void compgoldenenorm(Int_t run=52949) { //Comapare hsshtrk from Engine with gold.enorm from hcana. TFile* f = new TFile(Form("hodtest_%d.root",run)); cout << "hcana root file " << Form("hodtest_%d.root",run) << endl; TH1F* h = golden_enorm; TFile* f1 = new TFile(Form("%d_hbk.root",run)); cout << "Engine root file " << Form("%d_hbk.root",run) << endl; TH1F* h1; switch (run) { case 50017 : // h1 = h212; //A+ break; default : // h1 = h438; //hsshtrk, engine/replay/paw h1 = h426; //hsshtrk, engine/replay_mkj/paw } TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1", "Golden track E/P", 800, 1000); c1->Divide(1,2); // gPad->SetLogy(); c1->cd(1); h1->SetFillColor(kGreen); h1->SetLineColor(kGreen); h1->Draw(); h->SetLineColor(kBlue); h->SetFillStyle(0); h->SetLineWidth(2); h->Draw("same"); TLatex l; l.SetTextSize(0.04); Float_t maxy = h1->GetBinContent(h1->GetMaximumBin()); Float_t xmin = h1->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(); Float_t xmax = h1->GetXaxis()->GetXmax(); Float_t xt = xmin + 0.75*(xmax-xmin); l.SetTextColor(kGreen); l.DrawLatex(xt,0.65*maxy,"Engine"); l.SetTextColor(kBlue); l.DrawLatex(xt,0.75*maxy,"hcana"); // Difference between the histograms. c1->cd(2); TH1F* dif = h->Clone(); dif->Add(h,h1,1.,-1.); dif->SetTitle("Enorm Difference"); dif->SetFillColor(kRed); dif->SetLineColor(kRed); dif->SetLineWidth(1); dif->SetFillStyle(1111); dif->Draw(); }