diff --git a/src/THcDC.cxx b/src/THcDC.cxx
index b7c17f39a4813c364f01292f2d9ab668e1e33039..5a295b8066be1dcec0a7abbd0e59e824b33c262b 100644
--- a/src/THcDC.cxx
+++ b/src/THcDC.cxx
@@ -299,14 +299,14 @@ Int_t THcDC::ReadDatabase( const TDatime& date )
+  fDebugDC=0;
   if(fNTracksMaxFP <= 0) fNTracksMaxFP = 10;
   // if(fNTracksMaxFP > HNRACKS_MAX) fNTracksMaxFP = NHTRACKS_MAX;
-  cout << "Plane counts:";
+  if (fDebugDC) cout << "Plane counts:";
   for(Int_t i=0;i<fNPlanes;i++) {
-    cout << " " << fNWires[i];
+    if (fDebugDC) cout << " " << fNWires[i];
-  cout << endl;
+  if (fDebugDC) cout << endl;
   fIsInit = true;
@@ -405,7 +405,8 @@ Int_t THcDC::Decode( const THaEvData& evdata )
+  Int_t num_event = evdata.GetEvNum();
+  if (fDebugDC) cout << " event num = " << num_event << endl;
   // Get the Hall C style hitlist (fRawHitList) for this event
   fNhits = THcHitList::DecodeToHitList(evdata);
@@ -423,14 +424,14 @@ Int_t THcDC::Decode( const THaEvData& evdata )
   // fRawHitList is TClones array of THcRawDCHit objects
   for(Int_t ihit = 0; ihit < fNRawHits ; ihit++) {
     THcRawDCHit* hit = (THcRawDCHit *) fRawHitList->At(ihit);
-    //    cout << ihit << " : " << hit->fPlane << ":" << hit->fCounter << " : "
+    //    if (fDebugDC) cout << ihit << " : " << hit->fPlane << ":" << hit->fCounter << " : "
     //	 << endl;
     for(Int_t imhit = 0; imhit < hit->fNHits; imhit++) {
-      //      cout << "                     " << imhit << " " << hit->fTDC[imhit]
+      //      if (fDebugDC) cout << "                     " << imhit << " " << hit->fTDC[imhit]
       //	   << endl;
-  //  cout << endl;
+  //  if (fDebugDC) cout << endl;
   return fNhits;
@@ -453,7 +454,6 @@ Int_t THcDC::CoarseTrack( TClonesArray& /* tracks */ )
   //  static const Double_t sqrt2 = TMath::Sqrt(2.);
   for(Int_t i=0;i<fNChambers;i++) {
@@ -501,12 +501,13 @@ void THcDC::LinkStubs()
   // Make a vector of pointers to the SpacePoints
-  cout << "Linking " << fChambers[0]->GetNSpacePoints()
+  if (fDebugDC) cout << "Linking " << fChambers[0]->GetNSpacePoints()
        << " and " << fChambers[1]->GetNSpacePoints() << " stubs" << endl;
   for(Int_t ich=0;ich<fNChambers;ich++) {
     Int_t nchamber=fChambers[ich]->GetChamberNum();
     TClonesArray* spacepointarray = fChambers[ich]->GetSpacePointsP();
     for(Int_t isp=0;isp<fChambers[ich]->GetNSpacePoints();isp++) {
+      if (fDebugDC) cout << " Chamber = " << nchamber << " number of space pts = " << fNSp << endl;
       fSp[fNSp]->fNChamber = nchamber;
@@ -518,7 +519,7 @@ void THcDC::LinkStubs()
   Double_t stubminxp = 999999;
   Double_t stubminyp = 999999;
   Int_t stub_tracks[MAXTRACKS];
+  if (fDebugDC) cout << " single stub , fsnp" << fSingleStub << fNSp << endl;
   if(!fSingleStub) {
     for(Int_t isp1=0;isp1<fNSp-1;isp1++) {
       Int_t sptracks=0;
@@ -559,6 +560,7 @@ void THcDC::LinkStubs()
 	       && (TMath::Abs(dposxp) < fXptTrCriterion)
 	       && (TMath::Abs(dposyp) < fYptTrCriterion)) {
 	      if(newtrack) {
+  if (fDebugDC) cout << " new track" << endl;
 		//stubtest=1;  Used in h_track_tests.f
 		// Make a new track if there are not to many
@@ -576,12 +578,13 @@ void THcDC::LinkStubs()
 		  // (But could replace a SP?)
 		} else {
-		  cout << "EPIC FAIL 1:  Too many tracks found in THcDC::LinkStubs" << endl;
+		  if (fDebugDC) cout << "EPIC FAIL 1:  Too many tracks found in THcDC::LinkStubs" << endl;
 		  // Do something here to fail this event
 	      } else {
+  if (fDebugDC) cout << " check if another space point in same chamber" << endl;
 		// Check if there is another space point in the same chamber
 		for(Int_t itrack=0;itrack<sptracks;itrack++) {
 		  Int_t track=stub_tracks[itrack];
@@ -616,7 +619,7 @@ void THcDC::LinkStubs()
 			  } // End check for dup on copy
 			} // End copy of track
 		      } else {
-			cout << "EPIC FAIL 2:  Too many tracks found in THcDC::LinkStubs" << endl;
+			if (fDebugDC) cout << "EPIC FAIL 2:  Too many tracks found in THcDC::LinkStubs" << endl;
 			// Do something here to fail this event
 			return; // Max # of allowed tracks
@@ -637,7 +640,7 @@ void THcDC::LinkStubs()
       } else {
-	cout << "EPIC FAIL 3:  Too many tracks found in THcDC::LinkStubs" << endl;
+	if (fDebugDC) cout << "EPIC FAIL 3:  Too many tracks found in THcDC::LinkStubs" << endl;
 	// Do something here to fail this event
 	return; // Max # of allowed tracks
@@ -657,7 +660,7 @@ void THcDC::LinkStubs()
-  cout << "Found " << ntracks_fp << " tracks"<<endl;
+  if (fDebugDC) cout << "Found " << ntracks_fp << " tracks"<<endl;
 // Primary track fitting routine
@@ -736,6 +739,7 @@ void THcDC::TrackFit()
 	  hdc_track_coord[iplane] += fPlaneCoeffs[iplane][raycoeffmap[ir]]*dray[ir];
+      if (fDebugDC) {
       cout << "Residuals:" << endl;
       for(Int_t ihit=0;ihit < fTrackSP[itrack].fNHits;ihit++) {
 	THcDCHit* hit=fTrackSP[itrack].fHits[ihit];
@@ -744,7 +748,7 @@ void THcDC::TrackFit()
 	cout << "   " << plane << ": " << residual << endl;
 	chi2 += pow(residual/fSigma[plane],2);
+      }
diff --git a/src/THcDC.h b/src/THcDC.h
index b324a08c55b3419d3fe092c066f88d2cb89eb88e..1c60ed60a21a51db3d23a798c59b9b3a7b7dfb3d 100644
--- a/src/THcDC.h
+++ b/src/THcDC.h
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ public:
   THcDC();  // for ROOT I/O
+  Int_t fDebugDC;
   // Calibration
   // Per-event data
diff --git a/src/THcDriftChamber.cxx b/src/THcDriftChamber.cxx
index 97c32bce370b3a66675144bfbb65e62ef2f5d5fd..4ac8419201926ed35f461822b3dd9bb49b89fc65 100644
--- a/src/THcDriftChamber.cxx
+++ b/src/THcDriftChamber.cxx
@@ -57,9 +57,9 @@ void THcDriftChamber::Setup(const char* name, const char* description)
   THaApparatus *app = GetApparatus();
   if(app) {
-    cout << app->GetName() << endl;
+    if (fDebugDriftCh) cout << app->GetName() << endl;
   } else {
-    cout << "No apparatus found" << endl;
+    if (fDebugDriftCh) cout << "No apparatus found" << endl;
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ THcDriftChamber::THcDriftChamber( ) :
 Int_t THcDriftChamber::Decode( const THaEvData& evdata )
-  cout << "THcDriftChamber::Decode called" << endl;
+  if (fDebugDriftCh) cout << "THcDriftChamber::Decode called" << endl;
   return 0;
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ THaAnalysisObject::EStatus THcDriftChamber::Init( const TDatime& date )
 void THcDriftChamber::AddPlane(THcDriftChamberPlane *plane)
-  cout << "Added plane " << plane->GetPlaneNum() << " to chamber " << fChamberNum << " " << fNPlanes << " " << YPlaneInd << " " << YPlanePInd << endl;
+  if (fDebugDriftCh) cout << "Added plane " << plane->GetPlaneNum() << " to chamber " << fChamberNum << " " << fNPlanes << " " << YPlaneInd << " " << YPlanePInd << endl;
  // HMS Specific
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ void THcDriftChamber::AddPlane(THcDriftChamberPlane *plane)
 Int_t THcDriftChamber::ReadDatabase( const TDatime& date )
-  cout << "THcDriftChamber::ReadDatabase()" << endl;
+  if (fDebugDriftCh) cout << "THcDriftChamber::ReadDatabase()" << endl;
   char prefix[2];
@@ -147,11 +147,11 @@ Int_t THcDriftChamber::ReadDatabase( const TDatime& date )
   fMaxHits = fParent->GetMaxHits(fChamberNum);
   fMinCombos = fParent->GetMinCombos(fChamberNum);
-  cout << "Chamber " << fChamberNum << "  Min/Max: " << fMinHits << "/" << fMaxHits << endl;
+  if (fDebugDriftCh) cout << "Chamber " << fChamberNum << "  Min/Max: " << fMinHits << "/" << fMaxHits << endl;
   fSpacePointCriterion = fParent->GetSpacePointCriterion(fChamberNum);
   fSpacePointCriterion2 = fSpacePointCriterion*fSpacePointCriterion;
-   cout << " cham = " << fChamberNum << " Set yplane num " << YPlaneNum << " "<< YPlanePNum << endl; 
+   if (fDebugDriftCh) cout << " cham = " << fChamberNum << " Set yplane num " << YPlaneNum << " "<< YPlanePNum << endl; 
   // Generate the HAA3INV matrix for all the acceptable combinations
   // of hit planes.  Try to make it as generic as possible 
   // pindex=0 -> Plane 1 missing, pindex5 -> plane 6 missing.  Won't 
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ Int_t THcDriftChamber::ReadDatabase( const TDatime& date )
       Int_t bitpat = allplanes & ~(1<<ipm1) & ~(1<<ipm2);
       // Should check that it is invertable
-      //      cout << bitpat << " Determinant: " << AA3->Determinant() << endl;
+      //      if (fDebugDriftCh) cout << bitpat << " Determinant: " << AA3->Determinant() << endl;
       fAA3Inv[bitpat] = AA3;
@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ Int_t THcDriftChamber::ReadDatabase( const TDatime& date )
 #if 0  
   for(map<int,TMatrixD*>::iterator pm=fHaa3map.begin();
       pm != fHaa3map.end(); pm++) {
-    cout << setbase(8) << pm->first << endl;
+    if (fDebugDriftCh) cout << setbase(8) << pm->first << endl;
@@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ Int_t THcDriftChamber::DefineVariables( EMode mode )
   if( mode == kDefine && fIsSetup ) return kOK;
   fIsSetup = ( mode == kDefine );
+  fDebugDriftCh=0;
   // Register variables in global list
   //  RVarDef vars[] = {
@@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ void THcDriftChamber::ProcessHits( void)
-  //  cout << "ThcDriftChamber::ProcessHits() " << fNhits << " hits" << endl;
+  //  if (fDebugDriftCh) cout << "ThcDriftChamber::ProcessHits() " << fNhits << " hits" << endl;
@@ -263,6 +263,7 @@ Int_t THcDriftChamber::FindSpacePoints( void )
   fEasySpacePoint = 0;
+  if (fDebugDriftCh) cout << " starting  build up array of hits" << endl;
   // Should really build up array of hits
   if(fNhits >= fMinHits && fNhits < fMaxHits) {
     /* Has this list of hits already been cut the way it should have at this point? */
@@ -271,14 +272,14 @@ Int_t THcDriftChamber::FindSpacePoints( void )
       Int_t ip=thishit->GetPlaneNum();  // This is the absolute plane mumber
       if(ip==YPlaneNum) yplane_hitind = ihit;
       if(ip==YPlanePNum) yplanep_hitind = ihit;
-      //      cout << " hit  = " << ihit << " " << ip <<" " << thishit->GetWireNum()<<" " << thishit->GetPos()<< " " << thishit->GetPlaneNum()<< endl;
+      if (fDebugDriftCh) cout << " hit  = " << ihit << " " << ip <<" " << thishit->GetWireNum() << " " << thishit->GetRawTime()<<" " << thishit->GetPos()<< " " << endl;
     // fPlanes is the array of planes for this chamber.
-    //    cout << fPlanes[YPlaneInd]->GetNHits() << " "
+    //    if (fDebugDriftCh) cout << fPlanes[YPlaneInd]->GetNHits() << " "
     //	 << fPlanes[YPlanePInd]->GetNHits() << " " << endl;
-    //    cout << " Yplane ind " << YPlaneInd << " " << YPlanePInd << endl;
+    //    if (fDebugDriftCh) cout << " Yplane ind " << YPlaneInd << " " << YPlanePInd << endl;
     if (fPlanes[YPlaneInd]->GetNHits() == 1 && fPlanes[YPlanePInd]->GetNHits() == 1) {
-      //      cout <<" Yplane info :" << fHits[yplane_hitind]->GetWireNum() << " "
+      //      if (fDebugDriftCh) cout <<" Yplane info :" << fHits[yplane_hitind]->GetWireNum() << " "
       //	   << fHits[yplane_hitind]->GetPos() << " "
       //	   << fHits[yplanep_hitind]->GetWireNum() << " "
       //	   << fHits[yplanep_hitind]->GetPos() << " " 
@@ -288,33 +289,36 @@ Int_t THcDriftChamber::FindSpacePoints( void )
        && TMath::Abs(fHits[yplane_hitind]->GetPos() - fHits[yplanep_hitind]->GetPos())
        < fSpacePointCriterion
        && fNhits <= 6) {	// An easy case, probably one hit per plane
-      //      cout << " call FindEasySpacePoint" << endl;
       fEasySpacePoint = FindEasySpacePoint(yplane_hitind, yplanep_hitind);
+      if (fDebugDriftCh) cout << " call FindEasySpacePoint" << " # of space points = " << fNSpacePoints << endl;
     if(!fEasySpacePoint) {	// It's not easy
-      //      cout << " call FindHardSpacePoints" << endl;
-      //      cout << " nhits = " << fNhits << " " << fPlanes[YPlaneInd]->GetNHits() << " " << fPlanes[YPlanePInd]->GetNHits() << endl;
+            if (fDebugDriftCh) cout << " call FindHardSpacePoints" << endl;
+            if (fDebugDriftCh) cout << " nhits = " << fNhits << " " << fPlanes[YPlaneInd]->GetNHits() << " " << fPlanes[YPlanePInd]->GetNHits() << endl;
+      if (fDebugDriftCh) cout << " call FindHardSpacePoint" << " # of space points = " << fNSpacePoints << endl;
     // We have our space points for this chamber
-    //    cout << fNSpacePoints << " Space Points found" << endl;
+        if (fDebugDriftCh) cout << fNSpacePoints << " Space Points found" << endl;
     if(fNSpacePoints > 0) {
       if(fRemove_Sppt_If_One_YPlane == 1) {
 	// The routine is specific to HMS
 	Int_t ndest=DestroyPoorSpacePoints();
-	//	cout << ndest << " Poor space points destroyed" << endl;
+       	if (fDebugDriftCh) cout << ndest << " Poor space points destroyed" << " # of space points = " << fNSpacePoints << endl;
 	// Loop over space points and remove those with less than 4 planes
 	// hit and missing hits in Y,Y' planes
-      //      if(fNSpacePoints == 0) cout << "DestroyPoorSpacePoints() killed SP" << endl;
+      //      if(fNSpacePoints == 0) if (fDebugDriftCh) cout << "DestroyPoorSpacePoints() killed SP" << endl;
       Int_t nadded=SpacePointMultiWire();
-      if (nadded) cout << nadded << " Space Points added with SpacePointMultiWire()" << endl;
+      if (nadded) if (fDebugDriftCh) cout << nadded << " Space Points added with SpacePointMultiWire()" << endl;
+       	if (fDebugDriftCh) cout << " After choose single hit " << " # of space points = " << fNSpacePoints << endl;
-      //      if(fNSpacePoints == 0) cout << "SelectSpacePoints() killed SP" << endl;
+       	if (fDebugDriftCh) cout << " After select space point " << " # of space points = " << fNSpacePoints << endl;
+      //      if(fNSpacePoints == 0) if (fDebugDriftCh) cout << "SelectSpacePoints() killed SP" << endl;
-    //    cout << fNSpacePoints << " Space Points remain" << endl;
+    //    if (fDebugDriftCh) cout << fNSpacePoints << " Space Points remain" << endl;
     // Add these space points to the total list of space points for the
     // the DC package.  Do this in THcDC.cxx.
 #if 0
@@ -343,7 +347,7 @@ Int_t THcDriftChamber::FindEasySpacePoint(Int_t yplane_hitind,Int_t yplanep_hiti
   // a space point.
   Int_t easy_space_point=0;
-  //  cout << "Doing Find Easy Space Point" << endl;
+  //  if (fDebugDriftCh) cout << "Doing Find Easy Space Point" << endl;
   Double_t yt = (fHits[yplane_hitind]->GetPos() + fHits[yplanep_hitind]->GetPos())/2.0;
   Double_t xt = 0.0;
   Int_t num_xhits = 0;
@@ -353,7 +357,7 @@ Int_t THcDriftChamber::FindEasySpacePoint(Int_t yplane_hitind,Int_t yplanep_hiti
     THcDCHit* thishit = fHits[ihit];
     if(ihit!=yplane_hitind && ihit!=yplanep_hitind) { // x-like hit
       // ysp and xsp are from h_generate_geometry
-      //      cout << ihit << " " << thishit->GetPos() << " " << yt << " " << thishit->GetWirePlane()->GetYsp() << " " << thishit->GetWirePlane()->GetXsp() << endl;
+           if (fDebugDriftCh) cout << ihit << " " << thishit->GetPos() << " " << yt << " " << thishit->GetWirePlane()->GetYsp() << " " << thishit->GetWirePlane()->GetXsp() << endl;
       x_pos[ihit] = (thishit->GetPos()
@@ -365,19 +369,19 @@ Int_t THcDriftChamber::FindEasySpacePoint(Int_t yplane_hitind,Int_t yplanep_hiti
   Double_t max_dist = TMath::Sqrt(fSpacePointCriterion/2.);
   xt = (num_xhits>0?xt/num_xhits:0.0);
-  //  cout << " mean x = "<< xt << " max dist = " << max_dist << endl;
+    if (fDebugDriftCh) cout << " mean x = "<< xt << " max dist = " << max_dist << endl;
   easy_space_point = 1; // Assume we have an easy space point
   // Rule it out if x points don't cluster well enough
   for(Int_t ihit=0;ihit<fNhits;ihit++) {
-    //    cout << "Hit " << ihit << " " << x_pos[ihit] << " " << TMath::Abs(xt-x_pos[ihit]) << endl;
+        if (fDebugDriftCh) cout << "Hit " << ihit+1 << " " << x_pos[ihit] << " " << TMath::Abs(xt-x_pos[ihit]) << endl;
     if(ihit!=yplane_hitind && ihit!=yplanep_hitind) { // x-like hit
       if(TMath::Abs(xt-x_pos[ihit]) >= max_dist)
 	{ easy_space_point=0; break;}
   if(easy_space_point) {	// Register the space point
-    //    cout << "Easy Space Point " << xt << " " << yt << endl;
     THcSpacePoint* sp = (THcSpacePoint*)fSpacePoints->ConstructedAt(fNSpacePoints++);
+    if (fDebugDriftCh) cout << "Easy Space Point " << xt << " " << yt << " Space point # ="  << fNSpacePoints << endl;
     sp->SetXY(xt, yt);
     for(Int_t ihit=0;ihit<fNhits;ihit++) {
@@ -443,6 +447,7 @@ Int_t THcDriftChamber::FindHardSpacePoints()
   // Loop over all valid combinations and build space points
+  if (fDebugDriftCh) cout << "looking for hard Space Point combos = " << ncombos << "# of sp pts = " << fNSpacePoints<< endl;
   for(Int_t icombo=0;icombo<ncombos;icombo++) {
     THcDCHit* hits[4];
@@ -495,6 +500,7 @@ Int_t THcDriftChamber::FindHardSpacePoints()
+            //cout << " number of combos = " << sp->GetCombos() << endl;
 	    // Terminate loop since this combo can only belong to one space point
@@ -503,6 +509,7 @@ Int_t THcDriftChamber::FindHardSpacePoints()
       // Create a new space point if more than 2*space_point_criteria
       if(fNSpacePoints < MAX_SPACE_POINTS) {
 	if(add_flag) {
+          if (fDebugDriftCh) cout << " add glag = " << add_flag << " space pts =  " << fNSpacePoints << endl ;
 	  THcSpacePoint* sp = (THcSpacePoint*)fSpacePoints->ConstructedAt(fNSpacePoints++);
 	  sp->SetXY(xt, yt);
@@ -532,8 +539,10 @@ Int_t THcDriftChamber::FindHardSpacePoints()
       if(hits[0] != hits[3] && hits[1] != hits[3]) {
+       if (fDebugDriftCh) cout << "1st hard Space Point " << xt << " " << yt << " Space point # ="  << fNSpacePoints << endl;
     }//End check on 0 space points
   }//End loop over combos
+  if (fDebugDriftCh) cout << " finished findspacept # of sp pts = " << fNSpacePoints << endl;
@@ -572,7 +581,7 @@ Int_t THcDriftChamber::DestroyPoorSpacePoints()
        && nhitsperplane[YPlanePInd] > 0) {
       spacepointsgood[ngood++] = isp; // Build list of good points
     } else {
-      //      cout << "Missing Y-hit!!";
+      //      if (fDebugDriftCh) cout << "Missing Y-hit!!";
@@ -584,7 +593,18 @@ Int_t THcDriftChamber::DestroyPoorSpacePoints()
     if(osp > isp) {
       // Does this work, or do we have to copy each member?
       // If it doesn't we should overload the = operator
-      (*fSpacePoints)[isp] = (*fSpacePoints)[osp];
+      //(*fSpacePoints)[isp] = (*fSpacePoints)[osp];
+        THcSpacePoint* spi = (THcSpacePoint*)(*fSpacePoints)[isp];
+        THcSpacePoint* spo = (THcSpacePoint*)(*fSpacePoints)[osp];
+        spi->Clear();
+        Double_t xt,yt;
+        xt=spo->GetX();
+        yt=spo->GetY();
+        spi->SetXY(xt, yt);
+        for(Int_t ihit=0;ihit<spo->GetNHits();ihit++) {
+            THcDCHit* hit = spo->GetHit(ihit);
+           spi->AddHit(hit);
+	}         
   return nremoved;
@@ -611,15 +631,21 @@ Int_t THcDriftChamber::SpacePointMultiWire()
   Int_t nplanes_single;
   Int_t nsp_tot=fNSpacePoints;
+  Int_t nsp_totl=fNSpacePoints;
+  if (fDebugDriftCh) cout << "Start  Multiwire # of sp pts = " << nsp_totl << endl; 
-  for(Int_t isp=0;isp<fNSpacePoints;isp++) {
+  for(Int_t isp=0;isp<nsp_totl;isp++) {
     Int_t nplanes_hit = 0;	// Number of planes with hits
     Int_t nplanes_mult = 0;	// Number of planes with multiple hits
     Int_t nsp_new = 1;
     Int_t newsp_num=0;
+    if (fDebugDriftCh) cout << "Looping thru space pts at # = " << isp << " total = " << fNSpacePoints << endl; 
     for(Int_t ip=0;ip<fNPlanes;ip++) {
       nhitsperplane[ip] = 0;
+       for(Int_t ih=0;ih<MAX_HITS_PER_POINT;ih++) {
+         hits_plane[ip][ih] = 0;
+       }
     // Sort Space Points hits by plane
     THcSpacePoint* sp = (THcSpacePoint*)(*fSpacePoints)[isp];
@@ -629,23 +655,25 @@ Int_t THcDriftChamber::SpacePointMultiWire()
       // hash(hit) = ihit;
       Int_t ip = hit->GetPlaneIndex();
       hits_plane[ip][nhitsperplane[ip]++] = hit;
+      //if (fDebugDriftCh) cout << " hit = " << ihit+1 << " plane index = " << ip << " nhitsperplane = " << nhitsperplane[ip] << endl;
     for(Int_t ip=0;ip<fNPlanes;ip++) {
       if(nhitsperplane[ip] > 0) {
 	nsp_new *= nhitsperplane[ip];
 	if(nhitsperplane[ip] > 1) nplanes_mult++;
+        //if (fDebugDriftCh) cout << "Found plane with multi hits plane =" << ip+1 << " nplane_hit = "<< nplanes_hit << " nsp_new = " <<nsp_new << " nplane_mult = "<< nplanes_mult  << endl; 
     nsp_check=nsp_tot + nsp_new;
     nplanes_single = nplanes_hit - nplanes_mult;
+    if (fDebugDriftCh) cout << " # of new space points = " << nsp_new << " total now = " << nsp_tot<< endl;
     // Check if cloning conditions are met
     Int_t ntot = 0;
     if(nplanes_hit >= 4 && nplanes_mult < 4 && nplanes_mult >0
        && nsp_check < 20) {
+      if (fDebugDriftCh) cout << " Cloning space point " << endl;      
       // Order planes by decreasing # of hits
       Int_t maxplane[fNPlanes];
@@ -662,24 +690,50 @@ Int_t THcDriftChamber::SpacePointMultiWire()
+      if (fDebugDriftCh) cout << " Max plane  and hits " << maxplane[0] << " " << nhitsperplane[maxplane[0]]<< " " << maxplane[1] << " " << nhitsperplane[maxplane[1]]<< " "<< maxplane[2] << " " << nhitsperplane[maxplane[2]]<< endl;      
       // First fill clones with 1 hit each from the 3 planes with the most hits
       for(Int_t n1=0;n1<nhitsperplane[maxplane[0]];n1++) {
 	for(Int_t n2=0;n2<nhitsperplane[maxplane[1]];n2++) {
 	  for(Int_t n3=0;n3<nhitsperplane[maxplane[2]];n3++) {
-	    newsp_num = nsp_tot + ntot - 2; // ntot will be 2 for first new
-	    THcSpacePoint* newsp;
+	    newsp_num = fNSpacePoints; // 
+	    if (fDebugDriftCh) cout << " new space pt num = " << newsp_num  << " " << fNSpacePoints <<  endl;
+	    //THcSpacePoint* newsp;
 	    if(n1==0 && n2==0 && n3==0) {
-	      newsp_num = isp; // Copy over original SP
-	      newsp = sp;
+	      newsp_num = isp; // Copy over the original SP
+	      THcSpacePoint* newsp = (THcSpacePoint*)fSpacePoints->ConstructedAt(newsp_num);//= (THcSpacePoint*)(*fSpacePoints)[newsp_num];
+              if (fDebugDriftCh) cout << " Copy over original SP " << endl;
+	      // newsp = sp;
+	      Int_t combos_save=sp->GetCombos();
 	      newsp->Clear();	// Clear doesn't clear X, Y
+	      if (fDebugDriftCh) cout << " original sp #hits combos X y " << sp->GetCombos() << sp->GetNHits() << sp->GetX() << " " <<  sp->GetY() << endl;
+              newsp->SetXY(sp->GetX(), sp->GetY());
+	    newsp->SetCombos(combos_save);
+	    newsp->AddHit(hits_plane[maxplane[0]][n1]);
+	    newsp->AddHit(hits_plane[maxplane[1]][n2]);
+	    newsp->AddHit(hits_plane[maxplane[2]][n3]);
+	    newsp->AddHit(hits_plane[maxplane[3]][0]);
+	    if(nhitsperplane[maxplane[4]] == 1) {
+	      newsp->AddHit(hits_plane[maxplane[4]][0]);
+	      if(nhitsperplane[maxplane[5]] == 1) 
+		newsp->AddHit(hits_plane[maxplane[5]][0]);
+	    }
+	      if (fDebugDriftCh)  {
+		THcSpacePoint* spt = (THcSpacePoint*)fSpacePoints->ConstructedAt(newsp_num);//(THcSpacePoint*)(*fSpacePoints)[isp];
+	      cout << " new space pt num = " <<newsp_num  << " " << spt->GetNHits() << endl;
+                for(Int_t ihit=0;ihit<spt->GetNHits();ihit++) {
+                    THcDCHit* hit = spt->GetHit(ihit);
+		    cout << " hit = " << ihit+1 << " "  <<  hit->GetDist() << endl;
+                }
+	      } // fDebugDriftCh 
 	    } else {
-	      THcSpacePoint* newsp = (THcSpacePoint*)fSpacePoints->ConstructedAt(fNSpacePoints++);
+              if (fDebugDriftCh) cout << " setting other sp " << "# space pts now = " << fNSpacePoints << endl;
+	      THcSpacePoint* newsp = (THcSpacePoint*)fSpacePoints->ConstructedAt(newsp_num);
+              fNSpacePoints++; 
+	      Int_t combos_save=sp->GetCombos();
 	      newsp->SetXY(sp->GetX(), sp->GetY());
-	    }
-	    newsp->SetCombos(sp->GetCombos());
+	    newsp->SetCombos(combos_save);
@@ -689,6 +743,15 @@ Int_t THcDriftChamber::SpacePointMultiWire()
 	      if(nhitsperplane[maxplane[5]] == 1) 
+	      if (fDebugDriftCh)  {
+              THcSpacePoint* spt = (THcSpacePoint*)fSpacePoints->ConstructedAt(newsp_num);
+	      cout << " new space pt num = " << fNSpacePoints << " " << spt->GetNHits() << endl;
+                for(Int_t ihit=0;ihit<spt->GetNHits();ihit++) {
+                    THcDCHit* hit = spt->GetHit(ihit);
+		    cout << " hit = " << ihit+1 << " "  <<  hit->GetDist() << endl;
+                }
+	      } // fDebugDriftCh 
+            }
@@ -713,16 +776,17 @@ Int_t THcDriftChamber::SpacePointMultiWire()
       nsp_tot += (ntot-1);
     } else {
-      ntot=1;
+      ntot=1; // space point not to be cloned
-  assert (nsp_tot > 0);
+  assert (nsp_tot > 0); // program terminates if nsp_tot <=0
   Int_t nadded=0;
   if(nsp_tot <= 20) {
     nadded = nsp_tot - fNSpacePoints;
-    fNSpacePoints = nsp_tot;
+    // fNSpacePoints = nsp_tot;
+  if (fDebugDriftCh) cout << " Added space pts " << nadded << " total space pts = " << fNSpacePoints << endl;      
   // In Fortran, fill in zeros.
@@ -757,19 +821,25 @@ void THcDriftChamber::ChooseSingleHit()
 	  } else {
 	    goodhit[ihit2] = 0;
+	  if (fDebugDriftCh) cout << " Rejecting hit " << ihit1 << " " << tdrift1 << " " << ihit2 << " " << tdrift2 << endl; 
     // Gather the remaining hits
     Int_t finalnum = 0;
     for(Int_t ihit=0;ihit<startnum;ihit++) {
+	THcDCHit* hit = sp->GetHit(ihit);
+	if (fDebugDriftCh) cout << " good hit = "<< ihit << " " << goodhit[ihit] << " time = " << hit->GetTime() << endl;
       if(goodhit[ihit] > 0) {	// Keep this hit
 	if (ihit > finalnum) {	// Move hit 
 	  sp->ReplaceHit(finalnum++, sp->GetHit(ihit));
-	}
+	} else {
+          finalnum++ ;
+        }
+    if (fDebugDriftCh) cout << " choose single hit start # of hits = " <<  startnum << " final # = " <<finalnum << endl; 
@@ -784,17 +854,39 @@ void THcDriftChamber::SelectSpacePoints()
   for(Int_t isp=0;isp<fNSpacePoints;isp++) {
     // Include fEasySpacePoint because ncombos not filled in
     THcSpacePoint* sp = (THcSpacePoint*)(*fSpacePoints)[isp];
+    if (fDebugDriftCh) cout << " looping sp points " << sp->GetCombos() << " " << fMinCombos << " " << fEasySpacePoint << " " << sp->GetNHits() << " " <<  fMinHits << endl;
     if(sp->GetCombos() >= fMinCombos || fEasySpacePoint) {
       if(sp->GetNHits() >= fMinHits) {
-	if(isp > sp_count) 
-	  (*fSpacePoints)[sp_count] = (*fSpacePoints)[isp];
+        if (fDebugDriftCh) cout << " select space pt = " << isp << endl;
+	if(isp > sp_count) {
+	  //	  (*fSpacePoints)[sp_count] = (*fSpacePoints)[isp];
+        THcSpacePoint* sp1 = (THcSpacePoint*)(*fSpacePoints)[sp_count];
+        sp1->Clear();
+        Double_t xt,yt;
+        xt=sp->GetX();
+        yt=sp->GetY();
+        sp1->SetXY(xt, yt);
+        sp1->SetCombos(sp->GetCombos());
+        for(Int_t ihit=0;ihit<sp->GetNHits();ihit++) {
+            THcDCHit* hit = sp->GetHit(ihit);
+           sp1->AddHit(hit);
+	}         
+	}     
-  //  if(sp_count < fNSpacePoints)
-  //    cout << "Reduced from " << fNSpacePoints << " to " << sp_count << " space points" << endl;
+  if(sp_count < fNSpacePoints)    if (fDebugDriftCh) cout << "Reduced from " << fNSpacePoints << " to " << sp_count << " space points" << endl;
   fNSpacePoints = sp_count;
+  for(Int_t isp=0;isp<fNSpacePoints;isp++) {
+    THcSpacePoint* sp = (THcSpacePoint*)(*fSpacePoints)[isp];
+    if (fDebugDriftCh) cout << " sp pt = " << isp+1 << " # of hits = " << sp->GetNHits() << endl;
+    for(Int_t ihit=0;ihit<sp->GetNHits();ihit++) {
+      THcDCHit* hit = sp->GetHit(ihit);
+      THcDriftChamberPlane* plane=hit->GetWirePlane();
+        if (fDebugDriftCh) cout << ihit+1 << "selecting " << plane->GetPlaneNum() << " " << plane->GetChamberNum() << " " << hit->GetTime() << " " << hit->GetDist() << " " << plane->GetCentralTime() << " " << plane->GetDriftTimeSign() << endl;
+    }
+  }
 void THcDriftChamber::CorrectHitTimes()
@@ -808,6 +900,7 @@ void THcDriftChamber::CorrectHitTimes()
   // SOS u and v planes.  They have 1 card each on the side, but the overall
   // time offset per card will cancel much of the error caused by this.  The
   // alternative is to check by card, rather than by plane and this is harder.
+  //if (fDebugDriftCh) cout << "In correcthittimes fNSpacePoints = " << fNSpacePoints << endl;
   for(Int_t isp=0;isp<fNSpacePoints;isp++) {
     THcSpacePoint* sp = (THcSpacePoint*)(*fSpacePoints)[isp];
     Double_t x = sp->GetX();
@@ -822,16 +915,17 @@ void THcDriftChamber::CorrectHitTimes()
 	y*plane->GetReadoutCorr()/fWireVelocity :
-      //      cout << "Correcting hit " << hit << " " << plane->GetPlaneNum() << " " << isp << "/" << ihit << "  " << x << "," << y << endl;
+      //     if (fDebugDriftCh) cout << "Correcting hit " << hit << " " << plane->GetPlaneNum() << " " << isp << "/" << ihit << "  " << x << "," << y << endl;
       // Fortran ENGINE does not do this check, so hits can get "corrected"
       // multiple times if they belong to multiple space points.
       // To reproduce the precise ENGINE behavior, remove this if condition.
-      if(! hit->GetCorrectedStatus()) {
+      //if(! hit->GetCorrectedStatus()) {
 	hit->SetTime(hit->GetTime() - plane->GetCentralTime()
 		     + plane->GetDriftTimeSign()*time_corr);
+        //if (fDebugDriftCh) cout << ihit+1 << " " << plane->GetPlaneNum() << " " << plane->GetChamberNum() << " " << hit->GetTime() << " " << hit->GetDist() << " " << plane->GetCentralTime() << " " << plane->GetDriftTimeSign() << " " << time_corr << endl;
-      }
+	//}
@@ -870,9 +964,9 @@ void THcDriftChamber::LeftRight()
     Double_t tmp_stub[4];
     if(nhits < 0) {
-      cout << "THcDriftChamber::LeftRight() nhits < 0" << endl;
+      if (fDebugDriftCh) cout << "THcDriftChamber::LeftRight() nhits < 0" << endl;
     } else if (nhits==0) {
-      cout << "THcDriftChamber::LeftRight() nhits = 0" << endl;
+      if (fDebugDriftCh) cout << "THcDriftChamber::LeftRight() nhits = 0" << endl;
     for(Int_t ihit=0;ihit < nhits;ihit++) {
       THcDCHit* hit = sp->GetHit(ihit);
@@ -888,23 +982,26 @@ void THcDriftChamber::LeftRight()
     Int_t smallAngOK = (hasy1>=0) && (hasy2>=0);
     if(fSmallAngleApprox !=0 && smallAngOK) { // to small Angle L/R for Y,Y' planes
-      if(sp->GetHit(hasy1)->GetPos() <=
-	 sp->GetHit(hasy2)->GetPos()) {
+      if(sp->GetHit(hasy2)->GetPos() <=
+	 sp->GetHit(hasy1)->GetPos()) {
 	plusminusknown[hasy1] = -1;
 	plusminusknown[hasy2] = 1;
       } else {
 	plusminusknown[hasy1] = 1;
 	plusminusknown[hasy2] = -1;
+      if (fDebugDriftCh) cout << " Small angle approx = " << smallAngOK << " " << plusminusknown[hasy1] << endl;
+      if (fDebugDriftCh) cout << "pm =  " << plusminusknown[hasy2] << " " << hasy1 << " " << hasy2 << endl;
+      if (fDebugDriftCh) cout << " Plane index " << YPlaneInd << " " << YPlanePInd << endl;
     if(nhits < 2) {
-      cout << "THcDriftChamber::LeftRight: numhits-2 < 0" << endl;
+      if (fDebugDriftCh) cout << "THcDriftChamber::LeftRight: numhits-2 < 0" << endl;
     } else if (nhits == 2) {
-      cout << "THcDriftChamber::LeftRight: numhits-2 = 0" << endl;
+      if (fDebugDriftCh) cout << "THcDriftChamber::LeftRight: numhits-2 = 0" << endl;
     Int_t nplaneshit = Count1Bits(bitpat);
     Int_t nplusminus = 1<<(nhits-2);
+    if (fDebugDriftCh) cout << " num of pm = " << nplusminus << " num of hits =" << nhits << endl;
     // Use bit value of integer word to set + or -
     // Loop over all combinations of left right.
     for(Int_t pmloop=0;pmloop<nplusminus;pmloop++) {
@@ -927,7 +1024,6 @@ void THcDriftChamber::LeftRight()
 				     plane_list, bitpat, plusminus, stub);
-	//cout << "pmloop=" << pmloop << " Chi2=" << chi2 << endl;
 	// Take best chi2 IF x' of the stub agrees with x' as expected from x.
 	// Sometimes an incorrect x' gives a good chi2 for the stub, even though it is
 	// not the correct left/right combination for the real track.
@@ -935,7 +1031,7 @@ void THcDriftChamber::LeftRight()
 	// THIS ASSUMES STANDARD HMS TUNE!!!!, for which x' is approx. x/875.
 	if(chi2 < minchi2) {
 	  if(stub[2]*fTanBeta[plane_list[0]]==-1.0) {
-	    cout << "THcDriftChamber::LeftRight() Error 3" << endl;
+	    if (fDebugDriftCh) cout << "THcDriftChamber::LeftRight() Error 3" << endl;
 	  Double_t xp_fit=stub[2]-fTanBeta[plane_list[0]]
@@ -964,10 +1060,10 @@ void THcDriftChamber::LeftRight()
 	Double_t chi2 = FindStub(nhits, sp->GetHitVectorP(),
 				     plane_list, bitpat, plusminus, stub); 
-	//cout << "pmloop=" << pmloop << " Chi2=" << chi2 << endl;
+	//if (fDebugDriftCh) cout << "pmloop=" << pmloop << " Chi2=" << chi2 << endl;
 	// Isn't this a bad idea, doing == with reals
 	if(stub[2]*fTanBeta[plane_list[0]] == -1.0) {
-	  cout << "THcDriftChamber::LeftRight() Error 3" << endl;
+	  if (fDebugDriftCh) cout << "THcDriftChamber::LeftRight() Error 3" << endl;
 	Double_t xp_fit=stub[2]-fTanBeta[plane_list[0]]
@@ -983,7 +1079,7 @@ void THcDriftChamber::LeftRight()
       } else {
-	cout << "Insufficient planes hit in THcDriftChamber::LeftRight()" << bitpat <<endl;
+	if (fDebugDriftCh) cout << "Insufficient planes hit in THcDriftChamber::LeftRight()" << bitpat <<endl;
     } // End loop of pm combinations
@@ -1009,12 +1105,12 @@ void THcDriftChamber::LeftRight()
     // (I think this rotates in case chambers not perpendicular to central ray)
     Int_t pindex=plane_list[0];
     if(spstub[2] - fTanBeta[pindex] == -1.0) {
-      cout << "THcDriftChamber::LeftRight(): stub3 error" << endl;
+      if (fDebugDriftCh) cout << "THcDriftChamber::LeftRight(): stub3 error" << endl;
     stub[2] = (spstub[2] - fTanBeta[pindex])
       / (1.0 + spstub[2]*fTanBeta[pindex]);
     if(spstub[2]*fSinBeta[pindex] ==  -fCosBeta[pindex]) {
-      cout << "THcDriftChamber::LeftRight(): stub4 error" << endl;
+      if (fDebugDriftCh) cout << "THcDriftChamber::LeftRight(): stub4 error" << endl;
     stub[3] = spstub[3]
       / (spstub[2]*fSinBeta[pindex]+fCosBeta[pindex]);
@@ -1025,7 +1121,8 @@ void THcDriftChamber::LeftRight()
     for(Int_t i=0;i<4;i++) {
       spstub[i] = stub[i];
-  }
+    if (fDebugDriftCh) cout << " Left/Right space pt " << isp+1 << " " << stub[0]<< " " << stub[1] << " " << stub[2]<< " " << stub[3] << endl;
+      }
   // Option to print stubs
     //    if(fAA3Inv.find(bitpat) != fAAInv.end()) { // Valid hit combination
@@ -1042,7 +1139,7 @@ Double_t THcDriftChamber::FindStub(Int_t nhits, const std::vector<THcDCHit*>* hi
   // This isn't right.  dpos only goes up to 2.
   for(Int_t ihit=0;ihit<nhits; ihit++) {
-    dpos[ihit] = (*hits)[ihit]->GetPos() + plusminus[ihit]*(*hits)[ihit]->GetdDist()
+    dpos[ihit] = (*hits)[ihit]->GetPos() + plusminus[ihit]*(*hits)[ihit]->GetDist()
       - fPsi0[plane_list[ihit]];
     for(Int_t index=0;index<3;index++) {
       TT[index]+= dpos[ihit]*fStubCoefs[plane_list[ihit]][index]
@@ -1050,13 +1147,13 @@ Double_t THcDriftChamber::FindStub(Int_t nhits, const std::vector<THcDCHit*>* hi
   //  fAA3Inv[bitpat]->Print();
-  //  cout << TT[0] << " " << TT[1] << " " << TT[2] << endl;
+  //  if (fDebugDriftCh) cout << TT[0] << " " << TT[1] << " " << TT[2] << endl;
   //  TT->Print();
   //dstub = *(fAA3Inv[bitpat]) * TT;
   TT *= *fAA3Inv[bitpat];
-  // cout << TT[0] << " " << TT[1] << " " << TT[2] << endl;
- //  cout << dstub[0] << " " << dstub[1] << " " << dstub[2] << endl;
+  // if (fDebugDriftCh) cout << TT[0] << " " << TT[1] << " " << TT[2] << endl;
+ //  if (fDebugDriftCh) cout << dstub[0] << " " << dstub[1] << " " << dstub[2] << endl;
   // Calculate Chi2.  Remember one power of sigma is in fStubCoefs
   stub[0] = TT[0];
@@ -1079,7 +1176,7 @@ THcDriftChamber::~THcDriftChamber()
   // Destructor. Remove variables from global list.
-  cout << fChamberNum << ": delete fSpacePoints: " << hex << fSpacePoints << endl;
+  if (fDebugDriftCh) cout << fChamberNum << ": delete fSpacePoints: " << hex << fSpacePoints << endl;
   delete fSpacePoints;
   // Should delete the matrices
diff --git a/src/THcDriftChamber.h b/src/THcDriftChamber.h
index 43c2dd3e2517fb81fa2354490354d19dccdac971..c6f57c24fb86e878edb8c24d11b21737833913ef 100644
--- a/src/THcDriftChamber.h
+++ b/src/THcDriftChamber.h
@@ -49,11 +49,11 @@ public:
   const TClonesArray* GetTrackHits() const { return fTrackProj; }
   TClonesArray* GetSpacePointsP() const { return(fSpacePoints);}
   Int_t GetChamberNum() const { return fChamberNum;}
   //  friend class THaScCalib;
   THcDriftChamber();  // for ROOT I/O // Why do we need this?
+  Int_t fDebugDriftCh;
   // Calibration