//============================================================================// // A C++ wrapper class for C based ET // // // // Chao Peng // // 02/27/2016 // //============================================================================// #include "PRadETChannel.h" #include "PRadETStation.h" #include <iostream> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <signal.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <time.h> #include <pthread.h> using namespace std; PRadETChannel::PRadETChannel(size_t size) : curr_stat(nullptr), et_id(nullptr), bufferSize(size) { buffer = new uint32_t[bufferSize]; } PRadETChannel::~PRadETChannel() { if(buffer != nullptr) delete[](buffer), buffer = nullptr; // force close ET ForceClose(); } // Close ET connection void PRadETChannel::ForceClose() { if((et_id != nullptr) && et_alive(et_id)) { et_forcedclose(et_id); et_id = nullptr; } } // Open ET void PRadETChannel::Open(const char* ipAddr, int tcpPort, const char* etFile) { // Use a direct connection to the ET system config.SetCast(ET_DIRECT); // Set the ip address and tcp port config.SetHost(ipAddr); config.SetServerPort(tcpPort); int charSize = strlen(etFile)+1; char *fileName = new char[charSize]; strncpy(fileName, etFile, charSize); // Open et client int status = et_open(&et_id, fileName, config.Get()); delete fileName; if(status != ET_OK) { throw(PRadException(PRadException::ET_CONNECT_ERROR, "et_client: cannot open et client!")); } /* set level of debug output */ et_system_setdebug(et_id, ET_DEBUG_INFO); } void PRadETChannel::NewStation(const string &name) { auto it = stations.find(name); if(it == stations.end()) { curr_stat = new PRadETStation(this, name); stations[string(name)] = curr_stat; } } void PRadETChannel::SwitchStation(const string &name) { auto it = stations.find(name); if(it != stations.end()) { curr_stat = it->second; } else { cout << "ET Channel Warning: station " << name << " does not exist!" << endl; } } void PRadETChannel::RemoveStation(const string &name) { try { if(et_id != nullptr && et_alive(et_id)) { auto it = stations.find(name); if(it != stations.end()) { it->second->Remove(); stations.erase(it); } else { cout << "ET Channel Warning: station " << name << " does not exist!" << endl; } } else { cout << "ET Channel Warning: cannot remove station while disconnected from ET!" << endl; } } catch (PRadException e) { throw e; } } PRadETStation* PRadETChannel::GetStation(const string &name) { auto it = stations.find(name); if(it != stations.end()) { return it->second; } else { return nullptr; } } // Attach station void PRadETChannel::AttachStation() { try { curr_stat->Create(); curr_stat->Attach(); } catch (PRadException e) { throw(e); } cout << "Successfully attached to ET!" << endl; } // Read one event from ET station, return true if success bool PRadETChannel::Read() { // check if et is opened or alive if(et_id == nullptr || !et_alive(et_id)) throw(PRadException(PRadException::ET_READ_ERROR,"et_client: et is not opened or dead!")); et_att_id att = curr_stat->GetAttachID(); // get the event int status = et_event_get(et_id, att, &etEvent, ET_ASYNC, nullptr); switch(status) { case ET_OK: break; case ET_ERROR_EMPTY: return false; case ET_ERROR_DEAD: throw(PRadException(PRadException::ET_READ_ERROR,"et_client: et is dead!")); case ET_ERROR_TIMEOUT: throw(PRadException(PRadException::ET_READ_ERROR,"et_client: got timeout!!")); case ET_ERROR_BUSY: throw(PRadException(PRadException::ET_READ_ERROR,"et_client: station is busy!")); case ET_ERROR_WAKEUP: throw(PRadException(PRadException::ET_READ_ERROR,"et_client: someone told me to wake up.")); default: throw(PRadException(PRadException::ET_READ_ERROR,"et_client: unkown error!")); } // copy the data buffer copyEvent(); // put back the event status = et_event_put(et_id, att, etEvent); switch(status) { case ET_OK: break; case ET_ERROR_DEAD: throw(PRadException(PRadException::ET_READ_ERROR,"et_client: et is dead!")); default: throw(PRadException(PRadException::ET_READ_ERROR,"et_client: unkown error!")); } return true; } void PRadETChannel::copyEvent() { void *data; et_event_getdata(etEvent, &data); et_event_getlength(etEvent, &bufferSize); bufferSize /= 4; // from byte to int32 words uint32_t *data_buffer = (uint32_t*) data; size_t index = 0; // check if it is a block header if(bufferSize >= 8 && data_buffer[7] == 0xc0da0100) { index += 8; bufferSize -= 8; } for(size_t i = 0; i < bufferSize; ++i) { buffer[i] = data_buffer[index+i]; } } // nested config classes // et_openconfig PRadETChannel::Configuration::Configuration() { Initialize(); } PRadETChannel::Configuration::~Configuration() { et_open_config_destroy(config); } // wrapper functions void PRadETChannel::Configuration::Initialize() { et_open_config_init(&config); } void PRadETChannel::Configuration::SetWait(int val) { et_open_config_setwait(config, val); } void PRadETChannel::Configuration::SetTimeOut(struct timespec val) { et_open_config_settimeout(config, val); } void PRadETChannel::Configuration::SetHost(const char *val) { et_open_config_sethost(config, val); } void PRadETChannel::Configuration::SetCast(int val) { et_open_config_setcast(config, val); } void PRadETChannel::Configuration::SetTTL(int val) { et_open_config_setTTL(config, val); } void PRadETChannel::Configuration::SetPort(unsigned short val) { et_open_config_setport(config, val); } void PRadETChannel::Configuration::SetServerPort(unsigned short val) { et_open_config_setserverport(config, val); } void PRadETChannel::Configuration::AddBroadCast(const char *val) { et_open_config_addbroadcast(config, val); } void PRadETChannel::Configuration::RemoveBroadCast(const char *val) { et_open_config_removebroadcast(config, val); } void PRadETChannel::Configuration::AddMultiCast(const char *val) { et_open_config_addmulticast(config, val); } void PRadETChannel::Configuration::RemoveMultiCast(const char *val) { et_open_config_removemulticast(config, val); } void PRadETChannel::Configuration::SetPolicy(int val) { et_open_config_setpolicy(config, val); } void PRadETChannel::Configuration::SetMode(int val) { et_open_config_setmode(config, val); } void PRadETChannel::Configuration::SetDebugDefault(int val) { et_open_config_setdebugdefault(config, val); } void PRadETChannel::Configuration::SetInterface(const char *val) { et_open_config_setinterface(config, val); } void PRadETChannel::Configuration::SetTCP(int rBufSize, int sBufSize, int noDelay) { et_open_config_settcp(config, rBufSize, sBufSize, noDelay); }