#ifndef ROOT_THcHodoHit #define ROOT_THcHodoHit /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // THcHodoHit // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "TObject.h" #include "THcScintillatorPlane.h" //#include "THcDriftChamber.h" #include "THcRawHodoHit.h" #include <cstdio> class THcHodoHit : public TObject { public: THcHodoHit( THcRawHodoHit* hit, Double_t posPed, Double_t negPed, THcScintillatorPlane* sp); virtual ~THcHodoHit() {} Bool_t IsSortable () const { return kFALSE; } // Get and Set Functions Double_t GetPosADC() const { return fPosADC_Ped; } Double_t GetNegADC() const { return fNegADC_Ped; } Int_t GetPosTDC() const { return fPosTDC; } Int_t GetNegTDC() const { return fNegTDC; } Double_t GetPosCorrectedTime() const { return fPosCorrectedTime;} Double_t GetNegCorrectedTime() const { return fNegCorrectedTime;} Int_t GetPaddleNumber() const { return fPaddleNumber; } void SetCorrectedTimes(Double_t pos, Double_t neg) { fPosCorrectedTime = pos; fNegCorrectedTime = neg; } protected: static const Double_t kBig; //! Int_t fPaddleNumber; Int_t fPosTDC; Int_t fNegTDC; Double_t fPosADC_Ped; // Pedestal subtracted ADC Double_t fNegADC_Ped; // Pedestal subtracted ADC Double_t fPosCorrectedTime; // Pulse height corrected time Double_t fNegCorrectedTime; // Pulse height corrected time THcScintillatorPlane* fPlane; // Pointer to parent scintillator plane private: THcHodoHit( const THcHodoHit& ); THcHodoHit& operator=( const THcHodoHit& ); ClassDef(THcHodoHit,0) // Drift Chamber Hit }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #endif