// Remove this line to restore missing ADC reference time messages /** \class THcHitList \ingroup Base \brief Builds a Hall C ENGINE style list of raw hits from raw data Detectors that use hit lists need to inherit from this class as well as THaTrackingDetector or THaNonTrackingDetector */ #include "THcHitList.h" #include "TError.h" #include "TClass.h" #include "THcConfigEvtHandler.h" #include "THaGlobals.h" #include "THcGlobals.h" #include "THcParmList.h" #include "TList.h" using namespace std; #define SUPPRESSMISSINGADCREFTIMEMESSAGES 1 THcHitList::THcHitList() : fMap(0), fTISlot(0), fDisableSlipCorrection(kFALSE) { /// Normal constructor. fRawHitList = NULL; fPSE125 = NULL; fFADCSlotMap.clear(); } THcHitList::~THcHitList() { /// Destructor delete fSignalTypes; } /** \brief Save the electronics module to detector mapping and initialize a hit array of hits of class hitclass \param[in] detmap Electronics mapping made by THcDetectorMap::FillMap \param[in] hitclass Name of hit class used by this detector \param[in] maxhits Maximum number of hits for this detector */ /* InitHitList should make a list of ROCs that have FADCs in them. (Probably just one.) It then needs to figure out where the TI is and make sure the decoder is setup for pulling out the event time. Do we need to somehow configure this in the Hall C style map file. Is there a method to ask the OO decoder what kind of module is in a given slot? */ void THcHitList::InitHitList(THaDetMap* detmap, const char *hitclass, Int_t maxhits, Int_t tdcref_cut, Int_t adcref_cut) { cout << "InitHitList: " << hitclass << " RefTimeCuts: " << tdcref_cut << " " << adcref_cut << endl; fRawHitList = new TClonesArray(hitclass, maxhits); fRawHitClass = fRawHitList->GetClass(); fNMaxRawHits = maxhits; fNRawHits = 0; if(tdcref_cut >= 0) { fTDC_RefTimeBest = kFALSE; fTDC_RefTimeCut = tdcref_cut; } else { fTDC_RefTimeBest = kTRUE; fTDC_RefTimeCut = -tdcref_cut; } if(adcref_cut >= 0) { fADC_RefTimeBest = kFALSE; fADC_RefTimeCut = adcref_cut; } else { fADC_RefTimeBest = kTRUE; fADC_RefTimeCut = -adcref_cut; } for(Int_t i=0;i<maxhits;i++) { fRawHitList->ConstructedAt(i); } // Query a raw hit object to see what kind of data to deliver THcRawHit* rawhit = (THcRawHit*) (*fRawHitList)[0]; fNSignals = rawhit->GetNSignals(); fSignalTypes = new THcRawHit::ESignalType[fNSignals]; for(UInt_t isig=0;isig<fNSignals;isig++) { fSignalTypes[isig] = rawhit->GetSignalType(isig); } fdMap = detmap; /* Pull out all the reference channels */ fNRefIndex = 0; fRefIndexMaps.clear(); /* Find the biggest refindex */ for (Int_t i=0; i < fdMap->GetSize(); i++) { THaDetMap::Module* d = fdMap->GetModule(i); if(d->plane >= 1000) { Int_t refindex = d->signal; if(refindex>=fNRefIndex) { fNRefIndex = refindex+1; } } } // Create the vector. Could roll this into last loop for(Int_t i=0;i<fNRefIndex;i++) { RefIndexMap map; map.defined = kFALSE; map.hashit = kFALSE; fRefIndexMaps.push_back(map); } // Put the refindex mapping information in the vector for (Int_t i=0; i < fdMap->GetSize(); i++) { THaDetMap::Module* d = fdMap->GetModule(i); if(d->plane >= 1000) { // This is a reference time definition Int_t refindex = d->signal; if(refindex >= 0) { fRefIndexMaps[refindex].crate = d->crate; fRefIndexMaps[refindex].slot = d->slot; fRefIndexMaps[refindex].channel = d->lo; fRefIndexMaps[refindex].defined = kTRUE; } else { cout << "Hitlist: Invalid refindex mapping" << endl; } } } // Loop to check that requested refindex's are defined // and that signal #'s are in range for (Int_t i=0; i < fdMap->GetSize(); i++) { THaDetMap::Module* d = fdMap->GetModule(i); Int_t refindex = d->refindex; if(d->plane < 1000) { if(d->signal >= fNSignals) { cout << "Invalid signal " << d->signal << " for " << " (" << d->crate << ", " << d->slot << ", " << d->lo << ")" << endl; } if(refindex >= 0) { if(!fRefIndexMaps[refindex].defined) { cout << "Refindex " << refindex << " not defined for " << " (" << d->crate << ", " << d->slot << ", " << d->lo << ")" << endl; } } } } // Find the Event 125 handler TObjLink *lnk = gHaEvtHandlers->FirstLink(); while (lnk) { if(strcmp(lnk->GetObject()->ClassName(),"THcConfigEvtHandler")==0) { break; } lnk = lnk->Next(); } if(lnk) { fPSE125 = static_cast<THcConfigEvtHandler*>(lnk->GetObject()); } else { cout << "THcHitList::InitHitList : Prestart event 125 not found." << endl; fPSE125 = 0; } fHaveFADCInfo = kFALSE; fNTDCRef_miss = 0; fNADCRef_miss = 0; // DisableSlipCorrection(); } /** \brief Populate the hitlist from the raw event data. Clears the hit list then, finds all populated channels belonging to the detector and add sort it into the hitlist. A given counter in the detector can have at most one entry in the hit list. However, the raw "hit" can contain multiple signal types (e.g. ADC+, ADC-, TDC+, TDC-), or multiplehits for multihit tdcs. The hit list is sorted (by plane, counter) after filling. */ Int_t THcHitList::DecodeToHitList( const THaEvData& evdata, Bool_t suppresswarnings ) { if(!fMap) { // Find the TI slot for ADCs // Assumes that all FADCs are in the same crate cout << "Got the Crate map" << endl; fMap = evdata.GetCrateMap(); for (Int_t i=0; i < fdMap->GetSize(); i++) { // Look for a FADC250 THaDetMap::Module* d = fdMap->GetModule(i); Decoder::Fadc250Module* isfadc = dynamic_cast<Decoder::Fadc250Module*>(evdata.GetModule(d->crate, d->slot)); if(isfadc) { // Scan this crate to find the TI. for(Int_t slot=0;slot<Decoder::MAXSLOT;slot++) { if(fMap->getModel(d->crate, slot) == 4) { fTISlot = slot; fTICrate = d->crate; cout << "TI Slot = " << fTISlot << endl; break; } } // Now make a map of all the FADCs in this crate if(fTISlot>0) { for(Int_t slot=0;slot<Decoder::MAXSLOT;slot++) { Decoder::Fadc250Module* fadc = dynamic_cast<Decoder::Fadc250Module*> (evdata.GetModule(d->crate, slot)); if(fadc) { fFADCSlotMap[slot] = fadc; } } } break; } } } if(fDisableSlipCorrection) fTISlot = -1; Int_t titime = 0; if(fTISlot>0) { #define FUDGE 7 titime = evdata.GetData(fTICrate, fTISlot, 2, 0)-FUDGE; // Need to get the FADC time for all modules in this crate // that have hits. Make a map with these times. fTrigTimeShiftMap.clear(); //cout << "TI Crate: " << fTICrate << " " << (UInt_t) titime << endl; } // cout << " Clearing TClonesArray " << endl; fRawHitList->Clear( ); fNRawHits = 0; Bool_t tdcref_miss = kFALSE; Bool_t adcref_miss = kFALSE; // Get the indexed reference times for this event for(Int_t i=0;i<fNRefIndex;i++) { if(fRefIndexMaps[i].defined) { if(evdata.IsMultifunction(fRefIndexMaps[i].crate, fRefIndexMaps[i].slot)) { // Multifunction module (e.g. FADC) // Make sure at least one pulse Int_t nrefhits = evdata.GetNumEvents(Decoder::kPulseTime, fRefIndexMaps[i].crate, fRefIndexMaps[i].slot, fRefIndexMaps[i].channel); Int_t timeshift=0; if(fTISlot>0) { // Get the trigger time for this module if(fTrigTimeShiftMap.find(fRefIndexMaps[i].slot) == fTrigTimeShiftMap.end()) { // if(fFADCSlotMap.find(fRefIndexMaps[i].slot) != fFADCSlotMap.end()) { fTrigTimeShiftMap[fRefIndexMaps[i].slot] = fFADCSlotMap[fRefIndexMaps[i].slot]->GetTriggerTime() - titime; } timeshift = fTrigTimeShiftMap[fRefIndexMaps[i].slot]; } } fRefIndexMaps[i].hashit = kFALSE; Bool_t goodreftime=kFALSE; Int_t reftime = 0; for(Int_t ihit=0; ihit<nrefhits; ihit++) { reftime = evdata.GetData(Decoder::kPulseTime,fRefIndexMaps[i].crate, fRefIndexMaps[i].slot, fRefIndexMaps[i].channel,ihit); reftime += 64*timeshift; if(reftime >= fADC_RefTimeCut) { goodreftime = kTRUE; break; } } if(goodreftime || (nrefhits>0 && fADC_RefTimeBest)) { fRefIndexMaps[i].reftime = reftime; fRefIndexMaps[i].hashit = kTRUE; } } else { // Assume this is a TDC Int_t nrefhits = evdata.GetNumHits(fRefIndexMaps[i].crate, fRefIndexMaps[i].slot, fRefIndexMaps[i].channel); fRefIndexMaps[i].hashit = kFALSE; // Only take first hit in this reference channel that is bigger // then fTDC_RefTimeCut Bool_t goodreftime=kFALSE; Int_t reftime = 0; for(Int_t ihit=0; ihit<nrefhits; ihit++) { reftime = evdata.GetData(fRefIndexMaps[i].crate,fRefIndexMaps[i].slot, fRefIndexMaps[i].channel,ihit); if(reftime >= fTDC_RefTimeCut) { goodreftime = kTRUE; break; } } if(goodreftime || (nrefhits>0 && fTDC_RefTimeBest)) { fRefIndexMaps[i].reftime = reftime; fRefIndexMaps[i].hashit = kTRUE; } } } } for ( Int_t i=0; i < fdMap->GetSize(); i++ ) { THaDetMap::Module* d = fdMap->GetModule(i); // Loop over all channels that have a hit. // cout << "Crate/Slot: " << d->crate << "/" << d->slot << endl; Int_t plane = d->plane; if (plane >= 1000) continue; // Skip reference times Int_t signal = d->signal; UInt_t signaltype = fSignalTypes[signal]; Bool_t multifunction = evdata.IsMultifunction(d->crate, d->slot); // Should probably get the Decoder::Module object and use it's // methods. Saving a THaEvData::GetModule call every time for ( Int_t j=0; j < evdata.GetNumChan( d->crate, d->slot); j++) { THcRawHit* rawhit=0; Int_t chan = evdata.GetNextChan( d->crate, d->slot, j ); if( chan < d->lo || chan > d->hi ) continue; // Not one of my channels // Need to convert crate, slot, chan into plane, counter, signal // Search hitlist for this plane,counter,signal Int_t counter = d->reverse ? d->first + d->hi - chan : d->first + chan - d->lo; //cout << d->crate << " " << d->slot << " " << chan << " " << plane << " " // << counter << " " << signal << endl; // Search hit list for plane and counter // We could do sorting UInt_t thishit = 0; while(thishit < fNRawHits) { rawhit = (THcRawHit*) (*fRawHitList)[thishit]; if (plane == rawhit->fPlane && counter == rawhit->fCounter) { // cout << "Found as " << thishit << "/" << fNRawHits << endl; break; } thishit++; } if(thishit == fNRawHits) { rawhit = (THcRawHit*) fRawHitList->ConstructedAt(thishit,""); fNRawHits++; rawhit->fPlane = plane; rawhit->fCounter = counter; } // Get the data from this channel // Allow for multiple hits if(signaltype == THcRawHit::kTDC || !multifunction) { Int_t nMHits = evdata.GetNumHits(d->crate, d->slot, chan); for (Int_t mhit = 0; mhit < nMHits; mhit++) { Int_t data = evdata.GetData( d->crate, d->slot, chan, mhit); // cout << "Signal " << signal << "=" << data << endl; rawhit->SetData(signal,data); } // Get the reference time. if(d->refchan >= 0) { Int_t nrefhits = evdata.GetNumHits(d->crate,d->slot,d->refchan); Bool_t goodreftime=kFALSE; Int_t reftime=0; for(Int_t ihit=0; ihit<nrefhits; ihit++) { reftime = evdata.GetData(d->crate, d->slot, d->refchan, ihit); if(reftime >= fTDC_RefTimeCut) { goodreftime = kTRUE; break; } } // If RefTimeBest flag set, take the last hit if none of the // hits make the RefTimeCut if(goodreftime || (nrefhits>0 && fTDC_RefTimeBest)) { rawhit->SetReference(signal, reftime); } else if (!suppresswarnings) { cout << "HitList(event=" << evdata.GetEvNum() << "): refchan " << d->refchan << " missing for (" << d->crate << ", " << d->slot << ", " << chan << ")" << endl; tdcref_miss = kTRUE; } } else { if(d->refindex >=0 && d->refindex < fNRefIndex) { if(fRefIndexMaps[d->refindex].hashit) { rawhit->SetReference(signal, fRefIndexMaps[d->refindex].reftime); } else { if(!suppresswarnings) { cout << "HitList(event=" << evdata.GetEvNum() << "): refindex " << d->refindex << " (" << fRefIndexMaps[d->refindex].crate << ", " << fRefIndexMaps[d->refindex].slot << ", " << fRefIndexMaps[d->refindex].channel << ")" << " missing for (" << d->crate << ", " << d->slot << ", " << chan << ")" << endl; tdcref_miss = kTRUE; } } } } } else { // This is a Flash ADC if (fPSE125) { if(!fHaveFADCInfo) { fNSA = fPSE125->GetNSA(d->crate); fNSB = fPSE125->GetNSB(d->crate); fNPED = fPSE125->GetNPED(d->crate); fHaveFADCInfo = kTRUE; } // Set F250 parameters. rawhit->SetF250Params(fNSA, fNSB, fNPED); } // Copy the samples Int_t nsamples=evdata.GetNumEvents(Decoder::kSampleADC, d->crate, d->slot, chan); // If nsamples comes back zero, may want to suppress further attempts to // get sample data for this or all modules for (Int_t isamp=0;isamp<nsamples;isamp++) { rawhit->SetSample(signal,evdata.GetData(Decoder::kSampleADC, d->crate, d->slot, chan, isamp)); } // Now get the pulse mode data // Pulse area will go into regular SetData, others will use special hit methods Int_t npulses=evdata.GetNumEvents(Decoder::kPulseIntegral, d->crate, d->slot, chan); // Assume that the # of pulses for kPulseTime, kPulsePeak and kPulsePedestal are same; Int_t timeshift=0; if(fTISlot>0) { // Get the trigger time for this module if(fTrigTimeShiftMap.find(d->slot) == fTrigTimeShiftMap.end()) { // if(fFADCSlotMap.find(d->slot) != fFADCSlotMap.end()) { fTrigTimeShiftMap[d->slot] = fFADCSlotMap[d->slot]->GetTriggerTime() - titime; } } timeshift = fTrigTimeShiftMap[d->slot]; } for (Int_t ipulse=0;ipulse<npulses;ipulse++) { rawhit->SetDataTimePedestalPeak(signal, evdata.GetData(Decoder::kPulseIntegral, d->crate, d->slot, chan, ipulse), evdata.GetData(Decoder::kPulseTime, d->crate, d->slot, chan, ipulse)+64*timeshift, evdata.GetData(Decoder::kPulsePedestal, d->crate, d->slot, chan, ipulse), evdata.GetData(Decoder::kPulsePeak, d->crate, d->slot, chan, ipulse)); } // Get the reference time for the FADC pulse time if(d->refchan >= 0) { // Reference time for the slot Int_t nrefhits = evdata.GetNumEvents(Decoder::kPulseIntegral, d->crate, d->slot, d->refchan); Bool_t goodreftime=kFALSE; Int_t reftime = 0; timeshift=0; if(fTISlot>0) { // Get the trigger time for this module if(fTrigTimeShiftMap.find(d->slot) == fTrigTimeShiftMap.end()) { // if(fFADCSlotMap.find(d->slot) != fFADCSlotMap.end()) { fTrigTimeShiftMap[d->slot] = fFADCSlotMap[d->slot]->GetTriggerTime() - titime; } } timeshift = fTrigTimeShiftMap[d->slot]; } for(Int_t ihit=0; ihit<nrefhits; ihit++) { reftime = evdata.GetData(Decoder::kPulseTime, d->crate, d->slot, d->refchan, ihit); reftime += 64*timeshift; if(reftime >= fADC_RefTimeCut) { goodreftime=kTRUE; break; } } // If RefTimeBest flag set, take the last hit if none of the // hits make the RefTimeCut if(goodreftime || (nrefhits>0 && fADC_RefTimeBest)) { rawhit->SetReference(signal, reftime); } else if (!suppresswarnings) { #ifndef SUPPRESSMISSINGADCREFTIMEMESSAGES cout << "HitList(event=" << evdata.GetEvNum() << "): refchan " << d->refchan << " missing for (" << d->crate << ", " << d->slot << ", " << chan << ")" << endl; #endif adcref_miss = kTRUE; } } else { if(d->refindex >=0 && d->refindex < fNRefIndex) { if(fRefIndexMaps[d->refindex].hashit) { rawhit->SetReference(signal, fRefIndexMaps[d->refindex].reftime); } else { if(!suppresswarnings) { #ifndef SUPPRESSMISSINGADCREFTIMEMESSAGES cout << "HitList(event=" << evdata.GetEvNum() << "): refindex " << d->refindex << " (" << fRefIndexMaps[d->refindex].crate << ", " << fRefIndexMaps[d->refindex].slot << ", " << fRefIndexMaps[d->refindex].channel << ")" << " missing for (" << d->crate << ", " << d->slot << ", " << chan << ")" << endl; #endif adcref_miss = kTRUE; } } } } } } } #if 1 if(fTISlot>0) { // cout << "TI ROC: " << fTICrate << " TI Time: " << titime << endl; map<Int_t, Int_t>::iterator it; for(it=fTrigTimeShiftMap.begin(); it!=fTrigTimeShiftMap.end(); it++) { if(it->second < -3 || it->second > 3) { cout << "Big ADC Trigger Time Shift, ROC " << fTICrate << endl; cout << it->first << " " << it->second << endl; } } } #endif fRawHitList->Sort(fNRawHits); fNTDCRef_miss += (tdcref_miss ? 1 : 0); fNADCRef_miss += (adcref_miss ? 1 : 0); return fNRawHits; // Does anything care what is returned } void THcHitList::CreateMissReportParms(const char *prefix) { /** \brief Create parameters to hold missing reference time statistics Parameters created are ${prefix}_tdcref_miss and ${prefix}_adcref_miss */ cout << "Defining " << Form("%s_tdcref_miss", prefix) << " and " << Form("%s_adcref_miss", prefix) << endl; gHcParms->Define(Form("%s_tdcref_miss", prefix), "Missing TDC reference times", fNTDCRef_miss); gHcParms->Define(Form("%s_adcref_miss", prefix), "Missing ADC reference times", fNADCRef_miss); } void THcHitList::MissReport(const char *name) { cout << "Missing Ref times:" << setw(20) << name << setw(10) << fNTDCRef_miss << setw(10) << fNADCRef_miss << endl; } ClassImp(THcHitList)