diff --git a/DEF-files/COIN/PRODUCTION/GTR/coin_gtr_histos.def b/DEF-files/COIN/PRODUCTION/GTR/coin_gtr_histos.def
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..05d7839426559467a12eaba1070d5a7e9603189c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DEF-files/COIN/PRODUCTION/GTR/coin_gtr_histos.def
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+TH2F hgtrz_vs_pgtrz   'HMS z_{tar} vs SHMS z_{tar}; SHMS z_{tar} / 0.1 cm; HMS z_{tar} / 0.1 cm;'  P.gtr.z H.gtr.z 300 -15 15 300 -15 15 coincut
+TH2F hgtry_vs_pgtry   'HMS y_{tar} vs SHMS y_{tar}; SHMS y_{tar} / 0.1 cm; HMS y_{tar} / 0.1 cm;'  P.gtr.y H.gtr.y 300 -15 15 300 -15 15 coincut
diff --git a/DEF-files/COIN/PRODUCTION/KIN/coin_hElec_pProt_kin_histos.def b/DEF-files/COIN/PRODUCTION/KIN/coin_hElec_pProt_kin_histos.def
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..132ec766f3d252cac56292dd14b245f18124625d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DEF-files/COIN/PRODUCTION/KIN/coin_hElec_pProt_kin_histos.def
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+TH1F pkin_mmiss              'SHMS M_{miss} (ccleantrack); M_{miss} (GeV); Count / 0.005 GeV'  P.kin.secondary.Mmiss 800 -2 2 ccleantrack 
+TH1F pkin_mmiss_coincut      'SHMS M_{miss} (coincut); M_{miss} (GeV); Count / 0.005 GeV'      P.kin.secondary.Mmiss 800 -2 2 coincut
+TH1F pkin_mmiss_coincut_ep   'SHMS M_{miss} (coincut_ep); M_{miss} (GeV); Count / 0.005 GeV'   P.kin.secondary.Mmiss 800 -2 2 coincut_ep
+TH1F pkin_mmiss_tightcut     'SHMS M_{miss} (tight_coin); M_{miss} (GeV); Count / 0.005 GeV'   P.kin.secondary.Mmiss 800 -2 2 tight_coin&&select_e_cut&&betacut_proton
+TH1F pkin_mmiss_ran_coincut  'SHMS M_{miss} (ran_coincut); M_{miss} (GeV); Count / 0.005 GeV'  P.kin.secondary.Mmiss 800 -2 2 ran_coincut&&select_e_cut&&betacut_proton
+TH1F pkin_pmiss              'SHMS p_{miss} Magnitude (ccleantrack); p_{miss} (GeV); Count / 0.005 GeV;'  P.kin.secondary.pmiss          800 -2 2 ccleantrack
+TH1F pkin_pmiss_coincut      'SHMS p_{miss} Magnitude (coincut); p_{miss} (GeV); Count / 0.005 GeV;'      P.kin.secondary.pmiss          800 -2 2 coincut
+TH1F pkin_pmiss_pid          'SHMS p_{miss} Magnitude (coincut_ep); p_{miss} (GeV); Count / 0.005 GeV;'   P.kin.secondary.pmiss          800 -2 2 coincut_ep
+TH1F pkin_pmiss_x            'SHMS p_{miss,x} (coincut_ep); p_{miss,x} (GeV); Count / 0.005 GeV;'         P.kin.secondary.pmiss_x        800 -2 2 coincut_ep
+TH1F pkin_pmiss_y            'SHMS p_{miss,y} (coincut_ep); p_{miss,y} (GeV); Count / 0.005 GeV;'         P.kin.secondary.pmiss_y        800 -2 2 coincut_ep
+TH1F pkin_pmiss_z            'SHMS p_{miss,z} (coincut_ep); p_{miss,z} (GeV); Count / 0.005 GeV;'         P.kin.secondary.pmiss_z        800 -2 2 coincut_ep
+TH1F pkin_pmiss_par          'SHMS p_{miss,par} (coincut_ep); p_{miss,par} (GeV); Count / 0.005 GeV;'     P.kin.secondary.pmiss_z        800 -2 2 coincut_ep
+TH1F pkin_pmiss_perp         'SHMS p_{miss,perp} (coincut_ep); p_{miss,perp} (GeV); Count / 0.005 GeV;'   P.kin.secondary.pmiss_perp     800 -2 2 coincut_ep
+TH1F pkin_pmiss_oop          'SHMS p_{miss,oop} (coincut_ep); p_{miss,oop} (GeV); Count / 0.005 GeV;'     P.kin.secondary.pmiss_y        800 -2 2 coincut_ep
+TH1F pkin_pmiss_nuc          'SHMS p_{miss,nuc} (ccleantrack); p_{miss} (GeV); Count / 0.005 GeV;'       P.kin.secondary.pmiss_nuc      800 -2 2 ccleantrack
+TH1F pkin_pmiss_nuc_coincut  'SHMS p_{miss,nuc} (coincut); p_{miss} (GeV); Count / 0.005 GeV;'           P.kin.secondary.pmiss_nuc      800 -2 2 coincut
+TH1F pkin_pmiss_nuc_pid      'SHMS p_{miss,nuc} (coincut_ep); p_{miss} (GeV); Count / 0.005 GeV;'        P.kin.secondary.pmiss_nuc      800 -2 2 coincut_ep
+TH1F pkin_pmiss_nuc_x        'SHMS p_{miss,nuc,x} (coincut_ep); p_{miss,x} (GeV); Count / 0.005 GeV;'    P.kin.secondary.pmiss_nuc_x    800 -2 2 coincut_ep
+TH1F pkin_pmiss_nuc_y        'SHMS p_{miss,nuc,y} (coincut_ep); p_{miss,y} (GeV); Count / 0.005 GeV;'    P.kin.secondary.pmiss_nuc_y    800 -2 2 coincut_ep
+TH1F pkin_pmiss_nuc_z        'SHMS p_{miss,nuc,z} (coincut_ep); p_{miss,z} (GeV); Count / 0.005 GeV;'    P.kin.secondary.pmiss_nuc_z    800 -2 2 coincut_ep
+TH1F pkin_Emiss              'SHMS E_{miss} (ccleantrack); E_{miss} (GeV); Count / 0.005 GeV;' P.kin.secondary.emiss 400 -1 1 ccleantrack
+TH1F pkin_Emiss_coincut      'SHMS E_{miss} (coincut); E_{miss} (GeV); Count / 0.005 GeV;'     P.kin.secondary.emiss 400 -1 1 coincut
+TH1F pkin_Emiss_pid          'SHMS E_{miss} (coincut_ep); E_{miss} (GeV); Count / 0.005 GeV;'  P.kin.secondary.emiss 400 -1 1 coincut_ep
+TH1F hkin_Q2                 'HMS Q^{2}; Q^{2} (GeV); Count / 0.005 GeV;' H.kin.primary.Q2 2000 0 10 ccleantrack
+TH1F hkin_W2                 'HMS W^{2}; W^{2} (GeV); Count / 0.005 GeV;' H.kin.primary.W2 2000 0 10 ccleantrack
diff --git a/DEF-files/COIN/PRODUCTION/KIN/coin_pElec_hProt_kin_histos.def b/DEF-files/COIN/PRODUCTION/KIN/coin_pElec_hProt_kin_histos.def
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..58f02214ffb85e4b8927f269400cebbec715bd32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DEF-files/COIN/PRODUCTION/KIN/coin_pElec_hProt_kin_histos.def
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+TH1F hkin_mmiss              'HMS M_{miss} (ccleantrack); M_{miss} (GeV); Count / 0.005 GeV'  H.kin.secondary.Mmiss 800 -2 2 ccleantrack 
+TH1F hkin_mmiss_coincut      'HMS M_{miss} (coincut); M_{miss} (GeV); Count / 0.005 GeV'      H.kin.secondary.Mmiss 800 -2 2 coincut
+TH1F hkin_mmiss_coincut_ep   'HMS M_{miss} (coincut_ep); M_{miss} (GeV); Count / 0.005 GeV'   H.kin.secondary.Mmiss 800 -2 2 coincut_ep
+TH1F hkin_mmiss_tightcut     'HMS M_{miss} (tight_coin); M_{miss} (GeV); Count / 0.005 GeV'   H.kin.secondary.Mmiss 800 -2 2 tight_coin&&select_e_cut&&betacut_proton
+TH1F hkin_mmiss_ran_coincut  'HMS M_{miss} (ran_coincut); M_{miss} (GeV); Count / 0.005 GeV'  H.kin.secondary.Mmiss 800 -2 2 ran_coincut&&select_e_cut&&betacut_proton
+TH1F hkin_pmiss              'HMS p_{miss} Magnitude (ccleantrack); p_{miss} (GeV); Count / 0.005 GeV;'  H.kin.secondary.pmiss          800 -2 2 ccleantrack
+TH1F hkin_pmiss_coincut      'HMS p_{miss} Magnitude (coincut); p_{miss} (GeV); Count / 0.005 GeV;'      H.kin.secondary.pmiss          800 -2 2 coincut
+TH1F hkin_pmiss_pid          'HMS p_{miss} Magnitude (coincut_ep); p_{miss} (GeV); Count / 0.005 GeV;'   H.kin.secondary.pmiss          800 -2 2 coincut_ep
+TH1F hkin_pmiss_x            'HMS p_{miss,x} (coincut_ep); p_{miss,x} (GeV); Count / 0.005 GeV;'         H.kin.secondary.pmiss_x        800 -2 2 coincut_ep
+TH1F hkin_pmiss_y            'HMS p_{miss,y} (coincut_ep); p_{miss,y} (GeV); Count / 0.005 GeV;'         H.kin.secondary.pmiss_y        800 -2 2 coincut_ep
+TH1F hkin_pmiss_z            'HMS p_{miss,z} (coincut_ep); p_{miss,z} (GeV); Count / 0.005 GeV;'         H.kin.secondary.pmiss_z        800 -2 2 coincut_ep
+TH1F hkin_pmiss_par          'HMS p_{miss,par} (coincut_ep); p_{miss,par} (GeV); Count / 0.005 GeV;'     H.kin.secondary.pmiss_z        800 -2 2 coincut_ep
+TH1F hkin_pmiss_perp         'HMS p_{miss,perp} (coincut_ep); p_{miss,perp} (GeV); Count / 0.005 GeV;'   H.kin.secondary.pmiss_perp     800 -2 2 coincut_ep
+TH1F hkin_pmiss_oop          'HMS p_{miss,oop} (coincut_ep); p_{miss,oop} (GeV); Count / 0.005 GeV;'     H.kin.secondary.pmiss_y        800 -2 2 coincut_ep
+TH1F hkin_pmiss_nuc          'HMS p_{miss,nuc} (ccleantrack); p_{miss} (GeV); Count / 0.005 GeV;'       H.kin.secondary.pmiss_nuc      800 -2 2 ccleantrack
+TH1F hkin_pmiss_nuc_coincut  'HMS p_{miss,nuc} (coincut); p_{miss} (GeV); Count / 0.005 GeV;'           H.kin.secondary.pmiss_nuc      800 -2 2 coincut
+TH1F hkin_pmiss_nuc_pid      'HMS p_{miss,nuc} (coincut_ep); p_{miss} (GeV); Count / 0.005 GeV;'        H.kin.secondary.pmiss_nuc      800 -2 2 coincut_ep
+TH1F hkin_pmiss_nuc_x        'HMS p_{miss,nuc,x} (coincut_ep); p_{miss,x} (GeV); Count / 0.005 GeV;'    H.kin.secondary.pmiss_nuc_x    800 -2 2 coincut_ep
+TH1F hkin_pmiss_nuc_y        'HMS p_{miss,nuc,y} (coincut_ep); p_{miss,y} (GeV); Count / 0.005 GeV;'    H.kin.secondary.pmiss_nuc_y    800 -2 2 coincut_ep
+TH1F hkin_pmiss_nuc_z        'HMS p_{miss,nuc,z} (coincut_ep); p_{miss,z} (GeV); Count / 0.005 GeV;'    H.kin.secondary.pmiss_nuc_z    800 -2 2 coincut_ep
+TH1F hkin_Emiss              'HMS E_{miss} (ccleantrack); E_{miss} (GeV); Count / 0.005 GeV;' H.kin.secondary.emiss 400 -1 1 ccleantrack
+TH1F hkin_Emiss_coincut      'HMS E_{miss} (coincut); E_{miss} (GeV); Count / 0.005 GeV;'     H.kin.secondary.emiss 400 -1 1 coincut
+TH1F hkin_Emiss_pid          'HMS E_{miss} (coincut_ep); E_{miss} (GeV); Count / 0.005 GeV;'  H.kin.secondary.emiss 400 -1 1 coincut_ep
+TH1F pkin_Q2                 'SHMS Q^{2}; Q^{2} (GeV); Count / 0.005 GeV;' P.kin.primary.Q2 2000 0 10 ccleantrack
+TH1F pkin_W2                 'SHMS W^{2}; W^{2} (GeV); Count / 0.005 GeV;' P.kin.primary.W2 2000 0 10 ccleantrack
diff --git a/DEF-files/COIN/PRODUCTION/TRIG/coin_trig_histos.def b/DEF-files/COIN/PRODUCTION/TRIG/coin_trig_histos.def
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..efeae805666e3c508cb0a6fc8051c7293b2d8016
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DEF-files/COIN/PRODUCTION/TRIG/coin_trig_histos.def
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+TH2F hgtr_beta_vs_ptrig_cointime 'HMS Beta vs pTRIG1_ROC2-pTRIG4_ROC2; cointime / 1 ns; HMS Beta / 0.01;'    T.coin.pTRIG1_ROC2_tdcTimeRaw*0.1-T.coin.pTRIG4_ROC2_tdcTimeRaw*0.1 H.gtr.beta 1600 -800 800 400 -2 2 ccleantrack
+TH2F hgtr_beta_vs_htrig_cointime 'HMS Beta vs pTRIG1_ROC1-pTRIG4_ROC1; cointime / 1 ns; HMS Beta / 0.01;'    T.coin.pTRIG1_ROC1_tdcTimeRaw*0.1-T.coin.pTRIG4_ROC1_tdcTimeRaw*0.1 H.gtr.beta 1600 -800 800 400 -2 2 ccleantrack
+TH2F pgtr_beta_vs_ptrig_cointime 'SHMS Beta vs pTRIG1_ROC2-pTRIG4_ROC2; cointime / 1 ns; SHMS Beta / 0.01;'  T.coin.pTRIG1_ROC2_tdcTimeRaw*0.1-T.coin.pTRIG4_ROC2_tdcTimeRaw*0.1 P.gtr.beta 1600 -800 800 400 -2 2 ccleantrack
+TH2F pgtr_beta_vs_htrig_cointime 'SHMS Beta vs pTRIG1_ROC1-pTRIG4_ROC1; cointime / 1 ns; SHMS Beta / 0.01;'  T.coin.pTRIG1_ROC1_tdcTimeRaw*0.1-T.coin.pTRIG4_ROC1_tdcTimeRaw*0.1 P.gtr.beta 1600 -800 800 400 -2 2 ccleantrack
+TH1F ptrig_cointime_ccleantrack 'SHMS cointime (ccleantrack); SHMS cointime (ns); Count / 1 ns;'  T.coin.pTRIG1_ROC2_tdcTimeRaw*0.1-T.coin.pTRIG4_ROC2_tdcTimeRaw*0.1 1600 -800 800 ccleantrack
+TH1F ptrig_cointime_coincut     'SHMS cointime (coincut); SHMS cointime (ns); Count / 1 ns;'      T.coin.pTRIG1_ROC2_tdcTimeRaw*0.1-T.coin.pTRIG4_ROC2_tdcTimeRaw*0.1 1600 -800 800 coincut
+TH1F ptrig_cointime_coincut_ep  'SHMS cointime (coincut_ep); SHMS cointime (ns); Count / 1 ns;'   T.coin.pTRIG1_ROC2_tdcTimeRaw*0.1-T.coin.pTRIG4_ROC2_tdcTimeRaw*0.1 1600 -800 800 coincut_ep
+TH1F htrig_cointime_ccleantrack 'HMS cointime (ccleantrack); HMS cointime (ns); Count / 1 ns;'    T.coin.pTRIG1_ROC1_tdcTimeRaw*0.1-T.coin.pTRIG4_ROC1_tdcTimeRaw*0.1 1600 -800 800 ccleantrack
+TH1F htrig_cointime_coincut     'HMS cointime (coincut); HMS cointime (ns); Count / 1 ns;'        T.coin.pTRIG1_ROC1_tdcTimeRaw*0.1-T.coin.pTRIG4_ROC1_tdcTimeRaw*0.1 1600 -800 800 coincut
+TH1F htrig_cointime_coincut_ep  'HMS cointime (coincut_ep); HMS cointime (ns); Count / 1 ns;'     T.coin.pTRIG1_ROC1_tdcTimeRaw*0.1-T.coin.pTRIG4_ROC1_tdcTimeRaw*0.1 1600 -800 800 coincut_ep
+TH1F h_pathcorr   'HMS pathcorr; HMS pathcorr (ns); Count / 1 ns;'            T.coin.pTRIG4_ROC2_tdcTimeRaw*0.1 1600 -800 800 hcleantrack
+TH1F p_pathcorr   'SHMS pathcorr; SHMS pathcorr (ns); Count / 1 ns;'          T.coin.pTRIG1_ROC2_tdcTimeRaw*0.1 1600 -800 800 pcleantrack
+TH1F c_pathcorr   'Cointime pathcorr; Cointime pathcorr (ns); Count / 1 ns;'  T.coin.pTRIG1_ROC2_tdcTimeRaw*0.1-T.coin.pTRIG4_ROC2_tdcTimeRaw*0.1 1600 -800 800  coincut
+TH1F h_htrig_tdc  'pTRIG4_ROC1'  T.coin.hTRIG1_ROC1_tdcTimeRaw*0.1 1600 -800 800
+TH1F h_ptrig_tdc  'pTRIG4_ROC1'  T.coin.pTRIG1_ROC1_tdcTimeRaw*0.1 1600 -800 800
+TH1F p_ptrig_tdc  'pTRIG1_ROC2'  T.coin.pTRIG1_ROC2_tdcTimeRaw*0.1 1600 -800 800
+TH1F p_htrig_tdc  'pTRIG1_ROC2'  T.coin.hTRIG1_ROC2_tdcTimeRaw*0.1 1600 -800 800&&shms_trigs
+TH1F h_ctrig_tdc  'pTRIG1_ROC1-pTRIG4_ROC1'  T.coin.pTRIG1_ROC1_tdcTimeRaw*0.1-T.coin.pTRIG4_ROC1_tdcTimeRaw 1600 -800 800
+TH1F p_ctrig_tdc  'pTRIG1_ROC2-pTRIG4_ROC2'  T.coin.pTRIG1_ROC2_tdcTimeRaw*0.1-T.coin.pTRIG4_ROC2_tdcTimeRaw 1600 -800 800
diff --git a/DEF-files/COIN/PRODUCTION/coin_production.def b/DEF-files/COIN/PRODUCTION/coin_hElec_pProt_production.def
similarity index 64%
rename from DEF-files/COIN/PRODUCTION/coin_production.def
rename to DEF-files/COIN/PRODUCTION/coin_hElec_pProt_production.def
index 91336abaace8627ee834ad32a1bbdb040c800b05..9f84861ed639be4069271a7ced686bf961c64121 100644
--- a/DEF-files/COIN/PRODUCTION/coin_production.def
+++ b/DEF-files/COIN/PRODUCTION/coin_hElec_pProt_production.def
@@ -30,4 +30,8 @@ ibcm2
-end epics
\ No newline at end of file
+end epics
+#include "DEF-files/COIN/PRODUCTION/GTR/coin_gtr_histos.def"
+#include "DEF-files/COIN/PRODUCTION/KIN/coin_hElec_pProt_kin_histos.def"
+#include "DEF-files/COIN/PRODUCTION/TRIG/coin_trig_histos.def"
diff --git a/DEF-files/COIN/PRODUCTION/coin_hElec_pProt_production_cuts.def b/DEF-files/COIN/PRODUCTION/coin_hElec_pProt_production_cuts.def
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cdb1703fdb4d7eb2e2b02ae0c767d4f55aa390ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DEF-files/COIN/PRODUCTION/coin_hElec_pProt_production_cuts.def
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+#include "DEF-files/HMS/PRODUCTION/hstackana_production_cuts.def"
+#include "DEF-files/SHMS/PRODUCTION/pstackana_production_cuts.def"
+Block: RawDecode
+Pedestal_event       g.evtyp == 99
+SHMS_event           g.evtyp == 1
+HMS_event            g.evtyp == 2
+BOTH_SINGLES_event   g.evtyp == 3
+COIN_ONLY_event      g.evtyp == 4
+SHMS_COIN_event      g.evtyp == 5
+HMS_COIN_event       g.evtyp == 6 
+COIN_ALL_event       g.evtyp == 7
+ALL_events           SHMS_event || HMS_event || BOTH_SINGLES_event || COIN_ONLY_event || COIN_ALL_event
+RawDecode_master  ALL_events
+Block: Decode
+goodctime         ALL_events        #LOOSE CUT AROUND COINTIME PEAK (3 beam buckets)
+tightctime        ALL_events        #TIGHT CUT AROUND COINTIME PEAK (1 beam buckets)
+ranctime          ALL_events        #CUT AWAY FROM COINTIME PEAK (4 beam buckets)
+Decode_master     ALL_events
+Block: CoarseTracking
+CoarseTracking_master ALL_events
+Block: CoarseReconstruct
+CoarseReconstruct_master ALL_events
+Block: Tracking
+Tracking_master  ALL_events
+Block: Reconstruct
+Reconstruct_master ALL_events
+hcleantrack        H.gtr.index > -1
+pcleantrack        P.gtr.index > -1
+ccleantrack        hcleantrack && pcleantrack
+coincut            ccleantrack && goodctime
+tight_coin         ccleantrack && tightctime
+ran_coincut        ccleantrack && ranctime
+e_cut_cal          H.cal.etottracknorm > 0.6 && H.cal.etottracknorm < 2.0
+e_cut_cer          H.cer.npeSum > 0.5
+select_e_cut       e_cut_cal && e_cut_cer
+betacut_proton     P.gtr.beta > 0.6 && P.gtr.beta < 0.8
+coincut_ep         ccleantrack && select_e_cut && betacut_proton
diff --git a/DEF-files/COIN/PRODUCTION/coin_production_cuts.def b/DEF-files/COIN/PRODUCTION/coin_production_cuts.def
deleted file mode 100644
index 29498e9b6ba3aa6e9d3de6cc76888b42907ec87e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/DEF-files/COIN/PRODUCTION/coin_production_cuts.def
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-Block: RawDecode
-Pedestal_event       g.evtyp == 99
-SHMS_event           g.evtyp == 1
-HMS_event            g.evtyp == 2
-BOTH_SINGLES_event   g.evtyp == 3
-COIN_ONLY_event      g.evtyp == 4
-SHMS_COIN_event      g.evtyp == 5
-HMS_COIN_event       g.evtyp == 6 
-COIN_ALL_event       g.evtyp == 7
-ALL_events           SHMS_event || HMS_event || BOTH_SINGLES_event || COIN_ONLY_event || COIN_ALL_event
-RawDecode_master  ALL_events
-Block: Decode
-Decode_master     ALL_events
-Block: CoarseTracking
-CoarseTracking_master ALL_events
-Block: CoarseReconstruct
-CoarseReconstruct_master ALL_events
-Block: Tracking
-Tracking_master  ALL_events
-Block: Reconstruct
-Reconstruct_master ALL_events
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/DEF-files/COIN/PRODUCTION/coin_production_pElec_hProt.def b/DEF-files/COIN/PRODUCTION/coin_production_pElec_hProt.def
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..695e459799173f832bf15c078861d928b546b03a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DEF-files/COIN/PRODUCTION/coin_production_pElec_hProt.def
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+block T.coin.*
+block H.cer.*
+block H.dc.*
+block H.tr.*
+block H.hod.*
+block H.cal.*
+block H.gtr.*
+block H.kin.*
+block H.rb.*
+block H.react.*
+block P.ngcer.*
+block P.dc.*
+block P.tr.*
+block P.hod.*
+block P.hgcer.*
+block P.aero.*
+block P.cal.*
+block P.gtr.*
+block P.kin.*
+block P.rb.*
+block P.react.*
+begin epics
+end epics
+#include "DEF-files/COIN/PRODUCTION/GTR/coin_gtr_histos.def"
+#include "DEF-files/COIN/PRODUCTION/KIN/coin_pElec_hProt_kin_histos.def"
+#include "DEF-files/COIN/PRODUCTION/TRIG/coin_trig_histos.def"
diff --git a/DEF-files/COIN/PRODUCTION/coin_production_pElec_hProt_cuts.def b/DEF-files/COIN/PRODUCTION/coin_production_pElec_hProt_cuts.def
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..099b70e3a00c966cbd563461ba091d2a7f892b74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DEF-files/COIN/PRODUCTION/coin_production_pElec_hProt_cuts.def
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+#include "DEF-files/HMS/PRODUCTION/hstackana_production_cuts.def"
+#include "DEF-files/SHMS/PRODUCTION/pstackana_production_cuts.def"
+Block: RawDecode
+Pedestal_event       g.evtyp == 99
+SHMS_event           g.evtyp == 1
+HMS_event            g.evtyp == 2
+BOTH_SINGLES_event   g.evtyp == 3
+COIN_ONLY_event      g.evtyp == 4
+SHMS_COIN_event      g.evtyp == 5
+HMS_COIN_event       g.evtyp == 6 
+COIN_ALL_event       g.evtyp == 7
+ALL_events           SHMS_event || HMS_event || BOTH_SINGLES_event || COIN_ONLY_event || COIN_ALL_event
+RawDecode_master  ALL_events
+Block: Decode
+goodctime         ALL_events        #LOOSE CUT AROUND COINTIME PEAK (3 beam buckets)
+tightctime        ALL_events        #TIGHT CUT AROUND COINTIME PEAK (1 beam buckets)
+ranctime          ALL_events        #CUT AWAY FROM COINTIME PEAK (4 beam buckets)
+Decode_master     ALL_events
+Block: CoarseTracking
+CoarseTracking_master ALL_events
+Block: CoarseReconstruct
+CoarseReconstruct_master ALL_events
+Block: Tracking
+Tracking_master  ALL_events
+Block: Reconstruct
+Reconstruct_master ALL_events
+hcleantrack        H.gtr.index > -1
+pcleantrack        P.gtr.index > -1
+ccleantrack        hcleantrack && pcleantrack
+coincut            ccleantrack && goodctime
+tight_coin         ccleantrack && tightctime
+ran_coincut        ccleantrack && ranctime
+e_cut_cal          P.cal.etottracknorm > 0.6 && P.cal.etottracknorm < 2.0
+e_cut_cer          P.hgcer.npeSum > 5.0 && P.ngcer.npeSum > 15.0
+select_e_cut       e_cut_cal && e_cut_cer
+betacut_proton     H.gtr.beta > 0.6 && H.gtr.beta < 0.8
+coincut_ep         ccleantrack && select_e_cut && betacut_proton
diff --git a/SCRIPTS/COIN/PRODUCTION/replay_production_coin_hElec_pProt.C b/SCRIPTS/COIN/PRODUCTION/replay_production_coin_hElec_pProt.C
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1351a7e36ef480c484a7aa0eadd237f889cef656
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SCRIPTS/COIN/PRODUCTION/replay_production_coin_hElec_pProt.C
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+void replay_production_coin_hElec_pProt (Int_t RunNumber = 0, Int_t MaxEvent = 0) {
+  // Get RunNumber and MaxEvent if not provided.
+  if(RunNumber == 0) {
+    cout << "Enter a Run Number (-1 to exit): ";
+    cin >> RunNumber;
+    if( RunNumber<=0 ) return;
+  }
+  if(MaxEvent == 0) {
+    cout << "\nNumber of Events to analyze: ";
+    cin >> MaxEvent;
+    if(MaxEvent == 0) {
+      cerr << "...Invalid entry\n";
+      exit;
+    }
+  }
+  // Create file name patterns.
+  const char* RunFileNamePattern = "coin_all_%05d.dat";
+  vector<TString> pathList;
+    pathList.push_back(".");
+    pathList.push_back("./raw");
+    pathList.push_back("./raw/../raw.copiedtotape");
+    pathList.push_back("./cache");
+  //const char* RunFileNamePattern = "raw/coin_all_%05d.dat";
+  const char* ROOTFileNamePattern = "ROOTfiles/coin_replay_production_%d_%d.root";
+  // Load global parameters
+  // Add variables to global list.
+  gHcParms->Define("gen_run_number", "Run Number", RunNumber);
+  gHcParms->AddString("g_ctp_database_filename", "DBASE/COIN/STD/standard.database");
+  // Load varibles from files to global list.
+  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_database_filename"), RunNumber);
+  // g_ctp_parm_filename and g_decode_map_filename should now be defined.
+  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_kinematics_filename"), RunNumber);
+  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_parm_filename"));
+  gHcParms->Load(gHcParms->GetString("g_ctp_calib_filename"));
+  // Load params for SHMS trigger configuration
+  gHcParms->Load("PARAM/TRIG/tcoin.param");
+  // Load the Hall C detector map
+  gHcDetectorMap = new THcDetectorMap();
+  gHcDetectorMap->Load("MAPS/COIN/DETEC/coin.map");
+  gHcParms->Load("PARAM/SHMS/GEN/p_fadc_debug.param");
+  gHcParms->Load("PARAM/HMS/GEN/h_fadc_debug.param");
+  //=:=:=:=
+  // SHMS 
+  //=:=:=:=
+  // Set up the equipment to be analyzed.
+  THcHallCSpectrometer* SHMS = new THcHallCSpectrometer("P", "SHMS");
+  SHMS->SetEvtType(1);
+  SHMS->AddEvtType(4);
+  SHMS->AddEvtType(5);
+  SHMS->AddEvtType(6);
+  SHMS->AddEvtType(7);
+  gHaApps->Add(SHMS);
+  // Add Noble Gas Cherenkov to SHMS apparatus
+  THcCherenkov* pngcer = new THcCherenkov("ngcer", "Noble Gas Cherenkov");
+  SHMS->AddDetector(pngcer);
+  // Add drift chambers to SHMS apparatus
+  THcDC* pdc = new THcDC("dc", "Drift Chambers");
+  SHMS->AddDetector(pdc);
+  // Add hodoscope to SHMS apparatus
+  THcHodoscope* phod = new THcHodoscope("hod", "Hodoscope");
+  SHMS->AddDetector(phod);
+  // Add Heavy Gas Cherenkov to SHMS apparatus
+  THcCherenkov* phgcer = new THcCherenkov("hgcer", "Heavy Gas Cherenkov");
+  SHMS->AddDetector(phgcer);
+  // Add Aerogel Cherenkov to SHMS apparatus
+  THcAerogel* paero = new THcAerogel("aero", "Aerogel");
+  SHMS->AddDetector(paero);
+  // Add calorimeter to SHMS apparatus
+  THcShower* pcal = new THcShower("cal", "Calorimeter");
+  SHMS->AddDetector(pcal);
+  // Include golden track information
+  THaGoldenTrack* pgtr = new THaGoldenTrack("P.gtr", "SHMS Golden Track", "P");
+  gHaPhysics->Add(pgtr);
+  // Add Rastered Beam Apparatus
+  THaApparatus* pbeam = new THcRasteredBeam("P.rb", "SHMS Rastered Beamline");
+  gHaApps->Add(pbeam);
+  THaReactionPoint* prp= new THaReactionPoint("P.react"," SHMS reaction point","P","P.rb");
+  gHaPhysics->Add(prp);
+  THcExtTarCor* pext = new THcExtTarCor("P.extcor"," HMS extended target corrections","P","P.react");
+  gHaPhysics->Add(pext);
+  // Add hodoscope efficiency
+  THcHodoEff* peff = new THcHodoEff("phodeff"," SHMS hodo efficiency","P.hod");
+  gHaPhysics->Add(peff);
+  // Add event handler for scaler events
+  THcScalerEvtHandler* pscaler = new THcScalerEvtHandler("P", "Hall C scaler event type 1");
+  pscaler->AddEvtType(1);
+  pscaler->AddEvtType(4);
+  pscaler->AddEvtType(5);
+  pscaler->AddEvtType(6);
+  pscaler->AddEvtType(7);
+  pscaler->AddEvtType(129);
+  pscaler->SetDelayedType(129);
+  pscaler->SetUseFirstEvent(kTRUE);
+  gHaEvtHandlers->Add(pscaler);
+  //=:=:=
+  // HMS 
+  //=:=:=
+  // Set up the equipment to be analyzed.
+  THcHallCSpectrometer* HMS = new THcHallCSpectrometer("H", "HMS");
+  HMS->SetEvtType(2);
+  HMS->AddEvtType(4);
+  HMS->AddEvtType(5);
+  HMS->AddEvtType(6);
+  HMS->AddEvtType(7);
+  gHaApps->Add(HMS);
+  // Add drift chambers to HMS apparatus
+  THcDC* hdc = new THcDC("dc", "Drift Chambers");
+  HMS->AddDetector(hdc);
+  // Add hodoscope to HMS apparatus
+  THcHodoscope* hhod = new THcHodoscope("hod", "Hodoscope");
+  HMS->AddDetector(hhod);
+   // Add Cherenkov to HMS apparatus
+  THcCherenkov* hcer = new THcCherenkov("cer", "Heavy Gas Cherenkov");
+  HMS->AddDetector(hcer);
+  // Add Aerogel Cherenkov to HMS apparatus
+  //THcAerogel* aero = new THcAerogel("aero", "Aerogel");
+  //HMS->AddDetector(aero);
+  // Add calorimeter to HMS apparatus
+  THcShower* hcal = new THcShower("cal", "Calorimeter");
+  HMS->AddDetector(hcal);
+  // Include golden track information
+  THaGoldenTrack* hgtr = new THaGoldenTrack("H.gtr", "HMS Golden Track", "H");
+  gHaPhysics->Add(hgtr);
+  // Add Rastered Beam Apparatus
+  THaApparatus* hbeam = new THcRasteredBeam("H.rb", "HMS Rastered Beamline");
+  gHaApps->Add(hbeam);
+  THaReactionPoint* hrp= new THaReactionPoint("H.react"," HMS reaction point","H","H.rb");
+  gHaPhysics->Add(hrp);
+  THcExtTarCor* hext = new THcExtTarCor("H.extcor"," HMS extended target corrections","H","H.react");
+  gHaPhysics->Add(hext);
+  // Add hodoscope efficiency
+  THcHodoEff* heff = new THcHodoEff("hhodeff"," HMS hodo efficiency","H.hod");
+  gHaPhysics->Add(heff);
+  // Add event handler for scaler events
+  THcScalerEvtHandler *hscaler = new THcScalerEvtHandler("H", "Hall C scaler event type 4");  
+  hscaler->AddEvtType(2);
+  hscaler->AddEvtType(4);
+  pscaler->AddEvtType(5);
+  pscaler->AddEvtType(6);
+  pscaler->AddEvtType(7);
+  hscaler->AddEvtType(129);
+  hscaler->SetDelayedType(129);
+  hscaler->SetUseFirstEvent(kTRUE);
+  gHaEvtHandlers->Add(hscaler);
+  //=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=
+  // Kinematics Modules
+  //=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=
+  // ---------------------------------
+  // electrons in SHMS, protons in HMS
+  // ---------------------------------
+  // Add Physics Module to calculate primary (scattered) beam kinematics
+  // THcPrimaryKine* pkin_primary = new THcPrimaryKine("P.kin.primary", "SHMS Single Arm Kinematics", "P", "P.rb");
+  // gHaPhysics->Add(pkin_primary);
+  // Add Physics Module to calculate secondary (scattered) beam kinematics
+  // THcSecondaryKine* hkin_secondary = new THcSecondaryKine("H.kin.secondary", "HMS Single Arm Kinematics", "H", "P.kin.primary");
+  // gHaPhysics->Add(hkin_secondary);
+  // ---------------------------------
+  // electrons in HMS, protons in SHMS
+  // ---------------------------------
+  // Add Physics Module to calculate primary (scattered) beam kinematics
+  THcPrimaryKine* hkin_primary = new THcPrimaryKine("H.kin.primary", "HMS Single Arm Kinematics", "H", "H.rb");
+  gHaPhysics->Add(hkin_primary);
+  // Add Physics Module to calculate secondary (scattered) beam kinematics
+  THcSecondaryKine* pkin_secondary = new THcSecondaryKine("P.kin.secondary", "SHMS Single Arm Kinematics", "P", "H.kin.primary");
+  gHaPhysics->Add(pkin_secondary);
+  //=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=
+  // Global Objects & Event Handlers
+  //=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=
+    // Add trigger apparatus
+  THaApparatus* TRG = new THcTrigApp("T", "TRG");
+  gHaApps->Add(TRG);
+  // Add trigger detector to trigger apparatus
+  THcTrigDet* coin = new THcTrigDet("coin", "Coincidence Trigger Information");
+  // Suppress missing reference time warnings for these event types
+  coin->SetEvtType(1);
+  coin->AddEvtType(2);
+  TRG->AddDetector(coin); 
+  // Add event handler for prestart event 125.
+  THcConfigEvtHandler* ev125 = new THcConfigEvtHandler("HC", "Config Event type 125");
+  gHaEvtHandlers->Add(ev125);
+  // Add event handler for EPICS events
+  THaEpicsEvtHandler* hcepics = new THaEpicsEvtHandler("epics", "HC EPICS event type 180");
+  gHaEvtHandlers->Add(hcepics);
+  // Set up the analyzer - we use the standard one,
+  // but this could be an experiment-specific one as well.
+  // The Analyzer controls the reading of the data, executes
+  // tests/cuts, loops over Acpparatus's and PhysicsModules,
+  // and executes the output routines.
+  THcAnalyzer* analyzer = new THcAnalyzer;
+  // A simple event class to be output to the resulting tree.
+  // Creating your own descendant of THaEvent is one way of
+  // defining and controlling the output.
+  THaEvent* event = new THaEvent;
+  // Define the run(s) that we want to analyze.
+  // We just set up one, but this could be many.
+  THcRun* run = new THcRun( pathList, Form(RunFileNamePattern, RunNumber) );
+  // Set to read in Hall C run database parameters
+  run->SetRunParamClass("THcRunParameters");
+  // Eventually need to learn to skip over, or properly analyze
+  // the pedestal events
+  run->SetEventRange(1, MaxEvent);    // Physics Event number, does not
+                                      // include scaler or control events.
+  run->SetNscan(1);
+  run->SetDataRequired(0x7);
+  run->Print();
+  // Define the analysis parameters
+  TString ROOTFileName = Form(ROOTFileNamePattern, RunNumber, MaxEvent);
+  analyzer->SetCountMode(2);    // 0 = counter is # of physics triggers
+                                // 1 = counter is # of all decode reads
+                                // 2 = counter is event number
+  analyzer->SetEvent(event);
+  // Set EPICS event type
+  analyzer->SetEpicsEvtType(180);
+  // Define crate map
+  analyzer->SetCrateMapFileName("MAPS/db_cratemap.dat");
+  // Define output ROOT file
+  analyzer->SetOutFile(ROOTFileName.Data());
+  // Define DEF-file+
+  analyzer->SetOdefFile("DEF-files/COIN/PRODUCTION/coin_hElec_pProt_production.def");
+  // Define cuts file
+  analyzer->SetCutFile("DEF-files/COIN/PRODUCTION/coin_hElec_pProt_production_cuts.def");  // optional
+  // File to record accounting information for cuts
+  analyzer->SetSummaryFile(Form("REPORT_OUTPUT/COIN/PRODUCTION/summary_production_%d_%d.report", RunNumber, MaxEvent));  // optional
+  // Start the actual analysis.
+  analyzer->Process(run);
+  // Create report file from template
+  analyzer->PrintReport("TEMPLATES/COIN/PRODUCTION/coin_production.template",
+  			Form("REPORT_OUTPUT/COIN/PRODUCTION/replay_coin_production_%d_%d.report", RunNumber, MaxEvent));  // optional
diff --git a/SCRIPTS/COIN/PRODUCTION/replay_production_coin.C b/SCRIPTS/COIN/PRODUCTION/replay_production_coin_pElec_hProt.C
similarity index 93%
rename from SCRIPTS/COIN/PRODUCTION/replay_production_coin.C
rename to SCRIPTS/COIN/PRODUCTION/replay_production_coin_pElec_hProt.C
index 81625e34cb7c62d70d2e762f4516051214edc384..11f8a8433f05b2455532e405e7a0c66be50f0173 100644
--- a/SCRIPTS/COIN/PRODUCTION/replay_production_coin.C
+++ b/SCRIPTS/COIN/PRODUCTION/replay_production_coin_pElec_hProt.C
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-void replay_production_coin (Int_t RunNumber = 0, Int_t MaxEvent = 0) {
+void replay_production_coin_pElec_hProt (Int_t RunNumber = 0, Int_t MaxEvent = 0) {
   // Get RunNumber and MaxEvent if not provided.
   if(RunNumber == 0) {
@@ -85,14 +85,10 @@ void replay_production_coin (Int_t RunNumber = 0, Int_t MaxEvent = 0) {
   THcExtTarCor* pext = new THcExtTarCor("P.extcor"," HMS extended target corrections","P","P.react");
-  // Add Physics Module to calculate primary (scattered) beam kinematics
-  THcPrimaryKine* pkin_primary = new THcPrimaryKine("P.kin.primary", "SHMS Single Arm Kinematics", "P", "P.rb");
-  gHaPhysics->Add(pkin_primary);
- THcHodoEff* peff = new THcHodoEff("phodeff"," SHMS hodo efficiency","P.hod");
+  // Add hodoscope efficiency
+  THcHodoEff* peff = new THcHodoEff("phodeff"," SHMS hodo efficiency","P.hod");
-  // Add Physics Module to calculate secondary (scattered) beam kinematics
-  // THcSecondaryKine* pkin_secondary = new THcSecondaryKine("P.kin.secondary", "SHMS Single Arm Kinematics", "P", "H.kin.primary");
-  // gHaPhysics->Add(pkin_secondary);
   // Add event handler for scaler events
   THcScalerEvtHandler* pscaler = new THcScalerEvtHandler("P", "Hall C scaler event type 1");
@@ -143,12 +139,7 @@ void replay_production_coin (Int_t RunNumber = 0, Int_t MaxEvent = 0) {
   THcExtTarCor* hext = new THcExtTarCor("H.extcor"," HMS extended target corrections","H","H.react");
-  // Add Physics Module to calculate primary (scattered) beam kinematics
-  // THcPrimaryKine* hkin_primary = new THcPrimaryKine("H.kin.primary", "HMS Single Arm Kinematics", "H", "H.rb");
-  // gHaPhysics->Add(hkin_primary);
-  // Add Physics Module to calculate secondary (scattered) beam kinematics
-  THcSecondaryKine* hkin_secondary = new THcSecondaryKine("H.kin.secondary", "HMS Single Arm Kinematics", "H", "P.kin.primary");
-  gHaPhysics->Add(hkin_secondary);
+  // Add hodoscope efficiency
   THcHodoEff* heff = new THcHodoEff("hhodeff"," HMS hodo efficiency","H.hod");
   // Add event handler for scaler events
@@ -163,6 +154,30 @@ void replay_production_coin (Int_t RunNumber = 0, Int_t MaxEvent = 0) {
+  //=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=
+  // Kinematics Modules
+  //=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=
+  // ---------------------------------
+  // electrons in SHMS, protons in HMS
+  // ---------------------------------
+  // Add Physics Module to calculate primary (scattered) beam kinematics
+  THcPrimaryKine* pkin_primary = new THcPrimaryKine("P.kin.primary", "SHMS Single Arm Kinematics", "P", "P.rb");
+  gHaPhysics->Add(pkin_primary);
+  // Add Physics Module to calculate secondary (scattered) beam kinematics
+  THcSecondaryKine* hkin_secondary = new THcSecondaryKine("H.kin.secondary", "HMS Single Arm Kinematics", "H", "P.kin.primary");
+  gHaPhysics->Add(hkin_secondary);
+  // ---------------------------------
+  // electrons in HMS, protons in SHMS
+  // ---------------------------------
+  // Add Physics Module to calculate primary (scattered) beam kinematics
+  // THcPrimaryKine* hkin_primary = new THcPrimaryKine("H.kin.primary", "HMS Single Arm Kinematics", "H", "H.rb");
+  // gHaPhysics->Add(hkin_primary);
+  // Add Physics Module to calculate secondary (scattered) beam kinematics
+  // THcSecondaryKine* pkin_secondary = new THcSecondaryKine("P.kin.secondary", "SHMS Single Arm Kinematics", "P", "H.kin.primary");
+  // gHaPhysics->Add(pkin_secondary);
   // Global Objects & Event Handlers
@@ -223,9 +238,9 @@ void replay_production_coin (Int_t RunNumber = 0, Int_t MaxEvent = 0) {
   // Define output ROOT file
   // Define DEF-file+
-  analyzer->SetOdefFile("DEF-files/COIN/PRODUCTION/coin_production.def");
+  analyzer->SetOdefFile("DEF-files/COIN/PRODUCTION/coin_production_pElec_hProt.def");
   // Define cuts file
-  analyzer->SetCutFile("DEF-files/COIN/PRODUCTION/coin_production_cuts.def");  // optional
+  analyzer->SetCutFile("DEF-files/COIN/PRODUCTION/coin_production_pElec_hProt_cuts.def");  // optional
   // File to record accounting information for cuts
   analyzer->SetSummaryFile(Form("REPORT_OUTPUT/COIN/PRODUCTION/summary_production_%d_%d.report", RunNumber, MaxEvent));  // optional
   // Start the actual analysis.
diff --git a/onlineGUI/CONFIG/COIN/PRODUCTION/coin_production.cfg b/onlineGUI/CONFIG/COIN/PRODUCTION/coin_production.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..dc6672762ec01558cd608655dc84934d2db2ac3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/onlineGUI/CONFIG/COIN/PRODUCTION/coin_production.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+protorootfile ../ROOTfiles/coin_replay_production_XXXXX_latest.root
+guicolor orange
+canvassize 1000 800
+newpage 2 2
+title Beta vs Cointime
+newpage 3 3
+title Cointime
+newpage 2 3
+title Trigger Times
+newpage 2 1
+title Target Variables
+newpage 3 2
+title Missing Mass
+newpage 3 3
+title Missing Momentum
+newpage 3 1
+title Missing Energy
+newpage 2 1
+title Kinematics