\class THcRawAdcHit
\ingroup DetSupport
\brief Class representing a single raw ADC hit.

It supports rich data from flash 250 ADC modules.

\fn THcRawAdcHit::THcRawAdcHit()
\brief Constructor.

\fn THcRawAdcHit& THcRawAdcHit::operator=(const THcRawAdcHit& right)
\brief Assignment operator.
\param[in] right Raw ADC hit to be assigned.

\fn THcRawAdcHit::~THcRawAdcHit()
\brief Destructor.

\fn void THcRawAdcHit::Clear(Option_t* opt="")
\brief Clears variables before next event.
\param[in] opt Maybe used in base clas... Not sure.

\fn void THcRawAdcHit::SetData(Int_t data)
\brief Sets raw ADC value.
\param[in] data Raw ADC value. In channels.
\throw std::out_of_range Tried to set too many pulses.

Should be used for old style ADCs.

\fn void THcRawAdcHit::SetSample(Int_t data)
\brief Sets raw signal sample.
\param[in] data Raw signal sample. In channels.
\throw std::out_of_range Tried to set too many samples.

\fn void THcRawAdcHit::SetDataTimePedestalPeak(Int_t data, Int_t time, Int_t pedestal, Int_t peak)
\brief Sets various bits of ADC data.
\param[in] data Raw pulse integral. In channels.
\param[in] time Raw pulse time. In subsamples.
\param[in] pedestal Raw signal pedestal. In channels.
\param[in] peak Raw pulse amplitude. In channels.
\throw std::out_of_range Tried to set too many pulses.

Should be used for flash 250 modules.

\fn void THcRawAdcHit::SetRefTime(Int_t refTime)
\brief Sets reference time. In channels.
\param[in] refTime Reference time. In channels.

\fn Int_t THcRawAdcHit::GetRawData(UInt_t iPulse=0) const
\brief Gets raw pulse integral. In channels.
\param[in] iPulse Sequential number of requested pulse.
\throw std::out_of_range Tried to get nonexisting pulse.

Returns 0 if tried to access first pulse but no pulses are set.

\fn Double_t THcRawAdcHit::GetAverage(UInt_t iSampleLow, UInt_t iSampleHigh) const
\brief Gets average of raw samples. In channels.
\param[in] iSampleLow Sequential number of first sample to be averaged.
\param[in] iSampleHigh Sequential number of last sample to be averaged.
\throw std::out_of_range Tried to average over nonexisting sample.

\fn Int_t THcRawAdcHit::GetIntegral(UInt_t iSampleLow, UInt_t iSampleHigh) const
\brief Gets integral of raw samples. In channels.
\param[in] iSampleLow Sequential number of first sample to be integrated.
\param[in] iSampleHigh Sequential number of last sample to be integrated.
\throw std::out_of_range Tried to integrate over nonexisting sample.

\fn Double_t THcRawAdcHit::GetData(UInt_t iPedLow, UInt_t iPedHigh, UInt_t iIntLow, UInt_t iIntHigh)
const \brief Gets pedestal subtracted integral of samples. In channels. \param[in] iPedLow
Sequential number of first sample to be averaged for pedestal value. \param[in] iPedHigh Sequential
number of last sample to be averaged for pedestal value. \param[in] iIntLow Sequential number of
first sample to be integrated. \param[in] iIntHigh Sequential number of last sample to be

\fn UInt_t THcRawAdcHit::GetNPulses() const
\brief Gets number of set pulses.

\fn UInt_t THcRawAdcHit::GetNSamples() const
\brief Gets number of set samples.

\fn Bool_t THcRawAdcHit::HasMulti() const
\brief Queries whether data is from flash 250 module.

\fn Int_t THcRawAdcHit::GetPedRaw() const
\brief Gets raw signal pedestal. In channels.

Returns 0 if no signal pedestal is set.

\fn Int_t THcRawAdcHit::GetPulseIntRaw(UInt_t iPulse=0) const
\brief Gets raw pulse integral. In channels.
\param[in] iPulse Sequential number of requested pulse.
\throw std::out_of_range Tried to get nonexisting pulse.

\fn Int_t THcRawAdcHit::GetPulseAmpRaw(UInt_t iPulse=0) const
\brief Gets raw pulse amplitude. In channels.
\param[in] iPulse Sequential number of requested pulse.
\throw std::out_of_range Tried to get nonexisting pulse.

\fn Int_t THcRawAdcHit::GetPulseTimeRaw(UInt_t iPulse=0) const
\brief Gets raw pulse time. In subsamples.
\param[in] iPulse Sequential number of requested pulse.
\throw std::out_of_range Tried to get nonexisting pulse.

\fn Int_t THcRawAdcHit::GetSampleRaw(UInt_t iSample=0) const
\brief Gets raw sample. In channels.
\param[in] iSample Sequential number of requested sample.
\throw std::out_of_range Tried to get nonexisting sample.

\fn Double_t THcRawAdcHit::GetPed() const
\brief Gets sample pedestal. In channels.

\fn Double_t THcRawAdcHit::GetPulseInt(UInt_t iPulse=0) const
\brief Gets pedestal subtracted pulse integral. In channels.
\param[in] iPulse Sequential number of requested pulse.

\fn Double_t THcRawAdcHit::GetPulseAmp(UInt_t iPulse=0) const
\brief Gets pedestal subtracted pulse amplitude. In channels.
\param[in] iPulse Sequential number of requested pulse.

\fn Int_t THcRawAdcHit::GetSampleIntRaw() const
\brief Gets raw integral of sTimeFacamples. In channels.

\fn Double_t THcRawAdcHit::GetSampleInt() const
\brief Gets pedestal subtracted integral of samples. In channels.

\fn void THcRawAdcHit::SetF250Params(Int_t NSA, Int_t NSB, Int_t NPED)
\brief Sets F250 parameters used for pedestal subtraction.
\param [in] NSA NSA parameter of F250 modules.
\param [in] NSB NSB parameter of F250 modules.
\param [in] NPED NPED parameter of F250 modules.

// TODO: Disallow using both SetData and SetDataTimePedestalPeak.

#include "THcRawAdcHit.h"
#include "TString.h"
#include <stdexcept>
const Double_t THcRawAdcHit::fNAdcChan = 4096.0; // Number of FADC channels in units of ADC channels
const Double_t THcRawAdcHit::fAdcRange =
    1.0; // Dynamic range of FADCs in units of V, // TO-DO: Get fAdcRange from pre-start event
const Double_t THcRawAdcHit::fAdcImpedence  = 50.0;   // FADC input impedence in units of Ohms
const Double_t THcRawAdcHit::fAdcTimeSample = 4000.0; // Length of FADC time sample in units of ps
const Double_t THcRawAdcHit::fAdcTimeRes    = 0.0625; // FADC time resolution in units of ns

    : podd2::HitLogging<TObject>(), fNPedestalSamples(4), fNPeakSamples(9),
      fPeakPedestalRatio(1.0 * fNPeakSamples / fNPedestalSamples), fSubsampleToTimeFactor(0.0625),
      fPed(0), fPulseInt(), fPulseAmp(), fPulseTime(), fSample(), fRefTime(0), fHasMulti(kFALSE),
      fHasRefTime(kFALSE), fNPulses(0), fNSamples(0) {}

THcRawAdcHit& THcRawAdcHit::operator=(const THcRawAdcHit& right) {

  if (this != &right) {
    fPed = right.fPed;
    for (UInt_t i = 0; i < fMaxNPulses; ++i) {
      fPulseInt[i]  = right.fPulseInt[i];
      fPulseAmp[i]  = right.fPulseAmp[i];
      fPulseTime[i] = right.fPulseTime[i];
    for (UInt_t i = 0; i < fMaxNSamples; ++i) {
      fSample[i] = right.fSample[i];
    fHasMulti   = right.fHasMulti;
    fNPulses    = right.fNPulses;
    fNSamples   = right.fNSamples;
    fRefTime    = right.fRefTime;
    fHasRefTime = right.fHasRefTime;

  return *this;

THcRawAdcHit::~THcRawAdcHit() {}

void THcRawAdcHit::Clear(Option_t* opt) {

  fPed = 0;
  for (UInt_t i = 0; i < fNPulses; ++i) {
    fPulseInt[i]  = 0;
    fPulseAmp[i]  = 0;
    fPulseTime[i] = 0;
  for (UInt_t i = 0; i < fNSamples; ++i) {
    fSample[i] = 0;
  fHasMulti   = kFALSE;
  fNPulses    = 0;
  fNSamples   = 0;
  fRefTime    = 0;
  fHasRefTime = kFALSE;

void THcRawAdcHit::SetData(Int_t data) {
  if (fNPulses >= fMaxNPulses) {
    _hit_logger->error("THcRawAdcHit::SetData: too many pulses! Ignoring pulse {}", fNPulses);
    // throw std::out_of_range("`THcRawAdcHit::SetData`: too many pulses!");
  fPulseInt[fNPulses] = data;

void THcRawAdcHit::SetRefTime(Int_t refTime) {
  fRefTime    = refTime;
  fHasRefTime = kTRUE;

void THcRawAdcHit::SetSample(Int_t data) {
  if (fNSamples >= fMaxNSamples) {
    // throw std::out_of_range("`THcRawAdcHit::SetSample`: too many samples!");
    _hit_logger->error("THcRawAdcHit::SetSample: too many samples! Ignoring sample {}", fNSamples);
  fSample[fNSamples] = data;

void THcRawAdcHit::SetDataTimePedestalPeak(Int_t data, Int_t time, Int_t pedestal, Int_t peak) {
  if (fNPulses >= fMaxNPulses) {
    _hit_logger->error("THcRawAdcHit::SetDataTimePedestalPeak: too many pulses! Ignoring pulse {}",
    // throw std::out_of_range("`THcRawAdcHit::SetData`: too many pulses!");
  fPulseInt[fNPulses]  = data;
  fPulseTime[fNPulses] = time;
  fPed                 = pedestal;
  fPulseAmp[fNPulses]  = peak;
  fHasMulti            = kTRUE;

Int_t THcRawAdcHit::GetRawData(UInt_t iPulse) const {
  if (iPulse >= fNPulses && iPulse != 0) {
    // TString msg = TString::Format(
    //    "`THcRawAdcHit::GetRawData`: requested pulse %d where only %d pulses available!", iPulse,
    //    fNPulses);
    // throw std::out_of_range(msg.Data());
        "THcRawAdcHit::GetRawData: requested pulse {} where only {} pulses available!", iPulse,
    return 0;
  } else if (iPulse >= fNPulses && iPulse == 0) {
    return 0;
  } else {
    return fPulseInt[iPulse];

Double_t THcRawAdcHit::GetAverage(UInt_t iSampleLow, UInt_t iSampleHigh) const {
  if (iSampleHigh >= fNSamples || iSampleLow >= fNSamples) {
    TString msg = TString::Format("`THcRawAdcHit::GetAverage`: not this many samples available!");
    throw std::out_of_range(msg.Data());
  } else {
    Double_t average = 0.0;
    for (UInt_t i = iSampleLow; i <= iSampleHigh; ++i) {
      average += fSample[i];
    return average / (iSampleHigh - iSampleLow + 1);

Int_t THcRawAdcHit::GetIntegral(UInt_t iSampleLow, UInt_t iSampleHigh) const {
  if (iSampleHigh >= fNSamples || iSampleLow >= fNSamples) {
    // TString msg = TString::Format("`THcRawAdcHit::GetAverage`: not this many samples
    // available!"); throw std::out_of_range(msg.Data());
    _hit_logger->error("THcRawAdcHit::GetRawData: not this many samples available!");
    return 0;
  } else {
    Int_t integral = 0;
    for (UInt_t i = iSampleLow; i <= iSampleHigh; ++i) {
      integral += fSample[i];
    return integral;

Double_t THcRawAdcHit::GetData(UInt_t iPedLow, UInt_t iPedHigh, UInt_t iIntLow,
                               UInt_t iIntHigh) const {
  return GetIntegral(iIntLow, iIntHigh) - GetAverage(iPedHigh, iPedLow) * (iIntHigh - iIntLow + 1);

UInt_t THcRawAdcHit::GetNPulses() const { return fNPulses; }

UInt_t THcRawAdcHit::GetNSamples() const { return fNSamples; }

Bool_t THcRawAdcHit::HasMulti() const { return fHasMulti; }

Int_t THcRawAdcHit::GetPedRaw() const { return fPed; }

Int_t THcRawAdcHit::GetPulseIntRaw(UInt_t iPulse) const {
  if (iPulse < fNPulses) {
    return fPulseInt[iPulse];
  } else if (iPulse == 0) {
    return 0;
  } else {
    // TString msg = TString::Format(
    //    "`THcRawAdcHit::GetPulseIntRaw`: Trying to get pulse %d where only %d pulses available!",
    //    iPulse, fNPulses);
    // throw std::out_of_range(msg.Data());
        "THcRawAdcHit::GetPulseIntRaw: Trying to get pulse {} where only {} pulses available!",
        iPulse, fNPulses);
    return 0;

Int_t THcRawAdcHit::GetPulseAmpRaw(UInt_t iPulse) const {
  if (iPulse < fNPulses) {
    return fPulseAmp[iPulse];
  } else if (iPulse == 0) {
    return 0;
  } else {
    // TString msg = TString::Format(
    //    "`THcRawAdcHit::GetPulseAmpRaw`: Trying to get pulse %d where only %d pulses available!",
    //    iPulse, fNPulses);
    // throw std::out_of_range(msg.Data());
        "THcRawAdcHit::GetPulseIntRaw: Trying to get pulse {} where only {} pulses available!",
        iPulse, fNPulses);
    return 0;

Int_t THcRawAdcHit::GetPulseTimeRaw(UInt_t iPulse) const {
  if (iPulse < fNPulses) {
    return fPulseTime[iPulse];
  } else if (iPulse == 0) {
    return 0;
  } else {
    // TString msg = TString::Format(
    //    "`THcRawAdcHit::GetPulseTimeRaw`: Trying to get pulse %d where only %d pulses available!",
    //    iPulse, fNPulses);
    // throw std::out_of_range(msg.Data());
        "THcRawAdcHit::GetPulseIntRaw: Trying to get pulse {} where only {} pulses available!",
        iPulse, fNPulses);
    return 0;

Int_t THcRawAdcHit::GetSampleRaw(UInt_t iSample) const {
  if (iSample < fNSamples) {
    return fSample[iSample];
  } else {
    // TString msg = TString::Format(
    //    "`THcRawAdcHit::GetSampleRaw`: Trying to get sample %d where only %d samples available!",
    //    iSample, fNSamples);
    // throw std::out_of_range(msg.Data());
        "THcRawAdcHit::GetSampleRaw: Trying to get sample {} where only {} samples available!",
        iSample, fNSamples);
    return 0;

Double_t THcRawAdcHit::GetPed() const {
  return (static_cast<Double_t>(fPed) / static_cast<Double_t>(fNPedestalSamples)) * GetAdcTomV();

Double_t THcRawAdcHit::GetPulseInt(UInt_t iPulse) const {
  return (static_cast<Double_t>(fPulseInt[iPulse]) -
          static_cast<Double_t>(fPed) * fPeakPedestalRatio) *

Double_t THcRawAdcHit::GetPulseAmp(UInt_t iPulse) const {
  return (static_cast<Double_t>(fPulseAmp[iPulse]) -
          static_cast<Double_t>(fPed) / static_cast<Double_t>(fNPedestalSamples)) *

Double_t THcRawAdcHit::GetPulseTime(UInt_t iPulse) const {
  Int_t rawtime = fPulseTime[iPulse];
  if (fHasRefTime) {
    rawtime -= fRefTime;
  return (static_cast<Double_t>(rawtime) * GetAdcTons());

Int_t THcRawAdcHit::GetSampleIntRaw() const {
  Int_t integral = 0;

  for (UInt_t iSample = 0; iSample < fNSamples; ++iSample) {
    integral += fSample[iSample];

  return integral;

Double_t THcRawAdcHit::GetSampleInt() const {
  return static_cast<Double_t>(GetSampleIntRaw()) - GetPed() * static_cast<Double_t>(fNSamples);

void THcRawAdcHit::SetF250Params(Int_t NSA, Int_t NSB, Int_t NPED) {
  if (NSA < 0 || NSB < 0 || NPED < 0) {
    TString msg = TString::Format("`THcRawAdcHit::SetF250Params`: One of the params is negative!  "
                                  "NSA = %d  NSB = %d  NPED = %d",
                                  NSA, NSB, NPED);
    throw std::invalid_argument(msg.Data());
  fNPedestalSamples  = NPED;
  fNPeakSamples      = NSA + NSB;
  fPeakPedestalRatio = 1.0 * fNPeakSamples / fNPedestalSamples;

// FADC conversion factors
// Convert pedestal and amplitude to mV
Double_t THcRawAdcHit::GetAdcTomV() const {
  // 1000 mV / 4096 ADC channels
  return (fAdcRange * 1000. / fNAdcChan);

// Convert integral to pC
Double_t THcRawAdcHit::GetAdcTopC() const {
  // (1 V / 4096 adc channels) * (4000 ps time sample / 50 ohms input resistance) = 0.020 pc/channel
  return (fAdcRange / fNAdcChan) * (fAdcTimeSample / fAdcImpedence);

// Convert time sub samples to ns
Double_t THcRawAdcHit::GetAdcTons() const { return fAdcTimeRes; }

Int_t THcRawAdcHit::GetRefTime() const {
  if (fHasRefTime) {
    return fRefTime;
  } else {
    TString msg = TString::Format("`THcRawAdcHit::GetRefTime`: Reference time not available!");
    throw std::runtime_error(msg.Data());

Bool_t THcRawAdcHit::HasRefTime() const { return fHasRefTime; }
