gauss1->GetParameter(2);
+      timing_data.Fill(mean[ipmt],sigma[ipmt]);
+    }
+  cout << "\nTiming cut results are (mean & sigma):\n" << Form("PMT 1: %f, %f\nPMT 2: %f, %f\nPMT 3: %f, %f\nPMT 4: %f, %f\n\n",mean[0],sigma[0],mean[1],sigma[1],mean[2],sigma[2],mean[3],sigma[3]);
+  timing_data.Write();
+  ofile.Close();
diff --git a/CALIBRATION/shms_hgcer_calib/preprocess.h b/CALIBRATION/shms_hgcer_calib/preprocess.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..db4376a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CALIBRATION/shms_hgcer_calib/preprocess.h
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+// This class has been automatically generated on
+// Fri Mar  2 15:04:26 2018 by ROOT version 6.10/02
+// from TTree T/Hall A Analyzer Output DST
+// found on file: /home/rambrose/hallc_replay/ROOTfiles/shms_replay_production_all_2732_-1.root
+#ifndef preprocess_h
+#define preprocess_h
+#include <TROOT.h>
+#include <TChain.h>
+#include <TFile.h>
+#include <TSelector.h>
+#include <TTreeReader.h>
+#include <TTreeReaderValue.h>
+#include <TTreeReaderArray.h>
+// Headers needed by this particular selector
+class preprocess : public TSelector {
+public :
+   TTreeReader     fReader;  //!the tree reader
+   TTree          *fChain = 0;   //!pointer to the analyzed TTree or TChain
+   Bool_t          fNGC;
+   Bool_t          fFullShow;
+   // Declaration of Histograms
+   TH1F          **fTiming;
+   // Declaration of Canvases
+   TCanvas        *cTiming;
+   // Readers to access the data (delete the ones you do not need).
+   TTreeReaderArray<Double_t> P_hgcer_goodAdcTdcDiffTime = {fReader, "P.hgcer.goodAdcTdcDiffTime"};
+   TTreeReaderArray<Int_t> Ndata_P_tr_p = {fReader, ""};
+   TTreeReaderArray<Double_t> P_tr_beta = {fReader, ""};
+   preprocess(TTree * /*tree*/ =0) {fNGC = kFALSE, fFullShow = kFALSE; }
+   virtual ~preprocess() { }
+   virtual Int_t   Version() const { return 2; }
+   virtual void    Begin(TTree *tree);
+   virtual void    SlaveBegin(TTree *tree);
+   virtual void    Init(TTree *tree);
+   virtual Bool_t  Notify();
+   virtual Bool_t  Process(Long64_t entry);
+   virtual Int_t   GetEntry(Long64_t entry, Int_t getall = 0) { return fChain ? fChain->GetTree()->GetEntry(entry, getall) : 0; }
+   virtual void    SetOption(const char *option) { fOption = option; }
+   virtual void    SetObject(TObject *obj) { fObject = obj; }
+   virtual void    SetInputList(TList *input) { fInput = input; }
+   virtual TList  *GetOutputList() const { return fOutput; }
+   virtual void    SlaveTerminate();
+   virtual void    Terminate();
+   ClassDef(preprocess,0);
+#ifdef preprocess_cxx
+void preprocess::Init(TTree *tree)
+   // The Init() function is called when the selector needs to initialize
+   // a new tree or chain. Typically here the reader is initialized.
+   // It is normally not necessary to make changes to the generated
+   // code, but the routine can be extended by the user if needed.
+   // Init() will be called many times when running on PROOF
+   // (once per file to be processed).
+   fReader.SetTree(tree);
+Bool_t preprocess::Notify()
+   // The Notify() function is called when a new file is opened. This
+   // can be either for a new TTree in a TChain or when when a new TTree
+   // is started when using PROOF. It is normally not necessary to make changes
+   // to the generated code, but the routine can be extended by the
+   // user if needed. The return value is currently not used.
+   return kTRUE;
+//Gaussian distribution is used to find the mean of the SPE and determine spacing between subsequent NPE
+Double_t pregauss(Double_t *x, Double_t *par)
+  Double_t result1 = par[0]*exp((-0.5)*(pow((x[0] - par[1]),2)/pow((par[2]),2)));
+  Double_t result2 = par[3]*exp((-0.5)*(pow((x[0] - par[4]),2)/pow((par[5]),2)));
+  Double_t result3 = par[6]*exp((-0.5)*(pow((x[0] - par[7]),2)/pow((par[8]),2)));
+  Double_t result4 = par[9]*exp((-0.5)*(pow((x[0] - par[10]),2)/pow((par[11]),2)));
+  Double_t result5 = par[12]*exp((-0.5)*(pow((x[0] - par[13]),2)/pow((par[14]),2)));
+  return result1 + result2 + result3 + result4 + result5;
+#endif // #ifdef preprocess_cxx
diff --git a/CALIBRATION/shms_hgcer_calib/run_cal.C b/CALIBRATION/shms_hgcer_calib/run_cal.C
index e3d32b47..868a8ca6 100644
--- a/CALIBRATION/shms_hgcer_calib/run_cal.C
+++ b/CALIBRATION/shms_hgcer_calib/run_cal.C
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 #include <string>
 #include <stdio.h>
-void run_cal(Int_t RunNumber = 0, Int_t NumEvents = 0)
+void run_cal(Int_t RunNumber = 0, Int_t NumEvents = 0, Int_t coin = 0)
   if (RunNumber == 0)
@@ -17,6 +17,11 @@ void run_cal(Int_t RunNumber = 0, Int_t NumEvents = 0)
       cout << "\nNumber of Events to analyze: ";
       cin >> NumEvents;
+  if (coin == 0)
+    {
+      cout << "\nIf this is a coincident run enter 1: ";
+      cin >> coin;
+    }
   cin.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(), '\n');
@@ -30,14 +35,41 @@ void run_cal(Int_t RunNumber = 0, Int_t NumEvents = 0)
   getline(std::cin, eff_raw);
   TString eff_option = eff_raw;
+  cout << "\n\n";
   TChain ch("T");
-  ch.Add(Form("../../ROOTfiles/shms_replay_production_%d_%d.root", RunNumber, NumEvents));
+  if (coin == 1) ch.Add(Form("../../ROOTfiles/coin_replay_production_%d_%d.root", RunNumber, NumEvents));
+  else ch.Add(Form("../../ROOTfiles/shms_replay_production_all_%d_%d.root", RunNumber, NumEvents));
   TProof *proof = TProof::Open("");
   if (calib_option != "NA")
+      //Perform a "preprocess" of replay to extact timing information
+      ch.Process("preprocess.C+",calib_option);
+      if (calib_option.Contains("showall"))
+	{
+	  TString preprocessing_input;
+	  cout << "\n\nPlease verify if timing cuts are correct (y/n): ";
+	  cin >> preprocessing_input;
+	  if (preprocessing_input != "y") return;	  
+	}
+      //Obtain cut information from preprocessing
+      TFile preprocess_file("Timing_Cuts.root");
+      TNtuple *input_data = new TNtuple("input_data","Storage for Client Timing Information","Mean:Std");
+      preprocess_file.GetObject("timing_data",input_data);
+      float *timing_row_content;
+      for (Int_t irow = 0; irow < input_data->GetEntries(); irow++)
+	{
+	  input_data->GetEntry(irow);
+	  timing_row_content = input_data->GetArgs();
+	  calib_option.Append(Form(" %f %f",timing_row_content[0],timing_row_content[1]));
+	}
+      preprocess_file.Close();
+      //Start calibration process
       cout << "\n\nUpdate calibration constants with the better estimate (y/n)? ";